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book class:Thus Spoke Zarathustra
author class:Friedrich Nietzsche
subject class:Philosophy
subject class:Poetry


When Zarathustra had said farewell to the town to
which his heart was attached, and which was named
The Motley Cow, many who called themselves his disciples followed him and escorted him. Thus they came
to a crossroads; then Zarathustra told them that he now
wanted to walk alone, for he liked to walk alone. His
disciples gave him as a farewell present a staff with a
golden handle on which a serpent coiled around the
sun. Zarathustra was delighted with the staff and leaned
on it; then he spoke thus to his disciples:
Tell me: how did gold attain the highest value? Because it is uncommon and useless and gleaming and
gentle in its splendor; it always gives itself. Only as the
image of the highest virtue did gold attain the highest
value. Goldlike gleam the eyes of the giver. Golden
splendor makes peace between moon and sun. Uncommon is the highest virtue and useless; it is gleaming and
gentle in its splendor: a gift-giving virtue is the highest
Verily, I have found you out, my disciples: you strive,
as I do, for the gift-giving virtue. What would you have
in common with cats and wolves? This is your thirst: to

become sacrifices and gifts yourselves; and that is why
you thirst to pile up all the riches in your soul. Insatiably your soul strives for treasures and gems, because
your virtue is insatiable in wanting to give. You force
all things to and into yourself that they may flow back
out of your well as the gifts of your love. Verily, such
a gift-giving love must approach all values as a robber;
but whole and holy I call this selfishness.
There is also another selfishness, an all-too-poor and
hungry one that always wants to steal-the selfishness
of the sick: sick selfishness. With the eyes of a thief it
looks at everything splendid; with the greed of hunger
it sizes up those who have much to eat; and always it
sneaks around the table of those who give. Sickness
speaks out of such craving and invisible degeneration;
the thievish greed of this selfishness speaks of a diseased
Tell me, my brothers: what do we consider bad and
worst of all? Is it not degeneration?And it is degeneration that we always infer where the gift-giving soul is
lacking. Upward goes our way, from genus to overgenus. But we shudder at the degenerate sense which
says, "Everything for me." Upward flies our sense: thus
it is a parable of our body, a parable of elevation.
Parables of such elevations are the names of the virtues.
Thus the body goes through history, becoming and
fighting. And the spirit-what is that to the body? The
herald of its fights and victories, companion and echo.
All names of good and evil are parables: they do not
define, they merely hint. A fool is he who wants knowledge of them!
Watch for every hour, my brothers, in which your
spirit wants to speak in parables: there lies the origin
of your virtue. There your body is elevated and resurrected; with its rapture it delights the spirit so that it

turns creator and esteemer and lover and benefactor of
all things.
When your heart flows broad and full like a river, a
blessing and a danger to those living near: there is the
origin of your virtue.
When you are above praise and blame, and your will
wants to comm and all things, like a lover's will: there is
the origin of your virtue.
When you despise the agreeable and the soft bed and
cannot bed yourself far enough from the soft: there is
the origin of your virtue.
When you will with a single will and you call this
cessation of all need "necessity": there is the origin of
your virtue.
Verily, a new good and evil is she. Verily, a new deep
murmur and the voice of a new well
Power is she, this new virtue; a dominant thought is
she, and around her a wise soul: a golden sun, and
around it the serpent of knowledge.

Here Zarathustra fell silent for a while and looked
lovingly at his disciples. Then he continued to speak
thus, and the tone of his voice had changed:
Remain faithful to the earth, my brothers, with the
power of your virtue. Let your gift-giving love and your
knowledge serve the meaning of the earth. Thus I beg
and beseech you. Do not let them fly away from earthly
things and beat with their wings against eternal walls.
Alas, there has always been so much virtue that has
flown away. Lead back to the earth the virtue that flew
away, as I do-back to the body, back to life, that it
may give the earth a meaning, a human meaning.
In a hundred ways, thus far, have spirit as well as
virtue flown away and made mistakes. Alas, all this de-

lusion and all these mistakes still dwell in our body:
they have there become body and will.
In a hundred ways, thus far, spirit as well as virtue
has tried and erred. Indeed, an experiment was man.
Alas, much ignorance and error have become body
within us.
Not only the reason of millennia, but their madness
too, breaks out in us. It is dangerous to be an heir. Still
we fight step by step with the giant, accident; and over
the whole of humanity there has ruled so far only nonsense-no sense.
Let your spirit and your virtue serve the sense of the
earth, my brothers; and let the value of all things be
posited newly by you. For that shall you be fighters! For
that shall you be creators!
With knowledge, the body purifies itself; making experiments with knowledge, it elevates itself; in the
lover of knowledge all instincts become holy; in the
elevated, the soul becomes gay.
Physician, help yourself: thus you help your patient
too. Let this be his best help that he may behold with
his eyes the man who heals himself.
There are a thousand paths that have never yet been
trodden-a thousand health and hidden isles of life.
Even now, man and man's earth are unexhausted and
Wake and listen, you that are lonely! From the future
come winds with secret wing-beats; and good tidings
are proclaimed to delicate ears. You that are lonely today, you that are withdrawing, you shall one day be
the people: out of you, who have chosen yourselves,
there shall grow a chosen people-and out of them, the
overman. Verily, the earth shall yet become a site of
recovery. And even now a new fragrance surrounds it,
bringing salvation-and a new hope.

When Zarathustra had said these words he became
silent, like one who has not yet said his last word; long
he weighed his staff in his hand, doubtfully. At last he
spoke thus, and the tone of his voice had changed.
Now I go alone, my disciples. You too go now, alone.
Thus I want it. Verily, I counsel you: go away from me
and resist Zarathustra! And even better: be ashamed of
him! Perhaps he deceived you.
The man of knowledge must not only love his
enemies, he must also be able to hate his friends.
One repays a teacher badly if one always remains
nothing but a pupil. And why do you not want to pluck
at my wreath?
You revere me; but what if your reverence tumbles
one day? Beware lest a statue slay you.
You say you believe in Zarathustra? But what matters
Zarathustra? You are my believers-but what matter all
believers? You had not yet sought yourselves: and you
found me. Thus do all believers; therefore all faith
amounts to so little.
Now I bid you lose me and find yourselves; and only
when you have all denied me will I return to you.
Verily, my brothers, with different eyes shall I then
seek my lost ones; with a different love shall I then love
And once again you shall become my friends and the
children of a single hope-and then shall I be with you
the third time, that I may celebrate the great noon with
And that is the great noon when man stands in the
middle of his way between beast and overman and
celebrates his way to the evening as his highest hope:
for it is the way to a new morning.


Then will he who goes under bless himself for being
one who goes over and beyond; and the sun of his
knowledge will stand at high noon for him.
"Dead are all gods: now we want the overman to
live"-on that great noon, let this be our last will.
Thus spoke Zarathustra.

