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In the Joy of the Eternal sole and one.
the Eternal



The eternal bridegroom of the eternal bride.” Savitri, 10. 4. Satyavan’s.

The eternal bridegroom of the eternal bride.” Savitri, 10. 4.

the eternal kingdom.” Cassiel is one of the rulers


2. In the Veda, the All-pervading Godhead, the Eternal Personality of Consciousness, the wide-moving One, that which has gone abroad triply extending himself as Seer, Thinker, and Former in the superconscient Bliss.

A cave of darkness guards the eternal Light.

Aditi (Sanskrit) Aditi [from a not + diti bound from the verbal root da to bind] Unbounded, free; as a noun, infinite and shoreless expanse. In the Vedas, Aditi is devamatri (mother of the gods) as from and in her cosmic matrix all the heavenly bodies were born. As the celestial virgin and mother of every existing form and being, the synthesis of all things, she is highest akasa. Aditi is identified in the Rig-Veda with Vach (mystic speech) and also with the mulaprakriti of the Vedanta. As the womb of space, she is a feminized form of Brahma. The line in the Rig-Veda: “Daksha sprang from Aditi and Aditi from Daksha” has reference to “the eternal cyclic re-birth of the same divine Essence” (SD 2:247n). In one of its most mystic aspects Aditi is divine wisdom.

Advocate, the eternal

adya mahasakti (adya mahashakti) ::: the original cosmic Power adya (mahasakti), the universal sakti on the highest plane of the eternal manifestation. adya ady a par parasakti

aeonic ::: The eternal seeker in the aeonic field

aeon ::: n. --> A period of immeasurable duration; also, an emanation of the Deity. See Eon.
An immeasurable or infinite space of time; eternity; a long space of time; an age.
One of the embodiments of the divine attributes of the Eternal Being.

“Agni is the Deva, the All-Seer, manifested as conscious-force or, as it would be called in modern language, Divine or Cosmic Will, first hidden and building up the eternal worlds, then manifest, ``born’’, building up in man the Truth and the Immortality.” The Secret of the Veda

“Agni is the leader of the sacrifice and protects it in the great journey against the powers of darkness. The knowledge and purpose of this divine Puissance can be entirely trusted; he is the friend and lover of the soul and will not betray it to evil gods. Even for the man sitting far off in the night, enveloped by the darkness of the human ignorance, this flame[Agni] is a light which, when it is perfectly kindled and in proportion as it mounts higher and higher, enlarges itself into the vast light of the Truth. Flaming upward to heaven to meet the divine Dawn, it rises through the vital or nervous mid-world and through our mental skies and enters at last the Paradise of Light, its own supreme home above where joyous for ever in the eternal Truth that is the foundation of the sempiternal Bliss the shining Immortals sit in their celestial sessions and drink the wine of the infinite beatitude.” The Secret of the Veda

*[Agni]. Sri Aurobindo: "Agni is the leader of the sacrifice and protects it in the great journey against the powers of darkness. The knowledge and purpose of this divine Puissance can be entirely trusted; he is the friend and lover of the soul and will not betray it to evil gods. Even for the man sitting far off in the night, enveloped by the darkness of the human ignorance, this flame[Agni] is a light which, when it is perfectly kindled and in proportion as it mounts higher and higher, enlarges itself into the vast light of the Truth. Flaming upward to heaven to meet the divine Dawn, it rises through the vital or nervous mid-world and through our mental skies and enters at last the Paradise of Light, its own supreme home above where joyous for ever in the eternal Truth that is the foundation of the sempiternal Bliss the shining Immortals sit in their celestial sessions and drink the wine of the infinite beatitude.” *The Secret of the Veda

Akarsha (Sanskrit) Ākarṣa [from ā near to, towards + kṛṣ to draw, pull, lead] Drawing towards oneself, attraction, fascination as by magnetism. The law of attraction, and its alter ego repulsion, is a fundamental and universal operation of nature and is active on all planes and in all spaces and times. It is, in another sense, one of the functions of that unceasing motion which is an inherent attribute of cosmic consciousness. “Motion is the eternal order of things and affinity or attraction its handmaid of all works” (ML 67).

akasa (Akasha) ::: ether; [as one of the five bhutas]: the static principle of extension which is the eternal matrix of things.

“All aspects of the omnipresent Reality have their fundamental truth in the Supreme Existence. Thus even the aspect or power of Inconscience, which seems to be an opposite, a negation of the eternal Reality, yet corresponds to a Truth held in itself by the self-aware and all-conscious Infinite. It is, when we look closely at it, the Infinite’s power of plunging the consciousness into a trance of self-involution, a self-oblivion of the Spirit veiled in its own abysses where nothing is manifest but all inconceivably is and can emerge from that ineffable latency. In the heights of Spirit this state of cosmic or infinite trance-sleep appears to our cognition as a luminous uttermost Superconscience: at the other end of being it offers itself to cognition as the Spirit’s potency of presenting to itself the opposites of its own truths of being,—an abyss of non-existence, a profound Night of inconscience, a fathomless swoon of insensibility from which yet all forms of being, consciousness and delight of existence can manifest themselves,—but they appear in limited terms, in slowly emerging and increasing self-formulations, even in contrary terms of themselves; it is the play of a secret all-being, all-delight, all-knowledge, but it observes the rules of its own self-oblivion, self-opposition, self-limitation until it is ready to surpass it. This is the Inconscience and Ignorance that we see at work in the material universe. It is not a denial, it is one term, one formula of the infinite and eternal Existence.” The Life Divine

"All is the Divine, even that which is undivine. There is no not self; all this is the eternal Self; all this universe and every other universe is the Time existence of the timeless Spirit.” Essays Divine and Human

“All is the Divine, even that which is undivine. There is no not self; all this is the eternal Self; all this universe and every other universe is the Time existence of the timeless Spirit.” Essays Divine and Human, the Undivine.

“All that manifested from the Eternal has already been arranged in worlds or planes of its own nature, planes of subtle Matter, planes of Life, planes of Mind, planes of Supermind, planes of the triune luminous Infinite. But these worlds or planes are not evolutionary but typal. A typal world is one in which some ruling principle manifests itself in its free and full capacity and energy and form are plastic and subservient to its purpose. Its expressions are therefore automatic and satisfying and do not need to evolve; they stand so long as need be and do not need to be born, develop, decline and disintegrate.” Essays Divine and Human

Amal: “‘The eternal Thaumaturge’ is the supreme magician.”

Ampsiu-Ouraan or -Auraan (Gnostic) The sempiternal depth and silence; a pair of Aeons in the Valentinian system as given by Epiphanius, the first emanation of the eternal bythos (depth), from which the other 14 pairs of Aeons eminate, equivalent to the Second Logos (SD 2:569n).

Ancient names were always symbols or representations; thus all the names of the Eternal, the infinite and incomprehensible, are substitutes, merely names, attempts to define what is indefinable and unutterable. “The word Jehovah, if Masonry adheres to it, will ever remain as a substitute, never be identified with the lost mirific name” (IU 2:398). See also INEFFABLE NAME; LOST WORD

"An exclusive inner concentration on the Real, the Eternal is possible, even a self-immersion by which we can lose or put away the dissonances of the universe.” The Life Divine

“An exclusive inner concentration on the Real, the Eternal is possible, even a self-immersion by which we can lose or put away the dissonances of the universe.” The Life Divine

Angels of the Presence In Christianity, the seven Virtues or personified attributes of God, which were created by him and became the archangels. Equivalent to the seven manus produced by the ten prajapatis created by Brahma. “As it is the Lipika who project into objectivity from the passive Universal Mind the ideal plan of the universe, upon which the ‘Builders’ reconstruct the Kosmos after every Pralaya, it is they who stand parallel to the Seven Angels of the Presence, whom the Christians recognise in the Seven ‘Planetary Spirits’ or the ‘Spirits of the Stars;’ for thus it is they who are the direct amanuenses of the Eternal Ideation” or of Plato’s divine thought (SD 1:104) (SD 2:237, 573).

Animism: (Lat. anima, soul) The doctrine of the reality of souls. Anthropology: (a) the view that souls are attached to all things either as their inner principle of spontaneity or activity, or as their dwellers, (b) the doctrine that Nature is inhabited by various grades of spirits, (s. Spiritism). Biology Psychology: the view that the ground whatever has disowned its relations is an sich. of life is immaterial soul rather than the material body. Metaphysics: the theory that Being is animate, living, ensouled (s. Hylozoism, Personalism, Monadism). Cosmology: the view that the World and the astronomical bodies possess souls (s. World Soul). --W.L. Annihilationism: The doctrine of the complete extinction of the wicked or impenitent at death. Edward White in England in the last century taught the doctrine in opposition to the belief in the eternal punishment of those not to be saved. -- V.F.

annam brahma ::: Matter as the sole reality, Matter as the Eternal, Matter as the brahman. [Tait. 3.2]

Ardhamatra (Sanskrit) Ardhamātra, Ardhamātrā [from ardha half + mātra or mātrā a metrical unit] Half a short syllable; the Nadabindu-Upanishad in speaking of Aum says that the syllable or character A is considered to be Kalahamsa’s right wing; U, the left wing; M, the tail of the Swan, and the ardhamatra its head (cf VS 5, 74-5). In the Mahabharata kalahamsa is the name of several species of the hamsa bird, a goose or swan. Ardhamatra is a mystical term for one of the portions of the swan of time — Brahma or the manifest or Third Logos of the universe, whose emanation or creative activity is hamsa-vahana (the vehicle or carrier of the swan). Ardhamatra, therefore, has reference to the egoic individuality of the cosmic Third Logos or Brahma (also called Purusha), considered to be “one-half the measure” of the eternal past and the eternal future — such egoic individuality being the product in space and time of the continuously reimbodying spirit of the universe, evolving and changing its nature by evolution as the cycles of time pass from the present into the past, and forwards into the future.

"As soon as we become aware of the Self, we are conscious of it as eternal, unborn, unembodied, uninvolved in its workings: it can be felt within the form of being, but also as enveloping it, as above it, surveying its embodiment from above, adhyaksa; it is omnipresent, the same in everything, infinite and pure and intangible for ever. This Self can be experienced as the Self of the individual, the Self of the thinker, doer, enjoyer, but even so it always has this greater character; its individuality is at the same time a vast universality or very readily passes into that, and the next step to that is a sheer transcendence or a complete and ineffable passing into the Absolute. The Self is that aspect of the Brahman in which it is intimately felt as at once individual, cosmic, transcendent of the universe. The realisation of the Self is the straight and swift way towards individual liberation, a static universality, a Nature-transcendence. At the same time there is a realisation of Self in which it is felt not only sustaining and pervading and enveloping all things, but constituting everything and identified in a free identity with all its becomings in Nature. Even so, freedom and impersonality are always the character of the Self. There is no appearance of subjection to the workings of its own Power in the universe, such as the apparent subjection of the Purusha to Prakriti. To realise the Self is to realise the eternal freedom of the Spirit.” The Life Divine

“As soon as we become aware of the Self, we are conscious of it as eternal, unborn, unembodied, uninvolved in its workings: it can be felt within the form of being, but also as enveloping it, as above it, surveying its embodiment from above, adhyaksa; it is omnipresent, the same in everything, infinite and pure and intangible for ever. This Self can be experienced as the Self of the individual, the Self of the thinker, doer, enjoyer, but even so it always has this greater character; its individuality is at the same time a vast universality or very readily passes into that, and the next step to that is a sheer transcendence or a complete and ineffable passing into the Absolute. The Self is that aspect of the Brahman in which it is intimately felt as at once individual, cosmic, transcendent of the universe. The realisation of the Self is the straight and swift way towards individual liberation, a static universality, a Nature-transcendence. At the same time there is a realisation of Self in which it is felt not only sustaining and pervading and enveloping all things, but constituting everything and identified in a free identity with all its becomings in Nature. Even so, freedom and impersonality are always the character of the Self. There is no appearance of subjection to the workings of its own Power in the universe, such as the apparent subjection of the Purusha to Prakriti. To realise the Self is to realise the eternal freedom of the Spirit.” The Life Divine

As universal space, it is also known as Aditi, in which lies inherent the eternal and continuously active ideation of the universe producing its ever-changing aspects on the planes of matter and objectivity; and from this ideation radiates the First Logos. This is why the Puranas state that akasa has but one attribute, namely sound, for sound is but the translated symbol of logos (speech) in its mystic sense. Akasa as primordial spatial substance is thus the upadhi (vehicle) of divine thought. Further, it is the playground of all the intelligent and semi-intelligent forces in nature, the fountainhead of all terrestrial life, and the abode of the gods.

asya (dasya; dasyam) ::: (corresponding in July 1912 to the later tertiary dasya) the highest of three forms of dasya, that in which the "potential freedom" of double dasya disappears; this loss of apparent freedom of the will gives the "true freedom" that is attained only when "we surrender our conscious will and allow it to be made one with the will of the Eternal", for then, "living in the divine liberty, we shall no longer cling to this shackled so-called free-will, a puppet freedom ignorant, illusory, relative, bound to the error of its own inadequate vital motives and mental figures".

Atash, Atash-Azar (Persian) Ātash, Ātash-Āzar, Atur (Pahlavi) Ātur, Atar (Avestan) Ātar. Fire; the name of the ninth day of the month of the ancient Iranian calendar as well as the ninth month of the year (Sagittarius). Zoroaster uses the term in the Gathas in the sense of the life-giving force or the spiritual nature of the eternal truth. It is this fire which guides the universe as well as the individual towards its destiny — perfection.

Atlantidae (Greek) Descendants of Atlantis; “The ancestors of the Pharaohs and the forefathers of the Egyptians, according to some, and as the Esoteric Science teaches. . . . Plato heard of this highly civilized people, the last remnant of which was submerged 9,000 years before his day, from Solon, who had it from the High Priests of Egypt. Voltaire, the eternal scoffer, was right in stating that ‘the Atlantidae (our fourth Root Race) made their appearance in Egypt. . . . It was in Syria and in Phrygia, as well as Egypt, that they established the worship of the Sun.’ Occult philosophy teaches that the Egyptians were a remnant of the last Aryan Atlantidae” (TG 42).

Aufklärung: In general, this German word and its English equivalent Enlightenment denote the self-emancipation of man from mere authority, prejudice, convention and tradition, with an insistence on freer thinking about problems uncritically referred to these other agencies. According to Kant's famous definition "Enlightenment is the liberation of man from his self-caused state of minority, which is the incapacity of using one's understanding without the direction of another. This state of minority is caused when its source lies not in the lack of understanding, but in the lack of determination and courage to use it without the assistance of another" (Was ist Aufklärung? 1784). In its historical perspective, the Aufklärung refers to the cultural atmosphere and contrlbutions of the 18th century, especially in Germany, France and England [which affected also American thought with B. Franklin, T. Paine and the leaders of the Revolution]. It crystallized tendencies emphasized by the Renaissance, and quickened by modern scepticism and empiricism, and by the great scientific discoveries of the 17th century. This movement, which was represented by men of varying tendencies, gave an impetus to general learning, a more popular philosophy, empirical science, scriptural criticism, social and political thought. More especially, the word Aufklärung is applied to the German contributions to 18th century culture. In philosophy, its principal representatives are G. E. Lessing (1729-81) who believed in free speech and in a methodical criticism of religion, without being a free-thinker; H. S. Reimarus (1694-1768) who expounded a naturalistic philosophy and denied the supernatural origin of Christianity; Moses Mendelssohn (1729-86) who endeavoured to mitigate prejudices and developed a popular common-sense philosophy; Chr. Wolff (1679-1754), J. A. Eberhard (1739-1809) who followed the Leibnizian rationalism and criticized unsuccessfully Kant and Fichte; and J. G. Herder (1744-1803) who was best as an interpreter of others, but whose intuitional suggestions have borne fruit in the organic correlation of the sciences, and in questions of language in relation to human nature and to national character. The works of Kant and Goethe mark the culmination of the German Enlightenment. Cf. J. G. Hibben, Philosophy of the Enlightenment, 1910. --T.G. Augustinianism: The thought of St. Augustine of Hippo, and of his followers. Born in 354 at Tagaste in N. Africa, A. studied rhetoric in Carthage, taught that subject there and in Rome and Milan. Attracted successively to Manicheanism, Scepticism, and Neo-Platontsm, A. eventually found intellectual and moral peace with his conversion to Christianity in his thirty-fourth year. Returning to Africa, he established numerous monasteries, became a priest in 391, Bishop of Hippo in 395. Augustine wrote much: On Free Choice, Confessions, Literal Commentary on Genesis, On the Trinity, and City of God, are his most noted works. He died in 430.   St. Augustine's characteristic method, an inward empiricism which has little in common with later variants, starts from things without, proceeds within to the self, and moves upwards to God. These three poles of the Augustinian dialectic are polarized by his doctrine of moderate illuminism. An ontological illumination is required to explain the metaphysical structure of things. The truth of judgment demands a noetic illumination. A moral illumination is necessary in the order of willing; and so, too, an lllumination of art in the aesthetic order. Other illuminations which transcend the natural order do not come within the scope of philosophy; they provide the wisdoms of theology and mysticism. Every being is illuminated ontologically by number, form, unity and its derivatives, and order. A thing is what it is, in so far as it is more or less flooded by the light of these ontological constituents.   Sensation is necessary in order to know material substances. There is certainly an action of the external object on the body and a corresponding passion of the body, but, as the soul is superior to the body and can suffer nothing from its inferior, sensation must be an action, not a passion, of the soul. Sensation takes place only when the observing soul, dynamically on guard throughout the body, is vitally attentive to the changes suffered by the body. However, an adequate basis for the knowledge of intellectual truth is not found in sensation alone. In order to know, for example, that a body is multiple, the idea of unity must be present already, otherwise its multiplicity could not be recognized. If numbers are not drawn in by the bodily senses which perceive only the contingent and passing, is the mind the source of the unchanging and necessary truth of numbers? The mind of man is also contingent and mutable, and cannot give what it does not possess. As ideas are not innate, nor remembered from a previous existence of the soul, they can be accounted for only by an immutable source higher than the soul. In so far as man is endowed with an intellect, he is a being naturally illuminated by God, Who may be compared to an intelligible sun. The human intellect does not create the laws of thought; it finds them and submits to them. The immediate intuition of these normative rules does not carry any content, thus any trace of ontologism is avoided.   Things have forms because they have numbers, and they have being in so far as they possess form. The sufficient explanation of all formable, and hence changeable, things is an immutable and eternal form which is unrestricted in time and space. The forms or ideas of all things actually existing in the world are in the things themselves (as rationes seminales) and in the Divine Mind (as rationes aeternae). Nothing could exist without unity, for to be is no other than to be one. There is a unity proper to each level of being, a unity of the material individual and species, of the soul, and of that union of souls in the love of the same good, which union constitutes the city. Order, also, is ontologically imbibed by all beings. To tend to being is to tend to order; order secures being, disorder leads to non-being. Order is the distribution which allots things equal and unequal each to its own place and integrates an ensemble of parts in accordance with an end. Hence, peace is defined as the tranquillity of order. Just as things have their being from their forms, the order of parts, and their numerical relations, so too their beauty is not something superadded, but the shining out of all their intelligible co-ingredients.   S. Aurelii Augustini, Opera Omnia, Migne, PL 32-47; (a critical edition of some works will be found in the Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum, Vienna). Gilson, E., Introd. a l'etude de s. Augustin, (Paris, 1931) contains very good bibliography up to 1927, pp. 309-331. Pope, H., St. Augustine of Hippo, (London, 1937). Chapman, E., St. Augustine's Philos. of Beauty, (N. Y., 1939). Figgis, J. N., The Political Aspects of St. Augustine's "City of God", (London, 1921). --E.C. Authenticity: In a general sense, genuineness, truth according to its title. It involves sometimes a direct and personal characteristic (Whitehead speaks of "authentic feelings").   This word also refers to problems of fundamental criticism involving title, tradition, authorship and evidence. These problems are vital in theology, and basic in scholarship with regard to the interpretation of texts and doctrines. --T.G. Authoritarianism: That theory of knowledge which maintains that the truth of any proposition is determined by the fact of its having been asserted by a certain esteemed individual or group of individuals. Cf. H. Newman, Grammar of Assent; C. S. Peirce, "Fixation of Belief," in Chance, Love and Logic, ed. M. R. Cohen. --A.C.B. Autistic thinking: Absorption in fanciful or wishful thinking without proper control by objective or factual material; day dreaming; undisciplined imagination. --A.C.B. Automaton Theory: Theory that a living organism may be considered a mere machine. See Automatism. Automatism: (Gr. automatos, self-moving) (a) In metaphysics: Theory that animal and human organisms are automata, that is to say, are machines governed by the laws of physics and mechanics. Automatism, as propounded by Descartes, considered the lower animals to be pure automata (Letter to Henry More, 1649) and man a machine controlled by a rational soul (Treatise on Man). Pure automatism for man as well as animals is advocated by La Mettrie (Man, a Machine, 1748). During the Nineteenth century, automatism, combined with epiphenomenalism, was advanced by Hodgson, Huxley and Clifford. (Cf. W. James, The Principles of Psychology, Vol. I, ch. V.) Behaviorism, of the extreme sort, is the most recent version of automatism (See Behaviorism).   (b) In psychology: Psychological automatism is the performance of apparently purposeful actions, like automatic writing without the superintendence of the conscious mind. L. C. Rosenfield, From Beast Machine to Man Machine, N. Y., 1941. --L.W. Automatism, Conscious: The automatism of Hodgson, Huxley, and Clifford which considers man a machine to which mind or consciousness is superadded; the mind of man is, however, causally ineffectual. See Automatism; Epiphenomenalism. --L.W. Autonomy: (Gr. autonomia, independence) Freedom consisting in self-determination and independence of all external constraint. See Freedom. Kant defines autonomy of the will as subjection of the will to its own law, the categorical imperative, in contrast to heteronomy, its subjection to a law or end outside the rational will. (Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals, § 2.) --L.W. Autonomy of ethics: A doctrine, usually propounded by intuitionists, that ethics is not a part of, and cannot be derived from, either metaphysics or any of the natural or social sciences. See Intuitionism, Metaphysical ethics, Naturalistic ethics. --W.K.F. Autonomy of the will: (in Kant's ethics) The freedom of the rational will to legislate to itself, which constitutes the basis for the autonomy of the moral law. --P.A.S. Autonymy: In the terminology introduced by Carnap, a word (phrase, symbol, expression) is autonymous if it is used as a name for itself --for the geometric shape, sound, etc. which it exemplifies, or for the word as a historical and grammatical unit. Autonymy is thus the same as the Scholastic suppositio matertalis (q. v.), although the viewpoint is different. --A.C. Autotelic: (from Gr. autos, self, and telos, end) Said of any absorbing activity engaged in for its own sake (cf. German Selbstzweck), such as higher mathematics, chess, etc. In aesthetics, applied to creative art and play which lack any conscious reference to the accomplishment of something useful. In the view of some, it may constitute something beneficent in itself of which the person following his art impulse (q.v.) or playing is unaware, thus approaching a heterotelic (q.v.) conception. --K.F.L. Avenarius, Richard: (1843-1896) German philosopher who expressed his thought in an elaborate and novel terminology in the hope of constructing a symbolic language for philosophy, like that of mathematics --the consequence of his Spinoza studies. As the most influential apostle of pure experience, the posltivistic motive reaches in him an extreme position. Insisting on the biologic and economic function of thought, he thought the true method of science is to cure speculative excesses by a return to pure experience devoid of all assumptions. Philosophy is the scientific effort to exclude from knowledge all ideas not included in the given. Its task is to expel all extraneous elements in the given. His uncritical use of the category of the given and the nominalistic view that logical relations are created rather than discovered by thought, leads him to banish not only animism but also all of the categories, substance, causality, etc., as inventions of the mind. Explaining the evolution and devolution of the problematization and deproblematization of numerous ideas, and aiming to give the natural history of problems, Avenarius sought to show physiologically, psychologically and historically under what conditions they emerge, are challenged and are solved. He hypothesized a System C, a bodily and central nervous system upon which consciousness depends. R-values are the stimuli received from the world of objects. E-values are the statements of experience. The brain changes that continually oscillate about an ideal point of balance are termed Vitalerhaltungsmaximum. The E-values are differentiated into elements, to which the sense-perceptions or the content of experience belong, and characters, to which belongs everything which psychology describes as feelings and attitudes. Avenarius describes in symbolic form a series of states from balance to balance, termed vital series, all describing a series of changes in System C. Inequalities in the vital balance give rise to vital differences. According to his theory there are two vital series. It assumes a series of brain changes because parallel series of conscious states can be observed. The independent vital series are physical, and the dependent vital series are psychological. The two together are practically covariants. In the case of a process as a dependent vital series three stages can be noted: first, the appearance of the problem, expressed as strain, restlessness, desire, fear, doubt, pain, repentance, delusion; the second, the continued effort and struggle to solve the problem; and finally, the appearance of the solution, characterized by abating anxiety, a feeling of triumph and enjoyment.   Corresponding to these three stages of the dependent series are three stages of the independent series: the appearance of the vital difference and a departure from balance in the System C, the continuance with an approximate vital difference, and lastly, the reduction of the vital difference to zero, the return to stability. By making room for dependent and independent experiences, he showed that physics regards experience as independent of the experiencing indlvidual, and psychology views experience as dependent upon the individual. He greatly influenced Mach and James (q.v.). See Avenarius, Empirio-criticism, Experience, pure. Main works: Kritik der reinen Erfahrung; Der menschliche Weltbegriff. --H.H. Averroes: (Mohammed ibn Roshd) Known to the Scholastics as The Commentator, and mentioned as the author of il gran commento by Dante (Inf. IV. 68) he was born 1126 at Cordova (Spain), studied theology, law, medicine, mathematics, and philosophy, became after having been judge in Sevilla and Cordova, physician to the khalifah Jaqub Jusuf, and charged with writing a commentary on the works of Aristotle. Al-mansur, Jusuf's successor, deprived him of his place because of accusations of unorthodoxy. He died 1198 in Morocco. Averroes is not so much an original philosopher as the author of a minute commentary on the whole works of Aristotle. His procedure was imitated later by Aquinas. In his interpretation of Aristotelian metaphysics Averroes teaches the coeternity of a universe created ex nihilo. This doctrine formed together with the notion of a numerical unity of the active intellect became one of the controversial points in the discussions between the followers of Albert-Thomas and the Latin Averroists. Averroes assumed that man possesses only a disposition for receiving the intellect coming from without; he identifies this disposition with the possible intellect which thus is not truly intellectual by nature. The notion of one intellect common to all men does away with the doctrine of personal immortality. Another doctrine which probably was emphasized more by the Latin Averroists (and by the adversaries among Averroes' contemporaries) is the famous statement about "two-fold truth", viz. that a proposition may be theologically true and philosophically false and vice versa. Averroes taught that religion expresses the (higher) philosophical truth by means of religious imagery; the "two-truth notion" came apparently into the Latin text through a misinterpretation on the part of the translators. The works of Averroes were one of the main sources of medieval Aristotelianlsm, before and even after the original texts had been translated. The interpretation the Latin Averroists found in their texts of the "Commentator" spread in spite of opposition and condemnation. See Averroism, Latin. Averroes, Opera, Venetiis, 1553. M. Horten, Die Metaphysik des Averroes, 1912. P. Mandonnet, Siger de Brabant et l'Averroisme Latin, 2d ed., Louvain, 1911. --R.A. Averroism, Latin: The commentaries on Aristotle written by Averroes (Ibn Roshd) in the 12th century became known to the Western scholars in translations by Michael Scottus, Hermannus Alemannus, and others at the beginning of the 13th century. Many works of Aristotle were also known first by such translations from Arabian texts, though there existed translations from the Greek originals at the same time (Grabmann). The Averroistic interpretation of Aristotle was held to be the true one by many; but already Albert the Great pointed out several notions which he felt to be incompatible with the principles of Christian philosophy, although he relied for the rest on the "Commentator" and apparently hardly used any other text. Aquinas, basing his studies mostly on a translation from the Greek texts, procured for him by William of Moerbecke, criticized the Averroistic interpretation in many points. But the teachings of the Commentator became the foundation for a whole school of philosophers, represented first by the Faculty of Arts at Paris. The most prominent of these scholars was Siger of Brabant. The philosophy of these men was condemned on March 7th, 1277 by Stephen Tempier, Bishop of Paris, after a first condemnation of Aristotelianism in 1210 had gradually come to be neglected. The 219 theses condemned in 1277, however, contain also some of Aquinas which later were generally recognized an orthodox. The Averroistic propositions which aroused the criticism of the ecclesiastic authorities and which had been opposed with great energy by Albert and Thomas refer mostly to the following points: The co-eternity of the created word; the numerical identity of the intellect in all men, the so-called two-fold-truth theory stating that a proposition may be philosophically true although theologically false. Regarding the first point Thomas argued that there is no philosophical proof, either for the co-eternity or against it; creation is an article of faith. The unity of intellect was rejected as incompatible with the true notion of person and with personal immortality. It is doubtful whether Averroes himself held the two-truths theory; it was, however, taught by the Latin Averroists who, notwithstanding the opposition of the Church and the Thomistic philosophers, gained a great influence and soon dominated many universities, especially in Italy. Thomas and his followers were convinced that they interpreted Aristotle correctly and that the Averroists were wrong; one has, however, to admit that certain passages in Aristotle allow for the Averroistic interpretation, especially in regard to the theory of intellect.   Lit.: P. Mandonnet, Siger de Brabant et l'Averroisme Latin au XIIIe Siecle, 2d. ed. Louvain, 1911; M. Grabmann, Forschungen über die lateinischen Aristotelesübersetzungen des XIII. Jahrhunderts, Münster 1916 (Beitr. z. Gesch. Phil. d. MA. Vol. 17, H. 5-6). --R.A. Avesta: See Zendavesta. Avicehron: (or Avencebrol, Salomon ibn Gabirol) The first Jewish philosopher in Spain, born in Malaga 1020, died about 1070, poet, philosopher, and moralist. His main work, Fons vitae, became influential and was much quoted by the Scholastics. It has been preserved only in the Latin translation by Gundissalinus. His doctrine of a spiritual substance individualizing also the pure spirits or separate forms was opposed by Aquinas already in his first treatise De ente, but found favor with the medieval Augustinians also later in the 13th century. He also teaches the necessity of a mediator between God and the created world; such a mediator he finds in the Divine Will proceeding from God and creating, conserving, and moving the world. His cosmogony shows a definitely Neo-Platonic shade and assumes a series of emanations. Cl. Baeumker, Avencebrolis Fons vitae. Beitr. z. Gesch. d. Philos. d. MA. 1892-1895, Vol. I. Joh. Wittman, Die Stellung des hl. Thomas von Aquino zu Avencebrol, ibid. 1900. Vol. III. --R.A. Avicenna: (Abu Ali al Hosain ibn Abdallah ibn Sina) Born 980 in the country of Bocchara, began to write in young years, left more than 100 works, taught in Ispahan, was physician to several Persian princes, and died at Hamadan in 1037. His fame as physician survived his influence as philosopher in the Occident. His medical works were printed still in the 17th century. His philosophy is contained in 18 vols. of a comprehensive encyclopedia, following the tradition of Al Kindi and Al Farabi. Logic, Physics, Mathematics and Metaphysics form the parts of this work. His philosophy is Aristotelian with noticeable Neo-Platonic influences. His doctrine of the universal existing ante res in God, in rebus as the universal nature of the particulars, and post res in the human mind by way of abstraction became a fundamental thesis of medieval Aristotelianism. He sharply distinguished between the logical and the ontological universal, denying to the latter the true nature of form in the composite. The principle of individuation is matter, eternally existent. Latin translations attributed to Avicenna the notion that existence is an accident to essence (see e.g. Guilelmus Parisiensis, De Universo). The process adopted by Avicenna was one of paraphrasis of the Aristotelian texts with many original thoughts interspersed. His works were translated into Latin by Dominicus Gundissalinus (Gondisalvi) with the assistance of Avendeath ibn Daud. This translation started, when it became more generally known, the "revival of Aristotle" at the end of the 12th and the beginning of the 13th century. Albert the Great and Aquinas professed, notwithstanding their critical attitude, a great admiration for Avicenna whom the Arabs used to call the "third Aristotle". But in the Orient, Avicenna's influence declined soon, overcome by the opposition of the orthodox theologians. Avicenna, Opera, Venetiis, 1495; l508; 1546. M. Horten, Das Buch der Genesung der Seele, eine philosophische Enzyklopaedie Avicenna's; XIII. Teil: Die Metaphysik. Halle a. S. 1907-1909. R. de Vaux, Notes et textes sur l'Avicennisme Latin, Bibl. Thomiste XX, Paris, 1934. --R.A. Avidya: (Skr.) Nescience; ignorance; the state of mind unaware of true reality; an equivalent of maya (q.v.); also a condition of pure awareness prior to the universal process of evolution through gradual differentiation into the elements and factors of knowledge. --K.F.L. Avyakta: (Skr.) "Unmanifest", descriptive of or standing for brahman (q.v.) in one of its or "his" aspects, symbolizing the superabundance of the creative principle, or designating the condition of the universe not yet become phenomenal (aja, unborn). --K.F.L. Awareness: Consciousness considered in its aspect of act; an act of attentive awareness such as the sensing of a color patch or the feeling of pain is distinguished from the content attended to, the sensed color patch, the felt pain. The psychologlcal theory of intentional act was advanced by F. Brentano (Psychologie vom empirischen Standpunkte) and received its epistemological development by Meinong, Husserl, Moore, Laird and Broad. See Intentionalism. --L.W. Axiological: (Ger. axiologisch) In Husserl: Of or pertaining to value or theory of value (the latter term understood as including disvalue and value-indifference). --D.C. Axiological ethics: Any ethics which makes the theory of obligation entirely dependent on the theory of value, by making the determination of the rightness of an action wholly dependent on a consideration of the value or goodness of something, e.g. the action itself, its motive, or its consequences, actual or probable. Opposed to deontological ethics. See also teleological ethics. --W.K.F. Axiologic Realism: In metaphysics, theory that value as well as logic, qualities as well as relations, have their being and exist external to the mind and independently of it. Applicable to the philosophy of many though not all realists in the history of philosophy, from Plato to G. E. Moore, A. N. Whitehead, and N, Hartmann. --J.K.F. Axiology: (Gr. axios, of like value, worthy, and logos, account, reason, theory). Modern term for theory of value (the desired, preferred, good), investigation of its nature, criteria, and metaphysical status. Had its rise in Plato's theory of Forms or Ideas (Idea of the Good); was developed in Aristotle's Organon, Ethics, Poetics, and Metaphysics (Book Lambda). Stoics and Epicureans investigated the summum bonum. Christian philosophy (St. Thomas) built on Aristotle's identification of highest value with final cause in God as "a living being, eternal, most good."   In modern thought, apart from scholasticism and the system of Spinoza (Ethica, 1677), in which values are metaphysically grounded, the various values were investigated in separate sciences, until Kant's Critiques, in which the relations of knowledge to moral, aesthetic, and religious values were examined. In Hegel's idealism, morality, art, religion, and philosophy were made the capstone of his dialectic. R. H. Lotze "sought in that which should be the ground of that which is" (Metaphysik, 1879). Nineteenth century evolutionary theory, anthropology, sociology, psychology, and economics subjected value experience to empirical analysis, and stress was again laid on the diversity and relativity of value phenomena rather than on their unity and metaphysical nature. F. Nietzsche's Also Sprach Zarathustra (1883-1885) and Zur Genealogie der Moral (1887) aroused new interest in the nature of value. F. Brentano, Vom Ursprung sittlicher Erkenntnis (1889), identified value with love.   In the twentieth century the term axiology was apparently first applied by Paul Lapie (Logique de la volonte, 1902) and E. von Hartmann (Grundriss der Axiologie, 1908). Stimulated by Ehrenfels (System der Werttheorie, 1897), Meinong (Psychologisch-ethische Untersuchungen zur Werttheorie, 1894-1899), and Simmel (Philosophie des Geldes, 1900). W. M. Urban wrote the first systematic treatment of axiology in English (Valuation, 1909), phenomenological in method under J. M. Baldwin's influence. Meanwhile H. Münsterberg wrote a neo-Fichtean system of values (The Eternal Values, 1909).   Among important recent contributions are: B. Bosanquet, The Principle of Individuality and Value (1912), a free reinterpretation of Hegelianism; W. R. Sorley, Moral Values and the Idea of God (1918, 1921), defending a metaphysical theism; S. Alexander, Space, Time, and Deity (1920), realistic and naturalistic; N. Hartmann, Ethik (1926), detailed analysis of types and laws of value; R. B. Perry's magnum opus, General Theory of Value (1926), "its meaning and basic principles construed in terms of interest"; and J. Laird, The Idea of Value (1929), noteworthy for historical exposition. A naturalistic theory has been developed by J. Dewey (Theory of Valuation, 1939), for which "not only is science itself a value . . . but it is the supreme means of the valid determination of all valuations." A. J. Ayer, Language, Truth and Logic (1936) expounds the view of logical positivism that value is "nonsense." J. Hessen, Wertphilosophie (1937), provides an account of recent German axiology from a neo-scholastic standpoint.   The problems of axiology fall into four main groups, namely, those concerning (1) the nature of value, (2) the types of value, (3) the criterion of value, and (4) the metaphysical status of value.   (1) The nature of value experience. Is valuation fulfillment of desire (voluntarism: Spinoza, Ehrenfels), pleasure (hedonism: Epicurus, Bentham, Meinong), interest (Perry), preference (Martineau), pure rational will (formalism: Stoics, Kant, Royce), apprehension of tertiary qualities (Santayana), synoptic experience of the unity of personality (personalism: T. H. Green, Bowne), any experience that contributes to enhanced life (evolutionism: Nietzsche), or "the relation of things as means to the end or consequence actually reached" (pragmatism, instrumentalism: Dewey).   (2) The types of value. Most axiologists distinguish between intrinsic (consummatory) values (ends), prized for their own sake, and instrumental (contributory) values (means), which are causes (whether as economic goods or as natural events) of intrinsic values. Most intrinsic values are also instrumental to further value experience; some instrumental values are neutral or even disvaluable intrinsically. Commonly recognized as intrinsic values are the (morally) good, the true, the beautiful, and the holy. Values of play, of work, of association, and of bodily well-being are also acknowledged. Some (with Montague) question whether the true is properly to be regarded as a value, since some truth is disvaluable, some neutral; but love of truth, regardless of consequences, seems to establish the value of truth. There is disagreement about whether the holy (religious value) is a unique type (Schleiermacher, Otto), or an attitude toward other values (Kant, Höffding), or a combination of the two (Hocking). There is also disagreement about whether the variety of values is irreducible (pluralism) or whether all values are rationally related in a hierarchy or system (Plato, Hegel, Sorley), in which values interpenetrate or coalesce into a total experience.   (3) The criterion of value. The standard for testing values is influenced by both psychological and logical theory. Hedonists find the standard in the quantity of pleasure derived by the individual (Aristippus) or society (Bentham). Intuitionists appeal to an ultimate insight into preference (Martineau, Brentano). Some idealists recognize an objective system of rational norms or ideals as criterion (Plato, Windelband), while others lay more stress on rational wholeness and coherence (Hegel, Bosanquet, Paton) or inclusiveness (T. H. Green). Naturalists find biological survival or adjustment (Dewey) to be the standard. Despite differences, there is much in common in the results of the application of these criteria.   (4) The metaphysical status of value. What is the relation of values to the facts investigated by natural science (Koehler), of Sein to Sollen (Lotze, Rickert), of human experience of value to reality independent of man (Hegel, Pringle-Pattlson, Spaulding)? There are three main answers:   subjectivism (value is entirely dependent on and relative to human experience of it: so most hedonists, naturalists, positivists);   logical objectivism (values are logical essences or subsistences, independent of their being known, yet with no existential status or action in reality);   metaphysical objectivism (values   --or norms or ideals   --are integral, objective, and active constituents of the metaphysically real: so theists, absolutists, and certain realists and naturalists like S. Alexander and Wieman). --E.S.B. Axiom: See Mathematics. Axiomatic method: That method of constructing a deductive system consisting of deducing by specified rules all statements of the system save a given few from those given few, which are regarded as axioms or postulates of the system. See Mathematics. --C.A.B. Ayam atma brahma: (Skr.) "This self is brahman", famous quotation from Brhadaranyaka Upanishad 2.5.19, one of many alluding to the central theme of the Upanishads, i.e., the identity of the human and divine or cosmic. --K.F.L.

Avatar ::: We have to remark c
   refully that the upholding of Dharma in the world is not the only object of the descent of the Avatar, that great mystery of the Divine manifest in humanity; for the upholding of the Dharma is not an all-sufficient object in itself, not the supreme possible aim for the manifestation of a Christ, a Krishna, a Buddha, but is only the general condition of a higher aim and a more supreme and divine utility. For there are two aspects of the divine birth; one is a descent, the birth of God in humanity, the Godhead manifesting itself in the human form and nature, the eternal Avatar; the other is an ascent, the birth of man into the Godhead, man rising into the divine nature and consciousness, madbhavam agatah. ; it is the being born anew in a second birth of the soul. It is that new birth which Avatarhood and the upholding of the Dharma are intended to serve.
   Ref: CWSA Vol.19 , Page: 147-48

Becoming. The eternal Divine is the Being ; the universe in

being ::: 1. The state or quality of having existence. 2. The totality of all things that exist. 3. One"s basic or essential nature; self. 4. All the qualities constituting one that exists; the essence. 5. A person; human being. 6. The Divine, the Supreme; God. Being, being"s, Being"s, beings, Beings, beings", earth-being"s, earth-beings, fragment-being, non-being, non-being"s, Non-Being, Non-Being"s, world-being"s.

Sri Aurobindo: "Pure Being is the affirmation by the Unknowable of Itself as the free base of all cosmic existence.” *The Life Divine :::

   "The Absolute manifests itself in two terms, a Being and a Becoming. The Being is the fundamental reality; the Becoming is an effectual reality: it is a dynamic power and result, a creative energy and working out of the Being, a constantly persistent yet mutable form, process, outcome of its immutable formless essence.” *The Life Divine

"What is original and eternal for ever in the Divine is the Being, what is developed in consciousness, conditions, forces, forms, etc., by the Divine Power is the Becoming. The eternal Divine is the Being; the universe in Time and all that is apparent in it is a Becoming.” Letters on Yoga

"Being and Becoming, One and Many are both true and are both the same thing: Being is one, Becomings are many; but this simply means that all Becomings are one Being who places Himself variously in the phenomenal movement of His consciousness.” The Upanishads :::

   "Our whole apparent life has only a symbolic value & is good & necessary as a becoming; but all becoming has being for its goal & fulfilment & God is the only being.” *Essays Divine and Human

"Our being is a roughly constituted chaos into which we have to introduce the principle of a divine order.” The Synthesis of Yoga*

Bodhi (Sanskrit) Bodhi [from the verbal root budh to acquire understanding, awaken] Perfect wisdom or enlightenment; true divine wisdom. A state of consciousness in which one has so emptied the mind that it is filled only with the selfless selfhood of the eternal. In this state one realizes the ineffable visions of reality and of pure truth. Bodhi is a name for the enlightened intellect of buddha. “ ‘Bodhi’ is likewise the name of a particular state of trance condition, called Samadhi, during which the subject reaches the culmination of spiritual knowledge” (SD 1:xix). The bodhi state is called a buddha, and the organ in and by which it is manifested is termed buddhi.

Bodhi(Sanskrit) ::: This word comes from the root budh, meaning "to awaken." It is the state when man has soemptied his mind that it is filled only with the self itself, with the selfless selfhood of the eternal. Then herealizes the ineffable visions of reality, of pure truth. The man who reaches this state is called a buddha,and the organ in and by which it is manifested, is termed buddhi.

Brahma ::: “Brahma is the nominative; the uninflected form of the word is brahman; it differs from brahman ‘the Eternal’ only in gender.” Glossary of Terms in Sri Aurobindo’s Writings

Brahma (Brahma) ::: [Ved] 1. the Power of the Divine, which creates the worlds by the Word; ::: 2. the priest of the Word. [Later]: the creative Deity [one of the trimurti]; the Eternal's personality of existence. [Brahma is the nominative; the uninflected form of the word is brahman; it differs from brahman "the Eternal" only in gender].

"Brahma is the Eternal"s Personality of Existence; from him all is created, by his presence, by his power, by his impulse.” Essays Human and Divine

“Brahma is the Eternal’s Personality of Existence; from him all is created, by his presence, by his power, by his impulse.” Essays Human and Divine

  Brahma is the Eternal"s Personality of Existence; from him all is created, by his presence, by his power, by his impulse.

Brahma is the Eternal’s Personality of Existence; from him all is created, by his presence, by his power, by his impulse.

brahman. ::: the impersonal, non-dual, Final Reality; infinite consciousness; the eternal witness; the absolute Self of all beings; oneness; the supreme Reality that is one and indivisible, uncreated, infinite and eternal; witnessing awareness; all-pervading, all-embracing, changeless existence that is entirely complete within Itself; the Supreme state which is attained here in this life by clear Self-enquiry, which arises in the Heart when association with a Satguru is gained

Brahman. The Shakti or Power of the Eternal becomes then a power of illusion only and the world becomes incomprehensible, a mystery of cosmic madness, an eternal delirium of the Eternal.

brahman ::: [Ved.]: the sacred or inspired word, expression of the heart or soul; heart; the Vedic word or mantra in its profoundest aspect as the expression of the intuition arising out of the depths of the soul or being; the Soul that emerges out of the subconscient in Man and rises towards the superconscient and also word of creative Power welling upward out of the soul. [Vedanta]: the Reality; the Eternal; the Absolute; the Spirit; the Supreme Being; the One besides whom there is nothing else existent; in relation to the universe [cf. atman] the Supreme is brahman, the one Reality which is not only the spiritual, material and conscious substance of all the ideas and forces and forms of the universe, but their origin, support and possessor, the cosmic and supracosmic Spirit. ::: brahma [nominative] ::: brahmana [instrumental], by the hymn. ::: brahmani [locative], into the brahman. [cf. Brahma]

Brahman ::: Whatever reality is in existence, by which all the rest subsists, that is Brahman. An Eternal behind all instabilities, a Truth of things which is implied, if it is hidden in all appearances, a Constant which supports all mutations, but is not increased, diminished, abrogated,—there is such an unknown x which makes existence a problem, our own self a mystery, the universe a riddle. If we were only what we seem to be to our normal self-awareness, there would be no mystery; if the world were only what it can be made out to be by the perceptions of the senses and their strict analysis in the reason, there would be no riddle; and if to take our life as it is now and the world as it has so far developed to our experience were the whole possibility of our knowing and doing, there would be no problem. Or at best there would be but a shallow mystery, an easily solved riddle, the problem only of a child’s puzzle. But there is more, and that more is the hidden head of the Infinite and the secret heart of the Eternal. It is the highest and this highest is the all; there is none beyond and there is none other than it. To know it is to know the highest and by knowing the highest to know all. For as it is the beginning and source of all things, so everything else is its consequence; as it is the support and constituent of all things, so the secret of everything else is explained by its secret; as it is the sum and end of all things, so everything else amounts to it and by throwing itself into it achieves the sense of its own existence. This is the Brahman
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 18, Page: 151-152

brahma satyam jagan mithya ::: the Eternal is true, the world is a lie. [Vivekacudamani 20]

brahma ("s) ::: "Brahma is the nominative; the uninflected form of the word is brahman; it differs from brahman ‘the Eternal" only in gender.” *Glossary of Terms in Sri Aurobindo"s Writings

BRAHMA The Eternal s Personality of Existence from him all IS created by his presence by his power by his impulse

  Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Krishna, these are the eternal Four, the quadruple Infinite.

Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Krishna, these are the eternal Four, the quadruple Infinite.

"By individual we mean normally something that separates itself from everything else and stands apart, though in reality there is no such thing anywhere in existence; it is a figment of our mental conceptions useful and necessary to express a partial and practical truth. But the difficulty is that the mind gets dominated by its words and forgets that the partial and practical truth becomes true truth only by its relation to others which seem to the reason to contradict it, and that taken by itself it contains a constant element of falsity. Thus when we speak of an individual we mean ordinarily an individualisation of mental, vital, physical being separate from all other beings, incapable of unity with them by its very individuality. If we go beyond these three terms of mind, life and body, and speak of the soul or individual self, we still think of an individualised being separate from all others, incapable of unity and inclusive mutuality, capable at most of a spiritual contact and soul-sympathy. It is therefore necessary to insist that by the true individual we mean nothing of the kind, but a conscious power of being of the Eternal, always existing by unity, always capable of mutuality. It is that being which by self-knowledge enjoys liberation and immortality.” The Life Divine

“By individual we mean normally something that separates itself from everything else and stands apart, though in reality there is no such thing anywhere in existence; it is a figment of our mental conceptions useful and necessary to express a partial and practical truth. But the difficulty is that the mind gets dominated by its words and forgets that the partial and practical truth becomes true truth only by its relation to others which seem to the reason to contradict it, and that taken by itself it contains a constant element of falsity. Thus when we speak of an individual we mean ordinarily an individualisation of mental, vital, physical being separate from all other beings, incapable of unity with them by its very individuality. If we go beyond these three terms of mind, life and body, and speak of the soul or individual self, we still think of an individualised being separate from all others, incapable of unity and inclusive mutuality, capable at most of a spiritual contact and soul-sympathy. It is therefore necessary to insist that by the true individual we mean nothing of the kind, but a conscious power of being of the Eternal, always existing by unity, always capable of mutuality. It is that being which by self-knowledge enjoys liberation and immortality.” The Life Divine

::: child, the eternal

child, the eternal

Chung yung: The Golden Mean. See Chung and i kuan. Centrality and harmony, a law "from whose operation we cannot for one instant in our existence escape", the central clue to man's moral being which unites him to the universal order (or to attain central harmony). (Early Confucianism.) The Universal and the Changeless which is the true principle of things and the eternal law of the universe. (Neo-Confucianism.)

cit-sakti (chit-shakti; chitshakti) ::: consciousness-force, same as citcit-sakti tapas; "the Consciousness-Force of the eternal Existence" who "is the universal creatrix".

Concentration ::: Concentration is necessary, first, to turn the whole will and mind from the discursive divagation natural to them, following a dispersed movement of the thoughts, running after many branching desires, led away in the track of the senses and the outward mental response to phenomena: we have to fix the will and the thought on the eternal and real behind all, and this demands an immense effort, a one-pointed concentration. Secondly, it is necessary in order to break down the veil which is erected by our ordinary mentality between ourselves and the truth; for outer knowledge can be picked up by the way, by ordinary attention and reception, but the inner, hidden and higher truth can only be seized by an absolute concentration of the mind on its object, an absolute concentration of the will to attain it and, once attained, to hold it habitually and securely unite oneself with it. Concentration is indeed the first condition of any Yoga, but it is an all-receiving concentration that is the very nature of the integral Yoga.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 23-24, Page: 515

CONCENTRATION ::: Fixing the consciousness in one place or on one object and in a single condition.

A gathering together of the consciousness and either centralising at one point or turning on a single object, e.g. the Divine; there can also be a gathered condition throughout the whole being, not at a point.

Concentration is necessary, first to turn the whole will and mind from the discursive divagation natural to them, following a dispersed movement of the thoughts, running after many-branching desires, led away in the track of the senses and the outward mental response to phenomena; we have to fix the will and the thought on the eternal and real behind all, and this demands an immense effort, a one-pointed concentration. Secondly, it is necessary in order to break down the veil which is erected by our ordinary mentality between ourselves and the truth; for outer knowledge can be picked up by the way, by ordinary attention and reception, but the inner, hidden and higher truth can only be seized by an absolute concentration of the mind on its object, an absolute concentration of the will to attain it and, once attained, to hold it habitually and securely unite oneself with it.

Centre of Concentration: The two main places where one can centre the consciousness for yoga are in the head and in the heart - the mind-centre and the soul-centre.

Brain concentration is always a tapasyā and necessarily brings a strain. It is only if one is lifted out of the brain mind altogether that the strain of mental concentration disappears.

At the top of the head or above it is the right place for yogic concentration in reading or thinking.

In whatever centre the concentration takes place, the yoga force generated extends to the others and produces concentration or workings there.

Modes of Concentration: There is no harm in concentrating sometimes in the heart and sometimes above the head. But concentration in either place does not mean keeping the attention fixed on a particular spot; you have to take your station of consciousness in either place and concentrate there not on the place, but on the Divine. This can be done with eyes shut or with eyes open, according as it best suits.

If one concentrates on a thought or a word, one has to dwell on the essential idea contained in the word with the aspiration to feel the thing which it expresses.

There is no method in this yoga except to concentrate, preferably in the heart, and call the presence and power of the Mother to take up the being and by the workings of her force to transform the consciousness; one can concentrate also in the head or between the eye-brows, but for many this is a too difficult opening. When the mind falls quiet and the concentration becomes strong and the aspiration intense, then there is a beginning of experience. The more the faith, the more rapid the result is likely to be.

Powers (three) of Concentration ::: By concentration on anything whatsoever we are able to know that thing, to make it deliver up its concealed secrets; we must use this power to know not things, but the one Thing-in-itself. By concentration again the whole will can be gathered up for the acquisition of that which is still ungrasped, still beyond us; this power, if it is sufficiently trained, sufficiently single-minded, sufficiently sincere, sure of itself, faithful to itself alone, absolute in faith, we can use for the acquisition of any object whatsoever; but we ought to use it not for the acquisition of the many objects which the world offers to us, but to grasp spiritually that one object worthy of pursuit which is also the one subject worthy of knowledge. By concentration of our whole being on one status of itself we can become whatever we choose ; we can become, for instance, even if we were before a mass of weaknesses and fears, a mass instead of strength and courage, or we can become all a great purity, holiness and peace or a single universal soul of Love ; but we ought, it is said, to use this power to become not even these things, high as they may be in comparison with what we now are, but rather to become that which is above all things and free from all action and attributes, the pure and absolute Being. All else, all other concentration can only be valuable for preparation, for previous steps, for a gradual training of the dissolute and self-dissipating thought, will and being towards their grand and unique object.

Stages in Concentration (Rajayogic) ::: that in which the object is seized, that in which it is held, that in which the mind is lost in the status which the object represents or to which the concentration leads.

Concentration and Meditation ::: Concentration means fixing the consciousness in one place or one object and in a single condition Meditation can be diffusive,e.g. thinking about the Divine, receiving impressions and discriminating, watching what goes on in the nature and acting upon it etc. Meditation is when the inner mind is looking at things to get the right knowledge.

vide Dhyāna.

consequence ::: “ Karma is nothing but the will of the Spirit in action, consequence nothing but the creation of will. What is in the will of being, expresses itself in karma and consequence. When the will is limited in mind, karma appears as a bondage and a limitation, consequence as a reaction or an imposition. But when the will of the being is infinite in the spirit, karma and consequence become instead the joy of the creative spirit, the construction of the eternal mechanist, the word and drama of the eternal poet, the harmony of the eternal musician, the play of the eternal child.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

Corresponding to Kwan-shai-yin, Oeaohoo “contains in himself the Seven Creative Hosts (the Sephiroth), and is thus the essence of manifested Wisdom” (SD 1:72). In the human constitution, Oeaohoo the Younger is the higher triad of atma-buddhi-manas, with an emphatic pointing to the atman as the predominant life in this higher triad. Similarly so as regards the kosmos or universe. The meaning of one of its permutations, Oi-ha-hou, is “among the Eastern Occultists of the North, a circular wind, whirlwind; but in this instance, it is a term to denote the ceaseless and eternal Cosmic Motion; or rather the Force that moves it, which Force is tacitly accepted as the Deity but never named. It is the eternal Karana, the ever-acting Cause” (SD 1:93n).

cosmic Will ::: Sri Aurobindo: "Agni is the Deva, the All-Seer, manifested as conscious-force or, as it would be called in modern language, Divine or Cosmic Will, first hidden and building up the eternal worlds, then manifest, ``born"", building up in man the Truth and the Immortality.” *The Secret of the Veda

cosmos ::: “But if the individual is a persistent reality, an eternal portion or power of the Eternal, if his growth of consciousness is the means by which the Spirit in things discloses its being, the cosmos reveals itself as a conditioned manifestation of the play of the eternal One in the being of Sachchidananda with the eternal Many.” The Life Divine

Covenant ::: A pact between two parties. The major covenants in Jewish scriptures are God's covenant with Abraham (Genesis 15), and the Sinai/Moses covenant (Exodus 19-24) between God and Israel. In Judaism, the covenant (Heb. "brit") is a major theological concept referring to the eternal bond between God and the people of Israel grounded in God's gracious and steadfast concern (hesed) that calls for the nation's obedience to the divine commandments (mitzvot) and instruction (torah). Christians believe that God made a “new covenant” (rendered as “new testament” in older English) with the followers of Jesus in the last times, superseding the “old covenant” (thus, “old testament”) with Moses at Sinai.

Creation [from Latin, cf Greek krainein, Sanskrit kṛ to make, do] The Ever-existent, which in its transcendent aspect is the eternally embracing Boundless, is the source as well as the sum total of all beings and things; hence in essence all beings and things are eternal and have never been created in the Christian sense, for they are of the very stuff, essence, and be-ness of the Boundless itself. Yet the word creation has a legitimate use in the original sense of coming forth from being into existence, not as something produced from nothing but in the ordinary sense of production of something out of something else. A human being can be said to be created in that he is brought into being as such, not from nothing but from the various elements which when combined form the human constitution, conjoined with the contemporaneous evolution of the powers and substances of the monad by which it acquires its various sheaths; worlds also can be said to be created out of primordial matter, and compound elements from simpler ones.

Creatrix, the Eternal"s artist Bride,” *Savitri*

Creatrix, the Eternal’s artist Bride,” Savitri

Daksha signifies the intelligent or competent, but usually carries with it the idea of creative or evolving power. “He is a son of Brahma, and of Aditi, and agreeably to other versions, a self-born power, which, like Minerva, sprang from his father’s body. . . . the Rig-Veda says that ‘Daksha sprang from Aditi and Aditi from Daksha,’ a reference to the eternal cyclic re-birth of the same divine Essence” (SD 2:247n).

Darkness In theosophical philosophy light is not regarded as self-existent, but as primordially the spiritual effect of a spiritual cause, the emanation from something grander and more radical beyond it. This unknown divine substratum, the original superspiritual intelligence-substance of the universe, is sometimes called darkness; likewise, it is spoken of as absolute light. Thus absolute light and absolute darkness are the same, so that manifested light sprang from unmanifested light or darkness. Philosophically, non-ego — which is freedom from the limitations of egoity and manifested particularities — voidness, and darkness are a three-in-one, darkness being Father-Mother and light, their Son. Night or darkness preceded day and light in cosmogony, as is recognized in Genesis, where darkness broods over the face of the deep. The creation of light, or the emanation of light from darkness, is the first step in cosmic manifestation. Light thus is truly called original substance or spiritual matter; darkness, purest spirit. Synonymous with this darkness are ’eyn soph, the Boundless, the bridgeless abyss, the unmanifest, the ever-invisible robes of the eternal parent.

decree ::: n. **1. A formal and authoritative order, esp. one having the force of law. 2. A judicial decision or order. 3. Theol. One of the eternal purposes of God by which events are foreordained. v. 4. To command, ordain, decide by decree. Decree, decrees, decreed, decreeing.**

Divine ::: One sole Reality constitutes all the infinite, the One, the Divine, the Eternal and Infinite—there is That alone and no other existence. Ekamevadvitiyam.Infinite, but the finite existence is also that one being, that infinite Being; it has no separate reality: Eternal, but the temporal is nothing more than a movement of that Eternity, Time has no independent self-sustenance: Divine, but all that seems undivine is a disguise of the Divinity, it is no creation out of some unaccountable Opposite.

Ecstasy ::: “It has been held that ecstasy is a lower and transient passage, the peace of the Supreme is the supreme realisation, the consummate abiding experience. This may be true on the spiritual-mind plane: there the first ecstasy felt is indeed a spiritual rapture, but it can be and is very usually mingled with a supreme happiness of the vital parts taken up by the Spirit; there is an exaltation, exultation, excitement, a highest intensity of the joy of the heart and the pure inner soul-sensation that can be a splendid passage or an uplifting force but is not the ultimate permanent foundation. But in the highest ascents of the spiritual bliss there is not this vehement exaltation and excitement; there is instead an illimitable intensity of participation in an eternal ecstasy which is founded on the eternal Existence and therefore on a beatific tranquillity of eternal peace. Peace and ecstasy cease to be different and become one. The Supermind, reconciling and fusing all differences as well as all contradictions, brings out this unity; a wide calm and a deep delight of all-existence are among its first steps of self-realisation, but this calm and this delight rise together, as one state, into an increasing intensity and culminate in the eternal ecstasy, the bliss that is the Infinite.” The Life Divine

ekatvadr.s.t.i (ekatwadrishti) ::: vision of unity; the perception of a "oneekatvadrsti ness unaffected by any multitudinousness of objects and details", a vision in which "the identity of the Eternal, the unity of the Brahman" is apparent "not only to the subtler consciousness but to the mere sense, to the illumined physical sight itself". ekhani paris pariskar

Emanation: Literally, an outpouring or flowing forth, specifically, applied to the process of derivation or mode of origination, immediate or mediate, of the multiplicity of beings whether spiritual or material from the eternal source of all being, God, of Whose being consequently they are a part and in Whose nature they somehow share. It is opposed to creation from nothing. Some writers have not adequately distinguished one from the other. -- J.J.R.

enerlasting ::: n. --> Eternal duration, past of future; eternity.
(With the definite article) The Eternal Being; God.
A plant whose flowers may be dried without losing their form or color, as the pearly everlasting (Anaphalis margaritacea), the immortelle of the French, the cudweeds, etc.
A cloth fabic for shoes, etc. See Lasting.

". . . equality is the sign of unity with the Brahman, of becoming Brahman, of growing into an undisturbed spiritual poise of being in the Infinite. Its importance can hardly be exaggerated; for it is the sign of our having passed beyond the egoistic determinations of our nature, of our having conquered our enslaved response to the dualities, of our having transcended the shifting turmoil of the gunas, of our having entered into the calm and peace of liberation. Equality is a term of consciousness which brings into the whole of our being and nature the eternal tranquillity of the Infinite.” The Synthesis of Yoga*

“… equality is the sign of unity with the Brahman, of becoming Brahman, of growing into an undisturbed spiritual poise of being in the Infinite. Its importance can hardly be exaggerated; for it is the sign of our having passed beyond the egoistic determinations of our nature, of our having conquered our enslaved response to the dualities, of our having transcended the shifting turmoil of the gunas, of our having entered into the calm and peace of liberation. Equality is a term of consciousness which brings into the whole of our being and nature the eternal tranquillity of the Infinite.” The Synthesis of Yoga

esa dharmah sanatanah ::: this is the eternal law.

Esse (Latin) Being, essence; in esse is sometimes contrasted with in posse, as actual existence is contrasted with potential existence. Esse is also contrasted with existere, in the same way as being is contrasted with existence. Alexander Wilder defined genesis as a coming from esse into existere, from Be-ness into being, from the eternal into kosmos and time.

Eternal"s. Sri Aurobindo: ". . . that which is, cannot perish; it can only lose itself. All is eternal in the eternal spirit.” *Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

Eternal ::: “… that which is, cannot perish; it can only lose itself. All is eternal in the eternal spirit.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

eternal ::: that which is eternal is, by its nature, without beginning or end. eternal"s, eternally. ::: the Eternal. God.

everlasting ::: lasting for ever; eternal. everlastingness. ::: the Everlasting. God, the Eternal. the Everlasting"s.

Exemplary cause: (Lat. exemplum, pattern or example) A form of causality resembling that exercised by the Ideas in Platonism, the rationes aeternae in Augustinianism and Thomism. The role of an archetypal, or "pattern" cause is much discussed in Scholastic metaphysics because of the teaching that the universe was created in accord with a Divine Plan consisting of the eternal ideas in the Mind of God. -- V.J.B.

Fallen Angels Those cosmic entities or dhyanis of various classes who in the course of their evolution descended into matter in order to form and inform the lower worlds. In doing so they rebelled in a purely mystical sense against spirit or heaven, asserting individual free will and divine love. Their act is in part one of compassion and self-sacrifice, and they are eventually saved, while they carry the cycle of evolution along the ascending arc. Christian theology has interpreted this into the legend of the fallen angles, whose rebellion against God is a crime, who are the eternal enemies of God and mankind, and who are in consequence doomed to final destruction. The myth in its original form has many variants, as in the story of Prometheus, Bahak-Zivo, the Dragon of Revelation, the kumaras, etc.

Female Principle Once the unmanifest One becomes the Duad, duality pervades the kosmos, often represented as male and female, or as active and passive, spirit and matter, mind and body, positive and negative. These latter expressions are much to be preferred because of their lack of personal attributes. Synonyms for the female principle are root-matter, mulaprakriti, the eternal cosmic Virgin, Great Mother, womb of nature, cosmic ark, etc. The physical distinction which furnishes this symbol to human minds is that of duality; and if we reason from below to above, we may easily fall into the error of assigning attributes of physical human nature to the celestial beings and formative powers of the kosmos, resulting in phallicism and the degradation of sacred symbols.

“… for each individual is in himself the Eternal who has assumed name and form and supports through him the experiences of life turning on an ever-circling wheel of birth in the manifestation. The wheel is kept in motion by the desire of the individual, which becomes the effective cause of rebirth and by the mind’s turning away from the knowledge of the eternal self to the preoccupations of the temporal becoming.” The Life Divine

"For it is only the few who can make the past Teacher and his teaching, the past Incarnation and his example and influence a living force in their lives. For this need also the Hindu discipline provides in the relation of the Guru and the disciple. The Guru may sometimes be the Incarnation or World-Teacher; but it is sufficient that he should represent to the disciple the divine wisdom, convey to him something of the divine ideal or make him feel the realised relation of the human soul with the Eternal.” The Synthesis of Yoga*

“For it is only the few who can make the past Teacher and his teaching, the past Incarnation and his example and influence a living force in their lives. For this need also the Hindu discipline provides in the relation of the Guru and the disciple. The Guru may sometimes be the Incarnation or World-Teacher; but it is sufficient that he should represent to the disciple the divine wisdom, convey to him something of the divine ideal or make him feel the realised relation of the human soul with the Eternal.” The Synthesis of Yoga

For the sadhaka of the integral yoga it is necessary to remem- ber that no written Sastra, however great its authority or however large its spirit, can be more than a partial expression of the eternal Knowledge. He will use, but never bind himself even by the greatest Scripture.

"For the supermind is a Truth-Consciousness in which the Divine Reality, fully manifested, no longer works with the instrumentation of the Ignorance; a truth of status of being which is absolute becomes dynamic in a truth of energy and activity of the being which is self-existent and perfect. Every movement there is a movement of the self-aware truth of Divine Being and every part is in entire harmony with the whole. Even the most limited and finite action is in the Truth-Consciousness a movement of the Eternal and Infinite and partakes of the inherent absoluteness and perfection of the Eternal and Infinite.” The Synthesis of Yoga

“For the supermind is a Truth-Consciousness in which the Divine Reality, fully manifested, no longer works with the instrumentation of the Ignorance; a truth of status of being which is absolute becomes dynamic in a truth of energy and activity of the being which is self-existent and perfect. Every movement there is a movement of the self-aware truth of Divine Being and every part is in entire harmony with the whole. Even the most limited and finite action is in the Truth-Consciousness a movement of the Eternal and Infinite and partakes of the inherent absoluteness and perfection of the Eternal and Infinite.” The Synthesis of Yoga

Furthermore, the universe is a social order, and nothing can stand by itself. At the same time, everything has its opposite. "No two of the productions of creation are alike," and the Taoist doctrine of the equality of things must be rejected. In the eternal sequence of appearance and disappearance every creation is new, and the Buddhist doctrine of transmigration must be rejected.

Gnostic amulets known as Abraxas gems depicted the god as a pantheos (all-god), with the head of a cock, herald of the sun, representing foresight and vigilance; a human body clothed in armor, suggestive of guardian power; legs in the form of sacred asps. In his right hand is a scourge, emblem of authority; on his left arm a shield emblazoned with a word of power. This pantheos is invariably inscribed with his proper name IAO and his epithets Abraxas and Sabaoth, and often accompanied with invocations such as SEMES EILAM, the eternal sun (Gnostics and Their Remains 246), which Blavatsky equates with “the central spiritual sun” of the Qabbalists (SD 2:214). Though written in Greek characters, the words SEMES EILAM ABRASAX are probably Semitic in origin: shemesh sun; ‘olam secret, occult, hid, eternity, world; Abrasax Abraxas. Hence in combination the phrase may be rendered “the eternal sun Abrasax.”

god ::: a. & n. --> Good. ::: n. --> A being conceived of as possessing supernatural power, and to be propitiated by sacrifice, worship, etc.; a divinity; a deity; an object of worship; an idol.
The Supreme Being; the eternal and infinite Spirit, the

good ::: “Below [the ethical] hides that secret of good in all things which the human being approaches and tries to deliver partially through ethical instinct and ethical idea; above is hidden the eternal Good which exceeds our partial and fragmentary ethical conceptions.” Social and Political Thought

good ::: Sri Aurobindo: "Below [the ethical] hides that secret of good in all things which the human being approaches and tries to deliver partially through ethical instinct and ethical idea; above is hidden the eternal Good which exceeds our partial and fragmentary ethical conceptions.” *Social and Political Thought

"He the Eternal"s delegate soul in man.” Savitri 10. 3.

“He the Eternal’s delegate soul in man.” Savitri 10. 3.

"Here we live in an organisation of mortal consciousness which takes the form of a transient world; there we are liberated into the harmonies of an infinite self-seeing which knows all world in the light of the eternal and immortal. The Beyond is our reality; that is our plenitude; that is the absolute satisfaction of our self-existence. It is immortality and it is ‘That Delight".” The Upanishads *beyond

“Here we live in an organisation of mortal consciousness which takes the form of a transient world; there we are liberated into the harmonies of an infinite self-seeing which knows all world in the light of the eternal and immortal. The Beyond is our reality; that is our plenitude; that is the absolute satisfaction of our self-existence. It is immortality and it is ‘That Delight’.” The Upanishads

  “He was a natural clairvoyant of most wonderful powers. With no education or acquaintance with science he wrote works which are now proved to be full of scientific truths; but then, as he says himself, what he wrote upon, he ‘saw it as in a great Deep in the Eternal.’ He had ‘a thorough view of the universe, as in a chaos,’ which yet ‘opened itself in him, from time to time, as in a young plant.’ He was a thorough born Mystic, and evidently of a constitution which is most rare; one of those fine natures whose material envelope impedes in no way the direct, even if only occasional, intercommunion between the intellectual and the spiritual Ego. It is this Ego which Jacob Boehme, like so many other untrained mystics, mistook for God; ‘Man must acknowledge,’ he writes, ‘that his knowledge is not his own, but from God, who manifests the Ideas of Wisdom to the Soul of Man, in what measure he pleases.’ Had this great Theosophist mastered Eastern Occultism he might have expressed it otherwise. He would have known then that the ‘god’ who spoke through his poor uncultured and untrained brain, was his own divine Ego, the omniscient Deity within himself, and that what that Deity gave out was not in ‘what measure he pleased,’ but in the measure of the capacities of the mortal and temporary dwelling IT informed” (TG 60).

Hiranyagarbha (Sanskrit) Hiraṇyagarbha [from hiraṇya imperishable substance, golden + garbha womb, embryo, fetus, also the interior of anything, hence a temple] Golden egg or womb; the matrix of imperishable substance. “The luminous ‘fire mist’ or ethereal stuff from which the Universe was formed” (TG 142); applied to Brahma, described in the Rig-Veda as born from a golden egg formed out of the seed deposited in the waters when they were produced as the first vikaras of the Self-existent; according to Manu (1:9) this seed became a golden egg, resplendent as the sun, in which the self-existent Brahman while remaining transcendent in its higher parts, evolved into Brahma the Creator, who is therefore regarded as a manifestation of the Self-existent. Having continued a year in the egg, Brahma divided it into two parts by his mere thought, and with these two he formed the heavens and the earth; and in the middle he placed the sky, the eight regions, and the eternal abode of the waters.

Hsi ch'ang: Practicing the Eternal; i.e., "seeing what is small," "preserving one's weakness," "employing the light," and "reverting to enlightenment to avoid disaster to life." (Lao Tzu.) -- W.T.C.

  "Human speech is only a secondary expression and at its highest a shadow of the divine Word, of the seed-sounds, the satisfying rhythms, the revealing forms of sound that are the omniscient and omnipotent speech of the eternal Thinker, Harmonist, Creator. The highest inspired speech to which the human mind can attain, the word most unanalysably expressive of supreme truth, the most puissant syllable or mantra can only be its far-off representation.” The Upanishads

“Human speech is only a secondary expression and at its highest a shadow of the divine Word, of the seed-sounds, the satisfying rhythms, the revealing forms of sound that are the omniscient and omnipotent speech of the eternal Thinker, Harmonist, Creator. The highest inspired speech to which the human mind can attain, the word most unanalysably expressive of supreme truth, the most puissant syllable or mantra can only be its far-off representation.” The Upanishads

Ideal ::: The Ideal is an eternal Reality which we have not yet realised in the conditions of our own being, not a non-existent which the Eternal and Divine has not yet grasped and only we imperfect beings have glimpsed and mean to create.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 21-22, Page: 173

Identity-philosophy: In general the term has been applied to any theory which failed to distinguish between spirit and matter, subject and object, regarding them as an undifferentiated unity; hence such a philosophy is a species of monism. In the history of philosophy it usually signifies the system which has been called Identitätsphilosophie by Friedrich Wilhelm Schelling who held that spirit and nature are fundamentally the same, namely, the Absolute. Neither the ego nor the non-ego are the ultimate principles of being; they are both relative concepts which are contained in something absolute. This is the supreme principle of Absolute Identity of the ideal and the real. Reasoning does not lead us to the Absolute which can only be attained by immediate intellectual intuition. In it we find the eternal concepts of things and from it we can derive everything else. We are obliged to conceive the Absolute Identity as the indifference of the ideal and the real. Of course, this is God in Whom all opposites are united. He is the unity of thought and being, the subjective and the objective, form and essence, the general and infinite, and the particular and finite. This teaching is similar to that of Spinoza. -- J.J.R.

"I have started writing about doubt, but even in doing so I am afflicted by the ‘doubt" whether any amount of writing or of anything else can ever persuade the eternal doubt in man which is the penalty of his native ignorance. In the first place, to write adequately would mean anything from 60 to 600 pages, but not even 6000 convincing pages would convince doubt. For doubt exists for its own sake; its very function is to doubt always and, even when convinced, to go on doubting still; it is only to persuade its entertainer to give it board and lodging that it pretends to be an honest truth-seeker. This is a lesson I have learnt from the experience both of my own mind and of the minds of others; the only way to get rid of doubt is to take discrimination as one"s detector of truth and falsehood and under its guard to open the door freely and courageously to experience.” Letters on Yoga

I have started writing about doubt, but even in doing so I am afflicted by the ‘doubt’ whether any amount of writing or of anything else can ever persuade the eternal doubt in man which is the penalty of his native ignorance. In the first place, to write adequately would mean anything from 60 to 600 pages, but not even 6000 convincing pages would convince doubt. For doubt exists for its own sake; its very function is to doubt always and, even when convinced, to go on doubting still; it is only to persuade its entertainer to give it board and lodging that it pretends to be an honest truth-seeker. This is a lesson I have learnt from the experience both of my own mind and of the minds of others; the only way to get rid of doubt is to take discrimination as one’s detector of truth and falsehood and under its guard to open the door freely and courageously to experience.” Letters on Yoga

inconscience ::: Sri Aurobindo: "The Inconscience is an inverse reproduction of the supreme superconscience: it has the same absoluteness of being and automatic action, but in a vast involved trance; it is being lost in itself, plunged in its own abyss of infinity.” *The Life Divine

   "All aspects of the omnipresent Reality have their fundamental truth in the Supreme Existence. Thus even the aspect or power of Inconscience, which seems to be an opposite, a negation of the eternal Reality, yet corresponds to a Truth held in itself by the self-aware and all-conscious Infinite. It is, when we look closely at it, the Infinite"s power of plunging the consciousness into a trance of self-involution, a self-oblivion of the Spirit veiled in its own abysses where nothing is manifest but all inconceivably is and can emerge from that ineffable latency. In the heights of Spirit this state of cosmic or infinite trance-sleep appears to our cognition as a luminous uttermost Superconscience: at the other end of being it offers itself to cognition as the Spirit"s potency of presenting to itself the opposites of its own truths of being, — an abyss of non-existence, a profound Night of inconscience, a fathomless swoon of insensibility from which yet all forms of being, consciousness and delight of existence can manifest themselves, — but they appear in limited terms, in slowly emerging and increasing self-formulations, even in contrary terms of themselves; it is the play of a secret all-being, all-delight, all-knowledge, but it observes the rules of its own self-oblivion, self-opposition, self-limitation until it is ready to surpass it. This is the Inconscience and Ignorance that we see at work in the material universe. It is not a denial, it is one term, one formula of the infinite and eternal Existence.” *The Life Divine

"Once consciousnesses separated from the one consciousness, they fell inevitably into Ignorance and the last result of Ignorance was Inconscience.” Letters on Yoga


inconscient ::: Sri Aurobindo: "The Inconscient and the Ignorance may be mere empty abstractions and can be dismissed as irrelevant jargon if one has not come in collision with them or plunged into their dark and bottomless reality. But to me they are realities, concrete powers whose resistance is present everywhere and at all times in its tremendous and boundless mass.” *Letters on Savitri

". . . in its actual cosmic manifestation the Supreme, being the Infinite and not bound by any limitation, can manifest in Itself, in its consciousness of innumerable possibilities, something that seems to be the opposite of itself, something in which there can be Darkness, Inconscience, Inertia, Insensibility, Disharmony and Disintegration. It is this that we see at the basis of the material world and speak of nowadays as the Inconscient — the Inconscient Ocean of the Rigveda in which the One was hidden and arose in the form of this universe — or, as it is sometimes called, the non-being, Asat.” Letters on Yoga

"The Inconscient itself is only an involved state of consciousness which like the Tao or Shunya, though in a different way, contains all things suppressed within it so that under a pressure from above or within all can evolve out of it — ‘an inert Soul with a somnambulist Force".” Letters on Yoga

"The Inconscient is the last resort of the Ignorance.” Letters on Yoga

"The body, we have said, is a creation of the Inconscient and itself inconscient or at least subconscient in parts of itself and much of its hidden action; but what we call the Inconscient is an appearance, a dwelling place, an instrument of a secret Consciousness or a Superconscient which has created the miracle we call the universe.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga :::

"The Inconscient is a sleep or a prison, the conscient a round of strivings without ultimate issue or the wanderings of a dream: we must wake into the superconscious where all darkness of night and half-lights cease in the self-luminous bliss of the Eternal.” The Life Divine

"Men have not learnt yet to recognise the Inconscient on which the whole material world they see is built, or the Ignorance of which their whole nature including their knowledge is built; they think that these words are only abstract metaphysical jargon flung about by the philosophers in their clouds or laboured out in long and wearisome books like The Life Divine. Letters on Savitri :::

   "Is it really a fact that even the ordinary reader would not be able to see any difference between the Inconscient and Ignorance unless the difference is expressly explained to him? This is not a matter of philosophical terminology but of common sense and the understood meaning of English words. One would say ‘even the inconscient stone" but one would not say, as one might of a child, ‘the ignorant stone". One must first be conscious before one can be ignorant. What is true is that the ordinary reader might not be familiar with the philosophical content of the word Inconscient and might not be familiar with the Vedantic idea of the Ignorance as the power behind the manifested world. But I don"t see how I can acquaint him with these things in a single line, even with the most. illuminating image or symbol. He might wonder, if he were Johnsonianly minded, how an Inconscient could be teased or how it could wake Ignorance. I am afraid, in the absence of a miracle of inspired poetical exegesis flashing through my mind, he will have to be left wondering.” Letters on Savitri

  **inconscient, Inconscient"s.**

"In every particle, atom, molecule, cell of Matter there lives hidden and works unknown all the omniscience of the Eternal and all the omnipotence of the Infinite.” Essays Divine and Human*

“In every particle, atom, molecule, cell of Matter there lives hidden and works unknown all the omniscience of the Eternal and all the omnipotence of the Infinite.” Essays Divine and Human

"In its fundamental truth the original status of Time behind all its variations is nothing else than the eternity of the Eternal, just as the fundamental truth of Space, the original sense of its reality, is the infinity of the Infinite.” The Life Divine

“In its fundamental truth the original status of Time behind all its variations is nothing else than the eternity of the Eternal, just as the fundamental truth of Space, the original sense of its reality, is the infinity of the Infinite.” The Life Divine

In Persian legend, the serpent appeared in Airyanem Vaejo and by his venom transformed the beautiful, eternal spring into winter, generating disease and death. Interpreting this geologically and astronomically, “every occultist knows that the Serpent alluded to is the north pole, as also the pole of the heavens. The latter produces the seasons according to the angle at which it penetrates the centre of this earth. The two axes were no more parallel; hence the eternal spring of Airyana-Vaego by the good river Daitya had disappeared, and ‘the Aryan magi had to emigrate to Sagdiani’ — say exoteric accounts. But the esoteric teaching states that the pole had passed through the equator, and that the ‘land of bliss’ of the Fourth Race, its inheritance from the Third, had now become the region of desolation and woe. This alone ought to be an incontrovertible proof of the great antiquity of the Zoroastrian Scriptures” (SD 2:356).

In relation to men, the lotus is the symbol of the self-producing soul which, during manifestation immersed in material life as the lotus seed is embedded in the mud of lake or pond, is wakened by the warm rays of the spiritual sun, and grows upward through the world of illusion (symbolized by water) to blossom in the free air and sunlight of truth. Cosmically the lotus symbolizes the emanation of the objective from the subjective, the manifested effect or production of the eternal plan on which the invisible worlds are built by the formative logoi. This lies buried, until the time for its svabhava or production comes, in the bosom of eternal ideation — as the lotus plant of visible nature exists in miniature in the seed.

INTEGRAL YOGA ::: This yoga accepts the value of cosmic existence and holds it to be a reality; its object is to enter into a higher Truth-Consciousness or Divine Supramental Consciousness in which action and creation are the expression not of ignorance and imperfection, but of the Truth, the Light, the Divine Ānanda. But for that, the surrender of the mortal mind, life and body to the Higher Consciousnessis indispensable, since it is too difficult for the mortal human being to pass by its own effort beyond mind to a Supramental Consciousness in which the dynamism is no longer mental but of quite another power. Only those who can accept the call to such a change should enter into this yoga.

Aim of the Integral Yoga ::: It is not merely to rise out of the ordinary ignorant world-consciousness into the divine consciousness, but to bring the supramental power of that divine consciousness down into the ignorance of mind, life and body, to transform them, to manifest the Divine here and create a divine life in Matter.

Conditions of the Integral Yoga ::: This yoga can only be done to the end by those who are in total earnest about it and ready to abolish their little human ego and its demands in order to find themselves in the Divine. It cannot be done in a spirit of levity or laxity; the work is too high and difficult, the adverse powers in the lower Nature too ready to take advantage of the least sanction or the smallest opening, the aspiration and tapasyā needed too constant and intense.

Method in the Integral Yoga ::: To concentrate, preferably in the heart and call the presence and power of the Mother to take up the being and by the workings of her force transform the consciousness. One can concentrate also in the head or between the eye-brows, but for many this is a too difficult opening. When the mind falls quiet and the concentration becomes strong and the aspiration intense, then there is the beginning of experience. The more the faith, the more rapid the result is likely to be. For the rest one must not depend on one’s own efforts only, but succeed in establishing a contact with the Divine and a receptivity to the Mother’s Power and Presence.

Integral method ::: The method we have to pursue is to put our whole conscious being into relation and contact with the Divine and to call Him in to transform Our entire being into His, so that in a sense God Himself, the real Person in us, becomes the sādhaka of the sādhana* as well as the Master of the Yoga by whom the lower personality is used as the centre of a divine transfiguration and the instrument of its own perfection. In effect, the pressure of the Tapas, the force of consciousness in us dwelling in the Idea of the divine Nature upon that which we are in our entirety, produces its own realisation. The divine and all-knowing and all-effecting descends upon the limited and obscure, progressively illumines and energises the whole lower nature and substitutes its own action for all the terms of the inferior human light and mortal activity.

In psychological fact this method translates itself into the progressive surrender of the ego with its whole field and all its apparatus to the Beyond-ego with its vast and incalculable but always inevitable workings. Certainly, this is no short cut or easy sādhana. It requires a colossal faith, an absolute courage and above all an unflinching patience. For it implies three stages of which only the last can be wholly blissful or rapid, - the attempt of the ego to enter into contact with the Divine, the wide, full and therefore laborious preparation of the whole lower Nature by the divine working to receive and become the higher Nature, and the eventual transformation. In fact, however, the divine strength, often unobserved and behind the veil, substitutes itself for the weakness and supports us through all our failings of faith, courage and patience. It” makes the blind to see and the lame to stride over the hills.” The intellect becomes aware of a Law that beneficently insists and a Succour that upholds; the heart speaks of a Master of all things and Friend of man or a universal Mother who upholds through all stumblings. Therefore this path is at once the most difficult imaginable and yet in comparison with the magnitude of its effort and object, the most easy and sure of all.

There are three outstanding features of this action of the higher when it works integrally on the lower nature. In the first place, it does not act according to a fixed system and succession as in the specialised methods of Yoga, but with a sort of free, scattered and yet gradually intensive and purposeful working determined by the temperament of the individual in whom it operates, the helpful materials which his nature offers and the obstacles which it presents to purification and perfection. In a sense, therefore, each man in this path has his own method of Yoga. Yet are there certain broad lines of working common to all which enable us to construct not indeed a routine system, but yet some kind of Shastra or scientific method of the synthetic Yoga.

Secondly, the process, being integral, accepts our nature such as it stands organised by our past evolution and without rejecting anything essential compels all to undergo a divine change. Everything in us is seized by the hands of a mighty Artificer and transformed into a clear image of that which it now seeks confusedly to present. In that ever-progressive experience we begin to perceive how this lower manifestation is constituted and that everything in it, however seemingly deformed or petty or vile, is the more or less distorted or imperfect figure of some elements or action in the harmony of the divine Nature. We begin to understand what the Vedic Rishis meant when they spoke of the human forefathers fashioning the gods as a smith forges the crude material in his smithy.

Thirdly, the divine Power in us uses all life as the means of this integral Yoga. Every experience and outer contact with our world-environment, however trifling or however disastrous, is used for the work, and every inner experience, even to the most repellent suffering or the most humiliating fall, becomes a step on the path to perfection. And we recognise in ourselves with opened eyes the method of God in the world, His purpose of light in the obscure, of might in the weak and fallen, of delight in what is grievous and miserable. We see the divine method to be the same in the lower and in the higher working; only in the one it is pursued tardily and obscurely through the subconscious in Nature, in the other it becomes swift and selfconscious and the instrument confesses the hand of the Master. All life is a Yoga of Nature seeking to manifest God within itself. Yoga marks the stage at which this effort becomes capable of self-awareness and therefore of right completion in the individual. It is a gathering up and concentration of the movements dispersed and loosely combined in the lower evolution.

Key-methods ::: The way to devotion and surrender. It is the psychic movement that brings the constant and pure devotion and the removal of the ego that makes it possible to surrender.

The way to knowledge. Meditation in the head by which there comes the opening above, the quietude or silence of the mind and the descent of peace etc. of the higher consciousness generally till it envelops the being and fills the body and begins to take up all the movements.
Yoga by works ::: Separation of the Purusha from the Prakriti, the inner silent being from the outer active one, so that one has two consciousnesses or a double consciousness, one behind watching and observing and finally controlling and changing the other which is active in front. The other way of beginning the yoga of works is by doing them for the Divine, for the Mother, and not for oneself, consecrating and dedicating them till one concretely feels the Divine Force taking up the activities and doing them for one.

Object of the Integral Yoga is to enter into and be possessed by the Divine Presence and Consciousness, to love the Divine for the Divine’s sake alone, to be tuned in our nature into the nature of the Divine, and in our will and works and life to be the instrument of the Divine.

Principle of the Integral Yoga ::: The whole principle of Integral Yoga is to give oneself entirely to the Divine alone and to nobody else, and to bring down into ourselves by union with the Divine Mother all the transcendent light, power, wideness, peace, purity, truth-consciousness and Ānanda of the Supramental Divine.

Central purpose of the Integral Yoga ::: Transformation of our superficial, narrow and fragmentary human way of thinking, seeing, feeling and being into a deep and wide spiritual consciousness and an integrated inner and outer existence and of our ordinary human living into the divine way of life.

Fundamental realisations of the Integral Yoga ::: The psychic change so that a complete devotion can be the main motive of the heart and the ruler of thought, life and action in constant union with the Mother and in her Presence. The descent of the Peace, Power, Light etc. of the Higher Consciousness through the head and heart into the whole being, occupying the very cells of the body. The perception of the One and Divine infinitely everywhere, the Mother everywhere and living in that infinite consciousness.

Results ::: First, an integral realisation of Divine Being; not only a realisation of the One in its indistinguishable unity, but also in its multitude of aspects which are also necessary to the complete knowledge of it by the relative consciousness; not only realisation of unity in the Self, but of unity in the infinite diversity of activities, worlds and creatures.

Therefore, also, an integral liberation. Not only the freedom born of unbroken contact of the individual being in all its parts with the Divine, sāyujya mukti, by which it becomes free even in its separation, even in the duality; not only the sālokya mukti by which the whole conscious existence dwells in the same status of being as the Divine, in the state of Sachchidananda ; but also the acquisition of the divine nature by the transformation of this lower being into the human image of the divine, sādharmya mukti, and the complete and final release of all, the liberation of the consciousness from the transitory mould of the ego and its unification with the One Being, universal both in the world and the individual and transcendentally one both in the world and beyond all universe.

By this integral realisation and liberation, the perfect harmony of the results of Knowledge, Love and Works. For there is attained the complete release from ego and identification in being with the One in all and beyond all. But since the attaining consciousness is not limited by its attainment, we win also the unity in Beatitude and the harmonised diversity in Love, so that all relations of the play remain possible to us even while we retain on the heights of our being the eternal oneness with the Beloved. And by a similar wideness, being capable of a freedom in spirit that embraces life and does not depend upon withdrawal from life, we are able to become without egoism, bondage or reaction the channel in our mind and body for a divine action poured out freely upon the world.

The divine existence is of the nature not only of freedom, but of purity, beatitude and perfection. In integral purity which shall enable on the one hand the perfect reflection of the divine Being in ourselves and on the other the perfect outpouring of its Truth and Law in us in the terms of life and through the right functioning of the complex instrument we are in our outer parts, is the condition of an integral liberty. Its result is an integral beatitude, in which there becomes possible at once the Ānanda of all that is in the world seen as symbols of the Divine and the Ānanda of that which is not-world. And it prepares the integral perfection of our humanity as a type of the Divine in the conditions of the human manifestation, a perfection founded on a certain free universality of being, of love and joy, of play of knowledge and of play of will in power and will in unegoistic action. This integrality also can be attained by the integral Yoga.

Sādhanā of the Integral Yoga does not proceed through any set mental teaching or prescribed forms of meditation, mantras or others, but by aspiration, by a self-concentration inwards or upwards, by a self-opening to an Influence, to the Divine Power above us and its workings, to the Divine Presence in the heart and by the rejection of all that is foreign to these things. It is only by faith, aspiration and surrender that this self-opening can come.

The yoga does not proceed by upadeśa but by inner influence.

Integral Yoga and Gita ::: The Gita’s Yoga consists in the offering of one’s work as a sacrifice to the Divine, the conquest of desire, egoless and desireless action, bhakti for the Divine, an entering into the cosmic consciousness, the sense of unity with all creatures, oneness with the Divine. This yoga adds the bringing down of the supramental Light and Force (its ultimate aim) and the transformation of the nature.

Our yoga is not identical with the yoga of the Gita although it contains all that is essential in the Gita’s yoga. In our yoga we begin with the idea, the will, the aspiration of the complete surrender; but at the same time we have to reject the lower nature, deliver our consciousness from it, deliver the self involved in the lower nature by the self rising to freedom in the higher nature. If we do not do this double movement, we are in danger of making a tamasic and therefore unreal surrender, making no effort, no tapas and therefore no progress ; or else we make a rajasic surrender not to the Divine but to some self-made false idea or image of the Divine which masks our rajasic ego or something still worse.

Integral Yoga, Gita and Tantra ::: The Gita follows the Vedantic tradition which leans entirely on the Ishvara aspect of the Divine and speaks little of the Divine Mother because its object is to draw back from world-nature and arrive at the supreme realisation beyond it.

The Tantric tradition leans on the Shakti or Ishvari aspect and makes all depend on the Divine Mother because its object is to possess and dominate the world-nature and arrive at the supreme realisation through it.

This yoga insists on both the aspects; the surrender to the Divine Mother is essential, for without it there is no fulfilment of the object of the yoga.

Integral Yoga and Hatha-Raja Yogas ::: For an integral yoga the special methods of Rajayoga and Hathayoga may be useful at times in certain stages of the progress, but are not indispensable. Their principal aims must be included in the integrality of the yoga; but they can be brought about by other means. For the methods of the integral yoga must be mainly spiritual, and dependence on physical methods or fixed psychic or psychophysical processes on a large scale would be the substitution of a lower for a higher action. Integral Yoga and Kundalini Yoga: There is a feeling of waves surging up, mounting to the head, which brings an outer unconsciousness and an inner waking. It is the ascending of the lower consciousness in the ādhāra to meet the greater consciousness above. It is a movement analogous to that on which so much stress is laid in the Tantric process, the awakening of the Kundalini, the Energy coiled up and latent in the body and its mounting through the spinal cord and the centres (cakras) and the Brahmarandhra to meet the Divine above. In our yoga it is not a specialised process, but a spontaneous upnish of the whole lower consciousness sometimes in currents or waves, sometimes in a less concrete motion, and on the other side a descent of the Divine Consciousness and its Force into the body.

Integral Yoga and other Yogas ::: The old yogas reach Sachchidananda through the spiritualised mind and depart into the eternally static oneness of Sachchidananda or rather pure Sat (Existence), absolute and eternal or else a pure Non-exist- ence, absolute and eternal. Ours having realised Sachchidananda in the spiritualised mind plane proceeds to realise it in the Supramcntal plane.

The suprcfhe supra-cosmic Sachchidananda is above all. Supermind may be described as its power of self-awareness and W’orld- awareness, the world being known as within itself and not out- side. So to live consciously in the supreme Sachchidananda one must pass through the Supermind.

Distinction ::: The realisation of Self and of the Cosmic being (without which the realisation of the Self is incomplete) are essential steps in our yoga ; it is the end of other yogas, but it is, as it were, the beginning of outs, that is to say, the point where its own characteristic realisation can commence.

It is new as compared with the old yogas (1) Because it aims not at a departure out of world and life into Heaven and Nir- vana, but at a change of life and existence, not as something subordinate or incidental, but as a distinct and central object.

If there is a descent in other yogas, yet it is only an incident on the way or resulting from the ascent — the ascent is the real thing. Here the ascent is the first step, but it is a means for the descent. It is the descent of the new coosdousness attain- ed by the ascent that is the stamp and seal of the sadhana. Even the Tantra and Vaishnavism end in the release from life ; here the object is the divine fulfilment of life.

(2) Because the object sought after is not an individual achievement of divine realisation for the sake of the individual, but something to be gained for the earth-consciousness here, a cosmic, not solely a supra-cosmic acbievement. The thing to be gained also is the bringing of a Power of consciousness (the Supramental) not yet organised or active directly in earth-nature, even in the spiritual life, but yet to be organised and made directly active.

(3) Because a method has been preconized for achieving this purpose which is as total and integral as the aim set before it, viz., the total and integral change of the consciousness and nature, taking up old methods, but only as a part action and present aid to others that are distinctive.

Integral Yoga and Patanjali Yoga ::: Cilia is the stuff of mixed mental-vital-physical consciousness out of which arise the movements of thought, emotion, sensation, impulse etc.

It is these that in the Patanjali system have to be stilled altogether so that the consciousness may be immobile and go into Samadhi.

Our yoga has a different function. The movements of the ordinary consciousness have to be quieted and into the quietude there has to be brought down a higher consciousness and its powers which will transform the nature.

". . . in the Avatar there is the special manifestation, the divine birth from above, the eternal and universal Godhead descended into a form of individual humanity, âtmânam srjâmi, and conscious not only behind the veil but in the outward nature.” Essays on the Gita

“… in the Avatar there is the special manifestation, the divine birth from above, the eternal and universal Godhead descended into a form of individual humanity, âtmânam srjâmi, and conscious not only behind the veil but in the outward nature.” Essays on the Gita

“… in the Avatar there is the special manifestation, the divine birth from above, the eternal and universal Godhead descended into a form of individual humanity, âtmânamsrjâmi, and conscious not only behind the veil but in the outward nature.” Essays on the Gita

In the Ethics these basic principles are applied to the solution of the question of human good. The good for man is an actualization, or active exercise, of those faculties distinctive of man, that is the faculties of the rational, as distinct from the vegetative and sensitive souls. But human excellence thus defined shows itself in two forms, In the habitual subordination of sensitive and appetitive tendencies to rational rule and principle, and in the exercise of reason in the search for and contemplation of truth. The former type of excellence is expressed in the moral virtues, the latter in the dianoetic or intellectual virtues. A memorable feature of Aristotle's treatment of the moral virtues is his theory that each of them may be regarded as a mean between excess and defect; courage, for example, is a mean between cowardice and rashness, liberality a mean between stinginess and prodigality. In the Politics Aristotle sets forth the importance of the political community as the source and sustainer of the typically human life. But for Aristotle the highest good for man is found not in the political life, nor in any other form of practical activity, but in theoretical inquiry and contemplation of truth. This alone brings complete and continuous happiness, because it is the activity of the highest part of man's complex nature, and of that part which is least dependent upon externals, viz. the intuitive reason, or nous. In the contemplation of the first principles of knowledge and being man participates in that activity of pure thought which constitutes the eternal perfection of the divine nature.

In the Mahabharata (Adi-parvan, ch 66) Airavata guards the eastern zone. Four such “elephants” (sometimes eight, each with its sakti or feminine potency) uphold the structure of the earth. The mighty four-tusked Airavata, therefore, represents one of the lokapalas (world protectors) — called by Buddhists maharajas (great kings) — which are the guardians and supporters of the universe. They are also mystically connected with the lipikas, the eternal karmic scribes. In the Bhagavad-Gita (10:2, 7) Krishna, in naming his divine manifestations, says that among elephants he is Airavata.

  “In the popular belief, semi-divine beings, shades of saints, inconsumable by fire, impervious to water, who dwell in Tapo-loka with the hope of being translated into Satya-loka — a more purified state which answers to Nirvana. The term is explained as the aerial bodies or astral shades of ‘ascetics, mendicants, anchorites, and penitents, who have completed their course of rigorous austerities.’ [Vishnu-Purana, Wilson, 2:229] Now in esoteric philosophy they are called Nirmanakayas, Tapo-loka being on the sixth plane (upward) but in direct communication with the mental plane. The Vairajas are referred to as the first gods because the Manasaputras and the Kumaras are the oldest in theogony, as it is said that even the gods worshipped them (Matsya Purana); those whom Brahma ‘with the eye of Yoga beheld in the eternal spheres, and who are the gods of gods’ (Vayu Purana)” (TG 358).

In the Vedas, where neither Brahma nor Siva is known under these names, the trinity usually consists of Agni (fire), Vayu (air), and Surya (sun), the originants of the terrestrial, atmospheric, and heavenly fire respectively. The Padma-Purana states that in the beginning the great Vishnu desiring to produce the whole world, became threefold, in himself the creator, preserver, and destroyer. In order to produce the world, the supreme spirit emanated from the right side of his body, himself, as Brahma; then, to preserve the universe, he produced from the left side of his body, Vishnu; and to destroy the world he produced from the middle of his body the eternal Siva.

  In the Veda, the All-pervading Godhead, the Eternal Personality of Consciousness, the wide-moving One, that which has gone abroad triply extending himself as Seer, Thinker, and Former in the superconscient Bliss.

"Ishwara is Brahman the Reality, Self, Spirit, revealed as possessor, enjoyer of his own self-existence, creator of the universe and one with it, Pantheos, and yet superior to it, the Eternal, the Infinite, the Ineffable, the Divine Transcendence.” The Life Divine

“Ishwara is Brahman the Reality, Self, Spirit, revealed as possessor, enjoyer of his own self-existence, creator of the universe and one with it, Pantheos, and yet superior to it, the Eternal, the Infinite, the Ineffable, the Divine Transcendence.” The Life Divine

Ishwara is supracosmic as well as intracosmic; He is that which exceeds and inhabits and supports all individuality; He is the supreme and universal Brahman, the Absolute, the supreme Self, the supreme Purusha.8 But, very clearly, this is not the personal God of popular religions, a being limited by his qualities, individual and separate from all others; for all such personal gods are only limited representations or names and divine personalities of the one Ishwara. Neither is this the Saguna Brahman active and possessed of qualities, for that is only one side of the being of the Ishwara; the Nirguna immobile and without qualities is another aspect of His existence. Ishwara is Brahman the Reality, Self, Spirit, revealed as possessor, enjoyer of his own self-existence, creator of the universe and one with it, Pantheos, and yet superior to it, the Eternal, the Infinite, the Ineffable, the Divine Transcendence.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 21-22, Page: 366-367

isvaribhava (ishwaribhava; iswaribhava; ishwari bhava) ::: the temisvaribhava perament of the ruling Goddess; "the supreme sense of the masteries of the eternal Ishwari", sometimes mentioned instead of isvarabhava as a general quality of daivi prakr.ti.

“It is this essential indeterminability of the Absolute that translates itself into our consciousness through the fundamental negating positives of our spiritual experience, the immobile immutable Self, the Nirguna Brahman, the Eternal without qualities, the pure featureless One Existence, the Impersonal, the Silence void of activities, the Non-being, the Ineffable and the Unknowable. On the other side it is the essence and source of all determinations, and this dynamic essentiality manifests to us through the fundamental affirming positives in which the Absolute equally meets us; for it is the Self that becomes all things, the Saguna Brahman, the Eternal with infinite qualities, the One who is the Many, the infinite Person who is the source and foundation of all persons and personalities, the Lord of creation, the Word, the Master of all works and action; it is that which being known all is known: these affirmatives correspond to those negatives. For it is not possible in a supramental cognition to split asunder the two sides of the One Existence,—even to speak of them as sides is excessive, for they are in each other, their co-existence or one-existence is eternal and their powers sustaining each other found the self-manifestation of the Infinite.” The Life Divine

Jhumur: “Matter is the rock but it is also the home in which the Eternal has housed himself, so there is a spiritual context as well because in matter there is the Eternal.”

Jivatman, soul, psychic being ::: The Jivatma or spirit is self- existent above the manifested or instrumental being ; It is supe- rior to birth and death, always the same, the individual Self or Atman. It is the eternal true being of the individual.

Just as the Advaita teaches that essentially there is an absolute reality, and that all things issue forth from the incomprehensible womb of cosmic life — which therefore is the only abstract as well as substantial reality of all beings — so the Dvaita teaches the opposite: that while all beneath the abstract reality issue forth from it, they do so rather as creations than as essences, parts, or portions of the eternal reality. The Visishtavaita school straddles these philosophical views, asserting with the Advaita that all are at one in essence, yet holding that the distinctions during manifestation between the eternal reality and all its offspring are relatively real. This stand is little favored by either of the other schools.

kingdom ::: 1. A territory, state, people, or community ruled or reigned over by a king or queen. 2. Fig. The eternal spiritual sovereignty of God; the realm of this sovereignty. 3. A realm or sphere in which one thing is dominant or supreme. 4. Anything conceived as constituting a realm or sphere of independent action or control. 5. A realm or province of nature, especially one of the three broad divisions of natural objects: the animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms. 6. Rarely, in reference to the realm and rule of evil forces. kingdom"s, kingdoms.

Krishna ::: “Krishna is the Eternal’s Personality of Ananda; because [of] him all creation is possible, because of his play, because of his delight, because of his sweetness.” Essays Divine and Human

KRISHNA. ::: The Eternal's Personality of Ananda ; because of him all creation is possible, because of his play, because of hjs delight, because of his sweetness.

kutastha nitya. ::: the Eternal; without undergoing change; the changelessly permanent Self

Land of the Eternal Sun From immemorial time mystics and occult philosophers have consistently taught of the existence of a land where the sunshine is perpetual, the abode of the gods whose particular function it is to oversee the destinies, not only of mankind, but of other hierarchical groups occupying the earth. Any attempt to fix a geographical locality as this land of the eternal sun has never been successful, for it is no geographical locality, but a region mystically said to be at the top of Mount Meru or the north pole of the earth.

leading the souls of the faithful “into the eternal

Legal Philosophy: Deals with the philosophic principles of law and justice. The origin is to be found in ancient philosophy. The Greek Sophists criticized existing laws and customs by questioning their validity: All human rules are artificial, created by enactment or convention, as opposed to natural law, based on nature. The theory of a law of nature was further developed by Aristotle and the Stoics. According to the Stoics the natural law is based upon the eternal law of the universe; this itself is an outgrowth of universal reason, as man's mind is an offshoot of the latter. The idea of a law of nature as being innate in man was particularly stressed and popularized by Cicero who identified it with "right reason" and already contrasted it with written law that might be unjust or even tyrannical. Through Saint Augustine these ideas were transmitted to medieval philosophy and by Thomas Aquinas built into his philosophical system. Thomas considers the eternal law the reason existing in the divine mind and controlling the universe. Natural law, innate in man participates in that eternal law. A new impetus was given to Legal Philosophy by the Renaissance. Natural Jurisprudence, properly so-called, originated in the XVII. century. Hugo Grotius, Thomas Hobbes, Benedictus Spinoza, John Locke, Samuel Pufendorf were the most important representatives of that line of thought. Grotius, continuing the Scholastic tradition, particularly stressed the absoluteness of natural hw (it would exist even if God did not exist) and, following Jean Bodin, the sovereignty of the people. The idea of the social contract traced all political bodies back to a voluntary compact by which every individual gave up his right to self-government, or rather transferred it to the government, abandoning a state of nature which according to Hobbes must have been a state of perpetual war. The theory of the social compact more and more accepts the character of a "fiction" or of a regulative idea (Kant). In this sense the theory means that we ought to judge acts of government by their correspondence to the general will (Rousseau) and to the interests of the individuals who by transferring their rights to the commonwealth intended to establish their real liberty. Natural law by putting the emphasis on natural rights, takes on a revolutionary character. It played a part in shaping the bills of rights, the constitutions of the American colonies and of the Union, as well as of the French declaration of the rights of men and of citizens. Natural jurisprudence in the teachings of Christian Wolff and Thomasius undergoes a kind of petrification in the vain attempt to outline an elaborate system of natural law not only in the field of international or public law, but also in the detailed regulations of the law of property, of contract, etc. This sort of dogmatic approach towards the problems of law evoked the opposition of the Historic School (Gustav Hugo and Savigny) which stressed the natural growth of laws ind customs, originating from the mysterious "spirit of the people". On the other hand Immanuel Kant tried to overcome the old natural law by the idea of a "law of reason", meaning an a priori element in all existing or positive law. In his definition of law ("the ensemble of conditions according to which everyone's will may coexist with the will of every other in accordance with a general rule of liberty"), however, as in his legal philosophy in general, he still shares the attitude of the natural law doctrine, confusing positive law with the idea of just law. This is also true of Hegel whose panlogism seemed to lead in this very direction. Under the influence of epistemological positivism (Comte, Mill) in the later half of the nineteenth century, legal philosophy, especially in Germany, confined itself to a "general theory of law". Similarily John Austin in England considered philosophy of law concerned only with positive law, "as it necessarily is", not as it ought to be. Its main task was to analyze certain notions which pervade the science of law (Analytical Jurisprudence). In recent times the same tendency to reduce legal philosophy to logical or at least methodological tasks was further developed in attempting a pure science of law (Kelsen, Roguin). Owing to the influence of Darwinism and natural science in general the evolutionist and biological viewpoint was accepted in legal philosophy: comparative jurisprudence, sociology of law, the Freirecht movement in Germany, the study of the living law, "Realism" in American legal philosophy, all represent a tendency against rationalism. On the other hand there is a revival of older tendencies: Hegelianism, natural law -- especially in Catholic philosophy -- and Kantianism (beginning with Rudolf Stammler). From here other trends arose: the critical attitude leads to relativism (f.i. Gustav Radbruch); the antimetaphysical tendency towards positivism -- though different from epistemological positivism -- and to a pure theory of law. Different schools of recent philosophy have found their applications or repercussions in legal philosophy: Phenomenology, for example, tried to intuit the essences of legal institutions, thus coming back to a formalist position, not too far from the real meaning of analytical jurisprudence. Neo-positivism, though so far not yet explicitly applied to legal philosophy, seems to lead in the same direction. -- W.E.

