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branches ::: Knowledge-Will, Will, willing, Willpower

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all will be
Many are the names of God and infinite are the forms through which He may be approached. In whatever name and form you worship Him, through them you will realise Him.
On the Free Choice of the Will
Our Father (Saul Williams)
Saul Williams
Saul Williams (Album)
test of will
the Divine Will
The effective fullness of our concentration on the one thing needful to the exclusion of all else will be the measure of our self-consecration to the One who is alone desirable.
the need for will
The World as Will and Idea
Think of the Divine alone and the Divine will be with you.
Whenever there is any difficulty we must always remember that we are here exclusively to accomplish the Divine's will.
Willard Van Orman Quine
William Blake
William Butler Yeats
William Faulkner
William Gibson
William James
William S Burroughs
William Shakespeare
William Wordsworth
will of God



Will, actor

Will-born Used in The Secret Doctrine as equivalent to mind-born — referring specifically to those beings in the early third root-race “while it was yet in its state of purity” who were created by means of will power through kriyasakti by the Sons of Wisdom. This progeny is termed the Sons of Ad, Sons of the Fire-mist, or Sons of Will and Yoga. “It was not a Race, this progeny. It was at first a wondrous Being, called the ‘Initiator,’ and after him a group of semi-divine and semi-human beings. ‘Set apart’ in Archaic genesis for certain purposes, they are those in whom are said to have incarnated the highest Dhyanis, ‘Munis and Rishis from previous Manvantaras’ — to form the nursery for future human adepts, on this earth and during the present cycle” (SD 1:207). Theosophy teaches that in future ages generation by means of will power through krisyasakti will again be the method of producing offspring.

Will (Divine) ::: something that has descended here into an evolutionary world of Ignorance, standing at the back of things, pressing on the Darkness with its Light, leading things presently towards the best possible in the conditions of a world of Ignorance and leading it eventually towards a descent of a greater power of the Divine, which will not be an omnipotence held back and conditioned by the world as it is, but in full action and therefore bringing the reign of light, peace, harmony, joy, love, beauty and Ananda.

Will, Divine ::: The Lord sees in his omniscience the thing that has to be done. This seeing is his Will, it is a form of creative Power, and that which he sees the all-conscious Mother, one with him, takes into her dynamic self and embodies, and executive Nature-Force carries it out as the mechanism of their omnipotent omniscience. But this vision of what is to be and th
   refore of what is to be done arises out of the very being, pours directly out of the consciousness and delight of existence of the Lord, spontaneously, like light from the Sun. It is not our mortal attempt to see, our difficult arrival at truth of action and motive or just demand of Nature.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 23-24, Page: 218

Will ::: Force of being in conscious action is will.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 21-22, Page: 1061

William Blake, Poet and Painter, Albion’s Angel is a

William Blake’s “Behemoth,” an illustration for his Book of Job. 73

William Blake’s “Behemoth,” an illustration

William Chu Andrew Quintman

William F. Albright. Philadelphia: Westminster,

William Gibson "person" Author of {cyberpunk} novels such as Neuromancer (1984), Count Zero (1986), Mona Lisa Overdrive, and Virtual Light (1993). Neuromancer, a novel about a computer {hacker}/criminal "cowboy" of the future helping to free an {artificial intelligence} from its programmed bounds, won the Hugo and Nebula science fiction awards and is credited as the seminal cyberpunk novel and the origin of the term "{cyberspace}". Gibson does not have a technical background and supposedly purchased his first computer in 1992. (1996-06-11)

William Gibson ::: (person) Author of cyberpunk novels such as Neuromancer (1984), Count Zero (1986), Mona Lisa Overdrive, and Virtual Light (1993).Neuromancer, a novel about a computer hacker/criminal cowboy of the future helping to free an artificial intelligence from its programmed bounds, won the Hugo and Nebula science fiction awards and is credited as the seminal cyberpunk novel and the origin of the term cyberspace.Gibson does not have a technical background and supposedly purchased his first computer in 1992. (1996-06-11)

William Hamilton "person" A mathematician who posed {Hamilton's problem}. {Biography (

William Hamilton ::: (person) A mathematician who posed Hamilton's problem. .[Summary?] (1995-11-02)

William James, who first adopted this philosophical position, and so named it, described it in The Meaning of Truth (Preface, xii-xiii) as consisting "first of a postulate, next of a statement of fact, and finally of a generalized conclusion.

William Joy "person" (Bill Joy) Author of the {C shell} and {vi}, he was also one of the people at the {University of California at Berkeley} responsible for the {Berkeley Software Distribution} of {Unix}. He also wrote a book on {Unix}. He was a co-founder of {Sun Microsystems, Inc.}, where he is still (1997) Vice-President of Research. Among his many projects for Sun have been helping to design the {Network File System} and the {SPARC} architechture. {Biography (}. See also {dinosaur}. [Book ref? E-mail?] (2000-10-30)

William Joy ::: (person) (Bill Joy) Author of the C shell and vi, he was also one of the people at the University of California at Berkeley responsible for the Berkeley Software Distribution of Unix. He also wrote a book on Unix.He was a co-founder of Sun Microsystems, Inc., where he is still (1997) Vice-President of Research. Among his many projects for Sun have been helping to design the Network File System and the SPARC architechture. .See also dinosaur.[Book ref? E-mail?](2000-10-30)

William of Auvergne (Bishop of Paris). Dc Universo.

William of Champeaux: (1070-1121) He was among the leading realists holding that the genus and species were completely present in each individual, making differences merely incidental. He was one of the teachers of Abelard. -- L.E.D.

William R. Schoedel. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday,

William Russell (AE), The Candle of Vision.]

Williams, Charles. War in Heaven. New York: Pelle¬

Willi Kurth, The Complete Woodcuts of Albrecht Diirer. New York: Dover Publications, 1963.

Willingness to pay - The maximum amount that a buyer will pay for a good.

Will. In the quiet mind turned towards the Divine the intuition

Will: In the widest sense, will is synonymous with conation. See Conation. In the restricted sense, will designates the sequence of mental acts eventuating in decision or choice between conflicting conative tendencies. An act of will of the highest type is analyzable into:   The envisaging of alternative courses of action, each of which expresses conative tendencies of the subject.   Deliberation, consisting in the examination and comparison of the alternative courses of action with special reference to the dominant ideals of the self.   Decision or choice consisting in giving assent to one of the alternatives and the rejection of the rest.

Willi. See VILI

Will-less A condition of beings who have not yet evolved forth free will, hence without initiative or self-determination. A specific instance is the case where will-less may be applied to the gods in heaven against whom Satan rebelled (as narrated in Milton’s Paradise Lost). In theosophical literature, used in reference to mankind in its early stages before manas (mind) became awakened, hence to the first and second root-races and early third root-race. Even among these early races the will was not absent, but it had not yet come into functional activity.

Will-o’-the-wisp. Ignis fatuus (q.v.).

Will power is a mighty, colorless force or energy which can be set in motion by one who has the power and knowledge to do so. In India, in combination with abstract desire, it is mentioned as one of six primary powers (ichchhasakti) by which the adept accomplishes many of his wonders. “The ancients held that any idea will manifest itself externally, if one’s attention (and Will) is deeply concentrated upon it; similarly, an intense volition will be followed by the desired result . . . For creation is but the result of will acting on phenomenal matter, the calling forth out of the primordial divine Light and eternal Life “(SD 2:173). The occult power of will explains many scientific problems of animate and inanimate matter. In human beings, it may consciously and unconsciously act upon other human wills and upon that of beasts; likewise, it may act upon physical and astral substance to produce various phenomena such as levitation, fire-walking, birthmarks, etc. “Paracelsus teaches that ‘determined will is the beginning of all magical operations. It is because men do not perfectly imagine and believe the result, that the (occult) arts are so uncertain, while they might be perfectly certain’ ” (TG 370).

Will Power. See WILL

Will (Ratzon) :::

Will. [Rf. Mead, Fragments of a Faith Forgotten.]

Will (Scholastic): Will is one of the two rational faculties of the human soul. Only man, as a rational animal, possesses will. Animals are prompted to action by the sensory appetites and in this obey the law of their nature, whereas human will is called free insofar as it determines itself towards the line of action it chooses. Though the objects of will are presented by the intellect, this faculty does not determine will which may still act against the intellect's judgment. The proper object of rational will is good in its universal aspect. Goodness is one of the original ("transcendental") aspects of being, envisioned under this aspect, it becomes a possible end of will. As such, it is apprehended by reason, arousing a simple volitive movement. Follow the approval of "synderesis" (v. there), striving, deliberation, consent, final approval by reason, choice of means and execution. Thus, there is a complicated interplay of intellectual and volitive performances which finally end with action. Action being necessarily about particulars and these being material, will, an "immaterial" faculty cannot get directly in touch with reality and needs, as does on its part intellect, an intermediary; the sensory appetites are the ultimate executors, while the vis cogitativa or practical reason supplies the link on the side of intellectual performance. True choice exists only in rational beings, animals appearing to deliberate are, in truth, only passively subjected to the interference of images and appetites, and their actions are automatically determined by the relative strength of these factors. While man's will is essentially free, it is restricted in the exercise of its fi eedom by imagination, emotion, habit. Whatever an end will aims at, it is always a good, be it one of a low degree. -- R.A.


Will: Sometimes capitalized, will or Will refers to the force of determination and comprehension that allows a mage to alter reality through conscious choice, as opposed to wild talent.

Will The ensouling creative essence of abstract, eternal motion throughout the kosmos. As an eternal principle it is neither spirit nor substance but everlasting ideation. In its abstract sense, it is a hierarchy of intelligent forces emanating from the aggregate of the hosts of beings, visible and invisible, which are nature itself. The so-called laws of nature are the action and interaction of the combined consciousnesses and wills which pervade the kosmos. The will pours forth in floods of light and life from the primal Logos. These floods, following the pathways of universal circulation, come to us from the central heart of the solar system — insofar as our solar universe is concerned. They thus descend, plane by plane and cycle by cycle, into the depths of matter, from which finally they arise again towards their primal source. In this progressive descent and ascent, will is made to manifest in keeping with each plane or state of consciousness which it enters. There is, therefore, the one fundamental kosmic will-ideation, breaking into innumerable streams of willing entities during periods of manifestation, and thus it operates in myriad ways, in every round of the endless ladder of life.

Will, the Free Elective: (In Kant's ethics) Kant's ''free elective will" (freie Willkür) is a will undetermined by feeling at the time of willing, even though it is destined to be sanctioned and confirmed by a subsequent accrual of feeling. Such a will, Kant says, is freedom. -- P.A.S.

Will, there are many tangfed knots that have to be loosened and cannot be cut abruptly asunder. The Asura and Rakshasa hold this evolving earthly nature and have to be met and conquered on their own terms in their own long-conquered fief and pro- vince ; the human in us has to be led and prepared to transcend its limits and is too weak and obscure to be lifted up suddenly to a form far beyond it. The Divine Consciousness and Force are there and do at each moment the thing that is needed in the conditions of the labour, take always the step that fs decreed and shape In the midst of imperfection the perfection that is to come. But only when the supermiod has descended in you can she deal directly as the supramental Shakti with supramental natures. If you follow your mind, it will not recognise the hiother even when she is manifest before you. Follow your soul and not your mind, your soul that answers to the Truth, not your mind that leaps at appearances ; trust the Divine Power and she will free the godlike elements in you and shape all into an expression of Divine Nature.

Will ::: The volitive impulse of a a layer of self. When capitalized Will refers to more primordial layers of self asserting a movemement of the lower layers in a particular direction and it is through this that an idea of Higher Self and True Will has emerged.

Will to Believe: A phrase made famous by William James (1842-1910) in an essay by that title (1896). In general, the phrase characterizes much of James's philosophic ideas: a defence of the right and even the necessity to believe where evidence is not complete, the adventurous spirit by which men must live, the heroic character of all creative thinking, the open-mind to possibilities, the repudiation of the stubborn spirit and the will-not-to-know, the primacy of the will in successful living, the reasonableness of the whole man acting upon presented data, the active pragmatic disposition in general. This will to believe does not imply indiscriminative faith; it implies a genuine option, one which presents an issue that is lively, momentous and forced. Acts of indecision may be negative decisions. -- V.F.

Will to illness ::: There is something in the body that accepts the illness and has certain reactions that make this acceptance effective ; so there must be a contrary will in the conscious parts of the being to get rid of this most physical acceptance.

will ::: a force put upon a thing to be changed.

will be permitted to pass on to Paradise. Otherwise

will, cosmic ::: see cosmic Will

will, divine ::: see divine will

willed ::: imp. & p. p. --> of Will

willemite ::: n. --> A silicate of zinc, usually occurring massive and of a greenish yellow color, also in reddish crystals (troostite) containing manganese.

willer ::: n. --> One who wills.

willet ::: n. --> A large North American snipe (Symphemia semipalmata); -- called also pill-willet, will-willet, semipalmated tattler, or snipe, duck snipe, and stone curlew.

will ::: “Force of being in conscious action is will.” The Life Divine

will, free

will, free ::: Sri Aurobindo: Our notion of free will is apt to be tainted with the excessive individualism of the human ego and to assume the figure of an independent will acting on its own isolated account, in a complete liberty without any determination other than its own choice and single unrelated movement. This idea ignores the fact that our natural being is a part of cosmic Nature and our spiritual being exists only by the supreme Transcendence. Our total being can rise out of subjection to fact of present Nature only by an identification with a greater Truth and a greater Nature. The will of the individual, even when completely free, could not act in an isolated independence, because the individual being and nature are included in the universal Being and Nature and dependent on the all-overruling Transcendence. There could indeed be in the ascent a dual line. On one line the being could feel and behave as an independent self-existence uniting itself with its own impersonal Reality; it could, so self-conceived, act with a great force, but either this action would be still within an enlarged frame of its past and present self-formation of power of Nature or else it would be the cosmic or supreme Force that acted in it and there would be no personal initiation of action, no sense therefore of individual free will but only of an impersonal cosmic or supreme Will or Energy at its work. On the other line the being would feel itself a spiritual instrument and so act as a power of the Supreme Being, limited in its workings only by the potencies of the Supernature, which are without bounds or any restriction except its own Truth and self-law, and by the Will in her. But in either case there would be, as the condition of a freedom from the control of a mechanical action of Nature-forces, a submission to a greater conscious Power or an acquiescent unity of the individual being with its intention and movement in his own and in the world"s existence.” *The Life Divine

willful ::: a. --> Of set purpose; self-determined; voluntary; as, willful murder.
Governed by the will without yielding to reason; obstinate; perverse; inflexible; stubborn; refractory; as, a willful man or horse.

will, human

will, human ::: Sri Aurobindo: "The will of man works in the ignorance by a partial light or more often flickerings of light which mislead as much as they illuminate. His mind is an ignorance striving to erect standards of knowledge, his will an ignorance striving to erect standards of right, and his whole mentality as a result very much a house divided against itself, idea in conflict with idea, the will often in conflict with the ideal of right or the intellectual knowledge. The will itself takes different shapes, the will of the intelligence, the wishes of the emotional mind, the desires and the passion of the vital being, the impulsions and blind or half-blind compulsions of the nervous and the subconscient nature, and all these make by no means a harmony, but at best a precarious concord among discords. The will of the mind and life is a stumbling about in search of right force, right Tapas which can wholly be attained in its true and complete light and direction only by oneness with the spiritual and supramental being.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

willier ::: n. --> One who works at a willying machine.

willing ::: cheerfully consenting or ready.

willingly ::: adv. --> In a willing manner; with free will; without reluctance; cheerfully.

willingness ::: n. --> The quality or state of being willing; free choice or consent of the will; freedom from reluctance; readiness of the mind to do or forbear.

willing ::: p. pr. & vb. n. --> of Will ::: v. t. --> Free to do or to grant; having the mind inclined; not opposed in mind; not choosing to refuse; disposed; not averse; desirous; consenting; complying; ready.
Received of choice, or without reluctance; submitted to

williwaw ::: n. --> Alt. of Willywaw html{color:

will ::: n. 1. Diligent purposefulness; determination; inclination, desire. 2. The mental faculty by which one deliberately chooses or decides upon a course of action. Will, will"s, wills, will-to-be, Will-to-love. *v. 3. To decide or determine; effectuate. 4. To yearn for; desire. 5. To induce or try to induce by sheer force of one"s being. *wills, willed.

willock ::: n. --> The common guillemot.
The puffin.

will of God. The urim and tummin derive from

will-o"-the-wisp ::: a delusive or misleading hope. Also, the ignis fatuous, the light produced by combustion of marsh-gas, which can lead a traveller into danger; any delusive ideal or hope that may lead one astray.

willowed ::: a. --> Abounding with willows; containing willows; covered or overgrown with willows.

willower ::: n. --> A willow. See Willow, n., 2.

willow-herb ::: n. --> A perennial herb (Epilobium spicatum) with narrow willowlike leaves and showy rose-purple flowers. The name is sometimes made to include other species of the same genus.

willowish ::: a. --> Having the color of the willow; resembling the willow; willowy.

willow ::: n. --> Any tree or shrub of the genus Salix, including many species, most of which are characterized often used as an emblem of sorrow, desolation, or desertion. "A wreath of willow to show my forsaken plight." Sir W. Scott. Hence, a lover forsaken by, or having lost, the person beloved, is said to wear the willow.
A machine in which cotton or wool is opened and cleansed by the action of long spikes projecting from a drum which revolves within a box studded with similar spikes; -- probably so called from having

willow-thorn ::: n. --> A thorny European shrub (Hippophae rhamnoides) resembling a willow.

willow-weed ::: n. --> A European species of loosestrife (Lysimachia vulgaris).
Any kind of Polygonum with willowlike foliage.

willow-wort ::: n. --> Same as Willow-weed.
Any plant of the order Salicaceae, or the Willow family.

willowy ::: a. --> Abounding with willows.
Resembling a willow; pliant; flexible; pendent; drooping; graceful.

will, self

will, self ::: Sri Aurobindo: "Self-will in thought and action has, we have already seen, to be quite renounced if we would be perfect in the way of divine works; it has equally to be renounced if we are to be perfect in divine knowledge. This self-will means an egoism in the mind which attaches itself to its preferences, its habits, its past or present formations of thought and view and will because it regards them as itself or its own, weaves around them the delicate threads of I-ness'' andmy-ness"" and lives in them like a spider in its web. It hates to be disturbed, as a spider hates attack on its web, and feels foreign and unhappy if transplanted to fresh view-points and formations as a spider feels foreign in another web than its own. This attachment must be entirely excised from the mind.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

willsome ::: a. --> Willful; obstinate.
Fat; indolent.
Doubtful; uncertain.

will suffer no disturbances; spread your carpet

WILL (T.B.) Originally, the will was the symbolic term for the motion aspect (the will aspect).

Will meant the ability of consciousness to let dynamis act through it. The higher the kind of consciousness, the greater the possibility of dynamis. The highest consciousness is also the highest &


will: the capability of conscious choice and decision and intention. Nietzschedefines will similarly to the "any internally motivated action" usage, but more narrowly. In this sense, will is more a "creative spark," a certain independence and stubbornness.

WILL—The mental power to choose; the power to mould the expressions of the mind; the realization of desires; volition.

WILL. ::: The power of consdoumess

WILL The will is dynamis acting through active consciousness.
Active consciousness is thus the ability of consciousness to let dynamis act through it.
The &

will. The Zohar (Vayehi 232 b) phrases it this way: “Angels, who are God’s messengers, turn

WILL TO UNITY The will to unity is no will to uniformity, no standardization into robotism. The will to unity does not fight against other views or against dissidents. It is so rational that it need never fear criticism. It leaves everybody&

will ::: v. --> The power of choosing; the faculty or endowment of the soul by which it is capable of choosing; the faculty or power of the mind by which we decide to do or not to do; the power or faculty of preferring or selecting one of two or more objects.
The choice which is made; a determination or preference which results from the act or exercise of the power of choice; a volition.
The choice or determination of one who has authority; a decree; a command; discretionary pleasure.

will weigh the actions performed during the

willworker, will-worker: A person who works her will upon Creation… that is, a mage.

willying ::: n. --> The process of cleansing wool, cotton, or the like, with a willy, or willow.

willy ::: n. --> A large wicker basket.
Same as 1st Willow, 2.

willy nilly ::: --> See Will I, nill I, etc., under 3d Will.

willywaw ::: n. --> A whirlwind, or whirlwind squall, encountered in the Straits of Magellan.


1. Feeling or showing enmity or ill will; antagonistic. 2. Of, relating to, or characteristic of an enemy.

1. Not inclined, willing, or ready; averse, reluctant, loath. 2. Offering resistance; stubborn or obstinate.

“About the subconscient—it is the sub-mental base of the being and is made up of impressions, instincts, habitual movements that are stored there. Whatever movement is impressed in it, it keeps. If one impresses the right movement in it, it will keep and send up that. That is why it has to be cleared of old movements before there can be a permanent and total change in the nature. When the higher consciousness is once established in the waking parts, it goes down into the subconscient and changes that also, makes a bedrock of itself there also.” Letters on Yoga

accept ::: 1. To take or receive (a thing offered) willingly, or with consenting mind; to receive (a thing or person) with favour or approval. 2. To take formally (what is offered) with contemplation of its consequences and obligations; to take upon oneself, to undertake as a responsibility. 3. To agree or consent to. 4. To regard as true or sound; believe. accepts, accepted, accepting.

According to the nature and ihc circumstances the call will come.

:::   "According to the nature and the circumstances the call will come.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

“According to the nature and the circumstances the call will come.” The Synthesis of Yoga

::: "A cosmic Will and Wisdom observant of the ascending march of the soul"s consciousness and experience as it emerges out of subconscient Matter and climbs to its own luminous divinity fixes the norm and constantly enlarges the lines of the law — or, let us say, since law is a too mechanical conception, — the truth of Karma.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

“A cosmic Will and Wisdom observant of the ascending march of the soul’s consciousness and experience as it emerges out of subconscient Matter and climbs to its own luminous divinity fixes the norm and constantly enlarges the lines of the law—or, let us say, since law is a too mechanical conception,—the truth of Karma.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

"A cosmos or universe is always a harmony, otherwise it could not exist, it would fly to pieces. But as there are musical harmonies which are built out of discords partly or even predominantly, so this universe (the material) is disharmonious in its separate elements — the individual elements are at discord with each other to a large extent; it is only owing to the sustaining Divine Will behind that the whole is still a harmony to those who look at it with the cosmic vision. But it is a harmony in evolution in progress — that is, all is combined to strive towards a goal which is not yet reached, and the object of our yoga is to hasten the arrival to this goal. When it is reached, there will be a harmony of harmonies substituted for the present harmony built up on discords. This is the explanation of the present appearance of things.” Letters on Yoga

“A cosmos or universe is always a harmony, otherwise it could not exist, it would fly to pieces. But as there are musical harmonies which are built out of discords partly or even predominantly, so this universe (the material) is disharmonious in its separate elements—the individual elements are at discord with each other to a large extent; it is only owing to the sustaining Divine Will behind that the whole is still a harmony to those who look at it with the cosmic vision. But it is a harmony in evolution in progress—that is, all is combined to strive towards a goal which is not yet reached, and the object of our yoga is to hasten the arrival to this goal. When it is reached, there will be a harmony of harmonies substituted for the present harmony built up on discords. This is the explanation of the present appearance of things.” Letters on Yoga

action ::: “Action is the first power of life. Nature begins with force and its works which, once conscious in man, become will and its achievements; therefore it is that by turning his action Godwards the life of man best and most surely begins to become divine.” The Synthesis of Yoga

"A divine Force is at work and will choose at each moment what has to be done or has not to be done, what has to be momentarily or permanently taken up, momentarily or permanently abandoned. For provided we do not substitute for that our desire or our ego, and to that end the soul must be always awake, always on guard, alive to the divine guidance, resistant to the undivine misleading from within or without us, that Force is sufficient and alone competent and she will lead us to the fulfilment along ways and by means too large, too inward, too complex for the mind to follow, much less to dictate. It is an arduous and difficult and dangerous way, but there is none other.” The Synthesis of Yoga

“A divine Force is at work and will choose at each moment what has to be done or has not to be done, what has to be momentarily or permanently taken up, momentarily or permanently abandoned. For provided we do not substitute for that our desire or our ego, and to that end the soul must be always awake, always on guard, alive to the divine guidance, resistant to the undivine misleading from within or without us, that Force is sufficient and alone competent and she will lead us to the fulfilment along ways and by means too large, too inward, too complex for the mind to follow, much less to dictate. It is an arduous and difficult and dangerous way, but there is none other.” The Synthesis of Yoga

adj. 1. Not imprisoned or enslaved; being at liberty. 2. Unconstrained; unconfined. 3. Unobstructed; clear. 4. Ready or generous in using or giving; liberal; lavish. 5. Exempt from external authority, interference, restriction, etc., as a person or one"s will, thought, choice, action, etc.; independent; unrestricted. 6. Exempt or released from something specified that controls, restrains, burdens, etc. (usually followed by from or of). 7. Given readily or in profusion. freer, thought-free, world-free. *adv. *8. In a free manner; without constraints; unimpeded. v. 9. To make free; set at liberty; release from bondage, imprisonment, or restraint. 10. To disengage or clear something from an entanglement. 11. To relieve or rid of a burden, an inconvenience or an obligation. freed. set free. Released; liberated; freed.

admonishing ::: 1. Reproving or scolding, especially in a mild or good-willed manner. 2. Urging to a duty; reminding.

AGNI. ::: Fire; Fire of Sacrifice; the Fire-God; Flame of Divine Force; illumined will; Divine Will; Fire of human aspiration; flame of purification or transformation in the psychic being; psychic fire.
The psychic fire is the fire of aspiration, purification and Tapasya.
Without Agni the sacrificial flame cannot bum on the altar of the soul. That flame of Agni is the seven-tongued power of the Will, a Force of God instinct with Knowledge. This conscious and forceful will is the immortal guest in our mortality, a pure priest and a divine worker, the mediator between earth and heaven. It carries what we offer to the higher Powers and brings back in return their force and light and joy into our humanity.
Agni and colours ::: the principle of Fire can manifest all the colours and the pure white fire is that which contains in itself all the colours.

  Agni first, for without him the sacrificial flame cannot burn on the altar of the soul. That flame of Agni is the seven-tongued power of the Will, a Force of God instinct with knowledge. This conscious and forceful will is the immortal guest in our mortality, a pure priest and a divine worker, the mediator between earth and heaven. It carries what we offer to the higher Powers and brings back in return their force and light and joy into our humanity.” *The Secret of the Veda

Agni first, for without him the sacrificial flame cannot burn on the altar of the soul. That flame of Agni is the seven-tongued power of the Will, a Force of God instinct with knowledge. This conscious and forceful will is the immortal guest in our mortality, a pure priest and a divine worker, the mediator between earth and heaven. It carries what we offer to the higher Powers and brings back in return their force and light and joy into our humanity.” The Secret of the Veda

“Agni is the Deva, the All-Seer, manifested as conscious-force or, as it would be called in modern language, Divine or Cosmic Will, first hidden and building up the eternal worlds, then manifest, ``born’’, building up in man the Truth and the Immortality.” The Secret of the Veda

“Agni is the leader of the sacrifice and protects it in the great journey against the powers of darkness. The knowledge and purpose of this divine Puissance can be entirely trusted; he is the friend and lover of the soul and will not betray it to evil gods. Even for the man sitting far off in the night, enveloped by the darkness of the human ignorance, this flame[Agni] is a light which, when it is perfectly kindled and in proportion as it mounts higher and higher, enlarges itself into the vast light of the Truth. Flaming upward to heaven to meet the divine Dawn, it rises through the vital or nervous mid-world and through our mental skies and enters at last the Paradise of Light, its own supreme home above where joyous for ever in the eternal Truth that is the foundation of the sempiternal Bliss the shining Immortals sit in their celestial sessions and drink the wine of the infinite beatitude.” The Secret of the Veda

*[Agni]. Sri Aurobindo: "Agni is the leader of the sacrifice and protects it in the great journey against the powers of darkness. The knowledge and purpose of this divine Puissance can be entirely trusted; he is the friend and lover of the soul and will not betray it to evil gods. Even for the man sitting far off in the night, enveloped by the darkness of the human ignorance, this flame[Agni] is a light which, when it is perfectly kindled and in proportion as it mounts higher and higher, enlarges itself into the vast light of the Truth. Flaming upward to heaven to meet the divine Dawn, it rises through the vital or nervous mid-world and through our mental skies and enters at last the Paradise of Light, its own supreme home above where joyous for ever in the eternal Truth that is the foundation of the sempiternal Bliss the shining Immortals sit in their celestial sessions and drink the wine of the infinite beatitude.” *The Secret of the Veda

  "A Godhead is seated in the heart of every man and is the Lord of this mysterious action of Nature. And though this Spirit of the universe, this One who is all, seems to be turning us on the wheel of the world as if mounted on a machine by the force of Maya, shaping us in our ignorance as the potter shapes a pot, as the weaver a fabric, by some skilful mechanical principle, yet is this spirit our own greatest self and it is according to the real idea, the truth of ourselves, that which is growing in us and finding always new and more adequate forms in birth after birth, in our animal and human and divine life, in that which we were, that which we are, that which we shall be, — it is in accordance with this inner soul-truth that, as our opened eyes will discover, we are progressively shaped by this spirit within us in its all-wise omnipotence.” *Essays on the Gita

“A Godhead is seated in the heart of every man and is the Lord of this mysterious action of Nature. And though this Spirit of the universe, this One who is all, seems to be turning us on the wheel of the world as if mounted on a machine by the force of Maya, shaping us in our ignorance as the potter shapes a pot, as the weaver a fabric, by some skilful mechanical principle, yet is this spirit our own greatest self and it is according to the real idea, the truth of ourselves, that which is growing in us and finding always new and more adequate forms in birth after birth, in our animal and human and divine life, in that which we were, that which we are, that which we shall be,—it is in accordance with this inner soul-truth that, as our opened eyes will discover, we are progressively shaped by this spirit within us in its all-wise omnipotence.” Essays on the Gita

Aims too sublime for Nature’s daily will:

AIM. ::: To return to the truth of the Divine now clouded over by Ignorance is the soul’s aim in life.
There is only one aim to be followed, the increase of Peace, Light, Power and the growth of a new consciousness in the being. With that new consciousness the true knowledge, understanding, strength, feeling will come.
Aim of yoga ::: to find the Divine is indeed the first reason for seeking the spiritual Truth and the spiritual life; it is the one thing indispensable and all the rest is nothing without it. The Divine once found, to manifest Him, - that is, first of all to transform one’s own limited consciousness into the Divine Consciousness, to live in the infinite Peace, Light, Love, Strength, Bliss, to become that in one’s essential nature and, as a consequence. to be its vessel, channel, instrument in one’s active nature.
Aim of Integral yoga ::: it is the rendering in personal experience of the truth which universal Nature has hidden in herself and which she travails to discover. It is the conversion of the human soul into the divine soul and of natural life into a divine living.

AJNANA. ::: Perception by receptive and central Will, implying a command from the brain; dwelling of the consciousness on an image of things so as to govern and possess it in form.

::: "All energies put into activity — thought, speech, feeling, act — go to constitute Karma. These things help to develop the nature in one direction or another, and the nature and its actions and reactions produce their consequences inward and outward: they also act on others and create movements in the general sum of forces which can return upon oneself sooner or later. Thoughts unexpressed can also go out as forces and produce their effects. It is a mistake to think that a thought or will can have effect only when it is expressed in speech or act: the unspoken thought, the unexpressed will are also active energies and can produce their own vibrations, effects or reactions.” Letters on Yoga*

“All energies put into activity—thought, speech, feeling, act—go to constitute Karma. These things help to develop the nature in one direction or another, and the nature and its actions and reactions produce their consequences inward and outward: they also act on others and create movements in the general sum of forces which can return upon oneself sooner or later. Thoughts unexpressed can also go out as forces and produce their effects. It is a mistake to think that a thought or will can have effect only when it is expressed in speech or act: the unspoken thought, the unexpressed will are also active energies and can produce their own vibrations, effects or reactions.” Letters on Yoga

"All force is power or means of a secret spirit; the Force that sustains the world is a conscious Will and Nature is its machinery of executive power.” The Renaissance in India

“All force is power or means of a secret spirit; the Force that sustains the world is a conscious Will and Nature is its machinery of executive power.” The Renaissance in India

"All Nature is simply . . . the Seer-Will, the Knowledge-Force of the Conscious-Being at work to evolve in force and form all the inevitable truth of the Idea into which it has originally thrown itself.” The Life Divine

“All Nature is simply . . . the Seer-Will, the Knowledge-Force of the Conscious-Being at work to evolve in force and form all the inevitable truth of the Idea into which it has originally thrown itself.” The Life Divine

". . . all sin is an error of the will, a desire and act of the Ignorance.” The Synthesis of Yoga*

“… all sin is an error of the will, a desire and act of the Ignorance.” The Synthesis of Yoga

already ::: 1. Core Meaning: an adverb indicating that something has happened before now. 2. Happened in the past before a particular time, or will have happened by or before a particular time in the future. 3. Unexpectedly early.

"Always keep in touch with the Divine Force. The best thing for you is to do that simply and allow it to do its own work; wherever necessary, it will take hold of the inferior energies and purify them; at other times it will empty you of them and fill you with itself. But if you let your mind take the lead and discuss and decide what is to be done, you will lose touch with the Divine Force and the lower energies will begin to act for themselves and all go into confusion and a wrong movement.” Letters on Yoga

“Always keep in touch with the Divine Force. The best thing for you is to do that simply and allow it to do its own work; wherever necessary, it will take hold of the inferior energies and purify them; at other times it will empty you of them and fill you with itself. But if you let your mind take the lead and discuss and decide what is to be done, you will lose touch with the Divine Force and the lower energies will begin to act for themselves and all go into confusion and a wrong movement.” Letters on Yoga

Amal: “The Decree and the Law refer to the fact of death in the world. The fact of death in the world summed up for the ancient Indian mind the condition under which the human being lives and the fulfilment of the Divine Will in the world would mean as another Savitri line puts it: ‘The end of Death, the death of Ignorance’.”

Amal: “The pointer in the passage is to an excessive growth of falsehood before the Divine manifests—a period of great ignorance which will end with a sudden surprising revelation.”

Amal: “This is a general term for the inner being which will make itself heard and obeyed when the human mind allows itself to be in touch with the inner being and to hear what guidance it can give and wants always to give.”

ambition ::: an earnest desire for some type of achievement or distinction, as power, honour, fame, or wealth, and the willingness to strive for its attainment. ambitions.

amicable ::: characterized by or showing goodwill; friendly; done in a friendly manner; peaceable.

:::   "A Mind, a Will seems to have imagined and organised the universe, but it has veiled itself behind its creation; its first erection has been this screen of an inconscient Energy and a material form of substance, at once a disguise of its presence and a plastic creative basis on which it could work as an artisan uses for his production of forms and patterns a dumb and obedient material.” The Life Divine

“A Mind, a Will seems to have imagined and organised the universe, but it has veiled itself behind its creation; its first erection has been this screen of an inconscient Energy and a material form of substance, at once a disguise of its presence and a plastic creative basis on which it could work as an artisan uses for his production of forms and patterns a dumb and obedient material.” The Life Divine

"A mind of light will replace the present confusion and trouble of this earthly ignorance; it is likely that even those parts of humanity which cannot reach it will yet be aware of its possibility and consciously tend towards it; not only so, but the life of humanity will be enlightened, uplifted, governed, harmonised by this luminous principle and even the body become something much less powerless, obscure and animal in its propensities and capable instead of a new and harmonised perfection. It is this possibility that we have to look at and that would mean a new humanity uplifted into Light, capable of a spiritualised being and action, open to governance by some light of the Truth-consciousness, capable even on the mental level and in its own order of something that might be called the beginning of a divinised life.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

“A mind of light will replace the present confusion and trouble of this earthly ignorance; it is likely that even those parts of humanity which cannot reach it will yet be aware of its possibility and consciously tend towards it; not only so, but the life of humanity will be enlightened, uplifted, governed, harmonised by this luminous principle and even the body become something much less powerless, obscure and animal in its propensities and capable instead of a new and harmonised perfection. It is this possibility that we have to look at and that would mean a new humanity uplifted into Light, capable of a spiritualised being and action, open to governance by some light of the Truth-consciousness, capable even on the mental level and in its own order of something that might be called the beginning of a divinised life.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

Ananke ::: “This truth of Karma has been always recognised in the East in one form or else in another; but to the Buddhists belongs the credit of having given to it the clearest and fullest universal enunciation and the most insistent importance. In the West too the idea has constantly recurred, but in external, in fragmentary glimpses, as the recognition of a pragmatic truth of experience, and mostly as an ordered ethical law or fatality set over against the self-will and strength of man: but it was clouded over by other ideas inconsistent with any reign of law, vague ideas of some superior caprice or of some divine jealousy,—that was a notion of the Greeks,—a blind Fate or inscrutable Necessity, Ananke, or, later, the mysterious ways of an arbitrary, though no doubt an all-wise Providence.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

"An Avatar, roughly speaking, is one who is conscious of the presence and power of the Divine born in him or descended into him and governing from within his will and life and action; he feels identified inwardly with this divine power and presence.” Letters on Yoga

“An Avatar, roughly speaking, is one who is conscious of the presence and power of the Divine born in him or descended into him and governing from within his will and life and action; he feels identified inwardly with this divine power and presence.” Letters on Yoga

  And do you want to know why he is always represented as a child? It is because he is in constant progression. To the extent that the world is perfected, his play is also perfected — what was the play of yesterday will no longer be the play of tomorrow; his play will become more and more harmonious, benign and joyful to the extent that the world becomes capable of responding to it and enjoying it with the Divine.” Words of the Mother, MCW Vol. 15.

And do you want to know why he is always represented as a child? It is because he is in constant progression. To the extent that the world is perfected, his play is also perfected—what was the play of yesterday will no longer be the play of tomorrow; his play will become more and more harmonious, benign and joyful to the extent that the world becomes capable of responding to it and enjoying it with the Divine.” Words of the Mother, MCW Vol. 15.

"And if there is, as there must be in the nature of things, an ascending series in the scale of substance from Matter to Spirit, it must be marked by a progressive diminution of these capacities most characteristic of the physical principle and a progressive increase of the opposite characteristics which will lead us to the formula of pure spiritual self-extension. This is to say that they must be marked by less and less bondage to the form, more and more subtlety and flexibility of substance and force, more and more interfusion, interpenetration, power of assimilation, power of interchange, power of variation, transmutation, unification. Drawing away from durability of form, we draw towards eternity of essence; drawing away from our poise in the persistent separation and resistance of physical Matter, we draw near to the highest divine poise in the infinity, unity and indivisibility of Spirit.” The Life Divine

“And if there is, as there must be in the nature of things, an ascending series in the scale of substance from Matter to Spirit, it must be marked by a progressive diminution of these capacities most characteristic of the physical principle and a progressive increase of the opposite characteristics which will lead us to the formula of pure spiritual self-extension. This is to say that they must be marked by less and less bondage to the form, more and more subtlety and flexibility of substance and force, more and more interfusion, interpenetration, power of assimilation, power of interchange, power of variation, transmutation, unification. Drawing away from durability of form, we draw towards eternity of essence; drawing away from our poise in the persistent separation and resistance of physical Matter, we draw near to the highest divine poise in the infinity, unity and indivisibility of Spirit.” The Life Divine

And perfect sincerity comes when at the centre of the being there is the consciousness of the divine Presence, the consciousness of the divine Will, and when the entire being, like a luminous, clear, transparent whole, expresses this in all its details. This indeed is true sincerity. CWMCE Questions and Answers Vol. 6*

And perfect sincerity comes when at the centre of the being there is the consciousness of the divine Presence, the consciousness of the divine Will, and when the entire being, like a luminous, clear, transparent whole, expresses this in all its details. This indeed is true sincerity. CWMCE Questions and Answers Vol. 6

“And though this Spirit of the universe, this One who is all, seems to be turning us on the wheel of the world as if mounted on a machine by the force of Maya, shaping us in our ignorance as the potter shapes a pot, as the weaver a fabric, by some skilful mechanical principle, yet is this spirit our own greatest self and it is according to the real idea, the truth of ourselves, that which is growing in us and finding always new and more adequate forms in birth after birth, in our animal and human and divine life, in that which we were, that which we are, that which we shall be,—it is in accordance with this inner soul-truth that, as our opened eyes will discover, we are progressively shaped by this spirit within us in its all-wise omnipotence.” Essays on the Gita

" . . .and when the dividing ignorance is cured which gives us the sense of a gulf between Life and Matter, it is difficult to suppose that Mind, Life and Matter will be found to be anything else than one Energy triply formulated, the triple world of the Vedic seers.” The Life Divine

“ . . .and when the dividing ignorance is cured which gives us the sense of a gulf between Life and Matter, it is difficult to suppose that Mind, Life and Matter will be found to be anything else than one Energy triply formulated, the triple world of the Vedic seers.” The Life Divine

"An end have these bodies of an embodied soul that is eternal;… it is not born nor dies nor is it that having been it will not be again. It is unborn, ancient, everlasting; it is not slain with the slaying of the body. As a man casts from him his worn-out garments and takes others that are new, so the embodied being casts off its bodies and joins itself to others that are new. Certain is the death of that which is born and certain is the birth of that which dies . . . . " Gita. The Life Divine

“An end have these bodies of an embodied soul that is eternal;… it is not born nor dies nor is it that having been it will not be again. It is unborn, ancient, everlasting; it is not slain with the slaying of the body. As a man casts from him his worn-out garments and takes others that are new, so the embodied being casts off its bodies and joins itself to others that are new. Certain is the death of that which is born and certain is the birth of that which dies ….” Gita. The Life Divine

:::   "An executive cosmic force shapes us and dictates through our temperament and environment and mentality so shaped, through our individualised formulation of the cosmic energies, our actions and their results. Truly, we do not think, will or act but thought occurs in us, will occurs in us, impulse and act occur in us; our ego-sense gathers around itself, refers to itself all this flow of natural activities. It is cosmic Force, it is Nature that forms the thought, imposes the will, imparts the impulse. Our body, mind and ego are a wave of that sea of force in action and do not govern it, but by it are governed and directed.” The Synthesis of Yoga —**cosmic forces.**

“An executive cosmic force shapes us and dictates through our temperament and environment and mentality so shaped, through our individualised formulation of the cosmic energies, our actions and their results. Truly, we do not think, will or act but thought occurs in us, will occurs in us, impulse and act occur in us; our ego-sense gathers around itself, refers to itself all this flow of natural activities. It is cosmic Force, it is Nature that forms the thought, imposes the will, imparts the impulse. Our body, mind and ego are a wave of that sea of force in action and do not govern it, but by it are governed and directed.” The Synthesis of Yoga

animal ::: Sri Aurobindo: "The animal is a living laboratory in which Nature has, it is said, worked out man. Man himself may well be a thinking and living laboratory in whom and with whose conscious co-operation she wills to work out the superman, the god. Or shall we not say, rather, to manifest God?” *The Life Divine

animal ::: “The animal is a living laboratory in which Nature has, it is said, worked out man. Man himself may well be a thinking and living laboratory in whom and with whose conscious co-operation she wills to work out the superman, the god. Or shall we not say, rather, to manifest God?” The Life Divine

"An infinite existence, an infinite consciousness, an infinite force and will, an infinite delight of being is the Reality secret behind the appearances of the universe; . . . .” The Life Divine

“An infinite existence, an infinite consciousness, an infinite force and will, an infinite delight of being is the Reality secret behind the appearances of the universe; …” The Life Divine

A quiet mind does not mean that there will be no thoughts or mental movements at all, but that these will be on the surface and you will feel your true being within separate from them, observing but not carried away, able to watch and judge them and reject all that has to be rejected and to accept and keep to all that is true consciousness and true experience.” Letters on Yoga

arbitrary ::: 1. Based on or subject to individual will, judgment or preference: judgment without restriction; contingent solely upon one"s discretion. 2. Capricious; unreasonable; unsupported. 3. Derived from mere opinion or preference; capricious; uncertain. 4. Having unlimited power; uncontrolled or unrestricted by law; despotic; tyrannical.

arming ::: providing with whatever will add strength, force, or security; support; fortify.

armour ::: 1. Any covering worn as a defense against weapons, especially a metallic sheathing, suit of armour, mail. 2. Any quality, characteristic, situation, or thing that serves as protection. armours, armoured.* n. 1. Weapons. v. 2. Provides with weapons or whatever will add strength, force or security; supports; fortifies. *armed, arming.

arms ::: n. 1. Weapons. v. 2. Provides with weapons or whatever will add strength, force or security; supports; fortifies. armed, arming.

ARRESTS IN SADHANA. ::: A difficulty comes or an arrest in some movement which you have begun or have been carrying on for some time. Such arrests are inevitably frequent enough; one might almost say that every step forward is followed by an arrest. It is to be dealt with by becoming always more quiet, more firm in the will to go through, by opening oneself more and more so that any obstructing non-receptivity in the nature may diminish or disappear, by an affirmation of faith even in the midst of obscurity, faith in the presence of a Power that is working behind the cloud and the veil, in the guidance of the Guru, by an observation of oneself to find any cause of the arrest, not in a spirit of depression or discouragement but with the will to find out and remove it. This is the only right attitude and, if one is persistent in taking it, the periods of arrest are not abolished, - for that cannot be at this stage, - but greatly shortened and lightened in their incidence. Sometimes these arrests are periods, long or short, of assimilation or unseen preparation, their appearance of sterile immobility is deceptive ::: in that case, with the right attitude, one can after a time, by opening, by observation, by accumulated experience, begin to feel, to get some inkling of what is being prepared or done. Sometimes it is a period of true obstruction in which the Power at work has to deal with the obstacles in the way, obstacles in oneself, obstacles of the opposing cosmic forces or any other or of all together, and this kind of arrest may be long or short according to the magnitude or obstinacy or complexity of the impediments that are met. But here, too, the right attitude can alleviate or shorten and, if persistently taken, help to a more radical removal of the difficulties and greatly diminish the necessity of complete arrests hereafter.
On the contrary, an attitude of depression or unfaith in the help or the guidance or in the certitude of the victory of the guiding Power, a shutting up of yourself in the sense of the difficulties, helps the obstructions to recur with force instead of progressively diminishing in their incidence.

ASCENT AND RETURN. ::: Once the being or its different parts begin to ascend to the planes above, any part of the being may do it, frontal or other. The samskāra that one cannot come back must be got rid of. One can have the experience of Nirvana at the summit of the mind or anywhere in those planes that are now superconscient to the mind; the mind spiritualised by the ascent into Self has the sense of laya, dissolution of itself, its thoughts, movements, samskāras into a superconscient Silence and Infinity which it is unable to grasp, - the Unknowable. But this would bring or lead to some form of Nirvana only if one makes Nirvana the goal, if one is tied to the mind and accepts its dissolution into the Infinite as one’s own dissolution or if one has not the capacity to reorganise experience on a higher than the mental plane. But otherwise what was superconscient becomes conscient, one begins to possess or else to be the instrument of the dynamis of the higher planes and there is a movement, not of liberation into Nirvana but of liberation and transformation. However high one goes one can always return, unless one has the will not to do so.

:::   "As for prophecy, I have never met or known of a prophet, however reputed, who was infallible. Some of their predictions come true to the letter, others do not, — they half-fulfil or misfire entirely. It does not follow that the power of prophecy is unreal or the accurate predictions can be all explained by probability, chance, coincidence. The nature and number of those that cannot is too great. The variability of fulfilment may be explained either by an imperfect power in the prophet sometimes active, sometimes failing or by the fact that things are predictable in part only, they are determined in part only or else by different factors or lines of power, different series of potentials and actuals. So long as one is in touch with one line, one predicts accurately, otherwise not — or if the lines of power change, one"s prophecy also goes off the rails. All the same, one may say, there must be, if things are predictable at all, some power or plane through which or on which all is foreseeable; if there is a divine Omniscience and Omnipotence, it must be so. Even then what is foreseen has to be worked out, actually is worked out by a play of forces, — spiritual, mental, vital and physical forces — and in that plane of forces there is no absolute rigidity discoverable. Personal will or endeavour is one of those forces.” Letters on Yoga

“As for prophecy, I have never met or known of a prophet, however reputed, who was infallible. Some of their predictions come true to the letter, others do not,—they half-fulfil or misfire entirely. It does not follow that the power of prophecy is unreal or the accurate predictions can be all explained by probability, chance, coincidence. The nature and number of those that cannot is too great. The variability of fulfilment may be explained either by an imperfect power in the prophet sometimes active, sometimes failing or by the fact that things are predictable in part only, they are determined in part only or else by different factors or lines of power, different series of potentials and actuals. So long as one is in touch with one line, one predicts accurately, otherwise not—or if the lines of power change, one’s prophecy also goes off the rails. All the same, one may say, there must be, if things are predictable at all, some power or plane through which or on which all is foreseeable; if there is a divine Omniscience and Omnipotence, it must be so. Even then what is foreseen has to be worked out, actually is worked out by a play of forces,—spiritual, mental, vital and physical forces—and in that plane of forces there is no absolute rigidity discoverable. Personal will or endeavour is one of those forces.” Letters on Yoga

". . . as Mind is only a final operation of Supermind, so Life is only a final operation of the Consciousness-Force of which Real-Idea is the determinative form and creative agent. Consciousness that is Force is the nature of Being and this conscious Being manifested as a creative Knowledge-Will is the Real-Idea or Supermind.” The Life Divine

“… as Mind is only a final operation of Supermind, so Life is only a final operation of the Consciousness-Force of which Real-Idea is the determinative form and creative agent. Consciousness that is Force is the nature of Being and this conscious Being manifested as a creative Knowledge-Will is the Real-Idea or Supermind.” The Life Divine

ASPECTS OF THE DIVINE. ::: The Divine has three aspects for us :
1. It is the Cosmic Self and Spirit that is in and behind all things and beings, from which and in which all is manifested in the universe- although it is now a manifestation in the Ignorance.
2. It is the Spirit and Master of our own being within us whom we have to serve and learn to express his will in all our movements so that we may grow out of the Ignorance into the Light.
3. The Divine is transcendent Being and Spirit, all bliss and light and divine knowledge and power, and towards that highest divine existence and its Light we have to rise and bring down the reality of it more and more into our consciousness and life.

"Aspiration should be not a form of desire, but the feeling of an inner soul"s need, and a quiet settled will to turn towards the Divine and seek the Divine. It is certainly not easy to get rid of this mixture of desire entirely — not easy for anyone; but when one has the will to do it, this also can be effected by the help of the sustaining Force.” Letters on Yoga

“Aspiration should be not a form of desire, but the feeling of an inner soul’s need, and a quiet settled will to turn towards the Divine and seek the Divine. It is certainly not easy to get rid of this mixture of desire entirely—not easy for anyone; but when one has the will to do it, this also can be effected by the help of the sustaining Force.” Letters on Yoga

ASPIRATION. ::: The call in the being for the Divine or for the higher things that belong to the Divine Consciousness.
A call to the Divine; aspiration for the discovery and embodiment of the Divine Truth and to nothing else whatever.
An aspiration vigilant, constant, unceasing- the mind’s will, the heart’s seeking, the assent of the vital being, the will to open and make plastic the physical consciousness and nature.
There is no need of words in aspiration. It can be expressed or unexpressed in words.
Aspiration need not be in the form of thought; it can be a feeling within that remains even when the mind is attending to the work.
Aspiration is to call the forces. When the forces have answered, there is a natural state of quiet receptivity concentrated but spontaneous.
In aspiration there is a self-giving for the higher consciousness to descend and take possession ; the more intense the call, the greater the self-giving.
Aspiration keeps the consciousness open, prevents an inert state of acquiescence in all that comes and exercises a sort of pull on the sources of the higher consciousness.
The intensity of aspiration brings the intensity of the experience and by repeated intensity of the experience, the change. It is the psychic that gives the true aspiration; if the vital is purified and subjected to the psychic, then the vital gives intensity.
Aspiration in the physical consciousness ::: the physical consciousness is always in everybody in its own nature a little inert and in it a constant strong aspiration is not natural, it has to be created. But first there must be the opening, a purification, a fixed quietude, otherwise the physical vital will turn the strong aspiration into over-eagerness and impatience or rather it will try to give it that turn.

ASURA. ::: Titan; a being of ignorant egoism as opposed to the Deva or god, who is a being of Light; sons of Darkness and Division.
Asuras are really the dark side of the mental, or more strictly, of the vital mind plane. This mind is the very field of the Asuras. Their main characteristic is egoistic strength and struggle, which refuse the higher law. The Asura has self-control, tapas, and intelligence, but all that for the sake of his ego.
There are no Asuras on the higher planes where the Truth prevails, except in the Vedic sense -“ the Divine in its strength “. The mental and vital Asuras are only a deviation of that power.
There are two kinds of Asuras - one kind were divine in their origin but have fallen from their divinity by self-will and opposition to the intention of the Divine; they are spoken in the Hindu scriptures as the former or earlier gods; these can be converted and their conversion is indeed necessary for the ultimate purpose of the universe. But the ordinary Asura is not of this character, is not an evolutionary but a typal being and represents a fixed principle of the creation which does not evolve or change and is not intended to do so. These Asuras, as also the other hostile beings, Rakshasas, Pishachas and others resemble the devils of the Christian tradition and oppose the divine intention and the evolutionary purpose in the human being; they don’t change the purpose in them for which they exist which is evil, but have to be destroyed like the evil. The Asura has no soul, no psychic being which has to evolve to a higher state; he has only an ego and usually a very powerful ego; he has a mind, sometimes even a highly intellectual mind; but the basis of his thinking and feeling is vital and not mental, at the service of his desire and not truth. He is a formation assumed by the life-principle for a particular kind of work and not a divine formation or soul.
Some kinds of Asuras are very religious, very fanatical about their religion, very strict about rules of ethical conduct. There are others who use spiritual ideas without believing in them to give them a perverted twist and delude the sadhaka.

atom ::: “In the very atom there is a subconscious will and desire which must also be present in all atomic aggregates because they are present in the Force which constitutes the atom.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

at will. At one"s discretion; as one desires.

autonomy ::: 1. Independence or freedom, as of the will or one"s actions. 2. Self-government. autonomies.

AUTO-SUGGESTIONS. ::: Auto-suggestions- it is really faith in a mental form - act both on the subliminal and the subconscient. In the subliminal they set in action the powers of the inner being, its occult power to make thought, will or simple conscious force effective on the body - in the subconscient they silence or block the suggestions of death and illness (expressed or unexpressed) that prevent the return of health. They help also to combat the same things (adverse suggestions) in the mind, vital, body consciousness. Where all this is completely done or with some completeness, the effects can be very remarkable.

AVATARA ::: One in whom the Divine Consciousness has descended into human birth for a great world-work; the Incarnation; Spirit descending into man; Descent into form; the revelation of the Godhead in humanity; the Divine who has descended into the human consciousness; coming down of the Divine below the line which divides the divine from the human world or status.
An Avatar, roughly speaking, is one who is conscious of the presence and power of the Divine born in him or descended into him governing from within his will and life action; he feels identified inwardly with this divine power and presence.
He is a realiser, an establisher - not of outward things only, though he does realise something in the outward also, but of something essential and radical needed for the terrestrial evolution which is the evolution of the embodied spirit through successive stages towards the Divine.
There are two sides of the phenomenon of avatarhood, the Divine Consciousness and the instrumental personality in Nature under the conditions of Nature which it uses according to the rules of the game.
The Avatar takes upon himself the nature of humanity in his instrumental parts, though the consciousness acting behind is divine.

"Behind this petty instrumental action of the human will there is something vast and powerful and eternal that oversees the trend of the inclination and presses on the turn of the will. There is a total Truth in Nature greater than our individual choice. And in this total Truth, or even beyond and behind it, there is something that determines all results; its presence and secret knowledge keep up steadily in the process of Nature a dynamic, almost automatic perception of the right relations, the varying or persistent necessities, the inevitable steps of the movement. There is a secret divine Will, eternal and infinite, omniscient and omnipotent, that expresses itself in the universality and in each particular of all these apparently temporal and finite inconscient or half-conscient things. This is the Power or Presence meant by the Gita when it speaks of the Lord within the heart of all existences who turns all creatures as if mounted on a machine by the illusion of Nature.” The Synthesis of Yoga*

“Behind this petty instrumental action of the human will there is something vast and powerful and eternal that oversees the trend of the inclination and presses on the turn of the will. There is a total Truth in Nature greater than our individual choice. And in this total Truth, or even beyond and behind it, there is something that determines all results; its presence and secret knowledge keep up steadily in the process of Nature a dynamic, almost automatic perception of the right relations, the varying or persistent necessities, the inevitable steps of the movement. There is a secret divine Will, eternal and infinite, omniscient and omnipotent, that expresses itself in the universality and in each particular of all these apparently temporal and finite inconscient or half-conscient things. This is the Power or Presence meant by the Gita when it speaks of the Lord within the heart of all existences who turns all creatures as if mounted on a machine by the illusion of Nature.” The Synthesis of Yoga

being, Master of ::: Sri Aurobindo: " Vamadeva goes on to say, "Let us give expression to this secret name of the clarity, — that is to say, let us bring out this Soma wine, this hidden delight of existence; let us hold it in this world-sacrifice by our surrenderings or submissions to Agni, the divine Will or Conscious-Power which is the Master of being.” The Secret of the Veda

bequeathed ::: disposed of (property, etc.) by last will; fig. handed down, passed on.

blind ::: adj. 1. Unable to see; lacking the sense of sight; sightless. Also fig. 2. Unwilling or unable to perceive or understand. 3. Lacking all consciousness or awareness. 4. Not having or based on reason or intelligence; absolute and unquestioning. 5. Not characterized or determined by reason or control. 6. Purposeless; fortuitous, random. 7. Undiscriminating; heedless; reckless. 8. Enveloped in darkness; dark, dim, obscure. 9. Dense enough to form a screen. 10. Covered or concealed from sight; hidden from immediate view. 11. Having no openings or passages for light; (a window or door) walled up. blindest, half-blind. v. 12. To deprive of sight permanently or temporarily. 13. To make sightless momentarily; dazzle. blinded.* n. 14. A blind person, esp. as pl., those who are blind. 15. Fig.* Any thing or action intended to conceal one"s real intention; a pretence, a pretext; subterfuge.

blinded ::: 1. Sightless; deprived of sight or withheld the light from. 2. Fig. Unable or unwilling to perceive or understand, lacking in perception or foresight; deprived or destitute of spiritual light or guidance. thought-blinded.

Body transjormauon If the transformation is complete that means no subjection to death it does not mean that one will be bound to keep the same body for all time One creates a new body for oneself when one wants to change but how it will be done cannot be said now The present method is by physical birth — some occultists suppose that a time will come when that will not be necessary *— but the question must be left for the

"But in the larger universal consciousness there must be a power of carrying this movement to its absolute point, to the greatest extreme possible for any relative movement to reach, and this point is reached, not in human unconsciousness which is not abiding and always refers back to the awakened conscious being that man normally and characteristically is, but in the inconscience of material Nature. This inconscience is no more real than the ignorance of exclusive concentration in our temporary being which limits the waking consciousness of man; for as in us, so in the atom, the metal, the plant, in every form of material Nature, in every energy of material Nature, there is, we know, a secret soul, a secret will, a secret intelligence at work, other than the mute self-oblivious form, the Conscient, — conscient even in unconscious things, — of the Upanishad, without whose presence and informing Conscious-Force or Tapas no work of Nature could be done.” The Life Divine

“But in the larger universal consciousness there must be a power of carrying this movement to its absolute point, to the greatest extreme possible for any relative movement to reach, and this point is reached, not in human unconsciousness which is not abiding and always refers back to the awakened conscious being that man normally and characteristically is, but in the inconscience of material Nature. This inconscience is no more real than the ignorance of exclusive concentration in our temporary being which limits the waking consciousness of man; for as in us, so in the atom, the metal, the plant, in every form of material Nature, in every energy of material Nature, there is, we know, a secret soul, a secret will, a secret intelligence at work, other than the mute self-oblivious form, the Conscient,—conscient even in unconscious things,—of the Upanishad, without whose presence and informing Conscious-Force or Tapas no work of Nature could be done.” The Life Divine

"But our more difficult problem is to liberate the true Person and attain to a divine manhood which shall be the pure vessel of a divine force and the perfect instrument of a divine action. Step after step has to be firmly taken; difficulty after difficulty has to be entirely experienced and entirely mastered. Only the Divine Wisdom and Power can do this for us and it will do all if we yield to it in an entire faith and follow and assent to its workings with a constant courage and patience.” The Synthesis of Yoga

“But our more difficult problem is to liberate the true Person and attain to a divine manhood which shall be the pure vessel of a divine force and the perfect instrument of a divine action. Step after step has to be firmly taken; difficulty after difficulty has to be entirely experienced and entirely mastered. Only the Divine Wisdom and Power can do this for us and it will do all if we yield to it in an entire faith and follow and assent to its workings with a constant courage and patience.” The Synthesis of Yoga

"But the Titan will have nothing of all this; it is too great and subtle for his comprehension. His instincts call for a visible, tangible mastery and a sensational domination. How shall he feel sure of his empire unless he can feel something writhing helpless under his heel, — if in agony, so much the better? What is exploitation to him, unless it diminishes the exploited? To be able to coerce, exact, slay, overtly, irresistibly, — it is this that fills him with the sense of glory and dominion. For he is the son of division and the strong flowering of the Ego. To feel the comparative limitation of others is necessary to him that he may imagine himself immeasurable; for he has not the real, self-existent sense of infinity which no outward circumstance can abrogate. Contrast, division, negation of the wills and lives of others are essential to his self-development and self-assertion. The Titan would unify by devouring, not by harmonising; he must conquer and trample what is not himself either out of existence or into subservience so that his own image may stand out stamped upon all things and dominating all his environment.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

“But when I speak of the Divine Will, I mean something different,—something that has descended here into an evolutionary world of Ignorance, standing at the back of things, pressing on the Darkness with its Light, leading things presently towards the best possible in the conditions of a world of Ignorance and leading it eventually towards a descent of a greater power of the Divine, which will be not an omnipotence held back and conditioned by the law of the world as it is, but in full action and therefore bringing the reign of light, peace, harmony, joy, love, beauty and Ananda, for these are the Divine Nature.” Letters on Yoga

But with the extension of our knowledge we discover what this spirit or oversoul is: it is ultimately our own highest deepest vastest Self, it is apparent on its summits or by reflection in ourselves as Sachchidananda creating us and the world by the power of His divine Knowledge-Will, spiritual, supramental, truth-conscious, infinite. That is the real Being, Lord and Creator, who, as the Cosmic Self veiled in Mind and Life and Matter, has descended into that which we call the Inconscient and constitutes and directs its subconscient existence by His supramental will and knowledge, has ascended out of the Inconscient and dwells in the inner being constituting and directing its subliminal existence by the same will and knowledge, has cast up out of the subliminal our surface existence and dwells secretly in it over seeing with the same supreme light and mastery its stumbling and groping movements.

Will, actor

  "Will is conscious power and conscious act of force of being.” *The Life Divine

Will is conscious power and conscious act of force of being.” The Life Divine

  "Will is the pressure of a conscious force on Nature.” *Letters on Yoga

Will is the pressure of a conscious force on Nature.” Letters on Yoga

"By Force I mean not mental or vital energy but the Divine Force from above — as peace comes from above and wideness also, so does this Force (Shakti). Nothing, not even thinking or meditating can be done without some action of Force. The Force I speak of is a Force for illumination, transformation, purification, all that has to be done in the yoga, for removal of hostile forces and the wrong movements — it is also of course for external work, whether great or small in appearance does not matter — if that is part of the Divine Will. I do not mean any personal force egoistic or rajasic.” Letters on Yoga

“By Force I mean not mental or vital energy but the Divine Force from above—as peace comes from above and wideness also, so does this Force (Shakti). Nothing, not even thinking or meditating can be done without some action of Force. The Force I speak of is a Force for illumination, transformation, purification, all that has to be done in the yoga, for removal of hostile forces and the wrong movements—it is also of course for external work, whether great or small in appearance does not matter—if that is part of the Divine Will. I do not mean any personal force egoistic or rajasic.” Letters on Yoga

call ::: “All Yoga is in its nature a new birth; it is a birth out of the ordinary, the mentalised material life of man into a higher spiritual consciousness and a greater and diviner being. No Yoga can be successfully undertaken and followed unless there is a strong awakening to the necessity of that larger spiritual existence. The soul that is called to this deep and vast inward change, may arrive in different ways to the initial departure. It may come to it by its own natural development which has been leading it unconsciously towards the awakening; it may reach it through the influence of a religion or the attraction of a philosophy; it may approach it by a slow illumination or leap to it by a sudden touch or shock; it may be pushed or led to it by the pressure of outward circumstances or by an inward necessity, by a single word that breaks the seals of the mind or by long reflection, by the distant example of one who has trod the path or by contact and daily influence. According to the nature and the circumstances the call will come.” The Synthesis of Yoga

call ::: Sri Aurobindo: "All Yoga is in its nature a new birth; it is a birth out of the ordinary, the mentalised material life of man into a higher spiritual consciousness and a greater and diviner being. No Yoga can be successfully undertaken and followed unless there is a strong awakening to the necessity of that larger spiritual existence. The soul that is called to this deep and vast inward change, may arrive in different ways to the initial departure. It may come to it by its own natural development which has been leading it unconsciously towards the awakening; it may reach it through the influence of a religion or the attraction of a philosophy; it may approach it by a slow illumination or leap to it by a sudden touch or shock; it may be pushed or led to it by the pressure of outward circumstances or by an inward necessity, by a single word that breaks the seals of the mind or by long reflection, by the distant example of one who has trod the path or by contact and daily influence. According to the nature and the circumstances the call will come.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

CENT, There is no connection between the Christian concep- tion (of the Kingdom of Heaven) and the idea of the Supra- mental descent. The Christian conception supposes a state of things brought about by religious emotion' and d'mdral'purifica- tion but ' these things are no more"capable of changing the world, 'whatever value they may base for the individual, than mental idealism or any bther power yet called upon for the pur- pose] The Christian proposes to substitute the sattsic religious ego for the rajasic and tamasic cgo| but although this can be donc-as an individual achievement, it has never succeeded and win never succeed in • accomplishing itself in the mass. It has no higher spiritual or psjchological knowledge behind it and ignores the' foundation -of htimao character and the source of the difBculty — the duality 6f mind, ‘life and body. Unless there is a descent of a new Power of Consdousness, not subject to the dualities but still dynamic which will preside a new foundation and a lifting of the centre of consciousness above the mind, the

CHANGE OF NATURE. ::: The first step is to become cons- cious and separate from the old surface nature. For this rajasic vital nature

consequence ::: “ Karma is nothing but the will of the Spirit in action, consequence nothing but the creation of will. What is in the will of being, expresses itself in karma and consequence. When the will is limited in mind, karma appears as a bondage and a limitation, consequence as a reaction or an imposition. But when the will of the being is infinite in the spirit, karma and consequence become instead the joy of the creative spirit, the construction of the eternal mechanist, the word and drama of the eternal poet, the harmony of the eternal musician, the play of the eternal child.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

contrary to one"s will; against one"s wish or desire; reluctantly.

cosmic Will

cosmic Will ::: Sri Aurobindo: "Agni is the Deva, the All-Seer, manifested as conscious-force or, as it would be called in modern language, Divine or Cosmic Will, first hidden and building up the eternal worlds, then manifest, ``born"", building up in man the Truth and the Immortality.” *The Secret of the Veda

date ::: 1. A particular month, day, and year at which some event happened or will happen. 2. The time or period to which any event or thing belongs; period in general. 3. The time during which something lasts; duration. dates

"Destruction is always a simultaneous or alternate element which keeps pace with creation and it is by destroying and renewing that the Master of Life does his long work of preservation. More, destruction is the first condition of progress. Inwardly, the man who does not destroy his lower self-formations, cannot rise to a greater existence. Outwardly also, the nation or community or race which shrinks too long from destroying and replacing its past forms of life, is itself destroyed, rots and perishes and out of its debris other nations, communities and races are formed. By destruction of the old giant occupants man made himself a place upon earth. By destruction of the Titans the gods maintain the continuity of the divine Law in the cosmos. Whoever prematurely attempts to get rid of this law of battle and destruction, strives vainly against the greater will of the World-Spirit.” Essays on the Gita

“Destruction is always a simultaneous or alternate element which keeps pace with creation and it is by destroying and renewing that the Master of Life does his long work of preservation. More, destruction is the first condition of progress. Inwardly, the man who does not destroy his lower self-formations, cannot rise to a greater existence. Outwardly also, the nation or community or race which shrinks too long from destroying and replacing its past forms of life, is itself destroyed, rots and perishes and out of its debris other nations, communities and races are formed. By destruction of the old giant occupants man made himself a place upon earth. By destruction of the Titans the gods maintain the continuity of the divine Law in the cosmos. Whoever prematurely attempts to get rid of this law of battle and destruction, strives vainly against the greater will of the World-Spirit.” Essays on the Gita

::: "Discoveries will be made that thin the walls between soul and matter; attempts there will be to extend exact knowledge into the psychological and psychic realms with a realisation of the truth that these have laws of their own which are other than the physical, but not the less laws because they escape the external senses and are infinitely plastic and subtle.” The Human Cycle, etc.

“Discoveries will be made that thin the walls between soul and matter; attempts there will be to extend exact knowledge into the psychological and psychic realms with a realisation of the truth that these have laws of their own which are other than the physical, but not the less laws because they escape the external senses and are infinitely plastic and subtle.” The Human Cycle, etc.

distrustful ::: unable or unwilling to trust; doubtful; suspicious.

::: divine will

divine will

"Each person follows in the world his own line of destiny which is determined by his own nature and actions — the meaning and necessity of what happens in a particular life cannot be understood except in the light of the whole course of many lives. But this can be seen by those who can get beyond the ordinary mind and feelings and see things as a whole, that even errors, misfortunes, calamities are steps in the journey, — the soul gathering experience as it passes through and beyond them until it is ripe for the transition which will carry it beyond these things to a higher consciousness and higher life.” Letters on Yoga*

“Each person follows in the world his own line of destiny which is determined by his own nature and actions—the meaning and necessity of what happens in a particular life cannot be understood except in the light of the whole course of many lives. But this can be seen by those who can get beyond the ordinary mind and feelings and see things as a whole, that even errors, misfortunes, calamities are steps in the journey,—the soul gathering experience as it passes through and beyond them until it is ripe for the transition which will carry it beyond these things to a higher consciousness and higher life.” Letters on Yoga

ego ::: the "I” or self of any person; a person as thinking, feeling, and willing, and distinguishing itself from the selves of others and from objects of its thought. **ego, ego"s, egos, egoless, world-egos.

embrace ::: n. 1. The act of clasping another person in the arms. Also fig. **embraces. v. 2. To take or clasp in the arms; press to the bosom. 3. To take or receive gladly or eagerly; accept willingly. 4. To include or contain. 5. To surround; enclose; entwine. 6. To take up willingly or eagerly. embraced, embracing, all-embracing.**

"Emotion is a good element in yoga; but emotional desire becomes easily a cause of perturbation and an obstacle. Turn your emotions towards the Divine, aspire for their purification; they will then become a help on the way and no longer a cause of suffering.” Letters on Yoga*

“Emotion is a good element in yoga; but emotional desire becomes easily a cause of perturbation and an obstacle. Turn your emotions towards the Divine, aspire for their purification; they will then become a help on the way and no longer a cause of suffering.” Letters on Yoga

enmity ::: a feeling or condition of hostility; hatred; ill will; animosity; antagonism.

ethics ::: “In other words, ethics is a stage in evolution. That which is common to all stages is the urge of Sachchidananda towards self-expression. This urge is at first non-ethical, then infra-ethical in the animal, then in the intelligent animal even anti-ethical for it permits us to approve hurt done to others which we disapprove when done to ourselves. In this respect man even now is only half-ethical. And just as all below us is infra-ethical, so there may be that above us whither we shall eventually arrive, which is supra-ethical, has no need of ethics. The ethical impulse and attitude, so all-important to humanity, is a means by which it struggles out of the lower harmony and universality based upon inconscience and broken up by Life into individual discords towards a higher harmony and universality based upon conscient oneness with all existences. Arriving at that goal, this means will no longer be necessary or even possible, since the qualities and oppositions on which it depends will naturally dissolve and disappear in the final reconciliation.” The Life Divine

"Everything here is not perfect but all works out the cosmic Will in the course of the ages.” Letters on Yoga*

“Everything here is not perfect but all works out the cosmic Will in the course of the ages.” Letters on Yoga

". . . evil is the fruit of a spiritual ignorance and it will disappear only by the growth of a spiritual consciousness and the light of spiritual knowledge.” The Life Divine

“… evil is the fruit of a spiritual ignorance and it will disappear only by the growth of a spiritual consciousness and the light of spiritual knowledge.” The Life Divine

evil ::: “… wrong will and falsehood of the steps, . . . separative egoism inflicting by its ignorance and separate contrary will harm on oneself or harm on others, self-driven to a wrong dealing with one’s own soul, mind, life or body or a wrong dealing with the soul, mind, life, body of others, . . . is the practical sense of all human evil.” The Life Divine

executor ::: 1. A person who carries out or performs something. 2. A person named in a will to carry out the provisions of that will. executors.

faith ::: “Faith is a necessary means for arriving at realisation, because we are ignorant and do not yet know that which we are seeking to realise; faith is indeed knowledge giving the ignorance an intimation of itself previous to its own manifestation, it is the gleam sent before by the yet unrisen Sun. When the Sun shall rise, there will be no longer any need of the gleam.” Letters on Yoga

::: **"Faith is a certitude in the soul which does not depend on reasoning, on this or that mental idea, on circumstances, on this or that passing condition of the mind or the vital or the body. It may be hidden, eclipsed, may even seem to be quenched, but it reappears again after the storm or the eclipse; it is seen burning still in the soul when one has thought that it was extinguished for ever. The mind may be a shifting sea of doubts and yet that faith may be there within and, if so, it will keep even the doubt-racked mind in the way so that it goes on in spite of itself towards its destined goal. Faith is a spiritual certitude of the spiritual, the divine, the soul"s ideal, something that clings to that even when it is not fulfilled in life, even when the immediate facts or the persistent circumstances seem to deny it.” Letters on Yoga

“Faith is a certitude in the soul which does not depend on reasoning, on this or that mental idea, on circumstances, on this or that passing condition of the mind or the vital or the body. It may be hidden, eclipsed, may even seem to be quenched, but it reappears again after the storm or the eclipse; it is seen burning still in the soul when one has thought that it was extinguished for ever. The mind may be a shifting sea of doubts and yet that faith may be there within and, if so, it will keep even the doubt-racked mind in the way so that it goes on in spite of itself towards its destined goal. Faith is a spiritual certitude of the spiritual, the divine, the soul’s ideal, something that clings to that even when it is not fulfilled in life, even when the immediate facts or the persistent circumstances seem to deny it.” Letters on Yoga

fate ::: “The Indian explanation of fate is Karma. We ourselves are our own fate through our actions, but the fate created by us binds us; for what we have sown, we must reap in this life or another. Still we are creating our fate for the future even while undergoing old fate from the past in the present. That gives a meaning to our will and action and does not, as European critics wrongly believe, constitute a rigid and sterilising fatalism. But again, our will and action can often annul or modify even the past Karma, it is only certain strong effects, called utkata karma, that are non-modifiable. Here too the achievement of the spiritual consciousness and life is supposed to annul or give the power to annul Karma. For we enter into union with the Will Divine, cosmic or transcendent, which can annul what it had sanctioned for certain conditions, new-create what it had created, the narrow fixed lines disappear, there is a more plastic freedom and wideness. Neither Karma nor Astrology therefore points to a rigid and for ever immutable fate.” Letters on Yoga

::: **"Fear and anxiety are perverse forms of will. What thou fearest & ponderest over, striking that note repeatedly in thy mind, thou helpest to bring about; for, if thy will above the surface of waking repels it, it is yet what thy mind underneath is all along willing, & the subconscious mind is mightier, wider, better equipped to fulfil than thy waking force & intellect. But the spirit is stronger than both together; from fear and hope take refuge in the grandiose calm and careless mastery of the spirit.” Essays Divine and Human

“Fear and anxiety are perverse forms of will. What thou fearest & ponderest over, striking that note repeatedly in thy mind, thou helpest to bring about; for, if thy will above the surface of waking repels it, it is yet what thy mind underneath is all along willing, & the subconscious mind is mightier, wider, better equipped to fulfil than thy waking force & intellect. But the spirit is stronger than both together; from fear and hope take refuge in the grandiose calm and careless mastery of the spirit.” Essays Divine and Human

::: "Finally, the mind will come to know the Purusha in the mind as the master of Nature whose sanction is necessary to her movements.” The Synthesis of Yoga

“Finally, the mind will come to know the Purusha in the mind as the master of Nature whose sanction is necessary to her movements.” The Synthesis of Yoga

:::   Footnote: "E.g. the Russellian fear of emptiness which is the form the active mind gives to Silence. Yet it was on what you call emptiness, on the Silence, that my whole yoga was founded and it was through it that there came afterwards all the inexhaustible riches of a greater Knowledge, Will and Joy — all the experiences of greater mental, psychic and vital realms, all the ranges up to overmind and beyond. The cup has often to be emptied before it can be new-filled; the yogin, the sadhak ought not to be afraid of emptiness or silence.” Letters on Yoga

Footnote: “E.g. the Russellian fear of emptiness which is the form the active mind gives to Silence. Yet it was on what you call emptiness, on the Silence, that my whole yoga was founded and it was through it that there came afterwards all the inexhaustible riches of a greater Knowledge, Will and Joy—all the experiences of greater mental, psychic and vital realms, all the ranges up to overmind and beyond. The cup has often to be emptied before it can be new-filled; the yogin, the sadhak ought not to be afraid of emptiness or silence.” Letters on Yoga

forewilled ::: A word coined by Sri Aurobindo. As a prefix, fore (with or without hyphen) denotes beforehand, previously, in advance; hence, willed in advance.

forewilled ::: a word coined by Sri Aurobindo. As a prefix, fore (with or without hyphen) denotes beforehand, previously, in advance; hence, willed in advance.

"For Life is Force and Force is Power and Power is Will and Will is the working of the Master-Consciousness.” The Life Divine

“For Life is Force and Force is Power and Power is Will and Will is the working of the Master-Consciousness.” The Life Divine

:::   ". . . for Nature is nothing but the Will of God in action . . . .” *Essays Divine and Human

“… for Nature is nothing but the Will of God in action ….” Essays Divine and Human

"For our human will is a misled and wandering ray that has parted from the supreme Puissance.” The Synthesis of Yoga

“For our human will is a misled and wandering ray that has parted from the supreme Puissance.” The Synthesis of Yoga

  "For the main business of the heart, its true function is love. It is our destined instrument of complete union and oneness; for to see oneness in the world by the understanding is not enough unless we also feel it with the heart and in the psychic being, and this means a delight in the One and in all existences in the world in him, a love of God and all beings. The heart"s faith and will in good are founded on a perception of the one Divine immanent in all things and leading the world.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

“For the main business of the heart, its true function is love. It is our destined instrument of complete union and oneness; for to see oneness in the world by the understanding is not enough unless we also feel it with the heart and in the psychic being, and this means a delight in the One and in all existences in the world in him, a love of God and all beings. The heart’s faith and will in good are founded on a perception of the one Divine immanent in all things and leading the world.” The Synthesis of Yoga

Four M'ays of changins the Nature ::: either the higher cons- ciousness has to make a dynamic descent into the whole being and change it ; or it must establish itself in the inne'r being down to the inner physical so that the latter feels itself separate from the outer and is able to act freely upon it ; or the psychic must come forward and change the nature ; or the inner will must awake and force the nature to change.

free-will ::: free and independent choice; voluntary decision. free-will"s, free will.


godhead ::: Sri Aurobindo: ". . . the Godhead is all that is universe and all that is in the universe and all that is more than the universe. The Gita lays stress first on his supracosmic existence. For otherwise the mind would miss its highest goal and remain turned towards the cosmic only or else attached to some partial experience of the Divine in the cosmos. It lays stress next on his universal existence in which all moves and acts. For that is the justification of the cosmic effort and that is the vast spiritual self-awareness in which the Godhead self-seen as the Time-Spirit does his universal works. Next it insists with a certain austere emphasis on the acceptance of the Godhead as the divine inhabitant in the human body. For he is the Immanent in all existences, and if the indwelling divinity is not recognised, not only will the divine meaning of individual existence be missed, the urge to our supreme spiritual possibilities deprived of its greatest force, but the relations of soul with soul in humanity will be left petty, limited and egoistic. Finally, it insists at great length on the divine manifestation in all things in the universe and affirms the derivation of all that is from the nature, power and light of the one Godhead.” *Essays on the Gita

Godhead ::: “… the Godhead is all that is universe and all that is in the universe and all that is more than the universe. The Gita lays stress first on his supracosmic existence. For otherwise the mind would miss its highest goal and remain turned towards the cosmic only or else attached to some partial experience of the Divine in the cosmos. It lays stress next on his universal existence in which all moves and acts. For that is the justification of the cosmic effort and that is the vast spiritual self-awareness in which the Godhead self-seen as the Time-Spirit does his universal works. Next it insists with a certain austere emphasis on the acceptance of the Godhead as the divine inhabitant in the human body. For he is the Immanent in all existences, and if the indwelling divinity is not recognised, not only will the divine meaning of individual existence be missed, the urge to our supreme spiritual possibilities deprived of its greatest force, but the relations of soul with soul in humanity will be left petty, limited and egoistic. Finally, it insists at great length on the divine manifestation in all things in the universe and affirms the derivation of all that is from the nature, power and light of the one Godhead.” Essays on the Gita

grace ::: n. **1. Elegance or beauty of form, manner, motion, or action. 2. Favour or goodwill. 3. A manifestation of favour, especially by a superior. 4. Theol. a. The freely given, unmerited favour and love of God. b. The influence or spirit of God operating in humans to regenerate or strengthen them. c. A virtue or excellence of divine origin. d. The condition of being in God"s favour or one of the elect. 5. Divine love and protection bestowed freely on people. v. 6. To lend or add grace to; adorn. graced, graceful, graceless.**

grudging ::: displaying or reflecting unwillingness, reluctance; resentfulness, envy.

hang ::: 1. To fasten or attach (pictures, etc.) to a wall. 2. To suspend (something) around or in front of anything. 3.* Fig. To remain unresolved or uncertain. 4. To make (an idea, form, etc.) dependent on the situation, structure, concept, or the like, usually derived from another source. 5. To fasten or be fastened from above, esp. by a cord, chain, etc.; suspend. 6. To be suspended or poised; hover. 7. To bend forward or downward; to lean over. *hangs, hung, hanging, flower-hung, shadow-hung. ::: hung on: Remained clinging, usually implying expectation or unwillingness to sever one"s connection.

heir ::: a person who is entitled by law or by the terms of a will to inherit the estate of another. heirs.

"He who is the high and low, the saint and the sinner, the god and the worm, Him worship, the visible, the knowable, the real, the omnipresent; break all other idols. In whom there is neither past life nor future birth, nor death nor going nor coming, in whom we always have been and always will be one, Him worship; break all other idols."" The Synthesis of Yoga*

“He who is the high and low, the saint and the sinner, the god and the worm, Him worship, the visible, the knowable, the real, the omnipresent; break all other idols. In whom there is neither past life nor future birth, nor death nor going nor coming, in whom we always have been and always will be one, Him worship; break all other idols.’’ The Synthesis of Yoga

human mind and body and the remoulding of their inner life into the divine image, — what the Vedic seers called the birth of the Son by the sacrifice. It is in fact by a continual sacrifice or offering, a sacrifice of adoration and aspiration, of works, of thought and knowledge, of the mounting flame of the Godward will 'that we build ourselves into the being of this Infinite.

“I am here with thee in thy chariot of battle revealed as the Master of Existence within and without thee and I repeat the absolute assurance, the infallible promise that I will lead thee to myself through and beyond all sorrow and evil. Whatever difficulties and perplexities arise, be sure of this that I am leading thee to a complete divine life in the universal and an immortal existence in the transcendent Spirit.” Essays on the Gita

idea ::: Madhav: “Each form in Creation is governed by the Real-Idea which has impelled it into existence. Behind every object in manifestation, every formation that comes into being, there is a truth which demands fulfilment in and through it. It is a truth from the Being of the Divine that seeks expression. Each truth that so urges to manifest forms itself into a source-Idea, a concentration of the perception and the power to effectuate it. This Idea is always there in the depths of every manifestation ruling its forms and its movements according to its Will in execution. All formation and activities proceed according to the law of this indwelling Truth-Idea.” Readings in Savitri, Vol. I.

“If one stands back from the mind and its activities so that they fall silent at will or go on as a surface movement of which one is the detached and disinterested witness, it becomes possible eventually to realise oneself as the inner Self of mind, the true and pure mental being, the Purusha; …” The Life Divine

:::   "If there is an evolution in material Nature and if it is an evolution of being with consciousness and life as its two key-terms and powers, this fullness of being, fullness of consciousness, fullness of life must be the goal of development towards which we are tending and which will manifest at an early or later stage of our destiny. The Self, the Spirit, the Reality that is disclosing itself out of the first inconscience of life and matter, would evolve its complete truth of being and consciousness in that life and matter. It would return to itself, — or, if its end as an individual is to return into its Absolute, it could make that return also, — not through a frustration of life but through a spiritual completeness of itself in life. Our evolution in the Ignorance with its chequered joy and pain of self-discovery and world-discovery, its half-fulfilments, its constant finding and missing, is only our first state. It must lead inevitably towards an evolution in the Knowledge, a self-finding and self-unfolding of the Spirit, a self-revelation of the Divinity in things in that true power of itself in Nature which is to us still a Supernature.” The Life Divine

“If there is an evolution in material Nature and if it is an evolution of being with consciousness and life as its two key-terms and powers, this fullness of being, fullness of consciousness, fullness of life must be the goal of development towards which we are tending and which will manifest at an early or later stage of our destiny. The Self, the Spirit, the Reality that is disclosing itself out of the first inconscience of life and matter, would evolve its complete truth of being and consciousness in that life and matter. It would return to itself,—or, if its end as an individual is to return into its Absolute, it could make that return also,—not through a frustration of life but through a spiritual completeness of itself in life. Our evolution in the Ignorance with its chequered joy and pain of self-discovery and world-discovery, its half-fulfilments, its constant finding and missing, is only our first state. It must lead inevitably towards an evolution in the Knowledge, a self-finding and self-unfolding of the Spirit, a self-revelation of the Divinity in things in that true power of itself in Nature which is to us still a Supernature.” The Life Divine

“If we need any personal and inner witness to this indivisible All-Consciousness behind the ignorance,—all Nature is its external proof,—we can get it with any completeness only in our deeper inner being or larger and higher spiritual state when we draw back behind the veil of our own surface ignorance and come into contact with the divine Idea and Will behind it. Then we see clearly enough that what we have done by ourselves in our ignorance was yet overseen and guided in its result by the invisible Omniscience; we discover a greater working behind our ignorant working and begin to glimpse its purpose in us: then only can we see and know what now we worship in faith, recognise wholly the pure and universal Presence, meet the Lord of all being and all Nature.” The Life Divine

“If we suppose a supreme consciousness, master of the world, which really conducts behind the veil all the operations the mental gods attribute to themselves, it will be obvious that that consciousness will be the entire Knower and Lord. The Upanishads

"If you go deep enough, into a sufficiently complete silence from all outer things, you will find within you that flame about which I often speak, and in this flame you will see your destiny.} You will see the aspiration of centuries which has been concentrated gradually, to lead you through countless births to the great day of realisation — that preparation which has been made through thousands of years, and is reaching its culmination.” Questions and Answers MCW Vol. 6*.

“If you go deep enough, into a sufficiently complete silence from all outer things, you will find within you that flame about which I often speak, and in this flame you will see your destiny.} You will see the aspiration of centuries which has been concentrated gradually, to lead you through countless births to the great day of realisation—that preparation which has been made through thousands of years, and is reaching its culmination.” Questions and Answers MCW Vol. 6.

  "Immortality is one of the possible results of supramentalisation, but it is not an obligatory result and it does not mean that there will be an eternal or indefinite prolongation of life as it is. That is what many think it will be, that they will remain what they are with all their human desires and the only difference will be that they will satisfy them endlessly; but such an immortality would not be worth having and it would not be long before people are tired of it. To live in the Divine and have the divine Consciousness is itself immortality and to be able to divinise the body also and make it a fit instrument for divine works and divine life would be its material expression only.” *Letters on Yoga

“Immortality is one of the possible results of supramentalisation, but it is not an obligatory result and it does not mean that there will be an eternal or indefinite prolongation of life as it is. That is what many think it will be, that they will remain what they are with all their human desires and the only difference will be that they will satisfy them endlessly; but such an immortality would not be worth having and it would not be long before people are tired of it. To live in the Divine and have the divine Consciousness is itself immortality and to be able to divinise the body also and make it a fit instrument for divine works and divine life would be its material expression only.” Letters on Yoga

inapt ::: Tehmi: “Not willing.”

incline ::: n. 1. A steep slope or rise. *v. 2. To bow, nod, or bend (the head, body, etc.). 3. To dispose (a person) in mind, habit, etc. (usually followed by to). 4. To listen, especially willingly or favourably. *inclined, inclining.

inconscient ::: Sri Aurobindo: "The Inconscient and the Ignorance may be mere empty abstractions and can be dismissed as irrelevant jargon if one has not come in collision with them or plunged into their dark and bottomless reality. But to me they are realities, concrete powers whose resistance is present everywhere and at all times in its tremendous and boundless mass.” *Letters on Savitri

". . . in its actual cosmic manifestation the Supreme, being the Infinite and not bound by any limitation, can manifest in Itself, in its consciousness of innumerable possibilities, something that seems to be the opposite of itself, something in which there can be Darkness, Inconscience, Inertia, Insensibility, Disharmony and Disintegration. It is this that we see at the basis of the material world and speak of nowadays as the Inconscient — the Inconscient Ocean of the Rigveda in which the One was hidden and arose in the form of this universe — or, as it is sometimes called, the non-being, Asat.” Letters on Yoga

"The Inconscient itself is only an involved state of consciousness which like the Tao or Shunya, though in a different way, contains all things suppressed within it so that under a pressure from above or within all can evolve out of it — ‘an inert Soul with a somnambulist Force".” Letters on Yoga

"The Inconscient is the last resort of the Ignorance.” Letters on Yoga

"The body, we have said, is a creation of the Inconscient and itself inconscient or at least subconscient in parts of itself and much of its hidden action; but what we call the Inconscient is an appearance, a dwelling place, an instrument of a secret Consciousness or a Superconscient which has created the miracle we call the universe.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga :::

"The Inconscient is a sleep or a prison, the conscient a round of strivings without ultimate issue or the wanderings of a dream: we must wake into the superconscious where all darkness of night and half-lights cease in the self-luminous bliss of the Eternal.” The Life Divine

"Men have not learnt yet to recognise the Inconscient on which the whole material world they see is built, or the Ignorance of which their whole nature including their knowledge is built; they think that these words are only abstract metaphysical jargon flung about by the philosophers in their clouds or laboured out in long and wearisome books like The Life Divine. Letters on Savitri :::

   "Is it really a fact that even the ordinary reader would not be able to see any difference between the Inconscient and Ignorance unless the difference is expressly explained to him? This is not a matter of philosophical terminology but of common sense and the understood meaning of English words. One would say ‘even the inconscient stone" but one would not say, as one might of a child, ‘the ignorant stone". One must first be conscious before one can be ignorant. What is true is that the ordinary reader might not be familiar with the philosophical content of the word Inconscient and might not be familiar with the Vedantic idea of the Ignorance as the power behind the manifested world. But I don"t see how I can acquaint him with these things in a single line, even with the most. illuminating image or symbol. He might wonder, if he were Johnsonianly minded, how an Inconscient could be teased or how it could wake Ignorance. I am afraid, in the absence of a miracle of inspired poetical exegesis flashing through my mind, he will have to be left wondering.” Letters on Savitri

  **inconscient, Inconscient"s.**

inheritor ::: fig. A person who is entitled by law or by the terms of a will to inherit the estate of another either material or immaterial; an heir. inheritors.

In our yoga there is no willed opening of the cakras, they open of themselves by the descent of (he Force. In the Tantric discipline they open from down upwards, the mulSdhara first ; in our yoga, they open from up downward. But the ascent of the force from the mi'dadhara does take place.

"In Supermind being, consciousness of knowledge and consciousness of will are not divided as they seem to be in our mental operations; they are a trinity, one movement with three effective aspects. Each has its own effect. Being gives the effect of substance, consciousness the effect of knowledge, of the self-guiding and shaping idea, of comprehension and apprehension; will gives the effect of self-fulfilling force. But the idea is only the light of the reality illumining itself; it is not mental thought nor imagination, but effective self-awareness. It is Real-Idea.” The Life Divine

“In Supermind being, consciousness of knowledge and consciousness of will are not divided as they seem to be in our mental operations; they are a trinity, one movement with three effective aspects. Each has its own effect. Being gives the effect of substance, consciousness the effect of knowledge, of the self-guiding and shaping idea, of comprehension and apprehension; will gives the effect of self-fulfilling force. But the idea is only the light of the reality illumining itself; it is not mental thought nor imagination, but effective self-awareness. It is Real-Idea.” The Life Divine

intellect ::: the power or faculty of the mind by which one knows or understands, as distinguished from that by which one feels and that by which one wills; the understanding; the faculty of thinking and acquiring knowledge. intellect"s.

intent ::: n. 1. Something that is intended; purpose; design. v. 2. To be firmly or steadfastly fixed or directed, as the eyes or mind. 3. To be determined or resolved; having the mind or will fixed on some goal.

In the middle of the forehead — the Ajna Chakra — (will, vision, dynamic thought).

In the middle of the forehead—the Ajna Chakra—(will, vision, dynamic thought).

  "In the spiritual sense, however, sacrifice has a different meaning — it does not so much indicate giving up what is held dear as an offering of oneself, one"s being, one"s mind, heart, will, body, life, actions to the Divine. It has the original sense of ‘making sacred" and is used as an equivalent of the word yajna. When the Gita speaks of the ‘sacrifice of knowledge", it does not mean a giving up of anything, but a turning of the mind towards the Divine in the search for knowledge and an offering of oneself through it. It is in this sense, too, that one speaks of the offering or sacrifice of works. The Mother has written somewhere that the spiritual sacrifice is joyful and not painful in its nature. On the spiritual path, very commonly, if a seeker still feels the old ties and responsibilities strongly he is not asked to sever or leave them, but to let the call in him grow till all within is ready. Many, indeed, come away earlier because they feel that to cut loose is their only chance, and these have to go sometimes through a struggle. But the pain, the struggle, is not the essential character of this spiritual self-offering.” Letters on Yoga

“In the spiritual sense, however, sacrifice has a different meaning—it does not so much indicate giving up what is held dear as an offering of oneself, one’s being, one’s mind, heart, will, body, life, actions to the Divine. It has the original sense of ‘making sacred’ and is used as an equivalent of the word yajna. When the Gita speaks of the ‘sacrifice of knowledge’, it does not mean a giving up of anything, but a turning of the mind towards the Divine in the search for knowledge and an offering of oneself through it. It is in this sense, too, that one speaks of the offering or sacrifice of works. The Mother has written somewhere that the spiritual sacrifice is joyful and not painful in its nature. On the spiritual path, very commonly, if a seeker still feels the old ties and responsibilities strongly he is not asked to sever or leave them, but to let the call in him grow till all within is ready. Many, indeed, come away earlier because they feel that to cut loose is their only chance, and these have to go sometimes through a struggle. But the pain, the struggle, is not the essential character of this spiritual self-offering.” Letters on Yoga

In this article we explore definitions of the words ‘artifice’ and ‘artificer’ from various dictionary sources, their use in two poems, one by Marge Percy, The Bonsai Tree and the other, Sailing to Byzantium by William Butler Yeats, followed by all the brilliant uses by Sri Aurobindo in his magnum opus, Savitri.

intolerant ::: 1. Unable or unwilling to endure or support. 2. Unwilling to tolerate differences in opinions, practices, or beliefs, especially religious beliefs. intolerance.

involuntary ::: acting or done without or against one"s will.

Is felt, thy Roman-burial place will be

“Is it really a fact that even the ordinary reader would not be able to see any difference between the Inconscient and Ignorance unless the difference is expressly explained to him? This is not a matter of philosophical terminology but of common sense and the understood meaning of English words. One would say ‘even the inconscient stone’ but one would not say, as one might of a child, ‘the ignorant stone’. One must first be conscious before one can be ignorant. What is true is that the ordinary reader might not be familiar with the philosophical content of the word Inconscient and might not be familiar with the Vedantic idea of the Ignorance as the power behind the manifested world. But I don’t see how I can acquaint him with these things in a single line, even with the most. illuminating image or symbol. He might wonder, if he were Johnsonianly minded, how an Inconscient could be teased or how it could wake Ignorance. I am afraid, in the absence of a miracle of inspired poetical exegesis flashing through my mind, he will have to be left wondering.” Letters on Savitri

"It is because of our experience won at a tremendous price that we can urge upon you and others, ``Take the psychic attitude; follow the straight sunlit path, with the Divine openly or secretly upbearing you — if secretly, he will yet show himself in good time, — do not insist on the hard, hampered, roundabout and difficult journey."" Letters on Yoga

“It is because of our experience won at a tremendous price that we can urge upon you and others, ``Take the psychic attitude; follow the straight sunlit path, with the Divine openly or secretly upbearing you—if secretly, he will yet show himself in good time,—do not insist on the hard, hampered, roundabout and difficult journey.’’ Letters on Yoga

“It is indeed as a result of our evolution that we arrive at the possibility of this transformation. As Nature has evolved beyond Matter and manifested Life, beyond Life and manifested Mind, so she must evolve beyond Mind and manifest a consciousness and power of our existence free from the imperfection and limitation of our mental existence, a supramental or truth-consciousness and able to develop the power and perfection of the spirit. Here a slow and tardy change need no longer be the law or manner of our evolution; it will be only so to a greater or less extent so long as a mental ignorance clings and hampers our ascent; but once we have grown into the truth-consciousness its power of spiritual truth of being will determine all. Into that truth we shall be freed and it will transform mind and life and body. Light and bliss and beauty and a perfection of the spontaneous right action of all the being are there as native powers of the supramental truth-consciousness and these will in their very nature transform mind and life and body even here upon earth into a manifestation of the truth-conscious spirit. The obscurations of earth will not prevail against the supramental truth-consciousness, for even into the earth it can bring enough of the omniscient light and omnipotent force of the spirit conquer. All may not open to the fullness of its light and power, but whatever does open must that extent undergo the change. That will be the principle of transformation.” The Supramental Manifestation

"It is not possible for the individual mind, so long as it remains shut up in its personality, to understand the workings of the Cosmic Will, for the standards made by the personal consciousness are not applicable to them. A cell in the body, if conscious, might also think that the human being and its actions are only the resultant of the relations and workings of a number of cells like itself and not the action of a unified self. It is only if one enters into the Cosmic Consciousness that one begins to see the forces at work and the lines on which they work and get a glimpse of the Cosmic Self and the Cosmic Mind and Will.” Letters on Yoga

“It is not possible for the individual mind, so long as it remains shut up in its personality, to understand the workings of the Cosmic Will, for the standards made by the personal consciousness are not applicable to them. A cell in the body, if conscious, might also think that the human being and its actions are only the resultant of the relations and workings of a number of cells like itself and not the action of a unified self. It is only if one enters into the Cosmic Consciousness that one begins to see the forces at work and the lines on which they work and get a glimpse of the Cosmic Self and the Cosmic Mind and Will.” Letters on Yoga

:::   "It needs a quiet mind to know the Divine Will. In the quiet mind turned towards the Divine the intuition (higher mind) comes of the Divine"s Will and the right way to do it.” *Letters on Yoga

“It needs a quiet mind to know the Divine Will. In the quiet mind turned towards the Divine the intuition (higher mind) comes of the Divine’s Will and the right way to do it.” Letters on Yoga

Jhumur: “Awe inspiring fear. It is through fear that these forces rule, not through love, not through grace, not through compassion but through terror. There is a very strong tendency in man to regard these dark forces as superior beings. There has long been a vital attraction for them, devil worship, etc. because they give you power, they seem to give you power, power to the ego and Mother says that power will be one of the last things to accept the change. Man’s lust for power is not easily relinquished– he doesn’t feel like giving that up.”

Jhumur: “The Book of bliss is really the ultimate Satchitananda, the everlasting day when one has moved out of all contact with the unconscious and lives no longer in between sunlight and darkness but wholly in the light, wholly in the Divine. There was once a question that somebody asked Mother when She used to take our classes. She (the person) said that in our world there is a change from lesser to greater if one tries to progress. It is a constant change. When one enters the higher plane, the upper hemisphere as you call it, will there be no change, will it always be the same? Mother said,”No, it is not that. One perfection can then be manifested later in another kind of perfection.” There is a variety of different laws of perfection, hence the myriad volumes of the Book of Bliss. Delight has so many modes of expression, perfection or delight, they are all the same and there is not just one way of manifesting the Divine. There are infinite modes of expression of that delight.”

Jhumur: “The field of expression, of manifestation, is time and space, the forefront of our existence, and life moves through the field of time and space. Perhaps Circumstance is when we are unconscious and don’t know where we are moving. We call it circumstance, unconscious life. If we were conscious we wouldn’t call it Circumstance. Time, Place and Circumstance define the proper outline of the subject. We are surrounded by certain conditioning factors which dictate their will. We are slaves of Circumstance and have no freedom until we become masters.”

lotus (as chakra) ::: Sri Aurobindo: "This arrangement of the psychic body is reproduced in the physical with the spinal column as a rod and the ganglionic centres as the chakras which rise up from the bottom of the column, where the lowest is attached, to the brain and find their summit in the brahmarandhra at the top of the skull. These chakras or lotuses, however, are in physical man closed or only partly open, with the consequence that only such powers and only so much of them are active in him as are sufficient for his ordinary physical life, and so much mind and soul only is at play as will accord with its need. This is the real reason, looked at from the mechanical point of view, why the embodied soul seems so dependent on the bodily and nervous life, — though the dependence is neither so complete nor so real as it seems. The whole energy of the soul is not at play in the physical body and life, the secret powers of mind are not awake in it, the bodily and nervous energies predominate. But all the while the supreme energy is there, asleep; it is said to be coiled up and slumbering like a snake, — therefore it is called the kundalinî sakti, — in the lowest of the chakras, in the mûlâdhâra.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

Madhav: “An oracle, as you know, is the speech of prophecy, usually by an inspired priest. It is a supernatural prophecy made through any agent. But this oracle will be tongueless to broadcast it, everybody will know this oracle without its being uttered through a tongue.” The Book of the Divine Mother

Madhav: “Mark the words—‘actor Will’. We think our will is our own, but actually our will is only playing out something which has been determined for it by someone or somebody else. This is true not only of our individual will but also of the Cosmic Will. This will now becomes ineffective and comes to a halt.” The Book of the Divine Mother

Madhav: “The reference is to Savitri, a companion of the Ray of Truth, Mist of the Ineffable and Flame of Will (Divine).” The Book of the Divine Mother

Madhav: “The wheel of determinism in material Nature turns mechanically without any saving sensation, it moves under the pressure of a gathered momentum without questioning; it is immaterial in its operations without the slightest breath of the warmth of life. All circumstances are cogs in this wheel of Fate that revolves relentlessly. It is only a force of will from an existence beyond the domain of this mechanism that can hold the movement, change its direction and displace the instrumental condition.” Readings in Savitri, Vol. I.

Madhav: “This creation is an ordered manifestation of the Divine. There is a central Will, expressing the originating Truth-vision, impelling the whole movement. But also there are special emanations from the Divine charged with specific tasks in the organisation and maintenance of the emerging creation. These are the gods and goddesses, deities, Powers and Personalities that are in charge of their respective domains, on different levels of existence. Each world has its own guardians entrusted by the Supreme Creative Spirit with the work of building and furthering the manifestation of the particular Truth-principle that pushes for expression in that world-formula.” Readings in Savitri Vol. I.

Madhav: “This is another key idea in Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy, that Nature, what is called Prakriti in Indian philosophy, is not different, not alien to the Purusha. Nature is not foreign to the soul, to God. It is a conscious front of God. Scratch Nature, look behind the exterior of Nature and you will find God. The apparent difference, distinction between Nature and God is only a superficial appearance. Nature is really a power of God. It is devatma shakti, the self-power of God—svagunair nigudham lost in its qualitative workings. She is not separate; conscious, not something unconscious. Nature is aware that it is only a front of God behind.” The Book of the Divine Mother

malignancy ::: the quality of being disposed to evil; intense ill will.

"Man, born into the world, revolves between world and world in the action of Prakriti and Karma. Purusha in Prakriti is his formula: what the soul in him thinks, contemplates and acts, that always he becomes. All that he had been, determined his present birth; and all that he is, thinks, does in this life up to the moment of his death, determines what he will become in the worlds beyond and in lives yet to be. If birth is a becoming, death also is a becoming, not by any means a cessation.” Essays on the Gita

“Man, born into the world, revolves between world and world in the action of Prakriti and Karma. Purusha in Prakriti is his formula: what the soul in him thinks, contemplates and acts, that always he becomes. All that he had been, determined his present birth; and all that he is, thinks, does in this life up to the moment of his death, determines what he will become in the worlds beyond and in lives yet to be. If birth is a becoming, death also is a becoming, not by any means a cessation.” Essays on the Gita

"Man is a transitional being, he is not final. He is too imperfect for that, too imperfect in capacity for knowledge, too imperfect in will and action, too imperfect in his turn towards joy and beauty, too imperfect in his will for freedom and his instinct for order. Even if he could perfect himself in his own type, his type is too low and small to satisfy the need of the universe. Something larger, higher, more capable of a rich all embracing universality is needed, a greater being, a greater consciousness summing up in itself all that the world set out to be. He has, as was pointed out by a half blind seer, to exceed himself; man must evolve out of himself the divine superman: he was born for transcendence. Humanity is not enough, it is only a strong stepping stone; the need of the world is a superhuman perfection of what the world can be, the goal of consciousness is divinity. The inmost need of man is not to perfect his humanity, but to be greater than himself, to be more than man, to be divine, even to be the Divine.” Essays Divine and Human

“Man is a transitional being, he is not final. He is too imperfect for that, too imperfect in capacity for knowledge, too imperfect in will and action, too imperfect in his turn towards joy and beauty, too imperfect in his will for freedom and his instinct for order. Even if he could perfect himself in his own type, his type is too low and small to satisfy the need of the universe. Something larger, higher, more capable of a rich all embracing universality is needed, a greater being, a greater consciousness summing up in itself all that the world set out to be. He has, as was pointed out by a half blind seer, to exceed himself; man must evolve out of himself the divine superman: he was born for transcendence. Humanity is not enough, it is only a strong stepping stone; the need of the world is a superhuman perfection of what the world can be, the goal of consciousness is divinity. The inmost need of man is not to perfect his humanity, but to be greater than himself, to be more than man, to be divine, even to be the Divine.” Essays Divine and Human

  "Man"s highest accomplished range is the life of the reason or ordered and harmonised intelligence with its dynamic power of intelligent will, the buddhi, which is or should be the driver of man"s chariot.” Social and Political Thought

“Man’s highest accomplished range is the life of the reason or ordered and harmonised intelligence with its dynamic power of intelligent will, the buddhi, which is or should be the driver of man’s chariot.” Social and Political Thought

master of Existence ::: Sri Aurobindo: "I am here with thee in thy chariot of battle revealed as the Master of Existence within and without thee and I repeat the absolute assurance, the infallible promise that I will lead thee to myself through and beyond all sorrow and evil. Whatever difficulties and perplexities arise, be sure of this that I am leading thee to a complete divine life in the universal and an immortal existence in the transcendent Spirit.” Essays on the Gita

master of the worlds ::: Sri Aurobindo: " If we suppose a supreme consciousness, master of the world, which really conducts behind the veil all the operations the mental gods attribute to themselves, it will be obvious that that consciousness will be the entire Knower and Lord. *The Upanishads

“Material Nature is not ethical; the law which governs it is a co-ordination of fixed habits which take no cognisance of good and evil, but only of force that creates, force that arranges and preserves, force that disturbs and destroys impartially, non-ethically, according to the secret Will in it, according to the mute satisfaction of that Will in its own self-formations and self-dissolutions.” The Life Divine

Mental call (in difficulty): there is only one way if you cannot. exert your will: it is lo call the Force; csen the call

mind, Ideal Mind ::: Sri Aurobindo: "The link between the spiritual and the lower planes of the being is that which is called in the old Vedantic phraseology the vijñâna and which we may describe in our modern turn of language as the Truth-plane or the ideal mind or supermind. There the One and the Many meet and our being is freely open to the revealing light of the divine Truth and the inspiration of the divine Will and Knowledge.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

mind, Self of ::: Sri Aurobindo: "If one stands back from the mind and its activities so that they fall silent at will or go on as a surface movement of which one is the detached and disinterested witness, it becomes possible eventually to realise oneself as the inner Self of mind, the true and pure mental being, the Purusha; . . . .” The Life Divine

mind, silent ::: Sri Aurobindo: "The first thing to do in the sadhana is to get a settled peace and silence in the mind. Otherwise you may have experiences, but nothing will be permanent. It is in the silent mind that the true consciousness can be built. ::: A quiet mind does not mean that there will be no thoughts or mental movements at all, but that these will be on the surface and you will feel your true being within separate from them, observing but not carried away, able to watch and judge them and reject all that has to be rejected and to accept and keep to all that is true consciousness and true experience.” *Letters on Yoga

mind ::: Sri Aurobindo: "The ‘Mind" in the ordinary use of the word covers indiscriminately the whole consciousness, for man is a mental being and mentalises everything; but in the language of this yoga the words ‘mind" and ‘mental" are used to connote specially the part of the nature which has to do with cognition and intelligence, with ideas, with mental or thought perceptions, the reactions of thought to things, with the truly mental movements and formations, mental vision and will, etc., that are part of his intelligence.” *Letters on Yoga

"Mind in its essence is a consciousness which measures, limits, cuts out forms of things from the indivisible whole and contains them as if each were a separate integer.” The Life Divine

"Mind is an instrument of analysis and synthesis, but not of essential knowledge. Its function is to cut out something vaguely from the unknown Thing in itself and call this measurement or delimitation of it the whole, and again to analyse the whole into its parts which it regards as separate mental objects.” The Life Divine

"The mind proper is divided into three parts — thinking Mind, dynamic Mind, externalising Mind — the former concerned with ideas and knowledge in their own right, the second with the putting out of mental forces for realisation of the idea, the third with the expression of them in life (not only by speech, but by any form it can give).” Letters on Yoga

"The difference between the ordinary mind and the intuitive is that the former, seeking in the darkness or at most by its own unsteady torchlight, first, sees things only as they are presented in that light and, secondly, where it does not know, constructs by imagination, by uncertain inference, by others of its aids and makeshifts things which it readily takes for truth, shadow projections, cloud edifices, unreal prolongations, deceptive anticipations, possibilities and probabilities which do duty for certitudes. The intuitive mind constructs nothing in this artificial fashion, but makes itself a receiver of the light and allows the truth to manifest in it and organise its own constructions.” The Synthesis of Yoga

"He [man] has in him not a single mentality, but a double and a triple, the mind material and nervous, the pure intellectual mind which liberates itself from the illusions of the body and the senses, and a divine mind above intellect which in its turn liberates itself from the imperfect modes of the logically discriminative and imaginative reason.” The Synthesis of Yoga

"Our mind is an observer of actuals, an inventor or discoverer of possibilities, but not a seer of the occult imperatives that necessitate the movements and forms of a creation. . . .” *The Life Divine

"The human mind is an instrument not of truth but of ignorance and error.” Letters on Yoga

"For Mind as we know it is a power of the Ignorance seeking for Truth, groping with difficulty to find it, reaching only mental constructions and representations of it in word and idea, in mind formations, sense formations, — as if bright or shadowy photographs or films of a distant Reality were all that it could achieve.” The Life Divine

The Mother: "The true role of the mind is the formation and organization of action. The mind has a formative and organizing power, and it is that which puts the different elements of inspiration in order for action, for organizing action. And if it would only confine itself to that role, receiving inspirations — whether from above or from the mystic centre of the soul — and simply formulating the plan of action — in broad outline or in minute detail, for the smallest things of life or the great terrestrial organizations — it would amply fulfil its function. It is not an instrument of knowledge. But is can use knowledge for action, to organize action. It is an instrument of organization and formation, very powerful and very capable when it is well developed.” Questions and Answers 1956, MCW Vol. 8.*

mind ::: “The ‘Mind’ in the ordinary use of the word covers indiscriminately the whole consciousness, for man is a mental being and mentalises everything; but in the language of this yoga the words ‘mind’ and ‘mental’ are used to connote specially the part of the nature which has to do with cognition and intelligence, with ideas, with mental or thought perceptions, the reactions of thought to things, with the truly mental movements and formations, mental vision and will, etc., that are part of his intelligence.” Letters on Yoga

"Moreover we see that this cosmic action or any cosmic action is impossible without the play of an infinite Force of Existence which produces and regulates all these forms and movements; and that Force equally presupposes or is the action of an infinite Consciousness, because it is in its nature a cosmic Will determining all relations and apprehending them by its own mode of awareness, and it could not so determine and apprehend them if there were no comprehensive Consciousness behind that mode of cosmic awareness to originate as well as to hold, fix and reflect through it the relations of Being in the developing formation or becoming of itself which we call a universe.” The Life Divine

“Moreover we see that this cosmic action or any cosmic action is impossible without the play of an infinite Force of Existence which produces and regulates all these forms and movements; and that Force equally presupposes or is the action of an infinite Consciousness, because it is in its nature a cosmic Will determining all relations and apprehending them by its own mode of awareness, and it could not so determine and apprehend them if there were no comprehensive Consciousness behind that mode of cosmic awareness to originate as well as to hold, fix and reflect through it the relations of Being in the developing formation or becoming of itself which we call a universe.” The Life Divine

n. 1. The feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best. 2. Something that is hoped for or desired. 3. A person or thing that gives cause for hope. hopes, hoping. v. 4. To feel that something desired may happen; to have trust or confidence (in). hopes, hoped, hoping, hopest.

Name ::: Jhumur: “Hold onto the Name. That is the only power. I remember Mother once told me—because there was a moment when I was attacked by a certain person. She was mad and so had a certain number of people she chose to attack with her vibrations, with her words. If she could she would throw stones. I was very, very young, about 17 or 18. I said, ‘Every time I see her, Mother, I really start to tremble. It has become something so physically terrifying. Once she (the mad person) had thrown a big paperweight, a cement paperweight in the library. It went just past my head, it could have killed me. After that I became really frightened. So Mother told me ‘Nothing will happen to you. Each time you see her just say ‘Ma, Ma, Ma.’ But it was so difficult. Each time I saw her from far I would think, ‘I have to say Ma.’ But when she came close enough I could not say the Name, for a long time, for a very long time. I was so frightened the fear would take the Name away. I knew very well I had to say the Name That is what Mother told me. And one day I could, finally I could and the mad person lost interest in me!”

Narad ::: “A well-known Rishi and VaishnavaBhakta who moves about in the various worlds playing on a lute and having a special role in bringing about events according to the Divine Will.” Glossary and Index of Proper Names In Sri Aurobindo’s Works

narad ::: "A well-known Rishi and Vaishnava Bhakta who moves about in the various worlds playing on a lute and having a special role in bringing about events according to the Divine Will.” *Glossary and Index of Proper Names In Sri Aurobindo"s Works

Nature ::: “An active force of conscious-being which realises itself in its powers of self-experience, its powers of knowledge, will, self-delight, self-formulation with all their marvellous variations, inversions, conservations and conversions of energy, even perversions, is what we call Prakriti or Nature, in ourselves as in the cosmos.” The Synthesis of Yoga

nature ::: Sri Aurobindo: "An active force of conscious-being which realises itself in its powers of self-experience, its powers of knowledge, will, self-delight, self-formulation with all their marvellous variations, inversions, conservations and conversions of energy, even perversions, is what we call Prakriti or Nature, in ourselves as in the cosmos.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

Necessity ::: “… Necessity is the child of the spirit’s free self-determination. What affects us as Necessity, is a Will which works in sequence and not a blind Force driven by its own mechanism.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

necessity ::: Sri Aurobindo: ". . . Necessity is the child of the spirit"s free self-determination. What affects us as Necessity, is a Will which works in sequence and not a blind Force driven by its own mechanism.” *Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

"Next it [the Gita] insists with a certain austere emphasis on the acceptance of the Godhead as the divine inhabitant in the human body. For he is the Immanent in all existences, and if the indwelling divinity is not recognised, not only will the divine meaning of individual existence be missed, the urge to our supreme spiritual possibilities deprived of its greatest force, but the relations of soul with soul in humanity will be left petty, limited and egoistic.” Essays on the Gita

“Next it [the Gita] insists with a certain austere emphasis on the acceptance of the Godhead as the divine inhabitant in the human body. For he is the Immanent in all existences, and if the indwelling divinity is not recognised, not only will the divine meaning of individual existence be missed, the urge to our supreme spiritual possibilities deprived of its greatest force, but the relations of soul with soul in humanity will be left petty, limited and egoistic.” Essays on the Gita

"Nothing can happen without the presence and support of the Divine, for Nature or Prakriti is the Divine Force and it is this that works out things, but it works them out according to the nature and through or with the will of each man which is full of ignorance — that goes on until men turn to the Divine and become conscious of Him and united with Him. Then only can it be said that all begins to be done in him by the direct Will of the Divine.” Letters on Yoga

“Nothing can happen without the presence and support of the Divine, for Nature or Prakriti is the Divine Force and it is this that works out things, but it works them out according to the nature and through or with the will of each man which is full of ignorance—that goes on until men turn to the Divine and become conscious of Him and united with Him. Then only can it be said that all begins to be done in him by the direct Will of the Divine.” Letters on Yoga

“ Now, that a conscious Infinite is there in physical Nature, we are assured by every sign, though it is a consciousness not made or limited like ours. All her constructions and motions are those of an illimitable intuitive wisdom too great and spontaneous and mysteriously self-effective to be described as an intelligence, of a Power and Will working for Time in eternity with an inevitable and forecasting movement in each of its steps, even in those steps that in their outward or superficial impetus seem to us inconscient. And as there is in her this greater consciousness and greater power, so too there is an illimitable spirit of harmony and beauty in her constructions that never fails her, though its works are not limited by our aesthetic canons. An infinite hedonism too is there, an illimitable spirit of delight, of which we become aware when we enter into impersonal unity with her; and even as that in her which is terrible is a part of her beauty, that in her which is dangerous, cruel, destructive is a part of her delight, her universal Ananda. Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

of Force. The Force I speak of is a Force for illumination, transformation, purification, all that has to be done in the yoga, for removal of hostile forces and the wrong movements—it is also of course for external work, whether great or small in appearance does not matter—if that is part of the Divine Will. I do not mean any personal force egoistic or rajasic.” Letters on Yoga

:::   "OM is the mantra, the expressive sound-symbol of the Brahman Consciousness in its four domains from the Turiya to the external or material plane. The function of a mantra is to create vibrations in the inner consciousness that will prepare it for the realisation of what the mantra symbolises and is supposed indeed to carry within itself. The mantra OM should therefore lead towards the opening of the consciousness to the sight and feeling of the One Consciousness in all material things, in the inner being and in the supraphysical worlds, in the causal plane above now superconscient to us and, finally, the supreme liberated transcendence above all cosmic existence.” *Letters on Yoga

“OM is the mantra, the expressive sound-symbol of the Brahman Consciousness in its four domains from the Turiya to the external or material plane. The function of a mantra is to create vibrations in the inner consciousness that will prepare it for the realisation of what the mantra symbolises and is supposed indeed to carry within itself. The mantra OM should therefore lead towards the opening of the consciousness to the sight and feeling of the One Consciousness in all material things, in the inner being and in the supraphysical worlds, in the causal plane above now superconscient to us and, finally, the supreme liberated transcendence above all cosmic existence.” Letters on Yoga

“OM is the mantra, the expressive sound-symbol of the Brahman Consciousness in itsfour domains from the Turiya to the external or material plane. The function of a mantra is to create vibrations in the inner consciousness that will prepare it for the realisation of what the mantra symbolises and is supposed indeed to carry within itself. The mantra OM should therefore lead towards the opening of the consciousness to the sight and feeling of the One Consciousness in all material things, in the inner being and in the supraphysical worlds, in the causal plane above now superconscient to us and, finally, the supreme liberated transcendence above all cosmic existence.” Letters on Yoga

::: "OM is this syllable. This syllable is the Brahman, this syllable is the Supreme. He who knoweth the imperishable OM, whatso he willeth, it is his. This support is the best, this support is the highest; and when a man knoweth it, he is greatened in the world of Brahman.” The Upanishads

“OM is this syllable. This syllable is the Brahman, this syllable is the Supreme. He who knoweth the imperishable OM, whatso he willeth, it is his. This support is the best, this support is the highest; and when a man knoweth it, he is greatened in the world of Brahman.” The Upanishads

Once our minds are reasonably fixed in the central vision and our wills are on the whole converted to the single pursuit, Life becomes our helper. Intent, vi^lant, integrally conscious, iwe can take every detail of its forms and every incident of its move- ments as food for the sacrificial Fire within us. Victorious in the struggle, we can compel Earth herself to be an aid towards our perfection and can enrich our realisation with the booty torn from the powers that oppose us. ; , ,

". . . One Being and Consciousness is involved here in Matter. Evolution is the method by which it liberates itself; consciousness appears in what seems to be inconscient, and once having appeared is self-impelled to grow higher and higher and at the same time to enlarge and develop towards a greater and greater perfection. Life is the first step of this release of consciousness; mind is the second; but the evolution does not finish with mind, it awaits a release into something greater, a consciousness which is spiritual and supramental. The next step of the evolution must be towards the development of Supermind and Spirit as the dominant power in the conscious being. For only then will the involved Divinity in things release itself entirely and it become possible for life to manifest perfection.” On Himself

“… One Being and Consciousness is involved here in Matter. Evolution is the method by which it liberates itself; consciousness appears in what seems to be inconscient, and once having appeared is self-impelled to grow higher and higher and at the same time to enlarge and develop towards a greater and greater perfection. Life is the first step of this release of consciousness; mind is the second; but the evolution does not finish with mind, it awaits a release into something greater, a consciousness which is spiritual and supramental. The next step of the evolution must be towards the development of Supermind and Spirit as the dominant power in the conscious being. For only then will the involved Divinity in things release itself entirely and it become possible for life to manifest perfection.” On Himself

“One must have faith in the Master of our life and works, even if for a long time He conceals Himself, and then in His own right time He will reveal His Presence.” Letters on Yoga

"One starts by an intense idea and will to know or reach the Divine and surrenders more and more one"s ordinary personal ideas, desires, attachments, urges to action or habits of action so that the Divine may take up everything. Surrender means that, to give up our little mind and its mental ideas and preferences into a divine Light and a greater Knowledge, our petty personal troubled blind stumbling will into a great, calm, tranquil, luminous Will and Force, our little, restless, tormented feelings into a wide intense divine Love and Ananda, our small suffering personality into the one Person of which it is an obscure outcome.” Letters on Yoga

“One starts by an intense idea and will to know or reach the Divine and surrenders more and more one’s ordinary personal ideas, desires, attachments, urges to action or habits of action so that the Divine may take up everything. Surrender means that, to give up our little mind and its mental ideas and preferences into a divine Light and a greater Knowledge, our petty personal troubled blind stumbling will into a great, calm, tranquil, luminous Will and Force, our little, restless, tormented feelings into a wide intense divine Love and Ananda, our small suffering personality into the one Person of which it is an obscure outcome.” Letters on Yoga

“One thing you must know and never forget: in the work of transformation all that is true and sincere will always be kept; only what is false and insincere will disappear.” Words of the Mother, MCW Vol. 15.

  "Our highest Self which possesses and supports this universal Power [the Divine Will] is not our ego-self, not our personal nature; it is something transcendent and universal of which these smaller things are only foam and flowing surface.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

“Our highest Self which possesses and supports this universal Power [the Divine Will] is not our ego-self, not our personal nature; it is something transcendent and universal of which these smaller things are only foam and flowing surface.” The Synthesis of Yoga

::: "Our incapacity does not matter — there is no human being who is not in his parts of nature incapable — but the Divine Force also is there. If one puts one"s trust in that, incapacity will be changed into capacity. Difficulty and struggle themselves then become a means towards the achievement.” Letters on Yoga

“Our incapacity does not matter—there is no human being who is not in his parts of nature incapable—but the Divine Force also is there. If one puts one’s trust in that, incapacity will be changed into capacity. Difficulty and struggle themselves then become a means towards the achievement.” Letters on Yoga

"Our nature is not only mistaken in will and ignorant in knowledge but weak in power; but the Divine Force is there and will lead us if we trust in it and it will use our deficiencies and our powers for the divine purpose. If we fail in our immediate aim, it is because he has intended the failure; often our failure or ill-result is the right road to a truer issue than an immediate and complete success would have put in our reach. If we suffer, it is because something in us has to be prepared for a rarer possibility of delight. If we stumble, it is to learn in the end the secret of a more perfect walking.” The Synthesis of Yoga

“Our nature is not only mistaken in will and ignorant in knowledge but weak in power; but the Divine Force is there and will lead us if we trust in it and it will use our deficiencies and our powers for the divine purpose. If we fail in our immediate aim, it is because he has intended the failure; often our failure or ill-result is the right road to a truer issue than an immediate and complete success would have put in our reach. If we suffer, it is because something in us has to be prepared for a rarer possibility of delight. If we stumble, it is to learn in the end the secret of a more perfect walking.” The Synthesis of Yoga

Our notion of free will is apt to be tainted with the excessive individualism of the human ego and to assume the figure of an independent will acting on its own isolated account, in a complete liberty without any determination other than its own choice and single unrelated movement. This idea ignores the fact that our natural being is a part of cosmic Nature and our spiritual being exists only by the supreme Transcendence. Our total being can rise out of subjection to fact of present Nature only by an identification with a greater Truth and a greater Nature. The will of the individual, even when completely free, could not act in an isolated independence, because the individual being and nature are included in the universal Being and Nature and dependent on the all-overruling Transcendence. There could indeed be in the ascent a dual line. On one line the being could feel and behave as an independent self-existence uniting itself with its own impersonal Reality; it could, so self-conceived, act with a great force, but either this action would be still within an enlarged frame of its past and present self-formation of power of Nature or else it would be the cosmic or supreme Force that acted in it and there would be no personal initiation of action, no sense therefore of individual free will but only of an impersonal cosmic or supreme Will or Energy at its work. On the other line the being would feel itself a spiritual instrument and so act as a power of the Supreme Being, limited in its workings only by the potencies of the Supernature, which are without bounds or any restriction except its own Truth and self-law, and by the Will in her. But in either case there would be, as the condition of a freedom from the control of a mechanical action of Nature-forces, a submission to a greater conscious Power or an acquiescent unity of the individual being with its intention and movement in his own and in the world’s existence.” The Life Divine

Oversoul ::: “But with the extension of our knowledge we discover what this Spirit or Oversoul is: it is ultimately our own highest deepest vastest Self, it is apparent on its summits or by reflection in ourselves as Sachchidananda creating us and the world by the power of His divine Knowledge-Will, spiritual, supramental, truth-conscious, infinite.” The Life Divine.

oversoul ::: Sri Aurobindo: "But with the extension of our knowledge we discover what this Spirit or Oversoul is: it is ultimately our own highest deepest vastest Self, it is apparent on its summits or by reflection in ourselves as Sachchidananda creating us and the world by the power of His divine Knowledge-Will, spiritual, supramental, truth-conscious, infinite.” *The Life Divine.

patience ::: “ In all Yoga the first requisites are faith and patience. The ardours of the heart and the violences of the eager will that seek to take the kingdom of heaven by storm can have miserable reactions if they disdain to support their vehemence on these humbler and quieter auxiliaries. And in the long and difficult integral Yoga there must be an integral faith and an unshakable patience.” The Synthesis of Yoga

"Perishable and transitory delight is always the symbol of the eternal Ananda, revealed and rapidly concealed, which seeks by increasing recurrence to attach itself to some typal form of experience in material consciousness. When the particular form has been perfected to express God in the type, its delight will no longer be perishable but an eternally recurrent possession of mental beings in matter manifest in their periods & often in their moments of felicity.” Essays Divine and Human*

“Perishable and transitory delight is always the symbol of the eternal Ananda, revealed and rapidly concealed, which seeks by increasing recurrence to attach itself to some typal form of experience in material consciousness. When the particular form has been perfected to express God in the type, its delight will no longer be perishable but an eternally recurrent possession of mental beings in matter manifest in their periods & often in their moments of felicity.” Essays Divine and Human

perverse ::: 1. Directed away from what is right or good; perverted. 2. Obstinately persisting in an error or fault; wrongly self-willed or stubborn. perversity, Perversity.

power ::: “Power means strength and force, Shakti, which enables one to face all that can happen and to stand and overcome, also to carry out what the Divine Will proposes. It can include many things, power over men, events, circumstances, means etc. But all this not of the mental or vital kind, but by an action through unity of consciousness with the Divine and with all things and beings. It is not an individual strength depending on certain personal capacities, but the Divine Power using the individual as an instrument.” Letters on Yoga

power ::: Sri Aurobindo: "Power means strength and force, Shakti, which enables one to face all that can happen and to stand and overcome, also to carry out what the Divine Will proposes. It can include many things, power over men, events, circumstances, means etc. But all this not of the mental or vital kind, but by an action through unity of consciousness with the Divine and with all things and beings. It is not an individual strength depending on certain personal capacities, but the Divine Power using the individual as an instrument.” *Letters on Yoga

powers ::: Sri Aurobindo: "These are the forces and beings that are interested in maintaining the falsehoods they have created in the world of the Ignorance and in putting them forward as the Truth which men must follow. In India they are termed Asuras, Rakshasas, Pishachas (beings respectively of the mentalised vital, middle vital and lower vital planes) who are in opposition to the Gods, the Powers of Light. These too are Powers, for they too have their cosmic field in which they exercise their function and authority and some of them were once divine Powers (the former gods, purve devah , as they are called somewhere in the Mahabharata) who have fallen towards the darkness by revolt against the divine Will behind the cosmos.” Letters on Yoga

powers ::: “These are the forces and beings that are interested in maintaining the falsehoods they have created in the world of the Ignorance and in putting them forward as the Truth which men must follow. In India they are termed Asuras, Rakshasas, Pishachas (beings respectively of the mentalised vital, middle vital and lower vital planes) who are in opposition to the Gods, the Powers of Light. These too are Powers, for they too have their cosmic field in which they exercise their function and authority and some of them were once divine Powers (the former gods, purve devah , as they are called somewhere in the Mahabharata) who have fallen towards the darkness by revolt against the divine Will behind the cosmos.” Letters on Yoga

prayer ::: “Prayer is only a particular form given to that will, aspiration and faith. Its forms are very often crude and not only childlike, which is in itself no defect, but childish; but still it has a real power and significance. Its power and sense is to put the will, aspiration and faith of man into touch with the divine Will as that of a conscious Being with whom we can enter into conscious and living relations.” The Synthesis of Yoga

prayer ::: Sri Aurobindo: "Prayer is only a particular form given to that will, aspiration and faith. Its forms are very often crude and not only childlike, which is in itself no defect, but childish; but still it has a real power and significance. Its power and sense is to put the will, aspiration and faith of man into touch with the divine Will as that of a conscious Being with whom we can enter into conscious and living relations.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

presence ::: 1. The state or fact of being present; current existence or occurrence. 2. A divine, spiritual, or supernatural spirit or influence felt or conceived as present. 3. The immediate proximity of someone or something.

Sri Aurobindo: "It is intended by the word Presence to indicate the sense and perception of the Divine as a Being, felt as present in one"s existence and consciousness or in relation with it, without the necessity of any further qualification or description. Thus, of the ‘ineffable Presence" it can only be said that it is there and nothing more can or need be said about it, although at the same time one knows that all is there, personality and impersonality, Power and Light and Ananda and everything else, and that all these flow from that indescribable Presence. The word may be used sometimes in a less absolute sense, but that is always the fundamental significance, — the essential perception of the essential Presence supporting everything else.” *Letters on Yoga

"Beyond mind on spiritual and supramental levels dwells the Presence, the Truth, the Power, the Bliss that can alone deliver us from these illusions, display the Light of which our ideals are tarnished disguises and impose the harmony that shall at once transfigure and reconcile all the parts of our nature.” Essays Divine and Human

"But if we learn to live within, we infallibly awaken to this presence within us which is our more real self, a presence profound, calm, joyous and puissant of which the world is not the master — a presence which, if it is not the Lord Himself, is the radiation of the Lord within.” *The Life Divine

"The true soul secret in us, — subliminal, we have said, but the word is misleading, for this presence is not situated below the threshold of waking mind, but rather burns in the temple of the inmost heart behind the thick screen of an ignorant mind, life and body, not subliminal but behind the veil, — this veiled psychic entity is the flame of the Godhead always alight within us, inextinguishable even by that dense unconsciousness of any spiritual self within which obscures our outward nature. It is a flame born out of the Divine and, luminous inhabitant of the Ignorance, grows in it till it is able to turn it towards the Knowledge. It is the concealed Witness and Control, the hidden Guide, the Daemon of Socrates, the inner light or inner voice of the mystic. It is that which endures and is imperishable in us from birth to birth, untouched by death, decay or corruption, an indestructible spark of the Divine.” *The Life Divine

"If we need any personal and inner witness to this indivisible All-Consciousness behind the ignorance, — all Nature is its external proof, — we can get it with any completeness only in our deeper inner being or larger and higher spiritual state when we draw back behind the veil of our own surface ignorance and come into contact with the divine Idea and Will behind it. Then we see clearly enough that what we have done by ourselves in our ignorance was yet overseen and guided in its result by the invisible Omniscience; we discover a greater working behind our ignorant working and begin to glimpse its purpose in us: then only can we see and know what now we worship in faith, recognise wholly the pure and universal Presence, meet the Lord of all being and all Nature.” *The Life Divine

"The presence of the Spirit is there in every living being, on every level, in all things, and because it is there, the experience of Sachchidananda, of the pure spiritual existence and consciousness, of the delight of a divine presence, closeness, contact can be acquired through the mind or the heart or the life-sense or even through the physical consciousness; if the inner doors are flung sufficiently open, the light from the sanctuary can suffuse the nearest and the farthest chambers of the outer being.” *The Life Divine

"There is a secret divine Will, eternal and infinite, omniscient and omnipotent, that expresses itself in the universality and in each particular of all these apparently temporal and finite inconscient or half-conscient things. This is the Power or Presence meant by the Gita when it speaks of the Lord within the heart of all existences who turns all creatures as if mounted on a machine by the illusion of Nature.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

"For what Yoga searches after is not truth of thought alone or truth of mind alone, but the dynamic truth of a living and revealing spiritual experience. There must awake in us a constant indwelling and enveloping nearness, a vivid perception, a close feeling and communion, a concrete sense and contact of a true and infinite Presence always and everywhere. That Presence must remain with us as the living, pervading Reality in which we and all things exist and move and act, and we must feel it always and everywhere, concrete, visible, inhabiting all things; it must be patent to us as their true Self, tangible as their imperishable Essence, met by us closely as their inmost Spirit. To see, to feel, to sense, to contact in every way and not merely to conceive this Self and Spirit here in all existences and to feel with the same vividness all existences in this Self and Spirit, is the fundamental experience which must englobe all other knowledge.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

"One must have faith in the Master of our life and works, even if for a long time He conceals Himself, and then in His own right time He will reveal His Presence.” *Letters on Yoga

"They [the psychic being and the Divine Presence in the heart] are quite different things. The psychic being is one"s own individual soul-being. It is not the Divine, though it has come from the Divine and develops towards the Divine.” *Letters on Yoga

"For it is quietness and inwardness that enable one to feel the Presence.” *Letters on Yoga

"Beyond mind on spiritual and supramental levels dwells the Presence, the Truth, the Power, the Bliss that can alone deliver us from these illusions, display the Light of which our ideals are tarnished disguises and impose the harmony that shall at once transfigure and reconcile all the parts of our nature.” *Essays Divine and Human

The Mother: "For, in human beings, here is a presence, the most marvellous Presence on earth, and except in a few very rare cases which I need not mention here, this presence lies asleep in the heart — not in the physical heart but the psychic centre — of all beings. And when this Splendour is manifested with enough purity, it will awaken in all beings the echo of his Presence.” Words of the Mother, MCW, Vol. 15.

prophecy ::: 1. The foretelling or prediction of what is to come. 2. An inspired utterance of a prophet, viewed as a revelation of divine will, prediction, instruction or exhortation.

prophet ::: 1. A person who speaks by divine inspiration or as the interpreter through whom the will of a god is expressed. 2. A person who predicts the future. prophet"s, prophets. (Sri Aurobindo often employs the word as an adjective.) prophet-passion, prophet-speech.

puppet ::: 1. An artificial figure representing a human being or an animal, manipulated by the hand, rods, wires, etc. as on a miniature stage. 2. Fig. One whose behaviour is determined by the will of others; pawn. puppets.

quest ::: “The quest of man for God, which becomes in the end the most ardent and enthralling of all his quests, begins with his first vague questionings of Nature and a sense of something unseen both in himself and her. Even if, as modern Science insists, religion started from animism, spirit-worship, demon-worship, and the deification of natural forces, these first forms only embody in primitive figures a veiled intuition in the subconscient, an obscure and ignorant feeling of hidden influences and incalculable forces, or a vague sense of being, will, intelligence in what seems to us inconscient, of the invisible behind the visible, of the secretly conscious spirit in things distributing itself in every working of energy. The obscurity and primitive inadequacy of the first perceptions do not detract from the value or the truth of this great quest of the human heart and mind, since all our seekings,—including Science itself,—must start from an obscure and ignorant perception of hidden realities and proceed to the more and more luminous vision of the Truth which at first comes to us masked, draped, veiled by the mists of the Ignorance. Anthropomorphism is an imaged recognition of the truth that man is what he is because God is what He is and that there is one soul and body of things, humanity even in its incompleteness the most complete manifestation yet achieved here and divinity the perfection of what in man is imperfect.” The Life Divine

reluctance ::: lack of eagerness or willingness; disinclination.

reluctant ::: exhibiting or marked by unwillingness; disinclination.

revelation ::: 1. A manifestation of divine will or truth. 2. Something revealed by divine disclosure. 3. Something revealed or disclosed, esp. a striking disclosure, as of something not before realized. revelation"s, Revelation"s, revelations.

robot ::: one who acts and responds in a mechanical, routine manner, usually subject to another"s will; automaton.

"Science at its limits, even physical Science, is compelled to perceive in the end the infinite, the universal, the spirit, the divine intelligence and will in the material universe.” The Synthesis of Yoga

“Science at its limits, even physical Science, is compelled to perceive in the end the infinite, the universal, the spirit, the divine intelligence and will in the material universe.” The Synthesis of Yoga

seize ::: 1. To grasp with the mind; apprehend; understand clearly and completely. 2. To take hold of quickly; grab with the hands. 3. Of a fear, a belief, etc.: To take sudden possession of (a person, his mind). 4. To take possession of control of as if by suddenly laying hold. 5. To take possession of by force or at will. seizes, seized, seizing.

“Self-will in thought and action has, we have already seen, to be quite renounced if we would be perfect in the way of divine works; it has equally to be renounced if we are to be perfect in divine knowledge. This self-will means an egoism in the mind which attaches itself to its preferences, its habits, its past or present formations of thought and view and will because it regards them as itself or its own, weaves around them the delicate threads of I-ness’’ andmy-ness’’ and lives in them like a spider in its web. It hates to be disturbed, as a spider hates attack on its web, and feels foreign and unhappy if transplanted to fresh view-points and formations as a spider feels foreign in another web than its own. This attachment must be entirely excised from the mind.” The Synthesis of Yoga

self-will ::: wilful or obstinate persistence in following one"s own desires, aims or opinions.

"Sincerity means more than mere honesty. It means that you mean what you say, feel what you profess, are earnest in your will.” The Mother - The Spiritual Significance of Flowers

“Sincerity means more than mere honesty. It means that you mean what you say, feel what you profess, are earnest in your will.” The Mother—The Spiritual Significance of Flowers

Since the Consciousness-Force of the eternal Existence is the universal creatrix, the nature of a given world will depend on whatever self-formulation of that Consciousness expresses itself in that world. Equally, for each individual being, his seeing or representation to himself of the world he lives in will depend on the poise or make which that Consciousness has assumed in him. Our human mental consciousness sees the world in sections cut by the reason and sense and put together in a formation which is also sectional; the house it builds is planned to accommodate one or another generalised formulation of Truth, but excludes the rest or admits some only as guests or dependents in the house. Overmind Consciousness is global in its cognition and can hold any number of seemingly fundamental differences together in a reconciling vision. Thus the mental reason sees Person and the Impersonal as opposites: it conceives an impersonal Existence in which person and personality are fictions of the Ignorance or temporary constructions; or, on the contrary, it can see Person as the primary reality and the impersonal as a mental abstraction or only stuff or means of manifestation. To the Overmind intelligence these are separable Powers of the one Existence which can pursue their independent self-affirmation and can also unite together their different modes of action, creating both in their independence and in their union different states of consciousness and being which can be all of them valid and all capable of coexistence. A purely impersonal existence and consciousness is true and possible, but also an entirely personal consciousness and existence; the Impersonal Divine, Nirguna Brahman, and the Personal Divine, Saguna Brahman, are here equal and coexistent aspects of the Eternal. Impersonality can manifest with person subordinated to it as a mode of expression; but, equally, Person can be the reality with impersonality as a mode of its nature: both aspects of manifestation face each other in the infinite variety of conscious Existence. What to the mental reason are irreconcilable differences present themselves to the Overmind intelligence as coexistent correlatives; what to the mental reason are contraries are to the Overmind intelligence complementaries. Our mind sees that all things are born from Matter or material Energy, exist by it, go back into it; it concludes that Matter is the eternal factor, the primary and ultimate reality, Brahman. Or it sees all as born of Life-Force or Mind, existing by Life or by Mind, going back into the universal Life or Mind, and it concludes that this world is a creation of the cosmic Life-Force or of a cosmic Mind or Logos. Or again it sees the world and all things as born of, existing by and going back to the Real-Idea or Knowledge-Will of the Spirit or to the Spirit itself and it concludes on an idealistic or spiritual view of the universe. It can fix on any of these ways of seeing, but to its normal separative vision each way excludes the others. Overmind consciousness perceives that each view is true of the action of the principle it erects; it can see that there is a material world-formula, a vital world-formula, a mental world-formula, a spiritual world-formula, and each can predominate in a world of its own and at the same time all can combine in one world as its constituent powers. The self-formulation of Conscious Force on which our world is based as an apparent Inconscience that conceals in itself a supreme Conscious-Existence and holds all the powers of Being together in its inconscient secrecy, a world of universal Matter realising in itself Life, Mind, Overmind, Supermind, Spirit, each of them in its turn taking up the others as means of its self-expression, Matter proving in the spiritual vision to have been always itself a manifestation of the Spirit, is to the Overmind view a normal and easily realisable creation. In its power of origination and in the process of its executive dynamis Overmind is an organiser of many potentialities of Existence, each affirming its separate reality but all capable of linking themselves together in many different but simultaneous ways, a magician craftsman empowered to weave the multicoloured warp and woof of manifestation of a single entity in a complex universe. …

  "Sin consists not at all in the outward deed, but in an impure reaction of the personal will, mind and heart which accompanies it or causes it; . . . .” *Essays on the Gita

“Sin consists not at all in the outward deed, but in an impure reaction of the personal will, mind and heart which accompanies it or causes it; …” Essays on the Gita

Sonnet by William Wordsworth:

spirit of Delight ::: Sri Aurobindo: " Now, that a conscious Infinite is there in physical Nature, we are assured by every sign, though it is a consciousness not made or limited like ours. All her constructions and motions are those of an illimitable intuitive wisdom too great and spontaneous and mysteriously self-effective to be described as an intelligence, of a Power and Will working for Time in eternity with an inevitable and forecasting movement in each of its steps, even in those steps that in their outward or superficial impetus seem to us inconscient. And as there is in her this greater consciousness and greater power, so too there is an illimitable spirit of harmony and beauty in her constructions that never fails her, though its works are not limited by our aesthetic canons. An infinite hedonism too is there, an illimitable spirit of delight, of which we become aware when we enter into impersonal unity with her; and even as that in her which is terrible is a part of her beauty, that in her which is dangerous, cruel, destructive is a part of her delight, her universal Ananda. Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

spite ::: malicious ill will prompting an urge to hurt or humiliate.

sprite-prompters ::: elves, fairies, or goblins that incite, or move others, often against their will.

*Sri Aurobindo: "Action is the first power of life. Nature begins with force and its works which, once conscious in man, become will and its achievements; therefore it is that by turning his action Godwards the life of man best and most surely begins to become divine.” The Synthesis of Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: "And though this Spirit of the universe, this One who is all, seems to be turning us on the wheel of the world as if mounted on a machine by the force of Maya, shaping us in our ignorance as the potter shapes a pot, as the weaver a fabric, by some skilful mechanical principle, yet is this spirit our own greatest self and it is according to the real idea, the truth of ourselves, that which is growing in us and finding always new and more adequate forms in birth after birth, in our animal and human and divine life, in that which we were, that which we are, that which we shall be, — it is in accordance with this inner soul-truth that, as our opened eyes will discover, we are progressively shaped by this spirit within us in its all-wise omnipotence.” *Essays on the Gita

Sri Aurobindo: "But when I speak of the Divine Will, I mean something different, — something that has descended here into an evolutionary world of Ignorance, standing at the back of things, pressing on the Darkness with its Light, leading things presently towards the best possible in the conditions of a world of Ignorance and leading it eventually towards a descent of a greater power of the Divine, which will be not an omnipotence held back and conditioned by the law of the world as it is, but in full action and therefore bringing the reign of light, peace, harmony, joy, love, beauty and Ananda, for these are the Divine Nature.” *Letters on Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: "Faith is a necessary means for arriving at realisation, because we are ignorant and do not yet know that which we are seeking to realise; faith is indeed knowledge giving the ignorance an intimation of itself previous to its own manifestation, it is the gleam sent before by the yet unrisen Sun. When the Sun shall rise, there will be no longer any need of the gleam.” *Letters on Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: "Force of being in conscious action is will.” *The Life Divine

Sri Aurobindo: "His [the Titan"s] instincts call for a visible, tangible mastery and a sensational domination. How shall he feel sure of his empire unless he can feel something writhing helpless under his heel, — if in agony, so much the better? What is exploitation to him, unless it diminishes the exploited? To be able to coerce, exact, slay, overtly, irresistibly, — it is this that fills him with the sense of glory and dominion. For he is the son of division and the strong flowering of the Ego. To feel the comparative limitation of others is necessary to him that he may imagine himself immeasurable; for he has not the real, self-existent sense of infinity which no outward circumstance can abrogate. Contrast, division, negation of the wills and lives of others are essential to his self-development and self-assertion. The Titan would unify by devouring, not by harmonising; he must conquer and trample what is not himself either out of existence or into subservience so that his own image may stand out stamped upon all things and dominating all his environment.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: “His [the Titan’s] instincts call for a visible, tangible mastery and a sensational domination. How shall he feel sure of his empire unless he can feel something writhing helpless under his heel,—if in agony, so much the better? What is exploitation to him, unless it diminishes the exploited? To be able to coerce, exact, slay, overtly, irresistibly,—it is this that fills him with the sense of glory and dominion. For he is the son of division and the strong flowering of the Ego. To feel the comparative limitation of others is necessary to him that he may imagine himself immeasurable; for he has not the real, self-existent sense of infinity which no outward circumstance can abrogate. Contrast, division, negation of the wills and lives of others are essential to his self-development and self-assertion. The Titan would unify by devouring, not by harmonising; he must conquer and trample what is not himself either out of existence or into subservience so that his own image may stand out stamped upon all things and dominating all his environment.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: " In all Yoga the first requisites are faith and patience. The ardours of the heart and the violences of the eager will that seek to take the kingdom of heaven by storm can have miserable reactions if they disdain to support their vehemence on these humbler and quieter auxiliaries. And in the long and difficult integral Yoga there must be an integral faith and an unshakable patience.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

*Sri Aurobindo: "In other words, ethics is a stage in evolution. That which is common to all stages is the urge of Sachchidananda towards self-expression. This urge is at first non-ethical, then infra-ethical in the animal, then in the intelligent animal even anti-ethical for it permits us to approve hurt done to others which we disapprove when done to ourselves. In this respect man even now is only half-ethical. And just as all below us is infra-ethical, so there may be that above us whither we shall eventually arrive, which is supra-ethical, has no need of ethics. The ethical impulse and attitude, so all-important to humanity, is a means by which it struggles out of the lower harmony and universality based upon inconscience and broken up by Life into individual discords towards a higher harmony and universality based upon conscient oneness with all existences. Arriving at that goal, this means will no longer be necessary or even possible, since the qualities and oppositions on which it depends will naturally dissolve and disappear in the final reconciliation.” The Life Divine

Sri Aurobindo: "In the very atom there is a subconscious will and desire which must also be present in all atomic aggregates because they are present in the Force which constitutes the atom.” *Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: " Karma is nothing but the will of the Spirit in action, consequence nothing but the creation of will. What is in the will of being, expresses itself in karma and consequence. When the will is limited in mind, karma appears as a bondage and a limitation, consequence as a reaction or an imposition. But when the will of the being is infinite in the spirit, karma and consequence become instead the joy of the creative spirit, the construction of the eternal mechanist, the word and drama of the eternal poet, the harmony of the eternal musician, the play of the eternal child.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: "Material Nature is not ethical; the law which governs it is a co-ordination of fixed habits which take no cognisance of good and evil, but only of force that creates, force that arranges and preserves, force that disturbs and destroys impartially, non-ethically, according to the secret Will in it, according to the mute satisfaction of that Will in its own self-formations and self-dissolutions.” *The Life Divine

Sri Aurobindo: “So too when the seer of the house of Atri cries high to Agni, ‘O Agni, O Priest of the offering, loose from us the cords,’ he is using not only a natural, but a richly-laden image. He is thinking of the triple cord of mind, nerves and body by which the soul is bound as a victim in the great world-sacrifice, the sacrifice of the Purusha; he is thinking of the force of the divine Will already awakened and at work within him, a fiery and irresistible godhead that shall uplift his oppressed divinity and cleave asunder the cords of its bondage; he is thinking of the might of that growing Strength and inner Flame which receiving all that he has to offer carries it to its own distant and difficult home, to the high-seated Truth, to the Far, to the Secret, to the Supreme.” The Secret of the Veda

::: Sri Aurobindo: "Spiritual force has its own concreteness; it can take a form (like a stream, for instance) of which one is aware and can send it quite concretely on whatever object one chooses. This is a statement of fact about the power inherent in spiritual consciousness. But there is also such a thing as a willed use of any subtle force — it may be spiritual, mental or vital — to secure a particular result at some point in the world. Just as there are waves of unseen physical forces (cosmic waves etc.) or currents of electricity, so there are mind-waves, thought-currents, waves of emotion, — for example, anger, sorrow, etc., — which go out and affect others without their knowing whence they come or that they come at all, they only feel the result. One who has the occult or inner senses awake can feel them coming and invading him.” Letters on Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: "Surrender is giving oneself to the Divine — to give everything one is or has to the Divine and regard nothing as one"s own, to obey only the Divine will and no other, to live for the Divine and not for the ego.” *Letters on Yoga

*Sri Aurobindo: "The Indian explanation of fate is Karma. We ourselves are our own fate through our actions, but the fate created by us binds us; for what we have sown, we must reap in this life or another. Still we are creating our fate for the future even while undergoing old fate from the past in the present. That gives a meaning to our will and action and does not, as European critics wrongly believe, constitute a rigid and sterilising fatalism. But again, our will and action can often annul or modify even the past Karma, it is only certain strong effects, called utkata karma, that are non-modifiable. Here too the achievement of the spiritual consciousness and life is supposed to annul or give the power to annul Karma. For we enter into union with the Will Divine, cosmic or transcendent, which can annul what it had sanctioned for certain conditions, new-create what it had created, the narrow fixed lines disappear, there is a more plastic freedom and wideness. Neither Karma nor Astrology therefore points to a rigid and for ever immutable fate.” Letters on Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: “The link between the spiritual and the lower planes of the being is that which is called in the old Vedantic phraseology the vijñâna and which we may describe in our modern turn of language as the Truth-plane or the ideal mind or supermind. There the One and the Many meet and our being is freely open to the revealing light of the divine Truth and the inspiration of the divine Will and Knowledge.” The Synthesis of Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: "The quest of man for God, which becomes in the end the most ardent and enthralling of all his quests, begins with his first vague questionings of Nature and a sense of something unseen both in himself and her. Even if, as modern Science insists, religion started from animism, spirit-worship, demon-worship, and the deification of natural forces, these first forms only embody in primitive figures a veiled intuition in the subconscient, an obscure and ignorant feeling of hidden influences and incalculable forces, or a vague sense of being, will, intelligence in what seems to us inconscient, of the invisible behind the visible, of the secretly conscious spirit in things distributing itself in every working of energy. The obscurity and primitive inadequacy of the first perceptions do not detract from the value or the truth of this great quest of the human heart and mind, since all our seekings, — including Science itself, — must start from an obscure and ignorant perception of hidden realities and proceed to the more and more luminous vision of the Truth which at first comes to us masked, draped, veiled by the mists of the Ignorance. Anthropomorphism is an imaged recognition of the truth that man is what he is because God is what He is and that there is one soul and body of things, humanity even in its incompleteness the most complete manifestation yet achieved here and divinity the perfection of what in man is imperfect.” The Life Divine

Sri Aurobindo: "There is an inner vision that opens when one does sadhana and all sorts of images rise before it or pass. Their coming does not depend upon your thought or will; it is real and automatic. Just as your physical eyes see things in the physical world, so the inner eyes see things and images that belong to the other worlds and subtle images of things of this physical world also.” *Letters on Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: "There is no necessity in the essential nature of mind, sense, life that they should be so limited: for the physical sense-organs are not the creators of sense-perceptions, but themselves the creation, the instruments and here a necessary convenience of the cosmic sense; the nervous system and vital organs are not the creators of life"s action and reaction, but themselves the creation, the instruments and here a necessary convenience of the cosmic Life-force; the brain is not the creator of thought, but itself the creation, the instrument and here a necessary convenience of the cosmic Mind. The necessity then is not absolute, but teleological; it is the result of a divine cosmic Will in the material universe which intends to posit here a physical relation between sense and its object, establishes here a material formula and law of Conscious-Force and creates by it physical images of Conscious-Being to serve as the initial, dominating and determining fact of the world in which we live. It is not a fundamental law of being, but a constructive principle necessitated by the intention of the Spirit to evolve in a world of Matter.” The Life Divine

Sri Aurobindo: “There is no necessity in the essential nature of mind, sense, life that they should be so limited: for the physical sense-organs are not the creators of sense-perceptions, but themselves the creation, the instruments and here a necessary convenience of the cosmic sense; the nervous system and vital organs are not the creators of life’s action and reaction, but themselves the creation, the instruments and here a necessary convenience of the cosmic Life-force; the brain is not the creator of thought, but itself the creation, the instrument and here a necessary convenience of the cosmic Mind. The necessity then is not absolute, but teleological; it is the result of a divine cosmic Will in the material universe which intends to posit here a physical relation between sense and its object, establishes here a material formula and law of Conscious-Force and creates by it physical images of Conscious-Being to serve as the initial, dominating and determining fact of the world in which we live. It is not a fundamental law of being, but a constructive principle necessitated by the intention of the Spirit to evolve in a world of Matter.” The Life Divine

Sri Aurobindo: "The supramental Knowledge-Will is Consciousness-Force rendered operative for the creation of forms of united being in an ordered harmony to which we give the name of world or universe; . . .” *The Life Divine

Sri Aurobindo: "This truth of Karma has been always recognised in the East in one form or else in another; but to the Buddhists belongs the credit of having given to it the clearest and fullest universal enunciation and the most insistent importance. In the West too the idea has constantly recurred, but in external, in fragmentary glimpses, as the recognition of a pragmatic truth of experience, and mostly as an ordered ethical law or fatality set over against the self-will and strength of man: but it was clouded over by other ideas inconsistent with any reign of law, vague ideas of some superior caprice or of some divine jealousy, — that was a notion of the Greeks, — a blind Fate or inscrutable Necessity, Ananke, or, later, the mysterious ways of an arbitrary, though no doubt an all-wise Providence.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga *Ananke"s.

Sri Aurobindo: “This truth of Karma has been always recognised in the East in one form or else in another; but to the Buddhists belongs the credit of having given to it the clearest and fullest universal enunciation and the most insistent importance. In the West too the idea has constantly recurred, but in external, in fragmentary glimpses, as the recognition of a pragmatic truth of experience, and mostly as an ordered ethical law or fatality set over against the self-will and strength of man: but it was clouded over by other ideas inconsistent with any reign of law, vague ideas of some superior caprice or of some divine jealousy,—that was a notion of the Greeks,—a blind Fate or inscrutable Necessity, Ananke, or, later, the mysterious ways of an arbitrary, though no doubt an all-wise Providence.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: "To act according to a standard of Truth or a rule or law of action (dharma) or in obedience to a superior authority or to the highest principles discovered by the reason and intelligent will and not according to one"s own fancy, vital impulses and desires. In yoga obedience to the Guru or to the Divine and the law of the Truth as declared by the Guru is the foundation of discipline.” *Letters on Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: "Vitality means life-force — wherever there is life, in plant or animal or man, there is life-force — without the vital there can be no life in matter and no living action. The vital is a necessary force and nothing can be done or created in the bodily existence, if the vital is not there as an instrument.” *Letters on Yoga

  "The vital proper is the life-force acting in its own nature, impulses, emotions, feelings, desires, ambitions, etc., having as their highest centre what we may call the outer heart of emotion, while there is an inner heart where are the higher or psychic feelings and sensibilities, the emotions or intuitive yearnings and impulses of the soul. The vital part of us is, of course, necessary to our completeness, but it is a true instrument only when its feelings and tendencies have been purified by the psychic touch and taken up and governed by the spiritual light and power.” *Letters on Yoga

". . . the vital is the Life-nature made up of desires, sensations, feelings, passions, energies of action, will of desire, reactions of the desire-soul in man and of all that play of possessive and other related instincts, anger, fear, greed, lust, etc., that belong to this field of the nature. Letters on Yoga

The Mother: "The vital is the dynamism of action. It is the seat of the will, of impulses, desires, revolts, etc.” Words of the Mother, MCW Vol. 15*.

Sri Aurobindo: ". . . wrong will and falsehood of the steps, . . . separative egoism inflicting by its ignorance and separate contrary will harm on oneself or harm on others, self-driven to a wrong dealing with one"s own soul, mind, life or body or a wrong dealing with the soul, mind, life, body of others, . . . is the practical sense of all human evil.” *The Life Divine

subconscient ::: “In our yoga we mean by the subconscient that quite submerged part of our being in which there is no wakingly conscious and coherent thought, will or feeling or organised reaction, but which yet receives obscurely the impressions of all things and stores them up in itself and from it too all sorts of stimuli, of persistent habitual movements, crudely repeated or disguised in strange forms can surge up into dream or into the waking nature. No, subliminal is a general term used for all parts of the being which are not on the waking surface. Subconscient is very often used in the same sense by European psychologists because they do not know the difference. But when I use the word, I mean always what is below the ordinary physical consciousness, not what is behind it. The inner mental, vital, physical, the psychic are not subconscious in this sense, but they can be spoken of as subliminal.” The Synthesis of Yoga.

subconscient ::: Sri Aurobindo: "In our yoga we mean by the subconscient that quite submerged part of our being in which there is no wakingly conscious and coherent thought, will or feeling or organised reaction, but which yet receives obscurely the impressions of all things and stores them up in itself and from it too all sorts of stimuli, of persistent habitual movements, crudely repeated or disguised in strange forms can surge up into dream or into the waking nature. No, subliminal is a general term used for all parts of the being which are not on the waking surface. Subconscient is very often used in the same sense by European psychologists because they do not know the difference. But when I use the word, I mean always what is below the ordinary physical consciousness, not what is behind it. The inner mental, vital, physical, the psychic are not subconscious in this sense, but they can be spoken of as subliminal.” *The Synthesis of Yoga.

"The subconscient is a concealed and unexpressed inarticulate consciousness which works below all our conscious physical activities. Just as what we call the superconscient is really a higher consciousness above from which things descend into the being, so the subconscient is below the body-consciousness and things come up into the physical, the vital and the mind-nature from there.

Just as the higher consciousness is superconscient to us and supports all our spiritual possibilities and nature, so the subconscient is the basis of our material being and supports all that comes up in the physical nature.” Letters on Yoga

  "That part of us which we can strictly call subconscient because it is below the level of mind and conscious life, inferior and obscure, covers the purely physical and vital elements of our constitution of bodily being, unmentalised, unobserved by the mind, uncontrolled by it in their action. It can be held to include the dumb occult consciousness, dynamic but not sensed by us, which operates in the cells and nerves and all the corporeal stuff and adjusts their life process and automatic responses. It covers also those lowest functionings of submerged sense-mind which are more operative in the animal and in plant life.” *The Life Divine

"The subconscient is a thing of habits and memories and repeats persistently or whenever it can old suppressed reactions, reflexes, mental, vital or physical responses. It must be trained by a still more persistent insistence of the higher parts of the being to give up its old responses and take on the new and true ones.” Letters on Yoga

"About the subconscient — it is the sub-mental base of the being and is made up of impressions, instincts, habitual movements that are stored there. Whatever movement is impressed in it, it keeps. If one impresses the right movement in it, it will keep and send up that. That is why it has to be cleared of old movements before there can be a permanent and total change in the nature. When the higher consciousness is once established in the waking parts, it goes down into the subconscient and changes that also, makes a bedrock of itself there also.” Letters on Yoga

"The sub-conscious is the evolutionary basis in us, it is not the whole of our hidden nature, nor is it the whole origin of what we are. But things can rise from the subconscient and take shape in the conscious parts and much of our smaller vital and physical instincts, movements, habits, character-forms has this source.” Letters on Yoga

"The subconscient is the support of habitual action — it can support good habits as well as bad.” Letters on Yoga

"For the subconscient is the Inconscient in the process of becoming conscious; it is a support and even a root of our inferior parts of being and their movements.” The Life Divine *subconscient"s.

submit ::: to yield or surrender (oneself) to the will or authority of another. submits, submitting.

subtle images ::: Sri Aurobindo: "Subtle images can be images of all things in all worlds.” *Letters on Yoga

"These are not mental images. There is an inner vision that opens when one does sadhana and all sorts of images rise before it or pass. Their coming does not depend upon your thought or will; it is real and automatic. Just as your physical eyes see things in the physical world, so the inner eyes see things and images that belong to the other worlds and subtle images of things of this physical world also.” Letters on Yoga

"Supermind is the grade of existence beyond mind, life and Matter and, as mind, life and Matter have manifested on the earth, so too must Supermind in the inevitable course of things manifest in this world of Matter. In fact, a supermind is already here but it is involved, concealed behind this manifest mind, life and Matter and not yet acting overtly or in its own power: if it acts, it is through these inferior powers and modified by their characters and so not yet recognisable. It is only by the approach and arrival of the descending Supermind that it can be liberated upon earth and reveal itself in the action of our material, vital and mental parts so that these lower powers can become portions of a total divinised activity of our whole being: it is that that will bring to us a completely realised divinity or the divine life.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

“Supermind is the grade of existence beyond mind, life and Matter and, as mind, life and Matter have manifested on the earth, so too must Supermind in the inevitable course of things manifest in this world of Matter. In fact, a supermind is already here but it is involved, concealed behind this manifest mind, life and Matter and not yet acting overtly or in its own power: if it acts, it is through these inferior powers and modified by their characters and so not yet recognisable. It is only by the approach and arrival of the descending Supermind that it can be liberated upon earth and reveal itself in the action of our material, vital and mental parts so that these lower powers can become portions of a total divinised activity of our whole being: it is that that will bring to us a completely realised divinity or the divine life.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

supermind ::: Sri Aurobindo: "The Supermind is the total Truth-Consciousness; the Overmind draws down the truths separately and gives them a separate activity — e.g. in the Supermind the Divine Peace and Power, Knowledge and Will are one. In the Overmind each of these becomes a separate aspect which can exist or act on its own lines apart from the others.

supermind ::: “The Supermind is the total Truth-Consciousness; the Overmind draws down the truths separately and gives them a separate activity—e.g. in the Supermind the Divine Peace and Power, Knowledge and Will are one. In the Overmind each of these becomes a separate aspect which can exist or act on its own lines apart from the others.

"Surrender means to consecrate everything in oneself to the Divine, to offer all one is and has, not to insist on one"s ideas, desires, habits, etc., but to allow the divine Truth to replace them by its knowledge, will and action everywhere.” Letters on Yoga

“Surrender means to consecrate everything in oneself to the Divine, to offer all one is and has, not to insist on one’s ideas, desires, habits, etc., but to allow the divine Truth to replace them by its knowledge, will and action everywhere.” Letters on Yoga

surrender ::: “Surrender is giving oneself to the Divine—to give everything one is or has to the Divine and regard nothing as one’s own, to obey only the Divine will and no other, to live for the Divine and not for the ego.” Letters on Yoga

Tehmi: “The Agna-cakra, the centre of will and action.”

Tehmi: “The superhuman Rider is Kalki. The tradition of the Kalki Avatar is that he will come riding on a white horse.”

Tehmi: “Wisp-fire is the will-o’-the-wisp that appears on the marshes.

"The Adversary will disappear only when he is no longer necessary in the world. And we know very well that he is necessary, as the touch-stone for gold: to know if it is pure. But if one is really sincere, the Adversary can"t even approach him any longer; and he doesn"t try it, because that would be courting his own destruction.” Questions and Answers 1955, MCW Vol. 7.

“The Adversary will disappear only when he is no longer necessary in the world. And we know very well that he is necessary, as the touch-stone for gold: to know if it is pure. But if one is really sincere, the Adversary can’t even approach him any longer; and he doesn’t try it, because that would be courting his own destruction.” Questions and Answers 1955, MCW Vol. 7**

“the basic syllable OM, which is the foundation of all the perfect creative sounds of the revealed word; OM is the one universal formulation of the energy of sound and speech, that which contains and sums up, synthesises and releases, all the spiritual power and all the potentiality of Vak (speech, the goddess Speech) and Shabda (sound, vibration, word). The mantra of the divine consciousness brings its light of revelation, the Mantra of the divine Power, its will of effectuation, the Mantra of the divine Ananda is equal fulfilment of the spiritual delight of existence. All word and thought are an outflowing of he great OM,—OM, the Word, the Eternal Manifest in the forms of sensible objects; manifest in that conscious play of creative self-conception of which forms and objects are the figures, manifest behind in the self-gathered superconscient power of the Infinite, OM is the sovereign source, seed, womb of thing and idea, form and name—it is itself, integrally, the supreme Intangible, the original Unity, the timeless Mystery self—existent above all manifestation in supernal being.” SABCL Volume 13—Page 315

"the basic syllable OM, which is the foundation of all the perfect creative sounds of the revealed word; OM is the one universal formulation of the energy of sound and speech, that which contains and sums up, synthesises and releases, all the spiritual power and all the potentiality of Vak (speech, the goddess Speech) and Shabda (sound, vibration, word). The mantra of the divine consciousness brings its light of revelation, the Mantra of the divine Power, its will of effectuation, the Mantra of the divine Ananda is equal fulfilment of the spiritual delight of existence. All word and thought are an outflowing of he great OM, - OM, the Word, the Eternal Manifest in the forms of sensible objects; manifest in that conscious play of creative self-conception of which forms and objects are the figures, manifest behind in the self-gathered superconscient power of the Infinite, OM is the sovereign source, seed, womb of thing and idea, form and name – it is itself, integrally, the supreme Intangible, the original Unity, the timeless Mystery self- existent above all manifestation in supernal being.” SABCL Volume 13 – Page 315*

"The centre of vision is between the eyebrows in the centre of the forehead. When it opens one gets the inner vision, sees the inner forms and images of things and people and begins to understand things and people from within and not only from outside, develops a power of will which also acts in the inner (yogic) way on things and people etc. Its opening is often the beginning of the yogic as opposed to the ordinary mental consciousness.” Letters on Yoga

“The centre of vision is between the eyebrows in the centre of the forehead. When it opens one gets the inner vision, sees the inner forms and images of things and people and begins to understand things and people from within and not only from outside, develops a power of will which also acts in the inner (yogic) way on things and people etc. Its opening is often the beginning of the yogic as opposed to the ordinary mental consciousness.” Letters on Yoga

“The Chhandogya,… is to be a work in the right and perfect way of devoting oneself to the Brahman; its subject is the Brahman, but the Brahman as symbolised in the OM, the sacred syllable of the Veda, not therefore, the pure state of existence only, but that existence in all its parts… OM is the symbol and the thing symbolised.”the basic syllable OM, which is the foundation of all the perfect creative sounds of the revealed word; OM is the one universal formulation of the energy of sound and speech, that which contains and sums up, synthesises and releases, all the spiritual power and all the potentiality of Vak (speech, the goddess Speech) and Shabda (sound, vibration, word). The mantra of the divine consciousness brings its light of revelation, the Mantra of the divine Power, its will of effectuation, the Mantra of the divine Ananda is equal fulfilment of the spiritual delight of existence. All word and thought are an outflowing of he great OM,—OM, the Word, the Eternal Manifest in the forms of sensible objects; manifest in that conscious play of creative self-conception of which forms and objects are the figures, manifest behind in the self-gathered superconscient power of the Infinite, OM is the sovereign source, seed, womb of thing and idea, form and name—it is itself, integrally, the supreme Intangible, the original Unity, the timeless Mystery self—existent above all manifestation in supernal being.” SABCL Volume 13—Page 315

"The colours of the lotuses and the numbers of petals are respectively, from bottom to top: — (1) the Muladhara or physical consciousness centre, four petals, red; (2) the abdominal centre, six petals, deep purple red; (3) the navel centre, ten petals, violet; (4) the heart centre, twelve petals, golden pink; (5) the throat centre, sixteen petals, grey; (6) the forehead centre between the eye-brows, two petals, white; (7) the thousand-petalled lotus above the head, blue with gold light around. The functions are, according to our yoga, — (1) commanding the physical consciousness and the subconscient; (2) commanding the small vital movements, the little greeds, lusts, desires, the small sense-movements; (3) commanding the larger life-forces and the passions and larger desire-movements; (4) commanding the higher emotional being with the psychic deep behind it; (5) commanding expression and all externalisation of the mind movements and mental forces; (6) commanding thought, will, vision; (7) commanding the higher thinking mind and the illumined mind and opening upwards to the intuition and overmind. The seventh is sometimes or by some identified with the brain, but that is an error — the brain is only a channel of communication situated between the thousand-petalled and the forehead centre. The former is sometimes called the void centre, sunya , either because it is not in the body, but in the apparent void above or because rising above the head one enters first into the silence of the self or spiritual being.” Letters on Yoga*

“The colours of the lotuses and the numbers of petals are respectively, from bottom to top:—(1) the Muladhara or physical consciousness centre, four petals, red; (2) the abdominal centre, six petals, deep purple red; (3) the navel centre, ten petals, violet; (4) the heart centre, twelve petals, golden pink; (5) the throat centre, sixteen petals, grey; (6) the forehead centre between the eye-brows, two petals, white; (7) the thousand-petalled lotus above the head, blue with gold light around. The functions are, according to our yoga,—(1) commanding the physical consciousness and the subconscient; (2) commanding the small vital movements, the little greeds, lusts, desires, the small sense-movements; (3) commanding the larger life-forces and the passions and larger desire-movements; (4) commanding the higher emotional being with the psychic deep behind it; (5) commanding expression and all externalisation of the mind movements and mental forces; (6) commanding thought, will, vision; (7) commanding the higher thinking mind and the illumined mind and opening upwards to the intuition and overmind. The seventh is sometimes or by some identified with the brain, but that is an error—the brain is only a channel of communication situated between the thousand-petalled and the forehead centre. The former is sometimes called the void centre, sunya , either because it is not in the body, but in the apparent void above or because rising above the head one enters first into the silence of the self or spiritual being.” Letters on Yoga

"The Cosmic Will is not, to our ordinary consciousness, something that acts as an independent power doing whatever it chooses; it works through all these beings, through the forces at play in the world and the law of these forces and their results — it is only when we open ourselves and get out of the ordinary consciousness that we can feel it intervening as an independent power and overriding the ordinary play of the forces." Letters on Yoga

“The Cosmic Will is not, to our ordinary consciousness, something that acts as an independent power doing whatever it chooses; it works through all these beings, through the forces at play in the world and the law of these forces and their results—it is only when we open ourselves and get out of the ordinary consciousness that we can feel it intervening as an independent power and overriding the ordinary play of the forces.” Letters on Yoga

"The culmination of the soul"s constant touch with the Supreme is that self-giving which we call surrender to the divine Will and immergence of the separated ego in the One who is all.” The Synthesis of Yoga

“The culmination of the soul’s constant touch with the Supreme is that self-giving which we call surrender to the divine Will and immergence of the separated ego in the One who is all.” The Synthesis of Yoga

:::   "The efficacy of prayer is often doubted and prayer itself supposed to be a thing irrational and necessarily superfluous and ineffective. It is true that the universal will executes always its aim and cannot be deflected by egoistic propitiation and entreaty, it is true of the Transcendent who expresses himself in the universal order that being omniscient his larger knowledge must foresee the thing to be done and it does not need direction or stimulation by human thought and that the individual"s desires are not and cannot be in any world-order the true determining factor. But neither is that order or the execution of the universal will altogether effected by mechanical Law, but by powers and forces of which for human life at least human will, aspiration and faith are not among the least important.

“The efficacy of prayer is often doubted and prayer itself supposed to be a thing irrational and necessarily superfluous and ineffective. It is true that the universal will executes always its aim and cannot be deflected by egoistic propitiation and entreaty, it is true of the Transcendent who expresses himself in the universal order that being omniscient his larger knowledge must foresee the thing to be done and it does not need direction or stimulation by human thought and that the individual’s desires are not and cannot be in any world-order the true determining factor. But neither is that order or the execution of the universal will altogether effected by mechanical Law, but by powers and forces of which for human life at least human will, aspiration and faith are not among the least important. The Synthesis of Yoga

"The end of the path may be, equally, a perception of the Divine in all energies, in all happenings, in all activities, and a free and unegoistic participation of the soul in the cosmic action. So followed it will lead to the elevation of all human will and activity to the divine level, its spiritualisation and the justification of the cosmic labour towards freedom, power and perfection in the human being.” The Synthesis of Yoga

“The end of the path may be, equally, a perception of the Divine in all energies, in all happenings, in all activities, and a free and unegoistic participation of the soul in the cosmic action. So followed it will lead to the elevation of all human will and activity to the divine level, its spiritualisation and the justification of the cosmic labour towards freedom, power and perfection in the human being.” The Synthesis of Yoga

"The Energy that creates the world can be nothing else than a Will, and Will is only consciousness applying itself to a work and a result.” The Life Divine

“The Energy that creates the world can be nothing else than a Will, and Will is only consciousness applying itself to a work and a result.” The Life Divine

``The first step on this free, this equal, this divine way of action is to put from you attachment to fruit and recompense and to labour only for the sake of the work itself that has to be done. For you must deeply feel that the fruits belong not to you but to the Master of the world. Consecrate your labour and leave its returns to the Spirit who manifests and fulfils himself in the universal movement. The outcome of your action is determined by his will alone and whatever it be, good or evil fortune, success or failure, it is turned by him to the accomplishment of his world purpose.” Essays on the Gita*

``The first step on this free, this equal, this divine way of action is to put from you attachment to fruit and recompense and to labour only for the sake of the work itself that has to be done. For you must deeply feel that the fruits belong not to you but to the Master of the world. Consecrate your labour and leave its returns to the Spirit who manifests and fulfils himself in the universal movement. The outcome of your action is determined by his will alone and whatever it be, good or evil fortune, success or failure, it is turned by him to the accomplishment of his world purpose.” Essays on the Gita

“The first thing to do in the sadhana is to get a settled peace and silence in the mind. Otherwise you may have experiences, but nothing will be permanent. It is in the silent mind that the true consciousness can be built.

"The first word of the supramental Yoga is surrender; its last word also is surrender. It is by a will to give oneself to the eternal Divine, for lifting into the divine consciousness, for perfection, for transformation, that the Yoga begins; it is in the entire giving that it culminates; for it is only when the self-giving is complete that there comes the finality of the Yoga, the entire taking up into the supramental Divine, the perfection of the being, the transformation of the nature.” Essays Divine and Human

“The first word of the supramental Yoga is surrender; its last word also is surrender. It is by a will to give oneself to the eternal Divine, for lifting into the divine consciousness, for perfection, for transformation, that the Yoga begins; it is in the entire giving that it culminates; for it is only when the self-giving is complete that there comes the finality of the Yoga, the entire taking up into the supramental Divine, the perfection of the being, the transformation of the nature.” Essays Divine and Human

"The function of a mantra is to create vibrations in the inner consciousness that will prepare it for the realisation of what the mantra symbolises and is supposed indeed to carry within itself.” Letters on Yoga*

“The function of a mantra is to create vibrations in the inner consciousness that will prepare it for the realisation of what the mantra symbolises and is supposed indeed to carry within itself.” Letters on Yoga

"The Gita answers by presenting the Supreme as something greater even than the immutable Self, more comprehensive, one who is at once this Self and the Master of works in Nature. But he directs the works of Nature with the eternal calm, the equality, the superiority to works and personality which belong to the immutable. This, we may say, is the poise of being from which he directs works, and by growing into this we are growing into his being and into the poise of divine works. From this he goes forth as the Will and Power of his being in Nature, manifests himself in all existences, is born as Man in the world, is there in the heart of all men, reveals himself as the Avatar, the divine birth in man; and as man grows into his being, it is into the divine birth that he grows.” Essays on the Gita

“The Gita answers by presenting the Supreme as something greater even than the immutable Self, more comprehensive, one who is at once this Self and the Master of works in Nature. But he directs the works of Nature with the eternal calm, the equality, the superiority to works and personality which belong to the immutable. This, we may say, is the poise of being from which he directs works, and by growing into this we are growing into his being and into the poise of divine works. From this he goes forth as the Will and Power of his being in Nature, manifests himself in all existences, is born as Man in the world, is there in the heart of all men, reveals himself as the Avatar, the divine birth in man; and as man grows into his being, it is into the divine birth that he grows.” Essays on the Gita

"The Gods, who in their highest secret entity are powers of this Supermind, born of it, seated in it as in their proper home, are in their knowledge truth-conscious'' and in their action possessed of theseer-will"".” The Life Divine

“The Gods, who in their highest secret entity are powers of this Supermind, born of it, seated in it as in their proper home, are in their knowledge truth-conscious’’ and in their action possessed of theseer-will’’.” The Life Divine

  "The gospel of the Gita reposes upon this fundamental Vedantic truth that all being is the one Brahman and all existence the wheel of Brahman, a divine movement opening out from God and returning to God. All is the expressive activity of Nature and Nature a power of the Divine which works out the consciousness and will of the divine Soul master of her works and inhabitant of her forms.” Essays on the Gita

“The gospel of the Gita reposes upon this fundamental Vedantic truth that all being is the one Brahman and all existence the wheel of Brahman, a divine movement opening out from God and returning to God. All is the expressive activity of Nature and Nature a power of the Divine which works out the consciousness and will of the divine Soul master of her works and inhabitant of her forms.” Essays on the Gita

:::   "The greater the destruction, the freer the chances of creation; but the destruction is often long, slow and oppressive, the creation tardy in its coming or interrupted in its triumph. The night returns again and again and the day lingers or seems even to have been a false dawning. Despair not therefore, but watch and work. Those who hope violently, despair swiftly: neither hope nor fear, but be sure of God"s purpose and thy will to accomplish.” *Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

“The greater the destruction, the freer the chances of creation; but the destruction is often long, slow and oppressive, the creation tardy in its coming or interrupted in its triumph. The night returns again and again and the day lingers or seems even to have been a false dawning. Despair not therefore, but watch and work. Those who hope violently, despair swiftly: neither hope nor fear, but be sure of God’s purpose and thy will to accomplish.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

"The ideation of the gnosis is radiating light-stuff of the consciousness of the eternal Existence; each ray is a truth. The will in the gnosis is a conscious force of eternal knowledge; it throws the consciousness and substance of being into infallible forms of truth-power, forms that embody the idea and make it faultlessly effective, and it works out each truth-power and each truth-form spontaneously and rightly according to its nature. Because it carries this creative force of the divine Idea, the Sun, the lord and symbol of the gnosis, is described in the Veda as the Light which is the father of all things, Surya Savitri, the Wisdom-Luminous who is the bringer-out into manifest existence.” The Synthesis of Yoga*

“The ideation of the gnosis is radiating light-stuff of the consciousness of the eternal Existence; each ray is a truth. The will in the gnosis is a conscious force of eternal knowledge; it throws the consciousness and substance of being into infallible forms of truth-power, forms that embody the idea and make it faultlessly effective, and it works out each truth-power and each truth-form spontaneously and rightly according to its nature. Because it carries this creative force of the divine Idea, the Sun, the lord and symbol of the gnosis, is described in the Veda as the Light which is the father of all things, Surya Savitri, the Wisdom-Luminous who is the bringer-out into manifest existence.” The Synthesis of Yoga

  "The leader of the journey, the captain of the march, the first and most ancient priest of our sacrifice is the Will. This Will is not the wish of the heart or the demand or preference of the mind to which we often give the name. It is that inmost, dominant and often veiled conscious force of our being and of all being, Tapas, Shakti, Sraddha, that sovereignly determines our orientation and of which the intellect and the heart are more or less blind and automatic servants and instruments.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

“The leader of the journey, the captain of the march, the first and most ancient priest of our sacrifice is the Will. This Will is not the wish of the heart or the demand or preference of the mind to which we often give the name. It is that inmost, dominant and often veiled conscious force of our being and of all being, Tapas, Shakti, Sraddha, that sovereignly determines our orientation and of which the intellect and the heart are more or less blind and automatic servants and instruments.” The Synthesis of Yoga

::: ". . . the modern man, even the modern cultured man, is or tends to be to a degree quite unprecedented politikon zôon, a political, economic and social being valuing above all things the efficiency of the outward existence and the things of the mind and spirit mainly, when not exclusively, for their aid to humanity"s vital and mechanical progress: he has not that regard of the ancients which looked up towards the highest heights and regarded an achievement in the things of the mind and the spirit with an unquestioning admiration or a deep veneration for its own sake as the greatest possible contribution to human culture and progress. And although this modern tendency is exaggerated and ugly and degrading in its exaggeration, inimical to humanity"s spiritual evolution, it has this much of truth behind it that while the first value of a culture is its power to raise and enlarge the internal man, the mind, the soul, the spirit, its soundness is not complete unless it has shaped also his external existence and made of it a rhythm of advance towards high and great ideals. This is the true sense of progress and there must be as part of it a sound political, economic and social life, a power and efficiency enabling a people to survive, to grow and to move securely towards a collective perfection, and a vital elasticity and responsiveness that will give room for a constant advance in the outward expression of the mind and the spirit.” The Renaissance in India

“… the modern man, even the modern cultured man, is or tends to be to a degree quite unprecedented politikon zôon, a political, economic and social being valuing above all things the efficiency of the outward existence and the things of the mind and spirit mainly, when not exclusively, for their aid to humanity’s vital and mechanical progress: he has not that regard of the ancients which looked up towards the highest heights and regarded an achievement in the things of the mind and the spirit with an unquestioning admiration or a deep veneration for its own sake as the greatest possible contribution to human culture and progress. And although this modern tendency is exaggerated and ugly and degrading in its exaggeration, inimical to humanity’s spiritual evolution, it has this much of truth behind it that while the first value of a culture is its power to raise and enlarge the internal man, the mind, the soul, the spirit, its soundness is not complete unless it has shaped also his external existence and made of it a rhythm of advance towards high and great ideals. This is the true sense of progress and there must be as part of it a sound political, economic and social life, a power and efficiency enabling a people to survive, to grow and to move securely towards a collective perfection, and a vital elasticity and responsiveness that will give room for a constant advance in the outward expression of the mind and the spirit.” The Renaissance in India

The Mother: "Will: power of consciousness turned towards effectuation.” Words of the Mother, MCW Vol. 14.*

The Mother: “Will: power of consciousness turned towards effectuation.” Words of the Mother, MCW Vol. 14.

The Mother: “For, in human beings, here is a presence, the most marvellous Presence on earth, and except in a few very rare cases which I need not mention here, this presence lies asleep in the heart—not in the physical heart but the psychic centre—of all beings. And when this Splendour is manifested with enough purity, it will awaken in all beings the echo of his Presence.” Words of the Mother, MCW, Vol. 15.

The Mother: "Immortality is not a goal, it is not even a means. It will proceed naturally from the fact of living the Truth.” Words of the Mother, MCW Vol. 15. ::: *Immortality, immortalities, immortality"s.

The Mother: “Immortality is not a goal, it is not even a means. It will proceed naturally from the fact of living the Truth.” Words of the Mother, MCW Vol. 15.

The Mother: “Krishna represents both the universal Godhead and the immanent Godhead, he whom one can meet within one’s being and in all that constitutes the manifested world. And do you want to know why he is always represented as a child? It is because he is in constant progression. To the extent that the world is perfected, his play is also perfected—what was the play of yesterday will no longer be the play of tomorrow; his play will become more and more harmonious, benign and joyful to the extent that the world becomes capable of responding to it and enjoying it with the Divine.” Words of the Mother, MCW Vol. 15.

The Mother: “The vital is the dynamism of action. It is the seat of the will, of impulses, desires, revolts, etc.” Words of the Mother, MCW Vol. 15.

The Mother (to a young person): "It is very simple, as you will see. 1) The Infinite is the inexhaustible storehouse of forces. The individual is a battery, a storage cell which runs down after use. Consecration is the wire that connects the individual battery to the infinite reserve of forces. Or 2) The Infinite is the river that flows without cease; the individual is the little pond that dries up slowly in the sun. Consecration is the canal that connects the river to the pond and prevents the pond from drying up.” Some Answers from the Mother, MCW *Vol. 16.

The Mother (to a young person): “It is very simple, as you will see. 1) The Infinite is the inexhaustible storehouse of forces. The individual is a battery, a storage cell which runs down after use. Consecration is the wire that connects the individual battery to the infinite reserve of forces. Or 2) The Infinite is the river that flows without cease; the individual is the little pond that dries up slowly in the sun. Consecration is the canal that connects the river to the pond and prevents the pond from drying up.” Some Answers from the Mother, MCW Vol. 16.

The Mother (to a young person): “It is very simple, as you will see. 1) The Infinite is the inexhaustible storehouse of forces. The individual is a battery, a storage cell which runs down after use. Consecration is the wire that connects the individual battery to the infinite reserve of forces. Or 2) The Infinite is the river that flows without cease; the individual is the little pond that dries up slowly in the sun. Consecration is the canal that connects the river to the pond and prevents the pond from drying up.” The Mother—Collected Works, Centenary Ed., Vol. 16—Some Answers from the Mother

::: The Mother (to a young person): "It is very simple, as you will see. 1) The Infinite is the inexhaustible storehouse of forces. The individual is a battery, a storage cell which runs down after use. Consecration is the wire that connects the individual battery to the infinite reserve of forces. Or 2) The Infinite is the river that flows without cease; the individual is the little pond that dries up slowly in the sun. Consecration is the canal that connects the river to the pond and prevents the pond from drying up.” The Mother - Collected Works, Centenary Ed., Vol. 16 - Some Answers from the Mother*

  The Mother: "True humility consists in knowing that the Supreme Consciousness, the Supreme Will alone exists and that the I is not.” Words of the Mother, MCW Vol. 14.

The Mother: “True humility consists in knowing that the Supreme Consciousness, the Supreme Will alone exists and that the I is not.” Words of the Mother, MCW Vol. 14.

:::   "Then too we can see that even in the play of the forces and in spite of their distortions the Cosmic Will is working towards the eventual realisation of the Will of the Transcendent Divine.” *Letters on Yoga

“Then too we can see that even in the play of the forces and in spite of their distortions the Cosmic Will is working towards the eventual realisation of the Will of the Transcendent Divine.” Letters on Yoga

"The only free will in the world is the one divine Will of which Nature is the executrix; for she is the master and creator of all other wills. Human free-will can be real in a sense, but, like all things that belong to the modes of Nature, it is only relatively real. The mind rides on a swirl of natural forces, balances on a poise between several possibilities, inclines to one side or another, settles and has the sense of choosing: but it does not see, it is not even dimly aware of the Force behind that has determined its choice.” The Synthesis of Yoga

“The only free will in the world is the one divine Will of which Nature is the executrix; for she is the master and creator of all other wills. Human free-will can be real in a sense, but, like all things that belong to the modes of Nature, it is only relatively real. The mind rides on a swirl of natural forces, balances on a poise between several possibilities, inclines to one side or another, settles and has the sense of choosing: but it does not see, it is not even dimly aware of the Force behind that has determined its choice.” The Synthesis of Yoga

  "The progress of Life involves the development and interlocking of an immense number of things that are in conflict with each other and seem often to be absolute oppositions and contraries. To find amid these oppositions some principle or standing-ground of unity, some workable lever of reconciliation which will make possible a larger and better development on a basis of harmony and not of conflict and struggle, must be increasingly the common aim of humanity in its active life-evolution, if it at all means to rise out of life"s more confused, painful and obscure movement, out of the compromises made by Nature with the ignorance of the Life-mind and the nescience of Matter. This can only be truly and satisfactorily done when the soul discovers itself in its highest and completest spiritual reality and effects a progressive upward transformation of its life-values into those of the spirit; for there they will all find their spiritual truth and in that truth their standing-ground of mutual recognition and reconciliation. The spiritual is the one truth of which all others are the veiled aspects, the brilliant disguises or the dark disfigurements, and in which they can find their own right form and true relation to each other.” *The Human Cycle, etc.

“The progress of Life involves the development and interlocking of an immense number of things that are in conflict with each other and seem often to be absolute oppositions and contraries. To find amid these oppositions some principle or standing-ground of unity, some workable lever of reconciliation which will make possible a larger and better development on a basis of harmony and not of conflict and struggle, must be increasingly the common aim of humanity in its active life-evolution, if it at all means to rise out of life’s more confused, painful and obscure movement, out of the compromises made by Nature with the ignorance of the Life-mind and the nescience of Matter. This can only be truly and satisfactorily done when the soul discovers itself in its highest and completest spiritual reality and effects a progressive upward transformation of its life-values into those of the spirit; for there they will all find their spiritual truth and in that truth their standing-ground of mutual recognition and reconciliation. The spiritual is the one truth of which all others are the veiled aspects, the brilliant disguises or the dark disfigurements, and in which they can find their own right form and true relation to each other.” The Human Cycle, etc.

"The real motive power of the life of the soul is Will; desire is only a deformation of will in the dominant bodily life and physical mind. The essential turn of the soul to possession and enjoyment of the world consists in a will to delight, and the enjoyment of the satisfaction of craving is only a vital and physical degradation of the will to delight. It is essential that we should distinguish between pure will and desire, between the inner will to delight and the outer lust and craving of the mind and body.” The Synthesis of Yoga

“The real motive power of the life of the soul is Will; desire is only a deformation of will in the dominant bodily life and physical mind. The essential turn of the soul to possession and enjoyment of the world consists in a will to delight, and the enjoyment of the satisfaction of craving is only a vital and physical degradation of the will to delight. It is essential that we should distinguish between pure will and desire, between the inner will to delight and the outer lust and craving of the mind and body.” The Synthesis of Yoga

“There is an inner vision that opens when one does sadhana and all sorts of images rise before it or pass. Their coming does not depend upon your thought or will; it is real and automatic. Just as your physical eyes see things in the physical world, so the inner eyes see things and images that belong to the other worlds and subtle images of things of this physical world also.” Letters on Yoga

“There is a secret divine Will, eternal and infinite, omniscient and omnipotent, that expresses itself in the universality and in each particular of all these apparently temporal and finite inconscient or half-conscient things. This is the Power or Presence meant by the Gita when it speaks of the Lord within the heart of all existences who turns all creatures as if mounted on a machine by the illusion of Nature.” The Synthesis of Yoga

"There is no such thing as death, for it is the body that dies and the body is not the man. That which really is, cannot go out of existence, though it may change the forms through which it appears, just as that which is non-existent cannot come into being. The soul is and cannot cease to be. This opposition of is and is not, this balance of being and becoming which is the mind"s view of existence, finds its end in the realisation of the soul as the one imperishable self by whom all this universe has been extended. Finite bodies have an end, but that which possesses and uses the body, is infinite, illimitable, eternal, indestructible. It casts away old and takes up new bodies as a man changes worn-out raiment for new; and what is there in this to grieve at and recoil and shrink? This is not born, nor does it die, nor is it a thing that comes into being once and passing away will never come into being again. It is unborn, ancient, sempiternal; it is not slain with the slaying of the body. Who can slay the immortal spirit? Weapons cannot cleave it, nor the fire burn, nor do the waters drench it, nor the wind dry. Eternally stable, immobile, all-pervading, it is for ever and for ever. Not manifested like the body, but greater than all manifestation, not to be analysed by the thought, but greater than all mind, not capable of change and modification like the life and its organs and their objects, but beyond the changes of mind and life and body, it is yet the Reality which all these strive to figure.” Essays on the Gita

“There is no such thing as death, for it is the body that dies and the body is not the man. That which really is, cannot go out of existence, though it may change the forms through which it appears, just as that which is non-existent cannot come into being. The soul is and cannot cease to be. This opposition of is and is not, this balance of being and becoming which is the mind’s view of existence, finds its end in the realisation of the soul as the one imperishable self by whom all this universe has been extended. Finite bodies have an end, but that which possesses and uses the body, is infinite, illimitable, eternal, indestructible. It casts away old and takes up new bodies as a man changes worn-out raiment for new; and what is there in this to grieve at and recoil and shrink? This is not born, nor does it die, nor is it a thing that comes into being once and passing away will never come into being again. It is unborn, ancient, sempiternal; it is not slain with the slaying of the body. Who can slay the immortal spirit? Weapons cannot cleave it, nor the fire burn, nor do the waters drench it, nor the wind dry. Eternally stable, immobile, all-pervading, it is for ever and for ever. Not manifested like the body, but greater than all manifestation, not to be analysed by the thought, but greater than all mind, not capable of change and modification like the life and its organs and their objects, but beyond the changes of mind and life and body, it is yet the Reality which all these strive to figure.” Essays on the Gita

“These are not mental images. There is an inner vision that opens when one does sadhana and all sorts of images rise before it or pass. Their coming does not depend upon your thought or will; it is real and automatic. Just as your physical eyes see things in the physical world, so the inner eyes see things and images that belong to the other worlds and subtle images of things of this physical world also.” Letters on Yoga

These are perhaps the most salient definitions along with relevant poems by two great poets, Walt Whitman and William Wordsworth.

"The sense of free will, illusion or not, is a necessary machinery of the action of Nature, necessary for man during his progress, and it would be disastrous for him to lose it before he is ready for a higher truth. If it be said, as it has been said, that Nature deludes man to fulfil her behests and that the idea of a free individual will is the most powerful of these delusions, then it must also be said that the delusion is for his good and without it he could not rise to his full possibilities.” Essays on the Gita

“The sense of free will, illusion or not, is a necessary machinery of the action of Nature, necessary for man during his progress, and it would be disastrous for him to lose it before he is ready for a higher truth. If it be said, as it has been said, that Nature deludes man to fulfil her behests and that the idea of a free individual will is the most powerful of these delusions, then it must also be said that the delusion is for his good and without it he could not rise to his full possibilities.” Essays on the Gita

::: "The shoreless stream of idea and thought, imagination and experience, name and form, sensation and vibration sweeps onward for ever, without beginning, without end, rising into view, sinking out of sight; through it the one Intelligence with its million self-expressions pours itself abroad, an ocean with innumerable waves. One particular self-expression may disappear into its source and continent, but that does not and cannot abolish the phenomenal universe. The One is for ever, and the Many are for ever because the One is for ever. So long as there is a sea, there will be waves.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

“The shoreless stream of idea and thought, imagination and experience, name and form, sensation and vibration sweeps onward for ever, without beginning, without end, rising into view, sinking out of sight; through it the one Intelligence with its million self-expressions pours itself abroad, an ocean with innumerable waves. One particular self-expression may disappear into its source and continent, but that does not and cannot abolish the phenomenal universe. The One is for ever, and the Many are for ever because the One is for ever. So long as there is a sea, there will be waves.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

  "The Spirit is the supreme Being in his infinite consciousness and the supreme Nature is the infinity of power or will of being of the Spirit, . . .” *Essays on the Gita

“The Spirit is the supreme Being in his infinite consciousness and the supreme Nature is the infinity of power or will of being of the Spirit, …” Essays on the Gita

the state or condition of being unwilling, reluctant, or loath; reluctance; disinclination.

"The Supermind is in its very essence a truth-consciousness, a consciousness always free from the Ignorance which is the foundation of our present natural or evolutionary existence and from which nature in us is trying to arrive at self-knowledge and world-knowledge and a right consciousness and the right use of our existence in the universe. The Supermind, because it is a truth-consciousness, has this knowledge inherent in it and this power of true existence; its course is straight and can go direct to its aim, its field is wide and can even be made illimitable. This is because its very nature is knowledge: it has not to acquire knowledge but possesses it in its own right; its steps are not from nescience or ignorance into some imperfect light, but from truth to greater truth, from right perception to deeper perception, from intuition to intuition, from illumination to utter and boundless luminousness, from growing widenesses to the utter vasts and to very infinitude. On its summits it possesses the divine omniscience and omnipotence, but even in an evolutionary movement of its own graded self-manifestation by which it would eventually reveal its own highest heights it must be in its very nature essentially free from ignorance and error: it starts from truth and light and moves always in truth and light. As its knowledge is always true, so too its will is always true; it does not fumble in its handling of things or stumble in its paces. In the Supermind feeling and emotion do not depart from their truth, make no slips or mistakes, do not swerve from the right and the real, cannot misuse beauty and delight or twist away from a divine rectitude. In the Supermind sense cannot mislead or deviate into the grossnesses which are here its natural imperfections and the cause of reproach, distrust and misuse by our ignorance. Even an incomplete statement made by the Supermind is a truth leading to a further truth, its incomplete action a step towards completeness.” The Supramental Manifestation

“The Supermind is in its very essence a truth-consciousness, a consciousness always free from the Ignorance which is the foundation of our present natural or evolutionary existence and from which nature in us is trying to arrive at self-knowledge and world-knowledge and a right consciousness and the right use of our existence in the universe. The Supermind, because it is a truth-consciousness, has this knowledge inherent in it and this power of true existence; its course is straight and can go direct to its aim, its field is wide and can even be made illimitable. This is because its very nature is knowledge: it has not to acquire knowledge but possesses it in its own right; its steps are not from nescience or ignorance into some imperfect light, but from truth to greater truth, from right perception to deeper perception, from intuition to intuition, from illumination to utter and boundless luminousness, from growing widenesses to the utter vasts and to very infinitude. On its summits it possesses the divine omniscience and omnipotence, but even in an evolutionary movement of its own graded self-manifestation by which it would eventually reveal its own highest heights it must be in its very nature essentially free from ignorance and error: it starts from truth and light and moves always in truth and light. As its knowledge is always true, so too its will is always true; it does not fumble in its handling of things or stumble in its paces. In the Supermind feeling and emotion do not depart from their truth, make no slips or mistakes, do not swerve from the right and the real, cannot misuse beauty and delight or twist away from a divine rectitude. In the Supermind sense cannot mislead or deviate into the grossnesses which are here its natural imperfections and the cause of reproach, distrust and misuse by our ignorance. Even an incomplete statement made by the Supermind is a truth leading to a further truth, its incomplete action a step towards completeness.” The Supramental Manifestation

"The Supermind then is Being moving out into a determinative self-knowledge which perceives certain truths of itself and wills to realise them in a temporal and spatial extension of its own timeless and spaceless existence. Whatever is in its own being, takes form as self-knowledge, as Truth-Consciousness, as Real-Idea, and, that self-knowledge being also self-force, fulfils or realises itself inevitably in Time and Space.” The Life Divine

“The Supermind then is Being moving out into a determinative self-knowledge which perceives certain truths of itself and wills to realise them in a temporal and spatial extension of its own timeless and spaceless existence. Whatever is in its own being, takes form as self-knowledge, as Truth-Consciousness, as Real-Idea, and, that self-knowledge being also self-force, fulfils or realises itself inevitably in Time and Space.” The Life Divine

  "The truest reason why we must seek liberation is not to be delivered, individually, from the sorrow of the world, though that deliverance too will be given to us, but that we may be one with the Divine, the Supreme, the Eternal.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

“The truest reason why we must seek liberation is not to be delivered, individually, from the sorrow of the world, though that deliverance too will be given to us, but that we may be one with the Divine, the Supreme, the Eternal.” The Synthesis of Yoga

“… the vital is the Life-nature made up of desires, sensations, feelings, passions, energies of action, will of desire, reactions of the desire-soul in man and of all that play of possessive and other related instincts, anger, fear, greed, lust, etc., that belong to this field of the nature. Letters on Yoga

“The will of man works in the ignorance by a partial light or more often flickerings of light which mislead as much as they illuminate. His mind is an ignorance striving to erect standards of knowledge, his will an ignorance striving to erect standards of right, and his whole mentality as a result very much a house divided against itself, idea in conflict with idea, the will often in conflict with the ideal of right or the intellectual knowledge. The will itself takes different shapes, the will of the intelligence, the wishes of the emotional mind, the desires and the passion of the vital being, the impulsions and blind or half-blind compulsions of the nervous and the subconscient nature, and all these make by no means a harmony, but at best a precarious concord among discords. The will of the mind and life is a stumbling about in search of right force, right Tapas which can wholly be attained in its true and complete light and direction only by oneness with the spiritual and supramental being.” The Synthesis of Yoga

"The will of self-giving forces away by its power the veil between God and man; it annuls every error and annihilates every obstacle. Those who aspire in their human strength by effort of knowledge or effort of virtue or effort of laborious self-discipline, grow with much anxious difficulty towards the Eternal; but when the soul gives up its ego and its works to the Divine, God himself comes to us and takes up our burden.” Essays on the Gita

“The will of self-giving forces away by its power the veil between God and man; it annuls every error and annihilates every obstacle. Those who aspire in their human strength by effort of knowledge or effort of virtue or effort of laborious self-discipline, grow with much anxious difficulty towards the Eternal; but when the soul gives up its ego and its works to the Divine, God himself comes to us and takes up our burden.” Essays on the Gita

"The world expresses a foreseen Truth, obeys a predetermining Will, realises an original formative self-vision, — it is the growing image of a divine creation.” The Life Divine

“The world expresses a foreseen Truth, obeys a predetermining Will, realises an original formative self-vision,—it is the growing image of a divine creation.” The Life Divine

“This arrangement of the psychic body is reproduced in the physical with the spinal column as a rod and the ganglionic centres as the chakras which rise up from the bottom of the column, where the lowest is attached, to the brain and find their summit in the brahmarandhra at the top of the skull. These chakras or lotuses, however, are in physical man closed or only partly open, with the consequence that only such powers and only so much of them are active in him as are sufficient for his ordinary physical life, and so much mind and soul only is at play as will accord with its need. This is the real reason, looked at from the mechanical point of view, why the embodied soul seems so dependent on the bodily and nervous life,—though the dependence is neither so complete nor so real as it seems. The whole energy of the soul is not at play in the physical body and life, the secret powers of mind are not awake in it, the bodily and nervous energies predominate. But all the while the supreme energy is there, asleep; it is said to be coiled up and slumbering like a snake,—therefore it is called the kundalinî sakti,—in the lowest of the chakras, in the mûlâdhâra.” The Synthesis of Yoga

::: "This conception of the Person and Personality, if accepted, must modify at the same time our current ideas about the immortality of the soul; for, normally, when we insist on the soul"s undying existence, what is meant is the survival after death of a definite unchanging personality which was and will always remain the same throughout eternity. It is the very imperfect superficial I'' of the moment, evidently regarded by Nature as a temporary form and not worth preservation, for which we demand this stupendous right to survival and immortality. But the demand is extravagant and cannot be conceded; theI"" of the moment can only merit survival if it consents to change, to be no longer itself but something else, greater, better, more luminous in knowledge, more moulded in the image of the eternal inner beauty, more and more progressive towards the divinity of the secret Spirit. It is that secret Spirit or divinity of Self in us which is imperishable, because it is unborn and eternal. The psychic entity within, its representative, the spiritual individual in us, is the Person that we are; but the I'' of this moment, theI"" of this life is only a formation, a temporary personality of this inner Person: it is one step of the many steps of our evolutionary change, and it serves its true purpose only when we pass beyond it to a farther step leading nearer to a higher degree of consciousness and being. It is the inner Person that survives death, even as it pre-exists before birth; for this constant survival is a rendering of the eternity of our timeless Spirit into the terms of Time.” The Life Divine

“This conception of the Person and Personality, if accepted, must modify at the same time our current ideas about the immortality of the soul; for, normally, when we insist on the soul’s undying existence, what is meant is the survival after death of a definite unchanging personality which was and will always remain the same throughout eternity. It is the very imperfect superficial I’’ of the moment, evidently regarded by Nature as a temporary form and not worth preservation, for which we demand this stupendous right to survival and immortality. But the demand is extravagant and cannot be conceded; theI’’ of the moment can only merit survival if it consents to change, to be no longer itself but something else, greater, better, more luminous in knowledge, more moulded in the image of the eternal inner beauty, more and more progressive towards the divinity of the secret Spirit. It is that secret Spirit or divinity of Self in us which is imperishable, because it is unborn and eternal. The psychic entity within, its representative, the spiritual individual in us, is the Person that we are; but the I’’ of this moment, theI’’ of this life is only a formation, a temporary personality of this inner Person: it is one step of the many steps of our evolutionary change, and it serves its true purpose only when we pass beyond it to a farther step leading nearer to a higher degree of consciousness and being. It is the inner Person that survives death, even as it pre-exists before birth; for this constant survival is a rendering of the eternity of our timeless Spirit into the terms of Time.” The Life Divine

"This Godhead is one in all things that are, the self who lives in all and the self in whom all live and move; therefore man has to discover his spiritual unity with all creatures, to see all in the self and the self in all beings, even to see all things and creatures as himself, âtmaupamyena sarvatra, and accordingly think, feel and act in all his mind, will and living. This Godhead is the origin of all that is here or elsewhere and by his Nature he has become all these innumerable existences, abhût sarvâni bhûtâni; therefore man has to see and adore the One in all things animate and inanimate, to worship the manifestation in sun and star and flower, in man and every living creature, in the forms and forces, qualities and powers of Nature, vâsudevah sarvam iti.” Essays on the Gita ::: *godhead, godheads, godhead"s.

“This Godhead is one in all things that are, the self who lives in all and the self in whom all live and move; therefore man has to discover his spiritual unity with all creatures, to see all in the self and the self in all beings, even to see all things and creatures as himself, âtmaupamyena sarvatra, and accordingly think, feel and act in all his mind, will and living. This Godhead is the origin of all that is here or elsewhere and by his Nature he has become all these innumerable existences, abhût sarvâni bhûtâni; therefore man has to see and adore the One in all things animate and inanimate, to worship the manifestation in sun and star and flower, in man and every living creature, in the forms and forces, qualities and powers of Nature, vâsudevah sarvam iti.” Essays on the Gita

  "This is the great truth now dawning on the world, that Will is the thing which moves the world and that Fate is merely a process by which Will fulfils itself.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

“This is the great truth now dawning on the world, that Will is the thing which moves the world and that Fate is merely a process by which Will fulfils itself.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

"Though man is infinitely greater than the plant or the animal, he is not perfect in his own nature like the plant and the animal. This imperfection is not a thing to be at all deplored, but rather a privilege and a promise, for it opens out to us an immense vista of self-development and self-exceeding. Man at his highest is a half-god who has risen up out of the animal Nature and is splendidly abnormal in it, but the thing which he has started out to be, the whole god, is something so much greater than what he is that it seems to him as abnormal to himself as he is to the animal. This means a great and arduous labour of growth before him, but also a splendid crown of his race and his victory. A kingdom is offered to him beside which his present triumphs in the realms of mind or over external Nature will appear only as a rough hint and a poor beginning. The Human Cycle

“Though man is infinitely greater than the plant or the animal, he is not perfect in his own nature like the plant and the animal. This imperfection is not a thing to be at all deplored, but rather a privilege and a promise, for it opens out to us an immense vista of self-development and self-exceeding. Man at his highest is a half-god who has risen up out of the animal Nature and is splendidly abnormal in it, but the thing which he has started out to be, the whole god, is something so much greater than what he is that it seems to him as abnormal to himself as he is to the animal. This means a great and arduous labour of growth before him, but also a splendid crown of his race and his victory. A kingdom is offered to him beside which his present triumphs in the realms of mind or over external Nature will appear only as a rough hint and a poor beginning. The Human Cycle

thought, iwill, t vision, !govenisi*the dynamic . mind, will, vision, mental formation. (Colour: white ;• petals ::: two.), Iv n

"Thoughts unexpressed can also go out as forces and produce their effects. It is a mistake to think that a thought or will can have effect only when it is expressed in speech or act: the unspoken thought, the unexpressed will are also active energies and can produce their own vibrations, effects or reactions.” Letters on Yoga

“Thoughts unexpressed can also go out as forces and produce their effects. It is a mistake to think that a thought or will can have effect only when it is expressed in speech or act: the unspoken thought, the unexpressed will are also active energies and can produce their own vibrations, effects or reactions.” Letters on Yoga

Titan ::: : “His [the Titan’s] instincts call for a visible, tangible mastery and a sensational domination. How shall he feel sure of his empire unless he can feel something writhing helpless under his heel,—if in agony, so much the better? What is exploitation to him, unless it diminishes the exploited? To be able to coerce, exact, slay, overtly, irresistibly,—it is this that fills him with the sense of glory and dominion. For he is the son of division and the strong flowering of the Ego. To feel the comparative limitation of others is necessary to him that he may imagine himself immeasurable; for he has not the real, self-existent sense of infinity which no outward circumstance can abrogate. Contrast, division, negation of the wills and lives of others are essential to his self-development and self-assertion. The Titan would unify by devouring, not by harmonising; he must conquer and trample what is not himself either out of existence or into subservience so that his own image may stand out stamped upon all things and dominating all his environment.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

“To act according to a standard of Truth or a rule or law of action (dharma) or in obedience to a superior authority or to the highest principles discovered by the reason and intelligent will and not according to one’s own fancy, vital impulses and desires. In yoga obedience to the Guru or to the Divine and the law of the Truth as declared by the Guru is the foundation of discipline.” Letters on Yoga

::: "To be free from all preference and receive joyfully whatever comes from the Divine Will is not possible at first for any human being. What one should have at first is the constant idea that what the Divine wills is always for the best even when the mind does not see how it is so, . . . .” Letters on Yoga*

“To be free from all preference and receive joyfully whatever comes from the Divine Will is not possible at first for any human being. What one should have at first is the constant idea that what the Divine wills is always for the best even when the mind does not see how it is so, …” Letters on Yoga

"To have the true intuition one must get rid of the mind"s self-will, and the vital"s also, their preferences, fancies, fantasies, strong insistences and eliminate the mental and vital ego"s pressure which sets the consciousness to work in the service of its own claims and desires.” Letters on Yoga*

“To have the true intuition one must get rid of the mind’s self-will, and the vital’s also, their preferences, fancies, fantasies, strong insistences and eliminate the mental and vital ego’s pressure which sets the consciousness to work in the service of its own claims and desires.” Letters on Yoga

To possess these is to become the superman; for he is to rise out of mind into the Supermind. Call it the divine mind of Knowledge or the Supermind; it is the power and light of the divine will and the divine consciousness.” The Hour of God

transformation ::: Sri Aurobindo: "Transformation means that the higher consciousness or nature is brought down into the mind, vital and body and takes the place of the lower. There is a higher consciousness of the true self, which is spiritual, but it is above; if one rises above into it, then one is free as long as one remains there, but if one comes down into or uses mind, vital or body — and if one keeps any connection with life, one has to do so, either to come down and act from the ordinary consciousness or else to be in the self but use mind, life and body, then the imperfections of these instruments have to be faced and mended — they can only be mended by transformation.” *Letters on Yoga

  "‘Transformation" is a word that I have brought in myself (like ‘supermind") to express certain spiritual concepts and spiritual facts of the integral yoga. People are now taking them up and using them in senses which have nothing to do with the significance which I put into them. Purification of the nature by the ‘influence" of the Spirit is not what I mean by transformation; purification is only part of a psychic change or a psycho-spiritual change — the word besides has many senses and is very often given a moral or ethical meaning which is foreign to my purpose.” *Letters on Yoga

"It is indeed as a result of our evolution that we arrive at the possibility of this transformation. As Nature has evolved beyond Matter and manifested Life, beyond Life and manifested Mind, so she must evolve beyond Mind and manifest a consciousness and power of our existence free from the imperfection and limitation of our mental existence, a supramental or truth-consciousness and able to develop the power and perfection of the spirit. Here a slow and tardy change need no longer be the law or manner of our evolution; it will be only so to a greater or less extent so long as a mental ignorance clings and hampers our ascent; but once we have grown into the truth-consciousness its power of spiritual truth of being will determine all. Into that truth we shall be freed and it will transform mind and life and body. Light and bliss and beauty and a perfection of the spontaneous right action of all the being are there as native powers of the supramental truth-consciousness and these will in their very nature transform mind and life and body even here upon earth into a manifestation of the truth-conscious spirit. The obscurations of earth will not prevail against the supramental truth-consciousness, for even into the earth it can bring enough of the omniscient light and omnipotent force of the spirit conquer. All may not open to the fullness of its light and power, but whatever does open must that extent undergo the change. That will be the principle of transformation.” The Supramental Manifestation

The Mother: "Transformation. The change by which all the elements and all the movements of the being become ready to manifest the supramental Truth.”

"One thing you must know and never forget: in the work of transformation all that is true and sincere will always be kept; only what is false and insincere will disappear.” Words of the Mother, MCW Vol. 15.

treachery ::: willful betrayal of fidelity, confidence, or trust; perfidy. Treachery"s, treacheries.

triple cord of mind ::: Sri Aurobindo: "So too when the seer of the house of Atri cries high to Agni, ‘O Agni, O Priest of the offering, loose from us the cords," he is using not only a natural, but a richly-laden image. He is thinking of the triple cord of mind, nerves and body by which the soul is bound as a victim in the great world-sacrifice, the sacrifice of the Purusha; he is thinking of the force of the divine Will already awakened and at work within him, a fiery and irresistible godhead that shall uplift his oppressed divinity and cleave asunder the cords of its bondage; he is thinking of the might of that growing Strength and inner Flame which receiving all that he has to offer carries it to its own distant and difficult home, to the high-seated Truth, to the Far, to the Secret, to the Supreme.” *The Secret of the Veda

triune Infinite ::: Sri Aurobindo: "We do not seek to excise from our being all consciousness of the universe, but to realise God, Truth and Self in the universe as well as transcendent of it. We shall seek therefore not only the Ineffable, but also His manifestation as infinite being, consciousness and bliss embracing the universe and at play in it. For that triune infinity is His supreme manifestation and that we shall aspire to know, to share in and to become; and since we seek to realise this Trinity not only in itself but in its cosmic play, we shall aspire also to knowledge of and participation in the universal divine Truth, Knowledge, Will, Love which are His secondary manifestation, His divine becoming. With this too we shall aspire to identify ourselves, towards this too we shall strive to rise and, when the period of effort is passed, allow it by our renunciation of all egoism to draw us up into itself in our being and to descend into us and embrace us in all our becoming.” The Synthesis of Yoga

"Truth is a difficult and strenuous conquest. One must be a real warrior to make this conquest, a warrior who fears nothing, neither enemies nor death, for with or against everybody, with or without a body, the struggle continues and will end by Victory.” Collected Works of the Mother, Vol. 15.*

“Truth is a difficult and strenuous conquest. One must be a real warrior to make this conquest, a warrior who fears nothing, neither enemies nor death, for with or against everybody, with or without a body, the struggle continues and will end by Victory.” Collected Works of the Mother, Vol. 15.

". . . universal love is not personal — it has to be held within as a condition of the consciousness which will have its effects according to the Divine Will or be used by that Will if necessary; . . . .” Letters on Yoga ::: *love"s, loves, loved, loving, love-chained, love-maddened, love-music, love-note, all-love, All-love, All-Love.

“… universal love is not personal—it has to be held within as a condition of the consciousness which will have its effects according to the Divine Will or be used by that Will if necessary; …” Letters on Yoga

unwilled :::

unwillingly :::

unwillingness :::

unwilling :::

“Vamadeva goes on to say,”Let us give expression to this secret name of the clarity,—that is to say, let us bring out this Soma wine, this hidden delight of existence; let us hold it in this world-sacrifice by our surrenderings or submissions to Agni, the divine Will or Conscious-Power which is the Master of being.” The Secret of the Veda

weak ::: 1. Lacking firmness of character or strength of will. 2. Lacking physical strength, energy, or vigour; feeble. 3. Likely to fail under pressure, stress, or strain; lacking resistance; fragile. (Also used as a n.) weaker.

“We do not seek to excise from our being all consciousness of the universe, but to realise God, Truth and Self in the universe as well as transcendent of it. We shall seek therefore not only the Ineffable, but also His manifestation as infinite being, consciousness and bliss embracing the universe and at play in it. For that triune infinity is His supreme manifestation and that we shall aspire to know, to share in and to become; and since we seek to realise this Trinity not only in itself but in its cosmic play, we shall aspire also to knowledge of and participation in the universal divine Truth, Knowledge, Will, Love which are His secondary manifestation, His divine becoming. With this too we shall aspire to identify ourselves, towards this too we shall strive to rise and, when the period of effort is passed, allow it by our renunciation of all egoism to draw us up into itself in our being and to descend into us and embrace us in all our becoming.” The Synthesis of Yoga

"What becomes desire in the ego is Will in the Spirit.” The Life Divine

“What becomes desire in the ego is Will in the Spirit.” The Life Divine

"What is vice but an enslaving habit and virtue but a human opinion? See God and do His will; walk in whatever path He shall trace for thy goings.” Essays Divine and Human*

“What is vice but an enslaving habit and virtue but a human opinion? See God and do His will; walk in whatever path He shall trace for thy goings.” Essays Divine and Human

"When the inner vision opens, there can come before it all that ever was or is now in the world, even it can open to things that will be hereafter — so there is nothing impossible in seeing thus the figures and the things of the past.” Letters on Yoga*

“When the inner vision opens, there can come before it all that ever was or is now in the world, even it can open to things that will be hereafter—so there is nothing impossible in seeing thus the figures and the things of the past.” Letters on Yoga

will, cosmic ::: see cosmic Will

will, divine ::: see divine will

will ::: “Force of being in conscious action is will.” The Life Divine

will, free

will, free ::: Sri Aurobindo: Our notion of free will is apt to be tainted with the excessive individualism of the human ego and to assume the figure of an independent will acting on its own isolated account, in a complete liberty without any determination other than its own choice and single unrelated movement. This idea ignores the fact that our natural being is a part of cosmic Nature and our spiritual being exists only by the supreme Transcendence. Our total being can rise out of subjection to fact of present Nature only by an identification with a greater Truth and a greater Nature. The will of the individual, even when completely free, could not act in an isolated independence, because the individual being and nature are included in the universal Being and Nature and dependent on the all-overruling Transcendence. There could indeed be in the ascent a dual line. On one line the being could feel and behave as an independent self-existence uniting itself with its own impersonal Reality; it could, so self-conceived, act with a great force, but either this action would be still within an enlarged frame of its past and present self-formation of power of Nature or else it would be the cosmic or supreme Force that acted in it and there would be no personal initiation of action, no sense therefore of individual free will but only of an impersonal cosmic or supreme Will or Energy at its work. On the other line the being would feel itself a spiritual instrument and so act as a power of the Supreme Being, limited in its workings only by the potencies of the Supernature, which are without bounds or any restriction except its own Truth and self-law, and by the Will in her. But in either case there would be, as the condition of a freedom from the control of a mechanical action of Nature-forces, a submission to a greater conscious Power or an acquiescent unity of the individual being with its intention and movement in his own and in the world"s existence.” *The Life Divine

will, human

will, human ::: Sri Aurobindo: "The will of man works in the ignorance by a partial light or more often flickerings of light which mislead as much as they illuminate. His mind is an ignorance striving to erect standards of knowledge, his will an ignorance striving to erect standards of right, and his whole mentality as a result very much a house divided against itself, idea in conflict with idea, the will often in conflict with the ideal of right or the intellectual knowledge. The will itself takes different shapes, the will of the intelligence, the wishes of the emotional mind, the desires and the passion of the vital being, the impulsions and blind or half-blind compulsions of the nervous and the subconscient nature, and all these make by no means a harmony, but at best a precarious concord among discords. The will of the mind and life is a stumbling about in search of right force, right Tapas which can wholly be attained in its true and complete light and direction only by oneness with the spiritual and supramental being.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

willing ::: cheerfully consenting or ready.

will ::: n. 1. Diligent purposefulness; determination; inclination, desire. 2. The mental faculty by which one deliberately chooses or decides upon a course of action. Will, will"s, wills, will-to-be, Will-to-love. *v. 3. To decide or determine; effectuate. 4. To yearn for; desire. 5. To induce or try to induce by sheer force of one"s being. *wills, willed.

will-o"-the-wisp ::: a delusive or misleading hope. Also, the ignis fatuous, the light produced by combustion of marsh-gas, which can lead a traveller into danger; any delusive ideal or hope that may lead one astray.

will, self

will, self ::: Sri Aurobindo: "Self-will in thought and action has, we have already seen, to be quite renounced if we would be perfect in the way of divine works; it has equally to be renounced if we are to be perfect in divine knowledge. This self-will means an egoism in the mind which attaches itself to its preferences, its habits, its past or present formations of thought and view and will because it regards them as itself or its own, weaves around them the delicate threads of I-ness'' andmy-ness"" and lives in them like a spider in its web. It hates to be disturbed, as a spider hates attack on its web, and feels foreign and unhappy if transplanted to fresh view-points and formations as a spider feels foreign in another web than its own. This attachment must be entirely excised from the mind.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

wilt ::: archaic. Second pers. sing. pres. ind. of will.

"Within us, there are two centres of the Purusha, the inner Soul through which he touches us to our awakening; there is the Purusha in the lotus of the heart which opens upward all our powers and the Purusha in the thousand-petalled lotus whence descend through the thought and will, opening the third eye in us, the lightnings of vision and the fire of the divine energy. The bliss existence may come to us through either one of these centres. When the lotus of the heart breaks open, we feel a divine joy, love and peace expanding in us like a flower of light which irradiates the whole being.” The Synthesis of Yoga

“Within us, there are two centres of the Purusha, the inner Soul through which he touches us to our awakening; there is the Purusha in the lotus of the heart which opens upward all our powers and the Purusha in the thousand-petalled lotus whence descend through the thought and will, opening the third eye in us, the lightnings of vision and the fire of the divine energy. The bliss existence may come to us through either one of these centres. When the lotus of the heart breaks open, we feel a divine joy, love and peace expanding in us like a flower of light which irradiates the whole being.” The Synthesis of Yoga

:::   "Within us, there are two centres of the Purusha, the inner Soul through which he touches us to our awakening; there is the Purusha in the lotus of the heart which opens upward all our powers and the Purusha in the thousand-petalled lotus whence descend through the thought and will, opening the third eye in us, the lightnings of vision and the fire of the divine energy.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

“Within us, there are two centres of the Purusha, the inner Soul through which he touches us to our awakening; there is the Purusha in the lotus of the heart which opens upward all our powers and the Purusha in the thousand-petalled lotus whence descend through the thought and will, opening the third eye in us, the lightnings of vision and the fire of the divine energy.” The Synthesis of Yoga

without will or purpose.

work ::: “I do not mean by work action done in the ego and the ignorance, for the satisfaction of the ego and in the drive of rajasic desire. There can be no Karmayoga without the will to get rid of ego, rajas and desire, which are the seals of ignorance.

work ::: Sri Aurobindo: "I do not mean by work action done in the ego and the ignorance, for the satisfaction of the ego and in the drive of rajasic desire. There can be no Karmayoga without the will to get rid of ego, rajas and desire, which are the seals of ignorance.

world ::: “The supramental Knowledge-Will is Consciousness-Force rendered operative for the creation of forms of united being in an ordered harmony to which we give the name of world or universe; …” The Life Divine

You have only to remain quiet and firm in your following of the path and your will to go to the end. If you do that circum- stances will in the end be obliged to shape themselves to your will, because it will be the Dirine Will in you.

You will see that in only one of these cases, the first, can a soul be posited and there no difficulty arises.” Letters on Yoga

QUOTES [1500 / 2715 - 1500 / 205200]

KEYS (10k)

  137 Sri Aurobindo
   99 Sri Ramakrishna
   97 The Mother
   86 Sri Ramana Maharshi
   46 Anonymous
   31 Saint Thomas Aquinas
   23 William Shakespeare
   23 William Blake
   23 Sri Ramana Maharshi
   20 Swami Vivekananda
   18 Jalaluddin Rumi
   16 Sri Sarada Devi
   14 Jalaluddin Rumi
   12 Thomas A Kempis
   12 Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina
   12 Saint Augustine of Hippo
   12 Aleister Crowley
   10 Carl Jung
   8 Kabir
   8 Dogen Zenji
   7 William James
   7 Swami Turiyananda
   7 Robert Adams
   7 Kobayashi Issa
   6 William Wordsworth
   6 William Butler Yeats
   6 Swami Saradananda
   6 Swami Ramakrishnananda
   6 Saint John of the Cross
   6 Chamtrul Rinpoche
   6 Baha-ullah
   6 Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
   6 Saint Teresa of Avila
   5 William Faulkner
   5 Shunryu Suzuki
   5 Saint Columbcille
   5 Our Lady to Father Stefano Gobbi
   5 Manapurush Swami Shivananda
   5 Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
   5 Leonardo da Vinci
   5 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
   5 Heraclitus
   5 Confucius
   4 William Gibson
   4 Thomas Keating
   4 Tao Te Ching
   4 Swami Vijnanananda
   4 Swami Akhandananda
   4 Swami Adbhutananda
   4 Seneca
   4 Saul Williams
   4 Saint Padre Pio
   4 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
   4 Friedrich Nietzsche
   4 Eliphas Levi
   4 Arthur Schopenhauer
   4 Angelus Silesius
   4 Lao Tzu
   3 Yamamoto Tsunetomo
   3 William S Burroughs
   3 Voltaire
   3 The Buddha
   3 Taigu Ryokan
   3 Stephen King
   3 Sri Ramakrishna
   3 Sengcan
   3 Ramakrishna
   3 Rabia al-Adawiyya
   3 Oscar Wilde
   3 Mother Mirra
   3 Mahatma Gandhi
   3 Ken Wilber
   3 Hermes
   3 Georg C Lichtenberg
   3 Dion Fortune
   3 C. S. Lewis
   3 Buson
   3 Buddha
   3 Attar of Nishapur
   3 Nichiren
   3 Epictetus
   3 Aeschylus
   3 Abraham Maslow
   2 Zig Ziglar
   2 William Allen White
   2 Vicktor Hugo
   2 Venerable Barthalomew Holzhauser
   2 Vaclav Havel
   2 Tolstoy
   2 Tolstoi
   2 Theophilus of Antioch
   2 The Bab
   2 Swami Brahmananda
   2 Sri Chinmoy
   2 Sigmund Freud
   2 Shabistari
   2 Schopenhauer
   2 Sappho
   2 Saint Therese of Lisieux
   2 Saint Odile
   2 Saint John Vianney
   2 Saint John Bosco
   2 Saint Ignatius of Antioch
   2 Saint Henry Suso
   2 Saint Francis of Assisi
   2 Saint Francis de Sales
   2 Saint Cyril of Jerusalem
   2 Saint Catherine of Siena
   2 Saint Caesarius of Arles
   2 Saint Bridget of Sweden
   2 Saint Alphonsus Liguori
   2 Rodney Collin
   2 Rilke
   2 Revelation 3:20
   2 Ramesh Balsekar
   2 Ralph Waldo Emerson
   2 Rainer Maria Rilke
   2 Philokalia
   2 Patrul Rinpoche
   2 Patanjali
   2 Our Lady to Fr. Stefano Gobbi
   2 Our Lady of Revelation
   2 Our Lady of La Salette
   2 Our Lady of Akita
   2 Nietzsche
   2 Nagarjuna
   2 Marianne Williamson
   2 Marcus Aurelius
   2 Ludwig Wittgenstein
   2 Letter of Barnabas
   2 Jorge Luis Borge
   2 Jalaluddin Rumi
   2 Imitation of Christ
   2 Horace
   2 Henry David Thoreau
   2 Hadith
   2 Gurdjieff
   2 Emerson
   2 Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
   2 Didache
   2 Claudio Naranjo
   2 Bruce Lee
   2 Benjamin Disraeli
   2 Annamalai Swami
   2 al-Habib Omar bin Hafiz
   2 Alfred Korzybski
   2 Walt Whitman
   2 Saadi
   2 Rudolf Steiner
   2 Abu Hamid al-Ghazali
   1 Zoroaster
   1 Zen Proverb
   1 Zechariah 3:9
   1 Yoshida Kenko
   1 Yeshe Tsogyal
   1 Yamamoto Tsunetomo (Hagakure: The Book of the Samurai)
   1 Yajnavalkya
   1 Xunzi
   1 Will Rogers
   1 Willie Nelson
   1 William Wallace
   1 William the Silent
   1 William Strunk
   1 William Stafford
   1 William Shedd
   1 William S. Burroughs
   1 William Irwin Thompson
   1 William Hazlitt
   1 William F. Lynch
   1 William Burroughs
   1 William Arthur Ward
   1 William-Adolphe Bouguereau
   1 Willard Van Orman Quine
   1 Willa Cather
   1 Wikipedia
   1 Whitman
   1 When you see the storm coming
   1 Werner Karl Heisenberg (1901-1976)
   1 Werner Heisenberg
   1 'We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.'
   1 Wayne Dyer
   1 Vivekananda
   1 Virgil
   1 Vincent van Gogh
   1 Ven. Mother Marie Josepha of Bourg (1788-1862)
   1 Venerable Mary of Jesus of Ágreda (1602-1665)
   1 Venerable Anne Catherine Emmerich
   1 Velimir Khlebnikov
   1 Václav Havel
   1 U.G. Krishnamurti
   1 T. S. Eliot
   1 T S Eliot
   1 Tsang-Yung
   1 Trisha Yearwood
   1 Thucydides
   1 Thomas Merton
   1 Thich Thien-An
   1 Thich Nhat Hanh
   1 Thibaut
   1 The Mother?
   1 The Mother
   1 The Bhagavad Gita
   1 Terry Pratchett
   1 Sylvia Plath
   1 Swami Virajananda
   1 Swami Subodhananda
   1 Swami Sivananda Saraswati
   1 Swami Rama
   1 Swami Premananda
   1 Swami Chinmayananda
   1 Sura
   1 Sun Tzu
   1 Sufi Saying
   1 Steven Moffat
   1 Steve Hagen
   1 Stephanie Klein
   1 Sri Yogi Ramsuratkumar
   1 Sri Ramana Maharsh?
   1 Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Maharaj
   1 SriAurobindo
   1 Sri Aurobindo
   1 Sri Anandamayi Ma
   1 Spanish Proverb
   1 Sora
   1 Sophia Loren
   1 Songs of Songs III.2
   1 Socrates
   1 Shepherd of Hermas)
   1 Sheng-yen
   1 Shaykh Moulay Hashim Al Belghiti)
   1 Shaykh Mahmud Effendi al-Naqshabandi
   1 Shaykh Ahmad al Zarruq]
   1 Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani
   1 Shams Tabrizi
   1 Shakti Gawain
   1 Sarah Williams
   1 Saraha
   1 Saint Vincent Pallotti
   1 Saint Teresa of the Andes
   1 Saint Teresa of Kolkata
   1 Saint Senanus
   1 Saint Peter of Alcantara
   1 Saint Peter Julian Eymard
   1 Saint Paul of the Cross
   1 Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta
   1 Saint Methodius of Patara
   1 Saint Maximus the Confessor
   1 Saint Martin of Tours
   1 Saint Martin de Porres
   1 Saint Mark the Ascetic
   1 Saint Louis de Montfort
   1 Saint Justin Martyr.
   1 Saint Joseph of Cupertino
   1 Saint Josemaría Escrivá
   1 Saint John of Kanty
   1 Saint John Climacus
   1 Saint John Chrysostom
   1 Saint John Bosco prophecies
   1 Saint Isidore of Seville
   1 Saint Isaiah the Solitary
   1 Saint Ignatius of Loyola
   1 Saint Gregory of Nyssa
   1 Saint Columba
   1 Saint Clare of Montefalco
   1 Saint Charles Borromeo
   1 Saint Cataldus of Tarentino
   1 Saint Bernard of Clairvaux
   1 Saint Bernard
   1 Saint Basil the Great
   1 Saint Athanasius of Alexandria
   1 Saint Arnold Janssen
   1 Saint Angela Merici
   1 Saint Ambrose
   1 Rumi( 1207 - 1273)
   1 Rowan Williams
   1 Rosa Parks
   1 Ron Smothermon
   1 Romans 8:11).
   1 Roger Phillip Kaplan
   1 Robin Williams
   1 Robert Monroe
   1 Robert Anton Wilson
   1 R.M. Drake
   1 Richard Weaver
   1 Revelation 6:9-10
   1 Revelation 21:27
   1 Revelation 18:21
   1 Revelation 10:7
   1 R Buckminster Fuller
   1 Rabindranath Tagore
   1 Rabbi Tzvi Freeman
   1 Pytha-goras
   1 Pseudo-Dyonisius
   1 Psalms XXVII.8
   1 Psalms XXIII
   1 Psalms CXXI.1
   1 Proverb
   1 Proclus
   1 Pope St. Leo the Great
   1 Plutarch
   1 Plntarch
   1 Pinocchio
   1 Philo
   1 Philip Arnold
   1 Peter J Carroll
   1 Petalbae
   1 Paul Washer
   1 Paramahansa Yogananda
   1 Paramahamsa Yogananda
   1 Padmasambhava
   1 Pablo Picasso
   1 Pablo Neruda
   1 Our Lady to Teresa Musco
   1 Our Lady to priest Raymond Arnette (in May of 1994)
   1 Our Lady to Bl. Sr. Elena Aiello (1895-1961)
   1 Our Lady to Bl. Sister Elena Aiello (1895-1961)
   1 Our Lady of Akita (1973)
   1 Our Lady Fatima (June 13
   1 Osho
   1 Old Testament
   1 Og Mandino
   1 Nyoshul Khen Rinpoche
   1 Nolini Kanta Gupta
   1 Nicholas of Cusa
   1 Niccolo Machiavelli
   1 Native American wisdom.
   1 Nathaniel Hawthorne
   1 Muammar Gaddafi?
   1 Mouni Sadhu
   1 Mother Teresa of Calcutta
   1 Mother Teresa
   1 Mother Angelica
   1 Moses Maimonides
   1 Mortimer J Adler
   1 Mohandas Gandhi
   1 Miyamoto Musashi
   1 Mitar Tarabich (1829-1899)
   1 Mitar Tarabich
   1 Mingyur Rinpoche
   1 Michel de Montaigne
   1 Mia Hamm
   1 Mencius
   1 Melessus
   1 Meher Baba
   1 Maya Angelou
   1 Maximus the Confessor
   1 Matthew. VI. 21
   1 Matthew VI. 21
   1 Matthew 12:36-37
   1 Mark 2:19-20
   1 Mario Quintana/Unknown
   1 Mario Quintana
   1 Marijn Haverbeke
   1 Manly P. Hall
   1 Manly P Hall
   1 Mahmoud Shabestari
   1 Madharata
   1 Madeleine L'Engle
   1 Lori Deschene
   1 Lord Krishna
   1 Lilly Wachowski
   1 Les Brown
   1 Leo Christopher
   1 Laura Thalassa
   1 Laura Ingalls Wilder
   1 Lama Surya Das
   1 Kodo Sawaki
   1 Khalil Gibran
   1 ken-wilber
   1 Karl Popper
   1 Joseph Campbell
   1 John Steinbeck
   1 John Scottus Eriugena
   1 John Maxwell
   1 John Lennon
   1 John F. Kennedy
   1 John Cleese
   1 John 4:8
   1 Johannes Kepler
   1 Job XV. 17.18
   1 Jn. 6:51).
   1 Jn. 6:51
   1 Jim Stovall
   1 Jim Rohn
   1 Jimi Hendrix
   1 Jiddu Krishnamurti
   1 Jenna Galbut
   1 Jeff Foster
   1 Jean Klein
   1 Jean Gebser
   1 Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Thaye
   1 Jalalu'l-Din Rumi
   1 Jac O'Keeffe
   1 Jack Kornfield
   1 Jack Kerouac
   1 Izumi Shikibu
   1 Italo Calvino
   1 Irenaeus
   1 Imam Malik
   1 Imam Ghazali]
   1 Ikkyu
   1 Idries Shah
   1 id
   1 Ibn Qayyim]
   1 Ibn al-Jawzi
   1 Huang Po
   1 Hippocrates
   1 H G Wells
   1 Hermann Hesse
   1 Henri de Lubac
   1 Henri Bergson
   1 Heinrich Heine
   1 Hazrat Umar ibn Khattab
   1 Hazrat Inayat Khan
   1 Hasidic Proverb
   1 Hakuin Ekaku
   1 Habib Umar bin Hafiz ق
   1 Guru Rinpoche
   1 Gregory the Great
   1 Gregory of Nazianzen
   1 Grace Hanson [Grace Hanson is one of the protagonists on "Grace and Frankie." She is portrayed by Jane Fonda. For more of her quotes see:
   1 Gospel of Thomas
   1 Gospel of Philip
   1 Golda Meir
   1 Gerald Good
   1 Gerald G. May
   1 George R.R. Martin
   1 George Orwell
   1 George Gurdjieff
   1 Gary R. Renard
   1 Gabor Mate
   1 Fulgentius of Ruspe
   1 Fred Rogers
   1 Franz Bardon
   1 Francis of Assissi
   1 Francis Bacon
   1 Forsha (31)
   1 Ernest Holmes
   1 Ernest Hemingway
   1 Erik Erikson
   1 Epictetus
   1 Emmet Fox
   1 Emily Dickinson 1(830 - 1886) American poet.
   1 Elbert Hubbard
   1 Edward Vernon Rickenbacker
   1 Edith Stein
   1 Dr Seuss
   1 Dōgen Zenji
   1 David Frost
   1 Cyril of Jerusalem
   1 C.S. Lewis
   1 C S Lewis
   1 C .S. Lewis
   1 —Cree Proverb
   1 Confucius
   1 C J Lewis
   1 Cinderella
   1 Cicero
   1 Chuang Tzu. "The empty boat" parable
   1 Chiyo-ni
   1 Chin-Ning Chu
   1 Charles Williams
   1 Charles Dickens
   1 Carlyle
   1 Carl Sandburg
   1 Carl Sagan
   1 Buddhist Writings in the Japanese
   1 Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
   1 Bonaventure
   1 Bhagavad Gita
   1 Bertrand Russell
   1 Baruch Spinoza
   1 Barbara Max Hubbard
   1 Balla-ullah
   1 Baha-ullah: The Seven Valleys
   1 Baba Tahir
   1 Ashtavakra-Gita
   1 Ashley Vance?
   1 Asanga
   1 Arthur C Clarke
   1 Aristotle?
   1 Aquinas
   1 Apollonius of Tyana
   1 A person feels anguish and emptiness at the death of a spouse or child; if one has that kind of longing for God for twenty-four hours continuously
   1 Antoine the Healer
   1 Anita Krizzan
   1 Andrew Black
   1 Anatole France
   1 Anandamayi Ma
   1 Anamander
   1 Amos 3:7 KJV
   1 Amma
   1 Amiel
   1 Amal Kiran
   1 Al-Jilani
   1 al-Habib Ahmad b. Hasan al-Attas
   1 Alexander the Great
   1 Aleister Crowley?
   1 Aldous Huxley
   1 Alan Cohen See:
   1 Pythagoras
   1 Plato
   1 Meister Eckhart
   1 Matsuo Basho
   1 Maimonides
   1 Jorge Luis Borges
   1 Jetsun Milarepa
   1 Homer
   1 Hafiz
   1 Bodhidharma
   1 Aristotle
   1 Ahmad]
   1 Adyashanti
   1 Abraham Lincoln
   1 1 John 2:16-17
   1 ?


  418 William Shakespeare
   49 William Blake
   40 William Butler Yeats
   19 Anonymous
   18 William James
   17 William Wordsworth
   17 William Goldman
   16 William Gibson
   13 William Cowper
   11 William Peter Blatty
   10 Will Smith
   10 William W Johnstone
   10 William Hazlitt
   10 Willa Cather
   10 Robin Williams
   8 William Penn
   8 William Golding
   8 Jocko Willink
   7 William Zinsser
   7 William Faulkner

1:The answers will find you. ~ Jeff Foster,
2:This will never come again." ~ Steve Hagen,
3:What cannot be said will be wept. ~ Sappho,
4:Summoned or not, the god will come. ~ Carl Jung,
5:Will the mind find itself? ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
6:Quiet the mind and the soul will speak." ~ Buddha,
7:I will be Chateaubriand or nothing.
   ~ Vicktor Hugo,
8:And the world will live as one ~ John Lennon, Imagine,
9:so the nightbirds will start singing. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
10:Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. ~ John 4:8,
11:for you never know how soon it will be too late. ~ Emerson,
12:The question is not can you. It's will you." ~ Jim Stovall,
13:Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you. ~ Carl Jung,
14:Kiss me, and you will see how important I am. ~ Sylvia Plath,
15:What's meant to be will always find a way. ~ Trisha Yearwood,
16:Holding on won't make you strong, letting go will." ~ Thibaut,
17:Then the grace of the Divine will lift you. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
18:what you love will be yours for ever. ~ Pope St. Leo the Great,
19:Whoever gossips to you will gossip about you. ~ Spanish Proverb,
20:Endure and you will conquer, The Lord is with you. ~ Mother Mirra,
21:Invoked or not invoked, God will be present. ~ Carl Jung, Epitaph,
22:Tell the truth, or someone will tell it for you. ~ Stephanie Klein,
23:The only thing that could [be] would be thine own will
   ~ Petalbae,
24:The man who knows how will always have a job.
   ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
25:The right people will always find you at the right time." ~ R.M. Drake,
26:A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds." ~ Francis Bacon,
27:There is nothing impossible to him who will try." ~ Alexander the Great,
28:His creation never had a beginning and will never have an end. ~ The Bab,
29:Touch the hole in your life, and there flowers will bloom. ~ Zen Proverb,
30:An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind. ~ Mohandas Gandhi,
31:Nothing you have not given away will ever really be yours." ~ C. S. Lewis,
32:Until you know nothing you will never know Self. ~ Ashtavakra-Gita, 16.11,
33:The person attempting to travel two roads at once will get nowhere. ~ Xunzi,
34:Wherever a person goes, his deeds, like a shadow, will follow. ~ The Buddha,
35:Ants, fighting together, will vanquish the lion. ~ Saadi,
36:Be faithful to the Divine and you will enjoy a constant peace. ~ MOTHER MIRA,
37:Even if it seems certain that you will lose, retaliate. ~ Yamamoto Tsunetomo,
38:Let us go singing as far as we go: the road will be less tedious.
   ~ Virgil,
39:One day I will find the right words, and they will be simple. ~ Jack Kerouac,
40:The universe will reward you for taking risks on its behalf. ~ Shakti Gawain,
41:Tomorrow will be better if you let your heart rule today." ~ Leo Christopher,
42:Cowardice, the dread of what will happen. ~ Epictetus,
43:He who does not enjoy solitude will not love freedom.
   ~ Arthur Schopenhauer,
44:If you know the way broadly you will see it in everything. ~ Miyamoto Musashi,
45:Trust your Self, then you will know how to live. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
46:Be the master of your will and the slave of your conscience. ~ Hasidic Proverb,
47:The will is what man has as his unique possession. ~ Saint Joseph of Cupertino,
48:Stop loving yourself and you will love God. ~ Philokalia, Maximos the Confessor,
49:Without them no one will see the Lord. ~ Saint Maximus the Confessor, (580-662),
50:Doubts will cease only when the non-self is put an end to. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
51:If you marry the dharma, realizations will be your children. ~ Chamtrul Rinpoche,
52:This bread, which I will give for the life of the world, is My flesh. ~ Jn. 6:51,
53:He who knows that enough is enough will always have enough. ~ Tao Te Ching, ch.46,
54:Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.
   ~ C S Lewis,
55:There is nothing to fear. The Master will lead you by the hand. ~ Sri Sarada Devi,
56:I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library. ~ Jorge Luis Borge,
57:Remain with Me and you will find peace. ~ Thomas A Kempis, The Imitation of Christ,
58:Tell me what occupies your mind and I will tell you who your God is. ~ Paul Washer,
59:The uplift of a fearless heart will help us over barriers." ~ Laura Ingalls Wilder,
60:This bread, which I will give for the life of the world, is My flesh" ~ Jn. 6:51).,
61:Whatever you do to find your Self will take your attention from it. ~ Jac O'Keeffe,
62:When you really look for me you will see me instantly. ~ Kabir,
63:You can, you should, and if you're brave enough to start, you will. ~ Stephen King,
64:you can, you should, and if you're brave enough to start, you will. ~ Stephen King,
65:Look after the present and the future will look after itself. ~ Swami Chinmayananda,
66:Mankind must put an end to war or war will put an end to mankind. ~ John F. Kennedy,
67:No matter how thin you slice it, there will always be two sides.
   ~ Baruch Spinoza,
68:we will
always be
disturbed by the truth ~ Dogen Zenji,
69:Do whatever you will, but first be such as are able to will.
   ~ Friedrich Nietzsche,
70:Give me the child for the first seven years and I will give you the man. ~ Aristotle?
71:Do not think you will necessarily be aware of your own enlightenment." ~ Dōgen Zenji,
72:Where they have burned books, they will end in burning human beings. ~ Heinrich Heine
73:Care about people's approval and you will be their prisoner. ~ Tao Te Ching, chapter 9,
74:... Persecution will cease and justice shall rule." ~ Venerable Barthalomew Holzhauser,
75:They will create the viruses themselves and sell you the antidotes. ~ Muammar Gaddafi?,
76:All books will become light in proportion as you find light in them. ~ Mortimer J Adler,
77:As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live." ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
78:La tristesse durera toujours.[The sadness will last forever.] ~ Vincent van Gogh,
79:Time is the coin of life. Only you can determine how it will be spent." ~ Carl Sandburg,
80:We who think we are about to die will laugh at anything. ~ Terry Pratchett, Night Watch,
81:A woman is the only thing I am afraid of that I know will not hurt me. ~ Abraham Lincoln,
82:Do what you will, this world's a fiction and is made up of contradiction ~ William Blake,
83:If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves." ~ Bruce Lee,
84:Surrender, and all will be well. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
85:Where there's a will there's a way
   To him that will, ways are not wanting
   ~ Proverb,
86:An evil enemy will burn his own nation to the ground... to rule over the ashes. ~ Sun Tzu,
87:„Anger is a momentary madness so control your passion or it will control you." ~ Horace,
88:Love has no boundary, and will never cease to grow as we add light to light. ~ Philokalia,
89:The best author will be the one who is ashamed to become a writer
   ~ Friedrich Nietzsche,
90:God will not look you over for medals, degrees or diplomas but for scars. ~ Elbert Hubbard,
91:If anything goes wrong, repeat OM, all will go well. ~ The Mother,
92:If someone claims to have free will, ask them, free from precisely what? ~ Peter J Carroll,
93:It is the illusion of free will that creates the illusion of the ego. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
94:Just let things be in their own way, and there will be neither coming nor going." ~ Sengcan,
95:What comes will also go. What always is will alone remain. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi
96:Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there." ~ Will Rogers,
97:If moment by moment you can keep your mind clear then nothing will confuse you." ~ Sheng-yen,
98:Take care of the kingdom of the heart, and the rest will come in addition. ~ Claudio Naranjo,
99:The end of life is to be like God, and the soul following God will be like Him.
   ~ Socrates,
100:And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. ~ Old Testament,
101:Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough." ~ Og Mandino,
102:Formal education will make you a living. Self education will make you a fortune.
   ~ Jim Rohn,
103:Gently, but with undeniable will, divesting myself of the holds that would hold me. ~ Whitman,
104:Only those will enter whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life." ~ Revelation 21:27,
   ~ Barbara Max Hubbard,
106:When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. ~ Jimi Hendrix,
107:Be humble and peaceful, and Jesus will be with you. ~ Thomas A Kempis, The Imitation of Christ,
108:If you do not let go of what binds you to samsara, you will never be free. ~ Chamtrul Rinpoche,
109:Lose yourself wholly; and the more you lose, the more you will find. ~ Saint Catherine of Siena,
110:Not an atom moves except by God's will. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
111:Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." ~ T. S. Eliot,
112:Perhaps the greatest risk any of us will ever take is to be seen as we really are. ~ Cinderella,
113:The deeds you do may be the only sermon some people will hear today." ~ Saint Francis of Assisi,
114:Tomorrow or your next existence,
Who knows which will come first? ~ Nyoshul Khen Rinpoche,
115:What is destined to happen will happen. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
116:You will be an immortal God, deathless, no longer mortal. ~ Pythagoras,
117:The greatest glory we can give to God is to do his will in everything. ~ Saint Alphonsus Liguori,
118:I will be lord over myself. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
119:Obey the nature of things (your own nature), and you will walk freely and undisturbed." ~ Sengcan,
120:The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it. ~ George Orwell,
121:An idea, like a ghost, must be spoken to a little before it will explain itself. ~ Charles Dickens,
122:For millions of years you have slept. This morning, will you not wake? ~ Kabir,
123:On my tombstone, I really hope that someday they will write: He was true but partial. ~ Ken Wilber,
124:Remember that the devil has only one door by which to enter the soul: the will." ~ Saint Padre Pio,
125:Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
126:The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Exodus, 14:14,
127:21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Matthew, 6:21,
128:Have faith in the Lord's mercy and all can and will change.
   ~ The Mother,
129:How long will you keep pounding on an open door Begging for someone to open it? ~ Rabia al-Adawiyya,
130:Leap and the net will appear. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
131:Let us read, and let us dance; these two amusements will never do any harm to the world. ~ Voltaire,
132:No matter how many years you sit doing zazen, you will never become anything special. ~ Kodo Sawaki,
133:„Prove yourself brave, truthful, and unselfish, and someday, you will be a real boy." ~ Pinocchio,
134:The more fear you confront and conquer, the greater the courage you will possess.
   ~ Chin-Ning Chu,
135:The world is preparing for a big change.
Will you help? ~ The Mother,
136:Do not cling to the experience of emptiness, and appearances will purify themselves. ~ Yeshe Tsogyal,
137:Even the slightest breach of God's laws will be taken into account. ~ Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina,
138:Everyone who can speak the truth, yet speaks it not, will be judged by God… ~ Saint Justin Martyr.,
139:If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place ~ Lao Tzu,
140:One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful. ~ Sigmund Freud,
141:The lover of God will cry and weep until he finds rest in the Beloved's embrace. ~ Rabia al-Adawiyya,
142:Truth alone will endure, all the rest will be swept away before the tide of time.
   ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
143:Will is the soul of the universe. ~ Schopenhauer, the Eternal Wisdom
144:For "everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Romans, 10:13,
145:Let us read, and let us dance; these two amusements will never do any harm to the world.
   ~ Voltaire,
146:People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own soul.
   ~ Carl Jung,
147:Unless the unhoped for is hoped for, it will not be discovered. ~ Heraclitus,
148:Until you are happy with who you are, you will never be happy because of what you have." ~ Zig Ziglar,
149:Perhaps in time the so-called Dark Ages will be thought of as including our own. ~ Georg C Lichtenberg,
150:True appreciation of his own value will make a man really indifferent to insult. ~ Arthur Schopenhauer,
151:If you don't know how to say no, your body will say it for you through physical illnesses. ~ Gabor Mate,
152:Whatever sentence will bear to be read twice, we may be sure was thought twice.
   ~ Henry David Thoreau,
153:Why entertain any fear? All conditions can turn favourable by the will of the Master. ~ Sri Sarada Devi,
154:Do not think you will necessarily be aware of your own enlightenment. ~ Dogen Zenji,
155:Do not think you will necessarily be aware of your own enlightenment." ~ Dogen Zenji,
156:Every drop of earthly bitterness will be changed into an ocean of heavenly sweetness. ~ Saint Henry Suso,
157:For those who allow their mind to wander here and there, everything will go wrong. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
158:If you light a lantern for another, it will also brighten your own way ~ Nichiren,
159:I will no longer mutilate and destroy myself in order to find a secret behind the ruins. ~ Hermann Hesse,
160:Long for what is real. You will then have no time for worrying over what may never happen." ~ Meher Baba,
161:They who have faith will go through. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, [T0],
162:We use Jesus and not people, because only he will never be without us." ~ Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina,
163:But call Him by what name you will; for to those who know, He is the possessor of all names. ~ Baha-ullah,
164:Every drop of earthly bitterness will be changed into an ocean of heavenly sweetness." ~ Saint Henry Suso,
165:For the man who is beautiful is beautiful to see but the good man will at once also beautiful be ~ Sappho,
166:If you try to change it, you will ruin it. If you try to hold it, you will lose it. ~ Tao Te Ching, ch.29,
167:If you want to turn your life around, try thankfulness. It will change your life mightily." ~ Gerald Good,
168:The man of taste will read only what is good; but the statesman will permit both bad and good. ~ Voltaire,
169:Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate. ~ Carl Jung,
170:The more earnestness you have in your practice, the greater will be the joy. ~ Manapurush Swami Shivananda,
171:The philosophy of laughter will never have anything in common with the religion of tears.
   ~ Eliphas Levi,
172:Trace the source of thoughts, they will disappear. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
173:All the goodness and the heroisms will rise up again, then be cut down again and rise up." ~ John Steinbeck,
174:And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Matthew, 21:22,
175:More important than any stage which you will attain is your sincerity, your right effort." ~ Shunryu Suzuki,
176:That which is was always and always will be. ~ Melessus, the Eternal Wisdom
177:... Women will abandon feelings of delicacy, and cohabit with men out of wedlock." ~ Saint Senanus, Ireland
178:You must accept your cross; if you carry it courageously, it will carry you to heaven. ~ Saint John Vianney,
179:Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer.
   ~ William S Burroughs,
180:You will never be free until you free yourself from the prison of your own false thoughts." ~ Philip Arnold,
181:Closeness to the Divine will always grow with the growth of consciousness, equanimity and love. ~ The Mother,
182:If the ego rises, all else will also rise; if it subsides, all else will also subside. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
183:Learn to call me in your dreams - and you will see the result.
   ~ The Mother, [T5],
184:Magick is the art of causing changes in consciousness to occur in accordance with the will.
   ~ Dion Fortune,
185:Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think." ~ Benjamin Disraeli,
186:Prayer is the unfolding of our will to God ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, 3.21.1,
187:Don't waste your time chasing butterflies. Mend your garden, and the butterflies will come." ~ Mario Quintana,
188:If you do not study, the inertia will go on increasing.
   ~ The Mother, On Education,
189:Never will we understand the value of time better than when our last hour is at hand." ~ Saint Arnold Janssen,
190:See and realize that this world is not permanent. Neither late nor early flowers will remain." ~ Taigu Ryokan,
191:This dew-like life will fade away; avoid involvement in superfluous things. ~ Dogen Zenji,
192:What does it take to become a saint? Will it. ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, [T5],
193:At the bottom of great doubt lies great awakening. If you doubt fully, you will awaken fully.
   ~ Hakuin Ekaku,
194:Before they call I will answer; while they are yet speaking I will hear. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Isaiah, 65:24,
195:On the last day of your life when you wake-up, you will see this is all illusion and imagination. ~ Shabistari,
196:With such force will Babylon the great city be thrown down, and will never be found again." ~ Revelation 18:21,
197:Change yourself and the circumstances will change. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother I,
198:Do not forget the covenant. Struggle with your lower self. Either you ride it, or it will ride you. ~ Al-Jilani,
199:He who holds on to the Lord, even when afflicted by sufferings, will certainly attain to Him. ~ Sri Sarada Devi,
200:If you can carry the whole yoke of the Lord, you will be perfect; but if you cannot, do what you can. ~ Didache,
201:In the end, only the truth will survive. ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin,
202:Love the Lord full-heartedly and all will be well.
In Love eternal. ~ The Mother,
203:Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets. ~ Amos 3:7 KJV,
204:The plants and flowers
I raised about my hut
I now surrender
To the will
Of the wind ~ Taigu Ryokan,
205:You said: 'If you are patient all will improve!' Heart, for patience one is having! There isn't!" ~ Baba Tahir,
206:Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.
   ~ Confucius,
207:Everything that has a beginning has an ending. Make your peace with that and all will be well." ~ Jack Kornfield,
208:If we remove from our minds all the rubbish, all the thoughts, peace will become manifest. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
209:I will define him simply as someone set on becoming a god rather than a man. ~ Epictetus,
210:No one who does good work will ever come to a bad end, either here or in the world to come
   ~ The Bhagavad Gita,
211:Sometimes the world around you will get dark. Maybe it's only for you to turn on your own light." ~ Jenna Galbut,
212:then all you do, will become admirable" ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, @Sufi_Path
213:A persevering will surmounts all obstacles.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, Will,
214:Everybody will go after only what gives happiness to him. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
215:Good will for all and good will from all is the basis of peace and harmony. ~ The Mother,
216:Holiness consists simply in doing God's will, and being just what God wants us to be." ~ Saint Therese of Lisieux,
217:If you try to change it, you will ruin it. Try to hold it, and you will lose it." ~ Lao Tzu,
218:It is what you read when you don't have to that determines what you will be when you can't help it. ~ Oscar Wilde,
219:Little by little, through patience and repeated effort, the mind will become stilled in the Self. ~ Bhagavad Gita,
220:... the blood of men will have to be spilled on the asphalt of our streets." ~ Venerable Anne Catherine Emmerich ,
221:Will and intellect are the same in God ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 1.22.1ad3).,
222:You will always be fond of me. I represent to you all the sins you never had the courage to commit. ~ Oscar Wilde,
223:Let Mother's will be done. Never mind sunshine or rain, we must not forget Mother at any time. ~ Swami Turiyananda,
224:Lord, if your people need me, I will not refuse the work. Your will be done. ~ Saint Martin of Tours, (316-397 AD),
225:... Love the Divine alone and the Divine will always be with you. ~ The Mother, WOTM2, 1:1
226:Prayer is the unfolding of our will to God ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 3.21.1).,
227:The desire to know your own soul will end all other desires. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, [T5],
228:What comes will also go. What always is will alone remain. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
229:Absence is a house so vast that inside you will pass through its walls and hang pictures on the air. ~ Pablo Neruda,
230:Men will only be happy when they all love each other. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
231:No matter how subtle the sleeper's thoughts become, his dreams will not guide him home. ~ Hafiz,
232:the lover's heart will be a bed of roses." ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, @Sufi_Path
233:The more powerful and original a mind, the more it will incline towards the religion of solitude.
   ~ Aldous Huxley,
234:Weep for God, and the tears will wash away the dirt from your mind. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
235:When we set our course for God, He will always be there to direct our path
   ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Proverbs, 16:9,
236:If I tell you something, you will stick to it and limit your own capacity to find out for yourself. ~ Shunryu Suzuki,
237:If you say you are bound, bound you will remain. ~ Swami Vivekananda, (C.W. II. 350),
238:Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth. ~ Oscar Wilde,
239:The highest wisdom is never to worry about the future but to resign ourselves entirely to his will. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
240:When the mind itself is absent, there will be perfect peace. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
241:Would you call Him Destiny? You will not be wrong. Providence? You will say well. Nature? That too you may. ~ Seneca,
242:You will have to subjugate your passions and hold fast to the faith that God exists everywhere. ~ Swami Vijnanananda,
243:Finish the few duties you have at hand, and then you will have peace. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
244:God's will is the cause of goodness in things ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 1.20.4).,
245:If in your heart you make a manger for his birth then God will once again become a child on earth. ~ Angelus Silesius,
246:If you do not expect the unexpected, you will not recognize it when it arrives. ~ Heraclitus,
247:Let any amount of burden be laid on Him, He will bear it all. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
248:So... all of time and space, everything that ever happened or ever will ~ where do you want to start? ~ Steven Moffat,
249:The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Isaiah, 40:8,
250:Yet the world and its enticement are passing away. But whoever does the will of God remains forever. ~ 1 John 2:16-17,
251:Aviation is proof that given, the will, we have the capacity to achieve the impossible.
   ~ Edward Vernon Rickenbacker,
252:Don't expect anything from anyone! Learn to be the giver! Otherwise you will become self-centered. ~ Swami Turiyananda,
253:Don't waste your time chasing butterflies. Mend your garden, and the butterflies will come.
   ~ Mario Quintana/Unknown,
254:Eventually, all that one has learnt will have to be forgotten. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
255:If one completes the journey to one's own heart, one will find oneself in the heart of everyone else. ~ Thomas Keating,
256:If one's mind has peace, the whole world will appear peaceful. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
257:If you are irritated by every rub, how will your mirror be polished?" ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
258:Lift the veil that obscures the heart, and there you will find what you are looking for.
   ~ Kabir,
259:Never say, I cannot. Look more closely, you will find that it means in reality, I want not. ~ Nolini Kanta Gupta, [T5],
260:The greatest challenge to any thinker is stating the problem in a way that will allow a solution.
   ~ Bertrand Russell,
261:The Self being always self evident will shine forth of itself. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
262:The shield of the scholar is, ‘I do not know’, so if he leaves it down, his attacker will strike him. ~ Imam Malik,
263:Think before you desire a thing. There is every possibility that it will be fulfilled, and then you will suffer. ~ Osho,
264:When you suffer, you yourself are the cause. Please do not imagine much, and you will be free. ~ SWAMI TRIGUNATITANANDA,
265:A pure heart, open to the Light will be filled with the elixir of Truth. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
266:By the will art thou lost, by the will art thou found, by the will art thou free, captive, and bound. ~ Angelus Silesius,
267:Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
   ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Matthew, 11:28,
268:Do not complain, that shows discontent with the will of GOD in the present moment. ~ Saint Martin de Porres, (1579-1639),
269:God will not allow you to be lost if you persist in your determination not to lose Him. ~ Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina,
270:I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Matthew, 13:35,
271:Keep your face always toward the sunshine - and shadows will fall behind you." ~ Walt Whitman,
272:myself without expecting any reward, but the knowledge that I am doing your holy will. Amen." ~ Saint Ignatius of Loyola,
273:So long as a man has not realized God, he will have to be born on earth. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
274:...unless men work at occultism as they work for the prizes of their professions they will not achieve.
   ~ Dion Fortune,
275:What is to be done will be done at the proper time. Don't worry. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
276:You are the children of the Master; why should you be drowned? No, never. The Master will protect you. ~ Sri Sarada Devi,
277:All I can guarantee you is that as long as you are searching for happiness, you will remain unhappy." ~ U.G. Krishnamurti,
278:Blessed is one who is before coming into being. For whoever is, was and will be. ~ Gospel of Philip, Nag Hammadi, 64:9-12,
279:For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Romans, 6:14,
280:No rational argument will have a rational effect on a man who does not want to adopt a rational attitude.
   ~ Karl Popper,
281:Without God, man cannot, and without man, God will not. ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo,
282:A little Japa and meditation will awaken Kundalini . Does it wake up on its own? Do Japa and meditation. ~ Sri Sarada Devi,
283:Hold tight to your own time, hour after hour; you will not depend on the future if you grasp the present in hand. ~ Seneca,
284:If you are irritated by every rub, how will your mirror be polished? ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, [T5],
285:It is pointless trying to know where the way leads. Think only about your first step, the rest will come." ~ Shams Tabrizi,
286:I will trust and not be afraid. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Isaiah, XII. 2, the Eternal Wisdom
287:One day it will come back to you in the dessert." ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, @Sufi_Path
288:Put your trust in Allah, you will be the strongest of men. ~ Ahmad], @Sufi_Path
289:Scrape the surface of language, and you will behold interstellar space and the skin that encloses it. ~ Velimir Khlebnikov,
290:Simply meditating or repeating God's names, without any effort at rooting out the desires, will not do. ~ SWAMI PREMANANDA,
291:Someday perhaps the inner light will shine forth from us, and then we'll need no other light. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
292:...spirituality alone will not take a man far in the Mysteries; he must have intellectual powers as well.
   ~ Dion Fortune,
293:The heart that is not in love will fail the test. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, @Sufi_Path
294:... with the view of winning honor for themselves, they will hold each other as objects for ridicule." ~ Saint Columbcille,
295:And call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Psalms, 50:25,
296:A true initiate will never force anyone who has not reached a certain level of maturity to accept his truth. ~ Franz Bardon,
297:By whatever path you go, you will have to lose yourself in the one. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
298:Everything will come right if you are pure and sincere. ~ Swami Vivekananda, (C.W. VI. 281),
299:Let any amount of burden be laid on Him [Her], He will bear it all. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
300:Stand for something or you will fall for anything. Today's mighty oak is yesterday's nut that held its ground. ~ Rosa Parks,
301:Statistical thinking will one day be as necessary for efficient citizenship as the ability to read and write.
   ~ H G Wells,
302:The moment you accept what troubles you've been given, the door will open." ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
303:Too much light, you will be blind. Too much wind, you drown. Too much intellect, you isolate yourself ... ~ Claudio Naranjo,
304:Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and they will come forth, later, in uglier ways."~ Sigmund Freud,
305:When we have our body and mind in order, everything else will exist in the right place, in the right way." ~ Shunryu Suzuki,
306:With thorns in the inner world there will always be roses in the outer world, in law-able compensation." ~ George Gurdjieff,
307:Don't aim for success if you want it. Just do what you love and believe in and it will come to you naturally." ~ David Frost,
308:Each reaction which arises from us causes a delay in attaining the goal. Whereas acceptance will cause Grace to flow. ~ Amma,
309:His creation never had a beginning and will never have an end. ~ The Bab, the Eternal Wisdom
310:If you keep hold of your Self, you will not see the objective world. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
311:Learn to distinguish what should be done and what not; The clever soul will always select his opportunity. ~ Nagarjuna, [T5],
312:Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. ~ Matthew. VI. 21, the Eternal Wisdom
313:You don't have to move mountains. You will change the world just by being a warm, kind-hearted human being." ~ Anita Krizzan,
314:Be always faithful to your faith and you will feel no sorrow.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II,
315:But please remember: this is only a work of fiction. The truth, as always, will be far stranger.
   ~ Arthur C Clarke,
316:If you find me not within you, you will never find me. For, I have been with you, from the beginning of me. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
317:If you live one sixth of what is taught you, you will surely attain the goal. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
318:The body will eventually drop anyway one day. Let all experiences teach you that you are not the body. ~ Roger Phillip Kaplan,
319:The hand of the diligent will rule, But the slack hand will be put to forced labor.
   ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Proverbs, 12:24,
320:At some time, one will have to forget everything that has been learnt. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
321:Come to my Divine Mother and you will receive not only Bhakti, but also Jnana. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
322:I am with you and I will take you to the goal. Have an unshakable faith and all will go well. Blessings.
   ~ The Mother?, [T2],
323:If the form is transcended one will know that the one Self is eternal. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
324:Know the Self which is here and now; you will be steady and not waver. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
325:The hour will come for the culture of the soul in solitary communion with God. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
326:The way of truth is like a great road. It is not difficult to know it. The evil is only that men will not seek it.
   ~ Mencius,
327:When the mind merges in the Heart, it will attain perfection as peace. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
328:When the past is always with you, it may as well be present; and if it is present, it will be future as well. ~ William Gibson,
329:whose skin
will they touch
rouge flowers
~ Chiyo-ni, @BashoSociety
330:Why analyze and see the evil? Move toward the Lord! Through His grace you will be freed from all passions. ~ Swami Turiyananda,
331:For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. ~ Matthew VI. 21, the Eternal Wisdom
332:However many holy words you read, however many you speak, what good will they do you if you do not act on upon them?
   ~ Buddha,
333:If you are humble nothing will touch you, neither praise nor disgrace, because you know what you are. ~ Saint Teresa of Kolkata,
334:If you cry because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars." ~ Rabindranath Tagore,
335:Knowledge is incomplete without action. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Isha Upanishad, Action and the Divine Will,
336:turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return. ~ Leonardo da Vinci,
337:When ships to sail the void between the stars have been built, there will step forth men to sail these ships. ~ Johannes Kepler,
338:Be out of sync with your times for just one day, and you will see how much eternity you contain within you. ~ Rainer Maria Rilke,
339:charity and humility will be laughed to scorn, and the common people will believe in false ideas." ~ Saint Columba, (521-597 AD),
340:He grants and will grant His touch in His own time. But we have to do our duty, which is to call out to Him. ~ SRI ANANDAMAYI MA,
341:In due course, we will know that our glory lies where we cease to exist. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
342:Let all involuntary suffering teach you to remember God, and you will not lack occasion for repentance. ~ Saint Mark the Ascetic,
343:Oct 1 ~ Theology 101: "No one will enter into the kingdom of God unless they receive the name of his Son." ~ Shepherd of Hermas),
344:Settle yourself in solitude, and you will come upon God in yourself. ~ Saint Teresa of Avila,
345:The fool who burns by day a camphor-light
Will soon not have an oil-lamp for the night. ~ Saadi, Gulistan,
346:When the student is ready the teacher will appear. When the student is truly ready... The teacher will Disappear. ~ Tao Te Ching,
347:Always live under the eyes of the Good Shepherd and you will be immune to contaminated pastures. ~ Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina,
348:I care not so much what I am to others as what I am to myself. I will be rich by myself, and not by borrowing. ~ Alfred Korzybski,
349:If enquired 'Who thinks?', thinking will come to an end. Even when thoughts do not exist, do not you exist? ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
350:if I am
to be alone
the moon will be my friend
~ Buson, @BashoSociety
351:If you seek the Cross of Christ, take my heart. There you will find the suffering Lord." ~ Saint Clare of Montefalco, (1268-1308),
352:In conclusion, there is no conclusion. Things will go on as they always have, getting weirder all the time. ~ Robert Anton Wilson,
353:It's not what happens to you that determines how far you will go in life; it is how you handle what happens to you." ~ Zig Ziglar,
354:Judge nothing, you will be happy. Forgive everything, you will be happier. Love everything, you will be happiest.
   ~ Sri Chinmoy,
355:A discipline imposed by the will for any spiritual end is tapasya.§ ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II,
356:All our actions in this world will determine our future birth. ~ Swami Vivekananda, (C.W. II. 256),
357:Day after day our aspiration will grow and our faith will intensify. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II,
358:e will see with the divine eyes the mysteries of the eternal art. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
359:No one is prepared; no one ever is. Work is is merely a question of who will try to do what is required. ~ Rodney Collin,
360:Only when the ever-present consciousness is realized will it be permanent. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
361:The vision of God does not depend on your will - you must depend on His. You must resign yourself completely. ~ Swami Adbhutananda,
362:You possess only whatever will not be lost in a ship wreck. ~ Imam Ghazali], @Sufi_Path
363:You will know in due course that your glory lies where you cease to exist. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
364:All doubts will cease only when the doubter and his source have been found. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
365:And what help will all creatures be able to give you if you are deserted by the Creator? ~ Thomas A Kempis, The Imitation of Christ,
366:Do not try to explain. They will only understand you as much as they see and hear.. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
367:Engage yourself in the living present. The future will take care of itself. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
368:I am not, I will not be.
I have not, I will not have.
This frightens all children,
And kills fear in the wise. ~ Nagarjuna,
369:Know for certain that He will not leave you. He will never fail you when you cry His name with a longing heart. ~ Swami Saradananda,
370:The major task of the twentieth century will be to explore the unconscious, to investigate the subsoil of the mind. ~ Henri Bergson,
371:With patience one arrives always.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, Will and Perserverance, Patience,
372:As long as there is a mind, so long will there be such questions and doubts. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
373:If you know the Self, there will be no darkness, no ignorance and no misery. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
374:If you seek the source of the mind, then alone all questions will be solved. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
375:Learn to see God in everything about you. Smear God over everything, and your mind will think of Him alone. ~ SWAMI TRIGUNATITANANDA,
376:The more man meditates upon good thoughts, the better will be his world and the world at large." ~ Confucius,
377:You will advance in whatever way you may meditate upon God or recite His holy names. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
378:Be perfectly sincere and no victory will be denied to you.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, Sincerity,
379:God is both inside and outside you. When you realize that He is within you, your passions will be under control. ~ Swami Vijnanananda,
380:If a person has ten habits out of which nine are good and one bad, that bad one will destroy the good ones. ~ Hazrat Umar ibn Khattab,
381:If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, John, 15:7,
382:If you have true faith and longing, you will get everything by the Grace of the Lord. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
383:If you practise meditation and prayer it will make me happy. I look on you as my own. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
384:Nothing goes by luck in composition. It allows of no tricks. The best you can write will be the best you are.
   ~ Henry David Thoreau,
385:The affairs of the world will go on forever, do not delay the practice of meditation. ~ Jetsun Milarepa,
386:The remembrance of God is like a flame. In whichever direction it is blown, it will burn up whatever lies in its way. ~ Anandamayi Ma,
387:There will come a time when one will have to forget all that one has learned. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
388:Being free of desires it is tranquil. And the world will be at peace of it's own accord. ~ Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching,
389:Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will.
   ~ Aleister Crowley,
390:Honor Mary as much as possible. She is your good and loving mother. She will never fail to watch over you. ~ Saint Teresa of the Andes,
391:I must create a system or be enslaved by another man's, I will not reason and compare, my business is to create. ~ William Blake, [T5],
392:Know and believe that you are of immense power and the power will come to you at last. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
393:Look within. See the Self! There will be an end of the world and its miseries. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
394:Love not sleep, lest you come to poverty; open your eyes, and you will have plenty of bread.
   ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Proverbs, 20:13,
395:Mary was the most perfect among the saints only because she was always perfectly united to the will of God." ~ Saint Alphonsus Liguori,
396:Only after the last judgment will Mary get any rest; from now until then, she is much too busy with her children. ~ Saint John Vianney,
397:Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart ... Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. ~ Carl Jung,
398:You will not be good teachers if you focus only on what you do and not upon who you are. ~ Rudolf Steiner,
399:Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous be shaken.
   ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Psalms, 55:22,
400:Die for love: lay down your life, and life with you will stay. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, @Sufi_Path
401:I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help! ~ Psalms CXXI.1, the Eternal Wisdom
402:Perhaps the blindness of our will is Fate. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Word of Fate,
403:They deem me mad because I will not sell my days for gold; and I deem them mad because they think my days have a price. ~ Khalil Gibran,
404:Until now you have asked nothing in my name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, John, 16:24,
405:You will decide on a matter, and it will be established for you, and light will shine on your ways. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Job, 22:28,
406:But as for me, I will look to the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation; my God will hear me. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Micah, 7:7,
407:Find the source. The false 'I' will disappear and the real 'I' will be realized. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
408:If you are humble nothing will touch you, neither praise nor disgrace, because you know what you are." ~ Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta,
409:If you possess even one of the eight psychic powers, you will never know My real nature. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
410:It is easier today to triumph over evil habits than it will be tomorrow. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
411:I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever.
   ~ Anonymous, The Bible, John, 14:16, [T0],
412: one and single direction is needed which will conduct us to a one sole end. ~ Philo, the Eternal Wisdom
413:Seek the wisdom that will untie your knot. Seek the path that demands your whole being
   ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
414:The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools. ~ Thucydides,
415:All doubts will cease only when the doubter and his [her] source have been found. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
416:But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Matthew, 6:33,
417:Fill your bowl to the brim and it will spill. Keep sharpening your knife and it will blunt. ~ Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching,
418:I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Psalms, 32:8,
419:Let your standpoint become that of wisdom then the world will be found to be God. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
420:The farther away you are from the truth, the more the hateful and pleasurable states will arise." ~ Bodhidharma,
421:The unchangeable can only be realized in silence. Once realized, it will deeply affect the changeable. ~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Maharaj,
422:This is the great truth of Magic; the more one learns about it, the less they require of it to make their will a reality
   ~ Andrew Black,
423:What is that, knowing which we will know everything?
   - Vedas? ~ Swami Vivekananda, Rajayoga, 36,
424:When we give up regarding the unreal as real, then the reality alone will remain. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
425:Who is the doubter? Who is the thinker? Find him [her]. These doubts will vanish. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
426:Working with plants, trees, fences and walls, if they practice sincerely they will attain enlightenment.~ Dogen Zenji,
427:Have a sincere faith in the Divine and you will clearly know what you have to do. Blessings.
   ~ The Mother, [T5],
428:He who created us without our help will not save us without our consent. ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo,
429:If you can strictly follow what the Guru has prescribed for the realization of God, everything will be smooth at last. ~ Swami Saradananda,
430:Imagination the free-will of Truth, ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Glory and Fall of Life,
431:Live within, in the depth of your heart, and nobody or nothing will have the power to disturb you.
   ~ The Mother,
432:When I die, I will send down a shower of roses from the heavens, I will spend my heaven by doing good on earth. ~ Saint Therese of Lisieux,
433:Go you, sweep out the dwelling room of your heart; prepare it to be the home of the Beloved. When you go out, He will come in. ~ Shabistari,
434:The one close to me now,
even my own body-
these too
will soon become clouds,
floating in different directions. ~ Izumi Shikibu,
435:Unless you are completely detached from everything, your meditation and prayer, work and learning will be of no avail. ~ Swami Vijnanananda,
436:Until realisation there will be Karma, i.e., action and reaction; after realisation there will be no Karma, no world. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
437:Whether the mind becomes steady or not, practice Japa. It will be nice if you can perform a certain number of Japa daily. ~ Sri Sarada Devi,
438:Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Jeremiah, 33:3,
439:Doing something will get you to the wall, doing 'nothing' get you through." ~ Ron Smothermon, M.D. "Winning Through Enlightenment,", (1980).,
440:He who has a mistaken idea of life, will always have a mistaken idea of death. ~ Tolstoy, the Eternal Wisdom
441:If a warrior is not unattached to life and death, he will be of no use whatsoever." ~ Yamamoto Tsunetomo (Hagakure: The Book of the Samurai),
442:If one surrenders to God, there will be no cause for anxiety. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi, Conscious Immortality,
443:If the need is a true one, the means to do it will come spontaneously.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, [T5],
444:If you give up all else and seek Him alone, He alone will remain as the I, the Self. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
445:Learning is hard work, but everything you learn is yours and will make subsequent learning easier.
   ~ Marijn Haverbeke, Eloquent Javascript,
446:Realize your pure Be-ing. Thoughts will play as usual, but you will not be affected. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
447:That which is must also persist for ever. That which appears anew will also be lost. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
448:To know and to will are two operations of the human mind.
   ~ Leonardo da Vinci, Notebooks, Philosophy, 1146,
449:Divine love must awaken within your hearts and be intensified and crystallized. Then only the vision of God will open up. ~ Swami Turiyananda,
450:I can have nothing to do with your money. For if I accept it, my mind will be always with it. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
451:It will be like a judgment in miniature and each one will see himself in the light of the very Truth of God." ~ Our Lady to Fr. Stefano Gobbi,
452:Make japa and meditate daily and remain pure in body, mind, and speech - by that alone you will achieve your life's goal. ~ Swami Saradananda,
453:Faith is only a will aiming at greater truth. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Power of the Instruments,
454:If the ego rises, all else will also rise; if it subsides, all else will also subside. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
455:She has a secret of will power which no other nation possesses. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Bande Mataram - II, The New Ideal,
456:You have only to keep yourself open and whatever you need and can receive at the moment will come. ~ Sri Aurobindo,
457:Faith is a brief foretaste of the knowledge we will have in the future ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (DV 14.2ad9).,
458:God is a hard master and will not be served by halves. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Bande Mataram - II, The Wheat and the Chaff,
459:How can I have more and more faith and calm, Mother?

   Aspiration and will.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II,
460:If you ask from within for peace, it will come.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, Peace and Silence, Peace [139],
461:If you live one sixth of what is taught you, you will surely attain the goal. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
462:If you set goals and go after them with all the determination you can muster, your gifts will take you places that will amaze you." ~ Les Brown,
463:Let us make our minds pure, the rest will be easy; and we shall attain spiritual bliss comparable to nothing else in life. ~ Swami Vijnanananda,
464:Telling someone something he does not understand is pointless, even if you add that he will not be able to understand it. ~ Ludwig Wittgenstein,
465:The enemy only has images and illusions behind which he hides his true motives.
   Destroy the image and you will break the enemy.
   ~ Bruce Lee,
466:There is no difference in work. Do not think that this work will lead to God and that will not. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
467:Earnestly pray to God that you may receive the love of His name and He will fulfill your desire. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
468:If we practice love of neighbor with great perfection, we will have done everything. ~ Saint Teresa of Avila,
469:In centering prayer, the sacred word is not the object of the attention but rather the expression of the intention of the will. ~ Thomas Keating,
470:In sorrow and suffering, go straight to God with confidence, and you will be strengthened, enlightened and instructed. ~ Saint John of the Cross,
471:Do you believe there is some place that will make the soul less thirsty? In that great absence you will find nothing. ~ Kabir,
472:Every human act, whether it is an active knowledge or an act of the will, rests secretly upon God…. ~ Henri de Lubac, The Discovery of God (40),
473:..His mind was like a fire assailing heaven,
His will a hunter in the trails of light. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri,
474:Keep your heart clear and transparent, and you will never be bound. A single disturbed thought creates ten thousand distractions." ~ Taigu Ryokan,
475:Repeat your mantra several thousand times a day. That will give you strength. If evil thoughts appear be indifferent to them. ~ Swami Saradananda,
476:Whatever comes to you, if you take it in the right spirit, will turn for the best. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother III,
477:What expression, when you read it, will make you sad when you are happy and happy when you are sad? Answer: 'THIS TOO, WILL PASS'." ~ Sufi Saying,
478:What we are, we know not; what we know, we cannot effect. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Isha Upanishad, Action and the Divine Will,
479:Where love rules, there is no will to power; and where power predominates, there love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other. ~ Carl Jung,
480:As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Faust, First Part,
481:But thou hast come and all will surely change:
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, Satyavan and Savitri,
482:Keep an open mind, dive within and find out the Self. The truth will itself dawn upon you. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
483:Knowledge will not come without self-communion, without light from within. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin, In Either Case,
484:Nothing can withstand the power of the human will if it is willing to stake its very existence to the extent of its purpose.
   ~ Benjamin Disraeli,
485:Pray to God in any way you will. He is sure to hear you, for he hears even the footfall of an ant. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
486:Surrender is complete only when you reach the stage 'Thou art all' and 'Thy will be done'. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
487:The Great Work will then form the subject of the design.
   ~ Aleister Crowley, Liber ABA, Book 4, Magick, The Lamen,
488:a butterfly hovers
in front of her face
how long will she sleep?
~ Ikkyu, @BashoSociety
489:A pure heart, open to the Light, will be filled with the elixir of Truth." ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, @Sufi_Path
490:Daughter, offer everything you have to offer to the Priests, because ... they no longer understand the will of God ..." ~ Our Lady to Teresa Musco ,
491:In the morning, O LORD, You will hear my voice; In the morning I will order my prayer to You and eagerly watch. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Psalms, 5:3,
492:Lose yourself altogether when bowing down to God with a single-minded devotion and you will obtain joy and power in proportion. ~ Sri Anandamayi Ma,
493:The moment you accept what troubles you've been given, the door will open. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, @Sufi_Path
494:There is no before or after: what will come tomorrow, is in fact in eternity ~ Angelus Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
495:Will coloured by desire is an impure will. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Purification - Intelligence and Will,
496:Anyone who will think of God, and repeat His name, will have everything intact - here and hereafter. His name is true for ever. ~ SWAMI SUBODHANANDA,
497:Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.
   ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Psalms, 46:10, [T5],
498:By meditating a little for a few days, is everything accomplished? Unless Mahamaya opens the way nothing will happen by any means. ~ Sri Sarada Devi,
499:Everyone is going toward God. They will all realize Him if they have sincerity and longing of heart. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
500:If the ego is present, all else will also exist. If it is absent, all else will also vanish. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
501:If we can really understand the problem, the answer will come out of it, because the answer is not separate from the problem.
   ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti,
502:If you go on preaching without a commission from God, it will all be powerless and none will listen. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
503:Know that you have already achieved liberation in this very birth. Why do you fear? In time the Master will do everything for you. ~ Sri Sarada Devi,
504:Learn to forget that passionate music. It will end. True singing is a different breath. A breath of nothing. A gust within the god, a wind." ~ Rilke,
505:Look within, and you will find the inner teacher, since he is in you and with you. ~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj,
506:God does not require an intermediary.
Mind your business and all will be well. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi, Talks, 594,
507:If thou comprehend Him, what seems invisible to most, will be for thee utterly apparent. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
508:Keep courage in spite of all difficulties. You are sure to reach the goal, and the more you keep confidence, the quicker it will come. ~ Mother Mirra,
509:Let things happen as they happen - they will sort themselves out nicely in the end. ~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj,
510:Live in the world as if only God and your soul were in it; then your heart will never be made captive by any earthly thing. ~ Saint John of the Cross,
511:One must have the inner conviction that whatever happens in this world happens by His will. Success and failure come by His will. ~ Swami Turiyananda,
512:So long as you have faith in your guru, nothing will be able to obstruct your way. ~ Swami Vivekananda, (C.W. V. 106),
513:The kingdom of heaven is the kingdom of the poor, and one of the marks of royal power is to do good to friends according to our will. ~ Saint Bernard,
514:The most advanced technology and the most valuable asset that you will ever own is your mind. You will not find anything greater. ~ Chamtrul Rinpoche,
515:we will
always be
disturbed by the truth
~ Dogen Zenji, @BashoSociety
516:When the mind stays in the Heart, the 'I' will go, and the Self which ever exists will shine. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
517:Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. ~ Psalms XXIII, the Eternal Wisdom
518:Be quiet and confident and try to find me inside yourself, it will help you to sleep.
   ~ The Mother, White Roses, Aug 5 1959,
519:Consider investigate. To whom is this doubt. If the source is traced the doubt will disappear. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
520:Effort is necessary for God vision. If you simply sit on the shore of a lake, will you catch any fish? ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
521:Give up the sense of doership. Karma will go on automatically or Karma will drop away from you ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
522:If you always think of a holy person, you will become holy and pure. Pure character is formed by close association with the holy. ~ Swami Adbhutananda,
523:If you judge people you will have no time to love them." ~ Mother Teresa, (1910 - 1997), Albanian-Indian Roman Catholic nun and missionary, Wikipedia.,
524:In heaven, though one saint is above another, none will be imperfect ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (De potentia 3.1ad14).,
525:Rejoice not over me, O my enemy; when I fall, I shall rise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light to me. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Micah, 7:8,
526:The answers are out there, and they are looking for you, and they will find you if you want them to...
   ~ Lilly Wachowski, The Matrix, Trinity to Neo,
527:The difficulties you cannot overcome today will be overcome tomorrow or later on.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother I, [T5],
528:Turn inward and put an end to all this. There will be no finality in disputations. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi, Talks, 132,
529:We are all only puppets in the hands of God. When we understand this, all pride and ambition, all vanity and egotism will go. ~ Swami Ramakrishnananda,
530:You will not see anyone who is truly striving after his spiritual advancement who is not given to spiritual reading." ~ Saint Athanasius of Alexandria,
531:A billion stars go spinning through the night, glittering above your head, but in you is the presence that will be when all the stars are dead. ~ Rilke,
532:As the darkness disappears, the inner doors too will open. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II, Patience and Perseverance,
533:By acquiring the conviction that all is done by the will of God, one becomes only a tool in God's hand. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
534:Fall in Love with
the agony of Love not the Ecstasy.
Then the Beloved will Fall in Love with you. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
535:In the twilight of life, God will not judge us on our earthly possessions and human successes, but on how well we have loved. ~ Saint John of the Cross,
536:Whatever torch we kindle, and whatever space it may illuminate, our horizon will always remain encircled by the depth of night.
   ~ Arthur Schopenhauer,
537:Your business is to find the real nature of the mind. Then you will know that there is no mind. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
538:Find wherefrom thoughts emerge. Then you will abide in the ever-present inmost Self and be free. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
539:He who remembers the consequence of sins, surely patience will become easy for him. ~ Ibn Qayyim], @Sufi_Path
540:Hope is not the conviction that something will turn out well but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out ~ Vaclav Havel,
541:If one learns all by oneself, the chances are that one will learn all wrong. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II, The Guru,
542:In each thing he will see the mystery of the transfiguration and the divine apparition. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
543:Only when the last tree has died,? the last river been poisoned,? and the last fish been caught? will we realize we cannot eat money." ~ —Cree Proverb,
544:The Mother is our guide and whatever happens or will happen is under Her ordination. ~ Swami Vivekananda, (C.W. VI. 417),
545:The true religion has always been one from the beginning, and will always be the same. ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo,
546:We imagine that we will realize that Self some time, whereas we are never anything but the Self. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
547:For those with faith, no evidence is necessary; for those without it, no evidence will suffice. ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas,
548:Hope is not the conviction that something will turn out well but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out. ~ Vaclav Havel,
549:I am always seated in your heart, consciously living in you.
Open your heart and you will find me already there. ~ The Mother,
550:If you can empty your boat, Crossing the river of the world, No one will oppose you, No one will seek to harm you. ~ Chuang Tzu. "The empty boat" parable,
551:I will therefore make ready to render my thought an alien to the illusion of the world. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
552:No more words. In the name of this place we drink in with our breathing, stay quiet like a flower so the nightbirds will start singing. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
553:Say-'I have received his Grace: I must be worthy of it', and then all will be well.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, [T1],
554:The breeze of grace is always blowing on you. You have to open the sails and your boat will move forward. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
555:The fatigue comes from the resistance and the worry, do not worry, let yourself go, and the fatigue will go also.
   ~ The Mother,
556:The thought 'who am I?' will destroy all other thoughts. Then, there will arise Self-realization. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
557:Those whom you know to be your own, will cease to exist for you, the moment you close your eyes in death. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
558:None of us will ever accomplish anything excellent or commanding except when he listens to this whisper which is heard by him alone. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
559:Rain water will run down to the lowest level, just as the mercy of God remains in the hearts of the lowly. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
560:Stop thinking of the adverse forces and they will have no power over you. My force is always there to protect you.
   ~ The Mother,
561:...The just God will in consequence give Lucifer and all his devils power to come on earth and tempt his godless creatures..." ~ Saint Methodius of Patara,
562:When we give up regarding the unreal as real, then Reality alone will remain and we shall be That. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
563:When we have the eyes to see, the ears to hear, or an open heart to witness, Great Beauty will reveal itself in all living and created things ~ Ken Wilber,
564:All that is has already existed, but will not remain in the form in which we see it today. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
565:By turning your eyes on God in meditation, your whole soul will be filled with God. Begin all your prayers in the presence of God. ~ Saint Francis de Sales,
566:Chant the name of God morning and evening, clapping your hands all the while; all your sins will leave you. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
567:In a pure body and pure mind, the power of God becomes manifest. Think and think of God; the impurities of the mind will be washed away. ~ SWAMI PREMANANDA,
568:It is the ideal that has made us what we are, and will make us what we are going to be. ~ Swami Vivekananda, (C.W. IV. 285),
569:Know certainly that the world is God's and not yours; you are His servant only, come to carry out His Will. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
570:You might meet with many obstacles in your life. But if you are a true practitioner, you will use them as training grounds of the path. ~ Chamtrul Rinpoche,
571:Any proposition containing the word "is" creates a linguistic structural confusion which will eventually give birth to serious fallacies. ~ Alfred Korzybski,
572:Every man who returns into himself, will find there traces of the Divinity. ~ Cicero, "De Regibus. I. 22, the Eternal Wisdom
573:Everything will come in its time; keep a confident patience and all will be all right.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, [T5],
574:If one gains the Peace of the Self, it will spread without any effort on the part of the individual. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
575:If you keep your gaze fixed upon the Light, you will be delivered from dualism and the plurality of the finite body. ~ Jalalu'l-Din Rumi, Mathnawi, III, 1259
576:In the silence of the heart, you will receive the command.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, Peace and Silence, SILENCE [141],
577:I've worked too hard and too long to let anything stand in the way of my goals. I will not let my teammates down and I will not let myself down." ~ Mia Hamm,
578:Keep an open mind, dive within and find out the Self. The truth will itself dawn upon you. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi, Talks, 63
579:That which you give to another will become your own sustenance; if you light a lamp for another, your own way will be lit. ~ Nichiren,
580:The beginning of love is the will to let those we love be perfectly themselves, the resolution not to twist them to fit our own image. … " ~ Thomas Merton,
581:The real individuality is that which never changes and will never change; and that is the God within us. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
582:When the divinity in you increases, the weaknesses of your human nature will all vanish of their own accord. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
583:But call Him by what name you will; for to those who know, He is the possessor of all names. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
584:Don't seek to have events happen as you wish, but wish them to happen as they do happen, and all will be well with you.
   ~ Epictetus,
585:Fight all error, but do it with good humor, patience, kindness, and love. Harshness will damage your own soul and spoil the best cause. ~ Saint John of Kanty,
586:Force of character is man's great strength. If he uses it in his dealings with the world he will indeed be victorious in most directions. ~ SRI ANANDAMAYI MA,
587:Many good sayings are to be found in holy books, but merely reading them will not make one religious.
   ~ Sri Ramakrishna, [T5],
588:Seek to make your work a prayer, your believing an act, your living an art. It is then the object of your faith will be made visible to you." ~ Ernest Holmes,
589:The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you.
   ~ Werner Heisenberg,
590:The more heart you will be able to manifest, the greater will be the victory you achieve. ~ Swami Vivekananda, (C.W. VI. 425),
591:There are only two kinds of people: those who say to God, 'Thy will be done,' and those to whom God says, 'All right, then, have it your way.'" ~ C .S. Lewis,
592:The strength is always with you to be always faithful to the Divine Will.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, Faithfulness, [T5],
593:The true quiet is within and no other will give you the condition you want. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II, Quiet and Calm,
594:This cosmos… was, is, and always will be every living fire, kindled in measures and quenched in the measures. ~ Heraclitus, Fr. 30,
595:those who rely on the Divine will arrive in spite of all difficulties, stumbles or falls.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - IV,
596:We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
   ~ T S Eliot,
597:When thou saidst, Seek ye my face, my heart said unto Thee, Thy face, Lord, will I seek. ~ Psalms XXVII.8, the Eternal Wisdom
598:where will they

moon watch tomorrow?
~ Kobayashi Issa, @BashoSociety
599:You have to write the book that wants to be written. And if the book will be too difficult for grown-ups, then you write it for children. ~ Madeleine L'Engle,
600:You must know what you want and want it with your whole will. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV, Wrong Movements of the Vital,
601:Your days are numbered. Use them to throw open the windows of your soul to the sun. If you do not, the sun will soon set, and you with it." ~ Marcus Aurelius,
602:All that we internally are is not ego, but consciousness, soul or spirit. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Supreme Will,
603:A person will always interpret everything he hears according to the Light which dominates his heart ~ Abu Hamid al-Ghazali,
604:God will bring people and events into our lives, and whatever we may think about them, they are designed for the evolution of His life in us. ~ Thomas Keating,
605:If this poem becomes a part of your life,
it will make you a part of the Poet whose heights
have sent this call to our lowlands. ~ Amal Kiran, 17.08.1993
606:Relax and meditation will be easy. Keep your mind steady by gently warding off all intruding thoughts. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
607:Turn towards the Divine, all your sufferings will disappear.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, Weaknesses, SUFFERING, 247, [T5],
608:Whatever the difficulty if we keep truly quiet the solution will come. With my blessings,
   ~ The Mother, Mantras Of The Mother, [T5],
609:Closeness to the Divine will always grow with the growth of consciousness, equanimity and love.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II,
610:One will pass through as many stages as it is necessary to take, but one will arrive.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, The Path,
611:The Bahkta will generally be content to see and realize the Personal God, the Saguna Brahman of the Upanishads. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
612:Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared. ~ The Buddha,
613:... want to re-establish order. Some will try to do so, but this will not succeed and thus will end up even worse off than before!" ~ Saint Odile, (660-720 AD),
614:Who has not found the heaven below Will fail of it above. His residence is next to mine, His furniture is love." ~ Emily Dickinson 1(830 - 1886) American poet.,
615:You will understand all happiness comes only from the Self, and then you will always abide in the Self. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
616:Above her brows where will and knowledge meet ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Parable of the Search for the Soul,
617:All things are in nature and all things are in God, but for practical purposes we will differentiate between them.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo,
618:He who fights even the smallest distractions faithfully, when he says even the smallest prayer, will also be faithful in great things. ~ Saint Louis de Montfort,
619:If the body is left insufficiently nourished, it will think of food more than otherwise. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV, Food,
620:Magick is the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will.
   ~ Aleister Crowley, Liber ABA, Book 4, Magick,
621:Partial surrender is certainly possible for all. In course of time that will lead to complete surrender. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
622:Surrender to the Feet of the Guru is the real mantra, in which there will be no fear of Maya's delusion. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
623:The blood of Christ will cleanse our conscience from dead works to serve the living God" ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (Heb. 9:14).,
624:The destiny of India will not wait on the falterings and failings of individuals. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Bande Mataram - I, Bhawani Mandir,
625:The purpose of one's birth will be fulfilled whether you will it or not. Let the purpose fulfill itself. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
626:... The time shall come when they will not perform charitable acts, and truth shall not remain in them, and truth shall not remain in them." ~ Saint Columbcille,
627:Who is the 'I' that is to help others? First clear up that point and then everything will settle itself. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
628:Give a bowl of rice to a man and you will feed him for a day. Teach him how to grow his own rice and you will save his life." ~ Confucius,
629:God's power and essence and will and intellect and wisdom and justice are all the same ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 1.25.5ad1).,
630:If I could give you one thought, it would be to lift someone up. Lift a stranger up…The very idea of lifting someone up will lift you, as well." ~ Maya Angelou,
631:If we are always demanding something out of life, then we will never be content. But if we accept life as it is, then we will know contentment." ~ Thich Thien-An,
632:The Will is mightier than any law, fate or force. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Isha Upanishad, The Ishavasyopanishad with a Commentary in English,
633:The words "My" and "Mine" spring from ignorance. How few of us say things came into existence by the will of God. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
634:Throw off thoughts of lust and gold. Cry for the Divine Mother, She will come to you and take you up in Her arms. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
635:Accomplishment is without any doubt the fruit of patience.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, Will and Perserverance, PATIENCE [165],
636:Do what nature requires at this moment. Start straight away, if that is in your power: don't look over your shoulder to see if people will know. ~ Marcus Aurelius,
637:If you see the Self, the same will be found to be all, everywhere and always. Nothing but the Self exists. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
638:In the state of future bliss, the human intellect will gaze on the Divine Truth in Itself ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 1.101.2).,
639:One who is always stationed in the Atman will not be disturbed, even in the midst of a crowd. Such a one has no need or desire for solitude. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
640:Those who wait on the Lord will find new strength. ... They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not fain'
   ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Isaiah, 40:31 NLT.,
641:will I grow
old like you?
autumn butterfly
~ Kobayashi Issa, @BashoSociety
642:You will see God when your yearning for him is as intense as a drowning man's yearning for the next breath of air. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
643:All our thoughts, all our sentiments will move towards the Divine as a river towards the sea.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, [T5],
644:Drink this wine, dying to self, You will be free from the spell of self. Then will your being as a drop, Fall into the ocean of the Eternal." ~ Mahmoud Shabestari,
645:If the Angel deigns to come, it will be because you have convinced her, not by your tears, but by your humble resolve to be always beginning: to be a beginner. ~ ?,
646:I Have Sinned So Much. If I Repent To God, Will He Accept My Repentance?" She Replied, "If He Wants To Accept Your Repentance, You Will Repent. ~ Rabia al-Adawiyya,
647:I will show thee, hear me; and that which I have seen I will declare, which wise men have told: ~ Job XV. 17.18, the Eternal Wisdom
648:More primordial than any idea, beauty will be manifest as the herald and generator of ideas. ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin,
649:Oh, when will dawn the blessed day
When tears of joy will flow from my eyes
As I repeat Lord Hari's name? ~ Sri Ramakrishna, The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna,
650:One must do things with all the ardour of one's soul, with all the strength of one's will.
   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1950-1951,
651:Should the divine mother grant your prayer, for she is omnipotent, you will realize Her impersonal Self in samadhi. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
652:Aspiration is a call to the Divine, will is the pressure of the conscious force on Nature.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - II, [T5],
653:Do Japa and meditation as you like, provided you keep your mind steadfast in the Lord. You will attain to your goal in this way. Why do you worry? ~ Sri Sarada Devi,
654:Happiness is a butterfly, which when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you." ~ Nathaniel Hawthorne,
655:If you go on working with the light available, you will meet your Master, as he himself will be seeking you. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
656:Pray to God earnestly, in time He will surely emancipate you and enable you to swim happily upon the ocean of bliss. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
657:The 3 states of waking, dream and sleep cannot be real. They simply come and go. The real will always exist. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
658:When you shall have learned to know, and to love, you will still suffer. The day is born in tears. The luminous weep, if only over those in darkness. ~ Vicktor Hugo,
659:"You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Exodus, 20:7,
660:A man will be imprisoned in a room with a door that's unlocked and opens inwards; as long as it does not occur to him to pull rather than push. ~ Ludwig Wittgenstein,
661:Be like a little child. The more you approach the Lord, the more sincere and openhearted you will be. Our Master was the embodiment of frankness. ~ Swami Turiyananda,
662:Don't allow the sad sight of human injustice to sadden your soul; someday you will see the unfailing justice of God triumph over it! ~ Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina,
663:God knows the past, present and future. He will determine the future for you and accomplish the work.
   ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi, [T5],
664:I love you. I've loved you from the beginning. And I will love you long after the last stars dies. I will love you until the end of darkness itself. ~ Laura Thalassa,
665:Keep your mind steady by gently warding off all intruding thoughts but without strain. Soon you will succeed. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
666:Remember that it is not feeling of guilt that constitutes sin but the consent to sin. Only the free will is capable of good or evil. ~ Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina,
667:The heart of a sinner is like a curled hair. You may pull it ever so long but will not succeed in making it straight. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
668:Work hard every day at increasing your purity of heart, which consists in appraising things and weighing them in the balance of God's will." ~ Saint Francis de Sales,
669:As you turn the direction of the wicked mind, that mind itself will be able to grasp the Chosen Deity. It is the pure mind which shows man the path. ~ Sri Sarada Devi,
670:Everything is more beautiful because we're doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again.
   ~ Homer, The Illiad,
671:If by the enquiry, 'Who am I?' you understand the seer, all problems about the seen will be completely solved. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
672:If the longing is there, realization will be forced on you even if you do not want it. Long for it intensely so that the mind melts in devotion. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
673:If you desire only the Divine, there is an absolute certitude that you will reach the Divine. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II, Faith,
674:It is no use setting your face towards future and then looking back towards the past; in this way you will arrive nowhere. ~ Sri Aurobindo,
675:Look, I am standing at the door, knocking. If one of you hears me calling and opens the door, I will come in to share a meal at that person's side." ~ Revelation 3:20,
676:Never relax, for you will not attain to the possession of true spiritual delights if first you do not learn to deny your every desire. ~ Saint John of the Cross, [T5],
677:... People will think and think, but they will not be able to find the right cure, which will be with God's help, all around them and in themselves." ~ Mitar Tarabich,
678:The Self alone is. Is not then the Self your Guru? Where else will Grace come from? It is from the Self alone. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
679:Travel to all the four corners of the earth, you will find nothing anywhere. Whatever there is, is here, in the heart. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
680:Behind all intelligent action there must be an intelligent will. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Passive and the Active Brahman,
681:Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, [then] I will enter his house and dine with him, and he with me." ~ Revelation 3:20,
682:Go on practicing. Your concentration will be as easy as breathing. That will be the crown of your achievements. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
683:No opposite can be known without its opposite. Having suffered a blow, you will know a caress. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, @Sufi_Path
   The Riddle of the World

If you can solve it, you will be immortal, but if you fail you will perish. ~ The Mother, On Education, [T5],
685:That which refuses to give itself, is still the food of the cosmic Powers ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Secret of the Veda, Agni, the Illumined Will,
686:When the next day comes, he will also be called today, and then you will think of him. Always be very confident in Divine Providence." ~ Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina,
687:You should pray to God that your worldly duties may be reduced. And you will achieve the goal if you renounce mentally. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
688:You will succeed through practice. Don't give up your practice of Japa, even if your mind doesn't become steady. Do your spiritual practice ardently. ~ Sri Sarada Devi,
689:He who is not ready to suffer all things and to stand resigned to the will of the Beloved is not worthy to be called a lover. ~ Thomas A Kempis, The Imitation of Christ,
690:Nobody will come to help you if you put yourself forward as a leader. ... Kill the ego first if you want to succeed. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
691:Say to the fainthearted. Take courage, and fear not. . . God himself will come and will save you" ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (Is. 35:4).,
692:Surrender to the Feet of the Guru is the real mantra, in which there will be no fear of Maya's delusion.
   ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi, [T5],
693:The intellect understands that the will wills, and the will wills the intellect to understand ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 1.82.4ad1).,
694:There is no other way to guard yourself against flattery than by making men understand that telling you the truth will not offend you. ~ Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince,
695:Two works of mercy set a person free: Forgive and you will be forgiven, and give and you will receive. ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo,
696:When regard for truth has been broken down or even slightly weakened, all things will remain doubtful. ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo,
697:When you understand one thing through and through, you understand everything. When you try to understand everything, you will not understand anything." ~ Shunryu Suzuki,
698:Will: power of consciousness turned towards effectuation.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, Elements of Yoga, Will and Perseverance, Will,
699:Would you call Him Destiny? You will not be wrong. Providence? You will say well. Nature? That too you may. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
700:All the play in this world is based on a certain relative free will in the individual being. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II, Surrender,
701:As a drunkard will sometimes put his coat on his head, so the God-intoxicated man is not conscious of the external world. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
702:Its disguises are endless and it will cling to every shred of possible self-concealment. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Renunciation,
703:Men value their own goods; hence they think the Lord will view His own works, the sun, moon and stars, in the same light. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
704:Perfection comes by renunciation of desires and surrender to a higher Will. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II, Practical Concerns in Work,
705:Quitting smoking can be a very good test of ones character. Pass the test and you will have accomplished so much more than just get rid of one bad habit ~ Abraham Maslow,
706:Self-fulfilment by self-immolation, to grow by giving is the universal law. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Secret of the Veda, Agni, the Illumined Will,
707:Sincerity means more than mere honesty. It means that you mean what you say, feel what you profess, are earnest in your will. ~ Sri Aurobindo,
708:The just man is not one who does hurt to none, but one who having the power to hurt represses the will. ~ Pytha-goras, the Eternal Wisdom
709:The Lord communicates with us as we break free of our attachment to the senses, sacrifice our own will and build our lives in humility." ~ Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina,
710:The soul can grow against or even by a material destiny that is adverse. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - I, Fate, Free Will and Prediction,
711:They will suffer the punishment of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might
   ~ Anonymous, The Bible, 2 Thessalonians, 1:9,
712:We are always free to make our proposals to the Lord, but after all it is only His will that is realised.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II,
713:Can You now say with certainty whether this supramental substance will help decisively to realise this new birth?

   ~ The Mother,
714:Eat mangos! It will satisfy your hunger. What is the good of counting the leaves and making calculations like the pundits. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
715:Every one of us is precious in the cosmic perspective. If a human disagrees with you, let him live. In a hundred billion galaxies, you will not find another. ~ Carl Sagan,
716:Follow the great man and you will see what the world has at heart in these ages. There is no omen like that. ~ Emerson, the Eternal Wisdom
717:For Life is Force and Force is Power and Power is Will and Will is the working of the Master-consciousness.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine,
718:He who can resign himself to the will of the Almighty with simple faith and guileless love realises the Lord very quickly. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
719:Invoke your Guardian Angel who will enlighten you. God gave you your Guardian Angel for this reason. So make use of your Angel's service. ~ Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina,
720:Realization will come in the fullness of time, by living constantly in the company of sadhus (holy men). ~ Swami Vivekananda, (C.W V. 268),
721:Seek my grace within the Heart. I will drive away your darkness and show you the light. This is my responsibility. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
722:The individuals cannot act of their own accord. Recognize the force of the Divine Will and keep quiet. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi, Talks, 594,
723:Your duty for the present is complete resignation to the will of God. If you practice resignation to the will of the Lord, you will get peace of mind. ~ SWAMI ABHEDANANDA,
724:Love is the cure, for your pain will keep giving birth to more pain until your eyes constantly exhale love as effortlessly as your body yields its scent. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
725:Science will, in all probability,
be increasingly impregnated
by mysticism. ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, My Universe (1924),
726:The more you talk and think about it, the further astray you wander from the truth. Stop talking and thinking and there is nothing you will not be able to know." ~ Sengcan,
727:This day shall be the best day of my life. Today I will start with a new determination to dedicate my devotion forever at the feet of omnipresence. ~ Paramahansa Yogananda,
728:Will not past action come in the way of sadhana?

   Complete consecration to the Divine wipes out what one has been in the past.
   ~ The Mother,
729:You will see God, if your love for Him is as strong as the attachment of the worldly-minded person for things of the world. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
730:Cheer up, all will be all right, if we know how to last and endure.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, Will and Perserverance, ENDURANCE [162],
731:Force and Love united and both illumined by Knowledge fulfil God in the world. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Secret of the Veda, Agni, the Illumined Will,
732:Give up everything to God, resign yourself to Him and there will be no more trouble for you. Everything is done by His Will. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
733:In order to be an image of God, the spirit must turn to what is eternal, hold it in spirit, keep it in memory, and by loving it, embrace it in the will. ~ Edith Stein, [T5],
734:Liberty, Mukti, is all my religion, and everything that tries to curb it, I will avoid by fight or flight. ~ Swami Vivekananda, (C.W. V. 72),
735:Love illuminated fulfils the harmony which is the goal of the divine movement. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Secret of the Veda, Agni, the Illumined Will,
736:Mankind will never see an end of trouble until lovers of wisdom come to hold political power, or the holders of power become lovers of wisdom.
   ~ Plato,
737:The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you. ~ Werner Karl Heisenberg (1901-1976),
738:Think of the Divine alone and the Divine will be with you.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, The Divine Is with You, [13] [T0],
739:A magic leverage suddenly is caught
That moves the veiled Ineffable's timeless will: ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Issue,
740:Do what you like, but you will regret every hour that you have not remembered God. ~ Shaykh Moulay Hashim Al Belghiti), @Sufi_Path
741:Everything has been preordained. Everything is happening according to a divine plan. Everything that is supposed to happen to your body will happen by itself. ~ Robert Adams,
742:If he who sets out on this way will not engage himself wholly and completely, he will never be free from the sadness and melancholy which weigh him down. ~ Attar of Nishapur,
743:In those who lack faith
Nothing positive will grow
Just as from a burnt seed
No green shoot will ever sprout.
~ Patrul Rinpoche, The Words of My Perfect Teacher,
744:... It is a chastisement much greater than that of the flood. Fire will fall from heaven and a great part of humanity will be destroyed." ~ Our Lady to Father Stefano Gobbi ,
745:One who worships God but also cherishes worldly desires will find their devotion wasted, run through the rat-holes of desire. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
746:Surrender to the Divine is the best emotional protection.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, Surrender to the Divine Will, Surrender, 107, [T5],
747:There is a darkness in terrestrial things
That will not suffer long too glad a note. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Issue,
748:There is no path safer than resigning the self to the will of the almighty, to have no consciousness that anything is "mine". ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
749:The will of a single hero can breathe courage into the hearts of a million cowards. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Early Cultural Writings, The Real Difficulty,
750:Thought is projected from the Self. Find out from where it rises. Thoughts will cease and the Self alone will remain. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
751:Truly matters in the world are in a bad state; but if you and I begin in earnest to reform ourselves, a really good beginning will have been made. ~ Saint Peter of Alcantara,
752:We can only learn to know ourselves and do what we can - namely, surrender our will and fulfill God's will in us. ~ Saint Teresa of Avila,
753:Be confident, you will become what you have to be and achieve what you have to do.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, Faith and the Divine Grace,
754:Do not dwell upon whether you will put yourself into the hands of a teacher. You are always in his hands. ~ Idries Shah, @Sufi_Path
755:If a man continues to mix with the world, it is likely that he will be tainted; but he will remain pure if he lives out of it. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
756:One who is totally devoid of Maya will not live more than twenty-one days. So long as one has a body, one must have some Maya. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
757:So long as we do not die to ourselves and are not indifferent to creatures, the soul will not be free. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
758:So we are said to be what our desire is. As our desire is, so is our will. As our will is, so are our acts. As we act, so we become.
   ~ Yajnavalkya, Brihadaranyaka Upanishad,
759:You can't go to heaven hating somebody. Forgive now. Be compassionate now. Be patient now. Be grateful now. Love Jesus and Mary now. Accept God's will now." ~ Mother Angelica,
760:Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Romans, 10:9,
761:Divine Will-the will expressing the highest Truth.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, Surrender to the Divine Will, To Will What the Divine Wills,
762:Freedom may be illusory and our apparent freedom may be a real and iron bondage. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays in Philosophy and Yoga, Fate and Free-Will,
763:Go on practicing. Your concentration will be as easy as breathing. That will be the crown of your achievements.
   ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi, [T5],
764:Have great confidence in God's goodness and mercy, and He will never abandon you; but don't neglect to embrace His holy cross because of this. ~ Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina,
765:One must accustom oneself to say in the mind when one meets a man, "I will think of him only and not of myself. " ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
766:Remember in your prayers the Church in Syria, which now has God for its shepherd, instead of me. Jesus Christ alone will oversee it, and your love. ~ Saint Ignatius of Antioch,
767:The Grace will never fail us - such is the faith we must keep constantly in our heart. With my blessings
   ~ The Mother, Mantras Of The Mother, 10 May,
768:The worldly will never realize their situation fully unless you can wean them from the objects of their attachments and desire. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
769:This world's the puppet of a silent Will
Which moves unguessed behind our acts and thoughts; ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Plays and Stories, Act V,
770:We are one, after all, you and I;together we suffer.together exist,and forever will recreate each other. ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin,
771:When the Idea has been perfectly assimilated, one will retain only the appearance of having feelings and impulses of their own. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
772:A man can be secure from sin in the will, only when his intellect is secure from ignorance and from error ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ScG 4.70).,
773:I am only the dust
on My Lover's Path
from dust
I will rise
and turn into a flower ! ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, @Sufi_Path
774:It is contrary to the nature of the will's own act that it should be subject to compulsion and violence ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 1-2.6.4).,
775:Look into the depths of your heart and you will see the Divine Presence. With my Blessings.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother - II, The Heart,
776:Unless mind is tamed within,
Outer enemies will be inexhaustible.
If you tame the anger within,
All enemies on earth will be pacified. ~ Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Thaye,
777:When the grace of the Almighty descends, everyone will understand one's mistakes, knowing this you should not argue with others. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
778:You ignore the doubter but try to solve the doubts.
Hold on to the doubter and the doubts will disappear. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi, Talks, 238,
779:After all it is the will in the being that gives to circumstances their value. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Renaissance in India, "Is India Civilised?" - III,
780:Beware! Don't allow yourself to do what you know is wrong, relying on the thought, Later I will repent and ask God's forgiveness. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
781:God dwells in a Light, to which a road is wanting. He who does not become That himself, will never see It. ~ Angelus Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
782:God will come to you with His grace and comfort after every hardship. ~ As long as He finds you at home. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, @Sufi_Path
783:In Supermind knowledge in the Idea is not divorced from will in the Idea, but one with it. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, The Supermind as Creator,
784:It is indispensable to keep the faith and the will to conquer. 2 May 1949
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, Faith and the Divine Grace, FAITH [80],
785:@judysix ~ When you see the storm coming, if you seek safety in that firm refuge which is Mary, there will be no danger of your wavering or going down. ~ Saint Josemaria Escriva,
786:That which is good and pure in you is God. That which is evil in you is your ego. The more you think of Him, the more He will increase and you will decrease. ~ Swami Turiyananda,
787:To will what God wills - that is the supreme secret.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, Surrender to the Divine Will, To Will What the Divine Wills,
788:Try to be spontaneous and simple like a child in your relations with me - it will save you from many difficulties.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother I,
789:Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, John, 14:13-14,
790:All sin is an error of the will, a desire and act of the Ignorance. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Conditions of Attainment to the Gnosis,
791:God turns you from one feeling to another and teaches you by means of opposites, so that you will have two wings to fly - not one. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
792:If you can detect and find out the universal illusion of Maya, it will fly away from you just as a thief runs away when found out. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
793:Look for the ego, and it vanishes. If you enquire, ignorance will be found to be non-existent. It is the mind which feels misery and darkness. See the Self. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
794:Man is a masterpiece of creation if for no other reason than that, all the weight of evidence for determinism notwithstanding, he believes he has free will. ~ Georg C Lichtenberg,
795:Many have died; you also will die. The drum of death is being beaten. The world has fallen in love with a dream. Only sayings of the wise will remain. ~ Kabir,
796:O garden! O garden! Let me use your roses for my rosary and I will let your flowers bloom in every heart. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, @Sufi_Path
797:What you really need to find is your true purpose in life, and how to accomplish it. This is what will make you truly happy and at ease. ~ Walt Whitman,
798:"All things are lawful for me," but not all things are helpful. "All things are lawful for me," but I will not be enslaved by anything. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, 1 Corinthians, 6:12,
799:A real prayer will never contain any suggestions, instructions or demands. In real prayer you bow down, surrender and declare your helplessness to the Lord. ~ MATA AMRITANANDAMAYI,
800:Becoming liberated from samsara is an inner journey. You can travel across the world and universe, and you will not find a way out. To get out, you must go in. ~ Chamtrul Rinpoche,
801:Bring a thousand bags of gold coins to God, and He will only tell you: Bring the heart if you come to Us." ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, @Sufi_Path
802:But from there you will seek the Lord your God and you will find him, if you search after him with all your heart and with all your soul. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Deuteronomy, 4:29,
803:If you can just appreciate each thing, one by one, then you will have pure gratitude. Even though you observe just one flower, that one flower includes everything ~ Shunryu Suzuki,
804:Recite Quran until it prohibits you to do evil deeds. If it does not prohibit you, it will not be considered recitation. ~ Abu Hamid al-Ghazali,
805:The Lord has to be served with one's body, mind, and possessions. Merely to sit quiet and make japa will not do. Do serve Him a little with your body as well. ~ Swami Akhandananda,
806:To live in the world or to leave it, depends upon the Will of God. Therefore work, leaving everything to Him. What else can you do? ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
807:When you have made progress in wisdom, you will find no situation troublesome to you; every condition will be happy. ~ Plntarch, the Eternal Wisdom
808:Without self knowledge, without understanding the working and functions of his machine, man cannot be free, he cannot govern himself and he will always remain a slave. ~ Gurdjieff,
809:Wrong will engenders wrong action of all these instruments. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, The Origin and Remedy of Falsehood, Error, Wrong and Evil,
810:Accept that you will never be perfect, life will always have challenges, and other people will sometimes disappoint you. Acceptance is the first step toward peace." ~ Lori Deschene,
811:Blessed will be the day when the earth, awaken to the Truth, lives only for the Divine. With My Blessings.
   ~ The Mother, Mantras Of The Mother, 28 August,
812:Certainly, He will come to you. Only one thing is needed: your yearning, your earnest longing. He wants nothing else. You have to call on Him with earnestness. ~ Swami Akhandananda,
813:Having no egotism or will of their own, the emancipated may be compared to dry leaves blown about here and there by the strong wind. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
814:If you completely surrender all your responsibilities to me, I will accept them as mine and manage them. ~ Sri Ramana Maharsh?, Padamaliai, Behagavan's promises to His Devotees, 14,
815:Remember always the Divine and all you do will be an expression of the Divine Presence.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, The Divine Is with You [T1],
816:What He ( Allah) has decreed will come to pass, whether the servant is dissatisfied or satisfied. ~ Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani, @Sufi_Path
817:When one is able to effect mental concentration in any environment, the mind will always rise above the environment and rest in God. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
818:Without self knowledge, without understanding the working and functions of his machine, man cannot be free, he cannot govern himself and he will always remain a slave." ~ Gurdjieff,
819:All that you call your own will pass away. God is really your own. He is your All and All. Obtaining God should be your only concern. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
820:Be perfectly sincere in your consecration to the Divine's work. This will assure you strength and success.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, Sincerity,
821:Chant the name of God, morning and evening, clapping your hands all the while -- and all of your sins and afflictions will leave you. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
822:Everyone who has ever written will have discovered that writing always awakens something which, though it lay within us, we failed clearly to recognize before. ~ Georg C Lichtenberg,
823:For all who think of him with faith
The Buddha is there in front of them
And will give empowerments and blessings.
~ Patrul Rinpoche, The Words of My Perfect Teacher, [T5],
824:Having no egotism or will of their own, the emancipated may be compared to dry leaves blown about here and there, by the strong wind. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
825:I am never far from those with faith, or even from those without it, though they do not see me. My children will always, always, be protected by my compassion. ~ Guru Rinpoche, [T5],
826:If once you see the Divine Mother, you will have no more pleasure in wealth, fame, and honor. Leaving all these, you will run to Her. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
827:If you take God's love from your heart and give it to worldly things, you will have lost the priceless jewel and will be poor indeed. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
828:Indeed, I am a forest and a night of dark trees: but he who is not afraid of my darkness will also find rose slopes under my cypresses. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra,
829:Owing to an increased technologization and a false application of time to technology, the deficient mental structure—rational consciousness—will dig its own grave. ~ Jean Gebser,
830:So Abraham called the name of that place, "The Lord will provide"; as it is said to this day, "On the mount of the Lord it shall be provided." ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Genesis, 22:14,
831:There is always a reason to live. The Gods will set you on the proper path. There is a deeper purpose to the path you have been set upon, one that has yet to reveal itself.
   ~ Sura,
832:... They cried out in a loud voice, "How long will it be, holy and true master, before you sit in judgment and avenge our blood on the inhabitants of the earth?" ~ Revelation 6:9-10,
833:Whether it seem good or evil to men's eyes,
   Only for good the secret Will can work.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Word of Fate,
834:Why talk of sin and hell-fire all the days of your life? Chant the name of God. Have faith in God and you will be purged of all sins. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
835:A work is rendered virtuous and praiseworthy and meritorious mainly insofar as it proceeds from the will ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 2-2.104.1ad3).,
836:Call with love the name of the Lord and the mountain of your sins shall go away, just as a mountain of cotton will burn up and vanish. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
837:Can an actor on stage throw off his mask? Let worldly people play out their part, in time they will throw off their false appearances. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
838:Dwell, O mind, within yourself;
Enter no other's home.
If you but seek there, you will find
All you are searching for. . . . ~ Sri Ramakrishna, The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna,
839:Fate revealed a chain of seeing Will; ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Yoga of the King, The Yoga of the Spirit's Freedom and Greatness,
840:Go deep inside the temple and you will find me there.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother I, The Mother, Relations with Others, 'I am with You', [T1],
841:God in thy victory, God in thy defeat, God in thy very death & torture, - God who will not be defeated & who cannot die.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Isha Upanishad,
842:If the Christians continue to desert Jesus Christ in His temple, will not the Heavenly Father take away from them His well-beloved Son Whom they neglect?" ~ Saint Peter Julian Eymard,
843:If you understand that this 'ego' never at any time had any existence outside your imagination, you will not be concerned about ways and means of getting rid of it. ~ Annamalai Swami,
844:I love the Lord, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Psalms, 116:1-2, NIV,
845:Let the world bother about its reality or falsehood. Find out first about your own reality. Then all things will become clear. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
846:Temptations are going to be terrible, the world will live in such a confusion that the elect will have to dwell themselves in the doubt! There is no escape" ~ Our Lady of Revelation ,
847:Will, therefore, is the unbroken determination to exercise free choice as well as self-restraint, in spite of the unavoidable experience of shame and doubt in infancy. ~ Erik Erikson,
848:A. He for whom you work will supply you with your necessaries. God made provisions for your support before He sent you into this world. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
849:A person feels anguish and emptiness at the death of a spouse or child; if one has that kind of longing for God for twenty-four hours continuously, God will definitely reveal Himself."
850:Do not live to be happy, live to serve the Divine and the joy that you will experience will be beyond all expectations.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II,
851:"If you find all your roads and paths
blocked, He will show you a secret
way that no one knows......." ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, @Sufi_Path
852:If you fortify yourself with the true knowledge of the Atman, and then live in the midst of women and wealth, they will not affect you. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
853:If you go on working with the light available, you will meet your Master, as he himself will be seeking you.
   ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi, Talks, 31, [T8],
854:If you love the truth, you'll trust it - that is, you will expect it to be good, beautiful, perfect, orderly, etc., in the long run, not necessarily in the short run. ~ Abraham Maslow,
855:If your prayer is sincere, my Mother will respond to it, if you will only wait. Pray to Her if you want to realize Her impersonal self. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
856:I will rise now and go about the city in the streets and the broadways, I will seek him whom my soul loveth. ~ Songs of Songs III.2, the Eternal Wisdom
857:Learn to self-conquest, persevere thus for a time, and you will perceive very clearly the advantage which you gain from it. ~ Saint Teresa of Avila,
858:... Neither justice nor covenant will be observed by any one people of the race of Adam; they will become hard-hearted and penurious, and will be devoid of piety." ~ Saint Columbcille,
859:The jnana yogis say that, first of all, the heart must be purified, hard religious practice must be gone through, then jnana will come. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
860:Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Jeremiah, 29:12-13,
861:The one who is stern with people on acts of worship (ibada) will only turn them away from it. ~ al-Habib Ahmad b. Hasan al-Attas, @Sufi_Path
862:And he is our peace who made the two into one: that we might be men of good will, sweetly linked by the bond of unity. ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo,
863:...Between mother and daughter anger and bitter sarcasms shall continuously exist; neighbors will become treacherous, cold, and false-hearted towards each another." ~ Saint Columbcille,
864:Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
   ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Psalms, 23:4,
865:God is equally manifest everywhere, yet manifests specially in holy places, just as water is everywhere, yet in places will form a lake. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
866:Guru is not the physical form. So the contact will remain even after the physical form of the Guru vanishes. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi, Day by Day, 9-3-46,
867:In light of heaven, the worst suffering on earth will be seen to be no more serious than one night in an inconvenient hotel. ~ Saint Teresa of Avila,
868:Seek the Divine Love through the only gate through which it will consent to enter, the gate of the psychic being. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV, Sex,
869:... The fighters will rise up to the heavens to take the stars and throw them on the cities, to set ablaze the buildings and to cause immense devastations." ~ Saint Odile, (660-720 AD),
870:The idea of self is the Maya of the soul. It is our egotism that shuts out the light. When this "I" is gone, all difficulty will vanish. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
871:There is neither creation nor destruction, neither destiny nor free will, neither path nor achievement. This is the final truth. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
872:Tie two birds together. They will not be able to fly, even though they now have four wings." ~ Rumi( 1207 - 1273), Persian poet, Islamic scholar, theologian, and Sufi mystic, Wikipedia,
873:Unless you allow some time to pass, no teaching can ever bear fruit. Those who you teach will not, as a rule, be able to profit at once. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
874:What is is only justifiable, finds its perfect sense and satisfaction by what can and will be. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, The Divine and the Undivine,
875:When a doctor assures that he will save the patient, he does not know that no human power can save one whom the Lord chooses to destroy. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
876:Your trust in God is sufficient to save you from rebirths. Cast all burden on Him. Have faith and that will save you. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi, Talks, 30,
877:A secret Will compels us to endure. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, 02.06,
878:Fate orders all and Fate I now
Have recognised as the world's mystic Will
That loves and labours. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Plays and Stories, Act III,
879:Go on. You have worked wonderfully well. We do not wait for help, we will work it out, my boy, be self-reliant, faithful and patient. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
880:He who sees God in all, will serve freely God in all with the service of love. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle, Conditions for the Coming of a Spiritual Age,
881:If in thirst you drink water from a cup, you see God in it. Those who are not in love with God will see only their own faces in it. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, [T5],
882:In spite of death and evil circumstance
A will to live persists, a joy to be. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
883:Let a Bhakti pray to God and it will be given to him to realize the impersonal God in samadhi and thus reach the goal of Jnana Yoga also. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
884:Merely reading holy books will not make one religious. One must practice the virtues taught in books in order to acquire the love of God. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
885:Mere reading will not bring about knowledge or salvation, so long as one is attached to the world -- so long as one loves woman and gold. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
886:Our past thinking has determined our present status, and our present thinking will determine our future status; for man is what man thinks. ~ Padmasambhava, The Tibetan Book of The Dead,
887:Rules us, who in the Brahmin and the dog
Can, if He will, show equal godhead. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, Baji Prabhou,
888:The most difficult mental process of all is to consider objectively any concept which, if accepted as fact, will toss into discard a lifetime of training and experience. ~ Robert Monroe,
889:Those who start their practice by uniting with their Guru and chosen deity, fear no reverses or difficulties ... progress will be smooth. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
890:Do not consider one's Guru to be merely human. Before you see the Deity, you will see the Guru in the first vision of Divine Illumination. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
891:If the atom is lost in the sun of immensity, it will participate, although a simple atom, in its eternal duration. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
892:If you do not cover yourself on every side with the shield of patience, you will not remain long without wounds. ~ Imitation of Christ, the Eternal Wisdom
893:If you meditate on your ideal, you will acquire its nature. If you think of God day and night, you will acquire the nature of God. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
894:In Christian theology, kenosis (Greek: κένωσις, kénōsis, lit. emptiness) is the self-emptying of ones own will and becoming entirely receptive to Gods divine will.
   ~ Wikipedia,
895:In peace and silence the eternal manifests; allow nothing to disturb you and the eternal will manifest.
   ~ The Mother, Mantras Of The Mother, 13 September, [T5],
896:It can come early or it can come late, but come it will if one is faithful in one's call. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II, The Divine Grace and Guidance,
897:So and likewise, if you tear away the veils of the heart, the light of the oneness will shine upon it. ~ Baha-ullah: The Seven Valleys, the Eternal Wisdom
898:So long as there is complete sincerity, the Divine Grace will be there and assist at every moment on the way. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II, Sincerity,
899:The Jnana-Yoga will attain Jnana and Bhakti. It will be given to him to realize Brahman and, the Lord willing, the personal God of Bhakti. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
900:The kingdom of heaven is already in existence if we will have it, that perfection is already in man if he will see it. ~ Swami Vivekananda, (C.W. VI. 354),
901:The Law is in God and God in Law; the All-intelligent, All-pervading God knows the desire of the heart of the earnest seeker of Truth, and will surely guide him. ~ SWAMI TRIGUNATITANANDA,
902:The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence." ~ Confucius,
903:Those who do not believe that God has care of human affairs usually follow their own will in all things ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (Commentary on Job 22).,
904:When you awaken, you will not react any longer to the television, to the newspaper, to the people, what they say or think. When you awaken, you will know that all is well. ~ Robert Adams,
905:With my soul have I desired thee in the night; with my spirit within me will I seek thee early. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Isaiah, XXVI.9, the Eternal Wisdom
906:At the time when the seventh angel is heard sounding his trumpet, the mystery of God will be fulfilled, just as he announced in the gospel to his servants the prophets." ~ Revelation 10:7,
907:... Colchis, Cyprus, the Turks and barbarians he will subdue and have all men worship the Crucified one. He will at length lay down his crown in Jerusalem." ~ Saint Cataldus of Tarentino ,
908:If the mind is not under control, it is no use living in a cave because the same mind will bring all disturbances there. ~ Swami Vivekananda, (C.W. I. 440),
909:If you are in right earnest to be good and pure, God will send you the Sat Guru, the right teacher. Earnestness is the one thing necessary. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
910:If you can attain devotion to the lotus-feet of the Lord, singing His glory, then you will not have to struggle long to control the senses. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
911:If you cannot destroy the self, then let it be the servant. The self that knows itself as the servant/lover of God will do little mischief. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
912:In the vast ocean of cause and effect, actions happen and impermanent results follow. If one takes them as 'my' actions the idea of having a free will gets stronger. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
913:I say, wherever and in whatever condition you may live, the dirt of the world will cause no harm to you. The Master is there; you need not be afraid, you need not worry. ~ Sri Sarada Devi,
914:Live in faith and hope, though it be in darkness, for in this darkness God protects the soul. Cast your care upon God for you are his and he will not forget you. ~ Saint John of the Cross,
915:Look upon all women as your own mother. Never look at the face of a woman, but look towards her feet. All evil thoughts will then fly away. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
916:Nature will not suffer human egoism to baffle for ever her fixed intention and necessity. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle, The Imperfection of Past Aggregates,
917:Recover the source of all strength in yourselves and all else will be added to you. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays in Philosophy and Yoga, The Ideal of the Karmayogin,
918:Some boast of wealth, power, name, fame, high status -- all these things are for a few days only. None of them will follow one after death. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
919:The contact with perfected souls will most certainly stimulate love for God in others. One imbibes thoughts of God as soon as one comes near a realized soul. ~ Manapurush Swami Shivananda,
920:Those who hear the word of the cross and follow it willingly now, need not fear that they will hear of eternal damnation on the day of judgment. ~ Thomas A Kempis, The Imitation of Christ,
921:And allow me again to assure you that when you've got yourself going, doing your True Will, you won't find you have any time to get bored. ~ Aleister Crowley,
922:As the Magick Wand is the Will, the Wisdom, the Word of the Magician, so is the Magick Cup his Understanding.
   ~ Aleister Crowley, Liber ABA, Book 4, Magick,
923:Dzogchen teaches that if we practice today, we will awaken today, and if we practice tonight, we will awaken tonight. ~ Lama Surya Das, Natural Radiance: Awakening to Your Great Perfection,
924:In the lower actions of the mind the soul suffers Nature rather than possesses her. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Purification - Intelligence and Will,
925:Oh Mother, I am the chariot and you are the driver. I speak as you will me to speak; I act as you, within me, act ... not I, not I, but you! ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
926:One with little knowledge will go about preaching, but when the perfection of knowledge is obtained, one ceases to make such a vain display. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
927:The more we are afflicted in this world, the greater is our assurance in the next; the more we sorrow in the present, the greater will be our joy in the future." ~ Saint Isidore of Seville,
928:Use your body and your thought and turn away from anybody who asks you to believe blindly, whatever be his good will or his virtue. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
929:when all the animals have been hunted, when all the waters are polluted, when all the air is unsafe to breathe, only then will you discover you cannot eat money." ~ Native American wisdom.,
930:All the time of our life and faith will benefit us nothing if we do not resist, as is fitting for children of God, in this present lawless age and in the coming trials. ~ Letter of Barnabas,
931:A man can be himself only so long as he is alone, and if he does not love solitude, he will not love freedom, for it is only when he is alone that he is really free.
   ~ Arthur Schopenhauer,
932:In order to be able to renounce, one must pray to God for the will power to do so. One must immediately renounce what one feels to be unreal. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
933:Open yourself more and more to the Divine's force and your work will progress steadily towards perfection. With my Blessings.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II,
934:The intelligence coloured by desire is an impure intelligence and it distorts Truth. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Purification - Intelligence and Will,
935:The true Agni always burns in deep peace; it is the fire of an all-conquering will. Let it grow in you in perfect equanimity.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II,
936:Through the bodily resurrection, the transformation of the just will be brought to completion, and they will experience a perfect, abiding, unchangeable glorification. ~ Fulgentius of Ruspe,
937:You will never succeed by argument, convincing another of their error. When the grace of God descends, each one understands his own mistakes. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
938:As long as they have the bridegroom with them they cannot fast. But the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast in those days. ~ Mark 2:19-20,
939:Do not consider it proof just because it is written in books, for a liar who will deceive with his tongue will not hesitate to do the same with his pen. ~ Maimonides,
940:If a man loves his Guru with his whole heart, obeys what the latter says, his mind being devoted to Him, will naturally shun other attractions and thus get concentrated. ~ SWAMI SUBODHANANDA,
941:If a man loves his Guru with his whole heart, obeys what the latter says, his mind being devoted to Him, will naturally shun other attractions and thus get concentrated. ~ Swami Subodhananda,
942:When the present dream of our life is finished, a new dream will succeed it and there our life and death will not be known. ~ Schopenhauer, the Eternal Wisdom
943:Word should express will: hence the Mystic Name of the Probationer is the expression of his highest Will.
   ~ Aleister Crowley, Liber ABA, Book 4, Magick, [T5],
944:Above blind fate and the antagonist powers
Moveless there stands a high unchanging Will; ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Vision and the Boon,
945:But it is called COOPERATING grace inasmuch as it is the principle of meritorious works, which spring from free-will ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 1-2.111.2).,
946:Do you wish to rise? Begin by descending. You plan a tower that will pierce the clouds? Lay first the foundation of humility. ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo,
947:Egoistic desire is not a law for the soul that seeks liberation or aspires to its own original god-nature. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Supreme Will,
948:God has the nature of a small child. God won't even look at those who do tapas with ego, but He will shower His grace on the innocent hearted ones who don't do anything. ~ MATA AMRITANADAMAYI,
949:If you hold this feeling of 'I' long enough and strongly, the false 'I' will vanish, leaving only the unbroken awareness of the real, immanent 'I', Consciousness itself. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
950:No human will can finally prevail against the Divine's Will. Let us put ourselves deliberately and exclusively on the side of the Divine, and the Victory is ultimately certain. ~ Mother Mirra,
951:Sins to a heart are like oil drops on a cloth, unless you wash it immediately and vigorously, it will permanently stain". ~ Ibn al-Jawzi, @Sufi_Path
952:Forget your difficulties. Forget yourself... And the Lord will take care of your progress. With love and blessings. 5 March 1968
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II,
953:If you are never parted from the aspiring resolve to attain awak- ening, wherever you are born-whether above, below, or on the same level-you will not forget the thought of awakening. ~ Asanga,
954:Ishwara will answer your call by whatever name you call Him and will appear in whatever form you worship Him. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi, Letters 200, [T5],
955:Leave all care to the Divine Grace, including your progress, and you will be in peace.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, Trust in the Divine Grace and Help, [T2],
956:Organize your devotional practices and you will find your time is extended due to the baraka (blessings) in it. ~ Shaykh Ahmad al Zarruq], @Sufi_Path
957:Take your refuge in truth. Surrender yourself to the Lord. Make your heart and lips the same, and the Lord, who knows the innermost thoughts of our hearts, will protect you. ~ SWAMI PREMANANDA,
958:The basic idea of integral transformative practice (ITP) is simple: the more aspects of our being that we simultaneously exercise, the more likely that transformation will occur. ~ ken-wilber,
959:The Divine knows best and one has to have trust in His wisdom and attune oneself with His will. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II, The Divine Grace and Guidance,
960:The more you surrender to the Divine, the more will there be the possibility of perfection in you. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II, Practical Concerns in Work,
961:The perfect society will be that which most entirely favours the perfection of the individual. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle, The Imperfection of Past Aggregates,
962:What more shall I tell you? Keep your mind on God. Don't forget Him. God will certainly reveal Himself to you if you pray to Him with sincerity. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
963:When the sun of the gnosis has risen, doubt itself will pass away because its cause and utility have ended. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Faith and Shakti,
964:Abandon all dharmas and take refuge in Me alone; I will deliver thee from all sin and evil; do not grieve. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, (Gita 18:66), [T5},
965:As your attachment to the world diminishes, your spiritual knowledge will increase. Attachment to the world means attachment to 'lust and greed'. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
966:Certainly Kundalini will awake. Repetition of His name will lead to the goal. Even when your mind does not become concentrated you can repeat the holy Name thousands of times. ~ Sri Sarada Devi,
967:Destiny in the rigid sense applies only to the outer being so long as it lives in the Ignorance. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - I, Fate, Free Will and Prediction,
968:EVERY intention which does not assert itself by deeds is a vain intention, and the speech which expresses it is idle speech. It is action which proves life and establishes will
   ~ Eliphas Levi,
969:If you have to have it, it's ego. If you have to not have it, it's ego. Hold life lightly and it will deliver what you need and release what you don't." ~ Alan Cohen See:,
970:Just as the penetrating rays of the sun visit the darkest corners, so thought concentrated will master its own deepest secrets. ~ Vivekananda, the Eternal Wisdom
971:The great decisions of human life have as a rule far more to do with the instincts and other mysterious unconscious factors than with conscious will and well-meaning reasonableness. ~ Carl Jung,
972:Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Proverbs, 3:5-6,
973:Equality of soul created by the surrender to the universal Wisdom gives us a supreme peace and calm. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Secret of the Veda, Agni, the Illumined Will,
974:Know that you will not be at all tormented by mental unrest if you, without being sentimental, dedicate the good or bad results of your actions to the lotus feet of the Lord. ~ SWAMI ABHEDANANDA,
975:Love God and do whatever you please: for the soul trained in love to God will do nothing to offend the One who is Beloved. ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo, [T5],
976:Only when men shall depend exclusively upon the Divine and upon nothing else will the incarnate god no longer need to die for them. ~ The Mother, Agenda Vol 1, 1951-1954,
977:Those operations in man not subject to the will and reason are not properly called human but natural ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (Commentary on Ethics 1, lect. 1).,
978:Unless one follows the principle, "That which is essential to be reformed is only my own mind", one's mind will become more and more impure by seeing the defects of others. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
979:Here, you will be consoled by me and you yourselves will give comfort to my soul which, especially in these times, is again being pierced by an immense sorrow." ~ Our Lady to Father Stefano Gobbi,
980:He who wishes to acquire the anger that is in accordance with nature must uproot all self-will, until he establishes within himself the state natural to the intellect. ~ Saint Isaiah the Solitary,
981:Hitherto you have experienced truth only with the abstract intellect. I will bring you where you can taste it like honey and be embraced by it as by a bridegroom. ~ C. S. Lewis, The Great Divorce,
982:How can one get rid of one's vanity and selfishness?

   By a complete consecration to the Divine and a loving surrender to the Divine's Will. Blessings.
   ~ The Mother,
983:Intense aspiration is always good, but let there also be calm and peace and joy in the mind and heart, and a confidence that all will be done in its due time. ~ SriAurobindo, Letters On Yoga - II,
984:In the castle of the lotus twixt the brows
Whence it shoots the arrows of its sight and will ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Finding of the Soul,
985:I tell you, on the day of judgment men will render account for every careless word they utter; for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned. ~ Matthew 12:36-37,
986:My child, austerities or worship, practice all these things right now. Will these things be possible later on? Whatever you want to achieve, achieve now; this is the right time. ~ Sri Sarada Devi,
987:Put Wisdom at the head of the world; the world will fight its battle victoriously and will be the best world that men can constitute. ~ Carlyle, the Eternal Wisdom
988:The gatherings which will take place in Paradise are only the result of gatherings which took place in this life." ~ Habib Umar bin Hafiz ق, @Sufi_Path
989:The next time you try to seduce anyone, don't do it with talk, with words. Women know more about words than men ever will. And they know how little they can ever possibly mean. ~ William Faulkner,
990:When one perceives clearly this Self as God and as the Lord of all that is and will be, he knows no longer any fear. ~ Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
991:Your friends will notice at once that glib vacuities fail to impress, and hate you, and tell lies about you. It's worth it. ~ Aleister Crowley, Magick Without Tears,
992:All debts must be paid. All that one has inflicted one has to suffer, before one can become free. So those who wish for freedom can only say: Let what comes come; I will accept it. ~ Rodney Collin,
993:As you start to see your own potential, you will also begin to recognize it in every being around you. Buddha nature is not a special quality available to just a privileged few. ~ Mingyur Rinpoche,
994:Excessive food will bring harm to your daily progress as an overloaded ship is drowned by its weight." ~ Shaykh Mahmud Effendi al-Naqshabandi, @Sufi_Path
995:Fire will descend from heaven and humanity will be purified and completely renewed, so as to be ready to receive the Lord Jesus who will return to you in glory." ~ Our Lady to Father Stefano Gobbi,
996:If the Lord wills for you a hardship, do not protest. Take it as a blessing and indeed it will become so.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, Difficulties of Surrender,
997:Learn the backward step that turns your light inward to illuminate your self. Body and mind of themselves will drop away, and your original face will be manifest. ~ Dogen Zenji,
998:And shall I then no longer be? Yes, thou shalt be, but thou shalt be something else of which the world will have need at that moment. ~ Epictetus, the Eternal Wisdom
999:Do not sleep too long. How can a spiritual aspirant sleep away his life? He cannot. He must keep waking - who knows when God will come? The higher the life, the less the sleep. ~ Swami Akhandananda,
1000:God has set apart India as the eternal fountain-head of holy spirituality, and He will never suffer that fountain to run dry. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Bande Mataram - II, Swaraj,
1001:I am desperate […] I do not know anymore what to do for humanity to mend its ways. If it continues on this path, the tremendous anger of God will rage like a bolt of lightning." ~ Saint Padre Pio,
1002:Let us do our best in all circumstances, leaving the result to the Divine's decision. 20 May 1954
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, Surrender to the Divine Will [109],
1003:One must have faith in the Master of our life and works, even if for a long time He conceals Himself, and then in His own right time He will reveal His Presence. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga IV,
1004:Spirits of darkness are going to inspire their human hosts to find a vaccine that will drive all inclination towards spirituality out of people's soul. ~ Rudolf Steiner,
1005:We are creating new fate for the future even while undergoing old fate from the past in the present. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - I, Fate, Free Will and Prediction,
1006:There is nothing holier in the world than to keep good company, because the good impressions will then tend to come to the surface. ~ Swami Vivekananda, (C.W. I. 220),
1007:The value of life lies not in the length of days, but in the use we make of them... Whether you find satisfaction in life depends not on your tale of years, but on your will.
   ~ Michel de Montaigne,
1008:We who are weak and poor ought not to despair because we are fervent at times and at other times cold, for the spirit comes and goes according to His will. ~ Thomas A Kempis, The Imitation of Christ,
1009:You may impart thousands of instructions to people, but they will not bear fruit except in proper time. One feels yearning for God at the proper time. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1010:Because you are with other thoughts, you call the continuity of a single thought meditation or dhyana. If that dhyana becomes effortless it will be found to be your real nature. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
1011:Be quiet in your mind, quiet in your senses, and also quiet in your body. Then, when all these are quiet, don't do anything. In that state truth will reveal itself to you. ~ Kabir,
1012:Happy the worlds that have not felt our fall,
Where Will is one with Truth and Good with Power; ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Heavens of the Ideal,
1013:He was seen in the past prophetically, through the Spirit, and now as it were by adoption, through the Son; and in the kingdom of heaven he will be seen as a true father. ~ Irenaeus, Against Heresies,
1014:In the second visit the great prostitute of Babylon, which makes decent people sigh and call the Brothel of Europe, will be left without a leader and will be a victim of disorder." ~ Saint John Bosco,
1015:Love is a time-honored way to transcend the separate-self sense and leap into the sublime.

Real love will take you far beyond yourself; and therefore real love will devastate you. ~ Ken Wilber,
1016:Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armour yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you. ~ George R.R. Martin,
1017:No effort is lost. There is always an answer, even if it is not perceived. 7 December 1969
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, Will and Perserverance, STEADY EFFORT [161],
1018:Only a little of us foresees its steps,
Only a little has will and purposed pace. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Parable of the Search for the Soul,
1019:Our dwarf will and cold pragmatic sense
Admit not the celestial visitants: ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Kingdoms and Godheads of the Greater Mind,
1020:The day is not far distant when humanity will realize that biologically it is faced with a choice between suicide and adoration. ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin,
1021:The sense of personal doership gives rise to a feeling of guilt or pride and effectively blocks the spiritual understanding that everything happens according to the will of God. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
1022:what is Fate if not the spirit's will
After long time fulfilled by cosmic Force? ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Way of Fate and the Problem of Pain,
1023:By turning the mind outwards, you have been seeing the world, the non-Self. If you turn it inwards you will see the Self. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi, Day by Day, 5-1-46,
1024:Look at light and admire its beauty. Close your eyes, and then look again: what you saw is no longer there; and what you will see later is not yet." ~ Leonardo da Vinci,
1025:No way is short or long, but some people are more in earnest and some are less. You may choose any way that suits you; your earnestness will determine the rate of progress. ~ SRI NISARAGADATTA MAHARAJ,
1026:So it is now that you find yourselves at the vigil of the great trial which I foretold to you: it will be the supreme manifestation of the divine justice and mercy." ~ Our Lady to Father Stefano Gobbi,
1027:The noble love of Jesus spurs to great deeds and excites longing for that which is more perfect. Love tends upward; it will not be held down by anything low. ~ Thomas A Kempis, The Imitation of Christ,
1028:Do not let your mind labour in anticipation on a work that has to be done. The Power that acts in you will see to it at its own time.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - II,
1029:His first coming was to fulfill his plan of love, to teach men by gentle persuasion. This time, whether men like it or not, they will be subjects of his kingdom by necessity. ~ Saint Cyril of Jerusalem,
1030:However man's mind may tire or fail his flesh,
   A will prevails cancelling his conscious choice .
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Vision and the Boon,
1031:If a person studies too much and exhausts his reflective powers, he will be confused, and will not be able to apprehend even that which had been within the power of his apprehension. ~ Moses Maimonides,
1032:If you learn not to react to the conditions, you will find that the conditions will change by themselves. If you do not react to conditioning then the conditioning will change by itself. ~ Robert Adams,
1033:Perfect resignation gives the deepest joy of all. Accept it as your sole resource. Whatever God does at any time is wholly benign. If you can bear this in mind you will be at peace. ~ SRI ANANDAMAYI MA,
1034:Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: "Al-Islam began peculiar and it will return to being strange as it began. So glad tidings to the strangers." - ~ Hadith, @Sufi_Path
1035:The day when we get back to the ancient worship of delight and beauty, will be our day of salvation ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Future Poetry, The Soul of Poetic Delight and Beauty,
1036:The good acts we do today, our own progress will show to us tomorrow as an evil, because we shall have acquired a greater light. ~ Antoine the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
1037:The Mother underlined the words 'all will be well' and wrote beside them: 'This is the voice of truth, the one you must listen to.'
   ~ The Mother, Some Answers From The Mother,
1038:The thought of a solitary man can become, by exercise of selfless and undoubting Will, the thought of a nation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Early Cultural Writings, The Real Difficulty,
1039:To be ignorant of the path one has to take and set out on the way without a guide, is to will to lose oneself and run the risk of perishing. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
1040:Find God and forget yourself. Be wholly surrendered, the moment you can give up everything and know your own nothingness, that moment God-vision will come and your will be free. ~ Swami Ramakrishnananda,
1041:If you want to do a certain thing, you first have to be a certain person. Once you become that certain person, you will not care anymore about doing that certain thing. ~ Dogen Zenji,
1042:Let my skin and sinews and bones dry up, together with all the flesh and blood of my body! I welcome it! But I will not move from this spot until I have attained the supreme and final wisdom.
   ~ Buddha,
1043:The object of life is the growth of the soul, not outward success of the hour or even of the near future. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - I, Fate, Free Will and Prediction,
1044:There is a purpose in life - and it is the only true and lasting one - the Divine. Turn to Him and the emptiness will go. Blessings.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, [T5],
1045:Unless therefore the Magician be first anointed with this Oil, all his work will be wasted and evil.
   ~ Aleister Crowley, Liber ABA, Book 4, Magick, Part II, The Holy Oil,
1046:All human beings have a spiritual destiny which is near or far depending on each one's determination. One must will in all sincerity.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, [T5],
1047:An attentive scrutiny of thy being will reveal to thee that it is one with the very essence of absolute perfection. ~ Buddhist Writings in the Japanese, the Eternal Wisdom
1048:And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
   ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Romans, 12:2,
1049:How can I make Sri Aurobindo's influence living and dynamic in my daily activities?

   Be perfectly sincere and He will answer your call.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother I,
1050:It is no use excusing yourself; you must have the will never to fall back into the faults you have committed.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, Difficulties, Mistakes, [T5],
1051:What is being done here is a preparation for a work—a work which will be founded on Yogic consciousness and Yoga-Shakti. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II, Work and Yoga,
1052:Work done in the right spirit will itself become a means of the inner siddhi. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Autobiographical Notes and Other Writings of Historical Interest, To Motilal Roy,
1053:A heretic with regard to one article has no faith in the other articles, but only a kind of opinion in accordance with his own will ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 2-2.5.3).,
1054:Hope is definitely not the same thing as optimism. It is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out. ~ Václav Havel,
1055:Tiredness shows lack of will for progress. When you feel tired or fatigued that is lack of will for progress. Fire is always burning in you.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II,
1056:30. If Will stops and cries Why, invoking Because, then Will stops & does nought.
31. If Power asks why, then is Power weakness. ~ Aleister Crowley, The Book of the Law,
1057:Keep always this awareness of my constant loving presence and all will be all right.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother I, The Mother, Relations with Others, 'I am with You', [T1],
1058:Only the Divine will matter, the Divine alone will be the one need of the whole being; ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Ascent of the Sacrifice - 1, 146, [T5],
1059:Read the gospel attentively and you will see that Jesus sacrificed even charity for prayer. And do you know why? To teach us that, without God, we are too poor to help the poor. ~ Mother Teresa of Calcutta,
1060:Repeating His name will make your mind steadfast like the flame of a lamp protected from wind. Wind makes a flame unsteady. Similarly, desires prevent the mind from becoming concentrated. ~ Sri Sarada Devi,
1061:Someone who tasted the sweetness of being close to Allah, will surely find bitter anything that may distant him from Allah." ~ al-Habib Omar bin Hafiz, @Sufi_Path
1062:We must see only through the Divine's eyes and act only through the Divine's will.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, Elements of Yoga, Surrender to the Divine Will, Surrender,
1063:Concentrate more upon what you are to be, on the ideal, with the faith that, since it is the goal before you, it must and will come.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - IV, [T1],
1064:If the Truth has to spread itself, it will do it of its own motion; these things are unnecessary. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Himself and the Ashram, No Propaganda or Proselytism,
1065:Let us unite our will in a great aspiration; let us pray for an intervention of the Grace. A miracle can always happen. Faith has a sovereign power. ~ The Mother, On Education, [T5],
1066:No difficulty can be presented to the human mind which the human mind, if it will, cannot solve. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle, The Problem of a Federated Heterogeneous Empire,
1067:Surrender: to will what the Divine wills is the supreme wisdom.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, Elements of Yoga, Surrender to the Divine Will, To Will What the Divine Wills,
1068:The future is for those who have the soul of a hero. The stronger and more sincere our faith, the more powerful and effective will be the help received.
   ~ The Mother, On Education,
1069:You must have faith and patience. You have persistently up and doing. What will you gain by dejection and moaning just because you cannot achieve anything with a little effort? ~ Manapurush Swami Shivananda,
1070:Before the effulgent glory of God, the little glory of the ego will completely vanish, as stars vanish when the sun rises. You must therefore practice the Presence of God inside you. ~ Swami Ramakrishnananda,
1071:Giving Him the power of attorney and remaining carefree, practice spiritual discipline without pretense. If you do not double-deal with God, He will assume each of your responsibilities. ~ Swami Adbhutananda,
1072:God and the angels have a ready free choice of the will, whereas man suffers difficulty in choosing because of uncertainty and hesitation ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (DV 24.3).,
1073:If you treat your children at home in the same way you treat your animals in the lab, your wife will scratch your eyes out. My wife ferociously warned me against experimenting on her babies. ~ Abraham Maslow,
1074:Search for the culprit within. The ideas of 'me' and 'mine' are at the root of all conflict. Be free of them and you will be out of conflict. ~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj,
1075:The difficulties which come to birth in the disciple, are ignorance, egoism, desire, aversion and a tenacious will to existence upon the earth. ~ Patanjali, the Eternal Wisdom
1076:The Divine's will is that we should be like channels always open, always more wide, so that His forces may pour their abundance into the mould.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II,
1077:Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement." ~ Golda Meir,
1078:Utter SILENCE must be observed in the room. Whoever pronounces a word in the presence of Sri Aurobindo will have to leave the place immediately.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother I,
1079:You can write any time people will leave you alone and not interrupt you. Or rather you can if you will be ruthless enough about it. But the best writing is certainly when you are in love. ~ Ernest Hemingway,
1080:A calm, equal and detached mind can alone reflect the peace or base the action of the liberated spirit. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Purification - Intelligence and Will,
1081:Get rid of the ego, observe all your actions as if they were another's, and you will avoid ninety-nine percent of the troubles that await you. ~ Aleister Crowley, Liber ABA, 1.7,
1082:Heroism is not what people say, it is to be completely united - and the divine help will always be with those who have, in all sincerity, resolved to be heroic. Voilà.
   ~ The Mother,
1083:If man surrenders totally to the Divine, he identifies himself with the Divine.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, Elements of Yoga, Surrender to the Divine Will, Surrender, [T5],
1084:If the Spirit of the one who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, the one who raised Christ from the dead will give life to your mortal bodies also, through his Spirit that dwells in you" ~ Romans 8:11).,
1085:Our constant prayer is to understand the Divine's will and to live accordingly.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, Elements of Yoga, Surrender to the Divine Will, Surrender, [T5],
1086:The leader of the journey, the captain of the march, the first and most ancient priest of our sacrifice is the Will. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Object of Knowledge,
1087:The truth is that we live out our lives putting off all that can be put off; perhaps we all know deep down that we are immortal and that sooner or later all men will do and know all things. ~ Jorge Luis Borge,
1088:The will moves the intellect and the other powers of the soul to the end: and in this respect an act of faith is "to believe in God" ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 2-2.2.2ad4).,
1089:What torture, My daughter, for my maternal Heart! How sad I am to see that men do not change! Father's justice demands reparation, otherwise many will be lost! " ~ Our Lady to Bl. Sr. Elena Aiello (1895-1961),
1090:What will a man gain by knowing many scriptures? The one thing needful is to know how to cross the river of the world. God alone is real, and all else illusory. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1091:When a man's knowledge is sufficient to attain, and his virtue is not sufficient to enable him to hold, whatever he may have gained, he will lose again. ~ Confucius, Analects, 15:32, i,
1092:You are facing God and God is facing you. Your divinity will make you feel that two Gods are facing each other and conversing. But eventually you will merge into the God that you are now facing. ~ Sri Chinmoy,
1093:By a divine promise, for a period of time, Satan has been given freedom among humanity. He will ignite the fire of protest and rebellion to thwart the sanctification of the faithful." ~ Our Lady of Revelation ,
1094:... churches and altars sacked; the Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord." ~ Our Lady of Akita (1973),
1095:Faith is the unshaken stance of the soul and is unmoved by any adversity. The believing man is not one who thinks God can do all things, but one who trusts that he will obtain everything. ~ Saint John Climacus,
1096:Joy cannot endure until the end:
There is a darkness in terrestrial things
That will not suffer long too glad a note. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Issue,
1097:O mortal, bear, but ask not for the stroke,
Too soon will grief and anguish find thee out. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Way of Fate and the Problem of Pain,
1098:The city is redundant: it repeats itself so that something will stick in the mind.


Memory is redundant: it repeats signs so that the city can begin to exist. ~ Italo Calvino, Invisible Cities,
1099:The most beautiful ape is ugly when compared to a human. The wisest human will seem like an ape when compared to a god with respect to wisdom, beauty, and everything else. ~ Heraclitus,
1100:The oneness which is brought about by the happy loss of the will of desire and the ego, is the essence of Mukti. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Liberation of the Spirit,
1101:There is such a thing as abhyasayoga, yoga through practice. Keep up the practice and you will find that your mind will follow in whatever direction you lead it. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1102:Come and be Love's willing slave, for Love's slavery will save you. Forsake the slavery of this world and take up Love's sweet service.
   ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, translated by Helminski,
1103:Despair not, my son, thy desire shall be fulfilled, thy will shall have fruit; put to sleep the sensations of the body and thou shalt be born in God. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
1104:Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin…." ~ Grace Hanson [Grace Hanson is one of the protagonists on "Grace and Frankie." She is portrayed by Jane Fonda. For more of her quotes see:,
1105:God is not to be reached by the weak. Never be weak. You have infinite strength within you. How else will you conquer anything? How else will you come to God? ~ Swami Vivekananda,
1106:If you don't see what is happening, it doesn't mean it's not happening. ~ 'We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.',
1107:Let us work for the food which does not perish - our salvation. Let us work in the vineyard of the Lord to earn our daily wage in the wisdom which says: Those who work in me will not sin. ~ Saint Bernard of Clairvaux,
1108:Many are the names of God and infinite the forms through which He may be approached. In whatever name and form you worship Him, through that you will realise Him. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1109:On earth by the will of this Arch-Intelligence
A bodiless energy put on Matter's robe; ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Kingdoms and Godheads of the Little Mind,
1110:O sinner, be not discouraged, but have recourse to Mary in all your necessities. Call her to your assistance, for such is the divine Will that she should help in every kind of necessity. ~ Saint Basil the Great,
1111:Our Lord Jesus Christ will come from heaven. He will come at the end of the world, in glory, at the last day. For there will be an end to this world, and the created world will be made new. ~ Cyril of Jerusalem,
1112:Remain fixed in the sunlight of the true consciousness—for only there is happiness and peace. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV, Vigilance, Resolution, Will and the Divine Help,
1113:So long as the mind is inconstant and inconsequent, it will avail nothing, even though one have a good instructor and the company of the saints. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
1114:There is no slightest arrogance in mature and intelligent people.. ~ The tree bearing a lot of fruit will always lean towards the ground. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, @Sufi_Path
1115:The thing under my bed waiting to grab my ankle isn't real. I know that, and I also know that if I'm careful to keep my foot under the covers, it will never be able to grab my ankle. ~ Stephen King, Night Shift,
1116:While repeating the name of the Lord, you will see His form - effulgent and smiling. You will also smile and then weep, and say, ' Why did You not appear before? Why have You come so late?' ~ Swami Akhandananda,
1117:Fate covered with an unseen necessity
The game of chance of an omnipotent Will. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Yoga of the King, The Yoga of the Soul's Release,
1118:He will provide the way and the means, such as you could never have imagined. Leave it all to Him, let go of yourself, lose yourself on the Cross, and you will find yourself entirely." ~ Saint Catherine of Siena,
1119:Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return. ~ Leonardo da Vinci,
1120:Out beyond ideas of wrong-doing and right-doing there is a field. I will meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
1121:The ego is in fact driven by the mechanism of Nature of which it is a part and the ego-will is not and cannot be a free will. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Divine Shakti,
1122:The Master has said, "To pore over mysterious things and do miracles that I may be cited with honour in future times, this is what 1 will not do." ~ Tsang-Yung, the Eternal Wisdom
1123:Whatever happened, was good, what's happening, it's going well, whatever will happen, will also be good. You need not have any regrets for the past. Do not worry for the future. Live in Present.
   ~ Lord Krishna,
1124:What torture, My daughter, for my maternal Heart! How sad I am to see that men do not change! Father's justice demands reparation, otherwise many will be lost! " ~ Our Lady to Bl. Sister Elena Aiello (1895-1961),
1125:A rational creature governs himself by his intellect and will, both of which need to be guided and perfected by God's intellect and will ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 1.103.5ad3).,
1126:Beware of trying to accomplish anything by force, for God has given every single person free will and desires to constrain none; he merely shows them the way, invites them and counsels them. ~ Saint Angela Merici,
1127:Have strength. Have courage, no matter what may come before you. Overcome all weakness by the strength of purity. Move onward boldly, having real faith in the Lord. He will always protect you. ~ SWAMI PARAMANANDA,
1128:Meditation and Japa appear dry in the beginning. But still you must engage the mind in the contemplation of the Deity, like swallowing a bitter medicine. Slowly spiritual joy will grow in you. ~ Swami Brahmananda,
1129:Oh the places you'll go! There is fun to be done! There are points to be scored. There are games to be won. And the magical things you can do with that ball will make you the winning-est winner of all. ~ Dr Seuss,
1130:The path is long, but self-surrender makes it short; the way is difficult, but perfect trust makes it easy.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, Surrender to the Divine Will, Surrender,
1131:When you really look for me, you will see me instantly— you will find me in the tiniest house of time. Kabir says: Student, tell me what is God? He is the breath inside the breath." ~ Kabir,
1132:Whoever says, 'Subhan Allah wa bihamdihi,' one hundred times a day, will be forgiven all his sins even if they were as much as the foam of the sea." ~ Hadith, @Sufi_Path
1133:1FOR GOD alone my soul waits in silence; From Him comes my salvation. 2He alone is my rock and my salvation, My defense and my strong tower; I will not be shaken or disheartened. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Psalms, 62,
1134:A schism will tear apart the holy tunic of My Son. This will be the end of times, foretold in the Holy Scriptures and recalled to memory by Me in many places." ~ Our Lady to priest Raymond Arnette (in May of 1994),
1135:He who always thinks himself as weak will never become strong, but he who knows himself to be a lion, rushes out from the worlds meshes, as a lion from its cage. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
1136:How dare you talk of helping the world? God alone can do that. First you must be made free from all sense of self; then the Divine Mother will give you a task to do. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1137:If we are treading the path of light, and if by chance, by mistake, by ignorance, or even by bad habit, we commit mistakes, we will return to the path again, because of the guidance from the unknown. ~ Swami Rama,
1138:The sense of one's personal will is lost. That is enlightenment. Enlightenment means there is no "me" with a sense of personal doership. "I" can do nothing. Everything that happens is God's will. ~ Ramesh Balsekar,
1139:This is the extraordinary thing about creativity: If just you keep your mind resting against the subject in a friendly but persistent way, sooner or later you will get a reward from your unconscious. ~ John Cleese,
1140:To do no evil to any being, neither by action, nor by thought, nor by word; to will the good and to practise it: such is the eternal law of the good. ~ Madharata, the Eternal Wisdom
1141:Whatever is destined not to happen will not happen, try as you may. Whatever is destined to happen will happen, do what you may to prevent it. The best course, therefore, is to remain silent. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
1142:Always keep your mind spotless. Don't allow impure thoughts to enter it. If you find such desires tormenting you, pray to God and chant His name. He will protect you. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1143:By whatever path you go, you will have to lose yourself in the one. Surrender is complete only when you reach the stage `Thou art all' and `Thy will be done'. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
1144:He says you must choose, and the choice is constantly put before you and constantly you must choose, and if you do not choose, well, you will not be able to advance. ~ The Mother, 1950-1951,
1145:If you harbour anger and passions, it will be your ruin; especially lust and anger - they are demonic. If they arise in your heart, weep and pray before the Lord. By His grace they will fly away. ~ Swami Premananda,
1146:Indeed, the more spiritual progress a person makes, so much heavier will he frequently find the cross, because as his love increases, the pain of his exile also increases. ~ Thomas A Kempis, The Imitation of Christ,
1147:Jesus said, 'I am the light that is over all things. I am all: from me all came forth, and to me all attained. Split a piece of wood; I am there. Lift up the stone, and you will find me there.'
   ~ Gospel of Thomas,
1148:No human will can finally prevail against the Divine's Will. Let us put ourselves deliberately and exclusively on the side of the Divine, and the Victory is ultimately certain. ~ The Mother,
1149:You must practice tapasya. Only then can you attain the goal. It will avail you nothing even if you learn the texts of the scriptures by heart. You must swallow some. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1150:As a general rule, there is no harm in satisfying a desire where the satisfaction will not lead to further desires by creating vasanas in the mind. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi, Day by Day,
1151:He who learns must suffer. Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget
falls drop by drop upon the heart
until, in our own despair, against our will,
comes wisdom through the awful grace of God. ~ Aeschylus,
1152:The Altar represents the solid basis of the Work, the fixed Will* of the Magician; and the law under which he works.
   ~ Aleister Crowley, Liber ABA, Book 4, Magick, Part II, The Altar,
1153:The widow has, then, this excellent recommendation, that while she mourns her husband she also weeps for the world, and the redeeming tears are ready, which shed for the dead will benefit the living. ~ Saint Ambrose,
1154:We can reach a point where our way of life again has the dignities and the values which make living important. ~ Manly P. Hall, Lecture
1155:Advance towards God, my child; the more you go towards Him, the more peace you will get. There is no peace in anything in the world. At the feet of God alone one find the abode of peace. ~ Manapurush Swami Shivananda,
1156:A great progress should only spur one on to a greater progress beside which the first will appear as nothing, ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV, The Right Attitude towards Difficulties,
1157:As long as the mind goes out to the world through the senses, it will be restless, and it will be weak. The more a mind is restless, the weaker it is; the more it is calm, the stronger it is. ~ Swami Ramakrishnananda,
1158:Believe me, the Lord is always with you. If you practice a little, He will extend His helping hand to you. It is He who is protecting us all from miseries and troubles. How unbounded is His grace! ~ Swami Brahmananda,
1159:But the higher you raise yourself, the smaller you will seem to the eyes that are envious. He who ranges on the heights is the one whom men most detest. ~ Nietzsche, the Eternal Wisdom
1160:Each part of man's being has its own dharma which it must follow and will follow in the end, put on it what fetters you please. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle, The Spiritual Aim and Life,
1161:f you succeed inconquering yourself entirely, you will conquer the rest with the greatest ease. To triumph over oneself is the perfect victory ~ Imitation of Christ, the Eternal Wisdom
1162:God's will is both in worldliness and freedom. It is He, who has kept you unconscious in worldly life. And again, at His will, when He calls you, you will be liberated. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1163:Self-knowledge is best learned not by contemplation, but actions. Strive to do your duty, and you will soon discover of what stuff you are made.
   ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
1164:There are, of course, few Probationers who understand themselves sufficiently to be able to formulate this will to themselves, and therefore at the end of their probation they choose a new name.
   ~ Aleister Crowley?,
1165:Try to acquire the virtues you believe lacking in your brothers. Then you will no longer see their defects, for you will no longer have them yourself. ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo,
1166:Yoga is a sadhana. It will not be necessary after jnana is attained. All the sadhanas are called yogas, e.g., Karma yoga; Bhakti yoga; Jnana yoga; Ashtanga yoga. What is yoga? Yoga means 'union'. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi
1167:Create your vision, then systematically follow it. There are no guarantees of success. There is only the assurance that if you do nothing, you will accomplish nothing. . . . Where do you want to start?
   ~ Forsha (31),
1168:Desire the good of all and the universe will work with you. But if you want your own pleasure, you must earn it the hard way. Before desiring, deserve. ~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj,
1169:Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Romans, 12:2,
1170:For man, below the god, above the brute,
Is given the calm reason as his guide;
He is not driven by an unthinking will ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Word of Fate,
1171:He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Revelation, 21:4,
1172:India has lived and lived richly, splendidly, greatly, but with a different will in life from Europe. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Renaissance in India, A Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture - V,
1173:Quite clearly, our task is predominantly metaphysical, for it is how to get all of humanity to educate itself swiftly enough to generate spontaneous social behaviors that will avoid extinction
   ~ R Buckminster Fuller,
1174:There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age." ~ Sophia Loren,
1175:Without tormenting yourself, work hard, then you will find joy. In the beginning you are to drudge on as if you were learning the alphabet. Do not worry, do not complain, gradually peace will come. ~ SWAMI BRAHMANANDA,
1176:After Egypt they dwelt in desert places; after your departure you will dwell in heaven. Their great leader and commander was Moses; we have a new Moses, God himself, as our leader and commander. ~ Saint John Chrysostom,
1177:And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.
   ~ Anonymous, The Bible, 1 Peter, 5:10,
1178:A perfect rhythm will often even give immortality to work which is slight in vision and very far from the higher intensities of style. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Future Poetry, Rhythm and Movement,
1179:But you should have all the more confidence in your heavenly Mother! Look, with Me, at the times in which you are living and you will see the signs of my extraordinary intervention." ~ Our Lady to Father Stefano Gobbi ,
1180:Go on practicing Japa and meditation with great devotion, perseverance, and patience. Gradually the mind will become tranquil and meditation will deepen. You will find a craving for your meditation. ~ Swami Virajananda,
1181:In a unique way, when the devil tells a lie, he is speaking on his own: "I will go forth and will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all prophets" ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (1 Kgs 22:22),
1182:The One is for ever, and the Many are for ever because the One is for ever. So long as there is a sea, there will be waves. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays in Philosophy and Yoga, The Three Purushas,
1183:Those who pray and suffer, leaving action for others, will not shine here on earth; but what a radiant crown they will wear in the kingdom of life! Blessed be the 'apostolate of suffering'!" ~ Saint Josemaría Escrivá,
1184:When many Christians will be lovers of heresies, and wicked men will persecute the clergy and will hate justice, this should be the sign that Antichrist shall come without delay." ~ Saint Bridget of Sweden, (1303-1373),
1185:I hope that God will save me through the merits of the passion of Jesus. The more difficulties in life, the more I hope in God. By God's grace, I will not lose my soul, but I hope in his mercy. ~ Saint Paul of the Cross,
1186:It is not easy to confer upon the young a strength or vision which we do not possess, but sometime, these young people will be the leaders and supporters of world affairs. ~ Manly P Hall, (PRS Journal Autumn 1961, p.11),
1187:Prema is the rope by which you can tether God, as it were. Whenever you want to see Him you have merely to pull the rope. Whenever you call Him, He will appear before you. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1188:The Great Work is, before all things, the creation of man by himself, that is to say, the full and entire conquest of his faculties and his future; it is especially the perfect emancipation of his will.
   ~ Eliphas Levi,
1189:Whatever you do, you have to do with faith. Whatever is to be achieved will be achieved that way alone. Go on doing worship and japa as you have been doing. Don't make your mind restless needlessly. ~ SWAMI SUBODHANANDA,
1190:Be devoted to your master's teaching and the Innate will become manifest." ~ Saraha, (c. 8th cent. CE) wandering yogi, acted to overturned the social norms of caste, social class, and gender roles of the time, Wikipedia.,
1191:Great and glorious God, and Thou Lord Jesus, I pray you shed abroad your light in the darkness of my mind. Be found of me, Lord, so that in all things I may act only in accordance with Thy holy will. ~ Francis of Assissi,
1192:Her will must cancel her body's destiny.
For only the unborn spirit's timeless power
Can lift the yoke imposed by birth in Time. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Issue,
1193:In the quiet mind turned towards the Divine the intuition (higher mind) comes of the Divine's Will and the right way to do it. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II, Becoming Conscious in Work,
1194:In the silence everything will be revealed to you. All you really have to do is to keep still. If you would learn to keep still, you would make tremendous spiritual progress. Feel the stillness within you. ~ Robert Adams,
1195:No matter what you experience on the path, never give up. Because all of the buddhas became enlightened for you. They know your potential, and they will not stop helping until you are enlightened too. ~ Chamtrul Rinpoche,
1196:Always remember God. Each and every event, everywhere, is by His Will alone and is for our own good. Each thing in our lives is always only Blessing, even though it may not appear so, at the time. ~ Sri Yogi Ramsuratkumar,
1197:A sharp mind will find a truth for itself.
A humble spirit will find a truth higher than itself.
Truth is not the property of intellectuals, but of those who know how to escape their own selves. ~ Rabbi Tzvi Freeman,
1198:Call with Bhakti upon His Hallowed Name and the mountain of your sins shall disappear as a mountain of cotton-wool will vanish in an instant if it catches one spark of fire. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1199:Come together frequently to seek what is useful to your souls, because the whole time of your faith will not help you, if you are not made perfect at the last time. In the last days false prophets will multiply, ~ Didache,
1200:Have courage and do not fear the assaults of the Devil. Remember this forever; it is a healthy sign if the devil shouts and roars around your conscience, since this shows that he is not inside your will. ~ Saint Padre Pio,
1201:Once we recognize that thoughts are empty, the mind will no longer have the power to deceive us. But as long as we take our deluded thoughts as real, they will continue to torment us mercilessly. ~ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche,
1202:The Divine's triumph is so perfect that every obstacle, every ill-will, every hatred rising against Him is a promise of a vaster and still completer victory.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II,
1203:Then are the veils torn which distinguish from each other these manifestations and he will soar up from the world of the passions to the heaven of the One. ~ Balla-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
1204:Until we start to see these false perceptions for what they really are, consciousness will be imprisoned within the dream state. ~ Adyashanti, The End of Your World: Uncensored Straight Talk on the Nature of Enlightenment,
1205:We do not preach only one coming of Christ, but a second as well, much more glorious than the first. The first coming was marked by patience; the second will bring the crown of a divine kingdom. ~ Saint Cyril of Jerusalem,
1206:We have the choice; it depends on us to choose the good or the evil by our own will. The choice of evil draws us to our physical nature and subjects us to fate. ~ Horace, the Eternal Wisdom
1207:Divine Mother, My giant enemy ego is sitting directly in my path and will not let me pass. In what manner should I fight him?

   Ignore him and go through.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II,
1208:Hunger in the vital parts becomes craving of Desire in the mentalised life, straining of Will in the intellectual or thinking life. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, Death, Desire and Incapacity,
1209:It is enough to call on Him with sincerity of heart. If the devotee is sincere, then God, who is the Inner Guide of all, will certainly reveal to the devotee His true nature. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1210:Since we are not without insight, we ought to perceive the will of the goodness of our Father in speaking to us, wishing us to search out how we are to approach him, without being led astray like them. ~ Letter of Barnabas,
1211:The more you think about your grievances or the injustices you have suffered, the more such trials you will receive. The more you think of the good fortune you have had, the more good fortune will come to you." ~ Emmet Fox,
1212:Whoever says 7 times "اللهم أجرني من النار" after Maghrib & Fajr before speaking, Allah will protect him/her from the Fire." ~ al-Habib Omar bin Hafiz, @Sufi_Path
1213:All things are by Time and the Will eternal that moves us,
And for each birth its hour is set in the night or the dawning. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, Ilion,
1214:And the statement made nearly 2,000 years ago came to my mind:
'Not even a hair dares to fall from your head without My Father's will . . .'
To realize this means to reach the inner peace. ~ Mouni Sadhu, Concentration,
1215:It is good for you to spend some time with children. They will teach you to believe, to love and to play. Children will help you smile from your heart and to have that look of wonderment in your eyes. ~ MATA AMRITANANDAMAYI,
1216:Nothing will accrue to you if you do not have right and proper attachment, affection and love for the Master. Love the Master giving away to Him all your heart and soul. Make Him your very own. ~ Manapurush Swami Shivananda,
1217:One can be solitary in a secluded and temporary environment ; but each of our thoughts and each of our feelings finds, has found and will find an echo in humanity. ~ Amiel, the Eternal Wisdom
1218:Succeed in not fearing the lion, and the lion will fear YOU. Say to suffering, 'I will that you shall become a pleasure,' and it will prove to be such-- and even more than a pleasure, it will be a blessing.
   ~ Eliphas Levi,
1219:The heart's faith and will in good are founded on a perception of the one Divine immanent in all things and leading the world. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Power of the Instruments,
1220:You must have learned principles so firmly that when your desires, your appetites or your fears awaken like barking dogs, the logos will speak with the voice of a master who silences the dogs by a single command. ~ Plutarch,
1221:If you put on the belt of service
and serve hearts
like a slave or servant,
the roads to all the secrets
will open before your eyes.
~ Jalaluddin Rumi, @Sufi_Path
1222:In the Divine's light we shall see, in the Divine's knowledge we shall know, in the Divine's will we shall realise. 1 October 1954
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, The Divine Is with You, [T1],
1223:Mind is what creates both samsara and nirvana. Yet there is nothing much to it - it is just thoughts. Once we recognize that thoughts are empty, the mind will no longer have the power to deceive us. ~ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche,
1224:When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers." ~ Thich Nhat Hanh, (b. 1926) a Vietnamese Buddhist monk and peace activist, published more than 100 books, including more than 40 in English, Wikipedia.,
1225:Hence, when many Christians will be lovers of heresies, and wicked men will persecute the clergy and will hate justice, this should be the sign that Antichrist shall come without delay." ~ Saint Bridget of Sweden, (1303-1373),
1226:In fact, if you look at the last four syllables of the word individuality, you will see that they spell duality. That's not just a semantic accident." ~ Gary R. Renard, from his book "The Disappearance of the Universe," 2004.,
1227:Purposeful movements in unthinking forms
Betrayed the heavings of an imprisoned Will. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, 02.05,
1228:Sin consists not at all in the outward deed, but in an impure reaction of the personal will, mind and heart which accompanies it or causes it. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita, The Divine Worker,
1229:There is no alternative for you but to accept the world as unreal, if you are seeking the truth and the truth alone. Unless you give up the idea that the world is real, your mind will always be after it. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
1230:Whatever the brain may plan, the heart knows first and whoever can go beyond the brain to the heart, will hear the voice of the Eternal. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Bande Mataram - II, The Glory of God in Man,
1231:What you are looking for is what you already are, not what you will become. What you already are is the answer and the source of the question. Looking to become something is completely conceptual, merely an idea. ~ Jean Klein,
1232:When you stop searching and you calm down and you put your books away, and you confront yourself and see what you are all about, that will bring about bliss faster than anything you can ever imagine or ever do. ~ Robert Adams,
1233:He who learns must suffer. And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God. ~ Aeschylus, Agamemnon, l. 177,
1234:Hysterical optimism will prevail until the world again admits the existence of tragedy, and it cannot admit the existence of tragedy until it again distinguishes between good and evil. ~ Richard Weaver, Ideas Have Consequences,
1235:If you say, 'Show me your God,' I will say to you, 'Show me what kind of person you are, and I will show you my God.' Show me then whether the eyes of your mind can see, and the ears of your heart hear. ~ Theophilus of Antioch,
1236:What most she needs, what most exceeds her scope,
A Mind unvisited by illusion's gleams,
A Will expressive of soul's deity, ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Secret Knowledge,
1237:You are the architect of your life. You build your own philosophy and construct your own attitudes. Without right attitudes, the entire architecture remains shaky. Once you realize this fact, you will look within. ~ SWAMI RAMA,
1238:An aimless life is always a miserable life. Every one of you should have an aim. But do not forget that on the quality of your aim will depend the quality of your life.
   ~ The Mother, On Education, p.3,
1239:Deathlessness is our real nature, and we falsely ascribe it to the body, imagining that it will live forever and losing sight of what is really immortal, simply because we identify ourselves with the body. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
1240:Desiring a state of freedom from desire will not set you free. Nothing can set you free, because you are free. See yourself with desireless clarity, that is all. ~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj,
1241:Do not let your mind labour in anticipation on a work that has to be done. The Power that acts in you will see to it at its own time. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II, Practical Concerns in Work,
1242:However high be your endeavors, unless you renounce and subjugate your own will - unless you forget yourself and all that pertains to yourself - not one step will you advance on the road to perfection. ~ Saint John of the Cross,
1243:If earnestly you say to the Divine, I want only Thee, the Divine will arrange the circumstances in such a way that you are compelled to be sincere.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, Sincerity [T4],
1244:Some preachers will keep silence about the truth, and others will trample it under foot and deny it. Sanctity of life will be held in derision even by those who outwardly profess it, ... " ~ Saint Francis of Assisi, (1181-1226),
1245:The average man, who does not know what to do with his life, wants another, one which will last forever…" ~ Anatole France, (1844-1924), a French poet, journalist, and successful novelist with several best-sellers, Wikipedia.,
1246:The further one goes on the spiritual path the more will one have to learn to play a part." ~ Hazrat Inayat Khan, (1882 - 1927) founder of the Sufi Order in the West in 1914, (London) and teacher of Universal Sufism, Wikipedia.,
1247:The powers of the world will belch forth fire, and they would that the words be suffocated in the throats of the custodians of my law. That will not happen, they will do no harm but to themselves." ~ Saint John Bosco prophecies,
1248:The will of self-giving forces away by its power the veil between God and man; it annuls every error and annihilates every obstacle. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita, Works, Devotion and Knowledge,
1249:By the practice of benevolence, tenderness, good will and indifference to the objects of happiness and sorrow, virtue and vice the mind arrives at its purification. ~ Patanjali, the Eternal Wisdom
1250:Desire to see God, be fearful of losing Him, and find joy in everything that can lead to Him. If you act in this way, you will always live in great peace. ~ Saint Teresa of Avila, [T5],
1251:During the period of Sadhana, keep the mind fully occupied with spiritual pursuits. Keep yourself at the farthest distance from everything that would stir up your passions. Then only you will be safe. ~ Swami Sivananda Saraswati,
1252:Faith in one's own Guru is necessary. If a man loves his Guru with his whole heart, obeys what the latter says, his mind being devoted to him, will naturally shun other attractions and thus get concentrated. ~ SWAMI SUBODHANANDA,
1253:If you will you can be healed. Hand yourself over to the doctor, and he will open the eyes of your mind and heart. Who is to be the doctor? It is God, who heals and gives life through his Word and wisdom. ~ Theophilus of Antioch,
1254:Someone who looks down from such a peak will become dizzy, and so too I become dizzy when I look down from the high peak of these words of the Lord: Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. ~ Saint Gregory of Nyssa,
1255:There in the slumber of the cosmic Will
He saw the secret key of Nature's change. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The World of Falsehood, the Mother of Evil and the Sons of Darkness,
1256:The survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead. The only arms which will remain for you will be The Rosary and The Sign Left by My Son. Each day recite the Prayers of the Rosary." ~ Our Lady of Akita,
1257:You are a very special person. There is only one like you in the whole world. There's never been anyone exactly like you before, and there will never be again. Only you. And people can like you exactly as you are." ~ Fred Rogers,
1258:Always a few will be left whom the threatenings of Fate cannot conquer,
Always souls are born whose courage waits not on fortune ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, Ilion,
1259:An old alchemist gave the following consolation to one of his disciples: No matter how isolated you are and how lonely you feel, if you do your work truly and conscientiously, unknown friends will come and seek you.
   ~ Carl Jung,
1260:If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.
   ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Matthew, 16:24-25,
1261:It is a wretched thing that the young men of today are so contriving and so proud of their material posessions. Men with contriving hearts are lacking in duty. Lacking in duty, they will have no self-respect. ~ Yamamoto Tsunetomo,
1262:The more you prune a plant, the more it grows. So too the more you seek to annihilate the ego, the more it will increase. You should seek the root of the ego and destroy it. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
1263:The question "What will happen" belongs to time; the soul is outside time. The soul has not been and will not be, it always is. If it were not, there would be nothing. ~ Tolstoy, the Eternal Wisdom
1264:Your good thoughts, good words and good deeds alone will be your intercessors. Nothing more will be wanted. They alone will serve you as a safe pilot to the harbour of Heaven, as a safe guide to the gates of paradise. ~ Zoroaster,
1265:Always remember the Mother. Call upon her. Then the difficulties will go away. Do not be afraid, do not be perturbed by the difficulties. Call upon the Mother steadily. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Annual, Issue 27,
1266:A slowly changing order binds our will.
   This is our doom until our souls are free.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, 02.05, [T5],
1267:Be quiet and offer yourself calmly and confidently. All that happens is always the effect of the Supreme's Will. Human action can be the occasion but never the cause.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II,
1268:Be thou ashamed, O Sidon, for the sea speaketh. And if you ask why, listen to the cause: for a small gain they travel far; for eternal life many will scarcely lift a foot from the ground. ~ Thomas A Kempis, The Imitation of Christ,
1269:But if thou wilt not wait for Time and God,
   Do then thy work and force thy will on Fate
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day The Souls Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
1270:For behold, the stone that I have set before Joshua; upon one stone are seven eyes: behold, I will engrave the graving thereof, saith the LORD of hosts, and I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day. ~ Zechariah 3:9, [ERV]
1271:I am the owner of my actions (kamma), inheritor of my actions, born of my actions, created by my actions, and have my own actions as my judge! Whatever I do, good or evil, I will feel the resulting effects of that … ~ The Buddha,
1272:Not till your thoughts cease all their branching here and there, not till you abandon all thoughts of seeking for something, not till your mind is motionless as wood or stone, will you be on the right road to the Gate." ~ Huang Po,
1273:There will be many wise and just men. The people will love justice, and peace will reign over the whole earth, for divine power will bind Satan for many years until the coming of the Son of Perdition." ~ Mitar Tarabich (1829-1899),
1274:The will of man works in the ignorance by a partial light or more often flickerings of light which mislead as much as they illuminate. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Nature of the Supermind,
1275:Whatever is destined not to happen will not happen, try as you may. Whatever is destined to happen will happen, do what you may to prevent it. This is certain. The best course, therefore, is to remain silent. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
1276:Whatever may be a householder's profession, it is necessary for him to live in the company of holy men now and then. If a man loves God, he will himself seek the company of holy men. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1277:When Christ came, he banished the devil from our hearts, in order to build in them a temple for himself. Let us therefore do what we can with his help, so that our evil deeds will not deface that temple. ~ Saint Caesarius of Arles,
1278:A society that pursues liberty as its ideal is unable to achieve equality; a society that aims at equality will be obliged to sacrifice liberty. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle, The Religion of Humanity,
1279:It is a wretched thing that the young men of today are so contriving and so proud of their material possessions. Men with contriving hearts are lacking in duty. Lacking in duty, they will have no self-respect." ~ Yamamoto Tsunetomo,
1280:Neither numbers nor powers nor wealth nor learning nor eloquence nor anything else will prevail, but purity, living the life, in one word, Anubhuti, Realization. ~ Swami Vivekananda, (C.W. VIII. 348),
1281:Suddenly, the persecutors of the Church of Jesus Christ and all those given over to sin will perish and the earth will become desert-like. And then peace will be made, and man will be reconciled with God." ~ Our Lady of La Salette ,
1282:The great doors remain closed, but the spring fragrance comes inside anyway, and no one sees what takes place there. Men and women who have entered through both doors at once will understand this poem." ~ Kabir,
1283:These ideas of incapacity are absurd, they are the negation of the truth of progress - what cannot be done today, will be done another day, if the aspiration is there.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II,
1284:They will renounce even the treading in the tracks of their fathers and ancestors. They will shut the doors of friendship and hatred on all the dwellers in the world. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
1285:To surrender to the Divine is to renounce your narrow limits and let yourself be invaded by It and made a centre for Its play.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, Surrender to the Divine Will, Surrender,
1286:What keeps us from seeing God? Selfishness, egotism, ambition, vanity, pride. The more we can minimize these, the sooner will we come to the goal. If we can get rid of them altogether, then freedom is ours. ~ Swami Ramakrishnananda,
1287:A billion stars go spinning through the night, blazing high above your head. But in you is the presence that will be, when all the stars are dead," ~ Rainer Maria Rilke, (1875 - 1926), Bohemian-Austrian poet and novelist, Wikipedia.,
1288:As I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one will never have seen before." ~ Our Lady of Akita,
1289:Cultivate the attitude that the real you is beyond the reach of all troubles and obstacles. There are no obstacles for the Self. If you can remember that you always are the Self, obstacles will be of no importance. ~ Annamalai Swami,
1290:I" can do nothing. Everything that happens is God's will. One hundred percent acceptance of that which is surrender to God's will is enlightenment. That does not lead to enlightenment, that is itself enlightenment. ~ Ramesh Balsekar,
1291:Only of one thing
Man can be sure, the will in his heart and his strength in his purpose:
This too is Fate and this too the gods ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, Ilion,
1292:Repeat the old practice, "To whom do thoughts arise?"
Keep up the practice until there are no breaks.
Practice alone will bring about continuity of awareness. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi, Talks, 628,
1293:We must be satisfied with what the Divine gives us, and do what He wants us to do without weakness, free from useless ambition.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, Surrender to the Divine Will, Surrender,
1294:When you raise yourself beyond praise and blame and your will, the will of a man who loves, intends to be master of all things, then for you is the beginning of virtue. ~ Nietzsche, the Eternal Wisdom
1295:When you truly feel equal love for all beings, when your heart has expanded so much that it embraces the whole of creation, you will certainly not feel like giving up this or that. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi
1296:Attachment to pleasure-seeking never give one peace or happiness. As much as the mind is withdrawn from sense enjoyment , that much joy will it derive. Apart from this, there is no other means of attaining peace. ~ Swami Adbhutananda,
1297:If India becomes an intellectual province of Europe, she will never attain to her natural greatness or fulfil the possibilities within her. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Bande Mataram - II, Indian Resurgence and Europe,
1298:Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart…. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside awakens." ~ Carl Jung, (1875-1961), a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology, Wikipedia.,
1299:Anyone who is honestly trying to be a Christian will soon find his intelligence being sharpened: one of the reasons why it needs no special education to be a Christian is that Christianity is an education itself." ~ C. S. Lewis, p. 78,
1300:A perfection of the body as the outer instrument of a complete divine living on earth will be necessarily a part of the gnostic conversion. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Elements of Perfection,
1301:Be content with wherever and in whatever situation He places you. The goal is to call upon Him and to attain to Him. If you call upon Him, He will lead you by the hand. You will have no fear if you can depend on Him. ~ Sri Sarada Devi,
1302:By an irresistible and purely unconditioned going out from yourself and from all things, you will be lifted up to the supersubstantial ray of divine shadow, setting aside all things and turned loose from all things. ~ Pseudo-Dyonisius,
1303:For even he who is most greedy for knowledge can achieve no greater perfection than to be thoroughly aware of his own ignorance in his particular field. The more be known, the more aware he will be of his ignorance. ~ Nicholas of Cusa,
1304:Implacable in the passion of their will,
Lifting the hammers of titanic toil
The demiurges of the universe work; ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Way of Fate and the Problem of Pain,
1305:It was revealed to me that through the intercession of the Mother of God, all heresies will disappear. This victory over heresies has been reserved by Christ for His Blessed Mother... " ~ Venerable Mary of Jesus of Ágreda (1602-1665),
1306:Nabhi-Padma (Navel-lotus)
Out of the dreadful press she dragged her will
And fixed her thought upon the saviour Name. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Entry into the Inner Countries,
1307:No matter how sophisticated or powerful our thinking machines become, there still will be two kinds of people : those who let the machines do their thinking, for them, and those who tell the machines what to think about.
   ~ C J Lewis,
1308:On the mountains of truth you can never climb in vain: either you will reach a point higher up today, or you will be training your powers so that you will be able to climb higher tomorrow.
   ~ Friedrich Nietzsche, Human, All Too Human,
1309:Seek the answer in God's grace, not in doctrine; in the longing of the will, not in the understanding; in the sighs of prayer, not in research; seek the bridegroom not the teacher; God and not man; darkness not daylight. ~ Bonaventure,
1310:The manifestation of a supramental truth-consciousness is therefore the capital reality that will make the divine life possible. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays in Philosophy and Yoga, Supermind and the Life Divine,
1311:The righteous will suffer greatly. Their prayers, their penances and their tears will rise up to Heaven and all of God's people will beg for forgiveness and mercy and will plead for my help and intercession." ~ Our Lady of La Salette ,
1312:This prince shall extend his dominion over the entire universe. At the same time there will be a Great Pope, who will be the most eminent in sanctity and most perfect in every quality." ~ Saint Caesarius of Arles, (c. 468 - d. 542 AD),
1313:All the nations will be united in the Catholic faith. Men will seek the kingdom of God in all solicitude. The Lord will give good pastors to the Church. Men will live in peace, each in his own field." ~ Venerable Barthalomew Holzhauser,
1314:... Excellent men shall be steeped in poverty, the people will become inhospitable to their guests, the voice of the parasite shall be more agreeable to them than the melody of the harp touched by the sage's finger. ~ Saint Columbcille,
1315:God is very merciful to those whom He sees struggling heart and soul for spiritual realization. But remain idle, without any struggle, and you will see that His grace will never come. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
1316:He, who wishes to meditate on the Lord after all his problems are solved, is like the fool, who wishes to bathe in the sea after the waves have subsided". That moment will never come. The sea will always have waves. ~ Swami Saradananda,
1317:He wishes to establish devotion to my Immaculate Heart in the world. I promise salvation to those who embrace it; and these souls will be beloved of God like flowers arranged by me to adorn His throne." ~ Our Lady Fatima (June 13,1917),
1318:It is by persevering that one conquers difficulties, not by running away from them. One who perseveres is sure to triumph. Victory goes to the most enduring. Always do your best and the Lord will take care of the results. ~ MOTHER MIRA,
1319:Thus if every intellectual activity [διάνοια] is either practical or productive or speculative (θεωρητική), physics (φυσικὴ) will be a speculative [θεωρητική] science. ~ Aristotle,
1320:When a tree has been transplanted, though fierce winds may blow, it will not topple if it has a firm stake to hold it up. But even a tree that has grown up in place may fall over if its roots are weak. ~ Nichiren,
1321:Wisdom comes through suffering.
Trouble, with its memories of pain,
Drips in our hearts as we try to sleep,
So men against their will
Learn to practice moderation.
Favours come to us from gods.
~ Aeschylus, Agamemnon,
1322:Be sure that you first preach by the way you live. If you do not, people will notice that you say one thing, but live otherwise, and your words will bring only cynical laughter and a derisive shake of the head." ~ Saint Charles Borromeo,
1323:Everything will be known spontaneously if you do sadhana. Understand who you are. Know the Self. Then you can lead a life without attachment to anything. Such a state of mind will come if you do sadhana sincerely. ~ MATA AMRITANANDAMAYI,
1324:He is king who knows you, whatever you wear.
Cry out without a sound and he will hear.
Who doesn't speak to peddle self with words?
Who knows the truth in silence, him I serve. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
1325:Krishna said to Arjuna, 'Friend, if you want to realize Me, you will not succeed if you have even one of the eight occult powers.' This is the truth. Occult power is sure to beget pride, and pride makes one forget God. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1326:Let us become fire, let us travel through fire. We have a free way to the ascent. The Father will guide us, unfolding the ways of fire; let us not flow with the lowly stream from forgetfulness. ~ Proclus, De Philosophia Chaldaica, fr. 2,
1327:The greatest of all duties is to remember God. The first thing to do in the morning is to meditate on Him and think how you can give your life to His service, so that all day long you will be filled with His joy. ~ Paramahamsa Yogananda,
1328:The soul will enjoy veritable felicity when, separating itself from the darkness which surrounds it, it is able to contemplate with a sure gaze the divine light at its source. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
1329:The world expresses a foreseen Truth, obeys a predetermining Will, realises an original formative self-vision,—it is the growing image of a divine creation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, The Divine Maya,
1330:As long as you believe in karma, then karma will always grab you, and turn you in all directions. But when you ask, "For whom is there karma?", and realize it's only for the personal 'I', then there is no longer any karma. ~ Robert Adams,
1331:As you proceed through life, following your own path, birds will shit on you. Don't bother to brush it off.
Getting a comedic view of your situation gives you spiritual distance.
Having a sense of humor saves you. ~ Joseph Campbell,
1332:Do not be afraid to throw yourself on the Lord! He will not draw back and let you fall! Put your worries aside and throw yourself on him; He will welcome you and heal you. ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo,
1333:Hard is the way to the Eternal for the mind-born will of the mortal
Bound by the body and life to the gait of the house-burdened turtle. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, Ahana,
1334:Let everyone hold what opinion he will until that Light shall come which makes of the light of the false philosophers a darkness and converts the darkness of those who truly know into light. ~ John Scottus Eriugena, Periphyseon 5 (1022c),
1335:Now it is manifest that God causes things by His intellect, since His being is His act of understanding; and hence His knowledge must be the cause of things, in so far as His will is joined to it. ~ Aquinas, Summa Theologiae 1a q. 15 a.8,
1336:You alone can undo the evil you have created. Your own callous selfishness is at the root of it. Put first your own house in order and you will see that your work is done. ~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj,
1337:All you have to do is remain still, that is all. Remain quiet, still. Nothing to do. Nothing to become. If you try to become something you get caught in the world of cause and effect and you will have all kinds of problems. ~ Robert Adams,
1338:Do not be discouraged, but continue to practice meditation. You will soon succeed in freeing your mind from distractions. He who keeps his mind God, finds His grace, and through His grace becomes absorbed in meditation. ~ SWAMI PREMANANDA,
1339:Give yourself up to deep meditation.
Throw away all other considerations of life.
The calculative life will not be crowned with spiritual success. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi, Conscious Immortality, Ch. 7,
1340:...God will elevate to the throne a model king, a Christian king. The son of Saint Louis will love religion, goodness, justice. The Lord will give him the light, the wisdom, and the power." ~ Ven. Mother Marie Josepha of Bourg (1788-1862),
1341:If a man loves, he will know the sound of this voice. For this warm affection of soul is a loud voice crying in the ears of God, and it says: My God, my love, You are all mine and I am all Yours. ~ Thomas A Kempis, The Imitation of Christ,
1342:If you make much of mind you make much of doubt. People are skeptics. Why? Because they make much of this little mind. But the mind never directs man properly. Go beyond the mind and you will go beyond all doubts. ~ Swami Ramakrishnananda,
1343:If your mind is happy, then you happy anywhere you go. When wisdom awakens within you, you will see Truth wherever you look. Truth is all there is. It's like when you've learned how to read, you can then read anywhere you go. ~ Ajahn Chah,
1344:Never underestimate the importance of keeping your vows. Just how a castle will protect the king from being attacked by the enemy, the vows will protect your mind from being attacked by your mental afflictions. ~ Chamtrul Rinpoche,
1345:Nothing is impossible in this world. Firm determination, it is said, can move heaven and earth. Things appear far beyond one's power, because one cannot set his heart on any arduous project due to want of strong will. ~ Yamamoto Tsunetomo,
1346:The Church will almost seem abandoned and everywhere her ministers will desert her… even the churches will have to close! By his power the Lord will break all the bonds that now bind her to the earth and paralyze her!" ~ Mary Immaculate,
1347:Turn your emotions towards the Divine, aspire for their purification; they will then become a help on the way and no longer a cause of suffering. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II, Bhakti, Devotion, Worship,
1348:You must be genuine if you want to advance in spiritual life. You may cheat a man for some time, but you cannot cheat God. Nor can you deceive the world for long. Your face, your tone, your manner will betray you. ~ Swami Ramakrishnananda,
1349:All things are lawful to me, but all things are not expedient; all things are lawful to me, but I will not be brought under the power of any. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, 1 Corinthians, VI. 12, the Eternal Wisdom
1350:A man cannot see God unless he gives his whole mind to Him. The mind is wasted on 'lust and greed'. As long as there is bhoga, there will be less of yoga. Furthermore, bhoga begets suffering. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1351:Hold on to God even in gloom. Never miss meditation or forget to repeat the name of the Lord. Meditation is the anchorage of the soul. Meditation will purify your mind. Continue japa and meditation without losing heart. ~ Swami Saradananda,
1352:Hold the ideal a thousand times, and if you fail a thousand times, make the attempt once more. . . . There is infinite life before the soul. Take your time and you will achieve your end
   ~ Swami Vivekananda,
1353:How can I offer my work?

   Usually one works for one's own profit and satisfaction; instead of that, one should work to serve the Divine and express His will.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, [T2],
1354:In rational creatures, in which we find a procession of the WORD in the intellect, and a procession of LOVE in the will, there exists an image of the uncreated Trinity ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 1.93.6).,
1355:Run through all the words of the holy prayers [in Scripture], and I do not think that you will find anything in them that is not contained and included in the Lord's Prayer. ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo,
1356:The most powerful programming language is Lisp. If you don't know Lisp (or its variant, Scheme), you don't appreciate what a powerful language is. Once you learn Lisp you will see what is missing in most other languages. ~ Richard Stallman,
1357:There is nothing which cannot be a yogic discipline if one does it properly. And if it is not done properly, even tapasya will be of no use and will lead you nowhere.
   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1950-1951,
1358:To repress anger will be possible to you if you show yourselves disposed towards those who commit faults as you would have them be to you if you had committed them yourselves. ~ Isocrates, the Eternal Wisdom
1359:When death finally comes, you will welcome it like an old friend, being aware of how dreamlike and impermanent the phenomenal world really is. You should leave this life like an eagle soaring up into the blue sky. ~ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche,
1360:You may fill your heads with knowledge or skillfully train your hands, but unless it is based upon high, upright character, upon a true heart, it will amount to nothing. You will be no better than the most ignorant." ~ Booker T. Washington,
1361:As long as a human being worries about when he will die, and what he has that is his, all of his works are zero. When affection for the I-creature and what it owns is dead, then the work of the Teacher is over." ~ Kabir,
1362:Awake, mankind! For your sake God has become man. Awake, you who sleep, rise up from the dead, and Christ will enlighten you. I tell you again: for your sake, God became man. ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo,
1363:Be like a solid tower whose brave height remains unmoved by all the winds that blow; the man who lets his thoughts be turned aside by one thing or another, will lose sight of his true goal, his mind sapped of its strength. ~ Dante Alighieri,
1364:But when I call for a hero, out comes my lazy old self; so I never know who I am, nor how many I am or will be. I'd love to be able to touch a bell and summon the real me, because if I really need myself, I mustn't disappear. ~ Pablo Neruda,
1365:Free from the happiness desired by slaves, delivered from the gods and their adoration, fearless and terrible, grand and solitary is the will of the man of truth. ~ Nietzsche, Zarathoustra, the Eternal Wisdom
1366:His Mercy is so great that he hinders no one from drinking from the fountain of life. Indeed, he calls us loudly to do so (Jn 7:37). But he is so good that he will not force us to drink of it. ~ Teresa of Avila, The Way of Perfection ch. 20,
1367:The Grace is something that pushes you towards the goal to be attained. Do not try to judge it by your mind, you will not get anywhere, because it is something formidable which is not explained through human words or feelings. ~ MOTHER MIRA,
1368:The more arduously one practices spiritual disciplines, the more quickly one will attain to God. Even if he doesn't practice any spiritual disciplines he will attain to Him at the last moment of his life-he will certainly. ~ Sri Sarada Devi,
1369:Things will come to a head, but when man's hand can do nothing and everything seems to be lost, God Himself will intervene and rearrange the world in the blink of an eye, like from morning to night." ~ Ven. Bernardo Maria Clausi (1787-1849),
1370:When by a constant practice a man is capable of effecting mental concentration, then wherever he may be, his mind will always lift itself above his surroundings and will repose in the Eternal. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1371:Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, James, 4:7-8,
1372:The beginning of love is the will to let those we love be perfectly themselves, the resolution not to twist them to fit our own image. Otherwise we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them. ~ Thomas merton. "No man is an island",
1373:The phenomenological philosopher, thirsting for the lived-experience of being, will above all seek to drink at the very sources in which the contents of the world reveal themselves. ~ Max Scheler, ' Phenomenology and the Theory of Cognition',
1374:We prefer and put on almost unconsciously the garb which will look best in the eye that regards us from outside and we allow a veil to drop over the eye within. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Renunciation,
1375:Write My words in your heart and meditate on them earnestly, for in time of temptation they will be very necessary. What you do not understand when you read, you will learn in the day of visitation. ~ Thomas A Kempis, The Imitation of Christ,
1376:Ah, Lord God, my holy Lover, when You come into my heart, all that is within me will rejoice. You are my glory and the exultation of my heart. You are my hope and refuge in the day of my tribulation. ~ Thomas A Kempis, The Imitation of Christ,
1377:In contemplation of the Beloved, tear aside the veils of all you see in this world, behold the Essence, be unveiled within, when the veil vanishes, you will become all light. ~ Suhrawardi, @Sufi_Path
1378:It is always well for a man to get experience for himself, when he will not take the benefit of superior experience. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Autobiographical Notes and Other Writings of Historical Interest, To Motilal Roy,
1379:...there will be no peace. Thrice will the sun rise over the heads of the combatants, without having been seen by them. But afterwards there will be peace, and all who have broken peace will have lost their lives." ~ Saint Odile, (660-720 AD),
1380:Things will disappear [or appear] only as man changes in consciousness. Deny it if you will, it still remains a fact that consciousness is the only reality and things but mirror that which you are in consciousness." ~ Neville Goddard. Mystic.,
1381:When we receive with an entire and perfect resignation the afflictions which God sends us they become for us favors and benefits; because conformity to the will of God is a gain far superior to all temporal advantages. ~ Saint Vincent de Paul,
1382:Be very sure that a 'Great Tribulation' will occur in the world, from which the demon Lucifer will be incited against the Church; never since he was bound in hell has such anger been released." ~ The Lord to St. Margaret of Cortona (1247-1297),
1383:In this last day of the year, let us take the resolution that all our weaknesses and obstinate obscurities will drop from us along with the finishing year.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, Difficulties, Mistakes,
1384:Remember that you are. This is your working capital. Rotate it and there will be much profit. Go beyond, go back to the source, go to the Self that is the same whatever happens. ~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj,
1385:The term resurrection is not applied to that which has not fallen, but to that which has fallen and rises again; as when the prophet says, I will also raise up again the tabernacle of David which has fallen down ~ Amos 9:11). ~ Saint Methodius,
1386:Aspire for your will to be one with the Divine will, concentrate in the heart and be plastic to whatever experience comes, neither forcing nor resisting any spiritual experience
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - I,
1387:Everything you desire exists with Allah — so if you have Allah, you have everything you desire. If you don't have Allah, then nothing you desire will make you happy." ~ Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, @Sufi_Path
1388:Open your lips, says Scripture, and let God's word be heard. It is for you to open, it is for him to be heard. So David said: I shall hear what the Lord says in me. The very Son of God says: Open your lips, and I will fill them. ~ Saint Ambrose,
1389:There is nothing here that is stable, let this truth be ever present to you and you will not let yourselves be transported by joy in prosperity nor cast down by sorrow in disgrace. ~ Isocrates, the Eternal Wisdom
1390:... up from the youth of tender age to the aged. The clergy shall be led into error by the misinterpretation of their reading; the relics of the saints will be considered powerless, every race of mankind will become wicked!" ~ Saint Columbcille,
1391:What is a vocation? It is a gift from God, so it comes from God. If it is a gift from God, our concern must be to know God's will. We must enter that path: if God wants, when God wants, how God wants. Never force the door." ~ Saint Gianna Molla,
1392:Where love rules, there is no will to power; and where power predominates, there love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other." ~ Carl Jung, (1875 - 1961) Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology, Wikipedia.,
1393:You must dwell on God uninterruptedly and be absorbed in the contemplation of His true nature. If you practice Japa and Meditation regularly, without break for some years, you will see for yourself what result comes to pass. ~ Swami Saradananda,
1394:By readiness I did not mean capacity but willingness. If there is the will within to face all difficulties and go through, no matter how long it takes, then the path can be taken. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - II,
1395:Knowledge which is acquired under compulsion has no hold on the mind. Therefore do not use compulsion, but let early education be a sort of amusement; you will then be better able to discover the child's natural bent. ~ Plato,
1396:Once more in the land of the saints and sages will burn up the fire of the ancient Yoga and the hearts of her people will be lifted up into the neighbourhood of the Eternal. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Bande Mataram - II, Swaraj,
1397:"Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Isaiah, 43:18-19,
1398:The head cannot be separated from the members, nor the members from the head. Not in this life, it is true, but only in eternity will God be all in all, yet even now he dwells, whole and undivided, in his temple the Church. ~ Saint Leo the Great,
1399:He who seeks God with a longing heart can see Him, talk to Him as I am talking to you. Believe my words when I say that God can be seen. But ah! To whom am I saying these words? Who will believe me? ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1400:If you go into solitude with a silent tongue, the silence of mute beings will share with you their rest. But if you go into solitude with a silent heart, the silence of creation will speak louder than the tongues of men or angels. ~ Thomas Merton,
1401:Increase the time and energy devoted to Japa and meditation slowly and gradually. If there be sincerity, depth of feeling and firmness of purpose, you will have everything you desire in the fullness of time, through His grace. ~ SWAMI VIRAJANANDA,
1402:Remember the true basis of yoga... Obedience to the divine Will, nor assertion of self-will is the very first mantra... learn thou first absolutely to obey. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Ashram Diary 1984, August 21 and September 9,
1403:Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book. ~ John Green, The Fault in Our Stars,
1404:Teach me, Lord, to do Your will. Teach me to live worthily and humbly in Your sight, for You are my wisdom Who know me truly, and Who knew me even before the world was made and before I was born into it. ~ Thomas A Kempis, The Imitation of Christ,
1405:We are the Self. All we have to do is to remember that. We keep on forgetting it and thus think we are this body, or this ego. If the will and desire to remember Self are strong enough, they will eventually overcome vasanas. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
1406:You will not be able to give anyone happiness by means of your wealth, so do it by means of a cheerful countenance and good humor. ~ The Prophet Muhammad in Qushayri: al-Risalat al-Qushayriyy, @Sufi_Path
1407:Be sincere in your practice, words and deeds. You will feel blessed! Practice meditation sincerely and you will understand His infinite grace. God wants sincerity, truthfulness and love. Outward verbal effusions do not touch Him. ~ Sri Sarada Devi,
1408:Love loves Being in an a priori way, for it knows that no science will ever track down the ground of why something exists rather than nothing at all. It receives it as a free gift and replies with free gratitude. ~ Hans Urs von Balthasar, GL V.647,
1409:My God will be my Great Reward. I don't desire to possess other goods. I want to be set on fire with his Love. I want to see him, to unite myself to him forever. That is my Heaven...that is my destiny: Living on Love!! ~ Saint Thérèse of Lisieux,
1410:The Church is called the threshing floor; the wheat is the faithful, who will be gathered together by the angels: "Ask the lord of the harvest to send laborers into his harvest" ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (Lk 10:2).,
1411:... the Divine will come... without your seeing Him... and He will arrange all the circumstances in such a way that everything that prevents you from belonging to the Divine will be removed from your path...
   ~ The Mother,
1412:The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.
   ~ Friedrich Nietzsche,
1413:The Mother alone is your destination. She contains everything in herself. To have her is to have everything. If you live in her Consciousness, there will be an automatic flowering of every other thing.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo,
1414:The pressure of understanding and will in the mind and the Godward emotional urge in the heart are the two first agents of Yoga. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - III, The Danger of the Ego and the Need of Purification,
1415:Today she who will receive the Holy of Holies, that is the Christ, through the sanctification of the Holy Spirit is, through an even greater sanctification, placed in the Holy of Holies with holiness and majesty. ~ Saint Germanus of Constantinople,
1416:Water shall cleanse me from fear, Fire will purify my doubts, And the earth shall nourish me to health. All is well, all is well, all is well." ~ Zsuzanna E. Budapest, (b.1940), Hungarian author, living in U.S., writes about feminist spirituality.,
1417:We will have to cover the whole universe by the Lord Himself. If we cannot do that how can we expect to reach perfection, how can we expect to realize the eternal and infinite ocean of wisdom as the foundation of this universe? ~ SWAMI ABHEDANANDA,
1418:Whenever there is any difficulty we must always remember that we are here exclusively to accomplish the Divine's will.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, Elements of Yoga, Surrender to the Divine Will, Surrender, [T1],
1419:Altruism and indifference are often its most effective disguises; so draped, it will riot boldly in the very face of the divine spies who are missioned to hunt it out. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Renunciation,
1420:Do not lose heart. Obstacles are stepping stones to success. They will develop your will. Do not allow yourself to be crushed by them. Defects remind you of perfection. Sin reminds you of virtue. Chose the positive path. ~ Swami Sivananda Saraswati,
1421:Do not think of anything except God; only then lust, greed, and other enemies will be automatically conquered. When these enemies are conquered and the mind is settled, that very God whose eternal nature is Truth will manifest. ~ Swami Adbhutananda,
1422:God will use the powers of darkness to exterminate these sectarian, iniquitous and criminal men, who plot to eradicate the Catholic Church, our Holy Mother, by tearing Her up by Her deepest roots, and casting Her on the ground. ~ Blessed Elizabeth ,
1423:If you understand clearly that the Lord is the highest, then nothing will frighten or discourage you, but all your senses will run in the direction of the Supreme, and both your mind and your senses will help you reach Him. ~ Swami Ramakrishnananda,
1424:It is well known that when a man repents the errors of his ways, he is likely to develop an overdose of virtue that will lead to extremes and incline him to become fanatical in his living and thinking. ~ Manly P Hall, (Journey in Truth, 1945 p.153),
1425:May I enjoy the wild beasts that are prepared for me; and I pray they may be found eager to rush upon me, when I will entice them to devour me speedily. But if they be unwilling to assail me, I will compel them to do so. ~ Saint Ignatius of Antioch,
1426:the best means to bring forward the psychic :::
Aspiration, constant and sincere, and the will to turn to the Divine alone are the best means to bring forward the psychic. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - III, [T5],
1427: Your prayers are your light;
Your devotion is your strength;
Sleep is the enemy of both.
Your life is the only opportunity that life can give you.
If you ignore it, if you waste it,
You will only turn to dust. ~ Rabia al-Adawiyya,
1428:After this I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven! And the first voice, which I had heard speaking to me like a trumpet, said, "Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this." ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Revelation, 4:1,
1429:A great famine will come. Before it comes, little children under seven will be seized with a palsy and will die in the arms of those carrying them. The rest of the people will suffer their penance through the famine." ~ OUR LADY OF LA SALETTE (1846),
1430:always some progress can be made anywhere
ive been fairly particular with my words and speech for a long time, the mind is harder (its a crazier mess), but I want to do that next. then probably heart, then will then body
~ JB to dad,
1431:Climb not to Godhead by the Titan's road.
Against the Law he pits his single will,
Across its way he throws his pride of might. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Way of Fate and the Problem of Pain,
1432:Dream that the more you struggle, the more you prove the love that you bear your God, and the more you will rejoice one day with your Beloved, in a happiness and rapture that can never end. ~ Saint Teresa of Avila,
1433:Have confidence in yourself! The mind must be made steady. Analyze it and find out if it wants what is right or if it is only trying to deceive you. As you continue to analyze in this manner, you will gain confidence in yourself. ~ Swami Turiyananda,
1434:How sweet will be the death of one who has done penance for all his sins, of one who won't have to go to purgatory! Even from here below you can begin to enjoy glory! You will find no fear within yourself but complete peace. ~ Saint Teresa of Ávila,
1435:The soul is not bound by the formula of mental humanity: it did not begin with that and will not end with it; it had a prehuman past, it has a superhuman future. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, The Philosophy of Rebirth,
1436:The two phases of this distinction in life are—first, that the man who knows the real Self, will not be affected by anything; secondly, that that man alone can do good to the world. ~ Swami Vivekananda, (CW. V. 285),
1437:This earth that is promised to the meek, that is to be given to the gentle to possess, is the body of the saints, whose humility will raise them up and clothe them in the glory of immortality, united at last with the Spirit of unity. ~ Leo the Great,
1438:Tremble, earth, and you who proclaim yourselves as serving Jesus Christ and who, on the inside, only adore yourselves, tremble, for God will hand you over to His enemy, because the holy places are in a state of corruption." ~ Our Lady of La Salette ,
1439:If you become addicted to looking back, half your life will be spent in distraction and the other half in regret." ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, ( 1207 - 1273), Persian poet, Islamic scholar, theologian, and Sufi mystic, Wikipedia.,
1440:It is from the Divine that a sadhak receives peace, a peace quite independent from outward circumstances. Turn more towards the Divine, aspire for the real inner peace and you will get enough peace to carry on your work without disturbance.
   ~ SATM?,
1441:It is rare that somebody can surrender entirely to the Divine's Will without having to face one or another of the difficulties.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, Elements of Yoga, Surrender to the Divine Will, Surrender,
1442:It would be contrary to natural justice if children were baptized against their parents' will, just as it would be if one having the use of reason were baptized against his will ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 3.68.10).,
1443:Look at yourself fearlessly and you will at once realize that your happiness depends on conditions and circumstances, hence it is momentary, not real. Real happiness flows from within. ~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj,
1444:O young man, go out with your heart, stripped naked of all of your possessions, and be secluded from the whole of you so that you will be compensated for all of that.. ~ Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani, @Sufi_Path
1445:The greatest Guru is your inner self. But you must have the strong desire to find him and do nothing that will create obstacles and delays. And do not waste energy and time on regrets. ~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj,
1446:Who is it that loves and who that suffers? The individual suffers because he perceives duality. It is duality which causes all sorrow and grief. Find the One everywhere and in everything and there will be an end to pain and suffering. ~ Anandamayi Ma,
1447:Be sure that the Mother will be always with you to carry you upon the path. Difficulties come and difficulties go, but, she being with you, the victory is sure.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Mother With Letters On The Mother, [T1],
1448:Beware of destination addiction—a preoccupation with the idea that happiness is in the next place, the next job, and with the next partner. Until you give up the idea that happiness is somewhere else, it will never be where you are." ~ Robert Holden,
1449:If you can practice the dharma with as much energy that you have been giving to your samsaric existence, sooner or later you will definitely become a buddha. It is your choice. You have been shown the way. Nobody can do it for you. ~ Chamtrul Rinpoche,
1450:Lisp is worth learning for ... the profound enlightenment experience you will have when you finally get it. That experience will make you a better programmer for the rest of your days, even if you never actually use Lisp itself a lot. ~ Eric S Raymond,
1451:The Self will draw unto itself an aspirant only when he becomes introverted. So long as he is extroverted, Self-Realisation is impossible. Many people try to define the Self instead of attempting to know the Self and abide in It. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
1452:The Self will draw unto itself an aspirant only when he becomes introverted. So long as he is extroverted, Self-Realization is impossible. Many people try to define the Self instead of attempting to know the Self and abide in It. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
1453:Wherever you are, in whatever station, from there you have to reach sattva in varying degrees because tamas will be reduced only when the mind's agitations, vikshepas are quietened. As agitations quieten, sattva increases slowly. ~ Swami Chinmayananda,
1454:Yet is it a conscious power that moves in us,
A seed-idea is parent of our acts
And destiny the unrecognised child of Will. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Kingdoms and Godheads of the Greater Mind,
1455:You will end by the discovery that the best means, of health is to watch over the good health of others, and that the surest way to feel happy is to watch over the happiness of others. ~ Vivenkananda, the Eternal Wisdom
1456:Always go too far because that is where you will find the truth." ~ Albert Camus, (1913 - 1960) French philosopher, author, and journalist, won the Nobel Prize in Literature at the age of 44 in 1957, the second youngest recipient in history, Wikipedia.,
1457:Change your conception of yourself and you will automatically change the world in which you live. Do not try to change people; they are only messengers telling you who you are. Revalue yourself and they will confirm the change." ~ Neville Goddard, See:,
1458:Don't seek love externally, it's fleeting. Go beyond the ego and awaken the love that already exists within; it will encompass everyone and everything in your life; it will permeate our very being." ~ Danielle Pierre, author, wellness coach and artist.,
1459:Like the child who does not reason and has no care, trust thyself to the Divine that His will may be done.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, Elements of Yoga, Faith and the Divine Grace, Trust in the Divine Grace and Help,
1460:Many are the names of God and infinite are the forms through which He may be approached. In whatever name and form you worship Him, through them you will realise Him.
   ~ Sri Ramakrishna, Sayings of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa,
1461:One will only speak about wars and revolutions. The elements of nature will be unchained and will cause anguish even among the best (the most courageous). The Church will bleed from all Her wounds." ~ Our Lady to priest Raymond Arnette (in May of 1994),
1462:The objective level is not words, and cannot be reached by words alone. We must point our finger and be silent, or we will never reach this level. ~ Alfred Korzybski, Science and Sanity: An Introduction to Non-Aristotelian Systems and General Semantics,
1463:Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend to them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster, and do it with no thought of any reward. Your life will never be the same again." ~ Og Mandino,
1464:His will be done! He is omnipotent! What power has man? All that you can do is to love God. Have intense yearning for Him. The whole world is mad for something; why run mad after fleeting objects of this world? Better be mad for God. ~ SWAMI BRAHMANANDA,
1465:None can reproach thee with injustice done? It is too little. Banish injustice even from thy thought, It is not the actions alone, but the will that distinguishes the good from the wicked. ~ Democritus, the Eternal Wisdom
1466:Tiredness shows lack of will for progress. When you feel tired or fatigued that is lack of will for progress.
   Fire is always burning in you.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, Weakness, Laziness, Tiredness, Fatigue, Tamas,
1467:We must teach people by asking them, not telling them. Then there will be no resistance. We should try to draw the truth out of them, not inject into them. If they do not respond, it is not our fault; but if they do, we will learn much." ~ Rodney Collin,
1468:What has to be overcome is the opposition of the Ignorance that does not want the transformation of the nature. If that can be overcome, then old spiritual ideas will not form an obstacle. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - I,
1469:Close your eyes & feel yourself to be faceless, formless & without figure. Approach this stillness as though it were the easiest thing in the world to accomplish. This attitude will assure your success." ~ Neville Goddard, (b. 1905). American mystic. See,
1470:I desire no reward for it; I do it so that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and give him peace, will delight in it on the day of Resurrection and say to the prophets, 'Take note of what a woman of my community has accomplished' ~ Rabia al-Adawiyya,
1471:Learn to grow love for God. Take delight in thinking of Him. Then dispassion, discrimination—all the virtues—will come to you naturally. Let the current of your thought go to Him always. Feel that you have no other refuge but God. ~ Swami Turiyananda,
1472:Lord Naoshige said, The Way of the Samurai is in desperateness. Ten men or more cannot kill such a man. Common sense will not accomplish such things. Simply become insane and desperate.
1473:My father and I will come to him and make our home with him. Open wide your door to the one who comes. Open your soul, throw open the depths of your heart to see the riches of simplicity, the treasures of peace, the sweetness of grace. ~ Ambrose of Milan,
1474:My Immaculate Heart is your refuge. It is given to you precisely for these times of yours. Enter in, my dearly beloved children, and thus you will journey along the road which brings you to the God of salvation and peace." ~ Our Lady to Fr. Stefano Gobbi,
1475:Pray, pray, my children ... You will all be about to be tested: the good ones will pay for the culprits, I will protect many, especially those who have always trusted me." ~ Our Lady Marie Martel (1872-1913) / APPARITIONS OF TILLY (1896 - c. early 1900s),
1476:The best course for you is silence. There's absolutely nothing to debate. There's really nothing to think about. There's nothing to argue about. In the silence everything will be revealed to you. All you really have to do is to keep still. ~ Robert Adams,
1477:266. There are three forms in which the command may come, the will and faith in thy nature, thy ideal on which heart and brain are agreed and the voice of Himself or His angels.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays Divine And Human, Karma,
1478:And I tell you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Luke, 11:9-10,
1479:D.: When I concentrate, all sorts of thoughts arise and disturb me. ~ Ramana Maharshi: Yes, that will happen. All that is inside will try to come out. There is no other way except to pull the mind up each time it wants to go astray and fix it in the Self.,
1480:If human will could be made one with God's,
If human thought could echo the thoughts of God,
Man might be all-knowing and omnipotent; ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Way of Fate and the Problem of Pain,
1481:Let your heart burn away with yearning for God! Feel that life is not worth living without Him! Then He will reveal Himself! As the poor man longs for wealth, as the lustful man longs for a woman, so must the devotee long for the Lord. ~ Swami Turiyananda,
1482:When worldly thoughts crop up in your mind, and they possess it, then you should go away from the company of others and pray to Him with tears in your eyes. He will remove all the dross of your mind, and will also give you understanding. ~ Sri Sarada Devi,
1483:Without heart, everything else counts for nought. Unless the heart expands, nothing else will avail. One's heart must feel for others; one must identify oneself with the happiness and sorrows of others; then only will God be realized. ~ Swami Akhandananda,
1484:Be not forgetful of prayer. Every time you pray, if your prayer is sincere, there will be new feeling and new meaning in it, which will give you fresh courage, and you will understand that prayer is an education. ~ Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov,
1485:Death is not a way to succeed in sadhana. If you die in that way, you will only have the same difficulties again with probably less favourable circumstances. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - III, Difficulties of the Path - VII,
1486:Do not let your heart become troubled by the sad spectacle of human injustice. Even this has its value in the face of all else. And it is from this that one day you will see the justice of God rising with unfailing triumph. ~ Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina,
1487:Each moment, each hour will bring him the vision of a new mystery, because his heart is detached from this as from the other world; an invisible aid guides all his steps and fires his ardour. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
1488:Life does not care whether you call yourself rich or poor; strong or weak. It will eternally reward you with that which you claim as true of yourself." ~ Neville Goddard, (1905-1972), mystic teacher. From "The Complete Reader,", (2013), edited David Allen.,
1489:... Strange signs will appear in the skies: both horns of the moon will join the cross. Happy will be those who will have survived the war, since the pleasures of life will begin again, and the sun will have a new brilliance..." ~ Saint Odile, (660-720 AD),
1490:Confident of His grace, expect His will;
Let Him lead; though hidden be the bourne,
See Him in all that happens; that fulfil
For which thou wert born. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, To R.,
1491:If deep down you continue to believe a tiny corner of samsara could be useful, or that it might even offer the ultimate solution to all your worldly problems, it will be extremely difficult to become a genuine spiritual seeker. ~ Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Thaye,
1492:"Right there, just in the background, is a sort of fairy tale... Something in the making that will be exceedingly beautiful, beyond all expression: a beautiful story Sri Aurobindo was trying to bring down onto the earth - and it's sure to come!" ~ Agenda 03,
1493:When men will understand that the Divine knows better than they do what is the best for them, many of their difficulties will disappear.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, Surrender to the Divine Will, Difficulties of Surrender,
1494:He [the Divine] wants that you first find yourself; that with your true being, your psychic being, you master and govern the lower being, and then you will quite naturally take your proper place in the great Divine Work. ~ The Mother,
1495:My son, go hack into thy self by disentangling thyself as much as thou mayst from all things; seek purity from things below by detaching thy will and thy heart from the love of sensible objects. ~ J. Tauter, the Eternal Wisdom
1496:When by a constant practice a man is capable of effecting mental concentration, then wherever he may be, his mind will always lift itself above his surroundings and will repose in the Eternal. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
1497:A religion old or new, that stressed the magnificence of the universe as revealed by modern science, might be able to draw forth reserves of reverence and awe hardly tapped by the conventional faiths. Sooner or later, such a religion will emerge. ~ Carl Sagan,
1498:Since, in the long run, every planetary society will be endangered by impacts from space, every surviving civilization is obliged to become spacefaring ~ not because of exploratory or romantic zeal, but for the most practical reason imaginable: staying alive.,
1499:The dream is the small hidden door in the deepest and most intimate sanctum of the soul, which opens to that primeval cosmic night that was soul long before there was conscious ego and will be soul far beyond what a conscious ego could ever reach. ~ Carl Jung,
1500:Whosoever nourishes feelings of hatred against those who hate, will never purify himself, but one who in reply to hatred awakens love, appeases and softens those who are filled with hatred. ~ Magghima Nikaya, the Eternal Wisdom


1:Dull winter will re-appear. ~ horace, @wisdomtrove
2:Words will build no walls. ~ plutarch, @wisdomtrove
3:Gold will be slave or master. ~ horace, @wisdomtrove
4:Oh, the places you will go. ~ dr-seuss, @wisdomtrove
5:Any excuse will serve a tyrant. ~ aesop, @wisdomtrove
6:Common sense ain't common. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
7:This victory will be your I ruin. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
8:You will be safest in the middle. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
9:I don't know what humor is. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
10:Explore daily the will of God. ~ carl-jung, @wisdomtrove
11:Have faith. We will do ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
12:I will never lie again. ~ william-faulkner, @wisdomtrove
13:Light will someday split you open. ~ hafez, @wisdomtrove
14:Love and do as you will. ~ saint-augustine, @wisdomtrove
15:A good resolve will make any port. ~ horace, @wisdomtrove
16:Flattery will get you everywhere. ~ mae-west, @wisdomtrove
17:I will persist until I succeed! ~ og-mandino, @wisdomtrove
18:Lord, let me live until I die. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
19:Never miss a chance to shut up ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
20:Rule your mind or it will rule you. ~ horace, @wisdomtrove
21:Today will never come again. ~ thomas-merton, @wisdomtrove
22:Don't squat with your spurs on. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
23:I will only add, God bless you. ~ jane-austen, @wisdomtrove
24:Please all, and you will please none. ~ aesop, @wisdomtrove
25:Please will you do my job for me. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
26:Time, time will heal the wound. ~ jane-austen, @wisdomtrove
27:What you don't know will hurt you. ~ jim-rohn, @wisdomtrove
28:Who will speak for Planet Earth? ~ carl-sagan, @wisdomtrove
29:You will go most safely in the middle. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
30:Beauty will save the world ~ fyodor-dostoevsky, @wisdomtrove
31:Be good and you will be lonesome. ~ mark-twain, @wisdomtrove
32:Doubters will doubt to the end. ~ stephen-king, @wisdomtrove
33:Gentle time will heal our sorrows. ~ sophocles, @wisdomtrove
34:Immune system will heal itself. ~ rhonda-byrne, @wisdomtrove
35:I will never be below the title. ~ bette-davis, @wisdomtrove
36:Make crime pay. Become a lawyer. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
37:Security will produce danger. ~ samuel-johnson, @wisdomtrove
38:Vengeance is mine; I will repay. ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
39:Whatever you resist will persist. ~ henry-ford, @wisdomtrove
40:While we breathe, we will hope. ~ barack-obama, @wisdomtrove
41:As a man believes, so he will act. ~ sam-harris, @wisdomtrove
42:Great heart will not be denied. ~ j-r-r-tolkien, @wisdomtrove
43:He who can simulate sanity will be sane. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
44:He will be beloved when he is no more. ~ horace, @wisdomtrove
45:If you give, you will be blessed. ~ joel-osteen, @wisdomtrove
46:Not my will, but thine, be done. ~ jesus-christ, @wisdomtrove
47:The envious will die, but envy never. ~ moliere, @wisdomtrove
48:Will you wait for me forever? ~ haruki-murakami, @wisdomtrove
49:Anything cracked will shatter at a touch. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
50:If you measure it, it will improve. ~ seth-godin, @wisdomtrove
51:No party is as bad as its leaders. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
52:The reason will end up being right. ~ parmenides, @wisdomtrove
53:There will never be no love at all. ~ bob-marley, @wisdomtrove
54:A heart set on love will do no wrong. ~ confucius, @wisdomtrove
55:And maybe, just maybe, it will. ~ nicholas-sparks, @wisdomtrove
56:Enough or not... it will have to do ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
57:If I persist long enough I will win. ~ og-mandino, @wisdomtrove
58:I will not walk backward in life. ~ j-r-r-tolkien, @wisdomtrove
59:I will work when failures seek rest. ~ og-mandino, @wisdomtrove
60:Never kick a cow chip on a hot day. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
61:No man is great if he thinks he is. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
62:There will grow from straws a mighty heap. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
63:Tomorrow will be a new day. ~ miguel-de-cervantes, @wisdomtrove
64:Always drink upstream from the herd. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
65:and is, and will be everlasting fire, ~ heraclitus, @wisdomtrove
66:Evil comes from the ABUSE of free will ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
67:For the loser now Will be later to win ~ bob-dylan, @wisdomtrove
68:he who will not economize will agonize ~ confucius, @wisdomtrove
69:I just want to do God’s will. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
70:I think confidence will come back. ~ warren-buffet, @wisdomtrove
71:I will be rich or I will die trying. ~ t-harv-eker, @wisdomtrove
72:Kindness will always attract kindness. ~ sophocles, @wisdomtrove
73:No honest man will argue on every side ~ sophocles, @wisdomtrove
74:When liberty returns, I will return. ~ victor-hugo, @wisdomtrove
75:When the flower opens, the bees will come. ~ kabir, @wisdomtrove
76:Where will wants not, a way opens. ~ j-r-r-tolkien, @wisdomtrove
77:Be virtuous and you will be eccentric. ~ mark-twain, @wisdomtrove
78:Congress is deadlocked and can’t act. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
79:Don't invite me if you don't want me. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
80:Forgive yourself - no one else will. ~ maya-angelou, @wisdomtrove
81:I never met a man that I didn't like. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
82:I paint flowers so they will not die. ~ frida-kahlo, @wisdomtrove
83:I was what you are, you will be what I am. ~ horace, @wisdomtrove
84:Philosophy will clip an angel's wings. ~ john-keats, @wisdomtrove
85:Subdue your passion or it will subdue you. ~ horace, @wisdomtrove
86:The end of the world will be legal. ~ thomas-merton, @wisdomtrove
87:The image will be downloaded by Fatkun ~ heraclitus, @wisdomtrove
88:What you expect is what you will get. ~ joel-osteen, @wisdomtrove
89:Who then will explain the explanation? ~ lord-byron, @wisdomtrove
90:You will be melancholy, if you are solitary. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
91:A fool and his money are soon elected. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
92:Anxiety will bear a lot of nuisance. ~ josh-billings, @wisdomtrove
93:A rain will fall, but the dirt it tough ~ bob-marley, @wisdomtrove
94:Be the sun and all will see you. ~ fyodor-dostoevsky, @wisdomtrove
95:I will maintain it before the whole world. ~ moliere, @wisdomtrove
96:Just show up and things will happen. ~ mother-teresa, @wisdomtrove
97:Love will enter cloaked in friendship's name. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
98:Oh, what a day. I will make it a holiday. ~ dr-seuss, @wisdomtrove
99:There will be time to murder and create. ~ t-s-eliot, @wisdomtrove
100:When the cats away, the mice will play. ~ bob-marley, @wisdomtrove
101:Who has self-confidence will lead the rest. ~ horace, @wisdomtrove
102:Your homecoming will be my homecoming ~ e-e-cummings, @wisdomtrove
103:Zeal, the blind conductor of the will. ~ john-dryden, @wisdomtrove
104:Be a politician; no training necessary. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
105:Change and everything will change for you. ~ jim-rohn, @wisdomtrove
106:Cousin Swift, you will never be a poet. ~ john-dryden, @wisdomtrove
107:Fire, if neglected, will soon gain strength. ~ horace, @wisdomtrove
108:I am in love and out of it I will not go. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
109:I will live this day as if it is my last ~ og-mandino, @wisdomtrove
110:I will walk where failures fear to walk. ~ og-mandino, @wisdomtrove
111:Love will conquer at the last. ~ alfred-lord-tennyson, @wisdomtrove
112:My actions will follow my expectations. ~ joel-osteen, @wisdomtrove
113:My heart is, and always will be, yours. ~ jane-austen, @wisdomtrove
114:Never slap a man who's chewing tobacco. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
115:Nothing you can't spell will ever work. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
116:Perspective will come in retrospect. ~ melody-beattie, @wisdomtrove
117:Time will unveil all things to posterity. ~ euripedes, @wisdomtrove
118:Whoever said a horse was dumb, was dumb ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
119:You will hardly conquer, but conquer you must. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
120:Action will destroy your procrastination. ~ og-mandino, @wisdomtrove
121:And will you succeed? Yes, you will indeed! ~ dr-seuss, @wisdomtrove
122:For what it will make of you to achieve it. ~ jim-rohn, @wisdomtrove
123:If we do our best, God will do the rest. ~ joyce-meyer, @wisdomtrove
124:If you let them kill you, they will ~ charles-bukowski, @wisdomtrove
125:If you pray more you will pray better. ~ mother-teresa, @wisdomtrove
126:I will show you fear in a handful of dust. ~ t-s-eliot, @wisdomtrove
127:Never slap a man who is chewing tobacco. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
128:No, but you're wrong now, and always will be. ~ horace, @wisdomtrove
129:Out of many things a great heap will be formed. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
130:The heart will break, but broken live on. ~ lord-byron, @wisdomtrove
131:There will always be an underground. ~ chuck-palahniuk, @wisdomtrove
132:The world will be saved by beauty. ~ fyodor-dostoevsky, @wisdomtrove
133:They will only care when you're gone. ~ marilyn-monroe, @wisdomtrove
134:What you are will show in what you do. ~ thomas-edison, @wisdomtrove
135:When I fall in love, it will be forever. ~ jane-austen, @wisdomtrove
136:Who will observe the observers? ~ sir-arthur-eddington, @wisdomtrove
137:You will never change what you tolerate. ~ joel-osteen, @wisdomtrove
138:Believe in love and you will have love. ~ napoleon-hill, @wisdomtrove
139:Believe in wealth and you will be rich. ~ napoleon-hill, @wisdomtrove
140:Hearts will break - yet brokenly, live on. ~ lord-byron, @wisdomtrove
141:If I look at the mass I will never act. ~ mother-teresa, @wisdomtrove
142:I will do water - beautiful, blue water. ~ claude-monet, @wisdomtrove
143:I will go down with my colours flying. ~ virginia-woolf, @wisdomtrove
144:Murder will out, this my conclusion. ~ geoffrey-chaucer, @wisdomtrove
145:Originality will be rewarded in any line. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
146:Reason and truth will prevail at last. ~ samuel-johnson, @wisdomtrove
147:Sound will be the medicine of the future. ~ edgar-cayce, @wisdomtrove
148:Today I will be the master of my emotions. ~ og-mandino, @wisdomtrove
149:What is without periods of rest will not endure. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
150:Your ability will grow to match your dreams. ~ jim-rohn, @wisdomtrove
151:A company is known by the people it keeps. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
152:A life lived in love will never be dull. ~ leo-buscaglia, @wisdomtrove
153:And I will capture your minds with sweet novelty. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
154:Don't wait to buy land, buy land and wait. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
155:Grace will take you places hustling can’t. ~ brene-brown, @wisdomtrove
156:Heaven ne'er helps the men who will not act. ~ sophocles, @wisdomtrove
157:I will build a car for the great multitude. ~ henry-ford, @wisdomtrove
158:I will not be at the mercy of the telephone! ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
159:Sense will always have attractions for me. ~ jane-austen, @wisdomtrove
160:The insolence of wealth will creep out. ~ samuel-johnson, @wisdomtrove
161:There's no war that will end all wars. ~ haruki-murakami, @wisdomtrove
162:They who drink beer will think beer. ~ washington-irving, @wisdomtrove
163:What's bred in the bone will stick to the flesh. ~ aesop, @wisdomtrove
164:You will know your path by the fun of it. ~ esther-hicks, @wisdomtrove
165:Add little to little and there will be a big pile. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
166:Dishonor will not trouble me, once I am dead. ~ euripedes, @wisdomtrove
167:God ever works with those who work with will. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
168:I believe God will fight my battles for me. ~ joel-osteen, @wisdomtrove
169:I will clamber through the clouds and exist. ~ john-keats, @wisdomtrove
170:I will greet this day with love in my heart. ~ og-mandino, @wisdomtrove
171:Love may fail, but courtesy will prevail. ~ kurt-vonnegut, @wisdomtrove
172:Purity of heart is to will one thing. ~ soren-kierkegaard, @wisdomtrove
173:Respect a man, and he will do all the more. ~ john-wooden, @wisdomtrove
174:Respect yourself and others will respect you. ~ confucius, @wisdomtrove
175:Strike at a great man, and you will not miss. ~ sophocles, @wisdomtrove
176:The first step to becoming is to will it. ~ mother-teresa, @wisdomtrove
177:The will was of Zeus, the hand of Hephaestus. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
178:Thought will not work except in silence. ~ thomas-carlyle, @wisdomtrove
179:To love is to will the good of the other. ~ denis-diderot, @wisdomtrove
180:Whatever you think, that you will be. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
181:Act as if you are, and you will become such. ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
182:Chop your own wood and it will warm you twice ~ henry-ford, @wisdomtrove
183:Environment is stronger than will. ~ paramahansa-yogananda, @wisdomtrove
184:France will always be a great nation. ~ napoleon-bonaparte, @wisdomtrove
185:Hate is a bottomless cup; I will pour and pour ~ euripedes, @wisdomtrove
186:Have fun do good and the money will come ~ richard-branson, @wisdomtrove
187:Holiness is doing God's will with a smile. ~ mother-teresa, @wisdomtrove
188:If you do what is easy, your life will be hard ~ les-brown, @wisdomtrove
189:If you let pride stop you, you will hate life ~ tim-ferris, @wisdomtrove
190:If you will change, things will change for you. ~ jim-rohn, @wisdomtrove
191:In a just cause the weak will beat the strong. ~ sophocles, @wisdomtrove
192:Man can learn everything if he will but try. ~ e-m-forster, @wisdomtrove
193:Mind over matter, will make the Pooh unfatter. ~ a-a-milne, @wisdomtrove
194:Occupy yourself, and you will be out of harm's way. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
195:People do not lack strength; they lack will. ~ victor-hugo, @wisdomtrove
196:Prohibition is better than no liquor at all. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
197:So long as I can laugh, never will I be poor. ~ og-mandino, @wisdomtrove
198:The arrow will not always find the mark intended. ~ horace, @wisdomtrove
199:The US is safest when Congress is in recess. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
200:Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold. ~ og-mandino, @wisdomtrove
201:To love is to will the good of the other. ~ thomas-aquinas, @wisdomtrove
202:Work to make a living; serve to make a life. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
203:You will never outperform your inner circle. ~ john-wooden, @wisdomtrove
204:You will never win if you never begin. ~ robert-h-schuller, @wisdomtrove
205:And virtue, though in rags, will keep me warm ~ john-dryden, @wisdomtrove
206:As the cause is, so the effect will be. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
207:Call me any name you like I will never deny it. ~ bob-dylan, @wisdomtrove
208:Don't let yesterday use up too much of today. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
209:Every guy looks in his pocket and then votes. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
210:Heaven will display far more variety than Hell. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
211:He who will not economize will have to agonize. ~ confucius, @wisdomtrove
212:Ideas will be the major source of new wealth. ~ brian-tracy, @wisdomtrove
213:I do not believe this darkness will endure. ~ j-r-r-tolkien, @wisdomtrove
214:If you want it and you relax, it will happen ~ esther-hicks, @wisdomtrove
215:I tell you folks, all politics is applesauce. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
216:It will not do to depend on the mind alone. ~ sri-aurobindo, @wisdomtrove
217:I will be calm. I will be mistress of myself. ~ jane-austen, @wisdomtrove
218:Logic won't change an emotion but action will. ~ zig-ziglar, @wisdomtrove
219:Maybe if we lie down our brains will work. ~ jerry-seinfeld, @wisdomtrove
220:Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you. ~ carl-jung, @wisdomtrove
221:Strangers are just friends I haven't met yet. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
222:Syntax must be bad, having sin and tax in it. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
223:The greatest kindness will not bind the ungrateful. ~ aesop, @wisdomtrove
224:There is nothing good or evil save in the will. ~ epictetus, @wisdomtrove
225:The revery alone will do If bees are few. ~ emily-dickinson, @wisdomtrove
226:To be a saint is to will the one thing. ~ soren-kierkegaard, @wisdomtrove
227:Universe will re-arrange itself accordingly. ~ rhonda-byrne, @wisdomtrove
228:We have the best Congress that money can buy. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
229:When you're through learning, you're through. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
230:You will find God in the church of your choice. ~ bob-dylan, @wisdomtrove
231:You will live wisely if you are happy in your lot. ~ horace, @wisdomtrove
232:You will move in the direction you are facing. ~ og-mandino, @wisdomtrove
233:Acquire a firm will and the utmost patience. ~ anandamayi-ma, @wisdomtrove
234:Aim for service and success will follow! ~ albert-schweitzer, @wisdomtrove
235:A stranger is just a friend I haven't met yet. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
236:Believe you will be successful and you will. ~ dale-carnegie, @wisdomtrove
237:Housework, if you do it right, will kill you. ~ erma-bombeck, @wisdomtrove
238:If you lose self-control everything will fall. ~ john-wooden, @wisdomtrove
239:I will act now. I will act now. I will act now. ~ og-mandino, @wisdomtrove
240:I will be conquered; I will not capitulate. ~ samuel-johnson, @wisdomtrove
241:I will not leave you until I have seen you hanged. ~ moliere, @wisdomtrove
242:Keep your place in life and your place will keep you ~ aesop, @wisdomtrove
243:Let the dead bury the dead, your time will come. ~ bob-dylan, @wisdomtrove
244:Love may fail, but
245:Only begin, and you will become eloquent of yourself. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
246:Only time(whatever that may be) will tell. ~ stephen-hawking, @wisdomtrove
247:The more you read, the more things you will know. ~ dr-seuss, @wisdomtrove
248:The truth, as always, will be far stranger. ~ arthur-c-carke, @wisdomtrove
249:This day of your life will never come again. ~ caroline-myss, @wisdomtrove
250:To walk out of his will is to walk into nowhere. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
251:Truth crushed to earth will rise again. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
252:Where I choose to walk every step will show. ~ denis-waitley, @wisdomtrove
253:You will attract everything that you require. ~ rhonda-byrne, @wisdomtrove
254:You will survive if you believe in yourself. ~ quentin-crisp, @wisdomtrove
255:A boy's will is the wind's will. ~ henry-wadsworth-longfellow, @wisdomtrove
256:America has the best politicians money can buy. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
257:A thing well said will be wit in all languages. ~ john-dryden, @wisdomtrove
258:Drive thy business or it will drive thee. ~ benjamin-franklin, @wisdomtrove
259:Everything comes if a man will only wait. ~ benjamin-disraeli, @wisdomtrove
260:Fear God, and your enemies will fear you. ~ benjamin-franklin, @wisdomtrove
261:He who has overcome his fears will truly be free. ~ aristotle, @wisdomtrove
262:I belong to no organized political body. I am a ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
263:If matters go badly now, they will not always be so. ~ horace, @wisdomtrove
264:If you don't act on life, life will act on you ~ robin-sharma, @wisdomtrove
265:If you have love you will do all things well. ~ thomas-merton, @wisdomtrove
266:I know that Congress will do the right thing. ~ warren-buffet, @wisdomtrove
267:I will be sof brief, I have already finished. ~ salvador-dali, @wisdomtrove
268:I will form good habits and become their slaves. ~ og-mandino, @wisdomtrove
269:One day offices will be a thing of the past ~ richard-branson, @wisdomtrove
270:Our patience will achieve more than our force. ~ edmund-burke, @wisdomtrove
271:People will choose unhappiness over uncertainty. ~ tim-ferris, @wisdomtrove
272:Prejudice will fall in a combat with interest. ~ thomas-paine, @wisdomtrove
273:Spinnin' a rope is fun if your neck ain't in it ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
274:That which we can't remember, we will repeat. ~ sigmund-freud, @wisdomtrove
275:The best way out of a difficulty is through it. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
276:The doctor of the future will be oneself. ~ albert-schweitzer, @wisdomtrove
277:This suspense is terrible. I hope it will last. ~ oscar-wilde, @wisdomtrove
278:We're all ignorant, just about different stuff. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
279:We will begin by learning how to tie our shoes. ~ john-wooden, @wisdomtrove
280:What does it take to become a saint? Will it. ~ denis-diderot, @wisdomtrove
281:What you keep before your eyes will affect you. ~ joel-osteen, @wisdomtrove
282:When ignorance gets started it knows no bounds. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
283:When thinking won't cure fear, action will. ~ w-clement-stone, @wisdomtrove
284:When you cease to exist, then who will you blame? ~ bob-dylan, @wisdomtrove
285:When you find yourself in a hole, quit digging. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
286:Who heeds not the future will find sorrow at hand ~ confucius, @wisdomtrove
287:Yield to all and you will soon have nothing to yield. ~ aesop, @wisdomtrove
288:Act enthusiastic and you will be enthusiastic. ~ dale-carnegie, @wisdomtrove
289:A good friend will always stab you in the front. ~ oscar-wilde, @wisdomtrove
290:Although the power is lacking, the will is commendable. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
291:And will I like being called a jazz-baby? ~ f-scott-fitzgerald, @wisdomtrove
292:An old young man, will be a young old man. ~ benjamin-franklin, @wisdomtrove
293:Do it, and then you will feel motivated to do it. ~ zig-ziglar, @wisdomtrove
294:Don't wait. The time will never be just right. ~ napoleon-hill, @wisdomtrove
295:If light is in your heart, you will find your way home. ~ rumi, @wisdomtrove
296:In war, practice dissimulation and you will succeed. ~ sun-tzu, @wisdomtrove
297:I think that Bible principles will help anybody. ~ joel-osteen, @wisdomtrove
298:I who am in the night will move into the day. ~ giordano-bruno, @wisdomtrove
299:Mark it down. You will never go where God is not. ~ max-lucado, @wisdomtrove
300:Nature will tell you a direct lie if she can. ~ charles-darwin, @wisdomtrove
301:Nothing makes a man broad-minded like adversity. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
302:Poetry and philosophy will become friends. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
303:So long as there is breath in me, I will persist. ~ og-mandino, @wisdomtrove
304:That which never has been, never is, and never will be. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
305:The child will reveal himself through work. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
306:The Darkness has begun. There will be no dawn. ~ j-r-r-tolkien, @wisdomtrove
307:The path marked Pride will lead you over a cliff. ~ max-lucado, @wisdomtrove
308:The people who matter will recognize who you are. ~ alan-cohen, @wisdomtrove
309:There will be no proof that I ever was a writer. ~ franz-kafka, @wisdomtrove
310:The tyrant will always find a pretext for his tyranny. ~ aesop, @wisdomtrove
311:The will-to-live becomes the will-to-power. ~ reinhold-niebuhr, @wisdomtrove
312:What does it take to become a saint? Will it. ~ thomas-aquinas, @wisdomtrove
313:What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality. ~ plutarch, @wisdomtrove
314:When you really look for me you will see me instantly. ~ kabir, @wisdomtrove
315:You've never heard of them- and you never will . ~ john-wooden, @wisdomtrove
316:Ability will never catch up with the demand for it. ~ confucius, @wisdomtrove
317:A nation that knows how to work will never suffer. ~ henry-ford, @wisdomtrove
318:A quick temper will make a fool of you soon enough. ~ bruce-lee, @wisdomtrove
319:Build a dream and the dream will build you. ~ robert-h-schuller, @wisdomtrove
320:Chaotic action is preferable to orderly inaction. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
321:Embrace your grief. For there, your soul will grow. ~ carl-jung, @wisdomtrove
322:Every man gets an opportunity once in a lifetime. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
323:Everything in this world depends upon will. ~ benjamin-disraeli, @wisdomtrove
324:Free will is to mind what chance is to matter. ~ charles-darwin, @wisdomtrove
325:Go as far as you can see and you will see further. ~ zig-ziglar, @wisdomtrove
326:He who has lost his money-belt will go where you wish. ~ horace, @wisdomtrove
327:He who is not a good servant will not be a good master. ~ plato, @wisdomtrove
328:He, who is not prepared today, will be less so tomorrow. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
329:If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time. ~ zig-ziglar, @wisdomtrove
330:Man has will, but woman has her way. ~ oliver-wendell-holmes-jr, @wisdomtrove
331:Nothing less will content me, than wholeAmerica. ~ edmund-burke, @wisdomtrove
332:People will never forget how you made them feel. ~ maya-angelou, @wisdomtrove
333:Russia will become beacons of hope for the world. ~ edgar-cayce, @wisdomtrove
334:The country has gone sane and got back to horses. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
335:The more ignorant you are, the quicker you fight. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
336:There will be sleeping enough in the grave. ~ benjamin-franklin, @wisdomtrove
337:Welcome will arrived, the hour that was not hoped for. ~ horace, @wisdomtrove
338:Anyone who does anything useful will not go unpaid. ~ henry-ford, @wisdomtrove
339:As long as men die, liberty will never parish. ~ charlie-chaplan, @wisdomtrove
340:A very little key will open a very heavy door. ~ charles-dickens, @wisdomtrove
341:A vision, without a plan, is just a hallucination. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
342:Between grief and nothing, I will take grief. ~ william-faulkner, @wisdomtrove
343:Buy land. They ain't making any more of the stuff. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
344:Destiny is our will, and our will is nature. ~ benjamin-disraeli, @wisdomtrove
345:Do it or don't do it - you will regret both. ~ soren-kierkegaard, @wisdomtrove
346:Everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
347:For my part, I will never give up, and I mean never. ~ elon-musk, @wisdomtrove
348:Give, do not lend; after death who will thank you? ~ e-m-forster, @wisdomtrove
349:God's plan will continue on God's schedule. ~ aiden-wilson-tozer, @wisdomtrove
350:Heaven never helps the man who will not help himself ~ sophocles, @wisdomtrove
351:If you do something often enough, a ratio will appear ~ jim-rohn, @wisdomtrove
352:If your desire is for good, the people will be good. ~ confucius, @wisdomtrove
353:I shall speak facts; but some will say I deal in fiction. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
354:It will be seen in the frying of the eggs. ~ miguel-de-cervantes, @wisdomtrove
355:Love will find its way through all languages on its own.  ~ rumi, @wisdomtrove
356:Make no conditions and none will be imposed. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
357:My will is mine... I shall not make it soft for you. ~ aeschylus, @wisdomtrove
358:Never use a long word where a short one will do. ~ george-orwell, @wisdomtrove
359:No one will take better care of your dream than you. ~ les-brown, @wisdomtrove
360:One must care about a world one will not see. ~ bertrand-russell, @wisdomtrove
361:On their deathbed men will speak true, they say. ~ j-r-r-tolkien, @wisdomtrove
362:Peace will come wherever it is sincerely invited. ~ alice-walker, @wisdomtrove
363:Seek not to inquire what the morrow will bring with it. ~ horace, @wisdomtrove
364:There is no rampart that will hold out against malice. ~ moliere, @wisdomtrove
365:The way you make love / is the way God will be with you.  ~ rumi, @wisdomtrove
366:View it as your friend, and it will give you wings. ~ alan-cohen, @wisdomtrove
367:We are here for just a spell, so get a few laughs. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
368:Whatever enlarges hope will also exalt courage. ~ samuel-johnson, @wisdomtrove
369:Will is to grace as the horse is to the rider. ~ saint-augustine, @wisdomtrove
370:Words will not fail when the matter is well considered. ~ horace, @wisdomtrove
371:Your habits will determine your quality of life. ~ denis-waitley, @wisdomtrove
372:All the money you made will never buy back your soul. ~ bob-dylan, @wisdomtrove
373:A people free to choose will always choose peace. ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove
374:As you ask and feel and believe, you will receive. ~ rhonda-byrne, @wisdomtrove
375:But people will laugh at all sorts of things. ~ fyodor-dostoevsky, @wisdomtrove
376:Conquer your thoughts and you will conquer the world. ~ sivananda, @wisdomtrove
377:Do the thing and you will have the power.   ~ ralph-waldo-emerson, @wisdomtrove
378:Do what we can, summer will have its flies. ~ ralph-waldo-emerson, @wisdomtrove
379:Endure and persist; this pain will turn to good by and by. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
380:Every man is ignorant - just on different subjects. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
381:Help another and you will be the one who benefits most ~ jim-rohn, @wisdomtrove
382:If by my life or death I can protect you, I will. ~ j-r-r-tolkien, @wisdomtrove
383:Invest in inflation. It is the only thing going up. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
384:Is your money that good, will it buy you forgiveness? ~ bob-dylan, @wisdomtrove
385:It is mine to give to whom I will, like my heart. ~ j-r-r-tolkien, @wisdomtrove
386:I will not harbor unhealthy thoughts anymore. ~ elizabeth-gilbert, @wisdomtrove
387:I will prepare and someday my chance will come. ~ abraham-lincoln, @wisdomtrove
388:I will strain my potential until it cries for mercy. ~ og-mandino, @wisdomtrove
389:Knowledge will give you power, but character respect. ~ bruce-lee, @wisdomtrove
390:Life is a compromise between fate and free will. ~ elbert-hubbard, @wisdomtrove
391:Life isn't fair. In never was and never will be. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
392:Nothing is so difficult but that man will accomplish it. ~ horace, @wisdomtrove
393:Poetry, therefore, we will call Musical Thought. ~ thomas-carlyle, @wisdomtrove
394:The medicine of the future will be music and sound. ~ edgar-cayce, @wisdomtrove
395:The more thankful you are, the happier you will be! ~ joyce-meyer, @wisdomtrove
396:The more you let go, the faster you will move ahead. ~ alan-cohen, @wisdomtrove
397:To the fool, he who speaks wisdom will sound foolish. ~ euripedes, @wisdomtrove
398:Very often, say what you will, a knave is only a fool. ~ voltaire, @wisdomtrove
399:We do more talking progress than we do progressing. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
400:Americans will feed anyone that's not close to them. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
401:A remark generally hurts in proportion to its truth. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
402:Be in general virtuous, and you will be happy. ~ benjamin-franklin, @wisdomtrove
403:Change your thinking, and you will change your life. ~ brian-tracy, @wisdomtrove
404:Destroy the seed of evil, or it will grow up to your ruin. ~ aesop, @wisdomtrove
405:Face your fears or they will climb over your back. ~ frank-herbert, @wisdomtrove
406:Forget the dead you've left, they will not follow you. ~ bob-dylan, @wisdomtrove
407:Give Me a Turkish Army. I will Conquer world. ~ napoleon-bonaparte, @wisdomtrove
408:Great doubt will eventually lead to great awakening. ~ rabia-basri, @wisdomtrove
409:He whose ranks are united in purpose will be victorious. ~ sun-tzu, @wisdomtrove
410:If the great man be not grave, he will not be revered. ~ confucius, @wisdomtrove
411:If we don’t cannibalize ourselves, someone else will. ~ steve-jobs, @wisdomtrove
412:If we will only think, we shall begin to thank. ~ charles-spurgeon, @wisdomtrove
413:I love a dog. He does nothing for political reasons. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
414:It's great to be great, but its greater to be human. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
415:Please call me Eddie if it will help you to relax. ~ douglas-adams, @wisdomtrove
416:The bullet that will kill me is not yet cast. ~ napoleon-bonaparte, @wisdomtrove
417:The man who has lost his purse will go wherever you wish. ~ horace, @wisdomtrove
418:The way I see it, Disneyland will never be finished. ~ walt-disney, @wisdomtrove
419:Thinking will not overcome fear but action will. ~ w-clement-stone, @wisdomtrove
420:Those who gossip with you will gossip about you. ~ edgar-allan-poe, @wisdomtrove
421:Time will cure you, but now is your grief still young. ~ euripedes, @wisdomtrove
422:Undeservedly you will atone for the sins of your fathers. ~ horace, @wisdomtrove
423:Water continually dropping will wear hard rocks hollow. ~ plutarch, @wisdomtrove
424:We will accept nothing less than full Victory! ~ dwight-eisenhower, @wisdomtrove
425:Whenever you become empowered, you will be tested. ~ caroline-myss, @wisdomtrove
426:A liar will not be believed, even when he speaks the truth. ~ aesop, @wisdomtrove
427:All names will soon be restored to their proper owners. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
428:A person's true nature will reveal itself despite disguise. ~ aesop, @wisdomtrove
429:Democrats are the only reason to vote for Republicans ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
430:Do the best you can, and don't take life too serious. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
431:How come anything you buy will go on sale next week? ~ erma-bombeck, @wisdomtrove
432:I'm no longer curious about things that will upset me. ~ louise-hay, @wisdomtrove
433:In life, people will take you at your own reckoning. ~ isaac-asimov, @wisdomtrove
434:Man has his will, but woman has her way. ~ oliver-wendell-holmes-sr, @wisdomtrove
435:No one will believe in you until you believe in you. ~ robin-sharma, @wisdomtrove
436:Nothing is surer than that the people will be weak. ~ blaise-pascal, @wisdomtrove
437:People who fly into a rage always make a bad landing. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
438:Return to the root and you will find the meaning. ~ jianzhi-sengcan, @wisdomtrove
439:Science and religion will meet and shake hands. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
440:The Cosmos is all that is or ever was or ever will be. ~ carl-sagan, @wisdomtrove
441:The fool will upset the whole science of astronomy. ~ martin-luther, @wisdomtrove
442:Then wear the gold hat, if that will move her; ~ f-scott-fitzgerald, @wisdomtrove
443:The Schools ain't what they used to be and never was. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
444:The time will come when you will hate the sight of a mirror. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
445:This day of your life will never come again. ~ norman-vincent-peale, @wisdomtrove
446:Who am I? And how, I wonder, will this story end? ~ nicholas-sparks, @wisdomtrove
447:Who will ever kiss this encyclopedia of a head? ~ elizabeth-gilbert, @wisdomtrove
448:Who will you have to become to achieve all you want? ~ tony-robbins, @wisdomtrove
449:Without God, we cannot. Without us, God will not. ~ saint-augustine, @wisdomtrove
450:A leech that will not quit the skin until sated with blood. ~ horace, @wisdomtrove
451:Allegories drawn to great length will always break. ~ samuel-johnson, @wisdomtrove
452:Desire only God, and your heart will be satisfied. ~ saint-augustine, @wisdomtrove
453:Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. ~ victor-hugo, @wisdomtrove
454:For good or ill, your habits will make or break you. ~ steve-pavlina, @wisdomtrove
455:For when I can love all of me, I will love all of you. ~ debbie-ford, @wisdomtrove
456:God bless you all with peace, tranquility and good will. ~ bob-dylan, @wisdomtrove
457:God will never help us be anyone other than ourselves. ~ joyce-meyer, @wisdomtrove
458:Happy feelings will attract more happy circumstances. ~ rhonda-byrne, @wisdomtrove
459:He that has too much to do will do something wrong. ~ samuel-johnson, @wisdomtrove
460:He who hears not me but the logos will say: All is one. ~ heraclitus, @wisdomtrove
461:He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight. ~ sun-tzu, @wisdomtrove
462:I am always going to do my best, no matter where I am. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
463:If happy I can be I will, if suffer I must I can. ~ william-faulkner, @wisdomtrove
464:If there are poor on the moon, we will go there too. ~ mother-teresa, @wisdomtrove
465:If you want to be successful, love what you are doing. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
466:Man will have to go beyond intellect in the end. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
467:Out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength. ~ sigmund-freud, @wisdomtrove
468:Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice. ~ robert-frost, @wisdomtrove
469:Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine ~ mary-oliver, @wisdomtrove
470:The fool who persists in his folly will become wise. ~ william-blake, @wisdomtrove
471:The self persists like a dying star, In sleep, afraid. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
472:The successful man will profit from his mistakes and ~ dale-carnegie, @wisdomtrove
473:Though strength be wanting, the will to action Merits praise. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
474:Whom God would use greatly He will hurt deeply. ~ aiden-wilson-tozer, @wisdomtrove
475:You can say anything if enough people will listen. ~ chuck-palahniuk, @wisdomtrove
476:... you simply can't imagine what men will say! ~ fyodor-dostoevsky, @wisdomtrove
477:All reform except a moral one will prove unavailing. ~ thomas-carlyle, @wisdomtrove
478:Being young is beautiful, but being old is comfortable. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
479:Be patient and tough; someday this pain will be useful to you. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
480:Don't say, "If I could, I would." Say, "If I can, I will." ~ jim-rohn, @wisdomtrove
481:Find a happy person, and you will find a project. ~ sonja-lyubomirsky, @wisdomtrove
482:He who keeps danger in mind will rest safely in his seat. ~ confucius, @wisdomtrove
483:History will never accept difficulties as an excuse. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
484:If you are not ready today, you will be even less so tomorrow. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
485:If you are trying to get out of the hole, stop digging. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
486:If you do not get it from yourself, where will you go for it? ~ dogen, @wisdomtrove
487:If you don't know where you're going any road will do ~ lewis-carroll, @wisdomtrove
488:If your thinking is limited, your life will be limited. ~ joel-osteen, @wisdomtrove
489:If you try to do too much, you will not achieve anything. ~ confucius, @wisdomtrove
490:I just think that only God will judge a person's heart. ~ joel-osteen, @wisdomtrove
491:I'm not a member of an organized party. I'm a Democrat. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
492:In doubt a man of worth will trust to his own wisdom. ~ j-r-r-tolkien, @wisdomtrove
493:In my next life I will try to commit more errors. ~ jorge-luis-borges, @wisdomtrove
494:I will always love the false image I had of you. ~ ashleigh-brilliant, @wisdomtrove
495:I will heighten my life by helping others heighten theirs ~ les-brown, @wisdomtrove
496:Men will risk their lives, even die for ribbons. ~ napoleon-bonaparte, @wisdomtrove
497:One believes others will do what he will do to himself. ~ victor-hugo, @wisdomtrove
498:Salvation never will come through hope of reward. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
499:Since I will be no one's slave, I will be no one's master. ~ jim-rohn, @wisdomtrove
500:The Messiah will only come when he is no longer needed. ~ franz-kafka, @wisdomtrove

