classes ::: Yoga, injunction, subject, path, emotion, elements in the yoga, power,
children ::: love (notes), love (quotes), Savitri (record of Love)
branches ::: beloved, Love, love God, love songs, the Beloved

bookmarks: Instances - Definitions - Quotes - Chapters - Wordnet - Webgen

  freestyling about God. (as an offering (free from shame))

--- things I love
love (notes)
love (quotes)
love songs

three aspects ::: Love, Lover and Beloved


missing ::: defs

--- Part III - The Yoga of Divine Love
  @3.01:Love and the Triple Path :::
  @3.02:The Motives of Devotion :::
  @3.03:The Godward Emotions :::
  @3.04:The Way of Devotion :::
  @3.05:The Divine Personality :::
  @3.06:The Delight of the Divine :::
  7:The Ananda Brahman
  8:The Mystery of Love

see also ::: the Beloved, powers, celebrity crushes, things I love, love songs, TSOY#3, romantic poetry, dance, music

subject class:Yoga
class:elements in the yoga

see also ::: celebrity_crushes, dance, love_songs, music, powers, romantic_poetry, the_Beloved, things_I_love, TSOY#3

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How can I develop love for God
H P Lovecraft
Love and Compassion Is My Religion A Beginner's Book Into Spirituality
love God
love (notes)
Love of God
love (quotes)
love songs
Name of the Beloved
One who loves God finds the object of his love everywhere.
Path to Peace A Guide to Managing Life After Losing a Loved One
Prayers for stength, clear sightedness and love for Savitri
Revelations of Divine Love
Savitri (record of Love)
The 36 Questions that lead to Love
the Beloved
The Book of Secrets Keys to Love and Meditation
the Divine Love
The Four Loves
The Love Poems of Rumi
the Temple of the Beloved
The Yoga of Divine Love
things I love
Universal Love The Yoga Method of Buddha Maitreya



Love (Ahavah) :::

Love :::Love is an intense self-expression of the soul of Ananda.” Letters on Yoga

Love ::: Love —the relative principle, not its absolute —is a principle of life, not of mind, but it can possess itself and move towards permanence only when taken up by the mind into its own light. What is called love in the body and the vital parts is mostly a form of hunger without permanence.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 21-22, Page: 216

Love for the Divine is not pqchic Jove only ; it is the Jove of all the being, the vital and vital-physical included — all are capable of the same self-giving. It Is a mistake to believe that if the vital loves, it must be a love that demands and imposes

Love, hope have their primary seat in the heart, so with pity etc.

Love is an emotion of the heart and may be a pure feeling,—all mentality, since we are embodied minds, must produce, even thought produces, some kind of life effect and some response in the stuff of body, but they need not for that reason be of a physical nature,— but the heart’s love allies itself readily with a vital desire in the body. This physical element may be purified of that subjection to physical desire which is called lust, it may become love using the body for a physical as well as a mental and spiritual nearness; but love may, too, separate itself from all, even the most innocent physical element, or from all but a shadow of it, and be a pure movement to union of soul with soul, psyche with psyche.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 23-24, Page: 650

Love is in its nature the desire to give oneself to others and to receive others in exchange; it is a commerce between being and being.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 21-22, Page: 217

Love of man, love of woman, love of things, love of thy neighbour, love of thy country, love of animals, love of humanity are all the love of God
   reflected in these living images. So love & grow mighty to enjoy all, to help all and to love for ever.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 12, Page: 491


Loves of the Angels, The. See Moore, Thomas.

Love ::: Spiritually this is a fundamental property of consciousness as all experience and experiencers are emergent from non-duality and return through the same gate. This fosters a sense of self and respect that eschews the dualistic boundaries we set for ourselves and for our minds. With this principle in mind guiding actions through Will becomes much easier (there is much less resistance) as we seek to align Love with Will and Will with Love.

loveable ::: a. --> See Lovable.

love and friendship.

LOVE. ::: Love must be turned singly towards the Divine. What men call by that name is a vita! interchange for mental satis- faction of desire, vital impulse or physical pleasure.

loved by their enemies. The sigil of Forneus is

loved ::: imp. & p. p. --> of Love

love, divine ::: see divine love

love-drury ::: n. --> Affection.

lovee ::: n. --> One who is loved.

loveful ::: a. --> Full of love.

LOVE, HUMAN Human love is attraction (physical, emotional, and mental). Regrettably, it can turn into repulsion if it is not genuine. K 1.35.17

love "humour" What some users feel for computers. "There is no truth in the rumour that I love computers, it's just what I tell them to get them to bed." -- Terry Pratchett [What did you expect in a computing dictionary?] (2007-05-11)

love, invoked in ceremonial magic to procure the

loveless ::: a. --> Void of love; void of tenderness or kindness.
Not attracting love; unattractive.

lovelily ::: adv. --> In manner to excite love; amiably.

loveliness ::: n. --> The state or quality of being lovely.

lovelock ::: n. --> A long lock of hair hanging prominently by itself; an earlock; -- worn by men of fashion in the reigns of Elizabeth and James I.

lovelorn ::: a. --> Forsaken by one&

lovely ::: 1. Having a beauty that appeals to the heart or mind as well as to the eye; charmingly or exquisitely beautiful. 2. Of a great spiritual beauty. lovelier, loveliness.

lovely ::: superl. --> Having such an appearance as excites, or is fitted to excite, love; beautiful; charming; very pleasing in form, looks, tone, or manner.
Lovable; amiable; having qualities of any kind which excite, or are fitted to excite, love or friendship.
Loving; tender.
Very pleasing; -- applied loosely to almost anything which is not grand or merely pretty; as, a lovely view; a lovely

love-making ::: n. --> Courtship.

lovemonger ::: n. --> One who deals in affairs of love.

love ::: n. --> A feeling of strong attachment induced by that which delights or commands admiration; preeminent kindness or devotion to another; affection; tenderness; as, the love of brothers and sisters.
Especially, devoted attachment to, or tender or passionate affection for, one of the opposite sex.
Courtship; -- chiefly in the phrase to make love, i. e., to court, to woo, to solicit union in marriage.
Affection; kind feeling; friendship; strong liking or desire;

love,” over Venus; 4. Zobiachel, over Jupiter;

lover ::: 1. Someone who loves a specified person, thing, ideal, etc. 2. A person who is in love with another. Lover, lover"s, Lover"s, lovers.

lover ::: n. --> One who loves; one who is in love; -- usually limited, in the singular, to a person of the male sex.
A friend; one strongly attached to another; one who greatly desires the welfare of any person or thing; as, a lover of his country.
One who has a strong liking for anything, as books, science, or music.
Alt. of Lovery

loverwise ::: adv. --> As lovers do.

lovery ::: n. --> See Louver.

love-sick ::: a. --> Languishing with love or amorous desire; as, a love-sick maid.
Originating in, or expressive of, languishing love.

love-sickness ::: n. --> The state of being love-sick.

loves not the light”)—the name, originally

lovesome ::: a. --> Lovely.

love ::: Sri Aurobindo: "Love is an intense self-expression of the soul of Ananda.” *Letters on Yoga

lovest ::: a native English form of the verb, to love, now only in formal and poetic usage.

LOVE—The outgoing or yearning of the soul for what is good or excellent.

love to touch.

love, universal

LOVE (WAY OF). Vide Bhakli Yoga.

love ::: What many users feel for computers.I don't really love computers, I just say that to get them into bed with me. (Terry Pratchet)[What did you expect in a computing dictionary?] (1995-05-10)

LOVE-WISDOM Older esoteric term of essential consciousness (46). (K


1.* Fig. The deepest feelings of love, affection or compassion. *heart-strings".

^52 Love (u’oy of)

ABHIMĀN ::: Anyone who indulges in abhimān puts himself under the influence of the hostile forces. Abhimān has nothing to do with true love; it is, like jealousy, a part of the vital egoism.

absolute reality ::: Sri Aurobindo: "I would myself say that bliss and oneness are the essential condition of the absolute reality, and love as the most characteristic dynamic power of bliss and oneness must support fundamentally and colour their activities; . . . .” Letters on Yoga

"Action is a resultant of the energy of the being, but this energy is not of one sole kind; the Consciousness-Force of the Spirit manifests itself in many kinds of energies: there are inner activities of mind, activities of life, of desire, passion, impulse, character, activities of the senses and the body, a pursuit of truth and knowledge, a pursuit of beauty, a pursuit of ethical good or evil, a pursuit of power, love, joy, happiness, fortune, success, pleasure, life-satisfactions of all kinds, life-enlargement, a pursuit of individual or collective objects, a pursuit of the health, strength, capacity, satisfaction of the body.” The Life Divine*

“Action is a resultant of the energy of the being, but this energy is not of one sole kind; the Consciousness-Force of the Spirit manifests itself in many kinds of energies: there are inner activities of mind, activities of life, of desire, passion, impulse, character, activities of the senses and the body, a pursuit of truth and knowledge, a pursuit of beauty, a pursuit of ethical good or evil, a pursuit of power, love, joy, happiness, fortune, success, pleasure, life-satisfactions of all kinds, life-enlargement, a pursuit of individual or collective objects, a pursuit of the health, strength, capacity, satisfaction of the body.” The Life Divine

admirer ::: n. --> One who admires; one who esteems or loves greatly.

admire ::: v. t. --> To regard with wonder or astonishment; to view with surprise; to marvel at.
To regard with wonder and delight; to look upon with an elevated feeling of pleasure, as something which calls out approbation, esteem, love, or reverence; to estimate or prize highly; as, to admire a person of high moral worth, to admire a landscape. ::: v. i.

adonis ::: n. --> A youth beloved by Venus for his beauty. He was killed in the chase by a wild boar.
A preeminently beautiful young man; a dandy.
A genus of plants of the family Ranunculaceae, containing the pheasant&

adorable ::: a. --> Deserving to be adored; worthy of divine honors.
Worthy of the utmost love or respect.

adoration ::: 1. The act of paying honour, as to a divine being; worship. 2. Reverent homage. 3. Fervent and devoted love. **adoration"s.*Sri Aurobindo: "Especially in love for the Divine or for one whom one feels to be divine, the Bhakta feels an intense reverence for the Loved, a sense of something of immense greatness, beauty or value and for himself a strong impression of his own comparative unworthiness and a passionate desire to grow into likeness with that which one adores.” Letters on Yoga*

ADORATION. ::: In Love for the Divine or for one whom one feels to be divine, the Bhakta feels an intense reverence for the Lord, a sense of something of immense greatness, beauty or value and for himself a strong impression of his own comparative unworthiness and a passionate desire to grow into likeness with that which one adores.

adoration ::: n. --> The act of playing honor to a divine being; the worship paid to God; the act of addressing as a god.
Homage paid to one in high esteem; profound veneration; intense regard and love; fervent devotion.
A method of electing a pope by the expression of homage from two thirds of the conclave.

adorer ::: n. --> One who adores; a worshiper; one who admires or loves greatly; an ardent admirer.

adore ::: v. t. --> To worship with profound reverence; to pay divine honors to; to honor as deity or as divine.
To love in the highest degree; to regard with the utmost esteem and affection; to idolize.
To adorn.

"Aesthesis therefore is of the very essence of poetry, as it is of all art. But it is not the sole element and aesthesis too is not confined to a reception of poetry and art; it extends to everything in the world: there is nothing we can sense, think or in any way experience to which there cannot be an aesthetic reaction of our conscious being. Ordinarily, we suppose that aesthesis is concerned with beauty, and that indeed is its most prominent concern: but it is concerned with many other things also. It is the universal Ananda that is the parent of aesthesis and the universal Ananda takes three major and original forms, beauty, love and delight, the delight of all existence, the delight in things, in all things.” Letters on Savitri

“Aesthesis therefore is of the very essence of poetry, as it is of all art. But it is not the sole element and aesthesis too is not confined to a reception of poetry and art; it extends to everything in the world: there is nothing we can sense, think or in any way experience to which there cannot be an aesthetic reaction of our conscious being. Ordinarily, we suppose that aesthesis is concerned with beauty, and that indeed is its most prominent concern: but it is concerned with many other things also. It is the universal Ananda that is the parent of aesthesis and the universal Ananda takes three major and original forms, beauty, love and delight, the delight of all existence, the delight in things, in all things.” Letters on Savitri

aesthetic ::: pertaining to a sense of the beautiful or pleasing; characterized by a love of beauty; tasteful, of refined taste.

affair ::: n. --> That which is done or is to be done; matter; concern; as, a difficult affair to manage; business of any kind, commercial, professional, or public; -- often in the plural. "At the head of affairs." Junius.
Any proceeding or action which it is wished to refer to or characterize vaguely; as, an affair of honor, i. e., a duel; an affair of love, i. e., an intrigue.
An action or engagement not of sufficient magnitude to be

affected ::: imp. & p. p. --> of Affect ::: p. p. & a. --> Regarded with affection; beloved.
Inclined; disposed; attached.
Given to false show; assuming or pretending to possess what is not natural or real.

affectionate ::: a. --> Having affection or warm regard; loving; fond; as, an affectionate brother.
Kindly inclined; zealous.
Proceeding from affection; indicating love; tender; as, the affectionate care of a parent; affectionate countenance, message, language.
Strongly inclined; -- with to.

affections ::: emotions; kind feelings, love, fondness, loving attachment.

affect ::: v. t. --> To act upon; to produce an effect or change upon.
To influence or move, as the feelings or passions; to touch.
To love; to regard with affection.
To show a fondness for; to like to use or practice; to choose; hence, to frequent habitually.
To dispose or incline.
To aim at; to aspire; to covet.

agape ::: adv. & a. --> Gaping, as with wonder, expectation, or eager attention. ::: n. --> The love feast of the primitive Christians, being a meal partaken of in connection with the communion.

“Agni is the leader of the sacrifice and protects it in the great journey against the powers of darkness. The knowledge and purpose of this divine Puissance can be entirely trusted; he is the friend and lover of the soul and will not betray it to evil gods. Even for the man sitting far off in the night, enveloped by the darkness of the human ignorance, this flame[Agni] is a light which, when it is perfectly kindled and in proportion as it mounts higher and higher, enlarges itself into the vast light of the Truth. Flaming upward to heaven to meet the divine Dawn, it rises through the vital or nervous mid-world and through our mental skies and enters at last the Paradise of Light, its own supreme home above where joyous for ever in the eternal Truth that is the foundation of the sempiternal Bliss the shining Immortals sit in their celestial sessions and drink the wine of the infinite beatitude.” The Secret of the Veda

*[Agni]. Sri Aurobindo: "Agni is the leader of the sacrifice and protects it in the great journey against the powers of darkness. The knowledge and purpose of this divine Puissance can be entirely trusted; he is the friend and lover of the soul and will not betray it to evil gods. Even for the man sitting far off in the night, enveloped by the darkness of the human ignorance, this flame[Agni] is a light which, when it is perfectly kindled and in proportion as it mounts higher and higher, enlarges itself into the vast light of the Truth. Flaming upward to heaven to meet the divine Dawn, it rises through the vital or nervous mid-world and through our mental skies and enters at last the Paradise of Light, its own supreme home above where joyous for ever in the eternal Truth that is the foundation of the sempiternal Bliss the shining Immortals sit in their celestial sessions and drink the wine of the infinite beatitude.” *The Secret of the Veda

AIM. ::: To return to the truth of the Divine now clouded over by Ignorance is the soul’s aim in life.
There is only one aim to be followed, the increase of Peace, Light, Power and the growth of a new consciousness in the being. With that new consciousness the true knowledge, understanding, strength, feeling will come.
Aim of yoga ::: to find the Divine is indeed the first reason for seeking the spiritual Truth and the spiritual life; it is the one thing indispensable and all the rest is nothing without it. The Divine once found, to manifest Him, - that is, first of all to transform one’s own limited consciousness into the Divine Consciousness, to live in the infinite Peace, Light, Love, Strength, Bliss, to become that in one’s essential nature and, as a consequence. to be its vessel, channel, instrument in one’s active nature.
Aim of Integral yoga ::: it is the rendering in personal experience of the truth which universal Nature has hidden in herself and which she travails to discover. It is the conversion of the human soul into the divine soul and of natural life into a divine living.

alder-liefest ::: a. --> Most beloved.

alienate ::: a. --> Estranged; withdrawn in affection; foreign; -- with from. ::: v. t. --> To convey or transfer to another, as title, property, or right; to part voluntarily with ownership of.
To withdraw, as the affections; to make indifferent of averse, where love or friendship before subsisted; to estrange; to

All depends upon the order of thin gs which the colours indi- cate in a particular case. There is an order of significances in which they indicate various psycbolo^cal dynamisms, c.g. faith, love, protection, etc. There is another order of significances In which they indicate the aura or the activity of divine beings,

all- ::: prefix: Wholly, altogether, infinitely. Since 1600, the number of these [combinations] has been enormously extended, all-** having become a possible prefix, in poetry at least, to almost any adjective of quality. all-affirming, All-Beautiful, All-Beautiful"s, All-Bliss, All-Blissful, All-causing, all-concealing, all-conquering, All-Conscient, All-Conscious, all-containing, All-containing, all-creating, all-defeating, All-Delight, all-discovering, all-embracing, all-fulfilling, all-harbouring, all-inhabiting, all-knowing, All-knowing, All-Knowledge, all-levelling, All-Life, All-love, All-Love, all-negating, all-powerful, all-revealing, All-ruler, all-ruling, all-seeing, All-seeing, all-seeking, all-shaping, all-supporting, all-sustaining, all-swallowing, All-Truth, All-vision, All-Wisdom, all-wise, All-Wise, all-witnessing, All-Wonderful, All-Wonderful"s.**

allspice ::: n. --> The berry of the pimento (Eugenia pimenta), a tree of the West Indies; a spice of a mildly pungent taste, and agreeably aromatic; Jamaica pepper; pimento. It has been supposed to combine the flavor of cinnamon, nutmegs, and cloves; and hence the name. The name is also given to other aromatic shrubs; as, the Carolina allspice (Calycanthus floridus); wild allspice (Lindera benzoin), called also spicebush, spicewood, and feverbush.

ally ::: v. t. --> To unite, or form a connection between, as between families by marriage, or between princes and states by treaty, league, or confederacy; -- often followed by to or with.
To connect or form a relation between by similitude, resemblance, friendship, or love. ::: v.

alsike ::: n. --> A species of clover with pinkish or white flowers; Trifolium hybridum.

Amal: “A reference to the psychic being, the true soul in us which is hidden in our inner self and is like a ‘sacred hill’ towards which Heaven leans ‘low’ in love to ‘kiss’ it, responding to that being’s aspiration.”

Amal: “‘The garden of the Spouse’ is the psychic domain of love.

Amal: “‘The garden of the Spouse’ is the psychic domain of love.”

Amal: “There are two realities on the way from mind to Supermind. One is: ‘The lovely Kingdoms of the deathless Rose’ and the other, ‘The mighty kingdoms of the deathless Flame’. They represent the Beauty and the Power above the mental plane.”

amative ::: a. --> Full of love; amatory.

amativeness ::: n. --> The faculty supposed to influence sexual desire; propensity to love.

amatorial ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to a lover or to love making; amatory; as, amatorial verses.

amatory ::: a. --> Pertaining to, producing, or expressing, sexual love; as, amatory potions.

amiable ::: a. --> Lovable; lovely; pleasing.
Friendly; kindly; sweet; gracious; as, an amiable temper or mood; amiable ideas.
Possessing sweetness of disposition; having sweetness of temper, kind-heartedness, etc., which causes one to be liked; as, an amiable woman.
Done out of love.

amoret ::: n. --> An amorous girl or woman; a wanton.
A love knot, love token, or love song. (pl.) Love glances or love tricks.
A petty love affair or amour.

amorist ::: n. --> A lover; a gallant.

amoroso ::: n. --> A lover; a man enamored. ::: adv. --> In a soft, tender, amatory style.

amorous ::: a. --> Inclined to love; having a propensity to love, or to sexual enjoyment; loving; fond; affectionate; as, an amorous disposition.
Affected with love; in love; enamored; -- usually with of; formerly with on.
Of or relating to, or produced by, love.

amorous ::: inclined or disposed to love; in love, enamoured, fond. 2. Showing or expressing love. 3. Being in love; enamoured.

amorousness ::: n. --> The quality of being amorous, or inclined to sexual love; lovingness.

amour ::: love or affection; a love-affair, courtship. amour"s, amour-song.

amour ::: n. --> Love; affection.
Love making; a love affair; usually, an unlawful connection in love; a love intrigue; an illicit love affair.

amour propre ::: --> Self-love; self-esteem.

anacreontic ::: a. --> Pertaining to, after the manner of, or in the meter of, the Greek poet Anacreon; amatory and convivial. ::: n. --> A poem after the manner of Anacreon; a sprightly little poem in praise of love and wine.

Ananda in the consciousness, their workings there, the realisation of the divine or spiritual love, the perception of on€’s own psy- chic being, the discovery of one’s own true mental being, true wtal being, true physical being, the realisation of the overmind or the Supramental consciousness, the clear perception of the relation of all these things to our present inferior nature and their action on it to change that lower nature. These things also are often called experiences when they only come in flashes, snatches or rare visitations ; they are spoken of as full realisa- tions only when they become very positive or frequent or con- tinuous or normal.

**Angel of the Way *Sri Aurobindo: "Love fulfilled does not exclude knowledge, but itself brings knowledge; and the completer the knowledge, the richer the possibility of love. ‘By Bhakti" says the Lord in the Gita ‘shall a man know Me in all my extent and greatness and as I am in the principles of my being, and when he has known Me in the principles of my being, then he enters into Me." Love without knowledge is a passionate and intense, but blind, crude, often dangerous thing, a great power, but also a stumbling-block; love, limited in knowledge, condemns itself in its fervour and often by its very fervour to narrowness; but love leading to perfect knowledge brings the infinite and absolute union. Such love is not inconsistent with, but rather throws itself with joy into divine works; for it loves God and is one with him in all his being, and therefore in all beings, and to work for the world is then to feel and fulfil multitudinously one"s love for God. This is the trinity of our powers, [work, knowledge, love] the union of all three in God to which we arrive when we start on our journey by the path of devotion with Love for the Angel of the Way to find in the ecstasy of the divine delight of the All-Lover"s being the fulfilment of ours, its secure home and blissful abiding-place and the centre of its universal radiation.” The Synthesis of Yoga*

anthophyllite ::: n. --> A mineral of the hornblende group, of a yellowish gray or clove brown color.

antiquarianism ::: n. --> Character of an antiquary; study or love of antiquities.

apanthropy ::: n. --> An aversion to the company of men; a love of solitude.

aphilanthropy ::: n. --> Want of love to mankind; -- the opposite of philanthropy.

aphrodite ::: n. --> The Greek goddess of love, corresponding to the Venus of the Romans.
A large marine annelid, covered with long, lustrous, golden, hairlike setae; the sea mouse.
A beautiful butterfly (Argunnis Aphrodite) of the United States.

apple ::: n. --> The fleshy pome or fruit of a rosaceous tree (Pyrus malus) cultivated in numberless varieties in the temperate zones.
Any tree genus Pyrus which has the stalk sunken into the base of the fruit; an apple tree.
Any fruit or other vegetable production resembling, or supposed to resemble, the apple; as, apple of love, or love apple (a tomato), balsam apple, egg apple, oak apple.
Anything round like an apple; as, an apple of gold.

approbativeness ::: n. --> The quality of being approbative.
Love of approbation.

ARADHANA ::: Worship of the Divine, love, self-surrender, aspiration to the Divine, calling the name, prayer.

ardency ::: n. --> Heat.
Warmth of passion or affection; ardor; vehemence; eagerness; as, the ardency of love or zeal.

ardent ::: a. --> Hot or burning; causing a sensation of burning; fiery; as, ardent spirits, that is, distilled liquors; an ardent fever.
Having the appearance or quality of fire; fierce; glowing; shining; as, ardent eyes.
Warm, applied to the passions and affections; passionate; fervent; zealous; vehement; as, ardent love, feelings, zeal, hope, temper.

assignation ::: n. --> The act of assigning or allotting; apportionment.
An appointment of time and place for meeting or interview; -- used chiefly of love interviews, and now commonly in a bad sense.
A making over by transfer of title; assignment.

"As supramental Truth is not merely a sublimation of our mental ideas, so Divine Love is not merely a sublimation of human emotions; it is a different consciousness, with a different quality, movement and substance.” Letters on Yoga

“As supramental Truth is not merely a sublimation of our mental ideas, so Divine Love is not merely a sublimation of human emotions; it is a different consciousness, with a different quality, movement and substance.” Letters on Yoga

* attachment must draw away altogether from the object of its love. The vital can be as absolute in its unquestioning self-giving as any other part or the nature ; nothing can be more generous than its movement when it forgets self for the Beloved. The vital and physical should both give themselves in the true way — the way of true love, not of ego-desire.

attach ::: v. t. --> To bind, fasten, tie, or connect; to make fast or join; as, to attach one thing to another by a string, by glue, or the like.
To connect; to place so as to belong; to assign by authority; to appoint; as, an officer is attached to a certain regiment, company, or ship.
To win the heart of; to connect by ties of love or self-interest; to attract; to fasten or bind by moral influence; -- with to; as, attached to a friend; attaching others to us by wealth or

bagworm ::: n. --> One of several lepidopterous insects which construct, in the larval state, a baglike case which they carry about for protection. One species (Platoeceticus Gloveri) feeds on the orange tree. See Basket worm.

balder ::: n. --> The most beautiful and beloved of the gods; the god of peace; the son of Odin and Freya.

Bbakti and the heart's call for the Divine have a truth — it is the truth of the divine Love and Ananda.

beau ::: n. --> A man who takes great care to dress in the latest fashion; a dandy.
A man who escorts, or pays attentions to, a lady; an escort; a lover.

beauty ::: “Beauty is the special divine Manifestation in the physical as Truth is in the Mind, Love in the heart, Power in the vital.” The Future Poetry

"Beauty is not the same as Delight, but like love it is an expression, a form of Ananda, created by Ananda and composed of Ananda.” The Future Poetry

“Beauty is not the same as Delight, but like love it is an expression, a form of Ananda, created by Ananda and composed of Ananda.” The Future Poetry

beetlehead ::: n. --> A stupid fellow; a blockhead.
The black-bellied plover, or bullhead (Squatarola helvetica). See Plover.

belamour ::: n. --> A lover.
A flower, but of what kind is unknown.

BELLS. ::: Indicate the evening or attempt to open to the enmity and opposition to God, considered as an intense, impa- tient and perverse form of Love, is conceived as a possible means of realisation and salvation.

belongs to the Divine Truth, Good, Beauty, rejection of all that is false, evD, ugly, discordant, union through love and sympathy wth all existence, openness to the Truth of the Self and the

beloved ::: imp. & p. p. --> of Belove ::: p. p. & a. --> Greatly loved; dear to the heart. ::: n.

beloved ::: n. 1. A person who is dearly loved. beloved"s, Beloved, Beloved"s. *adj. *2. Dearly loved.

belove ::: v. t. --> To love.

benevolence ::: n. --> The disposition to do good; good will; charitableness; love of mankind, accompanied with a desire to promote their happiness.
An act of kindness; good done; charity given.
A species of compulsory contribution or tax, which has sometimes been illegally exacted by arbitrary kings of England, and falsely represented as a gratuity.

benevolent ::: a. --> Having a disposition to do good; possessing or manifesting love to mankind, and a desire to promote their prosperity and happiness; disposed to give to good objects; kind; charitable.

bibliophile ::: n. --> A lover of books.

bibliophilism ::: n. --> Love of books.

bibliophilist ::: n. --> A lover of books.

billet-doux ::: n. --> A love letter or note.

bisulcate ::: a. --> Having two grooves or furrows.
Cloven; said of a foot or hoof.

Bliss and oneness are the essential condition of the absolute reality, and love as the most characteristic dynamic power of bliss and oneness must support fundamentally and colour their activities.

blossom ::: n. --> The flower of a plant, or the essential organs of reproduction, with their appendages; florescence; bloom; the flowers of a plant, collectively; as, the blossoms and fruit of a tree; an apple tree in blossom.
A blooming period or stage of development; something lovely that gives rich promise.
The color of a horse that has white hairs intermixed with sorrel and bay hairs; -- otherwise called peach color.

::: "Love at its origin is a self-existent force, an absolute, a transcendent . . . which does not depend upon the objects — it depends only on itself or only on the Divine; for it is a self-existent power of the Divine.” Letters on Yoga

Love at its origin is a self-existent force, an absolute, a transcendent . . . which does not depend upon the objects—it depends only on itself or only on the Divine; for it is a self-existent power of the Divine.” Letters on Yoga

Love :::Love is an intense self-expression of the soul of Ananda.” Letters on Yoga

Love for the Divine is not pqchic Jove only ; it is the Jove of all the being, the vital and vital-physical included — all are capable of the same self-giving. It Is a mistake to believe that if the vital loves, it must be a love that demands and imposes

Love, hope have their primary seat in the heart, so with pity etc.

"Love in its depths is a contact of the Divine Possibility or Reality in oneself with the Divine Possibility or Reality in the loved.” Letters on Yoga

Love in its depths is a contact of the Divine Possibility or Reality in oneself with the Divine Possibility or Reality in the loved.” Letters on Yoga

:::   "Love is, in its essence, the joy of identity; it finds its ultimate expression in the bliss of union.” On Education, MCW Vol. 12.

Love is, in its essence, the joy of identity; it finds its ultimate expression in the bliss of union.” On Education, MCW Vol. 12.

:::   "Love is in its nature the desire to give oneself to others and to receive others in exchange; it is a commerce between being and being.” *The Life Divine

Love is in its nature the desire to give oneself to others and to receive others in exchange; it is a commerce between being and being.” The Life Divine

"Love is the crown of all being and its way of fulfilment, that by which it rises to all intensity and all fullness and the ecstasy of utter self-finding.” The Synthesis of Yoga

Love is the crown of all being and its way of fulfilment, that by which it rises to all intensity and all fullness and the ecstasy of utter self-finding.” The Synthesis of Yoga

"Love is the power and passion of the divine self-delight and without love we may get the rapt peace of its infinity, the absorbed silence of the Ananda, but not its absolute depth of richness and fullness. Love leads us from the suffering of division into the bliss of perfect union, but without losing that joy of the act of union which is the soul"s greatest discovery and for which the life of the cosmos is a long preparation. Therefore to approach God by love is to prepare oneself for the greatest possible spiritual fulfilment. ” The Synthesis of Yoga

Love is the power and passion of the divine self-delight and without love we may get the rapt peace of its infinity, the absorbed silence of the Ananda, but not its absolute depth of richness and fullness. Love leads us from the suffering of division into the bliss of perfect union, but without losing that joy of the act of union which is the soul’s greatest discovery and for which the life of the cosmos is a long preparation. Therefore to approach God by love is to prepare oneself for the greatest possible spiritual fulfilment.” The Synthesis of Yoga


bride ::: n. --> A woman newly married, or about to be married.
Fig.: An object ardently loved. ::: v. t. --> To make a bride of.

(bringing with it Knowledge) or Force (bringing strength and dynamism of many kinds) or Ananda (bringing love and joy of existence) can come next according to the trend of the nature.

broom rape ::: --> A genus (Orobanche) of parasitic plants of Europe and Asia. They are destitute of chlorophyll, have scales instead of leaves, and spiked flowers, and grow attached to the roots of other plants, as furze, clover, flax, wild carrot, etc. The name is sometimes applied to other plants related to this genus, as Aphyllon uniflorumand A. Ludovicianum.

brotherly ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to brothers; such as is natural for brothers; becoming to brothers; kind; affectionate; as, brotherly love. ::: adv. --> Like a brother; affectionately; kindly.

bullhead ::: n. --> A fresh-water fish of many species, of the genus Uranidea, esp. U. gobio of Europe, and U. Richardsoni of the United States; -- called also miller&

“But when I speak of the Divine Will, I mean something different,—something that has descended here into an evolutionary world of Ignorance, standing at the back of things, pressing on the Darkness with its Light, leading things presently towards the best possible in the conditions of a world of Ignorance and leading it eventually towards a descent of a greater power of the Divine, which will be not an omnipotence held back and conditioned by the law of the world as it is, but in full action and therefore bringing the reign of light, peace, harmony, joy, love, beauty and Ananda, for these are the Divine Nature.” Letters on Yoga

capitulum ::: n. --> A thick head of flowers on a very short axis, as a clover top, or a dandelion; a composite flower. A capitulum may be either globular or flat.
A knoblike protuberance of any part, esp. at the end of a bone or cartilage. [See Illust. of Artiodactyla.]

caress ::: n. 1. A gentle touch or gesture of fondness, tenderness, or love. v. 2. To touch or stroke lightly in a loving or endearing manner. caressed, caressing.

caryophyllin ::: n. --> A tasteless and odorless crystalline substance, extracted from cloves, polymeric with common camphor.

cedrene ::: n. --> A rich aromatic oil, C15H24, extracted from oil of red cedar, and regarded as a polymeric terpene; also any one of a class of similar substances, as the essential oils of cloves, cubebs, juniper, etc., of which cedrene proper is the type.

cestus ::: n. --> A girdle; particularly that of Aphrodite (or Venus) which gave the wearer the power of exciting love.
A genus of Ctenophora. The typical species (Cestus Veneris) is remarkable for its brilliant iridescent colors, and its long, girdlelike form.
A covering for the hands of boxers, made of leather bands, and often loaded with lead or iron.

chained ::: restrained or confined as if with chains. love-chained.

charitable ::: a. --> Full of love and good will; benevolent; kind.
Liberal in judging of others; disposed to look on the best side, and to avoid harsh judgment.
Liberal in benefactions to the poor; giving freely; generous; beneficent.
Of or pertaining to charity; springing from, or intended for, charity; relating to almsgiving; eleemosynary; as, a charitable institution.

charity ::: n. --> Love; universal benevolence; good will.
Liberality in judging of men and their actions; a disposition which inclines men to put the best construction on the words and actions of others.
Liberality to the poor and the suffering, to benevolent institutions, or to worthy causes; generosity.
Whatever is bestowed gratuitously on the needy or suffering for their relief; alms; any act of kindness.

cherish ::: 1. To hold great love for someone; feel love for one. 2. To care for, protect and love —(a person). 3. To cling fondly to (a hope, idea, etc.); nurse. cherished.

chierte ::: n. --> Love; tender regard.

claver ::: n. --> See Clover.
Frivolous or nonsensical talk; prattle; chattering.

cleave ::: 1. To split with or as if with a sharp instrument. 2. To pierce or penetrate. cleaves, cloven, cleaving.

cleft-footed ::: a. --> Having a cloven foot.

cloven-footed ::: a. --> Alt. of Cloven-hoofed

cloven hoof ::: 1. A divided or cleft hoof, as in deer or cattle. 2. Evil or Satan, often depicted as a figure with cleft hooves.

cloven-hoofed ::: a. --> Having the foot or hoof divided into two parts, as the ox.

cloven ::: --> of Cleave ::: p. p. & a. --> from Cleave, v. t.

cloven ::: (Pt. of cleave.)

clove ::: --> of Cleave ::: imp. --> Cleft. ::: v. t.

clovered ::: a. --> Covered with growing clover.

clover ::: n. --> A plant of different species of the genus Trifolium; as the common red clover, T. pratense, the white, T. repens, and the hare&

clowe-gilofre ::: n. --> Spice clove.

club ::: n. --> A heavy staff of wood, usually tapering, and wielded the hand; a weapon; a cudgel.
Any card of the suit of cards having a figure like the trefoil or clover leaf. (pl.) The suit of cards having such figure.
An association of persons for the promotion of some common object, as literature, science, politics, good fellowship, etc.; esp. an association supported by equal assessments or contributions of the members.

commemorate ::: v. t. --> To call to remembrance by a special act or observance; to celebrate with honor and solemnity; to honor, as a person or event, by some act of respect or affection, intended to preserve the remembrance of the person or event; as, to commemorate the sufferings and dying love of our Savior by the sacrament of the Lord&

Complete surrender can best come by a complete love and bhakti. Bhakti, on the other hand, can begin wnthout surrender, but it naturally leads, as it forms itself, to surrender.

CONCENTRATION ::: Fixing the consciousness in one place or on one object and in a single condition.

A gathering together of the consciousness and either centralising at one point or turning on a single object, e.g. the Divine; there can also be a gathered condition throughout the whole being, not at a point.

Concentration is necessary, first to turn the whole will and mind from the discursive divagation natural to them, following a dispersed movement of the thoughts, running after many-branching desires, led away in the track of the senses and the outward mental response to phenomena; we have to fix the will and the thought on the eternal and real behind all, and this demands an immense effort, a one-pointed concentration. Secondly, it is necessary in order to break down the veil which is erected by our ordinary mentality between ourselves and the truth; for outer knowledge can be picked up by the way, by ordinary attention and reception, but the inner, hidden and higher truth can only be seized by an absolute concentration of the mind on its object, an absolute concentration of the will to attain it and, once attained, to hold it habitually and securely unite oneself with it.

Centre of Concentration: The two main places where one can centre the consciousness for yoga are in the head and in the heart - the mind-centre and the soul-centre.

Brain concentration is always a tapasyā and necessarily brings a strain. It is only if one is lifted out of the brain mind altogether that the strain of mental concentration disappears.

At the top of the head or above it is the right place for yogic concentration in reading or thinking.

In whatever centre the concentration takes place, the yoga force generated extends to the others and produces concentration or workings there.

Modes of Concentration: There is no harm in concentrating sometimes in the heart and sometimes above the head. But concentration in either place does not mean keeping the attention fixed on a particular spot; you have to take your station of consciousness in either place and concentrate there not on the place, but on the Divine. This can be done with eyes shut or with eyes open, according as it best suits.

If one concentrates on a thought or a word, one has to dwell on the essential idea contained in the word with the aspiration to feel the thing which it expresses.

There is no method in this yoga except to concentrate, preferably in the heart, and call the presence and power of the Mother to take up the being and by the workings of her force to transform the consciousness; one can concentrate also in the head or between the eye-brows, but for many this is a too difficult opening. When the mind falls quiet and the concentration becomes strong and the aspiration intense, then there is a beginning of experience. The more the faith, the more rapid the result is likely to be.

Powers (three) of Concentration ::: By concentration on anything whatsoever we are able to know that thing, to make it deliver up its concealed secrets; we must use this power to know not things, but the one Thing-in-itself. By concentration again the whole will can be gathered up for the acquisition of that which is still ungrasped, still beyond us; this power, if it is sufficiently trained, sufficiently single-minded, sufficiently sincere, sure of itself, faithful to itself alone, absolute in faith, we can use for the acquisition of any object whatsoever; but we ought to use it not for the acquisition of the many objects which the world offers to us, but to grasp spiritually that one object worthy of pursuit which is also the one subject worthy of knowledge. By concentration of our whole being on one status of itself we can become whatever we choose ; we can become, for instance, even if we were before a mass of weaknesses and fears, a mass instead of strength and courage, or we can become all a great purity, holiness and peace or a single universal soul of Love ; but we ought, it is said, to use this power to become not even these things, high as they may be in comparison with what we now are, but rather to become that which is above all things and free from all action and attributes, the pure and absolute Being. All else, all other concentration can only be valuable for preparation, for previous steps, for a gradual training of the dissolute and self-dissipating thought, will and being towards their grand and unique object.

Stages in Concentration (Rajayogic) ::: that in which the object is seized, that in which it is held, that in which the mind is lost in the status which the object represents or to which the concentration leads.

Concentration and Meditation ::: Concentration means fixing the consciousness in one place or one object and in a single condition Meditation can be diffusive,e.g. thinking about the Divine, receiving impressions and discriminating, watching what goes on in the nature and acting upon it etc. Meditation is when the inner mind is looking at things to get the right knowledge.

vide Dhyāna.

confidante ::: n. fem. --> One to whom secrets, especially those relating to affairs of love, are confided or intrusted; a confidential or bosom friend.

Consciousness ; there is a dynamic union of likeness or oneness of nature between That and our instrumental being here. The lirst is the liberation from the Ignorance and identification with the Real and Eternal, inokfa, sayuj}a. which is the characteristic aim of the Yoga of Knowledge. The second, the dwelling of the soul with or in the Divine, sdmipia, salokya, is the intense hope of all Yoga of love and beatitude. The third, identity in nature, likeness to the Divine, to be perfect as That is perfect, sadhannya, is the high intention of all Yoga of power and perfection or of divine works and service. The combined completeness of the three together, founded here on a multiple Unity of the self-

consciousness with the physical experience of oneness, the pre- sence of the Beloved in every part, in c^'ery cell of the body.

cool ::: superl. --> Moderately cold; between warm and cold; lacking in warmth; producing or promoting coolness.
Not ardent, warm, fond, or passionate; not hasty; deliberate; exercising self-control; self-possessed; dispassionate; indifferent; as, a cool lover; a cool debater.
Not retaining heat; light; as, a cool dress.
Manifesting coldness or dislike; chilling; apathetic; as, a cool manner.

coquetry ::: n. --> Attempts to attract admiration, notice, or love, for the mere gratification of vanity; trifling in love.

coquet ::: v. t. --> To attempt to attract the notice, admiration, or love of; to treat with a show of tenderness or regard, with a view to deceive and disappoint. ::: v. i. --> To trifle in love; to stimulate affection or interest; to play the coquette; to deal playfully instead of seriously; to play

coronilla ::: n. --> A genus of plants related to the clover, having their flowers arranged in little heads or tufts resembling coronets.

Cosmic love depends on the realisation of oneness of self with all. Psychic love or feeling for all can exist without this realisation.

cosmic mind ::: Sri Aurobindo: "Nevertheless, the fact of this intervention from above, the fact that behind all our original thinking or authentic perception of things there is a veiled, a half-veiled or a swift unveiled intuitive element is enough to establish a connection between mind and what is above it; it opens a passage of communication and of entry into the superior spirit-ranges. There is also the reaching out of mind to exceed the personal ego limitation, to see things in a certain impersonality and universality. Impersonality is the first character of cosmic self; universality, non-limitation by the single or limiting point of view, is the character of cosmic perception and knowledge: this tendency is therefore a widening, however rudimentary, of these restricted mind areas towards cosmicity, towards a quality which is the very character of the higher mental planes, — towards that superconscient cosmic Mind which, we have suggested, must in the nature of things be the original mind-action of which ours is only a derivative and inferior process.” *The Life Divine

"If we accept the Vedic image of the Sun of Truth, . . . we may compare the action of the Higher Mind to a composed and steady sunshine, the energy of the Illumined Mind beyond it to an outpouring of massive lightnings of flaming sun-stuff. Still beyond can be met a yet greater power of the Truth-Force, an intimate and exact Truth-vision, Truth-thought, Truth-sense, Truth-feeling, Truth-action, to which we can give in a special sense the name of Intuition; . . . At the source of this Intuition we discover a superconscient cosmic Mind in direct contact with the supramental Truth-Consciousness, an original intensity determinant of all movements below it and all mental energies, — not Mind as we know it, but an Overmind that covers as with the wide wings of some creative Oversoul this whole lower hemisphere of Knowledge-Ignorance, links it with that greater Truth-Consciousness while yet at the same time with its brilliant golden Lid it veils the face of the greater Truth from our sight, intervening with its flood of infinite possibilities as at once an obstacle and a passage in our seeking of the spiritual law of our existence, its highest aim, its secret Reality.” The Life Divine

"There is one cosmic Mind, one cosmic Life, one cosmic Body. All the attempt of man to arrive at universal sympathy, universal love and the understanding and knowledge of the inner soul of other existences is an attempt to beat thin, breach and eventually break down by the power of the enlarging mind and heart the walls of the ego and arrive nearer to a cosmic oneness.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

"[The results of the opening to the cosmic Mind:] One is aware of the cosmic Mind and the mental forces that move there and how they work on one"s mind and that of others and one is able to deal with one"s own mind with a greater knowledge and effective power. There are many other results, but this is the fundamental one.” Letters on Yoga

"The cosmic consciousness has many levels — the cosmic physical, the cosmic vital, the cosmic Mind, and above the higher planes of cosmic Mind there is the Intuition and above that the overmind and still above that the supermind where the Transcendental begins. In order to live in the Intuition plane (not merely to receive intuitions), one has to live in the cosmic consciousness because there the cosmic and individual run into each other as it were, and the mental separation between them is already broken down, so nobody can reach there who is still in the separative ego.” Letters on Yoga*

courted ::: 1. Endeavoured to win favour with. 2. Tried to gain the love or affections of. 3. Attempted to gain (applause, favour, a decision, etc.).

courter ::: n. --> One who courts; one who plays the lover, or who solicits in marriage; one who flatters and cajoles.

courtship ::: n. --> The act of paying court, with the intent to solicit a favor.
The act of wooing in love; solicitation of woman to marriage.
Courtliness; elegance of manners; courtesy.
Court policy; the character of a courtier; artifice of a court; court-craft; finesse.

Crimson ::: Light of Love in (he vital and physical. Usually the colour of the physical (force).

crookbill ::: n. --> A New Zealand plover (Anarhynchus frontalis), remarkable for having the end of the beak abruptly bent to the right.

cross ::: Sri Aurobindo: ". . . the cross is the sign of the Divine Descent barred and marred by the transversal line of a cosmic deformation which turns it into a stake of suffering and misfortune. Only by the ascent to the original Truth can the deformation be healed and all the works of love, as too all the works of knowledge and of life, be restored to a divine significance and become part of an integral spiritual existence.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

cross ::: “… the cross is the sign of the Divine Descent barred and marred by the transversal line of a cosmic deformation which turns it into a stake of suffering and misfortune. Only by the ascent to the original Truth can the deformation be healed and all the works of love, as too all the works of knowledge and of life, be restored to a divine significance and become part of an integral spiritual existence.” The Synthesis of Yoga

cupidity ::: n. --> A passionate desire; love.
Eager or inordinate desire, especially for wealth; greed of gain; avarice; covetousness

cupid ::: n . --> The god of love, son of Venus; usually represented as a naked, winged boy with bow and arrow.

daggle-tail ::: a. --> Alt. of Daggle-tailed ::: n. --> A slovenly woman; a slattern; a draggle-tail.

dakir ::: n. --> A measure of certain commodities by number, usually ten or twelve, but sometimes twenty; as, a daker of hides consisted of ten skins; a daker of gloves of ten pairs.

darling ::: n. --> One dearly beloved; a favorite. ::: a. --> Dearly beloved; regarded with especial kindness and tenderness; favorite.

dear ::: 1. Precious in one"s regard; cherished. 2. Loved and cherished: Highly esteemed or regarded. 3. Heartfelt; earnest. dearer, dearest.

dear-loved ::: a. --> Greatly beloved.

dearly ::: adv. --> In a dear manner; with affection; heartily; earnestly; as, to love one dearly.
At a high rate or price; grievously.

dearness ::: n. --> The quality or state of being dear; costliness; excess of price.
Fondness; preciousness; love; tenderness.

dear ::: superl. --> Bearing a high price; high-priced; costly; expensive.
Marked by scarcity or dearth, and exorbitance of price; as, a dear year.
Highly valued; greatly beloved; cherished; precious.
Hence, close to the heart; heartfelt; present in mind; engaging the attention.
Of agreeable things and interests.
Of disagreeable things and antipathies.

delicate ::: a. --> Addicted to pleasure; luxurious; voluptuous; alluring.
Pleasing to the senses; refinedly agreeable; hence, adapted to please a nice or cultivated taste; nice; fine; elegant; as, a delicate dish; delicate flavor.
Slight and shapely; lovely; graceful; as, "a delicate creature."
Fine or slender; minute; not coarse; -- said of a thread, or the like; as, delicate cotton.

Desire-rejection ::: the rejection of desire is essentially the rejection of the element of craving, putting that out from the consciousness itself as a foreign clement not belonging to the true self and the inner nature. But refusal to indulge the sugges- tions of desire is also a part of the rejection ; to abstain from the action suggested, if it is not the right action, must be included in the yogic discipline. The first condition for getting rid of desire is, therefore, to become conscious with the true consciousness *, for then it becomes much easier to dismiss it than when one has to struggle with it as if it were a constituent part of oneself to be thrown out from the being. When the psychic being is in front, then also to get rid of desire becomes easy ; for the psychic being has in itself no desires, it has only aspirations and a seeking and love for the Divine and all things that are or tend towards the Divine.

devotion ::: n. --> The act of devoting; consecration.
The state of being devoted; addiction; eager inclination; strong attachment love or affection; zeal; especially, feelings toward God appropriately expressed by acts of worship; devoutness.
Act of devotedness or devoutness; manifestation of strong attachment; act of worship; prayer.
Disposal; power of disposal.
A thing consecrated; an object of devotion.

DEVOTION. ::: Worship is only the first step on the path of devotion. Where external worship changes into the inner adora- tion, real bhakti begins ; that deepens into the intensity of divine love ; that love leads to the joy of closeness in our relations with the Divine ; the joy of closeness passes into the bliss of union.

dicker ::: n. --> The number or quantity of ten, particularly ten hides or skins; a dakir; as, a dicker of gloves.
A chaffering, barter, or exchange, of small wares; as, to make a dicker. ::: v. i. & t. --> To negotiate a dicker; to barter.

digitain ::: n. --> Any one of several extracts of foxglove (Digitalis), as the "French extract," the "German extract," etc., which differ among themselves in composition and properties.
A supposedly distinct vegetable principle as the essential ingredient of the extracts. It is a white, crystalline substance, and is regarded as a glucoside.

digitalis ::: n. --> A genus of plants including the foxglove.
The dried leaves of the purple foxglove (Digitalis purpurea), used in heart disease, disturbance of the circulation, etc.

dilection ::: n. --> Love; choice.

dilettante ::: v. t. --> An admirer or lover of the fine arts; popularly, an amateur; especially, one who follows an art or a branch of knowledge, desultorily, or for amusement only.

disenamor ::: v. t. --> To free from the captivity of love.

Divine and surrender more and more one’s ordinary persona! ideas, desires, attachments, urges to action or habits of actions so that the Divine may lake up cveiything. Surrender means that, to give up our little mind and its mental ideas and prefe- rences into a divine Light and a greater knowledge, our petty persona] troubled blind stumbling will into a great calm, tran- quil, luminous Will and Force, our little, restless, tormented feel- ings into a wide intense divine Love and Ananda, our small suffering personality into the one Person of which it is an obs- cure outcome. If one insists on one's own ideas and reasonfogs, the greater Light and Knowledge cannot come or else is marked and obstructed in the coming at every step by a lower inter- ference ,* if one insists on one’s desires and fancies, that great luminous Will and Force cannot act in its own true power— for you ask it to be the servant of your desires ; if one refuses to give up one’s petty ways of feeling, eternal Love and supreme

Divine Love and psychic love ::: The Divine’s love is that which comes from above poured down from the Divine Oneness and its Ananda on the being ; psychic love is a form taken by divine love in the human being according to the need and pos- sibilities of the human consciousness.

“Divine Love, in my view of it, is again not something ethereal, cold and far, but a love absolutely intense, intimate and full of unity, closeness and rapture using all the nature for its expression.” Letters on Yoga

"Divine Love is of two kinds — the divine Love for the creation and the souls that are part of itself, and the love of the seeker and love for the Divine Beloved; it has both a personal and impersonal element, but the personal is free here from all lower elements or bondage to the vital and physical instincts.” Letters on Yoga

“Divine Love is of two kinds—the divine Love for the creation and the souls that are part of itself, and the love of the seeker and love for the Divine Beloved; it has both a personal and impersonal element, but the personal is free here from all lower elements or bondage to the vital and physical instincts.” Letters on Yoga

Divine Love is of two kinds — the divine love for the creation and the souls that are part of itself, and the love of the seeker and love for the Divine Beloved ; it has both a personal and impersonal element, but the personal b free here from all lower elements or bondage to the vital and physical instincts.

Divine Love ; There is a divine love that is personal, but it is not like the ordinary personal human love dependent on any return from the person — it is personal but not egoistic ; it goes from the real being in the one to the real being in the other.

".. . Divine Love which is at the heart of all creation and the most powerful of all redeeming and creative forces has yet been the least frontally present in earthly life, the least successfully redemptive, the least creative. Human nature has been unable to bear it in its purity for the very reason that it is the most powerful, pure, rare and intense of all the divine energies; . . . . ” The Synthesis of Yoga

“.. . Divine Love which is at the heart of all creation and the most powerful of all redeeming and creative forces has yet been the least frontally present in earthly life, the least successfully redemptive, the least creative. Human nature has been unable to bear it in its purity for the very reason that it is the most powerful, pure, rare and intense of all the divine energies; …” The Synthesis of Yoga

“ . . . Divine Love which is at the heart of all creation and the most powerful of all redeeming and creative forces has yet been the least frontally present in earthly life, the least successfully redemptive, the least creative. Human nature has been unable to bear it in its purity for the very reason that it is the most powerful, pure, rare and intense of all the divine energies; what little could be seized has been corrupted at once into a vital pietistic ardour, a defenceless religious or ethical sentimentalism, a sensuous or even sensual erotic mysticism of the roseate coloured mind or passionately turbid life-impulse and with these simulations compensated its inability to house the Mystic Flame that could rebuild the world with its tongues of sacrifice. The Synthesis of Yoga

DIVINE LOVE. ::: Love comes to us in many ways ; it may come as an awakening to the beauty of the Lover, by the sight of an ideal face and image of him, by his mysterious hints to us of himself behind the thousand faces of things in the world, by a slow or sudden need of the heart, by a vague thirst in the soul, by the sense of someone near us drawing us or pursuing us with love or of someone blissful and beautiful whom we must discover.

divine love

divine love ::: Sri Aurobindo: "Divine Love, in my view of it, is again not something ethereal, cold and far, but a love absolutely intense, intimate and full of unity, closeness and rapture using all the nature for its expression.” *Letters on Yoga

Divine Will is something that has descended here into an evolutionary world of Ignorance, standing at the back of things, pressing on the ‘Darkness with its Light, leading things presently towards the best possible in the conditions of a world of Ignorance and leading it eventually towards a descent of a greater power of the Divine, which will be not an omnipotence held back and conditioned by the law of the world as it is, but in full action and therefore bringing the reign of light, peace, harmony, joy, love, beauty, and Ananda, for these arc the Divine Nature.

doter ::: n. --> One who dotes; a man whose understanding is enfeebled by age; a dotard.
One excessively fond, or weak in love.

dotterel ::: a. --> Decayed. ::: v. i. --> A European bird of the Plover family (Eudromias, / Charadrius, morinellus). It is tame and easily taken, and is popularly believed to imitate the movements of the fowler.
A silly fellow; a dupe; a gull.

DOUBLE FOUNDATION OF YOGA. ::: If you Leep the wide- ness and calm and also the love for the Mother in the heart, then all is safe for it means the double foundation of the Yoga ::: the descent of the higher consciousness with its peace, freedom and serenity from above and the openness of the psychic which keeps all the effort or all the spontaneous movement turned towards the true goal.

dowdy ::: superl. --> Showing a vulgar taste in dress; awkward and slovenly in dress; vulgar-looking. ::: n. --> An awkward, vulgarly dressed, inelegant woman.

drawgloves ::: n. pl. --> An old game, played by holding up the fingers.

drivel ::: v. i. --> To slaver; to let spittle drop or flow from the mouth, like a child, idiot, or dotard.
To be weak or foolish; to dote; as, a driveling hero; driveling love. ::: n. --> Slaver; saliva flowing from the mouth.

drome ::: n. --> The crab plover (Dromas ardeola), a peculiar North African bird, allied to the oyster catcher.

druery ::: n. --> Courtship; gallantry; love; an object of love.

dulwilly ::: n. --> The ring plover.

earlock ::: n. --> A lock or curl of hair near the ear; a lovelock. See Lovelock.

echo ::: n. --> A sound reflected from an opposing surface and repeated to the ear of a listener; repercussion of sound; repetition of a sound.
Fig.: Sympathetic recognition; response; answer.
A wood or mountain nymph, regarded as repeating, and causing the reverberation of them.
A nymph, the daughter of Air and Earth, who, for love of Narcissus, pined away until nothing was left of her but her voice.

Efface the stamp of ego from the heart and let the love of the

egoism ::: n. --> The doctrine of certain extreme adherents or disciples of Descartes and Johann Gottlieb Fichte, which finds all the elements of knowledge in the ego and the relations which it implies or provides for.
Excessive love and thought of self; the habit of regarding one&

embrace ::: v. t. --> To fasten on, as armor. ::: n. --> To clasp in the arms with affection; to take in the arms; to hug.
To cling to; to cherish; to love.
To seize eagerly, or with alacrity; to accept with

emotion ::: “Emotion itself is not a bad thing; it is a necessary part of the nature, and psychic emotion is one of the most powerful helps to the sadhana. Psychic emotion, bringing tears of love for the Divine or tears of Ananda, ought not to be suppressed: …” Letters on Yoga

enamor ::: v. t. --> To inflame with love; to charm; to captivate; -- with of, or with, before the person or thing; as, to be enamored with a lady; to be enamored of books or science.

enamoured ::: filled or inflamed with love. captivated.

enantiomorphous ::: a. --> Similar, but not superposable, i. e., related to each other as a right-handed to a left-handed glove; -- said of certain hemihedral crystals.

endearing ::: p. pr. & vb. n. --> of Endear ::: a. --> Making dear or beloved; causing love.

endear ::: v. t. --> To make dear or beloved.
To raise the price or cost of; to make costly or expensive.

enthusiastical ::: a. --> Filled with enthusiasm; characterized by enthusiasm; zealous; as, an enthusiastic lover of art.

eros ::: n. --> Love; the god of love; -- by earlier writers represented as one of the first and creative gods, by later writers as the son of Aphrodite, equivalent to the Latin god Cupid.

erotical ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to the passion of love; treating of love; amatory.

eugenia ::: n. --> A genus of myrtaceous plants, mostly of tropical countries, and including several aromatic trees and shrubs, among which are the trees which produce allspice and cloves of commerce.

eugenic ::: a. --> Pertaining to, or derived from, cloves; as, eugenic acid.
Well-born; of high birth.

eugenin ::: n. --> A colorless, crystalline substance extracted from oil of cloves; -- called also clove camphor.

eugenol ::: n. --> A colorless, aromatic, liquid hydrocarbon, C10H12O2 resembling the phenols, and hence also called eugenic acid. It is found in the oils of pimento and cloves.

extinguishment ::: n. --> The act of extinguishing, putting out, or quenching, or the state of being extinguished; extinction; suppression; destruction; nullification; as, the extinguishment of fire or flame, of discord, enmity, or jealousy, or of love or affection.
The annihilation or extinction of a right or obligation.

extinguish ::: v. t. --> To quench; to put out, as a light or fire; to stifle; to cause to die out; to put an end to; to destroy; as, to extinguish a flame, or life, or love, or hope, a pretense or a right.
To obscure; to eclipse, as by superior splendor.

extravagance ::: n. --> A wandering beyond proper limits; an excursion or sally from the usual way, course, or limit.
The state of being extravagant, wild, or prodigal beyond bounds of propriety or duty; want of moderation; excess; especially, undue expenditure of money; vaid and superfluous expense; prodigality; as, extravagance of anger, love, expression, imagination, demands.

faithful ::: a. --> Full of faith, or having faith; disposed to believe, especially in the declarations and promises of God.
Firm in adherence to promises, oaths, contracts, treaties, or other engagements.
True and constant in affection or allegiance to a person to whom one is bound by a vow, be ties of love, gratitude, or honor, as to a husband, a prince, a friend; firm in the observance of duty; loyal; of true fidelity; as, a faithful husband or servant.

false ::: superl. --> Uttering falsehood; unveracious; given to deceit; dishnest; as, a false witness.
Not faithful or loyal, as to obligations, allegiance, vows, etc.; untrue; treacherous; perfidious; as, a false friend, lover, or subject; false to promises.
Not according with truth or reality; not true; fitted or likely to deceive or disappoint; as, a false statement.
Not genuine or real; assumed or designed to deceive;

familist ::: n. --> One of afanatical Antinomian sect originating in Holland, and existing in England about 1580, called the Family of Love, who held that religion consists wholly in love.

fancy-free ::: a. --> Free from the power of love.

fancymonger ::: n. --> A lovemonger; a whimsical lover.

fancy-sick ::: a. --> Love-sick.

favorite ::: n. --> A person or thing regarded with peculiar favor; one treated with partiality; one preferred above others; especially, one unduly loved, trusted, and enriched with favors by a person of high rank or authority.
Short curls dangling over the temples; -- fashionable in the reign of Charles II.
The competitor (as a horse in a race) that is judged most likely to win; the competitor standing highest in the betting.

fig. Hearts filled with despair; disillusionment; devastating sorrow, especially from disappointment or tragedy in love.

fire ::: n. --> The evolution of light and heat in the combustion of bodies; combustion; state of ignition.
Fuel in a state of combustion, as on a hearth, or in a stove or a furnace.
The burning of a house or town; a conflagration.
Anything which destroys or affects like fire.
Ardor of passion, whether love or hate; excessive warmth; consuming violence of temper.

flame ::: n. --> A stream of burning vapor or gas, emitting light and heat; darting or streaming fire; a blaze; a fire.
Burning zeal or passion; elevated and noble enthusiasm; glowing imagination; passionate excitement or anger.
Ardor of affection; the passion of love.
A person beloved; a sweetheart.
To burn with a flame or blaze; to burn as gas emitted from bodies in combustion; to blaze.

flirt ::: v. t. --> To throw with a jerk or quick effort; to fling suddenly; as, they flirt water in each other&

floramour ::: n. --> The plant love-lies-bleeding.

floutingly ::: adv. --> With flouting; insultingly; as, to treat a lover floutingly.

footglove ::: n. --> A kind of stocking.

force, universal ::: Sri Aurobindo: "This force that we feel is the universal Force of the Divine, which, veiled or unveiled, acting directly or permitting the use of its powers by beings in the cosmos, is the one Energy that alone exists and alone makes universal or individual action possible. For this force is the Divine itself in the body of its power; all is that, power of act, power of thought and knowledge, power of mastery and enjoyment, power of love. Conscious always and in everything, in ourselves and in others, of the Master of Works possessing, inhabiting, enjoying through this Force that is himself, becoming through it all existences and all happenings, we shall have arrived at the divine union through works and achieved by that fulfilment in works all that others have gained through absolute devotion or through pure knowledge.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

  "For the main business of the heart, its true function is love. It is our destined instrument of complete union and oneness; for to see oneness in the world by the understanding is not enough unless we also feel it with the heart and in the psychic being, and this means a delight in the One and in all existences in the world in him, a love of God and all beings. The heart"s faith and will in good are founded on a perception of the one Divine immanent in all things and leading the world.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

“For the main business of the heart, its true function is love. It is our destined instrument of complete union and oneness; for to see oneness in the world by the understanding is not enough unless we also feel it with the heart and in the psychic being, and this means a delight in the One and in all existences in the world in him, a love of God and all beings. The heart’s faith and will in good are founded on a perception of the one Divine immanent in all things and leading the world.” The Synthesis of Yoga

foxglove ::: n. --> Any plant of the genus Digitalis. The common English foxglove (Digitalis purpurea) is a handsome perennial or biennial plant, whose leaves are used as a powerful medicine, both as a sedative and diuretic. See Digitalis.

free-love ::: n. --> The doctrine or practice of consorting with the opposite sex, at pleasure, without marriage.

free-lover ::: n. --> One who believes in or practices free-love.

free-love ::: the practice of sexual relationships without fidelity to a single partner or without formal obligations or legal ties.

freya ::: n. --> The daughter of Njord, and goddess of love and beauty; the Scandinavian Venus; -- in Teutonic myths confounded with Frigga, but in Scandinavian, distinct.

friended ::: imp. & p. p. --> of Friend ::: a. --> Having friends;
Inclined to love; well-disposed.

FRIENDSHIP. ::: Friendship or affection is not excluded fron the yoga. Friendship with the Divine is a recognised relation in the snd/ianii. Friendships between the sddhakas exist and are encouraged. Only, we seek to found them on a surer basis than that on which the bulk of human friendships are insecurely founded. It is precisely because we hold friendship, brotherhood, love to be sacred things that we want this change. We want them rooted in the soul, founded on the rock of the Divine.

frostbird ::: n. --> The golden plover.

frouzy ::: a. --> Fetid, musty; rank; disordered and offensive to the smell or sight; slovenly; dingy. See Frowzy.

frowzy ::: a. --> Slovenly; unkempt; untidy; frouzy.

gage ::: n. --> A pledge or pawn; something laid down or given as a security for the performance of some act by the person depositing it, and forfeited by nonperformance; security.
A glove, cap, or the like, cast on the ground as a challenge to combat, and to be taken up by the accepter of the challenge; a challenge; a defiance.
A variety of plum; as, the greengage; also, the blue gage, frost gage, golden gage, etc., having more or less likeness to the

gantlet ::: n. --> A military punishment formerly in use, wherein the offender was made to run between two files of men facing one another, who struck him as he passed.
A glove. See Gauntlet.

garlic ::: n. --> A plant of the genus Allium (A. sativum is the cultivated variety), having a bulbous root, a very strong smell, and an acrid, pungent taste. Each root is composed of several lesser bulbs, called cloves of garlic, inclosed in a common membranous coat, and easily separable.
A kind of jig or farce.

gauntlet ::: n. --> See Gantlet.
A glove of such material that it defends the hand from wounds.
A long glove, covering the wrist.
A rope on which hammocks or clothes are hung for drying.

gerundive ::: a. --> Pertaining to, or partaking of, the nature of the gerund; gerundial. ::: n. --> The future passive participle; as, amandus, i. e., to be loved.

gillyflower ::: n. --> A name given by old writers to the clove pink (Dianthus Caryophyllus) but now to the common stock (Matthiola incana), a cruciferous plant with showy and fragrant blossoms, usually purplish, but often pink or white.
A kind of apple, of a roundish conical shape, purplish red color, and having a large core.

gloved ::: imp. & p. p. --> of Glove

glove ::: n. --> A cover for the hand, or for the hand and wrist, with a separate sheath for each finger. The latter characteristic distinguishes the glove from the mitten.
A boxing glove. ::: v. t. --> To cover with, or as with, a glove.

glover ::: n. --> One whose trade it is to make or sell gloves.

gloving ::: p. pr. & vb. n. --> of Glove

godly ::: n. --> Pious; reverencing God, and his character and laws; obedient to the commands of God from love for, and reverence of, his character; conformed to God&

.GOLOKA. ::: Vaikuntha and Goloka arc human conceptions of states of being that arc be)ond humanity. Goloka is evidently a world of Love, Beauty and Ananda full of spiritual radiances

go together. It is true that at first surrender can be made through knowledge by the mind but it implies a mental bhakti and, as soon as the surrender reaches the heart, the bhalcti manifests as a feeling and with the feeling of bhakti love comes.

gouge ::: n. --> A chisel, with a hollow or semicylindrical blade, for scooping or cutting holes, channels, or grooves, in wood, stone, etc.; a similar instrument, with curved edge, for turning wood.
A bookbinder&

grace ::: n. **1. Elegance or beauty of form, manner, motion, or action. 2. Favour or goodwill. 3. A manifestation of favour, especially by a superior. 4. Theol. a. The freely given, unmerited favour and love of God. b. The influence or spirit of God operating in humans to regenerate or strengthen them. c. A virtue or excellence of divine origin. d. The condition of being in God"s favour or one of the elect. 5. Divine love and protection bestowed freely on people. v. 6. To lend or add grace to; adorn. graced, graceful, graceless.**

grace ::: n. --> The exercise of love, kindness, mercy, favor; disposition to benefit or serve another; favor bestowed or privilege conferred.
The divine favor toward man; the mercy of God, as distinguished from His justice; also, any benefits His mercy imparts; divine love or pardon; a state of acceptance with God; enjoyment of the divine favor.
The prerogative of mercy execised by the executive, as pardon.

gracious ::: a. --> Abounding in grace or mercy; manifesting love,. or bestowing mercy; characterized by grace; beneficent; merciful; disposed to show kindness or favor; condescending; as, his most gracious majesty.
Abounding in beauty, loveliness, or amiability; graceful; excellent.
Produced by divine grace; influenced or controlled by the divine influence; as, gracious affections.

grallae ::: n. pl. --> An order of birds which formerly included all the waders. By later writers it is usually restricted to the sandpipers, plovers, and allied forms; -- called also Grallatores.

greenlet ::: n. --> l. (Zool.) One of numerous species of small American singing birds, of the genus Vireo, as the solitary, or blue-headed (Vireo solitarius); the brotherly-love (V. Philadelphicus); the warbling greenlet (V. gilvus); the yellow-throated greenlet (V. flavifrons) and others. See Vireo.
Any species of Cyclorhis, a genus of tropical American birds allied to the tits.

greenshank ::: n. --> A European sandpiper or snipe (Totanus canescens); -- called also greater plover.

harts clover ::: --> Melilot or sweet clover. See Melilot.

hate ::: n. --> To have a great aversion to, with a strong desire that evil should befall the person toward whom the feeling is directed; to dislike intensely; to detest; as, to hate one&

heartdear ::: a. --> Sincerely beloved.

heart ::: n. --> A hollow, muscular organ, which, by contracting rhythmically, keeps up the circulation of the blood.
The seat of the affections or sensibilities, collectively or separately, as love, hate, joy, grief, courage, and the like; rarely, the seat of the understanding or will; -- usually in a good sense, when no epithet is expressed; the better or lovelier part of our nature; the spring of all our actions and purposes; the seat of moral life and character; the moral affections and character itself; the individual

heart-whole ::: a. --> Having the heart or affections free; not in love.
With unbroken courage; undismayed.
Of a single and sincere heart.

heart-wounded ::: a. --> Wounded to the heart with love or grief.

“He is the Cosmic Spirit and all-creating Energy around us; he is the Immanent within us. All that is is he, and he is the More than all that is, and we ourselves, though we know it not, are being of his being, force of his force, conscious with a consciousness derived from his; even our mortal existence is made out of his substance and there is an immortal within us that is a spark of the Light and Bliss that are for ever. No matter whether by knowledge, works, love or any other means, to become aware of this truth of our being, to realise it, to make it effective here or elsewhere is the object of all Yoga.” The Synthesis of Yoga

hippophile ::: n. --> One who loves horses.

holocaust ::: “The Mother not only governs all from above but she descends into this lesser triple universe. Impersonally, all things here, even the movements of the Ignorance, are herself in veiled power and her creations in diminished substance, her Nature-body and Nature-force, and they exist because, moved by the mysterious fiat of the Supreme to work out something that was there in the possibilities of the Infinite, she has consented to the great sacrifice and has put on like a mask the soul and forms of the Ignorance. But personally too she has stooped to descend here into the Darkness that she may lead it to the Light, into the Falsehood and Error that she may convert it to the Truth, into this Death that she may turn it to godlike Life, into this world-pain and its obstinate sorrow and suffering that she may end it in the transforming ecstasy of her sublime Ananda. In her deep and great love for her children she has consented to put on herself the cloak of this obscurity, condescended to bear the attacks and torturing influences of the powers of the Darkness and the Falsehood, borne to pass though the portals of the birth that is a death, taken upon herself the pangs and sorrows and sufferings of the creation, since it seemed that thus alone could it be lifted to the Light and Joy and Truth and eternal Life. This is the great sacrifice called sometimes the sacrifice of the Purusha, but much more deeply the holocaust of Prakriti, the sacrifice of the Divine Mother.” The Mother

Holy, and ever dutiful—beloved

hugger-mugger ::: n. --> Privacy; secrecy. Commonly in the phrase in hugger-mugger, with haste and secrecy. ::: a. --> Secret; clandestine; sly.
Confused; disorderly; slovenly; mean; as, hugger-mugger doings.

iconophilist ::: n. --> A student, or lover of the study, of iconography.

idolatry ::: n. --> The worship of idols, images, or anything which is not God; the worship of false gods.
Excessive attachment or veneration for anything; respect or love which borders on adoration.

idolizer ::: n. --> One who idolizes or loves to the point of reverence; an idolater.

idolize ::: v. t. --> To make an idol of; to pay idolatrous worship to; as, to idolize the sacred bull in Egypt.
To love to excess; to love or reverence to adoration; as, to idolize gold, children, a hero. ::: v. i. --> To practice idolatry.

idol ::: n. --> An image or representation of anything.
An image of a divinity; a representation or symbol of a deity or any other being or thing, made or used as an object of worship; a similitude of a false god.
That on which the affections are strongly (often excessively) set; an object of passionate devotion; a person or thing greatly loved or adored.
A false notion or conception; a fallacy.

"If discipline of all the members of our being by purification and concentration may be described as the right arm of the body of Yoga, renunciation is its left arm. By discipline or positive practice we confirm in ourselves the truth of things, truth of being, truth of knowledge, truth of love, truth of works and replace with these the falsehoods that have overgrown and perverted our nature; by renunciation we seize upon the falsehoods, pluck up their roots and cast them out of our way so that they shall no longer hamper by their persistence, their resistance or their recurrence the happy and harmonious growth of our divine living.” The Synthesis of Yoga*

“If discipline of all the members of our being by purification and concentration may be described as the right arm of the body of Yoga, renunciation is its left arm. By discipline or positive practice we confirm in ourselves the truth of things, truth of being, truth of knowledge, truth of love, truth of works and replace with these the falsehoods that have overgrown and perverted our nature; by renunciation we seize upon the falsehoods, pluck up their roots and cast them out of our way so that they shall no longer hamper by their persistence, their resistance or their recurrence the happy and harmonious growth of our divine living.” The Synthesis of Yoga

illegal ::: a. --> Not according to, or authorized by, law; specif., contrary to, or in violation of, human law; unlawful; illicit; hence, immoral; as, an illegal act; illegal trade; illegal love.

inamorata ::: n. --> A woman in love; a mistress.

inamorato ::: n. --> A male lover.

incivism ::: n. --> Want of civism; want of patriotism or love to one&

inconstant ::: a. --> Not constant; not stable or uniform; subject to change of character, appearance, opinion, inclination, or purpose, etc.; not firm; unsteady; fickle; changeable; variable; -- said of persons or things; as, inconstant in love or friendship.

indispose ::: v. t. --> To render unfit or unsuited; to disqualify.
To disorder slightly as regards health; to make somewhat.
To disincline; to render averse or unfavorable; as, a love of pleasure indisposes the mind to severe study; the pride and selfishness of men indispose them to religious duties.

indolence ::: n. --> Freedom from that which pains, or harasses, as toil, care, grief, etc.
The quality or condition of being indolent; inaction, or want of exertion of body or mind, proceeding from love of ease or aversion to toil; habitual idleness; indisposition to labor; laziness; sloth; inactivity.

inhabitativeness ::: n. --> A tendency or propensity to permanent residence in a place or abode; love of home and country.

INNER GUIDE. ::: The supreme Guide and Teacher is the inner Guide, the World-Teacher, jagad-guru, secret within us. He dis- closes progressively in us his own nature of freedom, bliss, love, power, immortal being. He has no method and every method.

His system is a natural organisation of the highest processes and movements of which the nature is capable. In his yoga there is nothing too small to be used and nothing too great to be attempted. This inner Guide is often veiled at first by the very intensity of our personal effort and by the ego's preoccupation with itself and its aims.

inordinacy ::: n. --> The state or quality of being inordinate; excessiveness; immoderateness; as, the inordinacy of love or desire.

inordinate ::: a. --> Not limited to rules prescribed, or to usual bounds; irregular; excessive; immoderate; as, an inordinate love of the world.

insensible ::: a. --> Destitute of the power of feeling or perceiving; wanting bodily sensibility.
Not susceptible of emotion or passion; void of feeling; apathetic; unconcerned; indifferent; as, insensible to danger, fear, love, etc.; -- often used with of or to.
Incapable of being perceived by the senses; imperceptible. Hence: Progressing by imperceptible degrees; slow; gradual; as, insensible motion.

INTEGRAL YOGA ::: This yoga accepts the value of cosmic existence and holds it to be a reality; its object is to enter into a higher Truth-Consciousness or Divine Supramental Consciousness in which action and creation are the expression not of ignorance and imperfection, but of the Truth, the Light, the Divine Ānanda. But for that, the surrender of the mortal mind, life and body to the Higher Consciousnessis indispensable, since it is too difficult for the mortal human being to pass by its own effort beyond mind to a Supramental Consciousness in which the dynamism is no longer mental but of quite another power. Only those who can accept the call to such a change should enter into this yoga.

Aim of the Integral Yoga ::: It is not merely to rise out of the ordinary ignorant world-consciousness into the divine consciousness, but to bring the supramental power of that divine consciousness down into the ignorance of mind, life and body, to transform them, to manifest the Divine here and create a divine life in Matter.

Conditions of the Integral Yoga ::: This yoga can only be done to the end by those who are in total earnest about it and ready to abolish their little human ego and its demands in order to find themselves in the Divine. It cannot be done in a spirit of levity or laxity; the work is too high and difficult, the adverse powers in the lower Nature too ready to take advantage of the least sanction or the smallest opening, the aspiration and tapasyā needed too constant and intense.

Method in the Integral Yoga ::: To concentrate, preferably in the heart and call the presence and power of the Mother to take up the being and by the workings of her force transform the consciousness. One can concentrate also in the head or between the eye-brows, but for many this is a too difficult opening. When the mind falls quiet and the concentration becomes strong and the aspiration intense, then there is the beginning of experience. The more the faith, the more rapid the result is likely to be. For the rest one must not depend on one’s own efforts only, but succeed in establishing a contact with the Divine and a receptivity to the Mother’s Power and Presence.

Integral method ::: The method we have to pursue is to put our whole conscious being into relation and contact with the Divine and to call Him in to transform Our entire being into His, so that in a sense God Himself, the real Person in us, becomes the sādhaka of the sādhana* as well as the Master of the Yoga by whom the lower personality is used as the centre of a divine transfiguration and the instrument of its own perfection. In effect, the pressure of the Tapas, the force of consciousness in us dwelling in the Idea of the divine Nature upon that which we are in our entirety, produces its own realisation. The divine and all-knowing and all-effecting descends upon the limited and obscure, progressively illumines and energises the whole lower nature and substitutes its own action for all the terms of the inferior human light and mortal activity.

In psychological fact this method translates itself into the progressive surrender of the ego with its whole field and all its apparatus to the Beyond-ego with its vast and incalculable but always inevitable workings. Certainly, this is no short cut or easy sādhana. It requires a colossal faith, an absolute courage and above all an unflinching patience. For it implies three stages of which only the last can be wholly blissful or rapid, - the attempt of the ego to enter into contact with the Divine, the wide, full and therefore laborious preparation of the whole lower Nature by the divine working to receive and become the higher Nature, and the eventual transformation. In fact, however, the divine strength, often unobserved and behind the veil, substitutes itself for the weakness and supports us through all our failings of faith, courage and patience. It” makes the blind to see and the lame to stride over the hills.” The intellect becomes aware of a Law that beneficently insists and a Succour that upholds; the heart speaks of a Master of all things and Friend of man or a universal Mother who upholds through all stumblings. Therefore this path is at once the most difficult imaginable and yet in comparison with the magnitude of its effort and object, the most easy and sure of all.

There are three outstanding features of this action of the higher when it works integrally on the lower nature. In the first place, it does not act according to a fixed system and succession as in the specialised methods of Yoga, but with a sort of free, scattered and yet gradually intensive and purposeful working determined by the temperament of the individual in whom it operates, the helpful materials which his nature offers and the obstacles which it presents to purification and perfection. In a sense, therefore, each man in this path has his own method of Yoga. Yet are there certain broad lines of working common to all which enable us to construct not indeed a routine system, but yet some kind of Shastra or scientific method of the synthetic Yoga.

Secondly, the process, being integral, accepts our nature such as it stands organised by our past evolution and without rejecting anything essential compels all to undergo a divine change. Everything in us is seized by the hands of a mighty Artificer and transformed into a clear image of that which it now seeks confusedly to present. In that ever-progressive experience we begin to perceive how this lower manifestation is constituted and that everything in it, however seemingly deformed or petty or vile, is the more or less distorted or imperfect figure of some elements or action in the harmony of the divine Nature. We begin to understand what the Vedic Rishis meant when they spoke of the human forefathers fashioning the gods as a smith forges the crude material in his smithy.

Thirdly, the divine Power in us uses all life as the means of this integral Yoga. Every experience and outer contact with our world-environment, however trifling or however disastrous, is used for the work, and every inner experience, even to the most repellent suffering or the most humiliating fall, becomes a step on the path to perfection. And we recognise in ourselves with opened eyes the method of God in the world, His purpose of light in the obscure, of might in the weak and fallen, of delight in what is grievous and miserable. We see the divine method to be the same in the lower and in the higher working; only in the one it is pursued tardily and obscurely through the subconscious in Nature, in the other it becomes swift and selfconscious and the instrument confesses the hand of the Master. All life is a Yoga of Nature seeking to manifest God within itself. Yoga marks the stage at which this effort becomes capable of self-awareness and therefore of right completion in the individual. It is a gathering up and concentration of the movements dispersed and loosely combined in the lower evolution.

Key-methods ::: The way to devotion and surrender. It is the psychic movement that brings the constant and pure devotion and the removal of the ego that makes it possible to surrender.

The way to knowledge. Meditation in the head by which there comes the opening above, the quietude or silence of the mind and the descent of peace etc. of the higher consciousness generally till it envelops the being and fills the body and begins to take up all the movements.
Yoga by works ::: Separation of the Purusha from the Prakriti, the inner silent being from the outer active one, so that one has two consciousnesses or a double consciousness, one behind watching and observing and finally controlling and changing the other which is active in front. The other way of beginning the yoga of works is by doing them for the Divine, for the Mother, and not for oneself, consecrating and dedicating them till one concretely feels the Divine Force taking up the activities and doing them for one.

Object of the Integral Yoga is to enter into and be possessed by the Divine Presence and Consciousness, to love the Divine for the Divine’s sake alone, to be tuned in our nature into the nature of the Divine, and in our will and works and life to be the instrument of the Divine.

Principle of the Integral Yoga ::: The whole principle of Integral Yoga is to give oneself entirely to the Divine alone and to nobody else, and to bring down into ourselves by union with the Divine Mother all the transcendent light, power, wideness, peace, purity, truth-consciousness and Ānanda of the Supramental Divine.

Central purpose of the Integral Yoga ::: Transformation of our superficial, narrow and fragmentary human way of thinking, seeing, feeling and being into a deep and wide spiritual consciousness and an integrated inner and outer existence and of our ordinary human living into the divine way of life.

Fundamental realisations of the Integral Yoga ::: The psychic change so that a complete devotion can be the main motive of the heart and the ruler of thought, life and action in constant union with the Mother and in her Presence. The descent of the Peace, Power, Light etc. of the Higher Consciousness through the head and heart into the whole being, occupying the very cells of the body. The perception of the One and Divine infinitely everywhere, the Mother everywhere and living in that infinite consciousness.

Results ::: First, an integral realisation of Divine Being; not only a realisation of the One in its indistinguishable unity, but also in its multitude of aspects which are also necessary to the complete knowledge of it by the relative consciousness; not only realisation of unity in the Self, but of unity in the infinite diversity of activities, worlds and creatures.

Therefore, also, an integral liberation. Not only the freedom born of unbroken contact of the individual being in all its parts with the Divine, sāyujya mukti, by which it becomes free even in its separation, even in the duality; not only the sālokya mukti by which the whole conscious existence dwells in the same status of being as the Divine, in the state of Sachchidananda ; but also the acquisition of the divine nature by the transformation of this lower being into the human image of the divine, sādharmya mukti, and the complete and final release of all, the liberation of the consciousness from the transitory mould of the ego and its unification with the One Being, universal both in the world and the individual and transcendentally one both in the world and beyond all universe.

By this integral realisation and liberation, the perfect harmony of the results of Knowledge, Love and Works. For there is attained the complete release from ego and identification in being with the One in all and beyond all. But since the attaining consciousness is not limited by its attainment, we win also the unity in Beatitude and the harmonised diversity in Love, so that all relations of the play remain possible to us even while we retain on the heights of our being the eternal oneness with the Beloved. And by a similar wideness, being capable of a freedom in spirit that embraces life and does not depend upon withdrawal from life, we are able to become without egoism, bondage or reaction the channel in our mind and body for a divine action poured out freely upon the world.

The divine existence is of the nature not only of freedom, but of purity, beatitude and perfection. In integral purity which shall enable on the one hand the perfect reflection of the divine Being in ourselves and on the other the perfect outpouring of its Truth and Law in us in the terms of life and through the right functioning of the complex instrument we are in our outer parts, is the condition of an integral liberty. Its result is an integral beatitude, in which there becomes possible at once the Ānanda of all that is in the world seen as symbols of the Divine and the Ānanda of that which is not-world. And it prepares the integral perfection of our humanity as a type of the Divine in the conditions of the human manifestation, a perfection founded on a certain free universality of being, of love and joy, of play of knowledge and of play of will in power and will in unegoistic action. This integrality also can be attained by the integral Yoga.

Sādhanā of the Integral Yoga does not proceed through any set mental teaching or prescribed forms of meditation, mantras or others, but by aspiration, by a self-concentration inwards or upwards, by a self-opening to an Influence, to the Divine Power above us and its workings, to the Divine Presence in the heart and by the rejection of all that is foreign to these things. It is only by faith, aspiration and surrender that this self-opening can come.

The yoga does not proceed by upadeśa but by inner influence.

Integral Yoga and Gita ::: The Gita’s Yoga consists in the offering of one’s work as a sacrifice to the Divine, the conquest of desire, egoless and desireless action, bhakti for the Divine, an entering into the cosmic consciousness, the sense of unity with all creatures, oneness with the Divine. This yoga adds the bringing down of the supramental Light and Force (its ultimate aim) and the transformation of the nature.

Our yoga is not identical with the yoga of the Gita although it contains all that is essential in the Gita’s yoga. In our yoga we begin with the idea, the will, the aspiration of the complete surrender; but at the same time we have to reject the lower nature, deliver our consciousness from it, deliver the self involved in the lower nature by the self rising to freedom in the higher nature. If we do not do this double movement, we are in danger of making a tamasic and therefore unreal surrender, making no effort, no tapas and therefore no progress ; or else we make a rajasic surrender not to the Divine but to some self-made false idea or image of the Divine which masks our rajasic ego or something still worse.

Integral Yoga, Gita and Tantra ::: The Gita follows the Vedantic tradition which leans entirely on the Ishvara aspect of the Divine and speaks little of the Divine Mother because its object is to draw back from world-nature and arrive at the supreme realisation beyond it.

The Tantric tradition leans on the Shakti or Ishvari aspect and makes all depend on the Divine Mother because its object is to possess and dominate the world-nature and arrive at the supreme realisation through it.

This yoga insists on both the aspects; the surrender to the Divine Mother is essential, for without it there is no fulfilment of the object of the yoga.

Integral Yoga and Hatha-Raja Yogas ::: For an integral yoga the special methods of Rajayoga and Hathayoga may be useful at times in certain stages of the progress, but are not indispensable. Their principal aims must be included in the integrality of the yoga; but they can be brought about by other means. For the methods of the integral yoga must be mainly spiritual, and dependence on physical methods or fixed psychic or psychophysical processes on a large scale would be the substitution of a lower for a higher action. Integral Yoga and Kundalini Yoga: There is a feeling of waves surging up, mounting to the head, which brings an outer unconsciousness and an inner waking. It is the ascending of the lower consciousness in the ādhāra to meet the greater consciousness above. It is a movement analogous to that on which so much stress is laid in the Tantric process, the awakening of the Kundalini, the Energy coiled up and latent in the body and its mounting through the spinal cord and the centres (cakras) and the Brahmarandhra to meet the Divine above. In our yoga it is not a specialised process, but a spontaneous upnish of the whole lower consciousness sometimes in currents or waves, sometimes in a less concrete motion, and on the other side a descent of the Divine Consciousness and its Force into the body.

Integral Yoga and other Yogas ::: The old yogas reach Sachchidananda through the spiritualised mind and depart into the eternally static oneness of Sachchidananda or rather pure Sat (Existence), absolute and eternal or else a pure Non-exist- ence, absolute and eternal. Ours having realised Sachchidananda in the spiritualised mind plane proceeds to realise it in the Supramcntal plane.

The suprcfhe supra-cosmic Sachchidananda is above all. Supermind may be described as its power of self-awareness and W’orld- awareness, the world being known as within itself and not out- side. So to live consciously in the supreme Sachchidananda one must pass through the Supermind.

Distinction ::: The realisation of Self and of the Cosmic being (without which the realisation of the Self is incomplete) are essential steps in our yoga ; it is the end of other yogas, but it is, as it were, the beginning of outs, that is to say, the point where its own characteristic realisation can commence.

It is new as compared with the old yogas (1) Because it aims not at a departure out of world and life into Heaven and Nir- vana, but at a change of life and existence, not as something subordinate or incidental, but as a distinct and central object.

If there is a descent in other yogas, yet it is only an incident on the way or resulting from the ascent — the ascent is the real thing. Here the ascent is the first step, but it is a means for the descent. It is the descent of the new coosdousness attain- ed by the ascent that is the stamp and seal of the sadhana. Even the Tantra and Vaishnavism end in the release from life ; here the object is the divine fulfilment of life.

(2) Because the object sought after is not an individual achievement of divine realisation for the sake of the individual, but something to be gained for the earth-consciousness here, a cosmic, not solely a supra-cosmic acbievement. The thing to be gained also is the bringing of a Power of consciousness (the Supramental) not yet organised or active directly in earth-nature, even in the spiritual life, but yet to be organised and made directly active.

(3) Because a method has been preconized for achieving this purpose which is as total and integral as the aim set before it, viz., the total and integral change of the consciousness and nature, taking up old methods, but only as a part action and present aid to others that are distinctive.

Integral Yoga and Patanjali Yoga ::: Cilia is the stuff of mixed mental-vital-physical consciousness out of which arise the movements of thought, emotion, sensation, impulse etc.

It is these that in the Patanjali system have to be stilled altogether so that the consciousness may be immobile and go into Samadhi.

Our yoga has a different function. The movements of the ordinary consciousness have to be quieted and into the quietude there has to be brought down a higher consciousness and its powers which will transform the nature.

intrigue ::: v. i. --> To form a plot or scheme; to contrive to accomplish a purpose by secret artifice.
To carry on a secret and illicit love or amour.
Intricacy; complication.
A complicated plot or scheme intended to effect some purpose by secret artifice; conspiracy; stratagem.
The plot or romance; a complicated scheme of designs, actions, and events.

It is as the love of the Divine grows that other things cease to trouble the mind.

"It is only divine Love which can bear the burden I have to bear, that all have to bear who have sacrificed everything else to the one aim of uplifting earth out of its darkness towards the Divine.” On Himself

“It is only divine Love which can bear the burden I have to bear, that all have to bear who have sacrificed everything else to the one aim of uplifting earth out of its darkness towards the Divine.” On Himself

It is only the ordinaiy vital emotions which waste the energy and disturb the concentration and peace that have to be dis- couraged. Emotion itself is not a bad thing ; it is a necessary part of nature and psychic emoiion is one of the most powerful helps to the sadhana. Psychic emotion, bringing tears of love for the Divine or tears of Ananda, ought not to be suppressed ::: it is only a vital mixture that brings disturbance in the sadhana.

I would myself say that bliss and oneness are the essential condition of the absolute reality, and love as the most characteristic dynamic power of bliss and oneness must support fundamentally and colour their activities; …” Letters on Yoga

jealous ::: a. --> Zealous; solicitous; vigilant; anxiously watchful.
Apprehensive; anxious; suspiciously watchful.
Exacting exclusive devotion; intolerant of rivalry.
Disposed to suspect rivalry in matters of interest and affection; apprehensive regarding the motives of possible rivals, or the fidelity of friends; distrustful; having morbid fear of rivalry in love or preference given to another; painfully suspicious of the faithfulness of husband, wife, or lover.

jealousy ::: mental uneasiness from suspicion or fear of rivalry, unfaithfulness, etc., as in love or aims.

jealousy ::: n. --> The quality of being jealous; earnest concern or solicitude; painful apprehension of rivalship in cases nearly affecting one&

Jhumur: “Awe inspiring fear. It is through fear that these forces rule, not through love, not through grace, not through compassion but through terror. There is a very strong tendency in man to regard these dark forces as superior beings. There has long been a vital attraction for them, devil worship, etc. because they give you power, they seem to give you power, power to the ego and Mother says that power will be one of the last things to accept the change. Man’s lust for power is not easily relinquished– he doesn’t feel like giving that up.”

Jhumur: “Intolerance and selfishness that are sometimes expressions of human passions—all the violence that accompanies them. It is the nature of the vital that we destroy what we love most.”

Jhumur: “You have the same word in French, capte—like a receiver that catches signals. I believe Sri Aurobindo often uses French words with the French connotation. Particularly I have noticed that sometimes he uses the word amour instead of love. When I asked myself why did he have to use a French word here, perhaps because it was a different kind of love, not the usual, something other. Time’s amour-song he says, and not a love song. There is something different about that song. It is not just a love song. It suggests something other when he uses a word from another language. It is not love that we ordinarily understand, he has added a quality of something special or rare or unusual by utilizing the same word but in another language. It gives it another colour.”

jilt ::: n. --> A woman who capriciously deceives her lover; a coquette; a flirt. ::: v. t. --> To cast off capriciously or unfeeling, as a lover; to deceive in love.

joy ::: n. --> The passion or emotion excited by the acquisition or expectation of good; pleasurable feelings or emotions caused by success, good fortune, and the like, or by a rational prospect of possessing what we love or desire; gladness; exhilaration of spirits; delight.
That which causes joy or happiness.
The sign or exhibition of joy; gayety; mirth; merriment; festivity.

"Kali is Krishna revealed as dreadful Power & wrathful Love. She slays with her furious blows the self in body, life & mind in order to liberate it as spirit eternal.” Essays Divine and Human

“Kali is Krishna revealed as dreadful Power & wrathful Love. She slays with her furious blows the self in body, life & mind in order to liberate it as spirit eternal.” Essays Divine and Human

kid ::: n. --> A young goat.
A young child or infant; hence, a simple person, easily imposed on.
A kind of leather made of the skin of the young goat, or of the skin of rats, etc.
Gloves made of kid.
A small wooden mess tub; -- a name given by sailors to one in which they receive their food.

killdeer ::: n. --> A small American plover (Aegialitis vocifera).

kiss ::: v. t. --> To salute with the lips, as a mark of affection, reverence, submission, forgiveness, etc.
To touch gently, as if fondly or caressingly. ::: v. i. --> To make or give salutation with the lips in token of love, respect, etc.; as, kiss and make friends.

"Krishna as a godhead is the Lord of Ananda, Love and Bhakti; as an incarnation, he manifests the union of wisdom (Jnana) and works and leads the earth-evolution through this towards union with the Divine by Ananda, Love and Bhakti.” Letters on Yoga

“Krishna as a godhead is the Lord of Ananda, Love and Bhakti; as an incarnation, he manifests the union of wisdom (Jnana) and works and leads the earth-evolution through this towards union with the Divine by Ananda, Love and Bhakti.” Letters on Yoga

::: "Krishna with Radha is the symbol of the Divine Love.” Letters on Yoga

“Krishna with Radha is the symbol of the Divine Love.” Letters on Yoga

ladylove ::: n. --> A sweetheart or mistress.

lapwing ::: n. --> A small European bird of the Plover family (Vanellus cristatus, or V. vanellus). It has long and broad wings, and is noted for its rapid, irregular fight, upwards, downwards, and in circles. Its back is coppery or greenish bronze. Its eggs are the "plover&

leaved ::: imp. & p. p. --> of Leave ::: a. --> Bearing, or having, a leaf or leaves; having folds; -- used in combination; as, a four-leaved clover; a two-leaved gate; long-leaved.

leguminous ::: a. --> Pertaining to pulse; consisting of pulse.
Belonging to, or resembling, a very large natural order of plants (Leguminosae), which bear legumes, including peas, beans, clover, locust trees, acacias, and mimosas.

lief ::: n. --> Same as Lif.
Dear; beloved.
Pleasing; agreeable; acceptable; preferable.
A dear one; a sweetheart. ::: adv. --> Willing; disposed.

limicolae ::: n. pl. --> A group of shore birds, embracing the plovers, sandpipers, snipe, curlew, etc. ; the Grallae.

litter ::: n. --> A bed or stretcher so arranged that a person, esp. a sick or wounded person, may be easily carried in or upon it.
Straw, hay, etc., scattered on a floor, as bedding for animals to rest on; also, a covering of straw for plants.
Things lying scattered about in a manner indicating slovenliness; scattered rubbish.
Disorder or untidiness resulting from scattered rubbish, or from thongs lying about uncared for; as, a room in a state of litter.

Lnow'ledce, His love and delight In the end all our thoughts, feelings, impulses, actions will begm to proceed from Him and chance info some divine seed and form of themselves , in our whole mner Iivinc we shall have grown consaous of ourselves as a part of His being till between the existence of the Divine whom we adore and our own hves there is no longer anj divi- sion

loneliness ::: n. --> The condition of being lonely; solitude; seclusion.
The state of being unfrequented by human beings; as, the loneliness of a road.
Love of retirement; disposition to solitude.
A feeling of depression resulting from being alone.

longeval ::: a. --> Long-loved; longevous.

lovd"st ::: a native English contracted form of the verb to love, now only in formal and poetic usage.

LOVE. ::: Love must be turned singly towards the Divine. What men call by that name is a vita! interchange for mental satis- faction of desire, vital impulse or physical pleasure.

love, divine ::: see divine love

". . . love is the crown of knowledge; for love is the delight of union, and unity must be conscious of joy of union to find all the riches of its own delight. Perfect knowledge indeed leads to perfect love, integral knowledge to a rounded and multitudinous richness of love.” The Synthesis of Yoga

“… love is the crown of knowledge; for love is the delight of union, and unity must be conscious of joy of union to find all the riches of its own delight. Perfect knowledge indeed leads to perfect love, integral knowledge to a rounded and multitudinous richness of love.” The Synthesis of Yoga

lovely ::: 1. Having a beauty that appeals to the heart or mind as well as to the eye; charmingly or exquisitely beautiful. 2. Of a great spiritual beauty. lovelier, loveliness.

lover ::: 1. Someone who loves a specified person, thing, ideal, etc. 2. A person who is in love with another. Lover, lover"s, Lover"s, lovers.

love ::: Sri Aurobindo: "Love is an intense self-expression of the soul of Ananda.” *Letters on Yoga

lovest ::: a native English form of the verb, to love, now only in formal and poetic usage.

love to touch.

love, universal

LOVE (WAY OF). Vide Bhakli Yoga.

lov"st ::: a native English contracted form of the verb to love, now only in formal and poetic usage.

lust ::: “Lust is the perversion or degradation which prevents love from establishing its reign: …” Letters on Yoga

LUST. ::: Lust is the perversion or degradation which prevents love from establishing its reign.

Madhav: “Rose, here, signifies Divine Love. It is deathless because it is immortal. They are realms of pure Love. Read Sri Aurobindo in his sonnet, Light: . . . in my heart where blooms deathless rose.” The Book of the Divine Mother

MAHALAKSHMI ::: Goddess of the supreme love and delight ; her gifts are the spirits grace and the charm and beauty of the Ananda and protection and every divine and human blessing.

Master ::: “The Master and Mover of our works is the One, the Universal and Supreme, the Eternal and Infinite. He is the transcendent unknown or unknowable Absolute, the unexpressed and unmanifested Ineffable above us; but he is also the Self of all beings, the Master of all worlds, transcending all worlds, the Light and the Guide, the All-Beautiful and All-Blissful, the Beloved and the Lover. He is the Cosmic Spirit and all-creating Energy around us; he is the Immanent within us. All that is is he, and he is the More than all that is, and we ourselves, though we know it not, are being of his being, force of his force, conscious with a consciousness derived from his; even our mortal existence is made out of his substance and there is an immortal within us that is a spark of the Light and Bliss that are for ever. No matter whether by knowledge, works, love or any other means, to become aware of this truth of our being, to realise it, to make it effective here or elsewhere is the object of all Yoga.” The Life Divine

::: "Meditation, by the way, is a process leading towards knowledge and through knowledge, it is a thing of the head and not of the heart, so if you want dhyana , you can"t have an aversion to knowledge. Concentration in the heart is not meditation, it is a call on the Divine, on the Beloved.” Letters on Yoga

“Meditation, by the way, is a process leading towards knowledge and through knowledge, it is a thing of the head and not of the heart, so if you want dhyana , you can’t have an aversion to knowledge. Concentration in the heart is not meditation, it is a call on the Divine, on the Beloved.” Letters on Yoga

Menial Bhakti is simply worship in the thought and idea without love In the heart.

Mind and the Divine Sakti ::: Be on your guard and do not try to understand and judge the Divine Mother by your little earthly mind that loves to subject even the things that arc beyond it to its own norms and standards, its narrow reasonings and erring impressions, its bottomless aggressive ignorance and its petty self-confident knowledge. The human mind shut in the prison of its half-lit obscurity cannot follow the many-sided freedom of the steps of the Divine Shakti. The rapidity and com- plexity of her vision and action outrun its stumbling comprehen- sion ; the measures of her movement are not its measures. Open rather your soul to her and be content to feel her with the psychic nature and see her with the psychic vision that alone make a straight response to the Truth.

mother ::: Sri Aurobindo: "The One whom we adore as the Mother is the divine Conscious Force that dominates all existence, one and yet so many-sided that to follow her movement is impossible even for the quickest mind and for the freest and most vast intelligence. The Mother is the consciousness and force of the Supreme and far above all she creates.” The Mother ::: "The one original transcendent Shakti, the Mother stands above all the worlds and bears in her eternal consciousness the Supreme Divine.

"That which we call Nature or Prakriti is only her [the Mother"s] most outward executive aspect; she marshals and arranges the harmony of her forces and processes, impels the operations of Nature and moves among them secret or manifest in all that can be seen or experienced or put into motion of life.” *The Mother

:   "The Mother comes in order to bring down the Supramental and it is the descent which makes her full manifestation here possible.” *Letters on the Mother

  "When one does sadhana, the inner consciousness begins to open and one is able to go inside and have all kinds of experiences there. As the sadhana progresses, one begins to live more and more in this inner being and the outer becomes more and more superficial. At first the inner consciousness seems to be the dream and the outer the waking reality. Afterwards the inner consciousness becomes the reality and the outer is felt by many as a dream or delusion, or else as something superficial and external. The inner consciousness begins to be a place of deep peace, light, happiness, love, closeness to the Divine or the presence of the Divine, the Mother.” Letters on Yoga :::   **mighty Mother, World-Mother, World-Mother"s.**

Mother take its place. C^st from the mind all insistence on your personal ideas and judgment, then you will have the wisdom to understand her. Let there be no obsession of self-will, ego- drive in the action, love of persona! authority, attachment to personal preference, then the Mother's force will be able to act eJeariy in you and you ivifl get the inexhaustible energy for which you ask and your service will be perfect.

MOTIVE. ::: The soul vrithin has always an inherent yearning for the Divine ; the special motive is simply an impulsion used by it to get the mind and the wtal to follow the inner urge. If the mind and the vital can feel and accept the soul’s sheer love for the Divine for his own sake, then the sadhana gets its full

NARADA. ::: Stands for the expression of the Divine Love and Knowledge.

Narad ::: “Narada stands for the expression of the Divine Love and Knowledge.” Letters on Yoga

Nature’s purpose. Love can last or satisfy only if it bases itself on the soul and spirit, if it has its roots there. But that means living no longer in the vital but in the soul and spirit.

Nolini: “Morning star—Venus, Goddess of Love—embodying new Creation. Mother India—Nolini’s reply to a question from Huta.

not evoking feelings of love or affection; unattractive, unpleasant, repellent. unloveliness.

Not only can surrender come by love, but love also can come by surrender or grow with it from an imperfect to a perfect Jove.

One can love divinely only by becoming divine in nature ; there is no other way.

*One dealt with her who meets the burdened great. ::: Q. "Who is ‘One" here? Is it Love, the godhead mentioned before? If not, does this ‘dubious godhead with his torch of pain" correspond to the ‘image white and high of godlike pain" spoken of a little earlier? Or is it time whose ‘snare" occurs in the last line of the preceding passage?”

One is not jealous if one has the true love.

"One starts by an intense idea and will to know or reach the Divine and surrenders more and more one"s ordinary personal ideas, desires, attachments, urges to action or habits of action so that the Divine may take up everything. Surrender means that, to give up our little mind and its mental ideas and preferences into a divine Light and a greater Knowledge, our petty personal troubled blind stumbling will into a great, calm, tranquil, luminous Will and Force, our little, restless, tormented feelings into a wide intense divine Love and Ananda, our small suffering personality into the one Person of which it is an obscure outcome.” Letters on Yoga

“One starts by an intense idea and will to know or reach the Divine and surrenders more and more one’s ordinary personal ideas, desires, attachments, urges to action or habits of action so that the Divine may take up everything. Surrender means that, to give up our little mind and its mental ideas and preferences into a divine Light and a greater Knowledge, our petty personal troubled blind stumbling will into a great, calm, tranquil, luminous Will and Force, our little, restless, tormented feelings into a wide intense divine Love and Ananda, our small suffering personality into the one Person of which it is an obscure outcome.” Letters on Yoga

on the satisfaction of cgo-dcsire or on the eating up of the fuel it embraces. It is a while flame, not a red one ; but white heat is not inferior to the red variety in its ardour. It is true that the psychic love does not usually get its full play in human rela- tions and human nature ; it finds the fullness of -its fire and ecstasy more easily when it is lifted towards the Divine. In the human relation the psychic love gets mixed up with other ele- ments which seek at once to use it and overshadow it. It gels an outlet for its o^vn full intensities only at rare moments. Other- wise it comes in only as an element, but even so it contributes all the higher things in a love fundamentally vital-— all the finer sweetness, tenderness, fidelity, self-giving, self-sacrifice, rcachings of soul to soul, idealising sublimations that lift up human love beyond itself, come from the psychic. If it could dominate and govern and transmute the other elements, mental, vital, phj-sieal, of human love, then love could be on the earth some reflection or preparation of the real thing, an integral union of the soul and its instruments in a dual life.

our inner being we can grow one body with it. Sometimes the rapidity of this change depends on the strength of our longing for the Divine thus revealed, and on the intensity of our force of seeking ; but at others it proceeds rather by a passive sur- render to the rhythms of his all-wise working which acts always by its own at first inscrutable method. But the latter becomes the foundation when our love and trust are complete and our whole being lies in the clasp of a Power that is perfect love and wisdom.

pamful, first, because it is obscure and docs not understand and, secondly, because there arc parts of it that want to be left to their crude notions and not to change. That is why the inter- vention of a psychic attitude is so heJpfuI. For the psychic has the happy confidence, the ready understanding and response, the spontaneous surrender ; it knows that the touch of the Guru is meant to help and not to hurt, or, like Radha in the poem, that whatever the Beloved does is meant to lead to the Divine

paradise ::: 1. The abode of righteous souls after death; heaven. 2. A place of ideal beauty or loveliness. 3. Fig A state of delight. Paradise, paradisal.

paramour ::: a lover.

passion ::: n. 1. Suffering. 2. A powerful emotion, such as love, joy, hatred, or anger. 3. An abandoned display of emotion, especially of anger. 4. Strong sexual desire; lust. 5. Violent anger. 6. The sufferings of Jesus in the period following the Last Supper and including the Crucifixion, as related in the New Testament. passion"s, passions, world-passion. adj. **passioning. v. 7. To be affected by intense emotions such as love, joy, hatred, anger, etc. passions, passioned, passioning, passion-tranced. ::: **

Pink or Pale-Rose ::: characteristic colour of the psychic ; psychic love. Reddish pink rose; psychic love or surrender.

"Pity is sometimes a good substitute for love; but it is always no more than a substitute.” Essays Divine and Human

“Pity is sometimes a good substitute for love; but it is always no more than a substitute.” Essays Divine and Human

pity ::: “Pity may be reserved, so long as thy soul makes distinctions, for the suffering animals; but humanity deserves from thee something nobler; it asks for love, for understanding, for comradeship, for the help of the equal & brother.”

PRAYER. ::: The life of man is a life of wants and needs and therefore of desires, not only in his physical and vital, but in his mental and spiritual being. When he becomes conscious of a greater Power governing the world, he approaches it through prayer for the fulfilment of his needs, for help in his rough journey, for protection and aid in his struggle. Whatever crudi- ties there may be in the ordinary religious approach to God by prayer, and there are many, especially that attitude which ima- gines the Divine as if capable of being propitiated, bribed, flat- tered into acquiescence or indulgence by praise, entreaty and gifts and has often little te^td to the spirit in which he is approached, still this way of turning to the Divine is an essen- tial movement of our religious being and reposes on a universal truth.

The efficacy of prayer is often doubted and prayer itself supposed to be a thing irrational and necessarily superfluous and ineffective. It is true that the universal will executes always its aim and cannot be deflected by egoistic propitiation and entreaty, it is true of the Transcendent who expresses himself in the universal order that, being omniscient, his larger knowledge must foresee the thing to be done and it does not need direction or stimulation by human thought and that the individual's desires are not and cannot be in any world-order the true determining factor. But neither is that order or the execution of the universal will altogether effected by mechanical Law, but by powers and forces of which for human life at least, human will, aspiration and faith are not among the least important. Prayer is only a particular form given to that will, aspiration and faith. Its forms are very often crude and not only childlike, which is in itself no defect, but childish; but still it has a real power and significance. Its power and sense is to put the will, aspiration and faith of man into touch with the divine Will as that of a conscious Being with whom we can enter into conscious and living relations. For our will and aspiration can act either by our own strength and endeavour, which can no doubt be made a thing great and effective whether for lower or higher purposes, -and there are plenty of disciplines which put it forward as the one force to be used, -- or it can act in dependence upon and with subordination to the divine or the universal Will. And this latter way, again, may either look upon that Will as responsive indeed to our aspiration, but almost mechanically, by a sort of law of energy, or at any rate quite impersonally, or else it may look upon it as responding consciously to the divine aspiration and faith of the human soul and consciously bringing to it the help, the guidance, the protection and fruition demanded, yogaksemam vahamyaham. ~ TSOY, SYN

Prayer helps to prepare this relation for us at first on the lower plane even while it is (here consistent with much that is mere egoism and self-delusion; but afterwards we can draw towards the spiritual truth which is behind it. It is not then the givinc of the thing asked for that matters, but the relation itself, the contact of man’s life with God, the conscious interchange.

In spiritual matters and in the seeking of spiritual gains, this conscious relation is a great power; it is a much greater power than our own entirely self-reliant struggle and effort and it brings a fuller spiritual growth and experience. Necessarily, in the end prayer either ceases in the greater thing for which it prepared us, -- in fact the form we call prayer is not itself essential so long as the faith, the will, the aspiration are there, -- or remains only for the joy of the relation. Also its objects, the artha or interest it seeks to realise, become higher and higher until we reach the highest motiveless devotion, which is that of divine love pure and simple without any other demand or longing.

Prayer for others ::: The fact of praying and the attitude it brings, especially unselfish prayer for others, itself opens you to the higher Power, even if there is no corresponding result in the person prayed for. 'Nothing can be positively said about that, for the result must necessarily depend on the persons, whe- ther they arc open or receptive or something in them can res- pond to any Force the prayer brings down.

Prayer must well up from the heart on a crest of emotion or aspiration.

Prayer {Ideal)'. Not prayer insisting on immediate fulfilment, but prayer that is itself a communion of the mind and heart with the Divine*and can have the joy and satisfaction of itself, trusting for fulfilment by the Divine in his own time.

Prema Nandakumar: “The title itself, at any rate to Hindu ears, is charged with untold significance. A very gem of a title, Savitri has a self-sufficing beauty of its own; trisyllabic, trinitarian, a union of light, strength and silence, three circles radiating from one centre, Love. Again, ‘Savitri’, being the other name of the holiest and hoariest of the Vedic mantras—the Gayatri—which for some thousands of years Hindus have chanted morning, noon and evening, at once starts psychic vibrations of incommensurable potency.” A Study of Savitri

prized ::: much loved; esteemed; valued.

Psychic being has in itself no desires, it has only aspiration and a seeking and love for the Divine and all things that are or tend towards the Divine.

Psychic contribution ::: The contribution of the psychic being to the sadhana is ; love and bhakti, a love not vital, demanding and egoistic but unconditioned and without claims, self-existent ; the contact or the presence of the Mother within ; the unerring guidance from within ; a quieting and purification of the mind, vital and physical consciousness by their subjection to the psychic influence and guidance ; the opening up of all this lower cons- ciousness to the higher spiritual consciousness above for its des- cent into a nature prepared to receive it with a complete recepti- vity and right attitude — for the psychic brings in everything, right thought, right perception, right feeling, right attitude.

PSYCHICISATION. ::: Change of the lower nature bringing right vision into the mind, right impulse and feeling into the vital, ri^t movement and habit into the physical — all turned towards the Divine, all based on love, adoration, bhakti — finally the vision and sense of the Mother everywhere in all as w’ell as in the heart, her Force working in the being, faith, con- secration, surrender.

Psychic love and spiriitial ::: The true love for the Divine is in its fundamental nature psychic and spiritual. The psychic element is the need of the inmost being for self-giving, love, adoration, union which can only be fully satisfied by the Divine

Psychic love does not exclude discrimination.

Psychic love finds itself wholly when it is the radiation of the diviner consciousness for t^hich uc arc seeking; till then it is diflicult for it to put out its undimmed integral self and figure.

Psychic love is distingubhed by an essential purity and selfless- ness, but the vital can put on a very brilliant imitation of that character, when it likes.

Psydtlc light ::: The colour of the psychic light is according to what it manifests, e.g. psychic love is pink or rose, the psychic purity is white etc.

Q.”Who is ‘One’ here? Is it Love, the godhead mentioned before? If not, does this ‘dubious godhead with his torch of pain’ correspond to the ‘image white and high of godlike pain’ spoken of a little earlier? Or is it time whose ‘snare’ occurs in the last line of the preceding passage?”

RADHA-KRISHNA. ::: The true symbol for it would not be the human sex-attraction, but the soul, the psychic, hearing the call of the Divine and flowering into the complete love and sur- render that brings the supreme Ananda.

RaDHA. ::: Personification of the absolute love for the Divine, total and integral in all parts of the being from the highest spiri- tual to the physical, bringing the absolute self-giving and total consecration of all the being and calling down into the body and the most material nature the supreme Ananda.

Radha ::: “Radha is the personification of the absolute love for the Divine, total and integral in all parts of the being from the highest spiritual to the physical, bringing the absolute self-giving and total consecration of all the being and calling down into the body and the most material nature the supreme Ananda.” Letters on Yoga

ravishing ::: 1. Extremely delightful; very lovely. 2. Extremely beautiful or attractive; enchanting; entrancing.

Red ; Deep red is the Divine Love. Deep red light is tlic light that comes down into the physical for its change. It is associated with the sunlight and the golden light. Golden red is the colour of the supramcntal physical light. The golden red light has a strong transforming power. Rosy red is the psychic love.

Red lotus is either the consciousness reddening to the colour of Divine Love or else the symbol of the Divine Presence on earth.

Returns of an old nature that is long expelled from the con- scious part of the being always happen in sadhana. It docs not at all mean that the nature is unchangeable. Try to recover the inner quietude, draw back from these movements and look at them calmly, reducing them to their true proportions. Your true nature is that in which you have peace and Ananda and the love of the Divine. This other B only a fringe of the outer personality which in spite of these returns is destined to drop away as the true being extends and increases.

romance ::: 1. A long medieval narrative in prose or verse that tells of the adventures and heroic exploits of chivalric heroes. 2. The colourful world, life, or conditions as in novels and other prose narratives depicting heroic or marvellous deeds and pageantry. 3. A love affair.

Samipya-miikti ; Eternal love and adoration in a uniting nearness ; eternal nearness.

Satyavan ::: “Son of King Dyumatsena; the tale of Satyavan and Savitri is told in the Mahabharata as a story of conjugal love conquering death.” Glossary and Index of Proper Names in Sri Aurobindo’s Works

satyavan ::: "Son of King Dyumatsena; the tale of Satyavan and Savitri is told in the Mahabharata as a story of conjugal love conquering death.” *Glossary and Index of Proper Names in Sri Aurobindo"s Works

savitri ::: "In the Mahabharata, the heroine of the tale of Satyavan and Savitri; . . . . She was the daughter of King Ashwapati, and lover of Satyavan, whom she married although she was warned by Narada that he had only one year to live. On the fatal day, when Yama carried off Satyavan"s spirit, she followed him with unswerving devotion. Ultimately Yama was constrained to restore her husband to life.” *Glossary and Index of Proper Names in Sri Aurobindo"s Works

  Sri Aurobindo: "Savitri is the Divine Word, daughter of the Sun, goddess of the supreme Truth who comes down and is born to save; . . . .” (Author"s note at beginning of Savitri.)

  "Savitri is represented in the poem as an incarnation of the Divine Mother . . . .” Letters on Savitri

The Mother: "Savitri [the poem] is a mantra for the transformation of the world.” Spoken to Udar

Savitri ::: “In the Mahabharata, the heroine of the tale of Satyavan and Savitri; . . . . She was the daughter of King Ashwapati, and lover of Satyavan, whom she married although she was warned by Narada that he had only one year to live. On the fatal day, when Yama carried off Satyavan’s spirit, she followed him with unswerving devotion. Ultimately Yama was constrained to restore her husband to life.” Glossary and Index of Proper Names in Sri Aurobindo’s Works

Self-existent transcendent Love spreading itself over all, turn- ing’ everywhere to contain, embrace, unite, help, upraise towards love and bliss and oneness, becomes cosmic divine Love.

slipshod ::: careless, untidy or slovenly.

smite ::: 1. To inflict a heavy blow on, with or as if with the hand, a tool, or a weapon. 2. To deliver or deal (a blow, hit, etc.) by striking hard. 3. To affect, imbue, impress, strike suddenly or strongly with some feeling or sentiment. 4. To afflict or attack with deadly or disastrous effect. 5. To strike down, injure, or slay. 6. To affect suddenly with deep feeling; aflame with love. 7. To affect sharply, impress favourably. 8. To strike forcibly or abruptly as the sun beats down on. Also fig. smites, smiting, smitten, form-smitten.

Spirit, the absolute impersonal Divine. Those who go through the heart (love, bhakd) do not accept taya. they believe in a state beyond of eternal companionship with the Divine or dwell- ing in the Divine without fayo.

Sri Aurobindo: "Beauty is the special divine Manifestation in the physical as Truth is in the Mind, Love in the heart, Power in the vital.” *The Future Poetry

Sri Aurobindo: “Love fulfilled does not exclude knowledge, but itself brings knowledge; and the completer the knowledge, the richer the possibility of love. ‘By Bhakti’ says the Lord in the Gita ‘shall a man know Me in all my extent and greatness and as I am in the principles of my being, and when he has known Me in the principles of my being, then he enters into Me.’ Love without knowledge is a passionate and intense, but blind, crude, often dangerous thing, a great power, but also a stumbling-block; love, limited in knowledge, condemns itself in its fervour and often by its very fervour to narrowness; but love leading to perfect knowledge brings the infinite and absolute union. Such love is not inconsistent with, but rather throws itself with joy into divine works; for it loves God and is one with him in all his being, and therefore in all beings, and to work for the world is then to feel and fulfil multitudinously one’s love for God. This is the trinity of our powers, [work, knowledge, love] the union of all three in God to which we arrive when we start on our journey by the path of devotion with Love for the Angel of the Way to find in the ecstasy of the divine delight of the All-Lover’s being the fulfilment of ours, its secure home and blissful abiding-place and the centre of its universal radiation.” The Synthesis of Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: " Love? It is not Love who meets the burdened great and governs the fate of men! Nor is it Pain. Time also does not do these things — it only provides the field and movement of events. If I had wanted to give a name, I would have done it, but it has purposely to be left nameless because it is indefinable. He may use Love or Pain or Time or any of these powers but is not any of them. You can call him the Master of the Evolution, if you like. Letters of Savitri

Sri Aurobindo: “ Love? It is not Love who meets the burdened great and governs the fate of men! Nor is it Pain. Time also does not do these things—it only provides the field and movement of events. If I had wanted to give a name, I would have done it, but it has purposely to be left nameless because it is indefinable. He may use Love or Pain or Time or any of these powers but is not any of them. You can call him the Master of the Evolution, if you like. Letters of Savitri

Sri Aurobindo: "But when I speak of the Divine Will, I mean something different, — something that has descended here into an evolutionary world of Ignorance, standing at the back of things, pressing on the Darkness with its Light, leading things presently towards the best possible in the conditions of a world of Ignorance and leading it eventually towards a descent of a greater power of the Divine, which will be not an omnipotence held back and conditioned by the law of the world as it is, but in full action and therefore bringing the reign of light, peace, harmony, joy, love, beauty and Ananda, for these are the Divine Nature.” *Letters on Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: "Cruelty transfigured becomes Love that is intolerable ecstasy; . . . .”

Sri Aurobindo: " . . . Divine Love which is at the heart of all creation and the most powerful of all redeeming and creative forces has yet been the least frontally present in earthly life, the least successfully redemptive, the least creative. Human nature has been unable to bear it in its purity for the very reason that it is the most powerful, pure, rare and intense of all the divine energies; what little could be seized has been corrupted at once into a vital pietistic ardour, a defenceless religious or ethical sentimentalism, a sensuous or even sensual erotic mysticism of the roseate coloured mind or passionately turbid life-impulse and with these simulations compensated its inability to house the Mystic Flame that could rebuild the world with its tongues of sacrifice. The Synthesis of Yoga

*Sri Aurobindo: "Emotion itself is not a bad thing; it is a necessary part of the nature, and psychic emotion is one of the most powerful helps to the sadhana. Psychic emotion, bringing tears of love for the Divine or tears of Ananda, ought not to be suppressed: . . . .” Letters on Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: "He is the Cosmic Spirit and all-creating Energy around us; he is the Immanent within us. All that is is he, and he is the More than all that is, and we ourselves, though we know it not, are being of his being, force of his force, conscious with a consciousness derived from his; even our mortal existence is made out of his substance and there is an immortal within us that is a spark of the Light and Bliss that are for ever. No matter whether by knowledge, works, love or any other means, to become aware of this truth of our being, to realise it, to make it effective here or elsewhere is the object of all Yoga.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: "[‘Its passive flower of love and doom it gave."] Good Heavens! how did Gandhi come in there? Passion-flower, sir — passion, not passive.” Letters on Savitri [in reference to a typographical error]

Sri Aurobindo: “[‘Its passive flower of love and doom it gave.’] Good Heavens! how did Gandhi come in there? Passion-flower, sir—passion, not passive.” Letters on Savitri [in reference to a typographical error]

Sri Aurobindo: "Krishna with Radha is the symbol of the Divine Love.” Letters on Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: “Krishna with Radha is the symbol of the Divine Love.” Letters on Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: "Lust is the perversion or degradation which prevents love from establishing its reign: . . . .” Letters on Yoga

:::   Sri Aurobindo: "Narada stands for the expression of the Divine Love and Knowledge.” Letters on Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: “Narada stands for the expression of the Divine Love and Knowledge.” Letters on Yoga

*Sri Aurobindo: "Pity may be reserved, so long as thy soul makes distinctions, for the suffering animals; but humanity deserves from thee something nobler; it asks for love, for understanding, for comradeship, for the help of the equal & brother.” Essays Divine and Human

:::   Sri Aurobindo: "Radha is the personification of the absolute love for the Divine, total and integral in all parts of the being from the highest spiritual to the physical, bringing the absolute self-giving and total consecration of all the being and calling down into the body and the most material nature the supreme Ananda.” *Letters on Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: “Radha is the personification of the absolute love for the Divine, total and integral in all parts of the being from the highest spiritual to the physical, bringing the absolute self-giving and total consecration of all the being and calling down into the body and the most material nature the supreme Ananda.” Letters on Yoga

*Sri Aurobindo: "The flute is the call of the Divine Love;” Letters on Yoga ::: "The flute is the symbol of a call — usually the spiritual call.” Letters on Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: "The Master and Mover of our works is the One, the Universal and Supreme, the Eternal and Infinite. He is the transcendent unknown or unknowable Absolute, the unexpressed and unmanifested Ineffable above us; but he is also the Self of all beings, the Master of all worlds, transcending all worlds, the Light and the Guide, the All-Beautiful and All-Blissful, the Beloved and the Lover. He is the Cosmic Spirit and all-creating Energy around us; he is the Immanent within us. All that is is he, and he is the More than all that is, and we ourselves, though we know it not, are being of his being, force of his force, conscious with a consciousness derived from his; even our mortal existence is made out of his substance and there is an immortal within us that is a spark of the Light and Bliss that are for ever. No matter whether by knowledge, works, love or any other means, to become aware of this truth of our being, to realise it, to make it effective here or elsewhere is the object of all Yoga.” *The Life Divine

Sri Aurobindo: "The Mother not only governs all from above but she descends into this lesser triple universe. Impersonally, all things here, even the movements of the Ignorance, are herself in veiled power and her creations in diminished substance, her Nature-body and Nature-force, and they exist because, moved by the mysterious fiat of the Supreme to work out something that was there in the possibilities of the Infinite, she has consented to the great sacrifice and has put on like a mask the soul and forms of the Ignorance. But personally too she has stooped to descend here into the Darkness that she may lead it to the Light, into the Falsehood and Error that she may convert it to the Truth, into this Death that she may turn it to godlike Life, into this world-pain and its obstinate sorrow and suffering that she may end it in the transforming ecstasy of her sublime Ananda. In her deep and great love for her children she has consented to put on herself the cloak of this obscurity, condescended to bear the attacks and torturing influences of the powers of the Darkness and the Falsehood, borne to pass though the portals of the birth that is a death, taken upon herself the pangs and sorrows and sufferings of the creation, since it seemed that thus alone could it be lifted to the Light and Joy and Truth and eternal Life. This is the great sacrifice called sometimes the sacrifice of the Purusha, but much more deeply the holocaust of Prakriti, the sacrifice of the Divine Mother.” The Mother

Sri Aurobindo: "The nature of Bhakti is adoration, worship, self-offering to what is greater than oneself; the nature of love is a feeling or a seeking for closeness and union. Self-giving is the character of both; both are necessary in the yoga and each gets its full force when supported by the other.” *Letters on Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: "Universal love is the spiritual founded on the sense of the One and the Divine everywhere and the change of the personal into a wide universal consciousness, free from attachment and ignorance.” *Letters on Yoga

  Sri Aurobindo: "Vishnu the all-pervading, the cosmic Deity, the Lover and Friend of our souls, the Lord of the transcendent existence and the transcendent delight.” *The Secret of the Veda

Sri Aurobindo: “Vishnu the all-pervading, the cosmic Deity, the Lover and Friend of our souls, the Lord of the transcendent existence and the transcendent delight.” The Secret of the Veda

Sri Aurobindo: "Who is the superman? He who can rise above this matter-regarding broken mental human unit and possess himself universalised and deified in a divine force, a divine love and joy and a divine knowledge.” *The Hour of God

Sri Krishna is the Lord of the Divine Love and Ananda. His flute calls the physical being to awake out of the attachments of the physical world and turn to that Love and Ananda.

:::   "Sri Krishna . . . Lord of the divine love and Ananda — and his flute calls the physical being to awake out of the attachments of the physical world and turn to that love and Ananda.” *Letters on Yoga

“Sri Krishna . . . Lord of the divine love and Ananda—and his flute calls the physical being to awake out of the attachments of the physical world and turn to that love and Ananda.” Letters on Yoga

superman ::: “Who is the superman? He who can rise above this matter-regarding broken mental human unit and possess himself universalised and deified in a divine force, a divine love and joy and a divine knowledge.” The Hour of God

The Divine Love, unlike the human, is deep and vast and silent ; one must become quiet and wide to be aware of it and reply to it. He must make it his whole object to be surrender- ed so that he may become a vessel and instrument — leaving it to the Divine Wisdom and Love to All him with what is needed.

The Divine reveals himself in the world around us when we look upon that with a spiritual desire of delight that seeks him in all things. There is often a sudden opening by which the veil of forms is itself turned Into a revelation. A universal spiri- tual Presence, a universal peace, a universal infinite Delight has manifested, immanent, embracing, aU-penetraling. This Presence by our love of It, our delight in it, our constant thought of It returns and grows upon us ; it becomes the thing that we see and all else is only its habitation, form and symbol. Even all that is most outward, the body, the form, the sound, "whatever our senses seize, are seen as this Presence ; they cease to be physical and are changed into a substance of spirit. This trans- formation means a transformation of our own inner conscious- ness ; we are taken by the surrounding Presence into itself and

The feelings tbemseives are of many kinds. The word feeling is often used for an emotion, and there can be psychic or spiri- tual emotions which are numbered among yogic experiences, such as a wave of Suddha bhakti or the rising of love towards the

"The general power of Delight is love and the special mould which the joy of love takes is the vision of beauty.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

“The general power of Delight is love and the special mould which the joy of love takes is the vision of beauty.” The Synthesis of Yoga

the method of psychological therapy originated by Sigmund Freud in which free association, dream interpretation, and analysis of resistance and transference are used to explore repressed or unconscious impulses, anxieties, and internal conflicts, in order to free psychic energy for mature love and work.

The more intimate Yo^a of Bhakti resolves itself simply into these four movements, tlic desire of the Soul when it turns towards God and the straining of its emotion towards him, the pain of love and the divine return of love, the delight of love possessed and the play of that delight, and the eternal enjoy- ment of the divine Lover which is the heart of celestial bliss.

The Mother: "Consciousness is indeed the creatrix of the universe, but love is its saviour. . . .” On Education, MCW Vol. 12.

The Mother: “Consciousness is indeed the creatrix of the universe, but love is its saviour….” On Education, MCW Vol. 12.

::: The Mother: "Of all the aspects of the Mother, Kali most powerfully expresses vibrant and active love, and despite her sometimes terrible aspect, she carries in herself the golden splendour of an all-powerful love.” Words of the Mother, MCW Vol. 15*.

The Mother: “Of all the aspects of the Mother, Kali most powerfully expresses vibrant and active love, and despite her sometimes terrible aspect, she carries in herself the golden splendour of an all-powerful love.” Words of the Mother, MCW Vol. 15.

The Mother: "To be humble means for the mind, the vital and the body never to forget that without the Divine they know nothing, are noting and can do nothing; with the Divine they are nothing but ignorance, chaos and impotence. The Divine alone is Truth, Life, Power, Love, Felicity.” Words of the Mother, MCW Vol. 14.

:::   The Mother: "With the Divine"s Love is the power of Transformation. It has this power because it is for the sake of Transformation that it has given itself to the world and manifested everywhere. Not only into man but into all the atoms of Matter it has infused itself in order to bring the world back to the original Truth. The moment you open to it, you also receive its power of Transformation.” Words of the Mother, MCW Vol. 15.

The Mother: “With the Divine’s Love is the power of Transformation. It has this power because it is for the sake of Transformation that it has given itself to the world and manifested everywhere. Not only into man but into all the atoms of Matter it has infused itself in order to bring the world back to the original Truth. The moment you open to it, you also receive its power of Transformation.” Words of the Mother, MCW Vol. 15.

“The nature of Bhakti is adoration, worship, self-offering to what is greater than oneself; the nature of love is a feeling or a seeking for closeness and union. Self-giving is the character of both; both are necessary in the yoga and each gets its full force when supported by the other.” Letters on Yoga

The psychic opening through the heart puts us primarily into connection with the individual Divine, the Divine in his inner relation with us ; it is especially the source of love and bhakti.

There is also the way -of the psychic, — when the psychic being comes out in its inherent power, its consecration, adoration, love of the Divine, self-^ving, surrendei and imposes these on the mind, vital and physical consciousness and compels them to turn all their movements Godward. If the psychic is strong and master throughout, then there is no or little subjective suffering and the objective cannot affect either the sou! or the other parts of the consciousness the way is sunlit and a great joy and sweetness are the note of the whole sadhana.

“There is one cosmic Mind, one cosmic Life, one cosmic Body. All the attempt of man to arrive at universal sympathy, universal love and the understanding and knowledge of the inner soul of other existences is an attempt to beat thin, breach and eventually break down by the power of the enlarging mind and heart the walls of the ego and arrive nearer to a cosmic oneness.” The Synthesis of Yoga

There must be a desceat of the light not merely into the mind or part of it but into all the being down to the physical and below before a real Iransformatioo can take place. A-ligbt in the mind may spiritualise or otherwise change .the mind or part of it in one way or another, but it need not change the vital nature ; a light in the vital may purify and enlarge the vital movements or else silence and immobilise the vital being, but leave the body and the physical consciousness as it was, or even leave it inert or shake its balance. And the descent of Light is not enough, it must be the descent of the whole higher conscious- ness, its Peace, Power, Knowledge, Love, Ananda. Moreover the descent may be enough to liberate, but not to perfect, or it may be enough to make a great change in the inner being, while the outer remains an imperfect instrument, clumsy, sick or inexpressive. Finaliy, transfonnation eflected by the sadhana cannot be complete unless it is a supramenfalisafion of the being.

The true love for the Divine is a self-giving, free of demand, full of submission and surrender ; it makes no claim, imposes no condition, strikes no bargain, indulges in no violences of jealousy or pride or anger — for these things arc not in its composition. In return the Divine Mother also gives herself, but freely — and this represents itself in an inner giving — hei presence in your mind, your vital, your physical consciousness, her power recreating you in the divine nature, taking up aU the move'ments of your being and Erecting them towards perfection and fulfilment, her love enveloping you and carrying you in its arms Godwards.

"The universe is not merely a mathematical formula for working out the relation of certain mental abstractions called numbers and principles to arrive in the end at a zero or a void unit, neither is it merely a physical operation embodying a certain equation of forces. It is the delight of a Self-lover, the play of a Child, the endless self-multiplication of a Poet intoxicated with the rapture of His own power of endless creation.” The Supramental Manifestation

“The universe is not merely a mathematical formula for working out the relation of certain mental abstractions called numbers and principles to arrive in the end at a zero or a void unit, neither is it merely a physical operation embodying a certain equation of forces. It is the delight of a Self-lover, the play of a Child, the endless self-multiplication of a Poet intoxicated with the rapture of His own power of endless creation.” The Supramental Manifestation

“This force that we feel is the universal Force of the Divine, which, veiled or unveiled, acting directly or permitting the use of its powers by beings in the cosmos, is the one Energy that alone exists and alone makes universal or individual action possible. For this force is the Divine itself in the body of its power; all is that, power of act, power of thought and knowledge, power of mastery and enjoyment, power of love. Conscious always and in everything, in ourselves and in others, of the Master of Works possessing, inhabiting, enjoying through this Force that is himself, becoming through it all existences and all happenings, we shall have arrived at the divine union through works and achieved by that fulfilment in works all that others have gained through absolute devotion or through pure knowledge.” The Synthesis of Yoga

"This integral knowledge is the knowledge of the Divine present in the individual; it is the entire experience of the Lord secret in the heart of man, revealed now as the supreme Self of his existence, the Sun of all his illumined consciousness, the Master and Power of all his works, the divine Fountain of all his soul"s love and delight, the Lover and Beloved of his worship and adoration. It is the knowledge too of the Divine extended in the universe, of the Eternal from whom all proceeds and in whom all lives and has its being, of the Self and Spirit of the cosmos, of Vasudeva who has become all this that is, of the Lord of cosmic existence who reigns over the works of Nature. It is the knowledge of the divine Purusha luminous in his transcendent eternity, the form of whose being escapes from the thought of the mind but not from its silence; it is the entire living experience of him as absolute Self, supreme Brahman, supreme Soul, supreme Godhead: for that seemingly incommunicable Absolute is at the same time and even in that highest status the originating Spirit of the cosmic action and Lord of all these existences.” Essays on the Gita*

“This integral knowledge is the knowledge of the Divine present in the individual; it is the entire experience of the Lord secret in the heart of man, revealed now as the supreme Self of his existence, the Sun of all his illumined consciousness, the Master and Power of all his works, the divine Fountain of all his soul’s love and delight, the Lover and Beloved of his worship and adoration. It is the knowledge too of the Divine extended in the universe, of the Eternal from whom all proceeds and in whom all lives and has its being, of the Self and Spirit of the cosmos, of Vasudeva who has become all this that is, of the Lord of cosmic existence who reigns over the works of Nature. It is the knowledge of the divine Purusha luminous in his transcendent eternity, the form of whose being escapes from the thought of the mind but not from its silence; it is the entire living experience of him as absolute Self, supreme Brahman, supreme Soul, supreme Godhead: for that seemingly incommunicable Absolute is at the same time and even in that highest status the originating Spirit of the cosmic action and Lord of all these existences.” Essays on the Gita

Tlie lose that belongs to the spiritual planes is of a dillcrcni kind; the psychic has its own more personal lose, bhalti, sur- render. Love in the higher or spiritual mind is more unisenal and impersonal. The two must go together to male the highest divine los'C.

triune Infinite ::: Sri Aurobindo: "We do not seek to excise from our being all consciousness of the universe, but to realise God, Truth and Self in the universe as well as transcendent of it. We shall seek therefore not only the Ineffable, but also His manifestation as infinite being, consciousness and bliss embracing the universe and at play in it. For that triune infinity is His supreme manifestation and that we shall aspire to know, to share in and to become; and since we seek to realise this Trinity not only in itself but in its cosmic play, we shall aspire also to knowledge of and participation in the universal divine Truth, Knowledge, Will, Love which are His secondary manifestation, His divine becoming. With this too we shall aspire to identify ourselves, towards this too we shall strive to rise and, when the period of effort is passed, allow it by our renunciation of all egoism to draw us up into itself in our being and to descend into us and embrace us in all our becoming.” The Synthesis of Yoga

"True knowledge is to know with the inner being, and when the inner being is touched by the light, then it arises to embrace that which is seen, it yearns to possess, it struggles to shape that in itself and itself to it, it labours to become one with the glory of its vision. Knowledge in this sense is an awakening to identity and, since the inner being realises itself by consciousness and delight, by love, by possession and oneness with whatever of itself it has seen, knowledge awakened must bring an overmastering impulse towards this true and only perfect realisation.” Essays on the Gita

“True knowledge is to know with the inner being, and when the inner being is touched by the light, then it arises to embrace that which is seen, it yearns to possess, it struggles to shape that in itself and itself to it, it labours to become one with the glory of its vision. Knowledge in this sense is an awakening to identity and, since the inner being realises itself by consciousness and delight, by love, by possession and oneness with whatever of itself it has seen, knowledge awakened must bring an overmastering impulse towards this true and only perfect realisation.” Essays on the Gita

True love seeks for union and self-giving and that is the love one must bring to the Divine. Vital (so-called) love brings only suffering and disappointment ; it does not bring happiness ; it never gets satisfied and, even if it is granted something that it asks for, it is never satisfied with it.

Universal love is always universal ; psychic love can indivi- dualise itself.

". . . universal love is not personal — it has to be held within as a condition of the consciousness which will have its effects according to the Divine Will or be used by that Will if necessary; . . . .” Letters on Yoga ::: *love"s, loves, loved, loving, love-chained, love-maddened, love-music, love-note, all-love, All-love, All-Love.

“… universal love is not personal—it has to be held within as a condition of the consciousness which will have its effects according to the Divine Will or be used by that Will if necessary; …” Letters on Yoga

Universal love is not personal ; it has to be held within as a condition of the consciousness which will have its elTccts accord- ing to the Divine Will or be used by that Will if necessary.

“Universal love is the spiritual founded on the sense of the One and the Divine everywhere and the change of the personal into a wide universal consciousness, free from attachment and ignorance.” Letters on Yoga

Universal love is the spiritual founded on tJ;e sense of the

::: universal love

unlovely :::

Vilal being — its four parts ::: There arc four parts of the vital being— first, the menial vital which gives a mental expres- sion by thought, speech or olher^vise to the emotions, desires, passions, sensations and other movements of the vital being ; the emotional vital which is the seat of various feelings such as love, joy, sorrow, hatred, and the rest ; the central vital which is the seat of the stronger vital longings and reactions, e.g. ambi- tion, pride, fear, love of fame, attractions and repulsions, desires and passions of various kinds and the field of many vital ener- gies ; last, the lower vital which is occupied with small desires and feelings, such as make the greater part of daily life, e.g. food desire, sexual desire, small likings, dislikings, vanity, quarrels, love of praise, anger at blame, litfle wishes of all kinds — and a numberless host of other things. Their respective seats are

Vishnu ::: “Vishnu the all-pervading, the cosmic Deity, the Lover and Friend of our souls, the Lord of the transcendent existence and the transcendent delight.” The Secret of the Veda

Vital being — its four parts: There arc four parts of the vital being — first, the mental vital which gives a mental expres- sion by thought, speech or otherwise to the emotions, desires, passions, sensations and other movements of the vital being ; the emotional vital which is the scat of various feelings such as love, Joy, sorrow, hatred, and the rest ; the central vital which is the seat of the stronger rilal longings and reactions, e.g. ambi- tion, pride, fear, love of fame, attractions and repulsions, desires and passions of various kinds and the held of many vital ener- gies ; last, the lower vital which is occupied with small desires and feelings, such as make the greater part of daily life, e.g. food desire, sexual desire, small likings, dislikings, vanity, quarrels, love of praise, anger at blame, little wishes of all kinds — and a numberless host of other tlungs. Their respective seats are

Vital love ::: It is the ordinary nature of vital love not to last or, if it tries to last, not to satisfy, because it is a passion which Nature has thrown in order to serve a temporary purpose ; it Is good enough therefore for a icmporary purpose and its normal tendency is to wane when It has sufficiently served

"We. . . become conscious, in our physical movements, in our nervous and vital reactions, in our mental workings, of a Force greater than body, mind and life which takes hold of our limited instruments and drives all their motion. There is no longer the sense of ourselves moving, thinking or feeling but of that moving, feeling and thinking in us. This force that we feel is the universal Force of the Divine, which, veiled or unveiled, acting directly or permitting the use of its powers by beings in the cosmos, is the one Energy that alone exists and alone makes universal or individual action possible. For this force is the Divine itself in the body of its power; all is that, power of act, power of thought and knowledge, power of mastery and enjoyment, power of love.” The Synthesis of Yoga

“We. . . become conscious, in our physical movements, in our nervous and vital reactions, in our mental workings, of a Force greater than body, mind and life which takes hold of our limited instruments and drives all their motion. There is no longer the sense of ourselves moving, thinking or feeling but of that moving, feeling and thinking in us. This force that we feel is the universal Force of the Divine, which, veiled or unveiled, acting directly or permitting the use of its powers by beings in the cosmos, is the one Energy that alone exists and alone makes universal or individual action possible. For this force is the Divine itself in the body of its power; all is that, power of act, power of thought and knowledge, power of mastery and enjoyment, power of love.” The Synthesis of Yoga

“We do not seek to excise from our being all consciousness of the universe, but to realise God, Truth and Self in the universe as well as transcendent of it. We shall seek therefore not only the Ineffable, but also His manifestation as infinite being, consciousness and bliss embracing the universe and at play in it. For that triune infinity is His supreme manifestation and that we shall aspire to know, to share in and to become; and since we seek to realise this Trinity not only in itself but in its cosmic play, we shall aspire also to knowledge of and participation in the universal divine Truth, Knowledge, Will, Love which are His secondary manifestation, His divine becoming. With this too we shall aspire to identify ourselves, towards this too we shall strive to rise and, when the period of effort is passed, allow it by our renunciation of all egoism to draw us up into itself in our being and to descend into us and embrace us in all our becoming.” The Synthesis of Yoga

well-loved ::: loved by many people; very popular.

“When one does sadhana, the inner consciousness begins to open and one is able to go inside and have all kinds of experiences there. As the sadhana progresses, one begins to live more and more in this inner being and the outer becomes more and more superficial. At first the inner consciousness seems to be the dream and the outer the waking reality. Afterwards the inner consciousness becomes the reality and the outer is felt by many as a dream or delusion, or else as something superficial and external. The inner consciousness begins to be a place of deep peace, light, happiness, love, closeness to the Divine or the presence of the Divine, the Mother.” Letters on Yoga

"When the Peace is established, this higher or Divine Force from above can descend and work in us. It descends usually first into the head and liberates the inner mind centres, then into the heart centre and liberates fully the psychic and emotional being, then into the navel and other vital centres and liberates the inner vital, then into the Muladhara and below and liberates the inner physical being. It works at the same time for perfection as well as liberation; it takes up the whole nature part by part and deals with it, rejecting what has to be rejected, sublimating what has to be sublimated, creating what has to be created. It integrates, harmonises, establishes a new rhythm in the nature. It can bring down too a higher and yet higher force and range of the higher nature until, if that be the aim of the sadhana, it becomes possible to bring down the supramental force and existence. All this is prepared, assisted, farthered by the work of the psychic being in the heart centre; the more it is open, in front, active, the quicker, safer, easier the working of the Force can be. The more love and bhakti and surrender grow in the heart, the more rapid and perfect becomes the evolution of the sadhana. For the descent and transformation imply at the same time an increasing contact and union with the Divine.” Letters on Yoga

“When the Peace is established, this higher or Divine Force from above can descend and work in us. It descends usually first into the head and liberates the inner mind centres, then into the heart centre and liberates fully the psychic and emotional being, then into the navel and other vital centres and liberates the inner vital, then into the Muladhara and below and liberates the inner physical being. It works at the same time for perfection as well as liberation; it takes up the whole nature part by part and deals with it, rejecting what has to be rejected, sublimating what has to be sublimated, creating what has to be created. It integrates, harmonises, establishes a new rhythm in the nature. It can bring down too a higher and yet higher force and range of the higher nature until, if that be the aim of the sadhana, it becomes possible to bring down the supramental force and existence. All this is prepared, assisted, farthered by the work of the psychic being in the heart centre; the more it is open, in front, active, the quicker, safer, easier the working of the Force can be. The more love and bhakti and surrender grow in the heart, the more rapid and perfect becomes the evolution of the sadhana. For the descent and transformation imply at the same time an increasing contact and union with the Divine.” Letters on Yoga

who give love or kindoess for its own sake without expecting a return who escape from this experience.

will ::: n. 1. Diligent purposefulness; determination; inclination, desire. 2. The mental faculty by which one deliberately chooses or decides upon a course of action. Will, will"s, wills, will-to-be, Will-to-love. *v. 3. To decide or determine; effectuate. 4. To yearn for; desire. 5. To induce or try to induce by sheer force of one"s being. *wills, willed.

"Within us, there are two centres of the Purusha, the inner Soul through which he touches us to our awakening; there is the Purusha in the lotus of the heart which opens upward all our powers and the Purusha in the thousand-petalled lotus whence descend through the thought and will, opening the third eye in us, the lightnings of vision and the fire of the divine energy. The bliss existence may come to us through either one of these centres. When the lotus of the heart breaks open, we feel a divine joy, love and peace expanding in us like a flower of light which irradiates the whole being.” The Synthesis of Yoga

“Within us, there are two centres of the Purusha, the inner Soul through which he touches us to our awakening; there is the Purusha in the lotus of the heart which opens upward all our powers and the Purusha in the thousand-petalled lotus whence descend through the thought and will, opening the third eye in us, the lightnings of vision and the fire of the divine energy. The bliss existence may come to us through either one of these centres. When the lotus of the heart breaks open, we feel a divine joy, love and peace expanding in us like a flower of light which irradiates the whole being.” The Synthesis of Yoga

QUOTES [1496 / 1496 - 1500 / 148850]

KEYS (10k)

  249 Sri Aurobindo
   91 Sri Ramakrishna
   51 Saint Thomas Aquinas
   45 The Mother
   44 Jalaluddin Rumi
   31 Jalaluddin Rumi
   26 Anonymous
   20 Saint Augustine of Hippo
   15 Thomas A Kempis
   12 Swami Vivekananda
   12 Kabir
   11 Tolstoi
   11 H P Lovecraft
   11 Friedrich Nietzsche
   11 Sri Ramana Maharshi
   10 Plato
   9 Saint Therese of Lisieux
   9 Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
   9 Ogawa
   8 Saint Bernard of Clairvaux
   8 Robert Heinlein
   7 Simone Weil
   7 Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina
   7 Baha-ullah
   7 Antoine the Healer
   7 Saint Teresa of Avila
   6 Sri Gawn Tu Fahr
   6 Rabia al-Adawiyya
   6 Pablo Neruda
   6 Maximus the Confessor
   6 Gerald G. May
   6 Hafiz
   5 Blaise Pascal
   5 Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
   5 Meister Eckhart
   5 ?
   4 Swami Ramakrishnananda
   4 Saint John of the Cross
   4 Saint John Chrysostom
   4 Saint Bonaventure
   4 Saint Ambrose
   4 Narada Sutra
   4 Magghima Nikaya
   4 id
   4 Henry David Thoreau
   4 Eric Micha'el Leventhal
   4 C S Lewis
   4 Attar of Nishapur
   4 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
   4 Ibn Arabi
   4 Abu Hamid al-Ghazali
   3 William Shakespeare
   3 Vincent van Gogh
   3 Thaddeus Golas
   3 Swami Turiyananda
   3 Swami Akhandananda
   3 Saint Thomas Aquinas
   3 Saint Thérèse of Lisieux
   3 Saint Peter Julian Eymard
   3 Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque
   3 Saint Leo the Great
   3 Rilke
   3 Pope St. Clement I
   3 Phoenix Desmond
   3 Our Lady to Father Stefano Gobbi
   3 Nietzsche
   3 Marcus Aurelius
   3 Manapurush Swami Shivananda
   3 Leo the Great
   3 Khalil Gibran
   3 Kamand Kojouri
   3 Ikkyu
   3 Hazrat Inayat Khan
   3 Dalai Lama
   3 Carl Jung
   3 Buddhist Text
   3 Basil the Great
   3 Athanasius
   3 Arthur Schopenhauer
   3 Matsuo Basho
   3 Kobayashi Issa
   3 Jorge Luis Borges
   3 Heraclitus
   2 Voltaire
   2 Thich Nhat Hanh
   2 The Mother
   2 Sri Ramakrishna
   2 Simone de Beauvoir
   2 Shaykh Abu Bakr Shibli
   2 Saint Ignatius of Loyola
   2 Saint Ignatius of Antioch
   2 Saint Francis of Assisi
   2 Saint Francis de Sales
   2 Saint Faustina Kowalska
   2 Saint Elizabeth of the Trinity
   2 Saint Bridget of Sweden
   2 Saint Bernard
   2 Saint Basil the Great
   2 Saint Arnold Janssen
   2 Ramakrishna
   2 Rainer Maria Rilke
   2 Rabindranath Tagore
   2 Pope St. Gregory the Great
   2 Philokalia
   2 Paulo Coelho
   2 Paramahansa Yogananda
   2 Our Lady to Fr. Stefano Gobbi
   2 Oscar Wilde
   2 Mother Teresa
   2 Mother Angelica
   2 Metta Sutta
   2 Merrit Malloy
   2 Martin Luther King
   2 Mahatma Gandhi
   2 Lucius Annaeus Seneca
   2 Leo Tolstoy
   2 Ken Wilber
   2 John of the Cross
   2 John Lennon
   2 John Green
   2 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
   2 Jatakamala
   2 Iyanla Vanzant
   2 Inayat Khan
   2 Ignatius of Antioch
   2 Hans Urs von Balthasar
   2 Gregory the Great
   2 Ernest Hemingway
   2 Eckhart Tolle
   2 Dhammapada
   2 Dante Alighieri
   2 Confucius
   2 Carl Sagan
   2 Buson
   2 Buddha
   2 Book of Wisdom
   2 Bill Hicks
   2 Asoka
   2 Albert Camus
   2 Alan Cohen
   2 Confucius
   2 Aleister Crowley
   2 Abraham Maslow
   2 Aberjhani
   2 14th Dalai Lama
   1 Zora Neale Hurston
   1 Zacharias VIII
   1 Yeshua (Jesus Christ)
   1 Yash Thakur
   1 William Butler Yeats
   1 William Blake
   1 William Allen White
   1 Willa Cather
   1 Wilhelm Reich
   1 W. H. Auden
   1 Wayne Dyer
   1 Vladimir Solovyov
   1 Vicktor Hugo
   1 Ven. Mother Marie Josepha of Bourg (1788-1862)
   1 Venerable Bede
   1 Ven. Bede
   1 Ursula K. Le Guin
   1 Udanavaryu
   1 Turkish proverb. See:
   1 Tsu-King
   1 Tolstoy
   1 Todd Crawshaw
   1 Timothy VI.7
   1 Thomas merton. "No man is an island"
   1 Thomas Merton
   1 Thomas Keating
   1 Thomas a Kempis
   1 The Writings of Bahá'u'lláh
   1 The Noble Messenger of Allah ﷺ
   1 The Dalai Lama
   1 "The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
   1 T Gantier
   1 Tertullian
   1 Tenzin Palmo
   1 Tenzin Deva
   1 Teilhard de Chardin
   1 Swami Vivekananda?
   1 Swami Vivekananda
   1 Swami Virajananda
   1 Swami Subodhananda
   1 Swami Sivananda Saraswati
   1 Swami Sivananda
   1 Swami Paramananda
   1 Swami Brahmananda
   1 Sunday Adelaja
   1 Sumnun al Muhibb
   1 Suhrawardi
   1 St. Vincent de Paul
   1 St. Francois de Sales
   1 Stephen Levine
   1 Sri Sarada Devi
   1 Sri Ramana Maharshi
   1 Sri Chinmoy
   1 Sri Anandamayi Ma
   1 Soren Kierkegaard
   1 Sophia Loren
   1 Songs of Songs III.2
   1 Socrates
   1 Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
   1 Sirach 24:24-26
   1 Sigmund Freud
   1 Shunryu Suzuki
   1 Shiki
   1 Shaykh Ninowy
   1 Shaykh Nazim Al Haqqani
   1 Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani
   1 Shams of Tabriz
   1 Shah Ni'Matli'llah
   1 Shabistari
   1 Sergius Bulgakov
   1 Schopenhauer
   1 S Bulgakov
   1 Saul Williams
   1 Sathya Sai Baba
   1 Sarah Williams
   1 Sappho
   1 Sangiti Sutta
   1 Sa-myutta Nikaya
   1 Samuel Lover
   1 Sam Keen
   1 Saint Xanthias
   1 Saint Vincent de Paul
   1 Saint Teresia Benedicta a Cruce OCD
   1 Saint Teresa of Jesus
   1 Saint Teresa of Calcutta
   1 Saint Philip Neri
   1 Saint Peter Chrysologus
   1 Saint Paul of the Cross
   1 Saint Padre Pio
   1 Saint Maximus the Confessor
   1 Saint Maximilian Kolbe
   1 Saint Maria de Mattias
   1 Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys
   1 Saint Lawrence of Brindisi
   1 Saint Juliana of Norwich
   1 Saint John Vianney
   1 Saint John of Kronstadt
   1 Saint John of Kanty
   1 Saint John Chrysostom [PG 64
   1 Saint John Cassian
   1 Saint Ignatius Loyola
   1 Saint Gregory the Great
   1 Saint Gregory of Nyssa
   1 Saint Ephraem the Syrian
   1 Saint Dominic Savio
   1 Saint Cyril of Jerusalem
   1 Saint Clement
   1 Saint Clare of Assisi
   1 Saint Catherine of Siena
   1 Saint Bruno
   1 Saint Benedict Joseph Labre
   1 Saint Benedicta of the Cross
   1 Saint Augustine
   1 Saint Alphonsus Liguori
   1 Saint Alphonsus Ligouri
   1 Saint Aloysius Gonzaga
   1 Saint Albert the Great
   1 Saigyo
   1 Rupert Spria
   1 Rupert Spira
   1 Ro-wans XIII. 8
   1 Ron Smothermon
   1 Ro-mans. XIV. 8
   1 Romans XIII
   1 Romans.XII. 10
   1 Robert Heinlei @aax9
   1 Robert Fulghum
   1 Robert Frost
   1 Robert Cardinal Sarah
   1 Robert Browning
   1 Robert Augustus Masters
   1 Robert Anton Wilson
   1 Robert Adams
   1 Rob Bell
   1 Richard Bach
   1 Revelation 1:5
   1 Red Hawk
   1 R.D. Laing
   1 Ray Bradbury
   1 Ram Dass
   1 Rabia Al Basra
   1 Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel
   1 Quran
   1 Quoted in "The Holy Science" by Yukteswar Giri
   1 Princess Shikishi
   1 Prasna Upanishad
   1 Pope St. Leo the Great
   1 Pope St Clement I
   1 Pope Leo XIII
   1 Pope John Paul II
   1 Polycarp to the Philippians
   1 Plato
   1 Philippians IV
   1 Peter J Carroll
   1 Peter III. 8
   1 P. Desmond
   1 Pascal
   1 Our Lady how this thread
   1 Our Lady Fatima (June 13
   1 Our Lady
   1 Orson Scott Card
   1 Orphic Hymns
   1 Orlando Aloysius Battista
   1 One stanza of love poem
   1 Omar Khayyam
   1 Nozawa Boncho
   1 Nizami Ganjavi
   1 Nico Lang
   1 Nicholas of Cusa
   1 Neil Gaiman
   1 Neem Karoli Baba
   1 Narada Sutra 18-19
   1 Muju
   1 Mozart
   1 Mother Mirra
   1 Mona Sarkar
   1 Mols-Te
   1 Moliere
   1 Moinuddin Chishti
   1 Mohadesa Najumi . see:
   1 Mitsugi Saotome
   1 Mitar Tarabich (1829-1899)
   1 Milan Kundera
   1 Michelet
   1 Michel de Montaigne
   1 Meng-tse
   1 Maximus
   1 Masaoka Shiki 1867-1902
   1 Mary Oliver
   1 Margaret Stortz
   1 Marcos Aurelius
   1 Manly P Hall
   1 Maimonides
   1 Mahavantara
   1 Madeline Delbrêl
   1 Luke
   1 Ludwig Wittgenstein
   1 Lucan
   1 Louise Colet
   1 Louis Bouyer
   1 Leviticus XIX. 18
   1 Letter of Barnabas
   1 Leonard Jacobson
   1 Leander of Seville
   1 Laura Thalassa
   1 Latita Vistara
   1 Laozi
   1 Lao Tzu
   1 Lao-Tse: Tao-te-King
   1 Lalla 1320-1392
   1 Lalita Vistara
   1 Kurt Vonnegut
   1 Khawja Moinuddin Chishti
   1 J. Tauter
   1 J R R Tolkien
   1 Josephine Baker
   1 Joseph Goldstein
   1 Jorge Luis Borge
   1 Jon Anderson
   1 John. XV. 17
   1 John. XIII
   1 John XII. 25
   1 John Wooden
   1 John Steinbeck
   1 John Powell
   1 John Paul II
   1 John of the Ladder
   1 John O'Donohue
   1 John IV. 20
   1 John IV. 12
   1 John III. 18
   1 John III. 14
   1 John III. 13
   1 John II. 9
   1 Joanne Carriatore
   1 Jimi Hendrix
   1 Jiddu Krishnamurti
   1 Jerusalem Catecheses
   1 Jennifer Aniston
   1 Jeff Foster
   1 Jean Leclercq
   1 Jean Cocteau
   1 Jay Kristoff
   1 Jarakaniala
   1 Japanese Proverb
   1 Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Lodro
   1 Jami
   1 James II.8
   1 Ittivutaka
   1 Irenaeus
   1 Imitation of Christ
   1 Imam Jamal Rahman
   1 Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib
   1 Imam Al Ghazali
   1 II Corinthians VII. I
   1 id. 58. 60
   1 id. 25. 26
   1 Ibrahim of Cordova
   1 Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah
   1 H. P. Lovecraft
   1 Honore de Balzac
   1 H. Jackson Brown Jr.
   1 Herman Hesse
   1 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
   1 Hennes
   1 Helen Hayes
   1 Haruki Murakami
   1 Hafez
   1 Hadewijch
   1 Guru Vachaka Kovai [The Garland of Guru's Sayings] See:
   1 Gurdjieff
   1 Gujarati Hymn [Gujarati an Indo-Aryan language native to the Indian state of Gujarat. "Death" refers to death of ego.]
   1 GK Chesterton
   1 Giordano Bruno
   1 Gilbert K. Chesterton
   1 Ghalib
   1 GG
   1 Gerhard Tersteegen
   1 Gerald G. Jampolsky
   1 George Orwell
   1 George MacDonald
   1 George Gurdjieff
   1 George Grant
   1 George F Burns
   1 Gary Zukav
   1 Gary Gygax
   1 Galatians. V. 14
   1 Gabourey Sidibe
   1 Fyodor Dostoevsky
   1 Fulton John Sheen
   1 Frithjof Schuon
   1 Friedrich Von Hugel
   1 Frederick Dodson
   1 Franz Kafka
   1 François Fénelon
   1 First stanza of poem etch by a Jew on a cellar wall doing the Holocaust. For poem see:
   1 Ferdinand Ulrich
   1 Fa-khen-pi-
   1 Evagrius Ponticus
   1 Erik Erikson
   1 Erelesiastieus
   1 Empedocles
   1 Emily Dickinson 1(830 - 1886) American poet.
   1 Emanuel Swedenborg
   1 Ella Fitzgerald
   1 Elizabeth Barrett Browning
   1 e. e. cummings
   1 Edgar Allan Poe
   1 Dr Tahir al Qadri
   1 Dr. Seuss
   1 Dom Helder Camara
   1 Dogen 1200-1253
   1 Didymus of Alexandria
   1 Didache
   1 Dawna Markova. See:
   1 David Viscott
   1 David L Schindler
   1 David Frost
   1 David Foster Wallace
   1 David Deida
   1 Dante
   1 Danielle Pierre
   1 Dalai Lama XIV
   1 Cyprian
   1 Cullen Hightower
   1 Cullavaga
   1 C. S. Lewis
   1 Confucius:Lun-yu
   1 Columbanus
   1 Clement I to the Corinthians
   1 Claudio Naranjo
   1 Cicero
   1 - Chuck Klosterman
   1 Ching Hai
   1 Chin'gak
   1 Chinese Proverb
   1 Charlie Chaplin in a letter to his daughter
   1 Charles Dickens
   1 Charles Darwin
   1 Charles Bukowski
   1 Chamtrul Rinpoche
   1 Catherine of Siena
   1 Caryll Houselander
   1 Bulleh Shah
   1 Buddhist Texts
   1 Bruce Lee
   1 Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
   1 Brian Weiss
   1 Brenda Ueland
   1 Book of Golden Precepts
   1 Bony of flours
   1 Boncho
   1 Bonaventure
   1 Boethius
   1 Bob Marley
   1 Bl. Maria Droste zu Vischering
   1 Blessed Angela of Foligno
   1 Bishop Baldwin of Canterbury
   1 Bertrand Russell
   1 Benjamin Franklin
   1 Baruch Spinoza
   1 Bahu-ullah
   1 Baha-ullah: The Seven Valleys
   1 Baha-ullah : The Seven Valleys
   1 Baha-ullah "The Seven Valleys."
   1 Baha-Ullah: The Seven Valleys
   1 Austin Osman Spare
   1 Auguttara Nikaya
   1 Augustine of Hippo
   1 Audre Lorde
   1 Arthur Lovejoy
   1 Arjuna Nick Ardagh
   1 Archimedes
   1 Archibald Thomas Robertson
   1 Archbishop Fulton Sheen
   1 Arabien Nights
   1 Arabian Nights
   1 a poet]
   1 Antoine the Healer: "Revelations"
   1 Antoine de Saint-Exupery
   1 Anonymous English Monk
   1 Anne Campbell
   1 Angelus Silesius
   1 Angeles Silesins
   1 and we are hoping that someone else will fill in the missing parts so that we don't have to.
   1 André Gide
   1 Anaphora of the Liturgy of St. James
   1 Anandamayi Ma
   1 AN
   1 Amir Khusrau
   1 Ali
   1 Al- Hallaj
   1 Alfred Tennyson
   1 Aldous Huxley
   1 Al-Dhahabī
   1 Alberto Villoldo
   1 Walt Whitman
   1 Saadi
   1 Plotinus
   1 Paracelsus
   1 Leonardo da Vinci
   1 Lao Tzu
   1 Homer
   1 Epictetus
   1 Dogen Zenji
   1 Ahmed Halif "Mystic Odes"
   1 Ahm-ed Halif
   1 Adyashanti
   1 Ada Lovelace
   1 Abu al-Ala al-Ma'arri
   1 Abhishiktananda (Henri Le Saux
   1 Abd Allāh ibn Asʻad al-Yafi'i
   1 A.A. Milne
   1 1 John 3:2-3
   1 1 Corinthians 13:4-7


   36 Rumi
   24 Ovid
   24 Cassandra Clare
   22 Anonymous
   16 William Shakespeare
   13 Mitch Albom
   12 Plato
   11 Jane Austen
   9 Tahereh Mafi
   9 Paulo Coelho
   9 H P Lovecraft
   7 Kristen Ashley
   7 Khalil Gibran
   7 John Green
   7 Jalaluddin Rumi
   7 Jaci Burton
   7 Hilda Doolittle
   6 Stephen King
   6 Stephenie Meyer
   6 Nicola Yoon

1:Love truth but pardon error.
   ~ Voltaire,
2:Love doesn't die. People do." ~ Merrit Malloy,
3:Love is the absence of judgment." ~ Dalai Lama,
4:To love at all is to be vulnerable." ~ C. S. Lewis,
5:Where there is love there is life. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
6:Do all that you do with love. ~ Saint Therese of Lisieux,
7:Find what you love and let it kill you. ~ Charles Bukowski,
8:If you wished to be loved, love.
   ~ Lucius Annaeus Seneca,
9:True love gives rise to the eyes of clarity. ~ Tenzin Deva,
10:I say nothing to him I love him ~ Saint Thérèse of Lisieux
11:Scheherezade: Me. Looking at you, my love. ~ Arabien Nights,
12:We love the things we love for what they are. ~ Robert Frost,
13:Love is not consolation. It is light.
   ~ Friedrich Nietzsche,
14:Both light and shadow are the dance of Love. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
15:Love all. Serve all. Help ever. Hurt never." ~ Sathya Sai Baba,
16:Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none. ~ William Shakespeare,
17:Love in its essence is spiritual fire. ~ Lucius Annaeus Seneca,
18:Real love is a cosmic force which goes through us. ~ Gurdjieff,
19:what you love will be yours for ever. ~ Pope St. Leo the Great,
20:Fall in love with the deep comfort of insecurity. ~ Jeff Foster,
21:Love means to commit yourself without guarantee. ~ Anne Campbell,
22:We being speechless, Love spoke loud and plain. ~ Arabian Nights,
23:Eternity is in love with the productions of time. ~ William Blake,
24:Love alone knows the secret of getting rich by giving. ~ Socrates,
25:Next to love, balance is the most important thing." ~ John Wooden,
26:Serve, Love, Give, Purify, Meditate, Realize.
   ~ Swami Sivananda,
27:Some people care too much. I think it's called love. ~ A.A. Milne,
28:If you would be loved, love, and be loveable." ~ Benjamin Franklin,
29:jealousy is
the death
of love ~ Ogawa,
30:Love has reasons which reason cannot understand.
   ~ Blaise Pascal,
31:The more we love our friends, the less we flatter them." ~ Moliere,
32:The prisoner grows to love his chains. ~ Plato,
33:When all that's left of me is love, Give me away." ~ Merrit Malloy,
34:Awareness doesn't mind fear. Nor does love ~ Robert Augustus Masters,
35:By your work you show what you love and what you know. ~ Saint Bruno,
36:Never love anyone who treats you like you're ordinary. ~ Oscar Wilde,
37:I live by four simple words. Love. Being. Here. Now." ~ Todd Crawshaw,
38:Where there is great love, there are always miracles." ~ Willa Cather,
39:Let a man conquer anger by love, let him subdue evil by good. ~ Buddha,
40:To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides. ~ David Viscott,
41:The measure of love is love without measure. ~ Saint Bernard of Clairvaux,
42:It is in pain that love becomes stronger. ~ Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina,
43:Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place. ~ Zora Neale Hurston,
44:At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.
   ~ Plato,
45:How little known is the Merciful love of Jesus." ~ Saint Therese of Lisieux,
46:I love those who do not know how to live for today.
   ~ Friedrich Nietzsche,
47:I know being loved is nothing. To love instead is everything. ~ Herman Hesse,
48:Who would give a law to lovers? Love is unto itself a higher law. ~ Boethius,
49:He who does not enjoy solitude will not love freedom.
   ~ Arthur Schopenhauer,
50:We are never so defenseless against suffering as when we love. ~ Sigmund Freud,
51:A dog is better than I am, for he has love and does not judge. ~ Saint Xanthias,
52:Amor Fati - "Love your Fate", which is in fact your life. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche,
53:I love God: I have no time left In which to hate the devil. ~ Rabia al-Adawiyya,
54:Stop loving yourself and you will love God. ~ Philokalia, Maximos the Confessor,
55:And God said, Love your Enemy so I Obeyed Him and Loved Myself.
   ~ Khalil Gibran,
56:standing inside me
naked infinite love
opening my dreaming heart ~ Ikkyu,
57:He who can love can be; he who can be can do; he who can do is. ~ George Gurdjieff,
58:If you love life, don't waste time, for time is what life is made of." ~ Bruce Lee,
59:I'm in love with cities I've never been to and people I've never met. ~ John Green,
60:Love is nothing but the brightness of God in men. ~ Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina,
61:Before we love with our heart, we already love with our imagination. ~ Louise Colet,
62:Love and desire are the spirit's wings to great deeds. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
63:The golden rule is, to help those we love to escape from us." ~ Friedrich Von Hugel,
64:The love of books is among the choicest gifts of the gods. ~ Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
65:To fall in love is to create a religion that has a fallible god. ~ Jorge Luis Borge,
66:All, everything that I understand, I only understand because I love.
   ~ Leo Tolstoy,
67:Being itself can be apprehended only as love. ~ Ferdinand Ulrich, Homo Abyssus (291),
68:Friendship is . . . the sort of love one can imagine between the angels. ~ C S Lewis,
69:Love as brothers. ~ Peter III. 8, the Eternal Wisdom
70:Love like the light silently wrapping all. ~ Walt Whitman,
71:A man so painfully in love is capable of self-torture beyond belief. ~ John Steinbeck,
72:Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth. ~ Henry David Thoreau, Walden,
73:Two people in love, alone, isolated from the world, that's beautiful. ~ Milan Kundera,
74:We become what we love and who we love shapes what we become. ~ Saint Clare of Assisi,
75:When I saw you I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew. ~ William Shakespeare,
76:Love one another. ~ John. XIII, 14, the Eternal Wisdom
77:The end of all wisdom is Love. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
78:To love is to admire with the heart; to admire is to love with the mind.
   ~ T Gantier,
79:For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love. ~ Carl Sagan,
80:I always think that the best way to know God is to love many things. ~ Vincent van Gogh,
81:I can love only what I can place so high above me that I cannot reach it. ~ Franz Kafka,
82:Love is the actual form of God. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
83:This Agenda... is my gift to those who love me.
   ~ The Mother,
84:Do not accept anything as love which lacks truth." ~ Saint Teresia Benedicta a Cruce OCD,
85:I feel that there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people. ~ Vincent van Gogh,
86:So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you. ~ Paulo Coelho,
87:Let your religion be less of a theory and more of a love affair." ~ Gilbert K. Chesterton,
88:Love has no boundary, and will never cease to grow as we add light to light. ~ Philokalia,
89:To rank the effort above the prize may be called love. ~ Confucius,
90:God is the source of love, the clear fountain of love that never runs dry. ~ Sunday Adelaja,
91:Without love, deeds, even the most brilliant, count as nothing." ~ Saint Therese of Lisieux,
92:All loves should be simply stepping stones to the love of God.
   ~ Plato,
93:Both light and shadow are the dance of Love. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
94:For the thirst to possess your love,
Is worth my blood a hundred times. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
95:It is for love of him that I do not spare myself in preaching him. ~ Saint Gregory the Great,
96:Rub your eyes, Look again with love at love. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
97:The true measure of loving God is to love Him without measure." ~ Saint Bernard of Clairvaux,
98:Those who love her discover her easily and those that seek her do find her. ~ Book of Wisdom,
99:Love is strong as death. ~ Bony of flours, the Eternal Wisdom
100:Soon drunk, I watch my cap tumble in the wind, dance in love - a guest the moon invites." ~ ?,
101:When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. ~ Jimi Hendrix,
102:While God waits for his temple to be built of love,
   Men bring stones. ~ Rabindranath Tagore,
103:A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the prerogative of the brave. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
104:He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, 1 John, 4:8, [T5],
105:I am not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today. ~ William Allen White,
106:I have decided to stick to love. Hate is too great a burden to bear. ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.,
107:Love moves without an agenda. It just moves because that is its nature - to move. ~ Adyashanti,
108:Love the truth and peace. ~ Zacharias VIII, the Eternal Wisdom
109:What is hell? I maintain that it is the suffering of being unable to love. ~ Fyodor Dostoevsky,
110:Love is Religion, and The Universe is The Book. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
111:Love is the one truth. ~ Antoine the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
112:Love light and not darkness. ~ Orphic Hymns, the Eternal Wisdom
113:Practise love and only love. ~ Narada Sutra, the Eternal Wisdom
114:The love of God is the root and foundation of Plato's philosophy. ~ Simone Weil, 'God in Plato',
115:... rending asunder the precious bond of their mutual Love." ~ Our Lady to Father Stefano Gobbi ,
116:Each time you love, love as deeply as if it were forever. Only nothing is eternal." ~ Audre Lorde,
117:I have wanted to kill myself a hundred times but somehow I am still in love with life. ~ Voltaire,
118:I love sleep. My life has the tendency to fall apart when I'm awake, you know? ~ Ernest Hemingway,
119:Love God, and do what you like. ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo,
120:The Eucharist is the supreme proof of the love of Jesus. ~ Saint Peter Julian Eymard, (1811-1868),
121:He who treads the path of love walks a thousand miles as if it were only one.
   ~ Japanese Proverb,
122:I'd rather be a failure at something I love than a success at something I hate.
   ~ George F Burns,
123:Love is a mystic path on which two distant souls meet and become one." ~ Yash Thakur, more quotes:,
124:..but you have become Love ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, @Sufi_Path
125:Learn how to read the love letters send by the wind and rain, the snow and moon. ~ Ikkyu, 1394-1481,
126:Every man has in himself the most dangerous traitor of all. ~ Soren Kierkegaard, Works of Love, [T5],
127:Going on a pilgrimage is like falling in love with the greenness of faraway grass. ~ Lalla 1320-1392,
128:I am the mother of pure love and of science and of sacred hope. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Ecclesiastes,
129:If you love, love openly.
~ Muju, @BashoSociety
130:Love has circled the Ka'ba. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, @Sufi_Path
131:The biggest coward is a man who awakens a woman's love with no intention of loving her. ~ Bob Marley,
132:Who are the true philosophers? Those whose passion is to love the truth. ~ Plato,
133:Blessed is the man who can love every man equally. ~ Maximus the Confessor, Centuries on Charity 1.17,
134:Love takes up where knowledge leaves off.
   ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas,
135:May my life be a continual prayer, a long act of love." ~ Saint Elizabeth of the Trinity, (1880-1906),
136:Oh, Lord, nourish me not with love, but with the desire for love. ~ Ibn Arabi,
137:Sustain one another in a mutual love, ~ Cullavaga, the Eternal Wisdom
138:It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche,
139:Love can do much, but duty more. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
140:Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within the reach of every hand. ~ Saint Teresa of Calcutta,
141:Love is what is left in a relationship after all the selfishness has been removed." ~ Cullen Hightower,
142:One must erase the word discouragement from one's dictionary of love. ~ Saint Elizabeth of the Trinity,
143:For you and I both have in our lives some people whom we find it pretty hard to love. ~ Mother Angelica,
144:I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I'm with you. ~ Elizabeth Barrett Browning,
145:Neither love without knowledge nor knowledge without love can produce a good life.
   ~ Bertrand Russell,
146:The milk of Divine Love stems to us from God incarnate. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
147:There is always some madness in love. But there is always some reason in madness. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche,
148:True, I am in love with suffering, but I do not know if I deserve the honor. ~ Saint Ignatius of Loyola,
149:Remain sheltered in my arms, enveloped by my love and blessings.
   ~ The Mother,
150:The things that we love tell us what we are.
   ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas,
151:The heart is a thousand-stringed instrument that can only be tuned with Love. ~ Hafiz,
152:At all times love is the greatest thing ~ Narada Sutra, the Eternal Wisdom
153:Compassion and love, behold the true religion! ~ Asoka, the Eternal Wisdom
154:Cultivate love and devotion for God and so pass your days. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
155:I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Proverbs, 8:17,
156:Love alone makes me remember. It alone makes me alert. ~ Leonardo da Vinci,
157:To get to know a person more deeply, don't ask them what they think, but what they love. ~ Claudio Naranjo,
158:He who loves with purity considers not the gift of the lover, but the love of the giver." ~ Thomas a Kempis,
159:I must keep silent. Silent. And let Love describe itself.
   ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
160:Men that love wisdom must be acquainted with very many things indeed. ~ Heraclitus,
161:Closeness to the Divine will always grow with the growth of consciousness, equanimity and love. ~ The Mother,
162:Come out of the circle of time, and into the circle of love. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
163:Die inside this new love. Your way begins on the other side. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
164:For I am divided for love's sake, for the chance of union. ~ Aleister Crowley,
165:I desire and love nothing that is not of the light. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
166:Love is the deliverance of the heart. ~ Auguttara Nikaya, the Eternal Wisdom
167:Mathematics reveals its secrets only to those who approach it with pure love, for its own beauty. ~ Archimedes,
168:The desire to know God and to love Him cannot be considered a desire in the ordinary sense. ~ SWAMI PREMANANDA,
169:There is always some madness in love. But there is always, also, some method in madness. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche,
170:There is no better wood for feeding the fire of God's love than the wood of the Cross. ~ Saint Ignatius Loyola,
171:The things we truly love stay with us always, locked in our hearts as long as life remains." ~ Josephine Baker,
172:Whenever you give your wife advice, always begin by telling her how much you love her. ~ Saint John Chrysostom,
173:God is love, and it is proper for love to love and to expand in love. ~ Sergius Bulgakov, The Lamb of God (120),
174:Love is so short, forgetting is so long." ~ Pablo Neruda, @Sufi_Path
175:Love is the measure of our ability to bear crosses. ~ Saint Teresa of Avila,
176:Love the Lord full-heartedly and all will be well.
In Love eternal. ~ The Mother,
177:Love towards all beings is the true religion. ~ Jarakaniala, the Eternal Wisdom
178:Self-love is the cause of every sin ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 1-2.77.4sc).,
179:We come to God by love and not by navigation. ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo,
180:before they embark on the journey. ~ Sam Keen, "To Love and Be Loved,", (1997), First 2 of 7 stanzas. Wikipedia.,
181:Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.
   ~ Confucius,
182:God who is no other thing but love has not created anything other than love. ~ Simone Weil, Gravity and Grace 36,
183:I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,
in secret, between the shadow and the soul. ~ Pablo Neruda,
184:Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own." ~ Robert Heinlei @aax9
185:Since the object of our love is infinite, we can always love more and more perfectly. ~ Saint Ignatius of Loyola,
186:There is no right or wrong behavior. The only meaningful choice is between fear and love." ~ Gerald G. Jampolsky,
187:Love all; trust a few, Do wrong to none." ~ William Shakespeare, quote from "All's Well That Ends Well,", (1605).,
188:Love thy neighbour and be faithful unto him. ~ Erelesiastieus, the Eternal Wisdom
189:The man of knowledge must be able not only to love his enemies but also to hate his friends. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche
190:Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. ~ Leviticus XIX. 18, the Eternal Wisdom
191:Unalloyed love of God is the essential thing. All else is unreal. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
192:Carnal lust rules where there is no love of God. ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo,
193:Even as if love's time unvanishing were." ~ Sumnun al Muhibb, (d. 905 AD). Sufi poet. Known as "Sumnun the Lover.",
194:If I love you, what business is it of yours? ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
195:I love those who yearn for the impossible.
   ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
196:... Love the Divine alone and the Divine will always be with you. ~ The Mother, WOTM2, 1:1
197:Owe no man anything but to love one another. ~ Ro-mans. XIV. 8, the Eternal Wisdom
198:Pursue some path, however narrow and crooked, in which you can walk with love and reverence. ~ Henry David Thoreau,
199:You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. ~ Dr. Seuss,
200:A purpose of human life, no matter who is controlling it, is to love whoever is around to be loved. ~ Kurt Vonnegut,
201:God, whose love and joy are present everywhere, can't come to visit you unless you aren't there. ~ Angelus Silesius,
202:I hope that real love and truth are stronger in the end than any evil or misfortune in the world. ~ Charles Dickens,
203:Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. ~ AN, TB, 1 Corinthians 13:7, NES,
204:Men who love wisdom should acquaint themselves with a great many particulars. ~ Heraclitus,
205:Men will only be happy when they all love each other. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
206:Whoever gives nothing, has nothing. The greatest misfortune is not to be unloved, but not to love.
   ~ Albert Camus,
207:Young love is wild and outrageous, laughing at moderation, and blinding us to common sense." ~ H. Jackson Brown Jr.,
208:Before you love, learn to run through the snow leaving no footprints." ~ Turkish proverb. See:,
209:To love God is more excellent than to know Him ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (DV 22.11).
210:To pick up a straw with loving intention is more to God than to remove mountains without love." ~ Gerhard Tersteegen,
211:While the mind sees only boundaries Love knows the secret way there. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
212:Charity is the virtue by which we love God ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 1.82.3ad3).,
213:Human existence is so fragile a thing and exposed to such dangers that I cannot love without trembling. ~ Simone Weil,
214:Love is the root and cause of every emotion ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 1-2.62.2).,
215:To love God is more excellent than to know Him ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (DV 22.11).,
216:Let brotherly love continue. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Hebrews, XIII, the Eternal Wisdom
217:This thing I comm and you that ye love one another. ~ John. XV. 17, the Eternal Wisdom
218:True love and consecration lead much quicker to the Divine than arduous Tapasya. ~ The Mother,
219:who love
~ Kabir, @BashoSociety
220:In the spiritual life, suffering is the thermometer which measures the love of God in a soul. ~ Saint Faustina Kowalska,
221:There is the Truth where Love and Righteousness are ~ Buddhist Text, the Eternal Wisdom
222:Time is a factory where everyone slaves away earning enough love to break their own chains. ~ Hafiz,
223:Whores perform the same function as priests, but far more thoroughly.
   ~ Robert Heinlein, Time Enough for Love (1973).,
224:Let yourself be drawn by the stronger pull of that which you truly love. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
225:Love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking together in the same direction." ~ Antoine de Saint-Exupery,
226:Love must be turned singly towards the Divine. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV, Desire,
227:So you'll be my love in lives beyond this life. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, @Sufi_Path
228:To love is to be transformed into what we love. To love God is therefore to be transformed into God. ~ John of the Cross,
229:To love long, unweariedly, always makes t-lie weak strong ~ Michelet, the Eternal Wisdom
230:Real love is a cosmic force which goes through us. If we crystallize it, it becomes the greatest power in the world. ~ GG,
231:Root out in thee all love of thyself and all egoism. ~ Buddhist Texts, the Eternal Wisdom
232:Beloved, let us love one another. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, 1 John, IV.7, the Eternal Wisdom
233:But it can be swiftly healed by the balm of love. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, @Sufi_Path
234:I left in love, in laughter, and in truth, and wherever truth, love and laughter abide, I am there in spirit. ~ Bill Hicks,
235:Love is the answer and you know that for sure. Love is a flower, you got to let it ~ you got to let it grow. ~ John Lennon,
236:The heart that is not in love will fail the test. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, @Sufi_Path
237:Is it really so that the one I Love is everywhere? ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, @Sufi_Path
238:many different ways
to have been
in love
~ Boncho, @BashoSociety
239:The love of God is better than the knowledge of God ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 1.82.3).,
240:The richest and fullest lives attempt to achieve an inner balance between three realms: work, love and play. ~ Erik Erikson,
241:Whosoever thinketh with love, never offendeth any. ~ Antoine the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
242:Be kindly affectioned one to another by brotherly love. ~ Romans.XII. 10, the Eternal Wisdom
243:Don't aim for success if you want it. Just do what you love and believe in and it will come to you naturally." ~ David Frost,
244:Every sin grows out of the love of temporal things ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 1-2.84.1).,
245:Love doesn't just sit there, like a stone, it has to be made, like bread; remade all the time, made new. ~ Ursula K. Le Guin,
246:Love is greater than knowledge...because it is its own end. ~ id. 25. 26, the Eternal Wisdom
247:Nothing so much wins love as the knowledge that one's lover desires most of all to be himself loved. ~ Saint John Chrysostom,
248:The Lord takes the human body for the sake of those pure souls who love God. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
249:Without love the acquisition of knowledge only increases confusion and leads to self-destruction. ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti, [T5],
250:I know no other secret for loving except to love. ~ St. Francois de Sales, the Eternal Wisdom
251:Keep the mind quiet. That is enough. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi, Surpassing Love and Grace, Ch 9,
252:Putting their soul power to the karmic wheel. I want you to make love, not war ~ I know you've heard it before. ~ John Lennon,
253:To love the Divine is to be loved by Him. 2 November 1932 ~ The Mother, Some Answers From The Mother,
254:Dive deep into the sea of Divine Love. Fear not. It is the sea of Immortality! ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
255:Have confidence, I am near you.
With all my tender love. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother I, [T5],
256:True self-love consists in directing oneself to God ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 1-2.100.5).,
257:When you love someone, the best thing you can offer is your presence. How can you love if you are not there? ~ Thich Nhat Hanh,
258:All happiness or unhappiness solely depends upon the quality of the object to which we are attached by love.
   ~ Baruch Spinoza,
259:God is love and we are in our weakness imperfect gods. ~ Antoine the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
260:Love is due first to God, and then to our neighbor ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 2-2.34.6ad2).,
261:One who loves God finds the object of his love everywhere.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, [T4],
262:Only the liberation of the natural capacity for love in human beings can master their sadistic destructiveness. ~ Wilhelm Reich,
263:Pure knowledge and pure love of God are ultimately one. There is no difference. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
264:You are rewarded not according to your work or your time but according to the measure of your love." ~ Saint Catherine of Siena,
265:This is a great fault in men, to love to be the models of others. ~ Meng-tse, the Eternal Wisdom
266:If you knew the secret of life, you too would choose no other companion but love. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
267:Judge nothing, you will be happy. Forgive everything, you will be happier. Love everything, you will be happiest.
   ~ Sri Chinmoy,
268:Love is a seeking for mutual possession. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Godward Emotions,
269:Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.
   ~ Dalai Lama XIV,
270:The heart is wiser than the thought. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Love and the Triple Path,
271:There is no greater invitation to love than loving first. ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo, [T5],
272:Although we say mountains belong to the country, actually, they belong to those that love them." ~ Dogen Zenji,
273:In the core of my heart my love for you knows no limits." ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, @Sufi_Path
274:Let all have intense love of the Lord. This intense love is the one thing needful. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
275:Love is the hoop of the gods
Hearts to combine. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Plays and Stories, Act I,
276:Love itself is sweet enough
Though unreturned. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Plays and Stories, Act II,
277:Madmen know only the easiest part of love." ~ Shaykh Abu Bakr Shibli, (861-946) important Sufi poet of Persian descent, Wikipedia.,
278:O my friends, plant only flowers of love in the garden of hearts. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
279:The gods love what is mysterious and dislike what is evident." ~ "The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, (about 700 BC) a treatise on Ātma,
280:They always speak of the rights of love but love's only right is the right of self giving.
   ~ The Mother,
281:To be taken with love for a soul, God does not look on its greatness, but the greatness of its humility. ~ Saint John of the Cross,
282:God is love and beauty as well as purity. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle, Religion as the Law of Life,
283:It is by the path of love, which is charity, that God draws near to man, and man to God. ~ Saint Albert the Great, (c. 1200 - 1280),
284:What do love and hate matter when I'm here alone, listening to the sound of the rain late in this autumn evening. ~ Dogen 1200-1253,
285:When you love unseemly conversation, you prepare a feast for demons and sell your soul for their fodder. ~ Saint Ephraem the Syrian,
286:All beings aspire to happiness, therefore envelop all in thy love. ~ Mahavantara, the Eternal Wisdom
287:Devotion is the secret key, for God cannot resist the outpourings of great love from a true devotee's heart. ~ PARAMAHAMSA YOGANANDA,
288:If you reject everything, what remains is the Self alone. That is real love. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
289:Such as the love is, such is the wisdom, consequently such is the man (n. 368) (Divine Love and Wisdom, 1763)
   ~ Emanuel Swedenborg,
290:The knowledge of God may be likened to a man, while the Love of God is like a woman. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
291:Truth is so obscure in these times, and falsehood so established, that, unless we love the truth, we cannot know it. ~ Blaise Pascal,
292:Knowledge is not complete without works. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Love and the Triple Path,
293:May the Divine's love dwell as the sovereign Master of our hearts and the Divine's knowledge never leave our thoughts. ~ Mother Mirra,
294:Practice of Bahkti for a long time leads to the higher devotion of love, Raga-Bahkti. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
295:Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will.
   ~ Aleister Crowley,
296:In order for love to be experienced, both the lover and the beloved must vanish." ~ Rupert Spria, "Being Aware of Being Aware", (2017),
297:Love and devotion towards the Guru makes the disciple's life beautiful, filled with light and divinely fragrant. ~ MATA AMRITANANDAMYI,
298:Love not sleep, lest you come to poverty; open your eyes, and you will have plenty of bread.
   ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Proverbs, 20:13,
299:Our sweet Jesus, through the excess of His love and liberality, has left Himself to us in the Most Holy Sacrament. ~ Saint Philip Neri,
300:Die for love: lay down your life, and life with you will stay. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, @Sufi_Path
301:greeting my
with love
~ Ogawa, @BashoSociety
302:My love ending
in hopelessness
empty cicada shells
~ Saigyo, @BashoSociety
303:Those who practice Love
have neither religion
nor caste. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, @Sufi_Path
304:All action is prayer. All trees are desire-fulfilling. All water is the Ganga. All land is Varanasi. Love everything. ~ Neem Karoli Baba,
305:Be not afraid, like some foolish people, that you may run to excess in your love of God. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
306:Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that. ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.,
307:for love and hate
I swat a fly and
offer it to an ant
~ Shiki, @BashoSociety
308:Struggle to pierce that darkness above you with the dart of longing love, and do not give up, whatever happens. ~ Anonymous English Monk,
309:The conclusion is always the same: love is still the most powerful and still the most unknown energy of the world. ~ Teilhard de Chardin,
310:The principal effect of sanctifying grace is for man to love God ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ScG 3.151).,
311:If you thus reject everything, what remains is the Self alone. That is real love. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
312:The Eucharist is the supreme proof of the love of Jesus. After this, there is nothing more but Heaven itself. ~ Saint Peter Julian Eymard,
313:The sorrow which is a vice is caused by inordinate self-love ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 2-2.28.4ad1).,
314:The straight way is the love of the infinite essence. ~ Baha-Ullah: The Seven Valleys, the Eternal Wisdom
315:Those I love who know how to live only to disappear, for they pass beyond ~ Nietzsche, the Eternal Wisdom
316:When Love desires Love,
    Then Love is born. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Plays and Stories, Act I,
317:A dual Nature covered the Unique. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
318:'I love you' and 'I thank you.' Focus on your heart and send out light and love to the essence of everything you see." ~ Imam Jamal Rahman,
319:love, so that a new, profound and universal reconciliation may be thus achieved between God and humanity." ~ Our Lady to Fr. Stefano Gobbi,
320:My insanity is the only thing preventing me from losing my mind!" ~ Sri Gawn Tu Fahr, (Jean-Pierre Gregoire) "Love's True Home.,", (2010).,
321:The door you open to give love is the very one through which love arrives." ~ Alan Cohen, author of "A Course in Miracles Made Easy," etc.,
322:Love in Her was wider than the universe. The whole world could take refuge in Her single heart. ~ Sri Aurobindo,
323:Meditation is not a means to reach God, but an end. The purpose of meditation is to love God and neighbor. ~ Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina,
love poetry
on fallen leaves
~ Ogawa, @BashoSociety
325:Your naked body should only belong to those who fall in love with your naked soul. ~ Charlie Chaplin in a letter to his daughter, Geraldine,
326:Love is the most powerful and still most unknown energy in the world. ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin,
327:One who knows the secret of that love finds the world itself full of universal love. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
328:Perfect knowledge indeed leads to perfect love. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Love and the Triple Path,
329:The truth is, indeed, that love is the threshold of another universe. ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin,
330:You shall not hate anyone, but some people you shall rebuke, for some you shall pray, and some you shall love more than your life. ~ Didache,
331:Divine love must awaken within your hearts and be intensified and crystallized. Then only the vision of God will open up. ~ Swami Turiyananda,
332:I began to understand that the love of the sacred heart without a spirit of sacrifice is but empty illusion. ~ Bl. Maria Droste zu Vischering,
333:if not in the give and take of Love. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, (1207 - 1273), Persian poet and Sufi mystic, Wikipedia.,
334:Immortality assured itself by death; ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
335:Night a process of the eternal light ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
336:The body is the chrysalis of a soul. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
337:He who wishes to love God does not truly love Him if he has not an ardent and constant desire to suffer for His sake. ~ Saint Aloysius Gonzaga,
338:'My dear one, thou thyself art love, art lover, and thyself art the beloved whom thou hast adored.'" ~ Hazrat Inayat Khan, (1882 - 1927) Sufi.,
339:Neither a lofty degree of intelligence nor imagination... go to the making of genius. Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius.
   ~ Mozart,
340:And love your Lord by serving Him. For lovers are but servants of the Beloved. ~ a poet], @Sufi_Path
341:He that loveth not, knoweth not God, for God is love. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, 1 John, IV. 8, the Eternal Wisdom
342:Infinity wore a boundless zero's form. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
343:O saki (cupbearer), pass around and offer the bowl, For love at first appeared easy but difficulties have occurred. ~ Hafiz,
344:The greatest weakness of most humans is their hesitancy to tell others how much they love them while they're alive. ~ Orlando Aloysius Battista,
345:The love of God, unutterable and perfect, flows into a pure soul the way that light rushes into a transparent object.
   ~ Dante Alighieri, [T5],
346:We are to love God for Himself, because of a twofold reason; nothing is more reasonable, nothing more profitable." ~ Saint Bernard of Clairvaux,
347:You don't love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear. ~ Oscar Wilde,
348:Earnestly pray to God that you may receive the love of His name and He will fulfill your desire. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
349:If I see a pundit without Viveka, without the love of God, I know him to be no better than straw ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
350:If we practice love of neighbor with great perfection, we will have done everything. ~ Saint Teresa of Avila,
351:I love your feet
only because they walked
upon the earth and upon
the wind and upon the waters,
until they found me." ~ Pablo Neruda,
352:Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground.
   ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
353:Oh Khusrau, the river of love
Runs in strange directions.
One who jumps into it drowns,
And one who drowns, gets across. ~ Amir Khusrau,
354:One's life has value so long as one attributes value to the life of others, by means of love, friendship, and compassion.
   ~ Simone de Beauvoir,
355:The Eucharist is the sacrament of love and ecclesial unity ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (Commentary on 1 Cor. 11).,
356:There is no fear in love, but perfect love casteth out fear. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, 1 John,, the Eternal Wisdom
357:Those who love her discover her easily and those that seek her do find her. ~ Book of Wisdom, the Eternal Wisdom
358:All the knowledge one can require emanates from this love ~ Antoine the Healer: "Revelations", the Eternal Wisdom
359:Bhakti-Yoga does not say, 'Give up'; it only says, 'Love, love the Highest !' ~ Swami Vivekananda, (C.W. III. 74),
360:In Death's realm repatriate immortality. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
361:leaves falling in
honor of our
simple love
~ Ogawa, @BashoSociety
362:Lightning from here strikes there. When you begin to love God, God is loving you. A clapping sound does not come from one hand. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
363:So high is my Lord's palace, my heart trembles to mount its stairs: yet I must not be shy, if I would enjoy His love. ~ Kabir,
364:We know that we have passed from death into life because we love our brothers. ~ John III. 13, the Eternal Wisdom
365:When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love." ~ Marcus Aurelius,
366:Where love rules, there is no will to power; and where power predominates, there love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other. ~ Carl Jung,
367:A soul would do better, in this present age, to love, pray, and surrender oneself entirely to God. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
368:A thousand aspects point back to the One. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
369:Even after all this time, the sun never says to the earth, "You owe me". Look what happens with a love like that; it lights the whole sky. ~ Hafez,
370:It is impossible absolutely speaking for hatred to be stronger than love ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 1-2.29.3).,
371:The intensity of love stems from the union of the beloved with the lover ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 2-2.26.8).,
372:Cut away in thee the love of thyself, even as in autumn thy hand plucks the lotus. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
373:Divine love is like a veritable drunkard and as such, cannot always observe the rules of propriety. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
374:Give me, divine mother, love that knows no incontinence and faith adamantine that cannot be shaken. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
375:standing inside me
naked infinite love
opening my dreaming heart
~ Ikkyu, @BashoSociety
376:Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration - I don't think you can go wrong." ~ Ella Fitzgerald,
377:My God, if my tongue cannot say in every moment that I love You, I want my heart to repeat it to You as often as I draw breath. ~ Saint John Vianney,
378:This world is God fulfilled in outwardness. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
379:Unselfish love is the highest of all. The unselfish lover cares only for the welfare of the beloved. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
380:By identity alone can complete and real knowledge exist. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Love and the Triple Path,
381:I am sent not only to love God but to make Him loved. It is not enough for me to love God, if my neighbor does not love Him." ~ Saint Vincent de Paul,
382:If you must be crazy, let it not be with the things of the world; be crazy with the love of the Lord. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
383:No name is applicable to God, only He is called Love,-so great and precious a thing is Love. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
384:Some day surely
The world too shall be saved from death by love. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Plays and Stories, Act III,
385:There is a higher ideal, a higher stage of spirituality, the love of God as our own father or mother. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
386:All choices can be broken down to two choices: The choice for fear or the choice for love." ~ Frederick Dodson, "Parallel Universes of Self,", (2006).,
387:If the heart is fed by love, the greed for pleasure would disappear". ~ Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah, @Sufi_Path
388:If you judge people you will have no time to love them." ~ Mother Teresa, (1910 - 1997), Albanian-Indian Roman Catholic nun and missionary, Wikipedia.,
389:Love is the only flower that grows and blossoms without the aid of the seasons. ~ Khalil Gibran, @Sufi_Path
390:Love is the power and passion of the divine self-delight. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Love and the Triple Path,
391:The nearer one approaches God, the more is one's heart flooded with blessed feelings and love for Him. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
392:This is how I would die into the love I have for you. As pieces of cloud dissolve into the sunlight.
   ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
393:Truth is bare like stone and hard like death; ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
394:An atom of love is to be preferred to all that exists between the two horizons. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
395:Fall in Love with
the agony of Love not the Ecstasy.
Then the Beloved will Fall in Love with you. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
396:How can we live in harmony? First we need to know we are all madly in love with the same God. ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas,
397:Love is a sacred reserve of energy; it is like the blood of spiritual evolution. ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin,
398:The two marks of an intense love for God are a forgetfulness of this world and a forgetfulness of self. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
399:what to do?
like waves crashing
shattered in unknown love
~ Princess Shikishi, @BashoSociety
400:18 Light the fire of divine love and destroy all creed and all cult. ~ Baha-ullah: The Seven Valleys, the Eternal Wisdom
401:As knowledge grows Light flames up from within. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
402:Delight, God's sweetest sign and Beauty's twin. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
403:I am the mother of pure love and of science and of sacred hope. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Ecclesiastes, the Eternal Wisdom
404:If you already have a person's love no sacrifice can be too much to give for it; but any sacrifice is too great to buy it for you. ~ Ludwig Wittgenstein,
405:Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, 1 John, II. 15, the Eternal Wisdom
406:Sraddha: the soul's belief in the Divine's existence, wisdom, power, love and grace.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - II,
407:The proof of love is in the works. Where love exists, it works great things. But when it ceases to act, it ceases to exist. ~ Pope St. Gregory the Great,
408:The sentinel love in man ever imagines
Strange perils for its object. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Plays and Stories, Act I,
409:Listen with ears of tolerance.
See through the eyes of compassion.
Speak with the language of love. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
410:Remember to keep in mind that all the past is nothing and that every day we should say with David, "Now I begin to love my God." ~ Saint Francis de Sales,
411:The Divine's love and knowledge must always govern our thoughts and actions. 24 July 1954
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II,
412:The proof of love is in the works. Where love exists, it works great things. But when it ceases to act, it ceases to exist." ~ Pope St. Gregory the Great,
413:Accustom yourself continually to make many acts of love, for they enkindle and melt the soul." ~ Saint Teresa of Avila,
414:at dawn
a feral cat
cries for love
~ Kobayashi Issa, @BashoSociety
415:For all the law is fulfilled in one word, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. ~ Galatians. V. 14, the Eternal Wisdom
416:Our lives are God's messengers beneath the stars. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
417:Humanity does not embrace only the love of one's like: it extends over all creatures. ~ Chinese Proverb, the Eternal Wisdom
418:Love, joy and happiness come from the psychic. The Self gives peace or a universal Ananda. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - I,
419:Since love completes all, makes all hard things soft, and the difficult easy, let us strive to make all our acts proceed from love." ~ Saint Arnold Janssen,
420:The main business of the heart, its true function is love. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Power of the Instruments,
421:giving birth
to love she
adorns herself
~ Matsuo Basho, @BashoSociety
422:It is far better to talk to God than to talk about Him, for there is so much self love intermingled with spiritual conversations. ~ Saint Therese of Lisieux,
423:Knowledge is the foundation of a constant living in the Divine. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Love and the Triple Path,
424:The beginning of love is the will to let those we love be perfectly themselves, the resolution not to twist them to fit our own image. … " ~ Thomas Merton,
425:Truth sees God, and wisdom contemplates God, and from these two comes a third, a holy and wonderful delight in God, who is love." ~ Saint Juliana of Norwich,
426:All I want to tell you is this. Follow both; perform your duties in the world and also cultivate love of God. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
427:And this is the life of the Gods, and of Godlike men, a life without love of the world, a flight of the Alone to the Alone. ~ Plotinus,
428:Excessive fear makes us act without love, but excessive trust does not allow us to consider the danger we are going to face. ~ Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina,
429:Fight all error, but do it with good humor, patience, kindness, and love. Harshness will damage your own soul and spoil the best cause. ~ Saint John of Kanty,
430:Lust is the perversion or degradation which prevents love from establishing its reign. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV, Sex,
431:The circle of love's inspired madness surpasses the knowledge of colleges with their quibbling over explanations and conclusions. ~ Hafiz,
432:The profession of love to God which is insufficient to restrain from disobedience to God is a lie. ~ Abu Hamid al-Ghazali,
433:The Self is dear to all. Nothing else is dear. Love unbroken like a stream of oil is termed 'Bhakti'. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
434:For one who lives, moves, has their being in God and is intoxicated with His love, God has incarnated Himself. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
435:Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Matthew, 22:37,
436:Learn to love Him, call on Him earnestly with the love of a lover. You have none other. Just think, 'He alone exists, He has become all.' ~ Swami Akhandananda,
437:Q: In all the universe is there one single thing of value?
M: Yes, the power of love.
~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj,
438:The only important thing is to follow the Divine's truth with love and joy. My blessings
   ~ The Mother, Mantras Of The Mother, 9 May,
439:at sunrise
the stray cat
cries for love
~ Kobayashi Issa, @BashoSociety
440:Be therefore followers of God as most dear children, and walk in love" ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (Compendium of Theology 2.5).,
441:Choose Love...
Because of the beloved
my heart is happy,
my soul illuminated. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, @Sufi_Path
442:Closeness to the Divine will always grow with the growth of consciousness, equanimity and love.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II,
443:For one who lives, moves, has their being in God, and is intoxicated with His love, God has incarnated Himself. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
444:In the Alone there is no room for love. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Gospel of Death and Vanity of the Ideal,
445:Just as the light of the sun attracts a healthy eye, so through love knowledge of God naturally draws to itself a pure intellect. ~ Saint Maximus the Confessor,
446:Love is a passion and it seeks for two things, eternity and intensity. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Godward Emotions,
447:Melt thy soul in the fire of love and thou wilt know that love is the alchemist of the soul. ~ Ahm-ed Halif, the Eternal Wisdom
448:Perfect love is inconsistent with the admission of the motive of fear. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Godward Emotions,
449:The prayer of faith is the only kind that is real prayer, and it is trust in God with full acknowledgment of God's power and love. ~ Archibald Thomas Robertson,
450:The "Thou" of the mother is not the "I" of the child, but both centers move in the same ellipse of love. ~ Hans Urs von Balthasar, Explorations in Theology III,
451:The touch of his hands is the alchemist of a miraculous transformation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Mystery of Love,
452:Who has not found the heaven below Will fail of it above. His residence is next to mine, His furniture is love." ~ Emily Dickinson 1(830 - 1886) American poet.,
453:Don't spend your energies on things that generate worry, anxiety and anguish. Only one thing is necessary: Lift up your spirit, and love God." ~ Saint Padre Pio,
454:I was always hungry for love. Just once, I wanted to know what it was like to get my fill of it ~ to be fed so much love I couldn't take any more. Just once. ~ ,
455:Sometimes we know them least
Whom most we love and constantly consort with. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Plays and Stories, Act III,
456:This man who knew not scripture, had the highest learning, for he had a pure love for God and could realize him. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
457:It was by love that beings were created and it is commanded to them to live in love and harmony. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
458:This world is in love with its own ignorance. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Way of Fate and the Problem of Pain,
459:Wrong could not come where all was light and love. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Adoration of the Divine Mother,
460:454. In those whom God loves, have delight; on those whom He pretends not to love, take pity. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays Divine And Human,
461:Yes, this is the true love, which is a force; it is the union that enables new possibilities to be realised... ~ The Mother, On Education,
462:And all the while within us works His love. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, The Meditations of Mandavya,
463:His love has paved the mortal's road to Heaven. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Way of Fate and the Problem of Pain,
464:In the love of God, one forgets all outward objects, the universe, and even one's own body, usually so dear to one. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
465:Let us love the cross very much, for it is there that we discover our life, our true love, and our strength in our greatest difficulties." ~ Saint Maria de Mattias,
466:Pray without ceasing for light and love and self-surrender to the Divine Mother - these are the elements of Bhakti. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
467:Happiness is conceived by love. To love is to be absorbed in the Truth of the unity of creation." ~ Phoenix Desmond, author of "Make Love to the Universe,", (2011).,
468:Heaven's wiser love rejects the mortal's prayer; ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Way of Fate and the Problem of Pain,
469:Love does not grow on trees or brought in the market, but if one wants to be "loved" one must first know how to give unconditional love. ~ Kabir,
470:Love fulfilled does not exclude knowledge, but itself brings knowledge. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Love and the Triple Path,
471:Nothing seems tiresome or painful when you are working for a Master who pays well, who rewards even a cup of cold water given for love of him. ~ Saint Dominic Savio,
472:Reason cannot dwell with the madness of love : love has nothing to do with the human reason. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
473:The important thing is not to think much but to love much; and so do that which best stirs you to love." ~ Saint Teresa of Avila,
474:To love yourself right now, just as you are, is to give yourself heaven. Don't wait until you die. If you wait, you die now. If you love, you live now. ~ Alan Cohen,
475:When you shall have learned to know, and to love, you will still suffer. The day is born in tears. The luminous weep, if only over those in darkness. ~ Vicktor Hugo,
476:God is love, and he that dwelleth in love, dwelleth in God and God in him. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, 1 John, IV. 16, the Eternal Wisdom
477:I love you. I've loved you from the beginning. And I will love you long after the last stars dies. I will love you until the end of darkness itself. ~ Laura Thalassa,
478:Like the sweet kindly earth whose patient love
Embraces even our faults and sins. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Plays and Stories, Act II,
479:The renunciation of karma comes of itself when the love of God swells up. Let them work who are made to do so by God. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
480:All loves are a bridge to divine love. Yet, those who have not had a taste of it do not know! ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, @Sufi_Path
481:All the commandments of the decalogue are directed to the love of God and of our neighbor ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 2-2.44.1ad3).,
482:I'm re-reading Savitri.

   Lucky man! I would love to read it again. And the more you read, the more marvellous it becomes.
   ~ The Mother,
483:Love dwells in us like an unopened flower
Awaiting a rapid moment of the soul, ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, Satyavan,
484:Love is the ability and willingness to allow those that you care for to be what they choose for themselves without any insistence that they satisfy you." ~ Wayne Dyer,
485:In this Kali Yuga, Bhakti, communion with God by love, devotion, and self-surrender is recommended by the Rishi Narada. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
486:In your light I learn how to love. In your beauty, how to make poems. You dance inside my chest, where no one sees you. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
487:Loving devotion does not come without a great love for God and a feeling of personal possession such as: "God is mine!" ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
488:Monastic Theology is a theology of admiration and therefore greater than a theology of speculation. ~ Jean Leclercq, The Love of Learning and the desire for God p. 283,
489:The All-Wonderful has packed heaven with his dreams, ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death, 10.03,
alive with dragonflies
making love
~ Kobayashi Issa, @BashoSociety
491:Wisdom is knowing I am nothing, Love is knowing I am everything, and between the two my life moves.
   ~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj,
492:With love there is no painful reaction; love only brings a reaction of bliss; if it does not, it not love, it is mistaking something else for love. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
493:If one loves a human being one has to endure grief and sorrow. If one can love God, one is indeed blessed, one has no more grief or sorrow. ~ HOLY MOTHER SRI SARADA DEVI
494:Love of the world, the mask, must change into the love of God, the Truth. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita, Works, Devotion and Knowledge,
495:Love the sign
Of one outblaze of godhead that two share. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, The Life Heavens,
496:One should rely on love only, because it alone is the base of all strength and all regeneration ~ Antoine the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
497:The greater your capacity to love, the greater your capacity to feel pain." ~ Jennifer Aniston, (b. 1969) American actress, film producer, and businesswoman, Wikipedia.,
498:The intellect too exclusively developed misses what the heart has to offer. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Love and the Triple Path,
499:When we feel love and kindness toward others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for, but it helps us also to develop inner happiness and peace. ~ Dalai Lama,
500:The heart's love allies itself readily with a vital desire in the body. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Instruments of the Spirit,
501:Charity makes us adhere to God for His own sake, uniting our minds to God by the emotion of love ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 2-2.17.6).,
502:Darkness may hide the trees and the flowers from the eyes but it cannot hide love from the soul." ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, @Sufi_Path
503:Day is to make a living, Night is only for Love.... Commoners sleep fast, Lovers whisper to God ! ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, @Sufi_Path
504:He who can resign himself to the will of the Almighty with simple faith and guileless love realises the Lord very quickly. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
505:Only a rational creature has the capacity for God because only it can know and love Him explicitly ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (DV 22.2ad5),
506:The Divine meets us in many aspects and to each of them knowledge is the key. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Love and the Triple Path,
507:They say: Thou art become mad with love for thy beloved. I reply: The savour of life is for madmen." ~ Abd Allāh ibn Asʻad al-Yafi'i, (1299-1367) chronicler from Yemen.,
508:Time is but the mysterious transit in which the created freedoms signify their consent to the uncreated liberty, in a process of Love calling Love. ~ Louis Bouyer, Cosmos,
509:Love is a yearning of the One for the One. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Yoga of the King, The Yoga of the Soul's Release,
510:Love is the ark appointed for the righteous, which annuls the danger and provides a way of escape. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, @Sufi_Path
511:Love is the cure, for your pain will keep giving birth to more pain until your eyes constantly exhale love as effortlessly as your body yields its scent. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
512:Oh my soul's lute a chord was struck by Love. Transmuting all my being into love: Ages would not discharge my bounden debt Of gratitude for one short hour of love." ~ Jami,
513:The poor animats who live in ail obscure consciousness of dream posses many rights to love and campassion. ~ Jatakamala, the Eternal Wisdom
514:To lavish upon all men love and trust
Shows the heart's royalty, not the brain's craft. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Plays and Stories, Act II,
515:Whoever finds love beneath hurt and grief disappears into emptiness with a thousand new disguises. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, @Sufi_Path
516:You will see God, if your love for Him is as strong as the attachment of the worldly-minded person for things of the world. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
517:Before the Lord comes, he sends yearning, love, reverence and faith into the heart of the devotee whom he is about to honor. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
518:Force and Love united and both illumined by Knowledge fulfil God in the world. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Secret of the Veda, Agni, the Illumined Will,
519:Go to the truth beyond the mind. Love is the bridge." ~ Stephen Levine, (1937-2016) American poet, author and teacher best known for his work on death and dying, Wikipedia.,
520:If the Church was a body composed of different members, it couldn't lack the noblest of all; it must have a Heart, and a Heart BURNING WITH LOVE. ~ Saint Therese of Lisieux,
521:Listen with ears of tolerance! See through the eyes of compassion! Speak with the language of love. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, @Sufi_Path
522:Love illuminated fulfils the harmony which is the goal of the divine movement. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Secret of the Veda, Agni, the Illumined Will,
523:Thus thou shalt be in perfect accord with all that lives, thou shalt love men as thy brotheas. ~ Book of Golden Precepts, the Eternal Wisdom
524:To love God, you need three hearts in one — a heart of fire for him, a heart of flesh for your neighbor, and a heart of bronze for yourself. ~ Saint Benedict Joseph Labre,
525:Whoever has his footing firm in love, renounces at one and the same time both religion and unbelief. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
526:As a true wife loves her husband and as a miser his hoarded wealth, so must the devotee love God with all his heart and soul. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
527:Don't waste your energies on things that cause worry, disturbance and anxiety. Only one thing is necessary: to lift the spirit and love God. ~ Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina,
528:He who has to see written things has need of the light; and he who has to learn the wisdom of beings has need of spiritual love. ~ Evagrius Ponticus, Kephalaia Gnostika 3.58,
529:Love is an invisible, a sacred and ineffable spirit which traverses the whole world with its rapid thoughts. ~ Empedocles, the Eternal Wisdom
530:The human frame is made up of decaying matter. By practicing such analysis for the body constantly, our love for it vanishes. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
531:What I really wanted was to fall in love with God. It's amazing what obstacles there are within us, or at least in me, that seem to slow this process. ~ Thomas Keating, [T5],
532:With a heart pure and overflowing with love I desire to act towards others even as I would toward myself. ~ Buddhist Text, the Eternal Wisdom
533:Freedom, love and spiritual knowledge raise us from mortal nature to immortal being. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita, The Field and its Knower,
534:God is always God, but the views which people and nations may take of him vary. No higher view is known than that of love. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
535:If thou feel not love for men, busy thyself with thyself, handle things, do what thou wilt, but leave men alone. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
536:I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride; so I love you because I know no other way. ~ Pablo Neruda,
537:Love and serve men, but beware lest thou desire their approbation. Obey rather God within thee.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays Divine And Human, Bhakti,
538:Love is in its nature the desire to give oneself to others and to receive others in exchange. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, The Ascent of Life,
539:O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console, to be understood as to understand, to be loved, as to love.
   ~ Saint Francis of Assisi, [T5],
540:Oh my Lord! How true it is that whoever works for you is paid in troubles! And what a precious price to those who love you if we understand its value. ~ Saint Teresa of Jesus,
541:The abode
Of rapturous Love,
The bright epiphany whom we name God. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, The Rishi,
542:The Eucharist is the sacrament of love and ecclesial unity ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (Commentary on 1 Cor. 11).…,
543:You can't go to heaven hating somebody. Forgive now. Be compassionate now. Be patient now. Be grateful now. Love Jesus and Mary now. Accept God's will now." ~ Mother Angelica,
544:No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us and his love is perfected in us. ~ John IV. 12, the Eternal Wisdom
545:Remember in your prayers the Church in Syria, which now has God for its shepherd, instead of me. Jesus Christ alone will oversee it, and your love. ~ Saint Ignatius of Antioch,
546:Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
547:A flower falls, even though we love it; and a weed grows, even though we do not love it....In this way our life should be understood. Then there is no problem. ~ Shunryu Suzuki,
548:Beyond words, above thoughts the flame of an intense aspiration must always burn, steady and bright. My love and blessings are with you.
   ~ The Mother,
549:Instead of looking for reasons to be offended or hurt, always be looking for ways to love and be loved. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, @Sufi_Path
550:So long as man clamours for the I and Mine, his works are as naught: When all love of the I and the Mine is dead, then the work of the Lord is done. ~ Kabir,
551:A man must of necessity love himself, and it is impossible for a man to hate himself, properly speaking ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 1-2.29.4).,
552:Desire, sadness, and pleasure, and consequently all the other passions of the soul, result from love ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 1-2.28.6ad2).,
553:Divine incarnations and those that are the Lord's own -- their love is not made up of scriptural formula, it springs from within. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
554:Faith may vary with different men, in different epochs, but love is invariable in all. The true faith is ~ Ibrahim of Cordova, the Eternal Wisdom
555:I love the great scorners because they are the great worshippers, arrows shot by desire towards that other shore. ~ Nietzsche, the Eternal Wisdom
556:Like the discovery of love, like the discovery of the sea, the discovery of Dostoevsky marks an important date in one's life. ~ Jorge Luis Borges,
557:Love is as strong as death, as hard as Hell. Death separates the soul from the body, but love separates all things from the soul. ~ Meister Eckhart,
558:Rare is the cup fit for love's nectar wine,
As rare the vessel that can hold God's birth; ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, Satyavan,
559:Sustaining love and consciousness is the perfect means to enlightenment. It is available at all times in every being: no one has the power to stand in the way." ~ Thaddeus Golas,
560:The only problem with being here now is that I'm always somewhere else when I'm thinking of it.." ~ Sri Gawn Tu Fahr, (Jean-Pierre Gregoire) author of "Love's True Home." ~ See:,
561:The teaching of our master consists solely in this, to be upright in heart and to love one's neighbour as oneself ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
562:The white spiritual touch,
The calm that broods in the deep Infinite. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
563:'Tis Love, 'tis Love fills up the gulfs of Time!
By Love we find our kinship with the stars. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Plays and Stories, Act III,
564:We aspire for a knowledge truly knowing, for a power truly powerful, for a love that truly loves.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, Divine and Man,
565:As an elephant entering a hut makes it totter, similarly an intense love for God pulls down the frail house called the human body. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
566:For me, prayer is a surge of the heart; it is a simple look turned toward heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy. ~ Saint Therese of Lisieux,
567:For never in this world can hate be appeased by hate: hatred is vanquished only by love,-that is the eternal law. ~ Dhammapada, the Eternal Wisdom
568:Listen and learn how you are to awaken Christ. Your soul says: I charge you, daughters of Jerusalem, awaken or reawaken the love of my heart. Christ is that love. ~ Saint Ambrose,
569:Love dies before the lover in our breast:
Our joys are perfumes in a brittle vase. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Word of Fate,
570:Many have died; you also will die. The drum of death is being beaten. The world has fallen in love with a dream. Only sayings of the wise will remain. ~ Kabir,
571:The Divine is a Being and not an abstract existence or a status of pure timeless infinity. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Mystery of Love,
572:Every stumble is a needed pace
On unknown routes to an unknowable goal. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
573:For me, prayer is a surge of the heart; it is a simple look turned toward heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy." ~ Saint Therese of Lisieux,
574:God is indeed infinite. But he is omnipotent. He may ordain that his divinity as love may be manifest in the flesh and be among us. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
575:I am in love with no other than myself, and my very separation is my union... I am my beloved and my lover; I am my knight and my maiden. ~ Ibn Arabi, [T5],
576:Love is due to our neighbor in respect of what he holds from God, that is, in respect of nature and grace ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 2-2.34.3).,
577:Men shed rivers of tears for family, love and riches, but who sheds even a drop because he is not fortunate enough to see the Lord? ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
578:My love is not a hunger of the heart, My love is not a craving of the flesh; It came to me from God, to God returns.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Divine Plan,
579:When wilt thou understand that the true happiness is always in thy power and that it is the love for all men. ~ Marcos Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
580:Acquire the habit of speaking to God as if you were alone with Him, familiarly and with confidence and love, as to the dearest and most loving of friends. ~ Saint Alphonsus Ligouri,
581:Love and Ananda are the last word of being, the secret of secrets, the mystery of mysteries. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Mystery of Love,
582:Our regeneration is indissolubly bound up with the regeneration of the universe and with the transformation of its forms of space and time. ~ Vladimir Solovyov, The Meaning of Love,
583:The true devotee, firm in his faith, though he may be surrounded by all the impurities of the world, never loses his faith and love. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
584:Either let us fear the wrath which is to come or else let us love the grace we have—one or the other, so long as we are found in Jesus Christ unto true life. ~ Ignatius of Antioch,
585:For it is an ancient and a true saying, Never shall hate be vanquished by hate, only by love is hatred extinguished. ~ Udanavaryu, the Eternal Wisdom
586:I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. ~ J R R Tolkien, The Two Towers,
587:If you take God's love from your heart and give it to worldly things, you will have lost the priceless jewel and will be poor indeed. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
588:I love the dark hours of my being. My mind deepens into them.There I can find, as in old letters, the days of my life, already lived, and held like a legend, and understood. ~ Rilke,
589:Imagine a family unbound by numbers or appearance with no 'I' left to suffer, it finds eternal nourishment in We." ~ Phoenix Desmond, author of "Make Love to the Universe,", (2011).,
590:I must attain perfection in this life! I must find God with a single utterance!" By such violent love, the Lord is quickly attracted. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
591:I was dead, then alive.
Weeping, then laughing.

The power of love came into me,
and I became fierce like a lion,
then tender like the evening star. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
592:I would act towards others with a heart pure and filled with love exactly as I would have them act to- wards me. ~ Lalita Vistara, the Eternal Wisdom
593:There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, 1 John, 4:18,
594:Bhakti-Yoga is communion with God by means of devotion or love and self-surrender. It is specially adapted to this age, the Kali-Yuga. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
595:Call with love the name of the Lord and the mountain of your sins shall go away, just as a mountain of cotton will burn up and vanish. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
596:How wonderful was this devotion of theirs! At the sight of the Tamal tree they were seized with the very madness of love (Premonmadu). ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
597:I love the Lord, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Psalms, 116:1-2, NIV,
598:The growing of the love of God must carry with it in him an expansion of the knowledge of God. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Mystery of Love,
599:The love of God is an infinite and absolute feeling which does not admit of any rational limitation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle, Reason and Religion,
600:What is the mark of love for your neighbor? Not to seek what is for your own benefit, but what is for the benefit of the one loved, both in body and in soul." ~ Saint Basil the Great,
601:A lying reality is falsehood's crown
And a perverted truth her richest gem. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
602:Here dreadfully entangled love and hate
Meet us blind wanderers mid the perils of Time. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Word of Fate,
603:If you love the truth, you'll trust it - that is, you will expect it to be good, beautiful, perfect, orderly, etc., in the long run, not necessarily in the short run. ~ Abraham Maslow,
604:My God is love and sweetly suffers all.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Journey in Eternal Night and the Voice of the Darkness, [T5],
605:Sin is remitted to us when God is at peace with us, and this peace consists in the love whereby God loves us ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 1-2.113.2).,
606:But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance. ~ Latita Vistara, the Eternal Wisdom
607:Friendship and love are indispensable notes in the harmony to which we aspire. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV, Human Relations and the Spiritual Life,
608:He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of youbut to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Micah, 6:8,
609:Love in her was wider than the universe,
The whole world could take refuge in her single heart. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Issue,
610:Notice how they preach to you a sermon full of love, of praise of God, and how they invite you to proclaim the greatness of the one who has given them being." ~ Saint Paul of the Cross,
611:Seek the Divine Love through the only gate through which it will consent to enter, the gate of the psychic being. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV, Sex,
612:The being of the Divine has surprises for us which confound the ideas of the limiting intellect. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Mystery of Love,
613:The glories of affection for God are discrimination, dispassion, tenderness to all life, service to the good, and love of their company. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
614:The love of God always loves to lift the mind into divine conversation. The love of neighbor is always ready to think good about him. ~ Maximus the Confessor, Centuries on Charity 4.40,
615:He who sees God in all, will serve freely God in all with the service of love. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle, Conditions for the Coming of a Spiritual Age,
616:If in thirst you drink water from a cup, you see God in it. Those who are not in love with God will see only their own faces in it. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, [T5],
617:In spite of death and evil circumstance
A will to live persists, a joy to be. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
618:Merely reading holy books will not make one religious. One must practice the virtues taught in books in order to acquire the love of God. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
619:No one can make excuses, because anyone can love God; and he does not ask the soul for more than to love him, because he loves the soul, and it is his love." ~ Blessed Angela of Foligno,
620:Some say that knowledge is the road that leads towards love; others, that love and knowledge are interdependent. ~ Narada Sutra 18-19, the Eternal Wisdom
621:The wisdom and love of God in turning our evil into His good does not absolve us of our moral responsibility. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin, Facts and Opinions,
622:You have got to cultivate all the three - hands, head and heart. The word 'hands' stands for physical labour; the 'head' for intellect and by 'heart' is meant love. ~ Swami Akhandananda,
623:A devotee would be acting foolishly if he were to beg for psychic powers, neglecting the priceless gift of true knowledge and love of God. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
624:Equality is not fulfilled till it takes its positive form of love and delight. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Release from the Heart and the Mind,
625:For this is the message that ye have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, 1 John, III.11, the Eternal Wisdom
626:He whose hairs stand on end with ecstasy at the mere mention of Sir Hari's name and sheds tears of love, has already taken his last birth. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
627:Maya is attachment and love towards one's own relations. Daya is love extending equally to all beings and comes from the knowledge of God. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
628:Narada and a few others have come back several steps after the attainment of samadhi and, out of mercy and love, they have taught mankind. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
629:The God of Force, the God of Love are one;
Not least He loves whom most He smites. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, Epiphany,
630:The grace of God is so great and His love for us is such that we cannot understand what He has done for us ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (On the Creed, a. 4).
631:To approach God by love is to prepare oneself for the greatest possible spiritual fulfilment. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Love and the Triple Path,
632:To say God is devoid of love and joy is an absurdity, which proves one has never realized the Supreme Being, the fountain of eternal love. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
633:Alone of gods Death loves not gifts: he visits
The pure heart as the stained. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, Love and Death,
634:A yet unfound law of love is the only sure foundation possible for a perfect social evolution. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle, The End of the Curve of Reason,
635:Divine Love is based upon oneness and the psychic derives from the Divine Love. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II, Divine Love, Psychic Love and Human Love,
636:Eternity drew close disguised as Love
And laid its hand upon the body of Time. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Paradise of the Life-Gods,
637:God as beauty, Srikrishna in Brindavan, Shyamasundara, is not only Beauty, He is also Love. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Early Cultural Writings, The National Value of Art,
638:Have faith in the Lord; He is ever present...But no one can find God without continuous love for Him in the heart. To feel that love for God, one must practice it. ~ PARAMAHAMSA YOGANANDA,
639:Love :::

So many different ways
to have been in love.

The maidservants
Trying to take a peep
Knock down the screen!
~ Nozawa Boncho,
640:Love is, when God says to you, "I have created everything for you." And you say, "I have left everything for you." ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, @Sufi_Path
641:May your love for your beloved be as great as the love of the bottle for the glass. Look, how one gives and one receives, lip against lip, the precious blood of the grapes. ~ Omar Khayyam,
642:The contact with perfected souls will most certainly stimulate love for God in others. One imbibes thoughts of God as soon as one comes near a realized soul. ~ Manapurush Swami Shivananda,
643:The grace of God is so great and His love for us is such that we cannot understand what He has done for us ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (On the Creed, a. 4).,
644:When the human soul is attracted by Universal Consciousness, it destroys all individuality and sinks into the ocean of God's infinite Love. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
645:And remember you don't bargain with love. The choice is not yours. It is a mirror, it reflects only your essence... ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, @Sufi_Path
646:Be the silent watcher of your thoughts and behavior. You are beneath the thinker. You are the stillness beneath the mental noise. You are the love and joy beneath the pain. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
647:Love is an adventure and a conquest. It survives and develops, like the universe itself, only by perpetual discovery. ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin,
648:One feels restless for God when one's soul longs for His vision. To love God is the essence of the whole thing. Bhakti alone is the essence. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
649:Shuddered in silence as obscurely stir
Ocean's dim fields delivered to the moon. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
650:The white passion of God-ecstasy
That laughs in the blaze of the boundless heart of Love. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, In the Self of Mind,
651:Without stick or sword, filled with sympathy and benevolence, let the disciple show to all beings love and compassion. ~ Magghima Nikaya, the Eternal Wisdom
652:A man can be himself only so long as he is alone, and if he does not love solitude, he will not love freedom, for it is only when he is alone that he is really free.
   ~ Arthur Schopenhauer,
653:And I believe in love, even when there's no one there. And I believe in God, even when he is silent" ~ First stanza of poem etch by a Jew on a cellar wall doing the Holocaust. For poem see:,
654:Even wisdom, hewer of the roads of God,
Is a partner in the deep disastrous game: ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
655:Fear and greed cause the misuse of the mind. The right use of mind is in the service of love, of life, of truth, of beauty. ~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj,
656:However much one may have studied books, it is all futile unless one has love and devotion for God, unless one has the desire to realize Him. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
657:Others boast of their love for God. My boast is that I did not love God; it was He who loved me and sought me out and forced me to belong to Him. ~ Sri Aurobindo,
658:Suffering is resistance to a presentation of the Truth. Happiness is deliverance from suffering, First accept Now let go." ~ Phoenix Desmond, author of "Make Love to the Universe,", (2011).,
659:True love is eternal, infinite, and always like itself. It is equal and pure, without violent demonstrations: it is seen with white hairs and is always young in the heart. ~ Honore de Balzac,
660:Unless the soul is pure, it cannot have genuine love of God and single-minded devotion to the ideal. The mind wanders away to various objects. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
661:When I calmed my mind And entered my heart, The Love of the Lord Leapt like a flame within me. All my old ideas and beliefs Just blew away like chaff to the wind. ~ Kabir,
662:Kali (Iron Lords of Time)
Am love, am passion; I create the world.
I am the only Brahma. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, Kama,
663:Strength in the spirit, wisdom in the mind,
Love in the heart complete the trinity
Of glorious manhood. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Plays and Stories, Act III,
664:The books we love, they love us back. And just as we mark our places in the pages, those pages leave their marks on us. I can see it in you, sure as I see it in me. ~ Jay Kristoff, Nevernight,
665:304. There are two ways of avoiding the snare of woman; one is to shun all women and the other to love all beings.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays Divine And Human, Karma,
666:Forget your difficulties. Forget yourself... And the Lord will take care of your progress. With love and blessings. 5 March 1968
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II,
667:Grief dies soon in the tired human heart;
Soon other guests the empty chambers fill. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
668:Love and devotion to the Divine is the central feeling of the psychic nature. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - III, The Emergence or Coming Forward of the Psychic,
669:Miss no single opportunity of making some small sacrifice, here by a smiling look, there by a kindly word; always doing the smallest right and doing it all for love. ~ Saint Therese of Lisieux,
670:Our Lady's love is like a stream that has its source in the Eternal Fountains, quenches the thirst of all, can never be drained, and ever flows back to its Source. ~ Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys,
671:Some people are like an open grave:
You give it the thing you love most
And then get nothing in return. ~ Abu al-Ala al-Ma'arri, Birds Through a Ceiling of Alabaster: Three Abbasid Poets,
672:There is no counting the sheep who are nourished with his abundant love, and who are prepared to lay down their lives for the sake of the good shepherd who died for them. ~ Saint Leo the Great,
673:Three things are necessary to everyone: truth of faith which brings understanding, love of Christ which brings compassion, and endurance of hope which brings perseverance." ~ Saint Bonaventure,
674:Trying to change yourself is a form of judgment. Awakening is not about fixing yourself. It is about revealing every aspect of yourself with love, acceptance and compassion. ~ Leonard Jacobson,
675:For love is heaven and heaven is love." ~ Quoted in "The Holy Science" by Yukteswar Giri, (1855-1936), scholar of the Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads, an educator and an astronomer, Wikipedia.,
676:Would you become a pilgrim on the road of love? The first condition is that you make yourself humble as dust and ashes." ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, @Sufi_Path
677:In their seeking, wisdom and madness are one and the same. On the path of love, friend and stranger are one and the same. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, @Sufi_Path
678:Love God and do whatever you please: for the soul trained in love to God will do nothing to offend the One who is Beloved. ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo, [T5],
679:Three are the words that sum up the supreme state of the Yoga of devotion, love, ecstasy, surrender. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays Divine and Human, Partial Systems of Yoga,
680:We must aid our parents, love and revere them, according to their human nature, but hate their moral vices and what in them turns us away from God (Commentary on John 19). ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas,
681:For joy and not for sorrow earth was made
And not as a dream in endless suffering Time. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
682:Is there anything more wondrous, delicious, and entertaining than an imperfect human being trying to describe perfection?" ~ Sri Gawn Tu Fahr, (Jean-Pierre Gregoire) "Love's True Home.,", (2010).,
683:Let me be rapt in love. Let me rise above self in great fervor and wonder. Let me sing the hymn of love, and let me follow You, my Love, to the heights. ~ Thomas A Kempis, The Imitation of Christ,
684:Make sajdah with love. Pray with love. Do everything that the Lord of the Heavens is ordering you to do with love. ~ Shaykh Nazim Al Haqqani, @Sufi_Path
685:Our mortal vision peers with ignorant eyes;
It has no gaze on the deep heart of things. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
686:Vain are human power and human love
To break earth's seal of ignorance and death; ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Adoration of the Divine Mother,
687:Called back her thoughts from speech to sit within
In a deep room in meditation's house. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
688:Death is strong: it has the power to deprive us of the gift of life. ~ Love is strong: it has the power to restore us to the exercise of a better life ~ Bishop Baldwin of Canterbury, Treatise 10).,
689:Happiness can only arise as a 'byproduct' of a life devoted to the services of others." ~ Joanne Carriatore, from "Bearing the Unbearable: Love, Loss, and the Heartbreaking Path of Grief", (2017).,
690:God cannot be taken by violence. It is only through love and harmony that you can reach God. Be in peace - my blessings are with you.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II,
691:Love immense and infinite, broad as the sky and deep as the ocean—this is the one great gain in life. Blessed is he who gets it. ~ Swami Vivekananda, (C.W. V. 144),
692:Make your entire life an expression of your faith and love for your teacher. This is real dwelling with the Guru. ~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, I Am That, Ch 32,
693:This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is love." ~ The Dalai Lama, 14th, (b. 1935).,
694:This is the weakness of the mind that it limits itself by its thoughts, its positive and negative ideas, ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Love and the Triple Path,
695:What is prema? He who feels it, this intense and ecstatic love of God, not only forgets the world but forgets even the body, which is so dear to all. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
696:Divine Love, true love, finds its delight and its satisfaction in itself; it has no need to be received and appreciated, nor to be shared
   - it loves for the sake of loving, as a flower blooms. ~ ?,
697:First, the belly; and then immediately the materials of all other species of lasciviousness are laid subordinately to daintiness: through love of eating, love of impurity finds passage. ~ Tertullian,
698:One must begin by annihilating one's self, to be able to kindle within the Flame of existence and be admitted into the paths of Love. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
699:All is a single plan; each wayside act
Deepens the soul's response, brings nearer the goal. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
700:Can meet the same Nothing In an apparent other. This is the birth of Love. This is the pinnacle of creation." ~ Arjuna Nick Ardagh, (b. 1957), author of "How About Now: Satsang with Arjuna,", (1999).,
701:Love is a time-honored way to transcend the separate-self sense and leap into the sublime.

Real love will take you far beyond yourself; and therefore real love will devastate you. ~ Ken Wilber,
702:To take pleasure in another's evil belongs to hatred, which is contrary to the charity whereby we are bound to love all men. ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 2-2.108.1).,
703:Your acts of kindness are iridescent wings of divine love, which linger and continue to uplift others long after your sharing. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, @Sufi_Path
704:A burning Love from white spiritual founts
Annulled the sorrow of the ignorant depths. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Adoration of the Divine Mother,
705:A gift given in love must also be received in love in order for a spiritual transaction to be successful." ~ Sri Gawn Tu Fahr, (Jean-Pierre. Gregoire) "Love's True Home." ~,
706:If ye fulfil the royal law, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well ; but if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin. ~ James II.8, 9, the Eternal Wisdom
707:Love cannot live by heavenly food alone,
Only on sap of earth can it survive. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Gospel of Death and Vanity of the Ideal,
708:That man whose hair stands on end at the mere mention of the name of God, and from whose eyes flow tears of love—he has indeed reached his last birth. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
709:The noble love of Jesus spurs to great deeds and excites longing for that which is more perfect. Love tends upward; it will not be held down by anything low. ~ Thomas A Kempis, The Imitation of Christ,
710:This is the one thing needful, the chanting of God's name. All else is unreal. Love and devotion alone are real, and other things are of no consequence. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
711:True love seeks for union and self-giving and that is the love one must bring to the Divine. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II, Divine Love, Psychic Love and Human Love,
712:We love irrational creatures out of charity, in as much as we wish them to endure, to give glory to God, and be useful to man ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 2-2.25.11).,
713:Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, @Sufi_Path
714:Bhakti and the heart's call for the Divine have a truth—it is the truth of the divine Love and Ananda. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II, The Adwaita of Shankaracharya,
715:His first coming was to fulfill his plan of love, to teach men by gentle persuasion. This time, whether men like it or not, they will be subjects of his kingdom by necessity. ~ Saint Cyril of Jerusalem,
716:Kings would give away their thrones for just the smell of that special wine of love which lovers drink at the assembly of heart. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, @Sufi_Path
717:On our life's prow that breaks the waves of Time
No signal light of hope has gleamed in vain. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
718:The future is in your hearts and in your hands. God is entrusting to you the task, at once difficult and uplifting, of working with Him in the building of the civilization of love." ~ Pope John Paul II,
719:True communication is generated in the 'other' universe. The natural results of true communication are love and satisfaction." ~ Ron Smothermon, M.D., (b. 1943) "Winning Through Enlighenment,", (1980).,
720:At last the soul turns to eternal things,
In every shrine it cries for the clasp of God. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death, [T5],
721:Come out of the circle of time and enter the circle of love." ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, (1207 -1273), Persian poet, faqih, Islamic scholar, theologian, and Sufi mystic, Wikipedia.,
722:Love is a honey and poison in the breast
Drunk by it as the nectar of the gods. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Gospel of Death and Vanity of the Ideal,
723:The Divine is beyond our oppositions of ideas, beyond the logical contradictions we make between his aspects. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Love and the Triple Path,
724:We cling to things, people, beliefs, and behaviors not because we love them, but because we are terrified of losing them." ~ Gerald G. May, (1940 - 2005) American Psychiatrist and Theologian, Wikipedia.,
725:At the Guru's death, either the Body awakens or His Work in the world is forsaken and His light grows dim. In every breath, remember Him." ~ Red Hawk, (b. 1943) "Mother Guru: Savitri Love Poems,", (2014),
726:Hasteners to action, violators of God
Are these great spirits who have too much love. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Dream Twilight of the Earthly Real,
727:Love is the affinity which links and draws together the elements of the world. Love, in fact, is the agent of universal synthesis ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin,
728:Only in the pauses between things, in the brief contemplative spaces of just being, can we catch a glimpse of love itself." ~ Gerald G. May, (1940 - 2005) American Psychiatrist and Theologian, Wikipedia.,
729:That he may vanquish hate, let the disciple live with a soul delivered from all hate and show towards all beings love and compassion. ~ Magghima Nikaya, the Eternal Wisdom
730:There is the mystic realm whence leaps the power
Whose fire burns in the eyes of seer and sage. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
731:This is the hour of the Father's mercy which, through the love of the Son's divine Heart, is made manifest at the moment when everyone's suffering is at its greatest." ~ Our Lady to Father Stefano Gobbi ,
732:It is the vital passion for the Divine that creates the spiritual heroes, conquerors or martyrs. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II, Divine Love, Psychic Love and Human Love,
733:The blue sea's chant, the rivulet's wandering voice
Are murmurs falling from the Eternal's harp. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
734:The knowledge of the Eternal and the love of the Eternal are in the end one and the same thing. There is no difference between pure knowledge and pure love. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
735:To fall in love with God is the greatest romance; to seek him the greatest adventure; to find him, the greatest human achievement.
   ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo, [T5],
736:If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, 1 Corinthians, 13:2
737:Man, if thou wouldst discover in the crowd the friends of God, observe simply those who carry love in their hearts and in their hands. ~ Angeles Silesins, the Eternal Wisdom
738:Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream up a superior to themselves. Most Gods have the manners and morals of a spoiled child.
   ~ Robert Heinlein, Notebooks of Lazarus Long, from Time Enough for Love (1973).,
739:My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue, but in deed and in truth. And hereby we know that we are of the truth. ~ John III. 18, 19, the Eternal Wisdom
740:Those who are not happy internally can never be happy externally; those who are not happy within themselves can never make others happy. Those who do not love themselves can never love others. ~ SWAMI RAMA,
741:A tireless benevolence, clear-seeing and comprehensive, free from all personal reaction, is the best way to love God and serve Him upon earth.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II,
742:Give me an increase of love, that I may learn to taste with the inward lips of my heart how sweet it is to love, how sweet to be dissolved in love and bathe in it. ~ Thomas A Kempis, The Imitation of Christ,
743:I am the light in stars, of flowers
The bloom, the nameless fragrance that pervades
Creation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, Love and Death,
744:Lord, I beg you in the name of Jesus Christ, your Son and my God, give me a love that cannot stumble so that my lamp can be lit but can never go out: let it burn in me and give light to others. ~ Columbanus,
745:When love comes into your life, unrecognized dimensions of your destiny awaken and blossom and grow. Possibility is the secret heart of time." ~ John O'Donohue, "Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom,', (1997),
746:By suffering out of love and obedience, Christ gave more to God than was required to compensate for the offense of the whole human race ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 3.48.2).,
747:By suffering out of love and obedience, Christ gave more to God than was required to compensate for the offense of the whole human race ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST.3.48.2).,
748:Whether you are standing or walking, whether you are seated or lying down, consecrate yourselves wholly to love : it is the best way of life. ~ Metta Sutta, the Eternal Wisdom
749:You can write any time people will leave you alone and not interrupt you. Or rather you can if you will be ruthless enough about it. But the best writing is certainly when you are in love. ~ Ernest Hemingway,
750:O my God, fill my soul with holy joy, courage and strength to serve You. Enkindle Your love in me and then walk with me along the next stretch of road before me." ~ Saint Benedicta of the Cross, (Edith Stein),
751:When God loves, all he desires is to be loved in return. The sole purpose of his love is to be loved, in the knowledge that those who love him are made happy by their love of him. ~ Saint Bernard of Clairvaux,
752:When God loves, all he desires is to be loved in return; the sole purpose of his love is to be loved, in the knowledge that those who love him are made happy by their love of him. ~ Saint Bernard of Clairvaux,
753:Without perfect love there cannot be perfect beauty, and without perfect beauty there cannot be perfect delight. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Early Cultural Writings, The National Value of Art,
754:But because my love is as yet weak and my virtue imperfect, I must be strengthened and comforted by You. Visit me often, therefore, and teach me Your holy discipline. ~ Thomas A Kempis, The Imitation of Christ,
755:It is only the Divine's Grace that can give peace, happiness, power, light, knowledge, beatitude and love in their essence and their truth.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, [T5],
756:Let the disciple consecrate himself to love, not in order to seek for his own happiness, but let him take pleasure in love for the love of love. ~ Jatakamala, the Eternal Wisdom
757:Love at its purest and most detached level is nothing else in itself than God." ~ Meister Eckhart, (c. 1260 - c. 1328), a German theologian, philosopher and mystic, Wikipedia.,
758:There is only one thing to do in order to be sure of being happy: it is to love the good and the wicked. Love always and thou wilt be happy always. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
759:All consciousness implies power, Shakti; where there is infinite consciousness of being, there is infinite power of being. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Mystery of Love,
760:Come and be Love's willing slave, for Love's slavery will save you. Forsake the slavery of this world and take up Love's sweet service.
   ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, translated by Helminski,
Such is the life earth's travail has conceived,
A constant stream that never is the same. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
762:One man's theology is another man's belly laugh.
   ~ Robert Heinlein, Notebooks of Lazarus Long, from Time Enough for Love (1973). This is sometimes misquoted as One man's religion is another man's belly laugh.,
763:There is no malady that can prevent the doing of thy duty. If thou canst not serve men by thy works, serve them by thy example of love and patience. ~ Tolstoy, the Eternal Wisdom
764:The principal work of life is love. And one cannot love in the past or in the future: one can only love in the present, at this hour, at this minute. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
765:To put into practice the teachings of our holy faith, it is not enough to convince ourselves that they are true; we must love them. Love united to faith makes us practise our religion." ~ Saint Alphonsus Liguori,
766:If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.
   ~ Anonymous, The Bible, John, 15:19,
767:Since the Father and the Son mutually love one another, it necessarily follows that this mutual Love, the Holy Spirit, proceeds from both ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 1.37.1ad3).,
768:There is only one path to Heaven. On Earth we call it Love." ~ Henry David Thoreau, (1817 - 1862) American essayist, poet, and philosopher. A leading transcendentalist, best known for his book "Walden", Wikipedia,
769:To love is to recognize yourself in another." ~ Eckhart Tolle, (b. 1948) spiritual teacher, best-selling author, German-born resident of Canada, best known as the author of :The Power of Now," et. al., Wikipedia.,
770:Love is gone ere grief can find him;
    But his way
Tears that, falling, lag behind him
    Still betray. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Plays and Stories, Act III,
771:Only, intelligence has to recognize by the methods proper to it... the pre-eminence of love. It must not yield unless it knows why, and it must know this quite precisely and clearly. ~ Simone Weil, Gravity & Grace,
772:Still it is not impossible to raise oneself even higher than that, for love itself is a veil between the lover and the Beloved. ~ Baha-ullah "The Seven Valleys.", the Eternal Wisdom
773:There is a thirst for Love which no human relation can quench. It is only the Divine's love that can satisfy that thirst.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, Divine Love and Human Love,
774:A million salutations at Thy petaled feet, O Lotus of Light! I pour my heart at Thy feet. I pour all my soul at Thy feet. I pour all the fragrant musk of my love at Thy feet of omnipresence. ~ Paramahansa Yogananda,
775:Indeed, the more spiritual progress a person makes, so much heavier will he frequently find the cross, because as his love increases, the pain of his exile also increases. ~ Thomas A Kempis, The Imitation of Christ,
776:Love is an easier method than the others; because it is self-evident and does not depend on other truths and its nature is peace and supreme felicity. ~ id. 58. 60, the Eternal Wisdom
777:The Divine has an equal love for all human beings, but the obscurity of consciousness of most men prevents them from perceiving this divine love. Truth is wonderful. It is in our perception that it is distorted. ~ ?,
778:Your life is an idea in the universal mind . . . Make it a good one." ~ Kamand Kojouri, "The Eternal Dance: Love Poetry and Prose,", (2018). She was born in Tehran, raised in Dubai and Toronto, and resides in Wales.,
779:By the swift vibration of a nerve
Links its mechanic throbs to light and love. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, 02.04
780:From lust are generated blindness of mind, inconsiderateness, inconstancy, precipitation, self-love, hatred of God, affection for this present world, but dread or despair of that which is to come. ~ Gregory the Great,
781:I cannot lament the loss of a love or a friendship without meditating that one loses only what one really never had.~ Jorge Luis Borges, Labyrinths, Selected Stories and Other Writings,
782:There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age." ~ Sophia Loren,
783:Thus strive by the faith of love to burn the veils of the demoniac nature over the soul that thou mayst purify thy mind and make it ready to understand. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
784:All difficulties are solved by taking rest in the Divine's arms, for these arms are always opened with love to shelter us.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, Face and Overcome Difficulties,
785:Art and love are the same thing: It's the process of seeing yourself in things that are not you." ~ - Chuck Klosterman, (born 1972) American author and essayist, author of eleven books, including two novels, Wikipedia.,
786:A sole thing the Gods
Demand from all men living, sacrifice:
Nor without this shall any crown be grasped. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, Love and Death,
787:Free me from evil passions and cleanse my heart of all disorderly affection so that, healed and purified within, I may be fit to love, strong to suffer, and firm to persevere. ~ Thomas A Kempis, The Imitation of Christ,
788:Just as it belongs to charity to love God, so it likewise belongs to charity to detest the sins through which the soul is separated from God ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 1-2.113.5ad1).,
789:Love cannot be used for the fulfilment of desire, for its nature is renunciation. Renunciation is the renunciation of ritual works and worldly affairs. ~ Narada Sutra, the Eternal Wisdom
790:Love wishes to be free and estranged from all worldly affections, lest its inward sight be obstructed, lest it be entangled in any temporal interest and overcome by adversity. ~ Thomas A Kempis, The Imitation of Christ,
791:The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love.~ Meister Eckhart, Sermons of Meister Eckhart,
792:The lotus-heart of love
With all its thousand luminous buds of truth,
Which quivering sleeps veiled by apparent things. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Word of Fate,
793:To love because it is the nature of love to love is undeniably the highest and the most unselfish manifestation of love that may be seen in the world. ~ Swami Vivekananda, (C.W. III. 86),
794:In your light I learn how to love. In your beauty, how to make poems. You dance inside my chest where no-one sees you, but sometimes I do, and that sight becomes this art. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
795:Sin lies only in hurting other people unnecessarily. All other sins are invented nonsense. (Hurting yourself is not sinful--just stupid.)
   ~ Robert Heinlein, Notebooks of Lazarus Long, from Time Enough for Love (1973).,
796:Tell the night that it cannot claim our day. No religion claims love's holy faith. Love's an ocean, vast and without shores. When lovers drown, they don't cry out or pray. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
797:To know God is to love God, therefore the paths of jnana and bhakti (knowledge and devotion) come to the same. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi, Teachings of Ramana-Maharshi in his Own Words, Ch 6,
798:God and the human are paradigms of each other, and to the degree that God is humanized in a man because of his love for humanity, so does the human deify itself into God, empoweredby love. ~ Maximus, Amb. 10. 1113B11~ 14,
799:Let there be spaces in your togetherness, And let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another but make not a bond of love: Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls." ~ Khalil Gibran,
800:Our Lady received through the ineffable kindness of Jesus the strength to endure the trials of her love until the end. May you also find the strength to endure with the Lord to Calvary! " ~ Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina,
801:Seek the bridegroom not the teacher; God and not man; darkness not daylight; and look not to the light but rather to the raging fire that carries the soul to God with intense fervour and glowing love. ~ Saint Bonaventure,
802:The height of love is the rapturous immersion of ourselves in unity of ecstatic delight with the object of our love and adoration. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Modes of the Self,
803:410. Others boast of their love for God. My boast is that I did not love God; it was He who loved me and sought me out and forced me to belong to Him.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays Divine And Human,
804:I am the good shepherd. I know my own - I love them - and my own know me. In plain words: those who love me are willing to follow me, for anyone who does not love the truth has not yet come to know it. ~ Gregory the Great,
805:Tell me what I long to hear. That You love me and he loves me. How foolish, You are he." ~ Margaret Stortz, " I am enough & other wisdom for daily living,", (1996), Last stanza of poem, "Come Whisper in My Ear," pp 57-58.,
806:Thou who pervadest all the worlds below,
Yet sitst above,
Master of all who work and rule and know,
Servant of Love! ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, God,
807:Christ had to suffer death, not only to give an example of holding death in contempt out of love of the truth, but also to wash away the sins of others ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ScG 4.55).,
808:It is impossible to compel oneself to the love of others. One can only reject that which prevents love; and that which prevents is the love of one's material I. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
809:Love is perhaps the only glimpse we are permitted of eternity." ~ Helen Hayes, (1900 - 1993) American actress whose career spanned 80 years. She eventually received the nickname "First Lady of American Theatre", Wikipedia.,
810:So I pray to increase my madness And to increase your sanity. My 'madness' is from the power of Love' Your sanity is from the strength of unawareness." ~ Shaykh Abu Bakr Shibli, (861-946) important Persian Sufi, Wikipedia.,
811:The knowledge of the Eternal and the love of the Eternal are in the end one and the same thing. There is no difference between pure knowledge and pure love. ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
812:It is good for you to spend some time with children. They will teach you to believe, to love and to play. Children will help you smile from your heart and to have that look of wonderment in your eyes. ~ MATA AMRITANANDAMAYI,
813:It is not possible for the tongue of human speech to tell all the utter unity and all the eternal variety of the ananda of divine love. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Mystery of Love,
814:Nothing will accrue to you if you do not have right and proper attachment, affection and love for the Master. Love the Master giving away to Him all your heart and soul. Make Him your very own. ~ Manapurush Swami Shivananda,
815:Ten high virtues: benevolence; spiritual life; intelligence; renunciation; perseverance; energy; patience; truthfulness; love for others; equality of soul. ~ Sangiti Sutta, the Eternal Wisdom
816:Thy heart that needs
Some human answering heart against thy breast;
For who, being mortal, can dwell glad alone? ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
817:When the fruit appears the blossom drops off. Love of God is the fruit, and rituals are the blossom. The sandhya merges in the Gayatri, the Gayatri in Om, and, Om in samādhi. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
818:But as we cannot love what is outside ourselves, we must love a being who is in us and who is not ourselves. Now it is only the universal Being who is such an one. ~ Pascal, the Eternal Wisdom
819:Close only as love whom sorrow and delight
Cannot diminish, nor long absence change
Nor daily prodigality of joy
Expend immortal love. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Plays and Stories, Act II,
820:Men live like stars that see each other in heaven,
But one knows not the pleasure and the grief
The others feel ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, Love and Death,
821:This is what our love is—a sacred pattern of unbroken unity sewn flawlessly invisible inside all other images, thoughts, smells, and sounds." ~ Aberjhani, (b. 1957), historian, columnist, novelist, poet, artist, Wikipedia.,
822:We have entangled ourselves and we seem to love to entangle ourselves. Such is the perversity of our nature. But only when we extricate ourselves from this labyrinth of nerves can we hope to be free. ~ Swami Ramakrishnananda,
823:What is dearest in the world to beings is their own self. Therefore from love for that own self which is so dear to beings, neither kill nor torment any. ~ Sa-myutta Nikaya, the Eternal Wisdom
824:When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers." ~ Thich Nhat Hanh, (b. 1926) a Vietnamese Buddhist monk and peace activist, published more than 100 books, including more than 40 in English, Wikipedia.,
825:When the city of Jericho fell at the sound of the priests' trumpets, and Joshua the Son of Nun gained the victory, he knew that the valour of the people was weakened through love of money and desire for gold. ~ Saint Ambrose,
826:He who busies himself with the sins of others, or judges his brother on suspicion, has not yet even begun to repent or to examine himself so as to discover his own sins... ~ Maximus the Confessor, Third Century on Love no. 55,
827:Jesus has chosen to show me the only way which leads to the Divine Furnace of love; it is the way of childlike self-surrender, the way of a child who sleeps, afraid of nothing, in its father's arms. ~ Saint Therese of Lisieux,
828:My brother, a delicate heart is like a mirror; polish it by love and detachment, that the Sun of the Reality may reflect itself in it and the divine Dawn arise. ~ Baha-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
829:The more she plunged into love that anguish grew;
   Her deepest grief from sweetest gulfs arose.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Joy of Union; the Ordeal of the Foreknowledge,
830:There is no end to the love of God. It is an inexhaustible treasure! The more you drink of it, the more thirsty you feel; and ultimately, losing yourself in bliss, you forget yourself and are merged in it. ~ Swami Virajananda,
831:They say the anarchy of love disturbs
Gods even: shaken are the marble natures,
The deathless hearts are melted to the pang
And rapture. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Plays and Stories, Act I,
832:When I have loved for ever, I shall know.
Love in me knows the truth all changings mask. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Journey in Eternal Night and the Voice of the Darkness,
833:Christianity says, "Love thy neighbour as thyself." And I say . "Recognise thyself in thy neighbour and that all men are in reality one and the same substance." ~ Schopenhauer, the Eternal Wisdom
834:If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar; for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen ? ~ John IV. 20, the Eternal Wisdom
835:The holy company begets yearning for God. It begets love of God. There is another benefit from holy company. It helps one cultivate discrimination between the Real and the Unreal. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
836:God and the human are paradigms of each other, and to the degree that God is humanized in a man because of his love for humanity, so does the human deify itself into God, empowered by love. ~ Maximus the Confessor, Amb. 10.1113b,
837:He made of Nothingness his living-room
And Night a process of the eternal light
And death a spur towards immortality. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
838:...if a man can be properly said to love something, it must be clear that he feels affection for it as a whole, and does not love part of it to the exclusion of the rest. ~ Plato, The Republic and Other Works,
839:Love with my love, think with my thoughts; the rest
Leave to much older wiser men whose schemings
Have made God's world an office and a mart. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Plays and Stories, Act II,
840:Love without knowledge is a passionate and intense, but blind, crude, often dangerous thing, a great power, but also a stumbling-block. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Love and the Triple Path,
841:Never give up prayer, and should you find dryness and difficulty, persevere in it for this very reason. God often desires to see what love your soul has, and love is not tried by ease and satisfaction." ~ Saint John of the Cross,
842:Our heart is enlarged. For as heat makes things expand, so it is the work of love to expand the heart, for its power is to heat and make fervent. It is this that opened Paul's lips and enlarged his heart. ~ Saint John Chrysostom,
843:The disciples were affected by a certain carnal love for the human nature of Christ, without yet being elevated to a spiritual love of his divinity ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (Commentary on Jn 16),
844:The important thing is not to think much but to love much and so do that which best stirs you to love. Love is not great delight but desire to please God in everything. ~ Saint Teresa of Avila,
845:There was no more the dark pretence of hate,
The cruel rictus on Love's altered face. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul's Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
846:As thou wrappest thy cloak about thee, feel yet greater love to God, Who alike in summer and in winter has given us coverings convenient for us, at once to preserve our life, and to cover what is unseemly. ~ Saint Basil the Great,
847:For small creatures such as we the vastness [of the universe] is bearable only through love." ~ Carl Sagan, (1934 - 1996) American astronomer, planetary scientist, cosmologist, astrophysicist, astrobiologist and author, Wikipedia,
848:Great men and death
Such puissance great well-poisèd natures prove
To mould to their own likeness all they love. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, Khaled of the Sea,
849:He that loveth not, Knoweth not God; for God is Love. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and His love is perfected in us. God is Love; and he that dwelleth in love, dwelleth in God and God in him. ~ Yeshua (Jesus Christ),
850:It is nothingness and helplessness & need, When love penetrates the breast, The heart's blood seeps out through the eye. Love does not sit with ease & repose." ~ Nizami Ganjavi, (1141 - 1209), greatest poet in Persian lit., Wiki.,
851:Love Allah for the blessings by which He nourishes you, love me for the love of Allah, and love the people of my house for the love of me." ~ The Noble Messenger of Allah ﷺ, @Sufi_Path
852:Love and affection must be rooted in the Divine and a spiritual and psychic oneness in the Divine must be their foundation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV, Human Relations and the Spiritual Life,
853:Some sadness is praiseworthy, as Augustine proves, namely when it flows from holy love, as, for instance, when a man is saddened over his own or others' sins ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 3.46.6).,
854:Very few are aware that a true gift has two components. A gift given in love must also be received in love for a spiritual transportation to be successful." ~ Sri Gawn Tu Fahr, (Jean-Pierre Gregoire) "Love's True Home.,", (2010).,
855:You have no choice. You must leave your ego on the doorstep before you enter love." ~ Kamand Kojouri, "The Eternal Dance: Love Poetry and Prose,", (2018). She was born in Tehran, raised in Dubai and Toronto, and resides in Wales.,
856:A blaze of his sovereign glory is the sun,
A glory is the gold and glimmering moon,
A glory is his dream of purple sky. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
857:Divine love so penetrated and filled the soul of Mary that no part of her was left untouched, so that she loved with her whole heart, with her whole soul, and her whole strength, and was full of grace. ~ Saint Bernard of Clairvaux,
858:If there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. Love worketh no ill to his neighbour. ~ Romans XIII, 9, 10, the Eternal Wisdom
859:It is not so much the act that matters, but the consciousness in which it is done. So all is well and do not torment yourself. My love is always with you.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, [T2],
860:The love for all living creatures is the most notable attribute of man." ~ Charles Darwin, (1809 - 19 April 1882) English naturalist, geologist and biologist, best known for his contributions to the science of evolution, Wikipedia,
861:There will be many wise and just men. The people will love justice, and peace will reign over the whole earth, for divine power will bind Satan for many years until the coming of the Son of Perdition." ~ Mitar Tarabich (1829-1899),
862:True love is like some infinite way of being that we become part of: a flowing energy of willingness, an eternal yes resounding with every heartbeat." ~ Gerald G. May, (1940 - 2005) American Psychiatrist and Theologian, Wikipedia.,
863:As those who have lived long made one in love
Need word nor sign for heart's reply to heart,
He met and communed without bar of speech ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The World-Soul,
864:The discovery that peace, happiness, and love are ever-present within our own Being, and completely available at every moment of experience, under all conditions, is the most important discovery that anyone can make. ~ Rupert Spira,
865:God split himself into a myriad parts that he might have friends. This may not be true, but it sounds good, and is no sillier than any other theology.
   ~ Robert Heinlein, Notebooks of Lazarus Long, from Time Enough for Love (1973).,
866: When you can no longer tell the difference between being yourself and being love, you are not far from waking up. " ~ Eric Micha'el Leventhal, literary consultant and holistic educator on the island of Maui, Hawaii, poet and author,
867:When you truly feel equal love for all beings, when your heart has expanded so much that it embraces the whole of creation, you will certainly not feel like giving up this or that. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi
868:Kindness is twice blessed. It blesses the one who gives it with a sense of his or her own capacity to love, and the person who receives it with a sense of the beneficence of the universe." ~ Dawna Markova. See:,
869:Of rapturous Love,
The bright epiphany whom we name God,
Towards whom we drove
In spite of weakness, evil, grief and pain. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, The Rishi,
870:Attempts to wake before our time are often punished, especially by those who love us most. Because they, bless them, are asleep…" ~ R.D. Laing, (1927 - 1989), Scottish psychiatrist who wrote extensively on mental illness, Wikipedia.,
871:I want to put out the fires of hell, and burn down the rewards of paradise. They block the way to Allah. I do not want to worship from fear of punishment or for the promise of reward, but simply for the love of Allah. ~ Rabia Al Basra,
872:The just suffer injury without returning it; they hear reproach without replying; they act only out of love and keep the serenity of their soul in the midst of torments. ~ Maimonides, the Eternal Wisdom
873:To love is good, too: love being difficult. For one human being to love another: that is perhaps the most difficult of all our tasks, the ultimate, the last test and proof, the work for which all other work is but preparation. ~ Rilke,
874:If you love your Bridegroom, you must observe His death, must picture in your mind His humility, and must press solidly to your intellect as on a coin the virtues which He bore in the flesh after the manner of man. ~ Leander of Seville,
875:O to spread forth, O to encircle and seize
More hearts till love in us has filled thy world! ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul's Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
876:Spirituality is a single word expressive of three lines of human aspiration towards divine knowledge, divine love and joy, divine strength. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Early Cultural Writings, The National Value of Art,
877:Suffocated by the shallowness of the human nature we aspire to the knowledge that truly knows, the power that truly can, the love that truly loves.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, "The Divine" and "Man",
878:The passions spur us on like cruel drivers, daily urging us, through our love for earthly things, to act in opposition to the Lord and our own true welfare, and to do what is pleasing to that flatterer, Satan. ~ Saint John of Kronstadt,
879:There is nothing on earth more important than the love which conscious beings feel towards each other, whether or not it is every expressed." ~ Thaddeus Golas, (1924 - 1997) "The Lazy Man's Guide to Enlightenment, ", (2010), Wikipedia.,
880:Love all, trust none; forgive all, forget none, respect all, worship none. That is the manner of the wise." ~ Inayat Khan, (1882 - 1927) founder of the Sufi Order in the West in 1914, (London) and teacher of Universal Sufism, Wikipedia.,
881:Nothing brings you nearer to God then the sweet bond of love. Let whoever has found this way seek no other." ~ Meister Eckhart, (c. 1260 - c. 1328), German theologian, philosopher and mystic, Wikipedia.,
882:The eyes of love gaze starlike through death's night,
The feet of love tread naked hardest worlds. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Journey in Eternal Night and the Voice of the Darkness,
883:The worst thing you can do is to put yourself down. That's blasphemy because you're putting God down. Think of yourself as a higher person, love yourself, worship yourself, bow to yourself. You are greater than you think. ~ Robert Adams,
884:Cherish in your hearts a love without any limit for the whole world and make your love to radiate over the world in all directions without any shadow of animosity or hate. ~ Metta Sutta, the Eternal Wisdom
885:Love alone is capable of uniting living beings in such a way as to complete and fulfill them, for it alone takes them and joins them by what is deepest in themselves. ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin,
886:What boundless love for men! Christ's undefiled hands were pierced by the nails; he suffered the pain. I experience no pain, no anguish, yet by the share that I have in his sufferings he freely grants me salvation. ~ Jerusalem Catecheses,
887:When you are maligned by someone or disregarded by someone, then keep yourself from thoughts of anger, lest they set you in the region of hatred and separate you from love through grief. ~ Maximus the Confessor, Centuries on Charity 1.29,
888:All ideas of union or separation, of friend or foe, of high and low, of 'I and mine', are non-existent in the play of yours with the Divine Mother. There is only-inexhaustible Bliss, boundless Love, and infinite Peace. ~ SWAMI VIRAJANANDA,
889:Amongst the friends of Allah (Awliya), the Qur'an is considered as a love letter from Allah, which inevitably is read continuously to remind them of their Beloved. ~ Dr Tahir al Qadri, @Sufi_Path
890:A puritan God made pleasure a poisonous fruit,
Or red drug in the market-place of Death,
And sin the child of Nature's ecstasy. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
891:...God will elevate to the throne a model king, a Christian king. The son of Saint Louis will love religion, goodness, justice. The Lord will give him the light, the wisdom, and the power." ~ Ven. Mother Marie Josepha of Bourg (1788-1862),
892:If a man loves, he will know the sound of this voice. For this warm affection of soul is a loud voice crying in the ears of God, and it says: My God, my love, You are all mine and I am all Yours. ~ Thomas A Kempis, The Imitation of Christ,
893:The heart of a lover (the true devote of God) constantly burns with the fire of Love so much so that whatever passion intrudes upon its sanctity is burnt to ashes. ~ Moinuddin Chishti, @Sufi_Path
894:There is nothing which is beyond the reach of the God-lover or denied to him; for he is the favourite of the divine Lover and the self of the Beloved. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Mystery of Love,
895:A lonely soul passions for the Alone,
The heart that loved man thrills to the love of God,
A body is his chamber and his shrine. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
896:I am that Madan who inform the stars
With lustre and on life's wide canvas fill
Pictures of light and shade, of joy and tears. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, Love and Death,
897:If we love God for what we can get from Him in the world, we really love the world, not God, and we can never be true devotees. The true devotee loves God just for the joy of loving Him, because God is the Beloved. ~ Swami Ramakrishnananda,
898:In rational creatures, in which we find a procession of the WORD in the intellect, and a procession of LOVE in the will, there exists an image of the uncreated Trinity ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 1.93.6).,
899:Wherever there is intense longing to see God, wherever there is unflinching devotion and unselfish love with the whole heart and soul, there is the manifestation of the formless One to fulfill the desire of the devotee. ~ SWAMI ABHEDANANDA,
900:But when I call for a hero, out comes my lazy old self; so I never know who I am, nor how many I am or will be. I'd love to be able to touch a bell and summon the real me, because if I really need myself, I mustn't disappear. ~ Pablo Neruda,
901:By means we slight as small, obscure or base,
A greatness founded upon little things,
He has built a world in the unknowing Void. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
902:Think of the life you have lived until now as over and, as a dead man, see what's left as a bonus and live it according to Nature. Love the hand that fate deals you and play it as your own, for what could be more fitting?" ~ Marcus Aurelius,
903:All ideas of union or separation, of friend or foe, of high and low, of 'I and mine', are non-existent in that play of yours with the Divine Mother. There is only - inexhaustible Bliss, boundless Love, and infinite Peace. ~ SWAMI VIRAJANANDA,
904:The beginning of love is the will to let those we love be perfectly themselves, the resolution not to twist them to fit our own image. Otherwise we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them. ~ Thomas merton. "No man is an island",
905:There are such hearts, Mymoona,
As think so little of adoring love,
They make it only a pedestal for pride,
A whipping-stock for their vain tyrannies. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Plays and Stories, Act III,
906:And the sword of firm conviction buckled on, With the knapsack of sincerity And the shield of earnestness, I advance on the path of love." ~ Hazrat Inayat Khan, (1882 - 1927) founder of the Sufi Order in the West in 1914, (London), Wikipedia.,
907:Believe in a love that is being stored up for you like an inheritance, and have faith that in this love there is a strength and a blessing so large that you can travel as far as you wish without having to step outside it. ~ Rainer Maria Rilke,
908:On the physical plane the Divine expresses himself through beauty, on the mental plane through knowledge, on the vital plane through power and on the psychic plane through love.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother III,
909:[The prayer is accomplished] by the contemplation of God alone, and by the warmth of love, through which the soul, molded and directed to love him, speaks very familiarly to God as to its own Father with special devotion. ~ Saint John Cassian,
910:This deepening of love is the real purpose of the dark night of the soul. The dark night helps us become who we are created to be: lovers of God and one another." ~ Gerald G. May, (1940 - 2005) American Psychiatrist and Theologian, Wikipedia.,
911:What a weakness it is to love Jesus only when he caresses us, and to be cold immediately once he afflicts us. This is not true love. Those who love thus love themselves too much to love God with all their heart. ~ Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque,
912:Where Matter is all, there Spirit is a dream:
If all are the Spirit, Matter is a lie,
And who was the liar who forged the universe? ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
913:Beyond the earth, but meant for delivered earth,
Wisdom and joy prepare their perfect crown;
Truth superhuman calls to thinking man. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
914:But most men, I know not why, love better to deceive themselves and fight obstinately for an opinion which is to their taste than to seek without obduracy the truth ~ Cicero, "Academy" II. 13, the Eternal Wisdom
915:Easy is the love that lasts
Only with favours in the shopman heart!
Who, smitten, takes and gives the kiss, he loves. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, The Meditations of Mandavya,
916:Either God or nothing, because all that is not of God is worse than nothing! Remain united with God and love him with all your heart, always remembering that we cannot love him too much nor can we ever love him enough. ~ Saint Francis de Sales,
917:His knowledge he disguised as Ignorance,
His Good he sowed in Evil's monstrous bed,
Made error a door by which Truth could enter in. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
918:I find it wholesome to be alone the greater part of the time. To be in company, even with the best, is soon wearisome and dissipating. I love to be alone. I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude. ~ Henry David Thoreau,
919:Most people know the sheer wonder that goes with falling in love, how not only does everything in heaven and earth become new, but the lover himself becomes new." ~ Caryll Houselander, (1901-1954)) lay Roman Catholic artist, mystic, Wikipedia.,
920:Some reject life because it is tainted with grief and pain, but to the God-lover grief and pain become means of meeting with him, imprints of his pressure. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Mystery of Love,
921:The cause moving to the Incarnation of the Word could be none other than the unmeasured love of God for man whose nature He wished to couple with Himself in unity of person ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ScG 4.46).,
922:All is mute in the being, but in the bosom of the silence burns the lamp that can never be extinguished, the fire of an ardent aspiration to know and to love integrally the Divine.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II,
923:And now I have to confess the unpardonable and the scandalous. I am a happy man. And I am going to tell you the secret of my happiness. It is quite simple. I love mankind. I love love. I hate hate. I try to understand and accept. ~ Jean Cocteau,
924:Where love rules, there is no will to power; and where power predominates, there love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other." ~ Carl Jung, (1875 - 1961) Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology, Wikipedia.,
925:Detachment begets love. Hope in God begets detachment. Endurance and long-suffering beget hope. Total self-mastery begets these. Fear of God begets self-mastery. And faith in the Lord begets fear ~ Maximus the Confessor, Centuries on Charity 1.2,
926:The heart of a lover (the true devote of God) constantly burns with the fire of Love so much so that whatever passion intrudes upon its sanctity is burnt to ashes. ~ Khawja Moinuddin Chishti, @Sufi_Path
927:Unless you love someone, nothing else makes any sense." ~ e. e. cummings, (1894 - 1962), American poet, painter, essayist, author, and playwright, wrote approx. 2,900 poems, two autobiographical novels, four plays, and several essays, Wikipedia.,
928:When your mind is quiet, you enter into the flow of love, and you just flow from one moment to the next as naturally as breathing. Whatever arises, I embrace it with love in the moment. In this moment there is just awareness and love. ~ Ram Dass,
929:Yet Light is there; it stands at Nature's doors:
It holds a torch to lead the traveller in.
It waits to be kindled in our secret cells ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
930:Forget your voice, sing! Forget your feet, dance! Forget your life, live! Forget yourself and be!" ~ Kamand Kojouri, author of "The Eternal Dance: Love Poetry and Prose,", (2018). Born in Tehran, raised in Dubai and Toronto, and resides in Wales.,
931:He am I whom I love, He whom I love is I, Two Spirits in one single body dwelling. So seest thou me, then seest thou Him, And seest thou Him, then seest thou Us." ~ Al- Hallaj, (c. 858 - 922) Persian mystic, poet and teacher of Sufism, Wikipedia.,
932:Now it is your bounden duty to give your entire mind to God, to plunge deep into the Ocean of His Love. There is no fear of death from plunging into this Ocean, for this is the Ocean of Immortality. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
933:The cleansed and emptied cup is filled with the wine of divine love and delight and no longer with the sweet and bitter poison of passion. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Release from the Heart and the Mind,
934:Be sincere in your practice, words and deeds. You will feel blessed! Practice meditation sincerely and you will understand His infinite grace. God wants sincerity, truthfulness and love. Outward verbal effusions do not touch Him. ~ Sri Sarada Devi,
935:Love loves Being in an a priori way, for it knows that no science will ever track down the ground of why something exists rather than nothing at all. It receives it as a free gift and replies with free gratitude. ~ Hans Urs von Balthasar, GL V.647,
936:My God will be my Great Reward. I don't desire to possess other goods. I want to be set on fire with his Love. I want to see him, to unite myself to him forever. That is my Heaven...that is my destiny: Living on Love!! ~ Saint Thérèse of Lisieux,
937:Who then among you is generous, who is compassionate, who is filled with love? He should speak out as follows: If I have been the cause of sedition, conflict and schisms, then I shall depart; I shall go away wherever you wish. ~ Pope St. Clement I,
938:Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs…." ~ 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, New International Version.,
939:On the ocean surface of vast Consciousness
Small thoughts in shoals are fished up into a net
But the great truths escape her narrow cast; ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
940:Psychic love is distinguished by an essential purity and selflessness—but the vital can put on a very brilliant imitation of that character. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV, Human Relations and the Spiritual Life,
941:The practice of Dharma is to cut off all that binds you to samsara, to cultivate gentle love and compassion for all beings of the six realms, and at all times, without distraction, to thoroughly master your own mind. ~ Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Lodro,
942:We image your divinity, but you image our humanity in that union of the two which you have worked in a man. You have veiled the Godhead in a cloud, in the clay of our humanity. Only your love could so dignify the flesh of Adam. ~ Catherine of Siena,
943:What thought is more pleasing and wonderful than God's majesty? What desire is as urgent and overpowering as the desire implanted by God in a soul that is completely purified of sin and cries out in its love: I am wounded by love? ~ Basil the Great,
944:'As oil poured from one vessel to another falls in an unbroken line, so, when the mind in an unbroken stream thinks of the Lord, we have what is called Para-Bhakti or supreme love.' ~ Swami Vivekananda, (C.W. III. 85),
945:Divine Love is not merely a sublimation of human emotions; it is a different consciousness, with a different quality, movement and substance. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II, Divine Love, Psychic Love and Human Love,
946:Dream that the more you struggle, the more you prove the love that you bear your God, and the more you will rejoice one day with your Beloved, in a happiness and rapture that can never end. ~ Saint Teresa of Avila,
947:Every agent acts for an end. Now the end is the good desired and loved by each one. So it is evident that every agent, whatever it be, does every action from love of some kind ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 1-2.28.6).,
948:You must learn to part with an intimate and much-needed friend for the love of God. Do not take it to heart when you are deserted by a friend, knowing that in the end we must all be parted from one another. ~ Thomas A Kempis, The Imitation of Christ,
949:A religious man is a person who holds God and man in one thought at one time, at all times, who suffers harm done to others, whose greatest passion is compassion, whose greatest strength is love and defiance of despair. ~ Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel,
950:He has not assumed a body as proper to His own nature, far from it, for as the Word He is without body. He has been manifested in a human body for this reason only, out of the love and goodness of His Father, for the salvation of us men. ~ Athanasius,
951:Holding in my hand the rein of courage, Clad in the armor of patience, And the helmet of endurance on my head, I started on my journey to the land of love." ~ Hazrat Inayat Khan, (1882 - 1927) founder of the Sufi Order in the West in 1914, Wikipedia.,
952:There are men so weak in love,
They cannot bear more than an ass's load;
So high in their conceit, the tenderest
Kindest rebuke turns all their sweetness sour. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Plays and Stories, Act III,
953:This universe an old enchantment guards;
Its objects are carved cups of World-Delight
Whose charmed wine is some deep soul's rapture-drink. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
954:What a weakness it is to love Jesus Christ only when He Caresses us, and to be cold immediately once He afflicts us. This is not true love. Those who love thus, love themselves too much to love God with all their heart. ~ Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque,
955:His fires of grandeur burn in the great sun,
He glides through heaven shimmering in the moon;
He is beauty carolling in the fields of sound; ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
956:It is other life, it is love, which gives your life meaning…We must discover the joy of each other, the joy of challenge, the joy of growth." ~ Mitsugi Saotome, (b. 1937) a Japanese aikido instructor currently living in the United States, Wikipedia.,
957:The idea of a person in loving God, is only with a view to being happy himself. He is, however, the embodiment of happiness and that happiness is God. Who else is to be loved? Love itself is God. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
958:There are those who seek knowledge for the sake of knowledge; that is curiosity. There are those who seek knowledge to be known by others; that is vanity. There are those who seek knowledge in order to serve; that is Love. ~ Saint Bernard of Clairvaux,
959:What a weakness it is to love Jesus Christ only when He Caresses us, and to be cold immediately once He afflicts us. This is not true love. Those who love thus, love themselves too much to love God with all their heart." ~ Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque,
960:A march of his greatness are the wheeling stars.
His laughter of beauty breaks out in green trees,
His moments of beauty triumph in a flower; ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
961:Don't seek love externally, it's fleeting. Go beyond the ego and awaken the love that already exists within; it will encompass everyone and everything in your life; it will permeate our very being." ~ Danielle Pierre, author, wellness coach and artist.,
962:Jesus Christ must be loved alone with a special love for He alone, of all friends, is good and faithful. For Him and in Him you must love friends and foes alike, and pray to Him that all may know and love Him. ~ Thomas A Kempis, The Imitation of Christ,
963:Love is an untamed force. When we try to control it, it destroys us. When we try to imprison it, it enslaves us. When we try to understand it, it leaves us feeling lost and confused. ~ Paulo Coelho, @Sufi_Path
964:And we beseech you to know them which labour among you and are over you and admonish you and to esteem them very highly in love for their work's sake. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, 1 Thessalonians, V. 12. 13, the Eternal Wisdom
965:His will be done! He is omnipotent! What power has man? All that you can do is to love God. Have intense yearning for Him. The whole world is mad for something; why run mad after fleeting objects of this world? Better be mad for God. ~ SWAMI BRAHMANANDA,
966:I f the veil were lifted, and the full glory of the station of those that have turned wholly towards God, and have, in their love for Him, renounced the world, were made manifest, the entire creation would be dumbfounded. ~ The Writings of Bahá'u'lláh,
967:Love is circumspect, humble, and upright. It is neither soft nor light, nor intent upon vain things. It is sober and chaste, firm and quiet, guarded in all the senses. Love is subject and obedient to superiors. ~ Thomas A Kempis, The Imitation of Christ,
968:I have no taste for the food that perishes nor for the pleasures of this life. I want the Bread of God which is the Flesh of Christ, who was the seed of David; and for drink I desire His Blood which is love that cannot be destroyed. ~ Ignatius of Antioch,
969:Learn to grow love for God. Take delight in thinking of Him. Then dispassion, discrimination—all the virtues—will come to you naturally. Let the current of your thought go to Him always. Feel that you have no other refuge but God. ~ Swami Turiyananda,
970:Love is an excellent thing, a very great blessing, indeed. It makes every difficulty easy, and bears all wrongs with equanimity. For it bears a burden without being weighted and renders sweet all that is bitter. ~ Thomas A Kempis, The Imitation of Christ,
971:We are blessed, beloved, if we fulfil the commands of the Lord in harmonious, loving union, so that through love our sins may be forgiven. For it is written: Blessed are those whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. ~ Pope St Clement I,
972:We offer to You O Lord, this awesome and unbloody sacrifice, beseeching You to deal with us not according to our sins, and not to render to us according to our iniquities, but according to Your great mercy and love. ~ Anaphora of the Liturgy of St. James,
973:Where there is no obedience there is no virtue, where there is no virtue there is no good, where there is no good there is no love, where there is no love, there is no God, and where there is no God there is no Paradise." ~ Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina,
974:I have two ways of loving You:
A selfish one
And another way that is worthy of You.
In my selfish love, I remember You and You alone.
In that other love, You lift the veil
And let me feast my eyes on Your living face. ~ Rabia al-Adawiyya,
975:You never go away from us, yet we have difficulty in returning to You. Come, Lord, stir us up and call us back. Kindle and seize us. Be our fire and our sweetness. Let us love. Let us run." ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo,
976:Education is a creative activity with persons as its only possible object... all that is by nature present in the human being to be educated is material for the educators, material which their love must find and mould. ~ John Paul II, Love & Responsibility,
977:Lion, give me your caresses— My husband and guardian, my spirit magician, My Shu-Sin who gladdens the Wind-God's heart Give me your caresses because you love me." ~ One stanza of love poem, (c. 1980 BC).For poem see, (diff. trans.):,
978:Practise with all thy strength love for that being who is the One in order that it may be made manifest to thy sight that He is one and alone and there is no other God than He. ~ Ahmed Halif "Mystic Odes", the Eternal Wisdom
979:The Holy Spirit is all the love of the Blessed Trinity, and Mary is all the love of Creation. In their union, heaven is united with earth, the whole of eternal Love with the whole of created love. It constitutes the zenith of love! ~ Saint Maximilian Kolbe,
980:There are two spirits: the old and the new. The old spirit is the spirit of slavery; the new is the spirit of love. The first produces slaves; the second, children by adoption ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (In Jn. 13, lect. 7).,
981:Wisdom may teach you that all places are one, but love shows you how to get there." ~ Eric Micha'el Leventhal, (b. 1978) Author, developmental editor and holistic educator based on the island of Maui, Hawai'i. Quote from "A Light from the Shadows,", (2012),
982:Be patent toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves." ~ Rainer Maria Rilke, (1875 - 1926), Bohemian-Austrian poet and novelist, widely recognized as one of the most lyrically intense German-language poets, Wikipedia.,
983:My son, go hack into thy self by disentangling thyself as much as thou mayst from all things; seek purity from things below by detaching thy will and thy heart from the love of sensible objects. ~ J. Tauter, the Eternal Wisdom
984:Peace is the mother of love, the bond of concord and the manifest sigh of a pure soul, one which seeks to please God, which seeks to be fulfilled and has its desire rewarded. Peace must be preserved according to the Lord's precepts. ~ Saint Peter Chrysologus,
985:Prayer is the light of the spirit, true knowledge of God, mediating between God and man.... I speak of prayer, not words. It is the longing for God, love too deep for words, a gift not given by man but by God's grace. ~ Saint John Chrysostom [PG 64, 462-466],
986:Leave as one leaveth a dream, the love of this world and of sweetness; cast away thy cares, strip thyself of vain thoughts, renounce thy body; for prayer is naught else save only to be a stranger in the visible world and in the invisible. ~ John of the Ladder,
987:Whosoever nourishes feelings of hatred against those who hate, will never purify himself, but one who in reply to hatred awakens love, appeases and softens those who are filled with hatred. ~ Magghima Nikaya, the Eternal Wisdom
988:Charity signifies not only the love of God [amorem Dei], but also a certain friendship [amicitiam] with Him; which implies, besides love, a certain mutual return of love, together with mutual communion. ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae I.II q65 a5 resp,
989:Do good under all circumstances, but with no care for any profit, or any blessedness, or any damnation, or any salvation, or any martyrdom; but all you do or omit should be for the honor of Love." ~ Hadewijch, (13 cnt.) 13th-century poet and mystic, Wikipedia.,
990:This tearing apart, over which supreme love places the bond of supreme union, echoes perpetually across the universe in the midst of the silence, like two notes, separate yet melting into one, like pure and heart-rending harmony. ~ Simone Weil, Waiting for God,
991:This world is in love with its own ignorance,
Its darkness turns away from the saviour light,
It gives the cross in payment for the crown. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Way of Fate and the Problem of Pain,
992:When a man is intoxicated with ecstatic love of God, then who is his father or mother or wife? His love of God is so intense that he becomes mad with it. Then he has no duty to perform. He is free from all debts. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
993:You think you are alive because you breathe air? Shame on you, that you are alive in such a limited way. Don't be without Love, so you won't feel dead. Die in Love and stay alive forever. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, @Sufi_Path
994:Endure and you will triumph. Victory goes to the most enduring. And with the Grace and divine love nothing is impossible. My force and love are with you. At the end of the struggle there is Victory
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II,
995:He who has love for other people has God in his heart. To serve God's children is to serve God." ~ Ching Hai, (b. 1950) Vietnamese author, entrepreneur, and teacher of the Quan Yin Method of meditation. Her followers refer to her as "Supreme Master," Wikipedia.,
996:The opinion of the Supreme Lord alone has importance. The Supreme Lord alone deserves all our love and He returns it to us a hundredfold.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, Man's relationship with the Divine, The Divine Is with You,
997:Put your thoughts to sleep let them not cast a shadow over the moon of your heart. Drown them in the sea of love." ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, (1207 - 1273), 13th-century Persian poet; Islamic scholar, theologian, and Sufi mystic, Wikipedia.,
998:The experience of emptiness is love, because emptiness means 'emptiness of self.' Where there is no self there is no other. . . there is a unity, a communion." ~ Joseph Goldstein, (b. 1944), U.S. vipassana meditation teacher, "The Experience of Insight,", (1987),
999:Though I am alive while I write to you, yet I am eager to die. My love has been crucified, and there is no fire in me desiring to be fed; but there is within me a water that lives and speaks, saying to me inwardly, Come to the Father. ~ Saint Ignatius of Antioch,
1000:Virtue arises from the desire for the immutable God, and so charity, which is the love of God, is called the root of the virtues, according to Eph. 3:17: "Rooted and founded in charity" ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 1-2.84.1ad1).,
1001:Love is a priceless thing, only to be won at the cost of death. Those who live to die, these attain; for they have shed all thoughts of self." ~ Gujarati Hymn [Gujarati an Indo-Aryan language native to the Indian state of Gujarat. "Death" refers to death of ego.],
1002:The other quotation is a mantra.
OM Sri Aurobindo Mira
Open my mind, my heart, my life to your Light,
your Love, your Power. In all things may I see the Divine.
16 July 1938
On Himself, 26.512 ~ The Mother, Agenda Vol 11,
1003:There are three parts of the love we are asked to give one another. They are, (1) kindness, (2) encouragement, (3) and challenge. Only the mind and heart of love know when each is needed by the one loved." ~ John Powell, S.J. "Happiness Is An Inside Job.", (1989),
1004:Arise, then, bride of Christ, be like the dove that nests in the rock-face at the mouth of a cavern, and there, like a sparrow which finds its home, do not cease to keep vigil; there, like a turtle-dove, hide the fledglings of your chaste love. ~ Saint Bonaventure,
1005:Beloved, let us give thanks to God the Father, through his Son, in the Holy Spirit, because in his great love for us he took pity on us, and when we were dead in our sins he brought us to life with Christ, so that in him we might be a new creation. ~ Leo the Great,
1006:Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love, Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is doubt, faith; Where there is despair, hope; Where there is darkness, light; And where there is sadness, joy.
   ~ Saint Francis of Assisi,
1007:The moment you open yourself completely to the love that awaits your conscious embrace, you are no longer there to receive it." ~ Eric Micha'el Leventhal, (b. 1978) Author, developmental editor and holistic educator. Quote from "A Light from the Shadows,", (2012).,
1008:We are bidden to 'put on Christ', to become like God. That is, whether we like it or not, God intends to give us what we need, not what we now think we want. Once more, we are embarrassed by the intolerable compliment, by too much love, not too little. ~ C S Lewis,
1009:Yet God is loving and kind and omnipotent, and so he gives the sight of God, the greatest gift of all, to those who love him. Even this was foretold by the prophets: For those things that are impossible with men, are possible with God. ~ Irenaeus, Against Heresies,
1010:Bhakti-Yoga is the science of higher love. Bhakti-Yoga does not say: "Give up"; it only says: "Love; love the Highest!" — and everything low naturally falls off from him, the object of whose love is the Highest. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
1011:e who punishes not, kills not, permits not to be killed, who is full of love among those who are full of hate, full of sweetness among those who are full of cruelty, he is indeed a man of religion. ~ Buddhist Text, the Eternal Wisdom
1012:Harim b. Ḥayyān said, "Never does the servant turn wholeheartedly to Allāh except that Allāh turns the hearts of the believers to him, providing him with their love." ~ Al-Dhahabī, Siyar A'lām Al-Nubalā, @Sufi_Path
1013:If any man be devout and love God, let him enjoy this fair and radiant triumphal feast. If any man be a wise servant, let him rejoicing enter into the joy of his Lord. If any have laboured long in fasting, let him now receive his recompense. ~ Saint John Chrysostom,
1014:Of all the strange crimes that humanity has legislated out of nothing, blasphemy is the most amazing - with obscenity and indecent exposure fighting it out for second and third place.
   ~ Robert Heinlein, Notebooks of Lazarus Long, from Time Enough for Love (1973).,
1015:To an Earthkeeper, love is not a feeling or something your barter with. Love is the essence of who you are, and it radiates from you as a brilliant aura: You become love, practice fearlessness, and attain enlightenment." ~ Alberto Villoldo, Cuban-born psychologist.,
1016:Whatever I do, I do with the greatest love that I have in me. Try this, and you will see that you do not become fatigued at all. Love is one of the greatest stimulants to the will. Under the influence of love the will can do almost anything. ~ Paramahansa Yogananda,
1017:Yama, the strong pure Hades sad and subtle,
Dharma, who keeps the laws of old untouched,
Critanta, who ends all things and at last
Himself shall end. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, Love and Death,
1018:A fire of passion burned in spirit-depths,
A constant touch of sweetness linked all hearts,
The throb of one adoration's single bliss
In a rapt ether of undying love. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The World-Soul,
1019:I must attain God in this very life; yea, in three days I must find Him; nay, with a single utterance of His name I will draw Him to me" - with such violent Love the devotee can attract the Lord and realize Him quickly. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1020:Only when thou hast climbed above thy mind
And liv'st in the calm vastness of the One
Can love be eternal in the eternal Bliss
And love divine replace the human tie. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Word of Fate,
1021:„We must embrace struggle. Every living thing conforms to it. Everything in nature grows and struggles in its own way, establishing its own identity, insisting on it at all cost, against all resistance." "It is also good to love: because love is difficult." ~ Rilke,
1022:You should undoubtedly bow before all views. But there is a thing called unswerving devotion to one ideal. True, you should salute everyone. But you must love one ideal with your whole soul. That is unswerving devotion. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1023:Have no private selfish end, but have sincere love for truth and piety, and Mother shall speak from within you. Never let go your ideal, but hold on to it with a firm grip, and you will be led rightly to the goal, which is the one and same for all. ~ Swami Turiyananda,
1024:Idols of an oblique divinity,
They wore the heads of animal or troll,
Assumed ears of the faun, the satyr's hoof,
Or harboured the demoniac in their gaze. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
1025:The love of solitude is a sign of the disposition towards knowledge; but knowledge itself is only achieved when we have a settled perception of solitude in the crowd, in the battle and in the mart.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays Divine And Human,
1026:The way to rest is through toil, the way to life is through death. Christ has taken on himself the whole weakness of our lowly human nature. If then we are steadfast in our faith in him and in our love for him, we win the victory that he has won. ~ Saint Leo the Great,
1027:We cling to things, people, beliefs, and behaviors not because we love them, but because we are terrified of losing them." ~ Gerald G. May, (1940-2005) "The Dark Night of the Soul: A Psychiatrist Explores the Connection Between Darkness and Spiritual Growth,", (2005).,
1028:Whosoever has come to know himself, has come to the perfect good; but he who by an error of love has set his love on the body, remains lost in darkness and subjected by his senses to the conditions of death. ~ Hennes, the Eternal Wisdom
1029:Ibrahim Ben Adham, in his prayers, said, "O God! In my eyes heaven itself is less than a gnat in comparison with the love of Thee and the joy of Thy remembrance which thou hast granted me." ~ Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, Alchemy of Happiness,
1030:If you can leave a relationship with love, empathy, and compassion, without any thoughts of revenge, hatred, or fear, that is how you let go." ~ Brian Weiss, (b. 1944) American psychiatrist, hypnotherapist, and author who specializes in past life regression, Wikipedia.,
1031:Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other." ~ 14th Dalai Lama, (b. 1935), Recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989 and the US Congressional Gold Medal in 2006, Lives as a refugee in India, Wikipedia.,
1032:What is the use of making pilgrimages if you can attain love of God remaining where you are? Pilgrimage becomes futile if it does not enable you to attain love of God. Love of God is the one essential and necessary thing. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1033:Some people consider the practice of love and compassion is only related to religious practice and if they are not interested in religion they neglect these inner values. But love and compassion are qualities that human beings require just to live together. ~ Dalai Lama,
1034:The light of God which illumines an Angel enlightens him, and sets him on fire with love, for he is a spirit already prepared for the infusion of that light; but man, being impure and weak, is ordinarily enlightened in darkness, in distress and pain. ~ John of the Cross,
1035:You must remember to love people and use things, rather than to love things and use people." ~ Fulton John Sheen, (1895 - 1979) American bishop, (later archbishop) of the Catholic Church known for his preaching and especially his work on television and radio, Wikipedia.,
1036:As one has to learn to read... so one must learn to feel in all things, first and almost solely, the obedience of the universe to God. It is truly an apprenticeship; and like every apprenticeship it calls for time and effort. ~ Simone Weil, 'Love of God & Affliction' 180,
1037:Because of our wisdom, we will travel far for love. All movement is a sign of thirst. Most speaking really says "I am hungry to know you." Every desire of your body is holy. Dear one, why wait until you are dying to discover that divine Truth? ~ Hafiz,
1038:Context shows sufficiently and clearly that brotherly love itself (for brotherly love is that whereby we love one another) is taught by so eminent an authority, not only to be from God, but also to be God. ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo,
1039:The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love." ~ Meister Eckhart, (c. 1260 - c. 1328), German theologian, philosopher and mystic, Wikipedia,
1040:With the littlest ones, I am attaining each day my victory over Satan and his powerful army of evil, over the satanic and masonic forces organized against God, because I am leading my children along the road of heroic faith, of sure hope and of perfect love." ~ Our Lady ,
1041:A dull indifference replaces fire
Or an endearing habit imitates love:
An outward and uneasy union lasts
Or the routine of a life's compromise: ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Gospel of Death and Vanity of the Ideal,
1042:Love and compassion are the true religions to me. But to develop this, we do not need to believe in any religion." ~ 14th Dalai Lama, (b. 1935), Recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989 and the US Congressional Gold Medal in 2006, Lives as a refugee in India, Wikipedia.,
1043:Of all the movements, sensations and feelings of the soul, love is the only one in which the creature can respond to the Creator and make some sort of similar return however unequal though it be. For when God loves, all he desires is to be loved in return. ~ Saint Bernard,
1044:One cannot completely get rid of the six passions: lust, anger, greed, and the like. Therefore one should direct them to God. If you must have desire and greed, then you should desire love of God and be greedy to attain Him. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1045:What need is there of your counting the number of trees and branches in an orchard? You have come to the orchard to eat mangoes. Do that and be happy. The aim of human birth is to love God. Realize that love and be at peace. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1046:In what does religion consist? It consists in causing as little suffering as possible and in doing good in abundance. It consists in the practice of love, of compassion, of truth, of purity in all domains of life. ~ Asoka, the Eternal Wisdom
1047:Our natural desire for the good ... is itself and original participation in God's love operating within us, moving us from within. This immanent ideal that we call nature... frees us, by virtue of its being a participation in God's creative word of love ~ David L Schindler,
1048:Beloved, see what a marvellous thing love is; its perfection is beyond our expression. Who can truly love save those to whom God grants it? We ought to beg and beseech him in his mercy that our love may be genuine, unmarred by any too human inclination. ~ Pope St. Clement I,
1049:In a small fragile seed a great tree lurks,
In a tiny gene a thinking being is shut;
A little element in a little sperm,
It grows and is a conqueror and a sage. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
1050:You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection.
   ~ Buddha,
1051:All the means used in this life to acquire spiritual merit are not worth a sixteenth part of love, that deliverance of the heart: love unites and contains them all, and it illumines and shines out and radiates. ~ Ittivutaka, the Eternal Wisdom
1052:Even for the ordinary people, my voice sends a thrill; it awakens a hope, a love and a feeling that all is not lost. For others, it brings out the splendours that lie hidden within, and for yet others, the key to solve the mysteries of the world.
   ~ Mona Sarkar, The Supreme,
1053:If a person feels intoxicated with God's love, there is no father, no mother, and no wife for him. He may have so much love for the Lord that he may appear to be mad! Such a person has no duties. He is freed from all his debts. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1054:Love cannot be a means to any end. Love does not promise success, power, achievement, health, recovery, satisfaction, peace of mind, fulfillment, or any other prizes. Love is an end in itself, a beginning in itself. Love exists only for love." ~ Gerald G. May, (1940 - 2005).,
1055:Love is in the depths of man as water is in the depths of the earth, and man suffers from not being able to enjoy this infinity that he carries within himself and for which he is made." ~ Frithjof Schuon, (1907 - 1998), Swiss spiritual master, philosopher, author, Wikipedia.,
1056:Lure of the Infinite
With a hundred marvellous faces
Always he lures us to love him, always he draws us to pleasure
Leaving remembrance and anguish behind for our only treasure. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems: Ahana, Lure of the Infinite
1057:The experience of Self, which is nothing but the form of [supreme] love, is that in which the eyes see only love, the tongue tastes only love and the touch feels only love, which is bliss." [655] ~ Guru Vachaka Kovai [The Garland of Guru's Sayings] See:,
1058:There are no part-time contemplatives. To live in the presence of God should be as natural for a Christian as to breathe the air that surrounds us; it is the spontaneous expression of our love... when we know that we are a child of God. ~ Abhishiktananda (Henri Le Saux, OSB),
1059:A new aesthesis of Inferno's art
That trained the mind to love what the soul hates,
Imposed allegiance on the quivering nerves
And forced the unwilling body to vibrate. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Descent into Night,
1060:In speaking of human things, we say that it is necessary to know them before we can love them.... the saints on the contrary say in speaking of divine things that it is necessary to love them in order to know them, and that we only enter truth through charity. ~ Blaise Pascal,
1061:Intelligence emerges out of memory as its offspring, b/c we come to understand only when a likeness which lies in the memory emerges to the forefront of consciousness. And this is nothing other than a word. From memory and intelligence, love is breathed forth... ~ Bonaventure,
1062:It is, I suppose, the image of Sri Krishna as Lord of the divine Love and Ananda - and his flute calls the physical being to awake out of the attachments of the physical world and turn to that Love and Ananda.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - I,
1063:Love that ends, is the shadow of love; true love is without beginning or end." ~ Inayat Khan, (1882 - 1927) founder of the Sufi Order in the West in 1914, (London) & teacher of Universal Sufism, Wikipedia. From "The Complete Sayings of Hazrat Inayat Khan,", (1978, 2005, 2010),
1064:Once you discover your true spiritual nature, you'll stop worrying about where you're going and when you're going to get there because you will have finally arrived. Welcome to where you've always been." ~ Sri Gawn Tu Fahr, (Jean-Pierre Gregoire) "Love's True Home.,", (2010).,
1065:The weeping of the eyes is fitted to the sadness of the mind, it arouses pity, lessens labour, relieves grief, and preserves modesty, and she no longer seems to herself so wretched, finding comfort in tears which are the pay of love and proofs of pious memory. ~ Saint Ambrose,
1066:This evolution lasts until we reach the absolute purity of the Being. Then we arrive at divinity. We form a vast oneness. We enjoy an entirety of divine power; we are united in a single love; we are God. ~ Antoine the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
1067:To love one another is… half of wisdom. Grief… is half of old age." ~ Ali, (601 - 661), the cousin and son-in-law of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. He ruled as the fourth caliph from 656 to 661, Wikipedia. Quote from "The Sufi Bible,", (latest ed. 2016). Trans. Paul Smith.,
1068:Within her presence, I had once been used to feeling-trembling-wonder, dissolution; but that was long ago. Still, though my soul, now she was veiled, could not see her directly, by way of hidden force that she could move, I felt the mighty power of old love. ~ Dante Alighieri,
1069:As by God's gift, I find you with the zeal necessary to attain this end, and you on your part help me with your prayers. I will try to fan into flame the spark of divine love that is hidden within you, as far as I am able through the power of the Holy Spirit. ~ Basil the Great,
1070:But now, if every one to whom we ought to show, or who ought to show to us, the offices of mercy is by right called a neighbor, it is manifest that the command to love our neighbor embraces the holy angels also. ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo,
1071:Do not seek for human help, but look only to the grace of the Lord. He will protect you. Pray to Him & depend on Him alone. Human help is so uncertain. Human friends are selfish and they betray; but He is the Divine Friend, who loves for the sake of love. ~ SWAMI PARAMANANANDA,
1072:Faith is the mother of us all, going forward with hope following and with love of God and Christ and neighbor leading the way. If a man is among these then he has fulfilled the commandment of righteousness, for he who has love is far from all sin. ~ Polycarp to the Philippians,
1073:Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.
   ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin,
1074:Wast thou not made in the shape of a woman? Sweetness and beauty
Move like a song of the gods in thy limbs and to love is thy duty
Graved in thy heart as on tablets of fate. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, Ahana,
1075:We are bound to love dearly the country whence we have received the means of enjoyment this mortal life affords, but we have a much more urgent obligation to love with ardent soul the Church to which we owe the life of the soul, a life that will endure forever. ~ Pope Leo XIII,
1076:With earnestness, love and goodwill carry out life's everyday duties and try to elevate yourself step by step. In all human activities let there be a live contact with the Divine and you will not have to leave off anything. Your work will then be done well. ~ Sri Anandamayi Ma,
1077:You may try a hundred things, but love alone will release you from yourself. So never flee from love - not even from love in an earthly guise - for it is a preparation for the supreme Truth. ~ Jami ~ Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib, @Sufi_Path
1078:As knowledge grows Light flames up from within:
It is a shining warrior in the mind,
An eagle of dreams in the divining heart,
An armour in the fight, a bow of God. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
1079:Beware of the scribes who desire to walk in long robes and love greetings in the markets and the highest seats in the synagogues and the chief places at feasts, who devour widow's houses and for a show make long prayers ~ Luke, the Eternal Wisdom
1080:For those who live in pious fear and in love are willing to endure torment rather than have their neighbour suffer; and they more willingly suffer their own condemnation than the loss of that harmony that has been so nobly and righteously handed down to us. ~ Pope St. Clement I,
1081:Great Spirit sings one Truth. Existence is its presentation. The presentations divides into bodies of vibrations. Vibrations impress upon one another, like raindrops meeting in a lake. What we give and what we take becomes the pattern." ~ P. Desmond, "Make Love to the Universe",
1082:Love is immortal. Man obtaining it becomes perfect, becomes satisfied, becomes immortal. Once it is obtained, he desires nothing, is not afflicted, does not hate, is not diverted, strains no more after anything. ~ Narada Sutra, the Eternal Wisdom
1083:Love is sufficient of itself, it gives pleasure by itself and because of itself. It is its own merit, its own reward. Love looks for no cause outside itself, no effect beyond itself. Its profit lies in its practice. I love because I love, I love that I may love. ~ Saint Bernard,
1084:Each person you meet is an aspect of yourself, clamoring for love." ~ Eric Micha'el Leventhal, a literary consultant & holistic educator on the island of Maui, Hawai'i. His book: "A Light from the Shadows: Reflections on Oneness, Identity, & the Creation of Experience,", (2012).,
1085:There are those who seek knowledge for the sake of knowledge; that is curiosity. There are those who seek knowledge to be known by others; that is vanity. There are those who seek knowledge in order to serve; that is Love." ~ Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, (1090 - 1153) French Abbot, Wik,
1086:Do not fear the truth, hard as it may appear, grievously as it may hurt, it is still right, and you were born for it. If you go out to meet and love it, let it exercise your mind, It is your best friend And closest sister." ~ Dom Helder Camara, (1909- 1999), Archbishop, Wikipedia,
1087:Love of God is not something that can be taught. We did not learn from someone else how to rejoice in light or want to live, or to love our parents or guardians. It is the same, perhaps even more so, with our love for God: it does not come by another's teaching. ~ Basil the Great,
1088:May my actions, O Divine Mother, be fewer every day till I attain Thee. May I perform, without attachment to the results, only what action is absolutely necessary for me. May I have great love for Thee as I go on with my few duties. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1089:Philosophy is simply friendship with wisdom... thus in a certain sense we can call everyone a philosopher in accordance with the natural love that generates in everyone the desire to know. W/o love or without devotion one cannot be called a philosopher. ~ Dante, Convivio III.xi.6,
1090:The Guru should not be looked upon as an ordinary human being. His physical body is the temple, in which resides the Lord. If the Guru is served with this idea in mind, one comes to acquire love and devotion for him, which can then be directed toward the Lord. ~ Swami Brahmananda,
1091:The Holy Spirit renews us in baptism through his godhead, which he shares w/ the Father and the Son. Finding us in a state of deformity, the Spirit restores our original beauty and fills us with his grace, leaving no room for anything unworthy of our love. ~ Didymus of Alexandria,
1092:The Lord is within you, He is seated in your heart. Whatever you see, hear, taste & touch is God. Therefore hate not anybody, cheat not anybody, harm not anybody. Love & be one with all. You will soon attain eternal bliss, immortality, & perennial joy. ~ Swami Sivananda Saraswati,
1093:The nether snake who writhes
Sweet-poisoned, perilous in the rich grass,
Lust with the jewel love upon his hood,
Who by his own crown must be charmed, seized, change
Into a warm great god. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Plays and Stories, Act I,
1094:As one has to learn to read, or to practice a trade, so one must learn to feel in all things, first and almost solely, the obedience of the universe to God… As soon as we feel this obedience with our whole being, we see God. ~ Simone Weil, On Science, Necessity & the Love of God,
1095:Because we find that love is work enough for us, we don't take the time to categorize what we are doing as either "contemplation" or "action." We find that prayer is action and that action is prayer. It seems to us that truly loving action is filled with light. ~ Madeline Delbrêl,
1096:Friendship can be had only with rational creatures, who are able to return love and to share in the works of life, and for whom things may fare well or ill, according to the changes of fortune and happiness ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 1.20.2ad3).,
1097:God is he who in the Trinity renounces Himself from all eternity in the reciprocal love of the three Hypostases...'the unfathomable divine power of the holy and glorious Cross' is the power of all-conquering, immeasurable love in the depths of the Holy Trinity itself. ~ S Bulgakov,
1098:Love demands freedom. It always has, and it always will. We are free to resist, reject, and rebel against God's ways for us. We can have all the hell we want." ~ Rob Bell, (b.1970), author, listed by "Time" in 2011 as one of the 100 Most Influential People in the World, Wikipedia.,
1099:Love is higher than the Highest. Love is greater than the Greatest. Yea, it is in a certain sense greater than God; while yet, in the highest sense of all, God is Love, and Love is God." ~ François Fénelon, (1651 - 1715), French Roman Catholic archbishop & theologian, Wikipedia.,
1100:Love that was once an animal's desire,
Then a sweet madness in the rapturous heart,
An ardent comradeship in the happy mind,
Becomes a wide spiritual yearning's space. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
1101:Mary looks back to the beginning of her song where she said: My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord. Only that soul for whom the Lord in his love does great things can proclaim his greatness with fitting praise and encourage those who share her desire and purpose. ~ Ven. Bede,
1102:Meditate upon the Knowledge and the Bliss Eternal, and you will have bliss. The Bliss is indeed eternal, only it is covered and obscured by ignorance. The less your attachment to the sense-objects, the more will be your love for God. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1103:Whatever you are doing, love yourself for doing it. Whatever you r thinking love yourself for thinking it. Love is the only dimension that needs to be changed. If you r not sure how it feels to be loving, love yourself for not being sure how it feels." ~ Thaddeus Golas, Wikipedia.,
1104:Without Art we should have no notion of the sacred; without Science we should always worship false gods." ~ W. H. Auden, (1907 - 1973) English-American poet; poetry noted for its stylistic and technical achievement; its engagement with politics, morals, love, & religion, Wikipedia,
1105:The Prophet said: Don't sit with every learned man. Sit with the learned man who calls towards five matters towards faith from doubt, sincerity from show, modesty from pride, love from enmity, and ascetism from worldliness. ~ Abu Hamid al-Ghazali,
1106:A love that bore the cross of pain with joy
Eudaemonised the sorrow of the world,
Made happy the weight of long unending Time,
The secret caught of God's felicity. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Adoration of the Divine Mother,
1107:DEVOTEE: "What is the good of holy company?"

MASTER: "It begets yearning for God. It begets love of God. Nothing whatsoever is achieved in spiritual life without yearning. By constantly living in the company of holy men, the soul becomes restless for God. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1108:Discovering himself everywhere and in all things, the disciple embraces the entire world in a sentiment of peace, of compassion, of love-large, profound and without limits, delivered from all wrath and all hatred. ~ Magghima Nikaya, the Eternal Wisdom
1109:If someone wants to study the law and find out what gives it its force (it is the bond of love, for whoever loves his neighbour has fulfilled the law) let him read in the psalms how love led one man to undergo great dangers to wipe out the shame of his entire people. ~ Saint Ambrose,
1110:In obedience to Our Lord's institution, the Church extends her charity to all, not only to friends, but also to foes who persecute her, according to Mt. 5:44: "Love your enemies; do good to them that hate you" ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ST 2-2.11.4).,
1111:Tell me, you whom my soul loves. This is how I address you, because your true name is above all other names; it is unutterable and incomprehensible to all rational creatures. And so the name I use for you is simply the statement of my soul's love for you.... ~ Saint Gregory of Nyssa,
1112:Already we have the first fruits of the Spirit, and have we not also other reasons for rejoicing? For we are drawing near to the one we love, and not only are we drawing near. We even have some feeling and taste of the banquet we shall one day eagerly eat and drink. ~ Saint Augustine,
1113:I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge. That myth is more potent than history. That dreams are more powerful than facts. That hope always triumphs over experience. That laughter is the only cure for grief. And I believe that love is stronger than death. ~ Robert Fulghum,
1114:The Wu Li Masters know that science and religion are only dances, and that those who follow them are only dancers. The dancers may claim to follow 'truth' or claim to seek 'reality' but the Wu Li Masters know better. They know that the true love of all dancers is dancing. ~ Gary Zukav,
1115:Science tears out Nature's occult powers,
Enormous djinns who serve a dwarf's small needs,
Exposes the sealed minutiae of her art
And conquers her by her own captive force. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
1116:Who is worthy or unworthy in front of the Divine Grace?

   All are children of the one and the same Mother. Her love is equally spread over all of them. But to each one She gives according to his nature and receptivity.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II,
1117:You goal is not to seek love, but merely to seek, find and remove all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it" ~ Jalaluddin Rumi, (1207 - 1273), 13th-century Persian poet, jurist, Islamic scholar, theologian, and Sufi mystic, Wikipedia.,
1118:Bhakti is to keep the mind on God by chanting His name and glories ... Bhakti, love of God, is the essence of all spiritual discipline. Through love one acquires renunciation and discrimination naturally. ~ Sri Ramakrishna, The Gospel of Ramakrishna,
1119:Love must not cease to live upon the earth;
For Love is the bright link twixt earth and heaven,
Love is the far Transcendent's angel here;
Love is man's lien on the Absolute. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
1120:Stick to God ! Who cares what comes to the body or to anything else. Through the terrors of evil, say -- my God, my love ! Through the pangs of death, say -- my God, my love ! Through all the evils under the sun, say -- my God, my love. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
1121:What is the ego? A mere soap-bubble. One blow will break it and reveal its hollowness. We must get rid of the ego and reach the stage where we can say sincerely 'Not I, Not I, but Thou.' When you have been able to put down the ego, love of God will come of itself ~ Swami Ramakrishnananda,
1122:On heights unreached by mind's most daring soar,
Upon a dangerous edge of failing Time
The soul draws back into its deathless Self;
Man's knowledge becomes God's supernal Ray. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
1123:You have to be satisfied with the divine decree, observe the Law, and perform good works under all circumstances: in hardship and prosperity, when it is something you love and when it is something you hate. ~ Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani, @Sufi_Path
1124:God is infinite, and infinite are the ways to reach Him. The important thing is somehow to cultivate devotion to God and love for Him. What is the use of knowing many things? It is enough to cultivate love of God by following any of the paths. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1125:He watched in the alchemist radiance of her suns
The crimson outburst of one secular flower
On the tree-of-sacrifice of spiritual love. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, 02.06,
1126:Human perfection resides in this: that the love of God should conquer a man's heart and possess it wholly, and even if it does not possess it wholly it should predominate in the heart over the love of all other things. ~ Imam Al Ghazali, @Sufi_Path
1127:It is in our inner spiritual experiences that we shall find the proof and source of the world's Scriptures, the law of knowledge, love and conduct, the basis and inspiration of Karmayoga. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays in Philosophy and Yoga, The Ideal of the Karmayogin,
1128:Love and the need of mastery, joy and the longing for greatness
Rage like a fire unquenchable burning the world and creating,
Nor till humanity dies will they sink in the ashes of Nature. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, Ilion,
1129:One develop divine love through restlessness- the restlessness a child feels for his mother. The child feels bewildered when he is separated from his mother, and weeps longingly for her. If a man can weep like that for God he can even see Him. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1130:What is true love and how to find it?‡
Do you know what is true love?
There is only one true love, the love from the Divine, which, in human beings, turns into love for the Divine. Shall we say that the nature of the Divine is Love. ~ The Mother, On Education,
1131:Our Father: at this name love is aroused in us . . . and the confidence of obtaining what we are about to ask.... What would he not give to his children who ask, since he has already granted them the gift of being his children? ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo,
1132:If you can remember that all beings have buddha nature, it will help you cultivate equanimity, because it will feel like everybody is your family. The greater your equanimity, the greater your love and compassion towards them, no matter who they are, or what they have done. ~ Chamtrul Rinpoche,
1133:All music is only the sound of His laughter,
All beauty the smile of His passionate bliss;
Our lives are His heart-beats, our rapture the bridal
Of Radha and Krishna, our love is their kiss. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, Who,
1134:He stood erect among his brute compeers,
He built life new, measured the universe,
Opposed his fate and wrestled with unseen Powers,
Conquered and used the laws that rule the world, ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
1135:Into a simplest movement she could bring
A oneness with earth's glowing robe of light,
A lifting up of common acts by love. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Joy of Union; the Ordeal of the Foreknowledge of Death and the Heart's Grief and Pain,
1136:You must write every single day of your life... You must lurk in libraries and climb the stacks like ladders to sniff books like perfumes and wear books like hats upon your crazy heads... may you be in love every day for the next 20,000 days. And out of that love, remake a world. ~ Ray Bradbury,
1137:A king of greatness and a slave of love,
Host of the stars and guest in Nature's inn,
A high spectator spirit throned above,
A pawn of passion in the game divine. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, Lila,
1138:All the miseries of men are caused not by bad harvests, conflagrations, brigands, but simply because they live in discord. They are in discord because they do not believe in the voice of love who lives in them and calls them to union. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
1139:Love men, love God. Fear not to love, O King,
Fear not to enjoy;
For Death's a passage, grief a fancied thing
Fools to annoy.
From self escape and find in love alone
A higher joy. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, The Rishi,
1140:Clarity of knowledge and inner self-vision, subjugation of the ego, love, scrupulousness in selfless and dedicated works, are the four wheels of the chariot of Yoga. One who has them will progress safely on the path.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Himself And The Ashram,
1141:Jul 12 The more your love for God increases, the more you will feel the insignificance of sensual pleasures. You are being protected by Him, so no woman can harm you. He, who hates women, is still feeling the pinch of lust. So it is certain, that one day he will go astray.~ Swami Ramakrishnananda,
1142:There can be no true devotion without serving the Personal God. If u seek the truth within urself, with earnestness & sincerity, u are a devotee. Have true love for ur Ideal, whatever u may call Him. Serve Him faithfully, with unselfishness & purity, & u will get true devotion.~ Swami Paramananda,
1143:Desire to have Him. Be angry with Him. Ask Him, 'Why are You not coming to me?' Direct all emotions - love, anger, etc., towards Him. Be greedy to taste His playful life, His name and form. Be infatuated with His beauty. Feel proud that you have loved Him and got His assurance ~ Swami Akhandananda,
1144:He is only our Beloved, and we should adore Him devoid all thoughts of fear. A man loves God only when he has no other desire, when he thinks of nothing else and when he is mad after Him. That love which a man has for his beloved can illustrate the love we ought to have for God. ~ Swami Vivekananda?
1145:Though a man should have lived a hundred years consecrating his whole life to the performance of numerous sacrifices to the gods, all this is far from having the same worth as a single act of love which consists in succouring a life. ~ Fa-khen-pi-, the Eternal Wisdom
1146:A hidden Bliss is at the root of things.
A mute Delight regards Time's countless works:
To house God's joy in things Space gave wide room,
To house God's joy in self our souls were born. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
1147:Sometimes God acts as the magnet and the devotee as the needle. God attracts the devotee to Himself. Sometimes the devotee acts as the magnet and God as the needle. Such is the attraction of the devotee that God comes to him, unable to resist his love. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1148:A song is a thing of joy; more profoundly, it is a thing of love. Anyone, therefore, who has learned to love the new life has learned to sing a new song, and the new song reminds us of our new life. ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo, Sermo 34, 1-3. 5-6: CCL 42, 424-426,
1149:Holy companionship has the power of generating love for God. Who is really holy man? The man in whose heart sits God Himself. It is only as the result of merit earned in a succession of lives that one has the good fortune to associate with holy people & be blessed by the ~ Manapurush Swami Shivananda,
1150:The psychic has its own more personal love, bhakti, surrender. Love in the higher or spiritual mind is more universal and impersonal. The two must join together to make the highest divine love. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II, Divine Love, Psychic Love and Human Love,
1151:In the moment when I truly understand my enemy, understand him well enough to defeat him, then in that very moment I also love him. I think it's impossible to really understand somebody, what they want, what they believe, and not love them the way they love themselves. ~ Orson Scott Card, Ender's Game,
1152:The thing is somehow to unite the mind with God. You must not forget Him, not even once. Your thought of Him should be like the flow of oil, without any interruption. If u worship with love even a brick or stone as God, then thro His grace u can see Him. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1153:The worldly man is a hypocrite. He cannot be guileless. He professes to love God, but he is attracted by worldly objects. He doesn't give God even a very small part of the love he feels for 'lust & greed'. But he says that he loves God. Give up hypocrisy ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1154:The study of truth requires a considerable effort - which is why few are willing to undertake it out of love of knowledge - despite the fact that God has implanted a natural appetite for such knowledge in the minds of men. ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, Summa Contra Gentiles,
1155:Love is an adventure and a conquest. It survives and develops, like the universe itself, only by perpetual discovery." ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, (1881 - 1955) French idealist philosopher and Jesuit priest, trained as a paleontologist and geologist, Wikipedia.,
1156:Whoever, then, thinks that he understands the Holy Scriptures, or any part of them, but puts such an interpretation upon them as does not tend to build up this twofold love of God and our neighbor, does not yet understand them as he ought. ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo,
1157:Two cities have been formed by two loves: the earthly by the love of self, even to the contempt of God; the heavenly by the love of God, even to the contempt of self. The former glories in itself, the latter in the Lord ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo, City of God 14.28)..,
1158:Knowledge of God can be compared to a man while Love of God is like a woman. The one has his right of entry to the outer chambers of the Eternal, but only love can penetrate into the inner chambers, she who has access to the mysteries of the Almighty. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
1159:It hears the Word to which our hearts were deaf,
   It sees through the blaze in which our thoughts grow blind;
   It drinks from the naked breasts of glorious Truth,
   It learns the secrets of eternity.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
1160:Psychic love can have a warmth and a flame as intense and more intense than the vital, only it is a pure fire, not dependent on the satisfaction of ego-desire or on the eating up of the fuel it embraces. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV, Human Relations and the Spiritual Life,
1161:Men are educated to consider wealth and glory above all things and they think only of getting as much as they can of glory and wealth. They ought to be educated to place love above all things and to consecrate all their powers to learn how to love. ~ Mols-Te, the Eternal Wisdom
1162:Remember that work is only the first step in spiritual life. God cannot be realized without sattva-love, discrimination, kindness, and so on. If a man is entangled in too many activities he surely forgets God. He becomes more and more attached to 'lust and gold' ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1163:Bhakti can be more easily practiced by persons in every condition of life. Extreme love for God is Bhakti. The great quality of Bhakti is that it cleanses the mind, and the firmly established Bhakti for the Supreme Lord is alone sufficient to purify the mind. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
1164:Love hinders death. Love is life. All, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love. Everything is, everything exists, only because I love. Everything is united by it alone. Love is God, and to die means that I, a particle of love, shall return to the general and eternal source. ~ Leo Tolstoy,
1165:Two cities have been formed by two loves: the earthly by the love of self, even to the contempt of God; the heavenly by the love of God, even to the contempt of self. The former glories in itself, the latter in the Lord ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (Augustine, City of God 14.28)..,
1166:Love alone is capable of uniting living beings in such a way as to complete and fulfill them, for it alone takes them and joins them by what is deepest in themselves." ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, (1881 - 1955) French philosopher, Jesuit priest, paleontologist, Wikipedia,
1167:our worth lies only in the measure of our effort to exceed ourselves, and to exceed ourselves is to attain the Divine. Human mediocrity is intolerable. We aspire for a knowledge truly knowing, for a power truly powerful, for a love that truly loves.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II,
1168:The thirst for affection and love is a human need, but it can be quenched only if it turns towards the Divine. As long as it seeks satisfaction in human beings, it will always be disappointed or wounded.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, Elements of Yoga, Divine Love and Human Love,
1169:Life is a bliss that cannot long abide,
    But while thou livest, love. For love the sky
    Was founded, earth upheaved from the deep cry
Of waters, and by love is sweetly tied
The golden cordage of our youth and pride. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Translations, Appeal,
1170:The perfect dictatorship would have the appearance of a democracy, but would basically be a prison without walls in which the prisoners would not even dream of escaping. It would essentially be a system of slavery where, through consumption and entertainment, the slaves would love their servitudes. ~ Aldous Huxley,
1171:The love for all that lives: all the religions teach it to us, the religion of the Brahmins, of the Bud- dhists, of the Hebrews, of the Chinese, of the Chris- tians, of the Mohammedans. Therefore the most necessary thing in the world is to learn to love. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
1172:Amor fati: let that be my love henceforth! I do not want to wage war against what is ugly. I do not want to accuse; I do not even want to accuse those who accuse. Looking away shall be my only negation.
And all in all and on the whole: some day I wish to be only a Yes-sayer. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science,
12-Now we see but a dim reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
13-And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love; but the greatest of these is love. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, 1 Corinthians, 13:13, King James Version,
1174:The gods have invented
Only one way for a man through the world, O my slavegirl Briseis,
Valiant to be and noble and truthful and just to the humble,
Only one way for a woman, to love and serve and be faithful. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, Ilion,
1175:To love, one must have no reservation, but be prepared to cast oneself into the flame and to give up into it a hundred worlds...In this path there is no difference between good and evil ; indeed with love neither good nor evil exists any longer. ~ Attar of Nishapur, the Eternal Wisdom
1176:It is natural to all men to love each other. The mark of this is the fact that, by some natural prompting, a man comes to the aid of another in need, even a stranger. For example, he may call him back from a wrong road, or help him up from a fall. ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (ScG 3.117).,
1177:Sincerity, Aspiration, Faith, Devotion and Self-Giving, Surrender to the Divine Will, Love, Openness and Receptivity, Purity and Humility, Gratitude and Faithfulness, Will and Perseverance, Enthusiasm, Hope and Straightforwardness, Happiness and Joy, Heroism and Bravery, Prudence and Balance, Truth and Speech ~ ?, toc,
1178:To live, to love are signs of infinite things,
Love is a glory from eternity's spheres.
Abased, disfigured, mocked by baser mights
That steal his name and shape and ecstasy,
He is still the godhead by which all can change. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, Satyavan,
1179:Just as when we were children, we were afraid to be alone in the dark and could only be assured by the presence of someone who loved us. Well this is exactly what happened on Holy Saturday, the voice of God resounded in the realm of death. The unimaginable occurred; namely, love penetrated Hell. ~ Robert Cardinal Sarah,
1180:The Lord then did not blame Martha's work, but distinguished between their services. You are occupied about many things; yet one thing is needful. Already has Mary chosen this for herself. The labor of many things pass away, and the love of unity abides. ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo,
1181:My son, if thou hearkenest to me with application thou shalt be instructed and if thou appliest thy mind thou shalt get wisdom. If thou lend thine ear, thou shalt receive instruction and if thou love to hearken thou shalt grow wise. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Ecclesiastes, the Eternal Wisdom
1182:Each man, before he is Austrian, Serb, Turk or Chinese, is first of all a man, that is to say a thinking and loving being whose one mission is to fulfil his destiny during the short lapse of time that he is to live in this world. That mission is to love all men. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
1183:If God is Love, He is, by definition, something more than mere kindness. And it appears, from all the records, that though He has often rebuked us and condemned us, He has never regarded us with contempt. He has paid us the intolerable compliment of loving us, in the deepest, most tragic, most inexorable sense. ~ C S Lewis,
1184:I love you. "I" is before "you" . I love you for what you bring to I. If the I is before you, that's a selfish love. Allah ta alaa teaches us a selfless love. That's why in the Fatiha you say "You we seek, You we beseech... Welcome to the Book of Love." ~ Shaykh Ninowy, @Sufi_Path
1185:My heart shall throb with the world-beats of Thy love,
My body become Thy engine for earth-use;
In my nerves and veins Thy rapture's streams shall move;
My thoughts shall be hounds of Light for Thy power to loose. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, Surrender,
1186:There is nothing wrong in the life of the world. There is no harm in that. But always keep your mind, on God. Know for certain that house, family & property are not yours. They are God's. Your real home is in God.' pray always with a longing heart for love of God's Lotus Feet ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1187:There is nothing wrong in the life of the world. There is no harm in that. But always keep your mind, on God. Know for certain that house, family & property are not yours. They are God's. Your real home is in God.' pray always with a longing heart for love of God's Lotus Feet. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1188:I'm glad mushrooms are against the law, because I took them one time, and you know what happened to me? I laid in a field of green grass for four hours going, "My God! I love everything." Yeah, now if that isn't a hazard to our country ... how are we gonna justify arms dealing when we realize that we're all one? ~ Bill Hicks,
1189:Do you realize
that Jesus is there
in the tabernacle
expressly for you-
for you alone? He
burns with the
desire to come into
your heart... don't
listen to the demon,
laugh at him, and
go without fear to
receive the Jesus of
peace and love..." ~ Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, Story of a Soul,
1190:He is only our Beloved, and we should adore Him devoid all thoughts of fear. A man loves God only when he has no other desire, when he thinks of nothing else and when he is mad after Him. That love which a man has for his beloved can illustrate the love we ought to have for God ~ Swami Vivekananda,
1191:God is love personified. He is apparent in everything. Everybody is being drawn to Him whether he knows it or not. The God of Love is to be worshiped & when we think Him to be Love Incarnate, seeing Him in all things & all things in Him, it is then that supreme Bhakti is attaine ~ Swami Vivekananda,
1192:Imperishable, a tongue of sacrifice,
It flamed unquenched upon the central hearth
Where burns for the high houselord and his mate
The homestead's sentinel and witness fire
From which the altars of the gods are lit. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
1193:I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving but this, in which there is no I or you, so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that when I fall asleep your eyes close. ~ Pablo Neruda,
1194:Your weakness is due to the conviction that you were born in this world. In reality the world is ever recreated in you & by you. See everything emanating from the light which is the source of your own being. You'll find in that light there is love & infinite energy. ~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj,
1195:A highest Godward tension liberates the mind through an absolute seeing of knowledge, liberates the heart through an absolute love and delight, liberates the whole existence through an absolute concentration of will towards a greater existence. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita, The Theory of the Vibhuti,
1196:God is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks, please. Cash and in small bills.
   ~ Robert Heinlein, Notebooks of Lazarus Long, from Time Enough for Love (1973).,
1197:The supermind shall claim the world for Light
And thrill with love of God the enamoured heart
And place Light's crown on Nature's lifted head
And found Light's reign on her unshaking base. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Eternal Day, The Soul's Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
1198:Anyone who masters these techniques fully has achieved a tremendous power over himself more valuable than health, love, fame, or riches. He has set himself free from the effects of the world; nothing can touch him unless he wills it. As it has been said, the sage who knows how can live comfortably in hell.
   ~ Peter J Carroll, Liber Null,
1199:Love which overflows on every side, which is found in the centre of the stars, which is in the depths of the Ocean,-Love whose perfume declares itself everywhere, which nourishes all the kingdoms of Nature and which maintains equilibrium and harmony in the whole universe. ~ Antoine the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
1200:The power of Love supramentalised can take hold of all living relations without hestitation or danger and turn them Godwards delivered from their crude, mixed and petty human settings and sublimated into the happy material of a divine life. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Ascent of the Sacrifice - 2, 169,
1201:He who suffers himself to be transported by the love of things on high, who drinks at the sources of eternal beauty, who lives by the Infinite and combats for the ideal of all virtue and all knowledge, who shows for that cult an enthusiasm pushed to a very fury,-he is the hero. ~ Giordano Bruno, the Eternal Wisdom
1202:I think you still love me, but we can't escape the fact that I'm not enough for you. I knew this was going to happen. So I'm not blaming you for falling in love with another woman. I'm not angry, either. I should be, but I'm not. I just feel pain. A lot of pain. I thought I could imagine how much this would hurt, but I was wrong. ~ Haruki Murakami,
1203:Thus we draw near to the All-Wonderful
Following his rapture in things as sign and guide;
Beauty is his footprint showing us where he has passed,
Love is his heart-beats' rhythm in mortal breasts,
Happiness the smile on his adorable face. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Kingdom of Subtle Matter,
1204:God is our wise and perfect friend, because he knows when to smite and when to fondle; when to slay us no less then when to save and to succour... There must be faith in the love and wisdom of God,... working out all for our good even when it is apparently veiled in evil. ~ Sri Aurobindo, 1984 Ashram Diary, July 3 and Augst 22,
1205:Love sometimes gets tired of speaking sweetly and wants to rip to shreds all your erroneous notions of the truth that make you fight within yourself, dear one, and with others, causing the world to weep on too many fine days... The Beloved sometimes wants to do us a great favor: Hold us upside down and shake all the nonsense out. ~ Hafiz,
Thou who pervadest all the worlds below,
Yet sitst above,
Master of all who work and rule and know,
Servant of Love!

Thou who disdainest not the worm to be
Nor even the clod,
Therefore we know by that humility
That thou art God. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems,
1207:To do yoga, one of the most important things to achieve is to get rid of all attachment to the past. Let the past be past and concentrate only on the progress you want to make and the surrender to the Divine you have to achieve. My blessings and help are always with you. With love. 10 January 1967 ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother III,
1208:Like a flame that burns in silence, like a perfume that rises straight upward without wavering, my love goes to Thee; and like the child who does not reason and has no care, I trust myself to Thee that Thy Will may be done, that Thy Light may manifest, Thy Peace radiate, Thy Love cover the world.
   ~ The Mother, Prayers And Meditations,
1209:What is lasting, eternal, immortal and infinite, that indeed is worth having, worth conquering, worth possessing. It is divine Light, divine Love, divine Life - it is also Supreme Peace, Perfect Joy and All-Mastery upon earth with the Complete Manifestation as the crowning.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, The True Aim of Life, 8,
1210:To be humble means for the mind, the vital and the body never to forget that without the Divine they know nothing, are nothing and can do nothing; without the Divine they are nothing but ignorance, chaos and impotence. The Divine alone is Truth, Life, Power, Love, Felicity.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, Purity and Humility, 152,
1211:As knowledge grows Light flames up from within:
It is a shining warrior in the mind,
An eagle of dreams in the divining heart,
An armour in the fight, a bow of God.
Then larger dawns arrive and Wisdom's pomps
Cross through the being's dim half-li ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
1212:Let us say this clearly, my brothers, that we cannot reach unto God but by the intermediary of one who is like unto ourselves, by striving to love: God is not there where we think him to be, he is in ourselves. He dispenses love to us, he is love itself. Let us love then by him our neighbour. ~ Antoine the Healer, the Eternal Wisdom
1213:My dear child, I carry you always in my arms, pressed close to my heart, and I have no doubt that you will become aware of it if you forget the world and concentrate on me. By turning your thoughts towards me you will feel closer and closer to me and peace will come to dwell in your heart. Love. 25 May 1934
   ~ The Mother, On Education, [T0],
1214:It is only by aspiration and prayer that ego can be overcome; a constant and sincere aspiration is always answered by the Divine. Feb 3rd

Ignorance is a human general illness and nobody can escape it until one is united with the Divine. Feb 9th

Let the aspiration and love for the Divine conquer in you all desires and difficulties. Feb 14
~ The Mother
1215:God said unto Jesus, "O Jesus! When I see in My servants' hearts pure love for Myself unmixed with any selfish desire concerning this world or the next, I act as guardian over that love." Again, when people asked Jesus "What is the highest work of all?" he answered, "To love God and to be resigned to His will. ~ Abu Hamid al-Ghazali,
1216:I do not know which of the religious leaders is right, nor is it possible for me to know it with any certainty. But I know pertinently that the best I can do is to develop love in myself and about that it is impossible for me to doubt. I cannot doubt it because in developing my love my happiness increases.- ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
1217:One of two things must be done. Either surrender because you admit your inability and require a higher power to help you, or investigate the cause of misery by going to the source and merging into the Self. Either way you will be free from misery. God never forsakes one who has surrendered. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi, Surpassing Love and Grace,
1218:Sometimes we say that we met people at the wrong time. But maybe we meet them when we are the wrong person, when we have not yet met and fallen in love with ourselves. We are only half of a thing~even if we can imagine that there is a better version of us out there~and we are hoping that someone else will fill in the missing parts so that we don't have to. ~ Chelsea Fagan,
1219:My love is stronger than the bonds of Fate:
   I guard the heavenly seal of the Supreme.
   Love must not cease to live upon the earth;
   For Love is the bright link twixt earth and heaven.
   Love is the far Transcendent's angel here
   Love is man's lien on the Absolute
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
1220:Once for all, then, a short precept is given thee: Love, and do what thou wilt: whether thou hold thy peace, through love hold thy peace; whether thou cry out, through love cry out; whether thou correct, through love correct; whether thou spare, through love do thou spare: let the root of love be within, of this root can nothing spring but what is good. ~ Augustine of Hippo,
1221:Perhaps some of you have had relations with that Mahakali. She does not avenge herself, she never does harm to those who love her, she does not strike with epidemics the countries which do not show her sufficient respect and consideration. But she likes violence, she likes war and her justice is crushing. ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1950-1951,
1222:When the vital joins in the love for the Divine, it brings into it heroism, enthusiasm, intensity, absoluteness, exclusiveness, the spirit of self-sacrifice, the total and passionate self-giving of all the nature. It is the vital passion for the Divine that creates the spiritual heroes, conquerors or martyrs.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - II,
1223:Her lips endlessly clung to his,
Unwilling ever to separate again
Or lose that honeyed drain of lingering joy,
Unwilling to loose his body from her breast,
The warm inadequate signs that love must use. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Joy of Union; the Ordeal of the Foreknowledge of Death and the Heart's Grief and Pain,
1224:Give me yourself, O my God, give yourself back to me. Lo, I love you, but if my love is too mean, let me love more passionately. I cannot gauge my love, nor know how far it fails, how much more love I need for my life to set its course straight into your arms, never swerving until hidden in the covert of your face. ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo,
1225:Wherever love and light and largeness lack,
These crooked fashioners take up their task.
To all half-conscious worlds they extend their reign.
Here too these godlings drive our human hearts,
Our nature's twilight is their lurking-place: ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, 02.05,
1226:He who knows nothing, loves nothing. He who can do nothing understands nothing. He who understands nothing is worthless. But he who understands also loves, notices, sees ... The more knowledge is inherent in a thing, the greater the love.... Anyone who imagines that all fruits ripen at the same time as the strawberries knows nothing about grapes. ~ Paracelsus,
1227:What God is one knows not. He is not light, nor spirit, nor beatitude nor unity, nor what goes by the name of divinity, nor wisdom, nor love, nor will, nor kindness, nor a thing, nor that which is not a thing, nor a being, nor a soul; He is what neither I nor thou nor any creature will ever know until we have become what He is. ~ id, the Eternal Wisdom
1228:What you love not in your superiors, do not to your inferiors; what you reprove in your inferiors, do not to your superiors; what you hate in those who precede you, do not to those who follow you...What you would not receive from those on your right, cast not upon those on your left...Let this be the rule of your conduct. ~ Confucius, the Eternal Wisdom
1229:The sorrow by which Nature's hunger is fed,
The oestrus which creates with fire of pain,
The fate that punishes virtue with defeat,
The tragedy that destroys long happiness,
The weeping of Love, the quarrel of the Gods,
Ceased in a truth which l ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Yoga of the King, The Yoga of the Soul's Release,
1230:He should sanctify his soul, for it is there that there sits the eternal Beloved; he should deliver his mind from all that is the water and mire of things without reality, vain shadows, so as to keep in himself no trace of love or hatred; for love may lead into the evil way and hatred prevents us from following the good path. ~ Bahu-ullah, the Eternal Wisdom
1231:It is time to put up a love-swing!
Tie the body and then tie the mind so that they
swing between the arms of the Secret One you love,
Bring the water that falls from the clouds to your eyes,
and cover yourself inside entirely with the shadow of night.
Bring your face up close to his ear,
and then talk only about what you want deeply to happen. ~ Kabir,
1232:Never forget that you are not alone. The Divine is with you helping and guiding you. He is the companion who never fails, the friend whose love comforts and strengthens. The more you feel lonely, the more you are ready to perceive His luminous Presence. Have faith and He will do everything for you.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, The Divine Is with You, [T5],
1233:Divine Mother, I have had a feeling of wanting to move into a separate house lately. I do not know whether I am right in this. May I have your divine guidance in this?

   Exterior things must be of little importance when one does 'sadhana'. The needed inner peace can be established in any surroundings. With love and blessings.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II,
1234:We brought nothing into this world and it is certain we can carry nothing out,-and having food and raiment let us be therewith content. But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and hurtful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil. ~ Timothy VI.7, the Eternal Wisdom
1235:Let us not believe that it is enough to read without unction, to speculate without devotion, to investigate without wonder, to observe without joy, to act without godly zeal, to know without love, to understand without humility, to strive without divine grace, or to reflect as a mirror without divinely inspired wisdom. ~ Saint Bonaventure, The Journey of the Mind into God / Feast Day July 15th,
1236:When we love a person, we love all that belongs to him; we extend to the children the affection we feel for the parent. Now every Soul is a daughter of the [Godhead]. How can this world be separated from the spiritual world? Those who despise what is so nearly akin to the spiritual world, prove that they know nothing of the spiritual world, except in name. ~ Ken Wilber, Sex Ecology Spirituality,
1237:24 I am the mother of fair love, and of fear, and of knowledge, and of holy hope.
25 In me is all grace of the way and of the truth, in me is all hope of life and of virtue.
26 Come over to me, all ye that desire me, and be filled with my fruits. ~ Sirach 24:24-26, Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition, biblegateway
1238:WILL, KNOWLEDGE and love are the three divine powers in human nature and the life of man, and they point to the three paths by which the human soul rises to the divine. The integrality of them, the union of man with God in all the three, must therefore, as we have seen, be the foundation of an integral Yoga. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Love and the Triple Path,
1239:History does not record anywhere at any time a religion that has any rational basis. Religion is a crutch for people not strong enough to stand up to the unknown without help. But, like dandruff, most people do have a religion and spend time and money on it and seem to derive considerable pleasure from fiddling with it.
   ~ Robert Heinlein, Notebooks of Lazarus Long, from Time Enough for Love (1973).,
1240:A sage was asked, "What is the most important work? who is the man the most important in life ?" The sage replied, The most important work is to love all men, because that is the life-work of each man. The most important man is the one with whom you have to do at this moment, because you can never know whether you will have to do with another. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
1241:O Death, if thou couldst touch the Truth supreme
Thou wouldst grow suddenly wise and cease to be.
If our souls could see and love and clasp God's Truth,
Its infinite radiance would seize our hearts,
Our being in God's image be remade
And earthly life become the life divine.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Dream Twilight of the Earthly Real,
1242:Ultimately there is light and love and intelligence in this universe. And we are it, we carry that within us, it's not just something out there, it is within us and this is what we are trying to reconnect with, our original light and love and intelligence, which is who we are, so do not get so distracted by all this other stuff, you know, really remember what we are here on this planet for. ~ Tenzin Palmo,
1243:Attachments are of great seriousness. Choose your attachments carefully. Choose your temple of fanaticism with great care. What you wish to sing of as tragic love is an attachment not carefully chosen. Die for one person? This is a craziness. Persons change, leave, die, become ill. They leave, lie, go mad, have sickness, betray you, die. Your nation outlives you. A cause outlives you. ~ David Foster Wallace,
1244:468 - I may question God, my guide and teacher, and ask Him, 'Am I right or hast Thou in thy love and wisdom suffered my mind to deceive me?' Doubt thy mind, if thou wilt, but doubt not that God leads thee.
   Life is given to us to find the Divine and unite with Him. The mind tries to persuade us that it is not so. Shall we believe this liar?
   ~ The Mother, On Thoughts And Aphorisms,
1245:He who knows that He is the supreme Lord, becomes that, and the gods themselves cannot prevent him...He who adores any other divinity, has not the knowledge. He is as cattle for the gods. Even as numerous cattle serve to nourish men, so each man serves to nourish the gods...That is why the gods love not that a man should know That. ~ Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, the Eternal Wisdom
1246:D.: how to meditate?
M.: Concentrate on that one whom you like best. If a single thought prevails, all other thoughts are put off and finally eradicated. So long as diversity prevails there are bad thoughts. When the object of love prevails only good thoughts hold the field. Therefore hold on to one thought only. Dhyana is the chief practice. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi, Talks,
1247:For those who are afraid of a word: This is what we mean by Divine: all the knowledge we have to acquire, all the power we have to obtain, all the love we have to become, all the perfection we have to achieve, all the harmonious and progressive poise we have to manifest in light and joy, all the new and unknown splendours that have to be realised.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II,
1248:True love can achieve extraordinary things, but it is rare. All kinds of miracles can be done out of love for the person one loves - not for everyone, but for the people or the person one loves. But it has to be a love free from all vital mixture, an absolutely pure and selfless love which demands nothing in return, which expects nothing in return. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother III,
1249:541 - Canst thou see God in thy torturer and slayer even in thy moment of death or thy hours of torture? Canst thou see Him in that which thou art slaying, see and love even while thou slayest? Thou hast thy hand on the supreme knowledge. How shall he attain to Krishna who has never worshipped Kali?
   All is the Divine and the Divine alone exists.
   ~ The Mother, On Thoughts And Aphorisms,
1250:The only good teachers for you are those friends who love you, who think you are interesting, or very important, or wonderfully funny; whose attitude is:"Tell me more. Tell me all you can. I want to understand more about everything you feel and know and all the changes inside and out of you. Let more come out."And if you have no such friend,--and you want to write,--well, then you must imagine one. ~ Brenda Ueland,
1251:Look again at that dot That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives...
   The Earth is the only world known so far to harbor life. There is nowhere else, at least in the near future, to which our species could migrate... Like it or not, for the moment the Earth is where we make our stand. ~ Carl Sagan,
1252:Certainty [of faith] will remain incomplete as long as there is an atom of love of this world in the heart. When faith has become certitude, certitude has become knowingness, and knowingness has become Knowledge, you will become an expert in distinguishing between the good and the bad in the service of Allah (mighty and glorified is He). ~ Abd Al-Qadir al-Jilani, Purification of the Mind (Jila' Al-Khatir), Second Edition,
1253:We all have the potential to show others love and affection, but as we progress in our materialistic world, these values tend to remain dormant. We can develop them on the basis of common sense, common experience and scientific findings. The response to the recent tragedy in the Philippines is an example of how such values are awakened; people helped simply because others are suffering and in need of support. ~ Dalai Lama,
1254:There is nothing to fear - all is the Lord-there is nothing else than the Lord; the Lord alone exists and all that tries to frighten us is only a silly and meaningless disguise of the Lord. Cheer up - the way is open before you, shake off this obsession of illness and bring down the Divine Calm. Then everything will be all right. With love and blessings.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, [T1],
1255:Sometimes I reread my favorite books from back to front. I start with the last chapter and read backward until I get to the beginning. When you read this way, characters go from hope to despair, from self-knowledge to doubt. In love stories, couples start out as lovers and end as strangers. Coming-of-age books become stories of losing your way. Your favorite characters come back to life. ~ Nicola Yoon, Everything, Everything
1256:To love. To be loved. To never forget your own insignificance. To never get used to the unspeakable violence and the vulgar disparity of life around you. To seek joy in the saddest places. To pursue beauty to its lair. To never simplify what is complicated or complicate what is simple. To respect strength, never power. Above all, to watch. To try and understand. To never look away. And never, never to forget. ~ Arundhati Roy,
1257:conditions of the psychic opening :::
The realisation of the psychic being, its awakening and the bringing of it in front depend mainly on the extent to which one can develop a personal relation with the Divine, a relation of Bhakti, love, reliance, self-giving, rejection of the insistences of the separating and self-asserting mental, vital and physical ego. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - III,
1258:Note this well that from whence soever it may come, a teaching which leads to passion and not to peace, to pride and not to modesty, to the extension of desire and not to its moderation, to the love of worldliness and not to the love.of solitude, to a violent and not to a peaceful spirit, is not the Law, is not the Discipline, is not the teaching of the Master. ~ Vinaya Pitaka, the Eternal Wisdom
1259:O Lord, my sweet Master, Thou whom I adore in silence and to whom I have entirely consecrated myself, Thou who governest my life, kindle in my heart the flame of Thy pure love that it may burn like a glowing brazier, consuming all imperfections and transforming into a comforting warmth and radiating light the dead wood of egoism and the black coals of ignorance.
   ~ The Mother, Prayers And Meditations, 55,
1260:The Mother guides, helps each according to his nature and need, and, where necessary, herself intervenes with her Power enabling the sadhak to withstand the rigours and demands of the Path. She has placed herself - with all the Love, Peace, Knowledge and Consciousness that she is - at the disposal of every aspiring soul that looks for help.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Mother With Letters On The Mother, [T2],
1261:Bhakti is the one essential thing. Who can ever know God through reasoning? I want love of God. What do I care about knowing His infinite glories? One bottle of wine makes me drunk. What do I care about knowing how many gallons there are in the grog-shop? One jar of water is enough to quench my thirst. I don't need to know the amount of water there is on earth. ~ Sri Ramakrishna, The Gospel of Ramakrishna,
1262:It's a strange thing, how you can love somebody, how you can be all eaten up inside with needing them - and they simply don't need you. That's all there is to it, and neither of you can do anything about it. And they'll be the same way with someone else, and someone else will be the same way about you and it goes on and on - this desperate need - and only once in a rare million do the same two people need each other. ~ Madeleine L'Engle,
1263:The story of Christ, as it has been told, is the concrete and dramatic enactment of the divine sacrifice: the Supreme Lord, who is All-Light, All-Knowledge, All-Power, All-Beauty, All-Love, All-Bliss, accepting to assume human ignorance and suffering in matter, in order to help men to emerge from the falsehood in which they live and because of which they die.
   ~ The Mother, On Thoughts And Aphorisms, 16 June 1960,
1264:The great secret of morals is love; or a going out of our nature, and an identification of ourselves with the beautiful which exists in thought, action, or person, not our own. A man, to be greatly good, must imagine intensely and comprehensively; he must put himself in the place of another and of many others; the pains and pleasure of his species must become his own. The great instrument of moral good is the imagination. ~ Percy Bysshe Shelley,
1265:I want to learn more and more to see as beautiful what is necessary in things; then I shall be one of those who make things beautiful. Amor fati: let that be my love henceforth! I do not want to wage war against what is ugly. I do not want to accuse; I do not even want to accuse those who accuse. Looking away shall be my only negation. And all in all and on the whole: some day I wish to be only a Yes-sayer! ~ Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science,
1266:When we are young, we spend much time and pains in filling our note-books with all definitions of Religion, Love, Poetry, Politics, Art, in the hope that, in the course of a few years, we shall have condensed into our encyclopaedia the net value of all the theories at which the world has yet arrived. But year after year our tables get no completeness, and at last we discover that our curve is a parabola, whose arcs will never meet. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
1267:Experts in ancient Greek culture say that people back then didn't see their thoughts as belonging to them. When ancient Greeks had a thought, it occurred to them as a god or goddess giving an order. Apollo was telling them to be brave. Athena was telling them to fall in love.
   Now people hear a commercial for sour cream potato chips and rush out to buy, but now they call this free will.
At least the ancient Greeks were being honest.
   ~ Chuck Palahniuk,
1268:My son, do not forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments, for length of days and years of life and peace they will add to you. Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart. So you will find favor and good success in the sight of God and man. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. ... ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Proverbs, 3:1-35,
1269:The High-Subtle Self ::: "...cognitive style- actual intuition and literal inspiration, archetypal Form, audible illumination, revelations of light and sound affective elements- rapture, bliss, ecstatic release into superconsciousness motivational/conative factors-karuna, compassion, overwhelming love and gratefulness temporal mode- transtemporal, moving into eternity mode of self- archetypal-divine, overself, overmind." ~ Ken Wilber, The Atman Project pg.80,
1270:You've taken away my looks, my identity, by just a glance.
By making me drink the wine of love-potion,
You've intoxicated me by just a glance;
My fair, delicate wrists with green bangles in them,
Have been held tightly by you with just a glance.
I give my life to you, Oh my cloth-dyer,
You've dyed me in yourself, by just a glance.
I give my whole life to you Oh, Nijam,
You've made me your bride, by just a glance. ~ Amir Khusrau,
1271:The superior man or the sage loves all beings that live, but has not for them the sentiments of humanity which he has for men. He has for men sentiments of humanity, but he does not love them with the love which he has for his father and mother. He loves his father and mother with filial love and he has for men sentiments of humanity. He has for men sentiments of humanity and he loves all beings that live. ~ Meug Tac, the Eternal Wisdom
1272:Fall in love with some activity, and do it! Nobody ever figures out what life is all about, and it doesn't matter. Explore the world. Nearly everything is really interesting if you go into it deeply enough. Work as hard and as much as you want to on the things you like to do the best. Don't think about what you want to be, but what you want to do. Keep up some kind of a minimum with other things so that society doesn't stop you from doing anything at all. ~ Richard P Feynman,
1273:If you think for yourself or feel for yourself or act for yourself, you become a misappropriator, a dishonest trustee-a thief of force.

Let the Divine think through you, feel through you and act through you. Then only right and perfect use will be made of the instruments that compose your being.

Let the Divine's Thoughts shine in your mind, let the Divine's Love swell in your heart, let the Divine's Energy impel your limbs. ~ Nolini Kanta Gupta, Towards The Light,
1274:Sadhana is the practice of Yoga.
Tapasya is the concentration of the will to get the results of sadhana and to conquer the lower nature.
Aradhana is worship of the Divine, love, self-surrender, aspiration to the Divine, calling the name, prayer.
Dhyana is inner concentration of the consciousness, meditation, going inside in Samadhi.
Dhyana, tapasya and aradhana are all parts of sadhana. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - II, 215 [sadhana is:],
1275:What is the path that leads to the Eternal? When a disciple pours over the whole world the light of a heart overflowing with love, in all directions, on high, below, to the four quarters, with a thought of love, large, profound, boundless, void of wrath and hate, and when thereafter he pours over the whole world the light of a thought of profound serenity, then the disciple is on the path that leads to the Eternal. ~ Auguttara Nikaya, the Eternal Wisdom
1276:The Last Invocation

At the last, tenderly,
From the walls of the powerful, fortress'd house,
From the clasp of the knitted locks-from the keep of the well-closed doors,
Let me be wafted.

Let me glide noiselessly forth;
With the key of softness unlock the locks-with a whisper,
Set ope the doors, O Soul!

Tenderly! be not impatient!
(Strong is your hold, O mortal flesh!
Strong is your hold, O love.) ~ Walt Whitman,
   The descending triangle represents Sat-Chit-Ananda.
   The ascending triangle represents the aspiring answer from matter under the form of life, light and love.
   The junction of both - the central square - is the perfect manifestation having at its centre the Avatar of the Supreme - the lotus.
   The water - inside the square - represents the multiplicity,
   the creation.
   4 April 1958
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother I,
1278:You Will Find Me

The Mother: Take the trouble to find me. Follow the path that I have traced before you. Nothing is as important as this work. Nothing can be compared to this. Only the Divine. To find the Divine. This is life, this the aim, this the joy! To love the Divine so that He is always with you. Let it be Him who does all. He works with you. He strives with you. He guides you at every instant.
Au revoir, my child. ~ The Mother, The Supreme, Mona Sarkar,
1279:Above all, avoid lies, all lies, especially the lie to yourself. Keep watch on your own lie and examine it every hour, every minute. And avoid contempt, both of others and of yourself: what seems bad to you in yourself is purified by the very fact that you have noticed it in yourself. And avoid fear, though fear is simply the consequence of every lie. Never be frightened at your own faintheartedness in attaining love, and meanwhile do not even be very frightened by your own bad acts. ~ Fyodor Dostoyevsky,
1280:No matter how much I wanted to sing Western songs, they were all very difficult. Had I, born in Japan, no choice but to sing Japanese songs? Was there a Japanese song that expressed my present sentiment - a traveler who had immersed himself in love and the arts in France but was now going back to the extreme end of the Orient where only death would follow monotonous life? ... I felt totally forsaken. I belonged to a nation that had no music to express swelling emotions and agonized feelings. ~ Kafu Nagai,
1281:This is how it works. I love the people in my life, and I do for my friends whatever they need me to do for them, again and again, as many times as is necessary. For example, in your case you always forgot who you are and how much you're loved. So what I do for you as your friend is remind you who you are and tell you how much I love you. And this isn't any kind of burden for me, because I love who you are very much. Every time I remind you, I get to remember with you, which is my pleasure. ~ James Lecesne,
1282:The most dangerous thing you can do is to take any one impulse of your own nature and set it up as the thing you ought to follow at all costs. There is not one of them which will not make us into devils if we set it up as an absolute guide. You might think love of humanity in general was safe, but it is not. If you leave out justice you will find yourself breaking agreements and faking evidence in trials 'for the sake of humanity', and become in the end a cruel and treacherous man. ~ C S Lewis, Mere Christianity,
1283:We do not fight against any creed, any religion. We do not fight against any form of government. We do not fight against any caste, any social class. We do not fight against any nation or civilisation. We are fighting division, unconsciousness, ignorance, inertia and falsehood. We are endeavouring to establish upon earth union, knowledge, consciousness, truth; and we fight whatever opposes the advent of this new creation of Light, Peace, Truth and Love. ~ The Mother, Agenda Vol 6, Satprem,
1284:I,40: Who calls us Thelemites will do no wrong, if he look but close into the word. For there are therein Three Grades, the Hermit, and the Lover, and the man of Earth. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

I,41: The word of Sin is Restriction. O man! refuse not thy wife, if she will! O lover, if thou wilt, depart! There is no bond that can unite the divided but love: all else is a curse. Accursed! Accursed be it to the aeons! ~ Aleister Crowley, The Book of the Law,
1285:One who came love and lover and beloved
Eternal, built himself a wonderous field
   And wore the measures of a marvellous dance.
   There in its circles and its magic turns
   Attracted he arrives, repelled he flees.
   In the wild devious promptings of his mind ...
   Repenting, and has laughter and wrath,
   And both are a broken music of the soul
   Which seeks out reconciled its heavenly rhyme.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Gospel of Death and Vanity of the Ideal,
1286:The most preposterous notion that H. Sapiens has ever dreamed up is that the Lord God of Creation, Shaper and Ruler of all the Universes, wants the saccharine adoration of His creatures, can be swayed by their prayers, and becomes petulant if He does not receive this flattery. Yet this absurd fantasy, without a shred of evidence to bolster it, pays all the expenses of the oldest, largest, and least productive industry in all of history.
   ~ Robert Heinlein, Notebooks Of Lazarus Long, from Time Enough for Love (1973).,
1287:There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance. We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections. If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others or our potential to create. Evolution and all hopes for a better world rest in the fearlessness and open-hearted vision of people who embrace life. ~ John Lennon,
1288:To seek the greatest good is to live well, and to live well is nothing other than to love God with the whole heart, the whole soul, and the whole mind: It is therefore obvious that this love must be kept whole and uncorrupt, that is temperance; it should not be overcome with difficulties, that is fortitude, it must not be subservient to anything else, that is justice; it must discriminate among things so as not to be deceived by falsity or fraud, that is prudence. ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo,
1289:One does not say to God, Show your love for me first, shower on me the experience of yourself, satisfy my demand, then I will see whether I can love you so long as you deserve it. It is surely the seeker who must seek and love first, follow the quest, become impassioned for the Sought-then only does the veil move aside and the Light be seen and the Face manifest that alone can satisfy the soul after its long sojourn in the desert
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - II, Sadhana through Love and Devotion,
1290:For example, when practitioners transform into Shenlha Ökar (Shen Deity of White Light), they visualize their bodies as being adorned with the thirteen ornaments of peacefulness that in themselves evoke the enlightened quality of peacefulness.2 Shenlha Ökar himself embodies all six of the antidote qualities of love, generosity, wisdom, openness, peacefulness, and compassion; so as soon as you transform into Shenlha Ökar, you instantly embody these same qualities. ~ Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, Tibetan Yogas of Body, Speech, and Mind,
1291:The Mother says, "Look at me, I am here, come back in my new body, divine, transformed and glorious. And I am the same Mother, still human. Do not worry. Do not be concerned about your own self, your progress and realisation, nor about others. I am here, look at me, gaze into me, enter into me wholly, merge into my being, lose yourself into my love, with your love. You will see all problems solved, everything done. Forget all else, forget the world. Remember me alone, be one with me, with my love." ~ Priti Dasgupta, Moments Eternal,
1292:Freedom from pride and arrogance, harmlessness, patience, sincerity, purity, constancy, self-control, indifference to the objects of sense, absence of egoism,...freedom from attachment to son and wife and house, constant equality of heart towards desirable or undesirable events, love of solitude and withdrawal from the crowd, perpetual knowledge of the Supreme and study of the principles of things, this is knowledge; what is contrary in nature to this, is ignorance. ~ Bhagavad Gita, the Eternal Wisdom
1293:To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket, safe, dark, motionless, airless, it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. To love is to be vulnerable.
   ~ C S Lewis, The Four Loves,
1294:7. Don't entertain such thoughts of imperfection, lack of qualities, etc. You are already perfect. Get rid of the ideas of imperfection and need for development. There is nothing to realize or annihilate. You are the Self. The ego does not exist. Pursue the enquiry and see if there is anything to be realised or annihilated. See if there is any mind to be controlled. Even the effort is being made by the mind which does not exist. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi, Surpassing Love and Grace An Offering from His Devotees,
1295:O Thou who art the sole reality of our being, O sublime Master of love, Redeemer of life, let me have no longer any other consciousness than of Thee at every instant and in each being. When I do not live solely with Thy life, I agonise, I sink slowly towards extinction; for Thou art my only reason for existence, my one goal, my single support. I am like a timid bird not yet sure of its wings and hesitating to take its flight; let me soar to reach definitive identity with Thee.
   ~ The Mother, Prayers And Meditations,
1296:Life will break you. Nobody can protect you from that, and living alone won't either, for solitude will also break you with its yearning. You have to love. You have to feel. It is the reason you are here on earth. You are here to risk your heart. You are here to be swallowed up. And when it happens that you are broken, or betrayed, or left, or hurt, or death brushes near, let yourself sit by an apple tree and listen to the apples falling all around you in heaps, wasting their sweetness. Tell yourself you tasted as many as you could. ~ Louise Erdrich,
1297:To laugh often and love much; to win the respect of intelligent persons and the affection of children; to earn the approbation of honest citizens and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to give of one's self; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exultation; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived~this is to have succeeded. ~ Bessie Anderson Stanley,
1298:ntelligence is one of the greatest human gifts. But all too often a search for knowledge drives out the search for love. This is something else I've discovered for myself very recently. I present it to you as a hypothesis: Intelligence without the ability to give and receive affection leads to mental and moral breakdown, to neurosis, and possibly even psychosis. And I say that the mind absorbed in and involved in itself as a self-centered end, to the exclusion of human relationships, can only lead to violence and pain. ~ Daniel Keyes, Flowers for Algernon,
1299:Tell me, enigmatical man, whom do you love best, your father,
Your mother, your sister, or your brother?
I have neither father, nor mother, nor sister, nor brother.
Your friends?
Now you use a word whose meaning I have never known.
Your country?
I do not know in what latitude it lies.
I could indeed love her, Goddess and Immortal.
I hate it as you hate God.
Then, what do you love, extraordinary stranger?
I love the clouds the clouds that pass up there
Up there the wonderful clouds!
   ~ Charles Baudelaire,
1300:Beneath the surface level of conditioned thinking in every one of us there is a single living spirit. The still small voice whispering to me in the depths of my consciousness is saying exactly the same thing as the voice whispering to you in your consciousness. 'I want an earth that is healthy, a world at peace, and a heart filled with love.' It doesn't matter if your skin is brown or white or black, or whether you speak English, Japanese, or Malayalam - the voice, says the Gita, is the same in every creature, and it comes from your true self. ~ Eknath Easwaran,
1301:Just a simple choice, right now, between fear and love. The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love instead see all of us as one. Here's what we can do to change the world, right now, to a better ride. Take all that money we spend on weapons and defenses each year and instead spend it feeding and clothing and educating the poor of the world, which it would pay for many times over, not one human being excluded, and we could explore space, together, both inner and outer, forever, in peace. ~ Bill Hicks,
1302:Yet would the ideal working of an integral Yoga be a movement, even from the beginning, integral in its process and whole and many-sided in its progress. In any case our present preoccupation is with a Yoga, integral in its aim and complete movement, but starting from works and proceeding by works althrough at each step more and more moved by a vivifying divine love and more and more illumined by a helping divine knowledge.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Yoga Of Divine Works, Self-Surrender In Works - The Way Of The Gita, 93,
1303:Light will someday split you open
Even if your life is now a cage.
Little by little, You will turn into stars.
Little by little, You will turn into
The whole sweet, amorous Universe.
Love will surely burst you wide open
Into an unfettered, booming new galaxy.
You will become so free
In a wonderful, secret
And pure Love That flows
From a conscious, One-pointed, Infinite Light.
Even then, my dear, The Beloved will have fulfilled
Just a fraction, Just a fraction!
Of a promise He wrote upon your heart.
~ Hafiz,
1304:Being tender and open is beautiful. As a woman, I feel continually shhh'ed. Too sensitive. Too mushy. Too wishy washy. Blah blah. Don't let someone steal your tenderness. Don't allow the coldness and fear of others to tarnish your perfectly vulnerable beating heart. Nothing is more powerful than allowing yourself to truly be affected by things. Whether it's a song, a stranger, a mountain, a rain drop, a tea kettle, an article, a sentence, a footstep, feel it all - look around you. All of this is for you. Take it and have gratitude. Give it and feel love. ~ Zooey Deschanel,
1305:The Prophet related that when Allah loves the voice of His slave when he makes supplication to Him, He delays the answer to his supplication so that the slave will repeat the supplication.
This comes from His love for the slave, not because He has turned away from him. For that reason, the Prophet mentioned the name of the Wise, and the Wise is the one who puts everything in its proper place, and who does not turn away from the qualities which their realities necessitate and demand; so the Wise is the One who knows the order of things. ~ Ibn Arabi,
1306:The integral Yoga, refusing to rely upon the fragile stuff of mental and moral ideals, puts its whole emphasis in this field on three central dynamic processes -- the development of the true soul or psychic being to take the place of the false soul of desire, the sublimation of human into divine love, the elevation of consciousness from its mental to its spiritual and supramental plane by whose power alone both the soul and the life-force can be utterly delivered from the veils and prevarications of the Ignorance.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, [T4],
1307:To live, to love are signs of infinite things,
   Love is a glory from eternity's spheres.
   Abased, disfigured, mocked by baser mights
   That steal his name and shape and ecstasy,
   He is still the Godhead by which all can change.
   A mystery wakes in our inconscient stuff,
   A bliss is born that can remake our life.
   Love dwells in us like an unopened flower
   Awaiting a rapid moment of the soul,
   Or he roams in his charmed sleep mid thoughts and things;
   The child-god is at play, he seeks himself
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, Satyavan,
NIGHT after night within the grove
The night wind spares the sacred fire -­
The breath made visible of love,
Of worship and desire.
I set the tripod at thy shrine;
The silver bowl, the amber flame,
And in the dark where no stars shine
I speak thy name.
By the high name I call on thee
Which only I, thy priestess, know.
I tread thy dance in ecstasy,
Sweet steps and slow.
O God, the hour has come. Appear!
I have performed the appointed rite -­
The dance, the fire; I long to hear
Wings in the night.
~ Alice Duer Miller,
1309:O Lord, O eternal Master, grant that all this may not be in vain, grant that the inexhaustible torrents of Thy divine Force may spread over the earth and penetrate its troubled atmosphere, the struggling energies, the violent chaos of battling elements; grant that the pure light of Thy Knowledge and the inexhaustible love of Thy Benediction may fill men's hearts, penetrate their souls, illumine their consciousness and, out of this obscurity, out of this sombre, terrible and potent darkness, bring forth the splendour of Thy majestic Presence!
   ~ The Mother, Prayers And Meditations,
1310:The profession of shaman has many advantages. It offers high status with a safe livelihood free of work in the dreary, sweaty sense. In most societies it offers legal privileges and immunities not granted to other men. But it is hard to see how a man who has been given a mandate from on High to spread tidings of joy to all mankind can be seriously interested in taking up a collection to pay his salary; it causes one to suspect that the shaman is on the moral level of any other con man. But it is a lovely work if you can stomach it.
   ~ Robert Heinlein, Notebooks Of Lazarus Long, from Time Enough for Love (1973).,
1311:Let us therefore learn while there is yet time, let us learn to do good. Let us raise our eyes to Heaven for the sake of our honor, for the very love of virtue, or, to speak wisely, for the love and praise of God Almighty, who is the infallible witness of our deeds and the just judge of our faults. As for me, I truly believe I am right, since there is nothing so contrary to a generous and loving God as tyranny---I believe He has reserved, in a separate spot in Hell, some very special punishment for tyrants and their accomplices" ~ Étienne de La Boétie, The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude
1312:Those who love much, do much and accomplish much, and whatever is done with love is done well.... Love is the best and noblest thing in the human heart, especially when it is tested by life as gold is tested by fire. Happy is he who has loved much, and although he may have wavered and doubted, he has kept that divine spark alive and returned to what was in the beginning and ever shall be.

If only one keeps loving faithfully what is truly worth loving and does not squander one's love on trivial and insignificant and meaningless things then one will gradually obtain more light and grow stronger. ~ Vincent van Gogh,
1313:Your love renders you impatient and disturbed.
With such sincerity you have placed your head at her feet that you are oblivious to the world.

When in the eyes of your beloved riches don't count, gold and dust are as one to you.
You say that she dwells in your eyes - if they be closed, she is in your mind.
If she demands your life, you place it in her hand; if she places a sword upon your head, you hold it forward.

When earthly love produces such confusion and demands such obedience, don't you wonder if travelers of the road of God remain engulfed in the Ocean of Reality? ~ Saadi,
1314:The event of falling in love is of such a nature that we are right to reject as intolerable the idea that it should be transitory. In one high bound it has overleaped the massive of our selfhood; it has made appetite itself altruistic, tossed personal happiness aside as a triviality and planted the interests of another in the centre of our being. Spontaneously and without effort we have fulfilled the law (towards one person) by loving our neighbour as ourselves. It is an image, a foretaste, of what we must become to all if Love Himself rules in us without a rival. It is even (well used) a preparation for that. ~ C S Lewis,
1315:And in a recent unique example, in the life of Ramakrishna Paramhansa, we see a colossal spiritual capacity first driving straight to the divine realisation, taking, as it were, the kingdom of heaven by violence, and then seizing upon one Yogic method after another and extracting the substance out of it with an incredible rapidity, always to return to the heart of the whole matter, the realisation and possession of God by the power of love, by the extension of inborn spirituality into various experience and by the spontaneous play of an intuitive knowledge.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga,
1316:Out of the depths I cry to you, O LORD;
O Lord, hear my voice. Let your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy.
If you, O LORD, kept a record of sins, O Lord, who could stand?
But with you there is forgiveness; therefore you are feared.
I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope.
My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning, more than watchmen wait for the morning.
O Israel, put your hope in the LORD, for with the LORD is unfailing love and with him is full redemption.
He himself will redeem Israel from all their sins. ~ Anonymous, The Bible, Psalms, 130
1317:way of the Integral Yogin :::
   Nor is the seeker of the integral fulfilment permitted to solve too arbitrarily even the conflict of his own inner members. He has to harmonise deliberate knowledge with unquestioning faith; he must conciliate the gentle soul of love with the formidable need of power; the passivity of the soul that lives content in transcendent calm has to be fused with the activity of the divine helper and the divine warrior. ... An all-inclusive concentration is the difficult achievement towards which he must labour.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Self-Consecration, 78,
1318:The thing is somehow to unite the mind with God. You must not forget Him, not even once. Your thought of Him should be like the flow of oil, without any interruption. If you worship with love even a brick or stone as God, then through His grace you can see Him.

"Remember what I have just said to you. One should perform such worship as the Śiva Puja. Once the mind has become mature, one doesn't have to continue formal worship for long. The mind then always remains united with God; meditation and contemplation become a constant habit of mind." ~ Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Gospel of Ramakrishna,
1319:As a rule the only mantra used in this sadhana is that of the Mother or of my name and the Mother. The concentration in the heart and the concentration in the head can both be used - each has its own result. The first opens up the psychic being and brings bhakti, love and union with the Mother, her presence within the heart and the action of her Force in the nature. The other opens the mind to self-realisation, to the consciousness of what is above mind, to the ascent of the consciousness out of the body and the descent of the higher consciousness into the body. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - II,
1320:I have devoted my energies to the study of the scriptures, observing monastic discipline, and singing the daily services in church; study, teaching, and writing have always been my delight . . . The ultimate Mystery of being, the ultimate Truth, is Love. This is the essential structure of reality. When Dante spoke of the 'love which moves the sun and the other stars', he was not using a metaphor, but was describing the nature of reality. There is in Being an infinite desire to give itself in love and this gift of Self in love is for ever answered by a return of love....and so the rhythm of the universe is created. ~ Venerable Bede,
1321:High priests of wisdom, sweetness, might and bliss,
Discoverers of beauty's sunlit ways
And swimmers of Love's laughing fiery floods
And dancers within rapture's golden doors,
Their tread one day shall change the suffering earth
And justify the light on Nature's face.
Although Fate lingers in the high Beyond
And the work seems vain on which our heart's force was spent,
All shall be done for which our pain was borne.
Even as of old man came behind the beast
This high divine successor surely shall come
~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Vision and the Boon,
1322:In Plato's Symposium, the priestess Diotima teaches Socrates that love is not a deity, but rather a 'great daemon' (202d). She goes on to explain that 'everything daemonic is between divine and mortal' (202d-e), and she describes daemons as 'interpreting and transporting human things to the gods and divine things to men; entreaties and sacrifices from below, and ordinances and requitals from above...' (202e). In Plato's Apology of Socrates, Socrates claimed to have a daimonion (literally, a 'divine something')[16] that frequently warned him-in the form of a 'voice'-against mistakes but never told him what to do.
   ~ Wikipedia, Daemon,
1323:That status of knowledge is then the aim of this path and indeed of all paths when pursued to their end, to which intellectual discrimination and conception and all concentration and psychological self-knowledge and all seeking by the heart through love and by the senses through beauty and by the will through power and works and by the soul through peace and joy are only keys, avenues, first approaches and beginnings of the ascent which we have to use and to follow till the wide and infinite levels are attained and the divine doors swing open into the infinite Light.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga,
1324:The real human division is this: the luminous and the shady. To diminish the number of the shady, to augment the number of the luminous,-that is the object. That is why we cry: Education! science! To teach reading, means to light the fire; every syllable spelled out sparkles. However, he who says light does not, necessarily, say joy. People suffer in the light; excess burns. The flame is the enemy of the wing. To burn without ceasing to fly,-therein lies the marvel of genius. When you shall have learned to know, and to love, you will still suffer. The day is born in tears. The luminous weep, if only over those in darkness. ~ Victor Hugo,
1325:The Effort for Progress :::
...As with everything in yoga, the effort for progress must be made for the love of the effort for progress. The joy of effort, the aspiration for progress must be enough in themselves, quite independent of the result. Everything one does in yoga must be done for the joy of doing it, and not in view of the result one wants to obtain.... Indeed, in life, always, in all things, the result does not belong to us. And if we want to keep the right attitude, we must act, feel, think, strive spontaneously, for that is what we must do, and not in view of the result to be obtained. ... ~ The Mother,
1326:As gnostic knowledge, will and ananda are a direct instrumentation of spirit and can only be won by growing into the spirit, into divine being, this growth has to be the first aim of our Yoga. The mental being has to enlarge itself into the oneness of the Divine before the Divine will perfect in the soul of the individual its gnostic outflowering. That is the reason why the triple way of knowledge, works and love becomes the key-note of the whole Yoga, for that is the direct means for the soul in mind to rise to its highest intensities where it passes upward into the divine oneness.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga,
1327:This eternal lila is the eternal truth, and, therefore, its this eternal lila - the playful love-making of Radha and Krishna, which the Vaishnava poets desired to enjoy. If we analyse the Gitagovinda of Jayadeva we shall find not even a single statement which shows the poet's desire to have union with Krishna as Radha had,- he only sings praises the lila of Radha and Krishna and hankers after a chance just to have peep into the divine lila, and this peep into the divine lila is the highest spiritual gain which poets could think of. ~ Gautam Dasgupta (1976:125-26), quoted by Wimal Dissanayake, in Narratives of Agency: Self-making in China, India, and Japan, p. 132
1328:Mother, Why didn't You return the letter to me (the one You wrote to me) after I sent it to You this morning with my letter? I want to lie on Your lap, Mother.

   Poor little one, I very gladly take you on my lap and cradle you to my heart to soothe this heavy sorrow which has no cause and to quell this great revolt which has no reason. Let me take you in my arms, bathe you in my love and wipe away even the memory of this unfortunate incident. I kept the letter to show it to Sri Aurobindo along with your letter of this morning. I am returning it to you in this notebook. - February 27th, 1934
   ~ The Mother, Some Answers From The Mother,
1329:I've always been keenly aware of the passing of time. I've always thought that I was old. Even when I was twelve, I thought it was awful to be thirty. I felt that something was lost. At the same time, I was aware of what I could gain, and certain periods of my life have taught me a great deal. But, in spite of everything, I've always been haunted by the passing of time and by the fact that death keeps closing in on us. For me, the problem of time is linked up with that of death, with the thought that we inevitably draw closer and closer to it, with the horror of decay. It's that, rather than the fact that things disintegrate, that love peters out. ~ Simone de Beauvoir,
1330:[the third aid, the inner guide, guru :::
   It is he who destroys our darkness by the resplendent light of his knowledge; that light becomes within us the increasing glory of his own self-revelation. He discloses progressively in us his own nature of freedom, bliss, love, power, immortal being. He sets above us his divine example as our ideal and transforms the lower existence into a reflection of that which it contemplates. By the inpouring of his own influence and presence into us he enables the individual being to attain to identity with the universal and transcendent.~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Four Aids, 61 [T1],
1331:How to open to the Mother? The following are the means:
(1) To remember You constantly or from time to time--
(2) By taking Your name through Japa [mantra; repeating the Mother's name]--
(3) With the help of meditation--
More difficult if one has not the habit of meditation.
(4) By conversation about You with those who love and respect You--
Risky because, when talking, often some nonsense or at least some useless things can be said.
(5) By reading Your books--
(6) By spending time in thoughts of You--
Very good.
(7) By sincere prayers--
Good. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II,
1332:It is not from disgust for life and people that one must come to yoga. It is not to run away from difficulties that one must come here. It is not even to find the sweetness of love and protection, for the Divine's love and protection can be enjoyed everywhere if one takes the right attitude. When one wants to give oneself totally in service to the Divine, to consecrate oneself totally to the Divine's work, simply for the joy of giving oneself and of serving, without asking for anything in exchange, except the possibility of consecration and service, then one is ready to come here and will find the doors wide open.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother I,
1333:When a person meditates on these matters and recognizes all the creations, the angels, the spheres, man, and the like, and appreciates the wisdom of the Holy One, blessed be He, in all these creations, he will add to his love for God. His soul will thirst and his flesh will long with love for God, blessed be He.
   He will stand in awe and fear from his humble, lowly, and base [nature] when he compares himself to one of the great and holy bodies, how much more so when comparing himself to the pure forms which are separate from matter and do not share any connection with it. He will see himself as a vessel full of embarrassment and shame, empty and lacking.
   ~ Maimonides,
1334:Love Is Not All
Love is not all: it is not meat nor drink
Nor slumber nor a roof against the rain;
Nor yet a floating spar to men that sink
And rise and sink and rise and sink again;
Love can not fill the thickened lung with breath,
Nor clean the blood, nor set the fractured bone;
Yet many a man is making friends with death
Even as I speak, for lack of love alone.
It well may be that in a difficult hour,
Pinned down by pain and moaning for release,
Or nagged by want past resolution's power,
I might be driven to sell your love for peace,
Or trade the memory of this night for food.
It well may be. I do not think I would.
~ Edna St. Vincent Millay,
1335:... Hear again: no state was ever more precarious than that of man when he was separated on earth from his divine origin. Above him stretched the hostile borders of the usurper, and at his horizon's gates watched jailers armed with flaming swords. Then, since he could climb no more to the source of life, the source arose within him; since he could no more receive the light from above, the light shone forth at the very centre of his being; since he could commune no more with the transcendent love, that love offered itself in a holocaust and chose each terrestrial being, each human self as its dwelling-place and sanctuary. ...~ The Mother, Words Of Long Ago, The Supreme Discovery, [T1],
1336:The ego cannot see where it is being led; it revolts against the leading, loses confidence, loses courage. These failings would not matter; for the divine Guide within is not offended by our revolt, not discouraged by our want of faith or repelled by our weakness; he has the entire love of the mother and the entire patience of the teacher. But by withdrawing our assent from the guidance we lose the consciousness, though not all the actuality-not, in any case, the eventuality -of its benefit. And we withdraw our assent because we fail to distinguish our higher Self from the lower through which he is preparing his self-revelation.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Four Aids, 64,
1337:People are afraid of themselves, of their own reality; their feelings most of all. People talk about how great love is, but that's bullshit. Love hurts. Feelings are disturbing. People are taught that pain is evil and dangerous. How can they deal with love if they're afraid to feel? Pain is meant to wake us up. People try to hide their pain. But they're wrong. Pain is something to carry, like a radio. You feel your strength in the experience of pain. It's all in how you carry it. That's what matters. Pain is a feeling. Your feelings are a part of you. Your own reality. If you feel ashamed of them, and hide them, you're letting society destroy your reality. You should stand up for your right to feel your pain. ~ Jim Morrison,
1338:Have you ever lost yourself in a kiss? I mean pure psychedelic inebriation. Not just lustful petting but transcendental metamorphosis when you became aware that the greatness of this being was breathing into you. Licking the sides and corners of your mouth, like sealing a thousand fleshy envelopes filled with the essence of your passionate being and then opened by the same mouth and delivered back to you, over and over again - the first kiss of the rest of your life. A kiss that confirms that the universe is aligned, that the worlds greatest resource is love, and maybe even that God is a woman. With or without a belief in God, all kisses are metaphors decipherable by allocations of time, circumstance, and understanding
   ~ Saul Williams,
1339:It is therefore sufficient to start by one of them and find the point at which it meets the other at first parallel lines of advance and melts into them by its own widenings. At the same time a more difficult, complex, wholly powerful process would be to start, as it were, on three lines together, on a triple wheel of soul-power But the consideration of this possibility must be postponed till we have seen what are the conditions and means of the Yoga of self-perfection. For we shall see that this also need not be postponed entirely, but a certain preparation of it is part of and a certain initiation into it proceeds by the growth of the divine works, love and knowledge.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga,
1340:If you want to identify me, ask me not where I live, or what I like to eat, or how I comb my hair, but ask me what I am living for, in detail, ask me what I think is keeping me from living fully for the thing I want to live for . . . To be grateful is to recognize the Love of God in everything He has given us - and He has given us everything. Every breath we draw is a gift of His love, every moment of existence is a grace, for it brings with it immense graces from Him.

Gratitude therefore takes nothing for granted, is never unresponsive, is constantly awakening to new wonder and to praise of the goodness of God. For the grateful person knows that God is good, not by hearsay but by experience. And that is what makes all the difference. ~ Thomas Merton,
1341:The contribution of the psychic being to the sadhana is: (1) love and bhakti, a love not vital, demanding and egoistic but unconditioned and without claims, self-existent; (2) the contact or the presence of the Mother within; (3) the unerring guidance from within; (4) a quieting and purification of the mind, vital and physical consciousness by their subjection to the psychic influence and guidance; (5) the opening up of all this lower consciousness to the higher spiritual consciousness above for its descent into a nature prepared to receive it with a complete receptivity and right attitude - for the psychic brings in everything, right thought, right perception, right feeling, right attitude. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - III,
1342:One memory alone was left: the thought of his beautiful wife. This thought possessed his mind with such intensity that he did not notice his loss of memory for the rest of the world. His whole nature became obsessed by her image, and like a madman, who losing his own identity becomes the being whose image possesses him, Puranjana found him self transformed into a lovely young girl like his wife.

   "The young girl he had now become forgot her previous identity to such an extent that when she met with King Malayadhvaja, she fell in love with him and married him. When in the course of time the king passed away and she was left alone, lamenting his death and her bereavement, an unknown brahm in came to her and said:

   ~ Rishi Nityabodhananda, Ajna Chakra,
1343:The most important things are the hardest to say. They are the things you get ashamed of, because words diminish them -- words shrink things that seemed limitless when they were in your head to no more than living size when they're brought out. But it's more than that, isn't it? The most important things lie too close to wherever your secret heart is buried, like landmarks to a treasure your enemies would love to steal away. And you may make revelations that cost you dearly only to have people look at you in a funny way, not understanding what you've said at all, or why you thought it was so important that you almost cried while you were saying it. That's the worst, I think. When the secret stays locked within not for want of a teller but for want of an understanding ear. ~ Stephen King,
1344:189 - Live within; be not shaken by outward happenings.
190 - Fling not thy alms abroad everywhere in an ostentation of charity; understand and love where thou helpest. Let thy soul grow within thee.
191 - Help the poor while the poor are with thee; but study also and strive that there may be no poor for thy assistance.
To live within in a constant aspiration for the Divine enables us to look at life with a smile and to remain peaceful whatever the outer circumstances may be.
As for the poor, Sri Aurobindo says that to come to their help is good, provided that it is not a vain ostentation of charity, but that it is far nobler to seek a remedy for poverty so that there may be no poor left on earth.
31 October 1969 ~ The Mother, Thoughts And Aphorisms,
   Mother, I would like to know from you if it is good for me to devote more time to meditation than I am doing at present. I spend about two hours, morning and evening together. I am as yet not quite successful in meditation. My physical mind disturbs me a lot. I pray to you that it may become quiet and my psychic being may come out. It is so painful to find the mind working like a mad machine and the heart sleeping like a stone. Mother, let me feel your presence within my heart always.


The increase of time given to meditation is not very useful unless the urge for meditation comes spontaneously from inside and not from any arbitrary decision of the mind.
   My help, love and blessings are always with you.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II,
1346:The surest way towards this integral fulfilment is to find the Master of the secret who dwells within us, open ourselves constantly to the divine Power which is also the divine Wisdom and Love and trust to it to effect the conversion. But it is difficult for the egoistic consciousness to do this at all at the beginning. And, if done at all, it is still difficult to do it perfectly and in every strand of our nature. It is difficult at first because our egoistic habits of thought, of sensation, of feeling block up the avenues by which we can arrive at the perception that is needed. It is difficult afterwards because the faith, the surrender, the courage requisite in this path are not easy to the ego-clouded soul.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, [63] [T7],
1347:The principle of Bhakti Yoga is to utilise all the normal relations of human life into which emotion enters and apply them no longer to transient worldly relations, but to the joy of the All-Loving, the All-Beautiful and the All-Blissful. Worship and meditation aroused only for the preparation and increase of intensity of the divine relationship. And this Yoga is catholic in its use of all emotional relations, so that even enmity and opposition to God, considered as an intense, impatient and perverse form of Love, is conceived as a possible means of realisation and salvation. This path, too, as ordinarily practised, leads away from world-existence to an absorption, of another kind than the Monists, in the Transcendent and Supra-cosmic.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga,
1348:the threefold character of the union :::
   The first is the liberation from the Ignorance and identification with the Real and Eternal, moksa, sayujya, which is the characteristic aim of the Yoga of Knowledge. The second, the dwelling of the soul with or in the Divine, samipya, salokya, is the intense hope of all Yoga of love and beatitude, The third, identity in nature, likeness to the Divine, to be perfect as That is perfect, is the highest intention of all Yoga of power and perfection or of divine works and service. The combined completeness of the three together, founded here on a multiple Unity of the self-manifesting Divine, is the complete result of the integral Yoga, the goal of its triple Path and the fruit of its triple sacrifice.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga,
1349:203. God and Nature are like a boy and girl at play and in love. They hide and run from each other when glimpsed so that they may be sought after and chased and captured.
Man is God hiding himself from Nature so that he may possess her by struggle, insistence, violence and surprise. God is universal and transcendent Man hiding himself from his own individuality in the human being.
The animal is Man disguised in a hairy skin and upon four legs; the worm is Man writhing and crawling towards the evolution of his Manhood. Even crude forms of Matter are Man in his inchoate body. All things are Man, the Purusha.
For what do we mean by Man? An uncreated and indestructible soul that has housed itself in a mind and body made of its own elements. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Thoughts And Aphorisms,
1350:The Gita replies with its third great secret of the divine life. All action must be done in a more and more Godward and finally a God-possessed consciousness; our works must be a sacrifice to the Divine and in the end a surrender of all our being, mind, will, heart, sense, life and body to the One must make God-love and God-service our only motive. This transformation of the motive force and very character of works is indeed its master idea; it is the foundation of its unique synthesis of works, love and knowledge. In the end not desire, but the consciously felt will of the Eternal remains as the sole driver of our action and the sole originator of its initiative.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Yoga of Divine Works, Self-Surrender in Works - The Way of the Gita, [104-105],
1351:three paths as one :::
   We can see also that in the integral view of things these three paths are one. Divine Love should normally lead to the perfect knowledge of the Beloved by perfect intimacy, thus becoming a path of Knowledge, and to divine service, thus becoming a path of Works. So also should perfect Knowledge lead to perfect Love and Joy and a full acceptance of the works of That which is known; dedicated Works to the entire love of the Master of the Sacrifice and the deepest knowledge of His ways and His being. It is in the triple path that we come most readily to the absolute knowledge, love and service of the One in all beings and in the entire cosmic manifestation.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Introduction - The Conditions of the Synthesis, The Systems of Yoga,
1352:The full recognition of this inner Guide, Master of the Yoga, lord, light, enjoyer and goal of all sacrifice and effort, is of the utmost importance in the path of integral perfection. It is immaterial whether he is first seen as an impersonal Wisdom, Love and Power behind all things, as an Absolute manifesting in the relative and attracting it, as one's highest Self and the highest Self of all, as a Divine Person within us and in the world, in one of his-or her-numerous forms and names or as the ideal which the mind conceives. In the end we perceive that he is all and more than all these things together. The mind's door of entry to the conception of him must necessarily vary according to the past evolution and the present nature.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Four Aids, 62,
1353:From this distant vantage point, the Earth might not seem of particular interest. But for us, it's different. Consider again that dot. That's here, that's home, that's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every superstar, every supreme leader, every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there - on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. ~ Carl Sagan,
1354:Likewise, looking deep within the mind, in the very most interior part of the self, when the mind becomes very, very quiet, and one listens very carefully, in that infinite silence, the soul begins to whisper, and its feather-soft voice takes one far beyond what the mind could ever imagine, beyond anything rationality could possibly tolerate, beyond anything logic can endure. In its gentle whisperings, there are the faintest hints of infinite love, glimmers of a life that time forgot, flashes of a bliss that must not be mentioned, an infinite intersection where the mysteries of eternity breathe life into mortal time, where suffering and pain have forgotten how to pronounce their own names, this secret quiet intersection of time and the very timeless, an intersection called the soul. ~ Ken Wilber, Integral Psychology, p. 106.,
1355:So, it is a basic function of education to help you to find out what you really love to do, so that you can give your whole mind and heart to it, because that creates human dignity, that sweeps away mediocrity, the petty bourgeois mentality. That is why it is very important to have the right teachers, the right atmosphere, so that you will grow up with the love which expresses itself in what you are doing. Without this love your examinations, your knowledge, your capacities, your position and possessions are just ashes, they have no meaning; without this love your actions are going to bring more wars, more hatred, more mischief and destruction. All this may mean nothing to you, because outwardly you are still very young, but I hope it will mean something to your teachers-and also to you, somewhere inside. ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti,
1356:The messengers of the Incommunicable,
The architects of immortality.
Into the fallen human sphere they came,
Faces that wore the Immortal's glory still,
Voices that communed still with the thoughts of God,
Bodies made beautiful by the spirit's light,
Carrying the magic word, the mystic fire,
Carrying the Dionysian cup of joy,
Approaching eyes of a diviner man,
Lips chanting an unknown anthem of the soul,
Feet echoing in the corridors of Time.
High priests of wisdom, sweetness, might and bliss,
Discoverers of beauty's sunlit ways
And swimmers of Love's laughing fiery floods
And dancers within rapture's golden doors,
Their tread one day shall change the suffering earth
And justify the light on Nature's face. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, 3:4,
1357:Why do you indulge in these exaggerated feelings of remorse and despair when these things come up from the subconscient? They do not help and make it more, not less difficult to eliminate what comes. Such returns of an old nature that is long expelled from the conscious parts of the being always happen in sadhana. It does not at all mean that the nature is unchangeable. Try to recover the inner quietude, draw back from these movements and look at them calmly, reducing them to their true proportions. Your true nature is that in which you have peace and ananda and the love of the Divine. This other is only a fringe of the outer personality which in spite of these returns is destined to drop away as the true being extends and increases. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - IV, Dealing with Depression and Despondency,
1358:It is only when after long and persistent concentration or by other means the veil of the mind is rent or swept aside, only when a flood of light breaks over the awakened mentality, jyotirmaya brahman, and conception gives place to a knowledge-vision in which the Self is as present, real, concrete as a physical object to the physical eye, that we possess in knowledge; for we have seen. After that revelation, whatever fadings of the light, whatever periods of darkness may afflict the soul, it can never irretrievably lose what it has once held. The experience is inevitably renewed and must become more frequent till it is constant; when and how soon depends on the devotion and persistence with which we insist on the path and besiege by our will or our love the hidden Deity.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, [305],
1359:Thus slowly I lift man's soul nearer the Light.
   But human mind clings to its ignorance
   And to its littleness the human heart
   And to its right to grief the earthly life.
   Only when Eternity takes Time by the hand,
   Only when infinity weds the finite's thought,
   Can man be free from himself and live with God.
   I bring meanwhile the gods upon the earth;
   I bring back hope to the despairing heart;
   I give peace to the humble and the great,
   And shed my grace on the foolish and the wise.
   I shall save earth, if earth consents to be saved.
   Then Love shall at last unwounded tread earth's soil;
   Man's mind shall admit the sovereignty of Truth
   And body bear the immense descent of God."
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, 07.04 - The Triple Soul-Forces,
1360:The hero of a David Lodge novel says that you don't know, when you make love for the last time, that you are making love for the last time. Voting is like that. Some of the Germans who voted for the Nazi Party in 1932 no doubt understood that this might be the last meaningfully free election for some time, but most did not. Some of the Czechs and Slovaks who voted for the Czechoslovak Communist Party in 1946 probably realized that they were voting for the end of democracy, but most assumed they would have another chance. No doubt the Russians who voted in 1990 did not think that this would be the last free and fair election in their country's history, which (thus far) it has been. Any election can be the last, or at least the last in the lifetime of the person casting the vote. ~ Timothy Snyder, On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century,
1361:'And I protested. ''What do you mean, Diotima? Are you actually saying Love is ugly and bad?''
''Watch what you say!'' she exclaimed. ''Do you really think that if something is not beautiful it has to be ugly?''
''I certainly do''.
''And something that is not wise is ignorant, I suppose? Have you not noticed that there is something in between wisdom and ignorance?''
''And what is that?''
''Correct belief. 148 I am talking about having a correct belief without being able to give a reason for it. Don't you realise that this state cannot be called knowing - for how can it be knowledge 149 if it lacks reason?
And it is not ignorance either - for how can it be ignorance if it has hit upon the truth? Correct belief clearly occupies just such a middle state, between wisdom 150 and ignorance''. ~ Plato, Symposium, 202a,
1362:All true Truth of love and of the works of love the psychic being accepts in their place: but its flame mounts always upward and it is eager to push the ascent from lesser to higher degrees of Truth, since it knows that only by the ascent to a highest Truth and the descent of that highest Truth can Love be delivered from the cross and placed upon the throne; for the cross is the sign of the Divine Descent barred and marred by the transversal line of a cosmic deformation which turns it into a stake of suffering and misfortune. Only by the ascent to the original Truth can the deformation be healed and all the works of love, as too all the works of knowledge and of life, be restored to a divine significance and become part of an integral spiritual existence.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Ascent of the Sacrifice - 1,
1363:This is what you shall do; Love the earth and sun and the animals, despise riches, give alms to everyone that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown or to any man or number of men, go freely with powerful uneducated persons and with the young and with the mothers of families, read these leaves in the open air every season of every year of your life, re-examine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem and have the richest fluency not only in its words but in the silent lines of its lips and face and between the lashes of your eyes and in every motion and joint of your body. ~ Walt Whitman,
1364:We have no reason to harbor any mistrust against our world, for it is not against us. If it has terrors, they are our terrors; if it has abysses, these abysses belong to us; if there are dangers, we must try to love them. And if only we arrange our life in accordance with the principle which tells us that we must always trust in the difficult, then what now appears to us as the most alien will become our most intimate and trusted experience. How could we forget those ancient myths that stand at the beginning of all races, the myths about dragons that at the last moment are transformed into princesses? Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love. ~ Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet,
1365:The ship creaked and gravity shifted a degree to Miller's right. Course correction. Nothing interesting. Miller closed his eyes and tried to will himself to sleep. His mind was full of dead men and Julie and love and sex. There was something Holden had said about the war that was important, but he couldn't make the pieces fit. They kept changing. Miller sighed, shifted his weight so that he blocked one of his drainage tubes and had to shift back to stop the alarm.
When the blood pressure cuff fired off again, it was Julie holding him, pulling herself so close her lips brushed his ear. His eyes opened, his mind seeing both the imaginary girl and the monitors that she would have blocked if she'd really been there.
I love you too, she said, and I will take care of you.
He smiled at seeing the numbers change as his heart raced. ~ James S A Corey, Leviathan Wakes,
1366:This Dog
   Every morning this dog, very attached to me,
   Quietly keeps sitting near my seat
   Till touching its head
   I recognize its company.
   This recognition gives it so much joy
   Pure delight ripples through its entire body.
   Among all dumb creatures
   It is the only living being
   That has seen the whole man
   Beyond what is good or bad in him
   It has seen
   For his love it can sacrifice its life
   It can love him too for the sake of love alone
   For it is he who shows the way
   To the vast world pulsating with life.
   When I see its deep devotion
   The offer of its whole being
   I fail to understand
   By its sheer instinct
   What truth it has discovered in man.
   By its silent anxious piteous looks
   It cannot communicate what it understands
   But it has succeeded in conveying to me
   Among the whole creation
   What is the true status of man.
   ~ Rabindranath Tagore,
1367:Often he went to the workshop, to encourage the assistant Erich, who continued working at the altar and eagerly awaited his master's return. Sometimes the Abbot unlocked Goldmund's room, where the Mary figure stood, lifted the cloth from the figure carefully and stayed with her awhile. He knew nothing of the figure's origin; Goldmund had never told him Lydia's story. But he felt everything; he saw that the girl's form had long lived in Goldmund's heart. Perhaps he had seduced her, perhaps betrayed and left her. But, truer than the most faithful husband, he had taken her along in his soul, preserving her image until finally, perhaps after many years in which he had never seen her again, he had fashioned this beautiful, touching statue of a girl and captured in her face, her bearing, her hands all the tenderness, admiration, and longing of their love.

   ~ Hermann Hesse, Narcissus and Goldmund,
1368:Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses, you build up a whole suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...You give them a piece of you. They didn't ask for it. They did something dumb one day, like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so simple a phrase like 'maybe we should be just friends' turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. I hate love. ~ Neil Gaiman,
1369:When I am working on a book or a story I write every morning as soon after first light as possible. There is no one to disturb you and it is cool or cold and you come to your work and warm as you write. You read what you have written and, as you always stop when you know what is going to happen next, you go on from there. You write until you come to a place where you still have your juice and know what will happen next and you stop and try to live through until the next day when you hit it again. You have started at six in the morning, say, and may go on until noon or be through before that. When you stop you are as empty, and at the same time never empty but filling, as when you have made love to someone you love. Nothing can hurt you, nothing can happen, nothing means anything until the next day when you do it again. It is the wait until the next day that is hard to get through. ~ Ernest Hemingway,
1370:Bhagavan: There are only two ways to conquer destiny or to be independent of it. One is to inquire whose this destiny is and discover that only the ego is bound by it and not the Self and that the ego is non-existent. The other way is to kill the ego by completely surrendering to the Lord, realizing one's helplessness and saying all the time: "Not I, but Thou, oh Lord," giving up all sense of "I" and "mine" and leaving it to the Lord to do what He likes with you. Surrender can never be regarded as complete so long as the devotee wants this or that from the Lord. True surrender is the love of God for the sake of love and nothing else, not even for the sake of salvation. In other words, complete effacement of the ego is necessary to conquer destiny, whether you achieve this effacement through Self-inquiry or through bhakti-marga. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi, Day by Day, 28-6-46,
1371:January 7, 1914
GIVE them all, O Lord, Thy peace and light, open their blinded eyes and their darkened understanding; calm their futile worries and their vain anxieties. Turn their gaze away from themselves and give them the joy of being consecrated to Thy work without calculation or mental reservation. Let Thy beauty flower in all things, awaken Thy love in all hearts, so that Thy eternally progressive order may be realised upon earth and Thy harmony be spread until the day all becomes Thyself in perfect purity and peace.

Oh! let all tears be wiped away, all suffering relieved, all anguish dispelled, and let calm serenity dwell in every heart and powerful certitude strengthen every mind. Let Thy life flow through all like a regenerating stream that all may turn to Thee and draw from that contemplation the energy for all victories. ~ The Mother, Prayers And Meditations,
   Often, when I read Sri Aurobindo's works or listen to His words, I am wonderstruck: how can this eternal truth, this beauty of expression escape people? It is really strange that He is not yet recognised, at least as a supreme creator, a pure artist, a poet par excellence! So I tell myself that my judgments, my appreciations are influenced by my devotion for the Master - and everyone is not devoted. I do not think this is true. But then why are hearts not yet enchanted by His words?

Who can understand Sri Aurobindo? He is as vast as the universe and his teaching is infinite...
   The only way to come a little close to him is to love him sincerely and give oneself unreservedly to his work. Thus, each one does his best and contributes as much as he can to that transformation of the world which Sri Aurobindo has predicted. 2 December 1964
   ~ The Mother, On Education, 396,
1373:I have said that from a young age children should be taught to respect good health, physical strength and balance. The great importance of beauty must also be emphasised. A young child should aspire for beauty, not for the sake of pleasing others or winning their admiration, but for the love of beauty itself; for beauty is the ideal which all physical life must realise. Every human being has the possibility of establishing harmony among the different parts of his body and in the various movements of the body in action. Every human body that undergoes a rational method of culture from the very beginning of its existence can realise its own harmony and thus become fit to manifest beauty. When we speak of the other aspects of an integral education, we shall see what inner conditions are to be fulfilled so that this beauty can one day be manifested. ~ The Mother, On Education, Physical Education,
1374:Your Best Friend :::
...Indeed, you should choose as friends only those who are wiser than yourself, those whose company ennobles you and helps you to master yourself, to progress, to act in a better way and see more clearly. And finally, the best friend one can have - isn't he the Divine, to whom one can say everything, reveal everything? For there indeed is the source of all compassion, of all power to efface every error when it is not repeated, to open the road to true realisation; it is he who can understand all, heal all, and always help on the path, help you not to fail, not to falter, not to fall, but to walk straight to the goal. He is the true friend, the friend of good and bad days, the one who can understand, can heal, and who is always there when you need him. When you call him sincerely, he is always there to guide and uphold you - and to love you in the true way. ~ The Mother,
1375:Thou must teach us the path to be followed and Thou must give us the power to follow it to the very end. . . .
   O Thou source of all love and all light, Thou whom we cannot know in Thyself but can manifest ever more completely and perfectly, Thou whom we cannot conceive but can approach in profound silence, to complete Thy incommensurable boons Thou must come to our help until we have gained Thy victory. . . .
   Let that true love be born which soothes all suffering; establish that immutable peace wherein resides true power; give us the sovereign knowledge which dispels all darkness. . . .
   From the infinite depths to this most external body, in its smallest elements, Thou dost move and live and vibrate and set all in motion, and the whole being is now only a single block, infinitely multiple yet absolutely coherent, animated by one tremendous vibration: Thou.
   ~ The Mother, Prayers And Meditations,
1376:Prudence and Balance
Vigilance: indispensable for all true progress.
In each human being there is a beast crouching ready to manifest at the slightest unwatchfulness. The only remedy is a constant vigilance. 18 August 1954
Prudence: very useful for weakness because weakness needs prudence; strength does not need it.
Common sense: it is very practical and avoids any mistakes, but it lacks light.
Sobriety has never done harm to anyone.
** *
Equanimity: immutable peace and calm.
In the deep peace of equanimity the love will grow to its full
blossoming in a sense of pure and constant unity. 5 October 1934
All mischief comes from a lack of balance.
So, let us keep our balance carefully, always, in all circumstances. 10 August 1954
Perfect balance: one of the most important conditions of a growing peace. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II,
1377:10 You, however, know all about my teaching, my way of life, my purpose, faith, patience, love, endurance,
11 persecutions, sufferings—what kinds of things happened to me in Antioch, Iconium and Lystra, the persecutions I endured. Yet the Lord rescued me from all of them.
12 In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted,
13 while evildoers and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.
14 But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it,
15 and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.
16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,
17 so that the servant of God[a] may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. ~ 2 Timothy 3
1378:I, Wisdom, dwell with prudence and find out knowledge of witty inventions.... Counsel is mine and sound knowledge. I am understanding. I am strength. By me Kings reign and princes decree justice. By me princes rule, and nobles, even all the judges of the earth. I love them that love me. And those that seek me shall find me. Riches and honour are with me; yea, durable riches and righteousness. My fruit is better than gold, yea, than fine gold; and my revenue than choice silver. I lead in the way of righteousness, in the midst of the paths of judgment, that I may cause those that love me to inherit substance; and I will fill their treasures.... I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning before ever the earth was. When there were no depths, I was brought forth; when there were no fountains abounding with water, before the mountains were settled, before the hills were, I was brought forth. ~ Proverbs, the Eternal Wisdom
1379:A MARWARI DEVOTEE: "Sir, what is the way?"

Two ways of God-realization

MASTER: "There are two ways. One is the path of discrimination, the other is that of love. Discrimination means to know the distinction between the Real and the unreal.

God alone is the real and permanent Substance; all else is illusory and impermanent.

The magician alone is real; his magic is illusory. This is discrimination.

"Discrimination and renunciation. Discrimination means to know the distinction between the Real and the unreal. Renunciation means to have dispassion for the things of the world. One cannot acquire them all of a sudden. They must be practised every day.

One should renounce 'woman and gold' mentally at first. Then, by the will of God, one can renounce it both mentally and outwardly. It is impossible to ask the people of Calcutta to renounce all for the sake of God. One has to tell them to renounce mentally. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1380:Elric: We are dreamers, shapers, singers, and makers. We study the mysteries of laser and circuit, crystal and scanner, holographic demons and invocation of equations. These are the tools we employ, and we know many things.

John Sheridan: Such as?

Elric: The true secrets, the important things. Fourteen words to make someone fall in love with you forever. Seven words to make them go without pain. How to say good-bye to a friend who is dying. How to be poor. How to be rich. How to rediscover dreams when the world has stolen them. That is why we are going away-to preserve that knowledge.

Sheridan: From what?

Elric: There is a storm coming, a black and terrible storm. We would not have our knowledge lost or used to ill purpose. From this place we will launch ourselves into the stars. With luck, you will never see our kind again in your lifetime. I know you have your orders, Captain. Detain us if you wish. But I cannot tell you where we are going. I can only ask you to trust us. ~ J Michael Straczynski,
1381:7. The Meeting with the Goddess:The ultimate adventure, when all the barriers and ogres have been overcome, is commonly represented as a mystical marriage of the triumphant hero-soul with the Queen Goddess of the World. This is the crisis at the nadir, the zenith, or at the uttermost edge of the earth, at the central point of the cosmos, in the tabernacle of the temple, or within the darkness of the deepest chamber of the heart. The meeting with the goddess (who is incarnate in every woman) is the final test of the talent of the hero to win the boon of love (charity: amor fati), which is life itself enjoyed as the encasement of eternity. And when the adventurer, in this context, is not a youth but a maid, she is the one who, by her qualities, her beauty, or her yearning, is fit to become the consort of an immortal. Then the heavenly husband descends to her and conducts her to his bed-whether she will or not. And if she has shunned him, the scales fall from her eyes; if she has sought him, her desire finds its peace. ~ Joseph Campbell,
1382:THE MASTER and Mover of our works is the One, the Universal and Supreme, the Eternal and Infinite. He is the transcendent unknown or unknowable Absolute, the unexpressed and unmanifested Ineffable above us; but he is also the Self of all beings, the Master of all worlds, transcending all worlds, the Light and the Guide, the All-Beautiful and All-Blissful, the Beloved and the Lover. He is the Cosmic Spirit and all-creating Energy around us; he is the Immanent within us. All that is is he, and he is the More than all that is, and we ourselves, though we know it not, are being of his being, force of his force, conscious with a consciousness derived from his; even our mortal existence is made out of his substance and there is an immortal within us that is a spark of the Light and Bliss that are for ever. No matter whether by knowledge, works, love or any other means, to become aware of this truth of our being, to realise it, to make it effective here or elsewhere is the object of all Yoga.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, [T1],
1383:''He is a great spirit,151 Socrates. All spirits are intermediate between god and mortal''.
''What is the function of a spirit?'' I asked.
''Interpreting and conveying all that passes between gods and humans: from humans, petitions and sacrificial offerings, and from gods, instructions and the favours they return. Spirits, being intermediary, fill the space between the other two, so that all are bound together into one entity. It is by means of spirits that all divination can take place, the whole craft of seers and priests, with their sacrifices, rites and spells, and all prophecy and magic. Deity and humanity are completely separate, but through the mediation of spirits all converse and communication from gods to humans, waking and sleeping, is made possible. The man who is wise in these matters is a man of the spirit,152 whereas the man who is wise in a skill153 or a manual craft,154 which is a different sort of expertise, is materialistic.155 These spirits are many and of many kinds, and one of them is Love''. ~ Plato, Symposium, 202e,
1384:From the twilight of day till the twilight of evening, a leopard, in the last years of the thirteenth century, would see some wooden planks, some vertical iron bars, men and women who changed, a wall and perhaps a stone gutter filled with dry leaves. He did not know, could not know, that he longed for love and cruelty and the hot pleasure of tearing things to pieces and the wind carrying the scent of a deer, but something suffocated and rebelled within him and God spoke to him in a dream: ""You live and will die in this prison so that a man I know of may see you a certain number of times and not forget you and place your figure and symbol in a poem which has its precise place in the scheme of the universe. You suffer captivity, but you will have given a word to the poem.

   God, in the dream, illumined the animal's brutishness and the animal understood these reasons and accepted his destiny, but, when he awoke, there was in him only an obscure resignation, a valorous ignorance, for the machinery of the world is much too complex for the simplicity of a beast. ~ Jorge Luis Borges,
1385:January 1, 1914

To Thee, supreme Dispenser of all boons,
to Thee who givest life its justification, by making it pure, beautiful and good,
to Thee, Master of our destinies and goal of all our aspirations, was consecrated the first minute of this new year.

May it be completely glorified by this consecration; may those who hope for Thee, seek Thee in the right path; may those who seek Thee find Thee, and those who suffer, not knowing where the remedy lies, feel Thy life gradually piercing the hard crust of their obscure consciousness.

I bow down in deep devotion and in boundless gratitude before Thy beneficent splendour; in name of the earth I give Thee thanks for manifesting Thyself; in its name I implore Thee to manifest Thyself ever more fully, in an uninterrupted growth of Light and Love.

Be the sovereign Master of our thoughts, our feelings, our actions.

Thou art our reality, the only Reality.
Without Thee all is falsehood and illusion, all is dismol obscurity.
In Thee are life and light and joy.
In Thee is supreme Peace.
~ The Mother, Prayers and Meditation,
1386:Prayer helps to prepare this relation for us at first on the lower plane even while it is there consistent with much that is mere egoism and self-delusion; but afterwards we can draw towards the spiritual truth which is behind it. It is not then the giving of the thing asked for that matters, but the relation itself, the contact of mans life with God, the conscious interchange. In spiritual matters and in the seeking of spiritual gains, this conscious relation is a great power; it is a much greater power than our own entirely self-reliant struggle and effort and it brings a fuller spiritual growth and experience. Necessarily, in the end prayer either ceases in the greater thing for which it prepared us, -- in fact the form we call prayer is not itself essential so long as the faith, the will, the aspiration are there, -- or remains only for the joy of the relation. Also its objects, the artha or interest it seeks to realise, become higher and higher until we reach the highest motiveless devotion, which is that of divine love pure and simple without any other demand or longing.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Yoga of Divine Love,
1387:The lessening of evil breeds abstinence from evil; and
abstinence from evil is the beginning of repentance; and
the beginning of repentance is the beginning of salvation; and
the beginning of salvation is a good resolve; and
a good resolve is the mother of labors. And
the beginning of labors is the virtues; and
the beginning of the virtues is a flowering, and
the flowering of virtue is the beginning of activity. And
the offspring of virtue is perseverance; and
the fruit and offspring of persevering practice is habit, and
the child of habit is character. And
good character is the mother of fear; and
fear gives birth to the keeping of commandments in which I include both Heavenly and earthly. And
the keeping of the commandments is a sign of love; and
the beginning of love is an abundance of humility; and
an abundance of humility is the daughter of dispassion; and
the acquisition of the latter is the fullness of love, that is to say, the perfect indwelling of God in those who through dispassion are pure in heart, for they shall see God.
And to Him the glory for all eternity. Amen" ~ Saint John Climacus, The Ladder of Divine Ascent,
1388:By religion, then, I understand a propitiation or conciliation of powers superior to man which are believed to direct and control the course of nature and of human life. Thus defined, religion consists of two elements, a theoretical and a practical, namely, a belief in powers higher than man and an attempt to propitiate or please them. Of the two, belief clearly comes first, since we must believe in the existence of a divine being before we can attempt to please him. But unless the belief leads to a corresponding practice, it is not a religion but merely a theology; in the language of St. James, "faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone." In other words, no man is religious who does not govern his conduct in some measure by the fear or love of God. On the other hand, mere practice, divested of all religious belief, is also not religion. Two men may behave in exactly the same way, and yet one of them may be religious and the other not. If the one acts from the love or fear of God, he is religious; if the other acts from the love or fear of man, he is moral or immoral according as his behaviour comports or conflicts with the general good. ~ James George Frazer, The Golden Bough,
1389:A Community of the Spirit

There is a community of the spirit.
Join it, and feel the delight
of walking in the noisy street
and being the noise.

Drink all your passion and be a disgrace.
Close both eyes to see with the other eye.
Open your hands if you want to be held.

Consider what you have been doing.
Why do you stay
with such a mean-spirited and dangerous partner?

For the security of having food. Admit it.
Here is a better arrangement.
Give up this life, and get a hundred new lives.

Sit down in this circle.

Quit acting like a wolf,
and feel the shepherd's love filling you.

At night, your beloved wanders.
Do not take painkillers.

Tonight, no consolations.
And do not eat.

Close your mouth against food.
Taste the lover's mouth in yours.

You moan, But she left me. He left me.
Twenty more will come.

Be empty of worrying.
Think of who created thought.

Why do you stay in prison
when the door is so wide open?

Move outside the tangle of fear-thinking.
Live in silence.

Flow down and down
in always widening rings of being.
~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
1390:witness and non-dual states ::: The Witness and Non-Dual states are everpresent capacities which hold the special relationship to the other states. The Witness state, or Witnessing, is the capacity to observe, see or witness phenomenon arising in the other states. Meaning for example, its the capacity to hold unbroken attention in the gross states, and the capacity to witness the entire relative world of form arise as object viewed by the pure witness, the pure subject that is never itself a seen object but always the pure seer or pure Self, that is actually no-self. Next we have Non-Dual which refers to both the suchness and is-ness of reality right now. It is the not-two-ness or everpresent unity of subject and object, form and emptiness, heaven and earth, relative and absolute. When the Witness dissolves and pure seer and all that is seen become not seperate or not two, the Non-Duality of absolute emptiness and relative form or the luminous identity of unqualifiable spirit and all of its manifestations appear as play of radiant natural and spontaneous and present love. Absolute and relative are already always not-two but nor are they one, nor both nor neither. ~ Essential Integral, L5-18,
1391:five schools of yoga :::
   For if, leaving aside the complexities of their particular processes, we fix our regard on the central principle of the chief schools of Yoga still prevalent in India, we find that they arrange themselves in an ascending order which starts from the lowest rung of the ladder, the body, and ascends to the direct contact between the individual soul and the transcendent and universal Self. Hathayoga selects the body and the vital functionings as its instruments of perfection and realisation; its concern is with the gross body. Rajayoga selects the mental being in its different parts as its lever-power; it concentrates on the subtle body. The triple Path of Works, of Love and of Knowledge uses some part of the mental being, will, heart or intellect as a starting-point and seeks by its conversion to arrive at the liberating Truth, Beatitude and Infinity which are the nature of the spiritual life.Its method is a direct commerce between the human Purusha in the individual body and the divine Purusha who dwells in everybody and yet transcends all form and name.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Introduction - The Conditions of the Synthesis, The Systems of Yoga,
1392:It proceeds by a personal effort to a conversion through a divine influence and possession; but this divine grace, if we may so call it, is not simply a mysterious flow or touch coming from above, but the all-pervading act of a divine presence which we come to know within as the power of the highest Self and Master of our being entering into the soul and so possessing it that we not only feel it close to us and pressing upon our mortal nature, but live in its law, know that law, possess it as the whole power of our spiritualised nature. The conversion its action will effect is an integral conversion of our ethical being into the Truth and Right of the divine nature, of our intellectual into the illumination of divine knowledge, our emotional into the divine love and unity, our dynamic and volitional into a working of the divine power, our aesthetic into a plenary reception and a creative enjoyment of divine beauty, not excluding even in the end a divine conversion of the vital and physical being. It regards all the previous life as an involuntary and unconscious or half-conscious preparatory growing towards this change and Yoga as the voluntary and conscious
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga,
1393:SHYAM: "What is the distinction between the gross body and the subtle body?"

MASTER: "The body consisting of the five gross elements is called the gross body. The subtle body is made up of the mind, the ego, the discriminating faculty, and the mind-stuff. There is also a causal body, by means of which one enjoys the Bliss of God and holds communion with Him. The Tantra calls it the Bhagavati Tanu, the Divine Body. Beyond all these is the Mahakarana, the Great Cause. That cannot be expressed by words.

"What is the use of merely listening to words? Do something! What will you achieve by merely repeating the word 'siddhi'? Will that intoxicate you? You will not be intoxicated even if you make a paste of siddhi and rub it all over your body. You must eat some of it. How can a man recognize yarns of different counts, such as number forty and number forty-one, unless he is in the trade? Those who trade in yarn do not find it at all difficult to describe a thread of a particular count. Therefore I say, practise a little spiritual discipline; then you will know all these — the gross, the subtle, the causal, and the Great Cause. While praying to God, ask only for love for His Lotus Feet." ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1394:My sweet mother, The more I look into myself, the more discouraged I am, and I don't know whether there is any chance of my making any progress. It seems that all the obscurities and falsehoods are rising up on every side, inside and outside, and want to swallow me up. There are times when I cannot distinguish truth from falsehood and I am then on the verge of losing my mind.
   Still, there is something in me which says very weakly that all will be well; but this voice is so feeble that I cannot rely on it.1
   My faults are so numerous and so great that I think I shall fail. On the other hand, I have neither the inclination nor the capacity for the ordinary life. And I know that I shall never be able to leave this life. This is my situation right now. The struggle is getting more and more acute, and worst of all I cannot lie to you. What should I do?

   Do not torment yourself, my child, and remain as quiet as you can; do not yield to the temptation to give up the struggle and let yourself fall into darkness. Persist, and one day you will realise that I am close to you to console you and help you, and then the hardest part will be over. With all my love and blessings. 25 September 1947
   ~ The Mother, Some Answers From The Mother,
1395:I have loved in life and I have been loved.
I have drunk the bowl of poison from the hands of love as nectar,
and have been raised above life's joy and sorrow.
My heart, aflame in love, set afire every heart that came in touch with it.
My heart has been rent and joined again;
My heart has been broken and again made whole;
My heart has been wounded and healed again;
A thousand deaths my heart has died, and thanks be to love, it lives yet.
I went through hell and saw there love's raging fire,
and I entered heaven illumined with the light of love.
I wept in love and made all weep with me;
I mourned in love and pierced the hearts of men;
And when my fiery glance fell on the rocks, the rocks burst forth as volcanoes.
The whole world sank in the flood caused by my one tear;
With my deep sigh the earth trembled, and when I cried aloud the name of my beloved,
I shook the throne of God in heaven.
I bowed my head low in humility, and on my knees I begged of love,
"Disclose to me, I pray thee, O love, thy secret."
She took me gently by my arms and lifted me above the earth, and spoke softly in my ear,
"My dear one, thou thyself art love, art lover,
and thyself art the beloved whom thou hast adored. ~ Hazrat Inayat Khan,
1396:For our concentration on the Eternal will be consummated by the mind when we see constantly the Divine in itself and the Divine in ourselves, but also the Divine in all things and beings and happenings. It will be consummated by the heart when all emotion is summed up in the love of the Divine, - of the Divine in itself and for itself, but love too of the Divine in all its beings and powers and personalities and forms in the Universe. It will be consummated by the will when we feel and receive always the divine impulsion and accept that alone as our sole motive force; but this will mean that, having slain to the last rebellious straggler the wandering impulses of the egoistic nature, we have universalised ourselves and can accept with a constant happy acceptance the one divine working in all things. This is the first fundamental siddhi of the integral Yoga.
   It is nothing less that is meant in the end when we speak of the absolute consecration of the individual to the Divine. But this total fullness of consecration can only come by a constant progression when the long and difficult process of transforming desire out of existence is completed in an ungrudging measure. Perfect self-consecration implies perfect self-surrender.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, 85-86, [T1],
1397:Ordinarily, man is limited in all these parts of his being and he can grasp at first only so much of the divine truth as has some large correspondence to his own nature and its past development and associations. Therefore God meets us first in different limited affirmations of his divine qualities and nature; he presents himself to the seeker as an absolute of the things he can understand and to which his will and heart can respond; he discloses some name and aspect of his Godhead.

This is what is called in Yoga the is.t.a-devata, the name and form elected by our nature for its worship. In order that the human being may embrace this Godhead with every part of himself, it is represented with a form that answers to its aspects and qualities and which becomes the living body of God to the adorer. These are those forms of Vishnu, Shiva, Krishna, Kali, Durga, Christ, Buddha, which the mind of man seizes on for adoration. Even the monotheist who worships a formless Godhead, yet gives to him some form of quality, some mental form or form of Nature by which he envisages and approaches him. But to be able to see a living form, a mental body, as it were, of the Divine gives to the approach a greater closeness and sweetness. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Mystery of Love,
1398:Adoration, before it turns into an element of the deeper Yoga of devotion, a petal of the flower of love, its homage and self-uplifting to its sun, must bring with it, if it is profound, an increasing consecration of the being to the Divine who is adored. And one element of this consecration must be a self-purifying so as to become fit for the divine contact, or for the entrance of the Divine into the temple of our inner being, or for his self-revelation in the shrine of the heart. This purifying may be ethical in its character, but it will not be merely the moralists seeking for the right and blameless action or even, when once we reach the stage of Yoga, an obedience to the law of God as revealed in formal religion; but it will be a throwing away, katharsis, of all that conflicts whether with the idea of the Divine in himself or of the Divine in ourselves. In the former case it becomes in habit of feeling and outer act an imitation of the Divine, in the latter a growing into his likeness in our nature. What inner adoration is to ceremonial worship, this growing into the divine likeness is to the outward ethical life. It culminates in a sort of liberation by likeness to the Divine, a liberation from our lower nature and a change into the divine nature.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Way of Devotion, 572,
1399:He is the friend, the adviser, helper, saviour in trouble and distress, the defender from enemies, the hero who fights our battles for us or under whose shield we fight, the charioteer, the pilot of our ways. And here we come at once to a closer intimacy; he is the comrade and eternal companion, the playmate of the game of living. But still there is so far a certain division, however pleasant, and friendship is too much limited by the appearance of beneficence. The lover can wound, abandon, be wroth with us, seem to betray, yet our love endures and even grows by these oppositions; they increase the joy of reunion and the joy of possession; through them the lover remains the friend, and all that he does, we find in the end, has been done by the lover and helper of our being for our souls perfection as well as for his joy in us. These contradictions lead to a greater intimacy. He is the father and mother too of our being, its source and protector and its indulgent cherisher and giver of our desires. He is the child born to our desire whom we cherish and rear. All these things the lover takes up; his love in its intimacy and oneness keeps in it the paternal and maternal care and lends itself to our demands upon it. All is unified in that deepest many-sided relation.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Yoga of Divine Love,
1400:And the mighty wildness of the primitive earth
And the brooding multitude of patient trees
And the musing sapphire leisure of the sky
And the solemn weight of the slowly-passing months
Had left in her deep room for thought and God.
There was her drama's radiant prologue lived.
A spot for the eternal's tread on earth
Set in the cloistral yearning of the woods
And watched by the aspiration of the peaks
Appeared through an aureate opening in Time,
Where stillness listening felt the unspoken word
And the hours forgot to pass towards grief and change.
Here with the suddenness divine advents have,
Repeating the marvel of the first descent,
Changing to rapture the dull earthly round,
Love came to her hiding the shadow, Death.
Well might he find in her his perfect shrine.
Since first the earth-being's heavenward growth began,
Through all the long ordeal of the race,
Never a rarer creature bore his shaft,
That burning test of the godhead in our parts,
A lightning from the heights on our abyss.
All in her pointed to a nobler kind.
Near to earth's wideness, intimate with heaven,
Exalted and swift her young large-visioned spirit
Voyaging through worlds of splendour and of calm
Overflew the ways of Thought to unborn things.
~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Issue,
1401:From above to below, the sefirot depict the drama of emanation, the transition from Ein Sof to creation. In the words of Azriel of Gerona, "They constitute the process by which all things come into being and pass away." From below to above, the sefirot constitute a ladder of ascent back to the One. The union of Tif'eret and Shekhinah gives birth to the human soul, and the mystical journey begins with the awareness of this spiritual fact of life. Shekhinah is the opening to the divine: "One who enters must enter through this gate." Once inside, the sefirot are no longer an abstract theological system; they become a map of consciousness. The mystic climbs and probes, discovering dimensions of being. Spiritual and psychological wholeness is achieved by meditating on the qualities of each sefirah, by imitating and integrating the attributes of God. "When you cleave to the sefirot, the divine holy spirit enters into you, into every sensation and every movement." But the path is not easy. Divine will can be harsh: Abraham was commanded to sacrifice Isaac in order to balance love with rigor. From the Other Side, demonic forces threaten and seduce. [The demonic is rooted in the divine]. Contemplatively and psychologically, evil must be encountered, not evaded. By knowing and withstanding the dark underside of wisdom, the spiritual seeker is refined.~ Daniel C Matt, The Essential Kabbalah, 10,
1402:Recommended Reading
David Foster Wallace - Infinite Jest
DH Lawrence - The Rainbow
Gabriel Garcia Marquez - Love in the Time of Cholera
Karl Ove Knausgaard - My Struggle
Virginia Woolf - To The Lighthouse
Ben Lerner - The Topeka School
Sally Rooney - Conversations With Friends
Nell Zink - The Wallcreeper
Elena Ferrante - The Days of Abandonment
Jack Kerouac - Dharma Bums
Walt Whitman - Leaves of Grass
Michael Murphy - Golf in the Kingdom
Barbara Kingsolver - Prodigal Summer
Albertine Sarrazin - Astragal
Rebecca Solnit - The Faraway Nearby
Michael Paterniti - Love and Other Ways of Dying
Rainer Maria Rilke - Book of Hours
James Baldwin - Another Country
Roberto Calasso - Ka
Translation by S. Radhakrishan - Principle Upanisads
Chogyam Trungpa - Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism
Translation by Georg Feuerstein - Yoga Sutra
Richard Freeman - The Mirror of Yoga
Translation by S. Radhakrishan - The Bhagavad Gita
Shrunyu Suzuki - Zen Mind Beginner's Mind
Heinrich Zimmer - Myths and Symbols in Indian Art and Civilization
Sogyal Rinpoche - The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying
Joseph Campbell - Myths of Light
Joseph Campbell - The Hero With A Thousand Faces
Sri Aurobindo - Savitri
Thomas Meyers - Anatomy Trains
Wendy Doniger - The Hindus ~ Jason Bowman,,
1403:Bhakti Yoga, the Path of Devotion; :::
   The path of Devotion aims at the enjoyment of the supreme Love and Bliss and utilses normally the conception of the supreme Lord in His personality as the divine Lover and enjoyer of the universe. The world is then realised as a a play of the Lord, with our human life as its final stages, pursued through the different phases of self-concealment and self-revealation. The principle of Bhakti Yoga is to utilise all the normal relations of human life into which emotion enters and apply them no longer to transient worldly relations, but to the joy of the All-Loving, the All-Beautiful and the All-Blissful. Worship and meditation are used only for the preparation and increase the intensity of the divine relationship. And this Yoga is catholic in its use of all emotional relations, so that even enmity and opposition to God, considered as an intense, impatient and perverse form of Love, is conceived as a possible means of realisation and salvation. ... We can see how this larger application of the Yoga of Devotion may be used as to lead to the elevation of the whole range of human emotion, sensation and aesthetic perception to the divine level, its spiritualisation and the justification of the cosmic labour towards love and joy in humanity.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Introduction - The Conditions of the Synthesis, The Systems of Yoga,
1404:Endure and you will triumph. Victory goes to the most enduring. And with the Grace and divine love nothing is impossible. My force and love are with you. At the end of the struggle there is Victory And so we find once more that the Ego-idea must be ruthlessly rooted out before Understanding can be attained The emptiness that you described in your letter yesterday was not a bad thing - it is this emptiness inward and outward that often in Yoga becomes the first step towards a new consciousness. Man's nature is like a cup of dirty water - the water has to be thrown out, the cup left clean and empty for the divine liquor to be poured into it. The difficulty is that the human physical consciousness feels it difficult to bear this emptiness - it is accustomed to be occupied by all sorts of little mental and vital movements which keep it interested and amused or even if in trouble and sorrow still active. The cessation of these things is hard to bear for it. It begins to feel dull and restless and eager for the old interests and movements. But by this restlessness it disturbs the quietude and brings back the things that had been thrown out. It is this that is creating the difficulty and the obstruction for the moment. If you can accept emptiness as a passage to the true consciousness and true movements, then it will be easier to get rid of the obstacle.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - III,
1405:When love beckons to you follow him, Though his ways are hard and steep. And when his wings enfold you yield to him, Though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you. And when he speaks to you believe in him, Though his voice may shatter your dreams as the north wind lays waste the garden. For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you. Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning. Even as he ascends to your height and caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun, So shall he descend to your roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth......
   But if in your fear you would seek only love's peace and love's pleasure, Then it is better for you that you cover your nakedness and pass out of love's threshing-floor, Into the seasonless world where you shall laugh, but not all of your laughter, and weep, but not all of your tears. Love gives naught but itself and takes naught but from itself.>p>Love possesses not nor would it be possessed; For love is sufficient unto love. And think not you can direct the course of love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course. Love has no other desire but to fulfil itself.
   But if you love and must needs have desires, let these be your desires: To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night. To know the pain of too much tenderness. To be wounded by your own understanding of love; And to bleed willingly and joyfully. ~ Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet,
1406:38 - Strange! The Germans have disproved the existence of Christ; yet his crucifixion remains still a greater historic fact than the death of Caesar. - Sri Aurobindo.

To what plane of consciousness did Christ belong?

In the Essays on the Gita Sri Aurobindo mentions the names of three Avatars, and Christ is one of them. An Avatar is an emanation of the Supreme Lord who assumes a human body on earth.

I heard Sri Aurobindo himself say that Christ was an emanation of the Lord's aspect of love.

The death of Caesar marked a decisive change in the history of Rome and the countries dependent on her. It was therefore an important event in the history of Europe.

But the death of Christ was the starting-point of a new stage in the evolution of human civilisation. This is why Sri Aurobindo tells us that the death of Christ was of greater historical significance, that is to say, it has had greater historical consequences than the death of Caesar. The story of Christ, as it has been told, is the concrete and dramatic enactment of the divine sacrifice: the Supreme Lord, who is All-Light, All-Knowledge, All-Power, All-Beauty, All-Love, All-Bliss, accepting to assume human ignorance and suffering in matter, in order to help men to emerge from the falsehood in which they live and because of which they die.

16 June 1960 ~ The Mother, On Thoughts And Aphorisms, volume-10, page no.61-62),
1407:Listen to Erwin Schroedinger,the Nobel Prize-winning cofounder of quantum mechanics,and how can I convince you that he means this literally?Consciousness is a singular of which the plural is unknown.It is not possible that this unity of knowledge,feelings,and choice which you call your own should have sprung into being from nothingness at a given moment not so long ago;rather,this knowledge,feeling, and choice are essentially eternal and unchangeable and numerically one in all people,nay in all sensitive beings.The conditions for your existence are almost as old as rocks.For thousands of years men have striven and suffered and begotten and women have brought in pain.A hundred years ago (there's the test),another man sat on this spot;like you he gazed with awe and yearning in his heart at the dying light on the glaciers. Like you he was begotten of man and born of woman.He felt pain and brief joy as you do.Was he someone else? Was it not you yourself?WAS IT NOT YOU,YOURSELF? Are you not humanity itself? Do you not touch all things human,because you are it's only Witness? Do you not therefore love the world,and love all people,and love the Kosmos,because you are its only Self? Do you not weep when one person is hurt,do you not cry when one child goes hungry,do you not scream when one soul is tortured? You know you suffer when others suffer.You already know this! "Was it someone else? Was it not you yourself?" ~ Ken Wilber, One Taste, p. 342-343,
1408:When the Peace is established, this higher or Divine Force from above can descend and work in us. It descends usually first into the head and liberates the inner mind mind centres, then into the heart centre and liberates fully the psychic and emotional being, then into the navel and other vital centres and liberates the inner vital, then into the Muladhara and below and liberates the inner vital, then into the navel and other vital centres and liberates the inner physical being. It works at the same time for perfection as well as liberation; it takes up the whole nature part by part and deals with it, rejecting what has to be rejected, sublimating what has to be sublimated, creating what has to be created. It integrates, harmonises, establishes a new rhythm in the nature. It can bring down too a higher and yet higher force and range of the higher nature until, if that be the aim of the sadhana, it becomes possible to bring down the supramental force and existence. All this is prepared, assistance, farthered by the work of the psychic being in the heart centre; the more it is open, in front, active, the quicker, safer, easier the working of the Force can be. The more love and bhakti and surrender grow in the heart, the more rapid and perfect becomes the evolution of the sadhana. For the descent and transformation imply at the same time an increasing contact and union with the Divine. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Mother With Letters On The Mother,
1409:If the spirit of divine love can enter, the hardness of the way diminishes, the tension is lightened, there is a sweetness and joy even in the core of difficulty and struggle. The indispensable surrender of all our will and works and activities to the Supreme is indeed only perfect and perfectly effective when it is a surrender of love. All life turned into this cult, all actions done in the love of the Divine and in the love of the world and its creatures seen and felt as the Divine manifested in many disguises become by that very fact part of an integral Yoga.
   It is the inner offering of the heart's adoration, the soul of it in the symbol, the spirit of it in the act, that is the very life of the sacrifice. If this offering is to be complete and universal, then a turning of all our emotions to the Divine is imperative. This is the intensest way of purification for the human heart, more powerful than any ethical or aesthetic catharsis could ever be by its half-power and superficial pressure. A psychic fire within must be lit into which all is thrown with the Divine Name upon it. In that fire all the emotions are compelled to cast off their grosser elements and those that are undivine perversions are burned away and the others discard their insufficiencies, till a spirit of largest love and a stainless divine delight arises out of the flame and smoke and frankincense. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Ascent of the Sacrifice - 2, 165, [T2],
1410:During the stage of sadhana one should describe God by all His attributes. One day Hazra said to Narendra: 'God is Infinity. Infinite is His splendour. Do you think He will accept your offerings of sweets and bananas or listen to your music? This is a mistaken notion of yours.' Narendra at once sank ten fathoms. So I said to Hazra, 'You villain! Where will these youngsters be if you talk to them like that?' How can a man live if he gives up devotion? No doubt God has infinite splendour; yet He is under the control of His devotees. A rich man's gate-keeper comes to the parlour where his master is seated with his friends. He stands on one side of the room. In his hand he has something covered with a cloth. He is very hesitant. The master asks him, 'Well, gate-keeper, what have you in your hand?' Very hesitantly the servant takes out a custard-apple from under the cover, places it in front of his master, and says, 'Sir, it is my desire that you should eat this.' The Master is impressed by his servant's devotion. With great love he takes the fruit in his hand and says: 'Ah! This is a very nice custard-apple. Where did you pick it? You must have taken a great deal of trouble to get it.'

"God is under the control of His devotees. King Duryodhana was very attentive to Krishna and said to Him, 'Please have your meal here.' But the Lord went to Vidura's hut. He is very fond of His devotees. He ate Vidura's simple rice and greens as if they were celestial food. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1411:Sadhaka of Integral Yoga
The difficulty of harmonising the divine life with human living, of being in God and yet living in man is the very difficulty that he is set here to solve and not to shun. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga: Renunciation
Sadhaka Of Integral yoga
Personal salvation he does not seek except as a necessity for the human fulfilment and because he who is himself in bonds cannot easily free others,—though to God nothing is impossible. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga: Renunciation
Sadhaka Of Integral Yoga
For a heaven of personal joys he has no hankerings even as a hell of personal sufferings has for him no terrors. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga: Renunciation
Sadhaka of Integral Yoga
If there is an opposition between the spiritual life and that of the world, it is that gulf which he is here to bridge, that opposition which he is here to change into a harmony. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga: Renunciation
Sadhaka Of Integral yoga
If the world is ruled by the flesh and the devil, all the more reason that the children of Immortality should be here to conquer it for God and the Spirit. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga: Renunciation
Sadhaka of Integral yoga
To give oneself is the secret of sadhana, not to demand and acquire a thing. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Mother with Letters on The Mother, The Mother's Love,
There are seven keys to the great gate,
Being eight in one and one in eight.
First, let the body of thee be still,
Bound by the cerements of will,
Corpse-rigid; thus thou mayst abort
The fidget-babes that tense the thought.
Next, let the breath-rhythm be low,
Easy, regular, and slow;
So that thy being be in tune
With the great sea's Pacific swoon.
Third, let thy life be pure and calm
Swayed softly as a windless palm.
Fourth, let the will-to-live be bound
To the one love of the Profound.
Fifth, let the thought, divinely free
From sense, observe its entity.
Watch every thought that springs; enhance
Hour after hour thy vigilance!
Intense and keen, turned inward, miss
No atom of analysis!
Sixth, on one thought securely pinned
Still every whisper of the wind!
So like a flame straight and unstirred
Burn up thy being in one word!
Next, still that ecstasy, prolong
Thy meditation steep and strong,
Slaying even God, should He distract
Thy attention from the chosen act!
Last, all these things in one o'erpowered,
Time that the midnight blossom flowered!
The oneness is. Yet even in this,
My son, thou shalt not do amiss
If thou restrain the expression, shoot
Thy glance to rapture's darkling root,
Discarding name, form, sight, and stress
Even of this high consciousness;
Pierce to the heart! I leave thee here:
Thou art the Master. I revere
Thy radiance that rolls afar,
O Brother of the Silver Star! ~ Aleister Crowley,
1413:On a thousand bridges and paths they shall throng to the future, and ever more war and inequality shall divide them: thus does my great love make me speak.

In their hostilities they shall become inventors of images and ghosts, and with their images and ghosts they shall yet fight the highest fight against one another. Good and evil, and rich and poor, and high and low, and all the names of values-arms shall they be and clattering signs that life must overcome itself again and again.

Life wants to build itself up into the heights with pillars and steps; it wants to look into vast distances and out toward stirring beauties: therefore it requires height. And because it requires height, it requires steps and contradiction among the steps and the climbers.

Life wants to climb and to overcome itself climbing.

And behold, my friends: here where the tarantula has its hole, the ruins of an ancient temple rise; behold it with enlightened eyes Verily, the man who once piled his thoughts to the sky in these stones-he, like the wisest, knew the secret of all life. That struggle and inequality are present even in beauty, and also war for power and more power: that is what he teaches us here in the plainest parable. How divinely vault and arches break through each other in a wrestling match; how they strive against each other with light and shade, the godlike strivers-with such assurance and beauty let us be enemies too, my friends Let us strive against one another like gods. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, trans. Fred Kaufmann,
1414:The world is like a ride in an amusement park, and when you choose to go on it you think it's real because that's how powerful our minds are. The ride goes up and down, around and around, it has thrills and chills, and it's very brightly colored, and it's very loud, and it's fun for a while. Many people have been on the ride a long time, and they begin to wonder, "Hey, is this real, or is this just a ride?" And other people have remembered, and they come back to us and say, "Hey, don't worry; don't be afraid, ever, because this is just a ride." And we ... kill those people. "Shut him up! I've got a lot invested in this ride, shut him up! Look at my furrows of worry, look at my big bank account, and my family. This has to be real." It's just a ride. But we always kill the good guys who try and tell us that, you ever notice that? And let the demons run amok ... But it doesn't matter, because it's just a ride. And we can change it any time we want. It's only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings of money. Just a simple choice, right now, between fear and love. The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love instead see all of us as one. Here's what we can do to change the world, right now, to a better ride. Take all that money we spend on weapons and defenses each year and instead spend it feeding and clothing and educating the poor of the world, which it would pay for many times over, not one human being excluded, and we could explore space, together, both inner and outer, forever, in peace. ~ Bill Hicks,
1415:challenge for the Integral Yogin :::
   Nor is the seeker of the integral fulfilment permitted to solve too arbitrarily even the conflict of his own inner members. He has to harmonise deliberate knowledge with unquestioning faith; he must conciliate the gentle soul of love with the formidable need of power; the passivity of the soul that lives content in transcendent calm has to be fused with the activity of the divine helper and the divine warrior. To him as to all seekers of the spirit there are offered for solution the oppositions of the reason, the clinging hold of the senses, the perturbations of the heart, the ambush of the desires, the clog of the physical body; but he has to deal in another fashion with their mutual and internal conflicts and their hindrance to his aim, for he must arrive at an infinitely more difficult perfection in the handling of all this rebel matter. Accepting them as instruments for the divine realisation and manifestation, he has to convert their jangling discords, to enlighten their thick darknesses, to transfigure them separately and all together, harmonising them in themselves and with each other, -- integrally, omitting no grain or strand or vibration, leaving no iota of imperfection anywhere. All exclusive concentration, or even a succession of concentrations of that kind, can be in his complex work only a temporary convenience; it has to be abandoned as soon as its utility is over. An all-inclusive concentration is the difficult achievement towards which he must labour.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, 78, [T9],
1416:the vital
the life-nature made up of desires, sensations, feelings, passions, energies of action, will of desire, reactions of the desire-soul of man and of all that play of possessive and other related instincts, anger, greed, lust, etc., that belong to this field of nature. The vital part of man is a true instrument only when its feelings and tendencies have been purified by the psychic touch and governed by the spiritual light and power. The vital has three main parts:

higher vital
the mental vital and emotional vital taken together. The mental vital gives a mental expression by thought, speech or otherwise to the emotions, desires, passions, sensations or other movements of the vital being; the emotional vital is the seat of various feelings, such as love, joy, sorrow, hatred and the rest.

central vital or vital proper
dynamic, sensational and passionate, it is the seat of the stronger vital longings and reactions, such as ambition, pride, fear, love of fame, attractions and repulsions, desires and passion of various kinds and the field of many vital energies.

lower vital
made up of the smaller movements of human life-desire and life-reactions, it is occupied with small desires and feelings, such as food desire, sexual desire, small likings, dislikings, vanity, quarrels, love of praise, anger at blame, little wishes of all kinds, etc. The material vital is that part of the lower vital turned entirely upon physical things, full of desires and greeds and seekings for pleasure on the physical plane. ~ Integral Yoga; Sri Aurobindo's Teaching and Method of Practice,
1417:the powers of concentration :::
   By concentration on anything whatsoever we are able to know that thing, to make it deliver up its concealed secrets; we must use this power to know not things, but the one Thing-in-itself. By concentration again the whole will can be gathered up for the acquisition of that which is still ungrasped, still beyond us; this power, if it is sufficiently trained, sufficiently single-minded, sufficiently sincere, sure of itself, faithful to itself alone, absolute in faith, we can use for the acquisition of any object whatsoever; but we ought to use it not for the acquisition of the many objects which the world offers to us, but to grasp spiritually that one object worthy of pursuit which is also the one subject worthy of knowledge. By concentration of our whole being on one status of itself, we can become whatever we choose; we can become, for instance, even if we were before a mass of weaknesses and fear, a mass instead of strength and courage, or we can become all a great purity, holiness and peace or a single universal soul of Love; but we ought, it is said, to use this power to become not even these things, high as they may be in comparison with what we now are, but rather to become that which is above all things and free from all action and attributes, the pure and absolute Being. All else, all other concentration can only be valuable for preparation, for previous steps, for a gradual training of the dissolute and self-dissipating thought, will and being towards their grand and unique object.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Concentration, [318],
1418:There is in her an overwhelming intensity, a mighty passion of force to achieve, a divine violence rushing to shatter every limit and obstacle. All her divinity leaps out in a splendour of tempestuous action; she is there for swiftness, for the immediately effective process, the rapid and direct stroke, the frontal assault that carries everything before it. Terrible is her face to the Asura, dangerous and ruthless her mood against the haters of the Divine; for she is the Warrior of the Worlds who never shrinks from the battle. Intolerant of imperfection, she deals roughly with all in man that is unwilling and she is severe to all that is obstinately ignorant and obscure; her wrath is immediate and dire against treachery and falsehood and malignity, ill-will is smitten at once by her scourge. Indifference, negligence and sloth in the divine work she cannot bear and she smites awake at once with sharp pain, if need be, the untimely slumberer and the loiterer. The impulses that are swift and straight and frank, the movements that are unreserved and absolute, the aspiration that mounts in flame are the motion of Mahakali. Her spirit is tameless, her vision and will are high and far-reaching like the flight of an eagle, her feet are rapid on the upward way and her hands are outstretched to strike and to succour. For she too is the Mother and her love is as intense as her wrath and she has a deep and passionate kindness. When she is allowed to intervene in her strength, then in one moment are broken like things without consistence the obstacles that immobilise or the enemies that assail the seeker
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Mother With Letters On The Mother, [19],
1419:Often in the beginning of the action this can be done; but as one gets engrossed in the work, one forgets. How is one to remember?
   The condition to be aimed at, the real achievement of Yoga, the final perfection and attainment, for which all else is only a preparation, is a consciousness in which it is impossible to do anything without the Divine; for then, if you are without the Divine, the very source of your action disappears; knowledge, power, all are gone. But so long as you feel that the powers you use are your own, you will not miss the Divine support.
   In the beginning of the Yoga you are apt to forget the Divine very often. But by constant aspiration you increase your remembrance and you diminish the forgetfulness. But this should not be done as a severe discipline or a duty; it must be a movement of love and joy. Then very soon a stage will come when, if you do not feel the presence of the Divine at every moment and whatever you are doing, you feel at once lonely and sad and miserable.
   Whenever you find that you can do something without feeling the presence of the Divine and yet be perfectly comfortable, you must understand that you are not consecrated in that part of your being. That is the way of the ordinary humanity which does not feel any need of the Divine. But for a seeker of the Divine Life it is very different. And when you have entirely realised unity with the Divine, then, if the Divine were only for a second to withdraw from you, you would simply drop dead; for the Divine is now the Life of your life, your whole existence, your single and complete support. If the Divine is not there, nothing is left. ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1929-1931,
1420:35 - Men are still in love with grief; when they see one who is too high for grief or joy, they curse him and cry, "O thou insensible!" Therefore Christ still hangs on the cross in Jerusalem.

36 - Men are in love with sin; when they see one who is too high for vice or virtue, they curse him and cry, "O thou breaker of bonds, thou wicked and immoral one!" Therefore Sri Krishna does not live as yet in Brindavan.(5)
- Sri Aurobindo

I would like to have an explanation of these two aphorisms.

When Christ came upon earth, he brought a message of brotherhood, love and peace. But he had to die in pain, on the cross, so that his message might be heard. For men cherish suffering and hatred and want their God to suffer with them. They wanted this when Christ came and, in spite of his teaching and sacrifice, they still want it; and they are so attached to their pain that, symbolically, Christ is still bound to his cross, suffering perpetually for the salvation of men.

As for Krishna, he came upon earth to bring freedom and delight. He came to announce to men, enslaved to Nature, to their passions and errors, that if they took refuge in the Supreme Lord they would be free from all bondage and sin. But men are very attached to their vices and virtues (for without vice there would be no virtue); they are in love with their sins and cannot tolerate anyone being free and above all error.

That is why Krishna, although immortal, is not present at Brindavan in a body at this moment.
3 June 1960

(5 The village where Shri Krishna Spent His Childhood, and where He danced with Radha and other Gopis.) ~ The Mother, On Thoughts And Aphorisms, volume-10, page no.59-60,
1421:Received him in their deathless harmonies.
   All things were perfect there that flower in Time;
   Beauty was there creation's native mould,
   Peace was a thrilled voluptuous purity.
   There Love fulfilled her gold and roseate dreams
   And Strength her crowned and mighty reveries;
   Desire climbed up, a swift omnipotent flame,
   And Pleasure had the stature of the gods;
   Dream walked along the highways of the stars;
   Sweet common things turned into miracles:
   Overtaken by the spirit's sudden spell,
   Smitten by a divine passion's alchemy,
   Pain's self compelled transformed to potent joy
   Curing the antithesis twixt heaven and hell.
   All life's high visions are embodied there,
   Her wandering hopes achieved, her aureate combs
   Caught by the honey-eater's darting tongue,
   Her burning guesses changed to ecstasied truths,
   Her mighty pantings stilled in deathless calm
   And liberated her immense desires.
   In that paradise of perfect heart and sense
   No lower note could break the endless charm
   Of her sweetness ardent and immaculate;
   Her steps are sure of their intuitive fall.
   After the anguish of the soul's long strife
   At length were found calm and celestial rest
   And, lapped in a magic flood of sorrowless hours,
   Healed were his warrior nature's wounded limbs
   In the encircling arms of Energies
   That brooked no stain and feared not their own bliss.
   In scenes forbidden to our pallid sense
   Amid miraculous scents and wonder-hues
   He met the forms that divinise the sight,
   To music that can immortalise the mind
   And make the heart wide as infinity
   Listened, and captured the inaudible
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Paradise of the Life-Gods,
   How shall I welcome not this light
   Or, wakened by it, greet with doubt
   This beam as palpable to sight
   As visible to touch? How not,
   Old as I am and (some say) wise,
   Revive beneath her summer eyes?
   How not have all my nights and days,
   My spirit ranging far and wide,
   By recollections of her grace
   Enlightened and preoccupied?
   Preoccupied: the Morning Star
   How near the Sun and yet how far!
   Enlightened: true, but more than true,
   Or why must I discover there
   The meaning in this taintless dew,
   The dancing wave, this blessed air
   Enchanting in its morning dress
   And calm as everlastingness?
   The flame that in the heart resides
   Is parcel of that central Fire
   Whose energy is winds and tides-
   Is rooted deep in the Desire
   That smilingly unseals its power
   Each summer in each springing flower.
   Oh Lady Nature-Proserpine,
   Mistress of Gender, star-crowned Queen!
   Ah Rose of Sharon-Mistress mine,
   My teacher ere I turned fourteen,
   When first I hallowed from afar
   Your Beautyship in avatar!
   I sense the hidden thing you say,
   Your subtle whisper how the Word
   From Alpha on to Omega
   Made all things-you confide my Lord
   Himself-all, all this potent Frame,
   All save the riddle of your name.
   Wisdom! I heard a voice that said:
   "What riddle? What is that to you?
   How! By my follower betrayed!
   Look up-for shame! Now tell me true:
   Where meet you light, with love and grace?
   Still unacquainted with my face?"
   Dear God, the erring heart must live-
   Through strength and weakness, calm and glow-
   That answer Wisdom scorns to give.
   Much have I learned. One problem, though,
   I never shall unlock: Who then,
   Who made Sophia feminine?
   ~ Owen Barfield, 1978,
1423:We have all a ruling defect, which is for our soul as the umbilical cord of its birth in sin, and it is by this that the enemy can always lay hold upon us: for some it is vanity, for others idleness, for the majority egotism. Let a wicked and crafty mind avail itself of this means and we are lost; we may not go mad or turn idiots, but we become positively alienated, in all the force of the expression - that is, we are subjected to a foreign suggestion. In such a state one dreads instinctively everything that might bring us back to reason, and will not even listen to representations that are opposed to our obsession. Here is one of the most dangerous disorders which can affect the moral nature. The sole remedy for such a bewitchment is to make use of folly itself in order to cure folly, to provide the sufferer with imaginary satisfactions in the opposite order to that wherein he is now lost. Endeavour, for example, to cure an ambitious person by making him desire the glories of heaven - mystic remedy; cure one who is dissolute by true love - natural remedy; obtain honourable successes for a vain person; exhibit unselfishness to the avaricious and procure for them legitimate profit by honourable participation in generous enterprises, etc. Acting in this way upon the moral nature, we may succeed in curing a number of physical maladies, for the moral affects the physical in virtue of the magical axiom: "That which is above is like unto that which is below." This is why the Master said, when speaking of the paralyzed woman: "Satan has bound her." A disease invariably originates in a deficiency or an excess, and ever at the root of a physical evil we shall find a moral disorder. This is an unchanging law of Nature. ~ Eliphas Levi, Transcendental Magic,
1424:39 - Sometimes one is led to think that only those things really matter which have never happened; for beside them most historic achievements seem almost pale and ineffective. - Sri Aurobindo

I would like to have an explanation of this aphorism.

Sri Aurobindo, who had made a thorough study of history, knew how uncertain are the data which have been used to write it. Most often the accuracy of the documents is doubtful, and the information they supply is poor, incomplete, trivial and frequently distorted. As a whole, the official version of human history is nothing but a long, almost unbroken record of violent aggressions: wars, revolutions, murders or colonisations. True, some of these aggressions and massacres have been adorned with flattering terms and epithets; they have been called religious wars, holy wars, civilising campaigns; but they nonetheless remain acts of greed or vengeance.

Rarely in history do we find the description of a cultural, artistic or philosophical outflowering.

That is why, as Sri Aurobindo says, all this makes a rather dismal picture without any deep significance. On the other hand, in the legendary accounts of things which may never have existed on earth, of events which have not been declared authentic by "official" knowledge, of wonderful individuals whose existence is doubted by the scholars in their dried-up wisdom, we find the crystallisation of all the hopes and aspirations of man, his love of the marvellous, the heroic and the sublime, the description of everything he would like to be and strives to become.

That, more or less, is what Sri Aurobindo means in his aphorism.
22 June 1960 ~ The Mother, On Thoughts And Aphorisms, volume-10, page no.62),
1425:Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. These passions, like great winds, have blown me hither and thither, in a wayward course, over a great ocean of anguish, reaching to the very verge of despair.
   I have sought love, first, because it brings ecstasy - ecstasy so great that I would often have sacrificed all the rest of life for a few hours of this joy. I have sought it, next, because it relieves loneliness--that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into the cold unfathomable lifeless abyss. I have sought it finally, because in the union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniature, the prefiguring vision of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined. This is what I sought, and though it might seem too good for human life, this is what--at last--I have found.
   With equal passion I have sought knowledge. I have wished to understand the hearts of men. I have wished to know why the stars shine. And I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds sway above the flux. A little of this, but not much, I have achieved.
   Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate this evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer.
   This has been my life. I have found it worth living, and would gladly live it again if the chance were offered me. ~ Bertrand Russell,
1426:Hence, it's obvious to see why in AA the community is so important; we are powerless over ourselves. Since we don't have immediate awareness of the Higher Power and how it works, we need to be constantly reminded of our commitment to freedom and liberation. The old patterns are so seductive that as they go off, they set off the association of ideas and the desire to give in to our addiction with an enormous force that we can't handle. The renewal of defeat often leads to despair. At the same time, it's a source of hope for those who have a spiritual view of the process. Because it reminds us that we have to renew once again our total dependence on the Higher Power. This is not just a notional acknowledgment of our need. We feel it from the very depths of our being. Something in us causes our whole being to cry out, "Help!" That's when the steps begin to work. And that, I might add, is when the spiritual journey begins to work. A lot of activities that people in that category regard as spiritual are not communicating to them experientially their profound dependence on the grace of God to go anywhere with their spiritual practices or observances. That's why religious practice can be so ineffective. The real spiritual journey depends on our acknowledging the unmanageability of our lives. The love of God or the Higher Power is what heals us. Nobody becomes a full human being without love. It brings to life people who are most damaged. The steps are really an engagement in an ever-deepening relationship with God. Divine love picks us up when we sincerely believe nobody else will. We then begin to experience freedom, peace, calm, equanimity, and liberation from cravings for what we have come to know are damaging-cravings that cannot bring happiness, but at best only momentary relief that makes the real problem worse. ~ Thomas Keating, Divine Therapy and Addiction,
1427:Song To The Rock Demoness :::
River, ripples, and waves, these three,
When emerging, arise from the ocean itself.
When disappearing, they disappear into the ocean itself.

Habitual thinking, love, and possessiveness, these three,
When arising, arise from the alaya consciousness itself.
When disappearing, they disappear into the alaya consciousness itself.

Self-awareness, self-illumination, self-liberation, these three,
When arising, arise from the mind itself.
When disappearing, they disappear into the mind itself.

The unborn, unceasing, and unexpressed, these three,
When emerging, arise from the nature of being itself.
When disappearing, they disappear into the nature of being itself.

The visions of demons, clinging to demons, and thoughts of demons,
When arising, arise from the Yogin himself.
When disappearing, they disappear into the Yogin himself.

Since demons are the phantoms of the mind,
If it is not understood by the Yogin that they are empty appearances,
And even if he thinks they are real, meditation is confused.

But the root of the delusion is in his own mind.
By observation of the nature of manifestations,
He realizes the identity of manifestation and void,
And by understanding, he knows that the two are not different.

Meditation and not meditation are not two but one,
The cause of all errors is to look upon the two things as different.
From the ultimate point of view, there is no view.

If you make comparison between the nature of the mind
And the nature of the heavens,
Then the true nature of being itself is penetrated.

See, now, that you look into the true meaning which is beyond thought.
Arrange to enter into undisturbed meditation.
And be mindful of the Unceasing Intuitive Sensation! ~ Jetsun Milarepa,
1428:Man's refusal of the Divine Grace has been depicted very beautifully and graphically in a perfect dramatic form by Sri Aurobindo in Savitri. The refusal comes one by one from the three constituent parts of the human being. First of all man is a material being, a bodily creature, as such he is a being of ignorance and misery, of brutish blindness . He does not know that there is something other than his present state of misfortune and dark fate. He is not even aware that there may be anything higher or nobler than the ugliness he is steeped in. He lives on earth-life with an earth-consciousness, moves mechanically and helplessly through vicissitudes over which he has no control. Even so the material life is not a mere despicable thing; behind its darkness, behind its sadness, behind all its infirmities, the Divine Mother is there upholding it and infusing into it her grace and beauty. Indeed, she is one with this world of sorrows, she has in effect become it in her infinite pity and love so that this material body of hers may become conscious of its divine substance and manifest her true form. But the human being individualised and separated in egoistic consciousness has lost the sense of its inner reality and is vocal only in regard to its outward formulation. It is natural for physical man therefore to reject and deny the physical Godhead in him, he even curses it and wants to continue as he is.
He yells therefore in ignorance and anguish:
I am the Man of Sorrows, I am he
Who is nailed on the wide cross of the Universe . . .
I toil like the animal, like the animal die.
I am man the rebel, man the helpless serf...
I know my fate will ever be the same.
It is my Nature' s work that cannot change . . .
I was made for evil, evil is my lot;
Evil I must be and by evil live;
Nought other can I do but be myself;
What Nature made, that I must remain.2' ~ Nolini Kanta Gupta, On Savitri, 13,
1429:The first cause of impurity in the understanding is the intermiscence of desire in the thinking functions, and desire itself is an impurity of the Will involved in the vital and emotional parts of our being. When the vital and emotional desires interfere with the pure Will-to-know, the thought-function becomes subservient to them, pursues ends other than those proper to itself and its perceptions are clogged and deranged. The understanding must lift itself beyond the siege of desire and emotion and, in order that it may have perfect immunity, it must get the vital parts and the emotions themselves purified. The will to enjoy is proper to the vital being but not the choice or the reaching after the enjoyment which must be determined and acquired by higher functions; therefore the vital being must be trained to accept whatever gain or enjoyment comes to it in the right functioning of the life in obedience to the working of the divine Will and to rid itself of craving and attachment. Similarly the heart must be freed from subjection to the cravings of the life-principle and the senses and thus rid itself of the false emotions of fear, wrath, hatred, lust, etc, which constitute the chief impurity of the heart. The will to love is proper to the heart, but here also the choice and reaching after love have to be foregone or tranquillised and the heart taught to love with depth and intensity indeed, but with a calm depth and a settled and equal, not a troubled and disordered intensity. The tranquillisation and mastery of these members is a first condition for the immunity of the understanding from error, ignorance and perversion. This purification spells an entire equality of the nervous being and the heart; equality, therefore, even as it was the first word of the path of works, so also is the first word of the path of knowledge.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Purified Understanding,
1430:One can concentrate in any of the three centres which is easiest to the sadhak or gives most result. The power of the concentration in the heart-centre is to open that centre and by the power of aspiration, love, bhakti, surrender remove the veil which covers and conceals the soul and bring forward the soul or psychic being to govern the mind, life and body and turn and open them all-fully-to the Divine, removing all that is opposed to that turning and opening.
   This is what is called in this Yoga the psychic transformation. The power of concentration above the head is to bring peace, silence, liberation from the body sense, the identification with mind and life and open the way for the lower (mental vital-physical) consciousness to rise up to meet the higher Consciousness above and for the powers of the higher (spiritual or divine) Consciousness to descend into mind, life and body. This is what is called in this Yoga the spiritual transformation. If one begins with this movement, then the Power from above has in its descent to open all the centres (including the lowest centre) and to bring out the psychic being; for until that is done there is likely to be much difficulty and struggle of the lower consciousness obstructing, mixing with or even refusing the Divine Action from above. If the psychic being is once active this struggle and these difficulties can be greatly minimised. The power of concentration in the eyebrows is to open the centre there, liberate the inner mind and vision and the inner or Yogic consciousness and its experiences and powers. From here also one can open upwards and act also in the lower centres; but the danger of this process is that one may get shut up in one's mental spiritual formations and not come out of them into the free and integral spiritual experience and knowledge and integral change of the being and nature.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - II, [where to concentrate?],
1431:A supreme divine Love is a creative Power and, even though it can exist in itself silent and unchangeable, yet rejoices in external form and expression and is not condemned to be a speechless and bodiless godhead. It has even been said that creation itself was an act of love or at least the building up of a field in which Divine Love could devise its symbols and fulfil itself in act of mutuality and self-giving, and, if not the initial nature of creation, this may well be its ultimate object and motive. It does not so appear now because, even if a Divine Love is there in the world upholding all this evolution of creatures, yet the stuff of life and its action is made up of an egoistic formation, a division, a struggle of life and consciousness to exist and survive in an apparently indifferent, inclement or even hostile world of inanimate and inconscient Matter. In the confusion and obscurity of this struggle all are thrown against each other with a will in each to assert its own existence first and foremost and only secondarily to assert itself in others and very partially for others; for even man's altruism remains essentially egoistic and must be so till the soul finds the secret of the divine Oneness. It is to discover that at its supreme source, to bring it from within and to radiate it out up to the extreme confines of life that is turned the effort of the Yoga. All action, all creation must be turned into a form, a symbol of the cult, the adoration, the sacrifice; it must carry something that makes it bear in it the stamp of a dedication, a reception and translation of the Divine Consciousness, a service of the Beloved, a self-giving, a surrender. This has to be done wherever possible in the outward body and form of the act; it must be done always in its inward emotion and an intentsity that shows it to be an outflow from the soul towards the Eternal.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Ascent of the Sacrifice - 2, 164,
1432:True love has no need of reciprocation; there can be no reciprocation because there is only one Love, the Love, which has no other aim than to love. It is in the world of division that one feels the need of reciprocation - because one lives in the illusion of the multiplicity of Love; but in fact there is only One Love and it is always this sole love which, so to say, responds to itself. 19 April 1967
Indeed, there is only one Love, universal and eternal, as there is only one Consciousness, universal and eternal.
All the apparent differences are colorations given by individualisation and personification. But these alterations are purely superficial. And the "nature" of Love, as of Consciousness, is unalterable. 20 April 1967
When one has found divine Love, it is the Divine that one loves in all beings. There is no longer any division. 1 May 1967
Once one has found divine Love, all other loves, which are nothing but disguises, can lose their deformities and become pure - then it is the Divine that one loves in everyone and everything. 6 May 1967
True love, that which fulfils and illumines, is not the love one receives but the love one gives.
And the supreme Love is a love without any definite object - the love which loves because it cannot do other than to love. 15 May 1968
There is only one love - the Divine's Love; and without that Love there would be no creation. All exists because of that Love and it is when we try to find our own love which does not exist that we do not feel the Love, the only Love, the Divine's Love which permeates all existence. 5 March 1970
When the psychic loves it loves with the Divine Love.
When you love, you love with the Divine's love diminished and distorted by your ego, but in its essence still the Divine's love.
It is for the facility of the language that you say the love of this one or that one, but it is all the same one Love manifested ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II,
1433:The most outward psychological form of these things is the mould or trend of the nature towards certain dominant tendencies, capacities, characteristics, form of active power, quality of the mind and inner life, cultural personality or type. The turn is often towards the predominance of the intellectual element and the capacities which make for the seeking and finding of knowledge and an intellectual creation or formativeness and a preoccupation with ideas and the study of ideas or of life and the information and development of the reflective intelligence. According to the grade of the development there is produced successively the make and character of the man of active, open, inquiring intelligence, then the intellectual and, last, the thinker, sage, great mind of knowledge. The soul-powers which make their appearance by a considerable development of this temperament, personality, soul-type, are a mind of light more and more open to all ideas and knowledge and incomings of Truth; a hunger and passion for knowledge, for its growth in ourselves, for its communication to others, for its reign in the world, the reign of reason and right and truth and justice and, on a higher level of the harmony of our greater being, the reign of the spirit and its universal unity and light and love; a power of this light in the mind and will which makes all the life subject to reason and its right and truth or to the spirit and spiritual right and truth and subdues the lower members to their greater law; a poise in the temperament turned from the first to patience, steady musing and calm, to reflection, to meditation, which dominates and quiets the turmoil of the will and passions and makes for high thinking and pure living, founds the self-governed sattwic mind, grows into a more and more mild, lofty, impersonalised and universalised personality. This is the ideal character and soul-power of the Brahmana, the priest of knowledge. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, 4:15 - Soul-Force and the Fourfold Personality
1434:This inner Guide is often veiled at first by the very intensity of our personal effort and by the ego's preoccupation with itself and its aims. As we gain in clarity and the turmoil of egoistic effort gives place to a calmer self-knowledge, we recognise the source of the growing light within us. We recognise it retrospectively as we realise how all our obscure and conflicting movements have been determined towards an end that we only now begin to perceive, how even before our entrance into the path of the Yoga the evolution of our life has been designedly led towards its turning point. For now we begin to understand the sense of our struggles and efforts, successes and failures. At last we are able to seize the meaning of our ordeals and sufferings and can appreciate the help that was given us by all that hurt and resisted and the utility of our very falls and stumblings. We recognise this divine leading afterwards, not retrospectively but immediately, in the moulding of our thoughts by a transcendent Seer, of our will and actions by an all-embracing Power, of our emotional life by an all-attracting and all-assimilating Bliss and Love. We recognise it too in a more personal relation that from the first touched us or at the last seizes us; we feel the eternal presence of a supreme Master, Friend, Lover, Teacher. We recognise it in the essence of our being as that develops into likeness and oneness with a greater and wider existence; for we perceive that this miraculous development is not the result of our own efforts; an eternal Perfection is moulding us into its own image. One who is the Lord or Ishwara of the Yogic philosophies, the Guide in the conscious being ( caitya guru or antaryamin ), the Absolute of the thinker, the Unknowable of the Agnostic, the universal Force of the materialist, the supreme Soul and the supreme Shakti, the One who is differently named and imaged by the religions, is the Master of our Yoga.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Four Aids, 62 [T1],
1435:It doesnt interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your hearts longing. It doesnt interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dream, for the adventure of being alive. It doesnt interest me what planets are squaring your moon. I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow, if you have been opened by lifes betrayals or have become shriveled and closed from fear of further pain!I want to know if you can sit with pain, mine or your own, without moving to hide it or fade it, or fix it. I want to know if you can be with joy, mine or your own, if you can dance with wildness and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes without cautioning us to be careful, to be realistic, to remember the limitations of being human. It doesnt interest me if the story you are telling me is true. I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself; if you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul; if you can be faithlessand therefore trustworthy. I want to know if you can see beauty even when its not pretty, every day,and if you can source your own life from its presence. I want to know if you can live with failure, yours and mine, and still stand on the edge of the lake and shout to the silver of the full moon, Yes! It doesnt interest me to know where you live or how much money you have. I want to know if you can get up, after the night of grief and despair, weary and bruised to the bone, and do what needs to be done to feed the children. It doesnt interest me who you know or how you came to be here. I want to know if you will stand in the center of the fire with me and not shrink back. It doesnt interest me where or what or with whom you have studied. I want to know what sustains you, from the inside, when all else falls away. I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments.
   ~ Oriah Mountain Dreamer,
1436:... The first opening is effected by a concentration in the heart, a call to the Divine to manifest within us and through the psychic to take up and lead the whole nature. Aspiration, prayer, bhakti, love, surrender are the main supports of this part of the sadhana - accompanied by a rejection of all that stands in the way of what we aspire for. The second opening is effected by a concentration of the consciousness in the head (afterwards, above it) and an aspiration and call and a sustained will for the descent of the divine Peace, Power, Light, Knowledge, Ananda into the being - the Peace first or the Peace and Force together. Some indeed receive Light first or Ananda first or some sudden pouring down of knowledge. With some there is first an opening which reveals to them a vast infinite Silence, Force, Light or Bliss above them and afterwards either they ascend to that or these things begin to descend into the lower nature. With others there is either the descent, first into the head, then down to the heart level, then to the navel and below and through the whole body, or else an inexplicable opening - without any sense of descent - of peace, light, wideness or power or else a horizontal opening into the cosmic consciousness or, in a suddenly widened mind, an outburst of knowledge. Whatever comes has to be welcomed - for there is no absolute rule for all, - but if the peace has not come first, care must be taken not to swell oneself in exultation or lose the balance. The capital movement however is when the Divine Force or Shakti, the power of the Mother comes down and takes hold, for then the organisation of the consciousness begins and the larger foundation of the Yoga.

   The result of the concentration is not usually immediate - though to some there comes a swift and sudden outflowering; but with most there is a time longer or shorter of adaptation or preparation, especially if the nature has not been prepared already to some extent by aspiration and tapasya. ... ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Mother With Letters On The Mother,
1437:the omnipresent Trinity :::
   In practice three conceptions are necessary before there can be any possibility of Yoga; there must be, as it were, three consenting parties to the effort,-God, Nature and the human soul or, in more abstract language, the Transcendental, the Universal and the Individual. If the individual and Nature are left to themselves, the one is bound to the other and unable to exceed appreciably her lingering march. Something transcendent is needed, free from her and greater, which will act upon us and her, attracting us upward to Itself and securing from her by good grace or by force her consent to the individual ascension. It is this truth which makes necessary to every philosophy of Yoga the conception of the Ishwara, Lord, supreme Soul or supreme Self, towards whom the effort is directed and who gives the illuminating touch and the strength to attain. Equally true is the complementary idea so often enforced by the Yoga of devotion that as the Transcendent is necessary to the individual and sought after by him, so also the individual is necessary in a sense to the Transcendent and sought after by It. If the Bhakta seeks and yearns after Bhagavan, Bhagavan also seeks and yearns after the Bhakta. There can be no Yoga of knowledge without a human seeker of the knowledge, the supreme subject of knowledge and the divine use by the individual of the universal faculties of knowledge; no Yoga of devotion without the human God-lover, the supreme object of love and delight and the divine use by the individual of the universal faculties of spiritual, emotional and aesthetic enjoyment; no Yoga of works without the human worker, the supreme Will, Master of all works and sacrifices, and the divine use by the individual of the universal faculties of power and action. However Monistic maybe our intellectual conception of the highest truth of things, in practice we are compelled to accept this omnipresent Trinity.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Introduction - The Conditions of the Synthesis, The Systems of Yoga,
1438:The way of integral knowledge supposes that we are intended to arrive at an integral self-fulfilment and the only thing that is to be eliminated is our own unconsciousness, the Ignorance and the results of the Ignorance. Eliminate the falsity of the being which figures as the ego; then our true being can manifest in us. Eliminate the falsity of the life which figures as mere vital craving and the mechanical round of our corporeal existence; our true life in the power of the Godhead and the joy of the Infinite will appear. Eliminate the falsity of the senses with their subjection to material shows and to dual sensations; there is a greater sense in us that can open through these to the Divine in things and divinely reply to it. Eliminate the falsity of the heart with its turbid passions and desires and its dual emotions; a deeper heart in us can open with its divine love for all creatures and its infinite passion and yearning for the responses of the Infinite. Eliminate the falsity of the thought with its imperfect mental constructions, its arrogant assertions and denials, its limited and exclusive concentrations; a greater faculty of knowledge is behind that can open to the true Truth of God and the soul and Nature and the universe. An integral self-fulfilment, - an absolute, a culmination for the experiences of the heart, for its instinct of love, joy, devotion and worship; an absolute, a culmination for the senses, for their pursuit of divine beauty and good and delight in the forms of things; an absolute, a culmination for the life, for its pursuit of works, of divine power, mastery and perfection; an absolute, a culmination beyond its own limits for the thought, for its hunger after truth and light and divine wisdom and knowledge. Not something quite other than themselves from which they are all cast away is the end of these things in our nature, but something supreme in which they at once transcend themselves and find their own absolutes and infinitudes, their harmonies beyond measure.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Object of Knowledge,
1439:the spiritual force behind adoration :::
   All love, indeed, that is adoration has a spiritual force behind it, and even when it is offered ignorantly and to a limited object, something of that splendor appears through the poverty of the rite and the smallness of its issues. For love that is worship is at once an aspiration and a preparation: it can bring even within its small limits in the Ignorance a glimpse of a still more or less blind and partial but surprising realisation; for there are moments when it is not we but the One who loves and is loved in us, and even a human passion can be uplifted and glorified by a slight glimpse of this infinite Love and Lover. It is for this reason that the worship of the god, the worship of the idol, the human magnet or ideal are not to be despised; for these are steps through which the human race moves towards that blissful passion and ecstasy of the Infinite which, even in limiting it, they yet represent for our imperfect vision when we have still to use the inferior steps Nature has hewn for our feet and admit the stages of our progress. Certain idolatries are indispensable for the development of our emotional being, nor will the man who knows be hasty at any time to shatter this image unless he can replace it in the heart of the worshipper by the Reality it figures. Moreover, they have this power because there is always something in them that is greater than their forms and, even when we reach the supreme worship, that abides and becomes a prolongation of it or a part of its catholic wholeness. our knowledge is still imperfect in us, love incomplete if even when we know That which surpasses all forms and manifestations, we cannot still accept the Divine in creature and object, in man, in the kind, in the animal, in the tree, in the flower, in the work of our hands, in the Nature-Force which is then no longer to us the blind action of a material machinery but a face and power of the universal Shakti: for in these things too is the presence of the Eternal.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Ascent of the Sacrifice - 2, The Works of Love - The Works of Life, 159,
1440:separating from the heart and mind and the benefits of doing so :::
   Therefore the mental Purusha has to separate himself from association and self-identification with this desire-mind. He has to say I am not this thing that struggles and suffers, grieves and rejoices, loves and hates, hopes and is baffled, is angry and afraid and cheerful and depressed, a thing of vital moods and emotional passions. All these are merely workings and habits of Prakriti in the sensational and emotional mind. The mind then draws back from its emotions and becomes with these, as with the bodily movements and experiences, the observer or witness. There is again an inner cleavage. There is this emotional mind in which these moods and passions continue to occur according to the habit of the modes of Nature and there is the observing mind which sees them, studies and understands but is detached from them. It observes them as if in a sort of action and play on a mental stage of personages other than itself, at first with interest and a habit of relapse into identification, then with entire calm and detachment, and, finally, attaining not only to calm but to the pure delight of its own silent existence, with a smile at thier unreality as at the imaginary joys and sorrows of a child who is playing and loses himself in the play. Secondly, it becomes aware of itself as master of the sanction who by his withdrawl of sanction can make this play to cease. When the sanction is withdrawn, another significant phenomenon takes place; the emotional mind becomes normally calm and pure and free from these reactions, and even when they come, they no longer rise from within but seem to fall on it as impression from outside to which its fibers are still able to respond; but this habit of reponse dies away and the emotional mind is in time entirely liberated from the passions which it has renounced. Hope and fear, joy and grief, liking and disliking, attraction and repulsion, content and discontent, gladness and depression, horror and wrath and fear and disgust and shame and the passions of love and hatred fall away from the liberated psychic being.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Release from the Heart and the Mind, 352,
1441:In the Indian spiritual tradition, a heart's devotion to God, called Bhakti, is regarded as the easiest path to the Divine. What is Bhakti? Is it some extravagant religious sentimentalism? Is it inferior to the path of Knowledge? What is the nature of pure and complete spiritual devotion to God and how to realise it?

What Is Devotion?

...bhakti in its fullness is nothing but an entire self-giving. But then all meditation, all tapasya, all means of prayer or mantra must have that as its end... [SABCL, 23:799]

Devotion Is a State of the Heart and Soul

Bhakti is not an experience, it is a state of the heart and soul. It is a state which comes when the psychic being is awake and prominent. [SABCL, 23:776]

...Worship is only the first step on the path of devotion. Where external worship changes into the inner adoration, real Bhakti begins; that deepens into the intensity of divine love; that love leads to the joy of closeness in our relations with the Divine; the joy of closeness passes into the bliss of union. [SABCL, 21:525]

Devotion without Gratitude Is Incomplete

...there is another movement which should constantly accompany devotion. ... That kind of sense of gratitude that the Divine exists; that feeling of a marvelling thankfulness which truly fills you with a sublime joy at the fact that the Divine exists, that there is something in the universe which is the Divine, that it is not just the monstrosity we see, that there is the Divine, the Divine exists. And each time that the least thing puts you either directly or indirectly in contactwith this sublime Reality of divine existence, the heart is filled with so intense, so marvellous a joy, such a gratitude as of all things has the most delightful taste.

There is nothing which gives you a joy equal to that of gratitude. One hears a bird sing, sees a lovely flower, looks at a little child, observes an act of generosity, reads a beautiful sentence, looks at the setting sun, no matter what, suddenly this comes upon you, this kind of emotion-indeed so deep, so intense-that the world manifests the Divine, that there is something behind the world which is the Divine.

So I find that devotion without gratitude is quite incomplete, gratitude must come with devotion. ~ The Mother,
1442:I have seen the truth; I have seen and I know that people can be beautiful and happy without losing the power of living on earth. I will not and cannot believe that evil is the normal condition of mankind. And it is just this faith of mine that they laugh at. But how can I help believing it? I have seen the truth ~ it is not as though I had invented it with my mind, I have seen it, seen it, and the living image of it has filled my soul for ever. I have seen it in such full perfection that I cannot believe that it is impossible for people to have it. And so how can I go wrong? I shall make some slips no doubt, and shall perhaps talk in second-hand language, but not for long: the living image of what I saw will always be with me and will always correct and guide me. Oh, I am full of courage and freshness, and I will go on and on if it were for a thousand years! Do you know, at first I meant to conceal the fact that I corrupted them, but that was a mistake ~ that was my first mistake! But truth whispered to me that I was lying, and preserved me and corrected me. But how establish paradise ~ I don't know, because I do not know how to put it into words. After my dream I lost command of words. All the chief words, anyway, the most necessary ones. But never mind, I shall go and I shall keep talking, I won't leave off, for anyway I have seen it with my own eyes, though I cannot describe what I saw. But the scoffers do not understand that. It was a dream, they say, delirium, hallucination. Oh! As though that meant so much! And they are so proud! A dream! What is a dream? And is not our life a dream? I will say more. Suppose that this paradise will never come to pass (that I understand), yet I shall go on preaching it. And yet how simple it is: in one day, in one hour everything could be arranged at once! The chief thing is to love others like yourself, that's the chief thing, and that's everything; nothing else is wanted ~ you will find out at once how to arrange it all. And yet it's an old truth which has been told and retold a billion times ~ but it has not formed part of our lives! The consciousness of life is higher than life, the knowledge of the laws of happiness is higher than happiness ~ that is what one must contend against. And I shall. If only everyone wants it, it can be arranged at once. ~ Fyodor Dostoevsky in The Dream of a Ridiculous Man,
1443:Now I have taught you about Immortal Man and have loosed the bonds of the robbers from him. I have broken the gates of the pitiless ones in their presence. I have humiliated their malicious intent, and they all have been shamed and have risen from their ignorance. Because of this, then, I came here, that they might be joined with that Spirit and Breath, [III continues:] and might from two become one, just as from the first, that you might yield much fruit and go up to Him Who Is from the Beginning, in ineffable joy and glory and honor and grace of the Father of the Universe.

"Whoever, then, knows the Father in pure knowledge will depart to the Father and repose in Unbegotten Father. But whoever knows him defectively will depart to the defect and the rest of the Eighth. Now whoever knows Immortal Spirit of Light in silence, through reflecting and consent in the truth, let him bring me signs of the Invisible One, and he will become a light in the Spirit of Silence. Whoever knows Son of Man in knowledge and love, let him bring me a sign of Son of Man, that he might depart to the dwelling-places with those in the Eighth.

"Behold, I have revealed to you the name of the Perfect One, the whole will of the Mother of the Holy Angels, that the masculine multitude may be completed here, that there might appear in the aeons, the infinities and those that came to be in the untraceable wealth of the Great Invisible Spirit, that they all might take from his goodness, even the wealth of their rest that has no kingdom over it. I came from First Who Was Sent, that I might reveal to you Him Who Is from the Beginning, because of the arrogance of Arch-Begetter and his angels, since they say about themselves that they are gods. And I came to remove them from their blindness, that I might tell everyone about the God who is above the universe. Therefore, tread upon their graves, humiliate their malicious intent, and break their yoke and arouse my own. I have given you authority over all things as Sons of Light, that you might tread upon their power with your feet."

These are the things the blessed Savior said, and he disappeared from them. Then all the disciples were in great, ineffable joy in the spirit from that day on. And his disciples began to preach the Gospel of God, the eternal, imperishable spirit. Amen.
~ The Sophia of Jesus, (excerpt), The Nag Hamadi Library,
D: What are the eight limbs of knowledge (jnana ashtanga)?
M: The eight limbs are those which have been already mentioned, viz., yama, niyama etc., but differently defined:
(1) Yama: This is controlling the aggregate of sense-organs, realizing the defects that are present in the world consisting of the body, etc.
(2) Niyama: This is maintaining a stream of mental modes that relate to the Self and rejecting the contrary modes. In other words, it means love that arises uninterruptedly for the Supreme Self.
(3) Asana: That with the help of which constant meditation on Brahman is made possible with ease is asana.
(4) Pranayama: Rechaka (exhalation) is removing the two unreal aspects of name and form from the objects constituting the world, the body etc., puraka (inhalation) is grasping the three real aspects, existence, consciousness and bliss, which are constant in those objects, and kumbhaka is retaining those aspects thus grasped.
(5) Pratyahara: This is preventing name and form which have been removed from re-entering the mind.
(6) Dharana: This is making the mind stay in the Heart, without straying outward, and realizing that one is the Self itself which is Existence-Consciousness-Bliss.
(7) Dhyana: This is meditation of the form 'I am only pure consciousness'. That is, after leaving aside the body which consists of five sheaths, one enquires 'Who am I?', and as a result of that, one stays as 'I' which shines as the Self.
(8) Samadhi: When the 'I-manifestation' also ceases, there is (subtle) direct experience. This is samadhi.
For pranayama, etc., detailed here, the disciplines such as asana, etc., mentioned in connection with yoga are not necessary.
The limbs of knowledge may be practised at all places and at all times. Of yoga and knowledge, one may follow whichever is pleasing to one, or both, according to circumstances. The great teachers say that forgetfulness is the root of all evil, and is death for those who seek release,10 so one should rest the mind in one's Self and should never forget the Self: this is the aim. If the mind is controlled, all else can be controlled. The distinction between yoga with eight limbs and knowledge with eight limbs has been set forth elaborately in the sacred texts; so only the substance of this teaching has been given here. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi, Self-Enquiry, 34,
1445:The majority of Buddhists and Buddhist teachers in the West are green postmodern pluralists, and thus Buddhism is largely interpreted in terms of the green altitude and the pluralistic value set, whereas the greatest Buddhist texts are all 2nd tier, teal (Holistic) or higher (for example, Lankavatara Sutra, Kalachakra Tantra, Longchenpa's Kindly Bent to Ease Us, Nagarjuna's Madhyamaka treatises, and so forth).

This makes teal (Holistic), or Integral 2nd tier in general, the lowest deeply adequate level with which to interpret Buddhism, ultimate Reality, and Suchness itself. Thus, interpreting Suchness in pluralistic terms (or lower) would have to be viewed ultimately as a dysfunction, certainly a case of arrested development, and one requiring urgent attention in any Fourth Turning.

These are some of the problems with interpreting states (in this case, Suchness states) with a too-low structure (in short, a severe misinterpretation and thus misunderstanding of the Ultimate). As for interpreting them with dysfunctional structures (of any altitude), the problem more or less speaks for itself. Whether the structure in itself is high enough or not, any malformation of the structure will be included in the interpretation of any state (or any other experience), and hence will deform the interpretation itself, usually in the same basic ways as the structure itself is deformed. Thus, for example, if there is a major Fulcrum-3 (red altitude) repression of various bodily states (sex, aggression, power, feelings), those repressions will be interpreted as part of the higher state itself, and so the state will thus be viewed as devoid of (whereas this is actually a repression of) any sex, aggression, power, feelings, or whatever it is that is dis-owned and pushed into the repressed submergent unconscious. If there is an orange altitude problem with self-esteem (Fulcrum-5), that problem will be magnified by the state experience, and the more intense the state experience, the greater the magnification. Too little self-esteem, and even profound spiritual experiences can be interpreted as "I'm not worthy, so this state-which seems to love me unconditionally-must be confused." If too much self-esteem, higher experiences are misinterpreted, not as a transcendence of the self, but as a reward for being the amazing self I am-"the wonder of being me." ~ Ken Wilber, The Religion Of Tomorrow,
1446:Fundamentally, whatever be the path one follows - whe- ther the path of surrender, consecration, knowledge-if one wants it to be perfect, it is always equally difficult, and there is but one way, one only, I know of only one: that is perfect sincerity, but perfect sincerity!

Do you know what perfect sincerity is?...

Never to try to deceive oneself, never let any part of the being try to find out a way of convincing the others, never to explain favourably what one does in order to have an excuse for what one wants to do, never to close one's eyes when something is unpleasant, never to let anything pass, telling oneself, "That is not important, next time it will be better."

Oh! It is very difficult. Just try for one hour and you will see how very difficult it is. Only one hour, to be totally, absolutely sincere. To let nothing pass. That is, all one does, all one feels, all one thinks, all one wants, is exclusively the Divine.

"I want nothing but the Divine, I think of nothing but the Divine, I do nothing but what will lead me to the Divine, I love nothing but the Divine."

Try - try, just to see, try for half an hour, you will see how difficult it is! And during that time take great care that there isn't a part of the vital or a part of the mind or a part of the physical being nicely hidden there, at the back, so that you don't see it (Mother hides her hands behind her back) and don't notice that it is not collaborating - sitting quietly there so that you don't unearth it... it says nothing, but it does not change, it hides itself. How many such parts! How many parts hide themselves! You put them in your pocket because you don't want to see them or else they get behind your back and sit there well-hidden, right in the middle of your back, so as not to be seen. When you go there with your torch - your torch of sincerity - you ferret out all the corners, everywhere, all the small corners which do not consent, the things which say "No" or those which do not move: "I am not going to budge. I am glued to this place of mine and nothing will make me move."... You have a torch there with you, and you flash it upon the thing, upon everything. You will see there are many of them there, behind your back, well stuck.

Try, just for an hour, try!
No more questions?
Nobody has anything to say? Then, au revoir, my children! ~ The Mother, Question and Answers, Volume-6, page no.132-133),
1447:reading :::
   Self-Help Reading List:
   James Allen As a Man Thinketh (1904)
   Marcus Aurelius Meditations (2nd Century)
   The Bhagavad-Gita
   The Bible
   Robert Bly Iron John (1990)
   Boethius The Consolation of Philosophy (6thC)
   Alain de Botton How Proust Can Change Your Life (1997)
   William Bridges Transitions: Making Sense of Life's Changes (1980)
   David Brooks The Road to Character (2015)
   Brené Brown Daring Greatly (2012)
   David D Burns The New Mood Therapy (1980)
   Joseph Campbell (with Bill Moyers) The Power of Myth (1988)
   Richard Carlson Don't Sweat The Small Stuff (1997)
   Dale Carnegie How to Win Friends and Influence People (1936)
   Deepak Chopra The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success (1994)
   Clayton Christensen How Will You Measure Your Life? (2012)
   Paulo Coelho The Alchemist (1988)
   Stephen Covey The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (1989)
   Mihaly Cziksentmihalyi Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience (1991)
   The Dalai Lama & Howard Cutler The Art of Happiness (1999)
   The Dhammapada (Buddha's teachings)
   Charles Duhigg The Power of Habit (2011)
   Wayne Dyer Real Magic (1992)
   Ralph Waldo Emerson Self-Reliance (1841)
   Clarissa Pinkola Estes Women Who Run With The Wolves (1996)
   Viktor Frankl Man's Search For Meaning (1959)
   Benjamin Franklin Autobiography (1790)
   Shakti Gawain Creative Visualization (1982)
   Daniel Goleman Emotional Intelligence (1995)
   John Gray Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus (1992)
   Louise Hay You Can Heal Your Life (1984)
   James Hillman The Soul's Code: In Search of Character and Calling (1996)
   Susan Jeffers Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway (1987)
   Richard Koch The 80/20 Principle (1998)
   Marie Kondo The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up (2014)
   Ellen Langer Mindfulness: Choice and Control in Everyday Life (1989)
   Lao-Tzu Tao-te Ching (The Way of Power)
   Maxwell Maltz Psycho-Cybernetics (1960)
   Abraham Maslow Motivation and Personality (1954)
   Thomas Moore Care of the Soul (1992)
   Joseph Murphy The Power of Your Subconscious Mind (1963)
   Norman Vincent Peale The Power of Positive Thinking (1952)
   M Scott Peck The Road Less Traveled (1990)
   Anthony Robbins Awaken The Giant Within (1991)
   Florence Scovell-Shinn The Game of Life and How To Play It (1923)
   Martin Seligman Learned Optimism (1991)
   Samuel Smiles Self-Help (1859)
   Pierre Teilhard de Chardin The Phenomenon of Man (1955)
   Henry David Thoreau Walden (1854)
   Marianne Williamson A Return To Love (1993)
   ~ Tom Butler-Bowdon, 50 Self-Help,
1448:the ways of the Bhakta and man of Knowledge :::
   In the ordinary paths of Yoga the method used for dealing with these conflicting materials is direct and simple. One or another of the principal psychological forces in us is selected as our single means for attaining to the Divine; the rest is quieted into inertia or left to starve in its smallness. The Bhakta, seizing on the emotional forces of the being, the intense activities of the heart, abides concentrated in the love of God, gathered up as into a single one-pointed tongue of fire; he is indifferent to the activities of thought, throws behind him the importunities of the reason, cares nothing for the mind's thirst for knowledge. All the knowledge he needs is his faith and the inspirations that well up from a heart in communion with the Divine. He has no use for any will to works that is not turned to the direct worship of the Beloved or the service of the temple. The man of Knowledge, self-confined by a deliberate choice to the force and activities of discriminative thought, finds release in the mind's inward-drawn endeavour. He concentrates on the idea of the self, succeeds by a subtle inner discernment in distinguishing its silent presence amid the veiling activities of Nature, and through the perceptive idea arrives at the concrete spiritual experience. He is indifferent to the play of the emotions, deaf to the hunger-call of passion, closed to the activities of Life, -- the more blessed he, the sooner they fall away from him and leave him free, still and mute, the eternal non-doer. The body is his stumbling-block, the vital functions are his enemies; if their demands can be reduced to a minimum, that is his great good fortune. The endless difficulties that arise from the environing world are dismissed by erecting firmly against them a defence of outer physical and inner spiritual solitude; safe behind a wall of inner silence, he remains impassive and untouched by the world and by others. To be alone with oneself or alone with the Divine, to walk apart with God and his devotees, to entrench oneself in the single self-ward endeavour of the mind or Godward passion of the heart is the trend of these Yogas. The problem is solved by the excision of all but the one central difficulty which pursues the only chosen motive-force; into the midst of the dividing calls of our nature the principle of an exclusive concentration comes sovereignly to our rescue.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Self-Consecration. 76-77,
1449:requirements for the psychic :::
   At a certain stage in the Yoga when the mind is sufficiently quieted and no longer supports itself at every step on the sufficiency of its mental certitudes, when the vital has been steadied and subdued and is no longer constantly insistent on its own rash will, demand and desire, when the physical has been sufficiently altered not to bury altogether the inner flame under the mass of its outwardness, obscurity or inertia, an inmost being hidden within and felt only in its rare influences is able to come forward and illumine the rest and take up the lead of the sadhana. Its character is a one-pointed orientation towards the Divine or the Highest, one-pointed and yet plastic in action and movement; it does not create a rigidity of direction like the one-pointed intellect or a bigotry of the regnant idea or impulse like the one-pointed vital force; it is at every moment and with a supple sureness that it points the way to the Truth, automatically distinguishes the right step from the false, extricates the divine or Godward movement from the clinging mixture of the undivine. Its action is like a searchlight showing up all that has to be changed in the nature; it has in it a flame of will insistent on perfection, on an alchemic transmutation of all the inner and outer existence. It sees the divine essence everywhere but rejects the mere mask and the disguising figure. It insists on Truth, on will and strength and mastery, on Joy and Love and Beauty, but on a Truth of abiding Knowledge that surpasses the mere practical momentary truth of the Ignorance, on an inward joy and not on mere vital pleasure, -- for it prefers rather a purifying suffering and sorrow to degrading satisfactions, -- on love winged upward and not tied to the stake of egoistic craving or with its feet sunk in the mire, on beauty restored to its priesthood of interpretation of the Eternal, on strength and will and mastery as instruments not of the ego but of the Spirit. Its will is for the divinisation of life, the expression through it of a higher Truth, its dedication to the Divine and the Eternal.
   But the most intimate character of the psychic is its pressure towards the Divine through a sacred love, joy and oneness. It is the divine Love that it seeks most, it is the love of the Divine that is its spur, its goal, its star of Truth shining over the luminous cave of the nascent or the still obscure cradle of the new-born godhead within us.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Ascent of the Sacrifice - 1,
1450:There is also the consecration of the thoughts to the Divine. In its inception this is the attempt to fix the mind on the object of adoration, -for naturally the restless human mind is occupied with other objects and, even when it is directed upwards, constantly drawn away by the world, -- so that in the end it habitually thinks of him and all else is only secondary and thought of only in relation to him. This is done often with the aid of a physical image or, more intimately and characteristically, of a Mantra or a divine name through which the divine being is realised. There are supposed by those who systematise, to be three stages of the seeking through the devotion of the mind, first, the constant hearing of the divine name, qualities and all that has been attached to them, secondly, the constant thinking on them or on the divine being or personality, thirdly, the settling and fixing of the mind on the object; and by this comes the full realisation. And by these, too, there comes when the accompanying feeling or the concentration is very intense, the Samadhi, the ecstatic trance in which the consciousness passes away from outer objects. But all this is really incidental; the one thing essential is the intense devotion of the thought in the mind to the object of adoration. Although it seems akin to the contemplation of the way of knowledge, it differs from that in its spirit. It is in its real nature not a still, but an ecstatic contemplation; it seeks not to pass into the being of the Divine, but to bring the Divine into ourselves and to lose ourselves in the deep ecstasy of his presence or of his possession; and its bliss is not the peace of unity, but the ecstasy of union. Here, too, there may be the separative self-consecration, which ends in the giving up of all other thought of life for the possession of this ecstasy, eternal afterwards in planes beyond, or the comprehensive consecration in which all the thoughts are full of the Divine and even in the occupations of life every thought remembers him. As in the other Yogas, so in this, one comes to see the Divine everywhere and in all and to pour out the realisation of the Divine in all ones inner activities and outward actions. But all is supported here by the primary force of the emotional union: for it is by love that the entire self-consecration and the entire possession is accomplished, and thought and action become shapes and figures of the divine love which possesses the spirit and its members.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Way of Devotion [T2],
1451:How can one become conscious of Divine Love and an instrument of its expression?
   First, to become conscious of anything whatever, you must will it. And when I say "will it", I don't mean saying one day, "Oh! I would like it very much", then two days later completely forgetting it.
   To will it is a constant, sustained, concentrated aspiration, an almost exclusive occupation of the consciousness. This is the first step. There are many others: a very attentive observation, a very persistent analysis, a very keen discernment of what is pure in the movement and what is not. If you have an imaginative faculty, you may try to imagine and see if your imagination tallies with reality. There are people who believe that it is enough to wake up one day in a particular mood and say, "Ah! How I wish to be conscious of divine Love, how I wish to manifest divine Love...." Note, I don't know how many millions of times one feels within a little stirring up of human instinct and imagines that if one had at one's disposal divine Love, great things could be accomplished, and one says, "I am going to try and find divine Love and we shall see the result." This is the worst possible way. Because, before having even touched the very beginning of realisation you have spoilt the result. You must take up your search with a purity of aspiration and surrender which in themselves are already difficult to acquire. You must have worked much on yourself only to be ready to aspire to this Love. If you look at yourself very sincerely, very straight, you will see that as soon as you begin to think of Love it is always your little inner tumult which starts whirling. All that aspires in you wants certain vibrations. It is almost impossible, without being far advanced on the yogic path, to separate the vital essence, the vital vibration from your conception of Love. What I say is founded on an assiduous experience of human beings. Well, for you, in the state in which you are, as you are, if you had a contact with pure divine Love, it would seem to you colder than ice, or so far-off, so high that you would not be able to breathe; it would be like the mountain-top where you would feel frozen and find it difficult to breathe, so very far would it be from what you normally feel. Divine Love, if not clothed with a psychic or vital vibration, is difficult for a human being to perceive. One can have an impression of grace, of a grace which is something so far, so high, so pure, so impersonal that... yes, one can have the feeling of grace, but it is with difficulty that one feels Love.
   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1950-1951,
   "Without conscious occult powers, is it possible to help or protect from a distance somebody in difficulty or danger? If so, what is the practical procedure?"

Then a sub-question:

   "What can thought do?"

We are not going to speak of occult processes at all; although, to tell the truth, everything that happens in the invisible world is occult, by definition. But still, practically, there are two processes which do not exclude but complete each other, but which may be used separately according to one's preference.

   It is obvious that thought forms a part of one of the methods, quite an important part. I have already told you several times that if one thinks clearly and powerfully, one makes a mental formation, and that every mental formation is an entity independent of its fashioner, having its own life and tending to realise itself in the mental world - I don't mean that you see your formation with your physical eyes, but it exists in the mental world, it has its own particular independent existence. If you have made a formation with a definite aim, its whole life will tend to the realisation of this aim. Therefore, if you want to help someone at a distance, you have only to formulate very clearly, very precisely and strongly the kind of help you want to give and the result you wish to obtain. That will have its effect. I cannot say that it will be all-powerful, for the mental world is full of innumerable formations of this kind and naturally they clash and contradict one another; hence the strongest and the most persistent will have the best of it.

   Now, what is it that gives strength and persistence to mental formations? - It is emotion and will. If you know how to add to your mental formation an emotion, affection, tenderness, love, and an intensity of will, a dynamism, it will have a much greater chance of success. That is the first method. It is within the scope of all those who know how to think, and even more of those who know how to love. But as I said, the power is limited and there is great competition in that world.

   Therefore, even if one has no knowledge at all but has trust in the divine Grace, if one has the faith that there is something in the world like the divine Grace, and that this something can answer a prayer, an aspiration, an invocation, then, after making one's mental formation, if one offers it to the Grace and puts one's trust in it, asks it to intervene and has the faith that it will intervene, then indeed one has a chance of success.

   Try, and you will surely see the result.

   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1956, 253,
1453:He continuously reflected on her image and attributes, day and night. His bhakti was such that he could not stop thinking of her. Eventually, he saw her everywhere and in everything. This was his path to illumination.

   He was often asked by people: what is the way to the supreme? His answer was sharp and definite: bhakti yoga. He said time and time again that bhakti yoga is the best sadhana for the Kali Yuga (Dark Age) of the present.

   His bhakti is illustrated by the following statement he made to a disciple:

   To my divine mother I prayed only for pure love.
At her lotus feet I offered a few flowers and I prayed:

   Mother! here is virtue and here is vice;
   Take them both from me.
   Grant me only love, pure love for Thee.
   Mother! here is knowledge and here is ignorance;
   Take them both from me.
   Grant me only love, pure love for Thee.
   Mother! here is purity and impurity;
   Take them both from me.
   Grant me only love, pure love for Thee.

Ramakrishna, like Kabir, was a practical man.
He said: "So long as passions are directed towards the world and its objects, they are enemies. But when they are directed towards a deity, then they become the best of friends to man, for they take him to illumination. The desire for worldly things must be changed into longing for the supreme; the anger which you feel for fellow man must be directed towards the supreme for not manifesting himself to you . . . and so on, with all other emotions. The passions cannot be eradicated, but they can be turned into new directions."

   A disciple once asked him: "How can one conquer the weaknesses within us?" He answered: "When the fruit grows out of the flower, the petals drop off themselves. So when divinity in you increases, the weaknesses of human nature will vanish of their own accord." He emphasized that the aspirant should not give up his practices. "If a single dive into the sea does not bring you a pearl, do not conclude that there are no pearls in the sea. There are countless pearls hidden in the sea.

   So if you fail to merge with the supreme during devotional practices, do not lose heart. Go on patiently with the practices, and in time you will invoke divine grace." It does not matter what form you care to worship. He said: "Many are the names of the supreme and infinite are the forms through which he may be approached. In whatever name and form you choose to worship him, through that he will be realized by you." He indicated the importance of surrender on the path of bhakti when he said:

   ~ Swami Satyananda Saraswati, A Systematic Course in the Ancient Tantric Techniques of Yoga and Kriya,
1454:10000 ::: The True Object of Spiritual Seeking:
   To find the Divine is indeed the first reason for seeking the spiritual Truth and the spiritual life; it is the one thing indispensable and all the rest is nothing without it. The Divine once found, to manifest Him,-that is, first of all to transform one's own limited consciousness into the Divine Consciousness, to live in the infinite Peace, Light, Love, Strength, Bliss, to become that in one's essential nature and, as a consequence, to be its vessel, channel, instrument in one's active nature. To bring into activity the principle of oneness on the material plane or to work for humanity is a mental mistranslation of the Truth-these things cannot be the first or true object of spiritual seeking. We must find the Self, the Divine, then only can we know what is the work the Self or the Divine demands from us. Until then our life and action can only be a help or means towards finding the Divine and it ought not to have any other purpose. As we grow in the inner consciousness, or as the spiritual Truth of the Divine grows in us, our life and action must indeed more and more flow from that, be one with that. But to decide beforehand by our limited mental conceptions what they must be is to hamper the growth of the spiritual Truth within. As that grows we shall feel the Divine Light and Truth, the Divine Power and Force, the Divine Purity and Peace working within us, dealing with our actions as well as our consciousness, making use of them to reshape us into the Divine Image, removing the dross, substituting the pure gold of the Spirit. Only when the Divine Presence is there in us always and the consciousness transformed, can we have the right to say that we are ready to manifest the Divine on the material plane. To hold up a mental ideal or principle and impose that on the inner working brings the danger of limiting ourselves to a mental realisation or of impeding or even falsifying by a half-way formation the true growth into the full communion and union with the Divine and the free and intimate outflowing of His will in our life. This is a mistake of orientation to which the mind of today is especially prone. It is far better to approach the Divine for the Peace or Light or Bliss that the realisation of Him gives than to bring in these minor things which can divert us from the one thing needful. The divinisation of the material life also as well as the inner life is part of what we see as the Divine Plan, but it can only be fulfilled by an outflowing of the inner realisation, something that grows from within outward, not by the working out of a mental principle.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - II, [T1],
1455:Workshops, churches, and palaces were full of these fatal works of art; he had even helped with a few himself. They were deeply disappointing be­ cause they aroused the desire for the highest and did not fulfill it. They lacked the most essential thing-mystery. That was what dreams and truly great works of art had in common : mystery. Goldmund continued his thought: It is mystery I love and pursue. Several times I have seen it beginning to take shape; as an artist, I would like to capture and express it. Some day, perhaps, I'll be able to. The figure of the universal mother, the great birthgiver, for example. Unlike other fi gures, her mystery does not consist of this or that detail, of a particular voluptuousness or sparseness, coarseness or delicacy, power or gracefulness. It consists of a fusion of the greatest contrasts of the world, those that cannot otherwise be combined, that have made peace only in this figure. They live in it together: birth and death, tenderness and cruelty, life and destruction. If I only imagined this fi gure, and were she merely the play of my thoughts, it would not matter about her, I could dismiss her as a mistake and forget about her. But the universal mother is not an idea of mine; I did not think her up, I saw her! She lives inside me. I've met her again and again. She appeared to me one winter night in a village when I was asked to hold a light over the bed of a peasant woman giving birth: that's when the image came to life within me. I often lose it; for long periods it re­ mains remote; but suddenly it Hashes clear again, as it did today. The image of my own mother, whom I loved most of all, has transformed itself into this new image, and lies encased within the new one like the pit in the cherry.

   As his present situation became clear to him, Goldmund was afraid to make a decision. It was as difficult as when he had said farewell to Narcissus and to the cloister. Once more he was on an impor­ tant road : the road to his mother. Would this mother-image one day take shape, a work of his hands, and become visible to all? Perhaps that was his goal, the hidden meaning of his life. Perhaps; he didn't know. But one thing he did know : it was good to travel toward his mother, to be drawn and called by her. He felt alive. Perhaps he'd never be able to shape her image, perhaps she'd always remain a dream, an intuition, a golden shimmer, a sacred mystery. At any rate, he had to follow her and submit his fate to her. She was his star.

   And now the decision was at his fingertips; everything had become clear. Art was a beautiful thing, but it was no goddess, no goal-not for him. He was not to follow art, but only the call of his mother.

   ~ Hermann Hesse, Narcissus and Goldmund,
1456:10000 :::
   The Only Way Out:

... Once you have no more desires, no more attachments, once you have given up all necessity of receiving a reward from human beings, whoever they are - knowing that the only reward that is worth getting is the one that comes from the Supreme and that never fails - once you give up attachment to all exterior beings and things, you at once feel in your heart this Presence, this Force, this Grace that is always with you. And there is no other remedy. It's the only remedy, for everybody without exception. To all those who suffer, for the same thing that has to be said: all suffering is the sign that the surrender is not total. Then, when you feel in you a 'bang' like that, instead of saying, 'Oh, this is bad' or 'This circumstance is difficult,' you say, 'My surrender is not perfect.' Then it's all right. And then you feel the Grace that helps you and leads you, and you go on. And one day you emerge into that peace that nothing can trouble.
You answer to all the contrary forces, the contrary movements, the attacks, the misunderstandings, the bad wills, with the same smile that comes from full confidence in the Divine Grace. And that is the only way out, there is no other.

But where to get such a strength?

   Within you. The Divine Presence is in you. It is in you. You look for it outside; look inside. It is in you. The Presence is there. You want the appreciation of others to get strength - you will never get it. The strength is in you. If you want, you can aspire for what seems to you the supreme goal, supreme light, supreme knowledge, supreme love. But it is in you - otherwise you would never be able to contact it. If you go deep enough inside you, you will find it there, like a flame that is always burning straight up. And don't believe that it is difficult to do. It is because the look is always turned outside that you don't feel the Presence. But if, instead of looking outside for support, you concentrate and you pray - inside, to the supreme knowledge - to know at each moment what is to be done, the way to do it, and if you give all you are, all you do in order to acquire perfection, you will feel that the support is always there, always guiding, showing the way. And if there is a difficulty, then instead of wanting to fight, you hand it over, hand it over to the supreme wisdom to deal with it - to deal with all the bad wills, all the misunderstandings, all the bad reactions. If you surrender completely, it is no more your concern: it's the concern of the Supreme who takes it up and knows better than anybody else what is to be done. That is the only way out, only way out. There, my child
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother III, [T1],
1457:Worthy The Name Of Sir Knight
Sir Knight of the world's oldest order,
Sir Knight of the Army of God,
You have crossed the strange mystical border,
The ground floor of truth you have trod;
You have entered the sanctum sanctorum,
Which leads to the temple above,
Where you come as a stone, and a Christ-chosen one,
In the kingdom of Friendship and Love.
As you stand in this new realm of beauty,
Where each man you meet is your friend,
Think not that your promise of duty
In hall, or asylum, shall end;
Outside, in the great world of pleasure,
Beyond, in the clamor of trade,
In the battle of life and its coarse daily strife
Remember the vows you have made.
Your service, majestic and solemn,
Your symbols, suggestive and sweet,
Your uniformed phalanx in column
On gala days marching the street;
Your sword and your plume and your helmet,
Your 'secrets' hid from the world's sight;
These things are the small, lesser parts of the all
Which are needed to form the true Knight.
The martyrs who perished rejoicing
In Templary's glorious laws,
Who died 'midst the fagots while voicing
The glory and worth of their cause-
They honored the title of 'Templar'
No more than the Knight of to-day
Who mars not the name with one blemish of shame,
But carries it clean through life's fray.
To live for a cause, to endeavor
To make your deeds grace it, to try
And uphold its precepts forever,
Is harder by far than to die.
For the battle of life is unending,
The enemy, Self, never tires,
And the true Knight must slay that sly foe every day
Ere he reaches the heights he desires.
Sir Knight, have you pondered the meaning
Of all you have heard and been told?
Have you strengthened your heart for its weaning
From vices and faults loved of old?
Will you honor, in hours of temptation,
Your promises noble and grand?
Will your spirit be strong to do battle with wrong,
'And having done all, to stand?'
Will you ever be true to a brother
In actions as well as in creed?
Will you stand by his side as no other
Could stand in the hour of his need?
Will you boldly defend him from peril,
And lift him from poverty's curseWill the promise of aid which you willingly made,
Reach down from your lips to your purse?
The world's battle field is before you!
Let Wisdom walk close by your side,
Let Faith spread her snowy wings o'er you,
Let Truth be your comrade and guide;
Let Fortitude, Justice and Mercy
Direct all your conduct aright,
And let each word and act tell to men the proud fact,
You are worthy the name of 'Sir Knight'.
~ Ella Wheeler Wilcox,
1458:root of the falsification and withdrawl of divine love :::
   At every moment they are moved to take egoistic advantage of the psychic and spiritual influences and can be detected using the power, joy or light these bring into us for a lower life-motive. Afterwards too, even when the seeker has opened to the Divine Love transcendental, universal or immanent, yet if he tries to pour it into life, he meets the power of obscuration and perversion of these lower Nature-forces. Always they draw away towards pitfalls, pour into that higher intensity their diminishing elements, seek to capture the descending Power for themselves and their interests and degrade it into an aggrandised mental, vital or physical instrumentation for desire and ego. Instead of a Divine Love creator of a new heaven and a new earth of Truth and Light, they would hold it here prisoner as a tremendous sanction and glorifying force of sublimation to gild the mud of the old earth and colour with its rose and sapphire the old turbid unreal skies of sentimentalising vital imagination and mental idealised chimera. If that falsification is permitted, the higher Light and Power and Bliss withdraw, there is a fall back to a lower status; or else the realisation remains tied to an insecure half-way and mixture or is covered and even submerged by an inferior exaltation that is not the true Ananda. It is for this reason that Divine Love which is at the heart of all creation and the most powerful of all redeeming and creative forces has yet been the least frontally present in earthly life, the least successfully redemptive, the least creative. Human nature has been unable to bear it in its purity for the very reason that it is the most powerful, pure, rare and intense of all the divine energies; what little could be seized has been corrupted at once into a vital pietistic ardour, a defenceless religious or ethical sentimentalism, a sensuous or even sensual erotic mysticism of the roseate coloured mind or passionately turbid life-impulse and with these simulations compensated its inability to house the Mystic Flame that could rebuild the world with its tongues of sacrifice. It is only the inmost psychic being unveiled and emerging in its full power that can lead the pilgrim sacrifice unscathed through these ambushes and pitfalls; at each moment it catches, exposes, repels the mind's and the life's falsehoods, seizes hold on the truth of the Divine Love and Ananda and separates it from the excitement of the mind's ardours and the blind enthusiasms of the misleading life-force. But all things that are true at their core in mind and life and the physical being it extricates and takes with it in the journey till they stand on the heights, new in spirit and sublime in figure. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Ascent of the Sacrifice - 2, 166,
1459:To Know How To Suffer
   IF AT any time a deep sorrow, a searing doubt or an intense pain overwhelms you and drives you to despair, there is an infallible way to regain calm and peace.
   In the depths of our being there shines a light whose brilliance is equalled only by its purity; a light, a living and conscious portion of a universal godhead who animates and nourishes and illumines Matter, a powerful and unfailing guide for those who are willing to heed his law, a helper full of solace and loving forbearance towards all who aspire to see and hear and obey him. No sincere and lasting aspiration towards him can be in vain; no strong and respectful trust can be disappointed, no expectation ever deceived.
   My heart has suffered and lamented, almost breaking beneath a sorrow too heavy, almost sinking beneath a pain too strong.... But I have called to thee, O divine comforter, I have prayed ardently to thee, and the splendour of thy dazzling light has appeared to me and revived me.
   As the rays of thy glory penetrated and illumined all my being, I clearly perceived the path to follow, the use that can be made of suffering; I understood that the sorrow that held me in its grip was but a pale reflection of the sorrow of the earth, of this abysm of suffering and anguish.
   Only those who have suffered can understand the suffering of others; understand it, commune with it and relieve it. And I understood, O divine comforter, sublime Holocaust, that in order to sustain us in all our troubles, to soothe all our pangs, thou must have known and felt all the sufferings of earth and man, all without exception.
   How is it that among those who claim to be thy worshippers, some regard thee as a cruel torturer, as an inexorable judge witnessing the torments that are tolerated by thee or even created by thy own will?
   No, I now perceive that these sufferings come from the very imperfection of Matter which, in its disorder and crudeness, is unfit to manifest thee; and thou art the very first to suffer from it, to bewail it, thou art the first to toil and strive in thy ardent desire to change disorder into order, suffering into happiness, discord into harmony.
   Suffering is not something inevitable or even desirable, but when it comes to us, how helpful it can be!
   Each time we feel that our heart is breaking, a deeper door opens within us, revealing new horizons, ever richer in hidden treasures, whose golden influx brings once more a new and intenser life to the organism on the brink of destruction.
   And when, by these successive descents, we reach the veil that reveals thee as it is lifted, O Lord, who can describe the intensity of Life that penetrates the whole being, the radiance of the Light that floods it, the sublimity of the Love that transforms it for ever! ~ The Mother, Words Of Long Ago, To Know How To Suffer, 1910,
1460:O Death, thou lookst on an unfinished world
Assailed by thee and of its road unsure,
Peopled by imperfect minds and ignorant lives,
And sayest God is not and all is vain.
How shall the child already be the man?
Because he is infant, shall he never grow?
Because he is ignorant, shall he never learn?
In a small fragile seed a great tree lurks,
In a tiny gene a thinking being is shut;
A little element in a little sperm,
It grows and is a conqueror and a sage.
Then wilt thou spew out, Death, God's mystic truth,
Deny the occult spiritual miracle?
Still wilt thou say there is no spirit, no God?
A mute material Nature wakes and sees;
She has invented speech, unveiled a will.
Something there waits beyond towards which she strives,
Something surrounds her into which she grows:
To uncover the spirit, to change back into God,
To exceed herself is her transcendent task.
In God concealed the world began to be,
Tardily it travels towards manifest God:
Our imperfection towards perfection toils,
The body is the chrysalis of a soul:
The infinite holds the finite in its arms,
Time travels towards revealed eternity.
A miracle structure of the eternal Mage,
Matter its mystery hides from its own eyes,
A scripture written out in cryptic signs,
An occult document of the All-Wonderful's art.
All here bears witness to his secret might,
In all we feel his presence and his power.
A blaze of his sovereign glory is the sun,
A glory is the gold and glimmering moon,
A glory is his dream of purple sky.
A march of his greatness are the wheeling stars.
His laughter of beauty breaks out in green trees,
His moments of beauty triumph in a flower;
The blue sea's chant, the rivulet's wandering voice
Are murmurs falling from the Eternal's harp.
This world is God fulfilled in outwardness.
His ways challenge our reason and our sense;
By blind brute movements of an ignorant Force,
By means we slight as small, obscure or base,
A greatness founded upon little things,
He has built a world in the unknowing Void.
His forms he has massed from infinitesimal dust;
His marvels are built from insignificant things.
If mind is crippled, life untaught and crude,
If brutal masks are there and evil acts,
They are incidents of his vast and varied plot,
His great and dangerous drama's needed steps;
He makes with these and all his passion-play,
A play and yet no play but the deep scheme
Of a transcendent Wisdom finding ways
To meet her Lord in the shadow and the Night:
Above her is the vigil of the stars;
Watched by a solitary Infinitude
She embodies in dumb Matter the Divine,
In symbol minds and lives the Absolute.
~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, The Debate of Love and Death,
1461:The Absolute is in itself indefinable by reason, ineffable to the speech; it has to be approached through experience. It can be approached through an absolute negation of existence, as if it were itself a supreme Non-Existence, a mysterious infinite Nihil. It can be approached through an absolute affirmation of all the fundamentals of our own existence, through an absolute of Light and Knowledge, through an absolute of Love or Beauty, through an absolute of Force, through an absolute of peace or silence. It can be approached through an inexpressible absolute of being or of consciousness, or of power of being, or of delight of being, or through a supreme experience in which these things become inexpressibly one; for we can enter into such an ineffable state and, plunged into it as if into a luminous abyss of existence, we can reach a superconscience which may be described as the gate of the Absolute. It is supposed that it is only through a negation of individual and cosmos that we can enter into the Absolute. But in fact the individual need only deny his own small separate ego-existence; he can approach the Absolute through a sublimation of his spiritual individuality taking up the cosmos into himself and transcending it; or he may negate himself altogether, but even so it is still the individual who by self-exceeding enters into the Absolute. He may enter also by a sublimation of his being into a supreme existence or super-existence, by a sublimation of his consciousness into a supreme consciousness or superconscience, by a sublimation of his and all delight of being into a super-delight or supreme ecstasy. He can make the approach through an ascension in which he enters into cosmic consciousness, assumes it into himself and raises himself and it into a state of being in which oneness and multiplicity are in perfect harmony and unison in a supreme status of manifestation where all are in each and each in all and all in the one without any determining individuation - for the dynamic identity and mutuality have become complete; on the path of affirmation it is this status of the manifestation that is nearest to the Absolute. This paradox of an Absolute which can be realised through an absolute negation and through an absolute affirmation, in many ways, can only be accounted for to the reason if it is a supreme Existence which is so far above our notion and experience of existence that it can correspond to our negation of it, to our notion and experience of nonexistence; but also, since all that exists is That, whatever its degree of manifestation, it is itself the supreme of all things and can be approached through supreme affirmations as through supreme negations. The Absolute is the ineffable x overtopping and underlying and immanent and essential in all that we can call existence or non-existence. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, 2.06 - Reality and the Cosmic Illusion,
1462:Zarathustra, however, looked at the people and wondered. Then he spoke thus: Man is a rope stretched between animal and overman - a rope over an abyss. A dangerous crossing, a dangerous on-the-way, a dangerous looking back, a dangerous trembling and stopping. What is great in man is that he is a bridge and not a goal: what can be loved in man is that he is an over-going and a down-going. I love those who know not how to live except as down-goers, for they are the over-goers. I love the great despisers, because they are the great reverers, and arrows of longing for the other shore. I love those who do not first seek a reason beyond the stars for going down and being sacrifices, but sacrifice themselves to the earth, that the earth of the overman may some day arrive. I love him who lives in order to know, and seeks to know in order that the overman may someday live. Thus he seeks his own down-going. I love him who works and invents, that he may build a house for the overman, and prepare for him earth, animal, and plant: for thus he seeks his own down-going. I love him who loves his virtue: for virtue is the will to down-going, and an arrow of longing. I love him who reserves no drop of spirit for himself, but wants to be entirely the spirit of his virtue: thus he walks as spirit over the bridge. I love him who makes his virtue his addiction and destiny: thus, for the sake of his virtue, he is willing to live on, or live no more. I love him who does not desire too many virtues. One virtue is more of a virtue than two, because it is more of a knot for ones destiny to cling to. I love him whose soul squanders itself, who wants no thanks and gives none back: for he always gives, and desires not to preserve himself. I love him who is ashamed when the dice fall in his favor, and who then asks: Am I a dishonest player? - for he is willing to perish. I love him who scatters golden words in front of his deeds, and always does more than he promises: for he seeks his own down-going. I love him who justifies those people of the future, and redeems those of the past: for he is willing to perish by those of the present. I love him who chastens his God, because he loves his God: for he must perish by the wrath of his God. I love him whose soul is deep even in being wounded, and may perish from a small experience: thus goes he gladly over the bridge. I love him whose soul is so overfull that he forgets himself, and all things are in him: thus all things become his down-going. I love him who is of a free spirit and a free heart: thus is his head only the entrails of his heart; his heart, however, drives him to go down. I love all who are like heavy drops falling one by one out of the dark cloud that hangs over man: they herald the coming of the lightning, and perish as heralds. Behold, I am a herald of the lightning, and a heavy drop out of the cloud: the lightning, however, is called overman.
   ~ Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra,
1463:reading :::
   50 Psychology Classics: List of Books Covered:
   Alfred Adler - Understanding Human Nature (1927)
   Gordon Allport - The Nature of Prejudice (1954)
   Albert Bandura - Self-Efficacy: The Exercise of Control (1997)
   Gavin Becker - The Gift of Fear (1997)
   Eric Berne - Games People Play (1964)
   Isabel Briggs Myers - Gifts Differing: Understanding Personality Type (1980)
   Louann Brizendine - The Female Brain (2006)
   David D Burns - Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy (1980)
   Susan Cain - Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking (2012)
   Robert Cialdini - Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion (1984)
   Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - Creativity (1997)
   Carol Dweck - Mindset: The New Psychology of Success (2006)
   Albert Ellis & Robert Harper - (1961) A Guide To Rational Living(1961)
   Milton Erickson - My Voice Will Go With You (1982) by Sidney Rosen
   Eric Erikson - Young Man Luther (1958)
   Hans Eysenck - Dimensions of Personality (1947)
   Viktor Frankl - The Will to Meaning (1969)
   Anna Freud - The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense (1936)
   Sigmund Freud - The Interpretation of Dreams (1901)
   Howard Gardner - Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences (1983)
   Daniel Gilbert - Stumbling on Happiness (2006)
   Malcolm Gladwell - Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking (2005)
   Daniel Goleman - Emotional Intelligence at Work (1998)
   John M Gottman - The Seven Principles For Making Marriage Work (1999)
   Temple Grandin - The Autistic Brain: Helping Different Kinds of Minds Succeed (2013)
   Harry Harlow - The Nature of Love (1958)
   Thomas A Harris - I'm OK - You're OK (1967)
   Eric Hoffer - The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements (1951)
   Karen Horney - Our Inner Conflicts (1945)
   William James - Principles of Psychology (1890)
   Carl Jung - The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious (1953)
   Daniel Kahneman - Thinking, Fast and Slow (2011)
   Alfred Kinsey - Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (1953)
   RD Laing - The Divided Self (1959)
   Abraham Maslow - The Farther Reaches of Human Nature (1970)
   Stanley Milgram - Obedience To Authority (1974)
   Walter Mischel - The Marshmallow Test (2014)
   Leonard Mlodinow - Subliminal: How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your Behavior (2012)
   IP Pavlov - Conditioned Reflexes (1927)
   Fritz Perls - Gestalt Therapy: Excitement and Growth in the Human Personality (1951)
   Jean Piaget - The Language and Thought of the Child (1966)
   Steven Pinker - The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature (2002)
   VS Ramachandran - Phantoms in the Brain (1998)
   Carl Rogers - On Becoming a Person (1961)
   Oliver Sacks - The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat (1970)
   Barry Schwartz - The Paradox of Choice: Why More is Less (2004)
   Martin Seligman - Authentic Happiness (2002)
   BF Skinner - Beyond Freedom & Dignity (1953)
   Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton & Sheila Heen - Difficult Conversations (2000)
   William Styron - Darkness Visible (1990)
   ~ Tom Butler-Bowdon, 50 Psychology Classics,
1464:If the Divine that is all love is the source of the creation, whence have come all the evils abounding upon earth?"

   "All is from the Divine; but the One Consciousness, the Supreme has not created the world directly out of itself; a Power has gone out of it and has descended through many gradations of its workings and passed through many agents. There are many creators or rather 'formateurs', form-makers, who have presided over the creation of the world. They are intermediary agents and I prefer to call them 'Formateurs' and not 'Creators'; for what they have done is to give the form and turn and nature to matter. There have been many, and some have formed things harmonious and benignant and some have shaped things mischievous and evil. And some too have been distorters rather than builders, for they have interfered and spoiled what was begun well by others." - Questions and Answers 1929 - 1931 (30 June 1929)

   You say, "Many creators or rather 'formateurs', formmakers, have presided over the creation of the world." Who are these 'formateurs'?

   That depends. They have been given many names. All has been done by gradations and through individual beings of all kinds. Each state of being is inhabited by entities, individualities and personalities and each one has created a world around him or has contributed to the formation of certain beings upon earth. The last creators are those of the vital world, but there are beings of the Overmind (Sri Aurobindo calls this plane the Overmind), who have created, given forms, sent out emanations, and these emanations again had their emanations and so on. What I meant is that it is not the Divine Will that acted directly on Matter to give to the world the required form, it is by passing through layers, so to say, planes of the world, as for example, the mental plane - there are so many beings on the mental plane who are form-makers, who have taken part in the formation of some beings who have incarnated upon earth. On the vital plane also the same thing happens.

   For example, there is a tradition which says that the whole world of insects is the outcome of the form-makers of the vital world, and that this is why they take such absolutely diabolical shapes when they are magnified under the microscope. You saw the other day, when you were shown the microbes in water? Naturally the pictures were made to amuse, to strike the imagination, but they are based on real forms, so magnified, however, that they look like monsters. Almost the whole world of insects is a world of microscopic monsters which, had they been larger in size, would have been quite terrifying. So it is said these are entities of the vital world, beings of the vital who created that for fun and amused themselves forming all these impossible beasts which make human life altogether unpleasant.

   Did these intermediaries also come out of the Divine Power?
   Through intermediaries, yes, not directly. These beings are not in direct contact with the Divine (there are exceptions, I mean as a general rule), they are beings who are in relation with other beings, who are again in relation with others, and these with still others, and so on, in a hierarchy, up to the Supreme.(to be continued....) ~ The Mother, Question and Answers,
1465:On that spring day in the park I saw a young woman who attracted me. She was tall and slender, elegantly dressed, and had an intelligent and boyish face. I liked her at once. She was my type and began to fill my imagination. She probably was not much older than I but seemed far more mature, well-defined, a full-grown woman, but with a touch of exuberance and boyishness in her face, and this was what I liked above all .

   I had never managed to approach a girl with whom I had fallen in love, nor did I manage in this case. But the impression she made on me was deeper than any previous one had been and the infatuation had a profound influence on my life.

   Suddenly a new image had risen up before me, a lofty and cherished image. And no need, no urge was as deep or as fervent within me as the craving to worship and admire. I gave her the name Beatrice, for, even though I had not read Dante, I knew about Beatrice from an English painting of which I owned a reproduction. It showed a young pre-Raphaelite woman, long-limbed and slender, with long head and etherealized hands and features. My beautiful young woman did not quite resemble her, even though she, too, revealed that slender and boyish figure which I loved, and something of the ethereal, soulful quality of her face.

   Although I never addressed a single word to Beatrice, she exerted a profound influence on me at that time. She raised her image before me, she gave me access to a holy shrine, she transformed me into a worshiper in a temple.

   From one day to the next I stayed clear of all bars and nocturnal exploits. I could be alone with myself again and enjoyed reading and going for long walks.

   My sudden conversion drew a good deal of mockery in its wake. But now I had something I loved and venerated, I had an ideal again, life was rich with intimations of mystery and a feeling of dawn that made me immune to all taunts. I had come home again to myself, even if only as the slave and servant of a cherished image.

   I find it difficult to think back to that time without a certain fondness. Once more I was trying most strenuously to construct an intimate "world of light" for myself out of the shambles of a period of devastation; once more I sacrificed everything within me to the aim of banishing darkness and evil from myself. And, furthermore, this present "world of light" was to some extent my own creation; it was no longer an escape, no crawling back to -nether and the safety of irresponsibility; it was a new duty, one I had invented and desired on my own, with responsibility and self-control. My sexuality, a torment from which I was in constant flight, was to be transfigured nto spirituality and devotion by this holy fire. Everything :brk and hateful was to be banished, there were to be no more tortured nights, no excitement before lascivious picures, no eavesdropping at forbidden doors, no lust. In place of all this I raised my altar to the image of Beatrice, :.. and by consecrating myself to her I consecrated myself to the spirit and to the gods, sacrificing that part of life which I withdrew from the forces of darkness to those of light. My goal was not joy but purity, not happiness but beauty, and spirituality.

   This cult of Beatrice completely changed my life.

   ~ Hermann Hesse, Demian,
1466:But still the greater and wider the moving idea-force behind the consecration, the better for the seeker; his attainment is likely to be fuller and more ample. If we are to attempt an integral Yoga, it will be as well to start with an idea of the Divine that is itself integral. There should be an aspiration in the heart wide enough for a realisation without any narrow limits. Not only should we avoid a sectarian religious outlook, but also all onesided philosophical conceptions which try to shut up the Ineffable in a restricting mental formula. The dynamic conception or impelling sense with which our Yoga can best set out would be naturally the idea, the sense of a conscious all-embracing but all-exceeding Infinite. Our uplook must be to a free, all-powerful, perfect and blissful One and Oneness in which all beings move and live and through which all can meet and become one. This Eternal will be at once personal and impersonal in his self-revelation and touch upon the soul. He is personal because he is the conscious Divine, the infinite Person who casts some broken reflection of himself in the myriad divine and undivine personalities of the universe. He is impersonal because he appears to us as an infinite Existence, Consciousness and Ananda and because he is the fount, base and constituent of all existences and all energies, -the very material of our being and mind and life and body, our spirit and our matter. The thought, concentrating on him, must not merely understand in an intellectual form that he exists, or conceive of him as an abstraction, a logical necessity; it must become a seeing thought able to meet him here as the Inhabitant in all, realise him in ourselves, watch and take hold on the movement of his forces. He is the one Existence: he is the original and universal Delight that constitutes all things and exceeds them: he is the one infinite Consciousness that composes all consciousnesses and informs all their movements; he is the one illimitable Being who sustains all action and experience; his will guides the evolution of things towards their yet unrealised but inevitable aim and plenitude. To him the heart can consecrate itself, approach him as the supreme Beloved, beat and move in him as in a universal sweetness of Love and a living sea of Delight. For his is the secret Joy that supports the soul in all its experiences and maintains even the errant ego in its ordeals and struggles till all sorrow and suffering shall cease. His is the Love and the Bliss of the infinite divine Lover who is drawing all things by their own path towards his happy oneness. On him the Will can unalterably fix as the invisible Power that guides and fulfils it and as the source of its strength. In the impersonality this actuating Power is a self-illumined Force that contains all results and calmly works until it accomplishes, in the personality an all wise and omnipotent Master of the Yoga whom nothing can prevent from leading it to its goal. This is the faith with which the seeker has to begin his seeking and endeavour; for in all his effort here, but most of all in his effort towards the Unseen, mental man must perforce proceed by faith. When the realisation comes, the faith divinely fulfilled and completed will be transformed into an eternal flame of knowledge.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Self-Consecration [83],
1467:There is no invariable rule of such suffering. It is not the soul that suffers; the Self is calm and equal to all things and the only sorrow of the psychic being is the sorrow of the resistance of Nature to the Divine Will or the resistance of things and people to the call of the True, the Good and the Beautiful. What is affected by suffering is the vital nature and the body. When the soul draws towards the Divine, there may be a resistance in the mind and the common form of that is denial and doubt - which may create mental and vital suffering. There may again be a resistance in the vital nature whose principal character is desire and the attachment to the objects of desire, and if in this field there is conflict between the soul and the vital nature, between the Divine Attraction and the pull of the Ignorance, then obviously there may be much suffering of the mind and vital parts. The physical consciousness also may offer a resistance which is usually that of a fundamental inertia, an obscurity in the very stuff of the physical, an incomprehension, an inability to respond to the higher consciousness, a habit of helplessly responding to the lower mechanically, even when it does not want to do so; both vital and physical suffering may be the consequence. There is moreover the resistance of the Universal Nature which does not want the being to escape from the Ignorance into the Light. This may take the form of a vehement insistence on the continuation of the old movements, waves of them thrown on the mind and vital and body so that old ideas, impulses, desires, feelings, responses continue even after they are thrown out and rejected, and can return like an invading army from outside, until the whole nature, given to the Divine, refuses to admit them. This is the subjective form of the universal resistance, but it may also take an objective form - opposition, calumny, attacks, persecution, misfortunes of many kinds, adverse conditions and circumstances, pain, illness, assaults from men or forces. There too the possibility of suffering is evident. There are two ways to meet all that - first that of the Self, calm, equality, a spirit, a will, a mind, a vital, a physical consciousness that remain resolutely turned towards the Divine and unshaken by all suggestion of doubt, desire, attachment, depression, sorrow, pain, inertia. This is possible when the inner being awakens, when one becomes conscious of the Self, of the inner mind, the inner vital, the inner physical, for that can more easily attune itself to the divine Will, and then there is a division in the being as if there were two beings, one within, calm, strong, equal, unperturbed, a channel of the Divine Consciousness and Force, one without, still encroached on by the lower Nature; but then the disturbances of the latter become something superficial which are no more than an outer ripple, - until these under the inner pressure fade and sink away and the outer being too remains calm, concentrated, unattackable. There is also the way of the psychic, - when the psychic being comes out in its inherent power, its consecration, adoration, love of the Divine, self-giving, surrender and imposes these on the mind, vital and physical consciousness and compels them to turn all their movements Godward. If the psychic is strong and master...
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - IV, Resistances, Sufferings and Falls, 669,
1468:[desire and its divine form:]
   Into all our endeavour upward the lower element of desire will at first naturally enter. For what the enlightened will sees as the thing to be done and pursues as the crown to be conquered, what the heart embraces as the one thing delightful, that in us which feels itself limited and opposed and, because it is limited, craves and struggles, will seek with the troubled passion of an egoistic desire. This craving life-force or desire-soul in us has to be accepted at first, but only in order that it may be transformed. Even from the very beginning it has to be taught to renounce all other desires and concentrate itself on the passion for the Divine. This capital point gained, it has to be aught to desire, not for its own separate sake, but for God in the world and for the Divine in ourselves; it has to fix itself upon no personal spiritual gain, though of all possible spiritual gains we are sure, but on the great work to be done in us and others, on the high coming manifestation which is to be the glorious fulfilment of the Divine in the world, on the Truth that has to be sought and lived and enthroned for eveR But last, most difficult for it, more difficult than to seek with the right object, it has to be taught to seek in the right manner; for it must learn to desire, not in its own egoistic way, but in the way of the Divine. It must insist no longer, as the strong separative will always insists, on its own manner of fulfilment, its own dream of possession, its own idea of the right and the desirable; it must yearn to fulfil a larger and greater Will and consent to wait upon a less interested and ignorant guidance. Thus trained, Desire, that great unquiet harasser and troubler of man and cause of every kind of stumbling, will become fit to be transformed into its divine counterpart. For desire and passion too have their divine forms; there is a pure ecstasy of the soul's seeking beyond all craving and grief, there is a Will of Ananda that sits glorified in the possession of the supreme beatitudes.
   When once the object of concentration has possessed and is possessed by the three master instruments, the thought, the heart and the will,-a consummation fully possible only when the desire-soul in us has submitted to the Divine Law,-the perfection of mind and life and body can be effectively fulfilled in our transmuted nature. This will be done, not for the personal satisfaction of the ego, but that the whole may constitute a fit temple for the Divine Presence, a faultless instrument for the divine work. For that work can be truly performed only when the instrument, consecrated and perfected, has grown fit for a selfless action,-and that will be when personal desire and egoism are abolished, but not the liberated individual. Even when the little ego has been abolished, the true spiritual Person can still remain and God's will and work and delight in him and the spiritual use of his perfection and fulfilment. Our works will then be divine and done divinely; our mind and life and will, devoted to the Divine, will be used to help fulfil in others and in the world that which has been first realised in ourselves,- all that we can manifest of the embodied Unity, Love, Freedom, Strength, Power, Splendour, immortal Joy which is the goal of the Spirit's terrestrial adventure.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Self-Consecration [83] [T1],
An open reply by Dr Alok Pandey to a fellow devotee

Most of all enjoy Savitri. It is Sri Aurobindo's gift of Love to the world. Read it from the heart with love and gratitude as companions and drown in its fiery bliss. That is the true understanding rather than one that comes by a constant churning of words in the head.

Best would be to fix a time that works for you. One can always take out some time for the reading, even if it be late at night when one is done with all the daily works. Of course, a certain receptivity is needed. If one is too tired or the reading becomes too mechanical as a ritual routine to be somehow finished it tends to be less effective, as with anything else. Hence the advice is to read in a quiet receptive state.

As to the pace of reading it is best to slowly build up and keep it steady. To read a page or a passage daily is better than reading many pages one day and then few lines or none for days. This brings a certain discipline in the consciousness which makes one receptive. What it means is that one should fix up that one would read a few passages or a page or two daily, and then if an odd day one is enjoying and spontaneously wants to read more then one can go by the flow.

It is best to read at least once from cover to cover. But if one is not feeling inclined for that do read some of the beautiful cantos and passages whose reference one can find in various places. This helps us familiarise with the epic and the style of poetry. Later one can go for the cover to cover reading.

One can read it silently. Loud reading is needed only if one is unable to focus with silent reading. A mantra is more potent when read subtly. I am aware that some people recommend reading it aloud which is fine if that helps one better. A certain flexibility in these things is always good and rigid rules either ways are not helpful.

One can also write some of the beautiful passages with which one feels suddenly connected. It is a help in the yoga since such a writing involves the pouring in of the consciousness of Savitri through the brain and nerves and the hand.

Reflecting upon some of these magnificent lines and passages while one is engaged in one\s daily activities helps to create a background state for our inner being to get absorbed in Savitri more and more.

It is helpful if a brief background about the Canto is known. This helps the mind top focus and also to keep in sync with the overall scene and sense of what is being read.

But it is best not to keep referring to the dictionary while reading. Let the overall sense emerge. Specifics can be done during a detailed reading later and it may not be necessary at all. Besides the sense that Sri Aurobindo has given to many words may not be accurately conveyed by the standard dictionaries. A flexibility is required to understand the subtle suggestions hinted at by the Master-poet.

In this sense Savitri is in the line of Vedic poetry using images that are at once profound as well as commonplace. That is the beauty of mystic poetry. These are things actually experienced and seen by Sri Aurobindo, and ultimately it is Their Grace that alone can reveal the intrinsic sense of this supreme revelation of the Supreme. ~ Dr Alok Pandey,
1470:We have now completed our view of the path of Knowledge and seen to what it leads. First, the end of Yoga of Knowledge is God-possession, it is to possess God and be possessed by him through consciousness, through identification, through reflection of the divine Reality. But not merely in some abstraction away from our present existence, but here also; therefore to possess the Divine in himself, the Divine in the world, the Divine within, the Divine in all things and all beings. It is to possess oneness with God and through that to possess also oneness with the universal, with the cosmos and all existences; therefore to possess the infinite diversity also in the oneness, but on the basis of oneness and not on the basis of division. It is to possess God in his personality and his impersonality; in his purity free from qualities and in his infinite qualities; in time and beyond time; in his action and in his silence; in the finite and in the infinite. It is to possess him not only in pure self, but in all self; not only in self, but in Nature; not only in spirit, but in supermind, mind, life and body; to possess him with the spirit, with the mind, with the vital and the physical consciousness; and it is again for all these to be possessed by him, so that our whole being is one with him, full of him, governed and driven by him. It is, since God is oneness, for our physical consciousness to be one with the soul and the nature of the material universe; for our life, to be one with all life; for our mind, to be one with the universal mind; for our spirit, to be identified with the universal spirit. It is to merge in him in the absolute and find him in all relations. Secondly, it is to put on the divine being and the divine nature. And since God is Sachchidananda, it is to raise our being into the divine being, our consciousness into the divine consciousness, our energy into the divine energy, our delight of existence into the divine delight of being. And it is not only to lift ourselves into this higher consciousness, but to widen into it in all our being, because it is to be found on all the planes of our existence and in all our members, so that our mental, vital, physical existence shall become full of the divine nature. Our intelligent mentality is to become a play of the divine knowledge-will, our mental soul-life a play of the divine love and delight, our vitality a play of the divine life, our physical being a mould of the divine substance. This God-action in us is to be realised by an opening of ourselves to the divine gnosis and divine Ananda and, in its fullness, by an ascent into and a permanent dwelling in the gnosis and the Ananda. For though we live physically on the material plane and in normal outwardgoing life the mind and soul are preoccupied with material existence, this externality of our being is not a binding limitation. We can raise our internal consciousness from plane to plane of the relations of Purusha with prakriti, and even become, instead of the mental being dominated by the physical soul and nature, the gnostic being or the bliss-self and assume the gnostic or the bliss nature. And by this raising of the inner life we can transform our whole outward-going existence; instead of a life dominated by matter we shall then have a life dominated by spirit with all its circumstances moulded and determined by the purity of being, the consciousness infinite even in the finite, the divine energy, the divine joy and bliss of the spirit.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Yoga of Integral Knowledge, The Higher and the Lower Knowledge [511] [T1],
   Sometimes while reading a text one has ideas, then Sweet Mother, how can one distinguish between the other person's idea and one's own?

Oh! This, this doesn't exist, the other person's idea and one's own idea.
   Nobody has ideas of his own: it is an immensity from which one draws according to his personal affinity; ideas are a collective possession, a collective wealth.
   Only, there are different stages. So there is the most common level, the one where all our brains bathe; this indeed swarms here, it is the level of "Mr. Everybody". And then there is a level that's slightly higher for people who are called thinkers. And then there are higher levels still - many - some of them are beyond words but they are still domains of ideas. And then there are those capable of shooting right up, catching something which is like a light and making it come down with all its stock of ideas, all its stock of thoughts. An idea from a higher domain if pulled down organises itself and is crystallised in a large number of thoughts which can express that idea differently; and then if you are a writer or a poet or an artist, when you make it come lower down still, you can have all kinds of expressions, extremely varied and choice around a single little idea but one coming from very high above. And when you know how to do this, it teaches you to distinguish between the pure idea and the way of expressing it.
   Some people cannot do it in their own head because they have no imagination or faculty for writing, but they can do it through study by reading what others have written. There are, you know, lots of poets, for instance, who have expressed the same idea - the same idea but with such different forms that when one reads many of them it becomes quite interesting to see (for people who love to read and read much). Ah, this idea, that one has said it like this, that other has expressed it like that, another has formulated it in this way, and so on. And so you have a whole stock of expressions which are expressions by different poets of the same single idea up there, above, high above. And you notice that there is an almost essential difference between the pure idea, the typal idea and its formulation in the mental world, even the speculative or artistic mental world. This is a very good thing to do when one loves gymnastics. It is mental gymnastics.
   Well, if you want to be truly intelligent, you must know how to do mental gymnastics; as, you see, if you want really to have a fairly strong body you must know how to do physical gymnastics. It is the same thing. People who have never done mental gymnastics have a poor little brain, quite over-simple, and all their life they think like children. One must know how to do this - not take it seriously, in the sense that one shouldn't have convictions, saying, "This idea is true and that is false; this formulation is correct and that one is not and this religion is the true one and that religion is false", and so on and so forth... this, if you enter into it, you become absolutely stupid.
   But if you can see all that and, for example, take all the religions, one after another and see how they have expressed the same aspiration of the human being for some Absolute, it becomes very interesting; and then you begin... yes, you begin to be able to juggle with all that. And then when you have mastered it all, you can rise above it and look at all the eternal human discussions with a smile. So there you are master of the thought and can no longer fly into a rage because someone else does not think as you, something that's unfortunately a very common malady here.
   Now, there we are. Nobody has any questions, no?
   That's enough? Finished! ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1955,
I had a dream, which was not all a dream.
The bright sun was extinguish'd, and the stars
Did wander darkling in the eternal space,
Rayless, and pathless, and the icy earth
Swung blind and blackening in the moonless air;
Morn came and went-and came, and brought no day,
And men forgot their passions in the dread
Of this their desolation; and all hearts
Were chill'd into a selfish prayer for light:
And they did live by watchfires-and the thrones,
The palaces of crowned kings-the huts,
The habitations of all things which dwell,
Were burnt for beacons; cities were consum'd,
And men were gather'd round their blazing homes
To look once more into each other's face;
Happy were those who dwelt within the eye
Of the volcanos, and their mountain-torch:
A fearful hope was all the world contain'd;
Forests were set on fire-but hour by hour
They fell and faded-and the crackling trunks
Extinguish'd with a crash-and all was black.
The brows of men by the despairing light
Wore an unearthly aspect, as by fits
The flashes fell upon them; some lay down
And hid their eyes and wept; and some did rest
Their chins upon their clenched hands, and smil'd;
And others hurried to and fro, and fed
Their funeral piles with fuel, and look'd up
With mad disquietude on the dull sky,
The pall of a past world; and then again
With curses cast them down upon the dust,
And gnash'd their teeth and howl'd: the wild birds shriek'd
And, terrified, did flutter on the ground,
And flap their useless wings; the wildest brutes
Came tame and tremulous; and vipers crawl'd
And twin'd themselves among the multitude,
Hissing, but stingless-they were slain for food.
And War, which for a moment was no more,
Did glut himself again: a meal was bought
With blood, and each sate sullenly apart
Gorging himself in gloom: no love was left;
All earth was but one thought-and that was death
Immediate and inglorious; and the pang
Of famine fed upon all entrails-men
Died, and their bones were tombless as their flesh;
The meagre by the meagre were devour'd,
Even dogs assail'd their masters, all save one,
And he was faithful to a corse, and kept
The birds and beasts and famish'd men at bay,
Till hunger clung them, or the dropping dead
Lur'd their lank jaws; himself sought out no food,
But with a piteous and perpetual moan,
And a quick desolate cry, licking the hand
Which answer'd not with a caress-he died.
The crowd was famish'd by degrees; but two
Of an enormous city did survive,
And they were enemies: they met beside
The dying embers of an altar-place
Where had been heap'd a mass of holy things
For an unholy usage; they rak'd up,
And shivering scrap'd with their cold skeleton hands
The feeble ashes, and their feeble breath
Blew for a little life, and made a flame
Which was a mockery; then they lifted up
Their eyes as it grew lighter, and beheld
Each other's aspects-saw, and shriek'd, and died-
Even of their mutual hideousness they died,
Unknowing who he was upon whose brow
Famine had written Fiend. The world was void,
The populous and the powerful was a lump,
Seasonless, herbless, treeless, manless, lifeless-
A lump of death-a chaos of hard clay.
The rivers, lakes and ocean all stood still,
And nothing stirr'd within their silent depths;
Ships sailorless lay rotting on the sea,
And their masts fell down piecemeal: as they dropp'd
They slept on the abyss without a surge-
The waves were dead; the tides were in their grave,
The moon, their mistress, had expir'd before;
The winds were wither'd in the stagnant air,
And the clouds perish'd; Darkness had no need
Of aid from them-She was the Universe.
~ George Gordon Byron,
   As an inner equality increases and with it the sense of the true vital being waiting for the greater direction it has to serve, as the psychic call too increases in all the members of our nature, That to which the call is addressed begins to reveal itself, descends to take possession of the life and its energies and fills them with the height, intimacy, vastness of its presence and its purpose. In many, if not most, it manifests something of itself even before the equality and the open psychic urge or guidance are there. A call of the veiled psychic element oppressed by the mass of the outer ignorance and crying for deliverance, a stress of eager meditation and seeking for knowledge, a longing of the heart, a passionate will ignorant yet but sincere may break the lid that shuts off that Higher from this Lower Nature and open the floodgates. A little of the Divine Person may reveal itself or some Light, Power, Bliss, Love out of the Infinite. This may be a momentary revelation, a flash or a brief-lived gleam that soon withdraws and waits for the preparation of the nature; but also it may repeat itself, grow, endure. A long and large and comprehensive working will then have begun, sometimes luminous or intense, sometimes slow and obscure. A Divine Power comes in front at times and leads and compels or instructs and enlightens; at others it withdraws into the background and seems to leave the being to its own resources. All that is ignorant, obscure, perverted or simply imperfect and inferior in the being is raised up, perhaps brought to its acme, dealt with, corrected, exhausted, shown its own disastrous results, compelled to call for its own cessation or transformation or expelled as worthless or incorrigible from the nature. This cannot be a smooth and even process; alternations there are of day and night, illumination and darkness, calm and construction or battle and upheaval, the presence of the growing Divine Consciousness and its absence, heights of hope and abysses of despair, the clasp of the Beloved and the anguish of its absence, the overwhelming invasion, the compelling deceit, the fierce opposition, the disabling mockery of hostile Powers or the help and comfort and communion of the Gods and the Divine Messengers. A great and long revolution and churning of the ocean of Life with strong emergences of its nectar and its poison is enforced till all is ready and the increasing Descent finds a being, a nature prepared and conditioned for its complete rule and its all-encompassing presence. But if the equality and the psychic light and will are already there, then this process, though it cannot be dispensed with, can still be much lightened and facilitated: it will be rid of its worst dangers; an inner calm, happiness, confidence will support the steps through all the difficulties and trials of the transformation and the growing Force profiting by the full assent of the nature will rapidly diminish and eliminate the power of the opposing forces. A sure guidance and protection will be present throughout, sometimes standing in front, sometimes working behind the veil, and the power of the end will be already there even in the beginning and in the long middle stages of the great endeavour. For at all times the seeker will be aware of the Divine Guide and Protector or the working of the supreme Mother-Force; he will know that all is done for the best, the progress assured, the victory inevitable. In either case the process is the same and unavoidable, a taking up of the whole nature, of the whole life, of the internal and of the external, to reveal and handle and transform its forces and their movements under the pressure of a diviner Life from above, until all here has been possessed by greater spiritual powers and made an instrumentation of a spiritual action and a divine purpose. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Ascent of the Sacrifice - 2, 179,
1474:The perfect supramental action will not follow any single principle or limited rule.It is not likely to satisfy the standard either of the individual egoist or of any organised group-mind. It will conform to the demand neither of the positive practical man of the world nor of the formal moralist nor of the patriot nor of the sentimental philanthropist nor of the idealising philosopher. It will proceed by a spontaneous outflowing from the summits in the totality of an illumined and uplifted being, will and knowledge and not by the selected, calculated and standardised action which is all that the intellectual reason or ethical will can achieve. Its sole aim will be the expression of the divine in us and the keeping together of the world and its progress towards the Manifestation that is to be. This even will not be so much an aim and purpose as a spontaneous law of the being and an intuitive determination of the action by the Light of the divine Truth and its automatic influence. It will proceed like the action of Nature from a total will and knowledge behind her, but a will and knowledge enlightened in a conscious supreme Nature and no longer obscure in this ignorant Prakriti. It will be an action not bound by the dualities but full and large in the spirit's impartial joy of existence. The happy and inspired movement of a divine Power and Wisdom guiding and impelling us will replace the perplexities and stumblings of the suffering and ignorant ego.
   If by some miracle of divine intervention all mankind at once could be raised to this level, we should have something on earth like the Golden Age of the traditions, Satya Yuga, the Age of Truth or true existence. For the sign of the Satya Yuga is that the Law is spontaneous and conscious in each creature and does its own works in a perfect harmony and freedom. Unity and universality, not separative division, would be the foundation of the consciousness of the race; love would be absolute; equality would be consistent with hierarchy and perfect in difference; absolute justice would be secured by the spontaneous action of the being in harmony with the truth of things and the truth of himself and others and therefore sure of true and right result; right reason, no longer mental but supramental, would be satisfied not by the observation of artificial standards but by the free automatic perception of right relations and their inevitable execution in the act. The quarrel between the individual and society or disastrous struggle between one community and another could not exist: the cosmic consciousness imbedded in embodied beings would assure a harmonious diversity in oneness.
   In the actual state of humanity, it is the individual who must climb to this height as a pioneer and precursor. His isolation will necessarily give a determination and a form to his outward activities that must be quite other than those of a consciously divine collective action. The inner state, the root of his acts, will be the same; but the acts themselves may well be very different from what they would be on an earth liberated from ignorance. Nevertheless his consciousness and the divine mechanism of his conduct, if such a word can be used of so free a thing, would be such as has been described, free from that subjection to vital impurity and desire and wrong impulse which we call sin, unbound by that rule of prescribed moral formulas which we call virtue, spontaneously sure and pure and perfect in a greater consciousness than the mind's, governed in all its steps by the light and truth of the Spirit. But if a collectivity or group could be formed of those who had reached the supramental perfection, there indeed some divine creation could take shape; a new earth could descend that would be a new heaven, a world of supramental light could be created here amidst the receding darkness of this terrestrial ignorance. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Standards of Conduct and Spiritual Freedom, 206,
   The Chonyid is the period of the appearance of the peaceful and wrathful deities-that is to say, the subtle realm, the Sambhogakaya. When the Clear Light of the causal realm is resisted and contracted against, then that Reality is transformed into the primordial seed forms of the peaceful deities (ishtadevas of the subtle sphere), and these in turn, if resisted and denied, are transformed into the wrathful deities.
   The peaceful deities appear first: through seven successive substages, there appear various forms of the tathagatas, dakinis, and vidyadharas, all accompanied by the most dazzlingly brilliant colors and aweinspiring suprahuman sounds. One after another, the divine visions, lights, and subtle luminous sounds cascade through awareness. They are presented, given, to the individual openly, freely, fully, and completely: visions of God in almost painful intensity and brilliance.
   How the individual handles these divine visions and sounds (nada) is of the utmost significance, because each divine scenario is accompanied by a much less intense vision, by a region of relative dullness and blunted illuminations. These concomitant dull and blunted visions represent the first glimmerings of the world of samsara, of the six realms of egoic grasping, of the dim world of duality and fragmentation and primitive forms of low-level unity.
   According to the Thotrol. most individuals simply recoil in the face of these divine illuminations- they contract into less intense and more manageable forms of experience. Fleeing divine illumination, they glide towards the fragmented-and thus less intense-realm of duality and multiplicity. But it's not just that they recoil against divinity-it is that they are attracted to the lower realms, drawn to them, and find satisfaction in them. The Thotrol says they are actually "attracted to the impure lights." As we have put it, these lower realms are substitute gratifications. The individual thinks that they are just what he wants, these lower realms of denseness. But just because these realms are indeed dimmer and less intense, they eventually prove to be worlds without bliss, without illumination, shot through with pain and suffering. How ironic: as a substitute for God, individuals create and latch onto Hell, known as samsara, maya, dismay. In Christian theology it is said that the flames of Hell are God's love (Agape) denied.
   Thus the message is repeated over and over again in the Chonyid stage: abide in the lights of the Five Wisdoms and subtle tathagatas, look not at the duller lights of samsara. of the six realms, of safe illusions and egoic dullness. As but one example:
   Thereupon, because of the power of bad karma, the glorious blue light of the Wisdom of the Dharmadhatu will produce in thee fear and terror, and thou wilt wish to flee from it. Thou wilt begat a fondness for the dull white light of the devas [one of the lower realms].
   At this stage, thou must not be awed by the divine blue light which will appear shining, dazzling, and glorious; and be not startled by it. That is the light of the Tathagata called the Light of the Wisdom of the Dharmadhatu.
   Be not fond of the dull white light of the devas. Be not attached to it; be not weak. If thou be attached to it, thou wilt wander into the abodes of the devas and be drawn into the whirl of the Six Lokas.
   The point is this: ''If thou are frightened by the pure radiances of Wisdom and attracted by the impure lights of the Six Lokas [lower realms], then thou wilt assume a body in any of the Six Lokas and suffer samsaric miseries; and thou wilt never be emancipated from the Ocean of Samsara, wherein thou wilt be whirled round and round and made to taste the sufferings thereof."
   But here is what is happening: in effect, we are seeing the primal and original form of the Atman project in its negative and contracting aspects. In this second stage (the Chonyid), there is already some sort of boundary in awareness, there is already some sort of subject-object duality superimposed upon the original Wholeness and Oneness of the Chikhai Dharmakaya. So now there is boundary-and wherever there is boundary, there is the Atman project. ~ Ken Wilber, The Atman Project, 129,
1476:I have never been able to share your constantly recurring doubts about your capacity or the despair that arises in you so violently when there are these attacks, nor is their persistent recurrence a valid ground for believing that they can never be overcome. Such a persistent recurrence has been a feature in the sadhana of many who have finally emerged and reached the goal; even the sadhana of very great Yogis has not been exempt from such violent and constant recurrences; they have sometimes been special objects of such persistent assaults, as I have indeed indicated in Savitri in more places than one - and that was indeed founded on my own experience. In the nature of these recurrences there is usually a constant return of the same adverse experiences, the same adverse resistance, thoughts destructive of all belief and faith and confidence in the future of the sadhana, frustrating doubts of what one has known as the truth, voices of despondency and despair, urgings to abandonment of the Yoga or to suicide or else other disastrous counsels of déchéance. The course taken by the attacks is not indeed the same for all, but still they have strong family resemblance. One can eventually overcome if one begins to realise the nature and source of these assaults and acquires the faculty of observing them, bearing, without being involved or absorbed into their gulf, finally becoming the witness of their phenomena and understanding them and refusing the mind's sanction even when the vital is still tossed in the whirl or the most outward physical mind still reflects the adverse suggestions. In the end these attacks lose their power and fall away from the nature; the recurrence becomes feeble or has no power to last: even, if the detachment is strong enough, they can be cut out very soon or at once. The strongest attitude to take is to regard these things as what they really are, incursions of dark forces from outside taking advantage of certain openings in the physical mind or the vital part, but not a real part of oneself or spontaneous creation in one's own nature. To create a confusion and darkness in the physical mind and throw into it or awake in it mistaken ideas, dark thoughts, false impressions is a favourite method of these assailants, and if they can get the support of this mind from over-confidence in its own correctness or the natural rightness of its impressions and inferences, then they can have a field day until the true mind reasserts itself and blows the clouds away. Another device of theirs is to awake some hurt or rankling sense of grievance in the lower vital parts and keep them hurt or rankling as long as possible. In that case one has to discover these openings in one's nature and learn to close them permanently to such attacks or else to throw out intruders at once or as soon as possible. The recurrence is no proof of a fundamental incapacity; if one takes the right inner attitude, it can and will be overcome. The idea of suicide ought never to be accepted; there is no real ground for it and in any case it cannot be a remedy or a real escape: at most it can only be postponement of difficulties and the necessity for their solution under no better circumstances in another life. One must have faith in the Master of our life and works, even if for a long time he conceals himself, and then in his own right time he will reveal his Presence.
   I have tried to dispel all the misconceptions, explain things as they are and meet all the points at issue. It is not that you really cannot make progress or have not made any progress; on the contrary, you yourself have admitted that you have made a good advance in many directions and there is no reason why, if you persevere, the rest should not come. You have always believed in the Guruvada: I would ask you then to put your faith in the Guru and the guidance and rely on the Ishwara for the fulfilment, to have faith in my abiding love and affection, in the affection and divine goodwill and loving kindness of the Mother, stand firm against all attacks and go forward perseveringly towards the spiritual goal and the all-fulfilling and all-satisfying touch of the All-Blissful, the Ishwara.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - IV,
1477:All Yoga is a turning of the human mind and the human soul, not yet divine in realisation, but feeling the divine impulse and attraction in it, towards that by which it finds its greater being. Emotionally, the first form which this turning takes must be that of adoration. In ordinary religion this adoration wears the form of external worship and that again develops a most external form of ceremonial worship. This element is ordinarily necessary because the mass of men live in their physical minds, cannot realise anything except by the force of a physical symbol and cannot feel that they are living anything except by the force of a physical action. We might apply here the Tantric gradation of sadhana, which makes the way of the pasu, the herd, the animal or physical being, the lowest stage of its discipline, and say that the purely or predominantly ceremonial adoration is the first step of this lowest part of the way. It is evident that even real religion, - and Yoga is something more than religion, - only begins when this quite outward worship corresponds to something really felt within the mind, some genuine submission, awe or spiritual aspiration, to which it becomes an aid, an outward expression and also a sort of periodical or constant reminder helping to draw back the mind to it from the preoccupations of ordinary life. But so long as it is only an idea of the Godhead to which one renders reverence or homage, we have not yet got to the beginning of Yoga. The aim of Yoga being union, its beginning must always be a seeking after the Divine, a longing after some kind of touch, closeness or possession. When this comes on us, the adoration becomes always primarily an inner worship; we begin to make ourselves a temple of the Divine, our thoughts and feelings a constant prayer of aspiration and seeking, our whole life an external service and worship. It is as this change, this new soul-tendency grows, that the religion of the devotee becomes a Yoga, a growing contact and union. It does not follow that the outward worship will necessarily be dispensed with, but it will increasingly become only a physical expression or outflowing of the inner devotion and adoration, the wave of the soul throwing itself out in speech and symbolic act.
   Adoration, before it turns into an element of the deeper Yoga of devotion, a petal of the flower of love, its homage and self-uplifting to its sun, must bring with it, if it is profound, an increasing consecration of the being to the Divine who is adored. And one element of this consecration must be a self-purifying so as to become fit for the divine contact, or for the entrance of the Divine into the temple of our inner being, or for his selfrevelation in the shrine of the heart. This purifying may be ethical in its character, but it will not be merely the moralist's seeking for the right and blameless action or even, when once we reach the stage of Yoga, an obedience to the law of God as revealed in formal religion; but it will be a throwing away, katharsis, of all that conflicts whether with the idea of the Divine in himself or of the Divine in ourselves. In the former case it becomes in habit of feeling and outer act an imitation of the Divine, in the latter a growing into his likeness in our nature. What inner adoration is to ceremonial worship, this growing into the divine likeness is to the outward ethical life. It culminates in a sort of liberation by likeness to the Divine,1 a liberation from our lower nature and a change into the divine nature.
   Consecration becomes in its fullness a devoting of all our being to the Divine; therefore also of all our thoughts and our works. Here the Yoga takes into itself the essential elements of the Yoga of works and the Yoga of knowledge, but in its own manner and with its own peculiar spirit. It is a sacrifice of life and works to the Divine, but a sacrifice of love more than a tuning of the will to the divine Will. The bhakta offers up his life and all that he is and all that he has and all that he does to the Divine. This surrender may take the ascetic form, as when he leaves the ordinary life of men and devotes his days solely to prayer ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Way of Devotion, 571 [T1],
1478:To arrive then at this settled divine status must be the object of our concentration. The first step in concentration must be always to accustom the discursive mind to a settled unwavering pursuit of a single course of connected thought on a single subject and this it must do undistracted by all lures and alien calls on its attention. Such concentration is common enough in our ordinary life, but it becomes more difficult when we have to do it inwardly without any outward object or action on which to keep the mind; yet this inward concentration is what the seeker of knowledge must effect. Nor must it be merely the consecutive thought of the intellectual thinker, whose only object is to conceive and intellectually link together his conceptions. It is not, except perhaps at first, a process of reasoning that is wanted so much as a dwelling so far as possible on the fruitful essence of the idea which by the insistence of the soul's will upon it must yield up all the facets of its truth. Thus if it be the divine Love that is the subject of concentration, it is on the essence of the idea of God as Love that the mind should concentrate in such a way that the various manifestation of the divine Love should arise luminously, not only to the thought, but in the heart and being and vision of the Sadhaka. The thought may come first and the experience afterwards, but equally the experience may come first and the knowledge arise out of the experience. Afterwards the thing attained has to be dwelt on and more and more held till it becomes a constant experience and finally the Dharma or law of the being.
   This is the process of concentrated meditation; but a more strenuous method is the fixing of the whole mind in concentration on the essence of the idea only, so as to reach not the thought-knowledge or the psychological experience of the subject, but the very essence of the thing behind the idea. In this process thought ceases and passes into the absorbed or ecstatic contemplation of the object or by a merging into it m an inner Samadhi. If this be the process followed, then subsequently the state into which we rise must still be called down to take possession of the lower being, to shed its light, power and bliss on our ordinary consciousness. For otherwise we may possess it, as many do, in the elevated condition or in the inward Samadhi, but we shall lose our hold of it when we awake or descend into the contacts of the world; and this truncated possession is not the aim of an integral Yoga.
   A third process is neither at first to concentrate in a strenuous meditation on the one subject nor in a strenuous contemplation of the one object of thought-vision, but first to still the mind altogether. This may be done by various ways; one is to stand back from the mental action altogether not participating in but simply watching it until, tired of its unsanctioned leaping and running, it falls into an increasing and finally an absolute quiet. Another is to reject the thought-suggestions, to cast them away from the mind whenever they come and firmly hold to the peace of the being which really and always exists behind the trouble and riot of the mind. When this secret peace is unveiled, a great calm settles on the being and there comes usually with it the perception and experience of the all-pervading silent Brahman, everything else at first seeming to be mere form and eidolon. On the basis of this calm everything else may be built up in the knowledge and experience no longer of the external phenomena of things but of the deeper truth of the divine manifestation.
   Ordinarily, once this state is obtained, strenuous concentration will be found no longer necessary. A free concentration of will using thought merely for suggestion and the giving of light to the lower members will take its place. This Will will then insist on the physical being, the vital existence, the heart and the mind remoulding themselves in the forms of the Divine which reveal themselves out of the silent Brahman. By swifter or slower degrees according to the previous preparation and purification of the members, they will be obliged with more or less struggle to obey the law of the will and its thought-suggestion, so that eventually the knowledge of the Divine takes possession of our consciousness on all its planes and the image of the Divine is formed in our human existence even as it was done by the old Vedic Sadhakas. For the integral Yoga this is the most direct and powerful discipline.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Yoga of Integral Knowledge, Concentration,
1479:Coded Language

Whereas, breakbeats have been the missing link connecting the diasporic community to its drum woven past

Whereas the quantised drum has allowed the whirling mathematicians to calculate the ever changing distance between rock and stardom.

Whereas the velocity of the spinning vinyl, cross-faded, spun backwards, and re-released at the same given moment of recorded history , yet at a different moment in time's continuum has allowed history to catch up with the present.

We do hereby declare reality unkempt by the changing standards of dialogue.

Statements, such as, "keep it real", especially when punctuating or anticipating modes of ultra-violence inflicted psychologically or physically or depicting an unchanging rule of events will hence forth be seen as retro-active and not representative of the individually determined is.

Furthermore, as determined by the collective consciousness of this state of being and the lessened distance between thought patterns and their secular manifestations, the role of men as listening receptacles is to be increased by a number no less than 70 percent of the current enlisted as vocal aggressors.

Motherfuckers better realize, now is the time to self-actualize

We have found evidence that hip hops standard 85 rpm when increased by a number as least half the rate of it's standard or decreased at ¾ of it's speed may be a determining factor in heightening consciousness.

Studies show that when a given norm is changed in the face of the unchanging, the remaining contradictions will parallel the truth.

Equate rhyme with reason, Sun with season

Our cyclical relationship to phenomenon has encouraged scholars to erase the centers of periods, thus symbolizing the non-linear character of cause and effect

Reject mediocrity!

Your current frequencies of understanding outweigh that which as been given for you to understand.

The current standard is the equivalent of an adolescent restricted to the diet of an infant.

The rapidly changing body would acquire dysfunctional and deformative symptoms and could not properly mature on a diet of apple sauce and crushed pears

Light years are interchangeable with years of living in darkness.

The role of darkness is not to be seen as, or equated with, Ignorance, but with the unknown, and the mysteries of the unseen.

Thus, in the name of:


We claim the present as the pre-sent, as the hereafter.

We are unraveling our navels so that we may ingest the sun.

We are not afraid of the darkness, we trust that the moon shall guide us.

We are determining the future at this very moment.

We now know that the heart is the philosophers' stone

Our music is our alchemy

We stand as the manifested equivalent of 3 buckets of water and a hand full of minerals, thus realizing that those very buckets turned upside down supply the percussion factor of forever.

If you must count to keep the beat then count.

Find you mantra and awaken your subconscious.

Curve you circles counterclockwise

Use your cipher to decipher, Coded Language, man made laws.

Climb waterfalls and trees, commune with nature, snakes and bees.

Let your children name themselves and claim themselves as the new day for today we are determined to be the channelers of these changing frequencies into songs, paintings, writings, dance, drama, photography, carpentry, crafts, love, and love.

We enlist every instrument: Acoustic, electronic.

Every so-called race, gender, and sexual preference.

Every per-son as beings of sound to acknowledge their responsibility to uplift the consciousness of the entire fucking World.

Any utterance will be un-aimed, will be disclaimed - two rappers slain

Any utterance will be un-aimed, will be disclaimed - two rappers slain
~ Saul Williams,
   Guru yoga is an essential practice in all schools of Tibetan Buddhism and Bon. This is true in sutra, tantra, and Dzogchen. It develops the heart connection with the masteR By continually strengthening our devotion, we come to the place of pure devotion in ourselves, which is the unshakeable, powerful base of the practice. The essence of guru yoga is to merge the practitioner's mind with the mind of the master.
   What is the true master? It is the formless, fundamental nature of mind, the primordial awareness of the base of everything, but because we exist in dualism, it is helpful for us to visualize this in a form. Doing so makes skillful use of the dualisms of the conceptual mind, to further strengthen devotion and help us stay directed toward practice and the generation of positive qualities.
   In the Bon tradition, we often visualize either Tapihritsa* as the master, or the Buddha ShenlaOdker*, who represents the union of all the masters. If you are already a practitioner, you may have another deity to visualize, like Guru Rinpoche or a yidam or dakini. While it is important to work with a lineage with which you have a connection, you should understand that the master you visualize is the embodiment of all the masters with whom you are connected, all the teachers with whom you have studied, all the deities to whom you have commitments. The master in guru yoga is not just one individual, but the essence of enlightenment, the primordial awareness that is your true nature.
   The master is also the teacher from whom you receive the teachings. In the Tibetan tradition, we say the master is more important than the Buddha. Why? Because the master is the immediate messenger of the teachings, the one who brings the Buddha's wisdom to the student. Without the master we could not find our way to the Buddha. So we should feel as much devotion to the master as we would to the Buddha if the Buddha suddenly appeared in front of us.
   Guru yoga is not just about generating some feeling toward a visualized image. It is done to find the fundamental mind in yourself that is the same as the fundamental mind of all your teachers, and of all the Buddhas and realized beings that have ever lived. When you merge with the guru, you merge with your pristine true nature, which is the real guide and masteR But this should not be an abstract practice. When you do guru yoga, try to feel such intense devotion that the hair stands upon your neck, tears start down your face, and your heart opens and fills with great love. Let yourself merge in union with the guru's mind, which is your enlightened Buddha-nature. This is the way to practice guru yoga.
The Practice
   After the nine breaths, still seated in meditation posture, visualize the master above and in front of you. This should not be a flat, two dimensional picture-let a real being exist there, in three dimensions, made of light, pure, and with a strong presence that affects the feeling in your body,your energy, and your mind. Generate strong devotion and reflect on the great gift of the teachings and the tremendous good fortune you enjoy in having made a connection to them. Offer a sincere prayer, asking that your negativities and obscurations be removed, that your positive qualities develop, and that you accomplish dream yoga.
   Then imagine receiving blessings from the master in the form of three colored lights that stream from his or her three wisdom doors- of body, speech, and mind-into yours. The lights should be transmitted in the following sequence: White light streams from the master's brow chakra into yours, purifying and relaxing your entire body and physical dimension. Then red light streams from the master's throat chakra into yours, purifying and relaxing your energetic dimension. Finally, blue light streams from the master's heart chakra into yours, purifying and relaxing your mind.
   When the lights enter your body, feel them. Let your body, energy, and mind relax, suffused inwisdom light. Use your imagination to make the blessing real in your full experience, in your body and energy as well as in the images in your mind.
   After receiving the blessing, imagine the master dissolving into light that enters your heart and resides there as your innermost essence. Imagine that you dissolve into that light, and remain inpure awareness, rigpa.
   There are more elaborate instructions for guru yoga that can involve prostrations, offerings, gestures, mantras, and more complicated visualizations, but the essence of the practice is mingling your mind with the mind of the master, which is pure, non-dual awareness. Guru yoga can be done any time during the day; the more often the better. Many masters say that of all the practices it is guru yoga that is the most important. It confers the blessings of the lineage and can open and soften the heart and quiet the unruly mind. To completely accomplish guru yoga is to accomplish the path.
   ~ Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, The Tibetan Yogas Of Dream And Sleep, [T3],
1481:Death & Fame

When I die

I don't care what happens to my body throw ashes in the air, scatter 'em in East River bury an urn in Elizabeth New Jersey, B'nai Israel Cemetery

But I want a big funeral St. Patrick's Cathedral, St. Mark's Church, the largest synagogue in Manhattan

First, there's family, brother, nephews, spry aged Edith stepmother 96, Aunt Honey from old Newark,

Doctor Joel, cousin Mindy, brother Gene one eyed one ear'd, sister-in-law blonde Connie, five nephews, stepbrothers & sisters their grandchildren, companion Peter Orlovsky, caretakers Rosenthal & Hale, Bill Morgan--

Next, teacher Trungpa Vajracharya's ghost mind, Gelek Rinpoche, there Sakyong Mipham, Dalai Lama alert, chance visiting America, Satchitananda Swami Shivananda, Dehorahava Baba, Karmapa XVI, Dudjom Rinpoche, Katagiri & Suzuki Roshi's phantoms Baker, Whalen, Daido Loorie, Qwong, Frail White-haired Kapleau Roshis, Lama Tarchen --

Then, most important, lovers over half-century Dozens, a hundred, more, older fellows bald & rich young boys met naked recently in bed, crowds surprised to see each other, innumerable, intimate, exchanging memories

"He taught me to meditate, now I'm an old veteran of the thousandday retreat --"

"I played music on subway platforms, I'm straight but loved him he loved me"

"I felt more love from him at 19 than ever from anyone"

"We'd lie under covers gossip, read my poetry, hug & kiss belly to belly arms round each other"

"I'd always get into his bed with underwear on & by morning my skivvies would be on the floor"

"Japanese, always wanted take it up my bum with a master"

"We'd talk all night about Kerouac & Cassady sit Buddhalike then sleep in his captain's bed."

"He seemed to need so much affection, a shame not to make him happy"

"I was lonely never in bed nude with anyone before, he was so gentle my stomach shuddered when he traced his finger along my abdomen nipple to hips-- "

"All I did was lay back eyes closed, he'd bring me to come with mouth & fingers along my waist"

"He gave great head"

So there be gossip from loves of 1948, ghost of Neal Cassady commin-gling with flesh and youthful blood of 1997 and surprise -- "You too? But I thought you were straight!"

"I am but Ginsberg an exception, for some reason he pleased me."

"I forgot whether I was straight gay queer or funny, was myself, tender and affectionate to be kissed on the top of my head, my forehead throat heart & solar plexus, mid-belly. on my prick, tickled with his tongue my behind"

"I loved the way he'd recite 'But at my back allways hear/ time's winged chariot hurrying near,' heads together, eye to eye, on a pillow --"

Among lovers one handsome youth straggling the rear

"I studied his poetry class, 17 year-old kid, ran some errands to his walk-up flat, seduced me didn't want to, made me come, went home, never saw him again never wanted to... "

"He couldn't get it up but loved me," "A clean old man." "He made sure I came first"

This the crowd most surprised proud at ceremonial place of honor--

Then poets & musicians -- college boys' grunge bands -- age-old rock star Beatles, faithful guitar accompanists, gay classical con-ductors, unknown high Jazz music composers, funky trum-peters, bowed bass & french horn black geniuses, folksinger fiddlers with dobro tamborine harmonica mandolin auto-harp pennywhistles & kazoos

Next, artist Italian romantic realists schooled in mystic 60's India, Late fauve Tuscan painter-poets, Classic draftsman Massa-chusets surreal jackanapes with continental wives, poverty sketchbook gesso oil watercolor masters from American provinces

Then highschool teachers, lonely Irish librarians, delicate biblio-philes, sex liberation troops nay armies, ladies of either sex

"I met him dozens of times he never remembered my name I loved him anyway, true artist"

"Nervous breakdown after menopause, his poetry humor saved me from suicide hospitals"

"Charmant, genius with modest manners, washed sink, dishes my studio guest a week in Budapest"

Thousands of readers, "Howl changed my life in Libertyville Illinois"

"I saw him read Montclair State Teachers College decided be a poet-- "

"He turned me on, I started with garage rock sang my songs in Kansas City"

"Kaddish made me weep for myself & father alive in Nevada City"

"Father Death comforted me when my sister died Boston l982"

"I read what he said in a newsmagazine, blew my mind, realized others like me out there"

Deaf & Dumb bards with hand signing quick brilliant gestures

Then Journalists, editors's secretaries, agents, portraitists & photo-graphy aficionados, rock critics, cultured laborors, cultural historians come to witness the historic funeral Super-fans, poetasters, aging Beatnicks & Deadheads, autograph-hunters, distinguished paparazzi, intelligent gawkers

Everyone knew they were part of 'History" except the deceased who never knew exactly what was happening even when I was alive
February 22, 1997
~ Allen Ginsberg,
1482:Chapter LXXXII: Epistola Penultima: The Two Ways to Reality
Cara Soror,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

How very sensible of you, though I admit somewhat exacting!

You write-Will you tell me exactly why I should devote so much of my valuable time to subjects like Magick and Yoga.

That is all very well. But you ask me to put it in syllogistic form. I have no doubt this can be done, though the task seems somewhat complicated. I think I will leave it to you to construct your series of syllogisms yourself from the arguments of this letter.

In your main question the operative word is "valuable. Why, I ask, in my turn, should you consider your time valuable? It certainly is not valuable unless the universe has a meaning, and what is more, unless you know what that meaning is-at least roughly-it is millions to one that you will find yourself barking up the wrong tree.

First of all let us consider this question of the meaning of the universe. It is its own evidence to design, and that design intelligent design. There is no question of any moral significance-"one man's meat is another man's poison" and so on. But there can be no possible doubt about the existence of some kind of intelligence, and that kind is far superior to anything of which we know as human.

How then are we to explore, and finally to interpret this intelligence?

It seems to me that there are two ways and only two. Imagine for a moment that you are an orphan in charge of a guardian, inconceivably learned from your point of view.

Suppose therefore that you are puzzled by some problem suitable to your childish nature, your obvious and most simple way is to approach your guardian and ask him to enlighten you. It is clearly part of his function as guardian to do his best to help you. Very good, that is the first method, and close parallel with what we understand by the word Magick.

We are bothered by some difficulty about one of the elements-say Fire-it is therefore natural to evoke a Salamander to instruct you on the difficult point. But you must remember that your Holy Guardian Angel is not only far more fully instructed than yourself on every point that you can conceive, but you may go so far as to say that it is definitely his work, or part of his work; remembering always that he inhabits a sphere or plane which is entirely different from anything of which you are normally aware.

To attain to the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel is consequently without doubt by far the simplest way by which you can yourself approach that higher order of being.

That, then, is a clearly intelligible method of procedure. We call it Magick.

It is of course possible to strengthen the link between him and yourself so that in course of time you became capable of moving and, generally speaking, operating on that plane which is his natural habitat.

There is however one other way, and one only, as far as I can see, of reaching this state.

It is at least theoretically possible to exalt the whole of your own consciousness until it becomes as free to move on that exalted plane as it is for him. You should note, by the way, that in this case the postulation of another being is not necessary. There is no way of refuting the solipsism if you feel like that. Personally I cannot accede to its axiom. The evidence for an external universe appears to me perfectly adequate.

Still there is no extra charge for thinking on those lines if you so wish.

I have paid a great deal of attention in the course of my life to the method of exalting the human consciousness in this way; and it is really quite legitimate to identify my teaching with that of the Yogis.

I must however point out that in the course of my instruction I have given continual warnings as to the dangers of this line of research. For one thing there is no means of checking your results in the ordinary scientific sense. It is always perfectly easy to find a subjective explanation of any phenomenon; and when one considers that the greatest of all the dangers in any line of research arise from egocentric vanity, I do not think I have exceeded my duty in anything that I have said to deter students from undertaking so dangerous a course as Yoga.

It is, of course, much safer if you are in a position to pursue in the Indian Jungles, provided that your health will stand the climate and also, I must say, unless you have a really sound teacher on whom you can safely rely. But then, if we once introduce a teacher, why not go to the Fountain-head and press towards the Knowledge and conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel?

In any case your Indian teacher will ultimately direct you to seek guidance from that source, so it seems to me that you have gone to a great deal of extra trouble and incurred a great deal of unnecessary danger by not leaving yourself in the first place in the hands of the Holy Guardian Angel.

In any case there are the two methods which stand as alternatives. I do not know of any third one which can be of any use whatever. Logically, since you have asked me to be logical, there is certainly no third way; there is the external way of Magick, and the internal way of Yoga: there you have your alternatives, and there they cease.

Love is the law, love under will.


666 ~ Aleister Crowley, Magick Without Tears,
1483:What are these operations? They are not mere psychological self-analysis and self-observation. Such analysis, such observation are, like the process of right thought, of immense value and practically indispensable. They may even, if rightly pursued, lead to a right thought of considerable power and effectivity. Like intellectual discrimination by the process of meditative thought they will have an effect of purification; they will lead to self-knowledge of a certain kind and to the setting right of the disorders of the soul and the heart and even of the disorders of the understanding. Self-knowledge of all kinds is on the straight path to the knowledge of the real Self. The Upanishad tells us that the Self-existent has so set the doors of the soul that they turn outwards and most men look outward into the appearances of things; only the rare soul that is ripe for a calm thought and steady wisdom turns its eye inward, sees the Self and attains to immortality. To this turning of the eye inward psychological self-observation and analysis is a great and effective introduction.We can look into the inward of ourselves more easily than we can look into the inward of things external to us because there, in things outside us, we are in the first place embarrassed by the form and secondly we have no natural previous experience of that in them which is other than their physical substance. A purified or tranquillised mind may reflect or a powerful concentration may discover God in the world, the Self in Nature even before it is realised in ourselves, but this is rare and difficult. (2) And it is only in ourselves that we can observe and know the process of the Self in its becoming and follow the process by which it draws back into self-being. Therefore the ancient counsel, know thyself, will always stand as the first word that directs us towards the knowledge. Still, psychological self-knowledge is only the experience of the modes of the Self, it is not the realisation of the Self in its pure being.
   The status of knowledge, then, which Yoga envisages is not merely an intellectual conception or clear discrimination of the truth, nor is it an enlightened psychological experience of the modes of our being. It is a "realisation", in the full sense of the word; it is the making real to ourselves and in ourselves of the Self, the transcendent and universal Divine, and it is the subsequent impossibility of viewing the modes of being except in the light of that Self and in their true aspect as its flux of becoming under the psychical and physical conditions of our world-existence. This realisation consists of three successive movements, internal vision, complete internal experience and identity.
   This internal vision, dr.s.t.i, the power so highly valued by the ancient sages, the power which made a man a Rishi or Kavi and no longer a mere thinker, is a sort of light in the soul by which things unseen become as evident and real to it-to the soul and not merely to the intellect-as do things seen to the physical eye. In the physical world there are always two forms of knowledge, the direct and the indirect, pratyaks.a, of that which is present to the eyes, and paroks.a, of that which is remote from and beyond our vision. When the object is beyond our vision, we are necessarily obliged to arrive at an idea of it by inference, imagination, analogy, by hearing the descriptions of others who have seen it or by studying pictorial or other representations of it if these are available. By putting together all these aids we can indeed arrive at a more or less adequate idea or suggestive image of the object, but we do not realise the thing itself; it is not yet to us the grasped reality, but only our conceptual representation of a reality. But once we have seen it with the eyes,-for no other sense is adequate,-we possess, we realise; it is there secure in our satisfied being, part of ourselves in knowledge. Precisely the same rule holds good of psychical things and of he Self. We may hear clear and luminous teachings about the Self from philosophers or teachers or from ancient writings; we may by thought, inference, imagination, analogy or by any other available means attempt to form a mental figure or conception of it; we may hold firmly that conception in our mind and fix it by an entire and exclusive concentration;3 but we have not yet realised it, we have not seen God. It is only when after long and persistent concentration or by other means the veil of the mind is rent or swept aside, only when a flood of light breaks over the awakened mentality, jyotirmaya brahman, and conception gives place to a knowledge-vision in which the Self is as present, real, concrete as a physical object to the physical eye, that we possess in knowledge; for we have seen. After that revelation, whatever fadings of the light, whatever periods of darkness may afflict the soul, it can never irretrievably lose what it has once held. The experience is inevitably renewed and must become more frequent till it is constant; when and how soon depends on the devotion and persistence with which we insist on the path and besiege by our will or our love the hidden Deity.
   (2) And it is only in ourselves that we can observe and know the 2 In one respect, however, it is easier, because in external things we are not so much hampered by the sense of the limited ego as in ourselves; one obstacle to the realisation of God is therefore removed.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Status of Knowledge,
1484:[an Integral conception of the Divine :::
   But on that which as yet we know not how shall we concentrate? And yet we cannot know the Divine unless we have achieved this concentration of our being upon him. A concentration which culminates in a living realisation and the constant sense of the presence of the One in ourselves and in all of which we are aware, is what we mean in Yoga by knowledge and the effort after knowledge. It is not enough to devote ourselves by the reading of Scriptures or by the stress of philosophical reasoning to an intellectual understanding of the Divine; for at the end of our long mental labour we might know all that has been said of the Eternal, possess all that can be thought about the Infinite and yet we might not know him at all. This intellectual preparation can indeed be the first stage in a powerful Yoga, but it is not indispensable : it is not a step which all need or can be called upon to take. Yoga would be impossible, except for a very few, if the intellectual figure of knowledge arrived at by the speculative or meditative Reason were its indispensable condition or a binding preliminary. All that the Light from above asks of us that it may begin its work is a call from the soul and a sufficient point of support in the mind. This support can be reached through an insistent idea of the Divine in the thought, a corresponding will in the dynamic parts, an aspiration, a faith, a need in the heart. Any one of these may lead or predominate, if all cannot move in unison or in an equal rhythm. The idea may be and must in the beginning be inadequate; the aspiration may be narrow and imperfect, the faith poorly illumined or even, as not surely founded on the rock of knowledge, fluctuating, uncertain, easily diminished; often even it may be extinguished and need to be lit again with difficulty like a torch in a windy pass. But if once there is a resolute self-consecration from deep within, if there is an awakening to the soul's call, these inadequate things can be a sufficient instrument for the divine purpose. Therefore the wise have always been unwilling to limit man's avenues towards God; they would not shut against his entry even the narrowest portal, the lowest and darkest postern, the humblest wicket-gate. Any name, any form, any symbol, any offering has been held to be sufficient if there is the consecration along with it; for the Divine knows himself in the heart of the seeker and accepts the sacrifice.
   But still the greater and wider the moving idea-force behind the consecration, the better for the seeker; his attainment is likely to be fuller and more ample. If we are to attempt an integral Yoga, it will be as well to start with an idea of the Divine that is itself integral. There should be an aspiration in the heart wide enough for a realisation without any narrow limits. Not only should we avoid a sectarian religious outlook, but also all onesided philosophical conceptions which try to shut up the Ineffable in a restricting mental formula. The dynamic conception or impelling sense with which our Yoga can best set out would be naturally the idea, the sense of a conscious all-embracing but all-exceeding Infinite. Our uplook must be to a free, all-powerful, perfect and blissful One and Oneness in which all beings move and live and through which all can meet and become one. This Eternal will be at once personal and impersonal in his self-revelation and touch upon the soul. He is personal because he is the conscious Divine, the infinite Person who casts some broken reflection of himself in the myriad divine and undivine personalities of the universe. He is impersonal because he appears to us as an infinite Existence, Consciousness and Ananda and because he is the fount, base and constituent of all existences and all energies, -the very material of our being and mind and life and body, our spirit and our matter. The thought, concentrating on him, must not merely understand in an intellectual form that he exists, or conceive of him as an abstraction, a logical necessity; it must become a seeing thought able to meet him here as the Inhabitant in all, realise him in ourselves, watch and take hold on the movement of his forces. He is the one Existence: he is the original and universal Delight that constitutes all things and exceeds them: he is the one infinite Consciousness that composes all consciousnesses and informs all their movements; he is the one illimitable Being who sustains all action and experience; his will guides the evolution of things towards their yet unrealised but inevitable aim and plenitude. To him the heart can consecrate itself, approach him as the supreme Beloved, beat and move in him as in a universal sweetness of Love and a living sea of Delight. For his is the secret Joy that supports the soul in all its experiences and maintains even the errant ego in its ordeals and struggles till all sorrow and suffering shall cease. His is the Love and the Bliss of the infinite divine Lover who is drawing all things by their own path towards his happy oneness. On him the Will can unalterably fix as the invisible Power that guides and fulfils it and as the source of its strength. In the impersonality this actuating Power is a self-illumined Force that contains all results and calmly works until it accomplishes, in the personality an all wise and omnipotent Master of the Yoga whom nothing can prevent from leading it to its goal. This is the faith with which the seeker has to begin his seeking and endeavour; for in all his effort here, but most of all in his effort towards the Unseen, mental man must perforce proceed by faith. When the realisation comes, the faith divinely fulfilled and completed will be transformed into an eternal flame of knowledge.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Self-Consecration, 82-83 [T1],
1485:To what gods shall the sacrifice be offered? Who shall be invoked to manifest and protect in the human being this increasing godhead?

Agni first, for without him the sacrificial flame cannot burn on the altar of the soul. That flame of Agni is the seven-tongued power of the Will, a Force of God instinct with Knowledge. This conscious and forceful will is the immortal guest in our mortality, a pure priest and a divine worker, the mediator between earth and heaven. It carries what we offer to the higher Powers and brings back in return their force and light and joy into our humanity.

Indra, the Puissant next, who is the power of pure Existence self-manifested as the Divine Mind. As Agni is one pole of Force instinct with knowledge that sends its current upward from earth to heaven, so Indra is the other pole of Light instinct with force which descends from heaven to earth. He comes down into our world as the Hero with the shining horses and slays darkness and division with his lightnings, pours down the life-giving heavenly waters, finds in the trace of the hound, Intuition, the lost or hidden illuminations, makes the Sun of Truth mount high in the heaven of our mentality.

Surya, the Sun, is the master of that supreme Truth, - truth of being, truth of knowledge, truth of process and act and movement and functioning. He is therefore the creator or rather the manifester of all things - for creation is out-bringing, expression by the Truth and Will - and the father, fosterer, enlightener of our souls. The illuminations we seek are the herds of this Sun who comes to us in the track of the divine Dawn and releases and reveals in us night-hidden world after world up to the highest Beatitude.

Of that beatitude Soma is the representative deity. The wine of his ecstasy is concealed in the growths of earth, in the waters of existence; even here in our physical being are his immortalising juices and they have to be pressed out and offered to all the gods; for in that strength these shall increase and conquer.

Each of these primary deities has others associated with him who fulfil functions that arise from his own. For if the truth of Surya is to be established firmly in our mortal nature, there are previous conditions that are indispensable; a vast purity and clear wideness destructive of all sin and crooked falsehood, - and this is Varuna; a luminous power of love and comprehension leading and forming into harmony all our thoughts, acts and impulses, - this is Mitra; an immortal puissance of clear-discerning aspiration and endeavour, - this is Aryaman; a happy spontaneity of the right enjoyment of all things dispelling the evil dream of sin and error and suffering, - this is Bhaga. These four are powers of the Truth of Surya. For the whole bliss of Soma to be established perfectly in our nature a happy and enlightened and unmaimed condition of mind, vitality and body are necessary. This condition is given to us by the twin Ashwins; wedded to the daughter of Light, drinkers of honey, bringers of perfect satisfactions, healers of maim and malady they occupy our parts of knowledge and parts of action and prepare our mental, vital and physical being for an easy and victorious ascension.

Indra, the Divine Mind, as the shaper of mental forms has for his assistants, his artisans, the Ribhus, human powers who by the work of sacrifice and their brilliant ascension to the high dwelling-place of the Sun have attained to immortality and help mankind to repeat their achievement. They shape by the mind Indra's horses, the chariot of the Ashwins, the weapons of the Gods, all the means of the journey and the battle. But as giver of the Light of Truth and as Vritra-slayer Indra is aided by the Maruts, who are powers of will and nervous or vital Force that have attained to the light of thought and the voice of self-expression. They are behind all thought and speech as its impellers and they battle towards the Light, Truth and Bliss of the supreme Consciousness.

There are also female energies; for the Deva is both Male and Female and the gods also are either activising souls or passively executive and methodising energies. Aditi, infinite Mother of the Gods, comes first; and there are besides five powers of the Truthconsciousness, - Mahi or Bharati, the vast Word that brings us all things out of the divine source; Ila, the strong primal word of the Truth who gives us its active vision; Saraswati, its streaming current and the word of its inspiration; Sarama, the Intuition, hound of heaven who descends into the cavern of the subconscient and finds there the concealed illuminations; Dakshina, whose function is to discern rightly, dispose the action and the offering and distribute in the sacrifice to each godhead its portion. Each god, too, has his female energy.

All this action and struggle and ascension is supported by Heaven our Father and Earth our Mother Parents of the Gods, who sustain respectively the purely mental and psychic and the physical consciousness. Their large and free scope is the condition of our achievement. Vayu, master of life, links them together by the mid-air, the region of vital force. And there are other deities, - Parjanya, giver of the rain of heaven; Dadhikravan, the divine war-horse, a power of Agni; the mystic Dragon of the Foundations; Trita Aptya who on the third plane of existence consummates our triple being; and more besides.

The development of all these godheads is necessary to our perfection. And that perfection must be attained on all our levels, - in the wideness of earth, our physical being and consciousness; in the full force of vital speed and action and enjoyment and nervous vibration, typified as the Horse which must be brought forward to upbear our endeavour; in the perfect gladness of the heart of emotion and a brilliant heat and clarity of the mind throughout our intellectual and psychical being; in the coming of the supramental Light, the Dawn and the Sun and the shining Mother of the herds, to transform all our existence; for so comes to us the possession of the Truth, by the Truth the admirable surge of the Bliss, in the Bliss infinite Consciousness of absolute being. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Hymns to the Mystic Fire, The Doctrine of the Mystics,
1486:This, in short, is the demand made on us, that we should turn our whole life into a conscious sacrifice. Every moment and every movement of our being is to be resolved into a continuous and a devoted self-giving to the Eternal. All our actions, not less the smallest and most ordinary and trifling than the greatest and most uncommon and noble, must be performed as consecrated acts. Our individualised nature must live in the single consciousness of an inner and outer movement dedicated to Something that is beyond us and greater than our ego. No matter what the gift or to whom it is presented by us, there must be a consciousness in the act that we are presenting it to the one divine Being in all beings. Our commonest or most grossly material actions must assume this sublimated character; when we eat, we should be conscious that we are giving our food to that Presence in us; it must be a sacred offering in a temple and the sense of a mere physical need or self-gratification must pass away from us. In any great labour, in any high discipline, in any difficult or noble enterprise, whether undertaken for ourselves, for others or for the race, it will no longer be possible to stop short at the idea of the race, of ourselves or of others. The thing we are doing must be consciously offered as a sacrifice of works, not to these, but either through them or directly to the One Godhead; the Divine Inhabitant who was hidden by these figures must be no longer hidden but ever present to our soul, our mind, our sense. The workings and results of our acts must be put in the hands of that One in the feeling that that Presence is the Infinite and Most High by whom alone our labour and our aspiration are possible. For in his being all takes place; for him all labour and aspiration are taken from us by Nature and offered on his altar. Even in those things in which Nature is herself very plainly the worker and we only the witnesses of her working and its containers and supporters, there should be the same constant memory and insistent consciousness of a work and of its divine Master. Our very inspiration and respiration, our very heart-beats can and must be made conscious in us as the living rhythm of the universal sacrifice.
   It is clear that a conception of this kind and its effective practice must carry in them three results that are of a central importance for our spiritual ideal. It is evident, to begin with, that, even if such a discipline is begun without devotion, it leads straight and inevitably towards the highest devotion possible; for it must deepen naturally into the completest adoration imaginable, the most profound God-love. There is bound up with it a growing sense of the Divine in all things, a deepening communion with the Divine in all our thought, will and action and at every moment of our lives, a more and more moved consecration to the Divine of the totality of our being. Now these implications of the Yoga of works are also of the very essence of an integral and absolute Bhakti. The seeker who puts them into living practice makes in himself continually a constant, active and effective representation of the very spirit of self-devotion, and it is inevitable that out of it there should emerge the most engrossing worship of the Highest to whom is given this service. An absorbing love for the Divine Presence to whom he feels an always more intimate closeness, grows upon the consecrated worker. And with it is born or in it is contained a universal love too for all these beings, living forms and creatures that are habitations of the Divine - not the brief restless grasping emotions of division, but the settled selfless love that is the deeper vibration of oneness. In all the seeker begins to meet the one Object of his adoration and service. The way of works turns by this road of sacrifice to meet the path of Devotion; it can be itself a devotion as complete, as absorbing, as integral as any the desire of the heart can ask for or the passion of the mind can imagine.
   Next, the practice of this Yoga demands a constant inward remembrance of the one central liberating knowledge, and a constant active externalising of it in works comes in too to intensify the remembrance. In all is the one Self, the one Divine is all; all are in the Divine, all are the Divine and there is nothing else in the universe, - this thought or this faith is the whole background until it becomes the whole substance of the consciousness of the worker. A memory, a self-dynamising meditation of this kind, must and does in its end turn into a profound and uninterrupted vision and a vivid and all-embracing consciousness of that which we so powerfully remember or on which we so constantly meditate. For it compels a constant reference at each moment to the Origin of all being and will and action and there is at once an embracing and exceeding of all particular forms and appearances in That which is their cause and upholder. This way cannot go to its end without a seeing vivid and vital, as concrete in its way as physical sight, of the works of the universal Spirit everywhere. On its summits it rises into a constant living and thinking and willing and acting in the presence of the Supramental, the Transcendent. Whatever we see and hear, whatever we touch and sense, all of which we are conscious, has to be known and felt by us as That which we worship and serve; all has to be turned into an image of the Divinity, perceived as a dwelling-place of his Godhead, enveloped with the eternal Omnipresence. In its close, if not long before it, this way of works turns by communion with the Divine Presence, Will and Force into a way of Knowledge more complete and integral than any the mere creature intelligence can construct or the search of the intellect can discover.
   Lastly, the practice of this Yoga of sacrifice compels us to renounce all the inner supports of egoism, casting them out of our mind and will and actions, and to eliminate its seed, its presence, its influence out of our nature. All must be done for the Divine; all must be directed towards the Divine. Nothing must be attempted for ourselves as a separate existence; nothing done for others, whether neighbours, friends, family, country or mankind or other creatures merely because they are connected with our personal life and thought and sentiment or because the ego takes a preferential interest in their welfare. In this way of doing and seeing all works and all life become only a daily dynamic worship and service of the Divine in the unbounded temple of his own vast cosmic existence. Life becomes more and more the sacrifice of the eternal in the individual constantly self-offered to the eternal Transcendence. It is offered in the wide sacrificial ground of the field of the eternal cosmic Spirit; and the Force too that offers it is the eternal Force, the omnipresent Mother. Therefore is this way a way of union and communion by acts and by the spirit and knowledge in the act as complete and integral as any our Godward will can hope for or our soul's strength execute.
   It has all the power of a way of works integral and absolute, but because of its law of sacrifice and self-giving to the Divine Self and Master, it is accompanied on its one side by the whole power of the path of Love and on the other by the whole power of the path of Knowledge. At its end all these three divine Powers work together, fused, united, completed, perfected by each other.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Yoga of Divine Works, The Sacrifice, the Triune Path and the Lord of the Sacrifice [111-114],
   The whole question.

The whole question? And now, do you understand?... Not quite? I told you that you did not understand because it was muddled up; in one question three different ideas were included. So naturally it created a confusion. But taken separately they are what I explained to you just now, most probably; that is to say, one has this altogether ignorant and obliterated consciousness and is convinced that he is the cause and effect, the origin and result of himself, separate from all others, separate with a limited power to act upon others and a little greater capacity to be set in movement by others or to react to others' influence. That is how people think usually, something like that, isn't that so? How do you feel, you? What effect do you have upon yourself? And you? And you?... You have never thought about it? You have never looked into yourself to see what effect you exercise upon yourself? Never thought over it? No? How do you feel? Nobody will tell me? Come, you tell me that. Never tried to understand how you feel? Yes? No? How strange! Never sought to understand how, for example, decisions take place in you? From where do they come? What makes you decide one thing rather than another? And what is the relation between a decision of yours and your action? And to what extent do you have the freedom of choice between one thing and another? And how far do you feel you are able to, you are free to do this or that or that other or nothing at all?... You have pondered over that? Yes? Is there any one among the students who has thought over it? No? Nobody put the question to himself? You? You?...

Even if one thinks over it, perhaps one is not able to answer!

One cannot explain?


It is difficult to explain? Even this simple little thing, to see where in your consciousness the wills that come from outside meet your will (which you call yours, which comes from within), at what place the two join together and to what extent the one from outside acts upon that from within and the one from within acts upon that from outside? You have never tried to find this out? It has never seemed to you unbearable that a will from outside should have an action upon your will? No?

I do not know.

Oh! I am putting very difficult problems! But, my children, I was preoccupied with that when I was a child of five!... So I thought you must have been preoccupied with it since a long time. In oneself, there are contradictory wills. Yes, many. That is one of the very first discoveries. There is one part which wants things this way; and then at another moment, another way, and a third time, one wants still another thing! Besides, there is even this: something that wants and another which says no. So? But it is exactly that which has to be found if you wish in the least to organise yourself. Why not project yourself upon a screen, as in the cinema, and then look at yourself moving on it? How interesting it is!

This is the first step.

You project yourself on the screen and then observe and see all that is moving there and how it moves and what happens. You make a little diagram, it becomes so interesting then. And then, after a while, when you are quite accustomed to seeing, you can go one step further and take a decision. Or even a still greater step: you organise - arrange, take up all that, put each thing in its place, organise in such a way that you begin to have a straight movement with an inner meaning. And then you become conscious of your direction and are able to say: "Very well, it will be thus; my life will develop in that way, because that is the logic of my being. Now, I have arranged all that within me, each thing has been put in its place, and so naturally a central orientation is forming. I am following this orientation. One step more and I know what will happen to me for I myself am deciding it...." I do not know, I am telling you this; to me it seemed terribly interesting, the most interesting thing in the world. There was nothing, no other thing that interested me more than that.

This happened to me.... I was five or six or seven years old (at seven the thing became quite serious) and I had a father who loved the circus, and he came and told me: "Come with me, I am going to the circus on Sunday." I said: "No, I am doing something much more interesting than going to the circus!" Or again, young friends invited me to attend a meeting where we were to play together, enjoy together: "No, I enjoy here much more...." And it was quite sincere. It was not a pose: for me, it was like this, it was true. There was nothing in the world more enjoyable than that.

And I am so convinced that anybody who does it in that way, with the same freshness and sincerity, will obtain most interesting results.... To put all that on a screen in front of yourself and look at what is happening. And the first step is to know all that is happening and then you must not try to shut your eyes when something does not appear pleasant to you! You must keep them wide open and put each thing in that way before the screen. Then you make quite an interesting discovery. And then the next step is to start telling yourself: "Since all that is happening within me, why should I not put this thing in this way and then that thing in that way and then this other in this way and thus wouldn't I be doing something logical that has a meaning? Why should I not remove that thing which stands obstructing the way, these conflicting wills? Why? And what does that represent in the being? Why is it there? If it were put there, would it not help instead of harming me?" And so on.

And little by little, little by little, you see clearer and then you see why you are made like that, what is the thing you have got to do - that for which you are born. And then, quite naturally, since all is organised for this thing to happen, the path becomes straight and you can say beforehand: "It is in this way that it will happen." And when things come from outside to try and upset all that, you are able to say: "No, I accept this, for it helps; I reject that, for that harms." And then, after a few years, you curb yourself as you curb a horse: you do whatever you like, in the way you like and you go wherever you like.

It seems to me this is worth the trouble. I believe it is the most interesting thing.


You must have a great deal of sincerity, a little courage and perseverance and then a sort of mental curiosity, you understand, curious, seeking to know, interested, wanting to learn. To love to learn: that, one must have in one's nature. To find it impossible to stand before something grey, all hazy, in which nothing is seen clearly and which gives you quite an unpleasant feeling, for you do not know where you begin and where you end, what is yours and what is not yours and what is settled and what is not settled - what is this pulp-like thing you call yourself in which things get intermingled and act upon one another without even your being aware of it? You ask yourself: "But why have I done this?" You know nothing about it. "And why have I felt that?" You don't know that, either. And then, you are thrown into a world outside that is only fog and you are thrown into a world inside that is also for you another kind of fog, still more impenetrable, in which you live, like a cork thrown upon the waters and the waves carry it away or cast it into the air, and it drops and rolls on. That is quite an unpleasant state. I do not know, but to me it appears unpleasant.

To see clearly, to see one's way, where one is going, why one is going there, how one is to go there and what one is going to do and what is the kind of relation with others... But that is a problem so wonderfully interesting - it is interesting - and you can always discover things every minute! One's work is never finished.

There is a time, there is a certain state of consciousness when you have the feeling that you are in that condition with all the weight of the world lying heavy upon you and besides you are going in blinkers and do not know where you are going, but there is something which is pushing you. And that is truly a very unpleasant condition. And there is another moment when one draws oneself up and is able to see what is there above, and one becomes it; then one looks at the world as though from the top of a very very high mountain and one sees all that is happening below; then one can choose one's way and follow it. That is a more pleasant condition. This then is truly the truth, you are upon earth for that, surely. All individual beings and all the little concentrations of consciousness were created to do this work. It is the very reason for existence: to be able to become fully conscious of a certain sum of vibrations representing an individual being and put order there and find one's way and follow it.

And so, as men do not know it and do not do it, life comes and gives them a blow here: "Oh! that hurts", then a blow there: "Ah! that's hurting me." And the thing goes on like that and all the time it is like that. And all the time they are getting pain somewhere. They suffer, they cry, they groan. But it is simply due to that reason, there is no other: it is that they have not done that little work. If, when they were quite young, there had been someone to teach them to do the work and they had done it without losing time, they could have gone through life gloriously and instead of suffering they would have been all-powerful masters of their destiny.

This is not to say that necessarily all things would become pleasant. It is not at all that. But your reaction towards things becomes the true reaction and instead of suffering, you learn; instead of being miserable, you go forward and progress. After all, I believe it is for this that you are here - so that there is someone who can tell you: "There, well, try that. It is worth trying." ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1953, 199,
1488:[The Gods and Their Worlds]

   [...] According to traditions and occult schools, all these zones of realities, these planes of realities have got different names; they have been classified in a different way, but there is an essential analogy, and if you go back far enough into the traditions, you see only the words changing according to the country and the language. Even now, the experiences of Western occultists and those of Eastern occultists offer great similarities. All who set out on the discovery of these invisible worlds and make a report of what they saw, give a very similar description, whether they be from here or there; they use different words, but the experience is very similar and the handling of forces is the same.

   This knowledge of the occult worlds is based on the existence of subtle bodies and of subtle worlds corresponding to those bodies. They are what the psychological method calls "states of consciousness", but these states of consciousness really correspond to worlds. The occult procedure consists then in being aware of these various inner states of being or subtle bodies and in becoming sufficiently a master of them so as to be able to go out of them successively, one after another. There is indeed a whole scale of subtleties, increasing or decreasing according to the direction in which you go, and the occult procedure consists in going out of a denser body into a subtler body and so on again, up to the most ethereal regions. You go, by successive exteriorisations, into bodies or worlds more and more subtle. It is somewhat as if every time you passed into another dimension. The fourth dimension of the physicists is nothing but the scientific transcription of an occult knowledge. To give another image, one can say that the physical body is at the centre - it is the most material, the densest and also the smallest - and the inner bodies, more subtle, overflow more and more the central physical body; they pass through it, extending themselves farther and farther, like water evaporating from a porous vase and forming a kind of steam all around. And the greater the subtlety, the more the extension tends to unite with that of the universe: one ends by universalising oneself. And it is altogether a concrete process which gives an objective experience of invisible worlds and even enables one to act in these worlds.

   There are, then, only a very small number of people in the West who know that these gods are not merely subjective and imaginary - more or less wildly imaginary - but that they correspond to a universal truth.

   All these regions, all these domains are filled with beings who exist, each in its own domain, and if you are awake and conscious on a particular plane - for instance, if on going out of a more material body you awake on some higher plane, you have the same relation with the things and people of that plane as you had with the things and people of the material world. That is to say, there exists an entirely objective relation that has nothing to do with the idea you may have of these things. Naturally, the resemblance is greater and greater as you approach the physical world, the material world, and there even comes a time when the one region has a direct action upon the other. In any case, in what Sri Aurobindo calls the overmental worlds, you will find a concrete reality absolutely independent of your personal experience; you go back there and again find the same things, with the differences that have occurred during your absence. And you have relations with those beings that are identical with the relations you have with physical beings, with this difference that the relation is more plastic, supple and direct - for example, there is the capacity to change the external form, the visible form, according to the inner state you are in. But you can make an appointment with someone and be at the appointed place and find the same being again, with certain differences that have come about during your absence; it is entirely concrete with results entirely concrete.

   One must have at least a little of this experience in order to understand these things. Otherwise, those who are convinced that all this is mere human imagination and mental formation, who believe that these gods have such and such a form because men have thought them to be like that, and that they have certain defects and certain qualities because men have thought them to be like that - all those who say that God is made in the image of man and that he exists only in human thought, all these will not understand; to them this will appear absolutely ridiculous, madness. One must have lived a little, touched the subject a little, to know how very concrete the thing is.

   Naturally, children know a good deal if they have not been spoilt. There are so many children who return every night to the same place and continue to live the life they have begun there. When these faculties are not spoilt with age, you can keep them with you. At a time when I was especially interested in dreams, I could return exactly to a place and continue a work that I had begun: supervise something, for example, set something in order, a work of organisation or of discovery, of exploration. You go until you reach a certain spot, as you would go in life, then you take a rest, then you return and begin again - you begin the work at the place where you left off and you continue it. And you perceive that there are things which are quite independent of you, in the sense that changes of which you are not at all the author, have taken place automatically during your absence.

   But for this, you must live these experiences yourself, you must see them yourself, live them with sufficient sincerity and spontaneity in order to see that they are independent of any mental formation. For you can do the opposite also, and deepen the study of the action of mental formation upon events. This is very interesting, but it is another domain. And this study makes you very careful, very prudent, because you become aware of how far you can delude yourself. So you must study both, the dream and the occult reality, in order to see what is the essential difference between the two. The one depends upon us; the other exists in itself; entirely independent of the thought that we have of it.

   When you have worked in that domain, you recognise in fact that once a subject has been studied and something has been learnt mentally, it gives a special colour to the experience; the experience may be quite spontaneous and sincere, but the simple fact that the subject was known and studied lends a particular quality. Whereas if you had learnt nothing about the question, if you knew nothing at all, the transcription would be completely spontaneous and sincere when the experience came; it would be more or less adequate, but it would not be the outcome of a previous mental formation.

   Naturally, this occult knowledge or this experience is not very frequent in the world, because in those who do not have a developed inner life, there are veritable gaps between the external consciousness and the inmost consciousness; the linking states of being are missing and they have to be constructed. So when people enter there for the first time, they are bewildered, they have the impression they have fallen into the night, into nothingness, into non-being!

   I had a Danish friend, a painter, who was like that. He wanted me to teach him how to go out of the body; he used to have interesting dreams and thought that it would be worth the trouble to go there consciously. So I made him "go out" - but it was a frightful thing! When he was dreaming, a part of his mind still remained conscious, active, and a kind of link existed between this active part and his external being; then he remembered some of his dreams, but it was a very partial phenomenon. And to go out of one's body means to pass gradually through all the states of being, if one does the thing systematically. Well, already in the subtle physical, one is almost de-individualised, and when one goes farther, there remains nothing, for nothing is formed or individualised.

   Thus, when people are asked to meditate or told to go within, to enter into themselves, they are in agony - naturally! They have the impression that they are vanishing. And with reason: there is nothing, no consciousness!

   These things that appear to us quite natural and evident, are, for people who know nothing, wild imagination. If, for example, you transplant these experiences or this knowledge to the West, well, unless you have been frequenting the circles of occultists, they stare at you with open eyes. And when you have turned your back, they hasten to say, "These people are cranks!" Now to come back to the gods and conclude. It must be said that all those beings who have never had an earthly existence - gods or demons, invisible beings and powers - do not possess what the Divine has put into man: the psychic being. And this psychic being gives to man true love, charity, compassion, a deep kindness, which compensate for all his external defects.

   In the gods there is no fault because they live according to their own nature, spontaneously and without constraint: as gods, it is their manner of being. But if you take a higher point of view, if you have a higher vision, a vision of the whole, you see that they lack certain qualities that are exclusively human. By his capacity of love and self-giving, man can have as much power as the gods and even more, when he is not egoistic, when he has surmounted his egoism.

   If he fulfils the required condition, man is nearer to the Supreme than the gods are. He can be nearer. He is not so automatically, but he has the power to be so, the potentiality.

   If human love manifested itself without mixture, it would be all-powerful. Unfortunately, in human love there is as much love of oneself as of the one loved; it is not a love that makes you forget yourself. - 4 November 1958

   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother III, 355
1489:The Science of Living

To know oneself and to control oneself

AN AIMLESS life is always a miserable life.

Every one of you should have an aim. But do not forget that on the quality of your aim will depend the quality of your life.

   Your aim should be high and wide, generous and disinterested; this will make your life precious to yourself and to others.

   But whatever your ideal, it cannot be perfectly realised unless you have realised perfection in yourself.

   To work for your perfection, the first step is to become conscious of yourself, of the different parts of your being and their respective activities. You must learn to distinguish these different parts one from another, so that you may become clearly aware of the origin of the movements that occur in you, the many impulses, reactions and conflicting wills that drive you to action. It is an assiduous study which demands much perseverance and sincerity. For man's nature, especially his mental nature, has a spontaneous tendency to give a favourable explanation for everything he thinks, feels, says and does. It is only by observing these movements with great care, by bringing them, as it were, before the tribunal of our highest ideal, with a sincere will to submit to its judgment, that we can hope to form in ourselves a discernment that never errs. For if we truly want to progress and acquire the capacity of knowing the truth of our being, that is to say, what we are truly created for, what we can call our mission upon earth, then we must, in a very regular and constant manner, reject from us or eliminate in us whatever contradicts the truth of our existence, whatever is opposed to it. In this way, little by little, all the parts, all the elements of our being can be organised into a homogeneous whole around our psychic centre. This work of unification requires much time to be brought to some degree of perfection. Therefore, in order to accomplish it, we must arm ourselves with patience and endurance, with a determination to prolong our life as long as necessary for the success of our endeavour.

   As you pursue this labour of purification and unification, you must at the same time take great care to perfect the external and instrumental part of your being. When the higher truth manifests, it must find in you a mind that is supple and rich enough to be able to give the idea that seeks to express itself a form of thought which preserves its force and clarity. This thought, again, when it seeks to clothe itself in words, must find in you a sufficient power of expression so that the words reveal the thought and do not deform it. And the formula in which you embody the truth should be manifested in all your feelings, all your acts of will, all your actions, in all the movements of your being. Finally, these movements themselves should, by constant effort, attain their highest perfection.

   All this can be realised by means of a fourfold discipline, the general outline of which is given here. The four aspects of the discipline do not exclude each other, and can be followed at the same time; indeed, this is preferable. The starting-point is what can be called the psychic discipline. We give the name "psychic" to the psychological centre of our being, the seat within us of the highest truth of our existence, that which can know this truth and set it in movement. It is therefore of capital importance to become conscious of its presence in us, to concentrate on this presence until it becomes a living fact for us and we can identify ourselves with it.

   In various times and places many methods have been prescribed for attaining this perception and ultimately achieving this identification. Some methods are psychological, some religious, some even mechanical. In reality, everyone has to find the one which suits him best, and if one has an ardent and steadfast aspiration, a persistent and dynamic will, one is sure to meet, in one way or another - outwardly through reading and study, inwardly through concentration, meditation, revelation and experience - the help one needs to reach the goal. Only one thing is absolutely indispensable: the will to discover and to realise. This discovery and realisation should be the primary preoccupation of our being, the pearl of great price which we must acquire at any cost. Whatever you do, whatever your occupations and activities, the will to find the truth of your being and to unite with it must be always living and present behind all that you do, all that you feel, all that you think.

   To complement this movement of inner discovery, it would be good not to neglect the development of the mind. For the mental instrument can equally be a great help or a great hindrance. In its natural state the human mind is always limited in its vision, narrow in its understanding, rigid in its conceptions, and a constant effort is therefore needed to widen it, to make it more supple and profound. So it is very necessary to consider everything from as many points of view as possible. Towards this end, there is an exercise which gives great suppleness and elevation to the thought. It is as follows: a clearly formulated thesis is set; against it is opposed its antithesis, formulated with the same precision. Then by careful reflection the problem must be widened or transcended until a synthesis is found which unites the two contraries in a larger, higher and more comprehensive idea.

   Many other exercises of the same kind can be undertaken; some have a beneficial effect on the character and so possess a double advantage: that of educating the mind and that of establishing control over the feelings and their consequences. For example, you must never allow your mind to judge things and people, for the mind is not an instrument of knowledge; it is incapable of finding knowledge, but it must be moved by knowledge. Knowledge belongs to a much higher domain than that of the human mind, far above the region of pure ideas. The mind has to be silent and attentive to receive knowledge from above and manifest it. For it is an instrument of formation, of organisation and action, and it is in these functions that it attains its full value and real usefulness.

   There is another practice which can be very helpful to the progress of the consciousness. Whenever there is a disagreement on any matter, such as a decision to be taken, or an action to be carried out, one must never remain closed up in one's own conception or point of view. On the contrary, one must make an effort to understand the other's point of view, to put oneself in his place and, instead of quarrelling or even fighting, find the solution which can reasonably satisfy both parties; there always is one for men of goodwill.

   Here we must mention the discipline of the vital. The vital being in us is the seat of impulses and desires, of enthusiasm and violence, of dynamic energy and desperate depressions, of passions and revolts. It can set everything in motion, build and realise; but it can also destroy and mar everything. Thus it may be the most difficult part to discipline in the human being. It is a long and exacting labour requiring great patience and perfect sincerity, for without sincerity you will deceive yourself from the very outset, and all endeavour for progress will be in vain. With the collaboration of the vital no realisation seems impossible, no transformation impracticable. But the difficulty lies in securing this constant collaboration. The vital is a good worker, but most often it seeks its own satisfaction. If that is refused, totally or even partially, the vital gets vexed, sulks and goes on strike. Its energy disappears more or less completely and in its place leaves disgust for people and things, discouragement or revolt, depression and dissatisfaction. At such moments it is good to remain quiet and refuse to act; for these are the times when one does stupid things and in a few moments one can destroy or spoil the progress that has been made during months of regular effort. These crises are shorter and less dangerous for those who have established a contact with their psychic being which is sufficient to keep alive in them the flame of aspiration and the consciousness of the ideal to be realised. They can, with the help of this consciousness, deal with their vital as one deals with a rebellious child, with patience and perseverance, showing it the truth and light, endeavouring to convince it and awaken in it the goodwill which has been veiled for a time. By means of such patient intervention each crisis can be turned into a new progress, into one more step towards the goal. Progress may be slow, relapses may be frequent, but if a courageous will is maintained, one is sure to triumph one day and see all difficulties melt and vanish before the radiance of the truth-consciousness.

   Lastly, by means of a rational and discerning physical education, we must make our body strong and supple enough to become a fit instrument in the material world for the truth-force which wants to manifest through us.

   In fact, the body must not rule, it must obey. By its very nature it is a docile and faithful servant. Unfortunately, it rarely has the capacity of discernment it ought to have with regard to its masters, the mind and the vital. It obeys them blindly, at the cost of its own well-being. The mind with its dogmas, its rigid and arbitrary principles, the vital with its passions, its excesses and dissipations soon destroy the natural balance of the body and create in it fatigue, exhaustion and disease. It must be freed from this tyranny and this can be done only through a constant union with the psychic centre of the being. The body has a wonderful capacity of adaptation and endurance. It is able to do so many more things than one usually imagines. If, instead of the ignorant and despotic masters that now govern it, it is ruled by the central truth of the being, you will be amazed at what it is capable of doing. Calm and quiet, strong and poised, at every minute it will be able to put forth the effort that is demanded of it, for it will have learnt to find rest in action and to recuperate, through contact with the universal forces, the energies it expends consciously and usefully. In this sound and balanced life a new harmony will manifest in the body, reflecting the harmony of the higher regions, which will give it perfect proportions and ideal beauty of form. And this harmony will be progressive, for the truth of the being is never static; it is a perpetual unfolding of a growing perfection that is more and more total and comprehensive. As soon as the body has learnt to follow this movement of progressive harmony, it will be possible for it to escape, through a continuous process of transformation, from the necessity of disintegration and destruction. Thus the irrevocable law of death will no longer have any reason to exist.

   When we reach this degree of perfection which is our goal, we shall perceive that the truth we seek is made up of four major aspects: Love, Knowledge, Power and Beauty. These four attributes of the Truth will express themselves spontaneously in our being. The psychic will be the vehicle of true and pure love, the mind will be the vehicle of infallible knowledge, the vital will manifest an invincible power and strength and the body will be the expression of a perfect beauty and harmony.

   Bulletin, November 1950

   ~ The Mother, On Education,
1490:Mental Education

OF ALL lines of education, mental education is the most widely known and practised, yet except in a few rare cases there are gaps which make it something very incomplete and in the end quite insufficient.

   Generally speaking, schooling is considered to be all the mental education that is necessary. And when a child has been made to undergo, for a number of years, a methodical training which is more like cramming than true schooling, it is considered that whatever is necessary for his mental development has been done. Nothing of the kind. Even conceding that the training is given with due measure and discrimination and does not permanently damage the brain, it cannot impart to the human mind the faculties it needs to become a good and useful instrument. The schooling that is usually given can, at the most, serve as a system of gymnastics to increase the suppleness of the brain. From this standpoint, each branch of human learning represents a special kind of mental gymnastics, and the verbal formulations given to these various branches each constitute a special and well-defined language.

   A true mental education, which will prepare man for a higher life, has five principal phases. Normally these phases follow one after another, but in exceptional individuals they may alternate or even proceed simultaneously. These five phases, in brief, are:

   (1) Development of the power of concentration, the capacity of attention.
   (2) Development of the capacities of expansion, widening, complexity and richness.
   (3) Organisation of one's ideas around a central idea, a higher ideal or a supremely luminous idea that will serve as a guide in life.
   (4) Thought-control, rejection of undesirable thoughts, to become able to think only what one wants and when one wants.
   (5) Development of mental silence, perfect calm and a more and more total receptivity to inspirations coming from the higher regions of the being.

   It is not possible to give here all the details concerning the methods to be employed in the application of these five phases of education to different individuals. Still, a few explanations on points of detail can be given.

   Undeniably, what most impedes mental progress in children is the constant dispersion of their thoughts. Their thoughts flutter hither and thither like butterflies and they have to make a great effort to fix them. Yet this capacity is latent in them, for when you succeed in arousing their interest, they are capable of a good deal of attention. By his ingenuity, therefore, the educator will gradually help the child to become capable of a sustained effort of attention and a faculty of more and more complete absorption in the work in hand. All methods that can develop this faculty of attention from games to rewards are good and can all be utilised according to the need and the circumstances. But it is the psychological action that is most important and the sovereign method is to arouse in the child an interest in what you want to teach him, a liking for work, a will to progress. To love to learn is the most precious gift that one can give to a child: to love to learn always and everywhere, so that all circumstances, all happenings in life may be constantly renewed opportunities for learning more and always more.

   For that, to attention and concentration should be added observation, precise recording and faithfulness of memory. This faculty of observation can be developed by varied and spontaneous exercises, making use of every opportunity that presents itself to keep the child's thought wakeful, alert and prompt. The growth of the understanding should be stressed much more than that of memory. One knows well only what one has understood. Things learnt by heart, mechanically, fade away little by little and finally disappear; what is understood is never forgotten. Moreover, you must never refuse to explain to a child the how and the why of things. If you cannot do it yourself, you must direct the child to those who are qualified to answer or point out to him some books that deal with the question. In this way you will progressively awaken in the child the taste for true study and the habit of making a persistent effort to know.

   This will bring us quite naturally to the second phase of development in which the mind should be widened and enriched.

   You will gradually show the child that everything can become an interesting subject for study if it is approached in the right way. The life of every day, of every moment, is the best school of all, varied, complex, full of unexpected experiences, problems to be solved, clear and striking examples and obvious consequences. It is so easy to arouse healthy curiosity in children, if you answer with intelligence and clarity the numerous questions they ask. An interesting reply to one readily brings others in its train and so the attentive child learns without effort much more than he usually does in the classroom. By a choice made with care and insight, you should also teach him to enjoy good reading-matter which is both instructive and attractive. Do not be afraid of anything that awakens and pleases his imagination; imagination develops the creative mental faculty and through it study becomes living and the mind develops in joy.

   In order to increase the suppleness and comprehensiveness of his mind, one should see not only that he studies many varied topics, but above all that a single subject is approached in various ways, so that the child understands in a practical manner that there are many ways of facing the same intellectual problem, of considering it and solving it. This will remove all rigidity from his brain and at the same time it will make his thinking richer and more supple and prepare it for a more complex and comprehensive synthesis. In this way also the child will be imbued with the sense of the extreme relativity of mental learning and, little by little, an aspiration for a truer source of knowledge will awaken in him.

   Indeed, as the child grows older and progresses in his studies, his mind too ripens and becomes more and more capable of forming general ideas, and with them almost always comes a need for certitude, for a knowledge that is stable enough to form the basis of a mental construction which will permit all the diverse and scattered and often contradictory ideas accumulated in his brain to be organised and put in order. This ordering is indeed very necessary if one is to avoid chaos in one's thoughts. All contradictions can be transformed into complements, but for that one must discover the higher idea that will have the power to bring them harmoniously together. It is always good to consider every problem from all possible standpoints so as to avoid partiality and exclusiveness; but if the thought is to be active and creative, it must, in every case, be the natural and logical synthesis of all the points of view adopted. And if you want to make the totality of your thoughts into a dynamic and constructive force, you must also take great care as to the choice of the central idea of your mental synthesis; for upon that will depend the value of this synthesis. The higher and larger the central idea and the more universal it is, rising above time and space, the more numerous and the more complex will be the ideas, notions and thoughts which it will be able to organise and harmonise.

   It goes without saying that this work of organisation cannot be done once and for all. The mind, if it is to keep its vigour and youth, must progress constantly, revise its notions in the light of new knowledge, enlarge its frame-work to include fresh notions and constantly reclassify and reorganise its thoughts, so that each of them may find its true place in relation to the others and the whole remain harmonious and orderly.

   All that has just been said concerns the speculative mind, the mind that learns. But learning is only one aspect of mental activity; the other, which is at least equally important, is the constructive faculty, the capacity to form and thus prepare action. This very important part of mental activity has rarely been the subject of any special study or discipline. Only those who want, for some reason, to exercise a strict control over their mental activities think of observing and disciplining this faculty of formation; and as soon as they try it, they have to face difficulties so great that they appear almost insurmountable.

   And yet control over this formative activity of the mind is one of the most important aspects of self-education; one can say that without it no mental mastery is possible. As far as study is concerned, all ideas are acceptable and should be included in the synthesis, whose very function is to become more and more rich and complex; but where action is concerned, it is just the opposite. The ideas that are accepted for translation into action should be strictly controlled and only those that agree with the general trend of the central idea forming the basis of the mental synthesis should be permitted to express themselves in action. This means that every thought entering the mental consciousness should be set before the central idea; if it finds a logical place among the thoughts already grouped, it will be admitted into the synthesis; if not, it will be rejected so that it can have no influence on the action. This work of mental purification should be done very regularly in order to secure a complete control over one's actions.

   For this purpose, it is good to set apart some time every day when one can quietly go over one's thoughts and put one's synthesis in order. Once the habit is acquired, you can maintain control over your thoughts even during work and action, allowing only those which are useful for what you are doing to come to the surface. Particularly, if you have continued to cultivate the power of concentration and attention, only the thoughts that are needed will be allowed to enter the active external consciousness and they then become all the more dynamic and effective. And if, in the intensity of concentration, it becomes necessary not to think at all, all mental vibration can be stilled and an almost total silence secured. In this silence one can gradually open to the higher regions of the mind and learn to record the inspirations that come from there.

   But even before reaching this point, silence in itself is supremely useful, because in most people who have a somewhat developed and active mind, the mind is never at rest. During the day, its activity is kept under a certain control, but at night, during the sleep of the body, the control of the waking state is almost completely removed and the mind indulges in activities which are sometimes excessive and often incoherent. This creates a great stress which leads to fatigue and the diminution of the intellectual faculties.

   The fact is that like all the other parts of the human being, the mind too needs rest and it will not have this rest unless we know how to provide it. The art of resting one's mind is something to be acquired. Changing one's mental activity is certainly one way of resting; but the greatest possible rest is silence. And as far as the mental faculties are concerned a few minutes passed in the calm of silence are a more effective rest than hours of sleep.

   When one has learned to silence the mind at will and to concentrate it in receptive silence, then there will be no problem that cannot be solved, no mental difficulty whose solution cannot be found. When it is agitated, thought becomes confused and impotent; in an attentive tranquillity, the light can manifest itself and open up new horizons to man's capacity. Bulletin, November 1951

   ~ The Mother, On Education,
1491:The Supreme Discovery
   IF WE want to progress integrally, we must build within our conscious being a strong and pure mental synthesis which can serve us as a protection against temptations from outside, as a landmark to prevent us from going astray, as a beacon to light our way across the moving ocean of life.
   Each individual should build up this mental synthesis according to his own tendencies and affinities and aspirations. But if we want it to be truly living and luminous, it must be centred on the idea that is the intellectual representation symbolising That which is at the centre of our being, That which is our life and our light.
   This idea, expressed in sublime words, has been taught in various forms by all the great Instructors in all lands and all ages.
   The Self of each one and the great universal Self are one. Since all that is exists from all eternity in its essence and principle, why make a distinction between the being and its origin, between ourselves and what we place at the beginning?
   The ancient traditions rightly said:
   "Our origin and ourselves, our God and ourselves are one."
   And this oneness should not be understood merely as a more or less close and intimate relationship of union, but as a true identity.
   Thus, when a man who seeks the Divine attempts to reascend by degrees towards the inaccessible, he forgets that all his knowledge and all his intuition cannot take him one step forward in this infinite; neither does he know that what he wants to attain, what he believes to be so far from him, is within him.
   For how could he know anything of the origin until he becomes conscious of this origin in himself?
   It is by understanding himself, by learning to know himself, that he can make the supreme discovery and cry out in wonder like the patriarch in the Bible, "The house of God is here and I knew it not."
   That is why we must express that sublime thought, creatrix of the material worlds, and make known to all the word that fills the heavens and the earth, "I am in all things and all beings."When all shall know this, the promised day of great transfigurations will be at hand. When in each atom of Matter men shall recognise the indwelling thought of God, when in each living creature they shall perceive some hint of a gesture of God, when each man can see God in his brother, then dawn will break, dispelling the darkness, the falsehood, the ignorance, the error and suffering that weigh upon all Nature. For, "all Nature suffers and laments as she awaits the revelation of the Sons of God."
   This indeed is the central thought epitomising all others, the thought which should be ever present to our remembrance as the sun that illumines all life.
   That is why I remind you of it today. For if we follow our path bearing this thought in our hearts like the rarest jewel, the most precious treasure, if we allow it to do its work of illumination and transfiguration within us, we shall know that it lives in the centre of all beings and all things, and in it we shall feel the marvellous oneness of the universe.
   Then we shall understand the vanity and childishness of our meagre satisfactions, our foolish quarrels, our petty passions, our blind indignations. We shall see the dissolution of our little faults, the crumbling of the last entrenchments of our limited personality and our obtuse egoism. We shall feel ourselves being swept along by this sublime current of true spirituality which will deliver us from our narrow limits and bounds.
   The individual Self and the universal Self are one; in every world, in every being, in every thing, in every atom is the Divine Presence, and man's mission is to manifest it.
   In order to do that, he must become conscious of this Divine Presence within him. Some individuals must undergo a real apprenticeship in order to achieve this: their egoistic being is too all-absorbing, too rigid, too conservative, and their struggles against it are long and painful. Others, on the contrary, who are more impersonal, more plastic, more spiritualised, come easily into contact with the inexhaustible divine source of their being.But let us not forget that they too should devote themselves daily, constantly, to a methodical effort of adaptation and transformation, so that nothing within them may ever again obscure the radiance of that pure light.
   But how greatly the standpoint changes once we attain this deeper consciousness! How understanding widens, how compassion grows!
   On this a sage has said:
   "I would like each one of us to come to the point where he perceives the inner God who dwells even in the vilest of human beings; instead of condemning him we would say, 'Arise, O resplendent Being, thou who art ever pure, who knowest neither birth nor death; arise, Almighty One, and manifest thy nature.'"
   Let us live by this beautiful utterance and we shall see everything around us transformed as if by miracle.
   This is the attitude of true, conscious and discerning love, the love which knows how to see behind appearances, understand in spite of words, and which, amid all obstacles, is in constant communion with the depths.
   What value have our impulses and our desires, our anguish and our violence, our sufferings and our struggles, all these inner vicissitudes unduly dramatised by our unruly imagination - what value do they have before this great, this sublime and divine love bending over us from the innermost depths of our being, bearing with our weaknesses, rectifying our errors, healing our wounds, bathing our whole being with its regenerating streams?
   For the inner Godhead never imposes herself, she neither demands nor threatens; she offers and gives herself, conceals and forgets herself in the heart of all beings and things; she never accuses, she neither judges nor curses nor condemns, but works unceasingly to perfect without constraint, to mend without reproach, to encourage without impatience, to enrich each one with all the wealth he can receive; she is the mother whose love bears fruit and nourishes, guards and protects, counsels and consoles; because she understands everything, she can endure everything, excuse and pardon everything, hope and prepare for everything; bearing everything within herself, she owns nothing that does not belong to all, and because she reigns over all, she is the servant of all; that is why all, great and small, who want to be kings with her and gods in her, become, like her, not despots but servitors among their brethren.
   How beautiful is this humble role of servant, the role of all who have been revealers and heralds of the God who is within all, of the Divine Love that animates all things....
   And until we can follow their example and become true servants even as they, let us allow ourselves to be penetrated and transformed by this Divine Love; let us offer Him, without reserve, this marvellous instrument, our physical organism. He shall make it yield its utmost on every plane of activity.
   To achieve this total self-consecration, all means are good, all methods have their value. The one thing needful is to persevere in our will to attain this goal. For then everything we study, every action we perform, every human being we meet, all come to bring us an indication, a help, a light to guide us on the path.
   Before I close, I shall add a few pages for those who have already made apparently fruitless efforts, for those who have encountered the pitfalls on the way and seen the measure of their weakness, for those who are in danger of losing their self-confidence and courage. These pages, intended to rekindle hope in the hearts of those who suffer, were written by a spiritual worker at a time when ordeals of every kind were sweeping down on him like purifying flames.
   You who are weary, downcast and bruised, you who fall, who think perhaps that you are defeated, hear the voice of a friend. He knows your sorrows, he has shared them, he has suffered like you from the ills of the earth; like you he has crossed many deserts under the burden of the day, he has known thirst and hunger, solitude and abandonment, and the cruellest of all wants, the destitution of the heart. Alas! he has known too the hours of doubt, the errors, the faults, the failings, every weakness.
   But he tells you: Courage! Hearken to the lesson that the rising sun brings to the earth with its first rays each morning. It is a lesson of hope, a message of solace.
   You who weep, who suffer and tremble, who dare not expect an end to your ills, an issue to your pangs, behold: there is no night without dawn and the day is about to break when darkness is thickest; there is no mist that the sun does not dispel, no cloud that it does not gild, no tear that it will not dry one day, no storm that is not followed by its shining triumphant bow; there is no snow that it does not melt, nor winter that it does not change into radiant spring.
   And for you too, there is no affliction which does not bring its measure of glory, no distress which cannot be transformed into joy, nor defeat into victory, nor downfall into higher ascension, nor solitude into radiating centre of life, nor discord into harmony - sometimes it is a misunderstanding between two minds that compels two hearts to open to mutual communion; lastly, there is no infinite weakness that cannot be changed into strength. And it is even in supreme weakness that almightiness chooses to reveal itself!
   Listen, my little child, you who today feel so broken, so fallen perhaps, who have nothing left, nothing to cover your misery and foster your pride: never before have you been so great! How close to the summits is he who awakens in the depths, for the deeper the abyss, the more the heights reveal themselves!
   Do you not know this, that the most sublime forces of the vasts seek to array themselves in the most opaque veils of Matter? Oh, the sublime nuptials of sovereign love with the obscurest plasticities, of the shadow's yearning with the most royal light!
   If ordeal or fault has cast you down, if you have sunk into the nether depths of suffering, do not grieve - for there indeed the divine love and the supreme blessing can reach you! Because you have passed through the crucible of purifying sorrows, the glorious ascents are yours.
   You are in the wilderness: then listen to the voices of the silence. The clamour of flattering words and outer applause has gladdened your ears, but the voices of the silence will gladden your soul and awaken within you the echo of the depths, the chant of divine harmonies!
   You are walking in the depths of night: then gather the priceless treasures of the night. In bright sunshine, the ways of intelligence are lit, but in the white luminosities of the night lie the hidden paths of perfection, the secret of spiritual riches.
   You are being stripped of everything: that is the way towards plenitude. When you have nothing left, everything will be given to you. Because for those who are sincere and true, from the worst always comes the best.
   Every grain that is sown in the earth produces a thousand. Every wing-beat of sorrow can be a soaring towards glory.
   And when the adversary pursues man relentlessly, everything he does to destroy him only makes him greater.
   Hear the story of the worlds, look: the great enemy seems to triumph. He casts the beings of light into the night, and the night is filled with stars. He rages against the cosmic working, he assails the integrity of the empire of the sphere, shatters its harmony, divides and subdivides it, scatters its dust to the four winds of infinity, and lo! the dust is changed into a golden seed, fertilising the infinite and peopling it with worlds which now gravitate around their eternal centre in the larger orbit of space - so that even division creates a richer and deeper unity, and by multiplying the surfaces of the material universe, enlarges the empire that it set out to destroy.
   Beautiful indeed was the song of the primordial sphere cradled in the bosom of immensity, but how much more beautiful and triumphant is the symphony of the constellations, the music of the spheres, the immense choir that fills the heavens with an eternal hymn of victory!
   Hear again: no state was ever more precarious than that of man when he was separated on earth from his divine origin. Above him stretched the hostile borders of the usurper, and at his horizon's gates watched jailers armed with flaming swords. Then, since he could climb no more to the source of life, the source arose within him; since he could no more receive the light from above, the light shone forth at the very centre of his being; since he could commune no more with the transcendent love, that love offered itself in a holocaust and chose each terrestrial being, each human self as its dwelling-place and sanctuary.
   That is how, in this despised and desolate but fruitful and blessed Matter, each atom contains a divine thought, each being carries within him the Divine Inhabitant. And if no being in all the universe is as frail as man, neither is any as divine as he!
   In truth, in truth, in humiliation lies the cradle of glory! 28 April 1912 ~ The Mother, Words Of Long Ago, The Supreme Discovery,
1492:One little picture in this book, the Magic Locket, was drawn by 'Miss Alice Havers.' I did not state this on the title-page, since it seemed only due, to the artist of all these (to my mind) wonderful pictures, that his name should stand there alone.
The descriptions, of Sunday as spent by children of the last generation, are quoted verbatim from a speech made to me by a child-friend and a letter written to me by a lady-friend.
The Chapters, headed 'Fairy Sylvie' and 'Bruno's Revenge,' are a reprint, with a few alterations, of a little fairy-tale which I wrote in the year 1867, at the request of the late Mrs. Gatty, for 'Aunt Judy's Magazine,' which she was then editing.
It was in 1874, I believe, that the idea first occurred to me of making it the nucleus of a longer story.
As the years went on, I jotted down, at odd moments, all sorts of odd ideas, and fragments of dialogue, that occurred to me--who knows how?--with a transitory suddenness that left me no choice but either to record them then and there, or to abandon them to oblivion. Sometimes one could trace to their source these random flashes of thought--as being suggested by the book one was reading, or struck out from the 'flint' of one's own mind by the 'steel' of a friend's chance remark but they had also a way of their own, of occurring, a propos of nothing --specimens of that hopelessly illogical phenomenon, 'an effect without a cause.' Such, for example, was the last line of 'The Hunting of the Snark,' which came into my head (as I have already related in 'The Theatre' for April, 1887) quite suddenly, during a solitary walk: and such, again, have been passages which occurred in dreams, and which I cannot trace to any antecedent cause whatever. There are at least two instances of such dream-suggestions in this book--one, my Lady's remark, 'it often runs in families, just as a love for pastry does', the other, Eric Lindon's badinage about having been in domestic service.

And thus it came to pass that I found myself at last in possession of a huge unwieldy mass of litterature--if the reader will kindly excuse the spelling --which only needed stringing together, upon the thread of a consecutive story, to constitute the book I hoped to write. Only! The task, at first, seemed absolutely hopeless, and gave me a far clearer idea, than I ever had before, of the meaning of the word 'chaos': and I think it must have been ten years, or more, before I had succeeded in classifying these odds-and-ends sufficiently to see what sort of a story they indicated: for the story had to grow out of the incidents, not the incidents out of the story I am telling all this, in no spirit of egoism, but because I really believe that some of my readers will be interested in these details of the 'genesis' of a book, which looks so simple and straight-forward a matter, when completed, that they might suppose it to have been written straight off, page by page, as one would write a letter, beginning at the beginning; and ending at the end.

It is, no doubt, possible to write a story in that way: and, if it be not vanity to say so, I believe that I could, myself,--if I were in the unfortunate position (for I do hold it to be a real misfortune) of being obliged to produce a given amount of fiction in a given time,--that I could 'fulfil my task,' and produce my 'tale of bricks,' as other slaves have done. One thing, at any rate, I could guarantee as to the story so produced--that it should be utterly commonplace, should contain no new ideas whatever, and should be very very weary reading!
This species of literature has received the very appropriate name of 'padding' which might fitly be defined as 'that which all can write and none can read.' That the present volume contains no such writing I dare not avow: sometimes, in order to bring a picture into its proper place, it has been necessary to eke out a page with two or three extra lines : but I can honestly say I have put in no more than I was absolutely compelled to do.
My readers may perhaps like to amuse themselves by trying to detect, in a given passage, the one piece of 'padding' it contains. While arranging the 'slips' into pages, I found that the passage was 3 lines too short. I supplied the deficiency, not by interpolating a word here and a word there, but by writing in 3 consecutive lines. Now can my readers guess which they are?

A harder puzzle if a harder be desired would be to determine, as to the Gardener's Song, in which cases (if any) the stanza was adapted to the surrounding text, and in which (if any) the text was adapted to the stanza.
Perhaps the hardest thing in all literature--at least I have found it so: by no voluntary effort can I accomplish it: I have to take it as it come's is to write anything original. And perhaps the easiest is, when once an original line has been struck out, to follow it up, and to write any amount more to the same tune. I do not know if 'Alice in Wonderland' was an original story--I was, at least, no conscious imitator in writing it--but I do know that, since it came out, something like a dozen storybooks have appeared, on identically the same pattern. The path I timidly explored believing myself to be 'the first that ever burst into that silent sea'--is now a beaten high-road: all the way-side flowers have long ago been trampled into the dust: and it would be courting disaster for me to attempt that style again.

Hence it is that, in 'Sylvie and Bruno,' I have striven with I know not what success to strike out yet another new path: be it bad or good, it is the best I can do. It is written, not for money, and not for fame, but in the hope of supplying, for the children whom I love, some thoughts that may suit those hours of innocent merriment which are the very life of Childhood; and also in the hope of suggesting, to them and to others, some thoughts that may prove, I would fain hope, not wholly out of harmony with the graver cadences of Life.
If I have not already exhausted the patience of my readers, I would like to seize this opportunity perhaps the last I shall have of addressing so many friends at once of putting on record some ideas that have occurred to me, as to books desirable to be written--which I should much like to attempt, but may not ever have the time or power to carry through--in the hope that, if I should fail (and the years are gliding away very fast) to finish the task I have set myself, other hands may take it up.
First, a Child's Bible. The only real essentials of this would be, carefully selected passages, suitable for a child's reading, and pictures. One principle of selection, which I would adopt, would be that Religion should be put before a child as a revelation of love--no need to pain and puzzle the young mind with the history of crime and punishment. (On such a principle I should, for example, omit the history of the Flood.) The supplying of the pictures would involve no great difficulty: no new ones would be needed : hundreds of excellent pictures already exist, the copyright of which has long ago expired, and which simply need photo-zincography, or some similar process, for their successful reproduction. The book should be handy in size with a pretty attractive looking cover--in a clear legible type--and, above all, with abundance of pictures, pictures, pictures!
Secondly, a book of pieces selected from the Bible--not single texts, but passages of from 10 to 20 verses each--to be committed to memory. Such passages would be found useful, to repeat to one's self and to ponder over, on many occasions when reading is difficult, if not impossible: for instance, when lying awake at night--on a railway-journey --when taking a solitary walk-in old age, when eyesight is failing or wholly lost--and, best of all, when illness, while incapacitating us for reading or any other occupation, condemns us to lie awake through many weary silent hours: at such a time how keenly one may realise the truth of David's rapturous cry "O how sweet are thy words unto my throat: yea, sweeter than honey unto my mouth!"
I have said 'passages,' rather than single texts, because we have no means of recalling single texts: memory needs links, and here are none: one may have a hundred texts stored in the memory, and not be able to recall, at will, more than half-a-dozen--and those by mere chance: whereas, once get hold of any portion of a chapter that has been committed to memory, and the whole can be recovered: all hangs together.
Thirdly, a collection of passages, both prose and verse, from books other than the Bible. There is not perhaps much, in what is called 'un-inspired' literature (a misnomer, I hold: if Shakespeare was not inspired, one may well doubt if any man ever was), that will bear the process of being pondered over, a hundred times: still there are such passages--enough, I think, to make a goodly store for the memory.
These two books of sacred, and secular, passages for memory--will serve other good purposes besides merely occupying vacant hours: they will help to keep at bay many anxious thoughts, worrying thoughts, uncharitable thoughts, unholy thoughts. Let me say this, in better words than my own, by copying a passage from that most interesting book, Robertson's Lectures on the Epistles to the Corinthians, Lecture XLIX. "If a man finds himself haunted by evil desires and unholy images, which will generally be at periodical hours, let him commit to memory passages of Scripture, or passages from the best writers in verse or prose. Let him store his mind with these, as safeguards to repeat when he lies awake in some restless night, or when despairing imaginations, or gloomy, suicidal thoughts, beset him. Let these be to him the sword, turning everywhere to keep the way of the Garden of Life from the intrusion of profaner footsteps."
Fourthly, a "Shakespeare" for girls: that is, an edition in which everything, not suitable for the perusal of girls of (say) from 10 to 17, should be omitted. Few children under 10 would be likely to understand or enjoy the greatest of poets: and those, who have passed out of girlhood, may safely be left to read Shakespeare, in any edition, 'expurgated' or not, that they may prefer: but it seems a pity that so many children, in the intermediate stage, should be debarred from a great pleasure for want of an edition suitable to them. Neither Bowdler's, Chambers's, Brandram's, nor Cundell's 'Boudoir' Shakespeare, seems to me to meet the want: they are not sufficiently 'expurgated.' Bowdler's is the most extraordinary of all: looking through it, I am filled with a deep sense of wonder, considering what he has left in, that he should have cut anything out! Besides relentlessly erasing all that is unsuitable on the score of reverence or decency, I should be inclined to omit also all that seems too difficult, or not likely to interest young readers. The resulting book might be slightly fragmentary: but it would be a real treasure to all British maidens who have any taste for poetry.
If it be needful to apologize to any one for the new departure I have taken in this story--by introducing, along with what will, I hope, prove to be acceptable nonsense for children, some of the graver thoughts of human life--it must be to one who has learned the Art of keeping such thoughts wholly at a distance in hours of mirth and careless ease. To him such a mixture will seem, no doubt, ill-judged and repulsive. And that such an Art exists I do not dispute: with youth, good health, and sufficient money, it seems quite possible to lead, for years together, a life of unmixed gaiety--with the exception of one solemn fact, with which we are liable to be confronted at any moment, even in the midst of the most brilliant company or the most sparkling entertainment. A man may fix his own times for admitting serious thought, for attending public worship, for prayer, for reading the Bible: all such matters he can defer to that 'convenient season', which is so apt never to occur at all: but he cannot defer, for one single moment, the necessity of attending to a message, which may come before he has finished reading this page,' this night shalt thy soul be required of thee.'
The ever-present sense of this grim possibility has been, in all ages, 1 an incubus that men have striven to shake off. Few more interesting subjects of enquiry could be found, by a student of history, than the various weapons that have been used against this shadowy foe. Saddest of all must have been the thoughts of those who saw indeed an existence beyond the grave, but an existence far more terrible than annihilation--an existence as filmy, impalpable, all but invisible spectres, drifting about, through endless ages, in a world of shadows, with nothing to do, nothing to hope for, nothing to love! In the midst of the gay verses of that genial 'bon vivant' Horace, there stands one dreary word whose utter sadness goes to one's heart. It is the word 'exilium' in the well-known passage

Omnes eodem cogimur, omnium
Versatur urna serius ocius
Sors exitura et nos in aeternum
Exilium impositura cymbae.

Yes, to him this present life--spite of all its weariness and all its sorrow--was the only life worth having: all else was 'exile'! Does it not seem almost incredible that one, holding such a creed, should ever have smiled?
And many in this day, I fear, even though believing in an existence beyond the grave far more real than Horace ever dreamed of, yet regard it as a sort of 'exile' from all the joys of life, and so adopt Horace's theory, and say 'let us eat and drink, for to-morrow we die.'
We go to entertainments, such as the theatre--I say 'we', for I also go to the play, whenever I get a chance of seeing a really good one and keep at arm's length, if possible, the thought that we may not return alive. Yet how do you know--dear friend, whose patience has carried you through this garrulous preface that it may not be your lot, when mirth is fastest and most furious, to feel the sharp pang, or the deadly faintness, which heralds the final crisis--to see, with vague wonder, anxious friends bending over you to hear their troubled whispers perhaps yourself to shape the question, with trembling lips, "Is it serious?", and to be told "Yes: the end is near" (and oh, how different all Life will look when those words are said!)--how do you know, I say, that all this may not happen to you, this night?
And dare you, knowing this, say to yourself "Well, perhaps it is an immoral play: perhaps the situations are a little too 'risky', the dialogue a little too strong, the 'business' a little too suggestive.
I don't say that conscience is quite easy: but the piece is so clever, I must see it this once! I'll begin a stricter life to-morrow." To-morrow, and to-morrow, and tomorrow!

"Who sins in hope, who, sinning, says,
'Sorrow for sin God's judgement stays!'
Against God's Spirit he lies; quite stops Mercy with insult; dares, and drops,
Like a scorch'd fly, that spins in vain
Upon the axis of its pain,
Then takes its doom, to limp and crawl,
Blind and forgot, from fall to fall."

Let me pause for a moment to say that I believe this thought, of the possibility of death--if calmly realised, and steadily faced would be one of the best possible tests as to our going to any scene of amusement being right or wrong. If the thought of sudden death acquires, for you, a special horror when imagined as happening in a theatre, then be very sure the theatre is harmful for you, however harmless it may be for others; and that you are incurring a deadly peril in going. Be sure the safest rule is that we should not dare to live in any scene in which we dare not die.
But, once realise what the true object is in life--that it is not pleasure, not knowledge, not even fame itself, 'that last infirmity of noble minds'--but that it is the development of character, the rising to a higher, nobler, purer standard, the building-up of the perfect Man--and then, so long as we feel that this is going on, and will (we trust) go on for evermore, death has for us no terror; it is not a shadow, but a light; not an end, but a beginning!
One other matter may perhaps seem to call for apology--that I should have treated with such entire want of sympathy the British passion for 'Sport', which no doubt has been in by-gone days, and is still, in some forms of it, an excellent school for hardihood and for coolness in moments of danger.
But I am not entirely without sympathy for genuine 'Sport': I can heartily admire the courage of the man who, with severe bodily toil, and at the risk of his life, hunts down some 'man-eating' tiger: and I can heartily sympathize with him when he exults in the glorious excitement of the chase and the hand-to-hand struggle with the monster brought to bay. But I can but look with deep wonder and sorrow on the hunter who, at his ease and in safety, can find pleasure in what involves, for some defenceless creature, wild terror and a death of agony: deeper, if the hunter be one who has pledged himself to preach to men the Religion of universal Love: deepest of all, if it be one of those 'tender and delicate' beings, whose very name serves as a symbol of Love--'thy love to me was wonderful, passing the love of women'--whose mission here is surely to help and comfort all that are in pain or sorrow!

'Farewell, farewell! but this I tell
To thee, thou Wedding-Guest!
He prayeth well, who loveth well
Both man and bird and beast.
He prayeth best, who loveth best
All things both great and small;
For the dear God who loveth us,
He made and loveth all.' ~ Lewis Carroll, Sylvie and Bruno,
1493:DEVOTEE: "How can I develop love for God?"
MASTER: "Repeat His name, and sins will disappear. Thus you will destroy lust, anger, the desire for creature comforts, and so on."
DEVOTEE: "How can I take delight in God's name?"
MASTER: "Pray to God with a yearning heart that you may take delight in His name. He will certainly fulfil your heart's desire." ~ Sri Ramakrishna, The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna,
1494:A DEVOTEE: "How can one realize God?"
MASTER: "Through that kind of love. But one must force one's demand on God. One should be able to say: 'O God, wilt Thou not reveal Thyself to me? I will cut my throat with a knife.' This is the tamas of bhakti."
DEVOTEE: "Can one see God?"
MASTER: "Yes, surely. One can see both aspects of God-God with form and without form. One can see God with form, the Embodiment of Spirit. Again, God can be directly perceived in a man with a tangible form. Seeing an Incarnation of God is the same as seeing God Himself. God is born on earth as man in every age." ~ Sri Ramakrishna, The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, 1.08 - THE MASTERS BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION AT DAKSHINESWAR,
1495:A BRAHMO DEVOTEE: "How can one realize God?"
MASTER: "By directing your love to Him and constantly reasoning that God alone is real and the world illusory. The Awattha tree alone is permanent; its fruit is transitory." ~ Sri Ramakrishna, The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, 1.10 - THE MASTER WITH THE BRAHMO DEVOTEES (II),
1496:Forgetting that GOD is the sole Beloved, one has come to love sense objects. ~ Sri Anandamayi Ma,


1:Love what you do. ~ wayne-dyer, @wisdomtrove
2:Even the gods love jokes. ~ plato, @wisdomtrove
3:Love is a credulous thing. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
4:Love is a kind of warfare. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
5:Skill makes love unending. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
6:Love can tame the wildest. ~ aesop, @wisdomtrove
7:Love lent me wings. ~ michelangelo, @wisdomtrove
8:Few love what they may have. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
9:Love is a believing creature. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
10:Love is love's reward. ~ john-dryden, @wisdomtrove
11:Do all things with love. ~ og-mandino, @wisdomtrove
12:Energy is based on love. ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
13:Love is an affair of credulity. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
14:Love those you hate you. ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
15:We are all fools in love ~ jane-austen, @wisdomtrove
16:I am always in love. ~ ernest-hemingway, @wisdomtrove
17:I learned to love despair. ~ lord-byron, @wisdomtrove
18:I love good, loud speakers. ~ brian-eno, @wisdomtrove
19:I really love what I do. ~ esther-hicks, @wisdomtrove
20:Love follows knowledge. ~ denis-diderot, @wisdomtrove
21:Love is its own reward. ~ thomas-merton, @wisdomtrove
22:Love's all in all to women. ~ euripedes, @wisdomtrove
23:To love is an active verb. ~ ogden-nash, @wisdomtrove
24:Fortune and love favor the brave. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
25:I love you. Most ardently. ~ jane-austen, @wisdomtrove
26:Love follows knowledge. ~ thomas-aquinas, @wisdomtrove
27:Love's a dog in a manger. ~ d-h-lawrence, @wisdomtrove
28:Love truth, but pardon error. ~ voltaire, @wisdomtrove
29:My love's a noble madness. ~ john-dryden, @wisdomtrove
30:To love is to be vulnerable. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
31:Fortune and love favour the brave. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
32:Love begins with listening. ~ fred-rogers, @wisdomtrove
33:Love is a kind of military service ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
34:Love is always open arms. ~ leo-buscaglia, @wisdomtrove
35:Love is a serious mental disease. ~ plato, @wisdomtrove
36:Love is no assignment for cowards. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
37:Love is our true destiny. ~ thomas-merton, @wisdomtrove
38:We're asleep until we love. ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
39:Without love we fall ill. ~ sigmund-freud, @wisdomtrove
40:Compassion and love, that's all. ~ ram-das, @wisdomtrove
41:For love is immortality. ~ emily-dickinson, @wisdomtrove
42:How easy love makes fools of us. ~ moliere, @wisdomtrove
43:Love and do as you will. ~ saint-augustine, @wisdomtrove
44:Love fed fat soon turns to boredom. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
45:Love is the every only god. ~ e-e-cummings, @wisdomtrove
46:Love is where you find it. ~ kurt-vonnegut, @wisdomtrove
47:Men love newfangleness. ~ geoffrey-chaucer, @wisdomtrove
48:One must love everything. ~ virginia-woolf, @wisdomtrove
49:Pity melts the mind to love. ~ john-dryden, @wisdomtrove
50:Reason is not what decides love. ~ moliere, @wisdomtrove
51:Disneyland is a work of love. ~ walt-disney, @wisdomtrove
52:Love is a Dog from Hell. ~ charles-bukowski, @wisdomtrove
53:Love is hope. Hope is nectar. ~ sri-chinmoy, @wisdomtrove
54:Love is its own reward... . ~ thomas-merton, @wisdomtrove
55:Love recognizes no barriers. ~ maya-angelou, @wisdomtrove
56:Love your rage, not your cage. ~ alan-moore, @wisdomtrove
57:Pleasant words are the food of love. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
58:The fruit of faith is love. ~ mother-teresa, @wisdomtrove
59:Excessive love in loathing ever ends. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
60:Listening is love in action. ~ leo-buscaglia, @wisdomtrove
61:Love, and a cough, are not concealed. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
62:Love had a thousand shapes. ~ virginia-woolf, @wisdomtrove
63:Love is a skill you learn. ~ chuck-palahniuk, @wisdomtrove
64:Love is trembling happiness. ~ kahlil-gibran, @wisdomtrove
65:Love would never leave us alone ~ bob-marley, @wisdomtrove
66:Oh, I am in love with life! ~ virginia-woolf, @wisdomtrove
67:Spread love whenever you go. ~ mother-teresa, @wisdomtrove
68:There's no limit to God's love. ~ max-lucado, @wisdomtrove
69:To love makes one solitary. ~ virginia-woolf, @wisdomtrove
70:We must love or we grow ill. ~ sigmund-freud, @wisdomtrove
71:Ah me! love can not be cured by herbs. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
72:Anything we love can be saved. ~ alice-walker, @wisdomtrove
73:I love everybody. Even George Bush. ~ ram-das, @wisdomtrove
74:Is not poetry the food of love? ~ jane-austen, @wisdomtrove
75:Love is a living reality. ~ albert-schweitzer, @wisdomtrove
76:Love is a thing full of anxious fears. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
77:Love is the door to eternity. ~ thomas-merton, @wisdomtrove
78:Love is the only gold. ~ alfred-lord-tennyson, @wisdomtrove
79:Love not Pleasure; love God. ~ thomas-carlyle, @wisdomtrove
80:Love, you mock us for your sport. ~ sophocles, @wisdomtrove
81:She makes love just like a woman. ~ bob-dylan, @wisdomtrove
82:To love beauty is to see light. ~ victor-hugo, @wisdomtrove
83:Work without love is slavery. ~ mother-teresa, @wisdomtrove
84:You can't make love without art. ~ alan-watts, @wisdomtrove
85:All shall love me and despair. ~ j-r-r-tolkien, @wisdomtrove
86:And where love ends, hate begins ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
87:Don’t do it. Don’t love me. ~ charles-bukowski, @wisdomtrove
88:I'm in love with my second cousin. ~ bob-dylan, @wisdomtrove
89:Love and dignity do not dwell together. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
90:Love is often the fruit of marriage. ~ moliere, @wisdomtrove
91:Love that is fed by jealousy dies hard. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
92:One love, one heart, one destiny. ~ bob-marley, @wisdomtrove
93:The love of fame puts spurs to the mind ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
94:Ultimately, love is everything. ~ m-scott-peck, @wisdomtrove
95:We are here to love each other. ~ maya-angelou, @wisdomtrove
96:All in green went my love riding ~ e-e-cummings, @wisdomtrove
97:Hatred is blind, as well as love. ~ oscar-wilde, @wisdomtrove
98:I love who I am and all that I do. ~ louise-hay, @wisdomtrove
99:It is very easy to love alone. ~ gertrude-stein, @wisdomtrove
100:Love is stronger than violence. ~ hermann-hesse, @wisdomtrove
101:Love surrounds me and protects me. ~ louise-hay, @wisdomtrove
102:Love yourself just as you are. ~ melody-beattie, @wisdomtrove
103:Not all men are worthy of love. ~ sigmund-freud, @wisdomtrove
104:One is very crazy when in love. ~ sigmund-freud, @wisdomtrove
105:To love at all is to be vulnerable. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
106:Truth is in all, But love is all. ~ sri-chinmoy, @wisdomtrove
107:We are born of love; Love is our mother. ~ rumi, @wisdomtrove
108:We are easily duped by those we love. ~ moliere, @wisdomtrove
109:Absence - that common cure of love. ~ lord-byron, @wisdomtrove
110:Happiness is love, nothing else. ~ hermann-hesse, @wisdomtrove
111:Hate is love without enough data. ~ richard-bach, @wisdomtrove
112:If he should love deny him what he loves! ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
113:I learn to love it more and more. ~ jules-renard, @wisdomtrove
114:In love, one and one are one. ~ jean-paul-sartre, @wisdomtrove
115:Love is a drama of contradictions. ~ franz-kafka, @wisdomtrove
116:Love is our true essence. ~ mata-amritanandamayi, @wisdomtrove
117:Love is the absence of judgment.    ~ dalai-lama, @wisdomtrove
118:Love is the great conqueror of lust. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
119:Love makes everything complicated. ~ elie-wiesel, @wisdomtrove
120:Love sustains everything. ~ mata-amritanandamayi, @wisdomtrove
121:Love the necessary hard work. ~ danielle-laporte, @wisdomtrove
122:Politicians neither love nor hate. ~ john-dryden, @wisdomtrove
123:The gods love those of ordered soul. ~ sophocles, @wisdomtrove
124:There will never be no love at all. ~ bob-marley, @wisdomtrove
125:Tobacco is the tomb of love. ~ benjamin-disraeli, @wisdomtrove
126:To love is the half of to believe. ~ victor-hugo, @wisdomtrove
127:To love is to burn, to be on fire. ~ jane-austen, @wisdomtrove
128:Wise girls kiss but never love, ~ marilyn-monroe, @wisdomtrove
129:With children Love is spelled TIME. ~ zig-ziglar, @wisdomtrove
130:A heart set on love will do no wrong. ~ confucius, @wisdomtrove
131:Be patient, Ophelia. Love, Hamlet ~ kurt-vonnegut, @wisdomtrove
132:But it is not reason that governs love. ~ moliere, @wisdomtrove
133:But love's a malady without a cure. ~ john-dryden, @wisdomtrove
134:I fell in love with melancholy. ~ edgar-allan-poe, @wisdomtrove
135:I love people who make me laugh! ~ audrey-hepburn, @wisdomtrove
136:Is love the sweetness of flowers? ~ hellen-keller, @wisdomtrove
137:Let love steal in disguised as friendship. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
138:Love and say it with your life. ~ saint-augustine, @wisdomtrove
139:Love God, and do what you like. ~ saint-augustine, @wisdomtrove
140:Love is the beauty of the soul. ~ saint-augustine, @wisdomtrove
141:Love is the goal, life is the journey. ~ rajneesh, @wisdomtrove
142:Love is the only future God offers. ~ victor-hugo, @wisdomtrove
143:Love speaks a hundred different languages. ~ rumi, @wisdomtrove
144:Music is love in search of a voice. ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
145:Spread your love wherever you go. ~ mother-teresa, @wisdomtrove
146:There's no love like the first. ~ nicholas-sparks, @wisdomtrove
147:True love requires nothing. ~ neale-donald-walsch, @wisdomtrove
148:You fall in love with people's minds. ~ anais-nin, @wisdomtrove
149:All that matters is love and work. ~ sigmund-freud, @wisdomtrove
150:Because of deep love, one is courageous. ~ lao-tzu, @wisdomtrove
151:Dear me, how I love a library. ~ elizabeth-gilbert, @wisdomtrove
152:Don't forget to love yourself. ~ soren-kierkegaard, @wisdomtrove
153:Friendship is Love without his wings! ~ lord-byron, @wisdomtrove
154:Hell is the inability to love. ~ fyodor-dostoevsky, @wisdomtrove
155:I hate, and yet must love the thing I hate. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
156:I shall always be a priest of love. ~ d-h-lawrence, @wisdomtrove
157:Love gives life purpose and meaning. ~ joyce-meyer, @wisdomtrove
158:... love is banality to all outsiders. ~ mae-west, @wisdomtrove
159:Love is like life-merely longer. ~ emily-dickinson, @wisdomtrove
160:Love is the force that leaves you colorless ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
161:Love... the essence of God. ~ ralph-waldo-emerson, @wisdomtrove
162:Perfect love knows no because ~ aiden-wilson-tozer, @wisdomtrove
163:Running, Weakness, One Tree Hill Love ~ bob-marley, @wisdomtrove
164:The greatest pleasure of life is love. ~ euripedes, @wisdomtrove
165:The love of fame usually spurs on the mind. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
166:The more I wonder, the more I love. ~ alice-walker, @wisdomtrove
167:There is no love without sacrifices. ~ edgar-cayce, @wisdomtrove
168:Those whom the gods love grow young. ~ oscar-wilde, @wisdomtrove
169:Where there is love, there is joy. ~ mother-teresa, @wisdomtrove
170:All love is vanquished by a succeeding love. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
171:Everyone is in love with his own ideas. ~ carl-jung, @wisdomtrove
172:He who says o'er much I love not is in love. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
173:If you want love, love somebody. ~ michael-beckwith, @wisdomtrove
174:I love a natural look in pictures. ~ marilyn-monroe, @wisdomtrove
175:In true love, you attain freedom. ~ thich-nhat-hanh, @wisdomtrove
176:Look your best - who said love is blind? ~ mae-west, @wisdomtrove
177:Love breaks my bones and I laugh ~ charles-bukowski, @wisdomtrove
178:Love burns across the infinitude. ~ nicholas-sparks, @wisdomtrove
179:Love is an intensification of life. ~ thomas-merton, @wisdomtrove
180:Love isn't a perfect state of caring. ~ fred-rogers, @wisdomtrove
181:Love is only one of many passions. ~ samuel-johnson, @wisdomtrove
182:Love is the whole and more than all. ~ e-e-cummings, @wisdomtrove
183:Love is the wine of existence. ~ henry-ward-beecher, @wisdomtrove
184:Manners are love in a cool climate. ~ quentin-crisp, @wisdomtrove
185:Spread your love everywhere you go. ~ mother-teresa, @wisdomtrove
186:The love of glory gives an immense stimulus. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
187:True sorrow is as rare as true love. ~ stephen-king, @wisdomtrove
188:Where love is, there God is also.  ~ mahatma-gandhi, @wisdomtrove
189:Anger is the fluid love bleeds when cut. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
190:Destroy our leisure and you break love's bow. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
191:He that is jealous is not in love. ~ saint-augustine, @wisdomtrove
192:In love there are two evils: war and peace. ~ horace, @wisdomtrove
193:In love there is but little rest. ~ geoffrey-chaucer, @wisdomtrove
194:It isn't possible to love and to part. ~ e-m-forster, @wisdomtrove
195:Jealousy is one of love's parasites. ~ josh-billings, @wisdomtrove
196:Joy rul'd the day, and Love the night. ~ john-dryden, @wisdomtrove
197:Love and dignity cannot share the same abode. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
198:Love hard when there is love to be had. ~ bob-marley, @wisdomtrove
199:Love is a friendship set to music. ~ joseph-campbell, @wisdomtrove
200:Love is an act of endless forgiveness. ~ jean-vanier, @wisdomtrove
201:Love is... a positive force of life. ~ rhonda-byrne, @wisdomtrove
202:Love is exactly as strong as life. ~ joseph-campbell, @wisdomtrove
203:Love is more just than justice. ~ henry-ward-beecher, @wisdomtrove
204:Love will enter cloaked in friendship's name. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
205:one more creature dizzy with love ~ charles-bukowski, @wisdomtrove
206:The bank of love is never bankrupt. ~ steve-maraboli, @wisdomtrove
207:The soul is love, joy. Joy. Peace. Wisdom. ~ ram-das, @wisdomtrove
208:True love stories never have endings. ~ richard-bach, @wisdomtrove
209:We love things we love what they are. ~ robert-frost, @wisdomtrove
210:Where there is no wine there is no love. ~ euripedes, @wisdomtrove
211:You say love is just a four letter word. ~ bob-dylan, @wisdomtrove
212:All works of love are works of peace. ~ mother-teresa, @wisdomtrove
213:At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet. ~ plato, @wisdomtrove
214:Commit no act that is contrary to love. ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
215:Don't fix me; Love me for what's broken. ~ seth-godin, @wisdomtrove
216:Every lover is a soldier. (Love is a warfare.) ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
217:I am in love and out of it I will not go. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
218:I don’t count life as life without love ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
219:If they love another, let them love! ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
220:I love your silences, they are like mine. ~ anais-nin, @wisdomtrove
221:It's not your job to love me-it's mine. ~ byron-katie, @wisdomtrove
222:I've decided to stick with love. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
223:Jesus, I love you. Jesus, I love you. ~ mother-teresa, @wisdomtrove
224:Love can do all but raise the Dead. ~ emily-dickinson, @wisdomtrove
225:Love either finds equality or makes it. ~ john-dryden, @wisdomtrove
226:Love is a special way of being alive. ~ thomas-merton, @wisdomtrove
227:Love is not a feeling; it's a sensation. ~ barry-long, @wisdomtrove
228:Love will conquer at the last. ~ alfred-lord-tennyson, @wisdomtrove
229:Not even old age knows how to love death. ~ sophocles, @wisdomtrove
230:Passion is momentary; love is enduring. ~ john-wooden, @wisdomtrove
231:To love a thing means wanting it to live. ~ confucius, @wisdomtrove
232:Where there is love, there is God also. ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
233:Wherever you are, whatever you do, be in love. ~ rumi, @wisdomtrove
234:Yes," I said, "for the love of God! ~ edgar-allan-poe, @wisdomtrove
235:You must always be a-waggle with LOVE. ~ d-h-lawrence, @wisdomtrove
236:Being in love doesn't mean loving. ~ fyodor-dostoevsky, @wisdomtrove
237:By nature, men love newfangledness. ~ geoffrey-chaucer, @wisdomtrove
238:He who would not be idle, let him fall in love. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
239:I like physics, but I love cartoons. ~ stephen-hawking, @wisdomtrove
240:I listen with love to my body's messages. ~ louise-hay, @wisdomtrove
241:I love not man the less, but Nature more. ~ lord-byron, @wisdomtrove
242:Love has earth to which she clings... . ~ robert-frost, @wisdomtrove
243:Love is like ice in the hands of children. ~ sophocles, @wisdomtrove
244:Love is like quicksilver in the hand. ~ dorothy-parker, @wisdomtrove
245:Love is my religion - I could die for it. ~ john-keats, @wisdomtrove
246:Love is not emotion, it's a way of being. ~ gary-zukav, @wisdomtrove
247:Love is our response to our highest values. ~ ayn-rand, @wisdomtrove
248:Love is the world's river of life ~ henry-ward-beecher, @wisdomtrove
249:Love yourself and you can heal your life. ~ louise-hay, @wisdomtrove
250:No one you love is ever truly lost. ~ ernest-hemingway, @wisdomtrove
251:No wound is worse than counterfeited love. ~ sophocles, @wisdomtrove
252:The love that flows through your heart ~ caroline-myss, @wisdomtrove
253:There's no love lost between us. ~ miguel-de-cervantes, @wisdomtrove
254:There's nothing unusual about love. ~ charles-bukowski, @wisdomtrove
255:The things we love tell us who we are. ~ denis-diderot, @wisdomtrove
256:To be free of fear is to be full of Love. ~ adyashanti, @wisdomtrove
257:To love and to labor is the sum of living. ~ anais-nin, @wisdomtrove
258:We do not judge the people we love. ~ jean-paul-sartre, @wisdomtrove
259:When I fall in love, it will be forever. ~ jane-austen, @wisdomtrove
260:Yet it is only love which sets us free. ~ maya-angelou, @wisdomtrove
261:You know my God. My God is called love ~ mother-teresa, @wisdomtrove
262:Believe in love and you will have love. ~ napoleon-hill, @wisdomtrove
263:Don't fall in love with your own excuses. ~ brian-tracy, @wisdomtrove
264:I cannot love a friend whose love is words. ~ sophocles, @wisdomtrove
265:If there were no Love, there'd be no grief ~ zig-ziglar, @wisdomtrove
266:I hate writing, I love having written. ~ dorothy-parker, @wisdomtrove
267:I keep on dying, Because I love to live. ~ maya-angelou, @wisdomtrove
268:I live and love in God's peculiar light. ~ michelangelo, @wisdomtrove
269:I was not born to share the hate, but love. ~ sophocles, @wisdomtrove
270:Knowledge is love and light and vision. ~ hellen-keller, @wisdomtrove
271:Know'st not whate'er we do is done in love? ~ sophocles, @wisdomtrove
272:Life is brief but love is long . ~ alfred-lord-tennyson, @wisdomtrove
273:Love brings freedom. Loyalty brings slavery. ~ rajneesh, @wisdomtrove
274:Love, having become a god, becomes a demon. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
275:Love is a state of temporary psychosis. ~ sigmund-freud, @wisdomtrove
276:Love is a thing that is full of cares and fears. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
277:Love is the answer to any sort of healing. ~ louise-hay, @wisdomtrove
278:Love who and what you are and what you do. ~ louise-hay, @wisdomtrove
279:Man's greatest weakness is his love for life. ~ moliere, @wisdomtrove
280:Men hate more steadily than they love. ~ samuel-johnson, @wisdomtrove
281:My God is love and sweetly suffers all. ~ sri-aurobindo, @wisdomtrove
282:That's why I love philosophy: no one wins. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
283:The burden becomes light that is shared by love. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
284:The love affair you seek is with yourself. ~ alan-cohen, @wisdomtrove
285:The love of knowledge is a kind of madness. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
286:The love of life is the root of all good. ~ joel-osteen, @wisdomtrove
287:The only way through uncertainty is love. ~ leo-babauta, @wisdomtrove
288:The Opposite of Love is not hate, but power ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
289:There is no love lost between us. ~ miguel-de-cervantes, @wisdomtrove
290:The things we love tell us who we are. ~ thomas-aquinas, @wisdomtrove
291:To get rid of an enemy one must love him. ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
292:What a shame, for I dearly love to laugh. ~ jane-austen, @wisdomtrove
293:A life lived in love will never be dull. ~ leo-buscaglia, @wisdomtrove
294:Everything I know, I know because of love. ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
295:He is not a lover who does not love forever. ~ euripedes, @wisdomtrove
296:I lost my one true love. I started drinking. ~ bob-dylan, @wisdomtrove
297:is love at first sight truly possible? ~ nicholas-sparks, @wisdomtrove
298:It is impossible to love and to be wise. ~ francis-bacon, @wisdomtrove
299:It's hard to love a woman and do anything. ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
300:I want to suffer so that I may love. ~ fyodor-dostoevsky, @wisdomtrove
301:I was in love again. I was in trouble ~ charles-bukowski, @wisdomtrove
302:Life is nothing but the expansion of love. ~ sri-chinmoy, @wisdomtrove
303:Love cannot be taught, it can only be caught. ~ rajneesh, @wisdomtrove
304:Love dies because its birth was an error. ~ susan-sontag, @wisdomtrove
305:Love is bullshit. Emotion is bullshit. ~ chuck-palahniuk, @wisdomtrove
306:Love is not in our choice but in our fate. ~ john-dryden, @wisdomtrove
307:Love winter when the plant says nothing. ~ thomas-merton, @wisdomtrove
308:Nails didn't hold God to a cross. Love did. ~ max-lucado, @wisdomtrove
309:None love the messenger who brings bad news. ~ sophocles, @wisdomtrove
310:No sex is wrong, if there's love in it. ~ marilyn-monroe, @wisdomtrove
311:One can fall in love and still hate. ~ fyodor-dostoevsky, @wisdomtrove
312:The Bible is God's love letter to us ~ soren-kierkegaard, @wisdomtrove
313:The Law of Attraction is the Law of Love. ~ rhonda-byrne, @wisdomtrove
314:The only unhappiness is not to love God. ~ thomas-merton, @wisdomtrove
315:True love is not for the faint-hearted. ~ jack-kornfield, @wisdomtrove
316:And love's the noblest frailty of the mind. ~ john-dryden, @wisdomtrove
317:and love was lightning and remembrance ~ charles-bukowski, @wisdomtrove
318:Can you honestly love a dishonest thing? ~ john-steinbeck, @wisdomtrove
319:Charity is love; not all love is charity. ~ denis-diderot, @wisdomtrove
320:Each time of life has its own kind of love. ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
321:Forgiveness is the final form of love. ~ reinhold-niebuhr, @wisdomtrove
322:God is an experience of supreme love. ~ elizabeth-gilbert, @wisdomtrove
323:Goodness Is oneness-love In perfect action. ~ sri-chinmoy, @wisdomtrove
324:He is not a lover who does not love for ever. ~ euripedes, @wisdomtrove
325:If you truly love me, kill the bartender. ~ quentin-crisp, @wisdomtrove
326:I love advertising because I love lying. ~ jerry-seinfeld, @wisdomtrove
327:I love Country Music but what happened to it? ~ bob-dylan, @wisdomtrove
328:I love my son and am proud of my son. ~ robert-h-schuller, @wisdomtrove
329:I love the day date. No wine, no shower. ~ jerry-seinfeld, @wisdomtrove
330:I love you just the way you are. ~ jonathan-lockwood-huie, @wisdomtrove
331:I will greet this day with love in my heart. ~ og-mandino, @wisdomtrove
332:Love conquers all things; let us own her dominion. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
333:Love has reasons that reason knows not. ~ saint-augustine, @wisdomtrove
334:Love is reducing the universe to one being. ~ victor-hugo, @wisdomtrove
335:Love is the most powerful four letter word. ~ john-wooden, @wisdomtrove
336:Love may fail, but courtesy will prevail. ~ kurt-vonnegut, @wisdomtrove
337:Love takes up where knowledge leaves off. ~ denis-diderot, @wisdomtrove
338:My creed is love and you are its only tenet. ~ john-keats, @wisdomtrove
339:Of all things love is the most potent. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
340:Of love, that fairest joys give most unrest. ~ john-keats, @wisdomtrove
341:Rekindled love is generally short-term. ~ nicholas-sparks, @wisdomtrove
342:The essence of love is kindness. ~ robert-louis-stevenson, @wisdomtrove
343:The flowering of love is meditation. ~ jiddu-krishnamurti, @wisdomtrove
344:The great ambition of women is to inspire love. ~ moliere, @wisdomtrove
345:To a child, &
346:To love is to will the good of the other. ~ denis-diderot, @wisdomtrove
347:We must follow nonviolence and love. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
348:Whatever you love most, that is your god. ~ martin-luther, @wisdomtrove
349:Charity is love; not all love is charity. ~ thomas-aquinas, @wisdomtrove
350:Do not hesitate to love and to love deeply. ~ henri-nouwen, @wisdomtrove
351:Fear is the opposite of love, in my opinion. ~ brene-brown, @wisdomtrove
352:Find what you love and let it kill you. ~ charles-bukowski, @wisdomtrove
353:Happiness and love are just a choice away. ~ leo-buscaglia, @wisdomtrove
354:Happiness is in your ability to love others. ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
355:I have a great love of animals and laughter. ~ walt-disney, @wisdomtrove
356:Love doesn't die; the men and women do. ~ william-faulkner, @wisdomtrove
357:Love doesn't have a point. Love is the point. ~ alan-moore, @wisdomtrove
358:Love is a daily, mutual exchange of value. ~ denis-waitley, @wisdomtrove
359:Love is a promise delivered already broken. ~ steve-martin, @wisdomtrove
360:Love is the heartbeat of all life. ~ paramahansa-yogananda, @wisdomtrove
361:Love life more than the meaning of it? ~ fyodor-dostoevsky, @wisdomtrove
362:love means to see the one you love happy ~ nicholas-sparks, @wisdomtrove
363:Love takes up where knowledge leaves off. ~ thomas-aquinas, @wisdomtrove
364:Love well, be loved and do something of value. ~ aristotle, @wisdomtrove
365:Make a written list of everything you love. ~ rhonda-byrne, @wisdomtrove
366:Make love when you can. It's good for you. ~ kurt-vonnegut, @wisdomtrove
367:Make me into anything, but just love me. ~ chuck-palahniuk, @wisdomtrove
368:Not even need and love can defeat fate. ~ ursula-k-le-guin, @wisdomtrove
369:Overcome the devils with a thing called love. ~ bob-marley, @wisdomtrove
370:Real life is in love, laughter, and work. ~ elbert-hubbard, @wisdomtrove
371:Something there is that doesn't love a wall ~ robert-frost, @wisdomtrove
372:The damaged love the damaged. True fact. ~ chuck-palahniuk, @wisdomtrove
373:The only victory over love is flight. ~ napoleon-bonaparte, @wisdomtrove
374:The opposite of love is not hate. It is fear. ~ gary-zukav, @wisdomtrove
375:To love is to will the good of the other. ~ thomas-aquinas, @wisdomtrove
376:We love the things we pretend to laugh at. ~ thomas-merton, @wisdomtrove
377:What love we've given, we'll have forever. ~ leo-buscaglia, @wisdomtrove
378:You are joy, wisdom, peace, compassion, and love ~ ram-das, @wisdomtrove
379:You have to feel love to harness its power! ~ rhonda-byrne, @wisdomtrove
380:Art is much, but love is more. ~ elizabeth-barrett-browning, @wisdomtrove
381:Charity isn't about pity, it is about love. ~ mother-teresa, @wisdomtrove
382:Do ordinary things with extraordinary love. ~ mother-teresa, @wisdomtrove
383:For love reflects the thing beloved. ~ alfred-lord-tennyson, @wisdomtrove
384:Leave war to others; 'tis Protesilaus' part of love. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
385:Love can sometimes achieve the impossible ~ nicholas-sparks, @wisdomtrove
386:Love in its essence is spiritual fire. ~ emanuel-swedenborg, @wisdomtrove
387:Love is more than an emotion, it is a decision. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
388:Love is the epiphany of God in our poverty. ~ thomas-merton, @wisdomtrove
389:Men love in haste, but they detest at leisure. ~ lord-byron, @wisdomtrove
390:Only the free mind knows what Love is. ~ jiddu-krishnamurti, @wisdomtrove
391:Practice moderation in all things except love. ~ gary-zukav, @wisdomtrove
392:True life lies in laughter, love and work. ~ elbert-hubbard, @wisdomtrove
393:Unless we love the truth we cannot know it. ~ blaise-pascal, @wisdomtrove
394:We live in the world when we love it. ~ rabindranath-tagore, @wisdomtrove
395:We never love a person, but only qualities. ~ blaise-pascal, @wisdomtrove
396:What greater gift than the love of a cat. ~ charles-dickens, @wisdomtrove
397:What we need is love without getting tired. ~ mother-teresa, @wisdomtrove
398:You cannot make a miracle like love happen. ~ caroline-myss, @wisdomtrove
399:You cannot save people, you can only love them. ~ anais-nin, @wisdomtrove
400:You can't be wise and in love at the same time. ~ bob-dylan, @wisdomtrove
401:You have no idea how strong my love is! ~ elizabeth-gilbert, @wisdomtrove
402:All I think of ever is that I love you. ~ f-scott-fitzgerald, @wisdomtrove
403:A mind that practices love cannot love. ~ jiddu-krishnamurti, @wisdomtrove
404:Children spell love with four letters: T-I-M-E. ~ max-lucado, @wisdomtrove
405:Even when love isn't enough... somehow it is. ~ stephen-king, @wisdomtrove
406:Happiness is the china shop; love is the bull. ~ h-l-mencken, @wisdomtrove
407:Hatred darkens life; love illumines it. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
408:How much love did you put into what you did? ~ mother-teresa, @wisdomtrove
409:I go to the movies. I absolutely love film. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
410:I had a deep experience of God's love for me. ~ henri-nouwen, @wisdomtrove
411:I know of only one duty, and that is to love. ~ albert-camus, @wisdomtrove
412:I love kids, but they are a tough audience. ~ robin-williams, @wisdomtrove
413:I love the freedom that my phone gives me. ~ richard-branson, @wisdomtrove
414:Love is the true condition of human life. ~ ursula-k-le-guin, @wisdomtrove
415:Love may fail, but
416:Love the life you live. live the life you love. ~ bob-marley, @wisdomtrove
417:Only if the computers really love each other. ~ groucho-marx, @wisdomtrove
418:Self-love helps me make positive changes easily ~ louise-hay, @wisdomtrove
419:Take it and return it: the kiss of love. ~ soren-kierkegaard, @wisdomtrove
420:The eyes those silent tongues of love. ~ miguel-de-cervantes, @wisdomtrove
421:The love of heaven makes one heavenly. ~ william-shakespeare, @wisdomtrove
422:The things that we love tell us what we are. ~ denis-diderot, @wisdomtrove
423:The unselfish love is of the highest kind; ~ sri-ramakrishna, @wisdomtrove
424:To love others you must first love yourself. ~ leo-buscaglia, @wisdomtrove
425:We don't need no trouble! What we need is love! ~ bob-marley, @wisdomtrove
426:Well-ordered self-love is right and natural. ~ denis-diderot, @wisdomtrove
427:We love the things we love for what they are. ~ robert-frost, @wisdomtrove
428:You have to break in half to love somebody. ~ robin-williams, @wisdomtrove
429:All bad writers are in love with the epic. ~ ernest-hemingway, @wisdomtrove
430:A love grown old is not the love once new. ~ geoffrey-chaucer, @wisdomtrove
431:Children become like the things they love. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
432:Every great love starts with a great story. ~ nicholas-sparks, @wisdomtrove
433:Evil is real - but so is God's power and love. ~ billy-graham, @wisdomtrove
434:Friendship is but a name. I love no one. ~ napoleon-bonaparte, @wisdomtrove
435:Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
436:I AM! YOU ARE! AND LOVE: IS ALL: THAT MATTERS! ~ richard-bach, @wisdomtrove
437:If I know what love is, it is because of you. ~ hermann-hesse, @wisdomtrove
438:If you have love you will do all things well. ~ thomas-merton, @wisdomtrove
439:I love to read. My education is self-inflicted ~ groucho-marx, @wisdomtrove
440:In love, the one who runs away is the winner. ~ henri-matisse, @wisdomtrove
441:Intense love does not measure, it just gives. ~ mother-teresa, @wisdomtrove
442:Life is the flower for which love is the honey. ~ victor-hugo, @wisdomtrove
443:Love can do much, but duty more. ~ johann-wolfgang-von-goethe, @wisdomtrove
444:Love is everywhere, and I am loving and lovable. ~ louise-hay, @wisdomtrove
445:Love is the river of life in this world. ~ henry-ward-beecher, @wisdomtrove
446:Love is what you make it and who you make it with. ~ mae-west, @wisdomtrove
447:Love's dominion, like a kings, admits of no partition. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
448:May my soul bloom in love for all existence. ~ rudolf-steiner, @wisdomtrove
449:No man truly has joy unless he lives in love. ~ denis-diderot, @wisdomtrove
450:One can't reach the Truth but through Love. ~ saint-augustine, @wisdomtrove
451:Personalities don't  love, they want something. ~ byron-katie, @wisdomtrove
452:Reason is nothing less than the guardian of love ~ sam-harris, @wisdomtrove
453:The art of love-giving and taking become one. ~ hermann-hesse, @wisdomtrove
454:The honorary duty of a human being is to love. ~ maya-angelou, @wisdomtrove
455:The love that flows through your heart ~ norman-vincent-peale, @wisdomtrove
456:The more men you've had, the more I love you. ~ george-orwell, @wisdomtrove
457:The things that we love tell us what we are. ~ thomas-aquinas, @wisdomtrove
458:The truth is that love and power go together. ~ susan-jeffers, @wisdomtrove
459:To love is to risk not being loved in return. ~ leo-buscaglia, @wisdomtrove
460:Well-ordered self-love is right and natural. ~ thomas-aquinas, @wisdomtrove
461:where there hasn't been more love in your life. ~ debbie-ford, @wisdomtrove
462:Who you are is love. What love does is heal. ~ melody-beattie, @wisdomtrove
463:Fail at love, and the other tests don't matter. ~ richard-bach, @wisdomtrove
464:I do love being in my studio. Especially at night. ~ brian-eno, @wisdomtrove
465:If love be good, from whence cometh my woe? ~ geoffrey-chaucer, @wisdomtrove
466:If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular? ~ dorothy-parker, @wisdomtrove
467:If there is equality it is in His love, not in us. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
468:I love films that are made with almost no budget. ~ alan-moore, @wisdomtrove
469:Learn to love, respect and enjoy other people. ~ dale-carnegie, @wisdomtrove
470:Let the man who does not wish to be idle, fall in love. ~ ovid, @wisdomtrove
471:Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none. ~ william-shakespeare, @wisdomtrove
472:Love always requires courage and involves risk. ~ m-scott-peck, @wisdomtrove
473:Love brings up everything unlike itself. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
474:Love can attain what the intellect cannot fathom. ~ meher-baba, @wisdomtrove
475:Love is always the answer to healing of any sort. ~ louise-hay, @wisdomtrove
476:Love is beyond the mind because it is always new. ~ barry-long, @wisdomtrove
477:Love isn't an emotion or an instinct - it's an art. ~ mae-west, @wisdomtrove
478:Love is perfect in proportion to it's freedom. ~ thomas-merton, @wisdomtrove
479:Love is the key to understanding all mysteries. ~ paulo-coelho, @wisdomtrove
480:Love is the salutation of the angel to the stars ~ victor-hugo, @wisdomtrove
481:Middle-aged life is merry, and I love to lead it. ~ ogden-nash, @wisdomtrove
482:My love is selfish. I cannot breathe without you. ~ john-keats, @wisdomtrove
483:No man truly has joy unless he lives in love. ~ thomas-aquinas, @wisdomtrove
484:People fall in love, but have to climb out. ~ ernest-hemingway, @wisdomtrove
485:Shall love be blamed for want of faith? ~ alfred-lord-tennyson, @wisdomtrove
486:The highest form of vanity is love of fame. ~ george-santayana, @wisdomtrove
487:True love turns words and feelings into actions. ~ joel-osteen, @wisdomtrove
488:What we need is love, to guide and protect us on. ~ bob-marley, @wisdomtrove
489:Why can't there be love that never gets tired? ~ mother-teresa, @wisdomtrove
490:Adultery is the application of democracy to love. ~ h-l-mencken, @wisdomtrove
491:Be fearless, be brave, be bold, love yourself ~ haruki-murakami, @wisdomtrove
492:Being in love means seeing the Beloved all around me. ~ ram-das, @wisdomtrove
493:Happy the heart where love has come to birth. ~ teresa-of-avila, @wisdomtrove
494:Hope has often caused the love of gain to ruin men. ~ sophocles, @wisdomtrove
495:Love and forgiveness is not for the faint-hearted. ~ meher-baba, @wisdomtrove
496:Love is infinitely more endurable than hate. ~ ernest-hemingway, @wisdomtrove
497:Love is not a mood, but a dynamic way of being. ~ frank-herbert, @wisdomtrove
498:Love is the most important healing power there is. ~ louise-hay, @wisdomtrove
499:Must being in love always mean being in pain? ~ alain-de-botton, @wisdomtrove
500:No form of love is wrong, so long as it is love. ~ d-h-lawrence, @wisdomtrove

*** NEWFULLDB 2.4M ***

1:Do Not Love the World ~ Anonymous,
2:Even the Gods love jokes. ~ Plato,
3:Even the gods love jokes. ~ Plato,
4:God I love rainbows. ~ John Green,
5:I love imperfections. ~ Lady Gaga,
6:I love improvisation. ~ Nora Dunn,
7:I love muscle cars. ~ Jaci Burton,
8:I love the fast lane. ~ Eva Gabor,
9:I love you, Evelyn. ~ Jaci Burton,
10:I Love you, Hope ~ Colleen Hoover,
11:I love you madly. ~ Suzanne Young,
12:I love you too, Stark. ~ P C Cast,
13:Knowledge isn’t love ~ Kiera Cass,
14:live love dance ~ Richard McKenna,
15:Lord love a duck. ~ Carolyn Brown,
16:love." His fingers ~ Lauren Royal,
17:Love is a credulous thing. ~ Ovid,
18:love is a disease ~ Lauren Oliver,
19:Love is a kind of warfare. ~ Ovid,
20:Love isn’t about DNA, ~ J S Scott,
21:love is one heavy words ~ Orizuka,
22:Love is our downfall. ~ Anonymous,
23:Love is simply is. ~ Paulo Coelho,
24:Love leaves scars. ~ Stephen King,
25:Love requires Context. ~ Joe Hill,
26:love without fear. ~ Paul Solomon,
27:Make love, not war. ~ John Lennon,
28:no glove, no love ~ Lauren Oliver,
29:of work and love, a ~ Mary Oliver,
30:Remember I Love You Always ~ Zane,
31:Simply put: love does. ~ Bob Goff,
32:Skill makes love unending. ~ Ovid,
33:When you live in love ~ Ram Dass,
34:You. I love you. ~ Helena Hunting,
35:All men love themselves. ~ Plautus,
36:All you need is love ~ The Beatles,
37:Bake with love.. ~ Manuela Kjeilen,
38:Blood isn't love ~ Cassandra Clare,
39:Deer love mushrooms. ~ Gary Snyder,
40:Do everything in love. ~ Anonymous,
41:Don't love me, Angel. ~ Maya Banks,
42:Everyone I love I pay. ~ Bob Saget,
43:I fucking love you ~ Jamie McGuire,
44:I just love vampires. ~ Matt Smith,
45:I love collaborating. ~ Fred Durst,
46:i love erotic books. ~ Marilyn Lee,
47:I love my burdens. ~ Dennis Lehane,
48:I love Nancy Drew! ~ Carolyn Keene,
49:I love Rob Schneider. ~ Ron Eldard,
50:I love; therefore I am ~ Anne Rice,
51:I love you first. ~ Laurelin Paige,
52:I'm in love with Love. ~ Kat Von D,
53:Love can kill you... ~ Nicola Yoon,
54:Love can tame the wildest. ~ Aesop,
55:Love catches fire... ~ Julie Maroh,
56:Love comes with hunger. ~ Diogenes,
57:Love conquers all things. ~ Virgil,
58:Love does not forget! ~ Alex Flinn,
59:love everybody, always. ~ Bob Goff,
60:Love is homesickness ~ Nora Ephron,
61:Love is the way messengers ~ Rumi,
62:Love makes you weak. ~ Moira Young,
63:Love never fails. ~ Caroline Fyffe,
64:love obeys no laws ~ Lauren Oliver,
65:Love one another. ~ John. XIII, 14,
66:Love takes hostages. ~ Neil Gaiman,
67:Love that I bear ~ Hilda Doolittle,
68:Never regret love. ~ Cameron Dokey,
69:Oh, thank you love ~ Stevie Wonder,
70:Peace equals love. ~ Asa Don Brown,
71:To love is to risk. ~ Merce Cardus,
72:Where we love is home ~ Cassia Leo,
73:WINGS LOVE: POEMS ~ Danielle Steel,
74:Worship is not love. ~ Donald Hall,
75:Alexis, I love you. ~ Kalayna Price,
76:All you need is love. ~ John Lennon,
77:All you need is love. ~ The Beatles,
78:Babies love fat. ~ Kathryn Stockett,
79:brotherly love ~ Elizabeth Chadwick,
80:Dancing is as old as love. ~ Lucian,
81:Few love what they may have. ~ Ovid,
82:How I love David Bowie. ~ Lady Gaga,
83:I just love preaching. ~ Max Lucado,
84:I love all of you. ~ Krista Ritchie,
85:I love being fancy. ~ Jane O Connor,
86:I love 'Dr Strangelove. ~ Jon M Chu,
87:I love free speech. ~ George W Bush,
88:I love; therefore I am. ~ Anne Rice,
89:I love the word warm. ~ Anne Sexton,
90:I love TV as a viewer. ~ Rose Byrne,
91:I love whom I love ~ Peter S Beagle,
92:I love you
I know ~ George Lucas,
93:I love you, damn it. ~ Jenn Bennett,
94:I love you. I ~ Aimee Nicole Walker,
95:I love you, Luke. ~ Nicholas Sparks,
96:I love you, Savannah. ~ Jaci Burton,
97:I love you too, Drew. ~ Jaci Burton,
98:I'm here, my love,"... ~ Alex Flinn,
99:I think I'm in love. ~ Ransom Riggs,
100:Live what you love. ~ Jo Deurbrouck,
101:Love doesn’t die. ~ Debbie Macomber,
102:Love few, love hard. ~ Tessa Bailey,
103:Love gives. It's given. ~ Toba Beta,
104:Love gives you eyes. ~ Peter Kreeft,
105:Love has no charm ~ Hilda Doolittle,
106:Love is a garment ~ Hilda Doolittle,
107:Love is all you need. ~ The Beatles,
108:Love is an infinite sky! ~ Rajneesh,
109:Love is beautiful fear ~ Kiera Cass,
110:Love is blind ~ William Shakespeare,
111:Love is boundary-less. ~ Angel Haze,
112:Love is holy. ~ William Shakespeare,
113:Love is homesickness. ~ Nora Ephron,
114:Love is not a list. ~ Mark Lawrence,
115:Love is tied to truth. ~ John Green,
116:Love of your life. ~ Kristen Ashley,
117:Love one another. ~ George Harrison,
118:Love taught me to cry ~ Damien Rice,
119:Love was lazy as hell. ~ Adi Alsaid,
120:love Zeth Mayfair… If ~ Callie Hart,
121:My love is upon you. ~ Lisa Kleypas,
122:Never belittle love ~ Preeti Shenoy,
123:Well, love was hard. ~ Stephen King,
124:All da cows love Leo. ~ Rick Riordan,
125:All you need is love. ~ Cynthia Hand,
126:Am I allowed to love you? ~ R S Grey,
127:Draupadi's love is riverlike, ~ Osho,
128:For the love of rocks ~ Jenn Bennett,
129:G'night, Van. Love you. ~ Maya Banks,
130:He must love somebody. ~ Jane Austen,
131:I dearly love a laugh. ~ Jane Austen,
132:I fucking love you, ~ Pepper Winters,
133:I just love chickens. ~ Patti LuPone,
134:I'll always love you. ~ Bree Despain,
135:I love flying planes. ~ Hunter Hayes,
136:I love playing sport. ~ Damian Lewis,
137:I love polarizing people. ~ Josh Gad,
138:I love recording music. ~ J J Abrams,
139:I love to play music. ~ Gavin DeGraw,
140:I love to take baths. ~ Rachel Weisz,
141:I love whom I love. ~ Peter S Beagle,
142:I love X-Games music. ~ Jon Anderson,
143:I love you, Elizabeth. ~ Jaci Burton,
144:I'm a sucker for love ~ Tupac Shakur,
145:I'm in love with hope. ~ Mitch Albom,
146:I really love singing. ~ Andrea Corr,
147:Keep working on love. ~ Richard Bach,
148:Love and gelato. ~ Jenna Evans Welch,
149:Love as thou wilt ~ Jacqueline Carey,
150:Love cannot live here. ~ Sabaa Tahir,
151:Love costs all we are ~ Maya Angelou,
152:Love is a Battlefield. ~ Pat Benatar,
153:Love is a battlefield. ~ Pat Benatar,
154:Love is a believing creature. ~ Ovid,
155:Love is a decision. ~ Liane Moriarty,
156:Love is beautiful fear. ~ Kiera Cass,
157:Love is easily killed. ~ Oscar Wilde,
158:Love is everything. ~ Kristen Ashley,
159:Love is love's reward. ~ John Dryden,
160:Love is not limited. ~ Sandra Dallas,
161:Love is serene and calm ~ Erica Jong,
162:Love is so simple. ~ Jacques Prevert,
163:Love is the answer ~ Albert Einstein,
164:Love is timeless.... ~ Khalil Gibran,
165:Love Made Us Liars ~ Cassandra Clare,
166:Love's upsetting!—in ~ Richard Marsh,
167:Love until it hurts. ~ Mother Teresa,
168:Only Love can explain itself. ~ Rumi,
169:Owl love you forever ~ David Sedaris,
170:Real love is selfless. ~ Yvonne Woon,
171:So much more than love. ~ Kim Holden,
172:...the Gods too love a joke. ~ Plato,
173:There is only love. ~ Gretchen Rubin,
174:True love doesn't spoil. ~ Toba Beta,
175:We love you Effie! ~ Suzanne Collins,
176:What a tangle love is. ~ Alyson Noel,
177:What we love we are. ~ Robert Lowell,
178:Women love an honest man. ~ Rita Ora,
179:would you dare to love me? ~ Shan Sa,
180:You're in love with love ~ Jenny Han,
181:Aladdin is in love! ~ Sarah Mlynowski,
182:All who love have lied. ~ Anne Sexton,
183:Be the love you seek. ~ Bryant McGill,
184:Come let me love you. ~ Renee Carlino,
185:Commies love concrete. ~ P J O Rourke,
186:Do all things with love. ~ Og Mandino,
187:From understanding comes LOVE. ~ Rumi,
188:God is love” (I John 4:8) ~ Anonymous,
189:He convinces us with love, ~ Bob Goff,
190:I am a prisoner of love. ~ Alex Flinn,
191:I am in love with Hope. ~ Mitch Albom,
192:I follow the Way of Love, ~ Ibn Arabi,
193:I freaking love this girl ~ G L Tomas,
194:I love doing what I do. ~ Brett Favre,
195:I love my minions. ~ Michelle Knudsen,
196:I love superconductors. ~ Larry Niven,
197:I love to write poetry. ~ Shayne Ward,
198:I love you. Always do. ~ Sitta Karina,
199:I love you beyond love ~ Lauren Groff,
200:I love you, Ivy mine. ~ Elaine Levine,
201:I love you, Mahasani. ~ Elaine Levine,
202:I love you, Sir Marco! ~ Toni Gonzaga,
203:I love you, Sophia. ~ Nicholas Sparks,
204:I must learn to love you. ~ Carl Jung,
205:, ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,#beauty,#love,#do,
206:Let Love step down, ~ Hilda Doolittle,
207:Live,love and learn ~ Leo F Buscaglia,
208:Love: a grave mental disease. ~ Plato,
209:Love comes in at the eye. ~ W B Yeats,
210:Love each other or die. ~ Mitch Albom,
211:Love each other or perish ~ W H Auden,
212:Love fades. Mine has. ~ Richelle Mead,
213:Love fades, mine has. ~ Richelle Mead,
214:Love is fearless in the midst ~ Rumi,
215:Love is never wrong. ~ Kristen Ashley,
216:Love is only a dance. ~ Howard Dietz,
217:Love is painful sometimes ~ Ker Dukey,
218:Love is stronger than hate. ~ Bob Rae,
219:Love loves to love love ~ James Joyce,
220:Love more and openly. ~ Ruthie Foster,
221:Love once, love always ~ George Eliot,
222:Love remains mortal ~ Neal Shusterman,
223:Love will come find you ~ Alicia Keys,
224:love with Flynn!" A ~ Tricia O Malley,
225:love without ownership ~ Paulo Coelho,
226:Love yourself. ~ Harbhajan Singh Yogi,
227:NO SHOES? WE LOVE YOU! ~ Tom Perrotta,
228:Obsession is not love. ~ Karina Halle,
229:Oh God, me. ~ Julie James,
230:Poetry is fired by love. ~ Erica Jong,
231:She Speaks Of Love ~ Charles Bukowski,
232:Tell me you love me. ~ Kristen Ashley,
233:The final word is love. ~ Dorothy Day,
234:This is how savages love. ~ E K Blair,
235:True love never dies. ~ Cameron Dokey,
236:You’re in love with love. ~ Jenny Han,
237:8. Love is chemistry and ~ Paul Levine,
238:And did you love me? ~ Suzanne Collins,
239:Because love isn’t a cage. ~ Anonymous,
240:Be in love with yr life ~ Jack Kerouac,
241:Bitches need love too.” I ~ Kim Holden,
242:Children love me, dammit! ~ Kurt Angle,
243:Craft your love into everything ~ Lulu,
244:Don't throw away love. ~ Cameron Dokey,
245:Energy is based on love. ~ Leo Tolstoy,
246:Even bullies need love. ~ Eric Walters,
247:Even in love you need pain ~ C D Reiss,
248:Find out what you love. ~ Barbara Sher,
249:First lust then love. ~ Jackie Collins,
250:Free love sounds great. ~ Laura Prepon,
251:Fuck, but I love you. ~ Kristen Ashley,
252:He embraced me like love. ~ L H Cosway,
253:his love for Zara, ~ Louisa May Alcott,
254:How easy it is to love. ~ Tove Jansson,
255:I didn't love school. ~ Kim Kardashian,
256:I do. I love you, Tyrus. ~ S J Kincaid,
257:Ignite, my love. Ignite ~ Tahereh Mafi,
258:I got a muscle of love. ~ Alice Cooper,
259:I just love Jamie Foxx! ~ Nancy O Dell,
260:I like to sing love songs. ~ Doris Day,
261:I love any kind of candy. ~ Kris Allen,
262:I love Canada, always. ~ Melanie Fiona,
263:I love natural redheads. ~ Gemma James,
264:I love new questions. ~ Robert Englund,
265:I love pain. Love pain. ~ Cam Gigandet,
266:I love playing odd roles. ~ Aaron Paul,
267:I love smashing stuff. ~ Norman Reedus,
268:I love Steven Wright. ~ Demetri Martin,
269:I love stuff like Mozart. ~ Robin Gibb,
270:I love the dead... Frequently. ~ Necro,
271:I love thee still. ~ Katherine Addison,
272:I love the young people. ~ Johnny Cash,
273:I love to be surprised. ~ Vera Farmiga,
274:I love to read aloud. ~ Cornelia Funke,
275:I love Velveeta cheese. ~ Dolly Parton,
276:I love you, Julian. ~ Stephanie Garber,
277:I love you present tense. ~ John Green,
278:I love you, Serena. Stay. ~ Maya Banks,
279:I love you, Zane.” Zane ~ Abigail Roux,
280:I love zoo sanctuaries. ~ Nancy Travis,
281:I mean, I love Comic-Con. ~ Seth Rogen,
282:I never fall in love. ~ Karl Lagerfeld,
283:I think I might love you. ~ J J McAvoy,
284:It's good to be in love. ~ Kim Edwards,
285:It was time to kill, not love. ~ Tijan,
286:, ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,#beauty,#love,#do,
287:Kiss me like you love me. ~ Sylvia Day,
288:Life and love go on. ~ Stephenie Meyer,
289:Live and Love the Fantasy ~ C E Wilson,
290:Lost love is still love. ~ Mitch Albom,
291:Love always, Charlie ~ Stephen Chbosky,
292:Love each other or perish. ~ W H Auden,
293:Love finds me difficult. ~ Martin Amis,
294:Love gives without taking ~ Erica Jong,
295:Love is a beautiful fear. ~ Kiera Cass,
296:Love is alcohol. ~ Katherine Applegate,
297:Love is always enough. ~ Susan Mallery,
298:Love is always right. ~ Richard Laymon,
299:Love is an act of faith. ~ Erich Fromm,
300:Love is an affair of credulity. ~ Ovid,
301:Love is a river. Drink from it. ~ Rumi,
302:Love is Immortality. ~ Emily Dickinson,
303:Love is most nearly itself ~ T S Eliot,
304:Love is not love ~ William Shakespeare,
305:Love is stronger than justice. ~ Sting,
306:Love is unbounded by time ~ Sarah Ruhl,
307:Love it or leave it ~ Charles Bukowski,
308:Love loves to love love. ~ James Joyce,
309:Love made you a liar ~ Cassandra Clare,
310:Love makes us liars. ~ Cassandra Clare,
311:Love makes you do the wacky ~ J D Robb,
312:Love means to reach for the sky ~ Rumi,
313:Love me!... Why? ~ William Shakespeare,
314:Love, no matter what. ~ Andrew Solomon,
315:Love really inspires me. ~ Erica Tazel,
316:love rules without rules ~ Thomas More,
317:Love speaks for itself. ~ Ren e Ahdieh,
318:Love's what children do. ~ M L Stedman,
319:Love those you hate you. ~ Leo Tolstoy,
320:Love was a decision. ~ Karen Kingsbury,
321:Love was for brave fools ~ Alyssa Cole,
322:Love was trapping me here. ~ Matt Haig,
323:Love will set her free. ~ Tahereh Mafi,
324:Money can't buy me love. ~ John Lennon,
325:... only love begets love. ~ Anais Nin,
326:Please make love with me. ~ Linda Kage,
327:Pure passion equals love. ~ Matt Sorum,
328:Reading is love in action. ~ Matt Haig,
329:Real love never dies, ~ Melissa Foster,
330:Submit to love without thinking ~ Rumi,
331:The sky itself reels with Love. ~ Rumi,
332:to love without sanction, ~ Hugh Howey,
333:True love can't be bought. ~ Jon Jones,
334:unconscious self-love ~ David Eagleman,
335:We are all fools in love ~ Jane Austen,
336:Well, I love clothes. ~ Celine Buckens,
337:When I lie down to love, ~ Anne Sexton,
338:You know, I love acting. ~ Anne Archer,
339:All da ladies love Leo!! ~ Rick Riordan,
340:All love craves unity. ~ Fulton J Sheen,
341:All the ladies love Leo. ~ Rick Riordan,
342:Be soulful. Be kind. Be in love. ~ Rumi,
343:Be the love you seek. ~ Bryant H McGill,
344:Cannibals need love too. ~ Kresley Cole,
345:Cats love to sleep softly. ~ Theocritus,
346:Dogs have a lot of love. ~ Steven Tyler,
347:Dream big and love bigger. ~ Inbar Lavi,
348:Dull sublunary lovers love ~ John Donne,
349:Eternal love made me. ~ Dante Alighieri,
350:Falling in love with love ~ Lorenz Hart,
351:Fortune love you. ~ William Shakespeare,
352:Girls love cat calendars. ~ Holly Black,
353:I am always in love. ~ Ernest Hemingway,
354:I am in love with every church ~ Hafez,
355:I could be in love with you ~ T Torrest,
356:I'd love to direct again. ~ Ruth Wilson,
357:If you wish to be loved, love. ~ Seneca,
358:Ignite, my love. Ignite. ~ Tahereh Mafi,
359:Ignite, my love, ignite. ~ Tahereh Mafi,
360:I learned to love despair. ~ Lord Byron,
361:I love all kinds of music. ~ Boz Scaggs,
362:I love being in love. ~ Brittany Murphy,
363:I love being in the studio. ~ Neil Finn,
364:I love good, loud speakers. ~ Brian Eno,
365:I love how you look at me. ~ Maya Banks,
366:I love my Spanish fans! ~ Emilia Clarke,
367:I love tennis, love it! ~ David Oyelowo,
368:I love, therefore I am. ~ Robert Graves,
369:I love you, Christian Grey. ~ E L James,
370:I LOVE YOU FOREVER! ~ Debbie Williamson,
371:I love you too, Logan ~ Nicholas Sparks,
372:I love you, you know. ~ Nicholas Sparks,
373:I'm in love with us Jet ~ Jay Crownover,
374:I'm in love with you. ~ Jennifer Echols,
375:Immerse your soul in love. ~ Thom Yorke,
376:I profess the religion of love, ~ Rumi,
377:I realized I’m in love. ~ Richelle Mead,
378:isnt love all ways difficlt ~ Anonymous,
379:It was awful, this love. ~ Eloisa James,
380:I've grown tired of love ~ Anne Sexton,
381:Jazz was my first love. ~ Frankie Valli,
382:Let me love you tonight. ~ Sarina Bowen,
383:Let your Teacher be Love itself. ~ Rumi,
384:LIVE . LOVE . MATTER ~ Brendon Burchard,
385:Lose your soul in God's Love... ~ Rumi,
386:Love alone counts. ~ Saint Therese of Lisieux,
387:Love beyond the damage. ~ Henry Rollins,
388:Love could kiss my ass. ~ Jamie McGuire,
389:Love does not conquer all. ~ Bill Maher,
390:Love each other or perish ~ Mitch Albom,
391:Love. gIve. serVe. forgivE. ~ Anonymous,
392:Love hard. Fight harder ~ Jamie McGuire,
393:Love is a grave mental illness. ~ Plato,
394:Love is always changing. ~ Paulo Coelho,
395:Love is always unexpected ~ Jude Morgan,
396:Love is a sacred silence. ~ Orhan Pamuk,
397:Love is a tyrant, resisted. ~ John Ford,
398:Love is bound up in truth. ~ John Green,
399:Love is easy…trust is hard. ~ Anonymous,
400:Love is its own reward. ~ Thomas Merton,
401:Love is just chemicals. ~ Jose Gonzalez,
402:Love is larger than life. ~ Wayne Coyne,
403:Love is like a butterfly ~ Dolly Parton,
404:Love is like a rubber band, ~ Lil Wayne, is never stationary. ~ Bob Goff,
406:Love is the unfamiliar Name ~ T S Eliot,
407:Love is touching souls. ~ Joni Mitchell,
408:Love is what it takes to fly ~ Yoko Ono,
409:Love it the way it is. ~ Thaddeus Golas,
410:Love made you a liar. ~ Cassandra Clare,
411:Love makes all safe. ~ George MacDonald,
412:Love makes the air light. ~ John Updike,
413:Love me, Love my dog(s). ~ Nancy L Silk,
414:Love me, love the onesie. ~ Alexis Hall,
415:Love one another gently. ~ Truth Devour,
416:Love rules without rules. ~ Claire Cook,
417:Love's all in all to women. ~ Euripides,
418:Love sees no enemies…fear does. ~ Plato, yourself. ~ S ren Kierkegaard,
420:Making love with his ego. ~ David Bowie,
421:My weight is my love. ~ Saint Augustine,
422:Our Darling Eva We Love You ~ Eva Gabor,
423:People die. Love endures. ~ Rick Yancey,
424:People die; love endures. ~ Rick Yancey,
425:Please. I love her. ~ Michelle Leighton,
426:Purity, simplicity, love. ~ Kate Morton,
427:quotidian of love ~ William Shakespeare,
428:REAL LOVE NEVER FAILS ~ Karen Kingsbury,
429:Say you love me, Ivey. ~ Kristen Ashley,
430:Seek beauty and miss love. ~ Max Lucado,
431:Speak with the language of love. ~ Rumi,
432:The first instinct is love. ~ Sean Penn,
433:The look of love alarms ~ William Blake,
434:To love is an active verb. ~ Ogden Nash,
435:To love is to destroy ~ Cassandra Clare,
436:to love is to destroy ~ Cassandra Clare,
437:True love cannot die. ~ Cassandra Clare,
438:Unrequited love's a bore. ~ Lorenz Hart,
439:We are all fools in love. ~ Jane Austen,
440:We put our faith in love. ~ Lauren Kate,
441:What a plague love is! ~ Cornelia Funke,
442:Who doesn’t love cock? ~ Hanif Kureishi,
443:Yogis love to be alone. ~ Dharma Mittra,
444:You ever love somebody so much ~ Eminem,
445:Your heart mirrors not His love, ~ Rumi,
446:Ah, to be young and in love. ~ Anonymous,
447:A life without LOVE isn’t a life. ~ Rumi,
448:All love abhors habit. ~ Christian Wiman,
449:All love is sweet ~ Percy Bysshe Shelley,
450:But love wasn’t a choice. ~ Nashoda Rose,
451:drown your fears in love! When ~ Nirmala,
452:Eager for bread and love. ~ Jack Kerouac,
453:Fortune and love favor the brave. ~ Ovid,
454:Good night, my love. ~ Rebecca Ethington,
455:Happy birthday, my love. ~ Tiffany Reisz,
456:Hate is unfulfilled love. ~ Sophia Loren,
457:I believe in you, love. ~ Krista Ritchie,
458:I'd love to be a rockstar. ~ Tyler Posey,
459:I'd love to do a drama. ~ Jason Sudeikis,
460:I like women. I love women. ~ ASAP Rocky,
461:I love all waste ~ Percy Bysshe Shelley,
462:I love a whiskey chaser. ~ Tiffany Reisz,
463:I love crazy, gaudy bling. ~ Phillip Lim,
464:I love different folks. ~ Eleanor Porter,
465:I love doing fashion. ~ Khloe Kardashian,
466:I love food, I love eating. ~ Robin Gibb,
467:I love horror and sci-fi. ~ Ivan Reitman,
468:I love meeting life halfway. ~ Peter Max,
469:I love science fiction. ~ Moon Bloodgood,
470:I love the forest. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche,
471:I love the work I do. ~ Elizabeth Warren,
472:I love to spend money. ~ Roberto Cavalli,
473:I love women with attitude. ~ Kevin Hart,
474:I love you, always forever ~ Donna Lewis,
475:I love you and I like you. ~ Amy Poehler,
476:I love you, beyond death. ~ Karina Halle,
477:I love you, Emmy. Always. ~ Devney Perry,
478:I love you like crazycakes. ~ John Green,
479:I love you more than life. ~ Dean Koontz,
480:I love you. Most ardently. ~ Jane Austen,
481:I love you, most ardently. ~ Jane Austen,
482:I love you so much, dear. ~ Stephen King,
483:Ink is forever. So is love. ~ Ranae Rose,
484:Kindness in giving creates love. ~ Laozi,
485:Life and love go on... ~ Stephenie Meyer,
486:Love always comes first. ~ J A Redmerski,
487:LOVE and LOVER live in Eternity. ~ Rumi,
488:Love can exist without need ~ Robin Hobb,
489:Love can fuel hate. ~ Elizabeth Chandler,
490:LOVE comes of its own free will, ~ Rumi,
491:Love does not die. It lives. ~ Sarah Jio,
492:Love each other or perish! ~ Mitch Albom,
493:Love each other or perish. ~ Mitch Albom,
494:love equates people ~ Fyodor Dostoyevsky,
495:Love generates love. ♥ ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
496:Love has wings, not anchors. ~ T F Hodge,
497:Love hath no pride. ~ Karen Marie Moning,
498:Love is a beautiful fear. ~ Terry Brooks,
499:Love is a fault; so be it. ~ Victor Hugo,
500:Love is a hole in the heart. ~ Ben Hecht,
501:love is all about timing ~ Karuho Shiina,
502:Love is all that matters. ~ China Forbes,
503:Love is a serious mental illness ~ Plato,
504:Love is for real men. ~ Charles Bukowski,
505:Love is good for the skin. ~ Orhan Pamuk,
506:Love is just an institution. ~ J Tillman,
507:Love is life but longer ~ Simon Van Booy,
508:Love is messy. I want that. ~ Leah Konen,
509:Love isn't a weakness. ~ Cassandra Clare,
510:Love Is The Final Fight ~ John M Perkins,
511:Love is the higher law. ~ David Levithan,
512:Love is the only gold. ~ Alfred Tennyson,
513:Love is wiser than wisdom. ~ Umberto Eco,
514:Love life, Live Love ~ Benny Bellamacina,
515:Love looks like something. ~ Heidi Baker,
516:Love makes you a liar. ~ Cassandra Clare,
517:Love me. Love my umbrella. ~ James Joyce,
518:Love of bustle is not industry. ~ Seneca,
519:Love's a dog in a manger. ~ D H Lawrence,
520:Love that cares, listens. ~ Paul Tillich,
521:Love truth, and pardon error. ~ Voltaire,
522:Love truth, but pardon error. ~ Voltaire,
523:Love well, if not wisely. ~ Rachel Caine,
524:Music is an incitement to love. ~ Horace,
525:My love's a noble madness. ~ John Dryden,
526:My love, sun of my heart. ~ Nalini Singh,
527:Nina, it’s okay to love him. ~ Ker Dukey,
528:Nobody is gonna love you like you. ~ T I,
529:Oh goody, I just love tests. ~ Anonymous,
530:Only the soul knows what love is. ~ Rumi,
531:Peace, love and maki rolls ~ J D Estrada,
532:Personalities don't love. ~ Byron Katie,
533:Real love never fails. ~ Karen Kingsbury,
534:She made love to break love. ~ Jane Rule,
535:Submit to love without thinking, ~ Rumi,
536:The only solution is love. ~ Dorothy Day,
537:This is only about love. ~ Andrea Cremer,
538:To love God all-powerless. ~ Simone Weil,
539:To love is to be vulnerable. ~ C S Lewis,
540:To love is to destroy! ~ Cassandra Clare,
541:True love is really animal. ~ Ray Davies,
542:We all love challenges. ~ Dwayne Johnson,
543:What is love? In English. ~ Karina Halle,
544:You are what you love. ~ Saint Augustine,
545:You can never love me. ~ Cassandra Clare,
546:You know that love ~ William Shakespeare,
547:You love me this much. ~ James Patterson,
548:You love the feel of me ~ Kristen Ashley,
549:You make me love you... ~ Jennifer Niven,
550:A dead love never dies. ~ Pedro Almodovar,
551:Ah, love, let us be true ~ Matthew Arnold,
552:All your wounds from craving love ~ Hafez,
553:A mother's love liberates. ~ Maya Angelou,
554:Because love requires context. ~ Joe Hill,
555:Break the chains, my love. ~ Pierce Brown,
556:DeWarenne men love forever ~ Brenda Joyce,
557:Do we choose who we love? ~ Anthony Doerr,
558:Do you believe in life after love? ~ Cher,
559:everyone i love leaves. ~ Amanda Lovelace,
560:Falling in love was so tragic. ~ L J Shen,
561:Fear holds on. Love lets go. ~ Lisa Unger,
562:Fear is stronger than love ~ Tupac Shakur,
563:First, love your work ~ Tom Butler Bowdon,
564:For me, I love dancing! ~ Michelle Gielan,
565:Fortune and love favour the brave. ~ Ovid,
566:Give love, take pride ~ Benny Bellamacina,
567:Have you ever felt love? ~ Derrick Jensen,
568:His love was like oil ~ Maggie Stiefvater,
569:How can love be a mistake? ~ Mia Sheridan,
570:I am a student of love. ~ Jaclyn Moriarty,
571:I'd love to sponsor a dolphin. ~ Rita Ora,
572:I do. Love you, I mean. ~ Nicholas Sparks,
573:If it's music, I love it. ~ Randy Jackson,
574:I just love getting dirty. ~ Robin Wright,
575:I know I could love you. ~ Melanie Harlow,
576:I know nothing about love. ~ Cath Crowley,
577:I'll love you forever, too. ~ Elle Jasper,
578:I love all of the Earth. ~ Robert Ballard,
579:I love being pregnant! ~ Soleil Moon Frye,
580:I love doing kids' films. ~ Ioan Gruffudd,
581:I love domestic life. ~ Michelle Williams,
582:I love flowy hippie dresses. ~ Joy Bryant,
583:I love going to weddings. ~ Rashida Jones,
584:I love, love, love women. ~ Anthony Quinn,
585:I love lying in darkness. ~ Nicole Kidman,
586:I love me a good sheep. ~ Edgar Allan Poe,
587:I love my mom to death. ~ Oscar Gutierrez,
588:i love purple and blue!!!!! ~ Alyson Noel,
589:I love romantic poetry. ~ Richard Dawkins,
590:I love the fuck out of you ~ Karina Halle,
591:I love to test boundaries. ~ Lily Collins,
592:I love you. God, I love you. ~ Maya Banks,
593:I love you like I love cupcakes. ~ J Lynn,
594:I love you more than too much. ~ Nely Cab,
595:I’m in love with your sex. ~ Avril Ashton,
596:In your light I learn how to love. ~ Rumi,
597:I really love to make movies. ~ Sean Penn,
598:I rocked the cradle of love. ~ Billy Idol,
599:I was in love with a ghost. ~ B J Daniels,
600:I would love to be Moses. ~ Dick Van Dyke,
601:I would love to sing opera. ~ Leona Lewis,
602:Life is a gift, love opens it up. ~ Jay Z,
603:Life is love, heartache and strain, ~ O C,
604:Life is Pain so is Love. ~ Santosh Kalwar,
605:Life makes love look hard. ~ Taylor Swift,
606:..."love always stoops. ~ Ian Morgan Cron,
607:Love and be silent. ~ William Shakespeare,
608:Love at the lips was touch ~ Robert Frost,
609:Love can heal. And forgive. ~ Donna Grant,
610:Love can make you immortal ~ Gayle Forman,
611:love, happiness and God. ~ Krista Ritchie,
612:Love her, but leave her wild ~ Harper Lee,
613:Love is a beautifier. ~ Louisa May Alcott,
614:Love is a beautiful feeling. ~ Kabir Bedi,
615:Love is a contradiction ~ Cassandra Clare,
616:Love is a kind of military service ~ Ovid,
617:Love is always a prison. ~ Cornelia Funke,
618:Love is a mighty power, ~ Thomas a Kempis,
619:Love is an act of courage. ~ Paulo Freire,
620:Love is an element (Akiva) ~ Laini Taylor,
621:Love is an interesting thing. ~ Lady Gaga,
622:Love is a sacred mystery. ~ Khalil Gibran,
623:Love is a serious mental disease. ~ Plato,
624:Love is a serious mental illness. ~ Plato,
625:Love is a severe mental disorder. ~ Plato,
626:Love is better than Fame. ~ Bayard Taylor,
627:Love is energy of life. ~ Robert Browning,
628:Love is for fools, Christian. ~ E L James,
629:Love is no assignment for cowards. ~ Ovid,
630:Love is not a promissory note. ~ Todd May,
631:Love isn't love until it's past. ~ Prince,
632:Love is our true destiny. ~ Thomas Merton,
633:Love is patient, love is kind ~ Anonymous,
634:Love is real, real is love. ~ John Lennon,
635:Love is strong as death. ~ Bony of flours,
636:love is the every only god ~ E E Cummings,
637:love is the every only god ~ e e cummings,
638:Love is the law of life. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
639:Love is the only solution ~ Anand Krishna,
640:Love IS the People's Power ~ Tupac Shakur,
641:Love is the pursuit of the whole. ~ Plato,
642:Love just happens, you know. ~ Kabir Bedi,
643:Love lost can be found again. ~ Jon Jones,
644:Love loves for ever, ~ Christina Rossetti,
645:Love makes us such fools. ~ Leslye Walton,
646:Love me for stupid reasons, ~ Sarah Slean,
647:Love, Peace, and taco grease! ~ Guy Fieri,
648:Love thy neighbor as thyself. ~ Anonymous,
649:Love, we are a small pond. ~ Maxine Kumin,
650:Love well, whip well. ~ Benjamin Franklin,
651:Love your enemies ~ Martin Luther King Jr,
652:Maybe all love is hopeless. ~ Jess Walter,
653:My love's manners in bed ~ Robert Creeley,
654:Need is not love. ~ Jennifer L Armentrout,
655:Never apologize for love. ~ Heather Burch,
656:Nothing > Love. ~ Amy Krouse Rosenthal,
657:One does not love breathing. ~ Harper Lee,
658:Peace and love are eternal. ~ John Lennon,
659:s, ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,#silent,#heart,#love,
660:The law of heaven is love. ~ Hosea Ballou,
661:Thel’s love-drenched eyes ~ David Simpson,
662:To love means you also trust. ~ Joan Baez,
663:To see her is to love her, ~ Robert Burns,
664:true love is ever timid; ~ Mrs Henry Wood,
665:True love, loves true ~ Benny Bellamacina,
666:Weird people love well. ~ Craig Groeschel,
667:We're asleep until we love. ~ Leo Tolstoy,
668:WE SHALL AMPLIFY LOVE. ~ Brendon Burchard,
669:Whom the gods love dies young. ~ Menander,
670:Without love we fall ill. ~ Sigmund Freud,
671:You can't make me love you. ~ Neil Gaiman,
672:You Can’t Run out of Love   You ~ Nirmala,
673:You can't split love. ~ Veera Hiranandani,
674:You could love me or hate me ~ Lil Wayne,
675:You must base the Wisdom on Love. ~ Plato,
676:3. Here’s a gift, I love you. ~ Seth Godin,
677:Act because you love to act. ~ Mae Whitman,
678:All love is immortal. ~ Shannon A Thompson,
679:A mother’s love never fades. ~ Jen Minkman,
680:A pure love is a dead love. ~ Albert Camus,
681:A woman in love is helpless. ~ Coco Chanel,
682:Being in love is not cool! ~ Alice Englert,
683:Blind with love, my daughter ~ Anne Sexton,
684:Brim is hope. Brim is love. ~ Bree Despain,
685:But reason does not govern love. ~ Moli re,
686:Can the fish love the fisherman? ~ Martial,
687:Dust the people you love. ~ Barbara Stuber,
688:Find love and bring it here, ~ A L Jackson,
689:For love is immortality. ~ Emily Dickinson,
690:Hell is the absence of love. ~ Nancee Cain,
691:Here my last love had died. ~ Evelyn Waugh,
692:How easy love makes fools of us. ~ Moliere,
693:How long will I love you? ~ Ellie Goulding,
694:I do my best to love everyday ~ Harper Lee,
695:If you love me, feed my sheep. ~ Anonymous,
696:I have the one you love. ~ Paul Pilkington,
697:I love Australian people. ~ Geri Halliwell,
698:I love being in Chicago. ~ Erin Heatherton,
699:I love comic books. I just do. ~ Megan Fox,
700:I love getting dressed up. ~ MyAnna Buring,
701:I love having fun! Why not? ~ Debbi Fields,
702:I love mixing up my genres. ~ Rosanne Cash,
703:I love Raina Telgemeier ~ Raina Telgemeier,
704:I love stupid plans. ~ Megan Whalen Turner,
705:I love the human mind. ~ Wilmer Valderrama,
706:I love the idea of rectitude. ~ Rob Morrow,
707:I love to hear the note sing. ~ Joe Sample,
708:I love working in the theater. ~ Didi Conn,
709:I love you every day,
Mom ~ Mitch Albom,
710:I love you, I really do. ~ Haruki Murakami,
711:I love you, most ardently... ~ Jane Austen,
712:I make love to pressure. ~ Stephen Jackson,
713:I'm in love. So kill me. ~ Chuck Palahniuk,
714:I'm not in love with you. ~ David Levithan,
715:I’m pretty sure I love you, ~ Abigail Roux,
716:In love we are all fools alike. ~ John Gay,
717:I prefer love over sex. ~ Enrique Iglesias,
718:I said love. I want to vomit. ~ Lexi Blake,
719:I think I’m bluidy in love. ~ Kresley Cole,
720:It is time to put up a love-swing! ~ Kabir,
721:It's Quinn and I love you ~ Donna Fletcher,
722:I want a Sunday kind of love ~ Etta James,
723:I was in love with Guinevere. ~ L B Dunbar,
724:Jesus was lost in his love for God. ~ Rumi,
725:Life minus love equals zero. ~ Rick Warren,
726:Live a little, love a lot. ~ Kenny Chesney,
727:Love and be loved - Always. ~ Truth Devour,
728:Love, and be silent. ~ William Shakespeare,
729:Love and do as you will. ~ Saint Augustine,
730:Love and do what you will, ~ Eckhart Tolle,
731:Love awoke, and so did life. ~ Leo Tolstoy,
732:Love can be its own reward. ~ Arnold Lobel,
733:Love can make up for a lot. ~ Sarah Dessen,
734:Love can make you immortal. ~ Gayle Forman,
735:Love changes everything. ~ Daniel Gottlieb,
736:Love explains a lot. ~ Catherine Ryan Hyde,
737:Love fed fat soon turns to boredom. ~ Ovid,
738:Love God, Love People, Do Stuff ~ Bob Goff,
739:Love goes through all times ~ Kerstin Gier,
740:Love heals scars love left ~ Henry Rollins,
741:Love her, but leave her wild. ~ Harper Lee,
742:Love holds no grievances. ~ Helen Schucman,
743:Love hurts when it changes us. ~ Toba Beta,
744:love in grace and truth. ~ Karen Kingsbury,
745:Love is a contradiction, ~ Cassandra Clare,
746:Love is a contradiction. ~ Cassandra Clare,
747:Love is a heartless bastard ~ Tahereh Mafi,
748:Love is a sacrificial item ~ Asa Don Brown,
749:Love is as strong as death. ~ Kennedy Ryan,
750:Love is effortless attention. ~ Guy Finley,
751:Love is further than death. ~ Joy Williams,
752:love is knowing whom to choose ~ Rupi Kaur,
753:Love is needing to be loved. ~ John Lennon,
754:Love is not about lovers. ~ Santosh Kalwar,
755:Love is patient, love is kind. ~ Anonymous,
756:Love is stronger than God. ~ Robert Repino,
757:Love is the best medicine. ~ Oskar Homolka,
758:Love is the new denim or black ~ Lady Gaga,
759:Love is the sweetest pain inside. ~ Tarkan,
760:Love is the ultimate outlaw. ~ Tom Robbins,
761:Love is the ultimate thief. ~ Marc Secchia,
762:Love is where you find it. ~ Kurt Vonnegut,
763:Love makes its own magic. ~ Jerry Spinelli,
764:Love the truth and peace. ~ Zacharias VIII,
765:Love truth but pardon error.
   ~ Voltaire,
766:Love wins, love always wins. ~ Mitch Albom,
767:Love without conditions. ~ Seth Adam Smith,
768:Love your readers to death! ~ Darren Rowse,
769:Men love newfangleness. ~ Geoffrey Chaucer,
770:My lifes a wreck, and I love it. ~ Bo Bice,
771:O love, whose lordly hand ~ Khalil Gibran,
772:One must love everything. ~ Virginia Woolf,
773:Our love is our burden. ~ Julianna Baggott,
774:Our love lives because I live. ~ Anais Nin,
775:Perfect love casts out fear ~ Jeff Wheeler,
776:Pity melts the mind to love. ~ John Dryden,
777:Reason is not what decides love. ~ Moliere,
778:Reason is not what decides love. ~ Moli re,
779:She knows you love the game. ~ Jaci Burton,
780:She was in love with love. ~ Joyce Maynard,
781:Show love! Love feels good! ~ Gia Allemand,
782:s, ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,#silent,#heart,#love,
783:Sometimes love chooses us ~ Tabitha Suzuma,
784:Sometimes, love was enough. ~ Milly Taiden,
785:That's what I represent: love. ~ DJ Khaled,
786:The difficult part of love ~ Philip Larkin,
787:The Lover is ever drunk with Love. ~ Rumi,
788:The things we love ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas,
789:To love is to lose control. ~ Paulo Coelho,
790:To love life is to love God. ~ Leo Tolstoy,
791:Tough love is still love. 4. ~ Jen Sincero,
792:true love never says goodbye ~ Lauren Kate,
793:Victim fall in love with excuses ~ Robin S,
794:Whatever 'in love' means. ~ Princess Diana,
795:What is love if not a hunger? ~ Shobha Rao,
796:When love is not accepted move on; ~ Rumi,
797:When we love - we grow ~ Theophile Gautier,
798:When you forgive, you love. ~ Jon Krakauer,
799:Women know no perfect love: ~ George Eliot,
800:Work is love made visable. ~ Khalil Gibran,
801:Work is love made visible. ~ Khalil Gibran,
802:You don't know how to love ~ Stylo Fantome,
803:Your friends love you anyway. ~ Dave Barry,
804:You will learn to love again ~ Leila Sales,
805:1. Let brotherly love continue. ~ Anonymous,
806:Acting was my first love. ~ Joe Manganiello,
807:And she was in love. ~ Jonathan Safran Foer,
808:And with love, ambitions! ~ Thomas Keneally,
809:Anger subsides. Love doesn’t. ~ Jim Butcher,
810:Aurelius Alphonse Love. ~ Diane Setterfield,
811:Bad guys need love too. ~ Denzel Washington,
812:Be in love with everything . ~ Jack Kerouac,
813:Be kind. Be you. Love Jesus. ~ Jen Hatmaker,
814:Betrayal is a facet of love. ~ Steven James,
815:Black love is black wealth ~ Nikki Giovanni,
816:But can you still trust love? ~ Rick Yancey,
817:Compassion and love, that's all. ~ Ram Dass,
818:Disneyland is a work of love. ~ Walt Disney,
819:Does the Pope love Jesus? ~ Dana Marie Bell,
820:Fair is fair; all love is war. ~ Kyle Busch,
821:God, I just love baseball. ~ Robert Redford,
822:God, I love a man who reads ~ Tiffany Reisz,
823:Have enough courage to love. ~ Maya Angelou,
824:Hell has degrees, so does love ~ Jean Genet,
825:He whom the Gods love dies young. ~ Plautus,
826:His love is forged in tears. ~ Alex Marwood,
827:How can anyone be against love? ~ Malcolm X,
828:I am here because of love. ~ David Levithan,
829:I do my best to love everybody ~ Harper Lee,
830:I don't really love computers. ~ John Maeda,
831:I fell in love with doing yoga. ~ Ione Skye,
832:If you love love, look for yourself. ~ Rumi,
833:If you love someone, set them free. ~ Sting,
834:I guess idiots love company. ~ Cynthia Hand,
835:I love art. It is uplifting. ~ Damien Hirst,
836:I love being a portraitist. ~ Kehinde Wiley,
837:I love being in America. ~ Charlotte Church,
838:I love...being with you. ~ Lisa Renee Jones,
839:I love constructive criticism. ~ Eva Mendes,
840:I love eggs fried over medium. ~ Slick Rick,
841:I love food and I love living. ~ Ali Landry,
842:I love making people laugh. ~ Matthew Lewis,
843:I love my own kind—womankind. ~ Qiu Miaojin,
844:I love order and organization. ~ Kate Spade,
845:I love playing an alien. ~ Sigourney Weaver,
846:I love playing for people. ~ John Entwistle,
847:I love sharing my passions. ~ Rush Limbaugh,
848:I love the cancer spoon! ~ Vicki Pettersson,
849:I love the rawness in fashion. ~ Charli XCX,
850:I love the smell of emissions ~ Sarah Palin,
851:I love this city [Tel Aviv]! ~ Missy Elliot,
852:I love to challenge myself. ~ Teresa Palmer,
853:I love you. Deal with it. ~ Jennifer Probst,
854:I love you, Hudson Pierce. ~ Laurelin Paige,
855:... I love you, most ardently ~ Jane Austen,
856:I love you so much it hurts. ~ Annie Brewer,
857:Indeed, love is everything. ~ Sue Monk Kidd,
858:In love there is no because. ~ Alice Notley,
859:In love, you pay as you leave. ~ Mark Twain,
860:I really do love you, Kai. ~ Megan Erickson,
861:I really love live performing! ~ Clay Aiken,
862:I really love Norah Jones. ~ Caroline Manzo,
863:I think happiness is love. ~ Vladimir Putin,
864:It’s love that enslaves us. ~ Justin Cronin,
865:It's not love if it hurts. ~ Chuck Spezzano,
866:It's risky, falling in love. ~ Paulo Coelho,
867:It was love at first sight. ~ Joseph Heller,
868:I wish I could love you less ~ Tahereh Mafi,
869:Laziness is love's opposite. ~ M Scott Peck,
870:Let brotherly love continue. ~ Hebrews XIII,
871:Let us see what love can do. ~ William Penn,
872:Lift your hips for me, love. ~ Tahereh Mafi,
873:Like your job. Love your wife. ~ John Candy,
874:Love always leads to love. ~ Helen Schucman,
875:Love and honesty don't mix. ~ Miguel Syjuco,
876:Love and honesty don’t mix. ~ Miguel Syjuco,
877:Love as Thought is Truth. ~ Sathya Sai Baba,
878:Love can change everything. ~ Rosie Fellner,
879:Love God with all your mind. ~ J P Moreland,
880:Love her enough to let her live. ~ Nely Cab,
881:Love in the Days of Resistance ~ Ay e Kulin,
882:Love is a disease. ~ Gabriel Garc a M rquez,
883:Love is a Dog from Hell. ~ Charles Bukowski,
884:Love is always the best choice. ~ Sarah Jio,
885:Love is an excuse to be stupid ~ Tyra Banks,
886:love is an investment! ~ Eric Jerome Dickey,
887:Love is a powerful magic. ~ Seth Adam Smith,
888:Love is a two-way street. ~ Dorothy Koomson,
889:Love is a verb and verbs show action ~ Mr T,
890:Love is a war of lightning, ~ Pablo Neruda,
891:Love is blind but not deaf. ~ Gilbert Adair,
892:Love is dead; let lovers' eyes, ~ John Ford,
893:Love is friendship gone mad. ~ Jillian Dodd,
894:Love is grieved at injustice. ~ Joyce Meyer,
895:Love is hope. Hope is nectar. ~ Sri Chinmoy,
896:Love is its own eternity. ~ Thornton Wilder,
897:Love is it's own protection. ~ Emma Goldman,
898:Love is not a victory march ~ Leonard Cohen,
899:Love is only found in books ~ Ellen Hopkins,
900:Love is perfect kindness. ~ Joseph Campbell,
901:Love is the best revenge ~ Alyxandra Harvey,
902:Love is the key, love is the secret. ~ Osho,
903:Love is the one truth. ~ Antoine the Healer,
904:Love knows nothing of order. ~ Saint Jerome,
905:Love light and not darkness. ~ Orphic Hymns,
906:Love makes people so stupid. ~ Magnus Flyte,
907:Love me...I am not evil. ~ Christopher Pike,
908:Love me litle, love me long. ~ John Heywood,
909:Love recognizes no barriers. ~ Maya Angelou,
910:Love's night is noon. ~ William Shakespeare,
911:Love truth, but pardon error. ~ Phil Knight,
912:Love turns work into rest. ~ Teresa of vila,
913:Love was a vulnerability. ~ Zoraida C rdova,
914:Love was like a toothache. ~ Eiji Yoshikawa,
915:love was thicker than blood. ~ Debbie Vigui,
916:Love your rage, not your cage. ~ Alan Moore,
917:Love your skin, give oil a go. ~ Shu Uemura,
918:No. I simply love Charleston. ~ Karen White,
919:Obedience out of love is joy. ~ Heidi Baker,
920:Oh for the love of mincemeat! ~ Carrie Ryan,
921:One should always be in love. ~ Oscar Wilde,
922:Only dumb people are happy. ~ Courtney Love,
923:People learn from people they love. ~ David,
924:People love to see people fall. ~ Joe Rogan,
925:Photography is an act of love. ~ Jay Maisel,
926:Pleasant words are the food of love. ~ Ovid,
927:Practise love and only love. ~ Narada Sutra,
928:Pursuit is the proof of Love ~ Mike Murdock,
929:#quote, ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,#road,#love,#home,
930:Rejoice and love yourself today ~ Lady Gaga,
931:Self-love knows no impediment. ~ Lynda Obst,
932:Send the witch my love. ~ Becca Fitzpatrick,
933:Shame is removed through love. ~ Danny Silk,
934:She’s…the…love of my life. ~ Scott Hildreth,
935:That Logan is in love with me. “No. ~ Tijan,
936:The absence of fear is love. ~ Chris Murphy,
937:The fruit of faith is love. ~ Mother Teresa,
938:The Glance of Love is Crystal Clear. ~ Rumi,
939:The glance of Love is crystal clear. ~ Rumi,
940:To know you is to love you ~ Jessica Lemmon,
941:To sing is to love and affirm, ~ Joan Baez,
942:TRUE love doesn't have endings. ~ Anonymous,
943:Trust is greater than love. ~ David O McKay,
944:Trust is rarer than Love. ~ Nicole Williams,
945:Truthfully, I love all animals. ~ Kat Von D,
946:We love because we love. ~ Honore de Balzac,
947:We must love one another or die ~ W H Auden,
948:What a strange thing love is! ~ Jane Austen,
949:What I cannot love, I overlook. ~ Ana s Nin,
950:With love I draw what I hate. ~ Harold Town,
951:Writing. Love is writing. ~ Hilda Doolittle,
952:You need to love everyone. ~ Pierce Brosnan,
953:Ain't no choice in love and life ~ Matt Haig,
954:Alas! is even love too weak ~ Matthew Arnold,
955:All love shifts and changes. ~ Julie Andrews,
956:All's love, yet all's law. ~ Robert Browning,
957:All that rescues us is love. ~ Edward Hirsch,
958:Ambition is no cure for love! ~ Walter Scott,
959:And she's fair I love. ~ William Shakespeare,
960:A small café, that's love. ~ Mahmoud Darwish,
961:Because I'm in love with you. ~ Tahereh Mafi,
962:Can love be controll'd by advice? ~ John Gay, ~ Dianna Love,
964:Cause whatever you love ~ Machine Gun Kelly,
965:Do not fall in love with him! ~ Belle Aurora,
966:Doomed love is a part of life. ~ Nicola Yoon,
967:Do what you love doing. ~ Julianna Margulies,
968:down on the small love seat ~ Tamra Lassiter,
969:Excessive love in loathing ever ends. ~ Ovid,
970:Fall in love with your solitude. ~ Rupi Kaur,
971:For love means forgiveness ~ Cassandra Clare,
972:For the love of his art ~ Arthur Conan Doyle,
973:God is love. Yes or no? No. ~ Samuel Beckett,
974:gonna LOVE it!” . . . ~ Rachel Ren e Russell,
975:Goodbye -- Because I love you. ~ Kate Chopin,
976:Hard to forget first puppy love. ~ Toba Beta,
977:Have you ever been in love? ~ Laurelin Paige,
978:Hell is the inability to love. ~ Leo Tolstoy,
979:He loves power. A terrible love. ~ Euripides,
980:He whom the gods love dies young. ~ Menander,
981:How vast a memory has Love! ~ Alexander Pope,
982:I ain't afraid to love a man. ~ Annie Oakley,
983:I believe love opens people up. ~ David Hare,
984:I can't give a Professor love! ~ J K Rowling,
985:I could almost love you again. ~ Gary Snyder,
986:I'd love to...but only with you. ~ Morrissey,
987:I fall in love very easily. ~ Marilyn Manson,
988:If it hurts, it isn't love. ~ Chuck Spezzano,
989:If you love her, support her. ~ Randy Pausch,
990:If you love me, then love me. ~ Stephen King,
991:If you love somebody, set them free. ~ Sting,
992:I hid my love when young till I ~ John Clare,
993:I just love being in the U.K. ~ Logan Lerman,
994:I just think love is stupid. ~ Lauren Conrad,
995:I love being in a courtroom. ~ Kamala Harris,
996:I love Between shades of gray ~ Ruta Sepetys,
997:I love connecting with readers! ~ Sylvia Day,
998:I love filming in Britain. ~ Jason Priestley,
999:I love Ginny's expedition! ~ Maureen Johnson,
1000:I love her fairy-wise mind. ~ Alexander Blok,
1001:I love In-N-Out Burgers! ~ Jennifer Morrison,
1002:I love it when you quote me. ~ Leigh Bardugo,
1003:I love people who are real. ~ Moon Bloodgood,
1004:I love pets, especially dogs. ~ Jurgen Klopp,
1005:I love that country [Israel]. ~ Helen Mirren,
1006:I love thee as I love the tone ~ Eliza Acton,
1007:I love writing for the screen. ~ Beth Henley,
1008:I love you, Emmy, scars and all. ~ L D Davis,
1009:I love you, Ethan Blackstone. ~ Raine Miller,
1010:I love you if you love me. ~ Roberto Cavalli,
1011:I'm covered with loser dust. ~ Courtney Love,
1012:I'm in love with my work ~ Charice Pempengco,
1013:I need you because I love you. ~ Erich Fromm,
1014:In search of love and music ~ Joni Mitchell,
1015:Inspiration is like love. ~ Chris J Anderson,
1016:I really love fried chicken. ~ Padma Lakshmi,
1017:It was hope that brought me love. ~ Nely Cab,
1018:it was only and ever love. ~ Nayyirah Waheed,
1019:I was madly in love with life. ~ Hedy Lamarr,
1020:I would love to be in Kansas. ~ Paul Reubens,
1021:I would love to do a musical! ~ Elle Fanning,
1022:I would love to have acidy spit. ~ Dane Cook,
1023:I would love to play Magnum P.I. ~ Mike Epps,
1024:Jealousy is love in competition. ~ Toba Beta,
1025:Leave love to take its course. ~ Mary Balogh,
1026:Let our scars fall in love. ~ Galway Kinnell,
1027:Let the beauty we love be what we do. ~ Rumi,
1028:Let the beauty we love do what we do. ~ Rumi,
1029:Let us live so we can love. ~ Lisa Schroeder,
1030:Let us try what love will do. ~ William Penn,
1031:Life has to end. Love doesn't. ~ Mitch Albom,
1032:Life is the people who love you. ~ Matt Haig,
1033:Life's a bitch but i love it. ~ Iimani David,
1034:Little is much, If love abides ~ Janette Oke,
1035:Love all, trust a few. ~ William Shakespeare,
1036:love always changes everything ~ Nicola Yoon,
1037:Love and abuse cannot co-exist. ~ bell hooks,
1038:Love, and a cough, are not concealed. ~ Ovid,
1039:love covers a multitude of sins. ~ Anonymous,
1040:Love does not make you a fool. ~ Mitch Albom,
1041:Love follows knowledge. ~ Catherine of Siena,
1042:Love goes toward love. ~ William Shakespeare,
1043:Love had a thousand shapes. ~ Virginia Woolf,
1044:Love her but leave her Wild ~ Atticus Poetry,
1045:Love is a clash of lightnings ~ Pablo Neruda,
1046:Love is a divine flame. ~ Catherine of Genoa,
1047:Love is a lifelong practice. ~ Bryant McGill,
1048:Love is always salvation. ~ Sherrilyn Kenyon,
1049:Love is a skill you learn. ~ Chuck Palahniuk,
1050:Love is being stupid together. ~ Paul Val ry,
1051:Love is bigger than everything. ~ Reba Riley,
1052:Love is nature's psychotherapy. ~ Eric Berne,
1053:Love is Natures second sun. ~ George Chapman,
1054:Love is nature's way of ensuring pregnancy ~,
1055:Love is not an honorable sentiment ~ Colette,
1056:Love is quivering happiness. ~ Khalil Gibran,
1057:Love is sweeping the country. ~ Ira Gershwin,
1058:Love is talkative passion. ~ Louis Armstrong,
1059:love is the biggest con of all ~ Ally Carter,
1060:Love is the end of sympathy. ~ M F Moonzajer,
1061:Love is the only rational act. ~ Mitch Albom,
1062:Love is trembling happiness. ~ Khalil Gibran,
1063:Love locally, trade globally. ~ Russ Roberts,
1064:Love must risk all or perish. ~ Anthony Ryan,
1065:Love not often, but forever. ~ Joanne Harris,
1066:Love people and serve them. ~ Henry J Kaiser,
1067:Love's bigger than rule books. ~ M L Stedman,
1068:Love sees all; hate is blind. ~ Janet Morris,
1069:Love's never a fair trade. ~ Margaret Atwood,
1070:Love was like death that way. ~ Paul Russell,
1071:Love what you do...Don't settle ~ Steve Jobs,
1072:Love will turn you on your head. ~ Jon Jones,
1073:Love won't kill you.
-Carla ~ Nicola Yoon,
1074:Love would never leave us alone ~ Bob Marley,
1075:Maybe I’m just a kid in love. ~ Shawn Mendes,
1076:Measure your life in love. ~ Jonathan Larson,
1077:Men Who Love Dragons Too Much. ~ J K Rowling,
1078:Morrow . . . let me love you. ~ Laura Frantz,
1079:Music is love in search of a word. ~ Colette,
1080:My religion is to be alive from LOVE. ~ Rumi,
1081:My religion is, to live through Love. ~ Rumi,
1082:No act of love is ever wasted. ~ Geneen Roth,
1083:No love is worth that trouble. ~ Mitch Albom,
1084:Oh, I am in love with life! ~ Virginia Woolf,
1085:O love, how did you get here? ~ Sylvia Plath,
1086:On angel's wings, love flew in. ~ Renee Dyer,
1087:Only love can break your heart. ~ Neil Young,
1088:People everywhere love Windows. ~ Bill Gates,
1089:Pressure... I love it. ~ Floyd Mayweather Jr,
1090:#quote, ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,#road,#love,#home,
1091:Simple mechanisms do not love. ~ Umberto Eco,
1092:Spread love whenever you go. ~ Mother Teresa,
1093:strenght-faith-hope-love ~ Bruce Springsteen,
1094:Text me back: a love story. ~ Melissa Broder,
1095:The Ability to Love New People ~ Mary Pipher,
1096:The definition of love is giving. ~ Bai Ling,
1097:Theirs was a forbidden love. ~ Jeffrey Brown,
1098:There is no wealth but love. ~ Marie Corelli,
1099:There's no limit to God's love. ~ Max Lucado,
1100:There's no love without pain. ~ Irving Stone,
1101:The stage is my first love. ~ Anthony Mackie,
1102:The very face of evil was love. ~ Kyle Minor,
1103:Those who love others ~ Neale Donald Walsch,
1104:To love makes one solitary. ~ Virginia Woolf,
1105:...true love is my religion... ~ John Geddes,
1106:True love never forces. ~ William Paul Young,
1107:True love requires sacrifice. ~ Francis Chan,
1108:unrequitted love amuses me ~ Cassandra Clare,
1109:We found love in a hopeless place. ~ Rihanna,
1110:We must love one another and die ~ W H Auden,
1111:We must love or we grow ill. ~ Sigmund Freud,
1112:Whatever happens, love that. ~ Maddie Dawson,
1113:What is love if not a risk? ~ Hailey Edwards,
1114:Why do you love books so much? ~ Robin Sloan,
1115:Ya’ gotta love New Orleans. ~ O Neil de Noux,
1116:You know you fucking love it, ~ Abigail Roux,
1117:Accept yourself, love yourself. ~ Chanel Iman,
1118:Addiction makes love impossible. ~ bell hooks,
1119:Ah me! love can not be cured by herbs. ~ Ovid,
1120:All is fair in love and war, ~ Barbara Devlin,
1121:All love stories are the same. ~ Paulo Coelho,
1122:And I love shooting football. ~ David Fincher,
1123:An evil word it is/ This Love. ~ Amiri Baraka,
1124:Anything we love can be saved. ~ Alice Walker,
1125:A Warrior of Light needs love. ~ Paulo Coelho,
1126:Beauty and Love are as body and soul. ~ Rumi,
1127:Beauty is the child of love. ~ Havelock Ellis,
1128:Could love at first sight be real? ~ Kim Karr,
1129:Do you love me, woman? ~ Aurora Rose Reynolds,
1130:Every movie is a love story. ~ Sandra Bullock,
1131:Everyone deserves good love. ~ Denene Millner,
1132:Every story is a love story ~ Cassandra Clare,
1133:False love is only blinder. ~ George Farquhar,
1134:For love means forgiveness. ~ Cassandra Clare,
1135:For me, I love auditioning. ~ Josh Hutcherson,
1136:He killed them with their love ~ Stephen King,
1137:I am doing what I love to do. ~ Sidney Crosby,
1138:I am in love with the world. ~ Maurice Sendak,
1139:I'd like to know that your love ~ Carole King,
1140:I'd love to design a school. ~ Nolan Bushnell,
1141:I don't make love. I fuck... hard ~ E L James,
1142:I don't remember feeling love. ~ Quincy Jones,
1143:I emote. I love things so much. ~ Chris Evans,
1144:I fell in love again (laughs). ~ Jane Campion,
1145:If you love somebody, tell them. ~ Rod McKuen,
1146:If you love something, let it go. ~ B J Novak,
1147:I have so much love for you. ~ Helena Hunting,
1148:I just love bright red drinks! ~ Anne Shirley,
1149:I like a little hardcore love. ~ Lana Del Rey,
1150:I’ll love you forever, Mia. ~ Ryleigh Andrews,
1151:I love all things Christmas. ~ Samantha Barks,
1152:I love all types of music myself. ~ DJ Khaled,
1153:I love Australia - I think. ~ Barry Humphries,
1154:I love being a member of KISS. ~ Paul Stanley,
1155:I love being around my family. ~ Jourdan Dunn,
1156:I loved to love what she loved. ~ Neil Gaiman,
1157:I love Interscope, I love Star Trak. ~ Teyana,
1158:I love it when celebrities fall apart. ~ Moby,
1159:I love jazz music and sad music. ~ Fred Durst,
1160:I love rains which carry desires ~ Etel Adnan,
1161:I love receiving fan mail. ~ Lara Flynn Boyle,
1162:I love swimming because racing. ~ Ryan Lochte,
1163:I love the role of Ripley. ~ Sigourney Weaver,
1164:I love the unspoken dress code. ~ Tana French,
1165:I love touring, I really do. ~ Penelope Keith,
1166:I love vintage and prints. ~ Georgina Chapman,
1167:I love women more than anything. ~ Vin Diesel,
1168:I love you and I'm here for you. ~ Will Smith,
1169:I love you exactly as you are. ~ Tahereh Mafi,
1170:I love you too, my Sam. ~ Huntley Fitzpatrick,
1171:I love you, Ty. I love you. ~ Cassandra Clare,
1172:I love you with all that I am, ~ Shelly Crane,
1173:I love you. You crazy bastard. ~ Abigail Roux,
1174:I'm in love with Tucker Avery. ~ Cynthia Hand,
1175:i'm in love with you, Bella ~ Stephenie Meyer,
1176:I'm so afraid to love you, ~ Sarah McLachlan,
1177:In Chicago, we love our crooks! ~ David Mamet,
1178:In Paris, love is born of fiction. ~ Stendhal,
1179:In true love, you attain freedom. ~ Nhat Hanh,
1180:Is not poetry the food of love? ~ Jane Austen,
1181:Its not who you love. Its how. ~ Ben Affleck,
1182:I used to love hand raising. ~ Chris Matthews,
1183:I've learned to love my brown eyes. ~ Tinashe,
1184:I walk in the world to love it. ~ Mary Oliver,
1185:I would love to be on Broadway! ~ Emily Blunt,
1186:I write because I love doing it. ~ Roxane Gay,
1187:Just two people in love. ~ Christopher Barzak,
1188:Kindle in thy heart the flame of love. ~ Rumi,
1189:Life is love and love is life ~ Elvis Presley,
1190:Love always changes everything. ~ Nicola Yoon,
1191:Love and respect go hand in hand. ~ Anonymous,
1192:Love can be a dangerous thing... ~ Dia Reeves,
1193:Love cannot pain, desire can. ~ Nilesh Rathod,
1194:Loved you then. Love you now. ~ Tammy Falkner,
1195:Love her but leave her wild. ~ Atticus Poetry,
1196:Love her but leave her wild  ~ Atticus Poetry,
1197:Love, I'm pretty sure, is light. ~ Jan Zwicky,
1198:Love is a healer and I love you. ~ Neil Young,
1199:Love is a hell you cannot bear. ~ Fiona Apple,
1200:Love is another name for sex. ~ Philip K Dick,
1201:Love is a reciprocal torture. ~ Marcel Proust,
1202:Love is a thing full of anxious fears. ~ Ovid,
1203:Love is dope, not chicken soup. ~ Tom Robbins,
1204:Love is everything. Everything. ~ Nicola Yoon,
1205:Love is friendship set on fire ~ Sarina Bowen,
1206:Love is hearing my son laugh. ~ Kelly Stables,
1207:Love is in essence subversive. ~ Andre Makine,
1208:Love is life and life is good ~ Ryan Winfield,
1209:Love is my only lifeline. ~ Yasunari Kawabata,
1210:love is not time's fool ~ William Shakespeare,
1211:Love isn't complicated, people are. ~ Rihanna,
1212:Love is pain. It’s easier not to. ~ Matt Haig,
1213:Love is simply where it is. ~ Stephenie Meyer,
1214:Love is something eternal. ~ Vincent Van Gogh,
1215:Love is stronger than fear. ~ Shannon L Alder,
1216:Love Is Stronger Than Pride ~ Marquis de Sade,
1217:Love is supposed to make us fools. ~ R S Grey,
1218:Love is the absence of judgment. ~ Dalai Lama,
1219:Love is the door to eternity. ~ Thomas Merton,
1220:Love is the energy of life. ~ Robert Browning,
1221:Love is the goal, life is the journey. ~ Osho,
1222:Love is the last light spoken. ~ Dylan Thomas,
1223:Love is the most common miracle. ~ John Green,
1224:Love is the one surprise. ~ Madeleine L Engle,
1225:Love is the only gold. ~ Alfred Lord Tennyson,
1226:Love is the oxygen of the soul ~ Tony Robbins,
1227:Love is wicked distraction. ~ Gregory Maguire,
1228:Love keeps no record of wrongs. ~ Kate Morton,
1229:Love, life, meaning...over. ~ Stephenie Meyer,
1230:Love lift us up where we belong. ~ Joe Cocker,
1231:Love makes heroes of us all. ~ Sheila Roberts,
1232:Love makes liars of us all. ~ Cassandra Clare,
1233:Love makes me feel vulnerable. ~ Joshua Radin,
1234:Love never betrays. People do. ~ Rohit Sharma,
1235:Love. Nightmares. Angels. War. ~ Paula Weston,
1236:Love not Pleasure; love God. ~ Thomas Carlyle,
1237:Love or hate me, I stay hate free ~ Lil Wayne,
1238:Love's not only blind but deaf. ~ Alex Turner,
1239:Love, the great savior of all. ~ Brandon Witt,
1240:Love was a weakness, a trap. ~ Kiersten White,
1241:Love what you do or don't do it. ~ Mark Cuban,
1242:Love with no feelings is a waste. ~ Jon Jones,
1243:Love, you mock us for your sport. ~ Sophocles,
1244:Love your life, live for the day ~ Jeff Hardy,
1245:Make love’s quick pants ~ William Shakespeare,
1246:Mother's love grows by giving. ~ Charles Lamb,
1247:My baby love and I are ENGAGED!!! ~ Evan Ross,
1248:My heart aches to love hers. ~ Colleen Hoover,
1249:My pure love is playing music. ~ Jamie Cullum,
1250:Never fall out of love with life ~ Judi Dench,
1251:No love can survive muteness. ~ Milan Kundera,
1252:Nothing is possible without love. ~ Carl Jung,
1253:Now I love,and will love. ~ Elizabeth Gaskell,
1254:Peace and love, peace and love! ~ Ringo Starr,
1255:People destroy what they love. ~ Paulo Coelho,
1256:People with money love Gershwin. ~ E Lockhart,
1257:Perfect love casteth out fear. ~ William Penn,
1258:Real love doesn't keep score. ~ Bryant McGill,
1259:Send the haters all my love. X and O. ~ Drake,
1260:Shaw, what if I did love you? ~ Jay Crownover,
1261:She does love me. She's scared. ~ Jaci Burton,
1262:She makes love just like a woman. ~ Bob Dylan,
1263:Smiles are the language of love. ~ David Hare,
1264:Sometimes love is not enough. ~ Sarah MacLean,
1265:sometimes love isn't enough ~ Cassandra Clare,
1266:Spread your love and fly. ~ Sugar Ray Leonard,
1267:Talk is cheep. Love is priceless. ~ Jon Jones,
1268:The gods love to fuck with us. ~ Lauren Groff,
1269:The half-life of love is forever ~ Junot D az,
1270:The love is in the waiting... ~ Tiffany Reisz,
1271:The refusal to love is hell. ~ Fulton J Sheen,
1272:There is nothing like love. ~ Nicholas Sparks,
1273:There is perfect love in Heaven! ~ Anne Bront,
1274:The things I do for love. ~ George R R Martin,
1275:The wages of dying are love. ~ Galway Kinnell,
1276:The warm love has the coldest end. ~ Socrates,
1277:To love beauty is to see light. ~ Victor Hugo,
1278:To what will love not stoop! ~ Samuel Beckett,
1279:True love knows no boundaries. ~ Heather Wolf,
1280:Truth with love is a lie ~ Fyodor Dostoyevsky,
1281:Ultimately love is everything. ~ M Scott Peck,
1282:We are all connected in love. ~ Kelly Stables,
1283:We Learn about love by loving. ~ Paulo Coelho,
1284:We love because He first loved us ~ Anonymous,
1285:We love who we love, don’t we? ~ Sarah Winman,
1286:What is love but a pain we choose? ~ Erin Bow,
1287:What would love do now? ~ Neale Donald Walsch,
1288:Who knew love could kill you? ~ Anthony Doerr,
1289:Why must I be lonely in love? ~ Dan Fogelberg,
1290:Why won’t you let me love you? ~ Abby Jimenez,
1291:Work without love is slavery. ~ Mother Teresa,
1292:Would you risk your life for love? ~ Amy Plum,
1293:You can't make love without art. ~ Alan Watts,
1294:You don't choose who you love. ~ Heidi Montag,
1295:You're in love with impossibility ~ Sophocles,
1296:Your love goes past the heart, ~ Kennedy Ryan,
1297:Ah love is bitter and sweet, ~ Hilda Doolittle,
1298:All love that which they destroy. ~ Gene Wolfe,
1299:All my films are love stories. ~ James Cameron,
1300:All shall love me and despair. ~ J R R Tolkien,
1301:Amazing Love! how can it be, ~ Charles Wesley,
1302:And where love ends, hate begins ~ Leo Tolstoy,
1303:Angela’s in love with an angel. ~ Cynthia Hand,
1304:Because love, love never finishes. ~ Sara Zarr,
1305:Be in love with your heart-life. ~ Sri Chinmoy,
1306:Be love because you are. ~ Francesca Lia Block,
1307:Be wild and crazy and drunk with Love, ~ Rumi,
1308:Books can be a love-struck wonder! ~ Anonymous,
1309:Bop is no love-child of jazz. ~ Charlie Parker,
1310:Choose to love the one who does not die ~ Rumi,
1311:Don’t do it. Don’t love me. ~ Charles Bukowski,
1312:Don't Fall in Love with a Dreamer ~ Kim Carnes,
1313:Do the dead sing? Do they love? ~ Stephen King,
1314:Eighty percent of love is smell. ~ Tom Robbins,
1315:Every house where love abides ~ Henry Van Dyke,
1316:Every story is a love story. ~ Cassandra Clare,
1317:Everything is moved by love. ~ Osip Mandelstam,
1318:Fall in love, not fool in love. ~ Alvi Syahrin,
1319:Feeling one "has"; love occurs. ~ Martin Buber,
1320:Follow your foot steps. ~ Jennifer Love Hewitt,
1321:Forget love. Try good manners. ~ Rebecca Wells,
1322:Friendship is love without wings. ~ Lord Byron,
1323:God, I love John Cassavetes. ~ Angela Sarafyan,
1324:God is a name we give to love. ~ Nancy Pickard,
1325:God is love? Not bloody likely. ~ Edward Abbey,
1326:God's love supply is never empty. ~ Max Lucado,
1327:Hare Krishna, Peace and Love ~ George Harrison,
1328:He’d fallen in love with a woman ~ Marie Force,
1329:He killed them with their love. ~ Stephen King,
1330:He only loved his love for me ~ Charles Baxter,
1331:I always love to come to Austin. ~ R Lee Ermey,
1332:I am in love with Larry David. ~ Kathy Griffin,
1333:I'd love to be a 'Bond' girl. ~ Samantha Barks,
1334:I'd love to do music for films. ~ Terry Bozzio,
1335:I do what I do because I love it. ~ Ray Romano,
1336:I feel his lack of love for me. ~ Lorrie Moore,
1337:If ever thou shalt love, ~ William Shakespeare,
1338:If I love a song, I make it mine. ~ Chaka Khan,
1339:If you love god, burn a church. ~ Jello Biafra,
1340:I love a good Dorothy L. Sayers. ~ J K Rowling,
1341:I love both my parents dearly. ~ Kevin Eubanks,
1342:I love collaborating with strong women. ~ Mika,
1343:I love doing my own make-up. ~ Erin Heatherton,
1344:I loved you more than love allowed ~ Lang Leav,
1345:I love everybody. Even George Bush. ~ Ram Dass,
1346:I love fashion! I love clothes! ~ Elle Fanning,
1347:I love him for his sake; ~ William Shakespeare,
1348:I love IMAX when it works right. ~ Tony Gilroy,
1349:I love learning new techniques. ~ David Bailey,
1350:I love music, and I love singing. ~ Ben Barnes,
1351:I love music and I love to dance. ~ Jami Gertz,
1352:I love mysticism - it's such fun. ~ Jerry Hall,
1353:I love my wife, I love my kids. ~ Ted McGinley,
1354:i love reading because it is fun ~ Elle Fowler,
1355:I love taking pictures of food. ~ Miranda Kerr,
1356:I love the edited version of it. ~ Terry Gross,
1357:I love the magic of the studio. ~ Graham Coxon,
1358:I love the way you refuse my love. ~ Toba Beta,
1359:I love to breathe. Oxygen is sexy! ~ Kris Carr,
1360:I love to write. It's all I do. ~ Ray Bradbury,
1361:I love writing family stories. ~ Larry Wilmore,
1362:I love you, Hermione,’ said Ron, ~ J K Rowling,
1363:I love you, Hermione,” said Ron. ~ J K Rowling,
1364:I love you like a fat kid loves cake ~ 50 Cent,
1365:I love you like a man insane. ~ Amanda Bouchet,
1366:i love you, too...and miss you. ~ Kahlen Aymes,
1367:I love you, you stupid jackass. ~ Elle Kennedy,
1368:ILUVUMED: I love you more each day ~ Bart King,
1369:I’m bankrupt without love. ~ Eugene H Peterson,
1370:I'm in love with my second cousin. ~ Bob Dylan,
1371:In search of my Love ~ Saint John of the Cross,
1372:I really love fashion and style. ~ Victor Cruz,
1373:Is love freedom or is it bondage? ~ Erica Jong,
1374:It is good to love the unknown. ~ Charles Lamb,
1375:It is Love that gives joy to happiness. ~ Rumi,
1376:Its all for love... L.O.V.E. ~ Michael Jackson,
1377:I will love you unconditionally . ~ Katy Perry,
1378:I would love to produce a film. ~ Judi Shekoni,
1379:Justice could be as blind as love. ~ Toba Beta,
1380:Just maybe I was worthy of love. ~ Abbi Glines,
1381:Keep a cool head and a warm heart. ~ Mike Love,
1382:Kiss me now, love me now. ~ F Scott Fitzgerald,
1383:Let's Do It; Let's Fall in Love. ~ Cole Porter,
1384:Life is a flow of love. ~ Harbhajan Singh Yogi,
1385:Look, I want to love this world ~ Mary Oliver,
1386:Love and dignity do not dwell together. ~ Ovid,
1387:Love and hope can conquer hate. ~ Barack Obama,
1388:Love and meekness, lord, ~ William Shakespeare,
1389:Love ans desire aren't the same ~ Melissa Marr,
1390:love, beauty, and peace. To ~ Vincent Bugliosi,
1391:Love betters what is best ~ William Wordsworth,
1392:Love does not imply pacifism. ~ Derrick Jensen,
1393:Love draws forth love. ~ Saint Teresa of Avila,
1394:Love enough to break a heart ~ Terry Pratchett,
1395:Love follows knowledge. ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas,
1396:Love fostered courage. ~ Jennifer L Armentrout,
1397:Love, hate, what’s the difference? ~ Anonymous,
1398:Love her, but leave her wild. ~ Atticus Poetry,
1399:Love is a decision - not an emotion! ~ Lao Tzu,
1400:Love is a great beautifier ~ Louisa May Alcott,
1401:Love is all there's time for. ~ Jennifer Stone,
1402:Love is a matter of proximity. ~ M F Moonzajer,
1403:Love is—a shade of what I feel. ~ Ren e Ahdieh,
1404:Love is a strange dark magic. ~ Atticus Poetry,
1405:Love is bitter, death is sweet. ~ Jack Kerouac,
1406:Love is friendship set in fire. ~ Sarina Bowen,
1407:Love is friendship set on fire. ~ Sarina Bowen,
1408:Love is just a shout in the void. ~ John Green,
1409:Love is letting go of fear. ~ Gerald Jampolsky,
1410:Love is like life but longer. ~ Simon Van Booy,
1411:Love is often the fruit of marriage. ~ Moliere,
1412:Love is sharing a life together ~ Emily Giffin,
1413:Love is the answer. Not fear. ~ Lisa Schroeder,
1414:Love is the cruelest myth of all. ~ Marie Hall,
1415:Love is the sea where intellect drowns. ~ Rumi,
1416:Love is where you find it. ~ Christopher Moore,
1417:Love makes a good eye squint. ~ George Herbert,
1418:Love makes cowards of us all. ~ Cornelia Funke,
1419:Love makes men into fools. ~ Danielle L Jensen,
1420:Love makes us stupid, sometimes. ~ Rachel Vail,
1421:love must master good and evil. ~ Paulo Coelho,
1422:Love's a disease. But curable. ~ Rose Macaulay,
1423:love something I don’t possess. ~ Paulo Coelho,
1424:Love that is fed by jealousy dies hard. ~ Ovid,
1425:Love - the best cosmetics. ~ Gina Lollobrigida,
1426:Meaningless is a life without love ~ Anonymous,
1427:Michael Cole loves me and I love it! ~ The Miz,
1428:Mother's love outlives everything ~ David Duke,
1429:My love ruined that man’s life. ~ Karina Halle,
1430:My love still belongs to me. ~ Charmaine Pauls,
1431:Need is a close kin of love ~ Christopher Pike,
1432:No better love than love with no object ~ Rumi,
1433:Nothing cures like time and love. ~ Laura Nyro,
1434:Not to love is to cease to live. ~ George Sand,
1435:Oh when I was in love with you, ~ A E Housman,
1436:One love, one heart, one destiny. ~ Bob Marley,
1437:Only love can keep anyone alive. ~ Oscar Wilde,
1438:Peace Love Rock and Roll!!! ~ Carrie Underwood,
1439:People protect what they love. ~ Rebecca Royce,
1440:Percy was not feeling the love. ~ Rick Riordan,
1441:Perfect love drives out fear ~ Karen Kingsbury,
1442:Say you'll love, love me forever ~ Donna Lewis,
1443:Self-love is a big part of golf. ~ Lewis Black,
1444:Self-love is a busy prompter. ~ Samuel Johnson,
1445:Some call me a gangster of love ~ Steve Miller,
1446:Some people feed you with love. ~ Graham Joyce,
1447:Stay positive and love your life. ~ Nick Hexum,
1448:That I love her. That I’m sorry. ~ Mary Kubica,
1449:The cool, grey city of love. ~ George Sterling,
1450:The flaw is the thing we love. ~ Gail Caldwell,
1451:The half life of love is forever. ~ Junot D az,
1452:The half-life of love is forever. ~ Junot D az,
1453:The half-life of love is forever. ~ Junot Diaz,
1454:The less my hope, the hotter my love ~ Terence,
1455:The light of love sees no walls. ~ Suzy Kassem,
1456:The love of fame puts spurs to the mind ~ Ovid,
1457:The prisoner grows to love his chains. ~ Plato,
1458:There is a madness in love. ~ Jacqueline Carey,
1459:There is perfect love in heaven! ~ Anne Bronte,
1460:there's no hate without love ~ Dalian Artanian,
1461:The secret of art is love. ~ Antoine Bourdelle,
1462:They're all about love. ~ Jonathan Safran Foer,
1463:Time is how you spend your love. ~ Zadie Smith,
1464:To delay love is not to deny it. ~ N G Osborne,
1465:To love anyone is to risk. ~ Stephanie Morrill,
1466:To love at all is to be vulnerable ~ C S Lewis,
1467:To love is to undress our names. ~ Octavio Paz,
1468:True Love Is Born from Hard Times ~ John Green,
1469:True love is tested when betrayed. ~ Toba Beta,
1470:trust was as painful as love ~ Nicole Williams,
1471:Two for vengeance. One for love. ~ John Gwynne,
1472:us of his love and steadiness ~ Michelle Obama,
1473:Wage war on death. Live for love. ~ Ted Dekker,
1474:We belong where love finds us. ~ Anne Michaels,
1475:We love the ones we hate ~ Jessica Shirvington,
1476:Whatever I do is out of love. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
1477:What is beauty? It's what you love. ~ Yoko Ono,
1478:When in love, one must take risks. ~ E B White,
1479:You always nag the one you love ~ Bruce Lansky,
1480:You can't beat a love triangle. ~ Aidan Turner,
1481:You can't love nature with a gun ~ Paul Watson,
1482:You fell in love with me? ~ Elizabeth Chandler,
1483:You love only those who deserve it. ~ Ayn Rand,
1484:You only lie to people you love ~ Tayari Jones,
1485:You've got to find what you love. ~ Steve Jobs,
1486:You've got to love what's yours. ~ Alicia Keys,
1487:A hunter in love with his prey. ~ Sophie Jordan,
1488:All in green went my love riding ~ e e cummings,
1489:All is fair in love and sadism. ~ Tiffany Reisz,
1490:All mankind love a lover. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
1491:---all's love, yet all's law. ~ Robert Browning,
1492:Amour vit en avant.” Love lives on. ~ Sarah Jio,
1493:A town loved with bitter love. ~ Anna Akhmatova,
1494:Be brave, Beatrice. I love you. ~ Veronica Roth,
1495:Beloved, let us love one another. ~ I John IV.7,
1496:But uhh, a thug changes, and love changes ~ Nas,
1497:Conquer the angry man by love. ~ Gautama Buddha,
1498:Do small things with great Love ~ Mother Teresa,
1499:Even bad men love their mommas. ~ Russell Crowe,
1500:Everybody's funny if you love them. ~ Anna Torv,

IN CHAPTERS [300/4143]

1771 Poetry
1186 Integral Yoga
  279 Philosophy
  278 Fiction
  270 Mysticism
  203 Occultism
  136 Christianity
  107 Yoga
   54 Psychology
   50 Philsophy
   41 Sufism
   30 Islam
   28 Science
   20 Mythology
   17 Hinduism
   15 Education
   10 Theosophy
   9 Integral Theory
   6 Kabbalah
   6 Buddhism
   6 Baha i Faith
   4 Zen
   1 Thelema
   1 Alchemy

  789 The Mother
  524 Sri Aurobindo
  425 Satprem
  199 Nolini Kanta Gupta
  197 William Wordsworth
  174 Percy Bysshe Shelley
  158 Walt Whitman
  158 H P Lovecraft
  150 William Butler Yeats
  126 Aleister Crowley
  106 Rabindranath Tagore
   79 John Keats
   77 Friedrich Nietzsche
   73 Robert Browning
   66 Friedrich Schiller
   65 Jalaluddin Rumi
   60 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
   57 Sri Ramakrishna
   50 Ralph Waldo Emerson
   50 Carl Jung
   47 Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
   34 Saint Teresa of Avila
   34 Saint Augustine of Hippo
   33 Edgar Allan Poe
   31 James George Frazer
   31 Hafiz
   30 Muhammad
   30 Kabir
   29 Saint John of Climacus
   29 Anonymous
   28 Swami Vivekananda
   27 Rainer Maria Rilke
   26 Plotinus
   26 Aldous Huxley
   23 Swami Krishnananda
   23 Jorge Luis Borges
   20 Li Bai
   19 Ibn Arabi
   18 A B Purani
   16 Lucretius
   14 Ovid
   14 Mirabai
   12 Plato
   12 Nirodbaran
   11 Vyasa
   10 Rudolf Steiner
   10 George Van Vrekhem
   10 Farid ud-Din Attar
   9 Sarmad
   9 Hakim Sanai
   9 Bulleh Shah
   9 Abu-Said Abil-Kheir
   8 Paul Richard
   8 Jacopone da Todi
   7 Saint John of the Cross
   7 Omar Khayyam
   7 Henry David Thoreau
   7 Baha u llah
   6 Sri Ramana Maharshi
   6 Saint Francis of Assisi
   6 Rabbi Moses Luzzatto
   6 Joseph Campbell
   5 William Blake
   5 Thubten Chodron
   5 Symeon the New Theologian
   5 Swami Sivananda Saraswati
   5 Mechthild of Magdeburg
   5 Jordan Peterson
   5 Jayadeva
   5 Franz Bardon
   5 Alice Bailey
   5 Al-Ghazali
   4 Saint Clare of Assisi
   4 Mansur al-Hallaj
   4 Lalla
   4 Allama Muhammad Iqbal
   3 Vidyapati
   3 Saint Therese of Lisieux
   3 Ramprasad
   3 Peter J Carroll
   3 Patanjali
   3 Lewis Carroll
   3 Ken Wilber
   3 Bokar Rinpoche
   2 Wang Wei
   2 Thomas Merton
   2 Theophan the Recluse
   2 Surdas
   2 Solomon ibn Gabirol
   2 Saadi
   2 Namdev
   2 Mahendranath Gupta
   2 Jetsun Milarepa
   2 Hsuan Chueh of Yung Chia
   2 H. P. Lovecraft
   2 Genpo Roshi
   2 Dogen
   2 Dante Alighieri
   2 Baba Sheikh Farid

  197 Wordsworth - Poems
  174 Shelley - Poems
  161 Prayers And Meditations
  158 Lovecraft - Poems
  153 Whitman - Poems
  150 Yeats - Poems
   99 The Synthesis Of Yoga
   99 Tagore - Poems
   84 Magick Without Tears
   79 Keats - Poems
   73 On Thoughts And Aphorisms
   73 Browning - Poems
   71 Thus Spoke Zarathustra
   68 Agenda Vol 01
   66 Schiller - Poems
   55 The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
   50 Emerson - Poems
   47 Savitri
   43 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02
   42 Agenda Vol 04
   41 Goethe - Poems
   37 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04
   36 Rumi - Poems
   36 Agenda Vol 08
   36 Agenda Vol 02
   34 Collected Poems
   34 Agenda Vol 06
   34 Agenda Vol 03
   33 Poe - Poems
   33 Letters On Yoga II
   33 Essays In Philosophy And Yoga
   31 The Life Divine
   31 The Golden Bough
   30 Quran
   30 Agenda Vol 07
   29 The Ladder of Divine Ascent
   29 Record of Yoga
   29 Agenda Vol 05
   28 The Bible
   28 Letters On Yoga IV
   28 Essays On The Gita
   27 Rilke - Poems
   27 Liber ABA
   26 The Perennial Philosophy
   26 Questions And Answers 1956
   26 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 07
   26 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 05
   24 Words Of Long Ago
   24 Agenda Vol 10
   23 The Study and Practice of Yoga
   23 Mysterium Coniunctionis
   23 Hafiz - Poems
   22 Questions And Answers 1957-1958
   22 Questions And Answers 1950-1951
   22 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01
   22 City of God
   22 Agenda Vol 11
   21 Songs of Kabir
   21 Letters On Yoga III
   20 Li Bai - Poems
   19 The Way of Perfection
   19 Faust
   19 Agenda Vol 09
   18 Words Of The Mother II
   18 Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo
   18 Crowley - Poems
   18 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03
   17 The Future of Man
   17 Agenda Vol 13
   16 On Education
   16 Of The Nature Of Things
   16 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 06
   16 Bhakti-Yoga
   14 Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness
   14 Questions And Answers 1954
   14 Questions And Answers 1953
   14 Metamorphoses
   14 Arabi - Poems
   13 The Human Cycle
   13 The Confessions of Saint Augustine
   13 Letters On Yoga I
   13 Borges - Poems
   12 Twelve Years With Sri Aurobindo
   12 The Practice of Psycho therapy
   12 Some Answers From The Mother
   12 Hymn of the Universe
   11 Vishnu Purana
   11 Questions And Answers 1955
   11 Let Me Explain
   10 The Interior Castle or The Mansions
   10 Talks
   10 Preparing for the Miraculous
   10 On the Way to Supermanhood
   10 Agenda Vol 12
   9 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 04
   9 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 08
   9 Anonymous - Poems
   9 5.1.01 - Ilion
   8 The Mother With Letters On The Mother
   8 The Divine Comedy
   8 The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious
   8 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 01
   8 Labyrinths
   8 Isha Upanishad
   8 Essays Divine And Human
   8 Dark Night of the Soul
   7 Walden
   7 Twilight of the Idols
   7 The Phenomenon of Man
   7 Aion
   7 A Garden of Pomegranates - An Outline of the Qabalah
   6 Vedic and Philological Studies
   6 The Hero with a Thousand Faces
   6 Raja-Yoga
   6 Questions And Answers 1929-1931
   6 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 02
   6 Letters On Poetry And Art
   6 General Principles of Kabbalah
   5 Writings In Bengali and Sanskrit
   5 The Secret Of The Veda
   5 The Secret Doctrine
   5 Theosophy
   5 The Integral Yoga
   5 The Alchemy of Happiness
   5 Song of Myself
   5 Maps of Meaning
   5 Knowledge of the Higher Worlds
   5 Kena and Other Upanishads
   5 How to Free Your Mind - Tara the Liberator
   5 A Treatise on Cosmic Fire
   4 Words Of The Mother III
   4 The Red Book Liber Novus
   4 The Problems of Philosophy
   4 The Practice of Magical Evocation
   4 Hymns to the Mystic Fire
   3 Words Of The Mother I
   3 The Book of Certitude
   3 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
   3 Tara - The Feminine Divine
   3 Sex Ecology Spirituality
   3 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 03
   3 Patanjali Yoga Sutras
   3 Liber Null
   3 Jerusalum
   3 Beating the Cloth Drum Letters of Zen Master Hakuin
   3 Amrita Gita
   3 Alice in Wonderland
   2 The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep
   2 The Blue Cliff Records
   2 Symposium
   2 Milarepa - Poems
   2 God Exists
   2 Dogen - Poems

00.00 - Publishers Note B, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   My Love goes to Thee..]

0 0.01 - Introduction, #Agenda Vol 1, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  Her step by step, as one discovers a forest, or rather as one fights with it, machete in hand - and then it melts, one Loves, so sublime does it become. Mother grew beneath our skin like an adventure of life and death. For seven years we fought with Her. It was fascinating, detestable, powerful and sweet; we felt like screaming and biting, fleeing and always coming back: 'Ah! You won't catch me! If you think I came here to worship you, you're wrong!' And She laughed. She always laughed.
  We had our bellyful of adventure at last: if you go astray in the forest, you get delightfully lost yet still with the same old skin on your back, whereas here, there is nothing left to get lost in! It is no longer just a matter of getting lost - you have to CHANGE your skin. Or die. Yes, change species.

00.01 - The Approach to Mysticism, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   For true knowledge comes of, and means, identity of being. All other knowledge may be an apprehension of things but not comprehension. In the former, the knower stands apart from the object and so can envisage only the outskirts, the contour, the surface nature; the mind is capable of this alone. But comprehension means an embracing and penetration which is possible when the knower identifies himself with the object. And when we are so identified we not merely know the object, but becoming it in our consciousness, we Love it and live it.
   The mystic's knowledge is a part and a formation of his life. That is why it is a knowledge not abstract and remote but living and intimate and concrete. It is a knowledge that pulsates with delight: indeed it is the radiance that is shed by the purest and intensest joy. For this reason it may be that in approaching through the heart there is a chance of one's getting arrested there and not caring for the still higher, the solar lights; but this need not be so. In the heart there is a golden door leading to the deepest delights, but there is also a diamond door opening up into the skies of the brightest luminosities.
   The mystic's knowledge and experience is not only true and real: it is delightful and blissful. It has a supremely healing virtue. It brings a sovereign freedom and ease and peace to the mystic himself, but also to those around him, who come in contact with him. For truth and reality are made up of Love and harmony, because truth is, in its essence, unity.
   Sharp as a razor's edge, difficult of going, hard to traverse is that path!"

00.04 - The Beautiful in the Upanishads, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   And what else is the true character, the soul of beauty than light and delight? "A thing of beauty is a joy for ever." And a thing of joy is a thing of light. Joy is the radiance rippling over a thing of beauty. Beauty is always radiant: the charm, the Loveliness of an object is but the glow of light that it emanates. And it would not be a very incorrect mensuration to measure the degree of beauty by the degree of light radiated. The diamond is not only a thing of value, but a thing of beauty also, because of the concentrated and undimmed light that it enshrines within itself. A dark, dull and dismal thing, devoid of interest and attraction becomes aesthetically precious and significant as soon as the artist presents it in terms of the values of light. The entire art of painting is nothing but the expression of beauty, in and through the modalities of light.
   And where there is light, there is cheer and joy. Rasamaya and jyotirmayaare thus the two conjoint characteristics fundamental to the nature of the ultimate reality. Sometimes these two are named as the 'solar and the lunar aspect. The solar aspect refers obviously to the Light, that is to say, to the Truth; the lunar aspect refers to the rasa (Soma), to Immortality, to Beauty proper,

0.00a - Introduction, #A Garden of Pomegranates - An Outline of the Qabalah, #Israel Regardie, #Occultism
  The Qabalah has nothing to do with any of them. Attempts on the part of cultish-partisans to impart higher mystical meanings, through the Qabalah, etc., to their now sterile faiths is futile, and will be seen as such by the younger generation. They, the flower and Love children, will have none of this nonsense.
  I felt this a long time ago, as I still do, but even more so. The only way to explain the partisan Jewish attitude demonstrated in some small sections of the book can readily be explained. I had been reading some writings of Arthur Edward Waite, and some of his pomposity and turgidity stuck to my mantle. I disliked his patronising Christian attitude, and so swung all the way over to the other side of the pendulum. Actually, neither faith is particularly important in this day and age. I must be careful never to read Waite again before embarking upon literary work of my own.
  Prior to the closing down of the Mandrake Press in London about 1930-31, I was employed as company secretary for a while. Along with several Crowley books, the Mandrake Press published a Lovely little monogram by D. H. Lawrence entitled "Apropos of Lady Chatterley's Lover." My own copy accompanied me on my travels for long years. Only recently did I discover that it had been lost. I hope that any one of my former patients who had borrowed it will see fit to return it to me forthwith.
  The last chapter of A Garden deals with the Way of Return. It used almost entirely Crowley's concept of the Path as described in his superb essay "One Star in Sight." In addition to this, I borrowed extensively from Lawrence's Apropos. Somehow, they all fitted together very nicely. In time, all these variegated notes were incorporated into the text without acknowledgment, an oversight which I now feel sure would be forgiven, since I was only twenty-four at the time.

0.00 - INTRODUCTION, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  About his parents Sri Ramakrishna once said: "My mother was the personification of rectitude and gentleness. She did not know much about the ways of the world; innocent of the art of concealment, she would say what was in her mind. People Loved her for her open-heartedness. My father, an orthodox brahmin, never accepted gifts from the sudras. He spent much of his time in worship and meditation, and in repeating God's name and chanting His glories. Whenever in his daily prayers he invoked the Goddess Gayatri, his chest flushed and tears rolled down his cheeks. He spent his leisure hours making garlands for the Family Deity, Raghuvir."
  Khudiram Chattopadhyaya and Chandra Devi, the parents of Sri Ramakrishna, were married in 1799. At that time Khudiram was living in his ancestral village of Dereypore, not far from Kamarpukur. Their first son, Ramkumar, was born in 1805, and their first daughter, Katyayani, in 1810. In 1814 Khudiram was ordered by his landlord to bear false witness in court against a neighbour. When he refused to do so, the landlord brought a false case against him and deprived him of his ancestral property. Thus dispossessed, he arrived, at the invitation of another landlord, in the quiet village of Kamarpukur, where he was given a dwelling and about an acre of fertile land. The crops from this little property were enough to meet his family's simple needs. Here he lived in simplicity, dignity, and contentment.
   Gadadhar was seven years old when his father died. This incident profoundly affected him. For the first time the boy realized that life on earth was impermanent. Unobserved by others, he began to slip into the mango orchard or into one of the cremation grounds, and he spent hours absorbed in his own thoughts. He also became more helpful to his mother in the discharge of her household duties. He gave more attention to reading and hearing the religious stories recorded in the Puranas. And he became interested in the wandering monks and pious pilgrims who would stop at Kamarpukur on their way to Puri. These holy men, the custodians of India's spiritual heritage and the living witnesses of the ideal of renunciation of the world and all-absorbing Love of God, entertained the little boy with stories from the Hindu epics, stories of saints and prophets, and also stories of their own adventures. He, on his part, fetched their water and fuel and
   served them in various ways. Meanwhile, he was observing their meditation and worship.
   Gadadhar himself now organized a dramatic company with his young friends. The stage was set in the mango orchard. The themes were selected from the stories of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. Gadadhar knew by heart almost all the roles, having heard them from professional actors. His favourite theme was the Vrindavan episode of Krishna's life, depicting those exquisite Love-stories of Krishna and the milkmaids and the cowherd boys. Gadadhar would play the parts of Radha or Krishna and would often lose himself in the character he was portraying. His natural feminine grace heightened the dramatic effect. The mango orchard would ring with the loud kirtan of the boys. Lost in song and merry-making, Gadadhar became indifferent to the routine of school.
   In 1849 Ramkumar, the eldest son, went to Calcutta to improve the financial condition of the family.
   Gadadhar was on the threshold of youth. He had become the pet of the women of the village. They Loved to hear him talk, sing, or recite from the holy books. They enjoyed his knack of imitating voices. Their woman's instinct recognized the innate purity and guilelessness of this boy of clear skin, flowing hair, beaming eyes, smiling face, and inexhaustible fun. The pious elderly women looked upon him as Gopala, the Baby Krishna, and the younger ones saw in him the youthful Krishna of Vrindavan. He himself so idealized the Love of the gopis for Krishna that he sometimes yearned to be born as a woman, if he must be born again, in order to be able to Love Sri Krishna with all his heart and soul.
   At the age of sixteen Gadadhar was summoned to Calcutta by his elder brother Ramkumar, who wished assistance in his priestly duties. Ramkumar had opened a Sanskrit academy to supplement his income, and it was his intention gradually to turn his younger brother's mind to education. Gadadhar applied himself heart and soul to his new duty as family priest to a number of Calcutta families. His worship was very different from that of the professional priests. He spent hours decorating the images and singing hymns and devotional songs; he performed with Love the other duties of his office. People were impressed with his ardour. But to his studies he paid scant attention.
   Ramkumar did not at first oppose the ways of his temperamental brother. He wanted Gadadhar to become used to the conditions of city life. But one day he decided to warn the boy about his indifference to the world. After all, in the near future Gadadhar must, as a householder, earn his livelihood through the performance of his brahminical duties; and these required a thorough knowledge of Hindu law, astrology, and kindred subjects. He gently admonished Gadadhar and asked him to pay more attention to his studies. But the boy replied spiritedly: "Brother, what shall I do with a mere bread-winning education? I would rather acquire that wisdom which will illumine my heart and give me satisfaction for ever."
   The temple of Radhakanta, also known as the temple of Vishnu, contains the images of Radha and Krishna, the symbol of union with God through ecstatic Love. The two images stand on a pedestal facing the west. The floor is paved with marble. From the ceiling of the porch hang chandeliers protected from dust by coverings of red cloth. Canvas screens shield the images from the rays of the setting sun. Close to the threshold of the inner shrine is a small brass cup containing holy water. Devoted visitors reverently drink a few drops from the vessel.
   --- KALI
   The whole symbolic world is represented in the temple garden — the Trinity of the Nature Mother (Kali), the Absolute (Siva), and Love (Radhakanta), the Arch spanning heaven and earth. The terrific Goddess of the Tantra, the soul-enthralling Flute-Player of the Bhagavata, and the Self-absorbed Absolute of the Vedas live together, creating the greatest synthesis of religions. All aspects of Reality are represented there. But of this divine household, Kali is the pivot, the sovereign Mistress. She is Prakriti, the Procreatrix, Nature, the Destroyer, the Creator. Nay, She is something greater and deeper still for those who have eyes to see. She is the Universal Mother, "my Mother" as Ramakrishna would say, the All-powerful, who reveals Herself to Her children under different aspects and Divine Incarnations, the Visible God, who leads the elect to the Invisible Reality; and if it so pleases Her, She takes away the last trace of ego from created beings and merges it in the consciousness of the Absolute, the undifferentiated God. Through Her grace "the finite ego loses itself in the illimitable Ego — Atman — Brahman". (Romain Holland, Prophets of the New India, p. 11.)
   Rani Rasmani spent a fortune for the construction of the temple garden and another fortune for its dedication ceremony, which took place on May 31, 1855.
   Within a very short time Sri Ramakrishna attracted the notice of Mathur Babu, who was impressed by the young man's religious fervour and wanted him to participate in the worship in the Kali temple. But Sri Ramakrishna Loved his freedom and was indifferent to any worldly career. The profession of the priesthood in a temple founded by a rich woman did not appeal to his mind. Further, he hesitated to take upon himself the responsibility for the ornaments and jewelry of the temple. Mathur had to wait for a suitable occasion.
   At this time there came to Dakshineswar a youth of sixteen, destined to play an important role in Sri Ramakrishna's life. Hriday, a distant nephew2 of Sri Ramakrishna, hailed from Sihore, a village not far from Kamarpukur, and had been his boyhood friend. Clever, exceptionally energetic, and endowed with great presence of mind, he moved, as will be seen later, like a shadow about his uncle and was always ready to help him, even at the sacrifice of his personal comfort. He was destined to be a mute witness of many of the spiritual experiences of Sri Ramakrishna and the caretaker of his body during the stormy days of his spiritual practice. Hriday came to Dakshineswar in search of a job, and Sri Ramakrishna was glad to see him.
   Born in an orthodox brahmin family, Sri Ramakrishna knew the formalities of worship, its rites and rituals. The innumerable gods and goddesses of the Hindu religion are the human aspects of the indescribable and incomprehensible Spirit, as conceived by the finite human mind. They understand and appreciate human Love and emotion, help men to realize their secular and spiritual ideals, and ultimately enable men to attain liberation from the miseries of phenomenal life. The Source of light, intelligence, wisdom, and strength is the One alone from whom comes the fulfilment of desire. Yet, as long as a man is bound by his human limitations, he cannot but worship God through human forms. He must use human symbols. Therefore Hinduism asks the devotees to look on God as the ideal father, the ideal mother, the ideal husband, the ideal son, or the ideal friend. But the name ultimately leads to the Nameless, the form to the Formless, the word to the Silence, the emotion to the serene realization of Peace in Existence-Knowledge-Bliss Absolute. The gods gradually merge in the one God. But until that realization is achieved, the devotee cannot dissociate human factors from his worship. Therefore the Deity is bathed and clothed and decked with ornaments. He is fed and put to sleep. He is propitiated with hymns, songs, and prayers. And there are appropriate rites connected with all these functions. For instance, to secure for himself external purity, the priest bathes himself in holy water and puts on a holy cloth. He purifies the mind and the sense-organs by appropriate meditations. He fortifies the place of worship against evil forces by drawing around it circles of fire and water. He awakens the different spiritual centres of the body and invokes the Supreme Spirit in his heart. Then he transfers the Supreme Spirit to the image before him and worships the image, regarding it no longer as clay or stone, but as the embodiment of Spirit, throbbing with Life and Consciousness. After the worship the Supreme Spirit is recalled from the image to Its true sanctuary, the heart of the priest. The real devotee knows the absurdity of worshipping the Transcendental Reality with material articles — clothing That which pervades the whole universe and the beyond, putting on a pedestal That which cannot be limited by space, feeding That which is disembodied and incorporeal, singing before That whose glory the music of the spheres tries vainly to proclaim. But through these rites the devotee aspires to go ultimately beyond rites and rituals, forms and names, words and praise, and to realize God as the All-pervading Consciousness.
   Hindu priests are thoroughly acquainted with the rites of worship, but few of them are aware of their underlying significance. They move their hands and limbs mechanically, in obedience to the letter of the scriptures, and repeat the holy mantras like parrots. But from the very beginning the inner meaning of these rites was revealed to Sri Ramakrishna. As he sat facing the image, a strange transformation came over his mind. While going through the prescribed ceremonies, he would actually find himself encircled by a wall of fire protecting him and the place of worship from unspiritual vibrations, or he would feel the rising of the mystic Kundalini through the different centres of the body. The glow on his face, his deep absorption, and the intense atmosphere of the temple impressed everyone who saw him worship the Deity.
   And, indeed, he soon discovered what a strange Goddess he had chosen to serve. He became gradually enmeshed in the web of Her all-pervading presence. To the ignorant She is, to be sure, the image of destruction; but he found in Her the benign, all-loving Mother. Her neck is encircled with a garland of heads, and Her waist with a girdle of human arms, and two of Her hands hold weapons of death, and Her eyes dart a glance of fire; but, strangely enough, Ramakrishna felt in Her breath the soothing touch of tender Love and saw in Her the Seed of Immortality. She stands on the bosom of Her Consort, Siva; it is because She is the Sakti, the Power, inseparable from the Absolute. She is surrounded by jackals and other unholy creatures, the denizens of the cremation ground. But is not the Ultimate Reality above holiness and unholiness? She appears to be reeling under the spell of wine. But who would create this mad world unless under the influence of a divine drunkenness? She is the highest symbol of all the forces of nature, the synthesis of their antinomies, the Ultimate Divine in the form of woman. She now became to Sri Ramakrishna the only Reality, and the world became an unsubstantial shadow. Into Her worship he poured his soul. Before him She stood as the transparent portal to the shrine of Ineffable Reality.
   The worship in the temple intensified Sri Ramakrishna's yearning for a living vision of the Mother of the Universe. He began to spend in meditation the time not actually employed in the temple service; and for this purpose he selected an extremely solitary place. A deep jungle, thick with underbrush and prickly plants, lay to the north of the temples. Used at one time as a burial ground, it was shunned by people even during the day-time for fear of ghosts. There Sri Ramakrishna began to spend the whole night in meditation, returning to his room only in the morning with eyes swollen as though from much weeping. While meditating, he would lay aside his cloth and his brahminical thread. Explaining this strange conduct, he once said to Hriday: "Don't you know that when one thinks of God one should be freed from all ties? From our very birth we have the eight fetters of hatred, shame, lineage, pride of good conduct, fear, secretiveness, caste, and grief. The sacred thread reminds me that I am a brahmin and therefore superior to all. When calling on the Mother one has to set aside all such ideas." Hriday thought his uncle was becoming insane.
   As his Love for God deepened, he began either to forget or to drop the formalities of worship. Sitting before the image, he would spend hours singing the devotional songs of great devotees of the Mother, such as Kamalakanta and Ramprasad. Those rhapsodical songs, describing the direct vision of God, only intensified Sri Ramakrishna's longing. He felt the pangs of a child separated from its mother. Sometimes, in agony, he would rub his face against the ground and weep so bitterly that people, thinking he had lost his earthly mother, would sympathize with him in his grief. Sometimes, in moments of scepticism, he would cry: "Art Thou true, Mother, or is it all fiction — mere poetry without any reality? If Thou dost exist, why do I not see Thee? Is religion a mere fantasy and art Thou only a figment of man's imagination?" Sometimes he would sit on the prayer carpet for two hours like an inert object. He began to behave in an abnormal manner
  , most of the time unconscious of the world. He almost gave up food; and sleep left him altogether.
   In 1858 there came to Dakshineswar a cousin of Sri Ramakrishna, Haladhari by name, who was to remain there about eight years. On account of Sri Ramakrishna's indifferent health, Mathur appointed this man to the office of priest in the Kali temple. He was a complex character, versed in the letter of the scriptures, but hardly aware of their spirit. He Loved to participate in hair-splitting theological discussions and, by the measure of his own erudition, he proceeded to gauge Sri Ramakrishna. An orthodox brahmin, he thoroughly disapproved of his cousin's unorthodox actions, but he was not unimpressed by Sri Ramakrishna's purity of life, ecstatic Love of God, and yearning for realization.
   One day Haladhari upset Sri Ramakrishna with the statement that God is incomprehensible to the human mind. Sri Ramakrishna has described the great moment of doubt when he wondered whether his visions had really misled him: "With sobs I prayed to the Mother, 'Canst Thou have the heart to deceive me like this because I am a fool?' A stream of tears flowed from my eyes. Shortly afterwards I saw a volume of mist rising from the floor and filling the space before me. In the midst of it there appeared a face with flowing beard, calm, highly expressive, and fair. Fixing its gaze steadily upon me, it said solemnly, 'Remain in bhavamukha, on the threshold of relative consciousness.' This it repeated three times and then it gently disappeared in the mist, which itself dissolved. This vision reassured me."
   Sri Ramakrishna welcomed the visitor with great respect, described to her his experiences and visions, and told her of people's belief that these were symptoms of madness. She listened to him attentively and said: "My son, everyone in this world is mad. Some are mad for money, some for creature comforts, some for name and fame; and you are mad for God." She assured him that he was passing through the almost unknown spiritual experience described in the scriptures as mahabhava, the most exalted rapture of divine Love. She told him that this extreme exaltation had been described as manifesting itself through nineteen physical symptoms, including the shedding of tears, a tremor of the body, horripilation, perspiration, and a burning sensation. The Bhakti scriptures, she declared, had recorded only two instances of the experience, namely, those of Sri Radha and Sri Chaitanya.
   Very soon a tender relationship sprang up between Sri Ramakrishna and the Brahmani, she looking upon him as the Baby Krishna, and he upon her as mother. Day after day she watched his ecstasy during the kirtan and meditation, his samadhi, his mad yearning; and she recognized in him a power to transmit spirituality to others. She came to the conclusion that such things were not possible for an ordinary devotee, not even for a highly developed soul. Only an Incarnation of God was capable of such spiritual manifestations. She proclaimed openly that Sri Ramakrishna, like Sri Chaitanya, was an Incarnation of God.
   For the achievement of this goal the Vedanta prescribes an austere negative method of discrimination and renunciation, which can be followed by only a few individuals endowed with sharp intelligence and unshakable will-power. But Tantra takes into consideration the natural weakness of human beings, their lower appetites, and their Love for the concrete. It combines philosophy with rituals, meditation with ceremonies, renunciation with enjoyment. The underlying purpose is gradually to train the aspirant to meditate on his identity with the Ultimate.
   The average man wishes to enjoy the material objects of the world. Tantra bids him enjoy these, but at the same time discover in them the presence of God. Mystical rites are prescribed by which, slowly, the sense-objects become spiritualized and sense attraction is transformed into a Love of God. So the very "bonds" of man are turned into "releasers". The very poison that kills is transmuted into the elixir of life. Outward renunciation is not necessary. Thus the aim of Tantra is to sublimate bhoga, or enjoyment into yoga, or union with Consciousness. For, according to this philosophy, the world with all its manifestations is nothing but the sport of Siva and Sakti, the Absolute and Its inscrutable Power.
   The disciplines of Tantra are graded to suit aspirants of all degrees. Exercises are prescribed for people with "animal", "heroic", and "divine" outlooks. Certain of the rites require the presence of members of the opposite sex. Here the aspirant learns to look on woman as the embodiment of the Goddess Kali, the Mother of the Universe. The very basis of Tantra is the Motherhood of God and the glorification of woman. Every part of a woman's body is to be regarded as incarnate Divinity. But the rites are extremely dangerous. The help of a qualified guru is absolutely necessary. An unwary devotee may lose his foothold and fall into a pit of depravity.
   Vaishnavism is exclusively a religion of bhakti. Bhakti is intense Love of God, attachment to Him alone; it is of the nature of bliss and bestows upon the Lover immortality and liberation. God, according to Vaishnavism, cannot be realized through logic or reason; and, without bhakti, all penances, austerities and rites are futile. Man cannot realize God by self-exertion alone. For the vision of God His grace is absolutely necessary, and this grace is felt by the pure of heart. The mind is to be purified through bhakti. The pure mind then remains for ever immersed in the ecstasy of God-vision. It is the cultivation of this divine Love that is the chief concern of the Vaishnava religion.
   There are three kinds of formal devotion: tamasic, rajasic, and sattvic. If a person, while showing devotion, to God, is actuated by malevolence, arrogance, jealousy, or anger, then his devotion is tamasic, since it is influenced by tamas, the quality of inertia. If he worships God from a desire for fame or wealth, or from any other worldly ambition, then his devotion is rajasic, since it is influenced by rajas, the quality of activity. But if a person Loves God without any thought of material gain, if he performs his duties to please God alone and maintains toward all created beings the attitude of friendship, then his devotion is called sattvic, since it is influenced by sattva, the quality of harmony. But the highest devotion transcends the three gunas, or qualities, being a spontaneous, uninterrupted inclination of the mind toward God, the Inner Soul of all beings; and it wells up in the heart of a true devotee as soon as he hears the name of God or mention of God's attributes. A devotee possessed of this Love would not accept the happiness of heaven if it were offered him. His one desire is to Love God under all conditions — in pleasure and pain, life and death, honour and dishonour, prosperity and adversity.
   There are two stages of bhakti. The first is known as vaidhi-bhakti, or Love of God qualified by scriptural injunctions. For the devotees of this stage are prescribed regular and methodical worship, hymns, prayers, the repetition of God's name, and the chanting of His glories. This lower bhakti in course of time matures into para-bhakti, or supreme devotion, known also as prema, the most intense form of divine Love. Divine Love is an end in itself. It exists potentially in all human hearts, but in the case of bound creatures it is misdirected to earthly objects.
   To develop the devotee's Love for God, Vaishnavism humanizes God. God is to be regarded as the devotee's Parent, Master, Friend, Child, Husband, or Sweetheart, each succeeding relationship representing an intensification of Love. These bhavas, or attitudes toward God, are known as santa, dasya, sakhya, vatsalya, and madhur. The rishis of the Vedas, Hanuman, the cow-herd boys of Vrindavan, Rama's mother Kausalya, and Radhika, Krishna's sweetheart, exhibited, respectively, the most perfect examples of these forms. In the ascending scale the-glories of God are gradually forgotten and the devotee realizes more and more the intimacy of divine communion. Finally he regards himself as the mistress of his Be Loved, and no artificial barrier remains to separate him from his Ideal. No social or moral obligation can bind to the earth his soaring spirit. He experiences perfect union with the Godhead. Unlike the Vedantist, who strives to transcend all varieties of the subject-object relationship, a devotee of the Vaishnava path wishes to retain both his own individuality and the personality of God. To him God is not an intangible Absolute, but the Purushottama, the Supreme Person.
   While practising the discipline of the madhur bhava, the male devotee often regards himself as a woman, in order to develop the most intense form of Love for Sri Krishna, the only purusha, or man, in the universe. This assumption of the attitude of the opposite sex has a deep psychological significance. It is a matter of common experience that an idea may be cultivated to such an intense degree that every idea alien to it is driven from the mind. This peculiarity of the mind may be utilized for the subjugation of the lower desires and the development of the spiritual nature. Now, the idea which is the basis of all desires and passions in a man is the conviction of his indissoluble association with a male body. If he can inoculate himself thoroughly with the idea that he is a woman, he can get rid of the desires peculiar to his male body. Again, the idea that he is a woman may in turn be made to give way to another higher idea, namely, that he is neither man nor woman, but the Impersonal Spirit. The Impersonal Spirit alone can enjoy real communion with the Impersonal God. Hence the highest est realization of the Vaishnava draws close to the transcendental experience of the Vedantist.
   A beautiful expression of the Vaishnava worship of God through Love is to be found in the Vrindavan episode of the Bhagavata. The gopis, or milk-maids, of Vrindavan regarded the six-year-old Krishna as their Be Loved. They sought no personal gain or happiness from this Love. They surrendered to Krishna their bodies, minds, and souls. Of all the gopis, Radhika, or Radha, because of her intense Love for Him, was the closest to Krishna. She manifested mahabhava and was united with her Be Loved. This union represents, through sensuous language, a supersensuous experience.
   Sri Chaitanya, also known as Gauranga, Gora, or Nimai, born in Bengal in 1485 and regarded as an Incarnation of God, is a great prophet of the Vaishnava religion. Chaitanya declared the chanting of God's name to be the most efficacious spiritual discipline for the Kaliyuga.
   About the year 1864 there came to Dakshineswar a wandering Vaishnava monk, Jatadhari, whose Ideal Deity was Rama. He always carried with him a small metal image of the Deity, which he called by the endearing name of Ramlala, the Boy Rama. Toward this little image he displayed the tender affection of Kausalya for her divine Son, Rama. As a result of lifelong spiritual practice he had actually found in the metal image the presence of his Ideal. Ramlala was no longer for him a metal image, but the living God. He devoted himself to nursing Rama, feeding Rama, playing with Rama, taking Rama for a walk, and bathing Rama. And he found that the image responded to his Love.
   Sri Ramakrishna, much impressed with his devotion, requested Jatadhari to spend a few days at Dakshineswar. Soon Ramlala became the favourite companion of Sri Ramakrishna too. Later on he described to the devotees how the little image would dance gracefully before him, jump on his back, insist on being taken in his arms, run to the fields in the sun, pluck flowers from the bushes, and play pranks like a naughty boy. A very sweet relationship sprang up between him and Ramlala, for whom he felt the Love of a mother.
   One day Jatadhari requested Sri Ramakrishna to keep the image and bade him adieu with tearful eyes. He declared that Ramlala had fulfilled his innermost prayer and that he now had no more need of formal worship. A few days later Sri Ramakrishna was blessed through Ramlala with a vision of Ramachandra, whereby he realized that the Rama of the Ramayana, the son of Dasaratha, pervades the whole universe as Spirit and Consciousness; that He is its Creator, Sustainer, and Destroyer; that, in still another aspect, He is the transcendental Brahman, without form, attribute, or name.
   Sri Ramakrishna now devoted himself to scaling the most inaccessible and dizzy heights of dualistic worship, namely, the complete union with Sri Krishna as the Be Loved of the heart. He regarded himself as one of the gopis of Vrindavan, mad with longing for her divine Sweetheart. At his request Mathur provided him with woman's dress and jewelry. In this Love-pursuit, food and drink were forgotten. Day and night he wept bitterly. The yearning turned into a mad frenzy; for the divine Krishna began to play with him the old tricks He had played with the gopis. He would tease and taunt, now and then revealing Himself, but always keeping at a distance. Sri Ramakrishna's anguish brought on a return of the old physical symptoms: the burning sensation, an oozing of blood through the pores, a loosening of the joints, and the stopping of physiological functions.
   The Vaishnava scriptures advise one to propitiate Radha and obtain her grace in order to realize Sri Krishna. So the tortured devotee now turned his prayer to her. Within a short time he enjoyed her blessed vision. He saw and felt the figure of Radha disappearing into his own body.
   Now one with Radha, he manifested the great ecstatic Love, the mahabhava, which had found in her its fullest expression. Later Sri Ramakrishna said: "The manifestation in the same individual of the nineteen different kinds of emotion for God is called, in the books on bhakti, mahabhava. An ordinary man takes a whole lifetime to express even a single one of these. But in this body [meaning himself] there has been a complete manifestation of all nineteen."
   The Love of Radha is the precursor of the resplendent vision of Sri Krishna, and Sri Ramakrishna soon experienced that vision. The enchanting ing form of Krishna appeared to him and merged in his person. He became Krishna; he totally forgot his own individuality and the world; he saw Krishna in himself and in the universe. Thus he attained to the fulfilment of the worship of the Personal God. He drank from the fountain of Immortal Bliss. The agony of his heart vanished forever. He realized Amrita, Immortality, beyond the shadow of death.
   One day, listening to a recitation of the Bhagavata on the verandah of the Radhakanta temple, he fell into a divine mood and saw the enchanting form of Krishna. He perceived the luminous rays issuing from Krishna's Lotus Feet in the form of a stout rope, which touched first the Bhagavata and then his own chest, connecting all three — God, the scripture, and the devotee. "After this vision", he used to say, "I came to realize that Bhagavan, Bhakta, and Bhagavata — God, Devotee, and Scripture — are in reality one and the same."
   The path of the Vedantic discipline is the path of negation, "neti", in which, by stern determination, all that is unreal is both negated and renounced. It is the path of jnana, knowledge, the direct method of realizing the Absolute. After the negation of everything relative, including the discriminating ego itself, the aspirant merges in the One without a Second, in the bliss of nirvikalpa samadhi, where subject and object are alike dissolved. The soul goes beyond the realm of thought. The domain of duality is transcended. Maya is left behind with all its changes and modifications. The Real Man towers above the delusions of creation, preservation, and destruction. An avalanche of indescribable Bliss sweeps away all relative ideas of pain and pleasure, good and evil. There shines in the heart the glory of the Eternal Brahman, Existence-Knowledge-Bliss Absolute. Knower, knowledge, and known are dissolved in the Ocean of one eternal Consciousness; Love, Lover, and be Loved merge in the unbounded Sea of supreme Felicity; birth, growth, and death vanish in infinite Existence. All doubts and misgivings are quelled for ever; the oscillations of the mind are stopped; the momentum of past actions is exhausted. Breaking down the ridge-pole of the tabernacle in which the soul has made its abode for untold ages, stilling the body, calming the mind, drowning the ego, the sweet joy of Brahman wells up in that superconscious state. Space disappears into nothingness, time is swallowed in eternity, and causation becomes a dream of the past. Only Existence is. Ah! Who can describe what the soul then feels in its communion with the Self?
   Even when man descends from this dizzy height, he is devoid of ideas of "I" and "mine"; he looks on the body as a mere shadow, an outer sheath encasing the soul. He does not dwell on the past, takes no thought for the future, and looks with indifference on the present. He surveys everything in the world with an eye of equality; he is no longer touched by the infinite variety of phenomena; he no longer reacts to pleasure and pain. He remains unmoved whether he — that is to say, his body — is worshipped by the good or tormented by the wicked; for he realizes that it is the one Brahman that manifests Itself through everything. The impact of such an experience devastates the body and mind. Consciousness becomes blasted, as it were, with an excess of Light. In the Vedanta books it is said that after the experience of nirvikalpa samadhi the body drops off like a dry leaf. Only those who are born with a special mission for the world can return
   Sri Ramakrishna, on the other hand, though fully aware, like his guru, that the world is an illusory appearance, instead of slighting maya, like an orthodox monist, acknowledged its power in the relative life. He was all Love and reverence for maya, perceiving in it a mysterious and majestic expression of Divinity. To him maya itself was God, for everything was God. It was one of the faces of Brahman. What he had realized on the heights of the transcendental plane, he also found here below, everywhere about him, under the mysterious garb of names and forms. And this garb was a perfectly transparent sheath, through which he recognized the glory of the Divine Immanence. Maya, the mighty weaver of the garb, is none other than Kali, the Divine Mother. She is the primordial Divine Energy, Sakti, and She can no more be distinguished from the Supreme Brahman than can the power of burning be distinguished from fire. She projects the world and again withdraws it. She spins it as the spider spins its web. She is the Mother of the Universe, identical with the Brahman of Vedanta, and with the Atman of Yoga. As eternal Lawgiver, She makes and unmakes laws; it is by Her imperious will that karma yields its fruit. She ensnares men with illusion and again releases them from bondage with a look of Her benign eyes. She is the supreme Mistress of the cosmic play, and all objects, animate and inanimate, dance by Her will. Even those who realize the Absolute in nirvikalpa samadhi are under Her jurisdiction as long as they still live on the relative plane.
   Thus, after nirvikalpa samadhi, Sri Ramakrishna realized maya in an altogether new role. The binding aspect of Kali vanished from before his vision. She no longer obscured his understanding. The world became the glorious manifestation of the Divine Mother. Maya became Brahman. The Transcendental Itself broke through the Immanent. Sri Ramakrishna discovered that maya operates in the relative world in two ways, and he termed these "avidyamaya" and "vidyamaya". Avidyamaya represents the dark forces of creation: sensuous desires, evil passions, greed, lust, cruelty, and so on. It sustains the world system on the lower planes. It is responsible for the round of man's birth and death. It must be fought and vanquished. But vidyamaya is the higher force of creation: the spiritual virtues, the enlightening qualities, kindness, purity, Love, devotion. Vidyamaya elevates man to the higher planes of consciousness. With the help of vidyamaya the devotee rids himself of avidyamaya; he then becomes mayatita, free of maya. The two aspects of maya are the two forces of creation, the two powers of Kali; and She stands beyond them both. She is like the effulgent sun, bringing into existence and shining through and standing behind the clouds of different colours and shapes, conjuring up wonderful forms in the blue autumn heaven.
   The Divine Mother asked Sri Ramakrishna not to be lost in the featureless Absolute but to remain, in bhavamukha, on the threshold of relative consciousness, the border line between the Absolute and the Relative. He was to keep himself at the "sixth centre" of Tantra, from which he could see not only the glory of the seventh, but also the divine manifestations of the Kundalini in the lower centres. He gently oscillated back and forth across the dividing line. Ecstatic devotion to the Divine Mother alternated with serene absorption in the Ocean of Absolute Unity. He thus bridged the gulf between the Personal and the Impersonal, the immanent and the transcendent aspects of Reality. This is a unique experience in the recorded spiritual history of the world.
   Eight years later, some time in November 1874, Sri Ramakrishna was seized with an irresistible desire to learn the truth of the Christian religion. He began to listen to readings from the Bible, by Sambhu Charan Mallick, a gentleman of Calcutta and a devotee of the Master. Sri Ramakrishna became fascinated by the life and teachings of Jesus. One day he was seated in the parlour of Jadu Mallick's garden house (This expression is used throughout to translate the Bengali word denoting a rich man's country house set in a garden.) at Dakshineswar, when his eyes became fixed on a painting of the Madonna and Child. Intently watching it, he became gradually overwhelmed with divine emotion. The figures in the picture took on life, and the rays of light emanating from them entered his soul. The effect of this experience was stronger than that of the vision of Mohammed. In dismay he cried out, "O Mother! What are You doing to me?" And, breaking through the barriers of creed and religion, he entered a new realm of ecstasy. Christ possessed his soul. For three days he did not set foot in the Kali temple. On the fourth day, in the afternoon, as he was walking in the Panchavati, he saw coming toward him a person with beautiful large eyes, serene countenance, and fair skin. As the two faced each other, a voice rang out in the depths of Sri Ramakrishna's soul: "Behold the Christ, who shed His heart's blood for the redemption of the world, who suffered a sea of anguish for Love of men. It is He, the Master Yogi, who is in eternal union with God. It is Jesus, Love Incarnate." The Son of Man embraced the Son of the Divine Mother and merged in him. Sri Ramakrishna krishna realized his identity with Christ, as he had already realized his identity with Kali, Rama, Hanuman, Radha, Krishna, Brahman, and Mohammed. The Master went into samadhi and communed with the Brahman with attributes. Thus he experienced the truth that Christianity, too, was a path leading to God-Consciousness. Till the last moment of his life he believed that Christ was an Incarnation of God. But Christ, for him, was not the only Incarnation; there were others — Buddha, for instance, and Krishna.
   Without being formally initiated into their doctrines, Sri Ramakrishna thus realized the ideals of religions other than Hinduism. He did not need to follow any doctrine. All barriers were removed by his overwhelming Love of God. So he became a Master who could speak with authority regarding the ideas and ideals of the various religions of the world. "I have practised", said he, "all religions — Hinduism, Islam, Christianity — and I have also followed the paths of the different Hindu sects. I have found that it is the same God toward whom all are directing their steps, though along different paths. You must try all beliefs and traverse all the different ways once. Wherever I look, I see men quarrelling in the name of religion — Hindus, Mohammedans, Brahmos, Vaishnavas, and the rest. But they never reflect that He who is called Krishna is also called Siva, and bears the name of the Primal Energy, Jesus, and Allah as well — the same Rama with a thousand names. A lake has several ghats. At one the Hindus take water in pitchers and call it 'jal'; at another the Mussalmans take water in leather bags and call it pani'. At a third the Christians call it 'water'. Can we imagine that it is not 'jal', but only 'pani' or 'water'? How ridiculous! The substance is One under different names, and everyone is seeking the same substance; only climate, temperament, and name create differences. Let each man follow his own path. If he sincerely and ardently wishes to know God, peace be unto him! He will surely realize Him."
   In 1867 Sri Ramakrishna returned to Kamarpukur to recuperate from the effect of his austerities. The peaceful countryside, the simple and artless companions of his boyhood, and the pure air did him much good. The villagers were happy to get back their playful, frank, witty, kind-hearted, and truthful Gadadhar, though they did not fail to notice the great change that had come over him during his years in Calcutta. His wife, Sarada Devi, now fourteen years old, soon arrived at Kamarpukur. Her spiritual development was much beyond her age and she was able to understand immediately her husband's state of mind. She became eager to learn from him about God and to live with him as his attendant. The Master accepted her cheerfully both as his disciple and as his spiritual companion. Referring to the experiences of these few days, she once said: "I used to feel always as if a pitcher full of bliss were placed in my heart. The joy was indescribable."
   In the nirvikalpa samadhi Sri Ramakrishna had realized that Brahman alone is real and the world illusory. By keeping his mind six months on the plane of the non-dual Brahman, he had attained to the state of the vijnani, the knower of Truth in a special and very rich sense, who sees Brahman not only in himself and in the transcendental Absolute, but in everything of the world. In this state of vijnana, sometimes, bereft of body-consciousness, he would regard himself as one with Brahman; sometimes, conscious of the dual world, he would regard himself as God's devotee, servant, or child. In order to enable the Master to work for the welfare of humanity, the Divine Mother had kept in him a trace of ego, which he described — according to his mood — as the "ego of Knowledge", the "ego of Devotion", the "ego of a child", or the "ego of a servant". In any case this ego of the Master, consumed by the fire of the Knowledge of Brahman, was an appearance only, like a burnt string. He often referred to this ego as the "ripe ego" in contrast with the ego of the bound soul, which he described as the "unripe" or "green" ego. The ego of the bound soul identifies itself with the body, relatives, possessions, and the world; but the "ripe ego", illumined by Divine Knowledge, knows the body, relatives, possessions, and the world to be unreal and establishes a relationship of Love with God alone. Through this "ripe ego" Sri Ramakrishna dealt with the world and his wife. One day, while stroking his feet, Sarada Devi asked the Master, "What do you think of me?" Quick came the answer: "The Mother who is worshipped in the temple is the mother who has given birth to my body and is now living in the nahabat, and it is She again who is stroking my feet at this moment. Indeed, I always look on you as the personification of the Blissful Mother Kali."
   Sarada Devi, in the company of her husband, had rare spiritual experiences. She said: "I have no words to describe my wonderful exaltation of spirit as I watched him in his different moods. Under the influence of divine emotion he would sometimes talk on abstruse subjects, sometimes laugh, sometimes weep, and sometimes become perfectly motionless in samadhi. This would continue throughout the night. There was such an extraordinary divine presence in him that now and then I would shake with fear and wonder how the night would pass. Months went by in this way. Then one day he discovered that I had to keep awake the whole night lest, during my sleep, he should go into samadhi — for it might happen at any moment —, and so he asked me to sleep in the nahabat."
   The real organizer of the Samaj was Devendranath Tagore (1817-1905), the father of the poet Rabindranath. His physical and spiritual beauty, aristocratic aloofness, penetrating intellect, and poetic sensibility made him the foremost leader of the educated Bengalis. These addressed him by the respectful epithet of Maharshi, the "Great Seer". The Maharshi was a Sanskrit scholar and, unlike Raja Rammohan Roy, drew his inspiration entirely from the Upanishads. He was an implacable enemy of image worship ship and also fought to stop the infiltration of Christian ideas into the Samaj. He gave the movement its faith and ritual. Under his influence the Brahmo Samaj professed One Self-existent Supreme Being who had created the universe out of nothing, the God of Truth, Infinite Wisdom, Goodness, and Power, the Eternal and Omnipotent, the One without a Second. Man should Love Him and do His will, believe in Him and worship Him, and thus merit salvation in the world to come.
   By far the ablest leader of the Brahmo movement was Keshab Chandra Sen (1838-1884). Unlike Raja Rammohan Roy and Devendranath Tagore, Keshab was born of a middle-class Bengali family and had been brought up in an English school. He did not know Sanskrit and very soon broke away from the popular Hindu religion. Even at an early age he came under the spell of Christ and professed to have experienced the special favour of John the Baptist, Christ, and St. Paul. When he strove to introduce Christ to the Brahmo Samaj, a rupture became inevitable with Devendranath. In 1868 Keshab broke with the older leader and founded the Brahmo Samaj of India, Devendra retaining leadership of the first Brahmo Samaj, now called the Adi Samaj.
   Keshab Chandra Sen and Sri Ramakrishna met for the first time in the garden house of Jaygopal Sen at Belgharia, a few miles from Dakshineswar, where the great Brahmo leader was staying with some of his disciples. In many respects the two were poles apart, though an irresistible inner attraction was to make them intimate friends. The Master had realized God as Pure Spirit and Consciousness, but he believed in the various forms of God as well. Keshab, on the other hand, regarded image worship as idolatry and gave allegorical explanations of the Hindu deities. Keshab was an orator and a writer of books and magazine articles; Sri Ramakrishna had a horror of lecturing and hardly knew how to write his own name, Keshab's fame spread far and wide, even reaching the distant shores of England; the Master still led a secluded life in the village of Dakshineswar. Keshab emphasized social reforms for India's regeneration; to Sri Ramakrishna God-realization was the only goal of life. Keshab considered himself a disciple of Christ and accepted in a diluted form the Christian sacraments and Trinity; Sri Ramakrishna was the simple child of Kali, the Divine Mother, though he too, in a different way, acknowledged Christ's divinity. Keshab was a householder holder and took a real interest in the welfare of his children, whereas Sri Ramakrishna was a paramahamsa and completely indifferent to the life of the world. Yet, as their acquaintance ripened into friendship, Sri Ramakrishna and Keshab held each other in great Love and respect. Years later, at the news of Keshab's death, the Master felt as if half his body had become paralyzed. Keshab's concepts of the harmony of religions and the Motherhood of God were deepened and enriched by his contact with Sri Ramakrishna.
   Sri Ramakrishna, dressed in a red-bordered dhoti, one end of which was carelessly thrown over his left shoulder, came to Jaygopal's garden house accompanied by Hriday. No one took notice of the unostentatious visitor. Finally the Master said to Keshab, "People tell me you have seen God; so I have come to hear from you about God." A magnificent conversation followed. The Master sang a thrilling song about Kali and forthwith went into samadhi. When Hriday uttered the sacred "Om" in his ears, he gradually came back to consciousness of the world, his face still radiating a divine brilliance. Keshab and his followers were amazed. The contrast between Sri Ramakrishna and the Brahmo devotees was very interesting. There sat this small man, thin and extremely delicate. His eyes were illumined with an inner light. Good humour gleamed in his eyes and lurked in the corners of his mouth. His speech was Bengali of a homely kind with a slight, delightful stammer, and his words held men enthralled by their wealth of spiritual experience, their inexhaustible store of simile and metaphor, their power of observation, their bright and subtle humour, their wonderful catholicity, their ceaseless flow of wisdom. And around him now were the sophisticated men of Bengal, the best products of Western education, with Keshab, the idol of young Bengal, as their leader.
   Shivanath, one day, was greatly impressed by the Master's utter simplicity and abhorrence of praise. He was seated with Sri Ramakrishna in the latter's room when several rich men of Calcutta arrived. The Master left the room for a few minutes. In the mean time Hriday, his nephew, began to describe his samadhi to the visitors. The last few words caught the Master's ear as he entered the room. He said to Hriday: "What a mean-spirited fellow you must be to extol me thus before these rich men! You have seen their costly apparel and their gold watches and chains, and your object is to get from them as much money as you can. What do I care about what they think of me? (Turning to the gentlemen) No, my friends, what he has told you about me is not true. It was not Love of God that made me absorbed in God and indifferent to external life. I became positively insane for some time. The sadhus who frequented this temple told me to practise many things. I tried to follow them, and the consequence was that my austerities drove me to insanity." This is a quotation from one of Shivanath's books. He took the Master's words literally and failed to see their real import.
   Shivanath vehemently criticized the Master for his other-worldly attitude toward his wife. He writes: "Ramakrishna was practically separated from his wife, who lived in her village home. One day when I was complaining to some friends about the virtual widowhood of his wife, he drew me to one side and whispered in my ear: 'Why do you complain? It is no longer possible; it is all dead and gone.' Another day as I was inveighing against this part of his teaching, and also declaring that our program of work in the Brahmo Samaj includes women, that ours is a social and domestic religion, and that we want to give education and social liberty to women, the saint became very much excited, as was his way when anything against his settled conviction was asserted — a trait we so much liked in him — and exclaimed, 'Go, thou fool, go and perish in the pit that your women will dig for you.' Then he glared at me and said: 'What does a gardener do with a young plant? Does he not surround it with a fence, to protect it from goats and cattle? And when the young plant has grown up into a tree and it can no longer be injured by cattle, does he not remove the fence and let the tree grow freely?' I replied, 'Yes, that is the custom with gardeners.' Then he remarked, 'Do the same in your spiritual life; become strong, be full-grown; then you may seek them.' To which I replied, 'I don't agree with you in thinking that women's work is like that of cattle, destructive; they are our associates and helpers in our spiritual struggles and social progress' — a view with which he could not agree, and he marked his dissent by shaking his head. Then referring to the lateness of the hour he jocularly remarked, 'It is time for you to depart; take care, do not be late; otherwise your woman will not admit you into her room.' This evoked hearty laughter."
   Pratap Chandra Mazumdar, the right-hand man of Keshab and an accomplished Brahmo preacher in Europe and America, bitterly criticized Sri Ramakrishna's use of uncultured language and also his austere attitude toward his wife. But he could not escape the spell of the Master's personality. In the course of an article about Sri Ramakrishna, Pratap wrote in the "Theistic Quarterly Review": "What is there in common between him and me? I, a Europeanized, civilized, self-centred, semi-sceptical, so-called educated reasoner, and he, a poor, illiterate, unpolished, half-idolatrous, friendless Hindu devotee? Why should I sit long hours to attend to him, I, who have listened to Disraeli and Fawcett, Stanley and Max Muller, and a whole host of European scholars and divines? . . . And it is not I only, but dozens like me, who do the same. . . . He worships Siva, he worships Kali, he worships Rama, he worships Krishna, and is a confirmed advocate of Vedantic doctrines. . . . He is an idolater, yet is a faithful and most devoted meditator on the perfections of the One Formless, Absolute, Infinite Deity. . . . His religion is ecstasy, his worship means transcendental insight, his whole nature burns day and night with a permanent fire and fever of a strange faith and feeling. . . . So long as he is spared to us, gladly shall we sit at his feet to learn from him the sublime precepts of purity, unworldliness, spirituality, and inebriation in the Love of God. . . . He, by his childlike bhakti, by his strong conceptions of an ever-ready Motherhood, helped to unfold it [God as our Mother] in our minds wonderfully. . . . By associating with him we learnt to realize better the divine attributes as scattered over the three hundred and thirty millions of deities of mythological India, the gods of the Puranas."
   The Brahmo leaders received much inspiration from their contact with Sri Ramakrishna. It broadened their religious views and kindled in their hearts the yearning for God-realization; it made them understand and appreciate the rituals and symbols of Hindu religion, convinced them of the manifestation of God in diverse forms, and deepened their thoughts about the harmony of religions. The Master, too, was impressed by the sincerity of many of the Brahmo devotees. He told them about his own realizations and explained to them the essence of his teachings, such as the necessity of renunciation, sincerity in the pursuit of one's own course of discipline, faith in God, the performance of one's duties without thought of results, and discrimination between the Real and the unreal.
   Contact with the Brahmos increased Sri Ramakrishna's longing to encounter aspirants who would be able to follow his teachings in their purest form. "There was no limit", he once declared, "to the longing I felt at that time. During the day-time I somehow managed to control it. The secular talk of the worldly-minded was galling to me, and I would look wistfully to the day when my own be Loved companions would come. I hoped to find solace in conversing with them and relating to them my own realizations. Every little incident would remind me of them, and thoughts of them wholly engrossed me. I was already arranging in my mind what I should say to one and give to another, and so on. But when the day would come to a close I would not be able to curb my feelings. The thought that another day had gone by, and they had not come, oppressed me. When, during the evening service, the temples rang with the sound of bells and conch-shells, I would climb to the roof of the kuthi in the garden and, writhing in anguish of heart, cry at the top of my voice: 'Come, my children! Oh, where are you? I cannot bear to live without you.' A mother never longed so intensely for the sight of her child, nor a friend for his companions, nor a Lover for his sweetheart, as I longed for them. Oh, it was indescribable! Shortly after this period of yearning the devotees1 began to come."
   In the year 1879 occasional writings about Sri Ramakrishna by the Brahmos, in the Brahmo magazines, began to attract his future disciples from the educated middle-class Bengalis, and they continued to come till 1884. But others, too, came, feeling the subtle power of his attraction. They were an ever shifting crowd of people of all castes and creeds: Hindus and Brahmos, Vaishnavas and Saktas, the educated with university degrees and the illiterate, old and young, maharajas and beggars, journalists and artists, pundits and devotees, philosophers and the worldly-minded, jnanis and yogis, men of action and men of faith, virtuous women and prostitutes, office-holders and vagabonds, philanthropists and self-seekers, dramatists and drunkards, builders-up and pullers-down. He gave to them all, without stint, from his illimitable store of realization. No one went away empty-handed. He taught them the lofty .knowledge of the Vedanta and the soul
  -melting Love of the Purana. Twenty hours out of twenty-four he would speak without out rest or respite. He gave to all his sympathy and enlightenment, and he touched them with that strange power of the soul which could not but melt even the most hardened. And people understood him according to their powers of comprehension.
   ^The word is generally used in the text to denote one devoted to God, a worshipper of the Personal God, or a follower of the path of Love. A devotee of Sri Ramakrishna is one who is devoted to Sri Ramakrishna and follows his teachings. The word "disciple", when used in connexion with Sri Ramakrishna, refers to one who had been initiated into spiritual life by Sri Ramakrishna and who regarded him as his guru.
   To those who became his intimate disciples the Master was a friend, companion, and playmate. Even the chores of religious discipline would be lightened in his presence. The devotees would be so inebriated with pure joy in his company that they would have no time to ask themselves whether he was an Incarnation, a perfect soul, or a yogi. His very presence was a great teaching; words were superfluous. In later years his disciples remarked that while they were with him they would regard him as a comrade, but afterwards would tremble to think of their frivolities in the presence of such a great person. They had convincing proof that the Master could, by his mere wish, kindle in their hearts the Love of God and give them His vision.
   Through all this fun and frolic, this merriment and frivolity, he always kept before them the shining ideal of God-Consciousness and the path of renunciation. He prescribed ascents steep or graded according to the powers of the climber. He permitted no compromise with the basic principles of purity. An aspirant had to keep his body, mind, senses, and soul unspotted; had to have a sincere Love for God and an ever mounting spirit of yearning. The rest would be done by the Mother.
   His disciples were of two kinds: the householders, and the young men, some of whom were later to become monks. There was also a small group of women devotees.
   Manomohan at first met with considerable opposition from his wife and other relatives, who resented his visits to Dakshineswar. But in the end the unselfish Love of the Master triumphed over worldly affection. It was Manomohan who brought Rakhal to the Master.
   Harish, a young man in affluent circumstances, renounced his family and took shelter with the Master, who Loved him for his sincerity, singleness of purpose, and quiet nature. He spent his leisure time in prayer and meditation, turning a deaf ear to the entreaties and threats of his relatives. Referring to his undisturbed peace of mind, the Master would say: "Real men are dead to the world though living. Look at Harish. He is an example." When one day the Master asked him to be a little kind to his wife, Harish said: "You must excuse me on this point. This is not the place to show kindness. If I try to be sympathetic to her, there is a possibility of my forgetting the ideal and becoming entangled in the world."
   Durgacharan Nag, also known as Nag Mahashay, was the ideal householder among the lay disciples of Sri Ramakrishna. He was the embodiment of the Master's ideal of life in the world, unstained by worldliness. In spite of his intense desire to become a sannyasi, Sri Ramakrishna asked him to live in the world in the spirit of a monk, and the disciple truly carried out this injunction. He was born of a poor family and even during his boyhood often sacrificed everything to lessen the sufferings of the needy. He had married at an early age and after his wife's death had married a second time to obey his father's command. But he once said to his wife: " Love on the physical level never lasts. He is indeed blessed who can give his Love to God with his whole heart. Even a little attachment to the body endures for several births. So do not be attached to this cage of bone and flesh. Take shelter at the feet of the Mother and think of Her alone. Thus your life here and hereafter will be ennobled." The Master spoke of him as a "blazing light". He received every word of Sri Ramakrishna in dead earnest. One day he heard the Master saying that it was difficult for doctors, lawyers, and brokers to make much progress in spirituality. Of doctors he said, "If the mind clings to the tiny drops of medicine, how can it conceive of the Infinite?" That was the end of Durgacharan's medical practice and he threw his chest of medicines into the Ganges. Sri Ramakrishna assured him that he would not lack simple food and clothing. He bade him serve holy men. On being asked where he would find real holy men, the Master said that the sadhus themselves would seek his company. No sannyasi could have lived a more austere life than Durgacharan.
   As time passed, Girish began to learn that the guru is the one who silently unfolds the disciple's inner life. He became a steadfast devotee of the Master. He often loaded the Master with insults, drank in his presence, and took liberties which astounded the other devotees. But the Master knew that at heart Girish was tender, faithful, and sincere. He would not allow Girish to give up the theatre. And when a devotee asked him to tell Girish to give up drinking, he sternly replied: "That is none of your business. He who has taken charge of him will look after him. Girish is a devotee of heroic type. I tell you, drinking will not affect him." The Master knew that mere words could not induce a man to break deep-rooted habits, but that the silent influence of Love worked miracles. Therefore he never asked him to give up alcohol, with the result that Girish himself eventually broke the habit. Sri Ramakrishna had strengthened Girish's resolution by allowing him to feel that he was absolutely free.
   One day Girish felt depressed because he was unable to submit to any routine of spiritual discipline. In an exalted mood the Master said to him: "All right, give me your power of attorney. Henceforth I assume responsibility for you. You need not do anything." Girish heaved a sigh of relief. He felt happy to think that Sri Ramakrishna had assumed his spiritual responsibilities. But poor Girish could not then realize that He also, on his part, had to give up his freedom and make of himself a puppet in Sri Ramakrishna's hands. The Master began to discipline him according to this new attitude. One day Girish said about a trifling matter, "Yes, I shall do this." "No, no!" the Master corrected him. "You must not speak in that egotistic manner. You should say, 'God willing, I shall do it.'" Girish understood. Thenceforth he tried to give up all idea of personal responsibility and surrender himself to the Divine Will. His mind began to dwell constantly on Sri Ramakrishna. This unconscious meditation in time chastened his turbulent spirit.
   Mahimacharan and Pratap Hazra were two devotees outstanding for their pretentiousness and idiosyncrasies. But the Master showed them his unfailing Love and kindness, though he was aware of their shortcomings. Mahimacharan Chakravarty had met the Master long before the arrival of the other disciples. He had had the intention of leading a spiritual life, but a strong desire to acquire name and fame was his weakness. He claimed to have been initiated by Totapuri and used to say that he had been following the path of knowledge according to his guru's instructions. He possessed a large library of English and Sanskrit books. But though he pretended to have read them, most of the leaves were uncut. The Master knew all his limitations, yet enjoyed listening to him recite from the Vedas and other scriptures. He would always exhort Mahima to meditate on the meaning of the scriptural texts and to practise spiritual discipline.
   Pratap Hazra, a middle-aged man, hailed from a village near Kamarpukur. He was not altogether unresponsive to religious feelings. On a moment's impulse he had left his home, aged mother, wife, and children, and had found shelter in the temple garden at Dakshineswar, where he intended to lead a spiritual life. He Loved to argue, and the Master often pointed him out as an example of barren argumentation. He was hypercritical of others and cherished an exaggerated notion of his own spiritual advancement. He was mischievous and often tried to upset the minds of the Master's young disciples, criticizing them for their happy and joyous life and asking them to devote their time to meditation. The Master teasingly compared Hazra to Jatila and Kutila, the two women who always created obstructions in Krishna's sport with the gopis, and said that Hazra lived at Dakshineswar to "thicken the plot" by adding complications.
   The Europeanized Kristodas Pal did not approve of the Master's emphasis on renunciation and said; "Sir, this cant of renunciation has almost ruined the country. It is for this reason that the Indians are a subject nation today. Doing good to others, bringing education to the door of the ignorant, and above all, improving the material conditions of the country — these should be our duty now. The cry of religion and renunciation would, on the contrary, only weaken us. You should advise the young men of Bengal to resort only to such acts as will uplift the country." Sri Ramakrishna gave him a searching look and found no divine light within, "You man of poor understanding!" Sri Ramakrishna said sharply. "You dare to slight in these terms renunciation and piety, which our scriptures describe as the greatest of all virtues! After reading two pages of English you think you have come to know the world! You appear to think you are omniscient. Well, have you seen those tiny crabs that are born in the Ganges just when the rains set in? In this big universe you are even less significant than one of those small creatures. How dare you talk of helping the world? The Lord will look to that. You haven't the power in you to do it." After a pause the Master continued: "Can you explain to me how you can work for others? I know what you mean by helping them. To feed a number of persons, to treat them when they are sick, to construct a road or dig a well — isn't that all? These, are good deeds, no doubt, but how trifling in comparison with the vastness of the universe! How far can a man advance in this line? How many people can you save from famine? Malaria has ruined a whole province; what could you do to stop its onslaught? God alone looks after the world. Let a man first realize Him. Let a man get the authority from God and be endowed with His power; then, and then alone, may he think of doing good to others. A man should first be purged of all egotism. Then alone will the Blissful Mother ask him to work for the world." Sri Ramakrishna mistrusted philanthropy that presumed to pose as charity. He warned people against it. He saw in most acts of philanthropy nothing but egotism, vanity, a desire for glory, a barren excitement to kill the boredom of life, or an attempt to soothe a guilty conscience. True charity, he taught, is the result of Love of God — service to man in a spirit of worship.
   Narendra was born in Calcutta on January 12, 1863, of an aristocratic kayastha family. His mother was steeped in the great Hindu epics, and his father, a distinguished attorney of the Calcutta High Court, was an agnostic about religion, a friend of the poor, and a mocker at social conventions. Even in his boyhood and youth Narendra possessed great physical courage and presence of mind, a vivid imagination, deep power of thought, keen intelligence, an extraordinary memory, a Love of truth, a passion for purity, a spirit of independence, and a tender heart. An expert musician, he also acquired proficiency in physics, astronomy, mathematics, philosophy, history, and literature. He grew up into an extremely handsome young man. Even as a child he practised meditation and showed great power of concentration. Though free and passionate in word and action, he took the vow of austere religious chastity and never allowed the fire of purity to be extinguished by the slightest defilement of body or soul.
   As he read in college the rationalistic Western philosophers of the nineteenth century, his boyhood faith in God and religion was unsettled. He would not accept religion on mere faith; he wanted demonstration of God. But very soon his passionate nature discovered that mere Universal Reason was cold and bloodless. His emotional nature, dissatisfied with a mere abstraction, required a concrete support to help him in the hours of temptation. He wanted an external power, a guru, who by embodying perfection in the flesh would still the commotion of his soul. Attracted by the magnetic personality of Keshab, he joined the Brahmo Samaj and became a singer in its choir. But in the Samaj he did not find the guru who could say that he had seen God.
   A few more meetings completely removed from Narendra's mind the last traces of the notion that Sri Ramakrishna might be a monomaniac or wily hypnotist. His integrity, purity, renunciation, and unselfishness were beyond question. But Narendra could not accept a man, an imperfect mortal, as his guru. As a member of the Brahmo Samaj, he could not believe that a human intermediary was necessary between man and God. Moreover, he openly laughed at Sri Ramakrishna's visions as hallucinations. Yet in the secret chamber of his heart he bore a great Love for the Master.
   Sri Ramakrishna was grateful to the Divine Mother for sending him one who doubted his own realizations. Often he asked Narendra to test him as the money-changers test their coins. He laughed at Narendra's biting criticism of his spiritual experiences and samadhi. When at times Narendra's sharp words distressed him, the Divine Mother Herself would console him, saying: "Why do you listen to him? In a few days he will believe your every word." He could hardly bear Narendra's absences. Often he would weep bitterly for the sight of him. Sometimes Narendra would find the Master's Love embarrassing; and one day he sharply scolded him, warning him that such infatuation would soon draw him down to the level of its object. The Master was distressed and prayed to the Divine Mother. Then he said to Narendra: "You rogue, I won't listen to you any more. Mother says that I Love you because I see God in you, and the day I no longer see God in you I shall not be able to bear even the sight of you."
   The Master wanted to train Narendra in the teachings of the non-dualistic Vedanta philosophy. But Narendra, because of his Brahmo upbringing, considered it wholly blasphemous to look on man as one with his Creator. One day at the temple garden he laughingly said to a friend: "How silly! This jug is God! This cup is God! Whatever we see is God! And we too are God! Nothing could be more absurd." Sri Ramakrishna came out of his room and gently touched him. Spellbound, he immediately perceived that everything in the world was indeed God. A new universe opened around him. Returning home in a dazed state, he found there too that the food, the plate, the eater himself, the people around him, were all God. When he walked in the street, he saw that the cabs, the horses, the streams of people, the buildings, were all Brahman. He could hardly go about his day's business. His parents became anxious about him and thought him ill. And when the intensity of the experience abated a little, he saw the world as a dream. Walking in the public square, he would strike his head against the iron railings to know whether they were real. It took him a number of days to recover his normal self. He had a foretaste of the great experiences yet to come and realized that the words of the Vedanta were true.
   One day, soon after, Narendra requested Sri Ramakrishna to pray to the Divine Mother to remove his poverty. Sri Ramakrishna bade him pray to Her himself, for She would certainly listen to his prayer. Narendra entered the shrine of Kali. As he stood before the image of the Mother, he beheld Her as a living Goddess, ready to give wisdom and liberation. Unable to ask Her for petty worldly things, he prayed only for knowledge and renunciation, Love and liberation. The Master rebuked him for his failure to ask the Divine Mother to remove his poverty and sent him back to the temple. But Narendra, standing in Her presence, again forgot the purpose of his coming. Thrice he went to the temple at the bidding of the Master, and thrice he returned, having forgotten in Her presence why he had come. He was wondering about it when it suddenly flashed in his mind that this was all the work of Sri Ramakrishna; so now he asked the Master himself to remove his poverty, and was assured that his family would not lack simple food and clothing.
   This was a very rich and significant experience for Narendra. It taught him that Sakti, the Divine Power, cannot be ignored in the world and that in the relative plane the need of worshipping a Personal God is imperative. Sri Ramakrishna was overjoyed with the conversion. The next day, sitting almost on Narendra's lap, he said to a devotee, pointing first to himself, then to Narendra: "I see I am this, and again that. Really I feel no difference. A stick floating in the Ganges seems to divide the water; But in reality the water is one. Do you see my point? Well, whatever is, is the Mother — isn't that so?" In later years Narendra would say: "Sri Ramakrishna was the only person who, from the time he met me, believed in me uniformly throughout. Even my mother and brothers did not. It was his unwavering trust and Love for me that bound me to him for ever. He alone knew how to Love. Worldly people, only make a show of Love for selfish ends.
   --- TARAK
   Hariprasanna, a college student, visited the Master in the company of his friends Sashi and Sarat. Sri Ramakrishna showed him great favour by initiating him into spiritual life. As long as he lived, Hariprasanna remembered and observed the following drastic advice of the Master: "Even if a woman is pure as gold and rolls on the ground for Love of God, it is dangerous for a monk ever to look at her."
   --- KALI
   With his woman devotees Sri Ramakrishna established a very sweet relationship. He himself embodied the tender traits of a woman: he had dwelt on the highest plane of Truth, where there is not even the slightest trace of sex; and his innate purity evoked only the noblest emotion in men and women alike. His woman devotees often said: "We seldom looked on Sri Ramakrishna as a member of the male sex. We regarded him as one of us. We never felt any constraint before him. He was our best confidant." They Loved him as their child, their friend, and their teacher. In spiritual discipline he advised them to renounce lust and greed and especially warned them not to fall into the snares of men.
   --- GOPAL MA
   Unsurpassed among the woman devotees of the Master in the richness of her devotion and spiritual experiences was Aghoremani Devi, an orthodox brahmin woman. Widowed at an early age, she had dedicated herself completely to spiritual pursuits. Gopala, the Baby Krishna, was her Ideal Deity, whom she worshipped following the vatsalya attitude of the Vaishnava religion, regarding Him as her own child. Through Him she satisfied her unassuaged maternal Love, cooking for Him, feeding Him, bathing Him, and putting Him to bed. This sweet intimacy with Gopala won her the sobriquet of Gopal Ma, or Gopala's Mother. For forty years she had lived on the bank of the Ganges in a small, bare room, her only companions being a threadbare copy of the Ramayana and a bag containing her rosary. At the age of sixty, in 1884, she visited Sri Ramakrishna at Dakshineswar. During the second visit, as soon as the Master saw her, he said: "Oh, you have come! Give me something to eat." With great hesitation she gave him some ordinary sweets that she had purchased for him on the way. The Master ate them with relish and asked her to bring him simple curries or sweets prepared by her own hands. Gopal Ma thought him a queer kind of monk, for, instead of talking of God, he always asked for food. She did not want to visit him again, but an irresistible attraction brought her back to the temple garden; She carried with her some simple curries that she had cooked herself.
   One early morning at three o'clock, about a year later, Gopal Ma was about to finish her daily devotions, when she was startled to find Sri Ramakrishna sitting on her left, with his right hand clenched, like the hand of the image of Gopala. She was amazed and caught hold of the hand, whereupon the figure vanished and in its place appeared the real Gopala, her Ideal Deity. She cried aloud with joy. Gopala begged her for butter. She pleaded her poverty and gave Him some dry coconut candies. Gopala, sat on her lap, snatched away her rosary, jumped on her shoulders, and moved all about the room. As soon as the day broke she hastened to Dakshineswar like an insane woman. Of course Gopala accompanied her, resting His head on her shoulder. She clearly saw His tiny ruddy feet hanging over her breast. She entered Sri Ramakrishna's room. The Master had fallen into samadhi. Like a child, he sat on her lap, and she began to feed him with butter, cream, and other delicacies. After some time he regained consciousness and returned to his bed. But the mind of Gopala's Mother was still roaming in another plane. She was steeped in bliss. She saw Gopala frequently entering the Master's body and again coming out of it. When she returned to her hut, still in a dazed condition, Gopala accompanied her.
   She spent about two months in uninterrupted communion with God, the Baby Gopala never leaving her for a moment. Then the intensity of her vision was lessened; had it not been, her body would have perished. The Master spoke highly of her exalted spiritual condition and said that such vision of God was a rare thing for ordinary mortals. The fun-loving Master one day confronted the critical Narendranath with this simple-minded woman. No two could have presented a more striking contrast. The Master knew of Narendra's lofty contempt for all visions, and he asked the old lady to narrate her experiences to Narendra. With great hesitation she told him her story. Now and then she interrupted her maternal chatter to ask Narendra: "My son, I am a poor ignorant woman. I don't understand anything. You are so learned. Now tell me if these visions of Gopala are true." As Narendra listened to the story he was profoundly moved. He said, "Yes, mother, they are quite true." Behind his cynicism Narendra, too, possessed a heart full of Love and tenderness.
   One day, in January 1884, the Master was going toward the pine-grove when he went into a trance. He was alone. There was no one to support him or guide his footsteps. He fell to the ground and dislocated a bone in his left arm. This accident had a significant influence on his mind, the natural inclination of which was to soar above the consciousness of the body. The acute pain in the arm forced his mind to dwell on the body and on the world outside. But he saw even in this a divine purpose; for, with his mind compelled to dwell on the physical plane, he realized more than ever that he was an instrument in the hand of the Divine Mother, who had a mission to fulfil through his human body and mind. He also distinctly found that in the phenomenal world God manifests Himself, in an inscrutable way, through diverse human beings, both good and evil. Thus he would speak of God in the guise of the wicked, God in the guise of the pious. God in the guise of the hypocrite, God in the guise of the lewd. He began to take a special delight in watching the divine play in the relative world. Sometimes the sweet human relationship with God would appear to him more appealing than the all-effacing Knowledge of Brahman. Many a time he would pray: "Mother, don't make me unconscious through the Knowledge of Brahman. Don't give me Brahmajnana, Mother. Am I not Your child, and naturally timid? I must have my Mother. A million salutations to the Knowledge of Brahman! Give it to those who want it." Again he prayed: "O Mother let me remain in contact with men! Don't make me a dried-up ascetic. I want to enjoy Your sport in the world." He was able to taste this very rich divine experience and enjoy the Love of God and the company of His devotees because his mind, on account of the injury to his arm, was forced to come down to the consciousness of the body. Again, he would make fun of people who proclaimed him as a Divine Incarnation, by pointing to his broken arm. He would say, "Have you ever heard of God breaking His arm?" It took the arm about five months to heal.

0.00 - The Book of Lies Text, #The Book of Lies, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
     the Many. This is the Love of These; creation-
     parturition is the Bliss of the One; coition-
    Receive a thousand Lovers; thou shalt bear but One
    This is The Night wherein I am lost, the Love
     through which I am no longer I.
     As man loses his personality in physical Love, so
    does the magician annihilate his divine personality in
    In Love the individuality is slain; who Loves not Love?
     Love death therefore, and long eagerly for it.
    Die Daily.
    Verily, Love is death, and death is life to come.
    Man returneth not again; the stream floweth not
    For OUT is Love and Wisdom and Power.(12)
    Get OUT.
     Love, do barter, die. The wealth of a language con-
     sists in its Abstracts; the poorest tongues have
     Love is all virtue, since the pleasure of Love is but
     Love, and the pain of Love is but Love.
     Love taketh no heed of that which is not and of that
     which is.
    Absence exalteth Love, and presence exalteth Love.
     Love moveth ever from height to height of ecstasy
     and faileth never.
    The wings of Love droop not with time, nor slacken
     for life or for death.
     Love destroyeth self, uniting self with that which is
     not-self, so that Love breedeth All and None in
    Then thou art not lost in Love; speak not of Love.
     Love Alway Yieldeth: Love Alway Hardeneth.
    ..........May be: I write it but to write Her name.
    beyond physical Love. It is called the Pole-Star, because
    Laylah is the one object of devotion to which the author
     Love, I Love you! Night, night, cover us! Thou art
     night, O my Love; and there are no stars but thine
     Love in night and night in Love.
    N.O.X. the night of Pan; and Laylah, the night
     Love and death are the greyhounds that course him.
    God bred the hounds and taketh His pleasure in the
    This is the Tragedy of Man when facing Love and
     Death he turns to bay. He is no more hare, but
     Love and death live thou and die!
    Thus shall His laughter be thrilled through with
    What do I Love? There is no from, no being, to which
     I do not give myself wholly up.
       of Love."
                       -Locksley Hall.
     was Love;(23) and its number is An Hundred and
    Thus wrote I, since my One Love was torn from me.
     I cannot work: I cannot think: I seek distraction
     truth, that I who Love have lost; and how may I
     harlot whom he Loveth not. For it is LAYLAH that
     he Loveth...................................
    And yet who knoweth which is Crowley, and which is
    I Love LAYLAH.
    I lack LAYLAH.
    Think me not fallen because I Love LAYLAH, and
     lack LAYLAH.
    Little children, Love one another!
    The Hermit asked for Love; worst bargain of all.
    And now he has let his girl go to America, to have
    course. You must give up the world for Love, the
    material for the moral idea, before that, in its turn, is
    Hath sworn that Love's own corpse shall lie at noon
     Even in the coffin of its hopes, and spend
     invisible, how to acquire Love, and oh! beyond all,
     how to make gold.
     vanity on earth, except the Love of a good woman,
     and that good woman LAYLAH. And I testify
     Love of OUR LADY BABALON. And I testify
     that beyond heaven and earth is the Love of OUR

0.00 - THE GOSPEL PREFACE, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  "M", as the author modestly styles himself, was peculiarly qualified for his task. To a reverent Love for his master, to a deep and experiential knowledge of that master's teaching, he added a prodigious memory for the small happenings of each day and a happy gift for recording them in an interesting and realistic way. Making good use of his natural gifts and of the circumstances in which he found himself, "M" produced a book unique, so far as my knowledge goes, in the literature of hagiography. No other saint has had so able and indefatigable a Boswell. Never have the small events of a contemplative's daily life been described with such a wealth of intimate detail. Never have the casual and unstudied utterances of a great religious teacher been set down with so minute a fidelity. To Western readers, it is true, this fidelity and this wealth of detail are sometimes a trifle disconcerting; for the social, religious and intellectual frames of reference within which Sri Ramakrishna did his thinking and expressed his feelings were entirely Indian. But after the first few surprises and bewilderments, we begin to find something peculiarly stimulating and instructive about the very strangeness and, to our eyes, the eccentricity of the man revealed to us in "M's" narrative. What a scholastic philosopher would call the "accidents" of Ramakrishna's life were intensely Hindu and therefore, so far as we in the West are concerned, unfamiliar and hard to understand; its "essence", however, was intensely mystical and therefore universal. To read through these conversations in which mystical doctrine alternates with an unfamiliar kind of humour, and where discussions of the oddest aspects of Hindu mythology give place to the most profound and subtle utterances about the nature of Ultimate Reality, is in itself a liberal, education in humility, tolerance and suspense of judgment. We must be grateful to the translator for his excellent version of a book so curious and delightful as a biographical document, so precious, at the same time, for what it teaches us of the life of the spirit.
  Besides the prompting of his inherent instinct, the main inducement for M. to keep this diary of his experiences at Dakshineswar was his desire to provide himself with a means for living in holy company at all times. Being a school teacher, he could be with the Master only on Sundays and other holidays, and it was on his diary that he depended for 'holy company' on other days. The devotional scriptures like the Bhagavata say that holy company is the first and most important means for the generation and growth of devotion. For, in such company man could hear talks on spiritual matters and listen to the glorification of Divine attri butes, charged with the fervour and conviction emanating from the hearts of great Lovers of God. Such company is therefore the one certain means through which Sraddha (Faith), Rati (attachment to God) and Bhakti (loving devotion) are generated. The diary of his visits to Dakshineswar provided M. with material for re-living, through reading and contemplation, the holy company he had had earlier, even on days when he was not able to visit Dakshineswar. The wealth of details and the vivid description of men and things in the midst of which the sublime conversations are set, provide excellent material to re-live those experiences for any one with imaginative powers. It was observed by M.'s disciples and admirers that in later life also whenever he was free or alone, he would be pouring over his diary, transporting himself on the wings of imagination to the glorious days he spent at the feet of the Master.
  During the Master's lifetime M. does not seem to have revealed the contents of his diary to any one. There is an unconfirmed tradition that when the Master saw him taking notes, he expressed apprehension at the possibility of his utilising these to publicise him like Keshab Sen; for the Great Master was so full of the spirit of renunciation and humility that he disliked being lionised. It must be for this reason that no one knew about this precious diary of M. for a decade until he brought out selections from it as a pamphlet in English in 1897 with the Holy Mother's blessings and permission. The Holy Mother, being very much pleased to hear parts of the diary read to her in Bengali, wrote to M.: "When I heard the Kathmrita, (Bengali name of the book) I felt as if it was he, the Master, who was saying all that." ( Ibid Part I. P 37.)
  In appearance, M. looked a Vedic Rishi. Tall and stately in bearing, he had a strong and well-built body, an unusually broad chest, high forehead and arms extending to the knees. His complexion was fair and his prominent eyes were always tinged with the expression of the divine Love that filled his heart. Adorned with a silvery beard that flowed luxuriantly down his chest, and a shining face radiating the serenity and gravity of holiness, M. was as imposing and majestic as he was handsome and engaging in appearance. Humorous, sweet-tongued and eloquent when situations required, this great Maharishi of our age lived only to sing the glory of Sri Ramakrishna day and night.
  Though a very well versed scholar in the Upanishads, Git and the philosophies of the East and the West, all his discussions and teachings found their culmination in the life and the message of Sri Ramakrishna, in which he found the real explanation and illustration of all the scriptures. Both consciously and unconsciously, he was the teacher of the Kathmrita the nectarine words of the Great Master.
  Though a much-sought-after spiritual guide, an educationist of repute, and a contemporary and close associate of illustrious personages like Sri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda, Keshab Chander Sen and Iswar Chander Vidysgar, he was always moved by the noble humanity of a Lover of God, which consists in respecting the personalities of all as receptacles of the Divine Spirit. So he taught without the consciousness of a teacher, and no bar of superiority stood in the way of his doing the humblest service to his students and devotees. "He was a commission of Love," writes his close devotee, Swami Raghavananda, "and yet his soft and sweet words would pierce the stoniest heart, make the worldly-minded weep and repent and turn Godwards."
  ( Prabuddha Bharata Vol. XXXVII P 499.)
  As time went on and the number of devotees increased, the staircase room and terrace of the 3rd floor of the Morton Institution became a veritable Naimisaranya of modern times, resounding during all hours of the day, and sometimes of night, too, with the word of God coming from the Rishi-like face of M. addressed to the eager God-seekers sitting around. To the devotees who helped him in preparing the text of the Gospel, he would dictate the conversations of the Master in a meditative mood, referring now and then to his diary. At times in the stillness of midnight he would awaken a nearby devotee and tell him: "Let us listen to the words of the Master in the depths of the night as he explains the truth of the Pranava." ( Vednta Kesari XIX P. 142.) Swami Raghavananda, an intimate devotee of M., writes as follows about these devotional sittings: "In the sweet and warm months of April and May, sitting under the canopy of heaven on the roof-garden of 50 Amherst Street, surrounded by shrubs and plants, himself sitting in their midst like a Rishi of old, the stars and planets in their courses beckoning us to things infinite and sublime, he would speak to us of the mysteries of God and His Love and of the yearning that would rise in the human heart to solve the Eternal Riddle, as exemplified in the life of his Master. The mind, melting under the influence of his soft sweet words of light, would almost transcend the frontiers of limited existence and dare to peep into the infinite. He himself would take the influence of the setting and say,'What a blessed privilege it is to sit in such a setting (pointing to the starry heavens), in the company of the devotees discoursing on God and His Love!' These unforgettable scenes will long remain imprinted on the minds of his hearers." (Prabuddha Bharata Vol XXXVII P 497.)
  About twenty-seven years of his life he spent in this way in the heart of the great city of Calcutta, radiating the Master's thoughts and ideals to countless devotees who flocked to him, and to still larger numbers who read his Kathmrita (English Edition : The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna), the last part of which he had completed before June 1932 and given to the press. And miraculously, as it were, his end also came immediately after he had completed his life's mission. About three months earlier he had come to stay at his home at 13/2 Gurdasprasad Chaudhuary Lane at Thakur Bari, where the Holy Mother had herself installed the Master and where His regular worship was being conducted for the previous 40 years. The night of 3rd June being the Phalahrini Kli Pooja day, M.

0.01 - I - Sri Aurobindos personality, his outer retirement - outside contacts after 1910 - spiritual personalities- Vibhutis and Avatars - transformtion of human personality, #Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo, #unset, #Zen
   The Evening Talks collected here may afford to the outside world a glimpse of his external personality and give the seeker some idea of its richness, its many-sidedness, its uniqueness. One can also form some notion of Sri Aurobindo's personality from the books in which the height, the universal sweep and clear vision of his integral ideal and thought can be seen. His writings are, in a sense, the best representative of his mental personality. The versatile nature of his genius, the penetrating power of his intellect, his extraordinary power of expression, his intense sincerity, his utter singleness of purpose all these can be easily felt by any earnest student of his works. He may discover even in the realm of mind that Sri Aurobindo brings the unlimited into the limited. Another side of his dynamic personality is represented by the Ashram as an institution. But the outer, if one may use the phrase, the human side of his personality, is unknown to the outside world because from 1910 to 1950 a span of forty years he led a life of outer retirement. No doubt, many knew about his staying at Pondicherry and practising some kind of very special Yoga to the mystery of which they had no access. To some, perhaps, he was living a life of enviable solitude enjoying the luxury of a spiritual endeavour. Many regretted his retirement as a great loss to the world because they could not see any external activity on his part which could be regarded as 'public', 'altruistic' or 'beneficial'. Even some of his admirers thought that he was after some kind of personal salvation which would have very little significance for mankind in general. His outward non-participation in public life was construed by many as lack of Love for humanity.
   But those who knew him during the days of the national awakening from 1900 to 1910 could not have these doubts. And even these initial misunderstandings and false notions of others began to evaporate with the growth of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram from 1927 onwards. The large number of books published by the Ashram also tended to remove the idea of the other-worldliness of his Yoga and the absence of any good by it to mankind.
   "He comes as the divine power and Love which calls men to itself, so that they may take refuge in that and no longer in the insufficiency of their human wills and the strife of their human fear, wrath and passion, and liberated from all this unquiet and suffering may live in the calm and bliss of the Divine."[6]
   "The Avatar comes to reveal the divine nature in man above this lower nature and to show what are the divine works, free, unegoistic, disinterested, impersonal, universal, full of the divine light, the divine power and the divine Love. He comes as the divine personality which shall fill the consciousness of the human being and replace the limited egoistic personality, so that it shall be liberated out of ego into infinity and universality, out of birth into immortality."[7]
   It is clear that Sri Aurobindo interpreted the traditional idea of the Vibhuti and the Avatar in terms of the evolutionary possibilities of man. But more directly he has worked out the idea of the 'gnostic individual' in his masterpiece The Life Divine. He says: "A supramental gnostic individual will be a spiritual Person, but not a personality in the sense of a pattern of being marked out by a settled combination of fixed qualities, a determined character; he cannot be that since he is a conscious expression of the universal and the transcendent." Describing the gnostic individual he says: "We feel ourselves in the presence of a light of consciousness, a potency, a sea of energy, can distinguish and describe its free waves of action and quality, but not fix itself; and yet there is an impression of personality, the presence of a powerful being, a strong, high or beautiful recognisable Someone, a Person, not a limited creature of Nature but a Self or Soul, a Purusha."[8]

0.02 - Letters to a Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  "One single drop of Thy divine Love can transform this
  suffering into an ocean of delight!
  Divine Love is the great remedy.
  20 July 1932
  "O Love, Divine Love, in a fecund silence I bow to
  To Love the Divine is to be Loved by Him.
  2 November 1932
  Why do you want an outward sign of my Love? Are you not
  satisfied with knowing it is there?
  I am thirsting, thirsting for Your Love!
  You have only to open your heart and your thirst will be
  quenched, for the waters of Love never run dry.
  3 July 1934

0.03 - Letters to My little smile, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  With all my Love.
  With all my Love.
  1 August 1932
  Tender Love.
  28 August 1932
  place by my side, in my Love and protection.
  9 December 1932
  do so. To revolt is to reject the Divine Love and only the Divine
   Love has the power to save.
  That is quite a big word! It is said that hate is the reverse of Love;
  at any rate it is a dangerous sentiment which leaves you always
  proud of you and your work, which is so Lovely. I see that you
  have written without making a single mistake!
  where I can live constantly with X and with all who Love
  sari. I Love to work for You. Mother, I don't know what
  to write. I have nothing to say.
  Tender Love.
  18 December 1933
  Tender Love.
  19 December 1933
  Tender Love.
  11 January 1934
  You know that all my Love is always with you as well as my best
  will to help you out of your difficulties.
  But this little heart is full of Love. Mother, we are
  going to burn all the bad things in this little heart. Then
  in my heart there will only be a very, very sweet Love for
  You alone.
  ought to be very happy, and all those who Love my sweet
  Mother will naturally be happy.
  you in my arms, bathe you in my Love and wipe away even the
  Series Three - To "My little smile"
  With my Love.
  11 July 1934
  look as if it were done deliberately and it will be even Lovelier.
  Next time I see you, I shall show you exactly what I mean. Don't
  With my Love.
  8 September 1934
  With my tender Love.
  18 June 1935
  With all my Love.
  10 July 1935
  My blessings and my Love are always with you.
  10 December 1935
  want to feel Your Love in my heart (which You say is
  already there) I do not feel it. What is it that is closed?
  I want my heart to open to You and to feel Your Love
  there always. But if it is really closed, how can I open
  Tender Love from your mother.
  25 July 1936
  Tender Love from your mother.
  30 July 1936
  reappear. My Love is always with you to help you go through
  this bad moment.
  movements; but at the same time, you may be sure that I appreciate and Love your work immensely. I have great admiration for
  your embroidery, and for you, great Love.
  Your mother.
  belittle the Divine's Love, because without it nothing is worth
  living for.
  With my Love and blessings that her aspiration may be
  realised this year.

0.03 - The Threefold Life, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  That highest thing, the spiritual existence, is concerned with what is eternal but not therefore entirely aloof from the transient. For the spiritual man the mind's dream of perfect beauty is realised in an eternal Love, beauty and delight that has no dependence and is equal behind all objective appearances; its dream of perfect Truth in the supreme, self-existent, self-apparent and eternal Verity which never varies, but explains and is the secret of all variations and the goal of all progress; its dream of perfect action in the omnipotent and self-guiding Law that is inherent for ever in all things and translates itself here in the rhythm of the worlds. What is fugitive vision or constant effort of creation in the brilliant Self is an eternally existing Reality in the Self that knows2 and is the Lord.
  But if it is often difficult for the mental life to accommodate itself to the dully resistant material activity, how much more difficult must it seem for the spiritual existence to live on in a world that appears full not of the Truth but of every lie and illusion, not of Love and Beauty but of an encompassing discord and ugliness, not of the Law of Truth but of victorious selfishness and sin? Therefore the spiritual life tends easily in the saint and Sannyasin to withdraw from the material existence and reject it either wholly and physically or in the spirit. It sees this world as the kingdom of evil or of ignorance and the eternal and divine either in a far-off heaven or beyond where there is no world and no life. It separates itself inwardly, if not also physically, from the world's impurities; it asserts the spiritual reality in a spotless isolation. This withdrawal renders an invaluable service to the material life itself by forcing it to regard and even to bow down to something that is the direct negation of its own petty ideals, sordid cares and egoistic self-content.
  But the work in the world of so supreme a power as spiritual force cannot be thus limited. The spiritual life also can return upon the material and use it as a means of its own greater fullness. Refusing to be blinded by the dualities, the appearances, it can seek in all appearances whatsoever the vision of the same Lord, the same eternal Truth, Beauty, Love, Delight. The
  Vedantic formula of the Self in all things, all things in the Self and all things as becomings of the Self is the key to this richer and all-embracing Yoga.
  But the spiritual life, like the mental, may thus make use of this outward existence for the benefit of the individual with a perfect indifference to any collective uplifting of the merely symbolic world which it uses. Since the Eternal is for ever the same in all things and all things the same to the Eternal, since the exact mode of action and the result are of no importance compared with the working out in oneself of the one great realisation, this spiritual indifference accepts no matter what environment, no matter what action, dispassionately, prepared to retire as soon as its own supreme end is realised. It is so that many have understood the ideal of the Gita. Or else the inner Love and bliss may pour itself out on the world in good deeds, in service, in compassion, the inner Truth in the giving of knowledge, without therefore attempting the transformation of a world which must by its inalienable nature remain a battlefield of the dualities, of sin and virtue, of truth and error, of joy and suffering.
  But if Progress also is one of the chief terms of worldexistence and a progressive manifestation of the Divine the true sense of Nature, this limitation also is invalid. It is possible for the spiritual life in the world, and it is its real mission, to change the material life into its own image, the image of the Divine. Therefore, besides the great solitaries who have sought and attained their self-liberation, we have the great spiritual teachers who have also liberated others and, supreme of all, the great dynamic souls who, feeling themselves stronger in the might of the Spirit than all the forces of the material life banded together, have thrown themselves upon the world, grappled with it in a loving wrestle and striven to compel its consent to its own transfiguration. Ordinarily, the effort is concentrated on a mental and moral change in humanity, but it may extend itself also to the alteration of the forms of our life and its institutions so that they too may be a better mould for the inpourings of the Spirit. These attempts have been the supreme landmarks in the progressive development of human ideals and the divine preparation of the race. Every one of them, whatever its outward results, has left Earth more capable of Heaven and quickened in its tardy movements the evolutionary Yoga of Nature.

0.04 - The Systems of Yoga, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Bhakta seeks and yearns after Bhagavan, Bhagavan also seeks and yearns after the Bhakta.1 There can be no Yoga of knowledge without a human seeker of the knowledge, the supreme subject of knowledge and the divine use by the individual of the universal faculties of knowledge; no Yoga of devotion without the human God- Lover, the supreme object of Love and delight and the divine use by the individual of the universal faculties of spiritual, emotional and aesthetic enjoyment; no Yoga of works without the human worker, the supreme Will, Master of all works and sacrifices, and the divine use by the individual of the universal faculties of power and action. However Monistic may be our intellectual conception of the highest truth of things, in practice we are compelled to accept this omnipresent Trinity.
  For the contact of the human and individual consciousness with the divine is the very essence of Yoga. Yoga is the union of that which has become separated in the play of the universe with its own true self, origin and universality. The contact may take place at any point of the complex and intricately organised consciousness which we call our personality. It may be effected in the physical through the body; in the vital through the action of
  Bhakta, the devotee or Lover of God; Bhagavan, God, the Lord of Love and Delight.
  The third term of the trinity is Bhagavat, the divine revelation of Love.
  The Systems of Yoga
  Self. Hathayoga selects the body and the vital functionings as its instruments of perfection and realisation; its concern is with the gross body. Rajayoga selects the mental being in its different parts as its lever-power; it concentrates on the subtle body. The triple Path of Works, of Love and of Knowledge uses some part of the mental being, will, heart or intellect as a starting-point and seeks by its conversion to arrive at the liberating Truth,
  Beatitude and Infinity which are the nature of the spiritual life.
   Love and Bliss and utilises normally the conception of the supreme Lord in His personality as the divine Lover and enjoyer of the universe. The world is then realised as a play of the
  Lord, with our human life as its final stage, pursued through the different phases of self-concealment and self-revelation. The principle of Bhakti Yoga is to utilise all the normal relations of human life into which emotion enters and apply them no longer to transient worldly relations, but to the joy of the All-Loving, the All-Beautiful and the All-Blissful. Worship and meditation are used only for the preparation and increase of intensity of the divine relationship. And this Yoga is catholic in its use of all emotional relations, so that even enmity and opposition to God, considered as an intense, impatient and perverse form of Love, is conceived as a possible means of realisation and salvation.
  This path, too, as ordinarily practised, leads away from worldexistence to an absorption, of another kind than the Monist's, in the Transcendent and Supra-cosmic.
  But, here too, the exclusive result is not inevitable. The Yoga itself provides a first corrective by not confining the play of divine Love to the relation between the supreme Soul and the individual, but extending it to a common feeling and mutual worship between the devotees themselves united in the same realisation of the supreme Love and Bliss. It provides a yet more general corrective in the realisation of the divine object of Love in all beings not only human but animal, easily extended to all forms whatsoever. We can see how this larger application of the Yoga of
  Devotion may be so used as to lead to the elevation of the whole range of human emotion, sensation and aesthetic perception to the divine level, its spiritualisation and the justification of the cosmic labour towards Love and joy in our humanity.
  The Path of Works aims at the dedication of every human activity to the supreme Will. It begins by the renunciation of all egoistic aim for our works, all pursuit of action for an interested aim or for the sake of a worldly result. By this renunciation it so
  We can see also that in the integral view of things these three paths are one. Divine Love should normally lead to the perfect knowledge of the Be Loved by perfect intimacy, thus becoming a path of Knowledge, and to divine service, thus becoming a path of Works. So also should perfect Knowledge lead to perfect
   Love and Joy and a full acceptance of the works of That which is known; dedicated Works to the entire Love of the Master of the Sacrifice and the deepest knowledge of His ways and His being. It is in this triple path that we come most readily to the absolute knowledge, Love and service of the One in all beings and in the entire cosmic manifestation.

0.05 - Letters to a Child, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  With Love and blessings.
  6 March 1934
  With Love and blessings.
  9 March 1934
  confidence in my Love which never leaves you.
  Your mother.
  True Love is the Love that wants, to the exclusion of all else,
  the highest good for the Loved one. This is the Love that I have
  and want to have for you.
  solicitude of my Love.
  9 April 1934
  With my Love.
  21 April 1934
  all her Love, and her solicitude for you?
  No, all is not sad and gloomy, neither the trees nor the sky
  You don 't Love me at all. Is this the way that one
   Loves one's child?
  Certainly I do not Love you in the way you conceive of as
   Love; and I do see how it could be otherwise. You first have to
  know what true Love is.
  30 April 1934
  I send you much patience and all my Love.
  2 May 1934
  who Loved us very much - my brother and myself - never allowed us to be ill tempered or discontented or lazy. If we went
  to complain to her about one thing or another, to tell her that
  Your mother who Loves you.
  15 May 1934
  With all my Love.
  24 May 1934
  I am always with you in all Love.
  Your mother.
  With Love.
  10 June 1934
  Always with you in all Love.
  23 June 1934
  it. All my Love is with you.
  I hope you do not show my letters to anyone. It is better to
  by my Love as by a protection, and truly my Love is always with
  you, around you; but you, on your side, must open to it and
  With all my Love.
  21 August 1934
  all my Love.
  Your mother.
  You must never lose confidence in my unvarying Love.
  30 August 1934
  My child, all my Love is always with you; do not push it away.
  1 September 1934
  to grieve your mother who Loves you and wants only your own
  by my Love which never leaves you.
  7 September 1934
  With all my Love.
  11 September 1934
  You know that my Love is always with you and my will is
  that you should get well; my force is with you to give you health.
  yourself and always nestle in my arms so as to receive my Love
  and force.
  My force is with you to conquer these things. And my Love
  never leaves you.
  With all my Love.
  3 October 1934
  do not even trust in me? Yet my Love is always with you.
  1 November 1934
  My Love is with you.
  2 November 1934
  With all my Love.
  27 February 1935
  I am always with you, my dear child, and my Love never
  leaves you.
  My Love and blessings are always with you.
  Your mother who Loves you.
  30 March 1939
  My Love, my help and my blessings will always be with you.
  Your mother.
  With my Love and blessings.
  10 April 1942
  My Love and blessings are with you to guide you on the way.
  4 June 1946
  With all my Love and blessings.
  25 September 1947
  With my Love and blessings.
  12 December 1953
  always does it with Love.
  So, throw away all this nonsense and try to be quiet and
  With my Love and blessings.
  23 March 1954
  With my Love and blessings.
  26 January 1956
  With my Love and blessings.
  Series Five - To a Child
  All my Love is with you to help you and guide you.
  My dear child,
  with all my Love.
  You need not worry and must continue as you are doing except,
  With my Love and blessings.
  My mother,
  you, encouraging you with an unvarying Love and tenderness.
  My dear child,
  With all my Love.
  My sweet mother,
  My Love enfolds you and embraces you always.
  My sweet mother,
  With all my Love.
  O my dear mother,
  My Love and blessings.
  My dear child,
  With all my Love. Your mother.
  My dear child,
  With all my Love.

0.05 - The Synthesis of the Systems, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Hathayoga and Rajayoga are thus successively practised. And in a recent unique example, in the life of Ramakrishna Paramhansa, we see a colossal spiritual capacity first driving straight to the divine realisation, taking, as it were, the kingdom of heaven by violence, and then seizing upon one Yogic method after another and extracting the substance out of it with an incredible rapidity, always to return to the heart of the whole matter, the realisation and possession of God by the power of Love, by the extension of inborn spirituality into various experience and by the spontaneous play of an intuitive knowledge. Such an example cannot be generalised. Its object also was special and temporal, to exemplify in the great and decisive experience of a master-soul the truth, now most necessary to humanity, towards which a world long divided into jarring sects and schools is with difficulty labouring, that all sects are forms and fragments of a single integral truth and all disciplines labour in their different ways towards one supreme experience. To know, be and possess
  The Conditions of the Synthesis
  If, however, we leave aside, here also, the actual methods and practices and seek for the central principle, we find, first, that Tantra expressly differentiates itself from the Vedic methods of Yoga. In a sense, all the schools we have hitherto examined are Vedantic in their principle; their force is in knowledge, their method is knowledge, though it is not always discernment by the intellect, but may be, instead, the knowledge of the heart expressed in Love and faith or a knowledge in the will working out through action. In all of them the lord of the Yoga is the Purusha, the Conscious Soul that knows, observes, attracts, governs. But in Tantra it is rather Prakriti, the Nature-Soul, the Energy, the
  Will-in-Power executive in the universe. It was by learning and applying the intimate secrets of this Will-in-Power, its method, its Tantra, that the Tantric Yogin pursued the aims of his discipline, - mastery, perfection, liberation, beatitude. Instead of drawing back from manifested Nature and its difficulties, he confronted them, seized and conquered. But in the end, as is the general tendency of Prakriti, Tantric Yoga largely lost its principle in its machinery and became a thing of formulae and occult mechanism still powerful when rightly used but fallen from the clarity of their original intention.
  By this integral realisation and liberation, the perfect harmony of the results of Knowledge, Love and Works. For there is attained the complete release from ego and identification in being with the One in all and beyond all. But since the attaining consciousness is not limited by its attainment, we win also the unity in Beatitude and the harmonised diversity in Love, so that all relations of the play remain possible to us even while we retain on the heights of our being the eternal oneness with the
  Be Loved. And by a similar wideness, being capable of a freedom in spirit that embraces life and does not depend upon withdrawal from life, we are able to become without egoism, bondage or reaction the channel in our mind and body for a divine action poured out freely upon the world.
   functioning of the complex instrument we are in our outer parts, is the condition of an integral liberty. Its result is an integral beatitude, in which there becomes possible at once the Ananda of all that is in the world seen as symbols of the Divine and the Ananda of that which is not-world. And it prepares the integral perfection of our humanity as a type of the Divine in the conditions of the human manifestation, a perfection founded on a certain free universality of being, of Love and joy, of play of knowledge and of play of will in power and will in unegoistic action. This integrality also can be attained by the integral Yoga.
  Perfection includes perfection of mind and body, so that the highest results of Rajayoga and Hathayoga should be contained in the widest formula of the synthesis finally to be effected by mankind. At any rate a full development of the general mental and physical faculties and experiences attainable by humanity through Yoga must be included in the scope of the integral method. Nor would these have any raison d'etre unless employed for an integral mental and physical life. Such a mental and physical life would be in its nature a translation of the spiritual existence into its right mental and physical values. Thus we would arrive at a synthesis of the three degrees of Nature and of the three modes of human existence which she has evolved or is evolving. We would include in the scope of our liberated being and perfected modes of activity the material life, our base, and the mental life, our intermediate instrument.
  Nor would the integrality to which we aspire be real or even possible, if it were confined to the individual. Since our divine perfection embraces the realisation of ourselves in being, in life and in Love through others as well as through ourselves, the extension of our liberty and of its results in others would be the inevitable outcome as well as the broadest utility of our liberation and perfection. And the constant and inherent attempt of such an extension would be towards its increasing and ultimately complete generalisation in mankind.
  The divinising of the normal material life of man and of his great secular attempt of mental and moral self-culture in the individual and the race by this integralisation of a widely perfect

0.06 - INTRODUCTION, #Dark Night of the Soul, #Saint John of the Cross, #Christianity
  grace, in order to prepare our senses and faculties for union with God through Love.
  He now proceeds to explain, with an arresting freshness, how these same senses
  of the soul transformed in God through Love.
  The stanzas expounded by the Saint are taken from the same poem in the two
  Divine union of perfection of Love, if God takes not its hand and purges it not in that
  dark fire.'3
  enkindlings of Love (Chapter xi), which will serve to purify its sins and imperfections
  and draw it gradually nearer to God; we have here, as it were, so many stages of the
  burnings of Divine Love, which are greater beyond comparison than those produced
  by the Night of Sense, the one being as different from the other as is the body from
  the soul. 'For this (latter) is an enkindling of spiritual Love in the soul, which, in the
  midst of these dark confines, feels itself to be keenly and sharply wounded in strong
  Divine Love, and to have a certain realization and foretaste of God.'11 No less
  wonderful are the effects of the powerful Divine illumination which from time to
  the Saint an exposition (Chapters xviii, xix) of the ten steps or degrees of Love which
  comprise St. Bernard's mystical ladder. Chapter xxi describes the soul's 'disguise,'
  other guide or support, either outward or inward, than the Divine Love 'which
  burned in my heart.'
  Flame of Love, they are not so completely knit into one whole as is this great double
  treatise. They lose both in flexibility and in substance through the closeness with

0.06 - Letters to a Young Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  May my whole being be only that Love which wants to
  give itself, and which leads me to You.
  Keep this aspiration and you are sure of victory; you will Love
  me one day with a Love which fills you with strength and with
  realise that Love which You have foreseen in your divine
  My dear Mother, I do not say that I Love You and belong
  to You, I must prove it in my actions; without that these
  sincerity and truth: "I Love You and I am Yours for all eternity."
  O Mother, take me with You; I shall seat You for ever in
  in exchange for my Love for Him and the giving of my
  soul, then it is a very easy thing for me.
  know you and Love you better than you yourself do and that I
  know better than you what is good for you - then that would
  Sweet Mother, I am happy because I Love You and because I suffer a little in loving You.
  I don't see the need of your suffering. Psychic Love is always
  peaceful and joyous; it is the vital which dramatises and makes
  of my Love and solicitude, and is always peaceful, happy and
  Indeed, nothing brings more happiness than a pure and disinterested Love.
  The true divine Love is above all quarrels. It is the experience of
  perfect union in an invariable joy and peace.
  further from true Love, the divine Love, than sentimentality.
  All will be done, Mother, but why is my heart becoming
  True Love is something very deep and very calm in its intensity; it may very well not manifest itself through outer effusiveness.
  To Love is not to possess, but to give oneself.
  I don't experience a violent and uncontrollable Love for
  anyone; nobody attracts me. And it is because of this
  A Love which is sufficiently strong can make a person the
  slave of the be Loved.
  You speak here of vital Love, but certainly not of psychic Love
  and still less of the Divine Love.
  The person I Love belongs to me.
  This is a very ugly Love, quite egoistic.
  The Ashram is not a place for being in Love with anyone. If you
  want to lapse into such a stupidity, you may do so elsewhere,
  else except that red rose which signifies "Human passions changed into Love for the Divine". I want to know
  precisely what the human passions are.
  a violent and uncontrollable Love for another, this is called a
  passion, and it is of this we are speaking; it is this impassioned
  changed into Love for the Divine.
  Sensations belong to the vital domain and to that part of it which
  work from You? Which is this being that Loves You?
  It is that part of your being which is under the influence of the

0.07 - DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL, #Dark Night of the Soul, #Saint John of the Cross, #Christianity
  Exposition of the stanzas describing the method followed by the soul in its journey upon the spiritual road to the attainment of the perfect union of Love with God, to the extent that is possible in this life. Likewise are described the properties belonging to the soul that has attained to the said perfection, according as they are contained in the same stanzas.
  IN this book are first set down all the stanzas which are to be expounded; afterwards, each of the stanzas is expounded separately, being set down before its exposition; and then each line is expounded separately and in turn, the line itself also being set down before the exposition. In the first two stanzas are expounded the effects of the two spiritual purgations: of the sensual part of man and of the spiritual part. In the other six are expounded various and wondrous effects of the spiritual illumination and union of Love with God.
  1. On a dark night, Kindled in Love with yearningsoh, happy chance!
  I went forth without being observed, My house being now at rest.
  5. Oh, night that guided me, Oh, night more Lovely than the dawn,
  Oh, night that joined Be Loved with Lover, Lover transformed in the Be Loved!
  6. Upon my flowery breast, Kept wholly for himself alone,
  Begins the exposition of the stanzas which treat of the way and manner which the soul follows upon the road of the union of Love with God. Before we enter upon the exposition of these stanzas, it is well to understand here that the soul that utters them is now in the state of perfection, which is the union of Love with God, having already passed through severe trials and straits, by means of spiritual exercise in the narrow way of eternal life whereof Our Saviour speaks in the Gospel, along which way the soul ordinarily passes in order to reach this high and happy union with God. Since this road (as the Lord Himself says likewise) is so strait, and since there are so few that enter by it,19 the soul considers it a great happiness and good chance to have passed along it to the said perfection of Love, as it sings in this first stanza, calling this strait road with full propriety 'dark night,' as will be explained hereafter in the lines of the said stanza. The soul, then, rejoicing at having passed along this narrow road whence so many blessings have come to it, speaks after this manner.
  On a dark night, Kindled in Love with yearningsoh, happy
  IN this first stanza the soul relates the way and manner which it followed in going forth, as to its affection, from itself and from all things, and in dying to them all and to itself, by means of true mortification, in order to attain to living the sweet and delectable life of Love with God; and it says that this going forth from itself and from all things was a 'dark night,' by which, as will be explained hereafter, is here understood purgative contemplation, which causes passively in the soul the negation of itself and of all things referred to above.
  2. And this going forth it says here that it was able to accomplish in the strength and ardour which Love for its Spouse gave to it for that purpose in the dark contemplation aforementioned. Herein it extols the great happiness which it found in journeying to God through this night with such signal success that none of the three enemies, which are world, devil and flesh (who are they that ever impede this road), could hinder it; inasmuch as the aforementioned night of purgative20 contemplation lulled to sleep and mortified, in the house of its sensuality, all the passions and desires with respect to their mischievous desires and motions. The line, then, says:
  On a dark night

0.07 - Letters to a Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  not your mother who Loves you?...
  3 January 1937
  burning flame of a conscious Love.
  with my Love and blessings.
  22 October 1938
  very kind to your little child who Loves you and is happy.
  My very dear child, live in my Love, feel it, be filled with it and
  be happy - nothing can please me more than that.
  important.... Dear child, I am always with you and my Love and
  blessings never leave you.
  The only mystery, the only spell is my Love - my Love which is
  spread over my children and calls down upon them the Divine's
  You send me your Love and blessings every day of late,
  dear Mother, and in rare blessed moments I do sense that
  we are always surrounded by your Love. But as for a real
  response, my heart does seem to be made of stone; otherwise, why should it refuse to open itself to such a Love?
  Series Seven - To a Sadhak
  Nothing can resist the steady action of Love. It melts all resistances and triumphs over all difficulties...
   Love and blessings to my dear child.
  I know your Love and blessings are always with me and
  I sometimes wish you had not been so invariably kind
  It is not as a Guru that I Love and bless, it is as the Mother who
  asks nothing in return for what she gives.
  the Love of the Mother who does not ask for anything
  in return. That is all right for you, for yours is a selffulfilled life. But I have yet to achieve everything, yet to
  and my Self, to know and Love the Divine Godhead and
  fulfil Her in my life and to know the worlds, if it is Her
  With my Love and blessings.
  16 July 1939
  you aspire, the way is Love and the goal too is Love" - is it not
  the best answer to your letter?...
  With my Love and blessings.
  17 July 1939
  But what a joy and Love it is when both mother and son are
  My Love and blessings to my dear (good) child.
  27 July 1939
  My child's heart is filled with Love and light from the Divine; let
  them shine throughout your whole being and the clouds, if any,
  You overwhelm me with your Love, dear Mother. I know
  I do not deserve one iota of the kindness you show to
  overwhelming divine Love? Your Love itself is a priceless
  gift. Why then these other gifts?
  those we Love... and when you will eat the pickles you may
  remember me and think, Mother Loves me...
   Love and blessings to my dear child.
  I send you heaps and heaps of Love. In the lotus of my
  heart may I have your lotus feet permanently installed
  on a throne of Love.
  My dear loving child,
  Your heart is quite a sweet place because of your Love - let
  me remain always there so that I may fill your whole being with
  light and Love and joy.
  My Love and blessings.
  8 August 1939
  - in the sweetness of Love divine.
  10 August 1939
  Will you kindly tell me, dear Mother, if you Love me
  truly and genuinely in spite of my poor humanity or
  faithful to your Love." I suppose this is a sufficient answer and
  you do not expect me to justify my Love in front of the foolish
  ignorance of such interpretations. Whether you believe or doubt,
  my Love and blessings are with you.
  12 August 1939
  O! How could I question your Love, you who are
  the soul of truth and Love and goodness?
  My dear child,
  come out of it - but let this Love and this truth be your shield
  and protect you against the intrusion of any force of falsehood.
  My Love and blessings will lead you to the goal.
  13 August 1939
  My Love and blessings to you, dear child.
  17 August 1939
  Your Love for me is my true refuge and sole strength.
  What I offer you, my Mother, is a turbid mixture of
  sure of my Love, you can be sure of my help, and our blessings
  19 August 1939
  anyone like you in the whole world? Love.
   Love, Love, Love to my very dear child; all the joy, all the light,
  all the peace of the divine Love and also my loving blessings.
  20 August 1939
  and say to myself, "The Mother Loves me." On the crest
  of a great wave of Love the gift came to me and I felt
  the presence of the ocean which projected that wave.
  and an ocean of Love! Such is your play, dear playful
  wanted to answer very concretely to your call... My Love and
  blessings to my very dear child.
  My Love and blessings.
  27 August 1939
  Accept my Love and forgive me my lapses - as you
  have been doing for so many years. I expect these moods
  that I am forgiving. Love does not forgive, it understands and
  My Love and blessings always.
  28 August 1939
  Let divine Love be your goal.
  Let pure Love be your way.
  Be always true to your Love and all difficulties will be conquered.
   Love and blessings to my dear child.
  said, "Let divine Love be your goal. Let pure Love be your
  way. Be always true to your Love and all difficulties will
  be conquered." Is this higher consciousness the same
  thing as a state of pure Love and, if so, how would it be
  related to a state of higher knowledge?
  The higher Consciousness is a state of pure Love but it is also a
  state of pure openness to divine knowledge. There is no opposition there between these two kindred things; it is the mind that
  The Love for the Divine is the strongest force for doing this.
  My Love and blessings.
  19 October 1939
  with her Love and blessings.
  28 October 1939
  Your Love for poor me is still my lodestar and I am
  My Love wants to lead you to the goal and it is bound to
  compassion and solicitude and Love which I do not deserve. And yet, although I feel a personal tie with you
  which I expect is psychic, I still do not feel that I want
  My Love and blessings to my dear child.
  29 June 1940
  answered: "My dear child, you can be sure of my Love and blessings."
  so in words which I can understand and I will drop it.
  my Love is capable of understanding and that my blessings do
  not depend on such surface movements.
  With my Love and blessings.
  25 July 1940
  With my Love and blessings.
  9 September 1941
  With my Love and blessings.
  9 September 1942
  With my Love and blessings.
  9 September 1943
  With my Love and blessings.
  9 September 1944

0.08 - Letters to a Young Captain, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  the Divine through perfect, total and eternal Love.
  In the integral yoga of Sri Aurobindo, the two combine

0.09 - Letters to a Young Teacher, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  It happens that when we Love You deeply and are
  intimately in contact with You, we have the impression
  a mother who is very close to you, who Loves and understands
  you; that is why it is easy for you to approach me with a loving
  of all our Love and adoration. This Presence I have called
  the "Personal Divine", who is in fact none other than
  Immanent Divine. And if one knows truly how to Love, without
  desire or egoism, one finds Him very soon, for always He comes
  widening that enables you to understand everything and Love
  everything, without preference or exclusiveness.
  Is it possible to Love You perfectly, absolutely, before
  finding the psychic being within us?
   Love. As for perfect Love, it exists only in the Divine.
  26 April 1961

01.01 - A Yoga of the Art of Life, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Here is the very heart of the mystery, the master-key to the problem. The advent of the superhuman or divine race, however stupendous or miraculous the phenomenon may appear to be, can become a thing of practical actuality, precisely because it is no human agency that has undertaken it but the Divine himself in his supreme potency and wisdom and Love. The descent of the Divine into the ordinary human nature in order to purify and transform it and be lodged there is the whole secret of the sadhana in Sri Aurobindo's Yoga. The sadhaka has only to be quiet and silent, calmly aspiring, open and acquiescent and receptive to the one Force; he need not and should not try to do things by his independent personal effort, but get them done or let them be done for him in the dedicated consciousness by the Divine Master and Guide. All other Yogas or spiritual disciplines in the past envisaged an ascent of the consciousness, its sublimation into the consciousness of the Spirit and its fusion and dissolution there in the end. The descent of the Divine Consciousness to prepare its definitive home in the dynamic and pragmatic human nature, if considered at all, was not the main theme of the past efforts and achievements. Furthermore, the descent spoken of here is the descent, not of a divine consciousness for there are many varieties of divine consciousness but of the Divine's own consciousness, of the Divine himself with his Shakti. For it is that that is directly working out this evolutionary transformation of the age.
   It is not my purpose here to enter into details as to the exact meaning of the descent, how it happens and what are its lines of activity and the results brought about. For it is indeed an actual descent that happens: the Divine Light leans down first into the mind and begins its purificatory work therealthough it is always the inner heart which first recognises the Divine Presence and gives its assent to the Divine action for the mind, the higher mind that is to say, is the summit of the ordinary human consciousness and receives more easily and readily the Radiances that descend. From the Mind the Light filters into the denser regions of the emotions and desires, of life activity and vital dynamism; finally, it gets into brute Matter itself, the hard and obscure rock of the physical body, for that too has to be illumined and made the very form and figure of the Light supernal. The Divine in his descending Grace is the Master-Architect who is building slowly and surely the many-chambered and many-storeyed edifice that is human nature and human life into the mould of the Divine Truth in its perfect play and supreme expression. But this is a matter which can be closely considered when one is already well within the mystery of the path and has acquired the elementary essentials of an initiate.

01.01 - The New Humanity, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   This mastery will be effected not merely in will, but in mind and heart also. For the New Man will know not by the intellect which is egocentric and therefore limited, not by ratiocination which is an indirect and doubtful process, but by direct vision, an inner communion, a soul revelation. The new knowledge will be vast and profound and creative, based as it will be upon the reality of things and not upon their shadows. Truth will shine through every experience and every utterance"a truth shall have its seat on our speech and mind and hearing", so have the Vedas said. The mind and intellect will not be active and constructive agents but the luminous channel of a self-luminous knowledge. And the heart too which is now the field of passion and egoism will be cleared of its noise and obscurity; a serener sky will shed its pure warmth and translucent glow. The knot will be rent asunderbhidyate hridaya granthih and the vast and mighty streams of another ocean will flow through. We will Love not merely those to whom we are akin but God's creatures, one and all; we will Love not with the yearning and hunger of a mortal but with the wide and intense Rasa that lies in the divine identity of souls.
   And the new society will be based not upon competition, nor even upon co-operation. It will not be an open conflict, neither will it be a convenient compromise of rival individual interests. It will be the organic expression of the collective soul of humanity, working and achieving through each and every individual soul its most wide-winging freedom, manifesting the godhead that is, proper to each and every one. It will be an organisation, most delicate and subtle and supple, the members of which will have no need to live upon one another but in and through one another. It will be, if you like, a henotheistic hierarchy in which everyone will be the greatest, since everyone is all and all everyone simultaneously.

01.01 - The One Thing Needful, #The Integral Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  To find the Divine is indeed the first reason for seeking the spiritual Truth and the spiritual life; it is the one thing indispensable and all the resit is nothing without it. The Divine once found, to manifest Him, - that is, first of all to transform one's own limited consciousness into the Divine Consciousness, to live in the infinite Peace, Light, Love, Strength, Bliss, to become that in one's essential nature and, as a consequence, to be its vessel, channel, instrument in one's active nature. To bring into activity the principle of oneness on the material plane or to work for humanity is a mental mistranslation of the Truth - these things cannot be the first true object of spiritual seeking. We must find the Self, the Divine, then only can we know what is the work the Self or the Divine demands from us. Until then our life and action can only be a help or a means towards finding the Divine and it ought not to have any other purpose. As we grow in inner consciousness, or as the spiritual Truth of the Divine grows in us, our life and action must indeed more and more flow from that, be one with that. But to decide beforeh and by our limited mental conceptions what they must be is to hamper the growth of the spiritual Truth within. As that grows we shall feel the Divine Light and Truth, the Divine Power and Force, the Divine Purity and Peace working within us, dealing with our actions as well as our consciousness, making use of them to reshape us into the Divine Image, removing the dross, substituting the pure Gold of the Spirit. Only when the Divine Presence is there in us always and the consciousness transformed, can we have the right to say that we are ready to manifest the Divine on the material plane. To hold up a mental ideal or principle and impose that on the inner working brings the danger of limiting ourselves to a mental realisation or of impeding or even falsifying by a halfway formation the truth growth into the full communion and union with the Divine and the free and intimate outflowing of His will in our life. This is a mistake of orientation to which the mind of today is especially prone. It is far better to approach the Divine for the Peace or Light or Bliss that the realisation of Him gives than to bring in these minor things which can divert us from the one thing needful. The divinisation of the material life also as well as the inner life is part of what we see as the Divine Plan, but it can only be fulfilled by an ourflowing of the inner realisation, something that grows from within outwards, not by the working out of a mental principle.
  The realisation of the Divine is the one thing needful and the rest is desirable only in so far as it helps or leads towards that or when it is realised, extends and manifests the realisation. Manifestation and organisation of the whole life for the divine work, - first, the sadhana personal and collective necessary for the realisation and a common life of God-realised men, secondly, for help to the world to move towards that, and to live in the Light - is the whole meaning and purpose of my Yoga. But the realisation is the first need and it is that round which all the rest moves, for apart from it all the rest would have no meaning.

01.01 - The Symbol Dawn, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Her passion-flower of Love and doom she gave.
  Hiding herself even from those she Loved,
  The godhead greater by a human fate.
  The universal Mother s Love was hers.
  All came back to her: Earth and Love and Doom,
  The ancient disputants, encircled her

01.02 - Sri Aurobindo - Ahana and Other Poems, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   We do not say that poets have never sung of God and Soul and things transcendent. Poets have always done that. But what I say is this that presentation of spiritual truths, as they are in their own home, in other words, treated philosophically and yet in a supreme poetic manner, has always been a rarity. We have, indeed, in India the Gita and the Upanishads, great philosophical poems, if there were any. But for one thing they are on dizzy heights out of the reach of common man and for another they are idolised more as philosophy than as poetry. Doubtless, our Vaishnava poets sang of God and Love Divine; and Rabindranath, in one sense, a typical modern Vaishnava, did the same. And their songs are masterpieces. But are they not all human, too human, as the mad prophet would say? In them it is the human significance, the human manner that touches and moves us the spiritual significance remains esoteric, is suggested, is a matter of deduction. Sri Aurobindo has dealt with spiritual experiences in a different way. He has not clothed them in human symbols and allegories, in images and figures of the mere earthly and secular life: he presents them in their nakedness, just as they are seen and realised. He has not sought to tone down the rigour of truth with contrivances that easily charm and captivate the common human mind and heart. Nor has he indulged like so many poet philosophers in vague generalisations and colourless or too colourful truisms that do not embody a clear thought or rounded idea, a radiant judgment. Sri Aurobindo has given us in his poetry thoughts that are clear-cut, ideas beautifully chiselledhe is always luminously forceful.
   Take these Vedantic lines that in their limpidity and harmonious flow beat anything found in the fine French poet Lamartine:
   Nor yet was formless. Neither hate nor Love
   Could limit His perfection, peace nor storm.

01.02 - The Issue, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  And the paradise groves and peacock wings of Love
  To joy clutched under the silent shadow of doom
  And life has no sense and Love no place to stand,
  She must plead her case upon extinction's verge,
  And vindicate her right to be and Love.
  Alone amid the many faces Loved,
  Aware among unknowing happy hearts,

01.02 - The Object of the Integral Yoga, #The Integral Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  ... the object of the Yoga is to enter into and be possessed by the Divine Presence and Consciousness, to Love the Divine for the Divine's sake alone, to be turned in our nature into nature of the Divine and in our will and works and life to be the instrument of the Divine. Its object is not to be a great Yogi or a superman (although that may come) or to grab at the Divine for the sake of the ego's power, pride or pleasure.
  It is not for salvation though liberation comes by it and all else may come; but these must not be our objects. The Divine alone is our object.

01.03 - Mystic Poetry, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   O Love, what more shall I, shall Radha speak,
   Since mortal words are weak?
   they all give a very beautiful, a very poignant experience of Love, but one does not know if it is Love human or divine, if it is soul's Love or mere bodily Love.
   The famous Song of Solomon too is not on a different footing, when the poet cries:
   Among the ancients, strictly speaking, the later classical Lucretius was a remarkable phenomenon. By nature he was a poet, but his mental interest lay in metaphysical speculation, in philosophy, and unpoetical business. He turned away from arms and heroes, wrath and Love and, like Seneca and Aurelius, gave himself up to moralising and philosophising, delving 'into the mystery, the why and the how and the whither of it all. He chose a dangerous subject for his poetic inspiration and yet it cannot be said that his attempt was a failure. Lucretius was not a religious or spiritual poet; he was rather Marxian,atheistic, materialistic. The dialectical materialism of today could find in him a lot of nourishment and support. But whatever the content, the manner has made a whole difference. There was an idealism, a clarity of vision and an intensity of perception, which however scientific apparently, gave his creation a note, an accent, an atmosphere high, tense, aloof, ascetic, at times bordering on the supra-sensual. It was a high light, a force of consciousness that at its highest pitch had the ring and vibration of something almost spiritual. For the basic principle of Lucretius' inspiration is a large thought-force, a tense perception, a taut nervous reactionit is not, of course, the identity in being with the inner realities which is the hallmark of a spiritual consciousness, yet it is something on the way towards that.
   There have been other philosophical poets, a good number of them since thennot merely rationally philosophical, as was the vogue in the eighteenth century, but metaphysically philosophical, that is to say, inquiring not merely into the phenomenal but also into the labyrinths of the noumenal, investigating not only what meets the senses, but also things that are behind or beyond. Amidst the earlier efflorescence of this movement the most outstanding philosopher poet is of course Dante, the Dante of Paradiso, a philosopher in the mediaeval manner and to the extent a lesser poet, according to some. Goe the is another, almost in the grand modern manner. Wordsworth is full of metaphysics from the crown of his head to the tip of his toe although his poetry, perhaps the major portion of it, had to undergo some kind of martyrdom because of it. And Shelley, the supremely lyric singer, has had a very rich undertone of thought-content genuinely metaphysical. And Browning and Arnold and Hardyindeed, if we come to the more moderns, we have to cite the whole host of them, none can be excepted.
   And all Thy formless glory turn to Love
   And mould Thy Love into a human face.17
   Something of the fullness of spiritual matter and manner overflows in these epic lines:
   Poetry, actually however, has been, by and large, a profane and mundane affair: for it expresses the normal man's perceptions and feelings and experiences, human Loves and hates and desires and ambitions. True. And yet there has also always been an attempt, a tendency to deal with them in such a way as can bring calm and puritykatharsisnot trouble and confusion. That has been the purpose of all Art from the ancient days. Besides, there has been a growth and development in the historic process of this katharsis. As by the sublimation of his bodily and vital instincts and impulses., man is gradually growing into the mental, moral and finally spiritual consciousness, even so the artistic expression of his creative activity has followed a similar line of transformation. The first and original transformation happened with religious poetry. The religious, one may say, is the profane inside out; that is to say, the religious man has almost the same tone and temper, the same urges and passions, only turned Godward. Religious poetry too marks a new turn and development of human speech, in taking the name of God human tongue acquires a new plasticity and flavour that transform or give a new modulation even to things profane and mundane it speaks of. Religious means at bottom the colouring of mental and moral idealism. A parallel process of katharsis is found in another class of poetic creation, viz., the allegory. Allegory or parable is the stage when the higher and inner realities are expressed wholly in the modes and manner, in the form and character of the normal and external, when moral, religious or spiritual truths are expressed in the terms and figures of the profane life. The higher or the inner ideal is like a loose clothing upon the ordinary consciousness, it does not fit closely or fuse. In the religious, however, the first step is taken for a mingling and fusion. The mystic is the beginning of a real fusion and a considerable ascension of the lower into the higher. The philosopher poet follows another line for the same katharsisinstead of uplifting emotions and sensibility, he proceeds by thought-power, by the ideas and principles that lie behind all movements and give a pattern to all things existing. The mystic can be of either type, the religious mystic or the philosopher mystic, although often the two are welded together and cannot be very well separated. Let us illustrate a little:
   The spacious firmament on high,

01.03 - The Yoga of the King - The Yoga of the Souls Release, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Their Love, their anger, their unspoken hopes
  Entered in currents or in pouring waves
  And Lovelier scenes than earth's and happier lives.
  A consciousness of beauty and of bliss,
  And Love is a yearning of the One for the One,
  And beauty is a sweet difference of the Same
  The weeping of Love, the quarrel of the Gods,
  Ceased in a truth which lives in its own light.
  The smile of Love that sanctions the long game,
  The calm indulgence and maternal breasts

01.04 - Motives for Seeking the Divine, #The Integral Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Divine will bring Ananda, therefore it must be for the Ananda that we seek the union, is not true and has no force. One who Loves a queen may know that if she returns his Love it will bring him power, position, riches and yet it need not be for the power, position, riches that he seeks her Love. He may Love her for herself and could Love her equally if she were not a queen; he might have no hope of any return whatever and yet Love her, adore her, live for her, die for her simply because she is she. That has happened and men have Loved women without any hope of enjoyment or result, Loved steadily, passionately after age has come and beauty has gone. Patriots do not Love their country only when she is rich, powerful, great and has much to give them; their Love for country has been most ardent, passionate, absolute when the country was poor, degraded, miserable, having nothing to give but loss, wounds, torture, imprisonment, death as the wages of her service; yet even knowing that they would never see her free, men have lived, served and died for her - for her own sake, not for what she could give. Men have Loved Truth for her own sake and for what they could seek or find of her, accepted poverty, persecution, death itself; they have been content even to seek for her always, not finding, and yet never given up the search.
  That means what? That men, country, Truth and other things besides can be Loved for their own sake and not for anything else, not for any circumstance or attendant quality or resulting enjoyment, but for something absolute that is either in them or behind their appearance and circumstance. The Divine is more than a man or woman, a stretch of land or a creed, opinion, discovery or principle. He is the Person beyond all persons, the
  Home and Country of all souls, the Truth of which truths are only imperfect figures. And can He then not be Loved and sought for his own sake, as and more than these have been by men even in their lesser selves and nature?
  What your reasoning ignores is that which is absolute or tends towards the absolute in man and his seeking as well as in the Divine - something not to be explained by mental reasoning or vital motive. A motive, but a motive of the soul, not of vital desire; a reason not of the mind, but of the self and spirit. An asking too, but the asking that is the soul's inherent aspiration, not a vital longing. That is what comes up when there is the sheer self-giving, when "I seek you for this, I seek you for that" changes to a sheer "I seek you for you." It is that marvellous and ineffable absolute in the Divine that Krishnaprem means when he says, "Not knowledge nor this nor that, but Krishna."

01.04 - Sri Aurobindos Gita, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   This neo-spirituality which might claim its sanction and authority from the real old-world Indian disciplinesay, of Janaka and Yajnavalkyalabours, however, in reality, under the influence of European activism and ethicism. It was this which served as the immediate incentive to our spiritual revival and revaluation and its impress has not been thoroughly obliterated even in the best of our modern exponents. The bias of the vital urge and of the moral imperative is apparent enough in the modernist conception of a dynamic spirituality. Fundamentally the dynamism is made to reside in the lan of the ethical man,the spiritual element, as a consciousness of supreme unity in the Absolute (Brahman) or of Love and delight in God, serving only as an atmosphere for the mortal activity.
   Sri Aurobindo has raised action completely out of the mental and moral plane and has given it an absolute spiritual life. Action has been spiritualised by being carried back to its very source and origin, for it is the expression in life of God's own Consciousness-Energy (Chit-Shakti).

01.04 - The Intuition of the Age, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   This then is the mantra of the new ageLife with Intuition as its guide and not Reason and mechanical efficiency, not Man but Superman. The right mantra has been found, the principle itself is irreproachable. But the interpretation, the application, does not seem to have been always happy. For, Nietzsche's conception of the Superman is full of obvious lacunae. If we have so long been adoring the intellectual man, Nietzsche asks us, on the other hand, to deify the vital man. According to him the superman is he who has (1) the supreme sense of the ego, (2) the sovereign will to power and (3) who lives dangerously. All this means an Asura, that is to say, one who has, it may be, dominion over his animal and vital impulsions in order, of course, that he may best gratify them but who has not purified them. Purification does not necessarily mean, annihilation but it does mean sublimation and transformation. So if you have to transcend man, you have to transcend egoism also. For a conscious egoism is the very characteristic of man and by increasing your sense of egoism you do not supersede man but simply aggrandise your humanity, fashion it on a larger, a titanic scale. And then the will to power is not the only will that requires fulfilment, there is also the will to knowledge and the will to Love. In man these three fundamental constitutive elements coexist, although they do it, more often than not, at the expense of each other and in a state of continual disharmony. The superman, if he is to be the man "who has surmounted himself", must embody a poise of being in which all the three find a fusion and harmonya perfect synthesis. Again, to live dangerously may be heroic, but it is not divine. To live dangerously means to have eternal opponents, that is to say, to live ever on the same level with the forces you want to dominate. To have the sense that one has to fight and control means that one is not as yet the sovereign lord, for one has to strive and strain and attain. The supreme lord is he who is perfectly equanimous with himself and with the world. He has not to batter things into a shape in order to create. He creates means, he manifests. He wills and he achieves"God said 'let there be light' and there was light."
   As a matter of fact, the superman is not, as Nietzsche thinks him to be, the highest embodiment of the biological force of Nature, not even as modified and refined by the aesthetic and aristocratic virtues of which the higher reaches of humanity seem capable. For that is after all humanity only accentuated in certain other fundamentally human modes of existence. It does not carry far enough the process of surmounting. In reality it is not a surmounting but a new channelling. Instead of the ethical and intellectual man, we get the vital and aesthetic man. It may be a change but not a transfiguration.

01.04 - The Poetry in the Making, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   W. B. Yeats: "The Lover tells of the Rose in his Heart"-The Wind among the Reeds.
   An Idea, a Form, a Being left the azure and fell into the mud and grey of a Styx where no eye from Heaven can penetrate.

01.04 - The Secret Knowledge, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  We Love what common hearts repel and dread;
  Our minds hush to a bright Omniscient;
  The sweetness of a Love that knows not death,
  The radiance of a truth for ever sure.
  And disguised the Love and Wisdom in her heart;
  Of all the marvel and beauty that are hers,
  A rapt solicitor for her Love and grace,
  His bliss in her to him is his whole world:
  For Love of her and joined to her for ever
  To follow the course of Time's eternity,

01.05 - Rabindranath Tagore: A Great Poet, a Great Man, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   In an age when Reason was considered as the highest light given to man, Tagore pointed to the Vision of the mystics as always the still greater light; when man was elated with undreamt-of worldly success, puffed up with incomparable material possessions and powers, Tagore's voice rang clear and emphatic in tune with the cry of the ancients: "What shall I do with all this mass of things, if I am not made immortal by that?" When men, in their individual as well as collective egoism, were scrambling for earthly gains and hoards, he held before them vaster and cleaner horizons, higher and deeper ways of being and living, maintained the sacred sense of human solidarity, the living consciousness of the Divine, one and indivisible. When the Gospel of Power had all but hypnotised men's minds, and Superman or God-man came to be equated with the Titan, Tagore saw through the falsehood and placed in front and above all the old-world eternal verities of Love and self-giving, harmony and mutuality, sweetness and light. When pessimism, cynicism, agnosticism struck the major chord of human temperament, and grief and frustration and death and decay were taken as a matter of course to be the inevitable order of earthlylifebhasmantam idam shariramhe continued to sing the song of the Rishis that Ananda and Immortality are the breath of things, the birth right of human beings. When Modernism declared with a certitude never tobe contested that Matter is Brahman, Tagore said with the voice of one who knows that Spirit is Brahman.
   Tagore is in direct line with those bards who have sung of the Spirit, who always soared high above the falsehoods and uglinesses of a merely mundane life and lived in the undecaying delights and beauties of a diviner consciousness. Spiritual reality was the central theme of his poetic creation: only and naturally he viewed it in a special way and endowed it with a special grace. We know of another God-intoxicated man, the Jewish philosopher Spinoza, who saw things sub specie aeternitatis, under the figure or mode of eternity. Well, Tagore can be said to see things, in their essential spiritual reality, under the figure or mode of beauty. Keats indeed spoke of truth being beauty and beauty truth. But there is a great difference in the outlook and inner experience. A worshipper of beauty, unless he rises to the Upanishadic norm, is prone to become sensuous and pagan. Keats was that, Kalidasa was that, even Shelley was not far different. The spiritual vein in all these poets remains secondary. In the old Indian master, it is part of his intellectual equipment, no doubt, but nothing much more than that. In the other two it comes in as strange flashes from an unknown country, as a sort of irruption or on the peak of the poetic afflatus or enthousiasmos.
   The world being nothing but Spirit made visible is, according to Tagore, fundamentally a thing of beauty. The scars and spots that are on the surface have to be removed and mankind has to repossess and clo the itself with that mantle of beauty. The world is beautiful, because it is the image of the Beautiful, because it harbours, expresses and embodies the Divine who is Beauty supreme. Now by a strange alchemy, a wonderful effect of polarisation, the very spiritual element in Tagore has made him almost a pagan and even a profane. For what are these glories of Nature and the still more exquisite glories that the human body has captured? They are but vibrations and modulations of beauty the delightful names and forms of the supreme Lover and Be Loved.
   Socrates is said to have brought down Philosophy from Heaven to live among men upon earth. A similar exploit can be ascribed to Tagore. The Spirit, the bare transcendental Reality contemplated by the orthodox Vedantins, has been brought nearer to our planet, close to human consciousness in Tagore's vision, being clothed in earth and flesh and blood, made vivid with the colours and contours of the physical existence. The Spirit, yes and by all means, but not necessarily asceticism and monasticism. So Tagore boldly declared in those famous lines of his:
   Tagore is no inventor or innovator when he posits Spirit as Beauty, the spiritual consciousness as the ardent rhythm of ecstasy. This experience is the very core of Vaishnavism and for which Tagore is sometimes called a Neo-Vaishnava. The Vaishnava sees the world pulsating in glamorous beauty as the Lila (Play) of the Lord, and the Lord, God himself, is nothing but Love and Beauty. Still Tagore is not all Vaishnava or merely a Vaishnava; he is in addition a modern (the carping voice will say, there comes the dilution and adulteration)in the sense that problems exist for himsocial, political, economic, national, humanitarianwhich have to be faced and solved: these are not merely mundane, but woven into the texture of the fundamental problem of human destiny, of Soul and Spirit and God. A Vaishnava was, in spite of his acceptance of the world, an introvert, to use a modern psychological phrase, not necessarily in the pejorative sense, but in the neutral scientific sense. He looks upon the universe' and human life as the play of the Lord, as an actuality and not mere illusion indeed; but he does not participate or even take interest in the dynamic working out of the world process, he does not care to know, has no need of knowing that there is a terrestrial purpose and a diviner fulfilment of the mortal life upon earth. The Vaishnava dwells more or less absorbed in the Vaikuntha of his inner consciousness; the outer world, although real, is only a symbolic shadowplay to which he can but be a witness-real, is only a nothing more.
   A modern idealist of the type of a reformer would not be satisfied with that role. If he is merely a moralist reformer, he will revolt against the "witness business", calling it a laissez-faire mentality of bygone days. A spiritual reformer would ask for morea dynamic union with the Divine Will and Consciousness, not merely a passive enjoyment in the Bliss, so that he may be a luminous power or agent for the expression of divine values in things mundane.
   Tagore the poet reminds one often and anon of Kalidasa. He was so much in Love, had such kinship with the great old master that many of his poems, many passages and lines are reminiscences, echoes, modulations or a paraphrase of the original classic. Tagore himself refers in his memoirs to one Kalidasian line that haunted his juvenile brain because of its exquisite music and enchanting imagery:
   Mandki nirjharikarm vodh muhuh-kamPita-deva-druh

01.05 - The Nietzschean Antichrist, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Nietzsche as the apostle of force is a name now familiar to all the world. The hero, the warrior who never tamely accepts suffering and submission and defeat under any condition but fights always and fights to conquersuch is the ideal man, according to Nietzsche,the champion of strength, of greatness, of mightiness. The dominating personality infused with the supreme "will to power"he is Ubermensch, the Superman. Sentiment does not move the mountains, emotion diffuses itself only in vague aspiration. The motive power, the creative fiat does not dwell in the heart but somewhere higher. The way of the Cross, the path of Love and charity and pity does not lead to the kingdom of Heaven. The world has tried it for the last twenty centuries of its Christian civilisation and the result is that we are still living in a luxuriant abundance of misery and sordidness and littleness. This is how Nietzsche thinks and feels. He finds no virtue in the old rgimes and he revolts from them. He wants a speedy and radical remedy and teaches that by violence only the Kingdom of Heaven can be seized. For, to Nietzsche the world is only a clash of forces and the Superman therefore is one who is the embodiment of the greatest force. Nietzsche does not care for the good, it is the great that moves him. The good, the moral is of man, conventional and has only a fictitious value. The great, the non-moral is, on the other hand, divine. That only has a value of its own. The good is nothing but a sort of makeshift arrangement which man makes for himself in order to live commodiously and which changes according to his temperament. But the great is one with the Supreme Wisdom and is absolute and imperative. The good cannot create the great; it is the great that makes for the good. This is what he really means when he says, "They say that a good cause sanctifies war but I tell thee it is a good war that sanctifies all cause." For the goodness of your cause you judge by your personal predilections, by your false conventionalities, by a standard that you set up in your ignoranceBut a good war, the output of strength in any cause is in itself a cause of salvation. For thereby you are the champion of that ultimate verity which conduces to the ultimate good. Do not shrink, he would say, to be even like the cyclone and the avalanche, destructive, indeed, but grand and puissant and therefore truer emblems of the BeyondJenseitsthan the weak, the little, the pitiful that do not dare to destroy and by that very fact cannot hope to create.
   This is the Nietzsche we all know. But there is another aspect of his which the world has yet been slow to recognise. For, at bottom, Nietzsche is not all storm and fury. If his Superman is a Destroying Angel, he is none the less an angel. If he is endowed with a supreme sense of strength and power, there is also secreted in the core of his heart a sense of the beautiful that illumines his somewhat sombre aspect. For although Nietzsche is by birth a Slavo-Teuton, by culture and education he is pre-eminently Hellenic. His earliest works are on the subject of Greek tragedy and form what he describes as an "Apollonian dream." And to this dream, to this Greek aesthetic sense more than to any thing else he sacrifices justice and pity and charity. To him the weak and the miserable, the sick and the maimed are a sort of blot, a kind of ulcer on the beautiful face of humanity. The herd that wallow in suffering and relish suffering disfigure the aspect of the world and should therefore be relentlessly mowed out of existence. By being pitiful to them we give our tacit assent to their persistence. And it is precisely because of this that Nietzsche has a horror of Christianity. For compassion gives indulgence to all the ugliness of the world and thus renders that ugliness a necessary and indispensable element of existence. To protect the weak, to sympathise with the lowly brings about more of weakness and more of lowliness. Nietzsche has an aristocratic taste par excellencewhat he aims at is health and vigour and beauty. But above all it is an aristocracy of the spirit, an aristocracy endowed with all the richness and beauty of the soul that Nietzsche wants to establish. The beggar of the street is the symbol of ugliness, of the poverty of the spirit. And the so-called aristocrat, die millionaire of today is as poor and ugly as any helpless leper. The soul of either of them is made of the same dirty, sickly stuff. The tattered rags, the crouching heart, the effeminate nerve, the unenlightened soul are the standing ugliness of the world and they have no place in the ideal, the perfect humanity. Humanity, according to Nietzsche, is made in order to be beautiful, to conceive the beautiful, to create the beautiful. Nietzsche's Superman has its perfect image in a Grecian statue of Zeus cut out in white marble-Olympian grandeur shedding in every lineament Apollonian beauty and Dionysian vigour.

01.05 - The Yoga of the King - The Yoga of the Spirits Freedom and Greatness, #Savitri, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  By a Power more ruthless than Love, happier than Heaven,
  Taken sovereignly into eternal arms,
  As one resisting more the more she Loves,
  Her great possessions and her power and lore

01.07 - Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   "The heart has its reasons which Reason knows not... I say, the heart Loves the universal being naturally, and itself also naturally, according to which so ever it gives itself. And it hardens itself against the one or the other according to its choice. You have rejected one and preserved the other. Is it by the reason that you Love ?"10
   "Know then, a you proud one, what a paradox you are to yourself. Humble yourself, impotent Reason. Learn, man surpasses man infinitely. Hear from your Master your true state which you do not know. Listen to God."11

01.07 - The Bases of Social Reconstruction, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   It is this persuasion which, has led many spiritual souls, siddhas, to declare that theirs is not the kingdom upon this earth, but that the kingdom of Heaven is within. And it is why great Lovers of humanity have sought not to eradicate but only to mitigate, as far as possible, the ills of life. Earth and life, it is said, contain in their last analysis certain ugly and loathsome realities which are an inevitable and inexorable part of their substance and to eliminate one means to annihilate the other. What can be done is to throw a veil over the nether regions in human nature, to put a ban on their urges and velleities and to create opportunities to make social arrangements so that the higher impulses only find free play while the lower impulses, for want of scope and indulgence, may fall down to a harmless level. This is what the Reformists hope and want and no more. Life is based upon animality, the soul is encased in an earth-sheathman needs must procreate, man needs must seek food. But what human effort can achieve is to set up barriers and limitations and form channels and openings, which will restrain these impulses, allow them a necessary modicum of play and which for the greater part will serve to encourage and enhance the nobler urges in man. Of course, there will remain always the possibility of the whole scaffolding coming down with a crash and the aboriginal in man running riot in his nudity. But we have to accept the chance and make the best of what materials we have in hand.
   No doubt this is a most dismal kind of pessimism. But it is the logical conclusion of all optimism that bases itself upon a particular view of human nature. If we question that pessimism, we have to question the very grounds of our optimism also. As a matter of fact, all our idealism has been so long infructuous and will be so in the future, if we do not shift our foundation and start from a different IntuitionWeltanschauung.

01.08 - A Theory of Yoga, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Secondly, there is the line of Substitution. Here the mind does not stand in an antagonistic and protestant mood to combat and repress the impulse, but seeks to divert it into other channels, use it to other purposes which do not demand equal sacrifice, may even, on the other hand, be considered by the conscious mind as worthy of human pursuit. Thus the energy that normally would seek sexual gratification might find its outlet in the cultivation of art and literature. It is a common thing in novels to find the heroine disappointed in Love taking finally to works of charity and beneficence and thus forgetting her disappointment. Another variety of this is what is known as "drowning one's sorrow in drinking."
   Thirdly, there is the line of Sublimationit is when the natural impulse is neither repressed nor diverted but lifted up into a higher modality. The thing is given a new sense and a new value which serve to remove the stigma usually attached to it and thus allow its free indulgence. Instances of carnal Love sublimated into spiritual union, of passion transmuted into devotion (Bhakti) are common enough to illustrate the point.
   The human mind naturally, without any effort on its part, takes to one or more of these devices to control and conceal the aboriginal impulses. But this spontaneous process can be organised and consciously regulated and made to serve better the purpose and urge of Nature. And this is the beginning of yoga the conscious fulfilment of Nature. The Psycho-analysts have given us the first and elementary stage of this process of yoga. It is, we may say, the fourth line of control. With this man enters a new level of being, develops a new mode of life. It is when the automatism of Nature is replaced by the power of Conscious Control. Man is not here, a blind instrument of forces, his activities (both indulging and controlling) are not guided according to an ignorant submission to the laws of almost subconscious impulsions. Conscious control means that the mind does not fight shy of or seek to elude the aboriginal insistences, but allows them to come up freely, meets them squarely, recognises them and establishes an easy mastery over them.

01.08 - Walter Hilton: The Scale of Perfection, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Here is the Augustinian mantra taken as the motto of The Scale of Perfection: We ascend the ascending grades in our heart and we sing the song of ascension1. The journey's end is heavenly Jerusalem, the House of the Lord. The steps of this inner ascension are easily visible, not surely to the outer eye of the sense-burdened man, but to the "ghostly seeing" of the aspirant which is hazy in the beginning but slowly clears as he advances. The first step is the withdrawal from the outer senses and looking and seeing within. "Turn home again in thyself, and hold thee within and beg no more without." The immediate result is a darkness and a restless darknessit is a painful night. The outer objects of attraction and interest have been discarded, but the inner attachments and passions surge there still. If, however, one continues and persists, refuses to be drawn out, the turmoil settles down and the darkness begins to thin and wear away. One must not lose heart, one must have patience and perseverance. So when the outward world is no more-there and its call also no longer awakes any echo in us, then comes the stage of "restful darkness" or "light-some darkness". But it is still the dark Night of the soul. The outer light is gone and the inner light is not yet visible: the night, the desert, the great Nought, stretches between these two lights. But the true seeker goes through and comes out of the tunnel. And there is happiness at the end. "The seeking is travaillous, but the finding is blissful." When one steps out of the Night, enters into the deepest layer of the being, one stands face to face to one's soul, the very image of God, the perfect God-man, the Christ within. That is the third degree of our inner ascension, the entry into the deepest, purest and happiest statein which one becomes what he truly is; one finds the Christ there and dwells in Love and union with him. But there is still a further step to take, and that is real ascension. For till now it has been a going within, from the outward to the inner and the inmost; now one has to go upward, transcend. Within the body, in life, however deep you may go, even if you find your soul and your union with Jesus whose tabernacle is your soul, still there is bound to remain a shadow of the sinful prison-house; the perfect bliss and purity without any earthly taint, the completeness and the crowning of the purgation and transfiguration can come only when you go beyond, leaving altogether the earthly form and worldly vesture and soar into Heaven itself and be in the company of the Trinity. "Into myself, and after... above myself by overpassing only into Him." At the same time it is pointed out, this mediaeval mystic has the common sense to see that the going in and going above of which one speaks must not be understood in a literal way, it is a figure of speech. The movement of the mystic is psychological"ghostly", it is saidnot physical or carnal.
   This spiritual march or progress can also be described as a growing into the likeness of the Lord. His true self, his own image is implanted within us; he is there in the profoundest depth of our being as Jesus, our be Loved and our soul rests in him in utmost bliss. We are aware neither of Jesus nor of his spouse, our soul, because of the obsession of the flesh, the turmoil raised by the senses, the blindness of pride and egoism. All that constitutes the first or old Adam, the image of Nought, the body of death which means at bottom the "false misruled Love in to thyself." This self- Love is the mother of sin, is sin itself. What it has to be replaced by is charity that is the true meaning of Christian charity, forgetfulness of self. "What is sin but a wanting and a forbearing of God." And the whole task, the discipline consists in "the shaping of Christ in you, the casting of sin through Christ." Who then is Christ, what is he? This knowledge you get as you advance from your sense-bound perception towards the inner and inmost seeing. As your outer nature gets purified, you approach gradually your soul, the scales fall off from your eyes too and you have the knowledge and "ghostly vision." Here too there are three degrees; first, you start with faith the senses can do nothing better than have faith; next, you rise to imagination which gives a sort of indirect touch or inkling of the truth; finally, you have the "understanding", the direct vision. "If he first trow it, he shall afterwards through grace feel it, and finally understand it."
   It is never possible for man, weak and bound as he is, to reject the thraldom of his flesh, he can never purify himself wholly by his own unaided strength. God in his infinite mercy sent his own son, an emanation created out of his substancehis embodied Loveas a human being to suffer along with men and take upon himself the burden of their sins. God the Son lived upon earth as man and died as man. Sin therefore has no longer its final or definitive hold upon mankind. Man has been made potentially free, pure and worthy of salvation. This is the mystery of Christ, of God the Son. But there is a further mystery. Christ not only lived for all men for all time, whether they know him, recognise him or not; but he still lives, he still chooses his be Loved and his be Loved chooses him, there is a conscious acceptance on either side. This is the function of the Holy Ghost, the redeeming power of Love active in him who accepts it and who is accepted by it, the dynamic Christ-Consciousness in the true Christian.
   Indeed, the kernel of the mystic discipline and its whole bearingconsists in one and only one principle: to Love Jhesu. All roads lead to Rome: all preparations, all trials lead to one realisation, Love of God, God as a living person close to us, our friend and Lover and master. The Christian mystic speaks almost in the terms of the Gita: Rise above your senses, give up your ego-hood, be meek and humble, it is Jesus within you, who embraces your soul: it is he who does everything for you and in you, give yourself up wholly into his hands. He will deliver you.
   The characteristic then of the path is a one-pointed concentration. Great stress is laid upon "oneliness", "onedness":that is to say, a perfect and complete withdrawal from the outside and the world; an unmixed solitude is required for the true experience and realisation to come. "A full forsaking in will of the soul for the Love of Him, and a living of the heart to Him. This asks He, for this gave He." The rigorous exclusion, the uncompromising asceticism, the voluntary self-torture, the cruel dark night and the arid desert are necessary conditions that lead to the "onlyness of soul", what another prophet (Isaiah, XXIV, 16) describes as "My privity to me". In that secreted solitude, the "onlistead"the graphic language of the author calls itis found "that dignity and that ghostly fairness which a soul had by kind and shall have by grace." The utter beauty of the soul and its absolute Love for her deity within her (which has the fair name of Jhesu), the exclusive concentration of the whole of the being upon one point, the divine core, the manifest Grace of God, justifies the annihilation of the world and life's manifold existence. Indeed, the image of the Be Loved is always within, from the beginning to the end. It is that that keeps one up in the terrible struggle with one's nature and the world. The image depends upon the consciousness which we have at the moment, that is to say, upon the stage or the degree we have ascended to. At the outset, when we can only look through the senses, when the flesh is our master, we give the image a crude form and character; but even that helps. Gradually, as we rise, with the clearing of our nature, the image too slowly regains its original and true shape. Finally, in the inmost soul we find Jesus as he truly is: "an unchangeable being, a sovereign might, a sovereign soothfastness, sovereign goodness, a blessed life and endless bliss." Does not the Gita too say: "As one approaches Me, so do I appear to him."Ye yath mm prapadyante.
   Indeed, it would be interesting to compare and contrast the Eastern and Western approach to Divine Love, the Christian and the Vaishnava, for example. Indian spirituality, whatever its outer form or credal formulation, has always a background of utter unity. This unity, again, is threefold or triune and is expressed in those great Upanishadic phrases,mahvkyas,(1) the transcendental unity: the One alone exists, there is nothing else than theOneekamevdvityam; (2) the cosmic unity: all existence is one, whatever exists is that One, thereare no separate existences:sarvam khalvidam brahma neha nnsti kincaa; (3) That One is I, you too are that One:so' ham, tattvamasi; this may be called the individual unity. As I have said, all spiritual experiences in India, of whatever school or line, take for granted or are fundamentally based upon this sense of absolute unity or identity. Schools of dualism or pluralism, who do not apparently admit in their tenets this extreme monism, are still permeated in many ways with that sense and in some form or other take cognizance of the truth of it. The Christian doctrine too says indeed, 'I and my Father in Heaven are one', but this is not identity, but union; besides, the human soul is not admitted into this identity, nor the world soul. The world, we have seen, according to the Christian discipline has to be altogether abandoned, negatived, as we go inward and upward towards our spiritual status reflecting the divine image in the divine company. It is a complete rejection, a cutting off and casting away of world and life. One extreme Vedantic path seems to follow a similar line, but there it is not really rejection, but a resolution, not the rejection of what is totally foreign and extraneous, but a resolution of the external into its inner and inmost substance, of the effect into its original cause. Brahman is in the world, Brahman is the world: the world has unrolled itself out of the Brahmansi, pravttiit has to be rolled back into its, cause and substance if it is to regain its pure nature (that is the process of nivitti). Likewise, the individual being in the world, "I", is the transcendent being itself and when it withdraws, it withdraws itself and the whole world with it and merges into the Absolute. Even the Maya of the Mayavadin, although it is viewed as something not inherent in Brahman but superimposed upon Brahman, still, has been accepted as a peculiar power of Brahman itself. The Christian doctrine keeps the individual being separate practically, as an associate or at the most as an image of God. The Love for one's neighbour, charity, which the Christian discipline enjoins is one's Love for one's kind, because of affinity of nature and quality: it does not dissolve the two into an integral unity and absolute identity, where we Love because we are one, because we are the One. The highest culmination of Love, the very basis of Love, according to the Indian conception, is a transcendence of Love, Love trans-muted into Bliss. The Upanishad says, where one has become the utter unity, who Loves whom? To explain further our point, we take two examples referred to in the book we are considering. The true Christian, it is said, Loves the sinner too, he is permitted to dislike sin, for he has to reject it, but he must separate from sin the sinner and Love him. Why? Because the sinner too can change and become his brother in spirit, one Loves the sinner because there is the possibility of his changing and becoming a true Christian. It is why the orthodox Christian, even such an enlightened and holy person as this mediaeval Canon, considers the non-Christian, the non-baptised as impure and potentially and fundamentally sinners. That is also why the Church, the physical organisation, is worshipped as Christ's very body and outside the Church lies the pagan world which has neither religion nor true spirituality nor salvation. Of course, all this may be symbolic and it is symbolic in a sense. If Christianity is taken to mean true spirituality, and the Church is equated with the collective embodiment of that spirituality, all that is claimed on their behalf stands justified. But that is an ideal, a hypothetical standpoint and can hardly be borne out by facts. However, to come back to our subject, let us ow take the second example. Of Christ himself, it is said, he not only did not dislike or had any aversion for Judas, but that he positively Loved the traitor with a true and sincere Love. He knew that the man would betray him and even when he was betraying and had betrayed, the Son of Man continued to Love him. It was no make-believe or sham or pretence. It was genuine, as genuine as anything can be. Now, why did he Love his enemy? Because, it is said, the enemy is suffered by God to do the misdeed: he has been allowed to test the faith of the faithful, he too has his utility, he too is God's servant. And who knows even a Judas would not change in the end? Many who come to scoff do remain to pray. But it can be asked, 'Does God Love Satan too in the same way?' The Indian conception which is basically Vedantic is different. There is only one reality, one truth which is viewed differently. Whether a thing is considered good or evil or neutral, essentially and truly, it is that One and nothing else. God's own self is everywhere and the sage makes no difference between the Brahmin and the cow and the elephant. It is his own self he finds in every person and every objectsarvabhtsthitam yo mm bhajati ekatvamsthitah"he has taken his stand upon oneness and Loves Me in all beings."2
   This will elucidate another point of difference between the Christian's and the Vaishnava's Love of God, for both are characterised by an extreme intensity and sweetness and exquisiteness of that divine feeling. This Christian's, however, is the union of the soul in its absolute purity and simplicity and "privacy" with her lord and master; the soul is shred here of all earthly vesture and goes innocent and naked into the embrace of her Be Loved. The Vaishnava feeling is richer and seems to possess more amplitude; it is more concrete and less ethereal. The Vaishnava in his passionate yearning seeks to carry as it were the whole world with him to his Lord: for he sees and feels Him not only in the inmost chamber of his soul, but meets Him also in and I through his senses and in and through the world and its objects around. In psychological terms one can say that the Christian realisation, at its very source, is that of the inmost soul, what we call the "psychic being" pure and simple, referred to in the book we are considering; as: "His sweet privy voice... stirreth thine heart full stilly." Whereas the Vaishnava reaches out to his Lord with his outer heart too aflame with passion; not only his inmost being but his vital being also seeks the Divine. This bears upon the occult story of man's spiritual evolution upon earth. The Divine Grace descends from the highest into the deepest and from the deepest to the outer ranges of human nature, so that the whole of it may be illumined and transformed and one day man can embody in his earthly life the integral manifestation of God, the perfect Epiphany. Each religion, each line of spiritual discipline takes up one limb of manone level or mode of his being and consciousness purifies it and suffuses it with the spiritual and divine consciousness, so that in the end the whole of man, in his integral living, is recast and remoulded: each discipline is in charge of one thread as it were, all together weave the warp and woof in the evolution of the perfect pattern of a spiritualised and divinised humanity.
   The conception of original sin is a cardinal factor in Christian discipline. The conception, of sinfulness is the very motive-power that drives the aspirant. "Seek tensely," it is said, "sorrow and sigh deep, mourn still, and stoop low till thine eye water for anguish and for pain." Remorse and grief are necessary attendants; the way of the cross is naturally the calvary strewn with pain and sorrow. It is the very opposite of what is termed the "sunlit path" in spiritual ascension. Christian mystics have made a glorious spectacle of the process of "dying to the world." Evidently, all do not go the whole length. There are less gloomy and happier temperaments, like the present one, for example, who show an unusual balance, a sturdy common sense even in the midst of their darkest nights, who have chalked out as much of the sunlit path as is possible in this line. Thus this old-world mystic says: it is true one must see and admit one's sinfulness, the grosser and apparent and more violent ones as well as all the subtle varieties of it that are in you or rise up in you or come from the Enemy. They pursue you till the very end of your journey. Still you need not feel overwhelmed or completely desperate. Once you recognise the sin in you, even the bare fact of recognition means for you half the victory. The mystic says, "It is no sin as thou feelest them." The day Jesus gave himself away on the Cross, since that very day you are free, potentially free from the bondage of sin. Once you give your adherence to Him, the Enemies are rendered powerless. "They tease the soul, but they harm not the soul". Or again, as the mystic graphically phrases it: "This soul is not borne in this image of sin as a sick man, though he feel it; but he beareth it." The best way of dealing with one's enemies is not to struggle and "strive with them." The aspirant, the Lover of Jesus, must remember: "He is through grace reformed to the likeness of God ('in the privy substance of his soul within') though he neither feel it nor see it."
   If you are told you are still full of sins and you are not worthy to follow the path, that you must go and work out your sins first, here is your answer: "Go shrive thee better: trow not this saying, for it is false, for thou art shriven. Trust securely that thou art on the way, and thee needeth no ransacking of shrift for that that is passed, hold forth thy way and think on Jerusalem." That is to say, do not be too busy with the difficulties of the moment, but look ahead, as far as possible, fix your attention upon the goal, the intermediate steps will become easy. Jerusalem is another name of the Love of Jesus or the Bliss in Heaven. Grow in this Love, your sins will fade away of themselves. "Though thou be thrust in an house with thy body, nevertheless in thine heart, where the stead of Love is, thou shouldst be able to have part of that Love... " What exquisite utterance, what a deep truth!
   Indeed, there are one or two points, notes for the guidance of the aspirant, which I would like to mention here for their striking appositeness and simple "soothfastness." First of all with regard to the restless enthusiasm and eagerness of a novice, here is the advice given: "The fervour is so mickle in outward showing, is not only for mickleness of Love that they have; but it is for littleness and weakness of their souls, that they may not bear a little touching of God.. afterward when Love hath boiled out all the uncleanliness, then is the Love clear and standeth still, and then is both the body and the soul mickle more in peace, and yet hath the self soul mickle more Love than it had before, though it shew less outward." And again: "without any fervour outward shewed, and the less it thinketh that it Loveth or seeth God, the nearer it nigheth" ('it' naturally refers to the soul). The statement is beautifully self-luminous, no explanation is required. Another hurdle that an aspirant has to face often in the passage through the Dark Night is that you are left all alone, that you are deserted by your God, that the Grace no longer favours you. Here is however the truth of the matter; "when I fall down to my frailty, then Grace withdraweth: for my falling is cause there-of, and not his fleeing." In fact, the Grace never withdraws, it is we who withdraw and think otherwise. One more difficulty that troubles the beginner especially is with regard to the false light. The being of darkness comes in the form of the angel of light, imitates the tone of the still small voice; how to recognise, how to distinguish the two? The false light, the "feigned sun" is always found "atwixt two black rainy clouds" : they are "highing" of oneself and "lowing" of others. When you feel flattered and elated, beware it is the siren voice tempting you. The true light brings you soothing peace and meekness: the other light brings always a trail of darknessf you are soothfast and sincere you will discover it if not near you, somewhere at a distance lurking.
   The ultimate truth is that God is the sole doer and the best we can do is to let him do freely without let or hindrance. "He that through Grace may see Jhesu, how that He doth all and himself doth right nought but suffereth Jhesu work in him what him liketh, he is meek." And yet one does not arrive at that condition from the beginning or all at once. "The work is not of the hour nor of a day, but of many days and years." And for a long time one has to take up one's burden and work, co-operate with the Divine working. In the process there is this double movement necessary for the full achievement. "Neither Grace only without full working of a soul that in it is nor working done without grace bringeth a soul to reforming but that one joined to that other." Mysticism is not all eccentricity and irrationality: on the contrary, sanity seems to be the very character of the higher mysticism. And it is this sanity, and even a happy sense of humour accompanying it, that makes the genuine mystic teacher say: "It is no mastery to me for to say it, but for to do it there is mastery." Amen.

0.10 - Letters to a Young Captain, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  with him. They are those who Love him sincerely and sufficiently
  to live according to his ideal.
  were able to accept only the pleasant burden of His Love
  and kindlier rapture."4 So the gods are cowards! Where
  pleasant burden of His Love and kindlier rapture."
  Thoughts and Aphorisms, in SABCL, Vol. 17, p. 94.
  you will one day realise that it is the Divine in her that you Love
  and that the outer person is merely a pretext.
  beings? Mother and son? Brother, friend or Lover, etc?
  All the relationships are good in principle and each one expresses
  the vibrations of Love from manifesting in their purity.
  4 June 1963
  one wants to be Loved.
  Or better, it is because one is awaking to the need of knowing
  "For though I knew His Love who followèd
  Yet was I sore adread
  (Regarding Love) How can one direct this human Love
  towards the ideal Love, the true Love?
  There is only one true Love - it is the Divine Love; all other Loves
  are diminutions, limitations and deformations of that Love. Even
  the Love of the bhakta for his God is a diminution and often is
  tainted by egoism. But as one tends quite naturally to become
  like what one Loves, the bhakta, if he is sincere, begins to become
  like the Divine whom he adores, and thus his Love becomes purer
  and purer. To adore the Divine in the one whom one Loves has
  often been suggested as a solution, but unless one's heart and
  has written: "If you cannot Love God, at least find a way to fight
  Series Ten - To a Young Captain
  "If you cannot make God Love you, make Him fight you. If He will not give you the
  embrace of the Lover, compel Him to give you the embrace of the wrestler."
  Thoughts and Aphorisms, in SABCL, Vol. 17, p. 130.
  The only way to come a little close to him is to Love him
  sincerely and give oneself unreservedly to his work. In that
  Mother's Love and presence etc."
  24 February 1965
  the law of Love and oneness? Teachers of the law of Love and
  oneness there must be, for by that way must come the ultimate

01.10 - Nicholas Berdyaev: God Made Human, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   There is another aspect of personality as viewed by Berdyaev which involves a bias of the more orthodox Christian faith: the Christ is inseparable from the Cross. So he says: "There is no such thing as personality if there is no capacity for suffering. Suffering is inherent in God too, if he is a personality, and not merely an abstract idea. God shares in the sufferings of men. He yearns for responsive Love. There are divine as well as human passions and therefore divine or creative personality must always suffer to the end of time. A condition of anguish and distress is inherent in it." The view is logically enforced upon the Christian, it is said, if he is to accept incarnation, God becoming flesh. Flesh cannot but be weak. This very weakness, so human, is and must be specially characteristic of God also, if he is one with man and his Lover and saviour.
   Eastern spirituality does not view sorrow and sufferingevilas an integral part of the Divine Consciousness. It is born out of the Divine, no doubt, as nothing can be outside the Divine, but it is a local and temporal formation; it is a disposition consequent upon certain conditions and with the absence or elimination of those conditions, this disposition too disappears. God and the Divine Consciousness can only be purity, light, immortality and delight. The compassion that a Buddha feels for the suffering humanity is not at all a feeling of suffering; pain or any such normal human reaction does not enter into its composition; it is the movement of a transcendent consciousness which is beyond and purified of the normal reactions, yet overarching them and entering into them as a soothing and illumining and vivifying presence. The healer knows and understands the pain and suffering of his patient but is not touched by them; he need not contract the illness of his patient in order to be in sympathy with him. The Divine the Soulcan be in flesh and yet not smirched with its mire; the flesh is not essentially or irrevocably the ooze it is under certain given conditions. The divine physical body is composed of radiant matter and one can speak of it even as of the soul that weapons cannot pierce it nor can fire burn it.

01.10 - Principle and Personality, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Love and admiration for a mahapurusha is not enough, even faith in his gospel is of little avail, nor can actual participation, consecrated work and labour in his cause save the situation; it is only when the principles, the bare realities for which the mahapurusha stands are in the open forum and men have the full and free opportunity of testing and assimilating them, it is only when individuals thus become living embodiments of those principles and realities that we do create a thing universal and permanent, as universal and permanent as earthly things may be. Principles only can embrace and unify the whole of humanity; a particular personality shall always create division and limitation. By placing the man in front, we erect a wall between the Principle and men at large. It is the principles, on the contrary, that should be given the place of honour: our attempt should be to keep back personalities and make as little use of them as possible. Let the principles work and create in their freedom and power, untrammelled by the limitations of any mere human vessel.
   We are quite familiar with this cry so rampant in our democratic ageprinciples and no personalities! And although we admit the justice of it, yet we cannot ignore the trenchant one-sidedness which it involves. It is perhaps only a reaction, a swing to the opposite extreme of a mentality given too much to personalities, as the case generally has been in the past. It may be necessary, as a corrective, but it belongs only to a temporary stage. Since, however, we are after a universal ideal, we must also have an integral method. We shall have to curb many of our susceptibilities, diminish many of our apprehensions and soberly strike a balance between opposite extremes.

01.12 - Goethe, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Love Human and Love Divine
   Satan proposes to lead man down into hell through a sure means, nothing more sure, according to him, viz., Love for a woman and a woman's Love in return. Nothing like that to make man earth-bound or hell-bound and force out of him the nostalgic cry, "Time must have a stop." A most simple, primal and primeval lyric Love will most suit Satan's purpose. Hence the Margaret episode. Love=Passion=Lust=Hell; that is the inevitable equation sequence, and through which runs the magic thread of infatuation. And that charm is invincible. Satan did succeed and was within an ace, as they say, of the final and definitive triumph: but that was not to be, for he left out of account an incalculable element. Love, even human Love has, at least can have, a wonderful power, the potency of reversing the natural decree and bring about a supernatural intervention. Human Love can at a crucial momentin extremiscall down the Divine Grace, which means God's Love for man. And the soul meant for perdition and about to be seized and carried away by Satan finds itself suddenly free and lifted up and borne by Heaven's messengers. Human Jove is divine Love itself in earthly form and figure and whatever its apparent aberrations it is in soul and substance that thing. Satan is hoisted with his own petard. That is God's irony.
   But Goethe's Satan seems to know or feel something of his fate. He knows his function and the limit too of his function. He speaks of the doomsday for people, but it is his doomsday also, he says in mystic terms. Yes, it is his doomsday, for it is the day of man's liberation. Satan has to release man from the pact that stands cancelled. The soul of man cannot be sold, even if he wanted it.

01.13 - T. S. Eliot: Four Quartets, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   For hope would be hope for the wrong thing; wait without Love
   For Love would be Love of the wrong thing; there is yet faith
   But the faith and the Love and the hope are all in the waiting.
   Wait without thought, for you are not ready for thought:
   The Divine Love is a greater fire than the low smouldering fire that our secular unregenerate life is. One has to choose and declare his adhesion. Indeed, the stage of conversion, the crucial turn from the ordinary life to the spiritual life Eliot has characterised in a very striking manner. We usually say, sometimes in an outburst of grief, sometimes in a spirit of sudden disgust and renunciation that the world is dark and dismal and lonesome, the only thing to do here is to be done with it. The true renunciation, that which is deep and abiding, is not, however, so simple a thing, such a short cut. So our poet says, but the world is not dark enough, it is not lonesome enough: the world lives and moves in a superficial half-light, it is neither real death nor real life, it is death in life. It is this miserable mediocrity, the shallow uncertainty of consciousness that spells danger and ruin for the soul. Hence the poet exclaims:
   . . . . Not here
   The faces and places, with the self which, as it could, Loved them,
   To become renewed, transfigured, in another pattern.

01.14 - Nicholas Roerich, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Roerich is one of the prophets and seers who have ever been acclaiming and preparing the Golden Age, the dream that humanity has been dreaming continuously since its very childhood, that is to say, when there will be peace and harmony on earth, when racial, cultural or ideological egoism will no longer divide man and mana thing that seems today a chimera and a hallucinationwhen there will be one culture, one civilisation, one spiritual life welding all humanity into a single unit of life luminous and beautiful. Roerich believes that such a consummation can arrive only or chiefly through the growth of the sense of beauty, of the aesthetic temperament, of creative labour leading to a wider and higher consciousness. Beauty, Harmony, Light, Knowledge, Culture, Love, Delight are cardinal terms in his vision of the deeper and higher life of the future.
   The stress of the inner urge to the heights and depths of spiritual values and realities found special and significant expression in his paintings. It is a difficult problem, a problem which artists and poets are tackling today with all their skill and talent. Man's consciousness is no longer satisfied with the customary and the ordinary actions and reactions of life (or thought), with the old-world and time-worn modes and manners. It is no more turned to the apparent and the obvious, to the surface forms and movements of things. It yearns to look behind and beyond, for the secret mechanism, the hidden agency that really drives things. Poets and artists are the vanguards of the age to come, prophets and pioneers preparing the way for the Lord.

0.11 - Letters to a Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  would open to the Divine Love.
  But there is a remedy:
  Which is swifter for transformation: Divine Love or
  Mahakali's force?
  Divine Love. For one who is open to Divine Love, nothing more
  is needed.
  the Mahashakti - Consciousness, Love, Truth and Life - cut
  themselves off (separated themselves) from their Supreme Origin
  What is the origin of man's Love for his own ignorance?
  It is inconscience.
  Stretched out in Love desire her rebel sons."9
  What had the white gods missed?
  Is the Divine Love equal for all even in the manifestation?
  Yes, equal and immutable.

0.12 - Letters to a Student, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  of the Divine and is united with Him, one learns to Love with
  the true Love: the Love that Loves for the joy of loving and has no
  need to be Loved in return; one also learns to draw Force from
  the inexhaustible source and one knows by experience that by

0.13 - Letters to a Student, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  There is only one Love, the Divine Love, eternal, universal, equal
  for everyone and everything.
  But all that is not even the shadow of Love nor even its
  If the departed one is a person one Loves, one should concentrate one's Love on him in peace and calm, for that is what
  can most help the one who has departed.

0.14 - Letters to a Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  (2) Those who give their Love to another human being and
  live for him. As for the result, everything naturally depends on
  the person one chooses to Love.
  (3) Those who consecrate their life to the service of humanity through some activity done not for personal satisfaction

0 1954-08-25 - what is this personality? and when will she come?, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   There are other great Personalities of the Divine Mother, but they were more difficult to bring down and have not stood out in front with so much prominence in the evolution of the earth-spirit. There are among them Presences indispensable for the supramental realization,most of all one who is her Personality of that mysterious and powerful ecstasy and Ananda1 which flows from a supreme divine Love, the Ananda that alone can heal the gulf between the highest heights of the supramental spirit and the lowest abysses of Matter, the Ananda that holds the key of a wonderful divines Life and even now supports from its secrecies the work of all the other Powers of the universe.
   Sri Aurobindo, The Mother
   She has come, bringing with Her a splendor of power and Love, an intensity of divine joy heretofore unknown to the Earth. The physical atmosphere has been completely changed by her descent, permeated with new and marvelous possibilities.
   But if She is ever to reside and act here, She has to find at least a minimal receptivity, at least one human being with the required vital and physical qualities, a kind of super-Parsifal gifted with an innate and integral purity, yet possessing at the same time a body strong enough and poised enough to bear unwaveringly the intensity of the Ananda She brings.
   Thus far, She has not found what is needed. Men remain obstinately men and do not want to or are unable to become supermen. All they can receive and express is a Love at their own dimension: a human Lovewhereas the supreme bliss of divine Ananda eludes their perception.
   At times, finding the world unready to receive Her, She contemplates withdrawing. But how cruel a loss this would be!

0 1955-03-26, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Such was our old, meaningless name (except for its Germanic root: 'hard bear') until a certain March 3, 1957, when Mother named us Sat-prem ('the one who Loves truly').

0 1955-09-15, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Mother, I would like you to forgive me, to understand me and, above all, not to deprive me of your Love. I would like you to tell me if I may leave for a few weeks and how you feel about it. It seems to me that I am profoundly your child, in spite of all this??
   Signed: Bernard

0 1956-04-04, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Yet I Love you in spite of all that I am.
   Signed: Bernard

0 1956-04-20, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I am your child and I Love you.
   Signed: Bernard

0 1956-09-14, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I KNOW that ultimately my place is near you, but is that my place at present, after all these failings? Spontaneously, it is you I want, you alone who represent the light and all that is real in this world; I can Love no one but you nor be interested in anything but this thing within me, but will it not all begin again once I have returned to the Ashram? You alone know the stage I am at, what is good for me, what is possible.
   Sweet Mother, may I still ask for your Love, your help? For without your help, nothing is possible, and without your Love, nothing has any meaning.
   I feel that I am your child in spite of all my contradictions and failings. I Love you.
   Signed: Bernard
   But perhaps you have felt this way because you had left your work in the Ashram for an entirely personal, that is, necessarily egoistical reason, and egoism always isolates one from the great current of universal forces. That is why, too, you no longer clearly perceive my Love and my help which nevertheless are always with you.
   You asked me what I see and whether your difficulties will not reappear upon your return to the Ashram. It may well be. If you return as you still are at present, it may be that after a very short period it will all begin again. That is why I am going to propose something to you but to accept it you will have to be heroic and very determined in your consecration to my work.

0 1956-10-08, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I wanted to take this little rose (Tenderness for the Divine), for I consider it to be the manifestation nearest to divine Love. Its disinterested, spontaneous, intimate.
   This is what I wanted to take with me to my super-heaven, as the most precious thing in the human heart.

0 1956-12-12, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I have wanted to remain near you, and I Love you, but there is something in me that does not accept an Ashram ending. There is a need in me to DO, to act. But what? What? Have I something to do in this life?
   For years I have dreamed of going to Chinese Turkestan. Should I head in that direction? Or towards Africa?
   I dont see a thing, nothing. Oh Mother, I turn towards you in this void that is stifling me. Hear my prayer. Tell me what I must do. Give me a sign. Mother, you are my sole recourse, for who else would show me the path to be taken, who else but you would Love me? Or is my fate to go off into the night?
   Forgive me, Mother, for loving you so poorly, for giving myself so badly. Mother, you are my only hope, all the rest in me is utter despair.

0 1957-03-03, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I name you Satprem (true Love) for it is only when you awaken to divine Love that you will feel that you Love.
   Signed: Mother

0 1957-04-09, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   That is the situation, Mother. I feel my unworthiness profoundly. I am the opposite of Satprem, unable to Love and to give myself. Everything in me is sealed tight.
   So what is to be done? I intend asking your permission to leave as soon as the book is finished (I am determined to finish it, for it will rid me of the past it represents). I expect nothing from the world, except a bit of external space, in the absence of another space.

0 1957-10-08, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I give you so little Love, but I have tried my best, and my departure is not a betrayal.
   Your child,

0 1958-04-03, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   And I, who understood nothing of Love, am beginning to suspect who Satprem is. Mother, your grace is infinite, it has accompanied me everywhere in my life.
   We are still in Kataragama, and we shall only go up to northern Ceylon, to Jaffna, around the 15th, then return to India towards the beginning of May if the visa problems are settled. Only in India, at the temple of Rameswaram, can I receive the orange robe. I am living here as a sannyasi, but dressed in white, like a Hindu. It is a stark life, nothing more. I have seen however, that truth does not lie in starkness but in a change of consciousness. (Desire always finds a means to entrench itself in very small details and in very petty and stupid, though well-rooted, avidities.)
   May the joy of luminous Love be with you.
   Until we meet,

0 1958-05-10, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   From the positive point of view, I am convinced that we agree upon the result to be obtained, that is, an integral and unreserved consecrationin Love, knowledge and actionto the Supreme AND TO HIS WORK. I say to the Supreme and to his work because consecration to the Supreme alone is not enough. Now we are here for the supramental realization, this is what is expected of us, but to reach it, our consecration to it must be total, unreserved absolutely integral. I believe you have understood thisin other words, that you have the will to realize it.
   From the negative point of view I mean the difficulties to be overcomeone of the most serious obstacles is that the ignorant and falsifying outer consciousness, the ordinary consciousness legitimizes all the so-called physical laws, causes, effects and consequences, all that science has discovered physically and materially. All this is an unquestionable reality to the consciousness, a reality that remains independent and absolute even in the face of the eternal divine Reality.

0 1958-07-02, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Ramdas: a yogi from Northwest India who followed the path of Love (bhakti). His whole yoga consisted in repeating the name Ram. He founded the Anand-ashram in Kanhargad, Kerala. He was born in 1884 and died in 1963.
   Bishnupriya, a Bengali film.

0 1958-07-06, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   But yesterday, in fact, I was looking (with all these mantras and these prayers and this whole vibration that has descended into the atmosphere, creating a state of constant calling in the atmosphere), and I remembered the old movements and how everything now has changed! I was also thinking of the old disciplines, one of which is to say, I am That.7 People were told to sit in meditation and repeat, I am That, to reach an identification. And it all seemed to me so obsolete, so childish, but at the same time a part of the whole. I looked, and it seemed so absurd to sit in meditation and say, I am That! I, what is this I who is That; what is this I, where is it? I was trying to find it, and I saw a tiny, microscopic point (to see it would almost require some gigantic instrument), a tiny, obscure point in an im-men-sity of Light, and that little point was the body. At the same timeit was absolutely simultaneous I saw the Presence of the Supreme as a very, very, very, VERY immense Being, within which was I in an attitude of (I was only a sensation, you see), an attitude (gesture of surrender) like this. There were no limits, yet at the same time, one felt the joy of being permeated, enveloped and of being able to widen, widen, widen indefinitelyto widen the whole being, from the highest consciousness to the most material consciousness. And then, at the same time, to look at this body and to see every cell, every atom vibrating with a divine, radiant Presence with all its Consciousness, all its Power, all its Will, all its Loveall, all, really and a joy! An extraordinary joy. And one did not disturb the other, nothing was contradictory and everything was felt at the same time. That was when I said, But truly! This body had to have the training it has had for more than seventy years to be able to bear all that without starting to cry out or dance or leap up or whatever it might be! No, it was calm (it was exultant, but it was very calm), and it remained in control of its movements and its words. In spite of the fact that it was really living in another world, it could apparently act normal due to this strenuous training in self-control by the REASONby the reasonover the whole being, which has tamed it and given it such a great cohesive power that I can BE in the experience, I can LIVE this experience, and at the same time respond with the most amiable of smiles to the most idiotic questions!
   And then, it always ends in the same way, by a canticle to the action of the grace: O, Lord! You are truly marvelous! All the experiences I have needed to pass through You have given to me, all the things I needed to do to make this body ready You have made me do, and always with the feeling that it was You who was making me do itand with the universal disapproval of all the right-minded humanity!

0 1958-08-09, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   If human Love came forth unalloyed, it would be all-powerful. Unfortunately, in human Love, there is as much SELF Love as Love for the be Loved; it is not a Love that makes you forget yourself.
   Evidently the gods of the Puranas are a good deal worse than human beings, as we saw in that film the other day1 (and that story was absolutely true). The gods of the Overmind are infinitely more egocentric the only thing that counts for them is their power, the extent of their power. Man has in addition a psychic being, so consequently he has true Love and compassionwherein lies his superiority over the gods. It was very, very clearly expressed in this film, and its very true.
   The gods are faultless, for they live according to their own nature, spontaneously and without constraint; it is their godly way. But if one looks at it from a higher point of view, if one has a higher vision, a vision of the whole, they have fewer qualities than man. In this film, it was proved that through their capacity for Love and self-giving, men can have as much power as the gods, and even morewhen they are not egoists, when they can overcome their egoism.
   Certainly man is nearer the Supreme than the gods. Provided he fulfills the necessary conditions, he can be nearerhe isnt so automatically, but he can be, he has the power, the potentiality to be.

0 1958-08-12, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Behind all the appearances and diverse entities, I am always present near you, and my Love enfolds you.
   I have put the work aside and shall be happy to do it with you upon your return.

0 1958-09-16 - OM NAMO BHAGAVATEH, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Lord, God of Love and compassion
   Lord, God of silence and contemplation
   It will simply spring forth in a flash, all of a sudden, and it will be very powerful. Only power can do something. Love vanishes like water running through sand: people remain beatific and nothing moves! No, power is neededlike Shiva, stirring, churning
   When I have this mantra, instead of saying hello, good-bye, I shall say that. When I say hello, good-bye, it means Hello: the Presence is here, the Light is here. Good-bye: I am not going away, I am staying here.

0 1958-11-04 - Myths are True and Gods exist - mental formation and occult faculties - exteriorization - work in dreams, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   The gods of the Puranas are merciless gods who respect only power and have nothing of the true Love, charity or profound goodness that the Divine has put into the human consciousness and which compensate psychically for all the outer defects. They themselves have nothing of this, they have no psychic.1 The Puranic gods have no psychic, so they act according to their power. They are restrained only when their power is not all-powerful, thats all.
   But what does Anusuya represent?2
   The story narrated in the film went like this: Narada, as usual, was having fun. (Narada is a demigod with a divine position that is, he can communicate with man and with the gods as he pleases, and he serves as an intermediary, but then he likes to have fun!) So he was quarrelling with one of the goddesses, I no longer recall which one, and he told her (Ah, yes! The quarrel was with Saraswati.) Saraswati was telling him that knowledge is much greater than Love (much greater in that it is much more powerful than Love), and he replied to her, You dont know what youre talking about! (Mother laughs) Love is much more powerful than knowledge. So she challenged him, saying, Well then, prove it to me.I shall prove it to you, he replied. And the whole story starts there. He began creating a whole imbroglio on earth just to prove his point.
   It was only a film story, but anyway, the goddesses, the three wives of the Trimurti that is, the consort of Brahma, the consort of Vishnu and the consort of Shivajoined forces (!) and tried all kinds of things to foil Narada. I no longer recall the details of the story Oh yes, the story begins like this: one of the three I believe it was Shivas consort, Parvati (she was the worst one, by the way!)was doing her puja. Shiva was in meditation, and she began doing her puja in front of him; she was using an oil lamp for the puja, and the lamp fell down and burned her foot. She cried out because she had burned her foot. So Shiva at once came out of his meditation and said to her, What is it, Devi? (laughter) She answered, I burned my foot! Then Narada said, Arent you ashamed of what you have done?to make Shiva come out of his meditation simply because you have a little burn on your foot, which cannot even hurt you since you are immortal! She became furious and snapped at him, Show me that it can be otherwise! Narada replied, I am going to show you what it is to really Love ones husbandyou dont know anything about it!
   Then comes the story of Anusuya and her husb and (who is truly a husb and a very good man, but well, not a god, after all!), who was sleeping with his head resting upon Anusuyas knees. They had finished their puja (both of them were worshippers of Shiva), and after their puja he was resting, sleeping, with his head on Anusuyas knees. Meanwhile, the gods had descended upon earth, particularly this Parvati, and they saw Anusuya like that. Then Parvati exclaimed, This is a good occasion! Not very far away a cooking fire was burning. With her power, she sent the fire rolling down onto Anusuyas feetwhich startled her because it hurt. It began to burn; not one cry, not one movement, nothing because she didnt want to awaken her husband. But she began invoking Shiva (Shiva was there). And because she invoked Shiva (it is Lovely in the story), because she invoked Shiva, Shivas foot began burning! (Mother laughs) Then Narada showed Shiva to Parvati: Look what you are doing; you are burning your husbands foot! So Parvati made the opposite gesture and the fire was put out.
   Thats how it went.
   Oh, the story was very Lovely all along. There was one thing after another, one thing after another, and always the power of Anusuya was greater than the power of the gods. I liked that story very much.
   It ended in a (Oh, the story was very long; it lasted three hours!) But really, it was Lovely throughout. Lovely in the way it showed that the sincerity of Love is much more powerful than anything else.
   If I were to narrate the whole thing to you, there would be no end to it, but anyway, you get the idea.

0 1958-11-14, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   My Love is with you.
   Signed: Mother

0 1958-11-22, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   At that point, sometimes a great courage is needed, sometimes a great endurance is needed, sometimes a true Love is enough, sometimes, oh! if only faith were there, one thing, one tiny little thing is enough, and everything can be swept away. I have done it often; there are times when I have failed. But more often than not I have been able to remove it. But then, what is needed is a great, stoical courage or a capacity to endure and to SEE IT THROUGH. The resistance (especially in cases of former suicide), the resistance to the temptation of renewing this stupidity creates a terrible formation. Or else this habit of fleeing when suffering comes: flee, flee, instead of absorbing the difficulty, holding on.
   But just this, a faith in the Grace, or an awareness of the Grace, or the intensity of the call, or else naturally the response the response, the thing that opens, that breaks the response to this marvelous Love of the Grace.
   It is difficult without a strong will; and above all, above all the capacity to resist the temptation, which was the fatal temptation throughout all ones livesbecause its power builds up. Each defeat gives it renewed force. But a tiny victory can dissolve it.

0 1958-11-26, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Basically, the vast majority of men are like prisoners with all the doors and all the windows shut, so they suffocate (which is quite natural), but they have with them the key that opens the doors and the windows, and they dont use it Certainly, there is a period when they dont know that they have the key, but even long after they do know it, long after they have been told, they hesitate to use it and doubt that it has the power to open the doors and windows, or even that it may be advisable to open them. And even once they feel that After all, it might be a good thing, a fear pursues them: What is going to happen once all these doors and these windows open? They become afraidafraid of losing themselves in this light and in this freedom. They want to remain what they call themselves. They Love their falsehood and their slavery. Something in them Loves it and remains clinging to it. They feel that without their limits, they would no longer exist.
   That is why the journey is so long, so difficult. For if one would truly consent no longer to be, everything would become so easy, so swift, so luminous, so joyousthough perhaps not in the way men conceive of joy and ease. At heart, there are very few beings who are not enamored of struggle. There are very few who would consent to having no darkness or who can conceive of light as anything other than the opposite of obscurity: Without shadow, there would be no painting. Without struggle, there would be no victory. Without suffering, there would be no joy. That is what they think, and as long as they think like that, they are not yet born to the spirit.

0 1958-12-04, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Mother, I have made many mistakes, I have often been rebellious and fallen into many holes. Help me to pick myself up, give me nonetheless a little of your Love. This has to change.
   I do not want to remain in Hyderabad. This is not the atmosphere I need, although everything is very quiet here.
   I have just received your letter which I read with all my Love, the Love that understands and effaces. When you return here, you will always be very welcome, and we shall certainly take up our work together again. I shall be happy, and it is very much needed. But first of all, it will be good for you to go to Rameswaram. I know that you will be welcome there. Stay there as long as necessary to find and consolidate your experience. Afterwards, come back here, stronger and better armed, to face a new period of outer and inner work. At the end of the labor is the Victory.
   With all my confident Love.
   Signed: Mother

0 1958-12-15 - tantric mantra - 125,000, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I clearly see that the hour has come: either I will perish right here, or else I will emerge from this COMPLETELY changed. But something has to change. Mother, you are with me, I know, and you are protecting me, you Love me I have only you, only you, you are my Mother. If these moments of utter darkness return and they are bound to return for everything to be exorcised and conqueredprotect me in spite of myself. Mother, may your Grace not abandon me. I want to be done with all these old phantoms, I want to be born anew in your Light; it has to beotherwise I can no longer go on.
   Mother, I believe I understand something of all that you yourself are suffering, and the crucifixion of the Divine in Matter is a real crucifixion. In this moment of consciousness, I offer you all my trials and little sufferings. I would like to triumph so that it be your triumph, one weight less upon your heart.
   Mother, may I not be swept away by one of these waves. Protect me. Love me! But EVERYTHING has to be faced NOW. I want to fight. I do not ask you to spare me, therefore, but to help me withstand the blow.
   With all that Love can bring of solace and endurance,
   Signed: Mother
   With all my Love.
   Signed: Mother

0 1958-12-24, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Mother, Love me. I have only you, I want to belong to you alone.
   I am at your feet.
   I Love you, my child, and I am near you with confidence and tenderness.
   Doubt not of the Victory, it is certain.

0 1958-12-28, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Sweet Mother, I indeed suspect that you want to endure, to bear this struggle all alone. Oh, I think I understand a number of things about the mechanism of these attacks and their connection with me, about the Divine Love that embraces all and takes into itself the suffering and the evil of menall this overwhelms me with a sudden understanding. It seems to me that I am seeing and feeling all that you are facing, all that you are taking upon yourself for us. The suffering of the Divine in Matter has been an overwhelming revelation to meAh! I see, I want to fight, I want to be totally on your side; I am now and forever determined.
   But you have enough to do with the higher beasts of prey without still having to fight the little scorpions. I beg of you, Sweet Mother, accept the help that is being offered to you, preserve your strength for the higher struggle. I quite understand that your Love can even go to the scorpions that are attacking you, but it is not forbidden to protect yourself from their venom. You have enough to do on other planes.
   X is at the summit of tantric initiation, and his power is not the fruit of a simple knowledge. He holds it directly from the Divine, and these things have been in his family traditionally from ten generations. No black magic can resist his power. His action is not brutal, he does not mechanically apply formulas, he holds this Science and knows how to apply it like an expert chemist, always in Light, Love and sweetness. If you agree that he come to see you, he will immediately know the source of these attacks upon you and will even be able to make the attacking force speak. He has this power. Of course, neither X nor Swami will divulge this to anyone, and everything will be kept secret. You have only to send word, or a telegram: No objection.
   The work can be done from here also, but naturally it will not be quite as effective. In that case, you would have to set a specific time to synchronize the action in Rameswaram and Pondicherry. Swami can also do something in his pujas. It is for you to decide, but I hope you will not want to prolong this battle unnecessarily.
   With all my Love, I am at your feet.
   Signed: Satprem
   I am near you with all my Love.
   Signed: Mother

0 1959-01-06, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   With Love and gratitude, I am your child.
   Signed: Satprem
   Satprem, my child, I am truly with you and I Love you.
   Signed: Mother

0 1959-01-14, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I never leave you, and my Love too is always with you.
   Signed: Mother

0 1959-01-21, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   With Love and gratitude, I am your child.
   Signed: Satprem
   My Love is always with you, enfolding and upholding you.
   The blessings of the Grace are upon you.

0 1959-01-27, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   In constant communion in the effort towards victory; my Love and my force never leave you.
   Signed: Mother

0 1959-01-31, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Your letter, Sweet Mother, has filled me with strength and resolution. I want to be victorious and I want to serve you. I see very well that gradually I can be taught many useful things by X. The essential thing is first of all to lose this ego which falsifies everything. Finally, through your grace, I believe that I have passed a decisive turning point and that there is a beginning of real consecration and I feel your Love, your Presence. Things are opening a little.
   Sweet Mother, I Love you and I want to serve you truly.
   Your child,
   With my Love and my blessings.
   Signed: Mother

0 1959-03-26 - Lord of Death, Lord of Falsehood, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   This Titan has been specially sent to attack this body, but he cant do it directly, so he uses people in my entourage. It is something fated: all those around me, who are close to me, and especially those capable of Love, have been attacked by him; a few have succumbed, such as that girl in my entourage who was absorbed by him. He follows me like a shadow, and each time there is the least little opening in someone near me, he is there.
   The power of this Titan comes from an Asura. There are four Asuras. Two have already been converted, and the other two, the Lord of Death and the Lord of Falsehood, made an attempt at conversion by taking on a physical bodythey have been intimately associated with my life. The story of these Asuras would be very interesting to recount The Lord of Death disappeared; he lost his physical body, and I dont know what has become of him.1 As for the other, the Lord of Falsehood, the one who now rules over this earth, he tried hard to be converted, but he found it disgusting!

0 1959-04-07, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   With all my Love, I envelope you, my child, and I tell you, Have courage, the victory is certainnot a compromise or partial victory, but integral.
   Signed: Mother

0 1959-04-13, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Your child, with Love.
   Signed: Satprem

0 1959-04-23, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   With you always, with Love and care.
   Signed: Mother

0 1959-05-25, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   May Your Will be done in all things and at every moment. And may Your Love manifest.
   As for you, I received your promise made very solemnly at a moment of clear consciousness, and I am sure you will not fail in it.
   My Love is with you.
   Signed: Mother
   I can easily understand that your task on this earth is not particularly encouraging and you must find our human matter stupid and rebellious. I do not wish to throw upon you more bad things than you already receive, but I wish you could also understand certain things. I am not made for this withered life, not made for putting sentences together all day long, not made for living alone in my holefriendless, Loveless, with nothing but mantras, and waiting for a better that never comes. For three years I have wanted to leave and each time I yielded out of scruples that you needed me, though also because I am attached to you. But after the [book on] Sri Aurobindo, there will be something else, there will always be something else that will make my departure look like a betrayal. I am fed up with living in my head, always in my head, with paper and ink. It was not of this that I dreamed when I was ten years old and ran with the wind over the untamed heaths. I am suffocating. You ask too much of me; or rather, I am not worth your expectation.
   A Love for you might have held me here. And indeed, for you I have devotion, veneration, respect, an attachment, but there has never been this marvelous thing, warm and full, that links one to a being in the same beating of a heart. Through Love, I could do all, accept all, endure all, sacrifice all but I do not feel this Love. You cannot give yourself with your head, through a mental decision, yet that is what I have been doing for five years. I have tried to serve you as best I could. But I am at the end of my rope. I am suffocating.
   I have no illusions, and I do not at all suppose that elsewhere my life may at last be fulfilled. No, I know that this whole life is cursed, but it may as well be truly cursed. If the Divine does not want to give me his Love, may he give me his curse. But not this life between two worlds. Or if I am too hardened, may he break me. But not this tepidness, this approximation.
   I am not really bad, Mother, but I can no longer bear this life without Love. That is all.
   There is someone here who could have saved me, whom I could have Loved. Oh, it has nothing to do with all those things you might imagine! My soul Loves her soul. It is something very serene. We have known each other for five years, and I had never even dreamed of calling it Love. But all the outer circumstances are against us. And I do not want to turn anyone away from you. Anyway, if I sink into the depths of the pit, or so I tell myself, it is no reason to drag someone else along with me. So this too is one more reason for me to leave. I cannot continue suffocating all alone in my corner. (It is useless to ask her name, I will say nothing.)
   You are imposing a new ordeal on me by asking me to go to Rameswaram. For you, I have accepted. But I shall go there sheathed in my sturdiest armor and I will not yield, because I know that it is always to be begun again. I do not want to become a great Tantric or whatever else it may be. I want only to Love. And since I cannot Love, I am leaving. I will arrive in Rameswaram at 2 in the morning, and will leave again by the 11 oclock train.
   I want to go to New Caledonia. There, or elsewhere there are forests there. Africa is closing up. You must help me one last time by giving me the means to leave and try something else with a minimum of chancealthough, at the point Im at, I laugh in the face of chance. I need 2,000 rupees, if that is possible for you. If you do not want to, or if you cannot, I will leave anyway, no matter where, no matter how.
   And once again, you can judge me all you want, I acknowledge all my wrongs. I am guilty in a guilty and stupid world (which Loves its stupidity, no doubt).
   Signed: Satprem
   Only someone who Loves you and has the knowledge can find the true solution to the problem. X1 fulfills these conditions excellently. Go to him and simply be what you are, without blackening nor embellishing, with the sincerity and simplicity of a child. He knows your soul and its aspiration; speak to him of your physical life and of your need for space, solitude, untamed nature, the simple and free life. He will understand and, in his wisdom, will see the best thing to do.
   And what he decides will be done.
   My Love is unalterably with you.
   Signed: Mother

0 1959-05-28, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   3) There is also the destiny that feels human Love as something divine, something that can be transfigured and become a very powerful driving force. I did not believe it possible, except in dreams, until the day I met someone here. But you do not believe in these things, so I shall not speak of it further. I can gag this also and tell myself that one day all will be filled in the inner divine Love. But that does not prevent this other need in me from living and from finding that life is dry and from saying, Why this outer manifestation if all life is in the inner realms? But neither can I stifle this with reasoning.
   So there remains the pure spiritual destiny, pure interiorization. That is what I have been trying to do for the last five years, without much success. There are good periods of collaboration, because one part of my being can be happy in any condition. But in a certain way this achievement remains truncated, especially when you base spiritual life on a principle of integrality. And these three destinies in me have their own good reasons, which are true: they are not inferior, they are not incidental, they are woven from the very threads that created the spiritual life in me. My error is to open the door to revolt when I feel too poignantly one or the other being stifled.
   So there. I can find no solution. X will not understand, and I will not say anything to him. But I obey you because everything is futile and there is too much pain in this world, and also someone in me needs you, someone who Loves you in his own way.
   Signed: Satprem
   With all my Love.
   Signed: Mother

0 1959-06-03, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Regarding me, this is more or less what he said: First of all, I want an agreement from you so that under any circumstances you never leave the Ashram. Whatever happens, even if Yama1 comes to dance at your door, you should never leave the Ashram. At the critical moment, when the attack is the strongest, you should throw everything into His hands, then and then only the thing can be removed (I no longer know whether he said removed or destroyed ). It is the only way. SARVAM MAMA BRAHMAN [Thou art my sole refuge]. Here in Rameswaram, we are going to meditate together for 45 days, and the Asuric-Shakti may come with full strength to attack, and I shall try my best not only to protect but to destroy, but for that, I need your determination. It is only by your own determination that I can get strength. If the force comes to make suggestions: lack of adventure, lack of Nature, lack of Love, then think that I am the forest, think that I am the sea, think that I am the wife (!!) Meanwhile, X has nearly doubled the number of repetitions of the mantra that I have to say every day (it is the same mantra he gave me in Pondicherry). X repeated to me again and again that I am not merely a disciple to him, like the others, but as if his son.
   This was a first, hasty conversation, and we did not discuss things at length. I said nothing. I have no confidence in my reactions when I am in the midst of my crises of complete negation. And truly speaking, at the time of my last crisis in Pondicherry, I do not know if it was really Xs occult working that set things right, for personally (but perhaps it is an ignorant impression), I felt that it was thanks to Sujata and her childlike simplicity that I was able to get out of it.
   That is all, Sweet Mother. In spite of my anesthesia, I think of you. (I am not blocked; on the contrary, it seems to me that the bond has been renewed since our last meeting, but I feel strangely empty.) I am unable to understand how you can Love me. Oh Mother, I have truly to begin living, truly loving!
   Your child,
   For you, I fully approve of what he told you. Fervently, and with all my Love, I pray that he will succeed in what he wants to do during these 45 days of meditation. This is really what I was counting on.
   For what occurred here, I can say only one thing: when the Supreme Lord wants to save someone, He clothes his will in every appearance necessary.
   My Love is with you.
   Signed: Mother

0 1959-06-04, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I am with you and wish to repeat to you: infinite is the Grace and invincible is the Love; be confident and will the victory, for this is what X means by your collaboration.
   Signed: Mother

0 1959-06-07, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   On another occasion, he said to me, I am ALWAYS taking care of you. And when I asked him why he was taking such trouble for me, he replied, Because I have orders. This attention that comes to me from you and him surprises me, for I do not feel that I am good, and upon the least occasion I know that I am seriously prepared to quit everything because something in me is profoundly revolted by this excess of suffering, by a lack of Love and flowering, by an excess of solitude. Yesterday evening, it was still fully there, with all my approval, and at such a time no one in the world can hold me back. It is this POINT OF SUFFERING that makes me want to turn my back on everything. Not to commit suicide: to turn my back.
   X told me the story of my last three existences (rather grim), but I will write you about that in another letter.
   I have no other details to give you, except that I am not happy. The fact is that these last three years I have been tied down by my penury, otherwise I would be travelling along other roads, far from herewith no greater hope in my heart, but with space before me, at least. I am only here to render you service, but I do not know if I shall be able to repress my need for space much longerit has already been going on too long. This is the undisguised truth. But what can I do?I am tied down. If I truly Loved, things would be different, but it seems I Love no one, not even myself, and the only Love of which I am capable, human Love, is forbidden to me. So I can do nothing, not on any plane, and I have no hope in anything. Forgive me, I do not wish to pain you, but neither can I pretend any longer to be happy with my lot.
   Signed: Satprem

0 1959-06-08, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   You are constantly with me, and I am following all your inner movements with Love and concern.
   The great secret is to learn to give oneself

0 1959-06-09, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   In spite of all my revolts, I need you, I need truth, Light, and Love. I feel I have already known all this, had all this, and that I have been dispossessed. Perhaps that is why I suffer.
   Mother, lead me towards you, I am blind and without strength.
   All these things that you needtruth, light, Love, my presence in youyou have had them and you still have them, they have not withdrawn from you, but something came to veil them from your perception, and this is why you became unhappy. They are waiting just there, near you, in you, anxious for the shadow to vanish and for you to realize that they have not left you.
   With all my Love.
   Signed: Mother

0 1959-06-13b, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I Love you and bless you.
   Signed: Mother

0 1959-07-14, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   This is what I should have told you this morning, but I was afraid. For the last month I have been afraid of you, afraid that you might not understand. But I cannot leave with this weight on me. I beg of you to understand, Sweet Mother. I want nothing bad, nothing impure. I feel I have something to create with Sujata, I feel she is absolutely a part of something I have to achieve, that we have something to achieve together. For the five years we have known each other I have never had a single wrong thought but suddenly she opened my heart, which had been so completely walled-off, and this was like a wonder in me and at the same time a fear. A fear, perhaps because this Love has been thwarted for so many lives.
   Mother, I need Sujata like my very soul. It seems to me that she is a part of me, that she alone can help me break with this horrible past, that she alone can help me to Love truly at last. I need peace so much, a quiet, PEACEFUL happinessa base of happiness upon which I could use my strength to build, instead of always fighting, always destroying. Mother, I am not at all sure of what must be, but I know that Sujata is part of this realization.
   Thats all, Mother. Forgive me, but I am so afraid. For how is this possible in the Ashram? What would people say?
   Mother, my whole soul writes you this. I swear there is in me a single great need of Love, beauty, nobility, purity. And we would work for you together in joy at last.1
   Your anxious child,

0 1959-08-11, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Now I can tell you that not for one hour have I left you; I have been constantly near you, hoping that your inner eyes would open and that you would see me, watching over you and enveloping you with my force and my Love. It is within yourself that I want you to find the certitude, truth and joy.
   Now I write you what I have wanted to tell you from the beginning: when you return to the Ashram, do not put on the orange robe1 again, return with the clothing X has given you
   With all my Love and blessings.
   Signed: Mother

0 1959-08-15, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   With all my unvarying and eternal Love.
   August 15th, Sri Aurobindo's birthday.

0 1959-11-25, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   What usually happens is that when the body reaches its maximum intensity of aspiration or of ecstasy of Love, it is unable to contain it. It becomes flat, motionless. It falls back. Things settle downyou are enriched with a new vibration, but then everything resumes its course. So you must widen yourself in order to learn to bear unflinchingly the intensities of the supramental force, to go forward always, always with the ascending movement of the divine Truth, without falling backwards into the decrepitude of the body.
   That is what Sri Aurobindo means when he speaks of an intolerable ecstasy1; it is not an intolerable ecstasy: it is an unflinching ecstasy.
   'Cruelty transfigured becomes Love that is intolerable ecstasy...'

0 1960-01-28, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Yet its HAPPY. It Loves doing the work, it lives only for thatto change, to transform itself is its reason for being. And its such a docile instrument, so full of good will! Once it even started wailing like a baby: O Lord, give me the time, the time to be transformed It has such a simple fervor for the work, but it needs timetime, thats it. It wants to live only to conquer, to win the Lords Victory.3
   One crore = 10 million.

0 1960-03-07, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   With Love.
   Your child,

0 1960-04-07, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I Love you, sweet Mother. You are truly my Mother, and I need you so much.
   With all my Love, I am at your feet.
   Signed: Satprem
   I am with you, in Love and joy.
   Signed: Mother

0 1960-04-13, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   With Love.
   Signed: Satprem
   Always with you, in Love and joy.
   Signed: Mother

0 1960-04-14, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Signed: Pavitra

0 1960-04-20, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Your child, full of gratitude and Love.
   Signed: Satprem

0 1960-04-26, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Mother, I am at your feet, with my Love and my gratitude.
   Your child,

0 1960-05-16, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   And then they say, I want to close my eyes and see nothing but Him I want nothing more of the outer world. And they forget theres Love! That is the great Secret, that which is behind the Existent and the Non-Existent, the Personal and the Impersonal Love. Not a Love between two things, two beings A Love containing everything.
   In the early part of the century, I wrote Prayers and Meditations, and I too spoke of Him; but I wrote that with all my aspiration, all my sincerity (at least with all the sincerity of the conscious parts of my being) and I locked it up in a drawer so that no one would see it. It was Sri Aurobindo who later asked me to publish it, for it could be useful If I knew then, fifty years ago, what I know now, I would have been crushed! All this shame, all this unworthiness
   And what is wonderful is that at each moment the Grace, the Joy, the Light, the Love never cease pouring down in the very midst of all thisdespite the ego, despite the shame, despite the unworthiness. To be humble

0 1960-05-24 - supramental flood, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   And what was really very Lovely was the ACCURACY and the power which directed the forces. I watched this for three quarters of an hour: for each thing that presented itself (it could have been someone thinking, something taking place, anything at all), a special little concentration of this flood went exactly onto that point, like a special insistence.
   And all this was absolutely egoless, without any personal reaction, nothing; there was nothing but the consciousness of the Supreme Action. It was the only thing existing.

0 1960-07-12 - Mothers Vision - the Voice, the ashram a tiny part of myself, the Mothers Force, sparkling white light compressed - enormous formation of negative vibrations - light in evil, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I had a startling experience one day when X was doing his pujas to encircle the titans. He was in difficulty and I was about to intervene to help him when I was abruptly stopped. I was faced by a massive blackness (blacker than the blackest physical thing) and suddenly, right at its center, I saw the Divine Love shining with such a splendor I had never seen it so splendid.
   And now it has become constant; each time I hear or see something ugly or horrible, or each time something ugly or horrible happens, something which is a negation of the divine life just behind is this flameso wonderful. And then the effect is annulled.

0 1960-07-26 - Mothers vision - looking up words in the subconscient, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I came out of the concentration at 4:10quite late. For I was VERY busy! I was in some sort of small house similar to my room, but it was at the top of a tower, for you could see the landscape from above. It was similar to my room here, with large windows. And I was much taller than I actually am, for there was a ledge below each window (there was a cupboard below each window, as in my room), and this ledge came quite low on me; in my room, it comes up to my chest, whereas it was much lower in my vision. And from there oh, what beautiful landscapes! It was surrounded by such Lovely countryside! There was a flowing river, woods, sunlightoh, it was really Lovely! And I was very busy looking up words in the dictionary!
   I had taken out a dictionary. There, its this one, I said. Someone was next to me, but this someone is always symbolic: each activity takes on a special form which may resemble someone or other. (The people around me for the work here are like families in those worlds there; they are types, that iseach person represents a typeso then I know that Im in contact with all the people of this same type. If they were conscious, they would know that I was there telling them something in particular. But its not a person, its a type and not a type of character, but a type of activity and relationship with me.)
   Coming at the end of the night as it did, it means that its an exploration in some part or another of a subconscious mental activity. And you can make so many discoveries there it is unbelievable! But its Lovely. And rarely unpleasant. There was a time when it was very unpleasant, oppressive, full of effort and resistance. I would want to go somewhere, but it would be impossible; I toiled and struggled, but everything would go wrong the straight paths would suddenly plunge into an abyss, and Id have to cross the abyss. For years it was like that. Just recently, I looked back over this whole period But now it is over. Now its something its Lovely, its enjoyable, its a little it has a childlike simplicity.
   However, its not a personal subconscient, but a its more than the Ashram. For me, the Ashram is not a separate individualityexcept in that vision the other day,1 which is what surprised me. Its hardly that. Rather, it is still this Movement of everything, of everything that is included. So its like entering into the subconscient of the whole earth, and it takes on forms which are quite familiar images to me, but they are absolutely symbolic and very, very funny! It took a moment to see that vainquons is spelled q-u-o-n-s. And I wasnt sure! I meant to ask Pavitra for a dictionary which gives verb conjugations, for then if Im stuck on something while writing, I can look it up.
   Vaincre! I wanted to write to someone to proclaim the Victory. The idea was very clear, it was really Lovely. Then, in a second, I was stoppedHow do you spell vainquons? And how do you spell vaincs? The person next to me didnt know a thingnothing. Its spelled v-a-i-n, he said. So I said, No, I dont think so! (laughter) It went on like that, you know, it was so funny!
   Are you good at spelling?

0 1960-08-10 - questions from center of Education - reading Sri Aurobindo, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   What I call studying is to take Sri Aurobindos books, where he quotes or speaks of one thing or another, then have the corresponding bookswhen he quotes something, you must take the book it corresponds to; when he speaks of something, you must study the writings on that subject. This is what I call studying. Then, after having read the corresponding works, you compare them with what Sri Aurobindo has said, and in this way there may be a beginning of understanding. If someone is very studious, he can review all that has ever been written or taught by going through Sri Aurobindos books. I mean this for someone who Loves working.
   I SEE this state of mind, this mental attitude Oh! Its its so repugnant. People are so afraid of taking sides, so afraid of appearing biased; they are so afraid of appearing to have faith, so afraid Oh, its disgraceful.

0 1960-09-02, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   With Love.
   Signed: Satprem

0 1960-10-02b, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Your child, with Love.
   Signed: Satprem

0 1960-10-11, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   In these Questions and Answers, for example, you had wanted to edit out the words Sweet Mother since people from the West might not understand. But then, we have just now received a letter from someone who suddenly had a very beautiful experience when he came across those words, Sweet Mother. He saw, he suddenly felt this maternal presence of Love and compassion watching over the world. The moment had come and, precisely, it did its work. Its very interesting.
   Mentally we say, Oh, that cant go. And even I am often inclined to say, Dont publish this, dont speak of something or other. Then I realize how silly it is! There is something that uses everything. Even what may seem useless to usor perhaps worse than useless, harmfulmight be just the thing to give someone the right shock.

0 1960-10-19, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   She has already been here for two days and Oh, yesterday especially, she was so in such a mood!like a warrior. I said to her, But why not change them through through an excess of Love?
   So then she answered (I remember how she put it), First a good punch in the chest (she didnt say in the nose!), a good punch in the chest, and then when theyre down, gasping for air, theyre ready.

0 1960-10-22, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   (Mother laughs heartily) Your japa is Lovely. Oh, its a whole world thats forming, and its truly harmonious, powerful, beautiful. Its very good. If you like, well do this for a few moments from time to time. It was very how should I put it? very pleasant for me. It feels comfortable, a bit removed from all this porridge! I was very glad.
   If you want to prevent these disturbances in your physical mind, then when you sit for japa You know my Force, dont you? Well then, wrap it around you, like this, twelve times, from top to bottom.

0 1960-11-08, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   The mistake we make is to remain there too long, for if you spend your whole life in that, well, youll probably need many more lifetimes. But once the chance to get out of it comes, you can look at it with a smile and say, Yes, its really a sort of Love for fiction!people Love fiction, they want fiction, they need fiction! Otherwise its boring and all much too flat.
   All this came to me yesterday. I kept Z with me for more than half an hour, nearly 45 minutes. He told me some very interesting things. What he said was quite good and I encouraged him a great dealsome action on the right lines which will be quite useful, and then a book unfortunately mixed with an influence from that artificial world (but actually, even that can be used as a link to attract people). He must have spoken to you about this. He wants to write a kind of dialogue to introduce Sri Aurobindos ideasits a good idealike the conversations in Les Hommes de Bonne Volont by Jules Romain. He wants to do it, and I told him it was an excellent idea. And not only one typehe should take all types of people who for the moment are closed to this vision of life, from the Catholic, the fervent believer, right to the utmost materialist, men of science, etc. It could be very interesting.

0 1960-11-12, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   But its explained very well in Savitri! All these things have their laws and their conventions (and truly speaking, a really FORMIDABLE power is needed to change anything of their rights, for they have rightswhat they call laws) Sri Aurobindo explains this very well when Savitri, following Satyavan into death, argues with the god of Death.3 Its the Law, and who has the right to change the Law? he says. And then comes this wonderful passage at the end where she replies, My God can change it. And my God is a God of Love. Oh, how magnificent!
   And by force of repeating this to him, he yields She replies in this way to EVERYTHING.
   Divine Love.
   Its the only thing.
   Sri Aurobindo has explained it in Savitri. Only when Divine Love has manifested in all its purity will everything yield, will it all yieldit will then be done.
   Its the only thing that can do it.
   Sri Aurobindo had also written to the effect, If Divine Love were to manifest now in all its fullness and totality, not a single material organism would but burst. So we must learn to widen, widen, widen not only the inner consciousness (that is relatively easyat least feasible), but even this conglomeration of cells. And Ive experienced this: you have to be able to widen this sort of crystallization if you want to be able to hold this Force. I know. Two or three times, upstairs (in Mothers room), I felt the body about to burst. Actually, I was on the verge of saying, burst and be done with. But Sri Aurobindo always intervenedall three times he intervened in an entirely tangible, living and concrete way and he arranged everything so that I was forced to wait.
   Then weeks go by, sometimes even months, between one thing and another, so that some elasticity may come into these stupid cells.

0 1960-11-15, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   While it was all coming up, I thought, How is this possible? For during those years of my life (Im now outside things; I do them but Im entirely outside, so they dont involve mewhether its like this or like that makes no difference to me; Im only doing my work, thats all), I was already conscious, but nevertheless I was IN what I was doing to a certain extent; I was this web of social life (but thank God it wasnt here in India, for had it been here I could not have withstood it! I think that even as a child I would have smashed everything, because here its even worse than over there). You see, there its its a bit less constricting, a bit looser, you can slip through the mesh from time to time to brea the some air. But here, according to what Ive learned from people and what Sri Aurobindo told me, its absolutely unbearable (its the same in Japan, absolutely unbearable). In other words, you cant help but smash everything. Over there, you sometimes get a breath of air, but still its quite relative. And this morning I wondered (you see, for years I lived in that way for years and years) just as I was wondering, How was I ABLE to live that and not kick out in every direction?, just as I was looking at it, I saw up above, above this (it is worse than horrible, it is a kind of Oh, not despair, for there isnt even any sense of feeling there is NOTHING! It is dull, dull, dull gray, gray, gray, clenched tight, a closed web that lets through neither air nor life nor lightthere is nothing) and just then I saw a splendor of such sweet light above itso sweet, so full of true Love, true compassion something so warm, so warm the relief, the solace of an eternity of sweetness, light, beauty, in an eternity of patience which feels neither the past nor the inanity and imbecility of thingsit was so wonderful! That was entirely the feeling it gave, and I said to myself, THAT is what made you live, without THAT it would not have been possible. Oh, it would not have been possible I would not have lived even three days! THAT is there, ALWAYS there, awaiting its hour, if we would only let it in.
   It was no longer this (that is, life as it is on earth) becoming conscious of That (the eternal soul, this portion of the Supreme as Sri Aurobindo said); it was the eternal soul seeing life in its own way but without separation, without any separation, not like something looking from above that feels itself to be different How strange it is! Its not something else, its NOT something else, its not even a distortion, not even Its losing its illusory quality as described in the old spiritualities thats not what it is! In my experience, there was there was clearly an emotion I cant describe it, there are no words. It wasnt a feeling, it was something like an emotion, a vibration of such TOTAL closeness and at the same time of compassion, a compassion of Love. (Oh, words are so pitiful! ) One was this outer thing, which was the total negation of the other and AT THE SAME TIME the other, without the least separation between them. It WAS the other. So what was born in one was born in the other as well, in this eternal light. A sweetness of identity, precisely, an identity that was necessarily such total understanding with such perfect Love but Love says it poorly, all words are poor! Its not that; its something else! Its something that cannot be expressed.
   I lived that this morning, upstairs.

0 1960-12-25, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   With Love.
   Signed: Satprem

0 1961-01-07, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother gives Satprem a rose.) This is the Tenderness of the Divine for for himself! The tenderness He has for his creation. Creation I dont like that word, as if it all were created from nothing! It is He himself, creating with all his tenderness. Some of these roses get quite big; theyre so Lovely!
   And I am how to put it? Nothing we say is ever absolutely true, but, to stretch it a bit, while I am not worried, not perturbed, not discouraged, I feel I cant get anything done; I spend all my time, all my time, seeing people, receiving and answering lettersdoing nothing. I havent touched my translation1 for over a week. T. sent me her notebook with questions and I had it for two weeks before I found time to answer.2 Nothing is ready for the Bulletin except what you have done.

0 1961-01-10, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   49To feel and Love the God of beauty and good in the ugly and the evil, and still yearn in utter Love to heal it of its ugliness and its evil, this is real virtue and morality.1
   Do you have a question?
   How can one collaborate in curing the evil and ugliness seen everywhere? By loving? What is the power of Love? What effect can an individual consciousness, acting alone, have on the rest of mankind?
   How to collaborate in curing evil and ugliness? We can say that theres a kind of hierarchic scale of collaboration or action; a negative cooperation and a positive cooperation.
   Put this way, there is no need to bring the principle of Love into our explanation. But if we want to know or understand the nature of the Force or Power that permits and accomplishes this transformation (specially in the case of evil, but for ugliness to some extent as well), we see that of all powers, Love is obviously the mightiest, the most integralintegral in that it applies to all cases. Its even mightier than the power of purification which dissolves bad wills and is, in a way, master over the adverse forces, but which doesnt have the direct transforming power; because the power of purification Must FIRST dissolve in order to form again later. It destroys one form to make a better one from it, while Love doesnt need to dissolve in order to transform: it has the direct transforming power. Love is like a flame changing the hard into the malleable, then sublimating even the malleable into a kind of purified vapor. It doesnt destroy: it transforms.
   Love, in its essence and in its origin, is like a white flame obliterating ALL resistances. You can have the experience yourself: whatever the difficulty in your being, whatever the weight of accumulated mistakes, the ignorance, incapacity, bad will, a single SECOND of this Lovepure, essential, suprememelts everything in its almighty flame. One single moment and an entire past can vanish. One single TOUCH of That in its essence and the whole burden is consumed.
   Its easy to understand how someone who has this experience can spread it and act upon others, since to have it you must touch the unique, supreme Essence of the whole manifestation the Origin and the Essence, the Source and the Reality of all that is; then you immediately enter the realm of Unity where there is no more separation among individuals: its a single vibration that can repeat itself endlessly in outer forms.2
   And when the day comes for the manifestation of supreme Lovea crystalized, concentrated descent of supreme Love that will truly be the hour of Transformation, for nothing will be able to resist That.
   But as its all-powerful, a certain receptivity must be prepared on earth so its effects are not devastating. Sri Aurobindo has explained it in one of his letters. Someone asked him, Why doesnt this Love come now?, and he replied something like this: If divine Love in its essence were to manifest on earth, it would be like an explosion; for the earth is not supple enough or receptive enough to widen to the measure of this Love. The earth must not only open itself but become wide and supple. Matternot just physical Matter, but the substance of the physical consciousness as wellis still much too rigid.

0 1961-01-12, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Consider the case of a woman with many friends, and these friends are very fond of her for her special capacities, her pleasant company, and because they feel they can always learn something from her. Then all of a sudden, through a quirk of circumstances, she finds herself socially ostracizedbecause she may have gone off with another man, or may be living with someone out of wedlockall those social mores with no value in themselves. And all her friends (I dont speak of those who truly Love her), all her social friends who welcomed her, who smiled so warmly when passing her on the street, suddenly look the other way and march by without a glance. This has happened right here in the Ashram! I wont give the details, but it has happened several times when something conflicted with accepted social norms: the people who had shown so much affection, so much kindness oh! Sometimes they even said, Shes a lost woman!
   I must say that when this happens here. In the world at large it seems quite normal, but when this happens here it always gives me a bit of a shock, in the sense that I say to myself, So theyre still at that level!
   For ever Love, O beautiful slave of God3
   That alone existed.

0 1961-01-22, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I simply consented to stay there. You will have all you need, stay here quietly. And what beautiful things she had, Lovely things! They were unused and dusty. (It was surely the symbol of ancient realizationsrealizations of the ancient Rishis, things like that. Who knows?) They were first class, but completely neglected and thick with dust, like material objects left unusedwhich no one knew HOW to use. She put them at my disposal: Look, look, let me show you! There was a tremendous accumulation of things, piled in such great confusion that one couldnt see. Yet the marvel of it was that when she led me to a corner to show me something, everything immediately moved aside and order was restored, so that the object she wanted to show me stood out all by itself. And oh, a thing of beauty! Made of pink marble! A pink marble bathtub of a shape I didnt recognizenot Roman, not antique (not modern, far from it!)how beautiful it was! And whenever she wanted to show me something in this untidy and cluttered room full of objects piled one on top of another, they would organize themselves, take their proper place, and all became neat. You will just have to dust them off a bit, she said. (Mother laughs)
   But Im not surprised it came down on you.
   Savitri is really a condensation, a concentration of the universal Mother the eternal universal Mother, Mother of all universes from all eternityin an earthly personality for the Earths salvation. And Satyavan is the soul of the Earth, the Earths jiva. So when the Lord says, he whom you Love and whom you have chosen, it means the earth. All the details are there! When she comes back down, when Death has yielded at last, when all has been settled and the Supreme tells her, Go, go with him, the one you have chosen, how does Sri Aurobindo describe it? He says that she very carefully takes the SOUL of Satyavan into her arms, like a little child, to pass through all the realms and come back down to earth. Everything is there! He hasnt forgotten a single detail to make it easy to understand for someone who knows how to understand. And it is when Savitri reaches the earth that Satyavan regains his full human stature.
   These seem to be the forces ruling the subconscious mechanisms or reactions of the body: all the automatism produced by evolution and atavismwhat might be termed evolutionary habits. This is the 'descending path,' which started forty years earlier, as Mother said (or the 'physical plunge' referred to by Sri Aurobindo), leading to the pure cellular consciousness.

0 1961-01-24, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   You see, originally these pariahs were people who took their delight (their pleasure) in filth and falsehood, in crime, in violence and robberyit was a joy for them. They had castes among themselves; there is still a caste of brigands nearby I once went to their village to have a lookpeople who always keep a dagger on them, they Love to play with daggers. They stea l not so much out of need as out of pleasure. And dirty-they abhor cleanliness! And they will lie even if they have to contradict themselves fifteen minutes later, for the sheer delight of lying.
   What an atmosphere it creates! Its palpable (Mother fingers the air).

0 1961-02-07, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The other is to find something worth concentrating upon that diverts your attention from your small, personal self. The most effective is a big ideal, but there are innumerable things that enter into this category. Most commonly, people choose marriage, because it is the most easily available (Mother laughs). To Love somebody and to Love children makes you busy and compels you to forget your own self a little. But it is rarely successful, because Love is not a common thing.
   Others turn to art, others to science; some choose a social or a political life, etc., etc.
   It has been good for it (not externally, but inwardly, for its state of consciousness: the body-consciousness), it has done the body some good, but. Now its like this (Mother opens her hands in a gesture of total surrender). For each blow it receives (its a bludgeoning, my child!), for each blow, it remains like this (same gesture). Yesterday, to make it happy, I wrote down something like this (concerning its latest difficulty): If this present difficulty is useful (its the body addressing the Lord, and the Lord. its a perpetual adoration: all the cells vibrate, vibrate with the joy of Love; yet despite that ), if this or that difficulty is useful for Your Workso be it. But if it is an effect of my stupidity (its the body speaking), if its an effect of my own stupidity, then I beseech You to cure me of this stupidity as quickly as possible.
   It doesnt ask to be cured of the illness! It doesnt ask, it is ready; All right, it says. As long as I can keep going, I will keep going. As long as I can last, I will last. But thats not what Im asking for: I am asking to be cured of my stupidity. I believe this is what enables it to yes, what gives it the necessary endurance.

0 1961-02-11, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Kali symbolizes the destroying or warrior-like aspect of the universal Mother: it is she who severs all bonds ... out of Love.
   The 'pipe' is obviously symbolic.

0 1961-02-18, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   How living, vibrant! Isnt it Lovely!
   Oh, the other day I had some zinnias (Endurance)literally works of art, as though each petal had been painted, and all together so harmonious and so varied at the same time. Oh, Nature is wonderful! In the end, we are just copycats, and clumsy ones at that.

0 1961-02-25, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   All our aspirations, all our seekings, all our ascents always remind me of that flower I gave you the other day16: its something like that (Mother makes a vague, ethereal gesture), vibrating, vibrating, vibrating, very luminous, very delicate, essentially very Lovely (silence) but it is not THAT (Mother again turns her hand over to indicate an abrupt reversal). It is not That.

0 1961-03-04, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Look, its Enthusiasm, see how beautiful it is! It must be put in water right away, otherwise. It needs vital force and water is vital force. Its Lovely! What fantasy! And this one is the Consciousness one with the Divine Consciousness,1 but supramentalizedbeginning to be supramentalized. And here is a very pretty Promise of Realization2, and heres Balance3 and the Peace of Faithfulness.4
   There you are, mon petit.

0 1961-03-07, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother gives more flowers) This one is more on the personal side: Friendship with the Divine2, the friendly relationship you can have with the Divineyou understand each other, you dont fear each other, youre good friends! And this one is a wonder! (Mother gives Divine Love Governing the World3) What strength! Its generous, expansive, without narrowness, pettiness, or limitationswhen that comes.
   Its a rather difficult business and could last a long time: I dont want it to stay dormant and then resurface with the next attack of this or that. So I am proceeding slowly and cautiously, which means it takes time: I concentrate and work on it for one hour after lunch every day. (I used to do my translation then, but since Im at least two or three years ahead of the Bulletin, it doesnt matter, I wont be delaying the work! I have almost finished The Yoga of Divine Love; now theres only The Yoga of Self-Perfection thats quite a job, oh! I miss itthis translation was my pleasure.) But the work on the body is useful something must be attempted in life; we are here to do something new, arent we?!
   But were you bitten like that by accident?

0 1961-03-11, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Oh! (Mother notices the flowers in her hands) This is Supramental Beauty,2 this is Supramental Victory and this is the Endurance3 needed to get there and the Promise.4 Then this one is a lily that grows here (Mother looks at it for a long time) and inside I have put Attachment for the Divine5I brought it for you because its so Lovely.
   What are we working on today? (Mother looks at Sri Aurobindos Aphorisms) Ive already begun replying!
   A similar memory has recurred several times under different circumstancesnot exactly the same scene and the same images, because it wasnt something I was seeing but A LIFE I was living. During a certain period, at any time, night or day, I would experience a particular state of trance in which I was rediscovering a life I had lived. I was fully conscious that this life had to do with the first flowering of the human form upon earth, the first human forms able to incarnate the divine being from above. This was the first time I could manifest in a particular terrestrial form (not a general life but an individual form); that is, for the first time, through the mentalization of this material substance, the junction between the higher Being and the lower being was made. I have lived that several times, and always in a similar setting and with quite a similar feeling of such joyous simplicity, without complexity, without problems, without all these questions. It was the blossoming of a joy of lifenothing but that; Love and harmony prevailed: flowers, minerals, animals all got along together perfectly.
   Things began to go wrong only a LONG time afterwards, long after (but this is a personal impression), probably because certain mental crystallizations were necessary, inevitable, for the general evolution, so that the mind might prepare itself to move on to something else. That was when oh, it seems like a fall into a pitinto ugliness, darkness! Everything became so dark, so ugly, so difficult, so painful. Really really the sense of a fall.

0 1961-03-27, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Yesterday, while waiting for X, I was as usual in communion with the Supreme in his aspect of Love. Suddenly I felt X arriving and spontaneously, like a Veda, a movement of gratitude for his great goodwill arose from my heart, and it was formulated as a prayer to the Supreme: Give him [X] the bliss of Your Love and the joys of Your Truth.
   For a long time X has said nothing about his meditations with me, but just yesterday he told N. that he had some difficulty at the start of the meditation due to the presence of an adverse force, and it took him five minutes to overcome it!
   And for me the experience was so clear! So Lovely and so spontaneous! And its the first timeat the very beginning of our relationship, I had often concentrated on X to thank him for what he had done, but this is the first time it came like that: such a sweet, sweet atmosphere, so luminous, so radiant. