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object:1.18 - M. AT DAKSHINESWAR
book class:The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
subject class:Yoga

author class:Sri Ramakrishna

Chapter 18


December 26, 1883

SRI RAMAKRISHNA, accompanied by Manilal Mallick, M., and several other devotees, was in a carriage on his way to Ram's new garden.

The garden, which Ram had recently purchased, was next to Surendra's. Ram adored the Master as an Incarnation of God. He visited Sri Ramakrishna frequently at Dakshineswar. Manilal Mallick was a member of the Brahmo Samaj. The Brahmos do not believe in Divine Incarnations.

MASTER (to Manilal): "In order to meditate on God, one should try at first to think of Him as free from upadhis, limitations. God is beyond upadhis. He is beyond speech and mind. But it is very difficult to achieve perfection in this form of meditation.

"But it is easy to meditate on an Incarnation-God born as man. Yes, God in man. The body is a mere covering. It is like a lantern with a light burning inside, or like a glass case in which one sees precious things."

Arriving at the garden, the Master got out of the carriage and accompanied Ram and the other devotees to the sacred tulsi-grove. Standing near it, he said: "How nice! It is a fine place. You can easily meditate on God here."

Sri Ramakrishna sat down in the house, which stood to the south of the lake. Ram offered him a plate of fruit and sweets which he enjoyed with the devotees. After a short time he went around the garden.

Next Sri Ramakrishna proceeded toward Surendra's garden. He walked on foot a little distance and saw a sdhu sitting on a couch under a tree. At once he went up to the holy man and joyfully began a conversation with him.

MASTER: "To which order of monks do you belong? Have you any title-Giri, Puri, or the like?"

SDHU: "People call me a paramahamsa."

Brahman and akti identical

MASTER: "That is good. 'I am iva'-that is a good attitude. But I must tell you something else. The process of creation, preservation, and destruction that is going on day and night is due to akti, the Power of God. This Primal Power and Brahman are one and the same. akti cannot exist without Brahman, just as waves cannot exist without water. There cannot be any instrumental music without an instrument.

"As long as God keeps us in His relative world, so long we feel that there are two. If one accepts akti, one accepts Brahman as well. If one is aware of night, one is also aware of day. If one is aware of knowledge, one is also aware of ignorance.

"But there is another state in which God reveals to His devotee that Brahman is beyond both knowledge and ignorance. It cannot be described in words. What exists, exists."

After a pleasant conversation with the sdhu, the Master returned to the carriage, the holy man walking with him. Sri Ramakrishna looked upon him as a friend of long acquaintance, and they walked arm in arm.

The Master arrived at Surendra's garden. The very first thing he talked about was the sdhu.

MASTER: "He is a very nice man. (To Ram) Bring him to Dakshineswar when you come.

He is really a good man. There is a line in a song to the effect that a man cannot recognize a holy person unless he is holy himself.

Many forms of divine manifestation

"The sdhu believes in God without form. That is good. God is both formless and endowed with form. He is many things more. The Absolute and the Relative belong to one and the same Reality. What is beyond speech and mind is born in the flesh, assuming various forms and engaging in various activities. From that one Om have sprung 'Om iva', 'Om Kli', and 'Om Krishna'. Suppose the master of a house has sent out a small boy of the family to invite people to a feast. All look on the boy with great fondness and affection because he is the son or grandson of a prominent man."

The Master took refreshments at Surendra's garden house and then set out for Dakshineswar with the devotees.

Thursday, December 27, 1883

The temple garden was filled with the sweet music of the dawn service; which mingled with the morning melody from the nahabat. Leaving his bed, Sri Ramakrishna chanted the names of God in sweet tones. Then he bowed before the pictures of the different deities in his room and went to the west porch to salute the Ganges.

Some of the devotees who had spent the night at the temple garden came to the Master's room and bowed before him. Rkhl was staying with the Master, and Baburam had come the previous evening. M. had been staying there two weeks.

Sri Ramakrishna said to M.: "I have been invited to Ishan's this morning. Baburam will accompany me, and you too." M. made ready to go with the Master.

At eight o'clock the carriage hired for the Master stood waiting in front of the nahabat.

On all sides plants and trees were in flower, and the river sparkled in the sunlight of the bright winter's day. The Master bowed once more before the pictures. Then, still chanting the name of the Divine Mother, he got into the carriage, followed by M. and Baburam. The devotees took with them Sri Ramakrishna's woolen shawl, woolen cap, and small bag of spices.

Sri Ramakrishna was very happy during the trip and enjoyed it like a child. About nine o'clock the carriage stopped at the door of Ishan's house.

Ishan and his relatives greeted the Master and led him to the parlour on the first floor.

Shrish, Ishan's son, was introduced to Sri Ramakrishna. The young man practised law at Alipur. He had been a brilliant student, having stood first in two of the university examinations, but he was extremely modest.

MASTER (to Shrish): "What is your profession?"

SHRISH: "I am practising law at Alipur."

MASTER (to M.): "For such a man to be a lawyer! (To Shrish) Well, have you any questions to ask? Perhaps you want to know how to live unattached in the world. Isn't that so?"

SHRISH: "Under the pressure of duties people do many unrighteous things in the world.

Further, some are engaged in good work, and some in evil. Is this due to their actions in previous births? Is that why they act this way?"

Duties and ceremonial devotions

MASTER: "How long should a man perform his duties? As long as he has not attained God. Duties drop away after the realization of God. Then one goes beyond good and evil. The flower drops off as soon as the fruit appears. The flower serves the purpose of begetting the fruit.

"How long should a devotee perform daily devotions such as the sandhya? As long as his hair does not stand on end and his eyes do not shed tears at the name of God. These things indicate that the devotee has realized God. From these one knows that he has attained pure love of God. Realizing God one goes beyond virtue and vice.

I bow my head, says Prasad, before desire and liberation; Knowing the secret that Kli is one with the highest Brahman, I have discarded, once for all, both righteousness and sin.

"The more you advance toward God, the less He will give you worldly duties to perform."

SHRISH: "It is extremely difficult to proceed toward God while leading the life of a householder."

Practice of God-communion

MASTER: "Why so? What about the yoga of practice? At Kamarpukur I have seen the women of the carpenter families selling flattened rice. Let me tell you how alert they are while doing their business. The pestle of the husking-machine that flattens the paddy constantly falls into the hole of the mortar. The woman turns the paddy in the hole with one hand and with the other holds her baby on her lap as she nurses it. In the mean time customers arrive. The machine goes on pounding the paddy, and she carries on her bargains with the customers'. She says to them, 'Pay the few pennies you owe me before you take anything more.' You see, she has all these things to do at the same time-nurse the baby, turn the paddy as the pestle pounds it, take the flattened rice out of the hole, and talk to the buyers. This is called the yoga of practice. Fifteen parts of her mind out of sixteen are fixed on the pestle of the husking-machine, lest it should pound her hand. With only one part of her mind she nurses the baby and talks to the buyers. Likewise, he who leads the life of a householder should devote fifteen parts of his mind to God; otherwise he will face ruin and fall into the clutches of Death. He should perform the duties of the world with only one part of his mind.

"A man may lead the life of a householder after attaining Knowledge. But he must attain Knowledge first. If the milk of the mind is kept in the water of the world, they get mixed. Therefore he should turn the milk into curd and extract butter from it by churning it in solitude; then he may keep the butter in the water of the world.

Therefore, you see, spiritual discipline is necessary. When the Awattha tree is a mere sapling, it must be enclosed by a fence; otherwise the cattle will eat it. But the fence may be taken away when the trunk grows thick and strong. Then even an elephant tied to the tree cannot harm it.

Necessity of spiritual discipline

"Therefore at the beginning the aspirant should go into solitude now and then. Spiritual discipline is necessary. You want to eat rice; suppose you sit down somewhere and say, 'Wood contains fire and fire cooks rice.' Can saying it cook the rice? You must get two pieces of wood and by rubbing them together bring out the fire.

"By eating siddhi one becomes intoxicated and feels happy. But suppose you haven't eaten the stuff or done anything else with it; you simply sit down somewhere and mutter, 'Siddhi! siddhi!' Will that intoxicate you or make you happy?

"You may learn a great deal from books; but it is all futile if you have no love for God and no desire to realize Him. A mere pundit, without discrimination and renunciation, has his attention fixed on 'woman and gold'. The vulture soars very high but its eyes are fixed on the charnel-pit.

"That alone is knowledge through which one is able to know God. All else is futile. Well, what is your idea about God?"

SHRISH: "Sir, I feel that there is an All-knowing Person. We get an indication of His Knowledge by looking at His creation. Let me give an illustration. God has made devices to keep fish and other aquatic animals alive in cold regions. As water grows colder, it gradually shrinks. But the amazing thing is that, just before turning into ice, the water becomes light and expands. In the freezing cold, fish can easily live in the water of a lake: the surface of the lake may be frozen, but the water below is all liquid.

If a very cool breeze blows, it is obstructed by the ice. The water below remains warm."

MASTER: "That God exists may be known by looking at the universe. But it is one thing to hear of God, another thing to see God, and still another thing to talk to God. Some have heard of milk, some have seen it, and some, again, have tasted it. You feel happy when you see milk; you are nourished and streng thened when you drink it. You will get peace of mind only when you have seen God. You will enjoy bliss and gain strength only when you have talked to Him."

SHRISH: "We do not have time to pray to God."

MASTER (with a smile): "That is true. Nothing comes to pass except at the right time.

Going to bed, a child said to his mother, 'Mother, please wake me up when I feel the call of nature.' 'My son,' said the mother, 'that urge itself will wake you up. I don't have to wake you.'

"It is all decided beforeh and by God what each one shall receive. A mother-in-law used to measure rice with a dish for her daughters-in-law. But it was not enough for them.

One day the dish was broken and that made the girls happy. But the mother-in-law said to them, 'Children, you may shout and dance, but I can measure the rice with the palm of my hand.'

Self-surrender to God

(To Shrish): "Surrender everything at the feet of God. What else can you do? Give Him the power of attorney. Let Him do whatever He thinks best. If you rely on a great man, he will never injure you.

Illustration of monkey and kitten

"It is no doubt necessary to practise spiritual discipline; but there are two kinds of aspirants. The nature of the one kind is like that of the young monkey, and the nature of the other kind is like that of the kitten. The young monkey, with great exertion, somehow clings to its mother. Likewise, there are some aspirants who think that in order to realize God they must repeat His name a certain number of times, meditate on Him for a certain period, and practise a certain amount of austerity. An aspirant of this kind makes his own efforts to catch hold of God. But the kitten, of itself, cannot cling to its mother. It lies on the ground and cries, 'Mew, mew!' It leaves everything to its mother. The mother cat sometimes puts it on a bed, sometimes on the roof behind a pile of wood. She carries the kitten in her mouth hither and thither. The kitten doesn't know how to cling to the mother. Likewise, there are some aspirants who cannot practise spiritual discipline by calculating about japa or the period of meditation. All that they do is cry to God with yearning hearts. God hears their cry and cannot keep Himself away. He reveals Himself to them."

At noon the host wished to feed the Master and the devotees. Sri Ramakrishna was smilingly pacing the room. Now and then he exchanged a few words with the musician.

MUSICIAN: "It is God alone who is both the 'instrument' and the 'cause'. Duryodhana said to Krishna: 'O Lord, Thou art seated in my heart. I act as Thou makest me act.'"

MASTER (with a smile): "Yes, that is true. It is God alone who acts through us. He is the Doer, undoubtedly, and man is His instrument. But it is also true that an action cannot fail to produce its result. Your stomach will certainly burn if you eat hot chilli. It is God who has ordained that chilli will burn your stomach. If you commit a sin, you must bear its fruit. But one who has attained perfection, realized God, cannot commit sin. An expert singer cannot sing a false note. A man with a trained voice sings the notes correctly: sa, re, ga, ma, pa, dha, ni."

The meal was ready. The Master and the devotees went to the inner court, where they were treated to a generous feast.

About. three o'clock in the afternoon the Master was seated again in Ishan's drawing-room with M. and Shrish. He resumed his conversation with Shrish.

MASTER: "What is your attitude toward God? 'I am He', or 'Master and servant'? For the householder it is very good to look on God as the Master. The householder is conscious of doing the duties of life himself. Under such conditions how can he say, 'I am He'? To him who says, 'I am He' the world appears to be a dream. His mind, his body, even his ego, are dreams to him. Therefore he cannot perform worldly duties. So it is very good for the householder to look on himself as the servant and on God as the Master.

"Hanuman had the attitude of a servant. He said to Rma: 'O Rma, sometimes I meditate on You as the whole and on myself as the part. Sometimes I feel that You are the Master and I am the servant. But when I have the Knowledge of Reality, I see that I am You and You are I.'

"In the state of Perfect Knowledge one may feel, 'I am He'; but that is far beyond the ordinary man's experience."

SHRISH: "That is true, sir. The attitude of a servant relieves a man of all his worries.

The servant depends entirely upon his master. A dog is devoted to its master. It depends upon him and is at peace."

God with form and the formless Deity

MASTER: "Well, what suits your taste-God with form or the formless Reality? But to tell you the truth, He who is formless is also endowed with form. To His bhaktas He reveals Himself as having a form. It is like a great ocean, an infinite expanse of water, without any trace of shore. Here and there some of the water has been frozen. Intense cold has turned it into ice. Just so, under the cooling influence, so to speak, of the bhakta's love, the Infinite appears to take a form. Again, the ice melts when the sun rises; it becomes water as before. Just so, one who follows the path of knowledge -the path of discrimination-does not see the form of God any more. To him everything is formless.

The ice melts into formless water with the rise of the Sun of Knowledge. But mark this: form and formlessness belong to one and the same Reality."

At dusk the Master was ready to start for Dakshineswar. He stood on the south porch of the drawing-room, talking to Ishan. Someone remarked that the chanting of God's holy name did not always produce results. Ishan said: "How can you say that? The seeds of an Awattha tree are no doubt tiny, but in them lie the germs of big trees. It may take a very long time for them to grow."

"Yes, Yes!" said the Master. "It takes a long time to see the effect."

Next to Ishan's was his father-in-law's house. Sri Ramakrishna stood at the door of this house, ready to get into the carriage. Ishan and his friends stood around to bid him adieu. Sri Ramakrishna said to Ishan: "You are living in the world as a mudfish lives in the mud. It lives in the mud but its body is not stained.

"There are both vidy and avidy in this world of maya. Who may be called a paramahamsa? He who, like a swan, can take the milk from a mixture of milk and water, leaving aside the water. He who, like an ant, can take the sugar from a mixture of sugar and sand, leaving aside the sand."

It was evening. The Master stopped at Ram's house on his way to Dakshineswar. He was taken to the drawing-room and there he engaged in conversation with Mahendra Goswami. Mahendra belonged to the Vaishnava sect and was Ram's neighbour. Sri Ramakrishna was fond of him.

MASTER: "The worshippers of Vishnu and the worshippers of akti will all ultimately reach one and the same goal; the ways may be different. The true Vaishnavas do not criticize the Saktas."

GOSWAMI (smiling): "iva and Parvati are our Father and Mother." Sri Ramakrishna, out of his stock of a dozen English words, said sweetly, "Thank you!" Then he added, "Yes, Father and Mother!"

GOSWAMI: "Besides, it is a sin to criticize anyone, especially a devotee of God. All sins may be forgiven, but not the sin of criticizing a devotee."

MASTER: "But this idea of sin does not by any means affect all. For instance, the Isvarakotis, such as Incarnations of God, are above sin. Sri Chaitanya is an example.

"A child, walking on a narrow ridge and holding to his father, may slip into the ditch. But that can never happens if the father holds the child by the hand.

The Master's prayer for pure love

"Listen. I prayed to the Divine Mother for pure love. I said to Her: 'Here is Thy righteousness, here is Thy unrighteousness. Take them both and give me pure love for Thee. Here is Thy purity, here is Thy impurity. Take them both and give me pure love for Thee. O Mother, here is Thy virtue, here is Thy vice. Take them both and give me pure love for Thee.' "

GOSWAMI: "Yes, sir. That is right."

Unswerving devotion to God

MASTER: "You should undoubtedly bow before all views. But there is a thing called unswerving devotion to one ideal. True, you should salute everyone. But you must love one ideal with your whole soul. That is unswerving devotion.

"Hanuman could not take delight in any other form than that of Rma. The gopis had such single-minded love for the cowherd Krishna of Vrindvan that they did not care to see the turbaned Krishna of Dwaraka.

"A wife may serve her husband's brothers by fetching water, or in other ways, but she cannot serve them in the way she does her husband. With him she has a special relationship."

Ram treated the Master to sweets.

Sri Ramakrishna was ready to start for

Dakshineswar. He put on his woolen shawl and cap, and got into the carriage with M.

and the other devotees. Ram and his friends saluted the Master.

Saturday, December 29, 1883

It was the day of the new moon, auspicious for the worship of the Divine Mother. At one o'clock in the afternoon Sri Ramakrishna got into a carriage to visit the temple of Kli at Kalighat. He intended to stop at Adhar's house on the way, since Adhar was to accompany him to the temple. While the carriage was waiting near the north porch of the Master's room, M. went to the Master and said, "Sir, may I also go with you?"

MASTER: "Why?"

M: "I should like to visit my home in Calcutta."

Sri Ramakrishna reflected a moment and said: "Must you go home? Why? You are quite all right here."

M. wanted to see his people a few hours, but evidently the Master did not approve.

Sunday, December 30, 1883

At three o'clock in the afternoon, while M. was walking up and down under a tree, a devotee came to him and said that the Master had sent for him. M. went to Sri Ramakrishna's room and found a number of devotees there. He saluted the Master.

Ram, Kedr, and others had arrived from Calcutta. Ram had brought with him the Vedantist monk whom the Master had visited near his garden a few days earlier. On that occasion Sri Ramakrishna had asked him to bring the sdhu to Dakshineswar.

The monk was sitting on the small couch with the Master. They were talking happily in Hindusthani.

MASTER: "What do you feel about all this?"

MONK: "It is all like a dream."

MASTER: "Brahman alone is real and the world illusory. Well sir, what is Brahman?"

MONK: "Brahman is the Sound. It is Om."

MASTER: "But there must be something indicated by the sound. Isn't that so?"

MONK: "That Itself is the thing indicated as well as the indicator."

At these words Sri Ramakrishna went into samdhi and sat motionless. The monk and the devotees looked wonderingly at him in his ecstatic condition. Kedr said to the monk: "Look at him, sir. This is samdhi."

The monk had read of samdhi but had never seen it before. After a few minutes the Master began gradually to come down to the normal plane of consciousness. He said to the Divine Mother: "Mother, I want to be normal. Please don't make me unconscious. I should like to talk to the sdhu about Satchidananda. Mother, I want to be merry talking about Satchidananda."

The monk was amazed to see the Master's condition and to hear these words. Sri Ramakrishna said to him: "Please do away with your 'I am He'. Let us now keep 'I' and 'Thou' to enjoy the fun."

A little later the Master was walking in the Panchavati with Ram, Kedr, M., and the other devotees.

MASTER (to Kedr, with a smile): "What did you think of the sdhu?"

KEDR: "It is all dry knowledge. The pot has just been put on the fire, but as yet there is no rice in it."

MASTER: "That may be true. But he has renounced everything. He who has renounced the world has already made great progress. The sdhu belongs to the stage of the beginner. Nothing can be achieved without the realization of God. When a man is intoxicated with ecstatic love of God, he dosn't take delight in anything else. Then-Cherish my precious Mother Syama Tenderly within, O mind;

May you and I alone behold Her,

Letting no one else intrude."

Kedr repeated the words of a song in keeping with the Master's feeling: How shall I open my heart, O friend?

It is forbidden me to speak.

I am about to die, for lack of a kindred soul

To understand my misery. . . .

Sri Ramakrishna returned to his room. About four o'clock the door of the Kli temple was opened, and the Master walked to the temple with the monk; M. accompanied them. Entering the inner chamber, the Master prostrate himself reverently before the image. The monk, with folded hands, also bowed his head repeatedly before Kli.

MASTER: "What do you think of Kli?"

MONK (with devotion): "Kli is supreme."

MASTER: "Kli and Brahman are identical. Is that not so?"

MONK: "As long as one's mind is turned to the outer world, one must accept Kli. As long as a man sees the outer world, and discriminates between good and evil, he must accept good and reject evil. To be sure, all names and forms are illusory; but as long as the mind sees the outer world, the aspirant must give up woman. The ideas of good and evil are applied to one who is still a student on the path; otherwise he will stray from the path of righteousness.

Thus conversing, the Master and the monk returned from the temple.

MASTER (to M.): "Did you notice that the sdhu bowed before Kli?"

M: "Yes, sir."

Monday, December 31, 1883

At four o'clock in the afternoon the Master was sitting in his room with M., Rkhl, Ltu, Harish, and other devotees.

Addressing M. and Balarm, the Master said: "Haladhri followed the path of knowledge.

Day and night he used to study the Upanishads, the Adhytma Rmyana, and similar books on Vednta. He would turn up his nose at the mention of the forms of God. Once I ate from the leaf-plates of the beggars. At this Haladhri said to me, 'How will you be able to marry your children?' I said: 'You rascal! Shall I ever have children? May your mouth that repeats words from the Git and the Vednta be blighted!' Just fancy! He declared that the world was illusory and, again, would meditate in the temple of Vishnu with turned-up nose."

In the evening Balarm and the other devotees returned to Calcutta. The Master remained in his room, absorbed in contemplation of the Divine Mother: After a while the sweet music of the evening worship in the temples was heard.

A little later the Master began to talk to the Mother in a tender voice that touched the heart of M., who was seated on the floor. After repeating, "Hari Om! Hari Om! Om!", the Master said: "Mother, don't make me unconscious with the Knowledge of Brahman.

Mother, I don't want Brahmajnana. I want to be merry. I want to play." Again he said: "Mother, I don't know the Vednta; and Mother, I don't even care to know. The Vedas and the Vednta remain so far below when Thou art realized, O Divine Mother!" Then he said: "O Krishna, I shall say to Thee, 'Eat, my Child! Take this, my Child!' O Krishna, I shall say to Thee, 'My Child, Thou hast assumed this body for my sake.' "

Wednesday, January 2, 1884

Rkhl , Ltu, Harish, Ramlal, and M. had been staying with Sri Ramakrishna at the temple garden. About three o'clock in the afternoon M. found the Master on the west porch of his room engaged in conversation with a Tantrik devotee. The Tantrik was wearing an ochre cloth. Sri Ramakrishna asked M. to sit by his side. Perhaps the Master intended to instruct him through his talk with the Tantrik devotee. Mahima Chakravarty had sent the latter to the Master.

MASTER (to the Tantrik): "It is a part of the Tantrik discipline to drink wine from a human skull. This wine is called 'karana'. Isn't that so?"

TANTRIK: "Yes, sir."

MASTER: "But I cannot touch wine at all."

TANTRlK: "You have spontaneous Divine Bliss. One who enjoys that Bliss wants nothing else."

MASTER: "I don't care for japa and austerity. But I have constant remembrance and consciousness of God.

"Tell me, when they speak of the six centres, what do they mean?"

TAN'TRIK: "These are like different holy places. In each of the centres dwell iva and akti. One cannot see them with the physical eyes. One cannot take them out by cutting open the body."

M. listened silently to the conversation. Looking at him, the Master asked the Tantrik devotee, "Can a man attain perfection without the help of a vija mantra, a sacred word from the guru?"

TANTRIK: "Yes, he can if he has faith-faith in the words of the guru."

The Master turned to M. and said, drawing his attention, "Faith!"

After the Tantrik devotee had taken his leave, Jaygopal Sen, a member of the Brahmo Samaj, arrived. The Master talked with him.

MASTER (to Jaygopal): "One should not harbour malice toward any person or any opinion. The believers in the formless God and the worshippers of God with form are all, without exception, going toward God alone. The Jnni, the yogi, the bhakta-all, without exception, are seeking Him alone. The follower of the path of knowledge calls Him 'Brahman'. The yogi calls Him 'tman' or 'Paramatman'. The bhakta calls Him 'Bhagavan'. Further, it is said that there is the Eternal Lord and His Eternal Servant."

JAYGOPAL: "How can we know that all paths are true?"

MASTER: "A man can reach God if he follows one path rjghtly. Then he can learn about all the other paths. It is like reaching the roof by some means or other. Then one is able to climb down by the wooden or stone stairs, by a bamboo pole, or even by a rope.

"A devotee can know everything when God's grace descends on him. If you but realize Him, you will be able to know all about Him. You should somehow meet the master of a house and become acquainted with him; then he himself will tell you how many houses he owns and all about his gardens and government seurities."

How to receive God's grace

JAYGOPAL: "How does one receive the grace of God?"

MASTER: "Constantly you have to chant the name and glories of God and give up worldly thoughts as much as you can. With the greatest effort you may try to bring water into your field for your crops, but it may all leak out through holes in the ridges. Then all your efforts to bring the water by digging a canal will be futile.

"You will feel restless for God when your heart becomes pure and your mind free from attachment to the things of the world. Then alone will your prayer reach God. A telegraph wire cannot carry messages if it has a break or some other defect.

"I used to cry for God all alone, with a longing heart. I used to weep, 'O God, where art Thou?' Weeping thus, I would lose all consciousness of the world. My mind would merge in the Mahvyu.

Renunciation of worldly attachment

"How can one attain yoga? By completely renouncing attachment to worldly things. The mind must be pure and without blemish, like the telegraph wire that has no defect.

Unselfish love of God

"One must not cherish any desire whatever. The devotion of a man who has any desire is selfish. But desireless devotion is love for its own sake. You may love me or not, but I love you: this is love for its own sake.

"The thing is that one must love God. Through intense love one attains the vision of Him. The attraction of the husb and for the chaste wife, the attraction of the child for its mother, the attraction of worldly possessions for the worldly man-when a man can blend these three into one, and direct it all to God, then he gets the vision of God."

Jaygopal was a man of the world. Was this why the Master gave instruction suited to him?

At eight o'clock that evening the Master was sitting in his room with Rkhl and M. It was the twenty-first day of M.'s stay with Sri Ramakrishna. The Master had forbidden him to indulge in reasoning.

Futility of reasoning

MASTER (to Rkhl): "It is not good to reason too much. First comes God, and then the world. Realize God first; then you will know all about His world. (To M. and Rkhl ) If first one is introduced to Jadu Mallick, then one can know everything about him-the number of his houses, gardens, government securities, and so on. For this reason the rishi Nrada advised Valmiki1 to repeat the word 'mara'. 'Ma' means God, and 'ra' the world. First comes God, and then the world. Krishnakishore said that the word 'mara' is a holy mantra because it was given to Valmiki by the rishi. 'Ma' means God, and 'r' the world.

"Therefore, like Valmiki, one should at first renounce everything and cry to God in solitude with a longing heart. The first thing necessary is the vision of God; then comes reasoning-about the scriptures and the world.

(To M.) "That is why I have been telling you not to reason any more. I came from the pine-grove to say that to you. Through too much reasoning your spiritual life will be injured; you will at last become like Hazra. I used to roam at night in the streets, all alone, and cry to the Divine Mother, 'O Mother, blight with Thy thunderbolt my desire to reason!' Tell me that you won't reason any more."

M: "Yes, sir. I won't reason any more."

MASTER: "Everything can be achieved through bhakti alone. Those who want the Knowledge of Brahman will certainly achieve that also by following the trail of bhakti.

"Can a man blessed with the grace of God ever lack Knowledge? At Kamarpukur I have seen grain-dealers measuring paddy. As one heap is measured away another heap is pushed forward to be measured. The Mother supplies the devotees with the 'heap' of Knowledge. .

"After attaining God, one looks on a pundit as mere straw and dust. Padmalochan said to me: 'What does it matter if I accompany you to a meeting at the house of a fisherman? With you I can dine even at the house of a pariah.'

"Everything can be realized simply through love of God. If one is able to love God, one does not lack anything. Kartika and Ganesa were seated near Bhagavati, who had a necklace of gems around Her neck. The Divine Mother said to them, 'I will present this necklace to him who is the first to go around the universe.' Thereupon Kartika, without losing a moment, set out on the peacock, his carrier. Ganesa, on the other hand, in a leisurely fashion went around the Divine Mother and prostrated himself before Her. He knew that She contained within Herself the entire universe. The Divine Mother was pleased with him and put the necklace around his neck. After a long while Kartika returned and found his brother seated there with the necklace on.

The Master's visions

"Weeping, I prayed to the Mother: 'O Mother, reveal to me what is contained in the Vedas and the Vednta. Reveal to me what is in the Purana and the Tantra.' One by one She has revealed all these to me.

"Yes, She has taught me everything. Oh, how many things she has shown me! One day She showed me iva and akti everywhere. Everywhere I saw the comunion of iva and akti. iva and akti existing in all living things-men, animals, trees, plants. I saw them in the communion of all male and female elements.

"Another day I was shown heaps of human heads, mountain high. Nothing else existed, and I was seated alone in their midst.

"Still another day She showed me an ocean. Taking the form of a salt doll, I was going to measure its depth. While doing this, through the grace of the guru I was turned to stone. Then I saw a ship and at once got into it.

The helmsman was the guru. I hope you pray every day to Satchidananda, who is the Guru. Do you?"

M: "Yes, sir."

MASTER: "The guru was the helmsman in that boat. I saw that 'I' and 'you' were two different things. Again I jumped into the ocean, and was changed into a fish. I found myself swimming joyfully in the Ocean of Satchidananda.

"These are all deep mysteries. What can you understand through reasoning? You will realize everything when God Himself teaches you. Then you will not lack any knowledge."

Friday, January 4, 1884

Sri Ramakrishna was sitting in his room. M. was still staying with the Master, devoting his time to the practice of spiritual discipline. He had been spending a great part of each day in prayer and meditation under the bel-tree, where the Master had performed great austerities and had seen many wonderful visions of God.

Master exhorts M. not to reason & Different attitudes toward God MASTER (to M.): "Don't reason any more. In the end, reasoning only injures the aspirant. One should assume a particular attitude toward God while praying to Him-the attitude of friend or servant or son or 'hero'.

"I assume the attitude of a child. To me every woman is my mother. The divine Maya, seeing this attitude in an aspirant, moves away from his path out of sheer shame.

"The attitude of 'hero' is extremely difficult. The Saktas and the Bauls among the Vaishnavas follow it, but it is very hard to keep one's spiritual life pure in that attitude.

One can assume other attitudes toward God as well the attitude in which the devotee serenely contemplates God as the Creator, the attitude of service to Him, the attitude of friendship, the attitude of motherly affection, or the attitude of conjugal love. The conjugal relationship, the attitude of a woman to her husb and or sweetheart, contains all the rest-serenity, service, friendship, and motherly affection. (To M.) Which one of these appeals to your mind?"

M: "I like them all."

MASTER: "When one attains perfection one takes delight in all these relationships. In that state a devotee has not the slightest trace of lust. The holy books of the Vaishnavas speak of Chandidas and the washerwoman. Their love was entirely free from lust.

"In that state a devotee looks on himself as a woman. He does not regard himself as a man. Sanatana Goswami refused to see Mirabai because she was a woman. Mira informed him that at Vrindvan the only man was Krishna and that all others were His handmaids. 'Was it right of Sanatana to think of himself as a man?' Mira inquired."

Master and the Brahmo Samaj

At dusk M. was sitting at the Master's feet. Sri Ramakrishna had been told that Keshab's illness had taken a turn for the worse. He was talking about Keshab and incidentally about the Brahmo Samaj.

MASTER (to M.): "Do they only give lectures in the Brahmo Samaj? Or do they also meditate? I understand that they call their service in the temple 'upasana'.

"Keshab at one time thought a great deal of Christianity and the Christian views. At that time, and even before, he belonged to Devendranath Tagore's organization."

M: "Had Keshab Babu come here from the very beginning, he would not have been so preoccupied with social reform. He would not have been so busy with the abolition of the caste system, widow remarriage, intercaste marriage, women's education, and such social activities."

MASTER: "Keshab now believes in Kli as the Embodiment of Spirit and Consciousness, the Primal Energy. Besides, he repeats the holy name of the Mother and chants Her glories.

"Do you think the Brahmo Samaj will develop in the future into a sort of social-reform organization?"

M: "The soil of this country is different. Only what is true survives here."

MASTER: "Yes, that is so. The Sanatana Dharma, the Eternal Religion declared by the rishis, will alone endure. But there will also remain some sects like the Brahmo Samaj.

Everything appears and disappears through the will of God."

Earlier in the afternoon several devotees from Calcutta had visited the Master and had sung many songs. One of the songs contained the following idea: "O Mother, You have cajoled us with red toys. You will certainly come running to us when we throw them away and cry ourselves hoarse for You."

MASTER (to M.): "How well they sang about the red toys!"

M: "Yes, sir. You once told Kesbab about the red toys."

MASTER: "Yes. I also told him about the Chidakasa, the Inner Consciousness, and about many other things. Oh, how happy we were! We used to sing and dance together."

Saturday, January 5, 1884

It was the twenty-third day of M.'s stay with Sri Ramakrishna. M. had finished his midday meal about one o'clock and was resting in the nahabat when suddenly he heard someone call his name three or four times. Coming out, he saw Sri Ramakrishna calling to him from the verandah north of his room.

M. saluted the Master and they conversed on the south verandah.

MASTER: "I want to know how you meditate. When I meditated under the bel-tree I used to see various visions clearly. One day I saw in front of me money, a shawl, a tray of sandesh and two women. I asked my mind, 'Mind, do you want any of these?' I saw the sandesh to be mere filth. One of the women had a big ring in her nose. I could see both their inside and outside-entrails, filth, bone, flesh, and blood. The mind did not want any of these-money, shawl, sweets, or women. It remained fixed at the Lotus Feet of God.

"A small balance has two needles, the upper and the lower. The mind is the lower needle. I was always afraid lest the mind should move away from the upper needle-God. Further, I would see a man always sitting by me with a trident in his hand. He threatened to strike me with it if the lower needle moved away from the upper one.

"But no spiritual progress is possible without the renunciation of 'woman and gold'. I renounced these three: land, wife, and wealth. Once I went to the Registry Office to register some land, the title of which was in the name of Raghuvir. The officer asked me to sign my name; but I didn't do it, because I couldn't feel that it was 'my' land. I was shown much respect as the guru of Keshab Sen. They presented me with mangoes, but I couldn't carry them home. A sannyasi cannot lay things up.

"How can one expect to attain God without renunciation? Suppose one thing is placed upon another; how can you get the second without removing the first?

"One must pray to God without any selfish desire. But selfish worship, if practised with perseverance, is gradually turned into selfless worship. Dhruva practised tapasya to obtain his kingdom, but at last he realized God. He said, 'Why should a man give up gold if he gets it while searching for glass beads?'

Master and philanthropy

"God can be realized when a man acquires sattva. Householders engage in philanthropic work, such as charity, mostly with a motive. That is not good. But actions without motives are good. Yet it is very difficult to leave motives out of one's actions.

"When you realize God, will you pray to Him, 'O God, please grant that I may dig reservoirs, build roads, and found hospitals and dispensaries'? After the realization of God all such desires are left behind.

"Then mustn't one perform acts of compassion, such as charity to the poor? I do not forbid it. If a man has money, he should give it to remove the sorrows and sufferings that come to his notice. In such an event the wise man says, 'Give the poor something.'

But inwardly he feels: 'What can I do? God alone is the Doer. I am nothing.'

"The great souls, deeply affected by the sufferings of men, show them the way to God.

Sankaracharya kept the 'ego of Knowledge' in order to teach mankind. The gift of knowledge and devotion is far superior to the gift of food. Therefore Chaitanyadeva distributed bhakti to all, including the outcaste. Happiness and suffering are the inevitable characteristics of the body. You have come to eat mangoes. Fulfil that desire. The one thing needful is jnna and bhakti. God alone is Substance; all else is illusory.

"It is God alone who does everything. You may say that in that case man may commit sin. But that is not true. If a man is firmly convinced that God alone is the Doer and that he himself is nothing, then he will never make a false step.

Meaning of free will

"It is God alone who has planted in man's mind what the 'Englishman' calls free will.

People who have not realized God would become engaged in more and more sinful actions if God had not planted in them the notion of free will. Sin would have increased if God had not made the sinner feel that he alone was responsible for his sin.

"Those who have realized God are aware that free will is a mere appearance. In reality man is the machine and God its Operator, man is the carriage and God its Driver."

It was about four o'clock. Rkhl and several other devotees were listening to a kirtan by M. in the hut at the Panchavati. Rkhl went into a spiritual mood while listening to the devotional song. After a while the Master came to the Panchavati accompanied by Baburam and Harish. Other devotees followed.'

RKHL: "How well he [referring to M.] sang kirtan for us! He made us all very happy."

The Master sang in an ecstatic mood:

O friends, how great is my relief

To hear you chanting Krishna's name! . . .

To the devotees he said, "Always sing devotional songs" Continuing, he said: "To love God and live in the company of the devotees: that is all. What more is there?" He said, again: "When Krishna went to Mathura, Yaoda came to Radha, who was absorbed in meditation. Afterwards Radha said to Yaoda: 'I am the Primordial Energy. Ask a boon of Me.' 'What other boon shall I ask of You?' said Yaoda. Only bless me that I may serve God with my body, mind, and tongue; that I may behold His devotees with these eyes, that I may meditate on Him with this mind, and that I may chant His name and glories with this tongue.'

"But those who are firmly established in God may do as well without the devotees. This is true of those who feel the presence of God both within and without. Sometimes they don't enjoy the devotees' company. You don't whitewash a wall inlaid with mother of pearl-the lime won't stick."

The Master returned presently from the Panchavati, talking to M.

MASTER: "You have the voice of a woman. Can't you practise a song such as this?

Tell me, friend, how far is the grove

Where Krishna, my Beloved, dwells?

(To M., pointing to Baburam) "You see, my own people have become strangers; Ramlal and my other relatives seem to be foreigners. And strangers have become my own.

Don't you notice how I tell Baburam to go and wash his face? The devotees have become relatives.

(Looking at the Panchavati) "I used to sit there. In course of time I became mad. That phase also passed away. Kala, iva, is Brahman. That which sports with Kala is Kli, the Primal Energy. Kli moves even the Immutable."

Saying this, the Master sang:

My mind is overwhelmed with wonder,

Pondering the Mother's mystery;

Her very name removes

The fear of Kala, Death himself;

Beneath Her feet lies Maha-Kala. . . .

Then he said to M.: "Today is Saturday. Go to the temple of Kli."

As the Master came to the bakul-tree he spoke to M. again: "Chidatma and Chitakti.

The Purusha is the Chidatma and Prakriti the Chitakti. Sri Krishna is the Chidatma and Sri Radha the Chitakti. The devotees are so many forms of the Chitakti. They should think of themselves as companions or handmaids of the Chitakti, Sri Radha. This is the whole gist of the thing.'"

After dusk Sri Ramakrishna went to the Kli temple and was pleased to see M.

meditating there.

The evening worship was over in the temples. The Master returned to his room and sat on the couch, absorbed in meditation on the Divine Mother. M. sat on the floor. There was no one else in the room.

The Master was in samdhi. He began to come gradually down to the normal plane. His mind was still filled with the consciousness of the Divine Mother. In that state he was speaking to Her like a small child making importunate demands on his mother. He said in a piteous voice: "Mother, why haven't You revealed to me that form of Yours, the form that bewitches the world? I pleaded with You so much for it. But You wouldn't listen to me. You act as You please."

The voice in which these words were uttered was very touching.

He went on: "Mother, one needs faith. Away with this wretched reasoning! Let it be blighted! One needs faith-faith in the words of the guru, childlike faith. The mother says to her child, 'A ghost lives there'; and the child is firmly convinced that the ghost is there. Again, the mother says to the child, 'A holy man is there', and the child is sure of it. Further, the mother says, pointing to a man, 'He is your elder brother', and the child believes that the man is one hundred and twenty-five per cent his brother. One needs faith. But why should I blame them, Mother? What can they do? It is necessary to go through reasoning once. Didn't You see how much I told him about it the other day? But it all proved useless."

Master's prayer to the Divine Mother

The Master was weeping and praying to the Mother in a voice choked with emotion. He prayed to Her with tearful eyes for the welfare of the devotees: "Mother, may those who come to You have all their desires fulfilled! But please don't make them give up everything at once, Mother. Well, You may do whatever You like in the end. If You keep them in the world, Mother, then please reveal Yourself to them now and then.

Otherwise, how will they live? How will they be encouraged if they don't see You once in a while? But You may do whatever You like in the end."

Advice to M

The Master was still in the ecstatic mood. Suddenly he said to M: "Look here, you have had enough of reasoning. No more of it. Promise that you won't reason any more."

M. (with folded hands): "Yes, sir. I won't."

MASTER: "You have had enough of it. When you came to me the first time, I told you your spiritual Ideal. I know everything about you, do I not?"

M. (with folded hands): "Yes, sir."

MASTER: "Yes, I know everything: what your Ideal is, who you are, your inside and outside, the events of your past lives, and your future. Do I not?"

M. (with folded hands): "Yes, sir."

MASTER: "I scolded you on learning that you had a son. Now go home and live there.

Let them know that you belong to them. But you must remember in your heart of hearts that you do not belong to them nor they to you."

M. sat in silence. The Master went on instructing him.

MASTER: "You have now learnt to fly. But keep your loving relationship with your father. Can't you prostrate yourself before him?"

M. (with folded hands): "Yes, sir. I can."

MASTER: "What more shall I say to you? You, know everything. You understand, don't you?"

M. sat there without uttering a word.

MASTER: "You have understood, haven't you?"

M: "Yes, sir, I now understand a little."

MASTER: "No, you understand a great deal. Rkhl 's father is pleased about his staying here."

M. remained with folded hands.

MASTER: "Yes, what you are thinking will also come to pass."

Sri Ramakrishna now came down to the normal state of mind. Rkhl and Ramlal entered the room. At the Master's bidding Ramlal sang: Who is the Woman yonder who lights the field of battle?

Darker Her body gleams even than the darkest storm-cloud And from Her teeth there Bash the lightning's blinding flames...

He sang again:

Who is this terrible Woman, dark as the sky at midnight?

Who is this Woman dancing over the field of battle?...

MASTER: "The Divine Mother and the earthly mother. It is the Divine Mother who exists in the form of the universe and pervades everything as Consciousness. The earthly mother gives birth to this body. I used to go into samdhi uttering the word 'Ma'. While repeating the word I would draw the Mother of the Universe to me, as it were, like the fishermen casting their net and after a while drawing it in. When they draw in the net they find big fish inside it.

"Gauri once said that one attains true Knowledge when one realizes the identity of Kli and Gaurnga. That which is Brahman is also akti, Kli. It is That, again, which, assuming the human form, has become Gaurnga."

At the Master's request, Ramlal sang again, this time about Gaurnga.

MASTER (to M.): "The Nitya and the Lila are the two aspects of the Reality. God, plays in the world as man for the sake of His devotees. They can love God only if they see Him in a human form; only then can they show their affection for Him as their Brother, Sister, Father, Mother, or Child.

"It is just for this love of the devotees that God contracts Himself into a human form and descends on earth to play His lila."


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   4 Yoga
   1 Philosophy

   4 Sri Ramakrishna

   4 The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna

0.00 - THE GOSPEL PREFACE, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  After this re-settlement, M's life revolved around the Master, though he continued his professional work as an educationist. During all holidays, including Sundays, he spent his tiM. AT DAKSHINESWAR in the Master's company, and at times extended his stay to several days.
  It did not take much time for M. to become very intimate with the Master, or for the Master to recognise in this disciple a divinely commissioned partner in the fulfilment of his spiritual mission. When M. was reading out the Chaitanya Bhagavata, the Master discovered that he had been, in a previous birth, a disciple and companion of the great Vaishnava Teacher, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, and the Master even saw him 'with his naked eye' participating in the ecstatic mass-singing of the Lord's name under the leadership of that Divine personality. So the Master told M, "You are my own, of the same substance as the father and the son," indicating thereby that M. was one of the chosen few and a part and parcel of his Divine mission.

1.17 - M. AT DAKSHINEWAR, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  Tuesday, December 18, 1883

1.18 - M. AT DAKSHINESWAR, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  object:1.18 - M. AT DAKSHINESWAR
  subject class:Yoga
  December 26, 1883

2.21 - IN THE COMPANY OF DEVOTEES AT SYAMPUKUR, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  MASTER: "Hriday is even now clamouring for land. He said to me one day while he was living with M. AT DAKSHINESWAR, 'Give me a shawl, or I will sue you.' The Divine Mother removed him from Dakshineswar. He pestered the visitors for money. If he had stayed with me all these people could not have come. That is why the Mother removed him. R-also began to act that way. He became querulous. When he was asked to accompany me in a carriage he would hold back. He would be annoyed if the other youngsters came to me. If I went to Calcutta to see them, he would say: 'Why should you bother about them? Will they renounce the world?' If I wanted to offer refreshments to the other young boys, I would be afraid of R-and say to him, 'Take some yourself and then give it to them.' I came to know that he would not stay with me. Thereupon I Said to the Divine Mother, 'Mother, don't remove him altogether, like Hriday.' Then I came to know that he was going to Vrindvan. If R-had stayed with me at that time, all these youngsters could not have mixed with me. He left for Vrindvan and these young boys began to visit me frequently."
  R- (humbly): "Sir, that wasn't really in my mind."


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Wikipedia - Ahmed Benchemsi -- Moroccan journalist
Wikipedia - Ahmed Hassan Awke -- Somali journalist from 1972 to 2015
Wikipedia - Ahmed Maaninou -- Moroccan journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Ahmed Noori -- Indian writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Ahmed Omaid Khpalwak -- Afghan BBC journalist
Wikipedia - AIAA Journal
Wikipedia - Aidan de Brune -- Journalist, author, pedestrian
Wikipedia - Aileen O'Toole -- Irish journalist and businesswoman
Wikipedia - Ailsa Chang -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Aimal Faizi -- Afghan journalist and columnist
Wikipedia - Ainsley Earhardt -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Aisha Gazdar -- Pakistani journalist
Wikipedia - A. J. Liebling -- American journalist
Wikipedia - A Journal to Stella
Wikipedia - AJS Review -- American Jewish studies journal
Wikipedia - A. K. Chesterton -- British journalist and far-right politician
Wikipedia - A. K. Faezul Huq -- Bangladeshi politician, lawyer and journalist (1945-2007)
Wikipedia - AKM Shamim Chowdhury -- Bangladeshi journalists
Wikipedia - Akron Beacon Journal -- American newspaper
Wikipedia - Akwasi Bretuo Assensoh -- Ghanaian academic and journalist
Wikipedia - Akwasi Evans -- African-American journalist and activist
Wikipedia - Alaa Thabet -- Egyptian journalist
Wikipedia - Alain de Benoist -- French journalist and political theorist
Wikipedia - Alan Abelson -- American financial journalist
Wikipedia - Alan Bangs -- British-born music journalist, disc jockey and presenter in Germany
Wikipedia - Alan Bestic -- Irish journalist
Wikipedia - Alan Boyle -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Alan C. Carey -- American military historian, novelist and journalist
Wikipedia - Alan Fitzgerald (satirist) -- Australian author and journalist
Wikipedia - Alan Gionet -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Alan Hagman -- American photojournalist
Wikipedia - Alan Jones (racing driver) -- Australian racing driver and journalist
Wikipedia - Alan Light -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Alan Miller (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Alan Moorehead -- Australian journalist and war correspondent
Wikipedia - Alan Pell Crawford -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Alan Ramsey -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Alan Rappeport -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Alan Reid (journalist) -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Alan Rusbridger -- Newspaper journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Alan White (novelist) -- English novelist and journalist
Wikipedia - Alan Winnington -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Al Aronowitz -- American rock journalist
Wikipedia - Alayna Treene -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Albert Camus -- French author and journalist
Wikipedia - Albert D. Richardson -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Albertina Martinez Burgos -- Chilean photojournalist (1981-2019)
Wikipedia - Alberto Castelvecchi -- Italian publisher and journalist
Wikipedia - Alberto Cavallari -- Italian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Alberto Michelini -- Italian journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Albert Payson Terhune -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Albert Plecy -- French journalist, painter, photographer and filmmaker, semiotician (1914-1977)
Wikipedia - Albert Porte -- Liberian journalist
Wikipedia - Albert Scardino -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Albrecht Metzger -- German music journalist, actor, presenter, director, and comedian
Wikipedia - Albrecht Roeseler -- German journalist and musicologist
Wikipedia - Albuquerque Journal
Wikipedia - Alcibiades Gonzalez Delvalle -- Paraguayan journalist
Wikipedia - Aleksander Antson -- Estonian author, athletics competitor and journalist
Wikipedia - Aleksander KwaM-EM-^[niewski -- Polish politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Aleksey Suvorin -- Russian publisher and journalist
Wikipedia - A'Lelia Bundles -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Alesia Fieldberg -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Alessandra Farkas -- Italian-American journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Alessandra Stanley -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Alessandro Agostinelli -- Italian poet, writer, and journalist
Wikipedia - Alessio Vinci -- Italian journalist
Wikipedia - Alex Abella -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Alexander Fraser (archivist) -- Canadian scholar, journalist, historian and archivist
Wikipedia - Alexander Frater -- British-Australian journalist and travel writer
Wikipedia - Alexander Gauland -- German politician, lawyer and journalist
Wikipedia - Alexander Hugh Chisholm -- Australian journalist, newspaper editor, author and amateur ornithologist
Wikipedia - Alexander Ireland (journalist)
Wikipedia - Alexander Keuk -- German composer and journalist
Wikipedia - Alexander Larman -- British author, journalist and historian
Wikipedia - Alexander Maysuryan -- Soviet journalist
Wikipedia - Alexander Munninghoff -- Dutch writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Alexander Sdvizhkov -- Belarusian journalist
Wikipedia - Alexander Somerville -- Scottish radical journalist and soldier
Wikipedia - Alexandra Avierino -- Lebanese journalist and poet
Wikipedia - Alexandra Kropotkin -- Russian-American journalist
Wikipedia - Alexandra Pelosi -- American journalist (born 1970)
Wikipedia - Alexandra Robbins -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Alexandre Herculano -- Portuguese writer, poet, journalist
Wikipedia - Alexandros Giotis -- Greek journalist
Wikipedia - Alexandru Obedenaru -- Romanian poet and journalist
Wikipedia - Alexa O'Brien -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Alex Barclay -- Irish crime fiction writer, former journalist (born 1974)
Wikipedia - Alex Bilmes -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Alex Blumberg -- American radio journalist
Wikipedia - Alex Brooker -- British television presenter and sports journalist
Wikipedia - Alex Burns (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Alex Chadwick -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Alex Clark (journalist) -- British literary journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Alex Crawford -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Alexenia Dimitrova -- Bulgarian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Alex Hyndman -- British journalist (born 1978)
Wikipedia - Alexia Bonatsos -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Alexis Petridis -- English journalist
Wikipedia - Alex Kay-Jelski -- British sports journalist
Wikipedia - Alex Marshall (journalist) -- American journalist (born 1959)
Wikipedia - Alex Marvez -- American sports journalist
Wikipedia - Alex Nwankwo -- Nigerian PR Expert, journalist and media personality
Wikipedia - Alex Virot -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Alf Kjetil Walgermo -- Norwegian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Alfonso de Salas -- Spanish newspaper editor and journalist
Wikipedia - Alfred Augustus Grace -- NZ teacher, journalist, writer
Wikipedia - Alfred Dan Moussa -- Ivorian journalist
Wikipedia - Alfred Edwards (journalist) -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Alfred Eisenstaedt -- American photojournalist
Wikipedia - Alfred I. duPont-Columbia University Award -- Award honoring excellence in broadcast and digital journalism
Wikipedia - Alfredo Barnechea -- Peruvian politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Alfredo Corchado -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Alfred W. McCann -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Algemeiner Journal -- Newspaper in New York covering Jewish and Israel-related news
Wikipedia - Algernon Blackwood -- English broadcasting narrator, journalist, novelist and short story writer
Wikipedia - Algernon Borthwick, 1st Baron Glenesk -- British journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Al Hamilton (journalist) -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Ali Abunimah -- Palestinian-American journalist
Wikipedia - Ali Akbar Abdolrashidi -- Iranian journalist, translator and writer (born 1949)
Wikipedia - Ali Anouzla -- Moroccan journalist
Wikipedia - Ali A. Rizvi -- Journalist and ex-Muslim secular activist
Wikipedia - Ali Bach Hamba -- Tunisian journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Alice Albinia -- English journalist and author
Wikipedia - Alice Allison Dunnigan -- Journalist, civil rights activist and author
Wikipedia - Alice E. Gillington -- British writer and poet, journalist and anthropologist
Wikipedia - Alice Eleanor Jones -- American science fiction writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Alice Guerin Crist -- Australian author and journalist
Wikipedia - Alice Lee Jemison -- Native American journalist and activist
Wikipedia - Alice Parizeau -- Polish born Quebec journalist
Wikipedia - Alice Riggs Hunt -- American suffragist, writer, journalist
Wikipedia - Alice Schwarzer -- German journalist, publisher, and feminist
Wikipedia - Alice Thomson -- British political journalist
Wikipedia - Alice Woodhouse -- New Zealand journalist, librarian, and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Alicia Atout -- Canadian journalist, YouTube personality, and professional wrestling personality
Wikipedia - Alicia Drake -- British fashion journalist and author
Wikipedia - Alicia Dujovne Ortiz -- Argentine journalist and author
Wikipedia - Alicia Loxley -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Ali Cimen -- Turkish journalist
Wikipedia - Ali Dominguez -- Venezuelan journalist, student politician, and political party leader
Wikipedia - Ali Haghshenas -- Iranian journalist and historian
Wikipedia - Ali Kazi -- Sindhi-Pakistani journalist and television presenter
Wikipedia - Alina Cho -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Ali Naci Karacan -- Turkish journalist and publisher
Wikipedia - Aline Kiner -- French journalist and novelist
Wikipedia - Alireza Nourizadeh -- Iranian journalist
Wikipedia - Alisdair Macdonald -- Photojournalist
Wikipedia - Alison Ariotti -- Australian journalist and news presenter
Wikipedia - Alison Bass -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Alison Morris -- American journalist and news anchor
Wikipedia - Alison Starling -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Alison Stewart -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Alisyn Camerota -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Ali Velshi -- Canadian journalist (born c. 1968)
Wikipedia - Aljean Harmetz -- American journalist and film historian
Wikipedia - Allan Alakula -- Estonian journalist
Wikipedia - Allan Ashbolt -- Australian journalist, producer, and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Allan Grant -- American photojournalist
Wikipedia - Allan Nevins -- American historian, journalist
Wikipedia - Allegra Stratton -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Allen Curnow -- New Zealand poet and journalist
Wikipedia - Allen Wright (journalist) -- Scottish arts critic and journalist
Wikipedia - Allen Young (writer) -- American journalist (born 1941)
Wikipedia - Allen Zwerdling -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Research -- Medical journal
Wikipedia - Allgemeine deutsche Musikzeitung -- German musical journal
Wikipedia - Alliance of Women Film Journalists Award for Best Director -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Alliance of Women Film Journalists Award for Best Picture -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Allison Aubrey -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Allison Kilkenny -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Allissa Richardson -- American journalist and college professor
Wikipedia - Allister Sparks -- South African journalist
Wikipedia - Alpine Journal -- Oldest mountaineering journal
Wikipedia - Al Sanders -- American journalist and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Alston Ramsay -- American journalist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Altaf Qadri -- Indian photojournalist
Wikipedia - Altan Erdogan -- Dutch journalist
Wikipedia - Al-Urwah al-Wuthqa -- Islamic revolutionary journal
Wikipedia - Alwi Shahab -- Indonesian journalist
Wikipedia - Alycia Lane -- Television journalist
Wikipedia - Amadeu Altafaj -- Spanish journalist and diplomat
Wikipedia - Amalia dos Passos Figueiroa -- Brazilian journalist
Wikipedia - Amanda Bennett -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Amanda Cassatt -- American journalist and entrepreneur (born 1991)
Wikipedia - Amanda Cox -- American journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Amanda Figueras -- Spanish journalist
Wikipedia - Amanda Ripley -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Amanpour -- Global affairs interview television program hosted by [[British-Iranian]] journalist Christiane Amanpour on CNN
Wikipedia - Ambroise Yxemerry -- Editor, journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Ambrose Bierce -- American editorialist, journalist, short story writer, fabulist, and satirist
Wikipedia - Ambrose Evans-Pritchard -- is an economics and business journalist, author and The Daily Telegraph editor.
Wikipedia - Amedee Dunois -- French lawyer, journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Amelia da Lomba -- Angolan writer, journalist and poet
Wikipedia - Amelia Dimoldenberg -- English journalist and comedian
Wikipedia - Amelia Rose Earhart -- American journalist and aviator
Wikipedia - American Antiquity -- Peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - American Art (journal) -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - American Behavioral Scientist -- Peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - American City Business Journals -- American newspaper chain
Wikipedia - American City Flags -- Journal issue documenting flags of US cities
Wikipedia - American Economic Journal
Wikipedia - American Family Physician -- Peer-reviewed medical journal
Wikipedia - American Heart Journal -- Peer-reviewed medical journal
Wikipedia - American Journalism Review -- An American magazine about journalism
Wikipedia - American Journal of Archaeology -- Peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - American Journal of Clinical Pathology -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - American Journal of Economics and Sociology
Wikipedia - American Journal of Human Genetics
Wikipedia - American Journal of Mathematics
Wikipedia - American Journal of Men's Health -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - American journal of orthopsychiatry
Wikipedia - American Journal of Philology
Wikipedia - American Journal of Physics
Wikipedia - American Journal of Psychiatry
Wikipedia - American Journal of Psychology
Wikipedia - American Journal of Psychotherapy
Wikipedia - American Journal of Public Health -- Peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - American Journal of Science
Wikipedia - American Journal of Sociology
Wikipedia - American Journal of Surgical Pathology
Wikipedia - American Quarterly -- US academic journal
Wikipedia - Aminata Aidara -- Italian-Senegalese journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Amin Mohammad Jamali -- Iranian photojournalist
Wikipedia - Amish Devgan -- Indian Journalist and television news anchor (born 1984)
Wikipedia - Ammar Abd Rabbo -- French-Syrian journalist and photographer
Wikipedia - Ammu Joseph -- Indian journalist (b. 1953)
Wikipedia - Amran Mohamed Ahmed -- Somali author, poet and journalist
Wikipedia - Amrita Cheema -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Amy Atkins -- American journalist and academic
Wikipedia - Amy Fisher -- American pornographic actor, journalist, writer
Wikipedia - Amy Goodman -- American broadcast journalist, syndicated columnist, investigative reporter and author
Wikipedia - Amy Hill Hearth -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Amy Jacques Garvey -- Jamaican journalist and political activist, Marcus Garvey's second wife.
Wikipedia - Amy Kane (community leader) -- New Zealand journalist and community leader
Wikipedia - Amy Liptrot -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Amy Mack -- Australian journalist, writer and editor (1876-1939)
Wikipedia - Amy Peikoff -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Amy Westervelt -- American print and radio journalist
Wikipedia - Ana Baron -- writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Anabel Flores Salazar -- Mexican journalist
Wikipedia - Ana Cabrera -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Ana Garcia D'Atri -- Spanish editor, journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Anahad O'Connor -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Analysis (journal)
Wikipedia - Analytical Chemistry (journal)
Wikipedia - AnaM-CM-/s Bouton -- French journalist
Wikipedia - AnaM-CM-/s de Bassanville -- 19th-century French writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Anand Lal Shimpi -- American technology journalist and founder of AnandTech
Wikipedia - Ana Paula Renault -- Brazilian journalist and television personality
Wikipedia - Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed
Wikipedia - Anastasia Popova -- Russian journalist
Wikipedia - Anastasiya Karlovich -- Ukrainian chess player and journalist
Wikipedia - Anatole France -- French author and journalist (1844-1924)
Wikipedia - Anatole Kaletsky -- British economist and journalist (born 1952)
Wikipedia - Anatoly Shariy -- Ukrainian journalist, videoblogger
Wikipedia - Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia -- Peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - Ancient India (journal) -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Ancient Philosophy (journal)
Wikipedia - Anders Hulden -- Finnish diplomat, journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Anderson Cooper -- |American journalist
Wikipedia - Anders Paulrud -- Swedish writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Anders TvegM-CM-%rd -- Norwegian journalist
Wikipedia - Andoni Ortuzar -- Spanish politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Andrea Canning -- TV journalist
Wikipedia - Andrea Elliott -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Andrea Kremer -- American sports journalist
Wikipedia - Andreas Weber (writer) -- German biologist, biosemiotician, philosopher and journalist
Wikipedia - Andre Cheradame -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Andrei Netto -- Brazilian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Andrejs Mamikins -- Latvian politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Andre Laguerre -- journalist and magazine editor
Wikipedia - Andre Leon Talley -- American fashion journalist
Wikipedia - Andre Malan -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Andre Picard (journalist) -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Andres Oppenheimer -- Argentinian journalist
Wikipedia - Andrew Adonis, Baron Adonis -- British Labour politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Andrew A. Skolnick -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Andrew Baggarly -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Andrew Barrow -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Andrew Beatty -- Northern Irish journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Andrew Bell (journalist) -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Andrew Brown (CNN journalist) -- British-born journalist
Wikipedia - Andrew Carpenter Wheeler -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Andrew Chapman (photographer) -- Australian photojournalist
Wikipedia - Andrew Cockburn -- London born journalist and the Washington editor of Harper's Magazine.
Wikipedia - Andrew Doyle (comedian) -- English comedian, journalist, and political satirist
Wikipedia - Andrew Feinberg -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Andrew Ferguson -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Andrew Holgate -- British journalist and critic
Wikipedia - Andrew Holtz -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Andrew Kaczynski -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Andrew Leonard -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Andrew Longmore (journalist) -- English cricketer and sports journalist
Wikipedia - Andrew Moody -- English journalist
Wikipedia - Andrew Mwenda -- Ugandan journalist
Wikipedia - Andrew Nagorski -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Andrew Neil -- Scottish journalist and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Andrew Probyn -- Australian journalist and television presenter
Wikipedia - Andrew Quilty -- Australian photojournalist
Wikipedia - Andrew Roberts (historian) -- English historian and journalist
Wikipedia - Andrew Ross Sorkin -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Andrew Silow-Carroll -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Andrew Sparrow -- journalist
Wikipedia - Andrews University Seminary Studies -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Andrew Tristem -- English author and journalist
Wikipedia - Andrey Borisovich Sholokhov -- Russian journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Andrius Tapinas -- Lithuanian journalist
Wikipedia - Andrzej Trepka -- Polish journalist and science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Andrzej Walkowiak -- Polish politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Andrzej Zakrzewski -- Polish lawyer, historian, politician, journalist, and publicist
Wikipedia - Andy Beckett -- British journalist and historian
Wikipedia - Andy Carvin -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Andy Lane -- British author and journalist
Wikipedia - Andy Ngo -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Andy Raymond -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Angela Palmer -- Scottish artist and former journalist
Wikipedia - Angela Saini -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Angela SM-CM-"rbu -- Moldovan journalist
Wikipedia - Angelica Nwandu -- American journalist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Angie Bowie -- American model, actress and journalist
Wikipedia - Anglo-Saxon England (journal)
Wikipedia - Angus Peter Campbell -- Scottish poet, novelist, journalist, broadcaster and actor.
Wikipedia - Angus Scrimm -- American actor, author, and journalist
Wikipedia - Anibal Gonzalez Irizarry -- Puerto Rican journalist
Wikipedia - Anibal Joao Melo -- Angolan writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Anick Jesdanun -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Anil Dharker -- Indian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Anil Ramdas -- Dutch-Surinamese journalist
Wikipedia - Animal Behaviour (journal)
Wikipedia - Animal Research (journal)
Wikipedia - Animal Sentience (journal)
Wikipedia - Animal Welfare (journal)
Wikipedia - Animus (journal)
Wikipedia - Anita Anand (journalist) -- British radio and television presenter and journalist
Wikipedia - Anita Hamilton -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Anita Notaro -- TV producer, director, journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Anita Sarko -- American musician and journalist
Wikipedia - Anjana Om Kashyap -- Indian journalist and anchor
Wikipedia - Anja Niedringhaus -- German photojournalist
Wikipedia - Anke-Eve Goldmann -- Journalist
Wikipedia - Anna Blake Mezquida -- Writer, poet, and journalist
Wikipedia - Anna Cabana -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Anna Canzano -- American broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - Anna Esaki-Smith -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Anna Fifield -- New Zealand journalist (born 1976)
Wikipedia - Anna Franchi -- Italian novelist, translator, playwright and journalist
Wikipedia - Anna Gilligan -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Anna Hakobyan -- Journalist, First lady of Armenia
Wikipedia - Anna Kelly -- Irish journalist
Wikipedia - Anna Kochanowska -- Polish radio journalist, literary director and politician
Wikipedia - Anna Krien -- Australian journalist, essayist, fiction and nonfiction writer and poet
Wikipedia - Annalee Newitz -- American journalist, editor, and author of both fiction and nonfiction
Wikipedia - Anna Lindmarker -- Swedish journalist and news presenter
Wikipedia - Annals of Internal Medicine -- American academic journal
Wikipedia - Annals of Mathematics -- Journal
Wikipedia - Anna Minton -- British journalist and writer (born 1970)
Wikipedia - Anna Murdoch Mann -- Scottish journalist and author
Wikipedia - Anna Narinskaya -- Russian journalist and literary critic
Wikipedia - Anna Politkovskaya -- Russian journalist, writer, and activist (1958-2006)
Wikipedia - Anna Richardson -- English presenter, television producer, writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Anna Sissak-Bardizbanian -- Swedish journalist
Wikipedia - Anna Vaccarella -- Venezuelan journalist
Wikipedia - Anna Veronica Mautner -- Brazilian psychoanalyst, journalist, university teacher (1935-2019)
Wikipedia - Anna von Bayern -- German journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Anna von Zweigbergk -- Swedish journalist and author
Wikipedia - Ann Curry -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Anne Applebaum -- American journalist and historian
Wikipedia - Anne Diamond -- British journalist and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Anne Fadiman -- American essayist, journalist and magazine editor
Wikipedia - Anne Fleur Dekker -- Dutch journalist
Wikipedia - Anne Garrels -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Anne Gellinek -- German journalist and TV host
Wikipedia - Anne Hazen McFarland -- American physician, medical journal editor
Wikipedia - Anne Kiguta -- Kenyan journalist, talkshow host and news anchor (born 1984)
Wikipedia - Anneli Ute Gabanyi -- Romanian-born German political scientist, literary critic, journalist, and philologist
Wikipedia - Anne-Marie Green -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Anne Marie Tiernon -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Anne Mawathe -- Kenyan Journalist
Wikipedia - Anne McElvoy -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Anne Mireille Nzouankeu -- Cameroonian journalist
Wikipedia - Anne Morrissy Merick -- American journalist, war correspondent
Wikipedia - Anne O'Hagan Shinn -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Anne Robinson -- English television presenter and journalist
Wikipedia - Anne Ryman -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Anne-Solenne Hatte -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Anne State -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Anne Vondeling prize -- Dutch award given to journalists
Wikipedia - Ann Finkbeiner -- American science journalist
Wikipedia - Annie Ali Khan -- Pakistani journalist and author
Wikipedia - Annie Christitch -- Serbian patriot and journalist
Wikipedia - Annie Karni -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Annie Lowrey -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Annika Smethurst -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Annika Zimmermann -- German television presenter and journalist
Wikipedia - Annimari Korte -- Finnish hurdler and journalist
Wikipedia - Ann-Marie MacDonald -- Canadian playwright, novelist, actress and broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - Ann Nocenti -- Comic book writer and editor, journalist and educator.
Wikipedia - Ann O'Dea -- Irish journalist and businessperson
Wikipedia - Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry -- Peer-reviewed scientific journal
Wikipedia - Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Annual Review of Information Science and Technology -- American information technology journal
Wikipedia - Annual Review of Marine Science -- An annual peer-reviewed scientific review journal published by Annual Reviews
Wikipedia - Annual Review of Political Science -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Annus Mirabilis papers -- Papers of Albert Einstein published in the scientific journal Annalen der Physik in 1905
Wikipedia - Anshuman Tiwari -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Antal Gunther -- Hungarian politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Anthony Browne (politician) -- British journalist, businessman and Conservative MP
Wikipedia - Anthony Lewis -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Anthony Mascarenhas -- Pakistani journalist
Wikipedia - Anthony Sampson -- British writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Anthony Shadid -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Anthropological Linguistics (journal) -- Quarterly linguistics journal
Wikipedia - Antiguo Oriente -- Peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - Antiquity (journal) -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Anti-Slavery Reporter -- British journal
Wikipedia - Antoine Cormery -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Anton Betz -- German journalist and publisher (1893-1984)
Wikipedia - Antonella Frontani -- Italian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Anton Harber -- (b.1958) South African professor of journalism, columnist and author
Wikipedia - Anton Huotari -- Finnish politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Antonije M-DM-^Puric -- Serbian journalist
Wikipedia - Antonin Kratochvil -- American photojournalist
Wikipedia - Antonio Britto -- Brazilian journalist and executive
Wikipedia - Antonio Corton -- Spanish journalist and literary critic (1854-1913)
Wikipedia - Antonio Maestre -- Spanish documentalist and journalist
Wikipedia - Antonio M-CM-^Alvarez Solis -- Spanish journalist
Wikipedia - Antonio Zappulla -- Italian journalist
Wikipedia - Antoni Sobanski -- Polish journalist, writer and socialite
Wikipedia - Antonis Prekas -- Greek journalist
Wikipedia - Anuj Dhar -- Indian activist, journalist
Wikipedia - Anuradha Bhasin -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Anuradha Roy (novelist) -- Indian novelist, journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Anuranjan Jha -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Anwar Hussein (photographer) -- Tanzanian photo journalist
Wikipedia - A. O. Scott -- American journalist and film critic
Wikipedia - Apoorva Mandavilli -- US science writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Applied Cognitive Psychology -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Applied Organometallic Chemistry -- Peer-reviewed scientific journal
Wikipedia - Applied Physics Express -- Scientific journal
Wikipedia - Applied Physics Letters -- Scientific journal
Wikipedia - Applied Physics Reviews -- Scientific journal
Wikipedia - Applied Psychology (journal)
Wikipedia - APT Bulletin -- Peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy -- Journal
Wikipedia - Arash Markazi -- American sports journalist
Wikipedia - Archaeologia Cambrensis -- Historical scholarly journal (1846-)
Wikipedia - Archaeologia Polona -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Archaeological Review from Cambridge -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Archaeology in Oceania -- Peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - Archeologia Medievale -- Peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - Archives of Asian Art -- American art journal
Wikipedia - Archiv fur Molluskenkunde -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Archivos do Museu Nacional -- Scientific journal
Wikipedia - Arctic (journal) -- Scientific journal
Wikipedia - Arelis Uribe -- Chilean journalist, writer, and communication expert
Wikipedia - Arelo C. Sederberg -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Arendo Joustra -- Dutch writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Arfa Khanum Sherwani -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Ariadne von Schirach -- German philosopher, writer, journalist and critic
Wikipedia - Ari Daniel Shapiro -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Ari Melber -- American television journalist (born 1980)
Wikipedia - Aris Chatzistefanou -- Greek journalist and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Ari Schneider -- American Journalist
Wikipedia - Ari Shavit -- Israeli journalist
Wikipedia - Arit Okpo -- Nigerian journalist
Wikipedia - Arkady Abaza -- Russian composer, pianist, and journalist
Wikipedia - Arkady Babchenko -- Russian journalist
Wikipedia - Armando Nogueira -- Brazilian sports journalist
Wikipedia - Armando Rodriguez (journalist) -- Mexican crime journalist and murder victim
Wikipedia - Armando SaldaM-CM-1a Morales -- Mexican crime journalist and murder victim
Wikipedia - Armed Forces & Society -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Armed Forces Journal -- American magazine
Wikipedia - Arnab Goswami -- Indian journalist and television news anchor
Wikipedia - Arnaud de Borchgrave -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Arne Blix -- Norwegian journalist
Wikipedia - Arnold S. Relman -- American internist, professor and journal editor (1923-2014)
Wikipedia - Arno Scholz -- German journalist, publicist and publisher
Wikipedia - Arrigo Levi -- Italian journalist
Wikipedia - Ars Combinatoria (journal)
Wikipedia - ARS Journal
Wikipedia - Ars (magazine) -- Montenegrin journal
Wikipedia - Arswendo Atmowiloto -- Indonesian author and journalist
Wikipedia - Artemio Precioso (writer) -- Spanish journalist
Wikipedia - Artemis (magazine) -- Armenian women's literary journal
Wikipedia - Arthur D. Morse -- Print and television journalist and author, known for "While Six Million Died: A Chronicle of American Apathy"
Wikipedia - Arthur Elliot (politician) -- British journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Arthur Gelb -- American journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Arthur Goldstuck -- South African journalist, media analyst and commentator
Wikipedia - Arthur Groom (writer) -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Arthur Henry Adams -- New Zealand-Australian poet and journalist
Wikipedia - Arthur Kent -- Canadian television journalist
Wikipedia - Arthur Koestler -- Hungarian-British author and journalist
Wikipedia - Arthur Lavine -- American photographer, photojournalist
Wikipedia - Arthur Levitt -- American businessman, journalist and 25th SEC chairman
Wikipedia - Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr. -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Arthur Ransome -- English author and journalist
Wikipedia - Arthur Talmage Abernethy -- American journalist, scholar, theologian and poet
Wikipedia - Arthur W. French -- American journalist and popular-song writer (1846-1916)
Wikipedia - Artificial Intelligence (journal) -- Journal published by Elsevier
Wikipedia - Artificial Life (journal)
Wikipedia - Art Journal (College Art Association journal) -- Journal
Wikipedia - Arts & Letters -- American literary journal
Wikipedia - Artur Agostinho -- Portuguese journalist
Wikipedia - Artur Dmochowski -- Polish journalist
Wikipedia - Arturo Perez-Reverte -- Spanish writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Arturo Reyes (writer) -- Spanish writer, journalist, and poet
Wikipedia - Arun Sadhu -- Indian writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Arwa Damon -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Arya (journal)
Wikipedia - Asa Bafaqih -- Indonesian journalist, diplomat, and politician
Wikipedia - Asad Ahmad -- British journalist and news presenter
Wikipedia - A. Sajeevan -- Malayalam language journalist and author
Wikipedia - Asana Journal
Wikipedia - Asha Mwilu -- Kenyan Journalist
Wikipedia - Ashlee Marie Preston -- Media personality, journalist, activist
Wikipedia - Ashleigh Banfield -- Canadian-American journalist
Wikipedia - Ashley Feinberg -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Ashley Parker -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Ashok Chopra -- Indian journalist and autobiographer
Wikipedia - Ashvin Gatha -- Indian-born international photojournalist, advertising and editorial photographer
Wikipedia - Ashwini Kumar Chopra -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Asia Literary Review -- Quarterly literary journal published in English
Wikipedia - Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies -- Philippine academic journal
Wikipedia - Asian Journal of Social Psychology
Wikipedia - Asian Perspectives -- Journal
Wikipedia - Asieh Amini -- Iranian poet and journalist
Wikipedia - Asko Kunnap -- Estonian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Asmaa James -- Sierra Leone journalist and human rights activist
Wikipedia - Asma Chaudhry -- Pakistani journalist and news anchor
Wikipedia - Assaf Abu Rahhal -- Lebanese journalist
Wikipedia - Assassination of Vietnamese-American journalists in the United States -- Series of killings in the U.S.
Wikipedia - Association of European Journalists -- Organisation promoting interests of journalists
Wikipedia - Association of Iranian Journalists -- Organization in Iran
Wikipedia - Astrid Kvalbein -- Norwegian singer and journalist
Wikipedia - Astrid Ljungstrom -- Swedish journalist
Wikipedia - Astrobiology (journal)
Wikipedia - Astronomical Journal
Wikipedia - Atanu Bhuyan -- Indian journalist (born 1963)
Wikipedia - Atia Abawi -- American author and television journalist
Wikipedia - Atif Tauqeer -- Pakistani Journalist
Wikipedia - Atmakusumah Astraatmadja -- Indonesian journalist
Wikipedia - Atom Araullo -- Filipino journalist
Wikipedia - Atoms (journal)
Wikipedia - AT>T Bell Laboratories Technical Journal
Wikipedia - Aubelin Jolicoeur -- Haitian journalist and columnist
Wikipedia - Audie Cornish -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Audronius AM-EM->ubalis -- Lithuanian journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Augmentative and Alternative Communication (journal) -- Scientific journal
Wikipedia - Augusta Stang -- Norwegian journalist and politician
Wikipedia - August Enderle -- German socialist politician, trades unionist, journalist and author
Wikipedia - August Isaksson -- Finnish journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Augusto Iturburu -- Ecuadorian teacher and sports journalist
Wikipedia - Augusto M-CM-^Alvarez Rodrich -- Peruvian economist and journalist
Wikipedia - August Schmidt (journalist) -- Austrian music writer and musician
Wikipedia - August Wesley -- Finnish journalist
Wikipedia - Austin Scaggs -- American music journalist
Wikipedia - Australasian Journal of Philosophy
Wikipedia - Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Australian Archaeology -- Peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - Australian Critical Care -- nursing journal
Wikipedia - Australian Home Companion and Band of Hope Journal -- Newspaper
Wikipedia - Australian Journal of Physics
Wikipedia - Australian Journal of Politics > History
Wikipedia - Austrian Statistical Society -- Journal
Wikipedia - Avery Yale Kamila -- US journalist
Wikipedia - Avis Little Eagle -- Native American journalist
Wikipedia - Aviva Cantor -- American journalist, lecturer and author
Wikipedia - Avoyelles Journal -- American newspaper
Wikipedia - Avraham Rakanti -- Greek-Israeli politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Avril Hoare -- Irish journalist
Wikipedia - Axioms (journal) -- mathematics journal
Wikipedia - Aya Mansour -- Iraqi journalist and poet
Wikipedia - Aydar Aganin -- 19th and 20th-century American journalist
Wikipedia - Ayelish McGarvey -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Ayesha Rascoe -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Ayesha Siddiqa -- Pakistani journalist and scholar
Wikipedia - Ayik Umar Said -- Indonesian-born French journalist and activist
Wikipedia - Ayub Khattak -- Pakistani journalist
Wikipedia - Azadeh Ensha -- Iranian-American journalist
Wikipedia - Azam Taleghani -- Iranian journalist
Wikipedia - Azimzhan Askarov -- Kyrgyzstani activist and journalist
Wikipedia - Aziz Ullah Haidari -- Afghan journalist
Wikipedia - Babafemi Ojudu -- Nigerian journalist
Wikipedia - Baba Lybeck -- Finnish journalist
Wikipedia - Bahar (magazine) -- 1882 Persian-language literature journal
Wikipedia - Baishideng Publishing Group -- Academic journal publishing company
Wikipedia - Balbir Dutt -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Balibo Five -- Group of foreign journalists killed in East Timor
Wikipedia - Baltimore Business Journal
Wikipedia - Bandula Padmakumara -- Sri Lankan journalist and television presenter
Wikipedia - Banjo Paterson -- Australian journalist, author and poet
Wikipedia - Bankim Chandra Chatterjee -- Indian writer, poet and journalist from Bengal
Wikipedia - Bano Haralu -- Indian journalist and conservationist
Wikipedia - Baradwaj Rangan -- Indian film critic and journalist
Wikipedia - Barak Fever -- Mexican sport journalist
Wikipedia - Barak Ravid -- Israeli journalist
Wikipedia - Barbara Assoon -- Trinidadian actress and journalist
Wikipedia - Barbara Bermudo -- Puerto Rican journalist
Wikipedia - Barbara Bogaev -- American radio journalist
Wikipedia - Barbara Ehrenreich -- American writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Barbara Frum -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Barbara Pflaum -- Austrian photographer and photojournalist
Wikipedia - Barbara Walters -- American broadcast journalist, author, and television personality
Wikipedia - Barbro Alving -- Swedish journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Barkha Dutt -- Indian television journalist and author
Wikipedia - Barrie Cassidy -- Australian political journalist
Wikipedia - Barrie Penrose -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Barry Bearak -- American journalist and educator
Wikipedia - Barry Farber -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Barry Schweid -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Barry Soper -- New Zealand journalist
Wikipedia - Bartlett Adamson -- Australian journalist and poet (1884-1951)
Wikipedia - Bartolome Tavera Acosta -- Venezuelan journalist and historian
Wikipedia - Barun Mazumder -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Basavaraj Kattimani -- Indian progressive writer, novelist, journalist (1919-1989)
Wikipedia - Bascha Mika -- German journalist and publicist.
Wikipedia - Basilio M-CM-^Alvarez -- Spanish journalist, politician and catholic priest
Wikipedia - Bastian Obermayer -- German investigative journalist
Wikipedia - Bastian Sick -- German journalist and author
Wikipedia - Bathia Howie Stuart -- New Zealand actor, singer, journalist, lecturer, film-maker, and tourism promoter
Wikipedia - Bat Masterson -- American army scout, lawman, professional gambler, and journalist
Wikipedia - Bayo Onanuga -- Nigerian journalist and newspaper owners
Wikipedia - Beall's List -- Defunct website listing predatory open-access publishers and journals
Wikipedia - Beatrice Schonberg -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Beatrice Waithera Maina -- Kenyan journalist and Human Rights Activist
Wikipedia - Beatrix Bulstrode -- British journalist and explorer
Wikipedia - Beatriz Pages Rebollar -- Mexican journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Becky Worley -- American journalist (born 1971)
Wikipedia - Behavioral Ecology (journal)
Wikipedia - Behavioral Neuroscience (journal)
Wikipedia - Behavior Genetics (journal)
Wikipedia - Behaviour (journal)
Wikipedia - Bei Ling -- Chinese poet, and journal editor
Wikipedia - Beki Adam -- English journalist and activist
Wikipedia - Bekir CoM-EM-^_kun -- Turkish writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Bela Illes (writer) -- Hungarian writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Belinda Russell -- Australian journalist and news presenter
Wikipedia - Bell System Technical Journal
Wikipedia - Ben Bradlee Jr. -- American journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Ben Brantley -- American theater critic, journalist, editor, publisher and writer
Wikipedia - Ben Brown (journalist) -- British journalist and news presenter
Wikipedia - Ben C. Solomon -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Ben Davis (journalist) -- Australian sports presenter and reporter
Wikipedia - Ben Dreyfuss -- American journalist and actor
Wikipedia - Benedetta Argentieri -- Italian journalist and film director
Wikipedia - Benedicte Kurzen -- French photographer and photojournalist
Wikipedia - Ben Ephson -- Ghanaian journalist
Wikipedia - Ben Fordham -- Australian television journalist
Wikipedia - Bengal Film Journalists' Association - Most Promising Actor Award -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Ben Geoghegan -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Bengt Feldreich -- Swedish journalist
Wikipedia - Bengt Grive -- Swedish journalist
Wikipedia - Bengt Linder -- Swedish writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Ben Hecht -- American screenwriter, director, producer, playwright, journalist and novelist
Wikipedia - Benita Asas Manterola -- Spanish teacher, journalist, and suffragist
Wikipedia - Benito Sylvain -- Haitian journalist
Wikipedia - Benjamin Cuq -- French journalist (born 1974)
Wikipedia - Benjamin De Casseres -- American journalist and essayist
Wikipedia - Benjamin Franklin Bache -- American journalist, printer and publisher
Wikipedia - Benjamin Pogrund -- South African journalist
Wikipedia - Benny Parsons -- American racecar driver and journalist
Wikipedia - Ben Robertson (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Ben Schifman -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Ben Sherwood -- American writer, journalist, and producer
Wikipedia - Ben Smith (journalist) -- American political journalist
Wikipedia - Ben Swann -- American television news anchor, political commentator and journalist
Wikipedia - Benyamin Cohen -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Beppe Bigazzi -- Italian journalist
Wikipedia - Bergen-Belsen 1945: A Medical Student's Journal -- Memoirs
Wikipedia - Bernard Cassen -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Bernard Diederich -- New Zealand-born, American journalist
Wikipedia - Bernard E. Trainor -- United States Marine Corps general and journalist
Wikipedia - Bernard Falk -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Bernard Frank -- French journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Bernard Gheur -- Belgian writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Bernard Goldberg -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Bernard Levin -- British journalist, writer and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Bernardo Mello Franco -- Brazilian journalist
Wikipedia - Bernard "Buddy" Diliberto -- Broadcast sports journalist
Wikipedia - Bernard Shaw (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Bernhard Diebold -- Swiss journalist
Wikipedia - Berrow's Worcester Journal -- Newspaper
Wikipedia - Berry Sarbadhikari -- Indian cricket commentator, journalist, and author
Wikipedia - Bert Andrews (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Bert Bertrand -- Belgian journalist
Wikipedia - Bert van de Kamp -- Dutch journalist
Wikipedia - Bessie Van Vorst -- American author and journalist born in 1873
Wikipedia - Bethany Brookshire -- American science journalist
Wikipedia - Beth Fertig -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Beth Macy -- American journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Beth Reinhard -- Pulitzer prize winning American investigative journalist
Wikipedia - Beth Rigby -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Betsan Powys -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Betsy Stark -- American television journalist
Wikipedia - Betsy Wade -- American journalist and columnist
Wikipedia - Betsy Woodruff Swan -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Bette Garber -- American photojournalist
Wikipedia - Bettina Bedwell -- American journalist and fashion illustrator (b. 1889, d. 1947)
Wikipedia - Bettina Boxall -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Bettina Luscher -- German journalist
Wikipedia - Bettina Schausten -- German journalist
Wikipedia - Betty Liu -- Hong Kong journalist (born 1973)
Wikipedia - Betty van Garrel -- Dutch journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Beverley Clifford -- Australian photojournalist
Wikipedia - Bibliography of Martin Van Buren -- A bibliography of books and journal articles about Martin Van Buren
Wikipedia - Bilge Ebiri -- American journalist and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Bill Adler -- American music journalist and critic
Wikipedia - Bill Apter -- American photographer and journalist
Wikipedia - Bill Becker -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Bill Carlson -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Bill Fitz Henry -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Bill Foley -- American photojournalist
Wikipedia - Bill Greenwood (reporter) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Bill Hagerty (newspaper editor) -- British journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Bill Hamilton (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Billie Worth -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Bill Kurtis -- American journalist and radio personality
Wikipedia - Bill Leonard (journalist) -- American journalist and television executive
Wikipedia - Bill Morgan (producer) -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Bill Moyers Journal
Wikipedia - Bill Pennington -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Bill Rennells -- British journalist (born 1931)
Wikipedia - Bill Ryan (journalist) -- American television correspondent and news analyst
Wikipedia - Bill Shadel -- American broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - Bill Smyth (broadcaster) -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Bill Worrell -- American sports journalist
Wikipedia - Billy Balbastro -- Filipino lawyer and journalist
Wikipedia - Billy Birmingham -- Australian comedian and journalist
Wikipedia - Bim Adewunmi -- British writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications -- Scientific journal covering biochemistry and biophysics.
Wikipedia - BioData Mining -- Journal
Wikipedia - Bioelectrochemistry (journal) -- Journal
Wikipedia - Bioethics (journal)
Wikipedia - Bioinformatics (journal)
Wikipedia - Biological Psychiatry (journal)
Wikipedia - Biological Psychology (journal)
Wikipedia - Biological Theory (journal)
Wikipedia - Biologics: Targets and Therapy -- British peer-reviewed medical journal
Wikipedia - BioMedical Engineering OnLine -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Biomedical Research -- Scientific journal
Wikipedia - Biorheology (journal) -- Scientific journal
Wikipedia - BioSocieties -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Bipolar Disorders (journal)
Wikipedia - Birmania Rios -- Dominican American journalist
Wikipedia - Birmingham Journal (eighteenth century) -- Periodical literature
Wikipedia - Bjorge Lillelien -- Norwegian sports journalist and commentator
Wikipedia - Bjorn Haga -- Norwegian journalist
Wikipedia - Bjorn Thorfinnsson -- Icelandic chess player and journalist
Wikipedia - BJPsych Bulletin -- Psychiatry journal
Wikipedia - B. K. Karanjia -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Black Journal -- 1977 film by Mauro Bolognini
Wikipedia - Bladimir Antuna -- Mexican crime journalist and murder victim
Wikipedia - Blanca de Lizaur -- Investigative journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Blanca Tejos MuM-CM-1oz -- Chilean journalist
Wikipedia - Blanche Girouard -- journalist, writer and peer
Wikipedia - Blood (journal) -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Bluestockings Journal
Wikipedia - BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making -- Open-access scientific journal
Wikipedia - BMJ USA -- Defunct medical journal
Wikipedia - Bob Abernethy -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Bob Allen (surgeon) -- journalist and surgeon
Wikipedia - Bobbie Battista -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Bob Bottom -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Bob Edwards -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Bob Garfield -- American journalist and commentator
Wikipedia - Bob Hagedorn -- American politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Bob Halstead -- Underwater photographer, author, journalist and commentator on the recreational diving industry.
Wikipedia - Bob Herbert -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Bob Johnstone (broadcaster) -- Canadian journalist and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Bob Leach -- American journalist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Bob Miller (Alaska politician) -- American journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Bob Norman -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Bobo Karlsson -- Swedish journalist and author
Wikipedia - Bob Pockrass -- American motorsports journalist
Wikipedia - Bob Spitz -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Bob Woodruff -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Bob Woodward -- American investigative journalist and associate editor
Wikipedia - Bob Young (mayor) -- American politician, journalist and author
Wikipedia - Bogumir DoleM-EM->al -- Croatian sportsman and journalist
Wikipedia - Bohdana Kostyuk -- Ukrainian journalist
Wikipedia - Bo Holmstrom -- Swedish journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Bone Marrow Transplantation (journal) -- Peer-reviewed medical journal published by Nature Research
Wikipedia - Boniface Mwangi -- Kenyan photojournalist
Wikipedia - Bonnie Bernstein -- American sports journalist and executive
Wikipedia - Bonnie Tsui -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Books & Culture -- Defunct American Christian book review journal
Wikipedia - Boris Sandler -- Yiddish-language writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Bosse Hansson -- Swedish television journalist
Wikipedia - Boutheina Jabnoun Marai -- Tunisian journalist
Wikipedia - Brad Fitzpatrick -- American programmer and creator of LiveJournal
Wikipedia - Brad Pye Jr. -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Brad Stone (journalist) -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Brad Zellar -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Brain (journal)
Wikipedia - Branimir M-DM-^Fosic -- Serbian writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Brendan O'Brien (journalist) -- Irish journalist
Wikipedia - Brendan O'Connor (media personality) -- Irish journalist and television presenter
Wikipedia - Brendan O'Neill (columnist) -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Brendan Shanahan (author) -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Brenno de Winter -- Dutch journalist
Wikipedia - Brent Budowsky -- American journalist (born 1952)
Wikipedia - Bre Payton -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Bret Stephens -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Brian Daly -- Irish news journalist
Wikipedia - Brian Deer -- British investigative journalist
Wikipedia - Brian Doherty (journalist)
Wikipedia - Brian Huggins -- British-Canadian actor and journalist
Wikipedia - Brian Johns (businessman) -- Australian company director and journalist
Wikipedia - Brian Kelly (editor) -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Brian Klaas -- Political scientist and journalist from the United States
Wikipedia - Brian Krebs -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Brian Mansfield -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Brian Milton -- British journalist and adventurer
Wikipedia - Brianna Keilar -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Brian Naylor (broadcaster) -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Brian O'Donovan -- Irish journalist
Wikipedia - Brian O'Flaherty -- New Zealand horse-racing and equestrian journalist and administrator
Wikipedia - Brian Shactman -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Brian Skerry -- American photojournalist
Wikipedia - Brian Stelter -- American journalist and TV host
Wikipedia - Brian Stewart (journalist) -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Brian Thomson (journalist) -- British-Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Brian Williams -- American journalist and television news anchor
Wikipedia - Brian Woolnough -- British sports journalist
Wikipedia - Bridget Otoo -- Ghanaian Journalist
Wikipedia - Brid Mahon -- Irish writer, journalist and folklorist
Wikipedia - Briefings in Functional Genomics -- Scientific journal
Wikipedia - Bright Lights Film Journal
Wikipedia - Brigitte Friang -- French journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Brigitte Kernel -- French writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Brigitte Zimmermann -- German journalist
Wikipedia - Britannia (journal) -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - British Critic -- 18th/19th-century British journal
Wikipedia - British Journal for the History of Philosophy
Wikipedia - British Journal of Developmental Psychology
Wikipedia - British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology
Wikipedia - British Journal of Ophthalmology
Wikipedia - British Journal of Psychiatry
Wikipedia - British Journal of Psychology, Monograph Supplement
Wikipedia - British Journal of Psychology
Wikipedia - British Journal of Social Psychology
Wikipedia - British Journal -- English newspaper of the 1720s
Wikipedia - British Medical Journal
Wikipedia - Britta Hasso -- Swedish actress and journalist
Wikipedia - Broadcast journalism -- Field of news and journals which are broadcast
Wikipedia - Broadway Journal
Wikipedia - Brock Yates -- American motorsport journalist
Wikipedia - Brooke Baldwin -- American journalist and television host
Wikipedia - Brooke Borel -- Science journalist, author, fact-checker
Wikipedia - Brooke Gladstone -- American journalist, author and media analyst
Wikipedia - BrooWaha -- American citizen journalism and social bookmarking website
Wikipedia - Bruce Baskett -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Bruce Byfield -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Bruce Dorminey -- American science journalist and author
Wikipedia - Bruce Dowbiggin -- Canadian sports broadcaster, journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Bruce Grant (writer) -- Australian writer, journalist and diplomat
Wikipedia - Bruna Pickler -- Brazilian actress, composer, athlete and journalist
Wikipedia - Bruno Maddox -- British novelist and journalist
Wikipedia - Bryan Appleyard -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Bryan Monroe -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Bryan Swanson -- British sports journalist
Wikipedia - Bryant Gumbel -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Bryan Wharton -- English photojournalist
Wikipedia - Brycheiniog (journal) -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Bryson Rash -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Bukola Oriola -- Nigerian activist and journalist
Wikipedia - Bulletin of Marine Science -- A peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science of the University of Miami
Wikipedia - Bulletin of the History of Archaeology -- Open-access peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - Bullet journal -- Method for note taking
Wikipedia - Bunny Matthews -- American cartoonist and music journalist
Wikipedia - Bureau of Investigative Journalism -- British nonprofit news organisation
Wikipedia - Business Ethics: A European Review -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Butusov Yurii Yevhenovych -- Ukrainian journalist
Wikipedia - Byron Beck (blogger) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Byron Crawford -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Byron Darnton -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Byron Tau -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Cabell Publishing -- Texas company that publishes proprietary databases of reputable and predatory academic journals
Wikipedia - Cabells' Predatory Reports -- Proprietary list of deceptive, predatory academic journals
Wikipedia - Cai Mingzhao -- Chinese journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Caio Tulio Costa -- Brazilian journalist
Wikipedia - Caleb Silver -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Cambria (journal) -- Defunct Welsh geography academic journal
Wikipedia - Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical Journal
Wikipedia - Cambridge Archaeological Journal -- Peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - Cambridge Journal of Economics
Wikipedia - Cambridge Mathematical Journal
Wikipedia - Camden New Journal -- British Newspaper
Wikipedia - Camera Work -- Quarterly photographic journal
Wikipedia - Cameron Forbes (writer) -- Australian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Cameron Williams -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Camilla Cederna -- Italian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Campbell Dixon -- Australian-British playwright and journalist
Wikipedia - Canadian Journal of Botany
Wikipedia - Canadian Journal of Communication -- Canadian academic journal
Wikipedia - Canadian Journal of Economics -- Canadian academic journal
Wikipedia - Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology
Wikipedia - Canadian Journal of Mathematics
Wikipedia - Canadian Journal of Philosophy
Wikipedia - Canadian Journal of School Psychology
Wikipedia - Canadian Medical Association Journal -- Peer-reviewed general medical journal
Wikipedia - Cancer and Metastasis Reviews -- Medical journal
Wikipedia - Cancer (journal)
Wikipedia - Candis Callison -- Canadian environmental journalist
Wikipedia - Can Dundar -- Turkish journalist
Wikipedia - Candy Atherton -- British politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Cape Monthly Magazine -- News journal in the Cape Colony.
Wikipedia - Cardiovascular Diabetology -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Carel van Nievelt -- Dutch novelist and journalist
Wikipedia - Carey Gillam -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Carey Holzman -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Carey McWilliams (journalist) -- American author and lawyer (1905-1980)
Wikipedia - Caridad Bravo Adams -- Mexican journalist
Wikipedia - Carla Mazzuca Poggiolini -- Italian journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Carla O'Brien (journalist) -- Irish journalist and dancer
Wikipedia - Carl Begai -- Canadian music journalist, and author
Wikipedia - Carl Bernstein -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Carl Bialik -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Carl Cameron -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Carl Deal -- American documentary filmmaker and journalist
Wikipedia - Carleton Beals -- American journalist, author, and crusader
Wikipedia - Carley Shimkus -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Carl G. O. Hansen -- Norwegian-American singer and journalist
Wikipedia - Carl Henry Clerk -- Ghanaian educator, minister, administrator and journalist
Wikipedia - Carl Hulse -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Carlo Falconi -- Italian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Carlo Pellegatti -- Italian sports journalist
Wikipedia - Carlos Alberto Guajardo Romero -- Mexican crime journalist and murder victim
Wikipedia - Carlos Bosch -- Argentine photojournalist
Wikipedia - Carlos Cardoso (journalist) -- Mozambican journalist
Wikipedia - Carlos Chavez -- Mexican composer, conductor, music theorist, educator, journalist, and founder of the Mexican Symphonic Orchestra (1899-1978)
Wikipedia - Carlos Correa (activist) -- Venezuelan activist and journalist
Wikipedia - Carlos Fernando Chamorro Barrios -- Nicaraguan investigative journalist
Wikipedia - Carlos Gardini -- Argentinian journalist
Wikipedia - Carlos Lobo de M-CM-^Avila -- Portuguese academic, writer, journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Carlos Lopez Bustamante -- Venezuelan journalist
Wikipedia - Carlos Lozada (journalist) -- Peruvian-American journalist
Wikipedia - Carlos Quijano -- Uruguayan lawyer, politician, essayist, and journalist
Wikipedia - Carlotta Gall -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Carl Rowan -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Carl von Ossietzky -- German journalist and recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize
Wikipedia - Carmelo Abbate -- Italian journalist and reporter
Wikipedia - Carmel Snow -- Irish journalist
Wikipedia - Carmen Aristegui -- Mexican journalist
Wikipedia - Carmen Dominicci -- Puerto Rican journalist
Wikipedia - Carmen Gentile -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Carmen Hornillos -- journalist and television presenter
Wikipedia - Carmen Jovet -- Puerto Rican journalist
Wikipedia - Carmen M. Amedori -- American journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Carmen Sarmiento -- Award winning Spanish journalist and television presenter
Wikipedia - Carmen Thomas -- German journalist, radio and television presenter, author and lecturer
Wikipedia - Carola Dibbell -- American music journalist and author
Wikipedia - Carole Cadwalladr -- British investigative journalist
Wikipedia - Carole Coleman -- Irish journalist
Wikipedia - Carol Goar -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Carolina Aguilera -- Journalist
Wikipedia - Carolina Neurath -- Swedish journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Caroline Hyde -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Carolin Emcke -- German author and journalist
Wikipedia - Caroline Remy de Guebhard -- French anarchist, journalist and feminist
Wikipedia - Carol Martin (journalist) -- American journalist and news anchor
Wikipedia - Carrie Bickmore -- Australian journalist, radio presenter and television presenter
Wikipedia - Carrie Budoff Brown -- American journalist and news editor
Wikipedia - Carrie Gracie -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Carrie Sheffield -- American journalist and television personality
Wikipedia - Carsten Thomassen (journalist) -- Norwegian journalist
Wikipedia - Cartas de Inglaterra -- a collection of journalism by the Portuguese writer Jose Maria de Eca de Queiros, written when he served as the Portuguese consul in Newcastle and Bristol in England
Wikipedia - Carter Evans -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Carter G. Woodson -- African-American historian, writer, and journalist
Wikipedia - Cassandra Fairbanks -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Catalogue of Scientific Papers -- Defunct catalog of academic journal articles
Wikipedia - Category:19th-century American journalists
Wikipedia - Category:19th-century German journalists
Wikipedia - Category:20th-century British journalists
Wikipedia - Category:5 times per year journals (infobox)
Wikipedia - Category:8 times per year journals (infobox)
Wikipedia - Category:8 times per year journals
Wikipedia - Category:Academic journal articles
Wikipedia - Category:Academic journal editors
Wikipedia - Category:Aesthetics journals
Wikipedia - Category:American male journalists
Wikipedia - Category:Biography journals
Wikipedia - Category:British political journalists
Wikipedia - Category:Computer science journal stubs
Wikipedia - Category:Computer science journals
Wikipedia - Category:Elsevier academic journals
Wikipedia - Category:Ethics journals
Wikipedia - Category:Filipino journalists
Wikipedia - Category:Filipino women journalists
Wikipedia - Category:German male journalists
Wikipedia - Category:Hungarian journalists
Wikipedia - Category:Journalism
Wikipedia - Category:Journalists from New York City
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of academic journals
Wikipedia - Category:Logic journals
Wikipedia - Category:Neuroimaging journals
Wikipedia - Category:Occupational safety and health journals
Wikipedia - Category:Oxford University Press academic journals
Wikipedia - Category:Pages using infobox journal with unknown parameters
Wikipedia - Category:Psychology journals
Wikipedia - Category:Psychology of religion journals
Wikipedia - Category:Science and technology studies journals
Wikipedia - Category:Weekly journals (infobox)
Wikipedia - Category:Welsh journalists
Wikipedia - Cathal O'Shannon (TV presenter) -- Irish journalist and television personality
Wikipedia - Catharina Ahlgren -- Swedish writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Catharine Arnold -- British author, journalist and academic
Wikipedia - Catharine Dixon -- Canadian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Catharine Drew -- Irish journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Catherine Apalat -- Ugandan journalist
Wikipedia - Catherine Chabaud -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Catherine Fox (journalist) -- Australian journalist, author
Wikipedia - Catherine Pepinster -- British writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Catherine Rampell -- American opinion journalist
Wikipedia - Cathi Hanauer -- American journalist (born 1962)
Wikipedia - Cathi Unsworth -- English writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Cathleen Falsani -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Cathrine Sandnes -- Norwegian journalist and journalist
Wikipedia - Cathy Horyn -- American fashion journalist
Wikipedia - Cathy Kelley -- American actor and journalist
Wikipedia - Cathy McGowan (presenter) -- British broadcaster and journalist
Wikipedia - Cato Guhnfeldt -- Norwegian journalist
Wikipedia - Caucasian Review of International Affairs -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Cecilia Alvear -- Latina television news journalist
Wikipedia - Cecilia D'Anastasio -- American video game journalist
Wikipedia - Cecilia Vega -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Cecilio Zubillaga Perera -- Venezuelan journalist
Wikipedia - Cees Nooteboom -- Dutch novelist, poet and journalist
Wikipedia - Celestine Edwards -- Methodist evangelist and journal editor
Wikipedia - Celia Farber -- American print journalist and author
Wikipedia - Celia W. Dugger -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Celine Gounder -- American medical doctor and medical journalist
Wikipedia - Cell Communication & Adhesion -- UK academic journal
Wikipedia - Cell (journal) -- Scientific journal
Wikipedia - Cell Proliferation (journal) -- Cell biology journal
Wikipedia - Cell Research -- Chinese scientific journal
Wikipedia - Centaurus (journal)
Wikipedia - Center for Public Integrity -- American nonprofit investigative journalism organization
Wikipedia - Central European History -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Central European Journal of International and Security Studies -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Centre de formation des journalistes de Paris -- Journalists' training centre in Paris, France
Wikipedia - Cesar di Candia -- Uruguayan writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Chabeli Iglesias -- Spanish-Filipino journalist and socialite
Wikipedia - Chaedria LaBouvier -- American curator and journalist
Wikipedia - Chagmion Antoine -- American broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - Chaiti Narula -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Chambers's Edinburgh Journal -- Scottish weekly magazine
Wikipedia - Chameli Devi Jain Award for Outstanding Women Mediapersons -- Indian journalistic award
Wikipedia - Chana Joffe-Walt -- Radio journalist and producer
Wikipedia - Chandler Burr -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Chang Ping -- Chinese writer and journalist (born 1968)
Wikipedia - Charles Bean -- 20th-century Australian journalist and historian
Wikipedia - Charles C. Mann -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Charles Collingwood (journalist)
Wikipedia - Charles C. W. Cooke -- British-born American journalist
Wikipedia - Charles Dow -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Charles E. Cobb Jr. -- American journalist and civil rights activist
Wikipedia - Charles Ferris Gettemy -- American statistician and journalist
Wikipedia - Charles Forelle -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Charles Gordon (journalist) -- Canadian writer (born 1940)
Wikipedia - Charles Hamilton Teeling -- Irish journalist
Wikipedia - Charles Hardie Buzacott -- Australian journalist, publisher and politician
Wikipedia - Charles Hirshberg -- American journalist and sportswriter
Wikipedia - Charles Jennings (journalist) -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Charles Kenny McClatchy -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Charles K. Field -- Poet and journalist from California
Wikipedia - Charles Krauthammer -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Charles Lewis Gruneisen -- English journalist and music critic
Wikipedia - Charles Madge -- English poet, journalist, and sociologist
Wikipedia - Charles-Marie de Feletz -- French churchman, journalist and literary critic
Wikipedia - Charles M. Blow -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Charles Mohr (journalist) -- American writer (1929-1989)
Wikipedia - Charles Nordhoff (journalist)
Wikipedia - Charles Osei Asibey -- Ghanaian journalist
Wikipedia - Charles Patrick Smith -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Charles Philipon -- French journalist and artist
Wikipedia - Charles Rogier -- Belgian journalist, statesman
Wikipedia - Charles St Julian -- Australian journalist and Chief Justice of Fiji
Wikipedia - Charles Thomson (journalist) -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Charles W. Bailey II -- American journalist, newspaper editor and novelist
Wikipedia - Charles Wheeler (journalist) -- British journalist and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Charley Steiner -- American sportscaster and journalist
Wikipedia - Charlie Bray (cricketer) -- English cricketer and journalist
Wikipedia - Charlie Fern -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Charlie Gasparino -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Charlie Hebdo issue No. 1178 -- Edition of the French Journal Charlie Hebdo
Wikipedia - Charlie Rose -- Former American TV interviewer and journalist
Wikipedia - Charlie Stayt -- English Television Journalist
Wikipedia - Charlotte O'Conor Eccles -- Irish writer, translator, and journalist
Wikipedia - Charlotte Tillar Schexnayder -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Charlton Ogburn -- American journalist and author (1911-1998)
Wikipedia - Charmaine Dragun -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Chauncey Bailey -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Chelo Alvarez-Stehle -- American journalist and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Chelsea Cain -- American journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Chemical Geology -- International peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - Chemik Polski -- First Polish scientific journal of chemistry
Wikipedia - Chemistry: A European Journal
Wikipedia - Cheng Lei (journalist) -- Australian-Chinese television news anchor and business reporter
Wikipedia - Chequebook journalism -- The controversial practice of news reporters paying sources for their information
Wikipedia - Cheryl Reed -- Journalist
Wikipedia - Chico Pinheiro -- Brazilian journalist and news anchor
Wikipedia - Chido Onumah -- Nigerian journalist
Wikipedia - Chika Oduah -- Nigerian-American journalist
Wikipedia - Chike Frankie Edozien -- Nigerian-American writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Child Development (journal)
Wikipedia - Childhood (journal) -- Peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine
Wikipedia - Chingiz Mustafayev -- Azerbaijani journalist
Wikipedia - Chip Le Grand -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Chip Reid -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Chirality (journal)
Wikipedia - Choi Hyun-soo -- South Korean journalist
Wikipedia - Chote Praepan -- Thai journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Chowara Parameswaran -- Indian journalist and freedom fighter
Wikipedia - Chris Albertson -- Music journalist, writer and record producer
Wikipedia - Chris Bury -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Chris Cillizza -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Chris Cuomo -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Chris Dore -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Chris Dufresne -- American sports journalist
Wikipedia - Chris Economaki -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Chris Evans (journalist) -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Chris Gailus -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Chris Hansen -- American television journalist
Wikipedia - Chris Hedges -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Chris Hurst (Virginia politician) -- American journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Chris Jones (drama critic) -- British-American journalist and academic
Wikipedia - Chris Lowe (journalist) -- Scottish news presenter
Wikipedia - Chris Maddocks -- British Olympic race walker and journalist, born 1957
Wikipedia - Chris Mason (journalist) -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Chris Moncrieff -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Chris Schaller -- American journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Christa Ackroyd -- British journalist and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Christgau's Consumer Guide: Albums of the '90s -- 2000 book by music journalist Robert Christgau
Wikipedia - Christian Authier -- French writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Christian Bouchet -- French far-right journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Christian Caryl -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Christiane Arp -- German journalist
Wikipedia - Christiane Collange -- French journalist and author
Wikipedia - Christian Jeanpierre -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Christian Kracht -- Swiss novelist and journalist
Wikipedia - Christian Lindner (journalist) -- German journalist
Wikipedia - Christian Martinoli -- Mexican-born sports journalist and narrator
Wikipedia - Christian Prudhomme -- French journalist and Tour de France general director
Wikipedia - Christie Aschwanden -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Christie Blatchford -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Christina Lamb -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Christina Lund Madsen -- Danish bridge player and journalist
Wikipedia - Christine Cole Catley -- New Zealand journalist, writer and publisher
Wikipedia - Christine Harper -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Christine Kay -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Christine Lund -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Christine Menias -- American radiologist, Mayo Clinic professor, and medical journal editor
Wikipedia - Christine Ockrent -- Belgian journalist
Wikipedia - Christoph Bertram -- German journalist
Wikipedia - Christopher Caldwell (journalist)
Wikipedia - Christopher Clarey -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Christopher Dawes (author) -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Christopher Dickey -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Christopher Drew (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Christopher Hitchens -- British-American author and journalist (1949-2011)
Wikipedia - Christopher Martin-Jenkins -- English cricketer, broadcaster and journalist
Wikipedia - Christopher McDougall -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Christopher Opoku -- Sports Journalist
Wikipedia - Christopher Pyle -- 20th-21st-century American academic, journalist, civil rights specialist
Wikipedia - Christoph Sydow -- German journalist
Wikipedia - Chris Van Vliet -- Canadian television journalist
Wikipedia - Chris Wallace -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Chrystia Freeland -- Canadian politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Chuck Eddy -- American music journalist, born 1960
Wikipedia - Chuck Henry -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Chuck Kleinhans -- professor and journal editor
Wikipedia - Chuck Neubauer -- American newspaper journalist
Wikipedia - Chuck Todd -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Chude Jideonwo -- Nigerian lawyer, journalist and media entrepreneur.
Wikipedia - Chu Mei-feng -- Taiwanese TV journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Church History (journal)
Wikipedia - Citizen journalism -- Journalism genre
Wikipedia - City Journal (New York City)
Wikipedia - Civic journalism -- Journalism done in the public interest
Wikipedia - C. J. Chivers -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - C. J. Pearson -- American journalist and political commentator
Wikipedia - Claas Relotius -- German former journalist who admitted to journalistic fraud
Wikipedia - Cladistics (journal)
Wikipedia - Claire Berlinski -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Claire Byrne -- Irish journalist
Wikipedia - Claire Clouzot -- French journalist and film director
Wikipedia - Claire O'Callaghan -- Irish journalist
Wikipedia - Claire Tomalin -- English biographer and journalist (born 1933)
Wikipedia - Claire Wallace (broadcaster) -- Canadian journalist, broadcaster and author
Wikipedia - Clare Mendonca -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Clarence Page -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Claud Cockburn -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Claude Beauchamp -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Claude Bowers -- American journalist and politician (1878-1958)
Wikipedia - Claude Genest -- Canadian journalist and actor
Wikipedia - Claude Jeantet -- French journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Claude Moisy -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Claudia Durastanti -- Italian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Claudia Mo -- Chinese journalist and politician from Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Claudia Puig -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Claudio Garioni -- Italian journalist
Wikipedia - Claudio Zin -- Italian journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Claus Kleber -- German journalist (born 1955)
Wikipedia - Clay Geerdes -- photojournalist
Wikipedia - Clement Benech -- French journalist and novelist
Wikipedia - Clement Edwards -- Welsh lawyer, journalist, activist and politician
Wikipedia - Clemente Marroquin -- Guatemalan journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Cliff Kapono -- Hawaiian surfer, journalist, and scientist
Wikipedia - Clinical Breast Cancer -- Peer-reviewed scientific journal
Wikipedia - Clinical Teacher -- American medical journal
Wikipedia - Clint Grant -- JFK-era photojournalist from Dallas, Texas
Wikipedia - Clive Limpkin -- British photojournalist and writer
Wikipedia - Clive Thompson (journalist)
Wikipedia - Cluster Computing (journal)
Wikipedia - Clyde Haberman -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Codou Bop -- Senegalese sociologist, journalist and women's rights activist
Wikipedia - Cognition (journal)
Wikipedia - Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (journal)
Wikipedia - Cognitive Development -- Quarterly scientific journal
Wikipedia - Cognitive Neuroscience (journal)
Wikipedia - Cognitive Psychology (journal)
Wikipedia - Cognitive Science (journal)
Wikipedia - Cokie Roberts -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Colette Braeckman -- Belgian journalist
Wikipedia - Colin Eatock -- Canadian composer, author and journalist
Wikipedia - Colin Edwards (journalist) -- British journalist and documentarian
Wikipedia - Colin Vaughan -- television journalist, architect, urban activist and alderman
Wikipedia - Colin Woodard -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Columbia Journalism Review -- American magazine for professional journalists
Wikipedia - Commercial Journal and Advertiser -- Defunct Australian newspaper, published in Sydney, New South Wales from the 1830s to the mid-1840s
Wikipedia - Commercial Journal -- 19th-century newspaper published in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Wikipedia - Committee to Protect Journalists -- American nonprofit organization
Wikipedia - Commonweal (magazine) -- Liberal American Catholic journal of opinion
Wikipedia - Communication Arts (magazine) -- American trade journal
Wikipedia - Community journalism
Wikipedia - Comparative Education Review -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Comparative European Politics -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Complex Systems (journal)
Wikipedia - Comptes rendus de l'Academie des Sciences -- Scientific journal
Wikipedia - Computational Geometry (journal)
Wikipedia - Computational Intelligence (journal)
Wikipedia - Computational Linguistics (journal)
Wikipedia - Computer Journal
Wikipedia - Computer Music Journal -- American peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - Computer Networks (journal)
Wikipedia - Computing (journal)
Wikipedia - Concepcion Leyes de Chaves -- Paraguayan writer, playwright and journalist
Wikipedia - Concilium (journal) -- Catholic theological journal begun in 1965
Wikipedia - Con Coughlin -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Connie Chung -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Connor Freff Cochran -- American author and illustrator, computer and music industry journalist, publisher, producer, and business manager
Wikipedia - Conor Friedersdorf -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Constance Barnicoat -- Secretary, interpreter, mountaineer, journalist
Wikipedia - Constantin J. David -- German journalist and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Constellations (journal) -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Constructivist Foundations -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research
Wikipedia - Contemporary Political Theory -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Cora Crane -- American adventuress, "madame," journalist
Wikipedia - Cora Rigby -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Cordelia Edvardson -- German-born Swedish journalist, author and Holocaust survivor
Wikipedia - Corey J. Hodges -- American preacher and journalist (born 1970)
Wikipedia - Corinna Halke -- German pair skater and sport journalist
Wikipedia - Cornelia Phillips Spencer -- American poet, social historian, journalist
Wikipedia - Corpora (journal)
Wikipedia - Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory (journal)
Wikipedia - Cortex (journal)
Wikipedia - Cory Doctorow -- Canadian-British blogger, journalist, and science fiction author
Wikipedia - C. P. Scott -- British journalist, publisher and politician
Wikipedia - Craig Bennett -- Australian journalist (born 1962)
Wikipedia - Craig Claiborne -- American restaurant critic, food journalist and book author
Wikipedia - Craig Melvin -- American television journalist
Wikipedia - Craig Oliver (Canadian journalist) -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Craig Taylor (writer) -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Creativity Research Journal
Wikipedia - Creighton Burns -- Australian newspaper editor, journalist and academic
Wikipedia - Crelle's Journal
Wikipedia - Crete Cage -- American journalist and clubwoman
Wikipedia - Cretica Chronica -- Peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - Cristina Fallaras -- Spanish journalist
Wikipedia - Cristina Ferreira -- Portuguese journalist
Wikipedia - Cristina Mucci -- Argentinian writer, lawyer and journalist
Wikipedia - Cristina Saralegui -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Cristin Leach -- Irish radio and television presenter, journalist, and art critic
Wikipedia - Critical Review (journal) -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Critical Sociology (journal)
Wikipedia - Croatian Journalists' Association -- Press association in Croatia
Wikipedia - Cultura (journal)
Wikipedia - Cultural Anthropology (journal)
Wikipedia - Current Alzheimer Research -- Medical journal
Wikipedia - Current Zoology -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Curt Anderson -- American politician, lawyer and former broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - Curtis's Botanical Magazine -- Scientific journal
Wikipedia - C. V. Kunhiraman -- Indian journalist and social reformer
Wikipedia - Cybernetics and Systems -- scientific journal of cybernetics and systems science