Thus Spoke Zarathustra: Second Part
. . . and only when you have all denied me will
I return to you.
Verily, my brothers, with different eyes shall I
then seek my lost ones; with a different love shall
I then love you. (Zarathustra, "On the Gift-Giving Virtue." 1, p. 78)

1. The Child with the Mirror: Transition to Part Two with

its partly new style: "A new speech comes to me.
My spirit no longer wants to walk on worn soles."
2. Upon the Blessed Isles: The creative life versus belief
in God: "God is a conjecture." The polemic against the
opening lines of the final chorus in Goethe's Faust is taken
up again in the chapter "On Poets" (see comments, p. 81 ).
But the lines immediately following in praise of impermanence and creation are thoroughly in the spirit of Goethe.
3. On the Pitying: A return to the style of Part One and
a major statement of Nietzsche's ideas on pity, ressentiment,
and repression.
4. On Priests: Relatively mild, compared to the portrait
of the priest in The Antichrist five years later.
5. On the Virtuous: A typology of different conceptions of
virtue, with vivisectional intent. Nietzsche denounces "the
filth of the words: revenge, punishment, reward, retri bution," which he associates with Christianity; but also

that rigorism for which "virtue is the spasm under
the scourge" and those who "call it virtue when their
vices grow lazy." The pun on "I am just" is, in German:
wenn sie sagen: "ich bin gerecht," so klingt es immer
gleich wie: "ich bin gerdcht!"
6. On the Rabble: The theme of Zarathustra's nausea is
developed ad nauseam in later chapters. La Nausge-to
speak in Sartre's terms-is one of his chief trials, and its
eventual conquest is his greatest triumph. "I often grew
weary of the spirit when I found that even the rabble had
esprit" may help to account for some of Nietzsche's remarks
elsewhere. Generally he celebrates the spirit-not in opposition to the body but as mens sana in corpore sano.
7. On the Tarantulas: One of the central motifs of Nietzsche's philosophy is stated in italics: "that man be delivered
from revenge." In this chapter, the claim of human equality
is criticized as an expression of the ressentiment of the subequal.
8. On the Famous Wise Men: One cannot serve two
masters: the people and the truth. The philosophers of
the past have too often rationalized popular prejudices. But
the service of truth is a passion and martyrdom, for "spirit
is the life that itself cuts into life: with its agony it
increases its own knowledge." The song of songs on the
spirit in this chapter may seem to contradict Nietzsche's
insistence, in the chapter "On the Despisers of the Body,"
that the spirit is a mere instrument. Both themes are
central in Nietzsche's thought, and their apparent contradiction is partly due to the fact that both are stated metaphorically. For, in truth, Nietzsche denies any crude dualism of body and spirit as a popular prejudice. The life of
the spirit and the life of the body are aspects of a single
life. But up to a point the contradiction can also be resolved
metaphorically: life uses the spirit against its present form
to attain a higher perfection. Man's enhancement is
inseparable from the spirit; but Nietzsche denounces the
occasional efforts of the spirit to destroy life instead of
pruning it.

9. The Night Song: "Light am I; ah, that I were nightly"
io. The Dancing Song: Life and wisdom as jealous women.
The Tomb Song: "Invulnerable am I only in the heel."
12. On Self-Overcoming: The first long discussion of the
will to power marks, together with the chapters "On the
Pitying" and "On the Tarantulas," one of the high points
of Part Two. Philosophically, however, it raises many difficulties. (See my Nietzsche, 6, III.)

On Those Who Are Sublime: The doctrine of self-

overcoming is here guarded against misunderstandings: far
from favoring austere heroics, Nietzsche praises humor (and
practices it: witness the whole of Zarathustra, especially
Part Four) and, no less, gracefulness and graciousness.
The three sentences near the end, beginning "And there
is nobody . . .


represent a wonderfully concise statement

of much of his philosophy.
14. On the Land of Education: Against modern eclecticism
and lack of style. "Rather would I be a day laborer in
Hades . . :": in the Odyssey, the shade of Achilles would
rather be a day laborer on the smallest field than king of
all the dead in Hades. Zarathustra abounds in similar
allusions. "Everything deserves to perish," for example, is
an abbreviation of a dictum of Goethe's Mephistopheles.
15. On Immaculate Perception: Labored sexual imagery,
already notable in "The Dancing Song," keeps this critique
of detachment from becoming incisive. Not arid but,
judged by high standards, a mismatch of message and
metaphor. Or put positively: something of a personal document. Therefore the German references to the sun as
feminine have been retained in translation. "Loving and
perishing (Lieben und Untergehn)" do not rhyme in
German either.
16. On Scholars: Nietzsche's, not Zarathustra's, autobiography.
17. On Poets: This chapter is full of allusions to the final
chorus in Goethe's Faust, which might be translated thus:
What is destructible
Is but a parable;

What fails ineluctably
The undeclarable,
Here it was seen,
Here it was action;
The Eternal-Feminine
Lures to perfection.
i8. On Great Events: How successful Nietzsche's attempts
at narrative are is at least debatable. Here the story
distracts from his statement of his anti-political attitude.
But the curious mixture of the solemn and frivolous, myth,
epigram, and "bow-wow," is of course entirely intentional.
Even the similarity between the ghost's cry and the words
of the white rabbit in Alice in Wonderl and probably would
not have dismayed Nietzsche in the least.
1g. The Soothsayer: In the chapter "On the Adder's Bite"
a brief parable introduces some of Zarathustra's finest sayings; but here the parable is offered for its own sake, and
we feel closer to Rimbaud than to Proverbs. The soothsayer
reappears in Part Four.
20. On Redemption: In the conception of inverse cripples
and the remarks on revenge and punishment Zarathustra's
moral pathos reappears to some extent; but the mood of
the preceding chapter figures in his subsequent reflections,
which lead up to, but stop short of, Nietzsche's notion of
the eternal recurrence of the same events.
21. On Human Prudence: First: better to be deceived
occasionally than always to watch out for deceivers. Second:
vanity versus pride. Third: men today (1883) are too
concerned about petty evil, but great things are possible
only where great evil is harnessed.
22. The Stillest Hour: Zarathustra cannot yet get himself
to proclaim the eternal recurrence and hence he must
leave in order to "ripen."


