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branches ::: Mansur al-Hallaj

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object:Mansur al-Hallaj
object:Al Hallaj
subject class:Sufism
subject class:Poetry
subject class:Education
subject class:Mysticism

influences:Dhul-Nun al-Misri, Bayazid Bastami

Influenced:Hafiz Shirazi, Attar of Nishapur, Al-Ghazali, Sanai, Rumi, Balm Sultan, Sachal Sarmast, Imadaddin Nasimi

--- WIKI
Al-Hallaj (c. 858 26 March 922) (Hijri c. 244 AH 309 AH) was a Persian mystic, poet and teacher of Sufism.[5][6][7] He is best known for his saying: "I am the Truth" (Ana 'l-aqq), which many saw as a claim to divinity, while others interpreted it as an instance of annihilation of the ego which allows God to speak through the individual. Al-Hallaj gained a wide following as a preacher before he became implicated in power struggles of the Abbasid court and was executed after a long period of confinement on religious and political charges. Although most of his Sufi contemporaries disapproved of his actions, Hallaj later became a major figure in the Sufi tradition.

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Mansur al-Hallaj
Mansur al-Hallaj - Poems




QUOTES [5 / 5 - 24 / 24]

KEYS (10k)

   3 Mansur al-Hallaj
   2 Mansur al Hallaj


   16 Mansur al-Hallaj
   7 Mansur al Hallaj

1:I saw my Lord with the eye of the heart
I asked, 'Who are You?'
He replied, 'You'. ~ Mansur al-Hallaj,
2:What earth is this
so in want of you
they rise up on high
to seek you in heaven?

Look at them staring
at you
right before their eyes,
unseeing, unseeing, blind. ~ Mansur al-Hallaj,
3:Creatures perish
in the darkened
blind of quest,
knowing intimations.

Guessing and dreaming
they pursue the real,
faces turned toward the sky
whispering secrets to the heavens.

While the lord remains among them
in every turn of time
abiding in their every condition
every instant.

Never without him, they,
not for the blink of an eye --
if only they knew!
nor he for a moment without them." ~ Mansur al-Hallaj,
4:Creatures perish
in the darkened
blind of quest,
knowing intimations.

Guessing and dreaming
they pursue the real,
faces turned toward the sky
whispering secrets to the heavens.

While the lord remains among them
in every turn of time
abiding in their every condition
every instant.

Never without him, they,
not for the blink of an eye --
if only they knew!
nor he for a moment without them. ~ Mansur al Hallaj,
5:Truth is one, unique, single; it is
indivisibly One.
And its Oneness, and the knowledge of
that oneness belongs to him; is
placed in him.
Impossible, impossible; it is aloofness,
estrangement, separation; he is known only
by them.
Knowledge of One is abstract; single,
To say one, and to say single is to reach
the attribute; but he, who is one, is beyond
If I say "I," he sends back "I," in answer
to my "I". So, "he" is for you and not for
And if I say Unity is Oneness for his
loneliness, for his being alone, then I
placed him in
creation; among things created.
And if I say single One, as number one; how
can he come
And if I say, he is One for as the
result of being considered one, being proved
One-then I
placed limit on him; delimited
him. ~ Mansur al Hallaj,


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1:Ana el haq!
Io sono la verità! ~ Mansur al Hallaj,
2:I saw my Lord with the eye of the heart
I asked, 'Who are You?'
He replied, 'You'. ~ Mansur al-Hallaj,
3:God said to him [Eblis], 'You have become proud.' He replied, 'If I had been with you but a moment my pride would have been justified; I have been with you for centuries. ~ Mansur al Hallaj,
4:What earth is this
so in want of you
they rise up on high
to seek you in heaven?

Look at them staring
at you
right before their eyes,
unseeing, unseeing, blind. ~ Mansur al-Hallaj,
5:What earth is this
so in want of you
they rise up on high
to seek you in heaven?

Look at them staring
at you
right before their eyes,
unseeing, unseeing, blind. ~ Mansur al Hallaj,
6:Your spirit is mingled with mine as wine is mixed with water; whatever touches you touches me. In all the stations of the soul you are I. [1482.jpg] -- from Music of a Distant Drum: Classical Arabic, Persian, Turkish & Hebrew Poems, Translated by Bernard Lewis

~ Mansur al-Hallaj, Your spirit is mingled with mine
7:I am the One whom I love, and the One whom I love is myself. We are two souls incarnated in one body; if you see me, you see Him, if you see Him, you see us. [1482.jpg] -- from Music of a Distant Drum: Classical Arabic, Persian, Turkish & Hebrew Poems, Translated by Bernard Lewis

~ Mansur al-Hallaj, I am the One whom I love
8:My One and Only, only You can make me one with You, For Your Oneness is neither reached by roads nor religion. Truth! I am Truth wrapped in Truth -- For Truth Is, indivisible from itself. Your Presence is the dawn, brilliant, Lightning flashing forth in all directions!

~ Mansur al-Hallaj, My One and Only, only You can make me
9:I am the One whom I love, and the One whom I love is myself.
We are two souls incarnated in one body;
if you see me, you see Him,
if you see Him, you see us.