Lipika (Sanskrit) Lipika [from the verbal root lip to write] A scribe; divine beings connected with karma, recorders who impress on the astral light a record of every act and thought, great or small, in the phenomenal universe. The lipika are active cosmic karmic intelligences, the highest class of architects, which lay down from manvantara to manvantara the tracks of karmic evolution to be followed by all evolving entities within the manvantara about to begin; and these tracks are rigidly begun, and their direction controlled, by the endpoint of the paths of karmic achievement in the preceding manvantara. They “project into objectivity from the passive Universal Mind the ideal plan of the universe, upon which the ‘Builders’ reconstruct the Kosmos after every Pralaya, . . . it is they who are the direct amanuenses of the Eternal Ideation — or, as called by Plato, the ‘Divine Thought’ ” (SD 1:104). The lipika thus are in every sense the agents of karmic destiny, for they are both the vehicles of divine ideation in their work, and yet the expressions of karmic law arising in the past and projected on the background of the future. Their intelligence and vitality permeate their particular universe and all the beings in it, so that the lipikas are stamped with whatever takes place.

Lord and Spouse, the eternal

lord and Spouse, the eternal

Madhav: “Aeonic field, a field that has been there, cultivated and trodden across ages and ages, cycles of time, and Aswapathy represents the eternal seeker.” The Book of the Divine Mother

Madhav: “Moment is the sequence of Time. Each moment records what is happening at that point. It relates to the present. The Ray of the Eternal interrupts the movement of Time for a while and lights up things that are not yet manifest. It gives a peep into the future. The Ray of the Eternal is able to do it because the future is already present in the vision of the Eternal.” The Book of the Divine Mother

mahamaya ::: the vast power of "comprehending, measuring, formmahamaya ing Knowledge [maya] . . . in the undivided being" of Aditi; "the Consciousness-Puissance of the Eternal [brahman], timeless and illimitable beyond the universe, but spread out here under a mask of bright and dark opposites for the miracle of the slow manifestation of the Divine in Mind and Life and Matter".

manana. ::: deep contemplation; subtle enquiry; hearing and profound reflection; meditation on the eternal verities; second of the three stages of vedantic realisation

mano brahma ::: Mind as the Eternal [brahman]. [Tait. 3.4]

Mantra: A Sanskrit term meaning an incantation consisting of a sacred formula, usually a quotation from the Vedas. The word has come, especially in occult usage, to mean a spell or charm. In Shaktism and elsewhere, the holy syllables to which, as manifestations of the eternal word or sound, great mystic significance and power is ascribed.

Mantra: (Skr.) Pious thought couched in repeated prayerful utterances, for meditation or charm. Also the poetic portion of the Veda (q.v.). In Shaktism (q.v.) and elsewhere the holy syllables to which as manifestations of the eternal word or sound (cf. iabda, vac, aksara) is ascribed great mystic significance and power. -- K.F.L.

Master ::: “The Master and Mover of our works is the One, the Universal and Supreme, the Eternal and Infinite. He is the transcendent unknown or unknowable Absolute, the unexpressed and unmanifested Ineffable above us; but he is also the Self of all beings, the Master of all worlds, transcending all worlds, the Light and the Guide, the All-Beautiful and All-Blissful, the Beloved and the Lover. He is the Cosmic Spirit and all-creating Energy around us; he is the Immanent within us. All that is is he, and he is the More than all that is, and we ourselves, though we know it not, are being of his being, force of his force, conscious with a consciousness derived from his; even our mortal existence is made out of his substance and there is an immortal within us that is a spark of the Light and Bliss that are for ever. No matter whether by knowledge, works, love or any other means, to become aware of this truth of our being, to realise it, to make it effective here or elsewhere is the object of all Yoga.” The Life Divine

:::   "Maya is the supreme and universal consciousness and force of the Eternal and Infinite and, being by its very nature unbound and illimitable, it can put forth many states of consciousness at a time, many dispositions of its Force, without ceasing to be the same consciousness-force for ever. It is at once transcendental, universal and individual; it is the supreme supracosmic Being that is aware of itself as All-Being, as the Cosmic Self, as the Consciousness-Force of cosmic Nature, and at the same time experiences itself as the individual being and consciousness in all existences.” The Life Divine

“Maya is the supreme and universal consciousness and force of the Eternal and Infinite and, being by its very nature unbound and illimitable, it can put forth many states of consciousness at a time, many dispositions of its Force, without ceasing to be the same consciousness-force for ever. It is at once transcendental, universal and individual; it is the supreme supracosmic Being that is aware of itself as All-Being, as the Cosmic Self, as the Consciousness-Force of cosmic Nature, and at the same time experiences itself as the individual being and consciousness in all existences.” The Life Divine

“Maya is the supreme and universal consciousness and force of the Eternal and Infinite and, being by its very natureunbound and illimitable, it can put forth many states of consciousness at a time, many dispositions of its Force, without ceasing to be the same consciousness-force for ever. It is at once transcendental, universal and individual; it is the supreme supracosmic Being that is aware of itself as All-Being, as the Cosmic Self, as the Consciousness-Force of cosmic Nature, and at the same time experiences itself as the individual being and consciousness in all existences.” The Life Divine

Mystically, although based on geological history, Sveta-dvipa is often called part of the Eternal Land or north pole and the lands immediately surrounding it. The unvarying traditions of a large part of the Orient state that it is the only locality which escapes the fate of most other dvipas: total submersion under the waters of the oceans. All the avataras of Vishnu were said to have come originally from the White Island. It is sometimes called preeminently the home or source of white magicians, and is contrasted with Atala, often called the abode of black magicians.

Narayana (Sanskrit) Nārāyaṇa [from nāra human from nara man + ayana going] The mover on the waters of space; a title of Vishnu in his aspect of the eternal breath or spirit; the highest hierarchies of the dhyanis or gods moving in and on the waters of creation (cf Manu 1:10). Here nara applies to the cosmogonical Logos, and ayana to the emanationary and evolutionary activity of the Logos in the waters of space, which are really the manifested form of Nara or Nara itself. In esoteric symbology Narayana stands for the primeval manifestation of the life principle spreading in infinite space, or again the Isvara, the Logos, the inner guide of all individual souls in the universe.

Neo-Confucianism developed in three phases, namely the Reason school in the Sung period (960-1279), the Mind school in the Ming period (1388-1644) and the Moral-Law school in the Ch-ing period (1644-1911). The central idea of the movement is focused on the Great Ultimate (T'ai Chi) and Reason (li). The Great Ultimate moves and generates the active principle, yang, when its activity reaches its limit, and engenders the passive principle, yin, when it becomes tranquil. The eternal oscillation of yin and yang gives rise to the material universe through their Five Agents of Water, Fire, Wood, Metal and Earth. Thus, reality is a progressively evolved and a well-coordinated system.

neti-neti. ::: "not this, not this"; "it is neither knowledge nor ignorance"; analytical process of progressively negating all names and forms in order to arrive at the eternal underlying Truth &

Night In ancient cosmogonies night is placed before day because these cosmogonies begin with the secondary cosmic creation; and the light which was then created was contrasted with what seemed, relatively, the eternal darkness of primary creation. For manifested light proceeds from absolute light, which by contrast has to be called darkness.

nirguna brahman ::: the Eternal without qualities; the Impersonal Divine.

nitya. ::: eternal; permanent; ever-free; unchanging; the ultimate Reality; the eternal Absolute

nityonityana ::: the Eternal in the transient. [Katha 2.2.13; Svet. 6.13]

Nous: (Gr. nous) Mind, especially the highest part of mind, viz. reason; the faculty of intellectual (as distinct from sensible) apprehension and of intuitive thought. In its restricted sense nous denotes the faculty of apprehending the first principles of science, the forms, and the eternal intelligible substances, and is thus distinguished from discursive thought. In this sense nous is regarded as the essence of the divine being. In man Aristotle distinguishes between the nous pathetikos, or passive reason, and a higher active reason, called by the commentators nous poietikos, which alone is truly divine and eternal, and which is related to the nous pathetikos as form to matter. See Aristotelianism. -- G.RM.

Now A fundamental concept of the theosophical philosophy is the Eternal Now. The past lingers in the memory and the future is ever vanishing from the present into the past: only Now eternally exists. In the case of man, at any given moment he is the result of what he has fashioned himself to be out of all preceding moments; his future will therefore be the working out of his previous thoughts and actions, and one by one these disappear into what to us is the past, and yet is always present. These philosophical reflections apply universally.

Ogdoad [from Greek] The number eight, a group of eight. It symbolizes the eternal, spiral motion of cycles, as is suggested by the form of the numeral 8 which, lying on its side, makes the modern mathematical symbol for infinity. The ogdoad show the regular breathing of the kosmos presided over by the eight great gods — seven from the primeval Mother, the One and the Triad (SD 2:580). A septenate may be made into an ogdoad by counting in either the last of the preceding hierarchy, or the first of the succeeding. If to a group of seven forces be added either the one from which they proceed, or that manifestation in which they eventuate, an ogdoad is produced, as in the case of the eight sons of Aditi, seven plus Martanda (the sun). Eight is the third power of two, and a number pertaining to physical space, and seems correlative to seven, just as four is correlative to three. The eight great gods of the Mediterranean ancients are the seven sacred planets, usually Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun as a substitute for a secret planet, Venus, Mercury, and the Moon as a substitute for another secret planet, with Earth as the eighth. It was not so much the physical celestial bodies which were intended as their respective rectors or planetary spirits. See also EIGHT

One ::: “The Being is one, but this oneness is infinite and contains in itself an infinite plurality or multiplicity of itself: the One is the All; it is not only an essential Existence, but an All-Existence. The infinite multiplicity of the One and the eternal unity of the Many are the two realities or aspects of one reality on which the manifestation is founded.” The Life Divine

paramarthika satya. ::: absolute Reality; the eternal Reality which pervades everything at all times; the permanent state of existence where object and subject have merged together

"Perishable and transitory delight is always the symbol of the eternal Ananda, revealed and rapidly concealed, which seeks by increasing recurrence to attach itself to some typal form of experience in material consciousness. When the particular form has been perfected to express God in the type, its delight will no longer be perishable but an eternally recurrent possession of mental beings in matter manifest in their periods & often in their moments of felicity.” Essays Divine and Human*

“Perishable and transitory delight is always the symbol of the eternal Ananda, revealed and rapidly concealed, which seeks by increasing recurrence to attach itself to some typal form of experience in material consciousness. When the particular form has been perfected to express God in the type, its delight will no longer be perishable but an eternally recurrent possession of mental beings in matter manifest in their periods & often in their moments of felicity.” Essays Divine and Human

Plotinism: The philosophic and religious thought of Plotinus (205-270). His writings were published by Porphyry in six books of nine sections, Enneads, each. All reality consists of a series of emanations, from the One, the eternal source of all being. The first, necessary emanation is that of Nous (mind or intelligence), the second that of Psyche (soul). At the periphery of the universe is found matter. Man belongs partly in the realm of spirit and partly in the sphere of matter.

Predestination The doctrine that God has foreordained everything; specifically, that God has foreordained what people shall be saved and what damned. Reprobation is used in reference to those foreordained to be damned, and election is used for those who are to be saved. Endless sectarian disputes have prevailed as to whether or not the salvation offered by Christ provides a way of escape from the doom of reprobation; and the eternal dilemma as to free will has never ceased to perplex the minds of theologians. How to permit free will to enter into the picture without derogating from the authority of God, how to attribute plenary power to God without destroying free will; how to find a modus vivendi or ingenious sophism by which the contraries may be reconciled — these matters may be found discussed in theological treatises on the subject.

Promised Land Exoterically, the so-called Holy Land of Palestine, which was promised to the Hebrews as the goal of their wanderings. All peoples of the earth cherish the hope of reaching a Promised Land where peace, happiness, and prosperity will once again be the endowment of the human race. Esoterically it is nirvana or the pristine spiritual laya-state from which issued the eternal monad and to which it shall ultimately return. It also refers to the sublime consummation of human evolutionary destiny which will take place at the end of the seventh round on the last globe of our planetary chain; and to the reaching by the neophyte through self-devised efforts and initiation of the full status of mahatmaship or minor dhyan-chohanship even on this earth.

purusam sasvatam divyam ::: the eternal divine purusa. [Gita 10.12]

push media "messaging" A model of media distribution where items of content are sent to the user (viewer, listener, etc.) in a sequence, and at a rate, determined by a {server} to which the user has connected. This contrasts with {pull media} where the user requests each item individually. Push media usually entail some notion of a "channel" which the user selects and which delivers a particular kind of content. Broadcast television is (for the most part) the prototypical example of push media: you turn on the TV set, select a channel and shows and commercials stream out until you turn the set off. By contrast, the {web} is (mostly) the prototypical example of pull media: each "page", each bit of content, comes to the user only if he requests it; put down the keyboard and the mouse, and everything stops. At the time of writing (April 1997), much effort is being put into blurring the line between push media and pull media. Most of this is aimed at bringing more push media to the {Internet}, mainly as a way to disseminate advertising, since telling people about products they didn't know they wanted is very difficult in a strict pull media model. These emergent forms of push media are generally variations on targeted advertising mixed in with bits of useful content. "At home on your computer, the same system will run soothing {screensavers} underneath regular news flashes, all while keeping track, in one corner, of press releases from companies whose stocks you own. With frequent commercial messages, of course." (Wired, March 1997, page 12). {Pointcast (} is probably the best known push system on the Internet at the time of writing. As part of the eternal desire to apply a fun new words to boring old things, "push" is occasionally used to mean nothing more than email {spam}. (1997-04-10)

push media ::: (messaging) A model of media distribution where items of content are sent to the user (viewer, listener, etc.) in a sequence, and at a rate, determined by of a channel which the user selects and which delivers a particular kind of content.Broadcast television is (for the most part) the prototypical example of push media: you turn on the TV set, select a channel and shows and commercials stream out until you turn the set off.By contrast, the World-Wide Web is (mostly) the prototypical example of pull media: each page, each bit of content, comes to the user only if he requests it; put down the keyboard and the mouse, and everything stops.At the time of writing (April 1997), much effort is being put into blurring the line between push media and pull media. Most of this is aimed at bringing more telling people about products they didn't know they wanted is very difficult in a strict pull media model.These emergent forms of push media are generally variations on targeted advertising mixed in with bits of useful content. At home on your computer, the stocks you own. With frequent commercial messages, of course. (Wired, March 1997, page 12). is probably the best known push system on the Internet at the time of writing.As part of the eternal desire to apply a fun new words to boring old things, push is occasionally used to mean nothing more than email spam. (1997-04-10)

rasmayah. (suryasya rashmayah) ::: the rays of sūrya1, beams of the "radiating light-stuff of the consciousness of the eternal Existence", of which "each ray is a truth". ssurya

rather. He is above the Eternal; for He, the Creator of times, is not under the dominion of Time, but above Time.”

"Religion is the first attempt of man to get beyond himself and beyond the obvious and material facts of his existence. Its first essential work is to confirm and make real to him his subjective sense of an Infinite on which his material and mental being depends and the aspiration of his soul to come into its presence and live in contact with it. Its function is to assure him too of that possibility of which he has always dreamed, but of which his ordinary life gives him no assurance, the possibility of transcending himself and growing out of bodily life and mortality into the joy of immortal life and spiritual existence. It also confirms in him the sense that there are worlds or planes of existence other than that in which his lot is now cast, worlds in which this mortality and this subjection to evil and suffering are not the natural state, but rather bliss of immortality is the eternal condition. Incidentally, it gives him a rule of mortal life by which he shall prepare himself for immortality. He is a soul and not a body and his earthly life is a means by which he determines the future conditions of his spiritual being.” The Synthesis of Yoga

“Religion is the first attempt of man to get beyond himself and beyond the obvious and material facts of his existence. Its first essential work is to confirm and make real to him his subjective sense of an Infinite on which his material and mental being depends and the aspiration of his soul to come into its presence and live in contact with it. Its function is to assure him too of that possibility of which he has always dreamed, but of which his ordinary life gives him no assurance, the possibility of transcending himself and growing out of bodily life and mortality into the joy of immortal life and spiritual existence. It also confirms in him the sense that there are worlds or planes of existence other than that in which his lot is now cast, worlds in which this mortality and this subjection to evil and suffering are not the natural state, but rather bliss of immortality is the eternal condition. Incidentally, it gives him a rule of mortal life by which he shall prepare himself for immortality. He is a soul and not a body and his earthly life is a means by which he determines the future conditions of his spiritual being.” The Synthesis of Yoga

reserved for [and] awaiting the eternal judgment.”

sadashiva. ::: eternally auspicious; eternally happy; eternally prosperous; a title of Shiva, the eternally auspicious One

sadhana chatushtaya. ::: the four-fold aids to spiritual practice &

saguna brahman ::: the Eternal with (infinite) qualities; the Personal Divine.

sanatana dharma ::: the eternal religion; the Indian religious and spiritual tradition.

SASTRA. ::: The supreme SSstra of the integral yoga is the eternal Veda secret in the heart of every thinking and living being.

sasvatam padam avyayam ::: the eternal and imperishable status. [Gita 18.56]

Scarab [from Latin scarabaeus cf Greek karabos a beetle, Sanskrit śarabha a locust, Egyptian kheperȧ from kheper to become, come into being anew] The Egyptian symbol of the god Khepera — the urgent spiritual impulse of creation, or regenerative revolving and reimbodiment. In modern times applied to the beetle Scarabaeus sacer or aegyptorum — the sacred scarab. Orientalists generally regard the scarab as the symbol of resurrection because the beetle rolls a ball of dung containing its eggs, which it leaves to be hatched by the sun’s rays. This is said to represent in the small what was believed to take place in the great, that the sun was moving across the heavens holding within itself the germs which in course of stellar time evolve forth and remanifest in the solar cosmos. “Khem, ‘the sower of seed,’ is shown on a stele in a picture of Resurrection after physical death, as the creator and the sower of the grain of corn, which, after corruption, springs up afresh each time into a new ear, on which a scarabaeus beetle is seen poised; and Deveria shows very justly that ‘Ptah is the inert, material form of Osiris, who will become Sokari (the eternal Ego) to be reborn, and afterwards be Harmachus,’ or Horus in his transformation, the risen god. The prayer so often found in the tumular inscriptions, ‘the wish for the resurrection in one’s living soul’ or the Higher Ego, has ever a scarabaeus at the end, standing for the personal soul. The scarabaeus is the most honoured, as the most frequent and familiar, of all Egyptian symbols” (TG 293).

Serpent One of the most fundamental and prolific symbols of the mystery-language. Its most basic meaning is of the eternal, alternating, cyclic motion during cosmic manifestation. For motion, which to the physicist and the philosopher alike seems an abstraction, is for the ancient wisdom a primordial principle or axiom, of the same order as space and time, existing per se. Never does motion cease utterly even during kosmic pralaya. And motion is essentially circular: where physics would derive circular motion from a composition of rectilinear motions, the opposite procedure would be that of the ancient wisdom. This circular motion, compounding itself into spirals, helixes, and vortices, is the builder of worlds, bringing together the scattered elements of chaos; motion per se is essential cosmic intelligence. This circular motion, returning upon itself like a serpent swallowing its tail, represents the cycles of time. This conscious energy in spirals whirls through all the planes of cosmos as fohat and his innumerable sons — the cosmic energies and forces, fundamentally intelligent, operating in every scale or grade of matter. The caduceus of Hermes, twin serpents wound about a staff, represents cosmically the mighty drama of evolution, in its twin aspects, the staff or tree standing for the structural aspect, the serpent for the fohatic forces that animate the structure.

SEVEN HIGHEST WORLDS IN THE COSMOS The cosmic worlds are built out from &

  Shiva is the Eternal"s Personality of Force; through him all is created, through his passion, through his rhythm, through his concentration.

Shiva is the Eternal’s Personality of Force; through him all is created, through his passion, through his rhythm, through his concentration.

Since the Consciousness-Force of the eternal Existence is the universal creatrix, the nature of a given world will depend on whatever self-formulation of that Consciousness expresses itself in that world. Equally, for each individual being, his seeing or representation to himself of the world he lives in will depend on the poise or make which that Consciousness has assumed in him. Our human mental consciousness sees the world in sections cut by the reason and sense and put together in a formation which is also sectional; the house it builds is planned to accommodate one or another generalised formulation of Truth, but excludes the rest or admits some only as guests or dependents in the house. Overmind Consciousness is global in its cognition and can hold any number of seemingly fundamental differences together in a reconciling vision. Thus the mental reason sees Person and the Impersonal as opposites: it conceives an impersonal Existence in which person and personality are fictions of the Ignorance or temporary constructions; or, on the contrary, it can see Person as the primary reality and the impersonal as a mental abstraction or only stuff or means of manifestation. To the Overmind intelligence these are separable Powers of the one Existence which can pursue their independent self-affirmation and can also unite together their different modes of action, creating both in their independence and in their union different states of consciousness and being which can be all of them valid and all capable of coexistence. A purely impersonal existence and consciousness is true and possible, but also an entirely personal consciousness and existence; the Impersonal Divine, Nirguna Brahman, and the Personal Divine, Saguna Brahman, are here equal and coexistent aspects of the Eternal. Impersonality can manifest with person subordinated to it as a mode of expression; but, equally, Person can be the reality with impersonality as a mode of its nature: both aspects of manifestation face each other in the infinite variety of conscious Existence. What to the mental reason are irreconcilable differences present themselves to the Overmind intelligence as coexistent correlatives; what to the mental reason are contraries are to the Overmind intelligence complementaries. Our mind sees that all things are born from Matter or material Energy, exist by it, go back into it; it concludes that Matter is the eternal factor, the primary and ultimate reality, Brahman. Or it sees all as born of Life-Force or Mind, existing by Life or by Mind, going back into the universal Life or Mind, and it concludes that this world is a creation of the cosmic Life-Force or of a cosmic Mind or Logos. Or again it sees the world and all things as born of, existing by and going back to the Real-Idea or Knowledge-Will of the Spirit or to the Spirit itself and it concludes on an idealistic or spiritual view of the universe. It can fix on any of these ways of seeing, but to its normal separative vision each way excludes the others. Overmind consciousness perceives that each view is true of the action of the principle it erects; it can see that there is a material world-formula, a vital world-formula, a mental world-formula, a spiritual world-formula, and each can predominate in a world of its own and at the same time all can combine in one world as its constituent powers. The self-formulation of Conscious Force on which our world is based as an apparent Inconscience that conceals in itself a supreme Conscious-Existence and holds all the powers of Being together in its inconscient secrecy, a world of universal Matter realising in itself Life, Mind, Overmind, Supermind, Spirit, each of them in its turn taking up the others as means of its self-expression, Matter proving in the spiritual vision to have been always itself a manifestation of the Spirit, is to the Overmind view a normal and easily realisable creation. In its power of origination and in the process of its executive dynamis Overmind is an organiser of many potentialities of Existence, each affirming its separate reality but all capable of linking themselves together in many different but simultaneous ways, a magician craftsman empowered to weave the multicoloured warp and woof of manifestation of a single entity in a complex universe. …

Sisumara (Sanskrit) Śiśumāra [from śiśu child + māra killer] The child-killer; a group of stars and constellations said to resemble a dolphin, porpoise, or tortoise; held to be a form of Vishnu, and often considered as a representation of the great circle of time. As an imaginary belt, a symbolic representation of the celestial sphere, or a theoretical revolving zone or belt within which move the celestial bodies — which are the bodies of spiritual entities. This constellation has the “Cross placed on it by nature in its division and localisation of stars, planets and constellations. Thus in the Bhagavat Purana V., xxx., it is said that ‘at the extremity of the tail of that animal, whose head is directed toward the South and whose body is in the shape of a ring (Circle), Dhruva (the ex-pole star) is placed; and along that tail are the Prajapati, Agni, Indra, Dharma, etc.; and across its loins the Seven Rishis.’ This is then the first and earliest Cross and Circle, into the formation of which enters the Deity (symbolized by Vishnu), the Eternal Circle of Boundless Time, Kala, on whose plane lie crossways all the gods, creatures, and creations born in Space and Time; — who, as the philosophy has it, all die at the Mahapralaya” (SD 2:549).

Siva (Shiva) ::: good; "the auspicious", the Blessed One, [the name of ] the Eternal's Personality of Force and Lord of tapas; [he is a member of the Hindu trinity (trimurti) and is associated especially with the work of destruction].

SIVA. ::: The Eternal’s Personality of Force ; through him all is created, through bis passion, through his rhythm, through his concentration.


. s.n.a (lilamaya Krishna) ::: Kr.s.n.a as the lilamaya isvara / purus.a, "the eternal Child frolicing in the Universe, the Playmate,Lover, Master, Teacher and Friend of all His creations", he "who draws all of us to him by his love, compels all of us by his masteries and plays his eternal play of joy and strength and beauty in the manifold world". lil lilamaya amaya N Narayana

Solitude of the self in the Divine has to be active as well as passive and static. None who has not arrived at the silence and motionless solitude of the eternal Self can have the free and integral activity of the higher divine Nature. For the action is based on the silence and by the silence it is free.

souls into the eternal light” at the yielding up of

Space is symbolized by the circle; a central point denotes spiritual monadic activity arising within abstract space. It is equivalent to akasa or aether, water or the waters; Chaos as the spatial deeps. Sometimes space in its manifestation is represented as a serpent with seven heads or as the great sea or deep. Occasionally called aupapaduka (parentless), because it is primary and the source of all, it is spoken of both as mulaprakriti and as parabrahman. In its manifested aspect it is bright space, son of dark space, the former being the ray dropped into cosmic depths. Parent space is the eternal ever-present cause of all — the incomprehensible divinity, whose invisible robes are the mystic root of all matter and of the universe. Space is called Mother before its cosmic activity, and Father-Mother at the first stage of reawakening of manifestation.

Sphinx ::: “The Sphinx is a symbol of the eternal quest that can only be answered by the secret knowledge.” Letters on Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: "But if the individual is a persistent reality, an eternal portion or power of the Eternal, if his growth of consciousness is the means by which the Spirit in things discloses its being, the cosmos reveals itself as a conditioned manifestation of the play of the eternal One in the being of Sachchidananda with the eternal Many.” *The Life Divine

Sri Aurobindo: ". . . for each individual is in himself the Eternal who has assumed name and form and supports through him the experiences of life turning on an ever-circling wheel of birth in the manifestation. The wheel is kept in motion by the desire of the individual, which becomes the effective cause of rebirth and by the mind"s turning away from the knowledge of the eternal self to the preoccupations of the temporal becoming.” The Life Divine

"Sri Aurobindo: "It has been held that ecstasy is a lower and transient passage, the peace of the Supreme is the supreme realisation, the consummate abiding experience. This may be true on the spiritual-mind plane: there the first ecstasy felt is indeed a spiritual rapture, but it can be and is very usually mingled with a supreme happiness of the vital parts taken up by the Spirit; there is an exaltation, exultation, excitement, a highest intensity of the joy of the heart and the pure inner soul-sensation that can be a splendid passage or an uplifting force but is not the ultimate permanent foundation. But in the highest ascents of the spiritual bliss there is not this vehement exaltation and excitement; there is instead an illimitable intensity of participation in an eternal ecstasy which is founded on the eternal Existence and therefore on a beatific tranquillity of eternal peace. Peace and ecstasy cease to be different and become one. The Supermind, reconciling and fusing all differences as well as all contradictions, brings out this unity; a wide calm and a deep delight of all-existence are among its first steps of self-realisation, but this calm and this delight rise together, as one state, into an increasing intensity and culminate in the eternal ecstasy, the bliss that is the Infinite.” The Life Divine

Sri Aurobindo: " Karma is nothing but the will of the Spirit in action, consequence nothing but the creation of will. What is in the will of being, expresses itself in karma and consequence. When the will is limited in mind, karma appears as a bondage and a limitation, consequence as a reaction or an imposition. But when the will of the being is infinite in the spirit, karma and consequence become instead the joy of the creative spirit, the construction of the eternal mechanist, the word and drama of the eternal poet, the harmony of the eternal musician, the play of the eternal child.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: "Krishna is the Eternal"s Personality of Ananda; because [of] him all creation is possible, because of his play, because of his delight, because of his sweetness.” *Essays Divine and Human

Sri Aurobindo: “Krishna is the Eternal’s Personality of Ananda; because [of] him all creation is possible, because of his play, because of his delight, because of his sweetness.” Essays Divine and Human

Sri Aurobindo: "The Being is one, but this oneness is infinite and contains in itself an infinite plurality or multiplicity of itself: the One is the All; it is not only an essential Existence, but an All-Existence. The infinite multiplicity of the One and the eternal unity of the Many are the two realities or aspects of one reality on which the manifestation is founded.” *The Life Divine

Sri Aurobindo: "The Master and Mover of our works is the One, the Universal and Supreme, the Eternal and Infinite. He is the transcendent unknown or unknowable Absolute, the unexpressed and unmanifested Ineffable above us; but he is also the Self of all beings, the Master of all worlds, transcending all worlds, the Light and the Guide, the All-Beautiful and All-Blissful, the Beloved and the Lover. He is the Cosmic Spirit and all-creating Energy around us; he is the Immanent within us. All that is is he, and he is the More than all that is, and we ourselves, though we know it not, are being of his being, force of his force, conscious with a consciousness derived from his; even our mortal existence is made out of his substance and there is an immortal within us that is a spark of the Light and Bliss that are for ever. No matter whether by knowledge, works, love or any other means, to become aware of this truth of our being, to realise it, to make it effective here or elsewhere is the object of all Yoga.” *The Life Divine

Sri Aurobindo: "The Sphinx is a symbol of the eternal quest that can only be answered by the secret knowledge.” *Letters on Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: “The Sphinx is a symbol of the eternal quest that can only be answered by the secret knowledge.” Letters on Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: "This idea of universality, of oneness not only with God or the eternal Self in me, but with all humanity and other beings, is growing to be the most prominent strain in our minds and it has to be taken more largely into account in any future idea or computation of the significance of rebirth and karma.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: "Unity is the eternal and fundamental fact, without which all multiplicity would be an unreal and an impossible illusion. The consciousness of Unity is therefore called Vidya, the Knowledge.” *The Upanishads

Sri Aurobindo: "Whoever the recipient, whatever the gift, it is the Supreme, the Eternal in things, who receives and accepts it, even if it be rejected or ignored by the immediate recipient. For the Supreme who transcends the universe, is yet here too, however veiled, in us and in the world and in its happenings; he is there as the omniscient Witness and Receiver of all our works and their secret Master.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

station in the Eternal bosom.” [Rf. Blake, Vala

sthanam sasvatam ::: to the eternal status. [Gita 18.62]

subtle Matter ::: Sri Aurobindo: "Much more than half our thoughts and feelings are not our own in the sense that they take form out of ourselves; of hardly anything can it be said that it is truly original to our nature. A large part comes to us from others or from the environment, whether as raw material or as manufactured imports; but still more largely they come from universal Nature here or from other worlds and planes and their beings and powers and influences; for we are overtopped and environed by other planes of consciousness, mind planes, life planes, subtle matter planes, from which our life and action here are fed, or fed on, pressed, dominated, made use of for the manifestation of their forms and forces.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

"Mind therefore is held by the Hindus to be a species of subtle matter in which ideas are waves or ripples, and it is not limited by the physical body which it uses as an instrument.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

"All that manifested from the Eternal has already been arranged in worlds or planes of its own nature, planes of subtle Matter, planes of Life, planes of Mind, planes of Supermind, planes of the triune luminous Infinite. But these worlds or planes are not evolutionary but typal. A typal world is one in which some ruling principle manifests itself in its free and full capacity and energy and form are plastic and subservient to its purpose. Its expressions are therefore automatic and satisfying and do not need to evolve; they stand so long as need be and do not need to be born, develop, decline and disintegrate.” Essays Divine and Human*

Svayambhu-sunyata (Sanskrit) Svayambhū-śūnyatā [from svayambhū self-becoming + śūnyatā void] The self-becoming void of infinitude; in Hindu and Buddhist metaphysics, sunyata means that which is empty or void to human eye or understanding because of feebleness of penetrating vision, but otherwise the absolute fullness of spirit. “Spontaneous self-evolution; self-existence of the real in the unreal, i.e., of the Eternal Sat in the periodical Asat” (TG 315).

Taaut (Phoenician) A Phoenician deity described as having four eyes, two in front and two in back, and four wings. “The eyes denote that the god sees in sleep, and sleeps in waking; the position of the wings that he flies in rest, and rests in flying” (Sanchoniathon quoted in IU 2:235). Taaut is in some respects equivalent to the Greek Kronos or Saturn; yet there are elements in what is known of him reminiscent of the Roman Janus, seeing with two faces, and seeing both the past and the future which coalesce in the Eternal Now.

Tantric: Adjective to Tantra (q.v.) Tao: The Way, principle, cosmic order, nature. "The Tao that can be expressed in words is not the eternal Tao." It is "vague and eluding," "deep and obscure," but "there is in it the form" and "the essence." "In it is reality." It "produced the One, the One produced the two, the two produced the three, and the three produced all things." Its "standard is the Natural." (Lao Tzu).   "Tao has reality and evidence but no action nor form. It may be transmitted, but cannot be received. It may be attained, but cannot be seen. It is its own essence, and its own root." "Tao operates, and results follow." "Tao has no limit." "It is in the ant," "a tare," "a potsherd," "ordure." (Chuang Tzu, between 399 and 295 B.C.). The Confucian "Way;" the teachings of the sage; the moral order, the moral life, truth, the moral law; the moral principle. This means "the fulfillment of the law of our human nature." It is the path of man's moral life. "True manhood (jen) is that by which a man is to be a man. Generally speaking, it is the moral law" (Mencius, 371-289 B.C.). "To proceed according to benevolence and righteousness is called the Way." (Han Yu, 767-824). The Way, which means following the Reason of things, and also the Reason which is in everything and which everything obeys. (Neo-Confucianism). The Way or Moral Law in the cosmic sense, signifying "what is above the realm of corporeality," and the "successive movement of the active (yang) and the passive principles (yin)." In the latter sense as understood both in ancient Confucianism and in Neo-Confucianism, it is interchangeable with the Great Ultimate (T'ai Chi). Shao K'ang-chieh (1011-1077) said that "The Moral Law is the Great Ultimate." Chang Heng-ch'u (1022-1077) identified it with the Grand Harmony (Ta Ho) and said that "from the operation of the vital force (ch'i) there is the Way." This means that the Way is the principle of being as well as the sum total of the substance and functions of things. To Ch'eng I-ch'uan (1033-1107) "There is no Way independent of the active (yang) principle and the passive (yin) principle. Yet it is precisely the Way that determines the active and passive principles. These principles are the constituents of the vital force (ch'i), which is corporeal. On the other hand, the Way transcends corporeality." To Chu Hsi (1130-1200), the Way is "the Reason why things are as they are." Tai Tung-yuan (1723-1777) understood it to mean "the incessant transformation of the universe," and "the operation of things in the world, involving the constant flow of the vital force (ch'i) and change, and unceasing production and reproduction."

Tehmi: “Reason is the eternal Advocate who has no true knowledge.”

Tehmi: “The Divine Mother is the Eternal Goddess—in a description of the New Creation.”

That live for ever in the Eternal’s gaze.

Thaumaturge ::: the eternal Thaumaturge

  “The Akasa is the eternal divine consciousness which cannot differentiate, have qualities, or act; action belongs to that which is reflected or mirrored from it. The unconditioned and infinite can have no relation with the finite and conditioned. . . . We may compare the Akasa and the Astral Light . . . to the germ in the acorn. The latter, besides containing in itself the astral form of the future oak, conceals the germ from which grows a tree containing millions of forms. These forms are contained in the acorn potentially, yet the development of each particular acorn depends upon extraneous circumstances, physical forces, etc.” (TBL 75-6; also IU 1:197).

“the basic syllable OM, which is the foundation of all the perfect creative sounds of the revealed word; OM is the one universal formulation of the energy of sound and speech, that which contains and sums up, synthesises and releases, all the spiritual power and all the potentiality of Vak (speech, the goddess Speech) and Shabda (sound, vibration, word). The mantra of the divine consciousness brings its light of revelation, the Mantra of the divine Power, its will of effectuation, the Mantra of the divine Ananda is equal fulfilment of the spiritual delight of existence. All word and thought are an outflowing of he great OM,—OM, the Word, the Eternal Manifest in the forms of sensible objects; manifest in that conscious play of creative self-conception of which forms and objects are the figures, manifest behind in the self-gathered superconscient power of the Infinite, OM is the sovereign source, seed, womb of thing and idea, form and name—it is itself, integrally, the supreme Intangible, the original Unity, the timeless Mystery self—existent above all manifestation in supernal being.” SABCL Volume 13—Page 315

"the basic syllable OM, which is the foundation of all the perfect creative sounds of the revealed word; OM is the one universal formulation of the energy of sound and speech, that which contains and sums up, synthesises and releases, all the spiritual power and all the potentiality of Vak (speech, the goddess Speech) and Shabda (sound, vibration, word). The mantra of the divine consciousness brings its light of revelation, the Mantra of the divine Power, its will of effectuation, the Mantra of the divine Ananda is equal fulfilment of the spiritual delight of existence. All word and thought are an outflowing of he great OM, - OM, the Word, the Eternal Manifest in the forms of sensible objects; manifest in that conscious play of creative self-conception of which forms and objects are the figures, manifest behind in the self-gathered superconscient power of the Infinite, OM is the sovereign source, seed, womb of thing and idea, form and name – it is itself, integrally, the supreme Intangible, the original Unity, the timeless Mystery self- existent above all manifestation in supernal being.” SABCL Volume 13 – Page 315*

“The Chhandogya,… is to be a work in the right and perfect way of devoting oneself to the Brahman; its subject is the Brahman, but the Brahman as symbolised in the OM, the sacred syllable of the Veda, not therefore, the pure state of existence only, but that existence in all its parts… OM is the symbol and the thing symbolised.”the basic syllable OM, which is the foundation of all the perfect creative sounds of the revealed word; OM is the one universal formulation of the energy of sound and speech, that which contains and sums up, synthesises and releases, all the spiritual power and all the potentiality of Vak (speech, the goddess Speech) and Shabda (sound, vibration, word). The mantra of the divine consciousness brings its light of revelation, the Mantra of the divine Power, its will of effectuation, the Mantra of the divine Ananda is equal fulfilment of the spiritual delight of existence. All word and thought are an outflowing of he great OM,—OM, the Word, the Eternal Manifest in the forms of sensible objects; manifest in that conscious play of creative self-conception of which forms and objects are the figures, manifest behind in the self-gathered superconscient power of the Infinite, OM is the sovereign source, seed, womb of thing and idea, form and name—it is itself, integrally, the supreme Intangible, the original Unity, the timeless Mystery self—existent above all manifestation in supernal being.” SABCL Volume 13—Page 315

The differences begin when the questions of the mode of creation and mediators between God and the world are dealt with. In these matters there are to be noted three variations. Saadia rejected entirely the theory of the emanation of separate intelligences, and teaches God's creation from nothing of all beings in the sublunar and upper worlds. He posits that God created first a substratum or the first air which was composed of the hyle and form and out of this element all beings were created, not only the four elements, the components of bodies in the lower world, but also the angels, stars, and the spheres. Bahya's conception is similar to that of Saadia. The Aristotelians, Ibn Daud, Maimonides, and Gersonides accepted the theory of the separate intelligences which was current in Arabic philosophy. This theory teaches that out of the First Cause there emanated an intelligence, and out of this intelligence another one up to nine, corresponding to the number of spheres. Each of these intelligences acts as the object of the mind of a sphere and is the cause of its movement. The tenth intelligence is the universal intellect, an emanation of all intelligences which has in its care the sublunar world. This theory is a combination of Aristotelian and neo-PIatonic teachings; Ibn Daud posits, however, in addition to the intelligences also the existence of angels, created spiritual beings, while Maimonides seems to identify the angels with the intelligences, and also says that natural forces are also called angels in the Bible. As for creation, Ibn Daud asserts that God created the hyle or primal matter and endowed it with general form from which the specific forms later developed. Maimonides seems to believe that God first created a substance consisting of primal matter and primal form, and that He determined by His will that parts of it should form the matter of the spheres which is imperishable, while other parts should form the matter of the four elements. These views, however, are subject to various interpretations by historians. Gabirol and Gersonides posit the eternal existence of the hyle and limit creation to endowing it with form and organization -- a view close to the Platonic.

The Divine is supracosmic, the eternal Parabrahman who supports with his timeless and spaceless existence all this cosmic manifestation of his own being and nature in Space and Time.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 19, Page: 322

The dragon is the eternally vigilant one, guardian of the sacred treasures; but he is the ruthless destroyer of him who attempts to gain by force the riches to which he has not won a title. To gain knowledge, we must know how to tame the serpent which rules the nether worlds, as the Christ refuses to make obeisance to Satan.

The eternal bridegroom of the eternal bride.” Savitri, 10. 4. Satyavan’s.

The eternal bridegroom of the eternal bride.” Savitri, 10. 4.

"The Eternal is our refuge; all the rest are false values, the Ignorance and its mazes, a self-bewilderment of the soul in phenomenal Nature.” The Life Divine*

“The Eternal is our refuge; all the rest are false values, the Ignorance and its mazes, a self-bewilderment of the soul in phenomenal Nature.” The Life Divine

the eternal kingdom.” Cassiel is one of the rulers

  “The first three chapters are transcribed from the allegorical narratives of the beginnings common to all nations. Chapters four and five are a new allegorical adaptation of the same narration in the secret Book of Numbers; chapter six is an astronomical narrative of the Solar year and the seven cosmocratores from the Egyptian original of the Pymander and the symbolical visions of a series of Enoichioi (Seers) — from whom came also the Book of Enoch. The beginning of Exodus, and the story of Moses is that of the Babylonian Sargon, who having flourished . . . 3750 b.c. preceded the Jewish lawgiver by almost 2300 years. (See Secret Doctrine, vol. II., pp. 691 et seq.) Nevertheless, Genesis is an undeniably esoteric work. It has not borrowed, nor has it disfigured the universal symbols and teachings on the lines of which it was written, but simply adapted the eternal truths to its own national spirit and clothed them in cunning allegories comprehensible only to its Kabbalists and Initiates” (TG 127).

"The first word of the supramental Yoga is surrender; its last word also is surrender. It is by a will to give oneself to the eternal Divine, for lifting into the divine consciousness, for perfection, for transformation, that the Yoga begins; it is in the entire giving that it culminates; for it is only when the self-giving is complete that there comes the finality of the Yoga, the entire taking up into the supramental Divine, the perfection of the being, the transformation of the nature.” Essays Divine and Human

“The first word of the supramental Yoga is surrender; its last word also is surrender. It is by a will to give oneself to the eternal Divine, for lifting into the divine consciousness, for perfection, for transformation, that the Yoga begins; it is in the entire giving that it culminates; for it is only when the self-giving is complete that there comes the finality of the Yoga, the entire taking up into the supramental Divine, the perfection of the being, the transformation of the nature.” Essays Divine and Human

"The form of that which is in Time is or appears to be evanescent, but the self, the substance, the being that takes shape in that form is eternal and is one self, one substance, one being with all that is, all that was, all that shall be. But even the form is in itself eternal and not temporal, but it exists for ever in possibility, in power, in consciousness in the Eternal.” Essays Divine and Human

“The form of that which is in Time is or appears to be evanescent, but the self, the substance, the being that takes shape in that form is eternal and is one self, one substance, one being with all that is, all that was, all that shall be. But even the form is in itself eternal and not temporal, but it exists for ever in possibility, in power, in consciousness in the Eternal.” Essays Divine and Human

"The Gita answers by presenting the Supreme as something greater even than the immutable Self, more comprehensive, one who is at once this Self and the Master of works in Nature. But he directs the works of Nature with the eternal calm, the equality, the superiority to works and personality which belong to the immutable. This, we may say, is the poise of being from which he directs works, and by growing into this we are growing into his being and into the poise of divine works. From this he goes forth as the Will and Power of his being in Nature, manifests himself in all existences, is born as Man in the world, is there in the heart of all men, reveals himself as the Avatar, the divine birth in man; and as man grows into his being, it is into the divine birth that he grows.” Essays on the Gita

“The Gita answers by presenting the Supreme as something greater even than the immutable Self, more comprehensive, one who is at once this Self and the Master of works in Nature. But he directs the works of Nature with the eternal calm, the equality, the superiority to works and personality which belong to the immutable. This, we may say, is the poise of being from which he directs works, and by growing into this we are growing into his being and into the poise of divine works. From this he goes forth as the Will and Power of his being in Nature, manifests himself in all existences, is born as Man in the world, is there in the heart of all men, reveals himself as the Avatar, the divine birth in man; and as man grows into his being, it is into the divine birth that he grows.” Essays on the Gita

"The Godhead is one in his transcendence, one all-supporting Self of things, one in the unity of his cosmic nature. These three are one Godhead; all derives from him, all becomes from his being, all is eternal portion or temporal expression of the Eternal.” Essays on the Gita

“The Godhead is one in his transcendence, one all-supporting Self of things, one in the unity of his cosmic nature. These three are one Godhead; all derives from him, all becomes from his being, all is eternal portion or temporal expression of the Eternal.” Essays on the Gita

the heavenly choirmaster, “singer of the eternal”

The homogeneous substance and the elixir of life have virtually the same meaning. The perpetuum mobile (ever moving) and the inexhaustible lamp have their counterparts in the eternal motion and the spiritual fire. The three elements sulfur, salt, and mercury denote spirit, body, and soul, or fire, earth, and water.

"The Ideal is an eternal Reality which we have not yet realised in the conditions of our own being, not a non-existent which the Eternal and Divine has not yet grasped and only we imperfect beings have glimpsed and mean to create.” The Life Divine

“The Ideal is an eternal Reality which we have not yet realised in the conditions of our own being, not a non-existent which the Eternal and Divine has not yet grasped and only we imperfect beings have glimpsed and mean to create.” The Life Divine

"The ideation of the gnosis is radiating light-stuff of the consciousness of the eternal Existence; each ray is a truth. The will in the gnosis is a conscious force of eternal knowledge; it throws the consciousness and substance of being into infallible forms of truth-power, forms that embody the idea and make it faultlessly effective, and it works out each truth-power and each truth-form spontaneously and rightly according to its nature. Because it carries this creative force of the divine Idea, the Sun, the lord and symbol of the gnosis, is described in the Veda as the Light which is the father of all things, Surya Savitri, the Wisdom-Luminous who is the bringer-out into manifest existence.” The Synthesis of Yoga*

“The ideation of the gnosis is radiating light-stuff of the consciousness of the eternal Existence; each ray is a truth. The will in the gnosis is a conscious force of eternal knowledge; it throws the consciousness and substance of being into infallible forms of truth-power, forms that embody the idea and make it faultlessly effective, and it works out each truth-power and each truth-form spontaneously and rightly according to its nature. Because it carries this creative force of the divine Idea, the Sun, the lord and symbol of the gnosis, is described in the Veda as the Light which is the father of all things, Surya Savitri, the Wisdom-Luminous who is the bringer-out into manifest existence.” The Synthesis of Yoga

“The Inconscient is a sleep or a prison, the conscient a round of strivings without ultimate issue or the wanderings of a dream: we must wake into the superconscious where all darkness of night and half-lights cease in the self-luminous bliss of the Eternal.” The Life Divine

The Ineffable: *Sri Aurobindo: "It is this essential indeterminability of the Absolute that translates itself into our consciousness through the fundamental negating positives of our spiritual experience, the immobile immutable Self, the Nirguna Brahman, the Eternal without qualities, the pure featureless One Existence, the Impersonal, the Silence void of activities, the Non-being, the Ineffable and the Unknowable. On the other side it is the essence and source of all determinations, and this dynamic essentiality manifests to us through the fundamental affirming positives in which the Absolute equally meets us; for it is the Self that becomes all things, the Saguna Brahman, the Eternal with infinite qualities, the One who is the Many, the infinite Person who is the source and foundation of all persons and personalities, the Lord of creation, the Word, the Master of all works and action; it is that which being known all is known: these affirmatives correspond to those negatives. For it is not possible in a supramental cognition to split asunder the two sides of the One Existence, — even to speak of them as sides is excessive, for they are in each other, their co-existence or one-existence is eternal and their powers sustaining each other found the self-manifestation of the Infinite.” The Life Divine

"The inner Divinity is the eternal Avatar in man; the human manifestation is its sign and development in the external world.” Essays on the Gita

“The inner Divinity is the eternal Avatar in man; the human manifestation is its sign and development in the external world.” Essays on the Gita

“The Ishwari Shakti, divine Conscious-Force and World-Mother, becomes a mediatrix between the eternal One and the manifested Many. On one side, by the play of the energies which she brings from the One, she manifests the multiple Divine in the universe, involving and evolving its endless appearances out of her revealing substance; on the other, by the reascending current of the same energies she leads back all towards That from which they have issued so that the soul in its evolutionary manifestation may more and more return towards the Divinity there or here put on its divine character.” The Synthesis of Yoga

The last stage of this perfection will come when you are com* pletely identified with the Divine Mother and feel yourself to be no longer another and separate being, hstwmeM, sen'ani or worker but truly a child and eternal portion of her conscious- ness and force. Always she will be in you and you in her ; it will be your constant, simple and natural experience that all your thought and seeing and action, your very breathing or moving come from her and are here. You will know and see and feel that you are a person and power formed by her out of herself, put out from her for the play and yet always safe in her, being of her being, consciousness of her consciousness, force of her force, ananda of her Ananda. When this condition is entire and her supramental energies can freely move you then you will be perfect in divine works; knowledge, will, action will become sure, simple, luminous, spontaneous, flawless, an outflow from the Supreme, a divine movement of the Eternal.

The leader of the journey, the captain of the march, the first and most ancient priest of our sacrifice is the Will. This Will is not the wish of the heart or the demand or preference of the mind to which we often give the name. It is that inmost, dominant and often veiled conscious force of our being and of all being, Tapas, Sbakti, Shraddha, that sovereignly determines our orientation and of which the intellect and the heart are more or less blind and automatic servants and instruments. The Self that is quiescent, at rest, vacant of things and happenings is n support and background to existence, a silent channel or a hypostasis of something Supreme ::: it is not itself the one entirely real existence, not itself the Supreme. The Eternal, the Supreme is the Lord and the all-originating Spirit. Superior to all activi- ties and not bound by any of them, it is the source, sanction, material, efficient power, master of all activities. All activities proceed from this supreme Self and are determined by it ; all are its operations, processes of its own conscious force and not ot something alien to Self, some power other than this Spirit.

The leader of the journey, the captain of the march, the first and most ancient priest of our sacrifice is the Will. This Will is not the wish of the heart or the demand or
   reference of the mind to which we often give the name. It is that inmost, dominant and often veiled conscious force of our being and of all being, Tapas, Shakti, Sraddha, that sovereignly determines our orientation and of which the intellect and the heart are more or less blind and automatic servants and instruments. The Self that is quiescent, at rest, vacant of things and happenings is a support and background to existence, a silent channel or a hypostasis of something Supreme: it is not itself the one entirely real existence, not itself the Supreme. The Eternal, the Supreme is the Lord and the all-originating Spirit. Superior to all activities and not bound by any of them, it is the source, sanction, material, efficient power, master of all activities. All activities proceed from this supreme Self and are determined by it; all are its operations, processes of its own conscious force and not of something alien to Self, some power other than the Spirit. In these activities is expressed the conscious Will or Shakti of the Spirit moved to manifest its being in infinite ways, a Will or Power not ignorant but at one with its own self-knowledge and its knowledge of all that it is put out to express. And of this Power a secret spiritual will and soul-faith in us, the dominant hidden force of our nature, is the individual instrument, more nearly in communication with the Supreme, a surer guide and enlightener, could we once get at it and hold it, because profounder and more intimately near to the Identical and Absolute than the surface activities of our thought powers. To know that will in ourselves and in the universe and follow it to its divine finalities, whatever these may be, must surely be the highest way and truest culmination for knowledge as for works, for the seeker in life and for the seeker in Yoga.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 23-24, Page: 289-90

"The lotus of the eternal knowledge and the eternal perfection is a bud closed and folded up within us. It opens swiftly or gradually, petal by petal, through successive realisations, once the mind of man begins to turn towards the Eternal, once his heart, no longer compressed and confined by attachment to finite appearances, becomes enamoured, in whatever degree, of the Infinite.” The Synthesis of Yoga

“The lotus of the eternal knowledge and the eternal perfection is a bud closed and folded up within us. It opens swiftly or gradually, petal by petal, through successive realisations, once the mind of man begins to turn towards the Eternal, once his heart, no longer compressed and confined by attachment to finite appearances, becomes enamoured, in whatever degree, of the Infinite.” The Synthesis of Yoga

The more intimate Yo^a of Bhakti resolves itself simply into these four movements, tlic desire of the Soul when it turns towards God and the straining of its emotion towards him, the pain of love and the divine return of love, the delight of love possessed and the play of that delight, and the eternal enjoy- ment of the divine Lover which is the heart of celestial bliss.

   The Mother: "In the physical world, of all things it is beauty that expresses best the Divine. the physical world is the world of form and the perfection of form is beauty. Beauty interprets, expresses, manifests the Eternal. Its role is to put all manifested nature in contact with the Eternal through the perfection of form, through harmony and a sense of the ideal which uplifts and leads towards something higher. On Education, MCW Vol. 12.

The Mother: “In the physical world, of all things it is beauty that expresses best the Divine. the physical world is the world of form and the perfection of form is beauty. Beauty interprets, expresses, manifests the Eternal. Its role is to put all manifested nature in contact with the Eternal through the perfection of form, through harmony and a sense of the ideal which uplifts and leads towards something higher. On Education, MCW Vol. 12.

  The Mother: Unity does not come from any exterior disposition, but by becoming conscious of the eternal Oneness.” Words of the Mother, MCW Vol. 15.

The Mother: Unity does not come from any exterior disposition, but by becoming conscious of the eternal Oneness.” Words of the Mother, MCW Vol. 15.

"The real source of knowledge is the Lord in the heart; ‘I am seated in the heart of every man and from me is knowledge," says the Gita; the Scripture is only a verbal form of that inner Veda, of that self-luminous Reality, it is sabdabrahma: the mantra, says the Veda, has risen from the heart, from the secret place where is the seat of the truth, sadanâd rtasya, guhâyâm. That origin is its sanction; but still the infinite Truth is greater than its word. Nor shall you say of any Scripture that it alone is all-sufficient and no other truth can be admitted, as the Vedavadins said of the Veda, nânyad astîti vâdinah. This is a saving and liberating word which must be applied to all the Scriptures of the world. Take all the Scriptures that are or have been, Bible and Koran and the books of the Chinese, Veda and Upanishads and Purana and Tantra and Shastra and the Gita itself and the sayings of thinkers and sages, prophets and Avatars, still you shall not say that there is nothing else or that the truth your intellect cannot find there is not true because you cannot find it there. That is the limited thought of the sectarian or the composite thought of the eclectic religionist, not the untrammelled truth-seeking of the free and illumined mind and God-experienced soul. Heard or unheard before, that always is the truth which is seen by the heart of man in its illumined depths or heard within from the Master of all knowledge, the knower of the eternal Veda.” Essays on the Gita*

“The real source of knowledge is the Lord in the heart; ‘I am seated in the heart of every man and from me is knowledge,’ says the Gita; the Scripture is only a verbal form of that inner Veda, of that self-luminous Reality, it is sabdabrahma: the mantra, says the Veda, has risen from the heart, from the secret place where is the seat of the truth, sadanâd rtasya, guhâyâm. That origin is its sanction; but still the infinite Truth is greater than its word. Nor shall you say of any Scripture that it alone is all-sufficient and no other truth can be admitted, as the Vedavadins said of the Veda, nânyad astîti vâdinah. This is a saving and liberating word which must be applied to all the Scriptures of the world. Take all the Scriptures that are or have been, Bible and Koran and the books of the Chinese, Veda and Upanishads and Purana and Tantra and Shastra and the Gita itself and the sayings of thinkers and sages, prophets and Avatars, still you shall not say that there is nothing else or that the truth your intellect cannot find there is not true because you cannot find it there. That is the limited thought of the sectarian or the composite thought of the eclectic religionist, not the untrammelled truth-seeking of the free and illumined mind and God-experienced soul. Heard or unheard before, that always is the truth which is seen by the heart of man in its illumined depths or heard within from the Master of all knowledge, the knower of the eternal Veda.” Essays on the Gita

“The real source of knowledge is the Lord in the heart; ‘I am seated in the heart of every man and from me is knowledge,’ says the Gita; the Scripture is only a verbal form of that inner Veda, of that self-luminous Reality, it is sabdabrahma: the mantra, says the Veda, has risen from the heart, from the secret place where is the seat of the truth, sadanâdrtasya, guhâyâm. That origin is its sanction; but still the infinite Truth is greater than its word. Nor shall you say of any Scripture that it alone is all-sufficient and no other truth can be admitted, as the Vedavadins said of the Veda, nânyadastîtivâdinah. This is a saving and liberating word which must be applied to all the Scriptures of the world. Take all the Scriptures that are or have been, Bible and Koran and the books of the Chinese, Veda and Upanishads and Purana and Tantra and Shastra and the Gita itself and the sayings of thinkers and sages, prophets and Avatars, still you shall not say that there is nothing else or that the truth your intellect cannot find there is not true because you cannot find it there. That is the limited thought of the sectarian or the composite thought of the eclectic religionist, not the untrammelled truth-seeking of the free and illumined mind and God-experienced soul. Heard or unheard before, that always is the truth which is seen by the heartof man in its illumined depths or heard within from the Master of all knowledge, the knower of the eternal Veda.” Essays on the Gita

There have been seven commonly accepted fire temples named after the seven heavenly bodies: 1) Azar-Mehr (Mithra’s fire); 2) Azar-Noush (fire of sweetness, healing) symbolizing Ab-e-Hayat or Water of Life; 3) Azar-Bahram (fire of victory) symbolizing creation of light; 4) Azar-Aeen or Azar Abteen (Apam-Napata, the universal self or the fire of glory that the son of the waters wishes to seize); 5) Azar-Khorin (the rule of the sun) symbolizing perfection; 6) Azar-Borzin (fire of the high); and 7) Azar-Zartusht (fire of Zoroaster, the eternal light).

"There is no beginning or end of the Universe in space or time; for the universe is the manifestation of the Eternal and Infinite.” Essays Divine and Human

“There is no beginning or end of the Universe in space or time; for the universe is the manifestation of the Eternal and Infinite.” Essays Divine and Human

The rudras are highly intellectual and spiritual entities, having through previous evolutionary periods attained self-consciousness by individually passing through the equivalent of the human kingdom. The rudras represent an aggregate of entities in the primary formation of worlds, as well as the intellectually informing principles of man. They are mythologically said to be at war with the shadowy entities and powers of the lower spheres, and hence are sometimes spoken of as the destroyers of outward forms. The Vishnu-Purana states that “at the end of a thousand periods of four ages, which complete a day of Brahma, the earth is almost exhausted. The eternal Avyaya (Vishnu) assumes then the character of Rudra (the destroyer, Siva) and re-unites all his creatures to himself. He enters the Seven rays of the Sun and drinks up all the waters of the globe; he causes the moisture to evaporate, thus drying up the whole Earth. . . . Thus fed with abundant moisture the seven solar rays become seven suns by dilation, and they finally set the world on fire. Hari, the destroyer of all things, who is ‘the flame of time, Kalagni,’ finally consumes the Earth. Then Rudra, becoming Janardana, breathes clouds and rain” (6:3).

:::   "The third step is to know the Divine Being who is at once our supreme transcendent Self, the Cosmic Being, foundation of our universality, and the Divinity within of which our psychic being, the true evolving individual in our nature, is a portion, a spark, a flame growing into the eternal Fire from which it was lit and of which it is the witness ever living within us and the conscious instrument of its light and power and joy and beauty.” *The Life Divine

“The third step is to know the Divine Being who is at once our supreme transcendent Self, the Cosmic Being, foundation of our universality, and the Divinity within of which our psychic being, the true evolving individual in our nature, is a portion, a spark, a flame growing into the eternal Fire from which it was lit and of which it is the witness ever living within us and the conscious instrument of its light and power and joy and beauty.” The Life Divine

:::   "The true emptiness is the beginning of what I call in the Arya ‘sama ‘ — the rest, calm, peace of the eternal Self — which has finally to replace tamas, the physical inertia. Tamas is the degradation of sama , as rajas is the degradation of Tapas, the Divine Force.” *Letters on Yoga

“The true emptiness is the beginning of what I call in the Arya ‘sama ‘—the rest, calm, peace of the eternal Self—which has finally to replace tamas, the physical inertia. Tamas is the degradation of sama , as rajas is the degradation of Tapas, the Divine Force.” Letters on Yoga

  "The truest reason why we must seek liberation is not to be delivered, individually, from the sorrow of the world, though that deliverance too will be given to us, but that we may be one with the Divine, the Supreme, the Eternal.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

“The truest reason why we must seek liberation is not to be delivered, individually, from the sorrow of the world, though that deliverance too will be given to us, but that we may be one with the Divine, the Supreme, the Eternal.” The Synthesis of Yoga

"The Veda is the knowledge of the Divine, the Eternal, . . . .” Essays on the Gita

“The Veda is the knowledge of the Divine, the Eternal, …” Essays on the Gita

"The will of self-giving forces away by its power the veil between God and man; it annuls every error and annihilates every obstacle. Those who aspire in their human strength by effort of knowledge or effort of virtue or effort of laborious self-discipline, grow with much anxious difficulty towards the Eternal; but when the soul gives up its ego and its works to the Divine, God himself comes to us and takes up our burden.” Essays on the Gita

“The will of self-giving forces away by its power the veil between God and man; it annuls every error and annihilates every obstacle. Those who aspire in their human strength by effort of knowledge or effort of virtue or effort of laborious self-discipline, grow with much anxious difficulty towards the Eternal; but when the soul gives up its ego and its works to the Divine, God himself comes to us and takes up our burden.” Essays on the Gita

"The Word has its seed-sounds — suggesting the eternal syllable of the Veda, A U M, and the seed-sounds of the Tantriks — which carry in them the principles of things; it has its forms which stand behind the revelatory and inspired speech that comes to man"s supreme faculties, and these compel the forms of things in the universe; it has its rhythms, — for it is no disordered vibration, but moves out into great cosmic measures, — and according to the rhythm is the law, arrangement, harmony, processes of the world it builds. Life itself is a rhythm of God.” The Upanishads

“The Word has its seed-sounds—suggesting the eternal syllable of the Veda, A U M, and the seed-sounds of the Tantriks—which carry in them the principles of things; it has its forms which stand behind the revelatory and inspired speech that comes to man’s supreme faculties, and these compel the forms of things in the universe; it has its rhythms,—for it is no disordered vibration, but moves out into great cosmic measures,—and according to the rhythm is the law, arrangement, harmony, processes of the world it builds. Life itself is a rhythm of God.” The Upanishads

The Word has its seed-sounds—suggesting the eternal syllable of the Veda, AUM.

The Word has its seed-sounds – suggesting the eternal syllable of the Veda, AUM. ::: Sri Aurobindo - A note on the Chhandogya Upanishad *

thirst ::: Madhav: “… all the power, all the knowledge that the world can give us are products of time, products of the movements of time. Truly they cannot satisfy the sacred thirst of the spirit. Mark the words ‘sacred thirst’ (III. 1. 305.). Mother uses the word ‘thirst’ so often; it is an intense aspiration that cannot be satisfied, cannot be fulfilled by the gifts of time; it can be fulfilled only by the gifts of what is beyond time, of what is eternal. The hunger of the soul in us can be satisfied only by a response from the Eternal.” The Book of the Divine Mother

::: "This conception of the Person and Personality, if accepted, must modify at the same time our current ideas about the immortality of the soul; for, normally, when we insist on the soul"s undying existence, what is meant is the survival after death of a definite unchanging personality which was and will always remain the same throughout eternity. It is the very imperfect superficial I'' of the moment, evidently regarded by Nature as a temporary form and not worth preservation, for which we demand this stupendous right to survival and immortality. But the demand is extravagant and cannot be conceded; theI"" of the moment can only merit survival if it consents to change, to be no longer itself but something else, greater, better, more luminous in knowledge, more moulded in the image of the eternal inner beauty, more and more progressive towards the divinity of the secret Spirit. It is that secret Spirit or divinity of Self in us which is imperishable, because it is unborn and eternal. The psychic entity within, its representative, the spiritual individual in us, is the Person that we are; but the I'' of this moment, theI"" of this life is only a formation, a temporary personality of this inner Person: it is one step of the many steps of our evolutionary change, and it serves its true purpose only when we pass beyond it to a farther step leading nearer to a higher degree of consciousness and being. It is the inner Person that survives death, even as it pre-exists before birth; for this constant survival is a rendering of the eternity of our timeless Spirit into the terms of Time.” The Life Divine

“This conception of the Person and Personality, if accepted, must modify at the same time our current ideas about the immortality of the soul; for, normally, when we insist on the soul’s undying existence, what is meant is the survival after death of a definite unchanging personality which was and will always remain the same throughout eternity. It is the very imperfect superficial I’’ of the moment, evidently regarded by Nature as a temporary form and not worth preservation, for which we demand this stupendous right to survival and immortality. But the demand is extravagant and cannot be conceded; theI’’ of the moment can only merit survival if it consents to change, to be no longer itself but something else, greater, better, more luminous in knowledge, more moulded in the image of the eternal inner beauty, more and more progressive towards the divinity of the secret Spirit. It is that secret Spirit or divinity of Self in us which is imperishable, because it is unborn and eternal. The psychic entity within, its representative, the spiritual individual in us, is the Person that we are; but the I’’ of this moment, theI’’ of this life is only a formation, a temporary personality of this inner Person: it is one step of the many steps of our evolutionary change, and it serves its true purpose only when we pass beyond it to a farther step leading nearer to a higher degree of consciousness and being. It is the inner Person that survives death, even as it pre-exists before birth; for this constant survival is a rendering of the eternity of our timeless Spirit into the terms of Time.” The Life Divine

"This integral knowledge is the knowledge of the Divine present in the individual; it is the entire experience of the Lord secret in the heart of man, revealed now as the supreme Self of his existence, the Sun of all his illumined consciousness, the Master and Power of all his works, the divine Fountain of all his soul"s love and delight, the Lover and Beloved of his worship and adoration. It is the knowledge too of the Divine extended in the universe, of the Eternal from whom all proceeds and in whom all lives and has its being, of the Self and Spirit of the cosmos, of Vasudeva who has become all this that is, of the Lord of cosmic existence who reigns over the works of Nature. It is the knowledge of the divine Purusha luminous in his transcendent eternity, the form of whose being escapes from the thought of the mind but not from its silence; it is the entire living experience of him as absolute Self, supreme Brahman, supreme Soul, supreme Godhead: for that seemingly incommunicable Absolute is at the same time and even in that highest status the originating Spirit of the cosmic action and Lord of all these existences.” Essays on the Gita*

“This integral knowledge is the knowledge of the Divine present in the individual; it is the entire experience of the Lord secret in the heart of man, revealed now as the supreme Self of his existence, the Sun of all his illumined consciousness, the Master and Power of all his works, the divine Fountain of all his soul’s love and delight, the Lover and Beloved of his worship and adoration. It is the knowledge too of the Divine extended in the universe, of the Eternal from whom all proceeds and in whom all lives and has its being, of the Self and Spirit of the cosmos, of Vasudeva who has become all this that is, of the Lord of cosmic existence who reigns over the works of Nature. It is the knowledge of the divine Purusha luminous in his transcendent eternity, the form of whose being escapes from the thought of the mind but not from its silence; it is the entire living experience of him as absolute Self, supreme Brahman, supreme Soul, supreme Godhead: for that seemingly incommunicable Absolute is at the same time and even in that highest status the originating Spirit of the cosmic action and Lord of all these existences.” Essays on the Gita

"Time and Space are not limited, they are infinite — they are the terms of an extension of consciousness in which things take place or are arranged in a certain relation, succession, order. There are again different orders of Time and Space; that too depends on the consciousness. The Eternal is extended in Time and Space, but he is also beyond all Time and Space. Timelessness and Time are two terms of the eternal existence. The Spaceless Eternal is not one indivisible infinity of Space, there is in it no near or far, no here or there — the Timeless Eternal is not measurable by years or hours or aeons, the experience of it has been described as the eternal moment. But for the mind this state cannot be described except by negatives, — one has to go beyond and to realise it.” Letters on Yoga

“Time and Space are not limited, they are infinite—they are the terms of an extension of consciousness in which things take place or are arranged in a certain relation, succession, order. There are again different orders of Time and Space; that too depends on the consciousness. The Eternal is extended in Time and Space, but he is also beyond all Time and Space. Timelessness and Time are two terms of the eternal existence. The Spaceless Eternal is not one indivisible infinity of Space, there is in it no near or far, no here or there—the Timeless Eternal is not measurable by years or hours or aeons, the experience of it has been described as the eternal moment. But for the mind this state cannot be described except by negatives,—one has to go beyond and to realise it.” Letters on Yoga

"Time is a manifestation of the Eternal.” The Life Divine

“Time is a manifestation of the Eternal.” The Life Divine

To realise Self is to realise the eternal freedom of the Spirit.

"To regard the fundamental as the refined essence and to regard things as its coarse embodiment; to regard accumulation as deficiency; to dwell quietly and alone with the spiritual and the intelligent; these were some aspects of the system of Tao of the ancients . . . They built their system upon the principle the eternal Non-Being and centered it upon the idea of Ultimate Unity. Their outward expression was weakness and humility. Pure emptiness without injury to objective things was for them true substance. Kuan Yin said, "Establish nothing in regard to oneself. Let things be what they are; move like water; be tranquil like a mirror; respond like an echo. Pass quickly like the non-existent; be quiet like purity . . .' Lao Tan (Lao Tzu) said, 'Know manhood (active force), and preserve womanhood (passive force); become the ravine of the world. Know whiteness (glory); endure blackness (disgrace); become a model of the world.' Men all seek the first; he alone took the last . . . Men all seek for happiness; he alone sought contentment in adaptation . . . He regarded the deep as the fundamental, moderation as the rule . . .

To the Confucians this is "the eternal law of the universe." See chung yung. To Chuang Tzu (between 399 and 295 B.C.) "the common and the ordinary are the natural function of all things, which expresses the common nature of the whole. Following the common nature of the whole, they are at ease. Being at ease, they are near perfection. This is letting nature take its course, without being conscious of the fact. This is Tao." -- W.T.C.

To the mind this Unmanifest can present itself as a Self, a supreme Nihil (Tao or Sunyam), a featureless Absolute, an Indeterminate, a blissful Nirvana of manifested existence, a Non-Being out of which Being came or a Being of silence out of which a world-illusion came. But all these are mental formulas expressing the mind"s approach to it, not That but impressions which fall from That upon the receiving consciousness, not e true essence or nature (Swarupa) of the Eternal and Infinite. Even the words Eternal and Infinite are only symbolic expressions through which the mind feels without grasping some vague impression of this Supreme.” The Hour of God

To the mind this Unmanifest can present itself as a Self, a supreme Nihil (Tao or Sunyam), a featureless Absolute, an Indeterminate, a blissful Nirvana of manifested existence, a Non-Being out of which Being came or a Being of silence out of which a world-illusion came. But all these are mental formulas expressing the mind’s approach to it, not That but impressions which fall from That upon the receiving consciousness, not e true essence or nature (Swarupa) of the Eternal and Infinite. Even the words Eternal and Infinite are only symbolic expressions through which the mind feels without grasping some vague impression of this Supreme.” The Hour of God

Transcendent ::: “A Transcendent who is beyond all world and all Nature and yet possesses the world and its nature, who has descended with something of himself into it and is shaping it into that which as yet it is not, is the Source of our being, the Source of our works and their Master. But the seat of the Transcendent Consciousness is above in an absoluteness of divine Existence—and there too is the absolute Power, Truth, Bliss of the Eternal—of which our mentality can form no conception and of which even our greatest spiritual experience is only a diminished reflection in the spiritualised mind and heart, a faint shadow, a thin derivate. Yet proceeding from it there is a sort of golden corona of Light, Power, Bliss and Truth—a divine Truth-Consciousness as the ancient mystics called it, a Supermind, a Gnosis, with which this world of a lesser consciousness proceeding by Ignorance is in secret relation and which alone maintains it and prevents it from falling into a disintegrated chaos.” The Synthesis of Yoga

transcendent ::: Sri Aurobindo: "A Transcendent who is beyond all world and all Nature and yet possesses the world and its nature, who has descended with something of himself into it and is shaping it into that which as yet it is not, is the Source of our being, the Source of our works and their Master. But the seat of the Transcendent Consciousness is above in an absoluteness of divine Existence — and there too is the absolute Power, Truth, Bliss of the Eternal — of which our mentality can form no conception and of which even our greatest spiritual experience is only a diminished reflection in the spiritualised mind and heart, a faint shadow, a thin derivate. Yet proceeding from it there is a sort of golden corona of Light, Power, Bliss and Truth — a divine Truth-Consciousness as the ancient mystics called it, a Supermind, a Gnosis, with which this world of a lesser consciousness proceeding by Ignorance is in secret relation and which alone maintains it and prevents it from falling into a disintegrated chaos.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

"The Transcendent, the Universal, the Individual are three powers overarching, underlying and penetrating the whole manifestation; this is the first of the Trinities. In the unfolding of consciousness also, these are the three fundamental terms and none of them can be neglected if we would have the experience of the whole Truth of existence. Out of the individual we wake into a vaster freer cosmic consciousness; but out of the universal too with its complex of forms and powers we must emerge by a still greater self-exceeding into a consciousness without limits that is founded on the Absolute.” The Synthesis of Yoga

"We see then that there are three terms of the one existence, transcendent, universal and individual, and that each of these always contains secretly or overtly the two others. The Transcendent possesses itself always and controls the other two as the basis of its own temporal possibilities; that is the Divine, the eternal all-possessing God-consciousness, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, which informs, embraces, governs all existences. The human being is here on earth the highest power of the third term, the individual, for he alone can work out at its critical turning-point that movement of self-manifestation which appears to us as the involution and evolution of the divine consciousness between the two terms of the Ignorance and the Knowledge.” The Life Divine

The Transcendent
This is what is termed the Adya Shakti; she is the Supreme Consciousness and Power above the universe and it is by her that all the Gods are manifested, and even the supramental Ishwara comes into manifestation through her — the supramental Purushottama of whom the Gods are Powers and Personalities.” Letters on Yoga

Truth-consciousness ::: There must be in the nature of things a faculty or principle which sees the Truth unveiled, an eternal faculty of knowledge which corresponds to the eternal fact of the Truth. There is, says the Veda, such a principle; it is the Truth-Consciousness which sees the truth directly and is in possession of it spontaneously.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 18, Vol. 21-22, Page: 38

Tsurah (Hebrew) Tsūrāh Prototypal form; in the Qabbalah, the divine prototype considered as the highest principle “which remains above.” “In Occultism it embraces Atma-Buddhi-Manas, the Highest Triad; the eternal divine Individual” (TG 349). The plural is tsūrōth.

Tu: Lao Tzu’s term for “steadfastness in quietude,” in order to comprehend Fate, The Eternal, and Tao.

turiyavastha. ::: the highest state of consciousness in which the essential nature of the Self is experienced; the pure, tranquil and steady state of superconsciousness in which all discriminating and differentiating attributes are transcended and dissolved in the eternal Reality of Brahman &

Tu: Steadfastness in quietude, in order to comprehend Fate, The Eternal, and Tao (Lao Tzu). -- W.T.C.

Unity and Multiplicity ::: Unity is the eternal and fundamental fact, without which all multiplicity would be unreal and an impossible illusion. The consciousness of Unity is th
   refore called Vidya, the Knowledge.

unity ::: “Unity is the eternal and fundamental fact, without which all multiplicity would be an unreal and an impossible illusion. The consciousness of Unity is therefore called Vidya, the Knowledge.” The Upanishads

Unity ::: Unity is the eternal and fundamental fact, without which all multiplicity would be unreal and an impossible illusion. The consciousness of Unity is th
   refore called Vidya, the Knowledge
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 17, Page: 51

universality ::: “This idea of universality, of oneness not only with God or the eternal Self in me, but with all humanity and other beings, is growing to be the most prominent strain in our minds and it has to be taken more largely into account in any future idea or computation of the significance of rebirth and karma.” Essays in Philosophy and Yoga

Unmanifest ::: Whatever the manifestation spiritual or material or other may be, it has behind it something that is beyond itself, and even if we reached the highest possible heights of manifested existence there would be still beyond that even an Unmanifested from which it came. The Unmanifested Supreme is beyond all de®nition and description by mind or speech; no de®nition the mind can make, af®rmative or negative, can be at all expressive of it or adequate. To the Mind this Unmanifest can present itself as a Self, a supreme Nihil (Tao or Sunya), a featureless Absolute, an Indeterminate, a blissful Nirvana of manifested existence, a Non-Being out of which Being came or a Being of Silence out of which a world-illusion came. But all these are mental formulas expressing the mind's approach to it, not That itself; impressions which fall from That upon the receiving consciousness, not the true essence or nature (swarupa) of the Eternal and In®nite. Even the words Eternal and In®nite are only symbolic expressions through which the mind feels without grasping some vague impression of this Supreme.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 12, Page: 189-90

vaisesika (Vaisheshika) ::: [a system of philosophy, one of the six darsanas; its characteristic doctrine is the eternally distinct nature of the nine substances (air, fire, water, earth, mind, ether, time, space and soul), of which the first five, including mind, are held to be atomic].

Virtually all ancient religions comprised references to birds, sacred and otherwise — for example, the phoenix, the simorgh of the ancient Persians, the ancient Egyptian ibis, golden hawk, and bennu, and Garuda and the kalahansa of ancient India. This last is the white swan of eternity, born in and from the Eternity or the Timeless: “The Nest of the eternal Bird, the flutter of whose wings produces life, is boundless space . . .” (SD 2:293).

"Vishnu is the Eternal"s Personality of Consciousness; in him all is supported, in his wideness, in his stability, in his substance.” Essays Human and Divine*

“Vishnu is the Eternal’s Personality of Consciousness; in him all is supported, in his wideness, in his stability, in his substance.” Essays Human and Divine

  Vishnu is the Eternal"s Personality of Consciousness; in him all is supported, in his wideness, in his stability, in his substance.

Vishnu is the Eternal’s Personality of Consciousness; in him all is supported, in his wideness, in his stability, in his substance.

Vishnu (Sanskrit) Viṣṇu [from the verbal root viṣ to enter, pervade] The sustainer or preserver; the second of the three gods of the Hindu Trimurti or Triad. Brahma, Siva, and Vishnu together are infinite space, of which the gods, rishis, manus, and all in the universe are simply the manifestations, qualities, and potencies. Vishnu is called the eternal deity, and in the Mahabharata and the Puranas he is declared to be the imbodiment of sattva-guna, the quality of mercy and goodness, which displays itself as the preserving power in the self-existent, all-pervading spirit. His symbol is the chakra (circle). He is identical with the Hindu Idaspati (master of the waters) and with the Greek Poseidon and Latin Neptune.

VJSNU. ::: The Eternal's Personality of Consciousness ; in him all is supported, in his wideness, in his stability, in his substance.

“We see then that there are three terms of the one existence, transcendent, universal and individual, and that each of these always contains secretly or overtly the two others. The Transcendent possesses itself always and controls the other two as the basis of its own temporal possibilities; that is the Divine, the eternal all-possessing God-consciousness, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, which informs, embraces, governs all existences. The human being is here on earth the highest power of the third term, the individual, for he alone can work out at its critical turning-point that movement of self-manifestation which appears to us as the involution and evolution of the divine consciousness between the two terms of the Ignorance and the Knowledge.” The Life Divine

“What is original and eternal for ever in the Divine is the Being, what is developed in consciousness, conditions, forces, forms, etc., by the Divine Power is the Becoming. The eternal Divine is the Being; the universe in Time and all that is apparent in it is a Becoming.” Letters on Yoga

wheel ::: n. 1. A solid disk or a rigid circular ring connected by spokes to a hub, designed to turn around an axle passed through the centre. 2. Something resembling such a disk or ring in appearance or movement or having a wheel as its principal part or characteristic. 3. Moving, propelling, or animating agencies. 4. Fig. Signifying the eternal recurrence of all things. Wheel, Wheel"s, wheels, the wheels of Circumstance, the wheels of Doom, the wheel of God, the wheels of life, the wheel of works. v. 5. To turn or cause to turn on or as if on an axis. wheels, wheeled.

When the figure 8 is placed on its side . . . it symbolizes the eternal and spiral motion of cycles “and is symbolized in its turn by the Caduceus. It shows the regular breathing of the Kosmos presided over by the eight great gods — the seven from the primeval Mother, the One and the Triad” (SD 2:580). In modern mathematics, it is the symbol for infinity, or for the approach to infinity.

Whitehead, Alfred North: British philosopher. Born in 1861. Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, 1911-14. Lecturer in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics at University College, London, 1914-24. Professor of Applied Mathematics at the Imperial College of Science and Technology, London. From 1924 until retirement in 1938, Professor of Philosophy at Harvard University. Among his most important philosophical works are the Principia Mathematica, 3 vols. (1910-13) (with Bertrand Russell; An Enquiry concerning the Principles of Natural Knowledge (1919); The Concept of Nature (1920); Science and the Modern World (1926); Religion tn the Making (1926); Symbolism (1928); Process and Reality (1929); and Adventures of Ideas (1933). The principle of relativity in physics is the key to the understanding of metaphysics. Whitehead opposes the current philosophy of static substance having qualities which he holds to be based on the simply located material bodies of Newtonian physics and the "pure sensations" of Hume. This 17th century philosophy depends upon a "bifurcation of nature" into two unequal systems of reality on the Cartesian model of mind and matter. The high abstractions of science must not be mistaken for concrete realities. Instead, Whitehead argues that there is only one reality, what appears, whatever is given in perception, is real. There is nothing existing beyond what is present in the experience of subjects, understanding by subject any actual entity. There are neither static concepts nor substances in the world; only a network of events. All such events are actual extensions or spatio-temporal unities. The philosophy of organism, as Whitehead terms his work, is based upon the patterned process of events. All things or events are sensitive to the existence of all others; the relations between them consisting in a kind of feeling. Every actual entity is then a "prehensive occasion", that is, it consists of all those active relations with other things into which it enters. An actual entity is further determined by "negative prehension", the exclusion of all that which it is not. Thus every feeling is a positive prehension, every abstraction a negative one. Every actual entity is lost as an individual when it perishes, but is preserved through its relations with other entities in the framework of the world. Also, whatever has happened must remain an absolute fact. In this sense, past events have achieved "objective immortality". Except for this, the actual entities are involved in flux, into which there is the ingression of eternal objects from the realm of possibilities. The eternal objects are universals whose selection is necessary to the actual entities. Thus the actual world is a certain selection of eternal objects. God is the principles of concretion which determines the selection. "Creativity" is the primal cause whereby possibilities are selected in the advance of actuality toward novelty. This movement is termed the consequent nature of God. The pure possibility of the eternal objects themsehes is termed his primordial nature. -- J.K.F.

“Whoever the recipient, whatever the gift, it is the Supreme, the Eternal in things, who receives and accepts it, even if it be rejected or ignored by the immediate recipient. For the Supreme who transcends the universe, is yet here too, however veiled, in us and in the world and in its happenings; he is there as the omniscient Witness and Receiver of all our works and their secret Master.” The Synthesis of Yoga

Wing(s) Often signifying flight, but more accurately the soaring power of the spirit, literally or metaphorically, as in the wings of Mercury, of Christian, Hebrew, and other angelic figures of the Mesopotamian nations, of the horse Pegasus, of the sphinxes representative of the several human powers, of the winged dragons, of the winged wheels mentioned in Ezekiel’s vision of initiation, and also as descriptive of the workings of fohat. The eternal bird, the flutter of whose wings produces life, represents the dual forces proceeding from boundless space, and the emblem is equivalent to Hansa, the Hindu bird of wisdom. Similar to this is the winged globe of Egypt.

word, at least 3 Heavens, or regions of at least 3 Heavens, were the abode of the eternally damned.

World Egg, Mundane Egg The virgin or eternal egg is chaos, which is fecundated by the ray from spirit, and yet remains immaculate. According to the Stanzas of Dzyan, “The ray shoots through the virgin egg; the ray causes the eternal egg to thrill, and drop the non-eternal germ, which condenses into the world-egg” (SD 1:28). The non-eternal egg signifies the transitory worlds of manifestation and is often used for the universe in germ preceding its emanational unfolding. The first cause of a universe, its emanating spirit, was figurated as a bird which dropped an egg into chaos, the egg in course of aeons becomes the manifested universe.

World-germs A metaphor for cosmic monads, fundamental elementary principles of all ancient religious and philosophical systems. Each monad is an eternal cosmic unity, albeit they appear, disappear, and reappear during the eternally revolving cosmic cycles. In themselves they are divine consciousness-centers, divine-spiritual particles, points of abstract, conscious, cosmic substance existing during manvantaras in a state of primeval differentiation. The world-germs, are scattered like spawn throughout space. Each one pursues its karmic destiny, descending from a state of pure spirit through various phases by emanating from itself a series of sheaths or veils until the karmic limit has been reached, when each has become the cosmic spirit of a universe, world, sun, planet, etc., as the case may be. The spiritual essence of any world-germ or cosmic monad at no time actually descends or leaves its own high plane or status, but in the words of Krishna in the Bhagavad-Gita, each establishes a world, universe, or hierarchy with karmically destined portions of itself, and yet remains separate, transcendent.

world-Mother ::: Sri Aurobindo: "The Ishwari Shakti, divine Conscious-Force and World-Mother, becomes a mediatrix between the eternal One and the manifested Many. On one side, by the play of the energies which she brings from the One, she manifests the multiple Divine in the universe, involving and evolving its endless appearances out of her revealing substance; on the other, by the reascending current of the same energies she leads back all towards That from which they have issued so that the soul in its evolutionary manifestation may more and more return towards the Divinity there or here put on its divine character.” The Synthesis of Yoga

Yo$a of PatanjaU ::: A purely subjective method of Rajayoga, an internal discipline, limited, rigidly cut out, severely and scientifically graded, by which the mind is progressively stilled and taken up into Samadhi so that we may gain temporal and eternal results of this self-exceeding, the temporal in a great expansion of the soul’s knowledge and powers, the eternal in the divine union.

Zeruam (Chaldean) Rich in gold and silver; the ancient king of the golden age, pictured as a very old man and representing time. Pliny states that Sim, the son of Zisuthrus was also called Zeru-an. The Zeruana Akarana (Pahlavi; Zervan Akarana in Avestic) of the Persians, meaning boundless, limitless, or cyclic time, is closely connected with Zeru-an. For from Zervan Akarana — equivalent to the ’eyn soph of the Hebrew Qabbalah or the Hindu kala (endless time) — radiates Ahura-Mazda, the eternal Logos or primordial light, from which in turn emanates in hierarchical sequence everything that has existence and form.

QUOTES [1500 / 2370 - 1500 / 2379]

KEYS (10k)

   70 Anonymous
   54 Hermes
   52 Dhammapada
   50 Sri Aurobindo
   41 Ramakrishna
   31 Attar of Nishapur
   29 id
   27 Confucius
   27 Baha-ullah
   26 Seneca
   25 Tolstoi
   25 Buddhist Texts
   20 Marcus Aurelius
   20 Book of Golden Precepts
   18 Angelus Silesius
   17 Antoine the Healer
   16 Tolstoy
   14 Mahabharata
   14 Imitation of Christ
   12 Bhagavad Gita
   11 Giordano Bruno
   10 Schopenhauer
   10 Fo-shu-hing-tsan-king
   10 Emerson
   10 Buddhist Text
   9 Vivekananda
   8 The Zohar
   8 Heraclitus
   8 Epictetus
   8 Apollonius of Tyana
   8 Sri Ramakrishna
   7 Udanavarga
   7 Socrates
   7 Rig Veda
   7 Pascal
   7 Lao-Tse
   7 Chu-King
   7 Book of Wisdom
   7 Awaghosha
   6 Nietzsche
   6 Lao-tse
   6 Lalita Vistara
   6 J. Tauler
   6 Cicero
   5 Pythagoras
   5 Omar Khayyam
   5 Koran
   5 Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king
   5 Carlyle
   5 Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
   4 Thales
   4 Sutra in 42 articles
   4 Proverbs
   4 Porphyry
   4 Patanjali
   4 Magghima Nikaya
   4 Lao-Tse: Tao-te-King
   4 Katha Upanishad
   4 Hermes: On Rebirth
   4 Goethe
   4 Demophilus
   4 Chinese Proverb
   4 Baha-ullah: The Seven Valleys
   4 Aswaghosha
   3 Upanishad
   3 St. Paul
   3 Sanyutta Nikaya
   3 Sangiti Sutta
   3 Sadi
   3 Philo
   3 Novalis
   3 Minokhired
   3 Metta Sutta
   3 Meng-tse
   3 Madharata
   3 Laws of Manu
   3 John
   3 Job
   3 Jatakamala
   3 Hindu Saying
   3 Epistle to Diognetus
   3 Chi-king
   3 Book of the Golden Precepts
   3 Bahaullah
   3 Saint Thomas Aquinas
   3 Lao Tzu
   2 Zohar
   2 Tseu-tse
   2 The Book of Golden Precepts
   2 The Bab
   2 Sutta Nipata
   2 Sankhya Pravachana
   2 Romans X II
   2 Revelations III
   2 Ramayana
   2 Psalms
   2 Phocylides
   2 Narada Sutra
   2 Mundaka Upanishad
   2 Mar-cus Aurelius
   2 Manu
   2 Maitre Eckhart
   2 Mahavagga
   2 Li-Ki
   2 Leibnitz
   2 Latita Vistara
   2 Lao-Tsu-Te
   2 Kaivaiya Upanishad
   2 Isocrates
   2 Isha Upanishad
   2 Hitopadesha
   2 Hindu Wisdom
   2 Hermes: "On the Rebirth"
   2 Hennes
   2 Harivansa
   2 Gogol
   2 Fo-shu-hiug-tsan-king
   2 Fo-shu-hing-tsau-king
   2 Fenelon
   2 Epistle to the Romans
   2 Eckhart
   2 Democritus
   2 Corinthians
   2 Buddhist Maxims
   2 Bhartrihari
   2 Bhagavat Purana
   2 Avesta
   2 Anaxagoras
   2 Amiel
   2 The Mother
   2 Ahmed Halif
   2 Ahmad Halif
   1 Zendavesta
   1 Zeisho Aishako
   1 Zacharias VIII
   1 Wisdom I. 12
   1 William the Silent
   1 William Blake
   1 wetaswatara Upanishad
   1 Vishnu Purana
   1 Victor Hugo
   1 Vemara
   1 Vemana
   1 Vanvenargues
   1 Uttana Sutta
   1 Uttama Sutta
   1 Udanavaryu
   1 Udanavarga Sutta
   1 Udana-varga
   1 Udanavagga
   1 Turkish Proverb
   1 Tswangrse
   1 Tsung yung
   1 Tsu-king
   1 Tsu King
   1 Tsuang-tso
   1 Tsuang-Tse II
   1 Tseng-tsen-ta-hio VII
   1 Tseng Tee
   1 Tsang-Yung
   1 Tsang-tse
   1 Tneng Tseu
   1 Titus I. 15
   1 Thoreau
   1 The Shepherd of Hermas
   1 The Rose of Bakamate
   1 The Pastor of Hermas
   1 Theognis
   1 Theng-tse
   1 The Mother
   1 The Lotus of the Good Law
   1 The Lotus of Bliss
   1 The Jewel-wreath of Questions and Answers
   1 Theegris
   1 The Book of Wisdom
   1 The Book of Gulden Precepts
   1 Tchuang-Tse
   1 Tao Te Ching
   1 Taittiriya Upanishad
   1 Ta-hio
   1 Swetawatara Upanishad
   1 Swetaswatara Upanishad VI.18
   1 Swetaswatara Upanishad
   1 Sutra in 42 Articles. XI. 2
   1 St. Vincent de Paul
   1 St. Poter. IV
   1 St. Francois de Sales
   1 St. Cyprian
   1 St. Clement to the Corinthians
   1 St. Basil
   1 St Augustine
   1 Spinoza
   1 Sophocles
   1 Songs of Songs III.2
   1 Solon
   1 Shepherd of Hermas
   1 Seneca: Epistles
   1 Seneca: De Providentia
   1 Sencea
   1 Sehopenhauer
   1 Scneca
   1 Saving of the School of Zen
   1 SATM?
   1 Sankhya Karika
   1 Sankara
   1 Samyutta Nikaya
   1 Sallust
   1 Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys
   1 Sadi : Gulistan VIII
   1 Sadi: Gulistan
   1 Sadi Gulistan
   1 Saadi
   1 Ruysbro-eok
   1 Ruysbroeck
   1 Ro-wans XIII. 8
   1 Rousseau
   1 Ro-mans. XIV. 8
   1 Romans XIV. 19
   1 Romans XII. II
   1 Romans XIII. 12
   1 Romans XIII
   1 Romans. XII. 9
   1 Romans. XII. 5
   1 Romans XII. 2
   1 Romans XII. 12
   1 Romans.XII. 10
   1 Romans VIII. 13
   1 Romans. VII. 19. 21
   1 Romans VI. 23
   1 Romans VI. 12
   1 Romans V. 3
   1 Revelation XXI. 7
   1 Revelations XIV. 13
   1 Revelations III. 1
   1 Revelations II
   1 Revelation I. 18
   1 Renan
   1 Ramakrishss
   1 Ramakrishnan
   1 Ramakrishan
   1 Ralph Waldo Emerson
   1 Pytha-goras
   1 Ptah-hotep
   1 Psalms XXXVII. 27
   1 Psalms XXXIV. 13
   1 Psalms XXVII.8
   1 Psalms XXIII
   1 Psalms. XVI.7
   1 Psalms XC. 10
   1 Psalms. IX30
   1 Psalms CXXI.1
   1 Psalms CXII
   1 ProverbsXXXIV
   1 Proverbs XXVI. 12
   1 Proverbs XXV. 28
   1 proverbs XXL 3
   1 Proverbs XXIX. 23
   1 Proverbs XXIV. 16
   1 Proverbs XXIII. 26
   1 Proverbs XXII. 17
   1 Proverbs XXII
   1 Proverbs XXI. 25
   1 Proverbs XXI. 16
   1 Proverbs XVII. 6
   1 Proverbs XVII. 27
   1 Proverbs XVII. 22
   1 Proverbs XVII. 14
   1 Proverbs XVI. 18: XVII. 12
   1 Proverbs XVI
   1 Proverbs XV 24
   1 Proverbs XIV. 30
   1 Proverbs XIV. 22
   1 Proverbs XIV. 12
   1 Proverbs XIII 20
   1 Proverbs XII 22
   1 Proverbs XII
   1 Proverbs XI.19
   1 Proverbs IX. 6
   1 Proverbs IV 24
   1 Proverbs IV. 23
   1 Proverb
   1 preverbs XXI. 21
   1 Pranottaratrayamala
   1 Plutarch
   1 Plntarch
   1 Plato: Republic
   1 Philolaus
   1 Philippians IV. 11
   1 Philippians II. 4
   1 Philippians II. 29
   1 Petrarch
   1 Peter III. 8
   1 Persian Proverb
   1 Patanjali: Aphorisms. I 49
   1 Pasteur
   1 Panchatantra
   1 Pali Canonymous
   1 Orphic Precept
   1 Orphic Hymns
   1 ol IV.8
   1 Nidhikama Sutta
   1 Narada Sutra 18-19
   1 Mundaka Upanishad III. 1-5
   1 Mundaka Upanishad I.210.
   1 Montaigne
   1 Mohyiddin in Arabi
   1 Mohyddin-ibn-Arabi. "Essay on Unity."
   1 Mohyddin-ibn-Arabi
   1 Mohammed
   1 Minamoto Sanemoto
   1 Minamoo Sanemoto
   1 Michelet
   1 Meng-Tse VII. I. IV. I. 3
   1 Meng Tse. VII. II. III. 1
   1 Meng-Tse. I V. II. XII
   1 Meng-Tse II. 7.3
   1 Meng-Tse II.7.1
   1 Meng-Tse II 5.17
   1 Meng-Tse
   1 Menedemus
   1 Melessus
   1 Max Scheler
   1 Matthew XX IV. 13
   1 Matthew XX
   1 Matthew. XVI. 26
   1 Matthew XV. 19
   1 Mat-thew. XIX. 18
   1 Matthew XII. 25
   1 Matthew X. 28
   1 Matthew X. 16
   1 Matthew VII. 7
   1 Matthew VII. 12
   1 Matthew VI. 34
   1 Matthew. VI. 21
   1 Matthew VI. 21
   1 Matthew VI. 1
   1 Matthew V. 8
   1 Matthew V. 6
   1 Matthew V. 10
   1 Matthew IX.17
   1 Matthew
   1 Mark V. 36
   1 Mark IX. 23
   1 Marcus Aurelius. X.I
   1 Marcus Aurelius VII. 59
   1 Marcus Aurelias
   1 Marcos Aurelius
   1 Majihima Nikaya
   1 Maimonides
   1 Mahomed
   1 Mahmoud Shabestari
   1 Mahavantara
   1 Mahavajjo
   1 Ma havagga
   1 Mahaparinibbana Sutta
   1 Mahabharara
   1 Maggima Nikaya
   1 Macrobius
   1 Mababharata
   1 Lun-Yu
   1 Lun Yu
   1 Luke XXI. 34
   1 Luke XXI. 19
   1 Luke XVI.10
   1 Luke XIV. 11
   1 Luke XII. 25
   1 Luke XII. 22
   1 Luke V. 8
   1 l Peter II. I
   1 Li-ki
   1 Leviticus XIX. 18
   1 Leviticus XIX.17
   1 Leviticus XIX. 11
   1 Lebrun
   1 Laws of Manu VI. 72
   1 Laws of Manu. II. 193
   1 Laws of Mann
   1 Las-tse
   1 Lao-Tse: Tao-Te-King" XVI
   1 Lao-tse: Tao-te-king
   1 Lao-Tse. 44
   1 Lao-Tse-35
   1 Lao- Tse
   1 Lao Tse
   1 Lao Tee
   1 Lalita-vistara
   1 Lalita-Vistara
   1 Lacordaire
   1 Labor
   1 Kun Yu
   1 Krishna
   1 Kobo Daishi
   1 Kin-yuan-li-sao
   1 kihagavad Gita
   1 Kena Upanishad
   1 Katha-Upanishad
   1 Katha Upanisbad
   1 Kapila
   1 Kant
   1 Kamand Kojouri
   1 Kaivalya Upanishad
   1 Kabbalah
   1 Judges VI. 14
   1 Joshua I. 9
   1 John. XV. 17
   1 John. XIV. 27
   1 John. XIV. 21
   1 John. XIII
   1 John XII. 25
   1 John VIII. 32
   1 John VI. 27
   1 John IV. 12
   1 John III. 7
   1 John III. 18
   1 John. III. 15
   1 John III. 14
   1 John III. 13
   1 Job XXVII. 4
   1 Job XXIX. 14
   1 Job XV. 17.18
   1 JI Timothy IV. 7. 8
   1 Jeremiah XVIII. II
   1 Jeremiah IX. 23
   1 Jatakanmla
   1 Jarakaniala
   1 James V. 12
   1 James V. 11
   1 James.IV. 14
   1 James IV. 1
   1 James II.8
   1 James I. 4
   1 James I. 14
   1 James I 12
   1 James 1. 2
   1 I Timothy. VI. 12
   1 I. Timothy. IV. 14
   1 I Thessalonians V. 19
   1 I Thessalonians V. 16
   1 I-sha Upanishad
   1 Isaiah. LII. 11
   1 Inscriptions of Asoka
   1 Inscription on the Catacombs
   1 Inscription of the Temple of Delphi
   1 Imitation of Christ I. 3. 7
   1 II Timothy. II. 4
   1 II Timothy II. 22
   1 II Peter I. 6
   1 II Coriothians IV. 16
   1 II Corinthians. XIII. 5
   1 II Corinthians VII. I
   1 II Corinthians V. 17
   1 II Corinthians IX. 6
   1 II Corinthains XIII. 8
   1 id. VI. I.XI
   1 id. 58. 60
   1 id. 36
   1 id. 25. 26
   1 I. Corinthians. XVI. 14
   1 I. Corinthians III. 18
   1 Ibrahim of Cordova
   1 Ibn Masnd
   1 ibid
   1 Iamblichus
   1 Huxley
   1 Hosea X. 12
   1 Hosea VIII
   1 Hoei Nan-Tse
   1 Hoce-nan-tse
   1 Hitopadesa
   1 Hermes I. "Poimandres"
   1 Hermes II
   1 Hermes 1. "The Character"
   1 Heraclitus 88
   1 Gyothai
   1 Gulschen Raz
   1 G K Chesterton
   1 Genesis III.19
   1 Galatians VI. 9
   1 Galatians. V. 14
   1 Galatians V. 13
   1 Franklin
   1 Fo-tho-hing-tsang-king
   1 Fo'shu-tsrn-king-
   1 Fo-shu-hing-tsan-kiug
   1 Foshu-hing-tsan-king
   1 Fo-shu- hing-tsan-king
   1 Fo -shu-hing-tsan-king
   1 Fo-sho-hing-tsau-king
   1 Fo-sho.hing-tsan-king
   1 Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king.-
   1 Fo-sho-hing-tai ti-king
   1 Formula of devotion of Mahayanist Buddhism
   1 Firdausi; "Shah-Namah."
   1 Firdausi
   1 Ezekiel XXXIII
   1 Exodus XX.82
   1 Euripides
   1 Esdras
   1 Erelesiastieus
   1 Epsitle to Diognetus
   1 Epictetus 33. 2
   1 Epicietus
   1 Empedocles
   1 Egyptian Funeral Rites
   1 Ecolesiasticus VI. 19
   1 Diogenes of Apollonia
   1 Dhammapada. 35
   1 Dhammapada 243
   1 Dhammapada. 236
   1 Dhammapada. 160
   1 Dham-mapada
   1 Dhainmapada
   1 Deuteronomy XXXI. 6
   1 Deuteronomy XIII. 15
   1 Deuteronomy
   1 Delphic Inscription
   1 Dammapada 354
   1 Dammapada 146
   1 CwetawataraUpanishad. II. 9
   1 Cullavaga
   1 Corinthians XVI. 13
   1 Corinthians XV. 58
   1 Corinthians I
   1 Confueins
   1 Confucius: Lia yu II XV. 20
   1 Colossians III. 9
   1 Colossians III. 8
   1 Colossians III. 5
   1 Colossians. III. 1
   1 Colossians III
   1 Clement of Alexandria
   1 Chu-king
   1 Chinese Maxims
   1 Chinese Buddhist Scriptures
   1 Chinese Buddhistic
   1 Chi-King
   1 Chhandogya Uppanishad
   1 Channing
   1 Chang Yung
   1 Chadana Sutta
   1 CErsted
   1 Catinat
   1 Buddhist Writings in the Japanese
   1 Buddhist scriptures from the Chinese
   1 Buddhist Scriptures from the Chinese
   1 Buddhist Scripture
   1 Buddhist Meditations from the Japanese
   1 Buddhist Maxim
   1 Buddhist Canons in Pali
   1 Buddhacharita
   1 Brihadaranyaka Upanishad I.4
   1 Bossuet
   1 Book of the Dead
   1 Bony of flours
   1 Bha-ullah
   1 Bharon Guru
   1 Bhagavad Git. V. 16
   1 Bhagavad Gita XIII
   1 Bhagavad Gita XII. 11
   1 Bhagavad Gita XI. 38
   1 Bhagavad Gita VI. 34
   1 Bhagavad Gita VI. 26
   1 Bhagavad Gita VI
   1 Bhagavad Gita V. 16
   1 Bhagavad Gita IV. 38
   1 Bhagavad Gita IV. 3
   1 Bhagavad Gita II. 38
   1 Bhagavad Gita. II. 30
   1 Bhagavad Gita. II. 16
   1 Bhagavad Gita. II. 11
   1 Bhagavad Gita. 2.49
   1 Bhagavad Gita. 2.47
   1 Bhagavad Gita 18.23
   1 Bhagavad Gita 11. 53
   1 Bhagavad-Gita
   1 Bahaullah: the Seven Valleys
   1 Baha-ullah: "The Seven Valleys."
   1 Baha-ullah "The Seven Valleys."
   1 Baha-Ullah: The Seven Valleys
   1 Baha-ullah: Kitab-al-ikon
   1 Baha ullah
   1 Baha Ullah
   1 Baha-ulalh
   1 Bacon
   1 Avesta: Yana
   1 Avesta: Vexididad
   1 Avesta: Vendidad
   1 Auguttara Nikaya
   1 Augelius Silesius
   1 Asoka
   1 Antonie the Healer
   1 Antoine the Healer; Revelations
   1 Antoine the Healer: Revelations
   1 Antoine the Healer: "Revelations"
   1 Antoine the Healer : Revelations
   1 Angolua Siloaius
   1 Angelus Silesius II. 22
   1 Angelus Silesius I.15
   1 Angelus Silesins
   1 Angelns Silesius
   1 Angelius Silesius
   1 Angeles Silesins
   1 Anaximander
   1 Amaghanda Susta
   1 Alcineon
   1 Alan Watts
   1 Sri Ramana Maharshi
   1 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
   1 Ahmed Halif: Mystic Odes
   1 Ahm-ed Halif
   1 A Hindu Thought
   1 A Chinese Buddhist Inscription
   1 Abraham-ibn-Ezra
   1 Abhidhamrnatthasangaha


  161 Sri Aurobindo
   51 Fiona Paul
   44 Anonymous
   35 Sri Ramakrishna
   14 Dante Alighieri
   12 Ralph Waldo Emerson
   11 Hermann Hesse
   10 Laozi
   9 Swami Vivekananda
   9 Neil Gaiman
   9 Fyodor Dostoyevsky
   9 Eckhart Tolle
   9 C S Lewis
   9 Blaise Pascal
   9 Albert Einstein
   8 The Mother
   8 George MacDonald
   8 Frederick Lenz
   8 Devdutt Pattanaik
   8 Albert Camus

1:The desire for wisdom leads us to the Eternal Kingdom. ~ Book of Wisdom,
2:God is Light. ~ John, the Eternal Wisdom
3:Ye are Gods. ~ Psalms, the Eternal Wisdom
4:All is living. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
5:There is no suitable name for the eternal Tao. ~ Lao Tzu,
6:All is full of gods ~ Thales, the Eternal Wisdom
7:Man believes either in a God or in an idol. ~ Max Scheler, On the Eternal in Man,
8:He is an eternal silence. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
9:Thou art. ~ Delphic Inscription, the Eternal Wisdom
10:For all is full of God. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
11:Love as brothers. ~ Peter III. 8, the Eternal Wisdom
12:Speak ye the truth. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
13:Think no evil thoughts. ~ Kun Yu, the Eternal Wisdom
14:God and Nature are one. ~ Spinoza, the Eternal Wisdom
15:He is pure of all name. ~ The Bab, the Eternal Wisdom
16:Speak well, act better. ~ Catinat, the Eternal Wisdom
17:Act as you speak. ~ Lalita-vistara, the Eternal Wisdom
18:In death he sees life. ~ Bha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
19:Love one another. ~ John. XIII, 14, the Eternal Wisdom
20:Peace be unto you. ~ John. XIV. 21, the Eternal Wisdom
21:Sorrow is a form of Evil. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
22:Thou shalt not kill. ~ Exodus XX.82, the Eternal Wisdom
23:Thyself vindicate thyself. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
24:God is all and all is God. ~ Eckhart, the Eternal Wisdom
25:No man liveth to himself. ~ St. Paul, the Eternal Wisdom
26:The sage knows himself. ~ Lao-Tse-35, the Eternal Wisdom
27:The Universe is a unity. ~ Philolaus, the Eternal Wisdom
28:Ye must be born again. ~ John III. 7, the Eternal Wisdom
29:Go in this thy might. ~ Judges VI. 14, the Eternal Wisdom
30:Have no vicious thoughts. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
31:Indolence is a soil. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
32:Look within things. ~ Marcus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
33:Man is a small universe. ~ Democritus, the Eternal Wisdom
34:The Universe is a unity. ~ Anaxagoras, the Eternal Wisdom
35:Become what thou art. ~ Orphic Precept, the Eternal Wisdom
36:It is Itself that which was and that which is yet to be, the Eternal. ~ Kaivaiya Upanishad,
37:It is like the eternal void : filled with eternal possibilities. ~ Tao Te Ching, chapter 4,
38:Let the past be past.
Concentrate only on the Eternal.

Blessings ~ The Mother,
39:Hard to animals, hard to men. ~ Proverb, the Eternal Wisdom
40:Set not thy heart upon riches. ~ Psalms, the Eternal Wisdom
41:The race of men is divine. ~ Pythagoras, the Eternal Wisdom
42:The word "He" diminishes Him. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
43:Flee youthful lusts. ~ II Timothy II. 22, the Eternal Wisdom
44:In heaven fear is not. ~ Katha-Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
45:No man hath seen God at any time. ~ John, the Eternal Wisdom
46:One should seek God among men. ~ Novalis, the Eternal Wisdom
47:Only the like knows its like. ~ Porphyry, the Eternal Wisdom
48:Thou shalt not kill. ~ Mat-thew. XIX. 18, the Eternal Wisdom
49:Above all, respect thy sell. ~ Pythagoras, the Eternal Wisdom
50:Be not afraid, only believe. ~ Mark V. 36, the Eternal Wisdom
51:Love is strong as death. ~ Bony of flours, the Eternal Wisdom
52:Rejoice evermore. ~ I Thessalonians V. 16, the Eternal Wisdom
53:Seek and ye, shall find. ~ Matthew VII. 7, the Eternal Wisdom
54:The tree is known by its fruit. ~ Matthew, the Eternal Wisdom
55:Blessed are the pure in heart. ~ Luke V. 8, the Eternal Wisdom
56:For the saint there is no death. ~ Tolstoy, the Eternal Wisdom
57:Love the truth and peace. ~ Zacharias VIII, the Eternal Wisdom
58:Possess your souls in patience. ~ St. Paul, the Eternal Wisdom
59:The evildoer is the only slave. ~ Rousseau, the Eternal Wisdom
60:Lie not one to another. ~ Colossians III. 9, the Eternal Wisdom
61:Love is the one truth. ~ Antoine the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
62:Love light and not darkness. ~ Orphic Hymns, the Eternal Wisdom
63:Practise love and only love. ~ Narada Sutra, the Eternal Wisdom
64:I do not die, I go forth from Time. ~ Lebrun, the Eternal Wisdom
65:Shine out for thyself as thy own light. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
66:Sorrow is the daughter of evil. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
67:The Eternal is not born nor does it die. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
68:To say eternal is to say universal. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
69:What is cannot perish. ~ Apollonius of Tyana, the Eternal Wisdom
70:All beings are from all eternity. ~ Awaghosha, the Eternal Wisdom
71:All that is one and one that is all. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
72:Examine yourselves. ~ II Corinthians. XIII. 5, the Eternal Wisdom
73:Hold such in reputation. ~ Philippians II. 29, the Eternal Wisdom
74:If thou lovest, God liveth in thee. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
75:In all circumstances be wakeful. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
76:Turn ye from your evil ways. ~ Ezekiel XXXIII, the Eternal Wisdom
77:Be strong and of a good courage. ~ Joshua I. 9, the Eternal Wisdom
78:Blessed is he whokeepeth himself pure. ~ Koran, the Eternal Wisdom
79:For the wages of Sin is death. ~ Romans VI. 23, the Eternal Wisdom
80:Human opinions are playthings. ~ Heraclitus 88, the Eternal Wisdom
81:If He were apparent, He would not be. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
82:Man's first duty is to conquer fear. ~ Carlyle, the Eternal Wisdom
83:No man can serve two masters. ~ Sankhya Karika, the Eternal Wisdom
84:Quench not the spirit. ~ I Thessalonians V. 19, the Eternal Wisdom
85:The righteous man is always active. ~ Chi-King, the Eternal Wisdom
86:Be thy own torch; rise up and become wise. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
87:It is needful to watch over oneself. ~ Chu-King, the Eternal Wisdom
88:Never lie; for to lie is infamous. ~ Zendavesta, the Eternal Wisdom
89:Purity and peace make men upright. ~ Lao-Tsu-Te, the Eternal Wisdom
90:Reason is the foundation of all things. ~ Li-Ki, the Eternal Wisdom
91:To have wisdom is worth more than pearls. ~ Job, the Eternal Wisdom
92:ubject thyself to thee. ~ Bhagavad Gita XII. 11, the Eternal Wisdom
93:Be ye steadfast, immovable. ~ Corinthians XV. 58, the Eternal Wisdom
94:Brothers, be good one unto another. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
95:None can be saved without being reborn. ~ Hennes, the Eternal Wisdom
96:The good man remains calm and serene. ~ Chi-king, the Eternal Wisdom
97:The ignorant is a child. ~ Laws of Manu. II. 193, the Eternal Wisdom
98:Thou belongest to the divine world. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
99:Why stand ye here all the day idle? ~ Matthew XX, the Eternal Wisdom
100:Will is the soul of the universe. ~ Schopenhauer, the Eternal Wisdom
101:Be holy in every kind of action. ~ kihagavad Gita, the Eternal Wisdom
102:Fear pleasure, it is the mother of grief. ~ Solon, the Eternal Wisdom
103:Forsake your ignorance and live. ~ Proverbs IX. 6, the Eternal Wisdom
104:Soul is one. Nature is one, life is one. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
105:Sustain one another in a mutual love, ~ Cullavaga, the Eternal Wisdom
106:To think is to move in the Infinite. ~ Lacordaire, the Eternal Wisdom
107:Under all circumstances be vigilant. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
108:ut now put off all these things. ~ Colossians III, the Eternal Wisdom
109:Be thou faithful unto death. ~ Revelations III, 10, the Eternal Wisdom
110:He is the principle of supreme Wisdom. ~ The Zohar, the Eternal Wisdom
111:He who conceives the Truth, is born anew. ~ Vemana, the Eternal Wisdom
112:Regard as true only the eternal and the just. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
113:Strive forcefully, cross the current. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
114:The whole universe is life, force and action. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
115:All is truth for the intellect and reason. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
116:All you have issued the one from the other. ~ Koran, the Eternal Wisdom
117:And, first, ordinarily be silent. ~ Epictetus 33. 2, the Eternal Wisdom
118:Found not thy glory on power and riches. ~ Theognis, the Eternal Wisdom
119:Give not thy heart over to anxieties. ~ Mahabharara, the Eternal Wisdom
120:Heedlessness is the road of death. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
121:It is that which is and that which is not. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
122:Little children, keep yourselves from idols. ~ John, the Eternal Wisdom
123:Our true glory and true riches are within. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
124:The mind which studies is not disquieted. ~ Lao-tse, the Eternal Wisdom
125:There is no suitable name for the eternal Tao. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
126:Alone the sage can recognize the sage. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
127:He is all things and all things are one. ~ The Zohar, the Eternal Wisdom
128:Let us net give ourselves up to excesses. ~ Chi-king, the Eternal Wisdom
129:Let your yea be yea and your nay, nay. ~ James V. 12, the Eternal Wisdom
130:Real action is done in moments of silence. ~ Emerson, the Eternal Wisdom
131:There is no fire that can equal desire. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
132:Behold, we count them happy who endure. ~ James V. 11, the Eternal Wisdom
133:Speak always the truth and cultivate harmony- ~ Li-ki, the Eternal Wisdom
134:The eternal female draws us onward. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
135:The Idea is cause and end of things. ~ Giordano Bruno, the Eternal Wisdom
136:The soul bound is man; free, it is God. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
137:At all times love is the greatest thing ~ Narada Sutra, the Eternal Wisdom
138:Compassion and love, behold the true religion! ~ Asoka, the Eternal Wisdom
139:Let charity be without dissimulation. ~ Romans. XII. 9, the Eternal Wisdom
140:Nothing is wholly dead nor wholly alive. ~ Victor Hugo, the Eternal Wisdom
141:The evil of the soul is ignorance. ~ Hermes, "The Key", the Eternal Wisdom
142:The soul of man is the mirror of the world. ~ Leibnitz, the Eternal Wisdom
143:True strength is to have power over oneself. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
144:Deliver them that are drawn unto death. ~ ProverbsXXXIV, the Eternal Wisdom
145:Do not thyself what displeases thee in others. ~ Thales, the Eternal Wisdom
146:Do what thy Master tells thee; it is good. ~ Ptah-hotep, the Eternal Wisdom
147:For charity covers a multitude of sins. ~ St. Poter. IV, the Eternal Wisdom
148:In the universe there is nothing which God is not. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
149:Let us watch over our thoughts. ~ Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king, the Eternal Wisdom
150:Seek those things which are above. ~ Colossians. III. 1, the Eternal Wisdom
151:That which is was always and always will be. ~ Melessus, the Eternal Wisdom
152:The perfect man does not hunt after wealth. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
153:There is no pollution like unto hatred. ~ Buddhist Text, the Eternal Wisdom
154:Verily, I say to thee; he who seeks the Eternal, finds Him. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
155:A calm heart is the life of the body. ~ Proverbs XIV. 30, the Eternal Wisdom
156:All this is full of that Being. ~ Swetaswatara Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
157:Everything is but a shadow cast by the mind. ~ Awaghosha, the Eternal Wisdom
158:I desire and love nothing that is not of the light. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
159:Love is the deliverance of the heart. ~ Auguttara Nikaya, the Eternal Wisdom
160:Renovate thyself daily. ~ A Chinese Buddhist Inscription, the Eternal Wisdom
161:The charm of a man is in his kindness. ~ Proverbs XII 22, the Eternal Wisdom
162:This Wisdom is the principle of all things.- ~ The Zohar, the Eternal Wisdom
163:What you wish others to do, do yourselves. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
164:All that is born, is corrupted to be born again. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
165:Blessed is the man that endureth temptation. ~ James I 12, the Eternal Wisdom
166:For what is God? He is the soul of the universe. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
167:I have chosen the way of truth. ~ Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
168:Man is divine so long as he is in communion with the Eternal. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
169:The eternal Tao has no name; when the Tao divided Itself, then It had a name. ~ Lao Tzu,
170:Thou knowest, O my son, the way of regeneration. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
171:To renounce one's self is not to renounce life. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
172:Walk in charity. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Ephesians,. V. 2, the Eternal Wisdom
173:We are every one members one of another. ~ Romans. XII. 5, the Eternal Wisdom
174:Be pure, be simple and hold always a just mean. ~ Chu-King, the Eternal Wisdom
175:Neglect not the gift that is in thee. ~ I. Timothy. IV. 14, the Eternal Wisdom
176:Render unto all men that which is their due. ~ Corinthians, the Eternal Wisdom
177:The desire of the slothful killeth him. ~ Proverbs XXI. 25, the Eternal Wisdom
178:There where all ends, all is eternally beginning. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
179:Totally to renounce one's self is to become God. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
180:All you have to do then is to comm and yourselves. ~ Cicero, the Eternal Wisdom
181:Be ye wise as serpents and simple as doves. ~ Matthew X. 16, the Eternal Wisdom
182:Death is the only remedy against death. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
183:He must be good to animals, yet better to men. ~ Baha Ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
184:He that soweth iniquity, shall reap vanity. ~ Proverbs XXII, the Eternal Wisdom
185:If thou hast many vices, thou hast many masters. ~ Petrarch, the Eternal Wisdom
186:In perseverance ye shall possess your souls. ~ Luke XXI. 19, the Eternal Wisdom
187:Let us think that we are born for the common good. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
188:Love towards all beings is the true religion. ~ Jarakaniala, the Eternal Wisdom
189:Nothing here below should trouble the sage. ~ Bhagavad Gita, the Eternal Wisdom
190:or out of the heart proceed evil thoughts. ~ Matthew XV. 19, the Eternal Wisdom
191:Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation. ~ Romans XII. 12, the Eternal Wisdom
192:There is no happiness apart from rectitude. ~ Buddhist Text, the Eternal Wisdom
193:To covet external objects is to defile the mind. ~ Chu-King, the Eternal Wisdom
194:Whence come these beings? What is this creation? ~ Rig Veda, the Eternal Wisdom
195:Who knoweth these things? Who can speak of them? ~ Rig Veda, the Eternal Wisdom
196:All things are possible to him that believeth. ~ Mark IX. 23, the Eternal Wisdom
197:Be sober, be vigilant. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, 1 Peter, V. 8, the Eternal Wisdom
198:Be strong; fear not. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Isaiah, XXXV. 4, the Eternal Wisdom
199:He is the supreme Light hidden under every veil. ~ The Zohar, the Eternal Wisdom
200:Of all our possessions, wisdom alone is immortal. ~ Socrates, the Eternal Wisdom
201:The Essence of all things is one and identical. ~ Aswaghosha, the Eternal Wisdom
202:The plague of ignorance overflows all the earth. ~ Hermes II, the Eternal Wisdom
203:A merry heart doeth good like a medicine. ~ Proverbs XVII. 22, the Eternal Wisdom
204:Let us keep watch over our thoughts. ~ Fo-shu- hing-tsan-king, the Eternal Wisdom
205:Love thy neighbour and be faithful unto him. ~ Erelesiastieus, the Eternal Wisdom
206:Only he who lives not for himself, does not perish. ~ Lao-Tse, the Eternal Wisdom
207:There is no happiness so great as peace of mind. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
208:The sage is not a savant nor the savant a sage. ~ Lao-Tse. 44, the Eternal Wisdom
209:Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. ~ Leviticus XIX. 18, the Eternal Wisdom
210:Zealous and not slothful; fervent in spirit. ~ Romans XII. II, the Eternal Wisdom
211:A one-minded pursuit of the inner joys kills ambition. ~ Renan, the Eternal Wisdom
212:Cross force-fully the torrent flood of the world. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
213:Empty for the fool are all the points of Space. ~ Hindu Saying, the Eternal Wisdom
214:Fortune fears the brave soul; she crushes the coward. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
215:He is truly great who has great charity. ~ Imitation of Christ, the Eternal Wisdom
216:Life is a journey in the darkness of the night. ~ Panchatantra, the Eternal Wisdom
217:Neither, do men put new wine into old bottles. ~ Matthew IX.17, the Eternal Wisdom
218:Never get done by others what thou canst thyself do. ~ Tolstoy, the Eternal Wisdom
219:Owe no man anything but to love one another. ~ Ro-mans. XIV. 8, the Eternal Wisdom
220:Practising wisdom, men have respect one for another. ~ Lao Tee, the Eternal Wisdom
221:The knowledge one does not practise is a poison. ~ Hitopadesha, the Eternal Wisdom
222:The possession of wisdom leadeth to true happiness. ~ Porphyry, the Eternal Wisdom
223:Thou shalt call Intelligence by the name of mother. ~ Kabbalah, the Eternal Wisdom
224:To the persevering and the firm nothing is difficult. ~ Lun-Yu, the Eternal Wisdom
225:Your peace shall be in a great patience. ~ Imitation of Christ, the Eternal Wisdom
226:All the accidents of life can be turned to our profit. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
227:Becoming is the mode of activity of the uncreated God. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
228:Comprehend then the light and know it. ~ Hermes I. "Poimandres", the Eternal Wisdom
229:Dust thou art and unto dust shall thou return. ~ Genesis III.19, the Eternal Wisdom
230:e that overcometh shall inherit all things. ~ Revelation XXI. 7, the Eternal Wisdom
231:Examine all things and hold fast that which is good. ~ St. Paul, the Eternal Wisdom
232:He that loveth not his brother abideth in death. ~ John III. 14, the Eternal Wisdom
233:In due season we shall reap, if we faint not. ~ Galatians VI. 9, the Eternal Wisdom
234:Men will only be happy when they all love each other. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
235:Strength of character primes strength of intelligence ~ Emerson, the Eternal Wisdom
236:The Being that is one, sages speak of in many terms. ~ Rig Veda, the Eternal Wisdom
237:Above all banish the thought of the "I." ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsan-kiug, the Eternal Wisdom
238:A dumb man's tongue is better than the liar's. ~ Turkish Proverb, the Eternal Wisdom
239:Be strong and of a good courage; fear not. ~ Deuteronomy XXXI. 6, the Eternal Wisdom
240:He governs his soul and expects nothing from others. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
241:He that loveth another hath fulfilled the law. ~ Ro-wans XIII. 8, the Eternal Wisdom
242:He that walketh with the wise, shall be wise. ~ Proverbs XIII 20, the Eternal Wisdom
243:He who abases Matter, abases himself and all creation. ~ CErsted, the Eternal Wisdom
244:In the world of the Unity heaven and earth are one. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
245:Nothing is more dangerous for man than negligence. ~ Mahabharata, the Eternal Wisdom
246:One must be God in order to understand God. ~ Antoine the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
247:One should be careful to improve himself continually. ~ Chu-King, the Eternal Wisdom
248:The perfection of evil is to be ignorant of the Divine. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
249:Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thy heart. ~ Leviticus XIX.17, the Eternal Wisdom
250:Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treads thy grain ~ Deuteronomy, the Eternal Wisdom
251:We share one Intelligence with heaven and the stars. ~ Macrobius, the Eternal Wisdom
252:an's duty is to give the guidance of the soul to reason. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
253:By the taming of the senses the intelligence grows. ~ Mahabharata, the Eternal Wisdom
254:For the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life. ~ Corinthians, the Eternal Wisdom
255:Matter and Spirit are one since the first beginning. ~ Aswaghosha, the Eternal Wisdom
256:None is wise enough to guide himself alone. ~ Imitation of Christ, the Eternal Wisdom
257:O Inexpressible, Ineffable, whom silence alone can name! ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
258:The essence of God, if at all God has an essence, is Beauty. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
259:The sage is happy everywhere, the whole earth is his. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
260:The veils that hide the light shall be rent asunder. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
261:Thou art the sovereign treasure of this universe. ~ Bhagavad Gita, the Eternal Wisdom
262:Wisdom is a well-spring of life unto him that hath it. ~ Proverbs, the Eternal Wisdom
263:Let brotherly love continue. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Hebrews, XIII, the Eternal Wisdom
264:Let us lend ear to the sages who point out to us the way. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
265:O children of desire, cast off your garb of vanities. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
266:Seek the Truth, though you must go to China to find it. ~ Mohammed, the Eternal Wisdom
267:There is in the universe one power of infinite Thought. ~ Leibnitz, the Eternal Wisdom
268:This thing I comm and you that ye love one another. ~ John. XV. 17, the Eternal Wisdom
269:Unto the upright there ariseth light in the darkness ~ Psalms CXII, the Eternal Wisdom
270:Whoever knows himself, has light. ~ Lao-Tse, "Tao-Te King." XXXIII, the Eternal Wisdom
271:Wisdom is a thing of which one can never have enough. ~ Minokhired, the Eternal Wisdom
272:e ye clean, ye that bear the vessels of the Lord. ~ Isaiah. LII. 11, the Eternal Wisdom
273:Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer. ~ Revelations II, the Eternal Wisdom
274:Fight the good fight, lay hold on eternal life. ~ I Timothy. VI. 12, the Eternal Wisdom
275:Follow peace with all men. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Hebrews, XII. 14, the Eternal Wisdom
276:I was dead and, behold, I am alive for evermore. ~ Revelation I. 18, the Eternal Wisdom
277:Let all your things be done with charity. ~ I. Corinthians. XVI. 14, the Eternal Wisdom
278:Let not the talk of the vulgar make any impression on you. ~ Cicero, the Eternal Wisdom
279:Let the man in whom there is intelligence... know himself. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
280:Our creation, our perfection are our own work. ~ Antoine the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
281:Renounce without hesitation faith and unbelief. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
282:Since the world passes, thyself pass beyond it. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
283:The just man is himself his own law. ~ Inscription on the Catacombs, the Eternal Wisdom
284:There is the Truth where Love and Righteousness are ~ Buddhist Text, the Eternal Wisdom
285:This mysterious Wisdom is the supreme principle of all. ~ The Zohar, the Eternal Wisdom
286:herefore seek one thing only,-the kingdom of the permanent. ~ Pascal, the Eternal Wisdom
287:Save the world that is within us, O Life. ~ Hermes: "On the Rebirth", the Eternal Wisdom
288:The universe is a living thing and all lives in it. ~ Giordano Bruno, the Eternal Wisdom
289:Thou hast a name that thou livest and art dead. ~ Revelations III. 1, the Eternal Wisdom
290:To comprehend God is difficult, to speak of Him impossible. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
291:To love long, unweariedly, always makes t-lie weak strong ~ Michelet, the Eternal Wisdom
292:True knowledge leads to unity, ignorance to diversity. ~ Ramakrishan, the Eternal Wisdom
293:Wherever you find movement, there you find life and a soul. ~ Thales, the Eternal Wisdom
294:Wide open to all beings be the gates of the Everlasting. ~ Mahavajjo, the Eternal Wisdom
295:Wisdom is the most precious riches. ~ Chinese Buddhistic, Scriptures, the Eternal Wisdom
296:A man of understanding is of an excellent spirit. ~ Proverbs XVII. 27, the Eternal Wisdom
297:Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. ~ Matthew V. 8, the Eternal Wisdom
298:Constantly observe sincerity and fidelity and good faith. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
299:Control by thy divine self thy lower being. ~ Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
300:One must receive the Truth from wheresoever it may come. ~ Maimonides, the Eternal Wisdom
301:Patience is an invincible breast-plate. ~ Chinese Buddhist Scriptures, the Eternal Wisdom
302:Poor souls are they whose work is for a reward. ~ Bhagavad Gita. 2.49, the Eternal Wisdom
303:Root out in thee all love of thyself and all egoism. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
304:The most perfect man is the one who is most useful to others. ~ Koran, the Eternal Wisdom
305:There are no partitions between ourselves and the Infinite. ~ Emerson, the Eternal Wisdom
306:Thou art my sister", and call understanding thy kinswoman. ~ Proverbs, the Eternal Wisdom
307:What purity is for the soul, cleanliness is for the body. ~ Epicietus, the Eternal Wisdom
308:When one follows the Way, there is no death upon the earth. ~ Lao-Tse, the Eternal Wisdom
309:All men participate in the possibility of self-knowledge. ~ Heraclitus, the Eternal Wisdom
310:All that exists in the world, has always existed. ~ Antoine the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
311:Always higher must I mount, higher must I see. ~ Angelus Silesius I.15, the Eternal Wisdom
312:Beloved, let us love one another. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, 1 John, IV.7, the Eternal Wisdom
313:Be not astonished that man can become like God. ~ Epistle to Diognetus, the Eternal Wisdom
314:By dominating the senses one increases the intelligence. ~ Mababharata, the Eternal Wisdom
315:He is the happy man whose soul is superior to all happenings. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
316:hen the spirit has comm and over the soul, that is strength. ~ Lao-tse, the Eternal Wisdom
317:He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding. ~ Proverbs XIV. 22, the Eternal Wisdom
318:If we drink of this cup, we shall forget the whole world. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
319:I will trust and not be afraid. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Isaiah, XII. 2, the Eternal Wisdom
320:Let not worldly thoughts and anxieties disturb the mind. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
321:Lying is for slaves; a freeman speaks the truth. ~ Apollonius of Tyana, the Eternal Wisdom
322:Make yourself loved by the example of your life. ~ St. Vincent de Paul, the Eternal Wisdom
323:Mortify therefore covetousness, which is idolatry. ~ Colossians III. 5, the Eternal Wisdom
324:Sleep not until thou hast held converse with thyself. ~ Chinese Maxims, the Eternal Wisdom
325:They that plough iniquity and sow wickedness, reap the same. ~ ol IV.8, the Eternal Wisdom
326:Three roots of evil: desire, disliking and ignorance. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
327:What is virtue ? It is sensebility towards all creatures. ~ Hitopadesa, the Eternal Wisdom
328:Yes, His very splendour is the cause of His invisibility. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
329:A just man falleth seven times and riseth up again. ~ Proverbs XXIV. 16, the Eternal Wisdom
330:Blush not to submit to a sage who knows more than thyself. ~ Democritus, the Eternal Wisdom
331:He who acts according to what he holds to be the law of life, ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
332:I approve the better way, but I follow the worse. ~ Romans. VII. 19. 21, the Eternal Wisdom
333:Indolence is an infirmity and continual idleness a soil. ~ Uttama Sutta, the Eternal Wisdom
334:Leave hereafter iniquity and accomplish righteousness. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
335:My heart within instructs me also in the night seasons. ~ Psalms. XVI.7, the Eternal Wisdom
336:Renounce pleasure and renounce wrath and observe justice. ~ Mahabharata, the Eternal Wisdom
337:Terrestrial things are not the truth, but semblances of truth. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
338:The Ancestors fashioned the gods as a workman fashions iron. ~ Rig Veda, the Eternal Wisdom
339:The desire for wisdom leads us to the Eternal Kingdom. ~ Book of Wisdom, the Eternal Wisdom
340:They have sown the wind and they shall reap the whirlwind. ~ Hosea VIII, the Eternal Wisdom
341:To put an end to care for one's self is a great happiness. ~ Udanavarga, the Eternal Wisdom
342:When darkness envelops you, do you not seek for a lamp? ~ Dammapada 146, the Eternal Wisdom
343:Whosoever thinketh with love, never offendeth any. ~ Antoine the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
344:Be kindly affectioned one to another by brotherly love. ~ Romans.XII. 10, the Eternal Wisdom
345:Be persevering as one who shall last for ever. ~ Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
346:Depart from evil and do good and dwell for evermore. ~ Psalms XXXVII. 27, the Eternal Wisdom
347:For there is nothing so powerful to purify as knowledge. ~ Bhagavad Gita, the Eternal Wisdom
348:Have a care that ye sow not among men the seeds of discord. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
349:His creation never had a beginning and will never have an end. ~ The Bab, the Eternal Wisdom
350:If thou wouldst be free, accustom thyself to curb thy desires. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
351:Intelligence divorced from virtue is no longer intelligence ~ Minokhired, the Eternal Wisdom
352:Let not worldly thoughts and anxieties trouble your minds. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
353:Love is greater than knowledge...because it is its own end. ~ id. 25. 26, the Eternal Wisdom
354:The greater his aspiration and concentration, the more he finds the Eternal. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
355:The hand of an artisan is always pure when it is at work. ~ Laws of Mann, the Eternal Wisdom
356:The world is full of marvels and the greatest marvel is man. ~ Sophocles, the Eternal Wisdom
357:What we would not have done to us, we must not do to others. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
358:Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. ~ Matthew. VI. 21, the Eternal Wisdom
359:Who is blinder even than the blind? The man of passion. ~ Buddhist Maxim, the Eternal Wisdom
360:Wisdom is full of light and her beauty is not withered. ~ Book of Wisdom, the Eternal Wisdom
361:And it is inaccessible, unknowable and beyond comprehension for all. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
362:Break, break the old Tables, ye who seek after the knowledge. ~ Nietzsche, the Eternal Wisdom
363:Hold in horror dissimilation and all hypocrisy. ~ Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king.-, the Eternal Wisdom
364:I know no other secret for loving except to love. ~ St. Francois de Sales, the Eternal Wisdom
365:Let him in whom there is understanding know that he is immortal. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
366:Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. ~ Corinthians I, the Eternal Wisdom
367:Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. ~ John. XIV. 27, the Eternal Wisdom
368:Let us walk, as in the day, not in rioting and drunkenness. ~ Romans XIII, the Eternal Wisdom
369:Men perish because they cannot join the beginning and the end. ~ Alcineon, the Eternal Wisdom
370:Pass; thou hast the key, thou canst be at ease. ~ Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
371:Renounce your desires and you shall taste of peace. ~ Imitation of Christ, the Eternal Wisdom
372:The soul spiritual should have comm and over the soul of sense. ~ Lao-tse, the Eternal Wisdom
373:The wise man acts towards all beings even as towards himself. ~ Madharata, the Eternal Wisdom
374:To find our real being and know it truly is to acquire wisdom. ~ Porphyry, the Eternal Wisdom
375:Verily, I say to thee; he who seeks the Eternal, finds Him. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
376:With time and patience the mulberry leaf becomes satin. ~ Persian Proverb, the Eternal Wisdom
377:All, even the vegetables, have rights to thy sensibility ~ Chinese Proverb, the Eternal Wisdom
378:At each instant he sees a wonderful world and a new creation. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
379:e ye holy in all manner of conduct. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, 1 Peter, I. 15, the Eternal Wisdom
380:He who is a friend of wisdom, must not be violent. ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsan-king, the Eternal Wisdom
381:It is you who must make the effort; the sages can only teach. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
382:Let us be one even with those who do not wish to be one with us. ~ Bossuet, the Eternal Wisdom
383:Not to weary of well doing is a great benediction. ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsau-king, the Eternal Wisdom
384:The man who docth these things shall live by them. ~ Epistle to the Romans, the Eternal Wisdom
385:There is one body and one Spirit. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Ephesians, IV, 4, the Eternal Wisdom
386:True philosophy is beyond all the attacks of things. ~ Apollonius of Tyana, the Eternal Wisdom
387:Watch ye, stand fast, quit you like men, be strong.* ~ Corinthians XVI. 13, the Eternal Wisdom
388:All is in the One in power and the One is in all in act. ~ Abraham-ibn-Ezra, the Eternal Wisdom
389:For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. ~ Matthew VI. 21, the Eternal Wisdom
390:God is love and we are in our weakness imperfect gods. ~ Antoine the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
391:If man surrenders himself to Tao, he identifies himself with Tao. ~ Lao-tse, the Eternal Wisdom
392:Ignorance is also most always on the point of doing evil. ~ Chinese Proverb, the Eternal Wisdom
393:Look into thy heart and thou shalt see there His image. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
394:Man is divine so long as he is in communion with the Eternal. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
395:O disciples, be ye heirs to Truth, not to worldly things. ~ Magghima Nikaya, the Eternal Wisdom
396:One of the most important precepts of wisdom is to know oneself. ~ Socrates, the Eternal Wisdom
397:Personal success ought never to he considered the aim of existence. ~ Bacon, the Eternal Wisdom
398:Put always in the first rank uprightness of heart and fidelity. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
399:Surmount the desires of which gods and men are the subjects. ~ Uttana Sutta, the Eternal Wisdom
400:The spirit and the form; sentiment within and symbol without. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
401:What use to cut the branches if one leaves the roots? ~ Apollonius of Tyana, the Eternal Wisdom
402:When you have seen your aim, hold to it, firm and unshakeable. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
403:Whoso seeketh with diligence, he shall find. ~ Bahaullah: the Seven Valleys, the Eternal Wisdom
404:All the gods and goddesses are only varied aspects of the One. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
405:Blessed are they who are persecuted for righteousness' sake. ~ Matthew V. 10, the Eternal Wisdom
406:etter is he that rulethhis spirit than he that taketh a city. ~ Proverbs XVI, the Eternal Wisdom
407:It is far more useful to commune with oneself than with others. ~ Demophilus, the Eternal Wisdom
408:Respect man as a spiritual being in whom dwells the divine Spirit. ~ Tolstoy, the Eternal Wisdom
409:Temples cannot imprison within their walls the divine Substance. ~ Euripides, the Eternal Wisdom
410:The idea of thou and I is a fruit of the soul's ignorance. ~ Bhagavat Purana, the Eternal Wisdom
411:The man who knows the Tao, does not speak; he who speaks, knows It not. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
412:There is in this world no purification like knowledge. ~ Bhagavad Gita IV. 3, the Eternal Wisdom
413:This is a great fault in men, to love to be the models of others. ~ Meng-tse, the Eternal Wisdom
414:To think one is sufficiently virtuous, is to lose hold of virtue. ~ Chu-King, the Eternal Wisdom
415:What can he desire in the world who is greater than the world? ~ St. Cyprian, the Eternal Wisdom
416:Aspire to the regions where oneness has its dominion. ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsan-king, the Eternal Wisdom
417:He who knows himself, knows his Lord. ~ Mohyddin-ibn-Arabi. "Essay on Unity.", the Eternal Wisdom
418:My lips shall not speak wickedness nor my tongue utter deceit, ~ Job XXVII. 4, the Eternal Wisdom
419:Such is the last good of those who possess knowledge: to become God. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
420:The principle of supreme purity is in repose, in perfect calm. ~ Hoce-nan-tse, the Eternal Wisdom
421:The simple and upright man is as strong as if he were a great host. ~ Lao-Tse, the Eternal Wisdom
422:The sinner sins against himself, for he makes himself evil. ~ Marcus Aurelias, the Eternal Wisdom
423:The whole dignity of man is in thought. Labour then to think aright. ~ Pascal, the Eternal Wisdom
424:Time which destroys the universe, must again create the worlds. ~ Mahabharata, the Eternal Wisdom
425:Tire not being useful to thyself by being useful to others. ~ Marcus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
426:To transform death and make of it a means of victory and triumph. ~ Nietzsche, the Eternal Wisdom
427:Who is the enemy? Lack of energy. ~ The Jewel-wreath of Questions and Answers, the Eternal Wisdom
428:And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. ~ John VIII. 32, the Eternal Wisdom
429:Covet earnestly the best gifts. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, 1 Corinthians,.XII. 21, the Eternal Wisdom
430:Do not believe all that men say. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Ecclesiastes, XIX. 10, the Eternal Wisdom
431:e who subdues men is only strong; he who subdues himself, is mighty. ~ Lao-Tse, the Eternal Wisdom
432:e will see with the divine eyes the mysteries of the eternal art. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
433:How shall thy patience be crowned, if it is never tried? ~ Imitation of Christ, the Eternal Wisdom
434:Intelligence is worth more than all the possessions in the world. ~ Minokhired, the Eternal Wisdom
435:Keep thy tongue from evil and thy lips from speaking guile. ~ Psalms XXXIV. 13, the Eternal Wisdom
436:O my friends, plant only flowers of love in the garden of hearts. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
437:Take heed that ye do not alms before, men, to be seen of them. ~ Matthew VI. 1, the Eternal Wisdom
438:The man who has done good does not cry it through the world. ~ Marcus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
439:The physical world is only a reflection of the spiritual. ~ Antoine the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
440:The sage increases his wisdom by all that he can gather from others. ~ Fenelon, the Eternal Wisdom
441:The soul is veiled by the body; God is veiled by the soul. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
442:Thou hast a right only to work, but never to its fruits. ~ Bhagavad Gita. 2.47, the Eternal Wisdom
443:All wisdom is one: to understand the spirit that rules all by all. ~ Heraclitus, the Eternal Wisdom
444:But where shall wisdom be found? and where is the place of understanding? ~ Job, the Eternal Wisdom
445:Death is swallowed up in victory. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, 1 Corinthians, XV. 54, the Eternal Wisdom
446: Deliver thyself from the inconstancy of human things. ~ Seneca: De Providentia, the Eternal Wisdom
447:Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways and be wise. ~ Proverbs XVII. 6, the Eternal Wisdom
448:Happy is the man whose senses are purified and utterly under curb. ~ Udanavarga, the Eternal Wisdom
449:He that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. ~ Matthew XX IV. 13, the Eternal Wisdom
450:He who loves is in joy, he is free and nothing stops him. ~ Imitation of Christ, the Eternal Wisdom
451:hosoever is truly enlightened, cannot fail to arrive at perfection. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
452:No compromises; to live resolutely in integrity, plenitude and beauty. ~ Goethe, the Eternal Wisdom
453:They rest from their labours and their works follow them. ~ Revelations XIV. 13, the Eternal Wisdom
454:Through Thy creations I have discovered the beatitude of Thy eternity. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
455:To be enlightened is to know that which is eternal. ~ Lao-Tse: Tao-Te-King" XVI, the Eternal Wisdom
456:To know how to die in one age gives us life in all the others. ~ Giordano Bruno, the Eternal Wisdom
457:Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit to his stature. ~ Luke XII. 25, the Eternal Wisdom
458:All beings aspire to happiness, therefore envelop all in thy love. ~ Mahavantara, the Eternal Wisdom
459:Battle with all thy force to cross the great torrent of desire. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
460:Be not proud in thy riches, nor in thy strength, nor in thy wisdom. ~ Phocylides, the Eternal Wisdom
461:Gird up the loins of your mind, be sober. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, 1 Peter, I. 12, the Eternal Wisdom
462:God or the Good, what is it but the existence of that which yet is not? ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
463:Have your loins girt about with truth. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Ephesians, VI. 14, the Eternal Wisdom
464:Is there a single man who can see what the Sage cannot even conceive? ~ Tseu-tse, the Eternal Wisdom
465:There is an eternal Thinker, but his thoughts are not eternal. ~ Katha Upanisbad, the Eternal Wisdom
466:We fight to win sublime Wisdom; therefore men call us warriors. ~ Book of Wisdom, the Eternal Wisdom
467:Whatever is not of use to the swarm, is not of use to the bee. ~ Marcus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
468:All evil is in travail of the eternal good. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, The Divine and the Undivine,
469:Dost thou not know that thou hast become God and art the son of the One? ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
470:He is everywhere in the world and stands with all in His embrace. ~ Bhagavad Gita, the Eternal Wisdom
471:Hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. ~ Revelations III, 11, the Eternal Wisdom
472:I begin life over again after death even as the sun every day. ~ Book of the Dead, the Eternal Wisdom
473:If thou canst not equal thyself with God, thou canst not understand Him. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
474:Let us respect men, and not only men of worth, but the public in general ~ Cicero, the Eternal Wisdom
475:Nothing is lost in the world because the world is enveloped in eternity. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
476:The name of the Ancient and most Holy is unknowable to all and inaccessible. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
477:The smallest drop of water united to the ocean no longer dries. ~ A Hindu Thought, the Eternal Wisdom
478:Time is a manifestation of the Eternal. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, Reality and the Cosmic Illusion,
479:Virtue shows itself in the lowest as well as in the sublimest things. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
480:What we would not like being done to us, let us not do it to others. ~ Chang Yung, the Eternal Wisdom
481:Apply thyself to think what is good, speak what is good, do what is good. ~ Avesta, the Eternal Wisdom
482:For all are called to cooperate in the great work of progress ~ Antoine the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
483:Happy is his portion who knows and performs and has knowledge of the ways. ~ Labor, the Eternal Wisdom
484:He whose heart longs after the Deity, has no time for anything else. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
485:If a man covets nothing, how shall he fail to do what is just and good? ~ Chi-king, the Eternal Wisdom
486:If Paradise is not within thee, thou shalt never enter into it. ~ Angelus Silesins, the Eternal Wisdom
487:It reveals itself rather than is learned. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, The Eternal and the Individual,
488:My son, give me thy heart and let thine eyes observe my ways. ~ Proverbs XXIII. 26, the Eternal Wisdom
489:That which is in all reality cannot begin to be nor be annihilated. ~ Schopenhauer, the Eternal Wisdom
490:The eternal Tao has no name; when the Tao divided Itself, then It had a name. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
491:Unite always to a great exactitude uprightness and simplicity of heart. ~ Chu-King, the Eternal Wisdom
492:What is there more precious than a sage? He sets peace between all men. ~ Tsu-king, the Eternal Wisdom
493:What joy is there in this world which is everywhere a prey to flames? ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
494:What you do not wish to be done to yourselves, do not do to other men. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
495:All that is contains Thee; I could not exist if Thou wert not in me. ~ St Augustine, the Eternal Wisdom
496:He that killeth an ox is as if lie slew a man. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Isaiah, LXVT, the Eternal Wisdom
497:In truth there is no difference between the word of God and the world. ~ Baha-ulalh, the Eternal Wisdom
498:I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help! ~ Psalms CXXI.1, the Eternal Wisdom
499:Let us, who are of the day, be sober. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, 1 Thessalonians, V. 8, the Eternal Wisdom
500:Listen to Nature: she cries out to us that we are all members of one family. ~ Sadi, the Eternal Wisdom
501:Man is like an ignorant spectator of a drama played on the stage. ~ Bhagavat Purana, the Eternal Wisdom
502:No man of war entangleth himself with the affairs of this life. ~ II Timothy. II. 4, the Eternal Wisdom
503:Our inner self is provided with all necessary faculties ~ Meng-Tse VII. I. IV. I. 3, the Eternal Wisdom
504:Out of academies there come more fools than from any other class in society. ~ Kant, the Eternal Wisdom
505:That is worlds, gods, beings, the All,-the supreme Soul. ~ Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
506:The soul when it has arrived at unity, acquires a supernatural knowledge. ~ Lao-Tse, the Eternal Wisdom
507:The superior man must always remain himself in all situations of life. ~ Tsung yung, the Eternal Wisdom
508:Be gentle, strike not an inoffensive animal, break not a domestic tree. ~ Pythagoras, the Eternal Wisdom
509:Be then on your guard against everything that suppresses your liberty. ~ Vivekananda, the Eternal Wisdom
510:Do not believe in men's discourses before you have reflected well on them. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
511:Fear not them which kill the body but are not able to kill the soul. ~ Matthew X. 28, the Eternal Wisdom
512:God is spirit, fire, being and light, and yet He is not all this. ~ Angelus Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
513:He must content himself with little and never ask for more than he has. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
514:He who does no evil to any is as if the father and mother of all beings. ~ Madharata, the Eternal Wisdom
515:If holiness can be compared to any other quality, it is only to strength. ~ Meng-Tse, the Eternal Wisdom
516:In this immense ocean the world is an atom and the atom a world. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
517:It is easier today to triumph over evil habits than it will be tomorrow. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
518:It is only the coward who appeals always to destiny and never to courage. ~ Ramayana, the Eternal Wisdom
519:Knowledge belongs to the very essence of God, if at all God has an essence. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
520:Nourish in your heart a benevolence without limits for all that lives. ~ Metta Sutta, the Eternal Wisdom
521:Nowhere and in no situation is the sage dissatisfied with his condition. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
522:Old things are passed away, behold all things are become new. ~ II Corinthians V. 17, the Eternal Wisdom
523: one and single direction is needed which will conduct us to a one sole end. ~ Philo, the Eternal Wisdom
524:Question attentively, then meditate at leisure over what you have heard. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
525:Repress then your senses; calm, minds appeased, master your bodies. ~ Lalita Vistara, the Eternal Wisdom
526:Retire into thyself as into an island and set thyself to the work. ~ Dhammapada. 236, the Eternal Wisdom
527:They have conquered the creation, whose mind is settled in equality. ~ Bhagavad Gita, the Eternal Wisdom
528:Thus Space exists only in relation to our particularising consciousness. ~ Awaghosha, the Eternal Wisdom
529:To enter into the soul of each and allow each to enter into thine. ~ Marcus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
530:To it with good heart, O pilgrim, on to that other shore ! ~ Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
531:To look on high, to learn what is beyond, to seek to raise oneself always. ~ Pasteur, the Eternal Wisdom
532:Upright and sincere is the virtue of the man who directs well his mind. ~ Lao-Tsu-Te, the Eternal Wisdom
533:Happy the man who has tamed the senses and is utterly their master. ~ Buddhist Maxims, the Eternal Wisdom
534:Man understands his life only when he sees himself in each one of his kind. ~ Tolstoy, the Eternal Wisdom
535:Render to God the sole worship which is fitting towards Him, not to be evil. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
536:So should He be adored...for it is in That all become one. ~ Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
537:That which satisfies the soul is the wisdom which governs the world. ~ Lalita Vistara, the Eternal Wisdom
538:The straight way is the love of the infinite essence. ~ Baha-Ullah: The Seven Valleys, the Eternal Wisdom
539:The voice which tells us that we are immortal is the voice of God within us. ~ Pascal, the Eternal Wisdom
540:Those I love who know how to live only to disappear, for they pass beyond ~ Nietzsche, the Eternal Wisdom
541:When thou possessest knowledge thou shalt attain soon to peace. ~ Bhagavad Git. V. 16, the Eternal Wisdom
542:A bad thought is the most dangerous of thieves. ~ Buddhist scriptures from the Chinese, the Eternal Wisdom
543:Await with calm the moment of extinction or perhaps of displacement. ~ Marcus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
544:Be not children in understanding,be men. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, 1 Corinthians, XIV 20, the Eternal Wisdom
545:Be watchful, divest yourself of all neglectfulness; follow the path. ~ Buddhist Maxims, the Eternal Wisdom
546:Only from his own soul can he demand the secret of eternal beauty. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
547:O sage, very high raise thyself, even to the most high dwelling of Truth. ~ Ma havagga, the Eternal Wisdom
548:Space is only a mode of- particularisation and has no real self-existence. ~ Awaghosha, the Eternal Wisdom
549:Thou shalt heal thy soul and deliver it from all its pain and travailing. ~ Pythagoras, the Eternal Wisdom
550:Use all your forces for endeavour and leave no room for carelessness. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
551:An apostle of the truth should have no contest with any in the world. ~ Samyutta Nikaya, the Eternal Wisdom
552:Be firm in the accomplishment of your duties, the great and the small. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
553:By whom is this world conquered? By the patient and truthful man. ~ Pranottaratrayamala, the Eternal Wisdom
554:Can it be that change terrifies thee? But nothing is done without it. ~ Marcus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
555:Cleanse your heads, ye sinners, and purify your hearts, ye double-minded. ~ James IV. 1, the Eternal Wisdom
556:For nobody can see what He is, except the soul in which He himself is. ~ Maitre Eckhart, the Eternal Wisdom
557:I call him a man who recognises no possessions save those he finds in himself. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
558:Is one, indeed, master of himself when he follows his own caprices? ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
559:It is extravagance to ask of others what can be procured by oneself. ~ Seneca: Epistles, the Eternal Wisdom
560:The sage's rule of moral conduct has its principle in the hearts of all men. ~ Tseu-tse, the Eternal Wisdom
561:The Tao which can be expressed is not the eternal Tao, the name which can be named is not the eternal Name. ~ Lao Tzu,
562:All reflects Him in His shining and by His light all this is luminous. ~ Katha Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
563:Be master of thy thoughts, O thou who strivest for perfection. ~ Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
564:Beware when the Almighty sends a thinker on this planet; all is then in peril. ~ Emerson, the Eternal Wisdom
565:Equal in heart, equal in thought thou hast won for thyself omniscience. ~ Lalita Vistara, the Eternal Wisdom
566:He who has a mistaken idea of life, will always have a mistaken idea of death. ~ Tolstoy, the Eternal Wisdom
567:hings mortal change their aspect daily; they are nothing but a lie. ~ Hermes: On Rebirth, the Eternal Wisdom
568:It is he who is never discouraged who greatens and tastes the eternal joy. ~ Mahabharata, the Eternal Wisdom
569:Just as unity is in each of the numbers, so God is one in all things. ~ Angelus Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
570:Let a man make haste towards good, let him turn away his thought from evil. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
571:Let him repulse lust and coveting, the disciple who would lead a holy life. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
572:Purity is, next to birth, the greatest good that can be given to man. ~ Avesta: Vendidad, the Eternal Wisdom
573:Wouldst thou penetrate the infinite? Advance, then, on all sides in the finite. ~ Goethe, the Eternal Wisdom
574:A solitary may miss his goal and a man of the world become asage. ~ Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king, the Eternal Wisdom
575:If thou understand, what seems invisible to most shall be to thee very apparent. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
576:Ignorance is the field in which all other difficulties grow. ~ Patanjali, Aphorisms II. 4, the Eternal Wisdom
577:Lead me from the Unreal to the Real. Lead me from Darkness to the Light.Lead me from the Temporary to the Eternal. ~ Brihadaranyaka Upanishad,
578:Let not thy heart give way to discouragement. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Ecclesiastes, VII 8, the Eternal Wisdom
579:Night a process of the eternal light ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
580:Put away from thee a forward mouth and perverse lips put away from thee. ~ Proverbs IV 24, the Eternal Wisdom
581:Show kindness unto thy brothers and make them not to fall into suffering. ~ Chadana Sutta, the Eternal Wisdom
582:The eternal Truth can manifest its truths in Time. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Master of the Work,
583:The man of knowledge with-out a good heart is like the bee without honey ~ Sadi: Gulistan, the Eternal Wisdom
584:The sage is never alone...he bears in himself the Lord of all things. ~ Angelius Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
585:Thou shalt hear what no ear has heard, thou shalt see what no eye has seen. ~ Ahmad Halif, the Eternal Wisdom
586:To be a man of worth and not to try to look like one is the true way to glory. ~ Socrates, the Eternal Wisdom
587:What human voice is capable of telling me, "This is good and that is bad ?" ~ Kobo Daishi, the Eternal Wisdom
588:Ye shall not steal, neither deal falsely, neither lie one to another. ~ Leviticus XIX. 11, the Eternal Wisdom
589:A happy life is the fruit of wisdom achieved; life bearable, of wisdom commenced. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
590:A mind without wisdom remains the sport of illusion and miserable. ~ Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king, the Eternal Wisdom
591:Awake thou that steepest and arise from the dead. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Ephesians, V. 14, the Eternal Wisdom
592:Be master of thy thoughts, O thou who wrest lest for perfection. ~ Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
593:Do not think to gain God by thy actions...One must not gain but be God. ~ Angelus Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
594:f one ponders well, one finds that all that passes has never truly existed. ~ Schopenhauer, the Eternal Wisdom
595:For all things difficult to acquire the intelligent man works with perseverance. ~ Lao-tse, the Eternal Wisdom
596:Giving all diligence, add to virtue knowledge and to knowledge temperance. ~ II Peter I. 6, the Eternal Wisdom
597:He shall contemplate under the veil millions of secrets as radiant as the sun. ~ Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
598:Ignorance is the night of the spirit, but a night without stars or moon. ~ Chinese Proverb, the Eternal Wisdom
599:Intelligence, soul divine, truly dominates all,-destiny, law and everything else. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
600:It is Itself that which was and that which is yet to be, the Eternal. ~ Kaivaiya Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
601:Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life. ~ Proverbs IV. 23, the Eternal Wisdom
602:Let your words corres-pond with your actions and your actions with your words. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
603:The greater his aspiration and concentration, the more he finds the Eternal. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
604:The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, 1 Corinthians, XV, the Eternal Wisdom
605:The superior man enacts equity and justice is the foundation of all his deeds. ~ Confueins, the Eternal Wisdom
606:The wise in joy and in sorrow depart not from the equality of their souls. ~ Buddhist Text, the Eternal Wisdom
607:To do justice and judgment is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice. ~ proverbs XXL 3, the Eternal Wisdom
608:All virtues are comprised injustice; if thou art just, thou art a man of virtue. ~ Theegris, the Eternal Wisdom
609:Deck thyself now with majesty and excellence and array thyself with glory and beauty. ~ Job, the Eternal Wisdom
610:For wisdom shall enter into thine heart and knowledge be pleasant unto thy soul. ~ Proverbs, the Eternal Wisdom
611:He that loveth not, knoweth not God, for God is love. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, 1 John, IV. 8, the Eternal Wisdom
612:He thinks actively, he opens his heart, he gathers up his internal illuminations. ~ Lao Tse, the Eternal Wisdom
613:How can the soul which misunderstands itself, have a sure idea of other creatures? ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
614:If you live one sixth of what is taught you, you will surely attain the goal. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
615:It is not difficult to know the good, but it is difficult to put it in practice. ~ Tsu King, the Eternal Wisdom
616:Pride goeth before destruction, but before honour is humility. ~ Proverbs XVI. 18: XVII. 12, the Eternal Wisdom
617:The gods have been created by Him, but of Him who knows the manner of His being? ~ Rig Veda, the Eternal Wisdom
618:The great man is he who has not lost the child's heart within him. ~ Meng-Tse. I V. II. XII, the Eternal Wisdom
619:Thus even though it is not durable, there is no interruption in substance. ~ Lalita Vistara, the Eternal Wisdom
620:Above all things avoid heedlessness; it is the enemy of all virtues. ~ Fo-shu-hiug-tsan-king, the Eternal Wisdom
621:An evil thought is the most dangerous of all thieves. ~ Buddhist Scriptures from the Chinese, the Eternal Wisdom
622:Birth and death are two limits; beyond those limits there is a sort of uniformity. ~ Tolstoy, the Eternal Wisdom
623:Each separate movement is produced by the same energy that moves the sum of things. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
624:If you do not meet a sage following the same road as yourself, then walk alone. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
625:Let the superior man regard all men who dwell within the four seas as his brothers. ~ Lun Yu, the Eternal Wisdom
626:Let thy mind be pure like gold, firm like a rock, transparent as crystal. ~ Angelus Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
627:Shun agreeable amusements, deliver not yourselves to the pleasures of the senses. ~ Chu-king, the Eternal Wisdom
628:The Eternal's quiet holds the cosmic act: ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Glory and Fall of Life,
629:There is no fear in love, but perfect love casteth out fear. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, 1 John,, the Eternal Wisdom
630:Those who love her discover her easily and those that seek her do find her. ~ Book of Wisdom, the Eternal Wisdom
631:Thou remainest the same and thy years shall not fail. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Hebrews, I. 12, the Eternal Wisdom
632:Watch diligently over yourselves, let not negligence be born in you. ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsan-king, the Eternal Wisdom
633:All is eternal in the eternal spirit. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays in Philosophy and Yoga, The Stress of the Hidden Spirit,
634:All the knowledge one can require emanates from this love ~ Antoine the Healer: "Revelations", the Eternal Wisdom
635:Lend thine ear, hear the words of the wise, apply thy heart to knowledge. ~ Proverbs XXII. 17, the Eternal Wisdom
636:ll is movement and nothing is fixed; we cannot cross over the same stream twice. ~ Heraclitus, the Eternal Wisdom
637:Nothing is superior to truthfulness, nor anything more terrible than falsehood. ~ Mahabharata, the Eternal Wisdom
638:Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy, break up your fallow ground. ~ Hosea X. 12, the Eternal Wisdom
639:The ills we inflict upon our neighbours follow us as our shadows follow our bodies. ~ Krishna, the Eternal Wisdom
640:There is always one man who more than others represents the divine thought of the epoch. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
641:We know that we have passed from death into life because we love our brothers. ~ John III. 13, the Eternal Wisdom
642:When he knows that he is That, the Eternal, he is delivered from all limitations. ~ Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
643:Endeavour with your whole energy and leave no place for carelessness. ~ Fo -shu-hing-tsan-king, the Eternal Wisdom
644:Eye and ear are poor witnesses for man, if his inner life has not been made fine. ~ Heraclitus, the Eternal Wisdom
645:Here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Hebrews, XIII, the Eternal Wisdom
646:He sees the one Spirit in all beings and he sees all beings in the one Spirit. ~ Bhagavad Gita, the Eternal Wisdom
647:I put on righteousness and it clothed me; my justice was my robe and my diadem. ~ Job XXIX. 14, the Eternal Wisdom
648:Let us help each other as friends that we may put a term to suffering. ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsan-king, the Eternal Wisdom
649:Only the Eternal's strength in us can dare
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Heavens of the Ideal,
650:Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, 1 Thessalonians, V. 21, the Eternal Wisdom
651:See, I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil. ~ Deuteronomy XIII. 15, the Eternal Wisdom
652:The demons become his companions who abandons himself to heedlessness. ~ Fo-shu-hiug-tsan-king, the Eternal Wisdom
653:The end of our study consists merely in recovering our heart that we have lost. ~ id. VI. I.XI, the Eternal Wisdom
654:We have no power against the truth, we have power only for the truth. ~ II Corinthains XIII. 8, the Eternal Wisdom
655:When the soul has not self-mastery, one looks and sees not, listens and hears not. ~ Theng-tse, the Eternal Wisdom
656:Who can be the Master of another? The Eternal alone is the guide and the Master. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
657:As food mixed with poison, so is abhorrent to me a prosperity soiled by injustice. ~ Jatakanmla, the Eternal Wisdom
658:Cut away in thee the love of thyself, even as in autumn thy hand plucks the lotus. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
659:Intelligence is the beneficent guide of human souls, it leads them towards their good. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
660:I renounce the honours to which the world aspires and desire only to know the Truth. ~ Socrates, the Eternal Wisdom
661:It is we who, in the eyes of Intelligence, are the essence of the divine regard. ~ Omar Khayyam, the Eternal Wisdom
662:Lift up the hands which hang down and the feeble knees. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Hebrews, HI. 12, the Eternal Wisdom
663:One should guard oneself like a frontier citadel well defended-without and within. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
664:The company of saints and sages is one of the chief agents of spiritual progress. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
665:The griefs thou puttest upon others shall not take long to fall back upon thyself. ~ Demophilus, the Eternal Wisdom
666:The ignorant is the slave of his passions, the wise man is their master. ~ Sutra in 42 articles, the Eternal Wisdom
667:Thence you can see that it is in a clear knowledge that is found our eternal life. ~ Ruysbroeck, the Eternal Wisdom
668:There is no before or after: what will come tomorrow, is in fact in eternity ~ Angelus Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
669:The soul like the body accepts by practice whatever habit one wishes it to contract. ~ Socrates, the Eternal Wisdom
670:This world is a republic all whose citizens are made of one and the same substance. ~ Epictetus, the Eternal Wisdom
671:Three roads to good: knowledge, the spiritual life and the control of the mind. ~ Sangiti Sutta, the Eternal Wisdom
672:Believe in the fundamental truth; it is to meditate with rapture on the Everlasting. ~ Awaghosha, the Eternal Wisdom
673:Expel thy desires and fears and there shall be no longer any tyrant over thee. ~ Marcus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
674:In the beginning all things were in confusion; intelligence came and imposed order. ~ Anaxagoras, the Eternal Wisdom
675:It is no use being in a rage against things, that makes no difference to them. ~ Marcus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
676:Master the body, be temperate in food and eat only at opportune moments. ~ Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king, the Eternal Wisdom
677:One should maintain the vigour of the body in order to preserve that of the mind. ~ Vanvenargues, the Eternal Wisdom
678:Renew thyself utterly day by day; make thyself new and again new and ever again new. ~ Tsang-tse, the Eternal Wisdom
679:Surpass all bodies, traverse all times, become eternity, and thou shalt comprehend God. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
680:Take delight in questioning; hearken in silence to the word of the saints. ~ Imitation of Christ, the Eternal Wisdom
681:There is nothing however small, however vile it be, that does not contain mind. ~ Giordano Bruno, the Eternal Wisdom
682:The true royalty is spiritual knowledge; put forth thy efforts to attain it. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
683:Though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. ~ II Coriothians IV. 16, the Eternal Wisdom
684: Thou shalt not kill " relates not solely to the murder of man, but of all that lives. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
685:Unto the pure all things are pure, but unto them that are defiled nothing is pure. ~ Titus I. 15, the Eternal Wisdom
686:We begin to know really when we succeed in forgetting completely what we have learned. ~ Thoreau, the Eternal Wisdom
687:You shall wander in the darkness and see not till you have found the eternal Light. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
688:Each man ought to say to himself, "I was the creator, may I become again what I was". ~ Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
689:ho has ruder battles to sustain than the man who labours for self-conquest? ~ Imitation of Christ, the Eternal Wisdom
690:Honour to the high and sublime excellence of wisdom! ~ Formula of devotion of Mahayanist Buddhism, the Eternal Wisdom
691:Idleness like rust destroys much more than work uses up; a key in use is always clean. ~ Franklin, the Eternal Wisdom
692:If thou comprehend Him, what seems invisible to most, will be for thee utterly apparent. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
693:In all things to do what depends on oneself and for the rest to remain firm and calm. ~ Epictetus, the Eternal Wisdom
694:In the way of righteousness is life: and in the pathway thereof there is no death. ~ Proverbs XII, the Eternal Wisdom
695:Know thyself and thou shalt know the universe and the gods. ~ Inscription of the Temple of Delphi, the Eternal Wisdom
696:No name is applicable to God, only He is called Love,-so great and precious a thing is Love. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
697:The supreme Brahman without beginning cannot be called either Being or Non-being. ~ Bhagavad Gita, the Eternal Wisdom
698:The true treasure is self-mastery; it is the secret wealth which cannot perish. ~ Nidhikama Sutta, the Eternal Wisdom
699:Three kinds of thirst; the thirst of sensation, of existence and of annihilation. ~ Sangiti Sutta, the Eternal Wisdom
700:Whatsoever things were written afore time, were written for our learning. ~ Epistle to the Romans, the Eternal Wisdom
701:Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. ~ Psalms XXIII, the Eternal Wisdom
702:A cave of darkness guards the eternal Light. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Pursuit of the Unknowable,
703:All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them. ~ Matthew VII. 12, the Eternal Wisdom
704:If you act towards your like as a true brother, you do charity to yourselves. ~ Antoine the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
705:Know that all this is so, but habituate thyself to surmount and conquer thy passions. ~ Pythagoras, the Eternal Wisdom
706:Lose thyself in Him to penetrate this mystery; everything else is superfluous. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
707:The Self is the eternal 'I am'." ~ Sankara, 8th century Indian philosopher and theologian who consolidated the doctrine of Advaita Vedanta, Wikipedia.,
708:What is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? ~ Matthew. XVI. 26, the Eternal Wisdom
709:Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Hebrews, XII. 4, the Eternal Wisdom
710:An atom of love is to be preferred to all that exists between the two horizons. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
711:But how can that be manifested to thy eyes if what is within thee is to thyself invisible? ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
712:Gather thyself into thyself crouched like an infant in the bosom of its mother. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
713:Give not up thy heart to sorrow, for it is a sister to distrust and wrath. ~ The Shepherd of Hermas, the Eternal Wisdom
714:I meet the sincere man with sincerity and tie insincere also with sincerity. ~ Lao-tse: Tao-te-king, the Eternal Wisdom
715:The destruction of things is their return to the cause that has produced them. ~ Sankhya Pravachana, the Eternal Wisdom
716:The sages who see the eternal in things transient, for them is the peace eternal. ~ Katha Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
717:Thou shalt have given a drop and won the sea, given thy life and won the well-beloved. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
718:Wisdom is a thing vast and grand. She demands all the time that one can consecrate to her. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
719:18 Light the fire of divine love and destroy all creed and all cult. ~ Baha-ullah: The Seven Valleys, the Eternal Wisdom
720:A man's pride shall bring him low, but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit. ~ Proverbs XXIX. 23, the Eternal Wisdom
721:And all beings are resumed and reduced into one sole being, and they are one and all are He. ~ Zohar, the Eternal Wisdom
722:As a living man abstains from mortal poisons, so put away from thee all defilement. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
723:Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled. ~ Matthew V. 6, the Eternal Wisdom
724:Essence without form divided itself; then a movement took place and life was produced. ~ Tchuang-Tse, the Eternal Wisdom
725:Existence is a fundamental unity under a superficial diversity. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Isha Upanishad, The Eternal in His Universe,
726:He who looks on the forms of existence as a form or a mirage, shall not see death. ~ Sanyutta Nikaya, the Eternal Wisdom
727:hough your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Isaiah, I. 18, the Eternal Wisdom
728:I am the mother of pure love and of science and of sacred hope. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Ecclesiastes, the Eternal Wisdom
729:If you would live tranquil and free, get rid of the habit of all which you can do without. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
730:In each thing he will see the mystery of the transfiguration and the divine apparition. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
731:Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, 1 John, II. 15, the Eternal Wisdom
732:Oh, if the heart could become a cradle and God once more a child upon the earth! ~ Augelius Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
733:That which is not cannot come to being and that which is cannot cease to be. ~ Bhagavad Gita. II. 16, the Eternal Wisdom
734:The fire divine burns indivisible and ineffable and fills all the abysses of the world. ~ Iamblichus, the Eternal Wisdom
735:There is a natural body and there is a spiritual body. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, 1 Corinthians, XV. 44, the Eternal Wisdom
736:The sage having perceived God by the spiritual union casts from him grief and joy. ~ Katha Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
737:The way of life is above to the wise that he may depart from hell which is beneath. ~ Proverbs XV 24, the Eternal Wisdom
738:To the eyes of men athirst the whole world seems in dream as a spring of water. ~ Sadi, Gulistan VII, the Eternal Wisdom
739:To work only in the material sense is to increase the load that is crushing us. ~ Antoine the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
740:True knowledge does not grow old, so have declared the sages of all times. ~ Buddhist Canons in Pali, the Eternal Wisdom
741:Cultivate the intelligence so that you may drink of the torrent of certitude. ~ Baha-ullah, "Tablets", the Eternal Wisdom
742:He who sees all things in the self and the self in all things, has doubt no longer. ~ I-sha Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
743:How shouldst thou not profit by thy age of strength to issue from the evil terrain? ~ Kin-yuan-li-sao, the Eternal Wisdom
744:I see of Thee neither end nor middle nor beginning, O Lord of all and universal form. ~ Bhagavad Gita, the Eternal Wisdom
745:I will therefore make ready to render my thought an alien to the illusion of the world. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
746:Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. ~ Philippians II. 4, the Eternal Wisdom
747:O friend, fill not with mortal thoughts thy heart which is the seat of eternal mysteries. ~ Bahaullah, the Eternal Wisdom
748:One does not need to hope in order to act, nor to succeed in order to persevere. ~ William the Silent, the Eternal Wisdom
749:See unceasingly the enchainment, the mutual solidarity of all things and all beings ~ Marcus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
750:Three worlds; the world of desire, the world of form and the world of the formless. ~ Sanyutta Nikaya, the Eternal Wisdom
751:True royalty consists in spiritual knowledge; turn thy efforts to its attainment. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
752:When the spark of truth is discovered in the spirit, all is taught to it that it needs. ~ Ruysbro-eok, the Eternal Wisdom
753:When thou art enfranchised from all hate and desire, then shalt thou win thy liberation. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
754:Aid each other in practising that which is good, but aid not each other in evil and injustice. ~ Koran, the Eternal Wisdom
755:All the hundred separate paths meet in the Eternal. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Principle of the Integral Yoga,
756:Be indifferent to the praise and blame of men; consider it as if the croakings of frogs. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
757:For all the law is fulfilled in one word, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. ~ Galatians. V. 14, the Eternal Wisdom
758:For in them there is a source of intelligence, a fountain of wisdom and a flood of knowledge. ~ Esdras, the Eternal Wisdom
759:If we cannot define the Eternal, we can unify ourselves with it. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Modes of the Self,
760:Labour not for the food which perishes but for that which endures into everlasting life. ~ John VI. 27, the Eternal Wisdom
761:Let all bitterness and wrath and anger be put away from you. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Ephesians, IV. 31, the Eternal Wisdom
762:Nobility is for each man within him; only he never thinks of seeking for it within. ~ Meng-Tse II 5.17, the Eternal Wisdom
763:Often man is preoccupied with human rules and forgets the inner law. ~ Antoine the Healer; Revelations, the Eternal Wisdom
764:Recoil from the sun into the shadow that there may be more place for others. ~ Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
765:The just holds his own suffering for a gain when it can increase the happiness of others. ~ Jatakamala, the Eternal Wisdom
766:Thou who hast been set in thy station of man to aid by all means the common interest ~ Marcus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
767:Ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh. ~ Galatians V. 13, the Eternal Wisdom
768:All that is has already existed, but will not remain in the form in which we see it today. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
769:And be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. ~ Romans XII. 2, the Eternal Wisdom
770:An upright nature, and true purification is for each the uprightness of his nature. ~ Avesta: Vexididad, the Eternal Wisdom
771:He who seeks him, finds him; he who yearns intensely after the Ineffable, has found the Ineffable. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
772:How canst thou desire anything farther when in thyself there are God and all things? ~ Angelus Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
773:Humanity does not embrace only the love of one's like: it extends over all creatures. ~ Chinese Proverb, the Eternal Wisdom
774:If in the morning you have heard the voice of celestial reason, in the evening you can die. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
775:It is by gentleness that one must conquer wrath, it is by good that one must conquer evil. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
776:Let not one even whom the whole world curses, nourish against it any feeling of liatred. ~ Sutta Nipata, the Eternal Wisdom
777:Nothing is fixed, nothing stable, nothing immobile in nature, nor in heaven, nor on the earth. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
778:Observe thyself, not that which is thine, nor that which is around thee, but thyself alone. ~ St. Basil, the Eternal Wisdom
779:Return ye now every one from his evil way and make your ways and your doings good. ~ Jeremiah XVIII. II, the Eternal Wisdom
780:Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? there is more hope of a fool than of him. ~ Proverbs XXVI. 12, the Eternal Wisdom
781:There can be no true freedom and happiness so long as men have not understood their oneness. ~ Channing, the Eternal Wisdom
782:There is no shame in any work even the un-cleanest. Idleness alone ought to be held shameful. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
783:And let this be our thought, "Our bodies are different, but we have one and the same heart." ~ Mahavagga, the Eternal Wisdom
784:Do not listen if one criticises or blames thy Master, leave his presence that very moment. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
785:Every individual man must be in little what the Cosmos is in large. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Isha Upanishad, The Eternal in His Universe,
786:Every man who returns into himself, will find there traces of the Divinity. ~ Cicero, "De Regibus. I. 22, the Eternal Wisdom
787:It is on the blindness of ignorance that is founded the working which affirms the ego. ~ Sanyutta Nikaya, the Eternal Wisdom
788:The knowledge of the soul is the highest knowledge and truth has nothing for us beyond it. ~ Mahabharata, the Eternal Wisdom
789:There is no beast on the earth, no bird flying on its wings that do not form a community like us ~ Koran, the Eternal Wisdom
790:Whosoever has oneness engraven in his heart, forgets all things and forgets himself. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
791:Wilt thou that thy heart should be free from sorrow ? Forget not the hearts that sorrow devours. ~ Saadi, the Eternal Wisdom
792:Your greatness is within and only in yourselves can you find a spectacle worthy of your regard. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
793:But call Him by what name you will; for to those who know, He is the possessor of all names. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
794:Cross even beyond the light which illumines thee and cast thyself upon the bosom of God. ~ Maitre Eckhart, the Eternal Wisdom
795:Eternal wisdom builds: I shall be her palace when she finds repose in me and I in her. ~ Angelus Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
796:Keep over your actions an absolute empire; be 10 not their slave, but their master. ~ Imitation of Christ, the Eternal Wisdom
797:Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceit. ~ Romans X II, the Eternal Wisdom
798:Now we see through a glass darkly, but then face to face. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, 1 Corinthians, XIII. 12, the Eternal Wisdom
799:That Intelligence is God within us; by that men are gods and their humanity neighbours divinity. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
800:The knowledge which purifies the intelligence is true knowledge. All the rest is ignorance. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
801:The sage regards the heart of every man in the millions of the crowd and sees only one heart. ~ Tseng Tee, the Eternal Wisdom
802:When thou saidst, Seek ye my face, my heart said unto Thee, Thy face, Lord, will I seek. ~ Psalms XXVII.8, the Eternal Wisdom
803:Whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased, and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted. ~ Luke XIV. 11, the Eternal Wisdom
804:As righteousness tendeth to life, so he that pursueth evil, pursueth it to his own death. ~ Proverbs XI.19, the Eternal Wisdom
805:Contraries harmonise with each other; the finest harmony springs from things that are unlike. ~ Heraclitus, the Eternal Wisdom
806:He that followeth after righteousness and mercy, findeth life, righteousness and honour ~ preverbs XXI. 21, the Eternal Wisdom
807:In that God who illumines the reason, desiring liberation I seek my refuge. ~ Swetaswatara Upanishad VI.18, the Eternal Wisdom
808:It is at all times a sensible consolation to be able to say, "Death is as natural as life." ~ Schopenhauer, the Eternal Wisdom
809:It is better to follow one's own law even though imperfect than the better law of another. ~ Bhagavad Gita, the Eternal Wisdom
810:Labour to purify thy thoughts. If thou hast no evil thoughts, thou shalt commit no evil deeds. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
811:Not overjoyed at gaining what is pleasant, nor disturbed, overtaken by what is unpleasant. ~ Bhagavad Gita, the Eternal Wisdom
812:Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, 1 Corinthians, V. 7, the Eternal Wisdom
813:Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, nor for your body, what ye shall put on.- ~ Luke XII. 22, the Eternal Wisdom
814:That is the bright Light of all lights which they know who know themselves. ~ Brihadaranyaka Upanishad I.4, the Eternal Wisdom
815:The eternal Truth shall never be attained by him who is not entirely truthful in his speech. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
816:The greatest science is the knowledge of oneself. He who knows himself, knows God. ~ Clement of Alexandria, the Eternal Wisdom
817:There is nothing greater than the practice of the precept which says, "Know thyself". ~ Antoine the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
818:The sage having seen the Self in everything, when he leaves this world, becomes immortal. ~ Kena Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
819:When the mind is one with the deeper spirit, there results the absolute knowledge of the self. ~ Patanjali, the Eternal Wisdom
820:But let perseverance have her perfect work that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. ~ James I. 4, the Eternal Wisdom
821:By the purity of the thoughts, of the actions, of holy words one cometh to know Ahura-Mazda. ~ Avesta: Yana, the Eternal Wisdom
822:For the spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, 1 Corinthians, II, the Eternal Wisdom
823:It is better to be good and to be called wicked by men than to be wicked and esteemed good. ~ Sadi Gulistan, the Eternal Wisdom
824:It is good to have what one desires, but it is better to desire nothing more than what one has. ~ Menedemus, the Eternal Wisdom
825:It would be better not to have books than to believe all that is found in them. ~ Meng Tse. VII. II. III. 1, the Eternal Wisdom
826:Melt thy soul in the fire of love and thou wilt know that love is the alchemist of the soul. ~ Ahm-ed Halif, the Eternal Wisdom
827:My mind is a torch lit from the eternal sun. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Dream Twilight of the Earthly Real,
828:One can recognise in those beings who are so lar from us the principle of our own existence. ~ Schopenhauer, the Eternal Wisdom
829:One who thinks that his spiritual guide is merely a man, can draw no profit from his contact. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
830:The deeds a man has accomplished follow him in his journeying when he fares to another world. ~ Mahabharata, the Eternal Wisdom
831:There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. ~ Proverbs XIV. 12, the Eternal Wisdom
832:Are we then so insensate as to forget that we are members one of the other? ~ St. Clement to the Corinthians, the Eternal Wisdom
833:As one sun illumines all this world, so the conscious Idea illumines all the physical field. ~ Bhagavad-Gita, the Eternal Wisdom
834:A torrent of clarity streams from the mind which is purified in full of all its impurities. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
835:Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Ephesians, IV. 26, the Eternal Wisdom
836:Do no harm to an ant that is carrying its grain of corn, for has a life and sweet life is a good. ~ Firdausi, the Eternal Wisdom
837:Perfection is the end and the beginning of all things, and without perfection they could not be. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
838:Seek out swiftly the way of righteousness; turn without delay from that which defiles thee. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
839:The man veritably free is he who, disburdened of fear and desire, is subjected only to his reason. ~ Fenelon, the Eternal Wisdom
840:The present world and the next are but a drop of water whose existence is of no account. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
841:The soul not being mistress of itself, one looks but sees not, listens buthears not. ~ Tseng-tsen-ta-hio VII, the Eternal Wisdom
842:They who torture living beings and feel no compassion towards them, them regard as impure. ~ Amaghanda Susta, the Eternal Wisdom
843:A vast disguise conceals the Eternal's bliss. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Way of Fate and the Problem of Pain,
844:Fear not the reproach of men, neither be ye afraid of their revillings. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Isaiah, LI. 7, the Eternal Wisdom
845:Good and evil cannot bind him who has realised the oneness of nature and self with the Eternal. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
846:If a man could cast a firm and clear glance into the depths of his being, he would see there God. ~ J. Tauler, the Eternal Wisdom
847:Improve others not by reasoning but by example. Let your existence, not your words be your preaching. ~ Amiel, the Eternal Wisdom
848:In the bosom of Time God without beginning becomes what He has never been in all eternity. ~ Angelus Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
849:It was by love that beings were created and it is commanded to them to live in love and harmony. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
850:Knowest thou not that thy life, whether long or brief, consists only of a few breathings? ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
851:Let him destroy by deep meditation the qualities that are opposed to the divine nature. ~ Laws of Manu VI. 72, the Eternal Wisdom
852:Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body that ye should obey it in the lusts there of. ~ Romans VI. 12, the Eternal Wisdom
853:Man is all Imagination. God is Man and exists in us and we in Him... The Eternal Body of Man is the Imagination, that is, God, Himself
   ~ William Blake, Laocoon,
854:Men who possess virtue, wisdom, prudence, intelligence have generally been formed in tribulations. ~ Meng-tse, the Eternal Wisdom
855:Self-control brings calm to the mind, without it the seed of all the virtues perishes ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsan-king, the Eternal Wisdom
856:Self-interest is the prolongation in us of the animal. Humanity begins in man with disinterestedness. ~ Amiel, the Eternal Wisdom
857:There is nothing in the world that man's intelligence cannot attain, annihilate or accomplish. ~ Hindu Saying, the Eternal Wisdom
858:The saint does not seek to do great things; that is why he is able to accomplish them. ~ Lao-Tse: Tao-te-King, the Eternal Wisdom
859:The world is but a dream that passes and neither happiness nor sorrow are enduring. ~ Firdausi; "Shah-Namah.", the Eternal Wisdom
860:They had gained this supreme perfection, to be totally masters of their thoughts. ~ The Lotus of the Good Law, the Eternal Wisdom
861:Thou whom all respect, impoverish thyself that thou mayst enter the abode of the supreme riches. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
862:When one has done great things and made a reputation, one should withdraw out of view. ~ Lao-Tse: Tao-te-King, the Eternal Wisdom
863:Wherefore laying aside all malice and all guile and hypocrisy and envy and all evil speaking. ~ l Peter II. I, the Eternal Wisdom
864:A man should be glad of heart. If you have joy no longer, find out where you have fallen into error. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
865:And when the benevolence of benevolences manifests itself, all things are in her light and in joy. ~ The Zohar, the Eternal Wisdom
866:Be master of thy soul, O seeker of eternal verities, if thou wouldst attain thy end. ~ Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
867:He alone is truly a man who is illumined by the light of the true knowledge. Others are only men in name. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
868:He who regards the body as a milage or as a flake of foam on the waves, shall no longer see death ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
869:In the beginning all this was Non-being. From it Being appeared. Itself created itself. ~ Taittiriya Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
870:Let your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, 1 Thessalonians, V. 23, the Eternal Wisdom
871:only after having the experience of suffering have I learned the kinship of human souls to each other. ~ Gogol, the Eternal Wisdom
872:There is no better way to cultivate humanity and justice in the heart than to diminish our desires. ~ Meng-tse, the Eternal Wisdom
873:There is not a body, however small, which does not enclose a portion of the divine substance. ~ Giordano Bruno, the Eternal Wisdom
874:They had attained to the supreme perfection of being completely masters of their thought. ~ The Lotus of Bliss, the Eternal Wisdom
875:Thou must pass over thyself to mount beyond, ever higher till the stars themselves are below thee. ~ Nietzsche, the Eternal Wisdom
876:Thyself stimulate and direct thyself; thus self-protected and clairvoyant thou shalt live happy.- ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
877:To retire from the world, that is to retire into oneself, is to aid in the dispersion of all doubts. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
878:Drink this wine, dying to self, You will be free from the spell of self. Then will your being as a drop, Fall into the ocean of the Eternal." ~ Mahmoud Shabestari,
879:Hidden in the mortal's heart the Eternal lives: ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Way of Fate and the Problem of Pain,
880:It is not today nor tomorrow; who knoweth That which is Supreme? When It is approached, It vanishes. ~ Rig Veda, the Eternal Wisdom
881:I will show thee, hear me; and that which I have seen I will declare, which wise men have told: ~ Job XV. 17.18, the Eternal Wisdom
882:Natural law is nothing else than the rational creature's participation of the eternal law ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 1-2.91.2).,
883:Peace to him who has finished this supreme journey under the guidance of the Truth and the Light ! ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
884:The sins that we do against men come because each one does not respect the Divine Spirit in his like. ~ Tolstoy, the Eternal Wisdom
885:To do to men what we would have them do to ourselves is what one may call the teaching of humanity. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
886:Wouldst thou abstain from action? It is not so that thy soul shall obtain liberation. ~ Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
887:You, yourself, are the eternal energy which appears as this universe. You didn't come into this world; you came out of it. Like a wave from the ocean. ~ Alan Watts,
888:An upright life tastes calm repose by night and by day; it is penetrated with a serene felicity. ~ Buddhist Text, the Eternal Wisdom
889:Awake, arise; strive incessantly towards the knowledge so that thou mayst attain unto the peace. ~ Buddhist Text, the Eternal Wisdom
890:Hearken unto thy soul in all thy works and be faithful unto it. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Ecclesiastes, XXXIII. 17, the Eternal Wisdom
891:He has a form and He is as if He had no form. He has taken a form in order to be the essence of all. ~ The Zohar, the Eternal Wisdom
892:In the interior of each atom that thou shalt cleave thou shalt find imprisoned a sun. ~ Ahmed Halif: Mystic Odes, the Eternal Wisdom
893:Let the sage unifying all his attentive regard see in the divine Spirit all things visible and invisible. ~ Manu, the Eternal Wisdom
894:Reason cannot dwell with the madness of love : love has nothing to do with the human reason. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
895:Scorn not-the discourse of the wise, for thou shalt learn from them wisdom. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Ecclesiastes, the Eternal Wisdom
896:The ideal birth is perfected, the twelfth executioner is driven forth and we are born to contemplation. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
897:The Tao which can be expressed is not the eternal Tao, the name which can be named is not the eternal Name. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
898:When a thought rises in us, let us see whether it has not its roots in the inferior worlds. ~ Antoine the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
899:Be master of thy soul, O seeker of the eternal truths, if thou wouldst attain the goal. ~ Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
900:God is love, and he that dwelleth in love, dwelleth in God and God in him. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, 1 John, IV. 16, the Eternal Wisdom
901:If you have art and science, you have religion; if you have neither art nor science, then have religion. ~ Goethe, the Eternal Wisdom
902:Seeing many things, yet thou observest not; opening the ears ye hear not. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Isaiah, XLII.20, the Eternal Wisdom
903:Thus little by little the enemy invades the soul, if it is not resisted from the beginning. ~ Imitation of Christ, the Eternal Wisdom
904:Wisdom streng theneth the wise more than ten mighty men which are in a city. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Ecclesiastes, the Eternal Wisdom
905:Be humble if thou wouldst attain to wisdom; be humbler still if thou hast attained to it ~ Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
906:Each of our good thoughts tears the veil behind which appears the pure, the infinite, God, our self. ~ Vivekananda, the Eternal Wisdom
907:et the soul be submitted within to an upright judge whose authority extends over our most secret actions. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
908:For what is our life! It is even a vapour that appeareth for a little time and then vanisheth away. ~ James.IV. 14, the Eternal Wisdom
909:He that hath no rule over his own spirit, is like a city that is broken down and without walls. ~ Proverbs XXV. 28, the Eternal Wisdom
910:I do not believe that any name, however complex, is sufficient to designate the principle of all Majesty. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
911:The body may be covered with jewels and yet the heart may have mastered all its covetings. ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsan-king, the Eternal Wisdom
912:The members of the body which seem to be more feeble are necessary ~ Anonymous, The Bible, 1 Corinthians,. XII. 22, the Eternal Wisdom
913:The sage's quest is for himself, the quest of the-ignorant for other than himself. ~ Confucius, "Lun-Yu," II 15.20, the Eternal Wisdom
914:Thou hast always a refuge in thyself...There be free and look at all things with a fearless eye. ~ Marcus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
915:To compel men to do what appears good to oneself is the best means of making them disgusted with it. ~ Ramakrishss, the Eternal Wisdom
916:When we can draw from ourselves all our felicity, we find nothing vexatious to us in the order of Nature. ~ Cicero, the Eternal Wisdom
917:he wise man sits not inert; he is ever walking incessantly forward towards a greater light. ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsan-king, the Eternal Wisdom
918:How much better is it to get wisdom than gold! and to get understanding rather to be chosen than silver! ~ Proverbs, the Eternal Wisdom
919:In rest shall you be saved, in quietness and confidence shall be your strength. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Isaiah, XXX, the Eternal Wisdom
920:In the day of prosperity be joyful, but in the day of adversity consider. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Ecclesiastes, VII, the Eternal Wisdom
921:Labour to master adversity even as your passions, to which it would be shameful for you to be subjected. ~ Socrates, the Eternal Wisdom
922:Let us act towards others as we would that they should act towards us: let us not cause any suffering. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
923:Life pervades and animates everything; it gives its movement to Nature and subjects her to itself. ~ Giordano Bruno, the Eternal Wisdom
924:Meditate on the Eternal either in an unknown nook or in the solitude of the forests or in the solitude of thy own mind. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
925:No man is simply good or simply bad; every man is a mixture of contraries. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, The Eternal and the Individual,
926:Sin is nothing other than man's act of turning his face away from God and himself towards death. ~ Angelus Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
927:The natural law is nothing else than the rational creature's participation of the eternal law ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 1-2.91.2).,
928:The origin of things is the Infinite: necessarily they disappear into that which put them into birth. ~ Anaximander, the Eternal Wisdom
929:This self can always be won by truth and austerity, by purity and by entire knowledge. ~ Mundaka Upanishad III. 1-5, the Eternal Wisdom
930:Wouldst thou that the world should submit to thee? Be busy then to fortify thy soul without ceasing. ~ Omar Khayyam, the Eternal Wisdom
931:And this shall be the true manner of thy fasting that thy life shall be void of all iniquity. ~ The Pastor of Hermas, the Eternal Wisdom
932:He who has perfectly mastered himself in thought and speech and act, he is indeed a man of religion. ~ Buddhist Text, the Eternal Wisdom
933:His name is conscious spirit, His abode is conscious spirit and He, the Lord, is all conscious spirit. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
934:If we dreamed every night the same thing, it would affect us as much as the objects which we see every day. ~ Pascal, the Eternal Wisdom
935:One should rely on love only, because it alone is the base of all strength and all regeneration ~ Antoine the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
936:Only one who knows not that God lives in him can attri bute to certain men more importance than to others. ~ Tolstoy, the Eternal Wisdom
937:Slay desire, but when thou hast slain it, take heed that it arise not again from the dead. ~ Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
938:That which is most subtle in matter is air, in air the soul, in the soul intelligence, in intelligence God. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
939:Would you call Him Destiny? You will not be wrong. Providence? You will say well. Nature? That too you may. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
940:A beam of the Eternal smites his heart,
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Yoga of the King The Yoga of the Souls Release,
941:Approach unto wisdom like one who tilleth and soweth and await in peace its excellent fruits. ~ Ecolesiasticus VI. 19, the Eternal Wisdom
942:Behind each particular idea there is a general idea, an absolute principle. Know that and you know all. ~ Vivekananda, the Eternal Wisdom
943:Force cannot resist intelligence; in spite of force, in spite of men, intelligence passes on and triumphs. ~ Ramayana, the Eternal Wisdom
944:For the waking there is only one common world...During sleepeach turns towards his own particular world. ~ Heraclitus, the Eternal Wisdom
945:I have issued out of myself, I have put on an immortal body, 1 am no longer the same, I am born into wisdom. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
946:In each thing there is a door to knowledge and in each atom is seen the trace of the sun. ~ Baha-ullah: Kitab-al-ikon, the Eternal Wisdom
947:Infected by the vices, the soul is swollen with poisons and can only be cured by knowledge and intelligence. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
948:Let us strive to destroy in ourselves all that is of the animal, that the humanity in us may be manifest. ~ Bahaullah, the Eternal Wisdom
949:Nothing is born of nothing, nothing can be annihilated, each commencement of being is only a transformation. ~ Thales, the Eternal Wisdom
950:Such is the science of the Intelligence, to contemplate things divine and comprehend God. ~ Hermes 1. "The Character", the Eternal Wisdom
951:Take heed unto yourselves lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting and drunkenness. ~ Luke XXI. 34, the Eternal Wisdom
952:The greatest man in the world is not the conqueror, but the man who has domination over his own being. ~ Schopenhauer, the Eternal Wisdom
953:The human body is the most perfect in the world as the human creature is the most perfect of creatures. ~ Vivekananda, the Eternal Wisdom
954:The just man is not one who does hurt to none, but one who having the power to hurt represses the will. ~ Pytha-goras, the Eternal Wisdom
955:Thence comes it that the saint occupies himself with his inner being and not with the objects of his eyes. ~ Lao- Tse, the Eternal Wisdom
956:The vulgar say : "This is one of ours or a stranger." The noble regard the whole earth as their family. ~ Bhartrihari, the Eternal Wisdom
957:Thinkest thou that thou canst write the name of God on Time? No more is it pronounced in Eternity. ~ Angelus Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
958:When we are alone, we must act with the same sincerity as if ten eyes observed and ten fingers pointed to us ~ Ta-hio, the Eternal Wisdom
959:As every man hath received the gilt, even so minister the same one to another. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, 1 Peter, IV. 10, the Eternal Wisdom
960:But now put off all these, wrath, anger, malice, calumny, filthy communications out of your mouth. ~ Colossians III. 8, the Eternal Wisdom
961:By not doing evil to creatures and mastering one's arrives here below at the supreme goal. ~ Laws of Manu, the Eternal Wisdom
962:Follow the great man and you will see what the world has at heart in these ages. There is no omen like that. ~ Emerson, the Eternal Wisdom
963:For you were sometimes darkness, but now are light; walk as children of light. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Ephesians, V. 8, the Eternal Wisdom
964:His purity has brought him many profitable things, and this in the first rank, to know his soul. ~ Apollonius of Tyana, the Eternal Wisdom
965:Is it asked, who is the most excellent of the strong? I reply, it is he who possesses patience. ~ Sutra in 42 articles, the Eternal Wisdom
966:It is by resisting the passions, not by yielding to them that one finds true peace in the heart. ~ Imitation of Christ, the Eternal Wisdom
967:O thou who resumest in thyself all creation, cease for one moment to be preoccupied with gain and loss. ~ Omar Khayyam, the Eternal Wisdom
968:The man who lives in the bosom of the temptations of the world and attains perfection, is the true hero. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
969:The present is the most precious moment. Use all the forces of thy spirit not to let that momentescape thee. ~ Tolstoy, the Eternal Wisdom
970:This is the new birth, my son, to turn one's thought from the body that has the three dimensions. ~ Hermes: On Rebirth, the Eternal Wisdom
971:To represent constantly the world as one single being with one single soul and one single substance. ~ Marcus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
972:When lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin; and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. ~ James I. 14, 15, the Eternal Wisdom
973:Whoever is rich within and embellished with virtue, seeks not outside himself for glory and riches. ~ Angelus Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
974:All is Narayana, man or animal, the wise and the wicked, the whole world is Narayana, the Supreme Spirit. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
975:Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
976:He is not a man of religion who does ill to another. He is not a disciple who causes suffering to another. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
977:It is He who engenders Himself perpetually.......the Lord of existences and of non-existences. ~ Egyptian Funeral Rites, the Eternal Wisdom
978:It is impossible to arrive at the summit of the mountain without passing through rough and difficult paths. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
979:Not by work, not by family, not by riches, but by renunciation great beings attain to immortality. ~ Kaivalya Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
980:Opinions on the world and on God are many and conflicting and I know not the truth. Enlighten me, O my Master. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
981:Take care that the reading of numerous writers and books of all kinds does not confuse and trouble thy reason. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
982:The Eternal is in every man, but all men are not in the Eternal; there lies the cause of their suffering. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
983:The man who recognises in his own soul the supreme Soul present in all creatures, shows himself the same to all. ~ Manu, the Eternal Wisdom
984:The poor animats who live in ail obscure consciousness of dream posses many rights to love and campassion. ~ Jatakamala, the Eternal Wisdom
985:The power of the human intelligence is without bounds; it increases by concentration: that is the secret. ~ Vivekananda, the Eternal Wisdom
986:When all the desires that trouble the heart have fallen silent, then this mortal puts on immortality. ~ Katha Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
987:Whoever has perfected himself by the spiritual union, finds in time the true science in himself. ~ Bhagavad Gita IV. 38, the Eternal Wisdom
988:All Yoga is a seeking after the Divine, a turn towards union with the Eternal. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita, The Supreme Word of the Gita,
989:Charity is the affection that impels us to sacrifice ourselves to humankind as if it were one being with us. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
990:Contemplate the mirror of thy heart and thou shalt taste little by little a pure joy and unmixed peace. ~ Sadi, "Bostan", the Eternal Wisdom
991:Death and decrepitude are inherent in the world. The sage who knows the nature of things, does not grieve. ~ Metta Sutta, the Eternal Wisdom
992:earn what are the duties which are engraved in the hearts of men as their means of arriving to beatitude. ~ Laws of Manu, the Eternal Wisdom
993:Idleness ought to be numbered among the torments of hell, and it has been placed among the joys of paradise. ~ Montaigne, the Eternal Wisdom
994:It is difficult, even after having learned much, to arrive at the desired term of science. ~ Sutra in 42 Articles. XI. 2, the Eternal Wisdom
995:No Joy is comparable to the feeling of the eternal Presence in one's heart. With my Blessings.
   ~ The Mother, Mantras Of The Mother, 04 July, [T5],
996:Prepare thyself for thou must travel alone. The Master can only indicate to thee the road. ~ Book of the Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
997:So long as thou art not dead to all things, one by one, thou canst not set thy feet in this portico. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
998:The man that wandereth out of the way of understanding, shall remain in the congregation of the dead. ~ Proverbs XXI. 16, the Eternal Wisdom
999:The radiant beings themselves envy him whose senses are mastered like horses well trained by their driver. ~ Udana-varga, the Eternal Wisdom
1000:Thinkest thou that thy body is nothing when in thee is contained the most perfect world? ~ Baha-ullah: The Seven Valleys, the Eternal Wisdom
1001:Thus thou shalt be in perfect accord with all that lives, thou shalt love men as thy brotheas. ~ Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
1002:Whoever has his footing firm in love, renounces at one and the same time both religion and unbelief. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
1003:Even as the sun rises to us and sets, so also for the creation there are alternations of existence and death. ~ Harivansa, the Eternal Wisdom
1004:Even the body shall remember God. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul's Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
1005:Everything that is composite is soon destroyed and, like the lightning in heaven, does not last for long ~ Lalita-Vistara, the Eternal Wisdom
1006:How then shalt thou discover in thy age what in thy youth thou hast not gathered in? ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Ecclesiastes, the Eternal Wisdom
1007:If you observe in all your acts the respect of yourself and of others, then shall you not be despised of any. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
1008:Love is an invisible, a sacred and ineffable spirit which traverses the whole world with its rapid thoughts. ~ Empedocles, the Eternal Wisdom
1009:None can be richer, more powerful, freer than he who knows how to renounce his self and all things. ~ Imitation of Christ, the Eternal Wisdom
1010:Obey them that guide you and submit yourselves; for they watch over your souls. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Hebrews, XIII. 17, the Eternal Wisdom
1011:O my soul, wilt thou be one day simple, one, bare, more visible than the body which envelops thee? ~ Marcus Aurelius. X.I, the Eternal Wisdom
1012:The man who knows Tao is inaccessible to favour as to disgrace, to profit as to loss, to honour as to ignominy. ~ Lao-tse, the Eternal Wisdom
1013:The perfection of virtue consists in a certain equality of soul and of conduct which should remain un-alterable. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
1014:The wise man should rein in intently this mental action like a chariot drawn by untrained horses. ~ Swetawatara Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
1015:Thou art man thou art a citizen of the world, thou art the son of God, thou art the brother of all men. ~ Marcus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
1016:To control the mind! How difficult that is! It has been compared, not without good reason, to a mad monkey. ~ Vivekananda, the Eternal Wisdom
1017:Why do you amass stones and construct great temples? Why do you vex yourselves thus when God dwells within you ? ~ Vemara, the Eternal Wisdom
1018:With a heart pure and overflowing with love I desire to act towards others even as I would toward myself. ~ Buddhist Text, the Eternal Wisdom
1019:Young and old and those who are growing to age, shall all die one after the other like fruits that fall. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
1020:An off-cast from the city is he who tears his soul away from the soul of reasoning beings, which is one. ~ Marcus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
1021:As the musician knows how to tune his lyre, so the wise man knows how to set his mind in tune with all minds. ~ Demophilus, the Eternal Wisdom
1022:A sun of wisdom in a miracled grove. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day The Souls Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
1023:If thou feel not love for men, busy thyself with thyself, handle things, do what thou wilt, but leave men alone. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
1024:In each atom thou shalt see the All, thou shalt contemplate millions of secrets asluminous as the sun. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
1025:It needs a lion-hearted man to travel the extraordinary path; for the way is long and the sea is deep. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
1026:Progress should mean that we are always changing the world to fit the vision, instead we are always changing the vision. ~ G K Chesterton, "The Eternal Revolution," Orthodoxy,
1027:So long as we do not die to ourselves and are not indifferent to creatures, the soul will not be free. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
1028:That it may be easy for thee to live with every man, think of what unites thee to him and not of what separates. ~ Tolstoy, the Eternal Wisdom
1029:To surmount this thirst of existence, to reject it, to be liberated from it, to give it no farther harbourage. ~ Mahavagga, the Eternal Wisdom
1030:When one says to a man, "Know thyself," it is not only to lower his pride, but to make him sensible of his own value. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
1031:Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him. ~ John. III. 15, the Eternal Wisdom
1032:Anger is an affection of the soul which, if it is not treated, degenerates into a malady of the body. ~ Apollonius of Tyana, the Eternal Wisdom
1033:Confidence in help from outside brings with it distress. Only self-confidence gives force and joy. ~ Fo-tho-hing-tsang-king, the Eternal Wisdom
1034:He who in his neighbour sees no other tiling but God, lives with the light that flowers in the Divinity. ~ Angelns Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
1035:He whose thought is always fixed on the Eternal has no need of any devotional practice or spiritual exercise. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
1036:It is from the shoot of self-renunciation that there starts the sweet fruit of final deliverance. ~ Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
1037:Let us lay aside every weight and run with patience the race that is set before us. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Hebrews, XII. I, the Eternal Wisdom
1038:Man can only be happy by the fruit of the labour which he spends on his self-improvement. ~ Antoine the Healer: Revelations, the Eternal Wisdom
1039:No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us and his love is perfected in us. ~ John IV. 12, the Eternal Wisdom
1040:One must accustom oneself to say in the mind when one meets a man, "I will think of him only and not of myself. " ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
1041:So long as thou livest in the bewilderment and seduction of pride, thou shalt abide far from the truth. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
1042:The sage does not die any more, for he is already dead, dead to all vanity, dead to all that is not God. ~ Angelus Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
1043:Those, on the contrary, who contemplate the immutable essence of things, have knowledge and not opinions. ~ Plato: Republic, the Eternal Wisdom
1044:Thy soul cannot be hurt in thee save by reason of thy ignorant body; direct and master them both. ~ Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
1045:To be master of one's mind! How difficult that is! it has been compared, not without reason, to a mad monkey. ~ Vivekananda, the Eternal Wisdom
1046:To my eyes the majesty of lords and princes is only a little smoke that floats in a ray of sunlight. ~ Sutra in 42 articles, the Eternal Wisdom
1047:When one ceases to gain, one begins to lose. What matters is not to advance quickly, but to be always advancing. ~ Plutarch, the Eternal Wisdom
1048:A man who has comm and over his senses and the forces of his being, has a just title to the name of king. ~ Angelus Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
1049:Circumstances, though they attack obstinately the man who is firm, cannot destroy his proper virtue,-firmness. ~ Bhartrihari, the Eternal Wisdom
1050:e should follow the law which Nature has engraved in our hearts. Wisdom lies in the perfect observation of her law. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
1051:For of all things He is the Lord and Father and Source, and the life and power and light and intelligence and mind. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
1052:He alone traverses the current of the illusion who comes face to face with the Eternal and realises it. ~ Hermes: On Rebirth, the Eternal Wisdom
1053:If thou canst raise thy spirit above Space and Time, thou shalt find thyself at every moment in eternity. ~ Angelus Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
1054:I have learned, in whatever state I am, therewith to be content,-both to abound and to suffer need. ~ Philippians IV. 11, 12, the Eternal Wisdom
1055:Let the Godhead within thee protect there a virile being, respect-worthy, a chief, a man self-disciplined. ~ Marcus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
1056:Patience is sweeter than very honey, by this understand how useful it is to the soul that possesses it. ~ Shepherd of Hermas, the Eternal Wisdom
1057:That man who seeth the self in all beings and all beings in the self, has no disdain for any thing that is. ~ Isha Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
1058:The knowledge of a great number of trivialities is an insurmountable obstacle to knowing what is really necessary. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
1059:The more thou knowest God, the more thou wilt recognise that thou canst not name Him, nor say what He is. ~ Angelus Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
1060:The soul is its own witness, the soul is its own refuge. Never despise thy soul, that supreme witness in men. ~ Laws of Manu, the Eternal Wisdom
1061:The virtue of a man who has attained to the height of perfection, extends even to a foreknowledge of the future. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
1062:We all cooperate in one common work, some with knowledge and full intelligence, others without knowing it ~ Mar-cus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
1063:When we act with obstinacy, malice, anger, violence, to whom do we make ourselves near and like? To wild beasts. ~ Epictetus, the Eternal Wisdom
1064:A man's deeds are slavish, his very thoughts false, so long as he has not succeeded in putting fear under his feet. ~ Carlyle, the Eternal Wisdom
1065:Before I was myself, I was God in God, that is why I can again become that when I shall be dead to myself. ~ Angelus Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
1066:By zeal, by vigilance, by peace of soul the sage can make himself as an island which the waves cannot over flow. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1067:Colour was a visible tone of ecstasy. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul's Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
1068:Faith may vary with different men, in different epochs, but love is invariable in all. The true faith is ~ Ibrahim of Cordova, the Eternal Wisdom
1069:From the immobile stone to the supreme principle creation consists in the differentiation of existences. ~ Sankhya Pravachana, the Eternal Wisdom
1070:God dwells in a Light, to which a road is wanting. He who does not become That himself, will never see It. ~ Angelus Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
1071:Heaven and Earth are the father and mother of all beings; among beings man alone has intelligence for his portion. ~ Chu-King, the Eternal Wisdom
1072:If thou art weary of suffering and affliction, do no longer any transgression, neither openly nor in secret. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
1073:I love the great scorners because they are the great worshippers, arrows shot by desire towards that other shore. ~ Nietzsche, the Eternal Wisdom
1074:Men and women live in the world without yet having any idea either of the visible world or the invisible. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
1075:O friends, despise not the eternal Beauty for the mortal beauty, and be not held back by the things of the earth. ~ Bahaullah, the Eternal Wisdom
1076:Sincerity, a profound, grand, ingenuous sincerity is the first characteristic of all men who are in any way heroic. ~ Carlyle, the Eternal Wisdom
1077:That is why it is permitted to him who has attained to the truty within, to say, "I am the true Divine." ~ Mohyiddin in Arabi, the Eternal Wisdom
1078:The good things of this world perish but the treasures won by a life of uprightness are imperishable. ~ Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king, the Eternal Wisdom
1079:The lotus of the eternal knowledge and the eternal perfection is a bud closed and folded up within us.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, [T5],
1080:The teaching of our master consists solely in this, to be upright in heart and to love one's neighbour as oneself ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
1081:True good can only be obtained by our effort towards spiritual perfection and this effort is always in our power. ~ Epictetus, the Eternal Wisdom
1082:A link was wanting between two craving parts of Nature and he was hurled into being as the bridge over that yawning need. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
1083:A man's spiritual gain depends on his ideas and sentiments; it is the product of his heart and not of his works. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
1084:Assuredly, whoever wishes to discover the universal truth must sound the depths of his own heart. ~ J. Tauler, "Institutions.", the Eternal Wisdom
1085:For never in this world can hate be appeased by hate: hatred is vanquished only by love,-that is the eternal law. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1086:he external forms are alone subject to change and destruction; for these forms are not the things themselves. ~ Giordano Bruno, the Eternal Wisdom
1087:I am one with God in my being and yet I can have relations with Him in my experience. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, The Eternal and the Individual,
1088:It is not by the water in which they plunge that men become pure but he becomes pure who follows the path of the Truth. ~ ibid, the Eternal Wisdom
1089:Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace and the things wherewith one may edify another. ~ Romans XIV. 19, the Eternal Wisdom
1090:Man's vast spirit in its power to understand things, has a wider extent than heaven and earth. ~ J. Tauler, "Institutions" XII, the Eternal Wisdom
1091:This world after all our sciences remains still a miracle, marvellous, inscrutable, magical and more, for whoever thinks. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
1092:When a thought rises in us, let us see whether it is not in touch with the inferior worlds. ~ Antoine the Healer : Revelations, the Eternal Wisdom
1093:When thy soils shall have vanished and thou art free of defect, thou shalt no more be subject to decay and death. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1094:With ignorance are born all the passions, with the destruction of ignorance the passions also are destroyed. ~ Majihima Nikaya, the Eternal Wisdom
1095:All the facts of nature are nouns of the intellect, and make the grammar of the eternal language. Every word has a double, trebleor centuple use and meaning. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
1096:As the herdsman urges with his staff his cattle to the stall, so age and death drive before them the lives of men. ~ Udanavarga, the Eternal Wisdom
1097:Form was a tenuous raiment of the soul: ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul's Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
1098:Imperfect is the joy not shared by all. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul's Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
1099:Man cannot possess perfect happiness until all that separates him from others has been abolished in oneness. ~ Angolua Siloaius, the Eternal Wisdom
1100:Man is the creator of the gods whom he worships in his temples. Therefore humanity has made its gods in its own image. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
1101:Master invisible filling all hearts and directing them from within, to whatever side I look, Thou dwellest there. ~ Bharon Guru, the Eternal Wisdom
1102:One arrives at such a condition only by renouncing all that one has seen, heard, understood. ~ Baha-ullah: "The Seven Valleys.", the Eternal Wisdom
1103:Rely on nothing that thy senses perceive; all that thou seest, hearest, feelest; is like a deceiving dream. ~ Minamoto Sanemoto, the Eternal Wisdom
1104:When wilt thou understand that the true happiness is always in thy power and that it is the love for all men. ~ Marcos Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
1105:When you have made progress in wisdom, you will find no situation troublesome to you; every condition will be happy. ~ Plntarch, the Eternal Wisdom
1106:Who is the superior man ? It is he who first puts his words in practice and then speaks in agreement with his acts. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
1107:All things circle back to the eternal unity and in their beginning and end are the same. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays in Philosophy and Yoga, Heraclitus - VI,
1108:Beloved, believe not every spirit-because many false prophets are gone out into the world. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, 1 John, IV. 1, the Eternal Wisdom
1109:Eternity is for all time, but the world only for a moment. Sell not then for that moment thy kingdom of eternity. ~ Omar Khayyam, the Eternal Wisdom
1110:Hell has not been created by any one, but when a man does evil, he lights the fires of hell and burns in his own fire. ~ Mahomed, the Eternal Wisdom
1111:He who consecrates his life to spiritual perfection, cannot be ill-content; for what he desires is always in his power. ~ Pascal, the Eternal Wisdom
1112:He who was heedless and has become vigilant, shines over the darkened world like a moon in cloudless heavens. ~ Udanavarga Sutta, the Eternal Wisdom
1113:Let us never lose sight of this, my brothers, that when we depart from sincerity, we depart from the Truth. ~ Antoine the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
1114:Man should never cease to believe that the incomprehensible can be comprehended; otherwise he would give up his search. ~ Goethe, the Eternal Wisdom
1115:n verity, there exists one law only, the law of our conscience; all truth is there controlled and verified. ~ Antoine the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
1116:Reject passion and attachment, then shall be revealed in thee that which now dwells hidden from thy eyes. ~ Sutra in 42 articles, the Eternal Wisdom
1117:Stimulate thyself, direct thyself; thus protected by thyself and full of clear-seeing thou shalt live always happy. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1118:Thyself awaken thy self: then protected by thyself and discovering thy own deepest secret, thou shalt not change. ~ Hindu Wisdom, the Eternal Wisdom
1119:Accept what is good even from the babbling of an idiot or the prattle of a child as they extract gold from a stone. ~ Mahabharata, the Eternal Wisdom
1120:Ah, let us live happy without hating those who hate us. In the midst of men who hate us, let us live without hatred. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1121:And channel to earth-mind the wizard ray
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day The Souls Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
1122:For it is an ancient and a true saying, Never shall hate be vanquished by hate, only by love is hatred extinguished. ~ Udanavaryu, the Eternal Wisdom
1123:If one does not stop in progress after attaining a few powers, he becomes, in the end, really rich in the eternal knowledge of truth. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1124:I would act towards others with a heart pure and filled with love exactly as I would have them act to- wards me. ~ Lalita Vistara, the Eternal Wisdom
1125:My brothers, when you accost each other, two things alone are fitting, instructive words or a grave silence. ~ Buddhist Scripture, the Eternal Wisdom
1126:Open the eye of the heart that thou mayst see thy soul; thou shalt see what was not made to be seen. ~ Ahmed Halif, "Mystic Odes", the Eternal Wisdom
1127:The soul in man is greater than his fate: ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul's Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
1128:To realise the Self is to realise the eternal freedom of the Spirit. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, Brahman, Purusha, Ishwara - Maya, Prakriti, Shakti,
1129:When the mind is one with the deeper spirit and wholly in touch with knowledge, its universality embraces all things. ~ Patanjali, the Eternal Wisdom
1130:As in a house with a sound roof the lain cannot penetrate, so in a mind where meditation dwells passion cannot enter. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1131:A soul full of wisdom, however excellent it be, cannot be compared with right and straightforward Thought. ~ Fo-sho-hing-tsau-king, the Eternal Wisdom
1132:Be master of thyself by taming thy heart, thy mind and thy senses; for each man is his own friend and his own enemy. ~ Mahabharata, the Eternal Wisdom
1133:He that loveth his life, shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world, shall keep it unto life eternal. ~ John XII. 25, the Eternal Wisdom
1134:ike burning coals are our desires; they are full of suffering, full of torment and a yet heavier distressfulness. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
1135:In this state of pure felicity the soul is enlarged and the material substance that is subject to her profiteth also. ~ Tneng Tseu, the Eternal Wisdom
1136:Let your behaviour be without covetousness, and be content with such things as you have. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Hebrews,. XIII. 5, the Eternal Wisdom
1137:One should seek the truth himself while profiting by the directions which have reached us from ancient sages and saints. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
1138:Restore to heaven and earth that which thou owest unto them...But of this dead man there is a portion that is immortal. ~ Rig Veda, the Eternal Wisdom
1139:Seek for a guide to lead you to the gates of knowledge where shines the brilliant light that is pure of all darkness. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1140:So live as if thou hadst at once to say farewell to life and the time yet accorded thee were an unexpected gift. ~ Marcus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
1141:There is one only way of salvation, to renounce the life which perishes and to live the life in which there is no death. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
1142:The truth above shall wake a nether truth, ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul's Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
1143:Who knows this ruler within, he knows the worlds and the gods and creatures and the Self, he knows all. ~ Mundaka Upanishad I.210., the Eternal Wisdom
1144:You veil your eyes and complain that you cannot see the Eternal. If you wish to see Him, tear from your eyes the veil of the illusion. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1145:Arise and be not slothful ! Follow the straight path ! He who so walks, lives happy in this world and in those beyond. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1146:By the assemblage of all that is exalted and all that is base man was always the most astonishing of mysteries. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
1147:Desire is the profoundest root of all evil; it is from desire that there has arisen the world of life and sorrow. ~ Pali Canonymous, the Eternal Wisdom
1148:For the ignorant there is no better rule than silence and if he knew its advantage he would not be ignorant. ~ Sadi : Gulistan VIII, the Eternal Wisdom
1149:He is the king of Nature because he alone in the world knows himself...His substance is that of God Himself. ~ The Rose of Bakamate, the Eternal Wisdom
1150:If the mind makes a practice of rectitude in its thinking, there is no evil that can make entrance into it. ~ Fo-sho.hing-tsan-king, the Eternal Wisdom
1151:I will rise now and go about the city in the streets and the broadways, I will seek him whom my soul loveth. ~ Songs of Songs III.2, the Eternal Wisdom
1152:One who returns not wrath to wrath, saves himself as well as the other from a great peril: he is A physician to both. ~ Mahabharata, the Eternal Wisdom
1153:O you who are vain of your mortal possessions, know that wealth is a heavy barrier between the seeker and the Desired. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
1154:Seek and you shall find.... It is when we seek for the things which are within us that quest leads to discovery. ~ Meng-Tse II. 7.3, the Eternal Wisdom
1155:The greatness of individuals is the greatness of the eternal Energy within. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays in Philosophy and Yoga, The Greatness of the Individual,
1156:The limbs were trembling densities of soul. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul's Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
1157:Think not that when the sins of thy gross form are overcome, thy duty is over to nature and to other men. ~ Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
1158:When thou art purified of thy omissions and thy pollutions, thou shalt come by that which is beyond age and death. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
1159:But since there is a Permanent, there is also a possible issue for that which belongs to the world of the impermanence. ~ Udanavarga, the Eternal Wisdom
1160:But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance. ~ Latita Vistara, the Eternal Wisdom
1161:For this corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, 1 Corinthians, XV. 53, the Eternal Wisdom
1162:Happy are they whom Truth herself instructs not by words and figures but by showing herself as she is. ~ Imitation of Christ I. 3. 7, the Eternal Wisdom
1163:He becomes master of all this universe who has this knowledge.-Know thyself, sound the divinity ~ Epictetus, "Conversations." III.22, the Eternal Wisdom
1164:He who sowed sparingly, shall reap also sparingly, and he who sowed bountifully, shall reap also bountifully. ~ II Corinthians IX. 6, the Eternal Wisdom
1165:He who speaks best of God is he who, in the presence of the plenitude of the interior riches, knows best how to be silent. ~ Eckhart, the Eternal Wisdom
1166:It is by suffering and troubles that it is given us to acquire little portions of that wisdom which is not learned in books. ~ Gogol, the Eternal Wisdom
1167:It is truly the supreme Light, inaccessible and unknowable, from which all other lamps receive their flame and their splendour. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
1168:The Catholic is our brother but the materialist not less. We owe him deference as to the greatest of believers. ~ Antonie the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
1169:All that exists is but the transformation of one and the same Matter and is therefore one and the same thing. ~ Diogenes of Apollonia, the Eternal Wisdom
1170:All the modes of relative existence of our phenomenal world are simply created by particularisation in the troubled mind. ~ Awaghosha, the Eternal Wisdom
1171:Count it all joy when ye fall into diverse temptations, knowing this that the trying of your faith work-eth patience. ~ James 1. 2, 3, the Eternal Wisdom
1172:Fine language not followed by acts in harmony with it is like a splendid flower brilliant in colour but without perfume. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1173:I say to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly. ~ Romans X II, the Eternal Wisdom
1174:It is not by shaving the head that one becomes a man of religion; truth and rectitude alone make the true religious man. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1175:Let thy tongue be the instrument of truth. Be ever true in all that thou shall speak and permit not to thy tongue a lie. ~ Phocylides, the Eternal Wisdom
1176:Like the waves of a rivulet, day and night are flowing the hours of life and coining nearer and nearer to their end. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
1177:Meditate on the Eternal either in an unknown nook or in the solitude of the forests or in the solitude of thy own mind. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
1178:Some say that knowledge is the road that leads towards love; others, that love and knowledge are interdependent. ~ Narada Sutra 18-19, the Eternal Wisdom
1179:The light of thy spirit cannot destroy these shades of night so long as thou hast not driven out desire from thy soul. ~ Hindu Wisdom, the Eternal Wisdom
1180:The man of superior virtue is well pleased in the humblest situation. His heart loves to be deep as the abyss. ~ Lao-Tse: Tao-te-King, the Eternal Wisdom
1181:The man who does not try to raise his spirit above itself, is not worthy to live in the condition of a man. ~ Angelus Silesius II. 22, the Eternal Wisdom
1182:The more people believe in one thing, the more one ought to be careful with regard to that belief and attentive in examining it. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
1183:Then, accomplished in knowledge, he shakes from him good and evil, and, stainless, reaches that supreme Equality. ~ Mundaka Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
1184:The wise weep not for the dead nor the living: all of us were before and shall not cease to be hereafter. ~ Bhagavad Gita. II. 11, 12, the Eternal Wisdom
1185:This world is a people of friends, and these friends are first the gods and next men whom Nature has made for each other. ~ Epictetus, the Eternal Wisdom
1186:To know the One and Supreme, the supreme Lord, the immense Space, the superior Rule, that is the summit of knowledge. ~ Tsuang-Tse II, the Eternal Wisdom
1187:Words fail us when we seek, not to express Him who Is, but merely to attain to the expression of the powers that environ Him. ~ Philo, the Eternal Wisdom
1188:Youth, beauty, life, riches, health, friends are things that pass; let not the wise man attach himself at all to these. ~ Mahabharata, the Eternal Wisdom
1189:All light is but a flash from his closed eyes: ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul's Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
1190:For this is the message that ye have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, 1 John, III.11, the Eternal Wisdom
1191:God is not knowledge, but the cause of Knowledge; He is not mind, but the cause of mind; He is not Light, but the cause of Light. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
1192:He who thus knows, "I am the Eternal", the gods themselves cannot make him other, for he is their own self. ~ Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
1193:If the atom is lost in the sun of immensity, it will participate, although a simple atom, in its eternal duration. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
1194:If you do not cover yourself on every side with the shield of patience, you will not remain long without wounds. ~ Imitation of Christ, the Eternal Wisdom
1195:In peace and silence the eternal manifests; allow nothing to disturb you and the eternal will manifest.
   ~ The Mother, Mantras Of The Mother, 13 September, [T5],
1196:In the true nature of Matter is the fundamental law of the Spirit. In the true nature of Spirit is the fundamental law of Matter. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
1197:Men of superior virtue practise it without thinking of it; those of inferior virtue go about it with intention. ~ Lao-Tse: Tao-te-King, the Eternal Wisdom
1198:Nature wills that each thing after its fulfilment shall disappear; it is for this that everything ages and dies. ~ Apollonius of Tyana, the Eternal Wisdom
1199:o discern the eternal Reality and to detach oneself from the world are the two means of purification of the human heart. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
1200:So and likewise, if you tear away the veils of the heart, the light of the oneness will shine upon it. ~ Baha-ullah: The Seven Valleys, the Eternal Wisdom
1201:The breath of desire and pleasure so ravages the world that it has extinguished the torch of knowledge and understanding. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
1202:There is no death, the word mortal has no significance ; death would be destruction and nothing is destroyed in the universe. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
1203:Those become immortal who know by the heart and the understanding Him who in the heart has his dwelling-place. ~ wetaswatara Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
1204:Those who are consecrated to Truth shall surely gain the other shore and they shall cross the torrent waves of death. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
1205:Wisdom is like unto a beacon set on high, which radiates its light even in the darkest night. ~ Buddhist Meditations from the Japanese, the Eternal Wisdom
1206:With my soul have I desired thee in the night; with my spirit within me will I seek thee early. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Isaiah, XXVI.9, the Eternal Wisdom
1207:Before the soul can see, it must have acquired the inner harmony and made the eyes blind to all illusion. ~ The Book of Gulden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
1208:Be not ashamed to be helped: thy end is to accomplish that which is incumbent on thee, like a soldier in the assault. ~ Marcus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
1209:Do not do to others what you would not wish to suffer at their hands, and be to them what you would wish them to be to you. ~ Isocrates, the Eternal Wisdom
1210:Fill then your heart with this knowledge and seek for the sources of life in the words dictated by Truth itself. ~ Epsitle to Diognetus, the Eternal Wisdom
1211:He who discerns the truth as truth and the illusion as an illusion, attains to the truth and is walking in the right road. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1212:He who makes to be heard words without harshness, true and instructive, by which he injures none, he, I say, is a Brahmin. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1213:Man himself, who takes up all that went before him and transmutes it into the term of manhood. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, The Eternal and the Individual,
1214:The beginning of strife is as when one letteth out water; therefore leave off contention before it be meddled with. ~ Proverbs XVII. 14, the Eternal Wisdom
1215:The self is master of itself, what other master can it have? A self well controlled is a master difficult to procure. ~ Dhammapada. 160, the Eternal Wisdom
1216:When one lives for oneself, one lives only a portion of his true "I". When one lives for others, one feels his "I" expanding. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
1217:A man's heart showeth to him what he should do better than seven sentinels on the summit of a rock. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Ecclesiastes, the Eternal Wisdom
1218:Be not taken in the snares of the Prince of death, let him not cast thee to the ground because thou hast been heedless. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
1219:Courtesy is the most precious of jewels. The beauty that is not perfected by courtesy is like a garden without a flower. ~ Buddhacharita, the Eternal Wisdom
1220:From coveting is horn grief, from coveting is born fear. To be free utterly from desire is to know neither fear nor sorrow. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1221:Nothing divides men so much as pride, whether it be the pride of the individual, of the family, of the class or of the nation. ~ Tolstoy, the Eternal Wisdom
1222:Once the mind has been trained to fix itself on formed images, it can easily accustom itself to fix on formless realities. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
1223:Only the man who knows that God lives in his soul, can be humble; such a one is absolutely indifferent to what men say of him. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
1224:The contemplation of impermanence is a door which leads to liberation and dissolves the formations of Illusion. ~ Abhidhamrnatthasangaha, the Eternal Wisdom
1225:The man full of uprightness is happy here below, sweet is his sleep by night and by day his heart is radiant with peace. ~ Buddhist Text, the Eternal Wisdom
1226:The wise do not linger in the thicket of the senses, the wise heed not the honeyed voices of the illusion. ~ The Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
1227:Use your body and your thought and turn away from anybody who asks you to believe blindly, whatever be his good will or his virtue. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
1228:When creation perishes, Thou dost not perish, when it is reborn, thou coverest it, O Imperishable, with a thousand different forms. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
1229:Without stick or sword, filled with sympathy and benevolence, let the disciple show to all beings love and compassion. ~ Magghima Nikaya, the Eternal Wisdom
1230:Do no evil and evil shall not come upon thee; be far from the unjust and sin shall be far from thee. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Ecclesiastes, the Eternal Wisdom
1231:For those in whom self-knowledge has destroyed their ignorance, knowledge illumines sunlike that highest existence. ~ Bhagavad Gita V. 16, the Eternal Wisdom
1232:hat is the true law? It is a right reason invariable, eternal, in conformity with Nature, -which is extended in all human being. ~ Cicero, the Eternal Wisdom
1233:Holy Knowledge, by thee illumined, I hymn by thee the ideal light; I rejoice with the joy of the Intelligence. ~ Hermes: "On the Rebirth", the Eternal Wisdom
1234:If ye live after the flesh, ye shall die; but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live. ~ Romans VIII. 13, the Eternal Wisdom
1235:If you wish to battle and strive for Truth become a thinker, that is to say, a free man. ~ Apollonius of Tyana, 28th Letter to the King.", the Eternal Wisdom
1236:Life and death, waking and sleep, youth and age are one and the same thing, for one changes .into the other, that into this. ~ Heraclitus, the Eternal Wisdom
1237:The individual consciousness by the attempt to measure the Impersonal loses its individual egoism and becomes one with Him. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
1238:The least indigent mortal is the one who desires the least. We have everything we wish when we wish only for what is sufficient. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
1239:And all things depend one on the other and all are bound to each other...all is that Ancient One and nothing is separate from him. ~ Zohar, the Eternal Wisdom
1240:As dawn announces the rising of the sun, so in a man disinterestedness, purity, rectitude forerun the coming of the Eternal. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
1241:First of the elements, universal Being, Thou hast created all and preservest all and the universe is nothing but Thy form. ~ Vishnu Purana, the Eternal Wisdom
1242:Heaven's call is rare, rarer the heart that heeds. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul's Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
1243:Life is not short if it is filled. The way to fill it is to compel the soul to enjoy its own wealth and to become its own master. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
1244:Like the waves of a river that flow slowly on and return never back, the days of human life pass and come not back again. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
1245:Putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Ephesians, IV. 25, the Eternal Wisdom
1246:To conform one's conduct to one's talk is an eminent virtue; attain to that virtue and then you may speak of the duties of others. ~ Li-Ki, the Eternal Wisdom
1247:When the present dream of our life is finished, a new dream will succeed it and there our life and death will not be known. ~ Schopenhauer, the Eternal Wisdom
1248:All this universe, and in that word are comprised things divine and human, all is only one great body of which we are the members. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
1249:And yet, O the happiness of being man and of being able to recognise the way of the Truth and by following it to attain the goal. ~ Gyothai, the Eternal Wisdom
1250:Compassion toward animals is essentially bound up with goodness of character. Whoever is cruel to them cannot be good to men ~ Sehopenhauer, the Eternal Wisdom
1251:Each being who renounces his self and detaches himself completely from it, hears within this voice and this echo, "I am God. ~ Gulschen Raz, the Eternal Wisdom
1252:Slay thy desires, O disciple, make powerless thy vices, before thou takest the first step of that solemn journey. ~ Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
1253:The holiness of justice is the health of the soul; it is more precious than heaps ol gold and silver. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Ecclesiasucus, the Eternal Wisdom
1254:The individual dies, the kind is indestructible. The individual is the expression in time of the kind which is outside time. ~ Schopenhauer, the Eternal Wisdom
1255:The superior soul asks nothing from any but itself. The vulgar and unmeritable man asks everything of others. ~ Confucius: Lia yu II XV. 20, the Eternal Wisdom
1256:The world is a dream and resembles a flower in bloom which shakes out to all its sides its pollen and then no longer is. ~ Minamoo Sanemoto, the Eternal Wisdom
1257:To believe blindly is bad. Reason, judge for yourselves, experiment, verify whether what you have been told is true or false. ~ Vivekananda, the Eternal Wisdom
1258:Do what thou knowest to be good without expecting from it any glory. Forget not that the vulgar area bad judge of good actions. ~ Demophilus, the Eternal Wisdom
1259:Each descent of the gaze on oneself is at the same time an ascension, an assumption, a gaze on the true objectivity. ~ Novalis, "Fragments.", the Eternal Wisdom
1260:Energetically resolved on the search, they must pass without ceasing from negligence to the world of effort. ~ Baha-ullah: The Seven Valleys, the Eternal Wisdom
1261:Even though thou shouldst be of all sinners the most sinful, yet by the raft of knowledge thou shalt cross utterly beyond all evil. ~ id. 36, the Eternal Wisdom
1262:Have compassion, have pity for all beings that live. Let thy heart be benevolent and sympathetic towards all that lives. ~ Fo'shu-tsrn-king-, the Eternal Wisdom
1263:Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all pollutionof the flesh and spirit. ~ II Corinthians VII. I, the Eternal Wisdom
1264:Neglect not the conversation of the aged, for they speak that which they have heard from their fathers. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Ecclesiastes, the Eternal Wisdom
1265:Our Lady's love is like a stream that has its source in the Eternal Fountains, quenches the thirst of all, can never be drained, and ever flows back to its Source. ~ Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys,
1266:The mind is a clear and polished mirror and our continual duty is to keep it pure and never allow dust to accumulate upon it. ~ Hindu Saying, the Eternal Wisdom
1267:What is it that is? It is that which was. And what is it that was? It is that which is. There is nothing new under the sun. ~ Giordano Bruno, the Eternal Wisdom
1268:When anyone does good without troubling himself for the result, ambition and malevolence pass quickly away from him. ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsan-king, the Eternal Wisdom
1269:All other vanities can be gradually extinguished, but the vanity of the saint in his saintliness is difficult indeed to banish. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
1270:Attach thyself to the sense of-things and not to their form. The sense is the essential, the form is only an encumbrance. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
1271:elf-control which lies on a man like a fine garment, falls away from him who negligently gives himself up to slumber. ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsan-king, the Eternal Wisdom
1272:Even as the hard K us ha-grass tears the hand which knows not how to size it, so a misplaced asceticism leads to the lower life. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1273:He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much. ~ Luke XVI.10, the Eternal Wisdom
1274:Just as the penetrating rays of the sun visit the darkest corners, so thought concentrated will master its own deepest secrets. ~ Vivekananda, the Eternal Wisdom
1275:Learn then, in brief, matter and its nature, qualities and modifications and also what the Spirit is and what its power. ~ Bhagavad Gita XIII, the Eternal Wisdom
1276:Men never commit bad actions with more coolness and assurance in their rectitude than when they do them by virtue of a false belief. ~ Pascal, the Eternal Wisdom
1277:The divine Spirit dwells in every man. How can we make a difference among those who carry in themselves one and the same principle? ~ Tolstoy, the Eternal Wisdom
1278:This liberation is attained by him alone who has understood the lesson of complete disinterestedness and forgetfulness of self. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
1279:A man may conquer thousands and thousands of men in battle, but he is the greatest conqueror who has mastered himself. ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsan-king, the Eternal Wisdom
1280:He whose senses are not attached to name and form who is no longer troubled by transient things; can be really called a disciple. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1281:Some men only have the happiness to raise themselves to that perception of the Divine which exists only in God and in the human mind. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
1282:The mind is restless, violent, powerful, obstinate; its control seems to me as difficult a task as to control the wind. ~ Bhagavad Gita VI. 34, the Eternal Wisdom
1283:There is not a grain of dust, not an atom that can become nothing, yet man believes that death is the annihilation of his being ~ Schopenhauer, the Eternal Wisdom
1284:The supreme gift is the gift of Truth, the supreme savour is the savour of Truth, the supreme delight is the delight of Truth. ~ Dammapada 354, the Eternal Wisdom
1285:The Tao is diffused in the universe. All existences return to It as streams and mountain rivulets return to the rivers and the seas. ~ Las-tse, the Eternal Wisdom
1286:We are born to contri bute to a mutual action like feet and hands. The hostility of men among themselves is against Nature. ~ Mar-cus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
1287:Affirm thy heart in the uprightness of a good conscience; for thou shalt have no more faithful counsellor. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Ecclesiastes, the Eternal Wisdom
1288:All men are separated from each other by the body, but all are united by the same spiritual principle which gives life to everything. ~ Tolstoy, the Eternal Wisdom
1289:A spark of the eternal Fire, it came
To build a house in Matter for the Unborn. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, The Miracle of Birth,
1290:God invisible,...say not so; for who is more apparent than He? That is the goodness of God, that is His virtue, to be apparent in all. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
1291:He whose mind is utterly pure from all evil as the Sun is pure of stain and the moon of soil, him indeed I call a man of religion. ~ Udanavagga, the Eternal Wisdom
1292:Let no man deceive himself; if any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him a fool that he may be wise. ~ I. Corinthians III. 18, the Eternal Wisdom
1293:Make no parade of your wisdom; it is a vanity which costs dear to many. Let wisdom correct your vices, but not attack those of others. ~ Scneca, the Eternal Wisdom
1294:O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?...Death is swallowed up in victory. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, 1 Corinthians, XV.56.55, the Eternal Wisdom
1295:Put Wisdom at the head of the world; the world will fight its battle victoriously and will be the best world that men can constitute. ~ Carlyle, the Eternal Wisdom
1296:Such are they who have not acquired self-knowledge, men who vaunt their science, are proud of their wisdom, vain of their riches. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
1297:The Church does not consist in a great number of persons. He who possesses the Truth at his side is the church, though he be alone. ~ Ibn Masnd, the Eternal Wisdom
1298:There are numerous Masters. But the common Master is the Universal Soul: live in it and let its rays live in you. ~ Book of the Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
1299:The soul that dwells in the body of every man is unslayable, and therefore thou shouldst not weep for all these beings. ~ Bhagavad Gita. II. 30, the Eternal Wisdom
1300:Tribulation worketh patience, and patience experience, and experience hope.-Only by hope can one attain to unhoped-for things. ~ Romans V. 3, 4, the Eternal Wisdom
1301:What offering should be made that we may attain to the Eternal? To find the Eternal thou must offer him thy body, thy mind and all thy possessions. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1302:When one perceives clearly this Self as God and as the Lord of all that is and will be, he knows no longer any fear. ~ Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
1303:Decry not other sects nor depreciate them but, on the contrary, render honour to that in them which is worthy of honour. ~ Inscriptions of Asoka, the Eternal Wisdom
1304:Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation and every city cur house divided against itself shall not stand. ~ Matthew XII. 25, the Eternal Wisdom
1305:No radiance of the Spirit can dissipate the darkness of the soul below unless all egoistic thought has fled out of it. ~ Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
1306:Put all things to the touchstone of your reason, to a free and independent scrutiny and keep what is good, what is true, what is useful ~ Huxley, the Eternal Wisdom
1307:Step by step, piece by piece, hour by hour, the wise man should purify his soul of all impurity as a silver worker purifies silver. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1308:The firmness of our resolution gives the measure of our progress and a great diligence is needed if one wishes to advance. ~ Imitation of Christ, the Eternal Wisdom
1309:Things in their fundamental nature can neither be named nor explained. They cannot be expressed adequately in any form of language. ~ Aswaghosha, the Eternal Wisdom
1310:When thou canst see that the substance of His being is thy being,... then thou knowest thy soul...So to know oneself is the true knowledge. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
1311:And shall I then no longer be? Yes, thou shalt be, but thou shalt be something else of which the world will have need at that moment. ~ Epictetus, the Eternal Wisdom
1312:Disinterestedness is not always understood. Yet is it the foundation of the virtues, without it they could not be practised. ~ Antoine the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
1313:God has set apart India as the eternal fountain-head of holy spirituality, and He will never suffer that fountain to run dry. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Bande Mataram - II, Swaraj,
1314:Good is mastery of the body, good the mastery of the speech, good too the mastery of the thought, good the perfect self-mastery. ~ Maggima Nikaya, the Eternal Wisdom
1315:He is what he is, but he is also the past of all that he was and the potentiality of all that he is not. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, The Eternal and the Individual,
1316:Look within thee; within thee is the source of all good and a source inexhaustible provided thou dig in it unceasingly. ~ Marcus Aurelius VII. 59, the Eternal Wisdom
1317:That man whose mind attaches itself only to sensible objects, death carries away like a torrent dragging with it a sleeping village. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1318:The mind is restless, strong, insistent, violently disturbing; to control it I hold to be as difficult as to control the wind. ~ Bhagavad Gita VI, the Eternal Wisdom
1319:The soul includes everything; whoever knows his soul, knows everything and whoever is ignorant of his soul, is ignorant of everything. ~ Socrates, the Eternal Wisdom
1320:Two kinds of joy are there, O my brothers, and what are they? The noisy and the silent joy; but nobler is the joy that is silent. ~ Sangiti Sutta, the Eternal Wisdom
1321:When thy understanding shall stand immovable and unshakeable in concentration, then thou shalt attain to the divine Union. ~ Bhagavad Gita 11. 53, the Eternal Wisdom
1322:All existence is a manifestation of the divine Existence and that which is within us is spirit of the eternal Spirit. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita, Above the Gunas,
1323:Death is but changing of our robes to wait
In wedding garments at the Eternal's gate. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, The Fear of Death,
1324:Even as I are these, even as they am I,-identifying himself thus with others, the wise man neither kills nor is a cause of killing. ~ Sutta Nipata, the Eternal Wisdom
1325:How canst thou seize by the senses that which is neither solid nor liquid...that which is conceived only in power and energy? ~ Hermes: On Rebirth, the Eternal Wisdom
1326:Let us attach ourselves to a solid good, to a good that shines within and not externally. Let us devote all our efforts to its discovery. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
1327:No man has a right to constrain another to think like himself. Each must bear with patience and indulgence the beliefs of others. ~ Giordano Bruno, the Eternal Wisdom
1328:One must begin by annihilating one's self, to be able to kindle within the Flame of existence and be admitted into the paths of Love. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
1329:Self-conquest is the most glorious of victories; it shall better serve a man to conquer himself than to be master of the whole world. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1330:That which distinguishes from others the upright man, is that he never pollutes the genius within him which dwells in his heart. ~ Marcus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
1331:The body is not distinct from the soul but makes of part it and the soul is not distinct from the whole but one of its members ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
1332:The individual exists in the Transcendent, but all the Transcendent is there concealed in the individual. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, The Eternal and the Individual,
1333:The union of the soul and nature has for its only object to give the soul the knowledge of nature and make it capable of eternal freedom. ~ Hennes, the Eternal Wisdom
1334:To take neither wine nor meat is to fast ceremonially, it is not the heart's fasting which is to maintain in oneself the one thought. ~ Tsuang-tso, the Eternal Wisdom
1335:When the man who does good, ceases to concern himself with the result of his act, ambition and wrath are extinguished within him. ~ Lalita Vistara, the Eternal Wisdom
1336:A hundred years of life passed without the vision of the supreme law are not worth a single day of a life consecrated to that vision. ~ Dham-mapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1337:And at last thou shalt come into that place where thou shalt find only one sole being in place of the world and its mortal creatures. ~ Ahmad Halif, the Eternal Wisdom
1338:Even if thou wouldst, thou couldst not separate thy life from the life of humanity. Thou livest in humanity and by it and for it. ~ Marcus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
1339:he night is far spent, the day is at hand; let us therefore cast off the works of darkness and let us put on the armour of light. ~ Romans XIII. 12, the Eternal Wisdom
1340:It is much better to observe justice than to pass one's whole life in the prostrations and genuflexions of an external worship. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
1341:Life is like a moth which in summer at nightfall turns about a lamp; there it finds at first a fugitive joy, but afterwards death. ~ Zeisho Aishako, the Eternal Wisdom
1342:Like a chariot drawn by wild horses is the mind, the man of knowledge should hold it in with an unswerving attention. ~ CwetawataraUpanishad. II. 9, the Eternal Wisdom
1343:Man falls not suddenly into death, but moves to meet him step by step. We are dying each day; each day robs us of a part of our existence. ~ Sencea, the Eternal Wisdom
1344:So long as the mentality is inconstant and inconsequent, it is worthless, though one have a good teacher and the company of holy men. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
1345:Whoever, without having the true science to which Life offers witness, fancies he knows something, knows, I repeat, nothing. ~ Epistle to Diognetus, the Eternal Wisdom
1346:All good thoughts, good words, good actions are works of intelligence; all bad thoughts, bad words, bad actions are works of unintelligence ~ Avesta, the Eternal Wisdom
1347:If thy first endeavour to find the Eternal bears no fruit, lose not courage. Persevere and at last thou shalt obtain the divine grace. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
1348:If ye fulfil the royal law, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well ; but if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin. ~ James II.8, 9, the Eternal Wisdom
1349:Like a piece of water that is deep, calm and limpid, having ears only for the precepts of the law the wise live in a complete serenity. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1350:Man, every time he gives up and abandons himself, finds God in the depths of his heart, as if the immutable principle of his abnegation. ~ J. Tauler, the Eternal Wisdom
1351:The Church teaches, "Mary is truly 'Mother of God' since she is the mother of the eternal Son of God made man, who is God himself." ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (CCC 509),
1352:The day of days, the great feast-day of the life, is that in which the eye within opens on the unity of things, the omnipresence of a law. ~ Emerson, the Eternal Wisdom
1353:What is man?... Thou crownedst him with glory and honour.... thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Hebrews,, the Eternal Wisdom
1354:You veil your eyes and complain that you cannot see the Eternal. If you wish to seeHim, tear from your eyes the veil of the illusion. ~ Ramakrishnan, the Eternal Wisdom
1355:Even as the high mountain-chains remain immobile in the midst of the tempest, so the true sage remains unshaken amidst praise and blame. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1356:he man who has conquered his unreined desires, offers no hold to sorrow; it glides over him like water over the leaves of the lotus. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
1357:The good acts we do today, our own progress will show to us tomorrow as an evil, because we shall have acquired a greater light. ~ Antoine the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
1358:There is a stain worse than all stains, the stain of ignorance. Purify yourselves of that stain, O disciples, and be free from soil. ~ Dhammapada 243, the Eternal Wisdom
1359:The self is the master of the self, what other master wouldst thou have? A self well-controlled is a master one can get with difficulty. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1360:Time shall be
The quivering of the spirit's endless bliss. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul's Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
1361:To be ignorant of the path one has to take and set out on the way without a guide, is to will to lose oneself and run the risk of perishing. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
1362:What then is the duty of the citizen? Never to consider his particular interest, never to calculate as if he were an isolated individual. ~ Epictetus, the Eternal Wisdom
1363:All souls are merely determinations of the universal Soul. Bodies taken separately are only varied and transient forms of material substance. ~ Kapila, the Eternal Wisdom
1364:At first sin is a stranger in the soul; then it becomes a guest; and when we are habituated to it, it becomes as if the master of the house. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
1365:Follow not a law of perdition, shut not yourselves up in negligence, follow not a law of falsehood; do nothing for the sake of the world. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1366:Hard is the mind to restrain, light, running where it pleases; to subjugate it is a salutary achievement; subjugated it brings happiness. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1367:He has read everything, learned everything, practised everything, who has renounced his desires and lives without any straining of hope. ~ Hitopadesha, the Eternal Wisdom
1368:He whose mind is utterly purified from soil, as heaven is pure from stain and the moon from dust, him indeed I call a man of religion. ~ Buddhist Text, the Eternal Wisdom
1369:If to-day when thou art with thy self, thou knowest nothing, what wilt thou know tomorrow when thou shalt have passed out of this self? ~ Omar Khayyam, the Eternal Wisdom
1370:O my friend, hearken to the melody of the Spirit in thy heart and in thy soul and guard it as the apple of thy eyes. ~ Baha-ullah, "The Seven Valleys", the Eternal Wisdom
1371:O obscurity of obscurity, O soul of the soul, Thou art more than all and before all. All is seen in Thee and Thou art seen in all. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
1372:The knowledge which sees one imperishable existence in all beings and the indivisible in things divided know to be the true knowledge. ~ Bhagavad Gita, the Eternal Wisdom
1373:Your body is an image of heaven and earth confided to your keeping. Your life is the harmony of heaven and earth confided to your keeping. ~ Tswangrse, the Eternal Wisdom
1374:ach time that the mobile and inconstant mind goes outward, it should be controlled, brought back into oneself and made obedient. ~ Bhagavad Gita VI. 26, the Eternal Wisdom
1375:An attentive scrutiny of thy being will reveal to thee that it is one with the very essence of absolute perfection. ~ Buddhist Writings in the Japanese, the Eternal Wisdom
1376:Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, 1 Peter, II. 11, the Eternal Wisdom
1377:He who is alone uncreated is then by that very fact unrevealed and invisible, but, manifesting all things, He reveals Himself in them and by them. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
1378:His hunger for the eternal thou must nurse
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, 07.04 - The Triple Soul-Forces, [T5],
1379:Silence, the great empire of silence, loftier than the stars, profounder than the kingdom of Death! It alone is great; all the rest is petty. ~ Carlyle, the Eternal Wisdom
1380:That he may vanquish hate, let the disciple live with a soul delivered from all hate and show towards all beings love and compassion. ~ Magghima Nikaya, the Eternal Wisdom
1381:The rays of the divine sun, the infinite Orient, shine equally on all that exists and the illumination of Unity repeats itself everywhere. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
1382:Seek wisdom carefully and she shall be uncovered to thee, and when once thou hast seen her, leave her, not. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Ecclesiastes, VI, 28, the Eternal Wisdom
1383:Stand firm therefore, having your loins girt about with truth and having on the breastplate of righteousness. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Ephesians,. VI. 14, the Eternal Wisdom
1384:The blue sea's chant, the rivulet's wandering voice
Are murmurs falling from the Eternal's harp. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
1385:The foundation of man's life is the dwelling in him of the divine Spirit equal in all men. And that is why men among themselves are all equal. ~ Tolstoy, the Eternal Wisdom
1386:The knowledge of the Eternal and the love of the Eternal are in the end one and the same thing. There is no difference between pure knowledge and pure love. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1387:Vanity of vanities, all is vanity. What profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun? ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Ecclesiastes, I, 2, 3, the Eternal Wisdom
1388:Do not to others what would displease thee done to thyself: this is the substance of the Law; all other law depends on one's good pleasure. ~ Mahabharata, the Eternal Wisdom
1389:If man thinks only of himself and seeks everywhere his own profit, he cannot be happy. If thou wouldst really live for thyself, live for others. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
1390:If we raise ourselves for a moment by aesthetic contemplation above the heavy terrestrial atmosphere, we are then beings blessed over all. ~ Schopenhauer, the Eternal Wisdom
1391:Man, if thou wouldst discover in the crowd the friends of God, observe simply those who carry love in their hearts and in their hands. ~ Angeles Silesins, the Eternal Wisdom
1392:My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue, but in deed and in truth. And hereby we know that we are of the truth. ~ John III. 18, 19, the Eternal Wisdom
1393:Take no thought for the morrow; for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. ~ Matthew VI. 34, the Eternal Wisdom
1394:That which has neither body, nor appearance, nor form, nor matter, nor can be seized by our senses, That which cannot be expressed,-this is God. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
1395:The man in whose vision all things are becomings of the Self and who sees in all things oneness, whence shall he have grief or delusion? ~ Isha Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
1396:The superior type of man is in all the circumstances of his life exempt from prejudices and obstinacy; he regulates himself by justice alone. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
1397:Before the creator can be born, there must be many pangs and transformations. Yes, your life must pass through many bitter deaths, O creators. ~ Nietzsche, the Eternal Wisdom
1398:From the most exalted in position to the humblest and obscurest of men all have one equal duty, to correct incessantly and improve themselves. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
1399:He who abstains from all violence towards beings, to the weak as to the strong, who kills not and makes not to kill, he, I say, is a Brahmin. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1400:If thou hast attempted and failed, O indomitable warrior, yet lose not courage; fight and return to the charge still and always. ~ Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
1401:Man, wouldst thou be a sage, wouldst thou know thyself and know God? First thou shouldst extinguish in thyself the desire of the world. ~ Angelus Silesius, the Eternal Wisdom
1402:Only one who has surmounted by wisdom that which the world calls good and evil and who lives in a clear light, can be truly called an ascetic ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1403:So long as the mind stops at the observation of multiple details, it does not enter into the general field of true knowledge. ~ Patanjali: Aphorisms. I 49, the Eternal Wisdom
1404:That which is Permanent, possess no attri bute by which one can speak of It, but the term Permanent is all that can be expressed by language. ~ Aswaghosha, the Eternal Wisdom
1405:The mind is difficult to restrain, light, running whither it pleases; to control it is a helpful thing; controlled, it secures happiness. ~ Dhammapada. 35, the Eternal Wisdom
1406:Thou shalt leave behind thee the embarrassments with which wealth surrounds thee and thou shalt find the immensity of the spiritual kingdom. ~ Ahmed Halif, the Eternal Wisdom
1407:Aspiring to godhead from insensible clay
He travels slow-footed towards the eternal day. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, Man the Thinking Animal,
1408:Behold, there is the goal of beatitude and there the long road of suffering. Thou canst choose the one or the other across the cycles to come. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1409:Employ all the leisure you have in listening to the well-informed; so you shall learn without difficulty what they have learned by long labour. ~ Isocrates, the Eternal Wisdom
1410:Make pain and pleasure, loss and gain, victory and defeat equal to thee, then turn thyself to the battle, so shalt thou have no sin. ~ Bhagavad Gita II. 38, the Eternal Wisdom
1411:The difficulties which come to birth in the disciple, are ignorance, egoism, desire, aversion and a tenacious will to existence upon the earth. ~ Patanjali, the Eternal Wisdom
1412:When thou takest cognizance of what thine "I" is, then art thou delivered from egoism and shalt know that thou art not other than God. ~ Mohyddin-ibn-Arabi, the Eternal Wisdom
1413:Whether you are standing or walking, whether you are seated or lying down, consecrate yourselves wholly to love : it is the best way of life. ~ Metta Sutta, the Eternal Wisdom
1414:Within man is the soul of the whole, the wise silence, the universal beauty to which every part and particle is equally related, the eternal ONE. ~ Emerson, the Eternal Wisdom
1415:Beyond fugitive Time reigns in the silence the kingdom of the Permanent. O happy he who conquers here and penetrates into the country of peace! ~ Udanavarga, the Eternal Wisdom
1416:Cease to search out death with such ardour in the strayings of your life, use not the work of your hands to win that which shall destroy you. ~ Wisdom I. 12, the Eternal Wisdom
1417:Delight of being, Ananda, is the eternal truth of the union of this conscious being and its conscious force whether absorbed in itself or else deployed in the inseparable duality of its two aspects.
   ~ SATM?,
1418:He whose whole play of life is with the Self and in the Self has his joy and so does actions, is the best of the knowers of the Eternal. ~ Mundaka Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
1419:I would follow the road of straightness, the unstained way of which the sages speak, which has no windings and leads straight to deliverance. ~ Psalms. IX30, the Eternal Wisdom
1420:O Thou who hast hidden thyself behind a veil, withdraw that veil at last, so that my soul may not consume itself in the search for Thee. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
1421:The zeal we devote to fulfilling the precept "Know thyself," leads us to the true happiness whose condition is the knowledge of veritable truths. ~ Porphyry, the Eternal Wisdom
1422:Try, but thou shalt not find the frontiers of the soul even if thou scourest all its ways; so profound is the extension of its reasoning being. ~ Heraclitus, the Eternal Wisdom
1423:We can thus recognise that all phenomena of the world are only the illusory manifestations of the mind and have no reality proper to themselves. ~ Awaghosha, the Eternal Wisdom
1424:Difficult is union with God when the self is not under governance; but when the self is well-subjected, there are means to come by it. ~ Bhagavad Gita XI. 38, the Eternal Wisdom
1425:For life cannot subsist without science and science exposes us to this peril that it does not walk towards the light of the true life. ~ Epistle to Diognetus, the Eternal Wisdom
1426:If thou canst, thou mayst see Him by the eyes of the intelligence, for the Lord is not a miser of Himself; He reveals Himself in the whole universe. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
1427:Let the disciple consecrate himself to love, not in order to seek for his own happiness, but let him take pleasure in love for the love of love. ~ Jatakamala, the Eternal Wisdom
1428:Only by falling back on our better thought, by yielding to the spirit of prophecy which is innate in every man, can we know what that wisdom saith. ~ Emerson, the Eternal Wisdom
1429:Prakriti is the power of the All-Soul, the power of the Eternal and Infinite self-moved to action and creation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita, The Fullness of Spiritual Action,
1430:Regard incessantly this body as the bespangled chariot of a king; it gladdens the simpleton but not the wise, dazzles the fool but not the sage. ~ Udanavarga, the Eternal Wisdom
1431:The mind is a clear and polished mirror and our continual duty is to keep it pure and never allow dust to gather upon its face. ~ Saving of the School of Zen, the Eternal Wisdom
1432:The proud man wishes to distinguish himself from others and deprives himself thus of the best joy of life, of a free and joyful communion with men. ~ Tolstoy, the Eternal Wisdom
1433:There is only one thing to do in order to be sure of being happy: it is to love the good and the wicked. Love always and thou wilt be happy always. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
1434:All the aspects of the sea are not different from the sea; nor is there any difference between the universe and its supreme Principle. ~ Chhandogya Uppanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
1435:Behind the appearance of these opposites are their truths and the truths of the Eternal are not in conflict with each other. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Vijnana or Gnosis,
1436:Despair not, my son, thy desire shall be fulfilled, thy will shall have fruit; put to sleep the sensations of the body and thou shalt be born in God. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
1437:Just discernment is of two kinds. The first conducts us towards the phenomenon, while the second knows how the Absolute appears in the universe. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
1438:Let not therefore the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches. ~ Jeremiah IX. 23, the Eternal Wisdom
1439:Sole essence of the world, Thou createst it and thou dissolvest it. Thou makest and unmakest the universe which is born again unceasingly by Thee. ~ Harivansa, the Eternal Wisdom
1440:So long as the mind is inconstant and inconsequent, it will avail nothing, even though one have a good instructor and the company of the saints. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
1441:That man whose mind is solely attached to the objects of sense, him death drags with it as an impetuous torrent sweeps away a slumbering village. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1442:There are pearls in the depths of the ocean, but one must dare all the perils of the deep to have them. So is. it with the Eternal in the world. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
1443:There is no malady that can prevent the doing of thy duty. If thou canst not serve men by thy works, serve them by thy example of love and patience. ~ Tolstoy, the Eternal Wisdom
1444:The traveller in the valley of knowledge who sees the end of each thing, knows how to find peace amid contest and reconciliation amidst disunion. ~ Baha ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
1445:To avoid the company of fools, to be in communion with the sages, to render honour to that which merits honor, is a great blessedness. ~ Mahaparinibbana Sutta, the Eternal Wisdom
1446:Whether on earth or in the abodes of the gods, all beings are upon three evil paths; they are in thepower of existence, desire and ignorance. ~ Latita Vistara, the Eternal Wisdom
1447:A man is not a master because he despotically subjects being living at his mercy. He can be called a master who has compassion for all that lives. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1448:Let not him then who cannot enter into the chamber of hidden treasure complain that he is poor and has no part in these riches. ~ J. Tauler, "Institutions." 27, the Eternal Wisdom
1449:Now that you have learned to know the truth, let your hearts henceforth enlightened take pleasure in a conduct in conformity with it. ~ Fo-sho-hing-tai ti-king, the Eternal Wisdom
1450:Of what use is it to run painfully about the troubled world of visible things when there is a purer world within ourselves? ~ Novalis, "The Disciples at Sais.", the Eternal Wisdom
1451:Silence thy thoughts and fix all thy attention on the Master within whom thou seest not yet, but of whom thou hast a presentiment ~ The Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
1452:The beginning of wisdom is the sincere desire for instruction. To observe attentively its laws is to establish the perfect purity of the soul. ~ Book of Wisdom, the Eternal Wisdom
1453:The eternal, the divine Reality
Has faced itself with its own contraries. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, 02.04
1454:The Master has said, "To pore over mysterious things and do miracles that I may be cited with honour in future times, this is what 1 will not do." ~ Tsang-Yung, the Eternal Wisdom
1455:The principal work of life is love. And one cannot love in the past or in the future: one can only love in the present, at this hour, at this minute. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
1456:Very weak are our efforts for the discovery of such great blessings, but when we arrive at them, we are recompensed by the felicity of our conscience. ~ Hermes, the Eternal Wisdom
1457:When a man shakes from him the clinging yoke of desire, affliction drops away from him little by little as drops of water glide from a lotus-leaf. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1458:Being but one, she is capable of all; immutable in herself, she renews all things; she diffuses herself among the nations in saintly souls. ~ The Book of Wisdom, the Eternal Wisdom
1459:Coveting is without end, but contentment is a supreme felicity; therefore the wise recognise no treasures upon the earth except contentment alone. ~ Mahabharata, the Eternal Wisdom
1460:Happy is he who nourishes himself with these good words and shuts them up in his heart. He shall always be one of the wise. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Ecclesiastes, the Eternal Wisdom
1461:If the soul would give itself leisure to take breath and return into itself, it would be easy for it to draw from its own depths the seeds of the true. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
1462:Many things are wanting to indigence, but everything is wanting to greed. A covetous man is useful to none and still less is he of any good to himself. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
1463:That which was before all individual existence, and which was without action although capable of action, is that which preceded heaven and earth. ~ Hoei Nan-Tse, the Eternal Wisdom
1464:Ah! let us live happy without desires among those who are given up to covetousness. In the midst of men full of desires, let us dwell empty of them. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1465:As a ripe fruit is at every moment in peril of detaching itself from the branch, so every creature born lives under a perpetual menace of death. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
1466:For the good that I would do, I do not; but the evil that I would not, that I do.. I find then a law that, when I would dogood, evil is present with me. ~ Pascal, the Eternal Wisdom
1467:Mortality bears ill the eternal's touch:
It fears the pure divine intolerance
Of that assault of ether and of fire. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Symbol Dawn,
1468:o living being possessed by desire can escape from sorrow. Those who have full understanding of this truth, conceive a hatred for desire. ~ Fo-shu-hing-tsau-king, the Eternal Wisdom
1469:One may say boldly that no man has a just perception of any truth, if that truth has not reacted on him so intensely that be is ready to be its martyr. ~ Emerson, the Eternal Wisdom
1470:Placed on the borders of Time and Eternity...he holds himself somehow erect at the horizon of Nature...Spiritual perfection is his true destiny. ~ Giordano Bruno, the Eternal Wisdom
1471:Still it is not impossible to raise oneself even higher than that, for love itself is a veil between the lover and the Beloved. ~ Baha-ullah "The Seven Valleys.", the Eternal Wisdom
1472:The act done under right rule, with detachment, without liking or dislike, by the man who grasps not at the fruit, that is a work of light. ~ Bhagavad Gita 18.23, the Eternal Wisdom
1473:The man who has conquered himself and is tranquillised, remains fixed in his highest self, whether in pleasure or pain, in honour or in disgrace. ~ Bhagavad Gita, the Eternal Wisdom
1474:The sage should be figured in the image of a robust athlete whom long exercise has hardened, one who can baffle the efforts of the most obstinate enemy. ~ Seneca, the Eternal Wisdom
1475:To do no evil to any being, neither by action, nor by thought, nor by word; to will the good and to practise it: such is the eternal law of the good. ~ Madharata, the Eternal Wisdom
1476:Two kinds of joy are there, O my brothers, and what are they? The joy to possess and the joy to renounce; but nobler is the joy of renunciation. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
1477:What are the roots of evil? Desire, disliking, ignorance. And what then are the roots of good? Liberation from desire, disliking and ignorance. ~ Magghima Nikaya, the Eternal Wisdom
1478:What offering should be made that we may attain to the Eternal? To find the Eternal thou must offer him thy body, thy mind and all thy possessions. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
1479:When they tell thee that thou must not search everywhere for truth, believe them not. Those who speak thus are thy most formidable enemies-and Truth's. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
1480:And there is no more perfect life than that which is passed in the commerce and sociely of men when it is filled with charity towards one's neighbour. ~ J. Tauler, the Eternal Wisdom
1481:I have fought the good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me-a crown of righteousness. ~ JI Timothy IV. 7. 8, the Eternal Wisdom
1482:It is written in the great Law, "Before thou canst become a knower of the All-Self, thou must first b the knower of thine own self". ~ Book of the Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
1483:Let no evil communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good that it may minister grace unto the hearers. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Ephesians, IV. 29, the Eternal Wisdom
1484:Our intelligence ought to govern us as a herdsman governs his goats, cows and sheep, preferring for himself and his herd all that is useful and agreeable. ~ Philo, the Eternal Wisdom
1485:The happiness of each thing resides in its own proper perfection, and this perfection is nothing else for each individual than union with his own Cause. ~ Sallust, the Eternal Wisdom
1486:Whoever develops all the faculties of his thinking principle, knows his own rational nature; once he knows his rational nature, he knows heaven. ~ Meng-Tse II.7.1, the Eternal Wisdom
1487:et all men accomplish only the works of righteousness, and they shall build for themselves a place of safety where they can store their treasures. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
1488:If thou say, "Who is the Ancient and most Holy?" come then and see,-it is the supreme head, unknowable, inaccessible, indefinable, and it contains all. ~ The Zohar, the Eternal Wisdom
1489:I have preferred wisdom to kingdoms and thrones and I have believed that riches are nothing before wisdom, for she is an endless treasure for men. ~ Book of Wisdom, the Eternal Wisdom
1490:I strive to attain the happiness which does not pass away nor perish and which has not its source in riches or beauty nor depends upon them. ~ Foshu-hing-tsan-king, the Eternal Wisdom
1491:Love is an easier method than the others; because it is self-evident and does not depend on other truths and its nature is peace and supreme felicity. ~ id. 58. 60, the Eternal Wisdom
1492:The days of our years are three score years and ten, and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow. ~ Psalms XC. 10, the Eternal Wisdom
1493:The more a man is truthful, the more he is divine; unconquerableness, immortality, the greatness of the godhead enter into a man along with truthfulness. ~ Emerson, the Eternal Wisdom
1494:There is nowhere in this world, nor in the air, nor in the midst of the ocean any place where we can disembarrass ourselves of the evil we have done. ~ Dhainmapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1495:The sage is always at peace; thus his mentality is equally in equilibrium and at ease. His mind is simple and pure, his soul is not subject to lassitude. ~ Lao-Tse, the Eternal Wisdom
1496:The self is master of the self; what other master can it have? The sage who has made himself master of himself, rends his bonds and breaks his chains. ~ Udanavarga, the Eternal Wisdom
1497:Two kinds of joy are there O my brothers, and what are they? The joy of the senses and the joy of the spirit; but nobler is the joy of the spirit. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
1498:When a man has subdued himself and lives in perfect continence, not god, not Gandharva, not Mara, not Brahma himself can turn into defeat his victory. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
1499:Whoever would enter into the mysteries of Nature must incessantly explore the opposite extremes of things and discover the point where they unite. ~ Giordano Bruno, the Eternal Wisdom
1500:Your life is an idea in the universal mind . . . Make it a good one." ~ Kamand Kojouri, "The Eternal Dance: Love Poetry and Prose,", (2018). She was born in Tehran, raised in Dubai and Toronto, and resides in Wales.,