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Dog Days (2011 - 2013) - Dog Days is a 2011 Japanese fantasy anime television series created by Masaki Tsuzuki, also known for his work as creator of Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha and produced by Seven Arcs and Aniplex under the direction of Keizo Kusakawa.
Being Ian (2005 - 2008) - Ian Kelly likes to cope with the injustices of his life using his fascination with movies and a strong desire to "fix things." So while the stories start off from a familiar place, they quickly go in unexpected and hilarious directions thanks to Ian's wild cinematic imagination.
The Brave of Gold Goldran (1995 - 1996) - a Japanese anime television series begun in 1995, created by Takara and Sunrise under the direction of Shinji Takamatsu, and was the sixth in the Ysha/Brave metaseries. Goldran follows the adventures of three young boys who are tasked with finding alien robot fighters, or Braves, that are sleeping...
Rio: Rainbow Gate! (2011 - Current) - an anime series produced by Xebec under the direction of Takao Kato. Based on Tecmo's Rio Series (Rio Rio Shirzu) of pachinko games (from Rakushou! Pachi-Slot Sengen), the series revolves around titular character Rio Rollins, a popular casino dealer working at the Howard Resort who is known as...
Someday's Dreamers (2003 - 2008) - Hepburn: Mahtsukai ni Taisetsu na Koto, lit. "Things That Are Precious To a Mage") an anime series that was produced by J.C.Staff under the direction of Masami Shimoda. It is loosely based on the storyline of the first manga series with new characters added to the story. It ran for a total of 12 ep...
Wonder Pets (2006 - 2016) - an American animated children's television series. It debuted March 3, 2006,[1] on the Nick Jr. block of the Nickelodeon cable television network and Noggin (now Nick Jr.) on December 27, 2006. It won an Emmy Award in 20082010 and 2012 for Outstanding Music Direction and Composition in the United S...
GaoGaiGar: King of Braves (1997 - 1999) - GaoGaiGar (勇者王ガオガイガー, Yūsha Ō GaoGaiGā?) is a Japanese anime television series series begun in 1997, created by Sunrise's internal "Studio 7" under the direction of Yoshitomo Yonetani, and was the eighth and final Yuusha o...
The Muppets Take Manhattan(1984) - Kermit and the Muppet clan go to New York to try to get a revue staged on Broadway. Once there, they find this to be quite a daunting task, so each of the Muppets go off in their own direction and find 9 to 5 jobs. But once a producer takes an interest in staging a show and all the friends return,...
It's Pat(1994) - Pat Riley, an obnoxious busybody of undeterminable sex, meets and falls in love with Chris, a sensitive, caring person also of undeterminable sex. Their relationship suffers because Pat's a lout, and cannot decide on a direction for its life. Meanwhile, Pat's neighbor Kyle falls further and further...
The Avengers(1998) - British Ministry agent John Steed, under direction from "Mother", investigates a diabolical plot by arch-villain Sir August de Wynter to rule the world with his weather control machine. Steed investigates the beautiful Doctor Mrs. Emma Peel, the only suspect, but simultaneously falls for her and joi...
Taxi Driver(1976) - Travis Bickle (Robert De Niro) is an ex-Marine lost and adrift in 1970's Manhatta when he finds a job driving a taxi through the hellish streets of the city. One night he encounters a young prostitute (Jodie Foster) and a phoney politician and his life shifts into a new direction. He wants to save t...
Pretty Woman(1990) - Self-involved corporate raider Edward Lewis (Richard Gere) has recently split up with his girlfriend. Seeking directions to the Beverly Hills Hotel, he makes the acquaintance of free-spirited hooker Vivian Ward (Julia Roberts) and decides to put her on a 3,000-dollar retainer as his "date." He Cinde...
The Howling VI: The Freaks(1991) - Part of a pointless string of sequels ostensibly based on the werewolf novels by Gary Brandner, this entry deserves credit for taking the creatively dead series in an interesting new direction. Set in the barren rural town of Canton Bluff, the story centers on the enigmatic figure of Ian (Brendan Hu...
That Was Then...This Is Now(1985) - This movie, based on an S.E Hinton novel, is about juvenile thugs going in different directions as they grow older.
Pizza(2005) - An awkward,overweight,teenage girl(Kylie Sparks) strikes up a friendship with a directionless Pizza delivery guy(Ethan Embry),who is pushing thirty.
Ed And His Dead Mother(1993) - A mourning son makes a deal to reanimate his one year dead mother, however things turn into an unexpected direction.
Precious(2009) - In New York City's Harlem circa 1987, an overweight, abused, illiterate teen who is pregnant with her second child is invited to enroll in an alternative school in hopes that her life can head in a new direction.
Twin Warriors a.k.a. Tai Chi Master(1993) - World-reowned martial arts superstar Jet Li powers this nonstop action thriller about two boys who grow up together...then see their lives take off in opposite directions Junbao joins a group of political rebels while his old friend tienbao becomes the follower of a ruthless military regime.
Bambi (1942) ::: 7.3/10 -- G | 1h 10min | Animation, Drama, Family | 21 August 1942 (USA) -- The story of a young deer growing up in the forest. Directors: James Algar, Samuel Armstrong (as Sam Armstrong) | 7 more credits Writers: Felix Salten (from the story by), Perce Pearce (story direction) | 6 more credits
Ghost World (2001) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 51min | Comedy, Drama | 21 September 2001 (USA) -- With only the plan of moving in together after high school, two unusually devious friends seek direction in life. As a mere gag, they respond to a man's newspaper ad for a date, only to find it will greatly complicate their lives. Director: Terry Zwigoff Writers:
Good Will Hunting (1997) ::: 8.3/10 -- R | 2h 6min | Drama, Romance | 9 January 1998 (USA) -- Will Hunting, a janitor at M.I.T., has a gift for mathematics, but needs help from a psychologist to find direction in his life. Director: Gus Van Sant Writers: Matt Damon, Ben Affleck
Journey to Italy (1954) ::: 7.4/10 -- Viaggio in Italia (original title) -- Journey to Italy Poster -- An unhappily married couple attempts to find direction and insight while vacationing in Naples. Director: Roberto Rossellini Writers:
Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (2019) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG | 1h 59min | Adventure, Family, Fantasy | 18 October 2019 (USA) -- Maleficent and her goddaughter Aurora begin to question the complex family ties that bind them as they are pulled in different directions by impending nuptials, unexpected allies and dark new forces at play. Director: Joachim Rnning Writers:
Precious (2009) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 50min | Drama | 20 November 2009 (USA) -- In New York City's Harlem circa 1987, an overweight, abused, illiterate teen who is pregnant with her second child is invited to enroll in an alternative school in hopes that her life can head in a new direction. Director: Lee Daniels Writers:
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (2005) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG | 1h 59min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 1 June 2005 (USA) -- Four best girlfriends hatch a plan to stay connected with one another as their lives start off in different directions: they pass around a pair of secondhand jeans that fits each of their bodies perfectly. Director: Ken Kwapis Writers:
Upside Down (2012) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 49min | Drama, Fantasy, Romance | 1 May 2013 (France) -- Adam and Eden fell in love as teens despite the fact that they live on twinned worlds with gravities that pull in opposite directions. Ten years after a forced separation, Adam sets out on a dangerous quest to reconnect with his love. Director: Juan Solanas Writers:
Women in Love (1969) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 2h 11min | Drama, Romance | 25 March 1970 (USA) -- Two best friends fall in love with a pair of women, but the relationships soon go in very different directions. Director: Ken Russell Writers: D.H. Lawrence (novel), Larry Kramer (written for the screen by) Stars:'s_Creamy_Crock_Pot_Macaroni_and_Cheese,_with_different_cheese_options_and_Oven_Directions.'_Choice_Awards,_Vol._6:_Autochthonia,_Vol._6:_Autochthonia,_Part_1,_Vol._6:_Autochthonia,_Part_2,_Vol._6:_Autochthonia,_Part_3,_Vol._6:_Autochthonia,_Part_4
Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card-hen -- -- Madhouse -- 22 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Fantasy Magic Romance Shoujo -- Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card-hen Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card-hen -- With all of the Clow Cards recaptured and changed into her own Sakura Cards, Sakura Kinomoto now enters her first year at Tomoeda Middle School. After her initial day of classes, Sakura reunites with her love Shaoran Li, who informs her that he is permanently moving back to Tomoeda. Much to her surprise, it even turns out that Shaoran will attend the same school and it seems as if Sakura's life is heading in all the right directions. -- -- However, when Sakura goes to sleep, she encounters in her dream a mysterious cloaked figure and finds herself surrounded by transparent cards. Waking up in fear, Sakura is shocked to see her dream has come true, with the Sakura Cards having turned clear. Continued dreamlike encounters with the unknown enemy and her gaining a new magical key sets the stage for Cardcaptor Sakura's latest adventure! -- -- 95,298 7.65
Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card-hen -- -- Madhouse -- 22 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Fantasy Magic Romance Shoujo -- Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card-hen Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card-hen -- With all of the Clow Cards recaptured and changed into her own Sakura Cards, Sakura Kinomoto now enters her first year at Tomoeda Middle School. After her initial day of classes, Sakura reunites with her love Shaoran Li, who informs her that he is permanently moving back to Tomoeda. Much to her surprise, it even turns out that Shaoran will attend the same school and it seems as if Sakura's life is heading in all the right directions. -- -- However, when Sakura goes to sleep, she encounters in her dream a mysterious cloaked figure and finds herself surrounded by transparent cards. Waking up in fear, Sakura is shocked to see her dream has come true, with the Sakura Cards having turned clear. Continued dreamlike encounters with the unknown enemy and her gaining a new magical key sets the stage for Cardcaptor Sakura's latest adventure! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 95,298 7.65
Darker than Black: Ryuusei no Gemini -- -- Bones -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mystery Super Power -- Darker than Black: Ryuusei no Gemini Darker than Black: Ryuusei no Gemini -- One night, as meteors streak across the star-studded sky, Shion Pavlichenko becomes a Contractor. Despite her brother's transformation, Shion's twin sister Suou continues to live a fairly ordinary life, attending middle school with her friends and getting caught up in the awkwardness of growing up. However, everything changes when her home is invaded by a masked man cloaked in black, destroying any sense of normality she once had. Revealed to possess latent Contractor abilities of her own, Suou is caught between family, friends, and her own sense of purpose as she ventures into the ruthless world of cutthroats and espionage that Contractors call home. -- -- Meanwhile in Tokyo, investigation surrounding Hell's Gate's sudden collapse is underway, and prophetic signs of doom point in the direction of a silver-haired doll. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Oct 9, 2009 -- 357,284 7.47
Divergence Eve 2: Misaki Chronicles -- -- Radix -- 13 eps -- Original -- Adventure Drama Mecha Military Sci-Fi Space -- Divergence Eve 2: Misaki Chronicles Divergence Eve 2: Misaki Chronicles -- Through the long distance warp called the "Exodus Project", Worns, Ryer and the -- other crew members of "Watchers Nest" manage to escape from the Earth. Misaki, who -- was attending the final battle with "Ghoul" at that time, isn't present there and -- before her eyes, the earth changes and gets enclosed by a time barrier. -- -- Ryer and the others search for a way to escape from this space time maze, but the -- earth changes to various forms. Innumerable "Nows" appear due to varying time axes. -- -- And also Misaki, who should have disappeared because of the Exodus Project incident, -- still afortiori. Before Ryer and the others, different forms of Misaki appear. The -- Misaki from training school, the Misaki from her childhood days. -- -- Are these reflections caused by the conflicts that exist inside Misaki? -- -- She awakens a second time and when she derives the response, that history is leading -- into a completely differnet direction now. -- -- Will Misaki, Ryer and the others be able to find a real happy end?! -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Sentai Filmworks -- 6,478 6.28
Dragon Ball Z Movie 04: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Fantasy Shounen -- Dragon Ball Z Movie 04: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu Dragon Ball Z Movie 04: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu -- Gohan Son and Piccolo are peacefully playing when they sense a powerful entity approaching Earth. It soon reaches everyone's ears that this entity is in fact a small planet on a deadly collision course with Earth. Gokuu Son and Kuririn attempt to change the small planet's path with a Kamehameha, but the attack fails and the two warriors are blown away. However, after coming very close to Earth's surface, the object changes direction on its own and explodes soon after. -- -- The small planet reveals itself to be a vehicle for what seems to be a castle. A large army emerges out of the structure and declares that the planet is now in possession of Slug, king of the universe. While defending the city against the invaders' attack, Gohan loses his Dragon Ball, allowing Slug to take it. After reading Bulma's mind and stealing her Dragon Radar, Slug commands his army to collect the wish-granting relics. With the Dragon Balls in his possession, he uses them to wish his youth back. Now young, wise, and very powerful, Slug commences world domination. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Mar 9, 1991 -- 94,615 6.58
Dragon Ball Z Movie 04: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Fantasy Shounen -- Dragon Ball Z Movie 04: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu Dragon Ball Z Movie 04: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu -- Gohan Son and Piccolo are peacefully playing when they sense a powerful entity approaching Earth. It soon reaches everyone's ears that this entity is in fact a small planet on a deadly collision course with Earth. Gokuu Son and Kuririn attempt to change the small planet's path with a Kamehameha, but the attack fails and the two warriors are blown away. However, after coming very close to Earth's surface, the object changes direction on its own and explodes soon after. -- -- The small planet reveals itself to be a vehicle for what seems to be a castle. A large army emerges out of the structure and declares that the planet is now in possession of Slug, king of the universe. While defending the city against the invaders' attack, Gohan loses his Dragon Ball, allowing Slug to take it. After reading Bulma's mind and stealing her Dragon Radar, Slug commands his army to collect the wish-granting relics. With the Dragon Balls in his possession, he uses them to wish his youth back. Now young, wise, and very powerful, Slug commences world domination. -- -- Movie - Mar 9, 1991 -- 94,615 6.58