Wikipedia - Cynthia Barnett -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Cynthia Crossen -- American journalist and book critic
Wikipedia - Cynthia Elbaum -- American photojournalist
Wikipedia - Cynthia Holmes Belcher -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Cynthia Hughes -- Grenadian journalist
Wikipedia - Cyril Almeida -- Pakistani Journalist
Wikipedia - Cyril Stober -- Nigerian journalist
Wikipedia - Cyrus Townsend Brady -- American journalist, historian and adventure writer
Wikipedia - Daan Nieber -- Dutch journalist
Wikipedia - Dacia (journal) -- Romanian academic journal
Wikipedia - Daedalus (journal)
Wikipedia - Dagen McDowell -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Dagfinn Gronoset -- Norwegian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Daily Journal Corporation -- American publishing company
Wikipedia - Daily Journal (Missouri) -- Daily newspaper in Park Hills, Missouri
Wikipedia - Dainis M-DM-*vans -- Latvian journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Dai Qing -- Chinese journalist and activist
Wikipedia - Daisy Hendley Gold -- American writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Dalia Gebrial -- British journalist, writer, activist and researcher (born 1993)
Wikipedia - Damian Barrett -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Damien Kiberd -- Journalist and commentator
Wikipedia - Damien Lewis (filmmaker) -- British journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Damqatum -- Peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - Dana Bash -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Dana Goldstein -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Dana G. Peleg -- Israeli writer, translator, journalist and LGBTQI activist
Wikipedia - Dana Lewis -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Dana Priest -- American journalist, writer and teacher
Wikipedia - Dana Schwartz -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Dan Atkinson -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Dana Weiss -- Israeli journalist
Wikipedia - Dan Baum -- American journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Dan Bilefsky -- Canadian newspaper journalist
Wikipedia - Dan Charnas -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Dan Cohen (filmmaker) -- American author, journalist, and blogger
Wikipedia - Dan DeQuille -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Dan Fagin -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Danica Roem -- American journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Daniela di Giacomo -- Venezuelan model, journalist, presenter, and beauty queen
Wikipedia - Daniel Dagan -- Israeli journalist and author
Wikipedia - Daniel Dale -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Daniel Defoe -- English trader, writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Daniele Boni-Claverie -- Ivorian politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Daniele Capezzone -- Italian journalist and ex politician
Wikipedia - Daniele Heymann -- French film critic and journalist
Wikipedia - Daniel Finkelstein -- British journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Daniel Funke -- German journalist
Wikipedia - Danielle Dithurbide -- Mexican journalist and TV news anchor
Wikipedia - Daniel Manning -- American businessman, journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Daniel Pearl -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Daniel Peredo -- Peruvian sports journalist
Wikipedia - Daniel Pinchbeck -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Daniel Radosh -- American journalist and blogger
Wikipedia - Daniel Sandford (journalist) -- English TV journalist
Wikipedia - Daniel S. Greenberg -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Daniel Stuart -- Scottish journalist
Wikipedia - Daniel Tudor (journalist) -- British author & journalist specializing in Korean affairs
Wikipedia - Daniel W. Drezner -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Daniel Zwerdling -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Danilo Ilic -- Bosnian journalist and historical figure
Wikipedia - Danish Journal of Archaeology -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Dan Jones (writer) -- British historian and journalist
Wikipedia - Dan Kwaku Yeboah -- Ghanaian journalist
Wikipedia - Dan Le Batard -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Dan Meredith -- Journalist and media activist
Wikipedia - Dann Stupp -- American sports journalist
Wikipedia - Danny Finkleman -- Canadian journalist and radio host
Wikipedia - Danny Huwe -- Belgian journalist
Wikipedia - Dan Olmsted -- American journalist and anti-vaccination activist
Wikipedia - Dan Rather -- American broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - Dan Shilon -- Israeli journalist (born 1940)
Wikipedia - Dante Ang -- Filipino journalist
Wikipedia - Daphne Caruana Galizia -- Maltese journalist and blogger
Wikipedia - Daphne Pochin Mould -- Irish photographer and journalist
Wikipedia - Daphne Sheppard -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Dara Quigley -- Irish journalist and blogger
Wikipedia - Darby Dunn -- American journalist and reporter
Wikipedia - Darina Laracy -- Irish journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Dariusz Baliszewski -- Polish historian, journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Darlena Cunha -- American journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Darragh McCullough -- Irish journalist
Wikipedia - Darren Jordon -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Darren Rovell -- American sports journalist
Wikipedia - Darrin Zammit Lupi -- Maltese photographer and photojournalist (born 1968)
Wikipedia - Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma -- American resource center and think tank for journalists
Wikipedia - Darvinson Rojas -- Venezuelan journalist
Wikipedia - Dar Yasin -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Database journalism
Wikipedia - Data journalism
Wikipedia - Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery -- Peer-reviewed scientific journal
Wikipedia - Davar Ardalan -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Dave Bist -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Dave Davies (reporter) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Dave Despain -- American motorsports journalist
Wikipedia - Dave Itzkoff -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Dave Levitan -- Dave Levitan is an American Science Journalist
Wikipedia - Dave Meltzer -- American professional wrestling journalist
Wikipedia - Dave Scherer -- Martial arts journalists
Wikipedia - David Abiker -- French journalist
Wikipedia - David Adams (photojournalist) -- Australian photojournalist
Wikipedia - David Aldridge -- American sports journalist
Wikipedia - David A. McNeill -- Irish journalist and academic
Wikipedia - David Ballantyne -- New Zealand journalist and writer
Wikipedia - David Barstow -- American journalist
Wikipedia - David Bazay -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - David Beal (photographer) -- Australian photojournalist
Wikipedia - David Begnaud -- American journalist and news correspondent
Wikipedia - David Belliard -- French journalist and politician
Wikipedia - David Bergman (journalist) -- British journalist
Wikipedia - David Binder (journalist) -- British-American journalist (1931-2019)
Wikipedia - David Bird (journalist) -- American financial journalist, 1959-2014
Wikipedia - David Bloom -- American journalist
Wikipedia - David Brancaccio -- American radio and television journalist
Wikipedia - David Brooks (commentator) -- American journalist, commentator and editor
Wikipedia - David Brooks (journalist)
Wikipedia - David Browne (journalist) -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - David Burnham -- American investigative journalist and author in Washington, D.C.
Wikipedia - David Carr (journalist) -- American columnist, and author
Wikipedia - David Christie Murray -- English journalist and writer
Wikipedia - David Cole (journalist) -- American journalist and documentary film director
Wikipedia - David Common -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - David Del Valle -- American journalist, columnist, film historian, and radio/television commentator
Wikipedia - David Denby -- American journalist
Wikipedia - David Devadas -- Indian journalist and author
Wikipedia - David E. Davis -- American journalist
Wikipedia - David Edwards (journalist) -- British media campaigner
Wikipedia - David Enrich -- American journalist
Wikipedia - David Faber (CNBC) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - David Fanning (journalist) -- South African journalist
Wikipedia - David Farrier -- New Zealand journalist and actor
Wikipedia - David FjM-CM-$ll -- Swedish television presenter and journalist
Wikipedia - David France (writer) -- American journalist and filmmaker
Wikipedia - David Frost -- English television host, media personality, journalist, comedian, and writer
Wikipedia - David Gilkey -- American journalist
Wikipedia - David Gistau -- Spanish journalist
Wikipedia - David Gonzalez (journalist) -- Nuyorican journalist
Wikipedia - David Greene (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - David Gregory (journalist) -- American television journalist and presenter
Wikipedia - David Hackworth -- United States Army colonel and military journalist
Wikipedia - David Halberstam -- American writer, journalist and historian
Wikipedia - David Harris (protester) -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - David Hartman (TV personality) -- American journalist and media host
Wikipedia - David Horowitz (consumer advocate) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - David Ignatius -- American journalist and novelist
Wikipedia - David Johnson-Davies -- Computer scientist and journalist
Wikipedia - David Katz (author) -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - David Kenyon Webster -- American soldier/journalist (1922-1961)
Wikipedia - David Kirby (journalist) -- Journalist
Wikipedia - David Kocieniewski -- American journalist
Wikipedia - David Lachterman -- Belgian journalist
Wikipedia - David Lardner -- American journalist
Wikipedia - David Lat -- American journalist (born 1975)
Wikipedia - David Le Bailly -- French journalist
Wikipedia - David Maraniss -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - David Marr (journalist) -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - David McKittrick -- British journalist
Wikipedia - David Morgan (journalist) -- British journalist, born 1959
Wikipedia - David Muir -- American broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - David Onley -- Canadian former journalist
Wikipedia - David Pallister -- British journalist
Wikipedia - David Pirie -- British screenwriter, film producer and journalist
Wikipedia - David Pokress -- American photojournalist
Wikipedia - David Pujadas -- French journalist
Wikipedia - David Romero Ellner -- Honduran journalist
Wikipedia - David Scherman -- American photojournalist and editor (1916-1997)
Wikipedia - David Schoenbrun -- American journalist
Wikipedia - David Shuster -- American television journalist
Wikipedia - David Simon -- American author, journalist, and television writer and producer
Wikipedia - David Speers -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - David Swerdlick -- American journalist
Wikipedia - David Talbot -- American investigative journalist and editor
Wikipedia - David Tell -- American journalist
Wikipedia - David Vienneau -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - David Wallace-Wells -- American journalist
Wikipedia - David Walter (British journalist and politician)
Wikipedia - David Willey (journalist)
Wikipedia - David Winner (author) -- English author and journalist
Wikipedia - David Wise (journalist)
Wikipedia - David Wright (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - David Zaslavsky -- Soviet journalist and propagandist
Wikipedia - David Zucchino -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Dawit Kebede -- Ethiopian journalist
Wikipedia - Dean Baquet -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Dean Borg -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Dean Kuipers -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Deanna Michaux -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Death of Karen Fischer and Christian Struwe -- German journalists who were shot in Afghanistan
Wikipedia - Death of Robert Stevens -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Debbie Elliott -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Deborah Boliver Boehm -- Journalist, travel writer, editor and translator
Wikipedia - Deborah Byrd -- American science journalist
Wikipedia - Deborah Haynes -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Deborah Orin -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Deborah Orr -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Deborah Roberts -- American television journalist
Wikipedia - Debora Perez Volpin -- Argentinian journalist
Wikipedia - Deb Price -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Declan McCullagh -- American entrepreneur, journalist, and software engineer.
Wikipedia - Declan Walsh (journalist) -- Irish writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Dele Giwa -- Nigerian journalist and newspaper founder
Wikipedia - Del Irani -- Australian television journalist
Wikipedia - Demetrio Galan Bergua -- Spanish physician, humanist, and journalist
Wikipedia - Democratic Theory -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Dendrochronologia -- Journal
Wikipedia - Denis Atkins (journalist) -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Denise Bombardier -- Canadian journalist, essayist, novelist and media personality
Wikipedia - Denise Maerker -- Mexican journalist and TV news anchor
Wikipedia - Denis Harvey -- Canadian journalist and television executive
Wikipedia - Denis Jenkinson -- English journalist (motorsport)
Wikipedia - Denis Lalanne -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Denis Marion -- Belgian journalist
Wikipedia - Denisse Oller -- Puerto Rican journalist
Wikipedia - Denis Tuohy -- Broadcaster, actor, newsreader, and journalist.
Wikipedia - Denne Bart Petitclerc -- American journalist, television producer and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Dennis Bell (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Dennis Potter -- English TV dramatist, screenwriter, journalist
Wikipedia - Desmond Cole -- Canadian journalist, activist, and writer
Wikipedia - Desmond Wilcox -- British television producer, filmmaker, journalist and television executive
Wikipedia - Developmental Neuropsychology (journal) -- Psychology journal
Wikipedia - Developmental Psychology (journal)
Wikipedia - Devils Lake Journal -- Newspaper in Devils Lake, North Dakota
Wikipedia - Devin Allen -- Amerrican photographer, photojournalist, and activist
Wikipedia - Devin Dwyer -- American digital reporter and television journalist
Wikipedia - Devin Scillian -- American television journalist, musician and children's author
Wikipedia - Devi Priya -- Indian Telugu language poet and journalist
Wikipedia - Dexter Filkins -- American journalist and war correspondent
Wikipedia - Dezo Hoffmann -- Slovak photographer, photojournalist and cameraman
Wikipedia - DezsM-EM-^Q Kosztolanyi -- Hungarian writer, journalist, and translator
Wikipedia - DezsM-EM-^Q Revai -- Hungarian photographer and photojournalist
Wikipedia - Dhanya Rajendran -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Dhiren Bhagat -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Diacritics (journal) -- Journal
Wikipedia - Dialectica -- Journal
Wikipedia - Diana Diamond -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Diana Moukalled -- Lebanese journalist
Wikipedia - Diana Norman -- British author and journalist
Wikipedia - Diana Nyad -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Diana Williams -- Television journalist
Wikipedia - Diane Anderson-Minshall -- American journalist (born 1968)
Wikipedia - Diane Pernet -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Diane Sawyer -- American television broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - Dianna Russini -- American sports journalist
Wikipedia - Dianne Buckner -- Canadian television journalist
Wikipedia - Diary of an Awesome Friendly Kid: Rowley Jefferson's Journal -- spin off book by Jeff Kinney
Wikipedia - Dibang -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Dick Beddoes -- Canadian sports journalist
Wikipedia - Dick Best -- English rugby union coach and journalist
Wikipedia - Dick Brennan (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Dick Carlson -- American journalist and diplomat
Wikipedia - Dick Johnston (journalist) -- Canadian sports journalist
Wikipedia - Didier Francois (journalist) -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Didier Lefevre -- French photojournalist
Wikipedia - Didier Roustan -- French sports journalist
Wikipedia - Diego Fischer -- Uruguayan journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Diego ZuM-CM-1iga -- Chilean writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Dietmar Dath -- German author, journalist and translator
Wikipedia - Dietmar Eisold -- German journalist and art historian
Wikipedia - Differences (journal)
Wikipedia - Digital Signal Processing (journal)
Wikipedia - Dilshad Aliyarli -- Azerbaijani journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Dima Khatib -- Syrian journalist
Wikipedia - Dimitri Gogos -- Greek-Australian journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Dimitrije Bodi -- Serbian journalist and diplomat
Wikipedia - Dimitrije Davidovic -- Serbian politician, writer, philosopher, journalist, publisher, historian, and diplomat
Wikipedia - Dina Temple-Raston -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Dionne Searcey -- investigative journalist
Wikipedia - Dionne Stax -- Dutch journalist and newsreader
Wikipedia - Dionysius (journal)
Wikipedia - Directory of Open Access Journals -- Curated list of peer-reviewed Open-Access journals
Wikipedia - Disappearance and displacement of Mario Segura -- Abducted and displaced Mexican journalist
Wikipedia - Disappearance of Zane Plemmons -- Mexican-American photojournalist who disappeared on 21 May 2012
Wikipedia - Discrete Mathematics (journal)
Wikipedia - Disputatio -- Philosophy journal
Wikipedia - Distributed Computing (journal)
Wikipedia - D. J. R. Bruckner -- 20th/21st-century American columnist, critic, and journalist
Wikipedia - Dmitry Beliakov -- Russian photojournalist
Wikipedia - Doan Bui -- French woman journalist
Wikipedia - Dobrila Glavinic Knez Milojkovic -- Serbian journalist
Wikipedia - Doc Searls -- American journalist, columnist, and blogger
Wikipedia - Dodie Bellamy -- American novelist, nonfiction author, journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Dolce Ann Cabot -- New Zealand journalist and newspaper editor
Wikipedia - Dolly Alderton -- British journalist, author and podcaster
Wikipedia - Dolores Gortazar Serantes -- Spanish writer, journalist, education activist
Wikipedia - DoM-DM-^_an AvcioM-DM-^_lu -- Turkish journalist
Wikipedia - Dominic Holden -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Dominick Dunne -- American writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Dominique Farran -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Dominique Lorentz -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Dominique Venner -- French journalist and essayist
Wikipedia - Donald McNeil Jr. -- American science and health journalist
Wikipedia - Donald Steel -- English golfer, golf course designer, writer, and journalist
Wikipedia - Donal Henahan -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Don Cockburn -- Irish journalist and presenter
Wikipedia - Don Dahler -- American journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Don Gonyea -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Don Hollenbeck -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Don Katz -- Founder of, author, journalist
Wikipedia - Don Lemon -- American journalist and news anchor
Wikipedia - Donna Bernard -- British journalist and TV presenter
Wikipedia - Donna Chisholm -- New Zealand investigative journalist
Wikipedia - Donna Smith (journalist) -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Doppo Kunikida -- Japanese writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Dorcas Wangira -- Kenyan journalist
Wikipedia - Doreen Gentzler -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Doreen St. Felix -- Journalist
Wikipedia - Doris Bigornia -- Filipina journalist and news presenter
Wikipedia - Doris Dartey -- Ghanaian female journalist
Wikipedia - Doris E. Saunders -- American businesswoman, librarian, and journalist
Wikipedia - Doris Giller -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Doris Willens -- American journalist, lyricist
Wikipedia - Dorothea Lange -- American photojournalist
Wikipedia - Dorothy Day -- American journalist, anarchist social activist, Catholic convert and Servant of God
Wikipedia - Dorothy Drain -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Dorothy Kilgallen -- American journalist, television personality
Wikipedia - Dorothy Misener Jurney -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Dorothy Molloy -- Irish poet, journalist and artist
Wikipedia - Dorothy Rabinowitz -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Dorothy Sucher -- American journalist (1933-2010)
Wikipedia - Dorothy Thompson -- American journalist and radio broadcaster
Wikipedia - Doru Dendiu -- Romanian journalist from ChiM-EM-^_inau
Wikipedia - Dot Simons -- New Zealand sportswoman, sports journalist, and writer
Wikipedia - Doug Adair -- American television news anchor and journalist
Wikipedia - Doug Gottlieb -- American sports journalist
Wikipedia - Douglas Century -- Canadian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Douglas Chandler -- American journalist and Nazi propagandist
Wikipedia - Douglas Farah -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Douglas Turner (rower) -- American rower, journalist, and newspaper executive
Wikipedia - Dov Alfon -- Israeli journalist and author
Wikipedia - Doyle McManus -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Draft:Adedayo Ojo -- Nigerian journalist
Wikipedia - Draft:Babacar Toure (businessman) -- Senegalese journalist
Wikipedia - Draft:Bharatha Prabhashana Thennakoon -- Sri Lanka author and Journalist (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Draft:Bharatha Thennakoon -- Sri Lanka author and Journalist (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Draft:Brad Ilott (journalist) -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Draft:Christophe Hitayezu -- Rwandan Journalist (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Draft:C J Werleman -- Australian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Draft:Douglas Lwanga -- Ugandan journalist and graphics designer
Wikipedia - Draft:Faada Dickson -- Ghanaian journalist
Wikipedia - Draft:Flora Field -- American journalist, writer, playwright and tour guide to the French Quarter
Wikipedia - Draft:Geochemical Journal -- International peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - Draft:Harry L. Billings -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Draft:Iti Samanta -- Indian journalist and film producer
Wikipedia - Draft:Jaime Daniel CastaM-CM-1o Zacarias -- Mexican journalist
Wikipedia - Draft:Jessica Garrison -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Draft:Manoj Manu -- Indian journalist and anchor
Wikipedia - Draft:Maria Stepanova (poet) -- Russian poet, novelist, and journalist
Wikipedia - Draft:Mercy Kandie -- Kenyan Journalist
Wikipedia - Draft:Neetu Garcha -- Canadian video journalist
Wikipedia - Draft:Oluwatosin Dokpesi -- Nigerian journalist
Wikipedia - Draft:Patagon Journal -- environmental and outdoor magazine
Wikipedia - Draft:Pritam Kashyap -- Indianjournalist
Wikipedia - Draft:Priyadarshini Patwa -- Indian Journalist and Critic
Wikipedia - Draft:Rafael Delorme -- Spanish writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Draft:Ramesh Awasthi -- Indian journalist and News anchor
Wikipedia - Draft:Reis M-CM-^Gelik -- Turkish film director, Journalist, Actor
Wikipedia - Draft:Saad ahmad -- Syrian-Kurdish journalist
Wikipedia - Draft:Sam Jahan -- Bangladeshi journalist
Wikipedia - Draft:Seth Ferranti -- American Filmmaker, Journalist, Author
Wikipedia - Draft:Tabitha Rotich -- Kenyan Journalist
Wikipedia - Draft:Tanzid Basunia -- Bangladeshi journalist
Wikipedia - Draft:Than Nyut -- Burmese journalist
Wikipedia - Draft:The McKenzie Journal: How to Be Cool -- Book by Michael Frey
Wikipedia - Draft:WENSLAUCE CHENGO -- Kenyan journalist
Wikipedia - Draft:Yann Blake -- French journalist and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Dr. Dobb's Journal of Tiny BASIC Calisthenics > Orthodontia: Running Light Without Overbyte
Wikipedia - Dr. Dobb's Journal
Wikipedia - Dreaming (journal)
Wikipedia - Dream journal
Wikipedia - Drew Pearson (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Drone journalism -- Use of unmanned aircraft for journalism
Wikipedia - Dror Eydar -- Israeli ambassador to Italy, literary theorist and journalist
Wikipedia - Duff Hart-Davis -- British biographer, naturalist and journalist
Wikipedia - Duke Mathematical Journal
Wikipedia - DuM-EM-!an Prelevic -- Serbian musician and journalist
Wikipedia - Duncan Brown Cooper -- American journalist, publisher, politician
Wikipedia - Duncan Campbell (journalist, born 1944) -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Duncan Campbell (journalist) -- British investigative journalist
Wikipedia - Duncan Garner -- New Zealand journalist
Wikipedia - Dunja Hayali -- German journalist and television presenter
Wikipedia - Dun's gazette for New South Wales -- English language journal (1909-1958)
Wikipedia - Duro Onabule -- Nigerian journalist
Wikipedia - Dushyant Ojha -- Indian journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Dutch Crossing -- An academic journal about the ''low countries''
Wikipedia - Dwight Drummond -- Canadian television journalist
Wikipedia - Dyane Connor -- Irish journalist
Wikipedia - Dylan Matthews -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Eamonn Fingleton -- Irish financial journalist and author
Wikipedia - Earle Herrera -- Venezuelan journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Ebrahim Bashmi -- Bahraini politician, novelist, journalist and nonfiction writer
Wikipedia - Ebrahim Nafae -- Egyptian journalist
Wikipedia - Ecological Economics (journal)
Wikipedia - Ecological Psychology (journal)
Wikipedia - Economic and Environmental Geology -- Scholarly journal focused on geology
Wikipedia - Economic Geography (journal)
Wikipedia - Ed Bradley -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Ed Conway -- British journalist, currently Sky News Economics Editor
Wikipedia - Eddie Lopez (journalist) -- Puerto Rican journalist
Wikipedia - Edgar de Normanville -- British inventor and journalist
Wikipedia - Edgar J. Anzola -- Venezuelan film producer, radio pioneer, journalist and cartoonist
Wikipedia - Edgar Kupfer-Koberwitz -- German journalist, author and concentration camp survivor
Wikipedia - Edgar O'Ballance -- British military journalist, researcher, defence commentator and academic lecturer specialising in international relations and defence problems
Wikipedia - Edges (magazine) -- Canadian writing journal
Wikipedia - Ed Groot -- Dutch politician, journalist, columnist and civil servant (born 1957)
Wikipedia - Edie Lambert -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Edith Kimani -- Kenyan media personality and journalist
Wikipedia - Edith Raymond Locke -- Austrian-American journalist and television producer
Wikipedia - Edith Searle Grossmann -- New Zealand teacher, novelist, journalist and feminist
Wikipedia - Edith Thomas -- French novelist, archivist, historian and journalist
Wikipedia - Ed Moloney -- Irish journalist and author
Wikipedia - Edmonton Journal
Wikipedia - Edmund Bailey O'Callaghan -- Lower Canada politician, physician and journalist
Wikipedia - Edmund Bannerman -- Journalist, newspaper proprietor and lawyer in the British colony of the Gold Coast.
Wikipedia - Edmund Bogdanowicz -- Polish poet, writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Edmund Fawcett -- British political journalist
Wikipedia - Edna Buchanan -- American journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Edna Gundersen -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Edna Schmidt -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Edouard DucpM-CM-)tiaux -- Belgian journalist and social reformer
Wikipedia - Eduardo Acevedo Diaz -- Uruguayan writer, politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Eduardo Lopez Rivas -- Venezuelan journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Eduardo Sotillos -- Spanish journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Eduard Stadtler -- German journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Educational Psychologist (journal)
Wikipedia - Educational Research Review -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Educational Technology & Society -- peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - Education Magazine -- Chinese Journal of Education
Wikipedia - Edvard Valpas-HM-CM-$nninen -- Finnish politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Edward Allen (Australian politician) -- Australian politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Edward Ball (American author) -- American history writer and journalist (born 1958)
Wikipedia - Edward Campbell (journalist) -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Edward 'Doc' Byrne -- Irish journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Edward-Isaac Dovere -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Edward-John Bottomley -- South African journalist and author
Wikipedia - Edward Luce -- English journalist
Wikipedia - Edward Morgan Humphreys -- British journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Edward Quin -- Irish journalist
Wikipedia - Edward R. Murrow -- American broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - Edward S. Herman -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Edward S. Montgomery -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Edward Stourton (journalist)
Wikipedia - Edward Wyckoff Williams -- American journalist and banker
Wikipedia - Edwin A. Lahey -- 20th-century American journalist
Wikipedia - Edwin Ariyadasa -- Sri Lankan journalist
Wikipedia - Edwin Black -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Edwin Croswell -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Edwin Newman -- American newscaster, journalist and author
Wikipedia - Edwin O. Guthman -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Edwin Q. White -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Edwin Rolfe -- American poet and journalist
Wikipedia - Edythe Meserand -- American broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - E. E. Cowper -- Journalist and author of Juvenile Fiction
Wikipedia - Eef Brouwers -- Dutch journalist
Wikipedia - Eero Erkko -- Finnish journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Efigenia Vasquez Astudillo -- Colombian reporter and journalist
Wikipedia - Egon Kisch -- Austrian-Czechoslovak writer and journalist
Wikipedia - E. H. D. Sewell -- English cricketer, journalist, and author
Wikipedia - Eileen Louise Soper -- New Zealand journalist, writer and Girl Guide Commissioner
Wikipedia - Eileen Sullivan -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Eino Kilpi -- Finnish politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Eirini Nikolopoulou -- Greek journalist
Wikipedia - E. J. Dionne -- American journalist (born 1952)
Wikipedia - Ekaterina Andreeva (journalist) -- Russian journalist and actress
Wikipedia - Elaine Crowley (presenter) -- Irish TV journalist and presenter
Wikipedia - Elaine Quijano -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Eleanor Franklin Egan -- American journalist and foreign correspondent
Wikipedia - Eleanor Schano -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Electoral Studies -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Electronic article -- Electronic publication in scholarly journal or magazine that can be accessed via electronic transmission
Wikipedia - Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality -- Defunct American academic journal
Wikipedia - Electronic journal -- Magazine published in digital format
Wikipedia - Elements (journal)
Wikipedia - Elena KubiliM-EM-+naitM-DM-^W -- Lithuanian athletics competitor and sports journalist
Wikipedia - Elena Milashina -- Russian journalist (born 1978)
Wikipedia - Elena Poniatowska -- Mexican journalist and author
Wikipedia - Elena Pop-Hossu-Longin -- Austro-Hungarian-born Romanian writer, journalist, socialist, suffragist and women's rights activist
Wikipedia - Elena Yoncheva -- Bulgarian journalist
Wikipedia - Elena Zhosul -- Russian journalist and television presenter
Wikipedia - Eleni Kureman -- Turkish photojournalist
Wikipedia - ELH -- academic journal
Wikipedia - Elijah Parish Lovejoy Award (ICWNE) -- Journalism award for newspaper editors
Wikipedia - Eli Lake -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Elisa AcuM-CM-1a -- Mexican journalist (1887-1946)
Wikipedia - Elisabeth Barker -- English journalist, historian and civil servant
Wikipedia - Elisabeth Bumiller -- American journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Elisabeth Easther -- New Zealand actor, broadcaster, journalist and playwright
Wikipedia - Elisabeth Eaves -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Elisabeth Vincentelli -- Journalist, blogger, podcast host
Wikipedia - Elisa Brune -- Belgian writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Elise Hu -- American broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - Eliseo Barron -- Mexican crime journalist and murder victim
Wikipedia - Eliza Ashton -- Australian journalist, literary critic and social reformer
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Arnold (reporter) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Banks (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Bisland -- American writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Bruenig -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Chesser -- British physician and medical journalist (1877-1940)
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Christitch -- Irish and Serbian patriot, journalist, writer, poet, and translator
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Drew -- American political journalist and author
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Finkel -- Australian science journalist
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Gibney -- Science journalist
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Kelso -- NZ journalist, editor, community leader
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Landau -- US journalist and science communicator
Wikipedia - Elizabeth MacDonald -- American financial journalist
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Messenger -- NZ journalist, cookery writer, crime novelist
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Palmer -- Canadian television journalist
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Pisani -- Journalist, epidemiologist; public health consultant
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Prann -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Puranam -- Television anchor and journalist
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Subercaseaux -- Chilean journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Vargas -- American television journalist
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Winship -- American journalist and advice columnist
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Young (journalist) -- English literary critic and author
Wikipedia - Eliza Lynn Linton -- British novelist, essayist and anti-feminist journalist
Wikipedia - Eli Zaret -- American sports broadcaster and journalist
Wikipedia - Elke Heidenreich -- German author and journalist
Wikipedia - Ella Hamilton Durley -- American educator, newspaper editor, and journalist
Wikipedia - Ella Loraine Dorsey -- American author, journalist, translator
Wikipedia - Ella M. S. Marble -- American journalist, educator, activist, physician.
Wikipedia - Ellen Browning Scripps -- American journalist, philanthropist
Wikipedia - Ellen Fanning -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Ellen Nakashima -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Ellen Shub -- American photojournalist
Wikipedia - Ellie Cohanim -- American broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - Ellinor Davenport Adams -- British journalist and author.
Wikipedia - Elliot Jager -- American-born Israeli journalist
Wikipedia - Elliott Chaze -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Elliott Gotkine -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Elmar TheveM-CM-^_en -- German journalist and author
Wikipedia - Eloizes -- Former literary journal
Wikipedia - Elsa Klensch -- Australian-American fashion journalist and novelist (born 1933)
Wikipedia - Els De Temmerman -- Belgian journalist
Wikipedia - Elsebeth Egholm -- Danish journalist and author
Wikipedia - Elsie K. Morton -- NZ journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Elspeth Barker -- British novelist and journalist
Wikipedia - Elvish Linguistic Fellowship -- Journal
Wikipedia - Emanuel Eckardt -- German journalist and caricaturist
Wikipedia - Emerging Infectious Diseases (journal) -- Peer-reviewed scientific journal
Wikipedia - Emerging Themes in Epidemiology -- Peer reviewed journal on Public Health
Wikipedia - Emiddio Novi -- Italian journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Emil Anneke -- German revolutionary and American journalist, lawyer, and politician
Wikipedia - Emile de Girardin -- 19th-century French politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Emile Gauvreau -- American journalist (b. 1891, d. 1956)
Wikipedia - Emilio Carelli -- Italian journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Emilio Fede -- Italian anchorman, journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Emilio Milian -- Cuban-American journalist
Wikipedia - Emil Wilbekin -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Emily Benedek -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Emily Buchanan -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Emily Bulcock -- Australian poet and journalist
Wikipedia - Emily Conover -- American science journalist
Wikipedia - Emily Green -- Journalist focusing on immigration, recipient of 2020 Pulitzer Prize for Audio Reporting.
Wikipedia - Emily J. Miller -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Emily Lau -- Chinese journalist and politician in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Emily Lorimer -- Journalist, writer, linguist, political analyst
Wikipedia - Emily O'Reilly -- Irish author and journalist, national and EU Ombudsman
Wikipedia - Emily Sheffield -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Emily Witt -- American investigative journalist
Wikipedia - Emit Bloch -- American Songwriter and Journalist
Wikipedia - Emma Barnett -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Emma Bugbee -- American sufffragist and journalist (1888-1981)
Wikipedia - Emmanuel d'Astier de La Vigerie -- French journalist, politician and member of the French Resistance
Wikipedia - Emmanuelle Latraverse -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Emory Law Journal
Wikipedia - Emotion (journal)
Wikipedia - Emuna Elon -- Israeli author, journalist, and women's rights activist
Wikipedia - Endy Bayuni -- Indonesian journalist
Wikipedia - Enenche Akogwu -- Nigerian journalist and cameraman
Wikipedia - Enochian -- Occult or angelic language recorded in late 16th-century England in the journals of John Dee and Edward Kelley, who claimed that it was revealed by the Enochian angels
Wikipedia - Enric Juliana -- Spanish journalist
Wikipedia - Enrico De Nicola -- Italian journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Enrique Perea Quintanilla -- Mexican crime journalist and murder victim
Wikipedia - Environmental Archaeology -- Journal
Wikipedia - Environmental Ethics (journal)
Wikipedia - Environmental History (journal)
Wikipedia - Environmental journalism
Wikipedia - Environmental Philosophy (journal)
Wikipedia - Environmental Politics (journal) -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Environment International -- Scientific journal
Wikipedia - Enzo Baldoni -- Italian journalist (1948-2004)
Wikipedia - Enzo Golino -- Italian journalist and literary critic
Wikipedia - Eoin Neeson -- Irish journalist, historian, novelist and playwright.
Wikipedia - Epidemiologic Reviews -- Peer reviewed journal on Public Health
Wikipedia - Epigraphia Indica -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Episteme (journal)
Wikipedia - Erica Chissapa -- Angolan actress and journalist
Wikipedia - Eric Brunet -- French journalist and television presenter
Wikipedia - Eric Engberg -- American broadcast journalist (1041-2016)
Wikipedia - Eric Frey -- Austrian journalist and political scientist
Wikipedia - Erich Bloch (economist) -- Zimbabwean advisor and journalist
Wikipedia - Erich Kern -- Austrian journalist
Wikipedia - Eric Marcus -- American journalist, podcast producer and non-fiction writer
Wikipedia - Eric Ramsden -- Journalist, writer, art critic
Wikipedia - Eric Schlosser -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Eric Sevareid -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Eric Sorensen (journalist) -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Eric Zemmour -- French journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Erika Celeste -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Erik Dijkstra -- Dutch journalist
Wikipedia - Erik Larson (author) -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Erik Moller -- German freelance journalist, software developer, author and former Deputy Director of the Wikimedia Foundation
Wikipedia - Erkki Bahovski -- Estonian journalist and press officer
Wikipedia - Ermanno Corsi -- Italian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Ernest Bethell -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Ernest E. Hunter -- British political activist and journalist
Wikipedia - Ernest Hemingway -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Ernest J. Chambers -- Canadian journalist and historian
Wikipedia - Ernest Kent Coulter -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Ernest Koliqi -- Albanian journalist, politician, translator, teacher and writer (1903-1975)
Wikipedia - Ernesto Bark -- Writer, journalist and political activist based in Spain
Wikipedia - Ernest Poole -- American journalist and novelist
Wikipedia - Ernest Winterton -- British politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Ernie Deane -- American journalist
Wikipedia - ErnM-EM-^Q Pattantyus-M-CM-^Abraham -- Hungarian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Eromo Egbejule -- Nigerian writer and journalist
Wikipedia - ErtuM-DM-^_rul MavioM-DM-^_lu -- Turkish journalist
Wikipedia - Erwin Arnada -- Indonesian journalist and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Esmeralda Labye -- Belgian journalist and presenter
Wikipedia - Esmeralda Ribeiro -- Brazilian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Esmond Romilly -- British socialist, anti-fascist and journalist
Wikipedia - Essays in Economic & Business History -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Estelle Blackburn -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Esther Carstensen -- Danish women's rights activist and journal editor
Wikipedia - Esther Glen -- NZ novelist, journalist, community worker (1881-1940)
Wikipedia - Esther Moyal -- Lebanese Jewish journalist
Wikipedia - Estibaliz Gabilondo -- Spanish actress and journalist
Wikipedia - Esto Bates Broughton -- American lawyer, journalist, publicist, and politician, one of the first four women to serve in the California State Assembly
Wikipedia - Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science -- A peer-reviewed academic journal on ocean sciences, with a focus on coastal regions ranging from estuaries up to the edge of the continental shelf.
Wikipedia - Ethan Brown -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Ethan Casey -- American print and online journalist
Wikipedia - Ethel Armes -- American author, journalist, and historian
Wikipedia - Ethel Duffy Turner -- American journalist and writer (1885-1969)
Wikipedia - Ethel Grodzins Romm -- American author, journalist and engineer
Wikipedia - Ethel Soliven Timbol -- Filipino journalist
Wikipedia - Ethics (journal)
Wikipedia - Ethnohistory (journal)
Wikipedia - Ethnomusicology (academic journal)
Wikipedia - Ethology (journal) -- Peer-reviewed journal
Wikipedia - Eugene de Mirecourt -- French writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Eugene Robinson (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Eugene Saccomano -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Eugene Scott (journalist) -- |is currently a reporter for The Washington Post.
Wikipedia - Eugenia Zukerman -- American flutist, writer, and journalist
Wikipedia - Eugeniusz Swierczewski -- Polish journalist, drama critic, and Gestapo agent
Wikipedia - Eugen Schmitz -- German journalist and musicologist
Wikipedia - Euna Lee -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Eun Yang -- American television journalist
Wikipedia - European Heart Journal: Cardiovascular Imaging -- Medical journal by Oxford University Press
Wikipedia - European Initiative Prize -- Journalism prize in the European Union
Wikipedia - European Journal of Clinical Nutrition -- European peer-reviewed medical journal
Wikipedia - European Journal of Human Genetics
Wikipedia - European Journal of Information Systems
Wikipedia - European Journal of Medical Genetics -- Medical journal
Wikipedia - European Journal of Paediatric Neurology -- Peer-reviewed medical journal
Wikipedia - European Journal of Philosophy
Wikipedia - European Journal of Social Psychology
Wikipedia - European Review of Aging and Physical Activity -- Medical journal
Wikipedia - Eusebio Blasco -- Spanish journalist, poet and playwright
Wikipedia - Eusebio Cuerno de la Cantolla -- Spanish journalist and businessman
Wikipedia - Eva Galvache -- Spanish journalist
Wikipedia - Eva Gomez -- Chilean journalist and TV Presenter
Wikipedia - Eva Hartog Skorobogatova -- Dutch journalist
Wikipedia - Eva Milic -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Evan Brandt -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Evan Davis -- British economist, journalist and presenter
Wikipedia - Evan Hill -- American journalist and academic
Wikipedia - Evan Solomon -- Canadian columnist, political journalist and radio host
Wikipedia - Evan Washburn -- American sports journalist and reporter
Wikipedia - Evaristo Costa -- Brazilian journalist
Wikipedia - Evaristo Ortega Zarate -- Mexican crime journalist who has been declared "missing" since 19 April 2010
Wikipedia - Evelio Otero Sr. -- Puerto Rican journalist
Wikipedia - Evelyn Greenleaf Sutherland -- American journalist, author, playwright
Wikipedia - Evelyn Wellings -- Egyptian-born English cricketer and journalist
Wikipedia - Everett True -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Evgenia Iaroslavskaia-Markon -- Russian radical journalist
Wikipedia - Evolutionary Anthropology (journal) -- Bimonthly review journal
Wikipedia - Evolutionary Bioinformatics -- A peer-reviewed open access scientific journal focusing on computational biology in the study of evolution
Wikipedia - Evolutionary Computation (journal)
Wikipedia - Evolutionary Psychology (journal) -- Peer-reviewed open access academic journal
Wikipedia - Evolution (journal) -- Monthly journal in the science of evolutionary biology
Wikipedia - Evrim AlataM-EM-^_ -- Kurdish journalist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ewa Drzyzga -- Polish journalist and TV presenter
Wikipedia - Ewing Galloway -- American lawyer and journalist
Wikipedia - ExFAT -- Non-journaled interoperable file system friendly for flash memory and allowing to overcome FAT32 limitations
Wikipedia - Experimental Psychology (journal)
Wikipedia - Ext4 -- Journaling file system for Linux
Wikipedia - Extrapolation (journal) -- Journal
Wikipedia - ExxonMobil Journalism Award -- Brazilian journalism prize
Wikipedia - Ezra Klein -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Fabiana Rosales -- Venezuelan journalist
Wikipedia - Fabienne Pascaud -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Fabio Gadea Mantilla -- Nicaraguan politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Fabrizio Dragosei -- Italian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Fabyula Badawi -- Egyptian poet and journalist
Wikipedia - Faisal Islam -- British political and economics journalist
Wikipedia - Faith Daniels -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Family Business Review -- American academic journal
Wikipedia - Family Process (journal)
Wikipedia - Fanny Susan Copeland -- Translator, mountaineer, journalist, linguist
Wikipedia - Farai Chideya -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Farai Mwakutuya -- Zimbabwean journalist
Wikipedia - Fara Warner -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Fardad Farahzad -- British Iranian journalist
Wikipedia - Fareed Zakaria -- Indian-American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Farhad Manjoo -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Farhat Amin -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Faridah Nakazibwe -- Ugandan journalist
Wikipedia - Farida Nekzad -- Afghan journalist
Wikipedia - Faruk Quazi -- Canadian-Bangladeshi legal journalist
Wikipedia - Fateh Lohani -- Bangladeshi actor, film director, writer and journalist.
Wikipedia - Fatima Tlisova -- Circassian journalist
Wikipedia - Fausto Valdiviezo -- Ecuadorian journalist and murder victim
Wikipedia - Fazeer Mohammed -- Trinidadian cricket commentator and journalist
Wikipedia - Fazle Lohani -- Bangladeshi journalist and TV personality
Wikipedia - F. D. C. Willard -- Cat cited as an author in scientific journals
Wikipedia - Federica Angeli -- Italian journalist
Wikipedia - Federica Masolin -- Italian sports journalist and television presenter
Wikipedia - Federico Rampini -- Italian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Felice Chilanti -- Italian anti-fascist and journalist
Wikipedia - Felicia Taylor -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Felicien Champsaur -- French novelist and journalist (1858-1934)
Wikipedia - Felipe Alaiz -- Spanish writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Felix Dubois -- French journalist and explorer
Wikipedia - Felix Greene -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Felix Mejia -- Spanish journalist, novelist, playwright, and historian
Wikipedia - Feminist Economics (journal)
Wikipedia - Feminist Formations -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - FEMS Microbiology Letters -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Ferdinand Flocon -- French politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Ferdinand Lion -- Swiss journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Ferdinando Petruccelli della Gattina -- Italian journalist, writer and patriot (1815-1890)
Wikipedia - Fergal Bowers -- Irish journalist
Wikipedia - Fermin Caballero -- Spanish politician, writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Fernand Auberjonois -- Swiss-American journalist
Wikipedia - Fernando Berckemeyer -- Peruvian journalist
Wikipedia - Fernando Eid -- Bolivian journalist
Wikipedia - Fernando Mezzasoma -- Italian journalist
Wikipedia - Fernando Monteiro de Castro Soromenho -- Portuguese journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Ferry Mingelen -- Dutch journalist, broadcaster and presenter
Wikipedia - Fialho de Almeida -- Portuguese writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Film & History -- A peer-reviewed academic journal for the interdisciplinary study of moving-image arts
Wikipedia - Film Culture -- American film journal
Wikipedia - Finance & Development -- Journal of the International Monetary Fund
Wikipedia - Finkbeiner test -- Checklist to help journalists avoid gender bias
Wikipedia - First Monday (journal) -- Monthly peer-reviewed open access academic journal
Wikipedia - Fisheries Research -- Peer-reviewed academic journal on fisheries science
Wikipedia - Fitzwater Wray -- English cycling journalist
Wikipedia - Five Points: A Journal of Literature and Art -- Georgia State University publication
Wikipedia - Flip Schulke -- American photojournalist
Wikipedia - Flora Rheta Schreiber -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Florence Aubenas -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Florence Finch Kelly -- American novelist, journalist
Wikipedia - Florence Pritchett -- American fashion editor, journalist, and radio and TV personality
Wikipedia - Florence Williams -- Journalist and author
Wikipedia - Florentino Tecson -- Filipino Visayan labor leader, former Cebu City Vice Mayor from 1954-1955, and journalist
Wikipedia - Floyd Gibbons -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Forbidden Stories -- non-profit journalism organisation
Wikipedia - Foreign Affairs -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Foreign Policy Analysis (journal) -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Foreign Policy -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Foreign Service Journal -- Monthly periodical for American diplomatic staff
Wikipedia - Forktail (journal) -- Peer-reviewed scientific journal
Wikipedia - FornvM-CM-$nnen -- Journal
Wikipedia - Forrest Wilson -- American journalist (1883-1942)
Wikipedia - Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen -- German academic journal on social science
Wikipedia - Fotini Pipili -- Greek politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Foundations of Science -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Fox Butterfield -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Franca Treur -- Dutch writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Franc Contreras -- American journalist of Mexican descent
Wikipedia - Frances Belford Wayne -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Frances Benjamin Johnston -- American photographer and photojournalist
Wikipedia - Francesca Paci -- Italian journalist
Wikipedia - Francesc de Paula Burguera -- Spanish journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Francesco Alziator -- Italian writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Frances FitzGerald (journalist)
Wikipedia - Frances Marion -- American screenwriter, journalist, author, and film director
Wikipedia - Frances Scott Fitzgerald -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Francine McKenna -- American journalist, blogger, and columnist
Wikipedia - Francine Pelletier (journalist) -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Francis Abban -- Ghanaian journalist
Wikipedia - Francis A. Mallison -- American journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Francis B. Loomis -- American journalist and ambassador
Wikipedia - Francisca Ashietey-Odunton -- Ghanaian journalist and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Francisco Arratia -- Mexican crime journalist and businessman and murder victim
Wikipedia - Francisco Cimadevilla -- Puerto Rican journalist
Wikipedia - Francisco Joao "GIP" da Costa -- 19th-century journalist from Goa, India
Wikipedia - Francisco Maria Supico -- Portuguese journalist, freemason and politician
Wikipedia - Francisco Ortiz Franco -- Mexican crime journalist and murder victim
Wikipedia - Francisco Sanchez Barbero -- Spanish erudite, journalist, poet and writer
Wikipedia - Francisco Tatad -- Filipino journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Francis Davis -- American journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Francis McCullagh -- Irish journalist and war correspondent
Wikipedia - Franco Bomprezzi -- Italian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Francois Bondy -- Swiss journalist and novelist
Wikipedia - Francois Brigneau -- French journalist and publisher
Wikipedia - Francois Debre -- French writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Francoise Kayler -- French food critic and journalist
Wikipedia - Francoise Van De Moortel -- Belgian journalist
Wikipedia - Francois Mauriac -- French novelist, dramatist, critic, poet, and journalist
Wikipedia - Francois-NoM-CM-+l Babeuf -- French political agitator and journalist of the French Revolutionary period
Wikipedia - Francois-Xavier Menage -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Franjo Babic -- Croatian writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Frank Blair (journalist) -- American broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - Frank Brookhouser -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Frank del Olmo -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Frank Espada -- Puerto Rican photojournalist and activist
Wikipedia - Frank Gibney -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Frank Giles -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Frank Hanighen -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Frank Hewlett -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Frank L. Kluckhohn -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Frank Mankiewicz -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Frank McDonald (journalist) -- Irish environmental writer and editor
Wikipedia - Frank Norris -- American journalist and novelist (1870-1902)
Wikipedia - Frank Peters Jr. -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Frank Plasberg -- German journalist and television presenter
Wikipedia - Frank Reynolds -- American television journalist
Wikipedia - Frank Ski -- American DJ, journalist (born 1964)
Wikipedia - Frank Stasio -- American radio journalist
Wikipedia - Frans Strieleman -- Belgian journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Franz Xaver Kappus -- Military officer, journalist, editor and writer from Austria
Wikipedia - Fraser Nelson -- Scottish political journalist, 23rd editor of 'The Spectator' magazine
Wikipedia - Fred Barnes (journalist) -- American political commentator
Wikipedia - Fred B. Mitchell -- American sports journalist
Wikipedia - Freddy Buache -- Swiss journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Frederic Hudson -- United States journalist
Wikipedia - Frederick Augustus Voigt -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Frederick Kuh -- American journalist and diplomat
Wikipedia - Frederick Law Olmsted -- American landscape designer, journalist, social critic, and public administrator
Wikipedia - Frederick Nanka-Bruce -- Physician, journalist and politician in the Gold Coast
Wikipedia - Frederick Niven -- Scottish-Canadian journalist and novelist
Wikipedia - Frederick Sasscer Jr. -- Attorney, journalist and educator (1856-1829)
Wikipedia - Frederick Spencer Burnell -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Frederick Wendel -- German journalist
Wikipedia - Frederick Woltman -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Frederic Wilson -- English cricketer and sporting journalist
Wikipedia - Frederike Geerdink -- Dutch journalist and author
Wikipedia - Fred Graham (correspondent) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Fred H. Colvin -- American machinist, technical journalist, author, and editor
Wikipedia - Fred Jacob -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Fred Kaplan (journalist) -- American author and journalist (born 1954)
Wikipedia - Fred Quimby -- American animation producer, and journalist
Wikipedia - Fred Rhodes (writer) -- Australian master mariner, journalist, author and cotton farming lobbyist
Wikipedia - Fredric Dannen -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Fredricka Whitfield -- American journalist and news anchor
Wikipedia - Fredric U. Dicker -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Fredrik Wandrup -- Norwegian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Free China Journal
Wikipedia - Freedom Neruda -- Ivorian journalist
Wikipedia - Freedom's Journal -- First African-American owned and operated newspaper published in the United States (1827-1829)
Wikipedia - Free State Review -- US literary journal
Wikipedia - Freidoune Sahebjam -- French-Iranian journalist (1933-2008)
Wikipedia - Frene Ginwala -- South African journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Frida Boisen -- Swedish journalist and author
Wikipedia - Friedrich Castelle -- German journalist
Wikipedia - Friedrich Melchior, Baron von Grimm -- German journalist, art critic, diplomat
Wikipedia - Friedrich Volbehr -- German historian and journalist
Wikipedia - Frits Barend -- Dutch journalist and presenter
Wikipedia - Frits Thors -- Dutch journalist and news anchor
Wikipedia - Frits van Turenhout -- Dutch sports journalist
Wikipedia - Frits Wester -- Dutch journalist
Wikipedia - Fritz Anneke -- German-American political activist, Union Army Civil War colonel, journalist
Wikipedia - Fritz Joubert Duquesne -- South African journalist, German soldier, and spy
Wikipedia - Fritz J. Raddatz -- German writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Fritz Nilsen -- Norwegian journalist
Wikipedia - Fritz Stege -- German music journalist
Wikipedia - Frontiers of Biogeography -- Scientific journal
Wikipedia - Frontier Times -- Journal and magazine in Texas
Wikipedia - Frontline (American TV program) -- PBS investigative journalism program
Wikipedia - Frostburg Mining Journal -- Newspaper in Frostburg, Maryland, US (1871-1913)
Wikipedia - FUTON bias -- Tendency of scholars to cite journals with open access
Wikipedia - Gabriela Firea -- Romanian journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Gabriela Frias -- Mexican journalist
Wikipedia - Gabriela Laperriere de Coni -- Argentine journalist
Wikipedia - Gabriella Bosco -- Italian engineer and Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Lightwave Technology
Wikipedia - Gaby Hauptmann -- German writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Gadeer Mreeh -- Israeli journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Gael Jennings -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Gaetano Mosca -- Italian political scientist and journalist
Wikipedia - Gaeton Fonzi -- Investigative journalist and JFK assassination researcher
Wikipedia - Gail Smith (journalist) -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Galima Bukharbaeva -- Uzbek journalist
Wikipedia - Gal Uchovsky -- Israeli screenwriter, journalist and film producer
Wikipedia - Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi Puraskar -- journalism award
Wikipedia - G. Anil Kumar -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Gareth Branwyn -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Gareth Cook -- American journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Gareth Jones (journalist) -- Welsh journalist
Wikipedia - Gareth Mitchell -- Welsh technology journalist and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Garnet Porter -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Gary Antonick -- American journalist and recreational mathematician
Wikipedia - Gary Gillespie (presenter) -- British journalist and television presenter
Wikipedia - Gary Webb -- American investigative journalist (1955-2004)
Wikipedia - Gary Whitta -- English writer and video game journalist
Wikipedia - Gaspar Roca -- Puerto Rican journalist
Wikipedia - Gaston Durnez -- Flemish journalist
Wikipedia - Gautam Navlakha -- A civil liberties, democratic, and human rights activist, and a journalist
Wikipedia - Gavin Blyth -- TV Producer and journalist
Wikipedia - Gavin Long -- Australian journalist and historian
Wikipedia - Gavin Souter -- Australian journalist and historian
Wikipedia - Gayle King -- American television personality and journalist
Wikipedia - Gaylord Shaw -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Gaynor Barnes -- British presenter and journalist
Wikipedia - Gazeta Medica da Bahia -- Medical journal
Wikipedia - G. Elliott Morris -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Gemma Files -- Canadian horror writer, journalist, and film critic
Wikipedia - Gemma O'Doherty -- Irish journalist and political candidate
Wikipedia - Gene Demby -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Gene Kerrigan -- Irish journalist and novelist
Wikipedia - Gene Sherman (reporter) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Genes (journal)
Wikipedia - Genevieve Westcott -- New Zealand journalist and television presenter
Wikipedia - Gene Weingarten -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Geoff Barton -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Geoff Chapple (writer) -- New Zealand author and journalist
Wikipedia - Geoff Hill (Northern Ireland journalist) -- Author, journalist and long-distance motorcycle rider
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Cain -- American journalist, author, and writer
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Cannon -- English journalist and scholar
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Cox (journalist) -- New Zealand journalist and media executive
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Garratt -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Gray -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Geoffrey James (journalist) -- American journalist (born 1953)
Wikipedia - Geoffrey Stevens (journalist) -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Geological Journal -- Journal
Wikipedia - Geological Society of America Bulletin -- Journal published by the GSA since 1890
Wikipedia - Georg Blume -- German journalist
Wikipedia - George Bailey (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - George Brock (journalist) -- British academic
Wikipedia - George Claassen -- South African academic and journalist
Wikipedia - George Clay Ginty -- 19th century American politician and journalist, Wisconsin state legislator, Union Army officer, U.S. Marshall
Wikipedia - George Creel -- American journalist and public servant
Wikipedia - George D. Beveridge -- American journalist
Wikipedia - George Dobell -- English cricket journalist
Wikipedia - George Eaton (journalist) -- British journalist
Wikipedia - George E. Bria -- Italian-American journalist
Wikipedia - George Eid -- Lebanese journalist (born 1985)
Wikipedia - George Eliot -- English novelist, essayist, poet, journalist, and translator
Wikipedia - George Eric Rowe Gedye -- British journalist
Wikipedia - George F. Lewis -- American journalist and newspaper owner
Wikipedia - George Forrester Williams -- American soldier and journalist
Wikipedia - George Grantham Bain -- American photographer and journalist
Wikipedia - George Hicks (broadcast journalist) -- American broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - George Howard Paul -- 19th century American journalist and politician.
Wikipedia - George Howe Colt -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - George Howell (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - George J. Wigley -- English journalist and Roman Catholic activist
Wikipedia - George McElroy (journalist) -- American journalist (1922-2006)
Wikipedia - George Megalogenis -- Australian journalist and author
Wikipedia - George Orwell -- English author and journalist (1903 - 1950)
Wikipedia - George Packer -- American journalist and writer
Wikipedia - George Pilcher (MP) -- British politician and journalist
Wikipedia - George Plimpton -- American journalist, writer, editor, actor (1927-2003)
Wikipedia - George Polk Awards -- American journalism awards
Wikipedia - George Putnam (newsman) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Georges Bortoli -- French journalist
Wikipedia - George Seldes -- American investigative journalist and media critic
Wikipedia - Georges Ruggiu -- Belgian journalist and convicted war criminal
Wikipedia - George Steer -- South African-born British journalist
Wikipedia - George Stephanopoulos -- American government official, journalist, writer
Wikipedia - Georgette Elgey -- French journalist
Wikipedia - George Valavanis -- Pontic Greek journalist and author
Wikipedia - George Ward Price -- British journalist
Wikipedia - George Wilkes -- 19th-century American journalist and writer
Wikipedia - George Wyatt Proctor -- Author, journalist and lecturer
Wikipedia - Georg Forster -- German naturalist, ethnologist, travel writer, journalist, and revolutionary
Wikipedia - Georg Friedrich Alexan -- German journalist
Wikipedia - Georgie Anne Geyer -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Georgina Chang -- Singaporean journalist
Wikipedia - Georgina Downs -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Georg Quander -- German opera and film director, music journalist
Wikipedia - Georg Wolff (journalist)
Wikipedia - Gerald Freihofner -- Austrian journalist
Wikipedia - Geraldine McInerney -- Journalist
Wikipedia - Geraldine Muhlmann -- French political journalist
Wikipedia - Gerald M. Boyd -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Geraldo Rivera -- American attorney, journalist and talk show host
Wikipedia - Gerard de Selys -- Belgian journalist
Wikipedia - Gerard Filion -- Canadian businessman and journalist
Wikipedia - Gerardo Garcia Pimentel -- Mexican crime journalist and murder victim
Wikipedia - Ger Colleran -- Irish journalist
Wikipedia - Gerda Grepp -- Norwegian journalist and translator
Wikipedia - Gergina Dvoretzka -- Bulgarian journalist and poet
Wikipedia - Gerhard Delling -- German journalist and author
Wikipedia - Germaine Beaumont -- French journalist and writer
Wikipedia - German SopeM-CM-1a -- Argentine writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Gerry Reynolds (broadcaster) -- Irish journalist, broadcaster and television producer
Wikipedia - Gerson Borrero -- Puerto Rican journalist, radio host, and TV political commentator
Wikipedia - Gertrude Gaffney -- Irish journalist
Wikipedia - Gertrude Marvin Williams -- American biographer and journalist
Wikipedia - Gertrude Poe -- American former journalist, lawyer, real estate agent, insurance agent, and radio broadcaster
Wikipedia - Gesta (journal)
Wikipedia - Geza Gardonyi -- Hungarian writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Geza Losonczy -- Hungarian journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Ghana Journalists Association -- Association
Wikipedia - Ghislaine Dupont -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Ghulam Rasool (Telugu journalist) -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Gian Gaspare Napolitano -- Italian journalist
Wikipedia - Gianni Di Giovanni -- Italian journalist
Wikipedia - Gianni Letta -- Italian journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Gianni Mura -- Italian sports journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Giannis Agouris -- Greek writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Gideon Levy -- Israeli journalist and author
Wikipedia - Gigi Garanzini -- Italian sports journalist
Wikipedia - Gilbert Adair -- Scottish novelist and journalist
Wikipedia - Gilberto Aleman -- Spanish journalist, writer
Wikipedia - Gilberto Dimenstein -- Brazilian journalist
Wikipedia - Giles Hardie -- Australian film critic and journalist
Wikipedia - Gillian Findlay -- Canadian television journalist
Wikipedia - Gill Pyrah -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Gina Long -- A philanthropist, entrepreneur, journalist, rAdio presenter and global charity campaigner
Wikipedia - Ginger Byfield -- Journalist, Publisher, Western Canadian
Wikipedia - Ging Ginanjar -- Indonesian journalist
Wikipedia - Giorgio Locchi -- Italian journalist
Wikipedia - Giorgio Tonini -- Italian politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Giornale degli economisti e annali di economia -- Italian academic journal of economics
Wikipedia - Giovanni Amendola -- Italian journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Giovanny Romero Infante -- Peruvian journalist
Wikipedia - Giuliana Rancic -- Italian-American journalist, television personality and infotainer
Wikipedia - Giuliano Urbani -- Italian journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Giuseppe Caldarola -- Italian journalist
Wikipedia - Giuseppe Mazzini -- Italian nationalist activist, politician, journalist and philosopher
Wikipedia - Giusva Branca -- Italian journalist and blogger
Wikipedia - G. K. Reddy -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Glenn Kessler (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Global Environmental Politics -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Global Policy -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Gloria Kamba -- Ugandan journalist and radio presenter
Wikipedia - Gloria Lubkin -- American science journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Gloria Steinem -- American activist and journalist
Wikipedia - Gloucester Journal -- Newspaper
Wikipedia - Gnomon (journal) -- Review journal and bibliography in the classics
Wikipedia - Godfrey Barker -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Goizeder Azua -- Venezuelan model, presenter, journalist, and beauty queen
Wikipedia - Goldwin Smith -- British historian and journalist
Wikipedia - Gonzo journalism -- Style of journalism
Wikipedia - Goodwin Tutum Anim -- Ghanaian journalist
Wikipedia - Gordon Kirby -- Canadian auto racing journalist
Wikipedia - Gordon McLauchlan -- New Zealand journalist
Wikipedia - Gordon Philip Bowker -- English lecturer, journalist and biographer
Wikipedia - Goronwy Rees -- Welsh journalist, academic and writer
Wikipedia - Gottlieb Ababio Adom -- Ghanaian educator, minister and journalist
Wikipedia - Gour Kishore Ghosh -- Bengali writer and journalist (1923-2000)
Wikipedia - Governance (journal) -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Grace Halsell -- American journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Grace Winifred Green -- NZ radio broadcaster, journalist (1907-1976)
Wikipedia - Grace Wynne-Jones -- Irish journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Graciano Lopez Jaena -- Filipino journalist, orator, and reformist
Wikipedia - Grady Clay -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Graeme Wood (journalist) -- ournalist
Wikipedia - Graham Billing -- Novelist, journalist and poet
Wikipedia - Graham Perkin -- Australian journalist and newspaper editor
Wikipedia - Grainne Seoige -- Irish television journalist
Wikipedia - Grand Rapids Business Journal -- Newspaper
Wikipedia - Grant Dexter -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Grant Wallace -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Gratitude journal
Wikipedia - Grazia Francescato -- Italian journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews -- Green chemistry journal
Wikipedia - Green Mountains Review -- Literary journal
Wikipedia - Greg Clark (journalist) -- Canadian newspaperman, soldier, outdoorsman, humorist
Wikipedia - Gregg Jarrett -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Greg Growden -- Australian sports journalist
Wikipedia - Greg Johnson (white nationalist) -- American white nationalist journalist
Wikipedia - Gregoire Margotton -- French sports journalist
Wikipedia - Gregorio Jimenez de la Cruz -- Mexican crime journalist and photographer and murder victim
Wikipedia - Gretchen Carlson -- American journalist (born 1966)
Wikipedia - Gretchen Garber Billings -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Grethe Gynnild Johnsen -- Norwegian journalist
Wikipedia - Gretta Chambers -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Groundswell group -- Group of American conservative activists and journalists
Wikipedia - Grub Street Journal -- Magazine
Wikipedia - Gry MolvM-CM-&r Hivju -- Norwegian journalist and photographer
Wikipedia - Guardian Sein Win -- Burmese journalist and press freedom advocate
Wikipedia - Guardian Student Media Award -- Defunct student journalism competition ran in the UK
Wikipedia - Guido Gonella -- Italian journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Guillaume Veillet -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Guillermo Chifflet -- Uruguayan journalist
Wikipedia - Guillermo Luca de Tena, 1st Marquis of the Tena Valley -- Spanish journalist
Wikipedia - Gulsha Adilji -- Swiss journalist and television presenter
Wikipedia - Gulshan Ewing -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Gunilla Bergstrom -- Swedish writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Gunnar Henriksson -- Finnish journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Gunnar Kaiser -- German writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Gunnar Sandelin -- Swedish social worker, author, lecturer and journalist
Wikipedia - Gunter d'Alquen -- German journalist, propagandist, and SS unit commander.
Wikipedia - Gunvantrai Acharya -- Indian Gujarati language author and journalist
Wikipedia - Gurbetelli Ersoz -- Chemist, Kurdish journalist
Wikipedia - Gus Rodriguez -- Mexican screenwriter and video game journalist
Wikipedia - Gustav Heuser -- German composer and music journalist.
Wikipedia - Gustavo Mohme Llona -- Peruvian businessman, engineer, journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Guy Byam -- British journalist and sailor
Wikipedia - Guy Clapperton -- British journalist, speaker and author
Wikipedia - Guylaine Maroist -- Canadian journalist and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Guy Mortier -- Flemish journalist and presenter
Wikipedia - Guyon Espiner -- New Zealand journalist
Wikipedia - Gwenda Blair -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Gwendolyn B. Bennett -- American writer and journalist
Wikipedia - G. W. Steevens -- English journalist
Wikipedia - Gwyneth Ho -- Hong Kong journalist
Wikipedia - Habib Cheikhrouhou -- Tunisian journalist
Wikipedia - Habibur Rahman (poet) -- Bangladeshi poet and journalist
Wikipedia - Habl al-Matin -- 1907 Persian-language political journal
Wikipedia - Hadi Al Abdullah -- Syrian citizen journalist and activist
Wikipedia - Hadija Haruna-Oelker -- German political journalist
Wikipedia - Hadley Freeman -- American-British journalist
Wikipedia - Hadley Gamble -- American television journalist
Wikipedia - Hagen Kunze -- German journalist
Wikipedia - Hairdressers Journal International -- Monthly glossy magazine for the hairdressing industry, published in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Hajdar Muneka -- Albanian journalist and diplomat
Wikipedia - Hajime Takano -- Japanese journalist
Wikipedia - Hakima Darhmouch -- Belgian journalist
Wikipedia - Hal Bruno -- American journalist (1928-2011)
Wikipedia - Hal Fishman -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Halldis Stenhamar -- Norwegian journalist
Wikipedia - H. Allen Smith -- American journalist, humourist, and chili fancier
Wikipedia - Hamida Ghafour -- Canadian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Hamid Mir -- Pakistani journalist, columnist, and author
Wikipedia - Hamilton Morris -- American journalist (born 1987)
Wikipedia - Hamka -- Indonesian journalist and activist
Wikipedia - Han Min-yong -- South Korean journalist and current JTBC Newsroom weekend anchor
Wikipedia - Hanna Fahl -- Swedish music journalist and translator
Wikipedia - Hannah Beckerman -- English author and journalist
Wikipedia - Hannah Dreier -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Hannah Hodson -- American actress, journalist and poet
Wikipedia - Hannah Lynch -- Lynch, Hannah (1859-1904), novelist and journalist
Wikipedia - Hannah Pool -- British-Eritrean writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Hannah Vaughan Jones -- British journalist and presenter
Wikipedia - Hanna StjM-CM-$rne -- Swedish journalist and media executive (born 1969)
Wikipedia - Hannes Rosenberg -- German photojournalist
Wikipedia - Hans Andreas IhlebM-CM-&k -- Norwegian journalist
Wikipedia - Hans Bloesch -- Swiss journalist and historian
Wikipedia - Hans Bluher -- German journalist and philosopher
Wikipedia - Hans Engell -- Danish former politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Hans-Joachim Lang -- German historian and journalist
Wikipedia - Hans Nichols -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Hanson W. Baldwin -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Hans Petter Sjoli -- Norwegian journalist
Wikipedia - Hans Schnoor -- German journalist and musicologist
Wikipedia - Hans Verhagen -- Dutch journalist
Wikipedia - Hans Walter Aust -- German journalist
Wikipedia - Hap Glaudi -- Long-time sports journalist in New Orleans, Louisiana USA
Wikipedia - Harald JM-CM-$hner -- German journalist and author
Wikipedia - Harish Chandra Burnwal -- Indian writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Harmke Pijpers -- Dutch journalist and presenter
Wikipedia - Harold Evans -- British journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Harold Jackson (American journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Harold Nockolds -- English journalist
Wikipedia - Harold Williamson (journalist) -- English journalist
Wikipedia - Harper B. Smith -- American photojournalist
Wikipedia - Harriet Farley -- American writer, abolitionist, journalist, editor
Wikipedia - Harriot F. Curtis -- American writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Harrison Candelaria Fletcher -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Harry Ashmore -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Harry Burton (journalist) -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Harry Carr (cricketer) -- English cricketer and journalist
Wikipedia - Harry Dansey -- NZ journalist, cartoonist, writer, broadcaster and politician
Wikipedia - Harry Enten -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Harry Gration -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Harry Reasoner -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Harry Shapiro (author) -- British author and journalist
Wikipedia - Harry Smith (American journalist) -- American television journalist
Wikipedia - Harry Smith (British journalist) -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Hartwig Cassel -- Chess journalist, editor and promoter in Great Britain and the United States of America
Wikipedia - Haru Mutasa -- Zimbabwean journalist
Wikipedia - Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies
Wikipedia - Harvey Oberfeld -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Hasantha Hettiarachchi -- Sri Lankan journalist and television presenter
Wikipedia - Hassan Ngeze -- Rwandan journalist and convicted war criminal
Wikipedia - Hastings Center Report -- Bioethics journal
Wikipedia - Hatomim -- Chabad journal
Wikipedia - Haynes Johnson -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Hazel Garland -- American Journalist
Wikipedia - H. D. S. Greenway -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Health Policy and Planning -- Peer-reviewed health policy journal
Wikipedia - Health Psychology (journal)
Wikipedia - Heart & Lung -- Nursing journal
Wikipedia - HeartRhythm Case Reports -- Open access medical journal
Wikipedia - Heather Hiscox -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Heather Ingman -- British-born Trinity College Dublin professor, focusing on women's fiction and gender studies, also novelist and journalist
Wikipedia - Heather Nauert -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Heath McCoy -- Canadian sports journalist
Wikipedia - Hector Abad Faciolince -- Colombian novelist, essayist, journalist and editor (born 1958)
Wikipedia - Hector Feliciano -- Puerto Rican journalist and author
Wikipedia - Hector Timerman -- Argentine journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Hector Tobar -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Hedwig Forstreuter -- German journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Heinrich Dorn -- German conductor, composer, teacher, and journalist
Wikipedia - Heinrich Friedjung -- Austrian historian and journalist
Wikipedia - Heinrich Heine -- German poet, journalist, essayist, and literary critic
Wikipedia - Helen Archdale -- Feminist and journalist (1876-1949)
Wikipedia - Helen Augur -- American journalist and historical writer
Wikipedia - Helen Benedict -- American novelist and journalist
Wikipedia - Helen Dalley -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Helene Cooper -- Liberian-born American journalist
Wikipedia - Helene Sandvig -- Norwegian journalist
Wikipedia - Helen Lewis (journalist) -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Helen Rowland -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Helen Thomas -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Helen Trinca -- Australian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Helen Vickroy Austin -- American journalist, horticulturist, suffragist
Wikipedia - Helen Wood (television personality) -- English television personality and journalist
Wikipedia - Hema Nalin Karunaratne -- Sri Lankan journalist and television presenter
Wikipedia - Hendrik Jan Korterink -- Dutch journalist
Wikipedia - Henk Barnard -- Dutch writer, journalist and television director
Wikipedia - Henk Hofland -- Dutch journalist
Wikipedia - Henning Sinding-Larsen -- Norwegian journalist
Wikipedia - Henri-Antoine Meziere -- Canadian journalist, and radical activist 1771-1846
Wikipedia - Henri Desgrange -- French cyclist and journalist
Wikipedia - Henriette Bie Lorentzen -- Norwegian journalist, humanist and editor
Wikipedia - Henri Gault -- French food journalist
Wikipedia - Henrik Ekman -- Swedish author and journalist
Wikipedia - Henri Tincq -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Henry Alford (writer) -- American humorist and journalist
Wikipedia - Henry Alsberg -- American journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Henry Aron -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Henry B. Anthony -- United States journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Henry Blofeld -- English sports journalist
Wikipedia - Henry Brandon (journalist) -- Czech-born British journalist
Wikipedia - Henry Care -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Henry Coston -- French anti-Semitic journalist conspiracy theorist
Wikipedia - Henry Demarest Lloyd -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Henry Douglas Shawcross -- English journalist
Wikipedia - Henry Edward Watts -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Henry George -- American political economist and journalist
Wikipedia - Henry Jaeger -- German author, reformed criminal, and journalist
Wikipedia - Henry James Ten Eyck -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Henryk Breit -- Polish philologist and journalist
Wikipedia - Henryk Chmielewski (comics) -- Polish comic book artist and journalist
Wikipedia - Henryk Sienkiewicz -- Polish journalist, novelist, philanthropist and Nobel Prize laureate
Wikipedia - Henry Morton Stanley -- Welsh journalist and explorer
Wikipedia - Henry Nevinson -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Henry Proctor Slaughter -- American bibliographer, journalist, and printer
Wikipedia - Henry Reed (poet) -- British poet, translator, radio dramatist, and journalist
Wikipedia - Henry Sampson Woodfall -- English journalist
Wikipedia - Henry Scott-Stokes -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Henry Timberlake -- Colonial Anglo-American officer, journalist, cartographer, and explorer
Wikipedia - Henry Trewhitt -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Henry Villard -- American journalist and financier
Wikipedia - Henry W. Grady -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Herbert Agar -- American journalist and historian
Wikipedia - Herbert Beukes -- South African journalist and diplomat
Wikipedia - Herbert Feuerstein -- German comedian and journalist
Wikipedia - Herbert Hupka -- German-Jewish journalist, politician (1915-2006)
Wikipedia - Herbert Kretzmer -- English journalist and lyricist
Wikipedia - Herbert Matthews -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Herbert Pundik -- Danish-Israeli journalist
Wikipedia - Herbert Tichy -- Austrian author, geologist, journalist, and climber
Wikipedia - Herbert Wrigley Wilson -- British journalist and historian (1866-1940)
Wikipedia - Herman Lindqvist (journalist) -- Swedish journalist
Wikipedia - Hermann L. Gremliza -- German journalist
Wikipedia - Herman van der Zandt -- Dutch journalist
Wikipedia - Herve Bourges -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Hesperia (journal) -- Journal
Wikipedia - Hewlett-Packard Journal
Wikipedia - HFS Plus -- Journaling file system developed by Apple
Wikipedia - H. G. Kippax -- Australian print journalist
Wikipedia - Hijacked journals