Al Hallaj

From Music of a Distant Drum: Classical Arabic, Persian, Turkish & Hebrew Poems, trans. Bernard Lewis
~ Mansur al-Hallaj, I am the One Whom I Love
10:For your sake, I hurry over land and water:
For your sake, I cross the desert and split the mountain in two,
And turn my face from all things,
Until the time I reach the place
Where I am alone with You.

To Reach God -Al Hallaj

To Reach God From: Perfume of the Desert: Edited: Andrew Harvey

~ Mansur al-Hallaj, To Reach God
11:In the eastern part of the Iranian world there arose various schools of Sufism, some of which contain barely disguised Zoroastrian concepts. Figures such as Rumi, Suhrawardi, Mansur al-Hallaj, Nurbakhsh, and even Omar Khayyam all convey essentially Iranian mystical thoughts in Islamic guise, often expressing themselves in their own Persian language rather than Arabic. ~ Stephen E Flowers,
12:You glide between the heart and its casing as tears glide from the eyelid. You dwell in my inwardness, in the depths of my heart, as souls dwell in bodies. Nothing passes from rest to motion unless you move it in hidden ways, O new moon. [1482.jpg] -- from Music of a Distant Drum: Classical Arabic, Persian, Turkish & Hebrew Poems, Translated by Bernard Lewis

~ Mansur al-Hallaj, You glide between the heart and its casing
13:Seeking Truth, I studied religion, and discovered one single root beneath the many branches. Best, I've found, to be faithless lest you become lost among the limbs. Best to find that root, that root that reveals all meaning and unity, clear as day. [2676.jpg] -- from Diamond Cutters: Visionary Poets in America, Britain & Oceania, Edited by Andrew Harvey / Edited by Jay Ramsay

~ Mansur al-Hallaj, Seeking Truth, I studied religion
14:Kill me, my faithful friends, For in my being killed is my life. Love is that you remain standing In front of your Beloved When you are stripped of all your attributes; Then His attributes become your qualities. Between me and You, there is only me. Take away the me, so only You remain. [1722.jpg] -- from Perfume of the Desert: Inspirations from Sufi Wisdom, by Andrew Harvey / Eryk Hanut

~ Mansur al-Hallaj, Kill me- my faithful friends
15:Creatures perish
in the darkened
blind of quest,
knowing intimations.

Guessing and dreaming
they pursue the real,
faces turned toward the sky
whispering secrets to the heavens.

While the lord remains among them
in every turn of time
abiding in their every condition
every instant.

Never without him, they,
not for the blink of an eye --
if only they knew!
nor he for a moment without them." ~ Mansur al-Hallaj,
16:Creatures perish
in the darkened
blind of quest,
knowing intimations.

Guessing and dreaming
they pursue the real,
faces turned toward the sky
whispering secrets to the heavens.

While the lord remains among them
in every turn of time
abiding in their every condition
every instant.

Never without him, they,
not for the blink of an eye --
if only they knew!
nor he for a moment without them. ~ Mansur al Hallaj,
17:Creatures perish
in the darkened
blind of quest,
knowing intimations.

Guessing and dreaming
they pursue the real,
faces turned toward the sky
whispering secrets to the heavens.

While the lord remains among them
in every turn of time
abiding in their every condition
every instant.

Never without him, they,
not for the blink of an eye --
if only they knew!
nor he for a moment without them. ~ Mansur al Hallaj,
18:You went away but remained in me And thus became my peace and happiness. In separation, separation left me And I witnessed the Unknown. You were the hidden secret of my longing, Hidden deep within my conscience deeper than a dream. You were my true friend in the day And in darkness my companion. [2469.jpg] -- from Islamic Mystical Poetry: Sufi Verse from the Early Mystics to Rumi, Translated by Mahmood Jamal

~ Mansur al-Hallaj, You Went Away but Remained in Me
19:I witnessed my Maker with my heart's eye. I asked, 'Who are You?' He answered, 'You!' For You one cannot ask, Where? Because where is Where for You? You do not pass through the imagination Or else we'll know where You are. You are He who is everywhere Yet You are nowhere. Where are You? In my annihilation is my annihilation's annihilation And You are found in my annihilation. [2469.jpg] -- from Islamic Mystical Poetry: Sufi Verse from the Early Mystics to Rumi, Translated by Mahmood Jamal

~ Mansur al-Hallaj, I Witnessed My Maker
20:Stillness, then silence, then random speech, Then knowledge, intoxication, annihilation; Earth, then fire, then light. Coldness, then shade, then sunlight. Thorny road, then a path, then the wilderness. River, then ocean, then the shore; Contentment, desire, then Love. Closeness, union, intimacy; Closing, then opening, then obliteration, Separation, togetherness, then longing; Signs for those of real understanding Who find this world of little value. [2469.jpg] -- from Islamic Mystical Poetry: Sufi Verse from the Early Mystics to Rumi, Translated by Mahmood Jamal

~ Mansur al-Hallaj, Stillness
21:You live inside my heart; in there are secrets about You: Your house is good; no, good is the One found by You! The only secret in there is You, there's no other I know: with Your Vision look, other than You is one there too? Whether the night of separation should be short or long, my closest friend is my hope of You, remembering You. I'm so happy if it makes You happy to be destroying me because whatever You choose, My Killer... I choose too! [2616.jpg] -- from Mansur Hallaj: Selected Poems, Translated by Paul Smith

~ Mansur al-Hallaj, You live inside my heart- in there are secrets about You
22:Truth is one, unique, single; it is
indivisibly One.
And its Oneness, and the knowledge of
that oneness belongs to him; is
placed in him.
Impossible, impossible; it is aloofness,
estrangement, separation; he is known only
by them.
Knowledge of One is abstract; single,
To say one, and to say single is to reach
the attribute; but he, who is one, is beyond
If I say "I," he sends back "I," in answer
to my "I". So, "he" is for you and not for
And if I say Unity is Oneness for his
loneliness, for his being alone, then I
placed him in
creation; among things created.
And if I say single One, as number one; how
can he come
And if I say, he is One for as the
result of being considered one, being proved
One–then I
placed limit on him; delimited
him. ~ Mansur al Hallaj,
23:Truth is one, unique, single; it is
indivisibly One.
And its Oneness, and the knowledge of
that oneness belongs to him; is
placed in him.
Impossible, impossible; it is aloofness,
estrangement, separation; he is known only
by them.
Knowledge of One is abstract; single,
To say one, and to say single is to reach
the attribute; but he, who is one, is beyond
If I say "I," he sends back "I," in answer
to my "I". So, "he" is for you and not for
And if I say Unity is Oneness for his
loneliness, for his being alone, then I
placed him in
creation; among things created.
And if I say single One, as number one; how
can he come
And if I say, he is One for as the
result of being considered one, being proved
One-then I
placed limit on him; delimited
him. ~ Mansur al Hallaj,
24:What earth is this so in want of you they rise up on high to seek you in heaven? Look at them staring at you right before their eyes, unseeing, unseeing, blind. . . . I was patient, but can the heart be patient of its heart? My spirit and yours blend together whether we are near one another or far away. I am you, you, my being, end of my desire, The most intimate of secret thoughts enveloped and fixed along the horizon in folds of light. How? The "how" is known along the outside, while the interior of beyond to and for the heart of being. Creatures perish in the darkened blind of quest, knowing intimations. Guessing and dreaming they pursue the real, faces turned toward the sky whispering secrets to the heavens. While the lord remains among them in every turn of time abiding in their every condition every instant. Never without him, they, not for the blink of an eye -- if only they knew! nor he for a moment without them. [1520.jpg] -- from Early Islamic Mysticism: Sufi, Quran, Miraj, Poetic and Theological Writings (Classics of Western Spirituality), by Michael A. Sells

~ Mansur al-Hallaj, If They Only Knew



IN WEBGEN [10000/186]

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Anisotropic diffusion
Anomalous diffusion
Basic affine jump diffusion
Bass diffusion model
Bohm diffusion
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ClarkeRiley diffusion flame
Collaborative diffusion
Confusion and diffusion
Conservation-restoration of dye diffusion transfer prints
Convectiondiffusion equation
Data diffusion machine
Demic diffusion
Diffusion (acoustics)
Diffusion barrier
Diffusion bonding
Diffusion-controlled reaction
Diffusion creep
Diffusion curve
Diffusion damping
Diffusion (disambiguation)
Diffusion equation
Diffusion flame
Diffusion gradient
Diffusion hardening
Diffusion layer
Diffusionless transformation
Diffusion-limited aggregation
Diffusion-limited enzyme
Diffusion-limited escape
Diffusion line
Diffusion map
Diffusion Monte Carlo
Diffusion MRI
Diffusion of innovations
Diffusion of responsibility
Diffusion Pharmaceuticals
Diffusion pump
Disease diffusion mapping
Disk diffusion test
Double-disk diffusion test
Eddy diffusion
Error diffusion
tablissement de la radiodiffusion-tlvision tunisienne
Facilitated diffusion
Fick's laws of diffusion
Finite volume method for three-dimensional diffusion problem
Francophonie Diffusion
Gas-diffusion electrocrystallization
Gnawa Diffusion
Grain boundary diffusion coefficient
Isobaric counterdiffusion
It diffusion
Jump diffusion
Kolmogorov backward equations (diffusion)
Lattice diffusion coefficient
Lexical diffusion
Magnetic diffusion
MaxwellStefan diffusion
Microfluidic diffusional sizing
Migrationism and diffusionism
Molecular diffusion
Momentum diffusion
Network-based diffusion analysis
Numerical solution of the convectiondiffusion equation
Office de Radiodiffusion et Tlvision du Bnin
Office de Radiodiffusion-Tlvision du Mali
Office de Radiodiffusion Tlvision Franaise
Ouchterlony double immunodiffusion
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Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge
Sociological theory of diffusion
Stochastic diffusion search
Streamline diffusion
Superplastic forming and diffusion bonding
Thermal diffusion
Trans-cultural diffusion
Turbulent diffusion

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