*** NEWFULLDB 2.4M ***

1:I am. I think. I will. ~ Ayn Rand,
2:I think. I am. I will. ~ Ayn Rand,
3:I understand. I will ~ Kate White,
4:I will be free, ~ Hilda Doolittle,
5:I will not serve”— ~ Peter Kreeft,
6:Reunion will come. ~ Atsuko Asano,
7:Wander at will, ~ Robert Browning,
8:What will be will be ~ James Frey,
9:Will ye, ay or nay? ~ James Joyce,
10:You will, will you? ~ J K Rowling,
11:Grace will hold you ~ John Friend,
12:I will do what I can ~ Jude Morgan,
13:I will,” I said. ~ Nicholas Sparks,
14:Snap to, Will Henry! ~ Rick Yancey,
15:The Lord Will Provide. ~ Anonymous,
16:There will be sway. ~ Lori Lansens,
17:Will you talk to me ~ Kathy Reichs,
18:You will not see ~ Hilda Doolittle,
19:and you will can then ~ Ken D Berry,
20:I loved doing sitcoms. ~ Will Estes,
21:I will fight for her. ~ Layla Hagen,
22:I WILL KILL SNOW. ~ Suzanne Collins,
23:I will not calm down! ~ J K Rowling,
24:More will mean worse. ~ Martin Amis,
25:Polka will never die. ~ Jim Butcher,
26:Talent will come out. ~ Ray Walston,
27:The LORD will provide”; ~ Anonymous,
28:Will is a skill. ~ Jillian Michaels,
29:will. I swear I will. ~ Dan Simmons,
30:Will this army do? ~ Seanan McGuire,
31:you will be his slaves. ~ Anonymous,
32:Act, and God will act. ~ Joan of Arc,
33:As you will, King Fitz. ~ Robin Hobb,
34:But I will be, ~ William Shakespeare,
35:Do with her as you will. ~ Anonymous,
36:Dull winter will re-appear. ~ Horace,
37:Guilt will do that. ~ Steven Erikson,
38:I will move you.” “We’re not ~ Tijan,
39:Justice will prevail! ~ Tsugumi Ohba,
40:My soul will find yours, ~ Anonymous,
41:This, too, will pass ~ Eckhart Tolle,
42:Time will bring healing. ~ Euripides,
43:Will I be something? ~ Anis Mojgani,
44:Will, is that you? ~ Cassandra Clare,
45:Ask, and It Will Be Given ~ Anonymous,
46:But I will always be hers. ~ J D Horn,
47:Fire will save the Clan ~ Erin Hunter,
48:If elected, I will win. ~ Pat Paulsen,
49:If the accident will. ~ Kurt Vonnegut,
50:If you will kiss me ~ Judith McNaught,
51:I think I will keep you, ~ Amy Harmon,
52:I will always protect you, ~ K M Shea,
53:I will never hurt you. ~ Cayla Kluver,
54:I will not be ignored. ~ Vivien Leigh,
55:I will not be misquoted! ~ Todd Barry,
56:I will soldier on. ~ J H Williams III,
57:Love will come find you ~ Alicia Keys,
58:some will say that death ~ C E Morgan,
59:such is the Lord's Will. ~ The Mother,
60:This, too, will pass. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
61:Whatever will be will be. ~ Doris Day,
62:What will happen, will happen. ~ Brom,
63:When will I make it by? ~ Jen Sincero,
64:will change your life. ~ Rhonda Byrne,
65:Will you hold my hand? ~ Belle Aurora,
66:Words will build no walls. ~ Plutarch,
67:Any excuse will serve a tyrant ~ Aesop,
68:Bend and you will be straight. ~ Laozi,
69:Be, the money will come to you. ~ Sark,
70:Gold will be slave or master. ~ Horace,
71:I will never be able to... ~ Anonymous,
72:Love will set her free. ~ Tahereh Mafi,
73:Mr. Grey will see you now, ~ E L James,
74:No one will do it for you. ~ Ben Stein,
75:Our home will eat you. ~ Marie Brennan,
76:Sir, will you marry me? ~ Toni Gonzaga,
77:The rigid tree will be felled. ~ Laozi,
78:The War That Will End War. ~ H G Wells,
79:Will you ever own up to ~ Brandon Mull,
80:And to thy husband's will ~ John Milton,
81:Any excuse will serve a tyrant. ~ Aesop,
82:I will hit a man with glasses. ~ Eminem,
83:I will kill for my family. ~ K F Breene,
84:I will murder the world. ~ Marlon James,
85:I will never lie to you. ~ Jimmy Carter,
86:Life is lived on the edge. ~ Will Smith,
87:My cock will text you. ~ Angelica Chase,
88:No other man will have you ~ Maya Banks,
89:Not my but Thy will, O Lord. ~ Ram Dass,
90:No weapon is sharper than will. ~ Laozi,
91:Reagan will later write ~ Bill O Reilly,
92:so we began and will never cease ~ Rumi,
93:We will finish the race. ~ Barack Obama,
94:Whatever will be, will be. ~ A J Banner,
95:Will loved to gallop. ~ Cassandra Clare,
96:Will night never come? ~ Samuel Beckett,
97:you will always be my ~ Samantha Bayarr,
98:You will stir up the hornets. ~ Plautus,
99:Blood Will Rule the Forest ~ Erin Hunter,
100:Common sense ain't common. ~ Will Rogers,
101:Do what I will never do. ~ Jhumpa Lahiri,
102:Do you dream much, Will? ~ Thomas Harris,
103:Even the continents drift. ~ George Will,
105:It will be alright. ~ Katherine Hannigan,
106:It will decrease the yield. ~ A G Riddle,
107:I will always remember ~ Faith Ringgold,
108:I will learn by screwing up. ~ Greg Bear,
109:I will leave an impression. ~ Puff Daddy,
110:Life will find a way. ~ Michael Crichton,
111:LOVE comes of its own free will, ~ Rumi,
112:Make of that what you will. ~ Leif Enger,
113:My mother will hear you. ~ Annette Blair,
114:My soul will find yours. ~ Jude Deveraux,
115:There will be no white ~ Dido Armstrong,
116:The wounded will wound. ~ Steven Erikson,
117:This victory will be your I ruin. ~ Ovid,
118:Time will unfold its leaves. ~ Glen Cook,
119:Tomorrow will be better. ~ Lauren Conrad,
120:will fight with everything ~ Miguel Ruiz,
121:Will you punish me forever? ~ Libba Bray,
122:You will be safest in the middle. ~ Ovid,
123:You will hurt your foot. ~ Joseph Heller,
124:You will ride the Tao ~ Terence McKenna,
125:Age will flatten a man. ~ Tommy Lee Jones,
127:And then it will rain. ~ Kelley Armstrong,
128:And then Will got pneumonia. ~ Jojo Moyes,
129:Atlantis will rise again. ~ Charles Olson,
130:But I think I will keep you. ~ Amy Harmon,
131:Free will is an empty term. ~ John Calvin,
132:Hello Kitty will never speak. ~ Pico Iyer,
133:His star will forever shine. ~ Bert Convy,
134:If I can be a leader, I will. ~ Lady Gaga,
135:If you hear me, will I exist? ~ S E Lynes,
136:I'm a really good swimmer. ~ Will Ferrell,
137:I never will give up. ~ Junior dos Santos,
138:In His will, our peace. ~ Dante Alighieri,
139:I will be as callous and ~ Steve Lonegan,
140:I will blaze my own trail. ~ Brad Meltzer,
141:I will go to the garden. ~ Robert Creeley,
142:I will illuminate you. ~ Sienna McQuillen,
143:I will not be triumphed over. ~ Cleopatra,
144:Jade Dragon will go. ~ Richard Paul Evans,
145:Light will someday split you open ~ Hafez,
146:Music will save the world. ~ Pablo Casals,
147:My core constituency will ~ John Sandford,
148:Peace will be victorious. ~ Yitzhak Rabin,
149:Someday our souls will be one and ~ Rumi,
150:States will never be happy until ~ Plato,
151:Success will ruin your life. ~ Tom Clancy,
152:There Will Be Strong Copy ~ Dan S Kennedy,
153:The truth will make you odd. ~ Judy Blume,
154:The unyielding army will not win. ~ Laozi,
155:Things will work out. ~ Gordon B Hinckley,
156:Wars are won in the will. ~ Robert Fanney,
157:Who will bell the cat? ~ William Langland,
158:Will we die, just a little? ~ J K Rowling,
159:You will die in this house. ~ B J Daniels,
160:A Spoon swoon, if you will. ~ Harlan Coben,
161:Berenice will be safe. ~ Jonathan L Howard,
162:Every bird will follow it's specie. ~ Rumi,
163:Explore daily the will of God. ~ Carl Jung,
164:Fear will learn to fear me. ~ Tahereh Mafi,
165:Forever will be you and me. ~ Salvador Dal,
166:God will give me justice ~ Alexandre Dumas,
167:God will honor our faith. ~ Dwight L Moody,
168:Have faith. We will do ~ Swami Vivekananda,
169:How long will I love you? ~ Ellie Goulding,
170:If it means to be , it will be ~ Anonymous,
171:If you die then I will too. ~ Amie Kaufman,
172:I’ll make a beautiful corpse. ~ Will Hobbs,
173:It puzzles the will. ~ William Shakespeare,
174:I WILL BITE YOUR NOSE OFF! ~ Thea Harrison,
175:I will fight to defend liberty. ~ Ted Cruz,
176:I will never lie again. ~ William Faulkner,
177:I will remain active in judo. ~ Ryoko Tani,
178:I will tell the stork-man. ~ Tamora Pierce,
179:I will unbolt to you ~ William Shakespeare,
180:I will walk by myself ~ Charles Reznikoff,
181:Just believe, it will happen. ~ Tito Ortiz,
182:Love and do as you will. ~ Saint Augustine,
183:Love and do what you will, ~ Eckhart Tolle,
184:Maybe I will go to Paris. ~ James Crumley,
185:maybe Okay will be our always ~ John Green,
186:Mummy will never forget you! ~ J K Rowling,
187:My films, no one else will do. ~ Mira Nair,
188:My will exceeds my talents. ~ Edvard Munch,
189:Oh well, I will say here, ~ Robert Creeley,
190:Only Earl Grey will ever do. ~ Tillie Cole,
191:Our need will be the real creator. ~ Plato,
192:Peace is war by other means. ~ Will Durant,
193:Pretend and it will be true. ~ Ally Carter,
194:Sin will do a number on you. ~ Johnny Hunt,
195:Tell Me I can't and I will ~ Donald Miller,
196:The first is: Will I go blind? ~ Anonymous,
197:The present will not long endure. ~ Pindar,
198:The revery alone will do ~ Emily Dickinson,
199:Too soon, the sun will rise. ~ Neil Gaiman,
200:War's balance will prevail. ~ Janet Morris,
201:What cannot be said will be wept. ~ Sappho,
202:Who will be my equal? ~ Cardinal Richelieu,
203:Will? Will, is that you? ~ Cassandra Clare,
204:Work usually follows will. ~ Louis Pasteur,
205:Work usually follows will. ~ William James,
206:You will learn to love again ~ Leila Sales,
207:A good resolve will make any port. ~ Horace,
208:All will be well.. In words of ~ The Mother,
209:A man is above all his will ~ Prabhavananda,
210:Blind is he who will not see! ~ Victor Hugo,
211:Bookworms will rule the world! ~ E S Carter,
212:But the truth will win out. ~ Martin Luther,
213:Dig if you will a picture: ~ Victor LaValle,
214:Everything will be all right. ~ David Sheff,
215:Forever will be you and me. ~ Salvador Dali,
216:For you, Anastasia, I will try. ~ E L James,
217:Foul deeds will rise, ~ William Shakespeare,
218:God will give me justice. ~ Marcus Luttrell,
219:Greatness exists in all of us. ~ Will Smith,
220:He who flees will fight again. ~ Tertullian,
221:Honesty will never break you. ~ Kate Hudson,
222:If it’s to be, it will be me. ~ Gary Keller,
223:It will pass, whatever it is. ~ Idries Shah,
224:I will always be an Oasis. ~ Liam Gallagher,
225:I will always come for you. ~ Erica Stevens,
226:I will be mistress of myself. ~ Jane Austen,
227:I will fight no more forever ~ Chief Joseph,
228:I will make you a fisher of men ~ Anonymous,
229:I will sing while you croak. ~ Henry Miller,
230:I will stay in my bed! ~ Jean Paul Gaultier,
231:Knowledge will make you be free. ~ Socrates,
232:Life will be a party for you ~ Paulo Coelho,
233:Maybe okay will be our always. ~ John Green,
234:Maybe our luck will change. ~ Eric S Nylund,
235:My joy will be in serving. ~ Walter Russell,
236:Parents just don't understand. ~ Will Smith,
237:Rage will make you careless ~ Lauren Oliver,
238:Schadenfreude is so nutritious. ~ Will Self,
239:Something will break very bad. ~ Marc Faber,
240:Some will stay, you know. ~ Andrew Peterson,
242:The hard and stiff will be broken. ~ Laozi,
243:The results will be very good. ~ Jacob Zuma,
244:The sun will stand as your best man ~ Hafez,
245:The will of God prevails. ~ Abraham Lincoln,
246:The world will not fall apart. ~ Keri Smith,
247:The world will not wait for us. ~ Bob Hawke,
248:Time will perfect matter. ~ Terence McKenna,
249:Unsung, the noblest deed will die. ~ Pindar,
250:We will always have Narnia. ~ Cindy Rollins,
251:We will never lose the land. ~ Willa Cather,
252:What cannot be said will be wept. ~ Sappho,
253:Who Will Cry When You Die? ~ Robin S Sharma,
254:All men will be sailors then ~ Leonard Cohen,
255:And man will go on. Man, not men. ~ Ayn Rand,
256:A real leader will always follow ~ Anonymous,
257:Be good and you will be lonely. ~ Mark Twain,
258:Biology always beats will power. ~ Mehmet Oz,
259:Blood will have blood. ~ William Shakespeare,
260:Claim it; it will respond. ~ Neville Goddard,
261:Echo…I will never leave you. ~ Katie McGarry,
262:"Explore daily the will of God." ~ Carl Jung,
263:God will not waste your pain. ~ Kyle Idleman,
264:Hunger is insolent, and will be fed. ~ Homer,
265:I believe God will make a way. ~ Lauryn Hill,
266:If we don't dream, who will? ~ Leigh Bardugo,
267:If you do not, you will not. ~ Matthew Kelly,
268:Inquiry is fatal to certainty. ~ Will Durant,
269:I will be the perfect mannequin. ~ Anonymous,
270:I will decide who is a Jew! ~ Hermann Goring,
271:I will fall on my face sometimes ~ Jessie J,
272:I will never feel successful. ~ Howard Stern,
273:I will never turn to God. ~ Marianne Wiggins,
274:I will not be a red queen ~ Victoria Aveyard,
275:I will not be my father's dog. ~ Neil Gaiman,
276:I will persist until I succeed! ~ Og Mandino,
277:I will probably die singing. ~ Miriam Makeba,
278:I will weep for you, brother. ~ Cayla Kluver,
279:Jump and the net will appear. ~ Mick Ebeling,
280:Let us try what love will do. ~ William Penn,
281:Liberty is a product of order. ~ Will Durant,
282:Lord, let me live until I die. ~ Will Rogers,
283:Love will turn you on your head. ~ Jon Jones,
284:My new name will keep me warm! ~ Erin Hunter,
285:Not my will, but thine, be done. ~ Anonymous,
286:One day man will connect his ~ Nikola Tesla,
287:Rule your mind or it will rule you. ~ Horace,
288:See the truth, and you will see me. ~ Buddha,
289:Sin will pluck on sin. ~ William Shakespeare,
290:The eye will have his part. ~ George Herbert,
291:The Eye will take care of her. ~ Rick Yancey,
292:The Second Birth of Frankenstein ~ Will Hill,
293:The stars will never align ~ Timothy Ferriss,
294:Time was, time will be again. ~ Ian McDonald,
295:Today will never come again. ~ Thomas Merton,
296:We have to succeed, so we will. ~ Ross Perot,
297:We will never be great again. ~ Donald Trump,
298:What will I use the money for? ~ Jen Sincero,
299:Will is the pimp of appetite. ~ Lope de Vega,
300:You will always be a hyena. ~ Arthur Rimbaud,
301:You will not be a chip the richer. ~ Plautus,
302:Carmen will always be free. ~ Prosper M rim e,
303:Danger is real, fear is a choice ~ Will Smith,
304:Disrupt, and you will be saved. ~ Jill Lepore,
305:Do what you say you will do. ~ James M Kouzes,
306:Drop desiring and bliss will be yours. ~ Osho,
307:Every life is finite, Will. ~ Cassandra Clare,
308:Fear is not God’s will for you. ~ Joyce Meyer,
309:Flattery will get you everywhere ~ Maya Banks,
310:Heart of stone will be shattered. ~ Toba Beta,
311:Heaven will smile on us again. ~ Adolf Hitler,
312:If you build it, he will come. ~ W P Kinsella,
313:I have to survive. I will survive ~ Ker Dukey,
314:I love you and I'm here for you. ~ Will Smith,
315:I'm in a glass case of emotion ~ Will Ferrell,
316:I think I will die laughing. ~ Jeanne Calment,
317:I will be the monster for you. ~ Bree Despain,
318:I will have a lot,” said William, ~ Anonymous,
319:I will jump into most any role. ~ Cathy Rigby,
320:I...will never...regret you. ~ Colleen Hoover,
321:I will never stop complaining. ~ Margaret Cho,
322:I WILL NOT BE A DINOSAUR POO! ~ Kate Saunders,
323:I will only add, God bless you. ~ Jane Austen,
324:I will reign over a new world! ~ Tsugumi Ohba,
325:I will see it when I believe it. ~ Wayne Dyer,
326:I will write my name in fire red. ~ Jean Rhys,
327:Leap and the net will appear ~ John Burroughs,
328:Leap and the net will appear. ~ Julia Cameron,
329:loving yourself will save your soul ~ R H Sin,
330:Making more money will not ~ Robert Kiyosaki,
331:Maybe "okay" will be our "always ~ John Green,
332:Maybe 'okay' will be our 'always ~ John Green,
333:Norman Bates will never die... ~ Robert Bloch,
334:Now I love,and will love. ~ Elizabeth Gaskell,
335:Peace on earth, good will to men ~ Dobie Gray,
336:Perhaps okay will be our always. ~ John Green,
337:Plant a Seed so your Heart will Grow. ~ Hafez,
338:Please all, and you will please none. ~ Aesop,
339:Please will you do my job for me. ~ C S Lewis,
340:Pop music will never be low brow. ~ Lady Gaga,
341:Pour on, I will endure. ~ William Shakespeare,
342:Rap will never be the same as before ~ Eminem,
343:Restrictions will set you free. ~ W A Mathieu,
344:Sorry, I'm allergic to bullshit. ~ Will Smith,
345:Stories will get you killed. ~ Marie Rutkoski,
346:The power of your will is everything. ~ CLAMP,
347:The truth will lead me to all. ~ Maya Angelou,
348:Time, time will heal the wound. ~ Jane Austen,
349:to Ned, will you. Carry on. ~ Lisa Scottoline,
350:To what will love not stoop! ~ Samuel Beckett,
351:Vegas will always be Vegas. ~ Debbie Reynolds,
352:Vengeance is mine, I will repay ~ Leo Tolstoy,
353:What you don't know will hurt you. ~ Jim Rohn,
354:When I get older, I will be stronger ~ K naan,
355:Where's your will to be weird? ~ Jim Morrison,
356:While the other guy's sleeping? ~ Will Smith,
357:Who will speak for Planet Earth? ~ Carl Sagan,
358:Will is the dynamic soul-force. ~ Albert Pike,
359:Will you be my forever, Donia? ~ Melissa Marr,
360:Will you cry? Will you miss me? ~ C J Roberts,
361:Will you save my soul tonight? ~ Jos N Harris,
362:Women will not be free ~ Marianne Williamson,
363:Your will, not mine, O Lord. ~ David Jeremiah,
364:You will always be my world. ~ Elizabeth Finn,
365:You will always be one of us. ~ Leigh Bardugo,
366:You will be excellently executed. ~ Bret Hart,
367:You will go most safely in the middle. ~ Ovid,
368:You 'will never belive it. ~ Luis J Rodr guez,
369:You will never regret being kind. ~ Anonymous,
370:And waste perfectly good beetles? ~ Will Wight,
371:Anything that can go wrong, will ~ Larry Niven,
372:Beauty will save the world ~ Fyodor Dostoevsky,
373:Be good and you will be lonesome. ~ Mark Twain,
374:bullet wound will do.” Gordon ~ Mary Jo Putney,
375:but trial by combat was unknown. ~ Will Durant,
376:Common sense will tell us, that ~ Thomas Paine,
377:Danger will wink on opportunity. ~ John Milton,
378:Doubters will doubt to the end. ~ Stephen King,
379:Do you wonder that they will ~ Rafael Sabatini,
380:Gentle time will heal our sorrows. ~ Sophocles,
381:Get all the good laughs you can. ~ Will Rogers,
382:Gossip does not matter. We will be ~ Anonymous,
383:Having a purpose, that's the key. ~ Will Adams,
384:History will treat me right. ~ Ralph Abernathy,
385:If you build it, nerds will come. ~ Jon Lovitz,
386:If you will it, it is no dream ~ Theodor Herzl,
387:Immune system will heal itself. ~ Rhonda Byrne,
388:I must not quarrel with the will ~ John Milton,
389:I never met a man I didn't like. ~ Will Rogers,
390:It's not can you, it's will you ~ Tony Robbins,
391:It will only ever be you, Evie. ~ Mia Sheridan,
392:I will love you unconditionally . ~ Katy Perry,
393:I will never be below the title. ~ Bette Davis,
394:I will never possess my hand. ~ Arthur Rimbaud,
395:I will not repeat my mother's life. ~ Etaf Rum,
396:I will try to be non-violent ~ Muriel Rukeyser,
397:I will wear it even unto death. ~ Nancy Garden,
398:Leap, and the net will appear. ~ Julia Cameron,
399:Leechfield Will Grease The Planet! ~ Mary Karr,
400:loneliness that will probably ~ Katherine Owen,
401:"Move and the way will open." ~ Taoist proverb,
402:[My advice] will one day be found ~ Lord Byron,
403:My darkness will save them. ~ Victoria Aveyard,
404:My power will be in humility. ~ Walter Russell,
405:My Westley will come for me. ~ William Goldman,
406:Only the strong will survive. ~ Juliette Cross,
407:Prayer is an effort of will. ~ Oswald Chambers,
408:Security will produce danger. ~ Samuel Johnson,
409:Someday this pain will be useful to you ~ Ovid,
410:Some things will never change. ~ Bruce Hornsby,
411:The dead will be resurrected. ~ Norman Solomon,
412:The map? I will first make it. ~ Patrick White,
413:There will be no communism. ~ Francisco Franco,
414:This action will have no echo. ~ Leigh Bardugo,
415:Together we will be unstoppable. ~ Eoin Colfer,
416:Vengeance is mine. I will repay. ~ Leo Tolstoy,
417:Vengeance is mine; I will repay. ~ Leo Tolstoy,
418:Voters' memories will fade some. ~ Nate Silver,
419:War is a nation’s way of eating. ~ Will Durant,
420:Whatever will happen will happen. ~ Mila Kunis,
421:Whatever you resist will persist. ~ Henry Ford,
422:While we breathe, we will hope. ~ Barack Obama,
423:will-have a tendency to ~ Erle Stanley Gardner,
424:Will is wish, and liberty is power. ~ Voltaire,
425:Will Metzger’s book Tell the Truth ~ Anonymous,
426:Your search will end in death. ~ Anita Clenney,
427:You will always be my always. ~ David Levithan,
428:You will always be my best friend. ~ Tite Kubo,
429:You will be what you will to be. ~ James Allen,
430:A fat kitchin, a lean Will. ~ Benjamin Franklin,
431:and rain will fall on our eaves. ~ Jack Kerouac,
432:And who will protect me from him? ~ Cora Reilly,
433:...and yes I said yes I will Yes. ~ James Joyce,
434:As a man believes, so he will act. ~ Sam Harris,
435:Beauty will save the world ~ Fyodor Dostoyevsky,
436:Character is perfectly educated will. ~ Novalis,
437:Cycle trails will abound in Utopia. ~ H G Wells,
438:Every new time will give its law. ~ Maxim Gorky,
439:fang will be the first to die ~ James Patterson,
440:For those who seeks , will find . ~ J K Rowling,
441:God's will is your deepest desires. ~ Dan Brown,
442:God will provide a way of escape. ~ Henry Cloud,
443:Great heart will not be denied. ~ J R R Tolkien,
444:He who can simulate sanity will be sane. ~ Ovid,
445:He who does not work, will not eat ~ John Smith,
446:He will always be my Sir Galahad. ~ Ava Gardner,
447:He will be beloved when he is no more. ~ Horace,
448:He will have true glory who despises it. ~ Livy,
449:Human-nature will not change. ~ Abraham Lincoln,
450:If ka will say so, let it be so. ~ Stephen King,
451:If we dont heal our own hood, who will? ~ Nelly,
452:If we have to go to war, we will. ~ Andrew Card,
453:If you ain't first, you're last! ~ Will Ferrell,
454:I guess’ will get you killed. ~ Jennifer Echols,
455:I know I will die in a car crash. ~ Katie Price,
456:I love you still, Against my will. ~ Sarah Kane,
457:I'm 23 now, but will I live to see 24? ~ Coolio,
458:I never mewt a man I didn't like. ~ Will Rogers,
459:It ain't kin we? It's will we? ~ John Steinbeck,
460:It's O.K. to accept good fortune. ~ Will Oldham,
461:I want to represent possibilities. ~ Will Smith,
462:I will always love gymnastics. ~ Sophie Nelisse,
463:I will always speak my mind. ~ Jennifer Aniston,
464:I will be always grateful to NBC. ~ David Morse,
465:I will either be famous or infamous. ~ Otto Dix,
466:I will garden on the double run, ~ Richard Hugo,
467:I will go in, go down, go back. ~ Lauren Slater,
468:I will leave no memoirs. ~ Comte de Lautr amont,
469:I will never reach perfection. ~ Misty Copeland,
470:I will not die an unlived life. ~ Dawna Markova,
471:I will trust and not be afraid. ~ Isaiah XII. 2,
473:Maybe 'okay' will be our 'always'. ~ John Green,
474:Mr. Elliot will see you now. ~ Michael Connelly,
475:My next baby will be my new record. ~ Lady Gaga,
476:No sane man will dance. ~ Marcus Tullius Cicero,
477:Nothing will work unless you do. ~ Maya Angelou,
478:Only my dogs will not betray me. ~ Maria Callas,
479:Only the fittest will survive. ~ Charles Darwin,
480:Paths that cross will cross again ~ Patti Smith,
481:Patience is the mother of will. ~ G I Gurdjieff,
482:People will feel the way they feel. ~ LL Cool J,
483:Rationality will not save us. ~ Robert McNamara,
484:Retire? I will never retire. ~ Eckhard Pfeiffer,
485:Smile! Tom orrow will be worse! ~ Warren Murphy,
486:Soon we will all eat stones. ~ John D MacDonald,
487:Stay awesome bros, I know you will. ~ PewDiePie,
488:Strike, if you will, but listen. ~ Themistocles,
489:Summoned or not, the god will come. ~ Carl Jung,
490:Sunlight will renew your pride. ~ Joni Mitchell,
491:That which begins will also end. ~ John O Brien,
492:The butterflies will be jangling. ~ Gabby Logan,
493:The envious will die, but envy never. ~ Moliere,
494:Their story will never be over. ~ Tarryn Fisher,
495:The leaves of change will come ~ Adrienne Woods,
496:The new deputy will be Fireheart, ~ Erin Hunter,
497:The unspeakable will be televised. ~ Roxane Gay,
498:This life will be a cage for you. ~ Leah Raeder,
499:Unhand my tail!" squealed the Will. ~ Garth Nix,
500:Virtuality will destroy reality. ~ Paul Virilio,
501:Wednesdays. You will strip away ~ Anthony Doerr,
502:We live to long, so long I will, ~ Jack Kerouac,
503:We will K‘Vruck the world. ~ Karen Marie Moning,
504:What will be / the sacred words? ~ Amiri Baraka,
505:What will I do to make the money? ~ Jen Sincero,
506:Where there is a will, There is a way ~ Unknown,
507:Whither thou goest, I will go ~ Cassandra Clare,
508:willing to give it a try. “What ~ Will McIntosh,
509:Will the reader turn the page? ~ John C Maxwell,
510:Will you wait for me forever? ~ Haruki Murakami,
511:Yes, I will spend the livelong day ~ W H Davies,
512:You and I will have our forever. ~ Truth Devour,
513:You can cry, ain't no shame in it. ~ Will Smith,
514:Your silence will not protect you ~ Audre Lorde,
515:Youth’s a stuff will not endure. ~ Jean Hegland,
516:You will come to agree with me. ~ Blue Balliett,
517:A cornered rat will bite the cat, ~ Kanae Minato,
518:All my life is in Spain. I will stay. ~ Paz Vega,
519:All things not at peace will cry out. ~ Lisa See,
520:Any doctor will do in an emergency. ~ Cao Xueqin,
521:Anything cracked will shatter at a touch. ~ Ovid,
522:Anything you shun will have won. ~ L Ron Hubbard,
523:Awe is the salve that will heal our eyes. ~ Rumi,
524:Beauty will save the world. ~ Fyodor Dostoyevsky,
525:Believe it and it will happen. ~ Michael Strahan,
526:Bid me to live, and I will live ~ Robert Herrick,
527:But I will never have a bride. ~ Cassandra Clare,
528:Enough anecdotes make a pattern. ~ George F Will,
529:Enough or will have to do ~ Leo Tolstoy,
530:Every answer will make more questions ~ Rajneesh,
531:Everyone I know who skis is dead. ~ Will Ferrell,
532:Everything will eventually come to an end, ~ Nas,
533:Face it and it will be less … ~ Stephen Richards,
534:Fashion will go out of fashion. ~ Rudi Gernreich,
535:Foolish questions will make you genius ~ Various,
536:For you, I always fucking will. ~ Krista Ritchie,
537:Freedom is the silence of the law. ~ George Will,
538:Free will was a hell of a gamble. ~ Kayla Krantz,
539:hatred will not cease by hatred ~ Dalai Lama XIV,
540:He feel’s that he will fly apart, ~ Stephen King,
541:I am and always will be a leader. ~ Derek Fisher,
542:I am who I was and who I will be. ~ Paulo Coelho,
543:I don't think comedy will ever die. ~ Kevin Hart,
544:If ballots won't work, bullets will. ~ Malcolm X,
545:If we do not try, we will not know. ~ Ayya Khema,
546:If we don't play God, who will? ~ James D Watson,
547:If you measure it, it will improve. ~ Seth Godin,
548:If you try to quit I will eat you! ~ Anne Bishop,
549:I trust you. Because you’re Will. ~ Sam Sisavath,
550:I will always have a stutter. ~ Nicholas Brendon,
551:I will be joyful in God my Savior. ~ Sarah Young,
552:I will be the one to leave you. ~ David Levithan,
553:I will drink life to the lees. ~ Alfred Tennyson,
554:I will either find a way or make one. ~ Hannibal,
555:I will move with the wind. ~ Mary Anne Radmacher,
556:I will never deny my King. ~ Wayne Thomas Batson,
557:I will not kiss your fucking flag ~ E E Cummings,
558:I will not leave you or forsake you. ~ Anonymous,
559:I will not live by rules like those. ~ Sophocles,
560:I will not live without love. ~ Vincent Van Gogh,
561:I will paint for money any time. ~ Winslow Homer,
562:I will through and through ~ William Shakespeare,
563:I will undo the universe for you. ~ Nalini Singh,
564:Japan will need to foster deep ~ George Friedman,
565:Jesus wants men who will rule well. ~ Tony Evans,
566:Love will be our medicine. ~ Marianne Williamson,
567:Love will make a way out of no way ~ Lynda Barry,
568:Nashville will never be the same. ~ Larry Gatlin,
569:Nothing is new except arrangement. ~ Will Durant,
570:Nothing will ever be the same. ~ Mark T Sullivan,
571:Once we are, we will always be. ~ Kao Kalia Yang,
572:Only storms turn fish into dragons, ~ Will Wight,
573:Paths that cross will cross again. ~ Patti Smith,
574:People who give will never be poor. ~ Anne Frank,
575:Perhaps our Okay will be our always ~ John Green,
576:political will is a renewable resource ~ Al Gore,
577:Posterity will pay everyone their due. ~ Tacitus,
578:Religion will never show the way. ~ Irving Stone,
579:Some people will never change. ~ Penelope Wilton,
580:Soon, the pain will be over! ~ Israelmore Ayivor,
581:The Beatles will go on and on. ~ George Harrison,
582:The good ideas will survive. ~ Quentin Tarantino,
583:The mind map will change your life. ~ Tony Buzan,
584:The planet will continue to cook. ~ Paul Krugman,
585:There is no humorist like history. ~ Will Durant,
586:There will never be no love at all. ~ Bob Marley,
587:This aggression will not stand ~ George H W Bush,
588:Victory is a thing of the will. ~ Ferdinand Foch,
589:Walker nodded. ‘I will,’ he said. ‘I ~ Lee Child,
590:What can go wrong will go wrong. ~ Ozzy Osbourne,
591:whatever has roots will have rights. ~ Anonymous,
592:What will survive of us is love. ~ Philip Larkin,
593:when theres a will theres a way ~ Joseph Delaney,
594:Whither thou goest, I will go. ~ Cassandra Clare,
595:Who will guard against the guardians? ~ Susan Ee,
596:will be a scientific adventure. ~ Kate DiCamillo,
597:will he be as good as he was before? ~ Anonymous,
598:Will is the soul of the universe. ~ Schopenhauer,
599:Will slams poems; I slam doors. ~ Colleen Hoover,
600:Will you marry me, Quinn O'Connor? ~ Keri Arthur,
601:Write like it matters, and it will. ~ Libba Bray,
602:You cannot, and will not, encounter ~ Gary Zukav,
603:You really will reap what you sew. ~ Tyler Perry,
604:Your electric bills will go down. ~ Donald Trump,
605:Your silence will not protect you. ~ Audre Lorde,
606:you will name him17 Jesus,18 because ~ Anonymous,
607:You will never go where God is not. ~ Max Lucado,
608:A heart set on love will do no wrong. ~ Confucius,
609:All I've undergone I will keep on. ~ Trent Reznor,
610:All will come out in the washing. ~ Francis Bacon,
611:And maybe, just maybe, it will. ~ Nicholas Sparks,
612:Any chance I get, I will dance. ~ Hillary Clinton,
613:A sequel that will exist just for us ~ John Green,
614:Astrology reveals the will of the gods. ~ Juvenal,
615:Bad aims will spoil good actions. ~ Thomas Watson,
616:Be liked and you will never want. ~ Arthur Miller,
617:Cats will outsmart dogs every time. ~ John Grogan,
618:Character is a perfectly educated will. ~ Novalis,
619:Easy will never be good enough. ~ Rachel E Carter,
620:Every stitch i sew will be a kiss. ~ Alice Walker,
621:From now on, I will be your father. ~ Erin Hunter,
622:Glibness will get your anywhere. ~ Philip Johnson,
623:Help yourself and God will help you ~ Joan of Arc,
624:I am enough, and I always will be. ~ Tahereh Mafi,
625:I can't tell where the journey will end ~ Avicii,
626:I don't really think in absolutes. ~ Will Ferrell,
627:If I am not I, who will be? ~ Henry David Thoreau,
628:If I catch them, I will kill them. ~ Yahya Jammeh,
629:If I persist long enough I will win. ~ Og Mandino,
630:If we don't end war, war will end us. ~ H G Wells,
631:I'm a cotton-headed ninny muggins. ~ Will Ferrell,
632:I'm not very good at impersonations. ~ Will Forte,
633:insight will help you very little. ~ Albert Ellis,
634:It will always be a fight. Always. ~ Claudia Gray,
635:i will always be a translation. ~ Nayyirah Waheed,
636:I will be Chateaubriand or nothing. ~ Victor Hugo,
637:I will eat grandfather for dinner. ~ Helen Keller,
638:I will find a way out or make one. ~ Robert Peary,
639:I will if you go out with me, Evans ~ J K Rowling,
640:I will knock the hell out of ISIS. ~ Donald Trump,
641:I will never forget you, Hollyleaf. ~ Erin Hunter,
642:I will never have my best season. ~ Brian Dawkins,
643:I will never let Israel down. ~ William J Clinton,
644:I will not go on a blind date. ~ Jordana Brewster,
645:I will not walk backward in life. ~ J R R Tolkien,
646:I will support the Republican nominee. ~ Jeb Bush,
647:I will vote my hopes and not my fears ~ Herb Kohl,
648:I will work when failures seek rest. ~ Og Mandino,
649:Knaves will come and knaves will go. ~ James Cook,
650:Maybe 'Okay' will be our 'always'... ~ John Green,
651:Never kick a cow chip on a hot day. ~ Will Rogers,
652:No man is great if he thinks he is. ~ Will Rogers,
653:Now the Taliban will pay a price. ~ George W Bush,
654:One lie will keep out forty truths. ~ Idries Shah,
655:Open my heart, and you will see ~ Robert Browning,
656:Quiet the mind and the soul will speak. ~ Ma Jaya,
657:Rationality will not save us. ~ Robert S McNamara,
658:So some will be left who remember. ~ Janet Morris,
659:So You will be what you will to be; ~ James Allen,
660:The centuries will burn rich loads ~ Wilfred Owen,
661:The game cannot be won, only played. ~ Will Smith,
662:The good will be welcome in heaven. ~ Mitch Albom,
663:There will grow from straws a mighty heap. ~ Ovid,
664:There will never be another now - ~ Helen Keller,
665:The sadness will last forever. ~ Vincent Van Gogh,
666:The sadness will last forever. ~ Vincent van Gogh,
667:The Titanic will protect itself. ~ Robert Ballard,
668:The will to do, the soul to dare.. ~ Walter Scott,
669:They who have faith will go through. ~ The Mother,
670:This antitrust thing will blow over. ~ Bill Gates,
671:This goodbye will only seem ~ John Walter Bratton,
672:Time's waters will not ebb nor stay. ~ John Keble,
673:Tomorrow will be a new day. ~ Miguel de Cervantes,
674:What a man wishes, he will believe. ~ Demosthenes,
675:What we will become depends on us ~ P Chidambaram,
676:What you feed will lead your life. ~ Jayce O Neal,
677:Why is Mr Universe always from Earth? ~ Will Self,
678:will drip from your own bones before ~ Tim LaHaye,
679:Will our Philosophy to later Life ~ Julian Huxley,
680:You are worth everything, Will. ~ Cassandra Clare,
681:Your body will never be familiar. ~ Leonard Cohen,
682:You will go most safely by the middle way. ~ Ovid,
683:You will not forestall my judgement! ~ Davy Jones,
684:37For no word from God will ever fail. ~ Anonymous,
685:A coder will be the next rock star. ~ Neelie Kroes,
686:Always drink upstream from the herd. ~ Will Rogers,
687:A man will be known by his books. ~ William Martin,
688:And that is why she will never be mine. ~ K M Shea,
689:and will stay a part of the football ~ Liam Lawson,
690:Be an artist. Don't say it, do it. ~ Will Gompertz,
691:Be brave. Things will find their shape. ~ Erin Bow,
692:But I will be a beautiful disaster. ~ Lyndsay Faye,
693:Close your eyes and you will see. ~ Joseph Joubert,
694:Cuba will be free. I already am. ~ Reinaldo Arenas,
695:Do right and you will be conspicuous. ~ Mark Twain,
696:Duty eats free will for breakfast. ~ Daryl Gregory,
697:Evil comes from the ABUSE of free will ~ C S Lewis,
698:Excel and you will get a mentor. ~ Sheryl Sandberg,
699:Fall if you will, but rise you must. ~ James Joyce,
700:Fight for faith, and hope will be born. ~ Nely Cab,
701:For Love will still be lord of all. ~ Walter Scott,
702:He is a longing I will never cure. ~ Tarryn Fisher,
703:He vainly said that human will is free, ~ Voltaire,
704:he who will not economize will agonize ~ Confucius,
705:He who will not risk cannot win. ~ John Paul Jones,
706:• • •  “How long will you be gone? ~ John Flanagan,
707:I can be whatever I will to be. ~ Charles F Haanel,
708:If I won't be myself, who will? ~ Alfred Hitchcock,
709:If you won't believe in yourself, who will? ~ Ishi,
710:I love you. I will always love you. ~ Nalini Singh,
711:I love you still,
Against my will. ~ Sarah Kane,
712:I'm not afraid to die on a treadmill. ~ Will Smith,
713:In oratory the will must predominate. ~ David Hare,
714:In which witches will be witches ~ Neal Stephenson,
715:I shall die, but I will not kill. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
716:It says “I will always love you. ~ Vanessa Fewings,
717:It's only pain, it will not hurt you. ~ Bas Rutten,
718:It Will Be As If I Never Existed ~ Stephenie Meyer,
719:It will hurt. Pain makes you strong. ~ Holly Black,
720:It will take time to restore chaos ~ George W Bush,
721:I will always dance in the street. ~ Martha Reeves,
722:I will be rich or I will die trying. ~ T Harv Eker,
723:I will be stronger than my sadness ~ Jasmine Warga,
724:I will fight for you forever.” She ~ Elaine Levine,
725:I will get stoned and worship Satan. ~ Kurt Cobain,
726:I will never ever sell Neverland ~ Michael Jackson,
727:...I will not be silent any longer. ~ John Yarmuth,
728:I will pay you in trouble and terror. ~ Tanith Lee,
729:I will read anything rather than work. ~ Jean Kerr,
730:I will say I am the sum of my books. ~ V S Naipaul,
731:I will write myself into well-being. ~ Nancy Mairs,
732:Kid ... Comics will break your heart. ~ Jack Kirby,
733:Kill the head, the body will die. ~ Gregg Williams,
734:Kindness will always attract kindness. ~ Sophocles,
735:Legalize it, and I will advertise it. ~ Peter Tosh,
736:Life and light will not let me be. ~ Paula Hawkins,
737:Love God, then do what you will. ~ Saint Augustine,
738:Love, love will tear us apart, again. ~ Ian Curtis,
739:love will always outlast fear.” He ~ Jay Crownover,
740:My body and my will are one. ~ Arthur Schopenhauer,
741:My corpse will smell wonderful. ~ Victoria Aveyard,
742:My future will be better than my past. ~ Lil Wayne,
743:Negative people will always criticize ~ Shiv Khera,
744:Never miss a good chance to shut up. ~ Will Rogers,
745:Nick Cannon or Will never did it this ill. ~ Drake,
746:No honest man will argue on every side ~ Sophocles,
747:No one will ever feel sorry for me. ~ Rose Kennedy,
748:Nothing will come of nothing ~ William Shakespeare,
749:Now I will have less distraction. ~ Leonhard Euler,
750:Obama will learn from his mistakes. ~ Ron Fournier,
751:Only the nerds will save the earth. ~ John Hodgman,
752:People will always make comparisons. ~ Don DeLillo,
753:PSALM 91:16: You will live a long life ~ Anonymous,
754:Scale will get you strategy. ~ Nicholas Negroponte,
755:Someday, the stars will reach back. ~ Rachel Caine,
756:tell me to stop and i will ~ Jennifer L Armentrout,
757:The future will be a better tomorrow. ~ Dan Quayle,
758:The future will be better tomorrow ~ George W Bush,
759:The living will envy the dead. ~ Nikita Khrushchev,
760:The public must and will be served. ~ William Penn,
761:There will be a libertarian president ~ Joe Trippi,
762:the upright will experience his favor. ~ Anonymous,
763:The will to act is a renewable resource. ~ Al Gore,
764:The will to meaning comes from within. ~ Anonymous,
765:The world will always need a drink ~ Gillian Flynn,
766:Things work in spite of me sometimes. ~ Will Smith,
767:Those who stay where they are will endure. ~ Laozi,
768:Tim Curry is God. He will distract me. ~ Nikki Rae,
769:Today, I will strive for balance. ~ Melody Beattie,
770:to feel properly awkward, I felt Will ~ Jojo Moyes,
771:Tomorrow the mirrors will mock me ~ Anna Akhmatova,
772:Truth is mighty and it will prevail. ~ George Ezra,
773:We will find a way or we shall make one ~ Hannibal,
774:We Will Remember Them - Lest we Forget ~ Anonymous,
775:What cannot be said, will get wept. ~ Jim Harrison,
776:What drug will keep night from coming? ~ Neko Case,
777:What is well planted will not be uprooted. ~ Laozi,
778:When liberty returns, I will return. ~ Victor Hugo,
779:When the flower opens, the bees will come. ~ Kabir,
780:When the sun dies we will become one. ~ Ruth Stone,
781:When we believe it, we will see it! ~ Dewitt Jones,
782:Where waste occurs, want will follow ~ Osamu Dazai,
783:Where will wants not, a way opens. ~ J R R Tolkien,
784:Whoever acts with respect will get respect. ~ Rumi,
785:Who will guard against the guardians? I ~ Susan Ee,
786:Who will observe the observers? ~ Arthur Eddington,
787:Will slam poems and I slam doors. ~ Colleen Hoover,
788:Will you marry me, Zane?” “Yes.” Ty ~ Abigail Roux,
789:Will you please shut the hell up!? ~ Chris Jericho,
790:will you please stop assaulting the air ~ L P Maxa,
791:Will you remember me when I'm gone? ~ Phil Donahue,
792:Your hate will be your bitter end. ~ Dahvie Vanity,
793:Your infatuation will end in tears. ~ Iris Murdoch,
794:You will be caked in your own body. ~ Markus Zusak,
795:You will travel in a Land of Marvels ~ Jules Verne,
796:All colours will agree in the dark. ~ Francis Bacon,
797:All you will get from me is death. ~ Patrick deWitt,
798:America will never ever be the same. ~ Donald Trump,
799:An it harm none, do what ye will. ~ Doreen Valiente,
800:Anything that can happen, will happen. ~ Julie Chen,
801:As the government is, such will be the man. ~ Plato,
802:Bad attitudes will ruin your team. ~ Terry Bradshaw,
803:Baseball is Heaven's gift to mortals. ~ George Will,
804:Beauty will no longer be forbidden. ~ H l ne Cixous,
805:Beauty will save the world ~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn,
806:Be virtuous and you will be eccentric. ~ Mark Twain,
807:Be yourself and people will like you. ~ Jeff Kinney,
808:Birdes of a feather will flocke togither. ~ Martial,
809:Brick by brick, I will destroy you. ~ Leigh Bardugo,
810:Cheer up, things will get worse. ~ Bikram Choudhury,
811:Control your destiny or somebody will. ~ Jack Welch,
812:Don't quit. It will happen one day. ~ Chetan Bhagat,
813:Do what you will, only do something. ~ John Lubbock,
814:Everything will be solar in 30 years. ~ Ralph Nader,
815:Evil will win if good people do nothing. ~ P C Cast,
816:Forgive yourself - no one else will. ~ Maya Angelou,
817:Gay marriage will destroy the family ~ Pope Francis,
818:God will defeat the great infidels. ~ Mohammed Omar,
819:God will forgive me. It's his job. ~ Heinrich Heine,
820:God will provide for all of my needs. ~ Joyce Meyer,
821:have hoped; I am hoping; I will hope. ~ Amor Towles,
822:He that will be surety, shall pay. ~ George Herbert,
823:Hillary Clinton hasn't created a job. ~ George Will,
824:I am not normal. I never will be. ~ Kerrelyn Sparks,
825:I became a Catholic against my will. ~ Shusaku Endo,
826:I believe engineers will save the world. ~ Jay Leno,
827:If I have a day off I will play golf. ~ Dean Norris,
828:If I repent now will God forgive me? ~ Rabia Basri,
829:If it comes easy, it will go fast. ~ Andrena Sawyer,
830:I hope that gay gentleman will be safe. ~ Jean Rhys,
831:I know you will find what's missing. ~ Jen Calonita,
832:I'm cold, Religiously cold. ~ Will Christopher Baer,
833:I'm not Stravinsky, I never will be. ~ Terry Bozzio,
834:I never lied to you and I never will. ~ Jaci Burton,
835:I never met a man that I didn't like. ~ Will Rogers,
836:In the end, you will always kneel. ~ Tom Hiddleston,
837:I paint flowers so they will not die. ~ Frida Kahlo,
838:I think confidence will come back. ~ Warren Buffett,
839:It will happen but it will take time. ~ John Bowlby,
840:It will not always be summer: build barns. ~ Hesiod,
841:I was what you are, you will be what I am. ~ Horace,
842:I will always be found, never alone. ~ Anne Heltzel,
843:I will always catch you when you fall ~ Lauren Kate,
844:i will always tell you the truth. ~ Stephenie Meyer,
845:I will be stronger than my sadness. ~ Jasmine Warga,
846:I will either find a way or make one ~ Kendall Ryan,
847:I will get my respect or I will die. ~ Ken Shamrock,
848:I will never play for the Miami Heat. ~ Rajon Rondo,
849:I will never vote for Donald Trump. ~ Bret Stephens,
850:I will not be pawn in their games ~ Suzanne Collins,
851:I will send a shower of roses. ~ Saint Therese of Lisieux,
852:I will speak with a straight tongue. ~ Chief Joseph,
853:I will surrender to the moment today. ~ Karan Casey,
854:Joy comes from using your potential. ~ Will Schultz,
855:Know all and you will pardon all. ~ Thomas a Kempis,
856:Learn as if you will live forever. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
857:life troubles will find you don't find them. ~ Emma,
858:Liverpool will always be my home. ~ David Morrissey,
859:Long as I live large, life will be luxury, ~ Redman,
860:Love will always be among Ash and Ember, ~ Dani Ren,
861:Love Will Save You Cameron Pierce ~ Ross E Lockhart,
862:My first love will always be movies. ~ Greg Mottola,
863:My name will be Edith Prior,” she says. ~ Anonymous,
864:Nobody will save us from us but us. ~ Jesse Jackson,
865:No one will remember you. ~ Frances Hodgson Burnett,
866:No one will snatch them out of My hand. ~ Anonymous,
867:Often your face is your autobiography ~ Will Durant,
868:Only the dead will know the end of the war. ~ Plato,
869:Phall if you but will, rise you must. ~ James Joyce,
870:Philosophy will clip an angel's wings. ~ John Keats,
871:Ray Wilkins' day will come one night ~ Bobby Robson,
872:remeber that for life you will need it. ~ Anonymous,
873:Seek—and you will find. Only believe. ~ Sarah Young,
874:Software will never replace the Koran. ~ Dan Wieden,
875:Something once lost will never return ~ Yana Toboso,
876:Sports is the toy department of life. ~ George Will,
877:Subdue your passion or it will subdue you. ~ Horace,
878:Suffer you will, one way or another ~ Nilesh Rathod,
879:That which two will, takes effect. ~ George Herbert,
880:The #18 jersey will never be worn again ~ Jim Irsay,
881:The end of the world will be legal. ~ Thomas Merton,
882:their blood will be on their own heads. ~ Anonymous,
883:Then I will speak upon the ashes. ~ Sojourner Truth,
884:The rest will take care of itself. ~ Robin S Sharma,
885:There will always be survivors. ~ Robert A Heinlein,
886:There will be no Palestinian state ~ Max Blumenthal,
887:There will be water if God wills it. ~ Stephen King,
888:The world will always want a drink. ~ Gillian Flynn,
889:To-morrow I will live, the fool does say; ~ Martial,
890:Trust thyself, and thy works will soar. ~ Sara King,
891:We will rise up red as the dawn. ~ Victoria Aveyard,
892:What a beautiful world this will be ~ Donald Fagen,
893:What’s meant to be will find a way. ~ Jennifer Foor,
894:What we can do, we will try to do. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
895:What we know will pass, we can endure ~ Zo Marriott,
896:What you think, so you will become. ~ Napoleon Hill,
897:When a bee flies, a soul will rise, ~ Sue Monk Kidd,
898:When Addy died and her will decreed ~ Jude Deveraux,
899:Where ever I go, God will be with me. ~ Yasiel Puig,
900:Where there’s a will, there’s a way. ~ Lisa Jackson,
901:Wherever I find love I will accept it. ~ M F Husain,
902:Who lies for you will lie against you. ~ John Locke,
903:Who then will explain the explanation? ~ Lord Byron,
904:Who will guard us against the guardians? ~ Susan Ee,
905:Will was now all man. And all cowboy. ~ B J Daniels,
906:Will you pretend you're my boyfriend? ~ Patti Smith,
907:With an apple I will astonish Paris. ~ Paul Cezanne,
908:With will will we withstand, withsay. ~ James Joyce,
909:Work! work! and God will work with us! ~ Mark Twain,
910:You're my home. I will find you. ~ Aleksandr Voinov,
911:You will be melancholy, if you are solitary. ~ Ovid,
912:You will wish and not wish to see. ~ Carlos Fuentes,
913:Zeal will do more than knowledge. ~ William Hazlitt,
914:A drowning man will clutch at a straw. ~ Thomas More,
915:A fool and his money are soon elected. ~ Will Rogers,
916:Always do what will cost you the most. ~ Simone Weil,
917:And I will never, ever lose count. ~ Debra Anastasia,
918:And power will always consume itself. ~ Paul Jenkins,
919:A passion thwarted will often go astray. ~ Garth Nix,
920:A rain will fall, but the dirt it tough ~ Bob Marley,
921:are the last woman I will ever love. ~ Jamie McGuire,
922:Art will always be art. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
923:Authority will lead you into ruin. ~ Terence McKenna,
924:Begin now what you will be hereafter. ~ Saint Jerome,
925:Be my brother or I will kill you. ~ Nicolas Chamfort,
926:Be the sun and all will see you. ~ Fyodor Dostoevsky,
927:But today--today I will just be. ~ Francisco X Stork,
928:Communism is the opiate of the people. ~ Will Durant,
929:Country music will never be the same. ~ Larry Gatlin,
931:Drugs will turn you into your parents. ~ Frank Zappa,
932:Easier will always win out over harder. ~ James Cook,
933:Every life has a file, if you will. ~ Joseph Brodsky,
934:Every unjust man is unjust against his will. ~ Plato,
935:For I have learned that every heart will get ~ Hafez,
936:for I will hasten my word to perform it. ~ Anonymous,
937:Grace will take you places hustling can ~ Bren Brown,
938:happened has happened, be will be ~ Abraham Verghese,
939:Heal the boy and the man will appear. ~ Tony Robbins,
940:Hesitation will get you killed. ~ Laurell K Hamilton,
941:He that commands us, will enable us. ~ Thomas Watson,
942:He wants to make an end. And we will. ~ Anthony Ryan,
943:He who eats my bread does my will. ~ Marcus Aurelius,
944:I am not a has-been. I am a will-be. ~ Lauren Bacall,
945:If I cannot move heaven, I will raise hell. ~ Virgil,
946:If I don’t do this, no one else will. ~ Sarah Ahiers,
947:If something's bound to happen, it will ~ Aristotle,
948:If we burn, You will burn with us! ~ Suzanne Collins,
949:If we get lucky, it will grow hair. ~ Kirsten Miller,
950:If you have desire, you have will. ~ Rachel E Carter,
951:I know I'm the guy others will lean on. ~ Tim Duncan,
952:I think it says, 'Color will not fade. ~ Ann Aguirre,
953:It is amazing what women in love will do ~ Anonymous,
954:It will all end very badly, Gus ~ John Kennedy Toole,
955:I will claim the soul of The Undertaker ~ Bray Wyatt,
956:I will close my eyes and leap. ~ Mary Anne Radmacher,
957:I will maintain it before the whole world. ~ Moliere,
958:I will never retire unless I have to. ~ Dolly Parton,
959:I will wear any skin to get in. ~ Karen Marie Moning,
960:Josh Freeman will be an MVP candidate. ~ Warren Sapp,
961:Just show up and things will happen. ~ Mother Teresa,
962:know yourself and you will win all battles ~ Sun Tzu,
963:Let go, allow, and it will be yours. ~ Deepak Chopra,
964:Love is the law, love under will. ~ Aleister Crowley,
965:Love will enter cloaked in friendship's name. ~ Ovid,
966:Maybe the universe will get tired of me. ~ Jorja Fox,
967:My life is littered with bad decisions. ~ Will Forte,
968:Naxal flag will soon fly in delhi ~ George Fernandes,
969:Never trust a duck -Will Herondale ~ Cassandra Clare,
970:Nobody will live your life for you. ~ Sunday Adelaja,
971:None of us can chose where we will love. ~ Susan Kay,
972:nothing bad will ever happen to me. ~ Sarah A Denzil,
973:Oh, what a day. I will make it a holiday. ~ Dr Seuss,
974:One day you will be nostalgic for today. ~ Lang Leav,
975:Pain will leave you, when you let go ~ Jeremy Aldana,
976:Please all, and you will please none. ~ Jeff Wheeler,
977:Put your good where it will do the most! ~ Tom Wolfe,
978:Reading will give you lasting pleasure. ~ Laura Bush,
979:Rule your mind or it will rule you. ~ Gautama Buddha,
980:School is the path, not the point. ~ Will Richardson,
981:Science will win because it works. ~ Stephen Hawking,
982:See the truth, and you will see me. ~ Gautama Buddha,
983:Sloth, not ill-will, makes me unjust. ~ Mason Cooley,
984:Smile and others will smile back. ~ Jean Baudrillard,
985:The Beatles will exist without us. ~ George Harrison,
986:The Loser Now Will Be Later to Win ~ Walter Isaacson,
987:The loss of life will be irreplaceable. ~ Dan Quayle,
988:The mice will see you now," he said. ~ Douglas Adams,
989:The mice will see you now,” he said. ~ Douglas Adams,
990:The person that works the hardest wins. ~ Will Smith,
991:There will be an answer. Let it be. ~ Paul McCartney,
992:There will be time to murder and create. ~ T S Eliot,
993:The same ones you love will bring you pain. ~ J Cole,
994:The truth will come out in the end. ~ Joseph Estrada,
995:This is what will remain unforgotten ~ Jessica Brody,
996:Those who fled will fight another time. ~ Tertullian,
997:Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him ~ R C Sproul,
998:Through love, all pain will turn to medicine. ~ Rumi,
999:Thy will, not ours, be done. ~ Grace Livingston Hill,
1000:Time will say nothing but I told you so. ~ W H Auden,
1001:To he who knocks, the door will open. ~ Paulo Coelho,
1002:Tonight, there will be a sacrafice! ~ The Undertaker,
1003:Too many rules will stifle innovation. ~ Sergey Brin,
1004:To pay flattery their country will bleed. ~ Taliesin,
1005:To those who will see, the world waits. ~ Libba Bray,
1006:Truth is whatever people will believe. ~ Roger Ailes,
1007:Ultimately they will all disappoint you. ~ Anne Rice,
1008:United will break caution to the wind ~ Glenn Hoddle,
1009:warriors. “So will I,” mewed Dustpelt. ~ Erin Hunter,
1010:We’ll do our best.” “I know you will. ~ Ernest Cline,
1011:We will rise up, Red as the dawn. ~ Victoria Aveyard,
1012:We will sell no wine before its time. ~ Orson Welles,
1013:When the cats away, the mice will play. ~ Bob Marley,
1014:Where there’s a will, there’s a way. ~ Angela Merkel,
1015:Who has self-confidence will lead the rest. ~ Horace,
1016:Who pleases one against his will. ~ William Congreve,
1017:Who will you choose to have your back? ~ Bill Jensen,
1018:Will Cooper prefers the whole Lake. ~ Colleen Hoover,
1019:Will you draw me a sheep? ~ Antoine de Saint Exup ry,
1020:Will you teach me how to smile like that? ~ Otsuichi,
1021:Without the ice, the earth will fall ~ Emma Thompson,
1022:Your homecoming will be my homecoming ~ E E Cummings,
1023:Your homecoming will be my homecoming ~ e e cummings,
1024:You will become whoever you want to be. ~ Paul Arden,
1025:Zeal, the blind conductor of the will. ~ John Dryden,
1026:Abandon learning and there will be no sorrow. ~ Laozi,
1027:A character is a completely fashioned will. ~ Novalis,
1028:All wars will be settled by sea power. ~ Erich Raeder,
1029:am quite sure that one day we will open a ~ Ginny Dye,
1030:As the tree is bent, so it will grow. ~ Bill O Reilly,
1031:Begin each day as if it were on purpose. ~ Will Smith,
1032:Be killing sin or it will be killing you. ~ John Owen,
1033:be killing sin or it will be killing you. ~ John Owen,
1034:Be still and the earth will speak to you. ~ Lisa Shea,
1035:Be sure thy sin will find thee out. ~ Agatha Christie,
1036:Be the sun and all will see you. ~ Fyodor Dostoyevsky,
1037:Books will always be there for you. ~ Cassandra Clare,
1038:But virtue never will be mov'd, ~ William Shakespeare,
1039:Change and everything will change for you. ~ Jim Rohn,
1040:Cities are made for enemies to destroy. ~ Will Oldham,
1041:Cowardice, the dread of what will happen. ~ Epictetus,
1042:day sleeper. solicitors will be eaten. ~ Kim Harrison,
1043:Death will obliterate everything soon ~ gota Krist f,
1044:Democracy will be dead by 1950. ~ John Langdon Davies,
1045:Enter freely and of your own free will! ~ Bram Stoker,
1046:Everyone will be famous for 15 minutes. ~ Andy Warhol,
1047:Fear will teach you where to be careful. ~ Malinda Lo,
1048:fervent, will not cure the afflicted. Nor ~ Greg Iles,
1049:Find purpose. The means will follow. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
1050:Fire, if neglected, will soon gain strength. ~ Horace,
1051:For with God nothing will be impossible. ~ Tim LaHaye,
1052:Get the mind right, the body will follow ~ Greg Plitt,
1053:Give me what I want and I will go away ~ Stephen King,
1054:God will pardon me. It is His trade. ~ Heinrich Heine,
1055:Greater stories will have their way. ~ Mary E Pearson,
1056:He’s already given up. I will not. ~ Victoria Aveyard,
1057:He who can believe himself well, will be well. ~ Ovid,
1058:He who eats my bread, does my will. ~ Marcus Aurelius,
1059:He will neither fail you nor abandon you. ~ Anonymous,
1060:his men will betray you in the end—you ~ Scott McEwen,
1061:Humor will relieve an awkward moment. ~ Loretta Chase,
1062:I am in love and out of it I will not go. ~ C S Lewis,
1063:I am obstinate and I will not give in. ~ Jane Goodall,
1064:If nobody will help you do it alone! ~ Michael Jordan,
1065:If something bad can happen, it will. ~ Warren Murphy,
1066:If we cannot find a way, we will make one. ~ Hannibal,
1067:If you think it, the camera will see it. ~ Wes Craven,
1068:If you work hard, it will pay off. ~ Amandla Stenberg,
1069:I have hoped; I am hoping; I will hope. ~ Amor Towles,
1070:I hope Mr. Bingley will like it, Lizzy. ~ Jane Austen,
1071:I just want to do God’s will. ~ Martin Luther King Jr,
1072:I'll never know how to live, will you? ~ Alice Notley,
1073:Inappropriate behavior makes me laugh. ~ Will Ferrell,
1074:It will be as if I’d never existed. ~ Stephenie Meyer,
1075:It will work. I am a marketing genius. ~ Paris Hilton,
1076:I will advocate for Kentucky's interests. ~ Rand Paul,
1077:I will always look to you for light ~ Cassandra Clare,
1078:I will be Chateaubriand or nothing.
   ~ Vicktor Hugo,
1079:I will become her Gallowglass ~ Lauren Baratz Logsted,
1080:I will either find a way, or make one. ~ Kate Elliott,
1081:I will have nothing to do with a bomb! ~ Lise Meitner,
1082:I will live this day as if it is my last ~ Og Mandino,
1083:I will love thee to the death, ~ Alfred Lord Tennyson,
1084:I will not make anymore boring art. ~ John Baldessari,
1085:I will offer a choice, not an echo. ~ Barry Goldwater,
1086:I will omit but I will not distort. ~ Cleveland Amory,
1087:I will think about that tomorrow! ~ Margaret Mitchell,
1088:I will walk where failures fear to walk. ~ Og Mandino,
1089:I will write my way into another life. ~ Ann Patchett,
1090:I will write with honesty and feeling. ~ Ted Nicholas,
1091:Just accept it will be a bad night, ~ Suzanne Collins,
1092:Kill time and you will kill your career. ~ B C Forbes,
1093:Knock, and the door will be opened to you ~ Anonymous,
1094:Laugh at love and love will make you cry. ~ Ai Yazawa,
1095:Life will pay any price you ask of it. ~ Tony Robbins,
1096:Love me or I will kick you very hard. ~ Russell Hoban,
1097:Love will conquer at the last. ~ Alfred Lord Tennyson,
1098:Maybe the new me will be different. ~ Beatrice Sparks,
1099:Mistakes will be made, make no mistake ~ Garth Crooks,
1100:My heart is, and always will be, yours. ~ Jane Austen,
1101:Never trust a duck - Will Herondale ~ Cassandra Clare,
1102:No arguments will give courage to the coward. ~ Aesop,
1103:One science only will one genius fit ~ Alexander Pope,
1104:One writes not by will but by surrender. ~ Erica Jong,
1105:(...) or there will be a reckoning! ~ Terry Pratchett,
1106:or there will be wigs on the green. ~ Patrick O Brian,
1107:Otis! Will you PLEASE stop killing me! ~ Rick Riordan,
1108:Pain will no longer be our curse, Molly ~ Rosalie Ham,
1109:Personal philosophy: Clothing optional ~ Will Ferrell,
1110:Perspective will come in retrospect. ~ Melody Beattie,
1111:Play with fire and you WILL get burned. ~ Terry Spear,
1112:Poetry is queer really, just by nature. ~ Will Walton,
1113:Repect yourself... The rest will follow. ~ Pythagoras,
1114:Testing, we will never do enough of it. ~ Greg LeMond,
1115:That which is for you will not pass you by. ~ Various,
1116:The black church will accept anybody. ~ James McBride,
1117:The bow always strung ... will not do. ~ George Eliot,
1118:The case for democracy is not esthetic. ~ George Will,
1119:The enemies of freedom will not prevail. ~ Bill Frist,
1120:There's no fear when you're having fun. ~ Will Thomas,
1121:There’s no fear when you’re having fun. ~ Will Thomas,
1122:there will be books written about Harry ~ J K Rowling,
1123:There will be killing till the score is paid. ~ Homer,
1124:There will never be a maybe someday. ~ Colleen Hoover,
1125:The Rock will always come back to us. ~ Vince McMahon,
1126:These trifles will lead to serious mischief. ~ Horace,
1127:The settled will of the Scottish people. ~ John Smith,
1128:The stuff I own will no longer own me. ~ Frank Warren,
1129:The truth will abolish fear.” When ~ Malala Yousafzai,
1130:The wrists will then also be shackled ~ Bill O Reilly,
1131:Things are only boring if you are boring. ~ Will Self,
1132:This time it will be a long one. ~ Georges Clemenceau,
1133:those called will learn to trust God. ~ Scot McKnight,
1134:Those who are quiet will always cause riots. ~ Dr Dre,
1135:Though strength be wanting, the will to action ~ Ovid,
1136:Through love all that is bitter will be sweet. ~ Rumi,
1137:Time and tide will wait for no man, ~ Charles Dickens,
1138:Time will unveil all things to posterity. ~ Euripides,
1139:To all my enemies, I will destroy it. ~ Frankie Boyle,
1140:To be or to do? Which way will you go? ~ Ryan Holiday,
1141:Today will die tomorrow. ~ Algernon Charles Swinburne,
1142:To die will be an awfully big adventure. ~ J M Barrie,
1143:Tom Carnegie will never be replaced. ~ Mario Andretti,
1144:Tomorrow we will do beautiful things. ~ Antonio Gaudi,
1145:To one who knocks, the door will open. ~ Paulo Coelho,
1146:True love will never fade like a rainbow. ~ Jon Jones,
1147:Two years from now, spam will be solved. ~ Bill Gates,
1148:We will always be tethered.       The End ~ L D Davis,
1149:We will not be caught in no man's land. ~ Masai Ujiri,
1150:What a society honors will be cultivated. ~ Aristotle,
1151:What don't kill me will just make me crazier ~ Eyedea,
1152:When I marry my name will not change. ~ Kim Clijsters,
1153:When you find Love,
you will find yourself. ~ Rumi,
1154:where there is a will there is a way . ~ Pauline Kael,
1155:Whoever is happy will make others happy. ~ Anne Frank,
1156:Who knows where the road will lead us ~ Frank Sinatra,
1157:Will is not unfrequently weakness. ~ George MacDonald,
1158:Will this coffee get me an Oscar? ~ Leonardo DiCaprio,
1159:Woe and death to all who resist my will! ~ Wilhelm II,
1160:Yes, we will marry you!” she exclaimed. ~ Abbi Glines,
1161:You bet your Grannie's Panties I will. ~ Kim Harrison,
1162:You do not know what you will earn tomorrow. ~ Luqman,
1163:You may delay, but time will not. ~ Benjamin Franklin,
1164:You must take the will for the deed. ~ Jonathan Swift,
1165:Your time will come to follow me Jew ~ Adolf Eichmann,
1166:You will hardly conquer, but conquer you must. ~ Ovid,
1167:You will never fully convince ~ Nassim Nicholas Taleb,
1168:Action will destroy your procrastination. ~ Og Mandino,
1169:A fallible being will fail somewhere. ~ Samuel Johnson,
1170:A falling drop at last will carve a stone. ~ Lucretius,
1171:Aim at a high mark and you will hit it. ~ Annie Oakley,
1172:Alcohol is like Photoshop for real life ~ Will Ferrell,
1173:All will be well, if we do what is right ~ Dean Koontz,
1174:Beauty will be convulsive or not at all. ~ Andr Breton,
1175:Brazil was, is, and will be in fashion. ~ Gilberto Gil,
1176:Change is no loss, Will. Not always. ~ Cassandra Clare,
1177:Cowardice, the dread of what will happen. ~ Epictetus,
1178:Danger is very real but fear is a choice. ~ Will Smith,
1179:Envy will merit, as its shade, pursue ~ Alexander Pope,
1180:everything that can happen will happen. ~ Blake Crouch,
1181:Favour will as surely perish as life. ~ George Herbert,
1182:Find people who will make you better. ~ Michelle Obama,
1183:Find what you want. I will find you. ~ Lloyd Alexander,
1184:For what it will make of you to achieve it. ~ Jim Rohn,
1185:Free's all the rage these days ~ Lauren Kate,
1186:Garden as though you will live forever. ~ William Kent,
1187:God will pardon: That's His business. ~ Heinrich Heine,
1188:Go quietly alone, no harm will befall you. ~ John Muir,
1189:Hard roads require will of steel! ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
1190:Hard to grasp democracy without free will. ~ Toba Beta,
1191:Help thyself, and God will help thee. ~ George Herbert,
1192:[H]e who fears to lose will never win. ~ David Gemmell,
1193:He who is attached to things will suffer much. ~ Laozi,
1194:He who will travel far spares his steed. ~ Jean Racine,
1195:How soon will time cover all things. ~ Marcus Aurelius,
1196:Huddersfield will want to win this one. ~ Ron Atkinson,
1197:I am a fork, and I will stick you! ~ S ren Kierkegaard,
1198:I am not John Lennon; I never will be! ~ Julian Lennon,
1199:I am not okay.

But I will be fine. ~ Anonymous,
1200:If he is smart, he will run. He is not. ~ R L LaFevers,
1201:If Iran cheats, the world will know it. ~ Barack Obama,
1202:if the hurt comes
so will the happiness ~ Rupi Kaur,
1203:if we do not venture somebody else will; ~ Jane Austen,
1204:If you let them kill you, they will ~ Charles Bukowski,
1205:If you pray more you will pray better. ~ Mother Teresa,
1206:If you want somethin', go get it. Period. ~ Will Smith,
1207:I know not what tomorrow will bring. ~ Fernando Pessoa,
1208:I love you. You will always have my love. ~ Maya Banks,
1209:I’m certain there will be a retaliation. ~ Layla Hagen,
1210:Indecision will be your epitaph. ~ Upamanyu Chatterjee,
1211:I never liked you, and I always will. ~ Samuel Goldwyn,
1212:I try to be bad, but nobody will let me. ~ Nick Carter,
1213:It's amazing what a spray-on tan will do. ~ David Cook,
1214:I vote for whoever will annoy my dad. ~ Jack Whitehall,
1215:I will despair, and be at enmity ~ William Shakespeare,
1216:I will either find a way or make one. ~ Pepper Winters,
1217:I will fill the poems with great pain ~ Dorothea Lasky,
1218:I will find strength in what remains. ~ Kristin Hannah,
1219:I will go back and forth and never be ~ Dorothea Lasky,
1220:I will kill myself before letting her go. ~ Katy Evans,
1221:I will leave no memoirs. ~ Isidore Ducasse Lautreamont,
1222:I will meet the world's demands and win! ~ Bob Proctor,
1223:I will not be back after these messages ~ Merv Griffin,
1224:I will not take "but" for an answer. ~ Langston Hughes,
1225:I will show you fear in a handful of dust. ~ T S Eliot,
1226:Keep cool and you will command everyone. ~ Justinian I,
1227:Know you will win and you will win! ~ Stephen Richards,
1228:Love: It will kill you and save you, both. ~ Anonymous,
1229:Love, love will be my strongest weapon ~ Michael Stipe,
1230:Love what you will never believe twice. ~ Alain Badiou,
1231:Love will find a way against time itself. ~ Sylvia Day,
1232:Men will not always die quietly. ~ John Maynard Keynes,
1233:Never mind your happiness; do your duty. ~ Will Durant,
1234:No, but you're wrong now, and always will be. ~ Horace,
1235:No one will want a piece of us in 2009. ~ Charlie Weis,
1236:Nothing will replace good journalism. ~ Alexis Ohanian,
1237:Now God be praised, I will die in peace. ~ James Wolfe,
1238:Oh what a poet I will flay myself into. ~ Sylvia Plath,
1239:One of you will eventually kill the other. ~ Anonymous,
1240:Only lunatics can be completely original ~ Will Durant,
1241:Out of many things a great heap will be formed. ~ Ovid,
1242:Paradise will be a kind of library ~ Jorge Luis Borges,
1243:Peace will come when people have food. ~ Momofuku Ando,
1244:Plate tectonics will be plate tectonics. ~ N K Jemisin,
1245:Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be) ~ Doris Day,
1246:Reason and truth will prevail at last ~ Samuel Johnson,
1247:Ride the silver fish; you will not drown ~ Neil Gaiman,
1248:Ridge Lawson, will you sign my boobs? ~ Colleen Hoover,
1249:Running and reading are the keys of life. ~ Will Smith,
1250:Running away will never make you free. ~ Kenny Loggins,
1251:See innocently and you will give life. ~ Deepak Chopra,
1252:Self, listen for moment, I will speak to you. ~ Martyn,
1253:She will not die today. I won't let her. ~ Erin Hunter,
1254:Some people will always be disappointed. ~ Len Wiseman,
1255:So you will be...  What you 'will' to be ~ James Allen,
1256:Stay a little and news will find you. ~ George Herbert,
1257:Surrender, and all will be well. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
1258:that has been and that will be. Such ~ Ronald H Balson,
1259:That will be ere the set of sun. ~ William Shakespeare,
1260:The good men will come, when your whole ~ Kenya Wright,
1261:The heart will break, but broken live on. ~ Lord Byron,
1262:The keys to life are running and reading. ~ Will Smith,
1263:The LORD will bless His people with peace. ~ Anonymous,
1264:The pupil will eclipse his tutor, I warrant. ~ Juvenal,
1265:The real question is who will innovate. ~ Guy Kawasaki,
1266:There will always be an underground. ~ Chuck Palahniuk,
1267:The unbeaten brat will remain unlearned, ~ R K Narayan,
1268:The will of man is his happiness. ~ Friedrich Schiller,
1269:The world will be saved by beauty. ~ Fyodor Dostoevsky,
1270:They want the way it will make them feel. ~ Seth Godin,
1271:They will only care when you're gone. ~ Marilyn Monroe,
1272:Time has no meaning, Love will endure. ~ Jude Deveraux,
1273:To all my enemies, I will destroy you. ~ Frankie Boyle,
1274:today i will find strength in my weakness ~ Mark Twain,
1275:To live will be an awfully big adventure. ~ J M Barrie,
1276:Trouble trouble and it will trouble you. ~ P L Travers,
1277:We will live on mangoes and love. ~ Breece D J Pancake,
1278:What time will you be home?” she’d ~ Tanya Anne Crosby,
1279:What will happen will happen. ~ Robert Jackson Bennett,
1280:What will I do when I can no longer dig? ~ Knut Hamsun,
1281:Whenever it rains you will think of her. ~ Neil Gaiman,
1282:When I fall in love, it will be forever. ~ Jane Austen,
1283:When you awaken, your manhood will be taken. ~ Big Pun,
1284:Where there's a will, there's a way. ~ Albert Einstein,
1285:Where there's [a] will, there's a witness. ~ T F Hodge,
1286:Will it, and set to work briskly. ~ Friedrich Schiller,
1287:Will the future bring your wisdom to me? ~ Nostradamus,
1288:Will work but ill, and disappointment bring. ~ Lao Tzu,
1289:Will you come down and kiss me good night? ~ Anais Nin,
1290:Will you come down and kiss me good night? ~ Ana s Nin,
1291:Yes, “centrifugal.” I will fight you. ~ Randall Munroe,
1292:Your will shall decide your destiny. ~ Charlotte Bront,
1293:You will learn to defeat the enemy. ~ Orson Scott Card,
1294:You will never assassinate my ghosts. ~ Terrance Hayes,
1295:You will never change what you tolerate. ~ Joel Osteen,
1296:You will never ever be the same again! ~ Chris Jericho,
1297:A girl in love will do a good deal. ~ Elizabeth Gaskell,
1298:All came from, and will goe to others. ~ George Herbert,
1299:All wish to know, but few the price will pay. ~ Juvenal,
1300:Always carry a notebook. And I mean always. ~ Will Self,
1301:And in the mean time my songs will travel, ~ Ezra Pound,
1302:And she will restore to him his soul. ~ Neal Shusterman,
1303:An oppressed people will always rise. ~ Henning Mankell,
1304:A pauper traveller will sing before a beggar. ~ Juvenal,
1305:Assaile who will, the valiant attends. ~ George Herbert,
1306:A thought will color a world for us. ~ Theodore Dreiser,
1307:Begin to be now what you will be hereafter. ~ Amy Cuddy,
1308:Be worthy love, and love will come. ~ Louisa May Alcott,
1309:Blessed is he who will not be offended ~ Neal A Maxwell,
1310:Bouncing in the club where the heat is on, ~ Will Smith,
1311:Brick by brick, I will destroy you. But ~ Leigh Bardugo,
1312:Capitalism will always come after us. ~ Clementine Ford,
1313:Certainly there will always be stories. ~ Lynne Tillman,
1314:Create a story of which you will be proud. ~ Pam Jenoff,
1315:Do for yourself, for no one else will ~ Johanna Lindsey,
1316:Do good: we will meet one another there. ~ Pope Francis,
1317:Do not be alarmed, I will not harm you. ~ Douglas Adams,
1318:Do the thing and the power will come. ~ Thomas A Edison,
1319:Each of us will figure out our own way. ~ George W Bush,
1320:Either the camera will dance, or I will. ~ Fred Astaire,
1321:Every business will face tough times. ~ Richard Branson,
1322:Falling drops will at last wear away stone. ~ Lucretius,
1323:Find purpose and the means will follow. ~ Rashmi Bansal,
1324:focus on the user and all else will follow. ~ Anonymous,
1325:For me, London is and always will be home. ~ Clive Owen,
1326:From now on, you will be known as Savage. ~ Erin Hunter,
1327:Future hipsters will love me ironically. ~ Mindy Kaling,
1328:God will give you courage when you need it. ~ Anonymous,
1329:Good wishes alone will not ensure peace. ~ Alfred Nobel,
1330:Grace will take you places hustling can’t. ~ Bren Brown,
1331:Greatness lives on the edge of destruction ~ Will Smith,
1332:Great offices will have great talents. ~ William Cowper,
1333:...Hand me the lava spray gun, will you? ~ Rick Riordan,
1334:Hearts will break - yet brokenly, live on. ~ Lord Byron,
You will forget me. ~ Tahereh Mafi,
1336:He's gone. I will never hold him again. ~ Richelle Mead,
1337:Hide from change and it will hide from you ~ Tina Brown,
1338:How will I ever get out of this labyrinth! ~ John Green,
1339:How will I ever get out of this labyrinth? ~ John Green,
1340:I am a fan of Hrithik and I feel he will ~ Anil Kapoor,
1341:I am Number Seven I will make them pay. ~ Pittacus Lore,
1342:I bet your bones will taste like tears. ~ Reki Kawahara,
1343:I can't talk, or I will throw up! ~ William Shakespeare,
1344:I do have a 22-inch waist, I will say that. ~ Megan Fox,
1345:I do not know what will be the end of it. ~ Ann Rinaldi,
1346:If he has love, he will feel he can go on. ~ Jojo Moyes,
1347:If I look at the mass I will never act. ~ Mother Teresa,
1348:If I love you more, will you suffer less? ~ Elie Wiesel,
1349:If Madonna loves me, then you will too. ~ Sarra Manning,
1350:If one twin is cut, the other will bleed ~ Jandy Nelson,
1351:If you don't go for your dreams, who will? ~ Joe Vitale,
1352:If you speak insults you will hear them also. ~ Plautus,
1353:If you try me, I will make you famous. ~ The Undertaker,
1354:I just hope that my films will survive me. ~ Raoul Peck,
1355:I keep eating for fear I will be hungry. ~ Mason Cooley,
1356:I'll not be changing, but America will. ~ Russell Brand,
1357:I love. I have loved. I will love. ~ Audrey Niffenegger,
1358:I love you. Always have. Always will. ~ Robin Covington,
1359:I'm not a bourgeois person, never will be. ~ Etta James,
1360:I'm responding to the will of the people. ~ David Mamet,
1361:is there anything that will not decay? ~ Eiji Yoshikawa,
1362:It's up to you. What you will, will be. ~ Deepak Chopra,
1363:It was. It will never be again. Remember. ~ Paul Auster,
1364:it will be miraculous, very miraculous. ~ Malika Oufkir,
1365:I will be dust, but dust in love ~ Francisco de Quevedo,
1366:I will come back from the dead for you. ~ Richard Siken,
1367:I will find new meaning in every joy and sorrow. ~ Rumi,
1368:I will go down with my colours flying. ~ Virginia Woolf,
1369:I will learn to smile at my enemies. ~ Philippa Gregory,
1370:I will love Michael Jackson forever. ~ Elizabeth Taylor,
1371:I will never be Prince Charming. This is me ~ V F Mason,
1372:I will not allow books to prove anything. ~ Jane Austen,
1373:I will not hesitate. Not for a second. ~ Robert De Niro,
1374:I will not marry again. There is no need. ~ Halle Berry,
1375:I will see my father in every anger. ~ Courtney Summers,
1376:I will show you the path to the spirit world. ~ Cao Cao,
1377:I will storm the gods, and shake the universe. ~ Seneca,
1378:I will take away your means of escape. ~ Natsuki Takaya,
1379:I will tell the truth wherever I please. ~ Mother Jones,
1380:I wrote my will across the sky, in stars ~ T E Lawrence,
1381:Just wait, just be patient, he will return. ~ Lynne Cox,
1382:Keep scribbling! Something will happen. ~ Frank McCourt,
1383:Keep up and you will be kept up. ~ Harbhajan Singh Yogi,
1384:Leap, and the net will appear. ~ Julia Margaret Cameron,
1385:Leave a space and something will fill it. ~ John Lennon,
1386:Leave off asking what tomorrow will bring, and ~ Horace,
1387:Let muddy water stand and it will become clear. ~ Laozi,
1388:Let none say, I will not drinke water. ~ George Herbert,
1389:Love whom you will but marry your own kind ~ Harper Lee,
1390:Love will be the downfall of God himself. ~ Jim Butcher,
1391:Make my happiness--I will make yours. ~ Charlotte Bront,
1392:Make wisdom human to the adolescent mind. ~ Will Durant,
1393:Me, I say too much optimism will get you killed. ~ Brom,
1394:Murder will out, this my conclusion. ~ Geoffrey Chaucer,
1395:Music will always be my greatest passion. ~ Vanessa Mae,
1396:Never use one word when two will do. ~ Thomas Jefferson,
1397:Nobody will buy a half-cooked food! ~ Israelmore Ayivor,
1398:One day the faithful will have it all! ~ Neal A Maxwell,
1399:One day your heart will take you to your Lover. ~ Rumi,
1400:Only time (whatever that may be) will tell. ~ Anonymous,
1401:People who avoid criticism will fail. ~ Timothy Ferriss,
1402:Playing the assholes in the movie is fun. ~ Will Arnett,
1403:practice dissimulation, and you will succeed. ~ Sun Tzu,
1404:Some of you reading this will relate to ~ Sean Connolly,
1405:Some will always be above others. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
1406:soon will happen. But two advantages will ~ Jane Austen,
1407:Sound will be the medicine of the future. ~ Edgar Cayce,
1408:Surrender, and all will be well. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
1409:That which is was always and always will be. ~ Melessus,
1410:That which knows how to bend will not break. ~ Sadhguru,
1411:The Bible consistently denies free will. ~ Gordon Clark,
1412:The blood of a goat will shatter a diamond. ~ Aristotle,
1413:The Golden Rule will always be good advice! ~ Jay Asher,
1414:The heart will break, but broken live on. ~ Lord Byron,
1415:The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me. ~ Rick Warren,
1416:The phrase 'domestic cat' is an oxymoron. ~ George Will,
1417:The physical will give away to the virtual, ~ Anonymous,
1418:The radio craze will die out in time. ~ Thomas A Edison,
1419:The road to success is through commitment. ~ Will Smith,
1420:The sky will bow down to your beauty, if you do. ~ Rumi,
1421:The truth will form and fall apart again. ~ Sarah Slean,
1422:The wolves will get you if the moths won't. ~ W H Auden,
1423:The world will be saved by beauty. ~ Fyodor Dostoyevsky,
1424:They, who know no evil, will suspect none. ~ Ben Jonson,
1425:This person will have been born in a ~ Malcolm Gladwell,
1426:Tis good-will makes intelligence. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
1427:Today I will be the master of my emotions. ~ Og Mandino,
1428:To the seeing eye life is mostly Sparrows. ~ Will Cuppy,
1429:We will be the cure. Because we want it. ~ Isaac Marion,
1430:What is without periods of rest will not endure. ~ Ovid,
1431:Whenever it rains, you will think of her. ~ Neil Gaiman,
1432:When you are not a hero, you will have heros. ~ Various,
1433:When you fully commit, you will make it. ~ Marie Forleo,
1434:Whiskey will always be a part of my life. ~ Artie Lange,
1435:Who will be the happiest person? ~ Swami Satchidananda,
1436:Will cast the spear and leave the rest to Jove. ~ Homer,
1437:Will I ever be more than I've always been? ~ Val Emmich,
1438:Wish it, believe it, and it will be so. ~ Deborah Smith,
1439:Without training you will not grow wings. ~ David Belle,
1440:World will suffice for me in the future. ~ Mary Cassatt,
1441:Your ability will grow to match your dreams. ~ Jim Rohn,
1442:Your habits will determine your future. ~ Jack Canfield,
1443:Your Kindness Will Lead You to Success ~ Bruce Kasanoff,
1444:Your will shall decide your destiny. ~ Charlotte Bronte,
1445:You will be late for your own funeral. ~ Jonathan Nolan,
1447:A child who reads will be an adult who thinks. ~ Unknown,
1448:A dagger will beat a rock almost every time. ~ Anonymous,
1449:All that God is, will supply your need. ~ Thomas Goodwin,
1450:All will be lost apart from happiness. ~ Jacques Prevert,
1451:A man who is afraid will do anything. ~ Jawaharlal Nehru,
1452:A nation is born stoic, and dies epicurean ~ Will Durant,
1453:And in your smile, I will live forever ~ Nicholas Sparks,
1454:And I will capture your minds with sweet novelty. ~ Ovid,
1455:And we will rise up, Red as the dawn. ~ Victoria Aveyard,
1456:Ants, fighting together, will vanquish the lion. ~ Saadi,
1457:A shilling life will give you all the facts. ~ W H Auden,
1458:A small leak will sink a great ship. ~ Benjamin Franklin,
1459:A story? Fine. I will tell you a story. ~ Kelly Barnhill,
1460:a story will tell itself, when it’s ready ~ Jodi Picoult,
1461:At some point, Moore's law will break down. ~ Seth Lloyd,
1462:Believe in poverty and you will be poor. ~ Napoleon Hill,
1463:Be worthy, love, and love will come, ~ Louisa May Alcott,
1464:Be worthy, love, and love will come. ~ Louisa May Alcott,
1465:Bid the hungry Greek go to heaven, he will go. ~ Juvenal,
1466:But why do you delay? Come, do what you will. ~ Polycarp,
1467:Daily, focused action will move you forward. ~ S J Scott,
1468:Dating black women will ruin your life ~ Terrence Howard,
1469:Develop your pawns or Hulk will smash. ~ Jonathan Lethem,
1470:Do for yourself, for no one else will. ~ Johanna Lindsey,
1471:Do what you Will with love and no fear. ~ David Cherubim,
1472:Dying is the last thing I will ever do. ~ John Barrymore,
1473:Eventually, robots will make everything. ~ Marvin Minsky,
1474:Evil person causes harm even if treated will. ~ Chanakya,
1475:Fear is nothing but idleness of the will. ~ Eliphas Levi,
1476:Free your mind and your ass will follow ~ George Clinton,
1477:'Friends' will always remain friends. ~ Jennifer Aniston,
1478:Gay people will eat other gay people alive. ~ Andy Cohen,
1479:Give light, and people will find the way... ~ Ella Baker,
Will we die, just a little? ~ J K Rowling,
1481:Hard work will always bring opportunities ~ Karren Brady,
1482:Have the passion and the magic will happen ~ Bar Refaeli,
1483:Heaven ne'er helps the men who will not act. ~ Sophocles,
1484:He that steals an egg will steal an ox. ~ George Herbert,
1485:He will fence with his own shadow. ~ William Shakespeare,
1486:Hope will break your heart all over again ~ Tahereh Mafi,
1487:I am and always will be a blues guitarist ~ Eric Clapton,
1488:I ask a wreathwhich will not crush my head. ~ Ezra Pound,
1489:I don't know how women will feel safe. ~ Jennifer Pozner,
1490:If scientists don't play God, who will? ~ James D Watson,
1491:If the lies don't kill you, the truth will. ~ Hugh Howey,
1492:If there’s a will, there’s a way ~ Jennifer L Armentrout,
1493:If you help others, you will be helped, ~ Steve Chandler,
1494:If you lose I will kill you.

-Zoro ~ Eiichiro Oda,
1495:«I know not what tomorrow will bring». ~ Fernando Pessoa,
1496:I like trees, they will someday be books. ~ Nick Pageant,
1497:In any war, people will pay the price. ~ Bashar al Assad,
1498:Invest time that will compound forever. ~ Henry B Eyring,
1499:Is it thy will that I should wax and wane, ~ Oscar Wilde,
1500:It is he, not you, that will save Mr Tumnus. ~ C S Lewis,

IN CHAPTERS [300/5963]

2822 Integral Yoga
1382 Poetry
  302 Philosophy
  288 Occultism
  190 Fiction
  178 Christianity
  161 Mysticism
  139 Yoga
   99 Islam
   84 Psychology
   48 Philsophy
   38 Science
   33 Sufism
   30 Hinduism
   24 Education
   21 Kabbalah
   20 Mythology
   19 Theosophy
   16 Integral Theory
   9 Zen
   9 Buddhism
   8 Cybernetics
   6 Baha i Faith
   2 Taoism
   1 Thelema
   1 Alchemy

1708 The Mother
1169 Sri Aurobindo
1044 Satprem
  439 Nolini Kanta Gupta
  169 William Wordsworth
  142 Aleister Crowley
  133 Walt Whitman
  111 Percy Bysshe Shelley
   99 Muhammad
   95 H P Lovecraft
   85 Friedrich Nietzsche
   84 Carl Jung
   79 John Keats
   76 William Butler Yeats
   65 Rabindranath Tagore
   62 Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
   60 Robert Browning
   57 Sri Ramakrishna
   54 Plotinus
   52 James George Frazer
   48 Ralph Waldo Emerson
   48 Friedrich Schiller
   44 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
   40 Jorge Luis Borges
   37 Swami Vivekananda
   37 Swami Krishnananda
   37 Jalaluddin Rumi
   35 Anonymous
   34 Saint Augustine of Hippo
   31 Saint Teresa of Avila
   31 Franz Bardon
   30 Li Bai
   29 Saint John of Climacus
   29 Aldous Huxley
   28 Kabir
   27 Lucretius
   27 A B Purani
   26 Rainer Maria Rilke
   24 Rudolf Steiner
   21 Rabbi Moses Luzzatto
   18 Vyasa
   18 Edgar Allan Poe
   16 Aristotle
   15 Nirodbaran
   13 Ovid
   13 Farid ud-Din Attar
   12 Swami Sivananda Saraswati
   12 Plato
   12 Hafiz
   11 Sri Ramana Maharshi
   11 Peter J Carroll
   11 George Van Vrekhem
   10 Paul Richard
   9 Thomas Merton
   8 Solomon ibn Gabirol
   8 Norbert Wiener
   8 Mirabai
   7 William Blake
   7 Joseph Campbell
   7 Jordan Peterson
   7 Henry David Thoreau
   7 Baha u llah
   7 Alice Bailey
   6 Wang Wei
   6 Thubten Chodron
   6 Taigu Ryokan
   6 Saint John of the Cross
   6 Ramprasad
   6 Lalla
   6 Ibn Arabi
   6 Hsuan Chueh of Yung Chia
   6 Al-Ghazali
   5 Patanjali
   5 Lewis Carroll
   5 Bokar Rinpoche
   4 Symeon the New Theologian
   4 Saint Francis of Assisi
   4 Omar Khayyam
   4 Jacopone da Todi
   3 Saint Therese of Lisieux
   3 Saadi
   3 R Buckminster Fuller
   3 Rabbi Abraham Abulafia
   3 Namdev
   3 Ken Wilber
   3 Hakim Sanai
   3 Dadu Dayal
   3 Abu-Said Abil-Kheir
   2 Yeshe Tsogyal
   2 Saint Clare of Assisi
   2 Nachmanides
   2 Mechthild of Magdeburg
   2 Matsuo Basho
   2 Mahendranath Gupta
   2 Jorge Luis Borges
   2 Jean Gebser
   2 Italo Calvino
   2 H. P. Lovecraft
   2 Genpo Roshi
   2 Chuang Tzu
   2 Boethius
   2 Baba Sheikh Farid
   2 Allama Muhammad Iqbal

  424 Record of Yoga
  174 Prayers And Meditations
  169 Wordsworth - Poems
  144 The Synthesis Of Yoga
  129 On Thoughts And Aphorisms
  124 Whitman - Poems
  120 Agenda Vol 01
  111 Shelley - Poems
   99 Quran
   96 Agenda Vol 13
   95 Lovecraft - Poems
   90 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04
   88 Questions And Answers 1957-1958
   88 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03
   85 Magick Without Tears
   82 Agenda Vol 08
   79 Keats - Poems
   78 Agenda Vol 10
   78 Agenda Vol 04
   76 Yeats - Poems
   76 Agenda Vol 03
   75 Thus Spoke Zarathustra
   72 Agenda Vol 12
   72 Agenda Vol 07
   71 Agenda Vol 09
   70 Agenda Vol 06
   66 Agenda Vol 11
   65 Agenda Vol 02
   62 Tagore - Poems
   62 Agenda Vol 05
   60 Browning - Poems
   59 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01
   58 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 07
   56 The Life Divine
   55 The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
   55 Questions And Answers 1950-1951
   54 Essays In Philosophy And Yoga
   52 The Golden Bough
   51 Liber ABA
   51 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02
   49 Letters On Yoga IV
   48 Schiller - Poems
   48 Savitri
   48 Questions And Answers 1956
   48 Emerson - Poems
   47 Letters On Yoga II
   47 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 05
   46 Letters On Yoga III
   41 Questions And Answers 1953
   37 The Study and Practice of Yoga
   36 Questions And Answers 1955
   35 Words Of Long Ago
   35 Questions And Answers 1954
   34 Questions And Answers 1929-1931
   33 Mysterium Coniunctionis
   33 Collected Poems
   30 Li Bai - Poems
   29 The Perennial Philosophy
   29 The Ladder of Divine Ascent
   29 Essays On The Gita
   28 The Divine Comedy
   27 The Bible
   27 Of The Nature Of Things
   27 Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo
   26 Rilke - Poems
   25 Words Of The Mother II
   25 Letters On Yoga I
   25 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 08
   24 The Human Cycle
   24 On Education
   24 Goethe - Poems
   24 Essays Divine And Human
   23 The Practice of Psycho therapy
   23 Songs of Kabir
   22 The Future of Man
   22 City of God
   21 Labyrinths
   21 General Principles of Kabbalah
   20 Rumi - Poems
   20 Faust
   19 The Way of Perfection
   19 Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness
   19 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 06
   19 Borges - Poems
   19 Bhakti-Yoga
   18 Vishnu Purana
   18 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 01
   17 Poe - Poems
   17 On the Way to Supermanhood
   17 Letters On Poetry And Art
   17 Initiation Into Hermetics
   16 Poetics
   16 Let Me Explain
   16 Anonymous - Poems
   15 Twelve Years With Sri Aurobindo
   14 The Secret Of The Veda
   14 The Practice of Magical Evocation
   14 The Phenomenon of Man
   14 The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious
   14 Some Answers From The Mother
   14 Aion
   13 The Mother With Letters On The Mother
   13 The Confessions of Saint Augustine
   13 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 04
   13 Metamorphoses
   12 Vedic and Philological Studies
   12 Theosophy
   12 Talks
   12 Raja-Yoga
   12 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 02
   11 Twilight of the Idols
   11 Preparing for the Miraculous
   11 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 03
   11 Liber Null
   11 Isha Upanishad
   11 Dark Night of the Soul
   10 The Problems of Philosophy
   10 The Interior Castle or The Mansions
   10 Knowledge of the Higher Worlds
   10 Hymn of the Universe
   10 Crowley - Poems
   10 Amrita Gita
   10 A Garden of Pomegranates - An Outline of the Qabalah
   9 5.1.01 - Ilion
   8 Words Of The Mother III
   8 The Integral Yoga
   8 The Blue Cliff Records
   8 Kena and Other Upanishads
   8 Hymns to the Mystic Fire
   8 Cybernetics
   7 Words Of The Mother I
   7 Walden
   7 The Hero with a Thousand Faces
   7 Maps of Meaning
   7 Hafiz - Poems
   7 A Treatise on Cosmic Fire
   6 The Secret Doctrine
   6 The Red Book Liber Novus
   6 The Alchemy of Happiness
   6 Song of Myself
   6 Ryokan - Poems
   6 How to Free Your Mind - Tara the Liberator
   5 Writings In Bengali and Sanskrit
   5 Tara - The Feminine Divine
   5 Patanjali Yoga Sutras
   5 Alice in Wonderland
   4 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
   4 Arabi - Poems
   3 The Zen Teaching of Bodhidharma
   3 The Lotus Sutra
   3 The Gateless Gate
   3 The Book of Certitude
   3 Synergetics - Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking
   3 Sex Ecology Spirituality
   3 Jerusalum
   3 Beating the Cloth Drum Letters of Zen Master Hakuin
   2 The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep
   2 The Ever-Present Origin
   2 The Essentials of Education
   2 The Castle of Crossed Destinies
   2 Symposium
   2 Selected Fictions
   2 God Exists
   2 Chuang Tzu - Poems
   2 Basho - Poems
   2 Agenda Vol 1
   2 Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 2E

0 0.01 - Introduction, #Agenda Vol 1, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  This AGENDA ... One day, another species among men Will pore over this fabulous document as over the tumultuous drama that must have surrounded the birth of the first man among the hostile hordes of a great, delirious Paleozoic. A first man is the dangerous contradiction of a certain simian logic, a threat to the established order that so genteelly ran about amid the high, indefeasible ferns - and to begin with, it does not even know that it is a man. It wonders, indeed, what it is. Even to itself it is strange, distressing. It does not even know how to climb trees any longer in its usual way
  - and it is terribly disturbing for all those who still climb trees in the old, millennial way. Perhaps it is even a heresy. Unless it is some cerebral disorder? A first man in his little clearing had to have a great deal of courage. Even this little clearing was no longer so sure. A first man is a perpetual question. What am I, then, in the midst of all that? And where is my law? What is the law? And what if there were no more laws? ... It is terrifying. Mathematics - out of order. Astronomy and biology, too, are beginning to respond to mysterious influences. A tiny point huddled in the center of the world's great clearing. But what is all this, what if I were 'mad'? And then, claws all around, a lot of claws against this uncommon creature. A first man ... is very much alone. He is quite unbearable for the pre-human 'reason.' And the surrounding tribes growled like red monkies in the twilight of Guiana.
  'Are you conscious of your ceils?' She asked us a short time after the little operation of spiritual demolition She had undergone. 'No? Well, become conscious of your cells, and you Will see that it gives TERRESTRIAL results.' To become conscious of one's cells? ... It was a far more radical operation than crossing the Maroni with a machete in hand, for after all, trees and lianas can be cut, but what cannot be so easily uncovered are the grandfa ther and the grandmo ther and the whole atavistic pack, not to mention the animal and plant and mineral layers that form a teeming humus over this single pure little cell beneath its millennial genetic program. The grandfa thers and grandmo thers grow back again like crabgrass, along with all the old habits of being hungry, afraid, falling ill, fearing the worst, hoping for the best, which is still the best of an old mortal habit. All this is not uprooted nor entrapped as easily as celestial 'liberations,' which leave the teeming humus in peace and the body to its usual decomposition. She had come to hew a path through all that. She was the Ancient One of evolution who had come to make a new cleft in the old, tedious habit of being a man. She did not like tedious repetitions, She was the adventuress par excellence - the adventuress of the earth. She was wrenching out for man the great Possible that was already beating there, in his primeval clearing, which he believed he had momentarily trapped with a few machines.
  She was uprooting a new Matter, free, free from the habit of inexorably being a man who repeats himself ad infinitum with a few improvements in the way of organ transplants or monetary exchanges. In fact, She was there to discover what would happen after materialism and after spiritualism, these prodigal twin brothers. Because Materialism is dying in the West for the same reason that Spiritualism is dying in the East: it is the hour of the new species. Man needs to awaken, not only from his demons but also from his gods. A new Matter, yes, like a new Spirit, yes, because we still know neither one nor the other. It is the hour when Science, like Spirituality, at the end of their roads, must discover what Matter TRULY is, for it is really there that a Spirit as yet unknown to us is to be found. It is a time when all the 'isms' of the old species are dying: 'The age of
  Capitalism and business is drawing to its close. But the age of Communism too Will pass ... 'It is the hour of a pure little cell THAT Will HAVE TERRESTRIAL REPERCUSSIONS, infinitely more radical than all our political and scientific or spiritualistic panaceas.
  This fabulous discovery is the whole story of the AGENDA. What is the passage? How is the path to the new species hewed open? ... Then suddenly, there, on the other side of this old millennial habit - a habit, nothing more than a habit! - of being like a man endowed with time and space and disease: an entire geometry, perfectly implacable and 'scientific' and medical; on the other side ... none of that at all! An illusion, a fantastic medical and scientific and genetic illusion:
  BECOME. To worship was so much easier. And then they bury you, solemnly, and the matter is settled - the case is closed: now, no one need bother any more except to print some photographic haloes for the pilgrims to this brisk little business. But they are mistaken. The real business Will take place without them, the new species Will fly up in their faces - it is already flying in the face of the earth, despite all its isms in black and white; it is exploding through all the pores of this battered old earth, which has had enough of shams - whether illusory little heavens or barbarous little machines.
  It is the hour of the REAL Earth. It is the hour of the REAL man. We are all going there - if only we could know the path a little ...

00.01 - The Approach to Mysticism, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Ignorance, certainly, is not man's ideal conditionit leads to death and dissolution. But knowledge also can be equally disastrous if it is not of the right kind. The knowledge that is born of spiritual disobedience, inspired by the Dark ones, leads to the soul's fall and its calvary through pain and suffering on earth. The seeker of true enlightenment has got to make a distinction, learn to separate the true and the right from the false and the wrong, unmask the luring Mra say clearly and unfalteringly to the dark light of Luciferapage Satana, if he is to come out into the true light and comm and the right forces. The search for knowledge alone, knowledge for the sake of knowledge, the path of pure scientific inquiry and inquisitiveness, in relation to the mystic world, is a dangerous thing. For such a spirit serves only to encourage and enhance man's arrogance and in the end not only limits but warps and falsifies the knowledge itself. A knowledge based on and secured exclusively through the reason and mental light can go only so far as that faculty can be reasonably stretched and not infinitelyto stretch it to infinity means to snap it. This is the warning that Yajnavalkya gave to Gargi when the latter started renewing her question ad infinitum Yajnavalkya said, "If you do not stop, your head Will fall off."
   The mystic truth has to be approached through the heart. "In the heart is established the Truth," says the Upanishad: it is there that is seated eternally the soul, the real being, who appears no bigger than the thumb. Even if the mind is utilised as an instrument of knowledge, the heart must be there behind as the guide and inspiration. It is precisely because, as I have just mentioned, Gargi sought to shoot uplike "vaulting ambition that o'erleaps itself" of which Shakespeare speaksthrough the mind alone to the highest truth that Yajnavalkya had to pull her up and give the warning that she risked losing her head if she persisted in her questioning endlessly.

00.01 - The Mother on Savitri, #Sweet Mother - Harmonies of Light, #unset, #Zen
  It does not matter if you do not understand it - Savitri, read it always. You Will see that every time you read it, something new Will be revealed to you. Each time you Will get a new glimpse, each time a new experience; things which were not there, things you did not understand arise and suddenly become clear. Always an unexpected vision comes up through the words and lines. Every time you try to read and understand, you Will see that something is added, something which was hidden behind is revealed clearly and vividly. I tell you the very verses you have read once before, Will appear to you in a different light each time you re-read them. This is what happens invariably. Always your experience is enriched, it is a revelation at each step.
  But you must not read it as you read other books or newspapers. You must read with an empty head, a blank and vacant mind, without there being any other thought; you must concentrate much, remain empty, calm and open; then the words, rhythms, vibrations Will penetrate directly to this white page, Will put their stamp upon the brain, Will explain themselves without your making any effort.
  Savitri alone is sufficient to make you climb to the highest peaks. If truly one knows how to meditate on Savitri, one Will receive all the help one needs. For him who wishes to follow this path, it is a concrete help as though the Lord himself were taking you by the hand and leading you to the destined goal. And then, every question, however personal it may be, has its answer here, every difficulty finds its solution herein; indeed there is everything that is necessary for doing the Yoga.
  *He has crammed the whole universe in a single book.* It is a marvellous work, magnificent and of an incomparable perfection.
  In truth, the entire form of Savitri has descended "en masse" from the highest region and Sri Aurobindo with His genius only arranged the lines - in a superb and magnificent style. Sometimes entire lines were revealed and He has left them intact; He worked hard, untiringly, so that the inspiration could come from the highest possible summit. And what a work He has created! Yes, it is a true creation in itself. It is an unequalled work. Everything is there, and it is put in such a simple, such a clear form; verses perfectly harmonious, limpid and eternally true. My child, I have read so many things, but I have never come across anything which could be compared with Savitri. I have studied the best works in Greek, Latin, English and of course French literature, also in German and all the great creations of the West and the East, including the great epics; but I repeat it, I have not found anywhere anything comparable with Savitri. All these literary works seems to me empty, flat, hollow, without any deep reality - apart from a few rare exceptions, and these too represent only a small fraction of what Savitri is. What grandeur, what amplitude, what reality: it is something immortal and eternal He has created. I tell you once again there is nothing like in it the whole world. Even if one puts aside the vision of the reality, that is, the essential substance which is the heart of the inspiration, and considers only the lines in themselves, one Will find them unique, of the highest classical kind. What He has created is something man cannot imagine. For, everything is there, everything.
  It may then be said that Savitri is a revelation, it is a meditation, it is a quest of the Infinite, the Eternal. If it is read with this aspiration for Immortality, the reading itself Will serve as a guide to Immortality. To read Savitri is indeed to practice Yoga, spiritual concentration; one can find there all that is needed to realise the Divine. Each step of Yoga is noted here, including the secret of all other Yogas. Surely, if one sincerely follows what is revealed here in each line one Will reach finally the transformation of the Supramental Yoga. It is truly the infallible guide who never abandons you; its support is always there for him who wants to follow the path. Each verse of Savitri is like a revealed Mantra which surpasses all that man possessed by way of knowledge, and I repeat this, the words are expressed and arranged in such a way that the sonority of the rhythm leads you to the origin of sound, which is OM.
  My child, yes, everything is there: mysticism, occultism, philosophy, the history of evolution, the history of man, of the gods, of creation, of Nature. How the universe was created, why, for what purpose, what destiny - all is there. You can find all the answers to all your questions there. Everything is explained, even the future of man and of the evolution, all that nobody yet knows. He has described it all in beautiful and clear words so that spiritual adventurers who wish to solve the mysteries of the world may understand it more easily. But this mystery is well hidden behind the words and lines and one must rise to the required level of true consciousness to discover it. All prophesies, all that is going to come is presented with the precise and wonderful clarity. Sri Aurobindo gives you here the key to find the Truth, to discover the Consciousness, to solve the problem of what the universe is. He has also indicated how to open the door of the Inconscience so that the light may penetrate there and transform it. He has shown the path, the way to liberate oneself from the ignorance and climb up to the superconscience; each stage, each plane of consciousness, how they can be scaled, how one can cross even the barrier of death and attain immortality. You Will find the whole journey in detail, and as you go forward you can discover things altogether unknown to man. That is Savitri and much more yet. It is a real experience - reading Savitri. All the secrets that man possessed, He has revealed, - as well as all that awaits him in the future; all this is found in the depth of Savitri. But one must have the knowledge to discover it all, the experience of the planes of consciousness, the experience of the Supermind, even the experience of the conquest of Death. He has noted all the stages, marked each step in order to advance integrally in the integral Yoga.
  All this is His own experience, and what is most surprising is that it is my own experience also. It is my sadhana which He has worked out. Each object, each event, each realisation, all the descriptions, even the colours are exactly what I saw and the words, phrases are also exactly what I heard. And all this before having read the book. I read Savitri many times afterwards, but earlier, when He was writing He used to read it to me. Every morning I used to hear Him read Savitri. During the night He would write and in the morning read it to me. And I observed something curious, that day after day the experiences He read out to me in the morning were those I had had the previous night, word by word. Yes, all the descriptions, the colours, the pictures I had seen, the words I had heard, all, all, I heard it all, put by Him into poetry, into miraculous poetry. Yes, they were exactly my experiences of the previous night which He read out to me the following morning. And it was not just one day by chance, but for days and days together. And every time I used to compare what He said with my previous experiences and they were always the same. I repeat, it was not that I had told Him my experiences and that He had noted them down afterwards, no, He knew already what I had seen. It is my experiences He has presented at length and they were His experiences also. It is, moreover, the picture of Our joint adventure into the unknown or rather into the Supermind.
  And I think that man is not yet ready to receive it. It is too high and too vast for him. He cannot understand it, grasp it, for it is not by the mind that one can understand Savitri. One needs spiritual experiences in order to understand and assimilate it. The farther one advances on the path of Yoga, the more does one assimilate and the better. No, it is something which Will be appreciated only in the future, it is the poetry of tomorrow of which He has spoken in The Future Poetry. It is too subtle, too refined, - it is not in the mind or through the mind, it is in meditation that Savitri is revealed.
  And men have the audacity to compare it with the work of Virgil or Homer and to find it inferior. They do not understand, they cannot understand. What do they know? Nothing at all. And it is useless to try to make them understand. Men Will know what it is, but in a distant future. It is only the new race with a new consciousness which Will be able to understand. I assure you there is nothing under the blue sky to compare with Savitri. It is the mystery of mysteries. It is a *super-epic,* it is super-literature, super-poetry, super-vision, it is a super-work even if one considers the number of lines He has written. No, these human words are not adequate to describe Savitri. Yes, one needs superlatives, hyperboles to describe it. It is a hyper-epic. No, words express nothing of what Savitri is, at least I do not find them. It is of immense value - spiritual value and all other values; it is eternal in its subject, and infinite in its appeal, miraculous in its mode and power of execution; it is a unique thing, the more you come into contact with it, the higher Will you be uplifted. Ah, truly it is something! It is the most beautiful thing He has left for man, the highest possible. What is it? When Will man know it? When is he going to lead a life of truth? When is he going to accept this in his life? This yet remains to be seen.
  My child, every day you are going to read Savitri; read properly, with the right attitude, concentrating a little before opening the pages and trying to keep the mind as empty as possible, absolutely without a thought. The direct road is through the heart. I tell you, if you try to really concentrate with this aspiration you can light the flame, the psychic flame, the flame of purification in a very short time, perhaps in a few days. What you cannot do normally, you can do with the help of Savitri. Try and you Will see how very different it is, how new, if you read with this attitude, with this something at the back of your consciousness; as though it were an offering to Sri Aurobindo. You know it is charged, fully charged with consciousness; as if Savitri were a being, a real guide. I tell you, whoever, wanting to practice Yoga, tries sincerely and feels the necessity for it, Will be able to climb with the help of Savitri to the highest rung of the ladder of Yoga, Will be able to find the secret that Savitri represents. And this without the help of a Guru. And he Will be able to practice it anywhere. For him Savitri alone Will be the guide, for all that he needs he Will find Savitri. If he remains very quiet when before a difficulty, or when he does not know where to turn to go forward and how to overcome obstacles, for all these hesitations and incertitudes which overwhelm us at every moment, he Will have the necessary indications, and the necessary concrete help. If he remains very calm, open, if he aspires sincerely, always he Will be as if lead by the hand. If he has faith, the Will to give himself and essential sincerity he Will reach the final goal.
  Indeed, Savitri is something concrete, living, it is all replete, packed with consciousness, it is the supreme knowledge above all human philosophies and religions. It is the spiritual path, it is Yoga, Tapasya, Sadhana, everything, in its single body. Savitri has an extraordinary power, it gives out vibrations for him who can receive them, the true vibrations of each stage of consciousness. It is incomparable, it is truth in its plenitude, the Truth Sri Aurobindo brought down on the earth. My child, one must try to find the secret that Savitri represents, the prophetic message Sri Aurobindo reveals there for us. This is the work before you, it is hard but it is worth the trouble. - 5 November 1967

0 0.03 - 1951-1957. Notes and Fragments, #Agenda Vol 1, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  Time and the course of events Will make this abundantly clear.

00.04 - The Beautiful in the Upanishads, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The white Mother comes reddening with the ruddy child; the dark Mother opens wide her chambers, the feeling and the expression of the beautiful raise no questioning; they are au thentic as well as evident. All Will recognise at once t at we have here beautiful things said in a beautiful way. No less au thentic however is the sense of the beautiful that underlies these Upanishadic lines:
   na tatra sryo bhti na candratrakam

0.00a - Introduction, #A Garden of Pomegranates - An Outline of the Qabalah, #Israel Regardie, #Occultism
  The Book of the Law states simply, "Every man and every woman is a star." This is a startling thought for those who considered a star a heavenly body, but a declaration subject to proof by anyone who Will venture into the realm of his own Unconscious. This realm, he Will learn if he persists, is not hemmed in by the boundaries of his physical body but is one with the boundless reaches of outer space.
  Those who, armed with the tools provided by the Qabalah, have made the journey within and crossed beyond the barriers of illusion, have returned with an impressive quantity of knowledge which conforms strictly to the definition of "science" in Winston's College Dictionary: "Science: a body of knowledge, general truths of particular facts, obtained and shown to be correct by accurate observation and thinking; knowledge condensed, arranged and systematized with reference to general truths and laws."
  When planning to visit a foreign country, the wise traveler Will first familiarize himself with its language. In studying music, chemistry or calculus, a specific terminology is essential to the understanding of each subject. So a new set of symbols is necessary when undertaking a study of the Universe, whether within or without. The Qabalah provides such a set in unexcelled fashion.
  But the Qabalah is more. It also lays the foundation on which rests another archaic science- Magic. Not to be confused with the conjurer's sleight-of-hand, Magic has been defined by Aleister Crowley as "the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with Will." Dion Fortune qualifies this nicely with an added clause, "changes in consciousness."
  The Qabalah reveals the nature of certain physical and psychological phenomena. Once these are apprehended, understood and correlated, the student can use the principles of Magic to exercise control over life's conditions and circumstances not otherwise possible. In short. Magic provides the practical application of the theories supplied by the Qabalah.
  Each letter of the Qabalistic alphabet has a number, color, many symbols and a Tarot card attributed to it. The Qabalah not only aids in an understanding of the Tarot, but teaches the student how to classify and organize all such ideas, numbers and symbols. Just as a knowledge of Latin Will give insight into the meaning of an unfamiliar English word with a Latin root, so the knowledge of the Qabalah with the various attri butions to each character in its alphabet Will enable the student to understand and correlate ideas and concepts which otherwise would have no apparent relation.
  A simple example is the concept of the Trinity in the Christian religion. The student is frequently amazed to learn through a study of the Qabalah that Egyptian mythology followed a similar concept with its trinity of gods, Osiris the father, Isis the virgin-mother, and Horus the son. The Qabalah indicates similar correspondences in the pantheon of Roman and Greek deities, proving the father-mother (Holy Spirit) - son principles of deity are primordial archetypes of man's psyche, rather than being, as is frequently and erroneously supposed a development peculiar to the Christian era.
  The Qabalah has nothing to do with any of them. Attempts on the part of cultish-partisans to impart higher mystical meanings, through the Qabalah, etc., to their now sterile faiths is futile, and Will be seen as such by the younger generation. They, the flower and love children, Will have none of this nonsense.
  I felt this a long time ago, as I still do, but even more so. The only way to explain the partisan Jewish attitude demonstrated in some small sections of the book can readily be explained. I had been reading some writings of Arthur Edward Waite, and some of his pomposity and turgidity stuck to my mantle. I disliked his patronising Christian attitude, and so swung all the way over to the other side of the pendulum. Actually, neither faith is particularly important in this day and age. I must be careful never to read Waite again before embarking upon literary work of my own.
  Prior to the closing down of the Mandrake Press in London about 1930-31, I was employed as company secretary for a while. Along with several Crowley books, the Mandrake Press published a lovely little monogram by D. H. Lawrence entitled "Apropos of Lady Chatterley's Lover." My own copy accompanied me on my travels for long years. Only recently did I discover that it had been lost. I hope that any one of my former patients who had borrowed it Will see fit to return it to me forthwith.
  The last chapter of A Garden deals with the Way of Return. It used almost entirely Crowley's concept of the Path as described in his superb essay "One Star in Sight." In addition to this, I borrowed extensively from Lawrence's Apropos. Somehow, they all fitted together very nicely. In time, all these variegated notes were incorporated into the text without acknowledgment, an oversight which I now feel sure would be forgiven, since I was only twenty-four at the time.
  May everyone who reads this new edition of A Garden of Pomegranates be encouraged and inspired to light his own candle of inner vision and begin his journey into the boundless space that lies within himself. Then, through realization of his true identity, each student can become a lamp unto his own path. And more. Awareness of the Truth of his being Will rip asunder the veil of unknowing that has heretofore enshrouded the star he already is, permitting the brilliance of his light to illumine the darkness of that part of the Universe in which he abides.

000 - Humans in Universe, #Synergetics - Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking, #R Buckminster Fuller, #Science
  needs Will have become completely supplied by our combined harvests of
  electromagnetic, photosynthetic, chemical, and biological products of the daily
  weapons production to livingry production, Will rehouse the deployed phases of
  world-humans by single-family, air-deliverable, energy harvesting, only-rentable
  dwelling machines. When humans are convergent, they Will dwell in domed-over
  moon-crater cities that Will be energy-harvesting and -exporting centers rather than
  energy sinkholes.
  into supreme power within a decade, humanity Will exercise its option of a design
  revolution and Will enter a new and-lasting epoch of physical success for all. If not,
  it Will be curtains for all humanity within this century.
  000.131 In complement with Synergetics 1 and 2 the posters at color plates 1-10
  And no one Will work for money and no one Will
  work for fame

0.00 - INTRODUCTION, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
   Ramkumar did not at first oppose the ways of his temperamental brother. He wanted Gadadhar to become used to the conditions of city life. But one day he decided to warn the boy about his indifference to the world. After all, in the near future Gadadhar must, as a householder, earn his livelihood through the performance of his brahminical duties; and these required a thorough knowledge of Hindu law, astrology, and kindred subjects. He gently admonished Gadadhar and asked him to pay more attention to his studies. But the boy replied spiritedly: "Brother, what shall I do with a mere bread-winning education? I would rather acquire that wisdom which Will illumine my heart and give me satisfaction for ever."
   At this time there came to Dakshineswar a youth of sixteen, destined to play an important role in Sri Ramakrishna's life. Hriday, a distant nephew2 of Sri Ramakrishna, hailed from Sihore, a village not far from Kamarpukur, and had been his boyhood friend. Clever, exceptionally energetic, and endowed with great presence of mind, he moved, as Will be seen later, like a shadow about his uncle and was always ready to help him, even at the sacrifice of his personal comfort. He was destined to be a mute witness of many of the spiritual experiences of Sri Ramakrishna and the caretaker of his body during the stormy days of his spiritual practice. Hriday came to Dakshineswar in search of a job, and Sri Ramakrishna was glad to see him.
   Unable to resist the persuasion of Mathur Babu, Sri Ramakrishna at last entered the temple service, on condition that Hriday should be asked to assist him. His first duty was to dress and decorate the image of Kali.
   As his spiritual mood deepened he more and more felt himself to be a child of the Divine Mother. He learnt to surrender himself completely to Her Will and let Her direct him.
   "O Mother," he would constantly pray, "I have taken refuge in Thee. Teach me what to do and what to say. Thy Will is paramount everywhere and is for the good of Thy children. Merge my Will in Thy Will and make me Thy instrument."
   His visions became deeper and more intimate. He no longer had to meditate to behold the Divine Mother. Even while retaining consciousness of the outer world, he would see Her as tangibly as the temples, the trees, the river, and the men around him.
   Thus the insane priest was by verdict of the great scholars of the day proclaimed a Divine Incarnation. His visions were not the result of an over-heated brain; they had precedent in spiritual history. And how did the proclamation affect Sri Ramakrishna himself? He remained the simple child of the Mother that he had been since the first day of his life. Years later, when two of his householder disciples openly spoke of him as a Divine Incarnation and the matter was reported to him, he said with a touch of sarcasm: "Do they think they Will enhance my glory that way? One of them is an actor on the stage and the other a physician. What do they know about Incarnations? Why, years ago pundits like Gauri and Vaishnavcharan declared me to be an Avatar. They were great scholars and knew what they said. But that did not make any change in my mind."
   Sri Ramakrishna was a learner all his life. He often used to quote a proverb to his disciples: "Friend, the more I live the more I learn." When the excitement created by the Brahmani's declaration was over, he set himself to the task of practising spiritual disciplines according to the traditional methods laid down in the Tantra and Vaishnava scriptures. Hitherto he had pursued his spiritual ideal according to the promptings of his own mind and heart. Now he accepted the Brahmani as his guru and set foot on the traditional highways.
   For the achievement of this goal the Vedanta prescribes an austere negative method of discrimination and renunciation, which can be followed by only a few individuals endowed with sharp intelligence and unshakable Will-power. But Tantra takes into consideration the natural weakness of human beings, their lower appetites, and their love for the concrete. It combines philosophy with rituals, meditation with ceremonies, renunciation with enjoyment. The underlying purpose is gradually to train the aspirant to meditate on his identity with the Ultimate.
   The average man wishes to enjoy the material objects of the world. Tantra bids him enjoy these, but at the same time discover in them the presence of God. Mystical rites are prescribed by which, slowly, the sense-objects become spiritualized and sense attraction is transformed into a love of God. So the very "bonds" of man are turned into "releasers". The very poison that kills is transmuted into the elixir of life. Outward renunciation is not necessary. Thus the aim of Tantra is to sublimate bhoga, or enjoyment into yoga, or union with Consciousness. For, according to this philosophy, the world with all its manifestations is nothing but the sport of Siva and Sakti, the Absolute and Its inscrutable Power.
   Totapuri arrived at the Dakshineswar temple garden toward the end of 1864. Perhaps born in the Punjab, he was the head of a monastery in that province of India and claimed leadership of seven hundred sannyasis. Trained from early youth in the disciplines of the Advaita Vedanta, he looked upon the world as an illusion. The gods and goddesses of the dualistic worship were to him mere fantasies of the deluded mind. Prayers, ceremonies, rites, and rituals had nothing to do with true religion, and about these he was utterly indifferent. Exercising self-exertion and unshakable Will-power, he had liberated himself from attachment to the sense-objects of the relative universe. For forty years he had practised austere discipline on the bank of the sacred Narmada and had finally realized his identity with the Absolute. Thenceforward he roamed in the world as an unfettered soul, a lion free from the cage. Clad in a loin-cloth, he spent his days under the canopy of the sky alike in storm and sunshine, feeding his body on the slender pittance of alms. He had been visiting the estuary of the Ganges. On his return journey along the bank of the sacred river, led by the inscrutable Divine Will, he stopped at Dakshineswar.
   Totapuri, discovering at once that Sri Ramakrishna was prepared to be a student of Vedanta, asked to initiate him into its mysteries. With the permission of the Divine Mother, Sri Ramakrishna agreed to the proposal. But Totapuri explained that only a sannyasi could receive the teaching of Vedanta. Sri Ramakrishna agreed to renounce the world, but with the stipulation that the ceremony of his initiation into the monastic order be performed in secret, to spare the feelings of his old mother, who had been living with him at Dakshineswar.
   "Brahman", he said, "is the only Reality, ever pure, ever illumined, ever free, beyond the limits of time, space, and causation. Though apparently divided by names and forms through the inscrutable power of maya, that enchantress who makes the impossible possible, Brahman is really One and undivided. When a seeker merges in the beatitude of samadhi, he does not perceive time and space or name and form, the offspring of maya. Whatever is within the domain of maya is unreal. Give it up. Destroy the prison-house of name and form and rush out of it with the strength of a lion. Dive deep in search of the Self and realize It through samadhi. You Will find the world of name and form vanishing into void, and the puny ego dissolving in Brahman-Consciousness. You Will realize your identity with Brahman, Existence-Knowledge-Bliss Absolute." Quoting the Upanishad, Totapuri said: "That knowledge is shallow by which one sees or hears or knows another
  . What is shallow is worthless and can never give real felicity. But the Knowledge by which one does not see another or hear another or know another, which is beyond duality, is great, and through such Knowledge one attains the Infinite Bliss. How can the mind and senses grasp That which shines in the heart of all as the Eternal Subject?"
   Sri Ramakrishna, on the other hand, though fully aware, like his guru, that the world is an illusory appearance, instead of slighting maya, like an orthodox monist, acknowledged its power in the relative life. He was all love and reverence for maya, perceiving in it a mysterious and majestic expression of Divinity. To him maya itself was God, for everything was God. It was one of the faces of Brahman. What he had realized on the heights of the transcendental plane, he also found here below, everywhere about him, under the mysterious garb of names and forms. And this garb was a perfectly transparent sheath, through which he recognized the glory of the Divine Immanence. Maya, the mighty weaver of the garb, is none other than Kali, the Divine Mother. She is the primordial Divine Energy, Sakti, and She can no more be distinguished from the Supreme Brahman than can the power of burning be distinguished from fire. She projects the world and again withdraws it. She spins it as the spider spins its web. She is the Mother of the Universe, identical with the Brahman of Vedanta, and with the Atman of Yoga. As eternal Lawgiver, She makes and unmakes laws; it is by Her imperious Will that karma yields its fruit. She ensnares men with illusion and again releases them from bondage with a look of Her benign eyes. She is the supreme Mistress of the cosmic play, and all objects, animate and inanimate, dance by Her Will. Even those who realize the Absolute in nirvikalpa samadhi are under Her jurisdiction as long as they still live on the relative plane.
   Thus, after nirvikalpa samadhi, Sri Ramakrishna realized maya in an altogether new role. The binding aspect of Kali vanished from before his vision. She no longer obscured his understanding. The world became the glorious manifestation of the Divine Mother. Maya became Brahman. The Transcendental Itself broke through the Immanent. Sri Ramakrishna discovered that maya operates in the relative world in two ways, and he termed these "avidyamaya" and "vidyamaya". Avidyamaya represents the dark forces of creation: sensuous desires, evil passions, greed, lust, cruelty, and so on. It sustains the world system on the lower planes. It is responsible for the round of man's birth and death. It must be fought and vanquished. But vidyamaya is the higher force of creation: the spiritual virtues, the enlightening qualities, kindness, purity, love, devotion. Vidyamaya elevates man to the higher planes of consciousness. With the help of vidyamaya the devotee rids himself of avidyamaya; he then becomes mayatita, free of maya. The two aspects of maya are the two forces of creation, the two powers of Kali; and She stands beyond them both. She is like the effulgent sun, bringing into existence and shining through and standing behind the clouds of different colours and shapes, conjuring up wonderful forms in the blue autumn heaven.
   About this time Totapuri was suddenly laid up with a severe attack of dysentery. On account of this miserable illness he found it impossible to meditate. One night the pain became excruciating. He could no longer concentrate on Brahman. The body stood in the way. He became incensed with its demands. A free soul, he did not at all care for the body. So he determined to drown it in the Ganges. Thereupon he walked into the river. But, lo! He walks to the other bank." (This version of the incident is taken from the biography of Sri Ramakrishna by Swami Saradananda, one of the Master's direct disciples.) Is there not enough water in the Ganges? Standing dumbfounded on the other bank he looks back across the water. The trees, the temples, the houses, are silhouetted against the sky. Suddenly, in one dazzling moment, he sees on all sides the presence of the Divine Mother. She is in everything; She is everything. She is in the water; She is on land. She is the body; She is the mind. She is pain; She is comfort. She is knowledge; She is ignorance. She is life; She is death. She is everything that one sees, hears, or imagines. She turns "yea" into "nay", and "nay" into "yea". Without Her grace no embodied being can go beyond Her realm. Man has no free Will. He is not even free to die. Yet, again, beyond the body and mind She resides in Her Transcendental, Absolute aspect. She is the Brahman that Totapuri had been worshipping all his life.
   Totapuri returned to Dakshineswar and spent the remaining hours of the night meditating on the Divine Mother. In the morning he went to the Kali temple with Sri Ramakrishna and prostrated himself before the image of the Mother. He now realized why he had spent eleven months at Dakshineswar. Bidding farewell to the disciple, he continued on his way, enlightened.
   Without being formally initiated into their doctrines, Sri Ramakrishna thus realized the ideals of religions other than Hinduism. He did not need to follow any doctrine. All barriers were removed by his overwhelming love of God. So he became a Master who could speak with authority regarding the ideas and ideals of the various religions of the world. "I have practised", said he, "all religions — Hinduism, Islam, Christianity — and I have also followed the paths of the different Hindu sects. I have found that it is the same God toward whom all are directing their steps, though along different paths. You must try all beliefs and traverse all the different ways once. Wherever I look, I see men quarrelling in the name of religion — Hindus, Mohammedans, Brahmos, Vaishnavas, and the rest. But they never reflect that He who is called Krishna is also called Siva, and bears the name of the Primal Energy, Jesus, and Allah as well — the same Rama with a thousand names. A lake has several ghats. At one the Hindus take water in pitchers and call it 'jal'; at another the Mussalmans take water in leather bags and call it pani'. At a third the Christians call it 'water'. Can we imagine that it is not 'jal', but only 'pani' or 'water'? How ridiculous! The substance is One under different names, and everyone is seeking the same substance; only climate, temperament, and name create differences. Let each man follow his own path. If he sincerely and ardently wishes to know God, peace be unto him! He Will surely realize Him."
   In 1867 Sri Ramakrishna returned to Kamarpukur to recuperate from the effect of his austerities. The peaceful countryside, the simple and artless companions of his boyhood, and the pure air did him much good. The villagers were happy to get back their playful, frank, witty, kind-hearted, and truthful Gadadhar, though they did not fail to notice the great change that had come over him during his years in Calcutta. His wife, Sarada Devi, now fourteen years old, soon arrived at Kamarpukur. Her spiritual development was much beyond her age and she was able to understand immediately her husband's state of mind. She became eager to learn from him about God and to live with him as his attendant. The Master accepted her cheerfully both as his disciple and as his spiritual companion. Referring to the experiences of these few days, she once said: "I used to feel always as if a pitcher full of bliss were placed in my heart. The joy was indescribable."
   The Master took up the duty of instructing his young wife, and this included everything from housekeeping to the Knowledge of Brahman. He taught her how to trim a lamp, how to behave toward people according to their differing temperaments, and how to conduct herself before visitors. He instructed her in the mysteries of spiritual life — prayer, meditation, japa, deep contemplation, and samadhi. The first lesson that Sarada Devi received was: "God is everybody's Beloved, just as the moon is dear to every child. Everyone has the same right to pray to Him. Out of His grace He reveals Himself to all who call upon Him. You too Will see Him if you but pray to Him."
   Totapuri, coming to know of the Master's marriage, had once remarked: "What does it matter? He alone is firmly established in the Knowledge of Brahman who can adhere to his spirit of discrimination and renunciation even while living with his wife. He alone has attained the supreme illumination who can look on man and woman alike as Brahman. A man with the idea of sex may be a good aspirant, but he is still far from the goal." Sri Ramakrishna and his wife lived together at Dakshineswar, but their minds always soared above the worldly plane. A few months after Sarada Devi's arrival Sri Ramakrishna arranged, on an auspicious day, a special worship of Kali, the Divine Mother. Instead of an image of the Deity, he placed on the seat the living image, Sarada Devi herself. The worshipper and the worshipped went into deep samadhi and in the transcendental plane their souls were united. After several hours Sri Ramakrishna came down again to the relative plane, sang a hymn to the Great Goddess, and surrendered, at the feet of the living image, himself, his rosary, and the fruit of his life-long sadhana. This is known in Tantra as the Shorasi Puja, the "Adoration of Woman". Sri Ramakrishna realized the significance of the great statement of the Upanishad: "O Lord, Thou art the woman. Thou art the man; Thou art the boy. Thou art the girl; Thou art the old, tottering on their crutches. Thou pervadest the universe in its multiple forms."
   The real organizer of the Samaj was Devendranath Tagore (1817-1905), the father of the poet Rabindranath. His physical and spiritual beauty, aristocratic aloofness, penetrating intellect, and poetic sensibility made him the foremost leader of the educated Bengalis. These addressed him by the respectful epithet of Maharshi, the "Great Seer". The Maharshi was a Sanskrit scholar and, unlike Raja Rammohan Roy, drew his inspiration entirely from the Upanishads. He was an implacable enemy of image worship ship and also fought to stop the infiltration of Christian ideas into the Samaj. He gave the movement its faith and ritual. Under his influence the Brahmo Samaj professed One Self-existent Supreme Being who had created the universe out of nothing, the God of Truth, Infinite Wisdom, Goodness, and Power, the Eternal and Omnipotent, the One without a Second. Man should love Him and do His Will, believe in Him and worship Him, and thus merit salvation in the world to come.
   By far the ablest leader of the Brahmo movement was Keshab Chandra Sen (1838-1884). Unlike Raja Rammohan Roy and Devendranath Tagore, Keshab was born of a middle-class Bengali family and had been brought up in an English school. He did not know Sanskrit and very soon broke away from the popular Hindu religion. Even at an early age he came under the spell of Christ and professed to have experienced the special favour of John the Baptist, Christ, and St. Paul. When he strove to introduce Christ to the Brahmo Samaj, a rupture became inevitable with Devendranath. In 1868 Keshab broke with the older leader and founded the Brahmo Samaj of India, Devendra retaining leadership of the first Brahmo Samaj, now called the Adi Samaj.
   Shivanath vehemently criticized the Master for his other-worldly attitude toward his wife. He writes: "Ramakrishna was practically separated from his wife, who lived in her village home. One day when I was complaining to some friends about the virtual widowhood of his wife, he drew me to one side and whispered in my ear: 'Why do you complain? It is no longer possible; it is all dead and gone.' Another day as I was inveighing against this part of his teaching, and also declaring that our program of work in the Brahmo Samaj includes women, that ours is a social and domestic religion, and that we want to give education and social liberty to women, the saint became very much excited, as was his way when anything against his settled conviction was asserted — a trait we so much liked in him — and exclaimed, 'Go, thou fool, go and perish in the pit that your women Will dig for you.' Then he glared at me and said: 'What does a gardener do with a young plant? Does he not surround it with a fence, to protect it from goats and cattle? And when the young plant has grown up into a tree and it can no longer be injured by cattle, does he not remove the fence and let the tree grow freely?' I replied, 'Yes, that is the custom with gardeners.' Then he remarked, 'Do the same in your spiritual life; become strong, be full-grown; then you may seek them.' To which I replied, 'I don't agree with you in thinking that women's work is like that of cattle, destructive; they are our associates and helpers in our spiritual struggles and social progress' — a view with which he could not agree, and he marked his dissent by shaking his head. Then referring to the lateness of the hour he jocularly remarked, 'It is time for you to depart; take care, do not be late; otherwise your woman Will not admit you into her room.' This evoked hearty laughter."
   Pratap Chandra Mazumdar, the right-hand man of Keshab and an accomplished Brahmo preacher in Europe and America, bitterly criticized Sri Ramakrishna's use of uncultured language and also his austere attitude toward his wife. But he could not escape the spell of the Master's personality. In the course of an article about Sri Ramakrishna, Pratap wrote in the "Theistic Quarterly Review": "What is there in common between him and me? I, a Europeanized, civilized, self-centred, semi-sceptical, so-called educated reasoner, and he, a poor, illiterate, unpolished, half-idolatrous, friendless Hindu devotee? Why should I sit long hours to attend to him, I, who have listened to Disraeli and Fawcett, Stanley and Max Muller, and a whole host of European scholars and divines? . . . And it is not I only, but dozens like me, who do the same. . . . He worships Siva, he worships Kali, he worships Rama, he worships Krishna, and is a confirmed advocate of Vedantic doctrines. . . . He is an idolater, yet is a faithful and most devoted meditator on the perfections of the One Formless, Absolute, Infinite Deity. . . . His religion is ecstasy, his worship means transcendental insight, his whole nature burns day and night with a permanent fire and fever of a strange faith and feeling. . . . So long as he is spared to us, gladly shall we sit at his feet to learn from him the sublime precepts of purity, unworldliness, spirituality, and inebriation in the love of God. . . . He, by his childlike bhakti, by his strong conceptions of an ever-ready Motherhood, helped to unfold it [God as our Mother] in our minds wonderfully. . . . By associating with him we learnt to realize better the divine attributes as scattered over the three hundred and thirty millions of deities of mythological India, the gods of the Puranas."
   But he remained as ever the Willing instrument in the hand of God, the child of the Divine Mother, totally untouched by the idea of being a teacher. He used to say that three ideas — that he was a guru, a father, and a master — pricked his flesh like thorns. Yet he was an extraordinary teacher. He stirred his disciples' hearts more by a subtle influence than by actions or words. He never claimed to be the founder of a religion or the organizer of a sect. Yet he was a religious dynamo. He was the verifier of all religions and creeds. He was like an expert gardener, who prepares the soil and removes the weeds, knowing that the plants Will grow because of the inherent power of the seeds, producing each its appropriate flowers and fruits. He never thrust his ideas on anybody. He understood people's limitations and worked on the principle that what is good for one may be bad for another. He had the unusual power of knowing the devotees' minds, even their inmost souls, at the first sight. He accepted disciples with the full knowledge of their past tendencies and future possibilities. The life of evil did not frighten him, nor did religious squeamishness raise anybody in his estimation. He saw in everything the unerring finger of the Divine Mother. Even the light that leads astray was to him the light from God.
   To those who became his intimate disciples the Master was a friend, companion, and playmate. Even the chores of religious discipline would be lightened in his presence. The devotees would be so inebriated with pure joy in his company that they would have no time to ask themselves whether he was an Incarnation, a perfect soul, or a yogi. His very presence was a great teaching; words were superfluous. In later years his disciples remarked that while they were with him they would regard him as a comrade, but afterwards would tremble to think of their frivolities in the presence of such a great person. They had convincing proof that the Master could, by his mere wish, kindle in their hearts the love of God and give them His vision.
   Suresh Mitra, a beloved disciple whom the Master often addressed as Surendra, had received an English education and held an important post in an English firm. Like many other educated young men of the time, he prided himself on his atheism and led a Bohemian life. He was addicted to drinking. He cherished an exaggerated notion about man's free Will. A victim of mental depression, he was brought to Sri Ramakrishna by Ramchandra chandra Dutta. When he heard the Master asking a disciple to practise the virtue of self-surrender to God, he was impressed. But though he tried thenceforth to do so, he was unable to give up his old associates and his drinking. One day the Master said in his presence, "Well, when a man goes to an undesirable place, why doesn't he take the Divine Mother with him?" And to Surendra himself Sri Ramakrishna said: "Why should you drink wine as wine? Offer it to Kali, and then take it as Her prasad, as consecrated drink
  . But see that you don't become intoxicated; you must not reel and your thoughts must not wander. At first you Will feel ordinary excitement, but soon you Will experience spiritual exaltation." Gradually Surendra's entire life was changed. The Master designated him as one of those commissioned by the Divine Mother to defray a great part of his expenses. Surendra's purse was always open for the Master's comfort.
   --- KEDAR
   Kedarnath Chatterji was endowed with a spiritual temperament and had tried various paths of religion, some not very commendable. When he met the Master at Dakshineswar he understood the true meaning of religion. It is said that the Master, weary of instructing devotees who were coming to him in great numbers for guidance, once prayed to the Goddess Kali: "Mother, I am tired of speaking to people. Please give power to Kedar, Girish, Ram, Vijay, and Mahendra to give them the preliminary instruction, so that just a little teaching from me Will be enough." He was aware, however, of Kedar's lingering attachment to worldly things and often warned him about it.
   --- HARISH
   Durgacharan Nag, also known as Nag Mahashay, was the ideal householder among the lay disciples of Sri Ramakrishna. He was the embodiment of the Master's ideal of life in the world, unstained by worldliness. In spite of his intense desire to become a sannyasi, Sri Ramakrishna asked him to live in the world in the spirit of a monk, and the disciple truly carried out this injunction. He was born of a poor family and even during his boyhood often sacrificed everything to lessen the sufferings of the needy. He had married at an early age and after his wife's death had married a second time to obey his father's command. But he once said to his wife: "Love on the physical level never lasts. He is indeed blessed who can give his love to God with his whole heart. Even a little attachment to the body endures for several births. So do not be attached to this cage of bone and flesh. Take shelter at the feet of the Mother and think of Her alone. Thus your life here and hereafter Will be ennobled." The Master spoke of him as a "blazing light". He received every word of Sri Ramakrishna in dead earnest. One day he heard the Master saying that it was difficult for doctors, lawyers, and brokers to make much progress in spirituality. Of doctors he said, "If the mind clings to the tiny drops of medicine, how can it conceive of the Infinite?" That was the end of Durgacharan's medical practice and he threw his chest of medicines into the Ganges. Sri Ramakrishna assured him that he would not lack simple food and clothing. He bade him serve holy men. On being asked where he would find real holy men, the Master said that the sadhus themselves would seek his company. No sannyasi could have lived a more austere life than Durgacharan.
   As time passed, Girish began to learn that the guru is the one who silently unfolds the disciple's inner life. He became a steadfast devotee of the Master. He often loaded the Master with insults, drank in his presence, and took liberties which astounded the other devotees. But the Master knew that at heart Girish was tender, faithful, and sincere. He would not allow Girish to give up the theatre. And when a devotee asked him to tell Girish to give up drinking, he sternly replied: "That is none of your business. He who has taken charge of him Will look after him. Girish is a devotee of heroic type. I tell you, drinking Will not affect him." The Master knew that mere words could not induce a man to break deep-rooted habits, but that the silent influence of love worked miracles. Therefore he never asked him to give up alcohol, with the result that Girish himself eventually broke the habit. Sri Ramakrishna had strengthened Girish's resolution by allowing him to feel that he was absolutely free.
   One day Girish felt depressed because he was unable to submit to any routine of spiritual discipline. In an exalted mood the Master said to him: "All right, give me your power of attorney. Henceforth I assume responsibility for you. You need not do anything." Girish heaved a sigh of relief. He felt happy to think that Sri Ramakrishna had assumed his spiritual responsibilities. But poor Girish could not then realize that He also, on his part, had to give up his freedom and make of himself a puppet in Sri Ramakrishna's hands. The Master began to discipline him according to this new attitude. One day Girish said about a trifling matter, "Yes, I shall do this." "No, no!" the Master corrected him. "You must not speak in that egotistic manner. You should say, 'God Willing, I shall do it.'" Girish understood. Thenceforth he tried to give up all idea of personal responsibility and surrender himself to the Divine Will. His mind began to dwell constantly on Sri Ramakrishna. This unconscious meditation in time chastened his turbulent spirit.
   The householder devotees generally visited Sri Ramakrishna on Sunday afternoons and other holidays. Thus a brotherhood was gradually formed, and the Master encouraged their fraternal feeling. Now and then he would accept an invitation to a devotee's home, where other devotees would also be invited. Kirtan would be arranged and they would spend hours in dance and devotional music. The Master would go into trances or open his heart in religious discourses and in the narration of his own spiritual experiences. Many people who could not go to Dakshineswar participated in these meetings and felt blessed. Such an occasion would be concluded with a sumptuous feast.
   The Europeanized Kristodas Pal did not approve of the Master's emphasis on renunciation and said; "Sir, this cant of renunciation has almost ruined the country. It is for this reason that the Indians are a subject nation today. Doing good to others, bringing education to the door of the ignorant, and above all, improving the material conditions of the country — these should be our duty now. The cry of religion and renunciation would, on the contrary, only weaken us. You should advise the young men of Bengal to resort only to such acts as Will uplift the country." Sri Ramakrishna gave him a searching look and found no divine light within, "You man of poor understanding!" Sri Ramakrishna said sharply. "You dare to slight in these terms renunciation and piety, which our scriptures describe as the greatest of all virtues! After reading two pages of English you think you have come to know the world! You appear to think you are omniscient. Well, have you seen those tiny crabs that are born in the Ganges just when the rains set in? In this big universe you are even less significant than one of those small creatures. How dare you talk of helping the world? The Lord Will look to that. You haven't the power in you to do it." After a pause the Master continued: "Can you explain to me how you can work for others? I know what you mean by helping them. To feed a number of persons, to treat them when they are sick, to construct a road or dig a well — isn't that all? These, are good deeds, no doubt, but how trifling in comparison with the vastness of the universe! How far can a man advance in this line? How many people can you save from famine? Malaria has ruined a whole province; what could you do to stop its onslaught? God alone looks after the world. Let a man first realize Him. Let a man get the authority from God and be endowed with His power; then, and then alone, may he think of doing good to others. A man should first be purged of all egotism. Then alone Will the Blissful Mother ask him to work for the world." Sri Ramakrishna mistrusted philanthropy that presumed to pose as charity. He warned people against it. He saw in most acts of philanthropy nothing but egotism, vanity, a desire for glory, a barren excitement to kill the boredom of life, or an attempt to soothe a guilty conscience. True charity, he taught, is the result of love of God — service to man in a spirit of worship.
   But during his third visit Narendra fared no better. This time, at the Master's touch, he lost consciousness entirely. While he was still in that state, Sri Ramakrishna questioned him concerning his spiritual antecedents and whereabouts, his mission in this world, and the duration of his mortal life. The answers confirmed what the Master himself had known and inferred. Among other things, he came to know that Narendra was a sage who had already attained perfection, and that the day he learnt his real nature he would give up his body in yoga, by an act of Will.
   A few more meetings completely removed from Narendra's mind the last traces of the notion that Sri Ramakrishna might be a monomaniac or wily hypnotist. His integrity, purity, renunciation, and unselfishness were beyond question. But Narendra could not accept a man, an imperfect mortal, as his guru. As a member of the Brahmo Samaj, he could not believe that a human intermediary was necessary between man and God. Moreover, he openly laughed at Sri Ramakrishna's visions as hallucinations. Yet in the secret chamber of his heart he bore a great love for the Master.
   Sri Ramakrishna was grateful to the Divine Mother for sending him one who doubted his own realizations. Often he asked Narendra to test him as the money-changers test their coins. He laughed at Narendra's biting criticism of his spiritual experiences and samadhi. When at times Narendra's sharp words distressed him, the Divine Mother Herself would console him, saying: "Why do you listen to him? In a few days he Will believe your every word." He could hardly bear Narendra's absences. Often he would weep bitterly for the sight of him. Sometimes Narendra would find the Master's love embarrassing; and one day he sharply scolded him, warning him that such infatuation would soon draw him down to the level of its object. The Master was distressed and prayed to the Divine Mother. Then he said to Narendra: "You rogue, I won't listen to you any more. Mother says that I love you because I see God in you, and the day I no longer see God in you I shall not be able to bear even the sight of you."
   The Master wanted to train Narendra in the teachings of the non-dualistic Vedanta philosophy. But Narendra, because of his Brahmo upbringing, considered it wholly blasphemous to look on man as one with his Creator. One day at the temple garden he laughingly said to a friend: "How silly! This jug is God! This cup is God! Whatever we see is God! And we too are God! Nothing could be more absurd." Sri Ramakrishna came out of his room and gently touched him. Spellbound, he immediately perceived that everything in the world was indeed God. A new universe opened around him. Returning home in a dazed state, he found there too that the food, the plate, the eater himself, the people around him, were all God. When he walked in the street, he saw that the cabs, the horses, the streams of people, the buildings, were all Brahman. He could hardly go about his day's business. His parents became anxious about him and thought him ill. And when the intensity of the experience abated a little, he saw the world as a dream. Walking in the public square, he would strike his head against the iron railings to know whether they were real. It took him a number of days to recover his normal self. He had a foretaste of the great experiences yet to come and realized that the words of the Vedanta were true.
   Nitya Niranjan Sen was a disciple of heroic type. He came to the Master when he was eighteen years old. He was a medium for a group of spiritualists. During his first visit the Master said to him: "My boy, if you think always of ghosts you Will become a ghost, and if you think of God you Will become God. Now, which do you prefer?" Niranjan severed all connexions with the spiritualists. During his second visit the Master embraced him and said warmly: "Niranjan, my boy, the days are flitting away. When Will you realize God? This life Will be in vain if you do not realize Him. When Will you devote your mind wholly to God?" Niranjan was surprised to see the Master's great anxiety for his spiritual welfare. He was a young man endowed with unusual spiritual parts. He felt disdain for worldly pleasures and was totally guileless, like a child. But he had a violent temper. One day, as he was coming in a country boat to Dakshineswar, some of his fellow passengers began to speak ill of the Master. Finding his protest futile, Niranjan began to rock the boat, threatening to sink it in mid stream. That silenced the offenders. When he reported the incident to the Master, he was rebuked for his inability to curb his anger.
   Sashi and Sarat were two cousins who came from a pious brahmin family of Calcutta. At an early age they had joined the Brahmo Samaj and had come under the influence of Keshab Sen. The Master said to them at their first meeting: "If bricks and tiles are burnt after the trade-mark has been stamped on them, they retain the mark for ever. Similarly, man should be stamped with God before entering the world. Then he Will not become attached to worldliness." Fully aware of the future course of their life, he asked them not to marry. The Master asked Sashi whether he believed in God with form or in God without form. Sashi replied that he was not even sure about the existence of God; so he could not speak one way or the other. This frank answer very much pleased the Master.
   Sarat's soul longed for the all-embracing realization of the Godhead. When the Master inquired whether there was any particular form of God he wished to see, the boy replied that he would like to see God in all the living beings of the world. "But", the Master demurred, "that is the last word in realization. One cannot have it at the very outset." Sarat stated calmly: "I won't be satisfied with anything short of that. I shall trudge on along the path till I attain that blessed state." Sri Ramakrishna was very much pleased.
   Harinath had led the austere life of a brahmachari even from his early boyhood — bathing in the Ganges every day, cooking his own meals, waking before sunrise, and reciting the Gita from memory before leaving bed. He found in the Master the embodiment of the Vedanta scriptures. Aspiring to be a follower of the ascetic Sankara, he cherished a great hatred for women. One day he said to the Master that he could not allow even small girls to come near him. The Master scolded him and said: "You are talking like a fool. Why should you hate women? They are the manifestations of the Divine Mother. Regard them as your own mother and you Will never feel their evil influence. The more you hate them, the more you Will fall into their snares." Hari said later that these words completely changed his attitude toward women.
   The Master knew Hari's passion for Vedanta. But he did not wish any of his disciples to become a dry ascetic or a mere bookworm. So he asked Hari to practise Vedanta in life by giving up the unreal and following the Real. "But it is not so easy", Sri Ramakrishna said, "to realize the illusoriness of the world. Study alone does not help one very much. The grace of God is required. Mere personal effort is futile. A man is a tiny creature after all, with very limited powers. But he can achieve the impossible if he prays to God for His grace." Whereupon the Master sang a song in praise of grace. Hari was profoundly moved and shed tears. Later in life Hari achieved a wonderful synthesis of the ideals of the Personal God and the Impersonal Truth.
   Kaliprasad visited the Master toward the end of 1883. Given to the practice of meditation and the study of the scriptures. Kali was particularly interested in yoga. Feeling the need of a guru in spiritual life, he came to the Master and was accepted as a disciple. The young boy possessed a rational mind and often felt sceptical about the Personal God. The Master said to him: "Your doubts Will soon disappear. Others, too, have passed through such a state of mind. Look at Naren. He now weeps at the names of Radha and Krishna." Kali began to see visions of gods and goddesses. Very soon these disappeared and in meditation he experienced vastness, infinity, and the other attributes of the Impersonal Brahman.
   --- SUBODH
   Subodh visited the Master in 1885. At the very first meeting Sri Ramakrishna said to him: "You Will succeed. Mother says so. Those whom She sends here Will certainly attain spirituality." During the second meeting the Master wrote something on Subodh's tongue, stroked his body from the navel to the throat, and said, "Awake, Mother! Awake." He asked the boy to meditate. At once Subodh's latent spirituality was awakened. He felt a current rushing along the spinal column to the brain. Joy filled his soul.
   In April 1885 the Master's throat became inflamed. Prolonged conversation or absorption in samadhi, making the blood flow into the throat, would aggravate the pain. Yet when the annual Vaishnava festival was celebrated at Panihati, Sri Ramakrishna attended it against the doctor's advice. With a group of disciples he spent himself in music, dance, and ecstasy. The illness took a turn for the worse and was diagnosed as "clergyman's sore throat". The patient was cautioned against conversation and ecstasies. Though he followed the physician's directions regarding medicine and diet, he could neither control his trances nor withhold from seekers the solace of his advice. Sometimes, like a sulky child, he would complain to the Mother about the crowds, who gave him no rest day or night. He was overheard to say to Her; "Why do You bring here all these worthless people, who are like milk diluted with five times its own quantity of water? My eyes are almost destroyed with blowing the fire to dry up the water. My health is gone. It is beyond my strength. Do it Yourself, if You want it done. This (pointing to his own body) is but a perforated drum, and if you go on beating it day in and day out, how long Will it last?"
   But his large heart never turned anyone away. He said, "Let me be condemned to be born over and over again, even in the form of a dog, if I can be of help to a single soul." And he bore the pain, singing cheerfully, "Let the body be preoccupied with illness, but, O mind, dwell for ever in God's Bliss!"
   At Syampukur the devotees led an intense life. Their attendance on the Master was in itself a form of spiritual discipline. His mind was constantly soaring to an exalted plane of consciousness. Now and then they would catch the contagion of his spiritual fervour. They sought to divine the meaning of this illness of the Master, whom most of them had accepted as an Incarnation of God. One group, headed by Girish with his robust optimism and great power of imagination, believed that the illness was a mere pretext to serve a deeper purpose. The Master had Willed his illness in order to bring the devotees together and promote solidarity among them. As soon as this purpose was served, he would himself get rid of the disease. A second group thought that the Divine Mother, in whose hand the Master was an instrument, had brought about this illness to serve Her own mysterious ends. But the young rationalists, led by Narendra, refused to ascribe a
   supernatural cause to a natural phenomenon. They believed that the Master's body, a material thing, was subject, like all other material things, to physical laws. Growth, development, decay, and death were laws of nature to which the Master's body could not but respond. But though holding differing views, they all believed that it was to him alone that they must look for the attainment of their spiritual goal.
   It took the group only a few days to become adjusted to the new environment. The Holy Mother, assisted by Sri Ramakrishna's niece, Lakshmi Devi, and a few woman devotees, took charge of the cooking for the Master and his attendants. Surendra Willingly bore the major portion of the expenses, other householders contributing according to their means. Twelve disciples were constant attendants of the Master: Narendra, Rakhal, Baburam, Niranjan, Jogin, Latu, Tarak, the-elder Gopal, Kali, Sashi, Sarat, and the younger Gopal. Sarada, Harish, Hari, Gangadhar, and Tulasi visited the Master from time to time and practised sadhana at home. Narendra, preparing for his law examination, brought his books to the garden house in order to continue his studies during the infrequent spare moments. He encouraged his brother disciples to intensify their meditation, scriptural studies, and other spiritual disciplines. They all forgot their relatives and their
   worldly duties.
   Narendra, consumed with a terrific fever for realization, complained to the Master that all the others had attained peace and that he alone was dissatisfied. The Master asked what he wanted. Narendra begged for samadhi, so that he might altogether forget the world for three or four days at a time. "You are a fool", the Master rebuked him. "There is a state even higher than that. Isn't it you who sing, 'All that exists art Thou'? First of all settle your family affairs and then come to me. You Will experience a state even higher than samadhi."
   The Master did not hide the fact that he wished to make Narendra his spiritual heir. Narendra was to continue the work after Sri Ramakrishna's passing. Sri Ramakrishna said to him: "I leave these young men in your charge. See that they develop their spirituality and do not return home." One day he asked the boys, in preparation for a monastic life, to beg their food from door to door without thought of caste. They hailed the Master's order and went out with begging-bowls. A few days later he gave the ochre cloth of the sannyasi to each of them, including Girish, who was now second to none in his spirit of renunciation. Thus the Master himself laid the foundation of the future Ramakrishna Order of monks.
   Sri Ramakrishna was sinking day by day. His diet was reduced to a minimum and he found it almost impossible to swallow. He whispered to M.: "I am bearing all this cheerfully, for otherwise you would be weeping. If you all say that it is better that the body should go rather than suffer this torture, I am Willing." The next morning he said to his depressed disciples seated near the bed: "Do you know what I see? I see that God alone has become everything. Men and animals are only frameworks covered with skin, and it is He who is moving through their heads and limbs. I see that it is God Himself who has become the block, the executioner, and the victim for the sacrifice.' He fainted with emotion. Regaining partial consciousness, he said: "Now I have no pain. I am very well." Looking at Latu he said: "There sits Latu resting his head on the palm of his hand. To me it is the Lord who is seated in that posture."
   The words were tender and touching. Like a mother he caressed Narendra and Rakhal, gently stroking their faces. He said in a half whisper to M., "Had this body been allowed to last a little longer, many more souls would have been illumined." He paused a moment and then said: "But Mother has ordained otherwise. She Will take me away lest, finding me guileless and foolish, people should take advantage of me and persuade me to bestow on them the rare gifts of spirituality." A few minutes later he touched his chest and said: "Here are two beings. One is She and the other is Her devotee. It is the latter who broke his arm, and it is he again who is now ill. Do you understand me?" After a pause he added: "Alas! To whom shall I tell all this? Who Will understand me?" "Pain", he consoled them again, 'is unavoidable as long as there is a body. The Lord takes on the body for the sake of His devotees."
   Yet one is not sure whether the Master's soul actually was tortured by this agonizing disease. At least during his moments of spiritual exaltation — which became almost constant during the closing days of his life on earth — he lost all consciousness of the body, of illness and suffering. One of his attendants (Latu, later known as Swami Adbhutananda.) said later on: "While Sri Ramakrishna lay sick he never actually suffered pain. He would often say: 'O mind! Forget the body, forget the sickness, and remain merged in Bliss.' No, he did not really suffer. At times he would be in a state when the thrill of joy was clearly manifested in his body. Even when he could not speak he would let us know in some way that there was no suffering, and this fact was clearly evident to all who watched him. People who did not understand him thought that his suffering was very great. What spiritual joy he transmitted to us at that time! Could such a thing have been possible if he had 'been suffering physically? It was during this period that he taught us again these truths: 'Brahman is always unattached. The three gunas are in It, but It is unaffected by them, just as the wind carries odour yet remains odourless.' 'Brahman is Infinite Being, Infinite Wisdom, Infinite Bliss. In It there exist no delusion, no misery, no disease, no death, no growth, no decay.' 'The Transcendental Being and the being within are one and the same. There is one indivisible Absolute Existence.'"
   After another long period Narendra regained full consciousness. Bathed in peace, he went to the Master, who said: "Now the Mother has shown you everything. But this revelation Will remain under lock and key, and I shall keep the key. When you have accomplished the Mother's work you Will find the treasure again."
   Some days later, Narendra being alone with the Master, Sri Ramakrishna looked at him and went into samadhi. Narendra felt the penetration of a subtle force and lost all outer consciousness. Regaining presently the normal mood, he found the Master weeping.
   Sri Ramakrishna said to him: "Today I have given you my all and I am now only a poor fakir, possessing nothing. By this power you Will do immense good in the world, and not until it is accomplished Will you return." Henceforth the Master lived in the disciple.
   Doubt, however, dies hard. After one or two days Narendra said to himself, "If in the midst of this racking physical pain he declares his Godhead, then only shall I accept him as an Incarnation of God." He was alone by the bedside of the Master. It was a passing thought, but the Master smiled. Gathering his remaining strength, he distinctly said, "He who was Rama and Krishna is now, in this body, Ramakrishna — but not in your Vedantic sense." Narendra was stricken with shame.

0.00 - The Book of Lies Text, #The Book of Lies, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
    ably around 1921. The student Will find it very
    helpful for the light it throws on many of its passages.
     Those familiar with that system Will recognise Kether,
    Chokmah, Binah, in the First Triad; Daath, in the Abyss; Chesed,
     It Will be noticed that this cosmogony is very complete; the
    manifestation even of God does not appear until Tiphareth; and
     Line 7 balances line 5. It Will be notice that the
    phraseology of these two lines is so conceived that the
             Thy Will is done.
             Here is the Bread.
     The word "Perdurabo" means "I Will endure unto
    the end". The allusion is explained in the note.
     Will observed upon pronouncing it.
    Mighty and erect is this Will of mine, this Pyramid
     of fire whose summit is lost in Heaven. Upon it
                     of my Will. The
     seed thereof is That which I have borne within me
    is here identified with the Will. The Greek word
     The story of the Gospel, and that of Parsifal, Will
    occur to the mind.
    Let this go free, even as It Will; thou art not its
     master, but the vehicle of It.
    charged to let it have its own way. It has a Will of its
    own, which is more in accordance with the Cosmic Will,
    than that of the man who is its guardian and servant.
    the Abyss, the student Will succeed in bringing his
    reason under control.
    descend upon Tiphareth, where the human Will is
    situated, and flood it with the ineffable light.
    All that moves well moves without Will.
    All skillfulness, all strain, all intention is contrary to
    Take me, who Will!
     he know them, if he Will and dare do them, and
     can keep silent about them, the signs of N.O.X.
     This chapter Will be readily intelligible to E.A.
    Freemasons, and it cannot be explained to others.
    As they go they spill water; one day they Will irrigate
     the desert, till it flower.
    a spiral force. It Will be difficult to understand this chapter with-
    out some experience in the transvaluation of values, which occurs
    Thy reign is come: Thy Will is done.
    Here is the Bread; here is the Blood.
    Master of the Temple, Liber 418 Will explain most of the
    allusions in this chapter.
     It Will be noticed that the figure, or sigil, of BABALON
    is a seal upon a ring, and this ring is upon the forefinger
     It Will be noticed that this seal, except for the absence of
    a border, is the official seal of the A.'.A.'. Compare Chapter
    6 and 7 it Will be noticed that the identification of the
    Soldier with the Hunchback has reached such a pitch
    sistently, while it is notorious that a red cloth Will excite
    the rage of a bull.
    in Royal Arch Masonry. The Initiate Will be able to
    discover the most formidable secret of that degree con-
     is the one thing that he Will not and cannot do!
     yet I know that the clouds Will gather closer for
     the false clearing.
    The mirage Will fade; then Will the desert be thirstier
     than before.
    with other things, but you Will only increase your
    bitterness, rivet the chains still on your feet.
     The last paragraph Will only be understood by
    Masters of the Temple.
     the apes Will begin soon enough.
    "Pioneers, O Pioneers!"
     apes Will presently begin.
    Nay, rejoice exceedingly; for after all the babble of
     I am going to rejoin Laylah. (5) My mission Will
     succeed soon enough. (6) Death Will remove the
     nuisance of success.
    allusions Will then be obvious, save those which we
    proceed to not.
     Thine Asana, death Will relieve thee!
    Bite not, Zelator dear, but bide! Ten days didst
   Paragraph 2 Will easily be understood by those who have practised
  Asana. there is perhaps a sardonic reference to rigor mortis, and certainly
  man, has a close affinity for Gimel, as Will be seen by a study of Liber 418.
   Unt is not only the Hindustani for Camel, but the usual termination of the
     As Will be seen from the photogravure inserted opposite
    this chapter, Laylah is herself not devoid of "Devil", but,
     The text need no comment, but it Will be noticed that it is
    much shorter that the title.
     complete, mayst thou perceive THAT Will which
     moved it first. [There is no first or last.}
     The title of this chapter, and its two sub-titles, Will
    need no explanation to readers of the classics.
    But how much gold Will you give me for the Secret
     of Infinite Riches?

0.00 - THE GOSPEL PREFACE, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  They therefore have the value of almost stenographic records. In Appendix A are given several conversations which took place in the absence of M., but of which he received a first-hand record from persons concerned. The conversations Will bring before the reader's mind an intimate picture of the Master's eventful life from March 1882 to April 24, 1886, only a few months before his passing away. During this period he came in contact chiefly with English-educated Benglis; from among them he selected his disciples and the bearers of his message, and with them he shared his rich spiritual experiences.
  I have made a literal translation, omitting only a few pages of no particular interest to English-speaking readers. Often literary grace has been sacrificed for the sake of literal translation. No translation can do full justice to the original. This difficulty is all the more felt in the present work, whose contents are of a deep mystical nature and describe the inner experiences of a great seer. Human language is an altogether inadequate vehicle to express supersensuous perception. Sri Ramakrishna was almost illiterate. He never clothed his thoughts in formal language. His words sought to convey his direct realization of Truth. His conversation was in a village patois. Therein lies its charm. In order to explain to his listeners an abstruse philosophy, he, like Christ before him, used with telling effect homely parables and illustrations, culled from his observation of the daily life around him.
  The reader Will find mentioned in this work many visions and experiences that fall outside the ken of physical science and even psychology. With the development of modern knowledge the border line between the natural and the supernatural is ever shifting its position. Genuine mystical experiences are not as suspect now as they were half a century ago. The words of Sri Ramakrishna have already exerted a tremendous influence in the land of his birth. Savants of Europe have found in his words the ring of universal truth.
  But these words were not the product of intellectual cogitation; they were rooted in direct experience. Hence, to students of religion, psychology, and physical science, these experiences of the Master are of immense value for the understanding of religious phenomena in general. No doubt Sri Ramakrishna was a Hindu of the Hindus; yet his experiences transcended the limits of the dogmas and creeds of Hinduism. Mystics of religions other than Hinduism Will find in Sri Ramakrishna's experiences a corroboration of the experiences of their own prophets and seers. And this is very important today for the resuscitation of religious values. The sceptical reader may pass by the supernatural experiences; he Will yet find in the book enough material to provoke his serious thought and solve many of his spiritual problems.
  There are repetitions of teachings and parables in the book. I have kept them purposely. They have their charm and usefulness, repeated as they were in different settings. Repetition is unavoidable in a work of this kind. In the first place, different seekers come to a religious teacher with questions of more or less identical nature; hence the answers Will be of more or less identical pattern. Besides, religious teachers of all times and climes have tried, by means of repetition, to hammer truths into the stony soil of the recalcitrant human mind. Finally, repetition does not seem tedious if the ideas repeated are dear to a man's heart.
  I have thought it necessary to write a rather lengthy Introduction to the book. In it I have given the biography of the Master, descriptions of people who came in contact with him, short explanations of several systems of Indian religious thought intimately connected with Sri Ramakrishna's life, and other relevant matters which, I hope, Will enable the reader better to understand and appreciate the unusual contents of this book. It is particularly important that the Western reader, unacquainted with Hindu religious thought, should first read carefully the introductory chapter, in order that he may fully enjoy these conversations. Many Indian terms and names have been retained in the book for want of suitable English equivalents. Their meaning is given either in the Glossary or in the foot-notes. The Glossary also gives explanations of a number of expressions unfamiliar to Western readers. The diacritical marks are explained under Notes on Pronunciation.
  In the Introduction I have drawn much material from the Life of Sri Ramakrishna, published by the Advaita Ashrama, Myvati, India. I have also consulted the excellent article on Sri Ramakrishna by Swami Nirvednanda, in the second volume of the Cultural Heritage of India.
  There was an urge in M. to abandon the household life and become a Sannysin. When he communicated this idea to the Master, he forbade him saying," Mother has told me that you have to do a little of Her work you Will have to teach Bhagavata, the word of God to humanity. The Mother keeps a Bhagavata Pandit with a bondage in the world!"
  ( Ibid P.36.)
  The two pamphlets in English entitled the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna appeared in October and November 1897. They drew the spontaneous acclamation of Swami Vivekananda, who wrote on 24th November of that year from Dehra Dun to M.:"Many many thanks for your second leaflet. It is indeed wonderful. The move is quite original, and never was the life of a Great Teacher brought before the public untarnished by the writer's mind, as you are doing. The language also is beyond all praise, so fresh, so pointed, and withal so plain and easy. I cannot express in adequate terms how I have enjoyed them. I am really in a transport when I read them. Strange, isn't it? Our Teacher and Lord was so original, and each one of us Will have to be original or nothing.
  I now understand why none of us attempted His life before. It has been reserved for you, this great work. He is with you evidently." ( Vednta Kesari Vol. XIX P. 141. Also given in the first edition of the Gospel published from Ramakrishna Math, Madras in 1911.)
  As time went on and the number of devotees increased, the staircase room and terrace of the 3rd floor of the Morton Institution became a veritable Naimisaranya of modern times, resounding during all hours of the day, and sometimes of night, too, with the word of God coming from the Rishi-like face of M. addressed to the eager God-seekers sitting around. To the devotees who helped him in preparing the text of the Gospel, he would dictate the conversations of the Master in a meditative mood, referring now and then to his diary. At times in the stillness of midnight he would awaken a nearby devotee and tell him: "Let us listen to the words of the Master in the depths of the night as he explains the truth of the Pranava." ( Vednta Kesari XIX P. 142.) Swami Raghavananda, an intimate devotee of M., writes as follows about these devotional sittings: "In the sweet and warm months of April and May, sitting under the canopy of heaven on the roof-garden of 50 Amherst Street, surrounded by shrubs and plants, himself sitting in their midst like a Rishi of old, the stars and planets in their courses beckoning us to things infinite and sublime, he would speak to us of the mysteries of God and His love and of the yearning that would rise in the human heart to solve the Eternal Riddle, as exemplified in the life of his Master. The mind, melting under the influence of his soft sweet words of light, would almost transcend the frontiers of limited existence and dare to peep into the infinite. He himself would take the influence of the setting and say,'What a blessed privilege it is to sit in such a setting (pointing to the starry heavens), in the company of the devotees discoursing on God and His love!' These unforgettable scenes Will long remain imprinted on the minds of his hearers." (Prabuddha Bharata Vol XXXVII P 497.)
  About twenty-seven years of his life he spent in this way in the heart of the great city of Calcutta, radiating the Master's thoughts and ideals to countless devotees who flocked to him, and to still larger numbers who read his Kathmrita (English Edition : The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna), the last part of which he had completed before June 1932 and given to the press. And miraculously, as it were, his end also came immediately after he had completed his life's mission. About three months earlier he had come to stay at his home at 13/2 Gurdasprasad Chaudhuary Lane at Thakur Bari, where the Holy Mother had herself installed the Master and where His regular worship was being conducted for the previous 40 years. The night of 3rd June being the Phalahrini Kli Pooja day, M.

0.00 - The Wellspring of Reality, #Synergetics - Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking, #R Buckminster Fuller, #Science
  Quite clearly, our task is predominantly metaphysical, for it is how to get all of humanity to educate itself swiftly enough to generate spontaneous social behaviors that Will avoid extinction.
  Living upon the threshold between yesterday and tomorrow, which threshold we reflexively assumed in some long ago yesterday to constitute an eternal now, we are aware of the daily-occurring, vast multiplication of experience generated information by which we potentially may improve our understanding of our yesterdays' experiences and therefrom derive our most farsighted preparedness for successive tomorrows.
  The supposed location of the threshold between animate and inanimate was methodically narrowed down by experimental science until it was confined specifically within the domain of virology. Virologists have been too busy, for instance, with their DNA-RNA genetic code isolatings, to find time to see the synergetic significance to society of the fact that they have found that no physical threshold does in fact exist between animate and inanimate. The possibility of its existence vanished because the supposedly unique physical qualities of both animate and inanimate have persisted right across yesterday's supposed threshold in both directions to permeate one another's-previously perceived to be exclusive- domains. Subsequently, what was animate has become foggier and foggier, and what is inanimate clearer and clearer. All organisms consist physically and in entirety of inherently inanimate atoms. The inanimate alone is not only omnipresent but is alone experimentally demonstrable. Belated news of the elimination of this threshold must be interpreted to mean that whatever life may be, it has not been isolated and thereby identified as residual in the biological cell, as had been supposed by the false assumption that there was a separate physical phenomenoncalled animate within which life existed. No life per se has been isolated. The threshold between animate and inanimate has vanished. Those chemists who are preoccupied in synthesizing the particular atomically structured molecules identified as the prime constituents of humanly employed organisms Will, even if they are chemically successful, be as remote from creating life as are automobile manufacturers from creating the human drivers of their automobiles. Only the physical connections and development complexes of distinctly "nonlife" atoms into molecules, into cells, into animals, has been and Will be discovered. The genetic coding of the design controls of organic systems offers no more explanation of life than did the specifications of the designs of the telephone system's apparatus and operation explain the nature of the life that communicates weightlessly to life over the only physically ponderable telephone system. Whatever else life may be, we know it is weightless. At the moment of death, no weight is lost. All the chemicals, including the chemist's life ingredients, are present, but life has vanished. The physical is inherently entropic, giving off energy in ever more disorderly ways. The metaphysical is antientropic, methodically marshalling energy. Life is antientropic.
  It is spontaneously inquisitive. It sorts out and endeavors to understand.
  Where else might society turn for advice? Unguided by science, society is allowed to go right on filling its childrens' brain banks with large inventories of competence-devastating misinformation. In order to emerge from its massive ignorance, society Will probably have to rely exclusively upon its individuals' own minds to survey the pertinent experimental data-as do all great scientist-artists. This, in effect, is what the intuition of world-around youth is beginning to do. Mind can see that reality is evoluting into weightless metaphysics. The wellspring of reality is the family of weightless generalized principles.
  It is essential to release humanity from the false fixations of yesterday, which seem now to bind it to a rationale of action leading only to extinction.
  And whence Will come the wealth with which we may undertake to lead world man into his new and validly hopeful life? From the wealth of the minds of world man-whence comes all wealth. Only mind can discover how to do so much with so little as forever to be able to sustain and physically satisfy all humanity.

0.01f - FOREWARD, #The Phenomenon of Man, #Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, #Christianity
  man Willy-nilly fmds his own image stamped on all he looks at.
  This is indeed a form of bondage, for which, however, a
  structural. The following pages Will do no more than verify and
  analyse this phenomenon. By virtue of the quality and the bio-
  Without these qualities to illuminate our vision, man Will
  remain indefinitely for us whatever is done to make us see
  as matter. The true physics is that which Will, one day, achieve
  the inclusion of man in his wholeness in a coherent picture of the
  and realises that a universal Will to live converges and is hominised
  in him.

0.01 - I - Sri Aurobindos personality, his outer retirement - outside contacts after 1910 - spiritual personalities- Vibhutis and Avatars - transformtion of human personality, #Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo, #unset, #Zen
   "He comes as the divine power and love which calls men to itself, so that they may take refuge in that and no longer in the insufficiency of their human Wills and the strife of their human fear, wrath and passion, and liberated from all this unquiet and suffering may live in the calm and bliss of the Divine."[6]
   "The Avatar comes to reveal the divine nature in man above this lower nature and to show what are the divine works, free, unegoistic, disinterested, impersonal, universal, full of the divine light, the divine power and the divine love. He comes as the divine personality which shall fill the consciousness of the human being and replace the limited egoistic personality, so that it shall be liberated out of ego into infinity and universality, out of birth into immortality."[7]
   It is clear that Sri Aurobindo interpreted the traditional idea of the Vibhuti and the Avatar in terms of the evolutionary possibilities of man. But more directly he has worked out the idea of the 'gnostic individual' in his masterpiece The Life Divine. He says: "A supramental gnostic individual Will be a spiritual Person, but not a personality in the sense of a pattern of being marked out by a settled combination of fixed qualities, a determined character; he cannot be that since he is a conscious expression of the universal and the transcendent." Describing the gnostic individual he says: "We feel ourselves in the presence of a light of consciousness, a potency, a sea of energy, can distinguish and describe its free waves of action and quality, but not fix itself; and yet there is an impression of personality, the presence of a powerful being, a strong, high or beautiful recognisable Someone, a Person, not a limited creature of Nature but a Self or Soul, a Purusha."[8]
   One feels that he was describing the feeling of some of us, his disciples, with regard to him in his inimitable way.

0.01 - Letters from the Mother to Her Son, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  one of which is our property; others Will follow. New recruits
  are coming from all parts of the world. With this expansion,
  which Will no doubt interest you since they Will give you an idea,
  however incomplete and imprecise, of the surroundings in which
  I live; in any case they Will give a very limited impression, for
  the Ashram at present consists of seventeen houses inhabited by
  on, at your leisure, Will enable you to understand those parts
  which eluded you at first glance. Moreover, these "conversations" make no claim to exhaust their subjects or even to deal
  Nature's plan to perpetuate the human race, she Will always find
  as many people as she needs to carry out her plan. The earth
  What do you say to this? Isn't it tempting? Will you ever
  have the time or the possibility to come here? Once you did let
  Let us hope that it Will not be long in coming.
  23 August 1936
  human Will there are forces at work whose origin is not human
  and which move consciously towards certain ends. The play of
  always they find Wills which they enslave and individuals whom
  they turn into docile but nearly always unconscious puppets.

0.01 - Life and Yoga, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
   the profoundest reason of its being in that general truth and that unceasing aim of Nature which it represents, and find by virtue of this new self-knowledge and self-appreciation its own recovered and larger synthesis. Reorganising itself, it Will enter more easily and powerfully into the reorganised life of the race which its processes claim to lead within into the most secret penetralia and upward to the highest altitudes of existence and personality.
  In the right view both of life and of Yoga all life is either consciously or subconsciously a Yoga. For we mean by this term a methodised effort towards self-perfection by the expression of the secret potentialities latent in the being and - highest condition of victory in that effort - a union of the human individual with the universal and transcendent Existence we see partially expressed in man and in the Cosmos. But all life, when we look behind its appearances, is a vast Yoga of Nature who attempts in the conscious and the subconscious to realise her perfection in an ever-increasing expression of her yet unrealised potentialities and to unite herself with her own divine reality. In man, her thinker, she for the first time upon this Earth devises selfconscious means and Willed arrangements of activity by which this great purpose may be more swiftly and puissantly attained.
  Yoga, as Swami Vivekananda has said, may be regarded as a means of compressing one's evolution into a single life or a few years or even a few months of bodily existence. A given system of Yoga, then, can be no more than a selection or a compression, into narrower but more energetic forms of intensity, of the general methods which are already being used loosely, largely, in a leisurely movement, with a profuser apparent waste of material and energy but with a more complete combination by the great

0.02 - II - The Home of the Guru, #Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo, #unset, #Zen
   Guru-griha-vsa staying in the home of the Guru is a very old Indian ideal maintained by seekers through the ages. The Aranyakas the ancient teachings in the forest-groves are perhaps the oldest records of the institution. It was not for education in the modern sense of the term that men went to live with the Guru; for the Guru is not a 'teacher'. The Guru is one who is 'enlightened', who is a seer, a Rishi, one who has the vision of and has lived the Truth. He has, thus, the knowledge of the goal of human life and has learnt true values in life by living the Truth. He can impart both these to the Willing seeker. In ancient times seekers went to the Guru with many questions, difficulties and doubts but also with earnestness. Their questions were preliminary to the quest.
   The Master, the Guru, set at rest the puzzled human mind by his illuminating answers, perhaps even more by his silent consciousness, so that it might be able to pursue unhampered the path of realisation of the Truth. Those ancient discourses answer the mind of man today even across the ages. They have rightly acquired as everything of the past does a certain sanctity. But sometimes that very reverence prevents men from properly evaluating, and living in, the present. This happens when the mind instead of seeking the Spirit looks at the form. For instance, it is not necessary for such discourses that they take place in forest-groves in order to be highly spiritual. Wherever the Master is, there is Light. And guru-griha the house of the Master can be his private dwelling place. So much was this feeling a part of Sri Aurobindo's nature and so particular was he to maintain the personal character of his work that during the first few years after 1923 he did not like his house to be called an 'Ashram', as the word had acquired the sense of a public institution to the modern mind. But there was no doubt that the flower of Divinity had blossomed in him; and disciples, like bees seeking honey, came to him. It is no exaggeration to say that these Evening Talks were to the small company of disciples what the Aranyakas were to the ancient seekers. Seeking the Light, they came to the dwelling place of their Guru, the greatest seer of the age, and found it their spiritual home the home of their parents, for the Mother, his companion in the great mission, had come. And these spiritual parents bestowed upon the disciples freely of their Light, their Consciousness, their Power and their Grace. The modern reader may find that the form of these discourses differs from those of the past but it was bound to be so for the simple reason that the times have changed and the problems that puzzle the modern mind are so different. Even though the disciples may be very imperfect representations of what he aimed at in them, still they are his creations. It is in order to repay, in however infinitesimal a degree, the debt which we owe to him that the effort is made to partake of the joy of his company the Evening Talks with a larger public.

0.02 - Letters to a Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  month. Will you see if indeed the previous book is finished or
  not, and act accordingly.
  In future I Will be obliged to ask for the finished notebook
  before I can sanction a new one. That is to say, each time that
  merely saying: "nothing Will happen" that an accident can be
  avoided. Your mental formation may be strong, but the contrary
  believes to be needs - he Will be disillusioned. He prefers
  not to mention them rather than to be disillusioned.
  a treatment!! I prefer not to think of what Will come out of so
  much unconsciousness and carelessness.
  To understand is good, but to Will is better.
  Self-love is the great obstacle.
  I was imagining that Mother Will throw away this book
  in disgust, or that Sri Aurobindo Will write two pages
  asking me to quit the Ashram or at least to stop work
  from tomorrow. Mother Will say: this is the effect of
  indulging himself so much in the morning! He deserves
  It is by the concentration of our Will and the intensity of our
  aspiration that we can hasten the day of victory.
  Which activity Will most fully utilise all the energies?
  The one that is done in the most perfect spirit of consecration.
  hope this new marriage Will not make him irregular.
  Should we give him the money? If you think it is necessary,
  made, the conscious Will loses nearly all control over them unless
  a counter-formation is made to destroy them. Something like
  I earnestly hope that Mother Will not disgrace me by giving
  me one, for it would cover me with shame and embarrassment.
  in this case. I Will explain: the idea of a big frame is excellent
  but difficult to execute. If the desire had not been there insisting
  himself peace and good Will, Will in a way impose on others
  at least something of his peace and good Will, whereas scorn,
  irritability and anger Will arouse similar movements in others.
  The explanation of many events may be found along this line -
  shall discuss the matter quietly. When Will you learn not to lose
  courage and confidence at the slightest setback, when things are
  number of workmen Will be reduced by... (give the exact figure).
  That Will give them time to look for work elsewhere. Those who
  have found work should let us know."
  Before displaying the notice you Will speak to the workers
  (masons, carpenters, painters, coolies, etc.) whom you positively
  doubt is not an experiment, and that outer circumstances Will
  always conspire to justify these doubts, and this for a reason
  with a thick layer of distemper which by its very thickness Will be
  enough to conceal any irregularities. The process was supposed
  Read this carefully, study it, and when you come today I Will
  ask you to read it from the place I have marked with a red cross,
  You have only to open your heart and your thirst Will be
  quenched, for the waters of love never run dry.
  exists; then, by a slight movement of Will, one can succeed at
  identification. But it is not very easy to do and there are other
  I sing Your praises. I Will never forget how You respond when one calls You with intensity, nor the marvel
  of Your presence which changes the attitude of others
  Y's Will is strong and he knows how to impose it on others. The
  only solution is to have a Will stronger than his and to use it
  with great calm, but also with great determination.
  right. We shall both submit our views to Mother and she Will
  You have made me aware of the subconscious movements governing my action. Whenever a similar opportunity arises, Will You please make me more and more
  aware. Do not withdraw from me when You see me sad.
  Your Grace I Will be myself again within a short time.
  I aspire for the blessed day when the conflict, the
  momentary lack of faith, Will cease forever and You Will
  use me even as You use Your feet, O Sweet Mother.
  did not have the power to dominate the other man's Will.
  So you should have the nails removed.
  Yes, I hoped that his Will could be made to yield on this point,
  because I thought it was absolutely true that removing the nails
  to dominate the other man's Will. So you should get the
  nails removed." This is the sentence that upset me. Why
  Look into your heart, in all sincerity, and you Will see that
  if someone you liked had asked you to remove the nails, you
  given up the work and that he Will return to work this morning.
  So you should behave as if nothing had happened and welcome
  him back. I hope that Y too Will not make any unnecessary
  that I Will make a sincere effort to get rid of them, and
  with Your help I am sure to succeed.

0.02 - The Three Steps of Nature, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  And when the preliminary conditions are satisfied, when the great endeavour has found its base, what Will be the nature of that farther possibility which the activities of the intellectual life must serve? If Mind is indeed Nature's highest term, then the entire development of the rational and imaginative intellect and the harmonious satisfaction of the emotions and sensibilities must be to themselves sufficient. But if, on the contrary, man is more than a reasoning and emotional animal, if beyond that which is being evolved, there is something that has to be evolved, then it may well be that the fullness of the mental life, the suppleness, flexibility and wide capacity of the intellect, the ordered richness of emotion and sensibility may be only a passage towards the development of a higher life and of more powerful faculties which are yet to manifest and to take possession of the lower instrument, just as mind itself has so taken possession of the body that the physical being no longer lives only for its own satisfaction but provides the foundation and the materials for a superior activity.
  The assertion of a higher than the mental life is the whole foundation of Indian philosophy and its acquisition and organisation is the veritable object served by the methods of Yoga.
  For, as is indicated by the name, causal body (karan.a), as opposed to the two others which are instruments (karan.a), this crowning manifestation is also the source and effective power of all that in the actual evolution has preceded it. Our mental activities are, indeed, a derivation, selection and, so long as they are divided from the truth that is secretly their source, a deformation of the divine knowledge. Our sensations and emotions have the same relation to the Bliss, our vital forces and actions to the aspect of Will or Force assumed by the divine consciousness, our physical being to the pure essence of that Bliss and
  Consciousness. The evolution which we observe and of which
  The immanence itself would have no credible reason for being if it did not end in such a transfiguration. But if human mind can become capable of the glories of the divine Light, human emotion and sensibility can be transformed into the mould and assume the measure and movement of the supreme Bliss, human action not only represent but feel itself to be the motion of a divine and non-egoistic Force and the physical substance of our being sufficiently partake of the purity of the supernal essence, sufficiently unify plasticity and durable constancy to support and prolong these highest experiences and agencies, then all the long labour of Nature Will end in a crowning justification and her evolutions reveal their profound significance.
  So dazzling is even a glimpse of this supreme existence and so absorbing its attraction that, once seen, we feel readily justified in neglecting all else for its pursuit. Even, by an opposite exaggeration to that which sees all things in Mind and the mental life as an exclusive ideal, Mind comes to be regarded as an unworthy deformation and a supreme obstacle, the source of an illusory universe, a negation of the Truth and itself to be denied and all its works and results annulled if we desire the final liberation. But this is a half-truth which errs by regarding only the actual limitations of Mind and ignores its divine intention.

0.03 - III - The Evening Sittings, #Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo, #unset, #Zen
   Sri Aurobindo was never a social man in the current sense of the term and definitely he was not a man of the crowd. This was due to his grave temperament, not to any feeling of superiority or to repulsion for men. At Baroda there was an Officers' Club which was patronised by the Maharajah and though Sri Aurobindo enrolled himself as a member he hardly went to the Club even on special occasions. He rather liked a small congenial circle of friends and spent most of his evenings with them whenever he was free and not occupied with his studies or other works. After Baroda when he went to Calcutta there was hardly any time in the storm and stress of revolutionary politics to permit him to lead a 'social life'. What little time he could spare from his incessant activities was spent in the house of Raja Subodh Mallick or at the Grey Street house. In the Karmayogin office he used to sit after the office hours till late chatting with a few persons or trying automatic writing. Strange dictations used to be received sometimes: one of them was the following: "Moni [Suresh Chakravarty] Will bomb Sir Edward Grey when he Will come as the Viceroy of India." In later years at Pondicherry there used to be a joke that Sir Edward took such a fright at the prospect of Moni's bombing him that he never came to India!
   After Sri Aurobindo had come to Pondicherry from Chandernagore, he entered upon an intense period of Sadhana and for a few months he refused to receive anyone. After a time he used to sit down to talk in the evening and on some days tried automatic writing. Yogic Sadhan, a small book, was the result. In 1913 Sri Aurobindo moved to Rue Franois Martin No. 41 where he used to receive visitors at fixed times. This was generally in the morning between 9 and 10.30.

0.03 - Letters to My little smile, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  You must not lose patience or courage; everything Will turn
  out all right.
  completer - which you Will come to know.
  You must keep your aspiration intact and your Will to conquer all obstacles; you must have an unshakable faith in the
  divine grace and the sure victory.
  can there be doubt that he Will triumph!
  With all my love.
  everything Will be all right.
  With all my love.
  It is very simple, as you Will see.
  1) The Infinite is the inexhaustible storehouse of forces. The
  With these two images, I think you Will understand.
  Tender love.
  asked me about that just out of curiosity and I Will say
  nothing to him."
  quiet, and everything Will be all right.
  28 November 1932
  from everyone else, I Will be very happy. I am very bad;
  I don't know when all these bad things Will leave me.
  Take pity on me.
  Today I was sad all day, I could not smile. You Will
  receive many such things to read. But if You become
  are troubling you, you Will see that they have disappeared and
  you Will feel free and happy.
  Keep your smile, little child; it is this that gives you your
  nowhere to stay; I Will remain here even as a servant, but
  it is impossible for me to live elsewhere."
  are you not my little daughter? - and you Will always have a
  place by my side, in my love and protection.
  I don't know when this distracted mind Will become
  My child, I am going to reveal something that you Will try to
  understand: you are dissatisfied not because I fail to give you all
  giving yourself more, and you Will see that all discontentment
   Will disappear.
  discontented that you Will be able to do so.
  So many times I have resolved to work regularly and so
  have a strong Will, so how can I get rid of it?
  You don't need to have a strong Will - you have only to use
  and difficulties - it is your smile that Will chase them away.
  16 December 1932
  Once again, do not worry; what should disappear Will disappear;
  only what is good Will remain.
  25 December 1932
  I know that You Will not like it, but I have to say that
  it is better to put me aside. I am quite hopeless. Again for
  when I Will open myself to You. I am as hard as a stone.
  If I had known before that these things are so difficult, I
  "What should disappear Will disappear; only what
  is good Will remain."
  You wrote this one day in my notebook. But all the
  so much trouble? It would be better to remain quiet because "what should disappear Will disappear; only what
  is good Will remain. "
  Mother, I know that You Will not like all these things
  I have written, but what can I do? I have to write all this
  and discontented that you Will be able to do so."
  And again You wrote to me (December 7th) in this
  that are troubling you, you Will see that they have disappeared and you Will feel free and happy."
  So I tell You that even this revolt and this bad temper
  please. Will You not save me from them?
  With all my Will I want to save you, but you must allow me to
  do so. To revolt is to reject the Divine Love and only the Divine
  When with all my Will I am working for the disappearance
  of suffering from the world, how could I want, much less like,
  and if I can't ever be happy, it Will soon be impossible
  for me to live. During these two days, in this sadness
  with all my Will and to work as before, I have started to
  do that.
  Mother, You Will tell me.
  My little smile,
  them, etc. It Will be a very good exercise in French and at the
  same time Will create a further intimacy between us.
  13 January 1933
  It Will be good to continue like this.
  14 January 1933
  of April, it Will be possible to write 4.4.44, and so on. It is
  interesting, isn't it?
  to manifest, this perfect beauty Will express itself quite naturally
  and spontaneously in all forms.
  dear Mother? How Will my dreams be fulfilled if I waste
  my time?
  and in silver on the sari they Will be magnificent. Where did you
  do the ironing? It is good that you are learning.
  it is ready, You Will wear it and then tell me if it is well
  cut or not. Because if it is well cut, I can cut other things
  with the palms of your hands (without pressing). You Will find
  this very restful.
  It is not good - you Will quickly spoil your eyesight, and that
  would be the end of your beautiful embroideries. The nerves
  Today, August 15th, I didn't work; I Will start from
  and tomorrow this work Will be finished. Afterwards I
  shall start the embroidery.
  promise that you Will be delivered from all your difficulties and
  that your mind Will become luminously peaceful and your heart
  quietly content. Did you feel anything?
  want it; I Will go on speaking as before.
  It is very good to remain silent and concentrated in your aspiration; and I am sure that if you keep a deep affection for X in your
  heart, she Will feel it and Will no longer be sad. But, of course,
  if you feel you can explain to her kindly what is happening in
  you, it Will be very good.
  28 November 1933
  interesting to write to me, you Will write.
  Tender love.
  in my heart there Will only be a very, very sweet love for
  You alone.
  and they Will surely win the victory. I am with you always, in
  the struggle and in the victory.
  beautiful. The sari too Will be the most beautiful one in
  Your collection of saris embroidered by us.
  Mother Will naturally be happy.
  Do You know that when I saw X's blouse, I felt as
  sure that you Will triumph.
  31 January 1934
  I hope that this new month Will bring you the realisation you
  desire: a happy calm, an invariable peace, a luminous silence.
  You Will not have to go far to seize me, for I am already in your
  heart and as soon as your eyes are opened you Will see me there;
  turn your faculty of feeling inward instead of letting it project
  outward, and you Will feel my presence as concretely (even more
  so) as you feel the cold and the heat.
  are pale. You Will see it tomorrow morning.
  My dear child, I didn't reply at once because I wanted to see the
  of water and underline them with a fine gold thread; then it Will
  look as if it were done deliberately and it Will be even lovelier.
  Next time I see you, I shall show you exactly what I mean. Don't
  worry, it Will be quite all right. You may start your work right
  You are my little child and you Will always be my little child -
  that is a sure fact.
  more, I Will do another one." Naturally I thought that now I
  would have to ask X to go to the trouble of making another
  do this sari," and X Will have worked for nothing. That is why I
  told you to ask him for the drawing yourself. He has just today
  crown - it Will set you going on the sari itself; and you Will
  see that everything Will be all right, completely all right. I am
  sending you the design of the crown.
  thing Will disappear. When you are awake, surely you are not
  afraid of an approaching thunder-cloud; why should it frighten
  are so conscious of it, I feel that soon you Will be able to master it.
  It goes without saying that our help is always with you to
  peace and silence Will be established in you some day never to
  leave you again.
  way you Will hasten its coming.
  Tender love from your mother.
  something else? If You know, You Will let me know. I
  must know what it is in order to get rid of it.
  on in you, and soon the cure Will come, a complete and happy

0.03 - The Threefold Life, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  She demands their alliance in a complete effort before she Will suffer a complete change in humanity. But, usually, these two great agents are un Willing to make to each other the necessary concessions.
  The mental life concentrates on the aesthetic, the ethical and the intellectual activities. Essential mentality is idealistic and a seeker after perfection. The subtle self, the brilliant Atman,1 is ever a dreamer. A dream of perfect beauty, perfect conduct, perfect Truth, whether seeking new forms of the Eternal or revitalising the old, is the very soul of pure mentality. But it knows not how to deal with the resistance of Matter. There it is hampered and inefficient, works by bungling experiments and has either to withdraw from the struggle or submit to the grey actuality. Or else, by studying the material life and accepting the conditions of the contest, it may succeed, but only in imposing temporarily some artificial system which infinite Nature either rends and casts aside or disfigures out of recognition or by withdrawing her assent leaves as the corpse of a dead ideal. Few and far between have been those realisations of the dreamer in Man which the world has gladly accepted, looks back to with a fond memory and seeks, in its elements, to cherish.
  But what Nature aims at for the mass in a slow evolution, Yoga effects for the individual by a rapid revolution. It works by a quickening of all her energies, a sublimation of all her faculties. While she develops the spiritual life with difficulty and has constantly to fall back from it for the sake of her lower realisations, the sublimated force, the concentrated method of Yoga can attain directly and carry with it the perfection of the mind and even, if she Will, the perfection of the body. Nature seeks the Divine in her own symbols: Yoga goes beyond Nature to the Lord of Nature, beyond universe to the Transcendent and can return with the transcendent light and power, with the fiat of the Omnipotent.
  But their aim is one in the end. The generalisation of Yoga in humanity must be the last victory of Nature over her own delays and concealments. Even as now by the progressive mind in Science she seeks to make all mankind fit for the full development of the mental life, so by Yoga must she inevitably seek to make all mankind fit for the higher evolution, the second birth, the spiritual existence. And as the mental life uses and perfects the material, so Will the spiritual use and perfect the material and the mental existence as the instruments of a divine self-expression.
  The ages when that is accomplished, are the legendary Satya or Krita3 Yugas, the ages of the Truth manifested in the symbol, of the great work done when Nature in mankind, illumined, satisfied and blissful, rests in the culmination of her endeavour.

0.04 - Letters to a Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  the ropes Will be removed. Those ropes are not tight;
  they are loose, so it is no hardship to the bullocks.
  them. The ropes may not be tight, but most probably they Will
  spoil the nose of the bullocks. There again it seems to me that it
  As there Will be a big crowd tomorrow in town, you Will
  have to be very careful when taking to and bringing back the
  around him. You Will have to look carefully after him, for I do
  not like his way of dealing with the bullocks.
  steady, unwavering conscious Will, that is the way, the only true
  way really effective and worthy of an aspirant for Divine Life.
  much more Willingly.
  22 September 1932
  with the bullocks, I must know and Will tolerate none of THESE
  I Will explain what happened. X was with the cart, but as
  he himself says, he was fully merged in solving a problem
  her head, which is bad enough, he Will make her vindictive and
  violent which is worse.
  No, he is very rude and a boy who can almost Willingly hurt a
  dog is likely to do the same with the cow and calf.
  This boy has been dismissed by my orders and Will not be
  given work in the Ashram.

0.04 - The Systems of Yoga, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
   and the Individual. If the individual and Nature are left to themselves, the one is bound to the other and unable to exceed appreciably her lingering march. Something transcendent is needed, free from her and greater, which Will act upon us and her, attracting us upward to Itself and securing from her by good grace or by force her consent to the individual ascension.
  It is this truth which makes necessary to every philosophy of Yoga the conception of the Ishwara, Lord, supreme Soul or supreme Self, towards whom the effort is directed and who gives the illuminating touch and the strength to attain. Equally true is the complementary idea so often enforced by the Yoga of devotion that as the Transcendent is necessary to the individual and sought after by him, so also the individual is necessary in a sense to the Transcendent and sought after by It. If the
  Bhakta seeks and yearns after Bhagavan, Bhagavan also seeks and yearns after the Bhakta.1 There can be no Yoga of knowledge without a human seeker of the knowledge, the supreme subject of knowledge and the divine use by the individual of the universal faculties of knowledge; no Yoga of devotion without the human God-lover, the supreme object of love and delight and the divine use by the individual of the universal faculties of spiritual, emotional and aesthetic enjoyment; no Yoga of works without the human worker, the supreme Will, Master of all works and sacrifices, and the divine use by the individual of the universal faculties of power and action. However Monistic may be our intellectual conception of the highest truth of things, in practice we are compelled to accept this omnipresent Trinity.
  For the contact of the human and individual consciousness with the divine is the very essence of Yoga. Yoga is the union of that which has become separated in the play of the universe with its own true self, origin and universality. The contact may take place at any point of the complex and intricately organised consciousness which we call our personality. It may be effected in the physical through the body; in the vital through the action of
   those functionings which determine the state and the experiences of our nervous being; through the mentality, whether by means of the emotional heart, the active Will or the understanding mind, or more largely by a general conversion of the mental consciousness in all its activities. It may equally be accomplished through a direct awakening to the universal or transcendent Truth and
  Bliss by the conversion of the central ego in the mind. And according to the point of contact that we choose Will be the type of the Yoga that we practise.
  For if, leaving aside the complexities of their particular processes, we fix our regard on the central principle of the chief schools of Yoga still prevalent in India, we find that they arrange themselves in an ascending order which starts from the lowest rung of the ladder, the body, and ascends to the direct contact between the individual soul and the transcendent and universal
  Self. Hathayoga selects the body and the vital functionings as its instruments of perfection and realisation; its concern is with the gross body. Rajayoga selects the mental being in its different parts as its lever-power; it concentrates on the subtle body. The triple Path of Works, of Love and of Knowledge uses some part of the mental being, Will, heart or intellect as a starting-point and seeks by its conversion to arrive at the liberating Truth,
  Beatitude and Infinity which are the nature of the spiritual life.
  Hathayoga therefore seeks to rectify Nature and establish another equilibrium by which the physical frame Will be able to sustain the inrush of an increasing vital or dynamic force of
  Prana indefinite, almost infinite in its quantity or intensity. In
  Rajayoga in that it does not occupy itself with the elaborate training of the whole mental system as the condition of perfection, but seizes on certain central principles, the intellect, the heart, the Will, and seeks to convert their normal operations by turning them away from their ordinary and external preoccupations and activities and concentrating them on the Divine. It
  The Conditions of the Synthesis
   differs also in this, - and here from the point of view of an integral Yoga there seems to be a defect, - that it is indifferent to mental and bodily perfection and aims only at purity as a condition of the divine realisation. A second defect is that as actually practised it chooses one of the three parallel paths exclusively and almost in antagonism to the others instead of effecting a synthetic harmony of the intellect, the heart and the Will in an integral divine realisation.
  The Path of Knowledge aims at the realisation of the unique and supreme Self. It proceeds by the method of intellectual reflection, vicara, to right discrimination, viveka. It observes and distinguishes the different elements of our apparent or phenomenal being and rejecting identification with each of them arrives at their exclusion and separation in one common term as constituents of Prakriti, of phenomenal Nature, creations of
  The Path of Works aims at the dedication of every human activity to the supreme Will. It begins by the renunciation of all egoistic aim for our works, all pursuit of action for an interested aim or for the sake of a worldly result. By this renunciation it so
  The Conditions of the Synthesis
   purifies the mind and the Will that we become easily conscious of the great universal Energy as the true doer of all our actions and the Lord of that Energy as their ruler and director with the individual as only a mask, an excuse, an instrument or, more positively, a conscious centre of action and phenomenal relation. The choice and direction of the act is more and more consciously left to this supreme Will and this universal Energy.
  To That our works as well as the results of our works are finally abandoned. The object is the release of the soul from its bondage to appearances and to the reaction of phenomenal activities.
  But here too the exclusive result is not inevitable. The end of the path may be, equally, a perception of the Divine in all energies, in all happenings, in all activities, and a free and unegoistic participation of the soul in the cosmic action. So followed it Will lead to the elevation of all human Will and activity to the divine level, its spiritualisation and the justification of the cosmic labour towards freedom, power and perfection in the human being.
  We can see also that in the integral view of things these three paths are one. Divine Love should normally lead to the perfect knowledge of the Beloved by perfect intimacy, thus becoming a path of Knowledge, and to divine service, thus becoming a path of Works. So also should perfect Knowledge lead to perfect

0.05 - Letters to a Child, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  it sincerely, it Will come to be so. You Will feel yourself always
  Series Five - To a Child
  close to my heart, cradled in my arms, and Peace Will fill your
  being and make you strong and joyful.
  I feel devoid of strength, Will and energy. I don't
  know what to do. This state must go, but I don't know
  sickness. It Will pass - but you must eat well regularly and sleep
  well too, taking care not to go to bed too late.
  man realises his true being, the more he Will become my very
  dear child.
  That is why, now, when the Will that is expressing itself is
  the Will of the lower nature, I cannot satisfy all its whims, for
  that would be the worst thing I could do for you.
  Yes, you are and Will be more and more a child of the Light.
  No obscurity must be allowed to manifest through you.
  realise the Divine Consciousness - only then Will you be able to
  know what true love is.
  rule. You Will see that it Will help you to protect yourself from
  many mistakes.
  you are a little attentive you Will very clearly feel the warmth of
  my arms around your shoulders.
  hope that you Will understand them.
  Your mother who loves you.
  and they Will keep you very close to me.
  Love from your mother.
  its own, the vital Will never accept it.
  So you must open yourself to the spiritual force and allow it
  to work in you; then you Will more and more dwell in constant
  peace and joy.
  I have no doubt that you Will become aware of it if you forget the
  Series Five - To a Child
  me you Will feel closer and closer to me and peace Will come to
  dwell in your heart.
  You Will no longer revolt when you understand that it is the
  most useless and foolish of all things; and when you give up this
  bad habit of revolt, you Will see that suffering too Will go away
  and be replaced by an unvarying happiness.
  I am your true mother who Will give birth in you to the true
  being, the being who is free, peaceful, strong and happy always,
  it is through a quiet and confident aspiration that you Will receive
  it. All my love is with you.
  Be sure that you Will become strong and quiet, have faith in
  a perfect realisation and in the Divine's omnipotence to achieve
  Purify me. Dispel the shadows. I Will not revolt any
  regularly, your brain Will waste away and you Will lose your
  intelligence, and then?
  You know that my love is always with you and my Will is
  that you should get well; my force is with you to give you health.
  you are, the more you Will feel it.
  With all my love.
  How Will you feel my help and take advantage of it if you
  do not even trust in me? Yet my love is always with you.
  peace. I don't know when it Will come back to my heart.
  My sweet mother, what shall I do?
  mother. Will you tell me what it is?
  It is something in your vital that cannot bear any vexation, even
  in your material life Will you be able to have good health.
  Love from your mother.
  has gone. When Will all these things go away?
  My dear child,
  They Will be fruitless." You told me to open my heart
  and all Will be well; but you know, mother, nothing stays
  in me.
  that? Is there any special reason? Will you tell me one
  thing: why are you now so far away from me?
  and can only be solved with much endurance in the Will and
  much patience.
  Keep your interest in the work - this too Will help you to
  pass through the difficult moments.
  and I Will be patient. I am only telling you about my
  condition, that's all.
  in yourself; but persist in your Will to overcome it and it Will
  suddenly give way.
  One thing I want to ask you: Mother, Will you
  always be in my heart?
  of the strength to leave. I am and Will always be in your heart; so
  you are sure to find me there if you enter into it deeply enough.
  that is another thing. But in that case, you Will have to rely on
  the inner help, not on an outer and superficial help.
  Go to Lucknow, learn all you can there, and then you Will
  be able to consider the problem and make a definite decision
  My love, my help and my blessings Will always be with you.
  Your mother.
  (1) Your vital Will find no gratification here, as life has
  become very restricted in the present war conditions.
  (2) You Will live here, as all of us, night and day under the
  constant threat of a sudden bombardment.
  comes from outside. May your Will be done.
  My love and blessings are with you to guide you on the way.
  support you, to guide you. By doing your work with conscientiousness, honesty and perseverance, you Will feel my presence
  closer and closer to you.
  weakly that all Will be well; but this voice is so feeble
  that I cannot rely on it.1
  yourself fall into darkness. Persist, and one day you Will realise
  that I am close to you to console you and help you, and then the
  hardest part Will be over.
  With all my love and blessings.
  The Mother underlined the words "all Will be well" and wrote beside them: "This is
  the voice of truth, the one you must listen to."
  I Will be very pleased to know the real cause of your
  discontent and shall try my best to remove it. I cannot
  is your Will? I cannot express how deeply I feel your
  displeasure. Do you want more work from me - more
  there is bad Will or revolt, Kali may come and chastise but she
  always does it with love.
  and the more you keep confidence, the quicker it Will come.
  With my love and blessings.
  grace Will always be with you and never fail you. Moreover, there
  is no reason to believe that you Will not succeed in this life; on the
  contrary, I see in you the signs of a vocation. And since you have
  resolved to be patient, the difficulties Will surely be overcome.
  Love from your mother.
  Your going away Will not help in the least. Exterior means are
  useless; it is the "inside" that must change. Keep your resolution
  and my help Will work.
  With my love and blessings.
  work and order in life Will be a powerful help to you in renewing
  by exercise. You must exercise your Will to be patient and your
  energy to reject depression. I am always near you to help you
  to open yourself and receive and you Will see that the source is
  inexhaustible. It is the same thing for peace and for all the true
  the resolution to allow my Will, and not your own, to govern
  your life. As soon as you have understood the need for this,
  everything Will become easier - and you Will at last be able to
  acquire the peace you need so much.
  I don't know what to do with this vital. Will you
  please stop it?
  Then it Will not be difficult to stop it.
  And when Sri Aurobindo tells you something, the first thing
  and you Will find it.
  Love from your mother.
  Yes, it is good to stay in my arms; there you Will find the peace
  you aspire for so much, and also a repose from which the true
  "Peace, peace, O my heart!" Do it steadily and you Will be
  pleased with the result.
  peace you Will find the light, and the light Will bring you the

0.05 - The Synthesis of the Systems, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Y THE very nature of the principal Yogic schools, each covering in its operations a part of the complex human integer and attempting to bring out its highest possibilities, it Will appear that a synthesis of all of them largely conceived and applied might well result in an integral Yoga. But they are so disparate in their tendencies, so highly specialised and elaborated in their forms, so long confirmed in the mutual opposition of their ideas and methods that we do not easily find how we can arrive at their right union.
  An undiscriminating combination in block would not be a synthesis, but a confusion. Nor would a successive practice of each of them in turn be easy in the short span of our human life and with our limited energies, to say nothing of the waste of labour implied in so cumbrous a process. Sometimes, indeed,
   the Divine is the one thing needful and it includes or leads up to all the rest; towards this sole good we have to drive and this attained, all the rest that the divine Will chooses for us, all necessary form and manifestation, Will be added.
  The synthesis we propose cannot, then, be arrived at either by combination in mass or by successive practice. It must therefore be effected by neglecting the forms and outsides of the
  Yogic disciplines and seizing rather on some central principle common to all which Will include and utilise in the right place and proportion their particular principles, and on some central dynamic force which is the common secret of their divergent methods and capable therefore of organising a natural selection and combination of their varied energies and different utilities.
  This was the aim which we set before ourselves at first when we entered upon our comparative examination of the methods of
  If, however, we leave aside, here also, the actual methods and practices and seek for the central principle, we find, first, that Tantra expressly differentiates itself from the Vedic methods of Yoga. In a sense, all the schools we have hitherto examined are Vedantic in their principle; their force is in knowledge, their method is knowledge, though it is not always discernment by the intellect, but may be, instead, the knowledge of the heart expressed in love and faith or a knowledge in the Will working out through action. In all of them the lord of the Yoga is the Purusha, the Conscious Soul that knows, observes, attracts, governs. But in Tantra it is rather Prakriti, the Nature-Soul, the Energy, the
   Will-in-Power executive in the universe. It was by learning and applying the intimate secrets of this Will-in-Power, its method, its Tantra, that the Tantric Yogin pursued the aims of his discipline, - mastery, perfection, liberation, beatitude. Instead of drawing back from manifested Nature and its difficulties, he confronted them, seized and conquered. But in the end, as is the general tendency of Prakriti, Tantric Yoga largely lost its principle in its machinery and became a thing of formulae and occult mechanism still powerful when rightly used but fallen from the clarity of their original intention.
  We have in this central Tantric conception one side of the truth, the worship of the Energy, the Shakti, as the sole effective force for all attainment. We get the other extreme in the Vedantic conception of the Shakti as a power of Illusion and in the search after the silent inactive Purusha as the means of liberation from the deceptions created by the active Energy. But in the integral conception the Conscious Soul is the Lord, the Nature-Soul is his executive Energy. Purusha is of the nature of Sat, the being of conscious self-existence pure and infinite; Shakti or Prakriti is of the nature of Chit, - it is power of the Purusha's self-conscious existence, pure and infinite. The relation of the two exists between the poles of rest and action. When the Energy is absorbed
  Yoga. In man we render these terms by Will and Faith, - a Will that is eventually self-effective because it is of the substance of
  Knowledge and a faith that is the reflex in the lower consciousness of a Truth or real Idea yet unrealised in the manifestation.
  Yoga that we seek must also be an integral action of Nature, and the whole difference between the Yogin and the natural man Will be this, that the Yogin seeks to substitute in himself for the integral action of the lower Nature working in and by ego and division the integral action of the higher Nature working in and by God and unity. If indeed our aim be only an escape from the world to God, synthesis is unnecessary and a waste of time; for then our sole practical aim must be to find out one path out of the thousand that lead to God, one shortest possible of short cuts, and not to linger exploring different paths that end in the same goal. But if our aim be a transformation of our integral being into the terms of God-existence, it is then that a synthesis becomes necessary.
  The method we have to pursue, then, is to put our whole conscious being into relation and contact with the Divine and to call Him in to transform our entire being into His. Thus in a sense
   functioning of the complex instrument we are in our outer parts, is the condition of an integral liberty. Its result is an integral beatitude, in which there becomes possible at once the Ananda of all that is in the world seen as symbols of the Divine and the Ananda of that which is not-world. And it prepares the integral perfection of our humanity as a type of the Divine in the conditions of the human manifestation, a perfection founded on a certain free universality of being, of love and joy, of play of knowledge and of play of Will in power and Will in unegoistic action. This integrality also can be attained by the integral Yoga.
  Perfection includes perfection of mind and body, so that the highest results of Rajayoga and Hathayoga should be contained in the widest formula of the synthesis finally to be effected by mankind. At any rate a full development of the general mental and physical faculties and experiences attainable by humanity through Yoga must be included in the scope of the integral method. Nor would these have any raison d'etre unless employed for an integral mental and physical life. Such a mental and physical life would be in its nature a translation of the spiritual existence into its right mental and physical values. Thus we would arrive at a synthesis of the three degrees of Nature and of the three modes of human existence which she has evolved or is evolving. We would include in the scope of our liberated being and perfected modes of activity the material life, our base, and the mental life, our intermediate instrument.

0.06 - INTRODUCTION, #Dark Night of the Soul, #Saint John of the Cross, #Christianity
  treated in the present stanza, and Will be treated in the first part of this book.
  And the second is of the spiritual part; of this speaks the second stanza,
  he Will 'treat more fully . . . since very little has been said of this, either in speech or
  in writing, and very little is known of it, even by experience.' 7
  peaceful and loving attentiveness toward God.'8 Before long it Will experience
  enkindlings of love (Chapter xi), which Will serve to purify its sins and imperfections
  and draw it gradually nearer to God; we have here, as it were, so many stages of the

0.06 - Letters to a Young Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  be done Will be done despite all possible resistances.
  Is there no means of uniting my Will with Yours? Perhaps
  You have no special Will, for You want nothing.
  I know perfectly well what I want or rather what the divine Will
  is, and it is that which Will triumph in time.
  What we want to bring to the earth can hardly be called a revolution, although it Will be the most marvellous change ever seen;
  in any case this cannot be compared at all with the bloody revolutions which quite uselessly tear up countries without bringing
  I believe a day Will come when the Divine Will be seen
  quite naturally as one sees earthly things and then there
  - for this Will be a normal experience.
  If the realisation were to be limited to this, it would hardly be
  then you Will quite naturally take your proper place in the great
  Divine Work.
  Mother, what is it that Will help me always remember
  that I am living a spiritual life?
  to change. They Will have to yield and be transformed one day
  or another.
  Open your heart yet wider, yet better, and the distance Will
  It is in a calm and persevering Will that this can be accomplished.
  May my whole being be only that love which wants to
  Keep this aspiration and you are sure of victory; you Will love
  me one day with a love which fills you with strength and with
  My Mother, with all my Will and all my effort I want to
  realise that love which You have foreseen in your divine
  become even more a good child who Will be able to tell me in all
  sincerity and truth: "I love You and I am Yours for all eternity."
  Ask X, he Will tell you that the Presence is not a matter of faith
  or of mental imagination, it is a fact, absolutely concrete and
  experience of this presence and then you Will become aware
  that in its depths your heart has always been conscious of this
  Love which Will make me feel that the divine Presence is
  always and everywhere?
  love and self-giving. Once you have found the Divine you Will
  naturally see Him in all things and everywhere.
  be at your side; You Will always be higher, and I shall
  aspire to You; I shall follow You from plane to plane,
  but You Will be always far from me. This picture does
  not appear bad to me, because I know there is a great
  joy in seeking; but it is true that my heart Will always be
  you Will feel yourself always close to me.
  My beloved Mother, is it not possible to meet You on
  without the possibility of seeing me daily, what contact Will you
  have with me in the present state of your consciousness? Are
  To think that if you leave your body you Will come closer to
  me is a big mistake; for the vital being remains what it is, whether
  can one reasonably hope it Will suddenly be able to do so just
  because it has left the body? It is ignorant childishness.
  one Will necessarily be better, is also a mistake. It is only when
  one has profited fully and to the utmost by the opportunity for
  identity of consciousness and Will.
  My sweet Mother, do You say that I ought to overcome
  you Will surely be nearer to me than if you were seated near me
  but thinking about other things.
  Go within into yourself, find your psychic being and you Will
  find me at the same time, living in you, life of your life, ever
  of this silence and you Will see me standing there in the centre
  of your being.
  Life Will no longer have any attraction for me if I do not
  feel that You are with me.
  it with confidence and you Will receive it.
  Yes, my help is with you to master all the movements which are
  Tell me what you fear most to tell me, and immediately you Will
  feel yourself closer to me.
  a Divine full of affection and sweetness, the wise man Will find
  a Divine full of wisdom and knowledge. He who fears meets a
  You are right to want to create the emptiness in you; for you Will
  soon discover that in the depths of this emptiness is the Divine.
  itself unhappy without any reason. I hope, indeed, that you Will
  soon become conscious of my presence always near you, and
  that it Will give you peace and joy.
  My most beloved Mother, the idea of separation opens
  All Will be done, Mother, but why is my heart becoming
  more and more dry and hard?
  going to be like this, and that you Will strive to conquer your
  two great enemies: jealousy and vanity. The more we advance
  We must want to be only what the divine Will wants of us.
  All my good intentions, since my childhood, have been
  child. I can scarcely hope that it Will be transformed; and
  after all, is it worth the trouble to try and transform it?
  is He who Will make of us what He wants in His infinite wisdom.
  My sweet beloved Mother, I read in the Conversations:
  "Concentration alone Will lead you to this goal." Should
  one increase the time of meditation?
  sincerity at the feet of the Divine, work Will do you as much
  good as meditation.
  If in all sincerity one acts only to express the Divine Will, all
  actions without exception can become unselfish. But so long as
  physical plane. If your heart were not Willing to submit to the
  strict discipline of beating regularly and constantly, you would
  You it Will cease being "tamasic".
  Yes, this is just what Will happen.
  I try always to be more careful, but things get spoilt in
  must be the Will to carry it out successfully.
  Of all things the most difficult is to bring the divine consciousness into the material world. Must the endeavour then be
  If you resolve to do it, my force Will be there to back up your
  Have faith in the Divine Grace and the hour of liberation Will
  be hastened.
  calm confidence, have faith in the Divine Grace, and you Will
  overcome all your difficulties.
  Do not worry, only keep in you always the Will to do things well.
  Why accept the idea of being weak? It is this which is bad.
  "You Will overcome all your difficulties" - I repeat this;
  only my whole being does not accept it.
  keep a calm certitude that sooner or later all Will be well.
  To be pessimistic has never been of any use except to attract
  You Will see that the nightmares Will vanish.
  It seemed to me that there was someone in my room
  If you start feeding the adverse forces, they Will exact more and
  more and Will never be satisfied.
  Y told me that very often he becomes an instrument of
  You Will admit that one can't live with others without
  being influenced more or less by them.
  What Will be the result if I meditate on the thought that
  there is no difference between a certain thing, no matter
  I rely on Your Will alone to rid me of this illness.
  One must have an unshakable faith to be able to do without
  this peace brings, all these little miseries Will disappear.
  Mother, the inherent tendency of the material body is to
  dissolve, and the mind helps it; how Will You be able to
  stop the natural propensity of my body to disintegration?
  submit itself to the influence and the Will of the psychic being
  which is immortal in its very nature.
  to turn all this towards the divine Will and submit it to this Will.
  The vital being seeks only power - material possession
  Mother dearest, the vital desires Will vanish as gradually
  my body becomes weaker, won't they?
  One has only to persist with a calm confidence and the vital Will
  stop going on strike.
  formed, the taste for studies Will gradually die away.
  My beloved Mother, I want to follow a systematic course
  I want to see what Will happen to me if I stop reading
  I hope you Will give me precise instructions which Will
  help me keep order in my classes.

0.07 - DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL, #Dark Night of the Soul, #Saint John of the Cross, #Christianity
  Begins the exposition of the stanzas which treat of the way and manner which the soul follows upon the road of the union of love with God. Before we enter upon the exposition of these stanzas, it is well to understand here that the soul that utters them is now in the state of perfection, which is the union of love with God, having already passed through severe trials and straits, by means of spiritual exercise in the narrow way of eternal life whereof Our Saviour speaks in the Gospel, along which way the soul ordinarily passes in order to reach this high and happy union with God. Since this road (as the Lord Himself says likewise) is so strait, and since there are so few that enter by it,19 the soul considers it a great happiness and good chance to have passed along it to the said perfection of love, as it sings in this first stanza, calling this strait road with full propriety 'dark night,' as Will be explained hereafter in the lines of the said stanza. The soul, then, rejoicing at having passed along this narrow road whence so many blessings have come to it, speaks after this manner.
  IN this first stanza the soul relates the way and manner which it followed in going forth, as to its affection, from itself and from all things, and in dying to them all and to itself, by means of true mortification, in order to attain to living the sweet and delectable life of love with God; and it says that this going forth from itself and from all things was a 'dark night,' by which, as Will be explained hereafter, is here understood purgative contemplation, which causes passively in the soul the negation of itself and of all things referred to above.
  2. And this going forth it says here that it was able to accomplish in the strength and ardour which love for its Spouse gave to it for that purpose in the dark contemplation aforementioned. Herein it extols the great happiness which it found in journeying to God through this night with such signal success that none of the three enemies, which are world, devil and flesh (who are they that ever impede this road), could hinder it; inasmuch as the aforementioned night of purgative20 contemplation lulled to sleep and mortified, in the house of its sensuality, all the passions and desires with respect to their mischievous desires and motions. The line, then, says:

0.07 - Letters to a Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  What a letter you have written to Y, Mother! You Will
  turn my head some day, if it is not turned already! But,
  that was never there before. It seems to me that soon you Will
  discover, behind the apparent dryness of the surface, the always
  thee my Will of progressive submission and increasing
  arms alone Will I have peace and joy and Ananda and
  the true truth and fulfilment of my life and being. But
  Let me carry you in my arms and the climbing Will become easy.
  Love and blessings to my dear child.
  value for me except that through it I can serve your Will,
  except that through it I can grow to be a better and truer
  She Will know what is best for me. Then how can I do
  without a Guru who Will lead me to Her Feet?
  I do not see anybody in the world more qualified than Sri
  those we love... and when you Will eat the pickles you may
  remember me and think, Mother loves me...
  My love and blessings Will lead you to the goal.
  13 August 1939
  yours is not at all irreducible. I am sure that one day you Will
  find this out.
  I truly hope you Will soon be out of all your troubles. Just
  one good jump to the higher consciousness where all problems
  are solved and you Will get rid of your difficulties. I never feel
  that I am forgiving. Love does not forgive, it understands and
  Be always true to your love and all difficulties Will be conquered.
  Love and blessings to my dear child.
  all problems are solved and you Will get rid of your difficulties." Now what exactly is this higher consciousness
  and how may I rise or jump into it? And again you have
  way. Be always true to your love and all difficulties Will
  be conquered." Is this higher consciousness the same
  abode here, sooner or later poor me Will have to abdicate
  in favour of Her Imperial Majesty and till that day comes
  there Will be no rest for poor me.
  My dear child,
  That which the Divine has destined for each of us - that Will be.
  My love and blessings to my dear child.
  so in words which I can understand and I Will drop it.
  So please rest assured that I can drop this scheme if it
  called me" and that I remain convinced that it Will be solved

0.08 - Letters to a Young Captain, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  How can one eliminate the Will of the ego?
  This amounts to asking how one can eliminate the ego. It is only
  But before eliminating the Will of the ego, which takes a very
  long time, one can begin by surrendering the Will of the ego to the
  Divine Will at every opportunity and finally in a constant way.
  For this, the first step is to understand that the Divine knows
  can I do it at Will?
  Control during sleep is entirely possible and it is progressive
  If you persist in your Will and your effort, you are sure to
  learn how to come and find me at night during your sleep and
  (1) Concentrate your thought on the Will to come and find
  me; then pursue this thought, first by an effort of imagination,
  force, received in calm and silence, Will do its work of illumining
  and Will create in the brain, if necessary, the cells required for
  understanding. Thus, when one re-reads the same thing some
  evolves, it Will change into superconscience.
  We too, then, carry in ourselves the subconscience which
  being Will possess when he appears on earth?
  In the first case, they are the faculties that develop in man as

0.09 - Letters to a Young Teacher, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  and you Will understand what he means.
  Sri Aurobindo says: "In whatever form and with whatever spirit we approach him, in that form and with that
  everyone and everything Will return to Him. But for some it Will
  take thousands of lives, while for others it Will happen in this
  very lifetime. This is what makes the difference.
  you Will ask them to think with experiences. Will you
  throw some light on these three ways of thinking?
  those who are sincere in their aspiration Will remain here and
  receive all the help needed to be able to change in themselves
  what needs to be changed. You can be sure that my force Will
  always be with you so that you can make all the progress you
  Have confidence, my child; everything Will be all right.
  5 June 1960
  having chosen the method, you must use your intelligent Will
  to apply it with an unfailing perseverance that does not shrink
  Mother? What can one do for the Lord which Will be
  this "much"?
  in them either the force or the knowledge that Will help him to
  make progress.
  In each one the Will to progress is the needed thing - that
  is what opens us to the divine influence and makes us capable
  or else the end Will be a disaster. But how can we know if
  the call is really there or not? And as for our soul, would
  call to come down upon earth... " Will you please explain
  this? Hasn't it already come down?
  When this delight comes down, what Will the visible
  results be in the world?