1:Silence is the eternal duty of man. ~ thomas-carlyle, @wisdomtrove
2:The eternal Being is forever if he is at all. ~ blaise-pascal, @wisdomtrove
3:I'm always tripped up by the eternal who am I? ~ haruki-murakami, @wisdomtrove
4:Where, except in the present, can the eternal be met? ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
5:Art is born when the temporary touches the eternal. ~ g-k-chesterton, @wisdomtrove
6:The eternal silence of these infinite spaces frightens me. ~ blaise-pascal, @wisdomtrove
7:The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility. ~ albert-einstein, @wisdomtrove
8:Champions never sleep, the eternal spirit keep them alert and awake. ~ amit-ray, @wisdomtrove
9:The eternal stars shine out again, so soon as it is dark enough. ~ thomas-carlyle, @wisdomtrove
10:Time is the eternal now, seen through the narrow slit of the mind. ~ rupert-spira, @wisdomtrove
11:Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule.   ~ buddha, @wisdomtrove
12:The older I get, the more important the eternal becomes to me personally. ~ billy-graham, @wisdomtrove
13:The eternal being... , as it lives in us, also lives in every animal. ~ arthur-schopenhauer, @wisdomtrove
14:The eternal quest of the individual human being is to shatter his loneliness. ~ norman-cousins, @wisdomtrove
15:The eternal world and the mortal world are not parallel, rather they are fused. ~ john-odonohue, @wisdomtrove
16:To me, Calvinism means the placing of the eternal God at the head of all things. ~ charles-spurgeon, @wisdomtrove
17:If you cannot trust God for the temporal, how dare you trust him for the eternal? ~ charles-spurgeon, @wisdomtrove
18:To desire immortality is to desire the eternal perpetuation of a great mistake ~ arthur-schopenhauer, @wisdomtrove
19:A thousand lives are not equal to the eternal life which abides in Jehovah's smile ~ charles-spurgeon, @wisdomtrove
20:Death is but changing of our robes to wait in wedding garments at the Eternal's gate. ~ sri-aurobindo, @wisdomtrove
21:The bright sun was extinguish'd, and the stars Did wander darkling in the eternal space. ~ lord-byron, @wisdomtrove
22:And I have seen the eternal Footman hold my coat, and snicker, / And in short, I was afraid. ~ t-s-eliot, @wisdomtrove
23:Faith is the eternal elixir. It gives life, power, and action to the impulse of thought. ~ napoleon-hill, @wisdomtrove
24:Each soul is a star and all stars are set in the infinite azure, the eternal sky-the Lord. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
25:The effort of art is to keep what is interesting in existence, to recreate it in the eternal. ~ george-santayana, @wisdomtrove
26:That which we call the Hindu religion is really the Eternal religion because it embraces all others. ~ sri-aurobindo, @wisdomtrove
27:When our universe is in harmony with man, the eternal, we know it as truth, we feel it as beauty. ~ rabindranath-tagore, @wisdomtrove
28:The yogi learns to forget the past and takes no thought for the morrow. He lives in the eternal present. ~ b-k-s-iyengar, @wisdomtrove
29:Activity that perishes, that is not productive of the eternal, of the lasting, is of very little use. ~ jiddu-krishnamurti, @wisdomtrove
30:You are the Just who knows no change, The Balance that can never swerve, The Eternal which never passes away. ~ rabia-basri, @wisdomtrove
31:Basically, there is simply nothing to worry about, because you yourself are the eternal energy of the universe. ~ alan-watts, @wisdomtrove
32:The sacred duty of being an individual is to gradually learn how to live so as to awaken the eternal within you. ~ john-odonohue, @wisdomtrove
33:This is an invitation to shift your allegiance from the activities of your mind to the eternal presence of your being. ~ gangaji, @wisdomtrove
34:When you focus on the eternal, victorious Son of God, you break the devil's heart and render him powerless. ~ aiden-wilson-tozer, @wisdomtrove
35:In silence and in meditation on the eternal truths, I hear the voice of God which excites our hearts to greater love. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
36:The best people renounce all for one goal, the eternal fame of mortals; but most people stuff themselves like cattle. ~ heraclitus, @wisdomtrove
37:And this is the eternal law. For, Evil often stops short at istelf and dies with the doer of it! but Good, never. ~ charles-dickens, @wisdomtrove
38:The same inexpressible Truth is experienced in two ways: as Self-luminous Silence, or as the Eternal Play of the One. ~ anandamayi-ma, @wisdomtrove
39:The world puts off its mask of vastness to its lover. It becomes small as one song, as one kiss of the eternal. ~ rabindranath-tagore, @wisdomtrove
40:Le silence e ternel de ces espaces infinis m'effraie. The eternal silence of these infinite spaces fills me with dread. ~ blaise-pascal, @wisdomtrove
41:The highest proof of the spirit is love. Love the eternal thing which can already on earth possess as it really is. ~ albert-schweitzer, @wisdomtrove
42:Whatever you see, hear or experience in the world is ephemeral. Get in touch with the eternal substratum of everything. ~ mata-amritanandamayi, @wisdomtrove
43:Humans are amphibians - half spirit and half animal. As spirits they belong to the eternal world, but as animals they inhabit time. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
44:We will win our freedom because the sacred heritage of our nation and the eternal will of God are embodied in our echoing demands. ~ martin-luther, @wisdomtrove
45:I have seen the moment of my greatness flicker, and I have seen the eternal Footman hold my coat, and snicker, and in short, I was afraid. ~ t-s-eliot, @wisdomtrove
46:It is ordained in the eternal constitution of things, that men of intemperate minds cannot be free. Their passions forge their fetters. ~ edmund-burke, @wisdomtrove
47:A man may lose the good things of this life against his will; but if he loses the eternal blessings, he does so with his own consent. ~ saint-augustine, @wisdomtrove
48:Take a course in good water and air; and in the eternal youth of Nature you may renew your own. Go quietly, alone; no harm will befall you. ~ john-muir, @wisdomtrove
49:He who sees himself in all beings, by means of his true understanding, first attains unity with all and then realizes the eternal Brahman. ~ adi-shankara, @wisdomtrove
50:Jesus lived and died in vain if He did not teach us to regulate the whole of life by the eternal law of love. Gandhi, quoted in Merton, p. 38 ~ thomas-merton, @wisdomtrove
51:The continual looking forward to the eternal world is not a form of escapism or wishful thinking, but one of the things a Christian is meant to do. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
52:If it be true that any beautiful thing raises the pure and just desire of man from earth to God, the eternal fount of all, such I believe my love. ~ michelangelo, @wisdomtrove
53:You, yourself, are the eternal energy which appears as this Universe. You didn't come into this world; you came out of it. Like a wave from the ocean. ~ alan-watts, @wisdomtrove
54:Om is the mysterious cosmic energy that is the substratum of all the things and all the being of the entire universe. It is the eternal song of the Divine. ~ amit-ray, @wisdomtrove
55:Spirituality tells the seeker not to live in the hoary past, not to live in the remote future, but to live in the immediacy of today, in the eternal Now. ~ sri-chinmoy, @wisdomtrove
56:Karma is the eternal assertion of human freedom. . . . Our thoughts, our words, and deeds are the threads of the net which we throw around ourselves. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
57:Mysticism occurs whenever a human being sees the separation between the natural and the supernatural, between the temporal and the eternal, as overcome. ~ albert-schweitzer, @wisdomtrove
58:Our nation is founded on the principal that observance of the law is the eternal safeguard of liberty and defiance of the law is the surest road to tyranny. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
59:Philosophy always requires something more, requires the eternal, the true, in contrast to which even the fullest existence as such is but a happy moment. ~ soren-kierkegaard, @wisdomtrove
60:The propitious smiles of Heaven, can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right, which Heaven itself has ordained... ~ george-washington, @wisdomtrove
61:The soul is "torn apart in a painful condition as long as it prefers the eternal because of its Truth but does not discard the temporal because of familiarity. ~ saint-augustine, @wisdomtrove
62:Human beings are made of body, mind and spirit. Of these, spirit is primary, for it connects us to the source of everything, the eternal field of consciousness.   ~ deepak-chopra, @wisdomtrove
63:The Eternal Being, who knows everything and who created the whole universe, became not only a man but (before that) a baby, and before that a fetus in a woman's body. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
64:Happy is the man who knows how to distinguish the real from the unreal, the eternal from the transient and the good from the pleasant by his discrimination and wisdom. ~ b-k-s-iyengar, @wisdomtrove
65:To open the Eternal Worlds, to open the immortal EyesOf Man inwards into the Worlds of Thought: into EternityEver expanding in the Bosom of God, the Human Imagination. ~ william-blake, @wisdomtrove
66:I feel my immortality over sweep all pains, all tears, all time, all fears, - and peal, like the eternal thunders of the deep, into my ears, this truth, - thou livest forever! ~ lord-byron, @wisdomtrove
67:One of the greatest gifts from God is the eternal perspective. It is a level of fearlessness, a level of understanding where one can experience even emotional harmony with God. ~ criss-jami, @wisdomtrove
68:I feel engulfed in the infinite immensity of spaces whereof I know nothing, and which know nothing of me, I am terrified The eternal silence of these infinite spaces alarms me. ~ blaise-pascal, @wisdomtrove
69:There is the eternal war between those who are in the world for what they can get out of it and those who are in the world to make it a better place for everybody to live in. ~ george-bernard-shaw, @wisdomtrove
70:This present moment, since it knows neither past nor future, is itself timeless, and that which is timeless is Eternal. Thus the eternal life belongs to those who live in the present. ~ ken-wilber, @wisdomtrove
71:When trying to remember my share in the glow of the eternal present, in the smile of God, I return to my childhood, too, for that is where the most significant discoveries turn up. ~ hermann-hesse, @wisdomtrove
72:Even the experiencer is secondary. Primary is the infinite expanse of consciousness, the eternal possibility, the immeasurable potential of all that was, is, and will be. ~ sri-nisargadatta-maharaj, @wisdomtrove
73:The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao; the name that can be named is not the eternal name. The Nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth; the Named is the mother of all things. ~ lao-tzu, @wisdomtrove
74:Man Made &
75:Let the clock and the earth do their own thing... Let the comings and goings of life continue... But YOU stay HERE and NOW. This exercise is to bring you to the Eternal Present where it all is. ~ ram-das, @wisdomtrove
76:While the flowers, pale and unreal in the moonlight, floated away upon the river; and thus do greater things that once were in our breasts, and near our hearts, flow from us to the eternal sea. ~ charles-dickens, @wisdomtrove
77:This principle of opposites is at the very root of Creation, which is divided between the rule of the King and the Queen; Night and Day; the One and the Varied; the Eternal and the Evolving. ~ rabindranath-tagore, @wisdomtrove
79:The eternal present is the space within which your whole life unfolds, the one factor that remains constant. Life is now. There was never a time when your life was not now, nor will there ever be.   ~ eckhart-tolle, @wisdomtrove
80:For like a poisonous breath over the fields, like a mass of locusts over Egypt, so the swarm of excuses is a general plaque, a ruinous infection among men, that eats off the sprouts of the Eternal. ~ soren-kierkegaard, @wisdomtrove
81:I cleave the heavens and soar to the infinite. And while I rise from my own globe to others and penetrate ever further through the eternal field. That which others saw from afar, I leave far behind me. ~ giordano-bruno, @wisdomtrove
82:When the eternal and the human meet, that's where love is born - not through escaping our humanity or trying to disappear into transcendence, but through finding that place where they come into union. ~ adyashanti, @wisdomtrove
83:When Eternity is considered to be the Beginning, then our speaking of the Beginning of the Begun is nothing but our speaking of the Eternity of the Eternal or our speaking of the Eternity of the Begun. ~ nicholas-of-cusa, @wisdomtrove
84:The sole purpose is to provide infinite springs, at which the soul may allay the eternal thirst TO KNOW which is forever unquenchable within it, since to quench it, would be to extinguish the soul's self. ~ edgar-allan-poe, @wisdomtrove
85:If you want to know what it means to be happy, look at a flower, a bird, a child; they are perfect images of the kingdom. For they live from moment to moment in the eternal now with no past and no future. ~ anthony-de-mello, @wisdomtrove
86:When the mind is not only silent, but that part of the mind that could become conscious that the mind is silent dissolves in light, then we see and feel purity. We become it, the purity of the eternal light. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
87:I rest not from my great task! | To open the Eternal Worlds, | to open the immortal Eyes of Man | Inwards into the Worlds of Thought; | Into eternity, ever expanding | In the Bosom of God, | The Human Imagination ~ william-blake, @wisdomtrove
88:What is God? The eternal one life underneath all the forms of life. What is love? To feel the presence of that one life deep within yourself and within all creatures. To be it. Therefore, all love is the love of God. ~ eckhart-tolle, @wisdomtrove
89:Every man carries within himself the eternal image of woman, not the image of this or that particular woman, but a definite feminine image. This image is fundamentally unconscious, a hereditary factor of primordial origin. ~ carl-jung, @wisdomtrove
90:The sticks break, the stones crumble, The eternal altars tilt and tumble, Sanctions and tales dislimn like mist About the amazed evangelist. He stands unshook from age to youth Upon one pin-point of the truth. ~ robert-louis-stevenson, @wisdomtrove
91:Shame on such a morality that is worthy of pariahs, and that fails to recognize the eternal essence that exists in every living thing, and shines forth with inscrutable significance from all eyes that see the sun! ~ arthur-schopenhauer, @wisdomtrove
92:Wherever there has been expansion in love or progress in well-being, of individuals or numbers, it has been through the perception, realisation, and the practicalisation of the Eternal Truth-the oneness of all beings ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
93:Spirit is the essence of consciousness, the energy of the universe that creates all things. Each one of us is a part of that spirit - a divine entity. So the spirit is the higher self, the eternal being that lives within us. ~ shakti-gawain, @wisdomtrove
94:All which happens through the whole world happens through hope. No husbandman would sow a grain of corn if he did not hope it would spring up and bring forth the ear; how much more we are helped on by hope in the eternal life. ~ martin-luther, @wisdomtrove
95:The truth frequently seems unreasonable; the truth frequently is depressing; the truth sometimes seems to be evil, but it has the eternal advantage, it is the truth and what is built thereon neither brings nor yields to confusion. ~ henry-ford, @wisdomtrove
96:Nature, body, mind go to death, not we. We neither go nor come. The man Vivekananda is in nature, is born and dies. But the Self we see as Vivekananda is never born and never dies. It is the eternal and unchangeable Reality. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
97:The wave is the same as the ocean, though it is not the whole ocean. So each wave of creation is a part of the eternal Ocean of Spirit. The Ocean can exist without the waves, but the waves cannot exist without the Ocean. ~ paramahansa-yogananda, @wisdomtrove
98:The Bill of Rights should contain the general principles of natural and civil liberty. It should be to a community what the eternal laws and obligations of morality are to the conscience. It should be unalterable by any human power. ~ thomas-paine, @wisdomtrove
99:The unknown is not measurable by the known. Time cannot measure the timeless, the eternal, that immensity which has no beginning and no end... when we try to measure something which is not measurable, we only get caught in words. ~ jiddu-krishnamurti, @wisdomtrove
100:Be free of name and form and of the desires and fears they create, then what remains?  Q: Nothingness.  M: Yes, the void remains. But the void is full to the brim. It is the eternal potential as consciousness is the eternal actual. ~ sri-nisargadatta-maharaj, @wisdomtrove
101:All the manifested world of things and beings are projected by imagination upon the substratum which is the Eternal All-pervading Vishnu, whose nature is Existence-Intelligence; just as the different ornaments are all made out of the same gold. ~ adi-shankara, @wisdomtrove
102:What I cannot do now is the sign of what I shall do hereafter. The sense of impossibility is the beginning of all possibilities. Because this temporal universe was a paradox and an impossibility, therefore the Eternal created it out of His being. ~ sri-aurobindo, @wisdomtrove
103:To the extent we are perceiving anyone's guilt -choosing to focus on the errors of their personality rather than the eternal innocence of their spirit - we're closing our hearts, deflecting a miracle and causing our own inevitable suffering. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
104:Death, like a host, comes smiling to the door; Smiling, he greets us, on that tranquil shore Where neither piping bird nor peeping dawn Disturbs the eternal sleep, But in the stillness far withdrawn Our dreamless rest for evermore we keep. ~ robert-louis-stevenson, @wisdomtrove
105:If any earthly institution or custom conflicts with God's will, it is your Christian duty to oppose it. You must never allow the transitory, evanescent demands of man-made institutions to take precedence over the eternal demands of the Almighty God. ~ martin-luther, @wisdomtrove
106:He soon felt that the fulfillment of his desires gave him only one grain of the mountain of happiness he had expected. This fulfillment showed him the eternal error men make in imagining that their happiness depends on the realization of their desires. ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
107:As well might a gnat seek to drink in the ocean, as a finite creature to comprehend the Eternal God. A God whom we could understand would be no God. If we could grasp Him, He could not be infinite. If we could understand Him, He could not be divine. ~ charles-spurgeon, @wisdomtrove
108:The spirit for me is the eternal self. And when one incarnates, an aspect comes with that incarnation, that's called the soul. And together the mind, the emotional body, and the soul form the energy field that lives within this thing called the human body. ~ caroline-myss, @wisdomtrove
109:But eternity is not temporality at a standstill. What is oppressive about the concept of the eternal is the justification, incomprehensible to us, that time must undergo in eternity and the logical conclusion of that, the justification of ourselves as we are. ~ franz-kafka, @wisdomtrove
110:One of the eternal conflicts out of which life is made up is that between the effort of every man to get the most he can for his services, and that of society, disguised under the name of capital, to get his services for the least possible return. ~ oliver-wendell-holmes-jr, @wisdomtrove
111:The spirit for me is the eternal self. And when one incarnates, an aspect comes with that incarnation, that's called the soul. And together the mind, the emotional body, and the soul form the energy field that lives within this thing called the human body. ~ norman-vincent-peale, @wisdomtrove
112:Black holes ain’t as black as they are painted. They are not the eternal prisons they were once thought. Things can get out of a black hole both on the outside and possibly to another universe. So if you feel you are in a black hole, don’t give up—there’s a way out. ~ stephen-hawking, @wisdomtrove
113:Man may rest in the eternal fitness; he may abide in the everlasting; and roam from the beginning to the end of all creation. He may bring his nature to a condition of ONE, he may nourish his strength; he may harmonise his virtue, and so put himself into partnership with God. ~ zhuangzi, @wisdomtrove
114:To restore man, who had been laid low by sin, to the heights of divine glory, the Word of the eternal Father, though containing all things within His immensity, willed to become small. This He did not by putting aside His greatness but by taking to Himself our littleness. ~ denis-diderot, @wisdomtrove
115:To restore man, who had been laid low by sin, to the heights of divine glory, the Word of the eternal Father, though containing all things within His immensity, willed to become small. This He did not by putting aside His greatness but by taking to Himself our littleness. ~ thomas-aquinas, @wisdomtrove
116:Marriage is the truest goal for ninety-nine per cent of the human race, and they will live the happiest life as soon as they have learnt and are ready to abide by the eternal lesson - that we are bound to bear and forbear and that life to every one must be a compromise. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
117:Whenever two particles come together, they are held by a certain attraction; and there will come a time when those particles will separate. This is the eternal law. So, wherever there is a body - either grosser or finer, either in heaven or on earth - death will overcome it. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
118:The Expulsion from Paradise is eternal in its principal aspect: this makes it irrevocable, and our living in this world inevitable, but the eternal nature of the process has the effect that not only could we remain forever in Paradise, but that we are currently there, whether we know it or not. ~ franz-kafka, @wisdomtrove
119:Let me say that for comfort, there is no thought more full of sweetness than that of an eternal God engaged in Christ Jesus to His people; to love, and bless, and save them all. One Who has made them the distinguished objects of His discriminating regard from all eternity, it is the eternal God. ~ charles-spurgeon, @wisdomtrove
120:Of the eternal incorporeal substance nothing is changed, is formed or deformed, but there always remains only that thing which cannot be a subject of dissolution, since it is not possible that it be a subject of composition, and therefore, either of itself or by accident, it cannot be said to die. ~ giordano-bruno, @wisdomtrove
121:Away with tears and fears and troubles! United in wedlock with the eternal Godhead Itself, our nature ascends into the Heaven of Heavens. So it would be impious to call ourselves &
122:The battle we have fought, and are still fighting for the forests is a part of the eternal conflict between right and wrong, and we cannot expect to see the end of it ... So we must count on watching and striving for these trees, and should always be glad to find anything so surely good and noble to strive for. ~ john-muir, @wisdomtrove
123:No, a true seeker, one who truly wished to find, could accept no doctrine. But the man who has found what he sought, such a man could approve of every doctrine, each and every one, every path, every goal; nothing separated him any longer from all those thousands of others who lived in the eternal, who breathed the Divine. ~ hermann-hesse, @wisdomtrove
125:The greatest encouragement throughout the Bible is God's love for His lost race and the willingness of Christ, the eternal Son, to show forth that love in God's plan of redemption. The love of Jesus is so inclusive that it knows no boundaries. At the point where we stop caring and loving, Jesus is still there loving and caring ~ aiden-wilson-tozer, @wisdomtrove
126:The progressive growth of the finite consciousness of man towards this Self, towards the universal , the eternal, the infinite, in a word his growth into spiritual consciousness by the development of his ordinary ignorant natural being into an illumined divine nature, this is for Indian thinking the significance of life and the aim of human existance. ~ sri-aurobindo, @wisdomtrove
127:When we raise ourselves through meditation to what unites us with the spirit, we quicken something within us that is eternal and unlimited by birth and death. Once we have experienced this eternal part in us, we can no longer doubt its existence. Meditation is thus the way to knowing and beholding the eternal, indestructible, essential centre of our being. ~ rudolf-steiner, @wisdomtrove
128:Once the soul awakens, the search begins and you can never go back. From then on, you are inflamed with a special longing that will never again let you linger in the lowlands of complacency and partial fulfillment. The eternal makes you urgent. You are loath to let compromise or the threat of danger hold you back from striving toward the summit of fulfillment. ~ john-odonohue, @wisdomtrove
129:When we reach the hilltops of heaven, and look back upon all the way whereby the Lord our God hath led us, how shall we praise Him who, before the eternal throne, undid the mischief which Satan was doing upon earth. How shall we thank Him because He never held His peace, but day and night pointed to the wounds upon His hands, and carried our names upon His breastplate! ~ charles-spurgeon, @wisdomtrove
130:For the perfect accomplishment of any art, you must get this feeling of the eternal present into your bones - for it is the secret of proper timing. No rush. No dawdle. Just the sense of flowing with the course of events in the same way that you dance to music, neither trying to outpace it nor lagging behind. Hurrying and delaying are alike ways of trying to resist the present. ~ alan-watts, @wisdomtrove
131:Myths are stories for our search through the ages for truth, for meaning, for significance. We all need to tell our story and to understand our story. We all need to understand death and to cope with death, and we all need help in our passages from birth to live and then to death. We need for life to signify, to touch the eternal, to understand the mysterious, to find out who we are. ~ joseph-campbell, @wisdomtrove
132:In the eternal world, all is one. In spiritual space there is no distance. In eternal time there is no segmentation into today, yesterday or tomorrow. In eternal time all is now; time is presence. I believe that this is what eternal life means: it is a life where all that we seek, goodness, unity, beauty, truth and love, are no longer distant from us but are now completely present with us. ~ john-odonohue, @wisdomtrove
133:It is easy to see, though it scarcely needs to be pointed out, since it is involved in the fact that Reason is set aside, that faith is not a form of knowledge; for all knowledge is either a knowledge of the eternal, excluding the temporal and historical as indifferent, or it is pure historical knowledge. No knowledge can have for its object the absurdity that the eternal is the historical. ~ soren-kierkegaard, @wisdomtrove
134:All students, members of the faculty, and public officials in both Mississippi and the Nation will be able, it is hoped, to return to their normal activities with full confidence in the integrity of American law. This is as it should be, for our Nation is founded on the principle that observance of the law is the eternal safeguard of liberty and defiance of the law is the surest road to tyranny. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
135:The right sustenance for the mind cannot be had from anything that is of this world and hence perishable, but solely from that which is Eternal. The taste of the Eternal will still the mind. The Universe was created out of joy and this is why you find joy in the fleeting things of the world. Without joy life is an ordeal. You must try to attain to that great Joy which has brought forth the world. ~ anandamayi-ma, @wisdomtrove
136:All it has experienced, tasted, suffered: The course of years, generations of animals, Oppression, recovery, friendship of sun and - Wind Will pour forth each day in the song Of its rustling foliage, in the friendly Gesture of its gently swaying crown, In the delicate sweet scent of resinous Sap moistening the sleep-glued buds, And the eternal game of lights and Shadows it plays with itself, content. ~ hermann-hesse, @wisdomtrove
137:This is the ancient land, where wisdom made its home before it went into any other country... Here is the same India whose soil has been trodden by the feet of the greatest sages that ever lived... Look back, therefore, as far as you can, drink deep of the eternal fountains that are behind, and after that look forward, march forward, and make India brighter, greater, much higher, than she ever was. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
138:Expulsion from Paradise is in its main aspect eternal: that is to say, although expulsion from Paradise is final, and life in theworld unavoidable, the eternity of the process (or, expressed in temporal terms, the eternal repetition of the process) nevertheless makes it possible not only that we might remain in Paradise permanently, but that we may in fact be there permanently, no matter whether we know it here or not. ~ franz-kafka, @wisdomtrove
139:A man who fears not God, will break all his laws with an easy conscience, but one who is the favorite of heaven, who has been indulged to sit at royal banquets, who knows the eternal love of God to him, cannot bear that there should be any evil way in him that might grieve the Spirit and bring dishonor to the name of Christ. A very little sin, as the world calls it, is a very great sin to a truly awakened Christian. ~ charles-spurgeon, @wisdomtrove
140:Hope is one of the Theological virtues. This means that a continual looking forward to the eternal world is not (as some modern people think) a form of escapism or wishful thinking, but one of the things a Christian is meant to do. It does not mean that we are to leave the present world as it is. If you read history you will find that the Christians who did most for the present world were just those who thought most of the next. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
141:Increase and widen your desires till nothing but reality can fulfil them. It is not desire that is wrong, but its narrowness and smallness. Desire is devotion. By all means be devoted to the real, the infinite, the eternal heart of being. Transform desire into love. All you want is to be happy. All your desires, whatever they may be, are expressions of your longing for happiness. Basically, you wish yourself well. ~ sri-nisargadatta-maharaj, @wisdomtrove
142:Being is the eternal, ever-present One Life beyond the myriad forms of life that are subject to birth and death. However, Being is not only beyond but also deep within every form as its innermost invisible and indestructible essence.  This means that is is accessible to you now as your own deepest self, your true nature.  But don't seek to grasp it with your mind. Don't try to understand it.  You can know it only when the mind is still.  ~ eckhart-tolle, @wisdomtrove
143:A message came from my youth of vanished days, saying, &
144:If God wishes to be born as man and to unite mankind in the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, He suffers the terrible torment of having to bear the world in its reality. It is a crux; indeed, He Himself is His own cross. The world is God's suffering, and every individual human being who wishes even to approach his own wholeness knows very well that this means bearing his own cross. But the eternal promise for him who bears his own cross is the Paraclete. ~ carl-jung, @wisdomtrove
145:But perhaps God is strong enough to exult in monotony. It is possible that God says every morning, "Do it again" to the sun.; and every evening, "Do it again" to the moon. It may not be automatic monotony that makes all daisies alike; it may be that God makes every daisy separately, but has never gotten tired of making them. It may be that He has the eternal appetite of infancy; for we have sinned and grown old, and our Father is younger than we. ~ g-k-chesterton, @wisdomtrove
146:Courage to me means ploughing through that dull gray mist that comes down on life-not only overriding people and circumstances but overriding the bleakness of living. A sort of insistence on the value of life and the worth of transient things... My courage is faith-faith in the eternal resilience of me-that joy'll come back, and hope and spontaneity. And I feel that till it does, I've got to keep my lips shut and my chin high, and my eyes wide ~ f-scott-fitzgerald, @wisdomtrove
147:There exists in the economy and course of nature, an indissoluble union between virtue and happiness; between duty and advantage; between the genuine maxims of an honest and magnanimous policy, and the solid rewards of public prosperity and felicity; since we ought to be no less persuaded that the propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right, which Heaven itself has ordained. ~ george-washington, @wisdomtrove
148:The response to war is to live like brothers and sisters. The response to injustice is to share. The response to despair is a limitless trust and hope. The response to prejudice and hatred is forgiveness. To work for community is to work for humanity. To work for peace is to work for a true political solution; it is to work for the Kingdom of God. It is to work to enable every one to live and taste the secret joys of the human person united to the eternal. ~ jean-vanier, @wisdomtrove
149:Death is not earnest in the same way the eternal is. To the earnestness of death belongs precisely that remarkable capacity for awakening, that resonance of a profound mockery which, detached from the thought of the eternal, is an empty and often brash jest, but together with the thought of the eternal is just what it should be, utterly different from the insipid solemness which least of all captures and holds a thought with tension like that of death. ~ soren-kierkegaard, @wisdomtrove
150:This is the eternal law of Nature for a man, my beneficent Exeter-Hall friends; this, that he shall be permitted, encouraged, and if need be, compelled to do what work the Maker of him has intended by the making of him for this world! Not that he should eat pumpkin with never such felicity in the West India Islands is, or can be, the blessedness of our Black friend; but that he should do useful work there, according as the gifts have been bestowed on him for that. ~ thomas-carlyle, @wisdomtrove
151:Before anything else the One must exist eternally; from his power derives everything that always is or will ever be. He is the Eternal and embraces all times. He knows profoundly all events and He himself is everything. He creates everything beyond any beginning of time and beyond any limit of place and space. He is not subject to any numerical law, or to any law of measure or order. He himself is law, number, measure, limit without limit, end without end, act without form. ~ giordano-bruno, @wisdomtrove
152:Spirituality is much wider than any particular religion, and in the larger ideas of it that are now coming on us even the greatest religion becomes no more than a broad sect or branch of the one universal religion, by which we shall understand in the future man's seeking for the eternal, the divine, the greater self, the source of unity and his attempt to arrive at some equation, some increasing approximation of the values of human life with the eternal and the divine values. ~ sri-aurobindo, @wisdomtrove
153:The Hindu, the Oriental, says that the physical is but the shadow of the Eternal, of the Truth; and he says &
154:Only love for the Supreme Lord is true Bhakti. Love for any other being, however great, is not Bhakti. The "Supreme Lord" here means Ishvara, the concept of which transcends what you in the West mean by the personal God. "He from whom this universe proceeds, in whom it rests, and to whom it returns, He is Ishvara, the Eternal, the Pure, the All-Merciful, the Almighty, the Ever-Free, the All-Knowing, the Teacher of all teachers, the Lord who of His own nature is inexpressible Love." ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
155:.. gave itself no name, because it set itself no sectarian limits; it claimed no universal adhesion, asserted no sole infallible dogma, set up no single narrow path or gate of salvation; it was less a creed or cult than a continuously enlarging tradition of the Godward endeavour of the human spirit. An immense many-sided many-staged provision for a spiritual self-building and self-finding, it had some right to speak of itself by the only name it knew, the eternal religion, Sanatana Dharma. ~ sri-aurobindo, @wisdomtrove
156:Of the eternal corporeal substance (which is not producible ex nihilo, nor reducible ad nihilum, but rarefiable, condensable, formable, arrangeable, and "fashionable") the composition is dissolved, the complexion is changed, the figure is modified, the being is altered, the fortune is varied, only the elements remaining what they are in substance, that same principle persevering which was always the one material principle, which is the true substance of things, eternal, ingenerable and incorruptible. ~ giordano-bruno, @wisdomtrove
157:He examined the chess problem and set out the pieces. It was a tricky ending, involving a couple of knights. &
158:The realization that my problem was one that concerned all men, a problem of living and thinking, suddenly swept over me and I was overwhelmed by fear and respect as I suddenly saw and felt how deeply my own personal life and opinions were immersed in the eternal stream of great ideas. Though it offered some confirmation and gratification, the realization was not really a joyful one. It was hard and had a harsh taste because it implied responsibility and no longer being allowed to be a child; it meant standing on one’s own feet. ~ hermann-hesse, @wisdomtrove
159:We have come from God, and inevitably the myths woven by us, though they contain error, will also reflect a splintered fragment of the true light, the eternal truth that is with God. Indeed only by myth-making, only by becoming &
160:Silence and stillness are not states and therefore cannot be produced or created. Silence is the non-state in which all states arise and subside. Silence, stillness and awareness are not states and can never be perceived in their totality as objects. Silence is itself the eternal witness without form or attributes. As you rest more profoundly as the witness, all objects take on their natural functionality, and awareness becomes free of the mind's compulsive contractions and identifications. It returns to its natural non-state of Presence. ~ adyashanti, @wisdomtrove
161:Men are qualified for civil liberty in exact proportion to their disposition to put moral chains upon their own appetites ¶in proportion as they are more disposed to listen to the counsels of the wise and good, in preference to the flattery of knaves. Society cannot exist, unless a controlling power upon will and appetite be placed somewhere; and the less of it there is within, the more there must be without. It is ordained in the eternal constitution of things, that men of intemperate minds cannot be free. Their passions forge their fetters. ~ edmund-burke, @wisdomtrove
162:It hath been said, that there is of nothing so much in hell as of self-will. The which is true, for there is nothing else there than self-will, and if there were no self-will, there would be no Devil and no hell. When it is said that Lucifer fell from Heaven, and turned away from God and the like, it meaneth nothing else than that he would have his own will, and would not be at one with the Eternal Will. So was it likewise with Adam in Paradise. And when we say Self-will, we mean, to will otherwise than as the One and Eternal Will of God willeth. ~ martin-luther, @wisdomtrove
163:Because Christian morality leaves animals out of account, they are at once outlawed in philosophical morals; they are mere &
164:Why multiply instances? It is written, the Heavens and the Earth shall fade away like a Vesture; which indeed they are: the Time-vesture of the Eternal. Whatsoever sensibly exists, whatsoever represents Spirit to Spirit, is properly a Clothing, a suit of Raiment, put on for a season, and to be laid off. Thus in this one pregnant subject of CLOTHES, rightly understood, is included all that men have thought, dreamed, done, and been: the whole External Universe and what it holds is but Clothing; and the essence of all Science lies in the PHILOSOPHY OF CLOTHES. ~ thomas-carlyle, @wisdomtrove
165:Even time is a concept. In reality we are always in the eternal present. The past is just a memory, the future just an image or thought. All our stories about past and future are only ideas, arising in the moment. Our modern culture is so tyrannized by goals, plans, and improvement schemes that we constantly live for the future. But as Aldous Huxley reminded us in his writings, "An idolatrous religion is one in which time is substituted for eternity... the idea of endless progress is the devil's work, even today demanding human sacrifice on an enormous scale. ~ jack-kornfield, @wisdomtrove
166:Following the eternal act of self-revelation, the world as we now behold it, is all rule, order and form; but the unruly lies ever in the depths as though it might again break through, and order and form nowhere appear to have been original, but it seems as though what had initially been unruly had been brought to order. This is the incomprehensible basis of reality in things, the irreducible remainder which cannot be resolved into reason by the greatest exertion but always remains in the depths. Out of this which is unreasonable, reason in the true sense is born. Without this preceding gloom, creation would have no reality; darkness is its necessary heritage. ~ friedrich-wilhelm-joseph-schelling, @wisdomtrove

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1:Tis the eternal law, ~ William Butler Yeats,
2:The eternal darkness is not eternal ~ Jomny Sun,
3:Do not remove the eternal landmarks, ~ Anonymous,
4:In art the Present is the eternal. ~ Kakuz Okakura,
5:Regard as true only the eternal and the just. ~ id,
6:There is no suitable name for the eternal Tao. ~ id,
7:Silence is the eternal duty of man. ~ Thomas Carlyle,
8:Is not parody the eternal lot of man? ~ Milan Kundera,
9:love, not death, is the eternal thing. ~ Richard Rohr,
10:The Tao which you know is not the eternal Tao ~ Laozi,
11:The eternal wave of hate never stops. ~ Lilo Abernathy,
12:Earth is but a sliver of the eternal pie. ~ Danny L Deaub,
13:There is no suitable name for the eternal Tao. ~ Lao-tse,
14:You are the eternal France, I love you. ~ Nicolas Sarkozy,
15:The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao. ~ Lao Tzu,
16:The Way that can be walked is not the eternal Way. ~ Laozi,
17:Extract the eternal from the ephemeral. ~ Charles Baudelaire,
18:To be of the eternal, you must be of the earth. ~ I L Peretz,
19:The eternal Being is forever if he is at all. ~ Blaise Pascal,
20:The Eternal is not born nor does it die. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
21:The eternal void is filled with infinite possibilities ~ Laozi,
22:Not knowing of the eternal leads to unfortunate errors. ~ Laozi,
23:I'm always tripped up by the eternal who am I? ~ Haruki Murakami,
24:The eternal female draws us onward. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
25:Yes or no?' said Murphy. The eternal tautology. ~ Samuel Beckett,
26:The eternal ambiguity of human motives and memory. ~ Ben Brantley,
27:The eternal female draws us onward. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
28:Where, except in the present, can the eternal be met? ~ C S Lewis,
29:In the eternal youth of Nature, you may renew your own. ~ John Muir,
30:Meditation is a kind of grooving with the eternal now. ~ Alan Watts,
31:The eternal feminine draws us on high. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
32:Into the eternal darkness, into fire and into ice. ~ Dante Alighieri,
33:The eternal being exists for ever if he once exists. ~ Blaise Pascal,
34:There is but on virtue--the eternal sacrifice of self. ~ George Sand,
35:Within the infinite myths lies the eternal truth ~ Devdutt Pattanaik,
36:Into the eternal darkness, into fire and into ice. ~ Dante Alighieri,
37:keep your heart open to the eternal newness of God’s plan! ~ Anonymous,
38:Lestat: Toughen up baby. I'm looking for the eternal scum. ~ Anne Rice,
39:The eternal feminine doth draw us upward. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
40:I don't think I'm destined to be the eternal bachelor. ~ Jesse Metcalfe,
41:The desire for wisdom leads us to the Eternal Kingdom. ~ Book of Wisdom,
42:The unifying of opposites is the eternal process. ~ Mary Parker Follett,
43:Good luck and the eternal interlinked cycle of life crap. ~ Kate Griffin,
44:The desire for wisdom leads us to the Eternal Kingdom. ~ Book of Wisdom,
45:The eternal not ourselves that makes for righteousness. ~ Matthew Arnold,
46:Time passes and human greed outlasts even the eternal. ~ Scott Nicholson,
47:He who, without negating it, does nothing for the eternal. ~ Albert Camus,
48:The eternal silence of these infinite spaces terrifies me ~ Blaise Pascal,
49:Art is born when the temporary touches the eternal. ~ Gilbert K Chesterton,
50:Life is a lie if you do not find the eternal truth. ~ Harbhajan Singh Yogi,
51:The eternal silence of these infinite spaces frightens me. ~ Blaise Pascal,
52:The eternal silence of these infinite spaces frightens me. ~ David Markson,
53:It’s the eternal struggle, Pudge. The Good versus the Naughty. ~ John Green,
54:The eternal silence of infinite spaces reassures me. ~ Andr Comte Sponville,
55:To will not from self, but with the Eternal, is to live. ~ George MacDonald,
56:The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility. ~ Albert Einstein,
57:The Grace will win the Victory in due time by the Eternal Love. ~ The Mother,
58:The way that can be gone is not the eternal Way.. . . His ~ Ursula K Le Guin,
59:Harmony is called the eternal. Knowing the eternal is called clarity. ~ Laozi,
60:Listening to the eternal involves a silence within us. ~ Thomas Raymond Kelly,
61:She succumbed to the eternal feminine passion for bargains. ~ Georgette Heyer,
62:The knowledge of which geometry aims is the knowledge of the eternal. ~ Plato,
63:Verily, I say to thee; he who seeks the Eternal, finds Him. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
64:In the order of nature we may behold the ways of the Eternal. ~ John Burroughs,
65:Verily, I say to thee; he who seeks the Eternal, finds Him. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
66:Champions never sleep, the eternal spirit keep them alert and awake. ~ Amit Ray,
67:He will see with the divine eyes the mysteries of the eternal art. ~ Baha-ullah,
68:Man is divine so long as he is in communion with the Eternal. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
69:All speech and action comes prepared out of the eternal Silence. ~ Sri Aurobindo,
70:If a man's eye is on the Eternal, his intellect will grow. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
71:Man is divine so long as he is in communion with the Eternal. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
72:Passing beauties are only the fugitive reflectios of the eternal. ~ Eliphas Levi,
73:Heat cannot be separated from fire, or beauty from The Eternal. ~ Dante Alighieri,
74:The eternal life is given to those who live in the present. ~ Ludwig Wittgenstein,
75:The eternal silence of these infinite places fills me with dread. ~ Blaise Pascal,
76:The eternal silence of these infinite spaces fills me with dread. ~ Blaise Pascal,
77:The eternal stars shine out again, so soon as it is dark enough. ~ Thomas Carlyle,
78:Time is the eternal now, seen through the narrow slit of the mind. ~ Rupert Spira,
79:Even by means of our sorrows we belong to the eternal plan. ~ Wilhelm von Humboldt,
80:I don't know if I ever really bought into the eternal damnation bit. ~ Tim Robbins,
81:The eternal Tao has no name; when the Tao divided Itself, then It had a name. ~ id,
82:The eternal mistake of mankind is to set up an attainable ideal. ~ Aleister Crowley,
83:Come you lost Atoms to your Centre draw,
And be the Eternal Mirror that you saw ~,
84:feel in the rush of the passing the stillness of the eternal ~ Abraham Joshua Heschel,
85:We live along the shores of night,
At the edge of the eternal sea. ~ Jack McDevitt,
86:“Death permeates all things.”

87:Live in the consciousness of the Eternal and you will have no more worry. ~ The Mother,
88:Love is the eternal quest: almost everyone wants to love and be loved. ~ Jay McInerney,
89:Our noisy years seem moments in the being Of the eternal Silence. ~ William Wordsworth,
90:The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms. ~ Sarah Young,
91:If the eternal King started in Bethlehem, so will anyone who follows Him. ~ Mike Bickle,
92:In religion the Future is behind us. In art the Present is the eternal. ~ Kakuz Okakura,
93:Jesus is the Christ, the Eternal God, ~ The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints,
94:It is he who is never discouraged who greatens and tastes the eternal joy. ~ Mahabharata,
95:Noon is a disguise of whiteness put on by the eternal Night behind it. ~ Gregory Maguire,
96:One may say the eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility. ~ Albert Einstein,
97:The eternal problem of the human being is how to structure his waking hours ~ Eric Berne,
98:The eternal Tao has no name; when the Tao divided Itself, then It had a name. ~ Lao-tse,
99:The older I get, the more important the eternal becomes to me personally. ~ Billy Graham,
100:There really is only today, although luckily that is also the eternal now. ~ Anne Lamott,
101:The Tao is divine.
The Tao is the Eternal.
Death is not to be feared. ~ Lao Tzu,
102:You shall abstain, shall abstain. That is the eternal song. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
103:Lay me down for the eternal sleep, and my soul will be forever yours to keep. ~ Anonymous,
104:Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task. ~ William James,
105:Perv—I’ve gotten upgraded from stalker.' Wasn’t he the eternal optimist? ~ Laura Thalassa,
106:The eternal problem of the human being is how to structure his waking hours. ~ Eric Berne,
107:It is Itself that which was and that which is yet to be, the Eternal. ~ Kaivaiya Upanishad,
108:The eternal being..., as it lives in us, also lives in every animal. ~ Arthur Schopenhauer,
109:The more I know, the more sure I am I know so little. The eternal paradox. ~ James Clavell,
110:This is the eternal challenge with ignorance — ignorance can't see itself. ~ Bryant McGill,
111:"Extract the eternal from the ephemeral." ~ Charles BaudelaireAbe Toshiyuki @abe_watercolor,
112:It is Itself that which was and that which is yet to be, the Eternal. ~ Kaivaiya Upanishad,
113:Reality might be described as the eternal equipoise of positive and negative. ~ Rachel Cusk,
114:The government is a giant logjam in the eternal river of human potential. ~ Stefan Molyneux,
115:Art is really people asking the eternal question, "What is it all about?" ~ Gene Roddenberry,
116:Night a process of the eternal light ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
117:Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule. ~ Gautama Buddha,
118:In my stillness I am the eternal possibility. In my movement I am the cosmos. ~ Deepak Chopra,
119:Nothing was true but the fatigue of life and the eternal disappointment. ~ Patricia Highsmith,
120:The eternal thimble of night roofed him with songs and bells, but let in stars. ~ Rhys Hughes,
121:To be choiceless is to be in meditation. To be choiceless is to enter the eternal. ~ Rajneesh,
122:When he knows that he is That, the Eternal, he is delivered from all limitations. ~ Upanishad,
123:Chaos and order make up the eternal, transcendent environment of the living. ~ Jordan Peterson,
124:Each human being has the eternal duty of turning what is hard and brutal into ~ Yehudi Menuhin,
125:The eternal loves of the high seas ended when the port came in sight. ~ Gabriel Garc a M rquez,
126:The eternal quest of the individual human being is to shatter his loneliness. ~ Norman Cousins,
127:The greater his aspiration and concentration, the more he finds the Eternal. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
128:"The only place you can heal or awaken is here and now, the eternal present." ~ Jack Kornfield,
129:I believe in what Setsuna said with all my heart. He's the eternal peerless youth. ~ Kaori Yuki,
130:Life on earth may be limited, but grandchildren were the promise of the eternal. ~ Nancy Thayer,
131:She's got some sort of notion in her head concerning the eternal rights of women. ~ Kate Chopin,
132:The Eternal’s quiet holds the cosmic act: ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Glory and Fall of Life,
133:The greater his aspiration and concentration, the more he finds the Eternal. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
134:Between history and the eternal I have chosen history because I like certainties. ~ Albert Camus,
135:Chaos and order make up the eternal, transcendent environment of the living. ~ Jordan B Peterson,
136:Pain obliterates everything else. In pain, there is only the eternal present. ~ Jacqueline Carey,
137:You shall wander in the darkness and see not till you have found the eternal Light. ~ Dhammapada,
138:“Life scars both the skin and the soul.”

139:Let temporal things serve thy use, but the eternal be the object of thy desire. ~ Thomas a Kempis,
140:Only the Eternal's strength in us can dare
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Heavens of the Ideal,
141:because of the eternal human stupidity of pursuing those who hurt us the most. ~ Carlos Ruiz Zaf n,
142:Beware of the words "internal security," for they are the eternal cry of the oppressor. ~ Voltaire,
143:Bitterness leads nowhere. It turns back on itself. It is the eternal cul-de-sac. ~ Agatha Christie,
144:I am deathless, I am the eternal Lord For I have spread the seed of the Word. ~ Abolqasem Ferdowsi,
145:In the created world around us we see the Eternal Artist, Eternal Love at work. ~ Evelyn Underhill,
146:Little children are still the symbol of the eternal marriage between love and duty. ~ George Eliot,
147:To recreate a new aristocracy is the eternal task of every revolutionary project. ~ Guillaume Faye,
148:Who can be the Master of another? The Eternal alone is the guide and the Master. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
149:The eternal difference between right and wrong does not fluctuate, it is immutable. ~ Patrick Henry,
150:The sages who see the eternal in things transient, for them is the peace eternal. ~ Katha Upanishad,
151:To live with God is to live always in the present, with him who is the eternal Now. ~ John Robinson,
152:To me, Calvinism means the placing of the eternal God at the head of all things. ~ Charles Spurgeon,
153:If you cannot trust God for the temporal, how dare you trust him for the eternal? ~ Charles Spurgeon,
154:The Woman, the Eternal Feminine envelops with her gaze of light the entire planet. ~ Samael Aun Weor,
155:To desire immortality is to desire the eternal perpetuation of a great mistake ~ Arthur Schopenhauer,
156:To put it squarely, as I say in my memoir, the eternal triangle has come full circle. ~ Muriel Spark,
157:A cave of darkness guards the eternal Light. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Pursuit of the Unknowable,
158:A thousand lives are not equal to the eternal life which abides in Jehovah's smile ~ Charles Spurgeon,
159:Death is but changing of our robes to wait in wedding garments at the Eternal's gate. ~ Sri Aurobindo,
160:existed in the eternal dilemma: to give freedom free rein, or to rein freedom in? ~ Jussi Adler Olsen,
161:His hunger for the eternal thou must nurse
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Triple Soul-Forces, [T5],
162:The bright sun was extinguish'd, and the stars Did wander darkling in the eternal space. ~ Lord Byron,
163:"The eternal dragon is always giving our fallen down castles a rough time – always." ~ Jordan Peterson,
164:With the English, nothing could save him from being the eternal outsider, not even love. ~ D H Lawrence,
165:You are the eternal, infinite consciousness of Pure Being, the Self or the Heart. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
166:Faith is the eternal elixir. It gives life, power, and action to the impulse of thought. ~ Napoleon Hill,
167:I am overwhelmed by the beautiful disorder of poetry, the eternal virginity of words. ~ Theodore Roethke,
168:The bright sun was extinguish'd, and the stars
Did wander darkling in the eternal space. ~ Lord Byron,
169:"The eternal dragon is always giving our fallen down castles a rough time – always." ~ Jordan B Peterson,
170:Can any man have a higher notion of the rule of right and the eternal fitness of things? ~ Henry Fielding,
171:Ideally, I'd like to be the eternal novice, for then only the surprises would be endless. ~ Keith Jarrett,
172:Nothing lovable is eternal or sempiternal or deathless, or that the eternal is not lovable. ~ Leo Strauss,
173:Once something is answered, then there's another question. Hence the eternal quest. ~ Neil deGrasse Tyson,
174:All evil is in travail of the eternal good. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, The Divine and the Undivine,
175:I presumed to fix my look on the eternal light so long that I consumed my sight thereon. ~ Dante Alighieri,
176:Time is a manifestation of the Eternal. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, Reality and the Cosmic Illusion,
177:By means of corporal and temporal things we may comprehend the eternal and the spiritual. ~ Saint Augustine,
178:Establish the eternal truth that acquiescence under insult is not the way to escape war. ~ Thomas Jefferson,
179:Final perseverance is the doctrine that wins the eternal victory in small things as in great ~ Muriel Spark,
180:Hatred will never cease by hatred, Only love will erase hatred, This is the eternal law. ~ Sylvia Boorstein,
181:I have seen the eternal Footman snicker hold my coat, and snicker. And in short I was afraid... ~ T S Eliot,
182:“One’s destiny is held
within one’s free will.”

183:It reveals itself rather than is learned. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, The Eternal and the Individual,
184:May we now all rise and sing the eternal school hymn: "Attack. Attack. Attack Attack Attack!" ~ Danny Baker,
185:No one can rob us of our own soul, and our spirit is already one with the eternal goodness. ~ Ernest Holmes,
186:Poetry is a religion without hope, but its martyrs guarantee the eternal truth of its dogma. ~ Jean Cocteau,
187:The eternal gulf between being and idea can only be bridged by the rainbow of imagination. ~ Johan Huizinga,
188:Whatever may be the changes produced by man, the eternal round of the seasons is unbroken. ~ James F Cooper,
189:Alongside the mythos of the eternal free soul stands the Myth, the religion of the blood. ~ Alfred Rosenberg,
190:How can one know the eternal origin?
By letting go of ideas
and allowing it to reveal itself ~ Lao Tzu,
191:The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao. The name that can be named is not the eternal Name. ~ Laozi,
192:In the hearts captivated by innocence, the eternal peace of a quiet lake is experienced! ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
193:The eternal tide flows hid in Living Bread. That with its Heavenly Life too be fed. ~ Saint John of the Cross,
194:You say that in heaven there is eternal beauty. The eternal beauty is here and now, not in heaven. ~ Rajneesh,
195:am pleading with the Eternal for this one thing, my soul’s desire: To live with Him all of my days ~ Anonymous,
196:Each soul is a star and all stars are set in the infinite azure, the eternal sky-the Lord. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
197:My mind is a torch lit from the eternal sun. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Dream Twilight of the Earthly Real,
198:The eternal Truth shall never be attained by him who is not entirely truthful in his speech. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
199:The soul awakes ... between two dim eternities - the eternal past, the eternal future. ~ Harriet Beecher Stowe,
200:The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao. The name that can be named is not the eternal name. ~ Lao Tzu,
201:Whatever mourns when many leave these shores: Whatever shares The eternal reciprocity of tears. ~ Wilfred Owen,
202:Earth is but a sliver of the eternal Pie. Our focus should be on the whole pie, not the sliver. ~ Danny L Deaub,
203:I have to meditate before I go to bed, always. I have to let the day go and let the eternal in. ~ Bellamy Young,
204:In peace and silence the Eternal manifests. Let nothing trouble you and the Eternal will manifest. ~ The Mother,
205:The church lies at the very center of the eternal purpose of God. It is not a divine afterthought. ~ John Stott,
206:A vast disguise conceals the Eternal’s bliss. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Way of Fate and the Problem of Pain,
207:But God, who is the Eternal Mind, is undoubtedly of excellence, complete and perfect in every part. ~ Lactantius,
208:“Victory requires knowledge,
fortitude, and focus.”

209:My internal thermostat appears to have only two settings: hypothermia or the eternal fires of hell. ~ Eva Jordan,
210:The effort of art is to keep what is interesting in existence, to recreate it in the eternal. ~ George Santayana,
211:The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao. The name that can be named is not the eternal name. ~ Anonymous,
212:The Tao which can be expressed is not the eternal Tao, the name which can be named is not the eternal Name. ~ id,
213:Because love in its many forms always endured. It was the infinite. The eternal. That which sustained. ~ J R Ward,
214:Be master of thy soul, O seeker of the eternal truths, if thou wouldst attain the goal. ~ Book of Golden Precepts,
215:Good and evil cannot bind him who has realised the oneness of nature and self with the Eternal. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
216:“Lust, love, madness:
the holiest
trilogy of all.”

217:Knowledge of the eternal is all-embracing. To be all-embracing leads to righteousness, which is majestic. ~ Laozi,
218:The flower is the poetry of reproduction. It is an example of the eternal seductiveness of life. ~ Jean Giraudoux,
219:Hidden in the mortal’s heart the Eternal lives: ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Way of Fate and the Problem of Pain,
220:It was the exact combination of the ephemeral and the eternal that a dying man needed to know about. ~ Jane Smiley,
221:Readiness for dying arrives by attending the smallest moment and finding the eternal inside of it. ~ Sue Monk Kidd,
222:That's what makes heroes so special. You carry the hopes of humanity into the realm of the eternal. ~ Rick Riordan,
223:The eternal Truth can manifest its truths in Time. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Master of the Work,
224:Whatever may be the changes produced by man, the eternal round of the seasons is unbroken. ~ James Fenimore Cooper,
225:A collection of masks, depicting historical figures in life and what I like to call the eternal repose. ~ Wes Craven,
226:“A broken spirit will proceed
calmly to its own demise.”

227:That which we call the Hindu religion is really the Eternal religion because it embraces all others. ~ Sri Aurobindo,
228:“Behold the transformative powers
Of love and vengeance.”

229:All is eternal in the eternal spirit. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays in Philosophy and Yoga, The Stress of the Hidden Spirit,
230:“So powerful is grief that it
can drive a man to madness.”

231:The Tao which can be expressed is not the eternal Tao, the name which can be named is not the eternal Name. ~ Lao-tse,
232:We must build a new world, a far better world - one in which the eternal dignity of man is respected. ~ Harry S Truman,
233:“So rank is Death
that some men can
smell his approach.”

234:Snatching the eternal out of the desperately fleeting is the great magic trick of human existence. ~ Tennessee Williams,
235:When our universe is in harmony with man, the eternal, we know it as truth, we feel it as beauty. ~ Rabindranath Tagore,
236:8God will swallow up death forever. The Lord, the Eternal, will wipe away the tears from each and every face ~ Anonymous,
237:A beam of the Eternal smites his heart,
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Yoga of the King The Yoga of the Souls Release,
238:“To believe in loyalty is to
invest in the gold of deceit.”

239:It was the eternal conundrum. Time passed too slowly, and then it was over too quickly. Hurry up and die. ~ Leslie Meier,
240:Some days it just feels like I'm here for the shoes and the eternal hope that I shall be issued minions. ~ Matt Fraction,
241:The better men know the Lord, the better may the eternal truths we learn be applied in our daily lives. ~ John A Widtsoe,
242:The yogi learns to forget the past and takes no thought for the morrow. He lives in the eternal present. ~ B K S Iyengar,
243:To be entirely free, and at the same time entirely dominated by law, is the eternal paradox of human life. ~ Oscar Wilde,
244:To talk of a modern work of art enduring is sillier than talking of the eternal values of Standard Oil. ~ Raoul Vaneigem,
245:The formless dimension of life is this moment. This moment is timeless and formless - the eternal itself. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
246:Activity that perishes, that is not productive of the eternal, of the lasting, is of very little use. ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti,
247:The time has come for us to understand that the Eternal Feminine is the greatest power in this Universe. ~ Samael Aun Weor,
248:I am the eternal optimist. I think that, over time, people respond to civility and -- and rational argument. ~ Barack Obama,
249:Seventeenth-century philosopher Blaise Pascal wrote: “The eternal silence of the infinite spaces terrifies me. ~ Peter Enns,
250:The Dance - it is the rhythm of all that dies in order to live again; it is the eternal rising of the sun. ~ Isadora Duncan,
251:The Eternal is in every man, but all men are not in the Eternal; there lies the cause of their suffering. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
252:Basically, there is simply nothing to worry about, because you yourself are the eternal energy of the universe. ~ Alan Watts,
253:Being human is a complicated gig. So give that ol' dark night of the soul a hug. Howl the eternal yes! ~ Friedrich Nietzsche,
254:Even the body shall remember God. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
255:He alone traverses the current of the illusion who comes face to face with the Eternal and realises it. ~ Hermes: On Rebirth,
256:"Applied properly,
the rope or the blade
will break all men.”

257:No joy is comparable to the feeling of the eternal Presence in one's heart. ~ The Mother(CWM Vol XIV),
258:The Eternal is in every man, but all men are not in the Eternal; there lies the cause of their suffering. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
259:The eternal present is the space within which your whole life unfolds, the one factor that remains constant. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
260:Whatever can be understood or perceived can never be the eternal Truth. The Unknown is the Truth. ~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj,
261:You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the eternal God, I will rout you out. ~ Andrew Jackson,
262:A sun of wisdom in a miracled grove. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day The Souls Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
263:Discriminate between the transient and the eternal. Learn to move from complete control to complete abandon. ~ Frederick Lenz,
264:Existence is a fundamental unity under a superficial diversity. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Isha Upanishad, The Eternal in His Universe,
265:“Beware the vines of desire: beautiful,
entangling, suffocating.”

266:“Not until the darkest hour of night
does the sun begin to rise.”

267:Life is endless, not punctuated by nights, days, months and years - for all are one, in the eternal stream. ~ Sathya Sai Baba,
268:My love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath: a source of little visible delight, but necessary. ~ Emily Bronte,
269:O friends, despise not the eternal Beauty for the mortal beauty, and be not held back by the things of the earth. ~ Bahaullah,
270:For never in this world can hate be appeased by hate: hatred is vanquished only by love,—that is the eternal law. ~ Dhammapada,
271:“No man can achieve
greatness without
risking his life for it.”