Final Approach -- -- Zexcs -- 13 eps -- Visual novel -- Comedy Drama Romance Slice of Life -- Final Approach Final Approach -- Ever since their parents died a few years ago, Ryo and his sister Akane have been living alone together. Despite their difficult situation, they are still living reasonably happy and normal lives. However, everything is about to be flipped upside-down due to a secret government project. Due to increasingly low birth rates in Japan, the Japanese government is testing a program in which two young people are forced to marry. Ryo wants no part of it, but he is given little choice in the matter; his new fiancée, Shizuka, comes to his home late one night with several dozen government issued bodyguards, who are there to ensure the success of the new couple. Unlike Ryo, Shizuka couldn’t be more willing to go along with this new program, and eagerly goes about her wifely duties, despite his objections. With meddling friends, pushy bodyguards, and an overenthusiastic new fiancée, Ryo’s life has taken a turn in a direction the young man certainly didn’t expect. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Oct 3, 2004 -- 32,102 6.55
Geisters: Fractions of the Earth -- -- - -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi -- Geisters: Fractions of the Earth Geisters: Fractions of the Earth -- At the end of the 21st century, a meteorite collision plunged Earth into apocalypse, and the remnants of humanity went in two different directions to survive. The aristocratic Dobias headed into space, while the earthy Shioru went underground. Centuries later, they returned to Earth's surface and are now fighting for control of the planet—that is, when they're not busy fending off a new species of predators known simply as Creatures. Amidst this conflict, an elite team of five soldiers known as Geisters protects humanity from the Creatures and from each other. Although part of the Dobias, the Geisters have recently accepted a soldier of Shioru descent onto the team, and her take-charge personality leaves the other members unsure about her loyalty and usefulness to the group. With Dobias and Shioru tensions heating up on the political floor, Creatures running rampant, and a dangerous new weapon being developed in secret, the Geisters must maintain peace among themselves and the rest of society. -- -- (Source: Anime Crash) -- TV - Oct 6, 2001 -- 1,282 5.77
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Seiran 3 -- -- Production I.G -- 4 eps -- Novel -- Action Drama Military Sci-Fi Space -- Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Seiran 3 Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Seiran 3 -- At the behest of Admiral Yang Wen-li, defected intelligence officer Commander Baghdash makes an emergency broadcast announcing that the National Salvation Military Council staged a coup under the direction of the Galactic Empire. Despite the lack of physical evidence, this debilitating declaration inspires former Rear Admiral Andrew Lynch to reveal his own role in sowing discord within the Free Planets Alliance. A fatal shootout between Lynch and Admiral Dwight Greenhill acts as the final death knell to the short-lived period of martial rule. -- -- Within the Galactic Empire, footage of Duke Otto von Braunschweig's nuclear bombing of Westerland results in the dissolution of the Lippstadt League. Marquis Reinhard von Lohengramm's decision to allow the massacre for personal gain creates a rift between him and High Admiral Siegfried Kircheis, souring the taste of their inevitable victory. Now on the cusp of achieving absolute power, Reinhard is embattled by his apparent personal failings and the heavy responsibilities of leadership. -- -- Though the civil wars in both the Alliance and the Empire are coming to a close, neither side can ever regain what is lost. Yang Wen-li and Reinhard von Lohengramm each take bitter solace in the knowledge that just on the other side of the galaxy is a worthy opponent—and a true equal. -- -- Movie - Nov 29, 2019 -- 15,742 8.22
Jinkou no Rakuen -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- Jinkou no Rakuen Jinkou no Rakuen -- Psychedelic –and at times sinister– music by Shinpei Kikuchi accompanies a disorienting display of reproduced imagery taken from magazines and posters of sunny beaches and bikini models. Tanaami made positive and negative reprographic prints of these images onto transparent cel sheets, placed them on top of one another, and twisted them in different directions to create a moiré effect. Speaking on the work, Tanaami explained his paradise only exists in the world of reproduction. -- -- (Source: Collaborative Cataloging Japan) -- Movie - ??? ??, 1975 -- 331 4.99
Kachou Ouji -- -- AIC, APPP -- 13 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Adventure Music Slice of Life Space Comedy -- Kachou Ouji Kachou Ouji -- Oji Tanaka has a wife, a child and a mundane job as a salary man in Tokyo's modern society. But life wasn't dull for him to begin with; 15 years ago, he was known as "Gabriel", leader of a short-lived heavy metal band called Black Heaven. Oji's life gets a sudden change in direction when he is invited by a mysterious blonde woman named Layla to pick up his Gibson Flying V and once again display his "legendary" guitar skills, not knowing that his music generates power for a massive weapon in an intergalactic war. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Geneon Entertainment USA -- 25,874 7.01
Magic Kaito -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Romance Shounen -- Magic Kaito Magic Kaito -- Magic is not real—everyone knows that. When performed by a true expert, however, magic possesses the ability to amaze and wonder its audience. Kaito Kuroba, son of world-famous stage magician Touichi Kuroba, is no stranger to this fact. Well-versed in the arts of deception and misdirection, Kaito frequently disrupts the lives of those around him with flashy tricks and pranks. But when Kaito accidentally stumbles upon a hidden passage in his home, he discovers a secret that may well have been the cause of his father's death eight years ago—the dove-white outfit of Kid the Phantom Thief. Wanting to find out more about his father, Kaito dons the outfit and searches for the Pandora Gem that is said to grant immortality. However, he is not the only one after the gem—the organization responsible for his father's death is also hot on his tail! -- -- Magic Kaito follows the rebirth of Kaitou Kid, phantom thief of the night. Utilizing his dummies, disguises, and signature card gun, Kaito sets out to steal the world's most precious jewels, uncovering the truth behind his father's death and the rumored Pandora Gem along the way. -- -- Special - Apr 17, 2010 -- 57,983 7.80
Mawaru Penguindrum -- -- Brain's Base -- 24 eps -- Original -- Mystery Comedy Dementia Psychological Drama -- Mawaru Penguindrum Mawaru Penguindrum -- For the Takakura family, destiny is an ever-spinning wheel, pointing passionately in their direction with equal tides of joy and sorrow before ticking on to the next wishmaker. With their parents gone, twin brothers Kanba and Shouma live alone with their beloved little sister Himari, whose poor health cannot decline any further. -- -- On the day Himari is given permission to temporarily leave the hospital, her brothers take her out to the aquarium to celebrate, where the family's supposed fate is brought forth with her sudden collapse. However, when Himari is inexplicably revived by a penguin hat from the aquarium's souvenir shop, the hand of fate continues to tick faithfully forward. -- -- With her miraculous recovery, though, comes a cost: there is a new entity within her body, whose condition for keeping her fate at bay sends the boys on a wild goose chase for the mysterious "Penguin Drum." In their search, the boys will have to follow the threads of fate leading from their own shocking past and into the lives of other wishmakers vying for the Penguin Drum, all hoping to land upon their chosen destiny. -- -- 253,856 7.97
Mawaru Penguindrum -- -- Brain's Base -- 24 eps -- Original -- Mystery Comedy Dementia Psychological Drama -- Mawaru Penguindrum Mawaru Penguindrum -- For the Takakura family, destiny is an ever-spinning wheel, pointing passionately in their direction with equal tides of joy and sorrow before ticking on to the next wishmaker. With their parents gone, twin brothers Kanba and Shouma live alone with their beloved little sister Himari, whose poor health cannot decline any further. -- -- On the day Himari is given permission to temporarily leave the hospital, her brothers take her out to the aquarium to celebrate, where the family's supposed fate is brought forth with her sudden collapse. However, when Himari is inexplicably revived by a penguin hat from the aquarium's souvenir shop, the hand of fate continues to tick faithfully forward. -- -- With her miraculous recovery, though, comes a cost: there is a new entity within her body, whose condition for keeping her fate at bay sends the boys on a wild goose chase for the mysterious "Penguin Drum." In their search, the boys will have to follow the threads of fate leading from their own shocking past and into the lives of other wishmakers vying for the Penguin Drum, all hoping to land upon their chosen destiny. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 253,856 7.97
Mekakucity Days -- -- - -- 5 eps -- Music -- Music Psychological Sci-Fi -- Mekakucity Days Mekakucity Days -- Mekakucity Days is a series of music videos that tell the stories of some of the members of the "Mekakushi-dan." -- -- Kagerou Daze -- In the scorching heat haze of summer, Hibiya Amamiya feels every day is monotonous. On a swing in a park, he meets up with Hiyori Asahina, who gently strokes the cat in her arms. However, when the cat leaps away, Hiyori runs headlong into a never-ending tragedy—and Hibiya will do whatever it takes to see her safe. -- -- Headphone Actor -- "The end of the world is nigh," the news broadcast proclaims. Amidst the chaos, Takane Enomoto hears a voice in her headphones, asking if she wants to live. Following its directions, she races onward, but what awaits her may not be the salvation that she desires. -- -- Souzou Forest -- Due to her red eyes and white hair, everybody sees Mari Kozakura as a monster. Although she lacks the courage to do so, she dreams of escaping her house in the forest where she lives alone, imagining the world outside. Fortunately, her lonesome life begins to change with a simple knock on the door. -- -- Konoha no Sekai Jijou -- The android-like being Konoha lacks many memories. What he recalls are feelings of longing, but by who and for who, he cannot place. What he does know, however, is that in the heat haze of summer, a young boy and girl face a tragedy. But fate is unchangeable, and his desperate attempts to save them can never seem to rewrite the future. -- -- Toumei Answer -- Shintarou Kisaragi knows how every day will go. Blessed with a photographic memory, he knows he will score full marks on his next exam, and he knows that Ayano Tateyama, the girl who sits next to him, will do poorly. But with his genius also comes unrelenting boredom; not even Ayano's bright smile and optimistic outlook can make him waver. His apathy may finally be broken, however, when Ayano does something that shakes Shintarou to his very core. -- -- Music - May 30, 2012 -- 8,282 7.51
Monster Strike: Rain of Memories -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Game Fantasy -- Monster Strike: Rain of Memories Monster Strike: Rain of Memories -- - They deserve better. Someone better than me... - -- -- The stage is set one year before Ren arrives in Kaminohara. -- Akira has moved to Kaminohara from Sendai, all for the sake of revenge. -- The wounds that his sister suffered in an MS battle fuel his vengeance. -- -- A lost Haruma is given directions by Akira, -- revealing a caring side to the usually cold and calculating teen. -- Haruma observes Akira's violent MS battles, -- and realizes that Akira fights while reading his enemies' attacks. -- -- Haruma proposes the idea of recruiting Akira to his teammates, -- Aoi and Minami. Surprised and naturally reluctant, -- Aoi and Minami decide to trust Haruma. -- For Haruma has resisted recruiting the fourth member of their team, -- saving the spot for the right person... -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- ONA - Dec 3, 2016 -- 2,318 6.50
Nami yo Kiitekure -- -- Sunrise -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance Seinen -- Nami yo Kiitekure Nami yo Kiitekure -- Restaurant worker Minare Koda has recently been through a bad breakup. Heartbroken and drunk after a night out, she rants about her misery to a complete stranger—Kanetsugu Matou, a radio station director local to Sapporo, Hokkaido. -- -- The next day at work, Minare is shocked to hear a recording of herself from the previous night playing over the radio. Flustered, she rushes to the radio station in a frenzy to stop the broadcast. As she confronts Matou, a chain of events leads to her giving an impromptu talk live on air, explaining her savage drunken speech. With her energetic voice, she delivers a smooth dialogue with no hesitation, which Matou recognizes as raw talent. -- -- Minare soon becomes a late-night talk show host under Matou's direction, covering amusing narratives set in Sapporo, all while balancing her day job and personal life to make ends meet. -- -- 62,168 7.37
Nami yo Kiitekure -- -- Sunrise -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance Seinen -- Nami yo Kiitekure Nami yo Kiitekure -- Restaurant worker Minare Koda has recently been through a bad breakup. Heartbroken and drunk after a night out, she rants about her misery to a complete stranger—Kanetsugu Matou, a radio station director local to Sapporo, Hokkaido. -- -- The next day at work, Minare is shocked to hear a recording of herself from the previous night playing over the radio. Flustered, she rushes to the radio station in a frenzy to stop the broadcast. As she confronts Matou, a chain of events leads to her giving an impromptu talk live on air, explaining her savage drunken speech. With her energetic voice, she delivers a smooth dialogue with no hesitation, which Matou recognizes as raw talent. -- -- Minare soon becomes a late-night talk show host under Matou's direction, covering amusing narratives set in Sapporo, all while balancing her day job and personal life to make ends meet. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 62,168 7.37
Nisekoi -- -- Shaft -- 20 eps -- Manga -- Harem Comedy Romance School Shounen -- Nisekoi Nisekoi -- Raku Ichijou, a first-year student at Bonyari High School, is the sole heir to an intimidating yakuza family. Ten years ago, Raku made a promise to his childhood friend. Now, all he has to go on is a pendant with a lock, which can only be unlocked with the key which the girl took with her when they parted. -- -- Now, years later, Raku has grown into a typical teenager, and all he wants is to remain as uninvolved in his yakuza background as possible while spending his school days alongside his middle school crush Kosaki Onodera. However, when the American Bee Hive Gang invades his family's turf, Raku's idyllic romantic dreams are sent for a toss as he is dragged into a frustrating conflict: Raku is to pretend that he is in a romantic relationship with Chitoge Kirisaki, the beautiful daughter of the Bee Hive's chief, so as to reduce the friction between the two groups. Unfortunately, reality could not be farther from this whopping lie—Raku and Chitoge fall in hate at first sight, as the girl is convinced he is a pathetic pushover, and in Raku's eyes, Chitoge is about as attractive as a savage gorilla. -- -- Nisekoi follows the daily antics of this mismatched couple who have been forced to get along for the sake of maintaining the city's peace. With many more girls popping up his life, all involved with Raku's past somehow, his search for the girl who holds his heart and his promise leads him in more unexpected directions than he expects. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 895,558 7.63
Nodame Cantabile -- -- J.C.Staff -- 23 eps -- Manga -- Music Slice of Life Comedy Drama Romance Josei -- Nodame Cantabile Nodame Cantabile -- Shinichi Chiaki is a first class musician whose dream is to play among the elites in Europe. Coming from a distinguished family, he is an infamous perfectionist—not only is he highly critical of himself, but of others as well. The only thing stopping Shinichi from leaving for Europe is his fear of flying. As a result, he's grounded in Japan. -- -- During his fourth year at Japan's top music university, Shinichi happens to meet Megumi Noda or, as she refers to herself, Nodame. On the surface, she seems to be an unkempt girl with no direction in life. However, when Shinichi hears Nodame play the piano for the first time, he is in awe of the kind of music she creates. Nevertheless, Shinichi is dismayed to discover that Nodame is his neighbor, and worse, she ends up falling head over heels in love with him. -- -- TV - Jan 12, 2007 -- 267,029 8.31
Qiang Niang -- -- Hoods Entertainment -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Military Sci-Fi Slice of Life Space Comedy -- Qiang Niang Qiang Niang -- Qiang Niang mainly tells of the protagonist Carrie, who has lost her combat memories, searching for herself and the story of her final "Awakening". In the years between 2025 to 2030, a world war involving the entire world has resulted in the demise of half the world's population, and humanity has already lost control of the direction the war shall go in. In order to seize ultimate victory, war has gradually been turned into a battle without people, similar to a game. War has already become about Satellite lasers, Bomb drones, Intelligent AI, a battlefield between unmanned gun turrets and tanks... Then, there are also a group of young maidens who uses outdated firearms to engage in battle —— the Gun Girls. -- ONA - Aug 18, 2017 -- 600 N/A -- -- Fuku-chan no Sensuikan -- -- Asahi Production, Shochiku Animation Institute -- 1 ep -- Other -- Military Comedy Historical -- Fuku-chan no Sensuikan Fuku-chan no Sensuikan -- Fuku-chan was one of the most popular newspaper comic strip boy-characters in Japan at the time. The film portrays a submarine attack on an enemy cargo ship. Though this, too, was to boost patriotism, Japanese children particularly enjoyed the scenes in which the kitchen crew cooked in the submarine kitchen. Released in November of the same year, the food shortage was quite serious in Japan, and the abundant food supply in the submarine kitchen -- vegetables, fruit, fish, rice, and more which were already luxury items in Japan at the time -- was prepared into various dishes along with a merry, rhythmic song. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- Movie - Nov 9, 1944 -- 579 5.03
Rolling☆Girls -- -- Wit Studio -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Slice of Life Super Power -- Rolling☆Girls Rolling☆Girls -- In a dystopian future where Japan's political organization has crumbled after the Great Tokyo War, Japan is broken up into 10 independent nations, with each nation controlled by a gang led by a "Best," a human-proclaimed prophet with destructive superpowers. Nozomi Moritomo is a "Rest"—a normal girl that has just started out as a rookie in the local gang. She wants to help the Best Masami Utoku, her childhood friend and role model, in the ongoing territorial dispute. -- -- When Masami becomes severely injured and unable to fight, Nozomi decides to go on a mission to complete the requests sent to Masami from all over Japan. Along the way, she meets Yukina Kosaka, a shy girl with no sense of direction; Ai Hibiki, an upbeat girl who loves eating; and Chiaya Misono, a quiet and mysterious girl that wears a gas mask. Together, the four girls travel all over the country on their motorcycles while getting involved in territorial wars, disagreements, and even suspicious conspiracies. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 78,505 6.59
Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Game Adventure Romance Fantasy -- Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria -- "There's no way to beat this game. The only difference is when and where you die..." -- -- One month has passed since Akihiko Kayaba's deadly game began, and the body count continues to rise. Two thousand players are already dead. -- -- Kirito and Asuna are two very different people, but they both desire to fight alone. Nonetheless, they find themselves drawn together to face challenges from both within and without. Given that the entire virtual world they now live in has been created as a deathtrap, the surviving players of Sword Art Online are starting to get desperate, and desperation makes them dangerous to loners like Kirito and Asuna. As it becomes clear that solitude equals suicide, will the two be able to overcome their differences to find the strength to believe in each other, and in so doing survive? -- -- Sword Art Online: Progressive is a new version of the Sword Art Online tale that starts at the beginning of Kirito and Asuna's epic adventure—on the very first level of the deadly world of Aincrad! -- -- (Source: Yen Press) -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - ??? ??, 2021 -- 94,949 N/ADragon Ball Z Movie 04: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Fantasy Shounen -- Dragon Ball Z Movie 04: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu Dragon Ball Z Movie 04: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu -- Gohan Son and Piccolo are peacefully playing when they sense a powerful entity approaching Earth. It soon reaches everyone's ears that this entity is in fact a small planet on a deadly collision course with Earth. Gokuu Son and Kuririn attempt to change the small planet's path with a Kamehameha, but the attack fails and the two warriors are blown away. However, after coming very close to Earth's surface, the object changes direction on its own and explodes soon after. -- -- The small planet reveals itself to be a vehicle for what seems to be a castle. A large army emerges out of the structure and declares that the planet is now in possession of Slug, king of the universe. While defending the city against the invaders' attack, Gohan loses his Dragon Ball, allowing Slug to take it. After reading Bulma's mind and stealing her Dragon Radar, Slug commands his army to collect the wish-granting relics. With the Dragon Balls in his possession, he uses them to wish his youth back. Now young, wise, and very powerful, Slug commences world domination. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Mar 9, 1991 -- 94,615 6.58
Wagamama☆Fairy Mirumo de Pon! -- -- Studio Hibari -- 172 eps -- Manga -- Kids Adventure Fantasy Magic Comedy Romance School Drama Shoujo -- Wagamama☆Fairy Mirumo de Pon! Wagamama☆Fairy Mirumo de Pon! -- Kaede is a cheerful and energetic eighth grader. When it comes to boys, however, she is hopelessly shy. -- -- One day, on her way home from school, Kaede walks into a mysterious shop and buys a colorful cocoa mug. When she reaches home, she casually peeks into the bottom of the mug and discovers an engraved note, which says, "If you read this message aloud while pouring hot cocoa into the mug, a love fairy ("muglox") will appear and grant your every wish." The skeptical but curious Kaede follows the directions and announces her wish to date Yuuki, the class heartthrob. Suddenly, the adorable blue Mirumo appears! We soon find out, however, that this cute little muglox would rather eat chocolate and create mischief than help Kaede. -- -- Mirumo, it seems, is prince of the muglox world. Horrified at the prospect of having to marry Rirumu, his princess bride-to-be, Mirumo has escaped the muglox world. Hot on his heels, however, are Rirumu, Yashichi the bounty hunter, and a cast of hundreds of muglox ranging from the good to the bad to the nutty. This gang of adorable troublemakers will see to it that school life for Kaede and her friends is never the same... -- -- (Source: mirmo-zibang) -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- TV - Apr 6, 2002 -- 15,504 7.30
Wakusei Robo Danguard Ace -- -- Toei Animation -- 56 eps -- Original -- Mecha Military Sci-Fi Shounen Space -- Wakusei Robo Danguard Ace Wakusei Robo Danguard Ace -- In order to explore the newly discovered planet, Promethe, there are many projects are running all over the world. -- -- Here in Japan, under the direction of Dr. Oedo, "Space Carrier Jasdum" and "Planet Robot Dangard A" are being built. Ichimonji Takuma is a candidate for the pilot of Dangard A. His father, Ichimonji Dantetsu, was a famous space pilot. -- -- However, Dantetsu went missing after a mysterious accident, and the people blamed him for the accident. In order to clear his name, Takuma is trying to become a space pilot and succeed in the project. Will Takuma become the pilot? -- 1,260 6.29,_A_free_and_rational_account_of_the_gift,_grace,_and_spirit_of_prayer;_with_plain_directions_how_every_Christian_may_attain_them_(1800)_(14783149385).jpg,_a_pottery_tile_of_the_Han_Dynasty,_Cernuschi_Museum,_2006-08-12.jpg
AACTA Award for Best Direction
AACTA Award for Best Direction in Television
Academy Award for Best Dance Direction
Alternating direction implicit method
Amateur radio direction finding
Ambidirectional dominance
AN/FSQ-7 Combat Direction Central
APM series directional fragmentation mines
Article 4 direction
A Step in the Right Direction
Average directional movement index
BAFTA Award for Best Direction
BelliniTosi direction finder
Bidirectional associative memory
Bidirectional current
Bi-directional delay line
Bi-directional hypothesis of language and action
Bidirectional map
Bidirectional recurrent neural networks
Bidirectional reflectance distribution function
Bidirectional scattering distribution function
Bidirectional search
Bidirectional text
Bidirectional transformation
Bi-directional vehicle
BirkhoffKellogg invariant-direction theorem
Body relative direction
Both Directions at Once: The Lost Album
Business Initiative Directions
Canadian Screen Award for Best Art Direction/Production Design
Canadian Screen Award for Best Direction in a Children's or Youth Program or Series
Cardinal direction
Category:Disambiguation and redirection templates
Central limit theorem for directional statistics
Critics' Choice Movie Award for Best Art Direction
Current Directions in Psychological Science
Design and Art Direction
Different Directions (Champion album)
Directional antenna
Directional boring
Direction (album)
Directional-change intrinsic time
Directional control valve
Directional derivative
Directional drilling
Directional figure eight
Directional Infrared Counter Measures
Directionality (molecular biology)
Directional light
Directional Recoil Identification from Tracks
Directional solidification
Directional sound
Directional stability
Directional statistics
Directional symmetry
Direction centrale de la police aux frontires
Direction centrale des renseignements gnraux
Direction cosine
Direction de la surveillance du territoire
Direction des Services de la navigation arienne
Direction des services postaux de l'Office National des Postes et de l'pargne
Direction du renseignement militaire
Direction finding
Direction flag
Direction gnrale de l'armement
Direction Generale de L'Hydraulique et de l'Electrification Rurales
Direction gnrale de la Gendarmerie Nationale
Direction gnrale de la statistique et des tudes conomiques
Direction gnrale des tudes et de la documentation
Direction gnrale des tudes et recherches
Direction Island
Direction Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands
Direction Italy
Direction Nationale de l'Alphabtisation Fonctionnelle et de la Linguistique Applique
Direction Nationale des Archives du Mali
Direction Nationale du Contrle de Gestion
Direction Nationale du Renseignement et des Enqutes Douanires
Direction of movement
Direction of Things to Come
Direction, position, or indication sign
Direction-preserving function
Direction Records
Direction Records (British label)
Direction rgionale de la police judiciaire de la prfecture de police de Paris
Direction rgionale des affaires culturelles
Directions (film)
Directions In Groove
Directions in Music: Live at Massey Hall
Directions (Miles Davis album)
Direction Social Democracy
Directions (PC Quest album)
Directions: The Plans Video Album
Do-ol Ah-in Going All Directions
Doppler radio direction finding
Dora Mavor Moore Award for Outstanding Direction of a Play
Every Direction Is North
Filmfare Award for Best Art Direction
Fleet Requirements and Aircraft Direction Unit
Four Directions (TV series)
Four (One Direction album)
German night fighter direction vessel Togo
Good Directions
Guardians of the directions
Head-directionality parameter
Head direction cell
High-frequency direction finding
Home (One Direction song)
IIFA Award for Best Art Direction
Infinite in All Directions
Innerouter directions
Instrumental Directions
In Your Direction (album)
Juan Direction
Kiss You (One Direction song)
Komsomol direction
List of awards and nominations received by One Direction
List of omnidirectional (360-degree) cameras
List of ship directions
List of songs recorded by One Direction
Little Things (One Direction song)
Localizer type directional aid
Madly Off in All Directions
Mean directional accuracy
Meitei Guardians of the Directions
Mtro Chtelet, Direction Cassiopeia
Misdirection (magic)
More than This (One Direction song)
Mount Direction, Tasmania
Move in My Direction
Move in the Right Direction
Movin' in the Right Direction
MTV Video Music Award for Best Direction
Multirate filter bank and multidimensional directional filter banks
National Civil Aviation and Aviation Infrastructure Direction
National Film Award for Best Direction
National Film Award for Best Music Direction
New Direction for America
New Directions
New Directions for Women
New Directions (Glee)
New Directions (Jack DeJohnette album)
New Directions Publishing
New Direction (think tank)
No Direction Home
No direction home
Non-directional beacon
North Direction Island
Omnidirectional (360-degree) camera
Omnidirectional antenna
Omnidirectional treadmill
Omni Directional Vehicle
One Direction
One Direction discography
One Direction: This Is Us
One Direction: Where We Are The Concert Film
Operation Change of Direction 11
Pramo Directional Clothing
Passengers per hour per direction
Patient Group Directions
Perfect (One Direction song)
Portal:Current events/Direction to main portal talk page of current events
Power dividers and directional couplers
Practice direction
Principal direction
Radio direction finder
Rail directions
Redirection (computing)
Rules for the Direction of the Mind
Sailing Directions
Satellite Award for Best Art Direction and Production Design
Screen direction
Simplified directional facility
Simultaneous opposite direction parallel runway operations
Six Directions
South Direction Island
Spiritual direction
Strategic direction
Stuttgart-Mhringen directional radio tower
Supreme directional control
Take Me Home (One Direction album)
Take Me Home Tour (One Direction)
The Bootleg Series Vol. 7: No Direction Home: The Soundtrack
The Fourth Direction
The New Transit Direction
The Right Direction
Tony Award for Best Direction of a Play
Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions
TVyNovelas Award for Best Direction
TVyNovelas Award for Best Direction of the Cameras
Unidirectional Link Detection
Unidirectional network
Up All Night (One Direction album)
URL redirection
VHF omnidirectional range
Where We Are Tour (One Direction)
Women's Action for New Directions
Wounded Knee 4-Directions Toby Eagle Bull Memorial Skatepark
Wrong Direction (song)
You & I (One Direction song)

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