01.01 - A Yoga of the Art of Life, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Here also one must guard against certain misconceptions that are likely to occur. The transformation of human life does not necessarily mean that the entire humanity Will be changed into a race of gods or divine beings; it means the evolution or appearance on earth of a superior type of humanity, even as man evolved out of animality as a superior type of animality, not that the entire animal kingdom was changed into humanity.
   As regards the possibility of such a consummation,Sri Aurobindo says it is not a possibility but an inevitabilityone must remember that the force that Will bring about the result and is already at work is not any individual human power, however great it may be, but the Divine himself, it is the Divine's own Shakti that is labouring for the destined end.
   Here is the very heart of the mystery, the master-key to the problem. The advent of the superhuman or divine race, however stupendous or miraculous the phenomenon may appear to be, can become a thing of practical actuality, precisely because it is no human agency that has undertaken it but the Divine himself in his supreme potency and wisdom and love. The descent of the Divine into the ordinary human nature in order to purify and transform it and be lodged there is the whole secret of the sadhana in Sri Aurobindo's Yoga. The sadhaka has only to be quiet and silent, calmly aspiring, open and acquiescent and receptive to the one Force; he need not and should not try to do things by his independent personal effort, but get them done or let them be done for him in the dedicated consciousness by the Divine Master and Guide. All other Yogas or spiritual disciplines in the past envisaged an ascent of the consciousness, its sublimation into the consciousness of the Spirit and its fusion and dissolution there in the end. The descent of the Divine Consciousness to prepare its definitive home in the dynamic and pragmatic human nature, if considered at all, was not the main theme of the past efforts and achievements. Furthermore, the descent spoken of here is the descent, not of a divine consciousness for there are many varieties of divine consciousness but of the Divine's own consciousness, of the Divine himself with his Shakti. For it is that that is directly working out this evolutionary transformation of the age.
   Another question that troubles and perplexes the ordinary human mind is as to the time when the thing Will be done. Is it now or a millennium hence or at some astronomical distance in future, like the cooling of the sun, as someone has suggested for an analogy. In view of the magnitude of the work one might with reason say that the whole eternity is there before us, and a century or even a millennium should not be grudged to such a labour for it is nothing less than an undoing of untold millenniums in the past and the building of a far-flung futurity. However, as we have said, since it is the Divine's own work and since Yoga means a concentrated and involved process of action, effectuating in a minute what would perhaps take years to accomplish in the natural course, one can expect the work to be done sooner rather than later. Indeed, the ideal is one of here and nowhere upon this earth of material existence and now in this life, in this very bodynot hereafter or elsewhere. How long exactly that Will mean, depends on many factors, but a few decades on this side or the other do not matter very much.
   As to the extent of realisation, we say again that that is not a matter of primary consideration. It is not the quantity but the substance that counts. Even if it were a small nucleus it would be sufficient, at least for the beginning, provided it is the real, the genuine thing

01.01 - Sri Aurobindo - The Age of Sri Aurobindo, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Someone has written to this effect: "This is not the age of Sri Aurobindo. His ideal of a divine life upon earth mayor may not be true; at any rate it is not of today or even of tomorrow. Humanity Will take some time before it reaches that stage or its possibility. What we are concerned with here and now is something perhaps less great, less spiritual, but more urgent and more practical. The problem is not to run away with one's soul, but to maintain its earthly tenement, to keep body and soul together: one has to live first, live materially before one can hope to live spiritually."
   Well, the view expressed in these words is not a new revelation. It has been the cry of suffering humanity through the ages. Man has borne his cross since the beginning of his creation through want and privation, through disease and bereavement, through all manner of turmoil and tribulation, and yetmirabile dictuat the same time, in the very midst of those conditions, he has been aspiring and yearning for something else, ignoring the present, looking into the beyond. It is not the prosperous and the more happily placed in life who find it more easy to turn to the higher life, it is not the wealthiest who has the greatest opportunity to pursue a spiritual idea. On the contrary, spiritual leaders have thought and experienced otherwise.
   If one were to be busy about reforming the world and when that was done then alone to turn to other-worldly things, in that case, one would never take the turn, for the world Will never be reformed totally or even considerably in that way. It is not that reformers have for the first time appeared on the earth in the present age. Men have attempted social, political, economic and moral reforms from times immemorial. But that has not barred the spiritual attempt or minimised its importance. To say that because an ideal is apparently too high or too great for the present age, it must be kept in cold storage is to set a premium on the present nature of humanity arid eternise it: that would bind the world to its old moorings and never give it the opportunity to be free and go out into the high seas of larger and greater realisations.
   The ideal or perhaps one should say the policy of Real-politick is the thing needed in this world. To achieve something actually in the physical and material field, even a lesser something, is worth much more than speculating on high flaunting chimeras and indulging in day-dreams. Yes, but what is this something that has to be achieved in the material world? It is always an ideal. Even procuring food for each and every person, clothing and housing all is not less an ideal for all its concern about actuality. Only there are ideals and ideals; some are nearer to the earth, some seem to be in the background. But the mystery is that it is not always the ideal nearest to the earth which is the easiest to achieve or the first thing to be done first. Do we not see before our very eye show some very simple innocent social and economic changes are difficult to carry outthey bring in their train quite disproportionately gestures and movements of violence and revolution? That is because we seek to cure the symptoms and not touch the root of the disease. For even the most innocent-looking social, economic or political abuse has at its base far-reaching attitudes and life-urgeseven a spiritual outlook that have to be sought out and tackled first, if the attempt at reform is to be permanently and wholly successful. Even in mundane matters we do not dig deep enough, or rise high enough.

01.01 - The New Humanity, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Although we may not know it, the New Man the divine race of humanity is already among us. It may be in our next neighbour, in our nearest brother, even in myself. Only a thin veil covers it. It marches just behind the line. It waits for an occasion to throw off the veil and place itself in the forefront. We are living in strenuous times in which age-long institutions are going down and new-forces rearing their heads, old habits are being cast off and new impulsions acquired. In every sphere of life, we see the urgent demand for a recasting, a fresh valuation of things. From the base to the summit, from the economic and political life to the artistic and spiritual, humanity is being shaken to bring out a new expression and articulation. There is the hidden surge of a Power, the secret stress of a Spirit that can no longer suffer to remain in the shade and behind the mask, but Wills to come out in the broad daylight and be recognised in its plenary virtues.
   That Power, that Spirit has been growing and gathering its strength during all the millenniums that humanity has lived through. On the momentous day when man appeared on earth, the Higher Man also took his birth. Since the hour the Spirit refused to be imprisoned in its animal sheath and came out as man, it approached by that very uplift a greater freedom and a vaster movement. It was the crest of that underground wave which peered over the surface from age to age, from clime to clime through the experiences of poets and prophets and sages the Head of the Sacrificial Horse galloping towards the Dawn.
   Another humanity is rising out of the present human species. The beings of the new order are everywhere and it is they who Will soon hold sway over earth, be the head and front of the terrestrial evolution in the cycle that is approaching as it was with man in the cycle that is passing away. What Will this new order of being be like? It Will be what man is not, also what man is. It Will not be man, because it Will overstep the limitations and incapacities inherent in man; and it Will be man by the realisation of those fundamental aspirations and yearnings that have troubled and consoled the deeper strata the soulin him throughout the varied experiences of his terrestrial life.
   The New Man Will be Master and not slave. He Will be master, first, of himself and then of the world. Man as he actually is, is but a slave. He has no personal voice or choice; the determining soul, the Ishwara, in him is sleep-bound and hushed. He is a mere plaything in the hands of nature and circumstances. Therefore it is that Science has become his supreme Dharmashastra; for science seeks to teach us the moods of Nature and the methods of propitiating her. Our actual ideal of man is that of the cleverest slave. But the New Man Will have found himself and by and according to his inner Will, mould and create his world. He Will not be in awe of Nature and in an attitude of perpetual apprehension and hesitation, but Will ground himself on a secret harmony and union that Will declare him as the lord. We Will recognise the New Man by his very gait and manner, by a certain kingly ease and dominion in every shade of his expression.
   Not that this sovereign power Will have anything to do with aggression or over-bearingness. It Will not be a power that feels itself only by creating an eternal opponentErbfeindby coming in constant clash with a rival that seeks to gain victory by subjugating. It Will not be Nietzschean " Will to power," which is, at best, a supreme Asuric power. It Will rather be a Divine Power, for the strength it Will exert and the victory it Will achieve Will not come from the egoit is the ego which requires an object outside and against to feel and affirm itself but it Will come from a higher personal self which is one with the cosmic soul and therefore with other personal souls. The Asura, in spite of, or rather, because of his aggressive vehemence betrays a lack of the sovereign power that is calm and at ease and self-sufficient. The Devic power does not assert hut simply accomplishes; the forces of the world act not as its opponent but as its instrument. Thus the New Man shall affirm his individual sovereignty and do so to perfection by expressing through it his unity with the cosmic powers, with the infinite godhead. And by being Swarat, Self-Master, he Will become Samrat, world-master.
   This mastery Will be effected not merely in Will, but in mind and heart also. For the New Man Will know not by the intellect which is egocentric and therefore limited, not by ratiocination which is an indirect and doubtful process, but by direct vision, an inner communion, a soul revelation. The new knowledge Will be vast and profound and creative, based as it Will be upon the reality of things and not upon their shadows. Truth Will shine through every experience and every utterance"a truth shall have its seat on our speech and mind and hearing", so have the Vedas said. The mind and intellect Will not be active and constructive agents but the luminous channel of a self-luminous knowledge. And the heart too which is now the field of passion and egoism Will be cleared of its noise and obscurity; a serener sky Will shed its pure warmth and translucent glow. The knot Will be rent asunderbhidyate hridaya granthih and the vast and mighty streams of another ocean Will flow through. We Will love not merely those to whom we are akin but God's creatures, one and all; we Will love not with the yearning and hunger of a mortal but with the wide and intense Rasa that lies in the divine identity of souls.
   And the new society Will be based not upon competition, nor even upon co-operation. It Will not be an open conflict, neither Will it be a convenient compromise of rival individual interests. It Will be the organic expression of the collective soul of humanity, working and achieving through each and every individual soul its most wide-winging freedom, manifesting the godhead that is, proper to each and every one. It Will be an organisation, most delicate and subtle and supple, the members of which Will have no need to live upon one another but in and through one another. It Will be, if you like, a henotheistic hierarchy in which everyone Will be the greatest, since everyone is all and all everyone simultaneously.
   The New Humanity Will be something in the mould that we give to the gods. It Will supply the link that we see missing between gods and men; it Will be the race of embodied gods. Man Will attain that thing which has been his first desire and earliest dream, for which he coveted the gods Immortality, amritatwam. The mortalities that cut and divide, limit and bind man make him the sorrowful being he is. These are due to his ignorance and weakness and egoism. These are due to his soul itself. It is the soul that requires change, a new birth, as Christ demanded. Ours is a little soul that has severed itself from the larger and mightier self that it is. And therefore does it die every moment and even while living is afraid to live and so lives poorly and miserably. But the age is now upon us when the god-like soul anointed with its immortal royalties is ready to emerge and claim our salutation.
   The breath and the surge of the new creation cannot be mistaken. The question that confronts us today is no longer whether the New Man, the Super-humanity, Will come or if at all, when; but the question we have to answer is who among us are ready to be its receptacle, its instrument and embodiment.

01.01 - The One Thing Needful, #The Integral Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  To find the Divine is indeed the first reason for seeking the spiritual Truth and the spiritual life; it is the one thing indispensable and all the resit is nothing without it. The Divine once found, to manifest Him, - that is, first of all to transform one's own limited consciousness into the Divine Consciousness, to live in the infinite Peace, Light, Love, Strength, Bliss, to become that in one's essential nature and, as a consequence, to be its vessel, channel, instrument in one's active nature. To bring into activity the principle of oneness on the material plane or to work for humanity is a mental mistranslation of the Truth - these things cannot be the first true object of spiritual seeking. We must find the Self, the Divine, then only can we know what is the work the Self or the Divine demands from us. Until then our life and action can only be a help or a means towards finding the Divine and it ought not to have any other purpose. As we grow in inner consciousness, or as the spiritual Truth of the Divine grows in us, our life and action must indeed more and more flow from that, be one with that. But to decide beforeh and by our limited mental conceptions what they must be is to hamper the growth of the spiritual Truth within. As that grows we shall feel the Divine Light and Truth, the Divine Power and Force, the Divine Purity and Peace working within us, dealing with our actions as well as our consciousness, making use of them to reshape us into the Divine Image, removing the dross, substituting the pure Gold of the Spirit. Only when the Divine Presence is there in us always and the consciousness transformed, can we have the right to say that we are ready to manifest the Divine on the material plane. To hold up a mental ideal or principle and impose that on the inner working brings the danger of limiting ourselves to a mental realisation or of impeding or even falsifying by a halfway formation the truth growth into the full communion and union with the Divine and the free and intimate outflowing of His Will in our life. This is a mistake of orientation to which the mind of today is especially prone. It is far better to approach the Divine for the Peace or Light or Bliss that the realisation of Him gives than to bring in these minor things which can divert us from the one thing needful. The divinisation of the material life also as well as the inner life is part of what we see as the Divine Plan, but it can only be fulfilled by an ourflowing of the inner realisation, something that grows from within outwards, not by the working out of a mental principle.
  The realisation of the Divine is the one thing needful and the rest is desirable only in so far as it helps or leads towards that or when it is realised, extends and manifests the realisation. Manifestation and organisation of the whole life for the divine work, - first, the sadhana personal and collective necessary for the realisation and a common life of God-realised men, secondly, for help to the world to move towards that, and to live in the Light - is the whole meaning and purpose of my Yoga. But the realisation is the first need and it is that round which all the rest moves, for apart from it all the rest would have no meaning.

01.01 - The Symbol Dawn, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Prolonging for ever the unseeing Will,
  Cradled the cosmic drowse of ignorant Force

01.02 - Natures Own Yoga, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The course of evolution has not come to a stop with man and the next stage, Sri Aurobindo says, which Nature envisages and is labouring to bring out and establish is the life now superconscious to us, embodied in a still higher type of created being, that of the superman or god-man. The principle of consciousness which Will determine the nature and build of this new, being is a spiritual principle beyond the mental principle which man now incarnates: it may be called the Supermind or Gnosis.
   For, till now Mind has been the last term of the evolutionary consciousness Mind as developed in man is the highest instrument built up and organised by Nature through which the self-conscious being can express itself. That is why the Buddha said: Mind is the first of all principles, Mind is the highest of all principles: indeed Mind is the constituent of all principlesmana puvvangam dhamm1. The consciousness beyond mind has not yet been made a patent and dynamic element in the life upon earth; it has been glimpsed or entered into in varying degrees and modes by saints and seers; it has cast its derivative illuminations in the creative activities of poets and artists, in the finer and nobler urges of heroes and great men of action. But the utmost that has been achieved, the summit reached in that direction, as exampled in spiritual disciplines, involves a withdrawal from the evolutionary cycle, a merging and an absorption into the static status that is altogether beyond it, that lies, as it were, at the other extreme the Spirit in itself, Atman, Brahman, Sachchidananda, Nirvana, the One without a second, the Zero without a first.
   The secret of evolution, I have said, is an urge towards the release and unfoldment of consciousness out of an apparent unconsciousness. In the early stages the movement is very slow and gradual; there it is Nature's original unconscious process. In man it acquires the possibility of a conscious and therefore swifter and concentrated process. And this is in fact the function of Yoga proper, viz, to bring about the evolution of consciousness by hastening the process of Nature through the self-conscious Will of man.
   An organ in the human being has been especially developed to become the effective instrument of this accelerated Yogic process the self-consciousness which I referred to as being the distinctive characteristic of man is a function of this organ. It is his soul, his psychic being; originally it is the spark of the Divine Consciousness which came down and became involved in Matter and has been endeavouring ever since to release itself through the upward march of evolution. It is this which presses on continually as the stimulus to the evolutionary movement; and in man it has attained sufficient growth and power and has come so far to the front from behind the veil that it can now lead and mould his external consciousness. It is also the channel through which the Divine Consciousness can flow down into the inferior levels of human nature. It is the being no bigger than the thumb ever seated within the heart, spoken of in the Upanishads. It is likewise the basis of true individuality and personal identity. It is again the reflection or expression in evolutionary Nature of one's essential selfjivtman that is above, an eternal portion of the Divine, one with the Divine and yet not dissolved and lost in it. The psychic being is thus on the one hand in direct contact with the Divine and the higher consciousness, and on the other it is the secret upholder and controller' (bhart, antarymin) of the inferior consciousness, the hidden nucleus round which the body and the life and the mind of the individual are built up and organised.
   The first decisive step in Yoga is taken when one becomes conscious of the psychic being, or, looked at from the other side, when the psychic being comes forward and takes possession of the external being, begins to initiate and influence the movements of the mind and life and body and gradually free them from the ordinary round of ignorant nature. The awakening of the psychic being means, as I have said, not only a deepening and heightening of the consciousness and its release from the obscurity and limitation of the inferior Prakriti, confined to the lower threefold status, into what is behind and beyond; it means also a return of the deeper and higher consciousness upon the lower hemisphere and a consequent purification and illumination and regeneration of the latter. Finally, when the psychic being is in full self-possession and power, it can be the vehicle of the direct supramental consciousness which Will then be able to act freely and absolutely for the entire transformation of the external nature, its transfiguration into a perfect body of the Truth-consciousness in a word, its divinisation.
   This then is the supreme secret, not the renunciation and annulment, but the transformation of the ordinary human nature : first of all, its psychicisation, that is to say, making it move and live and be in communion and identification with the light of the psychic being, and, secondly, through the soul and the ensouled mind and life and body, to open out into the supramental consciousness and let it come down here below and work and achieve.
   The soul or the true being in man uplifted in the supramental consciousness and at the same time coming forward to possess a divinised mind and life and body as an instrument and channel of its self-expression and an embodiment of the Divine Will and Purposesuch is the goal that Nature is seeking to realise at present through her evolutionary lan. It is to this labour that man has been called so that in and through him the destined transcendence and transformation can take place.
   It is not easy, however, nor is it necessary for the moment to envisage in detail what this divinised man would be like, externallyhis mode of outward being and living, kimsita vrajeta kim, as Arjuna queriedor how the collective life of the new humanity would function or what would be the composition of its social fabric. For what is happening is a living process, an organic growth; it is being elaborated through the actions and reactions of multitudinous forces and conditions, known and unknown; the precise configuration of the final outcome cannot be predicted with exactitude. But the Power that is at work is omniscient; it is selecting, rejecting, correcting, fashioning, creating, co-ordinating elements in accordance with and by the drive of the inviolable law of Truth and Harmony that reigns in Light's own homeswe dame the Supermind.
   It is also to be noted that as mind is not the last limit of the march of evolution, even so the progress of evolution Will not stop with the manifestation and embodiment of the Supermind. There are other still higher principles beyond and they too presumably await manifestation and embodiment on earth. Creation has no beginning in time (andi) nor has it an end (ananta). It is an eternal process of the unravelling of the mysteries of the Infinite. Only, it may be said that with the Supermind the creation here enters into a different order of existence. Before it there was the domain of Ignorance, after it Will come the reign of Light and Knowledge. Mortality has been the governing principle of life on earth till now; it Will be replaced by the consciousness of immortality. Evolution has proceeded through struggle and pain; hereafter it Will be a spontaneous, harmonious and happy flowering.
   Now, with regard to the time that the present stage of evolution is likely to take for its fulfilment, one can presume that since or if the specific urge and stress has manifested and come up to the front, this very fact would show that the problem has become a problem of actuality, and even that it can be dealt with as if it had to be solved now or never. We have said that in man, with man's self-consciousness or the consciousness of the psychic being as the instrument, evolution has attained the capacity of a swift and concentrated process, which is the process of Yoga; the process Will become swifter and more concentrated, the more that instrument grows and gathers power and is infused with the divine afflatus. In fact, evolution has been such a process of gradual acceleration in tempo from the very beginning. The earliest stage, for example, the stage of dead Matter, of the play of the mere chemical forces was a very, very long one; it took millions and millions of years to come to the point when the manifestation of life became possible. But the period of elementary life, as manifested in the plant world that followed, although it too lasted a good many millions of years, was much briefer than the preceding periodit ended with the advent of the first animal form. The age of animal life, again, has been very much shorter than that of the plant life before man came upon earth. And man is already more than a million or two years oldit is fully time that a higher order of being should be created out of him.
   The Dhammapada, I. 1

01.02 - Sri Aurobindo - Ahana and Other Poems, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Poetry as an expression of thought-power, poetry weighted with intelligence and rationalised knowledge that seems to me to be the end and drive, the secret sense of all the mystery of modern technique. The combination is risky, but not impossible. In the spiritual domain the Gita achieved this miracle to a considerable degree. Still, the power of intelligence and reason shown by Vyasa is of a special order: it is a sublimated function of the faculty, something aloof and other-worldly"introvert", a modern mind would term it that is to say, something a priori, standing in its own au thenticity and self-sufficiency. A modern intelligence would be more scientific, let us use the word, more matter-of-fact and sense-based: the mental light should not be confined in its ivory tower, however high that may be, but brought down and placed at the service of our perception and appreciation and explanation of things human and terrestrial; made immanent in the mundane and the ephemeral, as they are commonly called. This is not an impossibility. Sri Aurobindo seems to have done the thing. In him we find the three terms of human consciousness arriving at an absolute fusion and his poetry is a wonderful example of that fusion. The three terms are the spiritual, the intellectual or philosophical and the physical or sensational. The intellectual, or more generally, the mental, is the intermediary, the Paraclete, as he himself Will call it later on in a poem9 magnificently exemplifying the point we are trying to make out the agent who negotiates, bridges and harmonises the two other firmaments usually supposed to be antagonistic and incompatible.
   Indeed it would be wrong to associate any cold ascetic nudity to the spiritual body of Sri Aurobindo. His poetry is philosophic, abstract, no doubt, but every philosophy has its practice, every abstract thing its concrete application,even as the soul has its body; and the fusion, not mere union, of the two is very characteristic in him. The deepest and unseizable flights of thought he knows how to clo the with a Kalidasian richness of imagery, or a Keatsean gusto of sensuousness:
   We have in Sri Aurobindo a passage parallel in sentiment, if not of equal poetic value, which Will bear out the contrast:
   My mind within grew holy, calm and still

01.02 - The Issue, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Her Will must cancel her body's destiny.
  Ardent was her self-poised unstumbling Will;
  Her mind, a sea of white sincerity,
  That Will not suffer long too glad a note.
  So bows and must the mind-born Will in man
  Obedient to the statutes fixed of old,
  Her single Will opposed the cosmic rule.
  Barring its dreadful route no Will can change,
  She faced the engines of the universe;
  That moves the veiled Ineffable's timeless Will:
  A prayer, a master act, a king idea
  Annul the claim of man's free human Will.

01.02 - The Object of the Integral Yoga, #The Integral Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  ... the object of the Yoga is to enter into and be possessed by the Divine Presence and Consciousness, to love the Divine for the Divine's sake alone, to be turned in our nature into nature of the Divine and in our Will and works and life to be the instrument of the Divine. Its object is not to be a great Yogi or a superman (although that may come) or to grab at the Divine for the sake of the ego's power, pride or pleasure.
  It is not for salvation though liberation comes by it and all else may come; but these must not be our objects. The Divine alone is our object.
  Matter. Our object is not to remove all "limitations" on the expansion of the ego or to give a free field and make unlimited room for the fulfilment of the ideas of the human mind or the desires of the ego-centred life-force. None of us are here to "do as we like", or to create a world in which we shall at last be able to do as we like; we are here to do what the Divine Wills and to create a world in which the Divine Will can manifest its truth no longer deformed by human ignorance or perverted and mistranslated by vital desire. The work which the sadhak of the supramental Yoga has to do is not his own work for which he can lay down his own conditions, but the work of the Divine which he has to do according to the conditions laid down by the Divine. Our Yoga is not for our own sake but for the sake of the Divine. It is not our own personal manifestation that we are to seek, the manifestation of the individual ego freed from all bounds and from all bonds, but the manifestation of the Divine. Of that manifestation our own spiritual liberation, perfection, fullness is to be a result and a part, but not in any egoistic sense or for any ego-centred or self-seeking purpose.
  This liberation, perfection, fullness too must not be pursued for our own sake, but for the sake of the Divine.
  You must go inside yourself and enter into a complete dedication to the spiritual life. All clinging to mental preferences must fall away from you, all insistence on vital aims and interests and attachments must be put away, all egoistic clinging to family, friends, country must disappear if you want to succeed in Yoga. Whatever has to come as outgoing energy or action, must proceed from the Truth once discovered and not from the lower mental or vital motives, from the Divine Will and not from personal choice or the preferences of the ego.

01.03 - Mystic Poetry, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Man's consciousness is further to rise from the mental to over-mental regions. Accordingly, his life and activities and along with that his artistic creations too Will take on a new tone and rhythm, a new mould and constitution even. For this transition, the higher mentalwhich is normally the field of philosophical and idealistic activitiesserves as the Paraclete, the Intercessor; it takes up the lower functionings of the consciousness, which are intense in their own way, but narrow and turbid, and gives, by purifying and enlarging, a wider frame, a more luminous pattern, a more subtly articulated , form for the higher, vaster and deeper realities, truths and harmonies to express and manifest. In the old-world spiritual and mystic poets, this intervening medium was overlooked for evident reasons, for human reason or even intelligence is a double-edged instrument, it can make as well as mar, it has a light that most often and naturally shuts off other higher lights beyond it. So it was bypassed, some kind of direct and immediate contact was sought to be established between the normal and the transcendental. The result was, as I have pointed out, a pure spiritual poetry, on the one hand, as in the Upanishads, or, on the other, religious poetry of various grades and denominations that spoke of the spiritual but in the terms and in the manner of the mundane, at least very much coloured and dominated by the latter. Vyasa was the great legendary figure in India who, as is shown in his Mahabharata, seems to have been one of the pioneers, if not the pioneer, to forge and build the missing link of Thought Power. The exemplar of the manner is the Gita. Valmiki's represented a more ancient and primary inspiration, of a vast vital sensibility, something of the kind that was at the basis of Homer's genius. In Greece it was Socrates who initiated the movement of speculative philosophy and the emphasis of intellectual power slowly began to find expression in the later poets, Sophocles and Euripides. But all these were very simple beginnings. The moderns go in for something more radical and totalitarian. The rationalising element instead of being an additional or subordinate or contri buting factor, must itself give its norm and form, its own substance and manner to the creative activity. Such is the present-day demand.
   The earliest preoccupation of man was religious; even when he concerned himself with the world and worldly things, he referred all that to the other world, thought of gods and goddesses, of after-death and other where. That also Will be his last and ultimate preoccupation though in a somewhat different way, when he has passed through a process of purification and growth, a "sea-change". For although religion is an aspiration towards the truth and reality beyond or behind the world, it is married too much to man's actual worldly nature and carries always with it the shadow of profanity.
   The religious poet seeks to tone down or cover up the mundane taint, since he does not know how to transcend it totally, in two ways: (1) by a strong thought-element, the metaphysical way, as it may be called and (2) by a strong symbolism, the occult way. Donne takes to the first course, Blake the second. And it is the alchemy brought to bear in either of these processes that transforms the merely religious into the mystic poet. The truly spiritual, as I have said, is still a higher grade of consciousness: what I call Spirit's own poetry has its own matter and mannerswabhava and swadharma. A nearest approach to it is echoed in those famous lines of Blake:

01.03 - Rationalism, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   It might be said, however, that the guarantee or sanction of Reason does not lie in the extent of its application, nor can its subjective nature (or ego-centric predication, as philosophers would term it) vitiate the validity of its conclusions. There is, in fact, an inherent unity and harmony between Reason and Reality. If we know a little of Reality, we know the whole; if we know the subjective, we know also the objective. As in the part, so in the whole; as it is within, so it is without. If you say that I Will die, you need not wait for my actual death to have the proof of your statement. The generalising power inherent in Reason is the guarantee of the certitude to which it leads. Reason is valid, as it does not betray us. If it were such as anti-intellectuals make it out to be, we would be making nothing but false steps, would always remain entangled in contradictions. The very success of Reason is proof of its being a reliable and perfect instrument for the knowledge of Truth and Reality. It is beside the mark to prove otherwise, simply by analysing the nature of Reason and showing the fundamental deficiencies of that nature. It is rather to the credit of Reason that being as it is, it is none the less a successful and trustworthy agent.
   Now the question is, does Reason never fail? Is it such a perfect instrument as intellectualists think it to be? There is ground for serious misgivings. Reason says, for example, that the earth revolves round the sun: and reason, it is argued, is right, for we see that all the facts are conformableto it, even facts that were hitherto unknown and are now coming into our ken. But the difficulty is that Reason did not say that always in the past and may not say that always in the future. The old astronomers could explain the universe by holding quite a contrary theory and could fit into it all their astronomical data. A future scientist may come and explain the matter in quite a different way from either. It is only a choice of workable theories that Reason seems to offer; we do not know the fact itself, apart perhaps from exactly the amount that immediate sense-perception gives to each of us. Or again, if we take an example of another category, we may ask, does God exist? A candid Rationalist would say that he does not know although he has his own opinion about the matter. Evidently, Reason cannot solve all the problems that it meets; it can judge only truths that are of a certain type.
   But in knowledge it is precisely finality that we seek for and no mere progressive, asymptotic, rapprochement ad infinitum. No less than the Practical Reason, the Theoretical Reason also demands a categorical imperative, a clean affirmation or denial. If Reason cannot do that, it must be regarded as inefficient. It is poor consolation to man that Reason is gradually finding out the truth or that it is trying to grapple with the problems of God, Soul and Immortality and Will one day pronounce its verdict. Whether we have or have not any other instrument of knowledge is a different question altogether. But in the meanwhile Reason stands condemned by the evidence of its own limitation.
   It may be retorted that if Reason is condemned, it is condemned by itself and by no other authority. All argumentation against Reason is a function of Reason itself. The deficiencies of Reason we find out by the rational faculty alone. If Reason was to die, it is because it consents to commit suicide; there is no other power that kills it. But to this our answer is that Reason has this miraculous power of self-destruction; or, to put it philosophically, Reason is, at best, an organ of self-criticism and perhaps the organ par excellence for that purpose. But criticism is one thing and creation another. And whether we know or act, it is fundamentally a process of creation; at least, without this element of creation there can be no knowledge, no act. In knowledge there is a luminous creativity, Revelation or Categorical Imperative which Reason does not and cannot supply but vaguely strains to seize. For that element we have to search elsewhere, not in Reason.
   The fact is that Reason is a lower manifestation of knowledge, it is an attempt to express on the mental level a power that exceeds it. It is the section of a vast and unitarian Consciousness-Power; the section may be necessary under certain conditions and circumstances, but unless it is viewed in its relation to the ensemble, unless it gives up its exclusive absolutism, it Will be perforce arbitrary and misleading. It would still remain helpful and useful, but its help and use would be always limited in scope and temporary in effectivity.

01.03 - Sri Aurobindo and his School, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   This is the present nature of man, with its threefold nexus of mind and life and body, that stands there to be fought and conquered. This is the inferior nature, of which the ancients spoke, that holds man down inexorably to a lower dharma, imperfect mode of life the life that is and has been the human order till today. No amount of ceaseless action, however selflessly done, can move this wheel of Nature even by a hair's breadth away from the path that it has carved out from of old. Human nature and human society have been built up and are run by the forces of this inferior nature, and whatever shuffling and reshuffling we may make in its apparent factors and elements, the general scheme and fundamental form of life Will never change. To displace earth (and to conquer nature means nothing less than that) and give it another orbit, one must find a fulcrum outside earth.
   Sri Aurobindo does not preach flight from life and a retreat into the silent and passive Infinite; the goal of life is not, in his view, the extinction of life. Neither is he satisfied on that account to hold that life is best lived in the ordinary round of its unregenerate dharma. If the first is a blind alley, the second is a vicious circle,both lead nowhere.
   Sri Aurobindo's sadhana starts from the perception of a Power that is beyond the ordinary nature yet is its inevitable master, a fulcrum, as we have said, outside the earth. For what is required first is the discovery and manifestation of a new soul-consciousness in man which Will bring about by the very pressure and working out of its self-rule an absolute reversal of man's nature. It is the Asuras who are now holding sway over humanity, for man has allowed himself so long to be built in the image of the Asura; to dislodge the Asuras, the Gods in their sovereign might have to be forged in the human being and brought into play. It is a stupendous task, some would say impossible; but it is very far removed from quietism or passivism. Sri Aurobindo is in retirement, but it is a retirement only from the outward field of present physical activities and their apparent actualities, not from the true forces and action of life. It is the retreat necessary to one who has to go back into himself to conquer a new plane of creative power,an entrance right into the world of basic forces, of fundamental realities, into the flaming heart of things where all actualities are born and take their first shape. It is the discovery of a power-house of tremendous energism and of the means of putting it at the service of earthly life.
   And, properly speaking, it is not at all a school, least of all a mere school of thought, that is growing round Sri Aurobindo. It is rather the nucleus of a new life that is to come. Quite naturally it has almost insignificant proportions at present to the outward eye, for the work is still of the nature of experiment and trial in very restricted limits, something in the nature of what is done in a laboratory when a new power has been discovered, but has still to be perfectly formulated in its process. And it is quite a mistake to suppose that there is a vigorous propaganda carried on in its behalf or that there is a large demand for recruits. Only the few, who possess the call within and are impelled by the spirit of the future, have a chance of serving this high attempt and great realisation and standing among its first instruments and pioneer workers.

01.03 - The Yoga of the King - The Yoga of the Souls Release, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  His Will a hunter in the trails of light.
  An ocean impulse lifted every breath;
  A fearless Will for knowledge dared to erase
  The lines of safety Reason draws that bar
  Aims too sublime for Nature's daily Will:
  The gifts of the spirit crowding came to him;
  And Will is nursed by an ethereal Power
  And fed on the white milk of the Eternal's strengths
  The grandeur and greatness of its Will to live,
  Recall of the soul's adventure into space,
  And all the sweetness none Will ever taste
  And all the beauty that Will never be.
  Inaudible to our deaf mortal ears
  Replace the titan Will for ever to climb,
  On the heart's altar dim the sacred fire.
  Till they too feel the need and Will to change.
  All here must learn to obey a higher law,
  The game of chance of an omnipotent Will.
  A glory and a rapture and a charm,
  And felt the occult impulse behind man's Will.
  Time's secrets were to him an oft-read book;

01.03 - Yoga and the Ordinary Life, #The Integral Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  The best way to prepare oneself for the spiritual life when one has to live in the ordinary occupations and surroundings is to cultivate an entire equality and detachment and the samata of the Gita with the faith that the Divine is there and the Divine Will at work in all things even though at present under the conditions of a world of Ignorance. Beyond this are the Light and Ananda towards which life is working, but the best way for their advent and foundation in the individual being and nature is to grow in this spiritual equality. That would also solve your difficulty about things unpleasant and disagreeable. All unpleasantness should be faced with this spirit of samata.
  I may say briefly that there are two states of consciousness in either of which one can live. One is a higher consciousness which stands above the play of life and governs it; this is variously called the Self, the Spirit or the Divine. The other is the normal consciousness in which men live; it is something quite superficial, an instrument of the Spirit for the play of life. Those who live and act in the normal consciousness are governed entirely by the common movements of the mind and are naturally subject to grief and joy and anxiety and desire or to everything else that makes up the ordinary stuff of life.
  I must say in view of something you seem to have said to your father that it is not the object of the one to be a great man or the object of the other to be a great Yogin. The ideal of human life is to establish over the whole being the control of a clear, strong and rational mind and a right and rational Will, to master the emotional, vital and physical being, create a harmony of the whole and develop the capacities whatever they are and fulfil them in life. In the terms of Hindu thought, it is to enthrone the rule of the purified and sattwic buddhi, follow the dharma, fulfilling one's own svadharma and doing the work proper to one's capacities, and satisfy kama and artha under the control of the buddhi and the dharma. The object of the divine life, on the other hand, is to realise one's highest self or to realise
  God and to put the whole being into harmony with the truth of the highest self or the law of the divine nature, to find one's own divine capacities great or small and fulfil them in life as a sacrifice to the highest or as a true instrument of the divine
  Morality is a question of man's mind and vital, it belongs to a lower plane of consciousness. A spiritual life therefore cannot be founded on a moral basis, it must be founded on a spiritual basis. This does not mean that the spiritual man must be immoral - as if there were no other law of conduct than the moral. The law of action of the spiritual consciousness is higher, not lower than the moral - it is founded on union with the Divine and living in the Divine Consciousness and its action is founded on obedience to the Divine Will.

01.04 - Motives for Seeking the Divine, #The Integral Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Divine and do His work or His Will and I am satisfied, even if the use of Power entails suffering also." It is possible to shun bliss as a thing too tremendous or ecstatic and ask only or rather for peace, for liberation, for Nirvana. You speak of self-fulfilment,
  - one may regard the Supreme not as the Divine but as one's highest Self and seek fulfilment of one's being in that highest Self; but one need not envisage it as a self of bliss, ecstasy, Ananda - one may envisage it as a self of freedom, vastness, knowledge, tranquillity, strength, calm, perfection - perhaps too calm for a ripple of anything so disturbing as joy to enter. So even if it is for something to be gained that one approaches the Divine, it is not a fact that one can approach Him or seek union only for the sake of Ananda and nothing else.
  Divine Will bring Ananda, therefore it must be for the Ananda that we seek the union, is not true and has no force. One who loves a queen may know that if she returns his love it Will bring him power, position, riches and yet it need not be for the power, position, riches that he seeks her love. He may love her for herself and could love her equally if she were not a queen; he might have no hope of any return whatever and yet love her, adore her, live for her, die for her simply because she is she. That has happened and men have loved women without any hope of enjoyment or result, loved steadily, passionately after age has come and beauty has gone. Patriots do not love their country only when she is rich, powerful, great and has much to give them; their love for country has been most ardent, passionate, absolute when the country was poor, degraded, miserable, having nothing to give but loss, wounds, torture, imprisonment, death as the wages of her service; yet even knowing that they would never see her free, men have lived, served and died for her - for her own sake, not for what she could give. Men have loved Truth for her own sake and for what they could seek or find of her, accepted poverty, persecution, death itself; they have been content even to seek for her always, not finding, and yet never given up the search.
  That means what? That men, country, Truth and other things besides can be loved for their own sake and not for anything else, not for any circumstance or attendant quality or resulting enjoyment, but for something absolute that is either in them or behind their appearance and circumstance. The Divine is more than a man or woman, a stretch of land or a creed, opinion, discovery or principle. He is the Person beyond all persons, the

01.04 - The Intuition of the Age, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   All this may be good and necessary, but there is the danger of leaving altogether out of account the one thing needful. We must then pause and turn back, look behind the apparent impulsion that effectuates to the Will that drives, behind the ideas and ideals of the mind to the soul that informs and inspires; we must carry ourselves up the stream and concentrate upon the original source, the creative intuition that lies hidden somewhere. And then only all the new stirrings that we feel in our heartour urges and ideals and visions Will attain an effective clarity, an unshaken purpose and an inevitable achievement.
   That is to say, the change has been in the soul of man himself, the being has veered round and taken a new orientation. It is this which one must envisage, recognise and consciously possess, in order that one may best fulfil the call of the age. But what we are doing instead is to observe the mere external signs and symbols and symptoms, to fix upon the distant quiverings, the echoes on the outermost rim, which are not always faithful representations, but very often distorted images of the truth and life at the centre and source and matrix. We must know that if there has been going on a redistribution and new-marshalling of forces, it is because the fiat has come from the Etat Major.
   This then is the mantra of the new ageLife with Intuition as its guide and not Reason and mechanical efficiency, not Man but Superman. The right mantra has been found, the principle itself is irreproachable. But the interpretation, the application, does not seem to have been always happy. For, Nietzsche's conception of the Superman is full of obvious lacunae. If we have so long been adoring the intellectual man, Nietzsche asks us, on the other hand, to deify the vital man. According to him the superman is he who has (1) the supreme sense of the ego, (2) the sovereign Will to power and (3) who lives dangerously. All this means an Asura, that is to say, one who has, it may be, dominion over his animal and vital impulsions in order, of course, that he may best gratify them but who has not purified them. Purification does not necessarily mean, annihilation but it does mean sublimation and transformation. So if you have to transcend man, you have to transcend egoism also. For a conscious egoism is the very characteristic of man and by increasing your sense of egoism you do not supersede man but simply aggrandise your humanity, fashion it on a larger, a titanic scale. And then the Will to power is not the only Will that requires fulfilment, there is also the Will to knowledge and the Will to love. In man these three fundamental constitutive elements coexist, although they do it, more often than not, at the expense of each other and in a state of continual disharmony. The superman, if he is to be the man "who has surmounted himself", must embody a poise of being in which all the three find a fusion and harmonya perfect synthesis. Again, to live dangerously may be heroic, but it is not divine. To live dangerously means to have eternal opponents, that is to say, to live ever on the same level with the forces you want to dominate. To have the sense that one has to fight and control means that one is not as yet the sovereign lord, for one has to strive and strain and attain. The supreme lord is he who is perfectly equanimous with himself and with the world. He has not to batter things into a shape in order to create. He creates means, he manifests. He Wills and he achieves"God said 'let there be light' and there was light."
   As a matter of fact, the superman is not, as Nietzsche thinks him to be, the highest embodiment of the biological force of Nature, not even as modified and refined by the aesthetic and aristocratic virtues of which the higher reaches of humanity seem capable. For that is after all humanity only accentuated in certain other fundamentally human modes of existence. It does not carry far enough the process of surmounting. In reality it is not a surmounting but a new channelling. Instead of the ethical and intellectual man, we get the vital and aesthetic man. It may be a change but not a transfiguration.

01.04 - The Poetry in the Making, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   But the Yogi is a wholly conscious being; a perfect Yogi is he who possesses a conscious and Willed control over his instruments, he silences them, as and when he likes, and makes them convey and express with as little deviation as possible truths and realities from the Beyond. Now the question is, is it possible for the poet also to do something like that, to consciously create and not to be a mere unconscious or helpless channel? Conscious artistry, as we have said, means to be conscious on two levels of consciousness at the same time, to be at home in both equally and simultaneously. The general experience, however, is that of "one at a time": if the artist dwells more in the one, the other retires into the background to the same measure. If he is in the over-consciousness, he is only half-conscious in his brain consciousness, or even not conscious at allhe does not know how he has created, the sources or process of his creative activity, he is quite oblivious of them" gone through them all as if per saltum. Such seems to have been the case with the primitives, as they are called, the elemental poetsShakespeare and Homer and Valmiki. In some others, who come very near to them in poetic genius, yet not quite on a par, the instrumental intelligence is strong and active, it helps in its own way but in helping circumscribes and limits the original impulsion. The art here becomes consciously artistic, but loses something of the initial freshness and spontaneity: it gains in correctness, polish and elegance and has now a style in lieu of Nature's own naturalness. I am thinking of Virgil and Milton and Kalidasa. Dante's place is perhaps somewhere in between. Lower in the rung where the mental medium occupies a still more preponderant place we have intellectual poetry, poetry of the later classical age whose representatives are Pope and Dryden. We can go farther down and land in the domain of versificationalthough here, too, there can be a good amount of beauty in shape of ingenuity, cleverness and conceit: Voltaire and Delille are of this order in French poetry.
   The three or four major orders I speak of in reference to conscious artistry are exampled characteristically in the history of the evolution of Greek poetry. It must be remembered, however, at the very outset that the Greeks as a race were nothing if not rational and intellectual. It was an element of strong self-consciousness that they brought into human culture that was their special gift. Leaving out of account Homer who was, as I said, a primitive, their classical age began with Aeschylus who was the first and the most spontaneous and intuitive of the Great Three. Sophocles, who comes next, is more balanced and self-controlled and pregnant with a reasoned thought-content clothed in polished phrasing. We feel here that the artist knew what he was about and was exercising a conscious control over his instruments and materials, unlike his predecessor who seemed to be completely carried away by the onrush of the poetic enthousiasmos. Sophocles, in spite of his artistic perfection or perhaps because of it, appears to be just a little, one remove, away from the purity of the central inspiration there is a veil, although a thin transparent veil, yet a veil between which intervenes. With the third of the Brotherhood, Euripides, we slide lower downwe arrive at a predominantly mental transcription of an experience or inner conception; but something of the major breath continues, an aura, a rhythm that maintains the inner contact and thus saves the poetry. In a subsequent age, in Theocritus, for example, poetry became truly very much 'sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought', so much of virtuosity and precocity entered into it; in other words, the poet then was an excessively self-conscious artist. That seems to be the general trend of all literature.
   Not only so, the future development of the poetic consciousness seems inevitably to lead to such a consummation in which the creative and the critical faculties Will not be separate but form part of one and indivisible movement. Historically, human consciousness has grown from unconsciousness to consciousness and from consciousness to self-consciousness; man's creative and artistic genius too has moved pari passu in the same direction. The earliest and primitive poets were mostly unconscious, that is to say, they wrote or said things as they came to them spontaneously, without effort, without reflection, they do not seem to know the whence and wherefore and whither of it all, they know only that the wind bloweth as it listeth. That was when man had not yet eaten the fruit of knowledge, was still in the innocence of childhood. But as he grew up and progressed, he became more and more conscious, capable of exerting and exercising a deliberate Will and initiating a purposive action, not only in the external practical field but also in the psychological domain. If the earlier group is called "primitives", the later one, that of conscious artists, usually goes by the name of "classicists." Modern creators have gone one step farther in the direction of self-consciousness, a return upon oneself, an inlook of full awareness and a free and alert activity of the critical faculties. An unconscious artist in the sense of the "primitives" is almost an impossible phenomenon in the modern world. All are scientists: an artist cannot but be consciously critical, deliberate, purposive in what he creates and how he creates. Evidently, this has cost something of the old-world spontaneity and supremacy of utterance; but it cannot be helped, we cannot comm and the tide to roll back, Canute-like. The feature has to be accepted and a remedy and new orientation discovered.
   The modern critical self-consciousness in the artist originated with the Romantics. The very essence of Romanticism is curiosity the scientist's pleasure in analysing, observing, experimenting, changing the conditions of our reactions, mental or sentimental or even nervous and physical by way of discovery of new and unforeseen or unexpected modes of "psychoses" or psychological states. Goethe, Wordsworth, Stendhal represented a mentality and initiated a movement which led logically to the age of Hardy, Housman and Bridges and in the end to that of Lawrence and Joyce, Ezra Pound and Eliot and Auden. On the Continent we can consider Flaubert as the last of the classicists married to the very quintessence of Romanticism. A hard, self-regarding, self-critical mentality, a cold scalpel-like gaze that penetrates and upturns the reverse side of things is intimately associated with the poetic genius of Mallarm and constitutes almost the whole of Valry's. The impassioned lines of a very modern poet like Aragon are also characterised by a consummate virtuosity in chiselled artistry, conscious and deliberate and Willed at every step and turn.
   The consciously purposive activity of the poetic consciousness in fact, of all artistic consciousness has shown itself with a clear and unambiguous emphasis in two directions. First of all with regard to the subject-matter: the old-world poets took things as they were, as they were obvious to the eye, things of human nature and things of physical Nature, and without questioning dealt with them in the beauty of their normal form and function. The modern mentality has turned away from the normal and the obvious: it does not accept and admit the "given" as the final and definitive norm of things. It wishes to discover and establish other norms, it strives to bring about changes in the nature and condition of things, envisage the shape of things to come, work for a brave new world. The poet of today, in spite of all his effort to remain a pure poet, in spite of Housman's advocacy of nonsense and not-sense being the essence of true Art, is almost invariably at heart an incorrigible prophet. In revolt against the old and established order of truths and customs, against all that is normally considered as beautiful,ideals and emotions and activities of man or aspects and scenes and movements of Natureagainst God or spiritual life, the modern poet turns deliberately to the ugly and the macabre, the meaningless, the insignificant and the triflingtins and teas, bone and dust and dustbin, hammer and sicklehe is still a prophet, a violent one, an iconoclast, but one who has his own icon, a terribly jealous being, that seeks to pull down the past, erase it, to break and batter and knead the elements in order to fashion out of them something conforming to his heart's desire. There is also the class who have the vision and found the truth and its solace, who are prophets, angelic and divine, messengers and harbingers of a new beauty that is to dawn upon earth. And yet there are others in whom the two strains mingle or approach in a strange way. All this means that the artist is far from being a mere receiver, a mechanical executor, a passive unconscious instrument, but that he is supremely' conscious and master of his faculties and implements. This fact is doubly reinforced when we find how much he is preoccupied with the technical aspect of his craft. The richness and variety of patterns that can be given to the poetic form know no bounds today. A few major rhythms were sufficient for the ancients to give full expression to their poetic inflatus. For they cared more for some major virtues, the basic and fundamental qualitiessuch as truth, sublimity, nobility, forcefulness, purity, simplicity, clarity, straightforwardness; they were more preoccupied with what they had to say and they wanted, no doubt, to say it beautifully and powerfully; but the modus operandi was not such a passion or obsession with them, it had not attained that almost absolute value for itself which modern craftsmanship gives it. As technology in practical life has become a thing of overwhelming importance to man today, become, in the Shakespearean phrase, his "be-all and end-all", even so the same spirit has invaded and pervaded his aesthetics too. The subtleties, variations and refinements, the revolutions, reversals and inventions which the modern poet has ushered and takes delight in, for their own sake, I repeat, for their intrinsic interest, not for the sake of the subject which they have to embody and clothe, have never been dream by Aristotle, the supreme legislator among the ancients, nor by Horace, the almost incomparable craftsman among the ancients in the domain of poetry. Man has become, to be sure, a self-conscious creator to the pith of his bone.
   That is what is wanted at present in the artistic world the true inspiration, the breath from higher altitudes. And here comes the role of the mystic, the Yogi. The sense of evolution, the march of human consciousness demands and prophesies that the future poet has to be a mysticin him Will be fulfilled the travail of man's conscious working. The self-conscious craftsman, the tireless experimenter with his adventurous analytic mind has sharpened his instrument, made it supple and elastic, tempered, refined and enriched it; that is comparable to what we call the aspiration or call from below. Now the Grace must descend and fulfil. And when one rises into this higher consciousness beyond the brain and mind, when one lives there habitually, one knows the why and the how of things, one becomes a perfectly conscious operator and still retains all spontaneity and freshness and wonder and magic that are usually associated with inconscience and irreflection. As there is a spontaneity of instinct, there is likewise also a spontaneity of vision: a child is spontaneous in its movements, even so a seer. Not only so, the higher spontaneity is more spontaneous, for the higher consciousness means not only awareness but the free and untrammelled activity and expression of the truth and reality it is.
   Genius had to be generally more or less unconscious in the past, because the instrument was not ready, was clogged as it were with its own lower grade movements; the higher inspiration had very often to bypass it, or rob it of its serviceable materials without its knowledge, in an almost clandestine way. Wherever it was awake and vigilant, we have seen it causing a diminution in the poetic potential. And yet even so, it was being prepared for a greater role, a higher destiny it is to fulfil in the future. A conscious and full participation of a refined and transparent and enriched instrument in the delivery of superconscious truth and beauty Will surely mean not only a new but the very acme of aesthetic creation. We thus foresee the age of spiritual art in which the sense of creative beauty in man Will find its culmination. Such an art was only an exception, something secondary or even tertiary, kept in the background, suggested here and there as a novel strain, called "mystic" to express its unfamiliar nature-unless, of course, it was openly and obviously scriptural and religious.
   I have spoken of the source of inspiration as essentially and originally being a super-consciousness or over-consciousness. But to be more precise and accurate I should add another source, an inner consciousness. As the super-consciousness is imaged as lying above the normal consciousness, so the inner consciousness may be described as lying behind or within it. The movement of the inner consciousness has found expression more often and more largely than that of over-consciousness in the artistic creation of the past : and that was in keeping with the nature of the old-world inspiration, for the inspiration that comes from the inner consciousness, which can be considered as the lyrical inspiration, tends to be naturally more "spontaneous", less conscious, since it does not at all go by the path of the head, it evades that as much as possible and goes by the path of the heart.
   Whether the original and true source of the poet's inspiration lies deep within or high above, all depends upon the mediating instrument the mind (in its most general sense) and speech for a successful transcription. Man's ever-growing consciousness demanded also a conscious development and remoulding of these two factors. A growth, a heightening and deepening of the consciousness meant inevitably a movement towards the spiritual element in things. And that means, we have said, a twofold change in the future poet's make-up. First as regards the substance. The revolutionary shift that we notice in modern poets towards a completely new domain of subject-matter is a signpost that more is meant than what is expressed. The superficialities and futilities that are dealt with do not in their outward form give the real trend of things. In and through all these major and constant preoccupation of our poets is "the pain of the present and the passion for the future": they are, as already stated, more prophets than poets, but prophets for the moment crying in the wildernessalthough some have chosen the path of denial and revolt. They are all looking ahead or beyond or deep down, always yearning for another truth and reality which Will explain, justify and transmute the present calvary of human living. Such an acute tension of consciousness has necessitated an overhauling of the vehicle of expression too, the creation of a mode of expressing the inexpressible. For that is indeed what human consciousness and craft are aiming at in the present stage of man's evolution. For everything, almost everything that can be normally expressed has been expressed and in a variety of ways as much as is possible: that is the history of man's aesthetic creativity. Now the eye probes into the unexpressed world; for the artist too the Upanishadic problem has cropped up:
   By whom impelled does the mind fall to its target, what is the agent that is behind the eye and sees through the eyes, what is the hearing and what the speech that their respective sense organs do not and cannot convey and record adequately or at all?
   Ifso long the poet was more or less a passive, a half-conscious or unconscious intermediary between the higher and the lower lights and delights, his role in the future Will be better fulfilled when he becomes fully aware of it and consciously moulds and directs his creative energies. The poet is and has to be the harbinger and minstrel of unheard-of melodies: he is the fashioner of the creative word that brings down and embodies the deepest aspirations and experiences of the human consciousness. The poet is a missionary: he is missioned by Divine Beauty to radiate upon earth something of her charm and wizardry. The fullness of his role he can only play up when he is fully conscious for it is under that condition that all obstructing and obscuring elements lying across the path of inspiration can be completely and wholly eradicated: the instrument purified and tempered and transmuted can hold and express golden truths and beauties and puissances that otherwise escape the too human mould.
   "The Last Voyage" by Charles Williams-A Little Book of Modern Verse, (Faber and Faber).
   W. B. Yeats: "The Lover tells of the Rose in his Heart"-The Wind among the Reeds.

01.04 - The Secret Knowledge, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Some Chance has settled or hazarded some Will,
  Or a Necessity without aim or cause
  A Will expressive of soul's deity,
  A Strength not forced to stumble by its speed,
  The mighty process of the cosmic Will
  Communicates its image to our sight,
  Who are overseers of Fate and Chance and Will
  And experts of the theorem of world-need,
  Thus Will the masked Transcendent mount his throne.
  When darkness deepens strangling the earth's breast
  Our Will a force of the Eternal's power,
  And thought the rays of a spiritual sun.
  Calm they repose on the eternal Will.
  Only his law they count and him obey;
  Undriven by a brief life's Will to act,
  Unharassed by the spur of pity and fear,
  No Will can take away and no doom change,
  The crown of conscious Immortality,
  All Will come near that now is naught or far.
  These calm and distant Mights shall act at last.
  Answers to a Will that sees upon the heights,
  And the evolving Word's first syllable
  He takes birth in her world, waits on her Will,
  Divines her enigmatic gesture's sense,
  He yields to her as the mover of his Will,
  He burns the incense of his nights and days
  He makes the hours pivot around her Will,
  Makes all reflect her whims; all is their play:
  He is whatever her artist Will can make.
  Although she drives him on her fancy's roads,
  Even for an hour and she work out his Will;
  He makes of her his moment passion's serf:
  His Will he thinks his own, is shaped in her forge.
  Obedient to World-Nature's dumb control,
  Her Will he has made the master of his fate,
  Her whim the dispenser of his pleasure and pain;
  Whatever she desires he Wills to be:
  The Spirit, the innumerable One,
  Of the great Mother s wide uncharted Will
  And the rude enigma of her terrestrial ways
  In the hidden strength of her omnipotent Will,
  Driven by her breath across life's tossing deep,
  Late Will he know, opening the mystic script,
  Whether to a blank port in the Unseen
  Whoever leaves her, he Will not depart
  To repose without her in the Unknowable.
  This constant Will she covered with her sport,
  To evoke a Person in the impersonal Void,

01.05 - Rabindranath Tagore: A Great Poet, a Great Man, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Tagore is a great poet: he Will be remembered as one of the I greatest world-poets. But humanity owes him anotherperhaps a greaterdebt of gratitude: his name has a higher value, a more significant potency for the future.
   In an age when Reason was considered as the highest light given to man, Tagore pointed to the Vision of the mystics as always the still greater light; when man was elated with undreamt-of worldly success, puffed up with incomparable material possessions and powers, Tagore's voice rang clear and emphatic in tune with the cry of the ancients: "What shall I do with all this mass of things, if I am not made immortal by that?" When men, in their individual as well as collective egoism, were scrambling for earthly gains and hoards, he held before them vaster and cleaner horizons, higher and deeper ways of being and living, maintained the sacred sense of human solidarity, the living consciousness of the Divine, one and indivisible. When the Gospel of Power had all but hypnotised men's minds, and Superman or God-man came to be equated with the Titan, Tagore saw through the falsehood and placed in front and above all the old-world eternal verities of love and self-giving, harmony and mutuality, sweetness and light. When pessimism, cynicism, agnosticism struck the major chord of human temperament, and grief and frustration and death and decay were taken as a matter of course to be the inevitable order of earthlylifebhasmantam idam shariramhe continued to sing the song of the Rishis that Ananda and Immortality are the breath of things, the birth right of human beings. When Modernism declared with a certitude never tobe contested that Matter is Brahman, Tagore said with the voice of one who knows that Spirit is Brahman.
   Tagore is no inventor or innovator when he posits Spirit as Beauty, the spiritual consciousness as the ardent rhythm of ecstasy. This experience is the very core of Vaishnavism and for which Tagore is sometimes called a Neo-Vaishnava. The Vaishnava sees the world pulsating in glamorous beauty as the Lila (Play) of the Lord, and the Lord, God himself, is nothing but Love and Beauty. Still Tagore is not all Vaishnava or merely a Vaishnava; he is in addition a modern (the carping voice Will say, there comes the dilution and adulteration)in the sense that problems exist for himsocial, political, economic, national, humanitarianwhich have to be faced and solved: these are not merely mundane, but woven into the texture of the fundamental problem of human destiny, of Soul and Spirit and God. A Vaishnava was, in spite of his acceptance of the world, an introvert, to use a modern psychological phrase, not necessarily in the pejorative sense, but in the neutral scientific sense. He looks upon the universe' and human life as the play of the Lord, as an actuality and not mere illusion indeed; but he does not participate or even take interest in the dynamic working out of the world process, he does not care to know, has no need of knowing that there is a terrestrial purpose and a diviner fulfilment of the mortal life upon earth. The Vaishnava dwells more or less absorbed in the Vaikuntha of his inner consciousness; the outer world, although real, is only a symbolic shadowplay to which he can but be a witness-real, is only a nothing more.
   A modern idealist of the type of a reformer would not be satisfied with that role. If he is merely a moralist reformer, he Will revolt against the "witness business", calling it a laissez-faire mentality of bygone days. A spiritual reformer would ask for morea dynamic union with the Divine Will and Consciousness, not merely a passive enjoyment in the Bliss, so that he may be a luminous power or agent for the expression of divine values in things mundane.
   Not the acceptance of the world as it is, not even a joyous acceptance, viewing it as an inexplicable and mysterious and magic play of, God, but the asp ration and endeavour to change it, mould it in the pattern of its inner divine realities for there are such realities which seek expression and embodiment in earthly life that is the great mission and labour of humanity and that is all the meaning of man's existence here below. And Tagore is one of the great prophets and labourers who had the vision of the shape of things to come and worked for it. Only it must be noted, as I have already said, that unlike mere moral reformists or scientific planners, Tagore grounded himself upon the eternal ancient truths that "age cannot wither nor custom stale"the divine truths of the Spirit.

01.05 - The Yoga of the King - The Yoga of the Spirits Freedom and Greatness, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  The Will to know in an inconscient world,
  The Will to live under a reign of death,
  The thirst for rapture in a heart of flesh,
  And Fate revealed a chain of seeing Will;
  A conscious wideness filled the old dumb Space.
  \tA Will, a hope immense now seized his heart,
  And to discern the superhuman's form
  Lay bare to the burning splendour of his Will.
  In shadowy chambers lit by a strange sun
  Her Will shaping the undetermined vasts,
  Making a finite of infinity;
  It moves events by its bare silent Will,
  Acts at a distance without hands or feet.
  And the universe the slave of mortal Will.
  A mediatrix with veiled and nameless gods
  Whose alien Will touches our human life,
  Imitating the World-Magician's ways
  And the control of a spiritual Will.
  A greater despot tamed her despotism.

01.06 - On Communism, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Against this tyranny of the group, this absolute rule of the collective Will, the human mind rose in revolt and the result was Individualism. For whatever may be the truth and necessity of the Collective, the Individual is no less true and necessary. The individual has his own law and urge of being and his own secret godhead. The collective godhead derides the individual godhead at its peril. The first movement of the reaction, however, was a run to the other extremity; a stern collectivism gave birth to an intransigent individualism. The individual is sacred and inviolable, cost what it may. It does not matter what sort of individuality one seeks, it is enough if the thing is there. So the doctrine of individualism has come to set a premium on egoism and on forces that are disruptive of all social bonds. Each and every individual has the inherent right, which is also a duty, to follow his own impetus and impulse. Society is nothing but the battle ground for competing individualities the strongest survive and the weakest go to the wall. Association and co-operation are instruments that the individual may use and utilise for his own growth and development but in the main they act as deterrents rather than as aids to the expression and expansion of his characteristic being. In reality, however, if we probe sufficiently deep into the matter we find that there is no such thing as corporate life and activity; what appears as such is only a camouflage for rigorous competition; at the best, there maybe only an offensive and defensive alliancehumanity fights against nature, and within humanity itself group fights against group and in the last analysis, within the group, the individual fights against the individual. This is the ultimate Law-the Dharma of creation.
   Now, what such an uncompromising individualism fails to recognise is that individuality and ego are not the same thing, that the individual may have his individuality intact and entire and yet sacrifice his ego, that the soul of man is a much greater thing than his vital being. It is simply ignoring the fact and denying the truth to say that man is only a fighting animal and not a loving god, that the self within the individual realises itself only through competition and not co-operation. It is an error to conceive of society as a mere parallelogram of forces, to suppose that it has risen simply out of the struggle of individual interests and continues to remain by that struggle. Struggle is only one aspect of the thing, a particular form at a particular stage, a temporary manifestation due to a particular system and a particular habit and training. It would be nearer the truth to say that society came into being with the demand of the individual soul to unite with the individual soul, with the stress of an Over-soul to express itself in a multitude of forms, diverse yet linked together and organised in perfect harmony. Only, the stress for union manifested itself first on the material plane as struggle: but this is meant to be corrected and transcended and is being continually corrected and transcended by a secret harmony, a real commonality and brotherhood and unity. The individual is not so self-centred as the individualists make him to be, his individuality has a much vaster orbit and fulfils itself only by fulfilling others. The scientists have begun to discover other instincts in man than those of struggle and competition; they now place at the origin of social grouping an instinct which they name the herd-instinct: but this is only a formulation in lower terms, a translation on the vital plane of a higher truth and reality the fundamental oneness and accord of individuals and their spiritual impulsion to unite.
   Communism takes man not as ego or the vital creature; it turns him upside downurdhomulo' vaksakhah and establishes him upon his soul, his inner godhead. Thus established the individual soul finds and fulfils the divine law that by increasing itself it increases others and by increasing others it increases itself and thus by increasing one another they attain the supreme good. Unless man goes beyond himself and reaches this self, this godhead above, he Will not find any real poise, Will always swing between individualism and collectivism, he Will remain always boundbound either in his freedom or in his bondage.
   A commune is a group of individuals having a common self and a common life-intuition. A common self presupposes the realisation by each individual of his deepest being the self which is at once distinct from and instinct with other selves; a common life-intuition presupposes the awakening of each individual to his inmost creative urge, which, pure and true and vast as it is, fulfils itself in and through other creative urges.
   The individual must find himself and establish his secret god-head, and then only, when such free and integral individualities meet and reciprocate and coalesce, can the community they form have a living reality and a permanent potency. On the other hand, unless individuals come together and through the interchange of each other's soul and substance' enhance the communal Godhead, the separate individual godheads also Will not manifest in their supreme and sovereign powers.
   If society, that is to say, community, be the fieldkshetra for the individual to live, move and have its being, then we must begin at the very outset with the community itself, at least, with a nucleus that Will go to form such a thing. The fear that the untimely grouping together of immature souls may crush out individuality and dig its own grave has, no doubt, sufficient justification behind it to deter one from the attempt; but neither can we be certain that souls nursed and nourished in solitary cells, absolutely apart from any mellowing and broadening influence of the outside world Will ever reach to that stage of perfect maturity when they Will suddenly and spontaneously break open their cells and recognise in one another the communal brother-self.
   As a matter of fact, the individual is not and cannot be such an isolated thing as our egoistic sense would like to have it. The sharp angularities of the individual are being, at every moment, chastened by the very primary conditions of life; and to fail to recognise this is the blindest form of ignorance. It is no easy task to draw exactly the line of distinction between our individual being and our social or communal being. In actual life they are so blended together that in trying to extricate them from each other, we but tear and lacerate them both. The highest wisdom is to take the two together as they are, and by a gradual purifying processboth internal and external, internal in thought and knowledge and Will, external in life and actionrestore them to their respective truth and lawSatyam and Ritam.
   The individual who leads a severely individual life from the very beginning, whose outlook of the world has been fashioned by that conception, can hardly, if at all, enter at the end the communal life. He must perforce be either a vagabond or a recluse: But the recluse is not an integral man, nor the vagabond an ideal personality. The individual need not be too chaste and shy to associate with others and to give and take as freely and fully as he can. Individuality is not necessarily curtailed or mutilated in this process, but there is this other greater possibility of its getting enlarged and enhanced. Rather it is when you shut yourself up in your own self, that you stick to only one line of your personality, to a single phase of your self and thus limit and diminish yourself; the breadth and height and depth of your self, the cubic completeness of your personality you can attain only through a multiple and variegated stress by which you come in contact with the world and things.
   So first the individual and then the commune is not the natural nor the ideal principle. On the other hand, first the commune and then the individual would appear to be an equally defective principle. For first a commune means an organisation, its laws and rules and regulations, its injunctions and prohibitions; all which signifies or comes to signify that every individual is not free to enter its fold and that whoever enters must know how to dovetail himself therein and thus crush down the very life-power whose enhancement and efflorescence is sought. First a commune means necessarily a creed, a dogma, a set form of being and living indelibly marked out from beforehand. The individual has there no choice of finding and developing the particular creed or dogma or mode of being and living, from out of his own self, along his particular line of natural growth; all that is imposed upon him and he has to accept and make it his own by trial and effort and self-torture. Even if the commune be a contractual association, the members having joined together in a common cause to a common end, by voluntarily sacrificing a portion of their personal choice and freedom, even then it is not the ideal thing; the collective soul Will be diminished in exact proportion as each individual soul has had to be diminished, be that voluntary or otherwise. That commune is plenary and entire which ensures plenitude and entirety to each of its individuals.
   Now how to escape the dilemma? Only if we take the commune and the individual togetheren bloc, as has already been suggested. This means that the commune should be at the beginning a subtle and supple thing, without form and even without name, it should be no more than the circumambient aura the sukshma deha that plays around a group of individuals who meet and unite and move together by a secret affinity, along a common path towards a common goal. As each individual develops and defines himself, the commune also takes a more and more concrete shape; and when at the last stage the individual rises to the full height of his godhead, takes possession of his integral divinity, the commune also establishes its solid empire, vivid and vibrant in form and name.

01.06 - Vivekananda, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   "Shall India die? Then from the world all spirituality Will be extinct." And wherefore is this call for the life spiritual? Thus the aspiring soul would answer:
   "If I do not find bliss in the life of the spirit, shall I seek satisfaction in the life of the senses? If I cannot get nectar, shall I fall back upon ditch water?"
   The answer is as old as that of Nachiketas: "These horses and these songs and dances of yours, let them remain yours, man is not appeased with riches"; or that of Maitreyi, "What am I to do with that which Will not bring me immortality?" This is then man's mission upon earth:
   "Man is higher than all animals, than all angels: none is greater than man. Even the Devas Will have to come down again and attain to salvation though a human body. Man alone attains to perfection, not even the Devas." Indeed, men are gods upon earth, come down here below to perfect themselves and perfect the worldonly, they have to be conscious of themselves. They do not know what they are, they have to be actually and sovereignly what they are really and potentially. This then is the life-work of everyone:
   "First, let us be Gods, and then help others to be Gods.
   "Manifest the divinity within you, and everything Will be
   harmoniously arranged around it."

01.07 - Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   In his inquiry into truth and certitude Pascal takes his stand upon what he calls the geometrical method, the only valid method, according to him, in the sphere of reason. The characteristic of this method is that it takes for granted certain fundamental principles and realitiescalled axioms and postulates or definitionsand proceeds to other truths that are infallibly and inevitably deduced from them, that are inherent and implied in them. There is no use or necessity in trying to demonstrate these fundamentals also; that Will only land us into confusion and muddle. They have to be simply accepted, they do not require demonstration, it is they that demonstrate others. Such, for instance, are space, time, number, the reality of which it is foolishness and pedantry to I seek to prove. There is then an order of truths that do not i require to be proved. We are referring only to the order of I physical truths. But there is another order, Pascal says, equally I valid and veritable, the order of the Spirit. Here we have another set of fundamentals that have to be accepted and taken for granted, matrix of other truths and realities. It can also be called the order of the Heart. Reason posits physical fundamentals; it does not know of the fundamentals of the Heart which are beyond its reach; such are God, Soul, Immortality which are evident only to Faith.
   But Faith and Reason, according to Pascal, are not contraries nor irreconcilables. Because the things of faith are beyond reason, it is not that they are irrational. Here is what Pascal says about the function and limitation of reason:
   "What Will men do in such a state? Will he doubt everything?... Will he doubt whether he doubts ? Will he doubt whether he exists?. . . In fact there has never been a perfectly effective Pyrrhonian."6
   The process of conversion of the doubting mind, of the dry intellectual reason as propounded and perhaps practised by Pascal is also a characteristic mark of his nature and genius. It is explained in his famous letter on "bet" or "game of chance" (Le Pari). Here is how he puts the issue to the doubting mind (I am giving the substance, not his words): let us say then that in the world we are playing a game of chance. How do the chances stand? What are the gains and losses if God does not exist? What 'are the gains and losses if God does exist? If God exists, by accepting and reaching him what do we gain? All that man cares forhappiness, felicity. And what do we lose? We lose the world of misery. If, on the other 'hand, God does not exist, by believing him to exist, we lose nothing, we are not more miserable than what we are. If, however, God exists and we do not believe him, we gain this world of misery but we lose all that is worth having. Thus Pascal concludes that even from the standpoint of mere gain and loss, belief in God is more advantageous than unbelief. This is how he applied to metaphysics the mathematics of probability.

01.07 - The Bases of Social Reconstruction, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Any real reconstruction of society, any permanent reformation of the world presupposes a real reconstruction, a permanent reformation of human nature. Otherwise any amount of casting and recasting the mere machineries would not bring about any appreciable result, but leave the thing as it is. Change the laws as much as you like, but if you do not change the nature of man, the world Will not change. For it is man that makes laws and not laws that make man. Laws express at best the demand which man feels within himself. A truth must realise itself in human nature before it can be codified. You may certainly legalise an ideal, but that does not necessarily mean realising it. The realisation must come first in nature and character, then it is naturally translated into laws and institutions. A man lives the laws of his soul and being and not the law given him by the shastras. He violates the shastras, modifies them, utilises them according to the greater imperative of his Swabhava.
   The French Revolution wanted to remould human society and its ideal was liberty, equality and fraternity. It pulled down the old machinery and set up a new one in its stead. And the result? "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" remained always in effect a cry in the wilderness. Another wave of idealism is now running over the earth and the Bolshevists are its most fiercely practical exponents. Instead of dealing merely with the political machinery, the Socialistic Revolution tries to break and remake, above all, the social machinery. But judged from the results as yet attained and the tendencies at work, few are the reasons to hope but many to fear the worst. Even education does not seem to promise us anything better. Which nation was better educatedin the sense we understood and still commonly understand the wordthan Germany?
   And yet we have no hesitation today to call them Huns and Barbarians. That education is not giving us the right thing is proved further by the fact that we are constantly changing our programmes and curriculums, everyday remodelling old institutions and founding new ones. Even a revolution in the educational system Will not bring about the desired millennium, so long as we lay so much stress upon the system and not upon man himself. And finally, look to all the religions of the worldwe have enough of creeds and dogmas, of sermons and mantras, of churches and templesand yet human life and society do not seem to be any the more worthy for it.
   Are we then to say that human nature is irrevocably vitiated by an original sin and that all our efforts at reformation and regeneration are, as the Indian saying goes, like trying to straighten out the crooked tail of a dog?
   It is this persuasion which, has led many spiritual souls, siddhas, to declare that theirs is not the kingdom upon this earth, but that the kingdom of Heaven is within. And it is why great lovers of humanity have sought not to eradicate but only to mitigate, as far as possible, the ills of life. Earth and life, it is said, contain in their last analysis certain ugly and loathsome realities which are an inevitable and inexorable part of their substance and to eliminate one means to annihilate the other. What can be done is to throw a veil over the nether regions in human nature, to put a ban on their urges and velleities and to create opportunities to make social arrangements so that the higher impulses only find free play while the lower impulses, for want of scope and indulgence, may fall down to a harmless level. This is what the Reformists hope and want and no more. Life is based upon animality, the soul is encased in an earth-sheathman needs must procreate, man needs must seek food. But what human effort can achieve is to set up barriers and limitations and form channels and openings, which Will restrain these impulses, allow them a necessary modicum of play and which for the greater part Will serve to encourage and enhance the nobler urges in man. Of course, there Will remain always the possibility of the whole scaffolding coming down with a crash and the aboriginal in man running riot in his nudity. But we have to accept the chance and make the best of what materials we have in hand.
   No doubt this is a most dismal kind of pessimism. But it is the logical conclusion of all optimism that bases itself upon a particular view of human nature. If we question that pessimism, we have to question the very grounds of our optimism also. As a matter of fact, all our idealism has been so long infructuous and Will be so in the future, if we do not shift our foundation and start from a different IntuitionWeltanschauung.
   Our ideals have been mental constructions, rather than spiritual realitiesrealities of the deepest and highest being. And the power by which we sought to realise those ideals was mainly the insistence of our emotional urges, rather than Nature's Truth-Power. For this must be understood that the mental, the vital and the physical form a nexus of reality which works in its own inexorable law and so long as we are within them we cannot but obey the laws that guide them. Of these three strata which form the human adhara, it is the vital which holds the key to man's nature. It is the executive power, the force that fashions the realities on the physical plane; it is what creates the character. The power of thought and sentiment is often much too exaggerated, even so the power of the body, that of physical and external rules and regulations. The mental or the physical or both together can mould the vital only to a limited extent, to the extent which is allowed by the inherent law of the vital. If the demands of the mental and the physical are stretched too far and are not suffered by the vital, a crash and catastrophe is bound to come in the end.

01.08 - A Theory of Yoga, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The recent science of Psycho-analysis has brought to light certain hidden springs and undercurrents of the mind; it has familiarised us with a mode of viewing the entire psychical life of man which Will be fruitful for our present enquiry. Mind, it has been found, is a house divided, against itself, that is to say it is an arena where different and divergent forces continually battle against one another. There must be, however, at the same time, some sort of a resolution of these forces, some equation that holds them in balance, otherwise the mind the human being itselfwould cease to exist as an entity. What is the mechanism of this balance of power in the human mind? In order to ascertain that we must first of all know the fundamental nature of the struggle and also the character of the more elemental forces that are engaged in it.
   There are some primary desires that seek satisfaction in man. They are the vital urges of life, the most prominent among them being the instinct of self-preservation and that of self-reproduction or the desire to preserve one's body by defensive as well as by offensive means and the desire to multiply oneself by mating. These are the two biological necessities that are inevitable to man's existence as a physical being. They give the minimum conditions required to be fulfilled by man in order that he may live and hence they are the strongest and the most fundamental elements that enter into his structure and composition.
   What is the reason of this elaboration, this check and constraint upon the natural and direct outflow of the animal instincts in man? It has been said that the social life of man, the fact that he has to live and move as member of a group or aggregate has imposed upon him these restrictions. The free and unbridled indulgence of one's bare aboriginal impulses may be possible to creatures that live a separate, solitary and individual life but is disruptive of all bonds necessary for a corporate and group life. It is even a biological necessity again which has evolved in man a third and collateral primary instinct that of the herd. And it is this herd-instinct which naturally and spontaneously restrains, diverts and even metamorphoses the other instincts of the mere animal life. However, leaving aside for the moment the question whether man's ethical and spiritual ideals are a mere dissimulation of his animal instincts or whether they correspond to certain actual realities apart from and co-existent with these latter, we Will recognise the simple fact of control and try to have a glimpse into its mechanism.
   There are three lines, as the Psycho-analysts point out along which this control or censuring of the primary instincts acts. First, there is the line of Defence Reaction. That is to say, the mind automatically takes up an attitude directly contrary to the impulse, tries to shut it out and deny altogether its existence and the measure of the insistence of the impulse is also the measure of the vehemence of the denial. It is the case of the lady protesting too much. So it happens that where subconsciously there is a strong current of a particular impulse, consciously the mind is obliged to take up a counteracting opposite impulse. Thus in presence of a strong sexual craving the mind as if to guard and save itself engenders by a reflex movement an ascetic and puritanic mood. Similarly a strong unthinking physical attraction translates itself on the conscious plane as an equally strong repulsion.
   Yoga, then, comes at this stage and offers the solution in its power of what we may call Transubstantiation. That is to say, here the mere form is not changed, nor the functions restrained, regulated and purified, but the very substance of the instincts is transmuted. The power of conscious control is a power of the human Will, i.e. of an individual personal Will and therefore necessarily limited both in intent and extent. It is a power complementary to the power of Nature, it may guide and fashion the latter according to a new pattern, but cannot change the basic substance, the stuff of Nature. To that end yoga seeks a power that transcends the human Will, brings into play the supernal puissance of a Divine Will.
   This is the real meaning and sense of the moral struggle in man, the continuous endeavour towards a transvaluation of the primary and aboriginal instincts and impulses. Looked at from one end, from below up the ascending line, man's ethical and spiritual ideals are a dissimulation and sublimation of the animal impulsions. But this is becauseas we see, if we look from the other end, from above down the descending lineman is not all instinct, he is not a mere blind instrument in the hands of Nature forces. He has in him another source, an opposite pole of being from which other impulsions flow and continually modify the structure of the lower levels. If the animal is the foundation of his nature, the divine is its summit. If the bodily demands form his manifest reality, the demands of the spirit enshrine his higher reality. And if as regards the former he is a slave, as regards the latter he is the Master. It is by the interaction of these double forces that his whole nature has been and is being fashioned. Man does not and cannot give carte blanche to his vital, inclinations, since there is a pressure upon them of higher forces coming down from his mental and spiritual levels. It is these latter which have deviated him from the direct line of the pure animal life.

01.08 - Walter Hilton: The Scale of Perfection, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) William Blake: The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
   Other Authors Nolini Kanta Gupta Poets and MysticsWalter Hilton: The Scale of Perfection
   Indeed, the kernel of the mystic discipline and its whole bearingconsists in one and only one principle: to love Jhesu. All roads lead to Rome: all preparations, all trials lead to one realisation, love of God, God as a living person close to us, our friend and lover and master. The Christian mystic speaks almost in the terms of the Gita: Rise above your senses, give up your ego-hood, be meek and humble, it is Jesus within you, who embraces your soul: it is he who does everything for you and in you, give yourself up wholly into his hands. He Will deliver you.
   The characteristic then of the path is a one-pointed concentration. Great stress is laid upon "oneliness", "onedness":that is to say, a perfect and complete withdrawal from the outside and the world; an unmixed solitude is required for the true experience and realisation to come. "A full forsaking in Will of the soul for the love of Him, and a living of the heart to Him. This asks He, for this gave He." The rigorous exclusion, the uncompromising asceticism, the voluntary self-torture, the cruel dark night and the arid desert are necessary conditions that lead to the "onlyness of soul", what another prophet (Isaiah, XXIV, 16) describes as "My privity to me". In that secreted solitude, the "onlistead"the graphic language of the author calls itis found "that dignity and that ghostly fairness which a soul had by kind and shall have by grace." The utter beauty of the soul and its absolute love for her deity within her (which has the fair name of Jhesu), the exclusive concentration of the whole of the being upon one point, the divine core, the manifest Grace of God, justifies the annihilation of the world and life's manifold existence. Indeed, the image of the Beloved is always within, from the beginning to the end. It is that that keeps one up in the terrible struggle with one's nature and the world. The image depends upon the consciousness which we have at the moment, that is to say, upon the stage or the degree we have ascended to. At the outset, when we can only look through the senses, when the flesh is our master, we give the image a crude form and character; but even that helps. Gradually, as we rise, with the clearing of our nature, the image too slowly regains its original and true shape. Finally, in the inmost soul we find Jesus as he truly is: "an unchangeable being, a sovereign might, a sovereign soothfastness, sovereign goodness, a blessed life and endless bliss." Does not the Gita too say: "As one approaches Me, so do I appear to him."Ye yath mm prapadyante.
   Indeed, it would be interesting to compare and contrast the Eastern and Western approach to Divine Love, the Christian and the Vaishnava, for example. Indian spirituality, whatever its outer form or credal formulation, has always a background of utter unity. This unity, again, is threefold or triune and is expressed in those great Upanishadic phrases,mahvkyas,(1) the transcendental unity: the One alone exists, there is nothing else than theOneekamevdvityam; (2) the cosmic unity: all existence is one, whatever exists is that One, thereare no separate existences:sarvam khalvidam brahma neha nnsti kincaa; (3) That One is I, you too are that One:so' ham, tattvamasi; this may be called the individual unity. As I have said, all spiritual experiences in India, of whatever school or line, take for granted or are fundamentally based upon this sense of absolute unity or identity. Schools of dualism or pluralism, who do not apparently admit in their tenets this extreme monism, are still permeated in many ways with that sense and in some form or other take cognizance of the truth of it. The Christian doctrine too says indeed, 'I and my Father in Heaven are one', but this is not identity, but union; besides, the human soul is not admitted into this identity, nor the world soul. The world, we have seen, according to the Christian discipline has to be altogether abandoned, negatived, as we go inward and upward towards our spiritual status reflecting the divine image in the divine company. It is a complete rejection, a cutting off and casting away of world and life. One extreme Vedantic path seems to follow a similar line, but there it is not really rejection, but a resolution, not the rejection of what is totally foreign and extraneous, but a resolution of the external into its inner and inmost substance, of the effect into its original cause. Brahman is in the world, Brahman is the world: the world has unrolled itself out of the Brahmansi, pravttiit has to be rolled back into its, cause and substance if it is to regain its pure nature (that is the process of nivitti). Likewise, the individual being in the world, "I", is the transcendent being itself and when it withdraws, it withdraws itself and the whole world with it and merges into the Absolute. Even the Maya of the Mayavadin, although it is viewed as something not inherent in Brahman but superimposed upon Brahman, still, has been accepted as a peculiar power of Brahman itself. The Christian doctrine keeps the individual being separate practically, as an associate or at the most as an image of God. The love for one's neighbour, charity, which the Christian discipline enjoins is one's love for one's kind, because of affinity of nature and quality: it does not dissolve the two into an integral unity and absolute identity, where we love because we are one, because we are the One. The highest culmination of love, the very basis of love, according to the Indian conception, is a transcendence of love, love trans-muted into Bliss. The Upanishad says, where one has become the utter unity, who loves whom? To explain further our point, we take two examples referred to in the book we are considering. The true Christian, it is said, loves the sinner too, he is permitted to dislike sin, for he has to reject it, but he must separate from sin the sinner and love him. Why? Because the sinner too can change and become his brother in spirit, one loves the sinner because there is the possibility of his changing and becoming a true Christian. It is why the orthodox Christian, even such an enlightened and holy person as this mediaeval Canon, considers the non-Christian, the non-baptised as impure and potentially and fundamentally sinners. That is also why the Church, the physical organisation, is worshipped as Christ's very body and outside the Church lies the pagan world which has neither religion nor true spirituality nor salvation. Of course, all this may be symbolic and it is symbolic in a sense. If Christianity is taken to mean true spirituality, and the Church is equated with the collective embodiment of that spirituality, all that is claimed on their behalf stands justified. But that is an ideal, a hypothetical standpoint and can hardly be borne out by facts. However, to come back to our subject, let us ow take the second example. Of Christ himself, it is said, he not only did not dislike or had any aversion for Judas, but that he positively loved the traitor with a true and sincere love. He knew that the man would betray him and even when he was betraying and had betrayed, the Son of Man continued to love him. It was no make-believe or sham or pretence. It was genuine, as genuine as anything can be. Now, why did he love his enemy? Because, it is said, the enemy is suffered by God to do the misdeed: he has been allowed to test the faith of the faithful, he too has his utility, he too is God's servant. And who knows even a Judas would not change in the end? Many who come to scoff do remain to pray. But it can be asked, 'Does God love Satan too in the same way?' The Indian conception which is basically Vedantic is different. There is only one reality, one truth which is viewed differently. Whether a thing is considered good or evil or neutral, essentially and truly, it is that One and nothing else. God's own self is everywhere and the sage makes no difference between the Brahmin and the cow and the elephant. It is his own self he finds in every person and every objectsarvabhtsthitam yo mm bhajati ekatvamsthitah"he has taken his stand upon oneness and loves Me in all beings."2
   This Will elucidate another point of difference between the Christian's and the Vaishnava's love of God, for both are characterised by an extreme intensity and sweetness and exquisiteness of that divine feeling. This Christian's, however, is the union of the soul in its absolute purity and simplicity and "privacy" with her lord and master; the soul is shred here of all earthly vesture and goes innocent and naked into the embrace of her Beloved. The Vaishnava feeling is richer and seems to possess more amplitude; it is more concrete and less ethereal. The Vaishnava in his passionate yearning seeks to carry as it were the whole world with him to his Lord: for he sees and feels Him not only in the inmost chamber of his soul, but meets Him also in and I through his senses and in and through the world and its objects around. In psychological terms one can say that the Christian realisation, at its very source, is that of the inmost soul, what we call the "psychic being" pure and simple, referred to in the book we are considering; as: "His sweet privy voice... stirreth thine heart full stilly." Whereas the Vaishnava reaches out to his Lord with his outer heart too aflame with passion; not only his inmost being but his vital being also seeks the Divine. This bears upon the occult story of man's spiritual evolution upon earth. The Divine Grace descends from the highest into the deepest and from the deepest to the outer ranges of human nature, so that the whole of it may be illumined and transformed and one day man can embody in his earthly life the integral manifestation of God, the perfect Epiphany. Each religion, each line of spiritual discipline takes up one limb of manone level or mode of his being and consciousness purifies it and suffuses it with the spiritual and divine consciousness, so that in the end the whole of man, in his integral living, is recast and remoulded: each discipline is in charge of one thread as it were, all together weave the warp and woof in the evolution of the perfect pattern of a spiritualised and divinised humanity.
   The conception of original sin is a cardinal factor in Christian discipline. The conception, of sinfulness is the very motive-power that drives the aspirant. "Seek tensely," it is said, "sorrow and sigh deep, mourn still, and stoop low till thine eye water for anguish and for pain." Remorse and grief are necessary attendants; the way of the cross is naturally the calvary strewn with pain and sorrow. It is the very opposite of what is termed the "sunlit path" in spiritual ascension. Christian mystics have made a glorious spectacle of the process of "dying to the world." Evidently, all do not go the whole length. There are less gloomy and happier temperaments, like the present one, for example, who show an unusual balance, a sturdy common sense even in the midst of their darkest nights, who have chalked out as much of the sunlit path as is possible in this line. Thus this old-world mystic says: it is true one must see and admit one's sinfulness, the grosser and apparent and more violent ones as well as all the subtle varieties of it that are in you or rise up in you or come from the Enemy. They pursue you till the very end of your journey. Still you need not feel overwhelmed or completely desperate. Once you recognise the sin in you, even the bare fact of recognition means for you half the victory. The mystic says, "It is no sin as thou feelest them." The day Jesus gave himself away on the Cross, since that very day you are free, potentially free from the bondage of sin. Once you give your adherence to Him, the Enemies are rendered powerless. "They tease the soul, but they harm not the soul". Or again, as the mystic graphically phrases it: "This soul is not borne in this image of sin as a sick man, though he feel it; but he beareth it." The best way of dealing with one's enemies is not to struggle and "strive with them." The aspirant, the lover of Jesus, must remember: "He is through grace reformed to the likeness of God ('in the privy substance of his soul within') though he neither feel it nor see it."
   If you are told you are still full of sins and you are not worthy to follow the path, that you must go and work out your sins first, here is your answer: "Go shrive thee better: trow not this saying, for it is false, for thou art shriven. Trust securely that thou art on the way, and thee needeth no ransacking of shrift for that that is passed, hold forth thy way and think on Jerusalem." That is to say, do not be too busy with the difficulties of the moment, but look ahead, as far as possible, fix your attention upon the goal, the intermediate steps Will become easy. Jerusalem is another name of the Love of Jesus or the Bliss in Heaven. Grow in this love, your sins Will fade away of themselves. "Though thou be thrust in an house with thy body, nevertheless in thine heart, where the stead of love is, thou shouldst be able to have part of that love... " What exquisite utterance, what a deep truth!
   Indeed, there are one or two points, notes for the guidance of the aspirant, which I would like to mention here for their striking appositeness and simple "soothfastness." First of all with regard to the restless enthusiasm and eagerness of a novice, here is the advice given: "The fervour is so mickle in outward showing, is not only for mickleness of love that they have; but it is for littleness and weakness of their souls, that they may not bear a little touching of God.. afterward when love hath boiled out all the uncleanliness, then is the love clear and standeth still, and then is both the body and the soul mickle more in peace, and yet hath the self soul mickle more love than it had before, though it shew less outward." And again: "without any fervour outward shewed, and the less it thinketh that it loveth or seeth God, the nearer it nigheth" ('it' naturally refers to the soul). The statement is beautifully self-luminous, no explanation is required. Another hurdle that an aspirant has to face often in the passage through the Dark Night is that you are left all alone, that you are deserted by your God, that the Grace no longer favours you. Here is however the truth of the matter; "when I fall down to my frailty, then Grace withdraweth: for my falling is cause there-of, and not his fleeing." In fact, the Grace never withdraws, it is we who withdraw and think otherwise. One more difficulty that troubles the beginner especially is with regard to the false light. The being of darkness comes in the form of the angel of light, imitates the tone of the still small voice; how to recognise, how to distinguish the two? The false light, the "feigned sun" is always found "atwixt two black rainy clouds" : they are "highing" of oneself and "lowing" of others. When you feel flattered and elated, beware it is the siren voice tempting you. The true light brings you soothing peace and meekness: the other light brings always a trail of darknessf you are soothfast and sincere you Will discover it if not near you, somewhere at a distance lurking.
   The ultimate truth is that God is the sole doer and the best we can do is to let him do freely without let or hindrance. "He that through Grace may see Jhesu, how that He doth all and himself doth right nought but suffereth Jhesu work in him what him liketh, he is meek." And yet one does not arrive at that condition from the beginning or all at once. "The work is not of the hour nor of a day, but of many days and years." And for a long time one has to take up one's burden and work, co-operate with the Divine working. In the process there is this double movement necessary for the full achievement. "Neither Grace only without full working of a soul that in it is nor working done without grace bringeth a soul to reforming but that one joined to that other." Mysticism is not all eccentricity and irrationality: on the contrary, sanity seems to be the very character of the higher mysticism. And it is this sanity, and even a happy sense of humour accompanying it, that makes the genuine mystic teacher say: "It is no mastery to me for to say it, but for to do it there is mastery." Amen.
   Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) William Blake: The Marriage of Heaven and Hell

01.09 - The Parting of the Way, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   To remain human means to continue the fundamental nature of man. In what consists the humanity of man? We can ascertain it by distinguishing what forms the animality of the animal, since that Will give us the differentia that nature has evolved to raise man over the animal. The animal, again, has a characteristic differentiating it from the vegetable world, which latter, in its turn, has something to mark it off from the inorganic world. The inorganic, the vegetable, the animal and finally manthese are the four great steps of Nature's evolutionary course.
   The differentia, in each case, lies in the degree and nature of consciousness, since it is consciousness that forms the substance and determines the mode of being. Now, the inorganic is characterised by un-consciousness, the vegetable by sub-consciousness, the animal by consciousness and man by self-consciousness. Man knows that he knows, an animal only knows; a plant does not even know, it merely feels or senses; matter cannot do that even, it simply acts or rather is acted upon. We are not concerned here, however, with the last two forms of being; we Will speak of the first two only.
   We say, then, that man is distinguished from the animal by his having consciousness as it has, but added to it the consciousness of self. Man acts and feels and knows as much as the animal does; but also he knows that he acts, he knows that he feels, he knows that he knowsand this is a thing the animal cannot do. It is the awakening of the sense of self in every mode of being that characterises man, and it is owing to this consciousness of an ego behind, of a permanent unit of reference, which has modified even the functions of knowing and feeling and acting, has refashioned them in a mould which is not quite that of the animal, in spite of a general similarity.
   So the humanity of man consists in his consciousness of the self or ego. Is there no other higher mode of consciousness? Or is self-consciousness the acme, the utmost limit to which consciousness can raise itself? If it is so, then we are bound to conclude that humanity Will remain eternally human in its fundamental nature; the only progress, if progress at all we choose to call it, Will consist perhaps in accentuating this consciousness of the self and in expressing it through a greater variety of stresses, through a richer combination of its colour and light and shade and rhythm. But also, this may not be sothere may be the possibility of a further step, a transcending of the consciousness of the self. It seems unnatural and improbable that having risen from un-consciousness to self-consciousness through a series of continuous marches, Nature should suddenly stop and consider what she had achieved to be her final end. Has Nature become bankrupt of her creative genius, exhausted of her upward drive? Has she to remain content with only a clever manipulation, a mere shuffling and re-arranging of the materials already produced?
   As a matter of fact it is not so. The glimpses of a higher form of consciousness we can see even now present in self-consciousness. We have spoken of the different stages of evolution as if they were separate and distinct and incommensurate entities. They may be described as such for the purpose of a logical understanding, but in reality they form a single progressive continuum in which one level gradually fuses into another. And as the higher level takes up the law of the lower and evolves out of it a characteristic function, even so the law of the higher level with its characteristic function is already involved and envisaged in the law of the lower level and its characteristic function. It cannot be asserted positively that because man's special virtue is self-consciousness, animals cannot have that quality on any account. We do see, if we care to observe closely and dispassionately, that animals of the higher order, as they approach the level of humanity, show more and more evident signs of something which is very much akin to, if not identical with the human characteristic of self-consciousness.
   The inflatus of something vast and transcendent, something which escapes all our familiar schemes of cognisance and yet is insistent with a translucent reality of its own, we do feel sometimes within us invading and enveloping our individuality, lifting up our sense of self and transmuting our personality into a reality which can hardly be called merely human. All this life of ego-bound rationality then melts away and opens out the passage for a life of vision and power. Thus it is the poet has felt when he says, "there is this incalculable element in human life influencing us from the mystery which envelops our being, and when reason is satisfied, there is something deeper than Reason which makes us still uncertain of truth. Above the human reason there is a transcendental sphere to which the spirit of men sometimes rises, and the Will may be forged there at a lordly smithy and made the unbreakable pivot."(A.E.)
   This passage from the self-conscient to the super-conscient does not imply merely a shifting of the focus of consciousness. The transmutation of consciousness involves a purer illumination, a surer power and a wider compass; it involves also a fundamental change in the very mode of being and living. It gives quite a different life-intuition and a different life-power. The change in the motif brings about a new form altogether, a re-casting and re-shaping and re-energising of the external materials as well. As the lift from mere consciousness to self-consciousness meant all the difference between an animal and a man, so the lift again from self-consciousness to super-consciousness Will mean the difference of a whole world between man and the divine creature that is to be.
   Indeed it is a divine creature that should be envisaged on the next level of evolution. The mental and the moral, the psychical and the physical transfigurations which must follow the change in the basic substratum do imply such a mutation, the birth of a new species, as it were, fashioned in the nature of the gods. The vision of angels and Siddhas, which man is having ceaselessly since his birth, may be but a prophecy of the future actuality.
   This then, it seems to us, is the immediate problem that Nature has set before herself. She is now at the parting of the ways. She has done with man as an essentially human being, she has brought out the fundamental possibilities of humanity and perfected it, so far as perfection may be attained within the cadre by which she chose to limit herself; she is now looking forward to another kind of experiment the evolving of another life, another being out of her entrails, that Will be greater than the humanity we know today, that Will be superior even to the supreme that has yet been actualised.
   Nature has marched from the unconscious to the sub-conscious, from the sub-conscious to the conscious and from the conscious to the self-conscious; she has to rise yet again from the self-conscious to the super-conscious. The mineral gave place to the plant, the plant gave place to the animal and the animal gave place to man; let man give place to and bring out the divine.

01.09 - William Blake: The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
  object:01.09 - William Blake: The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
  author class:Nolini Kanta Gupta
   William Blake: The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
   The ideal was Blake's. It Will not sound so revolting if we understand what the poet meant by Hell. Hell, he explains, is simply the body, the Energy of Lifehell, because body and life on earth were so considered by the orthodox Christianity. The Christian ideal demands an absolute denial and rejection of life. Fulfilment is elsewhere, in heaven alone. That is, as we know, the ideal of the ascetic. The life of the spirit (in heaven) is a thing away from and stands against the life of the flesh (on earth). In the face of this discipline, countering it, Blake posited a union, a marriage of the two, considered incompatibles and incommensurables. Enfant terrible that he was, he took an infinite delight in a spirit of contradiction and went on expatiating on the glory of the misalliance. He declared a new apocalypse and said that Lucifer, the one called Satan, was the real God, the so-called Messiah the fake one: the apparent Milton spoke in praise of God and in dispraise of Satan, but the real, the esoteric Milton glorified Satan, who is the true God and minimised or caricatured the counterfeit or shadow God. Here is Blakean Bible in a nutshell:
   But first the notion that man has a body distinct from his soul is to be expunged.. . . If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.
   We welcome voices that speak of this ancient tradition, this occult Knowledge of a high Future. Recently we have come across one aspirant in the line, and being a contemporary, his views and reviews in the matter Will be all the more interesting to us.2 He is Gustave Thibon, a Frenchman-not a priest or even a religious man in the orthodox sense in any way, but a country farmer, a wholly self-educated laque. Of late he has attracted a good deal of attention from intellectuals as well as religious people, especially the Catholics, because of his remarkable conceptions which are so often unorthodox and yet so often ringing true with an old-world au thenticity.
   Touching the very core of the malady of our age he says that our modern enlightenment seeks to cancel altogether the higher values and install instead the lower alone as true. Thus, for example, Marx and Freud, its twin arch priests, are brothers. Both declare that it is the lower, the under layer alone that matters: to one "the masses", to the other "the instincts". Their wild imperative roars: "Sweep away this pseudo-higher; let the instincts rule, let the pro-letariat dictate!" But more characteristic, Monsieur Thibon has made another discovery which gives the whole value and speciality to his outlook. He says the moderns stress the lower, no doubt; but the old world stressed only the higher and neglected the lower. Therefore the revolt and wrath of the lower, the rage of Revanche in the heart of the dispossessed in the modern world. Enlightenment meant till now the cultivation and embellishment of the Mind, the conscious Mind, the rational and nobler faculties, the height and the depth: and mankind meant the princes and the great ones. In the individual, in the scheme of his culture and education, the senses were neglected, left to go their own way as they pleased; and in the collective field, the toiling masses in the same way lived and moved as best as they could under the economics of laissez-faire. So Monsieur Thibon concludes: "Salvation has never come from below. To look for it from above only is equally vain. No doubt salvation must come from the higher, but on condition that the higher completely adopts and protects the lower." Here is a vision luminous and revealing, full of great import, if we follow the right track, prophetic of man's true destiny. It is through this infiltration of the higher into the lower and the integration of the lower into the higher that mankind Will reach the goal of its evolution, both individually and collectively.
   But the process, Monsieur Thibon rightly asserts, must begin with the individual and within the individual. Man must "turn within, feel alive within himself", re-establish his living contact with God, the source and origin from which he has cut himself off. Man must learn to subordinate having to being. Each individual must be himself, a free and spontaneous expression. Upon such individual , upon individuals grouped naturally in smaller collectivities and not upon unformed or ill-formed wholesale masses can a perfect human society be raised and Will be raised. Monsieur Thibon insistsand very rightlyupon the variety and diversity of individual and local growths in a unified humanity and not a dead uniformity of regimented oneness. He declares, as the reviewer of the London Times succinctly puts it: "Let us abolish our insensate worship of number. Let us repeal the law of majorities. Let us work for the unity that draws together instead of idolizing the multiplicity that disintegrates. Let us understand that it is not enough for each to have a place; what matters is that each should be in his right place. For the atomized society let us substitute an organic society, one in which every man Will be free to do what he alone is qualified and able to do."
   So far so good. For it is not far enough. The being or becoming that is demanded in fulfilment of the divine advent in humanity must go to the very roots of life and nature, must seize God in his highest and sovereign status. No prejudice of the past, no notion of our mental habits must seek to impose its law. Thus, for example, in the matter of redeeming the senses by the influx of the higher light, our author seems to consider that the senses Will remain more or less as they are, only they Will be controlled, guided, used by the higher light. And he seems to think that even the sex relation (even the institution of marriage) may continue to remain, but sublimated, submitted to the laws of the Higher Order. This, according to us, is a dangerous compromise and is simply the imposition of the lower law upon the higher. Our view of the total transformation and divinisation of the Lower is altogether different. The Highest must come down wholly and inhabit in the Lowest, the Lowest must give up altogether its own norms and lift itself into the substance and form too of the Highest.
   Viewed in this light, Blake's memorable mantra attains a deeper and more momentous significance. For it is not merely Earth the senses and life and Matter that are to be uplifted and affianced to Heaven, but all that remains hidden within the bowels of the Earth, the subterranean regions of man's consciousness, the slimy viscous undergrowths, the darkest horrors and monstrosities that man and nature hide in their subconscient and inconscient dungeons of material existence, all these have to be laid bare to the solar gaze of Heaven, burnt or transmuted as demanded by the law of that Supreme Will. That is the Hell that has to be recognised, not rejected and thrown away, but taken up purified and transubstantiated into the body of Heaven itself. The hand of the Highest Heaven must extend and touch the Lowest of the lowest elements, transmute it and set it in its rightful place of honour. A mortal body reconstituted into an immemorial fossil, a lump of coal revivified into a flashing carat of diamond-that shows something of the process underlying the nuptials of which we are speaking.
   The Life Divine

0.10 - Letters to a Young Captain, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  them. They Will not harm you." I walked through them
  quite confidently. Not one of them disturbed me nor
  thoughts or bad Will from people around you - or an adverse
  attack that can manifest as an illness. But, as you clearly experienced in your dream, if you are not frightened and go on your
  way unperturbed, nothing bad Will happen to you.
  With my blessings.
  arduous task and it Will take time, a long time, but what
  can be done at present! To change our consciousness and
  become an elite Will take a lot of time. At present, we
  are on the same level as our students, so the immediate
  being, without reserve, to the Divine Grace, and you Will feel
  the felicity for which you aspire.
  the day when this joy and this felicity Will be established
  in me for ever. Now, it is only a dream and a passing
  Persist in your aspiration and the dream Will be realised.
  23 October 1961
  that people Will discover my ignorance. Why am I like
  that? And how can I come out of it?
  more conscious of the divine Will and to give yourself more
  entirely to it, until you have made enough progress to know
  impels you and His Will that supports you - not just a mental
  knowledge, but the sincerity of a state of consciousness and the
  thinks it Will be the opposite. It is true that our performance is not up to the mark. I hope and I pray to You
  that the performance this evening may be at its best.
  you from your limitations. If you are sincere in your Will to
  progress, you are sure to advance.
  Purna Avatar.7 This Avatar Will awaken the Brahmatej8,
  which is dormant. Sri Aurobindo also says that it is only
  establish a programme that Will satisfy everyone and
  be as effective as possible for all the members? Are the
  whatever? And if complete freedom is given, Will it be
  practical? And so on. It is a subject on which it is not
  There are too many tight knots in the immense organisation of this Ashram. When Will the promised day
  come when there Will be nothing but unmixed harmony,
  joy and peace?
  The freedom I speak of is the freedom to follow the Will of the
  soul, not all the whims of the mind and vital.
  it Will help you in your inner progress; because if you are sincere,
  you Will one day realise that it is the Divine in her that you love
  and that the outer person is merely a pretext.
  offer it to You, and if I need anything I Will ask You for it;
  in that way You can decide what is necessary or best for
  people Will say that I ask for anything I want just because
  I have given You a little money. Mother, what do You
  people Will always have something to say.
  Besides, who is perfectly disinterested? One should not pretend to be what one is not. It is better to be frank than hypocritical.
  one Will obtain the thing one has prayed for. But for spiritual
  progress, it is harmful.
  to the Lord; then your heart Will be at peace."
  13 May 1963
  human difficulty, and that this difficulty Will be mastered
  and transformed in him in his lifetime.10
  true "good" is the Will of the Supreme Lord. Do you know
  what the Lord's Will is, always, at every moment and in all
  circumstances? No, so you are ignorant of what "good" is -
  That is an easy answer which one gives when one Will not or
  cannot take the trouble to understand.
  To be sure of making myself clearly understood, I Will add
  that it is not due to any fault of hers that he is inconstant and
  and as soon as she does she Will no longer suffer.
  17 September 1963
  above the mind. All I can tell you, which perhaps Will put you
  on the right track, is that behind law there is a spirit of order
  subjection to the Will of others."13 Mother, I am one of
  those. Will You take me and discipline me?
  My child, that is exactly what I have been trying to do for quite
  which Will be humanity's guide towards its future realisation.
  27 November 1963
  Shake off your "tamas" a little - otherwise you Will become a
  I hope that this new year Will see the reawakening of your soul
  and the awakening in your consciousness of a Will to progress.
  3 January 1964
  manifested in a constant and effective Will.
  29 April 1964
  you think it Will help you to find the Divine?
  7 May 1964
  Regarding the fan, I don't think it Will help me to
  find the Divine, but is it an obstacle? If You think it
  it, you may do so, knowing that it Will not help you in any way
  to make progress - that it Will only give your body the illusion
  of being more comfortable.
  carefully observe your movements and reactions with a Will to
  overcome desires, and aspire to find your psychic being and unite
  If you are sincere and scrupulously honest, my help is certainly with you and one day you Will become aware of it.
  22 July 1964
  months' time Lal Bahadur Shastri Will no longer be
  Prime Minister and that he Will be replaced by Indira
  Gandhi, but only for a fortnight. Then a period of chaos
  in the Government Will follow. After that, a young man
   Will appear on the scene who Will be guided by a divine
  force coming from a woman of great spiritual power.
  "If you cannot make God love you, make Him fight you. If He Will not give you the
  embrace of the lover, compel Him to give you the embrace of the wrestler."
  Sri Aurobindo has said somewhere that if we surrender to the Divine Grace, it Will do everything for us.
  Then what is the value of tapasya?
  You Will then see that he seems to have said the most contradictory things. But when one has read everything and understood
  a little, one sees that all the contradictions complement one
  Here is another quotation by Sri Aurobindo which Will show
  you that your question is an ignorant one. There are many others
  which you could read to advantage and which Will make your
  intelligence more supple:
  way you Will make the best use of your existence.
  Happy New Year for 1965.
  that one thinks, all that one is, all that one Will do; (2) and at
  night, before going to sleep, it is good to review the day, taking
  How can one increase single-mindedness and Willpower? They are so necessary for doing anything.
  Through regular, persevering, obstinate, unflagging exercise - I
  mean exercise of concentration and Will.
  Mother, I have started reading French books - X has
  It is good for you to read a lot of French; it Will teach you how
  to write.
  to obey nothing but the one supreme impulse, the Will of the
  condition at present? When Will she emerge from this
  pitiful condition and reaffirm her greatness?
  knowing very well that His help Will be refused. Why
  then does He do it?
  And since the answer to all these questions Will be the same,
  namely, "NO", the honest and sincere conclusion must be: "I
  judgment; therefore I Will not judge, I Will keep quiet."
  19 May 1965
  men Will perceive it only when their consciousness has become
  the aspiration must be ardent, the Will unshakable, the patience
  the Divine Will.
  7 July 1965
  What he means is that when one Will have the power to withdraw the physical body from the influence of death, the power of
  transformation Will be such that one Will also be able to change
  the form of that body at Will.
  14 July 1965
  body at Will"? For example, Will a hundred-year old man
  be able to renew his body and become a young man of
  Those who have a supramentalised body Will not be subject to
  the law of aging; consequently the question of age Will not arise
  for them.
  when Will it be set right?
  Series Ten - To a Young Captain
  That's how it is when one is lacking in Will and in force of
  penetrate into a subtler consciousness; then the fortress Will no
  longer be impenetrable.
  has the Will to progress towards a diviner life.
  19 January 1966
  and you Will see the result.
  23 March 1966
  If it is from the spiritual point of view, the Divine Will alone
  is justifiable, and it is That which men travesty and deform in
  Divine Will?
  The opinion you express is the opinion of the Americans and
  and send me away with the assurance that You Will
  be with me always, that I can go without fear, that it
  like going. I Will NOT GO. This is my final decision.
  This famous chapter is closed.
  when and how it Will come about.
  14 September 1966
  only to imagine that the thing one wants to do Will not be done,
  and if this imagination creates the least uneasiness, then one can

01.10 - Nicholas Berdyaev: God Made Human, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   William Blake: The Marriage of Heaven and Hell Aldous Huxley: The Perennial Philosophy
   Other Authors Nolini Kanta Gupta Poets and MysticsNicholas Berdyaev: God Made Human
   Nicholas Berdyaev is an ardent worker, as a Russian is naturally expected to be, in the cause of the spiritual rehabilitation of mankind. He is a Christian, a neo-Christian: some of his conclusions are old-world truths and bear repetition and insistence; others are of a more limited, conditional and even doubtful nature. His conception of the value of human person, the dignity and the high reality he gives to it, can never be too welcome in a world where the individual seems to have gone the way of vanished empires and kings and princes. But even more important and interesting is the view he underlines that the true person is a spiritual being, that is to say, it is quite other than the empirical ego that man normally is"not this that one worships" as the Upanishads too declare. Further, in his spiritual being man, the individual, is not simply a portion or a fraction; he is, on the contrary, an integer, a complete whole, a creative focus; the true individual is a microcosm yet holding in it and imaging the macrocosm. Only perhaps greater stress is laid upon the aspect of creativity or activism. An Eastern sage, a Vedantin, would look for the true spiritual reality behind the flux of forces: Prakriti or Energy is only the executive Will of the Purusha, the Conscious Being. The personality in Nature is a formulation and emanation of the transcendent impersonality.
   There is another aspect of personality as viewed by Berdyaev which involves a bias of the more orthodox Christian faith: the Christ is inseparable from the Cross. So he says: "There is no such thing as personality if there is no capacity for suffering. Suffering is inherent in God too, if he is a personality, and not merely an abstract idea. God shares in the sufferings of men. He yearns for responsive love. There are divine as well as human passions and therefore divine or creative personality must always suffer to the end of time. A condition of anguish and distress is inherent in it." The view is logically enforced upon the Christian, it is said, if he is to accept incarnation, God becoming flesh. Flesh cannot but be weak. This very weakness, so human, is and must be specially characteristic of God also, if he is one with man and his lover and saviour.
   William Blake: The Marriage of Heaven and Hell Aldous Huxley: The Perennial Philosophy

01.10 - Principle and Personality, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Religious bodies that are formed through the bhakti and puja for one man, social reconstructions forced by the Will and power of a single individual, have already in the inception this grain of incapacity and disease and death that they are not an integrally self-conscious creation, they are not, as a whole, intelligent and wide awake and therefore constantly responsive to the truths and ideals and realities for which they exist, for which at least, their founder intended them to exist. The light at the apex is the only light and the entire structure is but the shadow of that light; the whole thing has the aspect of a dark mass galvanised into red-hot activity by the passing touch of a dynamo. Immediately however the solitary light fails and the dynamo stops, there is nothing but the original darkness and inertiatoma asit tamasa gudham agre.
   Man, however great and puissant he may be, is a perishable thing. People who gather or are gathered round a man and cling to him through the tie of a personal relation must fall off and scatter when the man passes away and the personal tie loses its hold. What remains is a memory, a gradually fading memory. But memory is hardly a creative force, it is a dead, at best, a moribund thing; the real creative power is Presence. So when the great man's presence, the power that crystallises is gone, the whole edifice crumbles and vanishes into air or remains a mere name.
   And yet we yield to none in our demand for holding forth the principles always and ever before the wide open gaze of all. The principle is there to make people self-knowing and self-guiding; and the man is also there to illustrate that principle, to serve as the hope and prophecy of achievement. The living soul is there to touch your soul, if you require the touch; and the principle is there by which to test and testify. For, we do not ask anybody to be a mere automaton, a blind devotee, a soul without individual choice and initiative. On the contrary, we insist on each and every individual to find his own soul and stand on his own Truththis is the fundamental principle we declare, the only creedif creed it be that we ask people to note and freely follow. We ask all people to be fully self-dependent and self-illumined, for only thus can a real and solid reconstruction of human nature and society be possible; we do not wish that they should bow down ungrudgingly to anything, be it a principle or a personality. In this respect we claim the very first rank of iconoclasts and anarchists. And along with that, if we still choose to remain an idol-lover and a hero-worshipper, it is because we recognise that our mind, human as it is, being not a simple equation but a complex paradox, the idol or the hero symbolises for us and for those who so Will, the very iconoclasm and anarchism and perhaps other more positive things as wellwhich we behold within and seek to manifest.
   The world is full of ikons and archons; we cannot escape them, even if we try the world itself being a great ikon and as great an archon. Those who swear by principles, swear always by some personality or other, if not by a living creature then by a lifeless book, if not by Religion then by Science, if not by the East then by the West, if not by Buddha or Christ then by Bentham or Voltaire. Only they do it unwittingly they change one set of personalities for another and believe they have rejected them all. The veils of Maya are a thousand-fold tangle and you think you have entirely escaped her when you have only run away from one fold to fall into another. The wise do not attempt to reject and negate Maya, but consciously accept herfreedom lies in a knowing affirmation. So we too have accepted and affirmed an icon, but we have done it consciously and knowingly; we are not bound by our idol, we see the truth of it, and we serve and utilise it as best as we may.

01.11 - Aldous Huxley: The Perennial Philosophy, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   A similar compilation was published in the Arya, called The Eternal Wisdom (Les Paroles ternelles, in French) a portion of which appeared later on in book-form: that was more elaborate, the contents were arranged in such a way that no comments were needed, they were self-explanatory, divided as they were in chapters and sections and subsections with proper headings, the whole thing put in a logical and organised sequence. Huxley's compilation begins under the title of the Upanishadic text "That art Thou" with this saying of Eckhart: "The more God is in all things, the more He is outside them. The more He is within, the more without". It Will be interesting to note that the Arya compilation too starts with the same idea under the title "The God of All; the God who is in All", the first quotation being from Philolaus, "The Universe is a Unity".The Eternal Wisdom has an introduction called "The Song of Wisdom" which begins with this saying from the Book of Wisdom: "We fight to win sublime Wisdom; therefore men call us warriors".
   Huxley gives only one quotation from Sri Aurobindo under the heading "God in the World". Here it is:
   There is a quotation from Lao Tzu put under the heading "Grace and Free Will": "It was when the Great Way declined that human kindness and morality arose".
   We fear Mr. Huxley has completely missed the point of the cryptic sentence. He seems to take it as meaning that human kindness and morality are a means to the recovery of the Lost Way-although codes of ethics and deliberate choices are not sufficient in themselves, they are only a second best, yet they mark the rise of self-consciousness and have to be utilised to pass on into the unitive knowledge that is Tao. This explanation or amplification seems to us somewhat confused and irrelevant to the idea expressed in the apophthegm. What is stated here is much simpler and transparent. It is this that when the Divine is absent and the divine Knowledge, then comes in man with his human mental knowledge: it is man's humanity that clouds the Divine and to reach the' Divine one must reject the human values, all the moralities, sarva dharmn, seek only the Divine. The lesser way lies through the dualities, good and evil, the Great Way is beyond them and cannot be limited or measured by the relative standards. Especially in the modern age we see the decline and almost the disappearance of the Greater Light and instead a thousand smaller lights are lighted which vainly strive to dispel the gathering darkness. These do not help, they are false lights and men are apt to cling to them, shutting their eyes to the true one which is not that that one worships here and now, nedam yadidam upsate.

01.11 - The Basis of Unity, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   If it is said that this is an ideal for the few only, not for the mass, our answer to that is the answer of the GitaYad yad acharati sreshthah. Let the few then practise and achieve the ideal: the mass Will have to follow as far as it is possible and necessary. It is the very character of the evolutionary system of Nature, as expressed in the principle of symbiosis, that any considerable change in one place (in one species) is accompanied by a corresponding change in the same direction in other contiguous places (in other associated species) in order that the poise and balance of the system may be maintained.
   It is precisely strong nuclei that are needed (even, perhaps, one strong nucleus is sufficient) where the single and integrated spiritual consciousness is an accomplished and established fact: that acts inevitably as a solvent drawing in and assimilating or transforming and re-creating as much, of the surroundings as its own degree and nature of achievement inevitably demand.

01.12 - Goethe, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The year 1949 has just celebrated the 200th anniversary of the birth of the great force of light that was Goethe. We too remember him on the occasion, and Will try to present in a few words, as we see it, the fundamental experience, the major Intuition that stirred this human soul, the lesson he brought to mankind. Goe the was a great poet. He showed how a language, perhaps least poetical by nature, can be moulded to embody the great beauty of great poetry. He made the German language sing, even as the sun's ray made the stone of Memnon sing when falling upon it. Goe the was a man of consummate culture. Truly and almost literally it could be said of him that nothing human he considered foreign to his inquiring mind. And Goe the was a man of great wisdom. His observation and judgment on thingsno matter to whatever realm they belonghave an arresting appropriateness, a happy and revealing insight. But above all, he was an aspiring soulaspiring to know and be in touch with the hidden Divinity in man and the world.
   Goe the and the Problem of Evil
   Satan is jealous of man who is God's favourite. He tells God that his partiality to man is misplaced. God has put into man a little of his light (reason and intelligence and something more perhaps), but to what purpose? Man tries to soar, he thinks he flies high and wide, but in fact he is and Will be an insect that "lies always in the grass and sings its old song in the grass." God answers that whatever the perplexity in which man now is, in the end he Will come out and reach the Light with a greater and richer experience of it. Satan smiles in return and says he Will prove otherwise. Given a free hand, he can do whatever he likes with man: "Dust shall he eat and with a relish." God Willingly agrees to the challenge: there is no harm in Satan's trying his hand. Indeed, Satan Will prove to be a good companion to man; for man is normally prone to inertia and sinks into repose and rest and stagnation. Satan Will be the goad, the force that drives towards ceaseless activity. For activity is life, and without activity no progress.
   Thus, as sanctioned by God, there is a competition, a wager between man and Satan. The pact between the parties is this that, on the one hand, Satan Will serve man here in life upon earth, and on the other hand, in return, man Will have to serve Satan there, on the other side of life. That is to say, Satan Will give the whole world to man to enjoy, man Will have to give Satan only his soul. Man in his ignorance says he does not care for his soul, does not know of a there or elsewhere: he Will be satisfied if he gets what he wants upon earth. That, evidently, is the demand of what is familiarly known as life-force (lan vital): the utmost fulfilment of the life-force is what man stands for, although the full significance of the movement may not be clear to him or even to Satan at the moment. For life-force does not necessarily drag man down, as its grand finale as it were, into hellhowever much Satan might wish it to be so. In what way, we shall see presently. Now Satan promises man all that he would desire and even more: he would give him his fill so' that he Will ask for no more. Man takes up the challenge and declares that his hunger is insatiable, whatever Satan can bring to it, it Will take in and press on: satisfaction and satiety Will never come in his way. Satan thinks he knows better, for he is armed with a master weapon to lay man low and make him cry halt!
   Love Human and Love Divine
   Satan proposes to lead man down into hell through a sure means, nothing more sure, according to him, viz., love for a woman and a woman's love in return. Nothing like that to make man earth-bound or hell-bound and force out of him the nostalgic cry, "Time must have a stop." A most simple, primal and primeval lyric love Will most suit Satan's purpose. Hence the Margaret episode. Love=Passion=Lust=Hell; that is the inevitable equation sequence, and through which runs the magic thread of infatuation. And that charm is invincible. Satan did succeed and was within an ace, as they say, of the final and definitive triumph: but that was not to be, for he left out of account an incalculable element. Love, even human love has, at least can have, a wonderful power, the potency of reversing the natural decree and bring about a supernatural intervention. Human love can at a crucial momentin extremiscall down the Divine Grace, which means God's love for man. And the soul meant for perdition and about to be seized and carried away by Satan finds itself suddenly free and lifted up and borne by Heaven's messengers. Human Jove is divine love itself in earthly form and figure and whatever its apparent aberrations it is in soul and substance that thing. Satan is hoisted with his own petard. That is God's irony.
   But Goethe's Satan seems to know or feel something of his fate. He knows his function and the limit too of his function. He speaks of the doomsday for people, but it is his doomsday also, he says in mystic terms. Yes, it is his doomsday, for it is the day of man's liberation. Satan has to release man from the pact that stands cancelled. The soul of man cannot be sold, even if he wanted it.

01.12 - Three Degrees of Social Organisation, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Vivekananda said that if human society is to be remodelled, one must first of all learn not to think and act in terms of claims and rights but in terms of duties and obligations. Fulfil your duties conscientiously, the rights Will take care of themselves; it is such an attitude that can give man the right poise, the right impetus, the right outlook with regard to a collective living. If instead of each one demanding what one considers as one's dues and consequently scrambling and battling for them, and most often not getting them or getting at a ruinous pricewhat made Arjuna cry, "What shall I do with all this kingdom if in regaining it I lose all my kith and kin dear to me?"if, indeed, instead of claiming one's right, one were content to know one's duty and do it as it should be done, then not only there would be peace and amity upon earth, but also each one far from losing anything would find miraculously all that one most needs and must have,the necessary, the right rights and all.
   It might be objected here however that actually in the history of humanity the conception of Duty has been no less pugnacious than that of Right. In certain ages and among certain peoples, for example, it was considered the imperative duty of the faithful to kill or convert by force or otherwise as many as possible belonging to other faiths: it was the mission of the good shepherd to burn the impious and the heretic. In recent times, it was a sense of high and solemn duty that perpetrated what has been termed "purges"brutalities undertaken, it appears, to purify and preserve the integrity of a particular ideological, social or racial aggregate. But the real name of such a spirit is not duty but fanaticism. And there is a considerable difference between the two. Fanaticism may be defined as duty running away with itself; but what we are concerned with here is not the aberration of duty, but duty proper self-poised.
   In the earliest and primitive society men lived totally in a mass consciousness. Their life was a blind obedienceobedience to the chief the patriarch or pater familiasobedience to the laws and customs of the collectivity to which one belonged. It was called duty; it was called even dharma, but evidently on a lower level, in an inferior formulation. In reality it was more of the nature of the mechanical functioning of an automaton than the exercise of conscious Will and deliberate choice, which is the very soul of the conception of duty.
   The conception of Right had to appear in order to bring out the principle of individuality, of personal freedom and fulfilment. For, a true healthy collectivity is the association and organisation of free and self-determinate units. The growth of independent individuality naturally means at first clash and rivalry, and a violently competitive society is the result. It is only at this stage that the conception of duty can fruitfully come in and develop in man and his society the mode of Sattwa, which is that of light and wisdom, of toleration and harmony. Then only a society is sought to be moulded on the principle of co-ordination and co-operation.
   The future society of man is envisaged as something of like nature. When the mortal being Will have found his immortal soul and divine self, then each one Will be able to give full and free expression to his self-nature (swabhava); then indeed the utmost sweep of dynamism in each and all Will not cause clash or conflict; on the contrary, each Will increase the other and there Will be a global increment and fulfilmentparasparam bhavayantah. The division and conflict, the stress and strain that belong to the very nature of the inferior level of being and consciousness Will then have been transcended. It is only thus that a diviner humanity can be born and replace all the other moulds and types that can never lead to anything final and absolutely satisfactory.

01.13 - T. S. Eliot: Four Quartets, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Will the sunflower turn to us, Will the clematis
   Stray down, bend to us; tendril and spray Clutch and cling?

01.14 - Nicholas Roerich, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Roerich is one of the prophets and seers who have ever been acclaiming and preparing the Golden Age, the dream that humanity has been dreaming continuously since its very childhood, that is to say, when there Will be peace and harmony on earth, when racial, cultural or ideological egoism Will no longer divide man and mana thing that seems today a chimera and a hallucinationwhen there Will be one culture, one civilisation, one spiritual life welding all humanity into a single unit of life luminous and beautiful. Roerich believes that such a consummation can arrive only or chiefly through the growth of the sense of beauty, of the aesthetic temperament, of creative labour leading to a wider and higher consciousness. Beauty, Harmony, Light, Knowledge, Culture, Love, Delight are cardinal terms in his vision of the deeper and higher life of the future.
   The stress of the inner urge to the heights and depths of spiritual values and realities found special and significant expression in his paintings. It is a difficult problem, a problem which artists and poets are tackling today with all their skill and talent. Man's consciousness is no longer satisfied with the customary and the ordinary actions and reactions of life (or thought), with the old-world and time-worn modes and manners. It is no more turned to the apparent and the obvious, to the surface forms and movements of things. It yearns to look behind and beyond, for the secret mechanism, the hidden agency that really drives things. Poets and artists are the vanguards of the age to come, prophets and pioneers preparing the way for the Lord.

0.11 - Letters to a Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  announcement: The supramental consciousness Will enter a phase of realising power in 1967."1
  Have things advanced at the required speed?
  and despair, the Divine too Will be farther from you or
  nearer, depending on what you believe. The attitude is
  - and little by little too the situation Will improve.
  7 April 1967
  when the Lord Will take the earth into His arms and "the
  earth Will be transformed". Is that day drawing near?
  It may very well be that this is what is happening now - but it
  them in the hope that they Will not be noticed.
  As for all psychological problems, here too sincerity, a total
  future, and if this giving is constantly renewed, the past Will fall
  away by itself and no longer encumber you.
  psychic, all the conflicts due to clashing bad Wills can no longer
  When consciousness becomes all-powerful, shadow Will no
  longer be necessary and Will disappear.
  4 September 1967
  about it and the other says, "Have trust in God, you Will
  not lose your money."
  of its laziness. That even the body has a Will of its own
  is a new experience for me.
  That victory Will form part of the triumph of Truth.
  Wealth should not be a personal property and should be at
  should be used for the progress of the earth, this person Will
  be developed enough inwardly to receive the knowledge of how
  contains duality since the Mahashakti Will manifest for the needs
  of the creation.
  closed to the Truth. But their turn for conversion Will also come,
  perhaps sooner than we think.
  to eliminate. One should concentrate all one's effort on building up and strengthening the true consciousness, which Will
  automatically do the work of unifying the being.
  In this way, everything that has to be transformed Will be
  transformed quite naturally, without clash or damage.
  How can one hasten the day when the whole being Will
  be able to say, "I am Yours - Yours alone"?
  Vigilance, sincerity, continuity of effort, and the Grace Will
  do the rest.
  the result Will come.
  28 May 1968
  supramental being Will soon be able to live on it.
  9 July 1968

0.12 - Letters to a Student, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  you are still too young to have the Will to realise it.
  If so, I Will help you.
  To achieve that, one must have an obstinate Will and a great
  patience. But once one has taken the resolution to do it, the
  divine help Will be there to support and to help. This help is felt
  inwardly in the heart.
  than their present one and that it Will survive the disappearance
  of this body.
  sleep, Will surely be effective.
  A vital converted and consecrated to the Divine Will becomes a bold and forceful instrument that can overcome all
  obstacles. But it first has to be disciplined, and this it consents
  In the new race, Will our body change form?
  Between the body of the supramental being and the body of
  man, there Will surely be a difference comparable to that which
  exists between man and the most advanced ape; but what this
  difference Will be we can hardly know until the new species
  appears on earth.
  An obedient, Willing and affectionate attitude. They are your
  elder brothers and sisters who take a lot of trouble to help you.

0.13 - Letters to a Student, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  Only, for some it Will take many, many lives, whereas there are
  others who Will do it in this very lifetime. It is a question of Will.
  It is for you to choose.
  longer has any other Will than His, and finally to unite one's
  consciousness with His. That is "to realise the Divine".
  learn to do so at Will. The rest Will follow.
  Generally it is in the heart, behind the solar plexus, that one
  What Will be the result of changing the vital into
  something good; in other words, what Will be the
  come to the same conclusion: unite with the Divine and you Will
  movements, impulses, thoughts or acts of Will. Those that are
  accepted Will be kept and carried out; those that are rejected Will
  be driven out of the consciousness so that they may never come
  Mother, Will you explain this to me?
  It so happens that we are not in an age when men have been left
  a far higher consciousness, the consciousness that Will act fully
  in the superman; and that is why this consciousness has come
  "The world is preparing for a big change. Will you
  Say to the Supreme Lord: "Let Thy Will be done", and remain
  as peaceful as possible.

0.14 - Letters to a Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  future Will bring to the earth and has encouraged us to prepare
  ourselves for it.
  the Divine. Then the Divine Will make you do what you have to
  of Thy Will.
  Grant that we may become conscious and effective collaborators in the fulfilment of Thy Will.
  5 December 1971
  steadfast sincerity, but for those who have a strong Will, an
  ardent aspiration and an unshakable sincerity, it is well worth
  Divine and you Will emerge into the Light.
  17 December 1971
  the stronghold of bad Will, for each one's duty is to transform
  himself regardless of what others may do.
  peace Will reign in you.
  The Divine help always responds to a sincere aspiration.
  effort required to find the Divine, to be conscious of His Will
  and to work exclusively to serve Him.
  happiness you enjoy Will exceed all expectation.
  28 December 1971
  are united in a single active consciousness, the creation Will have
  attained its progressive perfection.
  One must have an invariable Will to acquire what is lacking
  in one's nature, to know what one does not yet know, to be able
  Persevere, and what you cannot do today you Will be able
  to do tomorrow.
  This gives life its true meaning and Will help us to overcome
  all obstacles.
  trust and gratitude that the difficulties Will be overcome.
  1 February 1972
  with it and allow it to replace the ego, which Will be compelled
  either to get converted or disappear.
  receive Your force and understand Your Will.
  11 February 1972
  "Whatever You Will, whatever You Will",
  then one is well on the way to the true faithfulness.
  "Whatever You Will, whatever You Will"
  until the day when it shall automatically know what You
   Will because its consciousness Will be totally united with Yours.
  23 February 1972
  that all in us may conform to Your Will.
  12 March 1972
  I answered: "The Will of the Supreme Lord."
  It is a subject for contemplative meditation.
  This truth that man has vainly sought to know Will be the
  birthright of the new race, the race of tomorrow, the superman.
  To live according to Truth Will be his birthright.
  Let us do our best to prepare the coming of the New Being. The mind must fall silent and be replaced by the TruthConsciousness - the consciousness of details harmonised with

0 1952-08-02, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
  Only when it is no longer necessary for my body to resemble the bodies of men in order to make them progress Will it be free to be supramentalized.1
  Only when men shall depend exclusively upon the Divine and upon nothing else Will the incarnate god no longer need to die for them.2
    Note written by Mother in French.

0 1954-08-25 - what is this personality? and when will she come?, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
  object:0_1954-08-25 - what is this personality? and when Will she come?
  author class:The Mother
   (A disciple:) Sweet Mother, what is this Personality and when Will It manifest?
   My answer is ready.
   You asked, What is this Personality and when Will She come? Here is my answer (Mother reads):
   She has come, bringing with Her a splendor of power and love, an intensity of divine joy heretofore unknown to the Earth. The physical atmosphere has been completely changed by her descent, permeated with new and marvelous possibilities.
   So some of you people have been here since the time you were toddlerseverything has been explained to you, the whole thing has been served to you on a silver platter (not only with words, but through psychic aid and in every possible way), you have been put on the path of this inner discovery and then you just go on drifting along: When it comes, it Will come.If you even spare it that much thought!
   So thats how it is.
   If you look at yourselves straight in the face and you see what you are, then if by chance you should resolve to But what really astounds me is that you dont even seem to feel an intense NEED to do this! But how can we know? Because you DO know, you have been told over and over again, it has been drummed into your heads. You KNOW that you have a divine consciousness within you. And yet you can go on sleeping night after night, playing day after day, doing your lessons ad infinitum and still not be not have a BURNING desire and Will to come into contact with yourselves!With yourselves, yes, the you just there, inside (motion towards the center of the chest) Really, its beyond me!
   As soon as I found outand no one told me, I found out through an experienceas soon as I found out that there was a discovery to be made within myself, well, it became THE MOST IMPORTANT thing in the world. It took precedence over everything else!
   And when, as I told you, I chanced upon a book or an individual that could give me just a little clue and tell me, Here. If you do such and such, you Will find your pathwell I charged into it like a cyclone and nothing could have stopped me.
   And how many years have you all been here, half-asleep? Naturally, youre happy to think about it now and thenespecially when I speak to you about it or sometimes when you read. But THATthat fire, that Will which plows through all barriers, that concentration which can triumph over EVERYTHING
   Now who was it that asked me what you should do?

0 1955-04-04, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   No doubt it would be better to go to Almora for a whilenot for too long, I hope, for it is needless to say how much the work Will be disrupted by this departure
   (Another handwritten version)
   You may go to Almora if you think it Will help you break this shell of the outer consciousness, so obstinately impenetrable.
   Perhaps being far away from the Ashram for a while Will help you feel the special atmosphere that exists here and that cannot be found anywhere else to the same extent.
   In any event, my blessings Will always be with you to help you find, at long last, this inner Presence which alone gives joy and stability.
   Signed: Mother

0 1955-06-09, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   If only I could see a distinct error blocking my path which I could clearly attack But I feel that I am not responsible, that it is not my personal fault if I remain without aspiration, stagnating. I feel like a battlefield of contending forces that are beyond me and against which I can do NOTHING. Oh Mother, it is not an excuse for a lack of Will, or at least I dont think so I profoundly feel like a helpless toy, totally helpless.
   If the divine force, if your grace, does not intervene to shatter this obscure resistance that is drawing me downwards in spite of myself, I dont know what Will become of me Mother, I am not blackmailing you, I am only expressing my helplessness, my anguish.
   During the day, I live more or less calmly in my little morass, but as evening and the moment to meet you draw near, then the forces pinning me to the ground begin raging beneath your pressure, and I feel at times an unbearable tearing that burns and constricts in my throat like tears that cannot be shed. Afterwards, Truth regains possession of me but the following day it all begins again.
   Your case is not unique; there are others (and among the best and the most faithful) who are likewise a veritable battlefield for the forces opposing the advent of the truth. They feel powerless in this battle, sorrowful witnesses, victims without the strength to fight, for this is taking place in that part of the physical consciousness where the supramental forces are not yet fully active, although I am confident they soon Will be. Meanwhile, the only remedy is to endure, to go through this suffering and to await patiently the hour of liberation.
   While reading your prayer, I too prayed that it be heard.

0 1955-09-15, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Mother suddenly everything seems to have crystallizedall the little revolts, the little tensions, the ill Will and petty vital demandsforming a single block of open, determined resistance. I have become conscious that from the beginning of my sadhana, the mind has led the gamewith the psychic behind and has held me in leash, helped muzzle all contrary movements, but at no time, or only rarely, has the vital submitted or opened to the higher influence. The rare times when the vital participated, I felt a great progress. But now, I find myself in front of this solid mass that says No and is not at all convinced of what the mind has been imposing upon it for almost two years now.
   Mother, I am sufficiently awakened not to rebel against your Light and to understand that the vital is but one part of my being, but I have come to the conclusion that the only way of convincing this vital is not to force or stifle it, but to let it go through its own experience so it may understand by itself that it cannot be satisfied in this way. I feel the need to leave the Ashram for a while to see how I can get along away from here and to realize, no doubt, that one can really brea the only here.

0 1955-10-19, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1) May Your Will be done and not mine.
   2) As You Will, as You Will
   3) I am Yours for eternity.

0 1956-02-29 - First Supramental Manifestation - The Golden Hammer, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   As I looked at the door, I knew and Willed, in a single movement of consciousness, that THE TIME HAS COME, and lifting with both hands a mighty golden hammer I struck one blow, one single blow1 on the door and the door was shattered to pieces.
   Then the supramental Light and Force and Consciousness rushed down upon earth in an uninterrupted flow.

0 1956-03-20, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   The control over the movements of the vertebrae, lost a long time ago (which resulted in a kind of insensitivity and incapacity to move them at Will) has returned to a great extent: the consciousness is once again able to express itself and the back can straighten up very visibly.

0 1956-03-21, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   But the age of Communism, too, Will pass. For Communism as it is preached is not constructive, it is a weapon to combat plutocracy. But when the battle is over and the armies are disbanded for want of employment, then Communism, having no more utility, Will be transformed into something else that Will express a higher truth.
   We know this truth, and we are working for it so that it may reign upon earth.

0 1956-04-04, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I am broken and battered in the depths of my being as I was in my flesh in the concentration camps. Will the divine grace take pity on me? Can you, do you want to help me? Alone I can do nothing. I am in an absolute solitude, even beyond all rebellion, at my very end.
   Yet I love you in spite of all that I am.

0 1956-04-23, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   The Lord hast Willed, and Thou dost execute;
   A new Light shall break upon the earth.
   Lord, Thou hast Willed, and I execute:
   A new light breaks upon the earth,

0 1956-04-24, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   It is at work here, and one day Will come when the most blind, the most unconscious, even the most un Willing shall be obliged to recognize it.

0 1956-05-02, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Oh, really! How ignorant! It has been promised for such a very long time, it has been said for such a very long timenot only here in the Ashram, but ever since the beginning of the earth. There have been all kinds of predictions, by all kinds of prophets. It has been said, There Will be a new heaven and a new earth, a new race shall be born, the world shall be transformed Prophets have spoken of this in every tradition.
   You said, They are fulfilled.
   The new race? Wait for something like a few thousand years or so, and you Will see it!
   When the mind came down upon earth, something like a million years went by between the manifestation of the mind in the earth atmosphere and the appearance of the first man. But it Will go faster this time because man is waiting for something, he has a vague idea: he is awaiting in some way or another the advent of the superman. Whereas the apes were certainly not awaiting the birth of man, they never thought of it for the excellent reason that they probably dont think very much! But man has thought about it and is waiting, so it Will go faster. But faster probably still means thousands of years. We shall speak of this again in a few thousand years!
   Will we benefit collectively or individually from this new manifestation?
   Why are you asking this question?
   They ask if their inner difficulties Will be easier to overcome.
   I would repeat the same thing. What reason and what right have they to ask that things be easier? What have they done on their side? Why should it be easier? To satisfy peoples laziness and slothor what?
   But inevitablyit Will increase more and more! Which is why I cannot do what I used to do when there were one hundred and fifty people in the Ashram. If they had just a little bit of common sense, they would understand that I cannot have the same relationship with people now (just imagine, 1,800 people these last days!), so I cannot have the same relationship with 1,845 people (exactly, I believe) as with thirty or even a hundred. That seems an easy enough logic to understand.
   But they want everything to remain as it was and, as you say, to be the first to benefit.
   Onlyyes, there is an only, I dont want to be so cruel: NOW MAN CAN COLLABORATE. That is, he can lend himself to the process, with good Will, with aspiration, and help to his utmost. Which is why I said it Will go faster. I hope it Will go MUCH faster.
   But even if it does go much faster, it Will still take some time!
   Can you solve that problem for me? If you find the solution to this problem, you Will have the solution to the difficulty.
   I am not speaking of people from outside who have never thought about it, who have never felt concerned and who do not even know that there may be something like the Supermind to receive, in fact. I am speaking of people who have built their lives upon this aspiration (and I dont doubt their sincerity for a minute), who have workedsome of them for thirty years, some for thirty-five, others somewhat lessall the while saying, When the supermind comes When the supermind comes That was their refrain: When the supermind comes Consequently, they were really in the best possible frame of mind, one could not have dreamt of a better predisposition. How is it, then, that their inner preparation was so lets just say incomplete, that they did not feel the Vibration immediately, as soon as it came, through a shock of identity?
   After all, if they have even a tiny bit of sincerity (not too much, its tiring!), a tiny bit of sincerity, it is quite possible (I am joking), it is quite possible that they might get a few good kicks to make them go faster! It is possible. In fact, I think thats what Will happen.
   But really, this attitude this rather overly commercial attitude, is usually not very profitable. If you have difficulties and you sincerely aspire, it is likely that the difficulties Will diminish. Let us hope so.
   (Turning to the disciple) So you may tell them this: be sincere and you Will be helped.
   Mother, very recently a text has been circulating which says, What has just now happened, with this Victory, is not a descent but a manifestation. And it is no longer merely an individual event: the Supermind has sprung forth into the universal play.
   But now, you may reply to those people who are asking these insidious questions that the best way to receive anything whatsoever is not to pull, but to give. If they want to give themselves to the new life, well, the new life Will enter into them.
   But if they want to pull the new life into themselves, they Will close the door with their egoism. Thats all.
   Mother is referring to the darshan of April 24, 1956. Four times a year, for 'darshan,' visitors increasingly poured into the Ashram to pass one by one before Mother (and formerly, Sri Aurobindo) to receive her look.

0 1956-09-12, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I begin to see what the supramental body Will be.
   I had had a somewhat similar experience at the time of the union of the supreme creative principle with the physical consciousness. But that was a subtle experience, while this was materialin the body.

0 1956-09-14, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I KNOW that ultimately my place is near you, but is that my place at present, after all these failings? Spontaneously, it is you I want, you alone who represent the light and all that is real in this world; I can love no one but you nor be interested in anything but this thing within me, but Will it not all begin again once I have returned to the Ashram? You alone know the stage I am at, what is good for me, what is possible.
   Sweet Mother, may I still ask for your Love, your help? For without your help, nothing is possible, and without your love, nothing has any meaning.
   You asked me what I see and whether your difficulties Will not reappear upon your return to the Ashram. It may well be. If you return as you still are at present, it may be that after a very short period it Will all begin again. That is why I am going to propose something to you but to accept it you Will have to be heroic and very determined in your consecration to my work.
   This possibility appeared to me while reading what you wrote about your sojourn in Brazil with W, the only good rich man you have known. Here is my proposal, which I express to you quite plainly, spontaneously, as it presented itself to me.
   Go to Brazil, to this good rich man, make him understand the importance of our work, the extent to which his fortune would be used to the utmost for the good of all and for the earths salvation were he to put it, even partially, at the disposal of our action. Win this victory over the power of money, and by so doing you Will be freed from all your personal difficulties. Then you can return here with no apprehension, and you Will be ready for the transformation.
   Reflect upon this, take your time, tell me very frankly how you feel about it and whether it appears to you, as it does to me, to be a door opening onto a path that Will bring you back, free and strong at last to me.
   All my affection is with you, and my blessings never leave you.

0 1956-10-07, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Z asked me, Why didnt you stop it?1 I replied, Probably because I am not omnipotent! Then he insisted: No, thats not it. I make no distinction between your Will and the divine Will and I know that you dont either. So why didnt you stop it?
   And suddenly, I understood.
   It was because I hadnt thought of it. It hadnt even grazed my consciousness. The divine Will is not at all like that, it is not a Will: it is a VISION, a global vision, that sees and No, it does not guide (to guide suggests something outside, but nothing is outside), a creative vision, as it were; yet even then, the word create does not here have the meaning we generally attribute to it.
   And what is the Ashram? (I dont even mean in terms of the Universeon Earth only.) A speck. And why should this speck receive exceptional treatment? Perhaps if people here had realized the supermind. But are they so exceptional as to expect exceptional treatment?
   But the divine vision is global. The people in the Ashram do not want this strike but what about the others? They are ignorant, mean, full of ill Will, etc., but in their own way they are following a path, and why should they be deprived of the Grace? By the fact that their action is against the Ashram? It is certainly a Grace.
   I said that I had not even thought of intervening. When things threatened to turn bad, I simply applied a force so that it wouldnt become too serious.
   Complete surrender It is not a matter of giving what is small to something greater nor of losing ones Will in the divine Will; it is a matter of ANNULLING ones Will in something that is of another nature.
   What comes to replace this human Will?
   A consciousness and a vision. And one is filled with joy and

0 1956-10-08, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   And the moment I perceived this, I saw that my third attitude in action, which is the Will for progress for the whole earth as well as for each particular individual, was not the height of my being.

0 1956-12-26, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Mother, this is the problem around which I have desperately been turning in circles. What is the truth of my destiny? Is it that which is urging me so strongly to leave, or that which is struggling against my freedom? For ultimately, sincerely, what I want is to fulfill my lifes truth. If I have ever had a Will, then it is: LET BE WHAT MUST BE. Mother, how can one truly know? Is this drive, this very old and very CLEAR urge in me, false??
   Your child,

0 1957-01-01, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   that Will save the world.

0 1957-03-03, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I name you Satprem (true love) for it is only when you awaken to divine love that you Will feel that you love.
   Signed: Mother

0 1957-04-09, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   For more than a year now, I have been hypnotized by the idea that if I give in, I Will be condemned to remain here. Once more, forgive me for speaking so absurdly, for of course I know it is not a condemnation; and yet a part of me feels that it would be.
   Thus I am so tense that I do not even want to close my eyes to meditate for fear of yielding. And I fall into all kinds of errors that horrify me, simply because the pressure is too strong at times, and I literally suffocate. Mother, I am not cut out to be a disciple.
   So what is to be done? I intend asking your permission to leave as soon as the book is finished (I am determined to finish it, for it Will rid me of the past it represents). I expect nothing from the world, except a bit of external space, in the absence of another space.
   Signed: Bernard
   I read your letter yesterday, and here is the answer that immediately came to me. I add to it the assurance that nothing has changed, nor can change, in my relationship with you, and that you are and always Will be my child for that is the truth of your being.
   Here is what I wrote:

0 1957-07-03, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I knew this, but I did not have a vision of the solution, which means it has yet to manifest; this thing had not yet manifested in the building, this fantastic construction, although it is the very mode of consciousness which could transform this incoherent creation into something real, truly conceived, Willed and materialized, with a center in its proper place, a recognized place, and with a REAL effective power.
   The symbolism is quite clear in that all the possibilities are there, all the activities are there, but in disorder and confusion. They are neither coordinated nor centralized nor unified around the central and unique truth and consciousness and Will. So this brings us back precisely to this question of a collective yoga and of a collectivity capable of realizing it. What should this collectivity be?
   It is certainly not an arbitrary construction of the type built by men, where everything is put pell-mell, without any order, without reality, and which is held together by only illusory ties. Here, these ties were symbolized by the hotels walls, while actually in ordinary human constructions (if we take a religious community, for example), they are symbolized by the building of a monastery, an identity of clothing, an identity of activities, an identity even of movementor to put it more precisely: everyone wears the same uniform, everyone gets up at the same time, everyone eats the same thing, everyone says his prayers together, etc.; there is an overall identity. But naturally, on the inside there remains the chaos of many disparate consciousnesses, each one following its own mode, for this kind of group identification, which extends right up to an identity of beliefs and dogma, is absolutely illusory.
   This means that before hoping to realize such a gnostic collectivity, each one must first of all become (or at least start to become) a gnostic being. It is obvious that the individual work must take the lead and the collective work follow; but the fact remains that spontaneously, without any arbitrary intervention of Will the individual progress IS restrained or CHECKED, as It were, by the collective state. Between the collectivity and the individual, there exists an interdependence from which one cannot be totally free, even if one tries. And even he who might try, in his yoga, to free himself totally from the human and terrestrial state of consciousness, would be at least subconsciously bound by the state of the whole, which impedes and PULLS BACKWARDS. One can attempt to go much faster, one can attempt to let all the weight of attachments and responsibilities fall off, but in spite of everything, the realization of even the most advanced or the leader in the march of evolution is dependent upon the realization of the whole, dependent upon the state in which the terrestrial collectivity happens to be. And this PULLS backwards to such an extent that sometimes one has to wait centuries for the earth to be ready before being able to realize what is to be realized.
   This is why Sri Aurobindo has also written somewhere else that a double movement is necessary: the effort for individual progress and realization must be combined with the effort of trying to uplift the whole so as to enable it to make a progress indispensable for the greater progress of the individual: a mass progress, if you Will, that allows the individual to take a further step forward.
   And now you understand why I had thought it would be useful to have a few meditations in common, to work at creating a common atmosphere a bit more organized than my big hotel of last night!

0 1957-10-17, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   In its normal state, the body always feels that it is not its own master: illnesses invade it without its really being able to resist thema thousand factors impose themselves or exert pressure upon it. Its sole power is the power to defend itself, to react. Once the illness has got in, it can fight and overcome iteven modern medicine has acknowledged that the body is cured only when it decides to get cured; it is not the drugs per se that heal, for if the ailment is temporarily suppressed by a drug without the bodys Will, it grows up again elsewhere in some other form until the body itself has decided to be cured. But this implies only a defensive power, the power to react against an invading enemyit is not true freedom.
   But with the supramental manifestation, something new has taken place in the body: it feels it is its own master, autonomous, with its two feet solidly on the ground, as it were. This gives a physical impression of the whole being suddenly drawing itself up, with its head lifted high I am my own master.
   During the flu epidemic, for example, I spent every day in the midst of people who were germ carriers. And one day, I clearly felt that the body had decided not to catch this flu. It asserted its autonomy. You see, it was not a question of the higher Will deciding, no. It didnt take place in the highest consciousness: the body itself decided. When you are way above in your consciousness, you see things, you know things; but in actual fact, once you descend again into matter, it is like water running through sand. In this respect, things have changed, the body has a DIRECT power, independent of any outer intervention. Even though it is barely visible, I consider this to be a very important result.
   And this new vibration in the body has allowed me to understand the mechanism of the transformation. It is not something that comes from a higher Will, not a higher consciousness that imposes itself upon the body: it is the body itself awakening in its cells, a freedom of the cells themselves, an absolutely new vibration that sets disorders righteven disorders that existed prior to the supramental manifestation.
   Naturally, all this is a gradual process, but I am hopeful that little by little this new consciousness Will grow, gain ground and victoriously resist the old forces of destruction and annihilation, and this Fatality we believed to be so inexorable.

0 1957-10-18, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I am well aware that a supple attitude is recommended in the Yoga, yet for the time being, it seems to me that one well-defined method would help me hold on1this practical aspect would help me. I Will do it methodically, obstinately, until it cracks for good.
   Your child,

0 1957-11-12, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   To conclude, a final recommendation: never pose as an examiner. For while it is good to remember constantly that perhaps one is passing a very important test, it is, on the other hand, extremely dangerous to imagine oneself entrusted with applying tests to others, for that is an open door to the most absurd and harmful vanities. It is not an ignorant human Will that decides these things but the Supreme Wisdom.

0 1957-11-13, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Take upon yourself always all the necessities of progress and dissolve them in the ecstasy of Unity. Then you Will be divine.

0 1957-12-21, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   There is a whole gradation of planes of consciousness, from the physical consciousness to my radiant consciousness at the very highest level, that which knows the Will of the Supreme. I keep all these planes of consciousness in front of me, working simultaneously, coordinatedly, and I am acting on each plane, gathering the information proper to each plane, so as to have the integral truth of things. Thus, when I have a decision to make in regard to one of you, I plug into you directly from that level of the supreme consciousness which sees the deep truth of your being. But at the same time, my decision is shaped, as it were, by the information given to me by the other planes of consciousness and particularly by the physical consciousness, which acts as a recorder.
   This physical consciousness records all it sees, all your reactions, your thoughts, all the factswithout preference, without prejudice, without personal Will. Nothing escapes it. Its work is almost mechanical. Therefore I know what to tell or to ask you according to the integral truth of your being and its present possibilities. Ordinarily, in the normal man, the physical consciousness does not see things as they are, for three reasons: because of ignorance, because of preference, and because of an egoistic Will. You color what you see, eliminate what displeases you. In short, you see only what you desire to see.
   Now, I recently had a very striking experience: a discrepancy occurred between my physical consciousness and the consciousness of the world. In some instances decisions made in the Light and the Truth produced unexpected results, upheavals in the consciousness of others that were neither foreseen nor desired, and I did not understand. No matter how hard I tried, I could not understand and I emphasize this word understand. At last, I had to leave my highest consciousness and pull myself down into the physical consciousness to find out what was happening. And there, in my head, I saw what appeared to be a little cell bursting, and suddenly I understood: the recording had been defective. The physical consciousness had neglected to register certain of your lower reactions. It could not have been through preference or through personal Will (these things were eliminated from my consciousness long, long ago). But I saw that this most material consciousness was already completely permeated with the transforming supramental truth, and it could no longer follow the rhythm of normal life. It was much more attuned to the true consciousness than to the world! I couldnt possibly blame it for lagging behind; on the contrary, it was in front, too far ahead! There was a discrepancy between the rhythm of the transformation of my being and the worlds own rhythm. The supramental action on the world is slow, it does not act directlyit acts by infiltration, by traversing the successive layers, and the results are slow to come about. So I had to pull myself violently down in order to wait for the others.
   One must at times know how not to know.
   At the very top, a constant vision of the Supremes Will.
   In the world, an overall vision of what is to be done.

0 1958-01-01, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Sweet Mother, Will you explain this years message?
   There is nothing to explain. It is an experience, something that took place, and when it took place, I noted it down; and it so happens that it occurred just as I remembered that I had to write something for the new year (which at that time was the following year, that is, the year beginning today). When I remembered that I had to write somethingnot because of that, but simultaneouslythis experience came, and when I noted it down, I realized that it was the message for this year!
   Then, from the supreme Reality came this command: Awaken, O Nature, to the joy of collaboration. And suddenly, all Nature rushed forth in an immense bounding of joy, saying, I accept! I Will collaborate! And at the same time, there came a calm, an absolute tranquillity, to allow this receptacle, this body, to receive and contain without breaking and without losing anything of the Joy of Nature that was rushing forth in a movement of grateful recognition like an overwhelming flood. She accepted, she sawwith all eternity before her that this supramental consciousness would fulfill her more perfectly and impart a still greater force to her movement and more richness, more possibilities to her play.
   And suddenly, as if resounding from every corner of the earth, I heard these great notes which are sometimes heard in the subtle physicalra ther like those of Beethovens Concerto in Dwhich come at moments of great progress, as though fifty orchestras were bursting forth all at once without a single discordant note, to sound the joy of this new communion of Nature and Spirit, the meeting of old friends who, after a long separation, find each other once more.
   I have one thing to add: we must not misinterpret the meaning of this experience and imagine that henceforth everything Will take place without difficulties or always in accordance with our personal desires. It is not at this level. It does not mean that when we do not want it to rain, it Will not rain! Or when we want some event to take place in the world, it Will immediately take place, or that all difficulties Will be abolished and everything Will be like a fairy tale. It is not like that. It is something more profound. Nature has accepted into her play of forces the newly manifested Force and has included it in her movements. But as always, the movements of Nature take place on a scale infinitely surpassing the human scale and invisible to the ordinary human consciousness. It is more of an inner, psychological possibility that has been born in the world than a spectacular change in earthly events.
   I mention this because you might be tempted to believe that fairy tales are going to be realized upon earth. The time has not yet come.

0 1958-01-22, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Bliss contains coolness and warmth, passivity and activity, repose and action, sweetness and tenderness, all at the same time. Divine tenderness is something very different from sweetnessit is a paroxysm of joy, a vibration so strong that the body feels it Will burst, so it is forced to widen.
   The diamond light of Bliss has the power to melt all hostile forces. Nothing can resist it. No consciousness, no being, no hostile Will can draw near it without immediately being dissolved, for it is the Divine light in its pure creative power.

0 1958-02-03a, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I would like to tell you that I am staying, very simply, for something in me wants this, but I am afraid to make a decision that I may not be able to keep. A force other than mine is needed. In short, you have to do the Willing for me, to utter a word that would help me understand truly that I must stay here. Grant me the grace of helping and enlightening me. I would like to decide without preference, in obedience to the sole Truth and in accordance with my real possibilities.
   I have received a long letter from Swami,1 who in essence says that I should be able to realize what I have to realize right here with you, but he does not refuse to take me with him should I persist in my intention.

0 1958-02-03b - The Supramental Ship, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Between the beings of the supramental world and men, there exists approximately the same gap as between men and animals. Sometime ago, I had the experience of identification with animal life, and it is a fact that animals do not understand us; their consciousness is so constituted that we elude them almost entirely. And yet I have known domestic animalscats and dogs, but especially catswho made an almost yogic effort of consciousness to understand us. But generally, when they watch us living and acting, they dont understand, they dont SEE US as we are and they suffer because of us. We are a constant enigma to them Only a very tiny part of their consciousness is linked to us. And it is the same for us when we try to look at the supramental world. Only when the link of consciousness has been built shall we see itand even then, only that part of our being which has undergone the transformation Will be capable of seeing it as it isotherwise the two worlds would remain as separate as the animal world and the human world.
   The experience I had on February 3 proves this. Before, I had had an individual, subjective contact with the supramental world, whereas on February 3, I went strolling there in a concrete wayas concretely as I used to go strolling in Paris in times pastin a world that EXISTS IN ITSELF, beyond all subjectivity.
   Just as I was called back, when I was saying, Not yet , I had a quick glimpse of myself, of my form in the supramental world. I was a mixture of what these tall beings were and the beings aboard the ship. The top part of myself, especially my head, was a mere silhouette of a whitish color with an orange fringe. The more it approached the feet, the more the color resembled that of the people on the ship, or in other words, orange; the more it went up towards the top, the more translucid and white it was, and the red faded. The head was only a silhouette with a brilliant sun at its center; from it issued rays of light which were the action of the Will.
   As for the people I saw aboard ship, I recognized them all. Some were here in the Ashram, some came from elsewhere, but I knew them as well. I saw everyone, but as I realized that I would not remember everyone when I came back, I decided not to give any names. Besides, it is unnecessary. Three or four faces were very clearly visible, and when I saw them, I understood the feeling that I have had here, on earth, while looking into their eyes: there was such an extraordinary joy On the whole, the people were young; there were very few children, and their ages were around fourteen or fifteen, but certainly not below ten or twelve (I did not stay long enough to see all the details). There were no very old people, with the exception of a few. Most of the people who had gone ashore were of a middle ageagain, except for a few. Several times before this experience, certain individual cases had already been examined at a place where people capable of being supramentalized are examined; I had then had a few surprises which I had noted I even told some people. But those whom I disembarked today I saw very distinctly. They were of a middle age, neither young children nor elderly people, with only a few rare exceptions, and this quite corresponded to what I expected. I decided not to say anything, not to give any names. As I did not stay until the end, it would be impossible for me to draw an exact picture, for it was neither absolutely clear nor complete. I do not want to say things to some and not say them to others.
   There is a continuation to all this, which is like the result in my consciousness of the experience of February 3, but it seems premature to read it now. It Will appear in the April issue [of the Bulletin], as a sequel to this.
   But one thing and I wish to stress this point to youwhich now seems to me to be the most essential difference between our world and the supramental world (and it is only after having gone there consciously, with the consciousness that ordinarily works here, that this difference appeared to me in what might be called its enormity): everything here, except for what happens within and at a very deep level, seemed absolutely artificial to me. Not one of the values of ordinary physical life is based upon truth. Just as we have to buy cloth, sew it together, then put it on our backs in order to dress ourselves, likewise we have to take things from outside and then put them inside our bodies in order to feed ourselves. For everything, our life is artificial.
   A true, sincere, spontaneous life, as in the supramental world, is a springing forth of things through the fact of conscious Will, a power over substance that shapes this substance according to what we decide it should be. And he who has this power and this knowledge can obtain whatever he wants, whereas he who does not has no artificial means of getting what he desires.
   In ordinary life, EVERYTHING is artificial. Depending upon the chance of your birth or circumstances, you have a more or less high position or a more or less comfortable life, not because it is the spontaneous, natural and sincere expression of your way of being and of your inner need, but because the fortuity of lifes circumstances has placed you in contact with these things. An absolutely worthless man may be in a very high position, and a man who might have marvelous capacities of creation and organization may find himself toiling in a quite limited and inferior position, whereas he would be a wholly useful individual if the world were sincere.
   When I invited you on a voyage into the unknown, a voyage of adventure,2 I did not know just how true were my words! And I can promise those who are ready to embark upon this adventure that they Will make some very astonishing discoveries.
   Indeed, one of the people near Mother had pulled Her out of the experience.

0 1958-02-15, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Last night, I had the vision of what this supramental world could become if men were not sufficiently prepared. The confusion existing at present upon earth is nothing in comparison to what could take place. Imagine that every powerful Will has the power to transform matter as it likes! If the sense of collective oneness did not grow in proportion to the development of power, the resulting conflict would be yet more acute and chaotic than our material conflicts.

0 1958-02-25, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   The only thing in the world that still appears intolerable to me now is all physical deterioration, physical suffering, the ugliness the powerlessness to express this capacity of beauty inherent in every being. But this, too, Will be conquered one day. Here, too the power Will come one day to shift the needle a little. Only, one has to climb higher in consciousness: the deeper into matter you want to descend, the higher must you ascend in consciousness.
   It Will take time. Sri Aurobindo was surely right when he spoke of a few centuries.

0 1958-03-07, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   As for me, I am totally out of my element in this new life, as though I were uprooted from myself. I am living in the temple, in the midst of pujas,1 with white ashes on my forehead, barefoot dressed like a Hindu, sleeping on cement at night, eating impossible curries, with some good sunburns to complete the cooking. And there I am, clinging to you, for if you were not there I would collapse, so absurd would it all be. You are the only realityhow many times have I repeated this to myself, like a litany! Apart from this, I am holding up quite well physically. But inside and outside, nothing is left but you. I need you, thats all. Mother, this world is so horrifyingly empty. I really feel that I would evaporate if you werent there. Well, no doubt I had to go through this experience Perhaps I Will be able to extract some book from it that Will be of use to you. We are like children who need a lot of pictures in order to understand, and a few good kicks to realize our complete stupidity.
   Swami must soon take to the road again, through Ceylon, towards March 20 or 25. So I shall go wandering with him until May; towards the beginning of May, he Will return to India. I hope to have learned my lesson by then, and to have learned it well. Inwardly, I have understood that there is only you but its these problem children on the surface who must be made to toe the line once and for all.
   Sweet Mother, I am in a hurry to work for you. Will you still want me? Mother, I need you, I need you. I would like to ask you an absurd question: Do you think of me? I have only you, you alone in the world.
   Your child,
   As soon as the problem children on the surface Will also have learned their lesson, you have only to let me know of the date of your return and you Will be welcome.
   With you always and everywhere.

0 1958-04-03, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I was waiting for things to be well established in me before writing you again. An important change has occurred: it seems that something in me has clickedwhat Sri Aurobindo calls the central Will, perhapsand I am living literally in the obsession of divine realization. This is what I want, nothing else, it is the only goal in life, and at last I have understood (not with the head) that the outer realization in the world Will be the consequence of the inner realization. So thousands of times a day, I repeat, Mother, I want to be your instrument, ever more conscious, I want to express your truth, your light. I want to be what you want, as you want, when you want. There is in me now a kind of need for perfection, a Will to abolish this ego, a real understanding that to become your instrument means at the same time to find the perfect plenitude of ones personality. So I am living in an almost constant state of aspiration, I feel your force constantly, or nearly so, and if I am distracted a few minutes, I experience a void, an uneasiness that calls me back to you.
   And at the same time, I saw that it is you who is doing everything, you who aspires in me, you who wants the progress, and that all I myself am in this affair is a screen, a resisting obstacle. O Mother, break this screen that I may be wholly transparent before you, that your transforming force may purify all the secret recesses in my being, that nothing may remain but you and you alone. O Mother, may all my being be a living expression of your light, your truth.

0 1958-05-01, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   To do the divine Will I have been doing the sadhana for a long time, and I can say that not a day has passed that I have not done the Divines Will. But I didnt know what it was! I was living in all the inner realms, from the subtle physical to the highest regions, yet I didnt know what it was I always had to listen, to refer things, to pay attention. Now, no morebliss! There are no more problems, and everything is done in such harmony! Even if I had to leave my body, I would be in bliss! And it would happen in the best possible way.
   Only now am I beginning to understand what Sri Aurobindo has written in The Synthesis of Yoga! And the human mind, the physical mind, appears so stupid, so stupid!

0 1958-05-10, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Afterwards, when he left and I had to do the Yoga myself, to be able to take his physical place, I could have adopted the attitude of the sage, which is what I did since I was in an unparalleled state of calm when he left. As he left his body and entered into mine, he told me, You Will continue, you Will go right to the end of the work. It was then that I imposed a calm upon this body the calm of total detachment. And I could have remained like that.
   But in a way, absolute calm implies withdrawal from action, so a choice had to be made between one or the other. I said to myself, I am neither exclusively this nor exclusively that. And actually, to do Sri Aurobindos work is to realize the Supramental on earth. So I began that work and, as a matter of fact, this was the only thing I asked of my body. I told it, Now you shall set right everything which is out of order and gradually realize this intermediate supermanhood between man and the supramental being or, in other words, what I call the superman.
   No. From the minute it is conscious, it is conscious of its own falsehood! It is conscious of this law, of that law, of this third law that fourth law, this tenth laweverything is a law. We are subject to physical laws: this Will produce such and such a result if you do that, this Will happen, etc. Oh! It reeks! I know it well. I know it very well. These laws reek of falsehood. In the body, we have no faith in the divine Grace, none, none, none, none! Those who have not undergone a tapasya2 as I have, say, Yes, all these inner moral things, feelings, psychology, all that is very good; we want the Divine and we are ready to But all the same, material facts are material facts, they have their concrete reality, after all an illness is an illness, food is food, and everything you do has a consequence, and when you are bah, bah, bah, bah, bah!
   We must understand that this isnt trueit isnt true, its a falsehood, all this is sheer falsehood. It is NOT TRUE, it is not true!
   From the positive point of view, I am convinced that we agree upon the result to be obtained, that is, an integral and unreserved consecrationin love, knowledge and actionto the Supreme AND TO HIS WORK. I say to the Supreme and to his work because consecration to the Supreme alone is not enough. Now we are here for the supramental realization, this is what is expected of us, but to reach it, our consecration to it must be total, unreserved absolutely integral. I believe you have understood thisin other words, that you have the Will to realize it.
   From the negative point of view I mean the difficulties to be overcomeone of the most serious obstacles is that the ignorant and falsifying outer consciousness, the ordinary consciousness legitimizes all the so-called physical laws, causes, effects and consequences, all that science has discovered physically and materially. All this is an unquestionable reality to the consciousness, a reality that remains independent and absolute even in the face of the eternal divine Reality.
   Consequently, if you do not remember having had the experience, you are left in the same condition as before, but with the difference that now you know, you can know, that these material laws do not correspond to the truth thats all. They do not at all correspond to the truth, so consequently, if you want to be faithful to your aspiration, you must in no way legitimize all that. Rather, you must say that it is an infirmity from which we are suffering for the moment, for an intermediate periodit is an infirmity and an ignorance for it really is an ignorance (this is not just a word): it is ignorance, it is not the thing as it is, even in regard to our present material bodies. Therefore, we Will not legitimize anything. What we say is thisit is an infirmity which has to be endured for the time being, until we get out of it, but we do NOT ACKNOWLEDGE all this as a concrete reality. It does NOT have a concrete reality, it has a false realitywhat we call concrete reality is a false reality.
   And the proof I have the proof because I experienced it myselfis that from the minute you are in the other consciousness, the true consciousness, all these things which appear so real, so concrete, change INSTANTLY. There are a number of things, certain material conditions of my bodymaterial that changed instantly. It did not last long enough for everything to change, but some things changed and never returned, they remained changed. In other words, if that consciousness were kept constantly, it would be a perpetual miracle (what we would call a miracle from our ordinary point of view), a fantastic and perpetual miracle! But from the supramental point of view, it would not be a miracle at all, it would be the most normal of things.

0 1958-05-17, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Actually, when I myself am perfect, I believe that all the rest Will become perfect automatically. But it does not seem possible to become perfect without there being a beginning of realization from the other side. So it proceeds like that, bumping from one side to the other, and we go stumbling along like a drunken man!

0 1958-05-30, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   As a matter of fact, my tendency is more and more towards something in which the role of these hostile forces Will be reduced to that of an examinerwhich means that they are there to test the sincerity of your spiritual quest. These elements have a reality in their action and for the workthis is their great reality but when you go beyond a certain region, it all grows dim to such a degree that it is no longer so well defined, so distinct. In the occult world, or rather if you look at the world from the occult point of view, these hostile forces are very real, their action is very real, quite concrete, and their attitude towards the divine realization is positively hostile; but as soon as you go beyond this region and enter into the spiritual world where there is no longer anything but the Divine in all things, and where there is nothing undivine, then these hostile forces become part of the total play and can no longer be called hostile forces: it is only an attitude that they have adoptedor more precisely, it is only an attitude adopted by the Divine in his play.
   This again belongs to the dualities that Sri Aurobindo speaks of in (The Synthesis of Yoga, these dualities that are being reabsorbed. I dont know if he spoke of this particular one; I dont think so, but its the same thing. Its again a certain way of seeing. He has written of the Personal-Impersonal duality, Ishwara-Shakti, Purusha-Prakriti but there is still one more: Divine and anti-divine.

0 1958-06-06 - Supramental Ship, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Take all! Take all within you. And then you Will begin to understandyou Will begin.
   From that moment on, I was conscious that all one does is the expression of the indwelling Divine Will. But it is the Divine Will AT THE VERY CENTER of oneself, although for a while there remained an activity in the physical mind. But this was stilled two or three days after I saw Sri Aurobindo for the first time in 1914, and it never started up again. Silence settled. And the consciousness was established above the head.
   In the first experience [of 1910], the consciousness was established in the psychic depths of the being, and from that poise issued the feeling of no longer doing anything but what the Divine wantedit was the consciousness that the divine Will was all-powerful and that there was no longer any personal Will, although there was still some mental activity and everything had to be made silent. In 1914, it was silenced, and the consciousness was established above the head. Here (the heart) and here (above the head), the connection is constant.
   Does one exclude the other?
   As it was the first experience, it started to fade slightly when I began having contact with people; but I really had the feeling that it was a first experience, new upon earth. For I have experienced an absolute identity of the Will with the divine Will ever since 1910, it has never left me. It isnt that, its SOMETHING ELSE. It is MATTER BECOMING THE DIVINE. And it really came with the feeling that this thing was happening for the first time upon earth. It is difficult to say for sure, but Ramakrishna died of cancer, and now that I have had the experience, I know in an ABSOLUTE way that this is impossible. If he had decided to go because the Divine wanted him to go, it would have been an orderly departure, in total harmony and with a total Will, whereas this illness is a means of disorder.
   Is this experience of May 1 related to the Supramental Manifestation of 1956? Is it a supramental experience?
   It is the result of the descent of the supramental substance into Matter. Only this substancewhat it has put into physical Mattercould have made it possible. It is a new ferment. From the material standpoint, it removes from physical Matter its tamas, the heaviness of its unconsciousness, and from the psychological standpoint, its ignorance and its falsehood. Matter is subtilized. But it has surely come only as a first experience to show how it Will be.
   It is truly a state of absolute omniscience and omnipotence in the body which changes all the vibrations around it.
   It is likely that the greatest resistance Will be in the most conscious beings due to a lack of mental receptivity, due to the mind itself which wants things to continue (as Sri Aurobindo has written) according to its own mode of ignorance. So-called inert matter is much more easily responsive, much moreit does not resist. And I am convinced that among plants, for example, or among animals, the response Will be much quicker than among men. It Will be more difficult to act upon a very organized mind; beings who live in an entirely crystallized, organized mental consciousness are as hard as stone! It resists. According to my experience, what is unconscious Will certainly follow more easily. It was a delight to see the water from the tap, the mouthwash in the bottle, the glass, the spongeit all had such an air of joy and consent! There is much less ego, you see, it is not a conscious ego.
   The ego becomes more and more conscious and resistant as the being develops. Very primitive, very simple beings, little children Will respond first, because they dont have an organized ego. But these big people! People who have worked on themselves, who have mastered themselves, who are organized, who have an ego made of steel, it Will be difficult for them.
   Unless they go beyond all this and have enough spiritual knowledge to be able to make the ego surrender in which case the realization Will naturally be much greaterit Will be more difficult to accomplish, but the result Will be far more complete.
   When you had this experience of February 3, 1958 [the supramental ship], the vision of your usual consciousness, which is nevertheless a Truth Consciousness, no longer seemed true to you at all. Did you see things you had never before seen, or did you see things in another way?
   This consciousness here is true in relation to this world as it is, but the other is something else entirely. An adjustment is needed for the two to touch, otherwise one jumps from one to the other. And that serves no purpose. A progressive passage has to be built between the two. This means that a whole number of rungs of consciousness are missing. This consciousness here must consciously connect with that consciousness there, which means a multitude of stairs passing from one to the other. Then we Will be able to rise up progressively, and the whole Will arise.
   Its action Will be somewhat similar to what is described in the Last Judgment, which is an entirely symbolic expression of something that makes us discern between what belongs to the world of falsehood which is destined to disappear and what belongs to this same world of ignorance and inertia but is transformable. One Will go to one side and the other to the other side. All that is transformable Will be permeated more and more with this new substance and this new consciousness to such an extent that it Will rise towards it and serve as a link between the two but all that belongs incorrigibly to falsehood and ignorance Will disappear. This was also prophesied in the Gita: among what we call the hostile or anti-divine forces, those capable of being transformed Will be uplifted and go off towards the new consciousness, whereas all that is irrevocably in darkness or belongs to an evil Will shall be destroyed and vanish from the Universe. And a whole part of humanity that has responded to these forces rather too zealously Will certainly vanish with them. And this is what was expressed in this concept of the Last Judgment.
   May 1, 1958.

0 1958-07-02, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Something I have never said completely. On the one hand, there is the attitude of those in yesterday evenings film2: God is everything, God is everywhere, God is in he who smites you (as Sri Aurobindo wroteGod made me good with a blow, shall I tell Him: O Mighty One, I forgive you your harm and cruelty but do not do it again!), an attitude which, if extended to its ultimate conclusion, accepts the world as it is: the world is the perfect expression of the divine Will. On the other hand, there is the attitude of progress and transformation. But for that, you must recognize that there are things in the world which are not as they should be.
   In The Synthesis of Yoga, Sri Aurobindo says that this idea of good and bad, of pure and impure, is a notion needed for action; but the purists, such as Chaitanya, Ramakrishna and others, do not agree. They do not agree that it is indispensable for action. They simply say: your acceptance of action as a necessary thing is contrary to your perception of the Divine in all things.

0 1958-07-05, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Yes, I remember. It was towards the end of the Darshan and I was repeating within me, Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord But wordlessly. It came like that (gesture) and went far, far, far, far! It is all here (motion around the head). And that (Mother points to her chin) is determination (but there should have been a little more light on the chin!), the realizing Will.
   Thats it: the capacity to be an ABSOLUTELY receptive passivitylike thatin TOTAL silence and surrender, and at the same time here, there, an IRREDUCIBLE, OMNIPOTENT Will with a total power to effectuate, shattering all resistances. Both simultaneously without one inhibiting the other, in the same joy that is the GREAT secret! The harmonization of opposites, in joy and plenitude, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, for all problems: that is the great secret.
   In regard to the Ashram's financial difficulties.

0 1958-07-06, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   And it is always like that. I never ask for anything, but if by chance I say to myself, Hmm, wouldnt it be nice to have that, mountains of them pour in! So last year, I made an experiment, I told Nature, Listen, my little one, you say that you Will collaborate, you told me I would never lack anything. Well then, to put it on a level of feelings, it would really be fun, it would give me joy (in the style of Krishnas joy), to have A LOT of money to do everything I feel like doing. Its not that I want to increase things for myself, no; you give me more than I need. But to have some fun, to be able to give freely, to do things freely, to spend freely I am asking you to give me a crore of rupees1 for my birthday!
   She didnt do a thing! Nothing, absolutely nothing: a complete refusal. Did she refuse or was she unable to? It may be that I always saw that money was under the control of an asuric force. (I am speaking of currency, cash; I dont want to do business. When I try to do business, it generally succeeds very well, but I dont mean that. I am speaking of cash.) I never asked her that question.
   You see, this is how it happened: theres this Ganesh2 We had a meditation (this was more than thirty years ago) in the room where Prosperity3 is now distributed. There were eight or ten of us, I believe. We used to make sentences with flowers; I arranged the flowers, and each one made a sentence with the different flowers I had put there. And one day when the subject of prosperity or wealth came up, I thought (they always say that Ganesh is the god of money, of fortune, of the worlds wealth), I thought, Isnt this whole story of the god with an elephant trunk merely a lot of human imagination? Thereupon, we meditated. And who should I see walk in and park himself in front of me but a living being, absolutely alive and luminous, with a trunk that long and smiling! So then, in my meditation, I said, Ah! So its true that you exist!Of course I exist! And you may ask me for whatever you wish, from a monetary standpoint, of course, and I Will give it to you!
   So I asked. And for about ten years, it poured in, like this (gesture of torrents). It was incredible. I would ask, and at the next Darshan, or a month or several days later, depending, there it was.
   Health naturally depends upon the sadhana; but even that is not so sure: there are other factors. As for the second, the power over government, Sri Aurobindo looked at it, studied it, considered it very carefully, and finally he told me, There is only one way to have that power: it is TO BE the government. One can influence individuals, one can transmit the Will to them, but their hands are tied. In a government, there is no one individual, nor even several who is all-powerful and who can decide things. One must be the government oneself and give it the desired orientation.
   For the last, for money, he told me, I still dont know exactly what it depends on. Then one day I entered into trance with this idea in mind, and after a certain journey I came to a place like a subterranean grotto (which means that it is in the subconscient, or perhaps even in the inconscient) which was the source, the place and the power over money. I was about to enter into this grotto (a kind of inner cave) when I saw, coiled and upright, an immense serpent, like an all black python, formidable, as big as a seven-story house, who said, You cannot pass!Why not? Let me pass!Myself, I would let you pass, but if I did, they would immediately destroy me.Who, then, is this they?They are the asuric4 powers who rule over money. They have put me here to guard the entrance, precisely so that you may not enter.And what is it that would give one the power to enter? Then he told me something like this: I heard (that is, he himself had no special knowledge, but it was something he had heard from his masters, those who ruled over him), I heard that he who Will have a total power over the human sexual impulses (not merely in himself, but a universal power that is, a power enabling him to control this everywhere, among all men) Will have the right to enter. In other words, these forces would not be able to prevent him from entering.
   A personal realization is very easy, it is nothing at all; a personal realization is one thing, but the power to control it among all men that is, to control or master such movements at Will, everywhereis quite another. I dont believe that this condition has been fulfilled. If what the serpent said is true and if this is really what Will vanquish these hostile forces that rule over money, well then, it has not been fulfilled.
   It has been fulfilled to a certain extent but its negligible. It is conditional, limited: in one case, it works; in another, it doesnt. It is quite problematic. And naturally, where terrestrial things are involved (I dont say universal, but in any case terrestrial), when it is something involving the earth, it must be complete; there cannot be any approximations.
   So considering all that, Sri Aurobindo came to the conclusion that only the supramental power (Mother brings down her hands) as he said, Will be able to rule over everything. And when that happens, it Will be all overincluding Nature. For a long time, Nature rebelled (I have written about it often). She used to say, Why are you in such a hurry? It Will be done one day. But then last year, there was that extraordinary experience.5 And it was because of that experience that I told her, Well, now that we agree, give me some proof; I am asking you for some proofdo it for me. She didnt budge, absolutely nothing.
   Perhaps it is a kind of it can hardly be called an intuition, but a kind of divination of this idea that made people speak of selling ones soul to the devil for money, of money being an evil force, which produces this shrinking on the part of all those who want to lead a spiritual life but as for that, they shrink from everything, not only from money!
   Perhaps it would not be necessary to have this power over all men, but in any event, it should be great enough to act upon the mass. It is likely that once a certain movement has been mastered to some degree, what the mass does or doesnt do (this whole human mass that has barely, barely emerged into even the mental consciousness) Will become quite irrelevant. You see, the mass is still under the great rule of Nature. I am referring to mental humanity, predominantly mental, which developed the mind but misused it and immediately set out on the wrong pathfirst thing.
   There is nothing to say since the first thing done by the divine forces which emanated for the Creation was to take the wrong path!6 That is the origin, the seed of this marvelous spirit of independence the negation of surrender, in other words. Man said, I have the power to think; I Will do with it what I want, and no one has the right to intervene. I am free, I am an independent being, IN-DE-PEN-DENT! So thats how things stand: we are all independent beings!
   But yesterday, in fact, I was looking (with all these mantras and these prayers and this whole vibration that has descended into the atmosphere, creating a state of constant calling in the atmosphere), and I remembered the old movements and how everything now has changed! I was also thinking of the old disciplines, one of which is to say, I am That.7 People were told to sit in meditation and repeat, I am That, to reach an identification. And it all seemed to me so obsolete, so childish, but at the same time a part of the whole. I looked, and it seemed so absurd to sit in meditation and say, I am That! I, what is this I who is That; what is this I, where is it? I was trying to find it, and I saw a tiny, microscopic point (to see it would almost require some gigantic instrument), a tiny, obscure point in an im-men-sity of Light, and that little point was the body. At the same timeit was absolutely simultaneous I saw the Presence of the Supreme as a very, very, very, VERY immense Being, within which was I in an attitude of (I was only a sensation, you see), an attitude (gesture of surrender) like this. There were no limits, yet at the same time, one felt the joy of being permeated, enveloped and of being able to widen, widen, widen indefinitelyto widen the whole being, from the highest consciousness to the most material consciousness. And then, at the same time, to look at this body and to see every cell, every atom vibrating with a divine, radiant Presence with all its Consciousness, all its Power, all its Will, all its Loveall, all, really and a joy! An extraordinary joy. And one did not disturb the other, nothing was contradictory and everything was felt at the same time. That was when I said, But truly! This body had to have the training it has had for more than seventy years to be able to bear all that without starting to cry out or dance or leap up or whatever it might be! No, it was calm (it was exultant, but it was very calm), and it remained in control of its movements and its words. In spite of the fact that it was really living in another world, it could apparently act normal due to this strenuous training in self-control by the REASONby the reasonover the whole being, which has tamed it and given it such a great cohesive power that I can BE in the experience, I can LIVE this experience, and at the same time respond with the most amiable of smiles to the most idiotic questions!
   And then, it always ends in the same way, by a canticle to the action of the grace: O, Lord! You are truly marvelous! All the experiences I have needed to pass through You have given to me, all the things I needed to do to make this body ready You have made me do, and always with the feeling that it was You who was making me do itand with the universal disapproval of all the right-minded humanity!

0 1958-07-21, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   But as soon as a man feels energetic, he immediately rushes into action. Or else, those who dont have the sense of doing something useful start gossiping. And still worse, those who have no control over themselves become intolerant and start arguing! If someone contradicts their Will, they feel full of energy and they mistake that for a godlike wrath!

0 1958-07-23, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   But the Supreme Lord answers that the comedy is not entirely played out, and He adds: Wait for the last act; undoubtedly you Will change your mind.

0 1958-08-29, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   [Satprem would later part company with this Swami and follow a thorough tantric discipline with another guru who Will henceforth be called X in the Agenda.]
   The mantra written upon each of the souvenirs1 from the Himalayas has a strong power of evoking the Supreme Mother.

0 1958-08-30, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   So the door had to be opened and I felt and said, Lord, may your Will be done. I opened the door and behind it was Z1 in the same clothes he wears when he drives, and he was leaning against one of those big tractor tiresor perhaps he was holding it at the same time. I was so dumbfounded that I woke up. It took me a little while to be able to understand what it might mean, and afterwards Even now, I still dont know What was I? Was I India, or was I the world? I dont know. And what did Z represent? It was as imperative and clear, as positive and absolute as could be: the certitude that destruction was behind the door, that it was inevitable. And it had the form of those great Tartar or Mongol invaders, those people who came from the North and invaded India, who pillaged everything Thats what it was like. But what Z was doing there I dont know. What does he represent? The first impulse was to tell Abhay Singh, Forbid him to drive the tractor.
   (Pavitra:) What was he holding in his hands, Mother?

0 1958-09-16 - OM NAMO BHAGAVATEH, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   What Will it be?
   It Will simply spring forth in a flash, all of a sudden, and it Will be very powerful. Only power can do something. Love vanishes like water running through sand: people remain beatific and nothing moves! No, power is neededlike Shiva, stirring, churning
   When I have this mantra, instead of saying hello, good-bye, I shall say that. When I say hello, good-bye, it means Hello: the Presence is here, the Light is here. Good-bye: I am not going away, I am staying here.
   But when I have this mantra, I believe something Will happen.
   This one, this mantra, OM NAMO BHAGAVATEH, came to me after some time, for I felt well, I saw that I needed to have a mantra of my own, that is, a mantra consonant with what this body has to do in the world. And it was just then that it came.3 It was truly an answer to a need that had made itself felt. So if you feel the neednot there, not in your head, but here (Mother points to the center of her heart), it Will come. One day, either you Will hear the words, or they Will spring forth from your heart And when that happens, you must hold onto it.
   The first syllable of NAMO is pronounced with a short 'a,' as in nahmo. The final word is pronounced BHA-GAH-VA-TEH.

0 1958-10-04, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   There is an interdependence between the individual progress and the collective progress, between that which works and that which is worked upon. It proceeds like this (gesture of intermeshing), and as one progresses, the other progresses. The progress above not only hastens the progress below but brings the two nearer together, thus changing the distance in the relationship; that is, the distance Will not remain the same, the ratio between the progress here and the progress above wont always be identical.
   The progress above follows a certain trajectory, and in some cases the distance increases, in others it decreases (although on the whole, the distance remains relatively unchanged), but my feeling is that the collective receptivity Will increase as the action becomes increasingly supramentalized. And the need for an individual receptivitywith all its distortions and alterations and limitations Will decrease in importance as the supramental influence increasingly imposes its power. This influence Will impose itself in such a way that it Will no longer be subject to the defects in receptivity.
   The difficultyits not even a difficulty, its just a kind of precaution that is taken (automatically, in fact) in order to For example, the volume of Force that was to be expressed in the voice was too great for the speech organ. So I had to be a little attentive that is, there had to be a kind of filtering in the outermost expression, otherwise the voice would have cracked. But this isnt done through the Will and reason, its automatic. Yet I feel that the capacity of Matter to contain and express is increasing with phenomenal speed. But its progressive, it cant be done instantly. There have often been people whose outer form broke because the Force was too strong; well, I clearly see that it is being dosed out. After all, this is exclusively the concern of the Supreme Lord, I dont bother about itits not my concern and I dont bother about itHe makes the necessary adjustments. Thus it comes progressively, little by little, so that no fundamental disequilibrium occurs. It gives the impression that ones head is swelling so tremendously it Will burst! But then if there is a moment of stillness, it adapts; gradually, it adapts.
   Only, one must be careful to keep the sense of the Unmanifest sufficiently present so that the various things the elements, the cells and all thathave time to adapt. The sense of the Unmanifest, or in other words, to step back into the Unmanifest.6 This is what all those who have had experiences have done; they always believed that there was no possibility of adaptation, so they left their bodies and went off.
   We are told that in a few millions or billions of years, the earth Will become some kind of moon. The movement should be the opposite: the earth should become more and more a resplendent sun, but a sun of life. Not a sun that burns, but a sun that illuminesa radiant glory.
   Puja: ceremony , invocation or evocation of a god (in this case, a tantric ritual ).

0 1958-10-06, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   When I am not in my body, I have all kinds of contacts with people, contacts of different types. And its not a thing decided in advance, it is not Willed, it is not even thought out; it is simply observed.
   Certain relationships are entirely within me, entirely. It is not a relationship between individuals, but a relationship between states of beingwhich means that with the same individual there may be many different relationships. If it were a single whole but I am still not sure if there is a single person with whom the relationship is global.

0 1958-10-10, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   There is ones position in the universal hierarchy, which is something ineluctableit is the eternal lawand there is the development in the manifestation, which is an education; it is progressive and done from within the being. What is remarkable is that to become a perfect being, this positionwhatever it is, decreed since all eternity, a part of the eternal Truthmust manifest with the greatest possible perfection as a result of evolutionary growth. It is the junction, the union of the two, the eternal position and the evolutionary realization, that Will make the total and perfect being, and the manifestation as the Lord has Willed it since the beginning of all eternity (which has no beginning at all! ).
   And for the cycle to be complete, one cannot stop on the way at any plane, not even the highest spiritual plane nor the plane closest to matter (like the occult plane in the vital, for example). One must descend right into matter, and this perfection in manifestation must be a material perfection, or otherwise the cycle is not completewhich explains why those who want to flee in order to realize the divine Will are in error. What must be done is exactly the opposite! The two must be combined in a perfect way. This is why all the honest sciences, the sciences that are practiced sincerely, honestly, exclusively with a Will to know, are difficult pathsyet such sure paths for the total realization.
   It brings up very interesting things. (What I am going to say now is very personal and consequently cannot be used, but it may be kept anyway:)
   On the one hand, there is what Sri Aurobindowho, as the Avatar, represented the supreme Consciousness and Will on earthdeclared me to be, that is, the supreme universal Mother; and on the other hand, there is what I am realizing in my body through the integral sadhana.2 I could be the supreme Mother and not do any sadhana, and as a matter of fact, as long as Sri Aurobindo was in his body, it was he who did the sadhana, and I received the effects. These effects were automatically established in the outer being, but he was the one doing it, not II was merely the bridge between his sadhana and the world. Only when he left his body was I forced to take up the sadhana myself; not only did I have to do what I was doing beforebeing a bridge between his sadhana and the world but I had to carry on the sadhana myself. When he left, he turned over to me the responsibility for what he himself had been doing in his body, and I had to do it. So there are both these things. Sometimes one predominates, sometimes the other (I dont mean successively in time, but it depends on the moment), and they are trying to combine in a total and perfect realization: the eternal, ineffable and immutable Consciousness of the Executrice of the Supreme, and the consciousness of the Sadhak of the integral Yoga who strives in an ascending effort towards an ever increasing progression.
   To this has been added a growing initiation into the supramental realization which is (I understand it well now) the perfect union of what comes from above and what comes from below, or in other words, the eternal position and the evolutionary realization.
   But all this is still in suspense, on the way to realization, moving forward progressively; therefore, unless we are able to see the outcome, we cant understand a thing. We get confused. Only when we see the outcome, the final realization, only when we have TOUCHED there, Will everything be understood then it Will be as clear and as simple as can be. But meanwhile, my relationships with different people are very funny, utterly amusing!
   Those who have what I would call the more outer relationship compared to the other (although it is not really so)the relationship of yoga, of sadhanaconsider the others superstitious; and the others, who have faith OI perception, or the Grace to have understood what Sri Aurobindo meant (perhaps even before knowing what he said, but in any event, after he said it), discard the others as ignorant unbelievers! And there are all the gradations in between, so it really becomes quite funny!
   The Lord Will possess his universe only when the universe Will have consciously become the Lord.
   See Agenda 1957, p. 119

0 1958-10-17, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   7) But even in the event you have not made the irrevocable decision at the outset, should you have the good fortune to live during one of these unimaginable hours of universal history when the Grace is present, embodied upon earth, It Will offer you, at certain exceptional moments, the renewed possibility of making a final choice that Will lead you straight to the goal.
   That was the message of hope.

0 1958-10-25 - to go out of your body, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Each one is in touch with the universal expression of an aspect or a Will or a mode of the Supreme, and if one aspires for this, it is this that comes, with an extraordinary plasticity. And when that happens, I even become the Witness (not the witness in the way of the Purusha1: a witness far more infinite and eternal than the Purusha). I see what responds, why it responds, how it responds. This is how I know what people want (not here below, nor even in their highest aspiration). I see it even when the people themselves are no longer consciousor rather, not yet conscious (for me, its no longer, but anyway ), when they are not yet conscious of this identification somewhere. Even then I see it.
   Its interesting.

0 1958-11-04 - Myths are True and Gods exist - mental formation and occult faculties - exteriorization - work in dreams, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   No, not uniquely. It could apply in many other eases. Even if the Christians dont understand, there are many others who Will!
   Those who have read a little and who know something other than their little rut Will understand.
   There is something similar between the Puranic gods and the gods of Greek or Egyptian mythology. The gods of Egyptian mythology are terrible beings They cut off peoples heads, tear their enemies to pieces!
   However, you must have at least a little experience of these things to understand them. Otherwise, if you are convinced that all this is just human fancy or mental formations, if you believe that these gods have such and such a form because men have imagined them to be like that, or that they have such and such defects or qualities because men have envisioned it that wayas with all those who say God is created in the image of man and exists only in human thoughtall such people wont understand, it Will seem absolutely ridiculous to them, a kind of madness. You must live a little, touch the subject a little to know how concrete it is.
   Naturally, children know a great dealif they have not been spoiled. There are many children who return to the same place night after night and continue living a life they have begun there. When these faculties are not spoiled with age, they can be preserved within one. There was a time when I was especially interested in dreams, and I could return exactly to the same place and continue some work I had begun there, visit something, for example, or see to something, some work of organization or some discovery or exploration; you go to a certain place, just as you go somewhere in life, then you rest a while, then you go back and begin againyou take up your work just where you left it, and you continue. You also notice that there are things entirely independent of you, certain variations which were not at all created by you and which occurred automatically during your absence.

0 1958-11-08, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Yes, it was not a Willed experience, for I had not decided I would do this. It did not correspond to an inner attitude. In a meditation, one can decide, I Will meditate on this or on that or on something else I Will do this or that. For meditations, I usually have a kind of inner (or higher) perception of what has to be done, and I do it. But it was not that way. I had decided: nothing, to decide nothing, to be like that (gesture of turning upwards).
   And then it happened.
   Later, Mother explained: 'I don't mean an autonomous Will (it is the being that has gone out which has the power to make the body move), it has only acquired, through training, the capacity to express the Will of the being with which it has kept a relationship through this link of the body-spirit which is broken only at death.'
   Original English.

0 1958-11-11, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   There is no preliminary thought, preliminary knowledge, preliminary Will: all those things do not exist. I am only like a mirror receiving the experience, the simplicity of a little child learning life. It is like that. And it is the gift of the Grace, truly the Grace: in the face of the experience, the simplicity of a little child just born. And it is spontaneously so, but deliberately too; in other words, during the experience I am very careful not to watch myself having the experience so that no previous knowledge intervenes. Only afterwards do I see. It is not a mental construction, nor does it come from something higher than the mind (it is not even a knowledge by identity that makes me see things); no, the body (when the experience is in the body) is like that, what in English is called blank. As if it had just been born, as if just then it were being born with the experience.
   And only little by little, little by little, is this experience put in the presence of any previous knowledge. Thus, its explanation and its evaluation come about progressively.
   And this almighty spring is the perfect image of what is happeningwhat must happen, what Will happenFOR EVERYONE: suddenly, one is cast forth into the vast.

0 1958-11-14, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   But there is always this wretched question of money. I need it to leave and to pay for the journey. Afterwards, I Will manage. Anyway, it is all the same to me; I am not afraid of anything any longer.
   It seems to me that the sooner I leave the better, because of this hypocrisy I detest.2

0 1958-11-15, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   It is precisely this state of perfect Harmony beyond all attacks that Will become possible with the supramental realization. It is what all those who are destined for the supramental transformation Will realize. The hostile forces know it well; in the supramental world, they Will automatically disappear. Having no more utility, they Will be dissolved without our having to do anything, simply through the presence of the supramental force. So now they are being unleashed with a fury in a negation of everything, everything.
   The link between the two worlds has not yet been built, but it is in the process of being built; this was the meaning of the experience of February 3 1958, 1: to build a link between the two worlds. For both worlds are indeed therenot one above the other, but within each other, in two different dimensions. Only, there is no communication between them; they overlap, as it were, without being connected. In the experience of February 3, I saw certain people from here (and from elsewhere) who already belong to the supramental world in a part of their being, but there is no connection, no link. But now the hour has come in universal history for this link to be built.
   And probably each time a new world opens up, there Will again be a new reversal. This is why even our spiritual life, which is such a total reversal compared to ordinary life, seems something still so so totally different when compared to this supramental consciousness that the values are almost opposite.
   It can be expressed in this way (but its quite approximate, more than diminished or deformed): its as if our entire spiritual life were made of silver, whereas the supramental life is made of goldas if our entire spiritual life here were a vibration of silver, not gold but simply a light, a light that goes right to the summit, an absolutely pure light, pure and intense; but in the other, in the supramental world, there is a richness and a power that make all the difference. This whole spiritual life of the psychic being and of all our present consciousness that appears so warm, so full, so wonderful, so luminous to the ordinary consciousness, well, all this splendor seems poor in comparison to the splendor of the new world.
   I can explain the phenomenon like this: successive reversals such that an EVER NEW richness of creation Will take place from stage to stage, making whatever came before seem so poor in comparison. What to us seems supremely rich compared to our ordinary life, appears so poor compared to this new reversal of consciousness. Such was my experience.
   Last night, my effort to understand what was missing in order to help you completely and truly come out of the difficulty reminded me of what I said the other day about Power, the transforming power, the true realizing power, the supramental power. When you enter that, when you suddenly surge into that Thing, then you seeyou see that it is truly almighty in comparison to what we are here. So once again, I touched it, I experienced both states simultaneously.
   But as long as this is not an accomplished fact, it Will still be a progressiona progression, an ascension; you gain a little, you gain some ground, you rise higher and higher. But as long as the new reversal has not taken place, its as if everything had still to be done. It is a repetition of the experience below, reproduced above.
   Meanwhile, we should acknowledge that we dont have the key, it is not yet in our hands. Or rather, we know quite well where it is, and there is only one thing to do: the perfect surrender Sri Aurobindo speaks of, the total surrender to the divine Will whatever happens, even in the dark of night.
   There is night and sun, night and sun, and night again, many nights, but one must cling to this Will for surrender, cling as through a storm, and put everything into the hands of the Supreme Lord. Until the day when the Sun shall shine forever, the day of total Victory.
   The Supramental Ship.

0 1958-11-20, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I was VERY HAPPY with the vision, for there was a great POWER, though it was rather terrible. But it was magnificent. When I saw that, I This vision was given to me because I had concentrated with a Will to find the solution, a true solution, an enduring and permanent solution that is, I had this spontaneous gratitude which goes out to the Grace when it brings some effective help. Only, what followed was interrupted by someone who came to call me and that cut it short, but it Will return.
   But now I KNOWbefore I did not know. The other morning I saw, and I was told very clearly that it was a karma1 to be worked out; so then I told you, but at the time I didnt know what it was.
   Because from what I have seen and from what I was told, I am sure that it is decisive, that what is offered to you is the possibility of a decisive victory, which means that it Will no longer recur in the same way.
   There is such an abyss between what one truly is and what we are that at times it is dizzying. But one must not let oneself become dizzy. One must not yield. One must remain like a rock until it passes.

0 1958-11-22, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   And ifit can happenif the second attempt also miscarries, if the conditions make the experience the soul is seeking still more difficult for example, if one is in a body with an inadequate Will or some distortion in the thought, or an egoism too too hardened, and it ends in suicide, it is dreadful. I have seen this many times, it creates a dreadful karma that can be repeated for lifetimes on end before the soul can conquer it and manage to do what it wants. And each time, the conditions become more difficult, each time it requires a still greater effort. And people who know this say, You cannot get out! In fact, it is this kind of desire to escape which pushes you into more foolish things3 that result in a still greater accumulation of difficulty. There are momentsmoments and circumstanceswhen no one is there to help you, and then things become so horrible, the circumstances become so abominable.
   But if the soul has had but ONE call, but ONE contact with the Grace, then in your next life you are put in the conditions, once, whereby EVERYTHING can be swept away at one stroke. And at this present moment on earth, you cannot imagine the number of people I have met that is, the number of soulswho had reached out towards this possibility with such an intensity and they have all found themselves on my path.
   It is difficult without a strong Will; and above all, above all the capacity to resist the temptation, which was the fatal temptation throughout all ones livesbecause its power builds up. Each defeat gives it renewed force. But a tiny victory can dissolve it.
   Oh, the most terrible of all is when one does not have the strength, the courage, something indomitable! How many times do they come to tell me, I want to die, I want to flee, I want to die.I say, But die, then, die to yourself! No one is asking you to let your ego survive! Die to yourself since you want to die! Have that courage, the true courage, to die to your egoism.

0 1958-11-27 - Intermediaries and Immediacy, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   One day I had mentioned this to X1 when he was showing me or describing to me the different movements of the pujas, the procedure, the process of the puja. I said to him, Oh, I see! For the action to be immediate, for the result to be immediate, one must acknowledge, for example, the role or the participation of certain spirits or certain forces and enter into a friendly relationship or collaboration with these forces in order to obtain an immediate result, is it not so? Then he told me, Yes, otherwise it leaves an indefinite time to the play of the forces, and you dont know when you Will get the result of your puja.
   That interested me very much. Because one of the obstacles I had felt was that although the Force was acting well, there was a time lag that appeared inevitable, a time element in the work which seemed unavoidablea play left to the forces of Nature. But with their knowledge of the processes, the tantrics can dispense with all that. So I understood why those who have studied, who are initiated and follow the prescribed methods are apparently more powerfulmore powerful even than those who are conscious in the highest consciousness.
   What interested me is that in their case (those who follow tantric or other initiations), what is doubtful is whether or not they can succeed in receiving the response of the true Power, the divine power, the supreme power; they do everything they can, but this question still remains. Whereas for me, it is the opposite situation: the Power is there, I have it, but how can I make it act here in matter? The process for making it act immediately was missingthough not totally; I know from the psychological standpoint, but there is something other than the psychological power, there is the whole play of conscious, individualized forces that are everywhere in Nature and that have the right to exist. Since it was created this way, it must express something of the supreme Will, otherwise He wouldnt have made use of intermediaries but in His plan, it is obvious that the intermediary has a legitimate place.
   It is like the story X told me of his guru2 who could comm and the coming of Kali (something which seems quite natural to me when one is sufficiently developed); well, not only could he commend the coming of Kali, but Kali with I dont know how many crores of her warriors! For me, Kali was Kali, after all, and she did her work; but in the universal organization, her action, the innumerable multiplicity of her action, is expressed by an innumerable multitude of conscious entities at work. It is this individualization, as it were, that gives to these forces a consciousness and a certain play of freedom, and this is what makes all the difference in action. It is in this respect that the occult system is an absolutely indispensable complement to spiritual action.
   Of course, when the Supramental is here, it Will be very different. I see it clearly: in moments when it is there, everything is turned inside out, and all this belongs to a world to the world of preparation. It is like a preparation, a long preparation.
   It remains to be seen if all this has first to be mastered before there is even the possibility of holding the Supramental, of FIXING it in the manifestation. That is the great difference. For example, those with the power to materialize forces or beings lack the capacity to fix them, for these are fluid things which act and are then dissolved. That is the difference with the physical world where it is this condensation of energy that makes things (Mother strikes the arms of her chair) stable. All the things in the extraphysical realms are not stable, they are fluidfluid and consequently uncertain.3

0 1958-11-28, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   As it is, the physical body is really only a very disfigured shadow of the eternal life of the Self, but this physical body is capable of a progressive development; the physical substance progresses through each individual formation, and one day it Will be able to build a bridge between physical life as we know it and the supramental life that is to manifest.

0 1958-11-30, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Here is the wherewithal to go to Hyderabad. Whatever you may decide, I Will always be with you, invariably, in the truth of your being.
   Signed: Mother

0 1958-12-04, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Otherwise, if you consider it preferable to wait, I could go join Swami in Rameswaram, discarding all my little personal reactions towards him. And I would try my best to find again the Light of the first time and return to you stronger. I dont know. I Will do what you say. All this really has to change. I dont know, moreover, whether Swami wishes to have me.
   Mother, I need you, I need you. Forgive me and tell me what I should do.
   I have just received your letter which I read with all my love, the love that understands and effaces. When you return here, you Will always be very welcome, and we shall certainly take up our work together again. I shall be happy, and it is very much needed. But first of all, it Will be good for you to go to Rameswaram. I know that you Will be welcome there. Stay there as long as necessary to find and consolidate your experience. Afterwards, come back here, stronger and better armed, to face a new period of outer and inner work. At the end of the labor is the Victory.
   With all my confident love.

0 1958-12-15 - tantric mantra - 125,000, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I clearly see that the hour has come: either I Will perish right here, or else I Will emerge from this COMPLETELY changed. But something has to change. Mother, you are with me, I know, and you are protecting me, you love me I have only you, only you, you are my Mother. If these moments of utter darkness return and they are bound to return for everything to be exorcised and conqueredprotect me in spite of myself. Mother, may your Grace not abandon me. I want to be done with all these old phantoms, I want to be born anew in your Light; it has to beotherwise I can no longer go on.
   Mother, I believe I understand something of all that you yourself are suffering, and the crucifixion of the Divine in Matter is a real crucifixion. In this moment of consciousness, I offer you all my trials and little sufferings. I would like to triumph so that it be your triumph, one weight less upon your heart.
   Forgive me, Mother, for all the pain I may have thrown on you, but I am confident that with your Grace I Will emerge from this victorious, your child unobscured, in all the fibers of my being. Oh Mother, how alone you are to bear all our suffering if only I could remember this in my moments of darkness.
   I am at your feet. You are my Mother, my only support.
   I have just received your letter of the 15th. Yes, I know that the hour is critical. It has been grave here as well. I had to stop everything, for the attack upon my body was too violent. Now it is better but I have not yet resumed any of my outer activities, and I remain in my room upstairs. The battle continues in the invisible and I consider it decisive. You are a very intimate part of this battle. This is to tell you that I am with you in the most integral sense of these words. I know what you are suffering, I feel it but you must hold on. The Grace is there, all-powerful. As soon as it is possible and without going through one minute more than needed to transform that which has to be transformed, the trial Will reach its end and we shall emerge into the light and joy. So never forget that I am with youin youand that WE SHALL TRIUMPH:
   With all that love can bring of solace and endurance,

0 1958-12-24, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I have received your letter of the 24th. You did well to write, not because I was worried, but I like to receive news for it fixes my work by giving me useful material details. I am glad that X is doing something for you. I like this man and I was counting upon him. I hope he Will succeed. Perhaps his work Will be useful here, too for I have serious reasons to believe that this time occult and even definite magic practices aimed directly against my body have been mixed in with the attacks. This has complicated things somewhat, so as yet I have not resumed any of my usual activities I am still upstairs resting, but in reality fighting. Yesterday, the Christmas distribution took place without me, and it is likely that it Will be the same for January 1st. The work, too, has been completely interrupted. And I do not yet know how long this Will last.
   Keep me posted on the result of Xs action; it interests me very much

0 1958-12-28, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   X is at the summit of tantric initiation, and his power is not the fruit of a simple knowledge. He holds it directly from the Divine, and these things have been in his family traditionally from ten generations. No black magic can resist his power. His action is not brutal, he does not mechanically apply formulas, he holds this Science and knows how to apply it like an expert chemist, always in Light, Love and sweetness. If you agree that he come to see you, he Will immediately know the source of these attacks upon you and Will even be able to make the attacking force speak. He has this power. Of course, neither X nor Swami Will divulge this to anyone, and everything Will be kept secret. You have only to send word, or a telegram: No objection.
   The work can be done from here also, but naturally it Will not be quite as effective. In that case, you would have to set a specific time to synchronize the action in Rameswaram and Pondicherry. Swami can also do something in his pujas. It is for you to decide, but I hope you Will not want to prolong this battle unnecessarily.
   On my side, within my little field, I am taking the bull by the horns and henceforth the enemy Will no longer have my complicity. May all my being be turned solely towards your Lightand be your help, your instrument, your knight.
   X has decided to continue his action upon me beyond the eight days foreseen, which doubtlessly corresponds to dosages that exceed my understanding.
   Happy New Year, my dear child! I am sure it Will bring us a decisive victory.
   I am near you with all my love.

0 1959-01-06, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   X continues his work on me daily; it is to last 41 days in all. He told me that he wants to undo the things of several births. When it is over, he Will explain it all to me. I do not know how to tell you how luminous and good this man is, he is a very great soul. He is also giving me Sanskrit lessons, and little by little, each evening, speaks to me of the Tantra.
   His action upon you is to continue for another five days, after which he is positive that you Will be entirely saved. According to him, it is indeed a magic attack originating in Pondicherry, and perhaps even from someone in the Ashram!! He told me that this evil person would finally be forced to appear before you I am learning many interesting things from him.
   Mother, by way of expressing to you my gratitude, I want to work now to open myself totally to your Light and become truly an egoless instrument, your conscious instrument. Mother, you are the sole Reality.
   The pain on the left side has not entirely gone and there have been some complications which have delayed things. But I feel much better. In fact, I am rebuilding my health, and I am in no hurry to resume the exhausting days as before. It is quiet upstairs for working, and I am going to take advantage of this to prepare the Bulletin1 at leisure. As I had not read over the pages on the message that we had prepared for the 31st, I have revised and transformed them into an article. It Will be the first one in the February issue. I am now going to choose the others. I Will tell you which ones I have chosen and in what order I Will put them.
   Satprem, my child, I am truly with you and I love you.

0 1959-01-14, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   This morning, X told me that he would be most happy to continue his action upon you if it would help your work; he has continued it anyway, even after knowing that the malefic influence was expelled from the Ashram. By the way, X told me that this evil spirit is continuing to circle around the Ashram, but beyond its borders. Therefore, if you agree, it would be necessary for him to come to Pondicherry one of these days to come to grips directly with the evil one and finish him off in such a way that he can no longer come to disturb the sadhaks, or your work, upon the slightest pretext. Then X could force this spirit to appear before him, and thereby free the atmosphere from its influence. Anyway, this trip to Pondicherry would not take place in the near future, and it would be easy to give him an official excuse: seminars on the Tantra Shastra that Will interest all the Sanskritists at the Ashram. Moreover, Xs work would be done quietly in his room when he does his daily puja. From here, from Rameswaram, it is rather difficult to attract Pondicherrys atmosphere and do the work with precision. Of course, nothing Will be done without your express consent. Swami is writing you on his own to tell you of the revelation that X received from his [deceased] guru concerning your experience and the schemings of certain Ashram members.
   In this regard, perhaps you know that X is the tenth in the line of Bhaskaraya (my spelling of this name is perhaps not correct), the great Tantric of whom you had a vision, who could comm and the coming of Kali along with all her warriors. It is from X that Swami received his initiation.
   Your last letter gave us great pleasure, knowing that you have finally recovered physically. But we deeply hope that you Will not again take up the countless activities that formerly consumed all your timeso many people come to you egoistically, for prestige, to be able to say that they are on familiar terms with you. You know this, of course
   As for myself, a step has definitely been taken, and I am no longer swept away by this painful torrent. Depressions and attacks still come, but no longer with the same violence as before. X told me that 2/3 of the work has been done and that everything would be purged in twelve days or so, then the thing Will be enclosed in a jar and buried somewhere or thrown into the sea, and he Will explain it all to me. I Will write and tell you about it.
   As for the true tantric initiation, this is what X told me: I Will give you initiation. You are fit. You belong to that line. It Will come soon, some months or some years. Shortly you shall reach the junction. When the time has come, you yourself Will come and open a door in me and I shall give you initiation.1 And he made me understand that an important divine work was reserved for me in the future, a work for the Mother. The important practical point is that I have rapidly to develop my knowledge of Sanskrit. The mantra given to me seems to grow in power as I repeat it.
   Sweet Mother, by what Grace have you guided and protected me through all these years? There are moments when I have the vision of this Grace, bringing me to the verge of tears. I see so clearly that you are doing everything, that you are all that is good in me, my aspiration and my strength. Me is all that is bad, all that resists, me is horribly false and falsifying. If your Grace withdraws for one second, I collapse, I am helpless.2 You alone are my strength, the source of my life, the joy and fulfillment to which I aspire.
   As for my health and the Ashram, I infinitely appreciate what he has done and what he would like to continue to do. His visit Will make me very happy, and if he comes in about one month, a few days before the darshan, there Will be no need to find any excuse for his visit, for it Will appear quite natural.
   My health is progressing well, but I intend to be very prudent and not burden myself with occupations. Yesterday, I began the balcony darshan again, and it is all right. That is all for the moment.
   You Will find in this letter a little money. I thought you might need it for your stamps, etc.
   I never leave you, and my love too is always with you.

0 1959-01-21, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I Will therefore give you initiation this Friday or Saturday, on the day of the full moon or the day before. This first stage Will last three months during which you Will have to repeat 1 lakh2 times the mantra that I Will give you. At the end of three months, I Will come to see you in Pondicherryor you Will come here for a fortnight, and as soon as I have received the message from my guru, I Will give you the second stage that Will last three months as well. At the end of these three months, you Will receive the full initiation. X warned me that the first stage I am to receive provokes attacks and tests but that all this disappears with the second stage. Forewarned is forearmed. For what reason I do not know, but X told me that the particular nature of my initiation should remain secret and that he Will say nothing about it to Swami, and he added (in speaking of the speed of the process), But you Will not be less than the Swami. (!!) There, I wanted you to knowbesides, you were present in Xs vision. All this happened at a time when I was in the most desperate crisis I have ever known. Sweet Mother, there is no end to expressing my gratitude to you, and yet with the least trial, I am reduced to nothing. Why have you so much grace for me?
   I would like very much to return to Pondicherry for the February Darshan and once again begin working for you. Today I am sending a second lot to Pavitra and tomorrow I Will start on the Aphorisms, for I do not want to make you wait any longer. I Will send a third and final lot to Pavitra by the end of the month, in time for printing. I am very touched, sweet Mother, by your attention and the money you are sending me.
   Sweet Mother, may my entire life be at your service, may my entire being belong to you. I owe you everything.
   I was waiting to answer your letter of the 21st until the Friday and Saturday you mentioned had gone by. And then I felt that you were returning the Aphorisms, so I waited a bit more. I have just received them along with your letter of the 23rd, but I have not yet looked at them. Besides, if you intend returning for the February darshan, I think it would be preferable for us to revise the whole book together. There Will not be very much work on my side since the Wednesday and Friday classes were discontinued in the beginning of December, and I still do not know when they Will resume.3 Right now, I am translating the Aphorisms all alone and it seems to go quickly and well. This could also be revised and the book on the Dhammapada prepared for publication.
   For the time being, I am going downstairs only in the mornings at 6 for the balcony darshan and I immediately come back up without seeing anyone then in the afternoons, I go down once more at about 3 to take my bath and at 4:30 I come back up again. I do not yet know what Will happen next month. I shall have to find some way to meet you so that we can work together I am going to think it over.
   I do not ask you to write me your news,4 because I know that these are things it is better not to write about. But you know that it keenly interests me.

0 1959-01-27, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   So X Will to do a special work for you for eleven days, and if at the end of this period the suffering still persists, he Will send me to Pondicherry to deliver something directly into your hands. I, too, would like very much to do something to alleviate your suffering.
   By a special grace, X gave me both stages of the tantric initiation at the same time, although they are normally separated by several years; then if all goes well, he Will give me the full initiation in 6 months. I have thus received a mantra, along with the power of realizing it. X told me that a realization should come at the beginning of the fifth month if I repeat the mantra strictly according to his instructions, but he again told me that the hostile forces would do all they could to prevent me from saying my mantra: mental suggestions and even illness. X has understood that I have work at the Ashram, and he has exempted me from the outer forms (pujas and other rituals), but nevertheless I must repeat my mantra very accurately every day (3,333 times, that is, a little more than 3 hours uninterrupted in the mornings, and more than 2 hours in the evening). I must therefore organize myself in such a way as to get up very early in the morning in Pondicherry, for in no case Will your work suffer.
   Apart from this, he has not yet entirely finished the work of purging that he has been doing on me for over a month, but I believe that everything Will be completed in a short time from now.
   Sweet Mother, I have a kind of fear that all these mantras are not bringing me nearer to you I mean you in your physical body, for it is not upon you physically that I was told to concentrate. Also, I almost never see you in my dreams any longer, or else only very vaguely. Last night, I dreamed that I was offering you flowers (not very pretty ones), one of which was called mantra, but I did not see you in my dream. Mother, I would like to be true, to do the right thing, to be as you want me to be.
   All is well I am enthusiastic and you can count on my conscious help to overcome all the obstacles and all the bad Will that may try to stop or delay your progress. It is a matter of being more obstinate, much more obstinate than the enemy, and whatever the cost, to reach the goal in time.
   Since my last letter, I have thought about it and I see that I Will be able to go down in the morning three times a week for one hour, from 10 to 11, to work with you, but you Will have to do only the strict minimum in order to have as much free time as you need for the other things.1
   As I told you, I have resumed neither classes nor translations, and I still do not know when I Will do so. So there is only the old work to finish up, but it Will not take very long.
   My body would also like to have a mantra to repeat. Those it has are not enough for it anymore. It would like to have one to hasten its transformation. It is ready to repeat it as many times as needed, provided that it does not have to be out loud, for it is very rarely alone and does not want to speak of this to anyone. Truly, the Ashram atmosphere is not very favorable for this kind of thing. You Will have to take precautions so as not to be disturbed or interrupted in an inopportune way. Domestic servants, curious people, so-called friends can all serve as instruments of the hostile forces to put a spoke in the wheels. I Will do my best to protect you, but you Will have a lot to do yourself and Will have to be as firm as an iron rod.
   I am not writing you all this to discourage you from coming. But I want you to succeed; for me that is more important than anything else, no matter what the price. So, know for certain that I am with you all the time and more so especially when you repeat your mantra

0 1959-01-31, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   X knows very little about your true work and what Swami has been able to explain to him is rather inadequate, for I do not believe that he himself understands it very well. So I shall have to try to make myself understood quite clearly to X and tell him exactly and simply what it is you need. The word transformation is too abstract. Each mantra has a very specific actionat least I believe soand I must be able to tell X in a concrete way the exact powers or capacities you are now seeking, and the general goal or the particular results required. Then he Will find the mantra or mantras that apply.
   My explanations Will have to be simple, for X speaks English with difficulty, thus subtleties are out of the question. (I am teaching him a little English while he is teaching me Sanskrit, and we manage to understand each other rather well all the same. He understands more than he can speak.)
   I do not want to mention this to Swami, as X is not very happy about the way Swami seizes upon every occasion to appropriate things, and particularly mantras (I Will explain this to you when we meet again). It is especially the way he says I. Nothing very seriousit is Swamis bad side, though he has good ones too. You know that, however.
   So I would like to speak to X knowledgeably, in a very precise way, and I am waiting only for you to tell me what I should say. The thing is too important to be approached lightly and vaguely.
   In principle, X Will have finished his purging of me on February 6. So after that date I Will do what you wish.
   As for my mantra, I say it only partially now, but X Will fix an auspicious day to begin it really according to the rules when I am in Pondicherry, for theoretically, one should not move once the work has begun. The 12th of February is an auspicious day, if you decide that I should return by then (or a little before to get things ready); otherwise another date may be fixed later on.
   Your letter, Sweet Mother, has filled me with strength and resolution. I want to be victorious and I want to serve you. I see very well that gradually I can be taught many useful things by X. The essential thing is first of all to lose this ego which falsifies everything. Finally, through your grace, I believe that I have passed a decisive turning point and that there is a beginning of real consecration and I feel your Love, your Presence. Things are opening a little.
   P.S. All the old Questions and Answers Will also have to be revised with you, perhaps not in their entirety, but certain problems need clarification. What a grace to be able to work with you!
   As for your arrival here, the day you mentioned is the Saraswati Puja I Will go downstairs to give blessings. If you arrive on the previous day, the 11th I Will arrange to see you at 10 oclock, and then you can begin your mantra on the 12th.
   Simply send me word to let me know if this is all right. Tell me also if you need money for your return, and how much, in time for me to send it.

0 1959-03-10 - vital dagger, vital mass, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   In this swarming mass, I noticed the presence of some slightly more conscious Wills Wills of the vital plane and I saw how they try to awaken a reaction in the consciousness of human beings to make them think or want, or if possible, do certain things.
   For example, I saw one of them trying to incite anger in someone so that this person would deliver a blowa spiritual blow. And this formation had a dagger in his hand (a vital dagger, you see, it was a vital being: gray and slimy, horrible), he was holding a very sharp dagger which he was flaunting, saying, When a person has done something like that (pretending that someone had done an unforgivable thing), this is what he deserves and the scenario was complete: the being rushed forward, vitally, with his dagger.
   And I express this in my own way when I say1 that thoughts come and go, flow in and out. But thoughts concerning material things are formations originating in that world, they are kinds of Wills coming from the vital plane which try to express themselves, and most often they are truly deadly. If you are annoyed, for example, if someone says something unpleasant to you and you react It always happens in the same way; these little entities are there waiting, and when they feel its the right moment, they introduce their influence and their suggestions. This is what is vitally symbolized by the being with his dagger rushing forward to stab youand in the back, at that! Not even face to face! This then expresses itself in the human consciousness by a movement of anger or rage or indignation: How intolerable! How ! And the other fellow says, Yes! We shall put an end to it!
   It is quite interesting to watch it once, but it isnt very pleasant.

0 1959-03-26 - Lord of Death, Lord of Falsehood, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   At times he calls himself the Lord of Nations. It is he who sets all wars in motion, and only by thwarting his plans could the last war be won This one does not want to be converted, not at all. He wants neither the physical transformation nor the supramental world, for that would spell his end. Besides, he knows We talk to each other; beyond all this, we have our relationship. For after all, you see (laughing), I am his mother! One day he told me, I know you Will destroy me, but meanwhile, I Will create all the havoc possible.
   This Asura of Falsehood is the one who delegated the Titan that is always near me. He chose the most powerful Titan there is on earth and sent him specially to attack this body. So even if one manages to enchain or kill this Titan, it is likely that the Lord of Falsehood Will delegate another form, and still another, and still another, in order to achieve his aim.
   In the end, only the Supramental Will have the power to destroy it. When the hour comes, all this Will disappear, without any need to do anything.
   It was Theon.

0 1959-04-07, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Henceforth I refuse to be an accomplice to this force. It is my enemy. Whatever form it may take, or whatever supports it may find in my nature, I Will refuse to yield to it and Will cling to you. You are the only reality: that is my mantra. Anything that seeks to make me doubt you is my enemy. You are the only Reality.
   And each time I feel the shadow approach, I Will call to you, immediately.
   May you never again suffer because of me. O Mother, purify me and open my heart.
   Your resolution came straight to me. I sheltered it in the depths of my heart, and with my highest Will, I said, So be it.
   Just now, I received your letter confirming my experience. It is good.

0 1959-05-19 - Ascending and Descending paths, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   The thing can still be brought down as far as the mental and vital planes (although Sri Aurobindo said that thousands of lifetimes would be needed merely to bring it down to the mental plane, unless one practiced a perfect surrender1). With Sri Aurobindo, we went down below Matter, right into the Subconscient and even into the Inconscient. But after the descent comes the transformation, and when you come down to the body, when you attempt to make it take one step forwardoh, not even a real step, just a little step!everything starts grating; its like stepping on an anthill And yet the presence, the help of the supreme Mother, is there constantly; thus you realize that for ordinary men such a task is impossible, or else millions of lives would be needed but in truth, unless the work is done for them and the sadhana of the body done for the entire earth consciousness, they Will never achieve the physical transformation, or else it Will be so remote that it is better not even to speak of it. But if they open themselves, if they give themselves over in an integral surrender, the work can be done for themthey have only to let it be done.
   The path is difficult. And yet this body is full of good Will; it is filled with the psychic in every one of its cells. Its like a child. The other day, it cried out quite spontaneously, O my Sweet Lord, give me the time to realize You! It did not ask to hasten the process, it did not ask to lighten its work; it only asked for enough TIME to do the work. Give me the time!
   I could have begun this work on the body thirty years ago, but I was constantly caught up in this harassing ashram life. It took this illness2 to enable me truly to begin doing the sadhana of the body. It does not mean that thirty years were wasted, for it is likely that had I been able to start this work thirty years ago, it would have been premature. The consciousness of the others also had to develop the two are linked, the individual progress and the collective progress, and one cannot advance if the other does not advance.

0 1959-05-25, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   May Your Will be done in all things and at every moment. And may Your Love manifest.
   As for you, I received your promise made very solemnly at a moment of clear consciousness, and I am sure you Will not fail in it.
   My love is with you.
   I can easily understand that your task on this earth is not particularly encouraging and you must find our human matter stupid and rebellious. I do not wish to throw upon you more bad things than you already receive, but I wish you could also understand certain things. I am not made for this withered life, not made for putting sentences together all day long, not made for living alone in my holefriendless, loveless, with nothing but mantras, and waiting for a better that never comes. For three years I have wanted to leave and each time I yielded out of scruples that you needed me, though also because I am attached to you. But after the [book on] Sri Aurobindo, there Will be something else, there Will always be something else that Will make my departure look like a betrayal. I am fed up with living in my head, always in my head, with paper and ink. It was not of this that I dreamed when I was ten years old and ran with the wind over the untamed heaths. I am suffocating. You ask too much of me; or rather, I am not worth your expectation.
   A love for you might have held me here. And indeed, for you I have devotion, veneration, respect, an attachment, but there has never been this marvelous thing, warm and full, that links one to a being in the same beating of a heart. Through love, I could do all, accept all, endure all, sacrifice all but I do not feel this love. You cannot give yourself with your head, through a mental decision, yet that is what I have been doing for five years. I have tried to serve you as best I could. But I am at the end of my rope. I am suffocating.
   There is someone here who could have saved me, whom I could have loved. Oh, it has nothing to do with all those things you might imagine! My soul loves her soul. It is something very serene. We have known each other for five years, and I had never even dreamed of calling it love. But all the outer circumstances are against us. And I do not want to turn anyone away from you. Anyway, if I sink into the depths of the pit, or so I tell myself, it is no reason to drag someone else along with me. So this too is one more reason for me to leave. I cannot continue suffocating all alone in my corner. (It is useless to ask her name, I Will say nothing.)
   You are imposing a new ordeal on me by asking me to go to Rameswaram. For you, I have accepted. But I shall go there sheathed in my sturdiest armor and I Will not yield, because I know that it is always to be begun again. I do not want to become a great Tantric or whatever else it may be. I want only to love. And since I cannot love, I am leaving. I Will arrive in Rameswaram at 2 in the morning, and Will leave again by the 11 oclock train.
   I want to go to New Caledonia. There, or elsewhere there are forests there. Africa is closing up. You must help me one last time by giving me the means to leave and try something else with a minimum of chancealthough, at the point Im at, I laugh in the face of chance. I need 2,000 rupees, if that is possible for you. If you do not want to, or if you cannot, I Will leave anyway, no matter where, no matter how.
   And once again, you can judge me all you want, I acknowledge all my wrongs. I am guilty in a guilty and stupid world (which loves its stupidity, no doubt).
   The aphorisms Will be ready tomorrow.
   I have nothing more to add.
   Only someone who loves you and has the knowledge can find the true solution to the problem. X1 fulfills these conditions excellently. Go to him and simply be what you are, without blackening nor embellishing, with the sincerity and simplicity of a child. He knows your soul and its aspiration; speak to him of your physical life and of your need for space, solitude, untamed nature, the simple and free life. He Will understand and, in his wisdom, Will see the best thing to do.
   And what he decides Will be done.
   My love is unalterably with you.

0 1959-05-28, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I do not want you to suffer because of me, for there is already too much suffering in this world. I shall do what you wish. I Will go to Rameswaram and I Will stay there as long as X wants. I have seen that there is no happy solution. So I bow before the circumstances.
   If it is not too tiring for your eyes, I would like you to read what follows. I want to tell you what I have seen, very clearly.
   2) There is the destiny of the writer in me. And this too is linked to the best of my soul. It is also a profound need, like adventuring upon the heaths, because when I write certain things, I brea the in a certain way. But during the five years I have been here, I have had to bow to the fact that, materially, there is no time to write what I would like (I recall how I had to wrench out this Orpailleur, which I have not even had time to revise). This is not a reproach, Mother, for you do all you can to help me. But I realize that to write, one must have leisure, and there are too many less personal and more serious things to do. So I can also sit on this and tell myself that I am going to write a Sri Aurobindo but this Will not satisfy that other need in me, and periodically it awakens and sprouts up to tell me that it too needs to breathe.
   3) There is also the destiny that feels human love as something divine, something that can be transfigured and become a very powerful driving force. I did not believe it possible, except in dreams, until the day I met someone here. But you do not believe in these things, so I shall not speak of it further. I can gag this also and tell myself that one day all Will be filled in the inner divine love. But that does not prevent this other need in me from living and from finding that life is dry and from saying, Why this outer manifestation if all life is in the inner realms? But neither can I stifle this with reasoning.
   So there remains the pure spiritual destiny, pure interiorization. That is what I have been trying to do for the last five years, without much success. There are good periods of collaboration, because one part of my being can be happy in any condition. But in a certain way this achievement remains truncated, especially when you base spiritual life on a principle of integrality. And these three destinies in me have their own good reasons, which are true: they are not inferior, they are not incidental, they are woven from the very threads that created the spiritual life in me. My error is to open the door to revolt when I feel too poignantly one or the other being stifled.
   So there. I can find no solution. X Will not understand, and I Will not say anything to him. But I obey you because everything is futile and there is too much pain in this world, and also someone in me needs you, someone who loves you in his own way.
   Signed: Satprem
   I have read your letter in its entirety and I remain convinced that one day all the parts of your being, without excluding any, Will be fully satisfied. But we shall see about that later.
   For the moment, I only want to tell you, from the bottom of my heartwhich is so deeply touchedthank you.
   I Will see you tomorrow morning at ten oclock and I hope that a few small misunderstandings may be clarified.
   I am sending you forthwith the note that I had prepared for tomorrow morning.
   I did not utter the words that you heard I wanted to speak to you of my experience during the night, but I was paralyzed because I clearly felt that you no longer understood me. As soon as I received your letter, I concentrated on you in an effort to help you, and when night fell, just at the hour I enter into contact with X, I called for his helpwhereupon he sent me this little Kali whom he had already sent once before. So I went to your house, I took you in my arms and pressed you tightly to my heart to keep you as sheltered as possible from blows, and I let Kali do her warrior dance against this titan who is always trying to possess you, creating this rebelliousness in you. She must have at least partially succeeded in her work, because very early in the morning the titan went away somewhat discomfited, but while leaving, he flung this at me as he went by: You Will regret it, for you would have had less trouble if he had left. I flung his suggestion back in his face with a laugh and told him, Take that, along with all the rest of your ugly person! I have no need of it! And the atmosphere cleared up.
   I wanted to tell you all this, but I couldnt because you were still far away from me and it would have seemed like boasting. Also the misunderstanding created by the distance made you hear other words than those I uttered.

0 1959-06-03, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Also, I explained to him that a mantra had come to you which you were repeating between 5 and 6 in particular, and I told him about this culminating point where you wanted to express your gratitude, enthusiasm, etc., and about the French mantra. After explaining, I gave him your French and Sanskrit texts. He felt and understood very well what you wanted. His first reaction after reading it was to say, Great meaning, great power is there. It is all right. I told him that apart from the meaning of the mantra, you wanted to know if it was all right from the vibrational standpoint. He told me that he would take your text to his next puja and would repeat it himself to see. He should have done that this morning, but he has a fever (since his return from Madurai, he has not been well because of a cold and sunstroke). I Will write you as soon as I know the result of his test.
   Regarding me, this is more or less what he said: First of all, I want an agreement from you so that under any circumstances you never leave the Ashram. Whatever happens, even if Yama1 comes to dance at your door, you should never leave the Ashram. At the critical moment, when the attack is the strongest, you should throw everything into His hands, then and then only the thing can be removed (I no longer know whether he said removed or destroyed ). It is the only way. SARVAM MAMA BRAHMAN [Thou art my sole refuge]. Here in Rameswaram, we are going to meditate together for 45 days, and the Asuric-Shakti may come with full strength to attack, and I shall try my best not only to protect but to destroy, but for that, I need your determination. It is only by your own determination that I can get strength. If the force comes to make suggestions: lack of adventure, lack of Nature, lack of love, then think that I am the forest, think that I am the sea, think that I am the wife (!!) Meanwhile, X has nearly doubled the number of repetitions of the mantra that I have to say every day (it is the same mantra he gave me in Pondicherry). X repeated to me again and again that I am not merely a disciple to him, like the others, but as if his son.
   Before five months are over (in September, October or November), Pakistan Will attack India with the help or the complicity or the military resources of the United States. And at about the same time, China Will attack India because of the Dalai Lama, under the pretext that India is supporting the Dalai Lama and that thousands of Tibetan refugees are escaping into India to carry on anti-Chinese activities. Then America Will offer its support to India against China and then, said X, We shall see what Will be the political policy of the Congress Party, which pretends to be unaligned with any bloc. If India accepts American aid, there Will be no more Pakistan but rather American troops to prevent conflicts between Muslims and Hindus, and a single government for both countries. I pointed out to X that this sounded very much like a world war
   Then he made the following comparison: When you throw a pebble into a pond, there is just one center, one point where it falls, and everything radiates out from this center. There are two such centers in the world at present, two places where there are great vibrations: one is India and Pakistan, and that Will radiate all over Asia. And the other is.
   In any case, I had never heard him attacking the Congress as he did yesterday evening, almost violently.
   For you, I fully approve of what he told you. Fervently, and with all my love, I pray that he Will succeed in what he wants to do during these 45 days of meditation. This is really what I was counting on.
   For what occurred here, I can say only one thing: when the Supreme Lord wants to save someone, He clothes his Will in every appearance necessary.
   As for the emptiness you feel (which perhaps is already better): to those who complained of this sensation of inner emptiness, Sri Aurobindo always said that it is a very good thing; it is the sign that they are going to be filled with something better and truer.
   For all these world events, I always leave it to the Divine vision and wisdom, and I say to the Supreme: Lord, may Thy Will be done.
   I hope to hear from you soon.