Wikipedia - Hikmet BilM-CM-" -- Turkish journalist, columnist and writer
Wikipedia - Hilary Boyle -- journalist, broadcaster, and activist
Wikipedia - Hila Vazan -- Israeli journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Hilda Rollett -- NZ teacher, journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Hilde Meisel -- German socialist and journalist
Wikipedia - Hillary Hauser -- Journalist, Underwater Diver, Environmentalist
Wikipedia - Hippocampus (journal)
Wikipedia - Hispania (journal) -- Spanish and Portuguese pedagogical journal
Wikipedia - Historically Speaking (journal) -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Historical Monthly -- Traditional Chinese journal on humanities and history
Wikipedia - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - History of American journalism
Wikipedia - History of Education Quarterly -- US peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - History of German journalism -- Aspect of history
Wikipedia - History of journalism -- Aspect of history
Wikipedia - History of Political Thought -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - History of Psychology (journal)
Wikipedia - History of Religions (journal)
Wikipedia - History (The Journal of the Historical Association)
Wikipedia - History Workshop Journal
Wikipedia - Hitler Diaries -- Series of sixty volumes of journals purportedly by Adolf Hitler, but forged by Konrad Kujau
Wikipedia - H. L. Mencken -- American journalist and writer (1880-1956)
Wikipedia - HM-aM-:M-#i TriM-aM-;M-^Au -- Vietnamese journalist, theorist, and literary critic
Wikipedia - H. N. Brailsford -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Hoda Kotb -- Egyptian-American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Hollie McKay -- American-Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Hollywood Foreign Press Association -- Organization of journalists who report on the US entertainment industry for media outside the US
Wikipedia - Homer Bigart -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Honor Wyatt -- English journalist and radio presenter
Wikipedia - Hopewell Chin'ono -- Zimbabwean journalist
Wikipedia - Horacio Badaraco -- Argentinian anarchist and journalist
Wikipedia - Horatio Bottomley -- English financier, journalist, editor, newspaper proprietor, swindler, and Member of Parliament
Wikipedia - Hoshank Osi -- | Syrian writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Hot Metal Bridge (journal) -- American literary magazine
Wikipedia - Houshang Asadi -- Iranian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Howard Altman -- American journalist and newspaper editor
Wikipedia - Howard Blum -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Howard Eisenberg -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Howard Fineman -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Howard Kurtz -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Howard Rushmore -- American journalist
Wikipedia - H. S. Krishnaswamy Iyengar -- Indian Kannada writer, journalist
Wikipedia - H. S. Wong -- Chinese photojournalist
Wikipedia - Hubert Renfro Knickerbocker -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Huda El-Sarari -- Libyan journalist, poet and television executive
Wikipedia - Hugh Barnes -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Hugh Lambert -- Irish journalist
Wikipedia - Hugh Sidey -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Hugo Lowell -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Hugo Thielen -- German journalist
Wikipedia - Hugo Young -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Human Development (journal)
Wikipedia - Human Factors (journal)
Wikipedia - Humanitas (journal)
Wikipedia - Human Relations (journal)
Wikipedia - Human Rights (journal) -- American 19th century abolitionist journal
Wikipedia - Human Studies -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Humberto Millan Salazar -- Mexican journalist and murder victim
Wikipedia - Hunter Davies -- Scottish-born British author, journalist and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Hunter S. Thompson -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Hurly-Burly (journal)
Wikipedia - Hussain Fariyaaz -- Maldivian journalist
Wikipedia - Hybrid open access journal
Wikipedia - Hybrid open-access journal -- Journal publishing a mixture of open access and subscription based content
Wikipedia - Hygin-Auguste Cave -- French attorney, journalist, government official, amateur playwright
Wikipedia - Hy Hollinger -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy
Wikipedia - Hypatia (journal)
Wikipedia - H. Y. Sharada Prasad -- Indian civil servant, journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Iain Hamilton (journalist)
Wikipedia - IA (journal) -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Ian Cobain -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Ian Dryden -- Scottish photojournalist
Wikipedia - Ian Dunt -- British author and political journalist
Wikipedia - Ian Fisher (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Ian Hanomansing -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Ian Hislop -- British journalist, satirist, writer, broadcaster, and editor
Wikipedia - Ian Katz -- South-African born British journalist (born 1968)
Wikipedia - Ian Kehoe -- Irish journalist
Wikipedia - Ian McMillan (poet) -- English poet, journalist, playwright, broadcaster (born 1956)
Wikipedia - Iann Robinson -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Ian Smith (impresario) -- Businessman, impresario and journalist
Wikipedia - Ian Trethowan -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Ian Urbina -- American journalist
Wikipedia - IBM Journal of Research and Development
Wikipedia - IBM Systems Journal
Wikipedia - Ibrahim Eissa -- Egyptian journalist and TV personality
Wikipedia - Ibrahim Mousawi -- Lebanese journalist and spokesman for the Islamist group Hezbollah
Wikipedia - Ibsen Pinheiro -- Brazilian journalist
Wikipedia - Icarus (journal)
Wikipedia - ICES Journal of Marine Science -- A peer-reviewed scientific journal covering oceanography and marine biology. It is published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
Wikipedia - ICGA Journal
Wikipedia - Ida B. Wells -- African-American journalist, newspaper editor, suffragist, sociologist, and civil rights activist
Wikipedia - Ida Tarbell -- American writer, journalist, biographer and lecturer
Wikipedia - Idrak Abbasov -- Azerbaijani journalist
Wikipedia - IEEE Access -- Scientific journal
Wikipedia - IEEE Annals of the History of Computing -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - IEEE Communications Letters -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits -- Journal
Wikipedia - IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
Wikipedia - IEEE Micro -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems -- Scientific journal
Wikipedia - IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques -- Journal
Wikipedia - IEEE Wireless Communications -- Scientific journal
Wikipedia - I. F. Stone -- American investigative journalist, writer, and author
Wikipedia - Ignacio Manuel Altamirano -- Mexican writer, journalist, teacher and politician
Wikipedia - Igor Piddubny -- Ukrainian journalist, media manager, politician, and film director
Wikipedia - Igor Vukic -- Croatian journalist
Wikipedia - Ihor Kostenko -- Ukrainian journalist and activist
Wikipedia - Ihsanul Karim -- Bangladeshi journalists
Wikipedia - Ike Altgens -- American photojournalist who captured JFK assassination
Wikipedia - Iker Jimenez -- Spanish journalist
Wikipedia - Ilana Sod -- Mexican journalist
Wikipedia - Ila Patnaik -- Indian economist and journalist
Wikipedia - Ildiko Marosi -- Romanian journalist
Wikipedia - Ilkka Uimonen -- Finnish photographer and photojournalist
Wikipedia - Ilya Ilf -- Soviet writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Ilze Jaunalksne -- Latvian journalist
Wikipedia - Impact factor -- Measure of mean number of citations per article of an academic journal
Wikipedia - Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on journalism -- Consequences of COVID-19 outbreak for media and publishing
Wikipedia - Ina Hartwig -- German journalist and author
Wikipedia - Indarjit Singh -- British journalist and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Inday Espina-Varona -- journalist
Wikipedia - Independent Journal Review -- American news and opinion website based in Alexandria, Virginia
Wikipedia - Independent Media Center -- Global open publishing network of activist journalist collectives
Wikipedia - Inderjit Badhwar -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Index of Economic Freedom -- Annual index and ranking created in 1995 by The Heritage Foundation and The Wall Street Journal to measure the degree of economic freedom in the world's nations
Wikipedia - Index of journalism articles -- Wikipedia index
Wikipedia - Indianapolis Business Journal -- Weekly newspaper published in Indianapolis, US which reports on Central Indiana business
Wikipedia - Indian Journal of Asian Affairs -- Peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - Indian Journal of Law and Technology -- Indian law journal
Wikipedia - Indro Montanelli -- Italian journalist and historian
Wikipedia - IndUS Business Journal -- American business-to-business newspaper
Wikipedia - Industrial Law Journal -- British legal journal
Wikipedia - Ines Rieder -- Austrian author, political scientist and journalist (1954-2015)
Wikipedia - Ines Sainz -- Mexican model and sports journalist
Wikipedia - Inez Haynes Irwin -- American feminist, author and journalist
Wikipedia - Information Sciences (journal)
Wikipedia - Information Systems Journal
Wikipedia - Information Systems (journal)
Wikipedia - Ingalill Mosander -- Swedish journalist
Wikipedia - Inge Deutschkron -- German-Israeli journalist and author
Wikipedia - Ingela Agardh -- journalist and television presenter
Wikipedia - Ingo Harden -- German journalist and author
Wikipedia - Ingrid Segerstedt Wiberg -- Swedish journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Ingvild Bryn -- Norwegian journalist
Wikipedia - Inka Marti -- Spanish journalist
Wikipedia - Innovations in Clinical Neuroscience -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy
Wikipedia - Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Intelligence (journal)
Wikipedia - Intel Technology Journal -- Periodical literature
Wikipedia - International Affairs (journal) -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - International Bulletin of Mission Research -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids -- Journal
Wikipedia - International Journal for the Psychology of Religion
Wikipedia - International Journalism Festival -- Journalism event annually held in Perugia, Italy
Wikipedia - International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology -- Journal
Wikipedia - International Journal of Advertising
Wikipedia - International Journal of Astrobiology
Wikipedia - International Journal of Aviation Psychology
Wikipedia - International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
Wikipedia - International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications
Wikipedia - International Journal of Computer Vision
Wikipedia - International Journal of Corpus Linguistics
Wikipedia - International Journal of Creative Computing
Wikipedia - International Journal of Criminology and Penology
Wikipedia - International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining
Wikipedia - International Journal of Educational Research -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health -- Journal
Wikipedia - International Journal of Forecasting
Wikipedia - International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science
Wikipedia - International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics -- Journal
Wikipedia - International Journal of Health Planning and Management -- Quarterly peer-reviewed journal
Wikipedia - International Journal of Hindu Studies
Wikipedia - International Journal of Historical Archaeology -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - International Journal of Impotence Research -- Medical journal
Wikipedia - International Journal of Information Technology > Decision Making
Wikipedia - International Journal of Language > Communication Disorders
Wikipedia - International Journal of Law and Psychiatry
Wikipedia - International Journal of Middle East Studies
Wikipedia - International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Wikipedia - International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology
Wikipedia - International Journal of Philosophical Studies
Wikipedia - International Journal of Play Therapy
Wikipedia - International Journal of Political Economy
Wikipedia - International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - International Journal of Psycho-Analysis
Wikipedia - International Journal of Psychoanalysis
Wikipedia - International Journal of Psychology
Wikipedia - International Journal of South American Archaeology -- Electronic academic journal
Wikipedia - International Journal of Theoretical Physics
Wikipedia - International Journal of Transgenderism
Wikipedia - International Journal of Transitional Justice -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - International Motor Press Association -- Automotive journalists trade association
Wikipedia - International Organization of Journalists -- Soviet-era press organisation
Wikipedia - International Political Science Review -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - International Review of Financial Analysis -- Academic journal in the field of finance
Wikipedia - International Studies Quarterly -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - International Studies Review -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - International Theory -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - International Trade Today -- British quarterly trade journal
Wikipedia - Internet Archaeology -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Interpretation (journal)
Wikipedia - Inverted pyramid (journalism) -- Communication of major details before minor details
Wikipedia - Investigative journalism -- Form of journalism in which reporters deeply investigate a single topic
Wikipedia - Ion Catina -- Wallachian poet and journalist
Wikipedia - Ione Quinby Griggs -- American crime journalist
Wikipedia - Ionna Stephanopoli -- Greek journalist
Wikipedia - Iqrar Ul Hassan -- Pakistani television presenter and journalist
Wikipedia - Ira Flatow -- American journalist, science radio host (born 1949)
Wikipedia - Iranganie Serasinghe -- Sri Lankan actress, teacher and journalist
Wikipedia - Iranian Journal of Physics Research -- Open access academic journal
Wikipedia - Irek Murtazin -- Russian journalist
Wikipedia - Irene Charalambidou -- Cypriot journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Irene Corbally Kuhn -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Irene Dische -- American-German author and journalist
Wikipedia - Irene Lozano -- Spanish writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Irina Slavina (journalist) -- Russian journalist, self-immolated in 2020
Wikipedia - Irish Ecclesiastical Record -- Irish Roman Catholic monthly journal (1864-1968)
Wikipedia - Irish Farmers Journal -- Irish weekly farming newspaper
Wikipedia - Iris Radisch -- German literature-journalist
Wikipedia - Irma Karvikko -- Finnish journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Irreantum -- Literary journal
Wikipedia - Irv Drasnin -- American journalist and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Irving Newton Brant -- American biographer, journalist, and historian
Wikipedia - Irv Weinstein -- Buffalo television news journalist
Wikipedia - Irwin Silber -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Iryna Somer -- Ukrainian journalist
Wikipedia - Isaac Don Levine -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Isabel Cuchi Coll -- Puerto Rican journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Isabella Beeton -- English journalist, publisher and writer
Wikipedia - Isabel Preysler -- Filipina journalist, socialite, and television host
Wikipedia - Isabel Stilwell -- Portuguese author and journalist
Wikipedia - Isabel Vincent -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Isha Sesay -- Journalist and TV presenter
Wikipedia - Isioma Daniel -- Nigerian journalist
Wikipedia - Isis (journal)
Wikipedia - Isobel Yeung -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Israel Exploration Journal -- Journal
Wikipedia - Israel Journal of Mathematics
Wikipedia - Israel Laryea -- Ghanaian broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - Israel Rodriguez (journalist) -- Puerto Rican journalist
Wikipedia - Issam Eid -- Lebanese-Canadian journalist/editor
Wikipedia - Italian Studies in Southern Africa -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Italo Bocchino -- Italian politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Italo Calvino -- Italian journalist and writer (1923-1985)
Wikipedia - Itogi Nauki i Techniki -- Russian journal
Wikipedia - Ivan Bokyi -- Ukrainian journalist
Wikipedia - Ivane Machabeli -- 19th-century Georgian writer, journalist, and translator
Wikipedia - Ivan Greenberg -- English journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Ivan Gronsky -- Soviet journalist
Wikipedia - Ivan Levingston -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze -- Ukrainian politician and journalist
Wikipedia - J. A. Adande -- American sports journalist
Wikipedia - Jaan Tomp (journalist) -- Estonian journalist
Wikipedia - Jacek Kurski -- Polish politician and journalist (b. 1966)
Wikipedia - Jacek Moskwa -- Polish journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Jack Babuscio -- Journalist (b. 1937, d. 1990)
Wikipedia - Jack Cafferty -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jack Fincher (screenwriter) -- American screenwriter and journalist
Wikipedia - Jack Fingleton -- Australian cricketer and journalist
Wikipedia - Jack Gatecliff -- Canadian sports journalist, ice hockey and lacrosse player
Wikipedia - Jack Germond -- American journalist, author, and pundit
Wikipedia - Jack Horner (journalist) -- American sports journalist
Wikipedia - Jackie Bange -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jackie Guerrido -- Puerto Rican journalist
Wikipedia - Jack London -- American author, journalist, and social activist
Wikipedia - Jack Monroe -- British writer, journalist and political campaigner
Wikipedia - Jack Nelson (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jack Newfield -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jack Schofield (journalist) -- British technology journalist
Wikipedia - Jack Shafer -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jack Slack -- Mixed martial arts journalists
Wikipedia - Jacob Appelbaum -- American computer security researcher and journalist (born 1 April 1983)
Wikipedia - Jacob H. Fries -- American journalist (bor 1978)
Wikipedia - Jacob Lofman -- Photojournalist
Wikipedia - Jacob Riis -- 19th and 20th-century American photographer, journalist and activist
Wikipedia - Jacob Soboroff -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jacob Ward -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jacqueline Kent -- Australian journalist, biographer and non-fiction and young adult fiction writer
Wikipedia - Jacque Reid -- American television and radio personality and journalist
Wikipedia - Jacques de Pierpont -- Belgian rock journalist
Wikipedia - Jacques Dominati -- French journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Jacques Doriot -- French journalist, communist, fascist politician
Wikipedia - Jacques Follorou -- French journalist for Le Monde
Wikipedia - Jacques Fremontier -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Jacques Futrelle -- American journalist and mystery writer
Wikipedia - Jacques Hebert -- French journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Jacques-Laurent Bost -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Jacques Van Melkebeke -- Belgian painter, comic strip writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Jacquie Beltrao -- Sports presenter and journalist
Wikipedia - Jade Chang -- Chinese-American journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Jade Esteban Estrada -- American singer, actor, stand-up comedian, and journalist
Wikipedia - Jagoda Marinic -- German author and journalist
Wikipedia - Jahangir Mamatov -- Politician, linguist, journalist, writer
Wikipedia - Jaime Aparicio Otero -- Bolivian diplomat, lawyer, journalist (born 1955)
Wikipedia - Jaime Guadalupe Gonzalez Dominguez -- Mexican crime journalist and murder victim
Wikipedia - Jake Tapper -- American political journalist, author, and cartoonist
Wikipedia - Jake Turx -- Hasidic Jewish Journalist
Wikipedia - Jakob Augstein -- German heir, journalist and publisher
Wikipedia - Jakob MM-CM-$ndmets -- Estonian writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Jakob Oetama -- Indonesian journalist
Wikipedia - Jakub M-EM-;ulczyk -- Polish writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Jamake Highwater -- American writer and journalism
Wikipedia - Jamal Hussein Ali -- Iraqi novelist and journalist
Wikipedia - Jamal Khashoggi -- Murdered Saudi journalist and dissident
Wikipedia - JAMA Neurology -- Journal in the JAMA Network that covers Neurology.
Wikipedia - JAMA Surgery -- JAMA Surgery is a Surgery and Surgery Journal and published by American Medical Association.
Wikipedia - JAMA -- Peer-reviewed medical journal published by the American Medical Association
Wikipedia - James Allen (journalist) -- British radio/TV commentator
Wikipedia - James Andrew Miller -- American investigative journalist
Wikipedia - James Ball (journalist) -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - James Barron (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - James Bartholomew (journalist) -- British journalist
Wikipedia - James Bennet (journalist) -- American journalist and former editorial editor for the New York Times
Wikipedia - James B. McClatchy -- American journalist and publisher
Wikipedia - James Boaden -- 18th/19th-century English biographer, dramatist, and journalist
Wikipedia - James Bone -- Scottish journalist
Wikipedia - James C. McKinley Jr. -- American journalist
Wikipedia - James Coventry -- Australian sports journalist
Wikipedia - James Cox (journalist) -- British journalist and broadcaster
Wikipedia - James D. Ewing -- American journalist
Wikipedia - James Dibble -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - James Downey (journalist) -- Irish journalist and author
Wikipedia - James Edmund Vincent -- Welsh barrister, journalist, and author
Wikipedia - James Elishama Smith -- British journalist
Wikipedia - James Foley (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - James Fox (journalist) -- British journalist
Wikipedia - James George Joseph Penderel-Brodhurst -- British journalist and writer
Wikipedia - James Gordon (journalist) -- Broadcast journalist and radio presenter for BBC News
Wikipedia - James Hibberd (writer) -- American journalist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - James Hogue (politician) -- Australian journalist and politician
Wikipedia - James J. Kilpatrick -- American journalist, writer
Wikipedia - James K. Glassman -- American journalist
Wikipedia - James Mason (chess player) -- Chess player, journalist and writer
Wikipedia - James May -- English television presenter and journalist
Wikipedia - James M. Cain -- American novelist, short story writer, journalist
Wikipedia - James McBride Dabbs -- American journalist
Wikipedia - James McBride (writer) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - James Meek (author) -- British novelist and journalist
Wikipedia - James Michaels -- American journalist and magazine editor
Wikipedia - James Murdoch (music advocate) -- Australian arts administrator, musicologist, composer, journalist, broadcaster
Wikipedia - James Nicol Dunn -- Scottish journalist and newspaper editor
Wikipedia - James O'Kelly (politician) -- Irish nationalist journalist and politician
Wikipedia - James Patrick Mahon -- Irish nationalist journalist, barrister, parliamentarian and mercenary
Wikipedia - James P. Hunter -- American journalist
Wikipedia - James Richardson (presenter) -- English television presenter and journalist
Wikipedia - James Ridgeway -- American journalist
Wikipedia - James Risen -- American journalist
Wikipedia - James R Tumusiime -- Ugandan author, journalist and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - James S. Copley -- American journalist
Wikipedia - James S. Henry -- American economist, lawyer, and investigative journalist
Wikipedia - James Thurber -- American cartoonist, author, journalist, playwright
Wikipedia - James Verini -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - James Walker Benet -- American writer and journalist
Wikipedia - James Wilson (journalist) -- American journalists
Wikipedia - James Winder Good -- Irish political journalist and writer
Wikipedia - James Wolcott -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jamie Hersch -- American sports journalist
Wikipedia - Jamie Kern Lima -- American entrepreneur and former journalist
Wikipedia - Jamila Bey -- American journalist and public speaker
Wikipedia - Jamila Mujahed -- Afghan journalist
Wikipedia - Jamil Smith (journalist) -- American print and television journalist
Wikipedia - Jan Alfred Szczepanski -- Polish journalist
Wikipedia - Jan Culik -- Czech journalist and academic
Wikipedia - Jan de Graaff -- Dutch journalist
Wikipedia - Jane Akre -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jane Brick -- Swedish journalist
Wikipedia - Jane Bryant Quinn -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jane Cazneau -- American journalist, lobbyist, publicist
Wikipedia - Jane Clayson Johnson -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Jane Corbin -- British journalist and film-maker
Wikipedia - Jane Dutton -- South African broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - Jane Ferguson -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Jane Gardner -- American journalist and news presenter
Wikipedia - Jane Godia -- Kenyan Journalist
Wikipedia - Jane Healy (journalist) -- Pulitzer-winning American journalist
Wikipedia - Jane Jacobs -- American-Canadian journalist, author, and activist
Wikipedia - Jane Kramer -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jane Loughrey -- Journalist
Wikipedia - Jane Mayer -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jane Singleton -- Australian broadcasting and print journalist, company director
Wikipedia - Jane Skinner -- American news anchor and journalist
Wikipedia - Jane Swisshelm -- American journalist, publisher, abolitionist, women's rights advocate
Wikipedia - Janet Cooke -- American former journalist
Wikipedia - Janet E. Steele -- Professor of journalism at George Washington University
Wikipedia - Jan Etherington -- British writer, journalist and producer
Wikipedia - Janet Lowe -- American financial writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Janet Malcolm -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Janet Maslin -- American journalist and critic
Wikipedia - Janet Street-Porter -- British media personality, journalist and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Jan Fleischhauer -- German journalist and author
Wikipedia - Jan Greshoff -- Dutch journalist, poet and literary critic
Wikipedia - Jan Guillou -- French-Swedish author and journalist
Wikipedia - Janina Paradowska -- Polish journalist, 1942 - 2016
Wikipedia - Janine di Giovanni -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jan Krawiec -- Journalist, teacher and activist (b. 1919, d. 2020)
Wikipedia - Jan Neruda -- Czech poet, theater reviewer, publicist, journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Janos Vajda (poet) -- Hungarian poet and journalist
Wikipedia - Janullah Hashimzada -- Afghan journalist
Wikipedia - Janus Adams -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Janus (journal) -- French language science history journal (1896 to 1990)
Wikipedia - Jan van Steenbergen -- Dutch journalist, translator, and language constructor
Wikipedia - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies
Wikipedia - Japan Railway Journal -- Japanese TV program
Wikipedia - Jarl Alfredius -- Swedish journalist
Wikipedia - Jarle HoysM-CM-&ter -- Norwegian journalist
Wikipedia - Jaroslaw Szarek -- Polish journalist, writer and historian
Wikipedia - Jaroslaw ZiM-DM-^Ytara -- Polish journalist
Wikipedia - Jas Gawronski -- Italian journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Jasmyne Cannick -- American journalist (born 1977)
Wikipedia - Jason Barlow -- Motoring journalist from Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Jason Carroll -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jason de la PeM-CM-1a -- English cricketer and journalist
Wikipedia - Jason Fagone -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Jason L. Riley -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jason Mojica -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jason Rezaian -- Iranian-American journalist
Wikipedia - Jason Schreier -- Video game journalist
Wikipedia - Jason Whitlock -- American sports journalist (born 1967)
Wikipedia - Jatin Sapru -- Indian TV sports journalist
Wikipedia - Javed Naseer Rind -- Pakistani journalist
Wikipedia - Javid Nikpour -- Iranian photojournalist, sports photographer and chief photographer
Wikipedia - Javier Cercas -- Spanish writer, journalist and professor of Spanish literature
Wikipedia - Javier Elorriaga -- Mexican journalist
Wikipedia - Javier Valdez Cardenas -- Mexican crime journalist and murder victim
Wikipedia - Jay Allen -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jay Allison -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jay Bahadur -- Canadian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Jay Crawford -- American sports journalist
Wikipedia - Jay Fonseca -- Puerto Rican journalist
Wikipedia - Jayson Blair -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jay Taruc -- Filipino journalist
Wikipedia - Jay Wallace (journalist) -- American broadcast executive
Wikipedia - Jean Bertolino -- French journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Jean Carper -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jean Chalon -- French journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Jean Chatzky -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jean-Claude Kebabdjian -- Armenian-French editor and journalist
Wikipedia - Jean-Claude Lamy -- French writer, journalist and publisher
Wikipedia - Jean-Claude Valla -- French journalist and essayist.
Wikipedia - Jean Daniel -- French journalist and author
Wikipedia - Jean de Bonnefon -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Jean Devaines -- French state bureaucrat and journalist
Wikipedia - Jean-Dominique Bauby -- French journalist, author and editor
Wikipedia - Jean Enersen -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jean Fontenoy -- French journalist, communist and fascist politician
Wikipedia - Jean-Francois Bazin -- French journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Jean Guerrero -- American investigative journalist
Wikipedia - Jean Herold-Paquis -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Jean Joseph Dussault -- French librarian, journalist, and literary critic
Wikipedia - Jean-Louis Servan-Schreiber -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Jean-Loup Dabadie -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Jean Mabire -- French writer, journalist and literary critic
Wikipedia - Jean Martirez -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jean Mauriac -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Jean-Michel Cadiot -- French politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Jeanne Cappe -- Belgian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Jeanne Leuba -- French journalist and orientalist
Wikipedia - Jeannie Morris -- American sports journalist and author
Wikipedia - Jeannie Peterson -- Journalist
Wikipedia - Jean Page -- Canadian sports journalist
Wikipedia - Jean-Pierre Boris -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Jean-Pierre Gallet -- Belgian journalist
Wikipedia - Jean Raynal -- French sports journalist
Wikipedia - Jean Revillard -- Photojournalist (b. 1967, d. 2019)
Wikipedia - Jean Schalit -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Jean-Toussaint Merle -- French journalist and playwright
Wikipedia - Jean Wolter -- Luxembourgian journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Jean-Yves Nau -- French physician and scientific journalist
Wikipedia - J. E. Casely Hayford -- Gold Coast journalist, lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - Jeff Brady (reporter) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jeff Cohen (media critic) -- American journalist and critic
Wikipedia - Jeff Foust -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jeff Gannon -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jeff Gerstmann -- American video game journalist
Wikipedia - Jeff Jarvis -- American journalist (born 1954)
Wikipedia - Jeffrey Brown (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jeffrey Goldberg -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jeffri Chadiha -- American sports journalist
Wikipedia - Jeff Underhill -- Australian screenwriter, playwright and journalist
Wikipedia - Jeff Wise -- American author and television journalist
Wikipedia - Jeff Yang -- Taiwanese-American writer, journalist, businessman, and business/media consultant
Wikipedia - Jela KreM-DM-^MiM-DM-^M -- Slovenian journalist
Wikipedia - Jelica Belovic-Bernadzikowska -- Serbian ethnographer, journalist, writer, and feminist
Wikipedia - Jemele Hill -- American sports journalist
Wikipedia - Jenan Moussa -- Lebanese journalist
Wikipedia - Jen Banbury -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jeneen Interlandi -- US journalist on the editorial board of the New York Times
Wikipedia - Jenna Busch -- American entertainment journalist
Wikipedia - Jenna Bush Hager -- American journalist, author, and television personality
Wikipedia - Jenna Lee -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jenna Wortham -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jennie McCowen -- American physician, writer, lecturer, medical journal editor, suffragist
Wikipedia - Jennifer 8. Lee -- Chinese-American businessperson and former journalist
Wikipedia - Jennifer Abod -- American feminist activist, musician and journalist
Wikipedia - Jennifer Bendery -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jennifer Kahn -- Journalist, writer and speaker
Wikipedia - Jennifer Roback Morse -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jennifer Ward (journalist) -- Canadian broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - Jenn White -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jenny Huston -- Irish journalist (born 1973)
Wikipedia - Jenny Kuttim -- Swedish Journalist
Wikipedia - Jenny Scott -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Jens Erik Gould -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jeremiah Hacker -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jeremy Clarkson -- English broadcaster, journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Jeremy Diamond -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jeremy Vine -- English journalist and radio presenter
Wikipedia - Jericka Duncan -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jeroen Pauw -- Dutch journalist and television presenter
Wikipedia - Jeroen Stekelenburg -- Dutch sports journalist
Wikipedia - Jerome Ceppos -- American journalist, news executive, and educator
Wikipedia - Jerrold Kessel -- Israeli journalist, sports journalist, author and foreign correspondent
Wikipedia - Jerry Bledsoe -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Jerry Capeci -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Jerry Girard -- American television journalist
Wikipedia - Jerry Markon -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jerry Pournelle -- American science fiction writer, journalist, and scientist
Wikipedia - Jerry Wexler -- American music journalist and producer
Wikipedia - Jerzy Jagielski -- Polish chess player and journalist
Wikipedia - Jesse Blackadder -- Australian novelist, screenwriter and journalist
Wikipedia - Jesse Brown (journalist) -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Jesse Eisinger -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Jesse J. Holland -- American journalist, author
Wikipedia - Jesse McKinley -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jess Hill (writer) -- Australian investigative journalist
Wikipedia - Jessica Adamson -- Australian journalist & TV presenter
Wikipedia - Jessica Aguirre -- Cuban-American television journalist
Wikipedia - Jessica Bruder -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jessica Lussenhop -- American investigative journalist
Wikipedia - Jessie Lloyd O'Connor -- 1904-1988 , journalist and social activist
Wikipedia - Jessie Mackay -- New Zealand poet, journalist and activist
Wikipedia - Jessie Pope -- British poet, writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Jessie Urquhart -- Australian journalist, novelist and short-story writer
Wikipedia - Jessikka Aro -- Finnish journalist
Wikipedia - Jess Stearn -- American journalist and author (1914-2002)
Wikipedia - Jesus Abad Colorado -- Colombian photojournalist (born 1967)
Wikipedia - Jesus Blancornelas -- Mexican journalist
Wikipedia - Jesus de la Serna -- Spanish journalist
Wikipedia - Jesus M-CM-^Alvarez (journalist) -- Spanish journalist
Wikipedia - Jesus Quintero -- Spanish journalist and television presenter
Wikipedia - Jesus Torrealba -- Venezuelan politician and journalist
Wikipedia - J. Frank Diggs -- American journalist
Wikipedia - J. Gopikrishnan -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - J. H. B. Peel -- British journalist, author and poet
Wikipedia - Jill Carroll -- American former journalist
Wikipedia - Jill Dando -- English journalist and television presenter
Wikipedia - Jill Dougherty -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jill Krop -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Jim Acosta -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jim Angle -- American journalist and television reporter
Wikipedia - Jim Avila -- American television journalist
Wikipedia - Jim Bradley (journalist) -- British journalist and trade unionist
Wikipedia - Jim Clancy (journalist) -- American broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - Jim Clash -- American author and participatory journalist
Wikipedia - Jim Cotter (journalist) -- Irish-born American writer, journalist, and broadcaster
Wikipedia - JiM-EM-^Yi Hronek -- Czech journalist, playwright and novelist
Wikipedia - Jim Fraser (politician) -- Australian politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Jim Gardner (broadcaster) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jim Mason (activist) -- American lawyer, journalist and animal rights activist
Wikipedia - Jim McKay -- American television sports journalist
Wikipedia - Jim Metcalf -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jim Sciutto -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jim Spellman -- American journalist and musician
Wikipedia - Jim Sterling -- Video game journalist, critic, pundit, and wrestling personality
Wikipedia - Jineth Bedoya Lima -- Colombian journalist
Wikipedia - Joan Acocella -- American journalist, dance critic and writer
Wikipedia - Joan Barril -- Spanish writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Joan Cambridge -- Guyanese author and journalist
Wikipedia - Joan Gould -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Joan Kruckewitt -- American journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Joan Lunden -- American television journalist
Wikipedia - Joanne Lipman -- American journalist, editor, and author
Wikipedia - Joanne Pransky -- American Robotics Journalist
Wikipedia - Joan Walsh -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Joao Aguiar (writer) -- Portuguese writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Joao Antonio -- Brazilian journalist and short story writer
Wikipedia - Joao Cardoso de Meneses e Sousa, Baron of Paranapiacaba -- Brazilian poet, translator, journalist, lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - Joao da Cruz e Sousa -- Brazilian poet and journalist
Wikipedia - Joao de Freitas do Amaral -- Portuguese politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Joao de Lemos -- Portuguese journalist, poet, and dramatist
Wikipedia - Joao do Rio -- Brazilian journalist, short-story writer, and playwright
Wikipedia - Joao Pinheiro Chagas -- Portuguese journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Joao Ubaldo Ribeiro -- Brazilian writer, journalist, screenwriter and professor
Wikipedia - Joao Zero -- Brazilian cartoonist and illustrator journalist
Wikipedia - Joaquim Ibarz -- Spanish journalist
Wikipedia - Jocelyne Saab -- Lebanese film director and journalist
Wikipedia - Jodi Applegate -- American broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - Jodi Kantor -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jodi Rudoren -- American journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Jody Rosen -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Joe Azbell -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Joe Conason -- Journalist, author and political commentator (born 1954)
Wikipedia - Joe Fiorito -- Canadian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Joe Haines (journalist) -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Joe Howard Jr. -- American journalist and newspaperman
Wikipedia - Joe Klein -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Joel Bleifuss -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Joel Brinkley -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Joel Chandler Harris -- Journalist, children's writer
Wikipedia - Joe Lindsley -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jo Ellison -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Joe Mahr -- American investigative journalist
Wikipedia - Joe Nocera -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Joe Palca -- American science journalist
Wikipedia - Joe Schlesinger -- Canadian television journalist
Wikipedia - Joe Schriner -- American perennial candidate, political activist, and journalist
Wikipedia - Joe Sutton (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Johan E. Holand -- Norwegian journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Johan Hilton -- Swedish journalist (born 1977)
Wikipedia - Johanna Neuman -- American journalist and historian
Wikipedia - Johanne Meyer -- Danish suffragist, pacifist and journal editor
Wikipedia - Johanne Sutton -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Johann Hari -- British journalist
Wikipedia - John Alden Scott -- American businessperson, journalist, and politician
Wikipedia - John Alfred Langford -- English journalist and antiquary
Wikipedia - John Arlott -- English journalist, author, and cricket commentator
Wikipedia - John Avlon -- American journalist
Wikipedia - John Binns (journalist) -- Irish nationalist, later American journalist
Wikipedia - John Braithwaite (soldier) -- New Zealand journalist
Wikipedia - John Brittas -- Indian journalist (born 1966)
Wikipedia - John Bryant (journalist) -- British journalist
Wikipedia - John Buchanan (American politician) -- American freelance journalist and fringe political candidate
Wikipedia - John Camkin -- English journalist
Wikipedia - John Campbell (broadcaster) -- New Zealand journalist and television personality (born 1964)
Wikipedia - John Canzano -- American sports journalist
Wikipedia - John Carey (journalist) -- Journalist
Wikipedia - John Carlin (journalist) -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - John Carlos Frey -- Mexican American Journalist
Wikipedia - John Carreyrou -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - John C. Dvorak -- American journalist and radio broadcaster
Wikipedia - John Chamberlain (journalist) -- American journalist (critic, columnist, editor)
Wikipedia - John Charles Daly -- American journalist and game show host
Wikipedia - John Charlton Fisher -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - John Clay Walker -- American journalist who was murdered in Mexico
Wikipedia - John Cornwell (writer) -- British journalist, author, and academic
Wikipedia - John Crace (writer) -- British journalist and critic
Wikipedia - John Crudele -- American journalist
Wikipedia - John Cushnie -- British landscape designer, author, journalist, and broadcaster
Wikipedia - John Darnton -- American journalist
Wikipedia - John Davies (printer and journalist) -- Welsh printer, editor and journalist
Wikipedia - John Davy (journalist)
Wikipedia - John Diamond (journalist) -- British journalist and broadcaster
Wikipedia - John Drennan -- Irish political journalist and writer
Wikipedia - John Edward Bruce -- American journalist (1856-1924)
Wikipedia - John Fox Jr. -- American journalist, novelist and short story writer
Wikipedia - John Francis Lane -- British actor, journalist, and critic
Wikipedia - John Francon Williams -- A Welsh writer, geographer, historian, journalist, cartographer and inventor
Wikipedia - John Frederick Bligh Livesay -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - John Fry (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - John Grochowski -- American journalist
Wikipedia - John Grogan -- American journalist (born 1957)
Wikipedia - John Guthrie (novelist) -- NZ journalist, novelist, short-story writer
Wikipedia - John Hambrick -- broadcast journalist, actor and announcer
Wikipedia - John Harwood (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - John Hedberg -- Finnish journalist and politician
Wikipedia - John Hersey -- American journalist, novelist and academic (1914-1993)
Wikipedia - John Hoagland -- American photojournalist and war correspondent
Wikipedia - John Hooper (journalist)
Wikipedia - John Horgan (American journalist)
Wikipedia - John Horgan (journalist)
Wikipedia - John Humphrys -- British broadcaster, journalist and author
Wikipedia - John Ibbitson -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - John Jannarone -- American journalist
Wikipedia - John Jiler -- American playwright, novelist, and journalist
Wikipedia - John J. Miller (journalist) -- American author, journalist and educator
Wikipedia - John Jonathon Pratt -- American journalist, newspaper proprietor, and typewriter inventor
Wikipedia - John J. Rowlands -- American journalist, writer, and outdoorsman
Wikipedia - John Junor -- journalist and editor
Wikipedia - John Kampfner -- British journalist
Wikipedia - John Kennedy O'Connor -- English journalist and radio personality
Wikipedia - John King (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - John Latey (journalist) -- British journalist and writer
Wikipedia - John Leland (journalist)
Wikipedia - John Liebenberg -- South African photojournalist
Wikipedia - John Locke Scripps -- American lawyer and journalist
Wikipedia - John Lyons (journalist) -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - John Machacek -- American journalist
Wikipedia - John Macken -- Irish journalist, publisher and poet
Wikipedia - John Mathew Gutch -- British historian and journalist
Wikipedia - John McBeth -- New Zealand journalist and writer
Wikipedia - John McCormack (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - John McLaughlin (host) -- American journalist and political commentator
Wikipedia - John Meiklejohn -- Scottish academic, journalist, and author
Wikipedia - John Michael Ferrari -- American journalist (born 1947)
Wikipedia - John Momoh -- Nigerian businessman and journalist
Wikipedia - John Morgan (mixed martial arts journalist) -- Mixed martial arts journalist, radio host and television commentator from United States
Wikipedia - John Mulcahy (journalist) -- Irish journalist and editor
Wikipedia - John Mulgan -- New Zealand journalist, writer and editor
Wikipedia - John Muller -- American television journalist
Wikipedia - John Newhouse -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - John Nichols (journalist)
Wikipedia - John Nicolson -- Scottish politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Johnny Harris (journalist) -- American filmmaker and journalist
Wikipedia - John O'Donnell (political journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - John Peel -- English disc jockey, radio presenter, record producer and journalist
Wikipedia - John Pilger -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - John Plender -- British journalist
Wikipedia - John Pollock (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - John Powers (journalist) -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - John Reed (journalist) -- American journalist, poet, and activist
Wikipedia - John Roderick (correspondent) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - John Sandford (novelist) -- American novelist and journalist
Wikipedia - John Savage (Fenian) -- Irish poet, journalist and member of the Young Irelanders and the Fenians
Wikipedia - John Schwada (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - John Scully (journalist) -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - John S. Durham (ambassador) -- African-American journalist and author
Wikipedia - John Seigenthaler -- American journalist, writer, and political figure
Wikipedia - John Shearer (photographer) -- Photographer and photojournalist for Life and Look magazines
Wikipedia - John Shrapnell -- New Zealand journalist (1934-2020)
Wikipedia - John Sibi-Okumu -- Kenyan actor and journalist
Wikipedia - John Simpson (journalist/consumer advocate) -- American consumer rights advocate and former journalist
Wikipedia - John Slade-Baker -- English soldier, journalist and spy
Wikipedia - John Stossel -- American reporter, investigative journalist, author, and libertarian columnist
Wikipedia - John Taylor (journalist) -- 18th/19th-century English oculist, drama critic, editor and finally newspaper publisher
Wikipedia - John T. Davis -- writer and music journalist
Wikipedia - John T. Flynn -- American journalist (1882-1964)
Wikipedia - John Thompson Whitaker -- American journalist
Wikipedia - John Tierney (journalist)
Wikipedia - John Timbs -- British journalist
Wikipedia - John Tipler -- British journalist
Wikipedia - John van den Heuvel -- Dutch crime journalist
Wikipedia - John Walker (journalist) -- British computer games journalist
Wikipedia - John Warren (journalist) -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - John Wesley Dafoe -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - John Wilkes -- 18th-century English radical, journalist, and politician
Wikipedia - John Wilke -- American journalist (1954-2009)
Wikipedia - John W. Schoen -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Johny Joseph (news anchor) -- Haitian academic and journalist
Wikipedia - Joie Chen -- Broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - Jojo Chintoh -- Canadian television journalist
Wikipedia - Jon Amtrup -- Norwegian author, journalist and sailor
Wikipedia - Jonas ZnidarM-EM-!iM-DM-^M -- Slovenian television personality and journalist
Wikipedia - Jonathan Ancer -- South African journalist (born 1970)
Wikipedia - Jonathan Capehart -- American journalist and television personality
Wikipedia - Jonathan Curiel -- American journalist, in San Francisco
Wikipedia - Jonathan Dimbleby -- British television presenter and journalist
Wikipedia - Jonathan Falconbridge Kelly -- American journalist and humorist
Wikipedia - Jonathan Franklin -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jonathan Gold -- American journalist (1960-2018)
Wikipedia - Jonathan Jones (journalist)
Wikipedia - Jonathan Kaiman -- Journalist
Wikipedia - Jonathan Miles (novelist) -- American journalist and novelist
Wikipedia - Jonathan Northcroft -- Scottish journalist
Wikipedia - Jonathan Shainin -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Jonathan Swan -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Jonathan Weil -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jon Bois -- American sports journalist, data analytics journalist, and video presenter
Wikipedia - Jon Caramanica -- American journalist and pop music critic
Wikipedia - Jon Fortt -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Jon Gelius -- Norwegian journalist
Wikipedia - Jon Meacham -- American journalist and biographer (born 1969)
Wikipedia - Jon Ralston -- American journalist and political commentator
Wikipedia - Jon Snow (journalist)
Wikipedia - Jonty Messer -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Jorge Falleiros -- Brazilian poet, professor and journalist
Wikipedia - Jorge Fernandez Menendez -- Journalist
Wikipedia - Jorge Guinzburg -- Argentine journalist and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Jorge L. Ramos -- Puerto Rican television journalist, correspondent
Wikipedia - Jorge Ramos (news anchor) -- Mexican-born American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Jorn Madslien -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Jorunn Johnsen -- Norwegian journalist
Wikipedia - Jose Agustin Catala -- Venezuelan journalist and author
Wikipedia - Jose Andino y Amezquita -- First Puerto Rican journalist
Wikipedia - Jose Antonio Garcia (journalist) -- Mexican crime journalist and murder victim
Wikipedia - Jose Antonio Torres Martino -- Puerto Rican painter, journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Jose Antonio Vargas -- Filipino-American journalist, immigration activist
Wikipedia - Jose Carrasco Torrico -- Bolivian lawyer, journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Jose Diaz-Balart -- Cuban-American journalist and television anchorman
Wikipedia - Jose do Patrocinio -- Brazilian writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Jose Eusebio Caro -- Colombian writer, journalist and politician (1817-1853)
Wikipedia - Josef KodiM-DM-^Mek -- Czech journalist and theatre critic (1892-1954)
Wikipedia - Jose Francos Rodriguez -- Spanish politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Josef Velek -- Czech journalist, author and environmentalist
Wikipedia - Josef VosolsobM-DM-^[ -- Czech sportsman and journalist
Wikipedia - Josef Wust -- Austrian journalist, editor-in-chief and publisher
Wikipedia - Jose Gualberto Padilla -- Puerto Rican poet, physician, journalist, and politician
Wikipedia - Jose Hamilton Ribeiro -- Brazilian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Jose-Itamar de Freitas -- Brazilian journalist
Wikipedia - Jose Javier Esparza Torres -- Spanish journalist, essayist and cultural critic.
Wikipedia - Jose Joaquin Fernandez de Lizardi -- Mexican writer and political journalist
Wikipedia - Jose Julian Acosta -- Puerto Rican abolitionist and journalist
Wikipedia - Jose Luis Gonzalez (writer) -- Puerto Rican essayist, novelist and journalist
Wikipedia - Jose Luis Lopez de Lacalle -- Spanish journalist
Wikipedia - Jose Luis Ortega Mata -- Mexican crime journalist and murder victim
Wikipedia - Jose Luis Romero (journalist) -- Mexican crime journalist and murder victim
Wikipedia - Jose Manuel Romualdez -- Filipino journalist, business executive and diplomat
Wikipedia - Jose Maria Calleja -- Spanish journalist
Wikipedia - Jose Nakens -- Spanish journalist, anticlerical, and republican activist
Wikipedia - Jose Paulo de Andrade -- Brazilian journalist
Wikipedia - Joseph A. Brandt -- University president, journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Joseph Barthelemy -- French politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Joseph Bartuah -- Liberian journalist
Wikipedia - Joseph Berger (author) -- American journalist, author, and speaker
Wikipedia - Joseph B. White -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Joseph Cookman -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Joseph C. Panjikaran -- Indian Catholic monsignor, historian, theologian and journalist (1888-1949)
Wikipedia - Joseph Desanat -- French Provencal poet and journal editor
Wikipedia - Joseph Devlin -- Irish journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Joseph Godson Amamoo -- Ghanaian journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin -- American publisher, journalist, African American civil rights leader, suffragist, and editor
Wikipedia - Joseph Livingston -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Joseph Morton (correspondent) -- American journalist and war correspondent
Wikipedia - Joseph Plunkett -- Irish nationalist, poet, journalist and 1916 Easter Rising leader
Wikipedia - Joseph Roth -- Austrian novelist and journalist
Wikipedia - Joseph Saumarez Smith -- British entrepreneur, journalist, and gambling expert
Wikipedia - Joseph Vogel -- American music journalist
Wikipedia - Joseph Wershba -- American journalist (1920-2011)
Wikipedia - Josep Sucarrats -- Spanish journalist
Wikipedia - Josh Dawsey -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Josh Elliott -- American television journalist
Wikipedia - Josh Karp -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Josh Mankiewicz -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Josh Spero -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Josh Tyrangiel -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Joshua Hammer -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Joshua Johnson (journalist) -- American journalist and radio host
Wikipedia - Joshua Lyon -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Joshua Macht -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Joshua Rose (engineer) -- American engineer, inventor and journalist
Wikipedia - Josip JurM-DM-^MiM-DM-^M -- Slovene writer and journalist
Wikipedia - JOT: Journal of Object Technology
Wikipedia - Journal Article Tag Suite
Wikipedia - Journal bearing -- Simplest type of bearing, comprising just a bearing surface and no rolling elements
Wikipedia - Journal Citation Reports -- Annual publication covering academic journals
Wikipedia - Journal club -- Group of individuals who meet regularly to critically evaluate recent articles in the academic literature
Wikipedia - Journal de BM-CM-"le et Geneve -- Swiss online French-language journal
Wikipedia - Journal de l'M-CM-.le de La Reunion -- French language newspaper on the isle of Reunion
Wikipedia - Journal de Malte -- Newspaper from Malta
Wikipedia - Journal des debats -- Defunct French newspaper
Wikipedia - Journal des Luxus und der Moden -- A German fashion magazine
Wikipedia - Journal des savants
Wikipedia - Journal des scavans -- French scholarly journal
Wikipedia - Journal de Trevoux -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Journal for General Philosophy of Science
Wikipedia - Journal for the Education of the Gifted
Wikipedia - Journal for the History of Astronomy
Wikipedia - Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion
Wikipedia - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour
Wikipedia - Journal fr die reine und angewandte Mathematik
Wikipedia - Journal hijacking -- predatory journal that impersonates an academic journal
Wikipedia - Journaling file system -- File system that keeps track of not yet committed changes in a data structure called a M-bM-^@M-^\journalM-bM-^@M-^] (usually a circular log); when a system crash or power failure occurs, such file systems can be recovered online faster with less corruption
Wikipedia - Journalism ethics and standards -- Principles of ethics and of good practice in journalism
Wikipedia - Journalism in Oregon -- Journalism in the U.S. state of Oregon
Wikipedia - Journalism sourcing
Wikipedia - Journalism Studies -- Bimonthly peer-reviewed academic journal covering communication studies as it pertains to journalism
Wikipedia - Journalism -- Investigation and reporting to a broad audience
Wikipedia - Journalistic objectivity -- Principle in journalism
Wikipedia - Journalistic translation
Wikipedia - Journalists
Wikipedia - Journalist -- Person who collects, writes and distributes news and similar information
Wikipedia - Journal-News -- Ohio, United States newspaper
Wikipedia - Journal October -- album by David Darling
Wikipedia - Journal of Abbasid Studies -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology
Wikipedia - Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology
Wikipedia - Journal of Abnormal Psychology
Wikipedia - Journal of a Crime -- 1934 film by William Keighley
Wikipedia - Journal of Adolescent Health
Wikipedia - Journal of African History
Wikipedia - Journal of Aging Studies -- Quarterly peer-reviewed journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Algorithms
Wikipedia - Journal of American History
Wikipedia - Journal of Ancient History -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Animal Ethics
Wikipedia - Journal of Anthropological Archaeology -- Journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Anxiety Disorders
Wikipedia - Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
Wikipedia - Journal of Applied Communication Research
Wikipedia - Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology
Wikipedia - Journal of Applied Econometrics
Wikipedia - Journal of Applied Ichthyology -- A peer-reviewed scientific journal on ichthyology, marine biology, and oceanography published by Wiley-Blackwell
Wikipedia - Journal of Applied Physics
Wikipedia - Journal of Applied Psychology
Wikipedia - Journal of Applied Social Psychology
Wikipedia - Journal of Archaeological Science -- Peer-reviewed academic journal on archaeology
Wikipedia - Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research
Wikipedia - Journal of Asian Economics -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Assyrian Academic Studies -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation -- Singapore scientific journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology -- A scientific publication by the American Meteorological Society
Wikipedia - Journal of Attention Disorders
Wikipedia - Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
Wikipedia - Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics
Wikipedia - Journal of Automated Reasoning
Wikipedia - Journal of Ayn Rand Studies
Wikipedia - Journal of Behavioral Decision Making -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Behavioral Finance -- Journal focused on behavioral finance
Wikipedia - Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Biological Dynamics -- Peer-reviewed journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Biomedical Informatics
Wikipedia - Journal of Biosciences
Wikipedia - Journal of Black Psychology
Wikipedia - Journal of British Studies
Wikipedia - Journal of Business Ethics
Wikipedia - Journal of Chemical Education
Wikipedia - Journal of Chemical Physics
Wikipedia - Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
Wikipedia - Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology -- Peer-reviewed psychology journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology
Wikipedia - Journal of Clinical Investigation
Wikipedia - Journal of Clinical Oncology -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Clinical Psychology
Wikipedia - Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
Wikipedia - Journal of Combinatorial Theory
Wikipedia - Journal of Communication Management -- Academic journal covering public relations
Wikipedia - Journal of Comparative Psychology
Wikipedia - Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics -- Quarterly peer-reviewed journal covering nonlinear dynamics
Wikipedia - Journal of Computational Biology
Wikipedia - Journal of Computational Geometry
Wikipedia - Journal of Computer and System Sciences
Wikipedia - Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography -- Bimonthly peer-reviewed journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Conflict Resolution
Wikipedia - Journal of Consciousness Studies
Wikipedia - Journal of Constructivist Psychology -- Psychology journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
Wikipedia - Journal of Consulting Psychology
Wikipedia - Journal of Consumer Affairs -- Peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Consumer Psychology
Wikipedia - Journal of Consumer Research
Wikipedia - Journal of Contemporary Asia
Wikipedia - Journal of Contemporary History
Wikipedia - Journal of Contemporary Religion
Wikipedia - Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education -- Journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Counseling Psychology
Wikipedia - Journal of Creative Behavior
Wikipedia - Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology
Wikipedia - Journal of Crustacean Biology
Wikipedia - Journal of Cryptology -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery -- Medical journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Database Management
Wikipedia - Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease -- Medical journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Diversity in Higher Education
Wikipedia - Journal of Documentation
Wikipedia - Journal of Drugs in Dermatology -- medical journal
Wikipedia - Journal of East Asian Studies
Wikipedia - Journal of Ecclesiastical History
Wikipedia - Journal of Economic Issues
Wikipedia - Journal of Economic Methodology
Wikipedia - Journal of Economic Psychology
Wikipedia - Journal of English Linguistics -- Academic journal of linguistics
Wikipedia - Journal of Environmental Psychology
Wikipedia - Journal of European Social Policy
Wikipedia - Journal of European Studies
Wikipedia - Journal of Evolution and Technology
Wikipedia - Journal of Evolutionary Biology -- Bimonthly peer-reviewed scientific journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence
Wikipedia - Journal of Experimental Biology
Wikipedia - Journal of Experimental Botany
Wikipedia - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied
Wikipedia - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
Wikipedia - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance
Wikipedia - Journal of Experimental Psychology
Wikipedia - Journal of Experimental Psychopathology -- Peer-reviewed journal focused on psychopathology
Wikipedia - Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
Wikipedia - Journal of Experiments in Fluid Mechanics -- Journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Family History
Wikipedia - Journal of Family Psychology
Wikipedia - Journal of Financial Economics -- One of the premier finance journals
Wikipedia - Journal of Fish Diseases -- Journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Functional Programming
Wikipedia - Journal of Gene Medicine -- Medical journal
Wikipedia - Journal of General Internal Medicine
Wikipedia - Journal of Geophysical Research
Wikipedia - Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications
Wikipedia - Journal of Graph Theory
Wikipedia - Journal of Hand Surgery (American Volume) -- Peer-reviewed medical journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Happiness Studies
Wikipedia - Journal of Health Communication -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Health Psychology
Wikipedia - Journal of Humanistic Psychology
Wikipedia - Journal of Individual Differences
Wikipedia - Journal of Individual Psychology
Wikipedia - Journal of Indo-European Studies -- Journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves -- Journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Integer Sequences
Wikipedia - Journal of Integrative Neuroscience
Wikipedia - Journal of Intellectual Property and Entertainment Law
Wikipedia - Journal of Interdisciplinary History -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Journal of International Economic Law -- Journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Interpersonal Violence
Wikipedia - Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals -- Peer-reviewed scientific journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Latin American Studies
Wikipedia - Journal of Libertarian Studies -- 1977-2008 American interdisciplinary scholarly journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming
Wikipedia - Journal of Logic and Computation
Wikipedia - Journal of Machine Learning Research
Wikipedia - Journal of Management Information Systems
Wikipedia - Journal of Marital and Family Therapy
Wikipedia - Journal of Marriage and Family
Wikipedia - Journal of Mathematical Physics -- Peer-reviewed journal published monthly by the American Institute of Physics
Wikipedia - Journal of Mathematical Psychology
Wikipedia - Journal of Mathematics and the Arts
Wikipedia - Journal of Medical Biochemistry -- Scientific journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Medical Biography
Wikipedia - Journal of Medical Ethics
Wikipedia - Journal of Medical Internet Research
Wikipedia - Journal of Medical Screening -- Quarterly medical journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Medieval History
Wikipedia - Journal of Mental Science
Wikipedia - Journal of Mind and Behavior
Wikipedia - Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods
Wikipedia - Journal of Modern History
Wikipedia - Journal of Molecular Biology
Wikipedia - Journal of Molecular Evolution
Wikipedia - Journal of Near-Death Studies
Wikipedia - Journal of Negro Education
Wikipedia - Journal of Neurogenetics
Wikipedia - Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences
Wikipedia - Journal of Neuroscience Research
Wikipedia - Journal of Neuroscience
Wikipedia - Journal of New Music Research
Wikipedia - Journal of NIH Research -- Monthly American magazine
Wikipedia - Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials -- Journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Number Theory
Wikipedia - Journal of Nursing Management -- Nursing journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
Wikipedia - Journal of Open Source Software
Wikipedia - Journal of Organizational Behavior
Wikipedia - Journal of Palestine Studies
Wikipedia - Journal of Parapsychology
Wikipedia - Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics B -- Peer-reviewed medical journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Pediatric Psychology
Wikipedia - Journal of Pediatrics
Wikipedia - Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Wikipedia - Journal of Personality Disorders
Wikipedia - Journal of Personality > Social Psychology
Wikipedia - Journal of Personality
Wikipedia - Journal of Philosophical Logic
Wikipedia - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods
Wikipedia - Journal of Physical Chemistry A
Wikipedia - Journal of Physical Oceanography -- A peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the American Meteorological Society.
Wikipedia - Journal of Political Economy
Wikipedia - Journal of Projective Techniques
Wikipedia - Journal of Propulsion and Power -- Peer-reviewed scientific research journal covering aerospace propulsion and power
Wikipedia - Journal of Psychiatric Practice -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Psychoactive Drugs -- Peer-reviewed medical journal on psychoactive drugs
Wikipedia - Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment
Wikipedia - Journal of Psychohistory
Wikipedia - Journal of Psychology and Christianity
Wikipedia - Journal of Psychology and Theology
Wikipedia - Journal of Psychology
Wikipedia - Journal of Psychotherapy Integration
Wikipedia - Journal of Recreational Mathematics
Wikipedia - Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology -- Peer-reviewed journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Research in Personality
Wikipedia - Journal of Research on Adolescence
Wikipedia - Journal of Roman Archaeology -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Journal of School Psychology
Wikipedia - Journal of Scientific Exploration
Wikipedia - Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy
Wikipedia - Journal of Sex > Marital Therapy
Wikipedia - Journal of Sex Research
Wikipedia - Journal of Social Archaeology -- Peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Social Issues
Wikipedia - Journal of Social Psychology
Wikipedia - Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution: Research and Practice
Wikipedia - Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
Wikipedia - Journal of Southeast Asian Studies
Wikipedia - Journal of Southern History
Wikipedia - Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research -- Monthly academic journal covering interpersonal communication
Wikipedia - Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment -- Peer-reviewed scientific journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Studies on Alcohol
Wikipedia - Journal of Symbolic Computation
Wikipedia - Journal of Symbolic Logic
Wikipedia - Journal of Systems and Software
Wikipedia - Journal of the Academic Association of Koreanology in Japan
Wikipedia - Journal of the ACM
Wikipedia - Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Wikipedia - Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Wikipedia - Journal of the American Academy of Religion -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Journal of the American Chemical Society
Wikipedia - Journal of the American Medical Association
Wikipedia - Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association
Wikipedia - Journal of the American Oriental Society
Wikipedia - Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association
Wikipedia - Journal of the American Society of Naval Engineers -- Defunct English-language engineering journal
Wikipedia - Journal of the American Statistical Association
Wikipedia - Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery
Wikipedia - Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology
Wikipedia - Journal of the Association for Information Systems
Wikipedia - Journal of the British Interplanetary Society
Wikipedia - Journal of the Canadian Dental Association
Wikipedia - Journal of the European Optical Society: Rapid Publications -- Journal
Wikipedia - Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society
Wikipedia - Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
Wikipedia - Journal of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association -- Peer-reviewed medical journal
Wikipedia - Journal of the Geological Society
Wikipedia - Journal of the History of Biology
Wikipedia - Journal of the History of Ideas
Wikipedia - Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
Wikipedia - Journal of the History of Philosophy
Wikipedia - Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences
Wikipedia - Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology
Wikipedia - Journal of the International Phonetic Association
Wikipedia - Journal of the London Mathematical Society
Wikipedia - Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Journal of the North Atlantic -- Peer-reviewed electronic academic journal
Wikipedia - Journal of the Norwegian Medical Association -- Norwegian medical journal
Wikipedia - Journal of the Operational Research Society
Wikipedia - Journal of the Optical Society of America
Wikipedia - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology
Wikipedia - Journal of Theoretical Biology
Wikipedia - Journal of the Oxford University History Society
Wikipedia - Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System -- Quarterly academic journal
Wikipedia - Journal of the Philosophy of History
Wikipedia - Journal of Thermal Stresses -- Journal
Wikipedia - Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland
Wikipedia - Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine
Wikipedia - Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A
Wikipedia - Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C (Applied Statistics)
Wikipedia - Journal of Thoracic Oncology -- Scientific journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Transpersonal Psychology
Wikipedia - Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems -- Journal of American Society of Civil Engineers
Wikipedia - Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part B: Pavements -- Journal of American Society of Civil Engineers
Wikipedia - Journal of Traumatic Stress
Wikipedia - Journal of Universal Computer Science
Wikipedia - Journal of Urban History -- US peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Value Inquiry
Wikipedia - Journal of Vision
Wikipedia - Journal of Web Semantics
Wikipedia - Journal of World History
Wikipedia - Journal of Youth and Adolescence
Wikipedia - Journal of Youth Studies -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research -- A quarterly, peer reviewed, scientific journal
Wikipedia - Journal of Zoology -- Scientific journal
Wikipedia - Journalology -- Scholarly study of academic journals
Wikipedia - Journals (Cobain) -- Collection of writings and drawings by Kurt Cobain
Wikipedia - Journals of Ayn Rand -- 1997 collection of Ayn Rand's letters
Wikipedia - Journal therapy
Wikipedia - Journal
Wikipedia - Joyce Bagala -- Ugandan journalist
Wikipedia - Joyce Cavalccante -- Brazilian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Joy Dunlop -- Scottish step dancer, journalist, presenter
Wikipedia - Joy Malbon -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - J. Randy Taraborrelli -- American journalist and biographer
Wikipedia - J. R. Moehringer -- American journalist
Wikipedia - J. Ross Baughman -- American photojournalist
Wikipedia - J. Samuel Cook -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Juan Abad -- Filipino printer turned playwright and journalist
Wikipedia - Juan Antonio Cebrian -- Spanish journalist, writer, and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Juan Antonio de Iza Zamacola -- Spanish journalist, historian and writer
Wikipedia - Juan Becerra Acosta -- Mexican journalist
Wikipedia - Juanita Greene -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Juan Manuel Abal Medina -- Argentine journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Juan Manuel Benitez -- Spanish journalist
Wikipedia - Juan Misael Saracho -- Bolivian journalist and politician (1857-1915)
Wikipedia - Juan Pablo Cardenal -- Spanish journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Juan Van-Halen Acedo -- Spanish writer, politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Judd Legum -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Judgment and Decision Making -- Bimonthly peer-reviewed psychology journal covering decision making
Wikipedia - Judith H. Dobrzynski -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Judith Miller -- Discredited American journalist and commentator
Wikipedia - Judith Newman -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Judith Rakers -- German journalist and television presenter (born 1976)
Wikipedia - Judith Sims -- American journalist, music critic and magazine editor
Wikipedia - Judith Sloan -- Australian economist, business journalist
Wikipedia - Judy Battista -- American sports journalist
Wikipedia - Judy Dushku -- US political scientist, Mormon feminist, journalist, writer and humanitarian
Wikipedia - Juhan Aare -- Estonian journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Juhani Konkka -- Finnish politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Jules Chancel -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Jules Guesde -- French socialist journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Jules Valles -- French journalist and author
Wikipedia - Jules Vasquez -- Belizean journalist
Wikipedia - Juleyka Lantigua-Williams -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Julia Angwin -- American investigative journalist
Wikipedia - Julia Collier Harris -- American writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Julia Coney -- American wine critic and journalist
Wikipedia - Julia Ioffe -- Russian-American journalist
Wikipedia - Julia Le Duc -- Mexican photojournalist
Wikipedia - Julian Baggini -- English philosopher, author and journalist
Wikipedia - Julian Borger -- British journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Julian Critchley -- British journalist and Conservative Party politician (1930-2000)
Wikipedia - Julianne Malveaux -- American journalist, economist, author, commentator
Wikipedia - Julian Stryjkowski -- Polish journalist
Wikipedia - Julia Renfro -- Aruban journalist
Wikipedia - Juli Briskman -- American politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Julie Cart -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Julie Chen -- American journalist and television host
Wikipedia - Julie Crysler -- Canadian journalist and a published poet
Wikipedia - Julie K. Brown -- Investigative Journalist
Wikipedia - Julien Bryan -- American photojournalist 1899-1974
Wikipedia - Juliet Bawuah -- Ghanaian sports journalist
Wikipedia - Juliet Dunlop -- Scottish freelance broadcast journalist (born 1972)
Wikipedia - Juliet Litman -- Journalist, editor, and American media personality
Wikipedia - Juliet Macur -- Award winning American journalist.
Wikipedia - Juliette Bussiere Laforest-Courtois -- Haitian teacher and journalist
Wikipedia - Julie Van Dusen -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Julie-Victoire Daubie -- 19th-century French journalist
Wikipedia - Julio Bazan -- Argentine journalist
Wikipedia - Julio Dantas -- Portuguese doctor, poet, journalist, politician, diplomat and dramatist
Wikipedia - Julio Llamazares -- Spanish journalist and novelist
Wikipedia - Julitta Munch -- German journalist
Wikipedia - Julius FuM-DM-^Mik (journalist) -- Czech journalist and revolutionary
Wikipedia - Julius Klein -- American journalist, spy, business executive and United States Army general
Wikipedia - June Eric-Udorie -- Nigerian-British journalist
Wikipedia - June Levine -- Irish journalist, novelist and feminist
Wikipedia - June Margaret Litman -- New Zealand journalist
Wikipedia - Junpei Yasuda -- Japanese journalist
Wikipedia - Jurgen Hinzpeter -- German journalist
Wikipedia - Jurgen Kesting -- German journalist
Wikipedia - Jurimetrics (journal)
Wikipedia - Juri Randviir -- Estonian chess player and journalist
Wikipedia - Juris Maters -- Latvian writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Jurji Zaydan -- Lebanese novelist, journalist, editor and teacher
Wikipedia - Jussi Rainio -- Finnish politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Justin Brake (journalist) -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Juxtapoz -- Journal of urban alternative and underground contemporary art
Wikipedia - Kaapo Murros -- Finnish journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Kadri Gursel -- Turkish journalist
Wikipedia - Kai Paulsen -- Norwegian journalist, photographer, and computer collector
Wikipedia - Kamahl Santamaria -- New Zealand journalist (born 1980)
Wikipedia - Kamal Ahmed (journalist) -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Kamal Lohani -- Bangladeshi journalist
Wikipedia - Kamran Khan (journalist) -- Pakistani journalist
Wikipedia - Kaneyasu Marutani -- Japanese journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Kant Yearbook -- Peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - Kanze Dena -- Kenyan journalist
Wikipedia - Kaogu -- Monthly academic journal
Wikipedia - Kara David -- Filipino journalist and television host
Wikipedia - Kara Swisher -- American technology business journalist
Wikipedia - Karen Adams -- American journalist and newscaster
Wikipedia - Karen Crouse -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Karen Dillon -- American investigative journalist
Wikipedia - Karen Doggenweiler -- Journalist and television presenter from Chile
Wikipedia - Karen Elliott House -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Karen Koster -- Irish journalist
Wikipedia - Karen Tso -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Kari Berggrav -- Photojournalist (b. 1911, d. 1996)
Wikipedia - Karin Helmstaedt -- Journalist
Wikipedia - Karin Pettersson -- Swedish journalist
Wikipedia - Karin Schimke -- South African journalist and poet (born 1968)
Wikipedia - Karl E. Meyer -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Karl Gaillard -- Prussian writer and music journalist
Wikipedia - Karl Grossman -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Karl Heinzen -- German-born American journalist
Wikipedia - Karl Lippegaus -- German music journalist, author and radio presenter
Wikipedia - Karl Martin SinijM-CM-$rv -- Estonian journalist and poet
Wikipedia - Karl Marx -- German philosopher, economist, historian, sociologist, political theorist and journalist
Wikipedia - Karoun Demirjian -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Karsten Thielker -- German journalist
Wikipedia - Kasia Madera -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Kasturi Balaji -- Indian journalist and publisher
Wikipedia - Kasturi Srinivasan -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Katarzyna Ewa Zdanowicz-Cyganiak -- Polish poet and journalist
Wikipedia - Kate Abdo -- British sports journalist
Wikipedia - Kate Adie -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Kate Andersen Brower -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Kate Bassett -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Kate Betts -- American fashion journalist and former magazine editor
Wikipedia - Kate Brooks -- American photojournalist
Wikipedia - Kate Egan -- Irish journalist
Wikipedia - Kate Isitt (journalist) -- New Zealand journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Kate Kelly (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Kate Saunders -- English author, actress and journalist
Wikipedia - Kate Smith (presenter) -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Katharine Brisbane -- Australian publisher and journalist
Wikipedia - Katharine Gatty -- Nurse, journalist and suffragette
Wikipedia - Katharine Viner -- British journalist and playwright
Wikipedia - Kat Hawkins -- British technology journalist
Wikipedia - Katherine Anne Porter -- American journalist, essayist, short story writer, novelist, and political activist
Wikipedia - Katherine Dunn -- American novelist, journalist, poet
Wikipedia - Katherine Eban -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Katherine Hughes (activist) -- Canadian journalist, author, archivist and political activist
Wikipedia - Katherine Salant -- American journalist and real estate writer
Wikipedia - Kathleen Commins -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Kathleen MacMahon -- Irish radio and television journalist, and novelist
Wikipedia - Kathleen Napoli McKenna -- Irish republican activist and journalist
Wikipedia - Kathleen O'Brennan -- Irish journalist, playwright and campaigner
Wikipedia - Kathleen Openda - Mvati -- Kenyan Journalist
Wikipedia - Kathleen Petty -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Kathleen Shackleton -- Irish portrait painter and journalist
Wikipedia - Kathy Iandoli -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Kathy Sheridan -- journalist for The Irish Times
Wikipedia - Katie Hafner -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Katie Simpson -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Katie Wagner -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Kat Long -- American journalist (born 1974)
Wikipedia - Katrine Mackay -- NZ journalist, novelist, food writer and cook
Wikipedia - Katty Kay -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Katya Adler -- Journalist
Wikipedia - Katya Cengel -- American author and journalist (born 1976)
Wikipedia - Katy Tur -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Kavita Devi (journalist) -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Kaylee Hartung -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Kayode Akintemi -- Nigerian journalist
Wikipedia - Kay Sifuniso -- Zambian journalist
Wikipedia - Kazi Abu Zafar Siddique -- Bangladeshi journalist
Wikipedia - Kazimierz Moczarski -- Polish writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Keelin Shanley -- Irish journalist
Wikipedia - Keely Shaye Smith -- American journalist, author, television host, and actress
Wikipedia - Kees Wiese -- Dutch journalist
Wikipedia - Keith Boag -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Keith Murdoch -- Australian journalist, businessman and father of Rupert Murdoch
Wikipedia - Keith Preston -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Keith Vincent Smith -- Journalist and historian
Wikipedia - Kelefa Sanneh -- American journalist and music critic
Wikipedia - Ke Ling -- Chinese journalist, publicist and writer
Wikipedia - Kelli Underwood -- Australian sports journalist and sportscaster
Wikipedia - Kelly Carr -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Kelly Crowe -- Canadian television journalist
Wikipedia - Kelly Sadler -- Journalist
Wikipedia - Ken Auletta -- American writer, journalist, and media critic
Wikipedia - Ken Davis (journalist) -- American TV producer, journalist, and author
Wikipedia - Kendis Gibson -- Belizean journalist
Wikipedia - Kendra Pierre-Louis -- American climate reporter and journalist
Wikipedia - Ken Early -- Irish journalist and broadcaster
Wikipedia - KenFM -- German internet journalism outlet
Wikipedia - Ken Fuson -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Ken Hechtman -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Kenize Mourad -- French journalist and novelist
Wikipedia - Ken Lubas -- American photojournalist
Wikipedia - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal
Wikipedia - Kenneth Bacon -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Kenneth Best -- Liberian journalist
Wikipedia - Kenneth Harris (journalist) -- British journalist who worked for The Observer
Wikipedia - Kenneth Jarecke -- American photojournalist
Wikipedia - Kenneth M. Swezey -- American journalist a science writer born in 1904
Wikipedia - Kenneth Pablo Kimuli -- Ugandan comedian, playwright and journalist
Wikipedia - Kenneth R. Timmerman -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Kenneth Slessor -- Australian poet and journalist
Wikipedia - Kenneth Stonehouse -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Ken Reid (journalist) -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Ken Shaw -- Canadian television journalist and anchor
Wikipedia - Kent Shocknek -- American television journalist
Wikipedia - Ken Tucker -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Keorapetse Kgositsile -- South African poet and journalist
Wikipedia - Kernphysikalische Forschungsberichte -- Journal
Wikipedia - Kerry-Anne Walsh -- Australian author, former journalist and political commentator
Wikipedia - Kerry O'Brien (journalist) -- Australian television journalist and presenter
Wikipedia - Kersten Artus -- German journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Ketzel Levine -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Kevin Allen (journalist) -- American sports journalist and author
Wikipedia - Kevin Carter -- South African photojournalist
Wikipedia - Kevin Cullen -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Kevin Flynn (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Kevin Kato Hammond -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Kevin McCarra -- Scottish sports journalist
Wikipedia - Kevin Merida -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Kevin Myers -- English-born Irish journalist, writer and quiz host
Wikipedia - Kevin Negandhi -- American sports journalist
Wikipedia - Kevin Newman (journalist) -- Canadian journalist and news anchor
Wikipedia - Kevin Sharkey (journalist) -- Irish broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - Kevin Sinclair -- Hong Kong journalist
Wikipedia - Kevin Toolis -- Scottish journalist and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Khadija Ismayilova -- Azerbaijani investigative journalist and radio host
Wikipedia - Khadija Patel -- South African investigative journalist
Wikipedia - Khaled Abu Toameh -- Israeli Arab journalist and documentary filmmaker
Wikipedia - Khalid Hasan -- Pakistani journalist, writer
Wikipedia - Khalid Mohamed -- Indian journalist and film director
Wikipedia - Khawla Matar -- Bahraini journalist
Wikipedia - Khola Maryam Hubsch -- German journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Kholoud Waleed -- Syrian journalist
Wikipedia - Khondakar Abu Taleb -- Bangladeshi journalist
Wikipedia - Khushnood Nabizada -- Afghan Journalist
Wikipedia - Khwaja Ahmad Abbas -- Indian Film director, screenwriter, novelist and journalist
Wikipedia - Kidi Bebey -- French journalist and author
Wikipedia - Kidnapping and murder of Moises Sanchez Cerezo -- Mexican crime journalist who was murdered
Wikipedia - Kiki Mordi -- Nigerian journalist and media personality
Wikipedia - Kiko Amat -- Spanish journalist and novelist
Wikipedia - Kimberley Strassel -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Kim Brunhuber -- Canadian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Kim France -- American editor, journalist, and author
Wikipedia - Kim Ghattas -- Dutch-Lebanese journalist
Wikipedia - Kim Hagdorn -- Australian cricketer and journalist
Wikipedia - Kim Hastreiter -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Kim Hee-kyung -- South Korean journalist and humanitarian
Wikipedia - Kim Jones (reporter) -- American sports journalist
Wikipedia - Kim Masters -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Kim Ou-joon -- South Korean journalist
Wikipedia - Kingshuk Nag -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Kira Cochrane -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Kiran Chetry -- American television broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - Kiran Nazish -- Pakistani journalist
Wikipedia - Kirk LaPointe -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Kirsty Lang -- British journalist and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Kishore Bhimani -- Indian sports journalist
Wikipedia - Kita Abashidze -- Georgian literary critic, journalist, and politician
Wikipedia - Kjell Albin Abrahamson -- Swedish journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Klara Buda -- French Albanian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Klaus-Peter Siegloch -- Former German journalist and lobbyist
Wikipedia - K M Asad -- Bangladeshi photojournalist
Wikipedia - KM-CM-%re Kleivan -- Norwegian journalist
Wikipedia - Knight Kiplinger -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems -- Peer-reviewed scientific journal
Wikipedia - Knowledge Organization (journal)
Wikipedia - K. N. Prabhu -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Kojo Nnamdi -- American radio personality, journalist (born 1945)
Wikipedia - Kola Muslim Animasaun -- Nigerian journalist and columnist
Wikipedia - Komla Dumor -- Ghanaian journalist
Wikipedia - Konstantinos Poulis -- Greek journalist, author, playwright, and theater practitioner
Wikipedia - Konstanty Dombrowicz -- Polish journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Konstanty Majeranowski -- Polish journalist, poet, and writer
Wikipedia - Kopernio -- Technology company which aims to enable easy access to journal articles
Wikipedia - Kosuke Takahashi -- Japanese journalist
Wikipedia - Kozo Inoue -- Japanese journalist
Wikipedia - K Ramachandra Murthy -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Krassimir Ivandjiiski -- Bulgarian journalist
Wikipedia - Krishna Jwala Devkota -- Nepali journalist
Wikipedia - Krissah Thompson -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Kristal Brent Zook -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Kristen Welker -- American television journalist
Wikipedia - Kristin dos Santos -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Kristin Fisher -- American journalist and television news news presenter
Wikipedia - Kristoffer Eriksen -- Danish journalist
Wikipedia - Krystal Okeke -- Nigerian model, journalist and philanthropist
Wikipedia - Krzysztof Karwowski -- Polish journalist
Wikipedia - K. Sreenivas Reddy -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Kuga Katsunan -- Japanese journalist
Wikipedia - Kuldip Nayar -- Indian author and journalist (1923-2018)
Wikipedia - Kumi Taguchi (journalist) -- Australian journalist and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Kunle Ajibade -- Nigerian journalist, editor and author
Wikipedia - Kurt Eichenwald -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Kurt Eisner -- 19th and 20th-century German politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Kurt GroM-CM-^_mann -- German journalist
Wikipedia - Kurt Julius Goldstein -- German journalist
Wikipedia - Kurt Severin -- American photographer, journalist and adventurer
Wikipedia - Kwaku Sakyi-Addo -- Ghanaian journalist
Wikipedia - Kwame Karikari (journalist) -- Ghanaian academic, journalist, and broadcasting executive
Wikipedia - Kwee Tek Hoay -- Indonesian writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Kyklos (journal)
Wikipedia - Kyrre Nakkim -- Norwegian journalist
Wikipedia - Labor History (journal) -- academic journal
Wikipedia - Lacerba -- 1913-15 Italian literary journal
Wikipedia - Ladies' Home Journal
Wikipedia - Ladislas Farago -- Hungarian military historian and journalist
Wikipedia - Ladislav MM-EM-^HaM-DM-^Mko -- Slovak writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Lajos Hevesi -- Hungarian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Lama Hasan -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Lamberto Sposini -- Italian journalist
Wikipedia - Lamide Akintobi -- Nigerian journalist and media personality.
Wikipedia - Landfall (journal) -- New Zealand literary magazine
Wikipedia - Language (journal)
Wikipedia - Lansdale Ghiselin Sasscer Jr. -- Politician, attorney and journalist (1926-2020)
Wikipedia - Lara Logan -- South African journalist and war correspondent
Wikipedia - Lara Spencer -- American television journalist
Wikipedia - Larisa Alexandrovna -- American journalist, essayist, and poet
Wikipedia - Larisa Yudina -- Russian journalist
Wikipedia - Larry LeBlanc -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Larry Madowo -- Kenyan journalist
Wikipedia - Larry Rohter -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Lasse Bengtsson -- Swedish journalist
Wikipedia - Lasse Midttun -- Norwegian journalist
Wikipedia - Las Vegas Review-Journal -- Newspaper published in Las Vegas, Nevada
Wikipedia - Latifa Akherbach -- Moroccan politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Latifa Jbabdi -- Moroccan feminist, sociologist and journalist
Wikipedia - Latin American Antiquity -- Journal
Wikipedia - Laura Barnett -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Laura Barton -- English journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Laura Checkoway -- American journalist and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Laura Flanders -- British-American journalist
Wikipedia - Laura Garwin -- American trumpeter and former science journalist
Wikipedia - Laura Ingalls Wilder -- American writer, teacher, and journalist
Wikipedia - Laura Ingle -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Laura Kate Dale -- Video game journalist and author
Wikipedia - Laura Kuenssberg -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Laura Ling -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Laura Miller (journalist) -- Scottish broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - Laura Secor -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Laura Sullivan -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Lauren Bastide -- French journalist, feminist, podcaster
Wikipedia - Laurence Edmund Allen -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Laurence Ferrari -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Laurence Patrick Byrne -- Irish journalist and literary critic
Wikipedia - Lauren Collins (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Lauren Duca -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Lauren Glassberg -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Laurent Dandrieu -- French journalist, music and art critic
Wikipedia - Laurent Seksik -- French physicist, journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Laurie Dhue -- American television journalist
Wikipedia - Laurie Fernandez -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Laurie Penny -- English journalist, columnist and author
Wikipedia - L'Auto-Journal -- Bimonthly magazine devoted to automobiles
Wikipedia - Lauw Giok Lan -- Chinese Indonesian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Law journal
Wikipedia - Lawrence C. Levy -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Lawrence E. Spivak -- American journalist and Meet the Press host
Wikipedia - Lawrence Minard -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Lawrence Van Gelder -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Law review -- Type of scholarly journal focusing on legal issues
Wikipedia - Lea Gabrielle -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Leander Richardson -- American Journalist and Playwright
Wikipedia - Leandro Narloch -- Brazilian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Learned journal
Wikipedia - Least publishable unit -- Smallest amount of information that can generate a publication in a peer-reviewed journal
Wikipedia - Ledger (journal) -- Academic journal on cryptocurrencies
Wikipedia - Lee Ann Kim -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Lee Fang -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Lee Frischknecht -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Lee Kyu-yeon's Spotlight -- South Korean investigative journalism program airing on JTBC
Wikipedia - Lee Lin Chin -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Lee Smith (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Left and Right: A Journal of Libertarian Thought -- Libertarian journal
Wikipedia - Legal Studies (law journal) -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Le Grand Journal (French TV program) -- French TV program
Wikipedia - Leigh Sales -- Australian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Leila Chudori -- Indonesian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Leila Fadel -- Lebanese American journalist
Wikipedia - Leila McKinnon -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Le Journal de MontrM-CM-)al -- Daily tabloid newspaper published in Montreal, Canada
Wikipedia - Le Journal de QuM-CM-)bec -- Canadian French-language daily newspaper
Wikipedia - Le Journal de Saone-et-Loire -- French provincial daily newspaper
Wikipedia - Le Journal Hebdomadaire -- Moroccan weekly magazine
Wikipedia - Le Journal -- French newspaper
Wikipedia - Lekan Fatodu -- Nigerian Journalist
Wikipedia - Le Moniteur (Haiti) -- Official journal of the Republic of Haiti
Wikipedia - Lena Ganschow -- German journalist and television moderator
Wikipedia - Lena Smedsaas -- Swedish journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Lena Sundstrom -- Swedish journalist and author
Wikipedia - Len Doherty -- British journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Lenoir Chambers -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Leo Amery -- Politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Leo Bauer -- German politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Leo McKinstry -- British journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Leonard Levitt -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Leonardo (journal) -- American peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - Leonardo, the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Leonidas Hubbard -- American journalist and adventurer
Wikipedia - Leonidas Varouxis -- Greek journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Leon Kasman -- Polish journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Leon M. Conwell -- American journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Leon Neyfakh -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Le Petit Journal (newspaper)
Wikipedia - Lerato Mbele -- Broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - Lesley Cunliffe -- American journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Lesley Stahl -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Leslie Cockburn -- American investigative journalist and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Leslie Kenton -- American journalist and new age writer
Wikipedia - Lester Bangs -- American music critic and journalist
Wikipedia - Lester Bernstein -- American Journalist (1920-2014)
Wikipedia - Lester Holt -- American journalist and news anchor
Wikipedia - Lester Kinsolving -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Lester Ziffren -- American journalist, screenwriter and diplomat
Wikipedia - Le TM-CM-)lM-CM-)journal -- Television newscasts on Ici Radio-Canada TM-CM-)lM-CM-)
Wikipedia - Letterbook of Explorers' Journals -- Collection of reports of exploration in Western Australia
Wikipedia - Letty Cottin Pogrebin -- American author, journalist, lecturer, and social justice activist
Wikipedia - Lew Irwin -- Los Angeles-based journalist
Wikipedia - Lewis Goodall -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Lewis Grizzard -- American journalist
Wikipedia - L. Gordon Crovitz -- American journalist
Wikipedia - L'Homme -- French anthropological journal
Wikipedia - Lia Chang -- American actress, photographer and journalist
Wikipedia - Lia Diskin -- Journalist
Wikipedia - Liam Bartlett -- Australian journalist and reporter
Wikipedia - Liane Hansen -- American broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - Libby Coker -- Australian politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Liber Annuus -- Theological-archaeological journal
Wikipedia - Library Journal -- American trade publication
Wikipedia - Lidia Shishmanova -- Ukrainian and bulgarian writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Life and Letters -- Former English literary journal
Wikipedia - Lifelines (journal) -- Literary journal
Wikipedia - Light (spiritualist journal)
Wikipedia - Lilia Luciano -- Puerto Rican journalist
Wikipedia - Liliane DM-CM-)vieux-Dehoux -- Haitian journalist
Wikipedia - Liliane Landor -- Lebanese-born British television journalist
Wikipedia - Liliane Pierre-Paul -- Haitian journalist
Wikipedia - Lillian Ross (journalist)
Wikipedia - Lillian Thomas Fox -- African-American journalist, clubwoman, public speaker, civic activist
Wikipedia - Lillo Venezia -- Italian journalist
Wikipedia - Lilly TM-CM-)llez -- Mexican journalist and senator
Wikipedia - Lily Auchincloss -- American journalist and art collector
Wikipedia - Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin -- Quarterly scientific journal
Wikipedia - Limnology and Oceanography Letters -- Bimonthly peer-reviewed journal
Wikipedia - Limnology and Oceanography: Methods -- Monthly peer-reviewed journal
Wikipedia - Limnology and Oceanography -- Bimonthly peer-reviewed journal
Wikipedia - Lincoln Journal Star -- Daily newspaper that serves Lincoln, Nebraska
Wikipedia - Lincoln Steffens -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Linda Burnham -- American journalist, activist, and leader in women's rights movements
Wikipedia - Linda Carter Brinson -- American journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Linda Ellerbee -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Linda Grant -- English novelist and journalist
Wikipedia - Linda Hunt (reporter) -- American author, journalist
Wikipedia - Linda Melvern -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Linda MM-EM-+rniece -- Latvian politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Linda Wertheimer -- American radio journalist
Wikipedia - Linda Wolfe -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Lindsay Casinelli -- Venezuelan journalist
Wikipedia - Lingua (journal)
Wikipedia - Linguistics (journal)
Wikipedia - Linguistic Typology -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Linux Journal -- Magazine
Wikipedia - Lionel Morrison -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Lippische Mitteilungen aus Geschichte und Landeskunde -- German scintific journal
Wikipedia - Lisa Belkin -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Lisa Bjurwald -- Swedish journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Lisa Collier Cool -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Lisa Getter -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Lisa Guerrero -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Lisa Larsen -- German-American woman photojournalist
Wikipedia - Lisa Ling -- American journalist, television presenter, and author
Wikipedia - Lisa Specht -- American lawyer, civic leader and former television journalist
Wikipedia - List of 18th-century journals -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of academic journals published in Serbia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of accounting journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of African studies journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of American Medical Association journals -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of American print journalists -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of American Society of Mechanical Engineers academic journals -- List of academic journals published by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Wikipedia - List of anthropology journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of arrested journalists in Turkey -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of astronomy journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of bioethics journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of bioinformatics journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of biology journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of botany journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Brazilian journalists -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Bulgarian journalists -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cambridge University Press journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Canadian journalists -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of centenarians (authors, editors, poets and journalists) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of chemistry journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism people -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of computer science journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of dental journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of disability studies journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of early-modern journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of earth and atmospheric sciences journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of economics journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of educational psychology journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of education journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of engineering journals and magazines -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of entomology journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of environmental economics journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of environmental journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of environmental social science journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ethics journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of fictional journalists -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of fluid mechanics journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of forestry journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of former BBC newsreaders and journalists -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of German journalists -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of globalization-related journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of healthcare journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of history journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Hong Kong journalists -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of humanities journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of humor research publications -- List of books, journals, and major publications humor research
Wikipedia - List of Indian journalists -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of information systems journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Institution of Engineering and Technology academic journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of intellectual property law journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of international business journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of international law journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of international relations journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Italian journalists -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ITV journalists and newsreaders -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Jewish American journalists -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of journalism awards -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of journalism schools in Africa -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of journalism schools in Asia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of journalism schools in Europe -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of journalism schools in North America -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of journalism schools in South America -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of journalists and media workers killed in Mexico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of journalists killed during the Mahdist War -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of journalists killed during the Somali Civil War -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of journalists killed during the Syrian Civil War -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of journalists killed during the War in Afghanistan (2001-present) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of journalists killed in 2017 -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of journalists killed in Assam -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of journalists killed in Bangladesh -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of journalists killed in Europe -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of journalists killed in Guatemala -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of journalists killed in Honduras -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of journalists killed in India -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of journalists killed in Pakistan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of journalists killed in Russia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of journalists killed in South Sudan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of journalists killed in Tajikistan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of journalists killed in the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of journalists killed in Turkey -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of journalists killed in Yemen -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of journalists killed under the Arroyo administration -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of journalists murdered in Ukraine -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of journals appearing under the French Revolution -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of journals available free online
Wikipedia - List of journals published by Sri Lankan universities -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of law journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of linguistics journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of logic journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Malawian journalists -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of materials science journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of mathematical physics journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of mathematics education journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of MDPI academic journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of medical and health informatics journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of medical journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of mycology journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of neuroscience journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of newspapers named News Journal -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of newsreaders and journalists in France -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of numismatic journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of nursing journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of open-access journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ornithology journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Oxford University Press journals
Wikipedia - List of Pakistani journalists -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of pharmaceutical sciences journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of philosophy journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of photojournalists -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of physics journals -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of planning journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of political science journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of probability journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of psychiatry journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of psychology journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of psychotherapy journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of public administration journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of public relations journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of scandals in British journalism -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of scholarly publishing stings -- List of nonsense papers that were accepted by an academic journal or conference
Wikipedia - List of schools of journalism and communication in China -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of scientific journals in psychology
Wikipedia - List of scientific journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of sexology journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian journalists -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of social science journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of sociology journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of sports journalism awards -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sri Lankan journalists -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of statistics journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Swedish journalists -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of systems science journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of theology journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tourism journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of University of California Press journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of University of Chicago Press journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Uruguayan journalists -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Washington Journal programs aired in April 1995 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Washington Journal programs aired in February 1995 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Washington Journal programs aired in January 1995 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Washington Journal programs aired in March 1995 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Washington Journal programs aired in May 1995 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of women's studies journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of zoology journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of academic journals -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of biological journals and magazines
Wikipedia - Lists of Jews associated with literature and journalism -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of journalists -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Livejournal
Wikipedia - LiveJournal -- Russian social networking service
Wikipedia - Liv Inger Somby -- Sami journalist and educator
Wikipedia - Living Reviews (journal series) -- Open access journal series
Wikipedia - Li Zehua -- Chinese journalist, YouTuber (born 1995)
Wikipedia - Lizette Alvarez -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Li Zhensheng (photojournalist) -- Chinese photographer
Wikipedia - Lizo Mzimba -- English journalist
Wikipedia - Liz Wahl -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Liz Walker (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Lizzie Greenwood-Hughes -- British journalist and television presenter
Wikipedia - Lizzie Rattray -- NZ journalist, suffragist, welfare worker
Wikipedia - Lloyd Bradley -- British music journalist and author
Wikipedia - LM-CM-)on Deffoux -- French journalist
Wikipedia - LM-CM-)on Nicole -- Swiss politician, journalist, and trade unionist
Wikipedia - Lode Zielens -- Belgian novelist and journalist
Wikipedia - Lodovico Nabruzzi -- Italian journalist
Wikipedia - Logos (journal) -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Lois Duncan -- American writer, novelist, poet, and journalist
Wikipedia - Lois Wille -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Lola Cordero -- Spanish journalist and actress
Wikipedia - Lola Ogunnaike -- Nigerian journalist
Wikipedia - Lone Frank -- Danish science journalist
Wikipedia - Long John Nebel -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Lopes Trovao -- Brazilian doctor, journalist, and politician
Wikipedia - Lorena Hickok -- 20th-century American journalist
Wikipedia - Loren Ghiglione -- American journalist, editor, and journalism educator and dean
Wikipedia - Lorenzo Soria -- Italian journalist
Wikipedia - Lorenz Saladin -- Swiss mountain climber, journalist and photographer (1896-1936)
Wikipedia - Lorna Dunkley -- British journalist and news presenter
Wikipedia - Lorne Honickman -- Canadian journalist and lawyer
Wikipedia - Lorraine Kelly -- British presenter and journalist
Wikipedia - Los Angeles Business Journal -- Weekly newspaper in Los Angeles, California
Wikipedia - Los Angeles Press Club -- American journalism organization
Wikipedia - Los Angeles Review of Books -- Journal of literary reviews
Wikipedia - Lothar Erdmann -- German journalist
Wikipedia - Lottie Moggach -- English journalist and author
Wikipedia - Louisa Alice Baker -- Journalist and novelist
Wikipedia - Louisa Bojesen -- Danish-American financial journalist
Wikipedia - Louisa Thomas -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Louis Barfe -- English journalist
Wikipedia - Louis DelaprM-CM-)e -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Louise Bryant -- American activist and journalist (1885-1936)
Wikipedia - Louis E. Burnham -- African-American activist and journalist (1915-1960)
Wikipedia - Louise Epstein -- Swedish journalist and author
Wikipedia - Louise Minchin -- British journalist and news presenter
Wikipedia - Louis-Etienne Jousserandot -- French lawyer, journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Louis Fischer -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Louis-Marie Stanislas FrM-CM-)ron -- French politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Louis Pauwels -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Louis Theroux -- British-American documentary filmmaker, journalist, broadcaster, and author
Wikipedia - Louis T. Stone -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Lowell Bergman -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Lubbock Avalanche-Journal -- Newspaper in Lubbock, Texas
Wikipedia - LuboM-EM-! DobrovskM-CM-= -- Czech journalist
Wikipedia - Luca Desiato -- Italian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Luca Rocha Moreira -- Brazilian journalist
Wikipedia - Luca Spinelli -- Swiss journalist
Wikipedia - Lucia Guimaraes -- Brazilian journalist
Wikipedia - Lucia M-DM-^NuriM-EM-! Nicholsonova -- Slovak politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Luciano Pellicani -- Italian sociologist and journalist
Wikipedia - Lucian Perkins -- American photojournalist
Wikipedia - Lucien Aigner -- Hungarian photojournalist
Wikipedia - Lucien Carr -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Lucien Corpechot -- French journalist and author
Wikipedia - Lucille Skaggs Edwards -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Lucinda Franks -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Luc Le Vaillant -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Luc Mathieu -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Lucrezia Millarini -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Lucy Ayoub -- Arab-Israeli journalist
Wikipedia - Lucy Clifford -- English novelist and journalist
Wikipedia - Lucy Wilmot Smith -- American teacher, journalist, editor, suffragist, historian
Wikipedia - Ludovic Kennedy -- British journalist and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Ludvik Vaculik -- Czech writer and journalist (1926-2015)
Wikipedia - Ludwig von Rochau -- German journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Luella Twining -- Journalist, labor organizer and Socialist politician.
Wikipedia - Luigi Barzini Jr. -- Italian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Luisa Castro -- Spanish writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Luis Aranberri -- Basque journalist
Wikipedia - Luis Carlos Santiago -- Mexican crime journalist and murder victim
Wikipedia - Luis Davila Colon -- Puerto Rican journalist
Wikipedia - Luis Francisco Ojeda -- Puerto Rican journalist
Wikipedia - Luis H. Francia -- American poet, playwright, journalist
Wikipedia - Luis Manuel Medina -- Dominican broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - Luke Ford (blogger) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Luke Harding -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Luke Thomas (journalist) -- American mixed martial arts journalist, analyst. radio host
Wikipedia - Luke Williams (journalist) -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Lulu Garcia-Navarro -- English-born American journalist
Wikipedia - Luria Petrucci -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Luz Mely Reyes -- Venezuelan journalist, writer, and analyst
Wikipedia - Lydia Cappolicchio -- Swedish journalist and hostess
Wikipedia - Lydie Dooh Bunya -- Cameroonian journalist and feminist
Wikipedia - Lyndal Davies -- Australian journalist and zoologist
Wikipedia - Lynda Lopez -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Lynn Barber -- English journalist
Wikipedia - Lyra McKee -- Northern Irish journalist
Wikipedia - Lyse Doucet -- Canadian journalist and television presenter
Wikipedia - Lysiane Gagnon -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Mabel Dove Danquah -- Ghanaian journalist, politician and writer
Wikipedia - Mabel Grammer -- African-American journalist
Wikipedia - Mabel Potter Daggett -- American writer, journalist, editor and suffragist
Wikipedia - Machine Learning (journal)
Wikipedia - Maciej Hen -- Polish writer, translator and journalist.
Wikipedia - Maciej Rybinski (journalist) -- Polish journalist, publicist, satirist and writer
Wikipedia - MacKinlay Kantor -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Maddalen Iriarte -- Spanish journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Madeleine Brand -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Madeleine Zabriskie Doty -- Madeleine Zabriskie Doty was a journalist, pacifist, civil libertarian, and advocate for the rights of prisoners, as well as the International Secretary for the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.
Wikipedia - Madelyn Vega -- Puerto Rican journalist
Wikipedia - Mae Azango -- Liberian journalist for FrontPage Africa
Wikipedia - Maev Kennedy -- Irish journalist
Wikipedia - Maey Bautista -- Filipino journalist, actress and comedian
Wikipedia - Magdalena Spinola -- Guatemalan teacher, poet and journalist
Wikipedia - Magdalena Tasheva -- Bulgarian journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Magenta Devine -- British TV presenter and journalist
Wikipedia - Maggie Koerth -- American science journalist
Wikipedia - Maghreb Virtual Science Library -- Platform providing full-text access to science journals to researchers in the Maghreb
Wikipedia - Magnhild Folkvord -- Norwegian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Magnus Heunicke -- Danish journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Magnus Magnusson -- Icelandic television presenter, journalist, translator and writer.
Wikipedia - Mahfuz Anam -- Bangladeshi journalist
Wikipedia - Mahfuz Ullah -- Bangladeshi writer, journalist, television personality and environmentalist.
Wikipedia - Mahmud Abu al-Fath -- Egyptian journalist
Wikipedia - Mahmud Awad -- Egyptian journalist
Wikipedia - Mairin de Burca -- Irish writer, journalist and activist
Wikipedia - Maisie Maxwell -- Australian actress and journalist
Wikipedia - Majgull Axelsson -- Swedish journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Major Garrett -- American journalist
Wikipedia - MA (journal) -- Avant-garde Hungarian literature and arts magazine
Wikipedia - Makhanlal Chaturvedi National University of Journalism and Communication -- Public university in Madhya Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Malchiel Gruenwald -- Israeli businessman and citizen journalist
Wikipedia - Malcolm Brabant -- Freelance journalist
Wikipedia - Malcolm Brenner (writer) -- American author, journalist, and zoophile
Wikipedia - Malcolm Gladwell -- Canadian journalist and science writer
Wikipedia - Malcolm Muggeridge -- English journalist, author, media personality, and satirist
Wikipedia - Malgorzata Niezabitowska -- Polish journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Malik Akhmedilov -- Russian investigative journalist
Wikipedia - Malin Falu -- Puerto Rican journalist and model
Wikipedia - Management Science: A Journal of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences
Wikipedia - Management Science (journal)
Wikipedia - Manca KoM-EM-!ir -- Slovenian journalist
Wikipedia - Mandy Stadtmiller -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Manilal Ambalal Desai -- Indian-born activist and journalist in Kenyan politics during the 1920s.
Wikipedia - Maniruzzaman Islamabadi -- Bengali activist, journalist and philosopher (1875-1950)
Wikipedia - Manju Latha Kalanidhi -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Manmeet Kaur -- Pakistani journalist and social worker
Wikipedia - Mannin (journal) -- Academic journal for the promotion of Manx culture
Wikipedia - Manoel de Castro Villas Boas -- Brazilian entrepreneur, writer, and journalist
Wikipedia - Manoj Joshi (journalist) -- Indian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Manolo Reyes -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Manu Brabo -- Spanish photojournalist
Wikipedia - Manuel Agromayor -- Argentine screenwriter and journalist
Wikipedia - Manuela Kasper-Claridge -- German journalist
Wikipedia - Manuel Aznar Acedo -- Spanish journalist and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Manuel de Dios Unanue -- Cuban-born American journalist
Wikipedia - Manuel Domingos Augusto -- Angolan diplomat, politician, and journalist
Wikipedia - Manuel D'Ornellas -- Peruvian lawyer and journalist
Wikipedia - Manuel Fernandez Juncos -- Spanish-born, Puerto Rican journalist, poet, author and humanitarian
Wikipedia - Manuel Martinez Barrionuevo -- Spanish poet, writer, and journalist
Wikipedia - Manuel Ramirez Fernandez de Cordoba -- Spanish journalist
Wikipedia - Manuel Teodoro -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Manu Raju -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Mara Schiavocampo -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Marc de Foy -- Canadian author and sports journalist
Wikipedia - Marcel Berlins -- French-born journalist and lawyer in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Marcelo Elio Chavez -- Bolivian politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Marcelo H. del Pilar -- Filipino writer, lawyer, and journalist
Wikipedia - Marcelo Longobardi -- Argentine journalist
Wikipedia - Marcel Trillat -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Marcia Bartusiak -- American writer, journalist, and academic
Wikipedia - Marcia MacMillan -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Marci Ien -- Canadian politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Marc Metdepenningen -- Belgian journalist
Wikipedia - Marc Moulin -- Belgian musician and journalist
Wikipedia - Marco Antonio Flores -- Guatemalan author, poet, essayist, and journalist
Wikipedia - Marco Antonio M-CM-^Avila Garcia -- Mexican crime journalist and murder victim
Wikipedia - Marco Aurelio Martinez Tijerina -- Mexican crime journalist and murder victim
Wikipedia - Marco Follini -- Italian politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Marco Kartodikromo -- Indonesian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Marc Roche -- Belgian journalist
Wikipedia - Marc Serena -- Spanish journalist and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Marc Stein (reporter) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Marcus Berkmann -- English journalist
Wikipedia - Marcus Bleasdale -- British photojournalist
Wikipedia - Marcy Wheeler -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Marek Kohn -- British science writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Marga Minco -- Dutch journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Margaret Brennan -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Margaret Bullock (journalist) -- NZ writer and feminist (1845-1903)
Wikipedia - Margaret Carlson -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Margaret Farrand Thorp -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Margaret Farrar -- Journalist and crossword puzzle editor
Wikipedia - Margaret Frances Sullivan -- Irish-American writer, journalist, editor
Wikipedia - Margaret Hadley Foster -- American journalist and clubwoman, Houston's first paid librarian
Wikipedia - Margaret Heitland -- British journalist and suffragist
Wikipedia - Margaret Mitchell -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Margaret Prescod -- Barbadian activist, author and journalist
Wikipedia - Margaret Sarfo -- Ghanaian author and journalist
Wikipedia - Margaret Simons -- Australian academic, journalist and author
Wikipedia - Margaret Sullivan (journalist) -- American media columnist
Wikipedia - Margarita Aliger -- Soviet poet, translator, and journalist
Wikipedia - Marga van Praag -- Dutch journalist and television presenter
Wikipedia - Marghanita Laski -- English journalist and novelist
Wikipedia - Margherita Sarfatti -- Italian writer, journalist and art critic
Wikipedia - Margie Mason -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Margot Adler -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Margot Pfannstiel -- German journalist
Wikipedia - Margreet ter Woerds -- Dutch film producer and journalist
Wikipedia - Margret Benedictsson -- Icelandic-Canadian suffrage activist and journalist
Wikipedia - Marguerite Harrison -- American journalist and World War I spy for the U.S.
Wikipedia - Marguerite Higgins -- American journalist (1920-1966)
Wikipedia - Maria Antonieta Collins -- Mexican journalist and author
Wikipedia - Maria Celeste Arraras -- Puerto Rican journalist
Wikipedia - Maria del Pilar Ortiz -- Colombian journalist
Wikipedia - Maria Elena Salinas -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Maria Esther Aguilar Cansimbe -- Mexican crime journalist who has been declared "missing"
Wikipedia - Maria Evelina de Sousa -- Portuguese journalist
Wikipedia - Maria Goodavage -- American writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Maria Lacerda de Moura -- Brazilian journalist, feminist, anarchist
Wikipedia - Maria Laurino -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Maria Lucia Vassalo Namorado -- Writer, journalist and social reformer in Portugal
Wikipedia - Maria Maalouf -- Lebanese journalist
Wikipedia - Mariama KeM-CM-/ta -- Niger journalist
Wikipedia - Maria Mercader -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Mariana Atencio -- Venezuelan-born American journalist
Wikipedia - Marian Storm -- American journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Maria Pia Shaw -- Argentine journalist
Wikipedia - Maria Rosa Colaco -- Portuguese writer, educationalist and journalist
Wikipedia - Maria Shriver -- Journalist and author from the United States
Wikipedia - Marie Arana -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Marie Coleman -- Australian feminist, social activist, public servant and journalist
Wikipedia - Marie Hansen -- American photojournalist (1918-1969)
Wikipedia - Marie Hullenkremer -- German female journalist
Wikipedia - Marie-Laure Augry -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Marie Louise Andrews -- American short story writer, journalist, editor
Wikipedia - Marie-Louise Mumbu -- Congolese journalist
Wikipedia - Marie-Louise Puech-Milhau -- French pacifist and journal editor
Wikipedia - Marie Marvingt -- French athlete, mountaineer, aviator, and journalist
Wikipedia - Marie-Monique Robin -- French TV journalist and documentary filmmaker
Wikipedia - Marie O'Riordan -- Irish journalist
Wikipedia - Marie Parent -- Belgian journal editor and feminist
Wikipedia - Marie-Rose Armesto -- Belgian journalist
Wikipedia - Marietta Slomka -- German journalist (born 1969)
Wikipedia - Marija Juric Zagorka -- Croatian journalist, novelist, dramatist
Wikipedia - Mari Kaimo -- Filipino actor and journalist
Wikipedia - Mariliz Pereira Jorge -- Brazilian journalist
Wikipedia - Marine and Petroleum Geology -- A peer-reviewed scientific journal
Wikipedia - Marine Geology (journal) -- A peer-reviewed scientific journal
Wikipedia - Mario Agliati -- Swiss writer, journalist and historian
Wikipedia - Mario Agnes -- Italian journalist
Wikipedia - Mario Calvo-Platero -- Italian journalist
Wikipedia - Mario Crespo -- Portuguese journalist
Wikipedia - Mario Giordano -- Italian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Mario Lopez -- American actor, host, and journalist
Wikipedia - Mario Mazzone -- Argentinian journalist and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Mario Neves -- Portuguese journalist and diplomat
Wikipedia - Marion Jolles Grosjean -- French journalist and television presenter
Wikipedia - Mario Puzo -- American author, screenwriter, and journalist
Wikipedia - Mario Rivera Martino -- Puerto Rican journalist and sports writer
Wikipedia - Marisa Ingemi -- American sports journalist
Wikipedia - Marisol Macias -- Mexican crime journalist and murder victim
Wikipedia - Marissa Roth -- American photojournalist
Wikipedia - Marith Iedema -- Dutch journalist and writer (born 1989)
Wikipedia - Marjie Lundstrom -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Marjory Stoneman Douglas -- American activist, journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Mark Aarons -- Australian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Mark Anderson (writer) -- American journalist and book author
Wikipedia - Markar Esayan -- Armenian author, journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Mark Bell (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Mark Beretta -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Mark Bowden -- American journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Mark Brayne -- American psychotherapist and former journalist
Wikipedia - Mark Burrows -- Australian television news presenter and journalist
Wikipedia - Mark Canter -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Mark Cohen (journalist) -- Ew Zealand journalist
Wikipedia - Mark Colvin -- Australian journalist and radio and television presenter (1952-2017)
Wikipedia - Mark Crysell -- New Zealand television presenter and journalist
Wikipedia - Mark Curtis (British author) -- British historian and journalist
Wikipedia - Mark Di Ionno -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Mark Doyle -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Mark Halperin -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Mark Hellinger -- American journalism, columnist, and film producer
Wikipedia - Mark Judge (writer) -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Mark Kelley -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Mark Kurlansky -- American journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Mark Landler -- American journalist (born 1965)
Wikipedia - Mark Lane (journalist) -- Journalist
Wikipedia - Mark Saggers -- British journalist and radio presenter
Wikipedia - Mark Schilling -- American film critic, journalist, translator, and author
Wikipedia - Mark Schlabach -- American sports journalist, author, columnist, and reporter
Wikipedia - Markus Feldenkirchen -- German journalist
Wikipedia - Marly Rivera -- Puerto Rican journalist
Wikipedia - Marquette Journal -- American student-produced magazine
Wikipedia - Marsha Boulton -- Canadian journalist and humorist
Wikipedia - Marshall Allen (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Marshall Bloom -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Marshall Fishwick -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Marshall Frady -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Marshall Kilduff -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Marta Dhanis -- Portuguese journalist and author
Wikipedia - Martha Ackmann -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Martha Batalha -- Brazilian writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Martha Burton Williamson -- American malacologist and journalist
Wikipedia - Martha Carrillo -- Mexican journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Martha Flores -- Cuban radio host, journalist and singer
Wikipedia - Martha Kelner -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Martha Mendoza -- Pulitzer Prize-winning Associated Press journalist
Wikipedia - Martha Rountree -- American broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - Martial Bild -- French far-right politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Martina Brooks -- Liberian female journalist
Wikipedia - Martina Fitzgerald (Canadian journalist) -- Canadian radio journalist
Wikipedia - Martin Agronsky -- American journalist and television host
Wikipedia - Martin Andanar -- Filipino journalist
Wikipedia - Martin Arnold (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Martina Soto Pose -- Argentine journalist
Wikipedia - Martin Baron -- American journalist; editor of the Washington Post
Wikipedia - Martin Bashir -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Martin Breheny -- Irish journalist and sportswriter
Wikipedia - Martin Dunn -- British journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Martine Aurdal -- Norwegian journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Martin Fackler (journalist) -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Martin Flanagan (journalist) -- Australian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Martin Khor -- Malaysian journalist and economist
Wikipedia - Martin Kunzler -- German music journalist
Wikipedia - Martin Lewis (financial journalist) -- Financial journalist
Wikipedia - Martin Meredith -- British historian, journalist and biographer
Wikipedia - Martin O'Hagan -- Irish investigative journalist
Wikipedia - Martin Sonneborn -- German satirist, journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Martin Walker (reporter) -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Martin Wehrle -- German journalist and author
Wikipedia - Martin Young (journalist) -- British newsreader
Wikipedia - Martti Soosaar -- Estonian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Mart Ummelas -- Estonian journalist
Wikipedia - Marty Davis -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Marvia Malik -- Pakistani journalist and newscaster
Wikipedia - Marvin Dana -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Marvin Schick -- American journalist, professor of political science and constitutional law
Wikipedia - Mary Ann Akers -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Mary Ann Shadd -- American-Canadian anti-slavery activist, journalist, publisher, teacher, lawyer
Wikipedia - Maryan Seylac -- Somali Journalist
Wikipedia - Marya Shakil -- Indian television journalist and news anchor
Wikipedia - Mary Bubb -- Journalist (b. 1920, d. 1988)
Wikipedia - Mary C. Curtis -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Mary Cosh -- British freelance journalist
Wikipedia - Mary Dunlop Maclean -- Writer, journalist, and first managing editor
Wikipedia - Mary Goldring -- British journalist and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Mary Goodrich Jenson -- American aviator and journalist
Wikipedia - Mary Hayes Houghton -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Mary Katharine Ham -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Mary Kay Magistad -- American journalist and correspondent
Wikipedia - Mary Kostakidis -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Mary Lou Finlay -- Canadian radio and television journalist
Wikipedia - Mary Louise Kelly -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Mary-Louise O'Callaghan -- Australian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Mary Mapes -- American television producer and journalist
Wikipedia - Mary McCallum -- New Zealand author and journalist
Wikipedia - Mary O'Donnell -- Novelist and poet, a journalist, broadcaster and teacher
Wikipedia - Mary Otto -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Mary Pat Flaherty -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Mary Pilon -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Mary Raftery -- Irish investigative journalist
Wikipedia - Mary Regan -- Irish journalist
Wikipedia - Mary Riddell -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Mary Schmich -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Mary Tillotson -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Masih Alinejad -- Iranian journalist, writer and activist
Wikipedia - Masrat Zahra -- Kashmiri photojournalist
Wikipedia - Massoud Hossaini -- Photojournalist for Agence France-Presse
Wikipedia - Massoud Mehrabi -- Iranian journalist and caricaturist
Wikipedia - Mastoureh Afshar -- Iranian journalist
Wikipedia - Materials Horizons -- Scientific journal
Wikipedia - Mathematica Applicanda -- Journal covering applied mathematics
Wikipedia - Mathematical Reviews -- Scientific journal
Wikipedia - Mathematics Subject Classification -- Alphanumerical classification scheme used by many mathematics journals
Wikipedia - Mathew Samuel -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Mathieu Bock-CotM-CM-) -- Canadian journalist, columnist and essayist
Wikipedia - Mathijs Bouman -- Dutch economist and journalist
Wikipedia - Matiur Rahman Chowdhury -- Bangladeshi journalist, editor and talk-show host
Wikipedia - MatsutarM-EM-^M ShM-EM-^Mriki -- Japanese journalist and media mogul
Wikipedia - Matt Bai -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Matt Cooke (journalist) -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Matt Drudge -- American internet journalist and talk radio host
Wikipedia - Matt Frei -- British television news journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Matthew Bishop (journalist)
Wikipedia - Matthew Engel -- British writer, journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Matthew Fraser (journalist) -- Canadian academic, author and journalist
Wikipedia - Matthew Lorenzo -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Matthew Parris -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Matthew Price -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Matthew Rose (journalist) -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Matthew VanDyke -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Matthew White (journalist) -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Matthew Winkler (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Matthew Yglesias -- American blogger and journalist
Wikipedia - Matthias Fornoff -- German television journalist
Wikipedia - Matthias McDonnell Bodkin -- Irish lawyer, journalist, nationalist politician and author
Wikipedia - Matthias Opdenhovel -- German journalist and television presenter
Wikipedia - Mattie Rotenberg -- Jewish Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Matt Lauer -- Former American journalist
Wikipedia - Matt Murray (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Matt Price -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Matt Ridley -- British journalist and businessman
Wikipedia - Matt Taibbi -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Matvey Ganapolsky -- Russian and Ukrainian journalist
Wikipedia - Maudie Bitar -- Lebanese journalist and critic
Wikipedia - Maung Wuntha -- Burmese journalist and author
Wikipedia - Maupe Ogun -- Nigerian journalist
Wikipedia - Maura Judkis -- American journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Maureen Brosnahan -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Maureen Cleave -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Maureen Dowd -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Maurice Clavel -- French writer, journalist, and philosopher (1920-1979)
Wikipedia - Maurice Denuziere -- French writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Maurice Flynn (presenter) -- Irish journalist and presenter
Wikipedia - Maurice Rollet -- French journalist, poet and activist
Wikipedia - Maurice S. Campbell -- American journalist, Broadway producer
Wikipedia - Maurice Wiggin -- English author and journalist
Wikipedia - Maurizio Belpietro -- Italian journalist and television presenter
Wikipedia - Max Aebi -- Swiss-Canadian spine surgeon and journal editor
Wikipedia - Max Blumenthal -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Max Brod -- Author, composer, and journalist
Wikipedia - Max Cantor -- American actor and journalist
Wikipedia - Maxence Melo Mubyazi -- African investigative journalist
Wikipedia - Max Ferrari -- Italian politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Max Gunther -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Maximilian Schonherr -- German journalist, musician, and photographer
Wikipedia - Maxim Sharafutdinov -- Russian journalist
Wikipedia - Max Lerner -- American journalist and educator
Wikipedia - Max Wallace -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Max Walsh -- Australian journalist and company director
Wikipedia - Maxwell McCombs -- American journalism studies scholar
Wikipedia - Maya Dusenbery -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Mayanti Langer -- Indian sports journalist and anchor
Wikipedia - May Chidiac -- Lebanese journalist and politician
Wikipedia - May Ellen Mofe-Damijo -- Nigerian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Maytha Alhassen -- Syrian-American journalist
Wikipedia - Mazie E. Clemens -- American journalist
Wikipedia - M.A. Zuberi -- Pakistani journalist and media mogul
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Agnes Gergely -- Hungarian writer, educator, journalist and translator
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Aine Lawlor -- 21st-century Irish journalist
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Alvaro Diaz Gonzalez -- Chilean journalist, producer and director
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Angel Rivero MM-CM-)ndez -- Puerto Rican soldier, journalist and businessman
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Esne Seierstad -- Norwegian journalist and author (born 1970)
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Qawpa Pacha -- Academic Journal of Andean Archaeology
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Vdon Salamon -- Hungarian journalist
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Zna-Minh Caomhanach -- Irish travel writer, journalist, and social media manager.
Wikipedia - M-DM-^Pong HM-aM-;M-^S (poet) -- Vietnamese poet and journalist
Wikipedia - M-DM-=ubica LaM-EM-!M-EM-!akova -- Slovak politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Meanjin -- Australian literary journal
Wikipedia - Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development -- A peer-reviewed applied psychology journal
Wikipedia - Mechademia -- US peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - Medeiros e Albuquerque -- Brazilian journalist, writer and politician
Wikipedia - Medical Journalists' Association -- Professional association of British medical journalists
Wikipedia - Medical journal
Wikipedia - Medical Record (journal) -- Defunct medical journal published in New York City
Wikipedia - Medical Subject Headings -- Comprehensive controlled vocabulary for the purpose of indexing journal articles and books in the life sciences
Wikipedia - Medieval Archaeology -- Journal
Wikipedia - Meem Afzal -- Indian politician and Urdu Journalist.
Wikipedia - Meera Vijayann -- Independent journalist covering gender-based violence
Wikipedia - Meeri Koutaniemi -- Finnish photographer and journalist
Wikipedia - Megan Henderson -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Megan McArdle -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Meghan Daum -- American author, essayist, and journalist
Wikipedia - Meghan Murphy -- Canadian writer, journalist
Wikipedia - Meghna Chakrabarti -- American journalist and radio producer
Wikipedia - Megyn Kelly -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Mehdi Bennouna -- Moroccan journalist
Wikipedia - Mehran Ghassemi -- Iranian journalist
Wikipedia - Meic Stephens -- Welsh literary editor, journalist (1938-2018)
Wikipedia - Meindert Leerling -- Dutch politician, television director and journalist
Wikipedia - Melanie Bromley -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Melanie Raabe -- German novelist and journalist
Wikipedia - Melba Escobar -- Colombian writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Melba Pattillo Beals -- American journalist and college educator
Wikipedia - Mel Greig -- Australian journalist, radio presenter and television personality
Wikipedia - Meline Toumani -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Melissa Bell (journalist) -- American journalist and technologist
Wikipedia - Melissa Benn -- British journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Melissa Block -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Melissa Chan -- American broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - Melissa Chen -- Singaporean journalist
Wikipedia - Melissa Gira Grant -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Melissa Long -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Melissa Ludtke -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Mel Leavitt -- Television journalist and historian in New Orleans, Louisiana USA
Wikipedia - Mel Ruder -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Melvin Ormond Hammond -- Canadian photographer, journalist (1876-1934)
Wikipedia - M-EM-;anna Sloniowska -- Polish novelist and journalist
Wikipedia - Men's Journal -- American monthly men's lifestyle magazine
Wikipedia - Meredith Artley -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Meredith Broussard -- Data journalism professor
Wikipedia - Meredith Etherington-Smith -- British fashion and art journalist
Wikipedia - Meredith Goldstein -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Meredith L. Patterson -- American technologist, science fiction author, and journalist
Wikipedia - Merle Shain -- Canadian author and journalist
Wikipedia - Meron Getnet -- Ethiopian actress, journalist and activist
Wikipedia - Merri Dee -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Merrill Brown -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Meta E. Pelham -- American journalist and clubwoman
Wikipedia - Metaphilosophy (journal)
Wikipedia - Methods (journal) -- Peer-reviewed scientific journal
Wikipedia - Metrologia -- Journal dealing with the scientific aspects of metrology
Wikipedia - Mette Janson -- Norwegian journalist
Wikipedia - M-HM-^Xerban Iliescu -- Romanian journalist and linguist
Wikipedia - M-HM-^Xtefan Petica -- Romanian poet and journalist
Wikipedia - Micaela Papa -- Filipino journalist (born 1989)
Wikipedia - Micah Albert -- American photojournalist
Wikipedia - Michael Adams (journalist) -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Michael Atherton -- English cricketer, broadcaster, and journalist
Wikipedia - Michael Ausiello -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Michael Bachelard -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Michael Balter -- American science journalist
Wikipedia - Michael Barbaro -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Michael Brick -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Michael Brotherton -- British journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Michael Capuzzo -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Michael Clifford (journalist) -- Irish author and investigative journalist
Wikipedia - Michael Cole (wrestling) -- American professional wrestling commentator and journalist
Wikipedia - Michael Crowley (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Michael D'Antonio -- American journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Michael Deacon (journalist) -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Michael Derrick -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Michael Dobbs (journalist) -- Anglo-American non-fiction author and journalist
Wikipedia - Michael Dominic -- American filmmaker and photojournalist
Wikipedia - Michael Drosnin -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Michael D. Shear -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Michael Farber -- American author and sports journalist
Wikipedia - Michael F. Feldkamp -- German historian and journalist
Wikipedia - Michael Finkel -- American journalist and memoirist
Wikipedia - Michael Freeman (photographer) -- British author, photographer and journalist
Wikipedia - Michael Guggenheimer -- Swiss journalist
Wikipedia - Michael Hall (musician) -- American singer-songwriter and journalist
Wikipedia - Michael Hastings (journalist)
Wikipedia - Michael J. Berens -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Michael J. Elliott -- British journalist and executive
Wikipedia - Michael Kranish -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Michael Mandel (economist) -- American economist and journalist
Wikipedia - Michael Marshall (skeptic) -- British skeptical activist and journalist
Wikipedia - Michael McCarthy (journalist) -- British environmentalist, naturalist, newspaper journalist, newspaper columnist, and author
Wikipedia - Michael Morris, 3rd Baron Killanin -- Irish journalist and sports administrator (sixth President of the International Olympic Committee)
Wikipedia - Michael Mosley (broadcaster) -- British journalist, producer and presenter
Wikipedia - Michael Musto -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Michael Nicholson -- English journalist
Wikipedia - Michael Portillo -- British Former Conservative politician, journalist and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Michael Preisinger -- German journalist, author and TV host
Wikipedia - Michael Rayner (photographer) -- Australian press photographer and photojournalist
Wikipedia - Michael Reagan -- American television personality and journalist
Wikipedia - Michael Riedel (journalist) -- American Theater critic
Wikipedia - Michael Rowntree -- British journalist and social campaigner
Wikipedia - Michael Scherer -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Michael Schildberger -- Australia journalist, radio and TV presenter, and author
Wikipedia - Michael Smerconish -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Michael Tackett -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Michael Triplett -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Michael Valpy -- Canadian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Michael Vitez -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Michael White (journalist) -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Michael Wolff (journalist) -- American author, essayist, and journalist
Wikipedia - MichaM-CM-+lle Jean -- Canadian journalist and Governor General of Canada
Wikipedia - Micheal O'Brien (Canadian politician) -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Michelangelo Signorile -- American journalist, author, and talk radio host
Wikipedia - Michel Auger -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Michel Auguste Dupoty -- French journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Michel DM-CM-)sautels -- Canadian writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Michele Marsh (reporter) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Michele Mitchell (journalist) -- Journalist, author
Wikipedia - Michele Ray-Gavras -- French film producer and journalist
Wikipedia - Michelle Bonner -- American journalist and businesswoman
Wikipedia - Michelle Caruso-Cabrera -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Michelle Fields -- American political journalist
Wikipedia - Michelle Lang -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Michelle Lee (editor) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Michelle Malkin -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Michelle Miller -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Michelle Nijhuis -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Michelle Ye Hee Lee -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Michel Marmin -- French journalist and art critic
Wikipedia - Michigan Journal of Political Science -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Michigan Mathematical Journal
Wikipedia - Mick Brown (journalist)
Wikipedia - Mick Dunne -- Irish sports journalist and commentator
Wikipedia - Mick Farren -- English journalist, author and singer
Wikipedia - Middle-market newspaper -- Journalism term
Wikipedia - Midge Decter -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Midland History -- History journal
Wikipedia - Mignon McLaughlin -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Miguel CanM-CM-) (actor) -- Mexican actor and journalist
Wikipedia - Miguel Cuenco -- Filipino Visayan lawyer, journalist, and legislator from Cebu, Philippines
Wikipedia - Miguel Cullen -- British poet and journalist
Wikipedia - Miguel Delibes -- Spanish writer, journalist and novelist
Wikipedia - Miguel Gil Moreno de Mora -- Spanish journalist
Wikipedia - Miguel JosM-CM-) Sanz -- Venezuelan lawyer and journalist
Wikipedia - Miguel M-CM-^Angel Lopez Velasco -- Mexican crime journalist and murder victim
Wikipedia - Mihai Eminescu -- Romanian poet, novelist, and journalist
Wikipedia - Mihingarangi Forbes -- New Zealand journalist and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Mihir Bose -- British Indian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Mika Yamamoto -- Japanese video and photo journalist
Wikipedia - Mikdad Midhat Bedir Khan -- Kurdish journalist
Wikipedia - Mike Amor -- Australian journalist and news presenter
Wikipedia - Mike Ananny -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Mike Baker (journalist) -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Mike Bianchi -- American sports journalist
Wikipedia - Mike Brooks (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Mike Hill (sportscaster) -- American television sportscaster and sports journalist
Wikipedia - Mike McCourt -- Canadian television journalist
Wikipedia - Mike McQueen (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Mike Penner -- American sports journalist
Wikipedia - Mike Straka -- Television journalist
Wikipedia - Mike Wallace -- American journalist, game show host and actor
Wikipedia - Mike White (journalist) -- Journalist and author
Wikipedia - Mike Williams (journalist) -- British journalist, born 1979
Wikipedia - Mikhail Koltsov -- Soviet journalist
Wikipedia - Mikhail Pogodin -- Russian historian and journalist
Wikipedia - Miki Meek -- American radio producer and journalist
Wikipedia - Mikola Dziadok -- Belarusian journalist
Wikipedia - Milan HodM-EM->a -- Slovak politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Milburn Akers -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Mildred Brown -- American journalist and publisher
Wikipedia - Miles Gerald Keon -- Irish journalist, novelist and colonial secretary (1821-1875)
Wikipedia - Miles Harvey -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Miles Kington -- British journalist and musician
Wikipedia - Military attachM-CM-)s and observers in the Russo-Japanese War -- Foreign officers and journalists who witnessed the Russo-Japanese War
Wikipedia - Milka Babovic -- Yugoslavian athlete and journalist
Wikipedia - Milorad VuM-DM-^Melic -- Serbian journalist and businessman
Wikipedia - Milosav Jelic -- Serbian journalist
Wikipedia - Milovan Drecun -- Serbian journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Milton Lehman -- 20th-century American journalist and biographer
Wikipedia - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Wikipedia - Mimi Clar Melnick -- American journalist, author and jazz hostess
Wikipedia - Mina Kimes -- American investigative journalist
Wikipedia - Mina Mangal -- Afghan journalist, political advisor and women's rights activist
Wikipedia - Mindfulness (journal)
Wikipedia - Mind (journal)
Wikipedia - Minna Cauer -- German journalist, editor
Wikipedia - Minnesota History (journal) -- American journal of history
Wikipedia - Mira Marko Debelak DerM-EM->aj -- Slovenian mountaineer, translator, and opinion journalist
Wikipedia - Miranda Robertson -- Scientific editor of textbooks and journals
Wikipedia - Mircea Dinescu -- Romanian poet, journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Miriam Corowa -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Miriam Elder -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Miriam Lord -- Irish journalist
Wikipedia - Miroslava Breach -- Mexican crime journalist and murder victim
Wikipedia - Mirshahin Agayev -- Azerbaijani journalist
Wikipedia - Mirta Ojito -- Cuban journalist
Wikipedia - Mirza Taghikhan Kashani -- Iranian journalist
Wikipedia - Misael Tamayo Hernandez -- Mexican crime journalist and murder victim
Wikipedia - Mish Barber-Way -- Canadian musician and journalist
Wikipedia - Missouri Historical Review -- An academic journal of history published by the State Historical Society of Missouri
Wikipedia - Missy Ryan -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Mitch Albom -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Mitch Traphagen -- American journalist and producer
Wikipedia - Mitteilungen der deutschen PatentanwM-CM-$lte -- German intellectual property law journal
Wikipedia - M. J. Akbar -- Indian journalist and politician
Wikipedia - MJ Lee -- American journalist
Wikipedia - MM-CM-2nica BernabM-CM-) -- Spanish journalist (born 1972)
Wikipedia - MM-CM-2nica Lopez -- Spanish scientist and journalist
Wikipedia - MartiM-EM-^FM-EM-! M-DM-6ibilds -- Latvian journalist
Wikipedia - Mobile DNA (journal) -- Peer-reviewed genomics journal
Wikipedia - Mochtar Lubis -- 20th-century Indonesian Batak journalist and novelist
Wikipedia - Modern Fiction Studies -- Journal
Wikipedia - Modern Law Review -- Peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - Modern Stochastics: Theory and Applications -- Mathematics journal
Wikipedia - Mohamed Ali Eltaher -- Palestinian journalist
Wikipedia - Mohamed Amin -- Kenyan photojournalist
Wikipedia - Mohamed Hassanein Heikal -- Egyptian journalist (1923-2016)
Wikipedia - Mohamed Omar (digital media personality) -- Egyptian digital media journalist (born 1991)
Wikipedia - Mohamed Saad Alami -- Moroccan Journalist, politician
Wikipedia - Mohammad Ahmad Kazmi -- Indian freelance journalist
Wikipedia - Mohammad Akram Khan -- Journalist, Islamic scholar and Politician
Wikipedia - Mohammad Bagher Ansari -- Iranian journalist
Wikipedia - Mohammed Abi Samra -- Lebanese journalist and novelist
Wikipedia - Mohammed Alfazari -- Omani journalist
Wikipedia - Mohammed AM-CM-/ssaoui -- French journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Mohammed Taha Mohammed Ahmed -- Sudanese journalist
Wikipedia - Mohamoud Sheikh Dalmar -- Somali journalist and Islamic scholar
Wikipedia - Moira Forbes -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Moira Keenan -- British journalist
Wikipedia - MoisM-CM-)s Naim -- Venezuelan journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Moji Makanjuola -- Nigerian, Health journalist and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Molara Wood -- Creative writer, journalist and critic
Wikipedia - Molecular Physics (journal)
Wikipedia - Molecules (journal) -- Academic chemistry journal published by MDPI
Wikipedia - Mollie Faustman -- Swedish painter, illustrator, journalist and author
Wikipedia - Molly Ball -- American political journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Molly Macindoe -- American/New Zealander photographer and photojournalist
Wikipedia - Moma Clarke -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Mona Chalabi -- British data journalist
Wikipedia - Mona Eltahawy -- Journalist
Wikipedia - Monalisa Changkija -- Indian journalist and poet
Wikipedia - Mona Tracy -- NZ children's writer, journalist and community worker
Wikipedia - Monica Cafferky -- British freelance journalist
Wikipedia - Monica Drake (journalist) -- American journalist and managing editor
Wikipedia - Monica Echeverria -- Chilean journalist
Wikipedia - Monica Hesse -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Monika Dettwiler -- Swiss-Italian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Monika Rinck -- German journalist and author
Wikipedia - Monika Samtani -- American broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - Monkeybicycle -- Literary journal
Wikipedia - Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society -- Peer-reviewed scientific journal
Wikipedia - Montse Watkins -- author, editor, translator and journalist
Wikipedia - Morgan Mellish -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Morgan Radford -- American television journalist
Wikipedia - Moritz Gottlieb Saphir -- Austrian satirical writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Moriz Ludassy -- Hungarian journalist
Wikipedia - Morris DeHaven Tracy -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Morton Dean -- American news journalist
Wikipedia - Mosby (imprint) -- US academic publisher of textbooks and academic journals
Wikipedia - Moses Koenigsberg -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Mother India (journal)
Wikipedia - Motoyuki Negoro -- Japanese journalist and strike leader
Wikipedia - Moulvi Muhammad Baqir -- Indian journalist and Shia religious scholar
Wikipedia - Mrs YGP -- Indian journalist, educationist and social worker (1925-2019)
Wikipedia - Muckraker -- Progressive Era reform-minded journalists
Wikipedia - Muge Anli -- Turkish television presenter and journalist
Wikipedia - Muhammad Wajed Ali -- Bangladeshi writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Muiris Mac Conghail -- Irish journalist
Wikipedia - Mukarram Khan Atif -- Pakistani journalist
Wikipedia - Mumia Abu-Jamal -- American political activist and journalist convicted of the murder of a police officer
Wikipedia - Mungo Wentworth MacCallum -- Australian political journalist
Wikipedia - Munir Uz Zaman -- Bangladeshi photojournalist
Wikipedia - Munni Saha -- Bangladeshi journalist
Wikipedia - Murat Bardakci -- Turkish journalist
Wikipedia - Murder of Octavio Rojas Hernandez -- Mexican journalist was murdered on August 11, 2014
Wikipedia - Murilo Melo Filho -- Brazilian journalist
Wikipedia - Murray Morgan -- American historian and journalist
Wikipedia - Murray Walker -- British motorsport commentator and journalist
Wikipedia - Murtaza Razvi -- Pakistani journalist
Wikipedia - Music Academy (journal) -- Russian academic music journal
Wikipedia - Musicae Scientiae (journal)
Wikipedia - Mustafa Agha -- Syrian - sports journalist
Wikipedia - Mustafa Kamil Pasha -- Egyptian lawyer, journalist, and nationalist activist (1874-1908)
Wikipedia - Mustapha Inusah -- Ghanaian celebrity Journalist
Wikipedia - Mustapha Karkouti -- Syrian journalist
Wikipedia - Mutsumi Takahashi -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Mykel Board -- American journalist and musician
Wikipedia - Myra Nye -- Writer, journalist, and clubwoman
Wikipedia - Nabela Qoser -- Hong Kong journalist
Wikipedia - Nadezhda Chaikova -- Russian feminine journalist
Wikipedia - Nadia Azhgikhina -- Russian journalist
Wikipedia - Nadia Drake -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Nadia Fezzani -- Canadian journalist/author
Wikipedia - Nadine Epstein -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Na'eem Jeenah -- South African journalist
Wikipedia - Naga Munchetty -- British journalist and television presenter
Wikipedia - Nahal Toosi -- 21st-century American journalist
Wikipedia - Naji al Jerf -- Syrian journalist
Wikipedia - Najma Kousri -- Tunisian lawyer, journalist and feminist
Wikipedia - Najwa Qassem -- Lebanese journalist
Wikipedia - Nakkeeran Gopal -- Indian writer, journalist
Wikipedia - Nana Ama Agyemang Asante -- Ghanaian Journalist
Wikipedia - Nancy Barnes -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Nancy Dickerson -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Nancy Grace -- American legal commentator, television host, television journalist, and former prosecutor
Wikipedia - Nancy Handabile -- Zambian actress, journalist and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Nancy Hixt -- Canadian journalist and podcast host
Wikipedia - Nancy Jo Sales -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Nancy Mitford -- English novelist, biographer and journalist
Wikipedia - Nancy Wilson (journalist) -- Canadian television journalist
Wikipedia - Nancy Wood (journalist) -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Nanomedicine (Elsevier journal) -- Journal
Wikipedia - Nano-Structures & Nano-Objects -- Peer-reviewed scientific journal
Wikipedia - Nanotechnology (journal)
Wikipedia - Nansok Sallah -- Nigerian journalist
Wikipedia - Naomi Schaefer Riley -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Napoleon G. Rama -- Filipino Visayan lawyer, journalist, and writer
Wikipedia - Nashriya-i Madrasa-i Mubaraka-i Dar al-Funun-i Tabriz -- 1893 Persian-language journal
Wikipedia - NASN School Nurse -- Peer-reviewed nursing journal
Wikipedia - Nasser al-Dhaheri -- Emirati writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Nata Albot -- Moldovan journalist
Wikipedia - Natalia Chumakova -- Russian musician and journalist
Wikipedia - Natalia Vlaschenko -- Ukrainian journalist and theatrologist
Wikipedia - Natalie Allen -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Natalie Morales (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Natalie Nougayrede -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Natalie Wolchover -- Science journalist
Wikipedia - Natali Morris -- American podcaster, writer, television/cyber journalist
Wikipedia - NataM-EM-!a Kramberger -- Slovenian writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Natarsha Belling -- Australian journalist (born 1975)
Wikipedia - Natasha Badhwar -- Indian author and journalist
Wikipedia - Natasha Bertrand -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Natasja Crone Back -- Danish journalist and TV show presenter
Wikipedia - Nate Cohn -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Nate Thayer -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Nate White -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Nathalie Saint-Cricq -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Nathaniel Attoh -- Ghanaian announcer and journalist
Wikipedia - Nathan White (journalist) -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - National Affairs -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - National Association of Black Journalists Hall of Fame -- A hall of fame project of the National Association of Black Journalists
Wikipedia - National Association of Hispanic Journalists -- Washington, D.C.-based organization
Wikipedia - National Association of Science Writers -- Organization of science journalists
Wikipedia - National Herald -- Indian newspaper published by The Associated Journals Limited
Wikipedia - National Observer (Canada) -- a Canadian national journalism website
Wikipedia - National Pacemaker Awards -- American journalism awards
Wikipedia - Natural Computing (journal)
Wikipedia - Nature Biotechnology -- Scientific journal
Wikipedia - Nature Ecology and Evolution -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Nature Human Behaviour -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Nature (journal) -- British scientific journal since 1869
Wikipedia - Nature Plants -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Nature's 10 -- Annual listicle of ten "people who mattered" in science, produced by the scientific journal Nature
Wikipedia - Naval Review (magazine) -- Journal of professional record of the Royal Navy
Wikipedia - Nawab Rajendran -- Indian journalist (1950-2003)
Wikipedia - Nazmun Nesa Peyari -- Bangladeshi writer and journalist
Wikipedia - N. D. Cocea -- 20th-century Romanian journalist and activist
Wikipedia - Ndyakira Amooti -- Ugandan journalist
Wikipedia - Neal Ascherson -- Scottish journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Neal Bascomb -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Neal Conan -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Near Eastern Archaeology (journal) -- Journal
Wikipedia - Nebiy Mekonnen -- Ethiopian poet, journalist, playwright, and translator
Wikipedia - Ned Chaillet -- Radio drama director, Radio drama producer, writer, journalist
Wikipedia - Neha Dixit -- Indian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Nehemie Benoudjita -- Chadian journalist
Wikipedia - Neil Drumming -- Journalist and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Neil Forsyth -- British journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Neil Macdonald -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Neil MacFarquhar -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Neil Ocampo -- Filipino journalist
Wikipedia - Neil Rogers -- American journalist (1942-2010)
Wikipedia - Neil Tennant -- English musician, singer, songwriter and journalist
Wikipedia - Nelle Scanlan -- New Zealand journalist and novelist
Wikipedia - Nell Greenfieldboyce -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Nellie Bly -- American investigative journalist
Wikipedia - Nellie Bowles -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Nellie Verrill Mighels Davis -- American journalist, civic leade
Wikipedia - Nelly Sindayen -- Filipino journalist
Wikipedia - Nelson Castro (journalist) -- Argentine journalist, doctor and writer
Wikipedia - Nelson Rand -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Nemat Sadat -- Novelist, journalist, and activist
Wikipedia - Netta Rheinberg -- English cricketer, administrator, and journalist
Wikipedia - Neue Grafik -- Defunct quarterly graphic design journal
Wikipedia - Neural Computation (journal)
Wikipedia - Neural Networks (journal)
Wikipedia - Neurobiology of Aging -- Scientific journal
Wikipedia - Neurobiology of Disease -- Peer-reviewed medical journal
Wikipedia - Neuroethics (journal)
Wikipedia - NeuroImage (journal)
Wikipedia - Neurology (journal) -- American scientific journal on neurology
Wikipedia - Neuron (journal)
Wikipedia - Neuropharmacology (journal) -- Peer-reviewed scientific journal
Wikipedia - Neuropsychology (journal)
Wikipedia - Neurosurgery (journal)
Wikipedia - Nevada Law Journal
Wikipedia - New Astronomy (journal)
Wikipedia - New England Journal of Medicine
Wikipedia - New Law Journal -- Weekly legal magazine for legal professionals
Wikipedia - Newman Studies Journal
Wikipedia - Newseum -- Museum dedicated to news and journalism in Washington D.C.
Wikipedia - New Yorkers in journalism -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - New York Journal-American -- Newspaper published in New York from 1937 to 1966
Wikipedia - New York Medical Times -- Monthly American medical journal
Wikipedia - New York University Environmental Law Journal
Wikipedia - New York University Journal of International Law and Politics
Wikipedia - New York University Journal of Law > Business
Wikipedia - New York University Journal of Law > Liberty
Wikipedia - Ngozi Nwozor-Agbo -- Nigerian journalist (1974-2012)
Wikipedia - NguyM-aM-;M-^En M-DM-^PM-aM-;M-^Kch DM-EM-)ng -- Vietnamese journalist and writer
Wikipedia - N. H. Wilson -- Southern Rhodesian journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Niamh O'Connor -- Irish writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Nicholas Confessore -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Nicholas Daniloff -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Nicholas Fandos -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Nicholas Foulkes -- English historian, author, and journalist
Wikipedia - Nicholas Kristof -- American journalist and political commentator
Wikipedia - Nicholas O'Connell -- American journalist, novelist, editor and publisher
Wikipedia - Nicholas Thompson (editor) -- American technology journalist
Wikipedia - Nicholas Witchell -- BBC journalist
Wikipedia - Nick Arundel -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Nick Bunker -- British author, historian and former journalist (born 1958)
Wikipedia - Nick Caistor -- British translator and journalist
Wikipedia - Nick Charles (sportscaster) -- American journalist and sports broadcaster
Wikipedia - Nick Clooney -- American journalist, anchorman, and television host
Wikipedia - Nick Del Calzo -- American photographer and journalist
Wikipedia - Nick Fraser -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Nick Halling -- British sports broadcaster and journalist
Wikipedia - Nick Kotz -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Nick Logan -- British journalist and magazine editor
Wikipedia - Nick Mullins -- British journalist and sports commentator
Wikipedia - Nick Parker (journalist) -- English journalist
Wikipedia - Nick Watt (CNN reporter) -- television journalist
Wikipedia - Nick Webb (journalist) -- Irish journalist
Wikipedia - Nick Wrenn -- English businessman and journalist
Wikipedia - Nicola Campogrande -- Italian composer and journalist
Wikipedia - Nicolae Balcescu -- Romanian journalist and historian
Wikipedia - Nicolas Avellaneda -- President of Argentina, politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Nicolas Demorand -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Nicolas HM-CM-)nin -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Nicolas Rafols -- | Filipino Visayan legislator, journalist, businessman, lawyer, and agriculturalist from Cebu, Philippines
Wikipedia - Nicole Cliffe -- Canadian-American writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Nicole Petallides -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Nidhi Razdan -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Niels Heithuis -- Dutch journalist and radio presenter
Wikipedia - Niels Ruf -- German journalist, actor
Wikipedia - Nieves Zuberbuhler -- Argentine journalist
Wikipedia - Nigel Brennan -- Australian photojournalist and author
Wikipedia - Nigel Farndale -- British author and journalist
Wikipedia - Nigel Jaquiss -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Nihal Bengisu Karaca -- Turkish journalist and author
Wikipedia - Nikhil Pahwa -- Indian journalist and digital rights activist
Wikipedia - Niki Savva -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Niklas Frank -- German author and journalist
Wikipedia - Nikolaus Blome -- German journalist and author
Wikipedia - Nikolay Andrushchenko -- Russian journalist
Wikipedia - Nikole Hannah-Jones -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Nikolla bey Ivanaj -- Albanian journalist, publisher, and writer
Wikipedia - Nikos Aliagas -- Greek-French journalist and entertainer
Wikipedia - Nikos Boyiopoulos -- Greek journalist and political editor
Wikipedia - Nikos Filis -- Greek politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Nilay Patel -- American editor and journalist
Wikipedia - Nils Blythe -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Nils Horner -- Swedish journalist
Wikipedia - Nils Vogt (journalist) -- Norwegian journalist and newspaper editor.
Wikipedia - Nima Abu-Wardeh -- BBC journalist
Wikipedia - Nina Burleigh -- American writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Nina Garcia -- Colombian American fashion journalist and reality TV judge
Wikipedia - Nina Hossain -- English journalist and presenter
Wikipedia - Nina Moore Jamieson -- writer, lecturer, poet and journalist
Wikipedia - Nina Totenberg -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Ninez Cacho-Olivares -- Filipino journalist
Wikipedia - Nino Abesadze -- Israeli politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Nirupama Dutt -- Indian poet, journalist and translator
Wikipedia - Nixola Greeley-Smith -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Nixon interviews -- Series of interviews of former U.S. President Richard Nixon conducted by British journalist David Frost
Wikipedia - NME -- British music journalism website and former magazine
Wikipedia - Noah Adams -- American radio journalist and author
Wikipedia - Noah Brooks -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Noah Shachtman -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Noam Cohen -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Noelle Campbell-Sharp -- Irish arts philanthropist, gallerist and former journalist and publisher
Wikipedia - Noel Slevin -- Irish journalist
Wikipedia - Noemi de Miguel -- Spanish sports journalist and television presenter
Wikipedia - Nolberto Herrera -- Mexican journalist
Wikipedia - Noman Mubashir -- Norwegian journalist
Wikipedia - Nonny de la PeM-CM-1a -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Noor Ahmed Noori -- Afghan radio journalist
Wikipedia - Norah Meade -- Irish journalist and humanitarian
Wikipedia - Norah O'Donnell -- American television journalist
Wikipedia - Norbert Kuchinke -- German journalist and actor
Wikipedia - Norbert Werner -- Austrian free-lance journalist and war correspondent
Wikipedia - Nordic Journal of Human Rights
Wikipedia - Noriyuki Yamaguchi -- Japanese journalist
Wikipedia - Norma Alicia Moreno Figueroa -- Mexican crime journalist and murder victim
Wikipedia - Norman Beasley -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Norman Cousins -- American political journalist, author, professor, and advocate
Wikipedia - Normand Lester -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Norman Mailer -- American novelist, journalist, essayist, playwright, film maker, actor, and political candidate
Wikipedia - Norman Preston -- English cricket journalist
Wikipedia - Norman Robinson (television news reporter) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Norman Solomon -- American journalist, media critic, antiwar activist
Wikipedia - North American Journal of Psychology
Wikipedia - Norwegian Archaeological Review -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Norwegian Journal of Geology -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Noureddine SaM-CM-/l -- Moroccan journalist
Wikipedia - Nour Hamada -- Lebanese feminist and journalist
Wikipedia - Nouvelles de la rM-CM-)publique des lettres -- Journal
Wikipedia - Npj Quantum Information -- Journal
Wikipedia - Npj Quantum Materials -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Nuala McGovern -- Irish broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - Nuclear Medicine Communications -- Scientific journal
Wikipedia - Nuclear Physics (journal)
Wikipedia - Nuclear Physics News -- Academic journal published by Taylor & Francis
Wikipedia - Numa Coste -- French painter and journalist
Wikipedia - Numen (journal)
Wikipedia - Nuovo Cimento -- Series of scientific physics journals
Wikipedia - Nuria Pompeia -- Spanish journalist, writer and literary critic
Wikipedia - Nurjahan Begum -- Bangladeshi women journalists
Wikipedia - Nursing Research -- academic journal
Wikipedia - Nut graph -- In journalism, the section of a written piece that provides context for the entire story
Wikipedia - O. Abdurahman -- Indian Journalist and author
Wikipedia - Oak Park Journal -- Newspaper in Oak Park, Illinois, USA
Wikipedia - Objectivity (journalism)
Wikipedia - Oceania (journal)
Wikipedia - Oceanography (journal) -- A quarterly peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the Oceanography Society
Wikipedia - Ocean Science (journal) -- An open-access peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union
Wikipedia - October (journal) -- American peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - Odette Tchernine -- British author and journalist
Wikipedia - Oemar Said Tjokroaminoto -- Indonesian-born French journalist and activist
Wikipedia - Ofeibea Quist-Arcton -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Ofer Shelah -- Israeli journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Official Gazette (Philippines) -- Public journal of the government of the Republic of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Official Journal of the European Union -- Official gazette of the European Union
Wikipedia - Official Journal of the Federation (Mexico) -- Official gazette of Mexico
Wikipedia - Off the record (journalism)
Wikipedia - Ohn Myint -- Burmese journalist
Wikipedia - Okay Gonensin -- Turkish journalist
Wikipedia - Okica GluM-EM-!M-DM-^Mevic -- Serbian journalist, writer and translator
Wikipedia - Olabisi Ajala -- Nigerian journalist, travel writer
Wikipedia - Olavo de Carvalho -- Brazilian essayist, journalist, self-taught philosopher
Wikipedia - Olav Vesaas -- Norwegian journalist
Wikipedia - Oleg Voloshyn -- Ukrainian journalist
Wikipedia - Oleksandr Abdullin -- Ukrainian journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Oleksandr Dubinsky -- Ukrainian journalist
Wikipedia - Ole N. Hoemsnes -- Norwegian journalist
Wikipedia - Olga Meyer -- Norwegian journalist and radio host
Wikipedia - Olga Nolla -- Puerto Rican poet, professor and journalist
Wikipedia - Olga Skabeyeva -- Russian journalist
Wikipedia - Olive Christian Malvery -- Anglo-Indian journalist, editor
Wikipedia - Oliver Duff (editor) -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Oliver Gillie -- British journalist and scientist
Wikipedia - Oliver Janich -- German journalist and author
Wikipedia - Oliver Lee Pitts -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Oliver Walker (journalist) -- South African writer (1906-1965)
Wikipedia - Oliver Welke -- German television presenter, actor, comedian, voice actor and sports journalist
Wikipedia - Olivier Da Lage -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Olivier Kamanda -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Olivier Knox -- French American journalist
Wikipedia - Olivier Royant -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Oluwashina Okeleji -- Nigerian sports journalist
Wikipedia - Oluwatoyosi Ogunseye -- Nigerian editor and journalist
Wikipedia - Omar Belhouchet -- Algerian journalist
Wikipedia - Omar El Akkad -- Egyptian-Canadian novelist and journalist
Wikipedia - Omar Jimenez -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Omkar Chaudhary -- Indian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Online journalism
Wikipedia - On the Trail: Inside the 2020 Primaries -- 2020 documentary following female journalists during the 2020 primaries
Wikipedia - Oobah Butler -- British writer, journalist and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Open access journal
Wikipedia - OpenBSD Journal
Wikipedia - Open Journal Systems -- Journal management and publishing system
Wikipedia - OpenPsych -- Publisher of open-access academic journals
Wikipedia - Open-source journalism
Wikipedia - Operations Research (journal)
Wikipedia - Ophelia Clenlans -- American activist and journalist
Wikipedia - Optical Fiber Technology -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Optics and Spectroscopy -- Journal
Wikipedia - Optometry and Vision Science -- Journal of the American Academy of Optometry
Wikipedia - Oral Tradition (journal) -- Journal
Wikipedia - Order (journal)
Wikipedia - Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project -- International consortium of investigative centers, media and journalists
Wikipedia - Orlando Duarte -- Brazilian sports journalist
Wikipedia - Orlando Martinez Howley -- Dominican Republic journalist
Wikipedia - Or-ly Barlev -- Israeli social activist and journalist
Wikipedia - Orvosi Hetilap -- Hungarian academic medical journal
Wikipedia - Osama Alaysa -- Palestinian writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Osama Anwar Okasha -- Egyptian journalist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Osasu Igbinedion -- Nigerian journalist and TV show host (born 1992)
Wikipedia - Oscar Ameringer -- German born American opinion journalist, joiner and musician
Wikipedia - Oscar Clemente Marroquin -- Guatemalan journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Oscar Giannino -- Italian journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Oscar J. Corral -- Cuban-American journalist and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Oscar Motuloh -- Indonesian journalist
Wikipedia - Oscar Pulvermacher -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Oscar Treadwell -- American journalist and radio host (1926-2006)
Wikipedia - Oshrat Kotler -- Israeli TV moderator and journalist
Wikipedia - Osip Senkovsky -- Russian journalist
Wikipedia - Oskar Hainari -- Finnish politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Osman Cemal Kaygili -- Turkish writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Osteoarthritis and Cartilage -- Peer-reviewed scientific journal
Wikipedia - Ostraka (journal) -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Osvalds Zebris -- Latvian writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Oswald Sigg -- Swiss journalist
Wikipedia - Otar Kushanashvili -- Georgian and Russian music journalist and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Otfried Nassauer -- German journalist and peace researcher
Wikipedia - Otokar KerM-EM-!ovani -- Croatian journalist
Wikipedia - Otto Bockler -- German journalist, writer and politician
Wikipedia - Otto Fuerbringer -- American journalist and editor of Time magazine
Wikipedia - Otto Heinek -- Hungarian German journalist and politician (b. 1960, d. 2018)
Wikipedia - Otto Piisinen -- Finnish politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Otto Punter -- Swiss journalist and anti-Nazi resistance fighter
Wikipedia - Ou Tangliang -- Chinese journalist, politician, and diplomat
Wikipedia - Oxford Journal of Archaeology -- Journal
Wikipedia - Oxford Journals
Wikipedia - Pablo Pineda Gaucin -- Mexican crime journalist and photographer and murder victim
Wikipedia - Paddy O'Flaherty -- Irish broadcaster and journalist
Wikipedia - PAJ (journal)
Wikipedia - Palagummi Sainath -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology -- A peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the American Geophysical Union
Wikipedia - Pallavi Aiyar -- Indian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Paloma Fabrykant -- Argentinian journalist
Wikipedia - Pamela Armstrong -- British journalist and news presenter
Wikipedia - Pamela Brown (journalist) -- American TV reporter/newscaster
Wikipedia - Pamela Colloff -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Pamela Jiles (journalist) -- Chilean journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Pamela Paul -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Pamela Philipose -- Indian journalist and academic
Wikipedia - Pamela Stirling -- New Zealand journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Pamela Wallin -- Canadian senator and television journalist
Wikipedia - Pantelis Savvidis -- Greek journalist
Wikipedia - Paolo Bonaiuti -- Italian politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Paolo Brera -- Italian novelist and journalist
Wikipedia - Paolo Guzzanti -- Italian journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Pape Diouf -- Senegalese journalist
Wikipedia - Pardis Mahdavi -- American journalist and academic
Wikipedia - Paris Lees -- British journalist and activist for transgender rights
Wikipedia - Parrhesia (journal)
Wikipedia - Pascal Martin -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Paschal Sheehy -- Irish journalist
Wikipedia - Pasi Rutanen -- Finnish journalist and diplomat
Wikipedia - Pasquale Chessa -- Italian historian and journalist
Wikipedia - Past > Present (journal)
Wikipedia - Pat Harper -- American television journalist
Wikipedia - Pat Kane -- Scottish musician, journalist, political activist
Wikipedia - Patribotics -- Blog of British-American investigative journalist Louise Mensch
Wikipedia - Patricia Bosworth -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Patricia Campos Mello -- Brazilian journalist
Wikipedia - Patricia Karvelas -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Patricia Morrisroe -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Patricio Jara -- Chilean writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Patrick Blennerhassett -- Canadian novelist and journalist
Wikipedia - Patrick Cosgrave -- Irish journalist and writer, advisor to Margaret Thatcher
Wikipedia - Patrick Howley -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Patrick Kidd -- English journalist and blogger
Wikipedia - Patrick Kingsley (journalist) -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Patrick MacGill -- Irish journalist, poet and novelist
Wikipedia - Patrick Macias -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Patrick Radden Keefe -- American writer and journalist (b. 1976)
Wikipedia - Patrick Read -- Irish anarchist, journalist and soldier
Wikipedia - Patrick Seale -- British journalist and author (1930-2014)
Wikipedia - Patrick Strudwick -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Patrick Wintour -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Patrizia Laeri -- Swiss economic journalist
Wikipedia - Patrizia Sanvitale -- Italian journalist, author, blogger and sociologist
Wikipedia - Patsy Robertson -- Jamaican journalist
Wikipedia - Pattern Recognition (journal)
Wikipedia - Patterns of Prejudice -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Patti Ann Browne -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Patt Morrison -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Paula Fray -- South African journalist
Wikipedia - Paula Marckx -- Belgian model, journalist, and pilot
Wikipedia - Paula Reid -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Paula Todd -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Paul Avery -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Paula Zahn -- American journalist and newscaster
Wikipedia - Paul Balta -- French journalist (b. 1929, d. 2019)
Wikipedia - Paul BeliM-CM-+n -- Belgian journalist
Wikipedia - Paul Berg (photographer) -- American photojournalist and commentator on photojournalism
Wikipedia - Paul Brown (presenter) -- British journalist (1950*1997)
Wikipedia - Paul Callan -- British journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Paul Colin (journalist) -- Belgian journalist
Wikipedia - Paul Connolly (journalist) -- Irish journalist
Wikipedia - Paul Dacre -- English journalist
Wikipedia - Paul Doyle (journalist) -- Irish sportswriter
Wikipedia - Paul Du Noyer -- Music journalist and author
Wikipedia - Paulette Cooper -- American journalist and writer (born 1942)
Wikipedia - Paul Fabre -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Paul Fusco (photographer) -- American photojournalist (1930-2020)
Wikipedia - Paul Gallico -- American writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Paul Galloway -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Paul Gigot -- American political analyst and journalist
Wikipedia - Paul Glancey -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Paul Hayward (journalist) -- British sports journalist
Wikipedia - Pauline de Meulan -- French writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Pauline Frederick (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Paul Kadak -- Australian television journalist
Wikipedia - Paul Levy (journalist)
Wikipedia - Paul Lockyer -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Paul M. G. LM-CM-)vy -- Belgian journalist
Wikipedia - Paul Murphy (Australian journalist) -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Paulo Julio Clement -- Brazilian sports journalist
Wikipedia - Paulo Machava -- Mozambican journalist
Wikipedia - Paul Radu -- Romanian journalist
Wikipedia - Paul Reynolds (RTE journalist) -- Irish journalist
Wikipedia - Paul Rosenfeld -- American journalist and music critic (1890-1946)
Wikipedia - Paul Sussman -- English writer, archaeologist and journalist
Wikipedia - Paul White (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Paul Williams (journalist)
Wikipedia - Paul Workman (journalist) -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Pavel Yakubovich -- Soviet journalist
Wikipedia - Pawel PoM-EM-^[piech -- Polish priest, activist and journalist
Wikipedia - P. D. Mehigan -- Irish sportsperson and journalist
Wikipedia - Peace journalism
Wikipedia - Pearl Rivers -- American poet and journalist
Wikipedia - Pediatric and Developmental Pathology -- Medical journal
Wikipedia - Pediatrics (journal)
Wikipedia - Pedro Andrade -- Brazilian journalist and model
Wikipedia - Pedro Joaquin Chamorro Cardenal -- Nicaraguan journalist
Wikipedia - Pedro Pidal, 1st Marquess of Villaviciosa de Asturias -- Spanish writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Pedro Piqueras -- Spanish journalist and news anchor
Wikipedia - Pedro Rosa Nales -- Puerto Rican journalist
Wikipedia - Peeco -- Japanese television personality, fashion critic, journalist, and singer
Wikipedia - Peer-reviewed journal
Wikipedia - Peggy Fletcher Stack -- American journalist, editor, and author
Wikipedia - Pelu Awofeso -- Nigerian journalist
Wikipedia - Penn Jones Jr. -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Penny Abernathy -- American journalist (born 1951)
Wikipedia - People's Archive of Rural India -- A digital journalism platform in India
Wikipedia - People's Home Journal -- General interest magazine (1885-1929)
Wikipedia - Pepa Bueno -- Spanish journalist
Wikipedia - Pepe Eliaschev -- journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Pepe Oneto -- Spanish journalist
Wikipedia - Perception (journal)
Wikipedia - Peregrine Worsthorne -- British journalist, writer and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Per Norvik -- Norwegian journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Pete Hamill -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Peter Abrahams -- South African novelist, journalist and political commentator (1919-2017)
Wikipedia - Peter Alexander (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Peter Armstrong (journalist) -- Canadian radio/television journalist
Wikipedia - Peter Bailey (journalist) -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Peter Baker (journalist) -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Peter Barakan -- British radio personality, music journalist in Japan
Wikipedia - Peter Beaumont (journalist) -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Peter Bergen -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Peter Conradi -- British author and journalist
Wikipedia - Peter Darbyshire -- Canadian journalist, blogger and author
Wikipedia - Peter Daut -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Peter Davis (director) -- Filmmaker, author, journalist
Wikipedia - Peter Desbarats -- Canadian author, playwright and journalist
Wikipedia - Peter Doggett -- English music journalist
Wikipedia - Peter Doocy -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Peter Freyne -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Peter Frilingos -- Australian sports journalist
Wikipedia - Peter Garrison -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Peter Gimbel -- American filmmaker and underwater photojournalist
Wikipedia - Peter G. Miller -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Peter Goddard (journalist) -- Canadian music journalist
Wikipedia - Peter Hitchens -- English journalist and author
Wikipedia - Peter Hobday (presenter) -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Peter Jenkins (journalist) -- British newspaper columnist and editor
Wikipedia - Peter Jennings -- Canadian-American broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - Peter Kloeppel -- German journalist
Wikipedia - Peter Laker -- English cricketer and journalist
Wikipedia - Peter Lisagor -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Peter Maass -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Peter Mandel -- American author of childrenM-bM-^@M-^Ys books, journalist and essayist
Wikipedia - Peter Matthew Hutton -- Media executive and sports journalist
Wikipedia - Peter Nichols (author) -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Peter O'Reilly (cricketer) -- Irish cricketer and sports journalist
Wikipedia - Peter R. de Vries -- Dutch Investigative journalist and crime reporter
Wikipedia - Peter Rosenkrantz Johnsen -- Norwegian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Peter Ruchel -- German music journalist, producer, and founder of Rockpalast
Wikipedia - Peter Sissons -- English journalist and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Peter Theo Curtis -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Peter Throckmorton -- American photojournalist and a pioneer underwater archaeologist
Wikipedia - Peter Trueman -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Peter Wall (journalist) -- Canadian video journalist
Wikipedia - Peter William Humphrey -- British journalist and private detective
Wikipedia - Peter Windsor -- Australian motorsport journalist
Wikipedia - Pete Williams (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Petina Gappah -- Zimbabwean writer, journalist and business lawyer (born 1971)
Wikipedia - Petru Bogatu -- Moldovan journalist
Wikipedia - Petrus Kanisius Ojong -- Indonesian journalist and businessman
Wikipedia - Petter S. Rosenlund -- Norwegian journalist
Wikipedia - Petty's Place in the History of Economic Theory -- Journal article by C.H. Hull
Wikipedia - Peyami Safa -- Turkish writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Pharmacognosy Research -- Open-access medical journal
Wikipedia - Philadelphia Business Journal
Wikipedia - Phil Bronstein -- American journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Phil Coorey -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Philip Bowring -- English journalist
Wikipedia - Philip Delves Broughton -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Philip Gourevitch -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Philip Jones Griffiths -- Welsh photojournalist
Wikipedia - Philip Klein (editor) -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Philip Mechanicus -- Dutch journalist
Wikipedia - Philippe Broussard -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Philippe Delorme -- French historian and journalist
Wikipedia - Philippe FrM-CM-)meaux -- French economic journalist
Wikipedia - Philippe Gildas -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Philippe Servaty -- Belgian journalist
Wikipedia - Philippe Wamba -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Philipp Landmark -- Swiss journalist
Wikipedia - Philip Quirk -- Australian photographer, photojournalist and educationist
Wikipedia - Philip Terzian -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Philip Weiss -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Phillip Cottrell -- British-born New Zealand journalist
Wikipedia - Phillip Forsyth -- Canadian newspaper and radio journalist
Wikipedia - Phil Mac Giolla Bhain -- Irish journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Philo Ikonya -- Kenyan writer and journalist, human rights activist
Wikipedia - Philology (journal)
Wikipedia - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society -- Scientific journal published by the Royal Society
Wikipedia - Philosophy Compass -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Philosophy (journal)
Wikipedia - Philosophy of Science (journal)
Wikipedia - Philosophy of the Social Sciences (journal)
Wikipedia - Phil Parry -- Welsh journalist
Wikipedia - Phoebe Judge -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Photojournalism -- Particular form of journalism that creates images in order to tell a news story
Wikipedia - Photonics and Nanostructures: Fundamentals and Applications -- Journal
Wikipedia - Phronesis (journal)
Wikipedia - Phyllis Griffiths -- Canadian sports journalist
Wikipedia - Physics (magazine) -- Scientific journal
Wikipedia - Physics Physique M-PM-$M-PM-8M-PM-7M-PM-8M-PM-:M-PM-0 -- Scientific journal, 1964-1968
Wikipedia - Physics Today -- Scientific journal
Wikipedia - Physics World -- Journal
Wikipedia - Pia Ranada -- Filipino journalist
Wikipedia - Piero Badaloni -- Italian politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Pierre Billaud -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Pierre BM-CM-)nichou -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Pierre Bruneau (journalist) -- Canadian journalist and news anchor
Wikipedia - Pierre Cangioni -- French sports journalist
Wikipedia - Pierre Chany -- French cycling journalist
Wikipedia - Pierre Fageolle -- French journalist and songwriter
Wikipedia - Pierre Granger -- Canadian television journalist
Wikipedia - Pierre Thomas (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Piers Akerman -- Australian journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Piers Morgan -- English journalist and television host
Wikipedia - Piet Bakker (writer) -- Dutch journalist and author
Wikipedia - Pietro Calabrese -- Italian journalist
Wikipedia - Pilar Bonet -- Spanish journalist
Wikipedia - Pinkasim -- Books or journals which were used to coordinate and document organizations in Jewish towns and villages during the early modern period in Europe
Wikipedia - Pink Box: Inside Japan's Sex Clubs -- Book by photojournalist Joan Sinclair
Wikipedia - Pino Scaccia -- Italian journalist and bloger
Wikipedia - Pio Gama Pinto -- Kenyan politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Pio Kabahar -- Filipino Visayan writer, journalist and director of first Cebuano film
Wikipedia - Piotr Czerkawski -- Polish film critic and journalist
Wikipedia - Piotr Ibrahim Kalwas -- Polish novelist and journalist
Wikipedia - Piotr KraM-EM-^[ko -- Polish journalist
Wikipedia - Pip Desmond -- New Zealand author and journalist
Wikipedia - Plan of Attack -- 2004 book by American journalist Bob Woodward
Wikipedia - P.L. Prattis -- American journalist
Wikipedia - P. L. Travers -- Australian-British novelist, actress and journalist
Wikipedia - PMLA (journal)
Wikipedia - Po Bronson -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Polar Science -- A quarterly peer-reviewed scientific journal covering research related to the polar regions of the Earth and other planets
Wikipedia - Policy and Society -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Political Geography (journal)
Wikipedia - Political journalism
Wikipedia - Political Studies (journal)
Wikipedia - Political Theory (journal)
Wikipedia - Politico -- Political journalism company based in Arlington County, Virginia
Wikipedia - Popi Tsapanidou -- Greek television journalist and television personality
Wikipedia - Population Studies (journal) -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Porn Studies (journal) -- Academic journal about the study of pornography
Wikipedia - Portal:Journalism
Wikipedia - Portal - Libraries and the Academy -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Potturi Venkateswara Rao -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Poughkeepsie Journal -- Newspaper in Poughkeepsie, New York
Wikipedia - Pouria Alami -- Iranian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Pouvoirs -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Poynter Institute -- Non-profit journalism school in St. Petersburg, Florida
Wikipedia - Pragmatics (journal) -- Peer-reviewed journal
Wikipedia - Pramana (journal) -- Physics journal
Wikipedia - Prannoy Roy -- Indian journalist and media personality
Wikipedia - Prashant Dayal -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Pratibha Nandakumar -- Indian poet, journalist, theatre activist
Wikipedia - Pratim D. Gupta -- Indian journalist and filmmaker (born 1981)
Wikipedia - Prayaag Akbar -- Indian journalist and novelist
Wikipedia - Predatory journals
Wikipedia - Predrag Azdejkovic -- Serbian gay activist and journalist
Wikipedia - Prema Sridevi -- Indian journalist and news presenter
Wikipedia - Preprint -- Version of a scholarly or scientific paper that precedes publication in a peer-reviewed scholarly or scientific journal
Wikipedia - Prevention Science -- Quarterly public health journal
Wikipedia - Primates (journal)
Wikipedia - Primrose Rupp Hinton -- American journalist
Wikipedia - PRIMUS (journal) -- Peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - Priscilla Buckley -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Probal Rashid -- Bangladeshi journalist
Wikipedia - Procedia -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Proceedings of the IEEE -- Scientific journal
Wikipedia - Proceedings of the Physical Society -- Scientific journal
Wikipedia - Professional Hockey Writers' Association -- Professional ice hockey journalists
Wikipedia - Professional journal
Wikipedia - Project for Excellence in Journalism -- American organization that studies the press
Wikipedia - Project MUSE -- Online database of journals and ebooks
Wikipedia - Prokopis Doukas -- Greek journalist and newscaster
Wikipedia - ProPublica -- Nonprofit investigative journalism organization based in New York City
Wikipedia - Psicothema -- Psychology journal
Wikipedia - Psmith, Journalist -- 1915 novel by P.G. Wodehouse
Wikipedia - PsyAnima, Dubna Psychological Journal
Wikipedia - Psyche (consciousness journal)
Wikipedia - Psyche (entomological journal)
Wikipedia - Psychiatric Genetics (journal)
Wikipedia - Psychoanalytic Psychology (journal)
Wikipedia - Psychological Assessment (journal)
Wikipedia - Psychological Medicine (journal)
Wikipedia - Psychological Science (journal)
Wikipedia - Psychology and Aging (journal)
Wikipedia - Psychology of Music (journal)
Wikipedia - Psychosomatic Medicine (journal)
Wikipedia - Psychotherapy (journal)
Wikipedia - Public Archaeology (journal) -- Journal
Wikipedia - Public editor -- Person who supervises implementation of journalism ethics at news organization
Wikipedia - Public journal
Wikipedia - Public Relations Journal -- Open-access quarterly journal
Wikipedia - Puget Sound Business Journal
Wikipedia - Pulitzer Prize -- Award for achievements in journalism, literature, and musical composition within the United States
Wikipedia - Pyrenae -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Qazi Afsaruddin Ahmed -- Bangladeshi journalist
Wikipedia - Qazi Shibli -- Kashmiri journalist
Wikipedia - Quadrant (magazine) -- Australian literary and cultural journal
Wikipedia - Quality and Reliability Engineering International -- American academic journal
Wikipedia - Quarterly Journal of Economics -- Academic journal from Oxford University
Wikipedia - Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology > Hydrogeology
Wikipedia - Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society
Wikipedia - Quarterly Review of Film and Video -- Academic journal covering moving image studies
Wikipedia - Queen Victoria's journals -- The personal diaries Victoria
Wikipedia - Quentin Cooper -- British science journalist (born 1961)
Wikipedia - Quentin Dempster -- Australian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Questlove -- American musician and music journalist
Wikipedia - Quincy Howe -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Quinn Norton -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Quodlibet (journal) -- philosophy journal
Wikipedia - Rabiah Jamil Beg -- Pakistani journalist
Wikipedia - Rabi Lamichhane -- Nepalese journalist
Wikipedia - Race and Social Problems -- Peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - Rachel Cooke -- British journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Rachel Corbett (art journalist)
Wikipedia - Rachel Grepp -- Norwegian politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Rachel Johnson -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Rachel Louise Snyder -- American journalist, writer, and academic
Wikipedia - Racine Journal Times -- Newspaper in Racine, Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids -- Journal
Wikipedia - Radie Harris -- American columnist and journalist
Wikipedia - Radiocarbon (journal) -- Academic journal about radiocarbon dating
Wikipedia - Radoslaw Sikorski -- Polish politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Rafael Bracero -- Puerto Rican journalist
Wikipedia - Rafael Marques (journalist)
Wikipedia - Rafael Poleo -- Venezuelan politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Raffaele Masto -- Italian writer, journalist and radio host
Wikipedia - Raheel Khursheed -- Indian journalist and business executive
Wikipedia - Rahul Kanwal -- Indian television BJP journalist
Wikipedia - Rahul Pandita -- Indian author and journalist
Wikipedia - Railway Gazette International -- Business journal covering railway, metro, light rail and tram industries worldwide
Wikipedia - Raja El-Issa -- Palestinian journalist
Wikipedia - Rajdeep Sardesai -- Indian journalist and news presenter
Wikipedia - Raju Bharatan -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Ralph Barbieri -- American sports journalist
Wikipedia - Ralph Barnes (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Ralph Dellor -- English sportswriter, journalist, and television/radio commentator
Wikipedia - Ralph Harris (journalist) -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Ralph Hattersley -- American photographic educator, commentator, journalist and photographer (1921-2000)
Wikipedia - Ramesh Ponnuru -- American conservative political pundit and journalist
Wikipedia - Ramon Mendezona Roldan -- Spanish journalist
Wikipedia - Rana Ayyub -- Indian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Ranbir Singh Suri, Baron Suri -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Randal Heymanson -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Randall Lane (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Randi Bratteli -- Norwegian journalist
Wikipedia - Randi Kaye -- American television news journalist
Wikipedia - Rania Khalek -- Journalist, writer, and political commentator
Wikipedia - Raphael Minder -- Journalist (b. 1971)
Wikipedia - Raphael Rowe -- television broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - Rapid City Journal -- Newspaper in Rapid City, South Dakota
Wikipedia - Rasha Abbas -- Syrian author and journalist
Wikipedia - Rashmi Thackeray -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Ratko Dmitrovic -- Serbian journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Ratko PareM-EM->anin -- Writer and journalist of Serb ethnic origin
Wikipedia - Raul Brandao -- Portuguese writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Raul Gibb Guerrero -- Mexican crime journalist and murder victim
Wikipedia - Raul RM-CM-)gulo Quirino -- Mexican journalist and social worker and murder victim
Wikipedia - Raul Roulien -- Brazilian actor, film director, television presenter, screenwriter, film producer, journalist and songwriter
Wikipedia - Raul Ruiz (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Raven: A Journal of Vexillology -- Peer-reviewed journal of flag study
Wikipedia - Ravi Agrawal -- Indian journalist and television producer
Wikipedia - Ravi Baichwal -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Ravi Belagere -- Indian journalist, editor, writer
Wikipedia - Ravindra Gautam (journalist) -- Indian journalist (born 1978)
Wikipedia - Ravish Kumar -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Ray Anderson (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Ray Errol Fox -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Ray Kennedy (journalist) -- Irish news journalist
Wikipedia - Raymond Bourgine -- French journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Raymond De Becker -- Belgian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Ray Platnick -- American photojournalist
Wikipedia - Ray Stannard Baker -- American journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Ray Suarez -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Raza Ali Abidi -- Pakistani journalist and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Razzaq Gul -- Pakistani journalist
Wikipedia - Rea BrM-CM-$ndle -- Swiss journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Re:Baltica -- Investigative journalism non-profit
Wikipedia - Rebecca Ballhaus -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Rebecca Diamond -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Rebecca Macfie -- New Zealand author and journalist
Wikipedia - Rebellion's Artist in the World 2017 -- Recognition awarded by the Global Investigative Journalism Network
Wikipedia - Rece Davis -- American sports television journalist
Wikipedia - Record-Journal -- Daily newspaper in Meriden, Connecticut, United States
Wikipedia - Reed Alexander -- American journalist, author, and former actor
Wikipedia - Reem bin Mohammed Al Saud -- Saudi Arabian photographer and political journalist
Wikipedia - Reese Schonfeld -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Reeyot Alemu -- Ethiopian journalist
Wikipedia - Reg Foster -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Regina Martinez PM-CM-)rez -- Mexican journalist and murder victim
Wikipedia - Reg McKay -- Scottish journalist
Wikipedia - Rehabilitation Psychology (journal)
Wikipedia - Rehema Ellis -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Reidar Carlsson -- Swedish journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Reijo EnM-CM-$vaara -- Finnish journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Reiner Braun -- German journalist
Wikipedia - Reinhard Kager -- Austrian philosopher, journalist and music promoter
Wikipedia - Reinhold Beckmann -- German journalist and presenter
Wikipedia - Rein JM-CM-$rlik -- Estonian politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Religious Studies (journal)
Wikipedia - Relman Morin -- 20th-century American journalist
Wikipedia - Remy Roure -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Renan Almendarez Coello -- Honduran journalist
Wikipedia - Renascence (journal)
Wikipedia - Renata Adler -- American author, journalist, and film critic
Wikipedia - Renate Rubinstein -- Dutch journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Rene Cayetano -- Filipino lawyer, television presenter, journalist, and politician
Wikipedia - Rene Ritchie -- Canadian technology journalist
Wikipedia - RenM-CM-) Cardaliaguet -- French priest and journalist
Wikipedia - RenM-CM-)e Short -- British journalist and politician
Wikipedia - RenM-CM-) Groebli -- Swiss photographer and photojournalist
Wikipedia - RenM-CM-) Guilly -- French art historian and journalist
Wikipedia - RenM-CM-) MacColl -- English cricketer and journalist
Wikipedia - RenM-CM-) Mailhot -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Reproductive Health (journal) -- Medical journal
Wikipedia - Res Philosophica -- Philosophy journal
Wikipedia - Res Publica (journal)
Wikipedia - Reuben Slonim -- Canadian rabbi and journalist (b. 1914, d. 2000)
Wikipedia - Review of Religious Research -- Journal
Wikipedia - Reviews in Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders -- Medical review journal
Wikipedia - Revista Colombiana de Estadistica -- 1968 scientific journal
Wikipedia - Revista Juridica de la Universidad de Puerto Rico -- University of Puerto Rico Law Journal
Wikipedia - Revista Portuguesa de Estomatologia e Cirurgia Maxilo-facial -- Medical journal
Wikipedia - Revue ArchM-CM-)ologique -- Scientific journal
Wikipedia - Revue du Nord -- Academic journal of history and archaeology focusing on northern France, Belgium, and the Netherlands
Wikipedia - Rex Nelson -- American journalist and political appointee
Wikipedia - Rex Nutting -- American journalist and economist
Wikipedia - Rex Tremlett -- South African mining engineer and journalist
Wikipedia - Reza Deghati -- Iranian-French photojournalist
Wikipedia - RezsM-EM-^Q Kasztner -- Hungarian-Jewish lawyer and journalist
Wikipedia - Rhys Morgan -- British journalist (born 1994)
Wikipedia - Ricardo Baca -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Ricardo Brown (journalist) -- Cuban-born television journalist
Wikipedia - Ricardo Merlo -- Italian politician and journalist (b. 1962)
Wikipedia - Riccardo Ehrman -- Italian journalist
Wikipedia - Richard Addis -- British journalist and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Richard Akinwande Savage -- Nigerian physician, journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Richard Aldrich (music critic) -- American music critic and journalist
Wikipedia - Richard Askwith -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Richard Blackwell -- American journalist and fashion critic
Wikipedia - Richard Brinsley Knowles -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Richard Brooks (journalist) -- Investigative financial journalist
Wikipedia - Richard Cockett -- British historian, journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Richard Coles -- British musician, journalist and priest
Wikipedia - Richard Crowley (journalist) -- Irish journalist and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Richard Cunningham McCormick -- American politician, businessman, and journalist
Wikipedia - Richard Dennen -- British journalist and editor of Tatler
Wikipedia - Richard D. Steuart -- American journalist (1880-1951)
Wikipedia - Richard Dudman -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Richard Eder -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Richard Engel -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Richard Ernsberger, Jr. -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Richard Gizbert -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Richard Gwyn (Canadian writer) -- Canadian journalist, author, civil servant
Wikipedia - Richard Hammond -- British motoring journalist and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Richard Harding Davis -- American journalist, war correspondent, and fiction writer
Wikipedia - Richard Ingrams -- English journalist
Wikipedia - Richard Jones (1816-1892) -- Australian journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Richard Lacayo -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Richard Lambert -- British journalist and business executive
Wikipedia - Richard Lauterbach -- American journalist (1914-1950)
Wikipedia - Richard Lindley (journalist) -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Richard Littlejohn -- British journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Richard Mayne (administrator) -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Richard Prince (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Richard Roth (journalist) -- American journalist, a CNN correspondent
Wikipedia - Richard Sandomir -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Richard Schlesinger (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Richard Sher (newscaster) -- American television journalist
Wikipedia - Richard Streeton -- English sports journalist
Wikipedia - Richard Tait -- British journalist and professor
Wikipedia - Rich Cole -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Rich Funke -- American journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Richmond County Daily Journal -- Newspaper published in Rockingham, NC, US
Wikipedia - Rick Bragg -- American journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Rick Cluff -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Rick Karr -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Rick Perlstein -- American historian and journalist
Wikipedia - Rick Sanchez (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Rick Telander -- American sports journalist
Wikipedia - Rika Asano -- Japanese journalist
Wikipedia - Rik Kuethe -- Dutch diplomat, journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Rima Assaf -- Lebanese journalist and anchor
Wikipedia - Ring Lardner Jr. -- journalist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Risa Hayashida -- Japanese journalist
Wikipedia - RISE Project -- Romanian investigative journalism project
Wikipedia - Rishab Aiyer Ghosh -- Indian journalist, computer scientist, Open-source software advocate and software entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Rita Braver -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Rita Celli -- Canadian radio journalist
Wikipedia - RM-CM-)mi Ochlik -- Photojournalist
Wikipedia - RM-DM-^Sweti KM-EM-^Mhere -- New Zealand clergyman, journalist, writer, historian
Wikipedia - RNA (journal)
Wikipedia - Rob Crilly -- British-Irish journalist and author
Wikipedia - Robert A. Sengstacke -- African-American photojournalist
Wikipedia - Robert Beauvais -- French writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Robert Blatchford -- English socialist campaigner and journalist
Wikipedia - Robert Boyd (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Robert Brasillach -- French author and journalist (1909-1945)
Wikipedia - Robert Buderi -- American journalist, author, and editor
Wikipedia - Robert Caro -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Robert C. Bergenheim -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Robert Chapatte -- French cyclist and journalist
Wikipedia - Robert C. Maynard -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Robert Conley (reporter) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Robert Cromie -- Journalist and novelist from Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Robert D. McFadden -- an American journalist worked for ''The New York Times''
Wikipedia - Robert Edward Crozier Long -- Anglo-Irish journalist and author
Wikipedia - Robert E. Gilka -- American photojournalist
Wikipedia - Robert Epstein -- American psychologist and journalist
Wikipedia - Robert E. Thompson -- political writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Robert Evans (journalist) -- American journalist and podcast host
Wikipedia - Robert Fidgeon -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Robert Fife -- Canadian political journalist and author
Wikipedia - Robert Fisk -- English writer and journalist (1946-2020)
Wikipedia - Robert Goldsborough (writer) -- Journalist and mystery writer
Wikipedia - Robert Heller (journalist) -- British management journalist (1932-2012)
Wikipedia - Robert Henry Best -- American journalist and Nazi propagandist
Wikipedia - Robert Hilburn -- Journalist in the United States
Wikipedia - Robert I. Friedman -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Robert Kee -- British broadcaster, journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Robert Kolker -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Robert Kovacik -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Robert Kuttner -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Robert Lewis (journalist) -- Canadian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Robert Lipsyte -- American sports journalist, novelist (born 1938)
Wikipedia - Robert Mackenzie Daniel -- Scottish journalist and novelist
Wikipedia - Robert MacNeil -- Canadian-American journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Robert Mountsier -- Author, journalist, and literary agent
Wikipedia - Robert Neuwirth -- American journalist, author, and investigative reporter
Wikipedia - Robert Neville (journalist) -- American newspaper and magazine reporter
Wikipedia - Robert Novak -- American journalist and columnist
Wikipedia - Roberto Gervaso -- Italian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Roberto Guerra Perez -- Cuban journalist
Wikipedia - Roberto Jauregui -- Argentine actor, activist, journalist
Wikipedia - Roberto Javier Mora Garcia -- Mexican crime journalist and murder victim
Wikipedia - Roberto Maidana -- Argentine journalist
Wikipedia - Roberto Marcos Garcia -- Mexican crime journalist and murder victim
Wikipedia - Roberto Saviano -- Italian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Robert Pear -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Robert Peston -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Robert Post (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Robert Rintoul -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Robert S. Allen -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Robert Sam Anson -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Robert Siegel -- American radio journalist
Wikipedia - Robert SolM-CM-) -- French journalist and novelist of Egyptian origin
Wikipedia - Robert StM-CM-)nuit -- Belgian journalist, writer, underwater archeologist and the first aquanaut.
Wikipedia - Robert Timberg -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Robert Vaidlo -- Estonian journalist and children's writer
Wikipedia - Robert W. Chandler -- American journalist and businessman
Wikipedia - Robert Whitaker (author) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Robert Wright (journalist)
Wikipedia - Rob Gifford -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Rob Goldstone -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Rob Harris (journalist) -- British sport journalist
Wikipedia - Robin Abrahams -- American author, journalist, and speaker
Wikipedia - Robin Aitken -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Robin Alexander (journalist) -- German journalist and author
Wikipedia - Robin Brown (journalist) -- Canadian radio journalist
Wikipedia - Robin Gill (journalist) -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Robin Leach -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Robin Marantz Henig -- Author and journalist
Wikipedia - Rob L. Wagner -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Rob Powell (journalist) -- British Journalist & Sky News Political Correspondent
Wikipedia - Robyn Blumner -- Journalist and civil rights law expert
Wikipedia - Robyn Curnow -- South African journalist and news anchor
Wikipedia - Robyn Scott -- New Zealand journalist, writer, businesswoman
Wikipedia - Robyn Urback -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Robyn Williams -- Australian science journalist
Wikipedia - Rock Art Research -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Rod Dreher -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Rodica Mahu -- Moldovan journalist
Wikipedia - Rod Liddle -- British journalist, born 1960
Wikipedia - Rodolfo Muller -- Italian cyclist and journalist
Wikipedia - Rodolfo Rabanal -- Argentinian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Rodrigo Rodrigues (TV host) -- Brazilian journalist and musician
Wikipedia - Roger Boyes -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Roger Calero -- Nicaraguan journalist and leader of Socialist Workers Party
Wikipedia - Roger East (journalist) -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Roger Ebert -- American film critic, author, journalist, and TV presenter
Wikipedia - Roger Faligot -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Roger Ford -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Roger Friedman -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Roger Hearing -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Roger Highfield -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Roger Lowenstein -- American financial journalist
Wikipedia - Roger Mudd -- American broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - Roger Parloff -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Roger Smith (journalist) -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Rogier van Aerde -- Dutch writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Rohit Gandhi -- Indian journalist and documentarian
Wikipedia - Rohit Sardana -- Indian journalist and media personality
Wikipedia - Rokas Zilinskas -- Lithuanian journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Rokhaya Diallo -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Roksi (periodical) -- Soviet music journal
Wikipedia - Roman Mayorga Rivas -- Nicaraguan journalist and poet
Wikipedia - Roman Skrypin -- Ukrainian journalist
Wikipedia - Roman Sushchenko -- Ukrainian journalist and artist
Wikipedia - Ronald Segal -- South African journalist and anti-apartheid activist
Wikipedia - Ronald T. Farrar -- American journalist and academic
Wikipedia - Ronan Farrow -- American Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author
Wikipedia - Ron Ben-Yishai -- Israeli journalist
Wikipedia - Ron Coleman (legal scholar) -- American lawyer and journalist
Wikipedia - Rondo Hatton -- American journalist and actor
Wikipedia - Ron Lieber -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Ron Stone (reporter) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Roozbeh Mirebrahimi -- Iranian journalist and blogger
Wikipedia - Rory Reid (journalist) -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Rosa Gonzalez Roman -- Chilean journalist
Wikipedia - Rosa Marchitelli -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Rosa Maria Calaf -- Spanish journalist
Wikipedia - Rosaria Capacchione -- Italian politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Rosario Sansores -- Mexican poet and journalist
Wikipedia - Roscoe Dunjee -- American civil rights activist, journalist, and editor
Wikipedia - Rose Aguilar -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Rose Ann Scamardella -- American television journalist
Wikipedia - Rose Kushner -- American journalist (1929 - 1990)
Wikipedia - Rosemary Barton -- Canadian political journalist
Wikipedia - Rose Wangui -- Kenyan Journalist
Wikipedia - Rose Wilder Lane -- American journalist, travel writer, novelist, and political theorist
Wikipedia - Rossana Rossanda -- Italian journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Ross Barkan -- American journalist, author, and politician
Wikipedia - Ross Clark (journalist) -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Ross Kemp -- English actor, author, presenter and journalist
Wikipedia - Rovshan Mammadov -- Azerbaijani journalist
Wikipedia - Rowenna Davis -- Journalist and teacher
Wikipedia - Rowland Evans -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Roxana Saberi -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Roy Firestone -- American sports journalist
Wikipedia - Roy Greenslade -- British academic and journalist
Wikipedia - Roy Hattersley -- British Labour Party politician, author and journalist
Wikipedia - Roy M. Fisher -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Roy Wilkins -- American civil rights leader and journalist
Wikipedia - R. Palme Dutt -- British communist and journalist
Wikipedia - R. Sarathkumar -- Indian actor, politician and former journalist
Wikipedia - R. Thomas Herman -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Ruaridh Arrow -- British journalist and film-maker
Wikipedia - RubM-CM-)n Espinosa -- Mexican journalist and photographer and murder victim
Wikipedia - RubM-CM-)n Sanchez (journalist) -- Puerto Rican journalist
Wikipedia - Rudi Bakhtiar -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Rudolf Augstein -- German journalist
Wikipedia - Rudolf Bolo Maeglin -- Swiss journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Rudolf Heinrich Daumann -- German journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Rudolf Holsti -- Finnish politician, journalist and diplomat
Wikipedia - Rudolf Nilsen -- Norwegian poet and journalist
Wikipedia - Rudolf Strobinger -- Czech journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Rudolph Edgar Block -- Jewish American journalist, columnist, and author
Wikipedia - Rui Chenggang -- Chinese journalist
Wikipedia - Ruiko Yoshida -- Japanese photojournalist
Wikipedia - Rukh-Shana Namuyimba -- Ugandan journalist (born 1978)
Wikipedia - Rukmini Callimachi -- Romanian-American journalist
Wikipedia - Runar Jorstad -- Norwegian journalist
Wikipedia - Rupert Hamer (journalist) -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Rupert Lockwood -- Australian journalist and communism activist
Wikipedia - Russell Carollo -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Russell Davies -- British journalist and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Russell Freeburg -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Russell Williams (cyclist) -- English racing cyclist, cycling coach, and cycling journalist
Wikipedia - Russ Ewing -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Rutger Castricum -- Dutch journalist and presenter
Wikipedia - Ruth Brandon -- British journalist, historian and author
Wikipedia - Ruth Conniff -- American progressive journalist
Wikipedia - Ruth Cowan Nash -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Ruth Elkrief -- French television journalist
Wikipedia - Ruth First -- South African journalist, scholar and anti-apartheid activist
Wikipedia - Ruth Weiss (journalist) -- Chinese-Austrian journalist
Wikipedia - Ruth Winter (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Ryan Broderick -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Ryan Grim -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Ryan Kelly (photojournalist) -- American photojournalist
Wikipedia - Ryan Lizza -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Ryan Satin -- American pop culture journalist
Wikipedia - Ryen Russillo -- American sports journalist
Wikipedia - Sabine Christiansen -- German journalist and television presenter
Wikipedia - Sabrina Tavernise -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Sadaharu Tanikawa -- Japanese journalist
Wikipedia - Saddha Mangala Sooriyabandara -- Sri Lankan journalist and media personality
Wikipedia - Saddick Adams -- Ghanaian Sports Journalist
Wikipedia - Sade Baderinwa -- American journalist and news anchor at WABC-TV
Wikipedia - Sadeq Naihoum -- Libyan writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Saeeda Mahmood -- Afghan broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - Saeed Kamali Dehghan -- Iranian-British journalist
Wikipedia - Saffron Aldridge -- English fashion model, freelance journalist and social activist
Wikipedia - Saga (journal) -- Icelandic history academic journal
Wikipedia - Sagarika Ghose -- Indian writer and journalist (born 1964)
Wikipedia - SAGE Journals
Wikipedia - Sahar Habib Ghazi -- multimedia journalist, editor and podcaster
Wikipedia - Said Aburish -- Palestinian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Said Fayad -- Lebanese journalist and poet
Wikipedia - Saiful Alam (journalist) -- Bangladeshi journalist
Wikipedia - Sajid Hussain (journalist) -- Pakistani journalist
Wikipedia - Salih Saif Aldin -- Journalist and correspondent
Wikipedia - Salijon Abdurahmanov -- Uzbek journalist
Wikipedia - Salil Gewali -- Indian writer and journalist (born 1971)
Wikipedia - Sally Beauman -- English writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Sally Hardcastle -- British journalist and radio presenter
Wikipedia - Samantha Barry -- Irish journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Sambit Bal -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Sam Coates -- British journalist, currently Sky News Deputy Political Editor
Wikipedia - Sam de Brito -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Sam Donaldson -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Sameera Aziz -- Saudi journalist, poet, writer, filmmaker, and activist
Wikipedia - Sameer Rahim -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Sam Falk -- United States photojournalist
Wikipedia - Samia Nkrumah -- Journalist and politician, Former Ghanaian member of parliament
Wikipedia - Samia Zaman -- Bangladeshi women journalists
Wikipedia - Sami DieM-DM-^QalaM-EM-! M-CM-^AigeM-DM-^Mala -- Northern Sami-language academic journal
Wikipedia - Samir Kassir -- Lebanese journalist (1960-2005)
Wikipedia - Samir Saba -- Dominican Journalist
Wikipedia - Sam Lipski -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Sampson Collins -- English journalist, author and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Sam Sifton -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Sam Summerlin -- American journalist, author and foreign correspondent
Wikipedia - Samuel Abt -- American sports journalist and author
Wikipedia - Samuel Aruwan -- Journalist
Wikipedia - Samuel Bowles (journalist) -- American newspaper editor
Wikipedia - Samuel Boyle (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Samuel Brittan -- English journalist and author
Wikipedia - Samuel Carter Hall -- Irish-born Victorian journalist
Wikipedia - Samuel Hopkins Adams -- American investigative journalist (1871-1958)
Wikipedia - Samuel Laman Blanchard -- British author and journalist
Wikipedia - Samuel T. Francis -- Paleoconservative journalist
Wikipedia - Samuel Wainer -- Brazilian journalist
Wikipedia - Sam Wallace (journalist) -- British sports journalist
Wikipedia - Sanae Orchi -- Dutch model, presenter and journalist (b. 1989)
Wikipedia - Sanam Maher -- Pakistani journalist
Wikipedia - Sana Saleem -- Pakistani journalist and human rights activist
Wikipedia - Sander Vanocur -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Sandi Doughton -- American science journalist
Wikipedia - San Diego Jewish Journal -- Jewish magazine
Wikipedia - Sandra Ezekwesili -- Nigerian journalist
Wikipedia - Sandra Jansen -- Journalist and politician from Alberta, Canada
Wikipedia - Sandra Jordan -- Irish journalist
Wikipedia - Sandra Maischberger -- German journalist, talk show host, and author
Wikipedia - Sandra Nyaira -- Zimbabwean journalist
Wikipedia - Sandra Smith (reporter) -- American journalist, co-host of the program America's Newsroom on Fox News
Wikipedia - Sandro Gerbi -- Italian journalist
Wikipedia - Sandro Petrone -- Italian journalist
Wikipedia - Sandy Fawkes -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Sandy Gall -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Sandy Gandhi -- Australian comedian and journalist
Wikipedia - Sangeeta Barooah Pisharoty -- Indian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Sangita Iyer -- Indian-Canadian wildlife activist, journalist, biologist and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Sanjiv Bhattacharya -- British journalist, based in the US
Wikipedia - San Jose Business Journal
Wikipedia - Sankhya (journal)
Wikipedia - Santo Biasatti -- Argentine journalist
Wikipedia - Santos Lopez Pelegrin -- Spanish journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Saparmamed Nepeskuliev -- Freelance journalist who has contributed to Alternative Turkmenistan News
Wikipedia - Sara Carbonero -- Spanish journalist
Wikipedia - Sara Coburn -- Journalist from Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Sara Eisen -- American journalist and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Sarah Abdurrahman -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Sarah Bartlett -- American journalist and academic
Wikipedia - Sarah Baxter -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Sarah Chayes -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Sarah Clarke (journalist) -- Irish journalist
Wikipedia - Sarah Cohen (journalist) -- American journalist and professor
Wikipedia - Sarah Ferguson (journalist) -- British-Australian journalist (born 1965)
Wikipedia - Sarah Helm -- British journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Sarah Henderson -- Australian politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Sarah Jeong -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Sarah Kimani -- Kenyan female journalist
Wikipedia - Sarah Koenig -- American journalist and podcast host
Wikipedia - Sarah Polonsky -- Canadian-American journalist
Wikipedia - Sarah Poyntz -- Irish journalist and author
Wikipedia - Sarah Weinman -- American journalist and crime fiction author
Wikipedia - Sara Murray (journalist) -- CNN Political Reporter
Wikipedia - Sara Sidner -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Sarmila Bose -- American journalist and academic
Wikipedia - Sasha Issenberg -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Saskia Noort -- Dutch author and journalist
Wikipedia - Satyendra Murli -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Saul Cepeda Lezcano -- Spanish writer, gourmand and journalist
Wikipedia - Saul Friedman -- American political journalist
Wikipedia - Saul Landau -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Savannah Guthrie -- American journalist and attorney
Wikipedia - Sayaka Morohoshi -- Japanese journalist
Wikipedia - Sayuri Hori -- Japanese journalist
Wikipedia - Scandia (journal)
Wikipedia - Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
Wikipedia - Schmollers Jahrbuch -- Economics and social science journal
Wikipedia - Scholarly journal
Wikipedia - School Library Journal -- US monthly magazine
Wikipedia - Science and Public Policy -- Peer-reviewed scientific journal
Wikipedia - Science journalism -- Journalism genre
Wikipedia - Science journalist
Wikipedia - Science (journal) -- American academic journal
Wikipedia - Science, Technology and Society -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Scientia Marina -- A peer-reviewed academic journal on marine research published by Institut de Ciencies del Mar de Barcelona
Wikipedia - Scientific journals
Wikipedia - Scientific journal -- Periodical journal publishing scientific research
Wikipedia - Sci Phi Journal -- Science fiction on-line magazine
Wikipedia - Scoop Jackson (writer) -- Sports journalist, cultural critic (born 1963)
Wikipedia - Scoop (news) -- Journalism term
Wikipedia - Scorpia (journalist)
Wikipedia - Scottish Archaeological Journal -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Scott James (writer) -- Journalist and author
Wikipedia - Scott Lapham -- Artist, photojournalist, activist
Wikipedia - Scott McCartney -- American journalist, best known as The Wall Street Journal's travel editor
Wikipedia - Scott Timberg -- Culture writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Scyld Berry -- English journalist and cricket correspondent
Wikipedia - Sean Cronin -- Irish journalist and IRA chief of staff
Wikipedia - Sean Duignan -- Journalist
Wikipedia - Sean Fine (journalist) -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Sean Flynn (photojournalist) -- American photojournalist
Wikipedia - Sean Hoare -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Seanice Kacungira -- Ugandan journalist
Wikipedia - Sean Ingle -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Sean McAdam (journalist) -- American sports journalist
Wikipedia - Sean O'Mahony (journalist) -- British music writer and magazine editor
Wikipedia - Sean Plunket -- New Zealand journalist
Wikipedia - Sebastian Junger -- American author, journalist and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Sebastian Payne -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Sebastian Walker -- Journalist
Wikipedia - Seb Costello -- Australian journalist (b. 1987)
Wikipedia - Sefer Turan -- Turkish journalist
Wikipedia - Sefton Delmer -- British journalist and propagandist
Wikipedia - Sefunot (journal) -- Academic journal on the study of Oriental Jewish communities
Wikipedia - Segun Bucknor -- musician and journalist
Wikipedia - Selwyn Seyfu Hinds -- Guyanese-American screenwriter and journalist
Wikipedia - Semantic Scholar -- Search service for journal articles
Wikipedia - Semantic Web (journal)
Wikipedia - Seminars in Orthodontics -- Medical journal
Wikipedia - Seminars in Reproductive Medicine -- Medical journal
Wikipedia - Senad HadM-EM->ifejzovic -- Journalist
Wikipedia - Sen Katayama -- Japanese journalist
Wikipedia - Seo Bok-hyun -- South Korean journalist and current JTBC Newsroom weekday anchor
Wikipedia - Serafino Mazzolini -- Italian journalist and lawyer
Wikipedia - Serbian Journalists' Association building -- Building in Belgrade
Wikipedia - Serena Altschul -- American broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - Serena Mackesy -- British novelist and journalist
Wikipedia - Serge Monast -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Serge Schmemann -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Sergio De Gregorio (politician) -- Italian politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Sergio Dorantes -- Mexican photojournalist
Wikipedia - Service journalism -- Consumer-oriented features and advice
Wikipedia - Serwaa Amihere -- Ghanaian woman journalist
Wikipedia - Seumas O'Kelly -- Irish journalist, fiction writer, and playwright
Wikipedia - Sevanti Ninan -- Indian journalist, columnist, researcher and media critic
Wikipedia - Sevinj Osmanqizi -- Azerbaijani journalist
Wikipedia - Sewell Chan -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Sex Education (journal) -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Sex Roles (journal) -- Peer-reviewed scientific journal
Wikipedia - Seye Kehinde -- Nigerian journalist and magazine owners
Wikipedia - Seymour Topping -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Shafi Aqeel -- Pakistani journalist, poet, writer
Wikipedia - Shahid Masood -- Dubious Pakistani Journalist
Wikipedia - Shahidul Alam -- Bangladeshi photojournalist
Wikipedia - Shahina K. K. -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Shah Marai -- Afghan journalist and photographer
Wikipedia - Shahnaz Munni -- Bangladeshi journalist and new editor
Wikipedia - Shahriyar Majidzade -- Azerbaijani journalist
Wikipedia - Shahzada Zulfiqar -- President of the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists
Wikipedia - Shaiju Damodaran -- Indian sports commentator and journalist)
Wikipedia - Shakne Epshtein -- Soviet journalist
Wikipedia - Shakuntala Banerjee -- German television journalist and reporter
Wikipedia - Sham Lal -- Indian journalist and literary critic
Wikipedia - Shana Alexander -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Shane Bauer -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Shane Ross -- Irish independent politician, former minister and journalist
Wikipedia - Shane Smith (journalist) -- Canadian, former journalist, media executive
Wikipedia - Shani Hilton -- Journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Shankar Vedantam -- American journalist, writer, and science correspondent
Wikipedia - Shanta Gokhale -- Indian writer, translator, journalist and theatre critic
Wikipedia - Sharada Ramanathan -- Indian journalist and film director
Wikipedia - Sharif al Mujahid -- Pakistani journalist, author, and professor
Wikipedia - Sharon Begley -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Sharon Dahlonega Bush -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Sharon LaFraniere -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Sharon Tobin -- Irish journalist
Wikipedia - Sharyl Attkisson -- American writer, journalist, television reporter/correspondent
Wikipedia - Shaughnessy Bishop-Stall -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Shaukat Pardesi -- Indian poet, journalist and lyricist born in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Shaunagh Connaire -- Irish broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - Shehab Khan -- British political journalist
Wikipedia - Sheila Benson -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Sheila Dillon -- British food journalist
Wikipedia - Sheila Hibben -- American food journalist.
Wikipedia - Sheila Kawamara-Mishambi -- Ugandan journalist
Wikipedia - Sheinelle Jones -- American journalist, news anchor and correspondent
Wikipedia - Shekhar Gupta -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Shereen Bhan -- Indian journalist and news anchor and Managing Editor of CNBC-TV18
Wikipedia - Sheri Fink -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Sherry Sylvester -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Sheryl James -- Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author
Wikipedia - Shiela Grant Duff -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Shiho Fukada -- Japanese photojournalist
Wikipedia - Shi Tao (journalist) -- Chinese dissident
Wikipedia - Shiv Aroor -- Indian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Shobhaa De -- Indian journalist and novelist
Wikipedia - Shoma Chatterji -- Indian film scholar, author and freelance journalist
Wikipedia - Shoshana R. Ungerleider -- American doctor and journalist
Wikipedia - Shradha Sharma -- Indian journalist, editor and business person
Wikipedia - Shungudzo -- Philanthropist, singer, songwriter, record producer, gymnast, journalist and reality television personality
Wikipedia - Shuntaro Torigoe -- Japanese journalist and political activist
Wikipedia - Shweta Bachchan Nanda -- Indian author, journalist, host and model
Wikipedia - Shyam Bhatia -- British war journalist
Wikipedia - SIAM Journal on Computing
Wikipedia - SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications
Wikipedia - SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
Wikipedia - SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
Wikipedia - Siarhiej Dubaviec -- Belarusian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Sibyl Wilbur -- American journalist and feminist author
Wikipedia - Siddharth Varadarajan -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Sid Hartman -- American sports journalist (1920-2020)
Wikipedia - Sidney Low -- British journalist, author and historian
Wikipedia - Sid Rosenberg -- American journalist (born 1967)
Wikipedia - Sidy Lamine Niasse -- Senegalese lawyer and journalist
Wikipedia - Signor Brocolini -- American opera singer, actor and journalist
Wikipedia - Signs (journal)
Wikipedia - Silas K. Hocking -- English writer, preacher, journalist
Wikipedia - Silicon Valley Business Journal
Wikipedia - Silvano Moffa -- Italian journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Silva Zurleva -- Bulgarian journalist
Wikipedia - Silvia Costa (politician) -- Italian journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Silvia Foti -- American journalist (born 1961)
Wikipedia - Silvia Grijalba -- Spanish journalist and writer
Wikipedia - SiM-CM-"n Pari Huws -- Welsh journalist and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Sime Silverman -- American journalist and newspaper publisher
Wikipedia - Simon Beckett -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Simone TM-CM-)ry -- French journalist and novelist (1897-1967)
Wikipedia - Simone Wendler -- Chemist and journalist
Wikipedia - Simon Hammelburg -- Dutch journalist, composer and author
Wikipedia - Simon Hoggart -- English journalist and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Simon Katzenstein -- German politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Simon Parkin -- English journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Simon Rowe -- Irish journalist
Wikipedia - Simon Tisdall -- English journalist
Wikipedia - Sindri Sindrason -- Icelandic journalist
Wikipedia - S. I. Newhouse School of Public Communications -- Communications school at Syracuse University offering programs in print and broadcast journalism; music business; graphic design; advertising; public relations; and television radio, and film
Wikipedia - Singapore Medical Journal -- Medical journal
Wikipedia - SinM-CM-)ad Ni Uallachain -- Journalist, actress, artist and radio presenter
Wikipedia - Sintaksis (Moscow) -- Samizdat poetry journal
Wikipedia - Siobhan Creaton -- Irish journalist
Wikipedia - Siouxsie Q -- American journalist, pornographic actress and outspoken sex workersM-bM-^@M-^Y rights activist
Wikipedia - Sir Arthur Pearson, 1st Baronet -- Journalist; publisher
Wikipedia - Sir Henry Norman, 1st Baronet -- English journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Siri Carpenter -- American freelance science journalist (born 1971)
Wikipedia - Sky News presenters and editorial team -- Presenters and journalists of Sky News, a British television news channel
Wikipedia - Slawomir Jeneralski -- Polish journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Slawomir Sierakowski -- Polish journalist (born 1979)
Wikipedia - SM-CM-)bastien Demorand -- French journalist
Wikipedia - SM-CM-)rgio Buarque de Holanda -- Brazilian historian, writer, journalist, and sociologist (1902-1982)
Wikipedia - SM-CM-)rgio Davila -- Brazilian journalist
Wikipedia - SM Haroon-or-Rashid -- Bangladeshi journalist
Wikipedia - S. M. Holden -- British journalist and political activist
Wikipedia - Social & Legal Studies -- peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - Social Cognition (journal)
Wikipedia - Social Epistemology (journal)
Wikipedia - Social Justice (journal)
Wikipedia - Social pornography -- Journalism where persons are exposed in an intimate way for entertainment to satisfy a "peeping" mentality in the audience
Wikipedia - Social Psychology (journal)
Wikipedia - Social Psychology (scientific journal)
Wikipedia - Social Research (journal)
Wikipedia - Society and Mental Health -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Sociological Perspectives -- Sociology journal
Wikipedia - Sofia M-CM-^Mmber -- Venezuelan journalist and cultural activist
Wikipedia - Software Engineering Journal
Wikipedia - Sofya Tartakova -- Russian journalist
Wikipedia - Sohrab Ahmari -- Iranian American writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Soil Science Society of America Journal
Wikipedia - Sokal affair -- 1996 scholarly publishing sting accepted by an academic journal
Wikipedia - Solange Ayanone -- Rwadan Journalist
Wikipedia - Sol Aragones -- Filipino politician and former journalist
Wikipedia - Solmaz Daryani -- Iranian photojournalist and documentary photographer
Wikipedia - Sol Stern -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Sona Charaipotra -- An American author and journalist.
Wikipedia - Song Yangbiao -- Chinese journalist
Wikipedia - Sonia Nazario -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Sonia Seymour Mikich -- German TV journalist
Wikipedia - Sonja Morawetz Sinclair -- Czecheslovakian-Canadian journalist, author, and cryptographer
Wikipedia - Sonja Zekri -- German journalist
Wikipedia - Sopan Deb -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Sophie Hilbrand -- Dutch presenter and journalist
Wikipedia - Sophie Huet -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Sophy Ridge -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Soran Mama Hama -- Iraqi journalist
Wikipedia - Soumaya Keynes -- British journalist and economist
Wikipedia - Soumya Bhattacharya -- Indian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Source (journalism) -- Person, publication, or document that gives timely information
Wikipedia - South African Journal of Economics -- Peer-reviewed journal
Wikipedia - Soyuz Molodyozhi -- Russian avant-garde group with journal of the same name
Wikipedia - Speculative Grammarian -- Satirical linguistics journal
Wikipedia - Speculum (journal)
Wikipedia - Spencer Kelly -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Sports journalism -- Form of journalism that reports on sporting topics and competitions
Wikipedia - S. R. Ramaswamy -- Indian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Stacie Chan -- American actress and journalist
Wikipedia - Stacy-Marie Ishmael -- Journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Stan Grant (journalist) -- Australian television presenter
Wikipedia - Stanislaw Bukowiec -- Polish journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Stanislaw Pagaczewski -- Polish journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Stanley Forman -- American photojournalist
Wikipedia - Stanley Jennings -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Stanley Levey -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Stanley Palisada -- Filipino journalist (born 1969)
Wikipedia - Stan Persky -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Stan Stearns -- American photojournalist (1935-2012)
Wikipedia - Statue of Jan Hendrik Hofmeyr -- Sculpture of the South African journalist and politician in Cape Town
Wikipedia - Stefan Christoff -- Canadian journalist, musician and activist
Wikipedia - Stefan Fatsis -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Stefan GroM-CM-^_mann -- Austrian journalist, author and theater critic
Wikipedia - Stefan Korbonski -- Polish politician, lawyer, and journalist
Wikipedia - Stefano Donati -- Italian journalist
Wikipedia - Stein KM-CM-%re Kristiansen -- Norwegian journalist
Wikipedia - Stelian Popescu -- Romanian journalist
Wikipedia - Stella Inger -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Stem Cells and Development -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - STEM Journals -- Television program
Wikipedia - Stephanie Flanders -- British former broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - Stephanie Foo -- Radio journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Stephanie Ruhle -- American financial journalist
Wikipedia - Stephanie Saul -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Stephan Klapproth -- Swiss journalist, television presenter and professor
Wikipedia - Stephen Alvarez -- American photojournalist
Wikipedia - Stephen A. Smith -- American sports television personality, sports radio host, and sports journalist
Wikipedia - Stephen Brunt -- Canadian sports journalist
Wikipedia - Stephen Cole (broadcaster) -- British broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - Stephen Collins (journalist) -- Irish journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Stephen Crane -- American novelist, short story writer, poet, and journalist
Wikipedia - Stephen Crittenden -- Australian journalist (born 1963)
Wikipedia - Stephen Cullen Carpenter -- Irish-born author, reporter, editor and journal founder
Wikipedia - Stephen Davis (music journalist) -- American music journalist and historian
Wikipedia - Stephen Guptill -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Stephen Lock -- English haematologist and medical journal editor
Wikipedia - Stephen M. Silverman -- American biographer, journalist, and editor
Wikipedia - Stephen Rebello -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Stephen Thomas Erlewine -- American music journalist
Wikipedia - Steph McGovern -- English journalist and TV presenter
Wikipedia - Steve Chao -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Steve Chapman (columnist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Steve Curwood -- Massachusetts USA journalist
Wikipedia - Steve Handelsman -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Steve Hartman -- American broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - Steve James (cricketer) -- English cricketer and journalist
Wikipedia - Steve Kornacki -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Steve Levy -- American journalist and sportscaster
Wikipedia - Steve Murphy (news anchor) -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Steven Clemons -- American journalist and blogger
Wikipedia - Steven Johnson (author) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Steven K. Vogel -- American journalist, author, and political scientist
Wikipedia - Steven Levy -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Steven Sotloff -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Steve Reilly -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Steve Sailer -- American journalist and movie critic
Wikipedia - Steve Silberman -- American writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Stewart Cheifet -- American television presenter, producer and journalist
Wikipedia - Stieg Larsson -- Journalist and novelist from Sweden
Wikipedia - Stitches: The Journal of Medical Humour -- Defunct Canadian humour magazine
Wikipedia - StM-CM-)phane Pizella -- French journalist and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Stringer (journalism) -- A freelance journalist, photographer, or videographer
Wikipedia - Stuart Hess -- South African sports journalist
Wikipedia - Studia Hibernica -- Academic journal of Irish Studies from Dublin City University
Wikipedia - Studies in Political Economy -- Academic journal covering political economy
Wikipedia - Studies in Romanticism -- American journal on English literature
Wikipedia - Studies (journal)
Wikipedia - Subal Kumar Dey -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Sucheta Dalal -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - SuChin Pak -- Korean American journalist
Wikipedia - Sudhir Chaudhary (journalist) -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Sudipto Saeed Khan -- Bangladeshi journalist
Wikipedia - Sue Arnold -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Sue Cassidy Clark -- American music journalist
Wikipedia - Sue Turton -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Suleyman Sani Akhundov -- Azerbaijani playwright, journalist and author
Wikipedia - Sule Yuksel Senler -- Cyprus-born Turkish writer, journalist, activist
Wikipedia - Sultan Munadi -- Afghan journalist
Wikipedia - Sunday Akin Dare -- Nigerian journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Sunny Hostin -- American lawyer, journalist, and television host
Wikipedia - Supa Mandiwanzira -- Zimbabwean journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Surgical Innovation -- medical journal
Wikipedia - Susan B. Anthony II -- American journalist, activist, and substance abuse counselor
Wikipedia - Susan Bonner -- Canadian radio and television journalist
Wikipedia - Susan Candiotti -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Susan King (journalist) -- Susan King (journalist)
Wikipedia - Susan Lowndes Marques -- British author and journalist living in Portugal
Wikipedia - Susan McKay -- Irish writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Susannah Breslin -- Journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Susannah Cahalan -- American journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Susannah Constantine -- English fashion journalist, television presenter and author
Wikipedia - Susannah Frankel -- British fashion journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Susanne Craig -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Susan Smith Richardson -- American journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Susan Stamberg -- American radio journalist (born 1938)
Wikipedia - Susan Swain -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Susie Boniface -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Suzanne Jung -- Former primetime news anchor, journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Suzanne Malveaux -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Suzy Welch -- American journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Sveriges Handelskalendar -- Swedish journal
Wikipedia - Svetlana Alexievich -- Belarusian investigative journalist and non-fiction prose writer
Wikipedia - Svetoslav Ivanov -- Bulgarian journalist
Wikipedia - Swadeshabhimani Ramakrishna Pillai -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Swaminathan Aiyar -- Indian journalist (born 1938)
Wikipedia - Swati Thiyagarajan -- Indian conservationist, documentary filmmaker and environmental journalist
Wikipedia - Sydney Chandrasekara -- Sri Lankan journalist and media personality (1959-2020)
Wikipedia - Sydney Pardon -- English sports journalist
Wikipedia - Syed Abdur Rabb -- Indian journalist.
Wikipedia - Sylvan Fox -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Sylvia Lawson -- Australian journalist, academic, film critic and author
Wikipedia - Sylvia Poggioli -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Sylvia Porter -- American economist and journalist
Wikipedia - Sylvia von Harden -- German journalist
Wikipedia - Sylvie Caster -- French journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Symbolic Interaction (journal)
Wikipedia - Taavi Tainio -- Finnish politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Tabitha Soren -- American television journalist
Wikipedia - Tabloid journalism -- style of journalism
Wikipedia - Tadeusz Chciuk-Celt -- Polish journalist
Wikipedia - Tadeusz DolM-DM-^Yga-Mostowicz -- Polish writer and journalist, author of over a dozen popular novels
Wikipedia - Tadeusz M-EM-;ychiewicz -- Polish journalist, art historian and publicist
Wikipedia - Taiwo Allimi -- Nigerian journalist and media executive
Wikipedia - Taketora Ogata -- Japanese journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Taleb Alrefai -- Kuwaiti journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Tamal Bandyopadhyay -- Indian business journalist
Wikipedia - Tamale Mirundi -- Ugandan journalist (born 1964)
Wikipedia - Tamar Haspel -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Tammie Teclemariam -- American wine journalist
Wikipedia - Tamsin Omond -- British author, environmental activist and journalist
Wikipedia - Tanya Biank -- American journalist, author, and speaker
Wikipedia - Tanya Reinhart -- Israeli journalist and linguist
Wikipedia - Taoufik Bouachrine -- Moroccan journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Tara McGowan -- American executive of a non-profit organization, political strategist, and journalist
Wikipedia - Tarbiz -- Academic journal on Jewish studies
Wikipedia - Tarek Fatah -- Pakistani-Canadian journalist and author (born 1949)
Wikipedia - Tashauna Reid -- Jamaican-Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Tasmin Mahfuz -- American television journalist and news anchor.
Wikipedia - Tasnim Nazeer -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Tatiana Mukakibibi -- Rwandan journalist
Wikipedia - Tatyana Felgenhauer -- Russian journalist
Wikipedia - Tatyana Mitkova -- Russian television journalist for NTV
Wikipedia - Tavleen Singh -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Tawakkol Karman -- Yemeni Nobel Laureate, journalist, politician, and human rights activist
Wikipedia - Taylor Auerbach -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Taylor Rooks -- American sports journalist
Wikipedia - Tayseer Allouni -- Syrian-Spanish journalist
Wikipedia - Tayseer Najjar -- Jordanian journalist
Wikipedia - Tazeen Ahmad -- British journalist
Wikipedia - T-Bone Slim -- American journalist
Wikipedia - T. D. Allman -- American historian and journalist
Wikipedia - Te Ao Hou / The New World -- New Zealand quarterly journal (1952-1975)
Wikipedia - Technology journalism
Wikipedia - Ted Byfield -- Journalist, Publisher, Western Canadian
Wikipedia - Ted Castle (photographer) -- American photojournalist
Wikipedia - Ted Corbett -- English cricket writer and sports journalist
Wikipedia - Ted Henry -- American broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - Ted Koppel -- British-American television journalist
Wikipedia - Ted Mann (journalist) -- American reporter
Wikipedia - Ted Poston -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Tehumin -- Jewish journal
Wikipedia - Tehzeeb-e-Niswan (magazine) -- Women rights journal
Wikipedia - Tekla Hultin -- Finnish politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Television Journalist
Wikipedia - Telos (journal)
Wikipedia - Temesgen Desalegn -- Ethiopian journalist
Wikipedia - Template talk:Computer-science-journal-stub
Wikipedia - Teodoro Antilli -- Argentine journalist and anarchist
Wikipedia - Terence Atherton -- British espionage agent and journalist
Wikipedia - Teresa Mannion -- Irish journalist and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Teresa Ndanga -- Malawian journalist
Wikipedia - Teresa Roncon -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Terrain (journal)
Wikipedia - Terre Blair -- Broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - Terry A. Anderson -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Terry Drinkwater -- American television and radio journalist
Wikipedia - Terry Foster -- American journalist (born 1959)
Wikipedia - Terry Gould -- Canadian author and investigative journalist
Wikipedia - Terry Milewski -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Tetsuya Chikushi -- Japanese journalist
Wikipedia - Thea Doelwijt -- Surinamese writer and journalist
Wikipedia - The Advent (journal)
Wikipedia - Thea Leitner -- Austrian author and journalist
Wikipedia - The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - The American Journal of Human Genetics
Wikipedia - The American Journal of Psychiatry
Wikipedia - The American Journal of Psychology
Wikipedia - The American Journal of Semiotics
Wikipedia - The American Journal of Surgery -- Scientific journal
Wikipedia - The American Journal of Theology
Wikipedia - The Americas (journal)
Wikipedia - The Analysis of Verbal Behavior -- Psychology journal
Wikipedia - The Annals of Thoracic Surgery -- Medical journal
Wikipedia - The Aran Islands (book) -- Early 20th century collection of journal entries about the Aran Islands in Ireland
Wikipedia - The Archaeological Journal -- Peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - The Art Journal
Wikipedia - The Arts Desk -- British arts journalism website
Wikipedia - The Assam Gazette -- Public journal of the Government of Assam
Wikipedia - The Astrophysical Journal
Wikipedia - The Atlanta Journal-Constitution -- Daily newspaper in Atlanta, Georgia
Wikipedia - Theatre Journal -- journal
Wikipedia - The Ayn Rand Cult -- Nonfiction book by journalist Jeff Walker
Wikipedia - The Baker Street Journal -- Quarterly journal devoted to Sherlock Holmes
Wikipedia - The BMJ -- Peer-reviewed medical journal
Wikipedia - The British Journal for the History of Science
Wikipedia - The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science
Wikipedia - The Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books -- American academic journal
Wikipedia - The Cartographic Journal -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - The Christian Science Journal -- Christian Science magazine
Wikipedia - The City Record -- Official Journal of The City of New York
Wikipedia - The Classical Journal
Wikipedia - The Comics Journal -- American magazine
Wikipedia - The Computer Journal
Wikipedia - The Courier-Journal
Wikipedia - The Covent-Garden Journal -- 1752 English literary periodical
Wikipedia - The Daytona Beach News-Journal -- Newspaper in Florida
Wikipedia - The Economic Journal -- Published by RES and Oxford University
Wikipedia - The Family Journal
Wikipedia - The Far Eastern Review -- Defunct engineering journal
Wikipedia - The Free Press Journal -- Indian broadsheet newspaper
Wikipedia - The Freethinker (journal)
Wikipedia - The Global Mail -- Multimedia site for longform and project-based journalism
Wikipedia - The Greatest Generation (book) -- 1998 book by american journalist Tom Brokaw.
Wikipedia - The Heroic Age (journal)
Wikipedia - The Heythrop Journal
Wikipedia - The Hibbert Journal
Wikipedia - The High School Journal -- Academic journal about education
Wikipedia - The Hillman Prize -- Journalism award
Wikipedia - The Imaging Science Journal -- Journal
Wikipedia - The Indian Antiquary -- Academic journal from India
Wikipedia - The Insider (website) -- Investigative journalism website
Wikipedia - The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion
Wikipedia - The International Journal of Press/Politics -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - The International Journal of Psychoanalysis
Wikipedia - The Jersey Journal -- U.S. newspaper
Wikipedia - The Jewish Journal (Boston North) -- Newspaper published in Essex County, Massachusetts, U.S.
Wikipedia - The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles -- Newspaper in Los Angeles, California
Wikipedia - The Jewish Quarterly Review -- Quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal covering Jewish studies
Wikipedia - The Journal (Canadian TV program) -- Canadian television show
Wikipedia - The Journal Gazette -- Indiana newspaper
Wikipedia - The Journalist and the Murderer -- 1990 study by Janet Malcolm about the ethics of journalism
Wikipedia - The Journal (newspaper) -- British daily newspaper
Wikipedia - The Journal News -- Newspaper in White Plains, New York
Wikipedia - The Journal of Academic Librarianship
Wikipedia - The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism -- American peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - The Journal of Agricultural Science
Wikipedia - The Journal of American History
Wikipedia - The Journal of Anthropology
Wikipedia - The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies
Wikipedia - The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education -- Online magazine for African Americans in academia
Wikipedia - The Journal of Controversial Ideas -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - The Journal of Economic History
Wikipedia - The Journal of English and Germanic Philology
Wikipedia - The Journal of Headache and Pain -- Medical journal
Wikipedia - The Journal of Hellenic Studies
Wikipedia - The Journal of Higher Education -- American peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - The Journal of Individual Psychology
Wikipedia - The Journal of Infectious Diseases -- Peer-reviewed scientific journal
Wikipedia - The Journal of Insectivorous Plant Society -- A quarterly Japanese-language periodical
Wikipedia - The Journal of Military History
Wikipedia - The Journal of Negro Education
Wikipedia - The Journal of Negro History
Wikipedia - The Journal of Neuroscience
Wikipedia - The Journal of Nietzsche Studies
Wikipedia - The Journal of Object Technology
Wikipedia - The Journal of Pediatrics
Wikipedia - The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology, and Scientific Methods
Wikipedia - The Journal of Philosophy
Wikipedia - The Journal of Politics
Wikipedia - The Journal of Popular Culture
Wikipedia - The Journal of Portfolio Management -- Scientific journal
Wikipedia - The Journal of Positive Psychology
Wikipedia - The Journal of Psychology
Wikipedia - The Journal of Religion
Wikipedia - The Journal of Sex Research
Wikipedia - The Journal of Sexual Medicine
Wikipedia - The Journal of Social History
Wikipedia - The Journal of Supercomputing -- Academic computer science journal
Wikipedia - The Journal of Symbolic Logic
Wikipedia - The Journal of the American Medical Association
Wikipedia - The Journal of the Learning Sciences
Wikipedia - The Journal of Theological Studies
Wikipedia - The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery -- Peer-reviewed scientific journal
Wikipedia - The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery -- Peer-reviewed medical journal
Wikipedia - The Journals of Susanna Moodie -- Book by Margaret Atwood
Wikipedia - The Jurist (journal)
Wikipedia - The Lancet -- Peer-reviewed general medical journal
Wikipedia - The Leadership Quarterly -- Bimonthly peer-reviewed journal
Wikipedia - The Leibniz Review -- Academic journal devoted to Gottfried LeibnizM-bM-^@M-^Ys thought and work
Wikipedia - The Lifted Brow -- Australian literary organisation and its literary magazine/journal
Wikipedia - The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science
Wikipedia - The London Gazette -- Journal of record of the British government
Wikipedia - The Magazine of Art -- Monthly British journal
Wikipedia - The Mailer Review -- academic journal
Wikipedia - The Marshall Project -- US nonprofit, nonpartisan onlineM-BM- journalismM-BM- organization
Wikipedia - The Mohammadi -- Art journal
Wikipedia - The Musical Quarterly -- Oldest academic journal on music in America
Wikipedia - The New Atlantis (journal)
Wikipedia - The New England Journal of Medicine -- Peer-reviewed medical journal
Wikipedia - The New Journalism -- Book by Tom Wolfe
Wikipedia - The News Journal -- Newspaper from Wilmington, Delaware
Wikipedia - The New York Weekly Journal -- Newspaper
Wikipedia - Theodora W. Youmans -- American journalist, editor & women's suffrage activist
Wikipedia - Theodor Haubach -- German journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Theodor Wonja Michael -- German journalist
Wikipedia - The Open Notebook -- Non-profit sciemce journalism organization
Wikipedia - Theoretical Computer Science (journal)
Wikipedia - Theory of Computing (journal)
Wikipedia - The Philanthropist (journal) -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - The Players' Tribune -- Sports journalism website providing content written by professional athletes
Wikipedia - The Pomegranate -- Journal
Wikipedia - The Post-Journal -- Newspaper
Wikipedia - The Poughkeepsie Journal
Wikipedia - The PracTeX Journal
Wikipedia - The Providence Journal -- Newspaper published in Providence, Rhode Island, United States
Wikipedia - The Psychological Record -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - The Rutherford Journal
Wikipedia - The Shed at Dulwich -- A hoax by journalist Oobah Butler
Wikipedia - The Sixteenth Century Journal
Wikipedia - The State Journal-Register -- Daily newspaper in Illinois, USA
Wikipedia - The Voice Weekly -- Burmese news journal
Wikipedia - The Wall Street Journal -- American business-focused daily broadsheet newspaper based in New York City
Wikipedia - Thierry Gilardi -- French sports journalist
Wikipedia - Thierry Meyssan -- French journalist and political activist
Wikipedia - Thierry Roland -- French sports journalist
Wikipedia - Thijs Niemantsverdriet -- Dutch journalist
Wikipedia - Thijs Zonneveld -- Dutch bicycle racer and journalist
Wikipedia - Thilo Thielke -- German journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Think (journal)
Wikipedia - Thin Solid Films -- Scientific journal
Wikipedia - Third Text -- American peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - ThM-CM-)ophile ThorM-CM-)-Burger -- French journalist and art critic, 1807-1869
Wikipedia - Thomas Alsager -- English journalist
Wikipedia - Thomas Barnes (journalist)
Wikipedia - Thomas Bracken -- New Zealand poet, journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Thomas Burton O'Connor -- US journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Thomas Cooper de Leon -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Thomas Coward -- English ornithologist, amateur astronomer, journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Thomas de Waal -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Thomas E. Sniegoski -- American writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Thomas Franklin Fairfax Millard -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Thomas Friedman -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Thomas F. Woodlock -- Irish-born editor of the Wall Street Journal
Wikipedia - Thomas Osborne (Australian journalist) -- Australian journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Thomas Vinciguerra -- American journalist (born 1963)
Wikipedia - Thor Gjermund Eriksen -- Norwegian journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Thorsten Quandt -- German opinion journalist and media scholar
Wikipedia - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy
Wikipedia - Thurston Hopkins -- British photojournalist
Wikipedia - Tibor MM-CM-)ray -- Hungarian journalist
Wikipedia - Tibou Kamara -- Guinean politiian and journalist
Wikipedia - Tilly Bagshawe -- British freelance journalist and author
Wikipedia - Tim Arango -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Tim Arvier -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Tim Backshall (television presenter) -- British television presenter and journalist
Wikipedia - Timber Trades Journal -- UK trade magazine for the timber industry
Wikipedia - Tim Dowling -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Tim Footman -- British author, journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Tim Franks -- British journalist and radio presenter
Wikipedia - Tim Freccia -- American photojournalist
Wikipedia - Tim Harford -- British economist and journalist
Wikipedia - Tim Knight -- TV Journalist
Wikipedia - Tim KrabbM-CM-) -- Dutch journalist and novelist
Wikipedia - Tim Luckhurst -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Timothy Crouse -- American journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Timothy Noah -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Tim Page (music critic) -- American journalist (born 1954)
Wikipedia - Tim Pool -- YouTuber, journalist, and political commentator
Wikipedia - Tim Russert -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Tina Antolini -- American journalist and radio producer
Wikipedia - Tina Daheley -- English journalist and television presenter
Wikipedia - Tina Hassel -- German broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - Tina Rosenberg -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Tio Ie Soei -- Peranakan Chinese writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Tiqqun -- French leftist philosophical journal
Wikipedia - Tirto Adhi Soerjo -- Indonesian journalist
Wikipedia - Tito Livio Ferreira -- Brazilian historian, teacher, and journalist
Wikipedia - Tiziano Crudeli -- Italian sports journalist
Wikipedia - T. J. Sellers -- African American journalist, newspaper editor, and newspaper publisher
Wikipedia - Toby O'Brien -- British journalist, public relations expert and spy
Wikipedia - Toby Shapshak -- journalist, editor and publisher of the South African edition of Stuff magazine
Wikipedia - Toby Young -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Toine van Peperstraten -- Dutch sports journalist
Wikipedia - Toivo Aare -- Estonian journalist
Wikipedia - Tolu Ogunlesi -- Nigerian journalist, photographer and writer
Wikipedia - Toluse Olorunnipa -- American Journalist
Wikipedia - Tom Ashbrook -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Tomasz Sakiewicz -- Polish journalist
Wikipedia - Tom Baldwin (journalist) -- British journalist, political adviser and author
Wikipedia - Tom Bethell -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Tom Bissell -- American journalist and fiction writer
Wikipedia - Tom Bowman (journalist) -- American radio journalist
Wikipedia - Tom Braden -- American CIA official and journalist
Wikipedia - Tom Brokaw -- American broadcast journalist and author
Wikipedia - Tom Buhrow -- German journalist
Wikipedia - Tom Cain (author) -- English journalist and novelist
Wikipedia - Tom Critchley -- Australian public servant and journalist
Wikipedia - Tom Driberg -- British journalist, politician and clergyman
Wikipedia - Tom Foreman -- American broadcast journalist for CNN
Wikipedia - Tom Gjelten -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Tom Gross -- British journalist and human rights activist
Wikipedia - Tom Hamburger -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Tom Hopkinson -- British journalist, picture magazine editor, author, and teacher
Wikipedia - Tomislav Osmanli -- Macedonian author, screenwriter and journalist
Wikipedia - Tom Junod -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Tom Kristensen (poet) -- Danish poet, novelist, literary critic and journalist
Wikipedia - Tommaso Debenedetti -- Italian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Tom McGinty -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Tom Service -- British classical music presenter and journalist
Wikipedia - Tom Wolfe -- American author and journalist
Wikipedia - Tonya Mosley -- American radio journalist
Wikipedia - Tony Barrell (journalist) -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Tony Connelly -- Irish journalist and author
Wikipedia - Tony Cox (journalist) -- American radio and television journalist
Wikipedia - Tony Cozier -- journalist, writer and radio commentator
Wikipedia - Tony Dandrades -- Dominican journalist
Wikipedia - Tony Dokoupil -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Tony Gubba -- English journalist and television sports commentator
Wikipedia - Tony Jones (news journalist) -- Australian journalist and TV presenter (born 1955)
Wikipedia - Tony Laszlo -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Tony Morris -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Tony Munro -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Tony Ortega -- American author and journalist monitoring Scientology
Wikipedia - Tony Parsons (British journalist) -- British writer
Wikipedia - Tony Parsons (presenter) -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Tor Milde -- Norwegian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Torquato Neto -- Brazilian poet, journalist and songwriter
Wikipedia - Torsten Stiig Jansen -- Danish journalist
Wikipedia - Torsten TegnM-CM-)r -- Swedish athlete and journalist
Wikipedia - Totilawati Tjitrawasita -- Indonesian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Toujan al-Faisal -- Human rights activist, television journalist
Wikipedia - Tovia Preschel -- Jewish biographer, historian and journalist
Wikipedia - Toyohiro Akiyama -- Japanese TV journalist
Wikipedia - Trace Gallagher -- American television news anchor, reporter, and journalist.
Wikipedia - Tracey Spicer -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Tracie Savage -- American journalist and actress
Wikipedia - Tracy Vo -- Australian journalist, television presenter and author
Wikipedia - Trademarks Journal -- Canadian law journal
Wikipedia - Training & Simulation Journal -- American magazine
Wikipedia - Transactions of the American Neurological Association -- Scientific journal
Wikipedia - Translational Vision Science & Technology -- Medical journal
Wikipedia - Transportation Research Part D -- Scientific journal
Wikipedia - Traude Buhrmann -- German translator and journalist
Wikipedia - Trends (journals) -- A series of journals that publish review articles in a range of areas of biology and chemistry
Wikipedia - Trent Dalton -- Australian journalist and literary fiction author
Wikipedia - Trevor McDonald -- British newsreader and journalist
Wikipedia - Trevor White (journalist) -- Irish food critic, publisher, writer and museum director
Wikipedia - Trezzvant Anderson -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Trine Tsouderos -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Tristane Banon -- French journalist and writer (born 1979)
Wikipedia - Trowel (journal) -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - T. R. Reid -- American journalist and author
Wikipedia - Tsuneo Watanabe -- Japanese businessman and journalist
Wikipedia - Tulip Mazumdar -- British journalist and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Tuulikki Ukkola -- Finnish journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Twenty-First Century -- Hong Kong academic journal
Wikipedia - UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism
Wikipedia - Uday Shankar (businessman) -- Indian journalist and media executive
Wikipedia - Ueli Staub -- Swiss journalist and musician (b. 1934 d. 2012)
Wikipedia - Ufuk Sanli -- Turkish journalist and author
Wikipedia - Ukiah Daily Journal -- American daily newspaper in Mendocino County, California
Wikipedia - U. K. Kumaran -- Indian journalist (born 1950)
Wikipedia - Ulf Elfving -- Swedish journalist and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Ulf Stromberg -- Swedish journalist
Wikipedia - Ulla Jelpke -- German journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Ulrich Ellis -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Ulrich Kienzle -- German journalist
Wikipedia - Ulrich Wickert -- German journalist
Wikipedia - Ultrasound Quarterly -- Quarterly academic journal covering medical ultrasound
Wikipedia - Uma Aaltonen -- Finnish author, journalist, and Green League politician
Wikipedia - Uma Anand -- Indian journalist and actress
Wikipedia - Uma Sudhir -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - UM-DM-^_ur Dundar -- Turkish journalist
Wikipedia - United States House Journal -- Written record of proceedings within the US House of Representatives
Wikipedia - United States Senate Journal -- Written record of proceedings within the US Senate
Wikipedia - University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications -- Academic college of the University of Florida
Wikipedia - University of Pennsylvania Journal of Law and Social Change -- An official student-run journal of the University of Pennsylvania Law School
Wikipedia - Unpaywall Journals
Wikipedia - Upper Cumberland Business Journal -- American magazine
Wikipedia - Upton Sinclair -- 20th-century American novelist, writer, journalist, political activist
Wikipedia - Uri Blau -- Israeli journalist
Wikipedia - Urmas Ott -- Estonian journalist
Wikipedia - Urs Allemann -- Swiss writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Uwe Nettelbeck -- German record producer and journalist
Wikipedia - Uxue Barkos -- Spanish politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Vaasanthi -- Indian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Valentina Tazlauanu -- Moldovan writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Valentin ValdM-CM-)s Espinosa -- Mexican crime journalist and murder victim
Wikipedia - Valentyn Bugrym -- Ukrainian journalist and academic
Wikipedia - Valeria Montaldi -- Italian journalist
Wikipedia - Vallikannan -- Tamil, writer and journalist (1920 - 2006)
Wikipedia - ValM-CM-)rie Bemeriki -- Rwandan journalist and convicted war criminal
Wikipedia - Vanessa Barbara -- Brazilian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Vanessa Hua -- American journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Varlam Cherkezishvili -- Georgian politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Vartika Nanda -- Indian journalist and campaigner
Wikipedia - Varun Kumar (journalist) -- Indian journalist
Wikipedia - Vasileios Theodoridis -- Greek journalist
Wikipedia - Vasko Eftov -- Macedonian journalist (born 1967)
Wikipedia - Veljko Despot -- Croatian journalist and music executive
Wikipedia - Vera Collum -- Journalist, anthropologist, photographer, radiographer and writer.
Wikipedia - Verena Hoehne -- Swiss journalist and author
Wikipedia - Verena Metze-Mangold -- German political scientist and journalist
Wikipedia - Vernon Bartlett -- British journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Veronica Belmont -- American journalist and media personality (born 1982)
Wikipedia - Veronica Hughart -- Rtist, architectural designer and journalist
Wikipedia - Veronika Cherkasova -- Belarusian journalist
Wikipedia - Versus (journal)
Wikipedia - Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology -- Peer-reviewed medical journal
Wikipedia - Vicente Blasco IbaM-CM-1ez -- Spanish journalist, politician, and novelist
Wikipedia - Vicente Botin -- Spanish journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Vic Gerami -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Vicky Ward -- British investigative journalist
Wikipedia - Victor Auburtin -- German journalist and author
Wikipedia - Victor Ferkah -- Ghanaian broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - Victoria Finlay -- British writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Victoria Marinova -- Bulgarian journalist and TV host
Wikipedia - Victorino Chermont -- Brazilian sports journalist
Wikipedia - Victor Malarek -- Canadian journalist and author
Wikipedia - Victor Manuel Baez -- Mexican crime journalist and murder victim
Wikipedia - Victor Navasky -- American journalist, editor and academic
Wikipedia - Victor Oladokun -- British-Nigerian journalist (born 1958)
Wikipedia - Victor PM-CM-)rez PM-CM-)rez -- Mexican journalist and murder victim
Wikipedia - Victor Snell -- Swiss journalist
Wikipedia - Victor Sueiro -- Argentine journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Video game journalism -- Journalism genre
Wikipedia - Vidyut Gore -- Indian blogger, activist, author and digital journalist
Wikipedia - Viggo Johansen (journalist) -- Norwegian television presenter
Wikipedia - Vijay Prashad -- Indian historian and journalist
Wikipedia - Vik Adhopia -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - Vikram Chandra (journalist) -- Indian businessman and journalist
Wikipedia - Viktor Worms -- German television presenter and journalist
Wikipedia - Vince Lovegrove -- Australian musician, band manager, journalist and AIDS activist
Wikipedia - Vincent Bevins -- American journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Vincent Delpuech -- French journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Vincenzo Cardarelli -- Italian poet and journalist
Wikipedia - Vinnie Politan -- American attorney and journalist
Wikipedia - Vinod Jose -- Indian investigative journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Vinod Kapri -- Indian journalist and filmmaker (born 1972)
Wikipedia - Violeta Ivkovic -- Serbian journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Violet Roche -- NZ journalist and welfare worker
Wikipedia - Vionette Negretti -- Puerto Rican journalist
Wikipedia - Virgilio Caballero Pedraza -- Mexican journalist and federal deputy
Wikipedia - Virginia Heffernan -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Virginia Irwin -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Virginia Kraft Payson -- American journalist (born 1930)
Wikipedia - Virginia Law Review -- American law journal
Wikipedia - Virginia Morell -- American science journalist and author
Wikipedia - Visible Language -- American journal
Wikipedia - Vitaly Korotich -- Ukrainian poet and journalist
Wikipedia - Vitor Viana -- Brazilian journalist, lawyer and historian
Wikipedia - Vittorio Corona -- Italian journalist
Wikipedia - Vittorio Feltri -- Italian journalist and editor in chief
Wikipedia - Viviana Ruggiero -- Uruguayan journalist and radio broadcaster
Wikipedia - Vivian Ho -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Vladimir Duthiers -- American television journalist
Wikipedia - Vladimir Gendlin -- Television journalist and sports commentator
Wikipedia - Vladimir Gomelsky -- Russian television commentator, journalist, and writer
Wikipedia - Vladimir Pozner Jr. -- French-born Russian-American journalist (born 1934)
Wikipedia - Vlado Zabot -- Slovene writer and journalist
Wikipedia - VM-CM-$ino Hupli -- Finnish journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Volha Samusik -- Belarusian journalist (1985-2010)
Wikipedia - Volker Handloik -- German journalist
Wikipedia - Waad Al-Kateab -- about the Syrian filmmaker and journalist
Wikipedia - Waclaw Czarnecki -- Polish journalist
Wikipedia - Wade Goodwyn -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Wade Keller -- American wrestling journalist
Wikipedia - Waheedul Haq -- Journalist, writer, and musicologist
Wikipedia - Wajahat Masood -- Pakistani journalist
Wikipedia - Wal Campbell -- Australian journalist
Wikipedia - Walid Yunis Ahmad -- Iraqi television journalist
Wikipedia - Wali Khan Babar -- Pakistani journalist
Wikipedia - Walker Evans -- American photographer and photojournalist (1903-1975)
Wikipedia - Wall Street Journal Radio Network -- American business radio news service
Wikipedia - Wall Street Journal
Wikipedia - Wa Lone -- Burmese journalist
Wikipedia - Walter B. Lane -- American photojournalist and Life magazine staff photographer
Wikipedia - Walter B. Stevens -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Walter Cronkite -- American broadcast journalist
Wikipedia - Walter Dirks -- German journalist
Wikipedia - Walter Hines Page -- American journalist, publisher, and diplomat
Wikipedia - Walter Kaner -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Walter Lippmann -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Walter Mears -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Walter Shapiro -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Walter Sullivan (journalist) -- American science reporter and author
Wikipedia - Walter Williams (journalist) -- American journalist and educator
Wikipedia - Walter Winchell -- American gossip journalist
Wikipedia - Walt Mossberg -- American technology journalist
Wikipedia - Ward Greene -- American writer, editor, journalist, playwright, and comic strip writer
Wikipedia - Warren Hinckle -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Washington Business Journal
Wikipedia - Washington Examiner -- American conservative political journalism website and magazine based in Washington, D.C.
Wikipedia - Washington Journal -- American political call-in and interview television program
Wikipedia - Washington Rodrigues -- Brazilian journalist
Wikipedia - Water, Air, & Soil Pollution -- Peer-reviewed environmental science journal
Wikipedia - Waubgeshig Rice -- Canadian Anishinaabe writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Wave Chow -- Chinese journalist
Wikipedia - Wayne Barrett -- American journalist (1945-2017)
Wikipedia - Wayne Karlin -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Wayne Laugesen -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Wayne Madsen -- American journalist and conspiracy theorist
Wikipedia - W. D. Workman Jr. -- American journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Webb Miller (journalist) -- American journalist and war correspondent
Wikipedia - Weegee -- American photographer and photojournalist
Wikipedia - Weijia Jiang -- Chinese television journalist
Wikipedia - Wendell Goler -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Wendell Rawls Jr. -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Wendy Bergen -- Television journalist
Wikipedia - Wendy Burch -- American television journalist, advocate and writer
Wikipedia - Wendy Mesley -- Canadian television journalist
Wikipedia - Wendy Zukerman -- Podcaster, Science Journalist
Wikipedia - Werner Bischof -- Swiss photographer and photojournalist
Wikipedia - Werner Braun (photojournalist) -- Israeli photographer
Wikipedia - Werner Rosenberg -- German-born French photographer and photojournalist known as VM-CM-)ro (1913-1988)
Wikipedia - Werner Veigel -- journalist and news presenter
Wikipedia - Wes Gallagher -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Westbrook Pegler -- American journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Whai Ngata -- Maori broadcaster, journalist and lexicographer
Wikipedia - White House press corps -- Group of journalists or correspondents usually stationed at the White House in Washington, D.C.
Wikipedia - Whit Johnson -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Wiki journalism
Wikipedia - Wikipedia Seigenthaler biography incident -- Hoax in a Wikipedia article about journalist John Seigenthaler
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Academic Journals -- Subject-matter collaboration area
Wikipedia - Wiley-Blackwell -- Journal publishing business of John Wiley & Sons
Wikipedia - Wilfred De'ath -- British journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Wilfrid Mervyn Lusty -- New Zealand journalist, drama critic, theatre administrator, and adult educationalist
Wikipedia - Wilhelm Guddorf -- Belgian journalist and resistance fighter
Wikipedia - Wilhelm Mohr (journalist) -- German journalist and author
Wikipedia - Willem Oltmans -- Dutch investigative journalist
Wikipedia - Will Englund -- American journalist
Wikipedia - William Alexander Stephenson -- Jamaican journalist
Wikipedia - William A. Rusher -- American attorney and journalist
Wikipedia - William Bradford Huie -- American journalist and novelist
Wikipedia - William Brangham -- American journalist
Wikipedia - William Brinkley -- American writer and journalist
Wikipedia - William Brown (journalist) -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - William Brown Meloney (1878-1925) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - William Bullock (cricketer) -- English cricketer, journalist, and military historian
Wikipedia - William Cash (author and journalist) -- English journalist
Wikipedia - William Cobbett -- 18th/19th-century English pamphleteer, farmer, and journalist
Wikipedia - William Connor -- British journalist
Wikipedia - William Crawley -- Northern Irish journalist
Wikipedia - William Fortune (businessman) -- American businessman, journalist, and civic leader (1863 to 1942)
Wikipedia - William Fotheringham -- British cycling journalist
Wikipedia - William Greider -- American journalist
Wikipedia - William Haddad -- American political operative, lobbyist, and journalist
Wikipedia - William Headline -- American journalist (1931-2008)
Wikipedia - William Henry John Seffern -- New Zealand printer, newspaper editor, journalist, and historian
Wikipedia - William Howard Russell -- Irish journalist and war correspondent
Wikipedia - William Hyde (journalist) -- American newspaper editor
Wikipedia - William Irigoyen -- French journalist
Wikipedia - William Jackson (journalist) -- Irish preacher and writer
Wikipedia - William J. Dorvillier -- American journalist
Wikipedia - William J. Drummond -- American journalist
Wikipedia - William Johnson (author) -- Canadian journalist
Wikipedia - William J. Small -- American television journalist and executive
Wikipedia - William Lewis (journalist) -- British newspaper publishing executive
Wikipedia - William Longgood -- American journalist and writer
Wikipedia - William Maginn -- 19th-century Irish journalist and writer
Wikipedia - William Morton Fullerton -- American journalist
Wikipedia - William Mullen (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - William Neikirk -- American journalist
Wikipedia - William O'Brien -- Irish nationalist journalist and politician
Wikipedia - William Patrick Ryan -- Irish journalist
Wikipedia - William Percival Crozier -- British journalist and editor of the Manchester Guardian (1879-1944)
Wikipedia - William Raspberry -- American journalist (1935-2012)
Wikipedia - William Rees-Mogg -- British journalist
Wikipedia - William Reymond -- independent investigating journalist, writer
Wikipedia - William Ritchie (editor) -- Scottish lawyer, journalist and newspaper owner
Wikipedia - William R. Moore (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - William Safire -- American journalist and presidential speechwriter
Wikipedia - William T. Porter -- 19th-century American journalist and newspaper editor
Wikipedia - William Walker (filibuster) -- 19th-century American filibuster, physician, lawyer, journalist, and mercenary
Wikipedia - William Wolff -- German-British journalist and rabbi
Wikipedia - Willie Drye -- American journalist and an author
Wikipedia - Willi Schlamm -- Austrian-American journalist
Wikipedia - Willis Ho -- Hong Kong journalist and activist
Wikipedia - Willow Bay -- American model and journalist
Wikipedia - Will Self -- English writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Willy Meisl -- Austrian sports journalist
Wikipedia - Wilma Alanoca -- Bolivian journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Windows Journal
Wikipedia - Winnie Forster -- German journalist
Wikipedia - Winston Derrick -- Antiguan journalist
Wikipedia - Wisconsin State Journal -- Daily newspaper in Madison, Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Wishnutama -- Indonesian journalist
Wikipedia - Wladimir van Wilgenburg -- Journalist and Author
Wikipedia - Wladyslaw Studnicki -- Polish journalist
Wikipedia - Wojciech Cejrowski -- Polish journalist (born 1964)
Wikipedia - Wolf Blitzer -- American journalist and television news anchor
Wikipedia - Wolf In der Maur -- 20th-century Austrian journalist
Wikipedia - Wolfram Goertz -- German journalist and musicologist
Wikipedia - Wolf Schneider -- German journalist, author and language critic
Wikipedia - Wolf Wetzel -- German author, journalist and publicist
Wikipedia - Woman's Exponent -- Latter-Day Saint journal (1872-1914)
Wikipedia - Women in journalism and media professions
Wikipedia - Women's Wear Daily -- Fashion-industry trade journal
Wikipedia - WOPOP: Working Papers on Photography -- Australian photography journal
Wikipedia - Word Ways: The Journal of Recreational Linguistics
Wikipedia - Work and Occupations -- Peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - World Archaeology -- Journal
Wikipedia - World Association of Medical Editors -- International association of medical journal editors
Wikipedia - World Policy Journal -- Defunct American international relations journal
Wikipedia - Wu Xianghu -- Chinese journalist
Wikipedia - Wynne Alexander -- American author, journalist, and documentary filmmaker.
Wikipedia - Xana Antunes -- British business journalist
Wikipedia - XimM-CM-)nes Doudan -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Yadgar (magazine) -- Persian-language journal (1944 to 1949)
Wikipedia - Yahtzee Croshaw -- English video game journalist
Wikipedia - Yair Rosenberg -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Yair Stern (journalist) -- Israeli journalist
Wikipedia - Yalda Hakim -- Australian journalist (born 1983)
Wikipedia - Yale Law & Policy Review -- Journal
Wikipedia - Yale Law Journal
Wikipedia - Yana Churikova -- Russian journalist and television host
Wikipedia - Yannis Kapsis -- Greek journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Yasemin TaM-EM-^_kin -- Turkish journalist
Wikipedia - Yaser Murtaja -- Palestinian video journalist and photographer from the Gaza Strip
Wikipedia - Yashar Ali -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Yashica Dutt -- Indian writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Yasmine Chouikh -- Algerian journalist and film director
Wikipedia - Yellow journalism -- Sensationalistic news
Wikipedia - Yetkin Yildiz -- Journalist
Wikipedia - YiM-DM-^_it Bulut -- Turkish journalist
Wikipedia - Yoga Journal -- American magazine on yoga as exercise
Wikipedia - Yolanda Montecinos -- Chilean journalist, writer and television commentator
Wikipedia - Yomi Adegoke -- British journalist and author
Wikipedia - Yoni Ben-Menachem -- Israeli journalist
Wikipedia - Yoshino M-EM-^Lishi -- Japanese photojournalist
Wikipedia - Yrjo RM-CM-$isM-CM-$nen -- Finnish politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Yukthivadi -- Rationalist/atheist journal published in Malayalam
Wikipedia - Yunis Khatayer Abbas -- Iraqi journalist
Wikipedia - Yuriy Izdryk -- Ukrainian journalist and poet (b. 1962)
Wikipedia - Yury Dud -- Russian sports journalist and YouTuber
Wikipedia - Yuval Levin -- Israeli-American political analyst and journalist
Wikipedia - Yves Cuau -- French journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Yvette Lebas-Guyot -- French journalist and commander
Wikipedia - Zac Goldsmith -- British Conservative politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Zafar Rasheed Bhatti -- Pakistani journalist
Wikipedia - Zafar Sobhan -- Bangladeshi journalist
Wikipedia - Zafar Wazed -- Bangladeshi journalists
Wikipedia - Zaffar Abbas -- Pakistani journalist
Wikipedia - Zaharije TrnavM-DM-^Mevic -- Serbian journalist and politician
Wikipedia - Zahra Hankir -- Lebanese-British journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Zaid Hamid -- Pakistani journalist
Wikipedia - Zakia Zaki -- Afghan journalist
Wikipedia - Zanna Roberts Rassi -- British journalist
Wikipedia - Zara Aronson -- Australian journalist (1864-1944)
Wikipedia - Zay N. Smith -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Zdzislaw Raczynski -- Polish diplomat and journalist
Wikipedia - Zdzislaw Spieralski -- Polish historian and journalist
Wikipedia - Zehra DoM-DM-^_an -- Kurdish journalist
Wikipedia - Zeitschrift der Deutschen MorgenlM-CM-$ndischen Gesellschaft -- Academic journal about Asian studies
Wikipedia - Zeitschrift fur Physik -- Scientific journal
Wikipedia - Zeke Miller -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Zeynep Oral -- Turkish journalist
Wikipedia - Zhanna Agalakova -- Russian journalist
Wikipedia - Zion (journal) -- Quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal covering Jewish history and ethnography
Wikipedia - Zofeen T. Ebrahim -- Pakistani journalist
Wikipedia - Zolan Kanno-Youngs -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Zoologischer Anzeiger -- Scientific journal
Wikipedia - Zoosystematica Rossica -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Zoran Modli -- Serbian journalist
Wikipedia - Zororo Makamba -- Zimbabwean journalist
Wikipedia - Zuza Homem de Mello -- Brazilian journalist
Wikipedia - Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science
Wikipedia - Zygon (journal)
Judith Miller ::: Born: January 2, 1948; Occupation: Journalist;
Octave Mirbeau ::: Born: February 16, 1848; Died: February 16, 1917; Occupation: Journalist;
Christopher Morley ::: Born: May 5, 1890; Died: March 28, 1957; Occupation: Journalist;
Malcolm Muggeridge ::: Born: March 24, 1903; Died: November 14, 1990; Occupation: Journalist;
Edward R. Murrow ::: Born: April 25, 1908; Died: April 27, 1965; Occupation: Journalist;
Michael Musto ::: Born: December 3, 1955; Occupation: Journalist;
James Nachtwey ::: Born: March 14, 1948; Occupation: Photojournalist;
Lyn Nofziger ::: Born: June 8, 1924; Died: March 27, 2006; Occupation: Journalist;
Deborah Norville ::: Born: August 8, 1958; Occupation: Journalist;
Susan Orlean ::: Born: October 31, 1955; Occupation: Journalist;
Tony Parsons ::: Born: November 6, 1953; Occupation: British journalist;
Jane Pauley ::: Born: October 31, 1950; Occupation: Journalist;
John Pilger ::: Born: October 9, 1939; Occupation: Journalist;
George Plimpton ::: Born: March 18, 1927; Died: September 25, 2003; Occupation: Journalist;
Katherine Anne Porter ::: Born: May 15, 1890; Died: September 18, 1980; Occupation: Journalist;
Annie Proulx ::: Born: August 22, 1935; Occupation: Journalist;
Jane Bryant Quinn ::: Born: February 5, 1939; Occupation: Journalist;
Dan Rather ::: Born: October 31, 1931; Occupation: Journalist;
Harry Reasoner ::: Born: April 17, 1923; Died: August 6, 1991; Occupation: Journalist;
David Remnick ::: Born: October 29, 1958; Occupation: Journalist;
Jacob August Riis ::: Born: May 3, 1849; Died: May 26, 1914; Occupation: Journalist;
Mo Rocca ::: Born: January 28, 1969; Occupation: Journalist;
Jon Ronson ::: Born: May 10, 1967; Occupation: Journalist;
Roger Rosenblatt ::: Born: 1940; Occupation: Journalist;
Helen Rowland ::: Born: 1875; Died: 1950; Occupation: Journalist;
Sydney Schanberg ::: Born: January 17, 1934; Died: July 9, 2016; Occupation: Journalist;
Robert Scheer ::: Born: April 4, 1936; Occupation: Journalist;
Bob Schieffer ::: Born: February 25, 1937; Occupation: Journalist;
Eric Schlosser ::: Born: August 17, 1959; Occupation: Journalist;
Carl Bernstein ::: Born: February 14, 1944; Occupation: Journalist;
Maria Shriver ::: Born: November 6, 1955; Occupation: Journalist;
Henryk Sienkiewicz ::: Born: May 5, 1846; Died: November 15, 1916; Occupation: Journalist;
Joseph Sobran ::: Born: February 23, 1946; Died: September 30, 2010; Occupation: Journalist;
Ambrose Bierce ::: Born: June 24, 1842; Died: 1914; Occupation: Journalist;
Henry Morton Stanley ::: Born: January 28, 1841; Died: May 10, 1904; Occupation: Journalist;
Gloria Steinem ::: Born: March 25, 1934; Occupation: Journalist;
James Surowiecki ::: Born: 1967; Occupation: Journalist;
Mark Bittman ::: Born: 1950; Occupation: Journalist;
Herbert Bayard Swope ::: Born: January 5, 1882; Died: June 20, 1958; Occupation: Journalist;
Dorothy Thompson ::: Born: July 9, 1893; Died: January 30, 1961; Occupation: Journalist;
Hunter S. Thompson ::: Born: July 18, 1937; Died: February 20, 2005; Occupation: Journalist;
Polly Toynbee ::: Born: December 27, 1946; Occupation: Journalist;
Jayson Blair ::: Born: March 23, 1976; Occupation: Journalist;
Calvin Trillin ::: Born: December 5, 1935; Occupation: Journalist;
Meredith Vieira ::: Born: December 30, 1953; Occupation: Journalist;
Mike Wallace ::: Born: May 9, 1918; Died: April 7, 2012; Occupation: Journalist;
Barbara Walters ::: Born: September 25, 1929; Occupation: Journalist;
Ida B. Wells ::: Born: July 16, 1862; Died: March 25, 1931; Occupation: Journalist;
Sidney Blumenthal ::: Born: November 6, 1948; Occupation: Journalist;
Nellie Bly ::: Born: May 5, 1864; Died: January 27, 1922; Occupation: Journalist;
Theodore White ::: Born: May 6, 1915; Died: May 15, 1986; Occupation: Journalist;
Katharine Whitehorn ::: Born: 1928; Occupation: Journalist;
Juan Williams ::: Born: April 10, 1954; Occupation: Journalist;
James Wolcott ::: Born: December 10, 1952; Occupation: Journalist;
Bob Woodward ::: Born: March 26, 1943; Occupation: Journalist;
Toby Young ::: Born: October 17, 1963; Occupation: Journalist;
Fareed Zakaria ::: Born: January 20, 1964; Occupation: Journalist;
Katherine Boo ::: Born: August 12, 1964; Occupation: Journalist;
LZ Granderson ::: Born: March 11, 1972; Occupation: Journalist;
Lisa Ling ::: Born: August 30, 1973; Occupation: Journalist;
Matt Ridley ::: Born: February 7, 1958; Occupation: Journalist;
Malala Yousafzai ::: Born: July 12, 1997; Occupation: Journalist;
Nuala O'Faolain ::: Born: March 1, 1940; Died: May 9, 2008; Occupation: Journalist;
Robert Wright ::: Born: 1957; Occupation: Journalist;
Lionel Shriver ::: Born: May 18, 1957; Occupation: Journalist;
Gaston Leroux ::: Born: May 6, 1868; Died: April 15, 1927; Occupation: Journalist;
Ed Bradley ::: Born: June 22, 1941; Died: November 9, 2006; Occupation: Journalist;
Rick Bragg ::: Born: July 26, 1959; Occupation: Journalist;
Jean-Dominique Bauby ::: Born: April 23, 1952; Died: March 9, 1997; Occupation: Journalist;
Maureen Corrigan ::: Born: July 30, 1955; Occupation: Journalist;
Patricia McCormick ::: Born: May 23, 1956; Occupation: Journalist;
Thrity Umrigar ::: Born: 1961; Occupation: Journalist;
Mark Kurlansky ::: Born: December 7, 1948; Occupation: Journalist;
Hendrik Hertzberg ::: Born: 1943; Occupation: Journalist;
Cristina Garcia ::: Born: July 4, 1958; Occupation: Journalist;
Jan Neruda ::: Born: July 9, 1834; Died: August 22, 1891; Occupation: Journalist;
Tarun J. Tejpal ::: Born: March 15, 1963; Occupation: Journalist;
Jimmy Breslin ::: Born: October 17, 1930; Died: March 19, 2017; Occupation: Journalist;
Joseph Roth ::: Born: September 2, 1894; Died: May 27, 1939; Occupation: Journalist;
William L. Shirer ::: Born: February 23, 1904; Died: December 28, 1993; Occupation: Journalist;
Alfred Lansing ::: Born: July 21, 1921; Died: 1975; Occupation: Journalist;
Xinran ::: Born: 1958; Occupation: Journalist;
Roger Lowenstein ::: Born: 1955; Occupation: Journalist;
Plum Sykes ::: Born: December 4, 1969; Occupation: Journalist;
George Packer ::: Born: August 13, 1960; Occupation: Journalist;
Tilly Bagshawe ::: Born: June 12, 1973; Occupation: Journalist;
Tatiana de Rosnay ::: Born: September 28, 1961; Occupation: Journalist;
Mario Benedetti ::: Born: September 14, 1920; Died: May 17, 2009; Occupation: Journalist;
John Howard Griffin ::: Born: June 16, 1920; Died: September 9, 1980; Occupation: Journalist;
Rosie Thomas ::: Born: 1947; Occupation: Journalist;
David Brinkley ::: Born: July 10, 1920; Died: June 11, 2003; Occupation: Journalist;
Glenn Greenwald ::: Born: March 6, 1967; Occupation: Journalist;
Tom Brokaw ::: Born: February 6, 1940; Occupation: Journalist;
Jenny Lawson ::: Born: 1973; Occupation: Journalist;
Joe Queenan ::: Born: November 3, 1950; Occupation: Journalist;
Lesley Stahl ::: Born: December 16, 1941; Occupation: Journalist;
Tawakkol Karman ::: Born: February 7, 1979; Occupation: Journalist;
Geraldine Brooks ::: Born: September 14, 1955; Died: June 19, 1977; Occupation: Journalist;
Heywood Broun ::: Born: December 7, 1888; Died: December 18, 1939; Occupation: Journalist;
Steve McCurry ::: Born: April 23, 1950; Occupation: Photojournalist;
Alfred Polgar ::: Born: October 17, 1873; Died: April 24, 1955; Occupation: Journalist;
Jean-Jacques Servan-Schreiber ::: Born: February 13, 1924; Died: November 7, 2006; Occupation: Journalist;
John Peter Zenger ::: Born: October 26, 1697; Died: July 28, 1746; Occupation: Journalist;
Eric Sevareid ::: Born: November 26, 1912; Died: July 9, 1992; Occupation: Journalist;
Jay Rayner ::: Born: September 14, 1966; Occupation: Journalist;
Dorothy Fuldheim ::: Born: June 26, 1893; Died: November 3, 1989; Occupation: Journalist;
Edward Hallett Carr ::: Born: June 28, 1892; Died: November 3, 1982; Occupation: Journalist;
Andrew Marr ::: Born: July 31, 1959; Occupation: Journalist;
Paul Brunton ::: Born: October 21, 1898; Died: July 27, 1981; Occupation: Journalist;
Bolesław Prus ::: Born: August 20, 1847; Died: May 19, 1912; Occupation: Journalist;
Mika Brzezinski ::: Born: May 2, 1967; Occupation: Journalist;
Cokie Roberts ::: Born: December 27, 1943; Occupation: Journalist;
Matthew Yglesias ::: Born: May 18, 1981; Occupation: Journalist;
Alexander Cockburn ::: Born: June 6, 1941; Died: July 21, 2012; Occupation: Journalist;
Colman McCarthy ::: Born: March 24, 1938; Occupation: Journalist;
Jerry Wexler ::: Born: January 10, 1917; Died: August 15, 2008; Occupation: Journalist;
Bob Phillips ::: Born: June 23, 1951; Occupation: Journalist;
John Fund ::: Born: April 8, 1957; Occupation: Journalist;
Damian Thompson ::: Born: 1962; Occupation: Journalist;
Carlo Petrini ::: Born: June 22, 1949; Occupation: Journalist;
Raj Patel ::: Born: 1972; Occupation: Journalist;
John Diamond ::: Born: May 10, 1953; Died: March 2, 2001; Occupation: Journalist;
Dith Pran ::: Born: September 27, 1942; Died: March 30, 2008; Occupation: Photojournalist;
Mariane Pearl ::: Born: July 23, 1967; Occupation: Journalist;
Bryant Gumbel ::: Born: September 29, 1948; Occupation: Journalist;
Shana Alexander ::: Born: October 6, 1925; Died: June 23, 2005; Occupation: Journalist;
Carsten Juste ::: Born: July 6, 1947; Occupation: Journalist;
Trevor McDonald ::: Born: August 16, 1939; Occupation: Journalist;
John Lanchester ::: Born: February 25, 1962; Occupation: Journalist;
Herb Caen ::: Born: April 3, 1916; Died: February 1, 1997; Occupation: Journalist;
Taki Theodoracopulos ::: Born: August 11, 1937; Occupation: Journalist;
Mary McGrory ::: Born: August 22, 1918; Died: April 20, 2004; Occupation: Journalist;
Norman Angell ::: Born: December 26, 1872; Died: October 7, 1967; Occupation: Journalist;
Italo Calvino ::: Born: October 15, 1923; Died: September 19, 1985; Occupation: Journalist;
Alastair Campbell ::: Born: May 25, 1957; Died: August 27, 1697; Occupation: Journalist;
Mary Livermore ::: Born: December 19, 1820; Died: May 23, 1905; Occupation: Journalist;
Midge Decter ::: Born: July 25, 1927; Occupation: Journalist;
Maria W. Stewart ::: Born: 1803; Died: December 17, 1879; Occupation: Journalist;
Alice Stone Blackwell ::: Born: September 14, 1857; Died: March 15, 1950; Occupation: Journalist;
Martin Delany ::: Born: May 6, 1812; Died: January 24, 1885; Occupation: Journalist;
Clarence Page ::: Born: June 2, 1947; Occupation: Journalist;
Alfred Hermann Fried ::: Born: November 11, 1864; Died: May 5, 1921; Occupation: Journalist;
George Horace Lorimer ::: Born: October 6, 1867; Died: October 22, 1937; Occupation: Journalist;
Timothy J. Russert ::: Born: May 7, 1950; Died: June 13, 2008; Occupation: Journalist;
Ian Wooldridge ::: Born: January 14, 1932; Died: March 4, 2007; Occupation: Journalist;
Richard Harding Davis ::: Born: April 18, 1864; Died: April 11, 1916; Occupation: Journalist;
Steve Rushin ::: Born: September 22, 1966; Occupation: Journalist;
Robert Caro ::: Born: October 30, 1935; Occupation: Journalist;
Kurt Tucholsky ::: Born: January 9, 1890; Died: December 21, 1935; Occupation: Journalist;
Howie Carr ::: Born: January 17, 1952; Occupation: Journalist;
Evan Thomas ::: Born: April 25, 1951; Occupation: Journalist;
Garet Garrett ::: Born: February 19, 1878; Died: November 6, 1954; Occupation: Journalist;
Graydon Carter ::: Born: July 14, 1949; Occupation: Journalist;
Shane Smith ::: Born: 1970; Occupation: Journalist;
Mary Heaton Vorse ::: Born: 1874; Died: June 14, 1966; Occupation: Journalist;
David Talbot ::: Born: September 22, 1951; Occupation: Journalist;
David Halberstam ::: Born: April 10, 1934; Died: April 23, 2007; Occupation: Journalist;
Joel Chandler Harris ::: Born: December 9, 1848; Died: July 3, 1908; Occupation: Journalist;
Jonathan Krohn ::: Born: March 1, 1995; Occupation: Journalist;
Scott Simon ::: Born: March 16, 1952; Occupation: Journalist;
Max Hastings ::: Born: December 28, 1945; Occupation: Journalist;
Peaches Geldof ::: Born: March 13, 1989; Died: April 7, 2014; Occupation: Journalist;
Savannah Guthrie ::: Born: December 27, 1971; Occupation: Journalist;
Bernard Pivot ::: Born: May 5, 1935; Occupation: Journalist;
Harrison Salisbury ::: Born: November 14, 1908; Died: July 5, 1993; Occupation: Journalist;
Masha Gessen ::: Born: January 13, 1967; Occupation: Journalist;
Lisa Guerrero ::: Born: April 9, 1964; Occupation: Journalist;
Tina Brown ::: Born: November 21, 1953; Occupation: Journalist;
Seymour Hersh ::: Born: April 8, 1937; Occupation: Journalist;
Frank Bruni ::: Born: October 31, 1964; Occupation: Journalist;
Lara Logan ::: Born: March 29, 1971; Occupation: Journalist;
Daniel Schorr ::: Born: August 31, 1916; Died: July 23, 2010; Occupation: Journalist;
Jonathan Alter ::: Born: October 6, 1957; Occupation: Journalist;
Jean Chatzky ::: Born: November 7, 1964; Occupation: Journalist;
Michael Kinsley ::: Born: March 9, 1951; Occupation: Journalist;
William Broad ::: Born: March 7, 1951; Occupation: Science journalist;
Murray Kempton ::: Born: December 16, 1917; Died: May 5, 1997; Occupation: Journalist;
George Augustus Henry Sala ::: Born: November 24, 1828; Died: December 8, 1895; Occupation: Journalist;
Allan Massie ::: Born: October 19, 1938; Occupation: Journalist;
Friedrich Melchior, Baron von Grimm ::: Born: December 26, 1723; Died: December 19, 1807; Occupation: Journalist;
Jon Rappoport ::: Born: April 16, 1938; Occupation: Journalist;
Simon Heffer ::: Born: July 18, 1960; Occupation: Journalist;
Lynne McTaggart ::: Born: January 23, 1951; Occupation: Journalist;
Felix Morley ::: Born: January 6, 1894; Died: March 13, 1982; Occupation: Journalist;
Hannah Storm ::: Born: June 13, 1962; Occupation: Journalist;
Richard Ben Cramer ::: Born: June 12, 1950; Died: January 7, 2013; Occupation: Journalist;
Neal Ascherson ::: Born: October 5, 1932; Occupation: Journalist;
William Pickens ::: Born: January 15, 1881; Died: April 6, 1954; Occupation: Journalist;
Akbar Ganji ::: Born: January 31, 1960; Occupation: Journalist;
Wolf Blitzer ::: Born: March 22, 1948; Occupation: Journalist;
Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy ::: Born: November 12, 1978; Occupation: Journalist;
Connie Chung ::: Born: August 20, 1946; Occupation: Journalist;
Lara Spencer ::: Born: June 19, 1969; Occupation: Journalist;
Isabel Wilkerson ::: Born: 1961; Occupation: Journalist;
Matthew Chapman ::: Born: September 2, 1950; Occupation: Journalist;
Chelsea Clinton ::: Born: February 27, 1980; Occupation: Journalist;
George Ripley ::: Born: October 3, 1802; Died: July 4, 1880; Occupation: Journalist;
Paul Elmer More ::: Born: December 12, 1864; Died: March 9, 1937; Occupation: Journalist;
Claud Cockburn ::: Born: April 12, 1904; Died: December 15, 1981; Occupation: Journalist;
Ita Buttrose ::: Born: January 17, 1942; Occupation: Journalist;
Matt Preston ::: Born: July 2, 1961; Occupation: Journalist;
Raquel Cepeda ::: Born: June 9, 1973; Occupation: Journalist;
Scott Pelley ::: Born: July 28, 1957; Occupation: Journalist;
Robert D. Kaplan ::: Born: June 23, 1952; Occupation: Journalist;
Jemima Khan ::: Born: January 30, 1974; Occupation: Journalist;
Jill Dando ::: Born: November 9, 1961; Died: April 26, 1999; Occupation: Journalist;
Sebastian Haffner ::: Born: December 27, 1907; Died: January 2, 1999; Occupation: Journalist;
Ben Bagdikian ::: Born: January 26, 1920; Died: March 11, 2016; Occupation: Journalist;
Susan Brownmiller ::: Born: February 15, 1935; Occupation: Journalist;
Amy Robach ::: Born: February 6, 1973; Occupation: Journalist;
Gail Collins ::: Born: November 25, 1945; Occupation: Journalist;
Jeff Stelling ::: Born: December 6, 1955; Occupation: Journalist;
Dominic Lawson ::: Born: December 17, 1956; Occupation: Journalist;
C. W. Ceram ::: Born: January 20, 1915; Died: April 12, 1972; Occupation: Journalist;
John Arlott ::: Born: February 25, 1914; Died: December 14, 1991; Occupation: Journalist;
Auberon Waugh ::: Born: November 17, 1939; Died: January 16, 2001; Occupation: Journalist;
Nicholas von Hoffman ::: Born: October 16, 1929; Occupation: Journalist;
Melanie Phillips ::: Born: June 4, 1951; Occupation: Journalist;
Alistair Cooke ::: Born: November 20, 1908; Died: March 30, 2004; Occupation: Journalist;
Bal Gangadhar Tilak ::: Born: July 23, 1856; Died: August 1, 1920; Occupation: Journalist;
Anderson Cooper ::: Born: June 3, 1967; Occupation: Journalist;
Doug Henwood ::: Born: December 7, 1952; Occupation: Journalist;
Flemming Rose ::: Born: March 11, 1958; Occupation: Journalist;
Hamish Bowles ::: Born: June 22, 1963; Occupation: Journalist;
Giovanni Papini ::: Born: January 9, 1881; Died: July 8, 1956; Occupation: Journalist;
Flora Lewis ::: Born: July 25, 1922; Died: June 2, 2002; Occupation: Journalist;
Deborah Roberts ::: Born: September 20, 1960; Occupation: Journalist;
Christiane Amanpour ::: Born: January 12, 1958; Occupation: Journalist;
Elmer Kelton ::: Born: April 29, 1926; Died: August 22, 2009; Occupation: Journalist;
Rajeev Shukla ::: Born: September 13, 1959; Occupation: Journalist;
Michael Hesemann ::: Born: March 22, 1964; Occupation: Journalist;
Charles Shaar Murray ::: Born: June 27, 1951; Occupation: Journalist;
Jonathan Freedland ::: Born: February 25, 1967; Occupation: Journalist;
Strobe Talbott ::: Born: April 25, 1946; Occupation: Journalist;
Alfred Capus ::: Born: November 25, 1858; Died: November 1, 1922; Occupation: Journalist;
Mara Liasson ::: Born: June 13, 1955; Occupation: Journalist;
Katie Couric ::: Born: January 7, 1957; Occupation: Journalist;
Rosa Clemente ::: Born: April 18, 1972; Occupation: Journalist;
Jonathan Eig ::: Born: April 26, 1964; Occupation: Journalist;
Kevin Poulsen ::: Born: November 30, 1965; Occupation: Journalist;
Tony Gubba ::: Born: September 23, 1943; Died: March 11, 2013; Occupation: Journalist;
Marvin Kalb ::: Born: June 9, 1930; Occupation: Journalist;
Dwight Garner ::: Born: January 8, 1965; Occupation: Journalist;
Gideon Levy ::: Born: June 2, 1953; Occupation: Journalist;
Guillaume Faye ::: Born: November 7, 1949; Occupation: Journalist;
Richard M. Cohen ::: Born: February 14, 1948; Occupation: Journalist;
Walter Cronkite ::: Born: November 4, 1916; Died: July 17, 2009; Occupation: Journalist;
Piers Morgan ::: Born: March 30, 1965; Occupation: Journalist;
Elizabeth Vargas ::: Born: September 6, 1962; Occupation: Journalist;
Frank Reynolds ::: Born: November 29, 1923; Died: July 20, 1983; Occupation: Journalist;
Paula Zahn ::: Born: February 24, 1956; Occupation: Journalist;
Ashleigh Banfield ::: Born: December 29, 1967; Occupation: Journalist;
Norah O'Donnell ::: Born: January 23, 1974; Occupation: Journalist;
Gwen Ifill ::: Born: September 29, 1955; Died: November 14, 2016; Occupation: Journalist;
Ian Hislop ::: Born: July 13, 1960; Occupation: Journalist;
A. O. Scott ::: Born: July 10, 1966; Occupation: Journalist;
Jenna Wolfe ::: Born: February 26, 1974; Occupation: Journalist;
Linda Moulton Howe ::: Born: January 20, 1944; Occupation: Journalist;
Gene Weingarten ::: Born: October 2, 1951; Occupation: Journalist;
Jared Taylor ::: Born: September 15, 1951; Occupation: Journalist;
Charles M. Blow ::: Born: August 11, 1970; Occupation: Journalist;
Anne Applebaum ::: Born: July 25, 1964; Occupation: Journalist;
Linda Wertheimer ::: Born: March 19, 1943; Occupation: Journalist;
William Rees-Mogg ::: Born: July 14, 1928; Died: December 29, 2012; Occupation: Journalist;
Patrick Cockburn ::: Born: March 5, 1950; Occupation: Journalist;
Amira Hass ::: Born: June 28, 1956; Occupation: Journalist;
Tony Horwitz ::: Born: June 9, 1958; Occupation: Journalist;
David Weigel ::: Born: September 26, 1981; Occupation: Journalist;
David Plotz ::: Born: January 31, 1970; Occupation: Journalist;
Laurie Penny ::: Born: September 28, 1986; Occupation: Journalist;
Hadley Freeman ::: Born: 1978; Occupation: Journalist;
Ali Abunimah ::: Born: December 29, 1971; Occupation: Journalist;
Brian Ross ::: Born: October 23, 1948; Occupation: Journalist;
Regis Debray ::: Born: September 2, 1940; Occupation: Journalist;
Peter Charles Newman ::: Born: May 10, 1929; Occupation: Journalist;
Brigitte Gabriel ::: Born: October 21, 1964; Occupation: Journalist;
Frank Marshall Davis ::: Born: December 31, 1905; Died: July 26, 1987; Occupation: Journalist;
David Corn ::: Born: February 20, 1959; Occupation: Journalist;
Ezra Klein ::: Born: May 9, 1984; Occupation: Journalist;
David Brock ::: Born: November 2, 1962; Occupation: Journalist;
Georgie Anne Geyer ::: Born: April 2, 1935; Occupation: Journalist;
Kate Snow ::: Born: June 10, 1969; Occupation: Journalist;
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown ::: Born: December 10, 1949; Occupation: Journalist;
Bernard Lazare ::: Born: June 15, 1865; Died: September 1, 1903; Occupation: Journalist;
Christopher Monckton, 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley ::: Born: February 14, 1952; Occupation: Journalist;
Chuck Todd ::: Born: April 8, 1972; Occupation: Journalist;
Dorothy Day ::: Born: November 8, 1897; Died: November 29, 1980; Occupation: Journalist;
Howard K. Smith ::: Born: May 12, 1914; Died: February 15, 2002; Occupation: Journalist;
Francois-Noel Babeuf ::: Born: November 23, 1760; Died: May 27, 1797; Occupation: Journalist;
Richard Ingrams ::: Born: August 19, 1937; Occupation: Journalist;
Michelangelo Signorile ::: Born: December 19, 1960; Occupation: Journalist;
Richard Heinberg ::: Born: 1950; Occupation: Journalist;
Jeff Sharlet ::: Born: 1972; Occupation: Journalist;
Dahr Jamail ::: Born: 1968; Occupation: Journalist;
Simon Barnes ::: Born: 1951; Occupation: Journalist;
Neal Gabler ::: Born: 1950; Occupation: Journalist;
Elizabeth Kolbert ::: Born: 1961; Occupation: Journalist;
Madeleine Bunting ::: Born: 1964; Occupation: Journalist;
Linda McQuaig ::: Born: 1951; Occupation: Journalist;
Allan Nairn ::: Born: 1956; Occupation: Journalist;
Adrian Nicole LeBlanc ::: Born: December 9, 1963; Occupation: Journalist;
Madeleine Blais ::: Born: 1947; Occupation: Journalist;
Jonathan Karl ::: Born: 1968; Occupation: Journalist;
Dorothy Dix ::: Born: November 18, 1861; Died: December 16, 1951; Occupation: Journalist;
Jonathan V. Last ::: Born: 1974; Occupation: Journalist;
Robert Stacy McCain ::: Born: 1959; Occupation: Journalist;
Nick Cohen ::: Born: 1961; Occupation: Journalist;
Howard Fineman ::: Born: 1948; Occupation: Journalist;
Franklin Foer ::: Born: May 16, 1974; Occupation: Journalist;
E. J. Dionne ::: Born: April 23, 1952; Occupation: Journalist;
Martin Bashir ::: Born: January 19, 1963; Occupation: Journalist;
Sam Donaldson ::: Born: March 11, 1934; Occupation: Journalist;
Ron Suskind ::: Born: November 20, 1959; Occupation: Journalist;
Joe Conason ::: Born: January 25, 1954; Occupation: Journalist;
Victor Gold ::: Born: 1928; Occupation: Journalist;
Kate Thornton ::: Born: February 7, 1973; Occupation: Journalist;
Alexandra Robbins ::: Born: 1976; Occupation: Journalist;
Irving Bacheller ::: Born: September 26, 1859; Died: February 24, 1950; Occupation: Journalist;
Stephen J. Dubner ::: Born: August 26, 1963; Occupation: Journalist;
Henry Demarest Lloyd ::: Born: May 1, 1847; Died: September 28, 1903; Occupation: Journalist;
Asra Nomani ::: Born: 1965; Occupation: Journalist;
Stuart Varney ::: Born: July 7, 1949; Occupation: Business journalist;
Stephen Glass ::: Born: September 15, 1972; Occupation: Journalist;
Wilfred Burchett ::: Born: September 16, 1911; Died: September 27, 1983; Occupation: Journalist;
Esther Dyson ::: Born: July 14, 1951; Occupation: Journalist;
Rebekah Brooks ::: Born: May 27, 1968; Occupation: Journalist;
Steve Sailer ::: Born: December 20, 1958; Occupation: Journalist;
Marghanita Laski ::: Born: October 24, 1915; Died: February 6, 1988; Occupation: Journalist;
Sergei Dovlatov ::: Born: September 3, 1941; Died: August 24, 1990; Occupation: Journalist;
Andrea Mitchell ::: Born: October 30, 1946; Occupation: Journalist;
Thomas Roberts ::: Born: October 5, 1972; Died: April 30, 1811; Occupation: Television journalist;
J. Anthony Lukas ::: Born: April 25, 1933; Died: June 5, 1997; Occupation: Journalist;
David Shuster ::: Born: July 22, 1967; Occupation: Journalist;
Jeffrey St. Clair ::: Born: 1959; Occupation: Journalist;
Roger Cohen ::: Born: August 2, 1955; Occupation: Journalist;
Michele Norris ::: Born: September 7, 1961; Occupation: Journalist;
Anne Desclos ::: Born: September 23, 1907; Died: April 27, 1998; Occupation: Journalist;
Wesley Morris ::: Born: 1975; Occupation: Journalist;
Walter Duranty ::: Born: 1884; Died: October 3, 1957; Occupation: Journalist;
Andrew Ferguson ::: Born: 1956; Occupation: Journalist;
Matt Labash ::: Born: 1970; Occupation: Journalist;
Matthew Continetti ::: Born: June 24, 1981; Occupation: Journalist;
Tiziano Terzani ::: Born: September 14, 1938; Died: July 28, 2004; Occupation: Journalist;
Indro Montanelli ::: Born: April 22, 1909; Died: July 22, 2001; Occupation: Journalist;
Mark Boal ::: Born: January 23, 1973; Occupation: Journalist;
David Ignatius ::: Born: May 26, 1950; Occupation: Journalist;
Robert Krulwich ::: Born: 1947; Occupation: TV Journalist;
Adam Parfrey ::: Born: April 12, 1957; Occupation: Journalist;
Anthony Lane ::: Born: 1962; Occupation: Journalist;
Sarah Lacy ::: Born: December 29, 1975; Occupation: Journalist;
Peter Arnett ::: Born: November 13, 1934; Occupation: Journalist;
Howard Kurtz ::: Born: August 1, 1953; Occupation: Journalist;
Misha Glenny ::: Born: 1958; Occupation: Journalist;
Jim Marrs ::: Born: December 5, 1943; Occupation: Journalist;
Nora Ephron ::: Born: May 19, 1941; Died: June 26, 2012; Occupation: Journalist;
Joe Posnanski ::: Born: January 8, 1967; Occupation: Journalist;
Carol Thatcher ::: Born: August 15, 1953; Occupation: Journalist;
Rod Liddle ::: Born: April 1, 1960; Occupation: Journalist;
Jay Nordlinger ::: Born: 1963; Occupation: Journalist;
Josh Marshall ::: Born: February 15, 1969; Occupation: Journalist;
Randy Shilts ::: Born: August 8, 1951; Died: February 17, 1994; Occupation: Journalist;
Oriana Fallaci ::: Born: June 29, 1930; Died: September 15, 2006; Occupation: Journalist;
Susan Faludi ::: Born: April 18, 1959; Occupation: Journalist;
William Robertson Nicoll ::: Born: October 10, 1851; Died: May 4, 1923; Occupation: Journalist;
Steven Emerson ::: Born: June 6, 1954; Occupation: Journalist;
Janet Maslin ::: Born: August 12, 1949; Occupation: Journalist;
Peter Hitchens ::: Born: October 28, 1951; Occupation: Journalist;
Adam Clymer ::: Born: April 27, 1937; Occupation: Journalist;
Joan Acocella ::: Born: April 13, 1945; Occupation: Journalist;
Tom Vanderbilt ::: Born: 1968; Occupation: Journalist;
Ernst Fischer ::: Born: July 3, 1899; Died: July 31, 1972; Occupation: Journalist;
Alla Yaroshinskaya ::: Born: 1953; Occupation: Journalist;
Oliver Burkeman ::: Born: 1975; Occupation: Journalist;
Carl Honore ::: Born: 1967; Occupation: Journalist;
John Heilemann ::: Born: January 23, 1966; Occupation: Journalist;
Franca Sozzani ::: Born: January 20, 1950; Died: December 22, 2016; Occupation: Journalist;
Chris Cuomo ::: Born: August 9, 1970; Occupation: Journalist;
Don Lemon ::: Born: March 1, 1966; Occupation: Journalist;
David Oliver Relin ::: Born: December 12, 1962; Died: November 15, 2012; Occupation: Journalist;
John T. Flynn ::: Born: October 25, 1882; Died: April 13, 1964; Occupation: Journalist;
Joshua Foer ::: Born: September 23, 1982; Occupation: Journalist;
Jonas Jonasson ::: Born: 1961; Occupation: Journalist;
Stig Dagerman ::: Born: October 5, 1923; Died: November 4, 1954; Occupation: Journalist;
Michael Specter ::: Born: 1955; Occupation: Journalist;
Gayle Tzemach Lemmon ::: Born: 1973; Occupation: Journalist;
Laurie Garrett ::: Born: 1951; Occupation: Journalist;
Anna Politkovskaya ::: Born: August 30, 1958; Died: October 7, 2006; Occupation: Journalist;
James Risen ::: Born: April 27, 1955; Occupation: Journalist;
Jude Wanniski ::: Born: June 17, 1936; Died: August 29, 2005; Occupation: Journalist;
Liang Qichao ::: Born: February 23, 1873; Died: January 19, 1929; Occupation: Journalist;
Michael Hastings ::: Born: January 28, 1980; Died: June 18, 2013; Occupation: Journalist;
Tahar Djaout ::: Born: January 11, 1954; Died: June 2, 1993; Occupation: Journalist;
Claire Shipman ::: Born: October 4, 1962; Occupation: Journalist;
Ron Fournier ::: Born: 1963; Occupation: Journalist;
Charlotte Corday ::: Born: July 27, 1768; Died: July 17, 1793; Occupation: Journalist;
Ruth Gruber ::: Born: September 30, 1911; Died: November 17, 2016; Occupation: Journalist;
Thomas Frank ::: Born: March 21, 1965; Occupation: Journalist;
Peter FitzSimons ::: Born: June 29, 1961; Occupation: Journalist;
Francoise Giroud ::: Born: September 21, 1916; Died: January 19, 2003; Occupation: Journalist;
Patrick Howley ::: Born: 1989; Occupation: Journalist;
Bret Stephens ::: Born: November 21, 1973; Occupation: Journalist;
Hooman Majd ::: Born: 1957; Occupation: Journalist;
Thomas Friedman ::: Born: July 20, 1953; Occupation: Journalist;
David Frost ::: Born: April 7, 1939; Died: August 31, 2013; Occupation: Journalist;
David Dimbleby ::: Born: October 28, 1938; Occupation: Journalist;
Ari Shapiro ::: Born: September 30, 1978; Occupation: Journalist;
Margaret Fuller ::: Born: May 23, 1810; Died: July 19, 1850; Occupation: Journalist;
Michael Isikoff ::: Born: 1952; Occupation: Journalist;
Buzz Bissinger ::: Born: November 1, 1954; Occupation: Journalist;
Eduardo Galeano ::: Born: September 3, 1940; Died: April 13, 2015; Occupation: Journalist;
Carole Radziwill ::: Born: August 20, 1963; Occupation: Journalist;
Mark Matousek ::: Born: February 5, 1957; Occupation: Journalist;
William Lloyd Garrison ::: Born: December 12, 1805; Died: May 24, 1879; Occupation: Journalist;
Richard Engel ::: Born: September 16, 1973; Occupation: Journalist;
Manu Joseph ::: Born: 1974; Occupation: Journalist;
Robert Lipsyte ::: Born: January 16, 1938; Occupation: Journalist;
Yoshiko Sakurai ::: Born: October 10, 1945; Occupation: Journalist;
Radley Balko ::: Born: April 19, 1975; Occupation: Journalist;
F. William Engdahl ::: Born: August 9, 1944; Occupation: Journalist;
James Lileks ::: Born: August 9, 1958; Occupation: Journalist;
Christopher Booker ::: Born: October 7, 1937; Occupation: Journalist;
Malcolm Gladwell ::: Born: September 3, 1963; Occupation: Journalist;
Michela Wrong ::: Born: 1961; Occupation: Journalist;
Sara Davidson ::: Born: 1943; Occupation: Journalist;
William Godwin ::: Born: March 3, 1756; Died: April 7, 1836; Occupation: Journalist;
Jean Francois Revel ::: Born: January 19, 1924; Died: April 30, 2006; Occupation: Journalist;
Suzy Menkes ::: Born: December 24, 1943; Occupation: Journalist;
Amy Goodman ::: Born: April 13, 1957; Occupation: Journalist;
Ellen Goodman ::: Born: April 11, 1941; Occupation: Journalist;
Caroline Glick ::: Born: 1969; Occupation: Journalist;
Matthew Syed ::: Born: November 2, 1970; Occupation: Journalist;
Quinn Norton ::: Born: 1973; Occupation: Journalist;
Bob Herbert ::: Born: March 7, 1945; Occupation: Journalist;
Muhammad Asad ::: Born: July 2, 1900; Died: February 23, 1992; Occupation: Journalist;
Henry Winter ::: Born: February 18, 1963; Occupation: Journalist;
Jack Germond ::: Born: January 30, 1928; Died: August 14, 2013; Occupation: Journalist;
Germaine Greer ::: Born: January 29, 1939; Occupation: Journalist;
William Greider ::: Born: August 6, 1936; Occupation: Journalist;
Marie Colvin ::: Born: January 12, 1956; Died: February 22, 2012; Occupation: Journalist;
Jonathan Capehart ::: Born: July 2, 1967; Occupation: Journalist;
Mary Katharine Ham ::: Born: April 5, 1980; Occupation: Journalist;
M. Stanton Evans ::: Born: July 20, 1934; Died: March 3, 2015; Occupation: Journalist;
Alma Guillermoprieto ::: Born: May 27, 1949; Occupation: Journalist;
John Gunther ::: Born: August 30, 1901; Died: May 29, 1970; Occupation: Journalist;
June Callwood ::: Born: June 2, 1924; Died: April 14, 2007; Occupation: Journalist;
Julian Assange ::: Born: July 3, 1971; Occupation: Journalist;
Saul Landau ::: Born: January 15, 1936; Died: September 9, 2013; Occupation: Journalist;
Katie Pavlich ::: Born: July 10, 1988; Occupation: Journalist;
Herb Boyd ::: Born: 1938; Occupation: Journalist;
Kenji Goto ::: Born: 1967; Died: January 31, 2015; Occupation: Journalist;
Evan Osnos ::: Born: December 24, 1976; Occupation: Journalist;
Mona Eltahawy ::: Born: August 1, 1967; Occupation: Journalist;
Richard Brookhiser ::: Born: February 23, 1955; Occupation: Journalist;
Eugen Kogon ::: Born: February 2, 1903; Died: December 24, 1987; Occupation: Journalist;
Matthew Parris ::: Born: August 7, 1949; Occupation: Journalist;
Barbara Grizzuti Harrison ::: Born: September 14, 1934; Died: April 24, 2002; Occupation: Journalist;
David Helvarg ::: Born: April 10, 1951; Occupation: Journalist;
Jane Swisshelm ::: Born: December 6, 1815; Died: July 22, 1884; Occupation: Journalist;
Harold Ross ::: Born: November 6, 1892; Died: December 6, 1951; Occupation: Journalist;
Henry Hazlitt ::: Born: November 28, 1894; Died: July 8, 1993; Occupation: Journalist;
Steve Kroft ::: Born: August 22, 1945; Occupation: Journalist;
Michelle Goldberg ::: Born: 1975; Occupation: Journalist;
Ruth Marcus ::: Born: May 2, 1958; Occupation: Journalist;
Clarissa Ward ::: Born: January 30, 1980; Occupation: Journalist;
Theodor Herzl ::: Born: May 2, 1860; Died: July 3, 1904; Occupation: Journalist;
Ainsley Earhardt ::: Born: September 20, 1976; Occupation: Journalist;
Audie Cornish ::: Born: October 9, 1979; Occupation: Journalist;
Jeffrey Goldberg ::: Born: September 22, 1965; Occupation: Journalist;
Carl Hiaasen ::: Born: March 12, 1953; Occupation: Journalist;
Phyllis Bennis ::: Born: 1951; Occupation: Journalist;
Lester Holt ::: Born: March 8, 1959; Occupation: Journalist;
John Avlon ::: Born: July 19, 1973; Occupation: Journalist;
James Appathurai ::: Born: July 8, 1968; Occupation: Journalist;
Edward Jay Epstein ::: Born: 1935; Occupation: Journalist;
Eliza Griswold ::: Born: February 9, 1973; Occupation: Journalist;
Brit Hume ::: Born: June 22, 1943; Occupation: Journalist;
Charlayne Hunter-Gault ::: Born: February 27, 1942; Occupation: Journalist;
Mumia Abu-Jamal ::: Born: April 24, 1954; Occupation: Journalist;
Jane Velez-Mitchell ::: Born: September 29, 1956; Occupation: Journalist;
Mary Stott ::: Born: July 18, 1907; Died: September 16, 2002; Occupation: Journalist;
Andrew Ross Sorkin ::: Born: February 19, 1977; Occupation: Journalist;
Kam Williams ::: Born: December 11, 1952; Occupation: Journalist;
Valerie Trierweiler ::: Born: February 16, 1965; Occupation: Journalist;
Elena Poniatowska ::: Born: May 19, 1932; Occupation: Journalist;
Holbrook Jackson ::: Born: December 31, 1874; Died: 1948; Occupation: Journalist;
Isaac Babel ::: Born: July 13, 1894; Died: January 27, 1940; Occupation: Journalist;
A. J. Jacobs ::: Born: March 20, 1968; Occupation: Journalist;
Jane Jacobs ::: Born: May 4, 1916; Died: April 25, 2006; Occupation: Journalist;
Robert Smythe Hichens ::: Born: November 14, 1864; Died: July 20, 1950; Occupation: Journalist;
Paul Lafargue ::: Born: January 15, 1842; Died: November 26, 1911; Occupation: Journalist;
C. L. R. James ::: Born: January 4, 1901; Died: May 19, 1989; Occupation: Journalist;
Chip Berlet ::: Born: November 22, 1949; Occupation: Photojournalist;
Richard Quest ::: Born: March 9, 1962; Occupation: Journalist;
Peter Jennings ::: Born: July 29, 1938; Died: August 7, 2005; Occupation: Journalist;
Micha Bar-Am ::: Born: 1930; Occupation: Journalist;
Paul Johnson ::: Born: November 2, 1928; Occupation: Journalist;
Lucy Hawking ::: Born: November 2, 1969; Occupation: Journalist;
Daryn Kagan ::: Born: January 26, 1963; Occupation: Journalist;
Kelefa Sanneh ::: Born: 1975; Occupation: Journalist;
Walter Bagehot ::: Born: February 3, 1826; Died: March 24, 1877; Occupation: Journalist;
Ryszard Kapuscinski ::: Born: March 4, 1932; Died: January 23, 2007; Occupation: Journalist;
Mickey Kaus ::: Born: July 6, 1951; Occupation: Journalist;
Ring Lardner, Jr. ::: Born: August 19, 1915; Died: October 31, 2000; Occupation: Journalist;
Bill Keller ::: Born: January 18, 1949; Occupation: Journalist;
Kitty Kelley ::: Born: April 4, 1942; Occupation: Journalist;
Gotz Aly ::: Born: May 3, 1947; Occupation: Journalist;
Dana Bash ::: Born: June 15, 1971; Occupation: Journalist;
Jacob Weisberg ::: Born: 1964; Occupation: Journalist;
Ray Stannard Baker ::: Born: April 17, 1870; Died: July 12, 1946; Occupation: Journalist;
Ira Flatow ::: Born: March 9, 1949; Occupation: Journalist;
Joe Klein ::: Born: September 7, 1946; Occupation: Journalist;
Mark Leibovich ::: Born: May 9, 1965; Occupation: Journalist;
Sacha Gervasi ::: Born: 1966; Occupation: Journalist;
Azadeh Moaveni ::: Born: 1976; Occupation: Journalist;
James Rosen ::: Born: September 2, 1968; Occupation: Journalist;
Nicholas D. Kristof ::: Born: April 27, 1959; Occupation: Journalist;
Nick Turse ::: Born: 1975; Occupation: Journalist;
Charles Kuralt ::: Born: September 10, 1934; Died: July 4, 1997; Occupation: Journalist;
Bill Kurtis ::: Born: September 21, 1940; Occupation: Journalist;
Phillip Knightley ::: Born: January 23, 1929; Died: December 7, 2016; Occupation: Journalist;
Allen Steele ::: Born: January 19, 1958; Occupation: Journalist;
Michael Ware ::: Born: March 25, 1969; Occupation: Journalist;
Christopher Caldwell ::: Born: 1962; Occupation: Journalist;
Brian Lamb ::: Born: October 9, 1941; Occupation: Journalist;
Rose Wilder Lane ::: Born: December 5, 1886; Died: October 30, 1968; Occupation: Journalist;
Erik Larson ::: Born: January 3, 1954; Occupation: Journalist;
Steig Larsson ::: Born: August 15, 1954; Died: November 9, 2004; Occupation: Journalist;
Matt Lauer ::: Born: December 30, 1957; Occupation: Journalist;
Hodding Carter III ::: Born: April 7, 1935; Occupation: Journalist;
Nigella Lawson ::: Born: January 6, 1960; Occupation: Journalist;
Antonin Kratochvil ::: Born: April 12, 1947; Occupation: Photojournalist;
Rula Jebreal ::: Born: April 24, 1973; Occupation: Journalist;
Jim Lehrer ::: Born: May 19, 1934; Occupation: Journalist;
Lester Bangs ::: Born: December 13, 1948; Died: April 30, 1982; Occupation: Journalist;
Derek Taylor ::: Born: May 7, 1932; Died: September 8, 1997; Occupation: Journalist;
L. Jon Wertheim ::: Born: November 11, 1970; Occupation: Journalist;
Simon Price ::: Born: September 25, 1967; Occupation: Journalist;
Josh Barro ::: Born: 1984; Occupation: Journalist;
Joan Lunden ::: Born: September 19, 1950; Occupation: Journalist;
Alexander Vassiliev ::: Born: May 1, 1962; Occupation: Journalist;
David Bornstein ::: Born: 1974; Occupation: Journalist;
Charles C. Mann ::: Born: 1955; Occupation: Journalist;
Jon Bowermaster ::: Born: June 29, 1954; Occupation: Journalist;
Jake Tapper ::: Born: March 12, 1969; Occupation: Journalist;
Jose Diaz-Balart ::: Born: November 7, 1960; Occupation: Journalist;
David Muir ::: Born: November 8, 1973; Occupation: Journalist;
Judith Martin ::: Born: September 13, 1938; Occupation: Journalist;
Milo Yiannopoulos ::: Born: October 18, 1984; Occupation: Journalist;
Maria Bartiromo ::: Born: September 11, 1967; Occupation: Journalist;
Ulrike Meinhof ::: Born: October 7, 1934; Died: May 9, 1976; Occupation: Journalist;
H. L. Mencken ::: Born: September 12, 1880; Died: January 29, 1956; Occupation: Journalist;\
Goodreads author - Critical_Journal_The_Edinburgh_Review
Goodreads author - Journal_Kyaw_Ma_Ma_Lay,_Paul,_Paul,_Paul
Integral World - Integrative United States President Joe Biden: A Journal of the Month Before the Election and the Days That Follow It: Part 1, Elliot Benjamin
Integral World - Integrative United States President Joe Biden: A Journal of the Month Before the Election and the Days That Follow It: Part 2, Elliot Benjamin
Integral World - Integrative United States President Joe Biden: A Journal of the Month Before the Election and the Days That Follow It: Part 3, Elliot Benjamin
Integral World - Integrative United States President Joe Biden: A Journal of the Month Before the Election and the Days That Follow It: Part 4, Elliot Benjamin
Integral World - Integrative United States President Joe Biden: A Journal of the Month Before the Election and the Days That Follow It: Part 5, Elliot Benjamin
Integral World - Integrative United States President Joe Biden: A Journal of the Month Before the Election and the Days That Follow It: Part 6, Elliot Benjamin
Integral World - Integrative United States President Joe Biden: A Journal of the Month Before the Election and the Days That Follow It: Part 7 the Finale, Elliot Benjamin
Integral World - Paralyzed Body, Liberating Mind, Kenneth's Journey into Virtual Reality, An Ongoing VR Journal by Kenneth Williams, David Lane
Integral World - Criticizing "Integral Abuse": Be Scofield & The Culture of Adversarial Journalism, Joe Perez
selforum - journal of consciousness studies
selforum - swadharma harvards hinduism journal
selforum - doaj directory of open access journals
dedroidify.blogspot - ultraculture-journal-one
wiki.auroville - Collaboration_(journal)
wiki.auroville - Dharma_(journal)
wiki.auroville - Invocation_(journal)
wiki.auroville - Prabartak_(journal)
wiki.auroville - Prarthana_(journal)
wiki.auroville - Research_Letter_(journal)
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wiki.auroville - Suprabhat_(journal)
wiki.auroville - The_Golden_Chain_(journal)
Dharmapedia - A_Western_Journalist_on_India:_The_Ferengi's_Columns
Dharmapedia - International_Journal_of_Hindu_Studies
Psychology Wiki - Academic_journal
Psychology Wiki - Academic_journals
Psychology Wiki - American_Journal_of_Psychology
Psychology Wiki - British_Medical_Journal
Psychology Wiki - Category:Cognitive_psychology_journals
Psychology Wiki - Category:Journals
Psychology Wiki - Category:Sensation_and_perception_journals
Psychology Wiki - Decision_making#Some_important_research_journals
Psychology Wiki - Featured_journal_article
Psychology Wiki - Journal_of_Behavioral_Decision_Making
Psychology Wiki - Journal_of_Consciousness_Studies
Psychology Wiki - Journal_of_Consciousness_Studies#Books
Psychology Wiki - Journal_of_Consciousness_Studies#Conferences
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987 - 1996) - "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" is a commercially reconstructed cartoon of a popular underground "graph-vel" of the same name. The story kicks off with a headstrong television journalist named April O'Neil investigating the goings-on of a recent warehouse break-in. A gang of bruts chases her into th...
Superboy (1988 - 1992) - The adventures of Superman when he was a boy! Actually, as a young man...who, disguised as Clark Kent, mild-mannered journalism student at Shuster University, fights a never-ending battle for truth, justice, and...well, you know the rest...
Major Dad (1989 - 1993) - Major John MacGillis is a conservative, by-the-book, die-hard Marine. Polly Cooper is a pacifistic, liberal journalist. Nonetheless, when the two meet, there's instant and intense chemistry between them and they get married less than 24 hours later. Now Polly (and her kids from a previous marriage)...
Murphy Brown (1988 - 1998) - The life of a female journalist who has many, many problems.
On the Money (1970 - Current) - Formerly The Wall Street Journal Report (1970-2012), The weekly syndicated show features interviews, discussions, weekly job reports, stock market updates, and stories about the economy.
American Journal (1993 - 1998) -
Tony Brown's Journal (1978 - Current) - Television talk show series featuring interviews with contemporary newsmakers of special interest to the African American community.
Spider Riders (2006 - 2007) - Fourteen-year-old Hunter Steele searches for the legendary Inner World by following the instructions in his grandfather's journal. He enters a cave where he finds a mysterious manacle that attaches itself to him. A spider startles Hunter, who falls into a hole to the center of the Earth and into the...
Skippy: Adventures in Bushtown (1998 - 1999) - Skippy the bush kangaroo is a capable, upright 'copter-flying young park ranger in his possible early 20s, who resides in Bushtown. With his friend Matilda the local TV journalist, and the quirky inventions of the eccentric genius Professor Angus McPouch, Skippy good humouredly deals with the many...
Nightline (1980 - Current) - ABC News Nightline is a late-night news show first introduced in 1980. It preludes back in 1979 as The Iran Crisis: American's Held Hostage as an ABC News special. Unlike ABC's World News Tonight the series features extended-length interviews and investigative journalism in the style of CBS' popular...
Just Shoot Me! (1997 - 2003) - Just Shoot Me! was a Work Com about Maya Gallo, a highly qualified but difficult-to-work-with journalist, who, after alienating one news anchor too many, is forced to take a job with the trashy Cosmopolitan-esque fashion magazine run by her estranged father Jack Gallo. Originally focusing on the fat...
E:60 (2007 - Current) - E:60 is an American sports newsmagazine broadcast by ESPN. The series features investigative journalism, focusing upon news, issues, and other stories in sports.
Just One of the Guys(1985) - Terry Griffith's convinced that her teachers and peers don't take her seriously as a journalist because she's a girl. When she fails to secure an internship at a local paper, she decides to switch sides, literally! Posing as a boy at her brother's school, she's out to prove that the system's biase...
Interview with the Vampire(1994) - A night in San Francisco, during our time: A young journalist follows a man through the streets and they end up in an anonymous room. When the journalist starts to interview the man, the stranger tells him that he is a vampire, being over 200 years old. The journalist doesn't believe him, but after...
The Fog(1980) - The town of Antonio Bay is set to celebrate its 100 year anniversery but none of the current inhabbitants really know how Antonio Bay came to be. As Father Mahoney accidently happens upon one of his ancestors journals, he makes a chilling discovery. Meanwhile a strange glowing fog is making its way...
House on Haunted Hill (1959)(1959) - Millionaire Fredrick Loren (and his 4th wife) invites five random guests for a Haunted House party at the notorious "House on Haunted Hill". The guest include: pilot Lance Schroeder, journalist Ruth Bridges, Watson Prichard (the owner of The House), Nora Manning, an employee for Fredrick Loren, and...
Funny Farm(1988) - When Andy and Elizabeth buy a farm in Vermont, they can't imagine the trouble that awaits them. Andy has quit his job as a sports journalist and is planning to use the peace and quiet of the country to write the Great American Novel. From the moment the movers' truck gets lost with their furniture,...
Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde(1995) - In this spoof of Robert Louis Stevens classic novel comes a very fine comedy with Tim Daly and Sean Young. Dr. Richard Jacks(Daly), is a man who creates perfumes for companies. One day he discovers a journal belonging to his great grandfather, Dr. Henry Jekyll, that talks about a revolutionary disco...
Viva Knievel!(1977) - 1977 action movie starring Evel Knievel as himself, Gene Kelly as Will Atkins, and Lauren Hutton as photojournalist Kat
The Players Club(1998) - Rapper/ actor Ice Cube directed this urban comedy-drama about African-American single mother Diana (Lisa Raye), who aims for a career as a broadcast journalist. To finance her education, she works as a stripper at the raucous Players Club, run by hustler Dollar Bill (Bernie Mac). When naive Ebony (M...
Howling II: Your Sister Is a Werewolf(1985) - The brother of a slain werewolf newscaster joins the battle against a lycanthropic femme fatale in this sequel to 1981's horror/humor update. Shortly after the events of the original The Howling, Ben White (Reb Brown) attends the funeral of his sister, journalist Karen White (played here by Hana Lud...
Year Of The Gun(1991) - In this thriller, American novelist David Raybourne (Andrew McCarthy) accidentally becomes entangled in the Red Brigade's terrorist plan to kidnap Italian Premier Aldo Moro during a research trip to Rome. As the terrorists attempt to kill David, he and his photojournalist friend (Sharon Stone) must...
Children of the Corn II: The Final Sacrifice(1993) - Straight after the events of the first film, the children are moved to Gatlins neighbouring town Hemmingford. A failed journalist called John comes to Hemmingford to find out what happened in Gatlin. His son Danny is with him, John and Danny don't get on well together. They are staying in the same h...
Bad Moon (1996) - A photo-journalist and his girlfriend are attacked by a werewolf while visiting Nepal. His girlfriend is killed by the beast but he is bitten and has to live with curse of lycanthropy. He moves back to the US and tries to deal with the monster inside him however his sister invites him to live her an...
Above the Rim(1994) - Above the Rim is a 1994 drama film, directed by Jeff Pollack. The screenplay was written by Pollack and journalist-turned-screenwriter Barry Michael Cooper (writer of New Jack City), from a story by Pollack and Benn
Call Me(1988) - A journalist named Anna (Patricia Charbonneau) receives an obscene phone call one day. Thinking it's coming from her boyfriend, it's actually from a stranger who awakens an eroticism in her that ends up having a deadly imprint on her life.
Micki + Maude(1984) - TV journalist Rob Salinger has been married to assistant district attorney Micki for seven years. He wants children, but she doesn't thinking it will put a damper in her career and more after being appointed to be a judge in the Superior Court. Then Rob meets Maude, a beautiful and seductive cello p...
C.H.U.D.(1984) - A rash of bizarre murders in New York City seems to point to a group of grotesquely deformed vagrants living in the sewers. A courageous policeman, a photo journalist and his girlfriend, and a nutty bum, who seems to know a lot about the creatures, band together to try and determine what the creatur...
We Are The Children(1987) - A doctor and a photo-journalist try to help famine victims in Africa.
Under Fire(1983) - Three journalists in a romantic triangle are involved in political intrigue during the last days of the corrupt Somozoa regime in Nicaragua before it falls to a popular revolution in 1979.
Salvador(1986) - An American photojournalist gets caught in a political struggle at El Salvador in 1980.
Lions For Lambs(2008) - Injuries sustained by two Army rangers behind enemy lines in Afghanistan set off a sequence of events involving a congressman, a journalist and a professor.
Brenda Starr(1989) - Fearless reporter Brenda Starr (Brooke Shields) needs a big scoop if she wishes to retain her lofty status within the world of journalism. She ventures deep into the Amazon to investigate a story involving a mad scientist's plot to blow the planet to smithereens. Her investigation pits her against a...
Wit's End(1971) - A journalist gets mixed up with a stripper, a defecting Chinese scientist and Red Chinese agents.
He Said, She Said(1991) - Dan and Lorie are journalists working in the same office. More often than not they have opposing view of the issue in question. Deciding that this is hot stuff, a television producer gives them their own program (called "He Said, She Said") where they can give their opposing views on various issues....
The Rum Diary(2011) - American journalist Paul Kemp takes on a freelance job in Puerto Rico for a local newspaper during the 1950s and struggles to find a balance between island culture and the expatriates who live there.
Brno(2009) - Brno (stylized as brno in promotional materials) is a 2009 British mockumentary comedy film directed by Larry Charles and starring Sacha Baron Cohen, who produced, co-wrote, and played the gay Austrian fashion journalist Brno. It is the third and final film based on Baron Cohen's characters from...
Outfoxed(2004) - Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism is a 2004 documentary film by filmmaker Robert Greenwald that criticises the Fox News Channel, and its owner, Rupert Murdoch, claiming that the channel is used to promote and advocate right-wing views. The film says this pervasive bias contradicts the cha...
Messenger Of Death(1988) - Wifes and children of the Mormon Orville Beecham become victims of a massacre in his own house. The police believes the crime had a religious motive. Orville doesn't give any comment on the case, is taken into protective custody. Journalist Smith persuades him to help him in the investigation - and...
Vampire Journals(1997) - Avenging vampire stalks a king of the vampires in Eastern Europe, slaughters anyone who gets in his way.
The Children Of Huang Shi(2008) - About young British journalist, George Hogg, who with the assistance of a courageous Australian nurse, saves a group of orphaned children during the Japanese occupation of China in 1937.
Desperately Seeking Seka(2002) - Swedish journalist Magnus Paulsson was a big fan of Seka. He ventures to America to meet his favorite adult film star, and on the way to meeting Seka, interviews several of her former colleagues in the industry.
Shattered Glass(2003) - This film tells the true story of fraudulent Washington, D.C. journalist Stephen Glass, who rose to meteoric heights as a young writer in his 20s, becoming a staff writer at "The New Republic" for three years (1995-1998), where 27 of his 41 published stories were either partially or completely made...
Van Wilder(2002) - The most popular kid on campus meets a beautiful journalist who makes him realize that maybe he's afraid to graduate.
Hannah Montana: The Movie(2009) - Based on Disney's hit TV series. Miley Stewart is having trouble with her life and struggling against her pop star alter-ego Hannah Montana and despite her attempts to keep it from the media, undercover journalist Oswald Granger vows to expose her once and for all.
Kalifornia(1993) - A journalist duo go on a tour of serial killer murder sites with two companions, unaware that one of them is a serial killer himself.
Reds(1981) - A radical American journalist becomes involved with the Communist revolution in Russia and hopes to bring its spirit and idealism to the United States.
Perfect Stranger(2007) - A journalist goes undercover to ferret out businessman Harrison Hill as her childhood friend's killer. Posing as one of his temps, she enters into a game of online cat-and-mouse.
The Crush(1993) - Journalist Nick Eliot get a job in Seattle needing a place to stay. He finds a guest house owned by Cliff and Liv Forrester where he meets their young daughter Adrian. Adrian develops a crush for Nick which becomes an obsession that could ruin his life an
The Killing Fields(1984) - A journalist is trapped in Cambodia during tyrant Pol Pot's bloody 'Year Zero' cleansing campaign, which claimed the lives of two million 'undesirable' civilians.
Street Smart(1987) - A New York journalist lies when his fake story about a pimp describes a real pimp up for murder.
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood(2019) - Lloyd Vogel, a troubled journalist working for Esquire Magazine has been assigned to profile children's TV host Fred Rogers, and he may find by developing a friendship with him that there is more to life than negativity and cynicism.
Lost Souls(2000) - A Catholic teacher meets an atheist journalist, whom a group of Catholics and Priests believes has been chosen by the devil to be the Antichrist.
The Interview(2014) - Two journalists who host the mega popular late-night show "Skylark Tonight" find out that North Korea's Kim Jong-un is a big fan of the show. Going where nobody has dared, they got to Pyongyang to set up an interview with him only to get involved with a CIA plot to have him assassinated.
That Lucky Touch(1975) - A European arms dealer meets a liberated woman journalist, who is writing a story about the ridiculous things men do with the armaments during War Games meeting. The two meet and sparks fly, and a rather simple love story ensues.
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (2019) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG | 1h 49min | Biography, Drama | 22 November 2019 (USA) -- Based on the true story of a real-life friendship between Fred Rogers and journalist Lloyd Vogel. Director: Marielle Heller Writers: Micah Fitzerman-Blue, Noah Harpster | 1 more credit
Ace in the Hole (1951) ::: 8.1/10 -- Approved | 1h 51min | Drama, Film-Noir | 4 July 1951 (USA) -- A frustrated former big-city journalist now stuck working for an Albuquerque newspaper exploits a story about a man trapped in a cave to rekindle his career, but the situation quickly escalates into an out-of-control circus. Director: Billy Wilder Writers:
Alice in the Cities (1974) ::: 8.0/10 -- Alice in den Stdten (original title) -- Alice in the Cities Poster A German journalist is saddled with a nine-year-old girl after encountering her mother at a New York airport. Director: Wim Wenders Writers: Wim Wenders, Veith von Frstenberg (contributing writer) Stars:
Alone in the Wilderness (2004) ::: 8.7/10 -- 57min | Documentary | TV Movie 8 October 2004 -- In 1968, one man films his attempt to build a cabin and live in the Alaskan wilderness. He goes weeks or months at a time without human contact. Director: Dick Proenneke Writers: Sam Keith (book), Dick Proenneke (journals) Stars:
A Mighty Heart (2007) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 48min | Biography, Drama, History | 22 June 2007 (USA) -- Mariane Pearl embarks on a frantic search to locate her journalist husband, Daniel, when he goes missing in Pakistan. Director: Michael Winterbottom Writers: John Orloff (screenplay), Mariane Pearl (book)
Breathless (1960) ::: 7.8/10 -- bout de souffle (original title) -- Breathless Poster -- A small-time thief steals a car and impulsively murders a motorcycle policeman. Wanted by the authorities, he reunites with a hip American journalism student and attempts to persuade her to run away with him to Italy. Director: Jean-Luc Godard
Brighton Rock (1948) ::: 7.4/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 32min | Crime, Drama | 21 September 1948 (France) -- In Brighton in 1935, small-time gang leader Pinkie Brown murders a journalist and later desperately tries to cover his tracks but runs into trouble with the police, a few witnesses and a rival gang. Director: John Boulting Writers: Graham Greene (from the novel by), Graham Greene (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Cry Freedom (1987) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG | 2h 37min | Biography, Drama, History | 6 November 1987 (USA) -- South African journalist Donald Woods is forced to flee the country, after attempting to investigate the death in custody of his friend, the black activist Steve Biko. Director: Richard Attenborough Writers: John Briley (screenplay), Donald Woods (books) Stars:
Dark Tourist ::: TV-MA | 40min | Documentary | TV Series (2018) -- From a nuclear lake to a haunted forest, New Zealand filmmaker and journalist David Farrier ('Tickled') visits unusual -- and often macabre -- tourism spots around the world. Stars:
Deep Red (1975) ::: 7.6/10 -- Profondo rosso (original title) -- Deep Red Poster -- A jazz pianist and a wisecracking journalist are pulled into a complex web of mystery after the former witnesses the brutal murder of a psychic. Director: Dario Argento Writers:
Dhobi Ghat (2010) ::: 7.0/10 -- TV-14 | 1h 40min | Drama | 21 January 2011 (India) -- The lives of four people intersect in Mumbai: a washer-man who wants to become an actor, a banker-turned-photographer, a painter looking for inspiration, and a newly-married immigrant who journals her experiences on home video. Director: Kiran Rao Writer:
Dirt ::: TV-MA | 1h | Drama | TV Series (20072008) -- A tabloid editor and her photographer try to make their way in the world of celebrity journalism. Creator: Matthew Carnahan
Doug ::: TV-Y7 | 30min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | TV Series (19911994) The life of a young boy as he meets friends, falls in love, maneuvers his way through grade 6 and writes all about it in his journal. Creator: Jim Jinkins Stars:
Eastern Promises (2007) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 1h 40min | Action, Crime, Drama | 21 September 2007 (USA) -- A teenager who dies during childbirth leaves clues in her journal that could tie her child to a rape involving a violent Russian mob family. Director: David Cronenberg Writer: Steven Knight (screenplay) (as Steve Knight)
Elle s'appelait Sarah (2010) ::: 7.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 51min | Drama, War | 22 July 2011 (USA) -- In modern-day Paris, a journalist finds her life becoming entwined with a young girl whose family was torn apart during the notorious Vel' d'Hiv Roundup in 1942. Director: Gilles Paquet-Brenner Writers:
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 1h 58min | Adventure, Comedy, Drama | 22 May 1998 (USA) -- An oddball journalist and his psychopathic lawyer travel to Las Vegas for a series of psychedelic escapades. Director: Terry Gilliam Writers: Hunter S. Thompson (book), Terry Gilliam (screenplay) | 3 more
Good Night, and Good Luck. (2005) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG | 1h 33min | Biography, Drama, History | 4 November 2005 (USA) -- Broadcast journalist Edward R. Murrow looks to bring down Senator Joseph McCarthy. Director: George Clooney Writers: George Clooney, Grant Heslov
Harrison's Flowers (2000) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 2h 1min | Drama, Romance, War | 15 March 2002 (USA) -- When a Newsweek photojournalist disappears in war-torn Yugoslavia, his wife travels to Europe to find him. Director: lie Chouraqui
Harrison's Flowers (2000) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 2h 1min | Drama, Romance, War | 15 March 2002 (USA) -- When a Newsweek photojournalist disappears in war-torn Yugoslavia, his wife travels to Europe to find him. Director: lie Chouraqui Writers: Isabel Ellsen (book), lie Chouraqui (screenplay) | 3 more credits Stars:
Hereafter (2010) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 9min | Drama, Fantasy, Romance | 22 October 2010 (USA) -- A drama centered on three people - a blue-collar American, a French journalist and a London school boy - who are touched by death in different ways. Director: Clint Eastwood Writer:
Hip-Hop Evolution ::: TV-MA | 1h 30min | Documentary, Music | TV Series (2016 ) -- MC and journalist Shad Kabango meets with Hip-Hop's biggest stars to retrace how Hip-Hop became the world's most popular music, but realizes that Hip-Hop's true legacy is something much more profound. Stars:
I Am the Night ::: TV-MA | 1h | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (2019) -- In early 1960s, a teenage girl looking for her real father and a disgraced journalist seeking closure find themselves drawn into a web of secrets revolving around L.A.'s most infamous cold case, the Black Dahlia (Elizabeth Short) murder. Creator:
In My Father's Den (2004) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 2h 7min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 7 October 2004 (New Zealand) -- A disillusioned war journalist's return home is blighted when he becomes implicated in the mysterious disappearance of a teenage girl he has befriended. Director: Brad McGann Writers: Maurice Gee (novel), Brad McGann (screenplay) Stars:
Interview (2007) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 24min | Drama | 10 May 2007 (Netherlands) -- After falling out with his editor, a fading political journalist is forced to interview America's most popular soap actress. Director: Steve Buscemi Writers: David Schechter, Theo van Gogh (based on the film by) | 3 more
Just Shoot Me! ::: TV-PG | 30min | Comedy | TV Series (19972003) -- Hot-tempered journalist Maya got herself fired yet again. Unable to find a job anywhere else and facing eviction, she is forced to go work for Blush, her father's fashion magazine. Creator:
Kalifornia (1993) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 57min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 3 September 1993 (USA) -- A journalist duo go on a tour of serial killer murder sites with two companions, unaware that one of them is a serial killer himself. Director: Dominic Sena Writers: Stephen Levy (story), Tim Metcalfe (story) | 1 more credit
Killers (2014) ::: 6.4/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 17min | Action, Crime, Drama | 1 February 2014 (Japan) -- A psychopathic Japanese executive accidentally triggers a journalist's 'dark side'. They begin to connect over the Internet and make a complicated bond. Directors: Kimo Stamboel (as The Mo Brothers), Timo Tjahjanto (as The Mo Brothers) Writers:
Kill the Messenger (2014) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 52min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 9 October 2014 (Hungary) -- Journalist Gary Webb, California 1996, started investigating CIA's role in the 1980s in getting crack cocaine to the black part of LA to get money and weapons to the Contras/freedom fighters in Nicaragua. Director: Michael Cuesta Writers:
La Dolce Vita (1960) ::: 8.0/10 -- La dolce vita (original title) -- La Dolce Vita Poster -- A series of stories following a week in the life of a philandering tabloid journalist living in Rome. Director: Federico Fellini Writers:
Long Shot (2019) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 2h 5min | Comedy, Romance | 3 May 2019 (USA) -- Journalist Fred Flarsky reunites with his childhood crush, Charlotte Field, now one of the most influential women in the world. As she prepares to make a run for the Presidency, Charlotte hires Fred as her speechwriter and sparks fly. Director: Jonathan Levine Writers:
Loving Pablo (2017) ::: 6.3/10 -- R | 2h 3min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 15 June 2018 (USA) -- A journalist strikes up a romantic relationship with notorious drug lord Pablo Escobar. Director: Fernando Len de Aranoa Writers: Fernando Len de Aranoa (screenplay written by), Fernando Len de
Mark Felt: The Man Who Brought Down the White House (2017) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 43min | Biography, Drama, History | 29 September 2017 (USA) -- The story of Mark Felt, who under the name "Deep Throat" helped journalists Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein uncover the Watergate scandal in 1972. Director: Peter Landesman Writers:
Monsters (2010) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 34min | Adventure, Drama, Romance | 3 December 2010 (UK) -- Six years after Earth has suffered an alien invasion, a cynical journalist agrees to escort a shaken American tourist through an infected zone in Mexico to the safety of the U.S. border. Director: Gareth Edwards Writer:
Mr. Jones (2019) ::: 6.9/10 -- 14A | 1h 59min | Biography, Drama, Thriller | 25 October 2019 (Poland) -- A Welsh journalist breaks the news in the western media of the famine in Ukraine in the early 1930s. Director: Agnieszka Holland Writer: Andrea Chalupa (story and screenplay by)
Murphy Brown ::: TV-PG | 30min | Comedy | TV Series (19882018) -- The personal and professional misadventures of an opinionated but beloved woman working as a television journalist. Creators: Diane English, Diane English
Nightcrawler (2014) ::: 7.9/10 -- R | 1h 57min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 31 October 2014 (USA) -- When Louis Bloom, a con man desperate for work, muscles into the world of L.A. crime journalism, he blurs the line between observer and participant to become the star of his own story. Director: Dan Gilroy Writer:
No One Killed Jessica (2011) ::: 7.2/10 -- 14A | 2h 16min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 7 January 2011 (USA) -- A journalist, who is more of an activist teams up with the sister of a murdered model, as she gets interested in the case and wants to bring justice to her case. Director: Raj Kumar Gupta Writers:
Page 3 (2005) ::: 7.3/10 -- 2h 19min | Drama | 21 January 2005 (India) -- A look at Mumbai's socialite party circle world through the eyes of a Page 3 journalist. Director: Madhur Bhandarkar Writers: Nina Arora (screenplay), Madhur Bhandarkar (dialogue) | 2 more
People of Earth ::: TV-MA | 30min | Comedy, Mystery, Sci-Fi | TV Series (20162017) -- Journalist Ozzie Graham is skeptical when he investigates a support group for oddballs who think they have been abducted by aliens -- yet the more he learns, the more confused, intrigued, and seduced he becomes. Creator:
Philomena (2013) ::: 7.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 38min | Biography, Comedy, Drama | 27 November 2013 (USA) -- A world-weary political journalist picks up the story of a woman's search for her son, who was taken away from her decades ago after she became pregnant and was forced to live in a convent. Director: Stephen Frears Writers:
Poison (1991) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 25min | Drama, Horror, Romance | 16 August 1991 (Sweden) -- A boy shoots his father and flies out the window. A man falls in love with a fellow inmate in prison. A doctor accidentally ingests his experimental sex serum, wreaking havoc on the community. Director: Todd Haynes Writers: Jean Genet (inspired by the novels of Jean Genet with quotations from "Miracle of the Rose", "Our Lady of the Flowers" and "Thief's Journal"), Todd Haynes
Privileged ::: 45min | Comedy | TV Series (20082009) A Yale-educated journalism major reluctantly becomes a live-in tutor for two spoiled grand-daughters of a Palm Beach cosmetics business magnate. Creator: Rina Mimoun Stars:
Red Riding: The Year of Our Lord 1974 (2009) ::: 7.0/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 42min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Movie 11 November -- Red Riding: The Year of Our Lord 1974 Poster -- A rookie Yorkshire journalist sets out to solve the case of a child murderer. Director: Julian Jarrold Writers:
Reds (1981) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG | 3h 15min | Biography, Drama, History | 25 December 1981 (USA) -- A radical American journalist becomes involved with the Communist revolution in Russia, and hopes to bring its spirit and idealism to the United States. Director: Warren Beatty Writers:
Riftworld Chronicles ::: 48min | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy | TV Mini-Series (2015- ) Episode Guide 8 episodes Riftworld Chronicles Poster A dimension traveling mage and a journalist team up to investigate the connection between their worlds. Creator: Jonathan Williams Stars:
Rosewater (2014) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 43min | Biography, Drama | 27 November 2014 (Israel) -- Iranian-Canadian journalist Maziar Bahari is detained by Iranian forces who brutally interrogate him under suspicion that he is a spy. Director: Jon Stewart Writers: Jon Stewart (screenplay), Maziar Bahari (book) | 1 more credit
Salvador (1986) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 2h 2min | Drama, History, Thriller | 23 April 1986 (USA) -- A burnt-out photojournalist becomes involved in a Central American revolution. Director: Oliver Stone Writers: Oliver Stone, Richard Boyle
Scoop (2006) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 36min | Comedy, Crime, Fantasy | 28 July 2006 (USA) -- An American journalism student in London scoops a big story, and begins an affair with an aristocrat as the incident unfurls. Director: Woody Allen Writer: Woody Allen
Secret City ::: TV-MA | 49min | Mystery, Thriller | TV Series (20162019) -- Beneath the placid facade of Canberra, amidst rising tension between China and America, senior political journalist Harriet Dunkley uncovers a secret city of interlocked conspiracies, putting innocent lives in danger including her own. Stars:
Shattered Glass (2003) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 34min | Drama, History | 26 November 2003 (USA) -- The story of a young journalist who fell from grace when it was discovered he fabricated over half of his articles from the publication The New Republic magazine. Director: Billy Ray Writers:
Shock and Awe (2017) ::: 6.3/10 -- R | 1h 30min | Biography, Drama, History | 20 July 2018 (Taiwan) -- A group of journalists of the Knight-Ridder news service covering President George W. Bush's planned invasion of Iraq in 2003 are skeptical of the President's claim that Saddam Hussein has "weapons of mass destruction." Director: Rob Reiner Writer:
Shock Corridor (1963) ::: 7.4/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 41min | Drama, Mystery | 25 September 1963 (USA) -- Bent on winning a Pulitzer Prize, a journalist commits himself to a mental institution to solve a strange and unclear murder. Director: Samuel Fuller Writer: Samuel Fuller
Special Forces (2011) ::: 6.4/10 -- Forces spciales (original title) -- Special Forces Poster -- A French journalist in Afghanistan is kidnapped by the Taliban. Director: Stphane Rybojad Writers: Stphane Rybojad (adaptation), Michael Cooper (adaptation) | 2 more
State of Play (2009) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 7min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 17 April 2009 (USA) -- When a congressional aide is killed, a Washington, D.C. journalist starts investigating the case involving the Representative, his old college friend. Director: Kevin Macdonald Writers:
Superman and Lois -- 42min | Action, Adventure, Drama | TV Series (2021 ) ::: Follow the world's most famous super hero and comic books' most famous journalist as they deal with all the stress, pressures, and complexities that come with being working parents in today's society. Creators:
Teacher's Pet (1958) ::: 7.1/10 -- Approved | 2h | Comedy, Romance | 1 April 1958 (USA) -- A hard-nosed newspaper editor poses as a night school student in order to woo a journalism teacher who cannot stand him. Director: George Seaton Writers: Fay Kanin, Michael Kanin
The Butterfly Effect (2004) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 1h 53min | Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 23 January 2004 (USA) -- Evan Treborn suffers blackouts during significant events of his life. As he grows up, he finds a way to remember these lost memories and a supernatural way to alter his life by reading his journal. Directors: Eric Bress, J. Mackye Gruber Writers:
The Case for Christ (2017) ::: 6.3/10 -- PG | 1h 52min | Biography, Drama | 7 April 2017 (USA) -- An investigative journalist and self-proclaimed atheist sets out to disprove the existence of God after his wife becomes a Christian. Director: Jon Gunn Writers: Brian Bird (screenplay by), Lee Strobel (based on the book by)
The Cat o' Nine Tails (1971) ::: 6.7/10 -- Il gatto a nove code (original title) -- The Cat o' Nine Tails Poster A newspaper reporter and a retired, blind journalist try to solve a series of killings connected to a pharmaceutical company's experimental, top-secret research projects and in so doing, both become targets of the killer. Director: Dario Argento Writers: Dario Argento (based on a story by), Luigi Cozzi (based on a story by)
The Children of Huang Shi (2008) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 2h 5min | Drama, War | 13 June 2008 (USA) -- About young British journalist, George Hogg, who with the assistance of a courageous Australian nurse, saves a group of orphaned children during the Japanese occupation of China in 1937. Director: Roger Spottiswoode Writers:
The Company You Keep (2012) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 2h 5min | Drama, Thriller | 26 April 2013 (USA) -- After a journalist discovers his identity, a former Weather Underground activist goes on the run. Director: Robert Redford Writers: Lem Dobbs (screenplay by), Neil Gordon (based on the novel by)
The Girl Who Played with Fire (2009) ::: 7.2/10 -- Flickan som lekte med elden (original title) -- The Girl Who Played with Fire Poster -- As computer hacker Lisbeth and journalist Mikael investigate a sex-trafficking ring, Lisbeth is accused of three murders, causing her to go on the run while Mikael works to clear her name. Director: Daniel Alfredson Writers:
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2009) ::: 7.8/10 -- Mn som hatar kvinnor (original title) -- The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Poster -- A journalist is aided by a young female hacker in his search for the killer of a woman who has been dead for forty years. Director: Niels Arden Oplev Writers:
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011) ::: 7.8/10 -- R | 2h 38min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 21 December 2011 (USA) -- Journalist Mikael Blomkvist is aided in his search for a woman who has been missing for forty years by Lisbeth Salander, a young computer hacker. Director: David Fincher Writers:
The Hour ::: TV-14 | 1h | Drama | TV Series (20112012) -- A behind-the-scenes drama and espionage thriller in Cold War-era England that centers on a journalist, a producer, and an anchorman for an investigative news programme. Creator:
The Hunting Party (2007) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 41min | Adventure, Comedy, Drama | 21 September 2007 (USA) -- A young journalist, a seasoned cameraman and a discredited war correspondent embark on an unauthorized mission to find the No.1 war criminal in Bosnia. However, their extremely dangerous target decides to come after them. Director: Richard Shepard Writers:
The Killing Fields (1984) ::: 7.8/10 -- R | 2h 21min | Biography, Drama, History | 1 February 1985 (USA) -- A journalist is trapped in Cambodia during tyrant Pol Pot's bloody 'Year Zero' cleansing campaign, which claimed the lives of two million 'undesirable' civilians. Director: Roland Joff Writer:
The Last Word (2017) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 48min | Comedy, Drama | 3 March 2017 (USA) -- Harriet is a retired businesswoman who tries to control everything around her. When she decides to write her own obituary, a young journalist takes up the task of finding out the truth resulting in a life-altering friendship. Director: Mark Pellington Writer:
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 59min | Action, Adventure, Comedy | 25 December 2004 (USA) -- With a plan to exact revenge on a mythical shark that killed his partner, Oceanographer Steve Zissou (Bill Murray) rallies a crew that includes his estranged wife, a journalist, and a man who may or may not be his son. Director: Wes Anderson Writers:
The Odessa File (1974) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG | 2h 10min | Drama, Thriller | 18 October 1974 (USA) -- Following the suicide of an elderly Jewish man, a journalist in possession of the man's diary investigates the alleged sighting of a former S.S. Captain, who commanded a concentration camp during World War II. Director: Ronald Neame Writers:
The Pirates of Somalia (2017) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 56min | Biography, Drama | 8 December 2017 (USA) -- In 2008, rookie journalist Jay Bahadur forms a half-baked plan to embed himself with the pirates of Somalia. He ultimately succeeds in providing the first close-up look into who these men are, how they live, and the forces that drive them. Director: Bryan Buckley Writers:
The Program (2015) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 39min | Biography, Drama, Sport | 18 March 2016 (USA) -- An Irish sports journalist becomes convinced that Lance Armstrong's performances during the Tour de France victories are fueled by banned substances. With this conviction, he starts hunting for evidence that will expose Armstrong. Director: Stephen Frears Writers:
The Promise (2016) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 13min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 21 April 2017 (USA) -- Set during the last days of the Ottoman Empire, The Promise follows a love triangle between Michael, a brilliant medical student, the beautiful and sophisticated Ana, and Chris - a renowned American journalist based in Paris. Director: Terry George Writers:
The Ring (2002) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 55min | Horror, Mystery | 18 October 2002 (USA) -- A journalist must investigate a mysterious videotape which seems to cause the death of anyone one week to the day after they view it. Director: Gore Verbinski Writers: Ehren Kruger (screenplay), Kji Suzuki (novel) (as Koji Suzuki)
The Sarah Jane Adventures ::: TV-PG | 1h | Family, Sci-Fi | TV Series (20072020) -- Investigative journalist Sarah Jane Smith, with the help of her adopted son, his friends, and an intelligent supercomputer, combats evil alien forces here on Earth. Creator:
The Soloist (2009) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 57min | Biography, Drama, Music | 24 April 2009 (USA) -- A newspaper journalist discovers a homeless musical genius and tries to improve his situation. Director: Joe Wright Writers: Susannah Grant (screenplay), Steve Lopez (book)
The Stoning of Soraya M. (2008) ::: 8.0/10 -- R | 1h 54min | Drama | 9 October 2009 (Sweden) -- A desperate woman asks for a meeting with a journalist to disclose the cruel and inhumane punishment of her niece. Director: Cyrus Nowrasteh Writers: Betsy Giffen Nowrasteh (screenplay), Cyrus Nowrasteh (screenplay) | 1
The Tarnished Angels (1957) ::: 7.1/10 -- Passed | 1h 31min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 31 December 1957 (USA) -- Story of a friendship between an eccentric journalist and a daredevil barnstorming pilot. Director: Douglas Sirk Writers: William Faulkner (novel), George Zuckerman (screenplay) Stars:
The Tesla Files -- Documentary, History, Mystery | TV Series (2018- ) Episode Guide 5 episodes The Tesla Files Poster ::: Researcher Marc Seifer, astrophysicist Travis Taylor and investigative journalist Jason Stapleton investigate the mysteries surrounding the life and work of Nikola Tesla, one of the most important and eccentric scientists in history. Stars:
The Wings of the Dove (1997) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Drama, Romance | 13 March 1998 (USA) -- An impoverished woman who has been forced to choose between a privileged life with her wealthy aunt and her journalist lover, befriends an American heiress. When she discovers the heiress is attracted to her own lover and is dying, she sees a chance to have both the privileged life she cannot give up and the lover she cannot live without. Director: Iain Softley
Triage (2009) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 39min | Drama, Mystery, War | 13 November 2009 (Spain) -- The wife of a photojournalist sets out to discover why he came home from a recent assignment without his colleague. Director: Danis Tanovic Writers: Danis Tanovic, Scott Anderson (book)
True Crime (1999) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 2h 7min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 19 March 1999 (USA) -- Can an over-the-hill journalist uncover the evidence that can prove a death row inmate's innocence just hours before his execution? Director: Clint Eastwood Writers: Andrew Klavan (novel), Larry Gross (screenplay) | 2 more credits
Tuesdays with Morrie (1999) ::: 7.5/10 -- TV-G | 1h 29min | Biography, Drama | TV Movie 5 December 1999 -- A journalist finds himself questioning his own life when his best friend, a dying man, offers him some very powerful wisdom and advice for coping in relationships, careers and society. Director:
Tuesdays with Morrie (1999) ::: 7.5/10 -- TV-G | 1h 29min | Biography, Drama | TV Movie 5 December 1999 -- A journalist finds himself questioning his own life when his best friend, a dying man, offers him some very powerful wisdom and advice for coping in relationships, careers and society. Director: Mick Jackson Writers: Thomas Rickman (teleplay) (as Tom Rickman), Mitch Albom (based on the book by)
Under Fire (1983) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 2h 8min | Drama, War | 21 October 1983 (USA) -- Three journalists in a romantic triangle are involved in political intrigue during the last days of the corrupt Somozoa regime in Nicaragua before it falls to a popular revolution in 1979. Director: Roger Spottiswoode Writers:
Unsolved Mysteries ::: TV-MA | 45min | Documentary, Crime, Mystery | TV Series (2020 ) -- Immersive, character-driven stories are rooted in the experiences of ordinary people who have lived the unthinkable. Families, detectives and journalists hope viewers hold the clues to solving these mysteries. Stars:
Van Wilder: Party Liaison (2002) ::: 6.4/10 -- National Lampoon's Van Wilder (original title) -- Van Wilder: Party Liaison Poster -- The most popular kid on campus meets a beautiful journalist who makes him realize that maybe he's afraid to graduate. Director: Walt Becker Writers:
Velvet Goldmine (1998) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 58min | Drama, Music | 23 October 1998 (UK) -- In 1984, British journalist Arthur Stuart investigates the career of 1970s glam superstar Brian Slade, who was heavily influenced in his early years by hard-living and rebellious American singer Curt Wild. Director: Todd Haynes Writers:
Veronica Guerin (2003) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 17 October 2003 (USA) -- An Irish journalist writes a series of stories about drug dealers. Director: Joel Schumacher Writers: Carol Doyle (story), Carol Doyle (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Veronika Voss (1982) ::: 7.8/10 -- Die Sehnsucht der Veronika Voss (original title) -- Veronika Voss Poster Partially based on the life of Sybille Schmitz, who found fame under the Nazi regime, but whose career was destroyed afterward. Veronika Voss is a once prominent UFA actress, kept by her doctor, who raises suspicion in a sports journalist. Director: Rainer Werner Fassbinder Writers: Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Pea Frhlich | 1 more credit
Vikings: Athestan's Journal ::: Connections -- Episode Guide 13 episodes Vikings: Athelstan's Journal Poster Viking culture is seen from a first-hand experience through Athelstan's perspective. Athelstan reflects his inner thoughts on the ways of the Northmen including all their customs, values, ... S Stars: George Blagden, Travis Fimmel, Jennie Jacques
Welcome to Sarajevo (1997) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 43min | Drama, War | 26 November 1997 (USA) -- Journalist Flynn from the U.S., Michael Henderson from the U.K., and their teams meet at the beginning of the Bosnian war in Sarajevo. During their reports, they find an orphanage run by ... S Director: Michael Winterbottom Writers: Michael Nicholson (book), Frank Cottrell Boyce
Where the Buffalo Roam (1980) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 39min | Biography, Comedy | 25 April 1980 (USA) -- Semi-biographical film based on the experiences of gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson. Director: Art Linson Writers: Hunter S. Thompson (stories) (as Dr. Hunter S. Thompson), John Kaye
Where the Truth Lies (2005) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 47min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 7 October 2005 (Canada) -- Karen O'Connor, a young journalist known for her celebrity profiles, is consumed with discovering the truth behind a long-buried incident that affected the lives and careers of showbiz team Vince Collins and Lanny Morris. Director: Atom Egoyan Writers:
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (2016) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 52min | Biography, Comedy, Drama | 4 March 2016 (USA) -- A journalist recounts her wartime coverage in Afghanistan. Directors: Glenn Ficarra, John Requa Writers: Robert Carlock (screenplay by), Kim Barker (based on the book "The Taliban Shuffle: Strange Days in Afghanistan and Pakistan" by)
Wisting ::: TV-14 | 1h | Crime, Drama | TV Series (2019 ) -- Homicide detective William Wisting struggles with the two toughest cases of his career. His serial killer investigation crosses paths with his journalist daughter's news story, putting her in grave danger. Stars:'_Home_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal_(Act_I)'s_Journal_(Act_V)'s_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal_(Diablo_III)'s_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Keep_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Lab_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal'_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal,_Part_1's_Journal,_Part_2's_Journal,_Part_3's_Journal,_Part_4's_Journal's_Journal,_Page_11's_Journal,_Page_19's_Journal,_Page_3's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal'_Journal's_Journal'n_Dugal's_Journal,_Book_I'n_Dugal's_Journal,_Book_II'n_Dugal's_Journal,_Book_III'n_Dugal's_Journal,_Book_IV's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal_-_Final_Volume's_Journal_-_Volume_1's_Journal_-_Volume_2's_Journal_-_Volume_3's_Journal_-_Volume_4's_Journal,_Volume_I's_Journal,_Volume_II's_Journal,_Volume_III's_Journal,_Volume_IV's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal'_Journal's_Journal_(Skyrim)'_Encoded_Journal's_Encoded_Journal's_Journal's_Journal'_Journal,_Volume_I's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal,_Page_7's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal,_vol._I's_Journal,_vol._II's_Journal,_vol._III's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal_(Sentinel)'en_Priest,_Part_Four,_Part_One,_Part_Two's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal,_Page_33's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Private_Journal_VII's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Research_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal_(Skyrim)'s_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal'_Journal'_Journal's_Journal's_Journal,_Page_17's_Journal,_Page_29's_Journal,_Page_6's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal_-_Keep_Out!'s_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Field_Journal's_Journal'_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal,_Entry_1's_Journal,_Entry_10's_Journal,_Entry_15's_Journal,_Entry_16's_Journal,_Entry_19's_Journal,_Entry_2's_Journal,_Entry_7's_Journal,_Part_2's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Complete_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_Journal's_ELT_World's_Journals's_battered_journal's_Journal's_journal,_by_state's_mission_journal,_IKS_Toh'Kaht's_Journals's_Journal's_Journals_of_Ralltiir's_journal,_Part_I's_journal,_Issues_1-4's_Droid_Journal_(article)'s_journal's_Journals
Area 88 (TV) -- -- Group TAC -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Drama Military Romance Shounen -- Area 88 (TV) Area 88 (TV) -- Deep in the sandy plains of the Middle Eastern kingdom of Asran, Japanese photojournalist Makoto Shinjou travels to the remote airbase Area 88 to document the activities of the mercenaries who destroy the country's enemies for a living. Among their ranks is Shin Kazama, a Japanese ace pilot who was tricked by his former best friend into signing a contract with the Asran's fighter squad. Because of this, he lost his career as an airline pilot and the chance to marry his fiancee Ryoko Tsugumo. Now, Shin has three choices in order to leave Area 88 and return to Japan: serve the mercenary group for three years, earn US$1.5 million, or desert the base, risking imminent death. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- TV - Jan 9, 2004 -- 11,840 7.03
Bayonetta: Bloody Fate -- -- Gonzo -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Demons Fantasy Super Power -- Bayonetta: Bloody Fate Bayonetta: Bloody Fate -- Driven to recover her memories after waking in a coffin at the bottom of a lake 20 years ago, Bayonetta hunts down the forces of Heaven day and night in search of clues to her forgotten past, and to uphold her pact with the demonic forces she draws her powers from as an Umbra Witch. She is armed and guided by the mysterious bartender and weapon-smith, Rodin, and following her every footstep is the intrepid journalist, Luka Redgrave, who believes that she has something to do with the death of his father and will stop at nothing to get the truth. Her quest takes a promising turn when she encounters a little girl named Cereza, but standing in her way is a rival Umbra Witch named Jeanne, who works for the very forces that she should be opposing. -- -- Bayonetta: Bloody Fate is an action-packed anime film that explores the connection between all of characters and works to unravel just how they are seemingly entwined in a conspiracy that eclipses them all. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Nov 23, 2013 -- 40,497 6.63
Buddha Saitan -- -- Group TAC -- 1 ep -- Book -- Psychological Supernatural Romance -- Buddha Saitan Buddha Saitan -- 17-year-old Sayako Amanokawa aspires to become a journalist, just like Kanemoto, an elite newspaper writer she looks up to. But Kanemoto, shamed from an erroneous report about a corruption scandal, jumps in front of a train and commits suicide. Since that incident, Sayako suddenly becomes able to see spirits and almost loses her life. However, from that near-fatal incident she experiences something extraordinary. The journalist inside her stirred, she embarks to find out about the truth. But the forces that stand in her way turn out to be much more formidable than she ever imagined. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Oct 17, 2009 -- 5,858 5.94
Cutey Honey -- -- Toei Animation -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi School -- Cutey Honey Cutey Honey -- One day, Honey Kisaragi's a trendy, class-cutting Catholic schoolgirl. The next, her father's been murdered by demonic divas from a dastardly organization called Panther Claw. When his dying message reveals that she's an android, Honey uses the transformative power of the Atmospheric Element Solidifier - the very thing Panther Claw wanted to steal - to seek revenge against the shadowy clan. Can Honey fight her way up Panther Claw's ranks to defeat its leader, the sinister Sister Jill while managing to escape the watchful eyes of Miss Histler, her school's headmistress? -- -- Aided by journalist Hayami Seiji, his ninja father, and his lady-loving grade school brother, Honey sometimes appears as a racecar driver, sometimes as a glamorous model, and sometimes as a beggar, but her true identity is none other than the warrior of love, Cutie Honey! -- -- (Source: RightStuf) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- 13,432 6.44
Flag -- -- The Answer Studio -- 13 eps -- Original -- Mecha Military -- Flag Flag -- In 20xx, a civil war broke out in a small country in Asia in spite of the dispatch of UN forces. But a picture taken by accident in the battlefield accelerates the peace process: a photograph of a flag, which became the symbol of peace. However, just before the peace agreement is finalized, the flag is stolen by an armed extremist group in order to obstruct the truce. To rescue the flag, the UN sends the Special Development Command (SDC, which is armed with the High Agility Versatile Weapon Carrier (HAVWC)), along with an embedded photojournalist to record their activities. That photojournalist is Saeko Shirasu—the young camerawoman who took the picture of the flag. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- ONA - Jun 16, 2006 -- 17,237 7.20
Gintama Movie 2: Kanketsu-hen - Yorozuya yo Eien Nare -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Comedy Historical Parody Samurai Shounen -- Gintama Movie 2: Kanketsu-hen - Yorozuya yo Eien Nare Gintama Movie 2: Kanketsu-hen - Yorozuya yo Eien Nare -- When Gintoki apprehends a movie pirate at a premiere, he checks the camera's footage and finds himself transported to a bleak, post-apocalyptic version of Edo, where a mysterious epidemic called the "White Plague" has ravished the world's population. It turns out that the movie pirate wasn't a pirate after all—it was an android time machine, and Gintoki has been hurtled five years into the future! Shinpachi and Kagura, his Yorozuya cohorts, have had a falling out and are now battle-hardened solo vigilantes and he himself has been missing for years, disappearing without a trace after scribbling a strange message in his journal. -- -- Setting out in the disguise given to him by the android time machine, Gintoki haphazardly reunites the Yorozuya team to investigate the White Plague, and soon discovers that the key to saving the future lies in the darkness of his own past. Determined to confront a powerful foe, he makes an important discovery—with a ragtag band of friends and allies at his side, he doesn't have to fight alone. -- -- Movie - Jul 6, 2013 -- 177,359 8.95
Jinsei -- -- feel. -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy School Slice of Life -- Jinsei Jinsei -- Yuuki Akamatsu lives a normal high school life... that is until his cousin, Ayaka Nikaidou, convinces him to join the Journalism Club as a life consultant! His new job is to manage the advice column for the school's weekly newspaper to help him become more social. Soon, Yuuki is joined by three girls: the smart and shy Rino Endou, the athletic and outgoing Ikumi Suzuki, and the cultured and sweet Fumi Kujou. Together, they solve the personal problems of those who anonymously ask for advice. -- -- Although each of the new life consultants has their own unique perspective, they are able to reach solutions together by holding debates and social experiments throughout the week. However, as time goes on, the four slowly come to realize that they have not only been guiding other students through their troubles, but also working through problems of their own as well. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 61,000 6.49
Ore no Kanojo to Osananajimi ga Shuraba Sugiru -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Harem Romance School -- Ore no Kanojo to Osananajimi ga Shuraba Sugiru Ore no Kanojo to Osananajimi ga Shuraba Sugiru -- The infidelity of Eita Kidou's parents not only made his family fall apart, but also made him skeptic of love. Having no intention to delve into romance, Eita devotes his entire high school life to his studies in order to become a doctor. -- -- It did not take long for the beautiful and popular Masuzu Natsukawa to notice Eita's apathy. Tired of being the object of people's affection, she asks him to pretend to be her boyfriend, as she too feels disgusted at the notion of love. Eita, however, refuses—yet Masuzu has one trick left up her sleeve: Eita’s journal and threatening to post the embarrassing content online if he does not comply. -- -- Now entangled in a fake romance with the most desired girl at school, Eita's life is turned upside down. Whether envied by his peers or receiving a confession, he must cope with his newfound relationship and all the troubles that come along with it. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 419,803 7.03
Shinrei Tantei Yakumo -- -- Bee Train -- 13 eps -- Novel -- Mystery Horror Supernatural -- Shinrei Tantei Yakumo Shinrei Tantei Yakumo -- Haruka Ozawa's sophomore year is getting seriously scary. One of her friends is possessed, another has committed suicide and Haruka could be the next one to flunk the still-breathing test. Her only way out of this potentially lethal dead end? Yakumo Saito, an enigmatic student born with a mysterious red eye that allows him to see and communicate with the dead. But the deceased don't always desist and some killers are more than ready to kill again to keep dead men from telling any more tales. That doesn't stop Haruka's knack for digging up buried secrets, and there's even more evidence of bodies being exhumed by both Yakumo's police contact and an investigative journalist with a newly made corpse in her closet! Can this pair of anything but normal paranormal detectives solve the ultimate dead case files or will they end up in cold storage themselves? -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Oct 3, 2010 -- 115,565 7.34
Shinrei Tantei Yakumo -- -- Bee Train -- 13 eps -- Novel -- Mystery Horror Supernatural -- Shinrei Tantei Yakumo Shinrei Tantei Yakumo -- Haruka Ozawa's sophomore year is getting seriously scary. One of her friends is possessed, another has committed suicide and Haruka could be the next one to flunk the still-breathing test. Her only way out of this potentially lethal dead end? Yakumo Saito, an enigmatic student born with a mysterious red eye that allows him to see and communicate with the dead. But the deceased don't always desist and some killers are more than ready to kill again to keep dead men from telling any more tales. That doesn't stop Haruka's knack for digging up buried secrets, and there's even more evidence of bodies being exhumed by both Yakumo's police contact and an investigative journalist with a newly made corpse in her closet! Can this pair of anything but normal paranormal detectives solve the ultimate dead case files or will they end up in cold storage themselves? -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- TV - Oct 3, 2010 -- 115,565 7.34
Skull Man -- -- Bones -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Mystery Super Power -- Skull Man Skull Man -- Otomo City: where freedom and justice have atrophied to the bone; where conspiracy rules the day and death stalks the night... Death in the form of the Skull Man, a literal Grim Reaper whose skeletal grin presages grisly mayhem and murder, even to the monstrous mutants that haunt the city's underworlds! -- -- To investigate a bizarre slaying, journalist Minagami Hayato and photographer Kiriko Mamiya must stalk this ultimate predator, through a festering cadaver of a city where the corruption flows in rivers as deep and foul as the sins of the reigning elite, and unearth a secret so shocking that an entire city has been turned into a tomb to contain! In a nightmarish necropolis where nothing is as it seems, vengeance comes in the form of a living Death's-Head! -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 29, 2007 -- 26,006 6.65
Spiral: Suiri no Kizuna -- -- J.C.Staff -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Drama Mystery Shounen -- Spiral: Suiri no Kizuna Spiral: Suiri no Kizuna -- Ayumu Narumi's older brother Kiyotaka, a renowned detective and piano player, disappears all of a sudden. The only clue Narumi has, are the Blade Children. Two years later a row of murders and incidents begin, relating to the Blade Children. Together with school journalist, Hiyono Yuizaki, Narumi tries to figure out their destiny. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 47,447 7.25
Spiral: Suiri no Kizuna -- -- J.C.Staff -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Drama Mystery Shounen -- Spiral: Suiri no Kizuna Spiral: Suiri no Kizuna -- Ayumu Narumi's older brother Kiyotaka, a renowned detective and piano player, disappears all of a sudden. The only clue Narumi has, are the Blade Children. Two years later a row of murders and incidents begin, relating to the Blade Children. Together with school journalist, Hiyono Yuizaki, Narumi tries to figure out their destiny. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 47,447 7.25,_Speech,_and_Music_Processing,_books,_and_other_sources,_1901-2_Wellcome_L0029990.jpg,_1901-2_Wellcome_L0029991.jpg,_1901-2_Wellcome_L0029992.jpg's_polytechnisches_Journal_(1874)_(14597015168).jpg,_estampe_par_Stop,_Th,_Volume_33.pdf
1 Journal Square
2006 Fox journalists kidnapping
2009 imprisonment of American journalists by North Korea
2012 Boca del Ro murder of journalists
201315 detention of Al Jazeera journalists by Egypt
26 Journal Square
Abacus (journal)
ABA Journal
Abbia (journal)
Academic journal
Academic journal publishing reform
Academic Medicine (journal)
Academy of Management Journal
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal
Accounting Historians Journal
Action Research (journal)
Act of Adjournal
Adamantius (journal)
Adam Cohen (journalist)
Adam Shand (journalist)
Adaptive Behavior (journal)
Addiction (journal)
Adriana Diaz (journalist)
Adultspan Journal
Advanced Composite Materials (journal)
Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal
Aerospace Journalist of the Year Awards
Aesthetic Surgery Journal
Africa (journal)
Africa Journal of Evangelical Theology
African Arts (journal)
African Crop Science Journal
African Finance Journal
African Human Rights Law Journal
African Journal
African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance
African Journal for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
African Journal of AIDS Research
African Journal of Aquatic Science
African Journal of Biomedical Research
African Journal of Criminology and Justice Studies
African Journal of Ecology
African Journal of Economic Policy
African Journal of Emergency Medicine
African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development
African Journal of Health Sciences
African Journal of Herpetology
African Journal of Infectious Diseases
African Journal of International Affairs and Development
African Journal of International and Comparative Law
African Journal of Legal Studies
African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science
African Journal of Marine Science
African Journal of Neurological Sciences
African Journal of Paediatric Surgery
African Journal of Range & Forage Science
African Journal of Reproductive Health
African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines
African Journal of Urology
African Journal on Conflict Resolution
African Journals OnLine
African Music (journal)
African Skies (journal)
African Studies (journal)
Africa Theological Journal
Agalma (journal)
Aggressive Behavior (journal)
Aging (journal)
Agricultural History (journal)
Agronomy Journal
AIAA Journal
AIDS (journal)
AIPLA Quarterly Journal
Air and Space Power Journal
A\J: Alternatives Journal
A Journal of Insomnia
A Journal of the Plague Year
A Journal to Stella
Akron Beacon Journal
Alameda Journal
Alan Reid (journalist)
Alaska Journal of Commerce
Albany Journal
Albany Law Journal of Science and Technology
Alberto Toscano (journalist)
Albion (journal)
Albuquerque Journal
Alcheringa (journal)
Alexandru Dinc (journalist)
Alex Burns (journalist)
Alex Jones (journalist)
Alex Marshall (journalist)
Alex Massie (journalist)
Alex Mitchell (Australian journalist)
Alex Mitchell (journalist)
Alfred Edwards (journalist)
Alfred Fletcher (journalist)
Algebraic Combinatorics (journal)
Algemeiner Journal
Algorithms (journal)
Alice Echo-News Journal
Alison Wright (photojournalist)
Allergy (journal)
Alliance of Independent Journalists
Alliance of Women Film Journalists
Alpine Journal
Alternative Law Journal
Alternatives (journal)
Alternatives: Turkish Journal of International Relations
AMA Journal of Ethics
Amber Hunt (journalist)
Amerasia Journal
American Alpine Journal
American Art (journal)
American Bankruptcy Law Journal
American City Business Journals
American Economic Journal
American Educational History Journal
American Educational Research Journal
American Fern Journal
American Heart Journal
American Journalism Historians Association
American Journalism Review
American Journal of Agricultural Economics
American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease & Other Dementias
American Journal of Ancient History
American Journal of Applied Sciences
American Journal of Archaeology
American Journal of Audiology
American Journal of Bioethics
American Journal of Botany
American Journal of Business
American Journal of Cancer Research
American Journal of Chinese Studies
American Journal of Clinical Dermatology
American Journal of Clinical Oncology
American Journal of Clinical Pathology
American Journal of Community Psychology
American Journal of Comparative Law
American Journal of Distance Education
American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse
American Journal of Education
American Journal of Emergency Medicine
American Journal of Enology and Viticulture
American Journal of Epidemiology
American Journal of Evaluation
American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy
American Journal of Hematology
American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine
American Journal of Human Biology
American Journal of Human Genetics
American Journal of Hypertension
American Journal of Industrial Medicine
American Journal of Infection Control
American Journal of International Law
American Journal of Kidney Diseases
American Journal of Law & Medicine
American Journal of Legal History
American Journal of Mathematics
American Journal of Medical Genetics
American Journal of Medical Quality
American Journal of Men's Health
American Journal of Neuroradiology
American Journal of Nursing
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
American Journal of Occupational Therapy
American Journal of Ophthalmology
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education
American Journal of Philology
American Journal of Physical Anthropology
American Journal of Physics
American Journal of Physiology
American Journal of Play
American Journal of Political Science
American Journal of Preventive Medicine
American Journal of Primatology
American Journal of Psychology
American Journal of Psychotherapy
American Journal of Public Health
American Journal of Public Health and the Nation's Health
American Journal of Reproductive Immunology
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology
American Journal of Roentgenology
American Journal of Science
American Journal of Sexuality Education
American Journal of Sociology
American Journal of Sports Medicine
American Journal of Therapeutics
American Journal of Translational Research
American Journal of Transplantation
American Journal of Trial Advocacy
American Literature (journal)
American Review (literary journal)
American Society of Journalists and Authors
American Studies (journal)
A.M. Journal Express
Amyloid (journal)
Analyst (journal)
Analytical Chemistry (journal)
Analytical Methods (journal)
Analytic journalism
Analytic Philosophy (journal)
Ana Pastor (journalist)
Anar Bayramli (journalist)
Anatolian Journal of Cardiology
Ancient Philosophy (journal)
Andrew Barton (journalist)
Andrew Brown (CNN journalist)
Andrew Cohen (journalist)
Andrew Knight (journalist)
Andrew Longmore (journalist)
Andrew Marshall (Asia journalist)
Andrews Journal
Anesthesiology (journal)
Angiology (journal)
Anglia (journal)
Anglican Journal
Anglo-Saxon England (journal)
Anil Aggrawal's Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
Animal Behaviour (journal)
Animal Biology (journal)
Animal (journal)
Animal Science Journal
Animal Science (journal)
Animal Sentience (journal)
Animal Welfare (journal)
Animation (journal)
Ann Davis (journalist)
Anne Harris (journalist)
Anne MacKenzie (journalist)
Anne Thompson (film journalist)
Ann Martin (journalist)
Another Journal Entry
ANQ (journal)
Antarctic Journal
Anthony Howard (journalist)
Anthony Mitchell (journalist)
Anthony Shadid Award for Journalism Ethics
Anthropological Journal of European Cultures
Antipode (journal)
Antiquity (journal)
Antitrust Law Journal
Antiviral Therapy (journal)
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (journal)
AORN Journal
Apeiron (philosophy journal)
Apollo (journal)
Apparatus (journal)
Appletons' Journal
Applied Developmental Science (journal)
Applied Economics (journal)
Applied Linguistics (journal)
Applied Psychology (journal)
Applied Spectroscopy (journal)
April 8, 2003 journalist deaths by U.S. fire
Aquaculture (journal)
Arafat (journal)
Archaeometry (journal)
Architects' Journal
Architectural and Building Journal of Queensland
Architectural History (journal)
Arctic (journal)
Area (journal)
Aries (journal)
Arion (journal)
Arizona Journal of Environmental Law and Policy
Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory
Armando Rodrguez (journalist)
Armed Forces Journal
Arnoldia (journal)
Arnold Mathematical Journal
ARQ (journal)
Ars Combinatoria (journal)
Art and Architecture Journal
Art History (journal)
Arthroscopy (journal)
Arthur Henry Mann (journalist)
Arthur Lovekin Prize in Journalism
Articulo (journal)
Artificial Intelligence (journal)
Artificial Life (journal)
Art Journal
Art Journal (College Art Association journal)
Arts journalism
ASAIO Journal
ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems
Asia Major (journal)
Asian American Journalists Association
Asian American Journal of Psychology
Asian Case Research Journal
Asian College of Journalism, Chennai
Asian Culture (journal)
Asian Institute of Journalism and Communication
Asian Journal
Asian Journal of Andrology
Asian Journal of Applied Linguistics
Asian Journal of Communication
Asian Journal of Distance Education
Asian Journal of International Law
Asian Journal of Legal Education
Asian Journal of Management Cases
Asian Journal of Mathematics
Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutics
Asian Journal of Public Affairs
Asian Journal of Social Psychology
Asian Journal of Transfusion Science
Asian Journal of Women's Studies
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
Asian Theatre Journal
Asian Women (journal)
Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences
Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering
Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources
Asia-Pacific Journal of Management Research and Innovation
Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research
Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health
Asiatic (journal)
Association des Critiques et des journalistes de Bande Dessine
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication
Association of European Journalists
Association of Health Care Journalists
Association of LGBTI Journalists
Association of Professional Journalists of Albania
Astroparticle Physics (journal)
Astrophysics (journal)
Ateneo Law Journal
Atherosclerosis (journal)
A Tiananmen Journal
Atlanta History (journal)
Atmosphere (journal)
Auburn Journal
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (journal)
Aurora (literary journal)
Australasian Anthropological Journal
Australasian Journal of Bone & Joint Medicine
Australasian Journal of Combinatorics
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology
Australasian Journal of Philosophy
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry
Australian and New Zealand Wine Industry Journal
Australian Art: a Monthly Magazine & Journal
Australian Home Companion and Band of Hope Journal
Australian Journal
Australian Journalists Association
Australian Journal of Botany
Australian Journal of Chemistry
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences
Australian Journal of Education
Australian Journal of Herpetology
Australian Journal of International Affairs
Australian Journal of Linguistics
Australian Journal of Management
Australian Journal of Physics
Australian Journal of Political Science
Australian Journal of Politics and History
Australian Journal of Primary Health
Australian Journal of Zoology
Australian Law Journal
Australian Occupational Therapy Journal
Australian Town and Country Journal
Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences
Austrobaileya (journal)
Autism (journal)
Automated journalism
Autophagy (journal)
Avant (journal)
Azhar Abbas (journalist)
Bachelor of Journalism
Bach (journal)
Backlog (academic journals)
Baileya (journal)
BALLOONS Lit. Journal
Baltic Journal of Art History
Baltimore Commercial Journal and Lyford's Price-Current
Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis
Bangladesh Federal Union of Journalists
Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology
Bangladesh Journals Online
Barbara Stephens (journalist)
Bar journal
Bayesian Analysis (journal)
Beatriz Snchez (journalist)
Behavioral Ecology (journal)
Behavioral Medicine (journal)
Behavioral Neuroscience (journal)
Behavior Genetics (journal)
Behavior Modification (journal)
Behavior Therapy (journal)
Behavioural Pharmacology (journal)
Behaviour (journal)
Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology
Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry
Belarusian Association of Journalists
Belgian official journal
Bell Labs Technical Journal
Benchmarking (journal)
Bengal Film Journalists' Association Award for Best Actress (Hindi)
Bengal Film Journalists' Association Awards
Bengal Film Journalists' Association Babulal Chowkhani Memorial Trophy for Best Original Story
Bengal Film Journalists' Association Best Actor Award
Bengal Film Journalists' Association Best Actress Award
Bengal Film Journalists' Association Best Art Director
Bengal Film Journalists' Association Best Cinematographer Award
Bengal Film Journalists' Association Best Clean & Entertainment Film Award
Bengal Film Journalists' Association Best Director Award
Bengal Film Journalists' Association Best Director Award (Hindi)
Bengal Film Journalists' Association Best Editor Award
Bengal Film Journalists' Association Best Female Playback Award
Bengal Film Journalists' Association Best Films
Bengal Film Journalists' Association Best Foreign Actor Award
Bengal Film Journalists' Association Best Foreign Actress Award
Bengal Film Journalists' Association Best Foreign Director Award
Bengal Film Journalists' Association Best Foreign Film Award
Bengal Film Journalists' Association Best Lyricist Award
Bengal Film Journalists' Association Best Lyricist Award (Hindi)
Bengal Film Journalists' Association Best Make Up Man Award
Bengal Film Journalists' Association Best Male Playback Award
Bengal Film Journalists' Association Best Male Playback Singer (Hindi)
Bengal Film Journalists' Association Best Music Director Award
Bengal Film Journalists' Association Best Music Director Award (Hindi)
Bengal Film Journalists' Association Best Screenplay Award
Bengal Film Journalists' Association Best Supporting Actor Award
Bengal Film Journalists' Association Best Supporting Actress Award
Bengal Film Journalists' Association Most Outstanding Work of the Year Award
Bengal Film Journalists' Association Most Promising Actor Award
Bengal Film Journalists' Association Most Promising Actress Award
Bengal Journal
Benjamin Cohen (journalist)
Benjamin Cook (journalist)
Benjamin Hall (journalist)
Ben Jonson Journal
Ben Robertson (journalist)
Ben Webb (journalist)
Ben Wright (journalist)
Bergen-Belsen 1945: A Medical Student's Journal
Berkeley Journal of Criminal Law
Berkeley Journal of Employment & Labor Law
Berkeley Journal of International Law
Berkeley Technology Law Journal
Berlin Journal
Bernard Shaw (journalist)
Beta (journal)
Biblical Interpretation (journal)
Bilingual Research Journal
Bill Adair (journalist)
Bill Henry (journalist)
Bill Kunkel (journalist)
Bill Monroe (journalist)
Bill Moyers Journal
Bill Richardson (journalist)
Bill Ritter (journalist)
Bill Ryan (journalist)
Bill Schneider (journalist)
Bill Stewart (journalist)
Bill Whitaker (journalist)
Bioanalysis (journal)
Biochemical Journal
Biochemical Pharmacology (journal)
Biochemistry (journal)
Biodegradation (journal)
Bioelectromagnetics (journal)
Biography (journal)
Bioinformatics (journal)
Biological Chemistry (journal)
Biological Conservation (journal)
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society
Biological Psychiatry (journal)
Biological Psychology (journal)
Biological Theory (journal)
Biomaterials (journal)
Biomaterials Science (journal)
Biomedical Imaging and Intervention Journal
Biomedical Materials (journal)
BioMetals (journal)
Biometrical Journal
Biometrics (journal)
Biophysical Journal
Biotechnology Journal
Bipolar Disorders (journal)
Birmingham Journal
Birth (journal)
Bjrn Hansen (journalist)
Blackbird (journal)
Black Journal
Black Journal (TV program)
Black Music Research Journal
Blackwell Journal-Tribune
Blood (journal)
Blumea (journal)
Bob Edwards (British journalist)
Bob Hall (American political journalist)
Bob MacDonald (journalist)
Bob McDonald (science journalist)
Bob Simpson (journalist)
Bone (journal)
Bone Marrow Transplantation (journal)
Boreas (journal)
Boris Berman (journalist)
Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences
Bosque (journal)
Boston Business Journal
Boston Journal of Natural History
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society
Botany (journal)
Bowlers Journal
Bradford Journal-Opinion
Brad Willis (journalist)
Brain Injury (journal)
Brain (journal)
Brain Stimulation (journal)
Brazilian Dental Journal
Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering
Brazilian Journal of Geology
Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research
Brazilian Journal of Physics
Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics
Brendan O'Brien (journalist)
Brian Taylor (journalist)
Brian Wood (journalist)
Britannia (journal)
British Columbia Medical Journal
British Dental Journal
British Journal
British Journal for the History of Philosophy
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science
British Journalism Review
British Journal of Aesthetics
British Journal of Anaesthesia
British Journal of Cancer
British Journal of Cardiac Nursing
British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
British Journal of Clinical Psychology
British Journal of Community Nursing
British Journal of Dermatology
British Journal of Developmental Psychology
British Journal of Diabetes and Vascular Disease
British Journal of Educational Psychology
British Journal of Educational Studies
British Journal of Educational Technology
British Journal of General Practice
British Journal of Haematology
British Journal of Health Psychology
British Journal of Management
British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology
British Journal of Medical Hypnotism
British Journal of Medical Practitioners
British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies
British Journal of Neurosurgery
British Journal of Nutrition
British Journal of Occupational Therapy
British Journal of Ophthalmology
British Journal of Pharmacology
British Journal of Photography
British Journal of Political Science
British Journal of Politics and International Relations
British Journal of Psychiatry
British Journal of Psychology
British Journal of Sexual Medicine
British Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology
British Journal of Social Psychology
British Journal of Sociology of Education
British Journal of Special Education
British Journal of Sports Medicine
British Journal of Surgery
British Politics (journal)
British Sports Journalism Awards winners for Young Sports Writer
Brittonia (journal)
Brooke Hart (journalist)
Brown envelope journalism
Brown Journal of World Affairs
Bruce Harris (journalist)
Bruce Johnson (journalist)
Brycheiniog (journal)
Built Environment (journal)
Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
Bullet journal
Bureau of Investigative Journalism
Business and Professional Ethics Journal
Business History (journal)
Business journalism
Business Journalist of the Year Awards
Business Process Management Journal
CA (journal)
Californian Journal of Health Promotion
Calvin Theological Journal
Cambria (journal)
Cambridge Archaeological Journal
Cambridge Journal of Economics
Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law
Cambridge Law Journal
Camden New Journal
Camera Obscura (journal)
Canadian Aeronautics and Space Journal
Canadian Alpine Journal
Canadian Army Journal
Canadian Association of Journalists
Canadian Foreign Policy Journal
Canadian Geotechnical Journal
Canadian Journalism Foundation
Canadian Journalism Project
Canadian Journalists for Free Expression
Canadian Journal of Administrative Law and Practice
Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences
Canadian Journal of African Studies
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science
Canadian Journal of Biochemistry and Physiology
Canadian Journal of Bioethics
Canadian Journal of Chemistry
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering
Canadian Journal of Communication
Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences
Canadian Journal of Economics
Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology
Canadian Journal of Family Law
Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Canadian Journal of History
Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality
Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology
Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science
Canadian Journal of Law and Society
Canadian Journal of Linguistics
Canadian Journal of Mathematics
Canadian Journal of Microbiology
Canadian Journal of Netherlandic Studies
Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences
Canadian Journal of Nursing Research
Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy
Canadian Journal of Philosophy
Canadian Journal of Physics
Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
Canadian Journal of Political Science
Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation
Canadian Journal of Public Health
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing
Canadian Journal of Research
Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy
Canadian Journal of Sociology
Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology
Canadian Journal of Surgery
Canadian Journal of Theology
Canadian Journal of Women and the Law
Canadian Journal of Zoology
Canadian Literature (journal)
Canadian Medical Association Journal
Canadian Military Journal
Canadian Pharmacists Journal
Canadian Respiratory Journal
Canadian Veterinary Journal
Canadian Young Scientist Journal
Cancer Cell (journal)
Cancer Epidemiology (journal)
Cancer Research (journal)
Cancers (journal)
Carcinogenesis (journal)
Cardiology (journal)
Carey McWilliams (journalist)
Caribbean Journal of Science
Caribbean Studies (journal)
Carl Gordon (journalist)
Carlos Castro (journalist)
Carlos Lozada (journalist)
Carlos Watson (journalist & entrepreneur)
Carmarthen Journal
Caroline Henderson (journalist)
Caroline Wilson (journalist)
Cases Journal
Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law
Cassinia (journal)
Castanea (journal)
Catalysts (journal)
Category:Academic and Scientific Publishing academic journals
Category:Academic Knowledge and Research Publishing academic journals
Category:American Research Publications academic journals
Category:Asian and American Research Publishing Group academic journals
Category:Brazilian journalists
Category:British Open Research Publications academic journals
Category:Canadian Research Publication academic journals
Category:Eurasian Research Publishing academic journals
Category:European Union Research Publishing academic journals
Category:IGI Global academic journals
Category:International Digital Organization for Scientific Information academic journals
Category:International Institute for Science, Technology and Education academic journals
Category:Medwell Journals academic journals
Category:Multidisciplinary scientific journals
Category:North American Research Publishing academic journals
Category:Oxford University Press academic journals
Category:Research and Knowledge Publication academic journals
Category:Science and Technology Publishing academic journals
Category:Scientific & Academic Publishing academic journals
Category:World Current Research Publishing academic journals
Catherine Bennett (journalist)
Catherine Fox (journalist)
Catherine Martin (journalist)
Cato Journal
C/C++ Users Journal
Cecil Brown (journalist)
Cell Journal
Cell (journal)
Cell Proliferation (journal)
Celtica (journal)
Centaurus (journal)
Center for Journalism in Extreme Situations
Central Asiatic Journal
Central European Journal of International and Security Studies
Central Penn Business Journal
Centre de formation des journalistes de Paris
Centre for Investigative Journalism
Cephalalgia (journal)
Cerebral Cortex (journal)
Cerebrovascular Diseases (journal)
Ceredigion (journal)
Ceylon Journal of Medical Science
Ceylon Journal of Science
Chambers's Edinburgh Journal
Chander Mohan (journalist)
Chaos (journal)
Charles Bertier (journalist)
Charles Douglas-Home (journalist)
Charles H. Adams (Massachusetts journalist)
Charles Hammond (lawyer and journalist)
Charles Jennings (journalist)
Charles Lewis (journalist)
Charles Lynch (journalist)
Charles McDowell Jr. (journalist)
Charles Mohr (journalist)
Charles Molloy (journalist)
Charles Nordhoff (journalist)
Charles Palmer (journalist)
Charles Shaw (journalist)
Charles Wheeler (journalist)
Charlie Ross (journalist)
Chartered Institute of Journalists
Chemical Physics (journal)
Chemical Science (journal)
Chemical Vapor Deposition (journal)
ChemistryA European Journal
Chemistry: An Asian Journal
Chemotherapy (journal)
Chequebook journalism
Chest (journal)
Chicago Daily Journal
Chicago Journal of International Law
Chicago-Kent Journal of Intellectual Property
Child Development (journal)

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