272:put their hope in chariots, others in horses, but we place our trust in the name of the Eternal One, our True God. ~ Anonymous,
273:Say "I love you" to those you love. The eternal silence is long enough to be silent in, and that awaits us all. ~ George Eliot,
274:The Eternal generates the One. The One generates the Two. The Two generates the Three. The Three generates all things. ~ Laozi,
275:The ideal, after all, is true than the real: for the ideal is the eternal element in perishable things. ~ Henri Frederic Amiel,
276:What a pity if we do not live this short time according to the laws of the long time,--the eternal laws! ~ Henry David Thoreau,
277:All the hundred separate paths meet in the Eternal. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Principle of the Integral Yoga,
278:For Death is the meaning of night;
The eternal shadow
Into which all lives must fall,
All hopes expire. ~ Michael Cox,
279:Have Faith! Have faith in the Eternal Goodness. Believe that the core of the Universe is sound and sweet. ~ Anna Garlin Spencer,
280:He whose thought is always fixed on the Eternal has no need of any devotional practice or spiritual exercise. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
281:If we cannot define the Eternal, we can unify ourselves with it. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Modes of the Self,
282:The eternal and essential truth is that until we love a thing in all its ugliness we cannot make it beautiful. ~ G K Chesterton,
283:The Eternal way allows you to have all the success you want in life WITHOUT the pain and inner bankruptcy. ~ Michael Mackintosh,
284:Thus the eternal God, our Lord, gives victory to those who follow His way over apparent impossibilities. ~ Christopher Columbus,
285:Too wise to err, too good to be unkind,—  Are all the movements of the Eternal Mind. ~ Rev. John East, Songs of My Pilgrimage,
286:Colour was a visible tone of ecstasy. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
287:The decrees of society are temporary ones; what Tolstoy is interested in are the eternal demands of morality. ~ Vladimir Nabokov,
288:The eternal everlasting God has become our Father and the moment we realize that, it transforms everything. ~ Martyn Lloyd Jones,
289:The miracle of Sunday is that a dead man lives. The miracle of Saturday is that the eternal Son of God lies dead. ~ John Ortberg,
290:The quest may be about enkantos -- but in truth. It is a quest of the heart! A quest to know and meet the eternal. ~ Arnold Arre,
291:As the lesser is always found within the greater, so this principle holds true with regards to time and the eternal. ~ Guy Finley,
292:Every individual man must be in little what the Cosmos is in large. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Isha Upanishad, The Eternal in His Universe,
293:In silence and in meditation on the eternal truths, I hear the voice of God which excites our hearts to greater love. ~ C S Lewis,
294:Le silence eternel des ces espaces infinis m'effraie - The eternal silence of these infinite spaces frightens me. ~ Blaise Pascal,
295:Form was a tenuous raiment of the soul: ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
296: From the eternal principles and essences the androgynous creator-gods manifested forth the positive and negative aspects of Being,
297:Imperfect is the joy not shared by all. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
298:It's different for other people; but we in our green youth have to settle the eternal questions first of all. ~ Fyodor Dostoyevsky,
299:“When we strike, it must be as rapid
as the wind, as silent as stars.”

300:Our human laws are but the copies, more or less imperfect, of the eternal laws, so far as we can read them. ~ James Anthony Froude,
301:The best people renounce all for one goal, the eternal fame of mortals; but most people stuff themselves like cattle. ~ Heraclitus,
302:What can be seductive about the eternal nothing is that the finest day is indifferently this one or any other like it. ~ Rene Char,
303:And this is the eternal law. For, Evil often stops short at istelf and dies with the doer of it! but Good, never. ~ Charles Dickens,
304:And this is the eternal law. For, Evil often stops short at itself and dies with the doer of it; but Good, never. ~ Charles Dickens,
305:A sad soul needs an infinite horizon which can throw all his sorrow into the silence of the eternal emptiness! ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
306:Hope not ever to see heaven. I come to lead you to the other shore; into the eternal darkness; into fire and ice. ~ Dante Alighieri,
307:Midnight,--strange mystic hour,--when the veil between the frail present and the eternal future grows thin. ~ Harriet Beecher Stowe,
308:The aims of scientific thought are to see the general in the particular and the eternal in the transitory. ~ Alfred North Whitehead,
309:And channel to earth-mind the wizard ray
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day The Souls Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
310:But those days were dead, and the future held only nights, a stretch of darkness that led down to the eternal dark. ~ Steven Erikson,
311: From the eternal principles and essences the androgynous creator-gods manifested forth the positive and negative aspects of Being,
312:I don't mind praying to the Eternal Father, but I must be the only man in the country afflicted with an eternal mother. ~ Edward VII,
313:The pure reactionary is not a dreamer of abolished pasts, but a hunter of sacred shades on the eternal hills. ~ Nicol s G mez D vila,
314:The soul in man is greater than his fate: ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
315:“Truth is a false god that appears only
before those who believe in him.”

316:It was a beautiful thought that all living things were imperfect copies of the eternal forms in the world of ideas. ~ Jostein Gaarder,
317:The eternal part of our being is perfect, free, always changing, always new, and completely conscious of all things. ~ Frederick Lenz,
318:The same inexpressible Truth is experienced in two ways: as Self-luminous Silence, or as the Eternal Play of the One. ~ Anandamayi Ma,
319:The truth above shall wake a nether truth, ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
320:The world puts off its mask of vastness to its lover. It becomes small as one song, as one kiss of the eternal. ~ Rabindranath Tagore,
321:He who finds a thought that lets us a little deeper into the eternal mystery of nature has been granted great peace. ~ Albert Einstein,
322:He who finds the heart that lets us a little deeper into the eternal mystery of nature has been granted great peace. ~ Albert Einstein,
323:He who thus knows, “I am the Eternal”, the gods themselves cannot make him other, for he is their own self. ~ Brihadaranyaka Upanishad,
324:The limbs were trembling densities of soul. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
325:When we understand every single secret of the universe, there will still be left the eternal mystery of the human heart. ~ Stephen Fry,
326:Farsighted theologians are now working to mine the eternal metal from the teachings of Jesus and to forge it for all time. ~ Max Planck,
327:“The human body is a book of secrets,
covered in skin and written in blood.

328:The Cross is the eternal expression of the length to which God will go to in order to restore broken community. ~ Martin Luther King Jr,
329:The eternal life of which Jesus speaks is not knowledge about God but an intimately interactive relationship with him. ~ Dallas Willard,
330:The eternal, the divine Reality
Has faced itself with its own contraries. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Kingdoms of the Little Life,
331:The highest proof of the spirit is love. Love the eternal thing which can already on earth possess as it really is. ~ Albert Schweitzer,
332:Le silence e ternel de ces espaces infinis m'effraie. The eternal silence of these infinite spaces fills me with dread. ~ Blaise Pascal,
333:All light is but a flash from his closed eyes: ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
334:Meditate on the Eternal either in an unknown nook or in the solitude of the forests or in the solitude of thy own mind. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
335:Schopenhauer wrote that to desire immortality is to desire the eternal perpetuation of a great mistake. He was correct. ~ Michael LaRocca,
336:The battle we have fought, and are still fighting, for the forests is a part of the eternal conflict between right and wrong. ~ John Muir,
337:A spark of the eternal Fire, it came
To build a house in Matter for the Unborn. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, The Miracle of Birth,
338:Her dilemma—the eternal human dilemma—is that she wants a chance to revisit her choices with full knowledge of the future. ~ Laura Lippman,
339:Meditate on the Eternal either in an unknown nook or in the solitude of the forests or in the solitude of thy own mind. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
340:The eternal now,” he said. “She wanted to catch it, remember? To pin it down. That was the point.” “Of writing?” “Or suicide. ~ Ruth Ozeki,
341:From death we gain knowledge of life, and from this knowledge we may one day vanquish death."
-The Book of The Eternal Rose ~ Fiona Paul,
342:“A storm may be the veil with which
heaven covers its eyes from a rising evil.”

343:Life is sorrowful. How do you live with that? You realize the eternal within yourself. You disengage, and yet, re-engage. ~ Joseph Campbell,
344:People can say what they like about the eternal verities, love and truth and so on, but nothing's as eternal as the dishes. ~ Margaret Mahy,
345:The most important of these rules is the first one: the eternal law of reversion to the mean (RTM) in the financial markets. ~ John C Bogle,
346:The strongest of us are but the puniest weaklings, are but tinkling cymbals and sounding brass, before the eternal mystery. ~ John Williams,
347:To discern the eternal Reality and to detach oneself from the world are the two means of purification of the human heart. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
348:No man is simply good or simply bad; every man is a mixture of contraries. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, The Eternal and the Individual,
349:Or a person endlessly going to school, never producing, living on other people’s golden eggs—the eternal student syndrome. ~ Stephen R Covey,
350:Shall ignorance of good and ill Dare to direct the eternal will? Seek virtue, and of that possest, To Providence resign the rest. ~ John Gay,
351:Death is but changing of our robes to wait
In wedding garments at the Eternal’s gate. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, The Fear of Death,
352:Even the eternal skies weep, I thought; is there any shame then, that mortal man should spend himself in tears? ~ Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley,
353:Everyone is aware of the eternal Self. He sees so many dying but still believes himself eternal because it's the Truth. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
354:Heaven’s call is rare, rarer the heart that heeds. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
355:“When the body dies, slivers of its essence
linger in the shadows of the living.”

356:I write about wounds, the eternal treasons of life. It's not very funny, but it's sincere. My commitment is to sincerity. ~ Tahar Ben Jelloun,
357:she was one of the lights of the world—one of the wells of truth, whose springs are fed by the rains on the eternal hills. ~ George MacDonald,
358:1Blessed are those who consider the helpless. The Eternal will stay near them, leading them to safety in times of bitter struggle. ~ Anonymous,
359:Anyone who believes that the eternal question of war and peace in Europe is no longer there risks being deeply mistaken. ~ Jean Claude Juncker,
360:As dawn announces the rising of the sun, so in a man disinterestedness, purity, rectitude forerun the coming of the Eternal. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
361:Dust to the dust! but the pure spirit shall flow Back to the burning fountain whence it came, A portion of the Eternal. ~ Percy Bysshe Shelley,
362:Every moment & every movement of our being is to be resolved into a continuous & a devoted self-giving to the Eternal. ~ Sri Aurobindo,
363:“Just as roses grow
from the decomposed,
so may new life
spring from death.”

364:Whatever you see, hear or experience in the world is ephemeral. Get in touch with the eternal substratum of everything. ~ Mata Amritanandamayi,
365:Happiness today, I think, is for most people the satisfaction of the eternal suckling: to drink in more this, that, or the other. ~ Erich Fromm,
366:Humans are amphibians - half spirit and half animal. As spirits they belong to the eternal world, but as animals they inhabit time. ~ C S Lewis,
367:“Love is the heart’s greatest asset and the
mind’s most easily exploited weakness.”

368:All their love had been a way of fixing time, each embrace a moment's touch of the eternal, because the caress preserves. ~ Kim Stanley Robinson,
369:Art is born when the temporary touches the eternal; the shock of beauty is when the irresistible force hits the immovable post. ~ G K Chesterton,
370:Far from wife and son am 1, far from land and wealth and other notions of that kind. I am the Witness, the Eternal, the Inner Self. ~ Guru Nanak,
371:All Yoga is a seeking after the Divine, a turn towards union with the Eternal. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita, The Supreme Word of the Gita,
372:Anyone, therefore, who obscures the glory of God, puts himself in the position of striving to subvert the eternal purpose of God. . ~ John Calvin,
373:By steadily disciplining the animal nature, until it becomes one pointed, it is possible to establish conscious awareness of The Eternal. ~ Laozi,
374:Humans are amphibians - half spirit and half animal... As spirits they belong to the eternal world, but as animals they inhabit time. ~ C S Lewis,
375:It's the eternal struggle, Pudge. The good versus the naughty. ...
Sometimes you lose a battle. But mischief always wins the war. ~ John Green,
376:Within infinite myths lies the Eternal Truth Who sees it all? Varuna has but a thousand eyes Indra, a hundred And I, only two ~ Devdutt Pattanaik,
377:I know no other way out of what is both the maze of the eternal present and the prison of the self except with a string of words. ~ Lewis H Lapham,
378:Is there a spot on earth where such a man is unknown, an ominous survival testifying to the eternal fitness of lies and impudence? ~ Joseph Conrad,
379:No man may be so cursed by priest or pope but what the Eternal Love may still return while any thread of green lives on in hope. ~ Dante Alighieri,
380:We will win our freedom because the sacred heritage of our nation and the eternal will of God are embodied in our echoing demands. ~ Martin Luther,
381:Within Infinite Truths lies the Eternal Truth Who sees it all? Varuna has but a thousand eyes Indra, a hundred And I, only two ~ Devdutt Pattanaik,
382:“Life is fleeting, ephemeral.
One day, when our work is
complete, that will change.”

383:“Only he who is mad or disturbed
would attempt to raise the dead
from their graves.”

384:The eternal duel between Ormuzd and Ahriman, God and Satan, is raging in my breast, which is one among their billion battlefields. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
385:The human heart ~ the stage is set for the eternal game.And only this Theater Owner does not have the right to close.Emily Dickinson..Lisette Model,
386:The same word passed through three minds, simultaneously, philosophical, fatalistic, the eternal refuge of the Italian: Pazienza. ~ Violet Trefusis,
387:Modernity is the transient, the fleeting, the contingent; it is one half of art, the other being the eternal and the immovable. ~ Charles Baudelaire,
388:No Joy is comparable to the feeling of the eternal Presence in one's heart. With my Blessings.
   ~ The Mother, Mantras Of The Mother, 04 July, [T5],
389:What is God? The eternal One Life underneath all the forms of life. ~ Eckhart Tolle in [A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose, p. 98, (2005),
390:As a Christian, our existence here on earth is a sliver of the eternal pie. Our focus should be on the whole pie, and not the sliver. ~ Danny L Deaub,
391:Even in the Eternal City, says the silent Augusteum, one must always be prepared for riotous and endless waves of transformation. ~ Elizabeth Gilbert,
392:The attitude inherent in consumerism is that of swallowing the whole world. The consumer is the eternal suckling crying for the bottle. ~ Erich Fromm,
393:The eternal wisdom of God ... has shown itself forth in all things, but chiefly in the mind of man, and most of all in Jesus Christ. ~ Baruch Spinoza,
394:Within infinite myths lies the eternal truth Who sees it all? Varuna has but a thousand eyes Indra, a hundred You and I, only two ~ Devdutt Pattanaik,
395:And you, fallen Wendy, eviscerated by the eternal recurrence of it all, hear Peter snarl at you for growing guilty and big and old... ~ Richard Powers,
396:Aspiring to godhead from insensible clay
He travels slow-footed towards the eternal day. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, Man the Thinking Animal,
397:I have seen the moment of my greatness flicker, and I have seen the eternal Footman hold my coat, and snicker, and in short, I was afraid. ~ T S Eliot,
398:It is ordained in the eternal constitution of things, that men of intemperate minds cannot be free. Their passions forge their fetters. ~ Edmund Burke,
399:It seems melancholy weather.”
“I prefer to think of it more as weather designed for reflection.”
“You are the eternal optimist. ~ Lorraine Heath,
400:That is the eternal folly of man. To be chasing after the sweet flesh, without realizing that it is simply a pretty cover for the bones. ~ Neil Gaiman,
401:The eternal, the infinite, and unnameable was reduced to a mental idol that you had to believe in and worship as “my god” or “our god. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
402:The lotus of the eternal knowledge and the eternal perfection is a bud closed and folded up within us.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, [T5],
403:A man may lose the good things of this life against his will; but if he loses the eternal blessings, he does so with his own consent. ~ Saint Augustine,
404:I am one with God in my being and yet I can have relations with Him in my experience. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, The Eternal and the Individual,
405:“Stories exist of those
who were determined dead, buried,
and subsequently resurrected.”

406:Take a course in good water and air; and in the eternal youth of Nature you may renew your own. Go quietly, alone; no harm will befall you. ~ John Muir,
407:An Edward Povey hangs in my living room and every day I am reminded of his originality, his beauty, and the eternal promise of his craft. ~ Kate Mulgrew,
408:If thy first endeavour to find the Eternal bears no fruit, lose not courage. Persevere and at last thou shalt obtain the divine grace. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
409:It is ordained in the eternal constitution of things, that men of intemperate minds cannot be free. Their passions forge their fetters. ~ William Ophuls,
410:Time shall be
The quivering of the spirit’s endless bliss. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
411:You veil your eyes and complain that you cannot see the Eternal. If you wish to seeHim, tear from your eyes the veil of the illusion. ~ Sri Ramakrishnan,
412:All things circle back to the eternal unity and in their beginning and end are the same. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays in Philosophy and Yoga, Heraclitus - VI,
413:Every man's path is for himself; let him accomplish his own desires that he may thus be able to rise above them to the eternal goal. ~ Hazrat Inayat Khan,
414:I speak with the Eternal through the instrument of nature, through the world's history: I read the soul of the artist in his Apollo. ~ Friedrich Schiller,
415:That breaks Ousep’s heart. To imagine the eternal boredom of his child. He wishes here to be no eternity, he wishes that even for his foes. ~ Manu Joseph,
416:The clash between rich and poor is a hackneyed enough subject, but I am now convinced that it really is one of the eternal themes of drama. ~ Osamu Dazai,
417:You veil your eyes and complain that you cannot see the Eternal. If you wish to see Him, tear from your eyes the veil of the illusion. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
418:To realise the Self is to realise the eternal freedom of the Spirit. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, Brahman, Purusha, Ishwara - Maya, Prakriti, Shakti,
419:A novel, I think, is partly about the contemporary and partly about the eternal, and it's the balance of that that's difficult to achieve. ~ Salman Rushdie,
420:“Fire rages neither for good nor evil.
A neutral force, it destroys
everything in its path.”

421:“It is easier to blame
the undead than it is the living for
the evils that pervade society.”

422:It was not the mask I was afraid of...but of what lay behind the mask. The eternal source of all fear, all horror, all real evil, man himself ~ John Fowles,
423:Our fascination with weather: its caprices and changes as an antidote to the eternal repetition of daily life; a helpful illusion of novelty ~ Derren Brown,
424:Perhaps for that very reason, I adored her all the more, because of the eternal human stupidity of pursuing those who hurt us the most. ~ Carlos Ruiz Zaf n,
425:Perhaps for that very reason, I adored her all the more, because of the eternal human stupidity of pursuing those who hurt us the most. ~ Carlos Ruiz Zafon,
426:The blue sea’s chant, the rivulet’s wandering voice
Are murmurs falling from the Eternal’s harp. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
427:Within man is the soul of the whole, the wise silence, the universal beauty to which every part and particle is equally related, the eternal ONE. ~ Emerson,
428:By predestination we mean the eternal decree of God, by which He determined with Himself whatever He wished to happen with regard to every man ~ John Calvin,
429:He whose whole play of life is with the Self and in the Self has his joy and so does actions, is the best of the knowers of the Eternal. ~ Mundaka Upanishad,
430:If the universe has an end, it means we are captive fishes in an aquarium! If it has no end, we are lost sheep in the eternal darkness! ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
431:“The capacity for betrayal burns bright
within all men. The heart must
extinguish the flame.”

432:“The dagger is a destroyer and a
deterrent. Its power lies both in
action and in restraint.”

433:The Creator, the fountain of all wisdom, the approver of perpetual order, the eternal and superessential spring of geometry and harmonics. ~ Johannes Kepler,
434:The greatness of individuals is the greatness of the eternal Energy within. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays in Philosophy and Yoga, The Greatness of the Individual,
435:Jesus lived and died in vain if He did not teach us to regulate the whole of life by the eternal law of love. Gandhi, quoted in Merton, p. 38 ~ Thomas Merton,
436:Maybe you don't need to do this. Maybe this isn't your moment. But if you do feel the pull of the eternal, then you can't stay away from it. ~ Frederick Lenz,
437:Within infinite myths lies the Eternal Truth
Who sees it all?
Varuna has but a thousand eyes
Indra, a hundred
And I, only two ~ Devdutt Pattanaik,
438:“Religion would have us believe that
immortality is reserved for the gods.
We remain skeptical.”

439:The continual looking forward to the eternal world is not a form of escapism or wishful thinking, but one of the things a Christian is meant to do. ~ C S Lewis,
440:Forget not that the grossest crime is to compromise with injustice and wrong. Remember the eternal law: you must give, if you want to get. ~ Subhas Chandra Bose,
441:“From death we gain
knowledge of life, and
from this knowledge we
may one day vanquish death.”

442:Man himself, who takes up all that went before him and transmutes it into the term of manhood. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, The Eternal and the Individual,
443:The eternal, not the modern, is what I love: the modern will be antiquated and grotesque in ten years, when the fashion passes. —MIGUEL DE UNAMUNO ~ Clive James,
444:...a man may shout the eternal virtues and be unheard forever, but if he babble nonsense in a wilderness it will travel around the world. ~ Mary Roberts Rinehart,
445:. . . and there was for a moment an unbreakable bond between us: the eternal bond of chemistry.
I glowed with all the fire of a newborn galaxy. ~ Alan Bradley,
446:He said he had been converted to atheism at the age of six, when his Sunday school teacher had described with relish the eternal fires of Hell. ~ Douglas Preston,
447:His nudes and his roses declared to men of this century, already deep in their task of destruction, the stability of the eternal balance of nature. ~ Jean Renoir,
448:If it be true that any beautiful thing raises the pure and just desire of man from earth to God, the eternal fount of all, such I believe my love. ~ Michelangelo,
449:Mechanism and function are the eternal yin and yang of biology: they interact and intertwine, yet there is no greater sin than confusing the two. ~ Frans de Waal,
450:My job is to radiate love. My job is to radiate peace. My job is to connect every heart with the eternal source of peace, bliss, love and tranquility. ~ Amit Ray,
451:To do no evil to any being, neither by action, nor by thought, nor by word; to will the good and to practise it: such is the eternal law of the good. ~ Madharata,
452:Within infinite myths lies the eternal truth,
Who sees it all?
Varuna has but a thousand eyes
Indra a hundred
And I, only two. ~ Devdutt Pattanaik,
453:Continuous creation is to be thought of not only as a series of successive acts of creation, but also as the eternal presence of the one creative act. ~ Carl Jung,
454:Discrimination, viveka, means you know the difference between the transient and the eternal. That's what discrimination means in Shankara's yoga. ~ Frederick Lenz,
455:In peace and silence the eternal manifests; allow nothing to disturb you and the eternal will manifest.
   ~ The Mother, Mantras Of The Mother, 13 September, [T5],
456:Man is all Imagination. God is Man and exists in us and we in Him... The Eternal Body of Man is the Imagination, that is, God, Himself
   ~ William Blake, Laocoon,
457:The human mind has an adequate knowledge of the eternal and infinite essence of God. ~ Baruch Spinoza, Ethics (1677) Part II: On the Nature and Origin of the Mind,
458:There are pearls in the depths of the ocean, but one must dare all the perils of the deep to have them. So is. it with the Eternal in the world. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
459:Unquiet souls. In the dark fermentation of earth, in the never idle workshop of nature, in the eternal movement, yea shall find yourselves again. ~ Matthew Arnold,
460:Atheism in its negation of gods is at the same time the strongest affirmation of man, and through man, the eternal yea to life, purpose, and beauty. ~ Emma Goldman,
461:Her soul felt at rest, for now she knew the true power of love, the unbending strength of loyalty, and the eternal beauty of forgiveness. (page 338) ~ Sarah E Ladd,
462:His worst nightmare had become real; life was no more than a fragile breath, a fleeting instant od light in the eternal darkness of time ~ Jos Rodrigues dos Santos,
463:You, yourself, are the eternal energy which appears as this Universe. You didn't come into this world; you came out of it. Like a wave from the ocean. ~ Alan Watts,
464:But at midnight — strange, mystic hour, when the veil between the frail present and the eternal future grows thin — then came the messenger. ~ Harriet Beecher Stowe,
465:Mortality bears ill the eternal’s touch:
It fears the pure divine intolerance
Of that assault of ether and of fire. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Symbol Dawn,
466:One of the eternal truths is that happiness is created and developed in peace, and one of the eternal rights is the individual's right to live. ~ Bertha von Suttner,
467:But again the eternal question - what need is there of my humility? Can’t I simply be devoured without being expected to praise what devours me? ~ Fyodor Dostoyevsky,
468:The heart is divided into four chambers, two to a side. When one side fails, the other must follow, and the body dies."
-The Book of The Eternal Rose ~ Fiona Paul,
469:What offering should be made that we may attain to the Eternal? To find the Eternal thou must offer him thy body, thy mind and all thy possessions. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
470:“Water can be a mirror
in which we see our true selves,
yet it forms the haze amidst
which we hide.”

471:Om is the mysterious cosmic energy that is the substratum of all the things and all the being of the entire universe. It is the eternal song of the Divine. ~ Amit Ray,
472:Our theories of the eternal are as valuable as are those that a chick which has not broken its way through its shell might form of the outside world. ~ Gautama Buddha,
473:The immanent righteousness of history rewards and punishes only men’s deeds, but the eternal righteousness of God tries and judges their hearts. ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer,
474:--"There is no justice in is only the glimpse or parable of an incomprehensible reality... the eternal breaking in on the the temporal. ~ Marilynne Robinson,
475:What offering should be made that we may attain to the Eternal? To find the Eternal thou must offer him thy body, thy mind and all thy possessions. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
With the last of my strength
I throw myself into a sleep;
only the breath of the eternal Creator
can wake me again.
~ Christine Busta,
478:"I have never lost a sense of something that lives and endures underneath the eternal flux. What we see is the blossom, which passes. The rhizome remains." ~ Carl Jung,
479:Our theories of the eternal are as valuable as are those which a chick which has not broken its way through its shell might form of the outside world. ~ Gautama Buddha,
480:Spirituality tells the seeker not to live in the hoary past, not to live in the remote future, but to live in the immediacy of today, in the eternal Now. ~ Sri Chinmoy,
481:Your inside person doesn’t age. Your inside person is soul, is heart, in the eternal now, the ageless, the old, the young, all the ages you’ve ever been. ~ Anne Lamott,
482:In some ways, we are traveling in time now. We just happened to be prisoners of the present in the eternal transition from the past to the future. ~ Neil deGrasse Tyson,
483:You accuse me of murder; and yet you would, with a satisfied conscience, destroy your own creature. Oh, Praise the eternal justice of man! ~ Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley,
484:But the greatness of it lies just in the fact that it is a mystery--that the passing earthly show and the eternal verity are brought together in it. ~ Fyodor Dostoyevsky,
485:“The healer and the killer
both rely on the blade:
the physician his scalpel,
the assassin his dagger.”

486:Karma is the eternal assertion of human freedom. . . . Our thoughts, our words, and deeds are the threads of the net which we throw around ourselves. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
487:The eternal struggle in the law between constancy and change is largely a struggle between history and reason, between past reason and present needs. ~ Felix Frankfurter,
488:And in this beautiful, heartbreaking world, God—the eternal, omniscient, amazing One—loves human beings. Including you. Especially you.  You are amazing. ~ Stasi Eldredge,
489:Between history and the eternal I have chosen history because I like certainties. Of it, at least, I am certain, and how can I deny this force crushing me. ~ Albert Camus,
490:God has set apart India as the eternal fountain-head of holy spirituality, and He will never suffer that fountain to run dry. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Bande Mataram - II, Swaraj,
491:Guiltily I would think that I had baptised her early in the eternal doctrine of human pain, of things passing, of what was loved vanishing, never to return. ~ Rachel Cusk,
492:He is what he is, but he is also the past of all that he was and the potentiality of all that he is not. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, The Eternal and the Individual,
493:The malignancy of hostile Powers
Puts craftily back the clock of destiny
And mightier seems than the eternal Will. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Triple Soul-Forces,
494:Within infinite myths lies the eternal truth
Who sees it all?
Varuna has but a thousand eyes,
Indra has a hundred,
You and I, only two. ~ Devdutt Pattanaik,
495:All existence is a manifestation of the divine Existence and that which is within us is spirit of the eternal Spirit. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita, Above the Gunas,
496:The individual exists in the Transcendent, but all the Transcendent is there concealed in the individual. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, The Eternal and the Individual,
497:By what instinct do you pretend to distinguish between a fallen seraph of the abyss and a messenger from the eternal throne, between a guide and a seducer ~ Charlotte Bront,
498:I am the inviolable Ecstasy;
They who have looked on me, shall grieve no more. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
499:My eternity hid in moving Time
And my boundlessness cut by the curve of Space. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
500:Mysticism occurs whenever a human being sees the separation between the natural and the supernatural, between the temporal and the eternal, as overcome. ~ Albert Schweitzer,
501:Only in an uplifting hour of stress
Men answer to the touch of greater things. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
502:Theology moves back and forth between two poles, the eternal truth of its foundations and the temporal situation in which the eternal truth must be received. ~ Paul Tillich,
503:5But I trust in Your faithful love; my heart leaps at the thought of imminent deliverance by You. 6I will sing to the Eternal, for He is always generous with me. ~ Anonymous,
504:Charity is an unending self-discipline which always looks and leads towards the eternal affection. Therefore, its triumph shall be lasting and everlasting. ~ Julia Ward Howe,
505:Our nation is founded on the principal that observance of the law is the eternal safeguard of liberty and defiance of the law is the surest road to tyranny. ~ John F Kennedy,
506:Philosophy always requires something more, requires the eternal, the true, in contrast to which even the fullest existence as such is but a happy moment. ~ Soren Kierkegaard,
507:Spirituality is not decorating the ego with philosophies, dogmas and rituals. But finding out the eternal center of love in the heart, which no storm can disturb. ~ Amit Ray,
508:The Eternal looked upon me for a moment with His eye of power, and annihilated me in His being, and become manifest to me in His essence. I saw I existed through Him. ~ Rumi,
509:The French people recognizes the Supreme Being and the immortality of the soul. The first day of every month is to be dedicated to the eternal. ~ Louis Antoine de Saint Just,
510:Unless we are thoroughly convinced that without Christ we are under the eternal curse of God, as the worst of His enemies, we shall never flee to Him for refuge. ~ John Owen,
511:Who says the eternal being does not exist? Who says the sun has gone out? Someone who climbs up on the roof and closes his eyes tight, and says, I don't see anything. ~ Rumi,
512:Furthermore, the apostolic life does not exclude contemplation but encompasses it and profits by it to know better the eternal truths it must proclaim ~ Saint Vincent de Paul,
513:If God, or the eternal order, was revealed to Dostoievski in seizures, why should not other organic conditions serve as ‘portals’ to the beyond or the unknown? ~ Oliver Sacks,
514:“The truth is often
different from what is perceived
as truth, but only the latter
is of any consequence.”

515:The knowledge of the Eternal and the love of the Eternal are in the end one and the same thing. There is no difference between pure knowledge and pure love. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
516:The worst of all possible snakes is the eternal human proclivity for evil. The worst of all possible snakes is psychological, spiritual, personal, internal. ~ Jordan Peterson,
517:A mass phenomenon of visible shapes
Supported by the silence of the Void
Appeared in the eternal Consciousness ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Godheads of the Little Life,
518:Nothing that grieves us can be called little: by the eternal laws of proportion a child's loss of a doll and a king's loss of a crown are events of the same size. ~ Mark Twain,
519:Progress should mean that we are always changing the world to fit the vision, instead we are always changing the vision. ~ G K Chesterton, "The Eternal Revolution," Orthodoxy,
520:The knowledge of the Eternal and the love of the Eternal are in the end one and the same thing. There is no difference between pure knowledge and pure love. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
521:“The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao.The name that can be named is not the eternal name.The nameless is the beginning of heaven and earth.The named is ~ The Mother,
522:The virtuous cannot but take care for their body, the temple of the soul in which the Eternal, manifests Himself or which has been consecrated by His coming. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
523:Human beings are made of body, mind and spirit. Of these, spirit is primary, for it connects us to the source of everything, the eternal field of consciousness. ~ Deepak Chopra,
524:More there is concealed in God’s Beyond
That shall one day reveal its hidden face. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
525:She asked herself the eternal question – and she knew it to be the eternal question – whether no man and woman can ever leave it at the beautiful inclination. ~ Ford Madox Ford,
526:The propitious smiles of Heaven, can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right, which Heaven itself has ordained... ~ George Washington,
527:The worst of all possible snakes is the eternal human proclivity for evil. The worst of all possible snakes is psychological, spiritual, personal, internal. ~ Jordan B Peterson,
528:Who will say with confidence that sexual abuse is more permanently damaging to children than threatening them with the eternal and unquenchable fires of hell? ~ Richard Dawkins,
529:If the artist reflects only his own culture, then his works will die with that culture. But if his works reflect the eternal and universal, they will revive. ~ Madeleine L Engle,
530:The soul is "torn apart in a painful condition as long as it prefers the eternal because of its Truth but does not discard the temporal because of familiarity. ~ Saint Augustine,
531:Who in the world of plurality sees the One Existence and in the world of shadows seizes this Reality, to him belongs the eternal peace, to none else, to none else. ~ Vivekananda,
532:Within infinite myths lies the eternal truth
Who sees it all?
Varuna has but a thousand eyes,
Indra has a hundred,
And You and I, only two .”. ~ Devdutt Pattanaik,
533:All existence for a man turned away from the eternal is but a vast mime under the mask of the absurd. Creation is the great mime…it is itself an absurd phenomenon. ~ Albert Camus,
534:I am the inviolable Ecstasy;
   They who have looked on me, shall grieve no more.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day The Souls Choice and the Supreme Consummation, [T5],
535:Justice is peculiarly indispensable to nations . The unjust State is doomed of God to calamity and ruin. This is the teaching of the Eternal Wisdom and of history . ~ Albert Pike,
536:The Eternal Being, who knows everything and who created the whole universe, became not only a man but (before that) a baby, and before that a fetus in a woman's body. ~ C S Lewis,
537:The material universe is both an essential display of the greatness and goodness of God and the arena of the eternal life of finite spirits, including the human. ~ Dallas Willard,
538:All the facts of nature are nouns of the intellect, and make the grammar of the eternal language. Every word has a double, trebleor centuple use and meaning. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
539:He made of Nothingness his living-room
And Night a process of the eternal light
And death a spur towards immortality. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
540:In the eternal night of the Orion Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy, two civilization had swept through like two shooting stars, and the universe had remembered their light. ~ Liu Cixin,
541:Know that although in the eternal scheme of things you are small, you are also unique and irreplaceable, as are all your fellow humans everywhere in the world. ~ Margaret Laurence,
542:The incarnate dual Power shall open God’s door,
Eternal supermind touch earthly Time. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
543:There was no more the dark pretence of hate,
The cruel rictus on Love’s altered face. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
544:A mass of superconscience closed in light,
Creator of things in his all-knowing sleep. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
545:Even there shall come as a high crown of all
The end of Death, the death of Ignorance. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
546:Hard is the way to the Eternal for the mind-born will of the mortal
Bound by the body and life to the gait of the house-burdened turtle. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, Ahana,
547:Temptation is the price that the human race pays for intelligence, therefore the Serpent of Wisdom is also the eternal Tempter. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
548:The country is the real thing, the substantial thing, the eternal thing, it is the thing to watch over and care for and be loyal to; institutions are extraneous. . . . ~ Mark Twain,
549:...blessed be the heart who finds its way to the eternal summer. [ the realisation of eternal gratitude that things aren't worse, because they always can be!] ~ Frithjof Schuon,
550:But if thou wilt not wait for Time and God,
   Do then thy work and force thy will on Fate
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day The Souls Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
551:By twice born men a widow must not be appointed to ,cohabit with any other ,than her husband , for they who appoint ,her to another ,man , will violate the eternal law. ~ Guru Nanak,
552:“The Ancients believed in
the existence of a fifth humor
within the body, a mystical
substance of uncharted power.”

553:Krishna was the unborn original Personality of Godhead, appearing on earth to destroy demonic men and to establish the eternal religion, pure love of God. ~ Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa,
554:The omniscient Ray is shut behind his lids:
He is the Wisdom that comes not by thought, ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
555:this: The work of atonement that is accomplished on the cross is one of invitation into the eternal, loving relationship of the Trinity—ultimately, into union with God. ~ Tony Jones,
556:I know not where His islands lift  Their fronded palms in air;  I only know I cannot drift  Beyond His love and care. ~ John Greenleaf Whittier, The Eternal Goodness, Stanza 20,
557:“Madness weakens the mind and
disease weakens the body,
but nothing destroys the spirit
like the loss of true love.”

558:It is a moment, and it is eternity. It is the centre of the universe and it is the universe itself. The eternal light rests on and illuminates the eternal heart of things. ~ E Nesbit,
559:Prakriti is the power of the All-Soul, the power of the Eternal and Infinite self-moved to action and creation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita, The Fullness of Spiritual Action,
560:That,” said Wednesday, driving off, “is the eternal folly of man. To be chasing after the sweet flesh, without realizing that it is simply a pretty cover for the bones. ~ Neil Gaiman,
561:The reflection of nature in man's thought must be understood not lifelessly but in the eternal process of movement, the arising of contradictions and their solution. ~ Vladimir Lenin,
562:Behind the appearance of these opposites are their truths and the truths of the Eternal are not in conflict with each other. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Vijnana or Gnosis,
563:Buddha emphasized and re-declared the eternal and unalterable existence of the moral government of this universe. He unhesitatingly said that the law was God Himself. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
564:Happy is the man who knows how to distinguish the real from the unreal, the eternal from the transient and the good from the pleasant by his discrimination and wisdom. ~ B K S Iyengar,
565:Globed from the atoms falling slow or swift I see the suns, I see the systems lift Their forms; and even the systems and the suns Shall go back slowly to the eternal drift. ~ Lucretius,
566:”It is human nature
to fear the dead,
but it is the living
who are capable of malice,
evil, and utter destruction.”

567:Man Made 'God' in his own image. The eternal, the infinate, the unnameable was reduced to a mental idol that you had to believe in and worship as 'my god' or 'our god'. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
568:No one who traces the history of motherhood, of the home, of child-rearing practices will ever assume the eternal permanence of our own way of institutionalizing them. ~ Jessie Bernard,
569:The nature of the ray is to extend and withdraw, to appear and disappear; and the duration of its existence is short when compared with the duration of the eternal ~ Hazrat Inayat Khan,
570:The Spirit shall look out through Matter’s gaze
And Matter shall reveal the Spirit’s face. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
571:Our inner nature is the progressive expression of the eternal Spirit and too complex a power to be tied down by a single dominant mental or moral principle. ~ Sri Aurobindo#SriAurobindo,
572:The battle had been as hideous as you might expect between one side who were simply not afraid to die and another who regarded death as merely a door to the eternal life. ~ Paul Hoffman,
573:There is a consciousness mind cannot touch,
Its speech cannot utter nor its thought reveal. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
574:Clearly we must not be attached to anything, no matter how innocent, because it will slip from our grasp when least expected; nothing but the eternal can content us. ~ Saint Therese of Lisieux,
575:Heaven in its rapture dreams of perfect earth,
Earth in its sorrow dreams of perfect heaven. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
576:“Man is more willing to believe in
imaginary monsters than to accept that his
brothers are the monsters who wish him harm.”

577:Love remembered and consecrated by grief belongs, more clearly than the happy intercourse of friends, to the eternal world; it has proved itself stronger than death. ~ William Ralph Inge,
578:O to spread forth, O to encircle and seize
More hearts till love in us has filled thy world! ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
579:The doors of light are sealed to common mind
And earth’s needs nail to earth the human mass, ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
580:The soul is "torn apart in a painful condition as long as it prefers the eternal because of its Truth but does not discard the temporal because of familiarity. ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo,
581:To live as a child in a world without time – not in infinity, but in eternity, what a joy. To never count your minutes. To just be – in the eternal present. What bliss. ~ Paullina Simons,
582:A philosopher may deplore the eternal discords of the human race, but he will confess, that the desire of spoil is a more rational provocation than the vanity of conquest. ~ Edward Gibbon,
583:The cry of “Traitor!” was not a local voice only, but a bewildered people’s explanation of the inexplicable. It was the eternal cry of conspiracy, of stab in the back. ~ Barbara W Tuchman,
584:I feel my immortality over sweep all pains, all tears, all time, all fears, - and peal, like the eternal thunders of the deep, into my ears, this truth, - thou livest forever! ~ Lord Byron,
585:No one has ever won the war. Good opposes evil the way the summer sun opposes winter cold, the way light opposes darkness. They are built into the eternal scheme of Nature. ~ Deepak Chopra,
586:O Sun-Word, thou shalt raise the earth-soul to Light
And bring down God into the lives of men; ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
587:That, travellers from on high, arrive to us
Deformed by our search, tricked by costuming mind, ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
588:The eternal being which, as it lives in us, also lives in every animal ... the animal is in essence absolutely the same thing that we are.

- On Religion ~ Arthur Schopenhauer,
589:Henceforward I am the truth's. Be it known unto you that henceforward I obey no law less than the eternal law. I will have no covenants but proximities. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance,
590:Meditation on Savitri, September 20, 2018 ThursdayA mighty Hand then rolls mind’s firmaments back,Infinity takes up the finite’s actsAnd Nature steps into the eternal Light. ~ Sri Aurobindo,
591:Nothing that grieves us can be called little: by the eternal laws of proportion a child’s loss of a doll and a king’s loss of a crown are events of the same size. MARK TWAIN ~ Julia Cameron,
592:One of the greatest gifts from God is the eternal perspective. It is a level of fearlessness, a level of understanding where one can experience even emotional harmony with God. ~ Criss Jami,
593:Only the Eternal’s strength in us can dare
To attempt the immense adventure of that climb
And the sacrifice of all we cherish here. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Heavens of the Ideal,
594:Reality might be described as the eternal equipoise of positive and negative, but in this story the two poles had become dissociated and ascribed separate, warring identities. ~ Rachel Cusk,
595:We, too, by the Eternal Might are led
To whatsoever goal He wills.
Our helm He grasps, our generous sail outspread
His strong breath fills. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, To R.,
596:7Everything on earth, join in and praise the Eternal; sea monsters and creatures of the deep, 8Lightning and hail, snow and foggy mists, violent winds all respond to His command. ~ Anonymous,
597:A sinless sinner, banned awhile on earth, But by the dead commended; and with them I shall abide for ever.  As for thee, Scorn, if thou wilt, the eternal laws of Heaven.   ISMENE ~ Sophocles,
598:Then is the Eternal seen when the mind it at rest. When the sea of mind is tossed by the winds of desire, it cannot reflect the Eternal and all divine vision is impossible. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
599:Well, some people say I'm pessimistic because I recognize the eternal cycle of evil. All I say is, look at the history of mankind right up to this moment and what do you find? ~ Wole Soyinka,
600:The Eternal is seen when the mind is at rest. When the sea of the mind is troubled by the winds of desire, it cannot reflect the Eternal and all divine vision is impossible ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
601:The Eternal is seen when the mind is at rest. When the sea of the mind is troubled by the winds of desire, it cannot reflect the Eternal and all divine vision is impossible. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
602:We may stumble, but always there is that eternal voice, forever whispering within our ear, that thing which causes the eternal quest, that thing which forever sings and sings. ~ Ernest Holmes,
603:What, in fact, is the absurd man? He who, without negating it, does nothing for the eternal. Not that nostalgia is foreign to him. But he prefers his courage and his reasoning. ~ Albert Camus,
604:When you stop all thought, the battle is won. Everything is still and peaceful. You will come to see the eternal voidness of all things. You will see that nothing is, really. ~ Frederick Lenz,
605:Come you lost Atoms to your Centre draw,
And be the Eternal Mirror that you saw:
Rays that have wander'd into Darkness wide
Return and back into your Sun subsid ~ Attar of Nishapur,
606:For the Gospel is not only a “record” of Christ’s resurrection; the Word of God is the eternal coming to us of the Risen Lord, the very power and joy of the resurrection. ~ Alexander Schmemann,
607:... he lifted his eyes. The eternal kind went out of his shoulder. He opened his mouth and closed it again, speechless with outrage, joy, and wonder. Then he burst into tears. ~ Michael Chabon,
608:I feel engulfed in the infinite immensity of spaces whereof I know nothing, and which know nothing of me, I am terrified The eternal silence of these infinite spaces alarms me. ~ Blaise Pascal,
609:I refuse to accept the idea that the “isness” of man's present nature makes him morally incapable of reaching up for the eternal “oughtness” that forever confronts him. ~ Martin Luther King Jr,
610:“The heart is divided
into four chambers,
two to a side.
When one side fails,
the other must follow,
and the body dies.”

611:That’s the interesting thing about the philosophy — to accomplish the grand, you have to focus on the small. To exist in the eternal perspective, you have to live in the moment. ~ Pete Carroll,
612:To seize the absolute in shapes that pass,
To fix the eternal’s touch in time-made things,
This is the law of all perfection here. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Kingdom of Subtle Matter,
613:A Truth occult has made this mighty world:
The Eternal’s wisdom and self-knowledge act
In ignorant Mind and in the body’s steps. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Dream Twilight of the Ideal,
614:But the eternal is not a thing which can be had regardless of the way in which it is acquired; no, the eternal is not really a thing, but is the way in which it is acquired. ~ S ren Kierkegaard,
615:God, says Handy, or the Eternal Spark, is in every human heart, in every piece of this earth. In this rock, in this ice, in this plant, this bird. All deserve our gentleness. The ~ Lauren Groff,
616:In the eternal balance between individual rights and community obligations, Washington believed that there were times that the national interest trumped individual self-interest. ~ John P Avlon,
617:Since God has made earth, earth must make in her God;
What hides within her breast she must reveal. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
618:Sure Man was born to meditate on things, And to contemplate the eternal springs Of God and Nature, glory, bliss and pleasure: That life and love might be his eternal treasure. ~ Thomas Traherne,
619:That,” said Wednesday, driving off, “is the eternal folly of man. To be chasing after the sweet flesh, without realizing that it is simply a pretty cover for the bones. Worm food. ~ Neil Gaiman,
620:He is the eternal reality, sing The scriptures, and the ground of existence. Those who perceive him in every creature Merge in him and are released from the wheel Of birth and death. ~ Anonymous,
621:The universal particularises itself in the individual; the individual contains in himself all the generalities of the universal. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, The Eternal and the Individual,
622:unfathomable cosmos came into being at the word of the Eternal’s imagination, a solitary voice in endless darkness. The breath of His mouth whispered the sea of stars into existence. ~ Anonymous,
623:Beyond everything else, that's one of the things that kept us going, that keeps me going, you know, the eternal love, knowing that I am in the love of the all and all love is in me. ~ Jimmy Cliff,
624:Some call it growing up. I call it life, and in my experience, it doesn't necessarily get easier over the years. But the eternal struggle is beautiful, and I'm happy to persevere. ~ Connor Franta,
625:Teach him, if you can, the wonder of books…But also give him quiet time to ponder the eternal mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the sun, and the flowers on a green hillside. ~ Malala Yousafzai,
626:Vain, they have said, is the anguish of man and his labour diurnal,
Vainly his caravans cross through the desert of Time to the Eternal. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, Vain, they have Said,
627:It is not possible for the tongue of human speech to tell all the utter unity and all the eternal variety of the ananda of divine love. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Mystery of Love,
628:Listen to me, Frankenstein. You accuse me of murder; and yet you would, with a satisfied conscience, destroy your own creature. Oh, praise the eternal justice of man! ~ Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley,
629:People often ask if one day mankind attains immortality, how he will be able to get rid of the eternal boredom problem? The answer is this: By embarking on eternal adventures! ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
630:There is the eternal war between those who are in the world for what they can get out of it and those who are in the world to make it a better place for everybody to live in. ~ George Bernard Shaw,
631:When trying to remember my share in the glow of the eternal present, in the smile of God, I return to my childhood, too, for that is where the most significant discoveries turn up. ~ Hermann Hesse,
632:31But those who trust in the Eternal One will regain their strength. They will soar on wings as eagles. They will run—never winded, never weary. They will walk—never tired, never faint. ~ Anonymous,
633:OH. MY. GOSH. It was as if the gray storm clouds had parted and Macey McHenry was the sun, bringing wisdom and truth into the eternal darkness. (Or something a lot less melodramatic.) ~ Ally Carter,
634:The essence of religion is an aspiration and adoration of the soul towards the Divine, the Self, the Supreme, the Eternal, the Infinite. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Future Poetry, The Sun of Poetic Truth,
635:This present moment, since it knows neither past nor future, is itself timeless, and that which is timeless is Eternal. Thus “the eternal life belongs to those who live in the present. ~ Ken Wilber,
636:This world, the eternally imperfect, the eternal and imperfect image of a contradiction – an intoxicating joy to its imperfect creator – that is what I once thought the world. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche,
637:The eternal puzzle of why people do that which is not in their interest, and have a desire to lose what is most precious to them, makes Cheever fascinated by the deepest destructions. ~ John Cheever,
638:Whatever the brain may plan, the heart knows first and whoever can go beyond the brain to the heart, will hear the voice of the Eternal. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Bande Mataram - II, The Glory of God in Man,
639:What is going on with you?" she says, shaking her head and pushing me away. "What's up with all the love and affection? I mean, you of all people, you of the eternal iPod-hoodie combo. ~ Alyson Noel,
640:1Erupt with thanks to the Eternal, for He is good and His loyal love lasts forever. 2Let all those redeemed by the Eternal— those rescued from times of deep trouble—join in giving thanks. ~ Anonymous,
641:Death. The eternal blink. The capricious dance of Now You Stop Moving Forever. Well, contrary to popular belief, death isn't just for dead people. It can happen to anyone." —The Tick ~ Leslie Langtry,
642:If you don't understand,
stop following me.
Communication between us is ended.
I've gone definitively to the other side,
with the eternal pariahs,
sharpening my knife. ~ Juan Goytisolo,
643:Like the lark that soars in the air, first singing, then silent, content with the last sweetness that satiates it, such seemed to me that image, the imprint of the Eternal Pleasure. ~ Dante Alighieri,
644:Our activity should consist in placing ourselves in a state of susceptibility to Divine impressions, and pliability to all the operations of the Eternal Word. ~ Jeanne Marie Bouvier de la Motte Guyon,
645:Summer for prose and lemons, for nakedness and languor,
for the eternal idleness of the imagined return,
for rare flutes and bare feet, and the August bedroom of tangled sheets. ~ Derek Walcott,
646:This, indeed, is one of the eternal paradoxes of both life and literature-that without passion little gets done; yet, without control of that passion, its effects are largely ill or null. ~ F L Lucas,
647:Don’t fear what they fear, or dread what they dread. 13After all, only the Eternal, Commander of heavenly armies, should terrify you. Only God is holy. Only God should leave you trembling. ~ Anonymous,
648:Even in all that life and man have marred,
A whisper of divinity still is heard,
A breath is felt from the eternal spheres. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Gospel of Death and Vanity of the Ideal,
649:For I realize today that it is a mortal sin to violate the great laws of nature. We should not hurry, we should not be impatient, but we should confidently obey the eternal rhythm. ~ Nikos Kazantzakis,
650:Inevitably, invariably, eventually you will discover you are unprepared to make an informed choice. When in doubt, say, Yes. Yes is the eternal passport. Yes is the everlasting coin. ~ Josiah Bancroft,
651:The present Anglo-German war is then of symbolic significance. In defending modern civilisation against German nihilism, the English are defending the eternal principles of civilisation. ~ Leo Strauss,
652:We are here to awaken to the reality of our true identity - that we are sparks of the Eternal Imperishable Spirit, who is the source of all Creation and the very essence of our being. ~ Shriram Sharma,
653:Every page must explode, whether through seriousness, profundity, turbulence, nausea, the new, the eternal, annihilating nonsense, enthusiasm for principles, or the way it is printed. ~ Francis Picabia,
654:The Eternal Law of Life is: ‘What you think and feel, you bring into form; where your thought is, there you are, for you are your consciousness; and what you meditate upon, you become. ~ Godfr Ray King,
655:The one controlling inner Self of all existences who makes his one form into many kinds of form, him the sages see in themselves; theirs is the eternal peace and it is not for others. ~ Katha Upanishad,
656:Thus the negro transmits the eternal mark of his ignominy to all his descendants; and although the law may abolish slavery, God alone can obliterate the traces of its existence. ~ Alexis de Tocqueville,
657:You are a Divine creation, a Being of Light who showed up here as a human being at the exact moment you were supposed to. You are the Beloved, a miracle, a part of the eternal perfection. ~ Wayne Dyer,
658:all sin already carries the divine forgiveness in itself, all small children already have the old person in themselves, all infants already have death, all dying people the eternal life. ~ Hermann Hesse,
659:Faith is all right for those who have it. Just don’t load it on me. I have more faith in my plumber than I do in the eternal being. Plumbers do a good job. They keep the shit flowing. ~ Charles Bukowski,
660:Poor boy," the libertine then said, "he builds machines to count the infinite, and we have terrified him with the eternal silence of too many infinities. Voila, the end of a fine vocation. ~ Umberto Eco,
661:Clara brought me no more than suffering. Perhaps for that very reason, I adored her all the more, because of the eternal human stupidity of pursuing those who hurt us the most. During ~ Carlos Ruiz Zaf n,
662:Short stories and some short novels are close to poetry--with the fewest words they capture the essence of a situation, of a human being. It's like trying to pin down the eternal moment. ~ Gina Berriault,
663:The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad, which means the "Way of the Eternal," is the ancient scripture of Eckankar, the science of Soul Travel and total consciousness.

Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad Book One ~ Paul Twitchell,
664:The Son of God born as the Son of man
Has drunk the bitter cup, owned Godhead’s debt,
The debt the Eternal owes to the fallen kind ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Way of Fate and the Problem of Pain,
665:After death, the body cools, then stiffens, then grows limber again as putrefaction begins to dissolve the tissues until the flesh becomes foul, black slime."
-The Book of The Eternal Rose ~ Fiona Paul,
666:I was, as the prophet said, hungering and thirsting for righteousness. I found it at the eternal and material core of Christianity: body, blood, bread, wine, poured out freely, shared by all. ~ Sara Miles,
667:Let the clock and the earth do their own thing... Let the comings and goings of life continue... But YOU stay HERE and NOW. This exercise is to bring you to the Eternal Present where it all is. ~ Ram Dass,
668:Our inner nature is the progressive expression of the eternal Spirit and too complex a power to be tied down by a single dominant mental or moral principle. ~ Sri Aurobindoin The Synthesis of Yoga, p. 191,
669:The visual possibility of seeing the historical person (as opposed to the eternal Qur'anic man) on screen is arguably the single most important event allowing Iranians access to modernity. ~ Hamid Dabashi,
670:I am no prophet—and here’s no great matter;
I have seen the moment of my greatness flicker,
And I have seen the eternal Footman hold my coat, and snicker,
And in short, I was afraid. ~ T S Eliot,
671:I was, as the prophet said, hungering and thirsting for righteousness. I found it at the eternal and material core of Christianity: body, blood, bread, wine, poured out freely, shared by all. ~ Sarah Miles,
672:What is more of a symbol of eternal growth and change than the Goddess? The eternal spiral of creation. Coiled like a serpent, our Shakti energy sits, waiting to be awakened within all of us. ~ Emma Mildon,
673:Alternately in our lives come black and white.
Nothing is visible through the silent dark hole:
no light, no life, no meandering respite
in the tunnel of death, journeys the eternal soul. ~ Taranum,
674:How insignificant mere money seeking looks in comparison with a serene life—a life that dwells in the ocean of Truth, beneath the waves, beyond the reach of tempests, in the Eternal Calm! "How ~ James Allen,
675:Do not look for a miracle, because you will not find it. You will find only the eternal laws of nature. These laws are available to every person who has the faith and the courage to use them. ~ Napoleon Hill,
676:...silence remains indispensable today as it was in the past. The Word of God is born out of the eternal silence of God, and it is to this Word out of silence that we want to be witnesses. ~ Henri J M Nouwen,
677:The Eternal suffers in a human form,
He has signed salvation’s testament with his blood:
He has opened the doors of his undying peace. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Way of Fate and the Problem of Pain,
678:Emma was just like any other mistress; and the charm of novelty, falling down slowly like a dress, exposed only the eternal monotony of passion, always the same forms and the same language. ~ Gustave Flaubert,
679:1Praise the Eternal, all nations. Raise your voices, all people.* 2For His unfailing love is great, and it is intended for us, and His faithfulness to His promises knows no end. Praise the Eternal! ~ Anonymous,
680:Delight of being, Ananda, is the eternal truth of the union of this conscious being and its conscious force whether absorbed in itself or else deployed in the inseparable duality of its two aspects.
   ~ SATM?,
681:“Fire is a Janus, both harmful
and healing. It obliterates buildings and
incinerates flesh but also cleanses
implements and cauterizes wounds.”

682:The goal and target of our life is He, the Christ who awaits us -- each one singly and altogether -- to lead us across the boundaries of time to the eternal embrace of the God who loves us. ~ Pope John Paul II,
683:27But don’t be so concerned about perishable things like food. Spend your energy seeking the eternal life that the Son of Man* can give you. For God the Father has given me the seal of his approval. ~ Anonymous,
684:Don’t regret things. Look at the present, and pray,” Ayub said. “That’s why I started praying. If you look backwards or forward, you stumble. But prayer keeps you focused on the eternal present. ~ Karan Mahajan,
685:His shrug was small and sad as he gestured me through the door. I stepped into the foyer. Through the open doors I could just make out the comforting light of the eternal flame hanging in ~ Mary Robinette Kowal,
686:The true resurrection is the lifting up of Truth in the individual; the resurrection of the eternal in the temporal; the resurrection of virtue always latent in man. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
687:When by a constant practice a man is capable of effecting mental concentration, then wherever he may be, his mind will always lift itself above his surroundings and will repose in the Eternal. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
688:The dark night of the soul may then bring us into contact with the inner light that expands our mortal lives through connection with the eternal essence dwelling in each of us. ~ Monika Wikman, Pregnant Darkness,
689:To be choiceless is to be in meditation. To be choiceless is to enter the eternal. To be of choice is to enter the world: the dream world, the divided world, the false, the pseudo, the illusory world. ~ Rajneesh,
690:When by a constant practice a man is capable of effecting mental concentration, then wherever he may be, his mind will always lift itself above his surroundings and will repose in the Eternal. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
691:While the flowers, pale and unreal in the moonlight, floated away upon the river; and thus do greater things that once were in our breasts, and near our hearts, flow from us to the eternal sea. ~ Charles Dickens,
692:As fire, though one, takes the shape of every object which it consumes, so the Self, though one, takes the shape of every object in which it dwells. (The Upanishads: Breath of the Eternal, pg. 35) ~ Prabhavananda,
693:It's the eternal tragedy of being gay in Bombay," I lamented. "Never a place to yourself." With city rents so high, most sons lived with their parents until marriage - and usually well after as well. ~ Manil Suri,
694:The eternal present is the space within which your whole life unfolds, the one factor that remains constant. Life is now. There was never a time when your life was not now, nor will there ever be. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
695:The human body is a book of secrets, covered in skin and written in blood. Those who which to learn its mysteries must be unafraid to open it and study its entrails."
-The Book of The Eternal Rose ~ Fiona Paul,
696:The primary imagination I hold to be the living power and prime agent of all human perception, and as a repetition in the finite mind of the eternal act of creation in the infinite I Am. ~ Samuel Taylor Coleridge,
697:This principle of opposites is at the very root of Creation, which is divided between the rule of the King and the Queen; Night and Day; the One and the Varied; the Eternal and the Evolving. ~ Rabindranath Tagore,
698:Here rapture was a common incident;
The lovelinesses of whose captured thrill
Our human pleasure is a fallen thread, ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
699:The old scouts are like a Greek chorus; it is their job to underscore the eternal themes of baseball. The eternal themes are precisely what Billy Beane wants to exploit for profit—by ignoring them. ~ Michael Lewis,
700:The traveller in this valley may seem to be seated in the dust, but in truth he sits upon spiritual heights receiving the eternal favours, drinking the exquisite wine of the spirit. ~ Baha-ullah: The Seven Valleys,
701:Young people, what sense is there in these ‘laws’ that are violated by the very officials who issue them? How can they compare to the eternal, immutable laws of Newton, Pascal, Bernoulli, Einstein? ~ Sana Krasikov,
702:Each of us inevitable,
Each of us limitless—each of us with his or her right upon the earth,
Each of us allow'd the eternal purports of the earth,
Each of us here as divinely as any is here. ~ Walt Whitman,
703:Just as the Atman (Soul) is the reality underlying the conscious powers of an individual, so the Supreme Soul (God) is the eternal quiet underneath the drive and activity of the universe. ~ Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan,
704:When the eternal and the human meet, that's where love is born -- not through escaping our humanity or trying to disappear into transcendence, but through finding that place where they come into union. ~ Adyashanti,
705:Meditation on Savitri, September 24, 2018 MondayA mass phenomenon of visible shapesSupported by the silence of the VoidAppeared in the eternal ConsciousnessAnd seemed an outward and insensible world. ~ Sri Aurobindo,
706:The aspirant to the true knowledge, if he does not halt in his progress after acquiring certain extraordinary and supernatural powers, becomes in the end rich in the eternal knowledge of the truth. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
707:The golden trail was blazed and I was reminded of the eternal, of Mozart, of the stars. For an hour I could breathe again and live and face existence, without having to suffer torment, fear or shame. ~ Hermann Hesse,
708:And life takes place
inside us, with the eternal light
of an ecstatic day
which is going on somewhere else.

It is a beautiful thing,
something true and not yet real, beautiful! ~ Juan Ram n Jim nez,
709:The world creates itself invincibly;
For its body is the body of the Lord
And in its heart stands Virat, King of Kings. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
710:A few can climb to an unperishing sun,
Or live on the edges of the mystic moon
And channel to earth-mind the wizard ray. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
711:Did you ever wonder if the person in the picture is the same one you see when you look in the mirror?" - "That's the eternal question, isn't it? Are we born who we are, or do we make ourselves that way? ~ Jodi Picoult,
712:For it must be recognized that before anyone else it was God himself, the Eternal Father, who entrusted himself to the Virgin of Nazareth, giving her his own Son in the mystery of the Incarnation.”87 ~ Michael Gaitley,
713:For like a poisonous breath over the fields, like a mass of locusts over Egypt, so the swarm of excuses is a general plaque, a ruinous infection among men, that eats off the sprouts of the Eternal. ~ Soren Kierkegaard,
714:For like a poisonous breath over the fields, like a mass of locusts over Egypt, so the swarm of excuses is a general plaque, a ruinous infection among men, that eats off the sprouts of the Eternal. ~ S ren Kierkegaard,
715:It is called enlightenment, nirvana, God, truth, call it what you will. There is no activity other than the eternal activities of the universe, perfect being, the awareness of all suchness, knowledge. ~ Frederick Lenz,
716:That... is the eternal folly of man. To be chasing after the sweet flesh, without realizing that it is simply a pretty cover for the bones. Worm food. At night, you're rubbing yourself against worm food. ~ Neil Gaiman,
717:"Whence all this hurry to arrive at a state? Are you not already face-to-face with the eternal mystery? Take it easy for a while; just watch the snow falling or the kettle boiling, and not so much hurry." ~ Alan Watts,
718:Man can certainly flee from God... but he cannot escape him. He can certainly hate God and be hateful to God, but he cannot change into its opposite the eternal love of God which triumphs even in his hate. ~ Karl Barth,
719:Once more in the land of the saints and sages will burn up the fire of the ancient Yoga and the hearts of her people will be lifted up into the neighbourhood of the Eternal. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Bande Mataram - II, Swaraj,
720:Only when thou hast climbed above thy mind
And liv’st in the calm vastness of the One
Can love be eternal in the eternal Bliss
And love divine replace the human tie. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Word of Fate,
721:Excellence is the eternal quest. We achieve it by living up to our highest intellectual standards and our finest moral intuitions. In seeking excellence, take life seriously-but never yourself! ~ Arthur M Schlesinger Jr,
722:Keep in mind that we should always thank those who hurt us, especially those who did so bad we are forced to transform. They risk the eternal verdict of going to hell just to make us better than who we are. ~ Tyra Banks,
723:Selfless giving reminds us that there is an eternally present spirit in all of us, that when revealed, liberates us from both the transitory and the eternal - both of which ultimatly can be attachments. ~ Frederick Lenz,
724:The candle-end was flickering out in the battered candlestick, dimly lighting up in the poverty stricken room the murderer and the harlot who had so strangely been reading together the eternal book. ~ Fyodor Dostoyevsky,
725:We all remember how many religious wars were fought for a religion of love and gentleness; how many bodies were burned alive with the genuinely kind intention of saving souls from the eternal fire of hell. ~ Karl Popper,
726:A high and dazzling limit shines above,
A black and blinding border rules below:
His mind is closed between two firmaments. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
727:Beautiful people blossomed forth from out of the polyglot, people who really had a lot to them, only it had been smothered by all the eternal social games that had been set up. Suddenly they found each other. ~ Tom Wolfe,
728:Because there dwelt the Eternal’s vast Idea
And his dynamic will in men and things,
So only could the enormous scene begin. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
729:I cleave the heavens and soar to the infinite. And while I rise from my own globe to others and penetrate ever further through the eternal field. That which others saw from afar, I leave far behind me. ~ Giordano Bruno,
730:In the sealed hermetic heart, the happy core,
Unmoved behind this outer shape of death
The eternal Entity prepares within
Its matter of divine felicity, ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Godheads of the Little Life,
731:When Eternity is considered to be the Beginning, then our speaking of the Beginning of the Begun is nothing but our speaking of the Eternity of the Eternal or our speaking of the Eternity of the Begun. ~ Nicholas of Cusa,
732:A Nature that denied the eternal Truth
In the vain braggart freedom of its thought
Hoped to abolish God and reign alone. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The World of Falsehood, the Mother of Evil and the Sons of Darkness,
733:Our life is nothing, it is true, but our life is divine. A breath of nature annihilates us, but we surpass nature in penetrating far beyond her vast phantasmagoria to the changeless and the eternal. ~ Henri Frederic Amiel,
734:Too many times we pray for ease, but that's a prayer seldom met. What we need to do is pray for roots that reach deep into the Eternal, so when the rains fall and the winds blow, we won't be swept asunder. ~ Philip Gulley,
735:As one can go up to the top of a house by means of a ladder, a bamboo or a flight of stairs, so are there various means for approaching the Eternal and each religion in the world shows only one of such means. ~ Ramakrishss,
736:But a certain perspective is needed about tragedies, Betsy, for they happen to nearly everyone. Eventually you have to learn, try to learn, that it’s the eternal things that matter, and among them courage. ~ Dorothy Gilman,
737:If men were not and all were brilliant gods,
The mediating stair would then be lost
By which the spirit awake in Matter winds ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
738:Our intelligence arrives by application at the understanding and knowledge of the nature of the world. The understanding of the nature of the world arrives at the knowledge of the eternal. ~ Hermes. “Initiatory discourses”,
739:The sole purpose is to provide infinite springs, at which the soul may allay the eternal thirst TO KNOW which is forever unquenchable within it, since to quench it, would be to extinguish the soul's self. ~ Edgar Allan Poe,
740:A firm spiritual poise,
A constant lodging in the Eternal’s realm,
A safety in the Silence and the Ray,
A settlement in the Immutable. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Yoga of the King, The Yoga of the Soul’s Release,
741:If you want to know what it means to be happy, look at a flower, a bird, a child; they are perfect images of the kingdom. For they live from moment to moment in the eternal now with no past and no future. ~ Anthony de Mello,
742:One must learn to dissipate the shadow and live in the Eternal. And to that end thou shouldest live and breathe in all as all breathes in thee and feel that thou dwellest in all things in the self. ~ Book of Golden Precepts,
743:That is the eternal folly of man. To be chasing after the sweet flesh, without realising that it is simply a pretty cover for the bones. Worm food. At night, you're rubbing against worm food. No offense meant. ~ Neil Gaiman,
744:He had learned that sometimes, watching someone work or standing beside them, looking at stars or at bugs or at a sunset, was far more communicative than the eternal babble that sprung from his own wayward tongue. ~ Amy Lane,
745:The candle-end had long been burning out in the bent candlestick, casting a dim light in this destitute room upon the murderer and the harlot strangely come together over the reading of the eternal book. ~ Fyodor Dostoyevsky,
746:To him justice and injustice are equal, knowledge and ignorance have the same value, for he has broken the cage of personality and desire and he has flown on the wings of immortality towards the eternal heavens. ~ Baha ullah,
747:What is God? The eternal one life underneath all the forms of life. What is love? To feel the presence of the one life deep within yourself and all creatures; to be it! Therefore, all love is the love of God. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
748:When the mind is not only silent, but that part of the mind that could become conscious that the mind is silent dissolves in light, then we see and feel purity. We become it, the purity of the eternal light. ~ Frederick Lenz,
749:See here, if we can establish an affinity with the eternal, ever-living Creator, then is it not likely that this affinity, this relationship, if you like, will endure beyond the death of the material body? ~ Stephen R Lawhead,
750:That is sort of the eternal question for people who go to Hollywood...what will be the straw that breaks the camel's back, and forces you to think about doing something else? When do you throw in the towel? ~ Alden Ehrenreich,
751:Godheads live who care not for the world
And share not in the toil of Nature’s powers:
Absorbed in their self-ecstasy they dwell. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
752:It is the eternal struggle between these two principles - right and wrong - throughout the world. They are the two principles that have stood face to face from the beginning of time; and wll ever to struggle. ~ Abraham Lincoln,
753:Spiritual power is the eternal guide, in this life and the life after, for man ranks supreme among all creatures. Led forward by spiritual power, man can reach the summit destined for him by the Great Creator. ~ Haile Selassie,
754:An ear of mind withdrawn from the outward’s rhymes
Discovered the seed-sounds of the eternal Word,
The rhythm and music heard that built the worlds, ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Kingdoms and Godheads of the Greater Mind,
755:As one can go up to the top of a house by means of a ladder, a bamboo or a flight of stairs, so are there various means for approaching the Eternal and each religion in the world shows only one of such means. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
756:Old World or New, the eternal battle between God and Satan remaineth the same. There is no middle ground. Either thou art a Christian soldier on one side … or a pawn of the Devil on the other. Where dost thou stand? ~ Anonymous,
757:But a most pernicious error widely prevails that Scripture has only so much weight as is conceded to it by the consent of the church. As if the eternal and inviolable truth of God depended upon the decision of men! ~ John Calvin,
758:“Human beings, having originated
in the Garden, require contact
with nature. Even a palace grows
unwholesome to one who is too
long confined within its walls.”

759:I rest not from my great task! | To open the Eternal Worlds, | to open the immortal Eyes of Man | Inwards into the Worlds of Thought; | Into eternity, ever expanding | In the Bosom of God, | The Human Imagination ~ William Blake,
760:“The water that flows through
the canals is both beautiful
and deadly. Its tranquil surface
belies the toxins beneath--
unpleasant to touch, deadly to imbibe.”

761:Maya is a veil of the Absolute;
A Truth occult has made this mighty world:
The Eternal’s wisdom and self-knowledge act
In ignorant Mind and in the body’s steps. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Dream Twilight of the Ideal,
762:Arisen beneath a triple mystic heaven
The seven immortal earths were seen, sublime:
Homes of the blest released from death and sleep ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
763:“Nature works in circles.
Trees lure prey and hide predators.
Predators leave behind carcasses
so that they might be absorbed
into the soil and feed the trees.”

764:it is perfect in every moment, all sin already carries the divine forgiveness in itself, all small children already have the old person in themselves, all infants already have death, all dying people the eternal life. ~ Anonymous,
765:The eternal silence of the great white desert. Cloudy columns of snow drift advancing from the south, pale yellow wraiths, heralding the coming storm, blotting out one by one the sharp-cut lines of the land. ~ Robert Falcon Scott,
766:The eternal destiny of human beings will be measured by how much or how little solidarity we have displayed with the hungry, the thirsty, the naked, and the oppressed. In the end we will be judged in terms of love. ~ Leonardo Boff,
767:The scientific mind is atrophied, and suffers under inherited cerebral weakness, when it comes in contact with the eternal woman--Astarte, Isis, Demeter, Aphrodite, and the last and greatest deity of all, the Virgin. ~ Henry Adams,
768:True love transcends the unworthy object, and dwells and broods on the eternal, and when the poor interposed mask crumbles, it is not sad, but feels rid of so much earth, and feels its independency the surer. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
769:We lean to our own understanding, or we bank on service and do away with prayer, and consequently by succeeding in the external we fail in the eternal, because in the eternal we succeed only by prevailing prayer. ~ Oswald Chambers,
770:“Personal garments are
the greatest expression of one’s
standing in society, but the body
is the greatest expression of one’s soul.
Both are temporary trappings.”

771:All that must disappear
Is but a parable;
What lay beyond us, here
All is made visible;
Here deeds have understood
Words they were darkened by;
The Eternal Feminine
Draws us on high. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
772:And dazzling memory revive.Refresh the faded tints, Recut the aged prints, And write my old adventures, with the pen Which, on the first day, drew Upon the tablets blue The dancing Pleiads, and the eternal men. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
773:Earth is the chosen place of mightiest souls;
Earth is the heroic spirit’s battlefield,
The forge where the Archmason shapes his works. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
774:The real thing about evil… you figure out one side of it - the human side, say - and the eternal side goes into shadow. Or vice versa. The real disaster of this inquiry is that it is the nature of evil to be secret. ~ Gregory Maguire,
775:Ascending out of the limiting breadths of mind,
They shall discover the world’s huge design
And step into the Truth, the Right, the Vast. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
776:Every man carries within himself the eternal image of woman, not the image of this or that particular woman, but a definite feminine image. This image is fundamentally unconscious, a hereditary factor of primordial origin. ~ Carl Jung,
777:Life was a small negative space cut out of the eternal solidity, and for the first time, it felt precious - not like all of the words that had come to mean nothing, but like the last breath of a drowning victim. ~ Jonathan Safran Foer,
778:Sure of the spring that warms them into birth,
The golden seeds thou trustest to the earth;
And dost thou doubt the eternal spring sublime,
For deedsthe seeds which wisdom sows in time.
~ Friedrich Schiller, The Sower
779:The Inconscient could not read without man’s mind
The mystery of the world its sleep has made:
Man is its key to unlock a conscious door. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
780:The sticks break, the stones crumble, The eternal altars tilt and tumble, Sanctions and tales dislimn like mist About the amazed evangelist. He stands unshook from age to youth Upon one pin-point of the truth. ~ Robert Louis Stevenson,
781:Truth, for Goethe, is “a revelation emerging at the point where the inner world of man meets external reality.... It is a synthesis of world and mind, yielding the happiest assurance of the eternal harmony of existence. ~ Gary Lachman,
782:Good poetry could not have been otherwise written than it is. The first time you hear it, it sounds rather as if copied out of some invisible tablet in the Eternal mind than as if arbitrarily composed by the poet. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
783:In our society of fixed texts and printed words, it is the function of the poet to see the life value of the facts round about, and to deify them, as it were, to provide images that relate the everyday to the eternal. ~ Joseph Campbell,
784:In the light of reincarnation life changes its aspect, for it becomes the school of the eternal Man within us, who seeks therein his development, the Man that was and is and shall be, for whom the hour will never strike. ~ Annie Besant,
785:Oh, father!" he said, "how the fear and oppression of ages are gone like a cloud swallowed up of space. Oh, father! are not all human ills doomed thus to vanish at last in the eternal fire of the love-burning God?—An ~ George MacDonald,
786:Shame on such a morality that is worthy of pariahs, and that fails to recognize the eternal essence that exists in every living thing, and shines forth with inscrutable significance from all eyes that see the sun! ~ Arthur Schopenhauer,
787:"When we think of the unending growth and decay of life and civilizations, we cannot escape the impression of absolute nullity. Yet I have never lost a sense of something that lives and endures underneath the eternal flux." ~ Carl Jung,
788:All motion consists of two components. One component serves inwardness (internalisation) and the other outwardness (dispersion). Both preconditions for motion regulate the eternal flow of metamorphosis (panta Rhei). ~ Viktor Schauberger,
789:Victory to the Essence of all wisdom, to the unmoving, to the Imperishable! Victory to the Eternal, to the essence of visible and invisible beings, to Him who is at the same time the cause and the effect of the universe. ~ Vishnu Purana,
790:Wherever there has been expansion in love or progress in well-being, of individuals or numbers, it has been through the perception, realisation, and the practicalisation of the Eternal Truth-the oneness of all beings ~ Swami Vivekananda,
791:You are a den of vipers. I intend to rout you out and by the Eternal God I will rout you out. If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system, there would be a revolution before morning. ~ Andrew Jackson,
792:He does not provide solace from pain.
He cannot give you hope for the eternal.
He cannot comfort you for the love you lost.
God blesses your soul with grace.
Batman punches people in the face.
- Bruce Wayne ~ Tom King,
793:We live in succession, in division, in parts, in particles. Meantime within man is the soul of the whole; the wise silence; the universal beauty, to which every part and particle is equally related, the eternal ONE. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
794:We live in succession, in division, in parts, in particles. Meantime within man is the soul of the whole; the wise silence; the universal beauty, to which every part and particle is equally related; the eternal ONE. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
795:2.1) On their Quarrel"The indisputable fact remains: man feels superior and wants to dominate, woman feels oppressed and revolts, openly or secretly; and the eternal quarrel between the sexes is perpetuated from age to age.." ~ The Mother,
796:But you, Percy - you are part god, part human. You live in both worlds. You can be harmed by both, and you can affect both. That's what makes heroes so special. You carry the hopes of humanity into the realm of the eternal. ~ Rick Riordan,
797:But you, Percy – you are part god, part human. You live in both worlds. You can be harmed by both, and you can affect both. That’s what makes heroes so special. You carry the hopes of humanity into the realm of the eternal. ~ Rick Riordan,
798:Cease believing in the false beliefs, opinions, superstitions, and fears of mankind. Begin to believe in the eternal verities and truths of life, which never change. Then, you will move onward, upward, and Godward. Whoever ~ Joseph Murphy,
799:Our great forefathers in those splendours moved;
Termless in power and satisfied of light,
They enjoyed the sense of all for which we strive. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
800:We live in succession, in division, in parts and particles. Meantime, within man, is the soul of the whole; the wise silence; the universal beauty to which every part and particle is equally related; the eternal One. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
801:Man is the synthesis of the infinite and the finite, the temporal and the eternal, of freedom and necessity, in short it is a synthesis. A synthesis is a relation between two factors. So regarded, man is not yet a self. ~ S ren Kierkegaard,
802:He has the sense that up to this moment his life has been a sham; he yearns to live properly, to reflect deeply and ruminate. And it is among his books he hopes to find the solution to the eternal problem of “life and death”. ~ Stefan Zweig,
803:Remember, you are held safe. You are loved. You are protected. You are in communion with God and with those whom God has sent you. What is of God will last. It belongs to the eternal life. Choose it, and it will be yours. ~ Henri J M Nouwen,
804:Spirit is the essence of consciousness, the energy of the universe that creates all things. Each one of us is a part of that spirit - a divine entity. So the spirit is the higher self, the eternal being that lives within us. ~ Shakti Gawain,
805:There meet and clasp the eternal opposites,
There pain becomes a violent fiery joy;
Evil turns back to its original good,
And sorrow lies upon the breasts of Bliss. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Way of Fate and the Problem of Pain,
806:The Sundaies of man's life, Thredded together on time's string, Make bracelets to adorn the wife Of the eternal, glorious King. On Sunday heaven's gates stand ope; Blessings are plentiful and rife. More plentiful than hope. ~ George Herbert,
807:Oh for women at sea to obviate the eternal crosscat-harpings,' he said to himself, 'to do away with the grumlinfuttocks, and to inject a little civilization, even of an equivocal nature, even at the risk of moral deviation. ~ Patrick O Brian,
808:The eternal challenge for screenwriter adapters is figuring out how to make something work on screen, when so much of what made it work in the book were the thoughts of the character, and obviously wanting to avoid voiceover. ~ David Benioff,
809:All which happens through the whole world happens through hope. No husbandman would sow a grain of corn if he did not hope it would spring up and bring forth the ear; how much more we are helped on by hope in the eternal life. ~ Martin Luther,
810:That Jesus—the eternal logos from whom creation sprang, the Christ who sits at the right hand of God—you will find swaddled in a filthy manger in Bethlehem, surrounded by simple shepherds and wise men bearing gifts from the east. ~ Reza Aslan,
811:The stereotype is the Eternal Feminine. She is the Sexual Object sought by all men, and by all woman. She is of neither sex, for she has herself no sex at all. Her value is solely attested by the demand she excites in others. ~ Germaine Greer,
812:We are returning to the archaic, that is, the eternal condition of mankind, which the brief parenthesis of ‘modernity’ made us forget, in other words, the rivalry of peoples, of ethnic and cultural blocs and of civilisations. ~ Guillaume Faye,
813:3The voice of the Eternal echoes over the great waters; God’s magnificence roars like thunder. The Eternal’s presence hovers over all the waters. 4His voice explodes in great power over the earth. His voice is both regal and grand. ~ Anonymous,
814:But in the real world-in which even academics perish-war often changes everything. The blood-drunk killer is rarely disarmed by the man who lives in books-or by the eternal adolescent clinging to the lie that all men want peace. ~ Ralph Peters,
815:Christianity, in particular, presents impressive obstacles to thinking intelligently about the nature of the human mind, asserting, as it does, the real existence of individual souls who are subject to the eternal judgment of God. ~ Sam Harris,
816:I have but shadowed forth my intense longing to lose myself in the Eternal and become merely a lump of clay in the Potter's divine hands so that my service may become more certain because uninterrupted by the baser self in me. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
817:Our mind is a glimmering curtain of that Ray,
Our strength a parody of the Immortal’s power,
Our joy a dreamer on the Eternal’s way
Hunting the unseizable beauty of an hour. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, The Universal Incarnation,
818:The glory of the integer of his soul.
A union of the Real with the unique,
A gaze of the Alone from every face,
The presence of the Eternal in the hours
~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Yoga of the King The Yoga of the Souls Release,
819:The truth frequently seems unreasonable; the truth frequently is depressing; the truth sometimes seems to be evil, but it has the eternal advantage, it is the truth and what is built thereon neither brings nor yields to confusion. ~ Henry Ford,
820:Nature, body, mind go to death, not we. We neither go nor come. The man Vivekananda is in nature, is born and dies. But the Self we see as Vivekananda is never born and never dies. It is the eternal and unchangeable Reality. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
821:Plant, animal, man, god, the Eternal is there containing and repressing himself as it were in order to make a certain statement of his being. Each is the whole Eternal concealed. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, The Eternal and the Individual,
822:The contrast between earthly and spiritual is not a contrast between the tangible and the intangible; it is between the transitory and the eternal. Earthly is temporary, spiritual is everlasting. [Ed Welch, Running Scared, 127] ~ Edward T Welch,
823:The Eternal is bound neither by quality nor absence of quality, neither by Personality nor by Impersonality; He is Himself, beyond all our positive and all our negative definitions. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Modes of the Self,
824:The wave is the same as the ocean, though it is not the whole ocean. So each wave of creation is a part of the eternal Ocean of Spirit. The Ocean can exist without the waves, but the waves cannot exist without the Ocean. ~ Paramahansa Yogananda,
825:Empty lipstick cases are like spent cartridges from the eternal war that is love. A used tube has the quality of those books you are reluctant to give away and they line the shelves in my bathroom, mementos of nights to remember. ~ Chloe Thurlow,
826:...he took a look at the blond girl's eyes and knew that he must not take part in the rigged game in which the ephemeral passes for the eternal and the small for the big, that he must not take part in the rigged game called love. ~ Milan Kundera,
827:It is possible to be at the top of Christian service, respected and admired, and not have that indispensable ingredient by which God has chosen to work in His world today - the absolute sacrificial agape love of the Eternal God. ~ David Jeremiah,
828:Only when all images of Earth are hushed and the clamor of the senses be stilled, and the soul has passed beyond thought of self, can the eternal wisdom be revealed to the mystic who seeks that highest communion with the unseen. ~ Margaret Smith,
829:There are two kinds of genius. The first and highest may be said to speak out of the eternal to the present, and must compel its age to understand it; the second understands its age, and tells it what it wishes to be told. ~ James Russell Lowell,
830:The sacrifice and the divine return for our sacrifice then become a gladly accepted means towards our last perfection; for it is recognised now as the road to the fulfilment in us of the eternal purpose.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga,
831:This is the real and the only reason for friendship: to provide a mirror so the other person can contemplate his image from the past, which, without the eternal blah-blah of memories between pals, would long ago have disappeared. ~ Milan Kundera,
832:¹ "She (India) is rising to shed the eternal light entrusted to her over the world. India has always existed for humanity and not for herself and it is for humanity and not for herself that she must be great." —Uttarpara Speech by ~ Sri Aurobindo,
833:As the troubled surface of rolling waters cannot reflect aright the full moon, but gives only broken images of it, so the mentality troubled by the desires and passions of the world cannot reflect fully the light of the Eternal. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
834:particular characteristics of the first world were suited for man in a state of probationary innocence; whereas the corresponding characteristics of the eternal world will be designed for man in a state of everlasting redemption. ~ Henry M Morris,
835:The eternal God asks a favor of his bride: "Hold me close to your heart, close as locket or bracelet fits." No matter whether we walk or stand still, eat or drink, we should at all times wear the golden locket "Jesus" upon our heart. ~ Henry Suso,
836:The joy of life consists in the exercise of one's energies, continual growth, constant change, the enjoyment of every new experience. To stop means simply to die. The eternal mistake of mankind is to set up an attainable ideal. ~ Aleister Crowley,
837:The true Christian can nurture a trustful optimism, because he is certain of not walking alone. In sending us Jesus, the eternal Son made man, God has drawn near to each of us. In Christ he has become our travelling companion. ~ Pope John Paul II,
838:To reject the notions of the eternal feminine, the black soul, or the Jewish character is not to deny that there are today Jews, blacks, or women: this denial is not a liberation for those concerned but an inauthentic flight. ~ Simone de Beauvoir,
839:Down below the broad, roaring waves of the sea break against the deep foundation of the rock. But high above the mountain, the sea, and the peaks of rock the eternal ornamentation blooms silently from the dark depths of the universe. ~ Rudolf Otto,
840:“Traditional wisdom speaks of four
liquids, or humors, found within
the body. It is these four fluids that
determine the nature of a human
being, from health to temperament.”

841:O God, the Eternal All, help me to know that all things are shadows, but Thou art substance, all things are quicksands, but Thou art mountain, all things are shifting, but Thou art anchor, all things are ignorance, but Thou art wisdom. ~ Anonymous,
842:Oh, there spoke the human! He is always pretending that the eternal bliss of heaven is such a priceless boon! Yes, and always keeping out of heaven just as long as he can! At bottom, you see, he is far from being certain about heaven. ~ Mark Twain,
843:so that when she dared those waves, she felt the mortal challenge in her bones, felt the bond of all those who lived for the love of the ride and who felt the truth of eternity most vividly when they were as one with the eternal sea. ~ Dean Koontz,
844:The Bill of Rights should contain the general principles of natural and civil liberty. It should be to a community what the eternal laws and obligations of morality are to the conscience. It should be unalterable by any human power. ~ Thomas Paine,
845:Indian classical dance is sustained by a profound philosophy. Form seeks to merge with the formless, motions seek to become a part of the motionless, and the dancing individual seeks to become one with the eternal dance of the cosmos. ~ Nita Ambani,
846:Inevitably, invariably, eventually you will discover you are unprepared to make an informed choice. When in doubt, say, Yes. Yes is the eternal passport. Yes is the everlasting coin. —Everyman’s Guide to the Tower of Babel, I. XII ~ Josiah Bancroft,
847:Marriage between a man and a woman is central to God’s plan for the eternal destiny of His children. As such, traditional marriage is a foundational doctrine and cannot change.
[November 7, 2013] ~ The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints,
848:He saw the Perfect in their starry homes
Wearing the glory of a deathless form,
Lain in the arms of the Eternal’s peace,
Rapt in the heart-beats of God-ecstasy. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Yoga of the King, The Yoga of the Soul’s Release,
849:If you send them your loving thoughts continuously now, someday you will surely meet them again. You will know that this life is not the end, but merely one link in the eternal chain of your relationship with your loved ones. ~ Paramahansa Yogananda,
850:Meditate on the horrors of Hell, which will last for eternity because of one easily-committed mortal sin. Try hard to be among the few who are chosen. Think of the eternal flames of Hell, and how few there are that are saved. ~ Benedict Joseph Labre,
851:Of course! We laid waste their fleets, attacked their outpost worlds.… And the Forerunners themselves found a way to bring down the indestructible architecture of the Precursors, on Charum Hakkor.… Charum Hakkor, once called the Eternal. ~ Greg Bear,
852:The consulships were not the only ornamental offices in Roman society: the Eternal City was filled with the comings and goings of impotent men—senators, magistrates, bustling administrators of all kinds—performing meaningless duties. ~ Thomas Cahill,
853:Israel's capital will never again be a divided city, a city with a wall at its center, a city in which two flags fly. This city, will, in its entirety, absorb immigrants, welcome pilgrims and be the eternal capital of Israel forever. ~ Yitzhak Shamir,
854:It is true, she speaks but few words; but the few words she docs speak are genuine hieroglyphs of the inner world of Love and of the higher cognition of the intellectual life revealed in the intuition of the Eternal beyond the grave. ~ E T A Hoffmann,
855:The delicate thing about the university is that it has a mixed character, that it is suspended between its position in the eternal world, with all its corruption and evils and cruelties, and the splendid world of our imagination. ~ Richard Hofstadter,
856:The superman shall wake in mortal man
And manifest the hidden demigod
Or grow into the God-Light and God-Force
Revealing the secret deity in the cave. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
857:The unknown is not measurable by the known. Time cannot measure the timeless, the eternal, that immensity which has no beginning and no end... when we try to measure something which is not measurable, we only get caught in words. ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti,
858:As the Absolute He stands behind every relative, as the Eternal He supports every transient and assures the permanence of the sum of phenomena; as the Universal He manifests Himself in every particular. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin, Facts and Opinions,
859:Earth has scarcely an acre that does not remind us of actions that have long preceded our own, and its clustering tombstones loom up like reefs of the eternal shore, to show us where so many human barks have struck and gone down. ~ Edwin Hubbel Chapin,
860:Faith is not a refuge from reality. It is a demand that we face reality ... The true subject matter of religion is not our own little souls, but the Eternal God and His whole mysterious purpose, and our solemn responsibility to Him. ~ Evelyn Underhill,
861:If he was, in fact, God, he knew there was no such thing as death. He knew that what we called death was but the eternal opening of the golden gates of everlasting joy; and it took no heroism to face a death that was eternal life. ~ Robert G Ingersoll,
862:They who shall enter into [the] joy [of the Lord] shall know what is going on outside in the outer darkness. . .The saints'. . . knowledge, which shall be great, shall keep them acquainted. . .with the eternal sufferings of the lost. ~ Saint Augustine,
863:You see my kind of loyalty was loyalty to one’s country, not to its institutions or its office-holders. The country is the real thing, the substantial thing, the eternal thing; it is the thing to watch over, and care for, and be loyal to; ~ Mark Twain,
864:In Occult Philosophy, the outer world is here to teach us about the inner world of the Spirit. The temporal (or finite) is intended to indicate the eternal (or infinite). Illusions exist to reveal the truth, not to deceive or blind us. ~ David Cherubim,
865:The Eternal Smiler strode forth, handing her one, as well. I considered the psychology behind her smile and formed the conclusion that, despite its obvious coating of pleasantry, it was an understandable psychological decision. ~ Gina Marinello Sweeney,
866:25It is good. The Eternal One is good to those who expect Him, to those who seek Him wholeheartedly. 26It is good to wait quietly for the Eternal to make things right again. 27It is good to have to deal with restraint and burdens when young. ~ Anonymous,
867:All the impressions which are made on us by Nature are designed to exercise our soul during its terms of penitence, to prompt us towards the eternal truths shown beneath a veil, and to lead us to recover what we have lost. ~ Louis Claude de Saint Martin,
868:But maybe that was the eternal struggle of parents: they could advise and cajole and command and punish until the end of time, but they couldn't make their children into the exact image they thought was best no matter how hard they tried. ~ Iris Morland,
869:Here then is the pattern in my carpet, the sense of the eternal mysteries, the eternal beauty hidden beneath the crust of common and commonplace things; hidden and yet burning and glowing continually if you care to look with purged eyes. ~ Arthur Machen,
870:If our titles recall the known myths of antiquity, we have used them again because they are the eternal symbols upon which we must fall back to express basic psychological ideas.. ...(they) express something real and existing in ourselves. ~ Mark Rothko,
871:The human being either asserts autonomy by heroic self-assertion or seeks safety through fusing with a superior force: that is, one either emerges or merges, separates or embeds. One becomes one’s own parent or remains the eternal child. ~ Irvin D Yalom,
872:The soiled mirror reflects never the sunbeams, and the unclean and impure heart which is subjected to Maya, can never perceive the glory of the Eternal. But the pure in heart sees the Eternal, even as the clear mirror reflects the sun. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
873:And now, having endeavoured to suit everyone by many weddings, few deaths, and as much prosperity as the eternal fitness of things will permit, let the music stop, the lights die out, and the curtain fall for ever on the March family. ~ Louisa May Alcott,
874:Christians have inherited from Saint Augustine and from Plato the vision of this transient world as an icon of another and changeless order. They understand the sacred as a revelation in the here and now of the eternal sense of our being. ~ Roger Scruton,
875:Do not be attached to the past or wait for the future. Be grateful for each day, that is enough. I do not believe in a future world, I deny the past. I believe entirely in the present. Employ your entire body and mind in the eternal now. ~ Santoka Taneda,
876:Mephistopheles: Why, this is hell, nor am I out of it.
Think'st thou that I, who saw the face of God
And tasted the eternal joys of heaven,
Am not tormented with ten thousand hells
In being deprived of everlasting bliss? ~ Christopher Marlowe,
877:the recipient of the sacrifice :::
   Whoever the recipient, whatever the gift, it is the Supreme, the Eternal in things, who receives and accepts it, even if it be rejected or ignored by the immediate recipient.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga,
878:Only the Christian religion, which in its essence is communicated by the eternal child of God, keeps alive in its believers the lifelong awareness of their being children, and therefore of having to ask and give thanks for things. ~ Hans Urs von Balthasar,
879:When you discover your essential nature and know who you really are, in that knowing itself is the ability to fulfill any dream you have, because you are the eternal possibility, the immeasurable potential of all that was, is, and will be. ~ Deepak Chopra,
880:Knowledge of God can be compared to a man while Love of God is like a woman. The one has his right of entry to the outer chambers of the Eternal, but only love can penetrate into the inner chambers, she who has access to the mysteries of the Almighty. ~ id,
881:Modernity is the transitory, the fugitive, the contingent, which make up one half of art, the other being the eternal and the immutable. This transitory fugitive element, which is constantly changing, must not be despised or neglected. ~ Charles Baudelaire,
882:The eternal argument over so-called entitlement programs—and, more broadly, over liberal and conservative thought—will never be resolved because each side represents an ancient and absolutely essential component of our evolutionary past. ~ Sebastian Junger,
883:The eternal spiritual body, united with this eternal material body, then constituted a suitable home for eternal intelligence, whereby it might be able, under the law of evolution to attain the greatest conceivable knowledge and power. The ~ John A Widtsoe,
884:The free animal
has its dying always behind it
and God in front of it, and its way
is the eternal way, as the spring flowing.
Never, not for a moment, do we have
pure space before us, where the flowers
endlessly open. ~ Rainer Maria Rilke,
885:There is a common ground upon which all sincere votaries of truth may meet, exchanging with each other the language of Flamsteed's appeal to Newton, "The works of the Eternal Providence will be better understood through your labors and mine. ~ George Boole,
886:A smile came rippling out in her wide eyes,
Its confident felicity’s messenger
As if the first beam of the morning sun
Rippled along two wakened lotus-pools. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
887:My love for Linton is like the foliage in the woods. Time will changeit,I'mwellaware, aswinterchangesthetrees. My Love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneatha source of little visible delight but necessary. Nelly, I am Heathcliff. ~ Emily Bronte,
888:What were we made for? To know God. What aim should we have in life? To know God. What is the eternal life that Jesus gives? To know God. What is the best thing in life? To know God. What in humans gives God most pleasure? Knowledge of himself. ~ J I Packer,
889:When the hour of the Divine draws near
The Mighty Mother shall take birth in Time
And God be born into the human clay
In forms made ready by your human lives. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
890:All the manifested world of things and beings are projected by imagination upon the substratum which is the Eternal All-pervading Vishnu, whose nature is Existence-Intelligence; just as the different ornaments are all made out of the same gold. ~ Adi Shankara,
891:In addition to the eternal, mystical Silence and the Holy Spirit, certain gnostics suggest a third characterization of the divine Mother: as Wisdom. Here the Greek feminine term for “wisdom,” sophia, translates a Hebrew feminine term, hokhmah. ~ Elaine Pagels,
892:The man whose soul aspires to the Eternal cannot give thought to such silly questions as that of daivic food, that is to say, a simple vegetarian diet, and for him who does not desire to attain to the Eternal, beef is as good as daivic food. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
893:The stub of the candle had long been guttering in its crooked candlestick within that wretched room, shedding its dim light on the murderer and the prostitute who had so strangely encountered each other in the reading of the eternal book. ~ Fyodor Dostoyevsky,
894:As Boehme puts it: “When you remain silent from the thinking and willing of self, the eternal hearing, seeing, and speaking will be revealed in you. . . . Your own hearing, willing and seeing hinder you so that you do not see and hear God. ~ Cynthia Bourgeault,
895:If the inexpressible cruelties of slavery could not stop us, the opposition we now face will surely fail. We will win our freedom because the sacred heritage of our nation and the eternal will of God are embodied in our echoing demands. ~ Martin Luther King Jr,
896:In sending his Son to earth, God caused eternity to invade time. This was not a temporary visit; when Jesus came, he wedded dust and deity, time and eternity, into one. The eternal Word was made human flesh, and that union will last forever. ~ Warren W Wiersbe,
897:Wait patient of the brittle bars of form
Making division your delightful means
Of happy oneness rapturously enhanced
By attraction in the throbbing air between. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
898:When you cry and weep, when you are miserable, you are alone. When you celebrate, the whole existence participates with you. Only in celebration do we meet the ultimate, the eternal. Only in celebration do we go beyond the circle of birth and death. ~ Rajneesh,
899:Be patient, as one who fears no check and does not court success. Fix the gaze of thy soul on the star of which thou art the ray, the flaming star which burns in the obscure depths of the eternal, in the limitless fields of the unknown. ~ Book of Golden Precepts,
900:It is impossible to read the daily press without being diverted from reality. You are full of enthusiasm for the eternal verities - life is worth living, and then out of sinful curiosity you open a newspaper. You are disillusioned and wrecked. ~ Patrick Kavanagh,
901:None can comprehend eternity but the eternal God. Eternity is an ocean, whereof we shall never see the shore; it is a deep, where we can find no bottom; a labyrinth from whence we cannot extricate ourselves and where we shall never lose the door. ~ Thomas Boston,
902:That," said Wednesday, driving off, "is the eternal folly of man. To be chasing after the sweet flesh, without realizing that it is simply pretty cover for the bones. Worm food. At night, you're rubbing yourself against worm food. No offense meant. ~ Neil Gaiman,
903:The bliss of the animals lies in this, that, on their lower level, they shadow the bliss of those—few at any moment on the earth—who do not “look before and after, and pine for what is not” but live in the holy carelessness of the eternal now. ~ George MacDonald,
904:What I cannot do now is the sign of what I shall do hereafter. The sense of impossibility is the beginning of all possibilities. Because this temporal universe was a paradox and an impossibility, therefore the Eternal created it out of His being. ~ Sri Aurobindo,
905:When in the course of human development, existing institutions prove inadequate to the needs of man, when they serve merely to enslave, rob and oppress mankind, the people have the eternal right to rebel against, and overthrow, these institutions. ~ Emma Goldman,
906:If her functioning as a female is not enough to define woman, if we decline also to explain her through "the eternal feminine," and if nevertheless we admit, provisionally, that women do exist, then we must face the question: what is a woman? ~ Simone de Beauvoir,
907:Know thyself and thou shalt know the Non-ego and the Lord of all. Meditate deeply, thou shalt find there is nothing thou canst call “I”. The innermost result of all analysis is the eternal divine. When egoism vanishes, divinity manifests itself. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
908:Mind is the leader of the body and life,
Mind the thought-driven chariot of the soul
Carrying the luminous wanderer in the night
To vistas of a far uncertain dawn. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
909:My dear Hawthorne, I would sleep my life away if, by doing so, I could dream myself into an endless converstion with you; and though I am off to New York now, we will soon lift the eternal chalice of dreams to each other’s lips and drink deeply. ~ Mark Beauregard,
910:The idea of the Eternal Return can be fully grasped only by a man endowed with several chronic, hence recurrent infirmities, and who thus has the advantage of proceeding from relapse to relapse, with all that this implies as philosophic reflexion. ~ Emil M Cioran,
911:To the extent we are perceiving anyone's guilt -choosing to focus on the errors of their personality rather than the eternal innocence of their spirit - we're closing our hearts, deflecting a miracle and causing our own inevitable suffering. ~ Marianne Williamson,
912:And yet a greater destiny may be his,
For the eternal Spirit is his truth.
He can re-create himself and all around
And fashion new the world in which he lives: ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Yoga of the King, The Yoga of the Spirit’s Freedom and Greatness,
913:Death, like a host, comes smiling to the door; Smiling, he greets us, on that tranquil shore Where neither piping bird nor peeping dawn Disturbs the eternal sleep, But in the stillness far withdrawn Our dreamless rest for evermore we keep. ~ Robert Louis Stevenson,
914:Had I paused to reflect, I would have understood that my devotion to Clara brought me no more than suffering. Perhaps for that very reason, I adored her all the more, because of the eternal human stupidity of pursing those who hurt us the most. ~ Carlos Ruiz Zaf n,
915:I dont think any kind of love is without some kind of hurt along the way. It's how we get to know each other better, how we decide what's for real...what's the eternal stuff, what is going to push us closer together and seal the bond between us. ~ Rachel Higginson,
916:Is stronger than Reason, profounder than the Pit,
And the malignancy of hostile Powers
Puts craftily back the clock of destiny
And mightier seems than the eternal Will.
The cosmic evil is too deep to un ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Triple Soul-Forces,
917:That," said Wednesday, driving off, "is the eternal folly of man. To be chasing after the sweet flesh, without realizing that it is simply a pretty cover for the bones. Worm food. At night, you're rubbing yourself against worm food. No offense meant. ~ Neil Gaiman,
918:That,” said Wednesday, driving off, “is the eternal folly of man. To be chasing after the sweet flesh, without realizing that it is simply a pretty cover for the bones. Worm food. At night, you're rubbing yourself against worm food. No offense meant. ~ Neil Gaiman,
919:That,” said Wednesday, driving off, “is the eternal folly of man. To be chasing after the sweet flesh, without realizing that it is simply a pretty cover for the bones. Worm food. At night, you’re rubbing yourself against worm food. No offense meant. ~ Neil Gaiman,
920:A soul shall wake in the Inconscient’s house;
The mind shall be God-vision’s tabernacle,
The body intuition’s instrument,
And life a channel for God’s visible power. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
921:Give your difference, welcome my difference, unify all difference in the larger whole - such is the law of growth. The unifying of difference is the eternal process of life - the creative synthesis, the highest act of creation, the at-onement. ~ Mary Parker Follett,
922:Had I paused to reflect, I would have understood that my devotion to Clara brought me no more than suffering. Perhaps for that very reason, I adored her all the more, because of the eternal human stupidity of pursuing those who hurt us the most. ~ Carlos Ruiz Zaf n,
923:Had I paused to reflect, I would have understood that my devotion to [her] brought me no more than suffering. Perhaps for that very reason, I adored her all the more, because of the eternal human stupidity of pursuing those who hurt us the most. ~ Carlos Ruiz Zaf n,
924:If any earthly institution or custom conflicts with God's will, it is your Christian duty to oppose it. You must never allow the transitory, evanescent demands of man-made institutions to take precedence over the eternal demands of the Almighty God. ~ Martin Luther,
925:If we can stay awake when our lives are changing, secrets will be revealed to us-secrets about ourselves, about the nature of life, and about the eternal source of happiness and peace that is always available, always renewable, already within us. ~ Elizabeth Lesser,
926:Lao-tzu says: "All are clear, I alone am clouded," and expresses what I feel in advanced old age. Lao-tzu is the example of a man with superior insight who at the end of his life desires to return into his own being, into the eternal unknowable meaning. ~ Carl Jung,
927:Mathematics is one of the surest ways for a man to feel the power of thought and the magic of the spirit. Mathematics is one of the eternal truths and, as such, raises the spirit to the same level on which we feel the presence of God. ~ Julio Cesar de Mello e Souza,
928:Thoughtful Christians must battle the myth of the eternal warfare of science and religion. We must continually preach, as John Paul II did, that faith and reason are complementary and compatible paths toward the knowledge of truth. — BISHOP BARRON ~ Robert E Barron,
929:He soon felt that the fulfillment of his desires gave him only one grain of the mountain of happiness he had expected. This fulfillment showed him the eternal error men make in imagining that their happiness depends on the realization of their desires. ~ Leo Tolstoy,
930:Wanderers eastward, wanderers west, Know you why you cannot rest? 'Tis that every mother's son Travails with a skeleton. Lie down in the bed of dust; Bear the fruit that bear you must; Bring the eternal seed to light, And morn is all the same as night. ~ A E Housman,
931:Thus was the dire antagonist Energy born
Who mimes the eternal Mother’s mighty shape
And mocks her luminous infinity
With a grey distorted silhouette in the Night. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The World of Falsehood, the Mother of Evil and the Sons of Darkness,
932:Whereas in the old days one acquired eternal happiness by the grace of God, now too often the eternal happiness seems to have become like an aged and infirm pensioner who sustains his life in the house of the rich on the wretched crust of poverty. ~ S ren Kierkegaard,
933:You see my kind of loyalty was loyalty to one’s country, not to its institutions or its officeholders. The country is the real thing, the substantial thing, the eternal thing; it is the thing to watch over, and care for, and be loyal to; institutions are ~ Mark Twain,
934:As well might a gnat seek to drink in the ocean, as a finite creature to comprehend the Eternal God. A God whom we could understand would be no God. If we could grasp Him, He could not be infinite. If we could understand Him, He could not be divine. ~ Charles Spurgeon,
935:Awe enables us to see in the world intimations of the divine, to sense in small things the beginning of infinite significance, to sense the ultimate in the common and the simple, to feel in the rush of the passing the stillness of the eternal. ~ Abraham Joshua Heschel,
936:Jedes geeinzelte Du ist ein Durchblick zu ihm. Durch jedes geeinzelte Du spricht das Grundwort das Ewige an. Every particularThou is a glimpse through to the eternal Thou; by means of every particularThou the primary word addresses the eternal Thou. 164 ~ Martin Buber,
937:Listen closely... the eternal hush of silence goes on and on throughout all this, and has been going on, and will go on and on. This is because the world is nothing but a dream and is just thought of and the everlasting eternity pays no attention to it. ~ Jack Kerouac,
938:Plato ... teaches the separation of the human soul from its " home " in the realm of pure essences. Man is estranged from what he essentially is. His existence in a transitory world contradicts his essential participation in the eternal world of ideas . ~ Paul Tillich,
939:She waited the eternal instant that women wait when a horror jumps out at them. It is an instant that men do not use for waiting, an instant that opens a door to life or death. Women look through the opening because something might be alive in there. ~ Kathleen Winter, whom else should one pay honor, but to Him, Atman, the Only One? And where was Atman to be found, where did He dwell, where did His eternal heart beat, if not within the Self, in the innermost, in the eternal which each person carried within him. ~ Hermann Hesse,
941:For the bliss of the animals lies in this, that, on their lower level, they shadow the bliss of those--few at any moment on the earth--who do not 'look before and after, and pine for what is not,' but live in the holy carelessness of the eternal now. ~ George MacDonald,
942:If we surrender our conscious will and allow it to be made one with the will of the Eternal, then, and then only, shall we attain to a true freedom;
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Yoga of Divine Works, Self-Surrender in Works - The Way of the Gita, [97],
943:Impeccable artists of unerring forms,
Magician builders of sound and rhythmic words,
Wind-haired Gandharvas chanted to the ear
The odes that shape the universal thought, ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
944:In Beyond the Pleasure Principle, Freud discusses the eternal struggle between the life and death urges within man; and in Hitler, the death force held almost uncontested sway. But it’s possible that, at times, he struggled unconsciously against his own evil, ~ Various,
945:Now I knew what it meant to follow God. It meant walking boldly by His Spirit of grace and love, in the firm confidence of everlasting life given through the Son, with the eternal purpose of proclaiming and glorifying the Father. Now I had found Jesus. ~ Nabeel Qureshi,
946:Our will labours permitted by thy will
And without thee an empty roar of storm,
A senseless whirlwind is the Titan’s force
And without thee a snare the strength of gods. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
947:Passing beauties are only the fugitive reflections of the eternal. All beauty alters and all life melts away; in short, everything passes with marvelous rapidity; beautiful Helen of Troy has become a toothless skull, then a handful of dust, then nothing. ~ Eliphas Levi,
948:Abram thought of a play on words. He said to Mikael, “It is no longer Babylon the great, the eternal city, but Babel, because there El Shaddai confused the language of all the earth. And from there El Shaddai dispersed them over the face of all the earth. ~ Brian Godawa,
949:this is only the beginning. Many die, many kill their bodies and souls, but they cannot kill the justice of God, even they cannot kill the eternal spirit. From their very degradation that spirit will rise up to demand of the world compassion and justice ~ Radclyffe Hall,
950:Well do I see how the Eternal Ray, which, once seen, kindles love forevermore, already shines on you. If on your way some other thing seduce your love, my brother, it can only be a trace, misunderstood, of this, which you see shining through the other. ~ Dante Alighieri,
951:Wherever you feel death, feel it. Don’t escape. Death is beautiful; death is the greatest mystery, more mysterious than life. Through life you can gain the world, the futile world- meaningless, worthless. Through death you can gain the eternal. Death is the door. ~ Osho,
952:Yesterday I might have been a glorious monument to somebody, true enough-but tomorrow I could be a fireworks depository. Even in the Eternal City, says the silent Augusteum, one must always be prepared for riotous and endless waves of transformation. ~ Elizabeth Gilbert,
953:As the sun, revealer of all objects to the seer, is not harmed by the sinful eye, nor by the impurities of the objects it gazes on, so the one Self, dwelling in all, is not touched by the evils of the world. (The Upanishads: Breath of the Eternal, pg. 35) ~ Prabhavananda,
954:Teach him, if you can, the wonder of books . . . But also give him quiet time to ponder the eternal mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the sun, and the flowers on a green hillside,’ it says. ‘Teach him it is far more honourable to fail than to cheat. ~ Malala Yousafzai,
955:When all thy work in human time is done
The mind of earth shall be a home of light,
The life of earth a tree growing towards heaven,
The body of earth a tabernacle of God. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
956:Change itself is changing. The process of evolution itself is evolving. There is a meta-evolution, or a metachange that is taking place. And in that process what you see is actually an increasing contrast between change and the eternal or the unchanging. ~ Yasuhiko Kimura,
957:Libertarians regard the state as the Supreme, the eternal, the best organized aggressor against the persons and property of the mass of the public. All states everywhere, whether democratic, dictatorial, or monarchical, whether red, white, blue or brown. ~ Murray Rothbard,
958:So I'm back again to the eternal question, the one that has plagued me all my life: How Do Other People Do It? How come they were given life's rule book and I missed out? Where was I when God was dispensing capability and cop on? Looking at shoes, probably. ~ Marian Keyes,
959:The spirit for me is the eternal self. And when one incarnates, an aspect comes with that incarnation, that's called the soul. And together the mind, the emotional body, and the soul form the energy field that lives within this thing called the human body. ~ Caroline Myss,
960:But anyone who believes that the eternal issue of war and peace in Europe has been permanently laid to rest could be making a monumental error. The demons haven't been banished; they are merely sleeping, as the wars in Bosnia and Kosovo have shown us. ~ Jean Claude Juncker,
961:But eternity is not temporality at a standstill. What is oppressive about the concept of the eternal is the justification, incomprehensible to us, that time must undergo in eternity and the logical conclusion of that, the justification of ourselves as we are. ~ Franz Kafka,
962:Just as the divine Redeemer, dying on the Cross, offered Himself as Head of the whole human race to the eternal Father, so also in this "clean oblation" (Mal 1:2), He, as Head of the Church, offers not only Himself but, in Himself, all His mystical members. ~ Pope Pius XII,
963:The howling pariah dogs, the cocks that herald dawn all night, the drumming, the moaning that will be found later white plumage huddled on telegraph wires in back gardens or fowl roosting in apple trees, the eternal sorrow that never sleeps of great Mexico. ~ Malcolm Lowry,
964:One of the eternal conflicts out of which life is made up is that between the effort of every man to get the most he can for his services, and that of society, disguised under the name of capital, to get his services for the least possible return. ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr,
965:The reliance on authority measures the decline of religion, the withdrawal of the soul. The position men have given to Jesus, now for many centuries of history, is a position of authority. It characterizes themselves. It cannot alter the eternal facts. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
966:To discover the ultimate Reality of life—the Absolute, the eternal, God—you must cease to try to grasp it in the forms of idols. [These are] our beliefs, our cherished preconceptions of the truth, which block the unreserved opening of mind and heart to reality. ~ Alan Watts,
967:Wherever you feel death, feel it. Don’t escape. Death is beautiful; death is the greatest mystery, more mysterious than life. Through life you can gain the world, the futile world- meaningless, worthless. Through death you can gain the eternal. Death is the door. ~ Rajneesh,
968:O living power of the incarnate Word,
   All that the Spirit has dreamed thou canst create:
   Thou art the force by which I made the worlds,
   Thou art my vision and my will and voice.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day The Souls Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
969:170. A magnificent temple towers to heaven by the Eternal Bridge.
Priests rival in its halls the sermons of rocks and streams.
I, for one, would gladly sacrifice my brows for my brethren,
But I fear I might aggravate the war, already rank as weeds. ~ Taigu Ryokan,
970:Even if only one guerilla cub survives the prolonged struggle, I am confident that he will raise the flag of Palestine overJerusalem... Jerusalem is destined to be the eternal capital of our sovereign, independent Palestinian state under the P.L.O. leadership. ~ Yasser Arafat,
971:"If one does not flee from relationship when things become dark, and then merely begin again with a new partner, one may ultimately obtain an inner marriage that leads toward individuation. The eternal may appear." ~ Arlene Landau, Ph.D., Jungian analyst, Tragic Beauty, p. 63,
972:“In this sense the Dionysian man resembles Hamlet : both have once looked truly into the essence of things, they have gained knowledge, and nausea inhibits action; for their action could not change anything in the eternal nature of things." ~ Nietzsche, "The Birth of Tragedy",
973:When thou standest still from thinking and willing of self, the eternal hearing, seeing, and speaking will be revealed to thee, and so God heareth and seeth through thee. Thine own hearing, willing, and seeing hindereth thee, that thou dost not see nor hear God. ~ Jakob Bohme,
974:“Dreams are a portal to
our fears, a harbinger of what may
come to pass. Thus we must
cull the most valuable insights of our
sleeping minds, unafraid,
or risk life’s greatest mysteries eluding us forever.”

975:I had so often sung 'Deutschland u:ber Alles' and shouted 'Heil' at the top of my lungs, that it seemed to me almost a belated act of grace to be allowed to stand as a witness in the divine court of the eternal judge and proclaim the sincerity of this conviction. ~ Adolf Hitler,
976:it is not the tying of the cat to the pole that has ever brought anyone to transcendence, but only the constant desire of an individual seeker to experience the eternal compassion of the divine. Flexibility is just as essential for divinity as is discipline. ~ Elizabeth Gilbert,
977:The eternal principle, which never was born, never will die: it is in all things: it is in you now. You are the wave on the face of the ocean. When the wave is gone, is the water gone? Has anything happened? Nothing has happened. It is a play, a game, a dance. ~ Joseph Campbell,
978:Death, like a host, comes smiling to the door;
Smiling, he greets us, on that tranquil shore
Where neither piping bird nor peeping dawn
Disturbs the eternal sleep,
But in the stillness far withdrawn
Our dreamless rest for evermore we keep. ~ Robert Louis Stevenson,
979:And then lost in the Eternal, he is luminous, he is without body and matter, he is pure, he is delivered from all suffering and stain, he knows, he foresees, he masters everything, and beings appear to him what they were from eternity, constantly like unto themselves. ~ Upanishad,
980:Freedom isn’t just about getting to make your own choices. It’s about getting to enjoy the life you’re given, to live life to the fullest. That’s the beauty of mortality, of what makes someone human. Time is treasured. The eternal…all they have is time. ~ Courtney Allison Moulton,
981:I have consecrated my life to changing matter into spirit with the hope of one day seeing it all. Seeing in its total form, while wearing the mask, from the distance of death. And there, in the eternal destiny, to seek the face I had before the world was made. ~ Joel Peter Witkin,
982:The same horrors were repeated, with minor variations, inspired by greed, the original sin that accompanied human beings from birth, the hidden inspiration of their infinite wickedness. Or was there something else? Had Satan won the eternal struggle? Tomorrow ~ Mario Vargas Llosa,
983:God cannot cease from leaning towards Nature, nor man from aspiring towards the Godhead. It is the eternal relation of the finite to the infinite. When they seem to turn from each other, it is to recoil for a more intimate meeting.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays In Philosophy And Yoga,
984:I go dreaming into the future, where I see nothing, nothing. I have no plans, no idea, no project, and, what is worse, no ambition. Something – the eternal ‘what’s the use?’ – sets its bronze barrier across every avenue that I open up in the realm of hypothesis. ~ Gustave Flaubert,
985:In wilderness people can find the silence and the solitude and the noncivilized surroundings that can connect them once again to their evolutionary heritage, and through an experience of the eternal mystery, can give them a sense of the sacredness of all creation. ~ Sigurd F Olson,
986:Now may the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the eternal high priest himself, the Son of God Jesus Christ, build you up in faith and truth and in all gentleness and in all freedom from anger and forbearance and steadfastness and patient endurance and purity. ~ Polycarp,
987:And eventually even the brain might go. As the seat of consciousness, it was not essential; the development of electronic intelligence had proved that. The conflict between mind and machine might be resolved at last in the eternal truce of complete symbiosis…. But ~ Arthur C Clarke,
988:In our world, in which religious images are losing their meaning, in which our customs are getting more and more secular, we are losing our sense of the eternal. I think it's a loss that has done a great deal of damage to modern art. Painting is a return to origins. ~ Antoni Tapies,
989:Christ died for our sins. Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, took upon Himself a human nature and died a horrible death on our behalf. That is the reason for the cross. He suffered what we should have suffered. He died in our place to pay the penalty for our sins. ~ Jerry Bridges,
990:Liberation, I guess, is everybody getting what they think they want, without knowing the whole truth. Or in other words, liberation finally amounts to being free from things we don't like in order to be enslaved by things we approve of. Here's to the eternal tandem. ~ Robert Fulghum,
991:The gospel dispensation is not properly a dispensation of fear, sorrow, and dread, but of peace and joy. Terror and astonishment may well attend mount Sinai, but exultation and joy mount Zion, where appears the eternal Word, the eternal life, manifested in our flesh. ~ Matthew Henry,
992:Marion Woodman—the great Jungian analyst and author—says that we come to the mythic Crossroads during “moments in our lives where the unconscious crosses consciousness; where the eternal crosses the transitory; where a higher will demands the surrender of our egos. ~ Elizabeth Lesser,
993:Think how Jesus works what the Father wills. In the wounds of the dying Saviour see the love of the great I AM. Let every thought of Jesus be also connected with the Eternal, ever-blessed God, for "It pleased the Lord to bruise Him; He hath put Him to grief. ~ Charles Haddon Spurgeon,
994:To my lady Catherine,

I give you gold with a diamond you can barely see,

But the gem would be castle-sized if it expressed all I feel for thee.

I give you gold because it endures, and love like the eternal sea.

Only your brother, Christopher. ~ V C Andrews,
995:We will never be completely satisfied by our achievements, skills, wealth, fame, pleasures, or possessions. Why? Because the human heart was created to need more than what is available to us in the natural realm. Only the eternal, supernatural God can fill our longings. ~ Mike Bickle,
996:When superman is born as Nature’s king
His presence shall transfigure Matter’s world:
He shall light up Truth’s fire in Nature’s night,
He shall lay upon the earth Truth’s greater law; ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
997:The mysterious sentence, “You are My Son; this day have I begotten You,” may refer to the deep and secret Truth of God of the Eternal Filiation of our Lord, whatever that may be. But Paul quotes it in the 13th chapter of Acts as referring to His Resurrection. ~ Charles Haddon Spurgeon,
998:The solemn testimonies of millions dead and of millions living unite in proclaiming Him as divine, the Son of the Living God, the Redeemer and Savior of the human race, the Eternal Judge of the souls of men, the Chosen and Anointed of the Father—in short, the Christ. ~ James E Talmage,
999:The truest reason why we must seek liberation is not to be delivered, individually, from the sorrow of the world, though that deliverance too will be given to us, but that we may be one with the Divine, the Supreme, the Eternal. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Divine Work,
1000:am in so much trouble! I’m ruined! I’m just a human being—fallible and stammering. My lips are encrusted with filth; and I live among people just like me. But here I am, and I’ve seen with my very own eyes none other than the King, the Eternal, Commander of heavenly armies. ~ Anonymous,
1001:Berkshire was built on the eternal verities: basic mathematics, basic horse sense, basic fear, and basic diagnosis of human nature to make predictions regarding human behavior. We stuck to the basics with a certain amount of discipline and it has worked out quite well. ~ Charlie Munger,
1002:His problem was the eternal question: What should he be? Inventor, scientist, artist—the energy he felt surging through him, an energy far more than physical and yet pervading the restlessness of his body, was a burden to him until he could find the path for its release. ~ Pearl S Buck,
1003:Sri Aurobindo does not belong to the past nor to history.
   Sri Aurobindo is the Future advancing towards its realisation.
   Thus we must shelter the eternal youth required for a speedy advance, in order not to become laggards on the way. 2 April 1967
   ~ The Mother, On Education, 210,
1004:Those who yearn for true spiritual light and knowledge can only find it through the power of the Holy Ghost. The Spirit enlightens and gives understanding of the eternal purpose of life. By the Spirit, Church members know the restored gospel of Jesus Christ is true. ~ M Russell Ballard,
1005:We know that we come from the winds, and that we shall return to them; that all life is perhaps a knot, a tangle, a blemish in the eternal smoothness. But why should this make us unhappy? Let us love one another, and work and rejoice. I don't believe in this world sorrow. ~ E M Forster,
1006:Emergency—emergence(y). This is the sudden manifestation from somewhere unknown of some previously unknown phenomenon (from the Greek phainesthai, to “shine forth”). This is the reappearance of the eternal dragon, from its eternal cavern, from its now-disrupted slumber. ~ Jordan Peterson,
1007:The supermind shall claim the world for Light
And thrill with love of God the enamoured heart
And place Light’s crown on Nature’s lifted head
And found Light’s reign on her unshaking base. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
1008:What makes a person hate themselves?"

"Cowardice, perhaps. Or the eternal fear of being wrong, of not doing what others expect. A few moments ago I was happy, I forgot I was under the sentence of death; then when I remembered the situation I'm in, I felt frightened. ~ Paulo Coelho,
1009:A mightier race shall inhabit the mortal’s world.
On Nature’s luminous tops, on the Spirit’s ground,
The superman shall reign as king of life,
Make earth almost the mate and peer of heaven, ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
1010:When love has carried us above all things into the Divine Dark, there we are transformed by the Eternal Word Who is the image of the Father; and as the air is penetrated by the sun, thus we receive in peace the Incomprehensible Light, enfolding us, and penetrating us. ~ John of Ruysbroeck,
1011:26When the time comes and the Eternal One binds up the brokenness of His people and heals what He had bruised, then the light of the moon will shine as brightly as the midday sun, and the sun will shine seven times brighter than normal, as if one day had seven days of sunlight. ~ Anonymous,
1012:Emergency—emergence(y). This is the sudden manifestation from somewhere unknown of some previously unknown phenomenon (from the Greek phainesthai, to “shine forth”). This is the reappearance of the eternal dragon, from its eternal cavern, from its now-disrupted slumber. ~ Jordan B Peterson,
1013:It is being included in the eternal life of God that heals all wounds and allows us to stop demanding satisfaction. What really matters, of a personal nature, once it is clear that you are included? You have been chosen. God chooses you. This is the message of the kingdom. ~ Dallas Willard,
1014:Marriage is the truest goal for ninety-nine per cent of the human race, and they will live the happiest life as soon as they have learnt and are ready to abide by the eternal lesson - that we are bound to bear and forbear and that life to every one must be a compromise. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
1015:Rather, they are letters of truth; they speak and know themselves. Each letter is a perfect truth13 like a perfect book, for they are letters written in unity, written by the father for the eternal realms, so that by means of his letters they might come to know the father. ~ Marvin W Meyer,
1016:Man is a dubious mixture of mind and matter; since the mind unlocks recognition of the eternal to him, while matter pulls him down and binds him to the transitory, he should strive away from the senses and toward the mind if he wishes to elevate his life and give it meaning. ~ Hermann Hesse,
1017:No community embarks on a great enterprise without fortifying itself with the belief that from some points of view its motives are lofty and disinterested. It is an involuntary tribute, the humble tribute of imperfect beings, to the eternal temples of Truth and Beauty. ~ Winston S Churchill,
1018:the demand on us :::
   This, in short, is the demand made on us, that we should turn our whole life into a conscious sacrifice. Every moment and every movement of our being is to be resolved into a continuous and devoted self-giving to the Eternal.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga,
1019:280. If thy heart is troubled within thee, if for long seasons thou makest no progress, if thy strength faint and repine, remember always the eternal word of our Lover and Master, 'I will free thee from all sin and evil; do not grieve.'
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays Divine And Human, Karma, [T1],
1020:Although these depictions of the afterlife differ, the unifying testimony of the human heart throughout history is belief in life after death. Anthropological evidence suggests that every culture has a God-given, innate sense of the eternal—that this world is not all there is.4 ~ Randy Alcorn,
1021:It may not be automatic necessity that makes all daisies alike; it may be that God makes every daisy separately, but has never got tired of making them. It may be that He has the eternal appetite of infancy; for we have sinned and grown old, and our Father is younger than we. ~ G K Chesterton,
1022:Prayer is our greatest and most salutary weapon in the eternal battle,” put in the man called Schecter, joining them. He took a sip of coffee and continued, “No less than gravity, prayer is one of the elemental forces that moves the world. We underestimate it at our peril. ~ Stephen R Lawhead,
1023:The profoundly cynical premise of all religionists is that people are not capable of behaving decently toward one another unless they are lured with promises of pie in the sky and simultaneously terrorized by the threats of extreme nastiness in the eternal afterlife in hell. ~ Barbara G Walker,
1024:This is the eternal origin of art that a human being confronts a form that wants to become a work through him. Not a figment of his soul but something that appears to the soul and demands the soul's creative power. What is required is a deed that a man does with his whole being. ~ Martin Buber,
1025:Every individual collaborates with the entire cosmos, whether we know it or not, whether we want it or not." The individual is lost in the destiny of the species and the eternal movement of the spheres. "Everything that has existed is eternal, the sea throws it back on the shore. ~ Albert Camus,
1026:I'm very comfortable with the nature of life and death, and that we come to an end. What's most difficult to imagine is that those dreams and early yearnings and desires of childhood and adolescence will also disappear. But who knows? Maybe you become part of the eternal whatever. ~ Hugh Hefner,
1027:The very sole duty of every mankind, of all our daily pursuance on earth, must be to seek for the eternal salvation of our souls in the Kingdom of God. Nothing carnal shall go with us; let us therefore not live our lives for the sake of carnality and carnal things only. ~ Ernest Agyemang Yeboah,
1028:This is the eternal origin of art that a human being confronts a form that wants to become a work through him. Not a figment of his soul but something that appears to the soul and demands the soul's creative power. What is required is a deed that a man does with his whole being.. ~ Martin Buber,
1029:To restore man, who had been laid low by sin, to the heights of divine glory, the Word of the eternal Father, though containing all things within His immensity, willed to become small. This He did not by putting aside His greatness but by taking to Himself our littleness. ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas,
1030:Whenever two particles come together, they are held by a certain attraction; and there will come a time when those particles will separate. This is the eternal law. So, wherever there is a body - either grosser or finer, either in heaven or on earth - death will overcome it. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
1031:Apart from worshiping God, everything becomes superficial. But when you understand the driving force behind everything, all of a sudden there's an eternal amount of joy at our disposal, because everything we do is enlightened and enlivened by the endless glory of the eternal God. ~ Matt Chandler,
1032:I had a dream, which was not all a dream.
The bright sun was extinguish’d, and the stars
Did wander darkling in the eternal space,
Rayless, and pathless, and the icy earth
Swung blind and blackening in the moonless air;
Morn came and went—and came, and brought no day, ~ Lord Byron,
1033:A mystic is one who has dropped all dreams, who has thrown away this mirror of the mind and who looks directly into life, without any medium interfering. Then he sees the eternal progression, then in a single moment he sees all eternity, and in a single atom he can see the whole reflected. ~ Osho,
1034:Ludwik Szatera was a passionate lover of nostalgia. He could never come to terms with the eternal passage of men, objects and events. Each moment inexorably turning into the past was to him precious, invaluable, and he witnessed its passing with a sense of inexpressible regret. ~ Stefan Grabi ski,
1035:You have ever been my favourite,’ he said, looking away. ‘Your favourite what?’ ‘High Priestess, of course. What else might I be thinking?’ ‘Well, that is the eternal question, isn’t it?’ ‘One too many people spend too much time worrying about.’ ‘You cannot be serious, Anomander. ~ Steven Erikson,
1036:Because the creative Word is the eternal contemporary of every moment of the world's existence, the kingdom is catholic in time as well as space. The Word who restores humanity to its status as a kingdom of priests is the same Word who made Adam a priestly king to begin with. ~ Robert Farrar Capon,
1037:I have never found a better metaphor for my relationship with the Eternal: a point lost in infinite space, wrapped round by the night under the subdued light of the stars. I am this point lost in space: the darkness, like an irreplaceable friend, is faith. The stars, Gods witness. ~ Carlo Carretto,
1038:It is the eternal struggle between these two principles - right and wrong. They are the two principles that have stood face to face from the beginning of time and will ever continue to struggle. It is the same spirit that says, "You work and toil and earn bread, and I'll eat it." ~ Abraham Lincoln,
There Is A Finished Feeling
There is a finished feeling
Experienced at Graves—
A leisure of the Future—
A Wilderness of Size.
By Death's bold Exhibition
Preciser what we are
And the Eternal function
Enabled to infer.
~ Emily Dickinson,
1040:An unchurched christian is a grotesque anomaly. The New Testament knows nothing of such a person. For the church lies at the very center of the eternal purpose of God. It is not a divine afterthought. It is not an accident of history. On the contrary, the church is God's new community. ~ John Stott,
1041:Surely, we are provided with senses as well fitted to penetrate the spaces of the real, the substantial, the eternal, as these outward are to penetrate the material universe. Veias, Menu, Zoroaster, Socrates, Christ, Shakespeare, Swedenborg,--these are some of our astronomers. ~ Henry David Thoreau,
1042:Maura moved quietly to the alcove. There she lit three candles for three women. One for Sister Ursula. One for Sister Camille. And one for a faceless leper whose name she would never know. She did not believe in heaven or hell; she was not even sure she believed in the eternal soul. ~ Tess Gerritsen,
1043:Raised by some strong hand to breathe heaven-air,
They slide back to the mud from which they climbed;
In the mud of which they are made, whose law they know
They joy in safe return to a friendly base, ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
1044:You are very precious, each of you, regardless of your circumstances. You occupy a high and sacred place in the eternal plan of God, our Father in Heaven. You are His daughters, precious to Him, loved by Him, and very important to Him. His grand design cannot succeed without you. ~ Gordon B Hinckley,
1045:The eternal truths which are essential to human salvation, [Moses Mendelssohn] argues, must necessarily be accessible to all human beings, for it would be contrary to the goodness of God for him to reveal only to a portion of mankind such truth as is indispensable to all men. ~ Mordecai Menahem Kaplan,
1046:The joy of life consists in the exercise of ones energies, continual growth, constant change, the enjoyment of every new experience. To stop means simply to die. The eternal mistake of mankind is to set up an attainable ideal.
   ~ Aleister Crowley, The Confessions of Aleister Crowley: An Autobiography,
1047:These are but a few specimens of philosophy which is no longer conscious of its own intrinsic worth, and which sees no higher mission in life for itself than applying the categories of the material to the spiritual, of the physical to the mental, and the spatio-temporal to the eternal. ~ Fulton J Sheen,
1048:That which exists through itself is called The Eternal. The Eternal has neither name nor shape. It is the one essence, the one primal spirit. Essence and life cannot be seen. They are contained in the light of heaven. The light of heaven cannot be seen. It is contained in the two eyes. ~ Bertrand Russell,
1049:Obeying the Eternal’s deep command
They have built in the material front of things
This wide world-kindergarten of young souls
Where the infant spirit learns through mind and sense
To read the letters of the cosmic script ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Kingdoms and Godheads of the Greater Mind,
1050:Of the eternal questions, nothing else: is there a God, is there immortality? And those who do not believe in God will talk of socialism or anarchy, of the transformation of all humanity on a new pattern, which all comes to the same thing, they're the same questions turned inside out. ~ Fyodor Dostoyevsky,
1051:He who finds though that lets us penetrate even a little deeper into the eternal mystery of nature has been granted great grace. He who, in addition, experiences the recognition, sympathy, and help of the best minds of his times, had been given almost more happiness than one man can bear. ~ Albert Einstein,
1052:Lasserre got Bonhoeffer thinking along lines that would lead him to become involved in the ecumenical movement: “Do we believe in the Holy Catholic Church, the Communion of Saints, or do we believe in the eternal mission of France? One can’t be a Christian and a nationalist at the same time. ~ Eric Metaxas,
1053:This witness hush is the Thinker’s secret base:
Hidden in silent depths the word is formed,
From hidden silences the act is born
Into the voiceful mind, the labouring world;
In secrecy wraps the seed the Eternal sows
Silence, the mystic birthpla ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, In the Self of Mind,
1054:When you start with legal holiness, you have eyes only for the cross, and you never see that in Jesus Christ, nothing less than the eternal trinitarian life of Father, Son and Spirit is being lived out inside human existence. You never really get the staggering meaning of the incarnation. ~ C Baxter Kruger,
1055:Empathy with someone else's pain or lack and a desire to help need to be balanced with a deeper realization of the eternal nature of all life and the illusion of all pain. Then let your peace flow into whatever you do, and you will be working on the levels of effect and cause simultaneously. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
1056:is obviously high time that the Jewish conception of nature, at any rate in regard to animals, should come to an end in Europe, and that the eternal being which, as it lives in us, also lives in every animal should be recognized as such, and as such treated with care and consideration. ~ Arthur Schopenhauer,
1057:It's not always about survival, this life we are given; it's usually so much easier than that. It's about trusting the eternal life force that is flowing within us-letting that force lead the way through all of the inevitable changes we will face across the span of our time here on Earth. ~ Elizabeth Lesser,
1058:Stolen by the robbers of the Deep,
The golden shekels of the Eternal lie,
Hoarded from touch and view and thought’s desire,
Locked in blind antres of the ignorant flood,
Lest men should find them and be even as Gods. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Yoga of the King, The Yoga of the Soul’s Release,
1059:Three times Jan had been called to the colours (the army), but each time had been deferred because of his deplorable physical condition..when every male who could stand halfway erect was being shipped to Verdun to undergo a radical change in posture from the vertical to the eternal horizontal ~ G nter Grass,
1060:Be the Inner Spirit that is you. And relish in the creative moment. But don't try to hold to anything that has been created in the moment - including your body. And when you find that place, there is peace beyond description. Because then you accept that you are the eternal being that you are. ~ Esther Hicks,
1061:In the end, oh I know,
never, in my haggard passion,
have I ever been such a cadaver as now
as I take again in hand my tables of the present—
if reality's real, but after it's been
destroyed in the eternal and the moment by
the obsessive idea of a shining nothingness. ~ Pier Paolo Pasolini,
1062:The Expulsion from Paradise is eternal in its principal aspect: this makes it irrevocable, and our living in this world inevitable, but the eternal nature of the process has the effect that not only could we remain forever in Paradise, but that we are currently there, whether we know it or not. ~ Franz Kafka,
1063:But here steps in Satan, the eternal rebel, the first freethinker and the emancipator of worlds. He makes man ashamed of his bestial ignorance and obedience; he emancipates him, stamps upon his brow the seal of liberty and humanity, in urging him to disobey and eat of the fruit of knowledge. ~ Mikhail Bakunin,
1064:Christianity stands or falls on this tenet of the faith. If Christ is risen, he is all he said he was—the Messiah, the Son of God, the eternal king. If he isn’t risen, he’s dead—and irrelevant. Either way, we don’t need more signs. We need to choose to believe what the evidence clearly shows. ~ Stuart Briscoe,
1065:Feathers! spluttered Sargatanas. Feathers are for the birds, my boy. Flaking, peeling, scale-ridden wings, now that's what real beings wear. I'll tell you a secret. He said, and drew me closer. The eternal pain at having known Paradise and lost it is priceless. I wouldn't swap it for anything. ~ George Pendle,
1066:Love looks to the eternal. Love is indeed "ecstasy," not in the sense of a moment of intoxication, but rather as a journey, an on-going exodus out of the closed inward-looking self toward its liberation through self-giving... toward authentic self-discovery and indeed the discovery of God. ~ Pope Benedict XVI,
1067:Some of the greatest achievements of modern philosophy result from the attempt to reconcile the belief in human freedom with the eternal laws of God’s nature, and among these achievements Spinoza’s is not only the most imaginative and profound, but perhaps the only one that is truly plausible. ~ Roger Scruton,
1068:It was Sophie ( Sophie Arp Tauber, woman artist and later Arp's wife) who, by the example of her work and her life, both of them bathed in clarity, showed me the right way. In her world, the high and the low, the light and the dark, the eternal and the ephemeral, are balanced in prefect equilibrium. ~ Hans Arp,
1069:Nature does at least what she can to translate into visible form the wealth of the creative formula. By the vastness of the abysses into which she penetrates, in the effort--the unsuccessful effort--to house and contain the eternal thought, we may measure the greatness of the divine mind. ~ Henri Frederic Amiel,
1070:Reason is natural revelation, whereby the eternal father of light, and fountain of all knowledge, communicates to mankind that portion of truth which he has laid within the reach of their natural faculties: revelation is natural reason enlarged by a new set of discoveries communicated by God. . . . ~ John Locke,
1071:I am a spiritual being. After this body is dead, my spirit will soar. I refuse to let what will rot, rule the eternal. I choose self-control. I will be drunk only by joy. I will be impassioned only by my faith. I will be influenced only by God. I will be taught only by Christ. I choose self-control. ~ Max Lucado,
1072:Nirvana is the utter extinction of all that is base in us, all that is vicious in us. Nirvana is not like the black, dead peace of the grave, but the living peace, the living happiness of a soul which is conscious of itself and conscious of having found its own abode in the heart of the Eternal. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
1073:Such a sky. The widest she'd ever seen. Even more than the long bow of the shoreline and the eternal spread of the sea, it was the sky Betsy could not fold into her understanding, the cliffs and hillocks of the land overturned, sculpted into the stony clouds and softened with the promise of light. ~ Alison Atlee,
1074:… And, after all, an obsolete list. She was in love now, set for the eternal romance that was to be the synthesis of all romance, yet sad for these man and these moonlights and for the ‘thrills’ she had had – and the kisses. The past – her past, oh, what a joy! She had been exuberantly happy. ~ F Scott Fitzgerald,
1075:Spirituality belongs to the eternal, and religion belongs to the temporal. Religion belongs to people's behavior. It is really what Pavlov, Skinner, Delgado and others call a conditioning of the behavior. The child is brought up by Christians - then he is conditioned in one way, he becomes a Christian. ~ Rajneesh,
1076:Biblical heroes were regular people who had to learn the same things you and I have to learn–to drive out fear by increasing their knowledge of God, to shift their focus from their present fear to the eternal God, to replace what they didn’t know about the future with what they did know about Him. ~ David Jeremiah,
1077:If you dare to create something and put it out there, after all, then it may accidentally stir up a response. That’s the natural order of life: the eternal inhale and exhale of action and reaction. But you are definitely not in charge of the reaction—even when that reaction is flat-out bizarre. ~ Elizabeth Gilbert,
1078:Let me say that for comfort, there is no thought more full of sweetness than that of an eternal God engaged in Christ Jesus to His people; to love, and bless, and save them all. One Who has made them the distinguished objects of His discriminating regard from all eternity, it is the eternal God. ~ Charles Spurgeon,
1079:Of the eternal incorporeal substance nothing is changed, is formed or deformed, but there always remains only that thing which cannot be a subject of dissolution, since it is not possible that it be a subject of composition, and therefore, either of itself or by accident, it cannot be said to die. ~ Giordano Bruno,
1080:Poetry might be more about the eternal verities, the essence of the human soul, and - although it's reductive to say so - fiction has perhaps been more about the differences between the unconstrained world of the imagination and the realities you run into, day-to-day, when you're riding your donkey. ~ Chad Harbach,
1081:A man obtains the fear of God if he has the remembrance of his unavoidable death and of the eternal torments that await sinners; If he tests himself every evening as to how he has spent the day, and every morning as to how he has spent the night, and if is not sharp in his relations with others. ~ Dorotheus of Gaza,
1082:“The Church decrees that bodies
buried in unconsecrated ground
have no hope of ascending to Heaven.
But Heaven is a myth.
Hope lies in the dead themselves.
It is through the study of their
bodies that we may gain
the key to immortality.”

1083:The eternal spring is hidden in this living bread for our life's sake, although it is night. It is here calling out to creatures; and they satisfy their thirst, although in darkness, because it is night. This living spring that I long for, I see in this bread of life, although it is night. ~ Saint John of the Cross,
1084:...Blessed be the heart who finds its way to the eternal summer. - where grateful happiness is found through understanding that whatever your situation is, it could always be worse, but isn't... and the thought that things could always be better and the bitter unhappiness this creates is discarded! ~ Frithjof Schuon,
1085:Carrying a grudge is a heavy burden. As you forgive, you will feel the joy of being forgiven. At this Christmastime you can give and receive the gift of forgiveness. The feeling of happiness that will come will be a glimpse of what we can feel at home together in the eternal home for which we yearn. ~ Henry B Eyring,
1086:Those who receive the light cannot be seen or grasped. Nothing can trouble such people even while they are living in this world. And when they leave this world, they have already received truth through images, and the world has become the eternal realm. To these people the eternal realm is fullness. ~ Marvin W Meyer,
1087:A cupcake is like a great pop song. The whole world in less than three minutes. And it's impossible to have a bad cupcake. In New York you walk everywhere. So I'm always looking, always on the eternal search for the perfect cupcake. I take them very seriously. It's like hunting and gathering for me. ~ Laurel Nakadate,
1088:Jesus was saying, “Sell your possessions and give to the poor because your things are an unnecessary burden to you! They are keeping you from experiencing the eternal, abundant life you are asking me about. Own less stuff. Your things are keeping you from becoming all that you were intended to become. ~ Joshua Becker,
1089:The Eternal Kansas City song came from a dream sequence. It was actually kind of weird. I had this dream about a Kansas City type of thing while I was up at Stevie Winwood's place near Cheltenham, in Britain. I went into this small town and I was walking along and this dream thing was still in my head. ~ Van Morrison,
1090:Away with tears and fears and troubles! United in wedlock with the eternal Godhead Itself, our nature ascends into the Heaven of Heavens. So it would be impious to call ourselves 'miserable.' On the contrary, Man is a creature whom the Angels-were they capable of envy-would envy. Let us lift up our hearts! ~ C S Lewis,
1091:The usual reproach against the essay, that it is fragmentary and random, itself assumes the givenness of totality and suggests that man is in control of this totality. The desire of the essay, though, is not to filter the eternal out of the transitory; it wants, rather, to make the transitory eternal. ~ Theodor Adorno,
1092:The words that reverberate for us at the confines of this long adventure of rebellion are not formulas for optimism, for which we have no possible use in the extremities of our unhappiness, but words of courage and intelligence which, on the shores of the eternal seas, even have the qualities of virtue. ~ Albert Camus,
1093:Unlike societies that employed baroque procedures for distinguishing between legitimate and illegitimate children, the Mongols accepted all children as equal. No child could be born without the consent of the Eternal Blue Sky. No earthly law or custom could presume to declare the child illegitimate. ~ Jack Weatherford,
1094:Create or perish is the eternal mandate of nature. Be constructive or become frustrated is an equal demand. You cannot escape the conclusion that whatever this thing is which is seeking expression through everything, it can find satisfactory outlet only through constructive and life-giving creativeness. ~ Ernest Holmes,
1095:The message of this lecture is that black holes ain’t as black as they are painted. They are not the eternal prisons they were once though…things can get out of a black hole both on the outside and possibly to another universe. So if you feel you are in a black hole, don’t give up – there’s a way out. ~ Stephen Hawking,
1096:Her real purse was shoved under the passenger seat, stuffed full of receipts and Kleenex and hand sanitizer and Band-Aids and cough drops and an emergency flashlight and anything else that any person in the world might need from her while she was near. An eternal diaper bag for the eternal mother. ~ Victoria Helen Stone,
1097:In its fundamental truth the original status of Time behind all its variations is nothing else than the eternity of the Eternal, just as the fundamental truth of Space, the original sense of its reality, is the infinity of the Infinite. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, Brahman, Purusha, Ishwara - Maya, Prakriti, Shakti,
1098:May you, gentlemen, desire equality as I myself desire it; may you, for the eternal happiness of our country, become its propagators and its heralds; may I be the last of your pensioners! Of all the wishes that I can frame, that, gentlemen, is the most worthy of you and the most honorable for me. ~ Pierre Joseph Proudhon,
1099:She used to sit long hours upon the beach, gazing intently on the waves as they chafed with perpetual motion against the pebbly shore,—or she looked out upon the more distant heave, and sparkle against the sky, and heard, without being conscious of hearing, the eternal psalm, which went up continually. ~ Elizabeth Gaskell,
1100:Spirituality is about being ready. All the spiritual disciplines of your life - prayer, study, meditation or ritual, religious vows - are there so you can break through to the eternal. Spirituality is about awakening the eyes, the ears, the heart so you can see what's always happening right in front of you. ~ Richard Rohr,
1101:The world, my friend Govinda, is not imperfect, or on a slow path towards perfection: no, it is perfect in every moment, all sin already carries the divine forgiveness in itself, all small children already have the old person in themselves, all infants already have death, all dying people the eternal life. ~ Hermann Hesse,
1102:Traveling is a brutality. It forces you to trust strangers and to lose sight of all that familiar comfort of home and friends.
You are constantly off balance. Nothing is yours except the essential things: air, sleep, dreams, sea, the sky - all things tending towards the eternal or what we imagine of it. ~ Cesare Pavese,
1103:Just and true liberty, equal and impartial liberty, in matters spiritual and temporal is a thing that all men are clearly entitled to by the eternal and immutable laws of God and nature, as well as by the laws of nations and all well-grounded and municipal laws, which must have their foundation in the former. ~ Samuel Adams,
1104:Now the God of peace, who brought up from the dead the great Shepherd of the sheep athrough the blood of the eternal covenant, even Jesus our Lord, 21equip you in every good thing to do His will, working in us that which is pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen. ~ Anonymous,
1105:The eternal opposites meet and kiss. The wolf and the lamb lie down together, the dove and the serpent share one nest. The stars bend down and touch the earth and the young and the old forgive each other. Night and day meet here, so do the poles. The East leans over towards the West and the circle is complete. ~ P L Travers,
1106:The Augusteum warns me not to get attached to any obsolete ideas about who I am, what I represent, whom I belong to, or what function I may once have intended to serve. .. Even in the Eternal City (Rome), says the silent Augusteum, one must always be prepared for riotous and endless waves of transformation. ~ Elizabeth Gilbert,
1107:I find that God by any name can be reduced to this sense of the eternal Presence. It defines being, and I see it as a sphere of intense light that marks the point of my origin. It is the permanent part of me, of which I am very aware, and the point to which I will return at the conclusion of this life. ~ Elizabeth Clare Prophet,
1108:The message of this lecture is that black holes ain't as black as they are painted. They are not the eternal prisons they were once thought.
   Things can get out of a black hole both on the outside and possibly to another universe. So if you feel you are in a black hole, don't give up - there's a way out.
   ~ Stephen Hawkings,
1109:Two powers from one original ecstasy born
Pace near but parted in the life of man;
One leans to earth, the other yearns to the skies:
Heaven in its rapture dreams of perfect earth,
Earth in its sorrow dreams of perfect heaven. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
1110:If one chooses sides on emotion then the rebel is the guy to go with. He is fighting for everything men claim to honour, freedom, independance, truth, the right.......all the subjective illusions. All the eternal trigger words. We are minions of the villan of the piece. We confess the illusion and deny the substance. ~ Glen Cook,
1111:Offspring of the gulfs, agents of the shadowy Force,
Haters of light, intolerant of peace,
Aping to the thought the shining Friend and Guide,
Opposing in the heart the eternal Will,
They veil the occult uplifting Harmonist. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The World of Falsehood, the Mother of Evil and the Sons of Darkness,
1112:The supreme question about a work of art is out of how deep a life does it spring. Paintings of Moreau are paintings of ideas. The deepest poetry of Shelley, the words of Hamlet bring our mind into contact with the eternal wisdom; Plato's world of ideas. All the rest is the speculation of schoolboys for schoolboys. ~ James Joyce,
1113:Through me is the way into the doleful city; through me the way into the eternal pain; through me the way among the people lost. Justice moved my High Maker; Divine Power made me, Wisdom Supreme, and Primal Love. Before me were no things created, but eternal; and eternal I endure: leave all hope, ye that enter. ~ Dante Alighieri,
1114:The all-knowing Self was never born, Nor will it die. Beyond cause and effect, This Self is eternal and immutable. When the body dies, the Self does not die. 19 If the slayer believes that he can kill Or the slain believes that he can be killed, Neither knows the truth. The eternal Self Slays not, nor is ever slain. 20 ~ Anonymous,
1115:To him who obeys, and thus opens the door of his heart to receive the eternal gift, God gives the Spirit of His Son, the Spirit of Himself, to be in him, and lead him to the understanding of all truth…. The true disciple shall thus always know what he ought to do, though not necessarily what another ought to do. ~ George MacDonald,
1116:Who in the Sun-capped Vast cradles his birth:
Hiranyagarbha, author of thoughts and dreams,
Who sees the invisible and hears the sounds
That never visited a mortal ear,
Discoverer of unthought realities
Truer to Truth than all ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
1117:Why?” Rachel said (the eternal why, as she’d come to think of it). “Was he that bad?” “I never heard he was bad,” Ann Marie said with a minor slur and a sad grimace. She looked out through the screen at the stone-colored mist in the gray hills and spoke with a firm finality. “Honey, I only heard that he’d moved on. ~ Dennis Lehane,
1118:Afflicted by his harsh divinity,
   Bound to his throne, he waited unappeased
   The daily oblation of her unwept tears.
   All the fierce question of man's hours relived.
   The sacrifice of suffering and desire
   Earth offers to the immortal Ecstasy
   Began again beneath the eternal Hand.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Symbol Dawn,
1119:I don't pretend to understand him, but I can enjoy him as a poet and comedian. I liked the idea of the eternal return. Sometimes I think that being on tour year after year is an eternal return; you play a certain club in Copenhagen and then ten years later you are back again, traveling the same roads year after year. ~ Dean Wareham,
1120:We must learn to recognize nature's truths even though we don't understand them, for some of those truths may still be beyond the ability of the human mind to comprehend. What we need is a compound prescription of humility, imagination, devotion to the truth and, above all, confidence in the eternal wisdom of nature. ~ John E Sarno,
1121:20Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, 21equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us [1] that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen. ~ Anonymous,
1122:I cannot but feel that the one man, above all others, who deserves the eternal thanks of his own race, and all thinking people, for bringing about baseball’s greatest reform, is Jackie Robinson himself…Certainly baseball people should be eternally grateful for the contribution he made to his own people, and to the game. ~ Ford Frick,
1123:In the world of my knowledge and my ignorance
Where God is unseen and only is heard a Name
And knowledge is trapped in the boundaries of mind
And life is hauled in the drag-net of desire
And Matter hides the soul from its own sight, ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
1124:“The Black Death announces
itself by the appearance of foul,
egg-sized swellings that erupt
on the bodies of its victims,
followed by spreading boils
and hideous discolorations of the skin.
So excruciating is the pain
that death, when it comes, is a mercy.”

1125:We can begin to focus on the eternal if we live to love God and others (the Jesus Creed), if we pursue justice as the way we are called to love others as God’s creations, if we live out a life that drives for peace as how loving people treat one another, and if we strive for wisdom instead of just knowledge or bounty. ~ Scot McKnight,
1126:Pleasure to me is wonder—the unexplored, the unexpected, the thing that is hidden and the changeless thing that lurks behind superficial mutability. To trace the remote in the immediate; the eternal in the ephemeral; the past in the present; the infinite in the finite; these are to me the springs of delight and beauty. ~ H P Lovecraft,
1127:Travelling is a brutality. It forces you to trust strangers and to lose sight of all that familiar comfort of home and friends. You are constantly off balance. Nothing is yours except the essential things – air, sleep, dreams, the sea, the sky – all things tending towards the eternal or what we imagine of it. Cesare Pavese ~ Anonymous,
1128:Having fallen from the eternal, the Evil One's desires are endless, insatiable. Having fallen from pure Being, he is driven by the desire to possess, to fill his emptiness. But the problem is insoluble, always. He is compelled to have and to hold, to possess and consume, and nothing else. All he takes, he destroys. ~ Denis de Rougemont,
1129:No man-made law ever, no matter whether derived from the past or projected onto a distant, unforeseeable future, can or should ever be empowered to claim that it is greater than the Natural Law from which it stems and to which it must inevitably return in the eternal rhythm of creation and decline of all things natural. ~ Wilhelm Reich,
1130:The incarnate dual Power shall open God's door,
   Eternal supermind touch earthly Time.
   The superman shall wake in mortal man
   And manifest the hidden demigod
   Or grow into the God-Light and God-Force
   Revealing the secret deity in the cave.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day The Souls Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
1131:"The Kingdom of Heaven is within you." Where goest thou to seek for the Kingdom of God, asks Jesus of Nazareth, when it is there, within you? Cleanse the spirit, and it is there. It is already yours. How can you get what is not yours? It is yours by right. You are the heirs of immortality, sons of the Eternal Father. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
1132:No, a true seeker, one who truly wished to find, could accept no doctrine. But the man who has found what he sought, such a man could approve of every doctrine, each and every one, every path, every goal; nothing separated him any longer from all those thousands of others who lived in the eternal, who breathed the Divine. ~ Hermann Hesse,
1133:The eternal cycle, the beginning, middle and end of a human being, the incomprehensible dance in the magic of our own theatre will continue forever. But ignorance of our birth and death makes us largely mad; the majority of us clap at our disasters as though they are a play: but it is a work we cannot possibly understand. ~ Derek Raymond,
1134:The eternal is omniembracing and permeative; and the temporal is linear. This opens up a very high order of generalizations of generalizations. The truth could not be more omni-important, although it is often manifestly operative only as a linear identification of a special-case experience on a specialized subject. ~ R Buckminster Fuller,
1135:The fundamental differences between Marxian and traditional orthodox economics are, first, that the orthodox economists accept the capitalist system as part of the eternal order of Nature, while Marx regards it as a passing phase in the transition from the feudal economy of the past to the socialist economy of the future. ~ Joan Robinson,
1136:we get a totally different picture of salvation, faith, and forgiveness if we regard having life from the kingdom of the heavens now—the eternal kind of life—as the target. The words and acts of Jesus naturally suggest that this is indeed salvation, with discipleship, forgiveness, and heaven to come as natural parts. And ~ Dallas Willard,
1137:20 ‡ Now may the God of peace,† who through the blood of the eternal covenant† brought back from the dead† our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep,† 21 ‡ equip you with everything good for doing his will,† and may he work in us† what is pleasing to him,† through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.† ~ Anonymous,
1138:He should sanctify his soul, for it is there that there sits the eternal Beloved; he should deliver his mind from all that is the water and mire of things without reality, vain shadows, so as to keep in himself no trace of love or hatred; for love may lead into the evil way and hatred prevents us from following the good path. ~ Bahu-ullah,
1139:The greatest encouragement throughout the Bible is God's love for His lost race and the willingness of Christ, the eternal Son, to show forth that love in God's plan of redemption. The love of Jesus is so inclusive that it knows no boundaries. At the point where we stop caring and loving, Jesus is still there loving and caring ~ A W Tozer,
1140:To blame or praise men on account of the result, is almost like praising or blaming figures on account of the sum total. Whatever is to happen, happens; whatever is to blow, blows. The eternal serenity does not suffer from these north winds. Above Revolutions, Truth and Justice reign, as the starry heavens above the tempest. ~ Victor Hugo,
1141:For when God said, "Let there be light, and there was light," if we are justified in understanding in this light the creation of the angels, then certainly they were created partakers of the eternal light which is the unchangeable Wisdom of God, by which all things were made, and whom we call the only-begotten Son of God. ~ Saint Augustine,
1142:struck him ‘like a revelation’ he said later, because it possessed ‘absolute, universal validity, independently from all human agency’.23 It was the moment he caught a glimpse of the eternal, and from then on he considered the search for absolute or fundamental laws of nature ‘as the most sublime scientific pursuit in life’. ~ Manjit Kumar,
1143:There is no justice in love, no proportion in it, and there need not be, because in any specific instance it is only a glimpse or parable of an embracing, incomprehensible reality. It makes no sense at all because it is the eternal breaking in on the temporal. So how could it subordinate itself to cause or consequence? ~ Marilynne Robinson,
1144:While there may have lived an individual teacher who gave the ancient wisdom its peculiarly “Buddhist” coloring, his personality is completely overshadowed, as he must have wished it should be, by the eternal substance with which he identified himself. In other words, “the Buddha is only anthropomorphic, not a man”. ~ Ananda K Coomaraswamy,
1145:Chapter 4 Chapter 5 The Word of Life 1 JOHN 1 That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we looked upon and have touched with our hands, concerning the word of life— 2the life was made manifest, and we have seen it, and testify to it and proclaim to you the eternal life, which ~ Anonymous,
1146:For there are three ways of performing an act of mercy: the merciful word, by forgiving and by comforting; secondly, if you can offer no word, then pray - that too is mercy; and thirdly, deeds of mercy. And when the Last Day comes, we shall be judged from this, and on this basis we shall receive the eternal verdict. ~ Mary Faustina Kowalska,
1147:With all due respect to Israel’s primo king, David and I are not on the same page here. I’m more with the seventeenth-century philosopher Blaise Pascal, who lived when modern science was coming into its own, and who had public nervous breakdowns in his Pensées such as: “The eternal silence of these infinite spaces terrifies me. ~ Peter Enns,
1148:We are loved. Born out of love, into love, to know love, and to be loved. Yes, we were born into a fallen, sorry world, which is at the same time more lovely than any fairy tale. It is both. And in this beautiful, heartbreaking world, God—the eternal, omniscient, amazing One—loves human beings. Including you. Especially you. ~ Stasi Eldredge,
1149:Brothers and sisters, I believe that there are few, even temple workers, who comprehend the full meaning and power of the temple endowment. Seen for what it is, it is the step-by-step ascent into the Eternal Presence. If our young people could but glimpse it, it would be the most powerful spiritual motivation of their lives. ~ David O McKay,
1150:Why this is hell, nor am I out of it: Thinkst thou that I who saw the face of God, And tasted the eternal joys of heaven, Am not tormented with ten thousand hells In being deprived of everlasting bliss! . . . When all the world dissolves, And every creature shall be purified, All places shall be hell that are not heaven. ~ Christopher Marlowe,
1151:If men, through fear, fraud, or mistake, should in terms renounce or give up any natural right, the eternal law of reason and the grand end of society would absolutely vacate such renunciation. The right to freedom being the gift of Almighty God, it is not in the power of man to alienate this gift and voluntarily become a slave. ~ Samuel Adams,
1152:The Yaksha asked, 'Who is the guest of all creatures? What is the eternal duty? What, O foremost of kings, is Amrita? And what is this entire Universe?' Yudhishthira answered, Agni is the guest of all creatures: the milk of kine is amrita: Homa (therewith) is the eternal duty: and this Universe consists of air alone. ~ Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa,
1153:Vronsky meanwhile, despite the full realization of what he had desired for so long, was not fully happy. He soon felt that the realization of his desire had given him only a grain of the mountain of happiness he had expected. It showed him the eternal error people make in imagining that happiness is in the realization of desires. ~ Leo Tolstoy,
1154:Shitposting, I claim, is a form of transcendental meditation through which the shitposter becomes an empty vessell - the shitposter's 'self' ceases to be, in the Lacanian sense, 'I' and instead becomes a 'creative nothing' which expands from an infantismal singularly of pure meme essence into the eternal void of post-ironic nihilism. ~ Unknown,
1155:The decisive turning points in the history of every art-form are discoveries which show the characteristic features already discussed: they uncover what has always been there; they are 'revolutionary', that is, destructive and constructive; they compel us to revalue our values and impose a new set of rules on the eternal game. ~ Arthur Koestler,
1156:For if the blood of bulls and of goats, and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling the unclean, sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh: how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God? ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Hewbews, 9:13-14,
1157:he was thinking of the endless array of symbols with which God, through His creatures, speaks to us of the eternal life. But the universe is even more talkative than Alanus thought, and it speaks not only of the ultimate things (which it does always in an obscure fashion) but also of closer things, and then it speaks quite clearly. ~ Umberto Eco,
1158:The realization of the infinite and the eternal, the longing for the inexpressible, innate in this soul as in others but neglected and forgotten through a whole lifetime, found now, when it swelled up, no outlet, and attempted to express itself in grimaces, gestures, and tones of the strangest kind, absurdly and laughably enough. ~ Hermann Hesse,
1159:We learn so much from our children—in patience, in humility, in gratitude for other blessings we had accepted before as a matter of course; so much in tolerance; so much in faith—believing and trusting where we cannot see; so much in compassion for our fellow man; and yes, even so much in wisdom about the eternal values in life. ~ Andrew Solomon,
1160:For are we not vastly superior to them, we Unnaturals? For though we pick the Bones of Society, though we crawl in Gutters and beg for our Keep, we are living Conduits to the World Beyond. We are Proof of an auxiliary Existence. We are Catalysts of the ultimate Energy, the eternal Æther. We harness Death itself. We unhorse the Reaper. ~ Anonymous,
1161:The Shi‘ah believe that salvation requires the intercession of Muhammad, his son-in-law Ali, his grandsons Hasan and Husayn, and the rest of the Prophet’s legitimate successors, the Imams, who not only serve as humanity’s intercessors on the Last Days, but who further function as the eternal executors (wali) of the divine Revelation. ~ Reza Aslan,
1162:Every second that passes is like a door that opens to allow in what has not yet happened, what we call the future, but, to challenge the contradictory nature of what we have just said, perhaps it would be more accurate to say that the future is just an immense void, that the future is just the time on which the eternal present feeds. ~ Jos Saramago,
1163:The architect of the visible world,
At once the art and artist of his works,
Spirit and seer and thinker of things seen,
Virat, who lights his camp-fires in the suns
And the star-entangled ether is his hold,
Expressed himself with Matter for his ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
1164:In his first letter Saint John says, “What was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we looked upon and touched with our hands concerns the Word of life—for the life was made visible; we have seen it and testify to it and proclaim to you the eternal life that was with the Father” (1 Jn 1:1–2). ~ Robert E Barron,
1165:[Nietzsche's doctrine of the eternal return] is what makes moments caught up in the immanence of return suddenly appear as ends. In every other system, don't forget, these moments are viewed as means: Every moral system proclaims that "each moment of life ought to be motivated." Return unmotivates the moment and frees life of ends. ~ Georges Bataille,
1166:the eternal need to shout “You should have been there!” that compelled humans to tell stories and pass on advice and seek comfort and safety and love among their own kind. The only way that need could be fulfilled was for a community to agree upon a set of sounds and gestures to carry consistent meanings. That agreement became language. ~ S G Redling,
1167:The main reason I felt foolish and humiliated was because of - what had I called it to myself, only a few days previously? - 'the eternal hopefulness of the human heart'. And before that, 'the attraction of overcoming someone's contempt'. I don't think I normally suffer from vanity, but I'd clearly been more afflicted than I realised. ~ Julian Barnes,
1168:What day is the day that we know that we hope for or fear for?
Every day is the day we should hear from or hope from.
One moment
Weighs like another. Only in retrospection, selection,
We say, that was the day. The critical moment
That is always now, and here. Even now, in sordid particulars
The eternal design may appear. ~ T S Eliot,
1169:Between temporal and eternal things there is this difference: a temporal thing is loved more before we have it, and it begins to grow worthless when we gain it, for it does not satisfy the soul, whose true and certain rest is eternity; but the eternal is more ardently loved when it is acquired than when it is merely desired. ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo,
1170:Christ has given us the most glorious interpretation of life's meaning that man has ever had. The fatherhood of God, the fellowship of the Spirit, the sovereignty of righteousness, the law of love, the glory of service, the coming of the Kingdom, the eternal hope- there was never an interpretation of life to compare with that. ~ Harry Emerson Fosdick,
1171:In a world full of war, famine, oppression, deceit, monotony, what—apart from the eternal innocence of animals—offers an image of hope? A mother with a newborn child in her arms? The child may end up as a murderer or a murder victim, so that the hopeful image is a prefiguration of a pietà: a mother with her newly dead child on her lap. ~ Harry Mulisch,
1172:I’d rather spend a day on earth to fight with fear and trembling for an eternal days in Heaven with the Sovereign Lord God and the Lord Jesus Christ than to spend thousand years on earth, conform to its patterns, rejoice at the expense of the eternal joy of my soul and remain here on earth for eternal condemnation in hell fire! ~ Ernest Agyemang Yeboah,
1173:led him into the water. When they were waist deep, Philip declared in a voice that rang strong over the sunlight sparkling upon the water’s surface, “I baptize you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. As the water washes your outer body, so may the Spirit cleanse the inner man. Rise up into the eternal life that has been prepared for you! ~ Davis Bunn,
1174:Someone once said to me that the people in general cannot bear very much reality. He meant by this that they prefer fantasy to a truthful recreation of their experience. People have quite enough reality to bear, by simply getting through their lives, raising their children, dealing with the eternal conundrums of birth, taxes, and death. ~ James Baldwin,
1175:To a yogi, the breath is the anchor that keeps the mind in the eternal now. Just as an anchored boat still shifts with the wind and moves with the current, so too will the mind continue to be affected by things beyond its control. Like the anchored boat, the mind will never drift too far from its mooring once it is anchored in the breath. ~ Darren Main,
1176:20Now  d may the God of peace  e who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus,  f the great shepherd of the sheep, by  g the blood of the eternal covenant, 21 h equip you with everything good that you may do his will,  i working in us [1] that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ,  j to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen. ~ Anonymous,
1177:Leave those vain moralists, my friend, and return to the depth of your soul: that is where you will always rediscover the source of the sacred fire which so often inflamed us with love of the sublime virtues; that is where you will see the eternal image of true beauty, the contemplation of which inspires us with a holy enthusiasm. ~ Jean Jacques Rousseau,
1178:He thinks and speaks with a ruthlessness that makes no attempt to find dialectical excuses for the eternal uncertainty of humankind. Anyone who claims that truth is dependent on usefulness, anyone who openly admits that knowing and believing are essentially the same for limited beings such as humans, is clearly a nihilist in a class of his own. ~ Juli Zeh,
1179:In Acts 5:31 we read that Jesus is "exalted to give repentance and forgiveness of sins." These two blessings come from that sacred hand which once was nailed to the tree, but is now raised to glory. Repentance and forgiveness are riveted together by the eternal purpose of God. What God hath joined together let no man put asunder. ~ Charles Haddon Spurgeon,
1180:There can be no real conflict between the two Books of the Great Author. Both are revelations made by Him to man,-the earlier telling of God-made harmonies coming up from the deep past, and rising to their height when man appeared, the later teaching man's relations to his Maker, and speaking of loftier harmonies in the eternal future. ~ James Dwight Dana,
1181:Therefore, criticism has to direct itself against itself, and against the mysterious Substance in which it has up to now hid itself. In this way criticism must resolve things such that the development of this Substance drives itself forward to the Universality and Certainty of the Idea of its actual existence, the Eternal Self-consciousness. ~ Bruno Bauer,
1182:The worst of all possible snakes is the eternal human proclivity for evil. The worst of all possible snakes is psychological, spiritual, personal, internal. No walls, however tall, will keep that out. Even if the fortress were thick enough, in principle, to keep everything bad whatsoever outside, it would immediately appear again within. ~ Jordan Peterson,
1183:I think of the presence and of the habits of mortals in this so fluid stream, and reflect that I was among them, striving to see all things just as I see them at this very moment. I then placed Wisdom in the eternal station which now is ours. But from here all is unrecognizable. Truth is before us, and we no longer understand anything at all. ~ Paul Val ry,
1184:My courage is faith—faith in the eternal resilience of me—that joy’ll come back, and hope and spontaneity. And I feel that till it does I’ve got to keep my lips shut and my chin high, and my eyes wide—not necessarily any silly smiling. Oh, I’ve been through hell without a whine quite often—and the female hell is deadlier than the male. ~ F Scott Fitzgerald,
1185:The eternal task of song can never be finished in a single lifetime. That is the beauty and fascination of the art. Once you begin to phrase finely, you will feel more joy in the beautiful finish of a beautiful phrase than that caused by the loudest applause of an immense audience. The latter excites for a moment; the former endures forever. ~ Nellie Melba,
1186:What happened instead was that the tree fell in love with him and began to murmur fondly of the joy to be found in the eternal embrace of a red oak. "Always, always," it sighed, "faithful beyond any man's deserving. I will keep the color of your eyes when no other in the world remembers your name. There is no immortality but a tree's love. ~ Peter S Beagle,
1187:At the height of the British Empire, Lord Palmerston said, “It is a narrow policy to suppose that this country or that is to be marked out as the eternal ally or the perpetual enemy of England. We have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to follow. ~ George Friedman,
1188:No one else, however much you love and adore the person, sees the true significance of your private epiphanies. The secret belongs to you, with you, in you. In the title Shiva Sutra, the word Shiva means “God” and the word Sutra means “thread,” so quite deliberately the reader is being shown tiny threads that lead back to the eternal source. ~ Deepak Chopra,
1189:The worst of all possible snakes is the eternal human proclivity for evil. The worst of all possible snakes is psychological, spiritual, personal, internal. No walls, however tall, will keep that out. Even if the fortress were thick enough, in principle, to keep everything bad whatsoever outside, it would immediately appear again within. ~ Jordan B Peterson,
1190:Who will hold [the heart], and fix it so that it may stand still for a little while and catch for a moment the splendor of eternity which stands still forever, and compare this with temporal moments that never stand still, and see that it is incomparable . . . but that all this while in the eternal, nothing passes but the whole is present.31 ~ Hannah Arendt,
1191:Over me, about me, closing in on me, embracing me ever nearer, was the Eternal, that which was before the beginning and that which triumphs over the end; that enormous void in which all light and life and being is but the thin and vanishing splendour of a falling star, the cold, the stillness, the silence, - the infinite and final Night of space. ~ H G Wells,
1192:My courage is faith--faith in the eternal resilience of me--that joy'll come back, and hope and spontaneity. And I feel that till it does I've got to keep my lips shut and my chin high and my eyes wide--not necessarily any silly smiling. Oh, I've been through hell without a whine quite often--and the female hell is deadlier than the male. ~ F Scott Fitzgerald,
1193:There are certain ideal essences, and the closer one is to taking possession of the eternal excellence, the closer one is to this common humanity. Thumos is the drive to rise up to those heights. It is the dream of the perfect success, when all that is best within oneself blends with all that is eternal in the universe in perfect synchronicity. ~ David Brooks,
1194:We are loved. Born out of love, into love, to know love, and to be loved. Yes, we were born into a fallen, sorry world, which is at the same time more lovely than any fairy tale. It is both. And in this beautiful, heartbreaking world, God—the eternal, omniscient, amazing One—loves human beings. Including you. Especially you.  You are amazing. ~ Stasi Eldredge,
1195:But doesn't that make sense? That the infinite would be, indeed... infinite? That even the most holy amongst us would only be able to see scattered pictures of the eternal picture at any given time? And that maybe if we could collect those pieces and compare them, a story about God would begin to emerge that resembles and includes everyone? ~ Elizabeth Gilbert,
1196:The divine life is the spirit in everything that exists, from the atom to the archangel; the grain of dust could not be were God absent from it; the loftiest seraph is but a spark from the eternal fire, which is God. Sharers in one life all form one brotherhood. The immanence of God, the solidarity of man, such are the basic truths of theosophy. ~ Annie Besant,
1198:We could almost believe that we are destined by Providence to an unsettled position on the globe, so invariably is a love of change implanted in the young. It seems as if the eternal Lawgiver intended that, at a certain age, man should leave father, mother, and the dwelling of his infancy, to seek his fortunes over the wide world. ~ Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley,
1199:I am for lasting peace... United, I believe, we can win the battle for peace. But it must be a different peace, one with full recognition of the rights of the Jews in their one and only land: peace with security for generations and peace with a united Jerusalem as the eternal, undivided capital of the Jewish people in the state of Israel forever. ~ Ariel Sharon,
1200:If I had to choose a motto for myself, I would take this one — pure, dure, sûre, [Pure, hard, certain] — in other words: unalterable. I would express by this the ideal of the Strong, that which nothing brings down, nothing corrupts, nothing changes; those on whom one can count, because their life is order and fidelity, in accord with the eternal. ~ Savitri Devi,
1201:Man is the cruelest animal," says Zarathustra. "When gazing at tragedies, bull-fights, crucifixations he hath hitherto felt happier than at any other time on Earth. And when he invented Hell...lo, Hell was his Heaven on Earth"; he could put up with suffering now, by contemplating the eternal punishment of his oppressors in the other world. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche,
1202:Perhaps if they all remained silent for as long as possible, they’d slip out of this moment into the next one, and then the next one, until all the preceding moments were erased from memory and everything could start all over again. The ultimate American dream: the eternal present, where nothing has ever happened before what is happening now. ~ Aleksandar Hemon,
1203:What is more transformative than the female form? What is more of a symbol of eternal growth and change than the Goddess? The eternal spiral of cre- ation. Coiled like a serpent, our shakti energy sits, waiting to be awakened within all of us. What our bodies and beings were built for. What we were created to do. Change. Create. Create the change. ~ Emma Mildon,
1204:I learned a lot about the images of pornography and how much they dealt with close-up, when a person is at their most vulnerable and having to reveal details about themselves. I wanted to combine the eternal in two different manners. There is the biological eternal - here is our species reproducing - and then the transparent, spiritual aspect of it. ~ Jeff Koons,
1205:Always the dark Adventurers seem to win;
Nature they fill with evil’s institutes,
Turn into defeats the victories of Truth,
Proclaim as falsehoods the eternal laws,
And load the dice of Doom with wizard lies;
The world’s shrines they have occupied, usurpe ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The World of Falsehood the Mother of Evil and the Sons of Darkness,
1206:Love for that princess became for him the expression for an eternal love, assumed a religious character, was transfigured into a love for the Eternal Being, which did to be sure deny him the fulfilment of his love, yet reconciled him again by the eternal consciousness of its validity in the form of eternity, which no reality can take from him. ~ S ren Kierkegaard,
1207:Through me the way into the suffering city, Through me the way to the eternal pain, Through me the way that runs among the lost. Justice urged on my high artificer; My maker was divine authority, The highest wisdom, and the primal love. Before me nothing but eternal things were made, And I endure eternally. Abandon every hope, ye who enter here. ~ Dante Alighieri,
1208:Even in the abyss of despair in which today, half-blinded, we grope about with distorted and broken souls, I look up again and again to those old star-patterns that shone over my childhood, and comfort myself with the inherited confidence that this collapse will appear, in days to come, as a mere interval in the eternal rhythm of the onward and onward. ~ Anonymous,
1209:Here they were, a group as diverse as one could possibly bring together. Jew, Samaritan, Roman, Greek – all united because of one who had come from God and returned to God only a few short years ago. Surely here was living proof that the eternal truths brought to life during Jesus’ time on earth meant transformation was not only possible, it was real. ~ Davis Bunn,
1210:Le charme de la nouveaute , peu a' peu tombant comme un ve" t ement, laissait voir a' nu l'e ternelle monotonie de la passion, qui a toujours les me" mes formes et le me" me langage. The charm of novelty, falling little by little like a robe, revealed the eternal monotony of passion, which has always the same forms and the same language. ~ Gustave Flaubert,
1211:All my life I've heard people say, 'God loves you.' It's probably the most insane statement you could make to say that the eternal Creator of this universe is in love with me. There is a response that ought to take place in believers, a crazy reaction to that love. Do you really understand what God has done for you? If so, why is response so lukewarm? ~ Francis Chan,
1212:For, confronted with morality (especially Christian, or unconditional, morality), life must continually and inevitably be in the wrong, because life is something essentially amoral--and eventually, crushed by the weight of contempt and the eternal No, life must then be felt to be unworthy of desire and altogether worthless. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche,
1213:Heresy is the eternal dawn, the morning star, the glittering herald of the day. Heresy is the last and best thought. It is the perpetual New World, the unknown sea, toward which the brave all sail. It is the eternal horizon of progress.
Heresy extends the hospitalities of the brain to a new thought.
Heresy is a cradle; orthodoxy, a coffin. ~ Robert G Ingersoll,
1214:For our lives, incarnation means being focused on the spiritual and the eternal but bringing that focus deep into our life. … This is really the heart of the Christmas theological message: Live in two worlds that overlap but are distinct. Don’t be materialistic, but don’t sacrifice our ordinary physical life for any spiritual ideal. Be lowly and lofty. ~ Thomas Moore,
1215:The progressive growth of the finite consciousness of man towards this Self, towards the universal , the eternal, the infinite, in a word his growth into spiritual consciousness by the development of his ordinary ignorant natural being into an illumined divine nature, this is for Indian thinking the significance of life and the aim of human existance. ~ Sri Aurobindo,
1216:4Sing songs of praise to the name that belongs to the True God! Let your voices ring out in songs of praise to Him, the One who rides through the deserted places. His name is the Eternal; celebrate in His glorious presence. 5The True God who inhabits sacred space is a father to the fatherless, a defender of widows. 6He makes a home for those who are alone. ~ Anonymous,
1217:And aawake, and arise from the dust, O Jerusalem; yea, and put on thy beautiful garments, O daughter of bZion; and cstrengthen thy dstakes and enlarge thy borders forever, that thou mayest eno more be confounded, that the covenants of the Eternal Father which he hath made unto thee, O house of Israel, may be fulfilled. ~ The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints,
1218:As for those who have risen more high, they make no distinction between cause and effect, and those who, higher still in the eternal cities, dwell in the flowering gardens, know not cause nor effect, both are to them absolutely foreign, for, rapid as the lightning, they have passed the kingdom of Names and qualities and they dwell with the divine Essence. ~ Baha-ullah,
1219:It affects him, the great arrogance of the Equilateral Triangle, the failed aspiration of the octagon to be a circle, the eternal suffocation of the denominator that has to bear the weight of the unjust numerator, the loneliness of Pluto. And the smallness of Mercury, always a mere dot next to a yellow sun. In this world, there is no respect for Mercury. ~ Manu Joseph,
1220:Like Proust I want to escape from the eternal push and rattle of time into the coolness and poise of a work of art. (Agreeing with Huxley for once, I think it is not what one has experienced, but what one does with what one has experienced that matters. The only possible doctrine of course for one who has experienced remarkably little of the big world!) ~ Iris Murdoch,
1221:We sometimes do not appreciate the magnitude of the problem here. How could the eternal Word of the eternal Father take on limits? How can infinitude and finitude marry? The doctrine of the Incarnation proclaims frankly and without embarrassment the most stupendous miracle that can be imagined. Veiled in flesh the Godhead see, hail the Incarnate Deity. ~ Douglas Wilson,
1222:Ah! In fact there are two moralities ... The petty one, the conventional one, the one devised by men, that keeps changing and bellows so loudly, making a commotion down here among us, in a perfectly pedestrian way ... But the other one, the eternal one, is all around and above us, like a landscape that surrounds us and the blue sky that gives us light. ~ Gustave Flaubert,
1223:The Eternal turned his attention to the three shades who stood humbly and yet hopefully before him. The quick, with so short a time to live, when they talk of themselves, talk too much; but the dead, with eternity before them, are so verbose that only angels could listen to them with civility. ~ W. Somerset Maugham, Collected Short Stories 1, "The Judgement Seat", p. 314,
1224:That which was  b from the beginning,  c which we have heard,  d which we have seen with our eyes,  e which we looked upon and  f have touched with our hands, concerning the word of life— 2 g the life  h was made manifest, and we have seen it, and  i testify to it and proclaim to you the eternal life,  a which was with the Father and  h was made manifest to us ~ Anonymous,
1225:Even from the abyss of horror in which we try to feel our way today, half-blind, our hearts distraught and shattered, I look up again and again to the ancient constellations that shone on my childhood, comforting myself with the inherited confidence that, some day, this relapse will appear only an interval in the eternal rhythm of progress onward and upward. ~ Stefan Zweig,
1226:One can become quite used to the specter of the eternal Footman, like some lethal old bore lurking in the hallway at the end of the evening, hoping for the chance to have a word. And I don't so much object to his holding my coat in that marked manner, as if mutely reminding me that it's time to be on my way. No, it's the snickering that gets me down. ~ Christopher Hitchens,
1227:When we raise ourselves through meditation to what unites us with the spirit, we quicken something within us that is eternal and unlimited by birth and death. Once we have experienced this eternal part in us, we can no longer doubt its existence. Meditation is thus the way to knowing and beholding the eternal, indestructible, essential centre of our being. ~ Rudolf Steiner,
1228:And so the unseen Lord of the eternal kingdom and of the church sends out ambassadors into this world, giving them a mission that is greater than that of any other, just as heaven is greater than earth, and eternity is greater than time. And the authority that this Lord gives these ambassadors is that much greater than all the authorities in this world. ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer,
1229:I let my head fall back, and I gazed into the Eternal Blue Sky. It was morning. Some of the sky was yellow, some the softest blue. One small cloud scuttled along. Strange how everything below can be such death and chaos and pain while above the sky is peace, sweet blue gentleness. I heard a shaman say once, the Ancestors want our souls to be like the blue sky. ~ Shannon Hale,
1230:This commonplace cycle of falling asleep and waking, in darkness, under private cover, with another creature, a pale soft tender mammal, putting faces together in a ritual of affection, briefly settled in the eternal necessities of warmth, comfort, safety, crossing limbs to draw nearer - a simple daily consolation, almost too obvious, easy to forget by daylight. ~ Ian McEwan,
1231:This commonplace cycle of falling asleep and waking, in darkness, under private cover, with another creature, a pale soft tender mammal, putting faces together in a ritual of affection, briefly settled in the eternal necessities of warmth, comfort, safety, crossing limbs to draw nearer - a simple daily consolation, almost too obvious, easy to forget by daylight. ~ Ian Mcewan,
1232:It seemed to him that the Square, itself the accidental masonry of many years, the chance agglomeration of time and of disrupted strivings, was the center of the universe. It was for him, in his soul's picture, the earth's pivot, the granite core of changelessness, the eternal place where all things came and passed, and yet abode forever and would never change. ~ Thomas Wolfe,
1233:Violating the eternal law is not like doing 40 in a 35-mile-per-hour zone when there is no traffic around; it is more like trying to violate the law of gravity. . . . An apple falling from a tree has no choice about whether to obey the law of gravity . . . [but] human beings can voluntarily wreck their lives by running afoul of the laws that govern their nature. ~ A J Swoboda,
1234:In all that Jesus came to say and do, including and especially in His atoning suffering and sacrifice, He was showing us who and what God the Eternal Father is like, how completely devoted He is to His children in every age and nation. In word and in deed Jesus was trying to reveal and make personal to us the true nature of His Father, our Father in Heaven. ~ Jeffrey R Holland,
1235:Once the soul awakens, the search begins and you can never go back. From then on, you are inflamed with a special longing that will never again let you linger in the lowlands of complacency and partial fulfillment. The eternal makes you urgent. You are loath to let compromise or the threat of danger hold you back from striving toward the summit of fulfillment. ~ John O Donohue,
1236:The Birth of Yeshua bar Yosef Truly the heavens declare the glory of the Eternal One for great was the sign in the night sky! The star shone, radiant and gleaming, and it foretold of the Anointed One who would be born with the Fishes. The Magi had long awaited the One who would bring the Light of redemption and become a mediator between the Father and his Children. ~ C M Palov,
1237:The eternal present is the space within which your whole life unfolds, the one factor that remains constant. Life is now. There was never a time when your life was not now, nor will there ever be.
The Now is the only point that can take you beyond the limited confines of the mind.It is your only point of access into the timeless and formless realm of being . ~ Eckhart Tolle,
1238:Because the eternal principle of agency gives us the freedom to choose and think for ourselves, we should become increasingly able to solve problems. We may make the occasional mistake, but as long as we are following gospel principles and guidelines, we can learn from those mistakes and become more understanding of others and more effective in serving them. ~ M Russell Ballard,
1239:Lost in his thoughts he looked out from his shop at the shining loveliness of that first day of March. Opposite him, a little to the side, stood the eternal bridge, everlastingly the same; through its white arches could be seen the green, sparkling, tumultuous waters of the Drina, so that they seemed like some strange diadem in two colours which sparkled in the sun. ~ Ivo Andri,
1240:When you accept everything, everything is beyond dimensions. The earth is not great nor a grain of sand small. In the realm of Great Activity picking up a grain of sand is the same as taking up the whole universe. To save one sentient being is to save all sentient beings. Your efforts of this moment to save one person is the same as the eternal merit of Buddha. ~ Shunryu Suzuki,
1241:The Sea And The Man
You will not tame this sea
either by humility or rapture.
But you can laugh
in its face.
was invented by those
who live briefly
as a burst of laughter.
The eternal sea
will never learn to laugh.
Translated from the Polish by Czeslaw Milosz and Leonard Nathan
Anonymous Submission
~ Anna Swirszczynska,
1242:Genius detects through the fly, through the caterpillar, through the grub, through the egg, the constant individual; through countless individuals the fixed species; through many species the genus; through all genera the steadfast type; through all the kingdoms of organized life the eternal unity. Nature is a mutable cloud which is always and never the same. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
1243:...she found Robinson among the hundreds of New Yorkers who managed to make a great amount of money for doing almost nothing at all but was pretty as god and possessed of a voice like a French horn, so that at crucial parties he could say practically nothing and leave the impression among the more musically eared that profundity of the eternal sort had passed near. ~ Barry Hannah,
1244:When the world is storm-driven and the bad that happens and the worse that threatens are so urgent as to shut out everything else from view, then we need to know all the strong fortresses of the spirit which men have built through the ages. The eternal perspectives are being blotted out, and our judgment of immediate issues will go wrong unless we bring them back. ~ Eric Greitens,
1245:Now to Him who is able to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery which has been kept secret for long ages past, 26but now is manifested, and by the Scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the eternal God, has been made known to all the nations, leading to obedience of faith; ~ Anonymous,
1246:The seer is the eternal Self of the meditator.  The seer witnesses the changes that pass before it without becoming involved in the changes.   Thoughts, actions, circumstances, people and places are all passing waves before the gaze of the eternal Self.  Abidance in this aspect of one's being provides liberation of consciousness.   This is the ultimate goal of Yoga. ~ ryan kurczak,
1247:birth but wakes the spirit to the sense Of outward shows, whose unexperienced shape New modes of passion to its frame may lend; Life is its state of action, and the store Of all events is aggregated there That variegate the eternal universe; Death is a gate of dreariness and gloom, That leads to azure isles and beaming skies And happy regions of eternal hope. ~ Percy Bysshe Shelley,
1248:Let a man learn to look for the permanent in the mutable and fleeting; let him learn to bear the disappearance of things he was wont to reverence; without losing his reverence; let him learn that he is here, not to work, but to be worked upon; and that, though abyss open under abyss, and opinion displace opinion, all are at last contained in the Eternal Cause. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
1249:There are moments when one feels free from one's own identification with human limitations and inadequacies. At such moments one imagines that one stands on some spot of a small planet, gazing in amazement at the cold yet profoundly moving beauty of the eternal, the unfathomable; life and death flow into one, and there is neither evolution nor destiny; only Being. ~ Albert Einstein,
1250:In worship we have our neighbors to right and left, before and behind, yet the Eternal Presence is over all and beneath all. Worship does not consist in achieving a mental state of concentrated isolation from one’s fellows. But in depth of common worship it is as if we found our separate lives were all one life, within whom we live and move and have our being. ~ Thomas Raymond Kelly,
1251:It’s a calculated risk, you see. You’re either laughing all over your face or you’re in deep, deep shit. Whether to take the risk or not. If you take the gamble, you may fall off the twig frozen stiff one night and not thaw out till spring. Bottle it and you might not have anywhere to nest when you return. These are, as it were, the eternal dilemmas you’re confronted with. ~ Jo Nesb,
1252:So it’s almost entertaining to see Caesar Flickerman, the eternal host of the Hunger Games, with his painted face and sparkly suit, preparing to give an interview. Until the camera pulls back and I see that his guest is Peeta. A sound escapes me. The same combination of gasp and groan that comes from being submerged in water, deprived of oxygen to the point of pain. ~ Suzanne Collins,
1253:As to the mouth, it delights at times in laughter; it is disposed to impart all that the brain conceives; though I daresay it would be silent on much the heart experiences. Mobile and flexible, it was never intended to be compressed in the eternal silence of solitude: it is a mouth which should speak much and smile often, and have human affection for its interlocutor. ~ Charlotte Bront,
1254:Between two worlds life hovers like a star,
'Twixt night and morn, upon the horizon's verge.
How little do we know that which we are!
How less what we may be! The eternal surge
Of time and tide rolls on, and bears afar
Our bubbles; as the old burst, new emerge,
Lash'd from the foam of ages; while the graves
Of Empires heave but like some passing waves. ~ Lord Byron,
1255:My love for Linton is like the foliage in the woods: time will change it, I'm well aware, as winter changes the trees. My love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath: a source of little visible delight, but necessary. Nelly, I am Healthcliff! He's always, always in my mind: not as a pleasure, any more than I am always a pleasure to myself, but as my own being. ~ Emily Bront,
1256:As to the mouth, it delights at times in laughter; it is disposed to impart all that the brain conceives; though I daresay it would be silent on much the heart experiences. Mobile and flexible, it was never intended to be compressed in the eternal silence of solitude: it is a mouth which should speak much and smile often, and have human affection for its interlocutor. ~ Charlotte Bronte,
1257:Sometimes the pronunciation changed, as between bath and bathe and as with the “s” in house becoming a “z” in houses. And sometimes, to the eternal confusion of non-English speakers, these things happened all together, so that we have not only the spelling doublet life/lives but also the pronunciation doublet “līves” and “lĭves” as in “a cat with nine lives lives next door. ~ Bill Bryson,
1258:The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao. The name that can be named is not the eternal name. The Tao is both named and nameless. As nameless it is the origin of all things; as named it is the Mother of 10,000 things. Ever desireless, one can see the mystery; ever desiring, one sees only the manifestations. And the mystery itself is the doorway to all understanding. ~ Wayne W Dyer,
1259:When we reach the hilltops of heaven, and look back upon all the way whereby the Lord our God hath led us, how shall we praise Him who, before the eternal throne, undid the mischief which Satan was doing upon earth. How shall we thank Him because He never held His peace, but day and night pointed to the wounds upon His hands, and carried our names upon His breastplate! ~ Charles Spurgeon,
1260:Still there are moments when one feels free from one’s own identification with human limitations and inadequacies. At such moments, one imagines that one stands on some spot of a small planet, gazing in amazement at the cold yet profoundly moving beauty of the eternal, the unfathomable: life and death flow into one, and there is neither evolution nor destiny; only being. ~ Albert Einstein,
1261:And if your hand or your foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life crippled or lame than with two hands or two feet to be thrown into  f the eternal fire. 9 e And if your eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into the  f hell [3] of fire. ~ Anonymous,
1262:Change no one. Change nothing. React to no one, react to nothing. Do not live in the past and do not, worry about the future. Stay in the eternal now, where all is well. After all you are me and I am you. There's no difference. Do not react to the world. Do not even react to your own body. Do not even react to your own thoughts. Learn to become the witness. Learn to be quiet. ~ Robert Adams,
1263:For the bliss of the animals lies in this, that, on their lower level, they shadow the bliss of those -- few at any moment on the earth -- who do not "look before and after, and pine for what is not," but live in the holy carelessness of the eternal now. Gibbie by no means belonged to the higher order, was as yet, indeed, not much better than a very blessed little animal. ~ George MacDonald,
1264:For the perfect accomplishment of any art, you must get this feeling of the eternal present into your bones - for it is the secret of proper timing. No rush. No dawdle. Just the sense of flowing with the course of events in the same way that you dance to music, neither trying to outpace it nor lagging behind. Hurrying and delaying are alike ways of trying to resist the present. ~ Alan Watts,
1265:If the fires of freedom and civil liberties burn low in other lands they must be made brighter in our own. If in other lands the press and books and literature of all kinds are censored we must redouble our efforts here to keep them free. If in other lands the eternal truths of the past are threatened by intolerance we must provide a safe place for their perpetuation. ~ Franklin D Roosevelt,
1266:I'll find my father through words. I'll bring him back to life with words. I will build a cathedral of words. I'll create a country will my words. In my words I'll find the universe and i'll understand the eternal present through my words. In my words, I will find, I will end, I will become the words themselves, become words, words, words, I will incarnate words, words, words. ~ Arturo Arias,
1267:There’s no escaping the adversity waiting for each of us if we follow the path of Jesus. The stakes are high and the eternal rewards priceless. You have a vicious enemy who, to put it bluntly, wants to destroy your influence and wreck your God-assigned mission. As far as Satan’s concerned, you are a threat and need to be stopped—indeed, he will be happy when you are “dead.” But ~ John Bevere,
1268: His weakness shall o'ercome Satanic strength,   And all the world, and mass of sinful flesh;   That all the Angels and aethereal Powers—   They now, and men hereafter—may discern   From what consummate virtue I have chose   This perfet man, by merit called my Son,   To earn salvation for the sons of men."     So spake the Eternal Father, and all Heaven   Admiring stood a space; ~ John Milton,
1269:I do not understand the difference between a man and a woman, and believing only in the eternal value of love, I cannot understand these so-called ‘normal’ people who believe that a man should love only a woman, and a woman love only a man. If this were so, then it disregards completely the spirit, the personality, and the mind, and stresses the importance of the physical body. ~ Sarah Prager,
1270:To have the fear of God before our eyes, and, in our mutual dealings with each other, to govern our actions by the eternal measures of right and wrong:MThe first of these will comprehend the duties of religion;Mthe second, those of morality, which are so inseparably connected together, that you cannot divide these two tableswithout breaking and mutually destroying them both. ~ Laurence Sterne,
1271:I fail to see where it would have been more uplifting for them to have been inside a church listening to a man urging them to 'contemplate the sufferings of our Lord,' which is just another way of punishing one's self for nothing. It is very much better for them to climb the rocks in their bare clean feet and meet Him face to face in their search for the eternal in beauty. ~ Zora Neale Hurston,
1272:I have spent my life watching, not to see beyond the world, merely to see, great mystery, what is plainly before my eyes. I think the concept of transcendence is based on a misreading of creation. With all respect to heaven, the scene of the miracle is here, among us. The eternal as an idea is much less preposterous than time, and this very fact should seize our attention. ~ Marilynne Robinson,
1273:In fact, it is not a question of going back to the past, but of connecting with it-and also, by that very fact, in a spherical conception of history, to connect to the eternal and cause it to surge back, to have consonance in life, and to disentangle itself from the tyranny of the logos, the terrible tyranny of the Law, so as to reestablish the school of the mythos and life. ~ Alain de Benoist,
1274:When God’s Son took on flesh, he truly and bodily took on, out of pure grace, our being, our nature, ourselves. This was the eternal counsel of the triune God. Now we are in him. Where he is, there we are too, in the incarnation, on the cross, and in his resurrection. We belong to him because we are in him. That is why the Scriptures call us the Body of Christ.5 Dietrich Bonhoeffer ~ Anonymous,
1275:Arjuna said: You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the ultimate abode, the purest, the Absolute Truth. You are the eternal, transcendental, original person, the unborn, the greatest. All the great sages such as Nārada, Asita, Devala and Vyāsa confirm this truth about You, and now You Yourself are declaring it to me. O Kṛṣṇa, I totally accept as truth all that You have told me. ~ Anonymous,
1276:He loved the sea and for deep-seated reasons: the hardworking artist’s need for repose, the desire to take shelter from the demanding diversity of phenomena in the bosom of boundless simplicity, a propensity—proscribed and diametrically opposed to his mission in life and for that very reason seductive—a propensity for the unarticulated, the immoderate, the eternal, for nothingness ~ Thomas Mann,
1277:When we reach the hilltops of heaven, and look back upon all the way whereby the Lord our God hath led us, how shall we praise Him who, before the eternal throne, undid the mischief which Satan was doing upon earth. How shall we thank Him because He never held His peace, but day and night pointed to the wounds upon His hands, and carried our names upon His breastplate! ~ Charles Haddon Spurgeon,
1278:Gravity is measured by the bottom of the foot; we trace the density and texture of the ground through our soles. Standing barefoot on a smooth glacial rock by the sea at sunset, and sensing the warmth of the sun-heated stone through one's soles, is an extraordinarily healing experience, making one part of the eternal cycle of nature. One senses the slow breathing of the earth. ~ Juhani Pallasmaa,
1279:Now it is thus with time in Elfland: in the eternal beauty that dreams in that honied air nothing stirs or fades or dies, nothing seeks its happiness in movement or change or a new thing, but has its ecstasy in the perpetual contemplation of all the beauty that has ever been, and which always glows over those enchanted lawns as intense as when first created by incantation or song. ~ Lord Dunsany,
1280:You carry the hopes of humanity into the realm of the eternal. Monsters never die. They are reborn from the chaos and barbarism that is always bubbling underneath civilization, the very stuff that makes Kronos stronger. They must be defeated again and again, kept at bay. Heroes embody that struggle. You fight the battles humanity must win, every generation, in order to stay human. ~ Rick Riordan,
1281:As the poets and painters of centuries have tried to tell us, art is not about the expression of talent or the making of pretty things. It is about the preservation and containment of soul. It is about arresting life and making it available for contemplation. Art captures the eternal in the everyday, and it is the eternal that feeds soul—the whole world in a grain of sand. Leonardo ~ Thomas Moore,
1282:On December 25, 1968, a day after the photograph was taken, the poet Archibald MacLeish wrote in the New York Times : “To see the earth as it truly is, small and blue and beautiful in that eternal silence where it floats, is to see ourselves as riders on the earth together, brothers on that bright loveliness in the eternal cold—brothers who know now they are truly brothers. ~ Emily Esfahani Smith,
1283:A symbol can be defined as an object or a notion that we can perceive with our senses or grasp with our minds but in which we see something other than itself. Reason alone will not enable us to perceive the special, the universal or the eternal in a particular, temporal object. That is the task of the creative imagination, to which mystics, like artists, attribute their insights. ~ Karen Armstrong,
1284:Christ subjected himself to the law of the seed in the earth, to the law of rest and growth. He was "one of the children of the year," growing through rest, secret in his mothers womb, receiving the warmth of the sun through her, living the life of dependence, helplessness, littleness, darkness, and silence which, by a mystery of the Eternal Law, is the life of natural growth. ~ Caryll Houselander,
1285:people, to whom the Eternal is represented by the Monthlies, to which they rise with difficulty from the daily papers, strike me as all puppets, blind embodiments of the forces of nature, never achieving the liberation that comes to man when he ceases to desire and learns at last to contemplate. Only in thought is man a God; in action and desire we are the slaves of circumstance. ~ Bertrand Russell,
1286:That infinite and indescribable good which is there above races as swiftly to love as a ray of light to a bright body.It gives of itself according to the ardor it finds, so that as charity spreads farther the eternal good increases upon it,and the more souls there are who love, up there, the more there are to love well, and the more love they reflect to each other, as in a mirror. ~ Dante Alighieri,
1287:Bannon described Trump as a simple machine. The On switch was full of flattery, the Off switch full of calumny. The flattery was dripping, slavish, cast in ultimate superlatives, and entirely disconnected from reality: so-and-so was the best, the most incredible, the ne plus ultra, the eternal. The calumny was angry, bitter, resentful, ever a casting out and closing of the iron door. ~ Michael Wolff,
1288:Inasmuch as philosophers only are able to grasp the eternal and unchangeable, and those who wander in the region of the many and variable are not philosophers, I must ask you which of the two classes should be the rulers of our State? And how can we rightly answer that question? Whichever of the two are best able to guard the laws and institutions of our State—let them be our guardians. Very ~ Plato,
1289:One can take eternity and time to be predicates of God since, being the Ancient of Days, He is the cause of all time and eternity. Yet He is before time and beyond time and is the source of the variety of time and of the seasons. Or again, He precedes the eternal ages, for He is there before eternity and above eternity, and 'His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom' (Ps. 145:13). Amen. ~ Pope Dionysius,
1290:Come to us, we’re always private at the Private Club,” the broadcast went. “Formerly a Weyland-Yutani mining post in the Scafell Minor System, we’re now a fun place to be. Forget the Company, come here for company like you’ve never had before. Everything you want, everything you need, everything you desire … all the good things they do in hell, without the eternal damnation. ~ Tim Lebbon,
1291:If by Christ, then, we represent Truth which is the firstborn of Reality, the eternal Messiah, the universal Savior, we have perceived the substance behind the shadow. As long as we are satisfied with a merely literal explanation pinning our hope of salvation upon the historical circumstance, we have not gone far in the understanding of spiritual mysteries. ~ Manly P Hall, How to Understand Your Bible,
1292:The world of imagination is the world of eternity. It is the divine bosom into which we shall all go after the death of the vegetated [i.e. mortal] body. This world of imagination is infinite and eternal, whereas the world of generation is finite and temporal. There exist in that eternal world the eternal realities of everything which we see reflected in this vegetable glass of nature. ~ William Blake,
1293:A few Muslims dissent on this view, and the Ahmadi jamaat is among them. These Muslims argue that if any part of the Quran could be canceled, then it would not be the eternal word of God. They resort instead to harmonization of apparently abrogated verses, like the tenuous interpretation above. The difficulty for this view, though, is that the hadith are full of accounts of abrogation. ~ Nabeel Qureshi,
1294:His love of the sea had profound roots: the hardworking artist's desire to rest, his longing to get away from the demanding diversity of phenomena and take shelter in the bosom of simplicity and immensity; a forbidden penchant that was entirely antithetical to his mission and, for that very reason, seductive-a proclivity for the unorganized, the immeasurable, the eternal: for nothingness. ~ Thomas Mann,
1295:Instead of gambling on the eternal impossibility of the revolution and on the fascist return of a war-machine in general, why not think that a new type of revolution is in the course of becoming possible, and that all kinds of mutating, living machines conduct wars, are combined and trace out a plane of consistance which undermines the plane of organization of the World and the States? ~ Gilles Deleuze,
1296:Myths are stories for our search through the ages for truth, for meaning, for significance. We all need to tell our story and to understand our story. We all need to understand death and to cope with death, and we all need help in our passages from birth to live and then to death. We need for life to signify, to touch the eternal, to understand the mysterious, to find out who we are. ~ Joseph Campbell,
1297:The Tao is in the Passage rather than the Path. It is the spirit of Cosmic Change,--the eternal growth which returns upon itself to produce new forms. It recoils upon itself like the dragon, the beloved symbol of the Taoists. It folds and unfolds as do the clouds. The Tao might be spoken of as the Great Transition. Subjectively it is the Mood of the Universe. Its Absolute is the Relative. ~ Kakuz Okakura,
1298:At the same time, a faint sense of disappointment superimposed on an otherwise absorbing inner experience was in its way suitably Proustian too: a reminder of the eternal failure of human life to respond a hundred per cent; to rise to the greatest heights without allowing at the same time some suggestion, however slight, to take shape in indication that things could have been even better. ~ Anthony Powell,
1299:I assure you I have zero interest in commiserating with you. I wouldn’t understand your demons any more than you would understand my personal circle of hell.”
Her sad eyes flicked back to mine. “Then what do you want?”
I sucked in a deep breath that did nothing to calm the eternal storm brewing within me. “Just a little company in the darkness. No questions. No judgments. No faking it. ~ Aly Martinez,
1300:Increase and widen your desires till nothing but reality can fulfill them. It is not desire that is wrong, but its narrowness and smallness. Desire is devotion. By all means be devoted to the real, the infinite, the eternal heart of being. Transform desire into love. All you want is to be happy. All your desires, whatever they may be are expressions of your longing for happiness. ~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj,
1301:A fool came and sat in a seat above one of the great saints. What difference does it make to the saints whether such a person is above or below the lamp? If the lamp wants to be on high, it does not desire that for its own sake. Its purpose is for the benefit of others, so they can enjoy their share of the light. Wherever the lamp may be, whether below or above, it is still the lamp of the Eternal Sun. ~ Rumi,
1302:Should I, after tea and cakes and ices, Have the strength to force the moment to its crisis? But though I have wept and fasted, wept and prayed, Though I have seen my head (grown slightly bald) brought in upon a platter, I am no prophet--and here's no great matter; I have seen the moment of my greatness flicker, I have seen the eternal Footman hold my coat, and snicker, And in short, I was afraid. ~ T S Eliot,
1303:It is easy to see, though it scarcely needs to be pointed out, since it is involved in the fact that Reason is set aside, that faith is not a form of knowledge; for all knowledge is either a knowledge of the eternal, excluding the temporal and historical as indifferent, or it is pure historical knowledge. No knowledge can have for its object the absurdity that the eternal is the historical. ~ Soren Kierkegaard,
1304:World of matter, World of life, World of thought, World of justice: four orders, of which three have already appeared, with the fourth able to take place and existing already as an object of hope, of the desire of every human qua rational being. The World of justice ought to be viewed as the object of desire traversed by reason, or as the place where life is transfi xed by the thought of the eternal ~ Anonymous,
1305:All students, members of the faculty, and public officials in both Mississippi and the Nation will be able, it is hoped, to return to their normal activities with full confidence in the integrity of American law. This is as it should be, for our Nation is founded on the principle that observance of the law is the eternal safeguard of liberty and defiance of the law is the surest road to tyranny. ~ John F Kennedy,
1306:for the most part, my peers, like me, have embarked on the eternal compromise that is dealing with a toddler. We are no longer inexperienced, we are no longer naively confident that our superb parenting skills will produce the perfectly well-behaved mini-adult, we are willing to admit that for the most part we simply want to get through the day. We have been broken in. So we pick our battles. ~ Andrea J Buchanan,
1307:My father enabled me to really believe in myself. And yet I've heard very similar stories - from many, many people. It's the way he approached his life. The way he approached his life - he was the eternal optimist. He was the most optimistic person that I've ever known. Even in the face of this diagnosis with cancer, he was filled with optimism about what he could do and what he could accomplish. ~ Edward Kennedy,
1308:O grace abounding and allowing me to dare
to fix my gaze on the Eternal Light,
so deep my vision was consumed in it!

I saw how it contains within its depths
all things bound in a single book by love
of which creation is the scattered leaves:

how substance, accident, and their relation
were fused in such a way that what I now
describe is but a glimmer of that Light. ~ Dante Alighieri,
1309:Some of the best portrayals I’ve seen of the eternal Heaven are in children’s books. Why? Because they depict earthly scenes, with animals and people playing, and joyful activities. The books for adults, on the other hand, often try to be philosophical, profound, ethereal, and otherworldly. But that kind of Heaven is precisely what the Bible doesn’t portray as the place where we’ll live forever. John ~ Randy Alcorn,
1310:The lesson here is that in an era in which logical reason is doubted and even dismissed, and the heart's desire is glorified by popular culture, the most effective way to evangelize is by helping people experience beauty and goodness. From that starting point, we help them to grasp the truth that all beauty and goodness emanate from the eternal God, who loves us and wants to be in relationship with us. ~ Rod Dreher,
1311:All it has experienced, tasted, suffered: The course of years, generations of animals, Oppression, recovery, friendship of sun and - Wind Will pour forth each day in the song Of its rustling foliage, in the friendly Gesture of its gently swaying crown, In the delicate sweet scent of resinous Sap moistening the sleep-glued buds, And the eternal game of lights and Shadows it plays with itself, content. ~ Hermann Hesse,
1312:Could it be that God was an extra-terrestrial? What do we mean when we say that heaven is in the clouds? From Jesus Christ to Elvis Presley, every culture tells us of high-flying bird men who zoom around the world creating magnificent works of art and choosing willing followers to share in the eternal glory from beyond the stars. Can all these related phenomena merely be dismissed as coincidence? ~ Erich von Daniken,
1313:Could it be that God was an extra-terrestrial? What do we mean when we say that heaven is in the clouds? From Jesus Christ to Elvis Presley, every culture tells us of high-flying bird men who zoom around the world creating magnificent works of art and choosing willing followers to share in the eternal glory from beyond the stars. Can all these related phenomena merely be dismissed as coincidence? ~ Erich von D niken,
1314:Madonna has a far profounder vision of sex than do the feminists. She sees both the animality and the artifice. Changing her costume style and hair color virtually every month, Madonna embodies the eternal values of beauty and pleasure. Feminism says, 'No more masks.' Madonna says we are nothing but masks. Through her enormous impact on young women around the world, Madonna is the future of feminism. ~ Camille Paglia,
1315:Spring is beautiful everywhere, but it is more than beautiful in Lebanon. Spring is the spirit of an unknown God speeding through the world, which, as it reaches Lebanon, pauses, because now it is as at home with the souls of the Prophets and Kings hovering over the land, chanting with the brooks of Judea, the eternal Psalms of Solomon, renewing with the Cedars of Lebanon memories of an ancient glory. ~ Khalil Gibran,
1316:The power has been passed from palm to palm here for three years now. And the many death-bearing hands of women have a name here: Kali, the eternal. Kali, who destroys to bring fresh growth. Kali, intoxicated by the blood of the slain. Kali, who puts out the stars with her thumb and forefinger. Terror is her name and death is her breathing in and out. Her arrival in this world has been long expected. ~ Naomi Alderman,
1317:This is the ancient land, where wisdom made its home before it went into any other country... Here is the same India whose soil has been trodden by the feet of the greatest sages that ever lived... Look back, therefore, as far as you can, drink deep of the eternal fountains that are behind, and after that look forward, march forward, and make India brighter, greater, much higher, than she ever was. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
1318:Yet the great weakness of linear time is that it obliterates time's recurrence and thus cuts people off from the eternal—whether in nature, in each other, or in ourselves. When we deem our social destiny entirely self-directed and our personal lives self-made, we lose any sense of participating in a collective myth larger than ourselves. We cannot ritually join with those who come before or after us. ~ William Strauss,
1319:And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost."

"And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things." - Moroni ~ Joseph Smith Jr,
1320:1How good it is to give thanks to the Eternal and to praise Your name with song, O Most High; 2To speak of Your unfailing love in the morning and rehearse Your faithfulness as night begins to fall. 3How good it is to praise to the sound of strings—lute and harp— the stirring melodies of the lyre. 4Because You, O Eternal One, thrill me with the things You have done, I will sing with joy in light of Your deeds. ~ Anonymous,
1321:And when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to myself” (John 12:32). This was not a challenge for people to start a Jesus religion and go around the world trying to convert people to it. Jesus was saying that when the eternal Spirit—within him and us—is lifted up out of us into the world, then that eternal Spirit will be easily recognizable to us all and draw us together as one human family. ~ Jim Palmer,
1322:But you, Percy - you are part god, part human. You live in both worlds. You can be harmed by both, and you can affect both. That's what makes heroes so special. You carry the hopes of humanity into the realm of the eternal. Monsters never die... They must be defeated again and again, kept at bay. Heroes embody that struggle. You fight the battles humanity must win, every generation, in order to stay human. ~ Rick Riordan,
1323:I will now add what I do not like. First, the omission of a bill of rights providing clearly and without the aid of sophisms for freedom of religion, freedom of the press, protection against standing armies, restriction against monopolies, the eternal and unremitting force of the habeas corpus laws, and trials by jury in all matters of fact triable by the laws of the land and not by the law of nations. ~ Thomas Jefferson,
1324:Literature is the best way to overcome death. My father, as I said, is an actor. He's the happiest man on earth when he's performing, but when the show is over, he's sad and troubled. I wish he could live in the eternal present, because in the theater everything remains in memories and photographs. Literature, on the other hand, allows you to live in the present and to remain in the pantheon of the future. ~ Ilan Stavans,
1325:Scripture is the ultimate grid by which we read every book. Scripture is perfect, sufficient, and eternal. All other books, to some degree, are imperfect, deficient, and temporary. That means that when we pick books from the bookstore shelves, we read those imperfect books in light of the perfect Book, the deficient books in light of the sufficient Book, and the temporary books in light of the eternal Book. ~ Tony Reinke,
1326:Does human nature undergo a true change in the cauldron of totalitarian violence? Does man lose his innate yearning for freedom? The fate of both man and the totalitarian State depends on the answer to this question. If human nature does change, then the eternal and world-wide triumph of the dictatorial State is assured; if his yearning for freedom remains constant, then the totalitarian State is doomed. ~ Vasily Grossman,
1327:He swam the seas before the continents broke water; he once swam over the site of the Tuileries, and Windsor Castle, and the Kremlin. In Noah's flood he despised Noah's Ark; and if ever the world is to be again flooded, like the Netherlands, to kill off its rats, then the eternal whale will still survive, and rearing upon the topmost crest of the equatorial flood, spout his frothed defiance to the skies. ~ Herman Melville,
1328:My kind of loyalty was loyalty to one's country, not to its institutions or its officeholders. The country is the real thing, the substantial thing, the eternal thing; it is the thing to watch over, and care for, and be loyal to; institutions are extraneous, they are its mere clothing, and clothing can wear out, become ragged, cease to be comfortable, cease to protect the body from winter, disease, and death. ~ Mark Twain,
1329:Of God are ye in Christ. It is not as if God placed and planted us in Christ, and left it to us now to maintain the union. No, God is the Eternal One, the God of the everlasting life, who works every moment in a power that does not for one moment cease. What God gives, He continues with a never-ceasing giving. It is He who by the Holy Spirit makes this life in Christ a blessed reality in our consciousness. ~ Andrew Murray,
1330:A word is a medium by which thoughts are expressed, and the application of the term to the Eternal Son leads us to believe that self-expression is inherent in the Godhead, that God is forever seeking to speak Himself out to His creation. The whole Bible supports the idea. God is speaking. Not God spoke, but God is speaking. He is by His nature continuously articulate. He fills the world with His speaking Voice. ~ A W Tozer,
1331:But to everything in this world there comes an end; there even comes an end to the torments suffered in those intermediate states of transition when the last secret tear of one's soul is bitterly swallowed, and the crisis passes, resolving itself into some new sort of phase, which even as it comes into existence is fated in turn to pass away, to disappear in the eternal changing of the times and seasons. ~ Nikolai Bukharin,
1332:Once caught in that Light, once illumined by the Eternal, does a soul will its restoration to embodied selfhood in the artificial multiplicity of samsara? I think not. Yet it re-emerges into that embodied life nonetheless—but with a new perspective: Samsara is now Nirvana. The mundane is now Divine. The mind and intellect are infused with a new awareness: all is bright with Divinity, within and without. ~ Swami Abhayananda,
1333:We who are given the fullness of true Christianity are obliged to be working on ourselves, to be watching the signs of the times, and to be extremely joyful, as St. Paul is constantly saying: 'Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say: Rejoice!' (Phil. 4:4). We rejoice because we have something which all the death and corruption of this world cannot take away, that is, the eternal Kingdom of Jesus Christ. ~ Seraphim Rose,
1334:I am not jealous of what came before me. Come with a man on your shoulders, come with a hundred men in your hair, come with a thousand men between your breasts and your feet, come like a river full of drowned men which flows down to the wild sea, to the eternal surf, to Time! Bring them all to where I am waiting for you; we shall always be alone, we shall always be you and I alone on earth, to start our life! ~ Pablo Neruda,
1335:I become the stars and the moon. I become the lover and the beloved. I become the victor and the vanquished. I become the master and the slave. I become the singer and the song. I become the knower and the known. I keep on dancing then, it is the eternal dance or creation. The creator and creation merge into one wholeness of joy. I keep on dancing and dancing...and dancing. Until there is only...the dance. ~ Michael Jackson,
1336:There is no justice in love, no proportion in it, and there need not be, because in any specific instance it is only a glimpse or parable of an embracing, incomprehensible reality. It makes no sense at all because it is the eternal breaking in on the temporal. So how could it subordinate itself to cause or consequence? It is worth living long enough to outlast whatever sense of grievance you may acquire. ~ Marilynne Robinson,
1337:Wherefore, he is principally considered as a comforter : and, as we shall see farther afterward, this is his principal work, most suited unto his nature, as he is the Spirit of peace, love, and joy; for he who is the eternal, essential love of the Divine Being, as existing in the distinct persons of the Trinity, is most meet to communicate a sense of divine love, with delight and joy, unto the souls of believers. ~ John Owen,
1338:The central point of the world is the point where stillness and movement are together. Movement is time, but stillness is eternity. Realizing how this moment of your life is actually a moment of eternity, and experiencing the eternal aspect of what you’re doing in the temporal experience—this is the mythological experience. So is the central mountain of the world Jerusalem? Rome? Benares? Lhasa? Mexico City? ~ Joseph Campbell,
1339:In the radiance of His light the world is not commonplace. The very floor we stand on is a miracle of atoms whizzing about in space. The darkness of sin is clarified, and its burden shouldered. Death is robbed of its finality, trampled down by Christ's death. In a world where everything that seems to be present is immediately past, everything in Christ is able to participate in the eternal present of God. ~ Alexander Schmemann,
1340:Listening leads us more inside ourselves whereas seeing leads us more outside—the work of seeing itself, that is. And, therefore, we will be far more blessed with eternal life by the power of listening than by the power of sight. The act of listening allows me to hear the eternal Word spoken with me, whereas sight leads me astray, to what is outside myself. In listening, I suffer (or allow); in seeing, I work. ~ Meister Eckhart,
1341:Happiness is your real nature. You identify with yourself with the body and mind, feel it's limitations, and suffer. Realize your true self in order to open the store of happiness. That true self is the reality, the Supreme Truth, which is the self of all the world you now see, the self of all the selves, the One real, the Supreme, the Eternal self - as distinct from the ego or the bodily idea for the self. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
1342:I have attained the Eternal Bliss. There is no time for sorrow or pain, for now I enjoy singing His glory. The tree of His pleasure has neither root, nor seed, as revealed by the grace of the true Guru. Now there is effulgence of a million suns, my swan has dipped in the lake of His knowledge. Says Kabir, listen, O wise brother, Now comings and goings have come to an end.

~ Kabir, I have attained the Eternal Bliss
1343:Yet complicated people were getting wet - not only the shepherds. For instance, the piano-tuner was sopping. So was the vicar's wife. So were the lieutenant and the peevish damsels in his Battlesden car. Gallantry, charity, and art pursued their various missions, perspiring and muddy, while out on the slopes beyond them stood the eternal man and the eternal dog, guarding eternal sheep until the world is vegetarian. ~ E M Forster,
1344:For what are in reality the things we call ‘Wisdom,’ ‘Virtue,’ ‘Heroism,’ ‘sublime hours,’ and ‘great moments of life,’ but the moments when we have more or less issued forth from ourselves, and have been able to halt, be it only for an instant, on the step of one of the eternal gates whence we see that the faintest cry, the most colourless thought, and most nerveless gestures do not drop into nothingness; … ~ Maurice Maeterlinck,
1345:Should I, after tea and cakes and ices,
Have the strength to force the moment to its crisis?
But though I have wept and fasted, wept and prayed,
Though I have seen my head (grown slightly bald) brought in upon a platter,
I am no prophet--and here's no great matter;
I have seen the moment of my greatness flicker,
I have seen the eternal Footman hold my coat, and snicker,
And in short, I was afraid. ~ T S Eliot,
1346:That is all about the raising of Lazarus," she whispered severely and abruptly, and turning away she stood motionless, not daring to raise her eyes to him. She still trembled feverishly. The candle-end was flickering out in the battered candle-stick, dimly lighting up the poverty-stricken room the murderer and the harlot who had so strangely been reading together the eternal book. Five minutes or more passed. ~ Fyodor Dostoyevsky,
1347:Brahman: the Reality; the Eternal; the Absolute; the Spirit; the Supreme Being; the One besides whom there is nothing else existent; in relation to the universe [cf. atman] the Supreme is brahman, the one Reality which is not only the spiritual, material and conscious substance of all the ideas and forces and forms of the universe, but their origin, support and possessor, the cosmic and supracosmic Spirit. God.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo?,
1348:On the basis of the eternal will of God we have to think of EVERY HUMAN BEING, even the oddest, most villainous or miserable, as one to whom Jesus Christ is Brother and God is Father; and we have to deal with him on this assumption. If the other person knows that already, then we have to strengthen him in the knowledge. If he does no know it yet or no longer knows it, our business is to transmit this knowledge to him. ~ Karl Barth,
1349:This thought runs like a bright golden thread through the dark tapestry of our sorrow. We learn so much from our children—in patience, in humility, in gratitude for other blessings we had accepted before as a matter of course; so much in tolerance; so much in faith—believing and trusting where we cannot see; so much in compassion for our fellow man; and yes, even so much in wisdom about the eternal values in life. ~ Andrew Solomon,
1350:Christ is the expression of the humility of God embodied in human nature; the Eternal Love humbling itself, clothing itself in the garb of meekness and gentleness, to win and serve and save us. As the love and condescension of God makes Him the benefactor and helper and servant of all, so Jesus of necessity was the Incarnate Humility. And so He is still, in the midst of the throne, the meek and lowly Lamb of God. If ~ Andrew Murray,
1351:The more I work with the powers of Nature, the more I feel God's benevolence to man; the closer I am to the great truth that everything is dependent on the Eternal Creator and Sustainer; the more I feel that the so-called science, I am occupied with, is nothing but an expression of the Supreme Will, which aims at bringing people closer to each other in order to help them better understand and improve themselves. ~ Guglielmo Marconi,
1352:Who is that trip-trapping upon my bridge?'
Miss Davies spoke in the low, growling tones of the troll in the story. Some of the little ones covered their mouths and giggled, but most only watched her solemnly, accepting the
voice of the troll as they accepted the voices of their dreams, and their grave eyes reflected the eternal fascination of the fairy tale: would the monster be bested . . . or would it feed? ~ Stephen King,
1353:Expulsion from Paradise is in its main aspect eternal: that is to say, although expulsion from Paradise is final, and life in theworld unavoidable, the eternity of the process (or, expressed in temporal terms, the eternal repetition of the process) nevertheless makes it possible not only that we might remain in Paradise permanently, but that we may in fact be there permanently, no matter whether we know it here or not. ~ Franz Kafka,
1354:Peter didn't answer. He pulled his legs up to his chest, wrapped his arms around them, and put his chin on his knees. Ever the contradiction, Tanngnost thought. One moment a cold-hearted killer, the next a sentimental boy, always the eternal optimist despite a lifetime of tragedy. Of course, that's his glamour. The very thing that draws the children to him, makes them love him despite so many contradictions. (The Child Thief) ~ Brom,
1355:The tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao The name that can be named is not the eternal Name. The unnamable is the eternally real. Naming is the origin of all particular things. Free from desire, you realize the mystery. Caught in desire, you see only the manifestations. Yet mystery and manifestations arise from the same source. This source is called darkness. Darkness within darkness. The gateway to all understanding. ~ Laozi,
1356:Varis runs a hand over his bald head and the silver tattoos there. He chuckles. "Perhaps. Times are shifting. Maybe we Druids can have a different look for once. But there are advantages. My hair never blocks my vision in a fight. You should try it some time—" "I’m not shaving." "But it’s traditional for a Druid—" "Never." "But it symbolizes the eternal Spirits and—" "Be quiet or my fist will symbolize eternal pain. ~ Karpov Kinrade,
1357:Because the Eternal Champion sequence contains comedies does not mean that I am satirising those stories which are tragic and romantic. We're diverse creatures and for me the Eternal Champion must reflect and embrace that diversity. Chaos Theory, perhaps the most important intellectual advance in many years, suggests that in diversity we flourish and the fewer choices we have the poorer are our chances of survival. ~ Michael Moorcock,
1358:What is the path that leads to the Eternal? When a disciple pours over the whole world the light of a heart overflowing with love, in all directions, on high, below, to the four quarters, with a thought of love, large, profound, boundless, void of wrath and hate, and when thereafter he pours over the whole world the light of a thought of profound serenity, then the disciple is on the path that leads to the Eternal. ~ Auguttara Nikaya,
1359:A man who fears not God, will break all his laws with an easy conscience, but one who is the favorite of heaven, who has been indulged to sit at royal banquets, who knows the eternal love of God to him, cannot bear that there should be any evil way in him that might grieve the Spirit and bring dishonor to the name of Christ. A very little sin, as the world calls it, is a very great sin to a truly awakened Christian. ~ Charles Spurgeon,
1360:But so many Christians are like deaf people at a concert. They study the programme carefully, believe every statement make in it, speak respectfully of the quality of the music, but only really hear a phrase now and again. So they have no notion at all of the mighty symphony which fills the universe, to which our lives are destined to make their tiny contribution, and which is the self-expression of the Eternal God. ~ Evelyn Underhill,
1361:The Augusteum warns me not to get attached to any obsolete ideas about who I am, what I represent, whom I belong tom or what function I may once have intended to serve. Yesterday I might have been a glorious monument to somebody, true enough- but tomorrow I could be a fireworks depository. Even in the Eternal City, says the silent Augusteum, one must always be prepared for riotous and endless waves of transformation. ~ Elizabeth Gilbert,
1362:The eternal raison d'etre of America is in its being the "sweet land of liberty". Should a land so dreamed into existence, so degenerate through material prosperity as to become what its European critics, with too much justice, have scornfully renamed it the "Land of the Dollar" - such a development will be one of the sorriest conclusions of history, and the most colossal disillusionment that has ever happened to mankind. ~ Frank Norris,
1363:That infinite and indescribable good
which is there above races as swiftly
to love as a ray of light to a bright body.

It gives of itself according to the ardor
it finds, so that as charity spreads farther
the eternal good increases upon it,

and the more souls there are who love, up there,
the more there are to love well, and the more love
they reflect to each other, as in a mirror. ~ Dante Alighieri,
1364:Whereas other clubs served the eternal beefsteak and apple tart, the lavish buffet at Jenner's was constantly replenished with ever-more artful dishes... hot lobster salad, casserole of pheasant, prawns on pillowy beds of pureed celery root, quail stuffed with grapes and goat cheese and served in pools of cream sauce. And Evie's favorite- a sticky flourless almond cake topped with raspberries and a thick layer of meringue. ~ Lisa Kleypas,
1365:WITHIN this earthen vessel are bowers and groves, and within it is the Creator:
Within this vessel are the seven oceans and the unnumbered stars.
The touchstone and the jewel-appraiser are within;
And within this vessel the Eternal soundeth, and the spring wells up.
Kabr says: "Listen to me, my Friend! My beloved Lord is within."
The Earthern vessel is the body
Translation by Rabindranath Tagore
~ Kabir, Poem 3
1366:/Farsi Not You but I, have seen and been and wrought. . . . Who in your Fraction of Myself behold Myself within the Mirror Myself hold To see Myself in, and each part of Me That sees himself, though drown'd, shall ever see. Come you lost Atoms to your Centre draw, And be the Eternal Mirror that you saw: Rays that have wander'd into Darkness wide Return, and back into your Sun subside.

~ Farid ud-Din Attar, The Eternal Mirror
1367:Clear sight has nothing to do with trying to see; it is just the realization that that the eyes will take in every detail all by themselves, for so long as they open they can hardly prevent the light from reaching them. In the same way, there is no difficulty in being fully aware of the eternal present as soon as it is seen that one cannot possibly be aware of anything else - that in concrete fact there is no past or future. ~ Alan W Watts,
1368:On one hand the eternal attraction of man towards femininity (cf. Gn. 2:23) frees in him-or perhaps it should free-a gamut of spiritual-corporal desires of an especially personal and "sharing" nature (cf. analysis of the "beginning"), to which a proportionate pyramid of values corresponds. On the other hand, "lust" limits this gamut, obscuring the pyramid of values that marks the perennial attraction of male and female. ~ Pope John Paul II,
1369:Hope is one of the Theological virtues. This means that a continual looking forward to the eternal world is not (as some modern people think) a form of escapism or wishful thinking, but one of the things a Christian is meant to do. It does not mean that we are to leave the present world as it is. If you read history you will find that the Christians who did most for the present world were just those who thought most of the next. ~ C S Lewis,
1370:I don't want to sound like Pollyanna," she began, "but you haven't grasped me yet. My courage is faith- faith in the eternal resilience of me- that joy'll come back, and hope and spontaneity. And I feel that till it does I've got to keep my lips shut and my chin high and my eyes wide- not necessarily any silly smiling. Oh, I've been through hell without a whine quite often- and the female hell is deadlier than the male. ~ F Scott Fitzgerald,
1371:Most important, do not ever think that you and God are separate. Think always, "God is with me; He is inside me; He is around me. All there is is God. I myself am God. I am the Infinite, the Eternal. I am not two; I am one, only one. There is no one else besides me. I and God are one and the same." To realize this Unity, the first step is to develop Self-confidence. It comes when you realize that God is not outside of you. ~ Sathya Sai Baba,
1372:You don’t seek permanency where it cannot be found: in the world of form, of gain and loss, birth and death. You don’t demand that situations, conditions, places, or people should make you happy, and then suffer when they don’t live up to your expectations. Everything is honored, but nothing matters. Forms are born and die, yet you are aware of the eternal underneath the forms. You know that “nothing real can be threatened.”3 ~ Eckhart Tolle,
1373:Beauty can break a heart and make it think about something more spiritual than the mindless routine we go through day after day to get by. Francis was a singer, a poet, an actor. He knew that the imagination was a stealth way into people's souls, a way to get all of us to think about God. For him, beauty was its own apologetic. That's why a church should care about the arts. They inspire all of us to think about the eternal. ~ Ian Morgan Cron,
1374:Before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth, we were here. Before the pen of Jefferson etched across the pages of history the majestic words of the Declaration of Independence, we were here. If the inexpressible cruelties of slavery could not stop us, the opposition we now face will surely fail. We will win our freedom because the sacred heritage of our nation and the eternal will of God are embodied in our echoing demands. ~ Martin Luther King Jr,
1375:...I believe that nothing that once was can be completely undone. Even if destroyed in the material world and forgotten by men, it remains and will remain alive in the memory of an infinite being for which the past as well as the future is always present, and that is thus the greatest, the only true historian, and the keeper of the eternal tradition of which even our best human traditions ...are but shadows and images. ~ Paul Oskar Kristeller,
1376:In the city, the ‘Battle of Mogadishu’, as al-Shabaab’s offensive was known, intensified street by street with trenches, snipers and indiscriminate shelling. The militants’ war effort drew all the men, resources and even children into the fight just as the twisters of the eternal Jiilaal sucked the dust of the hard-baked plain into the air and lent everything a brown tinge. The coming tragedy would be played out in sepia. After ~ Ben Rawlence,
1377:At the bottom of the modern man there is always a great thirst for self-forgetfulness, self-distraction; he has a secret horror of all which makes him feel his own littleness; the eternal, the infinite, perfection, therefore scare and terrify him. He wishes to approve himself, to admire and congratulate himself; and therefore he turns away from all those problems and abysses which might recall to him his own nothingness. ~ Henri Fr d ric Amiel,
1378:It was getting late. I was tired and confused. “Do you believe it’s okay to lie sometimes?” Myron put down the slice and wiped his hands on a napkin. “Sure.” “Just like that?” “Just like that. It’s the eternal question—do the ends justify the means?” “And do they?” Myron smiled. “If anyone has a sure answer to that one, be wary. Anyone who answers definitely yes or definitely no is someone who isn’t thinking things through.” “So ~ Harlan Coben,
1379:We who are given the fullness of true Christianity are obliged to be working on ourselves, to be watching the signs of the times, and to be extremely joyful, as St. Paul is constantly saying: 'Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say: Rejoice!' (Phil. 4:4). We rejoice because we have something which all the death and corruption of this world cannot take away, that is, the eternal Kingdom of Jesus Christ.”
― Seraphim Rose ~ Seraphim Rose,
1380:ANTIGONE: A sinless sinner, banned awhile on earth, But by the dead commended; and with them I shall abide for ever. As for thee, Scorn, if thou wilt, the eternal laws of Heaven.
CREON: So am I purposed; never by my will Shall miscreants take precedence of true men, But all good patriots, alive or dead, Shall be by me preferred and honored.
GUARD: Take it all in all, I deem A man's first duty is to serve himself. ~ Sophocles,
1381:Beauty is transcendent. It is our most immediate experience of the eternal. Think of what it's like to behold a gorgeous sunset or the ocean at dawn. Remember the ending of a great story. We yearn to linger, to experience it all our days. Sometimes the beauty is so deep it pierces us with longing. For what? For life as it was meant to be. Beauty reminds us of an Eden we have never known, but somehow our hearts were created for. ~ Stasi Eldredge,
1382:For, after all, if it is from Christ that we are to learn how God relates himself to sin, suffering, evil, and death, it would seem that he provides us little evidence of anything other than a regal, relentless, and miraculous enmity; sin he forgives, suffering he heals, evil he casts out, and death he conquers. And absolutely nowhere does Christ act as if any of these things are part of the eternal work or purposes of God. ~ David Bentley Hart,
1383:For me there has been no serious difficulty in reconciling the principles of true science with the principles of true religion, for both are concerned with the eternal verities of the universe.

Believe everything scholars can strictly prove and suit yourself about the rest.

Science has nothing to say one way or the other about whether there is a spirit…The evidence lies outside of our present scientific knowledge. ~ Henry B Eyring,
1384:Outside his office my father had a framed copy of a letter written by Abraham Lincoln to his son's teacher, translated into Pashto. It is a very beautiful letter, full of good advice. Teach him, if you can, the wonder of books...But also give him quiet time to ponder the eternal mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the sun, and the flowers on a green hillside, it says. Teach him it is far more honorable to fail than to cheat. ~ Malala Yousafzai,
1385:She is the British warm that protects his stooping shoulders, and the wintering sparrow he holds inside his hands. She is his deepest innocence in spaces of bough and hay before wishes were given a separate name to warn that they might not come true, and his lithe Parisian daughter of joy, beneath the eternal mirror, forswearing perfumes, capeskin to the armpits, all that is too easy, for his impoverishment and more worthy love ~ Thomas Pynchon,
1386:Infinite intelligence leads and guides me in all my ways. Perfect health is mine, and the Law of Harmony operates in my mind and body. Beauty, love, peace, and abundance are mine. The principle of right action and divine order govern my entire life. I know my major premise is based on the eternal truths of life, and I know, feel, and believe that my subconscious mind responds according to the nature of my conscious mind thinking. ~ Joseph Murphy,
1387:Outside his office my father had a framed copy of a letter written by Abraham Lincoln to his son’s teacher, translated into Pashto. It is a very beautiful letter, full of good advice. “Teach him, if you can, the wonder of books…But also give him quiet time to ponder the eternal mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the sun, and the flowers on a green hillside,” it says. “Teach him it is far more honorable to fail than to cheat. ~ Malala Yousafzai,
1388:We exhort the compromisers to open their hearts to truth, to free themselves of their wretched and blind circumspection, of their intellectual arrogance, and of the servile fear which dries up their souls and paralyzes their movements. Let us therefore trust the eternal Spirit which destroys and annihilates only because it is the unfathomable and eternal source of all life. The passion for destruction is a creative passion, too! ~ Mikhail Bakunin,
1389:I refuse to turn to theology to justify the life or redeem it. There is a question always of the connection to the eternal. I say to myself above all, keep alive your conviction that there are sacred elements in the life in the practice of the life that must be respected. But the conviction in the existence of the sacred does not necessarily imply that you need to believe in a creator, because we are the ones that made the sacred. ~ Stanley Kunitz,
1390:A message came from my youth of vanished days, saying, 'I wait for you among the quivering of unborn May, where smiles ripen for tears and hours ache with songs unsung.' It says, 'Come to me across the worn-out track of age, through the gates of death. For dreams fade, hopes fail, the fathered fruits of the year decay, but I am the eternal truth, and you shall meet me again and again in your voyage of life from shore to shore. ~ Rabindranath Tagore,
1391:I shall never forget the peace of his hermitage amidst the eternal snows and the lesson he taught me: that we cannot face the Great Void before we have the strength and greatness to fill it with our entire being. Then the Void is not the negation merely of our limited personality, but the Plenum-Void which includes, embraces and nourishes it, like the womb of space in which the light moves eternally without ever being lost. ~ Lama Anagarika Govinda,
1392:I have gone back to sleep in order to resist the forces of change. And I have stayed awake and been broken open. Both ways are difficult, but one way brings with it the gift of a lifetime. If we can stay awake when our lives are changing, secrets will be revealed to us—secrets about ourselves, about the nature of life, and about the eternal source of happiness and peace that is always available, always renewable, already within us. ~ Elizabeth Lesser,
1393:On the philosophic side the disciples of the Great Master dashed themselves against the eternal rocks of the Vedas and could not crush them, and on the other side they took away from the nation that eternal God to which every one, man or woman, clings so fondly. And the result was that Buddhism had to die a natural death in India. At the present day there is not one who calls oneself a Buddhist in India, the land of its birth. But ~ Swami Vivekananda,
1394:That’s what makes heroes so special. You carry the hopes of humanity into the realm of the eternal. Monsters never die. They are reborn from the chaos and barbarism that is always bubbling underneath civilization, the very stuff that makes Kronos stronger. They must be defeated again and again, kept at bay. Heroes embody that struggle. You fight the battles humanity must win, every generation, in order to stay human. Do you understand? ~ Rick Riordan,
1395:I am for relying for internal defense on our militia solely till actual invasion, and for such a naval force only as may protect our coasts and harbors from such depredations as we have experienced; and not for a standing army in time of peace which may overawe the public sentiment; nor for a navy which, by its own expenses and the eternal wars in which it will implicate us, will grind us with public burthens and sink us under them. ~ Thomas Jefferson,
1396:Within Siddhartha there slowly grew and ripened the knowledge of what wisdom really was and the goal of his long seeking. It was nothing but a preparation of the soul, a capacity, a secret art of thinking, feeling and breathing thoughts of unity at every moment of life.

This thought matured in him slowly, and it was reflected in Vasudeva's old childlike face: harmony, knowledge of the eternal perfection of the world, and unity. ~ Hermann Hesse,
1397:Effectiveness lies in the balance. Excessive focus on P results in ruined health, worn-out machines, depleted bank accounts, and broken relationships. Too much focus on PC is like a person who runs three or four hours a day, bragging about the extra ten years of life it creates, unaware he’s spending them running. Or a person endlessly going to school, never producing, living on other people’s golden eggs—the eternal student syndrome. ~ Stephen R Covey,
1398:I didn’t want to press Veronica. I thought I’d wait for her to get in touch this time. I checked my inbox rather too assiduously. Of course, I wasn’t expecting a great effusion, but hoped, perhaps, for a polite message that it had been nice to see me properly after all these years. Well, perhaps it hadn’t been. Perhaps she’d gone on a trip. Perhaps her server was down. Who said that thing about the eternal hopefulness of the human heart? ~ Julian Barnes,
1399:When I say in what follows that love calls us to do good in practical ways that meet physical needs, I do not mean that this help is offered contingent on Muslims becoming Christians. To be sure, every act of love, no matter how practical, longs for the eternal good of the one being loved. We always aim for the salvation of the people we love, no matter what we are doing for them. But we don’t stop loving if they are unresponsive. Practical ~ John Piper,
1400:All forms of beauty, like all possible phenomena, contain an element of the eternal and an element of the transitory - of the absolute and of the particular. Absolute and eternal beauty does not exist, or rather it is only an abstraction creamed from the general surface of different beauties. The particular element in each manifestation comes from the emotions: and just as we have our own particular emotions, so we have our own beauty. ~ Charles Baudelaire,
1401:There is either one Christ or there is none. If Jesus was not the eternal Son of God, equal in power and glory with the Father, then let's have done with all talk about Christianity. Let us admit honestly that we are Unitarians, Jews, Buddhists, or humanists. But not Christians. For the historical Jesus said, Upon this rock, of the deity of Christ, I will build my Church. Some other organization may call itself a church, but it is not his. ~ Gordon H Clark,
1402:With one eye on the past,
some see which they cannot see,
whilst others in the future see
that which cannot be seen.

Why go so far, look closer!
What is freedom? The day is here!
This is the hour, the moment;
and this moment is who we are and that is that.

Forever flowing, the eternal hour
reveals our insignificance.
In a single gasp we live and die, so size the day,
for the day is simply who you are. ~ Ricardo Reis,
1403:Very few politicians, who have chosen a political career, can fulfill the aspirations and survive the strains of an elevated office that in a monarchy was filled so randomly. Each tsar had to be simultaneously dictator and supreme general, high priest and Little Father. They required all the qualities listed by the sociologist Max Weber: the personal gift of grace, the virtue of legality, and "the authority of the eternal yesterday. ~ Simon Sebag Montefiore,
1404:The meaning of awe is to realize that life takes place under wide horizons, horizons that range beyond the span of an individual life or even the life of a nation, a generation, or an era. Awe enables us to perceive in the world intimations of the divine, to sense in small things the beginning of infinite significance, to sense the ultimate in the common and the simple; to feel in the rush of the passing the stillness of the eternal. ~ Abraham Joshua Heschel,
1405:Why has marriage failed? In the first place, we raised it to unnatural standards. We tried to make it something permanent, something sacred, without knowing even the abc of sacredness, without knowing anything about the eternal. Our intentions were good but our understanding was very small, almost negligible. So instead of marriage becoming something of a heaven, it has become a hell. Instead of becoming sacred, it has fallen even below profanity. ~ Rajneesh,
1406:Kingsley wrote to Maurice, ‘They find that now they have got rid of an interfering God – a master-magician, as I call it – they have to choose between the absolute empire of accident, and a living, immanent, ever-working God.’21 To another correspondent, an atheist, he wrote, ‘Whatever doubt or doctrinal Atheism you and your friends may have, don’t fall into moral atheism. Don’t forget the Eternal Goodness, whatever you call it. I call it God.’22 ~ A N Wilson,
1407:The Lord is in control. He knows the end from the beginning. He has given us adequate instruction that, if followed, will see us safely through any crisis. His purposes will be fulfilled, and someday we will understand the eternal reasons for all of these events. Therefore, today we must be careful to not overreact, nor should we be caught up in extreme preparations, but what we must do is keep the commandments of God and never loose hope! ~ M Russell Ballard,
1408:…the understanding of any person is an exercise in genealogy. A man is not a static organism to be taken apart and analyzed and classified. A man is movement, motion, a continuum. There is no beginning to him. He runs through his ancestors, and the only beginning is the primal beginning of the single cell in the slime. The proper study of mankind is man, but man is an endless curve on the eternal graph paper, and who can see the whole curve? ~ Wallace Stegner,
1409:A might no human will nor force can gain,
A knowledge seated in eternity,
A bliss beyond our struggle and our pain
Are the high pinnacles of our destiny. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems: Evolution - II
Man's destiny
The Mantra is born through the heart and shaped or massed by the thinking mind into a chariot of that godhead of the Eternal of whom the truth seen is a face or a form. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Future Poetry, The Ideal Spirit of Poetry,
1410:I have attained the Eternal Bliss.
There is no time for sorrow or pain,
for now I enjoy singing His glory.

The tree of His pleasure has neither root, nor seed,
as revealed by the grace of the true Guru.

Now there is effulgence of a million suns,
my swan has dipped in the lake of His knowledge.

Says Kabir, listen, O wise brother,
Now comings and goings have come to an end.

~ Kabir, I Have Attained The Eternal Bliss
1411:All men have an equal right to the free development of their faculties ; they have an equal right to the impartial protection of that sovereign justice which is called the State ; but it is not true, it is against all tho laws of reason and equity, it is against the eternal nature of things, that the indolent man and the laborious man, the spendthrift and the economist, the imprudent and the wise, should obtain and enjoy an equal amount of goods. ~ Victor Cousin,
1412:If God wishes to be born as man and to unite mankind in the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, He suffers the terrible torment of having to bear the world in its reality. It is a crux; indeed, He Himself is His own cross. The world is God's suffering, and every individual human being who wishes even to approach his own wholeness knows very well that this means bearing his own cross. But the eternal promise for him who bears his own cross is the Paraclete. ~ Carl Jung,
1413:[Necessity is] the sum of all things, which being now existent, conduce and concur to the production of that action hereafter, whereof if any one thing now were wanting, the effect could not be produced. This concourse of causes, whereof every one is determined to be such as it is by a like concourse of former causes, may well be called (in respect they were all set and ordered by the eternal causes of all things, God Almighty) the decree of God. ~ Thomas Hobbes,
1414:The primordial model of the family is to be sought in God himself, in the Trinitarian mystery of his life. The divine "We" is the eternal pattern of the human "we", especially of that "we" formed by the man and the woman created in the divine image and likeness... Man is created "from the very beginning" as male and female: the life of all humanity - whether of small communities or of society as a whole - is marked by this primordial duality. ~ Pope John Paul II,
1415:To us, at any rate, prayer is no vain thing. We go to our chambers alone, believing that we are transacting high and real business when we pray. We do not bow the knee merely because it is a duty, and a commendable spiritual exercise; but because we believe that, into the ear of the eternal God, we speak our wants, and that His ear is linked with a heart feeling for us, and a hand working on our behalf. To us, true prayer is true power. ~ Charles Haddon Spurgeon,
1416:But perhaps God is strong enough to exult in monotony. It is possible that God says every morning, "Do it again" to the sun.; and every evening, "Do it again" to the moon. It may not be automatic monotony that makes all daisies alike; it may be that God makes every daisy separately, but has never gotten tired of making them. It may be that He has the eternal appetite of infancy; for we have sinned and grown old, and our Father is younger than we. ~ G K Chesterton,
1417:Courage to me means ploughing through that dull gray mist that comes down on life-not only overriding people and circumstances but overriding the bleakness of living. A sort of insistence on the value of life and the worth of transient things...My courage is faith-faith in the eternal resilience of me-that joy'll come back, and hope and spontaneity. And I feel that till it does, I've got to keep my lips shut and my chin high, and my eyes wide ~ F Scott Fitzgerald,
1418:In a splendid extravagance of the waste of God
Dropped carelessly in creation's spendthrift work,
Left in the chantiers of the bottomless world
And stolen by the robbers of the Deep,
The golden shekels of the Eternal lie,
Hoarded from touch and view and thought's desire,
Locked in blind antres of the ignorant flood,
Lest men should find them and be even as Gods.
~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Yoga of the King The Yoga of the Souls Release,
1419:True spiritual love is not a feeble imitation and anticipation of death, but a triumph over death, not a separation of the immortal form from the mortal, of the eternal from the temporal, but a transfiguration of the mortal into the immortal, the acceptance of the temporal into the eternal. False spirituality is a denial of the flesh; true spirituality is the regeneration of the flesh, its salvation, its resurrection from the dead. ~ Vladimir Sergeyevich Solovyov,
1420:Great are the stars, and man is of no account to them. But man is a fair spirit, whom a star conceived and a star kills. He is greater than those bright blind companies. For though in them there is incalculable potentiality, in him there is achievement, small, but actual. Too soon, seemingly, he comes to his end. But when he is done he will not be nothing, not as though he had never been; for he is eternally a beauty in the eternal form of things. ~ Olaf Stapledon,
1421:It was the eternal contest for reputation and prestige that encouraged Londoners to endow new hospitals or write great plays or crack the problem of longitude for the navy. No matter how agreeable your surroundings, you couldn’t get famous by sitting around in some village, and that is still true today. You need people to acknowledge what you have done; you need a gallery for the applause; and above all you need to know what everyone else is up to. ~ Boris Johnson,
1422:The real thing about evil," said the Witch at the doorway, "isn't any of what you said. You figure out one side of it - the human side, say - and the eternal side goes into shadow. Or vice versa. It's like the old saw: What does a dragon in its shell look like? Well no one can ever tell, for as soon as you break the shell to see, the dragon is no longer in its shell. The real disaster of this inquiry is that it is the nature of evil to be secret. ~ Gregory Maguire,
1423:There exists in the economy and course of nature, an indissoluble union between virtue and happiness; between duty and advantage; between the genuine maxims of an honest and magnanimous policy, and the solid rewards of public prosperity and felicity; since we ought to be no less persuaded that the propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right, which Heaven itself has ordained. ~ George Washington,
1424:We must not falter nor weary in well-doing. We must lengthen our stride. Not only is our own eternal welfare at stake, but also the eternal welfare of many of our brothers and sisters who are not now members of this, the true Church. I thrill to the words of the Prophet Joseph Smith in a letter that he sent to the Church from Nauvoo on September 6, 1842: 'Shall we not go on in so great a cause? Go forward. … Courage … and on, on to the victory! ~ Spencer W Kimball,
1425:Then with a whoosh of wind, the mist spun away for a heart-stopping moment. The eternal gray of the Dark Sea of Darkness yawned before them. Here the plateau of Skree was twice as high as the cliffs of Glipwood. The tiny whitecapped waves were invisible at this height, and the horizon curved downward to the north and south, which made Janner wonder if the books he had read were right after all in their claims that Aerwiar was as round as the moon. ~ Andrew Peterson,
1426:The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao.
The name that can be named is not the eternal name.
The nameless is the beginning of heaven and earth.
The named is the mother of ten thousand things.
Ever desireless, one can see the mystery.
Ever desiring, one can see the manifestations.
These two spring from the same source but differ in name;
this appears as darkness.
Darkness within darkness.
The gate to all mystery. ~ Lao Tzu,
1427:What, on the eternal list of priorities, precedes health? What more obvious role could government have than the defense of the life, of each citizen? We cannot stop every germ that seeks to harm us any more than we can stop every person who seeks to harm us. But we can try dammit and government's essential role in that effort facilitate it, reduce its cost, broaden its availability, improve my health and yours, seems, ultimately, self-explanatory. ~ Keith Olbermann,
1428:The experience that the God we meet in prayer and in history actually loves us indicates, as we have seen, that we make a difference to the eternal God. The hope, then, is that nothing good is lost. Even though each and every accomplishment we achieve will eventually become space dust, and that dust may itself dissipate into cold cosmic darkness, we hope that God will not let our efforts turn to nothing. We hope and we sense that all is preserved in God ~ Ilia Delio,
1429:The world can be hard, full of trickery,
Full of deceit,
Full of injustice,
Full of pain.
But there is an emptiness waiting, my friend--a great glowing emptiness,
Soft and fragrant with the essence of peace,
The essence of serenity.
You are almost there, my friend.
The magnificent emptiness is the eternal harbor for your soul.
Take my hand, friend.
Take my hand and take a step, just one more step,
And you are there. ~ Michael Palmer,
1430:Perhaps the profession of doing good may be full, but every body should be kind at least to himself. Take a course of good water and air, and in the eternal youth of Nature you may renew your own. Go quietly, alone; no harm will befall you. Some have strange, morbid fears as soon as they find themselves with Nature, even in the kindest and wildest of her solitudes, like very sick children afraid of their mother-as if God were dead and the devil were king. ~ John Muir,
1431:Your consciousness is the only living reality, the eternal head of creation. That which you are conscious of being is the temporal body that you wear. To turn your attention from that which you are aware of being is to decapitate that body; but, just as a chicken or snake continues to jump and throb for a while after its head has been removed, likewise qualities and conditions appear to live for a while after your attention has been taken from them. ~ Neville Goddard,
1432:Socrates proved the immortality of the soul from the fact that the sickness of the soul (sin) does not consume it as sickness of the body consumes the body. So also we can demonstrate the eternal in man from the fact that despair cannot consume his self, that this precisely is the torment of contradiction in despair. If there were nothing eternal in a man, he could not despair; but if despair could consume his self, there would still be no despair. ~ S ren Kierkegaard,
1433:But perhaps God is strong enough to exult in monotony. It is possible that God says every morning, "Do it again" to the sun.; and every evening, "Do it again" to the moon. It may not be automatic monotony that makes all daisies alike; it may be that God makes every daisy separately, but has never gotten tired of making them. It may be that He has the eternal appetite of infancy; for we have sinned and grown old, and our Father is younger than we. ~ Gilbert K Chesterton,
1434:Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called. . . . I charge you to keep this command without spot or blame until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, which God will bring about in his own time—God, the blessed and only Ruler, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can see. To him be honor and might forever. —1 Timothy 6:12–16 ~ Sarah Young,
1435:The work of atonement took place in the presence of the God of heaven. Indeed, it involved a transaction within the fellowship of the persons of the eternal Trinity in their love for us: the Son was willing, with the aid of the Spirit, to experience the hiding of the Father's face. The shedding of the blood of God's Son opened the way to God for us (Acts 20:28). That is both the horror and the glory of our Great High Priest's ministry.
Terrible ~ Sinclair B Ferguson,
1436:Q: I wrote to the Mother a prayer in French. Her answer to it was: "Ouvre ton cæur et tu me trouveras déjà là." ("Open your heart and you will find me already there.") What exactly does this signify?
   A: What the Mother meant was this that when there is a certain opening of the heart, you find that there was always the eternal union there (the same that you experience always in the Self above).
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Mother With Letters On The Mother, 2-7-1935,
1437:The response to war is to live like brothers and sisters. The response to injustice is to share. The response to despair is a limitless trust and hope. The response to prejudice and hatred is forgiveness. To work for community is to work for humanity. To work for peace is to work for a true political solution; it is to work for the Kingdom of God. It is to work to enable every one to live and taste the secret joys of the human person united to the eternal. ~ Jean Vanier,
1438:He was becoming something the world had never seen before - a dream animal - living at least partially within a secret universe of his own creation and sharing that secret universe in his head with other, similar heads. Symbolic communication had begun. Man had escaped out of the eternal present of the animal world into a knowledge of past and future. The unseen gods, the powers behind the world of phenomenal appearance, began to stalk through his dreams. ~ Loren Eiseley,
1439:Death is not earnest in the same way the eternal is. To the earnestness of death belongs precisely that remarkable capacity for awakening, that resonance of a profound mockery which, detached from the thought of the eternal, is an empty and often brash jest, but together with the thought of the eternal is just what it should be, utterly different from the insipid solemness which least of all captures and holds a thought with tension like that of death. ~ Soren Kierkegaard,
1440:You ask, ‘Where are My disciples?’ There is one yonder, sitting by the fire, warming his hands, the same who just now denied Me with an oath.” But no, He would not utter a word of accusation. He whose lips are mighty to intercede for His people, will never speak against them. Let Satan slander, but Christ pleads. The accuser of the Brothers and Sisters is the prince of this world—the Prince of peace is ever our Advocate before the Eternal Throne. ~ Charles Haddon Spurgeon,
1441:Then he crossed his arms over his chest and began to listen to the radiant voices of the slaves singing the six o'clock Salve in the mills, and through the window he saw the diamond of Venus in the sky that was dying forever, the eternal snows, the new vine whose yellow bellflowers he would not see bloom on the following Saturday in the house closed in mourning, the final brilliance of life that would never, through all eternity, be repeated again. ~ Gabriel Garc a M rquez,
1442:Because human beings do not have the capacity to attain knowledge of God on their own, the Imam becomes a continuous necessity for all societies and in every era. So in addition to the “fixed” number of Imams who succeeded Muhammad’s earthly authority, there must also exist an “ever-present” or “pre-existent” Imam who, as the eternal guardian of the Revelation, functions as “the Proof of God on Earth.” Thus, the first Imam was neither Muhammad nor Ali but Adam. ~ Reza Aslan,
1443:Happy is the man who knows how to distinguish the real from the unreal, the eternal from the transient and the good from the pleasant by his discrimination and wisdom. Twice blessed is he who knows true love and can love all God's creatures. He who works selflessly for the welfare of others with love in his heart is thrice blessed. But the man who combines within his mortal frame knowledge, love and selfless service is holy and becomes a place of pilgrimage. ~ B K S Iyengar,
1444:Eyes are at rest, the stars are setting.  Hushed are the stirrings of birds in their nests and of monsters in the sea.    You are the Just Who knows no change, the Balance Who can never swerve, the Eternal Who never passes away.    The doors of kings are bolted now and guarded by soldiers.   Your door is open to all who would call upon You.    Each love, my Lord, is now alone with his beloved, and now I am alone with You.   - Rabi’ah al Adawiyya of Basra (d. 801) ~ Anonymous,
1445:The journey of the hero is about the courage to seek the depths; the image of creative rebirth; the eternal cycle of change within us; the uncanny discovery that the seeker is the mystery which the seeker seeks to know. The hero journey is a symbol that binds, in the original sense of the word, two distant ideas, the spiritual quest of the ancients with the modern search for identity, always the one, shape-shifting yet marvelously constant story that we find. ~ Phil Cousineau,
1446:And then there are the eternal questions of love and sex. Can there be friendship between men and women as long as the hormones rage and rule? How is sex related to love -- and love to sex? Are we truly pigeonholed in our sexuality -- or does society alone insist on this? What is 'straight'? What is 'gay'? What is 'bi'? And does any of it matter deep in one's soul? Shouldn't we get rid of these labels in an attempt to be really open to ourselves and to each other? ~ Erica Jong,
1447:The abortionists of unity are indeed angel makers, doct ores angelici, because they affirm a properly angelic and superior unity. Joyce's words, accurately described as having "multiple roots," shatter the linear unity of the word, even of language, only to posit a cyclic unity of the sentence, text, o r knowledge. Nietzsche's aphorisms shatter the linear unity of knowledge, only to invoke the cyclic unity o f the eternal return, present as the nonknown i n thought ~ Anonymous,
1448:The journey of the hero is about the courage to seek the depths; the image of creative rebirth; the eternal cycle of change within us; the uncanny discovery that the seeker is the mystery which the seeker seeks to know. The hero journey is a symbol that binds, in the original sense of the word, two distant ideas, the spiritual quest of the ancients with the modern search for identity, “always the one, shape-shifting yet marvelously constant story that we find. ~ Phil Cousineau,
1449:Humans are amphibians...half spirit and half spirits they belong to the eternal world, but as animals they inhabit time. This means that while their spirit can be directed to an eternal object, their bodies, passions, and imaginations are in continual change, for to be in time, means to change. Their nearest approach to constancy, therefore, is undulation--the repeated return to a level from which they repeatedly fall back, a series of troughs and peaks. ~ C S Lewis,
1450:The true artist is indifferent to the materials and conditions imposed upon him. He accepts any conditions, so long as they can be used to express his will-to-form. Then in the wider mutations of history his efforts are magnified or diminished, taken up or dismissed, by forces which he cannot predict, and which have very little to do with the values of which he is the exponent. It is his faith that those values are nevertheless the eternal attributes of humanity. ~ Herbert Read,
1451:What, in fact, is the absurd man? He who, without negating it, does nothing for the eternal. Not that nostalgia is foreign to him. But he prefers his courage and his reasoning. The first teaches him to live without appeal and to get along with what he has; and the second informs him of his limits. Assured of his temporally limited freedom, of his revolt devoid of future, and of his mortal consciousness, he lives out his adventure within the span of his life time. ~ Albert Camus,
1452:This is the eternal law of Nature for a man, my beneficent Exeter-Hall friends; this, that he shall be permitted, encouraged, and if need be, compelled to do what work the Maker of him has intended by the making of him for this world! Not that he should eat pumpkin with never such felicity in the West India Islands is, or can be, the blessedness of our Black friend; but that he should do useful work there, according as the gifts have been bestowed on him for that. ~ Thomas Carlyle,
1453:He had heard these things said to him so often that for him there was nothing original about them. Emma was like any other of his mistresses, and the charm of novelty slipping off gradually like a peace of clothing revealed in his nakedness the eternal monotony of passion which always assumes the same form and uses the same languages. He could not perceive, this man of such broad experiences, the difference in feelings that might underlay similarities of expression. ~ Gustave Flaubert,
1454:By leaning just beyond your fear, you challenge your limits compassionately, without trying to escape the feeling of fear itself. You step beyond the solid ground of security with an open heart. You stand in the space of unknowingness, raw and awake. Here, the gravity of deep being will attend you to the only place where fear is obsolete: the eternal free fall of home. Where you always are. Own your fear, and lean just beyond it. In every aspect of your life. Starting now. ~ David Deida,
1455:The Hindu, the Oriental, says that the physical is but the shadow of the Eternal, of the Truth; and he says 'In order to understand the Truth, I must let the shadow go, and not concern myself with it, but with the understanding of the Eternal.' So he does not concern himself with the physical. He is more concerned with the quality of mind and heart. Hence there is disease, there is disorder, and there is chaos and neglect and the gradual running down of the physical. ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti,
1456:I heard about Bhagavad Gita very early in my childhood, from the age of five onwards. It was one of the earliest things I started to read when I started to read. And it was very much a part of my consciousness. In the beginning, I saw the "Bhagavad Gita" as a text that was very classical, much like the "Iliad" and the "Odyssey" - a mythical saga that showed the eternal conflict between good and evil. But much later, as I grew up, I realized that it was much more than that. ~ Deepak Chopra,
1457:Increasingly I felt as if I were entering a struggle that might even be more than life and death. It might be a struggle for my soul, my essence, or whatever part of me might have reference to the eternal. There are worse things than death, I suspected... so far the word demon had never been spoken among the scientists and doctors who were working with me...Alone at night I worried about the legendary cunning of demons ...At the very least I was going stark, raving mad. ~ Whitley Strieber,
1458:Only look about you: blood is being spilt in streams, and in the merriest way, as though it were champagne. Take the whole of the nineteenth century in which Buckle lived. Take Napoleon—the Great and also the present one. Take North America—the eternal union. Take the farce of Schleswig-Holstein. . . . And what is it that civilization softens in us? The only gain of civilization for mankind is the greater capacity for variety of sensations—and absolutely nothing more. ~ Fyodor Dostoyevsky,
1459:Am I afraid to die? I am every time I let myself be seduced by the noisy voices of my world telling me that my "little life" is all I have and advising me to cling to it with all my might. But when I let these voices move to the background of my life and listen to that small soft voice calling me the Beloved, I know that there is nothing to fear and that dying is the greatest act of love, the act that leads me into the eternal embrace of my God whose love is everlasting. ~ Henri J M Nouwen,
1460:The modern challenge to motherhood is the eternal challenge--that of being a godly woman. The very phrase sounds strange in our ears. We never hear it now. We hear about every other type of women: beautiful women, smart women, sophisticated women, career women, talented women, divorced women. But so seldom to we hear of a godly woman--or of a godly man either, for that matter. I believe women come nearer to fulfilling their God-given function in the home than anywhere else. ~ Peter Marshall,
1461:Within the human consciousness is the unique ability to perceive the transparency between absolute, permanent relationships, contained in the insubstantial forms of a geometric order, and the transitory, changing forms of our actual world. The content of our experience results from an immaterial, abstract, geometric architecture which is composed of harmonic waves of energy, nodes of relationality, melodic forms springing forth from the eternal realm of geometric proportion. ~ Robert Lawlor,
1462:Spirituality is much wider than any particular religion, and in the larger ideas of it that are now coming on us even the greatest religion becomes no more than a broad sect or branch of the one universal religion, by which we shall understand in the future man's seeking for the eternal, the divine, the greater self, the source of unity and his attempt to arrive at some equation, some increasing approximation of the values of human life with the eternal and the divine values. ~ Sri Aurobindo,
1463:Why is [the now] the most precious thing? Firstly, because it is the only thing.
It’s all there is. The eternal present is the space within which your whole life
unfolds, the factor that remains constant. Life is now. There was never a time
when your life was not now, nor will there ever be. Secondly, the Now is the only
point that can take you beyond the limited confines of your mind. It is your only
point of access to the timeless and formless realm of Being. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
1464:To love at a distance and without hope; never to possess; to dream chastely of pale charms and impossible kisses extinguished on the waxen brow of death: ah, that is something like it. A delicious straying away from the world, and never the return. As only the unreal is not ignoble and empty, existence must be admitted to be abominable. Yes, imagination is the only good thing which heaven vouchsafes to the skeptic and pessimist, alarmed by the eternal abjectness of life. ~ Joris Karl Huysmans,
1465:Trusting God even when we can’t or don’t want to because nothing makes sense—especially then—is freedom, freedom from the pressure of needing to be certain when certainty has left us. Choosing to trust the Creator then and there isn’t irrational, but a humble admission that our rational faculties are limited for grasping the eternal and infinite. To call such trust irrational has already put on a pedestal the rationalistic pattern of faith that deeper faith calls us to transcend. ~ Peter Enns,
1466:So why did Jesus have to die? Jesus had to die because our eternal Father-Spirit wanted to wake us up to this reality: there is nothing and no one in this world that can save us. The only thing that has this power is the Spirit within us. Until we let all our human reasoning, all our worldly and religious attachments and dependencies, and all our cosmos mindsets and ideologies die, we are stuck. It is only the eternal Jesus that can save us, which is that eternal Spirit within us. ~ Jim Palmer,
1467:I do not know by what power I think; but well I know that I should never have thought without the assistance of my senses. That there are immaterial and intelligent substances I do not at all doubt; but that it is impossible for God to communicate the faculty of thinking to matter, I doubt very much. I revere the Eternal Power, to which it would ill become me to prescribe bounds. I affirm nothing, and am contented to believe that many things are possible than are usually thought so". ~ Voltaire,
1468:... for as the reality of light cannot be proved or described in terms of visible shape, the reality of the infinite cannot be proved in terms of the finite. For this reason every attempt to prove the existence of God by logic is a foregone failure. Logic cannot reach God. It may travel backwards in time from effect to cause, effect to cause, but as long as it stays in time, as it must, it cannot touch the eternal. That which doesn't not begin with the infinite cannot end with it. ~ Alan W Watts,
1469:The realization of what wisdom actually was slowly blossomed and ripened in Siddhartha—and he discovered what the goal of his long search was. It was nothing but a readiness of the soul, an ability, a secret art, to think every moment, while living his life, the thought of oneness, to be able to feel and inhale the oneness. Slowly this blossomed in him, was reflected back at him from Vasudeva’s old, childlike face: harmony, knowledge of the eternal perfection of the world, unity. ~ Hermann Hesse,
1470:Art was a union of the father and mother worlds, of mind and blood. It might start in utter sensuality and lead to total abstraction; then again it might originate in pure concept and end in bleeding flesh. Any work of art that was truly sublime, not just a good juggler's trick; that was filled with the eternal secret, like the master's madonna; every obviously genuine work of art had this dangerous, smiling double face, was male-female, a merging of instinct and pure spirituality. ~ Hermann Hesse,
1471:Every one of us is a mystic. We may or may not realize it, we may not even like it. But whether we know it or not, whether we accept it or not, mystical experience is always there, inviting us on a journey of ultimate discovery. We have been given the gift of life in this perplexing world to become who we ultimately are: creatures of boundless love, caring compassion, and wisdom. Existence is a summons to the eternal journey of the sage - the sage we all are, if only we could see. ~ Wayne Teasdale,
1472:A wonderful point in favor of some kind of hereafter is this: When the mind rejects as childishly absurd a paradise with musical angels or abstract colonnades with Horace and Milton in togas conversing and walking together through the eternal twilight, or the protracted voluptas of the orient or any other eternity -- such as the one with devils and porcupines -- we forget that if we could have imagined life before living it would have seemed more improbable than all our hereafters ~ Vladimir Nabokov,
1473:Darling-- I love these velvet nights. I've never been able to decide whether the night was a bitter enemie or a "grand patron" --or whether I love you most in the eternal classic half-lights where it blends with day or in the full religious fan-fare of mid-night or perhaps in the lux of noon. Anyway, I love you most and you 'phoned me just because you phoned me tonight-- I walked on those telephone wires for two hours after holding your love like a parasol to balance me. My dear-- ~ Zelda Fitzgerald,
1474:The Book of Mormon is the keystone of our religion primarily because it is the most extended and definitive witness we have of the Lord Jesus Christ--of our Alpha and Omega, the Key Stone, the Chief Cornerstone of the eternal gospel. Christ is our salvation, and the Book of Mormon declares that message unequivocally to the world. In its message of faith in Christ, hope in Christ, and charity in Christ, the Book of Mormon is God's "new covenant" to his children--for the last time. ~ Jeffrey R Holland,
1475:Only love for the Supreme Lord is true Bhakti. Love for any other being, however great, is not Bhakti. The "Supreme Lord" here means Ishvara, the concept of which transcends what you in the West mean by the personal God. "He from whom this universe proceeds, in whom it rests, and to whom it returns, He is Ishvara, the Eternal, the Pure, the All-Merciful, the Almighty, the Ever-Free, the All-Knowing, the Teacher of all teachers, the Lord who of His own nature is inexpressible Love." ~ Swami Vivekananda,
1476:The tranquil lake reflects in the polished mirror of its waters heaven and the trees and the glittering stars; approach now and see how the image is changed; in place of heaven and the stars it is thyself that thou seest, for it was thy soul that created the heaven and the stars reflected in the mirror of the lake. Learn that all things seem to be in the soul which reflects them, but they are not the truth and the essence of the eternal reality. That essence is the Spirit which forms all things. ~ Anon,
1477:Why did you do that, Pedro? It will look ridiculous, you agreeing to marry Rosaura. What happened to the eternal love you swore to Tita? Aren't you going to keep that vow?'

'Of course I'll keep it. When you're told there's no way you can marry the woman you love, and your only hope of being near her is to marry her sister, wouldn't you do the same?'

'So you intend to marry without love?'

'No, Papa. I am going to marry with a great love for Tita that will never die. ~ Laura Esquivel,
1478:After all, is it not the way we humans shape the universe, shape time itself? Do we not take the raw stuff of chaos and impose a beginning, middle, and end on it, like the simplest and most profound of folktales, to reflect the shapes of our own tiny lives? And if the physicists are right, that the physical world changes as it is observed, and we are its only known observers, then might we not be bending the entire chaotic universe, the eternal, ever-active Now, to fit that familiar form? ~ Tad Williams,
1479:I am from the Kilburn branch of the Keepers of the Eternal and Victorious Islamic Nation," said Hifan proudly.

Irie inhaled.

Keepers of the Eternal and Victorious Islamic Nation," repeated Millat, impressed. "That's a wicked name. It's got a wicked kung-fu arse sound to it."

Irie frowned. "KEVIN?"

We are aware," said Hifan solemnly, pointing to the spot underneath the cupped flame where the initials were minutely embroidered, "that we have an acronym problem. ~ Zadie Smith,
1480:There's a dark side to each and every human soul. We wish we were Obi-Wan Kenobi, and for the most part we are, but there's a little Darth Vader in all of us. Thing is, this ain't no either or proposition. We're talking about dialectics, the good and the bad merging into us. You can run but you can't hide. My experience? Face the darkness, stare it down. Own it. As brother Nietzsche said, being human is a complicated gig. Give that old dark night of the soul a hug! Howl the eternal yes! ~ Stuart Stevens,
1481:O, how wonderful is the human voice! It is indeed the organ of the soul! The intellect of man sits enthroned visibly upon his forehead and in his eye; and the heart of man is written upon his countenance. But the soul reveals itself in the voice only; as God revealed himself to the prophet of old in the still, small voice; and in a voice from the burning bush. The soul of man is audible, not visible. A sound alone betrays the flowing of the eternal fountain, invisible to man! ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow,
1482:The country is the real thing, the substantial thing, the eternal thing; it is the thing to watch over, and care for, and be loyal to; institutions are extraneous, they are its mere clothing, and clothing can wear out, become ragged, cease to be comfortable, cease to protect the body from winter, disease, and death. To be loyal to rags, to shout for rags, to die for rags--that is a loyalty of unreason, it is pure animal; it belongs to monarchy, was invented by monarchy; let monarchy keep it. ~ Mark Twain,
1483:The Eternal Religion, the religion of the rishis, has been in existence from time immemorial and will exist eternally. There exists in this Sanatana Dharma all forms of worship--worship of God with form and worship of the impersonal Deity as well. It contains all paths--the path of knowledge, the path of devotion and so on. Other forms of religion, the modern cults, will remain for a few days and then disappear.

-- Sri Ramakrishna in a conversation with a devotee on March 9, 1884 ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1484:There are moments, and it is only a matter of five or six seconds, when you feel the presence of the eternal harmony . . . a terrible thing is the frightful clearness with which it manifests itself and the rapture with which it fills you. If this state were to last more than five seconds, the soul could not endure it and would have to disappear. During these five seconds I live a whole human existence, and for that I would give my whole life and not think that I was paying too dearly . . . ~ Oliver Sacks,
1485:To know that we are only angels weighed down by filth, free of guilt? The bacteria in our bellies are responsible for the farts which shame us, tiny monsters shitting in their billions all over our pure skin create the acid reek of "our" sweat. And Slade: when the "inner voices" tell us we're unworthy or instruct us to "love" and "hate," despite our best instincts... are these incessant distracting thoughts our own? Or do we only hear the voice of the eternal germ screaming in our heads? ~ Grant Morrison,
1486:A day of grace is yet held out to us. Both North and South have been guilty before God; and the Christian Church has a heavy account to answer. Not by combining together, to protest injustice and cruelty, and making a common capital of sin, is this Union to be saved-but by repentance, justice and mercy; for, not surer is the eternal law by which the millstone sinks in the ocean, than that stronger law, by which injustice and cruelty shall bring on nations the wrath of Almighty God. ~ Harriet Beecher Stowe,
1487:The Amen is only as good as the attitude. If you are trying to finish up quickly so you can check your cell phone messages, you are missing the chance to spend quiet moments with the giver of life and the eternal, which means you may reap continued feelings of life racing along without you. So as Samuel Beckett admonished us to fail again, and fail better, we try to pray again, and pray better, for slightly longer and with slightly more honesty, breathing more, deeper, and with more attention. ~ Anne Lamott,
1488:And though it be not so in the physical, yet in moral science that which cannot be understood is not always profitless. For the soul awakes, a trembling stranger, between two dim eternities,—the eternal past, the eternal future. The light shines only on a small space around her; therefore, she needs must yearn towards the unknown; and the voices and shadowy movings which come to her from out the cloudy pillar of inspiration have each one echoes and answers in her own expecting nature. ~ Harriet Beecher Stowe,
1489:He looked upon the immortal sea with the awakened and groping perception of its heartless might; he saw it unchanged, black and foaming under the eternal scrutiny of the stars; he heard its impatient voice calling for him out of a pitiless vastness full of unrest, turmoil, and of terror. He looked afar upon it, and he saw an immensity tortured and blind, moaning and furious, that claimed all the days of his tenacious life, and, when life was over, would claim the worn-out body of its slave... ~ Joseph Conrad,
1490:Under the plan of heaven, the husband and the wife walk side by side as companions, neither one ahead of the other, but a daughter of God and a son of God walking side by side. Let your families be families of love and peace and happiness. Gather your children around you and have your family home evenings, teach your children the ways of the Lord, read to them from the scriptures, and let them come to know the great truths of the eternal gospel as set forth in these words of the Almighty. ~ Gordon B Hinckley,
1491:Time isn’t precious at all, because it is an illusion. What you perceive as precious is not time but the one point that is out of time: the Now. That is precious indeed. The more you are focused on time — past and future — the more you miss the Now, the most precious thing there is. Why is it the most precious thing? Firstly, because it is the only thing. It’s all there is. The eternal present is the space within which your whole life unfolds, the one factor that remains constant. Life is now. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
1492:. . . for until that God who rules all the region of the sky . . . has freed you from the fetters of your body, you cannot gain admission here. Men were created with the understanding that they were to look after that sphere called Earth, which you see in the middle of the temple. Minds have been given to them out of the eternal fires you call fixed stars and planets, those spherical solids which, quickened with divine minds, journey through their circuits and orbits with amazing speed. ~ Marcus Tullius Cicero,
1493:However much an ideologue tries to bury [Lenin] beneath a proof by historical analysis, there is always this one man standing their on the plain of History and of our lives, in the eternal 'current situation.' He goes on talking, calmly or passionately. He goes on talking about something simple: his revolutionary practice, the practice of class struggle, about what makes it possible to act on history...not to demonstrate that revolutions are inevitable, but to make them in our unique present. ~ Louis Althusser,
1494:The course of a great statesman resembles that of navigable rivers, avoiding immovable obstacles with noble bends of concession, seeking the broad levels of opinion on which men soonest settle and longest dwell, following and marking the almost imperceptible slopes of national tendency, yet always aiming at direct advances, always recruited from sources nearer heaven, and sometimes bursting open paths of progress and fruitful human commerce through what seem the eternal barriers of both. ~ James Russell Lowell,
1495:He loved the sea for deep-seated reasons: the hardworking artist's need for repose, the desire to take shelter from the demanding diversity of phenomena in the bosom of boundless simplicity, a propensity—proscribed and diametrically opposed to his mission in life and for that very reason seductive—a propensity for the unarticulated, the immoderate, the eternal, for nothingness. To repose in perfection is the desire of all those who strive for excellence, and is not nothingness a form of perfection? ~ Thomas Mann,

When the night wind makes the pine trees creak
And the pale clouds glide across the dark sky,
Go out my child, go out and seek
Your soul: The Eternal I.

For all the grasses rustling at your feet
And every flaming star that glitters high
Above you, close up and meet
In you: The Eternal I.

Yes, my child, go out into the world; walk slow
And silent, comprehending all, and by and by
Your soul, the Universe, will know
Itself: the Eternal I. ~ Jane Goodall,
1497:What if a demon were to creep after you one night, in your loneliest loneliness, and say, 'This life which you live must be lived by you once again and innumerable times more; and every pain and joy and thought and sigh must come again to you, all in the same sequence. The eternal hourglass will again and again be turned and you with it, dust of the dust!' Would you throw yourself down and gnash your teeth and curse that demon? Or would you answer, 'Never have I heard anything more divine'? ~ Friedrich Nietzsche,
1498:The notion that a term can be modified arises from neglect to observe the eternal self-identity of all terms and all logical concepts, which alone form the constituents of propositions.* What is called modification consists merely in having at one time, but not at another, some specific relation to some other specific term; but the term which sometimes has and sometimes has not the relation in question must be unchanged, otherwise it would not be that term which had ceased to have the relation. ~ Bertrand Russell,
1499:Hinduism... gave itself no name, because it set itself no sectarian limits; it claimed no universal adhesion, asserted no sole infallible dogma, set up no single narrow path or gate of salvation; it was less a creed or cult than a continuously enlarging tradition of the Godward endeavour of the human spirit. An immense many-sided many-staged provision for a spiritual self-building and self-finding, it had some right to speak of itself by the only name it knew, the eternal religion, Sanatana Dharma. ~ Sri Aurobindo,
1500:The thousand thousand grasses, dry now in the late-summer heat, bristle like the brittle pages of a thousand ancient books being turned by invisible scholars. Every blade and leaf and rock speaking of loss and endurance, the birds settling down for another night or two before their long, familiar hegira. The landscape he walks is an endless cascade of loss and dying and coming to life again, and he feels the immense silence of the dead and the eternal pulse of the living in the soles of his feet. ~ Robert Goolrick,

IN CHAPTERS [150/863]

  276 Integral Yoga
  120 Poetry
   56 Philosophy
   39 Christianity
   30 Yoga
   29 Occultism
   29 Fiction
   25 Psychology
   10 Hinduism
   9 Theosophy
   9 Mysticism
   7 Philsophy
   5 Sufism
   5 Buddhism
   5 Baha i Faith
   4 Education
   3 Integral Theory
   2 Science
   1 Mythology
   1 Alchemy

  359 Sri Aurobindo
  139 The Mother
   73 Satprem
   62 Nolini Kanta Gupta
   24 Percy Bysshe Shelley
   20 Carl Jung
   19 Saint Augustine of Hippo
   19 Aldous Huxley
   15 Sri Ramakrishna
   12 William Wordsworth
   12 Plotinus
   10 Swami Vivekananda
   10 Rudolf Steiner
   9 Friedrich Nietzsche
   8 Vyasa
   8 Paul Richard
   7 Walt Whitman
   7 Saint Teresa of Avila
   7 Ralph Waldo Emerson
   7 Rabindranath Tagore
   7 Aleister Crowley
   6 Sri Ramana Maharshi
   6 Baha u llah
   5 Saint John of Climacus
   5 Lucretius
   5 Jordan Peterson
   5 H P Lovecraft
   5 George Van Vrekhem
   5 A B Purani
   4 Swami Krishnananda
   4 Plato
   4 Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
   4 Nirodbaran
   4 Kabir
   4 Friedrich Schiller
   3 Jorge Luis Borges
   3 John Keats
   3 Jetsun Milarepa
   3 Anonymous
   2 R Buckminster Fuller
   2 Patanjali
   2 Mahendranath Gupta
   2 Ken Wilber
   2 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
   2 Farid ud-Din Attar
   2 Edgar Allan Poe
   2 Alice Bailey
   2 Al-Ghazali

   94 The Synthesis Of Yoga
   45 The Life Divine
   42 Savitri
   27 Essays On The Gita
   24 Shelley - Poems
   19 The Perennial Philosophy
   18 Essays In Philosophy And Yoga
   17 On Thoughts And Aphorisms
   16 Prayers And Meditations
   15 City of God
   14 The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
   14 Essays Divine And Human
   13 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02
   12 Wordsworth - Poems
   12 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01
   12 Collected Poems
   11 Talks
   11 Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness
   11 Questions And Answers 1956
   11 Mysterium Coniunctionis
   11 Kena and Other Upanishads
   11 Agenda Vol 03
   9 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 07
   9 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04
   8 Vishnu Purana
   8 Letters On Yoga II
   8 Isha Upanishad
   8 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 05
   8 Agenda Vol 04
   7 Whitman - Poems
   7 The Way of Perfection
   7 Theosophy
   7 The Human Cycle
   7 Tagore - Poems
   7 Some Answers From The Mother
   7 Questions And Answers 1957-1958
   7 Hymns to the Mystic Fire
   7 Emerson - Poems
   7 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03
   6 Thus Spoke Zarathustra
   6 The Secret Of The Veda
   6 The Secret Doctrine
   6 The Divine Comedy
   6 Bhakti-Yoga
   6 Agenda Vol 06
   6 Agenda Vol 01
   5 The Ladder of Divine Ascent
   5 The Confessions of Saint Augustine
   5 The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious
   5 Record of Yoga
   5 Preparing for the Miraculous
   5 On Education
   5 Of The Nature Of Things
   5 Maps of Meaning
   5 Lovecraft - Poems
   5 Letters On Yoga I
   5 Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo
   5 Agenda Vol 07
   5 Agenda Vol 02
   4 Vedic and Philological Studies
   4 Twelve Years With Sri Aurobindo
   4 The Study and Practice of Yoga
   4 The Bible
   4 Schiller - Poems
   4 Questions And Answers 1955
   4 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 01
   4 Agenda Vol 11
   4 Agenda Vol 08
   4 Agenda Vol 05
   3 Words Of The Mother II
   3 Words Of Long Ago
   3 Twilight of the Idols
   3 The Practice of Psycho therapy
   3 The Mother With Letters On The Mother
   3 The Book of Certitude
   3 Questions And Answers 1953
   3 Questions And Answers 1950-1951
   3 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 03
   3 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 02
   3 Milarepa - Poems
   3 Liber ABA
   3 Letters On Poetry And Art
   3 Keats - Poems
   3 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 08
   3 Agenda Vol 13
   2 Words Of The Mother III
   2 Words Of The Mother I
   2 The Phenomenon of Man
   2 The Alchemy of Happiness
   2 Synergetics - Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking
   2 Songs of Kabir
   2 Sex Ecology Spirituality
   2 Raja-Yoga
   2 Questions And Answers 1929-1931
   2 Poe - Poems
   2 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 04
   2 Patanjali Yoga Sutras
   2 On the Way to Supermanhood
   2 Magick Without Tears
   2 Labyrinths
   2 Knowledge of the Higher Worlds
   2 Crowley - Poems
   2 A Treatise on Cosmic Fire
   2 Agenda Vol 12
   2 Agenda Vol 10
   2 A Garden of Pomegranates - An Outline of the Qabalah

00.01 - The Mother on Savitri, #Sweet Mother - Harmonies of Light, #unset, #Zen
  It may then be said that Savitri is a revelation, it is a meditation, it is a quest of the Infinite, the Eternal. If it is read with this aspiration for Immortality, the reading itself will serve as a guide to Immortality. To read Savitri is indeed to practice Yoga, spiritual concentration; one can find there all that is needed to realise the Divine. Each step of Yoga is noted here, including the secret of all other Yogas. Surely, if one sincerely follows what is revealed here in each line one will reach finally the transformation of the Supramental Yoga. It is truly the infallible guide who never abandons you; its support is always there for him who wants to follow the path. Each verse of Savitri is like a revealed Mantra which surpasses all that man possessed by way of knowledge, and I repeat this, the words are expressed and arranged in such a way that the sonority of the rhythm leads you to the origin of sound, which is OM.
  My child, yes, everything is there: mysticism, occultism, philosophy, the history of evolution, the history of man, of the gods, of creation, of Nature. How the universe was created, why, for what purpose, what destiny - all is there. You can find all the answers to all your questions there. Everything is explained, even the future of man and of the evolution, all that nobody yet knows. He has described it all in beautiful and clear words so that spiritual adventurers who wish to solve the mysteries of the world may understand it more easily. But this mystery is well hidden behind the words and lines and one must rise to the required level of true consciousness to discover it. All prophesies, all that is going to come is presented with the precise and wonderful clarity. Sri Aurobindo gives you here the key to find the Truth, to discover the Consciousness, to solve the problem of what the universe is. He has also indicated how to open the door of the Inconscience so that the light may penetrate there and transform it. He has shown the path, the way to liberate oneself from the ignorance and climb up to the superconscience; each stage, each plane of consciousness, how they can be scaled, how one can cross even the barrier of death and attain immortality. You will find the whole journey in detail, and as you go forward you can discover things altogether unknown to man. That is Savitri and much more yet. It is a real experience - reading Savitri. All the secrets that man possessed, He has revealed, - as well as all that awaits him in the future; all this is found in the depth of Savitri. But one must have the knowledge to discover it all, the experience of the planes of consciousness, the experience of the Supermind, even the experience of the conquest of Death. He has noted all the stages, marked each step in order to advance integrally in the integral Yoga.

00.03 - Upanishadic Symbolism, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Now this is what is sought to be conveyed and expressed. The five movements of the sun here also are nothing but the five smas and they refer to the cycle of the Cosmic or Universal Brahman. The sixth status where all movements cease, where there is no rising and setting, no ebb and flow, no waxing and waning, where there is the immutable, the ever-same unity, is very evidently the Transcendental Brahman. It is That to which the Vedic Rishi refers when he prays for a constant and fixed vision of the Eternal Sunjyok ca sryam drie.
   It would be interesting to know what the five ranges or levels or movements of consciousness exactly are that make up the Universal Brahman described in this passage. It is the mystic knowledge, the Upanishad says, of the secret delight in thingsmadhuvidy. The five ranges are the five fundamental principles of delightimmortalities, the Veda would say that form the inner core of the pyramid of creation. They form a rising tier and are ruled respectively by the godsAgni, Indra, Varuna, Soma and Brahmawith their emanations and instrumental personalities the Vasus, the Rudras, the Adityas, the Maruts and the Sadhyas. We suggest that these refer to the five well-known levels of being, the modes or nodi of consciousness or something very much like them. The Upanishad speaks elsewhere of the five sheaths. The six Chakras of Tantric system lie in the same line. The first and the basic mode is the physical and the ascent from the physical: Agni and the Vasus are always intimately connected with the earth and -the earth-principles (it can be compared with the Muladhara of the Tantras). Next, second in the line of ascent is the Vital, the centre of power and dynamism of which the Rudras are the deities and Indra the presiding God (cf. Swadhishthana of the Tantras the navel centre). Indra, in the Vedas, has two aspects, one of knowledge and vision and the other of dynamic force and drive. In the first aspect he is more often considered as the Lord of the Mind, of the Luminous Mind. In the present passage, Indra is taken in his second aspect and instead of the Maruts with whom he is usually invoked has the Rudras as his agents and associates.
   But Yama did answer and unveil the mystery and impart the supreme secret knowledge the knowledge of the Transcendent Brahman: it is out of the transcendent reality that the immanent deity takes his birth. Hence the Divine Fire, the Lord of creation and the Inner Mastersarvabhtntartm, antarymis called brahmajam, born of the Brahman. Yama teaches the process of transcendence. Apart from the knowledge and experience first of the individual and then of the cosmic Brahman, there is a definite line along which the human consciousness (or unconsciousness, as it is at present) is to ascend and evolve. The first step is to learn to distinguish between the Good and the Pleasurable (reya and preya). The line of pleasure leads to the external, the superficial, the false: while the other path leads towards the inner and the higher truth. So the second step is the gradual withdrawal of the consciousness from the physical and the sensual and even the mental preoccupation and focussing it upon what is certain and permanent. In the midst of the death-ridden consciousness in the heart of all that is unstable and fleetingone has to look for Agni, the Eternal godhead, the Immortal in mortality, the Timeless in time through whom lies the passage to Immortality beyond Time.
   Man has two souls corresponding to his double status. In the inferior, the soul looks downward and is involved in the current of Impermanence and Ignorance, it tastes of grief and sorrow and suffers death and dissolution: in the higher it looks upward and communes and joins with the Eternal (the cosmic) and then with the Absolute (the transcendent). The lower is a reflection of the higher, the higher comes down in a diminished and hence tarnished light. The message is that of deliverance, the deliverance and reintegration of the lower soul out of its bondage of worldly ignorant life into the freedom and immortality first of its higher and then of its highest status. It is true, however, that the Upanishad does not make a trenchant distinction between the cosmic and the transcendent and often it speaks of both in the same breath, as it were. For in fact they are realities involved in each other and interwoven. Indeed the triple status, including the Individual, forms one single totality and the three do not exclude or cancel each other; on the contrary, they combine and may be said to enhance each other's reality. The Transcendence expresses or deploys itself in the cosmoshe goes abroad,sa paryagt: and the cosmic individualises, concretises itself in the particular and the personal. The one single spiritual reality holds itself, aspects itself in a threefold manner.
   The teaching of Yama in brief may be said to be the gospel of immortality and it consists of the knowledge of triple immortality. And who else can be the best teacher of immortality than Death himself, as Nachiketas pointedly said? The first immortality is that of the physical existence and consciousness, the preservation of the personal identity, the individual name and formthis being in itself as expression and embodiment and instrument of the Inner Reality. This inner reality enshrines the second immortality the eternity and continuity of the soul's life through its incarnations in time, the divine Agni lit for ever and ever growing in flaming consciousness. And the third and final immortality is in the being and consciousness beyond time, beyond all relativities, the absolute and self-existent delight.

000 - Humans in Universe, #Synergetics - Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking, #R Buckminster Fuller, #Science
  separately. the Eternally regenerative Universe is synergetic. Humans have been
  included in this cosmic design as local Universe information-gatherers and local
  problem-solvers in support of the integrity of the Eternal, 100-percent-efficient, self-
  regenerative system of Universe. In support of their cosmic functioning humans

0.00 - INTRODUCTION, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
   Totapuri was the bearer of a philosophy new to Sri Ramakrishna, the non-dualistic Vedanta philosophy, whose conclusions Totapuri had experienced in his own life. This ancient Hindu system designates the Ultimate Reality as Brahman, also described as Satchidananda, Existence-Knowledge-Bliss Absolute. Brahman is the only Real Existence. In It there is no time, no space, no causality, no multiplicity. But through maya, Its inscrutable Power, time, space, and causality are created and the One appears to break into the many. the Eternal Spirit appears as a manifold of individuals endowed with form and subject to the conditions of time. The Immortal becomes a victim of birth and death. The Changeless undergoes change. The sinless Pure Soul, hypnotized by Its own maya, experiences the joys of heaven and the pains of hell. But these experiences based on the duality of the subject-object relationship are unreal. Even the vision of a Personal God
   is, ultimately speaking, as illusory as the experience of any other object. Man attains his liberation, therefore, by piercing the veil of maya and rediscovering his total identity with Brahman. Knowing himself to be one with the Universal Spirit, he realizes ineffable Peace. Only then does he go beyond the fiction of birth and death; only then does he become immortal. 'And this is the ultimate goal of all religions — to dehypnotize the soul now hypnotized by its own ignorance.
   The path of the Vedantic discipline is the path of negation, "neti", in which, by stern determination, all that is unreal is both negated and renounced. It is the path of jnana, knowledge, the direct method of realizing the Absolute. After the negation of everything relative, including the discriminating ego itself, the aspirant merges in the One without a Second, in the bliss of nirvikalpa samadhi, where subject and object are alike dissolved. The soul goes beyond the realm of thought. The domain of duality is transcended. Maya is left behind with all its changes and modifications. The Real Man towers above the delusions of creation, preservation, and destruction. An avalanche of indescribable Bliss sweeps away all relative ideas of pain and pleasure, good and evil. There shines in the heart the glory of the Eternal Brahman, Existence-Knowledge-Bliss Absolute. Knower, knowledge, and known are dissolved in the Ocean of one eternal Consciousness; love, lover, and beloved merge in the unbounded Sea of supreme Felicity; birth, growth, and death vanish in infinite Existence. All doubts and misgivings are quelled for ever; the oscillations of the mind are stopped; the momentum of past actions is exhausted. Breaking down the ridge-pole of the tabernacle in which the soul has made its abode for untold ages, stilling the body, calming the mind, drowning the ego, the sweet joy of Brahman wells up in that superconscious state. Space disappears into nothingness, time is swallowed in eternity, and causation becomes a dream of the past. Only Existence is. Ah! Who can describe what the soul then feels in its communion with the Self?
   Even when man descends from this dizzy height, he is devoid of ideas of "I" and "mine"; he looks on the body as a mere shadow, an outer sheath encasing the soul. He does not dwell on the past, takes no thought for the future, and looks with indifference on the present. He surveys everything in the world with an eye of equality; he is no longer touched by the infinite variety of phenomena; he no longer reacts to pleasure and pain. He remains unmoved whether he — that is to say, his body — is worshipped by the good or tormented by the wicked; for he realizes that it is the one Brahman that manifests Itself through everything. The impact of such an experience devastates the body and mind. Consciousness becomes blasted, as it were, with an excess of Light. In the Vedanta books it is said that after the experience of nirvikalpa samadhi the body drops off like a dry leaf. Only those who are born with a special mission for the world can return
  . What is shallow is worthless and can never give real felicity. But the Knowledge by which one does not see another or hear another or know another, which is beyond duality, is great, and through such Knowledge one attains the Infinite Bliss. How can the mind and senses grasp That which shines in the heart of all as the Eternal Subject?"
   Totapuri asked the disciple to withdraw his mind from all objects of the relative world, including the gods and goddesses, and to concentrate on the Absolute. But the task was not easy even for Sri Ramakrishna. He found it impossible to take his mind beyond Kali, the Divine Mother of the Universe. "After the initiation", Sri Ramakrishna once said, describing the event, "Nangta began to teach me the various conclusions of the Advaita Vedanta and asked me to withdraw the mind completely from all objects and dive deep into the Atman. But in spite of all my attempts I could not altogether cross the realm of name and form and bring my mind to the unconditioned state. I had no difficulty in taking the mind from all the objects of the world. But the radiant and too familiar figure of the Blissful Mother, the Embodiment of the essence of Pure Consciousness, appeared before me as a living reality. Her bewitching smile prevented me from passing into the Great Beyond. Again and again I tried, but She stood in my way every time. In despair I said to Nangta: 'It is hopeless. I cannot raise my mind to the unconditioned state and come face to face with Atman.' He grew excited and sharply said: 'What? You can't do it? But you have to.' He cast his eyes around. Finding a piece of glass he took it up and stuck it between my eyebrows. 'Concentrate the mind on this point!' he thundered. Then with stern determination I again sat to meditate. As soon as the gracious form of the Divine Mother appeared before me, I used my discrimination as a sword and with it clove Her in two. The last barrier fell. My spirit at once soared beyond the relative plane and I lost myself in samadhi."
   Keshab was the leader of the Brahmo Samaj, one of the two great movements that, during the latter part of the nineteenth century, played an important part in shaping the course of the renascence of India. The founder of the Brahmo movement had been the great Raja Rammohan Roy (1774-1833). Though born in an orthodox brahmin family, Rammohan Roy had shown great sympathy for Islam and Christianity. He had gone to Tibet in search of the Buddhist mysteries. He had extracted from Christianity its ethical system, but had rejected the divinity of Christ as he had denied the Hindu Incarnations. The religion of Islam influenced him, to a great extent, in the formulation of his monotheistic doctrines. But he always went back to the Vedas for his spiritual inspiration. The Brahmo Samaj, which he founded in 1828, was dedicated to the "worship and adoration of the Eternal, the Unsearchable, the Immutable Being, who is the Author and Preserver of the Universe". The Samaj was open to all without distinction of colour, creed, caste, nation, or religion.
   The real organizer of the Samaj was Devendranath Tagore (1817-1905), the father of the poet Rabindranath. His physical and spiritual beauty, aristocratic aloofness, penetrating intellect, and poetic sensibility made him the foremost leader of the educated Bengalis. These addressed him by the respectful epithet of Maharshi, the "Great Seer". The Maharshi was a Sanskrit scholar and, unlike Raja Rammohan Roy, drew his inspiration entirely from the Upanishads. He was an implacable enemy of image worship ship and also fought to stop the infiltration of Christian ideas into the Samaj. He gave the movement its faith and ritual. Under his influence the Brahmo Samaj professed One Self-existent Supreme Being who had created the universe out of nothing, the God of Truth, Infinite Wisdom, Goodness, and Power, the Eternal and Omnipotent, the One without a Second. Man should love Him and do His will, believe in Him and worship Him, and thus merit salvation in the world to come.
   By far the ablest leader of the Brahmo movement was Keshab Chandra Sen (1838-1884). Unlike Raja Rammohan Roy and Devendranath Tagore, Keshab was born of a middle-class Bengali family and had been brought up in an English school. He did not know Sanskrit and very soon broke away from the popular Hindu religion. Even at an early age he came under the spell of Christ and professed to have experienced the special favour of John the Baptist, Christ, and St. Paul. When he strove to introduce Christ to the Brahmo Samaj, a rupture became inevitable with Devendranath. In 1868 Keshab broke with the older leader and founded the Brahmo Samaj of India, Devendra retaining leadership of the first Brahmo Samaj, now called the Adi Samaj.
   In 1878 a schism divided Keshab's Samaj. Some of his influential followers accused him of infringing the Brahmo principles by marrying his daughter to a wealthy man before she had attained the marriageable age approved by the Samaj. This group seceded and established the Sadharan Brahmo Samaj, Keshab remaining the leader of the Navavidhan. Keshab now began to be drawn more and more toward the Christ ideal, though under the influence of Sri Ramakrishna his devotion to the Divine Mother also deepened. His mental oscillation between Christ and the Divine Mother of Hinduism found no position of rest. In Bengal and some other parts of India the Brahmo movement took the form of unitarian Christianity, scoffed at Hindu rituals, and preached a crusade against image worship. Influenced by Western culture, it declared the supremacy of reason, advocated the ideals of the French Revolution, abolished the caste-system among its own members, stood for the emancipation of women, agitated for the abolition of early marriage, sanctioned the remarriage of widows, and encouraged various educational and social-reform movements. The immediate effect of the Brahmo movement in Bengal was the checking of the proselytizing activities of the Christian missionaries. It also raised Indian culture in the estimation of its English masters. But it was an intellectual and eclectic religious ferment born of the necessity of the time. Unlike Hinduism, it was not founded on the deep inner experiences of sages and prophets. Its influence was confined to a comparatively few educated men and women of the country, and the vast masses of the Hindus remained outside it. It sounded monotonously only one of the notes in the rich gamut of the Eternal Religion of the Hindus.

0.00 - THE GOSPEL PREFACE, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  The life and teachings of Sri Ramakrishna have redirected the thoughts of the denationalized Hindus to the spiritual ideals of their forefa thers. During the latter part of the nineteenth century his was the time-honoured role of the Saviour of the Eternal Religion of the Hindus. His teachings played an important part in liberalizing the minds of orthodox pundits and hermits. Even now he is the silent force that is moulding the spiritual destiny of India. His great disciple, Swami Vivekananda, was the first Hindu missionary to preach the message of Indian culture to the enlightened minds of Europe and America. The full consequence of Swami Vivekn and work is still in the womb of the future.
  May this translation of the first book of its kind in the religious history of the world, being the record of the direct words of a prophet, help stricken humanity to come nearer to the Eternal Verity of life and remove dissension and quarrel from among the different faiths!
  May it enable seekers of Truth to grasp the subtle laws of the supersensuous realm, and unfold before man's restricted vision the spiritual foundation of the universe, the unity of existence, and the divinity of the soul!
  As time went on and the number of devotees increased, the staircase room and terrace of the 3rd floor of the Morton Institution became a veritable Naimisaranya of modern times, resounding during all hours of the day, and sometimes of night, too, with the word of God coming from the Rishi-like face of M. addressed to the eager God-seekers sitting around. To the devotees who helped him in preparing the text of the Gospel, he would dictate the conversations of the Master in a meditative mood, referring now and then to his diary. At times in the stillness of midnight he would awaken a nearby devotee and tell him: "Let us listen to the words of the Master in the depths of the night as he explains the truth of the Pranava." ( Vednta Kesari XIX P. 142.) Swami Raghavananda, an intimate devotee of M., writes as follows about these devotional sittings: "In the sweet and warm months of April and May, sitting under the canopy of heaven on the roof-garden of 50 Amherst Street, surrounded by shrubs and plants, himself sitting in their midst like a Rishi of old, the stars and planets in their courses beckoning us to things infinite and sublime, he would speak to us of the mysteries of God and His love and of the yearning that would rise in the human heart to solve the Eternal Riddle, as exemplified in the life of his Master. The mind, melting under the influence of his soft sweet words of light, would almost transcend the frontiers of limited existence and dare to peep into the infinite. He himself would take the influence of the setting and say,'What a blessed privilege it is to sit in such a setting (pointing to the starry heavens), in the company of the devotees discoursing on God and His love!' These unforgettable scenes will long remain imprinted on the minds of his hearers." (Prabuddha Bharata Vol XXXVII P 497.)
  About twenty-seven years of his life he spent in this way in the heart of the great city of Calcutta, radiating the Master's thoughts and ideals to countless devotees who flocked to him, and to still larger numbers who read his Kathmrita (English Edition : The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna), the last part of which he had completed before June 1932 and given to the press. And miraculously, as it were, his end also came immediately after he had completed his life's mission. About three months earlier he had come to stay at his home at 13/2 Gurdasprasad Chaudhuary Lane at Thakur Bari, where the Holy Mother had herself installed the Master and where His regular worship was being conducted for the previous 40 years. The night of 3rd June being the Phalahrini Kli Pooja day, M.

0.02 - The Three Steps of Nature, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Wisdom, prajna prasr.ta puran. of the Upanishad, Wisdom that went forth from the Eternal since the beginning. For the particular utilities we must cast a penetrative eye on the different methods of Yoga and distinguish among the mass of their details the governing idea which they serve and the radical force which gives birth and energy to their processes of effectuation.
  Afterwards we may more easily find the one common principle and the one common power from which all derive their being and tendency, towards which all subconsciously move and in which, therefore, it is possible for all consciously to unite.
   as well as ascend the great stair of existence. For if the Eternal
  Wisdom exists at all, the faculty of Mind also must have some high use and destiny. That use must depend on its place in the ascent and in the return and that destiny must be a fulfilment and transfiguration, not a rooting out or an annulling.

0.03 - Letters to My little smile, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  when you were truly the Eternal little smile, spontaneously and
  effortlessly, when you felt satisfied with your work, happy to

0.03 - The Threefold Life, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  The characteristic law of Spirit is self-existent perfection and immutable infinity. It possesses always and in its own right the immortality which is the aim of Life and the perfection which is the goal of Mind. The attainment of the Eternal and the realisation of that which is the same in all things and beyond all things, equally blissful in universe and outside it, untouched by the imperfections and limitations of the forms and activities in which it dwells, are the glory of the spiritual life.
  In each of these forms Nature acts both individually and collectively; for the Eternal affirms Himself equally in the single form and in the group-existence, whether family, clan and nation or groupings dependent on less physical principles or the supreme group of all, our collective humanity. Man also may seek his own individual good from any or all of these spheres of activity, or identify himself in them with the collectivity and live for it, or, rising to a truer perception of this complex universe, harmonise the individual realisation with the collective aim. For as it is the right relation of the soul with the Supreme, while it is in the universe, neither to assert egoistically its separate being nor to blot itself out in the Indefinable, but to realise its unity with the Divine and the world and unite them in the individual, so the right relation of the individual with the collectivity is neither to pursue egoistically his own material or mental progress or spiritual salvation without regard to his fellows, nor for the sake of the community to suppress or maim his proper development, but to sum up in himself all its best and completest possibilities and pour them out by thought, action and all other means on his surroundings so that the whole race may approach nearer to the attainment of its supreme personalities.
  It follows that the object of the material life must be to fulfil, above all things, the vital aim of Nature. The whole aim of the material man is to live, to pass from birth to death with as much comfort or enjoyment as may be on the way, but anyhow to live.
  The mental life concentrates on the aesthetic, the ethical and the intellectual activities. Essential mentality is idealistic and a seeker after perfection. The subtle self, the brilliant Atman,1 is ever a dreamer. A dream of perfect beauty, perfect conduct, perfect Truth, whether seeking new forms of the Eternal or revitalising the old, is the very soul of pure mentality. But it knows not how to deal with the resistance of Matter. There it is hampered and inefficient, works by bungling experiments and has either to withdraw from the struggle or submit to the grey actuality. Or else, by studying the material life and accepting the conditions of the contest, it may succeed, but only in imposing temporarily some artificial system which infinite Nature either rends and casts aside or disfigures out of recognition or by withdrawing her assent leaves as the corpse of a dead ideal. Few and far between have been those realisations of the dreamer in Man which the world has gladly accepted, looks back to with a fond memory and seeks, in its elements, to cherish.
  1 Who dwells in Dream, the inly conscious, the enjoyer of abstractions, the Brilliant.
  But if it is often difficult for the mental life to accommodate itself to the dully resistant material activity, how much more difficult must it seem for the spiritual existence to live on in a world that appears full not of the Truth but of every lie and illusion, not of Love and Beauty but of an encompassing discord and ugliness, not of the Law of Truth but of victorious selfishness and sin? Therefore the spiritual life tends easily in the saint and Sannyasin to withdraw from the material existence and reject it either wholly and physically or in the spirit. It sees this world as the kingdom of evil or of ignorance and the Eternal and divine either in a far-off heaven or beyond where there is no world and no life. It separates itself inwardly, if not also physically, from the world's impurities; it asserts the spiritual reality in a spotless isolation. This withdrawal renders an invaluable service to the material life itself by forcing it to regard and even to bow down to something that is the direct negation of its own petty ideals, sordid cares and egoistic self-content.
  But the work in the world of so supreme a power as spiritual force cannot be thus limited. The spiritual life also can return upon the material and use it as a means of its own greater fullness. Refusing to be blinded by the dualities, the appearances, it can seek in all appearances whatsoever the vision of the same Lord, the same eternal Truth, Beauty, Love, Delight. The
  But the spiritual life, like the mental, may thus make use of this outward existence for the benefit of the individual with a perfect indifference to any collective uplifting of the merely symbolic world which it uses. Since the Eternal is for ever the same in all things and all things the same to the Eternal, since the exact mode of action and the result are of no importance compared with the working out in oneself of the one great realisation, this spiritual indifference accepts no matter what environment, no matter what action, dispassionately, prepared to retire as soon as its own supreme end is realised. It is so that many have understood the ideal of the Gita. Or else the inner love and bliss may pour itself out on the world in good deeds, in service, in compassion, the inner Truth in the giving of knowledge, without therefore attempting the transformation of a world which must by its inalienable nature remain a battlefield of the dualities, of sin and virtue, of truth and error, of joy and suffering.
  But if Progress also is one of the chief terms of worldexistence and a progressive manifestation of the Divine the true sense of Nature, this limitation also is invalid. It is possible for the spiritual life in the world, and it is its real mission, to change the material life into its own image, the image of the Divine. Therefore, besides the great solitaries who have sought and attained their self-liberation, we have the great spiritual teachers who have also liberated others and, supreme of all, the great dynamic souls who, feeling themselves stronger in the might of the Spirit than all the forces of the material life banded together, have thrown themselves upon the world, grappled with it in a loving wrestle and striven to compel its consent to its own transfiguration. Ordinarily, the effort is concentrated on a mental and moral change in humanity, but it may extend itself also to the alteration of the forms of our life and its institutions so that they too may be a better mould for the inpourings of the Spirit. These attempts have been the supreme landmarks in the progressive development of human ideals and the divine preparation of the race. Every one of them, whatever its outward results, has left Earth more capable of Heaven and quickened in its tardy movements the evolutionary Yoga of Nature.

0.05 - Letters to a Child, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  Learn to drink from the Eternal source; it contains everything.
  With my love.

0.05 - The Synthesis of the Systems, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  By this integral realisation and liberation, the perfect harmony of the results of Knowledge, Love and Works. For there is attained the complete release from ego and identification in being with the One in all and beyond all. But since the attaining consciousness is not limited by its attainment, we win also the unity in Beatitude and the harmonised diversity in Love, so that all relations of the play remain possible to us even while we retain on the heights of our being the Eternal oneness with the
  Beloved. And by a similar wideness, being capable of a freedom in spirit that embraces life and does not depend upon withdrawal from life, we are able to become without egoism, bondage or reaction the channel in our mind and body for a divine action poured out freely upon the world.

0.06 - Letters to a Young Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  It is not this person or that who attracts you... it is the Eternal
  feminine in the lower nature which attracts the Eternal masculine in the lower nature and creates an illusion in the mind; it
  is the great play, obscure and semi-conscious, of the forces of

0.08 - Letters to a Young Captain, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  physical being cannot become truly expressive of the Eternal
  Reality until it is completely transformed by the supramental

01.01 - The Symbol Dawn, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Parted the Eternal lids that open heaven;
  A Form from far beatitudes seemed to near.
  Mortality bears ill the Eternal's touch:
  It fears the pure divine intolerance
  Began again beneath the Eternal Hand.

01.02 - Natures Own Yoga, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The apparent or actual result of the movement of Nescienceof Involutionhas been an increasing negation of the Spirit, but its hidden purpose is ultimately to embody the Spirit in Matter, to express here below in cosmic Time-Space the splendours of the timeless Reality. The material body came into existence bringing with it inevitably, as it seemed, mortality; it appeared even to be fashioned out of mortality, in order that in this very frame and field of mortality, Immortality, the Eternal Spirit Consciousness which is the secret truth and reality in Time itself as well as behind it, might be established and that the Divine might be possessed, or rather, possess itself not in one unvarying mode of the static consciousness, as it does even now behind the cosmic play, but in the play itself and in the multiple mode of the terrestrial existence.

01.02 - The Creative Soul, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Now the centre of this energy, the matrix of creativity is the soul itself, one's own soul. If you want to createlive, grow and be real-find yourself, be yourself. The simple old wisdom still remains the Eternal wisdom. It is because we fall off from our soul that we wander into side-paths, paths that do not belong to our real nature and hence that lead to imitation and repetition, decay and death. This is what happens to what we call common souls. The force of circumstances, the pressure of environment or simply the momentum of custom or habit compel them to choose the easiest and the readiest way that may lie before them. They do not consult the demand of the inner being but the requirement of the moment. Our bodily needs, our vital hungers and our mental prejudices obsess and obscure the impulsions that thrill the hidden spirit. We hasten to gratify the immediate and forget the Eternal, we clutch at the shadow and let go the substance. We are carried away in the flux and tumult of life. It is a mixed and collective whirla Weltgeist that moves and governs us. We are helpless straws drifting in the current. But manhood demands that we stop and pause, pull ourselves out of the Maelstrom and be what we are. We must shape things as we want and not allow things to shape us as they want.
   Let each take cognisance of the godhead that is within him for self is Godand in the strength of the soul-divinity create his universe. It does not matter what sort of universe he- creates, so long as he creates it. The world created by a Buddha is not the same as that created by a Napoleon, nor should they be the same. It does not prove anything that I cannot become a Kalidasa; for that matter Kalidasa cannot become what I am. If you have not the genius of a Shankara it does not mean that you have no genius at all. Be and become yourselfma gridhah kasyachit dhanam, says the Upanishad. The fountain-head of creative genius lies there, in the free choice and the particular delight the self-determination of the spirit within you and not in the desire for your neighbours riches. The world has become dull and uniform and mechanical, since everybody endeavours to become not himself, but always somebody else. Imitation is servitude and servitude brings in grief.

01.02 - The Issue, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  With a background of the Eternal and unique.
  A spot for the Eternal's tread on earth
  Set in the cloistral yearning of the woods
  Heightening the Eternal's dreadful strategy,
  He measured the difficulty with the might
  Accustomed to the Eternal and the true,
  Her being conscious of its divine founts
  A flaming warrior from the Eternal peaks
  Empowered to force the door denied and closed

01.03 - The Yoga of the King - The Yoga of the Souls Release, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  A beam of the Eternal smites his heart,
  His thought stretches into infinitude;
  Lain in the arms of the Eternal's peace,
  Rapt in the heart-beats of God-ecstasy.
  And fed on the white milk of the Eternal's strengths
  Till it grows into the likeness of a god.
  Sat uncompanioned in the Eternal Calm,
  All-seeing, motionless, sovereign and alone.
  Overtaking the moment the Eternal Ray
  Illumined That which never yet was made.
  The presence of the Eternal in the hours
  Widening the mortal mind's half-look on things,
  A constant lodging in the Eternal's realm,
  A safety in the Silence and the Ray,
  In whose black pall the Eternal wraps his head
  That he may act unknown in cosmic Time.
  Stretched out surrounded by the Eternal hush;
  The ways that lead to endless happiness
  Looked for the Eternal wide returning gleam,
  Waiting the advent of a larger ray
  The golden shekels of the Eternal lie,
  Hoarded from touch and view and thought's desire,

01.04 - The Secret Knowledge, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Where sleeps the Eternal seed of transient things.
  Always we bear in us a magic key
  Our will a force of the Eternal's power,
  And thought the rays of a spiritual sun.
  Calm they repose on the Eternal Will.
  Only his law they count and him obey;
  Our passion heaves to wed the Eternal's calm,
  Our dwarf-search mind to meet the Omniscient's light,
  In Time he waits for the Eternal's hour.
  Yet a spiritual secret aid is there;
  To freedom and the Eternal's mastery
  And immortality's stand above the world,

01.05 - Rabindranath Tagore: A Great Poet, a Great Man, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Not the acceptance of the world as it is, not even a joyous acceptance, viewing it as an inexplicable and mysterious and magic play of, God, but the asp ration and endeavour to change it, mould it in the pattern of its inner divine realities for there are such realities which seek expression and embodiment in earthly life that is the great mission and labour of humanity and that is all the meaning of man's existence here below. And Tagore is one of the great prophets and labourers who had the vision of the shape of things to come and worked for it. Only it must be noted, as I have already said, that unlike mere moral reformists or scientific planners, Tagore grounded himself upon the Eternal ancient truths that "age cannot wither nor custom stale"the divine truths of the Spirit.
   Tagore was a poet; this poetic power of his he put in the service of the great cause for the divine uplift of humanity. Naturally, it goes without saying, his poetry did not preach or propagandize the truths for which he stoodhe had a fine and powerful weapon in his prose to do the work, even then in a poetic way but to sing them. And he sang them not in their philosophical bareness, like a Lucretius, or in their sheer transcendental austerity like some of the Upanishadic Rishis, but in and through human values and earthly norms. The especial aroma of Tagore's poetry lies exactly here, as he himself says, in the note of unboundedness in things bounded that it describes. A mundane, profane sensuousness, Kalidasian in richness and sweetness, is matched or counterpointed by a simple haunting note imbedded or trailing somewhere behind, a lyric cry persevering into eternity, the nostalgic cry of the still small voice.2

01.05 - The Yoga of the King - The Yoga of the Spirits Freedom and Greatness, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  The greatness of the Eternal Spirit appeared,
  Exiled in a fragmented universe
  For the Eternal Spirit is his truth.
  He can re-create himself and all around
  He dwelt in the wideness of the Eternal's reign.
  His being now exceeded thinkable Space,
  In the Eternal courts of Solitude.
  A nameless Marvel fills the motionless hours.
  Its reflex of the Eternal Mystery.
  Ascending and descending twixt life's poles
  An organ scale of the Eternal's acts,
  Mounting to their climax in an endless Calm,
  And the immortality of the Eternal Voice.
  There was no quarrel more of truth with truth;

0.10 - Letters to a Young Captain, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  results to the Eternal Lord.
  6 March 1962
  a mode of the Eternal. But each can be perverted and become
  bad due to the selfish falsehood of human nature which prevents
  What is the Eternal truth behind this sympathy or
  attraction of man for woman and of woman for man?

01.11 - Aldous Huxley: The Perennial Philosophy, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   A similar compilation was published in the Arya, called the Eternal Wisdom (Les Paroles ternelles, in French) a portion of which appeared later on in book-form: that was more elaborate, the contents were arranged in such a way that no comments were needed, they were self-explanatory, divided as they were in chapters and sections and subsections with proper headings, the whole thing put in a logical and organised sequence. Huxley's compilation begins under the title of the Upanishadic text "That art Thou" with this saying of Eckhart: "The more God is in all things, the more He is outside them. The more He is within, the more without". It will be interesting to note that the Arya compilation too starts with the same idea under the title "The God of All; the God who is in All", the first quotation being from Philolaus, "The Universe is a Unity". the Eternal Wisdom has an introduction called "The Song of Wisdom" which begins with this saying from the Book of Wisdom: "We fight to win sublime Wisdom; therefore men call us warriors".
   Huxley gives only one quotation from Sri Aurobindo under the heading "God in the World". Here it is:

01.13 - T. S. Eliot: Four Quartets, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   He aims at the neutral point between the positive and the negative poles, which is neither, yet holding the two togetherat the crossing of Yes and No, the known and the unknown, the local and the Eternal. That is what he means when he says:
   Here, the intersection of the timeless moment

0.11 - Letters to a Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  The soul is the Eternal essence at the centre of the psychic being.
  The soul is in fact like a divine spark which puts on many states

0.14 - Letters to a Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  can emerge into the Eternal delight. And this conscious union is
  the true goal of earthly existence.
  first identify itself with the Eternal Consciousness.
  17 March 1972

0 1955-03-26, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Mahakali: the Eternal Mother in her warrior aspect, She who severs the heads of the demons.
   Such was our old, meaningless name (except for its Germanic root: 'hard bear') until a certain March 3, 1957, when Mother named us Sat-prem ('the one who loves truly').

0 1958-05-10, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I saw and understood very well that by concentrating, I could have given it the attitude of the absolute authority of the Eternal Mother. When Sri Aurobindo told me, You are She, at the same time he bestowed upon my body this attitude of absolute authority. But as I had the inner vision of this truth, I concerned myself very little with the imperfections of the physical body I didnt bother about that, I only used it as an instrument. Sri Aurobindo did the sadhana for this body, which had only to remain constantly open to his action.1
   Afterwards, when he left and I had to do the Yoga myself, to be able to take his physical place, I could have adopted the attitude of the sage, which is what I did since I was in an unparalleled state of calm when he left. As he left his body and entered into mine, he told me, You will continue, you will go right to the end of the work. It was then that I imposed a calm upon this body the calm of total detachment. And I could have remained like that.
   From the negative point of view I mean the difficulties to be overcomeone of the most serious obstacles is that the ignorant and falsifying outer consciousness, the ordinary consciousness legitimizes all the so-called physical laws, causes, effects and consequences, all that science has discovered physically and materially. All this is an unquestionable reality to the consciousness, a reality that remains independent and absolute even in the face of the Eternal divine Reality.
   And it is so automatic that it is unconscious.

0 1958-10-10, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   There is ones position in the universal hierarchy, which is something ineluctableit is the Eternal lawand there is the development in the manifestation, which is an education; it is progressive and done from within the being. What is remarkable is that to become a perfect being, this positionwhatever it is, decreed since all eternity, a part of the Eternal Truthmust manifest with the greatest possible perfection as a result of evolutionary growth. It is the junction, the union of the two, the Eternal position and the evolutionary realization, that will make the total and perfect being, and the manifestation as the Lord has willed it since the beginning of all eternity (which has no beginning at all! ).
   And for the cycle to be complete, one cannot stop on the way at any plane, not even the highest spiritual plane nor the plane closest to matter (like the occult plane in the vital, for example). One must descend right into matter, and this perfection in manifestation must be a material perfection, or otherwise the cycle is not completewhich explains why those who want to flee in order to realize the divine Will are in error. What must be done is exactly the opposite! The two must be combined in a perfect way. This is why all the honest sciences, the sciences that are practiced sincerely, honestly, exclusively with a will to know, are difficult pathsyet such sure paths for the total realization.
   There are two parallel things that, from the Eternal and supreme point of view, are of identical importance, in that both are equally essential for the realization to be a true realization.
   On the one hand, there is what Sri Aurobindowho, as the Avatar, represented the supreme Consciousness and Will on earthdeclared me to be, that is, the supreme universal Mother; and on the other hand, there is what I am realizing in my body through the integral sadhana.2 I could be the supreme Mother and not do any sadhana, and as a matter of fact, as long as Sri Aurobindo was in his body, it was he who did the sadhana, and I received the effects. These effects were automatically established in the outer being, but he was the one doing it, not II was merely the bridge between his sadhana and the world. Only when he left his body was I forced to take up the sadhana myself; not only did I have to do what I was doing beforebeing a bridge between his sadhana and the world but I had to carry on the sadhana myself. When he left, he turned over to me the responsibility for what he himself had been doing in his body, and I had to do it. So there are both these things. Sometimes one predominates, sometimes the other (I dont mean successively in time, but it depends on the moment), and they are trying to combine in a total and perfect realization: the Eternal, ineffable and immutable Consciousness of the Executrice of the Supreme, and the consciousness of the Sadhak of the integral Yoga who strives in an ascending effort towards an ever increasing progression.
   To this has been added a growing initiation into the supramental realization which is (I understand it well now) the perfect union of what comes from above and what comes from below, or in other words, the Eternal position and the evolutionary realization.
   Then and this becomes rather amusing like lifes play Depending upon each ones nature and position and bias, and because human beings are very limited, very partial and incapable of a global vision, there are those who believe, who have faith, or to whom the Eternal Mother is revealed through Grace, who have this kind of relationship with the Eternal Mother and there are those who themselves are plunged in sadhana, who have the consciousness of a developed sadhak, and thereby have the same relationship with me as one has with what they generally call a realized soul. Such persons consider me the prototype of the Guru teaching a new way, but the others dont have this relationship of sadhak to Guru (I am taking the two extremes, but of course there are all the possibilities in between), they are only in contact with the Eternal Mother and, in the simplicity of their hearts, they expect Her to do everything for them. If they were perfect in this attitude, the Eternal Mother would do everything for themas a matter of fact, She does do everything, but as they arent perfect, they cannot receive it totally. But the two paths are very different, the two kinds of relationships are very different; and as we all live according to the law of external things, in a material body, there is a kind of annoyance, an almost irritated misunderstanding, between those who follow this path (not consciously and intentionally, but spontaneously), who have this relationship of the child to the Mother, and those who have this other relationship of the sadhak to the Guru. So it creates a whole play, with an infinite diversity of shades.
   But all this is still in suspense, on the way to realization, moving forward progressively; therefore, unless we are able to see the outcome, we cant understand a thing. We get confused. Only when we see the outcome, the final realization, only when we have TOUCHED there, will everything be understood then it will be as clear and as simple as can be. But meanwhile, my relationships with different people are very funny, utterly amusing!
   For example, this question of PowerTHE Powerover Matter. Those who perceive me as the Eternal, universal Mother and Sri Aurobindo as the Avatar are surprised that our power is not absolute. They are surprised that we have not merely to say, Let it be thus for it to be thus. This is because, in the integral realization, the union of the two is essential: a union of the power that proceeds from the Eternal position and the power that proceeds from the sadhana through evolutionary growth. Similarly, how is it that those who have reached even the summits of yogic knowledge (I was thinking of Swami) need to resort to beings like gods or demigods to be able to realize things?Because they have indeed united with certain higher forces and entities, but it was not decreed since the beginning of time that they were this particular being. They were not born as this or that, but through evolution they united with a latent possibility in themselves. Each one carries the Eternal within himself, but one can join Him only when one has realized the complete union of the latent Eternal with the Eternal Eternal.
   And this explains everything, absolutely everything: how it works, how it functions in the world.3 I was saying to myself, But I have no powers, I have no powers! Several days ago, I said, But after all, I KNOW WHO is there, I know, yet how is it that ? There, up to there (the level of the head), it is all-powerful, nothing can resist but here it is ineffective. So those who have faith, even an ignorant but real faith (it can be ignorant but nevertheless it is real), say, What! How can you have no powers? Because the sadhana is not yet over.

0 1958-11-28, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   As it is, the physical body is really only a very disfigured shadow of the Eternal life of the Self, but this physical body is capable of a progressive development; the physical substance progresses through each individual formation, and one day it will be able to build a bridge between physical life as we know it and the supramental life that is to manifest.

0 1960-05-24 - supramental flood, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   During those three hours, there was nothing but the Supreme manifesting through the Eternal Mother.
   But there was no consciousness of being Mother, neither eternal nor whatever: it was a continuous and all-powerful flood, and so extraordinarily varied, of the Lord manifesting Himself.

0 1960-11-15, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   At the core, this is the experience; it is no longer knowledge. I now understand quite clearly the difference between the knowledge of the Eternal soul, of life eternal through all its changes, and this CONCRETE experience of the thing.
   Its very moving.
   It was no longer this (that is, life as it is on earth) becoming conscious of That ( the Eternal soul, this portion of the Supreme as Sri Aurobindo said); it was the Eternal soul seeing life in its own way but without separation, without any separation, not like something looking from above that feels itself to be different How strange it is! Its not something else, its NOT something else, its not even a distortion, not even Its losing its illusory quality as described in the old spiritualities thats not what it is! In my experience, there was there was clearly an emotion I cant describe it, there are no words. It wasnt a feeling, it was something like an emotion, a vibration of such TOTAL closeness and at the same time of compassion, a compassion of love. (Oh, words are so pitiful! ) One was this outer thing, which was the total negation of the other and AT THE SAME TIME the other, without the least separation between them. It WAS the other. So what was born in one was born in the other as well, in this eternal light. A sweetness of identity, precisely, an identity that was necessarily such total understanding with such perfect love but love says it poorly, all words are poor! Its not that; its something else! Its something that cannot be expressed.
   I lived that this morning, upstairs.

0 1961-01-22, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Savitri is really a condensation, a concentration of the universal Mother the Eternal universal Mother, Mother of all universes from all eternityin an earthly personality for the Earths salvation. And Satyavan is the soul of the Earth, the Earths jiva. So when the Lord says, he whom you love and whom you have chosen, it means the earth. All the details are there! When she comes back down, when Death has yielded at last, when all has been settled and the Supreme tells her, Go, go with him, the one you have chosen, how does Sri Aurobindo describe it? He says that she very carefully takes the SOUL of Satyavan into her arms, like a little child, to pass through all the realms and come back down to earth. Everything is there! He hasnt forgotten a single detail to make it easy to understand for someone who knows how to understand. And it is when Savitri reaches the earth that Satyavan regains his full human stature.
   These seem to be the forces ruling the subconscious mechanisms or reactions of the body: all the automatism produced by evolution and atavismwhat might be termed evolutionary habits. This is the 'descending path,' which started forty years earlier, as Mother said (or the 'physical plunge' referred to by Sri Aurobindo), leading to the pure cellular consciousness.

0 1961-02-14, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Sri Aurobindo wants to make the distinction between the progressive soul (the soul which has experiences and progresses from life to life), what can be called the lower soul, and the higher soul, that is, the Eternal, immutable and divine soulessentially divine. He wrote this when he was in contact with certain Theosophical writings, before I introduced Theons vocabulary to him. For Theon, there is the divine center which is the Eternal soul, and the psychic being; similarly, to avoid using the same word in both cases, Sri Aurobindo speaks in later writings of the psychic being and of the divine center or central being the essential soul.
   What if we translate it la partie suprieure de lme, [the higher part of the soul], rather than me suprieure?

0 1961-10-30, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   This book was like the initiator of the legend. Sri Aurobindo was there, Sri Aurobindo as I know him now the Eternal Sri Aurobindo I know now.
   And it was all so solid! oh, so cohesive, SO MASSIVE, and at the same time I dont know, its something completely different from anything you might expect. You cant imagine it.
   But we have not yet reached the heart of the Vedic secret. The birth of Agni, the soul (and so many men are still unborn) is merely the start of the voyage. This inner flame seeks, it is the seeker within us, for it is a spark of the great primordial Fire and will never be satisfied until it has recovered its solar totality, the lost sun of which the Veda incessantly speaks. Yet even when we have risen from plane to plane and the Flame has taken successive births in the triple world of our lower existence (the physical, vital and mental world), it will still remain unsatisfiedit wants to ascend, ascend further. And soon we reach a mental frontier where there seems to be nothing to grasp any longer, nor even to see, and nothing remains but to abolish everything and leap into the ecstasy of a great Light. At this point, we feel almost painfully the imprisoning carapace of matter all around us, preventing that apotheosis of the Flame; then we understand the cry, My kingdom is not of this world, and the insistence of Indias Vedantic sagesand perhaps the sages of all worlds and all religions that we must abandon this body to embrace the Eternal. Will our flame thus forever be truncated here below and our quest always end in disappointment? Shall we always have to choose one or the other, to renounce earth to gain heaven?
   Yet beyond the lower triple world, the Rishis had discovered a certain fourth, touryam svid; they found the vast dwelling place, the solar world, Swar: I have arisen from earth to the mid-world [life], I have arisen from the mid-world to heaven [mind], from the level of the firmament of heaven I have gone to the Sun-world, the Light (Yajur-veda 17.67). And it is said, Mortals, they achieved immortality (Rig-veda I.110.4). What then was their secret? How did they pass from a heaven of mind to the great heaven without leaving the body, without, as it were, going off into ecstasies?

0 1961-11-05, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   When Richard went to Japan, he sent his manuscripts to Sri Aurobindo, including The Wherefore of the Worlds and the Eternal Wisdom, and Sri Aurobindo continued to translate them into English.
   Frankly, it was a relief for Sri Aurobindo when we left; he even wrote to someone or other (but in a totally superficial way) that Richards departure was a great relief for him.
   Here in Pondicherry, those last days might have become tragic (but of course it was impossible). There was the great argument (for he was perfectly aware of who I was): But after all, he would tell me, since you are the Eternal Mother, why have you chosen Aurobindo as Avatar? Choose me! You must choose meme! It was the Asura speaking through him. I would smile and not discuss it. Thats not how its done! I would tell him (laughing). Then one day he said, Ah, so you dont want to. (gesture to the throat) Well, if you dont choose me, then. He was a strong fellow with powerful hands. I kept quite calm and said inwardly, My Lord, my Lord. I called Sri Aurobindo and I saw him come, like that (gesture enveloping Mother and immobilizing everything). Then Richards hands loosened their grip.
   There were marks on my neck.

0 1961-12-16, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   So to calm the body I took a pencil and wrote: My being thirsts. (to tell the truth, I wanted to write this body thirsts) for perfection, not this human perfection(I should tell you that all the things I am translating are simultaneously accompanied by a set of external circumstances OBVIOUSLY arranged in detail to illustrate the translation: a whole set of quite unpleasant circumstances, besides, serving simultaneously as backdrop and illustration. Thats what brought on the anguish). This body thirsts for perfection, not this human perfection which is the perfection of the ego (it was so clear to me that everything human beings conceive of as perfection is simply the ego wanting to magnify itself for its own greater glory) not this human perfection which is the perfection of the ego and bars the way to the divine Perfection, but that one perfection (these repeated perfections are deliberate: its like a litany) but that one perfection which has the POWER to manifest upon earth the Eternal Truth.
   It was this need, this need. All the bodys cells began to vibrate with a more and more intense vibrationit was much more than a need; it was a necessity, a necessity to vibrate in unison with Truth. The cells seemed to be sensing the vibration of Truth, and so the entire body was in a state of total tensionnot tension in the ordinary sense, but it was like trying to find a note that rings true. Thats what it was: to make the cells vibration ring true to the Vibration of Truth.
   We thirst for perfection, not this human perfection which is the perfection of the ego and bars the way to the divine Perfection, but that ONE perfection which has the power to manifest upon Earth the Eternal Truth.1
   The English version is stronger than the French. Thats because it first came in English and then I made a patch-up job in French!

0 1962-01-09, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And nothing, nothing imaginable in the Eternal history of the universe can be compared to that shock: to have lived a perfect divine life as something completely natural and everyday, something OBVIOUS (it was never even in question), and then all of a sudden, physicallyyour base is snatched away. Well, to stay on after that! You just go, quite naturally: the base goes, you go.

0 1962-04-13, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Suddenly in the night I woke up with the full awareness of what we could call the Yoga of the world. The Supreme Love was manifesting through big pulsations, and each pulsation was bringing the world further in its manifestation. It was the formidable pulsations of the Eternal, stupendous Love, only Love: each pulsation of the Love was carrying the universe further in its manifestation.
   And the certitude that what is to be done is done and the Supramental Manifestation is realized.

0 1962-05-24, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I dont know if I am making myself clear. I thought for a time, a very long time, that if Science went to its furthest possible limits (if this is conceivable), it would join up with true Knowledge. In the study of the composition of matter, for exampleby pressing the investigation further and further ona point would be reached where the two would meet. But when I had that experience of passing from the Eternal Truth-Consciousness to the consciousness of the individualized world,1 well it appeared impossible to me. And if you ask me now, I think that this possibility of Science pushed to its extreme limits joining up with true Knowledge, and this impossibility of any true conscious connection with the material world are both incorrect. There is something else.
   And more and more these days, I find myself facing the whole problem as if I had never seen it before.
   The individual can give the initial impulse, point out the path, WALK the path himself (I mean show the path by realizing it) but he cant bring the work to fulfillment. The fulfillment of the work depends on certain collective laws that are the expression of a particular aspect of the Eternal and Infinitenaturally, its all one and the same Being! There arent different individuals and personalities, its all one and the same Being. But the same Being expressing itself in a particular way that for us translates as a group or a collectivity.
   Well, thenany other questions on this?

0 1962-06-12, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   That, you know, was what I was always striving for: a sudden surge into the supreme Light, into the Eternal and the Infinite, and then into dazzled wonder. And then, instead of being dazzled by it, it becomes your normal state.
   Thats really something. And thats what I wanted to give you.

0 1962-06-16, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   No, its not a matter of patienceits like this (Mother holds her hands above her head, open to the Eternal).

0 1962-07-18, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its like an image. You see, the body is stretched out here on the chaise longue. You know how it is when experiments are done on animals? Its something like that the body is there as the subject of an experiment. Then theres my consciousness, the part focused on the earthly experience and the present transformation (its what I mean when I say I). And then the Lord. I say the Lord Ive adopted that because its the best way of putting it and the easiest for me, but I never, NEVER think of a being. For me, its a simultaneous contact with the Eternal, the Infinite, the Vast, the Totality of everything the totality of everything: all that is, all that has been, all that will be, everything. Words spoil it, but its like thatautomaticallywith consciousness, sweetness and SOLICITUDE. With all the qualities a perfect Personality can offer (I dont know if you follow me, but thats the way it is). And That (I use all these words to say it, and three-fourths is left out) is a spontaneous, constant, immediate experience. So the I I spoke of asks that the body may have the experience, or at least an initial taste, even a shadow of the experience of this Love. And each time its asked for, it comes INSTANTLY. Then I see the three together1in my consciousness and perception the three are together and I see that this Love is dosed out and maintained in exact proportion to what the body can bear.
   The body is aware of this and is a little sad about it. But immediately comes something soothing, calming, making it vast. The body instantly senses the immensity and regains its calm.

0 1962-07-21, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The old way of yoga failed to bring about the harmony or unity of Spirit and life: it instead dismissed the world as Maya [Illusion] or a transient Play. The result has been loss of life-power and the degeneration of India. As was said in the Gita, These peoples would perish if I did not do worksthese peoples of India have truly gone down to ruin. A few sannyasins and bairagis [renunciants] to be saintly and perfect and liberated, a few bhaktas [lovers of God] to dance in a mad ecstasy of love and sweet emotion and Ananda [Bliss], and a whole race to become lifeless, void of intelligence, sunk in deep tamas [inertia]is this the effect of true spirituality? No, we must first attain all the partial experiences possible on the mental level and flood the mind with spiritual delight and illumine it with spiritual light, but afterwards we must rise above. If we cannot rise above, to the supramental level, that is, it is hardly possible to know the worlds final secret and the problem it raises remains unsolved. There, the ignorance which creates a duality of opposition between the Spirit and Matter, between truth of spirit and truth of life, disappears. There one need no longer call the world Maya. The world is the Eternal Play of God, the Eternal manifestation of the Self. Then it becomes possible to fully know and fully realize Godto do what is said in the Gita, To know Me integrally. The physical body, the life, the mind and understanding, the supermind and the Ananda these are the spirits five levels. The higher man rises on this ascent the nearer he comes to the state of that highest perfection open to his spiritual evolution. Rising to the Supermind, it becomes easy to rise to the Ananda. One attains a firm foundation in the condition of the indivisible and infinite Ananda, not only in the timeless Parabrahman [Absolute] but in the body, in life, in the world. The integral being, the integral consciousness, the integral Ananda blossoms out and takes form in life. This is the central clue of my yoga, its fundamental principle.
   This is no easy change to make. After these fifteen years I am only now rising into the lowest of the three levels of the Supermind and trying to draw up into it all the lower activities. But when this siddhi will be complete, then I am absolutely certain that through me God will give to others the siddhi of the Supermind with less effort. Then my real work will begin. I am not impatient for success in the work. What is to happen will happen in Gods appointed time. I have no hasty or disorderly impulse to rush into the field of work in the strength of the little ego. Even if I did not succeed in my work I would not be shaken. This work is not mine but Gods. I will listen to no other call; when God moves me then I will move.

0 1962-08-31, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its as if everything had to be to be the Action, the Eternal Action at each second of the Manifestation THE thing. At each pulsationwhich corresponds to time in the ManifestationTHAT alone is THE thing. And the idea of something having a result is already a distortion.
   Uninterrupted, with one link the link of supreme Eternity. But the sense of consequences is false, it already implies a lowering of consciousness. So for meeven physically, in the midst of this whole hodgepodge of confusion, ignorance and stupidityit all translates into: I do things, and the results are none of my business. Thats how its expressed here in the body.

0 1962-09-18, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its powers have come from the Eternal heights And plunged into the inconscient dim Abyss And risen from it to do their marvelous work.

0 1962-10-30, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But you know, when you come into contact with the God within, thats really an experience too. It has the same kind of reality and intensity of your experience, ALONG WITH the sense of the Eternal Divine. And its simply the inner Divine: theres no need to fly off to the heights, its right here (Mother touches her heart).
   Its the experience I had in 1912. The first contact, when you go within and then THATS IT that concrete reality, that intensity beyond any possible physical intensity. And then the sense of: thats ITthe Divine. This is the Divine. This is the divine Reality; this is it, the Divine. You ARE the Divine.

0 1962-11-30, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its difficult to explain, but it was. You see, in the Eternal Play, everything is unstable and everything fails you. And thats how it was: All will fail you, except the Supreme.
   And it becomes such an absorbing and absolute experience (Mother seems to be enveloped in white light) the uncertainty, the instability, the fleeting, inconstant and impermanent nature of all thingseverything collapses, there is nothing to lean on, except THE SUPREME, for He is all.

0 1963-01-30, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Our will a force of the Eternals power,
   And thought the rays of a spiritual sun.

0 1963-03-06, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Here we come to the great problem of the road we travel, the Eternal Road Sri Aurobindo refers to in Savitri. It is easy to imagine, of course, that what was first objectified had an inclination to objectification. The first point to accept, a logical point considering the principle of evolution, is that the objectification is progressive, it is not complete for all eternity. (silence) Its very hard to express, because we cannot free ourselves from our habit of seeing it as a finite quantity unfolding indefinitely and of thinking that only with a finite quantity can there be a beginning. We always have an idea (at least in our way of speaking) of a moment (laughing) when the Lord decides to objectify Himself. And put that way, the explanation is easy: He objectifies Himself gradually, progressively, with, as a result, a progressive evolution. But thats just a manner of speaking. Because there is no beginning, no end, yet there is a progression. The sense of sequence, the sense of evolution and progress comes only with the Manifestation. And only when we speak of the earth can we explain things truthfully and rationally, because the earth had a beginningnot in its soul, but in its material reality.
   A material universe probably has a beginning, too.
   We should turn this need for miracles into a conscious aspiration to something something that already is, that exists, and that will be manifested WITH THE HELP of all those aspirations: all those aspirations are necessary, or rather, looking at it in a truer way, they are an accompanimenta pleasant accompanimentto the Eternal unfolding.
   Basically, people with a very strict logic tell you, Why pray? Why aspire, why ask? The Lord does what He wills and will always do what He wills. Its perfectly obvious, it goes without saying, but this fervor, Lord, manifest Yourself! gives His manifestation a more intense vibration.

0 1963-08-24, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I have reached this conclusion: in principle, what gives rapture is the awareness of and union with the Divine (thats the principle), therefore the awareness of and union with the Divine, whether in the world as it is or in the building of a future world, must be the samein principle. Thats what I keep saying to myself all the time: How is it that you dont have that rapture? I do have it: at the time when the whole consciousness is centered in the union, whenever that is, in the midst of any activity, along with that movement of concentration of the consciousness on the union comes rapture. But I must admit it disappears when I am in that its a world of work, but a very chaotic world, in which I act on everything around meand necessarily I have to receive whats around me in order to act on it. I have reached a state in which all that I receive, even the things considered the most painful, leave me absolutely still and indifferentindifferent, not an inactive indifference: no painful reaction of any kind, absolutely neutral (gesture turned to the Eternal), a perfect equanimity. But within that equanimity, there is a precise knowledge of the thing to be done, the words to be said or written, the decision to be made, anyway all that action involves. All that takes place in a state of perfect neutrality, with a sense of the Power at the same time: the Power goes through me, the Power acts, and neutrality stays but theres no rapture. I dont have the enthusiasm, the joy and plenitude of action, not at all.
   And I must say that the state of consciousness that rapture gives would be dangerous in the present state of the world. Because it has almost absolute reactions I can see that that state of rapture has an OVERWHELMING power. But I insist on the word overwhelming, in the sense that its intolerant of, or intolerable to (yes, intolerable to) all thats unlike it! Its the same thing, or almost (not quite the same but almost), as supreme divine Love: the vibration of that ecstasy or rapture is a first hint of the vibration of divine Love, and thats absolutely yes, there is no other word, intolerant, in the sense that it doesnt brook the presence of anything contrary to it.

0 1963-09-28, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Thy mask has covered the Eternals face,
   Its marvelous!

0 1963-10-16, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Every time a new truth has attempted to manifest upon earth, it has been immediately attacked, corrupted and diverted by pseudo-spiritual forceswhich did represent a certain spirituality at a given time, but precisely the one that the new truth wants to go beyond. To give but one example of those sad spiritual diversions which clutter History, Buddhism was largely corrupted in a sizable part of Asia by a whole Tantric and magic Buddhism. The falsity lies not in the old spirituality which the new truth seeks to go beyond, but in the Eternal fact that the Past clings to its powers, its means and its rule. As Mother said in her simple language, Whats wrong is to remain stuck there. And Sri Aurobindo with his ever-present humor: The traditions of the past are very great in their own place, in the past. We could expect the phenomenon to recur today. In India, Tantrism represents a powerful discipline from the Past and it was inevitable that Mother should experience the better and the worse of that system in her attempt to transform all the means and elements of the old earththis Agenda has made abundant mention of a certain X, symbol of Tantrism. Now, as it happens, we are witnessing the same phenomenon of diversion, and today this same Tantrism is seeking to divert the new truth by convincing as many adepts as possible not to say Mothers Mantra, which is too advanced for ordinary mortals, and to say Tantric mantras in its stead. This is purely and simply an attempt to take Mothers place. One has to be quite ignorant of the mechanism of forces not to understand that saying a mantra of the old gods puts you under the influence and into the orbit of precisely that which resists the new truth. Mother had foreseen the phenomenon and forewarned me in the following conversation. Unfortunately, until recently, I always wanted to believe that Tantrism would be converted. Nothing of the sort. It is attempting to take Mothers place and lead astray those who are not sincere enough to want ONE SINGLE THING: the new world.
   And always that question of age In everybody, everybody, without even their noticing it, there is always in the background (for the slightest thing, at the slightest opportunity), always the idea of old age, of going downhill, of decrepitude. And it comes a thousand times a day! (Mother laughs) So here too, I say to the Lord, Listen, am I really going downhill? Then He shows me one or two things in a dazzling light. It happens to me off and onnot oftenwhen the avalanche has been considerable enough; then there is a bedazzlement of Light and Power, sometimes of such a formidable Power that you get the feeling that if you were to wield it what would happen? For instance, if I simply come into contact with a malicious ill will (thats rare), an urge or a desire to harm, I do this (Mother pinches the vibration between her fingers), I do this (but it corresponds to an inner action: its a Power that acts together with a white Light, absolutely white, you know, intolerant of anything but the perfectly white), and almost instantly, in the person in whom the movement of ill will resulted in a partial possession of the vital: an attack of nerves or (what do they call it?) a vital collapse or a nervous collapse, very tangible. So naturally, you curb all movements and you watch it all, perfectly quiet, with the Eternal Smile. But its as if to show me: herehere is the potentiality (!) Only there is no Order to wield it, except now and then just to see.

0 1963-11-27, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its like in Savitri, when he speaks of the consciousness that fell asleep in the dust the divine Consciousness that fell asleep in the dust of its creation (I am embroidering). The divine Consciousness, the Eternal Mother, that is, fell asleep in the dust of her creation; somebody wakes her up, and She realizes (this isnt from Sri Aurobindo!), She realizes (laughing) that its the supreme Lord who shook her! So She does everything, all sorts of extraordinary things, anything to stop Him from going away! (Mother takes up Savitri)
   She reposes motionless in its dust of sleep.

0 1963-12-14, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The way the world is now physically organized, with the difference and specialization in the forms, in sexes, encourages a kind of opposition between the two poles, the union of which results in creation. So, naturally, each pole has enormous difficulty understanding the other (although it thinks and believes it does), especially understanding the pole I place underneath (gesture signifying the basis of the world), which is the effectively creative pole, that is to say, what is expressed by woman. She feels very well that without this (gesture above) the full understanding isnt there; but this, which is above, doesnt AT ALL understand the creative power of that which is belowit knows it in principle, but doesnt understand it. And there is a lack of adaptation, a sort of conflict, which shouldnt exist. It never existedneverbetween Sri Aurobindo and me, but I could see it didnt exist because he had adopted the attitude of complete surrender to the Eternal Mother (the stage, in the creation, of complete surrender). I would see it, and it embarrassed me! It embarrassed me, I thought, But why does he think he has to do that (laughing), as if I couldnt understand! On the contrary, I thirst for the other attitude for identifying myself this way instead of that way (Mother presses her fist upward against her hand above): for identifying myself from below upward instead of from above downward. It was an aspiration, which has been there almost for eternities for the universal creative Force to identify itself with the Creator. And to identify itself not through the descent of the Creator, but through the ascent of the Force the conscious ascent. But Sri Aurobindo willed it that way, so it was that way and then I was very busy with my work. For the thirty years we lived together, it went on that way, perfectly smoothly; and I kept my aspiration quiet because I knew that it was his will. But since he left and I was obliged to do his work, so to speak, things have changed. But I didnt in the least want the Creator, because of my taking up the work, to be obliged to adapt himself to the creative Force (that wont do at all!), and my whole aspiration has been for the creative Force to consciously BECOME the Creator. Its becoming increasingly that way. And at the last meeting [with Sri Aurobindo], for a time (not the whole time, but some time), it was that way. Then I understood; it made me understand the play of all the forces in the two elements the two polesand how they could be joined, through what process that opposition could disappear so that the total Being might exist.
   Were on the way. And its growing clearer and clearer. It will be tremendously interesting. But thats for later on.

0 1963-12-31, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Our will [shall be] a force of the Eternal's power And thought the rays of a spiritual sun.

0 1964-03-07, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It was luminousluminous the whole time. That diamond-like sparkling turning into something much more compact, but less intense, that is, less brightfar more powerful. There was, above all, that sense of power: a power that can crush everything and rebuild everything. And in such an Ananda! But with nothing, absolutely nothing that had the slightest excitement, nothing of that bubbling which comes from the mind the mind was like this (gesture, both hands open towards the Eternal), peaceful, peaceful, quiet, absolutely quiet. And while the experience went on, I knew (because the consciousness above was watching it all), I knew that only when the flash the dazzlingly intense flash of the mental transformation through the supramental descentonly when the Light, the burst of Light, joins the ananda of Power will there occur things that will be a bit indisputable.
   Because in an experience of this type, only the one who has it can be sure. The effects are visible in tiny details that can be observed only by those who are already well-disposed, that is (to translate), by those who have faiththose who have faith can see. And I know that because they tell me: they see examples of those tiny miracles of every minute (they arent miracles) multiply; theyre everywhere, all the time, all the timelittle facts, harmonies, realizations, concords all of which are quite unusual in this world of Disorder. But while the experience was there, I knew there would be another one, which is yet to come (God knows when!), and which would join with this one to form a third. And it is that junction that will then probably cause something to be changed in the appearances.

0 1964-03-25, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And, mind you, this manner of speaking is one minute of experience, but its NOT the total experience. For a moment you feel this way, but its not total, its partial. Its only ONE way of feeling, it isnt all. There is in the Eternal consciousness something far deeper and far more inexpressible than thisfar more. This is only the first stupefaction you have when you emerge from the ordinary consciousness, but it isnt all. It isnt all. When the memory of this aphorism came back to me these last few days, I felt it was only a little glimpse you have all of a sudden and a sense of opposition between the two states, but it isnt allit isnt all. There is something other than this.
   There is something else, which is something altogether different from what we understand, BUT WHICH IS TRANSLATED INTO WHAT WE UNDERSTAND.

0 1964-10-30, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And that wisdom! Its an almost cellular wisdom (its odd). For instance, I was looking at the relationship I had with all those great beings of the Overmind and higher, the perfectly objective and very familiar relationship I had with all those beings and the inner perception of being the Eternal Motherall that is very well, but for me its almost ancient history! The me that exists now is HERE, its at ground level, in the body; its the body, its Matter; its at ground level; and to tell the truth, it doesnt care much about the intervention of all those beings who ultimately know nothing at all! They dont know the true problem: they live in a place where there are no problems. They dont know the true problem the true problem is here.
   Its an amused way of looking at religions and all the gods the way you would look at they are like theater performances. Theyre pastimes; but thats not what can teach you to know yourself, not at all, not at all! You must go right down to the bottom.

0 1964-11-12, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I was on the threshold of an understanding (an understanding: I am not talking about a mental understanding, I am talking about the experience of the fact). The experience of the fact is the experience of the coexistence of the static state and the state of developmentof the Eternal static state and the state of eternal unfolding (indefinite, rather, not to use the same word). Then, at that point, there was this vision (Mother holds out a note):
   When the truth manifests,
   Its the perception of the world thats illusory the perception of the world, the perception we have of it, is illusory. The world has a concrete, real existence in what we could call the Eternals Consciousness. But we, the human consciousness has an illusory perception of this world.
   And when the Vibration of Truth triumphs, you see and have the sense of the true reality of the world; and as I said, that illusory perception disappears immediately. it is canceled.

0 1965-01-06, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Yes, mon petit. I want you to be peaceful, happy, luminous, and (Mother draws great waves in the air) living in the Eternal Becoming the sense of eternity, always. Thats what I want. Because the opening up above is there, you have itit is there and there is a descent; its the bustle outside that is tiring.
   Take some rest, and by that I mean letting oneself flow into the Eternal Movement without tensing up, without thinking, Ive got this to do, that to do, and this and that.
   Dont let people pester you. I have told Sujata.

0 1965-02-04, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   In the meantime, rest peacefully in the Eternal.
   With you, in love and deep joy.

0 1965-03-10, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Sri Aurobindo and I were in an extremely comfortable car, and we were both resting in an eternity of peace and blissquietly, next to each other. The car was driven by the Eternal Driver. It was supreme Bliss, you know. Until suddenly, outside the car (I dont know how), two papers were thrown on the road, and one of the papers was a letter (it was an envelope that had come by mail, there were stamps on it), and the other was something written; and with a lightness (the car was still moving), quite a divine lightness, Sri Aurobindo leaps out of the car onto the road to pick up the letters. I said to myself, Ah, the Bliss is over (laughing) now well have to get back to work! And I also got out of the car (which disappeared).
   Sri Aurobindo picked up those letters (at that moment I knew exactly what they meant, but its secondary), then he took me by the hand (that is, his right hand took my left hand: I was on his right), and we started walking on the road. And while we were walking on the road, after a time (there were many details and things I am not telling because they are incidental, they had their meaning at the time but they dont matter), while we were walking on the road, he suddenly leaned over towards me and showed me that I was walking on flint. (You know, when the road is made of chips of stones and slightly cambered to make water flow away? On the side some earth has been washed away and sometimes the stones are bared.) And I was walking on those stonesno, he was walking on them and he showed them to me, so I had him walk in the middle of the road and I started walking on the stones so he wouldnt walk on them (but I didnt feel the stones at all). And then I noticed (I looked at him at that moment), I noticed Sri Aurobindos head a glorified head, truly a supramental head, a marvel! And his whole body, EVERY PART OF HIS BODY was someone in whom he was manifesting for a particular work or reason, or a particular action in relation to me; and as for me, I wasnt a person, I was only a Force (I noticed that I didnt have a body). And I saw all those who were participating (not their physical appearance, but I knew who they were): for this one, such and such a thing; for that one, such and such a thing; the hand, such and such a thing; the arm, such and such a thing and so on. And I saw his feet: they were my feet with tabis on; they were my feet, my feet with tabis on. And it was my feet with tabis on that didnt want to let him walk on the stones, on the side of the road, and that was why he left it.

0 1965-03-20, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I was telling Pavitra a few days ago: all those physical disorders of the body, those disorders in the functioning or even organic disorders, suddenly (naturally, the constant state is one of aspiration: an intense, continuous, conscious aspiration) and suddenlysuddenlyan almost stupefying Response: all disorder disappears, not only inside but around (around, sometimes over a rather vast extent), and everything becomes automatically organized, harmonized, without the least effort, and it starts (Mother draws the great waves of the Eternal Movement) moving within an extraordinary progressive harmony; then, with no apparent reason, without anything having changed in the consciousness and any outer circumstances making a difference, pfft! it reverts to what it was before: disorder, conflict, chaos, things that grate. And then, as you arent conscious of the why, you dont have the key!
   I told him, thats why people who very much tried to find, but in vain, spoke of Gods Will; but that (Mother shakes her head) that seems to be irreconcilable with, as I said, the knowledge you have when you have passed beyond the Mind. The Mind can say that to itself in order to give itself peace, but its thoroughly, thoroughly unsatisfying, because it postulates an unacceptable arbitrariness, which is felt as contrary to the Truth. But then, how do you explain those kinds of reversals? Naturally, others, like Buddha, spoke about Ignorance; they said, You are ignorant; you think you know, but you are ignorant. But the key he gave isnt satisfying, either. Because when you have taken care to establish down to the cells of the body an apparently unshakable equanimity, how can you accept the ignorance factor?

0 1965-04-28, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I received all this news this morning; for several hours I have been living through the consciousnesses with this problem: the fact that he is still living. And there is always (for consciousnesses such as those) Death with a big question markwhat is it exactly? What happens exactly [when one dies]? What is the change in consciousness? Is there a change in consciousness? What happens? Because my work (the promise I gave) consists in making him, before he leaves his body, conscious of the Eternal Truth. So for at least three hours this morning I was confronted with this problem (thats why I was completely withdrawn when I came), and I said to myself, But until one is the master of life and death, one knows nothing!
   Thats why I was a little absorbed.

0 1965-12-18, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Until then, we have to hold out. Do you know what holding out is? Its being like this (immobile gesture in the Eternal). You are assailed by innumerable ideas, a general defeatism (same gesture)be immobile in an ascending and progressive faith.
   Oh, I remember, I said the other day that perfection is eternal and its because of Matters resistance that, on earth, perfection is progressive.

0 1966-03-04, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   We are forced to use words, but the thing eludes us. What for us is translated as the Eternal Principle, the Supreme, God, has neither beginning nor end: we are forced to say, It is, but its not like that, because its beyond the Nonmanifestation and the Manifestation; it is something that we, in the Manifestation, are incapable of understanding and perceiving and That is what has neither beginning nor end. But constantly and eternally, That manifests as something that begins and ends. Only, there are two ways to end, one that is seen as a destruction, an annihilation, and the other that is a transformation; and it would seem that as the Manifestation grows more perfect, the necessity of destruction decreases, to the point when it will disappear and will be replaced by the process of progressive transformation.
   But thats quite a human and external way of putting it.
   I had the perception of this manifestationa pulsatory manifestation, I might saywhich opens out, shrivels up, opens out, shrivels up again and there comes a point when the opening out is such, the fluidity, the plasticity, the capacity for change are such that there is no need anymore to reabsorb in order to shape anew, and there will be a progressive transformation. Thon used to say (I think Ive already told you about it) that this is the seventh universal creation, that there have been six pralayas1 before and this is the seventh creation, but that it will be possible for this one to be transformed without being reabsorbedwhich obviously is perfectly unimportant because, the moment you have the Eternal consciousness, whether things go this way or that way doesnt matter in the least. Its for the limited human consciousness that there is a sort of ambition or need for something that doesnt end, because, within, there is what we might call the memory of eternity and that memory of eternity aspires for the manifestation to partake of that eternity. But if the sense of eternity is active and present, you dont lamentyou dont lament if you discard a worn-out garment, do you? (You may be attached, but anyway you dont lament.) Its the same thing: if a universe disappears, it means it has wholly fulfilled its function, it has reached the limit of its possibilities, and another must replace it.
   I followed the curve. When you are very small in your consciousness and development, you feel a great need for the earth not to disappear, for it to be perpetuated (while being transformed as much as one likes, but always with the earth being perpetuated). A little further on, when you are a little more mature, you attach much less importance to it. And when you are in constant communion with the sense of eternity, it becomes a mere question of choice; its not a need anymore, because its something that doesnt affect the active consciousness. A few days ago (I dont remember when, but quite lately), for a whole morning I lived in that Consciousness and I saw that, in the curve of the beings development, that sort of need, a seemingly intimate need, for the prolongation of the earths life the indefinite prolongation of the earths life I saw that that need is objectified, so to say, its not so intimate anymore; its like watching a performance and judging whether it should be like this or like that. Its interesting as a change of standpoint.
   It is clearvery clear that what for us is translated as progress, as progressive manifestation, is not only a law of the material manifestation as we know it, but is the very principle of the Eternal Manifestation. If we want to climb down again to the level of terrestrial thought, we may say that there is no manifestation without progress. But what WE call progress, whats progress to our consciousness, up above, is it may be anything: a necessity, anything we like. There is a sort of absolute that we dont understand, an absolute of being: thats how it is because thats how it is, thats all. But to our consciousness, its more and more, better and better (and these words are stupid), more and more perfect, better and better perceived. Its the very principle of the manifestation.
   And there is an experience, which came very fleetingly but precisely enough to be able to say (very clumsily) that I was about to say, the flavor of the Nonmanifested that the Nonmanifested has a special flavor because of the manifested.

0 1966-06-08, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And the body is increasingly conscious: it has a very acute perception of the vibrations coming from the old habits, from the old ways of being and from the opposition, and of the presence of the True Vibration. So its a question of dose and proportion, and when the amount, the sum total of the old vibrations, the old habits, the old responses, is too great, that creates a disorder which takes stillness and concentration in order to be overcome, and which gives such a clear and intense perception of how precarious the equilibrium and existence are. And then, behind: a Glory. The Glory of the divine Light, the divine Will, the divine Consciousness, the Eternal Motive.
   It was for the next Bulletin that Satprem read this Talk to Mother.

0 1966-08-03, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And then, what discoveries I make! Extraordinary discoveries: how every experience always has an obverse and a reverse. For instance, the calm of a vision thats vast enough not to be disturbed by tiny infinitesimal points and is (I was about to say seems to be, but it doesnt seem to be: it IS) the result of a growth of consciousness and of an identification with the higher regions, and at the same time that apparent insensitiveness that looks like the negation of divine compassion; there comes a point when you see both as having become true and being able to exist not simultaneously but as ONE thing. As recently as the day before yesterday, I had the perfectly concrete experience of an extremely intense wave of divine Compassion [in the face of one of those psychological contagions], and I had the opportunity to observe how, if this Compassion is allowed to manifest on a certain plane, it becomes an emotion that may disturb or trouble the imperturbable calm; but if it manifests (they arent the same planes: there are imperceptible nuances), if it manifests in its essential truth, it retains all its power of action, of effective help, and it in no way changes the imperturbable calm of the Eternal vision.
   All those are experiences of nuances (or nuances of experiences, I dont know how to put it) that become necessary and concrete only in the physical consciousness. And then, it results in a perfection of realizationa perfection in the minutest detailwhich none of those realizations have in the higher realms. I am learning what the physical realization contri butes in terms of concreteness, accuracy and perfection in the Realization; and how all those experiences interpenetrate, combine with each other, complement each otherits wonderful.

0 1966-09-30, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Theres only this question: I can conceive of a perpetual change; I could even conceive of a flower that doesnt wither; but its this principle of immortality. Which means, basically, a life that escapes the necessity of renewal: the Eternal Force would manifest directly and eternally, and this would still be a physical body (Mother touches the skin of her hands).
   I quite understand a progressive change and that this substance could be made into something capable of renewing itself eternally from within outward. That would be immortality. But it seems to me that between what is now, what we are, and that other mode of life, a lot of stages might be necessary. You see, if for instance you ask these cells, with all the consciousness and experience they now have, Is there something you cannot do?, in their sincerity they will answer, No, what the Lord wills, I can do. Thats their state of consciousness. But the appearance is otherwise. The personal experience is like this: all that I do with the Lords Presence, I do effortlessly, without difficulty, without fatigue, without wear and tear, like that (Mother spreads out her arms in a great, harmonious Rhythm), but its still open to the whole influence from outside and the body is forced to do things that arent directly the expression of the supreme Impulsion, hence the fatigue, the friction. So a supramental body suspended in a world thats not the earth is not the thing!

0 1966-10-08, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But this year seems to me to be a very decisive year in your individual lifeyour LIFE, you understand (how can I explain?), the Eternal life in you. the Eternal life in your individuality. The difficulty seems to be in connecting the two movements. They arent connected yet. Its very interesting. I saw the curves, they are quite pretty.
   All this is going on up above. And then, whats very amusing is that when I see, I dont see like that (gesture from below upward), I see like this (gesture from above downward), and I see up above. Its a little higher than this (gesture above the head), and I see from above.

0 1967-04-05, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Thus we must shelter the Eternal youth required for a speedy advance, in order not to become laggards on the way.
   See note in Addendum.

0 1967-04-24, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   For after all it is the will in the being that gives to circumstances their value, and often an unexpected value; the hue of apparent actuality is a misleading indicator. If the will in a race or civilisation is towards death, if it clings to the lassitude of decay and the laissez-faire of the moribund or even in strength insists blindly upon the propensities that lead to destruction or if it cherishes only the powers of dead Time and puts away from it the powers of the future, if it prefers life that was to life that will be, nothing, not even abundant strength and resources and intelligence, not even many calls to live and constantly offered opportunities will save it from an inevitable disintegration or collapse. But if there comes to it a strong faith in itself and a robust will to live, if it is open to the things that shall come, willing to seize on the future and what it offers and strong to compel it where it seems adverse, it can draw from adversity and defeat a force of invincible victory and rise from apparent helplessness and decay in a mighty flame of renovation to the light of a more splendid life. This is what Indian civilisation is now rearising to do as it has always done in the Eternal strength of its spirit.1
   Sri Aurobindo

0 1967-05-24, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I know it is the Russian explanation of the recent trend to spirituality and mysticism that it is a phenomenon of capitalist society in its decadence. But to read an economic cause, conscious or unconscious, into all phenomena of mans history is part of the Bolshevik gospel born of the fallacy of Karl Marx. Mans nature is not so simple and one-chorded as all thatit has many lines and each line produces a need of his life. The spiritual or mystic line is one of them and man tries to satisfy it in various ways, by superstitions of all kinds, by ignorant religionism, by spiritism, demonism and what not, in his more enlightened parts by spiritual philosophy, the higher occultism and the rest, at his highest by the union with the All, the Eternal or the Divine. The tendency towards the search of spirituality began in Europe with a recoil from the nineteenth centurys scientific materialism, a dissatisfaction with the pretended all-sufficiency of the reason and the intellect and a feeling out for something deeper. That was a pre-war [of 1914] phenomenon, and began when there was no menace of Communism and the capitalistic world was at its height of insolent success and triumph, and it came rather as a revolt against the materialistic bourgeois life and its ideals, not as an attempt to serve or sanctify it. It has been at once served and opposed by the post-war disillusionmentopposed because the post-war world has fallen back either on cynicism and the life of the senses or on movements like Fascism and Communism; served because with the deeper minds the dissatisfaction with the ideals of the past or the present, with all mental or vital or material solutions of the problem of life has increased and only the spiritual path is left. It is true that the European mind having little light on these things dallies with vital will-o-the-wisps like spiritism or theosophy or falls back upon the old religionism; but the deeper minds of which I speak either pass by them or pass through them in search of a greater Light. I have had contact with many and the above tendencies are very clear. They come from all countries and it was only a minority who hailed from England or America. Russia is differentunlike the others it has lingered in mediaeval religionism and not passed through any period of revoltso when the revolt came it was naturally anti-religious and atheistic. It is only when this phase is exhausted that Russian mysticism can revive and take not a narrow religious but the spiritual direction. It is true that mysticism revers, turned upside down, has made Bolshevism and its endeavour a creed rather than a political theme and a search for the paradisal secret millennium on earth rather than the building of a purely social structure. But for the most part Russia is trying to do on the communistic basis all that nineteenth-century idealism hoped to get atand failedin the midst of or against an industrial competitive environment. Whether it will really succeed any better is for the future to decide for at present it only keeps what it has got by a tension and violent control which is not over.
   Sri Aurobindo

0 1967-06-14, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its more difficult however, to live without the psychic being. The psychic being, of course, is the covering the individualized coveringbetween the Eternal soul and the transitory body; and it becomes formed, individualized, it becomes more and more individually conscious. When that leaves the body, the rest generally follows. But I myself have had the experience of doing it deliberately, so I KNOW. One has to know how to do it, but it can be done. My psychic being stayed here with Sri Aurobindo, and I left with my mental, vital and physical beings. It was a slightly precarious condition. But as I also kept the contact quite consciously, it could be done.
   What people call death I see lots of people who to me are living dead (they are those who are without their psychic being, or even those who have no contact with their soul). But to know that, one must have the inner vision. But what people call death, that is, the decomposition of the cells and dissolution of the form, is when the most material vital subdegree, which brings into contact with Lifewith the vital force, lifegoes out. That is how death occurs in animals, for example. And that vital subdegree generally goes away when the external organism is unable to continuewhen, for instance, its cut in two or the heart has been removed, or anyway when something quite radical has happened to it! Because some people have met with accidents and had many parts missing, yet they lived on. But even cardiac arrest I can say, even that doesnt necessarily mean death, since after stopping, the heart can start up again. Those who have the material knowledge tell you that during a few I dont know if it is a few seconds or a few minutes, the heart can start up again; after that, decomposition sets in. With decomposition its over, naturally.

0 1969-11-19, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Mother is probably referring to this aphorism of Sri Aurobindo: 25"When I pine at misfortune and call it evil, or am jealous and disappointed, then I know that there is awake in me again the Eternal fool."
   On 29 February 1956.

0 1969-11-29, #Agenda Vol 10, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The supramental eye can see a hundred meeting and diverging motions in one glance and envelop in the largeness of its harmonious vision of Truth all that to our minds is clash and opposition and collision and interlocked strife of numberless contending truths and powers. Truth to the supramental sight is at once single and infinite and the complexities of its play serve to bring out with an abundant ease the rich significance of the Eternals many-sided oneness.
   The Hour of God, 17.35

0 1970-04-18, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I remember the first time (that was very long ago, more than sixty years ago), the first time I asked, But why do we die? Why do we live to die?Thats idiotic! Then I was made to understand that all that we see as forms is (same gesture in perpetual movement). Its our clenched little consciousness; a clenched consciousness which makes it all appear a momentous phenomenon: we are small, we grow big, and in the end, we dissolve. But everything is like that (same gesture), everything is like that! There are very few thingsvery few that are eternal. They have a different quality. Its the first experience you get when you contact that which is eternal: it has a different vibratory quality And then, that will to make this last (Mother points to her body), this which is made, entirely made of wrong movementswrong movements and constantly in movement, constantly changing, constantly (same gesture). As Sri Aurobindo said, You want to make your body and everything around it last as it is?No, thank you! (Mother laughs) To last is, in fact, to become conscious, fully conscious in the Eternal world.

0 1970-05-20, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   515He who has done even a little good to human beings, though he be the worst of sinners, is accepted by God in the ranks of His lovers and servants. He shall look upon the face of the Eternal.
   And you answer:

0 1970-07-25, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I must say that two days ago, I had an experience (it was with R. again, she was here), an experience of the whole universe, like a general vision of an Immensity, and then, suddenly the consciousness seemed to become a point taking up no room, and that point was the Eternal Consciousness. But then, it was so strong! So strong how all this, this whole unfolded universe was the result of this Consciousness (Mother shows a point). You understand, the consciousness here became this Eternal Consciousness (for a few seconds perhaps, I dont think it lasted even a minute, but time had nothing to do with it), it was the Eternal, it was the Consciousness. And that experience already prepared something [in Mother], because the two were simultaneous; one didnt abolish the other, the two were simultaneous: this Point that was taking up no room but was eternal, was everything, and at the same time, the unfolding [of the universe]. That was a very intense experience. Then there only remained this vagueness that is the whole, but it didnt lose its impression of vagueness, that is to say, of something imprecise. Since that time, there has been something changed [in Mother]. And today, in this consciousness, when the answer came, it wasnt the knowledge of thatit wasnt the knowledge, it was the working. All of a sudden, I had BECOME the working. So then, I expressed it as best I could in this notebook. It had such simplicity, you know, a marvelous, all-powerful simplicity!
   Words are approximations. I had to use words because I had to write for him, but the experience came like that, the working: the experience of this universal Immensity returning to the Divine Consciousness, how it returnsand innumerably, of course, with all possible experiences, but with a marvelous sim-plic-i-ty.

0 1970-11-07, #Agenda Vol 11, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   We are at a specially favorable time of universal existence, when everything on the earth is preparing for a new creation, or rather a new manifestation in the Eternal creation.

0 1971-05-15, #Agenda Vol 12, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Behind the jostle of temporary points of view and instant interests there are the Eternal Landmarks. To lose sight of them is to lose ones very way and steer onto the reefs of expediency and comfortable compromise upon which we shall founder a moment later. Behind the little frontal events is the greater tide of history and to lose sight of it is to lose ones direction and the golden thread that leads to our perfect fulfillment, be it individual or national. Those who have left their unique mark upon the labyrinth of history are the very ones who have seized the golden thread and affirmed the Greater History and the Greater Meaning against all the instant arguments and fleeting expediencies.
   The Greater History tells us that the whole earth is a single body with a single destiny, but that within that single destiny each part of the greater body, each nation, has its special role to play and its rare moments of choice when it must make the decisive gesture, its true gesture in the total movement of the great Eternal History. Each nation is a symbol. Each gesture of each nation potentially represents a little victory in the total victory or a little defeat in the total defeat. And sometimes the whole of our history is at stake at a symbolic point of the earth; and, a little gesture, a tiny turn to the right or left, has repercussions, either good or bad, down the ages and over the entire earth body.
   India is precisely such a symbol and Bangladesh is another, a little turning point in the great course of events of the earth. The time has come to consider the Eternal Landmarks and read the greater tide in the small eddies. Now, the greater tide tells us that Indias role is to be the spiritual heart of the terrestrial body just as, for example, the role of France is to express clarity of intellect, or that of Germany to express skill, Russia the brotherhood of man and the United States enthusiasm for adventure and practical organization, etc. But only if India is ONE can she fulfill this role, for how can one who is herself divided lead others? Thus the division of India is the first Falsehood that must disappear, for it is the symbol of the earths division. As long as India is not one, the world cannot be one. Indias striving for unity is the symbolic drama of the worlds striving for unity.
   From this simple, eternal Fact follow all the conclusions and policies that will flow with the current of the earths destiny. Sri Aurobindo said so already in 1947, The division must and will go. Dire will be the consequences for India and for the earth if we fail to heed this eternal Theorem: The old communal division into Hindus and Muslims seems now to have hardened into a permanent political division of the country, said Sri Aurobindo. It is to be hoped that this settled fact will not be accepted as settled for ever or as anything more than a temporary expedient. For if it lasts, India may be seriously weakened, even crippled: civil strife may remain always possible, possible even a new invasion and foreign conquest. We now know, twenty-four years after this prophetic declaration, that China is at our gates and only awaits her hour to invade the entire continent, seizing precisely on this division of India to strike at the spiritual heart of the world and, perhaps, frustrating the realization of the entire destiny of the earth or postponing it until a future cycle after much suffering and complication.
   The last Asura must die at the feet of the Eternal Mother.
   A lover of India

0 1971-12-25, #Agenda Vol 12, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   This creations goal is that Consciousness of the Infinite, the Eternal, which is omnipotent Infinite, Eternal, Omnipotent (which our religions have called God: for us, with respect to life, its the Divine)Infinite and Eternal, All-Powerful outside of time: each individual particle possessing that Consciousness; each individual particle containing that same Consciousness.
   Division created the world, and it is in division that the Eternal manifests.
   Words are stupid, but thats how it is. I dont know if you follow.

0 1972-03-17, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   To prepare for immortality, the consciousness of the body must first become one with the Eternal Consciousness.

0 1972-07-19, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I could put it this way: we unite our consciousness with what is perishable and were afraid to perish!1 I Well, I say: lets unite our consciousness with the Eternal Consciousness and we will enjoy eternal consciousness.
   How stupid can one be!

0 1973-04-14, #Agenda Vol 13, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I recall Sri Aurobindo: the Eternals dreadful strategy.5
   Indeed, Mothers end is not the end.

02.01 - The World-Stair, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
     the Eternal's stillness saw in unmoved joy
    His universal Power at work display
    Around him the Eternal Silences.

02.02 - The Kingdom of Subtle Matter, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Its intercession with the Eternal Ray
  Inspires our transient earth's brief-lived attempts
  And early play of the Eternal Child
  The embodiments of his outwinging thoughts
  To fix the Eternal's touch in time-made things,
  This is the law of all perfection here.
  A thought from the Eternal Mind draws near,
  Intimations cast from the Invisible
  That live for ever in the Eternal's gaze.
  Here in a difficult half-finished world
  Beyond our reach the Eternal marvels blaze.
  Absolute they dwell, unborn, immutable,

02.03 - The Glory and the Fall of Life, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  A vexed disturbance in the Eternal Calm,
  An impulse and passion of the Infinite.
  In her bosom bearing the Eternal Will,
  No guide she needed but her luminous heart:
  Although he once had felt the Eternal's clasp,
  Too near to suffering worlds his nature lived,

02.04 - The Kingdoms of the Little Life, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Born strangely in Time from the Eternal Bliss,
  It presses on heart's core and vibrant nerve;

02.05 - The Godheads of the Little Life, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  In the joy of the Eternal sole and one.
  And Nature steps into the Eternal Light.
  Appeared in the Eternal Consciousness
  And seemed an outward and insensible world.
  Our will tunes not with the Eternal Will,
  Our heart's sight is too blind and passionate.
  New-made in the image of the Eternal Guest,
  It shall be caught to the breast of a white Force

02.06 - The Kingdoms and Godheads of the Greater Life, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  And meet the Eternal's wide sublimities
  In the uncertain time-field portioned here.
  She has lured the Eternal into the arms of Time.
  Even now herself she knows not what she has done.
  Its impetus meets the Eternal at a point:
  It can only near and touch, it cannot hold;
  As if unaware of the Eternal tie,
  Her will is to shut God into her works
  Of the Eternal Word, the blissful Voice
  Or Beauty's touch transfiguring heart and sense,
  And reconcile the Eternal and the Abyss.
  Her pragmatism of the transcendent Truth
  And saw a fragment as the Eternal Whole.
  In the aimless mounting total of things done
  Leaving the secrecy of the Eternal doors,
  Into a world that cries to him for help,
  Or indifferent the Eternal watches Time.

02.07 - George Seftris, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Indeed, this is beauty cleansed and translucent, a beauty of the Eternal Ionian sky. How limpid and serene, yet pulsating with a coursing life is this pastoral:
   In the sky the clouds were ringlets; here and there

02.07 - The Descent into Night, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
    So might one fall on the Eternal's road
    Forfeiting the spirit's lonely chance in Time

02.08 - The World of Falsehood, the Mother of Evil and the Sons of Darkness, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  A Nature that denied the Eternal Truth
  In the vain braggart freedom of its thought
  Reading by opposite signs the Eternal script,
  A sorceress reversing life's God-frame.
  Who mimes the Eternal Mother s mighty shape
  And mocks her luminous infinity
  Often the pilgrim on the Eternal's road
  Ill-lit from clouds by the pale moon of Mind,
  Opposing in the heart the Eternal Will,
  They veil the occult uplifting Harmonist.
  Proclaim as falsehoods the Eternal laws,
  And load the dice of Doom with wizard lies;
  He saw in Night the Eternal's shadowy veil,
  Knew death for a cellar of the house of life,

02.10 - The Kingdoms and Godheads of the Little Mind, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  The moments stretched towards the Eternal Now,
  The hours discovered immortality,

02.11 - The Kingdoms and Godheads of the Greater Mind, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Poured down the mystery of the Eternal Ray
  Through a silence quivering with the word of Light
  The guardians of the Eternal's bright degrees
  Fronted the Sun in radiant phalanxes.
  Archmasons of the Eternal Thaumaturge,
  Moulders and measurers of fragmented Space,
  Obeying the Eternal's deep command
  They have built in the material front of things
  Leaving the largeness of the Eternal's peace
  They seized and held by their precisian eye
  Voice of the Eternal in the temporal spheres,
  Prophet of the seeings of the Absolute,
  Discovered the seed-sounds of the Eternal Word,
  The rhythm and music heard that built the worlds,

02.12 - Mysticism in Bengali Poetry, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   She, the Eternal Memory, from the forgetfulness of
   earth's depths

02.12 - The Heavens of the Ideal, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Mounting in haste to the Eternal's house.
  On the other side of the Eternal stairs
  The mighty kingdoms of the deathless Flame
  Only the Eternal's strength in us can dare
  To attempt the immense adventure of that climb

02.13 - In the Self of Mind, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  In secrecy wraps the seed the Eternal sows
  Silence, the mystic birthplace of the soul.

02.13 - Rabindranath and Sri Aurobindo, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   "Tagore has been a wayfarer towards the same goal as ours in his own way." Sri Aurobindo wrote these words in the thirties and their full significance can be grasped only when it is understood that the two master-souls were at one in the central purpose of their lives. Also there is a further bond of natural affinity between them centring round the fact that both were poets, in a deeper sense, seer poetsRabindranath the Poet of the Dawn, Sri Aurobindo the Poet and Prophet of the Eternal Day, a new Dawn and Day for the human race.
   And both had the vision of a greater Tomorrow for their Motherl and and that was why both regarded her freedom as the basic necessity for the recovery of her greatness. How the inspired songs and speeches of Rabindranath and the flaming utterances of Sri Aurobindo created a psychological revolution almost overnight in the mind and heart of the people during the Swadeshi days forms a glorious chapter in the history of India's freedom movement. Profoundly touched by Sri Aurobindo's soul-stirring lead to the country, Rabindranath wrote a memorable poem, addressing Sri Aurobindo, which is still enshrined in the hearts of his countrymen. Rabindranath himself called on Sri Aurobindo and read out to him his heart's homage. We remember with thrill the majestic opening lines:

02.14 - The World-Soul, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  A seed from which the Eternal is new-born,
  A flame that cancels death in mortal things.
  He of the Eternal moment grew aware;
  His knowledge stripped bare of the garbs of sense
  One arm half-parted the Eternal veil.
  A light appeared still and imperishable.

02.15 - The Kingdoms of the Greater Knowledge, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  A diving-board of the Eternal's power,
  A white floor in the house of All-Delight.
  He linked creation to the Eternal's sphere.
  His finite parts approached their absolutes,

03.01 - Humanism and Humanism, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Esoteric Christianity also has given us the conception of the Human Divine; but it is somewhat different from the Vaishnava revelation which has found rather the Divine Human. In other words, as I have already said, one has brought down the divinity nearer to the human appreciation and has humanised it; in the other the human has been uplifted and made into an archetypal reality where the human terms have been more or less symbols and figures having not merely human but a supra-human significance. The entire Vaishnava Lila passes not on this earth at all, but eternally in the Eternal world of consciousness cinmayabehind all earthly (and human) manifestation and expression.
   It is the cult of the Divine Human which enunciates the mystic truth that man is greater than all and surpasses the Vedic Law (which aims usually at the impersonal Absolute). But Man here is to be understood as the Divine Person in his human norm, not at all the human man, as modern humanists of our country would like to have. It does not mean the glorification of man's human attributes and movements, even if they be most sattwic and idealistic; it refers rather to the divinised type, the archetype that is eternal in the super-consciousness. And when such a Man lives and acts upon earth he does so in manner and measure that do not belong to this plane.

03.01 - The Malady of the Century, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   the Eternal Enemy appeared and spread out before our enchanted eyes the panorama of earth's riches and glories, not merely riches of comfort and pleasure and well-being, but glories of power and knowledge; we could not resist this time; we hurled ourselves headlong into the valley of temptation, delivering, as the price of the bargain, our soul. Indeed, we are masters of many fields, our knowledge and power extend over an immense variety of regions, uncharted till now. Even like Vishnu the Dwarf, our consciousness has covered with its three strides the entire creation, barring that domain alone where the soul resides.
   Our mind, our life and our body have become today far more conscious and consciously powerfuleach has found itself and is big with its own proper value. But what was familiarly known as the mind of the mind, the life of the life, the body of the body has vanished and all it meant. The pith has been taken out, We are now playing with the empty stalk; the secret thread on which the pearls of life-movements were strung has been removed and they lie about scattered and disjointed. We have enriched our possessions, we have made ourselves more complex and multiple in our becoming: the telescope and the microscope in the physical world, and a subtler sense in the mind also, have extended the superficies of our consciousness. But with all that and in our haste to be busy about too many things, we have forgotten and left out of account the one thing needful.

03.01 - The Pursuit of the Unknowable, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  A cave of darkness guards the Eternal Light.
  A silence settled on his striving heart;

03.02 - The Adoration of the Divine Mother, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  On what dead bank on the Eternal's road?
  One was within thee who was self and world,

03.03 - The House of the Spirit and the New Creation, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Immersed in the Eternal altitudes,
  He abode defended in his shoreless self,
  Its ordered hours proclaimed the Eternal Law;
  Vision reposed on a safety of deathless forms;

03.04 - The Vision and the Boon, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Alone thou standest at the Eternal doors.
  What thou hast won is thine, but ask no more.
  His transience trembles with the Eternal's touch,
  His barriers cede beneath the Infinite's tread;
  To a moment's kinship with the Eternal Word;
  A masque of Wisdom circles through his brain
  A mute immensity of the Eternal's peace.
  But Aswapati's heart replied to her,
  Creatrix, the Eternal's artist Bride,
  Linger not long with thy transmuting hand
  Pack with the Eternal might one human hour
  And with one gesture change all future time.
  And from her eyes the Eternal's bliss shall gaze.
  A seed shall be sown in Death's tremendous hour,

03.04 - Towardsa New Ideology, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The real truth is that a group has the soul the spiritual being that is put into it. How can that be done? It is done by the individual, in and through the individual. Not a single individual perhaps, but a few, a select body, a small minority who by their conscious will and illumined endeavour form the strong nucleus that builds up automatically and inevitably the larger organisation instinct with its spirit and dharma. In fact all collective organisations are made in the same way. The form that a society takes is given to it by the ideology of one man or of a few men. All depends upon the truth and reality, the depth and fecundity of the inspiration and vision, whether it will last a day or be the Eternal law of life, whether it will be a curse for mankind or work for its supreme good. Naturally, the higher the aim, the more radical the remedy envisaged, the greater the difficulty that has to be surmounted. An aggregate always tends to live and move on a lower level of consciousness than the individual's. It is easy to organise a society on forces and passions that belong to the lower nature of manalthough it can be questioned whether such a society will last very long or conduce to the good or happiness of man.
   On the other hand, although difficult, it may not prove impossible to cast the nature, character and reactions of the aggregate into the mould prepared out of spiritual realities by those who have realised and lived them. Some theocratic social organisations, at least for a time, during the period of their apogee illustrate the feasibility of such a consummation. Only, in the present age, when all foundations seem to be shaking, when all principles on which we stood till now are crumbling down, when even fundamentalsthose that were considered as suchcan no more give assurance, well, in such a revolutionary age, one has perforce to be radical and revolutionary to the extreme: we have to go deep down and beyond, beyond the shifting sands of more or less surface realities to the un-shaking bed-rock, the rock of ages.

03.06 - Divine Humanism, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Esoteric Christianity also has given us the conception of the Human Divine; but it is somewhat different from the Vaishnava revelation which has found rather the Divine Human. In other words, as I have already said, one has brought down the divinity nearer to human appreciation and has humanised it; in the other, the human has been uplifted and made into an archetypal reality where the human terms are more or less symbols and figures, having not merely a human but a suprahuman significance. The entire Vaishnava Lila takes place not on this earth at all, but eternally in the Eternal world of the inner consciousness cinmayabehind all earthly (and human) manifestation and expression.
   It is the cult of the Divine Human which enunciates the mystic truth that Man is greater than all and surpasses even the Vedic Law (which aims usually at the impersonal Absolute). But Man -here is to be understood as the Divine Person in his human norm, not the human man at all, as modern humanists of our country would like to have it. It does not mean the glorification of man's human attributes and movements, even if they be most sattwic and idealistic; it refers rather to the divinised type, the archetype that is eternally in the super-consciousness. And when such a Man lives and acts on earth, he does so in a manner and measure that do not belong to this plane of humanity familiar to us.

03.12 - TagorePoet and Seer, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Tagore is modern, because his modernism is based upon a truth not local and temporal, but eternal and universal, something that is the very bed-rock of human culture and civilisation. Indeed, Tagore is also ancient, as ancient as the Upanishads. The great truths, the basic realities experienced and formulated by the ancients ring clear and distinct in the core of all his artistic creation. Tagore's intellectual make-up may be as rationalistic and scientific as that of any typical modern man. Nor does he discard the good things (preya)that earth and life offer to man for his banquet; and he does not say like the bare ascetic: any vco vimucatha, "abandon everything else". But even like one of the Upanishadic Rishis, the great Yajnavalkya, he would possess and enjoy his share of terrestrial as well as of spiritual wealthubhayameva. In a world of modernism, although he acknowledges and appreciates mental and vital and physical values, he does not give them the place demanded for them. He has never forgotten the one thing needful. He has not lost the moorings of the soul. He has continued to nestle close to the Eternal verities that sustain earth and creation and give a high value and purpose to man's life and creative activity.
   In these iconoclastic times, we are liable, both in art and in life, to despise and even to deny certain basic factors which were held to be almost indispensable in the old world. The great triads the True, the Beautiful and the Good, or God, Soul and Immortalityare of no consequence to a modernist mind: these mighty words evoke no echo in the heart of a contemporary human being. Art and Life meant in the old world something decent, if not great. They were perhaps, as I have already said, framed within narrow limits, certain rigid principles that cribbed and cabined the human spirit in many ways; but they were not anarchic, they obeyed a law, a dharma, which they considered as an ideal, a standard to look up to and even live up to. The modernist is an anarchic being in all ways. He does not care for old-world verities which seem to him mere convention or superstition. Truth and Beauty and Harmony are non-existent for him: if at all they exist they bear a totally different connotation, the very opposite of that which is normally accepted.

03.12 - The Spirit of Tapasya, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Tapasya (Asceticism) is usually understood to mean the capacity to undergo physical discomfort and suffering. We are familiar with various types of Tapasya: sitting in summer with blazing fire all around and the fiery noonday sun overhead (Panchagnivrata), exposing one's bare limbs to the cold biting blasts among the Eternal snows, lying down on a bed of sharp nails, betaking oneself to sack-cloth and ashes, fasting even to the point of death: there is no end to the variety of ways and means which man's ingenuity has invented to torture himself. Somehow the feeling has grown among spiritual, religious and even moral aspirants as well that the body is the devil that has to be curbed and controlled with bit and bridle and whip. Indeed the popular view measures the greatness of a saint by the amount of his physical privations.
   One seems not to know that the devil cannot be so easily checkmated or beguiled. For, indeed, it is easy for the body to take punishment, to submit to all kinds of rigours, yet feel as if it was making ample amends and atonement in that way rather than really give up its aboriginal instincts and impulses. Often one deceives oneself, succeeds in hiding, in secretly preserving one's unsaintliness behind a smoke-screen of the utmost physical tapasya.

03.13 - Dynamic Fatalism, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   In a higher sense, from a transcendental standpoint, however, this too is only an appearance. In reality man neither helps nor hinders Prakriti. For in that sphere the two are not separate entities. What is viewed as the helping hand of man is really Nature helping herself: man is the conscious movement of Nature. In that transcendent status the past and the future are rolled together in the Eternal present and all exist there as an accomplished fact: there is nothing there to be worked out and achieved. But lower down there is a play of forces, of conflicting possibilities and the resultant is a balance of these divergent lines. When one identifies oneself with the higher static consciousness one finds nothing to be done, all is realised the Eternal play of the Eternal child in the Eternal garden.2 But when one lives in the Kurukshetra of forces, one cannot throwaway one's Gandiva and say, I will not fight.
   Sri Aurobindo: The Mother

04.01 - The Birth and Childhood of the Flame, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  She scatters the seed of the Eternal's strength
  On a half-animate and crumbling mould,
  The Breath within to the Eternal joy.
  The first fair life that breaks from Nature's swoon,

04.01 - The Divine Man, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The Divine then descends into the earth-frame, not merely as an immanent and hidden essencesarvabhtntratm but as an individual person embodying that essencemnu tanumritam. Man too, however earthly and impure he maybe, is essentially the Divine himself, carries in him the spark of the supreme consciousness that he is in his true and highest reality. That is how in him is bridged the gulf that apparently exists between the mortal and the immortal, the Infinite and the Finite, the Eternal and the Momentary, and the Divine too can come into him and become, so to say, his lower self.
   The individual or personal Divine leaves his home of all blissVaikunthaforgets himself and enters into this world of all misery; but this does not mean that he becomes wholly the Man of Misery: he encompasses all misery within himself, penetrates as well into the stuff and substance of all misery, but suffuses all that with the purifying and transforming pressure of his own supreme consciousness. And yet pain and suffering are real, cruelly real, even to the Divine Man. Just as the ordinary human creature suffers and agonises in spite of the divine essence in him, in spite of his other deeper truth and reality, his soul of inalienable bliss, his psychic being, the Divine too suffers in the same way in spite of his divinity. This double line of consciousness, this system of parallels running alongside each other, interacting upon each other (even intersecting each other, when viewed in a frame of infinity) gives the whole secret mechanism of creation, its purpose, its working and its fulfilment. It is nothing else than the gradual replacement or elimination, elevation or sublimation of the elements on one line that are transmuted into those of the other. The Divine enters into the Evil to root out the Evil and plant there or release and fructify the seed of Divinity lying covered over and lost in the depths of dead inconscience.

04.02 - A Chapter of Human Evolution, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The March of Civilisation the Eternal East and West
   Other Authors Nolini Kanta Gupta The March of CivilisationA Chapter of Human Evolution
   The March of Civilisation the Eternal East and West

04.03 - The Call to the Quest, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  And blow your conch-shells at the Eternal's gate.
  Authors of earth's high change, to you it is given
  She seemed, burning towards the Eternal realms,
  A bright moved torch of incense and of flame
  This breathing Scripture of the Eternal's joy,
  This net of sweetness woven of aureate fire.
  Is written with the Eternal's sun-white script,
  One shall discover and greaten with it his life
  Discovering new notes of the Eternal theme.
  One force shall be your mover and your guide,

04.03 - The Eternal East and West, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
  object:04.03 - the Eternal East and West
  author class:Nolini Kanta Gupta
   Other Authors Nolini Kanta Gupta The March of Civilisation the Eternal East and West
   the Eternal East and West

04.04 - A Global Humanity, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   the Eternal East and West The Immortal Nation
   Other Authors Nolini Kanta Gupta The March of CivilisationA Global Humanity
   the Eternal East and West The Immortal Nation

04.04 - The Quest, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Imperial acres of the Eternal sower
  And wind-stirred grass-lands winking in the sun:
  Far-wandering seekers on the Eternal's path
  Brought to these quiet founts their spirit's thirst
  Plastic and firm beneath the Eternal hand,
  Met Nature with a bold and friendly clasp

04.07 - Readings in Savitri, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Mortality bears ill the Eternal's touch:
   It fears the pure divine intolerance
   As, however, mortality bears ill the Eternal's touch, the Eternal too is intolerant of the mortal natureonly it is intolerant not in the ignorant blind squeamish weak human way, but in a divine way, for it is armed with weapons of light and knowledge, it assaults with its luminous force, the energy of ether and fire, the higher and nobler elements as against the dense dark dumb earth, the lowest element that clothes the human consciousness. Indeed, mortality is enamoured of the tangled beam of joy and sorrow, of laughter and tears, of light and shadow and cannot contemplate the unalloyed sheer delight in Eternity. It is out of breath in the serene rarefied air of immortality; it pines for the terra firma, the mud and slime. The human consciousness has been fleeing the Hound of Heaven down the corridors of Time, and yet it will be caught in the end and wholly transmuted in the divine embrace into the substance of the Divine Himself. All the unwillingness and protestation and revolt are meant to forge and hammer the final union into something perfect, faultless, absolute.

04.09 - Values Higher and Lower, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   We, of course, are not of the opinion that all possible revelations in the spiritual sphere have been made and done with even in India or that there cannot be fresh valuations of the old revelations or their applications in a new way. We believe in the words of the ancient Rishis who declared that dawns come endlessly in succession, today's dawn follows the path trod by the ancient ones and is the first of the Eternal series to come in the future. Each dawn brings in a new and fresh revelation, a hope and vision looking into the future although linked in with the experiences of the infinite past.
   That is why, while we give our support to this new effort of Europe, we agree and even insist that the hoary spiritual tradition of India has still something to teach us moderns, some light to give us in our present predicament. For, although, the ideal is generally admitted in many places, the way to it is not clear. Since Nietzsche spoke of the surpassing of man, many are taken up with the ideal, but the means to effect it remains yet to be discovered: it is still under discussion, at least. As a matter of fact, the goal itself is none too clear and definite: sometimes we think of a saintly transformation of human nature, sometimes the growing power of Intuition, very vaguely and variously defined, replacing or supplementing intellect and thus adding a new asset to man's life and consciousness.

04.19 - To the Heights-XIX (The March into the Night), #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   And the Eternal viper remains coiled fast into the darkness of our entrails. . . .
   The march of aeons has brought us none the nearer to Light or Deliverance.

04.38 - To the Heights-XXXVIII, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Veil not its glorious face for ever turned to the Eternal Sun.
   It heeds not the little joys the flesh offers it,

04.47 - To the Heights-XLVII, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Nude and innocent in the womb of the Eternal.
   What dreams had you then?

05.01 - Man and the Gods, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Man possesses characters that mark him as an entity sui generis and give him the value that is his. First, toil and suffering and more failures than success have given him the quality of endurance and patience, of humility and quietness. That is the quality of earth-natureearth is always spoken of by the poets and seers as all-bearing and all-forgiving. She never protests under any load put upon her, never rises in revolt, never in a hurry or in worry, she goes on with her appointed labour silently, steadily, calmly, unflinchingly. Human consciousness can take infinite pains, go through the infinite details of execution, through countless repetitions and mazes: patience and perseverance are the very badge and blazon of the tribe. Ribhus, the artisans of immortalitychildren of Mahasaraswatiwere originally men, men who have laboured into godhood. Human nature knows to wait, wait infinitely, as it has all the eternity before it and can afford and is prepared to continue and persist life after life. I do not say that all men can do it and are of this nature; but there is this essential capacity in human nature. The gods, who are usually described as the very embodiment of calmness and firmness, of a serene and concentrated will to achieve, nevertheless suffer ill any delay or hindrance to their work. Man has not perhaps the even tenor, the steadiness of their movement, even though intense and fast flowing; but what man possesses is persistence through ups and downshis path is rugged with rise and fall, as the poet says. The steadiness or the staying power of the gods contains something of the nature of indifference, something hard in its grain, not unlike a crystal or a diamond. But human patience, when it has formed and taken shape, possesses a mellowness, an understanding, a sweet reasonableness and a resilience all its own. And because of its intimacy with the tears of things, because of its long travail and calvary, human consciousness is suffused with a quality that is peculiarly human and humane that of sympathy, compassion, comprehension, the psychic feeling of closeness and oneness. The gods are, after all, egoistic; unless in their supreme supramental status where they are one and identical with the Divine himself; on the lower levels, in their own domains, they are separate, more or less immiscible entities, as it were; greater stress is laid here upon their individual functioning and fulfilment than upon their solidarity. Even if they have not the egoism of the Asuras that sets itself in revolt and antagonism to the Divine, still they have to the fullest extent the sense of a separate mission that each has to fulfil, which none else can fulfil and so each is bound rigidly to its own orbit of activity. There is no mixture in their workingsna me thate, as the Vedas say; the conflict of the later gods, the apple of discord that drove each to establish his hegemony over the rest, as narrated in the mythologies and popular legends, carry the difference to a degree natural to the human level and human modes and reactions. The egoism of the gods may have the gait of aristocracy about it, it has the aloofness and indifference and calm nonchalance that go often with nobility: it has a family likeness to the egoism of an ascetic, of a saintit is sttwic; still it is egoism. It may prove even more difficult to break and dissolve than the violent and ebullient rjasicpride of a vital being. Human failings in this respect are generally more complex and contain all shades and rhythms. And yet that is not the whole or dominant mystery of man's nature. His egoism is thwarted at every stepfrom outside, by, the force of circumstances, the force of counter-egoisms, and from inside, for there is there the thin little voice that always cuts across egoism's play and takes away from it something of its elemental blind momentum. The gods know not of this division in their nature, this schizophrenia, as the malady is termed nowadays, which is the source of the Eternal strain of melancholy in human nature of which Matthew Arnold speaks, of the Shelleyan saddest thoughts: Nietzsche need not have gone elsewhere in his quest for the origin and birth of Tragedy. A Socrates discontented, the Christ as the Man of Sorrows, and Amitabha, the soul of pity and compassion are peculiarly human phenomena. They are not merely human weaknesses and failings that are to be brushed aside with a godlike disdain; but they contain and yield a deeper sap of life and out of them a richer fulfilment is being elaborated.
   Human understanding, we know, is a tangled skein of light and shademore shade perhaps than lightof knowledge and ignorance, of ignorance straining towards knowledge. And yet this limited and earthly frame that mind is has something to give which even the overmind of the gods does not possess and needs. It is indeed a frame, even though perhaps a steel frame, to hold and fix the pattern of knowledge, that arranges, classifies, consolidates effective ideas, as they are translated into facts and events. It has not the initiative, the creative power of the vision of a god, but it is an indispensable aid, a precious instrument for the canalisation and expression of that vision, for the intimate application of the divine inspiration to physical life and external conduct. If nothing else, it is a sort of blue print which an engineer of life cannot forego if he has to execute his work of building a new life accurately and beautifully and perfectly.

05.02 - Satyavan, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  To lift earth-hearts nearer the Eternal's sun.
  In these great spirits now incarnate here

05.03 - Satyavan and Savitri, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  And listened through music for the Eternal Voice.
  I felt a covert touch, I heard a call,
  Nor saw the Eternal in his secret house.
  I conversed with Nature, mused with the changeless stars,
  A ray prophetic of the Eternal's sun.
  I sat with the forest sages in their trance:
  The wedding of the Eternal Lord and Spouse
  Took place again on earth in human forms:

05.06 - The Birth of Maya, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   the Eternal negated his eternity, the Divine became the undivine.
   Out of the inconscient Consciousness had to arise, Light out of darkness, Bliss out of suffering, Power out of inertia,-for the Divine is still the only reality, even in the appearances that are its opposite.

05.07 - The Observer and the Observed, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The distinction between the two may after all be found to be a matter of stress only, involving no fundamental difference, especially as there are sure to be gradations from the one to the other. The most important landmark, however, the most revolutionary step in modern science would be the discovery of the Eternal observer or some sign or image of his seated within the observed phenomena of moving thingspuruah prakritisthohi, as the Gita says.

05.13 - Darshana and Philosophy, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   There is another concept in Whitehead which seems to be moulded after a parallel concept in Sri Aurobindo: it is with regard to the working out of the process of creation, the mechanism of its dynamism. It is almost a glimpse into the occult functioning of the world forces. Whitehead speaks of two principles that guide the world process, first, the principle of limitation, and second, the principle of ingress. The first one Sri Aurobindo calls the principle of concentration (and of exclusive concentration) by which the infinite and the Eternal limits himself, makes himself finite and temporal and infinitesimal, the universal transforms itself into the individual and the particular. The second is the principle of descent, which is almost the corner-stone in Sri Aurobindo's system. There are layers of reality: the higher forces and formulations enter into the lower, work upon it and bring about a change and transformation, purification and redemption. All progress and evolution is due to this influx of the higher, the deeper into , the lower and superficial plane of existence.
   There is one concept in Whitehead which seems rather strange to us; it is surely a product of the brain-mind. God, according to him, is not the creator: he is only the Redeemer, he is a shaper but not the source and origin of things. That is because he thinks that if God is made the creator of the world, he would be held responsible for the evil there. This difficulty comes when one thinks of God too much in the popular anthropomorphic way, like someone seated above the world and passing judgment upon a world which is not his doing. God is perhaps a lover of the world, but not its Mastera certain Christian outlook says. According to Sri Aurobindo, God is a triple reality in his transcendental, cosmic and individual aspect. In creating the world, God creates, that is to say, manifests himself. And Evil is an evolute in the process of God's self-creation through self-limitation: it proceeds to self-annihilation and even self-transmutation in a farther process of God's self-unfoldment in world and Nature.

05.26 - The Soul in Anguish, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   I was speaking of the depth, of the sounding of consciousness in present-day inquiries into human nature. Sartre's investigation links itself up with the Eternal inquiry graphically and beautifully described in the famous parable of the Taittiriya Upanishad (III).
   In his quest for Brahman, Bhrigu came in contact first of all with the material existence and so took Matter to be the ultimate Reality. He was asked to move on and at the next step he met Life and considered that as Brahman. He was asked to move farther on and at the third stage he found Mind which then appeared to him as the Reality. He had to proceed farther and enter and pass through other higher formulations till finally he entered the highest expanse (parame vyoman). Now applying the parable to the situation today and the modern quest we can say that Science like Bhrigu is at the first stepand, for some, stuck there contented like the Asura Virochana of another Upanishadic parable, although it has become fidgety and somewhat uncertain in recent times: some others the "vitalist" scientists and philosophersare in the second stage. And yet there is a third category, the idealist philosophers generally, who are emerging from the second into the third.

06.01 - The Word of Fate, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  He saw the Eternal labour of the Gods,
  And looked upon the life of beasts and men.
  And darkness yearning towards the Eternal Light,
  And Love that broods within the dim abyss
  A traveller to the Eternal's house,
  Once let unwounded pass a mortal life."
  Yet conquers the Eternal Good at last."
  Then might the sage have spoken, but the king
  Against the Law that is the Eternal will
  The autarchy of the rash Titan's mood
  They dash their lives against the Eternal Law
  And fall and break by their own violent mass:
  Can love be eternal in the Eternal Bliss
  And love divine replace the human tie.
  "My will is part of the Eternal Will,
  My fate is what my spirit's strength can make,
  I have seen the Eternal in a human face."
  Then none could answer to her words. Silent

06.02 - The Way of Fate and the Problem of Pain, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Hidden in the mortal's heart the Eternal lives:
  He lives secret in the chamber of thy soul,
  Thy mind's light hides from thee the Eternal's thought,
  Thy heart's hopes hide from thee the Eternal's will,
  Earth's joys shut from thee the Immortal's bliss.
  And strive to work out the Eternal Will
  And shape the life divine in mortal forms.
  The debt the Eternal owes to the fallen kind
  His will has bound to death and struggling life
  A power came in to veil the Eternal Light,
  A power opposed to the Eternal will
  Diverts the messages of the infallible Word,
  That sole can climb to the Eternal's peaks;
  The ineffable planes already have felt his tread;
  Into the Eternal Light he shall emerge
  On borders of the meeting of all worlds;
  There meet and clasp the Eternal opposites,
  There pain becomes a violent fiery joy;
  He matches himself against the Eternal's calm
  And feels in himself the greatness of a god:
  It saw the Eternal, lived in the Infinite.
  Then, curious of a shadow thrown by Truth,
  A vast disguise conceals the Eternal's bliss."
  Then Aswapati answered to the seer:

06.23 - Here or Elsewhere, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   In the same way, there are souls that have emerged out of the fire of earthly life and are enjoying the safety and security of the heavens; but they have been called to come back into the world, add to the experience of the tranquil above the experience of the trouble below. Surely it increases the scope of their consciousness. But to turn upon the world means also to re-enter into ignorance, for this world means ignorance, as it is, it is nothing but ignorance. The role then of one who returns is once more to embrace ignorance, but with a view to bringing into it the light and bliss that he gained from above, permeating the stuff of the present world with the substance of the higher consciousness. It is a sacrifice demanded of him, thus to abandon the Eternal felicity of the high heavens the unbroken union with the Divine above and to enter into the depths of this great perilous world: but this is a privilege too, to bring solace to the afflicted, the transforming light to obscure souls, the radiant energy to inert earth. It is a high privilege for which the luminous soul is thankful: he modestly accepts a gift of grace from the Supreme. He accepts the Ignorance and offers it: he lays it at the feet of the Supreme so that it may be transmuted into lightlight here below. His own role is that of a modest intermediary.

06.32 - The Central Consciousness, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   The key is to find the poise where both the extremes meet, the junction of the two levels of consciousness, the transcendent and the manifested, where the two not only do not contradict or oppose each other, but are aspects or modes of the same Truth, indissolubly united and unified. It is just the border-line, the last point of the manifested world and the first point of the Unmanifest (as one goes upward). If you are able to find the point you have not to make a choice between two irreconcilables, either the Brahman or the world. It is only when you miss the point that you are forced to the choice: some choose the other side of the border, the static consciousness, the Eternal immutable pure being, self-absorbed and self-sufficient; others who dare not do that, turn to the world and remain entangled and drowned in its darkness, ignorance, travail, undelight, impotency and misery. But, as I have said, this is not the necessary or inevitable solutionif solution it is at allof the enigma.
   The first condition, however, to arrive at the crucial or synthetic state of consciousness (which is, in fact, the basic supramental consciousness, as Sri Aurobindo calls it) is the realisation that the world, that is to say, physical consciousness does not exist by itself. By itself, it is nothing. As the Prayer says, it knows nothing, it can do nothing, it is nothing.1 This realisation must not be merely a mental perception, a perception in the inner consciousness alone; but the body, the physical existence itself must be conscious and in that consciousness see and experience the truth that by itself it is a void, non-existence: it becomes so however only to find that it is real, supremely real when it is suffused with its true substance, when it is the embodiment or vehicle of the supramental consciousness.

07.02 - The Parable of the Search for the Soul, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  My head bowed with shame before the Eternal's seat, -
  His power he kindled in thy body has failed,
  Thou shalt see the Eternal's body in the world,
  Know him in every voice heard by thy soul,

07.03 - The Entry into the Inner Countries, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Or its pure movement on the Eternal's road.
  Or else for the body of some high Idea
  Can find the single Truth, the Eternal Law:
  Untouched they live by hope and doubt and fear.
  Her eyes were turned towards the Eternal source.
  Outstretching her hands to stay the throng she cried:

07.04 - The Triple Soul-Forces, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  And make thee drink from the Eternal's cup;
  His streams of force shall triumph in thy limbs
  And mightier seems than the Eternal Will.
  The cosmic evil is too deep to unroot,
  His hunger for the Eternal thou must nurse
  And fill his yearning heart with heaven's fire

07.05 - The Finding of the Soul, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Then at the crown it joined the Eternal's space.
  In the flower of the head, in the flower of Matter's base,

07.06 - Nirvana and the Discovery of the All-Negating Absolute, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  And only abide the Eternal and absolute.
  For only the blank Eternal can be true.
  Translucent grows to the Eternal's light,
  Her seeing his sight, her walk his steps of power
  For the Eternal's powers are like himself,
  Timeless in the Timeless, in Time ever born.
  A shining mirror of the Eternal Truth
  To show to the One-in-all its manifest face,

08.08 - The Mind s Bazaar, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   In fact, if you wish to be truly intelligent, you must learn a bit of mental gymnastics, even as you have to do physical gymnastics if you wish to have a strong powerful body. People who have never done mental gymnastics have a small elementary brain; all their life they think like children. Mental exercise means that you must know how to do it and do it seriously. First of all, it means that you must not have fixed convictions, namely, that this idea is right and that one is wrong, this formulation is correct, the other one is inexact or that this religion is true, the other is false and so on. If you go on in that train you become very soon stupid, a blockhead. What you have to do, say, in the matter of religion, is to take up all the religions one by one and see how all have expressed the same human aspiration for the Absolute of some kind. You can compare and contrast, understand, weigh and balance, the game will be extremely interesting. Now, when you have mastered all the ideas, seized all the modes of expression, you can try to go beyond, look at them and smile at the Eternal wranglings mankind indulges in. You are then master of your mind and no longer subject to what seems to be the commonest habit of mankindgetting into a fury simply because someone else does not happen to think like you.

08.16 - Perfection and Progress, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   For a very long time, perhaps from the very beginning I do not mean from the beginning of human evolution, for there have been earlier periods when, before the true man appeared, intermediate beings at first were tried who were much nearer to the animal; I mean the beginning of a sufficiently developed human form when it became ready to receive something from abovethere have been always and there are still individuals who carry in them this need of the Eternal and the absolute. It is only little by little, very gradually, through cycles of enlightenment and obscurity that something like a collective consciousness in humanity awakes to the need of such a higher existence. And today this necessity seems evidently very general, cutting across all turmoils and stupidities of mankind: that shows that the time is near.
   Yes, for a very long time, men were told, "It will be, it will be," were given the promise. It was promised, thousands and thousands of years ago, that a new consciousness, a new world, something of the Divine would manifest itself upon earth; it was always in the future, somewhere in the revolution of the ages. One had not this feeling, this sensation that it is here and now.

08.31 - Personal Effort and Surrender, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Now as regards the result, in one case, I may say, it is linear, it ends at a point, as it were; in the other case, the path is spherical and ends in a totality. Each one individually can reach his origin and the optimum of his being; the origin and the optimum of one's being is the same as the Eternal, the Infinite, the Supreme. If you reach your origin, you reach the Supreme, but you reach along a single linedo not take the image literally, it is only a description to make the thing easy to understand. So it is, I say, a linear realisation terminating at a point and this point is one with the Supreme, your maximum possibility. By the other way, you arrive at, what I call, a spherical realisation; for it gives you the idea of something that contains all, it is not a point but a totality that excludes nothing.
   The relation of the whole and its part does not hold good here; for there is no longer any division. The very quality of the approach is different. Can you say that a perfect identification with one drop of water would give you the knowledge of what the sea is? And here the perfect identification in question is not merely with the ocean but with all possible oceans. And yet the perfect identification with one drop of water does give you the knowledge of the ocean in its essence; but in the other way you know the ocean not merely in its essence but in its totality. It is however very difficult to express the reality of the truth. What can be said to put it as clearly as possible is this: in the line of personal effort, when one depends solely upon one's personal strength, all that has been individualised maintains the virtues of individuality and hence also, in a certain sense, all the limitations necessary for this individuality. In the other case, when you have surrendered your individuality, you not only enjoy the virtues of individuality but also you are not subject to its limitations. It is almost high philosophy, I am afraid. It is not clear therefore. But that is all I can say.

08.36 - Buddha and Shankara, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Both of them came in contact with something true and real. Buddha had surely an inner contact with something which, in relation to the outer life, appeared to him as non-existence and in this non-existence all the consequences of existence disappeared. There is indeed such a state. And it is said that if you remain in that state for more than twenty days, you are sure to lose your body. I believe it is so, if the condition becomes exclusive. But also it can be an experience that remains behind, exists in a conscious way and yet not exclusively. In other words, the contact with the world and the outer consciousness is maintained and supported by something which is independent of them and free. It is a state in which you can make truly a great progress in your external consciousness; for then you can detach yourself from everything and act without attachment, without preference, in an inner freedom that expresses itself in the outer life. Once you have attained the inner freedom, this conscious contact with the Eternal and the infinite, you must return to action without losing that consciousness and allow it to influence the whole of the consciousness turned to action.
   That is what Sri Aurobindo calls bringing down the Force from above. That way lies the only chance of changing the world; for you seek there a new Force, a new domain, a new consciousness and you put that in contact with the external world. Its presence and its action will bring changes inevitably, a total transformation, we hope, in the external world.

09.01 - Towards the Black Void, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  A starry fragment of the Eternal Truth,
  The passionate instrument of an unmoved Power.
  Out of the Eternal depths and cast its surge.
  Then Death the king leaned boundless down, as leans
  Your transient loves bind not the Eternal gods."
  The dread voice ebbed in the consenting hush

09.02 - The Journey in Eternal Night and the Voice of the Darkness, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  And waited on the Eternal silence' brink.
  Heaven leaned towards them like a cloudy brow
  Daring to journey through the Eternal Night.
  Armoured with light she advanced her foot to plunge
  The immense refusal of the Eternal No.
  Else shall the Eternal spaces open to me,
  While round us strange horizons far recede,
  Crying against the Eternal witnesses
  That thou and he are endless powers and last?

100.00 - Synergy, #Synergetics - Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking, #R Buckminster Fuller, #Science
  107.00 Because synergy alone explains the Eternally regenerative integrity of
  Universe, because synergy is the only word having its unique meaning, and
  (intellect) has experimentally demonstrated at least limited access to the Eternal
  design intellectually governing eternally regenerative Universe .

10.01 - The Dream Twilight of the Ideal, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  They stand up sculptured on the Eternal hills,

10.02 - The Gospel of Death and Vanity of the Ideal, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Or the Eternal lodge in drifting time?
  How shall the Ideal tread earth's dolorous soil
  A breath is felt from the Eternal spheres.
  Allowed by Heaven and wonderful to man
  A voice of the Eternal Ecstasy.
  One day I shall behold my great sweet world


IN WEBGEN [10000/185]

Wikipedia - Dungeons > Dragons: Warriors of the Eternal Sun
Wikipedia - ErekosM-CM-+ -- Character in the novel The Eternal Champion
Wikipedia - Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word
Wikipedia - Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva -- 2009 Japanese anime by Masakazu Hashimoto
Wikipedia - Spawn: The Eternal -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - The Eternal Adam -- 1910 short story by Jules and Michel Verne.
Wikipedia - The Eternal Chain -- 1952 film
Wikipedia - The Eternal City (1915 film) -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - The Eternal City (1923 film) -- 1923 film by George Fitzmaurice
Wikipedia - The Eternal Curse (film) -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - The Eternal Dagger
Wikipedia - The Eternal Dream -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - The Eternal Feminine (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - The Eternal Feminine (2017 film) -- 2017 film
Wikipedia - The Eternal Flame (film) -- 1922 film by Frank Lloyd
Wikipedia - The Eternal Grind -- 1916 film by John B. O'Brien
Wikipedia - The Eternal Jew (film) -- 1940 antisemitic Nazi propaganda film
Wikipedia - The Eternal Love -- 2017 Chinese television series
Wikipedia - The Eternal Mother (1912 film) -- 1912 film
Wikipedia - The Eternal Mother (1920 film) -- 1920 film by Will S. Davis
Wikipedia - The Eternal Question -- 1916 film by Burton L. King
Wikipedia - The Eternal Return of Antonis Paraskevas -- 2013 film
Wikipedia - The Eternal Sapho -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - The Eternal Secret -- 1942 film by Carlos Orellana
Wikipedia - The Eternal Spring -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - The Eternal Struggle (1921 film) -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - The Eternal Struggle -- 1923 film by Reginald Barker
Wikipedia - The Eternal Three -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - The Eternal Tone -- 1943 film
Wikipedia - The Eternal Waltz -- 1954 German film
Wikipedia - The Eternal Woman -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Vampire: The Eternal Struggle -- Multiplayer collectible card game
dedroidify.blogspot - the-eternal-ten-commandments-by-david
Hum Tum (2004) ::: 7.0/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 23min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 28 May 2004 (India) -- A novel look at the eternal battle of the sexes and the trials and tribulations of Karan and Rhea and their attempts to understand each other. Director: Kunal Kohli Writers:
Lovers of the Arctic Circle (1998) ::: 7.7/10 -- Los amantes del Crculo Polar (original title) -- Lovers of the Arctic Circle Poster In cold Lapland Finland, under the eternal midnight sun, two ardent lovers reunite once again after a long period apart, governed by a powerful and eloquent circular motif woven by destiny, faith, and love. Can they deny their destiny? Director: Julio Medem Writer: Julio Medem
The Age of Adaline (2015) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 52min | Drama, Fantasy, Romance | 24 April 2015 (USA) -- A young woman, born at the turn of the 20th century, is rendered ageless after an accident. After many solitary years, she meets a man who complicates the eternal life she has settled into. Director: Lee Toland Krieger Writers:,_Golden_Age_Of_Heroes_&_Champions_Of_The_Eternal_Holy_Light_&_The_Infinitely_Vast_Multiverse,_The_True_Ultimate_Power_Of_The_Heart_/_Road_To_The_Eternal_Path_Of_The_Millennium_Age_Of_Providence
Atom: The Beginning -- -- OLM, Production I.G, Signal.MD -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Mecha Seinen -- Atom: The Beginning Atom: The Beginning -- Japan in the near future suffers an unexplained major disaster. Five years later, reconstruction is well underway. Two young researchers at a university are pinning all their hopes on robot development. Now their new interpretation of the eternal hero Astro Boy up until his birth is just about to start! -- -- (Source: Showgate) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 27,301 6.84
Code:Realize - Sousei no Himegimi -- -- M.S.C -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Military Harem Historical Romance Fantasy Josei -- Code:Realize - Sousei no Himegimi Code:Realize - Sousei no Himegimi -- Within Cardia Beckford's hazy memories, she can recall her father Isaac and the home where she lives alone, feared as a monster by the townsfolk—for in her body, she carries a deadly substance. Embedded in her chest by her father, the eternally beating heart—also known as Horologium—has the capability to produce infinite power. However, it also makes her skin destroy anything it touches. -- -- Many in London seek the Horologium, including the terrorist organization Twilight, with whom Isaac is rumored to have close ties. To obtain the Horologium's power, the British military forces Cardia to leave her home as their prisoner. But on the road, she is whisked away by the gentleman thief Arsène Lupin, who says he will steal her heart. Joining Lupin and his companions, Cardia begins a journey to discover the truth behind Isaac's connection with Twilight, her missing memories, and the Horologium within her chest. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 67,910 6.65
Dragon Ball Movie 3: Makafushigi Daibouken -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Sci-Fi Shounen Super Power -- Dragon Ball Movie 3: Makafushigi Daibouken Dragon Ball Movie 3: Makafushigi Daibouken -- Emperor Chiaotzu's wife has gone missing, and he is told by Master Shen that if he collects the seven dragon balls he can call upon the eternal dragon and wish for her return. Meanwhile, Goku and Krillin attend the World Martial Arts Tournament, which is hosted by the Emperor; Bora and his son Upa attempt to hide the dragon ball they found from the emperor's forces, which are under the control of the evil Shen and General Tao; and Bulma conducts her own search for the dragon balls with the help of Yamcha, Puar, and Oolong. -- -- (Source: Written by page8701 from IMDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Jul 9, 1988 -- 45,128 6.86
Dragon Ball Movie 3: Makafushigi Daibouken -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Sci-Fi Shounen Super Power -- Dragon Ball Movie 3: Makafushigi Daibouken Dragon Ball Movie 3: Makafushigi Daibouken -- Emperor Chiaotzu's wife has gone missing, and he is told by Master Shen that if he collects the seven dragon balls he can call upon the eternal dragon and wish for her return. Meanwhile, Goku and Krillin attend the World Martial Arts Tournament, which is hosted by the Emperor; Bora and his son Upa attempt to hide the dragon ball they found from the emperor's forces, which are under the control of the evil Shen and General Tao; and Bulma conducts her own search for the dragon balls with the help of Yamcha, Puar, and Oolong. -- -- (Source: Written by page8701 from IMDB) -- Movie - Jul 9, 1988 -- 45,128 6.86
Dragon Ball Z Movie 14: Kami to Kami -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Super Power Martial Arts Fantasy Shounen -- Dragon Ball Z Movie 14: Kami to Kami Dragon Ball Z Movie 14: Kami to Kami -- Following the defeat of a great adversary, Gokuu Son and his friends live peaceful lives on Earth. Meanwhile, in space, Beerus the God of Destruction awakens from his long slumber, having dreamed of an entity known as a Super Saiyan God. With the help of his assistant, Whis, Beerus looks for this powerful being, as he wishes to fight a worthy opponent. After discovering that the Saiyan home planet was destroyed, he tracks down the remaining Saiyans on Earth, looking for Gokuu specifically. -- -- Having only heard of the Super Saiyan God in legends, Gokuu and his comrades summon Shen Long the Eternal Dragon, who they find out is afraid of Beerus. After learning the secret of the Super Saiyan God, an intense battle between Gokuu and Beerus commences, the immense power of which puts the Earth in terrible danger. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Mar 30, 2013 -- 161,588 7.40
Dragon Ball Z Movie 14: Kami to Kami -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Super Power Martial Arts Fantasy Shounen -- Dragon Ball Z Movie 14: Kami to Kami Dragon Ball Z Movie 14: Kami to Kami -- Following the defeat of a great adversary, Gokuu Son and his friends live peaceful lives on Earth. Meanwhile, in space, Beerus the God of Destruction awakens from his long slumber, having dreamed of an entity known as a Super Saiyan God. With the help of his assistant, Whis, Beerus looks for this powerful being, as he wishes to fight a worthy opponent. After discovering that the Saiyan home planet was destroyed, he tracks down the remaining Saiyans on Earth, looking for Gokuu specifically. -- -- Having only heard of the Super Saiyan God in legends, Gokuu and his comrades summon Shen Long the Eternal Dragon, who they find out is afraid of Beerus. After learning the secret of the Super Saiyan God, an intense battle between Gokuu and Beerus commences, the immense power of which puts the Earth in terrible danger. -- -- Movie - Mar 30, 2013 -- 161,588 7.40
Eikyuu Kazoku -- -- Studio 4°C -- 1 ep -- Original -- Psychological Comedy -- Eikyuu Kazoku Eikyuu Kazoku -- It started as a sociological experiment. Six different people were brainwashed to think that they were a family and then put in arbitrary situations to see how they would react; however, when a taping of the families conducts is sold in a desperate attempt to make a little capital, it instantly becomes a success. Now the family is a first rated show and their every move is broadcasted around the world without them knowing it. But when a clogged toilet sets off a chain of events that ultimately frees the family from the room they are confined in the broadcasters, not willing to lose their source of income, set out to hunt down and recapture every member of the Eternal family. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Apr 1, 1997 -- 8,447 5.94
Fruits Basket 2nd Season -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Supernatural Drama Romance Shoujo -- Fruits Basket 2nd Season Fruits Basket 2nd Season -- A year has passed since Tooru Honda began living in the Souma residence, and she has since created stronger relationships with its inhabitants Shigure, Kyou, and Yuki. She has also grown closer to the rest of the Souma family and has become familiar with their ancestral secret, having helped them with many of their personal issues. The closer Tooru gets, however, the more she begins to realize that their secret holds a darker truth than she first presumed. -- -- Summer is approaching and Tooru is invited to spend her days with the Soumas, mainly Kyou and Yuki. Tooru wishes for an easy-going vacation, but her close relationships with the two boys and the rest of the Soumas may prove to cause trouble. As they grow more intimate, their carefree time together is hindered by older hardships and feelings from the past that begin to resurface. The Eternal Banquet also dawns on the members of the zodiac, and they must tend to their duties alongside the unnerving head of the family, Akito Souma. -- -- With the banquet approaching and a plethora of feelings to be solved, will Tooru's life with the Soumas remain peaceful, or will she find herself in a situation from which she cannot escape? -- -- 231,971 8.54
Fruits Basket 2nd Season -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Supernatural Drama Romance Shoujo -- Fruits Basket 2nd Season Fruits Basket 2nd Season -- A year has passed since Tooru Honda began living in the Souma residence, and she has since created stronger relationships with its inhabitants Shigure, Kyou, and Yuki. She has also grown closer to the rest of the Souma family and has become familiar with their ancestral secret, having helped them with many of their personal issues. The closer Tooru gets, however, the more she begins to realize that their secret holds a darker truth than she first presumed. -- -- Summer is approaching and Tooru is invited to spend her days with the Soumas, mainly Kyou and Yuki. Tooru wishes for an easy-going vacation, but her close relationships with the two boys and the rest of the Soumas may prove to cause trouble. As they grow more intimate, their carefree time together is hindered by older hardships and feelings from the past that begin to resurface. The Eternal Banquet also dawns on the members of the zodiac, and they must tend to their duties alongside the unnerving head of the family, Akito Souma. -- -- With the banquet approaching and a plethora of feelings to be solved, will Tooru's life with the Soumas remain peaceful, or will she find herself in a situation from which she cannot escape? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 231,971 8.54
InuYasha Movie 2: Kagami no Naka no Mugenjo -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Historical Demons Supernatural Drama Magic Romance Fantasy Shounen -- InuYasha Movie 2: Kagami no Naka no Mugenjo InuYasha Movie 2: Kagami no Naka no Mugenjo -- Inuyasha and company have finally destroyed Naraku. And each start to go in their separate ways. Sango going to find her younger brother Kohaku; Miroku back to his old home; Inuyasha, Kagome and Shippou go to gather the rest of the Shikon shards. Unfortunately this peace is not to last. Shortly afterwards the full moon rises, and just keeps rising each night bringing with it the promise of danger. Kagura and Kanna go in search of a mirror, where locked inside is the ruler of the eternal night, Kaguya. To set her free they must gather five items and drop them into the five lakes of Fuji. Setting her free means the worst danger for Inuyasha and the others. Who are forced to face this new threat. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- Movie - Dec 21, 2002 -- 86,281 7.66
InuYasha Movie 2: Kagami no Naka no Mugenjo -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Historical Demons Supernatural Drama Magic Romance Fantasy Shounen -- InuYasha Movie 2: Kagami no Naka no Mugenjo InuYasha Movie 2: Kagami no Naka no Mugenjo -- Inuyasha and company have finally destroyed Naraku. And each start to go in their separate ways. Sango going to find her younger brother Kohaku; Miroku back to his old home; Inuyasha, Kagome and Shippou go to gather the rest of the Shikon shards. Unfortunately this peace is not to last. Shortly afterwards the full moon rises, and just keeps rising each night bringing with it the promise of danger. Kagura and Kanna go in search of a mirror, where locked inside is the ruler of the eternal night, Kaguya. To set her free they must gather five items and drop them into the five lakes of Fuji. Setting her free means the worst danger for Inuyasha and the others. Who are forced to face this new threat. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Dec 21, 2002 -- 86,281 7.66
Koutetsu no Majo Annerose -- -- - -- 4 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Hentai Supernatural -- Koutetsu no Majo Annerose Koutetsu no Majo Annerose -- Amidahara is a twisted city, well beyond the reaches of any salvation. Here, humans, demons, and criminals walk the streets with the mighty witch Annerose being one of the most feared and respected of the city's denizens. As part of her abilities, she was able to form a binding spell with a human male, keeping him as her undead servant. This man, Rikurou Tachibana, was about to end up sold to slavers, but instead, he wound up in the eternal service of Annerose—something her other servent, Mitico didn't take too kindly to. Rikurou doesn't know what's worse, Mitico being able to chop him up into tiny pieces, only to be resurrected, or having to deal with the intense sexual frustration of living with Annerose. -- -- Both of these problems get set aside, however, when Annerose and her servants take on a case involving a girl named Miki and her missing brother. The events of Koutetsu no Majo Annerose will lead the unlikely heroine into the workings of the Kuurou Group and their leader Lee Mayfeng, a sworn enemy from Annerose's past. Mayfeng's contempt for Annerose is deep enough to plunge into the depths of sexual depravity and she's willing to do anything to humiliate and ruin her. The danger only grows from there as yet another malevolent force is at work, one that goes well beyond threatening Amidahara and aims to bring about ruin to the entire world. -- OVA - Jul 27, 2012 -- 12,238 6.81
Kyousou Giga (TV) -- -- Toei Animation -- 10 eps -- Original -- Action Fantasy Supernatural -- Kyousou Giga (TV) Kyousou Giga (TV) -- Long ago, there was a monk named Myoue who could bring anything he drew to life. He quietly lived with his wife Koto—a black rabbit in human form—and their three children: Yakushimaru, Kurama, and Yase. One day, the high priest of the land concluded that Myoue's drawings caused too many problems for the locals and ordered him to find a solution. In response, the family secretly fled to an alternate world of Myoue's own creation—the Looking Glass City. -- -- Everything was peaceful until Myoue and Koto suddenly vanished. Their three children are left to take care of the city, and Yakushimaru inherits Myoue's name and duties. Stranded in this alternate world, their problems only get worse when a young girl—also named Koto—crashes down from the sky and declares that she is also looking for the older Myoue and Koto. Armed with a giant hammer and two rowdy familiars, Koto just might be the key to releasing everyone from the eternal paper city. -- -- 151,698 7.77
Kyousou Giga (TV) -- -- Toei Animation -- 10 eps -- Original -- Action Fantasy Supernatural -- Kyousou Giga (TV) Kyousou Giga (TV) -- Long ago, there was a monk named Myoue who could bring anything he drew to life. He quietly lived with his wife Koto—a black rabbit in human form—and their three children: Yakushimaru, Kurama, and Yase. One day, the high priest of the land concluded that Myoue's drawings caused too many problems for the locals and ordered him to find a solution. In response, the family secretly fled to an alternate world of Myoue's own creation—the Looking Glass City. -- -- Everything was peaceful until Myoue and Koto suddenly vanished. Their three children are left to take care of the city, and Yakushimaru inherits Myoue's name and duties. Stranded in this alternate world, their problems only get worse when a young girl—also named Koto—crashes down from the sky and declares that she is also looking for the older Myoue and Koto. Armed with a giant hammer and two rowdy familiars, Koto just might be the key to releasing everyone from the eternal paper city. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- 151,698 7.77
Puchi Pri*Yucie -- -- Gainax -- 26 eps -- Original -- Comedy Magic Fantasy Shoujo -- Puchi Pri*Yucie Puchi Pri*Yucie -- Despite recently turning 17, the otherwise ordinary Yucie still has the body of a child. Having stopped growing past the age of 10, Yucie yearns to fully mature into an adult body. One day, she is chosen as a candidate for the title of "Platinum Princess," given once in a thousand years to whoever is worthy of the Eternal Tiara—a mysterious crown said to grant any wish. She's not alone either, as four other candidates also compete to have their own wishes granted by the crown. -- -- As a result, Yucie enrolls at the nearby Princess Academy in order to grow her heart and work towards becoming qualified for the Eternal Tiara. With her family, rivals, and even the principal of the academy there to lend a hand, will Yucie's much-desired wish finally come true? -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- 12,366 7.41
Tenshi Kinryouku -- -- Hal Film Maker -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Action Drama Romance Shoujo Supernatural -- Tenshi Kinryouku Tenshi Kinryouku -- Setsuna Mudo is a 16-year-old high school student just trying to get by without running afoul of his bullying seniors. It doesn't help that he's in love with his younger sister, Sara, who only sees him once a month. But there's more to his life than just keeping his head down. -- -- Setsuna is ambushed by mysterious beings, angels, and demons, all professing to know his true destiny. The angels say he is the reincarnation of their leader Alexiel, while the demons claim he led them to war against God himself. -- -- As Setsuna struggles with his identity in such strange times, the eternal conflict between Heaven and Hell threatens to reignite. Will he be prepared when it does? -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- OVA - May 25, 2000 -- 44,326 6.31
Tenshi Kinryouku -- -- Hal Film Maker -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Action Drama Romance Shoujo Supernatural -- Tenshi Kinryouku Tenshi Kinryouku -- Setsuna Mudo is a 16-year-old high school student just trying to get by without running afoul of his bullying seniors. It doesn't help that he's in love with his younger sister, Sara, who only sees him once a month. But there's more to his life than just keeping his head down. -- -- Setsuna is ambushed by mysterious beings, angels, and demons, all professing to know his true destiny. The angels say he is the reincarnation of their leader Alexiel, while the demons claim he led them to war against God himself. -- -- As Setsuna struggles with his identity in such strange times, the eternal conflict between Heaven and Hell threatens to reignite. Will he be prepared when it does? -- OVA - May 25, 2000 -- 44,326 6.31
Against Me! as the Eternal Cowboy
Derby of the eternal enemies
Dream Chronicles 2: The Eternal Maze
Dungeons & Dragons: Warriors of the Eternal Sun
Embrace the Eternal
Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word
Nightclub Version of the Eternal
Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva
Spawn: The Eternal
The Eternal Adam
The Eternal (album)
The Eternal (band)
The Eternal Boundary
The Eternal Chain
The Eternal Champion (novel)
The Eternal City
The Eternal Curse (film)
The Eternal Dagger
The Eternal Dance
The Eternal Dream
The Eternal Empire
The Eternal Evil of Asia
The Eternal Feminine (2017 film)
The Eternal (film)
The Eternal Flame (film)
The Eternal Jew
The Eternal Jew (book)
The Eternal Jew (film)
The Eternal Jew (play)
The Eternal Lover
The Eternal Mask
The Eternal Moment
The Eternal Mother
The Eternal Reign
The Eternal Return (album)
The Eternal Return of Antonis Paraskevas
The Eternal Sapho
The Eternal Secret
The Eternal Spring
The Eternal Struggle
The Eternal Struggle (1921 film)
The Eternal Tone
The Eternal Waltz
The Eternal Zero
The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night
Underworld: The Eternal War
Vampire: The Eternal Struggle
Xak III: The Eternal Recurrence

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