0 1959-06-04, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Regarding Xs predictions which I mentioned in yesterdays letter, X said something untranslatable which meant, Let us see Mothers reactions for I told him that I had written it all to you. Then he said, There are several other secret matters which I shall tell you. And he added, by way of example, I shall tell WHERE the atomic bombs Will be cropped. So if these things interest you, or if you see or feel anything, perhaps it would be good to express your interest in a letter to me which I would translate for X. Spontaneously, I emphasized to X that it would undoubtedly facilitate your work to have details. But it is better that these things come from you, should you see any use in it.
   As for me, X said, Something Will happen.
   I need you, Sweet Mother.
   I do not know if it is an illusion, but on several occasions I felt that if X says this mantra, it Will cure his fever.
   As for the predictions, I am extremely interested. Tell this to X, and also that details of this kind are a great help in my work, for they give physical clues enabling a greater precision in the action. Needless to say, I Will be very grateful for any indications he may wish to give me.
   For you, my dear child, it is true that something must happen and Will happen. Will you please tell X on my behalf that I Will participate with all my power in what he wants to undertake. He Will understand.
   I am with you and wish to repeat to you: infinite is the Grace and invincible is the Love; be confident and Will the victory, for this is what X means by your collaboration.
   Signed: Mother

0 1959-06-07, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1) X spoke to me of the Vedic times when a single emperor or sage ruled the entire world with the help of governors; then these governors gradually became independent kings, and conflicts were born. So I asked him what was going to happen after this next war and whether the world would be better. He replied as follows: Yes, great sages like Sri Aurobindo who are wandering now in their subtle bodies Will appear. Some sages may take the physical body of political leaders in the West. It Will be the end of ignorant atomic machines and the beginning of a new age with great sages leading the world. So it seems that Xs vision links up with Sri Aurobindos prediction for 1967.
   He did not give me any further details about this war, except to say that the countries which Will suffer the most Will be the countries of the North and the East, and he cited Burma, Japan, China and Russia. He said rather categorically that Russia would be swept away and that America would triumph.
   2) X gave me certain details about his powers of prediction, but perhaps it would be better not to speak of this in a letter. On that occasion, he told me that he did not want to keep any secrets from me: I want you to know everything. I want you to be chief disciple in my tradition. When the time comes, you Will understand what I mean. With you I have full connection, not only connection in my mind, but in my blood and body.
   On another occasion, he said to me, I am ALWAYS taking care of you. And when I asked him why he was taking such trouble for me, he replied, Because I have orders. This attention that comes to me from you and him surprises me, for I do not feel that I am good, and upon the least occasion I know that I am seriously prepared to quit everything because something in me is profoundly revolted by this excess of suffering, by a lack of love and flowering, by an excess of solitude. Yesterday evening, it was still fully there, with all my approval, and at such a time no one in the world can hold me back. It is this POINT OF SUFFERING that makes me want to turn my back on everything. Not to commit suicide: to turn my back.
   X told me the story of my last three existences (rather grim), but I Will write you about that in another letter.
   3) X has not yet begun his work with me nor for you, as he has been unwell until today. One evening, he made a very beautiful reflection concerning you and your mantra, but it is inexpressible in words, it was above all the tone in which he said, Who, who, is there a single person in the world who can repeat like that TRIOMPHE TOI MAHIMA MAHIMA? etc. And three or four times he repeated your mantra with such an expression

0 1959-06-08, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   As I appeared to be doubting, X told me, There is no suspicion [doubt], the war Will take place in November (in fact, it is to occur some time between September and November), and for the rest of the talk, he had a tone of absolute certitude: The first atom bomb Will fall in China. Russia Will be crushed. It Will be a victory for America. Not more than 2 or 3 atom bombs Will be used. It Will be very quick. And he repeated that the starting-point of the conflict would be situated in India due to the aggression of Pakistan, then of China.
   The earthquake he mentioned promises to be a kind of pralaya (as X put it), for not only Bombay Will be touched. This is what he said: America supports Pakistan, but the gods do not support Pakistan, and Pakistan Will be punished by the gods. HALF of western Pakistan, including Karachi, Will go into the sea. The sea Will enter into Rajasthan and touch India also
   X then said that India would side with America against the Communist bloc (in spite of Americas support to Pakistan), and furthermore, that the day India sides with America, America Will cease supporting Pakistan. In any case, it Will be the end of Pakistan.
   After I translated your letter to him, X told me that he would give me more details in two or three days.
   P.S. X asked me questions about my family. I was prompted to speak to him of my mother (seeing her photo, you had said that you knew her very well, if you recall). He immediately said, You MUST go and see your mother. You Will go in August and quickly come back by plane beginning September! Of course, I told him that all this seems like the highest fantasy to me, and that to begin with I had no money and would surely not ask you anything for that. He said, I shall ask my Mother. She Will arrange everything.
   If X told you to go see your mother in August and return m early September, you must go. We shall manage. My finances are in an almost desperate state, but that cannot last. For what has to be done Will be done.
   You are constantly with me, and I am following all your inner movements with love and concern.

0 1959-06-11, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   But I did not want to wait any longer to express my gratitude. I am still not so sure how all this Will turn out nor how this destiny that he predicts for me can be realized, but I want to repeat to you, with all my confidence: I am your child, may your Will be done now and forever.
   Signed: Satprem

0 1959-06-13a, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I have received your last two letters of the 10th and 11th. I told X what you wrote about this trip to France and that your finances are in an almost desperate state. He replied with perfect assurance, Soon it Will increase, very soon it Will change. I am obviously hesitant to accept your generous offer and I do not know what I should do. I had never thought of returning to France, except in a distant future. I dont know why X told me that I should return there, except perhaps because he felt who my mother is. I know that she is sad, that she believes me lost to her and thinks she Will die without seeing me again. It would surely be a great joy to her. But other than that, I have no desire to go there, for each time I go to France, I feel like I am entering a prison. Naturally I would be happy for my mothers joy; she is a great soul, but is this reason enough?
   Sunday, 14th

0 1959-06-17, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Mother, I have prayed with so much truth in my heart that I am sure the gods Will come to help me, and that you Will help me, too. I think not only of Sujata, but of all these destinies that are being stifled within me.
   Your child,

0 1959-06-25, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   X gave me a new mantra. My body is exhausted from too much nervous tension. I am living in a kind of cellar with four inches of filth on the floor and walls, and two openings, one onto the street of the bazaar the other onto a dilapidated courtyard with a well. On my right lives a madwoman who screams half the day. There is only my mantra which burns almost constantly in my heart, and who knows what hope that some day the future Will be happy and reconciled. There is also Sujata and you.
   Your child,

0 1959-07-10, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   A moment ago I barely found the strength not to kill myself. Destiny has repeated itself once again, but this time it was not I who rejected her, as in past existences, it is she who rejected me: Too late. For a moment, I thought I was going to go crazy too, so much pain did I have then finally I said, May Thy Will be done, (that of the Supreme Lord) and I kept repeating, Thy Grace is there, even in the greatest suffering. But I am broken, rather like a living dead man. So be happy, for I Will never wear the white robe that Guruji gave me.
   You Will understand that I do not have the strength to come to see you. My only strength is not to rebel, my only strength is to believe in the Grace in the face of everything. I believe I have too much grief in my heart to rebel against anything at all. I seem to have a kind of great pity for this world.
   Well, this time I shall remain silent.

0 1959-10-06 - Sri Aurobindos abode, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   And Sri Aurobindo was there, with a majesty, a magnificent beauty. He had all his beautiful hair as before. It was all so concrete, so substantialhe was even being served some kind of food. I remained there for one hour (I had looked at my watch before and I looked at it afterwards). I spoke to Sri Aurobindo, for I had some important questions to ask him about the way certain things are to be realized. He said nothing. He listened to me quietly and looked at me as if all my words were useless: he understood everything at once. And he answered me with a gesture and two expressions on his face, an unexpected gesture that did not at all correspond to any thought of mine; for example, he picked up three combs that were lying near the mirror (combs similar to those I use here, but larger) and he put them in his hair. He planted one comb in the middle of his head and the two others on each side, as if to gather all his hair over his temples. He was literally COIFFED with these three combs, which gave him a kind of crown. And I immediately understood that by this he meant that he was adopting my conception: You see, I embrace your conception of things, and I coif myself with it; it is my Will. Anyway, I remained there for one hour.
   And when I awoke, I didnt have this feeling of returning from afar and of having to re-enter my body, as I usually do. No, it was simply as though I were in this other world, then I took a step backwards and found myself here again. It took me a good half an hour to understand that this world here existed as much as the other and that I was no longer on the other side but here, in the world of falsehood. I had forgotten everythingpeople, things, what I had to do; everything had gone, as if it had no reality at all.
   It is similar with this japa: an imperceptible little change, and one can pass from a more or less mechanical, more or less efficient and real japa, to the true japa full of power and light. I even wondered if this difference is what the tantrics call the power of the japa. For example, the other day I was down with a cold. Each time I opened my mouth, there was a spasm in the throat and I coughed and coughed. Then a fever came. So I looked, I saw where it was coming from, and I decided that it had to stop. I got up to do my japa as usual, and I started walking back and forth in my room. I had to apply a certain Will. Of course, I could do my japa in trance, I could walk in trance while repeating the japa, because then you feel nothing, none of all the bodys drawbacks. But the work has to be done in the body! So I got up and started doing my japa. Then, with each word pronounced the Light, the full Power. A power that heals everything. I began the japa tired, ill, and I came out of it refreshed, rested, cured. So those who tell me they come out of it exhausted, contracted, emptied, it means that they are not doing it in the true way.
   I understand why certain tantrics advise saying the japa in the heart center. When one applies a certain enthusiasm, when each word is said with a warmth of aspiration, then everything changes. I could feel this difference in myself, in my own japa.
   In fact, when I walk back and forth in my room, I dont cut myself off from the rest of the worldalthough it would be so much more convenient! All kinds of things come to mesuggestions, Wills, aspirations. But automatically I make a movement of offering: things come to me and just as they are about to touch my head, I turn them upwards and offer them to the Light. They dont enter into me. For example, if someone speaks to me while I am saying my japa, I hear quite well what is being said, I may even answer, but the words remain a little outside, at a certain distance from the head. And yet sometimes, there are things that insist, more defined Wills that present themselves to me, so then I have to do a little work, but all that without a pause in the japa. If that happens, there is sometimes a change in the quality of my japa, and instead of being fully the power, fully the light, it is certainly something that produces results, but results more or less sure, more or less long to fructify; it becomes uncertain, as with all things of this physical world. Yet the difference between the two japas is imperceptible; its not a difference between saying the japa in a more or less mechanical way and saying it consciously, because even while I work I remain fully conscious of the japa I continue to repeat it putting the full meaning into each syllable. But nevertheless, there is a difference. One is the all-powerful japa; the other, an almost ordinary japa There is a difference in the inner attitude. Perhaps for the japa to become true, a kind of joy, an elation, a warmth of enthusiasm has to be added but especially joy. Then everything changes.
   Well, it is the same thing, the same imperceptible difference, when it comes to entering the world of Truth. On one side there is the falsehood, and on the other, close by, like the lining of this one, the true life. Only a little difference in the inner quality, a little reversal, is enough to pass to the other side, into the Truth and Light.
   I Will have to look at this in my body since that is where it is happening, where things are being prepared.
   This other world you speak of, this world of Truth, is it the supramental world?

0 1959-10-15, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   1) X spoke to me again of the war without my asking anything. He repeated, There Will be war, and he again spoke of an attack on India by China
   2) X spoke to me of the Ashrams financial difficulties and said I shall tell you the secret why there are such difficulties. I think he is going to speak to me today or tomorrow. In any case, he told me that he was working (I am preparing) to change these conditions, and he asked me if there had been any improvement as yet. I replied that I did not believe the situation had changed very much. He spoke as well of certain people in the Ashram, but I Will tell you about this in person. He had a rather amusing way of speaking about people, people who pretend to worship the Mother but who keep their mind as a dustbin!
   7) X wants to send me back to Pondicherry this Sunday (Sunday the 18th, arriving Monday the 19th morning). He says it is useless for me now to remain here any longer since his house is not ready and he can do nothing. But, he said, I Will have you come to my house for 3 months and I shall give you a training by which you can know Past, Present and Future, and have the same qualifications as me!
   8) He gave me certain methods to follow, about which I shall speak to you in person.
   I would wish to be like Sujata, completely transparent, your child with her at your feet. Mother, help me. I need you. Sujata is healing something that was very painful in me, as though it were flayed or wounded, and which threw me into revolt. With this calming influence, I would like to begin a new life of self-giving. This change of residence is for me like the symbol of another change. Oh, Mother! may the painful road be over, and may all be achieved in the joy of your Will.
   Your child,

0 1960-01-28, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   When I started my japa one year ago, I had to struggle with every possible difficulty, every contradiction, prejudice and opposition that fills the air. And even when this poor body began walking back and forth for japa, it used to knock against things, it would start breathing all wrong, coughing; it was attacked from all sides until the day I caught the Enemy and said, Listen carefully. You can do whatever you want, but Im going right to the end and nothing Will stop me, even if I have to repeat this mantra ten crore1 times. The result was really miraculous, like a cloud of bats flying up into the light all at once. From that moment on, things started going better.
   You have no idea what an irresistible effect a well-determined Will can have.
   Some difficulties remained, of course, but they stemmed more from what had to change within.
   Of all forms of ego, you might think that the physical ego is the most difficult to conquer (or rather, the body ego, because the work was already done long ago on the physical ego). It might be thought that the form of the body is a point of concentration, and that without this concentration or hardness, physical life would not be possible. But thats not true. The body is really a wonderful instrument; its capable of widening and of becoming vast in such a way that everything, everything the slightest gesture, the least little taskis done in a wonderful harmony and with a remarkable plasticity. Then all of a sudden, for something quite stupid, a draft, a mere nothing, it forgetsit shrinks back into itself, it gets afraid of disappearing, afraid of not being. And everything has to be started again from scratch. So in the yoga of matter you start realizing how much endurance is needed. I calculated it would take 200 years to say ten crore of my japa. Well, Im ready to struggle 200 years if necessary, but the work Will be done.
   Sri Aurobindo had made it clear to me when I was still in France that this yoga in matter is the most difficult of all. For the other yogas, the paths have been well laid, you know where to tread, how to proceed, what to do in such-and-such a case. But for the yoga of matter, nothing has ever been done, never, so at each moment everything has to be invented.
   Yet its HAPPY. It loves doing the work, it lives only for thatto change, to transform itself is its reason for being. And its such a docile instrument, so full of good Will! Once it even started wailing like a baby: O Lord, give me the time, the time to be transformed It has such a simple fervor for the work, but it needs timetime, thats it. It wants to live only to conquer, to win the Lords Victory.3
   One crore = 10 million.

0 1960-03-03, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Experiences are coming at a furious pacefabulous experiences. If I were to speak now, its certain that I would not at all speak as I used to. Thats why we must date all these Questions and Answers, at least all which come before the [Supramental] Manifestation of February 1956, so that there Will be a clear cut between those before and those after.
   Only a few days ago, on the morning of the 29th, I had one of those experiences that mark ones life. It happened upstairs in my room. I was doing my japa, walking up and down with my eyes wide open, when suddenly Krishna camea gold Krishna, all golden, in a golden light that filled the whole room. I was walking, but I could not even see the windows or the rug any longer, for this golden light was everywhere with Krishna at its center. And it must have lasted at least fifteen minutes. He was dressed in those same clothes in which he is normally portrayed when he dances. He was all light, all dancing: You see, I Will be there this evening during the Darshan.1 And suddenly, the chair I use for darshan came into the room! Krishna climbed up onto it, and his eyes twinkled mischievously, as if to say, I Will be there, you see, and therell be no room for you.
   When I came down that evening for distribution,2 at first I was annoyed. I had said that I didnt want anybody in the hall, precisely because I wanted to establish an atmosphere of concentration, the immobility of the Spirit but there were at least thirty people in there, those who had decorated the hall, thirty of them stirring, stirring about, a mass of little vibrations. And before I could even say scat I had hardly taken my seatsomeone put the tray of medals on my lap and they started filing past.
   And there are many, many experiences like this. It is only a small, a very small beginning. This one in particular came to mark the new stage: four years have elapsed, and now four years to come. Because everything has focused on this body to prepare it, everything has concentrated on itNature, the Master of the Yoga, the Supreme, everything So only when its over, not before, Will it really be interesting to speak of all this. But maybe it Will never be over, after all. Its a small beginning, very small.
   The Darshan on February 29, 1960, the first anniversary of the Supramental Manifestation.

0 1960-03-07, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Publisher and friend are here one in telling you that LOrpailleur is a beautiful book whose richness and force have struck me even more this time than before when I read the first version. I cannot tell you how much your Job is my brotherin his darkness as in his light. The joy, the wild, irrepressible joy that furtively yearns and at times bursts forth, embracing all, this joy at the heart of the book burns the reader for a few, in any case, who are prepared to be inflamed. In the end, I cant say if LOrpailleur Will or Will not be noticed, if the critics Will or Will not bestow an article, a comment, an echo upon it, if bookstores Will or Will not sell it (poor orpailleur!). But what I know is that for a few readers2, 3, 10 perhapsyour book Will be the cry that Will rip them from their sleep forever. To your song, another song in themselves Will respond. Where, how shall this concert finish? Who knowsanything is possible!
   My words are a bit disjointed but Im not in the mood to give an articulate discourse. Which is a way of saying, once again, how happy I amand grateful.

0 1960-04-07, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Ive booked my ticket to Rameswaram for the evening of the 13th, so I Will probably reach there on the 15th.
   I brought some work with me (revision of The Human Cycle), and that helps me to live. I still dont clearly see the meaning of this trip. Just before I left, I received word from the publisher in Paris that my book Will come out in September.
   There are moments when I feel you so close to mecould you not help me be more conscious of your presence (not as an impersonal force, but you)?
   But I am convinced it Will come. Meanwhile, I am trying to make you feel my presence not as an impersonal force but as a real and concrete presence, and I am happy to have succeeded in part.
   Send me news of yourself, for I am always happy to hear from you.

0 1960-04-14, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Our turn Will come in twenty to thirty years. To win, we need an element of surprise. The bourgeoisie should be lulled to sleep. Therefore, we must first launch the most spectacular peace movement that has ever existed, replete with inspiring proposals and extraordinary concessions. The stupid and decadent capitalist countries Will cooperate joyfully in their own destruction. They Will jump at this new opportunity for friendship. As soon as their guard is down, we shall crush them beneath our closed fist.
   (Quoted in the Revue Militaire d Information, December 1959.)
   It is quite possible that this is their original intention, I am aware of it. But they are wrong if they think it Will turn out like that We shall see!

0 1960-04-20, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   To compensate for that, however, I had the joy of finding your two letters. Yes, for some time I have been feeling your physical Presence more clearly. But then, why am I so blocked, where is the flaw? It constantly feels as though I am living at the outskirts of myself, or more precisely in a miniscule region of myself, and Im unable to be conscious of the resta perpetual amnesic. It is unpleasant and quite stupid. What is it that Will explode this shell?
   I am anxious to return to you.

0 1960-04-26, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   It Will be a joy to be with you again and resume the work. Here, I am sparing as many hours as I can to correcting The Human Cycle I follow X perfectly in his inner life, unreservedly, but I have to force myself to follow him in his outer life.
   Mother, I am at your feet, with my love and my gratitude.

0 1960-05-21 - true purity - you have to be the Divine to overcome hostile forces, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   For example, there was one difficulty he helped me resolve. I have always been literally pestered, constantly, night and day, by all kinds of thoughts coming from peopleall kinds of calls, questions, formations2 that have naturally to be answered. For I have trained myself to be conscious of everything, always. But it disturbed me in the work, particularly when I needed absolute concentration and I could never cut myself off from people or cut myself off from the world. I had to answer all these calls and these questions, I had to send the necessary force, the necessary light, the healing power, I constantly had to purify all these formations, these thoughts, these Wills, these false movements that were falling on me.
   What was needed was to effect a shift, a sort of transference upwards, a lifting up of all these things that come to meso that each one, each thing, each circumstance could directly and automatically receive the force from above, the light, the response from above, and I would be a mere intermediary and a channel of the Light and the Force.

0 1960-05-24 - supramental flood, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   After all that, towards the end of the night, at two in the morning, only a kind of faint suggestion was left: How can this statewhich I knew in trance, in samadhi, and which necessitates lying downbecome constant in a physical body which moves about? There is something to discover there. And what form Will it take? For in my consciousness, you see, it is constantly like that, this universal flood, but the problem is IN THE BODY: its the problem of the Force in its most material form.
   And during the time my experience lasted, I had no feeling of anything exceptional, but rather simply the fact that after all its preparation, the body consciousness was ready for a total identification with Thatin my consciousness its always the same, a perpetual, constant and eternal state in that it never leaves me. Its like that, and it never varies. What diminishes the immensity of the Vibration are the limitations of the material consciousness which can color it and even sometimes change it by giving it a personal appearance. Thus, when I see someone and speak to him, for example, when my eyes concentrate on the person, I have almost the sensation of this flood flowing from me towards the person or of it passing through me to go onto the person. There is an awareness of the eyes, the body. And it is this which limits or even changes a little the immensity of the thing But already this feeling has almost disappeared; this immensity seems to be acting almost constantly. There are moments when I am less interiorized, when I am more on the surface, and it feels like its passing through a bodymoments when the body consciousness comes back a little. And this is what diminishes the thing.
   I was reluctant to speak (because of this problem that remains hanging: to make it permanent, even in the active consciousness), and I said to myself that if I speak, it Will create difficulties for me in finding the solution But its all right. I shall simply have to make a still greater effort, because something always evaporates when you speak.
   Sat-Chit-Ananda: the three Supreme Principles, Existence (Sat), Consciousness (Chit), and Bliss (Ananda).

0 1960-06-03, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   But thats nothing. I would bear all the exhaustion quite Willingly if there were at least a touch of something conscious. But nothing, as if I were as thick as a Paris concierge!
   Mother, there is hardly an instant of my conscious life that I am not aspiring for more consciousness but theres still this abyss I slip into at night, as if nothing existed!

0 1960-06-07, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I have to see some fellow again whom I saw yesterday. But I told him to come at 11 oclock. So if I leave here at 10:55, that Will give me enough time.
   They brought these people to Prosperity to introduce them to me. You know, I had precisely the impression that they feed only on banknotes! (Mother laughs) It makes you gray, oh! And dry like dead wood.
   Something changes, of course, but its so phew! I mean, at the speed its going, it Will take us millions of years to make any perceptible progress. We might just as well say its not moving.
   These days Ive been feeling very clearly this thing that doesnt move.

0 1960-06-11, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   When a question is put to me, the answer does not come from a Will; what happens is that materials come which I then use to give shape to the answer, but its only a shape. The thing itself is there, but it needs to be shaped. The difference between one and the other is rather like the difference between a picture and an apparition.
   Sometimes the Force comes direct. And it picks up words, any words at all, that makes no difference; the nature of the words changes, and they become expressive BECAUSE of the power entering into them. This happens when I look directly at the thing.
   The same thing occurs, there is the same difference, when I say something and when I see it (for example, when I look at one of those essential problems that Will be solved only when the world changes). When I look at that in silence, there is a power of life and truthwhich evaporates when its put into words. It becomes diminished, impoverished and of course distorted. When you write or speak, the experience disintegrates, its inevitable.
   We need a new language.
   We need new organs of expression It Will come.

0 1960-07-23 - The Flood and the race - turning back to guide and save amongst the torrents - sadhana vs tamas and destruction - power of giving and offering - Japa, 7 lakhs, 140000 per day, 1 crore takes 20 years, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   And this vehicle was going faster than the flood (I saw and felt it by its motion)a formidable flood, but the vehicle was going still faster. It was so wonderful. In places there were some especially difficult and dangerous spots, but I ALWAYS got there before the water, just before the water barred the way. And we kept going and going and going. Then, with a final effort (there was no effort, really, it was Willed), with a final push, we made it to the other side and the water came rushing just behind! It rushed down at a fantastic speed. We had made it. Then, just on the other side, it changed color. It was it changed in color to a predominant blue, this powerful blue which is the force, the organizing force in the most material world. So there we were, and the vehicle stopped. And then, after having been looking straight ahead the whole time we were speeding along, I turned around and said, Ah, now I can start helping those who are behind.
   Here, Ill draw you a little sketch:
   The vehicles path was not on earth, but up above (probably in interstellar regions!), a special path for this vehicle. And I didnt know where the water was coming from; I couldnt see its origin, which was off beyond the horizon. But it came raging down in torrentsnot precipitously like a waterfall, but rather like a rushing torrent. My path passed between the torrents of water and the earth below. And I saw the water before me, everywhere, in front and behindit was so extraordinary, for it looked like it was everywhere, you see, except along my path (and even then, there was some seepage). Water speeding everywhere. But there was a kind of conscious Will in this onrush, and I had to reach the Great Passage before this conscious Will. This water resembled something physical, but there was a consciousness, a conscious Will, and I had to it was like a battle between the Will I represented and that Will. And I passed each fissure just in time. Only when I reached the Great Turning did I see the Will that impelled this water. And I reached there just before it. And passed through at a fantastic speedlike lightning. Even time ceased I crossed over like a flash of lightning. And then, suddenly, respite and it was blue. A square.
   At the time, I didnt know what it all meant. Then this morning, I thought, It must have something to do with the world situation.
   I turned around and saw all this water rushing down, and I thought, Now lets see if we can do something here. There was someone behind who interested me, someone or somethingit was still something; it was very likable and had something of the blue color that was here on the other side. Not really individuals, but more like beings representative of something that was following me quite closely. When I was there, it also was there, but it could not keep up, it kept losing groundas my speed increased, its decreased. It could not keep up. But it interested me in a special way. Oh, hes so close (he or it); he might just make it, I thought. And at that moment, I saw that all this destructive Will with its instrument of water, symbolically water, had rushed past and was spreading out everywhere. But there was still a chance of saving all those who were along this path. And thats immediately what I thought of, it was my first wish: Lets see if they can still get across, if I can manage to get them across. I remembered some especially dangerous spots (while speeding past, I had remarked, Oh, here we might still be able to do this, there that could still be donemy consciousness moved at the same speed, and I noted everything along the way), and once I was firmly there on the other side, I started sending back messages.
   Down below, the water was having a grand time; it was it was hopeless. But here, along this path, there was still a hope, even even after the water had passed; I probably had a certain power at my disposal to help others cross these fissured places. But because I woke up, I didnt see what it was. So that stopped everything. Probably because I woke up rather abruptly, I could not see what it meant.
   And again this morning, when I looked at this vision, I asked myself, Will there be war?I dont feel it Will be like that It may be worse.
   You see, it didnt seem human.
   Ah, that, weve already had some. From all around, people are proclaiming that in 1962, there Will be some people have even foreseen the end of the earth, but thats foolish! For the earth was built with a certain purpose, and before things are done, it Will not disappear.
   But there may be some changes.
   In fact, the Ashrams financial situation has never been so bad. Were living from day to day, minute to minute One day, it Will crackall these things are connected (Mother is alluding to the vision of the flood She has just described).
   I myself am clearly seeing it from the other side; I see a black, muddy forma black, black force. And I see the [Divine] Force acting on people and, miraculously, the money comesand then its like something armored1it seeps in with difficulty, a thin trickle from day to day.
   And in fact, periodically, in one way or another, in one form or another, I receive a kind of assurance, a promise that it Will all go well.
   In the beginning, I said Id do a crore,4 and if that were not enough, Id do ten crore. And one crore Will take 20 years!
   We shall see.

0 1960-08-10 - questions from center of Education - reading Sri Aurobindo, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I answered. The letters must have left. I wrote (in English) that its not so much a question of organization as of attitudeto begin with. Then I said, It seems to me that unless the teachers themselves get out of this ordinary intellectuality (!), they Will never be able to fulfill their duty.
   And this is what I wrote to Z (Mother reads):
   And I Will keep hammering that into your heads till I enter right into them.

0 1960-08-20, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   But L has enlarged the program. (Mother indicates the plan) This is only a small part of his extensive total program. He is planning to have a school of agriculture, a modern dairy with grazing landtheres a lot of agriculture, really a lotfruit orchards, large rice fields, many things. And then a ceramics factory. My ceramics factory Will be at the far end of the lake, so as to utilize the clay the government has agreed; as they have to dig out the lake one day, we shall use the top soil for the fields. First well remove all the pebbles (you know, there are hills over there), which can be used for constructionits a mine of pebbles. After removing the pebbles, there Will be holes which then well fill with earth from the lake. And below this earth is a thick and compact layer of clay which is so hard it cant be used for farmingits impossible but its wonderful for making ceramics. So right at the very end, in Indian territory,4 well have a large ceramics industry. On the other side, well have a little factory for firing clay.
   All this is huge. A tremendous program.5
   To this day I remember the experience. Truly, thats what I felt I did not intellectualize it. Exactly the impression of what Christ must have experienced when he felt the weight of the cross. It was the weight of a whole world of darkness, unconsciousness, universal bad Will, total incomprehension, something And it really felt like that as if I were carrying a frightful weightwhich was frightful because of its darkness, not because of its weight. So I thought, Well, well. This must be how Christ felt when they laid the cross on him.
   There are plenty of them! (Mother indicates a pile of various papers) In another pile there must be as many again! It is a mania for collecting papers.
   YOU people may have this opinion, but its not mine. Ill tell you exactly the effect it has on me: whenever someone has wanted to arrange things, Ive always thought, Yes, it Will be quite useful to arrange these things after my death!
   But then Id rather not die if possible. And if I dont die, it Will be perfectly useless, because that would then be the obvious proof of an uninterrupted ascent; consequently, what there Will be at the very end Will be much more interesting.
   You alone have convinced me that the history of the way might be of some interest, so Im letting you do it Ive taken a very, very handsome file upstairs with all your notes in it.8 Its filling up; its going to be formidable! (Mother laughs) a frightful documentation.
   Sri Aurobindo came during my japa to tell me, I Will help him all through.
   About $7,000.

0 1960-08-27, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   We should not allow all this to upset us. There is but one thing to doremain in a state of constant peace, constant equanimity, for things are not they are not very pleasant. Oh, if you only knew all the letters they write me if you knew, first of all, the tremendous pile of stupidities that need never be written at all; then, added to that, such a display of ignorance, egoism, bad Will, total incomprehension and unequalled ingratitude, and all this so candid, my child! They heap all this on me daily, you know, and it comes from the most unexpected quarters.
   If this were to affect me (Mother laughs), I would long ago have been who knows where. I dont care at all, not at all, really not at allit doesnt bother me, it makes me smile.

0 1960-09-20, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   When Sri Aurobindo was here, I never bothered about all this; I was constantly up above and I did what the Gita and the traditional writings advise I left it to Natures care. In fact I left it to Sri Aurobindos care. He is making the best use of it, I would say. He Will manage it, he Will do with it what he wants. And I was constantly up above. And from up there I worked, leaving the instrument as it was because I knew that he would see to it.
   Actually, it was very different at that time because I was not even aware of any resistance or any difficulty in the outer being; it was automatic, the work was done automatically. Later on, when I had to do both thingswhat he had been doing as well as what I was doingit became rather complicated and I realized there were many what we could call gapsthings which had to be worked out, transformed, set right before the total work could be done without hindrance. So then I began. And several times I thought how unfortunate it was that I had never studied or pursued certain ancient Indian disciplines. Because, for example, when Sri Aurobindo and I were working to bring down the supramental forces, a descent from the mental plane to the vital plane, he was always telling me that everything I did (when we meditated together, when we worked)all my movements, all my gestures, all my postures, all my reactionswas absolutely tantric, as if I had pursued a tantric discipline. But it was spontaneous, it did not correspond to any knowledge, any idea, any Will, nothing, and I thought it was like that simply because, as He knew, naturally I followed.
   Later on, when Sri Aurobindo left his body, I said to myself, If only I knew what he had known, it would be easier! So when Swami and later X came, I thought, I am going to take advantage of this opportunity. I had written to Swami that I was working on transforming the cells of the body and that I had noticed the work was going faster with Xs influence. So it was understood that X would help when he came thats how things began, and this idea has remained with X. But I have raced on I dont wait. Ive raced on, Ive gone like wildfire. And now the situation is reversed. What I wanted to find out, I found out. I experienced what I wanted to experience, but he is still He is very kind, actually, he wants really to help me. So, when I identified with him the other day during our meditation, I realized that he wanted to give silence, control and perfect peace to the physical mind. My own trick, if you Will, is to have as little relationship with the physical mind as possible, to go up above and stay therethis (Mother indicates her forehead), silent, motionless, turned upwards, while That (gesture above the head) sees, acts, knows, decidesall is done from there. Only there can you feel at ease.
   Along the way, I once went down into this physical mind for awhile to try to set it right, to organize it a little (it was done rather quickly, I didnt stay there long). So when I went inside X, I saw It was rather curious, for its the opposite of the method we follow. In his material consciousness (physical and vital), he has trained himself to be impersonal, open, limitless, in communication with all the universal forces. In the physical mind, silence, immobility. But in the speculative mind, the one there at the very top of the head what an organization, phew! All the tradition in its most superb organization, but such a ri-gi-dity! And it had a pretty quality of light, a silver blueVERY pretty. Oh, it was very calm, wonderfully calm and quiet and still. But what a ceiling it had!the outer form resembled rigid cubes. Everything inside was beautiful, but that There was a very large cube right at the top, I recall, bordered by a purple line, which is a line of powerall this was quite luminous. It looked like a pyramid; the smaller cubes formed a kind of base, the lower part of which faded into something cloudy, and then this passed imperceptibly downwards to a more material realm, or in other words, the physical mind. The cube on top was the largest and most luminous, and the least yieldingeven inflexible, you could say. The others were somewhat less defined, and at the bottom it was very blurred. But up at the top!thats where I wanted to go, right to the top.
   I felt better that night because I was concentrated, but my head was still hurting a little. Then the following day I said to myself, or rather I told him inwardly, Whether you like it or not, I am bringing down whats up above; it is the only way I can feel comfortable! And I told you what happenedas soon as I sat down I was so surprised, for he didnt start doing what he had done the day before; I myself did the same thing, I participated, so to speak, in his Will (so as to find out), but with the resolve to remain consciously in contact with the highest consciousness, as always, and to bring it down. And it came in a marvelous flood. He was quite happy, he did not protest! All the pain was gone, there was nothing left, it was perfect. Only towards the end of the meditation did he again want to start doing his little trick of enclosing my physical mind in this construction, but it didnt last I watched all this from above.
   And he isnt aware of this, actually, he isnt aware at all. If he were told, he would absolutely deny it for him, its an opening onto Infinity! But in fact, its always like that, we are always shut in, each of useach one is enclosed inside certain limits which he doesnt feel, for should he feel it, he would get out! Oh, I know this feeling very well, for when I was with Sri Aurobindo I was open in this way (gesture towards the heights), and I always had this feeling of Yes, my child He tolerated me the way I was and waited for it to change. Thats truly how things are, you know. And now I feel my limits, which are the limits of the world as it is at present, but beyond that theres an unmanifested immensity, eternity and infinityto which we are closed. It merely seeps init is not the great opening. What I am trying to bring about is the great opening. Only when it has opened wide Will there really be the (how should I put it?) the irreducible thing, and all the worlds resistance, all its inertia, even its obscurity Will be unable to swallow it up the determining and transforming thing I dont know when it Will come.
   But this experience with X was really interesting. I learned many things that day, many things If you concentrate long enough on any one point, you discover the Infinite (and in his own experience he found the infinite), what could be called your own Infinite. But this is not what WE want, not this; what we want is the direct and integral contact between the manifested universe and the Infinite out of which this universe has emerged. So then it is no longer an individual or personal contact with the Infinite, its a total contact. And Sri Aurobindo insists on this, he says that its absolutely impossible to have the transformation (not the contact, but the supramental transformation) without becoming universalized that is the first condition. You cannot become supramental before being universal. And to be universal means to accept everything, be everything, become everythingreally to accept everything. And as for all those who are shut up in a system, even if it belongs to the highest regions of thought, it is not THAT.
   From the material point of view, its almost hellish the noise, the smella nauseating smell. I had to apply all my Will not to be physically disturbed they made me climb up narrow little stairs, go down, climb back up, look into deep pits. At some places there werent even guardrails, so I had really to control myself.
   I was watching all this sugar canepiles of sugar canewhich is thrown into the machine, and then it travels along and falls down to be crushed, crushed, and crushed some more. And then it comes back up to be distilled. And then I saw all this is living when its thrown in, you see, its full of its vital force, for it has just been cut. As a result, the vital force is suddenly hurled out of the substance with an extreme violence the vital force comes out the English word angry is quite expressive of what I meanlike a snarling dog. An angry force.10

0 1960-10-02a, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Before going to bed, sometimes I say to myself, I Will do what is necessary to spend my night in these great currents of force(because there is a way to do it). And then I think, Oh, what an egotist you are, my girl! So sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesntwhen theres something important to do, it doesnt happen. But all I have to do is concentrate in a certain way before going to sleep to spend my whole night in these very far from here, very far I cant say very far from the earth, for surely its in an intermediate zone between the forces from above and the earths atmosphere. Thats what it mainly is, in any case. Its a great universal current as well, but mainly its what descends and comes onto the earth, and it is permeating the earths atmosphere all the time, all the time, and it comes with this wide, overall visionit makes for wonderful nights I no longer bother about people at allat least not as such, but in a more impersonal way.

0 1960-10-11, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   The day before yesterday, I spent the whole night looking on. I had read the passage by Sri Aurobindo in The Synthesis on supramental time (wherein past, present and future coexist in a global consciousness). While youre in it, its marvelous! You understand things perfectly. But when youre not in it Above all, theres this problem of how to keep the force of ones aspiration, the power of progress, this power which seems so inevitableso inevitable if existence (lets simply take terrestrial existence) is to mean anything and its presence to be justified. (This ascending movement towards a progressive better that Will be eternally better)How is this to be kept when you have the total vision this vision in which everything coexists. At that moment, the other becomes something like a game, an amusement, if you Will. (Not everyone finds it amusing!) And when you contain all that, why allow yourself the pleasure of succession? Is this pleasure of succession, of seeing things one after the other, equal to this intensity of the Will for progress? Words are foolish!
   The effort to see and to understand this gripped me all night. And when I woke up this morning, I thanked the Lord; I said to Him, Obviously, if You were to keep me totally in that consciousness, I could no longer I could no longer do my work! How could I do my work? For I can only say something to people when I feel it or see it, when I see that its what must be said, but if I am simultaneously in a consciousness in which Im aware of everything that has led to that situation, everything that is going to happen, everything Im going to say, everything the others going to feel then how could I do it!
   I myself use it for a very special reason, because You see, I invoke (the words are a bit strange) the Lord of Tomorrow. Not the unmanifest Lord, but the Lord as he Will manifest tomorrow, or in Sri Aurobindos words, the divine manifestation in its supramental form.
   So the first sound of my mantra is the call to that, the evocation. With the second sound, the bodys cells make their surrender, they give themselves. And with the third sound comes the identification of this [the body] with That, which produces the divine life. These are my three sounds.
   So I understand more and more. Everythingthis whole organization, this whole aggregate, all these cells and nerves and sensorsare all meant uniquely for the work, they have no other purpose than the work; every foolish act that is done is for the work; every stupidity that is thought is for the work; you are made the way you are because only in that way can you do the work and its none of your business to seek to be somewhere else. Thats my conclusion. Very well, as You wish, may Your Will be done!No, not be done; it IS done. As You wish, exactly as You wish!
   And in the end, its quite fun.

0 1960-10-19, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Its the same as when X tells people, I am feeding you, so eat! And he serves you ten times more than you can put in. If you tell him, My stomach cant digest it, he answers that this is nonsense: Eat, and you Will see! And in fact, up above that is, once youve mastered itits perfectly true. But we arent there yet, far from it! He himself is sick all the time.
   Then he would answer, Everyone is sick.But thats no reason.
   When he left, I said twelve days, twelve days.2 And truly, I gave it twelve days, twelve days to see if the entire Work Outwardly, I said, After twelve days I Will tell you if the Ashram (the Ashram was nothing but a symbol, of course), if the Ashram Will continue or if it is finished.
   And later (I dont knowit didnt take twelve days; I said that on December 9, and on the 12th it was all decidedseen, clear and understood), on the 12th, I saw people, I saw a few people. However, we began all the activities again only after 12 days from December 5. But it was decided on the 12th.
   He himself Will tell you, its truelater on.
   He came to tell us this fifteen years later, as a matter of fact, while we were writing The Divine Materialism.

0 1960-10-25, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I also saw him that night. You fools with your small crackers, he said, I Will show you what real crackers are!6and those flashes of lightning, such an astonishing violence Oh, he proclaimed all kinds of things, disasters, what not But these are very complex matters and its better not to go into detail.
   (Some days later, Mother added the following:)
   Which is whyunless you are intentionally and constantly in what here is called the Brahmic consciousness it is practically impossible to control. And this is what gives the impression of certain things happening in the body independently of not only of our Will but of our consciousness BUT IT IS NOT TRUE.
   Only, there is all that comes from outside thats what is most dangerous. Constantly, constantlywhen you eat, you catch it oh, what a mass of vibrations! The vibrations of the thing you eat when it was living (they always remain), the vibrations of the person who cooked it, vibrations of All the time, all the time, they never stopyou breathe, they enter. Of course, when you start talking to someone or mixing with people, then you become a bit more conscious of what is coming, but even just sitting still, uninvolved with othersit comes! There is an almost total interdependenceisolation is an illusion. By reinforcing your own atmosphere (Mother gestures, as if building a wall around her), you can hold these things off TO A CERTAIN EXTENT, but simply this effort to keep them at a distance creates (Im thinking in English and speaking in French) disturbances.8 Anyway, now all this has been SEEN.
   For with that idea, the earth and men Will NEVER be able to change. This is why I have often said that this idea is the work of the Asuras,10 and with it they have ruled the earth.
   Whereas whatever the effort, whatever the difficulty, whatever time it takes, whatever number of lives, you must know that all this doesnt matter: you KNOW you ARE the Master, that the Master and you are the same. All thats necessary is to know it INTEGRALLY, and nothing must belie it. Thats the way out.
   The problem is that when you enter into the ordinary consciousness, these things become so subtle and require such a scrupulous observance that people are justified (they FEEL justified) in having the attitude, Oh, its Nature, its Fate, its the Divine Will! But with that conviction, the Yoga of Perfection is impossible and appears as a mere utopian fantasy but this is FALSE. The truth is something else entirely.
   (long silence)
   And even if at the moment you dont feel very good, you are able to say, It doesnt matter; what we have to do, well do (this fear of not being able to do what has to be done is the most irksome), if at that moment you can sincerely say to yourself, No, I trust in the Divine Grace no, I Will do what I have to do, and Ill be given the power to do it, or the power to do it Will be created in me then that is the true attitude.
   I feel thats what you give me.

0 1960-10-30, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   My impression is that in a while, maybe not in such a distant future, well be able to do something, a sort of it Will no longer be personal. We should be able to establish something.4

0 1960-11-05, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   To change it, you have to descend into itwhich is what Im in the midst of doing. But you know, it makes for painful moments. Anyway, once its done, it Will be something. When that is done, Ill explain it to you. And then Ill have the power to restore you to health.

0 1960-11-08, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   So for persons who are severe and grave (there are two such examples here, but its not necessary to name them) There are beings who are grave, so serious, so sincere, who find it hypocritical; and when it borders on certain (how shall I put it?) vital excesses, they call it vice. There are others who have lived their entire lives in a yogic or religious discipline, and they see this as an obstacle, illusion, dirtyness (Mother makes a gesture of rejecting with disgust), but above all, its this terrible illusion that prevents you from nearing the Divine. And when I saw the way these two people here reacted, in fact, I said to myself, but you see, I FELT So strongly that this too is the Divine, it too is a way of getting out of something that has had its place in evolution, and still has a place, individually, for certain individuals. Naturally, if you remain there, you keep turning in circles; it Will always be (not eternally, but indefinitely) the woman of my life, to take that as a symbol. But once youre out of it, you see that this had its place, its utilityit made you emerge from a kind of very animal-like wisdom and quietude that of the herd or of the being who sees no further than his daily round. It was necessary. We mustnt condemn it, we mustnt use harsh words.
   The mistake we make is to remain there too long, for if you spend your whole life in that, well, youll probably need many more lifetimes. But once the chance to get out of it comes, you can look at it with a smile and say, Yes, its really a sort of love for fiction!people love fiction, they want fiction, they need fiction! Otherwise its boring and all much too flat.
   All this came to me yesterday. I kept Z with me for more than half an hour, nearly 45 minutes. He told me some very interesting things. What he said was quite good and I encouraged him a great dealsome action on the right lines which Will be quite useful, and then a book unfortunately mixed with an influence from that artificial world (but actually, even that can be used as a link to attract people). He must have spoken to you about this. He wants to write a kind of dialogue to introduce Sri Aurobindos ideasits a good idealike the conversations in Les Hommes de Bonne Volont by Jules Romain. He wants to do it, and I told him it was an excellent idea. And not only one typehe should take all types of people who for the moment are closed to this vision of life, from the Catholic, the fervent believer, right to the utmost materialist, men of science, etc. It could be very interesting.
   This is what you see in life, its all like thateach thing has its place and its necessity. This has made me see a whole current of life I was very, very involved with people from this milieu during a whole period of my existence and in fact, its the first approach to Beauty. But it gets mixed.
   How strange it is! You have the feeling of ascending, of a progress in consciousness, and everything, all the events and circumstances of life follow one another with an unquestioning logic. You see the Divine Will unfolding with a wonderful logic. Then, from time to time, there appears a little set of circumstances (either isolated or repeated), which are like snags on the way; you cant explain them, so you put them aside for later on. Some such accidents have been quite significant, but they dont seem to follow this ascending line of the present individuality. Theyre scattered along the way, sometimes repeated, sometimes only once, and then they vanish. And when you go through such an experience, you sense that they are things put aside for later on. And then, all of a sudden (especially during these last two years when I have again descended to take all that up), all of a sudden, one after another, all these snags return. And they dont follow the same curve; rather, its as if suddenly you reach a certain state and a certain impersonal breadth that far surpasses the individual, and this new state enters into contact with one of those old accidents that had remained in the deepest part of the subconscientand that makes it rise up again, the two meet in an explosion of light. Everything is explained, everything is understood, everything is clear! No explanation is needed: it has become OBVIOUS.
   This is entirely another way of understandingits not an ascent, not even a descent nor an inspiration it must be what Sri Aurobindo calls a revelation. Its the meeting of this subconscious notationthis something which has remained buried within, held down so as not to manifest, but which suddenly surges forth to meet the light streaming down from above, this very vast state of consciousness that excludes nothing and from it springs forth a lightoh, a resplendence of light!like a new explanation of the world, or of that part of the world not yet explained.
   It Will come.
   Im really so thick, you know

0 1960-11-12, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   But generally and this is something Theon had told me (Theon was very qualified on the subject of hostile forces and the workings of all that resists the divine influence, and he was a great fighteras you might imagine! He himself was an incarnation of an asura, so he knew how to tackle these things!); he was always saying, If you make a VERY SMALL concession or suffer a minor defeat, it gives you the right to a very great victory. Its a very good trick. And I have observed, in practice, that for all things, even for the very little things of everyday life, its trueif you yield on one point (if, even though you see what should be, you yield on a very secondary and unimportant point), it immediately gives you the power to impose your Will for something much more important. I mentioned this to Sri Aurobindo and he said that it was true. It is true in the world as it is today, but its not what we want; we want it to change, really change.
   He wrote this in a letter, I believe, and he spoke of this system of compensation for example, those who take an illness on themselves in order to have the power to cure; and then theres the symbolic story of Christ dying on the cross to set men free. And Sri Aurobindo said, Thats fine for a certain age, but we must now go beyond that. As he told me (its even one of the first things he told me), We are no longer at the time of Christ when, to be victorious, it was necessary to die.
   Sri Aurobindo has explained it in Savitri. Only when Divine Love has manifested in all its purity Will everything yield, Will it all yieldit Will then be done.
   Its the only thing that can do it.
   It Will be the great Victory.
   On a small scale, in very small details, I feel that of all the forces, this is the strongest. And its the only one with a power over hostile Wills. Only for the world to change, it must manifest here in all its fullness. We have to be up to it
   Sri Aurobindo had also written to the effect, If Divine Love were to manifest now in all its fullness and totality, not a single material organism would but burst. So we must learn to widen, widen, widen not only the inner consciousness (that is relatively easyat least feasible), but even this conglomeration of cells. And Ive experienced this: you have to be able to widen this sort of crystallization if you want to be able to hold this Force. I know. Two or three times, upstairs (in Mothers room), I felt the body about to burst. Actually, I was on the verge of saying, burst and be done with. But Sri Aurobindo always intervenedall three times he intervened in an entirely tangible, living and concrete way and he arranged everything so that I was forced to wait.
   So I explained the problem to Sri Aurobindo, and he replied (by his expression, not with words, but it was clear), Patience, patiencepatience, it Will come. And a few days after this experience, by chance I came upon something he had written where precisely he explained that we are much too rigid, coagulated, clenched for these things to be able to manifestwe must widen, relax, become plastic.
   But this takes time.

0 1960-11-15, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   How well I understand all those who dont know or to whom it hasnt been shown or revealed that we are GOING towards something else, that it Will BE something else! Such a feeling of futility, stupidity, uselessness, and absolutely devoid of any any intensity, any life, any reality, any ardor, any soulbah! Its disgusting.
   While it was all coming up, I thought, How is this possible? For during those years of my life (Im now outside things; I do them but Im entirely outside, so they dont involve mewhether its like this or like that makes no difference to me; Im only doing my work, thats all), I was already conscious, but nevertheless I was IN what I was doing to a certain extent; I was this web of social life (but thank God it wasnt here in India, for had it been here I could not have withstood it! I think that even as a child I would have smashed everything, because here its even worse than over there). You see, there its its a bit less constricting, a bit looser, you can slip through the mesh from time to time to brea the some air. But here, according to what Ive learned from people and what Sri Aurobindo told me, its absolutely unbearable (its the same in Japan, absolutely unbearable). In other words, you cant help but smash everything. Over there, you sometimes get a breath of air, but still its quite relative. And this morning I wondered (you see, for years I lived in that way for years and years) just as I was wondering, How was I ABLE to live that and not kick out in every direction?, just as I was looking at it, I saw up above, above this (it is worse than horrible, it is a kind of Oh, not despair, for there isnt even any sense of feeling there is NOTHING! It is dull, dull, dull gray, gray, gray, clenched tight, a closed web that lets through neither air nor life nor lightthere is nothing) and just then I saw a splendor of such sweet light above itso sweet, so full of true love, true compassion something so warm, so warm the relief, the solace of an eternity of sweetness, light, beauty, in an eternity of patience which feels neither the past nor the inanity and imbecility of thingsit was so wonderful! That was entirely the feeling it gave, and I said to myself, THAT is what made you live, without THAT it would not have been possible. Oh, it would not have been possible I would not have lived even three days! THAT is there, ALWAYS there, awaiting its hour, if we would only let it in.
   But that CANNOT be extended as it is, for everything is constantly changing! And to be immortal, you have to follow this perpetual change; otherwise, what Will naturally happen is what now happensone day you Will die because you can no longer follow the change. But if you can follow it, then all this Will fall from you! Understand that what Will survive in you is something you dont know very well, but its the only thing that can survive and all the rest Will keep falling off all the time Do you still want to be immortal?Not one in ten said yes! Once you are able to make them feel the thing concretely, they tell you, Oh no! Oh no! Since everything else is changing, the body might as well change too! What difference would it make! But what remains is THAT; THAT is what you must truly hold on to but then you must BE THAT, not this whole agglomeration. What you now call you is not THAT, its a whole collection of things..
   Formerly, that was my first stepa long time ago. Now its so very different I wonder how it was possible to have been so totally blind as to call that oneself at any moment in ones life! Its a collection of things. And what was the link by which that could be called oneself? Thats more difficult to find out. Only when you climb above do you come to realize that THAT is at work here, but it could work there as well, or as well here, or here, or here At times there is suddenly a drop of something (Oh, I saw that this morningit was like a drop, a little drop, but with SUCH an intense and perfect light ), and where THAT falls it makes its center and begins radiating out and acting. THAT is what can be called oneselfnothing else. And THAT precisely is what enabled me to live in such dreadfully uninteresting, such nonexistent circumstances. And at the moment when you ARE that, you see how that has lived and how that has used everything, not only in this body but in all bodies and through all time.

0 1960-11-26, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Not last night but the night before, I touched at least one of the causes (at that time it felt like THE cause) of a certain powerlessness to act directly on Matter You see, when the Will and the Power come, they are extremely effective everywhere UP TO A CERTAIN REGION (in other words, whether people are receptive or not, open or not, makes no differencewhen the Will is applied it is all-powerful UP TO a certain region) but once it arrives here, at the most material material, its efficacy depends on many thingsand a power which depends on something is no power! For a long, long time I have been searching for the reasons behind this powerlessness. Ive located a few, one after another, and upon these points there was an immediate effect. But some things resisted (oh, quite a number, in a number of ways), for example it had difficulty acting on illnesses, on the cells, on doubt (not mental doubt, but rather the doubt of the physical consciousness which cant accept certain things that seem impossible to itwhat Sri Aurobindo calls disbelief,1 not a mental doubt, but the disbelief of the physical consciousness which cant accept what is contrary to its own nature and its own working). And as for illnesses, sometimes it has an immediate effect, but sometimes it drags on and has to follow its so-called normal course. On all these three points, I clearly felt that something was hampering it. These are the Enemys strongholds; all that doesnt want the Divine seizes upon it and even the working of the Power coming from above is obstructed, for when it must work here in the body, it is stopped or deformed or altered or diminished.
   All this goes on in the subconscient; these are things that were pushed out of the physical consciousness down into the subconscient, so theyre there and they come back up whenever they please.
   It was still there when I went down for Darshan, and in spite of all my Will to be friendly and pleasant, I was like a rock, looking at that I cant speak of it now, for its the key to SOMETHING VERY GREAT.
   After that (this took place early in 1950), he gradually You see, he let himself fall ill. For he knew quite well that should he say I must go,5 I would not have obeyed him, and I would have gone. For according to the way I felt, he was much more indispensable than I. But he saw the matter from the other side. And he knew that I had the power to leave my body at Will. So he didnt say a thing, he didnt say a thing right to the very last minute
   How many more such experiences Will be necessary? I dont know, you see, Im only building the path.

0 1960-12-13, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   For the last several days, Ive been at grips fighting with it. How can I stop this idiotic, coarse and above all defeatist automatism from constantly manifesting? Its truly an automatism; it doesnt respond to any conscious Will, nothing. So what Will it take to ? And its QUITE INTIMATELY related to the bodys illnesses (the old habits the body has of coming out of its rhythmic movement, of entering into confusion)the two things are very intimately linked.
   Im deep in the problem.
   For me, the problem doesnt mean explaining the thing (its easy to explain), but controlling, mastering and transforming it. That Will take some time.
   We shall see.
   Mother may be alluding to the following passage from The Synthesis of Yoga: 'There is nothing to be done with this fickle, restless, violent and disturbing factor but to get rid of it whether by detaching it and then reducing it to stillness or by giving a concentration and singleness to the thought by which it Will of itself reject this alien and confusing clement.'
   Cent. Ed., Vol. XX, p. 300.

0 1960-12-17, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Its what Sri Aurobindo always said: FIRST you must accept EVERYTHINGaccept it as coming from the Divine, as the Divine Will; accept without disgust, without regret, without getting upset or impatient. Accept with a perfect equanimity; and only AFTER that can you say, Now lets get to work to change it.
   But to work to change it before having attained a perfect equanimity is impossible. Thats what I have learned during these last years.
   And for every detail, its the same. First, May Thy Will be done; then, afterwards, The Will of tomorrow and then those things Will disappear. But first, one must accept.
   Thats why it takes so long. Because those who readily accept are they get encrusted and buried under it; they no longer move. And those who see the future and what must be have a hard time accepting; they pull back, they kick and protestso they dont have any power.
   It goes back and forth between the two all the timea kind of curve like an electric arc between them; it goes up, it goes down, it falls and then climbs back up. In a flash comes the clear vision that the universal realization Will be achieved along with the perfection of the material, TERRESTRIAL world. (I say terrestrial, for the earth is still something unique; the rest of the universe is differentso this blown up speck of dust becomes of capital importance!) Then, at another moment, eternity for which all the universes are simply the expression of a second, and in which all this is a sort ofnot even an interesting game, but rather a breathing in and out, in and out And at such a moment, all the importance we give to material things seems so fantastically idiotic! And it goes in and out In this state, everything is obvious and indisputable. And in the other state, everything is obvious and indisputable. But between the two there is EVERY combination and every possibility.

0 1960-12-20, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   And now, all these different attitudes which individuals, groups and categories of men hold are coming from every direction (while Im walking upstairs) to assert their own points of view as the true thing. And I see that for myself, Im being forced to deal with a whole mass of things, most of which are quite futile from an ordinary point of viewnot to mention the things of which these moral or religious types disapprove. Quite interestingly, all kinds of mental formations come like arrows while Im walking for my japa upstairs (Mother makes a gesture of little arrows in the air coming into her mental atmosphere from every direction); and yet, Im entirely in what I could call the joy and happiness of my japa, full of the energy of walking (the purpose of walking is to give a material energy to the experience, in all the bodys cells). Yet in spite of this, one thing after another comes, like this, like that (Mother draws little arrows in the air): what I must do, what I must answer to this person, what I must say to that one, what has to be done All kinds of things, most of which might be considered most futile! And I see that all this is SITUATED in a totality, and this totality I could say that its nothing but the body of the Divine. I FEEL it, actually, I feel it as if I were touching it everywhere (Mother touches her arms, her hands, her body). And all these things neither veil nor destroy nor divert this feeling of being entirely this a movement, an action in the body of the Divine. And its increasing from day to day, for it seems that He is plunging me more and more into entirely material things with the Will that THERE TOO it must be done that all these things must be consciously full of Him; they are full of Him, in actual fact, but it must become conscious, with the perception that it is all the very substance of His being which is moving in everything
   It was quite beautiful on the balcony this morning

0 1960-12-31, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   This throng looks more like a chaos. A dreadful confusion. But from next week people Will start leaving. The crowning day Will be January 6, which is Epiphany (but we have made it into a day for the offering of the material world to the Divine: the material world giving itself to the Divine)it Will be the climax,2 and I shall then see you on the 7th. After that, well work hard! But until then, no workmy heads in a kind of soup Oh, if you only knew! Its dreadful what people bring me, what they ask
   (Mother sits at the harmonium)
   On the 6th, everyone Will finally be gone. But tomorrow is going to be dreadful; I have to sit there for at least two hours distributing calendars. And on top of that, there are all these controversies over the music they play at the library each week. Some say that its very good, others that its very bad (the usual things). And each party has pleaded his case. They told me that theyll give me a concert at Prosperity4 so that I may judge for myself. Its all recorded. Im afraid it Will be rather noisy For myself, I know quite well how to get out of it I think of something else! But its going to I can see it already. Didnt I tell you were in a chaos? Well, I have the feeling that this is going to beat all.
   How do you mean a chaos?

0 1961-01-07, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Even the translation. You know, when I am tired and work on the translation I feel rested. But, oh, all these letters! Even the best of them are stupid. Anyway. When I came here just now there was someone waiting to see me I told him to come at 11: 00, and by then there Will be 700 people waiting for me to come out. They are already gathered around the Samadhi.3
   Well, enough grumbling. Lets get to work.

0 1961-01-10, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Nevertheless, it ought to be a very general rule; yet its critics have a reply: If you dont see evil you can never cure it. If you leave someone to his squalor he Will never emerge from it. (Its not exactly true, but its how they legitimize their actions.) In this aphorism, Sri Aurobindo has anticipated these objections: it is not through ignorance or unconsciousness or indifference that you fail to see evilyou can see and even feel it, but you refuse to collaborate in spreading it by giving it the force of your attention or the support of your consciousness. And for that, you must yourself be above the perception and sensationable to see evil or ugliness without suffering, without feeling shocked or troubled. You see them from a height where such things do not exist, yet you have the conscious perception of themthey dont affect you, you are free. This is the first step.
   The second step is to be POSITIVELY conscious of the supreme Goodness and Beauty behind all things and supporting all things, permitting them to exist. Once you have seen Him, you can perceive Him behind the mask and the distortioneven ugliness, even cruelty, even evil are a disguise for that Something which is essentially good or beautiful, luminous, pure.
   Put this way, there is no need to bring the principle of love into our explanation. But if we want to know or understand the nature of the Force or Power that permits and accomplishes this transformation (specially in the case of evil, but for ugliness to some extent as well), we see that of all powers, Love is obviously the mightiest, the most integralintegral in that it applies to all cases. Its even mightier than the power of purification which dissolves bad Wills and is, in a way, master over the adverse forces, but which doesnt have the direct transforming power; because the power of purification Must FIRST dissolve in order to form again later. It destroys one form to make a better one from it, while Love doesnt need to dissolve in order to transform: it has the direct transforming power. Love is like a flame changing the hard into the malleable, then sublimating even the malleable into a kind of purified vapor. It doesnt destroy: it transforms.
   Love, in its essence and in its origin, is like a white flame obliterating ALL resistances. You can have the experience yourself: whatever the difficulty in your being, whatever the weight of accumulated mistakes, the ignorance, incapacity, bad Will, a single SECOND of this Lovepure, essential, suprememelts everything in its almighty flame. One single moment and an entire past can vanish. One single TOUCH of That in its essence and the whole burden is consumed.
   Its easy to understand how someone who has this experience can spread it and act upon others, since to have it you must touch the unique, supreme Essence of the whole manifestation the Origin and the Essence, the Source and the Reality of all that is; then you immediately enter the realm of Unity where there is no more separation among individuals: its a single vibration that can repeat itself endlessly in outer forms.2
   If you go high enough, you come to the Heart of everything. Whatever manifests in this Heart can manifest in all things. This is the great secret, the secret of divine incarnation in an individual form. For in the normal course of things, what manifests at the center is only realized in the outer form with the awakening and RESPONSE Of the Will within the individual form. But if the central Will is constantly, permanently represented in one individual, he can then serve as an intermediary between that Will and all beings, and Will FOR THEM. Whatever this being perceives and consciously offers to the supreme Will is replied to as if it came from each individual being. And if individuals happen to be in a more or less conscious and voluntary relationship with this representative being, their relationship increases his efficacy and the supreme Action can work in Matter in a much more concrete and permanent way. This is the reason for these descents of what could be called polarized consciousnesses that always come to earth for a particular realization, with a definite purpose and missiona mission decided upon before the actual embodiment. These mark the great stages of the supreme incarnations upon earth.
   And when the day comes for the manifestation of supreme Lovea crystalized, concentrated descent of supreme Love that Will truly be the hour of Transformation, for nothing Will be able to resist That.
   But as its all-powerful, a certain receptivity must be prepared on earth so its effects are not devastating. Sri Aurobindo has explained it in one of his letters. Someone asked him, Why doesnt this Love come now?, and he replied something like this: If divine Love in its essence were to manifest on earth, it would be like an explosion; for the earth is not supple enough or receptive enough to widen to the measure of this Love. The earth must not only open itself but become wide and supple. Matternot just physical Matter, but the substance of the physical consciousness as wellis still much too rigid.
   No, when we feel like it and when she doesnt raise any question about an aphorismat least not an impossible questionwell do this: I Will speak here, its much easier for me. This way things come that I havent seen before; while when I write like that, they are usually things Ive seen on other occasions (not that I try to recall them, they are there and simply come back). But when theres a new contact, something new always comes.

0 1961-01-12, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But if we had the vision of the whole, if we were able to contain past, present and future simultaneously (as it is somewhere up above), then we would see how relative these things are and that its mainly the progressing evolutionary Force which gives us this Will to reject; yet when these things still had their place, they were quite tolerable. However, to have this experience in a practical sense is impossible unless we have a total vision the vision that is the Supremes alone! Therefore, one must first identify with the Supreme, and then, keeping this identification, one can return to a consciousness sufficiently externalized to see things as they really are. But thats the principle, and in so far as we are able to realize it, we reach a state of consciousness where we can look at all things with the smile of a complete certainty that everything is exactly as it should be.
   Of course, people who dont think deeply enough Will say, Oh, but if we see that things are exactly as they should be, then nothing Will budge. But no! There isnt a fraction of a second when things arent moving: theres a continuous and total transformation, a movement that never stops. Only because its difficult for us to feel that way can we imagine that by our entering certain states of consciousness things would not change. Even if we entered into an apparently total inertia, things would continue to change and we along with them!
   Ultimately, disgust, rebellion and anger, all movements of violence, are necessarily movements of ignorance and of limitation with all the weakness that limitation implies. Rebellion is a weakness, for its the feeling of an impotent Will. When you feel, when you see that things are not as they should be, then you rebel against whatever is out of keeping with your vision. But if you were all-powerful, if your Will and your vision were all-powerful, there would be no opportunity to rebel! You would always see that all things are as they should be! That is omnipotence.1 Then all these movements of violence become not only useless but profoundly ridiculous.
   Consequently, there is only one solution: by aspiration, concentration, interiorization and identification, to unite with the supreme Will. And that is both omnipotence and perfect freedom. Its the only omnipotence, the only freedomall the rest are approximations. You may be en route, but its not That, not the total thing.
   If you make the experiment, you Will come to see that this supreme freedom and this supreme power are accompanied by a total peace and an unfaltering serenity; if you notice any contradictionrevolt, disgust or something inadmissiblethis indicates that some part in You is not touched by the transformation, is still en route: something still holding on to the old consciousness, thats all.
   In this aphorism, Sri Aurobindo speaks of those who hate sinners that one mustnt hate sinners.
   When asked later about the meaning of this somewhat elliptical statement, Mother said: 'There are two stages. The first involves a mental (and possibly intuitive) vision of what Will be (perhaps in an immediate future), and this is what we call seeing things "as they should be." The other is an identification with the supreme Will and the perception that at each second everything is exactly as the Supreme wants it to be, that it is the precise expression of the Supreme. The first is a vision of what is coming and says, "That's how things should be." But we overlook the distance between what presently exists and what is coming. While if we go high above and become one with the Consciousness of the supreme Will, we see that at every instant, at every moment in the universe, all is exactly as it should beexactly as the Supreme wants it to be. That is Omnipotence.'
   Saraswati represents the universal Mother's aspect of Knowledge and artistic creativity. On this occasion, Mother would go down to the Meditation Hall and the disciples would silently pass in front of her to receive a message. This year they would receive a folder containing five photographs of Mother.

0 1961-01-17, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But until then, there is this kind of indignation stemming from the fact that one is not entirely above: its a period when one totally disapproves of certain things and would be incapable of doing them. And up to this point, there is nothing to say, unless one gives an external, violent expression to his indignation. If anger interferes, it indicates an entire contradiction between the feeling one wants to have and this reaction towards others. Because anger is a deformation of vital power originating from an obscure and thoroughly unregenerate vital,1 a vital still subject to all the ordinary actions and reactions. When an ignorant, egoistic individual Will exploits this vital power and encounters opposition from other individual Wills around it, then under the pressure of opposition this power changes into anger and tries to obtain through violence what could not be achieved by the pressure of the Force alone.
   Anger, moreover, like all forms of violence, is always a sign of weakness, impotence and incapacity. Here the deception comes from the approval one gives it or the flattering adjective one covers it with; for rage can be no more than blind, ignorant and asuricopposed to the light.
   And its not a random experience coming now and then, its something you can witness minute by minute. You generally see it far more readily in others! But if you watch yourself carefully, you Will catch yourself a thousand times a daylooking at things in a favorable way: Oh, its NOT the same thing! And besides, its NEVER the same for you as it is for your neighbor!
   For Sri Aurobindo and Mother, the 'vital' represents the regions of consciousness or the centers of consciousness below the mind between the throat and the sex center, i.e. the whole region of emotions, feelings, passions, etc., which constitute the various expressions of the Life-Energy.

0 1961-01-19, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I think it would be wiser if I went back upstairsalthough if I leave here too early, people Will be waiting for me and Ill have to see them before going up. We could meditate a little; as soon as I meditate, everything is fine.

0 1961-01-22, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Yes, I am disrupting their work I know perfectly well that I am disrupting their domination of the world! All these vital beings have taken possession of the whole of Matter (Mother touches her body)life and action and have made it their domain, this is evident. But they are beings of the lower vital, for they seemed artificial they didnt express any higher form, but an entire range of artificial mechanisms, artificial Will, artificial organization, all deriving from their own imagination and not at all from a higher inspiration.1 The symbol was very clear.
   And I saw my own domain through them and through it all; I saw my domain: I can see it!, I said. But no sooner would I start on my way than the path would be lost, I no longer saw it, I couldnt see anymore where I was going. It became almost impossible to get my bearings there: hundreds and thousands of people, thingsutter confusion. An incoherent immensity and violent, what violence!
   I simply consented to stay there. You Will have all you need, stay here quietly. And what beautiful things she had, lovely things! They were unused and dusty. (It was surely the symbol of ancient realizationsrealizations of the ancient Rishis, things like that. Who knows?) They were first class, but completely neglected and thick with dust, like material objects left unusedwhich no one knew HOW to use. She put them at my disposal: Look, look, let me show you! There was a tremendous accumulation of things, piled in such great confusion that one couldnt see. Yet the marvel of it was that when she led me to a corner to show me something, everything immediately moved aside and order was restored, so that the object she wanted to show me stood out all by itself. And oh, a thing of beauty! Made of pink marble! A pink marble bathtub of a shape I didnt recognizenot Roman, not antique (not modern, far from it!)how beautiful it was! And whenever she wanted to show me something in this untidy and cluttered room full of objects piled one on top of another, they would organize themselves, take their proper place, and all became neat. You Will just have to dust them off a bit, she said. (Mother laughs)
   But Im not surprised it came down on you.
   Something was obviously bent on preventing me from going down for the distribution.4 But by an act of Will I went down. I Will do it, I said. But it was difficult. There were moments when it sidled up to me: Now youre going to faint, and then, Now your legs Will no longer be able to walk. Now. It kept coming like that. So I kept repeating the japa the whole time, and it was touch-and-go right up to the end. Finally I couldnt distinguish people, I saw only shapes, forms passing by, and not clearly. When the distribution was over, I got up (I knew I had to get up), I stood up without flinching and stepped down from the chair without faltering. But I was not careful and when I turned away from the light in the room to go towards the staircasean abrupt blackout. Not the blackout of a faintmy eyes no longer saw. I saw only shadows. Ah! I said to myself, where is the step?! And to avoid missing it, I clutched the railing. What a commotion that made! Champaklal came rushing up, thinking I was about to fall!
   It was only afterwards, a long time after, that I began to see again. It was clearly something that was NOT WillING. But when Will it give in? I cant say. No victory has been won, far from it. And it has remained like this: status quo.
   It Will probably have to begin again, but in what manner?
   Evidently all the vital forces who have taken the habit of ruling the earth (last night it had the proportions of the earth, it wasnt universal) are the very ones who refuse to listen; they dont at all like what I am doing.
   You see, personal surrender and devotion is an excellent solution for the individual, but it doesnt work for the collectivity. For example, as soon as I am alone and lying on my bedpeace! (Ah, I forgot! They had invented yet another thing: making my heartbeats irregular. Every three or four beats it would stop; then it would start up again, pounding as if I had been struck. Three, four beats, a faint little beat, then stop then, bang! Blow after blow. One more of their extraordinary inventions!) But, as soon as I stretch out and make a total surrender of all the cellsno more activity, nothingeverything goes well. But I am well aware that this surrender has an effect on the action only to the extent that the Supreme Lord has decided upon the action, and those movements stretch over long periods of time5: all sorts of things may happen before the final Victory is won. Because, for us, the scale is very small; even if it were of terrestrial proportions, it would be a very small scale; but on a universal scale. These forces have their place and their action, their universe, and as long as their place and their action are maintained, they Will be here. So before their action can be exhausted or become useless, many things can happen.
   Individually, however, there is almost instantaneous bliss. But this is not a true solution its a solution in the long run, by repercussion. To have true comm and here in this world, all of that must be mastered.

0 1961-01-24, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I was above, as usual (Mother points above her head, indicating the higher consciousness), and I looked at that (Mother bends over, as if looking down at the earth), and said to myself, Hmm, this is getting dangerous. If it continues like this, it Will result in in a war or a revolution or some catastrophea tidal wave or an earthquake. So I tried to counteract it by applying the highest consciousness to it, that of a perfect serenity. And I saw especially that this consciousness has been missioned to transform the earth through the Supermind and by the supramental Force, avoiding all catastrophes as far as possible: the Work is to be done as luminously and harmoniously as the earth would allow, even by going at a slower pace if need be. That was the idea. And I tried to counteract that whirlwind power with this consciousness.
   (long silence)
   I see that the body Will have tohow can I express it? It Will have to accustom itself to this new Power. But essentially the change has been accomplished.
   Its not it is far, very far from being the final change, theres a lot more to be done. But we may say that its the conscious and total presence of the supramental Force in the body.
   In the body now, there is a very clear not only a certitude, but a feeling that a certain omnipotence is not far away, and that very soon when it sees (it sees it! There is only one It in this whole affair, which is neither he nor she nor), when it sees that something must be, it automatically Will be.
   There is still a long, long way to go. But the first step on the way has been taken.
   You see, originally these pariahs were people who took their delight (their pleasure) in filth and falsehood, in crime, in violence and robberyit was a joy for them. They had castes among themselves; there is still a caste of brigands nearby I once went to their village to have a lookpeople who always keep a dagger on them, they love to play with daggers. They stea l not so much out of need as out of pleasure. And dirty-they abhor cleanliness! And they Will lie even if they have to contradict themselves fifteen minutes later, for the sheer delight of lying.
   What an atmosphere it creates! Its palpable (Mother fingers the air).
   We think these people are the way they are because the environment is bad, the education is poor, the conditions are difficultits not true! In the universal economy of things they REPRESENT something, a certain type of force and vibration. It Will have to be either dissolved or transformed. Transformed? But perhaps that is. It may disappear along with the hostile forces. Perhaps once everything has been transformed it Will disappear I dont know when.
   In any case, I really tried my best, with all the power I had, all the knowledge I had, because I liked this girl a lot, it wasnt at all a question of charity, I found her very interesting. But I watchedwith a kind of horror, reallyas this past repossessed her more and more, more and more each day, until we were finally obliged to dismiss her, to tell her, Go. Yes, I understand, she replied, I cant stay here.

0 1961-01-27, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I told you something concerning the power of the Will, didnt I?
   Well, yesterday I saw R. He was asking me questions about his work and particularly about the knowledge of languages (hes a scholar, you know, and very familiar with the old traditions). This put me in contact with that whole world and I began speaking to him a little about what I had already said to you concerning my experience with the Vedas. And all at once, in the same [absolute] way as I told you, when I entered into contact with that world a whole domain seemed to open up, a whole field of knowledge from the standpoint of languages, of the Word, of the essential Vibration, that vibration which would be able to reproduce the supramental consciousness. It all came, so clear, so clear, luminous, indisputable but unfortunately there was no tape recorder!
   It was about the Word, the primal sound. Sri Aurobindo speaks of it in Savitri: the essence of the Word and how it Will express itself, how it Will bring in the possibility of a supramental expression that Will take the place of languages. I began by speaking to him about the different languages, their limitations and possibilities; and I warned him against the deformations imposed on languages with the idea of making them a more flexible means of expressing something else. I told him how completely ridiculous it all was, and that it didnt correspond at all to the truth. Then little by little I began ascending to the Origin. So yesterday again, I had this same experience: a whole world of knowledge, of consciousness and of CERTAINTYprecluding the least possibility of contradiction, discussion, or opposition; the possibility DOES NOT EXIST, it doesnt exist. And the mind was absolutely silent and immobile, listening with obvious pleasure because these things had never before come into my consciousness; I had never been concerned with them in that way. It was completely newnot new in principle but completely new in action.
   The experiences are multiplying.
   Yes. While speaking, you see, I went back to the origin of sound (Sri Aurobindo describes it very clearly in Savitri: the origin of sound, the moment when what we called the Word becomes a sound). So I had a kind of perception of the essential sound before it becomes a material sound. And I said, When this essential sound becomes a material sound, it Will give birth to the new expression which Will express the supramental world. I had the experience itself at that moment, it came directly. I spoke in English and Sri Aurobindo was concretely, almost palpably, present.
   Now it has gone away.

0 1961-01-31, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The rest Will come later.
   It was the very moment I was coming out of the trance, at 3 a.m.I came out of it with that1; it was the first contact. I had forgotten to mention this to you because it took on importance only very recently.
   I have read only two hymns so far. By the time I reach the end I Will probably have found something.
   It was there, it was clear; but its not yet permanent. Something is beginning. I hope its going to become established before too long and that there Will be no more translating difficulties.
   Meanwhile, I am interested in seeing how it functions in your mind. I think that after some timeperhaps not too long from nowwe Will be able to do this work together in an interesting way.
   The trouble is the time shortage. There isnt enough time!3
   But this is a shortcoming. And I know it, I know it I Will find the solution. And when I have found it, it Will be.
   But time isnt elastic! If the days had three more hours in them it would be perfect!
   There is something there to be found. Something extraordinary. How wonderful it Will be when we find it!
   There are a few secrets like that I feel them as secrets. And now and then its as though I am given an example, as though I am being told, You see, thats really how it is. And I am dumbfounded. In ordinary language, one would say, Its miraculous! But it isnt miraculous, it is something to be found.
   In the equations of Einstein's Theory of Relativity, quantities as 'immutable' as the mass of a body, the frequency of a vibration, or the time separating two events, are linked to the speed of the system where the physical event takes place. Recent experiments in outer space have allowed the validity of Einstein's equations to be verified. Thus a clock on a satellite in constant rotation around the Earth Will measure sixty seconds between two audio signals, while an identical clock on Earth measures sixty-one seconds between the same two signals: time 'slows down' as speed increases. It is like the story of the space traveler returning to Earth less aged than his twin: you pass into another 'frame of reference.'
   It is striking that Mother's body-experiences very often parallel recent theories of modern physics, as if mathematical equations were the means of formulating in human language certain complex phenomena, remote from our day to day reality, which Mother was living spontaneously in her bodyperhaps 'at the speed of light.'

0 1961-02-04, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Then after these two incidents, I received a visit one night from the King of Serpents. He was wearing a superb crown on his headsymbolic, of course, but anyway, he was the spirit of the species. He had the appearance of a cobra, and he was wonderful! A formidable beast, and wonderful! He said he had come to make a pact with me: I had demonstrated my power over his species, so he wanted to come to an understanding. All right, I said, what do you propose? I not only promise that serpents wont harm you, he replied, but that they Will obey you. But you must promise me something in return: never to kill one of them. I thought it over and said, No, I cant make this promise, because if ever one of yours attacks one of mine (a being that depends upon me), my pact with you could not stop me from protecting him. I can assure you that I have no bad feelings and no intention of killingkilling is not on my program! But I cant commit myself, because it would restrict my freedom of decision. He left without replying, so it remains status quo.
   I have had several experiences demonstrating my power over snakes (not so much as over catswith cats its extraordinary!). Long ago, I often used to take a drive and then stop somewhere for a walk. One day after my walk, as I was getting back into the car to drive away (the door was still open), a very large snake came out, right from the spot I had just left. He was furious and heading straight towards the open door, ready to strike (luckily I was alone, neither the driver nor Pavitra were there, otherwise). When the snake had come quite near, I looked at him closely and said, What do you want? Why have you come here? There was a pause. Then he fell down flat and off he went. I hadnt made a move, only asked him, What do you want? Why have you come here? You know, they have a way of suddenly falling back, going limp, and prrt! Gone!
   Oh (laughing), he had a formidable power! Theon had a formidable power. One stormy day (there were terrible thunderstorms there), he climbed to the high terrace above the sitting room. Its a strange time to be going up there, I said to him. He laughed, Come along, dont be afraid! So I joined him. He began some invocations and then I clearly saw a bolt of lightning that had been heading straight towards us suddenly swerve IN THE MIDST OF ITS COURSE. You Will say its impossible, but I saw it turn aside and strike a tree farther away. I asked Theon, Did you do that? He nodded.
   Oh, that man was terriblehe had a terrible power. But quite a good external appearance!
   One day I Will find his photo and show it to you; he is there with a big dog he called Little Boy, a dog that could exteriorizehe would dream and go out of his body! This dog had a kind of adoration for me. (I should mention that at a fixed time in the afternoons I used to meditate and go into trance. When it was finished I would go out walking with Theon, and the dog always came with us, usually coming to fetch me in my room.) One day I was lying on a divan in trance when I felt his cold muzzle nudging my hand to wake me. I opened my eyes no dog. Yet I had positively, clearly felt his cold muzzle. So I got ready, went downstairs, and who did I find fast asleep on the landing but Little Boyhe was in trance as well! He had come to wake me in his sleep. When I reached the landing he woke up, shook himself and trotted off.
   It was an interesting life.
   But many things here Will interest everyone!
   No. Besides, there are things. There are things I dont want to speak of because (and I havent said them, either) because, after all, he taught me a lot.
   Well, I am going on with the work, and what I would recommend to all those with the capacity and possibility to follow me is to remain very calm, dont fret, dont be troubled. And if you feel a little depressed, dont pay any attention to it; live quietly from minute to minute, without worrying about anythingit Will pass. It Will pass.
   Naturally, the more calm and confident you are, the more quickly it Will pass. Thats all.
   I can assure you that you are well fastened, very well indeed; you are automatically caught up in my whole forward movement. So dont worry. Begin your book on Sri Aurobindo.
   It doesnt matter! Put your ideas down on paper. There are things you already know you want to say. Put it all on paper. I assure you it Will do you good. I have seen it several times recently and I wanted to tell you: begin your book on Sri Aurobindo! Begin anywhere at all, at any point the middle, the end, the beginningit doesnt matter! Whatever you feel you have to say, write it down. Its good to keep yourself occupied like that now, during this period. And for our next meetings you can work a little on The Synthesis of Yoga and we Will look at it together instead of you always making me talk! I have increased your work, there Will be no end to it. If it goes on like this, there Will never be an end!

0 1961-02-07, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And if you are not ready for the effort and the struggle, then it is better to accept the fact that life Will be dull and unsatisfactory, and submit quietly to this fact.
   Thats for the complainers.
   It doesnt ask to be cured of the illness! It doesnt ask, it is ready; All right, it says. As long as I can keep going, I Will keep going. As long as I can last, I Will last. But thats not what Im asking for: I am asking to be cured of my stupidity. I believe this is what enables it to yes, what gives it the necessary endurance.
   Thats enough. I said I wouldnt say anything! You see how you are. When Im up in my room, I always tell myself, Not a word today! I dont want to start saying unpleasant things. And then.

0 1961-02-11, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   You see, I cant stand up; and these people persistently try to keep me standing. But I cant remain standing, its all out of order. Anyway, it doesnt matter, it Will pass.
   Last night I had a dream about you that made a vivid impression on me. Its probably absurd, but it was so real! You had called me because you were going to leave your body: you had decided to leave and you wanted somehow to say good-bye. It was so real! I came to you and for a moment you placed my head on your knees, and I was filled with light; it was very tender. But at the same time, I knew you were saying good-bye, you were going to leave your body, and I wept in my dream. Then I went to sit in a corner because there were other people who probably had come to see you as well. I remained in that corner, strickenit seemed so real, you understand! Just then, aman I didnt know entered the room (I knew he was French), a stranger dressed all in black, and he started making a loud commotion. He was smoking a pipe,2 a very coarse man, and he wanted to make all the people there, the disciples, get out of the room .3 It was so real! I awoke with a start and almost cried aloud, Ah, its a dream! Its only a dream!
   It all began with some extremely violent attacks. So if your dream is not premonitory, then it must be the result of their formation, by which they intend to disseminate the conviction everywhere, as much as possible, that this is the end. Two years ago, when I had to retire to my room, a formidable campaign was set into operation upon all the Ashram people; and all those who were a little receptive, either in dreams or through an openness to suggestions, heard it clearly announced: On the 9th of December of this year [1958], Mother Will leave. Theres no doubt about it, its sure. It was said to me as well: This Will be the end, you Will leave. It was repeated to everybody, everybody, a great many people heard itthey were virtually awaiting it. And this is why (you know how extremely ill I was at the time, I was really ill), this is why I didnt react, but all the same I didnt go to the lake [the lake estate where Mother was to have gone on the 9th of December], because I told myself, If anything happens there, it Will be awkward I had better not go. But still I knew it wasnt true, I knew it.
   Now this kind of attack has stopped, it is no longer like that. But there are beings who send dreams. For example, some dreams were sent to Z (who, as you know, is quite clairvoyant), in which she was told I would be broken to pieces. She was very upset and I had to intervene. Is your dream of this nature, or are you being forewarned? I dont know, I cant say. If the doctor were asked, perhaps he would say that if it continues like this, obviously (you see, one thing after another is getting disorganized), if it continues in this way, how long can the body last?
   But I know differently and so does my bodyto me its all foolishness and has no importance. For instance, when Vinoba Bhave came to see me4 (the man who takes care of poor people), he looked at me and said, Oh, youll live a hundred years! And I simply said, Yes, it all seemed so natural. At that moment, there wasnt even (how to put it?) the least intimation of a doubt. Of course its a clich, but nevertheless, he said it; afterwards he told people that this was what he had felt. And it seems completely natural I know if my body can last till its a hundred (a little less than twenty years more), then we Will be on the other side the difficulty Will be over.
   I rather feel that your dream is another part of this present mass attack, but.
   You see, theres a curious fluctuation possibly indicating that your dream is part of the present attack which continues with such violence. The night before last, between midnight and half-past, there was a formidable attack. When I emerged from it, I felt that something had lifted, a victory had been won and that the bodys condition had improved. It happens like that, the horizon clears and this Certainty comes with. (The presence is always hereSri Aurobindo and I are together almost every night but the night when I saw that formation, the illness spell over the Ashram, Sri Aurobindo was quite sick in his bed, just as I saw him in 1950.) So when it lifts, all is well: once again there is harmony, there is joy, there is force and again the whole thing continues, the effort continues, consciously. Yet there is a kind of fluctuation: it Will go on like that for a few moments or a few hours and then suddenly everything becomes muddled again and I am beset by a fatigue. A fatigue which is I cant say almost unbearable, because nothing in the consciousness feels it to be unbearable but it makes me like this (Mother clenches her fist tightly in a tension to hold on).
   For example, at five-thirty in the evening, after Ive spent an hour and a half here with people, its a labor to climb the stairs; and by the time I get upstairs, I feel strained to the breaking point. Then I begin to walk (I dont stop, I dont rest), I immediately begin to walk with my japa, and within half an hour, pfft! it has lifted.
   Yet I havent the slightest impression that the horizon is blockedyou know, that the end is at hand, that the condition has to be changed and the Work begin again on another plane and in another way; in other words, that everything attempted so far would have been only a preparation for for later. I still dont have that feeling. If I ever do, I Will say, Very well, thats quite all right with me, but I dont have this feeling. Will I ever have it? I dont knowusually (laughing), I know these things! For instance, I know for certain when someone is going to die, even before theres the least indication. So.
   In the present case, of course, the body is always saying, I am ready for everything I Will do anything at all; yet I still cant say that it has this. Its trying to be completely pure according to the spiritual conceptit doesnt sense its separate personality. More and more, year after year, it has been striving to feel only the divine Presence, the divine Life, the divine Force and the divine Will, all within itself; and to feel that without them it is nothing, it doesnt exist. This is fully realized in its consciousness (the conscious part). In the subconscient and inconscient,5 obviously it is not realized otherwise, logically, it shouldnt be ill.
   The whole disorder evidently originates from the subconscient and inconscient; all the more so as it came with various indications (sent by the hostile forces but this can always be useful, provided you are careful) saying, Yes, everything is going well in your higher centers, but(because the different points of attack have clearly followed the order of the centers). Four or five days ago, or maybe a week, before this latest difficulty occurred, I saw little beings coming out of the subconscient and saying, Ah! Your legs havent had any trouble for a long time! Its the turn of the lower centers! I swept it all away, of course, but.
   The most violent attack came immediately after that experience [of January 24]. But of all the experiences in my life, this was the most wonderful for the simple reason that it was NOT EVEN preceded by an aspiration, not even an aspiration from the body it came directly as the Supreme Will, bang! (Mother bangs down her hands in an irresistible gesture) And then there was nothing, nothing but THE thing, WITHOUT ANY PERSONAL PARTICIPATION WHATSOEVER: no Will, no aspiration, not even the satisfaction of itnothing. It was. I was (in my higher consciousness) filled with wonder at the ABSOLUTENESS of the experience. It came, a thing DECREED and eternallike that (same irresistible gesture).
   I know for certain that if I can keep going until 1964, then. That isnt long, but it Will be dangerous until 1964. Its these years in particular: 61, 62 63 is better, 64 is decidedly better, and from 1965, we should be on the safe side.
   But truly speaking, the minute one completely emerges from the ordinary mind, NO EXTERIOR SIGN IS A PROOF, absolutely none. There is absolutely no standard to go byneither splendid good health nor good equilibrium, nor an almost general disorganizationnone of these. All depends exclusivelyexclusivelyon what the Lord has decided. Exclusively. Consequently, if one remains very quiet, one is sure to know what He has decided.
   When I am perfectly tranquil, I immediately live in a beatific joy where questions dont arisethere are no questions! One asks for nothingone LIVES! One lives happily, and thats all. Theres no, Will it be like this? Will it be like that?how childish! There are no questions, questions dont arise. One is a beatitude manifesting, that is all.
   All the rest is unimportant.
   To realize what one has to realize, it is absolutely indispensable to be TOTALLY free of all ties with the ordinary, false consciousness common to material body-consciousness the consciousness of the body-substancederiving from the subconscient and the inconscient. This must not only be mastered (it has been mastered for a long time)but there must be complete independence so that it no longer has the power to provoke any reaction at all. But we arent there yet, its still not like that, and as long as it isnt, we are not on the safe side. But when all the bodys cells, even in their most subconscious reactions, Will come to know what I myself know, that the Supreme alone exists, when they Will know that, it Will be goodnot before. As I told you just now, they still have ordinary reactions: If I have to stay on my feet, (this isnt a thought; Im obliged to use words, but it isnt a thought), If I have to stay on my feet, Im going to get tired; if I do too much, Ill be tired, if I do this, it Will have that consequence, if. This stupid, automatic little mechanism. its not yet THAT, not yet That!
   Of course, theres the constant difficulty of all the thoughts coming from outside and from the people you live with. But now the consciousness is such that these outer things are seen objectively (Mother makes a gesture of seeing vibrations coming and stopping before her eyes)automatically I see everything that comes from the surrounding vibrations objectively: far, near, above, below, everywhere. The vibration comes WITH THE KNOWLEDGE. In other words, its not that you see what it is only after it has been received and absorbed: it comes with the knowledge, and this is a great help. This type of perception has considerably increased and become much more precise since that experience [of January 24], much more; it has made a big difference.
   But perhaps there Will have to be many experiences of this nature before the work is done. It is possible.
   Something from that experiencean effect, a vibratory effect, so to speakhas not left. But the totality of the experience is not here the whole time, its not established. I had a reminder of it one night, but not for very long; all at once, for a brief moment, this same vibration came, and my entire body was nothing other than this Vibration.
   For example, each time I have been able to master something, I mean find the true solution for an illness or a malfunctioning (the TRUE solution, not a mental one, not some ordinary knowledge, but the spiritual solution: the vibration that Will UNDO the wrong working or set you on your feet again), it has always been very easy for me to cure the same thing in others, through the emission of this vibration.
   Thats how it works. Because all substance is ONE. All is onewe constantly forget that! We always have a sense of separation, and that is total, total falsehood; its because we rely on what our eyes see, on (Mother touches her hands and arms, as if to indicate a separate body, cut off from other bodies). That is truly Falsehood. As soon as your consciousness changes a little, you realize that what we see is like an image plastered over something. But its not true, NOT TRUE AT ALL. Even in the most material Matter, even a stoneeven in a stoneas soon as ones consciousness changes, all this separation, all this division, completely vanishes. These are (how to put it?) modes of concentration (something akin to yet not quite that), vibratory modes WITHIN THE SAME THING.8
   Anyway, I dont need to tell you that the best attitude to take regarding this dream is: May Your Will be done, and tranquil, tranquil.
   You can even receive the answer yourself and know where this dream comes fromsimply turn towards the supreme Truth, remain like that (immobile) and say, May Your Will be done. It has to go very high, very high, to the highest, to that which is supreme Freedom. And then, if you are absolutely silent, you Will have, not a thought or a word, but a kind of feeling, and you Will know.
   For me, at the moment, your dream does not correspond to a precise fact.

0 1961-02-14, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Later on there Will be a lot to say.
   Ah, if we can hold outor to put it in a better way, after we have held outthere Will indeed be some interesting things to say.
   The Synthesis of Yoga, Cent. Ed., Vol. XX, p. 303.

0 1961-02-18, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Now, what do you have to tell me? I have nothing to say. As long as its like this, it Will keep going on, thats all. Later on, we shall see.
   But is it necessary to descend to the same level as all these subconscious things? Cant they be acted upon from above?
   Even mastery can be achievedits quite easy to do from above. But for the transformation one must descend, and that is terrible. Otherwise, the subconscient Will never be transformed, it Will remain as it is.
   One can even pose as a superman! (Mother laughs) But it remains like that (gesture in the air), its not the real thing. Its not the new creation, its not the next step in terrestrial evolution.
   The day victory is won, all this Will become infinitely interesting. But why speak of it if the victory isnt won? It just makes another lengthy description of failures.
   I dont believe in failure.
   that they are counting on it, that its going to be a big hit world-wide, and so forth. They put out a feeler with LOrpailleur, and seem quite pleased. They are very, very impatient they say now is the time. Now is the time but it Will be more and more the time, thats what they dont know! The time is only beginning.
   The other day you were telling me to start this Sri Aurobindo from any point at all.
   Well, if you feel the time Will be found, it Will surely be found.
   Not only do I feel it, Im set on it.

0 1961-02-25, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The Darshan went rather well, much better than I was expecting; but the following two days it was difficult here [in the body]. Then one night (I dont remember which), I I cant say grumbled, but (it wasnt my body grumbling, it is very docile and doesnt protest), but I sometimes find that well, I found it a little exaggerated that day. All the same, I said, this may be demanding a bit too much of it! And then (Mother laughs) the whole night through, each time I awoke and looked (not with my physical eyes), I saw serpents! They were drawn up straight in a circlemagnificent cobras with white bellies, pearl gray backs and flecks of gold on their hoods! They surrounded me, watching, exactly as though they were saying, All the necessary energy is there! You neednt worry! So I concluded that this whole affair11 must have its utilityit cant be simply the bodys lack of plasticity and incapacity to receive. It must have a usefulness but what? I havent understood. Perhaps I Will get the explanation later, once its over.
   And the next afternoon, I closed my eyes while I was bathing and what did I see but an enormous, magnificent cobra! It gazed at me, almost smiling, and stuck out its tongue! Good, I said, then everything is all right! (laughing) I have only to hold on.
   The day its established, it Will be good.
   Obviously, the body needed a test, a VERY SEVERE test, because from a personal viewpoint, its the only explanation I can find for all these disorders. There are many explanations from a general viewpoint, but. Anyway, I Will know the day I am toldall these imaginings are useless. But from a personal viewpoint. You see, for a long time (more than a year now, probably almost two), this body hasnt felt its limits.14 It is not at all its former self; it is scarcely more than a concentration now, a kind of agglomeration of something; it is not a body in a skinnot at all. Its a sort of agglomeration, a concentration of vibrations. And even what is normally called illness (but it is not illness, these are not illnesses, they are functional disorders), even these functional disorders dont have the same meaning for the body as they have for the doctor, for instance, or for ordinary people. Its not like that, the body doesnt feel it like that. It feels it rather as as a kind of difficulty in adjusting to some new vibratory need.
   Now the body has a kind of extraordinary smile for everything. At the end of the day, with the accumulation of everything coming from the people I have seen and the work I have done, when I have to push and pull myself just to climb the stairs because my legs are like iron rods, without any Will (thats the most terrible part: they dont respond to the Will), even at times like these, when my arms are what pull me up the stairs (no longer my legs), the body doesnt protest, doesnt protest. Then it begins walking back and forth for japa. And after half an hour of walking, things are infinitely better (Mother makes a gesture of the Force descending into her body).
   But the body itself doesnt know why this is happening. And in fact, it finds it unnecessary to try: its like that because its like that. And were it called upon, it would say, Very well, when conditions ought to be otherwise, they Will be otherwise. Thats exactly its position.
   Its a rather amusing sensation, a combination of sensation and feeling, that the ordinary human attitude towards things multiplies and magnifies the difficulties to FANTASTIC proportions; while if they simply had the true attitudea NORMAL attitude, quite simple, uncomplicatedahh, all life would be much easier. For the body feels the vibrations (those very vibrations which concentrate to form a body), it feels their nature and sees that its normal reaction, a peaceful and confident reaction, makes things so much easier! But as soon as this agitation of anxiety, fear, discontent comes in, the reaction of a Will that doesnt want any of it oh, right away it becomes like water boiling: pff! pff! pff! like a machine. While if the difficulty is accepted with confidence and simplicity, its reduced to its minimum, and I mean purely materially, in the material vibration itself.
   Almost (I say almost because the body hasnt had every experience), but almost all pains can be reduced to something absolutely negligible. (Of course, some pains it hasnt had, but it has had a sufficient number!) Its this anxiety resulting from a semi-mental vibration (the first stirrings of Mind) that complicates everything, everything! For example, take this difficulty I mentioned of climbing the stairs: in the doctors consciousness or anyone elses, pain causes it. According to their ordinary reasoning, pain is what tenses the nerves and muscles so one can no longer walk but this is absolutely FALSE. Pain does not prevent my body from doing anything at all. Pain isnt a factor, or rather its a factor that can be easily dealt with. Its not that: it is Matter; Matter (probably cellular matter, or) losing its capacity to respond to the Will, to Will-power. But why? I dont know! It depends upon the particular disorganization; but why is it like that? I dont know. Now each time I climb the stairs, I am trying to find the means of infusing Will in such a way that this lack of response doesnt last but I still havent found it. Although theres all this accumulated force and power and Will (a tremendous accumulation, I am BATHED in it, the whole body is bathed in it!), yet for some reason it doesnt respond. Here and there, groups of cells fail to respond, and the Force cannot act. So what must be found is.
   The day we find it things Will change.
   Here Mother gradually goes into trance and all the rest of this conversation Will take place in a state of trance.
   I.e., it is not through any effort or tapasya that the true change is brought about.

0 1961-03-04, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Listen, mon petit, you dont need to ask, I Will tell you right away. Sri Aurobindo has written somewhere that the movement of world transformation is double: first, the individual who does sadhana6 and establishes contact with higher things; but at the same time, the world is a base and it must rise up a little and prepare itself for the realization to be achieved (this is putting it simply). Some people live merely on the surface they come alive only when they stir about restlessly. Whatever happens inside them (if anything does!) is immediately thrown out into movement. Such people always need an outer activity; take J. for example: he fastened onto Sri Aurobindos phrase, World Union, and came to tell me he wanted.
   He has been like that since the beginning (gesture expressing agitation), and he had a go at a considerable number of things but none ever succeeded! He has no method, no sense of order and he doesnt know how to organize work. So World Union is simply to let him have his way, like letting a horse gallop.
   Now it has all fallen flat. They are carrying on with their little activities, but its absolutely unimportant. They publish a small journal, and V, who writes for them, is far from stupid. She is rather intelligent and I have some control over her, so I Will try to stop her from writing nonsense.
   They also had a sudden brainstorm to affiliate with the Sri Aurobindo Society. But the Sri Aurobindo Society has absolutely nothing to do with their project: its a strictly external thing, organized by businessmen to bring in moneyEXCLUSIVELY. That is, they want to put people in a position where they feel obliged to give (so far they have succeeded and I believe they Will succeed). But this has nothing to do with working for an ideal, it is COMPLETELY practical.10 And of course, World Union has nothing to offer the Sri Aurobindo Society: they would simply siphon off funds. So I told them, Nothing doingits out of the question!
   But your name is there as President of the Sri Aurobindo Society, they said. My name is there to give an entirely material guarantee that the money donated Will really and truly be used for the Work to be done and for nothing else; its only a moral and purely practical guarantee. These people arent even asked to understand what Sri Aurobindo has said but simply to participate. Its a different matter for those in World Union, who are working for an ideal: they want to prepare the world to receive (laughing) the Supermind! Let them prepare it! It doesnt matter, they Will achieve nothing at all, or very little. Its unimportant. Thats my point of view and I have told them so.
   In addition, I told them it was preferable not to hold any functions herethey can be held at Tapogiri in the Himalayas, or elsewhere and this is understood. They did hold a seminar here (a perfect fiasco, besides), but it had been arranged a long time ago. They invited people who promised to come (I think very few showed up in the end), and it was of very secondary importance. Nevertheless, I told them, This is the last time; dont do it here any more. At Tapogiri, as often as you like: its a beautiful spot in the mountains, a health resort, people go there in the summer for the fresh air and to sit around and chat!
   The opposition is clearly becoming stronger and stronger, a very good signit means we are advancing. But circumstances are growing more and more difficult: the least thing becomes an opportunity to demonstrate bad Will and spiteon the part of the government, on the part of people here and so on. Seen from a superficial viewpoint, we are more than ever in the soup. But this makes my heart rejoice! I take it as a sign that we are getting nearer.
   Dont let it trouble you, you must always smile. Smile, be absolutely above it allabsolutely.
   Whats more, I find it so funny! A time comes when all such things seem so childish, so stupid, so meaningless! What difference can it make! As long as people are still at that level, thats where they are. The day they get away from it, they too Will smile!
   Of course, I have a kind of responsibility because people expect me to organize everything, so I try to put things in their place. Thats why I told them I preferred they didnt hold seminars here, because it appears a bit I didnt say parasitic, but its like (laughing) a toadstool growing on an oak tree!
   Oh, I dont like that! You know, I have filariasis in my legs. Yes, I think sotheres every reason to believe it! (Mother laughs) But it doesnt matter, it Will go away I think. I dont like to be bitten on account of the germs; but during the day theres nothing for them to pick upthey only pick up germs around midnight.
   There are no mosquitoes upstairs.
   Each time I have a Cheerfulness,13 I Will bring it to you. It is a GREAT FORCE, a great force.
   Things are going very badly: a pack of enemies assailing me, friends deserting usits going very, very badly. Then yesterday evening, while I was walking for japa and all these good tidings were arriving, I said to the Lord, Listen, Lord, you have Indra to help the good people I beseech you, send him to me; he has some work to do!(Mother laughs) Then my walk became so amusing! I was watching them come in as I walked Indra and all the other godsand they were hard at work. Delightful!

0 1961-03-11, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Then I had to return here that is, to my home in India, to Sri Aurobindos home: I had to return to Sri Aurobindos home. Pavitra was also working there and he didnt want to let me leave; when he saw me going he came and tried to stop me. You, on the contrary, were helping. Shall I take anything with me or not? I asked myself Oh, I dont need anything, Ill go all alone. That worried you a little because of the journey ahead, and you said, There Will be many complications. It doesnt matter! I replied (laughing). But if you only knew how living and concrete it was! The impressions were so there was the feeling of making a long voyageit was a LONG voyage, as if I were crossing the sea (but not physically), a long voyage. I remember setting off (I was with you, you were there) and telling myself, At last hes here! At last I have found a reasonable being who doesnt try to stop me from doing what I must do! I had (laughing mischievously) a very high opinion of you, thats why I am telling you this!
   I was abruptly awakened by the clock striking (I didnt count), and my immediate feeling was, Well, he is really very nice! Now theres a good companion!
   From an historical viewpoint (not psychological, but historical), based on my memories (only I cant prove it, nothing can be proved, and I dont believe any truly historical proof has come down to usor in any case, it hasnt been found yet), but according to my memories. (Mother shuts her eyes as if she were going off in search of her memories; she Will speak all the rest of the time with eyes closed.) Certainly at one period of the earths history there was a kind of earthly paradise, in the sense that there was a perfectly harmonious and perfectly natural life: the manifestation of Mind was in accordwas STILL in complete accord and in total harmony with the ascending march of Nature, without perversion or deformation. This was the first stage of Minds manifestation in material forms.
   How long did it last? Its hard to say. But for man it was a life like a sort of flowering of animal life. My memory is of a life where the body was perfectly adapted to its natural surroundings. The climate was in harmony with the needs of the body, the body with the demands of the climate. Life was wholly spontaneous and natural, as a more luminous and conscious animal life would be, with absolutely none of the complications and deformations brought in later by the mind as it developed.
   Matter was very simple and very harmonious and very luminous not complex enough. This complexity is what ruined everything, but it Will lead to an INFINITELY more conscious realizationinfinitely more conscious. And when the earth again becomes as harmonious, simple, luminous, puresimple, pure, purely divine then, with this complexity added, something can be achieved.
   (Mother gets up to leave)
   When we become like that, it Will be very easy.
   Good-bye, petit. You know, I enjoy myself, I enjoy myself every day!
   This enigmatic experience was actually very important, as Mother Will later explain (on March 17): Mother was leaving behind the subjection to mental functioning, symbolized by this place where Pavitra was working.
   Salmon-colored hibiscus.

0 1961-03-17, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Man on earth1 is a transitional being and as a consequence, in the course of his evolution, he has had several successive natures following an ascending curve which they Will continue to follow until he touches the threshold of the supramental nature and is transformed into a superman. This curve is the spiral of mental development.
   We tend to apply the word natural to all spontaneous manifestation not resulting from a choice or a preconceived decision that is, with no intrusion of mental activity. Thats why a man with an only slightly mentalized vital spontaneity seems more natural to us in his simplicity. But this naturalness bears a close resemblance to the animals and is quite low on the human evolutionary scale. Man Will not recapture this spontaneity free of mental intrusion until he attains the supramental level, until he goes beyond the mind and emerges into the higher Truth.
   Up to that point, all his modes of being are naturally natural! But with the minds intrusion, evolution was, if not falsified, then deformed, because by its very nature the mind was open to perversion and it became perverted almost from the start (or to be more exact, it was perverted by the asuric forces). And what appears unnatural to us now is this state of perversion. At any rate, its a deformation.
   Along with the mind came individualization, an acute sense of separation and a more or less precise feeling of a freedom of choiceall of that, all these psychological states, are the natural consequences of mental life and open the door to everything we see now, from the worst aberrations to the most rigorous principles. Mans impression of being free to choose between one thing and another is the deformation of a true principle that Will be totally realizable only when the soul or psychic being becomes conscious in him; were the soul to govern the being, mans life would truly be a conscious expression of the supreme Will translated individually. But in the normal human state, such a case is still extremely rare and doesnt seem at all natural to ordinary human consciousness it seems almost supernatural!
   Man questions himself because the mental instrument is made for seeing all possibilities and because the human being feels he has freedom of choice and the immediate consequences are the notions of good and evil, right and wrong, and all the ensuing miseries. This cant be called a bad thing: its an intermediate stagenot a very pleasant stage, but nevertheless it was certainly inevitable for a total development.
   Then I arrived at Sri Aurobindos room with my plates. Oh, said Sri Aurobindo, it has taken so long that I Will take my bath first. I looked at my poor breakfast and thought, Well, I went to so much trouble to make it hot and now its going to get cold! All this was so sordid, so sad.
   And he seemed to be living in an eternity, yet fully, fully conscious of of our total incapacity.

0 1961-03-21, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Then I woke up (I always wake up three or four times during the night) and when I went back to bed I had an attack of what the doctor and I have taken to be filariasis but a strange type of filariasis, for as soon as I master it in one spot it appears in another, and when I master it there it reappears somewhere else. Last night it was in the arms (it lasted quite a while, between 2:30 and 4 a.m.); but I was fully conscious, and each time the attack came, I went like this (gestures over the arms, to drive away the attack) and my arms were not affected at all. When it was over, I consciously entered the most material subtle physical, just beyond the body. I was sitting in my room there (an immense, cubic room) reading or writing something, when I heard the door open and close, but I was busy and didnt pay attention, presuming it was one of the people usually around me. Then suddenly I had such an unpleasant sensation in my body that I raised my head and looked, and I saw someone there. Do you know how the magicians in Europe dress, in short satin breeches and a shirt? He was wearing something like that. He was Indian, tall and rather dark, with slicked-down hairwhat you would normally call a handsome young man. He seemed to have been drawn1 there becausehe was standing in front of me staring into space, not looking at me. And the moment I saw him, there was the same sensation in all my cells as I have with what Ive been calling filariasis (its a special, minute kind of pain) and simultaneously all the cells felt disgusta tremendous Will of rejection. Then I sat up straight (I didnt stand up) and said to him as forcefully as possible, How do you dare to come in here! I said it so loudly that the noise woke me up! I dont know what happened then, but things went much better afterwards.
   The moment I saw this person I knew he was only an instrument, but a well-paid instrumentsomeone paid a great deal to have him do that! I would recognize him again among hundreds I can still see him I see him more clearly than with physical eyes. He is an unintelligent man with no personal animosity, merely a very well-paid instrumentsomeone is hiding behind him, using him as a screen.
   But Z I dont know how to explain my relationship with him. He is sheltered by a light of benediction, so. When he was here I opened the doors for him to a realization he was incapable of having, something light years beyond him; and it gave him an appalling ambition, totally spoiling everything. From this point of view, its a great blessing for him; even if he becomes a dreadful Asura, it Will come to a good end! It doesnt matter, its not important. Thats why this morning, even when I heard what X said about Z, it was the same thing: this great Light of the supreme Mother going out towards Z. His magic is not important, but if he indulges in it, too bad for him. It doesnt concern me: its Xs business and X is doing whats necessary and I believe (laughing) he hits hard!5
   No, but. Well, we Will try.
   You cant imagine how difficult things are now! You have to hold on tight: everything is difficult, everything. Its not an individual problem: everything is grating everywhere, as though there were sand in all the gears. And things are reaching a kind of climax now.
   It Will pass.
   Im putting everything I can into your foodexcept my cold!

0 1961-03-27, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its not that I was disappointed by his way of being, certainly not; but it has suddenly confronted me with a terrible problem: Is it impossible to live a truth in material consciousness? Is it really impossible? An absolute, I mean an absolute truthnot something entirely subjective and relative, each one living his own truth in his own manner. Will one person always be like this and the other like that and the third like something else? So that only by putting all the pieces together do we actually amount to anything and yet to what?! Is it completely impossible for absolute truth to manifest in the present state of Matter? This is the problem that has seized me.
   Why? Probably because I was ready to face it. But it has been posed so intensely. It was so intense that it was painful.
   It ruffles me because its like a negation of my power. Till yesterday I had never experienced anything of the kind! On the 29th, you know, it Will be forty-seven years since I first came here3thats not exactly yesterday! And ever since I began working with Sri Aurobindo, I have had the sense of this Power, it has never left me; so. It is disconcerting to have this kind of episode come up after such a long time.
   Ill try to speak with X and find out exactly what happened.
   That risks a terrible misunderstanding; be careful. Perhaps he wont even remember what he said anymore. Its difficult with X because he doesnt say things with his mindit just comes like that, and then he forgets. You know how it is. Something may have made him speak. For instance, I know that with N. he almost always says unpleasant things about people and situations and this entirely results from N.s atmosphere. I have told N., He speaks like that because of your inner attitude. To one person he Will say one thing, to another something completely different on the same subjectit depends a great deal on who hes talking to. No, I havent told you all this for you to speak with X about it, I have told you because it has posed a serious problem for me.
   Its best to wait and see. I put a certain force into that note I wrote this morning (I wrote it at a very early hour) and you know that a formation4 is created when I write; I Willed it to go to himand he may have received it. Well see what happens. Its better not to speak of it because it might speaking is too external.
   On other occasions (as I have told you) I had difficulties with X on the mental plane; now all that has cleared up, cleared up very well. But this present situation is on another plane, so lets wait. Perhaps probably it Will clear up.
   Yes, its as if I were living, as if the BODY were living (despite all the illnesses and attacks, all the ill Will besetting it), living in a bath of the divine vibrationbathing in something immenseimmense, immense limitless, and so stable! The body lives in it like this (gesture as if Mother were floating). So even when there is what we call physical pain, even when there are blows to morale (like having a cashier ask you for money and you have none to give him5), well, despite it all, despite all the possible complications (coming all at the same time), EVERYTHING, everything that happens now, even things which seem extremely unpleasant to our mental conceptions or our mental reactions, everything is a bath, a bath of the vibration of divine Love. So much so that if I didnt control my body, I would be smiling at everything all the time like an idiot. A beatific smile for everything (I dont show it because I control myself).
   (silence, the clock strikes the hour)
   No, no: do not brood about it. Let it be, it Will work out. It Will work out the way it has to work out.
   X is sensitive mentally, but to what degree? And to what degree do things crystallize differently for him because of all his ideas?
   I believe this body has suffered as much as a body can bear without going to pieces, and it keeps going, it has never asked for mercynot once has it said, No, its too much, not once. It says, As You Will, Lord: here I am.
   And so it continues.
   And theres no point in giving up, because it would just have to be started all over again next time. What I always say is: Heres the opportunitygo right to the end. Its no use saying, Ah, I cant, because next time it Will be even more difficult.
   A region high in the Himalayas, also known as the abode of Shiva.
   Note that N. Will try to be the future 'proprietor' of Auroville. Already Mother was surrounded by lies on all sides.
   On March 29, 1914.

0 1961-04-07, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   X hears about it from the doctor. He asks the doctor and the doctor tells him whatever he likes. X says to him, I Will completely cure her, and the doctor replies, Thats impossibleit cant be cured! So X says, You have no faith, and the doctor replies, Youre living in illusions!
   The truth is that the body is holding its own quite well. But its a formidable affair. They1 are multiplying by the millions; so you can see it Will take time to get rid of them! They circulate throughout the body, sometimes for two, three or four hours at night, pricking and stinging from inside out; they prick like fiery needles. And they go everywhere, in the legs, the trunk, the armstheyre really having fun! But anyway, its subsiding: the legs are better. Its not quite right yet, but its coming along. Its nothing.
   Each time X comes here, all the difficulties rise up to their maximum, they seem to become absolute. And I understand why: his power acts in a domain full of human pettiness. What a domain! Oh, awful! And were not out of it yet: quarrels, divisions, misunderstandings, bad Will. I fully understand that it all has to come up in order to be healed. But it gives me a tremendous amount of work!
   As for him, even now his way of working consists in eliminating all obstaclesjust the opposite of what Sri Aurobindo was doing. Sri Aurobindo used to envelop them, like this (Mother opens her arms to embrace everything), and then act upon them so that they would no longer be obstacles. But the first thing X said when he first came to the Ashram was, Oh, there are a lot of elements which shouldnt be here! And he would talk about a purge: eliminate, eliminate, eliminate. But if you eliminate everything from life which is unresponsive to the Divine, what Will be left?
   He certainly hasnt understood Sri Aurobindos yoga. And its useless to try to explain anything to him.
   When external difficulties subside, when the body becomes passive and quiet, when it is not constantly demanding attention, then you can LIVE in this supramental consciousness and it does not seem so difficult; you feel it is so victorious in its essence that it Will end all difficulties.
   But for this to come about, you must remain for a while on those higher reaches and not be constantly, constantly dragged down below where you have to fight each minute simply to LASTto last in all ways: not just personally, but collectively.2 Its a minute-to-minute bout, simply to last. And how long do we have to last for the thing to be done?
   You have to look at all this with a smile, of course (and I do), but I must say that the enthusiastic side (you know, that fire of enthusiasm) has been dampened. Well, theres no need to get excitedit Will take time.
   We just have to keep on going, keep on moving: one step after another, one step after another, one step after another, without asking how many steps its going to take, or recalling how many weve taken.
   I dont know. I have reread some of his writings where he seemed to say the work would be easier. What happened, why isnt it like that? He seemed to be saying everywhere: things Will be easier, the work Will be easier
   Yes. But easier is only relative.
   The universe would be like that, if it had not been for the deviation of the adverse forces I see it very clearly. The perversion, the cold-blooded and cruel perversion of sheer malevolent Will keeps it from being like that. Thats what intervenes. They all call it an accident, but a lot of good that does us! The fact is there.
   The adverse force is what keeps the Divine from blossoming miraculously whenever He appears. Because I know that wherever Matter is not under the influence of this adverse Will to any degree, it blossoms immediately. And everything in the human heart, in human consciousness, in human thought, all that is slightly sheltered from this adverse influencesheltered by the psychic, the divine Presenceblossoms, becomes immediately becomes marvelous, without any obstacleall the obstacles come from that source. So its all very well to call it an accident, but.
   Its obviously reparable, theres no doubt about that, but at what price? And how it complicates things!
   We are told it Will be all the more beautiful later I am absolutely sure of this I dont doubt it for a minute, but.
   The world as it is, really say what you like, even upon the most perfect heights, its woeful. It is woeful.
   Theoretically, it shouldnt be that way, but in fact it is. Something Will never be perfect until this accident has been abolished.
   That is my experience.
   The night before last I was again awakened at midnight (not awakened: I came out of my trance) with those stings burning from inside out, from the tips of the feet up to here, everywhere, in the back it lasted four hours, non-stop. Well, my body didnt once complain. Not once did it ask for it to stop; it just kept quiet, saying: Thy Will be done. And not only saying it but FEELING it, quietlyfour hours of minuscule tortures. It didnt say a thing.
   Saying nothing is elementary for me! But the body didnt say anythingit didnt even fidget; it didnt even have, you know, that feeling of, When Will it be over? Nothing. It just stayed quiet, quiet. I was like a statue in my bed, stinging from head to toe. So I really cant complain! The instrument I have been given is of truly good quality. An unflinching good Will.
   But without any doubt, this is diabolical.
   And if you really want to please me (I believe you do!), if you want to please me, concentrate on the book on Sri Aurobindoyou cant imagine how much I am interested! And as I LOOK, I see into the future (not with this little consciousness), I see that its a thing of GREAT importance. It Will have a great action. So, I want to clear the way for you now, for us to have time.
   I Will surely need a quiet mind to prepare the work.3
   Yes, yes of course.
   But you Will receive it!
   Yes, I have faith in that.
   I have never written or spoken to X about this, but through mental contact I have told him I dont know how many times: Satprem has a work to accomplish that is INFINITELY more important than reciting mantras. If it can help him to discipline himself, fine, but its nothing more; he Will not accomplish his work by reciting mantras. He has something to do and he Will do it. I have hammered that into his head (Mother laughs).
   So, petit, see you tomorrow.

0 1961-04-08, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Yes, of course. But its basically a description of my sadhana, thats all, and I always say that it Will be interesting only if I go through to the end.
   When I reach the end or when something truly concrete is realized, then it Will become interesting, but not before.
   But still, the story of the journey is interesting!
   It Will make it easier to understand
   Oh, mon petit! As if anyone ever understands anything about anything! Anyway. Wed better go back to work.

0 1961-04-12, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And, an incredible thing this cat was very pretty, but she had a wretched tail, a tail like an ordinary cat; and one day when I was with her at the window, one of the neighbors cats wandered into the gardenan angora with three colors, three very prominent colors, and such a beautiful tail trailing behind! So I said (my cat was just beside me), Oh! Just see how beautiful she is! What a beautiful tail she has! And I could see my cat looking at her. My child, in her next litter she had one exactly like that! How did she manage it? I dont know. Three prominent colors and a magnificent tail! Did she hunt up a male angora? Or did she just Will for it intensely?
   They are really something, you cant imagine! Once, when she was due to give birth and was very heavy, she was walking along the window ledge and I dont know what happened, but she fell. She had wanted to jump from the ledge, but she lost her footing and fell. It must have injured something. The kittens didnt come right away, they came later, but three of them were deformed (there were six in all). Well, when she saw how they were, she simply sat on themkilled them as soon as they were born. Such incredible wisdom! (They were completely deformed: the hind paws were turned the wrong way roundthey would have had an impossible life.)

0 1961-04-15, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But all night long I am fully conscious of a lot of things they cant be called trivial, but. Oh, its as though everything that can comes to tell me: You think there Will be a supramental transformation? Well then, just look: there is this and that and that and this, this one and that one, this circumstance, that thing, the world, people, things. Oh, a deluge!
   And in the evening before going to sleep I read the Vedas, which aggravates the situation. Because those people rememberei ther they have heard of it, or they remember it themselvesa supramental realization; and they describe it all so beautifully that it makes you feel very far from it, so very, very far.
   I could say something formidable (Mother is about to speak, then restrains herself). But its not true, its not like that. If I say it, it Will become something else.
   Its better to say nothing.
   On the 24th, how long Will it be? Forty-one years since I came here. And I havent moved since.
   Its really strange: there is no space between that time and now. I dont know how to explain it. I have no feeling of time, none at all, none.
   I live in the constant feeling of PUSHING against a world of tremendous obstacles, with the certainty thatsuddenly the resistance Will give way and there Will be enlightenmentno, far more than that!
   Thats all.
   Its all right. Dont worry. When you are a little upset, you only have to think: Oh, Mother is here, and she Will do the work.
   And dont have any more toothaches. I dont like you to have toothaches!

0 1961-04-18, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   These are political texts from the revolutionary period, concerning bomb attacks against the English. And then he says that the man God has protected can never be touched. However hard you try, you Will never be able to slay him. But who can protect the man God has already slain? He has already been slain by God. And man is simply the instrument used by God to do here what has been done there (it has ALREADY been done there). Its very simple.
   Yes, I quite understand. But in general, does EVERYTHING that happens here first get played out on the other side in some way? Its an occult problem, and furthermore a problem of freedom.
   For example, if I were asked how much time it takes for a thing decided upon there to be realized here, I would answer that it is absolutely indeterminate. That is my experience. I always give the following example because its so clear: Thirty-five years before India became free, I saw that she was free. It was already done. And I have also seen things which for us are almost instantaneous something is decided there and realized almost instantly here. And there are all sorts of possibilities between these two extremes, because the notion of time is not at all the sameso we cant judge. It is facile to say that what you are seeing Will happen in a year or in a week or in an hour but in fact, this is impossible. It depends upon the case and certain factors which are part of the whole.
   In one chapter of The Synthesis of Yoga, Sri Aurobindo says that there is a state of consciousness in which all is from all eternityeverything, without exception, that is to be manifested here.
   In a certain state of consciousness (I no longer remember what he calls it I think its in the Yoga of Self-Perfection), one is perfectly identified with the Supreme, not in his static but in his dynamic aspect, the state of becoming. In this state, everything is already there from all eternity, even though here it gives us the impression of a becoming. And Sri Aurobindo says that if you are capable of maintaining this state,2 then you know everything: all that has been, all that is and all that Will bein an absolutely simultaneous way.
   But you must have a firm head on your shoulders! Reading some of these chapters in Self-Perfection, I thought it would be better if it didnt fall into just anyones hands.
   We think its BECAUSE we do such and such a thing that something else happens. (And how frequently, too!) People are constantly saying and writing: do this and that Will happen. But the fact that this person speaks and the other one acts is also absolutely decreed.
   If we could really get this into our heads, it would probably make them swim.
   Let me tell you about a recent occurrence. E. had sent a telegram saying that she had a perforated intestine (but it must have been something else because they operated on her only after several days, and when you are not operated on immediately in such cases, you die). Anyway, it was very serious and she was on the threshold of death that much is certain. She wrote me a letter the day before the operation (what is interesting is that now she doesnt even remember what she wrote). It was a magnificent letter saying that she was conscious of the Divine Presence and of the Divine Plan. Tomorrow they Will operate on me, she said. And I am entirely aware that this operation has ALREADY been done, that it is a fact accomplished by the Divine Will; otherwise it could be a fatal ordeal. And she said she was conscious of the supreme Wills action, in a perfect peace. It was a magnificent letter. And the whole thing went off almost miraculously; she recovered in such a miraculous way that the surgeon himself said, I must congratulate you, to which she replied, How surprising! You did the operation! Yes, he said, we did the operation, but it is your body that Willed to be healed, and I congratulate you for your bodys Willpower. Of course she wrote to me that she knew who had been there to see that all went well. And this feeling of the thing being already accomplished is a beginning of the consciousness Sri Aurobindo speaks of in the Yoga of Self-Perfection, where one is simultaneously both here and there. Because, as Sri Aurobindo says, some people have managed to be entirely there, but what he has called the realization is to be both there and here simultaneously.
   Of course, one might wonder what the meaning of everything here is, if it has all been already accomplished above, on an occult plane, and we are merely re-enacting it.
   There is a universal unfolding, the true unfolding, that of the Supreme Lord who watches (this is the best way to put it) his own unfoldment. But for some reason or other, there has been a deformation of consciousness which makes us see this unfolding as something separate, a more or less adequate expression of the Divine Will. But it isnt so! It is the very unfolding of the Divine within Himselfwithin Himself, from Himself, for Himself. And its simply our falsehood that makes a separate thing of it The very fact of objectifying (what WE call objectification) is already a falsehood.5
   I have had this particular consciousness in flashes. The difficulty is that in expressing it, we use all our mental faculties, and they themselves are falseso we are cornered. Because when you follow through. Whatever you say,If this, if that, if the otheris all part of our general stupidity. Going right to the end of it, you are suddenly like this: Ah! (Mother remains suspended midway in her sentence) There is nothing more to do, not a move to make.
   And I see a very steady, insistent and regular action to eliminate moral values. How I have been plagued all my life by these moral values! Everything is immediately placed on a scale of moral values (not ordinary moralityfar from it! But a sense of what has to be encouraged or discouraged, what helps me towards progress or what hampers it); instantly everything was seen from the angle of this Will to progresseverything, all circumstances, reactions, movements, absolutely everything was translated by that. Now, the subconscient is mounting upwards and, knee-deep in it, you see it as a lesson to tell you: so much for all your notions of progress! They are all based on illusionsa general lie. Things are not at all what they seem, they dont have the effects they appear to have, nor the results that are perceivedall, all, all, oh Lord!
   Now I know that its not necessary at allnot at all. Simply the aspiration must be constantly like this (gesture of a rising flame). Aspiration that is, knowing what you want, wanting it. But it cannot be given a definite form; Sri Aurobindo has used certain words, we use other words, others use still other words, and all this means nothing they are simply words. But there is something beyond all words, and that for me, the simplest thing (the simplest to express) is, The Supremes Will.
   And its The Supremes Will FOR THE EARTHwhich is quite a special thing. I am in a universal consciousness at the moment and the earth seems to me to be a very tiny thing, like this (Mother sketches a tiny ball in the air) in the process of being transformed. But this is from the standpoint of the Work, its another matter.
   But for those who are here, we can say, It is what the Supreme Lord is preparing for the earth. He sent Sri Aurobindo to prepare it; Sri Aurobindo called it the supramental realization, and to facilitate communication we can use the same words. Well, this movement (gesture of a rising flame) towards That must be constantconstant, total. All the rest is none of our business, and the less we meddle with it mentally, the better. But THAT, that Flame, is indispensable. And when it goes out, light it again; when it falters, rekindle itall the time, all the time, ALL THE TIMEwhen sleeping, walking, reading, moving around, speaking all the time.
   The rest doesnt matter, one can do anything (it depends on people and their ways of thinking). You can just ask people like X, they Will tell you: You can do anything at allit doesnt matter in the least. Only you mustnt feel its you doing it, thats all. You have to feel that Nature does it. But I dont much approve of this system.
   The important thing is the flame.
   That's it. I don't know if we Will ever be able to express ourselves with our present vocabulary! ... We need another language!
   In 'Questions and Answers,' February 5, 1958 (the 'Great Voyage of the Supreme').

0 1961-04-22, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Yet I dont understand how someone might be doing something positively evil, to the extent that X says, They Will repent of it. I dont understand it, I just dont. Because usually when people are like that, they cant stay, they go. Certain people have left for just that reason. Its like this story of black magic performed at the Ashram the first time I fell ill two years ago; I cant believe it, because it would prove that I am totally unconscious! And I dont think I am.
   I know all the people here. I know everything thats going on, I see it night and day. But I havent seen this. Yes, there are ill-intentioned people, but they are even obliged to tell me so! There are people who oh, they almost wish I would leave, because they feel my presence as a constraint! They tell me so very frankly: As long as youre here, were obliged to do the yoga, but we dont want to do the yoga, we want to live quietly; so if you werent here, well, we wouldnt have to think about yoga anymore! But they are a bunch of fools with no power in them at all. As I said, they are even forced to tell me their true feelings.

0 1961-04-25, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It began with this famous World Union1 and now the Sri Aurobindo Society2 is meddling in it! They have put together a brochure saying, We Will facilitate your relations with the Mother!! Luckily, the draft was sent to me. I said, I do not accept this responsibility. I agreed to be President because money is involved and I wanted to be a guarantee that all these people who make propaganda dont put the money into their own pockets for their personal use; so I agreed to be Presidentto guarantee that the money would really go to work for Sri Aurobindo, thats all. But no spiritual responsibility; I have nothing to teach to anyone, thank God!
   (Pavitra.) But Mother, A. has also been bitten by the propaganda bug; in the by-laws he sent, he put: The goal of the Centre dEtudes de Sri Aurobindo [Sri Aurobindo Study Center, in Paris] is to steer people towards Pondicherry and the Mother.
   The first thing I did this morning was to open this book by Alice Bailey (Ive had it for several days, I had to have a look at it). So I looked Ah, I saidwell, well! Heres a person whos dead now, but she was the disciple of a Tibetan Buddhist lama and considered a very great spiritual leader, and she writes, Christ is the incarnation of divine love on earth. And thats that. And the world Will be transformed when Christ is reborn, when he comes back to earth. But why the devil does she put Christ? Because she was born Christian? Its deplorable.
   And such a mixture of everythingeverything! Instead of making a synthesis, they make a pot-pourri. They scoop it all up, toss it together, whip it up a little, use a bunch of words that have nothing to do with one another, and then serve it to you!
   Look here, theres a muddle in all this. The Sri Aurobindo Society people had ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the spiritual life when they began; they didnt at all present themselves as a spiritual groupnothing of the kind; they were people of good Will who volunteered to collect money to help the Ashram. So I said, Very well, excellent and as long as its like that, Im behind it. Leaflets can be handed outwhatever people like; its enough if their interest is aroused, if they know there is an Ashram and that it needs some help to go on. But thats all. It has nothing to do with yoga or spiritual progress or anything of the kindit was a strictly practical organization. It was not the same thing as World Union. World Union wanted to do a spiritual work on earth and to create human unity. I told them, You are taking something of an inward nature and you want to externalize it, so naturally it immediately goes rotten.(But its almost over now, Ive pulled the rug out from under them.)
   But then, they [the S.A.S. people] began posing as almost as teachers! Luckily, the draft of their brochure was brought to me. I said, Nothing doing. If you want to talk to people, tell them what you like, its all the same to me, but I am not publishing this. What you have written about me is not to be printed and you are not to distribute it. Im not in the picture. My name, the fact that I am president, is simply to give my guarantee that the money wont go into the pockets of those who collect it but Will be used for the Ashram, the running of the Ashram, and thats all. And on this basis alone I give my guarantee. I am in no way going to help people imagine they are doing a yoga! Its absurd.
   The other day, I told N. (and I told him loud enough for everyone to hear): We can dispense with a good half of the ashramites straight-away and not lose a single sadhak.4
   But once you have effected the transformation in your own body, Will it be transmittable to others? Will your experience and your realization be transmittable?
   Its a question of contagion. Spiritual vibrations are quite clearly contagious. Mental vibrations are contagious, and to a certain extent even vital vibrations are contagious (not often in their finer effects, but anyway, its cleara mans anger, for instance, spreads very easily). Well then, the quality of cellular vibrations should also be contagious.
   Just recently, though, I dont know what happened, but something seemed to take hold of me (how to say it?) this perception of the Supreme who is everything, everywhere, who does everythingwhat has been, what is, what Will be, what is being doneeverything. And suddenly there was a kind of not a thought or a feeling, it wasnt that; it was rather like a state: the unreality of the goalnot unreality, uselessness. Not even uselessness: the nonexistence of the goal. And even what I was saying just nowthis Will to make the experiment lingering in the body even this has gone!
   Its something I dont know.11
   And so, in an individual consciousness its expressed by an infinitesimal pointa physical body and everything dependent on it; but its exactly the same thing as the Supreme Point and everything depending on that. Its the same thing. It is only like the shifting of a glanceif it can be called a glancelike a needle point occupying no space.12 And yet it is the same consciousness: is it consciousness? Something like that. It is not consciousness as we understand it, nor is it perception; it is a kind of Will to see (good God, what words!), and with such absolute freedom and omnipotence: it can be this or that, or yet another, and it is EXACTLY the same thing.
   Dont try to understand!
   But what can be translated is this kind of sensation that the sequence of cause and effect, of purpose, of goal, all seems to be very far below, very, very DISTANT, very humanperhaps divine, too (from the viewpoint of the gods it may be like this also, I dont know), because in the consciousness of the universal Mother it is still there, there is still this ardent love to serve: To do Your Will. That is still there, so its there with the gods also.

0 1961-04-29, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I have seen other things but I have rarely seen anything favorable in churches. Here, I remember going to M I was taken inside and received there in quite an unusual waya highly respected person introduced me as a great saint! They led me up to the main altar where people are not usually allowed to go, and what did I see there! An asura (oh, not a very high-ranking one, more like a rakshasa4), but such a monster! Hideous. So I went wham! (gesture of giving a blow) I thought something was going to happen. But this being left the altar and came over to try to intimidate me; of course, he saw it was useless, so he offered to make an alliance: If you just keep quiet and dont do anything, I Will share all I get with you. Well, I sent him packing! The head of this Math5. It was a Math with a monastery and temple, which means a substantial fortune; the head of the Math has it all at his disposal for as long as he holds the position and he is appointed for life. But he has to name his successor and as a rule, his own life is considerably shortened by the successorthis is how it works. Everyone knew that the present head had considerably shortened the life of his predecessor. And what a creature! As asuric as the god he worshipped! I saw some poor fellows throw themselves at his feet (he must have been squeezing them pitilessly), to beg forgiveness and mercyan absolutely ruthless man. But he received meyou should have seen it! I said nothing, not a word about their god; I gave no sign that I knew anything. But I thought to myself, So thats how it is!
   Another thing happened to me in a fishing village near A., on the seashore, where there is a temple dedicated to Kalia terrible Kali. I dont know what happened to her, but she had been buried with only her head sticking out! A fantastic story I knew nothing about it at all. I was going by car from A. to this temple and halfway there a black form, in great agitation, came rushing towards me, asking for my help: Ill give you everything I haveall my power, all the peoples worshipif you help me to become omnipotent! Of course, I answered her as she deserved! I later asked who this was, and they told me that some sort of misfortune had befallen her and she had been buried with only her head above ground. And every year this fishing village has a festival and slaughters thousands of chickensshe likes chicken! Thousands of chickens. They pluck them on the spot (the whole place gets covered with feathers), and then, after offering the blood and making the sacrifice, the people, naturally, eat them all up. The day I came this had taken place that very morningfea thers littered everywhere! It was disgusting. And she was asking for my help!
   In short, I have known people from everywhere, I have been everywhere, I have seen and heard everything. It was very strange, very strange. And I didnt do it on purpose, but just because the Lord Willed it.
   What experiences!

0 1961-05-12, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I have finished my reading of the Veda. I have really tried my best, but I cannot manage to recapture that consciousness; do what I Will, it seems childish to me, I dont know why. Or else I am in the presence of a realization so far removed from what we are capable of now but to enter into that we have to go behind the words, which requires a mighty effort.
   If they really had that experience, it is admirable.

0 1961-05-19, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   When these promised things are achieved, then something like a Power Will comepersonally I dont consider that I have power. For the moment its nothing. It is NOTHING. My conception of Power is that when this must be comes into the consciousness, well, it MUST be. But its not like that now. All the other forces, the other movements of consciousness, enter and interfere,4 and the usual mess results; there is a little bit of that, a bit of this, a bit of the otherin short, an approximation. Sometimes it works, but then it is.
   The movement of initiating the action always proceeds in the same wayas something imperatively SEEN. Consequently, it should ALWAYS have an effect; but all kinds of things enter and cause a disturbance. So I dont call that Powerits too haphazard. But dont worry yourself over all this chatter.

0 1961-05-23, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   X said it would go away completely. The doctor said, It Will not go away. So my body is observing the phenomenon! (Mother laughs)
   If you become identified with the Supreme and there is but ONE WillHis then of course you have supreme mastery. Otherwise its all nothing but illusion. You imagine that by wanting a certain thing you can change circumstances, but you still have to be in total ignorance to believe that the change occurs because YOU want it toin fact, the Supreme is making use of you. Consequently, you have no mastery at all; you are an instrument used by the Supreme, and thats all.
   So all these things [the earlier Questions and Answers] seem quite childish to me, quite childishirrelevant chatter. You are outside the garden talking about what is within. It would be best to delete the whole thing.

0 1961-05-30, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There are moments, you know, when you want to weepwhich is idiotic! So you surrender it all to the Lord: I leave this work to Youdo what You Will, as You Will, when You Will.
   And I try to be as tranquil as I can (Mother makes a gesture of mental immobility), but when you do so, you become aware of oh, its like a swarm of flies comingfrom here, from there, from above, from below, oh coming and coming and coming!

0 1961-06-02, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   many things Will change,
   a great victory Will be won.
   And that is why, when the tears
   Thou who never gainsayest our highest Will
   because it is Thou Thyself who Willest in it!
   It would be folly to seek elsewhere than in Thee
   for one who Will listen, understand, love and guide,
   since always Thou art there
   Be in that domain, and you Will never grow tired.
   But to get there, believe me, you must accept to be a total imbecile for quite some time! I am not exaggerating. I have found myself in such states: you no longer understand anything, no longer know anything, no longer think anything, no longer want anything, no longer can do anythingno more power, no more Will, no more thought, no more anythingyou are like that. And when I am like that (when I WAS, because now its beginning to go away), I see the external world, people like those around me, looking at me and thinking, Ah! Mother is lapsing into her second childhood! Their vibrations come to me and unfortunately they sometimes have the power to shake me I have to make a movement to free myself from the thoughts of others.
   In one of the handwritten notes left by Mother, we found the following: 'Sri Aurobindo told me: Never give them the impression that they can do whatever they like, they Will always be protected.'
   With the exception of the second asterisked passage, which was not included in his English version of selected Prayers and Meditations, the following translations are Sri Aurobindo's.

0 1961-06-06, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And its so subtle, so incomprehensible theres a distinct impression of it TOTALLY eluding even the highest conscious Will. What is it? What is it?
   If we found that, perhaps we would have it all the total Secret.
   Thats why I had difficulty listening to you just now [during the work], because since last night I have been constantly facing this problem, and all morning long Ive had to you know, do like this (Mother clenches her fist, as though getting a grip on herself) in order to come here and listen. I didnt feel like seeing anyone, doing anything only staying like this (Mother keeps still, her arms at her sides) until that problem is Willing to explain itself.
   But if you had seen me yesterday. I would probably have said nothing, but it was so lovely! Exactly the same thing, the same people, the same circumstances, the same conditions in the body. Everything, everything was the same.
   How did it happen? (But not just how as in a story: the MECHANISM). And how Will we get out of it?
   You see, all the things that have been told, even all the things Sri Aurobindo has said (he has said the most in Savitri), all that is necessarily (what can it be called?) mental, the super-intellectual spiritualized mind. But it is not THAT! Its a form, its an image, its not the concrete fact.
   And THERE the conscious Will can do nothing. Nothing. All it could do it has done, and it continues to do all it can at each minute, and its nothing, it is not THATwhat is it??
   That is a true Secret. How splendid it Will be when it is found.
   And at the same time theres a kind of prescience, like a sensation beforehand, of an omnipotence the TRUE Omnipotence. And nothing but THAT can satisfy you, nothing elseall the rest is nothing.
   Mother is alluding to two extracts from Questions and Answers (dated June 19 and July 17, 1957) which she has just reviewed for inclusion in the Bulletin. In them she speaks of the causes of illness and of using the conscious Will for physical development.

0 1961-06-17, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Oh, it depends entirely upon the plane in which you find yourself! No, five different people Will see five different things. Only when one is in marvelous accord, in an identical vibration, as happened to me with Sri Aurobindo. But that never took the form of little stories!
   Whenever there was a special force descending, or an opening, or a supramental manifestation, we would know it at the same time, in the same manner. And we didnt even need to talk about it; we would sometimes exchange a word or two concerning the consequences, the practical effects on the work, but thats all. I never had this with anyone except Sri Aurobindo.

0 1961-06-20, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   For instance, X is completely caught up in all his family affairs; he said to Amrita, In August the girls Will go back home to their husbands, the boy Will be at college, and Ill be able to live tranquilly. But there Will be something else! There is always something else, naturally!
   Anyway, it doesnt matter I assure you that for the half-hour he is here with me he is splendid.

0 1961-06-24, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   As for your mother, she must have been thinking of me, for otherwise she wouldnt have come in that wayshe would have come through you (its different when things come through you). But she came to me directly, so I thought that for some reason she must have remembered me. I dont know. And I looked and said to myself (it came just like that), Now that she Will be left all alone, why doesnt she come here? I havent done anything about that, either, one way or the other.
   Thats odd the same thought has been coming to me these last three or four days: why doesnt she come here?
   As I said, I have done nothing, neither one way nor the other. So dont do anything. You know, from time to time when people are very sick, something comes out of them to indicate their Will. But one has to be present, one has to hear it.
   There was an experience like that quite recently. A.s mother was illold and seriously ill. Seeing her declining, A. wrote to me: If the time has come, make it happen quicklydont let her suffer. Then I saw very clearly that there was still something in her which didnt want to go; and when I applied the Force for the best to happen she suddenly began to recover! It must have coincided with a kind of inner aspiration in herno more fever, she was feeling well. And A. began preparing to come back here. If shes recovering, he said, theres no longer any point in my staying! The same evening she had a relapse and he sent me a telegram. Meanwhile (it was evening) I had gone upstairs to walk; suddenly The Will came (which is a very, very rare thing), The Will: Enough, now it must finishits enough as it is. Within half an hour she was dead.
   These things are very interesting. They must form part of the work I have come on earth to do. Because even before encountering Theon, before knowing anything, I had experiences at night, certain types of activities looking after people who were leaving their bodiesand with a knowledge of the process; I didnt know what I was doing nor did I seek to know, yet I knew exactly what had to be done and I did it. I was around twenty.
   Then, when I went to Tlemcen, I told Madame Theon about it. Yes, she told me, it is part of the work you have come on earth to do. Everyone with even a slightly awakened psychic being who can see your Light Will go to your Light at the moment of dying, no matter where they die, and you Will help them to pass through. And this work is constant. Constant. It has given me a considerable number of experiences concerning what happens to people when they leave their bodies. Ive had all sorts of experiences, all kinds of examplesits really very interesting.
   Lately it has increased, become more precise.
   I Will give you a concrete example, then youll understand. When I.B. was killed, I had to gather up all his states of being and activities, which had been dispersed by the violence of the accident2it was terrible, he was in a dreadful state of dispersion. For two or two and a half days the doctors fought in the hope of reviving him, but it was impossible. During those two days I gathered up all his consciousness, all of it; I collected it over his body, to the point where, when it had come and formed itself there, such vitality, such life was coming back into his body that after some hours the doctors believed he would be saved. But it couldnt last (it wasnt possiblea part of the brain had come out). Well, when not only his soul but his mental being, his vital being, and all the rest had been properly collected and organized over his body and had realized that the body had become quite unusable, it was overthey gave up the body and it was over.
   I was keeping I.B. near me because I already had the idea of putting him immediately back into another bodyhis soul was not satisfied, it had not finished its experience (there was a whole combination of circumstances) and it wanted to continue to live on earth. Then, that night, his inner being went to find V., lamenting, saying he was dead and hadnt wanted to die, that he had lost his body and wanted to continue to live. V. was very perplexed. He let me know about it in the morning: Heres what has happened. I sent word to him of what I was doing, that I was keeping I.B. in my atmosphere and that he should stay very calm and not get excited, for I was going to put him back into a body as soon as possible I already had something in view. The same evening I.B. again went to find V., with the same complaint. V. told him very clearly, Here is what Mother says, here is what she is going to do; come now, be calm and dont torment yourself. And he saw in I.B.s face that he had understood (the inner being was taking on I.B.s physical appearance, naturally); his face relaxed, he became content.
   When P. returns from Switzerland, she Will have some very interesting stories to tell. She has written me of experiences she had with Swiss children, genuinely interesting experiences. It is going on everywhere, everywhere, everywhere, and in a much more precise and exact way than one would ever believe. Even in America.
   Do you know the story of the two simultaneous operations of E. and of T.? T. is that vice-admiral who came here and became quite enthusiastiche had a kind of inner revelation here. The two of them were operated on for a similar complaint, a dangerous ulcer in the digestive system. He was in one town and she was in another, and they were operated on a day apartboth serious operations. And in each case, after a few days had gone by, the surgeon who did the operation said, I congratulate you. Practically the same phrase in both cases. And they both protested: Why are you congratulating me? (Each one wrote me about this separately; they were living far from one another and only met afterwards.) Why? You did the operationyou should be congratulated for my quick recovery. And in both cases the doctor replied, No, no; we only operate, the body does the healing; you have healed yourself in a way which can qualify as miraculous, and I genuinely congratulate you. And then the two of them had the same reaction they wrote to me saying, We know where the miracle comes from. And they had both called me. Moreover, E. had written me a remarkable letter a few days before her operation, where she quoted the Gita as if it were quite natural for her, and told me, I know that the operation is ALREADY done, that the Lord has already done it, and so I am calm.
   And now I know why this sort of impersonalization of the material individuality is so important. It is very important for the exactness of this action, so that it is onlyONLY the purest divine Will (if it can be put that way), expressing itself with a minimum of admixture. Any individualization or personalization results in admixture. But the divine Will acts like this (direct gesture).
   Oh, it was magnificent at the balcony this morning!
   Among Mother's papers we have found the following, which indicates that a state of dispersion after death is rather frequent (it concerns a disciple's mother who did not herself live at the Ashram): 'She has left her body without being at all prepared for the change of condition and has found herself disoriented and rather dispersed. She Will need some time to recover from this dispersion before anything useful can be done for her.'
   May 17, 1959.

0 1961-06-27, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its like asking if certain elements Will disappear from the universe. What can it mean, the destruction of a universe? Once we are out of our stupidity, what can we call destruction? Only the form is destroyed, the appearance (that, yesall appearances are destroyed, one after the other). It is also said (its written everywhere) that the adverse forces Will either be converted that is, become aware of their own divinity and become divineor be destroyed. But what does destroyed mean? Their form? Their form of consciousness can be dissolved, but what about the something which brings itand everything elseinto existence? How can that something be destroyed? This, mon petit, is difficult to comprehend. The universe is a conscious objectification of That which exists from all eternity. Well, how can the All cease to be? The infinite and eternal All, without limits of any kindhow can anything be thrown out of it? There is nowhere to go! (You can rack your brains over it, you know!) Go where? There is only THAT.
   And even when we say there is only that we are situating it somewherewhich is perfectly idiotic. It is everywhereso how can anything be thrown out of it?
   Therefore, to speak of an absolute falsehood disappearing would simply mean that a whole set of things Will live eternally in the past but not belong to the coming manifestations, thats all.
   You cant get out of THAT, can you? There you are!
   But Will these things simply remain in the past?
   We are told that when you ascend both beyond Nirvana or Nothingness and beyond Existence (the two SIMULTANEOUS and complementary aspects of the Supreme), there is a state of consciousness where all simultaneously and eternally exists. Thusalthough God knows, it may be yet another stupiditywe can conceive of a whole set of things passing into Non-Being, and for our consciousness this would be disappearance or destruction.
   I have had an oft repeated experience of reliving the past1 (its a phenomenon of consciousness, possible because everything is preserved and continues to exist somewhere), with a kind of Willwhich would be the sign of a powerto change it. I dont know, but at the moment of reliving it, instead of reliving the past just as it had been preserved, a power to make it different was introduced. I am not speaking of the power to change the consequences of the past (that is obvious and functions all the time)it wasnt that; it was the power to change the circumstances themselves (circumstances not quite material but of the subtle physical, with a predominantly psychological content). And since the Will was there, from the standpoint of consciousness it actually happened that is, instead of circumstances developing in one direction, they developed in another. So it must correspond to something real, otherwise I would not have had the experience. It wasnt a product of the imagination; it wasnt something one thinks of and would really like to be differentit wasnt that; it was a phenomenon of consciousness: my consciousness was reliving certain circumstances (which are still quite living and obviously continue to exist within their own domain), but reliving them with the power and the knowledge acquired between that past moment and the present, and with a power to change the past moment. A new power entered the scene and turned the circumstance being relived in a new direction. I have had this experience many times and it has always surprised meits not a phenomenon of mental imagination, which is something else entirely.
   It opens the door to everything.
   I am going to study what Sri Aurobindo says when I come to it in The Yoga of Self-Perfection. He says there comes a time when the senses changeits not that you employ the senses proper to another plane (we have always known we had senses on all the different planes); its quite different from that: the senses THEMSELVES change. He foretells this changehe says it Will occur. And I believe it begins in the way I am experiencing it now.
   The CONTENT is different, mon petit. I see I see, but. The state of consciousness of the person Im looking at, for instance, changes his physical appearance for my PHYSICAL eyes. And this has nothing to do with the banalities of ordinary psychology, where your physiognomy is said to be changed by the feelings you experience. The CONTENT of what I see is different. And then the eyes of the person I am looking at are not the sameit is rather. I couldnt sketch it, but perhaps if I made a painting it would give some idea (I would need to use a somewhat blurred technique, not too precise). The eyes are not quite the same, and the rest of the face too, even the color and the shape thats what sometimes makes me hesitate. I see people (I see my people every morning) and I recognize them, and yet they are different, they are not the same every day (some are always, always the same, like a rock, but others are not). And I even I hesitate sometimes: Is it really he? But he is very. It is indeed he, but I dont quite know him. This generally coincides with changes in the persons consciousness.
   When we have passed to the other side, all Will be well.
   Not a past in Mother's present existence.

0 1961-07-07, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I am putting this purposely into rather childish terms so that it Will be clearly understood. But this is the way it is. I am sure of it because I have observed it in myself for a VERY long time, and I had to. Due to the whole subconscious formation of childhoodenvironment, education, and so forthwe have to DRUM into this (Mother touches her body) the consciousness of Unity : the absolute, EXCLUSIVE unity of the Divineexclusive in the sense that nothing exists apart from this Unity, even the things which seem most repulsive.
   Sri Aurobindo also had to struggle against this because he too received a Christian education. And these Aphorisms are the result the floweringof the necessity to struggle against the subconscious formation which has produced such questions (Mother takes on a scandalized tone): How can God be weak? How can God be foolish? How. But there is nothing but God! He alone exists, there is nothing outside of Him. And whatever seems repugnant to us is something He no longer wishes to existHe is preparing the world so that this no longer manifests, so that the manifestation can pass beyond this state to something else. So of course we violently reject everything in us that is destined to leave the active manifestation. There is a movement of rejection.
   Perfection is one way to approach the Divine; Unity is another. But Perfection is a global approach: all is there and all is as it should be that is to say, the perfect expression of the Divine (you cant even say of His Will, because that still implies something apart, something emanating from Him!).
   It could be put like this (but it brings it down considerably): He is what He is and exactly as He wants to be. The exactly as He wants to be takes us down quite a few steps, but it still gives an idea of what I mean by perfection!
   Mother later clarified this point: 'It is impossible for anything to be missing because it is impossible for anything not to be part of the whole. Nothing can exist apart from the whole. But I am taking this now to its extreme limit of meaningnot down-to-earth, but to the heights, to the extreme limits of meaning. I Will explain: everything is not necessarily contained within a given universe, because one universe is only one mode of manifestation but all possible universes exist. And so I always come back to the same thing: nothing can exist apart from the whole. If we give the whole the name of "God," for example, then we say that nothing can exist apart from Him. But words are so earthbound, aren't they?' (Mother makes a down-to-earth gesture.)
   See 'Prayers of the Consciousness of the Cells,' Agenda I, pp. 337-350.

0 1961-07-12, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But Perfection is only one side, one special way of approaching the Divine. There are innumerable sides, angles, aspectsinnumerable ways to approach the Divine. When I am walking, for example, doing japa, I have the sense of Unity (I have spoken to you of all the things I mention when I am upstairs walking: Will, truth, purity, perfection, unity, immortality, eternity, infinity, silence, peace, existence, consciousness the list goes on). And when one follows a particular tack and does succeed in reaching or approaching or contacting the Divine, one realizes through experience that these many approaches differ only in their most external forms the contact itself is identical. Its like looking through a kaleidoscopeyou revolve around a center, a globe, and see it under various aspects; but as soon as the contact is established, its identical.
   The number of approaches is practically infinite. Each one senses the path which accords with his temperament.
   This japa, you know, didnt at all come from here (Mother points to her head). Its something I received fully formed, and to such an extent that I couldnt even change the place of a single thinga Will seemed to oppose any change. Its a long series unfolding according to a law that probably corresponds to what is needed to develop this consciousness and the work it has to do (I suppose I dont really know and I havent tried to know). But a sort of law makes it impossible to change the position of even a single word, because these are not wordsthey are fully formed states of consciousness. And the whole series culminates with:
   Manifest Your Love.

0 1961-07-15, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   From experience, I know perfectly well that when one is satisfied with being a saint or a sage and constantly maintains the right attitude, all goes well the body doesnt get sick, and even if there are attacks it recovers very easily; all goes very well AS LONG AS THERE IS NOT THIS Will TO TRANSFORM. All the difficulties arise in protest against the Will to transform; while if one says, Very well, its all right, let things be as they are, I dont care, I am perfectly happy, in a blissful state, then the body begins to feel content!
   Thats the problem: something totally new is being introduced into Matter, and the body is protesting.
   And then of course its accompanied by all the usual suggestions (but thats nothing, it comes from a domain which is easily controlled). Suggestions of this type: Well, but Sri Aurobindo himself didnt do it! (I know why he didnt. but people in general dont know.) And every adverse vibration naturally takes advantage of this: How do you expect to succeed where he didnt! But my answer is always the same: When the Lord says its all over with, I Will know its all over with; that Will be the end of it, and so what! This stops them short.
   But it doesnt keep them from starting up again! They did so particularly after I read the passage where Sri Aurobindo affirms, THIS time I have come for THATand I shall do it. The day when I read this I turned towards him, not actually putting the question to him but simply turning towards him, and he told me, Read the book through to the end. And I know, I know its truewhen I have read the book through to the end I Will understand what he has done and I Will even have the power to reply to all these suggestions. But meanwhile, everything that wants to keep me from doing it, all this obscure and subconscious ill Will, tries its best to keep me from reading, including giving me this eye hemorrhage.
   Well, since I believerightly or wrongly, I dont know that the doctor has more experience than I, that from the therapeutic and biological standpoint he knows a bit more, I showed him the eye and asked, Can I read? Better not read until its finished, he replied, and told me to wash my eyes with glucose. (Its a useful piece of information for those with tired eyes: mix the glucoseliquid glucose, the kind that comes in ampoules for injectionwith something like the blue water we make here, half and half. Open the ample, put a third of it in the eye-cup, then add the blue water.) I have already tried it once and found that it gives a great deal of strength to the eyes. Tomorrow Im going to start doing it regularly. There you are.
   Obviously, were I to leave now I can say there would be a halt, because I dont see anyone at the moment who could continue. But theres a good chance that. We Will see.
   Yes, we Will see.
   Everything depends upon the balance (not the equilibrium, the proportion) between the amount of resistance in physical substance, and the Power.
   We Will see.
   In the final analysis, everything obviously depends upon the Supremes Will because, if one looks deeply enough into the question, even physical laws and resistances are nothing for Him. But this kind of direct intervention takes place only at the extreme limit; if His Will is to be expressed in opposition, as it were, to the whole set of laws governing the Manifestationwell, that only comes at the very last second. Sri Aurobindo has expressed this so well in Savitri, so well! At least three times in the book he has expressed this Will that abolishes all established laws, all of them, and all the consequences of these laws, the whole formidable colossus of the Manifestation, so that in the face of it all, That can express itself and this takes place at the very last second, so to speak, at the extreme limit of possibility.
   I must say that there was a time when, as Sri Aurobindo had entrusted his work to me, there was a kind of tension to do it (it cant be called an anxiety); a tension in the Will. This too has now ended (Mother stretches her arms into the Infinite). Its finished. But there MAY still be something tense lurking somewhere in the subconscient or the inconscient I dont know, its possible. Why? I dont know. I mean I have never been told, at any time, neither through Sri Aurobindo nor directly, whether or not I would go right to the end. I have never been told the contrary, either. I have been told nothing at all. And if at times I turn towards Thatnot to question, but simply to know the answer is always the same: Carry on, its not your problem; dont worry about it. So now I have learned not to worry about it; I am consciously not worried about it.
   Because evidently I cant say that my experiences are the result of a mental aspiration or Will or knowledge I dont know, I dont know at all. I dont know how it should be, nor what it should be, nor anything at all. I dont know what should be done, I dont know what should not be donenothing. Its truly a blind march (gesture of groping along), in a desert riddled with all possible traps and difficulties and obstaclesall this heaped together. Eyes blindfolded, knowing nothing (same gesture of groping blindly), one plods on.
   The only thing to do is to be like this (Mother turns her hands towards the Heights in a gesture of abandonment). Provided you dont fall asleep! You mustnt enter into a beatific state where you. No, we must keep moving on.

0 1961-07-18, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   This is quite interesting to me because Sri Aurobindo says the same thing: that nothing is bad, simply things are not in their placetheir place not only in space but in time, their place in the universe, beginning with the planets and stars, each thing exactly in its place. Then when each thing, from the most colossal to the most microscopic, is exactly in place, the whole Will PROGRESSIVELY express the Supreme, without having to be withdrawn and emanated anew. On this also, Sri Aurobindo based the fact that this present creation, this present universe, Will be able to manifest the perfection of a divine worldwhat Sri Aurobindo calls the Supermind.
   Equilibrium is the essential law of this creationit is what permits perfection to be realized in the manifestation.
   In line with this idea of things in their place, another question comes to me: with the descent of the Supermind, what exactly are the very first things that the supramental force Will want to or is trying to dislodge?
   The first things it Will dislodge?
   Yes, individually and cosmically, so that everything is in its place.
   Will it dislodge anything? If we accept Sri Aurobindos idea, it Will put each thing in its place, thats all.
   One thing must inevitably cease: the Deformation, the veil of falsehood covering Truth, because all we see existing here is due to that. If the veil is removed, things Will necessarily be completely different, completely: they Will be as we experience them when we emerge individually from that deformed consciousness. When one comes out of that consciousness and enters the Truth-Consciousness, one is incredulous that such things as suffering, misery and death can exist; its amazing, in the sense that (when one is truly on the other side) one doesnt understand how all this can be happening. And, although this state of consciousness is habitually associated with the experience of the unreality of the world as we know it, Sri Aurobindo tells us that this perception of the worlds unreality need not exist for the supramental consciousness: only Falsehood is unreal , not the world. And this is most interesting the world has its own reality, independent of Falsehood.
   I suppose this Will be the first effect of the Supermindperhaps even its first effect in the individual, because it Will begin in individuals first.
   This state of consciousness4 probably has to become constant, but that would pose a problem: how could one then keep in contact with the world as it is in its deformation? Because I have noticed that when this state is very strong in me, very strong, so strong that it can withstand everything bombarding it from outside, people dont understand a thing I say, NOTHING! Therefore, it would seem to cut off a useful contact.
   What would it be like, for instance, to have a small supramental creation as a nucleus of action and influence radiating upon earth (to limit it to the earth)? Is it possible? Its easy to conceive of a superhuman nucleusa creation of supermen, that is, of men who by virtue of evolution and transformation (in the true sense of the word) have succeeded in manifesting the supramental forces; yet since their origin is human, there is inevitably a contact; even if everything is transformed, even if their organs are transformed into centers of force, a sort of human coloration still remains. These are the beings who, according to tradition, Will discover the secret of direct, supramental creation, bypassing the process of ordinary Nature. Then through them the true supramental beings Will be born, who Will necessarily have to live in a supramental world. But how would contact be made between these beings and the ordinary world? How to conceive of a transformation of nature sufficient to enable this supramental creation to take place on earth? I dont know.
   Of course, we know that such a thing Will require a considerable amount of time to be done, and it Will probably go by stages, by degrees, with faculties appearing that at the moment we cant know or imagine, and which Will change the conditions of the earththis is looking ahead a few thousand years.
   There is still this problem: is it possible to make use of the notion of space I mean space on the planet earth?5 Is it possible to find a place where the embryo or seed of the future supramental world might be created?
   What I myself have seen was a plan that came complete in all details, but that doesnt at all conform in spirit and consciousness with what is possible on earth now (although, in its most material manifestation, the plan was based on existing terrestrial conditions). It was the idea of an ideal city, the nucleus of a small ideal country, having only superficial and extremely limited contacts with the old world. One would already have to conceive (its possible) of a Power sufficient to be at once a protection against aggression or bad Will (this would not be the most difficult protection to provide) and a protection (which can just barely be imagined) against infiltration and admixture. From the social or organizational standpoint, these problems are not difficult, nor from the standpoint of inner life; the problem is the relationship with what is not supramentalizedpreventing infiltration or admixture, keeping the nucleus from falling back into an inferior creation during the transitional period.
   There are stories like this, you know, about people who lived in an ideal solitude, and its not at all impossible to imagine. When one is in contact with this Power, when it is within you, you can see that such things are childs play! It even reaches the point where there is the possibility of changing certain things, of influencing vibrations and forms in the surrounding environment by contagion, so that automatically they begin to be supramentalized. All that is possible but confined to the individual scale. While if we take the example of what is happening here, where the individual remains right in the midst of all this chaos. Thats the difficulty! Doesnt this very fact make a certain perfection in realization impossible to attain? But the other case, the individual isolated in the forest, is always the same thingan example giving no proof that the rest Will be able to follow; while whats happening here should already have a much broader radiating influence. At some point this has to happenit MUST happen. But the problem still remains: can it happen simultaneously with or even before the supramentalization of the single individual?
   Note that modern astronomy is divided between the theory of endless phases of contraction-explosion-expansion, and the theory of a universe in infinite expansion starting with a 'Big Bang,' which seems quite as catastrophic, since the universe is then plunging at vertiginous speed into an increasingly cold, empty, and fatal infinity, like a bullet released from all restraints of gravity, until... until what? According to astronomers, an exact measurement of the quantity of matter in a cubic meter of the present universe (one atom for every 400 liters of space) should enable us to decide between these two theories and learn which way it Will be best for us to die. If there is more than one atom per 400 liters of space, this quantity of matter Will create sufficient gravitation to halt the present expansion of galaxies and induce a contraction, ending with an explosion within an infinitesimal space. If there is less than one atom per 400 liters of space, the quantity of matter and thus the gravitational effect Will be insufficient to retain the galaxies within their invisible net, and everything Will spin off endlesslyunless we discover, with Mother, a third position, that of a 'progressive equilibrium,' in which the quantity of matter in the universe proves in fact to be a quantity of consciousness, whose contraction or expansion Will be regulated by the laws of consciousness.
   When the veil of falsehood has gone: the supramental consciousness.

0 1961-07-28, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   In The Hour of God, theres a whole diagram of the Manifestation made by Sri Aurobindo3: first comes this, then comes that, then comes the other, and so fortha whole sequence. They published this in the book in all seriousness, but I must say that Sri Aurobindo did it for fun (I saw him do it). Someone had spoken to him about different religions, different philosophical methods Theosophy, Madame Blavatski, all those people (there was Theon, too). Well, each one had made his diagram. So Sri Aurobindo said, I can make a diagram, too, and mine Will be much more complete! When he finished it, he laughed and said, But its only a diagram, its just for fun. They published it very solemnly, as if he had made a very serious proclamation. Oh, its a very complicated diagram!
   But the trouble is that people Will say: whats the need for a descent if all is involved and then evolves? Why a descent? Why should there be an intervention from a higher plane?
   I beg your pardon, but what was built up through this involution had to be unbuilt. The CAUSE of this involution had to be undone.
   The way Theon told it, there was first the universal Mother (he didnt call her the universal Mother, but Sri Aurobindo used that name), the universal Mother in charge of creation. For creating she made four emanations: Consciousness or Light; Life; Love or Beatitude and (Mother tries in vain to remember the fourth) I must have cerebral anemia today! In India they speak only of three: Sat-Chit-Ananda (Sat is Existence, expressed by Life; Chit is Consciousness, expressed by Power; Ananda is Bliss, synonymous with Love). But according to Theon, there were four (I knew them by heart). Well, these emanations (Theon narrated it in such a way that someone not a philosopher, someone with a childlike mind, could understand), these emanations, conscious of their own power, separated themselves from their Origin; that is, instead of being entirely surrendered to the supreme Will and expressing only. Ah, the fourth emanation is Truth! Instead of carrying out only the supreme Will, they seem to have acquired a sense of personal power. (They were personalities of sorts, universal personalities, each representing a mode of being.) Instead of remaining connected, they cut the linkeach acted on his own, to put it simply. Then, naturally, Light became darkness, Life became death, Bliss became suffering and Truth became falsehood. And these are the four great Asuras: the Asura of Inconscience, the Asura of Falsehood, the Asura of Suffering and the Asura of Death.
   Once this had occurred, the divine Consciousness turned towards the Supreme and said (Mother laughs): Well, heres what has happened. Whats to be done? Then from the Divine came an emanation of Love (in the first emanation it wasnt Love, it was Ananda, Bliss, the Delight of being which became Suffering), and from the Supreme came Love; and Love descended into this domain of Inconscience, the result of the creation of the first emanation, Consciousness Consciousness and Light had become Inconscience and Darkness. Love descended straight from the Supreme into this Inconscience; the Supreme, that is, created a new emanation, which didnt pass through the intermediate worlds (because, according to the story, the universal Mother first created all the gods who, when they descended, remained in contact with the Supreme and created all the intermediate worlds to counterbalance this fallits the old story of the Fall, this fall into the Inconscient. But that wasnt enough). Simultaneously with the creation of the gods, then, came this direct Descent of Love into Matter, without passing through all the intermediate worlds. Thats the story of the first Descent. But youre speaking of the descent heralded by Sri Aurobindo, the Supramental Descent, arent you?
   Take the experience of Mind, for example: Mind, in the evolution of Nature, gradually emerging from its involution; well and this is a very concrete experience these initial mentalized forms, if we can call them that, were necessarily incomplete and imperfect, because Natures evolution is slow and hesitant and complicated. Thus these forms inevitably had an aspiration towards a sort of perfection and a truly perfect mental state, and this aspiration brought the descent of already fully conscious beings from the mental world who united with terrestrial formsthis is a very, very concrete experience. What emerges from the Inconscient in this way is an almost impersonal possibility (yes, an impersonal possibility, and perhaps not altogether universal, since its connected with the history of the earth); but anyway its a general possibility, not personal. And the Response from above is what makes it concrete, so to speak, bringing in a sort of perfection of the state and an individual mastery of the new creation. These beings in corresponding worlds (like the gods of the overmind,4 or the beings of higher regions) came upon earth as soon as the corresponding element began to evolve out of its involution. This accelerates the action, first of all, but also makes it more perfectmore perfect, more powerful, more conscious. It gives a sort of sanction to the realization. Sri Aurobindo writes of this in SavitriSavitri lives always on earth, with the soul of the earth, to make the whole earth progress as quickly as possible. Well, when the time comes and things on earth are ready, then the divine Mother incarnates with her full powerwhen things are ready. Then Will come the perfection of the realization. A splendor of creation exceeding all logic! It brings in a fullness and a power completely beyond the petty shallow logic of human mentality.
   People cant understand! To put oneself at the level of the general public may be all very well5 (personally I have never found it so, although its probably inevitable), but to hope that they Will ever understand the splendor of the Thing. They have to live it first!
   I myself would NEVER try to deal with the why; I would always say this is how it is. When people ask me, Why did it happen like this? Why is the world so unhappy? Why does it have to be dark before growing luminous? Why has there been this accident (if it can be called an accident)? Why did the Lord permit You can say its because of this, because of thatthere are fifty thousand replies and theyre all worthless.
   Lets take Savitri, which is very explicit on this: the universal Mother is universally present and at work in the universe, but the earth is where concrete form is given to all the work to be done to bring evolution to its perfection, its goal. Well, at first theres a sort of emanation representative of the universal Mother, which is always on earth to help it prepare itself; then, when the preparation is complete, the universal Mother herself Will descend upon earth to finish her work. And this She does with SatyavanSatyavan is the soul of the earth. She lives in close union with the soul of the earth and together they do the work; She has chosen the soul of the earth for her work, saying, HERE is where I Will do my work. Elsewhere (Mother indicates regions of higher Consciousness), its enough just to BE and things Simply ARE. Here on earth you have to work.
   There are clearly universal repercussions and effects, of course, but the thing is WORKED OUT here, the place of work is HERE. So instead of living beatifically in Her universal state and beyond, in the extra-universal eternity outside of time, She says, No, I am going to do my work HERE, I choose to work HERE. The Supreme then tells her, What you have expressed is My Will.. I want to work HERE, and when all is ready, when the earth is ready, when humanity is ready (even if no one is aware of it), when the Great Moment comes, well I Will descend to finish my work.
   Thats the story.
   As for hoping to make people understand! The only thing that really matters is that they read your book with interest. Let them read it with interest; each one Will imagine he has understood (and of course he Will have understood!), and through (I was going to say under) their interest, well, something Will be awakened in their consciousness, a kind of first aspiration towards the need to realize thats all. If you do that, good Lord, you have done a great thing!
   Make them understand! How to understand? As long as one is there [at the mind level], one does not understand. One can imagine all sorts of things, explain all sorts of things, but with a pinch of common sense, you see very well that you dont explain a thing.
   Mother is referring to the book Satprem Will write on Sri Aurobindo, which prompted the questions posed in this conversation.
   'Evolutor': a word coined by Mother.

0 1961-08-02, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   In fact, we are the first possible instruments for making the world progress. For example (this is one way of putting it), the transformation of the Inconscient into the Subconscient is probably far more rapid and complete now than it was before man appeared upon earth; man is one of the first transformative elements. Animals are obviously more conscious than plants, but WillED (and thus more rapid) progress belongs to humanity. Likewise, what one hopes (more than hopes!), what one expects is that when the new supramental race comes upon earth, the work Will go much more swiftly; and man Will necessarily benefit from this. And since things Will be done in true order instead of in mental disorder, animals and everything else Will probably benefit from it also. In other words, the whole earth, taken as one entity, Will progress more and more rapidly. The Inconscient (oh, all this comes to me in English, thats the difficulty!) is meant to go and necessarily the Subconscient Will go too.
   Broadly speaking, does this mean that physical Matter Will become conscious?
   Yes, in a certain way. It Will become receptive. The mode of life wont necessarily change, but the form of life Will change. Matter Will become responsive. Do we say that in French?
   No, receptive is one thing and responsive is another. To respond: Matter Will respond to the conscious Will. Indeed, this is why there is hopehow else could there be a transformation? Things would always remain as they are! What kind of earth would it be for the supramental race to live on if no Matter gave response, if Matter did not begin to vibrate and respond to the Will? The same difficulties would always be there. And it isnt limited: for instance, even if we imagine a power over the body making corporeal life different, this new corporeal life still has to exist within an environmentit cant remain hanging in thin air! The environment must respond.
   Its quite obvious that the Inconscient, the Subconscient and the semi-conscient are accidental; they are not a permanent part of the creation, so are bound to disappear, to be transformed.
   Years ago, when Sri Aurobindo and I descended together from plane to plane (or from mode of life to mode of life) and reached the Subconscient, we saw that it was no longer individual: it was terrestrial. The rest the mind, the vital and of course the bodyis individualized; but when you descend below this level, thats no longer the case. There is indeed something between the conscious life of the body and this subconscious terrestrial lifeelements are thrown out1 as a result of the action of individual consciousness upon the subconscious substance; this creates a kind of semiconsciousness, and that stays. For example, when people are told, You have pushed your difficulty down into the subconscient and it Will resurface, this does not refer to the general Subconscient, but to something individualized out of the Subconscient through the action of individual consciousness and remaining down there until it resurfaces. The process is, so to speak, interminable, even the personal part of it.
   Every night, you know, I continue to see more and more astounding things emerging from the Subconscient to be transformed. Its a kind of mixturenot clearly individualizedof all the things that have been more or less closely associated in life. For example, some people are intermingled there. One relives things almost as in a dream (although these are not dreams), one relives it all in a certain setting, within a certain set of symbolic, or at any rate expressive, circumstances. Just two days ago I had to deal with someone (I am actively at work there and I had to do something with him), and upon seeing this person, I asked myself, is he this one or that one? As I became less involved in the action and looked with a more objective consciousness, the witness-consciousness, I saw that it was simply a mixture of both personseverything is mixed in the Subconscient. Already when I lived in Japan there were four people I could never distinguish during my nighttime activitiesall four of them (and god knows they werent even acquainted!) were always intermingled because their subconscious reactions were identical.
   In the end, individualization and the consequent necessity for the egoexists for the return to Divine Consciousness to be conscious and Willed, with full, conscious participation.
   Speaking of individualization, theres a question Ive been wondering about: when one speaks of the central being, this central being is not something here in physical life, is it? Its above.
   No, unless you learn to think at all times with the fourth dimension, you Will never understand anything.
   But Sri Aurobindo says that this central being is unborn. I would like to know whether it is something individualwhe ther each person has a central being.
   The other tradition Theon said it was the origin of both the Kabbala and the Vedasalso held the same concept of divine life and a divine world as Sri Aurobindo: that the summit of evolution would be the divinization of everything objectified, along with an unbroken progression from that moment on. (As things are now, one goes forward and then backwards, then forward and backwards again; but in this divine world, retrogression wont be necessary: there Will be a continuous ascent.) This concept was held in that ancient tradition Theon spoke to me very clearly of it, and Sri Aurobindo hadnt yet written anything when I met Theon. Theon had written all kinds of thingsnot philosophy, but stories, fantastic stories! Yet this same knowledge was behind them, and when asked about the source of this knowledge he used to say that it antedated both the Kabbala and the Vedas (he was well-versed in the Rig-veda).
   But Theon had no idea of the path of bhakti,5 none whatsoever. The idea of surrender to the Divine was absolutely alien to him. Yet he did have the idea of the Divine Presence here (Mother indicates the heart center), of the immanent Divine and of union with That. And he said that by uniting with That and letting That transform the being one could arrive at the divine creation and the transformation of the earth.
   Then I went into Sri Aurobindos room and told him, Heres what I have seen. Yes, I know! he replied (Mother laughs) Thats fine; I have decided to retire to my room, and you Will take charge of the people. You take charge. (There were about thirty people at the time.) Then he called everyone together for one last meeting. He sat down, had me sit next to him, and said, I called you here to tell you that, as of today, I am withdrawing for purposes of sadhana, and Mother Will now take charge of everyone; you should address yourselves to her; she Will represent me and she Will do all the work. (He hadnt mentioned this to me!Mother bursts into laughter)
   These people had always been very intimate with Sri Aurobindo, so they asked: Why, why, Why? He replied, It Will be explained to you. I had no intention of explaining anything, and I left the room with him, but Datta began speaking. (She was an Englishwoman who had left Europe with me; she stayed here until her deatha person who received inspirations.) She said she felt Sri Aurobindo speaking through her and she explained everything: that Krishna had incarnated and that Sri Aurobindo was now going to do an intensive sadhana for the descent of the Supermind; that it meant Krishnas adherence to the Supramental Descent upon earth and that, as Sri Aurobindo would now be too occupied to deal with people, he had put me in charge and I would be doing all the work.
   This was in 1926.
   Shiva, on the other hand, refused. No, he said, I Will come only when you have finished your work. I Will not come into the world as it is now, but I am ready to help. He was standing in my room that day, so tall (laughing) that his head touched the ceiling! He was bathed in his own special light, a play of red and gold magnificent! Just as he is when he manifests his supreme consciousnessa formidable being! So I stood up and (I too must have become quite tall, because my head was resting on his shoulder, just slightly below his head) then he told me, No, Im not tying myself to a body, but I Will give you ANYTHING you want. The only thing I said (it was all done wordlessly, of course) was: I want to be rid of the physical ego.
   Well, mon petit (laughing), it happened! It was extraordinary! After a while, I went to find Sri Aurobindo and said, See what has happened! I have a funny sensation (Mother laughs) of the cells no longer being clustered together! Theyre going to scatter! He looked at me, smiled and said, Not yet. And the effect vanished.

0 1961-08-05, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its strange. I say strange because its due to her that I took birth in this body, that it was chosen. When she was very young she had a great aspiration. She was exactly twenty years older than 1; she was twenty when I was born and I was her third child. The first was a son who died in Turkey when he was two months old, I thinkthey vaccinated him against smallpox and poisoned him, (laughing) god knows what it means! He died of convulsions. Next was my brother who was born in Egypt, at Alexandria, and then me, born in Paris when she was exactly twenty years old. At that time (especially since the death of her first child) she had a kind of GREAT aspiration in her: her children had to be the best in the world. It wasnt an ambition, I dont know what it was. And what a Will she had! MY mother had a formidable Will, like an iron bar, utterly impervious to all outside influence. Once she had made up her mind, it was made up; even if someone had been dying before her eyes, she wouldnt have budged! And she decided: My children Will be the best in the world.
   One thing she did have was a sense of progress; she felt that the world was progressing and we had to be better than anything that had come before and that was sufficient.
   Did I tell you what happened to my brother? No? My brother was a terribly serious boy, and frightfully studiousoh, it was awful! But he also had a very strong character, a strong Will, and there was something interesting about him. When he was studying to enter the Polytechnique, I studied with himit interested me. We were very intimate (there were only eighteen months between us). He was quite violent, but with an extraordinary strength of character. He almost killed me three times,9 but when my mother told him, Next time, you Will kill her, he resolved that it wouldnt happen again and it never did. But what I wanted to tell you is that one day when he was eighteen, just before the Polytechnique exams, as he was crossing the Seine (I think it was the Pont des Arts), suddenly in the middle of the bridge he felt something descend into him with such force that he became immobilized, petrified; then, although he didnt exactly hear a voice, a very clear message came to him: If you want, you can become a godit was translated like that in his consciousness. He told me that it took hold of him entirely, immobilized hima formidable and extremely luminous power: If you want, you can become a god. Then, in the thick of the experience itself, he replied, No, I want to serve humanity. And it was gone. Of course, he took great care to say nothing to my mother, but we were intimate enough for him to tell me about it. I told him, Well (laughing), what an idiot you are!
   Thats the story.

0 1961-08-08, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And this is probably why there are things he cant make out in his contact with me, because he simply doesnt understand. For example, these physical disorders baffle him, they seem incompatible with my realization. As long as the question of transformation does not come into play, the realization I had was sufficient to establish a kind of very stable orderreaction against the transformative Will is what causes these disorders. And this he does not understandto him something seems not to be functioning properly. He must feel a contradiction between certain things he perceives in my consciousness and my contact with the material world. This being this, he thinks, that ought to be like that; so why? He doesnt understand.1
   X's astonishment raises an extremely important point, drawing the exact dividing line between all the traditional yogas and the new yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Mother. To a tantric, for example, it seems unthinkable that Mother, with a consciousness so powerful as to scoff at the laws of nature and comm and the elements (if she wishes), could be subjected to absurd head colds or an eye hemorrhage or even more serious disorders. For him, it is enough to simply lift a finger and emit a vibration which instantly muzzles the disorderyes, of course, but for Mother it is not a question of 'curing' a head cold by imposing a higher POWER on Matter, but of getting down to the cellular root and curing or transforming the source of the evil (which causes death as easily as head colds, for it is the same root of disorder). It is not a question of imposing oneself on Matter through a 'power,' but of transforming Matter. Such is the yoga of the cells.

0 1961-08-11, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   When it pours out that Will be something.
   Im starting to say stupidities Im leaving!

0 1961-08-18, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Even if there is some trouble with the continuity (at times you do have to link sections together), it Will work out on the second reading. I am fully confident.
   Your health is all right?
   That doesnt matter. Dont worryit Will come. I dont even need to ask you: Im sure of it.
   Its not the ideas I can feel and see the ideasits rather the expression. There is something slightly frozen.
   But I would like to know the effect it must have on the bodys functioning. It would be interesting to know if the functioning becomes wholly harmonious or what? We Will probably see. But the experience must last; it must last for at least one day, or even two or three then the result would be interesting to see.
   Well, petit.

0 1961-08-25, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Anyway, X has written to me (and to M. also), telling me he Will be here on the 29th, but Will have to leave on the 10th, so it wont be for very longall because of various ceremonies.2 He writes me that hes going to train someone to replace him for all these ceremonies so he can be freer to come here for longer periods. But to M. (the devil knows what M. wrote to him), he says something like, Yes, there is a very sorry situation in the Ashram and peoples jealousy and envy are increasing more and more. Yet nevertheless he feels so drawn by the Mothers presence that he Will come.
   I admit I didnt like this letter. But I dont hold him responsible because. When people tell him things, he believes them. God knows what story M. told him!

0 1961-09-03, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I dont think your book Will hold any surprises for me when I have it! Sometimes I listen to whole sections of it. Last night it was almost as if you were reading the book to menot exactly with words but I woke up and Sri Aurobindo was there andas though you had been reading somethinghe approved of it, saying, Yes, its fine like that, its all right.
   to feel it is a luxury. That Will come later.

0 1961-09-10, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It Will come. Ah, it Will come!
   Its time for me to leave now.
   So there you are, petit; it Will come.
   Strangely enough, some years earlier, when Satprem was writing L'Orpailleur, Sujata had a vision in which she saw him typing, and from the typewriter came, not typewritten lines, but music!

0 1961-09-16, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   These last two or three days I have been constantly seeing this for you. Then this morning it came for me, because the accumulation of work has become so tremendous that I would need ten times more time than I have merely to bring things up to date. So there I was, feeling a bit cornered; there was even a force wanting me to stop in the midst of my walk and RELAX, and I was resisting it with all my Willuntil I realized I was doing something foolish. It was the same thing, he said the same thing for me. I relaxed and immediately everything was fine.
   Essentially, we live with too much tension, dont we?
   What to do about it? Oh, that Will come. But its true, we are always too tensealways. And I know that as long as we are controlled by that admirable mind, we feel that to relax means to fall into tamas and unconsciousness. All these old notions remain, prolonging themselves; and theres something like the residue of one of those marvelous censors, telling you: Be careful, tamas, tamas! Be careful, you are dozing offvery bad, very bad. And its idiotic, because tamas is neither joyous nor luminous, while this is an immediate joy and light.
   There you are, petit. Now if I can pass this vision along to you, your book Will come easily.

0 1961-09-28, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   If you agree, here is what we could do: read aloud to me what you have written; perhaps seeing it in my consciousness Will help you.
   If you think this could be useful, I Will see you on Saturday at 10 oclock.
   With all my tenderness,

0 1961-10-02, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I know that at a certain moment I was making the distinction between the two states, between the person the individual, personal beingturning towards the Lord, imploring Him to reveal His Will, and then this experience of becomingby extending oneself, by opening, by enlarging, by merging into the creationof BECOMING the Will of the Lord, the Supremes Will. No longer any need to implore Him, to know His Will and receive it like something foreign to youyou become that Will.
   The experience was there at that moment, and it was eloquent enough.
   If you give it to me to read when its all finished, as you did with the other one [LOrpailleur], thats how it Will be received; it wont pass through the mind at all. It Will be reflected in the mirror and from the mirror it Will go above. Thats the way I saw the other book, and I was shown many things about you I hadnt known. So you can do it either way; I mean you can use the mirror before finishing the booknot for what I may think of it, because that has no importance at all, but for the effect it might have on your work. Its up to you.
   Its not quite ready. I still have a lot to correct.
   Correct? Many doors are open, and through these open doors things immeasurable for you can act through what you have written, bringing infinitely more to the reading than you think you have put there. People Will be brought into contact with the thing, and each one, according to his receptivity, Will catch hold of something. And this is very importantit must not be touched.4
   I dont mind reading it, but it Will take up your time
   No, no! As soon as I listen, everything is silenced, it all keeps quiet. I really become an immobile mirror.

0 1961-10-15, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   For a long, long time I have been asking for. When I would say, Lord, take possession of this brain, I expected something of the sort, but I was expecting it with the supramental light (which, partially and momentarily, I have had). But this! It was really. I dont know what he did with my brainnot brain, my mental power. Probably during that period he absorbed it (I suppose thats what happened because there was no sense of difference). My impression was that as a result of this the physical cells were going to develop materially and be transformed (I think it Will happen I had a sort of assurance that it Will). Because now, as Im talking to you, Im looking at it and I see the effect is still there: no longer with the same overwhelming power, but the effect is there and it gives a sort of (it cant be compared to anything physical) a sort of warmth; its not heat, but warmth. Everything is seized by it, both ears (Mother touches her head), everythinghere, there, all around! Tremendous. And this immobility! As soon as one stops, it is immor (Mother cuts off her word), it is eternity.
   It is truly bringing THAT down here [into Matter].
   Afterwards, I tried to understand (I tried to identify enough to be able to understand) and I got the feeling that he finds it Will be much more powerful if you dont follow normal logical lines (Im elaborating a bitit wasnt quite like this); rather, if you like, it is better to be prophetic than didacticfling abroad the ideas, ploff! Then let people do what they can with them. I felt he was viewing this not only from the essential standpoint, but from the standpoint of the public, and he wanted to ensure that it doesnt become tiresomeat all costs, dont let it be tiresome. It can be bewildering, but not tiresome. Let them be hurled right into things strange and unknown things, perhaps, but. For instance (this is my own style, you can take it for what its worth), it would be better for people to say, Hes a madman, than to say, Hes a boring sermonizer. And all this was coming with his sense of humor, the way he has of saying, for example, that folly is closer to the Divine than reason!
   I dont know, I didnt hear the beginning, but certainly everything dealing with physical events [of Sri Aurobindos life] Will be expressed in a very reasonable and normal style so that there Will be no danger of people saying, Hes a half-cracked visionary! I dont know, the first part of what you read to me was so good! Gusts of golden light kept coming. Perhaps you wanted to explain too much. You dont know what happened?
   Yes, its precisely this need to explain.
   When one follows the curve of his last writings, one sees very clearly that after having sown the seeds (yes, its like a great seeding of light) and even after having said, This is to be realized now, well, the further he went on in his work, the more he continued to work towards this realization, the more he saw all the stages that had to be crossed, the more he saw all that, well, the more he used to say, Dont imagine this Will happen to you all at once. Dont think this path is an instant miracle.
   After speaking of the descent of the Supermind, he said that an INTERMEDIARY must be prepared between our present mental state (even the most elevated higher mind) and the supramental region, because if one entered directly into Gnosis, well, it would produce such an abrupt change that our physical constitutions would be unable to support itan intermediary is needed. The experiences Ive had make me absolutely convinced of it; twice the supramental world took veritable possession of me and both times it was as if the bodytruly the physical bodywas going to completely disintegrate, due to what you could almost call the opposition of the two conditions.
   Yes, but I Will have to redo all that precedes it.
   You are going to do it all over? But it doesnt matter. You know what the logic of a book means to me!
   I Will try to see. If I catch the thread, it Will be all right but I must catch it.
   You have to concretely feel that Sri Aurobindos full Power of expression is there (I dont mean the words, its not a question of words), but the power to transmit knowledge (not mental knowledge, experience). Its constantly there. So an attentive silence but be very patient, because as soon as the Force comes, something begins to stir in the mental regions. Then there is also a sort of eagerness to seize hold and it ruins the thing.

0 1961-10-30, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Curious, this impression the feeling of the body and the atmosphere when I was propelled into the future. Its something more more compact, denser than the physical: the New Creation. One always tends to think of it as something more ethereal, but its not! Theon spoke of it, but he didnt express himself very well; his way of speaking didnt have the power of revelation (it was based on experience, but the experience wasnt his, it was Madame Theons. She was a marvelous woman from the standpoint of experienceunique but with no real intelligence oh, she was intelligent and cultivated, but no more than that, and it didnt amount to much). But they really had come as forerunners, and Theon always insisted, It Will have a greater density. Scientifically, this seems like heresy, for density is not used in that sense but this was what he said, A greater density. And the impression I get of this atmosphere is of something more compactmore compact and at the same time without heaviness or thickness. All this is evidently absurd scientificallyyet there is a feeling of compactness.
   It was like that yesterday something so solid was with me (Mother touches her head); how to put it? Its solid, but not in the way we usually speak of solidity! Its not like that.
   So there Will be a legend.
   I got the impression of there being the same difference between the physical fact of Christ or the physical fact of Buddha and everything we know and say and think and feel about them todayas there is between what we now know of Sri Aurobindo and what Will be known of him in the time I was propelled into.
   This book was like the initiator of the legend. Sri Aurobindo was there, Sri Aurobindo as I know him now the eternal Sri Aurobindo I know now.
   Since the time of Adam, it seems we have been choosing to eat of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, and there can be no half-measures or regrets along this way, for if we remain prostrate in a false humility, our noses in the dust, the titans or the djinns among us Will know all too well how to snatch the Power left unclaimed; this is in fact what they are doingthey would crush the god within us. It is a question of knowingyes or nowhether we want to escape once again into our various paradises, abandoning the earth to the hands of Darkness, or find and seize hold of the Power to refashion this earth into a diviner imagein the words of the Rishis, make earth and heaven equal and one.
   There is obviously a Secret, and all the traditions bear witness to it the Rishis, the Mages of Iran, the priests of Chaldea or Memphis or Yucatan.
   Nor was it insignificant that fire, Agni, was the core of the Vedic mysteries: Agni, the inner flame, the soul within us (for who can deny that the soul is fire?), the innate aspiration drawing man towards the heights; Agni, the ardent Will within us that sees, always and forever, and remembers; Agni, the priest of the sacrifice, the divine worker, the envoy between earth and heaven (Rig-veda III, 3.2) he is there in the middle of his house (I.70.2). The Fathers who have divine vision set him within as a child that is to be born (IX.83.3). He is the boy suppressed in the secret cavern (V.2.1). He is as if life and the breath of our existence, he is as if our eternal child (I.66.1). O Son of the body (III.4.2), O Fire, thou art the son of heaven by the body of the earth (III.25.1). Immortal in mortals (IV.2. 1), old and outworn he grows young again and again (II.4.5). When he is born he becomes one who voices the godhead: when as life who grows in the mother he has been fashioned in the mother he becomes a gallop of wind in his movement (III.29.11). O Fire, when thou art well borne by us thou becomest the supreme growth and expansion of our being, all glory and beauty are in thy desirable hue and thy perfect vision. O Vastness, thou art the plenitude that carries us to the end of our way; thou art a multitude of riches spread out on every side (II.1.12). O Fire brilliant ocean of light in which is divine vision (III.22.2), the Flame with his hundred treasures O knower of all things born(I.59).
   But the divine fire is not our exclusive privilegeAgni exists not only in man: He is the child of the waters, the child of the forests, the child of things stable and the child of things that move. Even in the stone he is there (I.70.2).
   But we have not yet reached the heart of the Vedic secret. The birth of Agni, the soul (and so many men are still unborn) is merely the start of the voyage. This inner flame seeks, it is the seeker within us, for it is a spark of the great primordial Fire and Will never be satisfied until it has recovered its solar totality, the lost sun of which the Veda incessantly speaks. Yet even when we have risen from plane to plane and the Flame has taken successive births in the triple world of our lower existence (the physical, vital and mental world), it Will still remain unsatisfiedit wants to ascend, ascend further. And soon we reach a mental frontier where there seems to be nothing to grasp any longer, nor even to see, and nothing remains but to abolish everything and leap into the ecstasy of a great Light. At this point, we feel almost painfully the imprisoning carapace of matter all around us, preventing that apotheosis of the Flame; then we understand the cry, My kingdom is not of this world, and the insistence of Indias Vedantic sagesand perhaps the sages of all worlds and all religions that we must abandon this body to embrace the Eternal. Will our flame thus forever be truncated here below and our quest always end in disappointment? Shall we always have to choose one or the other, to renounce earth to gain heaven?
   Yet beyond the lower triple world, the Rishis had discovered a certain fourth, touryam svid; they found the vast dwelling place, the solar world, Swar: I have arisen from earth to the mid-world [life], I have arisen from the mid-world to heaven [mind], from the level of the firmament of heaven I have gone to the Sun-world, the Light (Yajur-veda 17.67). And it is said, Mortals, they achieved immortality (Rig-veda I.110.4). What then was their secret? How did they pass from a heaven of mind to the great heaven without leaving the body, without, as it were, going off into ecstasies?

0 1961-11-05, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its a wonderful story, a real novel, which Will perhaps be told one day when there are no more Asuras. Then it can be told.
   Anyway, it was because of Theon that I first found the Mantra of Life, the mantra that gives life, and he wanted me to give it to him, he wanted to possess itit was something formidable! It was the mantra that gives life (it can make anyone at all come back into life, but thats only a small part of its power). And it was shut away in a particular place,2 sealed up, with my name in Sanskrit on it. I didnt know Sanskrit at that time, but he did, and when he led me to that place, I told him what I saw: Theres a sort of design, it must be Sanskrit. (I could recognize the characters as Sanskrit). He told me to reproduce what I was seeing, and I did so. It was my name, Mirra, written in Sanskrit the mantra was for me and I alone could open it. Open it and tell me whats there, he said. (All this was going on while I was in a cataleptic trance.) Then immediately something in me KNEW, and I answered, No, and did not read it.
   I Will tell you about it one dayfantastic!
   It was certainly Sri Aurobindos power that made Richard decide to leave. For twelve years I had been Richards guru (thats where our relationship stood), but I hadnt succeeded in converting him, and when we came back here I said, Im through with it. Ive tried and Ive failed. Ive failed completely. Ask Sri Aurobindo. When Sri Aurobindo took him in hand, that was another story. He couldnt take i the left.
   I dont like to talk about these things, though they dont interest me. As Sri Aurobindo said, I lived my whole life absolutely free. I watched myself living through events like watching a movie. I had an inner vision, an inner Will, and my inner reason for doing things was an Order received, an Order I was conscious of; but outwardlyfantastic! Naturallyhow else could it have been?
   Here in Pondicherry, those last days might have become tragic (but of course it was impossible). There was the great argument (for he was perfectly aware of who I was): But after all, he would tell me, since you are the eternal Mother, why have you chosen Aurobindo as Avatar? Choose me! You must choose meme! It was the Asura speaking through him. I would smile and not discuss it. Thats not how its done! I would tell him (laughing). Then one day he said, Ah, so you dont want to. (gesture to the throat) Well, if you dont choose me, then. He was a strong fellow with powerful hands. I kept quite calm and said inwardly, My Lord, my Lord. I called Sri Aurobindo and I saw him come, like that (gesture enveloping Mother and immobilizing everything). Then Richards hands loosened their grip.
   He wrote The Lord of Nations. And I saw him, oh! I saw this Lord of Nations. During the last war [World War II] I had some dealings with him again, but not through Richarddirectly. The being who used to appear to Hitler was the Lord of Nations. An incredible story! And I knew when they were going to meet (because after all, hes my son!9 That was the funniest part of it); and on one occasion I substituted myself for him, became Hitlers god and advised him to attack Russia. Two days later he attacked Russia. But upon leaving the meeting I encountered the other one [the real Asura] just as he was arriving! He was furious and asked me why I had done that. Its none of your business, I said, its what had to be done. You Will see, he replied, I KNOW, I know you Will destroy me, but before being destroyed I Will wreak just as much havoc as I can, you can be sure of that.
   When I returned from my nocturnal promenades I would tell Sri Aurobindo about them.
   Sri Aurobindo said that if we can hold on until 1967, then it Will be over. Could be.
   But the ifs. There is a domain where no more ifs exist, and when I am there, I still dont find any signs of inevitability. The place X looks from is all mixed up. I have had a certain number of visions, but not THE vision of inevitable war.
   Well, petit, when Will you have finished?
   Evidently he is making your book the starting point for all that Will be thought and said and done upon earth on the intellectual plane. And I assure you that I am helping you and he is helping you!
   You much ask him.
   According to what Sri Aurobindo saw and what I saw as well, the Rishis had the contact, the experiencehow to put it? A kind of lived knowledge of the thing, coming like a promise, saying, THAT is what Will be. But its not permanent. Theres a big difference between their experience and the DESCENTwhat Sri Aurobindo calls the descent of the Supermind: something that comes and establishes itself.
   Even when I had that experience [the first supramental manifestation of February 29, 1956], when the Lord said, The time has come, well, it was not a complete descent; it was the descent of the Consciousness, the Light, and a part, an aspect of the Power. It was immediately absorbed and swallowed up by the world of Inconscience, and from that moment on it began to work in the atmosphere. But it was not THE thing that comes and gets permanently established; when that happens, we wont need to speak of itit Will be obvious!
   Although the experience of 56 was one more forward step, its not. Its not final.

0 1961-11-07, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I think I made this experiment in 1904, so when I arrived here it was all a work accomplished and a well-known domain; and when the question of finding the Supermind came up, I had only to resume an experience I was used to I had learned to repeat it at Will, through successive exteriorizations. It was a voluntary process.
   When I returned from Japan and we began to work together, Sri Aurobindo had already brought the supramental light into the mental world and was trying to transform the Mind. Its strange, he said to me, its an endless work! Nothing seems to get doneeverything is done and then constantly has to be done all over again. Then I gave him my personal impression, which went back to the old days with Theon: It Will be like that until we touch bottom. So instead of continuing to work in the Mind, both of us (I was the one who went through the experience how to put it? practically, objectively; he experienced it only in his consciousness, not in the body but my body has always participated), both of us descended almost immediately (it was done in a day or two) from the Mind into the Vital, and so on quite rapidly, leaving the Mind as it was, fully in the light but not permanently transformed.
   Then a strange thing happened. When we were in the Vital, my body suddenly became young again, as it had been when I was eighteen years old! There was a young man named Pearson, a disciple of Tagore, who had lived with me in Japan for four years; he returned to India, and when he came to see me in Pondicherry, he was stupefied.4 What has happened to you! he exclaimed. He hardly recognized me. During that same period (it didnt last very long, only a few months), I received some old photographs from France and Sri Aurobindo saw one of me at the age of eighteen. There! he said, Thats how you are now! I wore my hair differently, but otherwise I was eighteen all over again.
   I am telling you this because, as soon as I got your letter, I replied with what Ill read to you now; then I was immediately faced with something I couldnt formulate, the kind of thing that gives you the feeling of the unknown (all I knew was my own experience). So I did the usual thingbecame blank, turned towards the Truth; and I questioned Sri Aurobindo and beyondasking, if there were something to be known, that it be told to me. Then I dropped it, I paid no more attention. And only as I was coming here today was I told I cant really use the word told, but anyway, what was communicated to me concerning your question was that the difference between the two processes [the Rishis and the present one] is purely subjective, depending upon the way the experience is registered. I dont know if I can make myself clear. There is something which is the experience and which Will be the Realization; and what appears to be a different, if not opposite, process is simply a subjective mental notation of one SINGLE experience. Do you follow?
   Thats what I was told.
   It is by rising to the summit of consciousness through a progressive ascent (thats what I meant just now by leaving the body, but without going into details), that one unites with the Supermind. But as soon as the union is achieved, one knows and one sees that the Supermind exists in the heart of the Inconscient as well. When one is in that state, there is neither high nor low. But GENERALLY, (I emphasized this to make it clear that I am not making an absolute assertion) it is by REDESCENDING through the levels of the being with a supramentalized consciousness that one can accomplish the permanent transformation of physical nature. (This can be experienced in all sorts of ways, but what WE want and what Sri Aurobindo spoke of is a change that Will never be revoked, that Will persist, that Will be as durable as the present terrestrial conditions. That is why I put permanent.) There is no proof that the Rishis used another method, although, to effect this transformation (if they ever did) they must necessarily have fought their way through the powers of inconscience and obscurity.
   Yes, the Rishis give an absolutely living description of what you experience and experience continuallyas soon as you descend into the Subconscient: all these battles with the beings who conceal the Light and so on. I experienced these things continually at Tlemcen and again with Sri Aurobindo when we were doing the Workits raging quite merrily even now!
   Now, if theres something else you want to ask me, perhaps it Will come.
   It depends upon the level of development, thats what Theon used to say: One goes into trance only when certain links are missing. He saw people as made up of innumerable small bridges, with intermediary zones. If you have an intermediary zone that is undeveloped, he said, a zone where you are not conscious because its not individualized, then you Will be in trance when you cross it. Trance is the sign of non-individualization the consciousness is not awake and so your body goes into trance. But if your consciousness is wide awake you can sit, keeping full contact with things, and have the total experience. I could go out of my body with no need of trance, except when Theon wanted me to do a particular work. That was a different business the vital force (not the consciousness, the vital force) had to go out for that work, so the body had to go into trance. But even then. For instance, very often when I am called and go to do something in response, my body does become still, but its not in trance; I can be sitting and, even in the middle of a gesture, suddenly become immobile for a few seconds.7 But I was doing another type of work with Theondangerous work, at thatand it would last for an hour. Then all the bodys vital energy would go out, all of it, as it does when you die (in fact, thats how I came to experience death).
   But it isnt necessary to have all those experiences, not at allSri Aurobindo never did. (Theon didnt have experiences, either; he had only the knowledgehe made use of Madame Theons experiences.) Sri Aurobindo told me he had never really entered the unconsciousness of samadhi for him, these domains were conscious; he would sit on his bed or in his armchair and have all the experiences.

0 1961-11-12, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Maybe in a few minutesin any case not more than a few daysit would be finished. And ORIGINAL. The main impression is that it would be something new, original, unexpected, and thats just whats needed: something unexpected, unlike anything ever done before. Something sudden. At the risk of being a bit bewildering that doesnt matter! It doesnt matter. With all those pictures it Will always be accessible to everyone. Especially each time you express this fatigue, this difficulty, what Sri Aurobindo seems to be saying comes back to me: But of course! He is banging up against something that shouldnt even be there!
   (Laughing) Perhaps thats why you were angry with me! Because I insist! Upstairs [in Mothers room, during japa], it keeps coming all the time, all the time: Go ontake the plunge! Clear the hurdle, take the plunge, cross to the other side. Constantly, constantly.

0 1961-11-16a, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It Will last just as long as it lasts.
   And of course, as always, theres an accumulation of people, of visitors asking to see me. There is always this external contradiction.

0 1961-11-16b, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   You were scheduled for the 21st and the Italian delegate for the 23rd. I have switched it around, so on the 23rd you take the place of this lady, whom I Will now see on the 21st.
   I find the book VERY BEAUTIFUL.

0 1961-12-16, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The experience was extremely intense, so I didnt do anything with my note, I put it aside. Then recently someone mentioned the first of January. What the devil am I going to read to them? I wondered (I usually read them a message). And I thought of this text: Ill change this scribble a bit, humanize it and bring it down a few rungs (smiling); then it Will do. So I wrote: WE thirst for perfection, etc. In the experience it was only the BODY, you understand (the other part of the being is quite all right)the body is in this state. All the rest is very happyvery happy, in perpetual joy and eurythmy (gesture of great waves), feeling divine Love (not Love as such I dont know how to say it): this Love without object, this Love which is neither originated nor receivedwithout object, without cause or origin. Its the feeling of floating in something.
   Thats all very fine. But the body remains miserable.
   'If the Lord Wills that a calamity befall you, why should you protest? Take it as a blessing and in fact it Will become one.'
   Then Mother thought that this message might not be too comforting and she put it aside (after asking the opinion of two disciples). Finally she chose the text of the experience which is the subject of this conversation. But the coming year, 1962, would be marked by the first great turning-point in Mother's yoga and a rather calamitous ordeal for the body.

0 1961-12-18, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   May your Will be done,
   With love,
   We shall publish it here, taking out the unnecessary pictureshaving only a few Will make the book more interesting.
   I suppose you can return their money and cancel the contract but reserve the right to print the book yourself, changing the presentation to avoid any confusion with their collection.

0 1961-12-20, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Dear Sir I must begin by telling you that although this text is an excellent essay, it is not, in its present form, a book for the Spiritual Masters series. Let us enumerate the reasons for this. First of all, the general impression is of an ABSTRACT text. I can straight-away imagine your reaction to this and I dread misunderstandings! But putting myself in the readers place, since, once again, it does involve a collection intended for a wide public that we are beginning to know well, I can assure you that this public Will not be able to follow page after page of reflections upon what one is bound to call a philosophical and spiritual system. Obviously this impression is caused primarily by the fact that you have begun with twenty-one pages where the reader is assumed to already know of Sri Aurobindos historical existence and the content of the Vedas and the Upanishads, plus I dont know how many other notions of rite, truth, divinity, wisdom, etc., etc. In my view, and the solution is going to appear cruel to you, for you certainly value these twenty-one pages [on the Secret of the Veda], they should purely and simply be deleted, for everything you say there, which is very rich in meaning, can only become clear when one has read what follows. There are many books in which readers can be asked to make the effort entailed in not understanding the beginning until they have read the end: but not books of popular culture. One could envisage an introduction of three or four pages to situate the spiritual climate and cultural world in which Sri Aurobindos thought has taken place, provided, however, that it is sufficiently descriptive, and not a pre-synthesis of everything to be expounded upon in what follows. In a general way you are going to smile, finding me quite Cartesian! But the readership we address is more or less permeated by a widespread Cartesianism, and you can help them, if you like, to reverse their methodology, but on the condition that you make yourself understood right from the start. Generally, you dont make enough use of analysis and, even before analysis, of a description of the realities being analyzed. That is why the sections of pure philosophical analysis seem much too long to us, and, even apart from the abstract character of the chapter on evolution (which should certainly be shorter), one feels at a positive standstill! After having waited patiently, and sometimes impatiently, for some light to be thrown on Sri Aurobindos own experience, one reads with genuine amazement that one can draw on energies from above instead of drawing on them from the material nature around oneself, or from an animal sleep, or that one can modify his sleep and render it conscious master illnesses before they enter the body. All of that in less than a page; and you conclude that the spirit that was the slave of matter becomes again the master of evolution. But how Sri Aurobindo was led to think this, the experiences that permitted him to verify it, those that permit other men to consider the method transmittable, the difficulties, the obstacles, the realizationsdoesnt this constitute the essence of what must be said to make the reader understand? Once again, it is the question of a pedagogy intimately tied in with the spirit of the collection. Let me add as well that I always find it deplorable when a thought is not expressed purely for its own sake, but is accompanied by an aggressive irony towards concepts which the author does not share. This is pointless and harms the ideas being presented, all the more so because they are expressed in contrast with caricatured notions: the allusions you make to such concepts as you think yourself capable of evoking the soul, creation, virtue, sin, salvationwould only hold some interest if the reader could find those very concepts within himself. But, as they are caricatured by your pen, the reader is given the impression of an all too easily obtained contrast between certain ideas admired and others despised. Whereas it would be far more to the point if they corresponded to something real in the religious consciousness of the West. I have too much esteem for you and the spiritual world in which you live to avoid saying this through fear of upsetting you.
   But I know that if we publish it here it Will have a wide public in Europe and America swallowing it down like holy bread, and it Will do a magnificent work. IF it comes from here. Not because of what they think of us [the Ashram], but because of what Will be in it.
   They want to tidy up your book, do they! They cant take it. I saw this when the book was sent off: they cant take it, they just cant. They put up a barrier; they cant receive what is in it, and so they Will do all they can to annul its effects.
   Coming from here, of course, it Will take much more time to touch the general public, but I see how things work in the universe: it Will go far more surely and directly to those who are ready to receive it. And we mustnt believe that only an elite public of especially intelligent and refined people Will be touched: among very simple, open-hearted people there is a deep intelligence that understands and responds to these things far better than very cultivated people dofar betterbecause they feel, they feel the vibration of this profound Hope, this profound Joy, something corresponding to the intense need of their being. While the others begin to reason and sophisticate, which takes away half the power.
   From the practical standpoint, I would much prefer the book to be printed here and for us to make the necessary effort for it to go out and touch as many people as possible. The publisher may be a handy and less troublesome channel, but hes not at all the best onefar from it. THAT I know, because I am constantly seeing your book with Sri Aurobindos perception, and I am absolutely positive that he likes it very much; he has put a lot into it and he sees that it can be an enormous help but not in the short run. There is always the sense of it needing a hundred years to have its full effect. With your publisher, on the other hand, the effects are far more violent, more external and noisy, but they fade far more quickly.
   I am seeing this book now. I see it. But when I leave here, with that whole throng around me and all that work to do, it Will fade away. I would need to be very quiet, have nothing to do, and just write when it comes to me; because I cannot do things in a logical fashion I have never been able to, never. The experience must come suddenlya memory, an experience then I note it down, put it aside and leave it. And when another comes, the same thing. In this way there would be (smiling) no plan to the book! It would be very simple: no plan of ideas, no plan of development, nothing; simply a story.
   For example, the importance of the departure2: how he was present the whole time I was away; how he guided my entire life in Japan; how. Of course, it would be seen in the mirror of my own experience, but it would be Sri Aurobindonot me, not my reactions: him; but through my experience because thats all I can speak of.
   I feel that it Will be done one daywhen that Person does the writing. But now there is still too much mixture, too much of this (Mother touches her body), this collection of little theres still too much reaction from the small physical personnot in what I might say but in the BRAIN that would have to transcribe it.
   But something else could be done. Its a great pity you never met him. Perhaps its best. Its very difficult to rise above appearances.3
   But this was merely the beginning of my vision. Only after a series of experiencesa ten months sojourn in Pondicherry, five years of separation, then the return to Pondicherry and the meeting in the same house and in the same waydid the END of the vision occur. I was standing just beside him. My head wasnt exactly on his shoulder, but where his shoulder was (I dont know how to explain itphysically there was hardly any contact). We were standing side by side like that, gazing out through the open window, and then TOGETHER, at exactly the same moment, we felt, Now the Realization Will be accomplished. That the seal was set and the Realization would be accomplished. I felt the Thing descending massively within me, with the same certainty I had felt in my vision. From that moment on there was nothing to sayno words, nothing. We knew it was THAT.
   But between these two meetings he participated in a whole series of experiences, experiences of gradually growing awareness. This is partly noted in Prayers and Meditations (I have cut out all the personal segments). But there was one experience I didnt speak of there (that is, I didnt describe it, I put only the conclusion)the experience where I say Since the man refused I was offering participation in the universal work and the new creation and the man didnt want it, he refused, and so I now offer it to God.6
   I dont know, Im putting it poorly, but this experience was concrete to the point of being physical. It happened in a Japanese country-house where we were living, near a lake. There was a whole series of circumstances, events, all kinds of thingsa long, long story, like a novel. But one day I was alone in meditation (I have never had very profound meditations, only concentrations of consciousness Mother makes an abrupt gesture showing a sudden ingathering of the entire being); and I was seeing. You know that I had taken on the conversion of the Lord of Falsehood: I tried to do it through an emanation incarnated in a physical being [Richard]7, and the greatest effort was made during those four years in Japan. The four years were coming to an end with an absolute inner certainty that there was nothing to be done that it was impossible, impossible to do it this way. There was nothing to be done. And I was intensely concentrated, asking the Lord, Well, I made You a vow to do this, I had said, Even if its necessary to descend into hell, I Will descend into hell to do it. Now tell me, what must I do?The Power was plainly there: suddenly everything in me became still; the whole external being was completely immobilized and I had a vision of the Supreme more beautiful than that of the Gita. A vision of the Supreme.8 And this vision literally gathered me into its arms; it turned towards the West, towards India, and offered meand there at the other end I saw Sri Aurobindo. It was I felt it physically. I saw, sawmy eyes were closed but I saw (twice I have had this vision of the Supremeonce here, much later but this was the first time) ineffable. It was as if this Immensity had reduced itself to a rather gigantic Being who lifted me up like a wisp of straw and offered me. Not a word, nothing else, only that.
   Then everything vanished.
   I feel it Will be told one day. But first of all, this (Mother touches her body) must be sufficiently changed. Then the story Will take on its full value.
   You understand, none of my certitudesnone, without exceptionhave EVER come through the mind. The intellectual comprehension of each of these experiences came much later. Little by little, little by little, came the higher understanding of the intellectual consciousness, long after the experience (I dont mean philosophical knowledge thats nothing but scholarly mumbo-jumbo and leaves me cold). Since my earliest childhood, experiences have come like that: something massive takes hold of you and you dont need to believe or disbelieve, know or not knowbam! Theres nothing to say; you are facing a fact.
   I still dont know. The day I do it Will probably be done. Because it Will come in the same manner, like a massive fact: it Will be LIKE THAT. And only much later Will the understanding say, Ah! So thats what it is!
   First it comes, afterwards we know it.
   If God Wills and we reach the end, then we Will simply tell our story, thats allNO TEACHING.
   There you are, mon petit.
   Think it over. I would like us to publish your book exactly as it is, with its full force, with all that Sri Aurobindo has put into it; and we Will give it a bit of help to go and do its work. And you should come to an understanding with these people. But first you should write just a simple book, quite simple and quite positive: the constructive aspectvery constructive, very simple. No attempt to convince, no big problemsno, no, no! Sri Aurobindo has come to tell the world that man is not the final creation, that there is another creation; and he said this not because he knew it but because he felt it. And he began to do it. And thats all.
   It neednt be long.
   Write it in a relaxed way, spontaneously. And we Will give them some pretty little photos magazine photos! It would be a very fine way to reply: Ah, thats what you want! Well, by all means! But I retain the right to publish my original manuscript I wont be competing with you since we Will publish it here in India. So please return my manuscript and we Will prepare something very nice for you.
   And mind you, it can be very beautiful in its simplicity, a beauty sorrowful people can feel, people who are tired of life, people whose heads are sick of all these arguments and dogmaspeople who are tired of thinking too many great thoughts.

0 1961-12-23, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There is something deeper. And within this deeper thing there was: quiet, quiet, quiet, we Will wait; and the impression (but vague, distant and uncertain) of some attempt being made to introduce a very good possibility into the atmosphere. I never see on the purely physical plane, you know (its always on the subtle physical, the plane of possibilities thats more real to me; the purely physical generally eludes me, but I see the subtle physical clearly), and I was seeing I dont know, it was like something higher, from above, trying to make someone enter the field of possibilities, a brain that would suddenly be touched by the book and reverse the situation. I dont know who, I dont know what, I dont know how. Ah, you know that yellow rose I just gave you? Its fringed in pink. Well, what came was like a slender pink fringe winding through the atmosphere of this situation.
   Its possibleall is possible!
   I can see from the publishers letter that he has been touched much more than he thinks. His outer mentality may have responded the way it did, but something was vibrating within I felt it as soon as you read me his letter. And he is violently denying it of course! It would disturb him a good deal, so he defends himself violently; but this just might give him the idea of having others read itand it could touch someone. I dont know, I am giving you an explanation of what I saw, of the sensation it gave me: Wait, dont move. And then: You Will be informed when it is necessary to act. So let the first of the year go by, and then we Will see.
   Well then. And you?
   Within it is going very well, as you Will notice in a while! But it takes time. It takes time and occasionally it takes on bizarre appearances.
   I can see that this whole peculiar period Ive been passing through was a tremendous progress and I didnt know it. I am not at the end yet, but now I understand what it is. And its something of capital importance.
   Now I know the outcome, and thats what I didnt see before. But it Will take time. For the moment it seems. You know, it wasnt pleasant: everything appears useless, impossible in that condition. But thats very good! (Mother laughs) Very good.
   But while these things are happening, we shouldnt speak of them.
   And in the experience there was no difference between my physical and my inner being (actually, its that way more and more for me); even physically, externally, there was a kind of love full of adoration, and so spontaneousnot even any sense of wonder! And there was such a formidable Power in it, formidable from the standpoint of the entire earth. It lasted one hour. After an hour, the experience slowly began to fade (it had to fade for purely practical reasons). But it left me so confident of a radical changenot a total change, for it wasnt permanent but so radical that even outwardly, way down below in me, something was saying, Ah, how Will the meditations with X be now? I caught Myself not thinking, not myself: someone thought like that, somewhere way down below. This pulled me out of the experience and I wondered, Thats strange, whos thinking like that? It was one of the personalities4 (in terms of work, its the one that gives each action its proper place), someone way down below, spontaneously feeling: But thats going to change the meditations! What Will they be like now? When I returned and began to look at things with the usual discernment, I told myself that perhaps there actually Will be a change.
   But truly, EVERYTHING was changed at that moment: something was achieved. It was the perception of Power the Power that comes from Love (what Love is to the Supreme Consciousness, which has nothing to do with what we usually mean by the word love). And it was it was simple! None of those complications resulting from thought, intellect, understandingall that was gone, all gone. A formidable Power! And it made me understand one thing, that the state I had been put in (by the Lord of Yoga, in fact) was for obtaining the particular power that comes through an identity with all material things, a power possessed by certain personsnot always yogis, certain mediums, for instance. I saw it with Madame Theon: she would Will a thing to come to her instead of going to the thing herself; instead of going to get her sandals when she wanted them, she made the sandals come to her. She did this through a capacity to radiate her mattershe exercised a Will over her matterher central Will acted upon matter anywhere, since she WAS THERE. With her, then, I saw this power in a methodical, organized way, not as something accidental or spasmodic (as it is with mediums), but as an organization of Matter. And so I began to understand: With this comes the power to put each thing in its place! provided one is universal enough.
   Well, I have understood. And now I know where I stand.
   And if to this material capacity of identification, of exercising the Will, is added that Something which was there during my experience and is truly the expression. I dont know if its the supreme expression, but for the time being its certainly the highest I know of. (Its far superior to pure Knowledge through identity, to knowing the thing because one IS itits infinitely more powerful than that.) its something formidable! It has the power to change everything and how!
   One IS simply Thatone vibration of THAT.
   But it Will take a long time. We mustnt imagine that it Will be done in the blink of an eye I am ready to spend years on it (if it comes quicker, so much the better).
   But its the key. The key.
   And when it becomes permanent, people Will have to watch out when theyre with me! (Mother laughs)
   This Power is it Love?

0 1962-01-09, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Afterwards, I looked into it a bit. Whats wrong with you, anyway? I said. If you dont have the strength to bear experiences you wont be able to do the work! My body answered me very clearly that I was overworking it; and Sri Aurobindos Will was clearly behind it, saying, Its overwork. You cant keep on seeing people and talking for hours on end and then going into these kinds of experiences. You cant do both, you have to choose, or at least strike a better balance. Well, I certainly wasnt going to stop my experiences, so I took advantage of this little incident to get some rest. It was nothing, really! The doctors were saying, Take care, the heart isnt working properly, and all that. They wanted to start drugging me! All I need is peace and quiet, not drugs. So I took a restand since I had to have an excuse, I said I wasnt well and needed rest.
   But following that, and because of the overwork, an old thing I thought I had cured has come back. It was originally brought on by overwork when I was going to the Playground and resting only two hours out of twenty-four, which wasnt enougha sort of ulcer formed between my nose and throat. Its an old complaint, dating from the removal of adenoids in my childhood; the operation left a kind of small cavity, which was nothing in itself, except that occasionally it would give me a cold. But as a result of overwork it came back in the form of an ulcer, and gave me artificial colds; it was so sour and corrosive, a terrible irritation in the throat and nose. It got much worse when I was giving classes at the Playground, and once I showed it to the doctor. Why, you have an ulcer! he said. A big fuss. He offered to treat me. No thanks! I said. Dont worry, it Will pass. And I began my own yogic treatment. It was over in a week and for three years there was no further sign of it. Recently (the last two or three months) I had felt it trying to come back, for exactly the same reason of overwork. And with that little adventure the other day, it did come backit gave me one of those stupid colds: sneezing, coughing. Its not quite over yet. But its nothing, it just gives me an excuse (laughing) to tell people I am still not quite well!
   I am resting.
   These past few days Ive had some interesting experiences from this standpoint. I had what is commonly called fever, but it wasnt feverit was a resurfacing from the subconscient of all the struggles, all the tensions this body has had for what Will soon be eighty-three years. I went through a period in my life when the tension was tremendous, because it was psychological and vital as well as physical: a perpetual struggle against adverse forces; and during my stay in Japan, particularly oh, it was terrible! So at night, everything that had been part of that life in Japanpeople, things, movements, circumstancesall of it seemed to be surrounding my body in the form of vital3 vibrations, and to be taking the place of my present state, which had completely vanished. For hours during the night, the body was reliving all the terrible tensions it had during those four years in Japan. And I realized how much (because at the time you pay no attention; the consciousness is busy with something else and not concentrated on the body), how much the body resists and is tense. And just as I was realizing this, I had a communication with Sri Aurobindo: But youre keeping it up! he told me. Your body still has the habit of being tense. (Its much less now, of course; its quite different since the inner consciousness is in perfect peace, but the BODY keeps the habit of being tense.) For instance, in the short interval between the time I get up and the time I come down to the balcony,4 when I am getting ready (I have to get this body ready to come down) well, the body is tense about being ready in time. And thats why accidents happen at that moment. So the following morning I said, All right, no more tension, and I was exclusively concerned with keeping my body perfectly tranquil I was no later than usual! So its obviously just one of the bodys bad habits. Everything went off the same as usual, and since then things are better. But its a nasty habit.
   And so I looked. Is it something particular to this body? I wondered. To everyone who has lived closely with it, my body gives the impression of two things: a very concentrated, very stubborn Will, and such endurance! Sri Aurobindo used to tell me he had never dreamed a body could have such endurance. And thats probably why. But I dont want to curtail this ability in any way, because it is a CELLULAR Will, and a cellular endurance toowhich is quite intriguing. Its not a central Will and central endurance (thats something else altogether)its cellular. Thats why Sri Aurobindo used to tell me this body had been specially prepared and chosen for the Workbecause of its capacity for obstinate endurance and Will. But thats no reason to exercise this ability uselessly! So I am making sure it relaxes now; I tell it constantly, Now, now! Just let go! Relax, have some fun, wheres the harm in it? I have to tell it to be quiet, very quiet. And its very surprised to hear that: Ah! Can I live that way? I dont have to hurry? I can live that way?
   So thats why I am resting. Am I better or not? Things are always the same. Were I to start doing what I was doing before, which I KNEW all along was absolutely unreasonable. Its not that I didnt know it; I did know and I wasnt happy about it, because I knew I was doing something I shouldnt. I have no intention of starting again, but if I had said, I am withdrawing for good, it would have been. If you knew how MANY things have gone slack [in the Ashram]! And how many people I am telling off: Well, you wouldnt have done that a week ago! Oh, thats an experience in itselfto see what peoples so-called faithfulness depends on.
   Given the worlds present set-up, this is normal but if the supramental world were to be realized, it shouldnt remain normal. Clearly, a considerable change has to take place in the physical substance. That Will probably be the essential difference between the bodies fashioned by Natures methods and those to be fashioned by supramental knowledgea new element Will come in, and we Will no longer be natural. But so long as this natural element is present, well, a certain amount of patience is probably requiredlet the body catch its breath, otherwise something gives way.
   It gets much less winded, of course, when you have the inner equality of the divine Presence. So much fatigue is due to excess tension produced by desire or effort or struggle, by the constant battle against all opposing forces. All that can go.
   And the feeling was so strong that even during his illness (which lasted for months, you know), I had a sense of perfect security; so much so that the idea of his life being really affected in the least by this illness couldnt even occur to me! I didnt want to believe it when the doctor said, Its over. I didnt want to believe it. And as long as I stayed in the room with me in the room he couldnt leave his body. And so there was a terrible tension in himon the one hand the inner Will to depart, and then this thing holding him there in his body: the fact that I knew he was alive and could only be alive. He had to signal me to go to my room, supposedly to rest (I didnt rest); and no sooner had I left his room than he was gone.
   They immediately called me back. Thats how it was. Then when he came to me, when I really saw what had happened, when he went out of his body and entered into mine (the most material part of him, the part involved with external things) and I understood that I had the entire responsibility for all the work AND for the sadhana7well, then I locked a part of me away, a deep psychic8 part that was living, beyond all responsibility, in the ECSTASY of the realization: the Supreme. I took it and locked it away, I sealed it off and said, Youre not moving until until all the rest is ready.
   That in itself was a miracle. If I hadnt done it I would have followed himand there would have been no one to do the Work. I would have followed him automatically, without even thinking about it. But when he entered into me, he said, You Will do the work; one of us had to go, and I am going, but you Will do the work.
   And that door was opened again only ten years later, in 1960. Even then, it was done with great careit was one of last years major difficulties.
   Truly, I wondered, Has the time really come? Is it possible? Or Will it once again be postponed?
   This was counterbalanced by a terrible censor which never left me.11 It took Sri Aurobindo to clear it from my path. But I didnt have the sense of sin, of Good and Evil, sin and virtuedefinitely not! My consciousness was centered around right action and wrong action12this should have been done, that shouldnt havewith no question of Good or Evil, from the standpoint of work, of action alone. My consciousness has always been centered on action. It was a vision, a perception of the line to be followedor the many lines to be followed for the action to be accomplished. And any deviation from what to me was the luminous line, the straight line (not geometrically straight: the luminous line, the line expressing the divine Will), the slightest deviation from that, and oh, it was the only thing that tormented me.
   And the torment didnt come from me, it came from that character hooked on to my consciousness and constantly whipping me, hounding me, ill-treating mewhat people call their conscience, which has nothing whatsoever to do with consciousness!13 Its an adverse being, and whatever it can change, it changes for the worse; whatever is susceptible to being changed into something antidivine, it changes. And it is constantly repeating the same thing: This is wrong, that is wrong, this is wrong.
   All this is exactly what I have been observing and studying these past few days. I Will tell you about it next time.
   I was particularly struck at the time.
   Or, the 12th Ill tell you I Will try to find a way to express it.
   (Laughing) Do you have enough cheese, petit? Have you everything you need? You must take care of yourself!

0 1962-01-12 - supramental ship, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Another thing I didnt mention to you when I related the experience was that the ship had no engine. Everything was set in motion through Will powerpeople, things (even the clothes people wore were a result of their Will). And this gave all things and every persons shape a great suppleness, because there was an awareness of this Willwhich is not a mental Will but a Will of the Self, what could be called a spiritual Will or a soul- Will (to give the word soul that particular meaning). I have that experience right here when theres an absolute spontaneity in action, I mean when the action for instance, an utterance or a movementis not determined by the mind, and not even (not to mention thought or intellect), not even by the mind that usually sets us in motion. Generally, when we do something, we can perceive in ourselves a Will to do it; when you watch yourself, you see this: there is always (it can happen in a flash) the Will to do. When you are conscious and watch yourself doing something, you see in yourself the Will to do itthis is where the mind intervenes, its normal intervention, the established order in which things happen. But the supramental action is decided by a leap over the mind. The action is direct, with no need to go through the mind. Something enters directly into contact with the vital centers and activates them without going through the mindyet in full consciousness. The consciousness doesnt function in the usual sequence, it functions from the center of spiritual Will straight to matter.
   And so long as you can keep that absolute immobility in the mind, the inspiration is absolutely pureit comes pure. When you can catch and hold onto this while youre speaking, then what comes to you is unmixed too, it stays pure.
   This is an extremely delicate functioning, probably because were not used to it the slightest movement, the slightest mental vibration disrupts everything. But as long as it lasts, its perfectly pure. And in a supramentalized life this has to be the CONSTANT state. Mentalized Will should no longer intervene; because you may well have a spiritual Will, your life may be the constant expression of spiritual Will (its what happens to all who feel themselves guided by the Divine within), but it still comes through a mental transcription. Well, as long as its that way, its not the supramental life. The supramental life NO LONGER goes through the mind the mind is an immobile zone of transmission. The least little twitch is enough to upset everything.
   So we can say that the Supermind can express itself through a terrestrial consciousness only when there is a constant state of perfect equalityequality arising out of spiritual identification with the Supreme: all becomes the Supreme in perfect equality. And it must be automatic, not an equality obtained through conscious Will or intellectual effort or an understanding preceding the state itselfnone of that. It has to be spontaneous and automatic; one must no longer react to what comes from outside as though it were coming from outside. That pattern of reception and reaction must be replaced by a state of constant perception and (I dont mean identical in all cases, because each thing necessarily calls forth its own particular reaction) but practically free from all rebound, you might say. Its the difference between something coming from outside and striking you, making you react, and something freely circulating and quite naturally generating the vibrations needed for the overall action. I dont know if I am making myself clear. Its the difference between a vibratory movement circulating within an IDENTICAL field of action, and a movement from an outside source, touching you and getting a reaction (this is the usual state of human consciousness). But once the consciousness is identified with the Supreme, all movements are, so to speak, innerinner in the sense that nothing comes from outside; there are only things circulating, which, through similarity or necessity, naturally generate or change the vibrations within the circulatory milieu.
   I am very familiar with this, because I am now constantly in that state. I never have the feeling of something coming from outside and bumping into me; theres rather the sense of multiple and sometimes contradictory inner movements, and of a constant circulation generating the inner changes necessary to the movement.
   Then that suppleness. It means a capacity for decrystallizing oneself; the whole span of life given over to self-individualization is a period of conscious, Willed crystallization, which then has to be undone. To become a conscious, individualized being there has to be a constant, constant, Willed crystallization, in everything; and afterwards, again constantly, the opposite movement has to be madewith an even greater Will. But at the same time, the consciousness must not lose the benefit of what has been acquired through individualization.
   It is difficult, I must say.
   If we continue along this path, we Will surely be able to do some worthwhile work, because its all new. Its quite new I never spoke of this with Sri Aurobindo because at the time I didnt have those experiences. I had all the psychological experiences, experiences in the mind, even the most material mind, or in the vital or the physical consciousness the physical CONSCIOUSNESS but not in the body. Thats something new, it started only three or four years ago.
   All the rest is easy. Everything up to that point is settledsettled very nicely.
   To begin with, the body needs something that Will allow it to last three hundred years.
   An American, a friend of President Kennedy, who had made an analogy between tracking down a deer in the forest and tracking down the Supermind:

0 1962-01-15, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But its really interesting because the exact date was given. The revolution Will take place in exactly five years, he told me. He knew it before he left. And that, he continued, Will be the beginning, the first terrestrial movement heralding the transformation of. (Theon didnt use the word supramental; he used to talk about the new world on earth.)2
   But I did note that down.
   The reader Will remember the formation of the Kuo-min-tang and the troubles in the Yangtze Valley which took place in October 1911 and led to the fall of the Manchu Dynasty in 1912. Thus it was in October 1906, at Tlemcen, that Mother had the encounter she relates here. It was also in 1906 that Mao Tse-tung, at the age of fourteen, came into conflict with his father, a prelude to his revolutionary career.

0 1962-01-21, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And there was the sudden vision of all the error, all the incomprehension, all the ignorance, all the darkness andeven worseall the ill Will in the earths consciousness, which felt responsible for the prolongation of those adverse forces and beings and offered them up in a great it was more than an aspiration, it was a sort of holocaust, so that the adverse forces might disappear, might no longer have any reason to exist, no longer need to be there to point out all that has to change.
   The adverse forces were necessitated by all these negations of the divine life. And this movement of earth consciousness towards the Supreme, the offering of all these things with such extraordinary intensity, was a kind of reparation so that those adverse forces might disappear.
   It came after the vision of the great divine Becoming.2 Since this world is progressive, I was wondering, since it is increasingly becoming the Divine, wont there always be this deeply painful sense of the nondivine, of the state that, compared with the one to come, is not divine? Wont there always be what we call adverse forces, in other words, things that dont harmoniously follow the movement? Then came the answer, the vision of That: No, the moment of this very Possibility is drawing near, the moment for the manifestation of the essence of perfect Love, which can transform this unconsciousness, this ignorance and this ill Will that goes with it into a luminous and joyous progression, wholly progressive, wholly comprehensive, thirsting for perfection.
   It was very concrete.
   This sort of Will in people for purity, for Good (which in ordinary mentality is expressed by a need to be virtuous) is actually the GREAT OBSTACLE to true self-giving. Its the root of Falsehood, the very source of hypocrisy: the refusal to take up ones share of the burden of difficulties. And thats what Sri Aurobindo has touched on in this aphorism, directly and very simply.
   Do not try to be virtuous. See to what extent you are united, ONE with all that is antidivine. Take up your share of the burden; accept to be impure and false yourself, and in so doing you Will be able to take up the Shadow and offer it. And insofar as you are able to take it and offer it, things Will change.3
   Dont try to be among the pure. Accept to be with those who are in darkness and, in total love, offer it all.
   In those realms, you know, now sometimes stretches over many years. I wont say its going to be instantaneous; that, I dont know I dont know. I Will probably know in a few days.
   Its like opening a door just a crack and catching a glimpse of whats beyond.
   And it was preceded by a kind of anguish: Will there always be something that, compared with the state to come, seems antidivine? No: after a long preparation, it becomes capable of feeling divine and thus of being divine.
   Looking at things externally, in terms of present material reality, there is still a lot of ground to be covered before the new manifestation becomes an actual fact. What we have now is probably the seed of the thinglike the seed of Indias freedom, which later blossomed.
   The system of getting rid of things by anubhava [experience] can also be a dangerous one; for on this way one can easily become more entangled instead of arriving at freedom. This method has behind it two well-known psychological motives. One, the motive of purposeful exhaustion, is valid only in some cases, especially when some natural tendency has too strong a hold or too strong a drive in it to be got rid of by vicra [intellectual reflection] or by the process of rejection and the substitution of the true movement in its place; when that happens in excess, the sadhak has sometimes even to go back to the ordinary action of the ordinary life, get the true experience of it with a new mind and Will behind and then return to the spiritual life with the obstacle eliminated or else ready for elimination. But this method of purposive indulgence is always dangerous, though sometimes inevitable. It succeeds only when there is a very strong Will in the being towards realisation; for then indulgence brings a strong dissatisfaction and reaction, vairagya, and the Will towards perfection can be carried down into the recalcitrant part of the nature.
   The other motive for anubhava is of a more general applicability; for in order to reject anything from the being one has first to become conscious of it, to have the clear inner experience of its action and to discover its actual place in the workings of the nature. One can then work upon it to eliminate it, if it is an entirely wrong movement, or to transform it if it is only the degradation of a higher and true movement. It is this or something like it that is attempted crudely and improperly with a rudimentary and insufficient knowledge in the system of psycho-analysis. The process of raising up the lower movements into the full light of consciousness in order to know and deal with them is inevitable; for there can be no complete change without it. But it can truly succeed only when a higher light and force are sufficiently at work to overcome, sooner or later, the force of the tendency that is held up for change. Many, under the pretext of anubhava, not only raise up the adverse movement, but support it with their consent instead of rejecting it, find justifications for continuing or repeating it and so go on playing with it, indulging its return, eternising it; afterwards when they want to get rid of it, it has got such a hold that they find themselves helpless in its clutch and only a terrible struggle or an intervention of divine grace can liberate them.Some do this out of a vital twist or perversity, others out of sheer ignorance; but in yoga, as in life, ignorance is not accepted by Nature as a justifying excuse. This danger is there in all improper dealings with the ignorant parts of the nature; but none is more ignorant, more perilous, more unreasoning and obstinate in recurrence than the lower vital subconscious and its movements. To raise it up prematurely or improperly for anubhava is to risk suffusing the conscious parts also with its dark and dirty stuff and thus poisoning the whole vital and even the mental nature. Always therefore one should begin by a positive, not a negative experience, by bringing down something of the divine nature, calm, light, equanimity, purity, divine strength into the parts of the conscious being that have to be changed; only when that has been sufficiently done and there is a firm positive basis, is it safe to raise up the concealed subconscious adverse elements in order to destroy and eliminate them by the strength of the divine calm, light, force and knowledge. Even so, there Will be enough of the lower stuff rising up of itself to give you as much of the anubhava as you Will need for getting rid of the obstacles; but then they can be dealt with with much less danger and under a higher internal guidance.
   I find it difficult to take these psycho-analysts at all seriously when they try to scrutinise spiritual experience by the flicker of their torch-lights,yet perhaps one ought to, for half-knowledge is a powerful thing and can be a great obstacle to the coming in front of the true Truth. This new psychology looks to me very much like children learning some summary and not very adequate alphabet, exulting in putting their a-b-c-d of the subconscient and the mysterious underground super-ego together and imagining that their first book of obscure beginnings (c-a-t cat, t-r-e-e tree) is the very heart of the real knowledge. They look from down up and explain the higher lights by the lower obscurities; but the foundation of these things is above and not below, upari budhna esam. The superconscient, not the subconscient, is the true foundation of things. The significance of the lotus is not to be found by analysing the secrets of the mud from which it grows here; its secret is to be found in the heavenly archetype of the lotus that blooms for ever in the Light above. The self-chosen field of these psychologists is besides poor, dark and limited; you must know the whole before you can know the part and the highest before you can truly understand the lowest. That is the promise of the greater psychology awaiting its hour before which these poor gropings Will disappear and come to nothing.4
   Questioned about the meaning of these words, Mother said, "The state I was in was like a memory."

0 1962-01-27, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   To see it from the angle of delight of being is qualitatively far superior, but then theres still the problem of why it all became the way it is. The usual reply is: because all things were possible, and this is ONE possibility. But its not a very satisfying feeling: Yes, all right, thats just the way it is, its a fact. People used to ask Theon too, Why did it happen like this? Why? Wait till you get to the other side, then you Will know. And meanwhile do whats necessary to get there thats the most urgent thing.
   But there is one advantage: without those beings, without the worlds distortion, many things would be lacking. Those beings potentially embodied certain absolutely unique elementsunderstandably so, since they were the first wave. And precisely because they still WERE the Supreme to such a great extent, each one felt he was the Supreme, and that was that. Only it wasnt quite sufficient, for the simple reason that they were already divided into four, and one single division is enough to make everything go wrong. Its readily understandable: its not something essentially evil, but a question of wrong FUNCTIONING; its not the substance, not the essence. The essence isnt evil, but the functioning is faulty.
   88This world was built by Death that he might live. Wilt thou abolish death? Then life too Will perish. Thou canst not abolish death, but thou mayst transform it into a greater living.
   89This world was built by Cruelty that she might love. Wilt thou abolish cruelty? Then love too Will perish. Thou canst not abolish cruelty, but thou mayst transfigure it into its opposite, into a fierce Love and Delightfulness.
   90This world was built by Ignorance and Error that they might know. Wilt thou abolish ignorance and error? Then knowledge too Will perish. Thou canst not abolish ignorance and error, but thou mayst transmute them into the utter and effulgent reason.
   91If Life alone were and not death, there could be no immortality; if love were alone and not cruelty, joy would be only a tepid and ephemeral rapture; if reason were alone and not ignorance, our highest attainment would not exceed a limited rationality and worldly wisdom.

0 1962-02-03, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Im glad. I can see that my consciousness is steadier. I feel clearly that something is helping me to be conscious.2 Where I go isnt so interesting, but that Will change, I expect.
   The point is to become conscious of ones activities and master of ones actions.
   As long as youre not in that state, you cant see the whole. The whole cant be seen successively, by adding one truth to another; this is precisely what the mind does, and why it is incapable of seeing the whole. It cant do it. The mind Will always see things in succession, by addition, but thats not IT, something Will always elude you the very sense of truth Will elude you.
   Only when you have a simultaneous, global perception of the whole as a unit can you see truth in its entirety.
   Now, I think that doing japa with the Will and the idea of getting something out of it spoils it a little. You spoil it. I dont much like it when somebody says, Do this and you Will get that. Its trueits true, but its a bit like baiting a fish. I dont much like it.
   Let it be your own manner of serving the Divine, of relating to Him, loving Him, of joining Him to your physical life, being close to Him and drawing Him close to you that way its beautiful. Each time you say the Word, let it be an invocation, let it be like the recitation of a word of love; then its beautiful.

0 1962-02-06, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The problem is roughly this: nothing exists that is not the result of the divine Will.
   Always the same problem. Always the same problem.
   Generally speaking, the antidivine is easily understood, but in the minute details of daily life, how do you choose between this and that? What is the truth behind the thing you choose and the one you dont choose? And you know, my standpoint is totally beyond any question of egoistic, individual Will that isnt the problem here. Its not that.
   As soon as you try to say it, it evaporates.
   Perhaps the problem is the opposition (if it is an opposition) between two attitudes, both of which should express our relationship with the Supreme. One is the acceptancenot only voluntary but perfectly contentof everything, even the worst calamities (what are conventionally called the worst calamities). I wont use this story as an example because its self-explanatory, but if Andromeda were a yogi (with ifs you can build castles in the air, but I am trying to explain what I mean), she would accept the idea of death readily, easily. Well, its precisely this conflict between an attitude quite ready to accept death (I am not talking about what happens in the story itself, but merely giving a case in point to make myself clear) because it is the divine Will, for this reason aloneits the divine Will, so its quite all right; since thats how it is, its quite all rightand at the same time, the love of Life. This love of Life.3 Following the story, you would say: she lived because she had to live and everything is explained. But thats not what I mean. I am looking at this outside the context of the story.
   Because things like that happen in the consciousness of. It always bothers me to get into big ideas and big words, but to truly explain myself, I should say: the Universal Mother.
   A problem like that reaches a point of such acute tension that you feel you know nothing, understand nothing, you Will never understand anything, its hopeless. When I reach that point, I always tilt in the same direction, its always: All right, I adore the Lord, as for the rest, it doesnt matter to me! I enter into a marvelous adoration and let Him do what He wants! Thats how it all ends up for me.
   But this would only be suitable for those who have stopped thinking.
   I can have that experience at any moment whatsoever: one second of concentration, stepping back from action, and its Bliss. And when I dont step back, then its something like an eternal omnipotence geared to action and entirely upheld and englobed by That. This power geared to action is the first manifestation of That thats what manifests first when That begins to exist consciously. (Mother places her palms together and, without separating them, turns her hands from side to side, as if to show two faces of the same thing.) So its indissoluble: its not two things, not even two aspects, because it isnt an aspect at all (words are idiotic, imbecilic, meaningless). The experience is renewable at Will: one single thing in its essence, innumerable in its expression, and apparently increasing in power. I have experienced this at Will, in every possible circumstance, including physically fainting (I told you the other day). Its called fainting, but I didnt lose consciousness for a minute! Not for one minute did I PHYSICALLY lose consciousness and behind it all, witnessing everything, was this experience.
   (Pavitra enters the room to ask Mother an urgent question)
   In Sri Aurobindo's play, Andromeda, daughter of the King of Syria, is condemned by her own people to be devoured by Poseidon, the Sea-god, for some impiety she had committed against him. The story is actually about the passage of a half-primitive tribe, living in terror of the old dark and cruel gods, to a more evolved and sunlit stage. Perseus, son of Diana and Zeus, and protected by Pallas Athene, goddess of wisdom and intelligence, comes to deliver Andromeda from the rock she is chained to (the rock symbolizes the Inconscient for the Rishis), and founds the religion of Athene, "... the Omnipotent / Made from His being to lead and discipline / The immortal spirit of man, till it attain / To order and magnificent mastery / Of all his outward world" (in the words of Sri Aurobindo). It is the force of progress pitted against the old priests of the old religions, symbolized by the cruel and ambitious Polydaon. Here Mother is scrutinizing an old problem"Always the same problem"that she must have encountered in many existences (Egypt included) and would encounter again eleven years later: the acceptance of the death she is forced into as the Supreme's Will, and then this "love of Life" she twice mentions here.

0 1962-02-13, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   At that time, I had the sense of a higher way of living: I used to make a distinction between different ways of life. Now this so-called higher way of living seems so miserable to meso petty, mean, narrow that I very often find myself in the same position as those who ask, But is there really something to it? And I understand them (even though I have a different Will and vision of something to come that is not yet here), I understand the feeling of those who came into contact with spiritual life and asked, What good is itwhat good is it? Is there anything worth living in it? We are NECESSARILY hemmed in, bound to live in narrowness and pettiness simply to keep alive, for the sake of all the bodys needs.
   It takes such an effort to bring Light into this poverty, to bring a Force, a Reality, a Power, something, good Lord, something TRUE! Through constant effort and Will, constant tension, suddenly, ah! I get two or three seconds and then it all ebbs away again.
   In that former illusion, there were noble actions, generous actions, great, heroic actions, all adding color to life and capable of giving you some interesting hours. Now that too is gone: I see it all as childishness.
   It Will come.
   Voil, petit.
   But Will this present period between the old world and the other last a long time? Theres nothing in between.
   Not for the moment.
   You see, its like trying to alter the functioning of the organs. What is the process? Already the two are beginning to exist simultaneously. What does it take for one to disappear and the other to remain on its own, changed? Changed, because as it is now it wouldnt be enough to make the body function; the body wouldnt perform all the things it must perform, it would stay in a blissful state, delighting in its condition, but not for longit still has a lot of needs! Thats the trouble. It Will be very easy for those who come in one or two hundred years; they Will only have to choose: not to belong to the old system any more or else to belong to the new.2 But now. A stomach has got to digest, after all! Well, that Will mean a new way of adapting to the forces of Nature, a new functioning.
   But for that to happen, some beings would have to prepare this new functioning.
   So my solution is always the same: I am like this (gesture of surrender), the body saying, I am quite Willing to try, I am trying my best.
   Is it folly, or is it really possible? I dont know.
   But if he knew, he Will be able to tell me. So it means it isnt time yet. Because I am with him consciously, mon petit, every night for hourstwo hours of my night, at leastnot joined to him, with him: like someone I see and talk to and who talks to me.
   Again last night.
   But truly, if someone (I dont know who or what this Someone is) if I am given the time, I Will know I am convinced of it. For despite all the growing difficulties, there is also a growing knowledge, a constant progress. So from that standpoint, I CANNOT be mistaken; it is impossible. This Presence is becoming so concrete and so (what shall I say?) so helpful, so concrete in its help. But it obviously takes a long time.
   This is exactly one month before the first radical turning point in Mother's yoga.

0 1962-02-17, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   That Will come, because I always. Simply by going back and forth like that, a path is created.
   The thought keeps coming to me that I Will have to write a new book on Sri Aurobindo.1

0 1962-02-24, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And in the afternoon, I had a funny experience at the Playground.3 When I got down from the car to go inside, I felt. For close to a year now I have been saddled with (I mean it was imposed on me) a useless pair of legs: weak, awkward, old, worn outworthless. I constantly had to Will them to walk, and even then they were more than clumsy. And it was all swept away in the same manner (sweeping gesture). I literally almost danced! Imagine, getting rid of a pair of legs just like that! INSTANTLY my legs felt the way they used to (I have always had strong legs)that alert, solid, agile strength and I had to restrain myself from cavorting about! Ah, now we can walk! Keep calm, I had to tell them, or they would have started skipping and prancing!
   And they stayed that way, there was no relapse. I was waiting to see if it would lastit did. Something seems to be over with now.
   I should mention that three or four days before my birthday something apparently very troublesome happened5 (it could have been troublesome, anyway), and it made me wonder: Will I be able to do what I have to on the 21st? I wasnt happy about it. No, I said, I cant let these people down when theyre expecting so much from this day; thats not right. So throughout the 20th I stayed exclusively concentrated in a very, very deep, very interiorized invocation, not in the least superficial, far from all emotions and sentiments something really at the summit of the being. And I remained in contact with That, for everything to be truly for the best, free from any false movement in Matter whatsoever. And that night I was CLEARLY cured; I mean I followed the action and saw myself really and truly cured. When I got up in the morning, I got up cured. All the things I constantly had to do, all the tapasyas just to keep going, were no longer necessarysomeone had taken charge of everything, and it was all over and done with. And on the morning of the 21st, with a crowd of two thousand and some hundred people, it went perfectly smoothly, without the slightest hitch. Then in the afternoon I had that very special experience for my legs.
   So on the 21st morning I could say quite spontaneously and unhesitatingly, Today the Lord has given me the gift of healing me. (I was speaking in English about the things people had given me, and I said, and the Lord has given me the gift of healing me.)
   There was also that attack (it was rather serious and threw the doctor into a fit of anxiety) which took place, I think, the day before sari distribution.6 The next morning, throughout the distribution, someone else seemed to have taken possession of my body and to be doing what had to be done, taking care of all the difficulties; I was comfortable, serene, simply like a carefree spectator. I had nothing to worry about, someone was. (What someone? Someone, something, I dont know, theres no more difference, its not delineated like that any more; but anyway, it was a being, a force, a consciousness perhaps a part of myself, I dont know; none of this is clear-cut; its quite precise, but not divided, very smoothMo ther makes a rounded gestureno breaks.) Something, then, a Will or a force or a consciousness plainly a powerhad taken possession of the body and was doing all the work, looking after everything. I was witnessing everything, smiling. But its gone now. It came specifically for that work (I was in pretty bad shape); when the work was over, it dissolvedit didnt leave abruptly but it became inactive. Afterwards, I felt rather confident. Well in any case, I thought, something similar could happen on the 21st, since it just happened now.
   The 19th was so-so, and on the 20th I was concentrated all day long: no contacts with anyone, nothing external, only an intense invocation as intense and concentrated as when youre trying to melt into the Lord at death. It was like that. The same movement of identification, but at its core a Will for everything to work out in a good way here [on the material plane]. In a good way I mean I said to the Lord, YOUR Good, the true Good, not. The true Good, a victorious Good, a real progress over the way life is usually lived. And I stayed in this unwavering concentration the whole day, all the time, all the time: even when I spoke, it was something very external speaking. And then at night when I went to bed I felt something had changed the body felt completely different. When I got up in the morning, all the pains and disorders and dangers had vanished. Lord, I said, You have given me a gift of health.
   And with this change, the bodily substance, the very stuff of the cells, was constantly being told, Dont you forget, now you see that miracles CAN happen. In other words, the way things work out in physical substance may not at all conform to the laws of Nature. Dont forget, now! It kept coming back like a refrain: Dont forget, now! This is how it is. And I saw how necessary this repetition was for the cells: they forget right away and try to find explanations (oh, how stupid can you be!). Its a sort of feeling (not at all an individual way of thinking), its Matters way of thinking. Matter is built like that, its part of its make-up. We call it thinking for lack of a better word, but its not thinking: it is a material way of understanding things, the way Matter is able to understand.

0 1962-02-27, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There are different kinds of premonitory dreams. Some are immediately realizedyou dream at night what Will happen the next daywhile the realizations of others are staggered over varying spans of time; such dreams are seen in different realms corresponding to the time they take to be realized.
   The closer you approach absolute certainty, the greater is the time span, because the realm of such visions is quite close to the Origin, and a long time can pass between the revelation of what Will be and its realization. But being so near the Origin, the revelation is very certain.
   When one is identified with the Supreme, there is a place where all is unequivocally known: in the past, in the present, in the future and everywhere. But when they return, those who go there usually forget what they have seen. A particularly strict discipline is needed to remember. Thats the only realm where you cant be mistaken.
   Anyway, to go back to what I was saying, depending on the plane of ones vision, one can judge approximately how much time it Will take to be realized. Immediate things are already realized, they are self-existent and can be seen in the subtle physical they already exist there, and the reflection (not even transcription) or projection of this image is what Will take place in the material world the next day or a few hours later. In this case you see the thing accurately, in all its details, because its already there. Everything hinges on the precision and power of your vision: if your vision is objective and sincere, you Will see the thing as it is; if you add personal sentiments or impressions, it gets colored. Accuracy in the subtle physical depends exclusively on the instrument, the one who sees.
   But as soon as you move into a subtler realm, like the vital (and the mental even more so), there is a narrow margin of possibilities. You can see the rough outlines of what is going to take place, but in the details it can be this way or that way: it is possible for certain Wills or influences to interfere and create discrepancies.
   This is so because the original Will is reflected, as it were, in different realms, and in each realm the organization and relation of the images are changed. The world we live in is a world of imagesnot THE thing itself in its essence, but its reflection. We could say that in our material existence we are merely a reflection, an image of what we are in our essential reality. And the modalities of these reflections are what introduce all the errors and all the falsifications (what is seen in its essence is perfectly true and pure, existing from all eternity, while images are essentially variable). And according to the amount of falsehood introduced into the vibrations, the amount of distortion and alteration increases. Each circumstance, each event and each thing can be said to have one pure existenceits true existence and a considerable number of impure or distorted existences in the various realms of being. There is a substantial beginning of distortion, for instance, in the intellectual realm (indeed, the mental realm holds a considerable amount of distortion), and it increases as all the emotional and censorial realms interfere. Arriving at the material plane, the vision is most often unrecognizable. Completely distorted. To such a point that its sometimes very hard to realize that this is the material expression of thattheres not much resemblance any longer!
   This approach to the problem is rather new and can provide the key to many things.
   With a universal mental vision, you can see (and this is very interesting) how the mental world operates to get realized on the physical plane. You see the various mental formations, how they converge, conflict, combine and relate to one another, which ones get the upper hand, exert a stronger influence and achieve a more total realization. Now, if you really want a higher vision, you must get out of the mental world and see the original Wills as they descend to take expression. In this case, you may not have all the details, but the central FACT, the fact in its central truth, is indisputable, undeniable, absolutely correct.
   Some people also have the faculty of predicting things already existing on earth but at a distance, far from physical eyestheyre generally those who have the capacity to expand and extend their consciousness. Their vision is slightly more subtle than physical vision, and depends on an organ subtler than its purely material counterpart (what could be called the life of this organ). So, by projecting their consciousness, and having the Will to see, they can clearly see things that already exist but are beyond our ordinary field of vision. Those who have this capacitysincere people who tell what they see, not blufferssee with perfect precision and exactness.
   Ultimately, absolute sincerity is the great deciding factor for those who predict or foresee. Unfortunately, because of peoples curiosity, their insistence and the pressure they exert (which very few can resist), an almost involuntary mechanism of inner imagination comes to add just that small missing element to something not seen with precision or exactness. Thats what causes flaws in prediction. Very few have the courage to say, Ah no, I dont know this, I dont see that, this eludes me. They dont even have the courage to say it to themselves! So then, with a tiny drop of imagination, which acts almost subconsciously, the vision or information gets rounded outit can turn out to be anything at all! Very few people can resist this tendency. I have known many, many psychics, many extraordinarily gifted beings, and only a handful were able to stop just at the point where their knowledge stopped. Or else they embellish. Thats what gives these faculties their slightly dubious quality. One would have to be a great saint, a great sage, and completely free from other peoples influences (I dont speak of those who seek fame: they fall into the most flagrant traps); because even good Willwanting to satisfy people, please them, help themis enough to distort the vision.
   It depends. Each thing has its method. But the primary method is to want it, to make a decision. Then you are given a description of all these senses and how they function thats a lengthy process. You choose one sense (or several), perhaps the one for which you have the greatest initial aptitude, and you decide. Then you follow the discipline. Its similar to doing exercises for developing muscles. You can even manage to create Willpower in yourself.
   For the subtler senses, the method is to create an exact image of what you want, make contact with the corresponding vibration and then concentrate and practice. For instance, you practice seeing through an object, or hearing through a sound2 or seeing at a distance. As an example, I was once bedridden for several months, which I found quite boring I wanted to see. I was staying in one room and beyond that room was another little room and after that a sort of bridge; in the middle of the garden the bridge changed into a stairway going down into a very spacious and beautiful studio built in the middle of the garden.3 I wanted to go see what was happening in the studio I was bored stiff in my room! So I stayed very still, shut my eyes and gradually, gradually sent out my consciousness. I did the exercise regularly, day after day, at a set hour. You begin with your imagination, and then it becomes a fact. After a while, I distinctly sensed my vision physically moving: I followed it and saw things going on downstairs I knew absolutely nothing about. I would verify it in the evening, asking, Did it happen like this? Was that how it was?

0 1962-03-03, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Nine years later, Mother Will remember and on December 11, 1971, find it, on the contrary, very good to say for the time had come.

0 1962-03-06, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Whats annoying, though, is that in order to shake it all up, I have to go through some pretty bad moments physically. So dont worry, I understand how it is for others! I myself never lose either consciousness or contact with not with Knowledge, but with the total EXPERIENCE of identification. Only here in Matter does the work have this particular nature. So l understand how it is for people who live heedlessly from day to day, from minute to minute, for whom its not a constant, permanent work of each second, totally conscious and deliberate. And besides, this body is so Willing the poor thing, sometimes I have found it crying like a child, imploring, How do you get out of this mess? Thats exactly why all the people who have achieved the inner realization have called this work impossible. Its their own impossibility! I know its not impossible, I know it Will come, but how long Will it take? That I dont know.
   My feeling is that if you try to hurry, to rush, to speed things up a little, it jams, it becomes like stoneit turns to stone again. It took the stone a long time to become a man. So I dont want that. You cant get too impatientits not even impatience, but pressure. Beyond a certain pressure, it turns to stone. So I understand people who attain realization and, blissfully enjoying it, kick the whole thing out: Fine, Ill do without it!
   What I always do is say, Well, all right (I say this to the Lord with a smile), if You have now decided I should leave, Ill go Willingly.
   If He ever gave me a slap, thats when Id get one! I can feel it even while I am saying this.
   Its simply to ensure that the consciousness is in a state of perfect equanimity; I mean, whether things turn out like this or like that leaves me completely indifferent: what You Willspontaneously and integrally and exclusivelyMy Will. I say My Will on purpose, to show total adhesion. Its not submission, it has nothing to do with submission; its like this (gesture of total abandonment). Well, in spite of that, theres not much progress.
   Although sometimes, yes, all of a sudden. Take this example (it may seem a mere trifle, but when you have reached this point): the first sudden glimmer of conscious control over a bodily functioning, giving you a glimpse of the time when everything Will function through the action of a conscious Will. That has begun but its a tiny, tiny, tiny beginning. And the slightest mental intrusion from the old movement spoils it all I mean the old way of behaving with your body: you want this and you want that and you want to make it do this and you want to make it The minute that pops up, everything stops. Progress comes to a standstill. One must be in a state of beatific union then one can feel the new functioning begin.
   But it has become such a delicate play! A MINUTE thing, minute, can throw everything out of gearone simple ordinary movement. If through habit you slip back into the ordinary functioning (these are infinitesimal things, not easily seen, subtle, tenuous; one must be very, very, VERY alert), if this happens, the whole new thing stops. Then you have to wait. Wait until the ordinary functioning consents to stop, and that means meditating, entering into contemplationgoing over the whole path again. Then, when you have caught hold of That again and can stay there for a few seconds, sometimes a few minutes (its marvelous when it lasts a few minutes). And then it gets jammed again and everything has to be done over.
   So when people ask me, I say (to tell them something), We shall see. Its certainly not that I dont know; I know perfectly well how it Will be. But (laughing) I dont know when! That, I dont know. Even at this point, I dont know when.
   In fact, if something wants to know when, then its still in a hurry.
   Ill tell you what I do: I say to the Lord, All right, if thats how it is, well, I am not doing anything any more; I am resting in Your arms and waiting. I actually, concretely (I was about to say materially) do itand then I dont stir. You Will do it all, I am not doing anything.And I really stay like that. Immediately, of course, theres a great joy and I dont stir.
   For instance, I am completely snowed under with material work, letters, people, matters to arrange and decide, big things to organize, all of it falling on me from every side and trying to take up all my time and energy. At times it really gets too much. So when its too much, I say, All right, Lord, now I Will nestle in Your arms. And there I am, no longer thinking, no longer bothering about anything, and I go into Bliss. Usually after ten minutes everything is fine!
   The trouble is, the mental mechanism isnt there any more. Before, with the mind working, I would take up this thing or do that thing, but now I dont let it function, so theres nothing to make me move!
   You can lie down on a mat, look at a flower or a patch of sky if theres any to see; if need be (teasingly), smoke a cigarette to keep yourself busy, and just stay like that, relaxed. And if you do your pranayama along with this relaxation you Will notice yourself growing extremely strongstoring, storing, storing up energies. And then if you have to make an effort, theres nothing to itits as easy as pie.
   Its that old habit, the old fear of being lazy. It took me. But Sri Aurobindo cured me of that rather quickly. Thats how it was before I met him. And thats the first thing he did: he gave me a tap on the head, and all activity ceasedtotal silence, all mental constructions and habits swept away in the blink of an eye.
   Before, the mind was always creating, setting actions, Wills and movements into motion, producing consequences; and its very frightening when that stopsyou feel youre becoming an idiot. But its quite the opposite! No more ideas, no more Will, no more impulsions, nothing. You act only when something makes you act, without knowing why or how.
   This something doesnt come from below, of course, it mustnt come from below. But that condition can truly be achieved only when all the work below has been completed.

0 1962-03-11, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   You know, Ive almost felt like telling you that all this Agenda stuff isnt meant for circulation. Its only for when I have come to the endand then whats in it wont matter at all. Or else I Will have gone, leaving a note saying I dont want it published
   and that I am giving it only to I Will say to whom.
   So it doesnt matter. Actually, you could type it up just as it is on the tape. You want to read it to me mainly to get (laughing) some additions, hmm?
   You see, a time Will come, I think a time Will come when things Will be interesting. So in fact, its better not to waste the tapes.
   No, I really dont agree! Objectively speaking, its extremely instructive to see the difficulties you have passed through.
   But it Will, Mother!
   Do you think youll have white hair? I dont have white hair I dont dye it, you know, its natural! No, your hair is a color that never turns white.
   Will you have a beard in fifty years?
   No, I dont like beards.
   It should at least be mentioned that some beings in the vital world can take on completely deceptive appearances at Willall the most dazzling lights are found in the vital, but with a particular quality. So those who have truly approached THE Light cant be deceived. Because its indefinable, something the spiritual sense alone can feel: perfect security, perfect peace, perfect purity (although I hesitate to use the word purity, which has taken on such an idiotic meaning); what I mean is the absence of all admixture.
   To those with the spiritual sense, the most dazzling vital lights always seem to have something artificial about themthey FEEL artificial and cold, hard, aggressive, deceptive. But thats the point: you yourself must be beyond all this. Not to be fooled, you mustnt fool yourself!
   The great ones know (I am not speaking of the multitude of minor beings, but the others; there are millions of emanationsemanations by the truckload!but only a few great ones), they know enough to be aware of their own position in the universe and that they Will come to an end. They know there is such a thing as the Supreme (although they deny it), and that they are cut off from the Supreme, and that they Will come to an end. But they have taken a stand against the Work, the Action, the Progress, and are intent on destroying as much as they can.
   Some of them get converted. Their conversion means a great entity joining the divine Work but that seldom happens.
   The other day, didnt I tell you the story of those entities working for me? (It wasnt you? Id had a vision.) In fact, I very often see entities like Nature spirits when I enter the subtle physical and work there (usually for people here and the Ashram, and for the world at large), I very, very often have them with me, or else I meet them in the course of my work. They are forces, generally feminine in appearance, that do some work and have a great deal of power. They are usually the ones that respond to Tantric invocations (I dont mean the Tantrics who call on Kali or Durga, thats something else altogether, those belong to a totally different world). Most of the time these Nature forces are very Willing to helpat any rate, they are wonderfully obliging with me! But they are limited beings, with their own ideas and laws, their own volition, and when vexed they can do unpleasant things. Yet they are not hostile beings, nor are they vital beings: they are personified forces of physical Nature, in the subtle physical.
   A world of things could be said.
   I can tell you the result: a lot of people Will lose all confidence in what they see. Then it becomes impossible to work with them. I cant even teach them to receive what I tell them in silence any more; they instantly start wondering, Oh, is it Mother or a spirit of falsehood? They really have no sense of discrimination, you see, they dont KNOW! So if they have to come every time, wondering Was it you or was it? And when theyre in that state they dont listen properly. Theres a whole range of work I cant do any more, because they lack the necessary discrimination. So I normally dont say anything.
   I really prefer to say nothing.

0 1962-03-13, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Published? Certainly not in the newspapers. It Will be for those interested in the yoga.
   Well, thats different.
   And thats all I said. Maybe I didnt put it in exactly those words, but I said it was for those who love me. Thats the point. For those who have loved me, well, its all right, I give it to them; even if they forget me, it Will make them remember. But its my gift to those who continue to love me. And I dont intend to give them a worthless gift.
   No, no, I must really have expressed myself very poorly, because it was quite the opposite. I deem this Agenda far too intimate, far too near and dear to me, to be thrown as fodder to a bunch of idiots!
   No, not that. I said two things. One, if I make it through to the end, I may even let it be shown to the public, for the living proof Will be there: You dont need to scoffjust see where it leadsHERE! And if the Lord decides its not for this time, well, then I Will give it to those who have loved me, who have lived with me, worked with me, endeavored with me, and who respect what was attempted. It Will be my parting gift if I go. And I dont intend to.
   I certainly hope not!
   I have my pride, and I want the people who work with me to be content; this gives me more pleasure than anything. Of course, ideally. But one is never truly satisfied, one Will never be truly satisfied; one Will always go from aspiration to aspiration. But as a base, one should at least feel a sense of purpose in life. You said the very thing that hurts the most!
   (Mother gazes at Satprem for a long time)

0 1962-04-03, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Since March 16, Mother has been going through a grave ordeal that threatened her physical existence. Even so, she went down to the balcony on the 18th and 20th of March, which were to be the last times. She has not left her room since then. All her conversations with Satprem Will henceforth take place in her upstairs room. The latest attack occurred the previous night, April 2-3, and took the form of a total cardiac arrest. Despite her condition, this morning Mother has found the strength to speak. She speaks in English. Her words have been noted down from memory.)
   Just between eleven and twelve [last night] I had an experience by which I discovered that there is a group of peoplepurposely their identity was not revealed to mewanting to create a kind of religion based on the revelation of Sri Aurobindo. But they have taken only the side of power and force, a certain kind of knowledge and all which could be utilized by Asuric forces. There is a big Asuric being that has succeeded in taking the appearance of Sri Aurobindo. It is only an appearance. This appearance of Sri Aurobindo has declared to me that the work I am doing is not his. It has declared that I have been a traitor to him and to his work and has refused to have anything to do with me.
   I woke up at two and noticed that the heart had been affected by the attack of this group that is wanting to take my life away from this body, because they know that as long as I am in a body upon earth their purpose cannot succeed. Their first attack was many years ago in vision and action. It happened during the night and I spoke of it to no one. I noted the date, and if I can come out of this crisis, I Will find it and give it out. They would have liked me dead years ago. It is they who are responsible for these attacks on my life. Until now I am alive because the Lord wants me to be alive, otherwise I would have gone long ago.
   I am no more in my body. I have left the Lord to take care of it, if it is to have the Supramental or not. I know, and I have also said, that now is the last fight. If the purpose for which this body is alive is to be fulfilled, that is to say, the first steps towards the Supramental transformation, then it Will continue today. It is the Lords decision. I am not even asking what He has decided. If the body is incapable of bearing the fight, if it has to be dissolved, then humanity Will pass through a critical time. What the Asuric Force that has succeeded in taking the appearance of Sri Aurobindo Will create is a new religion or thought, perhaps cruel and merciless, in the name of the Supramental Realisation. But everybody must know that it is not true, it is not Sri Aurobindos teaching, not the truth of his teaching. The truth of Sri Aurobindo is a truth of love and light and mercy. He is good and great and compassionate and divine. Et cest Lui qui aura la victoire finale.1
   Now, individually, if you want to help, you have only to pray. What the Lord wants Will be done. Whatever He Wills, He Will do with this body, which is a poor thing.
   (Sometime later, when the communication was read to her.)
   It is the battlefield. How far it can resist I dont know. After all, it depends on Him. He knows if the time has come or not, the time for the beginning of the Victory then the body Will survive. If not, in any case, my love and consciousness Will be there.
   And He Will have the final victory.

0 1962-04-13, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And how, how to express in the world? It was like an impossibility, because of the contradiction. But then it came: You have accepted that this world should know the Supramental Truth and it Will be expressed totally, integrally. Yes, yes.
   And the thing is DONE.
   Later on, I Will explain it more clearly. The instrument is not yet ready.
   It is only the beginning.4
   There are many things I Will speak of later.
   Mother gives the first part of this message in English.

0 1962-04-20, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1) I have received a letter from the publisher, who reiterates his requests for alterations. I am replying to him this very day that I Will write another book. I have no idea how I am going to write the book!
   2) I have finished the work you gave me. I Will bring it to you when you wish, but there is no hurry at allrest.
   Your child,

0 1962-04-28, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   These past few days I have started thinking about the August Bulletin. In a few days I Will probably be able to start working. In that case, I could ask you to come in the morning and you could read me whatever you have ready.
   We Will do the aphorisms in June; it Will probably be easier then. Tell me if you have any plans for work (your work); we Will arrange things accordingly.
   You can bring me the work you have finished on the first day you come.
   Later on, there Will be many things to tell for the Agenda.

0 1962-05-08, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   1) That he Will make a special four-day puja here, in order to help.
   2) That he has understood: it has come to his [inner] knowledge that the present period is terrible.
   You can tell him that the body is much better, but that I still have to take a great deal of care and precaution. I dont come down from my room, which has been transformed into a sickroom, and it Will be impossible for me to see him.
   After you see him, let me know what happened. If possible, I Will ask you to come at ten oclock to give me the details.
   Signed: Mother

0 1962-05-13, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And then a Voice was explaining everything to me (not exactly a Voice, but something that was Sri Aurobindos origin, like the most recent gust from the Origin). As the experience unfolded, this Voice explained each gust to me, each span of the universe; and then it explained how it all became like this (Mother makes a gesture of reversal): the distortion of the universe. And I was wondering how it was possible, with that Consciousness, that supreme Consciousness, to relate to the present, distorted universe. How to make the connection without losing that Consciousness? A relationship between the two seemed impossible. And thats when that sort of Voice reminded me of my promise, that I had promised to do the Work on earth and it would be done. I promised to do the Work and it Will be done.
   Then began the process of descent,1 and the Voice was explaining it to me I lived through it all in detail, and it wasnt pleasant. It took an hour and a half to change from that true Consciousness to the individual consciousness. Because throughout the experience this present individuality no longer existed, this body no longer existed, there were no more limits, I was no longer herewhat was here was THE PERSON. An hour and a half was needed to return to the body-consciousness (not the physical consciousness but the body-consciousness), to the individual body-consciousness.
   As we Will see, "descent" is not the right word.
   Mother Will suffer from this same sore for nearly twelve years.
   Later, Mother emphasized: "I don't mean a general discovery; it concerns my body alone. I don't say that all bodies are like this, but MY bodywhat has become my bodyis like this."

0 1962-05-15, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And the moment I became aware that it was decreed, I thought, But how can THAT be translated into that? How can the two be joined? That was when the words came: You promised to do it, therefore you Will do it; and slowly the transition began, as if I were again being sent back to do it. Yes, as if You promised to do it and you Will do it; well, thats what I meant by a promise. And I came back towards this body to do it.
   I said on April 3 the body was the battlefield, that the battle was being waged IN this body. And then in that experience [of April 13] I was sent back into the body, because the thing that last creative gusthad to be realized through this body.
   In being THAT, it might be said, Mother thus resolves the famous question of the unified-field theory, the theory to which Einstein devoted the last years of his life in vain, that would describe the movements of both planets and atoms in a single mathematical equation. Mothers body-consciousness is one with the movement of the universe, Mother lives the unified-field theory in her body. In so doing she opens up to us not merely one more physical theory, but the very path to a new species on earth, a species that Will physically and materially live on the scale of the universe. The posthuman species might not simply be one with a few organs more or less, but rather one capable of being at every point in the universe. A sort of material ubiquity. It may not be so much a new as an ubiquitous species, a species that embraces everything, from the blade of grass under our feet to the far galaxies. A multifarious, undulating existence. A resume or epitome of evolution, really, which at the end of its course again becomes each point and each species and each movement of its own evolution.
   There was, in fact, a whole group of Ashram people (they might be called the Ashram "intelligentsia") who, influenced by Subhas Bose, were strongly in favor of the Nazis and the Japanese against the British. (It should be recalled that the British were the invaders of India, and thus many people considered Britain's enemies to be automatically India's friends.) It reached the point where Sri Aurobindo had to intervene forcefully and write: "I affirm again to you most strongly that this is the Mother's war.... The victory of one side (the Allies) would keep the path open for the evolutionary forces: the victory of the other side would drag back humanity, degrade it horribly and might lead even, at the worst, to its eventual failure as a race, as others in the past evolution failed and perished.... The Allies at least have stood for human values, though they may often act against their own best ideals (human beings always do that); Hitler stands for diabolical values or for human values exaggerated in the wrong way until they become diabolical.... That does not make the English or Americans nations of spotless angels nor the Germans a wicked and sinful race, but...." (July 29, 1942 and Sept. 3, 1943, Cent. Ed., Vol. XXVI.394 ff.) And on her side also, Mother had to publicly declare: "It has become necessary to state emphatically and clearly that all who by their thoughts and wishes are supporting and calling for the victory of the Nazis are by that very fact collaborating with the Asura against the Divine and helping to bring about the victory of the Asura.... Those, therefore, who wish for the victory of the Nazis and their associates should now understand that it is a wish for the destruction of our work and an act of treachery against Sri Aurobindo." (May 6, 1941, original English.)

0 1962-05-18, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There was a relation, I kept a link with it, but it took some days to get established (I dont know how many, because for a long time I couldnt keep track of anything). After some days (say ten days, twenty days, I dont know), the Will began to function, the body was again under the control of the Will. But that didnt happen right away for some days, the Will that deals with the body was annulled (I was entirely conscious and alive, but not in my body). The body was merely something moved around by the people looking after me. Not that it was separate, but I couldnt even say, its a body it wasnt anything any more! Something. Having undergone so much preparation, the universalization of the body-consciousness and all that, the experience didnt even seem strange to me (in fact, it was certainly the result of all that preparation). The body was something like a mass of substance being driven by the Will of the three people looking after it. Not that I was unaware of it but. I wasnt much concerned with it, to tell the truth; but as far as my attention was turned to it, it was a corporeal mass being moved around by a few Wills. The supreme Will was in full agreement; the body had been entrusted, in a way (I dont know how to express this) yes, it was like something entrusted, and I was simply looking on I watched it all for I dont know how many days, with hardly any interest.
   The one really concrete link was pain. Thats how the contact was kept.
   Oh, no! Nothing withdrewit had already withdrawn a long time ago. The consciousness wasnt at all centered in the body. When I said I, for instance, it NEVER occurred to me that I was this (Mother points to her body). I, the I who spoke, was always a Will ENTIRELY independent of the body, entirely independent.
   But there has been a strange phenomenon [since April 3]. Before, I used to say, I am outside my body. It was always I am outside my body. But this time, the body seemed to have been consigned or entrustedmore like entrusted.
   It has gradually come back, in the sense that actively. No, I cant even say thatits not true. What has come back is the increasingly precise memory of how I had organized the life of this body, the whole formation I had made, down to the smallest details for the things I was using, how I was making use of them, how I had organized all the objects around the body, all that. What has come back is the memoryis it memory? The awareness of all that has returned, as if I were putting the two back into contact. And so, instead of the body being left totally in the hands of those around me, the formation I had made is coming back, with certain changes, certain improvements and simplifications (but mind you, I had neither the intention nor the Will to change anythingthose things are simply coming back into the consciousness like that, with certain changes made). In short, its a kind of conscious formation recrystallizing around this body.
   And I have the perception a sensation, really, the sensation of something not at all me, but entrusted to me. More and more now, there is the feeling of something being entrusted to me in the universal organization for a definite purpose. Thats really the sensation I have now (the mind is very calm, so its difficult to express I dont think all these things, they are more like perceptions). And its not the usual kind of sensation: the ONLY (I insist on this), the ONLY sensation that remains in the old way is physical pain. And really, those points of pain they seem like the SYMBOLIC POINTS of what remains of the old consciousness.
   I have even been forbidden to utilize my knowledge, power and force to annul the pain in the way I used to (and I used to do it very well). That has been totally forbidden. But I have seen that something else is in sight. Something else is in the making. It cant be called a miracle because its not a miracle, but its something wonderful the unknown. When Will it come? How Will it come? I dont know.
   But its interesting.

0 1962-05-22, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And suddenly, when I let myself go. You know, I have been advised (by the Lord!) to relax, relax, relax. He doesnt want action to result from the tension of an individual Will; so relaxall right, relax. But when you relax and then suddenly get a horrible pain, you say Hey!but at the same time I laugh! What the people around me must think. I am crying and laughing! (Mother laughs.)

0 1962-05-24, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   These positions the spiritual and the materialist (if you can call it that) positionswhich consider themselves exclusive (exclusive and unique, and so each one denies the others value in the name of Truth) are inadequate, not only because neither one Will accept the other, but because even accepting and uniting them both wont solve the problem. Something else is needed, a third position that isnt the result of these two but something still to be discovered, which Will probably open the door to total Knowledge.
   Well, thats where I stand.
   That. Ultimately, its always the same thing. Its always the same: realize your own being, enter into conscious contact with the supreme Truth of your own being, in WHATEVER form, by WHATEVER path (thats totally irrelevant); its the only way. We each carry a truth within ourselves, and we must unite with that truth; we must live that truth. And the path we have to follow to realize and unite with this truth is the very path that Will lead us as near as we can possibly come to Knowledge. I mean the two are absolutely one: the personal realization and Knowledge.
   Who knows? Perhaps the very multiplicity of approaches Will yield the Secret the Secret that Will open the door.
   I dont think any single individual on earth (as it is now) no matter how great he may be, no matter how eternal his consciousness and origin, can all by himself change and realize. Change the world, change the creation as it is, and realize that higher Truth, the Truth that Will be a new worlda truer, if not absolutely true, world. A certain number of individuals (until now they seem to have come in succession, in time, but they might also come as a collectivity, in space) would seem indispensable for this Truth to be concretized and realized.
   On a practical level, I am sure of it.
   I know the words Will come, but they Will come through a series of lived experiences, experiences I havent had yet.

0 1962-05-27, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   What I say there is quite true. When I dont observe, formulate or explain, the state is absolutely tranquil, peaceful, contented, sufficient unto itself. And out of it, I can see that something Will definitely emerge.
   But as soon as I try to make it emerge, it all fades awaymeaning it isnt ripe yet.
   When Will it change into something else? I dont know.
   You cant, you just cant try! You cant make an effort, you cant try to find out, because intellectual activity immediately comes in, and that has nothing to do with it.
   And as for the Agenda, well it would simply stop, thats all, for the whole time youre away. I might also have nothing to say, I dont know. It could be that I wont have anything to say for two or three months, or even longer. I cant say. I dont know whats going to happen to me I mean happen to this whole collection (Mother indicates her body), this collection of bodily experiences and research. I havent been told anything I dont try to know and I dont know. So I Will probably have nothing to say. On the whole, thats how it looks to me.
   There is no definite answer in the consciousness.
   For the moment I am in a seemingly neutral stateall I can say is, Well see. There is no definite no and no definite yesthere has been no definite approval, but there hasnt been the no that says, Its impossible. So it looks like that eternal Well see. How long Will it be till we see? I dont know. It may be a few hours, a few days, a few minutes I dont know.
   This trip would not be an opening upwards, a flight towards a higher realization that, no. Categorically no.
   But really, unless you experience it yourself, it Will strike you as a kind of fairy tale. And not a very pleasant fairy tale!
   If you could just give me a hint.
   But it may not be unimportant to take a few precautions and make use of certain external aids. Thats why I cant say, Dont mind your bodyjust keep going and everything Will be all right. No. Spending two or three months in the mountains, for example, might help you. It might. But I dont see anything, mind you; I dont know.
   And this blockage in my meditationsis it also due to this special work? I have a sort of feeling that Ive already had those yogic realizations, you see
   You know, I am absolutely convinced that when I have found what I seek [the third position] everything Will change for you instantly, like this (gesture of turning upside-down): snap! You wont have to make the slightest effortit Will be done just like that, in a flash. But meanwhile. Meanwhile I want you to be healthy. If going to the mountains for a few months does you a lot of good. Notice I say if I am not sure of it.
   I am sure that the only thing that would really do you good is precisely what you call the unblockingyour problems would be over.
   I Will look, if you like.
   I have told you what I saw right away.
   Anyway, give me at least until Tuesday to look I Will tell you what I see.
   Au revoir, mon petit.

0 1962-05-29, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Almost no philosophy, nothing intellectualalmost a story. His work presented in an entirely practical and matter-of-fact way, like the talks I used to give to the children here. When I said to the children, This, you know, is why you are here, I told them in a way they could understand, didnt I? Well the book should be like that. If I were to write (I Will never write a book on Sri Aurobindo! Never, never, never I know it), but were I ever to write a book on Sri Aurobindo, thats the book I would write, something like a fairy tale. Just imagine. You see life, you see how it is, you are used to this sort of existence; and its dreary and its sad (some people find it entertainingbecause it doesnt take much to entertain them!). Well, behind it all there is a fairy tale. Something in the making, something thats going to be beautiful, beautiful, inexpressibly beautiful. And we shall take part in it. You have no idea, you think you Will forget everything when you die, leave it all behind you but its not true! And all who feel the call to a beautiful, luminous, joyous, progressive life, well they Will all take part in it, in one way or another. You dont know now, but you Will after a while. There you are.
   A fairy tale.
   I am quite Willing to do it, but.
   Anyway, lets forget about this trip. When the book starts to come to me, well, Ill just get into it and that Will be that.
   Yes. But theres no hurry, is there?
   It is very interesting, mon petit. As you were telling me about it, I automatically went into that state. And there was a kind ofhow shall I put it? I dont know what to call it. It is a movement akin to Will, but it has nothing to do with thought, its a feeling: I wanted to take you into the experience. And it was shown to meliterally shown that your whole relationship with the inner and outer worlds is situated here (gesture above the head); thats why it is so well expressed through intellectual activity. But here (gesture to the solar plexus) theres not much. And I was seeing this, you know, I was touching it. It only comes indirectly, as a consequence. And then down here (gesture lower down): NOTHING. It remains just the way it was formed when you came down to earth!
   And here (umbilical region) I was shown that a sort of widening of the being is needed, a widening of the vibrationsa peace, a calm within the immensity. HEREthe prana, that isis where there should be a widening into peace, peace, peace and calm. But within the immensity.
   And thats what Will loosen you up.
   Here (gesture to the head and above) the work is done and Will not be undone; there is no danger, the link is quite well established. All you have to do is this (Mother takes a breath) and there it is.
   To open here (gesture to the heart), the method is a bit too classical, in that you would inevitably fall back into classical learning, all the classical methods and meansit Will happen by itself, quite naturally.
   And here (umbilical region): something like a quiet ease (theres no equivalent in French). A quiet ease. It has been all cramped up, and now it must widen. The inner life of the prana must be widened (the inner vital, the true vital, the being that has the experiences I told you about the piece of glass, the glimpse of the sea); thats what must widen. And vast, vast. It is all cramped up and it suffers. It has to be relaxed inwardly, by bringing in the Force, the Force of that new experience [April 13]: apply it there. And you simply let yourself go; if you could catch hold of the wave movement, that would be perfect.

0 1962-05-31, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   One day I Will certainly use the same method on those room changes, but for that it Will have to become very clear and distinct, well defined in the consciousness. Because that change of room (intellectually you would call it a change of consciousness, but that means nothing at all; were dealing here with something very, very material) I have sometimes gone through it without experiencing ANY CHANGE OF EFFECT, which probably means I was centered not in the material consciousness but in a higher consciousness dwelling and looking on from elsewherea witness consciousness and I was in a state where everything flows flows like a river of tranquil peace. Truly, its marvelousall creation, all life, all movements, all things, and everything like a single mass, with the body in the midst of it all, blending homogeneously with the whole and it all flows on like a river of peace, peaceful and smiling, on to infinity. And then oops! You trip (gesture of inversion2) and once again find yourself SITUATEDyou ARE somewhere, at some specific moment of time; and then theres a pain here, a pain there, a pain. And sometimes I have seen, I have witnessed the change from the one to the other WITHOUT feeling the pains or experiencing the thing concretely, which means that I wasnt at all in the body, I wasnt BOUND to the body I was seeing, only seeing, just like a witness. And its always accompanied by the kind of observation an indulgent (but not blind) friend might make: But why? Why that again? Thats how it comes. Whats the use of that? And I cant catch hold of what makes it happen.
   It Will come.
   It is very interesting because its very new.
   We Will try.
   Oh, for a long time after you left the other day, for more than an hour, I kept on telling that story. I saw myself standing in the midst of a big crowd of children. Something was coming down to me (not that I was pulling at it or thinking about it I wasnt thinking about it at all); I was just standing there telling the story, talking on and on and on, and it kept on comingit was delightful!
   Words that repeat themselves automatically, with no effort of Will (but the body itself is quite aware that although these three particular Words happen to have been given to it, it might also have been something elseit was originally the choice of a higher Intelligence). This has become an automatic accompaniment. It is not so much the words in themselves as what they Will represent and bring with them in their vibration. I mean it would be quite inaccurate to say, Only these Words are helpful, no, not that. But they provide an accompaniment, an accompaniment of subtle, physical vibrations, which has built up a certain state or experience, a sort of association between the presence of those words and this movement of eternal Life, that undulating vibration.
   Obviously, another center of consciousness, another (how shall I put it?) another concretization, another amalgam, mightwould of coursehave another vibration.
   But to say its these particular Words exclusively would be ridiculous. What counts is the sincerity of the aspiration, the exactness of the expression and the power; that is, the power that comes from the mantra being accepted. This is something very interesting: the mantra has been ACCEPTED by the supreme Power as an effective tool, and so it automatically contains a certain force and power.5 But it is a purely personal phenomenon (the expression is the same, but the vibrations are personal). A mantra leading one person straight to divine realization Will leave another person cold and flat.
   What is your experience when you say your mantra? You once told me you felt good saying it.
   Mother is entering into a sort of trance and, almost to the end of this conversation, Will be speaking slowly, as if from far away.
   Interestingly enough, physicists also say that the wave movement does not displace matter. For example, the concentric ripples caused on the surface of a pond by the fall of a pebble do not carry the water molecules along with them: a cork floating on the water rises and falls with the undulatory rhythm without traveling on the pond.

0 1962-06-02, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But whats strikingits connected to what I was telling you the other dayis that I was going to see some people who were on the other side of a river. Ordinarily the river water wasnt clean and you needed a boat or something to cross; but yesterday I was in a special state I just sat down on the water and said, I am going there. And then, quite naturally, a current of pure, crystal clear water simply took me where I wanted to go. It was a very pleasant sensation I was sitting on the water, all smiles, and prrt! I was taken to the other side. Oh, very good! I thought. Will it continue? And so once again I said, I am going there (that is, back to this side) and prrt! Back I came.
   Then someone came. There are symbolic people in these dreams; they seem to be made up of various parts of the beings of those around me, people who have a particular relationship with me and bring a particular help to the Work. They are symbolic characters and always the same: one of them is tall and thin, some are small, there are young ones, old ones. I cant say its this person or that person, but rather that something IN this or that person is represented in these characters. And one of them is like a big brotherhe helps out in certain circumstances; if theres a boat, for instance, the big brother steers it. So he came up to me and said, Yes, I know the method, and began to try. Stop, for heavens sake! I said. Youll spoil everything; to make it work I have to say: I WANT TO GO THERE. When he began trying to bring me across with his own methods, the water grew muddy again and I started to sink! No no no! I protested. Dont do that, thats notit at all! THAT has to (although I wasnt formulating it to myself, what I meant was the sense of a certain higher Will) THAT has to say: I WANT TO GO THERE; then it works.
   After that, the experience changed, other things happened. But what I have just related is certainly part and parcel of that experience the other day [the two rooms, one inside the other], because the two were coexistent.1
   Material knowledge, I think I mean the higher use of the physical mind, which keeps you from entering the true room.2 Because I simply kept repeating, I have to say: I WANT TO GO THERE (in other words, it was a crystal clear, imperative Will coming from the highest level) I have to say: I WANT TO GOnot that, not your methods! (Mother laughs.)
   Immediately, as soon as I am in that state, theres an instantaneous Will to spread it around as much as possible, so that all who are close to me in some way, materially or spiritually, may benefit from it. Thats my very first movement. And its probably also how I catch the contagion of the wrong room!
   Very probably. But after all, its necessary.
   First of all, materially speaking, when you wake up you must ALWAYS KEEP STILL. You have to teach your body. You know, you mustnt even (gesture) move your head. Keep completely still. And stay like that, suspended between sleep and waking, with a very TRANQUIL Will to remember.
   You may succeed immediately, but it may also take time.

0 1962-06-06, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It happened in a split second: I was sitting, waiting for you, thinking you were about to come; but the door wasnt opening, so automatically the body went like this (inward-turning gesture). And since it happened so suddenly, I noticed the difference in the way the body felt. What it normally feels is a formidable Willvery tranquil, very peaceful, free of tension or agitation, yet so direct and clear, concentrated (not concentrated: coagulated) that it is almost hard. And thats what controls the body, thats what the body obeys. And when thats not there, its the other state: smooth, mellow, soft, woolly and what peace! As if nothing in the world could disturb it.
   It took maybe a second or a fraction of a second thats why I was able to observe both states.
   If it keeps on like this, they Will put me in a padded cell!
   But one thing has happened practically without my noticing it. In the past, before that experience [April 13], the body used to feel the struggle against the forces of wear and tear (different organs wearing out, losing their endurance, their power of reaction, and certain movements, for instance, becoming less easy to make). Thats what the body felt, although the body-consciousness never sensed any aging, never, none that simply didnt exist. But in actual material fact, there was some difficulty. And now, looking at it in the ordinary way, externally, superficially, you might say there has been a great deterioration; well, the body doesnt feel that way at all! What it feels is that a particular movement, effort, gesture or action belongs to the worldthis world of ignorance and isnt being performed in the true way: its not the true movement, done in the true way. And its sensation or perception is that the state I was speaking of, soft, with no angles, has to develop along a certain line and produce effects on the body that Will make true action possible, action expressing the true Will. With no difference on the surface, perhaps (I dont know about that yet) but done in another way. And I am not talking about grandiose things, mind you, but of everyday activities: getting up, walking, taking a bath. I no longer have a feeling of incapacity, but a feeling of (whats the word for it?) an un Willingnessa bodily un Willingnessto do things in the old way.
   There is another way to be found.
   Will there always be a world like the one we know?
   Because everything changes, but nothing disappears. You know, thinking the way we commonly do, it seems to us that the present state of the world Will change and be replaced by something else. And on the other hand, we know from experience that whatever exists, exists eternally. So then what?
   (long silence)
   Yes, but that different world you conceive of, Will it be different subjectively, or in its material properties? Will that world be different to us only subjectively, in the way we think of it, or.
   Power logically, one has power over things.
   There is indeed the case of Madame Thons sandals, which came and put themselves on her feet instead of her feet going and putting themselves in the sandals, but that that belongs to yet another realm. It wasnt what you would call a natural phenomenon: she was applying her Will and her action, and the substance of the sandals was becoming receptive. But does that mean the world Will be that way? I dont know.
   Two or three times, like a flash, I have seen something manifest, change place. But it was over in less time than it takes to tell, so it might be entirely subjective. To make sure, I would have to check it with someone else, wouldnt I?
   We Will see. Patience.
   There you are.
   Petit, before you go to sleep, when you get into bed, simply think of me a little, with the Will to receive what I send youjust for the space of a few seconds before you go to sleep, thats all. Dont try to concentrate and keep yourself awake, just formulate it, then go to sleep. Because I am really trying!
   Of course, I know youre trying! Im not accusing anyone Im the one thats blocked.

0 1962-06-09, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I can affirm that this notion of subjective and objective still belongs to the world of illusion. The CONTENT of the experience is what may be either microscopic or universal, depending on the specific quality of the power being expressed, or its field of action. The limitation of power can be voluntary and deliberate; it can be a Willed, and not an imposed limitation, which means that the Will-Force may come from the Origin but deliberately limit itself, limit its field of action. But it is the same power and the same substance.
   Ultimately there is but one power and one substance. There are varying modalitiescountless modalitiesof power and substance, but there is but ONE power and ONE substance, as there is but ONE consciousness and ONE truth.
   But this has to be very concretely grasped. Well, I say that the power must change this intra-atomic movement. Then, instead of disintegrating, your bodily substance Will obey the movement of Transformation, you follow? But its all the SAME thing! What must change are the relations among things.
   And so it becomes EVIDENT that immortality can be achieved! Things get destroyed simply because of their own rigidity and even then, its only a semblance of destruction; the essential element stays the same, everywhere, in everything, in decay just as much as in life.
   Ultimately, its all the constructing Will. This constructing Will is eternal, immortal and infiniteits obviousso if it is left to this Will, theres no reason why Its creation shouldnt partake of immortality and infinitythings dont necessarily have to go through the semblance of disintegration to change form, its not indispensable. It has come to be that way for some reason or other (which is probably none of our business), but its not indispensable, it could be different.

0 1962-06-12, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But you know, if you think it Will come only if you go somewhere else theres always that possibility.
   No, I didnt want to go to the Himalayas for inspiration Im quite aware that inspiration can come anywhere! No, it wasnt for that, but for.
   Anyway, what Will happen Will happen, and it Will certainly be whats best for everyone, including him!4
   But through that event I have been put in contact with a certain realm of mental distortion which is a bit bewildering. Ive realized that I say something, something clear as crystal for me, and then.
   No, the Grace has made him an object of special attention, thrusting him into a world which, externally, was not his own. In a matter of a few years he has made a journey of several lifetimes, so it has been a little bit difficult. Truly, in a few years he has inwardly traveled many lifetimes. And he has had to face the necessity of an enormous progress, all the more difficult because he hadnt mentally accepted or foreseen it. So he doesnt understand any more, poor man! If I could only take him in my arms like a baby and say to him, My poor little dear, my dear little child and make him feel good, then all would be well. But its not possible theres a whole spiritual construction. So I do it from a distance, wordlessly, in silence. But what gets through all that crust? I dont know! Over and over, I keep saying one thing: To divine Love, all human confusions and misunderstandings are unknown. There. Well, we Will see. Wherever divine Love is present, human confusions and misunderstandings cannot exist, cannot enter.
   Thats the only solution.
   He has been put in contact with a dangerous Gracesome graces are dangerous I knew it from the start. Well see. It can all depend on a single a single flash of light: if something can go like that, pierce the crust, then it Will be all right. He Will become quite a fine person.
   It Will be as the Lord decides.
   As a matter of fact, I dont do anything on purpose. Its like this (Mother opens her hands): Lord, You have Willed.
   I cant do anything about it.
   Perhaps fifty years from now people Will understand!
   And I am more and more aware that people really panicked this time; they imagined I was going to die I could have died, had the Lord Willed it. But it has been a sort of death, thats for suresure, sure, surealthough I dont say so, because. After all, one must have some regard for peoples common sense!
   But really, if I let myself go one step further I would say that I was dead and have come back to life. But I dont say it.
   This greatly objectifies my situation, which has nothing to do with an illness to be cured! I cant be cured! It is a work of transformation. At any moment, if the Lord decides its hopeless, it Will be hopeless, finished; and no matter what happens, if the Lord has decided that Ill go right to the end of the experience, then Ill go right to the end.
   That whole way of seeing, feeling and reacting belongs really to another world. Really to another world to such a degree that if I had no regard for peoples peace of mind I would say, I dont know whether I am dead or alive. Because there is a life, a type of life vibration that is completely independent of. No, Ill put it another way: the way people ordinarily feel life, feel that they are alive, is intimately linked with a certain sensation they have of their bodies and of themselves. If you totally eliminate that sensation, the type of relation that allows people to say I am alive well, eliminate that, but then how can you say, I am alive, or I am not alive? The distinction NO LONGER EXISTS. Well, for me, it has been completely eliminated. That night April 12-13, it was definitively swept out of me. It has never come back. Its something that seems impossible now. So what they mean by I am alive is I cant say I am alive the way they doits something else entirely.
   If within that immobility I had a vision of the Mother, for instancea vision of the Motherif She were here well, yes, as though She knew me, was near me, was aware of my existence! A relationship, something. Well, that would change everything! If I could say to myself: close your eyes and you Will see Herlike Ramakrishna, for example, he had that kind of relationship. I dont know, my whole life would be changed, I would feel linked to SOMETHING. It wouldnt just be silence, silence, silence.
   But all that belongs to a lower stage.
   Yes, of course. But in the vital. For that, your vital needs a lot of preparationit Will happen, but I dont think youll get the satisfaction youre hoping for. What I would like is to see you suddenly emerge into the supramental light, with that SENSE of eternal plenitude; and then, yes, youll feel something! But not necessarily a form. Some people see formsnot necessarily a form.
   Well, mon petit, if thats what you want you Will have to work a lotyou Will have to bring into your vital and emotional being a great calm and peace. Things like that [with X] mustnt be able to disturb you, make you sick and so forth. Only on that condition can you get what you want.
   A flash, yes (you had it once at Brindaban,6 you had an experience there); a flash is possible. But you want something permanent.

0 1962-06-20, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I had thought I would be able to see X for his birthday in December, but I dont know if I Will have resumed my active life by thenit would greatly surprise me. Because, to tell the truth, if things are the way I have seen them (the way I have seen and felt them), then at the least a very serious beginning of transformation should be taking place and well, for that, you know years are nothing! Years are no time at all. Everybodys in a hurry, absolutely insisting I resume my life; for the moment, I see no possibility of it.
   But I dont know anything.

0 1962-06-23, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   One or two days ago, I am not sure when, but anyway after our last meeting, suddenly, without thinking about it or wishing it or anything (I was walking or doing something or other), I suddenly became, or saw, a tall being, all white, with a kind of halberd in its hand and an expression of iron Will. And it seemed as if the world were being told: Enough shilly-shallying, enough wavering, now it is time: the thing must be done.
   And the bodys activities hadnt the least importance; whatever I did, that remained. I was seeing that tall being from above, like a great transformative power in the vital. A huge being, very calm and powerfulwith no violence in it of course, but utterly indomitable, and: Enough waiting, enough shilly-shallying, enough vacillating: IT IS TIME.
   In the morningevery morning, as I walk I concentrate on you in the hope that you Will remember your nights and have an experience.
   And it stayed put, in the sense that all sorts of things could go on, but there it remained, at the borders of the terrestrial world, like a declaration from the Supremea very tall being.

0 1962-06-27, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   This is a period of study and observation. There is absolutely nothing to say. Its a whole world of minute observations which, I hope, Will lead me towards something more positive. More exactly, its a demonstration of the inadequacy of the usual methods when it comes to acting according to Truth and it goes on night and day.
   Two nights ago, I had an experience I hadnt had for perhaps more than a year. A sort of concentration and accumulation of divine Energy in the cells of the body. During a certain period (I dont remember when), every night I had a kind of recharging of batteries through contact with universal forces; I had it again two nights ago, spontaneously. Then last night, when I wanted to look, to study, to understand how it worked, I was given a lavish demonstration of the inadequacy and utter uselessness of all processes of consciousness working through the mind. They are useless, they simply spoil the experience.
   I have been given certain promisesgreat promises. Not promises, but what comes is: This is how it Will be. Great thingsconcrete manifestations of the divine Power, the divine Consciousness, the divine Action. And spontaneous, natural, inevitable.
   This is obviously being prepared (Mother touches her body) so that it wont put the usual obstacles in the way of expression.
   Many things could happen. But how much time Will it take? I dont know.
   But this is still a period of preparation; the best thing to do now is to look and look and look again, observe and observe and observe again; and to have experiences, lots of experiences, because all that is nothing the thing ITSELF must be grasped. Weve got to catch the tail of the true functioning, so it can be substituted for the other at Will. Thats it exactly.
   And that requires minute-to-minute observation.
   I wrote a letter like that yesterday; I took a piece of paper and wrote in my habitual way, my old way. While I was writing, the feeling that it wasnt right came in; then I added a comment, written in the same manner, with the vision from above (a comment on a letter written by the person I was writing to). When that was done, the feeling of inadequacy lingered, so I took another piece of paperit was blue and wrote something and that still wasnt it. So I ended up taking yet another piece of paper and writing something else again then I put all three in one envelope! I hope that person has a solid head! But at the same time something was telling me, It Will do him good; so I let it go.
   It happened yesterday I dont yet know the outcome!
   If I didnt tell these things to you, they would all vanish, and thats a fact. Because I have no opportunity to tell them to anyone elseas you can well imagine! Tomorrow there Will be something else and something else again the day after, and it all recedes into the past and has none of the relevance the present has for me.
   Yes, for YOU it has no relevance but what about the rest of us!
   This is just the kind of thing I am being told (told is a way of speakingit is a knowledge; it is indisputable, much more indisputable than words and all that sort of thing): one day it Will be concretely visible, people Will see it. I am waiting! (Mother laughs) I am waiting for that.
   But if I have to wait for that to show myself, well then it Will take quite some time.
   Logically, of course, I should stay invisible until the day I appear in my new form. But it doesnt seem to be going quickly. For the moment, its not changing except for a kind of sensation of force entering the bodya sensation as if the new thing were PUSHING.8 Something very concrete.

0 1962-06-30, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Not at all the result of Will or anything: she was simply engulfed.
   In those movements of consciousness, in this state of consciousness, I am comfortable (Mother heaves a sigh). But it has taken me a lot of discipline to concentrate here [in the body]: there was always something, from my very childhood, that felt hemmed in, squeezed, really oh! And with a sense of something so powerful that if it ever went into action (gesture of unleashing), it would smash everything.
   Some days later, Satprem again brought up the above passage, asking whether the Mother hadn't been active on earth since the beginning of time and not merely "with this present incarnation of the Mahashakti." The reply: "It was always through EMANATIONS, while now it's as Sri Aurobindo writes in Savitri the Supreme tells Savitri that a day Will come when the earth is ready and 'The Mighty Mother shall take birth'.... But Savitri was already on earthshe was an emanation.
   So they were all emanations?

0 1962-07-04, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Ultimately, nothing but omnipotence could convert the world, convince the world. The world isnt ready to experience supreme Love. Supreme Love eliminates all problems, even the problem of creation: there are no more problems, I know it since that experience [of April 13]. But the world isnt ready yet, it may take a few thousand years. Although it is beginning to be ready for the manifestation of supreme Power (which seems to indicate that this Will manifest first). And this supreme Power would result from a CONSTANT identification.
   But this constancy isnt yet established: one is identified and then one isnt, is and then isnt, so things get delayed indefinitely. You wind up doing exactly what you tell others not to doone foot here and one foot there! It just wont do.
   As you know, N.S. has left his body. It was the result of an accident (he had a weak heart, and he worried about it). He took a fall, probably because he fainted, and fractured his skull: loss of consciousness due to cerebral hemorrhage (thats modern science speaking!). When the accident occurred, he came to me (not in a precise form, but in a state of consciousness I immediately recognized), and stayed here motionless, in complete trust and blissful peacemotionless in every state of being, absolutely (gesture of surrender) total, total trust: what Will be, Will be; what is, is. No questions, not even a need to know. A cosy peace a great ease.
   They tried, fought, operated: no movement, nothing moved. Then one day they declared him dead (by the way, according to doctors, when the body dies the heart beats on faintly for a few seconds; then it stops and its all over). In his case, those faint beats (not strong enough to pump blood) continued for half an hour the kind of heartbeats typical of the trance state. (They all seem to be crassly ignorant! But anyway, it doesnt matter.) And they all said, even the doctors, Oooh, he must be a great yogi, this only happens to yogis! I have no idea what they mean by that. But I do know that although those heartbeats arent strong enough to pump blood through the body (thus putting the body into a cataleptic state), they do suffice to maintain life, and thats how yogis can remain in trance for months on end. Well, I dont know what type of doctors they are (probably very modern), but theyre ignorant of this fact. Anyway, according to them he had those pulsations for half an hour (normally they last a few seconds). All right. Hence their remarks. And he was here the whole while, immutable. Then suddenly I felt a kind of shudder; I lookedhe was gone. I was busy and didnt note the time, but it was in the afternoon, thats all I know. Later I was told that they had decided to cremate him, and had done so at that time.
   Even now, my one feeling about this form is that its too rigid. Those stupendous inner revelations, those great movements of creative consciousness are constantly hampered by this. Its trying, its trying its best, but it is still governed by such appallingly rigid laws! Appalling. How long Will it take to overcome this?
   We mustnt be in a hurry.

0 1962-07-07, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But after this prologue, I intend to tackle the problem practically, to speak of the moment when people reach the limits of the mind, when they start going round in circles and find nothing; then I Will tell them of zones beyond the mind, and of what can be discovered when one goes within: mental silence. Ill talk about a practical discipline. That was my idea. My idea isnt to give an abstract explanation but to take up yoga from a practical angle: try to do this, and heres what you may expectmental transformation, change in the vital, dreams, etc. All practical things. Id like to explore the psychological aspect.
   Thats good. From the standpoint of the Work, of what you create, of course its very good, very interesting; it needs to be said, it MUST be said. But is the gentleman who wrote you that letter capable of understanding anything of it? Thats where I put a question mark.
   I Will.
   This is something theyll understand that were not a bunch of defrocked monks meditating in a circle, but that all lifes activities are accepted and everyone keeps busy: the writer writes, the painter paints, the children do gymnastics; that, they Will understand.
   Ill say it, but later on, towards the end. After exploring these changes of consciousness, which after all are the very basis of the work, Ill show how they translate practically. But if i start with this right away, without explaining why its like that.
   Thats the part I saw. Just toss it to them, I thought, and that Will be that!
   But we still have to try to make them understand why its like that!
   Its going well; it Will be a very good book. But probably only a small portion of it Will make them say, Ah, finally! Something practical!
   The Ashram began with two houses and so many peoplein America thats all they ever wanted to know from me. When I asked for money from America, thats what they asked about, and thats what I had to send them: on such and such a date we started off with two houses and then little by little, like this and like that, it became what it is today. And now we have so many houses (Mother laughs), there are so many people, so many visitors per year, and the Samadhi has become a place of pilgrimage, and. In short, newspaper stories thats what I wrote to America! I put together papers, documents, statistics they were quite satisfied. If I had told them even a quarter of what you say, they would have replied, Oh, for heavens sake, be practical!
   No, no, dont stop, go on, finish it. But they may ask you to cut it (Mother laughs)some passages Will drag! Why do you dwell so much on ideas? Thats secondary!
   I understand. But I dont see that I can.
   And then after all, if its lost, its lost! It Will have been the Lords decision, so it doesnt matter.
   The Lord we must help Him out a little!

0 1962-07-11, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It has never faded, its always there (gesture behind the head), and at any moment I can immerse myself in it all over again. But what a difference when, after THAT, you come back to an awareness of what is speaking, at least as tremendous a difference as with that to die unto death. Similarly, that to die unto death contained the full Power of THAT.1 It was clear and stunningly powerful. And the same impression: easy, easy. Theres really no question of hard or easyits spontaneous, NATURAL, and so smiling. And that to die unto death was filled with such JOY! Such joy. I could almost have said, Its plain as day! Dont you see how plain it is! But thats it: we have only to die unto death, and that Will be that!
   The true life it Will come.
   The true life is something else, something thats yet to come. It is something else.
   The true life is Sat-prem. Thats for later on. When it does come forward, then you Will get a sense of the true life.
   It Will come.
   And you mustnt be impatientimpatience leads to imitation: and unwittingly, in all sincerity, you imitate things within yourself, within your own experience, you imitate the realization thats what impatience does.
   This is the difference, the radical difference, since the experience of [April 13]: there is nothing but the Lord. All the rest what is it? No more than a habit of speaking (not even a habit of thinking, thats all gone), a habit of speaking; so the less one speaks, the happier one is. Otherwise nothing. And what else could there be? It is He who sees, He who Wills, He who acts.
   Then everything comes spontaneously, easily, with such great simplicity.
   It Will come, mon petitno impatience.
   For the moment its on the right track. Its going well.

0 1962-07-14, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Good. It Will come; its a good sign. I was very pleased: Ah, something is happening!
   It Will come.
   (Mother listens to Satprem read a passage from the last conversation in which she says: This is the radical difference since the experience of April 13: there is nothing but the Lord. All the rest what is it? No more than a habit of speaking (not even a habit of thinking, thats all gone). Otherwise nothing. And what else could there be? It is He who sees, He who Wills, He who acts.)
   You know, theres the same vibration here as in to die unto death. Its something yes, I think we could say it is His Presence His creative Power. It is a special vibration. Dont you feel something like like a pure superelectricity?
   In a few days it Will materialize a few days, I dont know. Over there (gesture to the left), days, months, all have another meaning. Listen, there are minutes. You know, I walk around the room repeating the Words,3 and sometimes I go around ten times in a second! Yet its always the same pace; I doubt if anyone would see any physical difference. But sometimes there are ten, twenty, thirty rounds a second! And other times one single round Will drag and dragoh, its endless!
   And simultaneously there is an automatic perception of timeclock timewhich is rather curious (everything is regulated by the comings and goings of the people around me, you see: such a thing at this time, such a thing at that time), I dont need to hear the clock I am warned just before it strikes. I repeat one part of the japa in a particular way while lying down, because the Power is greater (these arent meditations, they are actions), and another part while walking. So I stay stretched out for a certain time, I walk for a certain time, and at a fixed hour this one goes, another comes, and so on. But none of them are people; I dont tell them so, but theyre not people: they are movements of the Lord. And its extremely interestingone of the Lords movements Will have this particular character, another movement Will have a different type of vibration, and they all harmonize very nicely into a whole. But I know what time it is just before the clock strikes: six oclock, 6:30, 7:00, 7:30, like that. Not with the words six, seven, but: its time, its time, its time. And along with thisthis clockwork precision I have that other notion of time which is quite different, its. Although its a very rigid convention, our time is a living formation with its own living power here in the world of action. The other time is the rhythm of consciousness. So according to the intensity of the Presence (theres a concentration and an expansion, I mean), according to this pulsationwhich can vary, its not regular and mechanicalwalking around the room takes either no time at all, or else an ENORMOUS amount of time. But this doesnt interfere with the other time, theres no contradiction. Our time is on a different plane, something far more external; but it has its usefulness and its own law, and the one doesnt hinder the other.4
   And its gradually becoming foreseeable that.5
   1900? Well, yes, in 2000 things Will take a clear direction. You Will still be here.
   I dont know about that!
   Yes, its nothing! Nothing, a minuteyou Will be here in any case, even without dying unto death. You Will see it.
   Yes, yes, its soon.
   You Will be here too!
   That, I always have been and always Will be, it makes no difference.
   (very long silence)
   A time Will come when well say, Remember, in such and such a year we thought we were really doing something! (Mother laughs.)
   Just now I found myself projected into the future: Remember, over there? (Its always to the leftnow why?) Remember? Oh, we thought we were doing something, thought we knew something!
   Ever since Einstein's Theory of Relativity, we have known that such an experience of time's relative nature is "physically" feasible. We need only consider the example of time aboard a spaceship approaching the speed of light: time "slows down," and the same event Will take less time aboard the spaceship than on earth. In this instance, speed is what makes time slow down. In Mother's experience (which is every bit as "physical"), the "intensity of the Presence" seems to be the origin of time change. In other words, consciousness is what makes time slow down. Thus we are witnessing two experiences with identical physical results, but formulated in different languages. In one, we speak of "speed," in the other of "consciousness." But what is speed, after all?... (Moreover, the implications of this "language" difference are quite colossal, for it would indeed be simpler to press on a "consciousness button" than on an accelerator that had to take us to the speed of light.) Speed is a question of distance. Distance is a question of two legs or two wings: it implies a limited phenomenon or a limited being. When we say "at the speed of light," we imagine our two legs or our two wings moving very, very fast. And all the phenomena of the universe are seen and conceived of in relation to these two legs, these two wings or this rocketship they are creations of our present-day biped biology. But for a being (a supramental being, of the future biology) containing everything within himself, who is immediately everywhere, without distance, where is "speed"? ... The only "speed of light" is biped. Speed increases and time slows down, they say. The future biology says: consciousness intensifies and time slows down or ceases to existdistances are abolished, the body doesn't age. And the world's whole physical cage collapses. "Time is a rhythm of consciousness," says Mother. We change rhythm and the physical world changes. Might this be the whole problem of transformation?
   Asked later about this unfinished sentence, Mother said, "I stopped because it was an impression and not a certainty. We'll talk about it again later." Was Mother hinting at a stage when she would live in both times simultaneously?...

0 1962-07-18, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I can bring it on at Will simply by putting myself in a certain state. But then I notice that someone (someone well, thats a way of speaking) is dosing it out, allowing the contact for a certain length of time or in a certain amount; and theres nothing to be done about it, its an Order from above. A mere hint of impatience would spoil everything the power to establish the contact would probably be lost. I have never done this and I dont intend to.
   Its like an image. You see, the body is stretched out here on the chaise longue. You know how it is when experiments are done on animals? Its something like that the body is there as the subject of an experiment. Then theres my consciousness, the part focused on the earthly experience and the present transformation (its what I mean when I say I). And then the Lord. I say the Lord Ive adopted that because its the best way of putting it and the easiest for me, but I never, NEVER think of a being. For me, its a simultaneous contact with the Eternal, the Infinite, the Vast, the Totality of everything the totality of everything: all that is, all that has been, all that Will be, everything. Words spoil it, but its like thatautomaticallywith consciousness, sweetness and SOLICITUDE. With all the qualities a perfect Personality can offer (I dont know if you follow me, but thats the way it is). And That (I use all these words to say it, and three-fourths is left out) is a spontaneous, constant, immediate experience. So the I I spoke of asks that the body may have the experience, or at least an initial taste, even a shadow of the experience of this Love. And each time its asked for, it comes INSTANTLY. Then I see the three together1in my consciousness and perception the three are together and I see that this Love is dosed out and maintained in exact proportion to what the body can bear.
   The body is aware of this and is a little sad about it. But immediately comes something soothing, calming, making it vast. The body instantly senses the immensity and regains its calm.
   This body-consciousness has a Will; it is constantly, constantly calling upon the Lords Will: Lord, take possession of this, take possession of that, take. Theres no question of taking possession of the Will, that was done ages ago, but: Take possession of these cells, those cells, this, that. It is the BODYS aspiration. Well, the blow wasnt caused by this Will acting in the body; the blow didnt come directly from the body, but from something that had slipped in through an unconscious element; and the body simply erased, or absorbed, digested this unconsciousness and the thing vanished without a trace!
   And do you know how this body is? It immediately began wondering (I was quietly watching it all from above), What if (ifs are always idiotic but its an old bodily habit), what if the object had been sharp, would the results have been so easy to annul? (Mother laughs) Then I distinctly heard someone reply (I am putting it into words), You idiot! That wouldnt have happened in the first place! That is, the necessary protection would have been there. The protection intervenes only when necessary, not just for the fun of it. You numbskull, it said (I am translating freely), how silly can you be! It wouldnt have happened.

0 1962-07-21, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But I think it Will be primarily a question of individuals, not something general.
   Read this; it shows a slightly new side of Sri Aurobindos thought. I mean, he took a sterner tone when addressing Indians, and he gave a fuller account of his experience of the West.
   I have your letter, but have not succeeded in writing an answer till now. That I have even sat down to write now is a miracle; for me to write a letter is an event that takes place once in a blue moonespecially to write in Bengali, a thing I have not done for five or six years. If I can manage to finish this letter and put it in the post, the miracle Will be complete!
   First, about your yoga. You wish to give me the charge of your yoga and I am Willing to take it, but that means to give its charge to Him who is moving by His divine Shakti [Energy], whether secretly or openly, both you and me. But you must know that the necessary result of this Will be that you Will have to walk in the special path which He has given to me, the path which I call the path of the Integral Yoga. What I began with, what Lele1 gave me, was a seeking for the path, a circling in many directionsa first touch, a taking up, a handling and scrutiny of this or that in all the old partial yogas, some sort of complete experience of one and then the pursuit of another.
   Afterwards, when I came to Pondicherry, this unsteady condition came to an end. The Guru of the world who is within us then gave me complete directions for my pathits complete theory, the ten limbs of the body of this Yoga. These past ten years He has been making me develop it in experience, and this is not yet finished. It may take another two years, and as long as it is not finished I doubt if I shall be able to return to Bengal. Pondicherry is the appointed place for my yoga siddhi [realization], except indeed one part of it, and that is action. The centre of my work is Bengal, although I hope that its circumference Will be all India and the whole earth.
   I shall write and tell you afterwards what this way of yoga is. Or if you come here I shall speak to you about it. In this matter the spoken word is better than the written. At present I can only say that its root-principle is to make a harmony and unity of complete knowledge, complete works and complete Bhakti [Devotion], to raise all this above the mind and give it its complete perfection on the supramental level of Vijnana [Gnosis]. This was the defect of the old yoga the mind and the Spirit it knew, and it was satisfied with the experience of the Spirit in the mind. But the mind can grasp only the divided and partial; it cannot wholly seize the infinite and indivisible. The minds means to reach the infinite are Sannyasa [Renunciation], Moksha [Liberation] and Nirvana, and it has no others. One man or another may indeed attain this featureless Moksha, but what is the gain? The Brahman, the Self, God are ever present. What God wants in man is to embody Himself here in the individual and in the community, to realize God in life.
   This is no easy change to make. After these fifteen years I am only now rising into the lowest of the three levels of the Supermind and trying to draw up into it all the lower activities. But when this siddhi Will be complete, then I am absolutely certain that through me God Will give to others the siddhi of the Supermind with less effort. Then my real work Will begin. I am not impatient for success in the work. What is to happen Will happen in Gods appointed time. I have no hasty or disorderly impulse to rush into the field of work in the strength of the little ego. Even if I did not succeed in my work I would not be shaken. This work is not mine but Gods. I Will listen to no other call; when God moves me then I Will move.
   I know very well that Bengal is not really ready. The spiritual flood which has come is for the most part a new form of the old. It is not the real transformation. However this too was needed. Bengal has been awakening in itself the old yogas and exhausting their samskaras [old habitual tendencies], extracting their essence and with it fertilizing the soil. At first it was the time of VedantaAdwaita, Sannyasa, Shankaras Maya and the rest. It is now the turn of Vaishnava DharmaLila, love, the intoxication of emotional experience. All this is very old, unfitted for the new age and Will not endure for such excitement has no capacity to last. But the merit of the Vaishnava Bhava [emotional enthusiasm] is that it keeps a connexion between God and the world and gives a meaning to life; but since it is a partial bhava the whole connexion, the full meaning is not there. The tendency to create sects which you have noticed was inevitable. The nature of the mind is to take a part and call it the whole and exclude all other parts. The Siddha [illuminated being] who brings the bhava, although he leans on its partial aspect, yet keeps some knowledge of the integral whole, even though he may not be able to give it form. But his disciples do not get that knowledge precisely because it is not in a form. They are tying up their little bundles, let them. The bundles Will open of themselves when God manifests himself fully. These things are the signs of incompleteness and immaturity. I am not disturbed by them. Let the force of spirituality play in the country in whatever way and in as many sects as may be. Afterwards we shall see. This is the infancy or the embryonic condition of the new age. It is a first hint, not even the beginning.
   The peculiarity of this yoga is that until there is siddhi above the foundation does not become perfect. Those who have been following my course had kept many of the old samskaras; some of them have dropped away, but others still remain. There was the samskara of Sannyasa, even the wish to create an Aravinda Math [Sri Aurobindo monastery]. Now the intellect has recognized that Sannyasa is not what is wanted, but the stamp of the old idea has not yet been effaced from the prana [breath, life energy]. And so there was next this talk of remaining in the midst of the world, as a man of worldly activities and yet a man of renunciation. The necessity of renouncing desire has been understood, but the harmony of renunciation of desire with enjoyment of Ananda has not been rightly seized by the mind. And they took up my Yoga because it was very natural to the Bengali temperament, not so much from the side of Knowledge as from the side of Bhakti and Karma [Works]. A little knowledge has come in, but the greater part has escaped; the mist of sentimentalism has not been dissipated, the groove of the sattwic bhava [religious fervor] has not been broken. There is still the ego. I am not in haste, I allow each to develop according to his nature. I do not want to fashion all in the same mould. That which is fundamental Will indeed be one in all, but it Will express itself in many forms. Everybody grows, forms from within. I do not want to build from outside. The basis is there, the rest Will come.
   What I am aiming at is not a society like the present rooted in division. What I have in view is a Samgha [community] founded in the spirit and in the image of its oneness. It is with this idea that the name Deva Samgha has been given the commune of those who want the divine life is the Deva Samgha. Such a Samgha Will have to be established in one place at first and then spread all over the country. But if any shadow of egoism falls over this endeavor, then the Samgha Will change into a sect. The idea may very naturally creep in that such and such a body is the one true Samgha of the future, the one and only centre, that all else must be its circumference, and that those outside its limits are not of the fold or even if they are, have gone astray, because they think differently.
   You may say, what need is there of a Samgha? Let me be free and live in every vessel; let all become one without form and let whatever must be happen in the midst of that vast formlessness. There is a truth there, but only one side of the truth. Our business is not with the formless Spirit alone; we have also to direct the movement of life. And there can be no effective movement of life without form. It is the Formless that has taken form and that assumption of name and form is not a caprice of Maya. Form is there because it is indispensable. We do not want to rule out any activity of the world as beyond our province. Politics, industry, society, poetry, literature, art Will all remain, but we must give them a new soul and a new form.
   Why have I left politics? Because the politics of the country is not a genuine thing belonging to India. It is an importation from Europe and an imitation. At one time there was a need of it. We also have done politics of the European kind. If we had not done it, the country would not have risen and we too would not have gained experience and attained full development. There is still some need of it, not so much in Bengal as in the other provinces of India. But the time has come to stop the shadow from extending and to seize on the reality. We must get to the true soul of India and in its image fashion all works.
   People now talk of spiritualizing politics. Its result Will be, if there be any permanent result, some kind of Indianized Bolshevism. Even to that kind of work I have no objection. Let each man do according to his inspiration. But that is not the real thing. If one pours the spiritual power into all these impure forms the water of the Causal ocean into raw vesselsei ther the raw vessels Will break and the water Will be spilt and lost or the spiritual power Will evaporate and only the impure form remain. In all fields it is the same. I can give the spiritual power but that power Will be expended in making the image of an ape and setting it up in the temple of Shiva. If the ape is endowed with life and made powerful, he may play the part of the devotee Hanuman and do much work for Rama,2 so long as that life and that power remain. But what we want in the Temple of India is not Hanuman, but the god, the avatar, Rama himself.
   We can mix with all, but in order to draw all into the true path, keeping intact the spirit and form of our ideal. If we do not do that we shall lose our direction and the real work Will not be done. If we remain individually everywhere, something Will be done indeed; but if we remain everywhere as parts of a Samgha, a hundred times more Will be done. As yet that time has not come. If we try to give a form hastily, it may not be the exact thing we want. The Samgha Will at first be in unconcentrated form. Those who have the ideal Will be united but work in different places. Afterwards, they Will form something like a spiritual commune and make a compact Samgha. They Will then give all their work a shape according to the demand of the spirit and the need of the agenot a bound and rigid form, not an achalayatana3, but a free form which Will spread out like the sea, mould itself into many waves and surround a thing here, overflood a thing there and finally take all into itself. As we go on doing this there Will be established a spiritual community. This is my present idea. As yet it has not been fully developed. All is in Gods hands; whatever He makes us do, that we shall do.
   Now let me discuss some particular points of your letter. I do not want to say much in this letter about what you have written as regards your yoga. We shall have better occasion when we meet. To look upon the body as a corpse is a sign of Sannyasa, of the path of Nirvana. You cannot be of the world with this idea. You must have delight in all thingsin the Spirit as well as in the body. The body has consciousness, it is Gods form. When you see God in everything that is in the world, when you have this vision that all this is Brahman, Sarvamidam Brahma, that Vasudeva is all thisVasudevah sarvamiti then you have the universal delight. The flow of that delight precipitates and courses even through the body. When you are in such a state, full of the spiritual consciousness, you can lead a married life, a life in the world. In all your works you find the expression of Gods delight. So far I have been transforming all the objects and perceptions of the mind and the senses into delight on the mental level. Now they are taking the form of the supramental delight. In this condition is the perfect vision and perception of Sachchidananda.
   Let me tell you in brief one or two things about what I have long seen. My idea is that the chief cause of the weakness of India is not subjection nor poverty, nor the lack of spirituality or dharma [ethics] but the decline of thought-power, the growth of ignorance in the motherl and of Knowledge. Everywhere I see inability or un Willingness to thinkthought-incapacity or thought-phobia. Whatever may have been in the middle ages, this state of things is now the sign of a terrible degeneration. The middle age was the night, the time of the victory of ignorance. The modern world is the age of the victory of Knowledge. Whoever thinks most, seeks most, labors most, can fathom and learn the truth of the world, and gets so much more Shakti. If you look at Europe, you Will see two things: a vast sea of thought and the play of a huge and fast-moving and yet disciplined force. The whole Shakti of Europe is in that. And in the strength of that Shakti it has been swallowing up the world, like the tapaswins [ascetics] of our ancient times, by whose power even the gods of the world were terrified, held in suspense and subjection. People say Europe is running into the jaws of destruction. I do not think so. All these revolutions and upsettings are the preconditions of a new creation.
   Then look at India. Except for some solitary giants, everywhere there is your simple man, that is, the average man who does not want to think and cannot think, who has not the least Shakti but only a temporary excitement. In India, you want the simple thought, the easy word. In Europe they want the deep thought, the deep word; there even an ordinary laborer or artisan thinks, wants to know, is not satisfied with surface things but wants to go behind. But there is still this difference: there is a fatal limitation in the strength and thought of Europe. When it comes into the spiritual field, its thought-power can no longer move ahead. There Europe sees everything as riddlenebulous metaphysics, yogic hallucination. They rub their eyes as in smoke and can see nothing clear. Still, some effort is being made in Europe to surmount even this limitation. We already have the spiritual sensewe owe it to our forefa thersand whoever has that sense has at his disposal such Knowledge and Shakti as with one breath might blow away all the huge power of Europe like a blade of grass. But to get that Shakti one must be a worshiper of Shakti. We are not worshipers of Shakti. We are worshipers of the easy way. But Shakti is not to be had by the easy way. Our forefa thers dived into a sea of vast thought and gained a vast Knowledge and established a mighty civilization. As they went on in their way, fatigue and weariness came upon them. The force of thought diminished and with it also the strong current of Shakti. Our civilization has become an achalayatana [prison], our religion a bigotry of externals, our spirituality a faint glimmer of light or a momentary wave of religious intoxication. And so long as this sort of thing continues, any permanent resurgence of India is improbable
   You say that what is needed is maddening enthusiasm, to fill the country with emotional excitement. In the time of the Swadeshi [fight for independence, boycott of English goods] we did all that in the field of politics, but what we did is all now in the dust. Will there be a more favorable result in the spiritual field? I do not say there has been no result. There has been. Any movement Will produce some result, but for the most part in terms of an increase of possibility. This is not the right method, however, to steadily actualize the thing. Therefore I no longer wish to make emotional excitement or any intoxication of the mind the base. I wish to make a large and strong equanimity the foundation of the yoga. I want established on that equality a full, firm and undisturbed Shakti in the system and in all its movements. I want the wide display of the light of Knowledge in the ocean of Shakti. And I want in that luminous vastness the tranquil ecstasy of infinite Love, Delight and Oneness. I do not want hundreds of thousands of disciples. It Will be enough if I can get a hundred complete men, purified of petty egoism, who Will be the instruments of God. I have no faith in the customary trade of the guru. I do not wish to be a guru. If anybody wakes and manifests from within his slumbering godhead and gets the divine lifebe it at my touch or at anothersthis is what I want. It is such men that Will raise the country.
   You must not think from all this lecture that I despair of the future of Bengal. I too hope, as they say, that this time a great light Will manifest itself in Bengal. Still I have tried to show the other side of the shield, where the fault is, the error, the deficiency. If these remain, the light Will not be a great light and it Will not be permanent.
   The meaning of this extraordinarily long talk is that I too am packing my bag. But I believe that this bundle is like the net of St. Peter, only crammed with the catch of the Infinite. I am not going to open the bag now. If I do that before its time, all would escape. Neither am I going back to Bengal now, not because Bengal is not ready, but because I am not ready. If the unripe goes amidst the unripe what work can he do?5

0 1962-07-25, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But if I speak of consciousness it Will lead me to speak of the ascent of consciousness, followed by the supraconscient. Can I speak about all that before the vital?
   But whenever there was unpleasantness with my relatives, with playmates or friends, I would feel all the nastiness or bad Willall sorts of pretty ugly things that came (I was rather sensitive, for I instinctively nurtured an ideal of beauty and harmony, which all the circumstances of life kept denying) so whenever I felt sad, I was most careful not to say anything to my mother or father, because my father didnt give a hoot and my mother would scold me that was always the first thing she did. And so I would go to my room and sit down in my little armchair, and there I could concentrate and try to understand in my own way. And I remember that after quite a few probably fruitless attempts I wound up telling myself (I always used to talk to myself; I dont know why or how, but I would talk to myself just as I talked to others): Look here, you feel sad because so-and-so said something really disgusting to you but why does that make you cry? Why are you so sad? Hes the one who was bad, so he should be crying. You didnt do anything bad to him. Did you tell him nasty things? Did you fight with her, or with him? No, you didnt do anything, did you; well then, you neednt feel sad. You should only be sad if youve done something bad, but. So that settled it: I would never cry. With just a slight inward movement, or something that said, Youve done no wrong, there was no sadness.
   But there was another side to this someone: it was watching me more and more, and as soon as I said one word or made one gesture too many, had one little bad thought, teased my brother or whatever, the smallest thing, it would say (Mother takes on a severe tone), Look out, be careful! At first I used to moan about it, but by and by it taught me: Dont lamentput right, mend. And when things could be mendedas they almost always could I would do so. All that on a five to seven-year-old childs scale of intelligence.
   It is the individual consciousness. Aspiration is almost always an expression of the psychic being the part of us thats organized around the divine center, the small divine flame deep within human beings. You see, this divine flame exists inside each human being, and little by little, through all the incarnations and karma and so on, a being takes shape around it, which Thon called the psychic being. And when the psychic being reaches its full development, it becomes a kind of bodily or at any rate individual raiment of the soul. The soul is a portion of the Supreme the jiva is the Supreme in individual form. And since there is only one Supreme, there is only one jiva, but with millions of individual forms. This jiva begins as a divine sparkimmutable, eternal and infinite too (infinite in possibility rather than dimension). And through all the incarnations, whatever has received and responded to the divine Influence progressively crystallizes around the jiva, which becomes more and more conscious as well as more and more organized. Ultimately it becomes a completely conscious individual being, master of itself and moved exclusively by the divine Will. That is to say, an individual expression of the Supreme. This is what we call the psychic being.
   Generally speaking, those who practice yoga have either a fully developed, independent psychic being which has taken birth again to do the Divines work, or else a psychic being in its last incarnation wanting to complete its development and realize itself.
   So, when youre told become conscious of your psychic being, its for the being formed by external Nature to contact the divine Presence through the psychic being. Then the psychic takes charge of the whole being; in fact, it is the inner Guide. Well, when I was a little child, this person (which wasnt a person, but an expression of a certain consciousness and Will) was actually the psychic presence; there was something else behind, but thats a rather special case. And what happened to me happens to everyone whose psychic being has deliberately incarnated: the psychic being guides your life, and if you let it act freely, it arranges ALL circumstancesits truly wonderful! I have seennot only for myself but for so many people who also had conscious psychic beings that everything is arranged with a view to not at all your personal egoistic satisfaction, but your ultimate progress and realization. And all circumstances of life, even those you call disastrous, are there to lead you where you have to go as swiftly as possible.
   Yours is more than a psychic being. As I have told you, your psychic being is accompanied by something which has come for a special purpose, with a particular intellectual powera luminous, conscious powerwhich has come from regions higher than the mind, regions Sri Aurobindo calls the Overmind, to do a special work. It is here (gesture enveloping the chest and head) and, along with the psychic, its trying to organize everything. This, in your psychic, is what you are feeling. It must have great power. Dont you feel a kind of luminous force?
   Mother is referring to a letter of Sri Aurobindo's which Satprem had quoted in his manuscript: "... in the calm mind, it is the substance of the mental being that is still, so still that nothing disturbs it. If thoughts or activities come, they do not rise at all out of the mind, but they come from outside and cross the mind as a flight of birds crosses the sky in a windless air. It passes, disturbs nothing, leaving no trace. Even if a thousand images or the most violent events pass across it, the calm stillness remains as if the very texture of the mind were a substance of eternal and indestructible peace. A mind that has achieved this calmness can begin to act, even intensely and powerfully, but it Will keep its fundamental stillnessoriginating nothing from itself but receiving from Above and giving it a mental form without adding anything of its own, calmly, dispassionately, though with the joy of the Truth and the happy power and light of its passage."
   Cent. Ed., XXIII. 637.


--- Overview of noun will

The noun will has 3 senses (first 3 from tagged texts)
1. (11) volition, will ::: (the capability of conscious choice and decision and intention; "the exercise of their volition we construe as revolt"- George Meredith)
2. (9) will ::: (a fixed and persistent intent or purpose; "where there's a will there's a way")
3. (6) will, testament ::: (a legal document declaring a person's wishes regarding the disposal of their property when they die)

--- Overview of verb will

The verb will has 3 senses (first 2 from tagged texts)
1. (3) will ::: (decree or ordain; "God wills our existence")
2. (2) will ::: (determine by choice; "This action was willed and intended")
3. bequeath, will, leave ::: (leave or give by will after one's death; "My aunt bequeathed me all her jewelry"; "My grandfather left me his entire estate")

--- Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of noun will

3 senses of will                            

Sense 1
volition, will
   => faculty, mental faculty, module
     => ability, power
       => cognition, knowledge, noesis
         => psychological feature
           => abstraction, abstract entity
             => entity

Sense 2
   => purpose, intent, intention, aim, design
     => goal, end
       => content, cognitive content, mental object
         => cognition, knowledge, noesis
           => psychological feature
             => abstraction, abstract entity
               => entity

Sense 3
will, testament
   => legal document, legal instrument, official document, instrument
     => document, written document, papers
       => writing, written material, piece of writing
         => written communication, written language, black and white
           => communication
             => abstraction, abstract entity
               => entity

--- Hyponyms of noun will

2 of 3 senses of will                        

Sense 1
volition, will
   => velleity

Sense 3
will, testament
   => Old Testament
   => New Testament
   => devise

--- Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of noun will

3 senses of will                            

Sense 1
volition, will
   => faculty, mental faculty, module

Sense 2
   => purpose, intent, intention, aim, design

Sense 3
will, testament
   => legal document, legal instrument, official document, instrument

--- Coordinate Terms (sisters) of noun will

3 senses of will                            

Sense 1
volition, will
  -> faculty, mental faculty, module
   => attention
   => language, speech
   => memory, retention, retentiveness, retentivity
   => reason, understanding, intellect
   => sense, sensation, sentience, sentiency, sensory faculty
   => volition, will

Sense 2
  -> purpose, intent, intention, aim, design
   => mind, idea
   => cross-purpose
   => final cause
   => sake
   => view
   => will

Sense 3
will, testament
  -> legal document, legal instrument, official document, instrument
   => articles of incorporation
   => derivative instrument, derivative
   => negotiable instrument
   => passport
   => ship's papers
   => manifest
   => debenture
   => power of attorney
   => letters of administration
   => letters testamentary
   => working papers, work papers, work permit
   => act, enactment
   => law
   => bill, measure
   => brief, legal brief
   => will, testament
   => living will
   => deed, deed of conveyance, title
   => assignment
   => trust deed, deed of trust
   => conveyance
   => tax return, income tax return, return
   => license, licence, permit
   => patent, letters patent
   => opinion, legal opinion, judgment, judgement
   => acquittance, release
   => writ, judicial writ
   => mandate, authorization, authorisation
   => affidavit
   => written agreement
   => indictment, bill of indictment
   => impeachment
   => arraignment
   => security, certificate

--- Grep of noun will
free will
god's will
good will
ill will
israel zangwill
living will
nimble will
probate will
will durant
will hays
will keith kellog
will power
will rogers
willa cather
willa sibert cather
willamette river
willard frank libby
willard huntington wright
willard van orman quine
willem de kooning
willem de sitter
willem einthoven
willful neglect
william a. craigie
william and mary
william ashley sunday
william augustus
william averell harriman
william beaumont
william benjamin hogan
william blake
william bligh
william bradford
william bradford shockley
william burroughs
william butler yeats
william butterfield
william byrd
william carlos williams
william caxton
william chambers
william christopher handy
william claire menninger
william clark
william clark gable
william claude dukenfield
william congreve
william cowper
william crawford gorgas
william crookes
william curtis
william cuthbert faulkner
william dawes
william dean howells
william dudley haywood
william edward burghardt du bois
william ewart gladstone
william f. cody
william falkner
william faulkner
william felton russell
william franklin graham
william frederick cody
william fulbright
william gilbert
william gladstone
william golding
william graham sumner
william green
william h. bonney
william harrison dempsey
william harrison hays
william harvey
william hazlitt
william henry
william henry beveridge
william henry fox talbot
william henry gates
william henry harrison
william henry hoover
william henry hudson
william henry mauldin
william henry pratt
william henry seward
william herschel
william hogarth
william holman hunt
william holmes mcguffey
william hoover
william howard taft
william hubbs rehnquist
william hyde wollaston
william i
william ii
william iii
william inge
william iv
william james
william james durant
william jefferson clinton
william jennings bryan
william john clifton haley jr.
william kidd
william lawrence shirer
william le baron jenny
william lloyd garrison
william makepeace thackeray
william maxwell aitken
william mckinley
william menninger
william mitchell
william morris
william nunn lipscom jr.
william of occam
william of ockham
william of orange
william of wykeham
william patterson
william penn
william penn adair rogers
william pitt
william ralph inge
william randolph hearst
william rehnquist
william richard morris
william rose benet
william rowan hamilton
william rufus
william s. burroughs
william s. gilbert
william saroyan
william schwenk gilbert
william seward burroughs
william shakespeare
william shakspere
william shockley
william somerset maugham
william stanley jevons
william strickland
william stubbs
william styron
william sydney porter
william tatem tilden jr.
william tecumseh sherman
william tell
william the conqueror
william thompson
william thornton
william tindal
william tindale
william tyndale
william walton
william wilkie collins
william wordsworth
william wycherley
william wyler
william wymark jacobs
williams syndrome
willie howard mays jr.
willie mays
willow aster
willow bell
willow family
willow oak
willow tree
willy brandt

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Wikipedia - Anyone Who Knows What Love Is (Will Understand) -- 1964 song written by Jeannie Seely and Randy Newman
Wikipedia - A Plumbing We Will Go -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - A Poison Tree -- Poem by William Blake
Wikipedia - Apollo 11 Goodwill Messages
Wikipedia - Apollo 11 goodwill messages
Wikipedia - Apollo's Chariot -- Roller coaster at Busch Gardens Williamsburg
Wikipedia - Appointment for Love -- 1941 film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - A. P. Williams -- Australian cricket umpire
Wikipedia - Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters -- 2007 film directed by Matt Maiellaro and Dave Willis
Wikipedia - A Rake's Progress, 3: The Tavern Scene -- Painting by William Hogarth from the series A Rake's Progress
Wikipedia - A Rake's Progress -- Painting series by William Hogarth
Wikipedia - Araucaria bidwillii -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Aravah (Sukkot) -- A leafy branch of the willow tree
Wikipedia - Archibald Butt -- Military aide to Theodore Roosevelt and William Howard Taft
Wikipedia - Archie Williams (singer) -- American singer
Wikipedia - Arden Shakespeare -- a long-running series of scholarly editions of the works of William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Are All Men Pedophiles? -- 2012 documentary film by Jan-Willem Breure
Wikipedia - Arena Williams -- New Zealand politician
Wikipedia - Argument from free will -- Contention that omniscience is incompatible with free will
Wikipedia - Ariel's Song -- Song from The Tempest by William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Arizona Range News -- Newspaper in Willcox, Arizona, USA
Wikipedia - Arkangel Shakespeare -- early 21st-century series of audio drama presentations of the plays of William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Armstrong Williams -- American political writer
Wikipedia - Arthur B. Williams -- American politician
Wikipedia - Arthur Henry Williams -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - Arthur Henry Winnington Williams -- Jamaican politician
Wikipedia - Arthur Howard Williams -- Welsh chess player
Wikipedia - Arthur James Williams (politician) -- British politician
Wikipedia - Arthur's Desperate Resolve -- 1916 silent short film directed by William Garwood
Wikipedia - Arthur Trefusis Heneage Williams -- Canadian politician and militia officer
Wikipedia - Arthur Willey (solicitor) -- English solicitor, racehorse owner and MP
Wikipedia - Arthur Willey -- Director of Colombo Museum, Ceylon
Wikipedia - Arthur William Baden Powell
Wikipedia - Arthur William Savage -- American firearm designer
Wikipedia - Arthur Williams (boxer) -- American boxer, born 1964
Wikipedia - Arthur William Symons
Wikipedia - Arthur William Turner -- Australian veterinary scientist and bacteriologist (1900-1989)
Wikipedia - Arthur Willis (athlete) -- British athlete
Wikipedia - Arthur Willmer -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Arthur Wills (musician) -- English musician
Wikipedia - Artistic control -- The authority to decide how a final media product will appear
Wikipedia - A Sea Symphony -- Symphony composed by Ralph Vaughan Williams
Wikipedia - A Self-Made Failure -- 1924 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - As Far as My Feet Will Carry Me -- 2001 film by Hardy Martins
Wikipedia - A Shadow You Soon Will Be -- 1994 film
Wikipedia - A Shaun the Sheep Movie: Farmageddon -- 2019 film directed by Will Becher and Richard Phelan
Wikipedia - Ashley Williams (actress) -- American actress
Wikipedia - A Shot in the Dark (1941 film) -- 1941 film by William C. McGann
Wikipedia - A Society Sherlock -- 1916 film by William Garwood
Wikipedia - A Soul at Stake -- 1916 film by William Garwood
Wikipedia - Asphodel, That Greeny Flower -- Poem written by William Carlos Williams
Wikipedia - Assassination of William McKinley -- 1901 murder of the 25th President of the United States
Wikipedia - A Star Is Born (1937 film) -- 1937 film by William A. Wellman
Wikipedia - As the Gods Will -- Manga series
Wikipedia - A Streetcar Named Desire -- 1947 play by Tennessee Williams
Wikipedia - A Summer You Will Never Forget -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - As You Like It -- pastoral comedy by William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Atlantic Flight (1937 film) -- 1937 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - A Toast to Men -- Pop song recorded by Willa Ford and Lady May
Wikipedia - A Tornado in the Saddle -- 1942 film by William A. Berke
Wikipedia - A Tropical Horror -- Short story by William Hope Hodgson
Wikipedia - Attenschwiller -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Attestation clause -- In statutory law, a type of clause found in wills
Wikipedia - At-will employment
Wikipedia - At Will Media -- Digital media company in NYC
Wikipedia - Aubrey William Ingleton -- English mathematician
Wikipedia - Audrey Williams (archaeologist) -- Welsh archaeologist
Wikipedia - Augusta (album) -- 1995 album by Willie Nelson
Wikipedia - Augustus William Harvey -- Canadian industrialist and politician
Wikipedia - Augustus (Williams novel) -- Book by John Edward Williams
Wikipedia - Augustus Williams -- United States Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - August Willads Bech -- Danish landowner
Wikipedia - August Willem Philip Weitzel -- Dutch military officer and politician
Wikipedia - Aurora Williams -- Chilean politician
Wikipedia - Austin Beatty Williams
Wikipedia - Austin Willey -- American abolitionist
Wikipedia - Automatic firearm -- firearm that will continue to fire so long as the trigger is pressed and held
Wikipedia - Avalon University School of Medicine -- Medical school in Willemstad, Curacao
Wikipedia - Averil Williams -- British athlete
Wikipedia - A. V. Williams Jackson -- American specialist on Indo-Iranian languages (1862-1937)
Wikipedia - A Will and a Way -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - A. William Flux
Wikipedia - A. William Schenck -- American politician
Wikipedia - A Woman Who Understood -- 1920 film by William Parke
Wikipedia - Babbitt (1934 film) -- 1934 film by William Keighley
Wikipedia - Baby if You're Ready -- 2002 song by American trio formed by Snoop Dogg's Doggy's Angels featuring LaToiya Williams
Wikipedia - Baby Love (Nicole Scherzinger song) -- 2007 single by Nicole Scherzinger and
Wikipedia - Baby, We're Really in Love -- 1951 Hank Williams song
Wikipedia - Back Door to Heaven -- 1939 film by William K. Howard
Wikipedia - Back to God's Country (1927 film) -- 1927 film by Irvin Willat
Wikipedia - Bada' -- Shia Islamic concept regarding the Will of God
Wikipedia - Bad Men of the Hills -- 1942 film by William Berke
Wikipedia - Bala Ganapathi William -- Malaysian actor (born 1990)
Wikipedia - Balch Creek -- tributary of Willamette River
Wikipedia - Balschwiller -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Barbara A. Williams -- American radio astrophysicist
Wikipedia - Barbara Radziwillowna (film) -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Barbara Williams (actress) -- Canadian-born American actress
Wikipedia - Barbara Williams (writer) -- American author
Wikipedia - Barney Williams (actor) -- American actor
Wikipedia - Baron Willoughby de Broke -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Baron Willoughby de Eresby -- Title in the Peerage of England
Wikipedia - Barry William Ninham
Wikipedia - Barry Williams (athlete) -- British athlete
Wikipedia - Barry Williams (skeptic) -- Australian skeptic
Wikipedia - Basil Williams (figure skater) -- British figure skater
Wikipedia - Battle of Hartmannswillerkopf -- A battle in 1915 during the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Seneffe -- Between a French army under the command of Louis II de Bourbon, Prince de Conde and the Dutch-Habsburg army under the Dutch Stadtholder William III of Orange
Wikipedia - Battle of the Boyne -- Irish Williamite-Jacobite War battle
Wikipedia - Battle of the Willows -- Battle
Wikipedia - Battle of Williamsburg -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Beach Party -- 1963 film by William Asher
Wikipedia - Beatrice Willard -- American botanist
Wikipedia - Beau Geste (1939 film) -- 1939 film by William A. Wellman
Wikipedia - Becky Bereswill -- American figure skater
Wikipedia - Beer for My Horses -- 2003 single by Willie Nelson and Toby Keith
Wikipedia - Beggars of Life -- 1928 film by William A. Wellman
Wikipedia - Behind the Burma Road -- 1963 book by William Peers & Dean Brelis
Wikipedia - Behind the Door (film) -- 1919 film by Irvin Willat
Wikipedia - Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla -- 1952 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - Bel Ami (1939 film) -- 1939 German film directed by Willi Forst
Wikipedia - Bell Boy 13 -- 1923 film directed by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - Bellott v Mountjoy -- 1612 English court case associated with William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Belly (film) -- 1998 film directed by Hype Williams
Wikipedia - Below the Surface (1920 film) -- 1920 film by Irvin Willat
Wikipedia - Belshazzar's Feast (Walton) -- Cantata by the English composer William Walton
Wikipedia - Ben Blair (film) -- 1916 film by William Desmond Taylor
Wikipedia - Benedetta Willis -- One of the first women RAF pilots to get her wings
Wikipedia - Benjamin Williamson (mathematician) -- Irish mathematician
Wikipedia - Ben M. Williamson -- United States politician and businessman
Wikipedia - Ben Williams (actor) -- British actor
Wikipedia - Ben Williams (referee) -- Australian soccer referee
Wikipedia - Berentzwiller -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Berlin Diary -- Book by William L. Shirer
Wikipedia - Bernard Willem Holtrop -- Dutch cartoonist
Wikipedia - Bernard Williams (sprinter) -- American track and field athlete, sprinter, Olympic gold medalist
Wikipedia - Bernard Williams -- English moral philosopher
Wikipedia - Bernard Willson (cricketer) -- English cricketer and Royal Air Force officer
Wikipedia - Bernwiller -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Berrwiller -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Bert Williams -- American comedian and actor
Wikipedia - Beth Willis (producer) -- British television producer
Wikipedia - Beth Willman
Wikipedia - Better Man (Robbie Williams song) -- 2001 song performed by Robbie Williams
Wikipedia - Betty Williams (Nobel laureate)
Wikipedia - Betty Williams (peace activist) -- Northern Irish peace activist and Nobel laureate
Wikipedia - Betty Willis (artist) -- American graphic designer
Wikipedia - Beverly Williams (diver) -- British diver
Wikipedia - Beverly Williams -- American television anchor
Wikipedia - Beware! (1919 film) -- 1919 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - BFW M.35 -- Sportplane by Willy Messerschmitt
Wikipedia - Bibliography of William Howard Taft -- Wikipedia bibliography
Wikipedia - Bibliography of William McKinley -- Wikipedia bibliography
Wikipedia - Big Business Girl -- 1931 film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - Big Joe Williams -- American Delta blues guitarist, recording artist, singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Big Town Scandal -- 1948 film by William C. Thomas
Wikipedia - Bikini Beach -- 1964 film by William Asher
Wikipedia - Bill Bidwill -- American businessman
Wikipedia - Bill Cracks Down -- 1937 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - Billionaire Boys Club (clothing retailer) -- American and Japanese clothing retailer established by Pharrell Williams and Nigo
Wikipedia - Bill Williams (actor) -- American actor (1915-1992)
Wikipedia - Bill Williams (game designer)
Wikipedia - Bill Williams Mountain -- Mountain in Arizona, United States of America
Wikipedia - Bill Williamson -- Australian jockey
Wikipedia - Bill Willingham
Wikipedia - Billy Dee Williams filmography -- Cataloging of performances by the American actor
Wikipedia - Billy Dee Williams -- American actor, artist, and singer
Wikipedia - Billy's War Brides -- 1916 short film by William Garwood
Wikipedia - Billy the Kid Versus Dracula -- 1966 US horror western film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - Billy Williams (music hall performer) -- Australian vaudeville and music hall entertainer
Wikipedia - Billy Williamson (guitarist) -- Rock and roll musician
Wikipedia - Biofeedback -- Process of gaining greater awareness of many physiological functions primarily using instruments that provide information on the activity of those same systems, with a goal of being able to manipulate them at will
Wikipedia - Bitschwiller-les-Thann -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Black Dragons -- 1942 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - Black Market Babies -- 1945 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - Black Moon (1934 film) -- 1934 film by Roy William Neill
Wikipedia - Blackout/All Clear -- Series by Connie Willis
Wikipedia - Black Suits Comin' (Nod Ya Head) -- 2002 single by Will Smith
Wikipedia - Blackwell's Island (film) -- 1939 film by William C. McGann
Wikipedia - Blades of Glory -- 2007 film by Josh Gordon and Will Speck
Wikipedia - Blanche Wheeler Williams -- Archeologist and teacher
Wikipedia - Blanche Wilkins Williams -- American educator of deaf students
Wikipedia - Blanche Williams Stubbs -- American civil rights activist and suffragette
Wikipedia - Blazing Days -- 1927 film by William Wyler
Wikipedia - Blind Date (1934 film) -- 1934 film by Roy William Neill
Wikipedia - Blind Willie Johnson -- American blues and gospel singer and guitarist
Wikipedia - Blind Willie McTell (song)
Wikipedia - Blind Willie McTell -- Piedmont and ragtime blues singer and guitarist
Wikipedia - Blockade (1938 film) -- 1938 film by William Dieterle
Wikipedia - Blonde Comet -- 1941 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - Blood Will Tell (1927 film) -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Blood Will Tell (2019 film) -- 2019 film directed by Miguel Cohan
Wikipedia - Blue Chips -- 1994 film by William Friedkin
Wikipedia - Blues Busters -- 1950 film directed by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - BMW V12 LMR -- Open cockpit prototype racing car manufactured by BMW Motorsport and Williams F1
Wikipedia - Bobby Willis -- British songwriter
Wikipedia - Bob Wills -- American Western swing musician, songwriter, and bandleader
Wikipedia - Bolle Willum Luxdorph -- Danish civil servant (b. 1716, d. 1788)
Wikipedia - Bollwiller -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Bonanza: The Next Generation -- 1988 television film directed by William F. Claxton
Wikipedia - Bonds of Honor -- 1919 American silent film directed by William Worthington
Wikipedia - Borderline (1950 film) -- 1950 film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - Bought and Paid For -- 1922 film by William C. deMille
Wikipedia - Bourtzwiller -- Quarter of Mulhouse, Alsace, France
Wikipedia - Bouxwiller, Haut-Rhin -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Bowery Boy -- 1940 film by William Morgan
Wikipedia - Boy Crazy (film) -- 1922 film directed by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - Boy of Mine -- 1923 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - Boy of the Streets -- 1937 American drama film directed by William Nigh
Wikipedia - Boys and Girls Together -- 1964 novel by William Goldman
Wikipedia - Boys Will Be Boys (1921 film) -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Boys Will Be Boys (Dua Lipa song)
Wikipedia - Boys Will Be Boys (The Ordinary Boys song) -- 2005 single by The Ordinary Boys
Wikipedia - Boys Will Be Joys -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Boy William -- Indonesian actor
Wikipedia - Brad William Henke -- American actor
Wikipedia - Brad Williams (comedian) -- American comedian
Wikipedia - Brad Williams (mnemonist) -- American with an abnormally good memory
Wikipedia - Brad Willis (Neighbours) -- Fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours
Wikipedia - Brainstorm (1965 film) -- 1965 film by William Conrad
Wikipedia - Brandon Rhys-Williams -- British politician
Wikipedia - Braunston and Willoughby railway station -- Former railway station in Warwickshire, England
Wikipedia - Brember Wills -- English actor
Wikipedia - Brian Williams (director) -- Irish graphic designer and advert director
Wikipedia - Brian Williams (sportscaster) -- Canadian sportscaster
Wikipedia - Brian Williams (surgeon) -- American surgeon and trauma surgery academic
Wikipedia - Brian Williams -- American journalist and television news anchor
Wikipedia - Brides Are Like That -- 1936 film by William C. McGann
Wikipedia - Briony Williams -- Australian actress
Wikipedia - Britomart Redeems Faire Amoret -- Oil painting on canvas by William Etty
Wikipedia - Brittney Williams -- Character designer and cartoonist
Wikipedia - Broadway (1942 film) -- 1942 film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - Broadway to Hollywood (film) -- 1933 film by Willard Mack
Wikipedia - Broken Laws -- 1924 film by Roy William Neill
Wikipedia - Brother Rat -- 1938 film by William Keighley
Wikipedia - Brown & Williamson -- American tobacco company
Wikipedia - Brown Willy -- Hill in Cornwall, England
Wikipedia - Bruce William Nickerson -- American activist
Wikipedia - Bruce Williamson (singer) -- American singer-songwriter and country folk musician
Wikipedia - Bruce Williams (Royal Navy officer) -- former Royal Navy admiral
Wikipedia - Bruce Williams (sport shooter) -- Canadian sports shooter
Wikipedia - Bruce William Stillman -- Australian biochemist and cancer researcher
Wikipedia - Bruce Willis filmography -- List article of performances by actor Bruce Willis
Wikipedia - Bruce Willis -- American actor, film producer
Wikipedia - Brunt-VM-CM-$isM-CM-$lM-CM-$ frequency -- The angular frequency at which a vertically displaced parcel will oscillate within a statically stable environment
Wikipedia - Brush Creek (Wills Creek tributary) -- River in Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Bryan Williams (priest) -- British Anglican priest
Wikipedia - Bryan Willis Hamilton -- American music producer, composer, writer, singer, rapper, poet
Wikipedia - Bryan Willson
Wikipedia - Bud Williams -- Massachusetts politician
Wikipedia - Buethwiller -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door -- Phrase about innovation
Wikipedia - Bullets for O'Hara -- 1941 film by William K. Howard
Wikipedia - Bunker Bean -- 1936 film by William Hamilton
Wikipedia - Burst of Summer -- 1961 film by William T. Sterling
Wikipedia - Bury Me Beneath the Willow -- Song
Wikipedia - Busch Gardens Williamsburg -- European-themed amusement park in James City County, Virginia
Wikipedia - Buschwiller -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Butcher, Baker, Nightmare Maker -- 1982 American exploitation horror film by William Asher
Wikipedia - Buttonwillow Raceway Park -- Motorsport venue in California. United States
Wikipedia - Buzz (Keller Williams album) -- 1996 album by Keller Williams
Wikipedia - Calder Willingham -- American writer
Wikipedia - California Western Railroad -- A heritage railroad in Mendocino County, California (USA), running from Fort Bragg to Willits
Wikipedia - Calling Philo Vance -- 1940 film by William Clemens
Wikipedia - Call Me a Liar -- 1961 television film directed by William Sterling
Wikipedia - Call of the Wild (1935 film) -- 1935 film by William A. Wellman
Wikipedia - Camel's nose -- Metaphor for a situation where the permitting of a small, seemingly innocuous act will open the door for larger, clearly undesirable actions
Wikipedia - Cameron Williams -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Camilla Williams
Wikipedia - Camp Williams
Wikipedia - Canciones Del Solar De Los Aburridos -- 1981 studio album by Willie Colon & Ruben Blades
Wikipedia - Candaules, King of Lydia, Shews his Wife by Stealth to Gyges, One of his Ministers, as She Goes to Bed -- 1830 painting by William Etty
Wikipedia - Candice Carty-Williams -- British writer
Wikipedia - Candy (Robbie Williams song) -- 2012 single by Robbie Williams
Wikipedia - Can I Have It Like That -- 2005 single by Pharrell Williams and Gwen Stefani
Wikipedia - Canton of Bischwiller -- French administrative division
Wikipedia - Canton of Bouxwiller -- Canton of France
Wikipedia - Can't Stop Christmas -- 2020 song by Robbie Williams
Wikipedia - Captain America (William Burnside)
Wikipedia - Captain Fly-by-Night -- 1922 film by William K. Howard
Wikipedia - Captain Kidd, Jr. -- 1919 film directed by William Desmond Taylor
Wikipedia - Captain William Bowie -- American colonist
Wikipedia - Capture of Fort William and Mary -- Battle during the American Revolutionary War on December 14, 1774
Wikipedia - Cara Williams -- American actress
Wikipedia - Carey McWilliams (journalist) -- American author and lawyer (1905-1980)
Wikipedia - Cargo cult -- adherents practice rituals which they believe will cause a more technologically advanced society to deliver goods.
Wikipedia - Carla Cotwright-Williams -- African-American mathematician
Wikipedia - Carl Joe Williams -- American visual artist
Wikipedia - Carl Ludwig Willdenow -- German botanist (1765-1812)
Wikipedia - Carmen Twillie (actress) -- American actress and singer
Wikipedia - Carmen Twillie Ambar -- American academic
Wikipedia - Carol Emshwiller
Wikipedia - Caroline Randall Williams -- American writer
Wikipedia - Caroline Ransom Williams -- American egyptologist and classical archaeologist
Wikipedia - Caroline Williams -- American actress
Wikipedia - Carol Williams (politician) -- American politician from Montana
Wikipedia - Carol Willis (architectural historian) -- American architect
Wikipedia - Carpenter's Gothic -- Book by William Gaddis
Wikipedia - Carrington Bonsor Williams
Wikipedia - Carroll William Dodge
Wikipedia - Carroll Williams
Wikipedia - Carson Williams -- American electrical engineer
Wikipedia - Carter Williams -- American kickboxer, boxer and mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Casey William Hardison -- Psychedelic chemist
Wikipedia - Catch My Smoke -- 1922 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Iwan P. Williams
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by William G. Dillon
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by William H. Ryan (astronomer)
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by William K. Y. Yeung
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by William Liller
Wikipedia - Category:Free will
Wikipedia - Category:People educated at Sir Joseph Williamson's Mathematical School
Wikipedia - Category:People from Williamsburg, Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Category:Saul Williams albums
Wikipedia - Category:Willard Van Orman Quine
Wikipedia - Category:William Blake
Wikipedia - Category:William James
Wikipedia - Category:William Penn Charter School alumni
Wikipedia - Category:Williams College alumni
Wikipedia - Category:William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Category:Williams video games
Wikipedia - Category:William Wordsworth
Wikipedia - Cathay Williams -- American soldier (1844-1893)
Wikipedia - Catherine Booth -- Englishwoman who co-founded The Salvation Army with her husband William
Wikipedia - Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge -- Wife of Prince William, Duke of Cambridge
Wikipedia - Catherine Willows -- Fictional character on American television series CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Wikipedia - C.A.T. Squad -- 1986 film directed by William Friedkin
Wikipedia - Cecilia of Normandy -- 11th and 12th-century daughter of William the Conqueror and abbess
Wikipedia - Cecil Williamson
Wikipedia - Cecil Williams (pastor) -- American Methodist minister
Wikipedia - Cecil Williams South Carolina Civil Rights Museum -- Civil rights museum
Wikipedia - C. E. Wynn-Williams -- Welsh physicist
Wikipedia - CFFM-FM -- Radio station in Williams Lake, British Columbia
Wikipedia - Chamaenerion angustifolium -- species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Chamaenerion fleischeri -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Chamaenerion latifolium -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Chamaenerion -- Genus of flowering plants in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Chance at Heaven -- 1933 film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - Chancellor Williams -- American historian
Wikipedia - Chandos portrait -- 17th-century portrait believed to be of William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Change of Habit -- 1969 film by William A. Graham
Wikipedia - Changes in the Land -- Book by William Cronon
Wikipedia - Characters of Shakespear's Plays -- book by William Hazlitt
Wikipedia - Charge It to Me -- 1919 American Comedy film directed by Roy William Neill
Wikipedia - Charge of the Lancers -- 1954 film by William Castle
Wikipedia - Charity Cannon Willard -- American scholar
Wikipedia - Charles Andrew Williams -- American murderer
Wikipedia - Charles Arthur Willard
Wikipedia - Charles F. Willard -- American aviator (1883-1977
Wikipedia - Charles Insco Williams -- American architect
Wikipedia - Charles James Blasius Williams -- English doctor
Wikipedia - Charles "Hungry" Williams -- American musician
Wikipedia - Charles Wentworth-Fitzwilliam, 5th Earl Fitzwilliam
Wikipedia - Charles Willard (golfer) -- American golfer
Wikipedia - Charles Willauer Kutz -- American Brigadier General
Wikipedia - Charles William Andrews
Wikipedia - Charles William Beebe
Wikipedia - Charles William Boase
Wikipedia - Charles William Eliot
Wikipedia - Charles William Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick
Wikipedia - Charles William Glover -- English violinist and composer
Wikipedia - Charles William Hobley -- British administrator in Kenya
Wikipedia - Charles William James Orr -- British colonial administrator
Wikipedia - Charles William King
Wikipedia - Charles William Mayo
Wikipedia - Charles William Miller -- Brazilian sportsman
Wikipedia - Charles William Peach -- British naturalist and geologist
Wikipedia - Charles Williams Barber -- American army officer
Wikipedia - Charles Williams, Baron Williams of Elvel -- British politician
Wikipedia - Charles Williams (British writer) -- British writer
Wikipedia - Charles Williams (cricketer, born 1800) -- English cricketer for Marylebone Cricket Club
Wikipedia - Charles Williams (film director) -- Australian filmmaker
Wikipedia - Charles William Shoppee
Wikipedia - Charles Williams (UK writer)
Wikipedia - Charles William Wallace -- 19th/20th-century American literary critic
Wikipedia - Charles William Wyatt -- New Zealand politician
Wikipedia - Charles Willis Ward -- American businessman and conservationist
Wikipedia - Charles Willott -- British sports shooter
Wikipedia - Charles Willson Peale -- 18th and 19th-century American painter
Wikipedia - Charles Willy Kayser -- German actor
Wikipedia - Charlie Williams (motorcyclist) -- British motorcycle racer
Wikipedia - Charlie Williams (pool player) -- Pool player and promoter
Wikipedia - Charlotte Williams -- Professor of Inorganic Chemistry
Wikipedia - C. Harold Wills -- 20th-century American automobile designer
Wikipedia - Check It Out ( and Nicki Minaj song) -- 2010 single by and Nicki Minaj
Wikipedia - Checkmate (1935 film) -- 1935 British crime film directed by George William Pearson
Wikipedia - Cherry Tree Lane -- 2010 film by Paul Andrew Williams
Wikipedia - Chief William Anderson -- An 18th-century chief of the Algonquian-speaking Lenape (Delaware)
Wikipedia - Chile: When Will It End? -- 1986 film
Wikipedia - Chill Wills -- American actor
Wikipedia - Chilly Willy filmography -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Chilton Williamson, Jr. -- American author
Wikipedia - Chinese Opium Den -- 1894 film by William Kennedy Dickson
Wikipedia - Chino cloth -- Cotton twill cloth
Wikipedia - Choco poorwill -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Chow Down -- Single by Willam Belli
Wikipedia - Chris Colwill -- American diver
Wikipedia - Christian universalism -- Christian belief that all will be reconciled to God
Wikipedia - Christian William Ramseyer -- American politician
Wikipedia - Christina C. C. Willis -- American laser scientist
Wikipedia - Christine Willes -- Canadian actress
Wikipedia - Christine Williams (nutritionist) -- British nutritionist
Wikipedia - Christopher Willcock
Wikipedia - Christopher William Codrington -- English politician
Wikipedia - Christopher Williams (bobsleigh) -- British bobsledder
Wikipedia - Christopher Williams (singer) -- American singer
Wikipedia - Christopher Willoughby (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Christophe Willem -- French singer
Wikipedia - Christoph Willibald Gluck
Wikipedia - Christy Williams -- Canadian motorcycle racer
Wikipedia - Chris Willenken -- American bridge player
Wikipedia - Chris Williams (actor) -- American actor and comedian (born 1967)
Wikipedia - Chris Williams (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - Chris Williamson (politician) -- British politician
Wikipedia - Chris Willis
Wikipedia - Chronology of William Shakespeare's plays
Wikipedia - Chuck-will's-widow -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Cicely Williams -- Jamaican physician
Wikipedia - Cindy Williams (EastEnders) -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Cindy Williams -- American actress
Wikipedia - Circaea alpina -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Circaea canadensis -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Circaea lutetiana -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Circe Invidiosa -- Painting by John William Waterhouse
Wikipedia - Circe Offering the Cup to Ulysses -- Painting by John William Waterhouse
Wikipedia - Circle of Willis
Wikipedia - Cities of the Red Night -- 1981 novel by William S. Burroughs
Wikipedia - City Limits (1934 film) -- 1934 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - City of Golden Shadow -- 1996 novel by Tad Williams
Wikipedia - City of Shadows -- 1955 film by William Witney
Wikipedia - City of Silent Men -- 1942 film directed by William Nigh
Wikipedia - Civic Biology -- Biology textbook by George William Hunter
Wikipedia - C. J. F. Williams
Wikipedia - C. K. Williams
Wikipedia - Claire Williams (athlete) -- Paralympic track and field athlete
Wikipedia - Claire Williams -- Former Deputy Team Principal of Williams F1 Team
Wikipedia - Clanwilliam (County Limerick) -- Barony (historical administrative unit) in County Limerick, Ireland
Wikipedia - Clanwilliam (County Tipperary) -- Barony in County Tipperary, Ireland
Wikipedia - Clara Willdenow -- Physician (1856-1931)
Wikipedia - Clarence Williams III -- American actor
Wikipedia - Clarence Williams (musician) -- American jazz pianist, composer, producer, and publisher
Wikipedia - Clare Wille -- English stage and television actress
Wikipedia - Clarkia unguiculata -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Clarkia -- Genus of flowering plants in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Classical Gas (Mason Williams and Mannheim Steamroller album) -- Album by Mannheim Steamroller, Mason Williams
Wikipedia - Claude Williams (musician) -- American jazz violinist and guitarist
Wikipedia - Claudia Williams (artist) -- British artist
Wikipedia - Claud William Wright -- British amateur paleontologist and public servant
Wikipedia - Clayton Williams -- American businessman
Wikipedia - Clifford Martin Will
Wikipedia - Clifton Williams -- American astronaut
Wikipedia - Closed Mondays -- 1974 stop motion film directed by Bob Gardiner and Will Vinton
Wikipedia - Close to My Heart -- 1951 film by William Keighley
Wikipedia - Clotel -- Novel by William Wells Brown
Wikipedia - Clough Williams-Ellis -- English-born Welsh architect
Wikipedia - Clyde Williams (Missouri politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - Cody Willis -- Fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours
Wikipedia - Cole Williams -- American actor
Wikipedia - College of William & Mary -- Public research university in Williamsburg, Virginia
Wikipedia - College of William > Mary
Wikipedia - Colonial Williamsburg -- Living-history museum and private foundation presenting part of a historic district in the city of Williamsburg, VA
Wikipedia - Come and Get It (1936 film) -- 1936 American drama film directed by Howard Hawks and William Wyler
Wikipedia - Come Get It Bae -- 2013 single by Pharrell Williams
Wikipedia - Come Undone (Robbie Williams song) -- 2003 single by Robbie Williams
Wikipedia - Come Up Smiling -- 1939 film by William Freshman
Wikipedia - Comics and Sequential Art -- Book by Will Eisner
Wikipedia - Command Decision (novel) -- Book by William Wister Haines
Wikipedia - Common Ground (1916 film) -- 1916 silent film drama by William C. deMille
Wikipedia - Common poorwill -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Companions of William the Conqueror
Wikipedia - Complete Works of Shakespeare -- all plays and poems by William Shakespeare in one book
Wikipedia - Confessions from the David Galaxy Affair -- 1979 British sexploitation comedy film directed by Willy Roe
Wikipedia - Conrad in Quest of His Youth -- 1920 film by William C. deMille
Wikipedia - Conscious evolution -- The hypothetical ability of the human species to choose what they will become
Wikipedia - Consent of the governed -- Will of the people as source of political legitimacy
Wikipedia - Consequences (Cather story) -- Short story by Willa Cather
Wikipedia - Constance of Normandy -- 11th-century daughter of William the Conqueror and Duchess of Brittany
Wikipedia - Consumer's risk -- Risk that a product not up to standard will pass through quality checks
Wikipedia - Coriolanus -- play by William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Corkscrew Willow
Wikipedia - Cornelis Rugier Willem Karel van Alderwerelt van Rosenburgh -- Dutch botanist
Wikipedia - Cory T. Williams -- American politician
Wikipedia - Cory Williams -- YouTube personality (born 1981)
Wikipedia - Cosa Nuestra -- 1969 studio album by Willie Colon
Wikipedia - Counterwill
Wikipedia - Count William II of Holland
Wikipedia - Craig Williams (jockey) -- Australian jockey
Wikipedia - Craig Williams (politician) -- British Conservative politician
Wikipedia - Crash Donovan -- 1936 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - Crazy Kids -- 2013 single by Kesha,, Juicy J
Wikipedia - Crazy (Willie Nelson song) -- Willie Nelson song popularized by Patsy Cline
Wikipedia - Cress Williams -- American actor
Wikipedia - Crime Pays (Willie Colon and Hector Lavoe album) -- 1972 compilation album by Willie Colon
Wikipedia - Criminal psychology -- Study of the wills, thoughts, intentions, and reactions of criminals
Wikipedia - Cris Williamson -- American musician, singer-songwriter and activist
Wikipedia - Cross Purposes (film) -- 1916 short film by William Worthington
Wikipedia - Crowell Willson (Upper Canada) -- Upper Canada politician
Wikipedia - Cruising (film) -- 1980 film by William Friedkin
Wikipedia - C.S.A.: The Confederate States of America -- 2004 mockumentary directed by Kevin Willmott
Wikipedia - Curse of the Boulder Valley -- The beauty of Colorado valley will be its undoing
Wikipedia - Curtain Call For Clifford -- Three-act comedy play by William Dalzell and Newt Mitzman
Wikipedia - C. William Johnson -- American skeleton racer
Wikipedia - Cymbeline -- Play by William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Cynda Williams -- American actress
Wikipedia - Cynthia Irwin-Williams
Wikipedia - Cynthia Willett
Wikipedia - Daddy's Roommate -- 1990 children's book by Michael Willhoite
Wikipedia - Dad (novel) -- Novel by William Wharton
Wikipedia - Dafydd Williams -- Canadian physician, public speaker and retired CSA astronaut
Wikipedia - Dallas Willard
Wikipedia - Dangerous to Men -- 1920 film by William C. Dowlan
Wikipedia - Daniel Day Williams
Wikipedia - Daniel Hale Williams
Wikipedia - Danielle Williams -- Jamaican hurdler
Wikipedia - Daniel Willcox -- New Zealand sailor
Wikipedia - Daniel William Coquillett
Wikipedia - Daniel Williams (governor-general) -- 4th Governor-General of Grenada
Wikipedia - Daniel Williams (historian) -- American archivist and historian
Wikipedia - Dan K. Williams -- American politician
Wikipedia - Danny C. Williams Sr. -- American attorney
Wikipedia - Danny Dunn and the Homework Machine -- Juvenile novel by Raymond Abrashkin and Jay Williams
Wikipedia - Danny Willett -- English professional golfer
Wikipedia - Danny Williams (judoka) -- British judoka
Wikipedia - Danny Williams (politician) -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - Danny Williams (singer) -- South African singer
Wikipedia - Dan Willard -- American computer scientist, logician, and professor
Wikipedia - Dan Willis (author) -- American author
Wikipedia - Dan Willis (comedian) -- Australia-based English comedian
Wikipedia - Daredevils of the Red Circle -- 1939 film by John English, William Witney
Wikipedia - Daring Youth -- 1924 silent film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - Darkness Visible (memoir) -- Book by William Styron
Wikipedia - Dark Side of the Moon (2002 film) -- 2002 French mockumentary by director William Karel
Wikipedia - Dark Was the Night, Cold Was the Ground -- Instrumental by Blind Willie Johnson
Wikipedia - Darryl A. Williams -- US Army general
Wikipedia - Dar Williams -- American singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Das Williams -- American politician
Wikipedia - Daughters of Pleasure -- 1924 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - Dave Williamson -- American stand-up comedian
Wikipedia - Dave Williams (singer) -- Singer
Wikipedia - Dave Willock -- Character actor (1909-1990)
Wikipedia - David Garrick as Richard III -- 1745 painting by William Hogarth
Wikipedia - David Harris Willson -- American historian, 1901-1973
Wikipedia - David Lewis-Williams -- South African archaeologist
Wikipedia - David L. Williams (architect) -- American architect
Wikipedia - David Marshall Williams -- American murderer and firearms designer
Wikipedia - David P. Williamson -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - David Rhys Williams -- American Congregational and Unitarian minister and author
Wikipedia - David Willcocks -- British choral conductor (1919-2015)
Wikipedia - David Willetts
Wikipedia - David Willey (journalist)
Wikipedia - David William Boyd -- Canadian mathematician
Wikipedia - David Williams (Alaska architect) -- American architect
Wikipedia - David Williams (archaeologist) -- British Archaeologist
Wikipedia - David Williams (Australian politician) -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - David Williams (geologist, born 1898) -- British geologist.
Wikipedia - David Williams (judoka) -- American judoka
Wikipedia - David Williams (minister, born 1709) -- Welsh Independent minister and schoolmaster
Wikipedia - David Williamson (magician) -- American magician born in 1961
Wikipedia - David Williams (sailor) -- British sailor
Wikipedia - David William Warner -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - Davy Crockett (1916 film) -- 1916 film by William Desmond Taylor
Wikipedia - D. C. Williams
Wikipedia - Dead End (1937 film) -- 1937 film by William Wyler
Wikipedia - Dead Rising: Endgame -- 2016 American action zombie film by Pat Williams
Wikipedia - Dead White Males (play) -- Play written by David Williamson
Wikipedia - Dean Willey -- British weightlifter
Wikipedia - Death and Memory in Early Medieval Britain -- Book by Howard Williams
Wikipedia - Death Drug -- 1978 film by Oscar Williams
Wikipedia - Death of England -- play by Clint Dyer and Roy Williams
Wikipedia - Death of Gareth Williams -- Death of Welsh mathematician and employee of GCHQ in 2010
Wikipedia - Death of Joseph Smith -- 1844 extrajudicial murder of the founder and leader of the <!-- "LDS Church" is in accordance with the Wikipedia Manual of Style, and disagreements should be addressed at Any change made to "LDS Church" or "Latter Day Saint Movement" will be reverted. -->Latter Day Saint movement
Wikipedia - Debbie Willows -- Canadian Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Debra Willcox -- American gymnast
Wikipedia - Def. Con. One -- 1988 single by Pop Will Eat Itself
Wikipedia - Defending Jacob -- 2012 novel by William Landay
Wikipedia - Delahunty v Player and Willis (Ireland) Ltd. -- Irish Supreme Court case
Wikipedia - Delaney Williams -- American actor
Wikipedia - Delights of the Garden -- 2002 album by Desmond Williams
Wikipedia - Dell Williams -- American actress
Wikipedia - De Magnete -- Book by William Gilbert
Wikipedia - Demand curve -- Graph depicting the relationship between the price of a certain commodity and the amount of it that consumers are willing and able to purchase at that given price
Wikipedia - Demonic (film) -- 2015 film directed by Will Canon
Wikipedia - Denise Mobolaji Ajayi-Williams -- Nigerian novelist
Wikipedia - Denise Williamson -- American actress
Wikipedia - Dennis William Sciama
Wikipedia - Dennis Williams (cricketer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Derwood Williams -- Missouri politician
Wikipedia - Descendants of William Bradford (Plymouth governor) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Deserted at the Altar -- 1922 silent film by William K. Howard
Wikipedia - Desmond Williams (bishop) -- Irish bishop
Wikipedia - Desperate Cargo -- 1941 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - Detective Story (1951 film) -- 1951 film by William Wyler
Wikipedia - Devil's Galop -- Light music composed by Charles Williams
Wikipedia - Devon Williams (decathlete) -- American decathlete
Wikipedia - Devon Wills -- American lacrosse player
Wikipedia - Diana Williams -- Television journalist
Wikipedia - Diane Williams (author) -- American short-story writer and author
Wikipedia - Dianne Willcocks -- British social scientist
Wikipedia - Dick Tracy's G-Men -- 1939 film by John English, William Witney
Wikipedia - Dick Williams (magician) -- American magician
Wikipedia - Did God Have a Wife? -- Book by William G. Dever
Wikipedia - Didier Willefert -- French equestrian
Wikipedia - Dietwiller -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Dimples (1936 film) -- 1936 film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - Dinah Williams -- Organic farmer (1911-2009)
Wikipedia - Dinny and the Witches -- Play by William Gibson
Wikipedia - Diplomaniacs -- 1933 film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - Dirk Willems
Wikipedia - Disneyland with the Death Penalty -- Article about Singapore by William Gibson
Wikipedia - District Council of Willunga -- Former local government area of South Australia
Wikipedia - Diving Adventure -- 1970 children's novel by Willard Price
Wikipedia - Division of Wills -- Australian federal electoral division
Wikipedia - Divorce (film) -- 1945 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - DJ Will Gill -- American DJ and personality
Wikipedia - D. J. Williams (actor) -- British actor
Wikipedia - Doctor Sleep (2002 film) -- Film by Nick Willing
Wikipedia - Doctor Willard Bliss -- 19th century American physician who treated Pres. James Garfield in 1881
Wikipedia - Dodsworth (film) -- 1936 film by William Wyler
Wikipedia - Dog Eared Dream -- 1994 album by Willy Porter
Wikipedia - Doing Good Better -- 2015 book by William MacAskill
Wikipedia - Dominican College, Fortwilliam
Wikipedia - Donald Cary Williams
Wikipedia - Donald I. Williamson -- British zoologist
Wikipedia - Donald William Kerst
Wikipedia - Donald William Stewart -- British military officer and administrator
Wikipedia - Donald William Wuerl
Wikipedia - Donald Wills Douglas Jr. -- American businessman
Wikipedia - Donald Wills Douglas, Sr.
Wikipedia - Donald Wills Douglas Sr. -- American aircraft industrialist
Wikipedia - Dona nobis pacem (Vaughan Williams) -- Cantata by Ralph Vaughan Williams
Wikipedia - Don't Call It Love (film) -- 1923 film by William C. deMille
Wikipedia - Don't Get Personal (1936 film) -- 1936 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - Doomed to Die -- 1940 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - Doomer -- Person who believes global problems will inevitably cause the collapse of civilization
Wikipedia - Doomsday Book (novel) -- Novel by Connie Willis
Wikipedia - Door-in-the-face technique -- Compliance method that involves getting a person to agree to a request by presenting a larger request first that the respondent will most likely turn down
Wikipedia - Dora Honnywill -- British archer
Wikipedia - Dora Wordsworth -- Daughter of William Wordsworth
Wikipedia - Doris Willens -- American journalist, lyricist
Wikipedia - Dornford Yates -- Pseudonym of the English novelist Cecil William Mercer
Wikipedia - Dort or Dordrecht: The Dort packet-boat from Rotterdam becalmed -- 1818 painting by William Turner
Wikipedia - Double Trouble (Will Ferrell and My Marianne song) -- 2020 song performed byM-BM- Will FerrellM-BM- andM-BM- My Marianne
Wikipedia - Douglass H. Atwill -- Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of North Dakota
Wikipedia - Doug Williams (polygraph critic) -- American polygraph critic
Wikipedia - Doug Willis -- Fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours
Wikipedia - Down Home (film) -- 1920 film by Irvin Willat
Wikipedia - Down 'n Dirty -- 2001 film by Fred Williamson
Wikipedia - Down Rio Grande Way -- 1942 film by William Berke
Wikipedia - Down the Stretch -- 1936 film by William Clemens
Wikipedia - Do Women Have a Higher Sex Drive? -- 2018 documentary film by Jan-Willem Breure
Wikipedia - Draft:Dominic Williams -- British diplomat
Wikipedia - Draft:Hold the Dark -- 2014 novel by William Giraldi
Wikipedia - Draft:North Side Will -- American rapper from South Carolina
Wikipedia - Draft:Peter Williams (painter) -- Painter
Wikipedia - Draft:Renegade (2021 Film) -- 2021 film by William Wright
Wikipedia - Draft:Rotsachtige kust van Zuid-Java met de grotten van Karang Bolong -- 1930 painting by Willem Jan Pieter van der Does
Wikipedia - Draft:Where This Service Will... -- British radio series
Wikipedia - Draft:William A. Ehrenstrom -- US pilot
Wikipedia - Draft:William Bowery (American Songwriter) -- American songwriter
Wikipedia - Draft:William Deane Seymour -- British shipping agent
Wikipedia - Draft:William Ka Ming Lau -- Chinese-American scientist
Wikipedia - Draft:Will ONeill -- Mayor of the City of Newport Beach
Wikipedia - Draft:Zachary S. Williams -- American actor
Wikipedia - Dr. Christian Meets the Women -- 1940 film by William C. McGann
Wikipedia - Dread Empire's Fall -- Science fiction novel series by Walter Jon Williams
Wikipedia - Dr. Ehrlich's Magic Bullet -- 1940 film by William Dieterle
Wikipedia - Dressed to Kill (1946 film) -- 1946 film by Roy William Neill
Wikipedia - Dr. Gillespie's New Assistant -- 1942 film by Willis Goldbeck
Wikipedia - Dr. Socrates -- 1935 film by William Dieterle
Wikipedia - Drums of Tahiti -- 1954 film by William Castle
Wikipedia - Dudley Williams (public servant) -- Australian public servant
Wikipedia - Duke of the Navy -- 1942 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - Duncan RyM-EM-+ken Williams -- Scholar and Buddhist priest (b. 1969)
Wikipedia - Duncton Wood -- 1980 novel by William Horwood
Wikipedia - Dungaree (fabric) -- Twill fabric used for overalls
Wikipedia - Dung Williams -- Nigerian weightlifter
Wikipedia - Durward William John Cruickshank -- British crystallographer
Wikipedia - Dutch Ships in a Calm Sea -- 1665 oil painting by Willem van de Velde the Younger
Wikipedia - Duvetyne -- Twill-woven fabric with a velvet-like nap on one side
Wikipedia - Du Willst Mir An Die WM-CM-$sche -- 2009 single by Jennifer Rostock
Wikipedia - Dwight David Eisenhower and American Power -- 1995 book by historian William B. Pickett
Wikipedia - D. William Brosnan -- American railroad businessman
Wikipedia - Dyana Williams -- American radio broadcaster
Wikipedia - Dying to Belong -- 1997 television film directed by William A. Graham
Wikipedia - Dylan Holmes Williams -- British film director and writer
Wikipedia - Dynamite (1949 film) -- 1949 film by William H. Pine
Wikipedia - Each Dawn I Die -- 1939 gangster film directed by William Keighley
Wikipedia - Eared poorwill -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Earle Williams -- American actor
Wikipedia - Earl Willits -- American politician
Wikipedia - Early in the Morning (Sonny Boy Williamson I song) -- Single by Sonny Boy Williamson I
Wikipedia - Early life of William Wordsworth
Wikipedia - Early texts of Shakespeare's works -- late 16th and early 17th-century editions of William Shakespeare's works
Wikipedia - Eastern whip-poor-will -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Easy A -- 2010 film by Will Gluck
Wikipedia - Easy to Love (1934 film) -- 1934 film by William Keighley
Wikipedia - Echo and Narcissus (Waterhouse painting) -- Painting by John William Waterhouse
Wikipedia - Ed Emshwiller
Wikipedia - Edgar Willems -- Belgian musician and artist
Wikipedia - Edgar William Richard Steacie -- Canadian physical chemist
Wikipedia - Edith L. Williams -- US Virgin Islands educator and suffragist
Wikipedia - Edmund Shakespeare -- brother of William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Edmund Willard -- British actor
Wikipedia - Edmund Willes -- English cricketer and cleric
Wikipedia - Edmund William Berridge
Wikipedia - Edmund William Cole -- Confederate veteran and businessman
Wikipedia - Edward Bennett Williams -- American lawyer and sports team owner (1920-1988)
Wikipedia - Edward Ellerker Williams
Wikipedia - Edward Francis Fitzwilliam -- English composer and music director
Wikipedia - Edward Kojo Duncan-Williams -- Ghanaian politician
Wikipedia - Edward Thornewill -- English cricketer and racehorse owner
Wikipedia - Edward Willes (1702-1768) -- English judge and Chief Baron of the Irish Exchequer
Wikipedia - Edward William Abel -- British chemist
Wikipedia - Edward William Archibald -- Canadian surgeon
Wikipedia - Edward William Barton-Wright -- British businessman
Wikipedia - Edward William Brayley -- British geographer
Wikipedia - Edward William Hawker -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - Edward William Lane -- British orientalist, translator and lexicographer
Wikipedia - Edward William Nelson
Wikipedia - Edward William Osborne -- American bishop
Wikipedia - Edward Williams (biathlete) -- American biathlete
Wikipedia - Edward Williams (died c. 1594) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Edward Williams (iron-master) -- Welsh iron-master (1826-1886)
Wikipedia - Edward William Vernon Harcourt
Wikipedia - Edward William West
Wikipedia - Edward Wyckoff Williams -- American journalist and banker
Wikipedia - Edwina Florence Wills -- American artist and composer
Wikipedia - Edwin S. Williams -- American linguist
Wikipedia - Edwin Willits -- American politician
Wikipedia - Egyptian Will Party -- Political party in Egypt
Wikipedia - Eight Bells (film) -- 1935 American adventure film directed by Roy William Neill
Wikipedia - Eileen Alice Willa -- New Zealand museum curator, botanist and author
Wikipedia - Eileen Hope Williams -- New Zealand golfer and community leader
Wikipedia - Eine Symphonie des Kampfwillens -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Eirian Williams -- Welsh snooker referee and police officer
Wikipedia - Eisenhower Decides To Run -- 2000 book by historian William B. Pickett
Wikipedia - Eka Esu Williams -- Nigerian immunologist and activist
Wikipedia - Elaeocarpus williamsianus -- Species of flowering plant in the family Elaeocarpaceae
Wikipedia - Elaine Willett -- British gymnast
Wikipedia - Elaine Williams -- Author of lesbian pulp fiction
Wikipedia - El Baquine de Angelitos Negros -- 1977 studio album by Willie Colon
Wikipedia - Eleanor McWilliams Chamberlain -- Florida women's rights advocate
Wikipedia - Electoral district of Murwillumbah -- Former state electoral district of New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - Electoral district of Williams (New South Wales) -- former state electoral district of New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - Electoral district of Willyama -- former state electoral district of New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - Electrons and Holes in Semiconductors with Applications to Transistor Electronics -- Book by William Shockley
Wikipedia - Elementary Principles in Statistical Mechanics -- Book by Josiah Willard Gibbs
Wikipedia - Elements of Dynamic -- Book by William Kingdon Clifford
Wikipedia - Elf (film) -- 2003 comedy film starring Will Ferrell directed by Jon Favreau
Wikipedia - Elfje Willemsen -- Belgian bobsledder
Wikipedia - El gran varon -- Salsa song by Omar Alfanno and sung by Willie Colon
Wikipedia - Eliot Crawshay-Williams -- British author, soldier, and politician
Wikipedia - Eliphalet Williams Bliss -- American manufacturer and inventor
Wikipedia - Elisabeth Willeboordse -- Dutch judoka
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Barnard -- granddaughter of William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Langdon Williams -- American human computer and astronomer
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Lyding Will -- American archaeologist
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Whitney Williams -- American lighthouse keeper
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Williamson
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Williams (producer) -- American producer
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Willing Powel -- American socialite from Philadelphia
Wikipedia - El Juicio -- 1972 studio album by Willie Colon
Wikipedia - Ellen and William Craft -- Fugitive slaves and slavery abolitionists, from Macon, Georgia
Wikipedia - Ellen D. Williams (chemist)
Wikipedia - Ellen D. Williams (scientist) -- American scientist
Wikipedia - Ellen Williams (luger) -- American luger
Wikipedia - Ellen Willis -- American writer
Wikipedia - El Malo -- Debut album by Willie Colon at age 17
Wikipedia - Elmer William Engstrom
Wikipedia - Eltony Williams -- American actor
Wikipedia - Eluned Woodford-Williams -- English geriatrician
Wikipedia - Emergency Landing (1941 film) -- 1941 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - Emergency: This Book Will Save Your Life -- Book by Neil Strauss
Wikipedia - Emil Wohlwill -- German-Jewish engineer of electrochemistry
Wikipedia - Emily Willbanks -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - Emily Willingham -- American scientist
Wikipedia - Emlyn Williams -- Welsh writer, dramatist and actor (1905-1987)
Wikipedia - Emma Willard -- American women's rights activist
Wikipedia - Emma Willis (gymnast) -- Canadian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Emma Willis -- English television presenter and former model
Wikipedia - Emma Willits -- American surgeon
Wikipedia - Emma Willmann -- American comedian
Wikipedia - Emmett Williams
Wikipedia - Emperor William Monument (Porta Westfalica) -- Colossal monument near Porta Westfalica in North Rhine-Westphalian, Germany
Wikipedia - England expects that every man will do his duty -- Signal sent by Admiral Nelson before the Battle of Trafalgar 1805
Wikipedia - England's Happiness in the Crowning of William and Mary -- Song
Wikipedia - English Folk Song Suite -- Sheet music by Ralph Vaughan Williams
Wikipedia - Enquiry Concerning Political Justice -- 1793 book by William Godwin
Wikipedia - Eois willotti -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Ephraim Willard Burr -- American businessman and mayor of San Francisco
Wikipedia - Epilobium alsinifolium -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium anagallidifolium -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium brachycarpum -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium brunnescens -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium canum -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium ciliatum -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium clavatum -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium cleistogamum -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium densiflorum -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium foliosum -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium glaberrimum -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium halleanum -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium hirtigerum -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium howellii -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium lactiflorum -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium lanceolatum -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium leptophyllum -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium minutum -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium montanum -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium nevadense -- species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium nivium -- species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium obcordatum -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium oreganum -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium oregonense -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium pallidum -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium parviflorum -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium pedunculare -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium pygmaeum -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium rigidum -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium septentrionale -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium siskiyouense -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium tetragonum -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium torreyi -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Epilobium -- genus of flowering plants in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Equestrian statue of Frederick William IV -- 19th-century sculpture of King Frederick William IV of Prussia
Wikipedia - Equestrian statue of William III, London -- Statue in St James's Square, London
Wikipedia - Eremophila willsii -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Erica Terwillegar -- American luger
Wikipedia - Eric William Classey -- English entomologist
Wikipedia - Eric Willis -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - Erik Adolf von Willebrand
Wikipedia - Ernest Edward Williams
Wikipedia - Ernest Hillas Williams -- Irish colonial judge
Wikipedia - Ernest William Brown
Wikipedia - Ernest William Hornung
Wikipedia - Ernest William Moir -- British civil engineer credited with inventing the first medical airlock
Wikipedia - Ernest William Titterton
Wikipedia - Ernst-Georg Schwill -- German actor
Wikipedia - Errick Willis -- Canadian politician and Olympic curler
Wikipedia - Error threshold (evolution) -- A limit on the number of base pairs a self-replicating molecule may have before mutation will destroy the information in subsequent generations of the molecule
Wikipedia - Eschentzwiller -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Essie Mae Washington-Williams -- American school teacher and writer
Wikipedia - Eternity/The Road to Mandalay -- 2001 single by Robbie Williams
Wikipedia - Ethan Lindenberger -- Teenager who received vaccinations against his parents will
Wikipedia - Etiam si omnes, ego non -- Latin Biblical motto meaning "Even if all others... I will not."
Wikipedia - Eucharidium -- Genus of flowering plants in the willowherb and evening primrose family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Euphemia Mary Goldsborough Willson
Wikipedia - Evan Williams (actor) -- Canadian actor and musician
Wikipedia - Evan Williams (bourbon) -- Brand of bourbon whiskey
Wikipedia - Evan Williams (Internet entrepreneur)
Wikipedia - Evan Williams (jockey) -- Welsh jockey
Wikipedia - Evelyn Prentice -- 1934 film by William K. Howard
Wikipedia - Evelyn Williamson -- New Zealand triathlete
Wikipedia - Even a worm will turn
Wikipedia - Evening Mood -- Painting by William-Adolphe Bouguereau
Wikipedia - Everard Mott Williams
Wikipedia - Evert Willem Beth
Wikipedia - Everybody's Hobby -- 1939 film by William C. McGann
Wikipedia - Every Little Thing U Do -- 1993 single by Christopher Williams
Wikipedia - Everything Happens to Me (1938 film) -- 1938 film by Roy William Neill, starring Max Miller
Wikipedia - Everything That Happens Will Happen Today -- 2008 studio album by David Byrne and Brian Eno
Wikipedia - Everything Will Be Better in the Morning -- 1948 film
Wikipedia - Everything Will Be Fine (2010 film) -- 2010 film
Wikipedia - Everything Will Flow -- 1999 single by Suede
Wikipedia - Evolutionary Principle -- A largely psychological doctrine that when a species is removed from the habitat in which it evolved, it will develop maladaptive behavior
Wikipedia - Exchange rate -- Rate at which one currency will be exchanged for another
Wikipedia - Expressive suppression -- Willful curtailing of emotional visage
Wikipedia - Eyes of the Underworld -- 1942 film by Roy William Neill
Wikipedia - Ezra J. William -- Indonesian socialite, fashion blogger, and television personality
Wikipedia - Fair Margaret and Sweet William -- Traditional song
Wikipedia - Faith M. Williams -- American economist
Wikipedia - Falsettos -- 1992 musical by William Finn and James Lapine
Wikipedia - Falstaff (Balfe) -- 1838 opera by Michael William Balfe with libretto by Manfredo Maggioni
Wikipedia - Family (2001 Dutch film) -- 2001 film by Willem van de Sande Bakhuyzen
Wikipedia - Family Tradition (Hank Williams Jr. song) -- Single by Hank Williams, Jr.
Wikipedia - Famine 1975! -- Book by William and Paul Paddock
Wikipedia - Fannie Eleanor Williams -- Australian bacteriologist and serologist
Wikipedia - Fanny Fitzwilliam -- English actress
Wikipedia - Fanny Seward -- Daughter of William Seward
Wikipedia - Fantasmas (Willie Colon album) -- 1981 studio album by Willie Colon
Wikipedia - Fashions of 1934 -- 1934 American musical comedy film directed by William Dieterle
Wikipedia - Fasting -- Willing abstinence from some, or reduced consumption of, food, drink or both, for a period of time
Wikipedia - FBI Girl -- 1951 film by William A. Berke
Wikipedia - F. D. C. Willard -- Cat cited as an author in scientific journals
Wikipedia - Fedayeen -- Military groups willing to sacrifice themselves for a larger campaign
Wikipedia - Feelin' Myself ( song) -- 2013 single by
Wikipedia - Feel (Robbie Williams song) -- 2002 single by Robbie Williams
Wikipedia - FEMA camps conspiracy theory -- Theory that US citizens will be imprisoned as a New World Order is established
Wikipedia - F. E. McWilliam -- Northern Irish artist
Wikipedia - Fenwick Williams -- 19th-century Nova Scotian officer of the British Army
Wikipedia - Fever (Little Willie John song) -- 1956 single by Little Willie John
Wikipedia - Fields of Force -- 1974 book by William Berkson
Wikipedia - Filibuster War -- 1855 attempt by William Walker to take over Nicaragua
Wikipedia - Finagle's law -- Anything that can go wrong, will-at the worst possible moment
Wikipedia - Fireball 500 -- 1966 film by William Asher
Wikipedia - Fired Up! -- 2009 film by Will Gluck
Wikipedia - Fire Over England -- 1937 British film directed by William K. Howard
Wikipedia - Fire Will Come -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - First Folio -- 1623 collection of William Shakespeare's plays
Wikipedia - First inauguration of William McKinley -- 28th United States presidential inauguration
Wikipedia - Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge -- College of the University of Cambridge
Wikipedia - Fitzwilliam Lawn Tennis Club -- Tennis club in Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - Fitzwilliam Museum
Wikipedia - Fitzwilliam railway station -- Railway station in West Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Five on the Black Hand Side -- 1973 Blaxploitation comedy film by Oscar Williams
Wikipedia - Fleming Williams -- American singer
Wikipedia - Flesh Will Surrender -- 1947 film
Wikipedia - Florence Williams -- Journalist and author
Wikipedia - Floyd Williams -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - F. McGrew Willis -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Fog Bound -- 1923 film by Irvin Willat
Wikipedia - Fog Over Frisco -- 1934 film by William Dieterle
Wikipedia - Folk Songs of the Four Seasons -- Cantata by Ralph Vaughan Williams
Wikipedia - FontForge -- Font editor created by George Williams
Wikipedia - Forced marriage -- Marriage in which one or more of the parties is married without his or her consent or against his or her will
Wikipedia - Force-feeding -- Practice of feeding a human or animal against their will
Wikipedia - Force of Will -- Trading Card Game
Wikipedia - Foreign Agent -- 1942 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - Forever Yours (1945 film) -- 1945 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - Forster ministry -- New South Wales government ministry led by William Forster
Wikipedia - Fort William Curling Club -- Curling club in Thunder Bay, Ontario
Wikipedia - Fort William, Ghana -- Cultural heritage site in Ghana
Wikipedia - Fort William, India
Wikipedia - Fort William Lighthouse -- Building in Ghana
Wikipedia - Fort William, Ontario -- Former city in Ontario
Wikipedia - Fort William, Scotland
Wikipedia - Fort William Stadium -- Stadium in Thunder Bay, Ontario
Wikipedia - Fosse/Verdon -- Biographical miniseries starring Sam Rockwell and Michelle Williams
Wikipedia - Foulard -- lightweight twill fabric
Wikipedia - Four Mothers -- 1941 film by William Keighley
Wikipedia - Four Times of the Day -- A series of four paintings by English artist William Hogarth
Wikipedia - Four Walls (film) -- 1928 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - Fran Balkwill -- English scientist and author of children's books (born 1952)
Wikipedia - Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on Seattle -- Song
Wikipedia - Frances Willard
Wikipedia - Francis William Aston
Wikipedia - Francis William Beaumont -- Heir to the Seigneur of Sark, a Royal Air Force officer and film producer
Wikipedia - Francis William Bergstrom -- American professor of chemistry
Wikipedia - Francis William Bourdillon -- British poet
Wikipedia - Francis William Kellogg -- American politician
Wikipedia - Francis William Newman -- English scholar and writer
Wikipedia - Francis William Reitz -- South African politician and statesman
Wikipedia - Francis William Russell -- British politician
Wikipedia - Francis Williams (musician) -- American jazz trumpeter
Wikipedia - Francis Williams (poet) -- Jamaican scholar and poet
Wikipedia - Francis William Topham -- English watercolour-painter and engraver
Wikipedia - Francis Willughby -- English ornithologist and ichthyologist
Wikipedia - Franciszek Pius Radziwill -- Polish noble and political activist
Wikipedia - Frank D. Williams (cinematographer) -- American cinematographer
Wikipedia - Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man -- 1943 US horror film directed by Roy William Neill
Wikipedia - Frank Honywill George
Wikipedia - Frank John William Goldsmith -- English author and survivor of the Titanic
Wikipedia - Frank Willard -- American cartoonist, 1893-1958
Wikipedia - Frank William John Olver
Wikipedia - Frank William La Rue -- Guatemalan lawyer and civil liberties advocate
Wikipedia - Frank Williams Racing Cars -- Formula One racing team
Wikipedia - Frank Willis (canoeist) -- Canadian canoeist
Wikipedia - Frazer Will -- Canadian judoka
Wikipedia - Freddy Willockx -- Belgian politician
Wikipedia - Frederic Calland Williams
Wikipedia - Frederick William Beechey
Wikipedia - Frederick William Burns -- American sports announcer
Wikipedia - Frederick William Campbell -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Frederick William Faber -- 19th-century British hymn writer, Catholic priest, and theologian
Wikipedia - Frederick William FitzSimons
Wikipedia - Frederick William Flower -- Pioneering British photographer living in Portugal
Wikipedia - Frederick William Franz -- American Jehovah's Witness leader
Wikipedia - Frederick William Frohawk
Wikipedia - Frederick William Gunn -- American educator (1816-1881)
Wikipedia - Frederick William Hasluck -- Antiquarian, Historian, Archaeologist
Wikipedia - Frederick William Hope -- English entomologist (1797-1862)
Wikipedia - Frederick William Horner -- British politician
Wikipedia - Frederick William I, Elector of Brandenburg
Wikipedia - Frederick William III of Prussia
Wikipedia - Frederick William II of Prussia
Wikipedia - Frederick William I of Prussia -- King of Prussia
Wikipedia - Frederick William IV of Prussia
Wikipedia - Frederick William Lawrence -- Canadian airbrush painter
Wikipedia - Frederick William Lord -- American politician
Wikipedia - Frederick William Pavy -- British physician
Wikipedia - Frederick William Rudler
Wikipedia - Frederick William Shotton
Wikipedia - Frederick William Stellhorn -- American theologian
Wikipedia - Frederick William Sutton -- British photographer, active in Japan in the 1800s
Wikipedia - Frederick William University of Berlin
Wikipedia - Frederick William Vanderbilt -- 19th and 20th-century American businessman
Wikipedia - Frederick William Wilson -- British politician
Wikipedia - Frederic William Burton -- Artist, Director of National Gallery (1816-1900)
Wikipedia - Frederic William Farrar
Wikipedia - Frederik Willem de Klerk
Wikipedia - Frederik Willem van Eeden
Wikipedia - Frederik Willem van Reede, 6th Earl of Athlone -- Irish aristocrat
Wikipedia - Fred F. Willson -- American architect
Wikipedia - Fredrick William Holiday
Wikipedia - Fred Willard -- American actor and comedian
Wikipedia - Fred Williams (artist) -- Australian painter and printmaker
Wikipedia - Free (Deniece Williams song) -- 1976 single by Deniece Williams
Wikipedia - Freedom of will
Wikipedia - Freeman Freeman-Thomas, 1st Marquess of Willingdon -- British politician
Wikipedia - Freeman Wills Crofts -- Irish mystery author, later based in England
Wikipedia - Free Will (book) -- 2012 book by Sam Harris
Wikipedia - Free will (disambiguation)
Wikipedia - Free will in antiquity
Wikipedia - Free will in theology
Wikipedia - Freewill Shakespeare Festival -- Canadian theatre festival
Wikipedia - Freewill (song) -- 1980 single by Rush
Wikipedia - Free will theorem
Wikipedia - Free Will
Wikipedia - Freewill
Wikipedia - Free will -- Ability to make choices without constraints
Wikipedia - FreeWill -- Company
Wikipedia - Free Willy -- 1993 family drama film
Wikipedia - Freshman Love -- 1936 film by William C. McGann
Wikipedia - Friday's Child (song) -- 2004 single by Will Young
Wikipedia - Friedrich Nietzsche and free will
Wikipedia - Friedrich William Eduard Gerhard
Wikipedia - Friendly Persuasion (1956 film) -- 1956 film by William Wyler
Wikipedia - Friends Good Will -- American sloop
Wikipedia - Friends with Benefits (film) -- 2011 film by Will Gluck
Wikipedia - Frisco Sally Levy -- 1927 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - Fritz William Michel -- Haitian politician
Wikipedia - From Headquarters -- 1933 film by William Dieterle
Wikipedia - From Willow Creek to Sacred Heart
Wikipedia - Frontier Fury (1943 film) -- 1943 film by William Berke
Wikipedia - Fuck You!!! And Loving It: A Retrospective -- compilation album by Wendy O. Williams
Wikipedia - Full Employment Abandoned -- 2008 book by William Mitchell & Joan Muysken
Wikipedia - Funny Girl (film) -- 1968 film by William Wyler
Wikipedia - Future of an expanding universe -- Future scenario assuming that the expansion of the universe will continue forever
Wikipedia - -- Website established by London-based writer and futurist William James Fox in 2008
Wikipedia - Fuzon (Blake) -- Character in the writings of William Blake
Wikipedia - F. William Engdahl -- American writer
Wikipedia - Gabrielle Radziwill -- Lithuanian pacifist and women's rights activists
Wikipedia - Gail Williams -- American computer scientist
Wikipedia - Gale R. Williams -- American businessman and politician
Wikipedia - Gallant Lady (1942 film) -- 1942 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - Gambler's fallacy -- Mistaken belief that more frequent chance events will lead to less frequent chance events
Wikipedia - Gangster's Boy -- 1938 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - Garden-path sentence -- Sentence that starts in a way that a reader's likely interpretation will be wrong
Wikipedia - Gardner D. Williams -- American politician
Wikipedia - Gareth Crwys-Williams -- Welsh cricketer and HM inspector of Schools
Wikipedia - Gareth F. Williams -- British writer
Wikipedia - Garforth and Swillington (ward) -- Electoral ward in Leeds, England
Wikipedia - Garrett Willis -- American professional golfer
Wikipedia - Garry Wills bibliography -- Wikipedia bibliography
Wikipedia - Garry Wills -- American academic
Wikipedia - Garth Williams -- American children's book illustrator
Wikipedia - Gary Anthony Williams -- American actor, voice actor, comedian, director, producer, and writer
Wikipedia - Gary William Flake
Wikipedia - Gary Will -- Canadian professional wrestling historian
Wikipedia - Gather Ye Rosebuds While Ye May (Waterhouse painting 1908) -- 1908 painting by John William Waterhouse
Wikipedia - Gather Ye Rosebuds While Ye May (Waterhouse painting 1909) -- 1909 painting by John William Waterhouse
Wikipedia - Gatorade (album) -- Album by Willis Jackson
Wikipedia - Gavin Williamson -- English Conservative politician
Wikipedia - G. A. Williamson -- English classicist
Wikipedia - Gayophytum -- Genus of flowering plants in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Gay Williams -- New Zealand nurse
Wikipedia - General William J. Fox Airfield -- Airport in California, United States
Wikipedia - General will -- Term in political philosophy
Wikipedia - Genesis Begins Again -- 2019 children's novel by Alicia D. Williams
Wikipedia - Gene Williams (musician) -- American jazz vocalist and bandleader from 1942 until the late 1950s
Wikipedia - Gentleman Thief (2001 film) -- 2001 film by Ernest William Hornung
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Willans -- English writer
Wikipedia - Geoff Willis -- Formula One designer
Wikipedia - Geordie Williamson -- Australian mathematician
Wikipedia - George Brigars Williams -- Ghanaian actor
Wikipedia - George C. Williams (biologist)
Wikipedia - George Forrester Williams -- American soldier and journalist
Wikipedia - George J. Terwilliger III -- 26th United States Deputy Attorney General
Wikipedia - George J. Willmann
Wikipedia - George M. Williamson (architect) -- American architect
Wikipedia - George Rodney Willis -- American architect
Wikipedia - George Steevens -- 18th-century English editor of the works of William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - George Terwilliger -- American film director
Wikipedia - George Washington Slept Here -- 1942 film by William Keighley
Wikipedia - George Willard Coy -- American inventor, mechanic and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - George Willard -- American politician
Wikipedia - George Willcox
Wikipedia - George Willes (cricketer) -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - George Willes -- British admiral of the Royal Navy
Wikipedia - George Will (golfer) -- Scottish golfer
Wikipedia - George William Allan -- Canadian lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - George William Amponsah -- Ghanaian politician|bot = PearBOT 5
Wikipedia - George William Brown -- mayor of Baltimore, Maryland, from 1860 to 1861
Wikipedia - George William Burdett Clare -- English recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - George William Chafer -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - George William Coventry, 11th Earl of Coventry -- English noble and politician
Wikipedia - George William Foote
Wikipedia - George William Francis -- British botanist
Wikipedia - George William Gordon -- Jamaican patriot and businessman
Wikipedia - George William Gray
Wikipedia - George William Gregory Bird -- British haematologist
Wikipedia - George William Hamilton -- Jamaican planter and politician
Wikipedia - George William Hill -- American mathematical astronomer
Wikipedia - George William Hunter -- American writer
Wikipedia - George William Lamplugh
Wikipedia - George William Lefevre -- English physician
Wikipedia - George William Lyttelton -- British teacher and writer (1883-1962)
Wikipedia - George William Morgenthaler -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - George William Palmer (British politician) -- British politician
Wikipedia - George William Patchett -- British motorcycle racer
Wikipedia - George William Peterkin -- Episcopal Bishop of West Virginia
Wikipedia - George William Robert Campbell -- British colonial police officer
Wikipedia - George William Robinson -- British entrepreneur in the cork sector in Portugal
Wikipedia - George William Russell -- Irish writer, painter, editor, critic, poet, and cooperative organiser
Wikipedia - George Williams (died 1556) -- English politician
Wikipedia - George Williams (Idaho architect) -- American architect
Wikipedia - George Williams (priest)
Wikipedia - George William Stow
Wikipedia - George William Weidler -- American jazz saxophonist
Wikipedia - George Willis Kirkaldy
Wikipedia - George Willis Ritchey
Wikipedia - George Willi -- American judge, 1965-85
Wikipedia - George Willoughby (activist) -- American peace activist
Wikipedia - George Will -- American conservative political commentator
Wikipedia - Georg Wille -- German cellist
Wikipedia - Gerald Willoughby-Meade -- British author
Wikipedia - Gerrit Willem Dijsselhof -- Dutch artist
Wikipedia - Gertrude Marvin Williams -- American biographer and journalist
Wikipedia - Gertrude Will -- Austrian canoeist
Wikipedia - Get Lucky (Daft Punk song) -- 2013 song by Daft Punk featuring Pharrell Williams
Wikipedia - Gilbert Heathcote-Drummond-Willoughby, 1st Earl of Ancaster -- British politician
Wikipedia - Gilbert Heathcote-Drummond-Willoughby, 2nd Earl of Ancaster -- British Conservative politician
Wikipedia - Gildwiller -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Gingerdead Man 3: Saturday Night Cleaver -- 2011 film by William Butler
Wikipedia - Girl of the Ozarks -- 1936 film by William Shea
Wikipedia - Girls on Probation -- 1938 film by William C. McGann
Wikipedia - Gladys Willems -- Belgian archer
Wikipedia - Glamour (1934 film) -- 1934 American film directed by William Wyler
Wikipedia - Glanville Williams -- Welsh legal scholar
Wikipedia - Glenis Willmott -- British Labour politician
Wikipedia - Glidden & Williams -- American shipping company
Wikipedia - Global Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics -- A core project for understanding how global change will affect the abundance, diversity and productivity of marine populations
Wikipedia - Glomar response -- Response to an information request that will "neither confirm nor deny" the existence of said information
Wikipedia - Gloucester Harbor (William Morris Hunt) -- Painting by William Morris Hunt
Wikipedia - G Men -- 1935 film by William Keighley
Wikipedia - Gnomic will
Wikipedia - God's Country and the Woman -- 1937 film by William Keighley
Wikipedia - Goodbye Blinky Bill -- 1986 song by Joh Williamson
Wikipedia - Goodbye Holland -- 2004 film by Willy Lindwer
Wikipedia - Good-bye, My Lady (film) -- 1956 film by William A. Wellman
Wikipedia - Good References -- 1920 film by Roy William Neill
Wikipedia - Goodwill (accounting) -- Intangible asset
Wikipedia - Goodwill ambassador -- Occupation (position) and/or honorific title of a person who advocates for a specific cause or global issue on the basis of their notability or social status as a public figure or delegated representative
Wikipedia - Goodwill Games -- International sports competition
Wikipedia - Good Will Hunting -- 1997 American drama film directed by Gus Van Sant
Wikipedia - Goodwill Industries -- American nonprofit organization
Wikipedia - Gooische Vrouwen (film) -- 2011 film by Will Koopman
Wikipedia - Gordon Willey
Wikipedia - Gordon Williamson (writer) -- British writer
Wikipedia - Gordon Willis -- American cinematographer and film director
Wikipedia - Go Stupid -- 2020 song by Polo G, Stunna 4 Vegas, NLE Choppa featuring Mike Will Made It
Wikipedia - Got You on My Mind -- album by William Galison
Wikipedia - Governor William Bradford
Wikipedia - Grace Adler -- Fictional character from Will & Grace played by Debra Messing
Wikipedia - Grace Alele-Williams -- Mathematician
Wikipedia - Grandfather clause -- Provision in which existing cases are exempt from a new rule which will apply to future cases
Wikipedia - Grand Slam (1933 film) -- 1933 film by William Dieterle
Wikipedia - Gratitude -- Feeling or attitude in acknowledgment of a benefit that one has received or will receive
Wikipedia - Great Disappointment -- Failed event, predicted by William Miller, on 22 October 1844, during which Jesus Christ would return
Wikipedia - Greatest Hits (Hank Williams Jr. album) -- compilation album by Hank Williams, Jr.
Wikipedia - Greatest Hits (Robbie Williams album) -- 2004 compilation album by Robbie Williams
Wikipedia - Greatest Hits, Vol. 3 (Hank Williams Jr. album) -- compilation album by Hank Williams Jr.
Wikipedia - Gregon A. Williams -- U.S. Marine Corps Major General
Wikipedia - Gregor Willmes -- German mucicologist, music writer and cultural manager
Wikipedia - Greg Williamson (drummer) -- Canadian drummer
Wikipedia - Greg Williamson (jazz musician) -- American jazz musician
Wikipedia - Grevillea williamsonii -- Species of shrub in the family Proteaceae endemic to Victoria, Australia
Wikipedia - Grevillea willisii -- Species of shrub in the family Proteaceae endemic to Victoria, Australia
Wikipedia - Griffith William Hughes -- Welsh accountant and musician
Wikipedia - Groundskeeper Willie -- Fictional character from The Simpsons franchise
Wikipedia - Grumpy (1923 film) -- 1923 film by William C. deMille
Wikipedia - Guebwiller -- Subprefecture and commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Guinn "Big Boy" Williams -- American actor
Wikipedia - Guisando (album) -- 1969 studio album by Willie Colon
Wikipedia - Gulliver's Travels (1939 film) -- 1939 film by Max Fleischer, Dave Fleischer, Willard Bowsky
Wikipedia - Gunther Gebel-Williams -- American animal trainer
Wikipedia - Gust of Wind -- 2014 single by Pharrell Williams
Wikipedia - Guyana Tragedy: The Story of Jim Jones -- 1980 television film directed by William A. Graham
Wikipedia - Guy William Price -- British flying ace
Wikipedia - Gwilliam Iwan Jones -- British photographer and anthropologist
Wikipedia - G. William Miller -- 11th Chairman of the Federal Reserve in the United States
Wikipedia - G. Williams -- Umpire
Wikipedia - Gwilym Williams -- Archbishop of Wales (1971 to 1982)
Wikipedia - G. Zachary Terwilliger -- American attorney
Wikipedia - Habits Old and New -- 1980 album by Hank Williams Jr.
Wikipedia - Hahn William Capps
Wikipedia - Hail to the Rangers -- 1943 film by William Berke
Wikipedia - Half Marriage (film) -- 1929 film directed by William J. Cowen
Wikipedia - Halting problem -- Problem of determining whether a given program will finish running or continue forever
Wikipedia - Halwill Junction railway station -- Former railway station in Devon, England
Wikipedia - Hal Willner -- American record producer
Wikipedia - Hamlet -- tragedy by William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Hamnet Shakespeare -- Son of William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Hank Williams III -- American musician, singer, and multi-instrumentalist
Wikipedia - Hank Williams -- American recording artist; songwriter, country music singer
Wikipedia - Hannah Williams (actress) -- American actress
Wikipedia - Hans Willems -- Dutch sailor
Wikipedia - Happy (Pharrell Williams song) -- 2013 single by Pharrell Williams
Wikipedia - Happy Times Will Come Soon -- 2016 film
Wikipedia - Har (Blake) -- character in William Blake's mythological system
Wikipedia - Harcourt Williams -- -- Harcourt Williams --
Wikipedia - Hardwired (novel) -- 1986 cyberpunk science fiction novel by Walter Jon Williams
Wikipedia - Harindra Dunuwille -- Sri Lankan lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - Harold Williams (geologist)
Wikipedia - Harold Williams (linguist)
Wikipedia - Harold Williamson (journalist) -- English journalist
Wikipedia - Harold William Thompson -- American 18th century English literature scholar
Wikipedia - Harriet Williams Bigelow -- American instructor and astronomer
Wikipedia - Harriet Williams Russell Strong -- American social activist, inventor and conservationist
Wikipedia - Harrison Williams (athlete) -- American decathlete
Wikipedia - Harry Gregson-Williams -- British composer
Wikipedia - Harry P. Williams Memorial Airport -- Airport in Patterson, Louisiana, United States
Wikipedia - Harry Tracy, Desperado -- 1982 Canadian drama Western film by William A. Graham
Wikipedia - Harry Willans -- British Army general
Wikipedia - Harry Willetts -- English scholar
Wikipedia - Harry Williamson (musician) -- British musician, producer and inventor
Wikipedia - Harry Willis (entertainer) -- Australian musician
Wikipedia - Harry Willis Miller -- American physician and Seventh-day Adventist missionary
Wikipedia - Harry Willsie -- Canadian sports shooter
Wikipedia - Hartmannswiller -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Harvey D. Williams -- African-American U.S. Army major general
Wikipedia - Have Gun, Will Travel (band) -- American alternative folk-rock band
Wikipedia - Have Gun - Will Travel -- American Western television series
Wikipedia - Have Space Suit-Will Travel -- Juvenile science fiction novel by Robert A. Heinlein
Wikipedia - Hayflick limit -- Number of times a normal human cell population will divide before cell division stops
Wikipedia - Hayley Williams -- American singer, songwriter, and musician
Wikipedia - Haystack Prayer Meeting -- 1806 meeting in Williamstown, Massachusetts
Wikipedia - HDMS Peter Willemoes (F362) -- Iver Huitfeldt-class frigate
Wikipedia - Headin' for God's Country -- 1943 film by William Morgan
Wikipedia - Headline Hunters (1955 film) -- 1955 film by William Witney
Wikipedia - Heart of the Rio Grande -- 1942 film by William Morgan
Wikipedia - Heathcote Williams
Wikipedia - Heather A. Williams -- Historian of slavery
Wikipedia - Heather Williams (physicist) -- Medical physicist
Wikipedia - Heaven Will Wait -- 2016 film
Wikipedia - He Fell in Love with His Wife -- 1916 film by William Desmond Taylor
Wikipedia - Heidi Williams -- American economist
Wikipedia - Heidwiller -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Heinrich Willi -- Swiss pediatrician
Wikipedia - Heiwiller -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Helema Williams -- Cook Islands sailor
Wikipedia - Helen Herron Taft -- First Lady to William Howard Taft
Wikipedia - Helen's Babies (film) -- 1924 film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - Helen Williams (curler) -- Australian curler
Wikipedia - Helen Williams (model) -- American model
Wikipedia - Helen Wills Moody
Wikipedia - Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute
Wikipedia - Hello, Everybody! -- 1933 film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - Hell's Heroes (film) -- 1930 film by William Wyler
Wikipedia - Hell's Hinges -- 1916 American film directed by William S. Hart, Charles Swickard and Clifford Smith
Wikipedia - Helmut Howiller -- East German judoka
Wikipedia - Hendrik Willem Bakhuis Roozeboom
Wikipedia - Hendrik Willem Schweickhardt -- German painter
Wikipedia - Hendrik Willemyns -- Belgian musician
Wikipedia - Henriette Willebeek le Mair -- Dutch illustrator of children's books
Wikipedia - Henri Willems -- Belgian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Henry Converse Atwill -- American politician
Wikipedia - Henry Howell Williams -- American merchant
Wikipedia - Henry Macwilliam -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Henry Overton Wills II -- British tobacco merchant
Wikipedia - Henry VIII (film) -- 1911 film by Will Barker
Wikipedia - Henry Wentworth-FitzWilliam -- British politician
Wikipedia - Henry William Barnard -- British Army officer
Wikipedia - Henry William Burgess -- English landscape painter
Wikipedia - Henry William Carless Davis
Wikipedia - Henry William Engleheart -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Henry William Fuller -- English physician and writer
Wikipedia - Henry William Harrington (North Carolina general) -- American colonial general
Wikipedia - Henry William Lett -- Irish botanist (1836-1920)
Wikipedia - Henry William Menard -- American geologist
Wikipedia - Henry Williams (alias Cromwell) -- Knight and grandfather of Oliver Cromwell
Wikipedia - Henry Williams Jr. -- American golfer
Wikipedia - Henry Williamson -- British ruralist and natural history writer
Wikipedia - Henry William Tancred -- British politician
Wikipedia - Henry Willis Baxley -- American physician (1803-1876)
Wikipedia - Herbert McWilliams -- South African sailor
Wikipedia - Herbert Williams (sailor) -- American sailor
Wikipedia - Her Bodyguard -- 1933 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - Here Comes Carter -- 1936 film by William Clemens
Wikipedia - Her Fatal Millions -- 1923 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - Her Father's Son -- 1916 film by William Desmond Taylor
Wikipedia - Her First Mate -- 1933 film by William Wyler
Wikipedia - Hermann Willibald Fischer -- German mechanical engineer
Wikipedia - Hermanus Willem Koekkoek -- Dutch painter
Wikipedia - Herman Willem Daendels -- Dutch politician
Wikipedia - Hermits of Saint William
Wikipedia - Heroes for Sale (film) -- 1933 film by William A. Wellman
Wikipedia - Heroes in Blue -- 1939 film by William Watson
Wikipedia - Heroes of the Street -- 1922 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - Her Own Free Will -- 1924 film directed by Paul Scardon
Wikipedia - Herr, wie du willt, so schicks mit mir, BWV 73 -- Church cantata
Wikipedia - Herzlich willkommen -- 1990 film
Wikipedia - He Will, She Knows -- 2000 song performed by Kenny Rogers
Wikipedia - He Wrote a Book -- 1916 short film by William Garwood
Wikipedia - Hexeretmis willineri -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Hey, Good Lookin' (song) -- 1951 single by Hank Williams
Wikipedia - Hieronim Mikolaj Radziwill -- Polish noble
Wikipedia - High Noon, Part II: The Return of Will Kane -- 1980 television film directed by Jerry Jameson
Wikipedia - High Powered -- 1945 film by William A. Berke
Wikipedia - High Society (1955 film) -- 1955 comedy film directed by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - Hilda Williams -- British archer
Wikipedia - Hiram Willey -- American judge and attorney (1818-1910)
Wikipedia - His Debt -- 1919 film by William Worthington
Wikipedia - His Lordship's Last Will -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - His Night Out -- 1935 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - His Own People -- 1917 film by William P. S. Earle
Wikipedia - His Picture -- 1916 short film by William Garwood
Wikipedia - Hitler's Willing Executioners -- Book by Daniel Goldhagen
Wikipedia - Hi-Yo Silver -- 1940 film directed by William Witney & John English
Wikipedia - HNLMS Willem Warmont (1905) -- K-class torpedo boat
Wikipedia - Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Wikipedia - Hobart Statesmen -- Athletic teams representing Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Wikipedia - Holly Willoughby -- English television presenter
Wikipedia - Hollywood Story -- 1951 film by William Castle
Wikipedia - Holographic will -- Handwritten and signed will and testament
Wikipedia - Holy Hell (film) -- 2016 film by Will Allen
Wikipedia - Home from the Hill (novel) -- 1958 novel by William Humphrey
Wikipedia - Home in Wyomin' -- 1942 film by William Morgan
Wikipedia - Honeymoon (1947 film) -- 1947 comedy film by William Keighley
Wikipedia - Honora Jenkins's will -- Case in English law
Wikipedia - Hoochie Coochie Man -- Blues standard written by Willie Dixon
Wikipedia - Hoosier Schoolboy -- 1937 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - Hoots Mon! (1940 film) -- 1940 film by Roy William Neill
Wikipedia - Hope Gap -- 2019 film by William Nicholson
Wikipedia - Horace William Petherick -- Artist and illustrator
Wikipedia - Horace Williams Fuller -- American lawyer and magazine editor
Wikipedia - Horst Willner -- German U-Boat commander in World War II
Wikipedia - Hortus Kewensis -- Book by William Aiton
Wikipedia - Hot Money (film) -- 1936 film by William C. McGann
Wikipedia - Howard P. Willens -- Lawyer
Wikipedia - Howard the Duck (film) -- 1986 American science fiction comedy film directed by Willard Huyck
Wikipedia - Howard Williams (conductor) -- British conductor (born 1947)
Wikipedia - Howard Williams (humanitarian)
Wikipedia - Howel Williams
Wikipedia - How Long Will You Live? -- Irish television series
Wikipedia - How William Shatner Changed the World
Wikipedia - Hubertus Bigend -- Fictional character in William Gibson's novels
Wikipedia - Hubert William Lewis -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Huck and Tom -- 1918 film by William Desmond Taylor
Wikipedia - Huckleberry Finn (1920 film) -- 1920 film by William Desmond Taylor
Wikipedia - Hugh de Willoughby
Wikipedia - Hugh Williamson -- American politician (1735-1819)
Wikipedia - Hugh Willmott (archaeologist) -- British archaeologist (born 1972)
Wikipedia - Hugh Willmott
Wikipedia - Hugh Willoughby -- English polar explorer
Wikipedia - Humidity indicator card -- Card on which a moisture-sensitive chemical is impregnated such that it will change color when the indicated relative humidity is exceede
Wikipedia - Huntington Willard
Wikipedia - Hurricane glass -- Form of drinking glass which typically will contain 20 US fluid ounces
Wikipedia - Hurricane Willa -- Category 5 Pacific hurricane in 2018
Wikipedia - Husavik (song) -- 2020 song performed byM-BM- Will FerrellM-BM- andM-BM- My Marianne
Wikipedia - Hywel Williams -- Welsh Plaid Cymru politician, MP for Arfon
Wikipedia - I Am Half-Sick of Shadows, Said the Lady of Shalott -- Painting by John William Waterhouse
Wikipedia - Ian William Craig -- Canadian musician
Wikipedia - Ian Williamson -- English former professional snooker and English billiards player
Wikipedia - I Belong to Glasgow -- Song by Will Fyffe
Wikipedia - I Can't Get You Off of My Mind -- 1948 song by Hank Williams
Wikipedia - Icebound (film) -- 1924 film by William C. deMille
Wikipedia - Ich will -- 2001 single by Rammstein
Wikipedia - Idee fixe (psychology) -- An idea that preoccupies an individual and that he is unwilling to give up despite evidence to the contrary
Wikipedia - Idris Williams -- Welsh educationalist and councillor (1836-1894)
Wikipedia - If God Will Send His Angels -- 1997 single by U2
Wikipedia - If Looks Could Kill (film) -- 1991 film by William Dear
Wikipedia - If the Ocean Gets Rough -- album by Willy Mason
Wikipedia - If the South Woulda Won -- 1988 single by Hank Williams Jr.
Wikipedia - If You Could Only Cook -- 1935 film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - If You Don't, I Will -- 2014 film
Wikipedia - I'll Be Next Door for Christmas -- 2018 film by David Jay Willis
Wikipedia - I'll Be Seeing You (1944 film) -- 1944 drama film directed by William Dieterle
Wikipedia - I'll Fix It -- 1934 film by Roy William Neill
Wikipedia - I'll Never Get Out of This World Alive -- Original song written and composed by Fred Rose, Hank Williams
Wikipedia - Imaginations (William Carlos Williams book) -- Book by William Carlos Williams
Wikipedia - I'm Dreamin' -- single by Christopher Williams
Wikipedia - I'm in the House -- 2010 single by and Steve Aoki
Wikipedia - Imogen Willis -- Fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours
Wikipedia - Imperial (book) -- 2009 non-fiction book by William T. Vollmann
Wikipedia - Imperialism (speech) -- Speech by William Jennings Bryan
Wikipedia - Inauguration of Willem-Alexander -- Inauguration of King Willem-Alexander
Wikipedia - Inauguration of William Howard Taft -- 31st United States presidential inauguration
Wikipedia - Incompatibilism -- View that a deterministic universe is completely at odds with the notion that persons have a free will; that there is a dichotomy between determinism and free will where philosophers must choose one or the other
Wikipedia - Inday Will Always Love You -- 2018 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (soundtrack) -- album by John Williams
Wikipedia - Indian Century -- Idea that the 21st century will be dominated by India
Wikipedia - Individualist anarchism -- Branch of anarchism that emphasize the individual and their will
Wikipedia - Ingrid I. Willoch -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - In Judgement Of -- 1918 silent film directed by Will S. Davis
Wikipedia - In Old California (1942 film) -- 1942 film by William C. McGann
Wikipedia - In Order to Survive (album) -- Live album by William Parker
Wikipedia - Inside the Neolithic Mind -- Book by David Lewis-Williams
Wikipedia - Inspector Willoughby -- Fictional character
Wikipedia - Intelligent Design (book) -- 1999 book by William Dembski
Wikipedia - Intelligent designer -- Hypothetical willed and self-aware entity that the intelligent design movement argues had some role in the origin and/or development of life
Wikipedia - Interzone (book) -- Collection of short stories by William S. Burroughs
Wikipedia - Intestacy -- Condition of the estate of a person who dies without having made a valid will or other binding declaration
Wikipedia - Iolo Williams
Wikipedia - Ireland Will Be Free -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Irene Dean-Williams -- Aviator
Wikipedia - Irene Williams -- American artist
Wikipedia - Ironweed (novel) -- 1983 novel by William J. Kennedy
Wikipedia - Irrational Man -- 1958 book by William Barrett
Wikipedia - Irvin Willat -- American film director
Wikipedia - Irv Williams -- American saxophonist
Wikipedia - Isaac William Benneh -- Ghanaian politician
Wikipedia - Isaac Williams
Wikipedia - Isabella Dunwill -- Australian actress
Wikipedia - I Shot Billy the Kid -- 1950 film by William Berke
Wikipedia - Island in the Sea -- album by Willie Nelson
Wikipedia - Israel Zangwill -- British author
Wikipedia - It's a Date -- 1940 film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - It's Only Us -- 1999 single by Robbie Williams
Wikipedia - It Will Rain -- 2011 single by Bruno Mars
Wikipedia - I've Just Told Mama Goodbye -- 1949 song performed by Hank Williams
Wikipedia - I Will Always Be Yours -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - I Will Buy You a New Life -- 1997 single by Everclear
Wikipedia - I Will Come to You -- 1997 single by Hanson
Wikipedia - I Will Consult Mister Brown -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - I Will Dare -- 1984 single by The Replacements
Wikipedia - I Will Fear No Evil -- Novel by Robert A. Heinlein
Wikipedia - I Will Follow (film) -- 2010 film directed by Ava DuVernay
Wikipedia - I Will Follow You into the Dark -- Single by Death Cab for Cutie
Wikipedia - I Will Get There -- 1998 single by Boyz II Men
Wikipedia - I Will Give my Love an Apple -- Song
Wikipedia - I Will Go with You (novel) -- 2015 novel by Priya Kumar
Wikipedia - I Will Love Again -- 2000 single by Lara Fabian
Wikipedia - I Will Remember You (Sarah McLachlan song) -- 1995 single by Sarah McLachlan
Wikipedia - I Will Repay (film) -- 1923 film by Henry Kolker
Wikipedia - I Will Rock and Roll with You -- Song by Johnny Cash
Wikipedia - I Will Wait for You -- Popular song
Wikipedia - I Will Whisper Your Name -- 1988 single by Michael Johnson
Wikipedia - I Will -- Original song written and composed by Lennon-McCartney
Wikipedia - Jack McFarland -- Fictional character from Will and Grace
Wikipedia - Jack Short (betrayer of William Wallace) -- Betrayer of William Wallace
Wikipedia - Jack Straw (1920 film) -- 1920 film by William C. deMille
Wikipedia - Jack Swilling -- American pioneer in the Arizona Territory
Wikipedia - Jack William Roderick
Wikipedia - Jack Williams (American politician) -- American radio announcer and politician
Wikipedia - Jack Williams (Medal of Honor) -- United States Navy Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - Jack Williamson -- American science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Jack W. Williams (politician) -- Alabama politician
Wikipedia - Jacqueline Williams -- Cricket umpire
Wikipedia - Jade (film) -- 1995 American erotic thriller film by William Friedkin
Wikipedia - Jahmal Williams -- American skateboarder
Wikipedia - Jamaican poorwill -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Jama Williamson -- American actress
Wikipedia - Jambalaya (On the Bayou) -- 1952 song by Hank Williams
Wikipedia - James DeLong Williamson -- American minister and academic
Wikipedia - James E. McWilliams
Wikipedia - James F. Williamson -- American architect
Wikipedia - James Hamlyn Willis -- Australian botanist
Wikipedia - James Howard Williams -- British army officer and forester
Wikipedia - James J. Williams -- English-American photographer
Wikipedia - James Oladipo Williams -- Nigerian lawyer (1975-1999)
Wikipedia - James Steele Williams
Wikipedia - James Tibbits Willmore -- English engraver
Wikipedia - James V. Brown Library -- public library in Williamsport, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - James Willard Schultz -- American historian
Wikipedia - James Willett -- Australian sports shooter
Wikipedia - James William Colbert Jr. -- American physician
Wikipedia - James William Cusack -- Irish surgeon, President of the RCSI
Wikipedia - James William Edmund Doyle
Wikipedia - James William Hackett -- American writer
Wikipedia - James William Robinson (sailor) -- Sailor
Wikipedia - James Williams (Archdeacon of Wrexham) -- Welsh Anglican priest
Wikipedia - James Williams (Revolutionary War) -- American pioneer, farmer, and miller
Wikipedia - James William Wallack -- 19th-century Anglo-American actor and manager
Wikipedia - James William Webb-Jones -- Welsh choral conductor and educator
Wikipedia - James Willmott-Brown -- Fictional character from the British soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Jamye Coleman Williams -- Activist and scholar
Wikipedia - Jane K. Willenbring -- American geomorphologist
Wikipedia - Janette Williamson -- British politician
Wikipedia - Jane Williams (missionary) -- English missionary
Wikipedia - Jane Williams
Wikipedia - Jane Wills -- British geographer
Wikipedia - Janq'u Willk'i (Luribay) -- Mountain in Bolivia
Wikipedia - Janssen Willhoit -- American politician and member of the Vermont State House of Representatives
Wikipedia - Jan Willem Aten -- Brazilian sailor
Wikipedia - Jan Willem Boudewijn Gunning
Wikipedia - Jan-Willem Breure -- Rwandan-born Dutch media producer
Wikipedia - Jan Willem Cornelis Tellegen -- Dutch politician (1859-1921)
Wikipedia - Jan Willem de Winter -- Dutch admiral
Wikipedia - Jan Willems (Dutch buccaneer) -- Dutch privateer
Wikipedia - Jan Willems (painter) -- Flemish painter
Wikipedia - Jan Willem Spruyt -- Schoolteacher, South African civil servant, law agent
Wikipedia - Jan Willem te Kolste -- Dutch chess player
Wikipedia - Jan Willem van den Hondel -- Dutch sailor
Wikipedia - Janwillem van de Wetering -- Dutch writer
Wikipedia - Jared Williams (Virginia politician) -- American politician (1766-1831)
Wikipedia - Jasmine's Beautiful Thoughts Underneath The Willow -- Poem by Wallace Stevens
Wikipedia - Jason Willer -- American drummer, percussionist, song writer, singer and teacher
Wikipedia - Jason William Adams -- American stage and voice-over actor
Wikipedia - Jason Williams (ice hockey) -- Canadian professional ice hockey winger
Wikipedia - Jay T. Will -- American martial artist
Wikipedia - Jay Williams (author) -- American writer
Wikipedia - Jay Williamson -- American golfer
Wikipedia - J. B. Williamson -- American boxing
Wikipedia - J. C. P. Williams -- New Zealand cardiologist
Wikipedia - J. D. Williams -- American actor
Wikipedia - Jealousy (1916 film) -- 1916 silent drama film by Will S. Davis
Wikipedia - Jealousy (1934 film) -- 1934 American drama film directed by Roy William Neill
Wikipedia - Jean-Claude Willame -- Emeritus Belgian professor
Wikipedia - Jean-Jacques Willmar -- Prime Minister of Luxembourg (1792-1866)
Wikipedia - Jeep Willys2 -- Concept car
Wikipedia - Jeffrey Williams (astronaut)
Wikipedia - Jeff Williams (actor) -- American actor
Wikipedia - Jeff Williams (Apple)
Wikipedia - Jeff Williams (politician) -- Mayor of Arlington, Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Jenison William Gordon -- British baronet
Wikipedia - Jennifer, Hecate, Macbeth, William McKinley, and Me, Elizabeth
Wikipedia - Jennifer Willems -- Dutch actress
Wikipedia - Jenny Willott -- British Liberal Democrat politician
Wikipedia - Jen Williams -- British fantasy writer
Wikipedia - Jeremy McWilliams -- British motorcycle racer
Wikipedia - Jerome Willis -- British stage and screen actor (1928-2014)
Wikipedia - Jerry's Diary (1949 film) -- 1949 animated short film directed by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera
Wikipedia - Jesse William Lazear -- American physician
Wikipedia - Jesse Williams (actor) -- American actor, director, producer and activist
Wikipedia - Jessica Williams (musician) -- American jazz pianist and composer
Wikipedia - Jessie MacWilliams -- Mathematician, programmer
Wikipedia - Jessie Willcox Smith -- American illustrator
Wikipedia - Jet Set Willy II -- 1985 video game
Wikipedia - Jet Set Willy
Wikipedia - Jewish eschatology -- Area of Jewish theology and philosophy concerned with events that will happen in the end of days and related concepts
Wikipedia - Jezebel (1938 film) -- 1938 film by William Wyler
Wikipedia - Jillian Camarena-Williams -- American shot putter
Wikipedia - Jim Williams (curler) -- Canadian curler
Wikipedia - Jim Williams (politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - Jinx Money -- 1948 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - Jivin' in Be-Bop -- 1946 film by Spencer Williams, Leonard Anderson
Wikipedia - J. J. Williams Jr. -- American lawyer, banker, and politician
Wikipedia - J. Mark G. Williams
Wikipedia - J. N. Williamson
Wikipedia - Joan Didion: The Center Will Not Hold -- 2017 documentary film
Wikipedia - Joan Franks Williams -- American composer
Wikipedia - Joan Shakespeare -- sister of William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Jocko Willink
Wikipedia - Jodie Connor -- English recording artist, lyricist and goodwill ambassador
Wikipedia - Jodocus Willich -- German physician and writer
Wikipedia - Jody Williams
Wikipedia - Joe D. Williamson -- American photographer and historian
Wikipedia - Joe Williams (Cook Islands politician) -- Cook Islands doctor and politician
Wikipedia - Joe Williams (fighter) -- American mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Joe Williams (jazz singer) -- American jazz singer
Wikipedia - Joe Williams Live -- 1973 live album by Joe Williams
Wikipedia - Joe William Trotter Jr. -- American professor of African-American history
Wikipedia - Johannes Willebrands
Wikipedia - Johan Willoch Erichsen -- 19th and 20th-century Norwegian Lutheran bishop and theologian
Wikipedia - John A. Williams -- American writer
Wikipedia - John A. Willox -- British politician
Wikipedia - John Bancroft Willans -- Welsh landowner
Wikipedia - John Burr Williams -- American economist
Wikipedia - John Cantiloe Joy and William Joy -- English brothers who were marine artists
Wikipedia - John C. Willke -- American anti-abortion activist
Wikipedia - John Davis Williams
Wikipedia - John Edward Williams -- American writer
Wikipedia - John Ernest Williamson -- Pioneer underwater photographer
Wikipedia - John Francis William, 6th Count de Salis-Soglio -- British diplomat
Wikipedia - John Francon Williams -- A Welsh writer, geographer, historian, journalist, cartographer and inventor
Wikipedia - John Hall (physician) -- 16th/17th-century English physician and son-in-law of William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - John Hanbury-Williams -- British Army general (1859-1946)
Wikipedia - John Harry Williams
Wikipedia - John H. Williams -- American film producer
Wikipedia - John James Williams (poet) -- Welsh poet
Wikipedia - John J. Williams (American Civil War) -- Soldier killed at the end of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - John J. Williams (politician) -- American businessman and politician
Wikipedia - John Kenneth Williams -- Pakistani politician and army officer
Wikipedia - John Kent (will proven 1669) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John McWilliam -- British politician
Wikipedia - John Morley (will proven 1565) -- English politician
Wikipedia - John M. Will -- United States Navy Vice admiral
Wikipedia - Johnny Cool -- 1963 film by William Asher
Wikipedia - Johnny Mnemonic -- 1980s William Gibson short story
Wikipedia - Johnny Stool Pigeon -- 1949 film by William Castle
Wikipedia - Johnny Williams (bassist) -- American musician
Wikipedia - John Owen Williams (record producer) -- English record producer
Wikipedia - John Payson Williston Observatory -- Astronomical observatory
Wikipedia - John Shakespeare -- 16th-century English businessman and the father of William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Johnson Creek (Willamette River tributary) -- Creek in Oregon, USA
Wikipedia - John Tucker Williams -- British naval officer and Province of Canada politician
Wikipedia - John T. Willis -- 20th and 21st-century American theologian
Wikipedia - John Willard (playwright)
Wikipedia - John Willem Gran
Wikipedia - John Willems -- American equestrian
Wikipedia - John Will (fighter) -- Australian martial artist
Wikipedia - John William Adamson -- British educationalist (1857-1947)
Wikipedia - John William Atkinson
Wikipedia - John William Barker -- American Brigadier general
Wikipedia - John William Beatty -- Canadian painter
Wikipedia - John William Byrd Jr. -- American convicted murderer who protested his innocence
Wikipedia - John William Casilear -- American painter
Wikipedia - John William Castine -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - John William Clouser -- American robber
Wikipedia - John William Crombie -- Scottish woollen manufacturer
Wikipedia - John William Cunliffe -- American author
Wikipedia - John William Cunningham -- Evangelical clergyman of the Church of England
Wikipedia - John William Daly
Wikipedia - John William Davis (Georgia politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - John William Dawson
Wikipedia - John William De Forest -- American solider and writer
Wikipedia - John William Douglas
Wikipedia - John William Draper -- English-born American scientist, philosopher, physician, chemist, historian and photographer
Wikipedia - John William Dunscomb -- Province of Canada politician
Wikipedia - John William Evans (geologist)
Wikipedia - John William Fletcher
Wikipedia - John William Glover -- Irish composer and conductor
Wikipedia - John William Gordon -- British Army officer
Wikipedia - John William Grout -- American Civil War soldier
Wikipedia - John William Harshberger
Wikipedia - John William Kelley -- American serial killer and rapist
Wikipedia - John William Kilbreth -- American general
Wikipedia - John William Kirwan -- Irish Roman Catholic priest
Wikipedia - John William Lindt -- Geman-Australian photographer
Wikipedia - John William Loudon -- American politician
Wikipedia - John William Lubbock
Wikipedia - John William Mackail
Wikipedia - John William Mauchly
Wikipedia - John William Mellor -- British politician
Wikipedia - John William Merrow -- American architect
Wikipedia - John William Miller
Wikipedia - John William Moor -- British socialist activist
Wikipedia - John William Nixon -- Northern Irish politician
Wikipedia - John William Parnell -- Australian soldier and administrator
Wikipedia - John William Polidori -- English writer and physician
Wikipedia - John William Pope Foundation -- American private charitable foundation
Wikipedia - John Williams (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - John William Salter
Wikipedia - John Williams (archbishop of York) -- Welsh clergyman
Wikipedia - John Williams (archer) -- American archer
Wikipedia - John Williams (author) -- Welsh writer
Wikipedia - John Williams (bishop of Chichester)
Wikipedia - John Williams Calkin -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - John Williams (cricketer, born 1911) -- English cricketer and soldier
Wikipedia - John Williams (equestrian) -- American equestrian
Wikipedia - John Williams Gunnison -- 19th-century American explorer
Wikipedia - John Williams (Jamaica) -- Politician in Jamaica
Wikipedia - John Williams Mellor -- American economist
Wikipedia - John Williams (missionary) -- English missionary
Wikipedia - John Williams (mixed martial artist) -- MMA fighter
Wikipedia - John Williams (motorcyclist) -- British motorcycle racer
Wikipedia - John Williams (MP for Bedford) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Williamson (geologist)
Wikipedia - John Williamson (musicologist) -- British musicologist
Wikipedia - John Williamson (New Zealand politician) -- New Zealand politician, printer and newspaper proprietor (1815-1875)
Wikipedia - John Williams (snooker referee) -- Welsh snooker referee
Wikipedia - John William Strutt, 3rd Baron Rayleigh -- English physicist
Wikipedia - John William Strutt
Wikipedia - John William Sutton Pringle -- British zoologist
Wikipedia - John Williams (VC) -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - John Williams Walker -- American politician
Wikipedia - John Williams (West Virginia politician) -- American Democratic politician
Wikipedia - John Williams -- American composer, conductor, and pianist
Wikipedia - John William Theodore Youngs -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - John William Waterhouse -- 19th and 20th-century English painter
Wikipedia - John William Wilson -- British politician
Wikipedia - John William Wofford -- American equestrian
Wikipedia - John William Woolsey -- Canadian businessman
Wikipedia - John William Yeomans -- Presbyterian pastor and college administrator
Wikipedia - John Willie Kofi Harlley -- Former minister and Inspector General of Police
Wikipedia - John Willis Fleming -- British politician
Wikipedia - John Willis Stovall
Wikipedia - John Willmott School -- Community secondary school in Sutton Coldfield, England
Wikipedia - John Willock -- Scottish church leader (c. 1515{{snd
Wikipedia - John Willsey -- Canadian curler
Wikipedia - John Woolfenden Williamson -- British writer
Wikipedia - Jonathan Williams (poet)
Wikipedia - Jontavious Willis -- American blues singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Joseph Powell Williams -- British politician
Wikipedia - Joseph R. Williams -- American politician
Wikipedia - Joseph William Chitty -- English cricketer, rower, and judge
Wikipedia - Joseph William Foster -- American businessman
Wikipedia - Joseph Williams (composer) -- English coal-miner and composer
Wikipedia - Joseph Willibrord MM-CM-$hler -- German painter (1778-1860)
Wikipedia - Joseph Willit -- American investment banker
Wikipedia - Joseph Willot -- French pharmacist
Wikipedia - Joseph Will -- American actor
Wikipedia - Jose William Aranguren -- Colombian criminal, kidnapper, sex offender and serial killer
Wikipedia - Josh Willis
Wikipedia - Josiah Willard Gibbs Lectureship
Wikipedia - Josiah Willard Gibbs -- American physicist
Wikipedia - Journal of a Crime -- 1934 film by William Keighley
Wikipedia - Journey to Love (poetry collection) -- Book by William Carlos Williams
Wikipedia - Jo Williams (speed skater) -- British speed skater
Wikipedia - Joy Williams (American writer) -- American novelist and short story writer
Wikipedia - Joy Williams (singer) -- American singer
Wikipedia - J R -- Novel by William Gaddis
Wikipedia - Juarez (film) -- 1939 film by William Dieterle
Wikipedia - Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens -- Canadian wife-and-husband science fiction writer duo, William Shatner co-authors
Wikipedia - Judith Quiney -- Younger daughter of William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Judith Willis -- American biologist
Wikipedia - Judy of Rogue's Harbor -- 1920 film by William Desmond Taylor
Wikipedia - Judy Wills Cline -- American trampolinist
Wikipedia - Juleyka Lantigua-Williams -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Juliet Rhys-Williams
Wikipedia - Julius Caesar (play) -- play by William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - June A. Willenz -- American military veterans advocate
Wikipedia - Justin Willis (martial artist) -- American mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Justin Willman -- American magician, comedian, television producer
Wikipedia - Just the Two of Us (Will Smith song) -- 1998 single by Will Smith
Wikipedia - Just William (book series) -- Book series by Richmal Crompton
Wikipedia - Just William's Luck (film) -- 1947 film by Val Guest
Wikipedia - Just William's Luck -- 1948 book by Richmal Crompton
Wikipedia - Just William -- Book by Richmal Crompton
Wikipedia - J. Willard Gibbs
Wikipedia - J. William Kime -- 19th Commandant of the United States Coast Guard
Wikipedia - J. William Middendorf -- American diplomat
Wikipedia - J. William Schopf
Wikipedia - J. William Smith -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - J. Willis Ambrose
Wikipedia - J. Willis Stovall
Wikipedia - Kaarina Willberg -- Finnish speed skater
Wikipedia - Kaitlin Willoughby -- Canadian ice hockey forward
Wikipedia - Kalapuya -- A Native American tribe, native of the Willamette Valley, modern-day Oregon
Wikipedia - Kamaal Williams -- British musician
Wikipedia - Kandis Williams -- American artist, writer, & publisher
Wikipedia - Kansas City Princess -- 1934 film by William Keighley
Wikipedia - Karel Willemen -- Dutch designer
Wikipedia - Karen L. Williams -- American diplomat
Wikipedia - Karen Walker (Will & Grace) -- Fictional character in Will and Grace
Wikipedia - Karen Willcox -- Aerospace engineer and computational scientist
Wikipedia - Karla Jessen Williamson -- Executive director, Arctic Institute of North America
Wikipedia - Karri Willms -- Canadian female curler and coach
Wikipedia - Kate Williams (chef) -- Chef and restaurateur in Detroit, MI, US
Wikipedia - Kate Williams Evans -- Welsh suffragette, activist and campaigner for women's rights
Wikipedia - Kate Williams (historian) -- British historian
Wikipedia - Kate Williamson -- American actress (1931-2013)
Wikipedia - Katharina Willkomm -- German politician
Wikipedia - Katharine Isabella Williams -- British chemist
Wikipedia - Katharine Lloyd-Williams -- British anaesthetist
Wikipedia - Kathleen Williams (gymnast) -- British gymnast
Wikipedia - Kathleen Williams (politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - Kathlyn Williams -- American actress
Wikipedia - Kathy Willis -- British ecologist
Wikipedia - Kayla Williams (author) -- American writer
Wikipedia - Kayla Williams (gymnast) -- American artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Kazan (1949 film) -- 1949 film by Will Jason
Wikipedia - KDJS (AM) -- Radio station in Willmar, Minnesota
Wikipedia - KDJS-FM -- Radio station in Willmar, Minnesota
Wikipedia - KDSR -- Radio station in Williston, North Dakota
Wikipedia - Kedar Williams-Stirling -- English actor
Wikipedia - Keith William Morton -- British mathematician
Wikipedia - Keller Williams -- American musician
Wikipedia - Kellie Shanygne Williams -- American actress
Wikipedia - Kelsey Balkwill -- Canadian athlete
Wikipedia - Ken Attiwill -- Australian writer
Wikipedia - Kendell Williams -- American track and field athlete
Wikipedia - Kenneth L. Williams
Wikipedia - Kenneth William Donald -- British expert on underwater and exercise physiology.
Wikipedia - Kenneth Williams: Fantabulosa! -- 2006 TV programme, biography
Wikipedia - Kenneth Williams (politician) -- New Zealand politician
Wikipedia - Kenneth Williams -- English actor and comedian
Wikipedia - Ken Williams (game developer)
Wikipedia - Kermit Williams -- American politician
Wikipedia - Kerry Williams (motorcyclist) -- Canadian motorcycle racer
Wikipedia - Kevin Williamson (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter, director, and producer
Wikipedia - Kevin Willmott -- American film director, screenwriter, and academic
Wikipedia - KEYZ -- Radio station in Williston, North Dakota
Wikipedia - Khaos Williams -- American mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - KHIL -- Classic country radio station in Willcox, Arizona, United States
Wikipedia - Kids (Robbie Williams and Kylie Minogue song) -- 2000 single by Robbie Williams and Kylie Minogue
Wikipedia - Kilmainham Treaty -- Informal agreement between William Gladstone and Charles Parnell
Wikipedia - Kim A. Williams
Wikipedia - Kimberly Williams-Paisley -- American actress and film director
Wikipedia - Kimberly Williams (politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - Kim Williams (architect)
Wikipedia - King Frederick William III of Prussia
Wikipedia - King Lear -- play by William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - King Lear (Williamson play)
Wikipedia - King of the Mounties -- 1942 film by William Witney
Wikipedia - King of the Texas Rangers -- 1941 film by John English, William Witney
Wikipedia - King's Men (playing company) -- 17th-century English playing company associated with William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - King Willem-Alexander Canal -- A 6 km long canal in the northeastern Netherlands
Wikipedia - King William's March -- Work by Jeremiah Clarke
Wikipedia - King William's War -- North American theater of the Nine Years' War
Wikipedia - Kinmont Willie Armstrong -- Outlaw
Wikipedia - Kipling Williams
Wikipedia - Kip Williams -- Australian theatre director
Wikipedia - Kit Williamson -- American actor and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Klondike Fury -- 1942 film by William K. Howard
Wikipedia - Knockout (1941 film) -- 1941 film by William Clemens
Wikipedia - Knute Rockne, All American -- 1940 film by William K. Howard, Lloyd Bacon
Wikipedia - Kolmogorov extension theorem -- A consistent set of finite-dimensional distributions will define a stochastic process
Wikipedia - Koro (medicine) -- Genital-related neurosis, in which an individual has an overpowering belief that his or her genitalia are retracting and will disappear, despite the lack of any true longstanding changes to the genitals
Wikipedia - Krazy Kong Album -- album by Wild Willy Barrett
Wikipedia - Kristie Puckett-Williams -- Civil rights activist
Wikipedia - Kristof Willerton -- British gymnast
Wikipedia - KUMV-TV -- NBC/Fox affiliate in Williston, North Dakota
Wikipedia - Kurt Gudewill -- German musicologist
Wikipedia - K.Will -- South Korean singer
Wikipedia - KWQR -- Radio station in Willcox, Arizona
Wikipedia - KXMD-TV -- CBS/CW affiliate in Williston, North Dakota
Wikipedia - KXWI -- Radio station in Williston, North Dakota
Wikipedia - Ladies They Talk About -- 1933 film by William Keighley, Howard Bretherton
Wikipedia - Lady from Chungking -- 1942 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - Lafayette Escadrille (film) -- 1958 film by William A. Wellman
Wikipedia - La Gran Fuga -- 1971 studio album by Willie Colon
Wikipedia - Lamar Williams -- American musician
Wikipedia - Lance Williams (graphics researcher)
Wikipedia - Landscape with Pollard Willows -- Painting by Vincent van Gogh
Wikipedia - Last will and testament of Adolf Hitler -- testament of Adolf Hitler
Wikipedia - Last will and testament
Wikipedia - Lauder William Jones -- American chemist
Wikipedia - Laura Annie Willson
Wikipedia - Laurance Willemse -- South African cricket umpire
Wikipedia - Lauren Williams (taekwondo) -- British taekwondo practitioner
Wikipedia - Lauren Williams -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - Laurie Williams (software engineer) -- American software engineer
Wikipedia - Lauryn Williams -- American sprinter and bobsledder
Wikipedia - Lawless Plainsmen -- 1942 film by William Berke
Wikipedia - Law of superposition -- In undeformed stratigraphic sequences, the oldest strata will be at the bottom of the sequence
Wikipedia - Law of the Northwest -- 1943 film by William Berke
Wikipedia - Lawrence E. Willey -- British geologist
Wikipedia - Lawton Williams -- American country singer
Wikipedia - Lazy Days -- 1997 single by Robbie Williams
Wikipedia - Lazy Lightning -- 1926 film by William Wyler
Wikipedia - Least poorwill -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Leave Right Now -- 2003 single by Will Young
Wikipedia - Lee Anne Willson -- American astronomer
Wikipedia - Lee Radziwill -- American socialite and sister of Jackie Kennedy Onassis
Wikipedia - Leesylvania State Park -- State park in Prince William County, Virginia
Wikipedia - Lee Williams (conductor) -- Canadian railway conductor
Wikipedia - Lee Williams (golfer) -- American professional golfer
Wikipedia - Lee Williamson (bowls) -- British lawn bowler
Wikipedia - Legion (Blatty novel) -- 1983 book by William Peter Blatty
Wikipedia - Leighton Williams -- Welsh chess player
Wikipedia - Leigh Williamson -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - Lenny Williams -- American singer-songwriter and musician
Wikipedia - Leonard R. Willette -- American fighter pilot
Wikipedia - Leonard Williams (bishop) -- 19th and 20th-century Anglican Bishop of Waiapu
Wikipedia - Leonard Williams (physician) -- London physician and writer
Wikipedia - Leonard Williams (politician)
Wikipedia - Leonard Willoughby -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Leon Czolgosz -- American steel worker and assassin of U.S. President William McKinley
Wikipedia - Leo Williams (athlete) -- American high jumper and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Leo Willis -- American actor
Wikipedia - Les Colwill -- Canadian retired ice hockey right winger
Wikipedia - Lesley Williams -- Australian geneticist
Wikipedia - Leslie R. H. Willis -- English engineer and archaeologist
Wikipedia - Let It Go (Def Leppard song) -- Original song written and composed by Pete Willis, Steve Clark, Joe Elliott
Wikipedia - Let Me Entertain You (Robbie Williams song) -- 1998 single by Robbie Williams
Wikipedia - Lewis William Buck -- British politician
Wikipedia - Lexicon (Will Young album) -- 2019 studio album by Will Young
Wikipedia - Lia Williams -- English actress
Wikipedia - Liberal Jewish Cemetery, Willesden -- Jewish cemetery in London, England
Wikipedia - Libertarian free will
Wikipedia - Liberty Hill, Texas -- City in Williamson County, Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Liebenswiller -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Lie Down in Darkness (novel) -- 1951 novel by William Styron
Wikipedia - Life Goes On (1938 film) -- Film by William Nolte
Wikipedia - Life of William Blake
Wikipedia - Life of William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Life Storage -- Investment trust headquartered in Williamsville, NY
Wikipedia - Lilian Williams -- British equestrian
Wikipedia - Lincoln in the White House -- 1939 film directed by William C. McGann
Wikipedia - Linda Williams (film scholar) -- American professor of film studies
Wikipedia - Lindley Williams Hubbell -- American poet and translator
Wikipedia - Lindsay Williams (canoeist) -- British canoeist
Wikipedia - Lindsey Williams -- American politician
Wikipedia - Lines Written a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey -- Romantic poem by William Wordsworth
Wikipedia - Lionel Atwill -- English and American actor
Wikipedia - Lippincott Williams > Wilkins
Wikipedia - Listen Lester (film) -- 1924 film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - List of alumni of Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Around the World with Willy Fog episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of awards and nominations received by Will & Grace -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of awards and nominations received by William H. Macy -- Awards and nominations received by William H. Macy
Wikipedia - List of ballets by Christoph Willibald Gluck -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of College of William & Mary alumni -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of compositions by Christoph Willibald Gluck -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of compositions by John Williams -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of compositions by Malcolm Williamson -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of compositions by Ralph Vaughan Williams -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of compositions by William Bolcom -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of compositions by William Byrd -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of compositions by William Sterndale Bennett -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of compositions by William Walton -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of cricketers in Wills' Cigarettes Cricketers, 1928 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of crossings of the Willamette River -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of deserters from King James II to William of Orange -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of guest stars on Will > Grace
Wikipedia - List of Have Gun - Will Travel episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of highways in Williamson County, Texas -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of historic properties in Willcox, Arizona -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of historic properties in Williams, Arizona -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Honorary Fellows of Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Inday Will Always Love You episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of international cricket centuries at Willowmoore Park -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of international cricket centuries by Kane Williamson -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of international cricket five-wicket hauls by Bob Willis -- Cricket list
Wikipedia - List of international rugby union tries by Shane Williams -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of international trips made by Willy Brandt -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Lepidoptera that feed on willows -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Masters of Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of memorials to William Henry Harrison -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of one-act plays by Tennessee Williams -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of operas by Christoph Willibald Gluck -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of overseas trips made by Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of people named William -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of poems by William Wordsworth
Wikipedia - List of presidents of the College of William & Mary -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of publications of William Garrison and Isaac Knapp -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ships named John Williams -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of songs recorded by Robbie Williams -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of things named after William Rowan Hamilton -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of translations of works by William Shakespeare -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of translators of William Shakespeare -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tributes to Hank Williams -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of We Will Survive episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Willamette University alumni -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Willamette University buildings -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Will & Grace characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Will & Grace episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of William Penn Charter School people -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of William Pereira buildings -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Williams College people -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of William Shakespeare screen adaptations -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of winners of the William E. Harmon Foundation Award for Distinguished Achievement Among Negroes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of works by Dornford Yates -- Works by the English novelist Cecil William Mercer
Wikipedia - Little Miss No-Account -- 1918 film by William P. S. Earle
Wikipedia - Living Will -- 2011 American comedy film
Wikipedia - Lloyd George Williams -- Jamaican judge
Wikipedia - Lloyd Williams (Welsh cricketer) -- Welsh cricketer and schoolmaster
Wikipedia - Locked Lips -- 1920 film by William C. Dowlan
Wikipedia - Logan's Run -- Novel by William F. Nolan
Wikipedia - Lois Wille -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Lo Mato -- 1973 studio album by Willie Colon
Wikipedia - Lona Williams -- Television producer, writer and actress
Wikipedia - London Boulevard -- 2010 film by William Monahan
Wikipedia - Londonderry and Lough Swilly Railway -- Irish Railway
Wikipedia - London to Brighton -- 2006 film by Paul Andrew Williams
Wikipedia - London (William Blake poem) -- Poem by William Blake
Wikipedia - Looking for Trouble -- 1934 film by William A. Wellman
Wikipedia - Lord of the Flies -- 1954 novel by William Golding
Wikipedia - Lord William Bentinck (1828 Yarmouth ship) -- 1828 Yarmouth ship
Wikipedia - Lord William Bentinck
Wikipedia - Lord William Beresford -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Lord William Russell
Wikipedia - Lord William -- Folk song
Wikipedia - Lorraine Williams -- American businessperson
Wikipedia - Lottie Williams -- American actress
Wikipedia - Lot Whitcomb (sidewheeler) -- First steam-powered craft built on the Willamette River in Oregon, United States
Wikipedia - Louis Althusser and the Traditions of French Marxism -- 2005 book by William S. Lewis
Wikipedia - Louis William Valentine DuBourg
Wikipedia - Louis William Valentine Dubourg
Wikipedia - Louis Williquet -- Belgian weightlifter
Wikipedia - Love and Will
Wikipedia - Love Birds (1934 film) -- 1934 film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - Love, Cheat & Steal -- 1993 television film by William Curran
Wikipedia - Love Laughs at Andy Hardy -- 1946 film by Willis Goldbeck
Wikipedia - Lovelight -- 2006 single by Robbie Williams
Wikipedia - Love My Life (song) -- 2016 single by Robbie Williams
Wikipedia - Love Revolution (Will Young song) -- 2015 song performed by Will Young
Wikipedia - Lovers' Lane (1924 film) -- 1924 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - Lovesick Blues -- 1949 single by Hank Williams
Wikipedia - Love's Labour's Lost -- Comedy play by William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Love Will Keep Us Alive -- 1994 single by Eagles
Wikipedia - Love Will Never Do (Without You) -- 1990 single by Janet Jackson
Wikipedia - Love Will Tear Us Apart (1999 film) -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Love Will Tear Us Apart -- 1980 single by Joy Division
Wikipedia - Lowe, Willard & Fowler Engineering Company -- American aerospace manufacturer 1915-1924
Wikipedia - L. Pearce Williams -- American academic
Wikipedia - Lucinda Williams -- American musician
Wikipedia - Lucky Ghost -- 1942 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - Lucy Wills -- British physician and hematologist (1888-1964)
Wikipedia - Ludwigia alternifolia -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Ludwigia grandiflora -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Ludwigia hexapetala -- Species of flowering plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Ludwigia (plant) -- Genus of flowering plants in the willowherb or evening primrose family Onagraceae
Wikipedia - Ludwig Uettwiller -- German track and field athlete
Wikipedia - Luemschwiller -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Luke Williams (author) -- Scottish author
Wikipedia - Luke Williams (journalist) -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Luke Willson
Wikipedia - Lynching of Matthew Williams -- African American who was lynched in the U.S.
Wikipedia - Lynching of Paul Reed and Will Cato -- Murders and lynchings in Statesboro, Georgia in 1904
Wikipedia - Lynching of Willie Earle -- African American who was lynched in the U.S.
Wikipedia - Lynching of Willie James Howard -- African American who was lynched in the U.S.
Wikipedia - Lynda Williams
Wikipedia - Lynette Willoughby -- Electronic engineer
Wikipedia - Lynne Williams -- Australian musician and educator
Wikipedia - Lynn Williams (sailor) -- American sailor
Wikipedia - Mabel Walker Willebrandt -- American Assistant Attorney General
Wikipedia - Macbeth (1911 film) -- 1911 film directed by William Barker
Wikipedia - Macbeth (1960 Australian film) -- 1960 film by William Sterling
Wikipedia - Macbeth -- Tragedy (play) by William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Mackerel by Moonlight -- American novel by William Weld
Wikipedia - Mac Q. Williamson -- American politician
Wikipedia - Madame Du Barry (1934 film) -- 1934 film by William Dieterle
Wikipedia - Madame Spy (1942 film) -- 1942 film by Roy William Neill
Wikipedia - Madeline Willemsen -- Puerto Rican actress
Wikipedia - Magdalene of Bavaria -- Consort of Wolfgang William, Count Palatine of Neuburg
Wikipedia - Maggie Lloyd-Williams -- Zimbabwean actress
Wikipedia - Maggie Will -- American golfer
Wikipedia - Maisie Williams -- English actress and internet entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Maizie Williams -- British model and singer
Wikipedia - Make the Yuletide Gay -- 2009 film by Rob Williams
Wikipedia - Malcolm J. Williamson
Wikipedia - Man Hunt (1936 film) -- 1936 film by William Clemens
Wikipedia - Mantfombi Dlamini -- Swazi-South African traditional aristocrat, Great wife of King Goodwill Zwelithini
Wikipedia - March of the Iron Will -- Italian propaganda event
Wikipedia - Marcus Williamson
Wikipedia - Margaret Wake Tryon -- English heiress and wife of William Tryon
Wikipedia - Margaret Williamson Rea -- Irish botanist
Wikipedia - Marguerite Williams -- American geologist
Wikipedia - Mariana in the South (1897) -- Oil painting by John William Waterhouse
Wikipedia - Marianne Williamson 2020 presidential campaign -- Marianne Williamson's 2018-2020 efforts to become the 46th President of the United States
Wikipedia - Marianne Williamson -- American author, politician, and activist
Wikipedia - Marian Willinger -- American scientist
Wikipedia - Marigold (2007 film) -- 2007 film by Willard Carroll
Wikipedia - Mari Jo Buhle -- American historian and William J
Wikipedia - Marinus Willett
Wikipedia - Marion William Dufilho -- Recipient of the Navy Cross
Wikipedia - Marion Williams -- American singer
Wikipedia - Mark Followill -- American sports announcer
Wikipedia - Mark Sedwill -- British civil servant
Wikipedia - Mark Willadsen -- American politician
Wikipedia - Mark Willemse -- South African politician (b. 1964)
Wikipedia - Mark Williams (actor) -- English actor, comedian, screenwriter and presenter
Wikipedia - Mark Williamson (biologist)
Wikipedia - Mark Williams (politician) -- Former Leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats
Wikipedia - Mark Williams (radio host) -- American conservative activist, radio talk show host and author
Wikipedia - Mark Williams (writer) -- New Zealand poet, writer, academic critic and editor
Wikipedia - Mark Willis (motorcyclist) -- Australian motorcycle racer
Wikipedia - Marlon Williams (athlete) -- American athlete
Wikipedia - Marlovian theory of Shakespeare authorship -- fringe theory that Cristopher Marlowe was the real author of William Shakespeare's works
Wikipedia - Marmaduke Williams -- American politician
Wikipedia - Marquam Bridge -- Carries Interstate 5 traffic over the Willamette River in Portland, Oregon
Wikipedia - Marriage (1927 film) -- 1927 film by Roy William Neill
Wikipedia - Marriage A-la-Mode: 1. The Marriage Settlement -- Painting by William Hogarth
Wikipedia - Marriage A-la-Mode: 2. The TM-CM-*te a TM-CM-*te -- Painting by William Hogarth
Wikipedia - Marriage A-la-Mode: 3. The Inspection -- Painting by William Hogarth
Wikipedia - Marriage A-la-Mode: 4. The Toilette -- Painting by William Hogarth
Wikipedia - Marriage A-la-Mode: 5. The Bagnio -- Painting by William Hogarth
Wikipedia - Marriage A-la-Mode: 6. The Lady's Death -- Painting by William Hogarth
Wikipedia - Marriage A-la-Mode (Hogarth) -- Series of six paintings by William Hogarth
Wikipedia - Marry the Girl (1937 film) -- 1937 film by William C. McGann
Wikipedia - Marshall Williams -- Canadian actor and model
Wikipedia - Marsha Rhea Williams -- African American educator and researcher
Wikipedia - Martha Burton Williamson -- American malacologist and journalist
Wikipedia - Martha Burton Woodhead Williamson
Wikipedia - Martina Willing -- German Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Martin Gutzwiller
Wikipedia - Marty Willson-Piper -- English guitarist and singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Mary Alice Willcox -- American zoologist
Wikipedia - Mary Burns, Fugitive -- 1935 film by William K. Howard
Wikipedia - Mary Burrus Williams -- American writer
Wikipedia - Mary Chind-Willie -- American photographer
Wikipedia - Mary Ellen Coster Williams -- American judge
Wikipedia - Mary Jane's Pa -- 1935 film by William Keighley
Wikipedia - Mary Louisa Willard -- American forensic scientist
Wikipedia - Mary Lou Williams -- American pianist
Wikipedia - Mary Pearl Willis Foundation -- U.S charitable foundation
Wikipedia - Mary Shakespeare -- mother of William Shakespeare (1536-1608)
Wikipedia - Mary Wilhelmine Williams -- Teacher, historian, pacifist, feminist
Wikipedia - Mary Willing Byrd
Wikipedia - Maston Williams -- American actor
Wikipedia - Matthew O. Williams -- American soldier
Wikipedia - Matt Willhite -- American politician from Florida
Wikipedia - Matt Williams (equestrian) -- Australian equestrian
Wikipedia - Matt Willis -- English singer
Wikipedia - Maulsby Willett Blackman
Wikipedia - Maurice Conde-Williams -- English cricketer and Royal Navy officer
Wikipedia - Maurice Williamson -- New Zealand politician
Wikipedia - Maximum operating depth -- Depth of seawater at which a specified breathing gas mixture will have a limiting maximum oxygen partial pressure
Wikipedia - Maybe It's Love (1935 film) -- 1935 film by William C. McGann
Wikipedia - Meadow Williams -- American film and television actress
Wikipedia - Me and Will -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Megachile willowmorensis -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megachile willughbiella -- Species of leafcutter bee (Megachile)
Wikipedia - Megan Williams (artist) -- Sculptor (born 1956)
Wikipedia - Megan Williams-Stewart -- American figure skater
Wikipedia - Melanie Williams -- British singer
Wikipedia - Melissa L. Williams -- American actress and model
Wikipedia - Melvin Williams (admiral) -- American admiral
Wikipedia - Memorials to William Shakespeare -- none
Wikipedia - M-EM- pela Kratochwill -- Slovenian rhythmic gymnast
Wikipedia - Memphis Belle: A Story of a Flying Fortress -- 1944 film by William Wyler
Wikipedia - Men and Women (1925 film) -- 1925 film by William C. deMille
Wikipedia - Men of San Quentin -- 1942 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - Mentor Williams -- American songwriter
Wikipedia - Men with Wings -- 1938 film by William A. Wellman
Wikipedia - Merchants Square -- 20th-century interpretation of an 18th-century-style retail village in Colonial Williamsburg, VA, US
Wikipedia - Mercy Island -- 1941 film by William Morgan
Wikipedia - Mert Lawwill -- American motorcycle racer
Wikipedia - Messenger of Peace (missionary ship) -- Ship built in 1827 by John Williams
Wikipedia - Messianic Age -- Future period of time on Earth in which the messiah will reign and bring universal peace, without any evil or bad
Wikipedia - Metiendo Mano -- 1977 studio album by Willie Colon & RubM-CM-)n Blades
Wikipedia - Mets-Willets Point station (LIRR) -- Long Island Rail Road station in Queens, New York
Wikipedia - Mia Cranwill -- Irish designer and metal artist
Wikipedia - Michael J. Willett -- American actor
Wikipedia - Michael Willetts -- Recipient of the George Cross
Wikipedia - Michael Willhoite -- American artist & writer
Wikipedia - Michael William Balfe -- Irish composer
Wikipedia - Michael William Brescia -- American bank robber and white supremacist
Wikipedia - Michael William Fisher -- American priest of the Catholic Church
Wikipedia - Michael Williams (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Michael Williams (Henry V)
Wikipedia - Michael Williams (philosopher)
Wikipedia - Michael Willis (minister) -- Scottish Presbyterian minister (1695-1761)
Wikipedia - Michael Willis -- American actor
Wikipedia - Michael Wills -- British Labour politician
Wikipedia - Michael Z. Williamson -- American military science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Michelle Williams (actress) -- American actress
Wikipedia - Michelle Williams (singer) -- American musician
Wikipedia - Midge Williams -- American musician
Wikipedia - Midnight Mary -- 1933 film by William A. Wellman
Wikipedia - Midsummer Madness (1921 film) -- 1921 film by William C. deMille
Wikipedia - Mi Gente (J Balvin and Willy William song) -- 2017 single by J. Balvin and Willy William
Wikipedia - Miguel y William -- 2007 Spanish film by InM-CM-)s Paris
Wikipedia - Mike Williams (boxer) -- American boxer, born 1962
Wikipedia - Mike Williams (DJ) -- Dutch DJ and record producer
Wikipedia - Mike Williams (journalist) -- British journalist, born 1979
Wikipedia - Mike Will Made It -- American record producer and DJ
Wikipedia - Millennialism -- Belief that a Golden Age or Paradise will occur prior to the final judgment
Wikipedia - Millennium (song) -- 1998 single by Robbie Williams
Wikipedia - Millerism -- Christian movement founded by William Miller, which held that the Second Coming would come in 1844
Wikipedia - Miller Williams -- American poet, translator, editor
Wikipedia - Milton William Cooper -- American conspiracy theorist
Wikipedia - Minimalism: A Bridge Between Classical Philosophy and the BahaM-JM- -- 2004 book by William S. Hatcher
Wikipedia - Mink DeVille -- American band with Willy DeVille
Wikipedia - Miriam (film) -- 1957 film by William Markus
Wikipedia - Misbehaving Husbands -- 1940 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - Mischa Willett -- American poet
Wikipedia - Missing Witnesses -- 1937 film by William Clemens
Wikipedia - Miss Lulu Bett (film) -- 1921 film by William C. deMille
Wikipedia - Misunderstood (Robbie Williams song) -- 2004 single by Robbie Williams
Wikipedia - Mitrephora williamsii -- species of plant in the family Annonaceae
Wikipedia - Molinism -- Theological school which attempts to reconcile the providence of God with human free will
Wikipedia - Mom and Dad -- 1945 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - Money and Power -- Book by William D. Cohan
Wikipedia - Monier Monier-Williams
Wikipedia - Monier-Williams
Wikipedia - Monte Carlo Nights -- 1934 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - Montel Williams -- American former television host, actor and motivational speaker
Wikipedia - Moongate (book) -- 1982 conspiracy theory book by William L. Brian II
Wikipedia - More William -- Book by Richmal Crompton
Wikipedia - Morgan William II O'Donovan -- Irish noble
Wikipedia - Morris Meredith Williams -- British painter and illustrator, 1881-1973
Wikipedia - Morschwiller-le-Bas -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Mortal wound -- Injury that will ultimately lead to a person's death
Wikipedia - Mortzwiller -- Part of Le Haut-Soultzbach in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Mother Mary Theodore Williams -- American Roman Catholic nun
Wikipedia - Mott the Hoople (novel) -- 1966 novel by Willard Manus
Wikipedia - Mount Fitzwilliam -- Mountain in British Columbia, Canada
Wikipedia - Mount King William -- Mountain in Tasmania
Wikipedia - Move It On Over (song) -- 1947 song written and performed by Hank Williams
Wikipedia - Mo Willems -- American children's books illustrator and writer
Wikipedia - Mr. District Attorney (1941 film) -- 1941 film by William Morgan
Wikipedia - Mr. R&Beats -- 2020 studio album by Will Pan
Wikipedia - Mrs. Miniver -- 1942 film by William Wyler
Wikipedia - Mrs. William B. Astor House -- Demolished mansion in Manhattan, New York
Wikipedia - Mr. Wise Guy -- 1942 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - Mr. Wong, Detective -- 1938 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - Mr. Wu -- 1927 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - Much Ado About Nothing -- comedy play by William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Muhlenkopfschanze -- Ski jumping hill in Willingen, Germany
Wikipedia - Munwiller -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Muphry's law -- An adage that states: "If you write anything criticizing editing or proofreading, there will be a fault of some kind in what you have written."
Wikipedia - Murdered by My Boyfriend -- 2014 British television programme directed by Paul Andrew Williams
Wikipedia - Murder in Harlem -- 1935 film by Clarence Williams, Oscar Micheaux
Wikipedia - Murder of Jerry Michael Williams -- American man murdered in Florida, U.S.
Wikipedia - Murder of William de Cantilupe -- Notorious 14th-century murder in Lincolnshire
Wikipedia - Murder of William Robinson -- 1868 murder in British Columbia, Canada
Wikipedia - Murder on a Bridle Path -- 1936 film by William Hamilton
Wikipedia - Murder Will Out (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Murphy's law -- adage or epigram that is typically stated as: "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong".
Wikipedia - Murwillumbah -- Town in New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - Music Is Just a Bunch of Notes -- 1972 album by Spider John Koerner and Willie & the Bumblebees
Wikipedia - Music Is -- 1976 musical by George Abbott, Richard Adler, and Will Holt
Wikipedia - Musidora: The Bather 'At the Doubtful Breeze Alarmed' -- Four nearly identical oil paintings on canvas by English artist William Etty
Wikipedia - MusM-CM-)e de la Laub -- Museum in Bischwiller in the Bas-Rhin department of France
Wikipedia - My Heart Will Go On -- 1997 single by Celine Dion
Wikipedia - Mykelti Williamson -- American actor
Wikipedia - My Ladye Nevells Booke -- 1591 manuscript by William Byrd
Wikipedia - My M-CM-^Antonia -- Novel by Willa Cather
Wikipedia - Myrlie Evers-Williams -- American civil rights activist
Wikipedia - Mysterious Doctor Satan -- 1940 film by John English, William Witney
Wikipedia - Mystery Liner -- 1934 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - Mystery of the 13th Guest -- 1943 American crime/mystery film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - My will -- 2000 single by Dream
Wikipedia - Nancy DrewM-bM-^@M-& Trouble Shooter -- 1939 film by William Clemens
Wikipedia - Nancy I. Williams -- American sports scientist
Wikipedia - Nancy McWilliams
Wikipedia - Nancy Willard
Wikipedia - Napomuceno's Will (film) -- 1997 Cape Verdean drama film by Francisco Manso
Wikipedia - Naruto Shippuden the Movie: The Will of Fire -- 2009 Japanese anime film directed by Masahiko Murata
Wikipedia - Nash-Williams theorem -- Theorem in graph theory describing number of edge-disjoint spanning trees a graph can have
Wikipedia - Natchez Trace Parkway Bridge -- Bridge in Williamson County, Tennessee
Wikipedia - Nathaniel Parker Willis -- American magazine writer, editor, and publisher
Wikipedia - Nathan Willems -- American politician
Wikipedia - Nathan William MacChesney -- American lawyer
Wikipedia - Nathan Williams (Zydeco) -- American zydeco musician
Wikipedia - Nat M. Wills -- Singer
Wikipedia - Natural Law, or Don't Put a Rubber on Your Willy
Wikipedia - Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Willow Grove -- Naval airbase
Wikipedia - Negroes with Guns -- 1962 book by Robert F. Williams
Wikipedia - Neil Williams (pilot)
Wikipedia - Nell Hall Williams -- American artist
Wikipedia - Nellie Zabel Willhite -- American deaf female aviator
Wikipedia - Nelson Williams -- American musician
Wikipedia - Nelson Willy Mejia Mejia -- Honduran military officer
Wikipedia - Neolasioptera willistoni -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Neuromancer -- 1984 novel by William Gibson
Wikipedia - Neuroscience of free will
Wikipedia - Neuwiller -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Never Call Retreat -- Novel by Newt Gingrich and William R. Forstchen
Wikipedia - Neville Williams -- Australian boxer and activist
Wikipedia - Nevisport -- Outdoor clothing and equipment retailer founded in Fort William
Wikipedia - Nevis Radio -- Community radio station in Fort William, Scotland
Wikipedia - Newcassel Props -- Song performed by William Oliver
Wikipedia - New Place -- house in Stratford-upon-Avon associated with William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - New San Antonio Rose -- Song performed by Bob Wills
Wikipedia - News from Nowhere -- 1890 novel by William Morris
Wikipedia - Newton for Beginners -- Book written and illustrated by William Rankin
Wikipedia - Nice People (film) -- 1922 film by William C. deMille
Wikipedia - Nicholas Duncan-Williams -- Ghanaian pastor
Wikipedia - Nick Willing -- British director
Wikipedia - Nick Zangwill -- British philosopher
Wikipedia - Nicola Willis (politician) -- New Zealand politician
Wikipedia - Nicola Willis -- British artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Nicole A. Williams -- American politician
Wikipedia - Nicole Willis -- American singer-songwriter, producer, director and visual artist
Wikipedia - Nigel Williams (conservator) -- British conservator and expert on the restoration of ceramics and glass (1944-1992)
Wikipedia - Nigel Williams (priest) -- Archdeacon of St Asaph; Dean of St Asaph
Wikipedia - Night in New Orleans -- 1942 film by William Clemens
Wikipedia - Night of the Lepus -- 1972 film by William F. Claxton
Wikipedia - Nikita Willy -- Indonesian singer
Wikipedia - Nina Williams (climber) -- American professional rock climber (born 1990)
Wikipedia - NM-CM-.pawistamM-CM-"sowin: We Will Stand Up -- 2019 Canadian film
Wikipedia - Noah Arthur William Cox-George -- Sierra Leonean economist
Wikipedia - Noah von Williamsburg -- German noble and fencer (b. 1539)
Wikipedia - Noah Williams (diver) -- English diver
Wikipedia - Nobel's Last Will -- 2012 film
Wikipedia - Nobody Nowhere -- Book by Donna Williams
Wikipedia - Nobody Will Know -- 1953 film by Ramon Torrado
Wikipedia - No Man's Land (1918 film) -- 1918 silent film directed by Will S. Davis
Wikipedia - No Place for Me -- 1957 single by Willie Nelson
Wikipedia - No Regrets (Robbie Williams song) -- 1998 single by Robbie Williams
Wikipedia - Norman Williams (producer) -- British actor
Wikipedia - Norman Williams (RAAF officer) -- Royal Australian Air Force airman
Wikipedia - North of 36 -- 1924 film by Irvin Willat
Wikipedia - North of Nome (1936 film) -- 1936 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - North to the Pole -- 1986 book by Will Steger and Paul Schurke
Wikipedia - Northville Cemetery Massacre -- 1976 film by William Dear
Wikipedia - Notebook of William Blake -- Manuscript
Wikipedia - Nothing Sacred (film) -- 1937 film by William A. Wellman
Wikipedia - Notorious Gallagher -- 1916 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - Now That April's Here -- 1958 Canadian film directed by William Davidson
Wikipedia - Nuances of a Theme by Williams -- Poem by Wallace Stevens
Wikipedia - Nurse Marjorie -- 1920 film by William Desmond Taylor
Wikipedia - Obadiah Wills -- English clergyman and theologian
Wikipedia - Obermorschwiller -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Occamism -- Philosophical and theological teaching developed by William of Ockham
Wikipedia - Occultation (Islam) -- Belief in Shia Islam that the messianic figure, or Mahdi, was born but disappeared, and will return and fill the world with justice and peace
Wikipedia - Ocellated poorwill -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Odd-Magnus Williamson -- Norwegian comedian and actor
Wikipedia - Ode: Intimations of Immortality -- Poem by William Wordsworth
Wikipedia - Odell S. Williams Now And Then African-American Museum -- African-American history museum in Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Wikipedia - Odo of Bayeux -- 11th-century Bishop of Bayeux and half-brother of William the Conqueror
Wikipedia - Office Christmas Party -- 2016 American Christmas comedy film directed by Will Speck Josh Gordon
Wikipedia - Okal Rel Universe -- Setting for a 10-novel series written by Lynda Williams
Wikipedia - Olajide Williams (scientist) -- American neurologist
Wikipedia - Old Before I Die -- 1997 single by Robbie Williams
Wikipedia - Old Louisiana -- 1937 film by Irvin Willat
Wikipedia - Old Oklahoma Plains -- 1952 film by William Witney
Wikipedia - Old Overland Trail -- 1953 film by William Witney
Wikipedia - Oliver E. Williamson -- American economist
Wikipedia - Oliver Twist (1933 film) -- 1933 American film directed by William J. Cowen
Wikipedia - Oliver Zangwill
Wikipedia - Olive Willis -- British educationist
Wikipedia - Olivia Williams -- British actress
Wikipedia - Once a Doctor -- 1937 film by William Clemens
Wikipedia - Once I Will Return -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - One Day Son, This Will All Be Yours -- 2007 studio album by Fightstar
Wikipedia - One for the Road (Willie Nelson and Leon Russell album) -- 1979 album by Willie Nelson and Leon Russell
Wikipedia - One Morning Near Troodos -- 1959 film by William Sterling
Wikipedia - One Six Right -- 2005 film by Brian J. Terwilliger
Wikipedia - One Thrilling Night -- 1942 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - One Willoughby Square -- Proposed office building
Wikipedia - Only 38 -- 1923 film by William C. deMille
Wikipedia - On the Avenue -- 1937 film by William A. Seiter, Roy Del Ruth
Wikipedia - On the Banks of the Old Ponchartrain -- 1947 song performed by Hank Williams
Wikipedia - On the Bondage of the Will
Wikipedia - On the Equilibrium of Heterogeneous Substances -- Paper by Josiah Willard Gibbs
Wikipedia - On The Freedom of the Will
Wikipedia - On the Freedom of the Will
Wikipedia - On the High Seas -- 1922 film by Irvin Willat
Wikipedia - On Wenlock Edge (song cycle) -- Song cycle by Ralph Vaughan Williams
Wikipedia - Orchids to You -- 1935 film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - Oreola Williams Haskell -- American author
Wikipedia - Orfeo ed Euridice -- Opera by Christoph Willibald Gluck
Wikipedia - Orian Williams -- American producer
Wikipedia - OritsM-CM-) Williams -- English singer and dancer
Wikipedia - Orits Williki -- Nigerian reggae musician
Wikipedia - Orpheus Descending -- 1957 play by Tennessee Williams
Wikipedia - Osborne William Tancock -- English clergyman, headmaster, and author
Wikipedia - Oscar Williams
Wikipedia - Oswald William Moosmuller
Wikipedia - Otho Holland Williams -- Revolutionary War Officer (1749-1794)
Wikipedia - Otto Allen Will, Jr.
Wikipedia - Our Blood Will Not Forgive -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Our Day Will Come -- 1963 single by Ruby & the Romantics
Wikipedia - Ousmane William Mbaye -- Franco-Senegalese filmmaker
Wikipedia - Outlaws of Pine Ridge -- 1942 film by William Witney
Wikipedia - Outline of William Shakespeare -- overview of and topical guide to the life and legacy of William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Out of the Silent North -- 1922 film by William Worthington
Wikipedia - Out of the Storm (1920 film) -- 1920 film directed by William Parke
Wikipedia - Overdiagnosis -- Diagnosis of "disease" that will never cause symptoms or death during a patient's lifetime
Wikipedia - Overdrawn at the Memory Bank -- 1983 TV film directed by Doug Williams
Wikipedia - Overland to Deadwood -- 1942 film by William Berke
Wikipedia - Over the Hill (1917 film) -- 1917 silent short film directed by William Parke
Wikipedia - Owen Willans Richardson
Wikipedia - Pantheon (roller coaster) -- Launched roller coaster at Busch Gardens Williamsburg
Wikipedia - Parachela williaminae -- Species of fish
Wikipedia - Paranormal Activity 2 -- 2010 film by Tod Williams
Wikipedia - Parish L. Willis -- American politician
Wikipedia - Pasquale (film) -- 1916 film by William Desmond Taylor
Wikipedia - Passing Through (film) -- 1921 film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - Pass the Courvoisier, Part II -- single by Pharrell Williams, Busta Rhymes, Sean Combs
Wikipedia - Paterson (poem) -- Poem by William Carlos Williams
Wikipedia - Path of the Puma -- Non-fiction book by Jim Williams
Wikipedia - Patrick William Riordan -- Roman Catholic Archbishop of San Francisco, California
Wikipedia - Patrick Williams (composer) -- Composer
Wikipedia - Patrick Williams (cricketer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Patrick Williams (fighter) -- American mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Patrick Williams (Louisiana politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - Patrick Willis (judge) -- Retired American judge
Wikipedia - Patsy Willard -- American diver
Wikipedia - Pattern Recognition (novel) -- 2003 novel by William Gibson
Wikipedia - Patty Ann Williams -- American artist
Wikipedia - Patty Willis -- American aviator
Wikipedia - Pat Ward Williams -- American photographer
Wikipedia - Pat Williams (director) -- Canadian television director and producer
Wikipedia - Pat Williams (Montana politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - Paul Kerswill
Wikipedia - Paul L. Williams (author) -- 20th and 21st-century American writer and professor
Wikipedia - Paul O. Williams -- American writer
Wikipedia - Paul R. Williams
Wikipedia - Paul Willfuhr -- German track and field athlete
Wikipedia - Paul Williams (British professor)
Wikipedia - Paul Williams (Buddhist studies scholar)
Wikipedia - Paul Williams (Conservative politician) -- British politician
Wikipedia - Paul Williams (Crawdaddy! creator)
Wikipedia - Paul Williams (journalist)
Wikipedia - Paul Williamson -- Anglo-Catholic priest in the Church of England
Wikipedia - Paul Williams (songwriter) -- American composer, singer, songwriter and actor
Wikipedia - Paul Willis -- British social scientist
Wikipedia - Pawned (film) -- 1922 film directed by Irvin Willat
Wikipedia - Pedro Navaja -- Salsa song by Willie Colon & RubM-CM-)n Blades
Wikipedia - Pedro Will Hang -- 1941 film
Wikipedia - Peggy, the Will O' the Wisp -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - Pegwell Bay, Kent - a Recollection of October 5th 1858 -- 1860 painting by William Dyce
Wikipedia - Peltro William Tomkins -- English engraver and draughtsman
Wikipedia - Pennsylvania College of Technology -- Public college in Williamsport, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Penrod and His Twin Brother -- 1938 film by William C. McGann
Wikipedia - Penrod and Sam (1923 film) -- 1923 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - Penrod and Sam (1937 film) -- 1937 film by William C. McGann
Wikipedia - Pentecostal Free Will Baptist Church -- Church group in the southern United States
Wikipedia - People's Will Movement -- Political party in Colombia
Wikipedia - People Will Talk (1935 film) -- 1935 film by Alfred Santell
Wikipedia - People Will Talk -- 1951 film by Joseph L. Mankiewicz
Wikipedia - Pepe Willberg -- Finnish singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Perceiving God -- 1991 book by William Alston
Wikipedia - Perciphull Campbell -- planter miller Williamsburgh Union Grove settler
Wikipedia - Percy Williams Bridgman
Wikipedia - Pericles, Prince of Tyre -- Play written in part by William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Perils of Nyoka -- 1942 film by William Witney
Wikipedia - Periodic Tales -- popular science book by Hugh Aldersey-Williams
Wikipedia - Perri Williams -- Irish racewalker
Wikipedia - Perry Will -- American politician
Wikipedia - Perseverance of the saints -- Calvinist doctrine that the elect will continue in faith until the end
Wikipedia - Personal boundaries -- Guidelines, rules or limits that a person creates to identify reasonable, safe and permissible ways for other people to behave towards them and how they will respond when someone passes those limits.
Wikipedia - Per-Willy Amundsen -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Per Willy Guttormsen -- Norwegian speed skater
Wikipedia - Peter Gordon Williams -- British businessman
Wikipedia - Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway -- 2021 film directed by Will Gluck
Wikipedia - Peter Rabbit (film) -- 2018 film by Will Gluck
Wikipedia - Peter William Humphrey -- British journalist and private detective
Wikipedia - Peter Williams (actor) -- Actor
Wikipedia - Peter Williams (motorcyclist) -- British motorcycle racer
Wikipedia - Peter Williams (physicist) -- British physicist, born 1945
Wikipedia - Peter William Youens -- British diplomat
Wikipedia - Peter Willsman -- British political activist
Wikipedia - Pete Williams (fighter) -- American mixed martial artist
Wikipedia - Pete Williams (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Pete Williams (musician) -- English singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Pete Williamson -- Canadian speed skater
Wikipedia - Petra Schwille -- German biophysicist
Wikipedia - Phantom Killer (film) -- 1942 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - Pharrell Williams -- American singer, songwriter, and record producer Virginia
Wikipedia - Philip J. Williams -- American lawyer
Wikipedia - Philip Maynard Williams -- British political analyst
Wikipedia - Philippe Willems -- Belgian sailor
Wikipedia - Philip William Otterbein
Wikipedia - Philip Williams (cricketer, born 1824) -- English cricketer and cleric
Wikipedia - Philip William Skinner Miles -- English Conservative politician
Wikipedia - Philip Williams (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Philip Williamson (historian) -- English historian
Wikipedia - Phillips-Williams Fork Reservoir Site -- Paleoindian archaeological site in Colorado
Wikipedia - Phyllis Williams Lehmann -- American archaeologist
Wikipedia - Physicist and Christian -- Book by William G. Pollard
Wikipedia - Pictures from Brueghel and Other Poems -- Book by William Carlos Williams
Wikipedia - Pierce, Illinois -- Unincorporated community in Will County, Illinois
Wikipedia - Pierre Richard-Willm -- French actor
Wikipedia - Piers Plowman -- Middle English allegorical narrative poem by William Langland
Wikipedia - Pieter Willem Botha
Wikipedia - Pieter Willem Leenhouts -- botanist
Wikipedia - Pity (William Blake)
Wikipedia - Platyptilia williamsii -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Playing by Heart -- 1998 American comedy-drama film directed by Willard Carroll
Wikipedia - Poems (William Carlos Williams) -- Volume of poems from William Carlos Williams
Wikipedia - Poetical Sketches -- collection of poetry by William Blake
Wikipedia - Polo Joe -- 1936 film by William C. McGann
Wikipedia - Poor Girls -- 1927 film by William James Craft
Wikipedia - Popular Will -- Political party in Venezuela
Wikipedia - Portrait of Sir William Killigrew -- 1638 portrait by Anthony van Dyck
Wikipedia - Poto Williams -- New Zealand politician
Wikipedia - Prader-Willi syndrome -- Rare genetic disorder caused by part of the father's chromosome 15 being missing
Wikipedia - Pre-advent judgment -- Belief that the Last Judgment will occur before the Second Coming
Wikipedia - Predestination -- Doctrine that all events have been willed by God
Wikipedia - Predictions of the end of Wikipedia -- Theories that Wikipedia will break down or become obsolete
Wikipedia - Premillennialism -- Christian eschatological view that ChristM-bM-^@M-^Ys Second Coming will occur before the Millennium, an epoch of peace
Wikipedia - Premise -- Statement that an argument claims will induce or justify a conclusion
Wikipedia - Preparing for a Fancy Dress Ball -- Painting by William Etty
Wikipedia - Preserver (novel) -- Book by William Shatner
Wikipedia - Pretty Paper (song) -- Original song written and composed by Willie Nelson
Wikipedia - Pretty Paper -- 1979 Christmas studio album by Willie Nelson
Wikipedia - Pricing -- Process of determining what a company will receive in exchange for its products
Wikipedia - Prince Friso of Orange-Nassau -- Member of the Dutch Royal Family, brother of king Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands (b. 1968, d. 2013)
Wikipedia - Prince George of Cambridge -- British prince; Son of Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge
Wikipedia - Prince Louis of Cambridge -- Youngest child of Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge
Wikipedia - Princess Charlotte of Cambridge -- Daughter of Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge
Wikipedia - Prince William, Duke of Cambridge
Wikipedia - Prince William, Duke of Gloucester -- Son of Queen Anne
Wikipedia - Prince William Forest Park -- 17,000 acres in Virginia (US) maintained by the National Park Service
Wikipedia - Prince William Frederick, Duke of Gloucester and Edinburgh
Wikipedia - Prince William of Hesse-Kassel
Wikipedia - Prince William School -- Secondary school in Northamptonshire, England (UK)
Wikipedia - Prince William Sound -- Sound of the Gulf of Alaska
Wikipedia - Prince William's Seat -- Mountain in Dublin/Wicklow, Ireland
Wikipedia - Priscilla Williams -- South African politician
Wikipedia - Private Number (Judy Clay and William Bell song) -- 1968 single by Judy Clay and William Bell
Wikipedia - Probate -- Proving of a will
Wikipedia - Problem of free will
Wikipedia - Procreation sonnets -- sequence of sonnets by William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Proctacanthella willistoni -- Species of robber flies
Wikipedia - Professional Sweetheart -- 1933 film directed by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - Project Kill -- 1976 action film by William Girdler
Wikipedia - Property damage -- damage or destruction of property caused by negligence, willful destruction, or act of nature
Wikipedia - Prospero -- Character in William Shakespeare's ''The Tempest''
Wikipedia - Prostitution, Considered in Its Moral, Social, and Sanitary Aspects -- Book by William Acton
Wikipedia - Prudence the Pirate -- 1916 silent film directed by William Parke
Wikipedia - Pseudoxandra williamsii -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Pursuit to Algiers -- 1945 film by Roy William Neill
Wikipedia - Puss Gets the Boot -- 1940 cartoon by Joseph Barbera, William Hanna, Rudolf Ising
Wikipedia - Pussy willow
Wikipedia - Pylon (novel) -- Novel by William Faulkner
Wikipedia - Quentin Willson -- British television presenter
Wikipedia - Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be) -- Popular song by Jay Livingston and Ray Evans
Wikipedia - Quis separabit? -- Latin motto meaning "who will separate?"
Wikipedia - Race of the future -- Theoretical composite race which will result from ongoing racial admixture
Wikipedia - Rachel Williams -- American model, television presenter
Wikipedia - Radio (Robbie Williams song) -- 2004 single by Robbie Williams
Wikipedia - Radium, and Other Radioactive Substances -- Book by William Joseph Hammer
Wikipedia - Radziwill family
Wikipedia - Rafter Romance -- 1933 comedy film directed by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - Raid on Bungeling Bay -- 1984 video game designed by Will Wright
Wikipedia - Rake and Ramblin' Man -- 1978 single by Don Williams
Wikipedia - Raleigh Was Right -- Poem by William Carlos Williams
Wikipedia - Rally Cry -- Book by William R. Forstchen
Wikipedia - Ralph King-Milbanke, 2nd Earl of Lovelace -- Child of Ada Lovelace and William King-Noel
Wikipedia - Ralph Vaughan Williams -- 20th-century English composer
Wikipedia - Ralph William Franklin -- Episcopal Bishop of Western New York (b. 1947)
Wikipedia - Ralph Williams (cricketer) -- English cricketer and barrister
Wikipedia - Randall William Cook -- American special effects artist
Wikipedia - Randall Williams (politician) -- South African politician
Wikipedia - Randy Will -- American bobsledder
Wikipedia - Rantzwiller -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Rapture Ready -- Evangelical Christian website that argues that the rapture will occur in the near future and tracks real-world events supposedly foretold in the Bible
Wikipedia - Raquel Willis -- American writer and transgender rights activist
Wikipedia - Rasuwillka -- Mountain in Peru
Wikipedia - Raw (Alyson Williams album) -- 1989 studio album by Alyson Williams
Wikipedia - Raymond E. S. Williamson -- U.S. Army Brigadier General
Wikipedia - Raymond E. Willis -- American politician
Wikipedia - Raymond Williams
Wikipedia - Ray Williams (politician) -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - Ray Williams (weightlifter) -- Welsh weightlifter
Wikipedia - RC Willey Home Furnishings
Wikipedia - Reaching for the Sun -- 1941 film by William A. Wellman
Wikipedia - Ready, Willing, and Able (film) -- 1937 film by Ray Enright
Wikipedia - Real Boys -- 1998 book by William S. Pollack
Wikipedia - Reason: Why Liberals Will Win the Battle for America -- Book by Robert Reich
Wikipedia - Rebecca Willis -- British academic and environmental scientist
Wikipedia - Redeeming Love (1916 film) -- 1916 film by William Desmond Taylor
Wikipedia - Redesdale and Wise William -- Traditional song
Wikipedia - Reggie Williams (activist) -- American activist
Wikipedia - Reginald Williams (MP) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Reinforcement -- A consequence applied that will strengthen an organism's future behavior
Wikipedia - Reinout Willem van Bemmelen
Wikipedia - Religious views of William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Renee Williams -- Largest women in the world
Wikipedia - Reputation of William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Rescue from SS William Hope -- 1884 beaching of steamship
Wikipedia - Reservation wage -- Lowest wage rate at which a worker would be willing to accept a particular type of job
Wikipedia - Return to the Blue Lagoon -- 1991 American romantic adventure film by William A. Graham
Wikipedia - Retzwiller -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Revanchism -- Term to describe a political manifestation of the will to reverse territorial losses
Wikipedia - Reva Williams -- American astronomer
Wikipedia - Revolt of the Earls -- 1075 rebellion in medieval England against William the Conqueror
Wikipedia - Rev. William Emerson
Wikipedia - Rex Allen Arizona Cowboy Museum and Willcox Cowboy Hall of Fame -- Hall of Fame for Cowboys
Wikipedia - Rex Williams -- English former professional snooker and billiards player, 7-time world English billiards champion
Wikipedia - Rhoda Williams Benham -- American mycologist
Wikipedia - Rhys Williams (hurdler) -- British hurdling athlete
Wikipedia - Ricard mac Seaan an Tearmainn Bourke -- 16th Mac Willian Iochtar
Wikipedia - Richard Allen Williams -- American physician
Wikipedia - Richard Ernest William Turner -- Canadian Army general and recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Richard J. Willard -- American prison warden
Wikipedia - Richard Mackenzie Williams -- Welsh Anglican priest
Wikipedia - Richard Newton Holwill -- American diplomat
Wikipedia - Richard "the Iron" Bourke -- 18th lord of Mac William Iochtar, County Mayo, Ireland
Wikipedia - Richard Shakespeare -- grandfather of William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Richard, son of William the Conqueror -- 11th-century son of William the Conqueror
Wikipedia - Richard William Allen -- Mechanical engineer
Wikipedia - Richard William Church
Wikipedia - Richard William Fereday -- New Zealand lawyer, entomologist, and artist
Wikipedia - Richard William Ford -- English solicitor and businessman
Wikipedia - Richard William Leslie Wain -- Welsh recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Richard Williams (animator) -- Canadian-British animator
Wikipedia - Richard Williams (boxer) -- English boxer, born 1971
Wikipedia - Richard Williams (congressman) -- American lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - Richard William Scott -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - Richard Williams Morgan -- Welsh Anglican priest and author (c.1815-1889)
Wikipedia - Richard Williamson (sailor) -- Australian sailor
Wikipedia - Richard Williams (RAAF officer) -- Royal Australian Air Force chief
Wikipedia - Richard William Timm -- Bangladeshi zoologist
Wikipedia - Richard Willis (bishop)
Wikipedia - Richwiller -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Rich Wills -- American politician from Idaho
Wikipedia - Rick Williams (Australian politician) -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - Riders of the Northland -- 1942 film by William Berke
Wikipedia - Ridgway William Newland -- English congregational minister and pioneer
Wikipedia - Riding Through Nevada -- 1942 film by William Berke
Wikipedia - Riding West -- 1944 film by William Berke
Wikipedia - Ridley Wills II -- American author
Wikipedia - Rimbach-pres-Guebwiller -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - River Swilly -- River in County Donegal, Ireland
Wikipedia - R. M. Williams (company) -- Australian footwear and clothing brand
Wikipedia - Road to Survival -- Book by William Vogt
Wikipedia - Robbie Williams discography -- artist discography
Wikipedia - Robbie Williams -- British singer and entertainer
Wikipedia - Roberta (1935 film) -- 1935 American musical film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - Robert A. Taft -- American politician, son of 27th U.S. President William Howard Taft
Wikipedia - Roberta Williams -- American video game designer, writer and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Robert Blackwill
Wikipedia - Robert B. Williams (actor) -- American actor (1904-1978)
Wikipedia - Robert Cary-Williams -- British fashion designer
Wikipedia - Robert, Count of Mortain -- 11th-century Norman nobleman and the uterine half-brother of William the Conqueror
Wikipedia - Robert F. Williams -- American civil rights activist
Wikipedia - Robert Gooding-Williams -- American academic
Wikipedia - Robert Goodwill -- British Conservative politician
Wikipedia - Robert H. Williams (soldier) -- USMC Navy Cross recipient
Wikipedia - Robert H. Williams -- American physicist
Wikipedia - Robert Joseph Paton Williams
Wikipedia - Robert Joseph Willan -- British surgeon
Wikipedia - Robert Statham Williams -- American botanist
Wikipedia - Robert Watson Willis -- British sportsman
Wikipedia - Robert Willard Hodgson -- American agronomist
Wikipedia - Robert William Bilger
Wikipedia - Robert William Boyle -- Canadian-British physicist
Wikipedia - Robert William Briggs
Wikipedia - Robert William Cumberbatch -- British diplomat
Wikipedia - Robert William Doran
Wikipedia - Robert William Evans -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - Robert William Fisher -- American fugitive
Wikipedia - Robert William Hamilton Jr. -- American physiologist and researcher in hyperbaric physiology.
Wikipedia - Robert William Hanbury -- British politician
Wikipedia - Robert William Hay -- British public official
Wikipedia - Robert William Hooper -- Boston physician
Wikipedia - Robert William Keith -- British composer
Wikipedia - Robert William Lawrence -- Australian botanist of the 19th century
Wikipedia - Robert William Rankin -- Royal Australian Navy officer
Wikipedia - Robert Williams (archer) -- American archer
Wikipedia - Robert Williams (artist) -- American painter and cartoonist
Wikipedia - Robert Williams Buchanan
Wikipedia - Robert Williams (died 1763) -- Welsh politician, died 1763
Wikipedia - Robert Williamson (physician)
Wikipedia - Robert Williams (poet) -- Welsh poet (b. 1744 to d. 1815)
Wikipedia - Robert Williams (psychologist) -- Psychology professor, born 1930
Wikipedia - Robert Williams (robot fatality) -- First person killed by a robot
Wikipedia - Robert Williams town -- Ex-town in Angola
Wikipedia - Robert William Strong Sr. -- US Army general
Wikipedia - Robert Williams (Victorian politician) -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - Robert Willis (engineer) -- English academic
Wikipedia - Robert Willis (minister) -- Canadian minister
Wikipedia - Robert Willis (sailor) -- American windsurfer
Wikipedia - Robina Williams -- English author
Wikipedia - Robin Hood of El Dorado (film) -- 1936 film by William A. Wellman
Wikipedia - Robin Hood of the Range -- 1943 film by William Berke
Wikipedia - Robin Hood Rescuing Will Stutly -- Traditional song
Wikipedia - Robin Williams
Wikipedia - Robin Williams (writer) -- American writer
Wikipedia - Robley C. Williams
Wikipedia - Robley Williams
Wikipedia - Robyn Williams -- Australian science journalist
Wikipedia - Rock DJ -- 2000 single by Robbie Williams
Wikipedia - Rock, Rock, Rock! (film) -- 1956 film directed by Will Price
Wikipedia - Rocky Mountain (film) -- 1950 western film by William Keighley
Wikipedia - Rodger Willett Jr. -- American archer
Wikipedia - Rodney Willett -- Virginia house of representatives member
Wikipedia - Rodwell Williams -- Belizean lawyer
Wikipedia - Roger de Beaumont -- Advisor to William the Conqueror
Wikipedia - Roger J. Williams -- American bio-chemist and writer
Wikipedia - Roger Lawrence Williams -- American historian
Wikipedia - Roger L. Williams
Wikipedia - Roger William Brown
Wikipedia - Roger Williams (actor) -- American actor (1898-1964)
Wikipedia - Roger Williams (American politician) -- American politician and businessman
Wikipedia - Roger Williams (British politician) -- British politician (born 1948)
Wikipedia - Roger Williams (hepatologist) -- British hepatologist
Wikipedia - Roger Williams Park Zoo -- Zoo in Providence, Rhode Island; third oldest in the US
Wikipedia - Roger Williams (theologian)
Wikipedia - Roger Williams -- English Protestant theologian and founder of the colony of Providence Plantation
Wikipedia - Rolling Home (1926 film) -- 1926 film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - Romance of the Limberlost -- 1938 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - Romeo and Juliet -- tragedy by William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Ronald J. Williams
Wikipedia - Ronald "Slim" Williams -- American businessman
Wikipedia - Ron Williams -- American businessperson
Wikipedia - Rookwood (novel) -- 1834 novel by William Harrison Ainsworth
Wikipedia - Room Service (1938 film) -- 1938 Marx Brothers film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - Rope (1957 film) -- 1957 television film directed by William Sterling
Wikipedia - Roppentzwiller -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Roscoe (novel) -- Book by William Kennedy
Wikipedia - Roselyn E. Williams -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - Rose of the Rio Grande -- 1938 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - Rose Williams (actress) -- English actress
Wikipedia - Roshumba Williams -- American model
Wikipedia - Ross Honeywill
Wikipedia - Route 666 (film) -- 2001 film by William Wesley
Wikipedia - Rowan Williams
Wikipedia - Roxie Hart (film) -- 1942 film by William A. Wellman
Wikipedia - Royal Courage, King William's Happy Success in Ireland -- Song
Wikipedia - Royal Military Band "Johan Willem Friso" -- Dutch military band
Wikipedia - Royal William Victualling Yard -- Site of Grade I and II listed buildings in Plymouth
Wikipedia - Roy David Williams -- Physicist and data scientist
Wikipedia - Roy Terwilliger -- American politician
Wikipedia - Roy William Neill -- Film director
Wikipedia - R. Scott Williams -- American Air Force general
Wikipedia - Rudebox (song) -- 2006 single by Robbie Williams
Wikipedia - Rudolf von Willemoes-Suhm
Wikipedia - Rules of Engagement (film) -- 2000 film by William Friedkin
Wikipedia - Rumer Willis -- American actress
Wikipedia - Running, Jumping, Standing Still -- 1969 album by Spider John Koerner and Willie Murphy
Wikipedia - Rural Rides -- Book by William Cobbett
Wikipedia - Russell Williams (cyclist) -- English racing cyclist, cycling coach, and cycling journalist
Wikipedia - Russell Williams II -- American production sound mixer
Wikipedia - Russell Williams (politician) -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - Russell Willson -- American flag officer and inventor
Wikipedia - Rustling a Bride -- 1919 film by Irvin Willat
Wikipedia - Rusty Leads the Way -- 1948 film by Will Jason
Wikipedia - Ruth J. Williams -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - Ruth Margaret Williams -- British physicist (born 1945)
Wikipedia - Ruth Williams Cupp -- American judge and politician (1928-2016)
Wikipedia - Ryan Piers Williams -- American actor and film director
Wikipedia - Ryan Williams (computer scientist) -- Computer scientist
Wikipedia - Ryan Wills -- New Zealand bicycle racer
Wikipedia - Saddles and Sagebrush -- 1943 film by William Berke
Wikipedia - Sailing to Byzantium -- poem by William Butler Yeats
Wikipedia - Saint William (disambiguation)
Wikipedia - Saint Willibald
Wikipedia - Saint Willibrord
Wikipedia - Salix jejuna -- Species of willow restricted to a 30 km stretch of coastal barren lands of the Strait of Belle Isle on the Great Northern Peninsula of Newfoundland
Wikipedia - Salix tweedyi -- Shrub in the willow family
Wikipedia - Sally, Irene and Mary (1938 film) -- 1938 film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - Samm-Art Williams -- American playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Samuel Wendell Williston
Wikipedia - Samuel William King -- English clergyman and geologist
Wikipedia - Samuel Williams (Australian politician) -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - Samuel William Smith -- American politician
Wikipedia - Sam Willetts -- English poet
Wikipedia - Sancta Civitas -- Oratorio by Ralph Vaughan Williams
Wikipedia - Sanctuary (play) -- Play by David Williamson
Wikipedia - Sandra Will Carradine -- American film and television actress
Wikipedia - Sandy Point State Forest -- Forest in King William County, Virginia
Wikipedia - Sarah Furman Warner Williams -- American embroider and quiltmaker
Wikipedia - Sarah-Jane Gwillim -- British actress
Wikipedia - Sarah Wescot-Williams -- The first Prime Minister of Sint Maarten
Wikipedia - Sarah Williams (Labyrinth) -- Fictional character
Wikipedia - Sarah Williams -- English poet
Wikipedia - Sasha Williams (The Walking Dead) -- The Walking Dead character
Wikipedia - Satan Met a Lady -- 1936 film by William Dieterle
Wikipedia - Saul Williams (album)
Wikipedia - Saul williams
Wikipedia - Saul Williams -- American singer, musician, poet, writer, and actor
Wikipedia - Scene from Shakespeare's The Tempest -- c.M-bM-^@M-^I1736-1738 painting by William Hogarth
Wikipedia - School for Girls -- 1934 film directed by William Nigh
Wikipedia - School of Life -- 2005 made-for-television drama film directed by William Dear
Wikipedia - Schowonda Williams -- American hurdler
Wikipedia - Scientific diver training -- Training divers who will be doing scientific work underwater
Wikipedia - Scotland, PA -- 2001 tragedy film by William Morrissette
Wikipedia - Scott A. Williams -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Scott William Carter -- American fiction writer
Wikipedia - Scott William Cox -- American murderer and suspected serial killer
Wikipedia - Scott Williamson (hiker) -- PCT Thru-Hiker, PCT Yo-Yo Hiker, PCT Speed Record Holder
Wikipedia - Scott W. Williams -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - Scream & Shout -- 2012 single by and Britney Spears
Wikipedia - SC Sand -- A German sport club from WillstM-CM-$tt, Baden-Wurttemberg
Wikipedia - Seann William Scott -- American actor
Wikipedia - Sebastian Wille -- German medical specialist, university professor
Wikipedia - Second Folio -- 1632 second edition of the works of William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Second inauguration of William McKinley -- 29th United States presidential inauguration
Wikipedia - Secret Evidence -- 1941 film directed by William Nigh
Wikipedia - Secrets of an Actress -- 1938 film by William Keighley
Wikipedia - Secrets of the Underground -- 1942 film by William Morgan
Wikipedia - Secular Cantata No. 2: A Free Song -- Music by William Schuman
Wikipedia - Selaginella willdenowii -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Serenade to Music -- Music based on The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Serpent of the Nile -- 1953 film by William Castle
Wikipedia - Seth Williams (USMC) -- U.S. Marine Corps Major General and Quartermaster of the Marie Corps during World War II
Wikipedia - Sex in Chains -- 1928 film directed by William Dieterle
Wikipedia - Sexuality of William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Shadow of Heroes -- 1961 film by William Sterling
Wikipedia - Shakespearean comedy -- theatrical genre defined by William Shakespeare's comedic plays
Wikipedia - Shakespearean dance -- dancing in the time and plays of William Shakespeare and his contemporaries
Wikipedia - Shakespearean fool -- character archetype recurring in the works of William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Shakespeare attribution studies -- scholarly discipline that attempts to determine the authorial boundaries of the William Shakespeare canon
Wikipedia - Shakespeare in the Park festivals -- Outdoor festivals featuring productions of William Shakespeare's plays
Wikipedia - Shakespeare Jubilee -- 1769 jubilee celebrating William Shakespeare in Stratford-upon-Avon
Wikipedia - Shakespeare's funerary monument -- funerary monument for William Shakespeare in Stratford-upon-Avon
Wikipedia - Shakespeare's plays -- Plays written by William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Shakespeare's sonnets -- poems by William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Shakespeare's Will (play) -- 2005 play by Vern Thiessen
Wikipedia - Shakespeare's will -- 1616 last will and testament of William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Shall and will -- Discussion of modal verbs
Wikipedia - Shame (Robbie Williams and Gary Barlow song) -- 2010 single by Robbie Williams and Gary Barlow
Wikipedia - Shane Williamson -- Australian-Japanese speed skater
Wikipedia - Shanice Williams (actress) -- American actress and singer
Wikipedia - Shanthi Williams -- Indian actress
Wikipedia - Shaun Williamson -- English actor, singer, media personality and occasional presenter
Wikipedia - Shedron D. Williams -- American politician
Wikipedia - She Gets Her Man -- 1935 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - Sheila Lerwill -- British athlete
Wikipedia - Shepherds Find Zenobia on the Banks of the Araxes -- Painting by William-Adolphe Bouguereau
Wikipedia - Sherley Anne Williams -- American poet, novelist, and vocalist
Wikipedia - Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon -- 1943 film by Roy William Neill
Wikipedia - Shermaine Williams -- Jamaican hurdler
Wikipedia - Sherwin-Williams -- American company
Wikipedia - She's Madonna -- 2007 single by Robbie Williams
Wikipedia - She Will Be Loved -- 2004 single by Maroon 5
Wikipedia - She Will -- 2011 single by Lil Wayne
Wikipedia - Shirley Willer -- American feminist and activist
Wikipedia - Shooting of John Crawford III -- African-American man shot and killed by Beavercreek police officer Sean Williams
Wikipedia - Shooting of Timothy Russell and Malissa Williams -- Killing of two homeless Black people in Cleveland
Wikipedia - Shooting of Willie McCoy -- 2019 police killing of a black man in Vallejo, California, United States
Wikipedia - Shore Tilbe Perkins+Will -- Architecture firm
Wikipedia - Shrek! -- 1990 fantasy book by William Steig
Wikipedia - Sh! The Octopus -- 1937 film by William C. McGann
Wikipedia - Sidney William Ware -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Siege of Fort William Henry -- Siege in the Seven Years' War
Wikipedia - Siembra -- 1978 studio album by Willie Colon & RubM-CM-)n Blades
Wikipedia - Sierra Sue -- 1941 film by William Morgan
Wikipedia - Silver City Raiders -- 1943 film by William Berke
Wikipedia - Simon Channing Williams
Wikipedia - Simon Williams (weightlifter) -- Jamaican weightlifter
Wikipedia - Sincerely (Dwight Twilley Band album) -- 1976 album by the Dwight Twilley Band
Wikipedia - Sing and Like It -- 1934 film directed by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - Single point of failure -- A part of a system that, if it fails, will stop the entire system from working
Wikipedia - Sin Sin Sin -- 2006 single by Robbie Williams
Wikipedia - Sin Town (1929 film) -- 1929 film by William K. Howard
Wikipedia - Sir David Williams Professor of Public Law -- Professorship in English public law at the University of Cambridge
Wikipedia - Sir Frederick Wills, 1st Baronet -- British businessman and politician
Wikipedia - Sir Henry Willoughby (1451-1528) -- 15th-century English Knight
Wikipedia - Sir John Elwill, 4th Baronet -- English aristocrat and politician
Wikipedia - Sir John Oldcastle -- 17th-century play sometimes attributed to William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Sir John Williams, 1st Baronet, of the City of London
Wikipedia - Sir Joseph Williamson's Mathematical School
Wikipedia - Sir Osmond Williams, 1st Baronet -- British politician
Wikipedia - Sir Robert Williams, 1st Baronet, of Bridehead -- British politician
Wikipedia - Sir Robert Williams, 1st Baronet, of Park -- British businessman
Wikipedia - Sir Watkin Williams-Wynn, 5th Baronet -- Welsh politician
Wikipedia - Sir William Abdy, 7th Baronet -- English landowner
Wikipedia - Sir William Anson, 3rd Baronet -- 19th/20th-century British politician
Wikipedia - Sir William Ashburnham, 4th Baronet
Wikipedia - Sir William Blackett, 2nd Baronet -- British politician
Wikipedia - Sir William Borlase's Grammar School Boat Club -- British rowing club
Wikipedia - Sir William Bowman, 1st Baronet -- English surgeon, histologist and anatomist (1816-1892)
Wikipedia - Sir William Brabazon, 2nd Baronet -- Irish Member of Parliament.
Wikipedia - Sir William Bull, 1st Baronet -- British politician
Wikipedia - Sir William Clay, 1st Baronet -- British politician
Wikipedia - Sir William Clayton, 5th Baronet -- British politician
Wikipedia - Sir William Coates, 1st Baronet -- Irish stockbroker and politician
Wikipedia - Sir William Coddington, 1st Baronet -- British politician
Wikipedia - Sir William Crookes
Wikipedia - Sir William Dawes, 3rd Baronet
Wikipedia - Sir William Dunn, 1st Baronet, of Lakenheath -- British politician
Wikipedia - Sir William Dunn School of Pathology
Wikipedia - Sir William Gage, 7th Baronet -- British landowner and politician
Wikipedia - Sir William Gull, 1st Baronet
Wikipedia - Sir William Hamilton, 9th Baronet
Wikipedia - Sir William Hart Dyke, 7th Baronet -- English politician and tennis pioneer
Wikipedia - Sir William Henry Perkin
Wikipedia - Sir William Herschel, 2nd Baronet -- British forensic scientist
Wikipedia - Sir William (horse) -- Champion racehorse who won the 1838 Grand Liverpool steeplechase, later known as the Grand National
Wikipedia - Sir William Jardine, 7th Baronet -- Scottish ornithologist and naturalist
Wikipedia - Sir William Johnson, 1st Baronet -- Anglo-Irish government official
Wikipedia - Sir William Keith, 4th Baronet -- Colonial Governor of Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Sir William Mackinnon, 1st Baronet -- Scottish businessman
Wikipedia - Sir William Martin, 4th Baronet -- Royal Navy admiral
Wikipedia - Sir William Milman -- 17th-century English lawyer
Wikipedia - Sir William Moore, 1st Baronet -- British politician
Wikipedia - Sir William Mount, 1st Baronet -- British politician
Wikipedia - Sir William Osler
Wikipedia - Sir William Paddy
Wikipedia - Sir William Perkins's School Boat Club -- British rowing club
Wikipedia - Sir William Richmond Brown, 2nd Baronet -- British landowner
Wikipedia - Sir William Shelley -- English judge and politician
Wikipedia - Sir William Tomlinson, 1st Baronet -- British politician
Wikipedia - Sir William Trelawny, 6th Baronet -- British politician
Wikipedia - Sir William Williams, 1st Baronet, of Gray's Inn
Wikipedia - Sir William Young, 4th Baronet -- Politician
Wikipedia - Sir William Younger, 1st Baronet, of Auchen Castle -- British politician
Wikipedia - Skatetown, U.S.A. -- 1979 film by William A. Levey
Wikipedia - Skinner's Dress Suit -- 1926 film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - Skip Williams
Wikipedia - Slander (1916 film) -- 1916 film by Will S. Davis
Wikipedia - Sleeping with Strangers -- 1994 film by William T. Bolson
Wikipedia - Sloulin Field International Airport -- Defunct airport in Williston, North Dakota
Wikipedia - Small nucleolar RNA SNORD116 -- Non-coding RNA molecule involved in Prader-Willi syndrome
Wikipedia - Small Town Girl (1936 film) -- 1936 film by William A. Wellman, Robert Zigler Leonard
Wikipedia - Smuggler's Gold (film) -- 1951 film directed by William A. Berke
Wikipedia - Soldiers of the Cross Church -- Denomination organized in the early 1920s by Ernest William Sellers
Wikipedia - Solo (Boyd novel) -- James Bond continuation novel by William Boyd
Wikipedia - Solomon (Boyce) -- 1712 serenata by Willkiam Boyce
Wikipedia - Someday (I Will Understand) -- 2005 single by Britney Spears
Wikipedia - Something Different (1920 film) -- 1920 film by Roy William Neill
Wikipedia - Songs and Proverbs of William Blake -- music by Benjamin Britten
Wikipedia - Songs of Travel -- Song cycle by Vaughan Williams
Wikipedia - Sonnet 104 -- poem by William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Sonnet 127 -- poem by William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Sonnet 129 -- poem by William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Sonnet 134 -- Poem by William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Sonnet 146 -- poem by William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Sonnet 14 -- poem by William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Sonnet 18 -- sonnet by William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Sonnet 19 -- poem by William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Sonnet 21 -- poem by William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Sonnet 22 -- poem by William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Sonnet 23 -- poem by William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Sonnet 24 -- poem by William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Sonnet 53 -- poem by William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Sonnet 73 -- sonnet by William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Sonnet 86 -- sonnet by William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Sonny Boy Williamson II -- American blues harmonica player, singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Sonny Boy Williamson I -- American blues musician
Wikipedia - Sons of the Desert -- 1933 film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - Sophia Olelkovich Radziwill
Wikipedia - Sophia Wells Royce Williams -- American philanthropist
Wikipedia - Sophie's Choice (novel) -- Novel by William Styron
Wikipedia - Soul Serenade (King Curtis song) -- 1968 song by Willie Mitchell
Wikipedia - Sour Grapes (poetry collection) -- Book by William Carlos Williams
Wikipedia - South Murwillumbah -- Suburb of Tweed Heads, New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - South Sea Adventure -- 1952 children's book by Willard Price
Wikipedia - South Side Mall (South Williamson, Kentucky) -- Shopping mall in Kentucky, U.S.
Wikipedia - Special Agent (1949 film) -- 1949 film by William C. Thomas
Wikipedia - Speechwriter -- Person who writes speeches that will be delivered by another person
Wikipedia - Speed to Spare -- 1948 film by William A. Berke
Wikipedia - Spencer Williams -- American jazz and popular music composer, pianist, and singer
Wikipedia - Sperrbezirk -- 1966 film by Will Tremper
Wikipedia - Spook Country -- 2007 Book by William Gibson
Wikipedia - Spreading (debate) -- Speaking extremely fast during a competitive debating event, with the intent that one's opponent will be penalised for failing to respond to all arguments raised
Wikipedia - Spring and All -- Book by William Carlos Williams
Wikipedia - Springett Penn (II) -- Grandson of William Penn, founder of Pennsylvania, U.S.
Wikipedia - Square Deal Sanderson -- 1919 film by William S. Hart
Wikipedia - Stacey Williams -- American fashion model
Wikipedia - Stage Struck (1948 film) -- 1948 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - Stancomb-Wills Glacier -- Glacierof Antarctica
Wikipedia - Stanley Williams -- American criminal
Wikipedia - Stan Williams (baseball)
Wikipedia - Star Bridge -- Novel by Jack Williamson
Wikipedia - Starman (Will Payton) -- Fictional comics superhero
Wikipedia - Stars Over Broadway -- 1935 film by William Keighley
Wikipedia - Star Trek V: The Final Frontier -- 1989 American science fiction film directed by William Shatner
Wikipedia - Star Wars (Main Title) -- 1977 single by John Williams
Wikipedia - Statesboro Blues -- Blues song written by Blind Willie McTell
Wikipedia - Statue of William King -- Marble sculpture depicting Maine's first governor of the same name by Franklin Simmons, installed in the US Capitol, in Washington, DC
Wikipedia - Statue of Williams Carter Wickham -- Monument to Confederate general in Richmond, Virginia
Wikipedia - Statue of William Shakespeare, Leicester Square
Wikipedia - Statue of William Shakespeare (New York City) -- bronze statue by John Quincy Adams Ward in Central Park
Wikipedia - Statue of William Shakespeare (Roubiliac)
Wikipedia - Stay the Night (Zedd song) -- 2013 single by Zedd featuring Hayley Williams of Paramore
Wikipedia - Stealing Home -- 1988 film by William Porter, Steven Kampmann
Wikipedia - Steamboat Willie (musician) -- American jazz musician
Wikipedia - Steamboat Willie -- 1928 American animated short film
Wikipedia - Steamship William G. Mather Maritime Museum -- Museum ship in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - Stefan William -- Indonesian actor
Wikipedia - Stephanie van Willigenburg -- Canadian mathematician
Wikipedia - Stephen F. Williamson -- U.S. Navy officer
Wikipedia - Stephen Williams (archeologist)
Wikipedia - Stephen Williams (director) -- Canadian film director
Wikipedia - Stephen Willie Yeboah -- Ghanaian politician
Wikipedia - Steve McWilliams -- American drug activist
Wikipedia - Steven Williams (snowboarder) -- Argentine snowboarder
Wikipedia - Steve Preston -- CEO of Goodwill
Wikipedia - SteveWillDoIt -- American youtuber
Wikipedia - Still William -- Book by Richmal Crompton
Wikipedia - Stimson Doctrine -- Policy that the United States will not recognize countries created by aggression
Wikipedia - Stingaree (1934 film) -- 1934 film by William A. Wellman
Wikipedia - St. James's (novel) -- 1844 novel by William Harrison Ainsworth
Wikipedia - Stoner (novel) -- 1965 novel by the American writer John Williams
Wikipedia - Stout Hearts and Willing Hands -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Stowaway (1936 film) -- 1936 film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - Straight Shootin' -- 1927 film by William Wyler
Wikipedia - Strait-Jacket -- 1964 film by William Castle
Wikipedia - Strange fits of passion have I known -- Poem by William Wordsworth
Wikipedia - Strawberry Thief (William Morris) -- 1883 textile pattern by William Morris
Wikipedia - Strip the willow -- Country dance
Wikipedia - Strong (Robbie Williams song) -- 1999 single by Robbie Williams
Wikipedia - Stuart Perry and William Swezey Houses -- Historic houses in Herkimer County, New York
Wikipedia - St. William of Gellone
Wikipedia - St. William Parish (Lawncrest)
Wikipedia - St William's College
Wikipedia - Sucker Punch (play) -- 2010 play by Roy Williams
Wikipedia - Sue Williams (painter) -- American artist
Wikipedia - Suicide of William Arthur Gibbs -- English 1877 child suicide
Wikipedia - Summer's Last Will and Testament (Lambert) -- Masque
Wikipedia - Sunita Williams -- American astronaut and United States Navy officer
Wikipedia - Sunrise problem -- Problem asking the probability that the sun will rise tomorrow
Wikipedia - Sunset in the West -- 1950 film by William Witney
Wikipedia - Sunset in Wyoming -- 1941 film by William Morgan
Wikipedia - Sunset Pass (1946 film) -- 1946 film directed by William A. Berke
Wikipedia - Supply (economics) -- In economics, the amount of a good that sellers are willing to provide in the market
Wikipedia - Surrender of Santa Anna -- 1886 painting by William Henry Huddle
Wikipedia - Susannah of the Mounties (film) -- 1939 film by William A. Seiter, Walter Lang
Wikipedia - Susan Williams, Baroness Williams of Trafford -- British Conservative politician
Wikipedia - Susan Williams (marine biologist) -- American marine biologist
Wikipedia - Susan Williams McElroy -- Economist
Wikipedia - Susan Williams (triathlete) -- American triathlete
Wikipedia - Susan Willis -- American actress
Wikipedia - Suzanne Marwille -- Czech actress
Wikipedia - Swamp Fire -- 1946 film by William H. Pine
Wikipedia - Sweepstake Annie -- 1935 film directed by William Nigh
Wikipedia - Sweepstakes Winner -- 1939 film by William C. McGann
Wikipedia - Sweet Bird of Youth -- 1959 play by Tennessee Williams
Wikipedia - Sweet Gwendoline -- Main female character in the works of bondage artist John Willie
Wikipedia - Sweet Sweet Pie -- 1987 song performed by Pop Will Eat Itself
Wikipedia - Sweet William's Ghost -- Traditional song
Wikipedia - Sweet William (short story collection) -- Book by Richmal Crompton
Wikipedia - Swillington -- Village and civil parish in West Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Switch It On -- 2005 single by Will Young
Wikipedia - Switch (Will Smith song) -- 2005 single by Will Smith
Wikipedia - Sylvia GM-CM-$hwiller -- Swiss soprano
Wikipedia - Symbiopsychotaxiplasm -- 1968 film by William Greaves
Wikipedia - Table-Talk -- 19th-century essay collection by William Hazlitt
Wikipedia - Tad Williams bibliography -- Wikipedia bibliography
Wikipedia - Tad Williams
Wikipedia - Tai William -- Taiwanese speed skater
Wikipedia - Take Your Stand -- Song performed by Blind Willie Johnson
Wikipedia - Talent Scout -- 1937 film by William Clemens
Wikipedia - Talithia Williams -- American mathematician and statistician
Wikipedia - Tammy Williams -- American softball player
Wikipedia - Tapinoma williamsi -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Taraje Williams-Murray -- American judoka
Wikipedia - Tarek William Saab -- Prosecutor General of Venezuela
Wikipedia - Tarzan Escapes -- 1936 film by William A. Wellman, George B. Seitz, John Farrow, Richard Thorpe
Wikipedia - Tazkiah -- Process of transforming the nafs (carnal self or desires) from its deplorable state of self-centrality through various spiritual stages towards the level of purity and submission to the Will of Allah
Wikipedia - Teaching Mrs. Tingle -- 1999 film directed by Kevin Williamson
Wikipedia - Tears from a Willow -- 1999 single by Ooberman
Wikipedia - Ted Williams (equestrian) -- British equestrian
Wikipedia - Ted Williams (voice-over artist) -- American voice actor, media personality, philanthropist and author
Wikipedia - Ted Williams
Wikipedia - Teena Willoughby -- Canadian developmental psychologist
Wikipedia - Tell Them Willie Boy Is Here -- 1969 film by Abraham Polonsky
Wikipedia - Template:Sonnet -- poem by William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Template talk:Portraits and sculptures of William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Template talk:Saul Williams
Wikipedia - Template talk:William Blake
Wikipedia - Template talk:William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Template talk:William Wordsworth
Wikipedia - Temple of Music -- Temporary concert hall in Buffalo, New York, erected for the Pan-American Exposition in 1901, site of the murder of president William McKinley
Wikipedia - Ten Blake Songs -- Song cycle by Ralph Vaughan Williams
Wikipedia - Ten Cents a Dance (1945 film) -- 1945 film by Will Jason
Wikipedia - Tennessee Williams -- American playwright
Wikipedia - Ten Tall Men -- 1951 film by Willis Goldbeck
Wikipedia - Terese Willis -- Fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours
Wikipedia - Terminal illness -- Incurable disease unable to be treated that will almost certainly result in the patient's death
Wikipedia - Terry Tempest Williams -- American writer
Wikipedia - Terwilliger Hot Springs -- Thermal springs in the Willamette National Forest in the U.S. state of Oregon
Wikipedia - Testamentary disposition -- Gift under the terms of a will
Wikipedia - Thaddeus William Harris
Wikipedia - Thaddeus Williams Harris
Wikipedia - That Can't Shake Our Willi! -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - The 13th Man -- 1937 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - The Adventures of Robin Hood -- 1938 film by Michael Curtiz and William Keighley
Wikipedia - The Adventures of William Tell -- British television series
Wikipedia - The Air Mail -- 1925 film by Irvin Willat
Wikipedia - The Amazing Mr. Williams -- 1939 film by Alexander Hall
Wikipedia - The American Beauty -- 1916 film by William Desmond Taylor
Wikipedia - The Ape (1940 film) -- 1940 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - The Apostle of Vengeance -- 1916 film by William S. Hart, Clifford Smith
Wikipedia - The Archaeology of Hindu Ritual -- Book by Michael D. Willis
Wikipedia - The Arizona Wildcat (1927 film) -- 1928 film by Roy William Neill
Wikipedia - The Aryan -- 1916 silent Western film by William S. Hart, Reginald Barker, Clifford Smith
Wikipedia - The Assassination of Julius Caesar (Sullivan) -- 1888 painting by William Holmes Sullivan
Wikipedia - The Assassination Option -- novel by W.E.B. Griffin and William E. Butterworth IV
Wikipedia - The Atlas (novel) -- 1996 semi-autobographical work by William T. Vollmann
Wikipedia - The Aura Will Prevail -- album by George Duke
Wikipedia - The Autobiography of William Carlos Williams -- Book by William Carlos Williams
Wikipedia - The Bad Seed -- 1954 novel by William March
Wikipedia - The Beast Will Rise -- Series of monologues by Philip Ridley
Wikipedia - The Beautiful and Damned (film) -- 1922 film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - The Bedroom Window (1924 film) -- 1924 film by William C. deMille
Wikipedia - The Beggar Prince -- 1920 film by William Worthington
Wikipedia - The Best Years of Our Lives -- 1946 American drama film directed by William Wyler
Wikipedia - The Better Wife -- 1919 film by William P.S. Earle
Wikipedia - The Big Country -- 1958 film directed by William Wyler
Wikipedia - The Big Deal (film) -- 1962 film by William Sterling
Wikipedia - The Big Score (1983 film) -- 1983 film by Fred Williamson
Wikipedia - The Big Time (play) -- 2019 play by David Williamson
Wikipedia - The Bird King -- 2019 fantasy novel by G. Willow Wilson
Wikipedia - The Blackcurrant Pie -- Painting by Willem Claesz. Heda
Wikipedia - The Blacklist (film) -- 1916 film by William C. deMille
Wikipedia - The Black Room (1935 film) -- 1935 film by Roy William Neill
Wikipedia - The Black Sheep of Whitehall -- 1942 film by Basil Dearden, Will Hay
Wikipedia - The Blue Bonnet -- 1919 film directed by Louis William Chaudet
Wikipedia - The Body Beautiful -- Musical with a book by Joseph Stein and Will Glickman
Wikipedia - The Bohemian (Bouguereau) -- 1890 painting by William Bouguereau
Wikipedia - The Boogie Man Will Get You -- 1942 film by Lew Landers
Wikipedia - The Book of Los -- 1795 book by William Blake
Wikipedia - The Border Legion (1924 film) -- 1924 film by William K. Howard
Wikipedia - The Boys in the Band (1970 film) -- 1970 film by William Friedkin
Wikipedia - The Bride Came C.O.D. -- 1941 film by William Keighley
Wikipedia - The Bride's Play -- 1922 film by George Terwilliger
Wikipedia - The Brink's Job -- 1978 film by William Friedkin
Wikipedia - The Bushbabies -- 1965 novel by William Stevenson
Wikipedia - The Busy Body (film) -- 1967 film by William Castle
Wikipedia - The Career of Katherine Bush -- 1919 film by Roy William Neill
Wikipedia - The Case Against Mrs. Ames -- 1936 film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - The Case of the Black Cat -- 1936 film by William C. McGann
Wikipedia - The Case of the Velvet Claws -- 1936 film by William Clemens
Wikipedia - The Cat and the Fiddle (film) -- 1934 film by Sam Wood, William K. Howard
Wikipedia - The Cavalier (film) -- 1928 film by Irvin Willat
Wikipedia - The Cheerful Fraud -- 1927 film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - The Child of Destiny -- 1916 film by William Nigh, David H. Thompson
Wikipedia - The Circus Queen Murder -- 1933 film by Roy William Neill
Wikipedia - The City (1939 film) -- 1939 film by Ralph Steiner and Willard Van Dyke
Wikipedia - The Clown (1916 film) -- 1916 film by William Churchill deMille
Wikipedia - The Clown Barber -- 1898 film by James Williamson
Wikipedia - The Coalition of the Willing (band) -- American musical group
Wikipedia - The College of William and Mary
Wikipedia - The College of William > Mary
Wikipedia - The Colonel's Bequest -- 1989 video game by Roberta Williams
Wikipedia - The Combat: Woman Pleading for the Vanquished -- Oil painting on canvas by English artist William Etty
Wikipedia - The Comedy of Errors -- play by William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) -- play by Adam Long, Daniel Singer, and Jess Winfield
Wikipedia - The Conquest of Space -- Book by Willy Ley
Wikipedia - The Country Kid -- 1923 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - The Country Wife -- 1675 literary work by William Wycherley
Wikipedia - The Courageous Coward -- 1919 film by William Worthington
Wikipedia - The Cradle of Courage -- 1920 film by William S. Hart
Wikipedia - The Cradle Will Rock -- Musical
Wikipedia - The Crime of the Century (1933 film) -- 1933 American film directed by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - The Crooked Letter -- 2004 novel by Sean Williams
Wikipedia - The Curious Conduct of Judge Legarde -- 1915 film directed by Will S. Davis
Wikipedia - The Dangerous Paradise -- 1920 film directed by William P. S. Earle
Wikipedia - The Daring Young Man -- 1935 film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - The Daughters of Men -- 1914 film by George W. Terwilliger
Wikipedia - The Dawn Maker -- 1916 film by William S. Hart
Wikipedia - The Dawn of Love (painting) -- Oil painting on canvas by English artist William Etty
Wikipedia - The Day Will Come (film) -- 2016 film
Wikipedia - The Decoy (1916 film) -- 1916 short film by William Garwood
Wikipedia - The Desert Music and Other Poems -- Book by William Carlos Williams
Wikipedia - The Destroying Angel and Daemons of Evil Interrupting the Orgies of the Vicious and Intemperate -- 1832 painting by William Etty
Wikipedia - The Devil and Daniel Webster (film) -- 1941 film by William Dieterle
Wikipedia - The Devil's in Love -- 1933 film by William Dieterle
Wikipedia - The Difference Engine -- 1990 alternative history novel by William Gibson and Bruce Sterling
Wikipedia - The DNAgents -- Comic-book series by Mark Evanier and Will Meugniot
Wikipedia - The Door in the Floor -- 2004 film by Kip Williams
Wikipedia - The Double-D Avenger -- 2001 film by William Winckler
Wikipedia - The Downfall of William Grismond -- Song
Wikipedia - The Dragon Painter -- 1919 film directed by William Worthington
Wikipedia - The Dune Encyclopedia -- Book by Willis E. McNelly
Wikipedia - The Dungeon Master -- 1984 book by William Dear
Wikipedia - The Dying Grass -- Book by William T. Vollmann
Wikipedia - The Elder Sister -- 1869 painting by William Adolphe Bouguereau in Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, United States
Wikipedia - The Elusive Quest for Growth -- 2001 book by William Easterly
Wikipedia - The Emperor Jones (1933 film) -- 1933 film by William C. deMille, Dudley Murphy
Wikipedia - The Enchanted Hill -- 1926 film by Irvin Willat
Wikipedia - The Escort (2015 film) -- 2015 film by Will Slocombe
Wikipedia - The Eternal Mother (1920 film) -- 1920 film by Will S. Davis
Wikipedia - The Exorcist (film) -- 1973 film directed by William Friedkin
Wikipedia - The Exorcist III -- 1990 film by William Peter Blatty
Wikipedia - The Face of Marble -- 1946 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - The Falcon in Danger -- 1943 film by William Clemens
Wikipedia - The Family Secret (1924 film) -- 1924 film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - The Family Shakespeare -- 19th-century expurgated edition of the plays of William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - The Fast Set -- 1924 film by William C. deMille
Wikipedia - The Fatal Hour (1920 film) -- 1920 film by George Terwilliger
Wikipedia - The Fatal Hour (1940 film) -- 1940 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - The Fighting 69th -- 1940 film by William Keighley
Wikipedia - The Fighting Buckaroo -- 1943 film by William Berke
Wikipedia - The Finding of the Saviour in the Temple -- Painting by William Holman Hunt
Wikipedia - The First Nowell (Vaughan Williams) -- Cantata by Ralph Vaughan Williams
Wikipedia - The Fool's Revenge -- 1916 film by Will S. Davis
Wikipedia - The Footloose Heiress -- 1937 film by William Clemens
Wikipedia - The Four Stages of Cruelty -- A series of printed engravings by William Hogarth
Wikipedia - The French Connection (film) -- 1971 film by William Friedkin
Wikipedia - The Gay Vagabond -- 1941 film by William Morgan
Wikipedia - The Ghost of Slumber Mountain -- 1918 film by Willis H. O'Brien and Herbert M. Dawley
Wikipedia - The Glass Menagerie -- Play by Tennessee Williams
Wikipedia - The Glory of Columbia, Her Yeomanry -- 1803 play by William Dunlap
Wikipedia - The Golden Stallion (1949 film) -- 1949 film by William Witney
Wikipedia - The Good Fairy (1935 film) -- 1935 film by William Wyler
Wikipedia - The Good, the Bad, the Ugly (Willie Colon album) -- 1975 studio album by Willie Colon
Wikipedia - The Goose Girl (Bouguereau) -- Painting by William-Adolphe Bouguereau
Wikipedia - The Gray Horizon -- 1919 film by William Worthington
Wikipedia - The Greater Will -- 1915 silent film
Wikipedia - The Great Man's Lady -- 1942 film by William A. Wellman
Wikipedia - The Great O'Malley -- 1937 film by William Dieterle
Wikipedia - The Greed of William Hart -- 1948 film
Wikipedia - The Green Temptation -- 1922 film by William Desmond Taylor
Wikipedia - The Grim Game -- 1919 film directed by Irvin Willat
Wikipedia - The Gun Salute -- c.1680 oil on canvas painting by Willem van de Velde the Younger
Wikipedia - The Guns of Will Sonnett -- American television series 1967-1969
Wikipedia - The Hand That Rocks the Cradle (poem) -- Poem by William Ross Wallace
Wikipedia - The Headline Woman -- 1935 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - The Heart of Paula -- 1916 film by William Desmond Taylor, Julia Crawford Ivers
Wikipedia - The Heiress -- 1949 American drama film directed by William Wyler
Wikipedia - The Heir to the Hoorah -- 1916 film by William C. deMille
Wikipedia - The Heritage of the Desert (film) -- 1924 film by Irvin Willat
Wikipedia - The Highest Bid -- 1916 film by William Russell
Wikipedia - The Honeytraps -- British band formed on Boys Will Be Girls
Wikipedia - The House of Lies (1916 film) -- 1916 film by William Desmond Taylor
Wikipedia - The House of Mystery (1934 film) -- 1934 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1939 film) -- 1939 film by William Dieterle
Wikipedia - The Hustler (album) -- 1968 studio album by Willie Colon
Wikipedia - The Illustrious Prince -- 1919 film by William Worthington
Wikipedia - The Inheritors (Golding novel) -- Novel by William Golding
Wikipedia - The Iron Curtain (film) -- 1948 film by William Wellman
Wikipedia - The Kid from Kansas -- 1941 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - The Kill Reflex -- 1989 action film directed by Fred Williamson
Wikipedia - The Kiss of Hate -- 1916 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - The Lady Is Willing (1934 film) -- 1934 film by Gilbert Miller
Wikipedia - The Lady Is Willing (1942 film) -- 1942 film by Mitchell Leisen
Wikipedia - The Lady of Shalott (William Holman Hunt) -- Painting by William Holman Hunt
Wikipedia - The Last Fight (album) -- 1982 studio album by Willie Colon & RubM-CM-)n Blades
Wikipedia - The Last Horseman -- 1944 film by William Berke
Wikipedia - The Last Hour (1991 film) -- 1991 film by William Sachs
Wikipedia - The Last Will -- 2001 film by Zoran Sudar
Wikipedia - The Law in Her Hands -- 1936 film by William Clemens
Wikipedia - The Lawton Story -- 1948 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - The Layover (film) -- 2017 film directed by William H. Macy
Wikipedia - Thelda Williams -- Mayor of Phoenix, Arizona, United States
Wikipedia - The Letter (1940 film) -- 1940 American crime drama film William Wyler
Wikipedia - The Life of Emile Zola -- 1937 film by William Dieterle
Wikipedia - The Life of the Party (1937 film) -- 1937 film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - The Light of Western Stars (1925 film) -- 1925 film by William K. Howard
Wikipedia - The Light That Failed (1939 film) -- 1939 film by William A. Wellman
Wikipedia - The Lilly (poem) -- poem by William Blake
Wikipedia - The Little Foxes (film) -- 1941 film by William Wyler
Wikipedia - The Little Girl Found -- 1794 poem by William Blake
Wikipedia - The Little Patriot -- 1917 film by William Bertram
Wikipedia - The Little Princess (1939 film) -- 1939 film by Walter Lang, William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - The Little Town Will Go to Sleep -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - The Little Willies -- American alternative country band
Wikipedia - The Living Ghost -- 1942 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - The Log Train -- Song by Hank Williams
Wikipedia - The Lone Prairie -- 1942 film by William A. Berke
Wikipedia - The Lone Wolf Returns (1935 film) -- 1935 film by Roy William Neill
Wikipedia - The Lone Wolf's Daughter -- 1919 silent film directed by William P.S. Earle
Wikipedia - The Longships in Harbour -- poetry collection by William McIlvanney
Wikipedia - The Lost Musicians -- Novel by William Heinesen
Wikipedia - The Love that Faded -- Song by Bob Dylan, with lyrics by Hank Williams
Wikipedia - The Luck of Barry Lyndon -- Book by William Makepeace Thackeray
Wikipedia - The Lucy poems -- Five poems written by William Wordsworth
Wikipedia - The Magic Circle (Waterhouse painting) -- Painting by John William Waterhouse
Wikipedia - The Making of the English Landscape -- Book about history of England's landscapes by William George Hoskins
Wikipedia - The Man Beneath -- 1919 film by William Worthington
Wikipedia - The Man Called Flintstone -- 1966 film directed by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera
Wikipedia - The Man from Laramie -- 1955 film by William Goetz
Wikipedia - The Man That Might Have Been -- 1914 short film by William J. Humphrey
Wikipedia - The Man Who Came to Dinner (1942 film) -- 1942 film by William Keighley
Wikipedia - The Man Who Won -- 1923 film by William A. Wellman
Wikipedia - The Man Who Would Not Die -- 1916 film by William Russell, Nate Watt, Jack Prescott
Wikipedia - The Marriage of Heaven and Hell -- Book with text and images by William Blake
Wikipedia - The Marriage of William Ashe (1921 film) -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - The Master of Ballantrae (1953 film) -- 1953 film by William Keighley
Wikipedia - The Merry Wives of Windsor -- Play by William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Themes from William Blake's The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
Wikipedia - The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect -- Book by Roger Williams
Wikipedia - The Millionaire Next Door -- 1996 book by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko
Wikipedia - The Mind in the Cave -- Book by David Lewis-Williams
Wikipedia - The Miracle Kid -- 1941 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - The Model Couple -- 1977 satirical film by William Klein
Wikipedia - The Money Corral -- 1919 film by William S. Hart
Wikipedia - The Montel Williams Show
Wikipedia - The Moon's Our Home -- 1936 film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - The Murder of Mary Phagan -- 1988 television film directed by William Hale
Wikipedia - The Mysterious Mr. Wong -- 1934 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - The Mystery Mind -- 1920 silent film serial by Will S. Davis
Wikipedia - The Negro in the South -- Book by William Edward Burghardt Du Bois
Wikipedia - The Nest (1927 film) -- 1927 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - The Newcassel Worthies -- Song performed by William M-bM-^@M-^\WillieM-bM-^@M-^] Armstrong
Wikipedia - The Night Before Christmas (1941 film) -- 1941 film by Joseph Barbera, William Hanna
Wikipedia - The Night of January 16th (film) -- 1941 film by William Clemens
Wikipedia - The Night They Raided Minsky's -- 1968 film by William Friedkin
Wikipedia - The Ninth Configuration -- 1980 film by William Peter Blatty
Wikipedia - The Ninth Guest -- 1934 film by Roy William Neill
Wikipedia - The Northumbrian Minstrel -- Songbook published by William Davison
Wikipedia - The N-Word -- 2004 film by Todd Larkins Williams
Wikipedia - Theobald Bourke -- Irish noble, 8th Mac William Iochtar
Wikipedia - Theobald mac Uilleag Bourke -- Irish noble, 14th Mac William Iochtar
Wikipedia - Theodore J. Williams
Wikipedia - Theodore William Richards -- United States chemist
Wikipedia - Theodorus Willem van Lidth de Jeude
Wikipedia - The Old Bachelor -- 1693 play William Congreve
Wikipedia - The Old Fashioned Way (film) -- 1934 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - The Old Homestead (1935 film) -- 1935 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - The Old Tobacco Shop -- Book by William Bowen
Wikipedia - Theophilus Albert Willy -- American politician
Wikipedia - The Outsider (1917 film) -- 1917 silent film directed by William C. Dowlan
Wikipedia - Theo Willems -- Dutch archer
Wikipedia - The Oxford History of the French Revolution -- 1989 book by William Doyle
Wikipedia - The Oxford Shakespeare -- editions of William Shakespeare's works produced by Oxford University Press
Wikipedia - The Painted Stallion -- 1937 film by William Witney, Ray Taylor, Alan James
Wikipedia - The Paliser Case -- 1920 film by William Parke
Wikipedia - The Panther's Claw -- 1942 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - The Paper Will Be Blue -- Romanian film written and directed by Radu Muntean from 2006
Wikipedia - The Parson of Panamint (1916 film) -- 1916 film by William Desmond Taylor
Wikipedia - The Parson of Panamint (1941 film) -- 1941 film by William C. McGann
Wikipedia - The Peddler of Lies -- 1920 film directed by William C. Dowlan
Wikipedia - The Peripheral -- 2014 science fiction novel by William Gibson
Wikipedia - The Pertwillaby Papers -- 1971-1979 American comic strip
Wikipedia - The Pigeon Wants a Puppy! -- Picture book by Mo Willems
Wikipedia - The Place of Dead Roads -- Novel by William S. Burroughs
Wikipedia - The Plays of William Shakespeare -- 18th-century collection edited by Samuel Johnson and George Steevens
Wikipedia - The Poppy Girl's Husband -- 1919 film by William S. Hart
Wikipedia - The Power and the Glory (1933 film) -- 1933 film by William K. Howard
Wikipedia - The Power of Sympathy -- 1789 American novel by William Hill Brown
Wikipedia - The President Vanishes (film) -- 1934 film by William A. Wellman
Wikipedia - The Primal Lure -- 1916 film by William S. Hart
Wikipedia - The Prince and the Pauper (1937 film) -- 1937 film by William Dieterle, William Keighley
Wikipedia - The Prince Chap -- 1920 film by William C. deMille
Wikipedia - The Princess Comes Across -- 1936 film by William K. Howard
Wikipedia - The Psychedelic Priest -- 2001 film by William Grefe
Wikipedia - The Quiet Gun -- 1957 film by William F. Claxton
Wikipedia - The "Priest" They Called Him -- Extended play by William S. Burroughs
Wikipedia - The Rabbits' Wedding -- Children's picture book by Garth Williams
Wikipedia - The Ragamuffin -- 1916 film by William C. deMille
Wikipedia - The Realistic Joneses -- Play by Will Eno
Wikipedia - The Recognitions -- Novel by William Gaddis
Wikipedia - The Red Wheelbarrow -- Poem by William Carlos Williams
Wikipedia - There is No Natural Religion -- series of philosophical aphorisms by William Blake
Wikipedia - The Reivers -- Novel by William Faulkner
Wikipedia - The Return of Rusty -- 1946 film by William Castle
Wikipedia - The Return of William Proxmire -- Short story by Larry Niven
Wikipedia - The Revolution Will Be Televised -- Television series
Wikipedia - The Revolution Will Not Be Televised (film) -- 2003 documentary about Venezuelan coup
Wikipedia - The Revolution Will Not Be Televised -- 1971 song performed by Gil Scott-Heron
Wikipedia - There Was Jesus -- 2019 song by Zach Williams and Dolly Parton
Wikipedia - There Will Be Blood -- 2007 film by Paul Thomas Anderson
Wikipedia - There Will Be No Miracles Here -- 2018 memoir
Wikipedia - There Will Come Soft Rains (short story)
Wikipedia - There Will Never Be Another Tonight -- 1991 single by Bryan Adams
Wikipedia - The Richest Girl in the World (1934 film) -- 1934 film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - The Right to Live (1935 film) -- 1935 film by William Keighley
Wikipedia - The Ringtailed Rhinoceros -- 1915 film by George Terwilliger
Wikipedia - The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich -- 1960 non-fiction book by William L. Shirer
Wikipedia - The Roman Father -- 1750 play by William Whitehead
Wikipedia - The Secret Bride -- 1934 film by William Dieterle
Wikipedia - These Three -- 1936 American drama film directed by William Wyler
Wikipedia - The Shack -- Christian novel by William P. Young
Wikipedia - The Shepherdess -- Painting by William-Adolphe Bouguereau
Wikipedia - The Shine Girl -- 1916 film directed by William Parke
Wikipedia - The Signal (2014 film) -- 2014 film by William Eubank
Wikipedia - The Silent Enemy (1958 film) -- 1958 British action film by William Fairchild
Wikipedia - The Singing Kid -- 1936 film by William Keighley
Wikipedia - The Siren Call -- 1922 film by Irvin Willat
Wikipedia - The Sirens and Ulysses -- 1837 painting by William Etty
Wikipedia - The Siren (Waterhouse painting) -- Painting by John William Waterhouse
Wikipedia - The Soul of Youth -- 1920 film by William Desmond Taylor
Wikipedia - The Soul Selects Her Own Society -- Short story by Connie Willis
Wikipedia - The Sound and the Fury -- 1929 novel by William Faulkner
Wikipedia - The Sowers -- 1916 film by William C. deMille, Frank Reicher
Wikipedia - The Spider Woman -- 1943 mystery film directed by Roy William Neill
Wikipedia - The Spirit of Spanish Music -- Sculpture by Burt William Johnson
Wikipedia - The Stolen Ranch -- 1926 film by William Wyler
Wikipedia - The Storm (1930 film) -- 1930 film by William Wyler
Wikipedia - The Story of G.I. Joe -- 1945 film by William A. Wellman
Wikipedia - The Story of Louis Pasteur -- 1936 film by William Dieterle
Wikipedia - The Story of Mankind -- Book by Hendrik Willem van Loon
Wikipedia - The Story Without a Name -- 1924 film by Irvin Willat
Wikipedia - The Straight Way -- 1916 film by Will S. Davis
Wikipedia - The Strange Case of Doctor Rx -- 1942 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - The Street with No Name -- 1948 film by William Keighley
Wikipedia - The Strength of Donald McKenzie -- 1916 film by Jack Prescott, William Russell
Wikipedia - The Stronger Will -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - The Sun Will Never Set -- 1961 film by Salah Abu Seif
Wikipedia - The Switch (2010 film) -- 2010 film by Josh Gordon and Will Speck
Wikipedia - The Tay Bridge Disaster -- Poem by William McGonagall
Wikipedia - The Tempest -- Play by William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - The Thief and the Cobbler -- Unfinished film by Richard Williams
Wikipedia - The Thief of Bagdad (1940 film) -- 1940 film by Ludwig Berger, Alexander Korda, Michael Powell, William Cameron Menzies, Zoltan Korda, Tim Whelan
Wikipedia - The Third Mind -- Book by William S. Burroughs II
Wikipedia - The Three of Us (1914 film) -- 1914 silent American film directed by John Willock Noble
Wikipedia - The Tong Man -- 1919 film by William Worthington
Wikipedia - The Torch Bearer -- 1916 film by Jack Prescott, William Russell
Wikipedia - The Torrent (1924 film) -- 1924 film by A. P. Younger and William Doner
Wikipedia - The Tower House -- Late Victorian townhouse in the Holland Park district, London, built by William Burges
Wikipedia - The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet (film) -- 1982 film by William Woodman
Wikipedia - The Tree of Knowledge (1920 film) -- 1920 film by William C. deMille
Wikipedia - The Trigger Trio -- 1937 film by William Witney
Wikipedia - The Triumph of Cleopatra -- 1821 painting by William Etty
Wikipedia - The Truly Disadvantaged -- Book by William Julius Wilson
Wikipedia - The truth will set you free -- Biblical adage
Wikipedia - The Two Gentlemen of Verona -- play by William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - The Two Noble Kinsmen -- Play partly written by William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - The Tyger -- 1794 William Blake poem
Wikipedia - The Tyranny of Experts -- 2014 book by William Easterly
Wikipedia - The Ugly American -- 1958 political novel by Eugene Burdick and William Lederer depicting failures of U.S. diplomacy in Southeast Asia
Wikipedia - The Ultimate Fighter: A Champion Will Be Crowned -- UFC mixed martial arts television series and event in 2014
Wikipedia - The Use of Force -- Short story by William Carlos Williams
Wikipedia - The Vampyre -- 1816 short story by John William Polidori
Wikipedia - The Varieties of Religious Experience -- Book by William James
Wikipedia - The Victim (1916 film) -- 1916 film by Will S. Davis
Wikipedia - The Viking (1928 film) -- 1928 film by Roy William Neill
Wikipedia - The WAC from Walla Walla -- 1952 film by William Witney
Wikipedia - The Wedge (poetry collection) -- Book by William Carlos Williams
Wikipedia - The Westerner (1940 film) -- 1940 film by William Wyler
Wikipedia - The White Angel (1936 film) -- 1936 American film depicting Florence Nightingale directed by William Dieterle
Wikipedia - The Wild -- 2006 film by Steve Williams
Wikipedia - The Will (1921 film) -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - The Willi Busch Report -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - The Willis Brothers -- Country music group from Oklahoma
Wikipedia - The Will of an Eccentric -- French Novel (1900) by Jules Verne
Wikipedia - The Willoughbys -- 2020 film by Kris Pearn
Wikipedia - The Willows (group) -- American vocal group
Wikipedia - The Willow Tree (1920 film) -- 1920 film by Henry Otto
Wikipedia - The Willsboro School -- Historic school building at Willsboro, Essex County, New York, United States
Wikipedia - The Will to Believe
Wikipedia - The Will to Doubt
Wikipedia - The Will to Power (manuscript)
Wikipedia - The Wind in the Willows (band) -- Band
Wikipedia - The Wind in the Willows (TV series) -- British stop-motion animated TV series, 1984 to 1990, sequel to the 1983 film
Wikipedia - The Wind in the Willows -- 1908 English children's novel by Kenneth Grahame
Wikipedia - The Wolves of Willoughby Chase (film) -- 1989 film by Stuart Orme
Wikipedia - The Woman Gives -- 1920 film directed by Roy William Neill
Wikipedia - The Works of William Blake: Poetic, Symbolic and Critical
Wikipedia - The World as Will and Idea
Wikipedia - The World As Will And Representation
Wikipedia - The World as Will and Representation -- Book by Arthur Schopenhauer
Wikipedia - The World Before the Flood -- 1828 painting by William Etty depicting a scene from John Milton's Paradise Lost
Wikipedia - The World Famous Tony Williams -- American singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - The World Is Too Much with Us -- poem by William Wordsworth
Wikipedia - The World's Applause -- 1923 film by William C. deMille
Wikipedia - The Wrestlers (Etty) -- c. 1840 painting of two wrestlers by William Etty
Wikipedia - The Yankee Doodle Mouse -- 1943 film by directed by Joseph Barbera and William Hanna
Wikipedia - The Young Will Live -- 1965 film
Wikipedia - The Zangwills -- Indie rock band
Wikipedia - Things as They Are; or, The Adventures of Caleb Williams -- 1794 British three-volume Jacobin mystery novel by William Godwin
Wikipedia - Third Murderer -- Character in William Shakespeare's tragedy Macbeth
Wikipedia - This Is Just to Say -- Poem by William Carlos Williams
Wikipedia - This Is My Affair -- 1937 film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - This Side of Heaven -- 1934 film by William K. Howard
Wikipedia - Thomas Andrew Williamson -- Executed American serial killer
Wikipedia - Thomas Chatterton Williams -- American writer
Wikipedia - Thomas Fitzwilliam -- 15th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Thomas Hickman Williams -- American politician
Wikipedia - Thomas Parker (will proved 1558) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Thomas Smith Williamson -- American physician and missionary
Wikipedia - Thomas Willett
Wikipedia - Thomas William Allies
Wikipedia - Thomas William Bowlby
Wikipedia - Thomas William Bramston -- British politician
Wikipedia - Thomas William Edmondson -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - Thomas William Ferguson -- American writer
Wikipedia - Thomas William House Sr. -- Texan businessman and Mayor of Houston
Wikipedia - Thomas William Kerry -- British trade unionist
Wikipedia - Thomas William Korner -- British mathematician
Wikipedia - Thomas William Rhys Davids
Wikipedia - Thomas William Sadler -- 19th-century American politician
Wikipedia - Thomas Williams (Dean of Llandaff) -- Dean of Llandaff
Wikipedia - Thomas Williams (figure skater) -- Canadian ice dancer
Wikipedia - Thomas William Shore
Wikipedia - Thomas Williams (speaker)
Wikipedia - Thomas Williams (writer) -- American writer
Wikipedia - Thomas William Webb
Wikipedia - Thomas Willis
Wikipedia - Thomas Willson
Wikipedia - Thor Willy Ruud Hansen -- Norwegian pediatrician and neonatologist
Wikipedia - Those Who Dance -- 1930 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - Three Blind Mice (1938 film) -- 1938 film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - Three Shakespeare Songs -- 1951 classical choral music by Ralph Vaughan Williams
Wikipedia - Thucydides Trap -- Prediction that the United States will go to war against China
Wikipedia - Thunderbolt (1947 film) -- 1947 film by John Sturges, William Wyler
Wikipedia - Thurston Williams -- British architect
Wikipedia - Thy Will -- Single by Hillary Scott
Wikipedia - Tiffany Williams -- American hurdler
Wikipedia - Tiffany Willoughby-Herard -- Associate professor of African American Studies
Wikipedia - Time and Free Will
Wikipedia - Times Square Playboy -- 1936 film by William C. McGann
Wikipedia - Time Will Crawl -- Song by David Bowie
Wikipedia - Timmy Williams -- American comedian and radio personality
Wikipedia - Timothy Williamson
Wikipedia - Timothy with his Grandmother Lois -- Painting by Willem Drost
Wikipedia - Tim Williams (actor) -- American actor
Wikipedia - Tim Willis -- American Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Tim Willits
Wikipedia - Tipula williamsiana -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Tiriel (character) -- character in William Blake's mythological system
Wikipedia - Tirioro Willie -- I-Kiribati track and field athlete
Wikipedia - To a Waterfowl -- Poem by William Cullen Bryant
Wikipedia - To be, or not to be -- Soliloquy in William Shakespeare's play Hamlet
Wikipedia - Todd Williams (actor) -- American actor
Wikipedia - Tod Williams Billie Tsien Architects -- American architectural firm
Wikipedia - To Heal a Nation -- 1988 film by William A. Graham
Wikipedia - Tom and Jerry: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory -- 2017 animated film
Wikipedia - Tom McWilliam -- Irish sailor
Wikipedia - Tommy Williams (serial killer) -- South African serial killer
Wikipedia - Tomorrow Will Be Different -- Memoir by Sarah McBride
Wikipedia - Tom Sawyer (1917 film) -- 1917 comedy-drama film directed by William Desmond Taylor
Wikipedia - Tonight a City Will Die -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Tony Williams (drummer) -- American jazz drummer
Wikipedia - Tony Williams (English musician) -- Bass guitarist
Wikipedia - Torchy Blane in Chinatown -- 1939 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - Torchy Blane in Panama -- 1938 film by William Clemens
Wikipedia - Torchy Gets Her Man -- 1938 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - Torrid Zone -- 1940 film by William Keighley
Wikipedia - To Say Nothing of the Dog -- Novel by Connie Willis
Wikipedia - To the Ends of the Earth -- Trilogy of novels by William Golding
Wikipedia - To the People of Texas & All Americans in the World -- 1836 open letter written by William B. Travis
Wikipedia - To the Queen -- c. 1600 poem praising Queen Elizabeth I often attributed to William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - To the Shores of Hell -- 1966 film by Will Zens
Wikipedia - Tot Watchers -- 1958 animated short film by William Hanna, Joseph Barbera
Wikipedia - Tough Assignment -- 1949 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - Tough as They Come -- 1942 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - Trade & Transit Centre -- Building in Williamsport, PA, US
Wikipedia - Travis Willingham -- American voice actor and singer
Wikipedia - Treatise on Natural Philosophy -- Book by William Thomson
Wikipedia - Treat Williams -- American actor
Wikipedia - Treaty of Limerick -- Irish Jacobites agree terms with William III of England, ending the 1689 to 1691 Williamite War in Ireland
Wikipedia - Treed Murray -- 2001 film by William Phillips
Wikipedia - Trevor Williams (bishop) -- 20th and 21st-century Church of Ireland bishop
Wikipedia - Tre Williams -- American singer
Wikipedia - Trigger, Jr. -- 1950 film by William Witney
Wikipedia - Tripping (song) -- 2005 single by Robbie Williams
Wikipedia - Triumph of the Will -- 1935 Nazi propaganda film
Wikipedia - Trixie from Broadway -- 1919 silent dram film directed by Roy William Neill
Wikipedia - Troilus and Cressida -- play by William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Trucker's Woman -- 1975 action / trucker / exploitation film by Will Zens
Wikipedia - True Reportory -- 1610 book by William Strachey
Wikipedia - True Will
Wikipedia - T. Russell Williams -- British socialist politician
Wikipedia - Truthful Tulliver -- 1917 film by William S. Hart
Wikipedia - Tryon Creek -- Tributary of the Willamette River in Oregon
Wikipedia - T. V. Williams -- Chairman of Liverpool
Wikipedia - TWA Flight 529 -- 1961 aviation accident in Willowbrook, Illinois|
Wikipedia - Twelfth Night -- play by William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - T. William Olle -- British computer scientist and consultant
Wikipedia - Two Against the World (1936 film) -- 1936 film by William C. McGann
Wikipedia - Two-Headed Eagle -- 1960 film by William Sterling
Wikipedia - Two of Us (Joseph Williams album) -- 2006 Joseph Williams cover compilation album
Wikipedia - Two Seats at the Opera -- 1916 film by William Garwood
Wikipedia - Tylen Jacob Williams -- American television actor
Wikipedia - Tyler James Williams -- American actor and rapper
Wikipedia - Tyler Williamson -- American golfer
Wikipedia - Typewriting Behavior -- 1936 book by August Dvorak, Nellie Merrick, William Dealey and Gertrude Ford
Wikipedia - Tyrel Jackson Williams -- American actor
Wikipedia - Ulrich Willerding
Wikipedia - Ulysses and the Sirens (Waterhouse) -- Painting by John William Waterhouse
Wikipedia - Uncle Jasper's Will -- 1922 film by Oscar Micheaux
Wikipedia - Uncle Joe's Spirit House -- album by William Parker
Wikipedia - Under Strange Flags -- 1937 US film directed by I. V. Willat
Wikipedia - Underwater Adventure -- 1954 children's book by Willard Price
Wikipedia - Underwater (film) -- 2020 film directed by William Eubank
Wikipedia - UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Unexpected (Michelle Williams album) -- 2008 studio album by Michelle Williams
Wikipedia - Unfree labour -- Work people are employed in against their will
Wikipedia - United American Free Will Baptist Church -- American Black Churches
Wikipedia - United States Post Office (Williamsburg, Brooklyn) -- Historic post office in Brooklyn, New York
Wikipedia - United States v. Williams (2008) -- United States Supreme Court case
Wikipedia - Unity Braxton Middle School -- Middle school in Prince William County, Virginia
Wikipedia - Universal resurrection -- Belief that most or all the dead who have ever lived will be resurrected
Wikipedia - University of Illinois Willard Airport -- Airport in Champaign County, Illinois, USA
Wikipedia - Unto Those Who Sin -- 1916 film by William Robert Daly
Wikipedia - Up and at 'Em -- 1922 film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - User talk:Willform
Wikipedia - User talk:William Allen Simpson
Wikipedia - USS Goodwill (1917) -- United States Navy Patrol vessel during World War I
Wikipedia - USS Kenneth M. Willett -- John C. Butler-class destroyer escort
Wikipedia - USS William Charette (DDG-130) -- Guided missile destroyer
Wikipedia - USS William D. Porter (DD-579) -- US Navy Fletcher-class destroyer in service 1942-1945
Wikipedia - USS William M. Wood (DD-715) -- Gearing-class destroyer, sunk as a target
Wikipedia - USS William P. Biddle (APA-8) -- WWII US attack transport
Wikipedia - USS Williamsburg -- US Navy gunboat and presidential yacht
Wikipedia - Valley of the Giants (film) -- 1938 film by William Keighley
Wikipedia - Vanessa Estelle Williams -- American actress
Wikipedia - Vanessa: Her Love Story -- 1935 film by William K. Howard
Wikipedia - Vanessa Williams and Miss America -- American model and actress's relationship with the pageant
Wikipedia - Vanessa Williams -- American actress, singer and former Miss America
Wikipedia - Vanity Fair (novel) -- 1848 novel by William Makepeace Thackeray
Wikipedia - Varsity Show (film) -- 1937 film by William Keighley
Wikipedia - Vathek -- 1786 novel by William Beckford
Wikipedia - Venetian Blind (novel) -- Novel by William Haggard
Wikipedia - Vengeance of Rannah -- 1936 film by Irvin Willat
Wikipedia - Venus of Willendorf -- Austrian Venus figurine
Wikipedia - Venus Williams
Wikipedia - Vera Willoughby -- British illustrator, painter, and poster artist
Wikipedia - Verbolten -- Roller coaster at Busch Gardens Williamsburg
Wikipedia - Verna Willis -- American film editor
Wikipedia - Veronica Seton-Williams -- Australian anthropologist and archaeologist (1910-1992)
Wikipedia - Vesta Williams -- American rhythm and blues singer
Wikipedia - Victoria Ground (King William's Town) -- Cricket ground
Wikipedia - Victor Paul Wierwille -- Founder of The Way International
Wikipedia - Victor Williams -- American actor
Wikipedia - Victor Willing -- British painter
Wikipedia - Victor Willis -- American singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Vic Williams -- American politician
Wikipedia - Vigilante (Willie Colon and HM-CM-)ctor Lavoe album) -- 1983 studio album
Wikipedia - Viola M-CM-^W williamsii -- Viola hybrid (pansy)
Wikipedia - Violin Concerto (Walton) -- Violin concerto by William Walton
Wikipedia - Virgil Williams -- American television writer
Wikipedia - Virginia Vassilevska Williams -- Theoretical computer scientist
Wikipedia - Virginia Willis -- American chef and food writer
Wikipedia - Vogue Williams -- Irish model and media personality
Wikipedia - Volcano! (1926 film) -- 1926 film by William K. Howard
Wikipedia - Von Willebrand's disease
Wikipedia - Vortigern and Rowena -- Play written by William Henry Ireland
Wikipedia - Death of Joseph Smith -- 1844 extrajudicial murder of the founder and leader of the <!-- "LDS Church" is in accordance with the Wikipedia Manual of Style, and disagreements should be addressed at Any change made to "LDS Church" or "Latter Day Saint Movement" will be reverted. -->Latter Day Saint movement
Wikipedia - Wade Williams -- American actor
Wikipedia - Wait a Minute! -- 2015 song by Willow
Wikipedia - Wait for Me and I Will Not Come -- 2009 film
Wikipedia - Wake Me When It's Over (Willie Nelson song) -- 1962 single by Willie Nelson
Wikipedia - Waldo Williams
Wikipedia - Walker Payne -- 2006 film by Matt Williams
Wikipedia - Wallace Leslie William Sargent
Wikipedia - Wall Street (1929 film) -- 1929 film by Roy William Neill
Wikipedia - Walter E. Williams -- American economist
Wikipedia - Walter Francis Willcox -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - Walter H. Williams -- artist
Wikipedia - Walter J. Will -- United States Army Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - Walter Lee Williams -- American anthropologist
Wikipedia - Walter Williams (journalist) -- American journalist and educator
Wikipedia - Wanderer of the Wasteland (1924 film) -- 1924 film by Irvin Willat
Wikipedia - Warner Williams and Jay Summerour -- American folk music duo
Wikipedia - War of Will (horse) -- American racehorse
Wikipedia - Warren William Eginton -- United States District Judge in the District of Connecticut
Wikipedia - Warren William -- Broadway and Hollywood actor
Wikipedia - War. The Exile and the Rock Limpet -- Painting by Joseph Mallord William Turner
Wikipedia - Was mein Gott will, das g'scheh allzeit -- 16th century German Lutheran hymn
Wikipedia - Watch Out Gringo! Sabata Will Return -- 1972 film by Alfonso Balcazar and JosM-CM-) Ramon Larraz
Wikipedia - Waterfront (1928 film) -- 1928 film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - Watkin Lewis Griffies-Williams, 3rd Baronet -- British army officer (1800-1877)
Wikipedia - Wattwiller -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Wayne William Howlett -- Australian convicted drug trafficker and powerlifter
Wikipedia - Wayne Williams -- American serial killer
Wikipedia - Wayne W. Williams -- American politician
Wikipedia - WCCR-LP -- Radio station at the University of the Cumberlands in Williamsburg, Kentucky
Wikipedia - WCPT (AM) -- Progressive talk radio station in Willow Springs-Chicago, Illinois
Wikipedia - We Are the Ones -- 2008 R&B song by
Wikipedia - Weary Willie's Rags -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - Weary Willies -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton -- Wedding that took place on 29 April 2011 at Westminster Abbey in London
Wikipedia - Wedell-Williams XP-34 -- Canceled fighter project
Wikipedia - Weeping Willow (painting) -- 1918 oil painting by Claude Monet
Wikipedia - Wee Willie Webber -- Radio and TV personality
Wikipedia - Wee Willie Winkie (film) -- 1937 film by John Ford
Wikipedia - Wee Willie Winkie -- 1841 rhyme by William Miller
Wikipedia - We Go Fast -- 1941 film by William C. McGann
Wikipedia - Wendell Willkie -- American lawyer and corporate executive
Wikipedia - Wendover Will -- Casino sign in Nevada
Wikipedia - Wendy M. Williams
Wikipedia - Wendy O. Williams -- American Vocalist and Actress
Wikipedia - Wendy Williams (American actress) -- American pornographic actress and model
Wikipedia - Wendy Williams Berger -- U.S. federal judge
Wikipedia - Wendy Williams (diver) -- American diver
Wikipedia - Wendy Williams -- American television personality and radio host
Wikipedia - Wentzwiller -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - We're Rich Again -- 1934 film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - Wesley Willis -- American singer-songwriter and visual artist
Wikipedia - We Will Be the World Champions -- 2015 film
Wikipedia - We Will Never Part -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - We Will Rock You -- 1977 Queen song
Wikipedia - WEZJ-FM -- Radio station in Williamsburg, Kentucky
Wikipedia - Wharf Angel -- 1936 film by William Cameron Menzies
Wikipedia - Whatever Will Be (song) -- 2005 single by Tammin Sursok
Wikipedia - What Hurts the Most -- 2003 song by Mark Wills
Wikipedia - What Is the Matter with Willi? -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - What Price Innocence? -- 1933 film by Willard Mack
Wikipedia - What's the Matter with Kansas? (editorial) -- 1896 newspaper editorial in support of William McKinley
Wikipedia - What That Speed Bout!? -- 2020 single by Mike Will Made It, Nicki Minaj and YoungBoy Never Broke Again
Wikipedia - What the Bleep Do We Know!? -- 2004 film by William Arntz
Wikipedia - What Will People Say? -- 1916 silent film by Alice Guy
Wikipedia - What Women Will Do -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - WHCM -- Radio station at William Rainey Harper College in Palatine, Illinois
Wikipedia - Wheeler Williams -- American sculptor
Wikipedia - When Heaven Fell -- 1995 novel by William Barton
Wikipedia - When Were You Born -- 1938 film by William C. McGann
Wikipedia - When Will I Be Loved (song) -- 1960 single by the Everly Brothers
Wikipedia - When Will My Life Begin? -- 2010 song from Disney's Tangled
Wikipedia - When Will the World Be Mine? -- 1954 Caldecott picture book
Wikipedia - When Will You (Make My Telephone Ring) -- 1987 single by Deacon Blue
Wikipedia - Where Are Your Children? -- 1943 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - Where Was I? (film) -- 1925 film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - Where Willy Went -- 2006 novel by Nicholas Allan
Wikipedia - Whirlpool (1934 film) -- 1934 film by Roy William Neill
Wikipedia - White Pants Willie -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Whitney Williams -- American businesswoman
Wikipedia - Who Were the Early Israelites and Where Did They Come from? -- Book by William G. Dever
Wikipedia - Who Will Answer? (song) -- 1967 single by Ed Ames
Wikipedia - Who Will Marry Mary? -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - Who Will Run the Frog Hospital? -- Book by Lorrie Moore
Wikipedia - WICL -- Radio station in Williamsport, Maryland
Wikipedia - Wild America (film) -- 1997 film by William Dear
Wikipedia - Wild Boys of the Road -- 1933 film by William A. Wellman
Wikipedia - Wild Wild West (Will Smith song) -- 1999 single by Will Smith
Wikipedia - WILI (AM) -- Radio station in Willimantic, Connecticut
Wikipedia - Will 2K -- 1999 single by Will Smith
Wikipedia - Willa Brown -- American aviator, educator, activist
Wikipedia - Willa Cather -- American writer and novelist
Wikipedia - Willa Festival -- Festival of the Takpo people
Wikipedia - Willa Fitzgerald -- American actor and television actor
Wikipedia - Willa Ford -- American singer
Wikipedia - Willa Holland -- American actress
Wikipedia - Will Ainsworth -- American politician
Wikipedia - Will Aitken -- American-Canadian writer
Wikipedia - Will Allison -- American novelist and editor
Wikipedia - Will Alsop -- British architect
Wikipedia - Willa Mae Ricker -- American Lindy Hop and jazz dancer
Wikipedia - Willam Belli -- American actor and drag queen
Wikipedia - Willamette Park -- A city park of about 26 acres in southwest Portland
Wikipedia - Willamette River -- River in northwest Oregon
Wikipedia - Willamette University
Wikipedia - Willamette Valley -- valley in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States
Wikipedia - Willamette Week
Wikipedia - Will Amos -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - Will & Finck -- San Francisco cutlery and locksmithing company
Wikipedia - Will & Grace -- American sitcom
Wikipedia - Will & Woody -- Australian radio show
Wikipedia - Willamy Freire -- Brazilian mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Willa Nasatir -- American artist
Wikipedia - Will Anderson (animator) -- Scottish-born film animator
Wikipedia - Will Anderson (Scrabble player) -- American Scrabble player
Wikipedia - Will Anderson (singer) -- American singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Will and Testament of M-JM-;Abdu'l-Baha -- Central Baha'i text
Wikipedia - Will and testament -- Legal declaration by which a person names one or more persons to manage his or her estate and provides for the distribution of his property at death
Wikipedia - Will and the Kill -- American rock band
Wikipedia - Will Any Gentleman...? -- 1953 film by Michael Anderson
Wikipedia - Will Any Gentleman? -- British play
Wikipedia - Willa of the Wood -- 2018 novel by Robert Beatty
Wikipedia - Willapa Electric Company -- Electric railway and utility company in Washington, United States
Wikipedia - Willard (1971 film) -- 1971 film by Daniel Mann
Wikipedia - Willard (2003 film)
Wikipedia - Willard A. Kitts -- American Vice admiral
Wikipedia - Willard Ames Holbrook -- Major General of US Army
Wikipedia - Willard and His Bowling Trophies -- Book by Richard Brautigan
Wikipedia - Willard and Maple -- Literary magazine
Wikipedia - Willard A. Saunders -- Decorated submarine commander
Wikipedia - Willard Bascom -- American oceanographer
Wikipedia - Willard Bay -- Reservoir in the Great Salt Lake, Utah
Wikipedia - Willard Bowsky -- American cartoonist and United States Army officer
Wikipedia - Willard Boyle
Wikipedia - Willard Chase -- American treasure hunter
Wikipedia - Willard Dickerman Straight -- American diplomat
Wikipedia - Willard Drug Treatment Center -- Specialized state prison, located in New York, US
Wikipedia - Willard Fazar -- American economist
Wikipedia - Willard Francis Mallalieu -- American bishop
Wikipedia - Willard Franklyn Searle -- US Navy ocean engineer and developer of diving and salvage equipment and systems
Wikipedia - Willard Gibbs Award -- US-American chemistry award
Wikipedia - Willard Gibbs
Wikipedia - Willard Goldsmith Rouse -- American lawyer and businessman
Wikipedia - Willard Harrison Bennett
Wikipedia - Willard-Hay, Minneapolis -- Neighborhood in Hennepin, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Willard H. George -- American furrier
Wikipedia - Willard Hirsch -- American sculptor
Wikipedia - Willardiine
Wikipedia - Willard Johnson (political scientist) -- American political scientist
Wikipedia - Willard Johnson (politician) -- New York politician
Wikipedia - Willard Kent -- American architect
Wikipedia - Willard Kitchener MacDonald -- Canadian hermit
Wikipedia - Willard LaMere -- Native American organizer and education leader
Wikipedia - Willard Libby -- 20th-century American physical chemist
Wikipedia - Willard L. Miranker -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - Willard Louis -- American actor
Wikipedia - Willard Maas -- American experimental filmmaker and poet
Wikipedia - Willard M. Huyck -- American politician
Wikipedia - Willard Myron Allen -- American gynecologist and co-discoverer of the hormone progesterone
Wikipedia - Willard Parker (surgeon) -- American surgeon
Wikipedia - Willard Quine
Wikipedia - Willard Robertson -- American actor
Wikipedia - Willard Rockwell
Wikipedia - Willard Rouse Jillson -- American historian, academic and geologist (1890-1975)
Wikipedia - Willard Rouse -- American real estate developer
Wikipedia - Willard Savoy -- American novelist
Wikipedia - Willard Saxby Townsend -- African-American labour leader
Wikipedia - Willard S. Boyle
Wikipedia - Willard Schrader -- American gymnast
Wikipedia - Willard Scott -- American weather presenter and television personality
Wikipedia - Willard Small
Wikipedia - Willard Thorp -- American economist and presidential advisor
Wikipedia - Willard T. Sears -- Designer of several important New England and American buildings.
Wikipedia - Willard, Utah -- City in Utah, United States
Wikipedia - Willard van Orman Quine
Wikipedia - Willard Van Orman Quine -- American philosopher and logician
Wikipedia - Willard Warner -- U.S. Senator from Alabama
Wikipedia - Will Arnett -- Canadian actor, comedian and producer
Wikipedia - Will Ashton -- Australian artist
Wikipedia - Will Attenborough -- British actor
Wikipedia - Will Ballantine -- British trade unionist and socialist activist
Wikipedia - Will Barker -- British film director
Wikipedia - Will Barnet -- American artist
Wikipedia - Will Barratt -- American cinematographer and producer
Wikipedia - Will Barta -- American bicycle racer
Wikipedia - Will Beall -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Will Blake -- American painter
Wikipedia - Will Botwin -- American talent manager
Wikipedia - Will Bouma -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - Will Brill -- American actor
Wikipedia - Will Brittain -- American actor
Wikipedia - Will Brooks -- American mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Will Brownsberger -- American politician from Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Will Brown (sport shooter) -- American sportsperson
Wikipedia - Will Bruder -- American architect
Wikipedia - Will Cain -- American columnist
Wikipedia - Will Calhoun -- American drummer
Wikipedia - Will Campbell (Baptist minister) -- American writer
Wikipedia - Will Campos -- American politician
Wikipedia - Will Carleton -- American poet
Wikipedia - Will Carroll -- American sportswriter
Wikipedia - Will Champion -- English musician and drummer, member of Coldplay
Wikipedia - Will Chase -- American actor and singer
Wikipedia - Will Christopher Baer -- American author of hardboiled fiction
Wikipedia - Will Clark (actor) -- American gay pornographic film actor
Wikipedia - Will Clarke (novelist) -- American novelist
Wikipedia - Will Claxton -- American golfer
Wikipedia - Will Clinger
Wikipedia - Will Conlon -- Canadian actor
Wikipedia - Will Connell -- American photographer
Wikipedia - Will Corrie -- British actor
Wikipedia - Will Cotton -- American painter
Wikipedia - Willcox, Arizona -- City in Arizona, United States
Wikipedia - Willcox Unified School District -- School district in Arizona, US
Wikipedia - Will Cozens -- British radio presenter and DJ
Wikipedia - Will Crowther
Wikipedia - Will Crummer -- Cook Islands singer
Wikipedia - Will Cuppy -- American writer
Wikipedia - Will Denton -- American film and television actor
Wikipedia - Will Devaughn -- Filipino actor and model
Wikipedia - Will Dismukes -- American politician
Wikipedia - Will Downing -- American singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Will Duckworth -- Former Deputy Leader of the Green Party of England and Wales
Wikipedia - Will Durant
Wikipedia - Will Durst -- American comedian
Wikipedia - Willebrord Snellius
Wikipedia - Willebrord Snell
Wikipedia - Willehad of Bremen
Wikipedia - Willehad of Denmark
Wikipedia - Willehad -- 8th-century Bishop of Bremen
Wikipedia - Will Eisenmann -- German-Swiss composer
Wikipedia - Will Eisner -- American cartoonist
Wikipedia - Will E. Keller -- American businessman
Wikipedia - Willeke van Ammelrooy -- Dutch actress
Wikipedia - Willeke Wendrich -- American egyptologist
Wikipedia - Will Elder
Wikipedia - Will Elliott -- Australian horror writer
Wikipedia - Willem Adams -- Dutch painter
Wikipedia - Willem Albarda -- Dutch politician
Wikipedia - Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands -- King of the Netherlands
Wikipedia - Willem Anne Schimmelpenninck van der Oye -- Dutch politician
Wikipedia - Willem Appollus -- Namibian politician and schoolteacher
Wikipedia - Willem Baptist -- Dutch filmmaker and documentary-director
Wikipedia - Willem Barentsz -- Dutch navigator, cartographer, and Arctic explorer
Wikipedia - Willem B. Drees -- Dutch philosopher
Wikipedia - Willem Breuker -- Dutch jazz musician
Wikipedia - Willem Buys -- Grand Pensionary of Holland
Wikipedia - Willem Claesz Vooght -- Mayor of Haarlem
Wikipedia - Willem Coertzen -- South African track and field athlete
Wikipedia - Willem Dadema -- Dutch judoka
Wikipedia - Willem Dafoe -- American actor
Wikipedia - Willem de Heusch -- Dutch painter
Wikipedia - Willem de Kooning -- Dutch-American painter
Wikipedia - Willem de Ridder -- Dutch artist and anarchist
Wikipedia - Willem de Sitter
Wikipedia - Willem de Vlamingh -- Dutch explorer
Wikipedia - Willem de Vries Lentsch -- Dutch sailor
Wikipedia - Willem Doman -- South African politician
Wikipedia - Willem Drees -- 37th Prime Minister of the Netherlands
Wikipedia - Willem Duys -- Dutch media personality
Wikipedia - Willem Einthoven -- Dutch physiologist
Wikipedia - Willem Elsschot -- Flemish writer
Wikipedia - Willem Faber -- South African politician
Wikipedia - Willem Floor -- Dutch Iranologist
Wikipedia - Willem Frederik Hermans -- Dutch writer
Wikipedia - Willem Frederik Rochussen -- Dutch politician
Wikipedia - Willem Grasso -- Dutch businessman
Wikipedia - Willem GrobbM-CM-)e -- Dutch politician
Wikipedia - Willem Hendrik Keesom
Wikipedia - Willem Hendrik van den Bos -- (1896-1974) Dutch astronomer who worked in South African
Wikipedia - Willem Hoekzema -- Dutch politician
Wikipedia - Willem Holsboer -- German actor
Wikipedia - Willem Hoornstra -- Dutch politician
Wikipedia - Willem H. Vanderburg
Wikipedia - Willemijn Bos -- Dutch field hockey defender
Wikipedia - Willemijn Verloop -- Peace activist
Wikipedia - Willem Jacob van Stockum
Wikipedia - Willem Jeths -- Dutch composer
Wikipedia - Willem Kersters -- Belgian composer
Wikipedia - Willem Kes -- Dutch conductor and violinist
Wikipedia - Willem Kremer -- Dutch theologian
Wikipedia - Willem Levelt
Wikipedia - Willem Louw -- South African army general
Wikipedia - Willem Luyten
Wikipedia - Willem Maduro -- Dutch Antillean judoka
Wikipedia - Willem Mahue -- Flemish painter
Wikipedia - Willem Marinus Dudok -- Dutch modernist architect best known for his design of Hilversum Town Hall
Wikipedia - Willem Maurits Bruyninck -- Governor of Ceylon
Wikipedia - Wille MM-CM-$kelM-CM-$ -- Finnish curler
Wikipedia - Willem Noorduin -- Dutch Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Willem Olsthoorn -- Dutch fashion executive
Wikipedia - Willem Oltmans -- Dutch investigative journalist
Wikipedia - Willem P.C. Stemmer
Wikipedia - Willem Peters -- Dutch athlete
Wikipedia - Willem Pieter Landzaat -- Dutch military officer
Wikipedia - Willem Pieterszoon Buytewech -- Painter and engraver from the Northern Netherlands
Wikipedia - Willem Potma -- Dutch sailor
Wikipedia - Willem Ritstier -- Dutch cartoonist
Wikipedia - Willem Ruis -- Dutch game show presenter
Wikipedia - Willem Saris -- Dutch sociologist
Wikipedia - Willem Schelfhout -- Dutch chess player
Wikipedia - Willem Schermerhorn -- Dutch politician
Wikipedia - Willem Scholten -- Dutch politician
Wikipedia - Willem 's Gravesande
Wikipedia - Willem Smits -- Flemish biblical scholar
Wikipedia - Willemstad -- Former capital of the Netherlands Antillies
Wikipedia - Willem Swidde -- Dutch draughtsperson and engraver
Wikipedia - Willem Thibaut -- Dutch painter and stained glass designer (1524-1597)
Wikipedia - Willem Tholen -- Dutch weightlifter
Wikipedia - Willem Toet -- Australian aerodynamicist
Wikipedia - Willem Treub
Wikipedia - Willem van Asselt
Wikipedia - Willem van der Merwe -- South African cricketer and orthopaedic surgeon
Wikipedia - Willem van der Poel
Wikipedia - Willem van der Veer -- Dutch actor
Wikipedia - Willem van de Sande Bakhuyzen -- Dutch film director
Wikipedia - Willem van de Velde the Elder -- Dutch painter
Wikipedia - Willem van de Velde the Younger -- Dutch painter
Wikipedia - Willem van Hasselt -- Dutch painter
Wikipedia - Willem van Hoogstraten -- Dutch violinist and conductor
Wikipedia - Willem van Loon -- Dutch tug of war competitor
Wikipedia - Willem van Otterloo -- Dutch conductor and composer
Wikipedia - Willem van Rekum -- Dutch tug of war competitor
Wikipedia - Willem van Rhijn -- Dutch modern pentathlete
Wikipedia - Willem van Riet -- South African canoeist
Wikipedia - Willem van Schaik
Wikipedia - Willem van Walt Meijer -- Dutch sailor
Wikipedia - Willem van Zeist
Wikipedia - Willem van Zwet -- Dutch mathematical statistician
Wikipedia - Willem Vermeend -- Dutch politician
Wikipedia - Willem Visser 't Hooft
Wikipedia - Willem Vrolik -- Dutch anatomist
Wikipedia - Willem Wakker -- Dutch athlete
Wikipedia - Willem Warmont -- Dutch Golden Age Mayor of Haarlem
Wikipedia - Willem Welgemoed -- South African diver
Wikipedia - Willem Wilmink -- Dutch poet and writer
Wikipedia - Willem Winkelman -- Dutch racewalker
Wikipedia - Willem Zeylmans van Emmichoven -- Dutch psychiatrist and anthroposophist
Wikipedia - Willem Zijderveld -- Dutch painter
Wikipedia - Will Englund -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Will Eno -- American playwright
Wikipedia - Willer Bordon -- Italian politician
Wikipedia - Willer, Haut-Rhin -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Will Erich Peuckert
Wikipedia - Willerich
Wikipedia - Willernie, Minnesota -- City in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Willer-sur-Thur -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Willesborough
Wikipedia - Willesden Green tube station -- London Underground station
Wikipedia - Willesden Junction station -- London Underground and London Overground station
Wikipedia - Willes Little Flower School -- private school in Kakrail, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Will Espero -- American politician
Wikipedia - Will Estes -- American actor
Wikipedia - Willet Casey -- Upper Canada politician
Wikipedia - Willetta Greene-Johnson -- American physicist
Wikipedia - Willett Hot Springs -- Thermal springs in California
Wikipedia - Willet -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Willey Glover Denis
Wikipedia - Willez -- Swedish dansband
Wikipedia - Will Ferguson -- Canadian travel writer and novelist
Wikipedia - Will Ferrell -- American actor, comedian, producer, writer and businessman
Wikipedia - Will Firth -- Australian literary translator (born 1965)
Wikipedia - Willford I. King
Wikipedia - Will Forte -- American actor, comedian, writer and producer
Wikipedia - Will Fowles -- American businessman
Wikipedia - Willfred Nordlund -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Will Friedle -- American actor
Wikipedia - Willfully Whimsical -- Painting by Lisa Corinne Davis
Wikipedia - Willful Murder -- 1981 film
Wikipedia - Willful violation -- Deliberate or negligent violation of workplace rules and policies
Wikipedia - Will Fyffe -- British performing artist
Wikipedia - Will Geer -- American actor
Wikipedia - Will Glover -- American musician
Wikipedia - Willgodt Theophil Odhner
Wikipedia - Will Harvey -- Computer programmer and businessperson
Wikipedia - Will Haskell -- American politician
Wikipedia - Will Hay -- English comedian, actor, film director
Wikipedia - Will Heggie -- Scottish musician (Cocteau Twins, Lowlife)
Wikipedia - Will Hermes -- American author, broadcaster, and music critic
Wikipedia - Will Hislop -- British comedian
Wikipedia - Will H. Kindig -- American politician from California
Wikipedia - Will Hogue -- American World Long Drive competitor
Wikipedia - Will Holder (designer) -- English typographer
Wikipedia - Will Howden -- British sailor
Wikipedia - Will Hubbard -- British First World War flying ace
Wikipedia - Will Hunting
Wikipedia - Will Hurd -- U.S. Representative from Texas
Wikipedia - Will Hutchins (painter) -- 20th-century American painter
Wikipedia - Will Hutchins -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Aalto -- United States Army soldier
Wikipedia - William A. Ashbrook -- American politician and businessman
Wikipedia - William Abadie -- French actor
Wikipedia - William A. Bardeen
Wikipedia - William A. Barnett -- American economist
Wikipedia - William A. Barrett -- American politician
Wikipedia - William A. Barstow -- 19th century American politician, 3rd Governor of Wisconsin, 2nd Secretary of State of Wisconsin, Union Army officer in the American Civil War.
Wikipedia - William Abbe -- Iowa state senator
Wikipedia - William Abbott Herdman -- Scottish marine zoologist, oceanographer
Wikipedia - William A. Beardslee -- American theologian
Wikipedia - William Aberhart -- Premier of Alberta (1935-1943)
Wikipedia - William Abernethy Drummond -- Scottish physician and bishop
Wikipedia - William Abikoff -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William Abler
Wikipedia - William Abney (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - William A. Bradfield -- Australian amateur astronomer who set a world record by discovering 18 comets. (1927-2014)
Wikipedia - William Abraham (Irish politician) -- Irish politician
Wikipedia - William Abraham (trade unionist) -- Welsh trade unionist
Wikipedia - William A. Caldwell
Wikipedia - William A. Carroll -- American actor
Wikipedia - William A. Chanler -- American politician, soldier and explorer
Wikipedia - William Ackerman -- Guitarist, composer
Wikipedia - William A. Clark -- American mining magnate and politician (1839-1925)
Wikipedia - William A. Clemens Jr. -- American paleontologist and academic
Wikipedia - William a Court-Holmes, 2nd Baron Heytesbury -- British politician
Wikipedia - William A. Craven -- American politician
Wikipedia - William A. Crawford -- American diplomat and ambassador (1915-2001)
Wikipedia - William A. Culpepper -- American judge and lawyer
Wikipedia - William Adair -- Royal Marines general
Wikipedia - William Adams Delano -- American architect
Wikipedia - William Adams (locomotive engineer) -- Locomotive Superintendent of several railways
Wikipedia - William Adams (mining engineer) -- Welsh mining engineer and naturalist
Wikipedia - William Adams (minister) -- American clergyman and academic
Wikipedia - William Adamson (Australian politician) -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William A. Darity Jr. -- American economist (1953-)
Wikipedia - William Addams Reitwiesner -- American historian (1954-2010)
Wikipedia - William Addams -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Addison Lathrop -- American author and playwright
Wikipedia - William Addison (VC) -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - William Adelin -- 12th-century English prince
Wikipedia - William A. Dembski -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William Adlington Barrow Cadbury -- English businessman
Wikipedia - William-Adolphe Bouguereau -- French academic painter (1825-1905)
Wikipedia - William Adyes -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Adyn -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William A. Earle -- American philosopher
Wikipedia - William A. Eaton -- American diplomat
Wikipedia - William A. F. Browne
Wikipedia - William A. Foley
Wikipedia - William A. Fraker -- American film director, producer and cinematographer
Wikipedia - William Agar Adamson -- Author, clergyman
Wikipedia - William Agee -- American businessman
Wikipedia - William A. Hammond -- American military physician and neurologist
Wikipedia - William Aitcheson Haswell
Wikipedia - William Aiton -- Scottish botanist (1731-1793)
Wikipedia - William A. Jacobson -- American legal scholar
Wikipedia - William A. Jeffrey -- CEO of SRI International
Wikipedia - William A. Jones III -- US Air Force officer and Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - William Alabaster -- 16th and 17th-century English poet, playwright, and religious writer
Wikipedia - William Alanson Bryan
Wikipedia - William Alanson Howard -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Alanson White Institute
Wikipedia - William Alanson White
Wikipedia - William Alanson -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Albert Allard -- American documentary photographer
Wikipedia - William Albert Setchell -- American botanist and naturalist
Wikipedia - William Albert -- American politician (1816-1879)
Wikipedia - William Albrecht
Wikipedia - William Alcliffe -- 15th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Alcott
Wikipedia - William Alderson -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William Aldis Wright -- 19th/20th-century English writer and editor
Wikipedia - William Aldous -- English judge
Wikipedia - William Aldrich -- U.S. Representative
Wikipedia - William Alexander, 1st Earl of Stirling -- Scottish courtier and poet
Wikipedia - William Alexander Aitken -- Scottish fur trader in St. Louis, USA
Wikipedia - William Alexander (author) -- American writer and academic
Wikipedia - William Alexander Baird -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William Alexander (bishop) -- Irish bishop, born 1824
Wikipedia - William Alexander (Canadian soldier) -- Canadian soldier
Wikipedia - William Alexander Deer
Wikipedia - William Alexander (died 1446) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Alexander Graham -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Alexander Greenhill
Wikipedia - William Alexander Griffith -- American painter
Wikipedia - William Alexander Hammond
Wikipedia - William Alexander, Lord Stirling -- American Continental Army general (1726-1783)
Wikipedia - William Alexander McArthur -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Alexander Morgan -- American revolutionary
Wikipedia - William Alexander Parsons Martin
Wikipedia - William Alexander Stephenson -- Jamaican journalist
Wikipedia - William Alexander Weir -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William Alexander Young
Wikipedia - William Aleyn -- English pirate
Wikipedia - William Alfred Fowler -- American nuclear physicist
Wikipedia - William Alfred Savage -- English recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - William Alfred Wearing -- Australian judge
Wikipedia - William Alfred Weber -- American botanist
Wikipedia - William Alfred -- American playwright
Wikipedia - William Alicea PM-CM-)rez -- Puerto Rican politician
Wikipedia - William Alington, 1st Baron Alington -- Irish peer
Wikipedia - William Alington, 3rd Baron Alington -- Irish peer
Wikipedia - William Alington (speaker, died 1479)
Wikipedia - William Alington (speaker)
Wikipedia - William Alison (politician) -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William Alison -- Scottish physician
Wikipedia - William Allain -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Alland -- American actor, producer, writer, and director
Wikipedia - William Allan (English politician) -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Allan (human geneticist)
Wikipedia - William Allan Neilson -- American lexicographer, teacher, and college president
Wikipedia - William Allardyce -- British Colonial Governor
Wikipedia - William Allee -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Allegrezza
Wikipedia - William Allen (cardinal) -- English Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church
Wikipedia - William Allen (Montana politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Allen (National Liberal politician) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Allen (Quaker)
Wikipedia - William Allen (sailor) -- American sailor
Wikipedia - William Allen (VC 1879) -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - William Allestry (died 1700) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Allingham
Wikipedia - William Allis
Wikipedia - William Allmond Codrington Goode -- British colonial administrator
Wikipedia - William Alnwick
Wikipedia - William Alonzo Barber -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Alston -- American philosopher
Wikipedia - William Alvin Howard -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William A. Martin
Wikipedia - William A. Massey (mathematician) -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William Ambrose -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Ames
Wikipedia - William Amey -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - William A. Mitchell -- American food chemist
Wikipedia - William A. Moorman -- American judge
Wikipedia - William & Mary Tribe -- Athletic teams that represent the College of William & Mary
Wikipedia - William A. Mueller -- American sound engineer
Wikipedia - William A. Navas Jr. -- United States general
Wikipedia - William and Air Raid Precautions -- Book by Richmal Crompton
Wikipedia - William and Alexander Curlett -- Irish-born American architect
Wikipedia - William Andelfinger -- American gymnast
Wikipedia - William Anderson (American writer) -- American author, historian and lecturer
Wikipedia - William Anderson (athlete) -- Irish athlete
Wikipedia - William Anderson (bishop of Caledonia) -- Canadian Anglican bishop
Wikipedia - William Anderson (Bishop of Salisbury)
Wikipedia - William Anderson (cricket umpire) -- South African cricket umpire
Wikipedia - William Anderson (guitarist) -- American guitarist and song writer
Wikipedia - William Anderson (minister) -- Theological writer and preacher from Scotland
Wikipedia - William Anderson (naturalist) -- Scottish naturalist
Wikipedia - William Anderson (RAAF officer) -- Royal Australian Air Force senior commander
Wikipedia - William Anderson (theatre) -- Australian theatre manager (1868-1940)
Wikipedia - William Anderson (VC) -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - William Anderson (Victorian politician, born 1828) -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William Anders
Wikipedia - William and Estella Adair Farm -- Historic place in Carnation, Washington, US
Wikipedia - William and Katherine Estes Award
Wikipedia - William Andleby
Wikipedia - William and Mary Quarterly
Wikipedia - William Andrew Archer -- American economic botanist and plant collector (1894-1973)
Wikipedia - William Andrew Clark -- Scottish botanist
Wikipedia - William Andre -- American modern pentathlete
Wikipedia - William Andrew Moffett -- American librarian
Wikipedia - William Andrew (priest) -- Anglican priest
Wikipedia - William Andrews (comedian) -- British actor and comedian
Wikipedia - William and The Brains Trust -- Book by Richmal Crompton
Wikipedia - William and the Masked Ranger -- Book by Richmal Crompton
Wikipedia - William A. Nelden House -- Historic house
Wikipedia - William A. Newman
Wikipedia - William Angie Smith -- American Methodist bishop
Wikipedia - William Angus Knight
Wikipedia - William Angus Sinclair -- Scottish philosopher
Wikipedia - William Angwin -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William Annyas -- Irish msyor
Wikipedia - William A. Nolen -- American surgeon and author (1928-1986)
Wikipedia - William Anselmi -- Italian-born academic and writer
Wikipedia - William Anthony (bookbinder) -- American bookbinder
Wikipedia - William Anthony Granville -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William Anthony (USMC) -- United States Marine
Wikipedia - William Antonio Rodrigues -- Brazilian botanist
Wikipedia - William Antrobus Griesbach -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William Apap -- Maltese artist
Wikipedia - William Apess
Wikipedia - William A. Porter
Wikipedia - William A. Poynter -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Appleman Williams
Wikipedia - William Appleton (entrepreneur) -- American entrepreneur and technologist
Wikipedia - William Aquin Carew -- Canadian Roman Catholic archbishop
Wikipedia - William Aramony -- CEO of United Way of American
Wikipedia - William Archer (architect) -- Australian architect and explorer
Wikipedia - William Archer (critic) -- 19th/20th-century Scottish writer and critic
Wikipedia - William Archer (naturalist)
Wikipedia - William Archibald Dunning -- American historian noted for the "Dunning School"
Wikipedia - William Archibald (playwright)
Wikipedia - William Archibald -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William Archila -- Latino poet and writer
Wikipedia - William Armstrong, 1st Baron Armstrong -- English inventor, scientist, engineer, industrialist
Wikipedia - William Armstrong (Canadian artist) -- Canadian artist
Wikipedia - William Armstrong Fairburn -- United States chemist and industrial executive
Wikipedia - William Armstrong Fallis -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William Armstrong (pilot) -- African-American pilot and veteran
Wikipedia - William Armstrong (Virginia politician) -- American lawyer, civil servant, politician, and businessperson
Wikipedia - William Armyn (MP) -- English politician (1562-1622)
Wikipedia - William Arnemann -- American businessman and politician
Wikipedia - William Arnett -- Art collector
Wikipedia - William Arnold Anthony -- American physicist (1835-1908)
Wikipedia - William Arnold Newton -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Arntz -- American film director and producer
Wikipedia - William Arrol -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Arrowsmith -- American classicist, academic and translator
Wikipedia - William Artaud -- British artist
Wikipedia - William Arthur Bone
Wikipedia - William Arthur Callendar a Beckett -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William Arthur Cochrane -- Canadian pediatrician, academic and medical executive
Wikipedia - William Arthur Coles -- Physicist
Wikipedia - William Arthur Evelyn -- British historian
Wikipedia - William Arthur Heazell -- Architect based in Nottingham
Wikipedia - William Arthur Kirk -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William Arthur (mathematician)
Wikipedia - William Arthur Parks
Wikipedia - William Arthur Shaw -- English historian
Wikipedia - William Arthur Ward -- American writer
Wikipedia - William A. Rusher -- American attorney and journalist
Wikipedia - William Arveson -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William A. Ryan -- American politician from Michigan
Wikipedia - William A. Seiter -- American film director
Wikipedia - William Asenhill -- 15th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Ash (actor) -- British actor
Wikipedia - William Ashby (died 1593) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Ash (MP) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Ashwell Shenstone -- English chemist, schoolmaster and author
Wikipedia - William Askew -- English politician
Wikipedia - William A. Spangenthal -- Air Education and Training Command deputy commander
Wikipedia - William A. Spinks -- Carom billiards player; independent inventor; oil company investor and director; farm operator and horticulturist
Wikipedia - William Aspley
Wikipedia - William Astbury
Wikipedia - William Astley -- Australian writer
Wikipedia - William Aston -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William Atcheson Traill -- Irish engineer
Wikipedia - William Atherton (minister) -- English Wesleyan minister
Wikipedia - William Atherton (soldier) -- American soldier
Wikipedia - William Atherton -- American actor
Wikipedia - William A. Thompson -- American engineer
Wikipedia - William Atia Amoro -- Ghanaian politician
Wikipedia - William A. Tiller
Wikipedia - William Atkins (Jesuit) -- English Jesuit priest
Wikipedia - William A. Townsend -- British philatelist
Wikipedia - William A. Tremayne -- American playwright and screenwriter
Wikipedia - William atte Dene -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Atwater (bishop)
Wikipedia - William Auchinleck -- Irish surgeon, President of the RCSI
Wikipedia - William Auchterlonie -- Scottish golfer
Wikipedia - William Augustus Ayres -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Augustus Reeder -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Augustus (translator) -- Pre-scientific Welsh weather forecaster and translator
Wikipedia - William Auld Tait -- Canadian politician and pioneer
Wikipedia - William Austin Burt -- American politician
Wikipedia - William A. Veech -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William Averell -- 16th-century English pamphleteer, prose writer, parish clerk, and schoolmaster
Wikipedia - William Avery (Massachusetts politicians) -- American politician
Wikipedia - William A. Wellman -- American director, actor
Wikipedia - William A. Wheeler -- American vice president (1819-1887)
Wikipedia - William Axon -- British librarian and antiquarian
Wikipedia - William Ayermin
Wikipedia - William Ayling (judge) -- Colonial Judge
Wikipedia - William Ayres Ward -- American Egyptologist
Wikipedia - William Ayrton (music critic) -- English music critic
Wikipedia - William Ayscough
Wikipedia - William Babington (physician)
Wikipedia - William Babthorpe -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Babtie -- British Army general and recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - William Bacon Stevens -- American bishop
Wikipedia - William Badaoui -- Australian figure skater
Wikipedia - William Badby
Wikipedia - William Badger (died 1629) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Badgley -- Canadian judge
Wikipedia - William Baer (antitrust lawyer) -- American lawyer
Wikipedia - William Baer (writer) -- American poet
Wikipedia - William Baffin
Wikipedia - William Bagnall -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William Bagot (politician) -- Politician and administrator under Richard II
Wikipedia - William Bailey (actor) -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Bailey (soldier) -- British Army officer in the two world wars
Wikipedia - William Bailey (South Carolina politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Bailhache -- Jersey lawyer
Wikipedia - William Bailiff -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Baillie (engraver) -- Printmaker from Ireland
Wikipedia - William Baines -- English composer
Wikipedia - William Baird (physician)
Wikipedia - William Baird (zoologist)
Wikipedia - William Baker Pitt -- English priest
Wikipedia - William Baker (priest) -- Anglican priest
Wikipedia - William Bakewell -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Baldwin (New Zealand politician) -- New Zealand politician
Wikipedia - William Baldwin -- Actor and producer from the United States
Wikipedia - William Balfour -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William Ball (astronomer) -- British astronomer
Wikipedia - William B. Allen
Wikipedia - William B. Allison -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Ball (suffragist) -- British workers union member
Wikipedia - William Baly -- English physician
Wikipedia - William Bambridge -- English missionary and photographer
Wikipedia - William Banastre -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Bankier -- Scottish early and strongman stage performer
Wikipedia - William Bannerman -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William Banting -- English undertaker and populariser of a weight loss diet
Wikipedia - William Barber (Ontario politician) -- Canadian businessman and politician
Wikipedia - William Barclay (New York politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Barclay (Northern Ireland politician) -- Northern Irish politician
Wikipedia - William Barclay Parsons -- American civil engineer
Wikipedia - William Barclay (theologian) -- Scottish author, presenter, Church of Scotland minister and Professor of Divinity and Biblical Criticism (1907-1978)
Wikipedia - William Barden Jr. -- American computer programmer
Wikipedia - William Barefoot -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Barksted -- 17th-century English actor and poet
Wikipedia - William Barley -- English bookseller and publisher (1565?-1614)
Wikipedia - William Barlow (bishop of Chichester)
Wikipedia - William Barlow (bishop of Lincoln) -- Bishop of Rochester; Bishop of Lincoln
Wikipedia - William Barnard (bishop) -- Irish Anglican bishop
Wikipedia - William Barne (died 1562) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Barnes (died 1558) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Barnes (sport shooter) -- Canadian sport shooter
Wikipedia - William Barnes
Wikipedia - William Barons
Wikipedia - William Barr (artist) -- American artist
Wikipedia - William Barratt
Wikipedia - William Barraud -- English animal painter and illustrator
Wikipedia - William Barrett (philosopher)
Wikipedia - William Barron (politician) -- New Zealand politician
Wikipedia - William Barrow (bishop) -- 15th-century Bishop of Carlisle and Bishop of Bangor
Wikipedia - William Barrowby -- English physician
Wikipedia - William Barrow (Jesuit) -- English Jesuit
Wikipedia - William Barr -- 77th and 85th United States Attorney General
Wikipedia - William Bartholomae Jr. -- American sailor
Wikipedia - William Bartholomay -- American insurance executive
Wikipedia - William Bartley (pilot) -- [[Tuskegee Airmen]]
Wikipedia - William Bartlit -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Barton (musician) -- Australian Aboriginal didgeridoo player
Wikipedia - William Barton Rogers -- American scientist, founder of MIT (1804-1882)
Wikipedia - William Bartram -- American naturalist (1739-1823)
Wikipedia - William Baseley -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Basil Weston -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - William Basinski -- American composer
Wikipedia - William Bassett (actor) -- American actor of film and television
Wikipedia - William Bast (MP) -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Batchelder Greene
Wikipedia - William Bate Hardy -- British biologist
Wikipedia - William Bates (Australian politician) -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William Bateson
Wikipedia - William Bathe -- Irish priest
Wikipedia - William Batt (architect) -- Irish architect
Wikipedia - William Battie
Wikipedia - William Baude -- American legal scholar
Wikipedia - William Baumgartner -- American transplant surgeons
Wikipedia - William Baumol -- American economist
Wikipedia - William Bavand -- English writer
Wikipedia - William Bayard Cutting Jr. -- American diplomat
Wikipedia - William Bayard Jr. -- American banker (1761-1826)
Wikipedia - William Bayles -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William Bayliss
Wikipedia - William Baylis -- American sailor
Wikipedia - William B. Bader -- Former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State
Wikipedia - William B. Bankhead -- American politician
Wikipedia - William B. Branch -- American playwright
Wikipedia - William B. Buffum -- American diplomat
Wikipedia - William B. Caldwell IV -- US Army general
Wikipedia - William B. Castle (hematologist)
Wikipedia - William B. Castle
Wikipedia - William B. Clagett -- 21st Comptroller of Maryland (1854-1911)
Wikipedia - William B. Colleary -- American architect
Wikipedia - William B. Cooper (Delaware politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - William B. Cooper (NC politician) -- North Carolina politician
Wikipedia - William B. Coster -- American banker
Wikipedia - William B. Cushing -- United States Navy officer
Wikipedia - William B. Davidson -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Beach (economist) -- Commissioner of Bureau of Labor statistics
Wikipedia - William Beach Lawrence -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Beach Thomas -- British author and war correspondent (1868-1957)
Wikipedia - William Beale -- English composer and baritone
Wikipedia - William Beamisch -- French bobsledder
Wikipedia - William Beanes -- American physician (1749-1828)
Wikipedia - William Bean (geologist)
Wikipedia - William Beard (bone collector)
Wikipedia - William Beardmore and Company -- British engineering and shipbuilding company
Wikipedia - William Beardsley (politician) -- American politician from Maine
Wikipedia - William Beasley -- Irish jockey
Wikipedia - William Beaty Boyd -- American academic
Wikipedia - William Beauchamp Wildman -- American teacher and historian
Wikipedia - William Beaudine -- American film actor and director
Wikipedia - William Beaumont -- American physician
Wikipedia - William Beavis -- American geneticist
Wikipedia - William Bechtel
Wikipedia - William Beckett (singer) -- American musician
Wikipedia - William Becke -- British Army officer
Wikipedia - William Beckford (novelist) -- English art collector and novelist (1760-1844)
Wikipedia - William Beckley (Carmelite)
Wikipedia - William Beckner (mathematician) -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William Bedford Van Lare -- Ghanaian jurist
Wikipedia - William Bedloe
Wikipedia - William Bedwell -- English priest and scholar
Wikipedia - William Beebe -- American ornithologist, marine biologist, entomologist, and explorer
Wikipedia - William Beecher Scoville
Wikipedia - William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company -- Publishing house based in Michigan
Wikipedia - William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
Wikipedia - William Beesley -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - William Bees -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - William Begg (mayor) -- New Zealand businessman and politician
Wikipedia - William Behnes -- British sculptor (1795-1864)
Wikipedia - William Beier -- German ice dancer
Wikipedia - William Bell Dinsmoor -- architectural historian and professor
Wikipedia - William Bellenden -- 17th-century Scottish classical scholar
Wikipedia - William Bell Riley -- American Baptist pastor
Wikipedia - William Bell Scott
Wikipedia - William Bell (singer) -- American soul singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - William Belsham
Wikipedia - William Belter -- American Republican politician, former member of the Wisconsin Assembly from Wautoma
Wikipedia - William Bendix -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Benedict -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Bengen -- American finance and investment writer
Wikipedia - William Benger -- British World War I flying ace
Wikipedia - William Benham (zoologist) -- New Zealand zoologist
Wikipedia - William Benjamin Carpenter
Wikipedia - William Bennett -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Benoit -- American political communication scholar
Wikipedia - William Bentley Ball -- American lawyer
Wikipedia - William Bentsen -- American sailor
Wikipedia - William Bentvena -- American mobster (1921-1970)
Wikipedia - William Berewald -- American gymnast
Wikipedia - William Berg (classicist) -- American classicist
Wikipedia - William Berger (actor) -- Austrian actor
Wikipedia - William Berkeley, 4th Baron Berkeley of Stratton -- British politician and judge
Wikipedia - William Berkeley (governor) -- 17th-century English colonial governor of Virginia
Wikipedia - William Berke -- American film director
Wikipedia - William Bernard McCabe
Wikipedia - William Bernard O'Donoghue -- Irish-American treasurer
Wikipedia - William Bernard Robinson King
Wikipedia - William Bernard Ullathorne
Wikipedia - William Berntsen -- Danish sailor
Wikipedia - William Berry, 1st Viscount Camrose -- British newspaper publisher
Wikipedia - William Berryman Scott
Wikipedia - William Berry residence -- Heritage-listed detached house in Australia
Wikipedia - William Berton
Wikipedia - William Bertram (actor) -- Canadian actor
Wikipedia - William Bertrand -- French politician
Wikipedia - William Berwald -- American composer and conductor
Wikipedia - William Best, 2nd Baron Wynford -- British Baron and politician
Wikipedia - William Beutenmuller -- U.S. entomologist (1864-1934)
Wikipedia - William Bevan (psychologist)
Wikipedia - William B. Evans -- 20th- and 21st-century American police officer
Wikipedia - William Beveridge (bishop)
Wikipedia - William Beveridge -- British Liberal politician, economist, and social reformer
Wikipedia - William Beverley -- 18th-century American legislator, civil servant, planter and landowner
Wikipedia - William B. Fitzgerald Jr. -- American politician from Michigan
Wikipedia - William B. Gould -- American slave, Civil War veteran and diarist
Wikipedia - William B. Greene
Wikipedia - William B. Hartsfield -- American politician
Wikipedia - William B. Hayes House -- Historic building in Des Moines, Iowa, US
Wikipedia - William B. Helmreich -- American sociologist
Wikipedia - William B. Hesseltine -- American historian
Wikipedia - William B. Hurlbut
Wikipedia - William Biddick Jr. -- American politician
Wikipedia - William B. Ide -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Bigelow Easton -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William (Bill) Culican
Wikipedia - William Billings
Wikipedia - William Billington (poet) -- English poet
Wikipedia - William (Bill) Masters
Wikipedia - William Binchy -- Irish lawyer
Wikipedia - William Binney (U.S. intelligence official)
Wikipedia - William Binnie (engineer) -- British civil engineer
Wikipedia - William Birchall -- Officer in the Royal Navy during the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars
Wikipedia - William Bird Brodie -- Politician, died 1863
Wikipedia - William Birdwood -- British Army general
Wikipedia - William Birmingham Costello -- Irish surgeon
Wikipedia - William Birney -- Union Army general and lawyer (1819-1907)
Wikipedia - William Bittman -- American trial lawyer and federal prosecutor
Wikipedia - William B. Johnson (mathematician) -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William B. Jordan -- American art historian
Wikipedia - William B. Kaplan -- Sound engineer
Wikipedia - William B. Keene -- American judge
Wikipedia - William Blackburne -- British judge
Wikipedia - William Black (businessman) -- American businessman
Wikipedia - William Black (Methodist) -- Anglo-Canadian minister
Wikipedia - William Black (Ontario politician) -- Canadian politician, died 1944
Wikipedia - William Black (soldier) -- American Civil War drummer boy
Wikipedia - William Blackstone -- 18th-century English jurist, judge, and politician
Wikipedia - William Blaikie -- American author
Wikipedia - William Blair (American politician) -- Wisconsin politician (1820-1880)
Wikipedia - William Blake Archive -- Digital Humanities project first created in 1994
Wikipedia - William Blake (disambiguation)
Wikipedia - William Blake (economist)
Wikipedia - William Blake in popular culture
Wikipedia - William Blakeney (died 1804) -- Irish politician and British Army officer
Wikipedia - William Blake's illustrations of On the Morning of Christ's Nativity
Wikipedia - William Blake's illustrations of Paradise Lost
Wikipedia - William Blake's Illustrations of the Book of Job
Wikipedia - William Blake's mythology
Wikipedia - William Blake's prophetic books
Wikipedia - William Blake -- English poet and artist
Wikipedia - William Blandowski
Wikipedia - William Blankpayn -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Blattner -- American virologist
Wikipedia - William Bleckwenn -- American psychiatrist
Wikipedia - William B. Leeds -- American businessman
Wikipedia - William Blinn -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - William Bliss Baker
Wikipedia - William Bliss Sanders -- English architect
Wikipedia - William Bloke -- 1996 studio album by Billy Bragg
Wikipedia - William Blount -- Signer of the United States Constitution
Wikipedia - William Blundell Spence
Wikipedia - William Blunt -- British civil servant in India
Wikipedia - William Blyton (fl. 1399-1402) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Boakye Akoto -- Ghanaian politician|bot = PearBOT 5
Wikipedia - William Boddie -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Bodiford
Wikipedia - William Bogert -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Bolitho (cricketer) -- English cricketer, banker, and British Army officer
Wikipedia - William Bolling (British politician) -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Bolts -- British merchant and author active in India (1738-1808)
Wikipedia - William Bona Anima
Wikipedia - William Bond (RFC officer) -- English Royal Flying Corps officer
Wikipedia - William Bonfield
Wikipedia - William Bonin -- American serial killer
Wikipedia - William Bon Mardion -- French ski mountaineer
Wikipedia - William Bonnar -- British artist
Wikipedia - William Bonnet -- Road bicycle racer
Wikipedia - William Bonsall -- American gymnast
Wikipedia - William Bonville, 1st Baron Bonville -- English noble
Wikipedia - William Boog Leishman
Wikipedia - William Booker (architect) -- English architect
Wikipedia - William (book) -- Book by Richmal Crompton
Wikipedia - William Boone (mathematician) -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William Booth (bishop) -- 15th-century Archbishop of York
Wikipedia - William Booth -- English Methodist preacher who founded The Salvation Army with his wife Catherine
Wikipedia - William Borah -- American politician (1865-1940)
Wikipedia - William Borlase
Wikipedia - William Borrer -- British botanist, lichenologist and mycologist (1781-1862)
Wikipedia - William Bostock -- Royal Australian Air Force senior commander
Wikipedia - William Boswell (cricketer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - William Boteler (died 1602) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Bottlesham
Wikipedia - William Bourchier, 1st Count of Eu -- English knight, 1st Count of Eu
Wikipedia - William Bourke Cockran -- Irish American Congressman
Wikipedia - William Bourne de Derby -- 13th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Bourne Oliver Peabody -- American minister and author
Wikipedia - William Bowen (author) -- American attorney and children's writer
Wikipedia - William Bowerman -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Bowers (politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Bowers -- American reporter
Wikipedia - William Bowie (agrarian) -- American agrarian (1776-1826)
Wikipedia - William Bowie (engineer)
Wikipedia - William Bowie Medal
Wikipedia - William Bowler -- New Zealand businessman and politician
Wikipedia - William Bowman (Australian politician) -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William Bownd -- Welsh Arminian Baptist (fl. 1658)
Wikipedia - William Bowyer-Smijth -- English cricketer, baronet, and politician
Wikipedia - William Boxall -- British artist
Wikipedia - William Boyce (composer) -- English composer (1711-1779)
Wikipedia - William Boyd (actor) -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Boyd Dawkins
Wikipedia - William Boyde -- British actor
Wikipedia - William Boyd (pathologist)
Wikipedia - William Boyd (writer) -- Scottish novelist, short story writer, and screen writer
Wikipedia - William Boyett -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Boylan
Wikipedia - William Boys (MP) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William B. Pickett -- American historian and professor, born 1940
Wikipedia - William B. Pratt -- American politician
Wikipedia - William B. Preston (Mormon) -- Presiding Bishop of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Wikipedia - William B. Purvis -- African-American inventor
Wikipedia - William Brabazon (Lord Justice of Ireland) -- Vice-treasurer and lord justice of Ireland.
Wikipedia - William Bradbridge
Wikipedia - William Brade -- English composer (1560-1630)
Wikipedia - William Bradford (Attorney General) -- American judge and 2nd US Attorney General
Wikipedia - William Bradford (cinematographer) -- American cinematographer
Wikipedia - William Bradford (equestrian) -- American Olympics equestrian and US Army general
Wikipedia - William Bradford (governor) -- 17th-century English Separatist leader
Wikipedia - William Bradford Huie -- American journalist and novelist
Wikipedia - William Bradford (murderer) -- American serial killer
Wikipedia - William Bradford (printer, born 1663) -- Early English-born printer in North America
Wikipedia - William Bradley (Australian politician) -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William Bradley Isham -- American merchant
Wikipedia - William Bradley (New South Wales colonial politician) -- Australian colonial politician
Wikipedia - William Bradshaw Amos
Wikipedia - William Bradwell -- Florida politician
Wikipedia - William Brampton Gurdon -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Brandford Griffith (colonial administrator) -- British civil servant
Wikipedia - William Brandon (author) -- American writer, lawyer and historian
Wikipedia - William Brandon (standard-bearer)
Wikipedia - William Brandreth Savidge -- English architect
Wikipedia - William Brangham -- American journalist
Wikipedia - William Branwhite Clarke -- English geologist and clergyman
Wikipedia - William Brassington -- New Zealand stonemason and sculptor
Wikipedia - William Bratton -- American police officer
Wikipedia - William Brazziel -- American educational scholar
Wikipedia - William Breck Torrance -- Scottish golfer
Wikipedia - William Brede Kristensen
Wikipedia - William Breeze -- 20th and 21st-century musician; Frater Superior of Ordo Templi Orientis
Wikipedia - William Breitbart
Wikipedia - William Brennaugh -- Canadian lacrosse player
Wikipedia - William Brent Bell -- American screenwriter and film director
Wikipedia - William Brenton Boggs -- Canadian businessman
Wikipedia - William Brenton -- Rhode Island colonial governor
Wikipedia - William Brereton, 2nd Baron Brereton -- English Royalist landowner and politician
Wikipedia - William Brewster (Mayflower passenger) -- Early English colonist in North America
Wikipedia - William Brewster (ornithologist)
Wikipedia - William Brewster (pilgrim)
Wikipedia - William Bridgeford -- Australian general
Wikipedia - William Bridgeman, 1st Viscount Bridgeman -- British politician and peer
Wikipedia - William Bridges (general) -- Australian Army general
Wikipedia - William Bridges-Maxwell -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William Bridgland Steer -- British trade unionist and politician
Wikipedia - William Brigden -- Canadian canoeist
Wikipedia - William Bright -- American linguist
Wikipedia - William Brighty Rands
Wikipedia - William Brill (RAAF officer) -- Royal Australian Air Force officer
Wikipedia - William Brindley -- English police officer
Wikipedia - William Brinkley -- American writer and journalist
Wikipedia - William Brisson -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Brittain (British Free Corps) -- British Waffen-SS defector
Wikipedia - William Broadhurst Brierley -- English mycologist
Wikipedia - William Broad -- American science and technology writer
Wikipedia - William Brocas -- Irish artist
Wikipedia - William Brocius -- Gunman, rustler, outlaw
Wikipedia - William Brodleck Herms -- American entomologist
Wikipedia - William Bromfeild -- English surgeon
Wikipedia - William Bromley-Chester -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Bromley-Davenport (British Army officer) -- British army officer and politician
Wikipedia - William Bromley-Davenport (Lord Lieutenant) -- British landowner
Wikipedia - William Bromley (engraver) -- British engraver
Wikipedia - William Bromley (Speaker)
Wikipedia - William Bronk
Wikipedia - William Brooke, 10th Baron Cobham
Wikipedia - William Brooks Drew -- American botanist
Wikipedia - William Broome
Wikipedia - William B. Ross -- 12th Governor of Wyoming
Wikipedia - William Brough (writer) -- English writer
Wikipedia - William Browder (mathematician) -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William Browell Charlton -- British trade union leader
Wikipedia - William Brown (British Army officer) -- British Indian Army Officer
Wikipedia - William Brownell (psychologist)
Wikipedia - William Browne (poet)
Wikipedia - William Browne (Queensland politician) -- (1846-1904) miner and politician
Wikipedia - William Brownfield -- American diplomat, and Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs
Wikipedia - William Brown (golfer) -- Scottish professional golfer
Wikipedia - William Brown (journalist) -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - William Brownlow (1726-1794) -- Anglo-Irish politician
Wikipedia - William Brownlow (1755-1815) -- Anglo-Irish politician
Wikipedia - William Brownlow (bishop) -- Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - William Brown Meloney (1878-1925) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - William Brown Meloney (1902-1971) -- American writer
Wikipedia - William Brown (New South Wales politician) -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William Brown (Northern Ireland politician) -- Northern Ireland politician
Wikipedia - William Brown (psychologist)
Wikipedia - William Brownrigg -- British physician and scientist (1711-1800)
Wikipedia - William Brown Street -- Road in Liverpool, England
Wikipedia - William Brown (Tasmanian politician) -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William Broyles Jr. -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - William Bruce (architect) -- Scottish architect (c. 1630 - 1710)
Wikipedia - William Bruce (Canadian politician) -- Upper Canada politician
Wikipedia - William Bruce Gingell -- British architect
Wikipedia - William Bruce-Lyle -- Ghanaian jurist and judge
Wikipedia - William Bruce (minister) -- Irish Presbyterian minister and educator
Wikipedia - William Bruce (VC) -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - William Bryant (actor) -- American actor (1924-2001)
Wikipedia - William Brydges -- Canadian man
Wikipedia - William Brymer (politician) -- British politician
Wikipedia - William B. Taliaferro -- Confederate Army general
Wikipedia - William B. Taylor Jr. -- American diplomat, United States Ambassador to Ukraine
Wikipedia - William Bubwith -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Buchan, 3rd Baron Tweedsmuir -- British writer
Wikipedia - William Buckland (architect) -- American architect (1734-1774)
Wikipedia - William Buckland -- English geologist and palaeontologist
Wikipedia - William Buckler
Wikipedia - William Buick -- Norwegian-born flat jockey
Wikipedia - William Bulkeley Hughes -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Bull (diver) -- British diver
Wikipedia - William Buller Fagg -- British anthropologist
Wikipedia - William Bullerwell -- English geologist
Wikipedia - William Bull (landowner) -- Australian settler
Wikipedia - William Bullock (actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - William Bullock (cricketer) -- English cricketer, journalist, and military historian
Wikipedia - William Bullokar
Wikipedia - William Bulwane -- South African politician
Wikipedia - William Bunting (eco-warrior) -- English environmentalist
Wikipedia - William Burcester -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Burchett -- Canon of Windsor
Wikipedia - William Burck -- Dutch botanist
Wikipedia - William Burdett-Coutts -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Burdet -- 13th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Burdon
Wikipedia - William Burgess (sailor) -- Canadian sailor
Wikipedia - William Burges -- English Gothic revival architect and designer (1827 - 1881)
Wikipedia - William Burke, 7th Earl of Clanricarde -- 17th-century Irish peer
Wikipedia - William Burlestone -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Burley (Dean of Clonmacnoise) -- Anglican priest in Ireland
Wikipedia - William Burley Lockwood
Wikipedia - William Burley
Wikipedia - William Burnside
Wikipedia - William Burns (lacrosse) -- Canadian lacrosse player
Wikipedia - William Burn -- Scottish architect
Wikipedia - William Burrell -- Scottish shipping magnate and philanthropist
Wikipedia - William Burress -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Burroughs
Wikipedia - William Burton (antiquary, died 1645) -- English antiquarian
Wikipedia - William Burton (antiquary, died 1657) -- English schoolmaster and antiquary
Wikipedia - William Burton (Canadian politician) -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William Burton (golfer) -- American golfer
Wikipedia - William Burton (priest) -- English Anglican priest and writer
Wikipedia - William Burton Roy -- American sport shooter
Wikipedia - William Bury (cricketer) -- English cricketer, clergyman, and welfare administrator
Wikipedia - William Busby (politician) -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William Busch -- English composer
Wikipedia - William Bush IV -- American politician from Delaware
Wikipedia - William Butler (1544-77) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Butler (British Army officer) -- British Army officer, writer and adventurer
Wikipedia - William Butler (sound designer) -- British/Canadian musician, composer and sound designer
Wikipedia - William Butler Yeats
Wikipedia - William Button (1526-1591) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Button (died 1547) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Butts
Wikipedia - William B. Walton -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Byam Martin -- English merchant
Wikipedia - William Byaruhanga -- Ugandan lawyer and businessman
Wikipedia - William Byrd -- English Renaissance composer
Wikipedia - William Byrne (painter) -- American painter
Wikipedia - William Byron, 5th Baron Byron -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Cadogan (politician) -- Irish politician, and a cavalry major in Oliver Cromwell's army
Wikipedia - William Cagney -- American film producer and actor
Wikipedia - William Cain (American politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Cairnes -- Irish politician and merchant
Wikipedia - William Calcraft -- English executioner
Wikipedia - William Callaway -- American voice actor
Wikipedia - William Calman Grahame -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William Calmes Buck -- American baptist minister and slavery commentator
Wikipedia - William Camden -- 16th/17th-century English antiquarian
Wikipedia - William Cameron (explorer) -- Scottish explorer
Wikipedia - William Cameron Forbes -- American diplomat
Wikipedia - William Campbell (actor, born 1923) -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Campbell (business executive)
Wikipedia - William Campbell (general) -- Revolutionary War general and frontiersman
Wikipedia - William Campbell, Lord Skerrington -- Scottish judge
Wikipedia - William Campbell (sport shooter) -- Irish sport shooter
Wikipedia - William Campion (Jesuit) -- English Jesuit
Wikipedia - William Candidus -- American opera singer
Wikipedia - William C. Andrews -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Cantrell (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Capel -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Caplin -- American music theorist
Wikipedia - William Carew Hazlitt
Wikipedia - William Carey (missionary) -- English Baptist missionary and a Particular Baptist minister
Wikipedia - William Carey (politician) -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William Carey University, Meghalaya -- University in Shillong, Meghalaya, India
Wikipedia - William Carey University -- Private Christian liberal arts college in Mississippi
Wikipedia - William Cargill (New Zealand politician) -- 19th-century New Zealand politician
Wikipedia - William Carl Buchan -- American sailor
Wikipedia - William Carl Burger -- American botanist
Wikipedia - William Carlile -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Carlos Williams -- American poet
Wikipedia - William Carlyle -- 13th-14th century Scottish noble
Wikipedia - William Carmichael (bishop) -- Archbishop of Dublin, Ireland (1765)
Wikipedia - William Carney (politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Carnsew -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Carpenter (Australian politician) -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William Carpentier -- Canadian-American physician
Wikipedia - William Carries On -- Book by Richmal Crompton
Wikipedia - William Carrigan -- Irish Roman Catholic priest and historian
Wikipedia - William Carruthers (botanist)
Wikipedia - William Carse -- British artist
Wikipedia - William Carter (St Pancras South West MP) -- London politician, born 1867
Wikipedia - William Cartwright (actor) -- 17th-century actor and bookseller
Wikipedia - William Cartwright (dramatist) -- 17th-century English English poet, playwright, and churchman
Wikipedia - William Casey (bobsleigh) -- American bobsledder
Wikipedia - William Cash (author and journalist) -- English journalist
Wikipedia - William Caslon
Wikipedia - William Caspar Graustein -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William Cassady Cattell
Wikipedia - William Castell -- British businessman
Wikipedia - William Castle
Wikipedia - William Caswell (politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Catesby
Wikipedia - William Cator -- Irish cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - William Cavendish, 1st Duke of Newcastle -- 17th-century English soldier, courtier, and arts patron
Wikipedia - William Cavendish, 7th Duke of Devonshire
Wikipedia - William Cavendish-Bentinck, 3rd Duke of Portland -- 18th/19th-century British politician
Wikipedia - William Cawthra -- Canadian businessman and philanthropist
Wikipedia - William Caxton -- 15th-century English merchant, diplomat, writer and printer
Wikipedia - William C. Baker -- Mayor of Providence, Rhode Island, US
Wikipedia - William C. Bouck -- American politician and Governor
Wikipedia - William C. Boyd -- American scientist
Wikipedia - William C. Brown -- American electrical engineer
Wikipedia - William C. Campbell (golfer) -- American amateur golfer
Wikipedia - William C. Campbell (scientist)
Wikipedia - William C. Chip -- American Major general
Wikipedia - William C. Clark
Wikipedia - William C. Clayton -- American educator, lawyer, politician, and businessperson
Wikipedia - William C. Davis (historian) -- American historian
Wikipedia - William C. Davis Jr. -- American ballistics engineer (1921-2010)
Wikipedia - William C. Dement -- American sleep researcher
Wikipedia - William C. Dowling
Wikipedia - William C. Dudley -- American banker
Wikipedia - William C. Earnshaw
Wikipedia - William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley -- English statesman and chief adviser to Queen Elizabeth I (1520-1598)
Wikipedia - William Cecil Campbell
Wikipedia - William Cecil Dampier -- British scientist, agriculturist, and science historian
Wikipedia - William C. Edenborn -- American industrialist and inventor
Wikipedia - William C. Farabee
Wikipedia - William C. Farr -- American mayor
Wikipedia - William C. Fownes Jr. -- American golfer
Wikipedia - William C. Friday -- American educator
Wikipedia - William C. F. Robinson -- British colonial administrator and musical composer
Wikipedia - William C. Goodridge -- 19th-century American businessman
Wikipedia - William C. Gorgas -- 22nd Surgeon General of the United States Army
Wikipedia - William Chaderton -- English bishop
Wikipedia - William Chafe -- American historian
Wikipedia - William Chafy -- English cleric and college head
Wikipedia - William Chaloner (MP) -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Chambers (architect) -- Scottish-Swedish architect
Wikipedia - William Chambers (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Chambers (publisher) -- Scottish publisher and politician
Wikipedia - William Chandler Bagley
Wikipedia - William Chaney -- American historian
Wikipedia - William Channing A'Beckett -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William Chant -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William Chapman (doctor) -- British surgeon
Wikipedia - William Chapman Hewitson
Wikipedia - William Chappell (bishop)
Wikipedia - William Chappell (writer) -- 19th-century English writer
Wikipedia - William Charles Brenke -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William Charles Fuller -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - William Charles Linnaeus Martin
Wikipedia - William Charles Macready
Wikipedia - William Charles McNulty -- American cartoonist
Wikipedia - William Charles Osman Hill
Wikipedia - William Charles Rogers -- Cherokee leader
Wikipedia - William Charles Ross
Wikipedia - William Charlton (died 1567) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William C. Hasbrouck -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Cheselden
Wikipedia - William Chester (mayor)
Wikipedia - William Chester Minor -- Surgeon, psychiatric hospital patient and dictionary contributor
Wikipedia - William Cheswick
Wikipedia - William Chetcuti -- Maltese sport shooter
Wikipedia - William Chetwood -- American politician from New Jersey (1771-1857)
Wikipedia - William Chetwynd, 3rd Viscount Chetwynd -- 17th/18th-century English politician and Irish peer
Wikipedia - William Chetwynd-Talbot -- English cricketer, barrister
Wikipedia - William C. Hetzel
Wikipedia - William Cheung (scientist) -- Marine biologist
Wikipedia - William Cheyne, 2nd Viscount Newhaven
Wikipedia - William Chillenden -- 13th-century Archbishop of Canterbury-elect
Wikipedia - William Chillingworth
Wikipedia - William Ching -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Chisholm (Upper Canada politician) -- Politician in Upper Canada
Wikipedia - William Chittick -- American philosopher, writer and translator
Wikipedia - William Cholmondeley, 3rd Marquess of Cholmondeley -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Chomsky -- Hebrew grammarian, father of Noam
Wikipedia - William Chornopyski -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William C. Houston -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Christian Bullitt, Jr.
Wikipedia - William Christian Bullitt Jr. -- American diplomat
Wikipedia - William Christie (astronomer)
Wikipedia - William Christopher Macdonald
Wikipedia - William Christopher -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Churchill (Dorchester MP) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Church Osborn -- American arts administrator
Wikipedia - William Chuse -- English politician
Wikipedia - William C. James -- U.S. Marine Corps Brigadier General
Wikipedia - William C. Kittredge -- American politician and lawyer
Wikipedia - William C. Knights -- American politician
Wikipedia - William C. Krumbein
Wikipedia - William Clackson -- Convict transported to Australia
Wikipedia - William Claflin -- American politician
Wikipedia - William C. Lamar -- American attorney
Wikipedia - William Clarence Braisted -- American surgeon, Surgeon General of the United States Navy
Wikipedia - William Clark (archer) -- American archer
Wikipedia - William Clark, Baron Clark of Kempston -- British politician and life peer
Wikipedia - William Clark (boxer) -- American boxer, born 1899
Wikipedia - William Clarke Quantrill
Wikipedia - William Clarkson -- Royal Australian Navy commander
Wikipedia - William Clavering-Cowper, 2nd Earl Cowper -- 18th-century British noble
Wikipedia - William Clay Ford Jr. -- American businessman
Wikipedia - William Clayton (cricketer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - William Clemens (film director) -- American film director
Wikipedia - William Clerke (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Clevland (1664-1734) -- Royal Navy commander
Wikipedia - William C. Lickle -- American banker and steeplechase owner
Wikipedia - William Cliff (bishop) -- Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Brandon
Wikipedia - William Cliffe -- English churchman and lawyer
Wikipedia - William Clifford (actor) -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Clifford Heilman -- American composer
Wikipedia - William Clift (photographer) -- American photographer
Wikipedia - William Clift -- British naturalist
Wikipedia - William Cline Borden -- American military surgeon
Wikipedia - William Clinger (computer scientist) -- American computer scientist and associate professor at Northeastern University
Wikipedia - William Close -- American physician
Wikipedia - William C. Lowe
Wikipedia - William Clutz -- American artist
Wikipedia - William Clyde Gibson -- American serial killer on death row
Wikipedia - William Clynt
Wikipedia - William C. March -- American businessman (1923-2002)
Wikipedia - William C. Marcil -- American businessman
Wikipedia - William C. Maybury -- American politician
Wikipedia - William C. Mayville Jr. -- US Army general
Wikipedia - William C. McCool -- NASA astronaut
Wikipedia - William C. McGann -- American film director
Wikipedia - William Coates (longevity claimant) -- American claimant as a supercentenarian
Wikipedia - William Cobbett -- 18th/19th-century English pamphleteer, farmer, and journalist
Wikipedia - William Coblentz -- American physicist
Wikipedia - William Cocke -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Cohen -- American politician and U.S Secretary of Defense
Wikipedia - William Coldstream -- English painter and art educator
Wikipedia - William Cole, 3rd Earl of Enniskillen -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Cole (Australian politician) -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William Coleman (equestrian) -- American equestrian
Wikipedia - William Coleman (historian) -- American historian
Wikipedia - William Colenso -- New Zealand politician
Wikipedia - William Coles (RAF officer) -- Royal Air Force air marshal (1913-1979)
Wikipedia - William Coley
Wikipedia - William Colford Schermerhorn -- American lawyer, philanthropist, and patron of the arts
Wikipedia - William Collier Jr. -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Collier Sr. -- American actor, screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - William Collings Lukis
Wikipedia - William Collins (bishop) -- 19th and 20th-century Anglican bishop
Wikipedia - William Collins (canoeist) -- Canadian sprint canoer
Wikipedia - William Collins (colonist) -- English naval officer and settler
Wikipedia - William Collins (cricketer, born 1848) -- Welsh first-class cricketer and author
Wikipedia - William Collins (poet) -- 18th-century English poet
Wikipedia - William Collins (publisher)
Wikipedia - William Collins, Sons -- Scottish publisher
Wikipedia - William Collins (sportsman, born 1853) -- New Zealand sportsman and politician
Wikipedia - William Collins (Warwick MP) -- Politician
Wikipedia - William Collison -- Irish Anglican missionary
Wikipedia - William Colton -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Combe (died 1610) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Combe -- British writer and adventurer
Wikipedia - William Comes to Town -- 1948 film by Val Guest
Wikipedia - William Compston
Wikipedia - William Comstock -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Comyn of Kirkintilloch -- 13th century Scottish noble
Wikipedia - William Conan Davis -- Food chemist
Wikipedia - William Conant Church -- Union United States Army officer
Wikipedia - William Congdon -- American artist
Wikipedia - William Congreve (playwright)
Wikipedia - William Congreve -- English restoration playwright
Wikipedia - William Coningsby -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Conklin -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Connolley -- Software engineer, climatologist, writer, blogger
Wikipedia - William Connor (gymnast) -- British gymnast
Wikipedia - William Connor Magee -- Irish clergyman who worked in England
Wikipedia - William Connor -- British journalist
Wikipedia - William Conrad Gibbons -- American academic
Wikipedia - William Conrad -- American film, television director, actor and narrator (1920-1994)
Wikipedia - William Conroy (murderer) -- The last person executed at the Perth Gaol.
Wikipedia - William Conselman -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - William Conybeare (geologist)
Wikipedia - William Cook (billiards player) -- English champion of English billiards
Wikipedia - William Cook (computer scientist)
Wikipedia - William Cooke (died 1589) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Cooke Taylor -- Irish writer
Wikipedia - William Cooley -- American settler (1783-1863)
Wikipedia - William Coolidge Lane -- Librarian
Wikipedia - William Cooper (conchologist)
Wikipedia - William Cooper (sailor) -- American sailor
Wikipedia - William Coors -- American brewer
Wikipedia - William Copeland -- Australian cricket umpire
Wikipedia - William Coppinger (bishop) -- Irish Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - William Coppyn -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Corbin (author) -- American writer
Wikipedia - William Cordell
Wikipedia - William Corey (Medal of Honor) -- United States Navy Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - William Corin -- British engineer
Wikipedia - William Cormick -- Physician of British origin in Qajar Iran
Wikipedia - William Cornwallis Symonds -- New Zealand public servant
Wikipedia - William Cornyn -- Canadian-American linguist
Wikipedia - William Cornysh -- English composer and dramatist (1465-1523)
Wikipedia - William Cosby -- British colonial official
Wikipedia - William Cosgrove (golfer) -- Scottish golfer
Wikipedia - William Couper (sculptor)
Wikipedia - William Courtenay, 10th Earl of Devon -- British politician and aristocrat
Wikipedia - William Courtenay -- 14th-century Archbishop of Canterbury and Chancellor of England
Wikipedia - William Court Gully, 1st Viscount Selby -- 19th/20th-century British politician
Wikipedia - William Courtleigh -- American actor (1867-1930)
Wikipedia - William Courtright -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Coventre I -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Cowhig -- British artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - William Cowper, 1st Earl Cowper -- 17th/18-century English politician and first Lord Chancellor of Great Britain
Wikipedia - William Cowper-Temple, 1st Baron Mount Temple -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Cowper -- English poet and hymnodist (1731-1800)
Wikipedia - William Cox Ellis -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Coxen -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Cox (pioneer) -- English soldier and early Australian pioneer
Wikipedia - William C. Patrick III -- American microbiologist
Wikipedia - William C. Pfefferle -- Inventor of Catalytic Combustion (1923-2010)
Wikipedia - William C. Pryor -- American judge
Wikipedia - William Crabtree (architect) -- English architect
Wikipedia - William Cragh -- 13th-century Welsh rebel who survived being hanged
Wikipedia - William Craig (broadcaster) -- Canadian broadcaster
Wikipedia - William Craigie -- Scottish philologist and lexicographer
Wikipedia - William Craig (logician)
Wikipedia - William Craig (philosopher)
Wikipedia - William Crain (filmmaker) -- American film and television director
Wikipedia - William Cranch Bond
Wikipedia - William Crane (musician) -- Royal choirmaster of the Tudor period
Wikipedia - William Crano
Wikipedia - William Crathorn
Wikipedia - William Craven, 6th Earl of Craven -- British peer
Wikipedia - William Crawford (London MP) -- British Liberal Party politician (1780-1843)
Wikipedia - William Crawford (soldier)
Wikipedia - William Crawley -- Northern Irish journalist
Wikipedia - William Creed (politician) -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William Creese -- South African cricket umpire
Wikipedia - William Creighton (bishop) -- American Episcopal bishop
Wikipedia - William Cremor -- Australian Army officer
Wikipedia - William Crichton, 2nd Earl of Dumfries -- 2nd Earl of Dumfries
Wikipedia - William Crocker Jr. -- Massachusetts politician
Wikipedia - William Crocker (of Devon) -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Croft (linguist)
Wikipedia - William Croft -- English composer and organist
Wikipedia - William Crolly -- Roman Catholic Archbishop of Armagh
Wikipedia - William Cronjager -- American cinematographer
Wikipedia - William Cronon
Wikipedia - William Crooke bibliography -- Wikipedia bibliography
Wikipedia - William Crookes -- 19th and 20th-century British chemist and physicist
Wikipedia - William Crooks (Canadian politician) -- Upper Canada politician
Wikipedia - William Crooks (colonel) -- American colonel, representative and railroader
Wikipedia - William Cropper -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - William Crosbie (engineer) -- Canadian engineer and transportation planner
Wikipedia - William Crosbie Mair -- Scottish physician
Wikipedia - William C. Rose
Wikipedia - William Crossing -- British writer
Wikipedia - William Crowche -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Crowther (programmer)
Wikipedia - William Cruikshank (painter) -- British painter
Wikipedia - William Crump (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William C. Schwartz
Wikipedia - William C. Smith Jr. -- American politician in the Maryland State Senate
Wikipedia - William C. Steere -- American botanist and bryologist
Wikipedia - William C. Stone -- American billionaire businessman
Wikipedia - William Cuffe, 4th Earl of Desart -- Irish earl and writer
Wikipedia - William Culbertson House -- Historic residence in Ohio
Wikipedia - William Culkin -- Minnesota state senator
Wikipedia - William Cullen Bryant
Wikipedia - William Cullen
Wikipedia - William Cuming (Royal Navy officer) -- Officer in the Royal Navy during the American and French revolutionary wars
Wikipedia - William Cumin (obstetrician) -- British doctor
Wikipedia - William Cumin
Wikipedia - William Cumming (Continental Congress) -- American lawyer and delegate to the Continental Congress
Wikipedia - William Cumming Rose
Wikipedia - William Cunningham Blest -- Anglo-Irish doctor
Wikipedia - William Cunnington -- Antiquary
Wikipedia - William Curgenven -- English cricketer and surgeon
Wikipedia - William Curran (politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Curran (umpire) -- Australian cricket umpire
Wikipedia - William Currey -- Australian Victoria Cross recipient
Wikipedia - William Currie McDougall -- Scottish minister
Wikipedia - William Curry Holden -- American historian and archeologist
Wikipedia - William Curtis Bryson -- American judge
Wikipedia - William Curtis -- British scientist and botanist
Wikipedia - William Cushing -- Justice on the US Supreme Court
Wikipedia - William C. Waterhouse -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William C. Webb -- American lawyer, judge, and politician
Wikipedia - William C. Weeks -- American architect
Wikipedia - William C. Weldon -- American businessman
Wikipedia - William C. Weston -- New Zealand-born architect who worked in Birmingham, Alabama
Wikipedia - William C. Wimsatt
Wikipedia - William Dalderby -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Daldy -- New Zealand politician
Wikipedia - William Dale Montgomery -- United States diplomat
Wikipedia - William D. Alexander -- American film producer
Wikipedia - William Dalgety Moore -- Australian businessman
Wikipedia - William Dalison -- 16th-century English judge and politician
Wikipedia - William Dallinger
Wikipedia - William Dalrymple (British Army officer) -- Scottish-born British Army general
Wikipedia - William Dalrymple (historian) -- Scottish historian and writer
Wikipedia - William Dalrymple (surgeon) -- English surgeon
Wikipedia - William Dalton (author) -- British writer
Wikipedia - William Dameshek -- American hematologist
Wikipedia - William D'Amico -- American bobsledder
Wikipedia - William Damon
Wikipedia - William Dampier -- British scientist, pirate and explorer
Wikipedia - William Damsell -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Dana Ewart -- American inventor
Wikipedia - William Dance -- English pianist and violinist
Wikipedia - William Dandridge Peck
Wikipedia - William Daniell -- British artist
Wikipedia - William Daniel Phillips
Wikipedia - William Daniels -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Darlington -- American physician, botanist, and politician (1782-1863)
Wikipedia - William Darrell (Jesuit) -- English theologian
Wikipedia - William Daunce -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William D. Austin -- American architect
Wikipedia - William Davenant -- 17th-century English poet and playwright
Wikipedia - William David Chappelle III -- American voice and music professor
Wikipedia - William David King -- Politician (b. 1829, d. 1902)
Wikipedia - William David Lindsay Ride -- Australian zoologist
Wikipedia - William David Ross
Wikipedia - William Davidson (bishop) -- Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Western Kansas
Wikipedia - William Davidson (lumberman) -- Scottish-Canadian lumber merchant, shipbuilder and politician
Wikipedia - William David Walker -- 19th and 20th-century American Episcopal bishop
Wikipedia - William David -- Indian cinematographer
Wikipedia - William Davies (palaeontologist) -- British palaeontologist
Wikipedia - William Davies (priest)
Wikipedia - William Davies (sport shooter) -- Canadian sports shooter
Wikipedia - William Davis (golfer) -- Scottish golfer
Wikipedia - William Davy (divine) -- English divine
Wikipedia - William Davys -- Irish lawyer, judge and politician
Wikipedia - William Dawson (ornithologist)
Wikipedia - William Day (architect) -- Irish architect
Wikipedia - William Dayas -- American composer
Wikipedia - William Day (bishop)
Wikipedia - William D. Blanks -- American politician
Wikipedia - William D. Boyce -- 19th and 20th-century Businessman and founder of Scouting in America
Wikipedia - William D. Bradshaw -- Early western U.S. Pioneer.
Wikipedia - William D. Brewer -- American diplomat
Wikipedia - William D. Burns -- American politician
Wikipedia - William D. Byrne Jr. -- Acting Director of the Joint Staff
Wikipedia - William D. Byron -- American politician
Wikipedia - William D. Chappelle -- American educator and AME Church Bishop
Wikipedia - William D. Clark -- English economist
Wikipedia - William D. Cohan -- American business writer
Wikipedia - William D. Cohen -- Associate Justice of the Vermont Supreme Court
Wikipedia - William D. Coleman (politician) -- Former President of Liberia
Wikipedia - William D. Dunham -- American flying ace
Wikipedia - William Deacon (cricketer) -- English cricketer and banker
Wikipedia - William Deakin -- British historian, veteran, literary assistant, and warden
Wikipedia - William de Alburwyke
Wikipedia - William de Alwis
Wikipedia - William Deane
Wikipedia - William Dean Howells
Wikipedia - William Dean (priest)
Wikipedia - William de Bardelby -- English-born Irish judge
Wikipedia - William de Bary
Wikipedia - William de Bergeveney
Wikipedia - William de Blois (bishop of Lincoln) -- 11th and 12th-century Bishop of Lincoln
Wikipedia - William de Blois (bishop of Worcester)
Wikipedia - William de Bosco
Wikipedia - William de Braose, 2nd Baron Braose -- 13th-century Anglo-Norman baron
Wikipedia - William de Brus (fl. 1294) -- 13th-14th century English noble
Wikipedia - William de Cantilupe (died 1239)
Wikipedia - William de Cantilupe (died 1251)
Wikipedia - William de Chair Baker -- English cricketer and cricket administrator
Wikipedia - William de Champeaux
Wikipedia - William de Chesney (sheriff) -- 12th-century Anglo-Norman nobleman and sheriff
Wikipedia - William de Chesney -- 12th-century Anglo-Norman nobleman
Wikipedia - William de Corbeil -- 12th-century Norman monk and Archbishop of Canterbury
Wikipedia - William de Cornhill
Wikipedia - William de Courcy (died c. 1114) -- 11th and 12th-century Anglo-Norman nobleman and baron
Wikipedia - William Deedes junior -- English cricketer and politician
Wikipedia - William Deedes senior -- English cricketer and politician
Wikipedia - William DeGrado
Wikipedia - William de Grandison, 1st Baron Grandison -- 13th-14th century English nobleman
Wikipedia - William de Hastings -- 12th-13th century English noble
Wikipedia - William de Hawkesworth
Wikipedia - William de Heytisbury
Wikipedia - William de Ireby -- 13th century English noble
Wikipedia - William de Kingescote
Wikipedia - William de la Cornere -- 13th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William de la Corner
Wikipedia - William Delacour -- French painter
Wikipedia - William de Lacy Aherne -- English architect
Wikipedia - William de la Mare
Wikipedia - William Delany (Jesuit) -- Irish Jesuit priest and educationalist
Wikipedia - William Delany -- British politician
Wikipedia - William de la Pole, 1st Duke of Suffolk -- 15th-century English noble
Wikipedia - William Delaune
Wikipedia - William Delbert Gann -- American businessman
Wikipedia - William de Lindsay of Luffness -- Scottish noble
Wikipedia - William de Lindsay -- Scottish noble
Wikipedia - William de Lodelawe
Wikipedia - William de Longchamp
Wikipedia - William de Machlinia
Wikipedia - William Demarest (sport shooter) -- American sport shooter
Wikipedia - William Demarest -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Demas -- Trinidadian manager and politician (1929-1998)
Wikipedia - William Dembski
Wikipedia - William DeMeo -- American actor
Wikipedia - William de Montfort
Wikipedia - William de Moravia of Petty -- 12th-13th century Scottish noble
Wikipedia - William de Mowbray -- 12th and 13th-century English baron, executor of Magna Carta
Wikipedia - William Denham -- New Zealand politician
Wikipedia - William Denis Browne -- British composer, pianist, organist and music critic
Wikipedia - William Dennis (priest) -- Anglican priest
Wikipedia - William Dennistoun Murphy -- American historian
Wikipedia - William Dent Priestman -- British engineer (1847-1936)
Wikipedia - William de Ormesby -- English judge
Wikipedia - William de Palmorna
Wikipedia - William de Percy, 6th Baron Percy -- 13th century English noble
Wikipedia - William Depham -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William de Raley
Wikipedia - William de Remmyngton
Wikipedia - William Derham
Wikipedia - William de Rham -- Swiss equestrian
Wikipedia - William de Ropp -- British engineer and double agent
Wikipedia - William de Ros, 6th Baron de Ros
Wikipedia - William de Ros, 6th Baron Ros -- English medieval baron (c1370-1414)
Wikipedia - William de Ros of Helmsley -- 13th century English noble
Wikipedia - William Derrough -- American investment banker
Wikipedia - William Dervall
Wikipedia - William Desborough Cooley -- Irish geographer
Wikipedia - William de Shareshull
Wikipedia - William de Skelton
Wikipedia - William Desmond (actor) -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Desmond (philosopher) -- Irish philosopher
Wikipedia - William Desmond Taylor -- Irish-American film director, actor and murder victim
Wikipedia - William de St-Calais -- 11th century Norman Bishop of Durham, England
Wikipedia - William de St Croix -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - William de Stuteville -- 12th century English noble
Wikipedia - William de Taunton
Wikipedia - William de Thornaco
Wikipedia - William de Tracy
Wikipedia - William de Ufford, 2nd Earl of Suffolk
Wikipedia - William D. Euille -- American politician
Wikipedia - William De Vaull -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Devereux -- 11th and 12th-century Anglo-Norman nobleman in England
Wikipedia - William de Vere
Wikipedia - William Devin Howell -- American serial killer
Wikipedia - William de Warenne, 3rd Earl of Surrey
Wikipedia - William de Warenne (justice) -- 11th and 12th-century Anglo-Norman nobleman and royal judge
Wikipedia - William de Wickwane -- 13th-century Archbishop of York
Wikipedia - William De Witt Snodgrass
Wikipedia - William de Wiveleslie Abney
Wikipedia - William de York
Wikipedia - William D. Ford -- American politician
Wikipedia - William D. Haseman -- American academic
Wikipedia - William D. Houser -- United States admiral
Wikipedia - William D. Hyslop -- American attorney
Wikipedia - William Dichtel -- American chemist
Wikipedia - William Dick-Cunyngham -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - William Dickens
Wikipedia - William Dickinson (cricketer) -- Welsh cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - William Dick of Braid -- Scottish merchant and financier
Wikipedia - William Didier-Pouget -- French artist
Wikipedia - William Diehl -- American writer
Wikipedia - William Dieterle -- German/American actor and film director (1893-1972)
Wikipedia - William Dietrich (novelist)
Wikipedia - William Diller Matthew -- American paleontologist
Wikipedia - William Dillwyn Sims -- English industrialist and artist
Wikipedia - William Dimma -- Canadian businessman
Wikipedia - William Dingwall Fordyce -- Scottish politician
Wikipedia - William Direen -- New Zealand writer and musician
Wikipedia - William Dishington -- 13th-14th century Scottish noble
Wikipedia - William Dix (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William D. Jones -- American politician
Wikipedia - William D. Leahy -- US Navy admiral, ambassador to France, Chief of Staff
Wikipedia - William D. Lutz
Wikipedia - William D. McElroy
Wikipedia - William D. McGee -- United States Army Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - William D. Mundell -- American poet
Wikipedia - William D. Nordhaus
Wikipedia - William Dodd (ambassador) -- American historian and ambassador to Germany
Wikipedia - William Dodd (priest) -- English Anglican clergyman and forger
Wikipedia - William Dodge (bobsleigh) -- American bobsledder
Wikipedia - William Dod -- British archer
Wikipedia - William Does His Bit -- Book by Richmal Crompton
Wikipedia - William Doherty -- American entomologist
Wikipedia - William Doleman -- Scottish golfer
Wikipedia - William Domville -- Irish lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - William Donald Hamilton
Wikipedia - William Donald Schaefer -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Dongois -- French cornett player
Wikipedia - William Donthorne -- English architect
Wikipedia - William Dooley -- American operatic bass-baritone
Wikipedia - William Doran -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William Dorrell (vegetarian) -- American vegetarian, religious leader
Wikipedia - William Dorsey Pender -- Confederate Army general
Wikipedia - William Dorsey Swann -- Former slave and activist known as the first person to identify as a drag queen
Wikipedia - William Douglas, 10th Earl of Angus -- 16th and 17th-century Scottish nobleman
Wikipedia - William Douglas, 1st Earl of Douglas
Wikipedia - William Douglas, 1st Marquess of Douglas -- 17th-century Scottish noble
Wikipedia - William Douglas (boxer) -- American boxer, born 1940
Wikipedia - William Douglas Lee -- American architect
Wikipedia - William Douglas O'Connor
Wikipedia - William Douglas of Nithsdale -- Scottish knight and Northern Crusader
Wikipedia - William Douglass (abolitionist) -- Episcopal priest
Wikipedia - William Douglas Young -- Governor of the Falkland Islands
Wikipedia - William Douse -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William Dove Paterson -- Pioneer of Cinema in Aberdeen
Wikipedia - William Dove -- British golfer
Wikipedia - William Dow -- Canadian businessman
Wikipedia - William Doxford & Sons -- British shipbuilding company and maker of marine diesel engines
Wikipedia - William Dozier -- American film and television producer and actor
Wikipedia - William D. Phillips
Wikipedia - William D. Porter -- United States Navy officer
Wikipedia - William Draper Harkins -- American chemist (1873-1951)
Wikipedia - William Dray
Wikipedia - William Drea Adams -- American academic, administrator, tenth Chair of the National Endowment for the Humanities
Wikipedia - William Drennan -- Irish poet, physician and political activist (1754-1820)
Wikipedia - William Dressler (anthropologist) -- American anthropologist
Wikipedia - William D. Richardson
Wikipedia - William Driscoll -- Massachusetts politician
Wikipedia - William Droegemueller -- American pole vaulter
Wikipedia - William Drohan -- American microbiologist and educator (1946-2007)
Wikipedia - William D. Rubinstein
Wikipedia - William Drugeth -- Hungarian Palatine
Wikipedia - William Drummond of Hawthornden -- 16th/17th-century Scottish poet
Wikipedia - William Drury (died 1558) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Drury -- English politician, died 1579
Wikipedia - William Drysdale -- Scottish cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - William D. Swenson -- U.S. Army officer and Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - William Dubilier -- American inventor
Wikipedia - William Duckett Bowie -- American politician (1802-1873)
Wikipedia - William Duckett (United Irishman) -- Irish activist and academic, United Irishman
Wikipedia - William Duddell -- British physicist
Wikipedia - William Dudley (bishop)
Wikipedia - William Dudley (designer) -- British theatre designer
Wikipedia - William Dudley Foulke -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Dudley Geer -- American scholarly author
Wikipedia - William Dudley Pelley -- American fascist political leader
Wikipedia - William Duff, 1st Earl Fife -- Irish Earl
Wikipedia - William Duff (Canadian politician) -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William Duff (cricketer) -- South African cricketer and soldier
Wikipedia - William Duff (writer)
Wikipedia - William Duffy (politician) -- Irish politician
Wikipedia - William Dufris -- American voice actor
Wikipedia - William Dugard -- 17th-century English printer
Wikipedia - William Dugdale (publisher) -- English publisher, printer, and bookseller
Wikipedia - William Dugdale
Wikipedia - William Duhurst Merrick -- American politician (1793-1857)
Wikipedia - William, Duke of Austria
Wikipedia - William Dumas -- French politician
Wikipedia - William Dunbar
Wikipedia - William Duncan (actor) -- British actor
Wikipedia - William Duncan (missionary) -- English missionary
Wikipedia - William Duncan Strong
Wikipedia - William Dunch (1508-1597) -- English politician and judge
Wikipedia - William Dunham (mathematician) -- American writer
Wikipedia - William Dunn (bobsleigh) -- Canadian bobsledder
Wikipedia - William Dunn Knox -- Australian artist
Wikipedia - William Dupree (bobsleigh) -- American bobsledder
Wikipedia - William Durham (chemist) -- Scottish chemist, papermaker, astronomer and academic author
Wikipedia - William Dutcher
Wikipedia - William Dutch -- Prominent leader of the Old Settler Cherokee
Wikipedia - William DuVall -- American musician
Wikipedia - William Dwight Billings
Wikipedia - William Dwight Whitney
Wikipedia - William Dyce -- 19th-century Scottish artist
Wikipedia - William Dymock Pratt -- English architect
Wikipedia - William Dyre
Wikipedia - William Eacho -- American diplomat
Wikipedia - William E. Adams (New York politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - William E. Adams -- United States Army Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - William Eagleson Gordon -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - William Earl Buchan -- American sailor
Wikipedia - William Eastcott -- Canadian sport shooter
Wikipedia - William Easterly -- American development economist
Wikipedia - William Eastman Palmer > Sons
Wikipedia - William Eaton (guitarist) -- Guitarist
Wikipedia - William Eaton (scientist) -- American biophysicist
Wikipedia - William E. Barber -- United States Marine Corps Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - William E. Blatz
Wikipedia - William E. Boeing Jr. -- American businessman
Wikipedia - William E. Boeing -- American aviation pioneer
Wikipedia - William E. Castle -- American geneticist
Wikipedia - William E. Caswell -- American physicist (1947-2001)
Wikipedia - William Eccles
Wikipedia - William E. Cole -- U.S. Army Major General
Wikipedia - William E. Connolly
Wikipedia - William Eddins -- American pianist and conductor
Wikipedia - William Eden, 1st Baron Auckland -- British diplomat and politician
Wikipedia - William Edgar Holmes -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - William Edgar Hughes -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Edgeworth -- Irish civil engineer
Wikipedia - William Edington -- 14th-century Archbishop of Canterbury-elect and Chancellor and Treasurer of England
Wikipedia - William Edmond Logan
Wikipedia - William Edmondson (sound engineer) -- Sound engineer
Wikipedia - William Edmund Davies -- British bookmaker
Wikipedia - William E. Dodd Jr. -- American politician
Wikipedia - William E. Dodge -- American businessman
Wikipedia - William E. Donaldson Correctional Facility -- Alabama Department of Corrections prison
Wikipedia - William Edward Ayrton
Wikipedia - William Edward Bauer -- Canadian former diplomat
Wikipedia - William Edward Bergin -- United States Army general
Wikipedia - William Edward David Allen -- British politician and scholar
Wikipedia - William Edward de Winton
Wikipedia - William Edwardes, 3rd Baron Kensington -- British Baron and naval commander
Wikipedia - William Edward Fitch -- American physician
Wikipedia - William Edward Forster -- 19th-century British politician, industrialist and philanthropist
Wikipedia - William Edward Frank Britten
Wikipedia - William Edward Hanley Stanner -- Australian anthropologist
Wikipedia - William Edward Hartpole Lecky -- Irish politician
Wikipedia - William Edward Heaton -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - William Edward Kilburn
Wikipedia - William Edward Maxwell -- Colonial Administrator
Wikipedia - William Edward Petty Hartnell -- California pioneer
Wikipedia - William Edward Phillips -- Governor of Penang
Wikipedia - William Edward Rose -- American businessman and politician
Wikipedia - William Edward Sanders -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - William Edward Shuckard
Wikipedia - William Edward Soothill
Wikipedia - William Edward Story -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William Edward Vickers -- English writer
Wikipedia - William Edwin Atkinson -- Canadian painter
Wikipedia - William Edwin Brooks
Wikipedia - William Edwin Ryerson -- American diplomat
Wikipedia - William Edwin Safford -- American botanist
Wikipedia - William Edwin Saunders
Wikipedia - William Edwy Vine -- British theologian
Wikipedia - William E. Ehrich
Wikipedia - William E. Fairbairn -- British Royal Marine (1885-1960)
Wikipedia - William E. Fears -- American politician
Wikipedia - William E. Gaines -- American politician
Wikipedia - William E. Galbraith -- Commander of the American Legion
Wikipedia - William Egan (hurler) -- Irish hurler
Wikipedia - William E. Gates -- American Mesoamericanist (1863-1940)
Wikipedia - William Egbert -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William Eggleston -- American photographer
Wikipedia - William E. Glenn -- American academic and inventor
Wikipedia - William Eglinton
Wikipedia - William E. Gordon -- American astronomer
Wikipedia - William E. Hall -- United States Navy Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - William E. Harbour -- Civil rights activist
Wikipedia - William E. Hill -- Tuskegee Airmen
Wikipedia - William E. Holyoke -- United States Navy Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - William E. Ingram Jr. -- United States general
Wikipedia - William E. Jenner -- American politician
Wikipedia - William E. Kaufman
Wikipedia - William Eldridge Odom
Wikipedia - William E. Lewis -- Former American politician
Wikipedia - William Elford Leach
Wikipedia - William Elgin Swinton
Wikipedia - William Ellery Channing (poet)
Wikipedia - William Ellery Channing
Wikipedia - William Ellicott -- British sport shooter
Wikipedia - William Elliott (actor, born 1879) -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Elliott (engraver) -- British engraver (1727-1766)
Wikipedia - William Elliott (Upper Canada politician) -- Lawyer, farmer and political figure in Upper Canada
Wikipedia - William Ellis (actor) -- Canadian actor
Wikipedia - William Ellis (economist) -- English businessman, writer on economics, and educational thinker
Wikipedia - William Ellis (Massachusetts politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Ellis Metford -- British engineer
Wikipedia - William Ellis (missionary in Newfoundland) -- Irish Methodist missionary in Newfoundland
Wikipedia - William Ellis (missionary)
Wikipedia - William Ellison-Macartney -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Ellison Mills -- American leather manufacturer and politician
Wikipedia - William Ellison -- American slave trader
Wikipedia - William Ellis (Secretary of State) -- English Jacobite, Secretary of State to James II in exile
Wikipedia - William Elmer -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Elson (died 1705) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Elvis Sloan -- American inventor
Wikipedia - William Elwood Byerly -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William E. Macaulay -- American businessman
Wikipedia - William Emanuel -- American lawyer and government official
Wikipedia - William E. Martin (New York politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - William E. May
Wikipedia - William Emerson (minister)
Wikipedia - William Emerson Sr. -- American clergyman and army officer
Wikipedia - William Emery Nickerson -- American inventor
Wikipedia - William E. Miller (soldier, born 1836) -- American soldier
Wikipedia - William E. Miller -- American politician (1914-1983)
Wikipedia - William E. Moerner
Wikipedia - William Empson
Wikipedia - William England
Wikipedia - William English (computer engineer)
Wikipedia - William English (poet) -- Irish poet
Wikipedia - William Engseth -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - William Enyart -- Illinois politician
Wikipedia - Willia Menzel -- Belgian painter
Wikipedia - William E. Parsons -- American architect and designer of the Gabaldon school buildings
Wikipedia - William Erbey -- American entrepreneur
Wikipedia - William E. R. Covell -- US Army general
Wikipedia - William Erese -- Nigerian hurdler
Wikipedia - William E. Reynolds -- Commandant of the United States Coast Guard (1860 - 1944)
Wikipedia - William E. Riley -- U.S. Marine Corps Lieutenant General
Wikipedia - William Erneley -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Ernest Cooke -- Australian astronomer
Wikipedia - William Ernest Henley -- English poet, critic and editor
Wikipedia - William Ernest Hocking
Wikipedia - William Ernest Johnson
Wikipedia - William Ernest Miles -- British surgeon
Wikipedia - William Ernst Ehrich -- New York sculptor
Wikipedia - William Erskine Ward -- British Indian Civil Service officer
Wikipedia - William E. Russell (politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - William E. Simon
Wikipedia - William E. Smith (artist) -- American artist
Wikipedia - William E. Smith -- 19th century American Republican politician, 14th Governor of Wisconsin, founder of the Roundy's supermarket chain
Wikipedia - William Esper Studio -- Acting school in Manhattan, New York
Wikipedia - William Essex -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Esson
Wikipedia - William Estabrook Chancellor -- American academic, writer, and presidential candidate
Wikipedia - William Estcourt -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Esturmy
Wikipedia - William E. Thomason -- American politician
Wikipedia - William E. Todd -- American diplomat
Wikipedia - William Etty (architect) -- British architect
Wikipedia - William Etty -- British painter (1787-1849)
Wikipedia - William Eure, 1st Baron Eure -- English nobleman in 16th century
Wikipedia - William Eure, 2nd Baron Eure -- English nobleman in 16th century
Wikipedia - William Eustis -- Massachusetts-born physician, politician, and diplomat
Wikipedia - William Evan Charles Morgan -- British artist
Wikipedia - William Evanina -- Director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center
Wikipedia - William Evans (cricketer, born 1897) -- English cricketer and civil servant
Wikipedia - William Evans-Gordon -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Evans Hoyle
Wikipedia - William Everdell -- American teacher and author
Wikipedia - William Everson
Wikipedia - William Eves -- British architect
Wikipedia - William E. Ward -- US Army general
Wikipedia - William Ewart Gladstone -- British statesman and Liberal politician and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (1809-1898)
Wikipedia - William E. West Sr. -- American painter
Wikipedia - William E. Wing -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - William E. Woodruff (politician) -- first treasurer of Arkansas
Wikipedia - William Exmew
Wikipedia - William Exshaw -- British sailor
Wikipedia - William Eyre (died 1629) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Eythe -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Fagan (MP) -- Irish politician
Wikipedia - William Fairbairn
Wikipedia - William Fairbanks -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Fairfax (died 1597) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Fairfield -- Upper Canada politician
Wikipedia - William Faithorne
Wikipedia - William Faith -- American goth/punk musician
Wikipedia - William F. Albright -- American archaeologist, biblical scholar, philologist, and expert on ceramics (1891-1971)
Wikipedia - William Faloon -- American author and immortalist (b. 1954)
Wikipedia - William Farel
Wikipedia - William Fargo
Wikipedia - William Farnum -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Farquharson -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William Farquhar -- British colonial administrator
Wikipedia - William Farrar (settler) -- Early settler, member of the Virginia Council, and Commissioner in the Virginia colony
Wikipedia - William Farrell (architect) -- Irish architect
Wikipedia - William Farrell (diver) -- American diver
Wikipedia - William Farr
Wikipedia - William Faulkner bibliography -- Wikipedia bibliography
Wikipedia - William Faulkner -- American writer
Wikipedia - William Faunt -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Fauver -- American former pair skater
Wikipedia - William Fawcett (engineer) -- 19th-century British engineer, manufacturer
Wikipedia - William Fawcett (paddle steamer) -- Steam ship, earliest ship used by the P&O
Wikipedia - William F. Beck
Wikipedia - William F. B. O'Reilly -- American opinion columnist and political consultant
Wikipedia - William F. Brinkman
Wikipedia - William F. Buckley Jr. bibliography -- Wikipedia bibliography
Wikipedia - William F. Buckley Jr. -- American conservative author and commentator
Wikipedia - William F. Carr -- American politician
Wikipedia - William F. C. Nindemann -- German-American arctic explorer
Wikipedia - William F. Donoghue Jr. -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William Fehr -- South African businessman and art collector
Wikipedia - William Feilding, 11th Earl of Denbigh -- Irish and English peer
Wikipedia - William Feilding, 1st Earl of Denbigh -- English naval officer and courtier
Wikipedia - William Feilding (British Army officer) -- British Army general
Wikipedia - William Feindel
Wikipedia - William Feiner
Wikipedia - William Feller -- Croatian-American mathematician
Wikipedia - William Ferguson (botanist and entomologist)
Wikipedia - William Fergus -- British gymnast
Wikipedia - William Ferrel
Wikipedia - William Ferris (politician) -- Politician from New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - William Fetter
Wikipedia - William Fettes -- British businessman
Wikipedia - William F. Foshag
Wikipedia - William F. Friedman
Wikipedia - William F. Garrison -- United States Army officer
Wikipedia - William F. Giauque
Wikipedia - William F. Harrah -- American businessman
Wikipedia - William F. Harrity -- American politician
Wikipedia - William F. Holcomb -- American prospector
Wikipedia - William F. Hyland -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Fichtner -- US actor
Wikipedia - William Fielding Ogburn
Wikipedia - William Field (Irish politician) -- Irish politician
Wikipedia - William Fields (rower) -- American rower and naval officer
Wikipedia - William Filby (Roman Catholic priest)
Wikipedia - William Fildew -- American cinematographer
Wikipedia - William Findlay (cricketer) -- English cricketer and administrator
Wikipedia - William Finlay, 2nd Viscount Finlay -- British judge and peer
Wikipedia - William Finnemann -- Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - William Finnic Cates -- Recipient of the Navy Cross
Wikipedia - William Firmatus -- Norman hermit and pilgrim
Wikipedia - William Firth -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William Fishburn Donkin
Wikipedia - William Fisher (painter) -- American painter
Wikipedia - William Fittall -- British civil servant
Wikipedia - William FitzGilbert
Wikipedia - William Fitzherbert (MP for Lichfield) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Fitzherbert (New Zealand politician) -- New Zealand politician
Wikipedia - William FitzJohn -- Irish bishop and Lord Chancellor
Wikipedia - William fitz Nigel -- 12th century English noble
Wikipedia - William fitzStephen
Wikipedia - William FitzWilliam, 1st Earl of Southampton
Wikipedia - William Fitzwilliam, 1st Earl of Southampton
Wikipedia - William FitzWilliam (Lord Deputy) -- English Lord Deputy of Ireland
Wikipedia - William F. Jackson -- American painter and curator
Wikipedia - William Flageollet -- French audio engineer
Wikipedia - William Flannery (bridge) -- American bridge player
Wikipedia - William F. Laurance -- American conservationist
Wikipedia - William Fleetwood (died 1630) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Fleetwood Sheppard
Wikipedia - William Fleetwood
Wikipedia - William Fletcher Shaw -- English obstetric physician and gynaecologist
Wikipedia - William Fletcher Weld -- American philanthropist
Wikipedia - William Flete
Wikipedia - William F. Lewis -- Episcopal bishop
Wikipedia - William Flinders Petrie
Wikipedia - William Floyd (mathematician) -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William F. Ludwig, Sr. -- American musician
Wikipedia - William Fly -- English pirate
Wikipedia - William F. Mackey -- American lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - William F. Martin -- American botanist and microbiologist
Wikipedia - William F. McCauley -- United States Navy admiral
Wikipedia - William F. Miller
Wikipedia - William F. Milliken Jr. -- Aeronautical and Automotive Engineer
Wikipedia - William F. Moran (admiral) -- US Navy Admiral
Wikipedia - William F. Neuman
Wikipedia - William F. Nolan -- American writer
Wikipedia - William Foege -- American physician and epidemiologist
Wikipedia - William Fogg Osgood -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William Fong -- Samoan hurdler
Wikipedia - William Fontaine
Wikipedia - William Foord-Kelcey -- English cricketer, barrister, and academic
Wikipedia - William Forbes (bishop)
Wikipedia - William Forbes (Talamancan king) -- Indigenous king of Talamanca in Costa Rica
Wikipedia - William Forde Thompson
Wikipedia - William Forrest (actor) -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Forrester (racecourse owner) -- Australian racehorse owner
Wikipedia - William Forsche -- American special effects artist
Wikipedia - William Forsell Kirby
Wikipedia - William Forsythe (actor) -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Fortescue, 1st Earl of Clermont -- Irish politician
Wikipedia - William Fortescue (died 1629) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Fortune (businessman) -- American businessman, journalist, and civic leader (1863 to 1942)
Wikipedia - William Forward -- Irish politician
Wikipedia - William Foster (British Army officer) -- Recipient of the George Cross
Wikipedia - William Foster (divine)
Wikipedia - William Foster (Scottish cricketer) -- Scottish cricketer and Royal Marines officer
Wikipedia - William Fothergill Cooke
Wikipedia - William Fotheringham -- British cycling journalist
Wikipedia - William Fourkiller -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Fowell -- 15th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Fowle Middleton -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Fowler (makar)
Wikipedia - William Fowler (MP for Wycombe) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Foxe -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Fox (palaeontologist)
Wikipedia - William Fox-Pitt -- British equestrian
Wikipedia - William Fox (politician) -- Premier of New Zealand
Wikipedia - William Fox (producer) -- Hungarian-American film producer (1879-1952)
Wikipedia - William Fox Talbot
Wikipedia - William F. Passannante -- politician
Wikipedia - William F. Pounds
Wikipedia - William F. Prisk -- American executive and politician from California
Wikipedia - William Francis Bartlett -- Union Army general
Wikipedia - William Francis Buckley -- 20th-century US Army officer and the CIA station chief in Beirut
Wikipedia - William Francis Cody -- American architect
Wikipedia - William Francis de Vismes Kane -- Irish entomologist
Wikipedia - William Francis Gibbs
Wikipedia - William Francis Gray Swann
Wikipedia - William Francis Magie
Wikipedia - William Francis Pohl -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William Frankena
Wikipedia - William Frank Kobina Coleman -- Ghanaian engineer and broadcasting executive
Wikipedia - William Frankland (allergist) -- British immunologist
Wikipedia - William Frankland (immunologist)
Wikipedia - William Frankleyn
Wikipedia - William Fraser (architect) -- Scottish architect
Wikipedia - William Frater -- British-born Australian painter and stained-glass designer
Wikipedia - William Frawley -- American actor
Wikipedia - William F. Raynolds -- U.S. Army surveyor and topographer
Wikipedia - William Frazer (sport shooter) -- American sport shooter
Wikipedia - William Frederick Bull -- Canadian former diplomat
Wikipedia - William Frederick Cavaye -- British Army officer
Wikipedia - William Frederick de Haas -- Dutch-born American painter
Wikipedia - William Frederick Denning
Wikipedia - William Frederick DesBarres -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William Frederick Eberlein -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William Frederick Evans
Wikipedia - William Frederick Fisher -- American astronaut
Wikipedia - William Frederick Havemeyer
Wikipedia - William Frederick Johnson
Wikipedia - William Frederick Mayers -- British sinologist
Wikipedia - William Frederick Pattinson -- Australian businessman and doctor
Wikipedia - William Frederick Poole -- American bibliographer and librarian
Wikipedia - William Frederick Purcell -- (1866-1919) English-born South African araneologist
Wikipedia - William Frederick Wakeman -- Irish archaeologist
Wikipedia - William Frederick Yeames
Wikipedia - William Frederik Duntzfelt -- Danish merchant and politician
Wikipedia - William Fred Hansen
Wikipedia - William Freeman (martyr)
Wikipedia - William Fremantle (politician) -- British politician and Court official
Wikipedia - William Frenaye -- American architect
Wikipedia - William French Anderson
Wikipedia - William Frend (social reformer)
Wikipedia - William Freudenburg -- American sociologist
Wikipedia - William Friedrich -- American gymnast
Wikipedia - William Friese-Greene -- British photographer and inventor
Wikipedia - William F. Roemer Jr. -- American FBI special agent and attorney
Wikipedia - William Frost
Wikipedia - William Frullani -- Italian decathlete
Wikipedia - William Fry (Tasmanian politician) -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William Fry (Victorian politician) -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William F. Schulz
Wikipedia - William F. Sharpe
Wikipedia - William F. Sheehan -- American politician
Wikipedia - William F. Shipley -- American linguist
Wikipedia - William F. Sturgis -- American politician
Wikipedia - William F. Tate IV -- American sociologist
Wikipedia - William F. Turner -- American judge
Wikipedia - William Fuller (bishop) -- Irish bishop
Wikipedia - William Fuller Brown, Jr.
Wikipedia - William Fuller Brown Jr. -- American physicist
Wikipedia - William Fullerton (diplomat) -- British diplomat
Wikipedia - William Fullerton Elphinstone -- Scottish sea captain
Wikipedia - William Fullerton (surgeon) -- Scottish surgeon
Wikipedia - William Fulton (mathematician) -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William F. Vallicella
Wikipedia - William Fyfe (geochemist)
Wikipedia - William Fytche (MP) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Gabriel Davy -- British Army officer
Wikipedia - William Gaehler -- American canoeist
Wikipedia - William Gager -- 16th/17th-century English playwright
Wikipedia - William Gaines -- American publisher
Wikipedia - William Gainey -- United States Army NCO
Wikipedia - William Gainsborough
Wikipedia - William Galbraith, 4th of that Ilk -- 13th century Scottish noble
Wikipedia - William Galeon -- English friar
Wikipedia - William G. Allen -- African American abolitionist
Wikipedia - William Gallie
Wikipedia - William Galston
Wikipedia - William Gambel
Wikipedia - William Gamble (general) -- United States Army general
Wikipedia - William Gaminara -- British actor and screenwriter
Wikipedia - William Ganz -- American cardiologist
Wikipedia - William Gardiner (mathematician) -- English mathematician
Wikipedia - William Gardiner (MP died 1558) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Gardner (Australian settler) -- Pioneer and historian
Wikipedia - William Gardner (former slave) -- American slave
Wikipedia - William Gardner Pfann
Wikipedia - William Garfit -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Garforth -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - William Garonwy Griffiths -- American writer
Wikipedia - William Garret Forbes -- American silversmith
Wikipedia - William Garrow Lettsom -- British diplomat
Wikipedia - William Garrow -- British barrister, politician and judge (1760-1840)
Wikipedia - William Garwood -- American actor and film director
Wikipedia - William Gasarch -- American computer scientist
Wikipedia - William Gascoigne (scientist)
Wikipedia - William Gascoigne -- 14th-/15th-century Chief Justice of England
Wikipedia - William Gaskin -- Alabama politician
Wikipedia - William Gaston (Massachusetts politician) -- American politician and lawyer (1820-1894)
Wikipedia - William Gatacre (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Gates Computer Science Building (Stanford)
Wikipedia - William Gates LeDuc -- Fourth United States Commissioner of Agriculture
Wikipedia - William Gaunt -- English actor
Wikipedia - William G. Bade -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William G. Barr -- American businessman and politician
Wikipedia - William G. Bradford -- American diplomat
Wikipedia - William G. Brown Sr. -- American lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - William G. Conway
Wikipedia - William G. Dever
Wikipedia - William Gell
Wikipedia - William Gemmell Cochran
Wikipedia - William G. Enloe -- Mayor of Raleigh, North Carolina
Wikipedia - William George Barker -- Canadian WWI fighter ace
Wikipedia - William George Clark -- 19th-century English classical and Shakespearean scholar
Wikipedia - William George Fearnsides
Wikipedia - William George Garrard -- New Zealand rugby union official and referee
Wikipedia - William George Malone -- New Zealand military officer
Wikipedia - William George Mensah Brandful -- Ghanaian diplomat
Wikipedia - William George Nicholson Geddes -- Scottish civil engineer
Wikipedia - William George Ward
Wikipedia - William George Webb -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Gerard Barry -- Irish painter
Wikipedia - William Gerard Dwyer -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William Gerard Hamilton -- 18th-century Anglo-Irish politician
Wikipedia - William Gerard -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Gerrish -- British philatelist
Wikipedia - William Gettle -- American businessman
Wikipedia - William G. Fricke House -- House by Frank Lloyd Wright
Wikipedia - William G. Giaccio -- American politician
Wikipedia - William G. Greene Jr. -- American politician from Massachusetts
Wikipedia - William G. Harrell -- United States Marine Corps Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - William G. Helis Sr. -- American businessman
Wikipedia - William G. Hills -- American Civil War Medal of Honor recipient (1841-1912)
Wikipedia - William G. Holt II -- U.S. Space Command Director of Joint Space Operations Development
Wikipedia - William Giauque
Wikipedia - William Gibson (historian) -- British historian, academic, and professor
Wikipedia - William Gibson (NAACP activist) -- American dentist
Wikipedia - William Gibson (playwright) -- American playwright and novelist
Wikipedia - William Gibson -- American-Canadian speculative fiction novelist
Wikipedia - William Giffard -- 11th and 12th-century Bishop of Winchester and Chancellor of England
Wikipedia - William Gifford (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Gifford -- 18th/19th-century English critic, editor, and poet
Wikipedia - William Gilbert Anderson -- American teacher and author
Wikipedia - William Gilbert (astronomer)
Wikipedia - William Gilbert (pastoralist) -- South Australian pastoralist and vigneron
Wikipedia - William Gilbert (physician)
Wikipedia - William Giles Harding -- American general and planter
Wikipedia - William Gillespie (actor) -- Scottish actor
Wikipedia - William Gillette
Wikipedia - William Gilliam -- Member of the Virginia House of Delegates
Wikipedia - William Gilliatt -- English gynaecologist
Wikipedia - William Gillies (sport shooter) -- Hong Kong sport shooter
Wikipedia - William Gilman Thompson -- American physician and writer
Wikipedia - William Gilson Farlow -- American botanist
Wikipedia - William Ginsberg -- American environmentalist
Wikipedia - William G. Joslyn -- American Major General
Wikipedia - William Gladstone
Wikipedia - William Glasgow (art director) -- Art director
Wikipedia - William Glasgow (general) -- Australian politician and general
Wikipedia - William Glasier -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Glasser
Wikipedia - William Glenn Waterhouse -- American sailor
Wikipedia - William Glen (poet) -- Scottish poet
Wikipedia - William Glyn (bishop)
Wikipedia - William G. McDowell -- American prelate
Wikipedia - William G. Milliken State Park and Harbor -- Park in Michigan, USA
Wikipedia - William G. Morgan -- Inventor of volleyball
Wikipedia - William G. Moseley (Massachusetts politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Godolphin (Warden of the Stannaries) -- 16th-century English politician and knight
Wikipedia - William Godson Bruce-Konuah -- Ghanaian physician and politician
Wikipedia - William Godward -- Australian sports shooter
Wikipedia - William Godwin (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Godwin (sport shooter) -- British sports shooter
Wikipedia - William Godwin
Wikipedia - William Goebel -- Governor of Kentucky; American politician
Wikipedia - William Golding -- British novelist, poet, and playwright
Wikipedia - William Goldman (mathematician) -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William Goldman (photographer) -- American photographer
Wikipedia - William Goldman -- American novelist, screenwriter and playwright
Wikipedia - William Goldwin -- English cricketer, schoolteacher, and vicar
Wikipedia - William Goodell (missionary) -- American translator and missionary
Wikipedia - William Goode (politician) -- American politician and lawyer
Wikipedia - William Googins -- Union United States Army soldier
Wikipedia - William Gordon (bishop of Leeds) -- 19th and 20th-century English Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - William Gordon Cameron -- British soldier and colonial administrator
Wikipedia - William Gordon (Chelsea MP) -- British solicitor and politician
Wikipedia - William Gordon Dey -- Scottish architect
Wikipedia - William Gordon Lennox
Wikipedia - William Gordon Mathews -- West Virginian judge and lawyer
Wikipedia - William Gordon of Earlston -- Scottish Presbyterian elder (1614-1679)
Wikipedia - William Gordon Perrin -- British writer
Wikipedia - William Gorman (priest) -- Anglican priest
Wikipedia - William Gormley -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Gosling (VC) -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - William Gott -- British Army general
Wikipedia - William Goudge -- English cricketer and Royal Navy Chaplain
Wikipedia - William Gould (actor) -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Gould Dow
Wikipedia - William Gould (naturalist)
Wikipedia - William Gowans -- American antiquarian bookseller
Wikipedia - William Goyen -- American writer, editor, and teacher
Wikipedia - William G. Petty -- American judge from Virginia
Wikipedia - William G. Pollard
Wikipedia - William G. Preston -- American architect
Wikipedia - William Graham (field hockey) -- Ireland men's field hockey international
Wikipedia - William Graham Nicholson -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Graham Sumner
Wikipedia - William Granger (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Grant & Sons -- Scottish alcohol distillery
Wikipedia - William Grant Still -- American composer
Wikipedia - William Grasett Clarke -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - William Grason -- American politician (1788-1868)
Wikipedia - William Gravatt -- British engineer
Wikipedia - William Green (British Army officer, born 1882) -- British general
Wikipedia - William Green (died 1555) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Greene (MP) -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Greenfield -- 14th-century Archbishop of York and Chancellor of England
Wikipedia - William Green (painter)
Wikipedia - William Greenwell -- British archaeologist
Wikipedia - William Greggan -- British tug of war competitor
Wikipedia - William Gregg (industrialist) -- American businessman and industrialist
Wikipedia - William Gregor -- English clergyman and mineralogist
Wikipedia - William Gregory (Carmelite)
Wikipedia - William Gregory (chemist)
Wikipedia - William Gregory Watkins -- English architect
Wikipedia - William Gregory Wood-Martin -- Irish antiquarian and author
Wikipedia - William Greider -- American journalist
Wikipedia - William Grenfell, 1st Baron Desborough -- British athlete and politician
Wikipedia - William Grenville, 1st Baron Grenville -- Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1806 to 1807
Wikipedia - William Grey (Bishop of Ely)
Wikipedia - William Grey (bishop of Lincoln)
Wikipedia - William Grey Walter
Wikipedia - William Grey-Wilson -- British Colonial governor
Wikipedia - William Grieve (bridge) -- American bridge player
Wikipedia - William Griffith (born 1480) -- Welsh politician
Wikipedia - William Griffith (canoeist) -- Canadian canoeist
Wikipedia - William Griffith Wilson
Wikipedia - William Griggs -- Doctor during the Salem witch trials
Wikipedia - William Grimes (ex-slave) -- American publisher
Wikipedia - William Grisaunt -- English physician
Wikipedia - William Griswold (museum director) -- American museum director and curator
Wikipedia - William Grocyn
Wikipedia - William Groseclose -- American golfer
Wikipedia - William Grosvenor -- British sport shooter
Wikipedia - William Grover Smith -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Grut -- Swedish modern pentathlete
Wikipedia - William G. S. Cadogan -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - William G. Schneider
Wikipedia - William G. Sebold -- FBI double agent
Wikipedia - William G. Stewart -- English television producer and director
Wikipedia - William G. Stinson -- American politician
Wikipedia - William G. Sumner
Wikipedia - William G. Tachau -- American architect
Wikipedia - William G. Thon -- American politician and lawyer
Wikipedia - William G. Tifft
Wikipedia - William G. Tucker -- British sculptor
Wikipedia - William Gull -- 19th-century English physician
Wikipedia - William Gunn (cricketer) -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - William Gurley -- American academic
Wikipedia - William Guybon Atherstone -- South African geologist (1814-1898)
Wikipedia - William Guy (golfer) -- Scottish golfer
Wikipedia - William Guy -- British statistician
Wikipedia - William Haade -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Haboush -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William Hackett (VC) -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - William Haddad -- American political operative, lobbyist, and journalist
Wikipedia - William Haggard -- British writer
Wikipedia - William Hague -- Former Leader of the UK Conservative Party
Wikipedia - William H. Ahmanson -- American chief executive
Wikipedia - William Hahne -- Swedish politician
Wikipedia - William Haines -- American actor and interior designer
Wikipedia - William Hale (born 1998) -- British entrepreneur and mental health advocate
Wikipedia - William Hale (director) -- Film and television director
Wikipedia - William Hale Thompson -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Halfpenny -- British architect
Wikipedia - William Hall-Jones -- 19th and 20th-century New Zealand politician
Wikipedia - William Hall (Lord Lieutenant) -- Northern Irish businessman
Wikipedia - William Hallowes Miller -- Welsh mineralogist and crystallographer
Wikipedia - William Hall (publisher) -- British bookseller and publisher
Wikipedia - William Hall Sherwood -- American musician
Wikipedia - William Hall (VC) -- Canadian royal naval hero
Wikipedia - William Halpenny -- Canadian pole vaulter
Wikipedia - William Halsall -- American painter
Wikipedia - William Halse Rivers Rivers
Wikipedia - William Halsey Jr. -- United States Navy admiral
Wikipedia - William Halstead -- American politician (1794-1878)
Wikipedia - William Hamilton, 2nd Duke of Hamilton -- 17th-century Scottish politician and peer
Wikipedia - William Hamilton (abolitionist) -- African-American civil rights activist (1773-1836)
Wikipedia - William Hamilton Anderson -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Hamilton (comic poet) -- Scottish poet
Wikipedia - William Hamilton (diplomat)
Wikipedia - William Hamilton Drummond -- Irish poet and writer
Wikipedia - William Hamilton (equestrian) -- Swedish equestrian
Wikipedia - William Hamilton (Irish minister) -- Irish geologist, naturalist and political activist
Wikipedia - William Hamilton (Lord Chancellor)
Wikipedia - William Hamilton (lumber baron) -- Upper Canada lumber merchant and politician
Wikipedia - William Hamilton MacFarland -- Virginia politician
Wikipedia - William Hamilton Meeks, III -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William Hamilton Shortt -- British horologist and engineer
Wikipedia - William Hamilton (sport shooter) -- Canadian sports shooter
Wikipedia - William Hamilton Stepp -- American country blues fiddle player
Wikipedia - William Hamilton (theologian)
Wikipedia - William Hammond (died 1575) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William H. Amoss -- American politician, Maryland State Senator
Wikipedia - William Hampshire -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Hamzy -- American politician
Wikipedia - William H. Andrews (biologist)
Wikipedia - William H. Andrews (unionist) -- Chairman of the South African Labour Party and General Secretary of the Communist Party of South Africa
Wikipedia - William Hanes Ayres -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Hannah -- Australian cricket umpire
Wikipedia - William Hanna -- American animator and cartoonist
Wikipedia - William Hannington -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Hans Press
Wikipedia - William Harbord (politician) -- British politician and diplomat
Wikipedia - William Harcourt (politician) -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Hardham -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - William Hardie (archbishop of the West Indies) -- Anglican Archbishop of the West Indies
Wikipedia - William Harding Carter -- United States Army Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - William Harding of Baraset -- Gentleman of the Privy Chamber to George III
Wikipedia - William Harding (sport shooter) -- American sports shooter
Wikipedia - William Hardy McNeill
Wikipedia - William Hare, 2nd Earl of Listowel -- Anglo-Irish politician
Wikipedia - William Hare (sport shooter) -- Canadian sports shooter
Wikipedia - William Hargreaves -- British composer
Wikipedia - William H. Armstrong (author)
Wikipedia - William Harold Clark -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William Harper Carter -- American entrepreneur and former actor
Wikipedia - William Harper Pease
Wikipedia - William Harper (Rhodesian politician) -- Politician in Southern Rhodesia
Wikipedia - William Harrigan -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Harrington (priest)
Wikipedia - William Harris Ashmead
Wikipedia - William Harris (born 1504) -- English politician, born 1504
Wikipedia - William Harrison Ainsworth bibliography -- Wikipedia bibliography
Wikipedia - William Harrison Ainsworth -- English novelist
Wikipedia - William Harrison Anderson -- American missionary
Wikipedia - William Harrison (cricketer, born 1838) -- English cricketer, coal industrialist, and British Army officer
Wikipedia - William Harrison Grimshaw -- American architect
Wikipedia - William Harrison (poet) -- English poet and diplomat
Wikipedia - William Harrison Rice
Wikipedia - William Harrold -- English golfer
Wikipedia - William Harry Evans
Wikipedia - William Hart-Bennett -- British colonial governor
Wikipedia - William Hartley (martyr)
Wikipedia - William Hartnell -- English actor
Wikipedia - William Hartopp -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - William Hart (priest)
Wikipedia - William Harvey Brown -- American naturalist
Wikipedia - William Harvey Clare -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William Harvey Lillard -- American chiropractic patient
Wikipedia - William Harvey (priest) -- English cleric and academic
Wikipedia - William Harvey -- English physician
Wikipedia - William Harvie Christie -- British civil servant and colonial politician in New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - William Haskell Alsup
Wikipedia - William Hasker
Wikipedia - William Hastie
Wikipedia - William Hastings, 1st Baron Hastings
Wikipedia - William Hastings Alexander -- Hong Kong government official
Wikipedia - William Hatch (New Hampshire politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Hathaway -- American politician
Wikipedia - William H. Atherton -- Canadian historian
Wikipedia - William Hatt -- Scottish priest, Dean of Brechin
Wikipedia - William Hauber -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Haughton (playwright) -- 16th-century English playwright
Wikipedia - William Havard (actor) -- British actor
Wikipedia - William Havard Eliot -- American architect
Wikipedia - William Havens -- American canoeist
Wikipedia - William H. Avery (engineer) -- aeronautical engineer
Wikipedia - William Hawks -- American film producer
Wikipedia - William Haworth -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William Hay, 18th Earl of Erroll -- British Earl
Wikipedia - William Hayden English -- 19th-century American politician
Wikipedia - William Hayes (diver) -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - William Hayes (geneticist)
Wikipedia - William Hayes (photographer)
Wikipedia - William Hayley
Wikipedia - William Hayman (merchant) -- Bristol merchant and mayor 1684
Wikipedia - William Hays (painter) -- American painter
Wikipedia - William Hayward Jr. -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Hayward Pickering
Wikipedia - William Hayward Roberts -- English poet and Church of England clergyman
Wikipedia - William Haze -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Hazlitt -- 19th-century English essayist and critic
Wikipedia - William H. Bailey -- American artist
Wikipedia - William H. Barnes (Medal of Honor) -- United States Army Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - William H. Behle
Wikipedia - William H. Bennett (newspaperman) -- Australian newspaper editor and proprietor
Wikipedia - William H. Brady -- American Episcopal bishop (1912-1996)
Wikipedia - William H. Bright Jr. -- American judge from Connecticut
Wikipedia - William H. Cade
Wikipedia - William H. Clagett -- American politician (1838-1901)
Wikipedia - William H. Cole IV -- American politician
Wikipedia - William H. Crook -- Bodyguard for President Abraham Lincoln and White House employee
Wikipedia - William H.C. Whiting -- Confederate States Army general
Wikipedia - William H. Dana -- NASA research pilot and astronaut
Wikipedia - William H. Dolben -- American politician
Wikipedia - William H. Donaldson
Wikipedia - William H. Dray
Wikipedia - William H. Dubois -- Businessman and politician
Wikipedia - William Headline -- American journalist (1931-2008)
Wikipedia - William Heald Ludlow Bruges -- English politician.
Wikipedia - William Healey Dall
Wikipedia - William Heard Kilpatrick
Wikipedia - William Hearn (umpire) -- English cricketer and Test umpire
Wikipedia - William Heath (artist) -- British artist
Wikipedia - William Heath (died 1570) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Heath (Jamaica) -- Jamaican politician
Wikipedia - William Heath (MP for Bath) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Heberden the Younger -- British physician
Wikipedia - William Hedgcock -- American Sound engineer
Wikipedia - William Hedley -- British inventor and industrial engineer (1779-1843)
Wikipedia - William Hehir -- British racewalker
Wikipedia - William Heighton -- American labor leader
Wikipedia - William Heinemann -- Publisher from Surbiton, Surrey, England who founded the Heinemann publishing house in London
Wikipedia - William Heinesen
Wikipedia - William Hellier Baily
Wikipedia - William Hely -- Royal Australian Air Force senior commander
Wikipedia - William H. Emory -- Union Army general (1811-1887)
Wikipedia - William Henderson (Canadian politician) -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William Henderson (general) -- Australian general
Wikipedia - William Henderson (sport shooter) -- Sports shooter
Wikipedia - William Hendry Stowell -- Manx nonconformist minister and college administrator
Wikipedia - William Heneage Ogilvie -- British surgeon and writer
Wikipedia - William Henry Allan Munro -- Architect in Australia
Wikipedia - William Henry Ansell -- British architect and engraver
Wikipedia - William Henry Aspinwall -- American businessman
Wikipedia - William Henry Baynes -- Australian politician (1833-1898)
Wikipedia - William Henry Beatty -- Canadian businessman and lawyer
Wikipedia - William Henry Benson
Wikipedia - William Henry Birkbeck -- British Army officer and administrator
Wikipedia - William Henry Bragg
Wikipedia - William Henry Brooke -- Irish-born British painter and illustrator
Wikipedia - William Henry Brookfield
Wikipedia - William Henry Bury -- Murderer and "Jack the Ripper" suspect (1859-1889)
Wikipedia - William Henry Chamberlin (philosopher)
Wikipedia - William Henry Chandler (politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Henry Channing
Wikipedia - William Henry (chemist) -- British chemist who formulated the law on the solubility of gases into liquids
Wikipedia - William Henry Chipman -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William Henry Clegg -- South African businessman
Wikipedia - William Henry Corbett -- Canadian politician (1847-1941)
Wikipedia - William Henry Curry -- American conductor and composer
Wikipedia - William Henry Danforth -- American academic administrator
Wikipedia - William Henry Daniels -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Henry Davies (entrepreneur) -- British-Canadian businessman
Wikipedia - William Henry Doyle -- Chief Justice of Gibraltar
Wikipedia - William Henry Draper (hymnwriter)
Wikipedia - William Henry Draper (judge) -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William Henry Drummond
Wikipedia - William Henry Edwards
Wikipedia - William Henry Elder -- American Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - William Henry Eyes -- New Zealand politician
Wikipedia - William Henry Feldon -- English sculptor
Wikipedia - William Henry Finlay -- (1849-1924) South African Astronomer
Wikipedia - William Henry Fitton
Wikipedia - William Henry Foster (Bridgnorth MP) -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Henry Freeman -- American Civil War Medal of Honor recipient (1844-1911)
Wikipedia - William Henry Furness
Wikipedia - William Henry Giles Kingston
Wikipedia - William Henry Gore -- English artist known for painting (1857-1942)
Wikipedia - William Henry Gorman -- American businessman (1843-1915)
Wikipedia - William Henry Griffith Thomas
Wikipedia - William Henry Hadow
Wikipedia - William Henry Harrison 1840 presidential campaign -- United States presidential campaign
Wikipedia - William Henry Harrison Benyaurd -- Union Army officer during the American Civil War
Wikipedia - William Henry Harrison III -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Henry Harrison -- 9th president of the United States
Wikipedia - William Henry Harris -- English organist and composer
Wikipedia - William Henry Harvey -- Irish botanist
Wikipedia - William Henry Haywood Jr. -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Henry Hoare -- English cleric and author
Wikipedia - William Henry Holmes -- American academic, painter and illustrator
Wikipedia - William Henry Howell -- American physiologist
Wikipedia - William Henry Hudson
Wikipedia - William Henry Ireland -- 18th/19th-century English forger of Shakespearean documents and plays
Wikipedia - William Henry John Seffern -- New Zealand printer, newspaper editor, journalist, and historian
Wikipedia - William Henry Kessler -- American architect
Wikipedia - William Henry Lambton -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Henry Leonard Poe -- American sailor and poet
Wikipedia - William Henry Lynn -- British architect
Wikipedia - William Henry Marsh -- British colonial administrator
Wikipedia - William Henry Metcalf -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - William Henry (missionary) -- Irish preacher
Wikipedia - William Henry Monk -- English organist, organist, composer and music editor (1823-1889)
Wikipedia - William Henry Moore -- Canadian politician and lawyer
Wikipedia - William Henry Nicholls -- Australian botanist (1885-1951)
Wikipedia - William Henry Ogilvie -- Scottish-Australian poet
Wikipedia - William Henry Page
Wikipedia - William Henry Perkin Jr.
Wikipedia - William Henry Perkin, Jr.
Wikipedia - William Henry Peter Barber -- New Zealand politician
Wikipedia - William Henry Phelps
Wikipedia - William Henry Pickering
Wikipedia - William Henry Powell (soldier) -- American Civil War Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - William Henry Press
Wikipedia - William Henry Purnell -- American lawyer and army officer (1826-1902)
Wikipedia - William Henry Quick -- New Zealand businessman and politician
Wikipedia - William Henry Reid -- Canadian politician and farmer
Wikipedia - William Henry Revis -- British businessman and philanthropist
Wikipedia - William Henry Rhodes-Moorhouse -- British World War II flying ace
Wikipedia - William Henry Robertson (physician) -- British physician
Wikipedia - William Henry Roberts -- Baptist minister, missionary
Wikipedia - William Henry Roever -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William Henry Sharpe -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William Henry Sheppard -- African American missionary for the Presbyterian Church
Wikipedia - William Henry Smyth
Wikipedia - William Henry Snyder Nickerson -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - William Henry Sparks -- American lawyer
Wikipedia - William Henry Sykes -- British politician and naturalist
Wikipedia - William Henry Thomas Sylvester -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - William Henry Wakefield -- English banker
Wikipedia - William Henry Walsh -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William Henry Webster
Wikipedia - William Henry Welch
Wikipedia - William Henry Willimon -- American methodist bishop
Wikipedia - William Henry Wittrick
Wikipedia - William Henry Wright
Wikipedia - William Henry Young
Wikipedia - William Hepburn Russell -- Co-founder of the Pony Express
Wikipedia - William Herbert, 1st Earl of Pembroke (died 1469) -- 15th-century English noble
Wikipedia - William Herbert, 3rd Earl of Pembroke -- 16th/17th-century English nobleman, politician, and courtier
Wikipedia - William Herbert Anderson -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - William Herbert Higginbottom -- Architect from Nottingham, England
Wikipedia - William Herbert Sheldon
Wikipedia - William Herbert Waring -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - William Herle (spy)
Wikipedia - William Herod -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Heron (died 1428) -- 14th-15th century English noble
Wikipedia - William Herries Maxwell -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Herrmann (gymnast) -- American gymnast
Wikipedia - William Herschel -- 18th- and 19th-century German-born British astronomer and composer
Wikipedia - William Hersey Hopkins -- American college administrator
Wikipedia - William Hervey, 1st Baron Hervey -- 17th-century English soldier and politician
Wikipedia - William Herzog -- American gymnast
Wikipedia - William Hewer -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Hewett -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - William Hewlett (regicide)
Wikipedia - William Hewson (surgeon) -- British physiologist
Wikipedia - William Heyen
Wikipedia - William Heysham (cricketer) -- English cricketer and barrister
Wikipedia - William Heytesbury
Wikipedia - William Heyworth
Wikipedia - William H. Fishman -- Canadian-American cancer researcher
Wikipedia - William H. Flett -- American lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - William H. Folwell -- American Episcopal bishop
Wikipedia - William H. Frankhauser -- American politician
Wikipedia - William H. French -- Union army general
Wikipedia - William H. Gass
Wikipedia - William H. Gates Sr.
Wikipedia - William H. Gerdts -- American art historian
Wikipedia - William H. Green -- American chemical engineer (born 1963)
Wikipedia - William H. Grier -- American psychiatrist
Wikipedia - William H. Harrison (USMC) -- U.S. Marine Corps Brigadier General
Wikipedia - William H. Harrison (Wyoming Congressman)
Wikipedia - William H. Harrison (Wyoming politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - William H. Hastie
Wikipedia - William H. Hicks -- American politician
Wikipedia - William H. Hinebaugh -- American politician
Wikipedia - William H. Hinton
Wikipedia - William H. Honan
Wikipedia - William H. Hudnut III -- American politician
Wikipedia - William H. Hurlbut -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Hickey (actor) -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Hickey (writer) -- Irish writer and philanthropist
Wikipedia - William Hickox -- American pair skater
Wikipedia - William Hicks (Cherokee chief) -- Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation
Wikipedia - William Hicks Jackson -- Confederate Army general
Wikipedia - William Higinbotham -- American physicist
Wikipedia - William Hildred -- British civil servant
Wikipedia - William Hill Brown -- 18th-century American novelist
Wikipedia - William Hill (colonial administrator) -- Proprietary Governor of the Province of Avalon in Newfoundland, now in Canada
Wikipedia - William Hillcourt -- Scouting leader
Wikipedia - William Hillman -- British businessman
Wikipedia - William Hill Sports Book of the Year Award
Wikipedia - William Hill (sport shooter) -- Australian sports shooter
Wikipedia - William Hilton Jr -- 17th-century English explorer
Wikipedia - William Hilton -- British artist, 1786-1839
Wikipedia - William Hirstein
Wikipedia - William Hiseland -- British soldier and supercentenarian
Wikipedia - William H. Jefferys
Wikipedia - William H. Keeler -- Catholic cardinal (1931-2017)
Wikipedia - William H. Keith Jr. bibliography -- Wikipedia bibliography
Wikipedia - William H. Keith Jr. -- American writer
Wikipedia - William H. K. Pollock -- English chess player
Wikipedia - William H. Langille -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William H. Leder -- U.S. Navy pilot and Air Medal recipient
Wikipedia - William H. Littlefield -- American painter
Wikipedia - William H. Ludlow -- American politician from New York
Wikipedia - William H. MacInnis -- American politician
Wikipedia - William H. Macy -- American actor
Wikipedia - William H. McCrea
Wikipedia - William H. McElfatrick -- American architect
Wikipedia - William H. McLellan -- Maine politician
Wikipedia - William H. McRaven -- Admiral, Navy Seal, author, foreign policy expert
Wikipedia - William H. Murray -- Ninth governor of Oklahoma
Wikipedia - William H. Natcher Parkway -- Highway in Kentucky
Wikipedia - William Hoapili Kaauwai
Wikipedia - William Hoapili KaM-JM-;auwai -- Politician
Wikipedia - William Hoare (cricketer, born 1847) -- English cricketer, cricket administrator, banker and brewer
Wikipedia - William Hoare (gymnast) -- British gymnast
Wikipedia - William Hoare
Wikipedia - William Hockey -- American engineer and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - William Hodder -- Olympic sailor from Australia
Wikipedia - William Hodgman (prosecutor) -- American lawyer and Prosecutor
Wikipedia - William Hodgson (Master of Peterhouse, Cambridge) -- English clergyman and college head
Wikipedia - William Hodson Brock -- British chemist and science historian
Wikipedia - William Hogarth (bishop) -- Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - William Hogarth Main -- Cave diver and scuba configuration experimentalist
Wikipedia - William Hogarth -- English artist and social critic
Wikipedia - William Hogenson -- American athlete
Wikipedia - William Holden -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Hole (artist)
Wikipedia - William Holland, 1st Baron Rotherham -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Holland (by 1478 - 1547 or later) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Holles (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Holloway (cricketer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - William Hollrock -- American bobsledder
Wikipedia - William Holman Bentley -- English missionary
Wikipedia - William Holman Hunt -- Pre-Raphaelite English artist (1827-1910)
Wikipedia - William Holman (MP for Dorchester) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Holmes Cookman -- American architect
Wikipedia - William Holmes McGuffey
Wikipedia - William Homan Thorpe
Wikipedia - William Home Lizars -- Scottish painter and engraver
Wikipedia - William Honan
Wikipedia - William Honnyng -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Honychurch -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Hood Simpson -- United States general
Wikipedia - William Hood Treacher -- colonial administrator
Wikipedia - William Hooker (botanical illustrator) -- British illustrator of natural history (1779-1832)
Wikipedia - William Hooper -- American politician (1742-1790)
Wikipedia - William Hooper Young -- American murderer
Wikipedia - William Hope Meiklejohn -- British Indian Army general
Wikipedia - William Hope (paranormal investigator)
Wikipedia - William Hopkins (architect) -- British architect
Wikipedia - William Hopkins
Wikipedia - William Hopper -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Hornaday
Wikipedia - William Hornbuckle -- American businessman
Wikipedia - William Horne (golfer) -- English golfer
Wikipedia - William Horne (politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Horrmann -- American businessman
Wikipedia - William Horschke -- American gymnast
Wikipedia - William Horsemonden-Turner -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Horton (bobsleigh) -- British bobsledder
Wikipedia - William Horton Jr. -- American sailor
Wikipedia - William Horton Sr. -- American sailor
Wikipedia - William Hosking -- British architect
Wikipedia - William Hoste Webb -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William Hoste -- Royal Navy officer
Wikipedia - William Hotham, 1st Baron Hotham -- Officer in the British Royal Navy
Wikipedia - William Hothum
Wikipedia - William Houldsworth -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Houston -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Howard, 1st Viscount Stafford
Wikipedia - William Howard (died 1600) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Howard (engineer) -- American mechanical engineer
Wikipedia - William Howard Melish -- 20th-century American Christian and civil rights leader
Wikipedia - William Howard Russell -- Irish journalist and war correspondent
Wikipedia - William Howard Stein
Wikipedia - William Howard Stovall -- US Army flying ace and later staff officer
Wikipedia - William Howard Taft High School (Chicago) -- Chicago high school
Wikipedia - William Howard Taft -- 27th President and 10th Chief Justice of the United States
Wikipedia - William Howard Wriggins
Wikipedia - William Howis -- Irish artist
Wikipedia - William Howitt
Wikipedia - William Howland (Cayuga County, NY) -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Howley -- Archbishop of Canterbury
Wikipedia - William Hoyland -- English actor
Wikipedia - William Hoyle (temperance reformer) -- British temperance reformer and vegetarian
Wikipedia - William Hoyt (athlete) -- American pole vaulter
Wikipedia - William H. Parker (physicist) -- American physicist
Wikipedia - William H. Parker (police officer) -- American law enforcement officer
Wikipedia - William H. Pauley III
Wikipedia - William H. Perry III -- Former American politician
Wikipedia - William H. Phelps, Jr.
Wikipedia - William H. Press
Wikipedia - William H. Puthuff -- American soldier and politician
Wikipedia - William H. "Dad" Martin -- American photographer
Wikipedia - William H. Raymond -- American soldier
Wikipedia - William H. Reddick -- American Civil War Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - William H. Robbins -- Engineer
Wikipedia - William H. Robinson -- American Engineer
Wikipedia - William H. Sabine House -- Historical house in New York
Wikipedia - William H. Sadlier -- American publishing company
Wikipedia - William H. Schlesinger -- American biogeochemist and the retired president of the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
Wikipedia - William H. Sebrell Jr. -- American nutritionist
Wikipedia - William H. Sekule -- Judge of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
Wikipedia - William H. Seward -- 19th-century American lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - William H. Spinks -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William H. Sproul -- American politician
Wikipedia - William H. Starbuck (pilot boat) -- Sandy Hook Pilot boat
Wikipedia - William H. Stewart -- American physician
Wikipedia - William H. Sutphin -- American politician (1887-1972)
Wikipedia - William H. T. Bush -- American banker and member of the Bush family
Wikipedia - William H. Thomas Gallery -- Art gallery in Ohio
Wikipedia - William H. Tooker -- American actor
Wikipedia - William H. Tucker (psychologist)
Wikipedia - William Huggins
Wikipedia - William Hugh Clifford Frend
Wikipedia - William Hughes Miller
Wikipedia - William Hulcote -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Hulton-Harrop -- British Army officer
Wikipedia - William Hultz Walker -- American chemical engineer (1869-1934)
Wikipedia - William Humberstone -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William Hume-Rothery
Wikipedia - William Humphrys Archdale -- Irish politician, also known as Archdall
Wikipedia - William Hungate (MP) -- 15th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Hung (sinologist) -- Chinese educator, sinologist, and historian
Wikipedia - William Hung -- Hong Kong-born American singer
Wikipedia - William Hunnis -- English composer (d1597)
Wikipedia - William Hunter (British athlete) -- British hurdler
Wikipedia - William Hunter (golfer) -- Scottish golfer
Wikipedia - William Hunter Kendal -- 19th/20th-century English actor and theatre manager
Wikipedia - William Hunter (statistician)
Wikipedia - William Hunter (surgeon) -- British surgeon
Wikipedia - William Hunt (priest)
Wikipedia - William H. Upham -- American politician and 18th Governor of Wisconsin
Wikipedia - William Hurlstone -- English composer (1876-1906)
Wikipedia - William Hurt -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Huskisson -- British statesman, financier, and Member of Parliament
Wikipedia - William Hussey (astronomer) -- American astronomer
Wikipedia - William Hussey (died 1556) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Hussey (died 1570) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Hussey (English diplomat) -- English ambassador to the Ottoman Empire
Wikipedia - William Hussey (MP for Stamford) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Huston Dodd -- Irish politician and judge
Wikipedia - William Hutchins Callcott -- English composer and organist
Wikipedia - William Hutchinson (art director) -- American set decorator
Wikipedia - William Hutchinson Norris -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Hutchinson (topographer)
Wikipedia - William Hutt (politician) -- British Liberal politician
Wikipedia - William H. Van Schoonhoven -- American lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - William H. Webster
Wikipedia - William H. Welch (judge) -- American jurist
Wikipedia - William H. Welch -- American physician and scientist
Wikipedia - William H. Wells -- American politician
Wikipedia - William H. Wharton -- American politician
Wikipedia - William H. Whyte
Wikipedia - William H. Wickham
Wikipedia - William H. Wilmarth -- American sound engineer
Wikipedia - William H. Workman -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Hyde (journalist) -- American newspaper editor
Wikipedia - William Hyde Wollaston
Wikipedia - William Ick -- Welsh botanist and geologist
Wikipedia - William I, Count of Boulogne -- 12th-century English prince and noble
Wikipedia - William I, Count of Burgundy
Wikipedia - William I de Greystoke -- 12th-13th century English noble
Wikipedia - William I de La Marck -- Belgian adventurer
Wikipedia - William I. Dodge -- American politician
Wikipedia - William I, Duke of Aquitaine
Wikipedia - William I, Duke of Bavaria
Wikipedia - William I. F. David
Wikipedia - William I, German Emperor -- 19th-century German Emperor and King of Prussia
Wikipedia - William II, Count of Eu -- Anglo-Norman noble
Wikipedia - William II de la Marck
Wikipedia - William II, Duke of Bavaria
Wikipedia - William II, Elector of Hesse
Wikipedia - William II, German Emperor
Wikipedia - William III, Count of Toulouse
Wikipedia - William III, Duke of Bavaria -- Duke of Bavaria
Wikipedia - William III of England -- Prince of Orange; King of England, Scotland and Ireland
Wikipedia - William III of the Netherlands -- King of the Netherlands
Wikipedia - William II of Agen
Wikipedia - William II of England -- 11th-century King of England
Wikipedia - William II of Holland -- 13th century King of Germany
Wikipedia - William II of Nevers
Wikipedia - William II of Sicily
Wikipedia - William II of the Netherlands -- King of the Netherlands and Grand Duke of Luxembourg 1840 - 1849
Wikipedia - William I. Mott -- American horse trainer
Wikipedia - Williamina Barclay -- Scottish nurse
Wikipedia - Williamina Fleming -- Scottish astronomer
Wikipedia - William Inge (cricketer, born 1829) -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - William Inge (priest)
Wikipedia - William Inge -- American playwright and novelist (1913-1973)
Wikipedia - William Ingle -- British sculptor
Wikipedia - William Inglis (Border knight) -- Scottish knight of the 14th century
Wikipedia - William Inglis Clark -- Scottish pharmaceutical chemist and mountaineer
Wikipedia - William Ingraham Kip -- American Protestant Episcopal bishop (1811-1893)
Wikipedia - William Ingram (writer) -- Welsh writer
Wikipedia - William in Trouble (short story collection) -- Book by Richmal Crompton
Wikipedia - William I of Aquitaine
Wikipedia - William I of Burgundy
Wikipedia - William I of England
Wikipedia - William I of Geneva -- Count of Geneva
Wikipedia - William I of Scotland
Wikipedia - William I of Sicily
Wikipedia - William I of the Netherlands -- King of the Netherlands and Grand Duke of Luxembourg 1815-1840
Wikipedia - William Irigoyen -- French journalist
Wikipedia - William Irving (actor) -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Irwin (philosopher)
Wikipedia - William Irwin Thompson -- American poet and social critic
Wikipedia - William Isaac -- American banker
Wikipedia - William Iseham -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William, It Was Really Nothing -- 1984 song by The Smiths
Wikipedia - William Ivarson -- Norwegian actor
Wikipedia - William IV, Count of Toulouse
Wikipedia - William IV, Duke of Bavaria
Wikipedia - William Ive (Mayor of Sandwich, 1348-1349) -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Ivens -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William Ives (businessman) -- British steel magnate
Wikipedia - William IV -- King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of Hanover from 1830 to 1837
Wikipedia - William IX, Count of Poitiers -- 12th-century first-born son of King Henry II of England and Eleanor of Aquitaine
Wikipedia - William IX, Duke of Aquitaine
Wikipedia - William J. A. Bailey -- American salesman
Wikipedia - William Jackson, 1st Baron Allerton -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Jackson (curler) -- Scottish curler
Wikipedia - William Jackson Harper -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Jackson Hooker -- 18th/19th-century English botanist
Wikipedia - William Jackson (journalist) -- Irish preacher and writer
Wikipedia - William Jackson Pope
Wikipedia - William Jackson (Scottish composer) -- Scottish harpist and composer
Wikipedia - William Jacob Holland
Wikipedia - William Jaco -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William Jaggard -- 16th/17th-century English printer and publisher
Wikipedia - William J. Alston -- United States politician
Wikipedia - William James Affleck Shepherd -- English illustrator and cartoonist
Wikipedia - William James (bishop)
Wikipedia - William James Booth
Wikipedia - William James Chidley
Wikipedia - William James College
Wikipedia - William James Craft -- Canadian film director
Wikipedia - William James Craig -- 19th-century British editor
Wikipedia - William James (disambiguation)
Wikipedia - William James Fellow Award
Wikipedia - William James Fitzgerald (jurist) -- Irish-born jurist, Chief Justice of Palestine
Wikipedia - William James Herschel
Wikipedia - William James Kennedy -- British geologist
Wikipedia - William James Lectures
Wikipedia - William James MacNeven
Wikipedia - William James Mayo -- American surgeon
Wikipedia - William James Mortimer -- American newspaper publisher
Wikipedia - William Jameson (botanist, born 1796) -- Scottish-Ecuadorian botanist
Wikipedia - William James Perry -- British anthropologist
Wikipedia - William James Roe -- American author and illustrator (1843-1921)
Wikipedia - William James Rolfe -- 19th/20th-century American educator and Shakespearean scholar
Wikipedia - William James Sidis -- American child prodigy
Wikipedia - William James Smythe -- British general
Wikipedia - William James Society
Wikipedia - William James Stillman
Wikipedia - William James Wanless
Wikipedia - William James -- American philosopher, psychologist, and pragmatist (1842-1910)
Wikipedia - William Janney -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Jardine (naturalist)
Wikipedia - William J. Atkinson -- American scientist
Wikipedia - William Jay Gaynor -- Mayor of New York City from 1910 to 1913
Wikipedia - William Jay Smith -- American writer, translator, editor
Wikipedia - William J. Barney -- American mine worker
Wikipedia - William J. Baroody Sr. -- American political consultant
Wikipedia - William J. Barry -- Irish Phonetician
Wikipedia - William J. Beardsley -- American architect
Wikipedia - William J. Binder -- American facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon
Wikipedia - William J. Blake -- American writer and economist
Wikipedia - William J. Breed
Wikipedia - William J. Brennan Jr.
Wikipedia - William J. Brown (architect) -- American architect
Wikipedia - William J. Brown (Indiana politician) -- U.S. Representative from Indiana
Wikipedia - William J. Butler -- Irish actor
Wikipedia - William J. Byron -- American academic administrator and priest
Wikipedia - William J. Carney -- American politician
Wikipedia - William J. Casey -- American politician (1913-1987)
Wikipedia - William J. Clench
Wikipedia - William J. Conklin -- American architect and archaeologist
Wikipedia - William J. Cook -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William J. Cooper Jr. -- Historian
Wikipedia - William J. Crain -- American judge, Associate Justice of the Louisiana Supreme Court
Wikipedia - William J. Crawford -- United States Army Medal of Honor recipient (1918-2000)
Wikipedia - William J. Creber -- American art director
Wikipedia - William J. Crowe -- US Navy admiral
Wikipedia - William J. Crow -- American politician
Wikipedia - William J. Curry (millionaire) -- American businessman
Wikipedia - William J. Day -- American politician
Wikipedia - William J. Donovan -- American soldier, lawyer, & intelligence officer (1883-1959)
Wikipedia - William J. Dorvillier -- American journalist
Wikipedia - William J. Driver -- American politician
Wikipedia - William J. Drummond -- American journalist
Wikipedia - William J. Dyer -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Jeffcock -- British mayor
Wikipedia - William Jeffcott -- Australian judge
Wikipedia - William Jefferson Hunsaker -- American lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - William Jeffrey (NIST)
Wikipedia - William J. Elfving -- American lawyer and judge
Wikipedia - William J. Ellison -- British mathematician
Wikipedia - William Jencks
Wikipedia - William Jenkins Rees
Wikipedia - William Jennings Bryan Dorn -- South Carolina 3rd District Congressman, 1947-1949 and 1951-1975
Wikipedia - William Jennings Bryan -- American politician (1860-1925)
Wikipedia - William Jephson (died 1691)
Wikipedia - William Jeremiah Gates -- American canoeist
Wikipedia - William Jerome McCormack
Wikipedia - William Jesse Goad Land -- American botanist
Wikipedia - William Jessop -- British civil engineer (1745-1814)
Wikipedia - William Jevons
Wikipedia - William Jewell (canoeist) -- American canoeist
Wikipedia - William Jewell College
Wikipedia - William Jewett Tucker
Wikipedia - William J. Fallon -- US Navy admiral
Wikipedia - William J. Firey -- mathematician
Wikipedia - William J. Grabiarz -- United States Army Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - William J. Hadden -- American minister and politician
Wikipedia - William J. Hamilton -- American politician
Wikipedia - William J. Henry -- American hymn writer and evangelist
Wikipedia - William J. Higginson -- American writer
Wikipedia - William J. Hovde -- American fighter ace
Wikipedia - William J. Hughes -- American politician
Wikipedia - William J. Humphrey -- American actor
Wikipedia - William J. Hutchins -- Texas entrepreneur and Mayor of Houston
Wikipedia - William J. Ihlenfeld II -- American lawyer, West Virginia state senator
Wikipedia - William J.J. Chase -- American architect
Wikipedia - William J. Keating -- American politician
Wikipedia - William J. Kerby -- 19th and 20th-cneutry American sociologist and Catholic priest
Wikipedia - William J. Kettinger -- American computer scientist
Wikipedia - William J. Kirkpatrick -- Irish-American composer of hymns (1838-1921)
Wikipedia - William J. Lanting -- American politician
Wikipedia - William J. Larkin Jr. -- American politician
Wikipedia - William J. Lhota Building -- Historic building in Columbus, Ohio
Wikipedia - William J. Liquori Jr. -- U.S. Space Force Deputy Chief of Space Operations for Strategy, Plans, Programs, Requirements, and Analysis
Wikipedia - William J. McConnell -- American politician
Wikipedia - William J. McCormack (businessman) -- American businessman (1887-1965)
Wikipedia - William J. McCormack -- Canadian police officer
Wikipedia - William J. McCoy (Mississippi politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - William J. Moody -- American judge and politician
Wikipedia - William J. Murphy (RAF officer) -- Royal Air Force pilot
Wikipedia - William J. Murray -- American activist
Wikipedia - William J. Nardini -- United States federal judge
Wikipedia - William John Adie -- British physician and neurologist
Wikipedia - William John Beattie -- Canadian white supremacist
Wikipedia - William John Bishop -- British editor, writer, and librarian
Wikipedia - William John Blake -- English Whig politician
Wikipedia - William John Bowser -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William John Bragg -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William John Brennan -- Australian Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - William John Burchell
Wikipedia - William John Burton -- New Zealand lithographic draughtsman, rifleman, and archer
Wikipedia - William John Butterworth -- Colonial Administrator
Wikipedia - William John Chapman Benson -- British-Canadian businessman
Wikipedia - William John Copeland
Wikipedia - William John Courthope -- 19th/20th-century British writer
Wikipedia - William John Cox
Wikipedia - William John Dyer -- New Zealand businessman and politician
Wikipedia - William John English -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - William John Greenstreet -- English mathematician
Wikipedia - William John Hamilton
Wikipedia - William John House -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - William John Little
Wikipedia - William John Loucks -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William John Macleay
Wikipedia - William John Macquorn Rankine
Wikipedia - William John McGee -- inventor, geologist, anthropologist and ethnologist
Wikipedia - William John McNaughton -- Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - William John Murphy -- Founder of Glendale, Arizona (1839-1923)
Wikipedia - William John Read -- Australian Coast Watcher during World War II
Wikipedia - William John Rose -- Canadian historian
Wikipedia - William Johnson (author) -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - William Johnson (cricketer, born 1884) -- Australian cricketer and grocer
Wikipedia - William Johnson (English politician) -- English Member of Parliament
Wikipedia - William Johnson Fox
Wikipedia - William Johnson Galloway -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Johnson (judge) -- Associate Justice of the US Supreme Court
Wikipedia - William Johnson (MP for Kingston-upon-Hull) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Johnson Sollas
Wikipedia - William Johnston Almon -- Canadian surgeon and politician
Wikipedia - William Johnston Armfield -- American textile executive
Wikipedia - William Johnston (athlete) -- Irish Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - William Johnston (Irish politician) -- Irish politician
Wikipedia - William John Sullivan -- American software programmer
Wikipedia - William John Swainson
Wikipedia - William John Virgin -- Indian Medical Service Officer & Founding Principal, Dhaka Medical College
Wikipedia - William Jolitz
Wikipedia - William Jolliffe, 1st Baron Hylton -- British soldier and Conservative politician
Wikipedia - William Jones (Arfon MP) -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Jones (bishop) -- American Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - William Jones (canoeist) -- Australian canoeist
Wikipedia - William Jones (mathematician)
Wikipedia - William Jones Nicholson -- United States Army general
Wikipedia - William Jones (philologist) -- Anglo-Welsh philologist and scholar of ancient India
Wikipedia - William Jones (sport shooter) -- Canadian sports shooter
Wikipedia - William Jones (VC) -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - William Jordyn (died 1602) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Jordyn (died 1623) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Joscelyn Arkell
Wikipedia - William Joseph Bauer -- United States federal judge
Wikipedia - William Joseph Bryan
Wikipedia - William Joseph Burns -- American diplomat
Wikipedia - William Joseph Chaminade
Wikipedia - William Joseph Donovan
Wikipedia - William Joseph Kurtz -- Polish bishop
Wikipedia - William Joseph Rainbow
Wikipedia - William Joseph Whelan
Wikipedia - William Joyce -- British fascist and propaganda broadcaster
Wikipedia - William Joyce (writer) -- American writer
Wikipedia - William Joynt -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - William Joy
Wikipedia - William J. Passmore -- American jockey
Wikipedia - William J. Poorvu -- American businessman and academic
Wikipedia - William J. Powell (attorney) -- American attorney
Wikipedia - William J. Press
Wikipedia - William J. Rapaport
Wikipedia - William J. Richardson
Wikipedia - William J. Ripple
Wikipedia - William J. Romer -- Sandy Hook Pilot boat
Wikipedia - William J. Rutter
Wikipedia - William J. Samarin -- American linguist
Wikipedia - William J. Sanders
Wikipedia - William J. Scheyer -- U.S. Marine Corps general
Wikipedia - William J. Seymour -- African American holiness preacher
Wikipedia - William J. Sharkey (murderer) -- American murderer
Wikipedia - William J. Small -- American television journalist and executive
Wikipedia - William J. Spahr -- Central Intelligence Agency analyst
Wikipedia - William J. Tobin -- American businessman
Wikipedia - William Judge -- priest and hospital founder
Wikipedia - William Julius Champion Jr. -- American game designer
Wikipedia - William Julius Wilson
Wikipedia - William Justice Ford -- English cricketer, schoolmaster, and sports writer
Wikipedia - William Justice (MP) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Juxon
Wikipedia - William J. Van Ryzin -- US Marine Corps lieutenant general
Wikipedia - William J. Walker -- United States Army major general
Wikipedia - William J. Waltersheid -- American Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - William J. Watson -- Scottish author
Wikipedia - William J. West (UK politician) -- British politician and trade unionist
Wikipedia - William J. Whaling -- U.S. Marine Corps Major General
Wikipedia - William J. Wilkins (architect) -- American architect
Wikipedia - William J. Winslade
Wikipedia - William J. Wivell -- American politician from Maryland
Wikipedia - William J. Worth -- United States Army general
Wikipedia - William Kaelin Jr.
Wikipedia - William Kahan
Wikipedia - William Kamanyi -- Ugandan athlete
Wikipedia - William Kamau
Wikipedia - William Kantor -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William Kanyirigi -- Ghanaian career diplomat
Wikipedia - William Kapell -- American classical pianist and recording artist (1922-1953)
Wikipedia - William Karl -- American engineer and professor
Wikipedia - William Karush -- American mathematician and educator
Wikipedia - William Kashtan -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William Kasik -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Kaye Estes
Wikipedia - William Keane (sailor) -- American sailor
Wikipedia - William Keever -- American sports shooter
Wikipedia - William Keighley -- American actor and film director
Wikipedia - William Keir Carr -- Canadian Air Force officer
Wikipedia - William Keith Chambers Guthrie
Wikipedia - William Keith-Falconer, 6th Earl of Kintore -- Scottish aristorcrat
Wikipedia - William Kellock Brown -- British sculptor
Wikipedia - William Kelly (Alabama politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Kelly (Bible scholar)
Wikipedia - William Kelly Harrison Jr. -- U.S. Army Lieutenant General
Wikipedia - William Kelly (inventor) -- American businessman
Wikipedia - William Kemmler -- American murderer
Wikipedia - William Kempe -- English comic actor and dancer (d1603)
Wikipedia - William Kennedy (explorer)
Wikipedia - William Kenneth Hartmann
Wikipedia - William Kennish -- Manx engineer, inventor, explorer, scientist, and poet
Wikipedia - William Kenrick (writer) -- 18th-century English novelist, playwright, translator, and satirist
Wikipedia - William Kentridge
Wikipedia - William Kenyon-Slaney -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Keogh -- Irish lawyer, politician and judge
Wikipedia - William Ker, 2nd Earl of Roxburghe -- Scottish nobleman
Wikipedia - William Kerwin -- American actor and filmmaker
Wikipedia - William Kessen
Wikipedia - William K. Estes
Wikipedia - William Keswick -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Ketel
Wikipedia - William Kevin Rowell -- Australian bishop
Wikipedia - William Keys -- Australian Army officer
Wikipedia - William K. Frankena
Wikipedia - William K. George -- American fluid dynamicist
Wikipedia - William K. Gregory
Wikipedia - William K. Howard -- American film director
Wikipedia - William Kidd -- Scottish sailor tried and executed for piracy after returning from a voyage to the Indian Ocean
Wikipedia - William Kidney -- Irish jockey
Wikipedia - William Kiernan -- Set decorator
Wikipedia - William Kincaid -- American artist
Wikipedia - William Kinderman -- American musicologist
Wikipedia - William King, 1st Earl of Lovelace
Wikipedia - William King (artist) -- American sculptor
Wikipedia - William Kingdon Clifford -- English mathematician and philosopher
Wikipedia - William King (geologist)
Wikipedia - William King (governor) -- American merchant and politician
Wikipedia - William King Gregory
Wikipedia - William King-Noel, 1st Earl of Lovelace
Wikipedia - William King (physician) -- British physician, philanthropist and co-operator
Wikipedia - William King (poet)
Wikipedia - William Kingston -- English courtier, soldier and administrator
Wikipedia - William Kipkorir -- Kenyan politician
Wikipedia - William Kirby (entomologist)
Wikipedia - William Kirby Sullivan -- Irish philologist
Wikipedia - William Kircher -- New Zealand actor
Wikipedia - William Kirwan -- President of the University of Maryland and later, Ohio State University
Wikipedia - William Kittredge -- American writer
Wikipedia - William K. MacCurdy -- American engineer
Wikipedia - William Kneale (logician)
Wikipedia - William Kneale
Wikipedia - William Knightley -- British actor
Wikipedia - William Knight Potter -- Politician
Wikipedia - William Knollys, 1st Earl of Banbury -- English nobleman
Wikipedia - William Knox (Victorian politician) -- Australian businessman and politician
Wikipedia - William Kolodney -- Russian-born American cultural educator and program director for the 92nd Street Y and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City
Wikipedia - William Konopnicki -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Kozlenko -- Editor and playwright
Wikipedia - William Kropp -- American golfer
Wikipedia - William Kruppinger -- American gymnast
Wikipedia - William Kruskal -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William Kuhlemeier -- American gymnast
Wikipedia - William Kunnecke -- German-born American murderer and suspected serial killer
Wikipedia - William Kunstler: Disturbing the Universe
Wikipedia - William Kunstler -- American lawyer and civil rights activist
Wikipedia - William Kwabena Aduhene -- Ghanaian politician
Wikipedia - William Kwai Sun Chow -- American martial artist
Wikipedia - William Kwasi Aboah -- Ghanaian barrister and politician
Wikipedia - William Kwong Yu Yeung
Wikipedia - William Kyd -- English pirate
Wikipedia - William L. Abingdon -- English actor
Wikipedia - William Labov
Wikipedia - William Lacon -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Lafayette Strong
Wikipedia - William Laing (artist) -- Canadian artist
Wikipedia - William Lakin Turner -- English landscape artist
Wikipedia - William Lambarde -- English antiquarian, writer, and politician
Wikipedia - William Lambert (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Lambe
Wikipedia - William Lambie (Jamaica) -- Planter and politician in Jamaica
Wikipedia - William Lamb (sculptor) -- British sculptor and artist
Wikipedia - William Land Park -- City park in Sacramento, California, United States
Wikipedia - William Lane Craig -- American Christian apologist and evangelist
Wikipedia - William Lane (fl. 1571) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Lane-Joynt -- Irish politician
Wikipedia - William Langer
Wikipedia - William Langland
Wikipedia - William Langton -- 13th-century Archbishop of York-elect
Wikipedia - William L. Armstrong -- Republican United States Senator from Colorado
Wikipedia - William Larsson -- Swedish actor
Wikipedia - William Lascelles -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Lashly
Wikipedia - William Laskin -- Canadian luthier and musician
Wikipedia - William Lassell
Wikipedia - William Latimer (priest) -- English cleric and scholar of Ancient Greek
Wikipedia - William Lattimore -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Laud
Wikipedia - William Laurence Brown -- Scottish minister
Wikipedia - William Lava -- American composer
Wikipedia - William Lawes -- English composer and musician
Wikipedia - William Lawrence Bragg
Wikipedia - William Lawrence Coke -- Former surgeon general of Canada
Wikipedia - William Lawrence (Conservative politician) -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Lawrence Hoskins -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Lawrence Kocay -- Canadian academic
Wikipedia - William Lawrence Saunders -- American mining engineer
Wikipedia - William Lawvere -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William Law
Wikipedia - William Lay Thompson
Wikipedia - William Layton (by 1514 - 1551 or 1552) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William la Zouche, 1st Baron Zouche -- 13th and 14th-century English nobleman
Wikipedia - William L. Blaser -- American businessman and politician
Wikipedia - William L. Crawford -- American publisher and editor (1911-1984)
Wikipedia - William L. Dawson (composer) -- American composer
Wikipedia - William L. Dawson (politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - William L. Dayton -- American politician
Wikipedia - William L. DeAndrea
Wikipedia - William L. Dickinson High School -- High school in Jersey City, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - William L. Distin -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William Leach (canoeist) -- American canoeist
Wikipedia - William Leach (cricketer, born 1883) -- English cricketer and Royal Navy officer
Wikipedia - William L. Eagleton -- American diplomat
Wikipedia - William Leake
Wikipedia - William Lebghil -- French actor
Wikipedia - William Lee Bergstrom -- American gambler
Wikipedia - William Lee Bradley -- American theologian
Wikipedia - William Lee Brent -- Black Panther Party member
Wikipedia - William Lee Hill -- Tuskegee Airmen
Wikipedia - William Lee Rees -- New Zealand cricketer and politician
Wikipedia - William Lee Scott -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Lee Stoddart -- American architect
Wikipedia - William Leet -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - William Lee (valet) -- George Washington's personal servant
Wikipedia - William Lefroy -- Irish Anglican Dean, mountaineer and author
Wikipedia - William Leggatt -- Australian politician, lawyer and military officer
Wikipedia - William Legge, 1st Earl of Dartmouth -- British noble and politician
Wikipedia - William Leggett (writer) -- American writer
Wikipedia - William Lehman (Florida politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Lenn -- 14th-century Bishop of Chichester and Bishop of Worcester
Wikipedia - William Lenthall -- 17th century speaker of the English House of Commons
Wikipedia - William Leonard Courtney -- English writer
Wikipedia - William Leonard Pickard
Wikipedia - William Leon Dawson
Wikipedia - William Leong -- Malaysian politician
Wikipedia - William Lescaze -- American architect
Wikipedia - William Leslie Davidson -- Scottish philosopher
Wikipedia - William Leslie Welton -- American architect
Wikipedia - William Letriz -- Puerto Rican weightlifter
Wikipedia - William Letwin -- Anglo-American academic
Wikipedia - William Leushner -- American sport shooter
Wikipedia - William Levada -- Catholic cardinal
Wikipedia - William le Vavasour, 1st Baron Vavasour -- 13th-14th century English nobleman
Wikipedia - William Lever, 2nd Viscount Leverhulme -- British noble
Wikipedia - William Levy (actor) -- Cuban actor
Wikipedia - William Levy (author)
Wikipedia - William L. Ewing -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Lewis (athlete) -- American track and field athlete
Wikipedia - William Lewis Boyle -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Lewis Cabell -- 14th, 16th and 20th mayor of Dallas
Wikipedia - William Lewis Herndon -- American explorer
Wikipedia - William Lewis (journalist) -- British newspaper publishing executive
Wikipedia - William Lewis (mineralogist)
Wikipedia - William Leybourne Leybourne -- Governor of the Windward Islands 1771-1775
Wikipedia - William Leybourn -- English surveyor and mathematician
Wikipedia - William L. Greenly -- American politician
Wikipedia - William L. Higgins -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Lightfoot -- American politician b. 1950
Wikipedia - William Light -- British military officer
Wikipedia - William Liller
Wikipedia - William Lily (grammarian)
Wikipedia - William Lincoln Bakewell -- American sailor and polar explorer
Wikipedia - William Lindesay -- English author, runner and conservationist
Wikipedia - William Lindsay Renwick -- Scottish professor
Wikipedia - William Lingan Gaither -- American politician (1813 - 1858)
Wikipedia - William Link -- American screenwriter and producer
Wikipedia - William Lipscomb (cricketer) -- English cricketer and barrister
Wikipedia - William Lipscomb
Wikipedia - William Lisle Bowles -- English priest, poet and critic
Wikipedia - William Littell Everitt
Wikipedia - William L. Johnston -- American architect
Wikipedia - William L. Lane -- American New Testament theologian and professor of biblical studies (1931-1999)
Wikipedia - William Lloyd (Bishop of Worcester)
Wikipedia - William Lloyd Garrison
Wikipedia - William L. Marcy -- American politician and Governor
Wikipedia - William L. McKittrick -- U.S. Marine Corps Major General
Wikipedia - William L. McMillan -- American physicist (1936-1984)
Wikipedia - William Lobb
Wikipedia - William Lochead
Wikipedia - William Lockhart (cricketer) -- Scottish cricketer and preacher
Wikipedia - William Lockhart (Indian Army officer) -- British Indian Army general
Wikipedia - William Lockhart (priest)
Wikipedia - William Loeb III -- Newspaper publisher
Wikipedia - William Loeb Jr.
Wikipedia - William Logan (poet) -- American poet, critic and scholar
Wikipedia - William L. Ogg -- American politician
Wikipedia - William London -- 17th Century English bookseller and publisher
Wikipedia - William LongespM-CM-)e, 3rd Earl of Salisbury -- 11th and 12th-century Anglo-Norman nobleman and illegitimate son of King Henry II
Wikipedia - William Longgood -- American journalist and writer
Wikipedia - William Longshaw Jr. -- United States Navy officer
Wikipedia - William Longsword -- 10th-century Count of Normandy
Wikipedia - William Lonsdale
Wikipedia - William Lorge -- American businessman and politician
Wikipedia - William Lorne Northmore Somerville -- Canadian lawyer and president of the Canadian Bar Association
Wikipedia - William Losee -- American minister
Wikipedia - William Louis Abbott -- American naturalist
Wikipedia - William Lovat Fraser -- Scottish sportsman
Wikipedia - William Lovelace (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Lovett -- British activist
Wikipedia - William Lowe Bryan
Wikipedia - William Lowell Putnam III -- American author and alpinist
Wikipedia - William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition
Wikipedia - William Lower
Wikipedia - William Lowery -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Lowndes Calhoun -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Lowrie Sleigh -- Scottish businessman
Wikipedia - William Lowther, 1st Earl of Lonsdale
Wikipedia - William L. Reese
Wikipedia - William L. Roper -- American physician
Wikipedia - William L. Rowe
Wikipedia - William L. Scott -- American politician
Wikipedia - William L. Shelton -- US Air Force general
Wikipedia - William L. Snyder -- American film producer
Wikipedia - William L. Steele -- American architect
Wikipedia - William L. Stoughton -- Union Army officer and politician
Wikipedia - William L. Summers -- American lawyer
Wikipedia - William L. Uanna -- United States security expert
Wikipedia - William Lucas Distant -- British entomologist (1845-1922)
Wikipedia - William Lucas (politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Lucas Root
Wikipedia - William Luce -- American writer
Wikipedia - William Lucius Selfe -- British judge
Wikipedia - William Ludlow -- American military officer and explorer
Wikipedia - William Ludwig Jacobsen -- American diplomat
Wikipedia - William Luke -- American papermaker
Wikipedia - William Lundbeck
Wikipedia - William Lundon -- Irish politician
Wikipedia - William Lundstrom -- Finnish politician
Wikipedia - William Luther Pierce
Wikipedia - William Lutley Sclater
Wikipedia - William L. Utley -- American politician, Civil War Union Army Colonel, Member of the Wisconsin State Senate and Assembly
Wikipedia - William L. Wearly -- American businessman
Wikipedia - William L. Whittaker
Wikipedia - William L. Wilson (Rice University)
Wikipedia - William Lyburn -- Scottish-Canadian curler
Wikipedia - William Lycan
Wikipedia - William Lyde Wiggett Chute -- English barrister, landowner and politician
Wikipedia - William Lygon, 7th Earl Beauchamp -- British Liberal politician and Governor of New South Wales
Wikipedia - William Lyman Underwood
Wikipedia - William Lyne -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William Lyon (film editor) -- American film editor
Wikipedia - William Lyon (general) -- American military general
Wikipedia - William Lyon MacKenzie King
Wikipedia - William Lyon Mackenzie King -- 10th Prime Minister of Canada
Wikipedia - William Lyon Mackenzie -- 19th-century Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton -- British politician
Wikipedia - William mac an Iarla Burke -- Irish noble
Wikipedia - William Macario -- Brazilian mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - William Macarthur -- Australian botanist and vigneron
Wikipedia - William MacAskill -- Scottish philosopher and ethicist
Wikipedia - William Maccall
Wikipedia - William Macclesfeld
Wikipedia - William MacDiarmid -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William Macdonald (jockey) -- British jockey
Wikipedia - William MacDonald (serial killer) -- Australian serial killer
Wikipedia - William MacEachern -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William Macewen
Wikipedia - William MacGillivray
Wikipedia - William MacGregor (Australian politician) -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William Macgregor (cricketer) -- Australian cricketer and veterinarian
Wikipedia - William Mackintire Salter -- American philosopher
Wikipedia - William Maclagan
Wikipedia - William Maclay (Pennsylvania senator) -- United States Senator from Pennsylvania (1737-1804)
Wikipedia - William Maclure
Wikipedia - William Macnae -- South African zoologist and malacologist
Wikipedia - William Macpherson (judge) -- British judge
Wikipedia - William Macready -- 19th-century English actor
Wikipedia - William M. Acton -- American lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - William Madia -- American scientist
Wikipedia - William Magan Campion
Wikipedia - William Magee (physician) -- American plastic surgeon
Wikipedia - William Magee (politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Maginn -- 19th-century Irish journalist and writer
Wikipedia - William Mainwaring (English politician) -- 18th/19th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Makepeace Thackeray -- British novelist
Wikipedia - William Makins -- English politician and barrister
Wikipedia - William Malatinsky -- American author
Wikipedia - William Malet (companion of William the Conqueror) -- 11th-century Norman nobleman
Wikipedia - William Malone (director)
Wikipedia - William Maltby -- English bibliographer and librarian
Wikipedia - William Mann Irvine -- American academic and headmaster
Wikipedia - William Mapother -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Marbury -- American judge, plaintiff in the landmark 1803 Supreme Court case Marbury v. Madison
Wikipedia - William Marcellus Howard -- American politician
Wikipedia - William March (weightlifter) -- American weightlifter
Wikipedia - William March -- United States Marine, novelist, short story writer
Wikipedia - William Margold
Wikipedia - William Mariner (VC) -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - William Mariner (writer) -- English writer
Wikipedia - William Markham (bishop) -- Archbishop of York
Wikipedia - William Markowitz
Wikipedia - William Markus -- Finnish film director
Wikipedia - William Marland (Medal of Honor) -- American Civil War Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - William Marler -- American lawyer
Wikipedia - William Marlowe -- British actor
Wikipedia - William Marr -- American writer and engineering researcher
Wikipedia - William Marsden (sport shooter) -- British sport shooter
Wikipedia - William Marsey -- British composer
Wikipedia - William Marshal, 1st Baron Marshal -- 13th-14th century English nobleman
Wikipedia - William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke -- 12th-century Anglo-Norman soldier and statesman
Wikipedia - William Marshall Roark -- American Distinguished Flying Cross recipient
Wikipedia - William Marshall Smart
Wikipedia - William Marshall (translator)
Wikipedia - William Marsh Rice -- American businessman and philanthropist
Wikipedia - William Martin Armistead -- American publicist
Wikipedia - William Martin Beauchamp
Wikipedia - William Martinez (actor) -- Filipino actor
Wikipedia - William Martin Haenke -- Australian architect and mine owner
Wikipedia - William Martin Murphy -- Irish politician and businessman
Wikipedia - William Martin (naturalist)
Wikipedia - William Martin (Olympic sailor) -- French sailor
Wikipedia - William Martin Willis -- American rock and roll musician
Wikipedia - William Mason (New York politician) -- U.S. politician
Wikipedia - William Mason (poet) -- 18th-century English poet, divine, draughtsman, author, editor, and gardener
Wikipedia - William Massey-Mainwaring -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Massey (rower) -- English rower, cricketer, and barrister
Wikipedia - William Massey -- Prime Minister of New Zealand (1856-1925)
Wikipedia - William Massinger -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Masters and Virginia Johnson
Wikipedia - William Masters -- American gynecologist
Wikipedia - William Mather -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Mathias -- Welsh composer (1934-1992)
Wikipedia - William Matthew Flinders Petrie
Wikipedia - William Matthews (priest)
Wikipedia - William Maunsell (Archdeacon of Limerick) -- Anglican priest
Wikipedia - William Maunsell Hennessy -- Irish official and scholar
Wikipedia - William Maxwell, 5th Earl of Nithsdale -- Scottish nobleman
Wikipedia - William May (theologian)
Wikipedia - William M. Bellamy -- American diplomat
Wikipedia - William M. Branham -- American Christian minister
Wikipedia - William M. Brish -- American educator (1906-1999)
Wikipedia - William M. Brodhead -- American politician from Michigan
Wikipedia - William M. Brown
Wikipedia - William M. Bunn -- American politician and newspaperman
Wikipedia - William McAdam (Australian politician) -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William McAdam -- British politician
Wikipedia - William M. Callaghan -- United States Navy Admiral (1897-1991)
Wikipedia - William McAnaney -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William McBride (doctor) -- Australian obstetrician
Wikipedia - William McCall (actor) -- American actor
Wikipedia - William McClelland (bishop) -- American bishop
Wikipedia - William McConico -- American politician from Michigan
Wikipedia - William McConnell (trade unionist) -- British trade unionist and political activist (died 1928)
Wikipedia - William McCormick Blair Jr. -- American diplomat
Wikipedia - William McCrae -- Upper Canada politician
Wikipedia - William McCrea (astronomer)
Wikipedia - William McCulloch (Australian politician) -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William McCullough (loyalist) -- Loyalist paramilitary from Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - William McCune
Wikipedia - William McCurdy II -- American politician and Chair of the Nevada Democratic Party
Wikipedia - William McDaniel (politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - William McDonough -- American architect
Wikipedia - William McDougall (psychologist)
Wikipedia - William McFetridge -- American labor leader
Wikipedia - William McGhee -- American actor
Wikipedia - William McGinnis
Wikipedia - William McGonagall -- Scottish-Irish extremely bad poet
Wikipedia - William McGrath -- Loyalist paramilitary from Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - William McGregor (football)
Wikipedia - William McGregor (judoka) -- Canadian judoka
Wikipedia - William McGregor Paxton
Wikipedia - William McGuckin de Slane -- Irish orientalist
Wikipedia - William M. Chase, N. A. -- Painting by John Singer Sargent
Wikipedia - William Mchombo -- Zambian bishop
Wikipedia - William McKay Wright -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William McKean -- United States Navy admiral
Wikipedia - William McKillop -- Irish politician
Wikipedia - William McKinley 1896 presidential campaign -- Campaign of US presidential candidate
Wikipedia - William McKinley Presidential Library and Museum -- Presidential library and museum for U.S. President William McKinley, located in Canton, Ohio
Wikipedia - William McKinley -- 25th President of the United States
Wikipedia - William McLachlan (figure skater) -- Canadian ice dancer
Wikipedia - William McLane (Pennsylvania politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - William McLaughlin (Michigan politician) -- American politician from Michigan
Wikipedia - William McLellan (Australian politician) -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William McMahon McKaig -- American politician (1845-1907)
Wikipedia - William McMillan (sport shooter) -- American sport shooter
Wikipedia - William M-CM-^S Mullally -- Archbishop of Tuam in the Church of Ireland
Wikipedia - William McMurray (engineer) -- Electrical engineer and inventor with 23 patents
Wikipedia - William McNab (botanist)
Wikipedia - William McNeill (philosopher)
Wikipedia - William M. Cooper
Wikipedia - William M. Corry Jr. -- United States Navy officer and Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - William McOuat Cottingham -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William McPherson Allen -- American businessperson
Wikipedia - William McPherson (writer) -- American writer
Wikipedia - William McSherry
Wikipedia - William McSwain -- American attorney
Wikipedia - William Meade Prince -- American illustrator
Wikipedia - William Meade
Wikipedia - William Meagher -- American lawyer
Wikipedia - William Medcalf Kinsey -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Medina -- Colombian judoka
Wikipedia - William Medows -- British Army general
Wikipedia - William Mein Smith -- New Zealand politician
Wikipedia - William Melmoth -- 17th/18th-century English devotional writer and lawyer
Wikipedia - William Melton (clergyman)
Wikipedia - William Melton -- 14th-century Archbishop of York and Treasurer of England
Wikipedia - William Menninger
Wikipedia - William Mercer Green (grandson) -- American Episcopal bishop
Wikipedia - William Merriam Burton
Wikipedia - William Merrifield -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - William Merritt (mayor)
Wikipedia - William Messing -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William Metzler -- Canadian mathematician
Wikipedia - William M. Evarts -- 19th-century American lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - William Meyerowitz -- American artist
Wikipedia - William M. Fields -- American primatologist
Wikipedia - William M. Fraser III -- US Air Force general
Wikipedia - William M. Goodrich -- American organ builder
Wikipedia - William M. Gray
Wikipedia - William M. Hartmann
Wikipedia - William M. Hoffman -- American playwright, theatre director, editor, and professor
Wikipedia - William Michael Boyle -- American author (b. 1978)
Wikipedia - William Michael Cosgrove -- American Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - William Michael Crose -- United States naval officer
Wikipedia - William Michael Rossetti
Wikipedia - William Middlebrook -- British politician (1851-1936)
Wikipedia - William Mikkelsen -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - William Miles Maskell
Wikipedia - William Miller (Australian athlete) -- Australian athlete, born 1846
Wikipedia - William Miller Bowen -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Miller (Canadian politician) -- Canadian politician, born 1835
Wikipedia - William Miller Collier -- American diplomat
Wikipedia - William Miller (golfer) -- Scottish golfer
Wikipedia - William Miller (missionary) -- Scottish educationalist and missionary
Wikipedia - William Miller (preacher) -- American Baptist preacher
Wikipedia - William Millerson -- Dutch karateka
Wikipedia - William Milliken -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Millsaps -- 20th and 21st-century bishop of the Episcopal Missionary Church
Wikipedia - William Millton -- New Zealand sportsman
Wikipedia - William Milne (sport shooter) -- British sport shooter
Wikipedia - William Miner Lawrence -- American lawyer, judge, and historian
Wikipedia - William Minicozzi -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William Minnis -- Irish chess player
Wikipedia - William Minto
Wikipedia - William Miranda Marin Botanical and Cultural Garden -- Botanical garden, archaeological site and natural reserve in Caguas, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - William Miranda Marin -- United States general
Wikipedia - William Miranda Torres -- Puerto Rican politician
Wikipedia - William Mitchell (Burnley MP) -- British politician (1838-1914)
Wikipedia - William Mitchell College of Law -- Private law school in St. Paul, Minnesota
Wikipedia - William Mitchell (philosopher)
Wikipedia - William Mitchell (physicist) -- British physicist, professor of physics
Wikipedia - William Mitchell Ramsay -- Scottish archaeologist and New Testament scholar (1851-1939)
Wikipedia - William Mitchell (sculptor) -- English sculptor
Wikipedia - William M. Jackson (judge) -- American judge
Wikipedia - William M. Jackson
Wikipedia - William M. Jennings Trophy -- Ice hockey award
Wikipedia - William M. London -- American professor of public health and consumer advocate
Wikipedia - William M. Lowe -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Moberly -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - William Mody -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Moerner
Wikipedia - William Mohun -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Molloy (Irish politician) -- Irish politician
Wikipedia - William Molson -- Canadian businessman
Wikipedia - William Molyneux, 4th Earl of Sefton -- Irish Earl
Wikipedia - William Molyneux
Wikipedia - William Mompesson -- English clergyman
Wikipedia - William Monod Crawford
Wikipedia - William Monroe Igou -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Monroe Trotter
Wikipedia - William Monsell, 1st Baron Emly -- Anglo-Irish landowner and politician
Wikipedia - William Montagu, 1st Earl of Salisbury
Wikipedia - William Montagu, 2nd Earl of Salisbury
Wikipedia - William Montagu, 7th Duke of Manchester -- British Peer and politician
Wikipedia - William Montague Ferry Jr. -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Montgomerie Bell -- William Montgomerie Bell-politician in colonial
Wikipedia - William Montgomery Vermilye -- American banker
Wikipedia - William Montgomery Watt
Wikipedia - William Moody (Maine politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Moore McCulloch -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Moore (Queensland politician) -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William Moore (statesman) -- Pennsylvania politician
Wikipedia - William Moorlag -- Dutch politician
Wikipedia - William Morales -- On the FBI Most Wanted Terrorists list
Wikipedia - William More (by 1511 - 1568 or later) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William More (died 1600) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William More Gabb
Wikipedia - William More (will proved 1549) -- Member of the Parliament of England for Shaftesbury
Wikipedia - William Morgan (architect) -- American architect and author
Wikipedia - William Morgan (died 1583) -- Welsh soldier and politician
Wikipedia - William Morgan (judoka) -- Canadian judoka, born 1975
Wikipedia - William Morgan (scientist)
Wikipedia - William Morice (died 1554) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Morley (died 1597) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Morley (New Zealand methodist) -- New Zealand Methodist minister and historian
Wikipedia - William Morris (American sport shooter) -- American sport shooter
Wikipedia - William Morris Carter -- British colonial administrator
Wikipedia - William Morris Davis
Wikipedia - William Morris Hunt -- American artist
Wikipedia - William Morris Meredith Jr. -- American poet
Wikipedia - William Morrison, 1st Viscount Dunrossil
Wikipedia - William Morrison (chemist) -- Scottish chemist, developer of early electric automobile
Wikipedia - William Morrison (poet) -- Irish poet
Wikipedia - William Morris Reade -- Irish conservative politician (1787-1847)
Wikipedia - William Morris -- Textile designer, novelist, and socialist activist (1834-1896)
Wikipedia - William Morrow and Company -- American publishing company
Wikipedia - William Morrow and Co.
Wikipedia - William Mortimer (cricketer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - William Morton Fullerton -- American journalist
Wikipedia - William Morton Kahan
Wikipedia - William Morton Wheeler
Wikipedia - William Motti -- French decathlete
Wikipedia - William Moulton Marston -- American psychologist, lawyer, inventor and comic book writer
Wikipedia - William Mrazek
Wikipedia - William M. Sinton -- American astronomer
Wikipedia - William M. Smith -- American politician from Illinois
Wikipedia - William M. Stone -- American politician and 6th Governor of Iowa
Wikipedia - William M. Straus -- American politician
Wikipedia - William M. Tryon -- American baptist minister and co-founder Baylor university
Wikipedia - William M. Tweed -- United States politician
Wikipedia - William Muhm
Wikipedia - William Mulholland -- engineer and builder of the Los Angeles Aqueduct
Wikipedia - William Mullen (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - William Mundy (MP) -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Murdoch -- Scottish engineer and inventor (1754-1839)
Wikipedia - William Murdock -- Colonial American politician (c.1720-1769)
Wikipedia - William Mure (scholar) -- Scottish scholar and politician
Wikipedia - William Murless -- South African sports shooter
Wikipedia - William Murphy (lacrosse) -- American lacrosse player
Wikipedia - William Murphy (musician) -- American musician
Wikipedia - William Murray, 1st Earl of Mansfield -- 18th-century British judge
Wikipedia - William Murray Thompson -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William Muse
Wikipedia - William Musgrave
Wikipedia - William Myers (British politician) -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Myron Keck -- American businessman
Wikipedia - William Nagle (figure skater) -- American figure skater
Wikipedia - William Nairn Forbes -- British architect and military engineer
Wikipedia - William Napper (Irish cricketer) -- Irish cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - William Nassau Alley -- Irish Methodist
Wikipedia - William Nassau Molesworth -- English priest and historian
Wikipedia - William Natcher -- Democratic congressman, serving in the United States House of Representatives from 1953 to 1994
Wikipedia - William N. Bowman -- American architect
Wikipedia - William Necton -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Neikirk -- American journalist
Wikipedia - William Neil McKechnie -- Recipient of the Empire Gallantry Medal
Wikipedia - William N. Eschmeyer
Wikipedia - William Neville, 1st Earl of Kent -- 15th-century English nobleman and soldier
Wikipedia - William Neville (by 1532 - 1559 or later) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Newcome -- 18th-century Anglican Irish bishop
Wikipedia - William Newman (actor) -- American film, television and theater actor
Wikipedia - William Newman (computer scientist)
Wikipedia - William Newmarch
Wikipedia - William Newsome
Wikipedia - William Newsom -- American judge
Wikipedia - William Newton (architect) -- English architect
Wikipedia - William Newton (sport shooter) -- British sports shooter
Wikipedia - William Nichol (mayor) -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Nicholson (artist) -- British painter, engraver and illustrator
Wikipedia - William Nicholson (chemist)
Wikipedia - William Nicholson (distiller) -- English distiller and Liberal Party politician
Wikipedia - William Nicholson Hodgson -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Nicholson (naval officer) -- Officer of the United States Navy
Wikipedia - William Nicholson (poet) -- Scottish poet
Wikipedia - William Nicolson -- English-born Irish bishop
Wikipedia - William Nierenberg
Wikipedia - William Nigh -- American film director, writer, and actor
Wikipedia - William Niven
Wikipedia - William Nixon (architect) -- Australian architect
Wikipedia - William N. Joy
Wikipedia - William Noake -- High Sheriff of Berkshire
Wikipedia - William Noble (jockey) -- English jockey (b. 1814, d. 1897)
Wikipedia - William Noble (missionary) -- American Methodist missionary
Wikipedia - William Nobles (cinematographer) -- American cinematographer
Wikipedia - William Noll -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Nordhaus -- American economist
Wikipedia - William Norman Guthrie
Wikipedia - William Norris (1501-1568) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Norris (CEO) -- American businessman
Wikipedia - William Northey (died 1770) -- English politician, died 1770
Wikipedia - William Northey -- Canadian ice hockey executive
Wikipedia - William Northrup McMillan -- American born Kenyan settler, adventurer, and philanthropist.
Wikipedia - William Norton -- Irish politician
Wikipedia - William Novak -- Canadian-American author
Wikipedia - William Nowland Van Powell -- Architect and artiist (b. 1904, d. 1977)
Wikipedia - William Noye of Paul
Wikipedia - William N. Valavanis -- Bonsai artist
Wikipedia - William Nyhan
Wikipedia - William Nylander (botanist)
Wikipedia - William O. Aydelotte -- American historian
Wikipedia - William O. Baker Award for Initiatives in Research
Wikipedia - William O. Baker
Wikipedia - William O. Beeman -- American scholar
Wikipedia - William O'Brien Lindsay -- Chief Justice of Anglo-Egyptian Sudan
Wikipedia - William O'Brien (Nova Scotia politician) -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William O'Brien (Royal Navy officer) -- British Royal Navy officer
Wikipedia - William O'Brien -- Irish nationalist journalist and politician
Wikipedia - William O'Connell Bradley -- Politician from the US state of Kentucky (1847-1914)
Wikipedia - William Odell (MP) -- British Member of Parliament
Wikipedia - William Odling
Wikipedia - William O'Doherty -- Irish politician
Wikipedia - William O'Donohue
Wikipedia - William O. Douglas -- Former Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States
Wikipedia - William O'Dwyer -- American general, politician and diplomat
Wikipedia - William O. Eareckson -- US Air Force officer and recipient of the Purple Heart medal
Wikipedia - William Oefelein -- American astronaut
Wikipedia - William of Alnwick
Wikipedia - William of Apulia
Wikipedia - William of Austria
Wikipedia - William of Auvergne, Bishop of Paris
Wikipedia - William of Auvergne (bishop)
Wikipedia - William of Auxerre
Wikipedia - William of Baskerville -- Character in the novel The Name of the Rose.
Wikipedia - William of Bitton (nephew) -- 13th-century Bishop of Bath and Wells
Wikipedia - William of Bitton -- 13th-century Bishop of Bath and Wells
Wikipedia - William of Breteuil
Wikipedia - William of Canterbury
Wikipedia - William of Champagne
Wikipedia - William of Champeaux
Wikipedia - William of Conches
Wikipedia - William of Donjeon
Wikipedia - William of Durham
Wikipedia - William of Falagar
Wikipedia - William of Falgar
Wikipedia - William of Gellone
Wikipedia - William of Heytesbury
Wikipedia - William of Hirsau
Wikipedia - William of Kilkenny
Wikipedia - William of Lucca
Wikipedia - William of Macclesfield
Wikipedia - William of Maleval -- Roman Catholic saint
Wikipedia - William of Malmesbury
Wikipedia - William of Malmsbury
Wikipedia - William of March -- 13th and 14th-century Bishop of Bath and Wells
Wikipedia - William of Moerbeke
Wikipedia - William of Montevergine
Wikipedia - William of Montferrat (monk)
Wikipedia - William of Montmorency -- Father of Anne de Montmorency, Marshal of France
Wikipedia - William of Montreuil -- Italo-Norman Duke
Wikipedia - William of Newburgh
Wikipedia - William of Northall
Wikipedia - William of Nottingham II
Wikipedia - William of Nottingham I
Wikipedia - William of Ockham -- Franciscan friar and theologian in medieval England
Wikipedia - William Ofori Atta -- Politician, lawyer and former foreign minister of Ghana
Wikipedia - William Ofori Boafo -- Ghanaian politician
Wikipedia - William of Pagula
Wikipedia - William of Perth
Wikipedia - William of Poitiers -- 11th-century Norman historian
Wikipedia - William of Roskilde
Wikipedia - William of Rubruck -- Flemish Franciscan missionary and explorer
Wikipedia - William of Saint-Amour
Wikipedia - William of Sherwood
Wikipedia - William of Soissons
Wikipedia - William of St Albans
Wikipedia - William of St. Barbara
Wikipedia - William of St-Thierry
Wikipedia - William of Tyre
Wikipedia - William of Villehardouin -- Prince of Achaea
Wikipedia - William of Waddington -- Anglo-Norman poet of the thirteenth century
Wikipedia - William of Ware
Wikipedia - William of Wrotham -- 13th-century English sheriff and royal official
Wikipedia - William of Wycombe -- 12th-century English writer
Wikipedia - William of Wykeham
Wikipedia - William of York -- 12th-century Archbishop of York and saint
Wikipedia - William O. Gallery -- United States Navy admiral
Wikipedia - William Ogilby
Wikipedia - William Ogilvie of Pittensear -- Scottish classicist, numismatist and author on land reform
Wikipedia - William O'Hara
Wikipedia - William O. Hotchkiss -- American academic
Wikipedia - William Oldhall
Wikipedia - William Oliphant Hutchison -- Scottish portrait and landscape painter
Wikipedia - William Oliver (artist) -- English Victorian painter
Wikipedia - William Oliver (physician)
Wikipedia - William Oliver (songwriter) -- Poet, singer and songwriter from Newcastle upon Tyne
Wikipedia - William O'Malley (politician) -- Irish politician
Wikipedia - William Onslow, 4th Earl of Onslow
Wikipedia - William Onyeabor -- Nigerian funk musician
Wikipedia - William Opdyke -- American computer scientist and enterprise architect
Wikipedia - William Ordway Partridge
Wikipedia - William Orfeur Cavenagh -- Colonial Administrator
Wikipedia - William Orlamond -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Ormsby-Gore (1779-1860) -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Orpen -- Irish artist
Wikipedia - William Orr (Australian politician) -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William Orville Ayres
Wikipedia - William Osler -- Canadian physician and co-founder of Johns Hopkins Hospital
Wikipedia - William O. Stephens -- American philosopher
Wikipedia - William O. Stillman -- American physician and writer
Wikipedia - William Ostler -- 16th/17th-century English actor
Wikipedia - William Oswald Whitridge -- Australian cricket umpire
Wikipedia - William Otter
Wikipedia - William Oughtred
Wikipedia - William Ouseley -- Welsh orientalist
Wikipedia - William Outten -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Overton (bishop)
Wikipedia - William Overton (judge)
Wikipedia - William Owen (architect and surveyor) -- Welsh architect and surveyor
Wikipedia - William Owen (Oxford MP) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William O. Wooldridge -- United States Army soldier and the first Sergeant Major of the Army
Wikipedia - William Oxley Thompson Memorial Library -- Main library at Ohio State University
Wikipedia - William Oxley -- English poet
Wikipedia - William Ozanne -- British Army officer
Wikipedia - William Paats -- Dutch-born Paraguayan sports instructor
Wikipedia - William Packwood -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Page (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Paget, 1st Baron Paget -- English statesman
Wikipedia - William Painter (author)
Wikipedia - William Painter (inventor) -- Irish mechanical engineer, inventor and the founder of Crown Holdings, Inc.
Wikipedia - William Paley
Wikipedia - William Palin Elderton
Wikipedia - William P. Allen -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Palmer (athlete) -- British racewalker
Wikipedia - William Palmer (murderer) -- English murderer
Wikipedia - William Palmer (theologian)
Wikipedia - William Pantulf -- 12th-century Anglo-Norman baron
Wikipedia - William Park Armstrong -- American theologian and scholar
Wikipedia - William Parker (builder) -- Masonic builder, shipowner and shopkeeper
Wikipedia - William Parker Foulke
Wikipedia - William Parker Street -- Mayor of Dunedin
Wikipedia - William Parks (paleontologist)
Wikipedia - William Parks (sailor) -- American sailor
Wikipedia - William Parnell (cricketer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - William Parry (explorer)
Wikipedia - William Parsons, 3rd Earl of Rosse -- Anglo-Irish astronomer
Wikipedia - William Parsons (composer and musician) -- English composer
Wikipedia - William Partridge (lacrosse) -- American lacrosse player
Wikipedia - William Partridge (New Hampshire official) -- American colonial administrator
Wikipedia - William Passavant
Wikipedia - William Patenson
Wikipedia - William Paterson (explorer) -- Scottish soldier and botanist in Tasmania
Wikipedia - William Paterson (governor)
Wikipedia - William Paterson (judge) -- Justice on the US Supreme Court
Wikipedia - William Paterson University -- University in New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - William Patrick Cummins -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William Patrick (diver) -- Canadian diver
Wikipedia - William Patrick Ryan -- Irish journalist
Wikipedia - William Patterson Alexander
Wikipedia - William Patterson Borland -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Paulding Jr.
Wikipedia - William Paulet, 1st Marquess of Winchester -- English official and peer
Wikipedia - William Paul Fife -- US Air Force officer and hyperbaric medicine researcher
Wikipedia - William Paul Thompson -- American serial killer
Wikipedia - William Paxton (musician) -- English composer and cellist
Wikipedia - William Payne-Gallwey (cricketer) -- Irish cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - William Payne (mathematician) -- English mathematician
Wikipedia - William Payne (sheriff) -- American sheriff
Wikipedia - William P. Battell -- U.S. Marine Corps Major General and Quartermaster General
Wikipedia - William P. Bettendorf -- Inventor, Industrialist
Wikipedia - William P. Bolton -- United States congressman
Wikipedia - William P. Bradley -- American lawyer
Wikipedia - William P. Carleton -- American actor
Wikipedia - William P. C. Barton -- American surgeon and scientist (1786-1856)
Wikipedia - William P. Clyde -- American businessman
Wikipedia - William Peace University -- Private college in Raleigh, North Carolina, United States
Wikipedia - William Peachey -- British architect
Wikipedia - William Peall -- Champion of English billiards
Wikipedia - William Pearson Jr. -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William Pearson (New Hampshire politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Pearson (scientist) -- American biochemist
Wikipedia - William Peartree
Wikipedia - William Pedley -- English cricketer and civil engineer
Wikipedia - William Peel, 1st Earl Peel -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Peel (Royal Navy officer) -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - William Pengelly -- British geologist
Wikipedia - William Penhallow Henderson -- American artist
Wikipedia - William Penn Charter School
Wikipedia - William Penn Senior High School -- Public high school in York, Pennsylvania, U.S.
Wikipedia - William Penn
Wikipedia - William Pepperell Montague
Wikipedia - William Perault
Wikipedia - William Percival Crozier -- British journalist and editor of the Manchester Guardian (1879-1944)
Wikipedia - William Percy (bishop) -- 15th-century Bishop of Carlisle
Wikipedia - William Percy Rogers -- Australian zoologist ( 1914-1997)
Wikipedia - William Percy (writer) -- 16th/17th-century English poet and playwright
Wikipedia - William Pereira -- American architect
Wikipedia - William Perry Brown Jr. -- Marine flying ace
Wikipedia - William Perry Hay
Wikipedia - William Perry Pendley -- American conservative activist and official
Wikipedia - William Perry -- American mathematician, businessman and 19th US Secretary of Defense
Wikipedia - William Peter Blatty -- American writer and filmmaker
Wikipedia - William Peter Godin
Wikipedia - William Peterson (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Peters (sport shooter) -- Colombian sport shooter
Wikipedia - William Petow
Wikipedia - William Petre -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Petty
Wikipedia - William PetzM-CM-$ll -- Swedish politician
Wikipedia - William Peyto (died 1464) -- 15th century English noble
Wikipedia - William P. Fessenden -- American politician
Wikipedia - William P. Fitzpatrick -- Irish-born retired American politician
Wikipedia - William P. G. Harding -- 2nd Chairman of the Federal Reserve in the United States
Wikipedia - William P. Gottlieb -- American photographer and newspaper columnist
Wikipedia - William P. Greene Jr. -- American judge
Wikipedia - William Phelps Eno -- American businessman
Wikipedia - William Phillips (cricketer, born 1876) -- English cricketer and umpire
Wikipedia - William Phillips (geologist)
Wikipedia - William Phillip -- English translator
Wikipedia - William Phipps Blake
Wikipedia - William Phips -- 17th-century royal governor of the Province of Massachusetts Bay
Wikipedia - William P. Hobby Airport -- International airport in Houston, Texas, United States
Wikipedia - William P. Hobby, Jr.
Wikipedia - William P. Hobby -- American politician; Governor of Texas, 1917-1921
Wikipedia - William P. Hogarty -- American Civil War Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - William Pichard -- Swiss bobsledder
Wikipedia - William Pidgeon (archaeologist) -- American archaeologist
Wikipedia - William Pidgeon -- Australian artist
Wikipedia - William Pierce (serial killer) -- American criminal and serial killer
Wikipedia - William Pikerell
Wikipedia - William Pike -- English Roman Catholic martyr
Wikipedia - William Pinchon
Wikipedia - William Pinch
Wikipedia - William Pinckney Mason -- Confederate States Navy lieutenant (1843-1922)
Wikipedia - William Pinkerton -- South Australian settler from England
Wikipedia - William Pinkney Whyte -- American politician (1824-1908)
Wikipedia - William Pitt, 1st Earl of Chatham -- 18th-century British statesman
Wikipedia - William Pitt (cricketer) -- English cricketer for the MCC
Wikipedia - William Pitt Durfee -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William Pitt Kellogg -- United States Senator and Governor of Louisiana
Wikipedia - William Pitt (ship-builder) -- English ship-builder
Wikipedia - William Pitt the Younger -- 18th/19th-century British statesman
Wikipedia - William Placher
Wikipedia - William Placid Morris
Wikipedia - William Plant (sailor) -- Jamaican sailor
Wikipedia - William Plant -- American racewalker
Wikipedia - William Platt Jencks
Wikipedia - William Plaxton -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William Playfair -- British polymath
Wikipedia - William Plomer
Wikipedia - William Plunket, 4th Baron Plunket -- Irish Anglican archbishop
Wikipedia - William P. Lyon -- American politician and Union Army general (1822-1913)
Wikipedia - William P. Mack -- United States Navy admiral
Wikipedia - William P. Marontate -- US Marine Corps flying ace
Wikipedia - William P. Murphy Jr.
Wikipedia - William P. Murphy
Wikipedia - William Poduska
Wikipedia - William Pogue -- American astronaut
Wikipedia - William Pollitt -- English railway manager
Wikipedia - William Polson -- New Zealand politician
Wikipedia - William Poole (Australian politician) -- Politician from New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - William Poole -- American boxer and gang leader
Wikipedia - William Pooley -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Pope Clement -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William Pope Duval -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Pope (naturalist) -- English-Canadian naturalist and painter
Wikipedia - William Porcher DuBose
Wikipedia - William Porcher Miles -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Porteous -- Australian land developer
Wikipedia - William Porter (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Portman -- English judge and politician
Wikipedia - William Poundstone
Wikipedia - William Powell -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Power (Quebec judge) -- Canadian judge
Wikipedia - William Powers Jr. -- American attorney, 28th president of the University of Texas at Austin
Wikipedia - William P. Potter -- American Rear admiral
Wikipedia - William P. Quinn -- Irish Garda commissioner (national police head)
Wikipedia - William Praed
Wikipedia - William Prager -- German American mathematician
Wikipedia - William P. Ragsdale -- American lawyer
Wikipedia - William Pratt (businessman) -- Canadian businessman
Wikipedia - William Prentis -- 18th century US businessman
Wikipedia - William Preston (Kentucky soldier) -- Confederate Army general
Wikipedia - William Preston Lane Jr. -- American politician (1892-1967)
Wikipedia - William Preston (Virginia soldier) -- One of the signers of the Fincastle Resolutions
Wikipedia - William Price (MP for Bath) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Prichard (bobsledder) -- Swiss bobsledder
Wikipedia - William P. Richardson (law school dean) -- American legal academic
Wikipedia - William P. Richardson -- American general and politician
Wikipedia - William Prince (actor) -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Procter (industrialist) -- Co-founder of Procter & Gamble
Wikipedia - William Procter, Jr.
Wikipedia - William Procter Prize for Scientific Achievement
Wikipedia - William Prout
Wikipedia - William Proxmire -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Prynne -- English lawyer, author, polemicist, and political figure
Wikipedia - William P. S. Earle -- American film director
Wikipedia - William Pugh (game designer) -- Indie video game developer
Wikipedia - William Pugh (geologist)
Wikipedia - William Pulgram -- Austrian-born American architect
Wikipedia - William Pullum -- English physical culturist and strongman
Wikipedia - William Pulteney, 1st Earl of Bath -- 18th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Pumphrey -- British photographer
Wikipedia - William P. Van Ness -- American judge (1778-1826)
Wikipedia - William P. Welsh -- American painter
Wikipedia - William P. Wentworth -- American architect
Wikipedia - William P. Winchester -- American colonel
Wikipedia - William P. Worrall -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Quan Judge
Wikipedia - William Quarter
Wikipedia - William Quesse -- American labor leader
Wikipedia - William Quinn (actor) -- Canadian actor
Wikipedia - William "Hawk" Birdshead -- Lakota activist working in the suicide prevention movement
Wikipedia - William "Honey" Mellody -- American boxer (1884-1919)
Wikipedia - William "Hootie" Johnson -- American businessman and golf administrator
Wikipedia - William "Mickey" Stevenson -- American songwriter and record producer for Motown Records
Wikipedia - William "Rip" Robertson -- United States Marine
Wikipedia - William "Smitty" Smith -- Canadian musician
Wikipedia - William "Stage" Boyd -- American actor
Wikipedia - William "the Blind Abbot" Bourke -- Irish noble, 20th Mac William Iochtar
Wikipedia - William "Tiger" Dunlop -- Military physician, businessman and politician in Upper Canada
Wikipedia - William Radde -- Publisher, bookseller, and land developer in New York City, U.S.A.
Wikipedia - William Radford Bryden -- British architect
Wikipedia - William Radice
Wikipedia - William Ragsdale Cannon -- American bishop
Wikipedia - William Railton -- English architect
Wikipedia - William Rainey Harper
Wikipedia - William Rainsborowe -- American colonist
Wikipedia - William R. Allen (economist) -- American economist, professor and author
Wikipedia - William Ralph Cartwright -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Ralph Inge
Wikipedia - William Ramsay (classical scholar) -- British 19th century classical scholar
Wikipedia - William Ramsay
Wikipedia - William Ramsay Young -- Australian soldier
Wikipedia - William Randall (weightlifter) -- British weightlifter
Wikipedia - William Randolph Barbee -- American sculptor
Wikipedia - William Randolph Hearst -- American newspaper publisher
Wikipedia - William Randolph Taylor -- American botanist and phycologist
Wikipedia - William Randolph -- American politician (born 1650)
Wikipedia - William Rankine
Wikipedia - William Rankins -- 16th-century English pamphleteer and playwright
Wikipedia - William Ranney -- American painter
Wikipedia - William Raoul Reagle Transue -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William Raspberry -- American journalist (1935-2012)
Wikipedia - William Rastell
Wikipedia - William Ratcliff (film) -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - William Rathbone III -- English merchant
Wikipedia - William Rathje -- American archaeologist
Wikipedia - William Rayner -- British writer
Wikipedia - William R. Badger -- American aviator
Wikipedia - William R. Bond -- United States Army general
Wikipedia - William R. Brody
Wikipedia - William R. Bryant Jr. -- American politician from Michigan
Wikipedia - William R. Bullard -- American archaeologist
Wikipedia - William R. Callahan (priest) -- American priest (1931-2010)
Wikipedia - William R. C. Blundell -- Canadian businessman
Wikipedia - William R. Claypool -- American horse-racing trainer
Wikipedia - William R. Collins -- U.S. Marine Corps Major General
Wikipedia - William R. Coyle -- American politician
Wikipedia - William R. Crawford Jr. -- American diplomat
Wikipedia - William R. Cumpiano -- Puerto Rican master guitarmaker
Wikipedia - William R. Dickinson
Wikipedia - William Reade -- 14th-century Bishop of Chichester
Wikipedia - William Reading Montgomery -- United States Army officer 1801-1871
Wikipedia - William R. Eaton -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Rede (by 1529-at least 1569) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Rede (died 1558) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Redington Hewlett
Wikipedia - William Rees-Davies (Conservative politician) -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Rees-Davies (judge) -- British politician, lawyer and judge
Wikipedia - William Rees-Mogg -- British journalist
Wikipedia - William Rehnquist -- Former Chief Justice of the United States
Wikipedia - William Reichenstein -- British canoeist
Wikipedia - William Reid Dick -- Scottish sculptor
Wikipedia - William Remington (athlete) -- American track and field athlete
Wikipedia - William Revelli -- American musician, music educator, conductor, and marching band director
Wikipedia - William Reymond -- independent investigating journalist, writer
Wikipedia - William Reynolds (actor) -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Reynolds (film editor) -- American film editor
Wikipedia - William Reynolds (New Zealand politician) -- New Zealand politician
Wikipedia - William Reynolds (VC) -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - William R. Farrand -- American businessman
Wikipedia - William R. Forstchen -- American writer
Wikipedia - William R. Hammer
Wikipedia - William R. Harvey -- American educator
Wikipedia - William R. Hawn -- American businessman
Wikipedia - William R. Heath House -- Historic house in Buffalo, New York
Wikipedia - William Rheem -- American businessman
Wikipedia - William R. Hewlett
Wikipedia - William R. Hoyt -- South Carolina politician
Wikipedia - William R. Huntington -- American architect
Wikipedia - William Rice (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Rice Mulliner -- Acting Governor of Lagos
Wikipedia - William Richard Gowers
Wikipedia - William Richard Lavender
Wikipedia - William Richard Miller
Wikipedia - William Richard Peltier
Wikipedia - William Richard Scott
Wikipedia - William Richards (Hawaii)
Wikipedia - William Richardson (1710-1758) -- Irish landowner and politician
Wikipedia - William Richardson (Alabama politician) -- Confederate Army soldier and politician
Wikipedia - William Richardson (astronomer) -- British astronomer
Wikipedia - William Richardson (Cambridge University cricketer) -- English schoolmaster and sportsman
Wikipedia - William Richardson (classicist) -- Scottish classicist and literary scholar
Wikipedia - William Richardson (died 1755) -- Member of Parliament for Augher, Ireland
Wikipedia - William Richardson (martyr)
Wikipedia - William Rich Hutton -- Artist, surveyor, and civil engineer from the United States
Wikipedia - William Richmond -- (1821-1895) New Zealand politician
Wikipedia - William Rich -- Botanist and explorer from the United States
Wikipedia - William Rickford Collett -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Ridding (cricketer) -- English cricketer and cleric
Wikipedia - William Rider > Son
Wikipedia - William Riedell -- American sports shooter
Wikipedia - William Riefkohl -- Puerto Rican businessman
Wikipedia - William Riker -- Fictional character in Star Trek
Wikipedia - William Ringrose Gelston Atkins -- Irish chemist
Wikipedia - William Ritchie (editor) -- Scottish lawyer, journalist and newspaper owner
Wikipedia - William Ritchie (physicist)
Wikipedia - William Ritchie Russell -- Scottish neurologist
Wikipedia - William Ritchie Sorley
Wikipedia - William Rivier -- Swiss chess player
Wikipedia - William R. Jervey -- South Carolina politician
Wikipedia - William R. Johnson (minister) -- American minister
Wikipedia - William R. Kanne
Wikipedia - William R. Keith -- American businessman and politician
Wikipedia - William R. Kenan Jr.
Wikipedia - William R. King -- 13th Vice President of the United States
Wikipedia - William R. Lucas
Wikipedia - William R. Maples
Wikipedia - William R. Merz -- U.S. Navy Vice admiral
Wikipedia - William R. Miller (psychologist)
Wikipedia - William R. Moody -- Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Lexington
Wikipedia - William R. Moore (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - William R. Moses -- American actor
Wikipedia - William R. Munroe -- American Vice admiral
Wikipedia - William R.N. Blair -- Canadian psychologist
Wikipedia - William R. Newman
Wikipedia - William Roache -- English actor
Wikipedia - William Robb (British Army officer) -- Senior British Army officer
Wikipedia - William Robert Bousfield -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Robert Brooks
Wikipedia - William Robert Colton -- British artist
Wikipedia - William Robert Ogilvie-Grant
Wikipedia - William Robert Pearmain -- American painter and activist
Wikipedia - William Robert Robins -- British trade unionist and politician
Wikipedia - William Robert Sherrin -- Botanist (1871-1955)
Wikipedia - William Robertson (architect) -- Nineteenth century Scottish architect
Wikipedia - William Robertson Copland -- British civil engineer
Wikipedia - William Robertson (Irish architect) -- Irish architect (born 1770)
Wikipedia - William Robertson Smith -- Scottish orientalist and minister of the Free Church of Scotland
Wikipedia - William Robertson (VC) -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - William Robert Spencer
Wikipedia - William Robert Stewart -- American trader
Wikipedia - William Robert Taylor -- 19th century American Democratic politician, 12th Governor of Wisconsin
Wikipedia - William Robins (cricketer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - William Robinson Brown -- American businessman (1875-1955)
Wikipedia - William Robinson Clarke -- Jamaican military personnel
Wikipedia - William Robinson (fl. 1559) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Robinson (Tasmanian politician) -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William Robinson (theologian) -- British theologian, born 1886
Wikipedia - William Robson, Baron Robson -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Rockefeller
Wikipedia - William Roderick Blevin
Wikipedia - William Rodon Rennalls -- Lawyer and politician in Jamaica
Wikipedia - William Rogers (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Romaine Paterson -- Glasgow-based writer
Wikipedia - William Roper (biographer)
Wikipedia - William Roper
Wikipedia - William Rosales -- Puerto Rican politician
Wikipedia - William Roscoe -- English historian, abolitionist, art collector, politician, lawyer, banker, botanist and writer (1753-1831)
Wikipedia - William Rose BenM-CM-)t -- American writer
Wikipedia - William Rose Bock -- New Zealand engraver
Wikipedia - William Rosecrans -- Diplomat, politician, and U.S. Army officer
Wikipedia - William Rosenberg (actor) -- Danish actor
Wikipedia - William Rosenberg -- American businessman
Wikipedia - William Rose (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - William Rossa Cole -- American anthologist, editor and writer
Wikipedia - William Ross Ashby
Wikipedia - William Ross (Canadian politician) -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William Ross (Ontario politician) -- Ontario politician
Wikipedia - William Rothenstein -- British painter, printmaker, draughtsman, lecturer and writer on art (1872-1945)
Wikipedia - William Rotheram -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Rotsler -- American writer
Wikipedia - William Roughead
Wikipedia - William Roupell -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Rouse-Boughton -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Rowan Browne
Wikipedia - William Rowan Hamilton -- Irish mathematician and astronomer
Wikipedia - William Rowell -- English sportsman and businessman
Wikipedia - William Rowlands (Gwilym Lleyn) -- Welsh Methodist minister and bibliographer (1802-1865)
Wikipedia - William Rowley Elliston -- British judge and politician
Wikipedia - William Rowley -- 17th-century English actor and playwright
Wikipedia - William Row -- Scottish Presbyterian minister (1563-1634)
Wikipedia - William Roxburgh
Wikipedia - William Royal Stokes -- American bacteriologist
Wikipedia - William Roy Branch
Wikipedia - William Roy (medium)
Wikipedia - William R. Peers -- United States Army general
Wikipedia - William R. Polk -- American academic
Wikipedia - William R. Purnell
Wikipedia - William R. Rathvon -- American Christian Scientist
Wikipedia - William R. Royal -- American diver who discovered early human remains in Florida
Wikipedia - William R. Snodgrass -- American public servant
Wikipedia - William R. Steiger -- American government official
Wikipedia - William R. Sutherland
Wikipedia - William R. Thompkins -- American actor and stuntman
Wikipedia - William Rubey
Wikipedia - William Rubinstein
Wikipedia - William Rubin -- American art curator
Wikipedia - William Ruddiman
Wikipedia - William Rufus Shafter -- United States Army Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - William Rugg
Wikipedia - William Ruhl -- American actor (1901-1956)
Wikipedia - William Russel Dudley -- American botanist
Wikipedia - William Russell (American actor) -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Russell (English actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - William Russell Flint -- British artist
Wikipedia - William Russell Grace
Wikipedia - William Russell Houck
Wikipedia - William Russell (Ohio politician) -- United States Representative from Ohio
Wikipedia - William Russell Robinson -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Russell Smith -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Russell Sweet -- American artist
Wikipedia - William Russell (writer) -- Scottish historical and author
Wikipedia - William Russ -- Actor, television director
Wikipedia - William Rutherford Mead -- American architect
Wikipedia - William Rutherford (physiologist)
Wikipedia - William Rutherford Sanders -- Scottish pathologist
Wikipedia - William Rutledge -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William Rutter Dawes
Wikipedia - William Rutter (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William R. Walker -- Canadian LDS Church leader
Wikipedia - William R. Watson -- Canadian art dealer
Wikipedia - William Ryan (sailor) -- Australian sailor
Wikipedia - William Sabine -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Sadler (actor) -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Safire -- American journalist and presidential speechwriter
Wikipedia - William Sage Rapson
Wikipedia - William Saletan
Wikipedia - William Salmon (politician) -- Lawyer, judge and political figure in Upper Canada
Wikipedia - William Salmon -- 17th and 18th-century English empiric doctor
Wikipedia - William Salter (MP) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Salusbury (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Sammes (politician) -- 16th-century mayor and MP
Wikipedia - William Sample -- Youngest US Navy rear admiral in Pacific theater in WWII
Wikipedia - William Sampson (playwright) -- 17th-century English poet and playwright
Wikipedia - William Sams -- Australian cricketer and investor
Wikipedia - William Samuel Booze -- American politician (1862-1933)
Wikipedia - William Samuel Johnson
Wikipedia - William Samuel Lilly
Wikipedia - William Sancroft
Wikipedia - William Sanders (statistician)
Wikipedia - William Sandys, 1st Baron Sandys
Wikipedia - William Sansom Vaux
Wikipedia - William Sarel (cricketer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Williams Arena at Minges Coliseum -- Arena in North Carolina, USA
Wikipedia - Williams Arena -- Multi-purpose arena in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Wikipedia - William Sargant
Wikipedia - Williams, Arizona -- City in Arizona, United States
Wikipedia - William Sarokin -- American sound engineer
Wikipedia - William Saroyan -- American writer
Wikipedia - William Saunders (botanist)
Wikipedia - William Saunders (died 1570) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Saunders (poet)
Wikipedia - William Savage Boulton -- English geologist, mining engineer, and water engineer
Wikipedia - William Saville-Kent
Wikipedia - William Saward -- British athlete
Wikipedia - William Sawers -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William Sawe -- Kenyan racewalker
Wikipedia - William Sayer -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - Williams Baptist University -- University within Arkansas, United States
Wikipedia - William S. Bartlett Jr. -- American politician
Wikipedia - William S. B. Lacy -- American Ambassador to Korea in 1955
Wikipedia - Williams Boag -- Australian architectural company
Wikipedia - William S. Boyd School of Law
Wikipedia - Williamsbridge Oval -- Public park in the Bronx, New York
Wikipedia - Williams Bridge station -- Metro-North Railroad station in the Bronx, New York
Wikipedia - Williamsburg Bridge -- Bridge between Manhattan and Brooklyn, New York
Wikipedia - Williamsburg, Brooklyn -- Neighborhood of Brooklyn in New York City
Wikipedia - Williamsburg Community Hospital -- Former hospital in Virginia, United States
Wikipedia - Williamsburg Houses -- Public housing development in Brooklyn, New York
Wikipedia - Williamsburgh Savings Bank Tower -- Residential skyscraper in Brooklyn, New York
Wikipedia - Williamsburg, Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Williamsburg: the Story of a Patriot -- 1957 film by George Seaton
Wikipedia - Williamsburg, Virginia
Wikipedia - William S. Burroughs bibliography -- Wikipedia bibliography
Wikipedia - William S. Burroughs -- American writer
Wikipedia - William S. Calli -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Scamp -- William Scamp
Wikipedia - Williams Carmona -- Cuban painter
Wikipedia - Williams Carter Wickham -- Confederate Army general and American politician
Wikipedia - William Schallert -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Schaus
Wikipedia - William Schaw -- Scottish mason and Master of Works
Wikipedia - William Schelter
Wikipedia - William Schlumberger -- French chess player
Wikipedia - William Schneider, Jr.
Wikipedia - William Schneider (politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Schuette (canoeist) -- American canoeist
Wikipedia - William Schulhoff -- American painter
Wikipedia - William Schuman -- American composer and arts administrator (1910-1992)
Wikipedia - William Schutz
Wikipedia - William S. Cogswell Jr. -- American politician
Wikipedia - Williams College -- Liberal arts college in Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Williams Companies -- American energy company
Wikipedia - William Scoresby
Wikipedia - William Scott (actor) -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Scott-Elliot
Wikipedia - William Scott (The Sleeping Sentinel) -- American Union Army soldier
Wikipedia - William Scot
Wikipedia - Williams County, Ohio -- County in Ohio, US
Wikipedia - William Scovell Savory -- 19th-century British surgeon
Wikipedia - William Scranton -- Governor of Pennsylvania (1917-2013)
Wikipedia - William's Crowded Hours -- Book by Richmal Crompton
Wikipedia - William Scully (Australian politician) -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William Scully (bishop)
Wikipedia - William S. Darling -- Art director
Wikipedia - William S. Dietrich II -- American industrialist and philanthropist
Wikipedia - William S. Dwinnell -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Seager (philosopher)
Wikipedia - William Sealy Gosset
Wikipedia - William Seaman Bainbridge -- American surgeon and gynecologist
Wikipedia - William Sears (physician)
Wikipedia - William Sefa -- Ghanaian Cinematographer
Wikipedia - William Selig -- American film pioneer
Wikipedia - William Sellers
Wikipedia - William Sells -- British vice-admiral
Wikipedia - William Selman II -- English Member of Parliament (fl. 1420-1429)
Wikipedia - William Senhouse Kirkes -- British physiologist
Wikipedia - William Senhouse -- 15th and 16th-century Bishop of Carlisle and Bishop of Durham
Wikipedia - William Serle
Wikipedia - William Seward Burroughs I
Wikipedia - William Sexton (organist) -- English organist
Wikipedia - William Seymour, 2nd Duke of Somerset
Wikipedia - William Seymour (cricketer) -- Irish cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - William Seymour (soldier)
Wikipedia - Williams (film) -- 2017 film by Morgan Matthews
Wikipedia - Williams FJ44 -- Small turbofan engine
Wikipedia - William S. Forbes -- American physician
Wikipedia - Williams FW23 -- Racing car
Wikipedia - Williams FW29 -- Formula One car
Wikipedia - Williams FW42 -- 2019 Formula One car
Wikipedia - Williams FW43 -- 2020 Formula One car
Wikipedia - William S. Gaither -- American academic administrator
Wikipedia - William S. Greenberg -- American judge
Wikipedia - Williams Grove Amusement Park -- Abandoned amusement park near Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, United States
Wikipedia - Williams Grove Speedway -- Racetrack
Wikipedia - William S. Gubelmann -- American inventor
Wikipedia - William Shadish -- American psychologist
Wikipedia - William Shadrack Shallenberger -- Union Army soldier
Wikipedia - William Shaftoe Robertson -- 19th-century actor
Wikipedia - William Shakespeare (disambiguation)
Wikipedia - William Shakespeare (essay)
Wikipedia - William Shakespeare's collaborations -- none
Wikipedia - William Shakespeare -- English poet, playwright and actor
Wikipedia - William S. Hamilton -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Shanahan -- Irish decathlete
Wikipedia - William Shand (Jamaica) -- Politician in Jamaica
Wikipedia - William Shareston -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Sharman -- British hurdler
Wikipedia - William Sharpe Award
Wikipedia - William Sharpe (burgess) -- Virginia colonist; burgess
Wikipedia - William Sharpey -- Scottish anatomist and physiologist
Wikipedia - William Sharp Macleay
Wikipedia - William S. Hart -- American actor
Wikipedia - William S. Hatcher -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William Shatner's musical career -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - William Shatner -- Canadian actor, musician, recording artist, author and film director
Wikipedia - William Shaw (philosopher)
Wikipedia - William Shee -- Anglo-Irish politician, lawyer, and judge
Wikipedia - William Shelton (education)
Wikipedia - William Shenstone -- 18th-century English poet and gardener
Wikipedia - William Shepard Wetmore -- Early American businessman
Wikipedia - William Shepherd (minister) -- English dissenting minister and politician (1768-1847)
Wikipedia - William Shepherd -- American astronaut
Wikipedia - William S. Herriman -- American businessman
Wikipedia - William S. Hillyer -- American Civil War general
Wikipedia - William Shimell -- British actor
Wikipedia - William Shippen Sr. -- American physician and Pennsylvanian civic and educational leader (1712-1801)
Wikipedia - William Shirley -- British governor of Massachusetts and then of the Bahamas
Wikipedia - William Shockley -- American physicist and inventor
Wikipedia - Williams House (Vassar College)
Wikipedia - William S. Hults Jr. -- New York politician
Wikipedia - William Sickles -- United States Army Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - William Sidney Pittman -- American architect
Wikipedia - William Sidney "Cap" Light -- American lawman
Wikipedia - William Sidney Walker -- English Shakespearean critic
Wikipedia - William Sieghart -- British businessman
Wikipedia - William Silver Frith -- British artist
Wikipedia - William Simanski -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Sims Bainbridge -- American sociologist
Wikipedia - William Sinclair, 10th Earl of Caithness -- Scottish nobleman
Wikipedia - William Singer -- American politician
Wikipedia - Williams Institute on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Law and Public Policy -- American research institute
Wikipedia - William Sio -- New Zealand politician
Wikipedia - Williams Island Formation -- Geologic formation in Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - William Sitgreaves Cox -- American sailor court-martialed during the War of 1812
Wikipedia - William Sitwell -- British editor, writer and broadcaster
Wikipedia - William S. Jackson -- American politician
Wikipedia - William S. Kalema -- Ugandan chemical engineer and business executive
Wikipedia - William Skeffington (died 1571) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Skelly -- American oil industrialist and businessman
Wikipedia - William Skinner (British Army officer) -- British military engineer
Wikipedia - William Skinner Cooper
Wikipedia - William Skinner (North Carolina general) -- American colonial general
Wikipedia - William Skipwith (died 1547) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Skipwith (died 1586) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Skipwith (died c. 1595) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Skoreyko -- Canadian businessperson and politician
Wikipedia - William Slack (surgeon) -- Surgeon to Queen Elizabeth II
Wikipedia - William Slavens McNutt -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - William Sleator
Wikipedia - William S. Lind -- American military writer
Wikipedia - William Sloan Cormack -- British college leader and political activist
Wikipedia - William Sloane Coffin -- American clergyman and peace activist
Wikipedia - William Smalley (pioneer) -- Ohio settler
Wikipedia - William Smallwood -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Smarte -- English politician
Wikipedia - William S. Massey -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William S. McFeely -- American historian
Wikipedia - William S. McKinnon -- American politician
Wikipedia - William S. McNary -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Smellie (geologist) -- Scottish geologist
Wikipedia - William S. Mesick -- American politician
Wikipedia - Williams, Minnesota -- City in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - William Smith (Canadian politician) -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William Smith (died 1591) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Smith (Episcopalian priest)
Wikipedia - William Smith (fl. 1553-54) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Smith (geologist) -- Geologist credited with the first nationwide map
Wikipedia - William Smith (golfer) -- American golfer
Wikipedia - William Smith (lexicographer)
Wikipedia - William Smith (mariner)
Wikipedia - William Smith Medal
Wikipedia - William Smith (MP for Ripon) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Smith (registrar) -- Ghanaian/Sierra Leonean civil servant
Wikipedia - William Smith (Virginia representative) -- Congressman from Virginia
Wikipedia - Williams Mix
Wikipedia - William Smoke -- American canoeist
Wikipedia - William S. Morgan -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Smoult Playfair -- physician and academic
Wikipedia - William Smyth
Wikipedia - Williams number -- class of numbers in number theory
Wikipedia - William Soden Hastings -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Sol Benson -- American esperantist
Wikipedia - William Solomons -- Australian sailor
Wikipedia - William Somervile
Wikipedia - William Somerville, 1st Baron Athlumney -- British politician
Wikipedia - Williamson A. Sangma -- First chief minister of Indian stete of Meghalaya
Wikipedia - Williamson County Courthouse (Illinois) -- local government building in the United States
Wikipedia - Williamson County Schools -- School district in Tennessee
Wikipedia - Williamson Daily News -- Newspaper in Williamson, West Virginia, US
Wikipedia - Williamson diamond mine
Wikipedia - Williamson ether synthesis
Wikipedia - Williamson Herald -- Online news outlet in Franklin, Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - Williamson Lake -- Lake in British Columbia, Canada
Wikipedia - William, son of Freskin -- 12th century Scoto-Flemish noble
Wikipedia - Williamson Robert Winfield Cobb -- American politician
Wikipedia - Williamson's model of managerial discretion
Wikipedia - Williamson's sapsucker -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - William Soutar -- Scottish poet
Wikipedia - William Southerne
Wikipedia - William Sowerby (politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Spady
Wikipedia - William Spark -- English musician, writer and composer
Wikipedia - William Spearman -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Speechly -- English horticulturist
Wikipedia - William Speirs Bruce -- Scottish marine biologist and antarctic explorer
Wikipedia - William Spence (burgess) -- Virginia colonist; burgess
Wikipedia - William Spence (entomologist) -- British economist and entomologist
Wikipedia - William Spencer (burgess) -- Virginia colonist; burgess
Wikipedia - William Spencer (MP for Ipswich) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Spencer (MP for Ripon) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Spenser
Wikipedia - William Splatt -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - Williamsport Regional Airport -- Commercial airport in Williamsport, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - William S. Powell -- American historian
Wikipedia - William Sprague (Michigan politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - William S. Price III -- American businessman, investor, and winemaker
Wikipedia - William Sprigg (judge) -- American judge (1770-1827)
Wikipedia - William Spriggs -- American economist (born 1955)
Wikipedia - William Spring Hubbell -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Spring of Lavenham -- 16th-century English politician and landowner
Wikipedia - William Sproston Caine -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Squire
Wikipedia - William S. Robards -- American politician
Wikipedia - William S. Romoser -- American entomologist
Wikipedia - William S. Sadler -- Psychiatrist and author (1875-1969)
Wikipedia - William S. Sahakian
Wikipedia - William S. Sly
Wikipedia - Williams Sonoma (brand) -- American retailer
Wikipedia - Williams-Sonoma, Inc. -- American kitchenware and home furnishings retailer
Wikipedia - Williams's p + 1 algorithm
Wikipedia - Williams Stadium -- Stadium in Virginia, USA
Wikipedia - William S. Stickman IV -- U.S. federal judge
Wikipedia - Williams syndrome
Wikipedia - William Stachowski -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Stack -- American actor (1882-1949)
Wikipedia - William Stafford (British soldier) -- British Army officer
Wikipedia - William Stafford (poet) -- American poet
Wikipedia - William Stainton Moses
Wikipedia - William Stallings
Wikipedia - William Standish Knowles
Wikipedia - William Stanford Grignon -- Planter and slave owner in Jamaica
Wikipedia - William Stanford (judge) -- 16th-century English politician and jurist
Wikipedia - William Stanhope (1702-1772) -- 18th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Stanlake -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - William Stanley, 3rd Baron Monteagle -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Stanley, 6th Earl of Derby
Wikipedia - William Stanley (Battle of Bosworth)
Wikipedia - William Stanley Braithwaite
Wikipedia - William Stanley (Elizabethan)
Wikipedia - William Stanley Jevons
Wikipedia - William Stanley Sykes -- British anaesthetist and crime writer
Wikipedia - William Stansby
Wikipedia - William Stapleton (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Starbuck
Wikipedia - William St Clair
Wikipedia - William Stedman (athlete) -- New Zealand para-athlete
Wikipedia - William Steele (actor) -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Steel (golfer) -- Scottish golfer
Wikipedia - William Steig -- American cartoonist, children's illustrator and writer
Wikipedia - William Steinkraus -- American equestrian
Wikipedia - William's Television Show -- Book by Richmal Crompton
Wikipedia - William Stephen Atkinson
Wikipedia - William Stephen Finsen -- (1905-1979) South African Astronomer
Wikipedia - William Stephens (Dean of Winchester) -- Dean of Winchester
Wikipedia - William Stephenson (psychologist)
Wikipedia - William Stephenson -- Canadian spymaster
Wikipedia - William Sterling King -- American army officer
Wikipedia - William Sterling Parsons -- American Naval officer (1901-1953)
Wikipedia - William Stern (businessman) -- British businessman
Wikipedia - William Sterndale Bennett -- British composer (1816-1875)
Wikipedia - William Stern (psychologist) -- German psychologist (1871-1938)
Wikipedia - William Stevens Lawton -- United States Army general (1900-1993)
Wikipedia - William Stevenson (Canadian writer)
Wikipedia - William Stevenson (canoeist) -- Canadian canoeist
Wikipedia - William Stewart (English cricketer) -- English cricketer and cleric
Wikipedia - William Stewart Halsted
Wikipedia - William Stewart (Upper Canada and Canada West) -- Province of Canada businessman and politician
Wikipedia - William Stickney -- American golfer
Wikipedia - William Still -- American activist, abolitionist, historian, and businessman
Wikipedia - William Stimpson (Jamaica) -- Politician in Jamaica
Wikipedia - William Stimpson -- American marine biologist
Wikipedia - William Stinson Soule -- American photographer
Wikipedia - William Stirling (physiologist)
Wikipedia - William St Lawrence, 2nd Earl of Howth -- (1752-1822)
Wikipedia - William St Loe -- 16th-century English politician and courtier
Wikipedia - William St Lucien Chase -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - William Stobb -- American poet
Wikipedia - William Stoddart
Wikipedia - William Stokoe -- Scholar of American Sign Language
Wikipedia - William Stone (baritone) -- American opera singer
Wikipedia - William Stone (caver) -- American engineer, caver and explorer
Wikipedia - William Stone Hubbell -- American Civil War Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - William Stone (Maryland governor) -- Colonial Governor of Maryland
Wikipedia - William Story (cricketer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - William Stourton (speaker)
Wikipedia - Williamstown Chronicle -- Australian newspaper
Wikipedia - Williamstown High School (New Jersey) -- High school in Gloucester County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Williamstown Literary Festival
Wikipedia - Williamstown, Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Williams Township, Aitkin County, Minnesota -- Township in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Williams Township, Hamilton County, Iowa -- Township in Iowa, USA
Wikipedia - William Strang -- Scottish artist
Wikipedia - William Street (Manhattan) -- Street in Manhattan, New York
Wikipedia - William Strickland (bishop) -- 15th-century Bishop of Carlisle
Wikipedia - William Strickland (navigator) -- English politician and explorer
Wikipedia - William Stridh -- Swedish singer
Wikipedia - William Stringfellow
Wikipedia - William Strobeck -- American filmmaker
Wikipedia - William Strugnell -- British flying ace
Wikipedia - William Strunk Jr.
Wikipedia - William Strunk, Jr.
Wikipedia - William Stryker
Wikipedia - William Stubbs -- 19th-century English historian and Anglican bishop
Wikipedia - Williams tubes
Wikipedia - Williams tube -- Early form of computer memory
Wikipedia - William Stukeley -- English antiquarian
Wikipedia - William Stumpe -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Sturgeon -- British inventor
Wikipedia - William Styron -- American novelist and essayist
Wikipedia - William Suff -- American serial killer on death row
Wikipedia - William Sulburge
Wikipedia - William Sulzer -- American politician and governor
Wikipedia - William Summer Johnson
Wikipedia - William Sumter Murphy -- American diplomat
Wikipedia - William Suringar -- Dutch philanthropist
Wikipedia - William Sutherland (disambiguation)
Wikipedia - William Sutherland Dun
Wikipedia - Williams v. California -- 2000 class-action lawsuit
Wikipedia - Williams v Carwardine -- English contract law case
Wikipedia - Williams v Compair Maxam Ltd -- UK labour law case
Wikipedia - William Svedberg -- Swedish actor
Wikipedia - Williamsville Central School District -- School district in Erie County, New York
Wikipedia - Williamsville, New York
Wikipedia - Williamsville, NY
Wikipedia - William S. Wallace -- US Army general
Wikipedia - William Swaluk -- Canadian weightlifter
Wikipedia - William Swann (disambiguation)
Wikipedia - William Swann
Wikipedia - William Swayne
Wikipedia - William Sweet
Wikipedia - William Swift Daniell -- American painter
Wikipedia - William Swinnerton -- New Zealand yacht racer
Wikipedia - William Swords -- Irish archer
Wikipedia - Williams-Wright Award -- Award has been given by the Coblentz Society
Wikipedia - William Sydney Churchill -- British Gendarmerie officer
Wikipedia - William Sydney Robinson
Wikipedia - William Sykes (cricketer) -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - William S. Zwicker -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William Tadlowe -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Talbot (bishop)
Wikipedia - William T. Allen -- American judge
Wikipedia - William Talman (actor) -- American actor (1915-1968)
Wikipedia - William Tancred -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William T. and Clara H. Veazie House -- House in Jerome County, Idaho
Wikipedia - William T. Anderson -- Confederate guerrilla fighter
Wikipedia - William T. Andrews -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Tandy Senter -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Tatem, 1st Baron Glanely -- British baron
Wikipedia - William Taylor Copeland -- Lord Mayor of London
Wikipedia - William Taylor (folk song) -- Song
Wikipedia - William Taylor Ham -- American biophysicist
Wikipedia - William Taylor (ophthalmologist) -- Scottish ophthalmologist
Wikipedia - William Taylor (police officer) -- British police officer
Wikipedia - William Taylor (Virginia politician, born 1788) -- Nineteenth century congressman and lawyer from Virginia
Wikipedia - William T. Barton -- American politician
Wikipedia - William T. B. Williams
Wikipedia - William Tchamba -- French canoeist
Wikipedia - William T. Collins -- American politician
Wikipedia - William T. Dickens
Wikipedia - William T. Dillard -- American businessman
Wikipedia - William T. Dixon -- African-American Baptist minister
Wikipedia - William T. Doyle -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Tebeau -- American engineer and educator
Wikipedia - William Tecumseh Sherman -- US Army general, businessman, educator, and author
Wikipedia - William Teitler -- American film producer
Wikipedia - William Telfer Campbell -- British Colonial Service administrator
Wikipedia - William Tell (1923 film) -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - William Tell (play) -- 1804 play written by Friedrich Schiller
Wikipedia - William Tell Told Again -- 1904 novel by P.G. Wodehouse
Wikipedia - William Tell -- Folk hero of Switzerland
Wikipedia - William Temple (archbishop)
Wikipedia - William Temple (bishop)
Wikipedia - William Temple Hornaday -- American conservationist and zoologist
Wikipedia - William Templeman -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William Templeton Johnson -- American architect
Wikipedia - William Tennant
Wikipedia - William Tennent III -- 18th century American minister
Wikipedia - William Tennent -- Religious leader and educator in early America
Wikipedia - William Terry (congressman) -- American politician, lawyer, teacher, and soldier
Wikipedia - William Terry (Upper Canada politician) -- Upper Canada politician and militia soldier
Wikipedia - William T. Fairbourn -- U.S. Marine Corps Major General
Wikipedia - William T. G. Morton
Wikipedia - William T. Greenough
Wikipedia - William Thaddeus Coleman Jr. -- American judge
Wikipedia - William T. Harris
Wikipedia - William the Conqueror (short story collection) -- Book by Richmal Crompton
Wikipedia - William the Conqueror -- King of England, Duke of Normandy
Wikipedia - William the Detective -- Book by Richmal Crompton
Wikipedia - William the Dictator -- Book by Richmal Crompton
Wikipedia - William the Good (short story collection) -- Book by Richmal Crompton
Wikipedia - William Theilheimer -- German chemist
Wikipedia - William the Lawless -- Book by Richmal Crompton
Wikipedia - William the Lion
Wikipedia - William the Norman
Wikipedia - William Theobald
Wikipedia - William Theodotus Capers -- American bishop
Wikipedia - William Theophilus Dortch -- American politician
Wikipedia - William the Outlaw -- Book by Richmal Crompton
Wikipedia - William the Pirate -- Book by Richmal Crompton
Wikipedia - William the Red
Wikipedia - William the Silent -- Dutch statesman
Wikipedia - William Thetford
Wikipedia - William the Victorious, Duke of Brunswick-Luneburg -- Duke of Brunswick-Luneburg and Prince of Calenberg
Wikipedia - William the Younger, Duke of Brunswick-Luneburg -- 16th-century Duke of Brunswick-Luneburg
Wikipedia - William T. Holmes -- American Civil War Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - William Thomas (Australian politician) -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William Thomas (bishop)
Wikipedia - William Thomas Blanford
Wikipedia - William Thomas Calman
Wikipedia - William Thomas Councilman
Wikipedia - William Thomas Cummings -- American chaplain
Wikipedia - William Thomas David -- A British Professor
Wikipedia - William Thomas Fletcher -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William Thomas George Gates -- British banker
Wikipedia - William Thomas Hamilton -- American politician (1820-1888)
Wikipedia - William Thomas Hodgins -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William Thomas House -- Historic home in Pennsylvania, US
Wikipedia - William Thomas (karateka) -- English karateka
Wikipedia - William Thomas Larkin
Wikipedia - William Thomas Lockhart -- Canadian politician and merchant
Wikipedia - William Thomas Rickard -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - William Thomas Roden -- British artist
Wikipedia - William Thomas Smedley -- American artist
Wikipedia - William Thomas Stead
Wikipedia - William Thomas Taylor -- Colonial Administrator
Wikipedia - William Thomas Williams (botanist)
Wikipedia - William Thompson (admiral) -- United States rear admiral (b. 1922, d. 2018)
Wikipedia - William Thompson (archer) -- American archer
Wikipedia - William Thompson (boxer) -- Boxer from Nottingham, England
Wikipedia - William Thompson (Cork)
Wikipedia - William Thompson (Ornithologist)
Wikipedia - William Thompson (philosopher)
Wikipedia - William Thompson Watkin
Wikipedia - William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin -- British physicist and engineer (1824-1907)
Wikipedia - William Thomson (bishop)
Wikipedia - William Thomson (mathematician) -- (1856-1947) Scottish mathematician
Wikipedia - William Thoresson -- Swedish gymnast
Wikipedia - William Thorne (philatelist) -- American philatelist and businessman
Wikipedia - William Thornhill -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Thornton (academic) -- English academic
Wikipedia - William Thornton Mustard -- Canadian cardiac surgeon
Wikipedia - William Thornton -- British architect and activist
Wikipedia - William T. Howe -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William Tho... -- 14th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Threlfall -- German mathematician
Wikipedia - William Thurlow -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William Thurston -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William Tibbles -- British physician and health writer (1859-1928)
Wikipedia - William Tietz -- American academic
Wikipedia - William Tighe -- Lord Lieutenant of Kilkenny from 1847 to 1878
Wikipedia - William Timberlake -- Ethological psychologist
Wikipedia - William Timmons -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Tindal Robertson -- English physician
Wikipedia - William Tirry
Wikipedia - William T. Jackson (Ohio politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - William T. Jarvis -- American health educator and skeptic (1935-2016)
Wikipedia - William T. Kent -- American actor
Wikipedia - William T. Nolan -- Canadian-born architect who worked in New Orleans, Louisiana
Wikipedia - William T. Nuckolls -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Tod Otto
Wikipedia - William Tolbert -- President of Liberia 1971-1980
Wikipedia - William Tolmie (politician) -- New Zealand politician
Wikipedia - William Tomlinson -- English cricketer and schoolmaster
Wikipedia - William Tongamp -- Papua New Guinean politician
Wikipedia - William Tonks -- American musician
Wikipedia - William Topaz McGonagall
Wikipedia - William Topley (geologist)
Wikipedia - William Torrey Harris
Wikipedia - William T. Owen -- Australian Army officer
Wikipedia - William To -- Hong Kong athlete
Wikipedia - William Townsend Aiton -- English botanist (1766-1849)
Wikipedia - William Townsend (cricketer) -- English cricketer, barrister
Wikipedia - William Townsend (mayor) -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William Townsend Porter -- physician, physiologist, and medical educator
Wikipedia - William Townshend (cricketer) -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - William Toye (author) -- Canadian writer
Wikipedia - William T. Passmore -- American lacrosse player
Wikipedia - William T. Pheiffer -- American politician
Wikipedia - William T. Piper Jr. -- American aviation businessman
Wikipedia - William T. Piper -- American airplane manufacturer and businessman
Wikipedia - William T. Porter -- 19th-century American journalist and newspaper editor
Wikipedia - William T. Powers
Wikipedia - William Traband -- American gymnast
Wikipedia - William Tracy -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Traill -- English cricketer and barrister
Wikipedia - William T. Ramsey -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Travers (New Zealand politician) -- New Zealand lawyer, politician, explorer, naturalist and photographer.(1819-1903)
Wikipedia - William Traylor -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Traynor -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - William Tresham
Wikipedia - William Trethewey -- New Zealand sculptor
Wikipedia - William Tritschler -- American gymnast
Wikipedia - William Trowbridge Merrifield Forbes
Wikipedia - William Trubridge -- New Zealand freediver and record holder
Wikipedia - William Truelove -- Royal Canadian Navy officer
Wikipedia - William Truman Aldrich -- American architect and painter
Wikipedia - William Trumbull
Wikipedia - William Trussell -- 14th-century English administrator and landowner
Wikipedia - William T. Sampson -- US naval officer
Wikipedia - William T. Sexton -- United States Army general
Wikipedia - William T. Stearn -- British botanist (1911-2001)
Wikipedia - William T. Trotter -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William Tubman -- Former President of Liberia
Wikipedia - William Tucker (priest) -- Anglican priest (1856 - 1934)
Wikipedia - William Tuckwell
Wikipedia - William Tudor Gardiner -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Tuke
Wikipedia - William Tully -- Australian diver
Wikipedia - William Tummel -- American film director
Wikipedia - William Tunberg (artist) -- American artist
Wikipedia - William Tunks -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William Tupper -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William Turnbull Jr. -- American architect
Wikipedia - William Turnbull (sailor) -- Hong Kong sailor
Wikipedia - William Turner Coggeshall -- American publisher, librarian and ambassador
Wikipedia - William Turner (naturalist)
Wikipedia - William Turner (ornithologist)
Wikipedia - William Turner Thiselton-Dyer
Wikipedia - William Turton
Wikipedia - William T. Vetterling
Wikipedia - William Tweddell -- English golfer
Wikipedia - William T. Wickner
Wikipedia - William Twigge -- Anglican priest
Wikipedia - William Tyler Page -- Clerk of U.S. House of Representatives (1868-1942)
Wikipedia - William Tyndale affair -- Controversy in British education in 1976
Wikipedia - William Tyndale -- Bible translator and reformer from England
Wikipedia - William Tyner -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William T. Young Library -- Central library at the University of Kentucky
Wikipedia - William T. Young -- American businessman
Wikipedia - William Tyrrell (RAF officer) -- Royal Air Force air marshal
Wikipedia - William Tyrwhitt -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Tyson -- South African windsurfer
Wikipedia - William Ulmer Brewery -- Landmarked buildings in Brooklyn, New York
Wikipedia - William Unek -- Belgian Congo mass murderer (1929-1954)
Wikipedia - William Unruh
Wikipedia - William Usborne Moore
Wikipedia - William Uttal -- American psychologist and engineer
Wikipedia - William Vahey -- American schoolteacher; pedophile child abuser
Wikipedia - William Valentine (archer) -- American archer
Wikipedia - William Valentine -- American educator
Wikipedia - William Vallance Betts -- English architect
Wikipedia - William Vanderpuye -- British actor
Wikipedia - William Vandever -- Union Army general
Wikipedia - William Van Mildert
Wikipedia - William Van Regenmorter -- American politician from Michigan
Wikipedia - William Vansittart Bowater -- British businessman
Wikipedia - William Vargas -- Cuban weightlifter
Wikipedia - William Vasiliades -- Cypriot weightlifter
Wikipedia - William Vaughan (art historian)
Wikipedia - William V. Bouic -- American lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - William V. Brady
Wikipedia - William V. D'Antonio -- Italian-American sociologist and educator
Wikipedia - William V, Duke of Aquitaine
Wikipedia - William V, Duke of Bavaria
Wikipedia - William Veitch (minister) -- Scottish Presbyterian minister (1640-1722)
Wikipedia - William Vernon Harcourt (scientist)
Wikipedia - William Vesey Munnings -- Chief Justice of the Bahamas
Wikipedia - William Vestey, 1st Baron Vestey -- British businessman (1859-1940), co-founder of Vestey Brothers, now Vestey Group
Wikipedia - William V. Houston -- American physicist
Wikipedia - William Vickrey
Wikipedia - William Vick -- English photography pioneer
Wikipedia - William Victor Fox -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - William VIII of Aquitaine
Wikipedia - William VillafaM-CM-1e -- Puerto Rican politician
Wikipedia - William Vincent BarrM-CM-) -- Linguist, historian and translator
Wikipedia - William Vincent Legge
Wikipedia - William Vince -- Canadian movie producer
Wikipedia - William Vivour -- Equatoguinean planter
Wikipedia - William V. Mong -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Vobach -- American former politician from the state of Indiana
Wikipedia - William Vogel -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William Vogt
Wikipedia - William von Eggers Doering
Wikipedia - William von WirM-CM-)n -- Estonian sailor
Wikipedia - William Voorhees Judson -- United States Army general
Wikipedia - William Vorilong
Wikipedia - William Vousden -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - William V, Prince of Orange
Wikipedia - William V. Ranous -- American actor and director
Wikipedia - William V. Rinehart -- American soldier who served as a Union Army officer
Wikipedia - William V. Turner -- Alabama politician
Wikipedia - William Waddington -- 19th century French statesman, Prime Minister (1879) and an Ambassador of France
Wikipedia - William Wade Dudley -- 19th century American lawyer, politician, and Union Army officer. 13th U.S. Commissioner of Pensions, U.S. Marshal, Treasurer of the Republican National Committee.
Wikipedia - William Wade Hampton -- American lawyer
Wikipedia - William Wadsworth (actor) -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Wadsworth (patriarch) -- American colonial
Wikipedia - William Wagner (philanthropist) -- American scientist, philanthropist, and merchant (1796-1885)
Wikipedia - William Wain Prior -- Danish general
Wikipedia - William Wake -- Archbishop of Canterbury
Wikipedia - William Walcher
Wikipedia - William Waldegrave (Suffolk MP, died 1554) -- English soldier and Member of Parliament
Wikipedia - William Waldegrave (Suffolk MP, died 1613) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Wales (astronomer)
Wikipedia - William Walker, 1st Baron Wavertree -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Walker Atkinson
Wikipedia - William Walker (composer)
Wikipedia - William Walker (filibuster) -- 19th-century American filibuster, physician, lawyer, journalist, and mercenary
Wikipedia - William Walker (Wyandot leader) -- Wyandot leader, born 1800
Wikipedia - William Wallace Anderson -- American architect and medical doctor
Wikipedia - William Wallace, Baron Wallace of Saltaire -- British politician and writer (born 1941)
Wikipedia - William Wallace Campbell
Wikipedia - William Wallace (mathematician)
Wikipedia - William Wallace (Scottish philosopher)
Wikipedia - William Wallace Smith Bliss -- American army officer and mathematician
Wikipedia - William Wallace Stewart Johnston -- Australian Army officer
Wikipedia - William Wallace -- Scottish landowner and leader in the First War of Scottish Independence
Wikipedia - William Wallace Wotherspoon -- 6th Chief of Staff of the United States Army
Wikipedia - William Wall (New York politician) -- American politician and businessman
Wikipedia - William Walmsley -- British automobile designer
Wikipedia - William Walrond, 1st Baron Waleran -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Walrond (politician) -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Walsh (academic)
Wikipedia - William Walsh (archbishop of Dublin) -- Catholic prelate, first chancellor of the NUI
Wikipedia - William Walsh (poet) -- English politician and poet
Wikipedia - William Walton Kitchin -- 52nd Governor of North Carolina
Wikipedia - William Walton -- English composer (1902-1983)
Wikipedia - William Wand
Wikipedia - William Warburton -- 18th-century English writer, literary critic, and bishop
Wikipedia - William Ward, 1st Earl of Dudley -- British landowner and benefactor
Wikipedia - William Warder Norton -- American publisher
Wikipedia - William Ward Jr. -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Ward (Pennsylvania politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Ward (priest)
Wikipedia - William Ward Turney -- Texas politician
Wikipedia - William Warelwast -- 11th century Norman Bishop of Exeter
Wikipedia - William Warfield -- American concert bass-baritone singer and actor (1920-2002)
Wikipedia - William Warham -- Archbishop of Canterbury
Wikipedia - William Warntz -- American geographer
Wikipedia - William Warren Barbour -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Warren Bartley
Wikipedia - William Warrick Cardozo -- African American scientist
Wikipedia - William Warwick Hawkins -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Washington Gordon -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Washington (painter) -- British painter
Wikipedia - William Washington -- United States military officer
Wikipedia - William Watkin (MP for Pembroke) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Watkin (MP for Wells) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Watkins (entomologist) -- English entomologist
Wikipedia - William Watson Ogilvie -- Canadian businessman
Wikipedia - William Watson (weightlifter) -- British weightlifter
Wikipedia - William Watt (Australian politician) -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William Watters -- British gymnast
Wikipedia - William Watts Ball -- Newspaper editor and author
Wikipedia - William Watts Folwell -- American historian and president of the University of Minnesota, 1833-1929
Wikipedia - William Wauer -- German sculptor and film director
Wikipedia - William Waynflete
Wikipedia - William Way
Wikipedia - William W. Bauer -- American physician and health writer (1892-1967)
Wikipedia - William W. Borden High School -- Public high school in Borden, Indiana
Wikipedia - William W. Bosworth -- American architect
Wikipedia - William W. Brandon -- American politician
Wikipedia - William W. Cates -- American philosopher, photographer, writer and vintner
Wikipedia - William W. Chapman -- American politician
Wikipedia - William W. Cobey -- American university administrator (1908-1998)
Wikipedia - William W. Connors
Wikipedia - William W. Cooper
Wikipedia - William W. Creamer -- Recipient of the Navy Cross
Wikipedia - William W. Davies (USMC) -- U.S. Marine Corps Major General
Wikipedia - William W. Davies
Wikipedia - William W. Dixon -- American politician
Wikipedia - William W. Doar -- American politician
Wikipedia - William W. Eagles -- U.S. Army Major General
Wikipedia - William Webb (cricketer, born 1898) -- English cricketer and civil servant
Wikipedia - William Webb (diver) -- British diver
Wikipedia - William Webbe alias Kellowe -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Webbe (by 1499 - 1554) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Webbe (by 1508 - c. 1547) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Webbe (died 1585) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Webbe (fl. 1542) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Webbe (mayor) -- 16th-century English merchant and Lord Mayor of London
Wikipedia - William Webber (surgeon) -- English surgeon
Wikipedia - William Webb Ferguson -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Webb Follett -- English lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - William Webster (cricketer, born 1910) -- English athlete, stockbroker, and administrator
Wikipedia - William Wedemeyer -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Weekes Fowler
Wikipedia - William Wegman (photographer) -- American photographer
Wikipedia - William Weigle -- American racewalker
Wikipedia - William Welby-Gregory
Wikipedia - William Welch (cricketer, born 1911) -- Australian-born English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - William Welch Kellogg -- American meteorologist and climatologist
Wikipedia - William Welles Bosworth
Wikipedia - William Wellington Godfrey -- Adjutant-General Royal Marines
Wikipedia - William Wellman Jr. -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Wells (bishop)
Wikipedia - William Wells Brown -- African-American abolitionist lecturer, novelist, playwright, and historian
Wikipedia - William Wells (New Zealand politician) -- New Zealand politician
Wikipedia - William Wells (priest)
Wikipedia - William Welply -- British sailor
Wikipedia - William Welsh (actor) -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Wentworth-Fitzwilliam, 7th Earl Fitzwilliam -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Wernigk
Wikipedia - William Westcott (aviator) -- American Korean War flying ace
Wikipedia - William West (equestrian) -- American equestrian
Wikipedia - William Westley Guth
Wikipedia - William Westmoreland -- 25th Chief of Staff of the United States Army
Wikipedia - William West (sailor) -- Canadian sailor
Wikipedia - William West Skiles -- American churchman and community founder
Wikipedia - William West (umpire) -- English cricketer and Test match umpire
Wikipedia - William Wetmore Story and His Friends -- Book by Henry James
Wikipedia - William W. Field -- 19th century American Republican politician, 16th Speaker of the Wisconsin State Assembly
Wikipedia - William W. Fitzhugh -- American archaeologist and anthropologist
Wikipedia - William W. Gullett -- Maryland politician
Wikipedia - William W. Hagerty -- American academic administrator
Wikipedia - William Wharton (author) -- American author
Wikipedia - William W. Hartzog -- US Army general
Wikipedia - William Whateley (barrister) -- English barrister
Wikipedia - William W. Hay -- American marine geologist, micropaleontologist, paleoceanographer, and paleoclimatologist
Wikipedia - William Wheatcroft -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Wheaton
Wikipedia - William W. Henry -- American Civil War Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - William Whewell
Wikipedia - William Whipper -- African-American businessman and abolitionist (1804-1876)
Wikipedia - William Whipple Warren -- Historian, interpreter, and legislator in the Minnesota Territory
Wikipedia - William Whiston
Wikipedia - William Whitaker (geologist)
Wikipedia - William Whitaker's Words -- Latin-English dictionary program
Wikipedia - William White Anderson -- Scottish minister and chaplain
Wikipedia - William White Bent -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - William White (British Army officer) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - William White (field hockey) -- British sportsman
Wikipedia - William Whitehall -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Whitehead House -- Historic building in Boise, Idaho
Wikipedia - William Whitehead (poet) -- 18th-century British Poet Laureate and playwright
Wikipedia - William Whitehead Watts
Wikipedia - William White (sport shooter) -- British sports shooter.
Wikipedia - William Whitney Christmas -- American physician and aviator
Wikipedia - William Whittingham Lyman -- American winemaker
Wikipedia - William Whittlesey -- 14th-century Archbishop of Canterbury
Wikipedia - William Whitty Hall -- American physician
Wikipedia - William Wickham (bishop) -- Bishop of Winchester
Wikipedia - William Wiebe -- Canadian Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - William Wierman Wright -- American civil engineer (1824 - 1882)
Wikipedia - William Wightman (died 1580) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Wigley -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William Wigston (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - -- American rapper, songwriter, record producer, entrepreneur and actor
Wikipedia - William Wilberforce -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Wilde -- Irish surgeon and writer
Wikipedia - William Wilfred Campbell -- Canadian poet
Wikipedia - William Wilka -- Paraguayan sports shooter
Wikipedia - William Wilkinson Addison -- English historian, author and jurist
Wikipedia - William Wilks -- British horticulturalist and clergyman
Wikipedia - William Willard Ashe -- U.S. forester and botanist
Wikipedia - William Willett -- British builder
Wikipedia - William Williams (bishop) -- 19th-century Anglican Bishop of Waiapu
Wikipedia - William Williams Keen -- First U.S. brain surgeon.
Wikipedia - William Williams Mather
Wikipedia - William Williams of Wern -- Welsh minister
Wikipedia - William Williamson (Australian politician) -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - William Williams Pantycelyn
Wikipedia - William Willy -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Wilson (artist) -- British artist
Wikipedia - William Wilson Cash
Wikipedia - William Wilson (died 1582) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Wilson Hunter
Wikipedia - William Wilson Morgan
Wikipedia - William Wilson (physicist)
Wikipedia - William Wilson Saunders
Wikipedia - William Wilson (Secession minister) -- original First Secession minister
Wikipedia - William Wilson (short story) -- Short story by Edgar Allan Poe
Wikipedia - William Wilson Talcott -- Newspaper publisher and University of Michigan quarterback
Wikipedia - William Wilson-Todd -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Wilson (Upper Canada politician) -- Upper Canada militia officer, politician, and justice of the peace
Wikipedia - William Wilson (Victorian politician) -- Australian politician (1834-1891)
Wikipedia - William Windham (of Earsham, senior) -- British Army officer and politician
Wikipedia - William Windham Sr. -- English landowner
Wikipedia - William Windham -- 18th/19th-century British politician
Wikipedia - William Windom (actor) -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Windsor (goat) -- Cashmere goat
Wikipedia - William Wingate -- South African lawyer and writer
Wikipedia - William Wing Loring -- American soldier
Wikipedia - William Winkelman -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Winn
Wikipedia - William Winter (author) -- 19th-century American critic and writer
Wikipedia - William Winter (politician) -- American attorney and politician
Wikipedia - William Wintersole -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Wirt Winchester -- American businessman
Wikipedia - William Wister Haines -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - William Withering -- English scientist
Wikipedia - William Witherle Lawrence -- American philologist
Wikipedia - William Withers (golfer) -- American golfer
Wikipedia - William Withers -- Lord Mayor of London
Wikipedia - William Witney -- American director
Wikipedia - William W. McCutcheon -- American politician from Minnesota
Wikipedia - William W. McDonald -- American rancher and conservationist
Wikipedia - William W. McGuire -- American healthcare executive
Wikipedia - William W. Murdoch
Wikipedia - William W. Noyes -- American Civil War Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - William Wohlforth
Wikipedia - William Wolf (critic) -- American critic
Wikipedia - William Wolff -- German-British journalist and rabbi
Wikipedia - William Wolfskill -- American cowboy and agronomist
Wikipedia - William Wollaston
Wikipedia - William Wood, 1st Baron Hatherley -- British lawyer and statesman
Wikipedia - William Woodard -- American academic
Wikipedia - William Wood (diver) -- English diver
Wikipedia - William Wood (New Zealand politician) -- 19th-century New Zealand politician
Wikipedia - William Woodruff (Upper Canada politician) -- Upper Canada politician
Wikipedia - William Woods University
Wikipedia - William Woodthorpe Tarn -- British classical scholar and historian of classical antiquity (1869-1957)
Wikipedia - William Woodville Rockhill
Wikipedia - William Woodward Sr. -- American banker and racehorse owner (1876-1953)
Wikipedia - William Wood (zoologist)
Wikipedia - William Woollard -- English former television presenter
Wikipedia - William Woolls -- Australian botanist (1814-1893)
Wikipedia - William Woolsey Johnson -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - William Wootton (politician) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Worcester
Wikipedia - William Wordsworth (composer)
Wikipedia - William Wordsworth -- English Romantic poet
Wikipedia - William Worrall -- English fabric and glass designer
Wikipedia - William Worsley -- English cricketer and landowner
Wikipedia - William Worthington (actor) -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Wotton
Wikipedia - William W. Popp -- American diplomat
Wikipedia - William W. "Bill" Kirtley -- American anti-death penalty activist
Wikipedia - William Wragg -- British politician
Wikipedia - William Wray (artist)
Wikipedia - William Wrede -- German Lutheran theologian (1859-1906)
Wikipedia - William Wright Abbot -- American archivist and historian
Wikipedia - William Wright (actor) -- actor
Wikipedia - William Wright Beling II -- Sri Lankan artist
Wikipedia - William Wright (botanist)
Wikipedia - William Wright (cricketer, born 1841) -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - William Wright (Orientalist)
Wikipedia - William Wright (orientalist)
Wikipedia - William Wright Southgate -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Wrigley Jr. -- American businessman (1861-1932)
Wikipedia - William Wroughton -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William W. Smith (admiral) -- American Vice admiral
Wikipedia - William W. Stickney (USMC) -- U.S. Marine Corps Major General
Wikipedia - William W. Tait
Wikipedia - William Wulf
Wikipedia - William Wurtenburg
Wikipedia - William W. Woodman -- American politician
Wikipedia - William Wyatt Bibb -- American politician and 1st Governor of Alabama
Wikipedia - William Wyatt (weightlifter) -- British weightlifter
Wikipedia - William Wycherley -- English dramatist of the Restoration period
Wikipedia - William Wyggeston -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Wyler -- German-born American film director, producer and screenwriter (1902-1981)
Wikipedia - William Wyndham Green -- British Army general
Wikipedia - William Wynn Westcott
Wikipedia - William Wynter -- Welsh admiral under Queen Elizabeth I of England
Wikipedia - William Wyse Professor of Social Anthropology -- Chair in the University of Cambridge
Wikipedia - William X, Duke of Aquitaine
Wikipedia - William Yardley (cricketer) -- English cricketer and playwright
Wikipedia - William Yardley -- Quaker minister
Wikipedia - William Yarrell
Wikipedia - William Yates (athlete) -- British racewalker
Wikipedia - William Yates (died 1558 or 1559) -- English politician
Wikipedia - William Y.C. Chen -- Chinese mathematician
Wikipedia - William Young Sellar
Wikipedia - William Yount -- American hurdler
Wikipedia - William Zabka -- American actor
Wikipedia - William Ziegler House -- Former historic house in New York City
Wikipedia - William Zinsser -- American writer
Wikipedia - William Zion -- United States Marine Corps Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - William Zorach -- American sculptor
Wikipedia - William Zouche -- 14th-century Archbishop of York and Treasurer of England
Wikipedia - Willibad
Wikipedia - Willibald Alexis -- German novelist
Wikipedia - Willibald Borowietz -- German general
Wikipedia - Willibald Eser -- German screenwriter
Wikipedia - Willibald Monschein -- Austrian Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Willibald Nagel -- German physiologist
Wikipedia - Willibald Pahr -- Austrian politician and diplomat
Wikipedia - Willibald Peter Prasthofer
Wikipedia - Willibald Utz -- German general of World War II
Wikipedia - Willibald
Wikipedia - Willi Baumeister -- German painter
Wikipedia - Willi Behnisch -- Argentine cinematographer
Wikipedia - Willi Betz -- German road haulage and logistics company
Wikipedia - Willi Brase -- German politician and member of the SPD
Wikipedia - Willibrord Society
Wikipedia - Willibrordus Pouw -- Dutch gymnast
Wikipedia - Willibrord
Wikipedia - Willi Burger -- Italian harmonica player
Wikipedia - Willicher Fleuth -- River in Germany
Wikipedia - Willi Danklmaier -- Austrian luger
Wikipedia - Willi Dansgaard
Wikipedia - Willie Adams (politician) -- Canadian Inuit politician
Wikipedia - Willie Alexander -- Singer and keyboard player
Wikipedia - Willie Allen (racing driver) -- American racing driver and team owner
Wikipedia - Willie and Earl Richard's Daughter -- Traditional song
Wikipedia - Willie and Lady Maisry -- Traditional song
Wikipedia - Willie Aucamp -- South African politician
Wikipedia - Willie Bailey -- American politician
Wikipedia - Willie Baker -- American Piedmont blues guitarist singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Willie Barrett -- Irish hurling referee
Wikipedia - Willie Barrow -- American civil rights activist and minister
Wikipedia - Willie Bermingham -- Irish activist and firefighter
Wikipedia - Willie Best -- American actor
Wikipedia - Willie Bosket -- American murderer
Wikipedia - Willie Brown (golfer) -- Scottish golfer
Wikipedia - Willie Brown (politician) -- American politician of the Democratic Party
Wikipedia - Willie Campbell (golfer) -- Scottish professional golfer
Wikipedia - Willie Campbell (hurler) -- Irish hurler from County Cork
Wikipedia - Willie Clancy (hurler) -- Irish hurler from Cork
Wikipedia - Willie Clarke (songwriter) -- American musician and songwriter
Wikipedia - Willie Colon -- Nuyorican salsa musician and conservative social activist
Wikipedia - Willie Darden -- African American man convicted and executed in the U.S. for murder
Wikipedia - Willie Davenport -- American athlete and bobsledder
Wikipedia - Willie Dennis -- American jazz musician
Wikipedia - Willie deWit -- Canadian boxer and lawyer
Wikipedia - Willie Dixon -- American recording artist; blues musician
Wikipedia - Willie Donnelly (hurler) -- Irish hurler
Wikipedia - Willie Doran -- Irish sportsperson
Wikipedia - Willie Dow -- Scottish golfer
Wikipedia - Willie Drye -- American journalist and an author
Wikipedia - Willie Dunn Sr. -- Scottish professional golfer
Wikipedia - Willie Dunphy -- Irish sportsperson
Wikipedia - Willie Dynamite -- 1974 film by Gilbert Moses
Wikipedia - Willie Earl Green -- American wrongfully convicted of murder
Wikipedia - Willie Fennell -- Australian actor
Wikipedia - Willie Fernie (golfer) -- Scottish golfer and golf course architect
Wikipedia - Willie Frame (curler) -- Scottish male curler
Wikipedia - Willie Fung -- Chinese actor
Wikipedia - Willie Garson -- American actor
Wikipedia - Willie Gates -- American mixed martial artist
Wikipedia - Willie Gaudin -- British professional golfer
Wikipedia - Willie Geist -- American television personality (born 1975)
Wikipedia - Willie Hamilton -- British Labour politician
Wikipedia - Willie Haughey -- British businessman
Wikipedia - Willie Hobbs Moore -- American physicist
Wikipedia - Willie Hoel -- Norwegian actor and comedian
Wikipedia - Willie Horace Thomas Tams -- British entomologist
Wikipedia - Willie Hunter (golfer) -- Scottish-American golfer
Wikipedia - Willie Hutch -- American musician
Wikipedia - Willie Jamieson (curler) -- Scottish male curler
Wikipedia - Willie J. Hagan -- American university administrator
Wikipedia - Willie Jolley -- American author and speaker
Wikipedia - Willie Klein -- American golfer
Wikipedia - Willie K -- Hawaiian musician
Wikipedia - Willie Lee Simmons -- American politician
Wikipedia - Willie Littlechild -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - Willie Lumpkin
Wikipedia - Willie L. Williams -- Commissioner of the Philadelphia PD
Wikipedia - Willie Macfarlane -- Scottish golfer
Wikipedia - Willie Mack -- American singer
Wikipedia - Willie Mae Allen -- American community activist and politician
Wikipedia - Willie Mae Ford Smith -- American gospel singer
Wikipedia - Willie Marais -- South African politician
Wikipedia - Willie Marks -- Irish road racing cyclist and sports administrator
Wikipedia - Willie Martinez (jockey) -- Puerto Rican jockey
Wikipedia - Willie May -- American hurdler
Wikipedia - Willie McEwan (golfer) -- Scottish professional golfer
Wikipedia - Willie McIntosh -- Scottish curler
Wikipedia - Willie McSporran -- British businessman
Wikipedia - Willie Mongin -- Malaysian politician
Wikipedia - Willie More -- English golfer and coach
Wikipedia - Willie Morris -- American writer and editor
Wikipedia - Willie Mosconi -- American pool player
Wikipedia - Willie Mount -- American politician from Louisiana
Wikipedia - Willie Mullins -- Irish horse trainer
Wikipedia - Willie Nelson Biodiesel -- American biofuel company
Wikipedia - Willie Nelson -- American country music singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Willie Nile -- Rock and folk musician
Wikipedia - Willie Oates -- American philanthropist, social activist and politician
Wikipedia - Willie o Douglas Dale -- Traditional song
Wikipedia - Willie o Winsbury -- Traditional song
Wikipedia - Willie Parau Browne -- Cook Islands businessman and politician
Wikipedia - Willie Park Sr. -- Scottish professional golfer
Wikipedia - Willie Peeters -- Dutch mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Willie Perdomo -- Puerto Rican poet and children's book author
Wikipedia - Willie Piazza -- American brothel madam
Wikipedia - Willie Redmond -- Irish politician
Wikipedia - Willie Rennie -- Leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats
Wikipedia - Willie Revillame -- Filipino television host, singer, songwriter, businessman, actor and comedian
Wikipedia - Willie Ritchie (golfer) -- Scottish golfer
Wikipedia - Willie Ritchie -- American boxing champion
Wikipedia - Willie Rogers (Tuskegee) -- African-American pilot and veteran
Wikipedia - Willie Rosario -- Puerto Rican musician
Wikipedia - Willie Runs the Park -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - Willie Sanderson -- Scottish male curler
Wikipedia - Willie's Lady -- Traditional song
Wikipedia - Willie's Lyke-Wake -- Traditional song
Wikipedia - Willie Smith (golfer) -- Scottish golfer
Wikipedia - Willie Smith (hurdler) -- Namibian hurdler
Wikipedia - Willie Smit -- South African bicycle racer
Wikipedia - Willie Soon
Wikipedia - Willie Strath -- Scottish golfer
Wikipedia - Willie Sutton -- American bank robber
Wikipedia - Willie Tax -- Tax imposed on the residents of the city of Caguas, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Willie Taylor -- American singer-songwriter from Illinois
Wikipedia - Willie the Kid (rapper) -- American Rapper
Wikipedia - Willie Thomson -- Scottish golfer
Wikipedia - Willie Trotter -- British musician
Wikipedia - Willie Walsh (businessman) -- Irish airline executive
Wikipedia - Willie Watson (bowls) -- Irish lawn bowler
Wikipedia - Willie Watt (golfer) -- Scottish golfer
Wikipedia - Willie Williams (karateka) -- American karateka and mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Willie Wilson (businessman) -- American businessman and perennial candidate
Wikipedia - Willie Wolfe -- Founding member of the Symbionese Liberation Army
Wikipedia - Willie Wright (musician) -- American singer
Wikipedia - Willie W. Smith -- American physiologist
Wikipedia - Willie Young (curler) -- Scottish curler
Wikipedia - Williford, Arkansas -- Small town in Northeastern Arkansas
Wikipedia - Willi Forst -- Austrian actor
Wikipedia - Willi Gabriel (archer) -- German archer
Wikipedia - Willi Gabriel -- World War I flying ace
Wikipedia - Willi Gantschnigg -- Austrian ski jumper and folk musician
Wikipedia - Willi Geiger (painter) -- German painter
Wikipedia - Willigis JM-CM-$ger -- German friar and Buddhist teacher
Wikipedia - Willigis -- Archbishop of Mainz
Wikipedia - Willi Glasauer
Wikipedia - Willi Graf
Wikipedia - Willi Gundlach -- German choral conductor and academic
Wikipedia - Willi Hartung -- Swiss painter
Wikipedia - Willi Hennig
Wikipedia - Willi Herold -- German war criminal
Wikipedia - Willi Herrmann -- German art director
Wikipedia - Willi Hoffmann (weightlifter) -- German weightlifter
Wikipedia - Willi Hofmann -- Swiss bobsledder
Wikipedia - Willi Holdorf -- German athlete
Wikipedia - Willi Huttig -- German photographer (1909-2001)
Wikipedia - Willi Jaschek -- German gymnast
Wikipedia - Willi JM-CM-$ger -- German mathematician
Wikipedia - Willi Kafel -- Austrian gymnast
Wikipedia - Willi Kolb -- German weightlifter
Wikipedia - Willi Koopman -- Dutch actress
Wikipedia - Willi Kurten -- German hurdler
Wikipedia - Willimantic, Connecticut
Wikipedia - Willi Matthias -- German hurdler
Wikipedia - Willi Meyer -- German diver
Wikipedia - Willi Mnzenberg
Wikipedia - Willi Moser (athlete) -- Swiss hurdler
Wikipedia - Willi Moy -- French gymnast
Wikipedia - Willi Munstermann -- German entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Willi Munzenberg -- German politician
Wikipedia - Willi Nemitz -- German flying ace
Wikipedia - Willingboro High School -- High school in Burlington County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Willingboro Township, New Jersey -- Township in Burlington County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Willingdon Cup -- annual amateur golf team competition
Wikipedia - Willingdon-Two Hills -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Willingham by Stow -- Village in Lincolnshire, England
Wikipedia - Willingham, Cambridgeshire
Wikipedia - Willingness to communicate
Wikipedia - Willing to Forgive -- 1994 single by Aretha Franklin
Wikipedia - Willington Grove, Minnesota -- Unincorporated community in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Willington railway station (Bedfordshire) -- Former railway station in Bedfordshire, England
Wikipedia - Willington railway station -- Railway station in Derbyshire, England
Wikipedia - Willi Petzold -- German painter
Wikipedia - Willi Reinfrank -- German weightlifter
Wikipedia - Willi Remer -- German modern pentathlete
Wikipedia - Willi Reschke -- German World War II fighter pilot
Wikipedia - Willi Rinow -- German mathematician
Wikipedia - Willi Rose -- German actor
Wikipedia - Willis Adcock -- Canadian-American chemist
Wikipedia - Willi Sandner -- German speed skater
Wikipedia - Willis Augustus Hodges -- American abolitionist
Wikipedia - Willisau railway station -- Swiss railway station
Wikipedia - Willis Avenue Bridge -- Bridge between Manhattan and the Bronx, New York
Wikipedia - Willi Sawall -- Australian race walker
Wikipedia - Willis Barnstone -- American poet, translator, and Hispanist
Wikipedia - Willis Blatchley
Wikipedia - Willis Bradley Haviland -- American aviator
Wikipedia - Willis Carrier
Wikipedia - Willis Carto -- American far right political activist
Wikipedia - Willi Schaeffers -- German actor
Wikipedia - Willi Schlamm -- Austrian-American journalist
Wikipedia - Willi SchM-CM-$fer (bobsleigh) -- German bobsledder
Wikipedia - Willi Schneider (skeleton racer) -- German skeleton racer
Wikipedia - Willi Schrade -- German actor
Wikipedia - Willi Schreyer -- Austrian gymnast
Wikipedia - Willis Conover -- American radio producer
Wikipedia - Willis Curdy -- American politician
Wikipedia - Willis E. Davis (painter) -- American artist
Wikipedia - Willis E. Lamb
Wikipedia - Willis Eugene Lamb
Wikipedia - Willis F. Denny -- American architect
Wikipedia - Willis Garcia -- Venezuelan judoka
Wikipedia - Willis Goldbeck -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Willis Group -- Multinational risk advisor, insurance brokerage and reinsurance brokerage company
Wikipedia - Willis Hall (New York politician) -- American politician and lawyer
Wikipedia - Willis Harman -- American electrical engineer
Wikipedia - Willis H. Flygare
Wikipedia - Willis H. O'Brien -- American special effects technician and animator
Wikipedia - Willis Ho -- Hong Kong journalist and activist
Wikipedia - Willi Sitte -- German painter
Wikipedia - Willis J. Gertsch
Wikipedia - Willis J. Potts -- American pediatric surgeon
Wikipedia - Willis Keith Baldwin -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - Willis Kent -- American film producer
Wikipedia - Willis Lamb
Wikipedia - Willis Lent -- US Navy admiral
Wikipedia - Willis Linn Jepson -- American botanist (1867-1946)
Wikipedia - Willis Marks -- American actor
Wikipedia - Willis McCabe -- American athlete
Wikipedia - Willis M. Hawkins
Wikipedia - Willi Smith -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Willis Overton -- American psychologist
Wikipedia - Willis Polk -- American architect
Wikipedia - Willis P. Sweatnam -- American actor
Wikipedia - Willis Ray Gregg
Wikipedia - Willis R. Whitney -- American chemist and founder of the research laboratory of the General Electric Company (1926-2012)
Wikipedia - Willis Stephens -- American politician
Wikipedia - Willi Stadel -- German gymnast
Wikipedia - Williston Basin International Airport -- Airport in Williston, North Dakota, USA
Wikipedia - Williston Herald -- Newspaper published in Williston, North Dakota, U.S.
Wikipedia - Williston Seminary
Wikipedia - Willis Towers Watson -- Global insurance company
Wikipedia - Willis Tower -- Skyscraper in Chicago
Wikipedia - Willis Tucker -- American politician and newspaper editor
Wikipedia - Willis Van Devanter (art appraiser) -- American manuscript appraiser
Wikipedia - Willis Ware
Wikipedia - Willis Way station -- Light rail station in Waterloo, Ontario
Wikipedia - Williswinde -- Book by Louis Couperus
Wikipedia - Willi Titze -- German painter
Wikipedia - Will it play in Peoria? -- A phrase metaphorically asking if something has mainstream appeal.
Wikipedia - Willi Trakofler -- Italian snowboarder
Wikipedia - Willits station -- Railway station in Willits, California
Wikipedia - Willi van Ooyen -- German politician
Wikipedia - Willi Vogl -- German composer
Wikipedia - Williwaw (novel) -- 1946 novel by Gore Vidal
Wikipedia - Willi Welscher -- German hurdler
Wikipedia - Willi Welt -- Austrian gymnast
Wikipedia - Will I? -- 2001 single by AnnaGrace
Wikipedia - Willi Willwohl -- German bicycle racer
Wikipedia - Will Jennings -- American songwriter
Wikipedia - Will Jones (rugby union)
Wikipedia - Will (Joyner Lucas song) -- 2020 single by Joyner Lucas
Wikipedia - Will Keen -- English actor
Wikipedia - Will Keith Kellogg -- American businessman
Wikipedia - Will Kemp (actor, born 1977) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Will Kerr -- American mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Will Kirby -- American Big Brother winner
Wikipedia - Will Knaak -- American guitarist
Wikipedia - Will Kymlicka
Wikipedia - Will (law)
Wikipedia - Will Lee -- American actor
Wikipedia - Will Lockett -- American serial killer
Wikipedia - Will Marion Cook -- American composer and violinist
Wikipedia - Will Martinez -- American mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Will Martin (sailor) -- American sailor
Wikipedia - Will Martin -- New Zealand singer
Wikipedia - Will Mellor -- British actor
Wikipedia - Willmer "Little Ax" Broadnax -- American musician
Wikipedia - Will Metcalf -- Investment banker and Texas state legislator
Wikipedia - Will Meyrick -- Portuguese chef
Wikipedia - Willmore conjecture -- A lower bound on the integrated squared mean curvature of a torus
Wikipedia - Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest? -- Utterance attributed to Henry II of England, which led to the murder of Thomas Becket in 1170
Wikipedia - Will (novel) -- 2007 book by Christopher Rush
Wikipedia - Willobie His Avisa -- 1594 poem
Wikipedia - Will of God -- Concept of a God having a plan for humanity
Wikipedia - Will Oldham -- American singer-songwriter and actor
Wikipedia - Willor Lee Guilford -- African American film actress
Wikipedia - Will o' the Wisp (comics)
Wikipedia - Will O' the Wisp (novel) -- 1931 novel by the French writer Pierre Drieu La Rochelle
Wikipedia - Will-o'-the-wisp -- Atmospheric ghost lights
Wikipedia - Willoughby Allen -- British Archdeacon
Wikipedia - Willoughby Dickinson, 1st Baron Dickinson -- British politician
Wikipedia - Willoughby (Looney Tunes) -- Warner Bros. theatrical cartoon character
Wikipedia - Willoughby railway station -- Former railway station in Lincolnshire, England
Wikipedia - Will Oursler
Wikipedia - Willow (2019 film) -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Willow Bay -- American model and journalist
Wikipedia - Willow beauty -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Willowbend, Houston
Wikipedia - Willowbrook Cemetery
Wikipedia - Willow Creek (Lassen County, California) -- River in Lassen County, California
Wikipedia - Willow Creek, Minnesota -- Unincorporated community in Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - Willow Dawson -- Canadian cartoonist and illustrator
Wikipedia - Willow Fong -- Fijian-Australian lawn bowler
Wikipedia - Willow Garage
Wikipedia - Willow Glen Resident -- weekly newspaper in San Jose, CA, US
Wikipedia - Willowherb hawkmoth -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Willow Island disaster -- 1978 collapse of a cooling tower under construction in WV, US
Wikipedia - Willow-Jean Prime -- New Zealand politician
Wikipedia - Willow Man -- Outdoor sculpture in Somerset, England
Wikipedia - Willow Meadows, Houston
Wikipedia - Willowmere -- Home in Nassau County, New York, United States
Wikipedia - Willowmoore Park -- Cricket stadium
Wikipedia - Willow Park School, Dublin -- Willow Park School, Dublin
Wikipedia - Willow Peak -- Mountain peak in the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt
Wikipedia - Willow ptarmigan -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Willow River, Minnesota -- City in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Willow Rosenberg -- Character in Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Wikipedia - Willow Run Airport -- Airport in Ypsilanti, Michigan, United States
Wikipedia - Willow Run (Husbands Run tributary) -- Stream in Delaware, USA
Wikipedia - Willow Run Laboratory
Wikipedia - Willows Korean Aviation School -- Aviation school to train fighter pilots for the Korean Independence Movement
Wikipedia - Willow Smith discography -- Artist discography
Wikipedia - Willow Smith -- American musician (born 2000)
Wikipedia - Willow (song) -- 2020 single by Taylor Swift
Wikipedia - Willow song -- English folk song
Wikipedia - Willow Springs Lake -- Lake in Coconino County, Arizona, U.S.
Wikipedia - Willow station (PAAC) -- PAT station
Wikipedia - Willows Toolkit for UNIX
Wikipedia - Willow tit -- Species of passerine bird in the tit family Paridae
Wikipedia - Willow Township, Monona County, Iowa -- Township in Iowa, USA
Wikipedia - Willow Township, Woodbury County, Iowa -- Township in Iowa, USA
Wikipedia - Willow (TV channel) -- American cricket sports television channel
Wikipedia - Willowvale Shale -- Geological formation
Wikipedia - Willow Village
Wikipedia - Willow Weep for Me -- Original song written and composed by Ann Ronell
Wikipedia - Willow -- Genus of plants
Wikipedia - Will Packer Productions -- American media production company
Wikipedia - Will Packer -- American film producer
Wikipedia - Will Patton -- American actor
Wikipedia - Will Peltz
Wikipedia - Will Penny -- 1968 film by Tom Gries
Wikipedia - Will Pfeifer -- American comic book writer
Wikipedia - Will (philosophy)
Wikipedia - Will Pope -- Fictional character featured in TNT's The Closer
Wikipedia - Will Poulter -- English actor
Wikipedia - Will Powell (racing driver) -- British racing driver (b. 1985)
Wikipedia - Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength
Wikipedia - Will Powers -- Musical pseudonym of photographer Lynn Goldsmith
Wikipedia - Willpower ( album) -- 2013 studio album by
Wikipedia - Will Quince -- British politician
Wikipedia - Will Rahmer -- | American death metal musician
Wikipedia - Will Ribeiro -- Brazilian mixed martial artist
Wikipedia - Will Rice College (Rice University)
Wikipedia - Will Rice College
Wikipedia - Will Robinson (Florida politician) -- American politician from Florida
Wikipedia - Will Rock -- 2003 action/adventure video game
Wikipedia - Will Rogers Jr. -- American politician
Wikipedia - Will Rogers Shrine of the Sun -- commemorative tower and chapel in Colorado Springs, Colorado
Wikipedia - Will Rogers State Beach -- Beach park on Santa Monica Bay, California, US
Wikipedia - Will Rogers Turnpike -- Highway in Oklahoma
Wikipedia - Will Rogers -- American humorist and entertainer
Wikipedia - Will Rogers World Airport -- Airport in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States
Wikipedia - Will Roland -- American actor and singer
Wikipedia - Will Roper -- American physicist
Wikipedia - Will Rothhaar -- American actor
Wikipedia - Wills & Burke -- 1985 Australian black comedy film
Wikipedia - Will Sasso -- Canadian comedian and actor
Wikipedia - Willsborough -- Townland in County Tipperary, Ireland
Wikipedia - Willsbridge -- Village in Gloucestershire, England
Wikipedia - Wills Brothers -- English sculptors
Wikipedia - Will Scarlet -- Member of Robin Hood's Merry Men
Wikipedia - Will Schuester -- Fictional character from the Fox series Glee
Wikipedia - Will Schutz
Wikipedia - Wills Creek Formation -- Bedrock unit in the Eastern United States
Wikipedia - Will S. Davis -- American film director
Wikipedia - Will Self -- English writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Will Shakespeare (TV series) -- 1978 historical drama TV series by John Mortimer
Wikipedia - Will Sharpe -- Japanese-English actor, writer, and director
Wikipedia - Will Shortz -- American puzzle creator and editor
Wikipedia - Will Simmons -- American painter
Wikipedia - Will Simpson (equestrian) -- American equestrian
Wikipedia - Will Sliney -- Irish comic books artist
Wikipedia - Will Smith (defensive end)
Wikipedia - Will Smith (Home and Away) -- Home and Away character
Wikipedia - Will Smith -- American actor and rapper from Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Will Sommers -- Court jester of Henry VIII of England
Wikipedia - Willson Group -- English family of painters
Wikipedia - Will Stanton (actor) -- American actor (1885-1969)
Wikipedia - Will Stanton (author) -- American humorist (1918-1996)
Wikipedia - Will Staples -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Will Starr -- Scottish musician
Wikipedia - Will Steffen
Wikipedia - Will Stewart and John -- Traditional song
Wikipedia - Willstown (Cherokee town) -- Human settlement in Alabama, United States of America
Wikipedia - Will Stuart -- English rugby union prop
Wikipedia - Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter? (play) -- 1955 play by George Axelrod
Wikipedia - Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter? -- 1957 film by Frank Tashlin
Wikipedia - Will Take Charge -- American Thoroughbred racehorse
Wikipedia - Will Theakston -- British actor
Wikipedia - Will Theunissen -- Dutch guitarist
Wikipedia - Will the Wolf Survive -- 1986 album by Waylon Jennings
Wikipedia - Will to believe doctrine
Wikipedia - Will to live
Wikipedia - Will to power
Wikipedia - Will Tremper -- German writer
Wikipedia - Will Truman -- Fictional character
Wikipedia - Will Tsai -- Taiwanese-Canadian magician and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Will Turner -- fictional character
Wikipedia - Willunga, South Australia
Wikipedia - Will van Kralingen -- Dutch actress
Wikipedia - Will Vinton -- American animator
Wikipedia - Will Wagstaff
Wikipedia - Will Walling -- American actor
Wikipedia - Will Wheaton
Wikipedia - Will Wheeler -- American politician
Wikipedia - Will Wikle -- Big Brother US contestant and pornographic actor
Wikipedia - Will Wilcox -- American golfer
Wikipedia - Will Wilkinson
Wikipedia - Will Wright (game designer) -- American video game designer and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Willy Achsel -- German filmmaker
Wikipedia - Willy A. Flegel -- German-American medical researcher
Wikipedia - Willy A. Kleinau -- German actor
Wikipedia - Willy Andresen -- Norwegian jazz pianist
Wikipedia - Willy Arne Wold -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Willy Bach, Baron Bach -- British Labour politician
Wikipedia - Willy Bauer -- German motorcycle racer
Wikipedia - Willy Benda -- German cellist
Wikipedia - Willy Bett -- Kenyan politician
Wikipedia - Willy Birgel -- German actor
Wikipedia - Willy Bockl -- Austrian figure skater
Wikipedia - Willy Borsus -- Belgian politician
Wikipedia - Willy-Brandt-Platz -- Central square in Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Wikipedia - Willy Brandt -- German politician and statesman
Wikipedia - Willy Breinholst -- Danish writer
Wikipedia - Willy Brennan -- Irish highwayman
Wikipedia - Willy Buhrer -- Swiss decathlete
Wikipedia - Willy Burgdorfer
Wikipedia - Willy Cahill -- Martial arts coach
Wikipedia - Willy Cartier -- French fashion model, actor, and dancer
Wikipedia - Willy Chavarria -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Willy Chirino -- Cuban-American musician
Wikipedia - Willy Claes (weightlifter) -- Belgian weightlifter
Wikipedia - Willy Claes -- Belgian politician
Wikipedia - Willy CorrM-CM-*a de Oliveira -- Brazilian modernist composer
Wikipedia - Willy de Beer -- Dutch Speed skater
Wikipedia - Willy Decker -- German theatre director
Wikipedia - Willy de l'Arbre -- Belgian sailor
Wikipedia - Willy DeVille
Wikipedia - Willy DimM-CM-)glio -- French politician
Wikipedia - Willy (EastEnders) -- Fictional character
Wikipedia - Willy Eisenschitz -- French painter
Wikipedia - Willy Favez -- Swiss writer
Wikipedia - Willy Fischler
Wikipedia - Willy Fritsch -- German actor (1901-1973)
Wikipedia - Willy Gaebel -- German cinematographer
Wikipedia - Willy Gerber -- Swiss equestrian
Wikipedia - Willy Gordon -- Swedish sculptor and artist
Wikipedia - Willy Greiner -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Willy Grundbacher -- Swiss modern pentathlete
Wikipedia - Willy Haas -- German screenwriter
Wikipedia - Willy Hameister -- German cinematographer
Wikipedia - Willy Hartner
Wikipedia - Willy Hautvast -- Dutch composer
Wikipedia - Willy Heldenstein -- Luxembourgian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Willy Hellpach
Wikipedia - Willy Higinbotham
Wikipedia - Willy Hillen -- Dutch sports shooter
Wikipedia - Willy Hoffmann -- German architect
Wikipedia - Willy Holt -- American production designer
Wikipedia - Willy Holtzman
Wikipedia - Willy Horvath -- German violinist
Wikipedia - Willy Howe -- Barrow in England
Wikipedia - Willy Huybrechts -- Belgian sailor
Wikipedia - Willy Jaeckel -- German painter and lithographer
Wikipedia - Willy Jansson -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Willy Junod -- Swiss biathlete
Wikipedia - Willy Kaiser-Heyl -- German actor
Wikipedia - Willy Klein -- Luxembourgian gymnast
Wikipedia - Willy Komen (politician) -- Kenyan politician
Wikipedia - Willy Krogmann -- German philologist
Wikipedia - Willy Kuijpers -- Belgian politician
Wikipedia - Willy Logan -- Canadian speed skater
Wikipedia - Willy Loman -- Fictional character from Death of a Salesman
Wikipedia - Willy Maertens -- German actor
Wikipedia - Willy Maley
Wikipedia - Willy Massoth -- German politician
Wikipedia - Willy Meisl -- Austrian sports journalist
Wikipedia - Willy Meyer Pleite -- Spanish politician
Wikipedia - Willy Olsen -- Norwegian speed skater
Wikipedia - Will You Be There (In the Morning) -- 1993 single by Heart
Wikipedia - Will You Be There -- 1993 single by Michael Jackson
Wikipedia - Will You? (Hazel O'Connor song) -- 1981 single by Hazel O'Connor
Wikipedia - Will You Marry Me? (film) -- 2012 film by Aditya Datt
Wikipedia - Will You Merry Me? -- 2008 television film
Wikipedia - Will Young -- English singer-songwriter and actor
Wikipedia - Willy Peters -- Swedish actor
Wikipedia - Willy Pieper -- Swiss sailor
Wikipedia - Willy Pogany -- Hungarian artist
Wikipedia - Willy Rist -- Swiss diver
Wikipedia - Willy Rogeberg -- Norwegian sport shooter
Wikipedia - Willy Roper -- Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders
Wikipedia - Willy Rosner -- German actor
Wikipedia - Willy Schiller -- German art director
Wikipedia - Willy Schlobach -- German-Belgian painter
Wikipedia - Willy SchM-CM-$fer (actor) -- German television actor
Wikipedia - Willy Schnyder -- Swiss sports shooter
Wikipedia - Willy Seewald -- Brazilian athlete
Wikipedia - Willy Segers -- Belgian politician
Wikipedia - Willy Semmelrogge -- German actor
Wikipedia - Willy Senn -- Swiss shot putter
Wikipedia - Willy Sluiter -- Dutch painter
Wikipedia - Willys M38 -- Type of 1M-bM-^AM-^D4 short ton (230M-BM- kg) 4x4 truck
Wikipedia - Willys MB -- Car model
Wikipedia - Willy Sneyers -- Belgian equestrian
Wikipedia - Willy Spuhler -- Member of the Swiss Federal Council (1902-1990)
Wikipedia - Willys -- American car and truck manufacturing company
Wikipedia - Willy's Wonderland -- Comedy horror film by Kevin Lewis
Wikipedia - Willy Taminiaux -- Belgian politician
Wikipedia - Willy the Private Detective -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Willy Thulin -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Willy (TV series) -- American television series
Wikipedia - Will Yun Lee -- South Korean actor
Wikipedia - Willy Valcke -- Belgian sailor
Wikipedia - Willy van Bladel -- Dutch sailor
Wikipedia - Willy Van Den Bossche -- Belgian archer
Wikipedia - Willy Vandersteen -- Flemish comics author
Wikipedia - Willy Vande Walle -- Belgian academic, Japanologist and Sinologist
Wikipedia - Willy van de Wiel -- Dutch dart player
Wikipedia - Willy Van Rompaey -- Belgian sailor
Wikipedia - Willy Verginer -- Italian artist
Wikipedia - Willy Voss -- German karateka
Wikipedia - Willy warmer -- Man's novelty garment designed to fit over the penis
Wikipedia - Willy Wilhelm -- Dutch judoka
Wikipedia - Willy William -- French-Mauritian DJ, record producer and singer
Wikipedia - Willy Wimmer -- German politician
Wikipedia - Willy Wolterstorff
Wikipedia - Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory -- 1971 film by Mel Stuart
Wikipedia - Will Zalatoris -- American professional golfer
Wikipedia - Wilson Carey McWilliams -- American academic
Wikipedia - Wincey Willis
Wikipedia - Windbag the Sailor -- 1937 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - WINT (AM) -- Radio station in Willoughby, Ohio
Wikipedia - Wise Up! Sucker -- 1989 single by Pop Will Eat Itself
Wikipedia - With Folded Hands -- science fiction novelette by Jack Williamson, later rewritten into a novel (as The Humanoids); about paternalistic robots ruling Earth and her colonies
Wikipedia - With Neatness and Dispatch -- 1918 American silent film directed by William Senderling Davis
Wikipedia - Without Children -- 1935 film directed by William Nigh
Wikipedia - Without Honor (1932 film) -- 1932 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - Wohlwill process
Wikipedia - Wolfreton School -- Community school in Willerby, East Riding of Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Wolschwiller -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Womanhood, the Glory of the Nation -- 1917 film by J. Stuart Blackton and William P. S. Earle
Wikipedia - Women in the Night -- 1948 film by William Rowland
Wikipedia - Women Without Men (1956 film) -- 1956 film by Elmo Williams
Wikipedia - Word and Object -- 1960 book by Willard Van Orman Quine
Wikipedia - Worker policing -- Eusocial hymnopteran behavior where worker females destroy or remove eggs laid by other workers, in order to ensure that the queen's offspring will be successful
Wikipedia - Works of William Gibson
Wikipedia - World to come -- Belief that the current age will be replaced by a better world, age, or paradise
Wikipedia - Worms Will Turn -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - WPSC-FM -- Radio station at William Paterson University in Wayne, New Jersey
Wikipedia - WQMY -- MyNetworkTV affiliate in Williamsport, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - W. Roger Williams -- English pathologist and surgeon
Wikipedia - WSHB -- Catholic radio station in Willard, Ohio
Wikipedia - WTF (Where They From) -- Missy Elliott song featuring Pharrell Williams
Wikipedia - WTIB -- Talk radio station in Williamston, North Carolina, United States
Wikipedia - WTVE -- SonLife affiliate in Willow Grove, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Wuthering Heights (1939 film) -- 1939 film by William Wyler
Wikipedia - WVVV -- Radio station in Williamstown, West Virginia
Wikipedia - WXZO -- Radio station in Willsboro, New York
Wikipedia - Wyoming Hurricane -- 1944 film by William Berke
Wikipedia - Yael Willner -- Justice of the Supreme Court of Israel
Wikipedia - Yalukit -- indigenous inhabitants of the region around Williams Town Melbourne
Wikipedia - Yellow Sky -- 1948 film by William A. Wellman
Wikipedia - Yes, My Darling Daughter (film) -- 1939 film by William Keighley
Wikipedia - YMCA -- Worldwide youth organization founded by Sir George Williams 1844
Wikipedia - Yohuru Williams -- American historian
Wikipedia - Yoknapatawpha County -- Fictional Mississippi county created by William Faulkner
Wikipedia - Yolanda Williams -- Cuban gymnast
Wikipedia - You Are Old, Father William
Wikipedia - You Bright and Risen Angels -- Book by William T. Vollmann
Wikipedia - You Don't Know Me: The Songs of Cindy Walker -- 2006 studio album by Willie Nelson
Wikipedia - You Don't Love Me (Willie Cobbs song) -- none
Wikipedia - You Don't Miss Your Water -- 1961 single by William Bell
Wikipedia - You Never Know Women -- 1926 film by William A. Wellman
Wikipedia - Young and Wild (1958 film) -- 1958 film by William Witney
Wikipedia - Young Bride -- 1932 American drama film directed by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - Young William Lamshaw -- English piper
Wikipedia - Your Game -- 2004 single by Will Young
Wikipedia - Youth on the Prow, and Pleasure at the Helm -- 1832 painting by William Etty, inspired by a metaphor in Thomas Gray's poem The Bard
Wikipedia - Youth's Endearing Charm -- 1916 film by William C. Dowlan
Wikipedia - You Were Never Lovelier -- 1942 film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - You Will Die at 20 -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - You Will Know -- 1987 single by Stevie Wonder
Wikipedia - You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger -- 2010 film
Wikipedia - Yucatan poorwill -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Yvette Williams -- New Zealand athlete
Wikipedia - Yvonne Willering -- Dutch-born New Zealand netball coach and former player
Wikipedia - Zamba (film) -- 1949 film by William A. Berke
Wikipedia - Ze'ev "William" Chomsky
Wikipedia - Zelda Williams -- American actress
Wikipedia - Zis Boom Bah -- 1941 film by William Nigh
Wikipedia - Zodiac settle -- Piece of furniture by William Burges
Wikipedia - Zori-Stalker-Williams syndrome -- Genetic disease
Wikipedia - Zorro Rides Again -- 1937 film by John English, William Witney
Wikipedia - Zorro's Fighting Legion -- 1939 film by John English, William Witney
Wikipedia - Zuid-Willemsvaart -- Canal in the Netherlands
William Least Heat-Moon ::: Born: August 27, 1939; Occupation: Writer;
William Morris ::: Born: March 24, 1834; Died: October 3, 1896; Occupation: Artist;
Willie Nelson ::: Born: April 29, 1933; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
William Nicholson ::: Born: January 12, 1948; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Will Oldham ::: Born: January 15, 1970; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
William Osler ::: Born: July 12, 1849; Died: December 29, 1919; Occupation: Physician;
William S. Paley ::: Born: September 28, 1901; Died: October 26, 1990; Occupation: Executive;
William Penn ::: Born: October 14, 1644; Died: July 30, 1718; Occupation: Author;
William Petersen ::: Born: February 21, 1953; Occupation: Actor;
William Petty ::: Born: May 26, 1623; Died: December 16, 1687; Occupation: Economist;
William Pitt ::: Born: May 28, 1759; Died: January 23, 1806; Occupation: Former Chancellor of the Exchequer;
William Powell ::: Born: July 29, 1892; Died: March 5, 1984; Occupation: Actor;
Willard Van Orman Quine ::: Born: June 25, 1908; Died: December 25, 2000; Occupation: Philosopher;
William Bennett ::: Born: July 31, 1943; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of Education;
Will Rogers ::: Born: November 4, 1879; Died: August 15, 1935; Occupation: Actor;
William Safire ::: Born: December 17, 1929; Died: September 27, 2009; Occupation: Author;
William Bernbach ::: Born: August 3, 1911; Died: October 2, 1982;
Sean William Scott ::: Born: October 3, 1976; Occupation: Actor;
Willard Scott ::: Born: March 7, 1934; Occupation: Actor;
Will Self ::: Born: September 26, 1961; Occupation: Author;
William Shakespeare ::: Born: 1564; Died: April 23, 1616; Occupation: Poet;
William Shatner ::: Born: March 22, 1931; Occupation: Actor;
William Tecumseh Sherman ::: Born: February 8, 1820; Died: February 14, 1891; Occupation: U.S. General;
Willow Shields ::: Born: June 1, 2000; Occupation: Film actress;
William Gilmore Simms ::: Born: April 17, 1806; Died: June 11, 1870; Occupation: Poet;
William Beveridge ::: Born: March 5, 1879; Died: March 16, 1963; Occupation: Economist;
Will Smith ::: Born: September 25, 1968; Occupation: Actor;
William Stafford ::: Born: January 17, 1914; Died: August 28, 1993; Occupation: Poet;
William Steig ::: Born: November 14, 1907; Died: October 3, 2003; Occupation: Cartoonist;
William Strunk, Jr. ::: Born: July 1, 1869; Died: September 26, 1946; Occupation: Professor;
William Styron ::: Born: June 11, 1925; Died: November 1, 2006; Occupation: Novelist;
William Graham Sumner ::: Born: October 30, 1840; Died: April 12, 1910; Occupation: Political scientist;
William Howard Taft ::: Born: September 15, 1857; Died: March 8, 1930; Occupation: 27th U.S. President;
William Makepeace Thackeray ::: Born: July 18, 1811; Died: December 24, 1863; Occupation: Novelist;
William Blackstone ::: Born: July 10, 1723; Died: February 14, 1780; Occupation: Jurist;
William Irwin Thompson ::: Born: July 16, 1938; Occupation: Critic;
William Trevor ::: Born: May 24, 1928; Died: November 21, 2016; Occupation: Novelist;
William Tyndale ::: Born: 1494; Died: October 6, 1536;
William Blake ::: Born: November 28, 1757; Died: August 12, 1827; Occupation: Poet;
William Peter Blatty ::: Born: January 7, 1928; Died: January 12, 2017; Occupation: Writer;
William Arthur Ward ::: Born: 1921; Died: March 30, 1994; Occupation: Author;
William Blum ::: Born: 1933; Occupation: Author;
William Westmoreland ::: Born: March 26, 1914; Died: July 18, 2005; Occupation: Military Commander;
William Whewell ::: Born: May 24, 1794; Died: March 6, 1866; Occupation: Polymath;
William Allen White ::: Born: February 10, 1868; Died: January 29, 1944; Occupation: Editor;
William Wilberforce ::: Born: August 24, 1759; Died: July 29, 1833; Occupation: British Politician;
George Will ::: Born: May 4, 1941; Occupation: Columnist;
Dallas Willard ::: Born: September 4, 1935; Died: May 8, 2013; Occupation: Philosopher;
Frances E. Willard ::: Born: September 28, 1839; Died: February 17, 1898; Occupation: Suffragist;
Prince William ::: Born: June 21, 1982; Occupation: Lieutenant;
Armstrong Williams ::: Born: February 5, 1959; Occupation: Author;
Barry Williams ::: Born: September 30, 1954; Occupation: Actor;
Bernard Williams ::: Born: September 21, 1929; Died: June 10, 2003; Occupation: Philosopher;
Bert Williams ::: Born: November 12, 1874; Died: March 4, 1922; Occupation: Comedian;
Charles Williams ::: Born: September 20, 1886; Died: May 15, 1945; Occupation: Poet;
Esther Williams ::: Born: August 8, 1921; Died: June 6, 2013; Occupation: Swimmer;
George C. Williams ::: Born: May 12, 1926; Died: September 8, 2010;
John Towner Williams ::: Born: February 8, 1932; Occupation: Film Score Composer;
Juan Williams ::: Born: April 10, 1954; Occupation: Journalist;
Lucinda Williams ::: Born: January 26, 1953; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Michelle Williams ::: Born: September 9, 1980; Occupation: Actress;
Montel Williams ::: Born: July 3, 1956; Occupation: Television Personality;
Otis Williams ::: Born: October 30, 1941; Occupation: Singer;
Pharrell Williams ::: Born: April 5, 1973; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Robbie Williams ::: Born: February 13, 1974; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Robin Williams ::: Born: July 21, 1951; Died: August 11, 2014; Occupation: Actor;
Rowan Williams ::: Born: June 14, 1950; Occupation: Poet;
Saul Williams ::: Born: February 29, 1972; Occupation: Singer;
Serena Williams ::: Born: September 26, 1981; Occupation: Tennis player;
Tad Williams ::: Born: March 14, 1957; Occupation: Author;
Ted Williams ::: Born: August 30, 1918; Died: July 5, 2002; Occupation: Baseball player;
Tennessee Williams ::: Born: March 26, 1911; Died: February 25, 1983; Occupation: Playwright;
Terry Tempest Williams ::: Born: September 8, 1955; Occupation: Author;
Venus Williams ::: Born: June 17, 1980; Occupation: Tennis player;
Walter Jon Williams ::: Born: October 15, 1953; Occupation: Writer;
Kevin Williamson ::: Born: March 14, 1965; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Marianne Williamson ::: Born: July 8, 1952; Occupation: Author;
Bruce Willis ::: Born: March 19, 1955; Occupation: Actor;
Connie Willis ::: Born: December 31, 1945; Occupation: Writer;
Nathaniel Parker Willis ::: Born: January 20, 1806; Died: January 20, 1867; Occupation: Author;
Rumer Willis ::: Born: August 16, 1988; Occupation: Actress;
Wendell Willkie ::: Born: February 18, 1892; Died: October 8, 1944; Occupation: Lawyer;
William Julius Wilson ::: Born: December 20, 1935; Died: 1801; Occupation: Sociologist;
William Wordsworth ::: Born: April 7, 1770; Died: April 23, 1850; Occupation: Poet;
William Wycherley ::: Born: 1640; Died: December 31, 1715; Occupation: Dramatist; ::: Born: March 15, 1975; Occupation: Rapper;
William Butler Yeats ::: Born: June 13, 1865; Died: January 28, 1939; Occupation: Poet;
William P. Young ::: Born: May 11, 1955; Occupation: Author;
Israel Zangwill ::: Born: January 21, 1864; Died: August 1, 1926; Occupation: Humorist;
William Booth ::: Born: April 10, 1829; Died: August 20, 1912; Occupation: Preacher;
Willard Wigan ::: Born: 1957; Occupation: Artist;
William Faulkner ::: Born: September 25, 1897; Died: July 6, 1962; Occupation: Writer;
William Carlos Williams ::: Born: September 17, 1883; Died: March 4, 1963; Occupation: Poet;
Margery Williams ::: Born: July 22, 1881; Died: September 4, 1944; Occupation: Author;
William T. Vollmann ::: Born: July 28, 1959; Occupation: Novelist;
Mo Willems ::: Born: February 11, 1968; Occupation: Writer;
William Bradford ::: Born: March 19, 1590; Died: May 9, 1657; Occupation: Political leader;
William Boyd ::: Born: March 7, 1952; Died: September 12, 1972; Occupation: Novelist;
Miller Williams ::: Born: April 8, 1930; Died: January 1, 2015; Occupation: Poet;
Nancy Willard ::: Born: June 26, 1936; Died: February 19, 2017; Occupation: Writer;
Cinda Williams Chima ::: Born: 1952; Occupation: Author;
Walter E. Williams ::: Born: June 30, 1936; Occupation: Economist;
John Edward Williams ::: Born: August 29, 1922; Died: March 3, 1994; Occupation: Author;
Will Christopher Baer ::: Born: 1966; Occupation: Author;
William J. Brennan ::: Born: April 25, 1906; Died: July 24, 1997; Occupation: Former Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States;
Lauren Willig ::: Born: March 28, 1977; Occupation: Author;
Charles Willeford ::: Born: January 2, 1919; Died: March 27, 1988; Occupation: Film writer;
William Kent Krueger ::: Born: November 16, 1950; Occupation: Author;
Willy Russell ::: Born: August 23, 1947; Occupation: Dramatist;
William L. Shirer ::: Born: February 23, 1904; Died: December 28, 1993; Occupation: Journalist;
William Throsby Bridges ::: Born: February 18, 1861; Died: May 18, 1915; Occupation: General;
William Dalrymple ::: Born: March 20, 1965; Died: January 28, 1814; Occupation: Historian;
William Slim, 1st Viscount Slim ::: Born: August 6, 1891; Died: December 14, 1970;
William Ernest Hocking ::: Born: August 10, 1873; Died: June 12, 1966; Occupation: Philosopher;
William Herbert Sheldon ::: Born: November 19, 1898; Died: September 17, 1977; Occupation: Psychologist;
William Samuel Johnson ::: Born: October 7, 1727; Died: November 14, 1819; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
William Walker Atkinson ::: Born: December 5, 1862; Died: November 22, 1932; Occupation: Author;
William Batchelder Greene ::: Born: April 4, 1819; Died: May 30, 1878;
John William Draper ::: Born: May 5, 1811; Died: January 4, 1882; Occupation: Chemist;
William Jones ::: Born: September 28, 1746; Died: April 27, 1794; Occupation: Philologist;
William Wrigley, Jr. ::: Born: September 30, 1861; Died: January 26, 1932; Occupation: Industrialist;
Will Hutton ::: Born: May 21, 1950; Occupation: Economist;
Brian Williams ::: Born: May 5, 1959; Occupation: Editor;
J. Willard Marriott ::: Born: September 17, 1900; Died: August 13, 1985; Occupation: Businessman;
William Kristol ::: Born: December 23, 1952; Occupation: Commentator;
Frederik Willem de Klerk ::: Born: March 18, 1936; Occupation: Former State President of South Africa;
William Edward Hartpole Lecky ::: Born: March 26, 1838; Died: October 22, 1903; Occupation: Political figure;
Vanessa L. Williams ::: Born: March 18, 1963; Occupation: Singer;
Frederic William Maitland ::: Born: May 28, 1850; Died: December 19, 1906; Occupation: Jurist;
William Sloane Coffin ::: Born: June 1, 1924; Died: April 12, 2006; Occupation: Activist;
William Jennings Bryan ::: Born: March 19, 1860; Died: July 26, 1925; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of State;
William Matthews ::: Born: November 11, 1942; Died: November 12, 1997; Occupation: Poet;
William Stanley Jevons ::: Born: September 1, 1835; Died: August 13, 1882; Occupation: Economist;
William C. Bryant ::: Born: November 3, 1794; Died: June 12, 1878; Occupation: Poet;
Garry Wills ::: Born: May 22, 1934; Occupation: Author;
William Alexander Percy ::: Born: May 14, 1885; Died: January 21, 1942; Occupation: Poet;
William De Morgan ::: Born: November 16, 1839; Died: January 15, 1917; Occupation: Innovator;
Lawrence Eugene Williams ::: Born: May 10, 1935; Died: January 7, 1980; Occupation: Singer;
Ralph Vaughan Williams ::: Born: October 12, 1872; Died: August 26, 1958; Occupation: Composer;
Mary Lou Williams ::: Born: May 8, 1910; Died: May 28, 1981; Occupation: Jazz Pianist;
William Henry Hudson ::: Born: August 4, 1841; Died: August 18, 1922; Occupation: Author;
William Prescott ::: Born: February 20, 1726; Died: October 13, 1795;
William F. Buckley, Jr. ::: Born: November 24, 1925; Died: February 27, 2008; Occupation: Author;
Betty Williams ::: Born: May 22, 1943; Occupation: Nobel laureate;
William H. Seward ::: Born: May 16, 1801; Died: October 10, 1872; Occupation: Former Governor of New York;
William Pitt, 1st Earl of Chatham ::: Born: November 15, 1708; Died: May 11, 1778; Occupation: British statesman;
Jody Williams ::: Born: October 9, 1950; Occupation: Political activist;
William J. Seymour ::: Born: May 2, 1870; Died: September 28, 1922; Occupation: Evangelist;
William Henry Bragg ::: Born: July 2, 1862; Died: March 10, 1942; Occupation: Physicist;
William Warburton ::: Born: December 24, 1698; Died: June 7, 1779; Occupation: Writer;
Percy Williams Bridgman ::: Born: April 21, 1882; Died: August 20, 1961; Occupation: Physicist;
William Gilbert ::: Born: May 24, 1544; Died: November 30, 1603; Occupation: Physician;
George William Russell ::: Born: April 10, 1867; Died: July 17, 1935; Occupation: Writer;
Meredith Willson ::: Born: May 18, 1902; Died: June 15, 1984; Occupation: Composer;
William Holden ::: Born: April 17, 1918; Died: November 12, 1981; Occupation: Actor;
William Robertson Smith ::: Born: November 8, 1846; Died: March 31, 1894;
William Barrett ::: Born: December 30, 1913; Died: September 8, 1992; Occupation: Poet;
William Randolph Hearst ::: Born: April 29, 1863; Died: August 14, 1951; Occupation: Publisher;
William H. McRaven ::: Born: November 6, 1955; Occupation: Military Officer;
William S. Burroughs ::: Born: February 5, 1914; Died: August 2, 1997; Occupation: Novelist;
Kelli Williams ::: Born: June 8, 1970; Occupation: Actress;
William Rainey Harper ::: Born: July 26, 1856; Died: January 10, 1906;
William Lane Craig ::: Born: August 23, 1949; Occupation: Philosopher;
Willis Harman ::: Born: August 16, 1918; Died: January 30, 1997; Occupation: Engineer;
William Stringfellow ::: Born: April 28, 1928; Died: March 2, 1985;
William Castle ::: Born: April 24, 1914; Died: May 31, 1977; Occupation: Film director;
Eric Williams ::: Born: September 25, 1911; Died: March 29, 1981; Occupation: Historian;
William Lamb, 2nd Viscount Melbourne ::: Born: March 15, 1779; Died: November 24, 1848; Occupation: Former First Lord of the Treasury;
William Zinsser ::: Born: October 7, 1922; Died: May 12, 2015; Occupation: Writer;
William Beebe ::: Born: July 29, 1877; Died: June 4, 1962; Occupation: Ornithologist;
William Camden ::: Born: May 2, 1551; Died: November 9, 1623; Occupation: Writer;
Richard Willstatter ::: Born: August 13, 1872; Died: August 3, 1942; Occupation: Chemist;
William III of England ::: Born: November 14, 1650; Died: March 8, 1702; Occupation: Sovereign;
William Murray, 1st Earl of Mansfield ::: Born: March 2, 1705; Died: March 20, 1793; Occupation: Judge;
George William Foote ::: Born: January 11, 1850; Died: October 17, 1915;
Katt Williams ::: Born: September 2, 1973; Occupation: Comedian;
Don Williams ::: Born: May 27, 1939; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
William Wells Brown ::: Born: November 6, 1814; Died: November 6, 1884; Occupation: Novelist;
Treat Williams ::: Born: December 1, 1951; Occupation: Actor;
Wendy O. Williams ::: Born: May 28, 1949; Died: April 6, 1998; Occupation: Singer;
Will Arnett ::: Born: May 4, 1970; Occupation: Actor;
William Carey ::: Born: August 17, 1761; Died: June 9, 1834; Occupation: Missionary;
Michael K. Williams ::: Born: November 22, 1966; Occupation: Actor;
William Greenough Thayer Shedd ::: Born: June 21, 1820; Died: November 17, 1894;
William Appleman Williams ::: Born: June 12, 1921; Died: March 5, 1990; Occupation: Historian;
William Lilly ::: Born: May 11, 1602; Died: June 9, 1681; Occupation: Astrologer;
William Rothenstein ::: Born: January 29, 1872; Died: February 14, 1945; Occupation: Writer;
J. William Schopf ::: Born: September 27, 1941;
William John Locke ::: Born: March 20, 1863; Died: May 15, 1930; Occupation: Novelist;
William Baldwin ::: Born: February 21, 1963; Occupation: Actor;
William Cameron Townsend ::: Born: July 9, 1896; Died: April 23, 1982; Occupation: Missionary;
William DeVries ::: Born: December 19, 1943;
William Joseph Burns ::: Born: April 4, 1956;
William Caxton ::: Born: 1415; Died: 1492; Occupation: Writer;
Willa Cather ::: Born: December 7, 1873; Died: April 24, 1947; Occupation: Author;
William Paterson ::: Born: December 24, 1745; Died: September 9, 1806; Occupation: Former Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States;
William Braithwaite ::: Born: December 6, 1878; Died: June 8, 1962; Occupation: Writer;
William Lacy Clay, Jr. ::: Born: July 27, 1956; Occupation: U.S. Representative;
Thomas Willis ::: Born: January 27, 1621; Died: November 11, 1675;
William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley ::: Born: September 13, 1520; Died: August 4, 1598; Occupation: Statesman;
William Everson ::: Born: September 10, 1912; Died: June 3, 1994; Occupation: Poet;
William McIlvanney ::: Born: November 25, 1936; Died: December 5, 2015; Occupation: Writer;
Ellen Willis ::: Born: December 14, 1941; Died: November 9, 2006; Occupation: Essayist;
William McDonough ::: Born: February 21, 1951; Occupation: Designer;
Hank Williams, Jr. ::: Born: May 26, 1949; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
William Ellery Channing ::: Born: April 7, 1780; Died: October 2, 1842; Occupation: Preacher;
Kenneth Williams ::: Born: February 22, 1926; Died: April 15, 1988; Occupation: Comic;
Allison Williams ::: Born: April 13, 1988; Occupation: Actress;
William Bligh ::: Born: September 9, 1754; Died: December 7, 1817; Occupation: Governor;
William H. Masters ::: Born: December 27, 1915; Died: February 16, 2001; Occupation: Gynecologist;
Francis William Aston ::: Born: September 1, 1877; Died: November 20, 1945; Occupation: Chemist;
William Holman Hunt ::: Born: April 2, 1827; Died: September 7, 1910; Occupation: Painter;
William Gallas ::: Born: August 17, 1977; Occupation: Footballer;
Roger Williams ::: Born: December 21, 1603; Died: April 18, 1683; Occupation: Theologian;
William Herschel ::: Born: November 15, 1738; Died: August 25, 1822; Occupation: Astronomer;
William Broad ::: Born: March 7, 1951; Occupation: Science journalist;
William John Macquorn Rankine ::: Born: July 5, 1820; Died: December 24, 1872; Occupation: Civil engineer;
William James Mayo ::: Born: June 29, 1861; Died: July 28, 1939; Occupation: Physician;
William Ian Beardmore Beveridge ::: Born: 1908; Died: August 14, 2006; Occupation: Author;
Willard Libby ::: Born: December 17, 1908; Died: September 8, 1980; Occupation: Chemist;
William R. Brody ::: Born: January 4, 1944; Occupation: Radiologist;
William Harvey ::: Born: April 1, 1578; Died: June 3, 1657; Occupation: Physician;
William Borah ::: Born: June 29, 1865; Died: January 19, 1940; Occupation: Former United States Senator;
William Cohen ::: Born: August 28, 1940; Occupation: Former member of the United States Senate;
William Buckland ::: Born: March 12, 1784; Died: August 14, 1856; Occupation: Geologist;
William Shockley ::: Born: February 13, 1910; Died: August 12, 1989; Occupation: Physicist;
William Crookes ::: Born: June 17, 1832; Died: April 4, 1919; Occupation: Chemist;
William Lawrence Bragg ::: Born: March 31, 1890; Died: July 1, 1971; Occupation: Physicist;
J. Willard Gibbs ::: Born: February 11, 1839; Died: April 28, 1903; Occupation: Scientist;
Willy Brandt ::: Born: December 18, 1913; Died: October 8, 1992; Occupation: Former Chancellor of Germany;
William Baziotes ::: Born: June 11, 1912; Died: June 6, 1963; Occupation: Painter;
William Redington Hewlett ::: Born: May 20, 1913; Died: January 12, 2001;
William Anthony Donohue ::: Born: July 18, 1947;
William Pickens ::: Born: January 15, 1881; Died: April 6, 1954; Occupation: Journalist;
William Daniel Phillips ::: Born: November 5, 1948; Occupation: Physicist;
William Hudson O'Hanlon ::: Born: August 2, 1952; Occupation: Author;
William Winwood Reade ::: Born: 1838; Died: 1875; Occupation: Historian;
William Merritt Chase ::: Born: November 1, 1849; Died: October 25, 1916; Occupation: Painter;
William Allingham ::: Born: 1828; Died: November 18, 1889; Occupation: Poet;
Olivia Williams ::: Born: July 26, 1968; Occupation: Film actress;
William Kingdon Clifford ::: Born: May 4, 1845; Died: March 3, 1879; Occupation: Mathematician;
William Rowan Hamilton ::: Born: August 4, 1805; Died: September 2, 1865; Occupation: Physicist;
William Bateson ::: Born: August 8, 1861; Died: February 8, 1926; Occupation: Geneticist;
angel Kyodo Williams ::: Born: December 2, 1969; Occupation: Writer;
William J. Clinton ::: Born: August 19, 1946; Occupation: 42nd U.S. President;
William Muir ::: Born: April 27, 1819; Died: July 11, 1905;
William Montgomery Watt ::: Born: March 14, 1909; Died: October 24, 2006; Occupation: Historian;
William Kidd ::: Born: 1645; Died: May 23, 1701; Occupation: Pirate;
William Cobbett ::: Born: March 9, 1763; Died: June 18, 1835; Occupation: Pamphleteer;
William Daniels ::: Born: March 31, 1927; Occupation: Actor;
Nicol Williamson ::: Born: September 14, 1936; Died: December 16, 2011; Occupation: Actor;
Sir William Gull, 1st Baronet ::: Born: December 31, 1816; Died: January 29, 1890; Occupation: Physician;
William Friedkin ::: Born: August 29, 1935; Occupation: Film director;
William Rehnquist ::: Born: October 1, 1924; Died: September 3, 2005; Occupation: Former Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States;
William Happer ::: Born: July 27, 1939; Occupation: Physicist;
Willie Soon ::: Born: 1966; Occupation: Author;
William Langland ::: Born: 1332; Died: 1386; Occupation: Author;
William D. Leahy ::: Born: May 6, 1875; Died: July 20, 1959; Occupation: Senior officer;
William Targ ::: Born: 1907; Died: July 22, 1999; Occupation: Book editor;
Joy Williams ::: Born: November 14, 1982; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
William Klein ::: Born: April 19, 1928; Occupation: Photographer;
John William Strutt ::: Born: November 12, 1842; Died: June 30, 1919; Occupation: Physicist;
William Congreve ::: Born: January 24, 1670; Died: January 19, 1729; Occupation: Playwright;
William Vickrey ::: Born: June 21, 1914; Died: October 11, 1996; Occupation: Nobel prize winner;
Oliver E. Williamson ::: Born: September 27, 1932; Occupation: Economist;
William Banting ::: Born: 1797; Died: March 16, 1878; Occupation: Undertaker;
William Cronon ::: Born: September 11, 1954; Occupation: Professor;
William Colby ::: Born: January 4, 1920; Died: April 27, 1996; Occupation: Former Director of Central Intelligence;
Willow Bay ::: Born: December 28, 1963; Occupation: Correspondent;
William Whiting Borden ::: Born: November 1, 1887; Died: April 9, 1913;
Willie Dixon ::: Born: July 1, 1915; Died: January 29, 1992; Occupation: Musician;
Willie Pep ::: Born: September 19, 1922; Died: November 23, 2006; Occupation: Professional Boxer;
Gordon Willis ::: Born: May 28, 1931; Died: May 18, 2014; Occupation: Cinematographer;
William Cowper ::: Born: November 26, 1731; Died: April 25, 1800; Occupation: Poet;
William J. Casey ::: Born: March 13, 1913; Died: May 6, 1987;
William Rivers Pitt ::: Born: November 9, 1971; Occupation: Author;
Willie Garson ::: Born: February 20, 1964; Occupation: Character actor;
Willie Geist ::: Born: May 3, 1975; Occupation: Television personality;
William Katt ::: Born: February 16, 1951; Occupation: Film actor;
Andy Williams ::: Born: December 3, 1927; Died: September 25, 2012; Occupation: Singer;
Will Forte ::: Born: June 17, 1970; Occupation: Actor;
William Devane ::: Born: September 5, 1937; Occupation: Film actor;
Wendy Williams ::: Born: July 18, 1964; Occupation: Media person;
JoBeth Williams ::: Born: December 6, 1948; Occupation: Film actress;
Billy Dee Williams ::: Born: April 6, 1937; Occupation: Actor;
George William Curtis ::: Born: February 24, 1824; Died: August 31, 1892; Occupation: Writer;
Tyler James Williams ::: Born: October 9, 1992; Occupation: Actor;
Harland Williams ::: Born: November 14, 1962; Occupation: Actor;
Willam Belli ::: Born: June 30, 1982; Occupation: Actor;
Daniel T. Willingham ::: Born: 1961;
Willem Dafoe ::: Born: July 22, 1955; Occupation: Voice Actor;
William Rees-Mogg ::: Born: July 14, 1928; Died: December 29, 2012; Occupation: Journalist;
Fred Willard ::: Born: September 18, 1939; Occupation: Actor;
Kimberle Williams Crenshaw ::: Born: 1959;
William Eggleston ::: Born: July 27, 1939; Occupation: Photographer;
William C. McCool ::: Born: September 23, 1961; Died: February 1, 2003; Occupation: Astronaut;
William Bagley ::: Born: March 15, 1874; Died: July 1, 1946; Occupation: Educator;
William Wallace ::: Born: April 3, 1270; Died: August 23, 1305; Occupation: Landowner;
William Davenant ::: Born: March 3, 1606; Died: April 7, 1668; Occupation: Poet;
William of Ockham ::: Born: 1288; Died: April 9, 1347; Occupation: Philosopher;
William Bridges ::: Born: 1933; Died: February 17, 2013; Occupation: Author;
William C. Dement ::: Born: 1928; Occupation: Author;
William A. Dembski ::: Born: July 18, 1960; Occupation: Mathematician;
Ron Willingham ::: Born: 1932; Occupation: Author;
William J. Murray ::: Born: 1946; Occupation: Author;
William G. Boykin ::: Born: April 19, 1948; Occupation: Author;

Willie Aames ::: Born: July 15, 1960; Occupation: Actor;
William Kittredge ::: Born: 1932; Occupation: Writer;
Willie D ::: Born: November 1, 1966; Occupation: Rapper;
William O. Douglas ::: Born: October 16, 1898; Died: January 19, 1980; Occupation: Former Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States;
William Whitelaw, 1st Viscount Whitelaw ::: Born: June 28, 1918; Died: July 1, 1999;
William Drummond ::: Born: December 13, 1585; Died: December 4, 1649; Occupation: Poet;
Will Young ::: Born: January 20, 1979; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
William Walton ::: Born: March 29, 1902; Died: March 8, 1983; Occupation: Composer;
William Dunbar ::: Born: 1459; Died: 1520; Occupation: Poet;
William H. Prescott ::: Born: May 4, 1796; Died: January 28, 1859; Occupation: Historian;
Patricia J. Williams ::: Born: August 28, 1951; Occupation: Legal Scholar;
Will Thomas ::: Born: 1958; Occupation: Novelist;
Will Durant ::: Born: November 5, 1885; Died: November 7, 1981; Occupation: Writer;
Willy Ley ::: Born: October 2, 1906; Died: June 24, 1969; Occupation: Writer;
William Shawcross ::: Born: May 28, 1946; Occupation: Writer;
William Standish Knowles ::: Born: June 1, 1917; Died: June 13, 2012; Occupation: Chemist;
Wesley Willis ::: Born: May 31, 1963; Died: August 21, 2003; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Myrlie Evers-Williams ::: Born: March 17, 1933; Occupation: Civil rights activist;
William Empson ::: Born: September 27, 1906; Died: April 15, 1984; Occupation: Literary critic;
Lisa Williams ::: Born: June 19, 1973; Occupation: Television Actor;
William Sims ::: Born: October 15, 1858; Died: September 25, 1936;
William Easterly ::: Born: September 7, 1957; Occupation: Economist;
Hank Williams III ::: Born: December 12, 1972; Occupation: Musician;
William Dampier ::: Born: 1651;
Willy Ronis ::: Born: August 14, 1910; Died: September 12, 2009; Occupation: Photographer;
Raymond Williams ::: Born: August 31, 1921; Died: January 26, 1988; Occupation: Novelist;
Willem Buiter ::: Born: September 26, 1949; Occupation: Economist;
Will Eisner ::: Born: March 6, 1917; Died: January 3, 2005; Occupation: Cartoonist;
C. K. Williams ::: Born: November 2, 1936; Died: September 20, 2015; Occupation: Poet;
William Laud ::: Born: October 7, 1573; Died: January 10, 1645; Occupation: Archbishop of Canterbury;
Charles William Eliot ::: Born: March 20, 1834; Died: August 22, 1926; Occupation: Poet;
Lauryn Williams ::: Born: September 11, 1983; Occupation: Track and field athlete;
William Hogarth ::: Born: November 10, 1697; Died: October 26, 1764; Occupation: Painter;
William M. Daley ::: Born: August 9, 1948; Occupation: Former White House Chief of Staff;
Chancellor Williams ::: Born: December 22, 1893; Died: December 7, 1992; Occupation: Historian;
William Fogg Osgood ::: Born: March 10, 1864; Died: July 22, 1943; Occupation: Mathematician;
William H. Ginsburg ::: Born: March 25, 1943; Died: April 1, 2013; Occupation: Lawyer;
Shirley Williams ::: Born: July 27, 1930; Occupation: British Politician;
Milton William Cooper ::: Born: May 6, 1943; Died: November 6, 2001; Occupation: Author;
William Bolcom ::: Born: May 26, 1938; Occupation: Composer;
Will Estes ::: Born: October 21, 1978; Occupation: Actor;
Walter Willett ::: Born: 1945; Occupation: Physician;
Frederick William Faber ::: Born: June 28, 1814; Died: September 26, 1863; Occupation: Writer;
Abigail Williams ::: Born: July 12, 1680;
William the Silent ::: Born: April 24, 1533; Died: July 10, 1584; Occupation: Prince;
Rita Williams-Garcia ::: Born: April 13, 1957; Occupation: Writer;
William Sargant ::: Born: April 24, 1907; Died: August 27, 1988; Occupation: Author;
William Robertson Nicoll ::: Born: October 10, 1851; Died: May 4, 1923; Occupation: Journalist;
Will Hobbs ::: Born: August 22, 1947; Occupation: Author;
William Feather ::: Born: August 25, 1889; Died: January 7, 1981; Occupation: Author;
Jack Williamson ::: Born: April 29, 1908; Died: November 10, 2006; Occupation: Fiction writer;
William Kamkwamba ::: Born: August 5, 1987; Occupation: Inventor;
William Z. Foster ::: Born: February 25, 1881; Died: September 1, 1961; Occupation: American Politician;
Will Ferrell ::: Born: July 16, 1967; Occupation: Comedian;
Deniece Williams ::: Born: June 3, 1950; Occupation: Singer;
William Lipscomb ::: Born: December 9, 1919; Died: April 14, 2011; Occupation: Chemist;
William Perry ::: Born: October 11, 1927; Died: October 19, 2004; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of Defense;
Robert Willner ::: Born: June 21, 1929; Died: April 15, 1995; Occupation: Author;
William Brewster ::: Born: 1566; Died: April 10, 1644; Occupation: Preacher;
Will Alsop ::: Born: December 12, 1947; Occupation: Architect;
William Ross Ashby ::: Born: September 6, 1903; Died: November 15, 1972;
William Kircher ::: Born: May 23, 1958; Occupation: Actor;
John William Fletcher ::: Born: September 12, 1729; Died: August 14, 1785;
William Hartnell ::: Born: January 8, 1908; Died: April 23, 1975; Occupation: Actor;
William R. Ferris ::: Born: February 5, 1942; Occupation: Author;
William Nordhaus ::: Born: May 31, 1941; Occupation: Professor;
William-Adolphe Bouguereau ::: Born: November 30, 1825; Died: August 19, 1905; Occupation: Painter;
William Haines ::: Born: January 2, 1900; Died: December 26, 1973; Occupation: Film actor;
William Goyen ::: Born: April 24, 1915; Died: August 30, 1983; Occupation: Novelist;
Willis Lamb ::: Born: July 12, 1913; Died: May 15, 2008; Occupation: Physicist;
Liane Holliday Willey ::: Born: 1959; Occupation: Author;
Cornell William Brooks ::: Born: 1961; Occupation: Lawyer;
Carol Emshwiller ::: Born: April 12, 1921; Occupation: Writer;
William McKeen ::: Born: September 16, 1954; Occupation: Author;
Willow Smith ::: Born: October 31, 2000; Occupation: Singer;
William Wyler ::: Born: July 1, 1902; Died: July 27, 1981; Occupation: Film director;
Matthew William Goode ::: Born: April 3, 1978; Occupation: Actor;
William Gaddis ::: Born: December 29, 1922; Died: December 16, 1998; Occupation: Novelist;
William Adams ::: Born: September 24, 1564; Died: May 16, 1620; Occupation: sailor;
William Sanderson ::: Born: January 10, 1948; Occupation: Character actor;
Carole Radziwill ::: Born: August 20, 1963; Occupation: Journalist;
William Segal ::: Born: 1904; Died: 2000;
William Thomas Stead ::: Born: July 5, 1849; Died: April 15, 1912;
William Lloyd Garrison ::: Born: December 12, 1805; Died: May 24, 1879; Occupation: Journalist;
William H. Gass ::: Born: July 30, 1924; Occupation: Novelist;
Maisie Williams ::: Born: April 15, 1997; Occupation: Actress;
William Lucking ::: Born: June 17, 1941; Occupation: Film actor;
Will Poulter ::: Born: January 28, 1993; Occupation: Actor;
William H. Gates, Sr. ::: Born: November 30, 1925; Occupation: Attorney;
William K. Black ::: Born: September 6, 1951; Occupation: Author;
Will Graham ::: Born: January 30, 1975; Occupation: Evangelist;
William Gibson ::: Born: March 17, 1948; Occupation: Novelist;
William Shawn ::: Born: August 31, 1907; Died: December 8, 1992; Occupation: Editor;
F. William Engdahl ::: Born: August 9, 1944; Occupation: Journalist;
Will Herberg ::: Born: 1901; Died: 1977; Occupation: Writer;
William E. Gladstone ::: Born: December 29, 1809; Died: May 19, 1898; Occupation: Former Chancellor of the Exchequer;
William Glasser ::: Born: May 11, 1925; Died: August 23, 2013; Occupation: Psychiatrist;
Kimberly Williams-Paisley ::: Born: September 14, 1971; Occupation: Film actress;
William Godwin ::: Born: March 3, 1756; Died: April 7, 1836; Occupation: Journalist;
William Zabka ::: Born: October 21, 1965; Occupation: Actor;
Hosea Williams ::: Born: January 5, 1926; Died: November 16, 2000; Occupation: Minister;
G. Willow Wilson ::: Born: August 31, 1982; Occupation: Writer;
William Golding ::: Born: September 19, 1911; Died: June 19, 1993; Occupation: Novelist;
William Goldman ::: Born: August 12, 1931; Occupation: Novelist;
Will Patton ::: Born: June 14, 1954; Occupation: Actor;
Beau Willimon ::: Born: October 26, 1977; Occupation: Playwright;
G. William Domhoff ::: Born: August 6, 1936;
William Greider ::: Born: August 6, 1936; Occupation: Journalist;
William Damon ::: Born: 1944;
Michael Z. Williamson ::: Born: 1967; Occupation: Author;
William Gurnall ::: Born: 1617; Died: October 12, 1679; Occupation: Author;
William Hague ::: Born: March 26, 1961; Occupation: British Politician;
Will Packer ::: Born: April 11, 1974; Occupation: Producer;
William F. Schulz ::: Born: 1949;
William Halsey ::: Born: October 30, 1882; Died: August 16, 1959; Occupation: Military Commander;

William Christopher Handy ::: Born: November 16, 1873; Died: March 28, 1958; Occupation: Composer;
Lee Radziwill ::: Born: March 3, 1933; Occupation: Socialite;
William Monahan ::: Born: November 3, 1960; Occupation: Screenwriter;
Willa Holland ::: Born: June 18, 1991; Died: 1761; Occupation: Actress;
William D. Cohan ::: Born: February 20, 1960; Occupation: Writer;
William Henry Harrison ::: Born: February 9, 1773; Died: April 4, 1841; Occupation: 9th U.S. President;
William Henry O'Connell ::: Born: December 8, 1859; Died: April 22, 1944;

William C. Richardson ::: Born: May 11, 1940;
William Hazlitt ::: Born: April 10, 1778; Died: September 18, 1830; Occupation: Writer;
William Henry Willimon ::: Born: May 15, 1946; Occupation: Writer;
Sir William Hamilton, 9th Baronet ::: Born: March 8, 1788; Died: May 6, 1856; Occupation: Metaphysician;
William Davis ::: Born: 1957; Occupation: Cardiologist;
William Ramsay ::: Born: October 2, 1852; Died: July 23, 1916; Occupation: Chemist;
William Ernest Henley ::: Born: August 23, 1849; Died: July 11, 1903; Occupation: Poet;
William Moseley ::: Born: April 27, 1987; Occupation: Actor;
William Sadler ::: Born: April 13, 1950; Occupation: Film actor;
Kevin D. Williamson ::: Born: September 18, 1972;
William Quan Judge ::: Born: April 13, 1851; Died: March 21, 1896; Occupation: Correspondent;
William Poundstone ::: Born: March 29, 1955; Occupation: Author;
William Dean Howells ::: Born: March 1, 1837; Died: May 11, 1920; Occupation: Author;
William Bratton ::: Born: October 6, 1947; Occupation: Law enforcement officer;
William Atherton ::: Born: July 30, 1947; Occupation: Film actor;
William Hurt ::: Born: March 20, 1950; Occupation: Film actor;
Margaux Williamson ::: Born: 1976; Occupation: Artist;
Kam Williams ::: Born: December 11, 1952; Occupation: Journalist;
Willis Earl Beal ::: Born: 1983; Occupation: Musician;
William March ::: Born: September 18, 1893; Died: May 15, 1954; Occupation: Writer;
William Pfaff ::: Born: December 29, 1928; Died: April 30, 2015; Occupation: Author;
William James ::: Born: January 11, 1842; Died: August 26, 1910; Occupation: Philosopher;
William Fichtner ::: Born: November 27, 1956; Occupation: Actor;
Huddie William Ledbetter ::: Born: January 20, 1888; Died: December 6, 1949; Occupation: Musician;
William Kent ::: Born: 1685; Died: April 12, 1748; Occupation: Landscape architect;
William Hope Hodgson ::: Born: November 15, 1877; Died: April 17, 1918; Occupation: Author;
William Lyon Mackenzie King ::: Born: December 17, 1874; Died: July 22, 1950; Occupation: Former Prime Minister of Canada;
Roger Ross Williams ::: Born: April 13, 1973; Occupation: Television Director;
Willem de Kooning ::: Born: April 24, 1904; Died: March 19, 1997; Occupation: Artist;
William Kunstler ::: Born: July 7, 1919; Died: September 4, 1995; Occupation: Lawyer;
William Labov ::: Born: December 4, 1927; Occupation: Professor;
William Landay ::: Born: 1963; Occupation: Novelist;
Victoria Williams ::: Born: December 23, 1958; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
William Law ::: Born: 1686; Died: April 9, 1761; Occupation: Writer;
Will Wilkinson ::: Born: 1973; Occupation: Writer;
William Boughton ::: Born: December 18, 1948;
William Orbit ::: Born: December 15, 1956; Occupation: Musician;
William Henry Jackson ::: Born: April 4, 1843; Died: June 30, 1942;

Willigis Jager ::: Born: March 7, 1925;
William H. Macy ::: Born: March 13, 1950; Occupation: Actor;

William Manchester ::: Born: April 1, 1922; Died: June 1, 2004; Occupation: Author;
William Moulton Marston ::: Born: May 9, 1893; Died: May 2, 1947; Occupation: Psychologist;
Willie Mays ::: Born: May 6, 1931; Occupation: Baseball player;
William McKinley ::: Born: January 29, 1843; Died: September 14, 1901; Occupation: 25th U.S. President;\

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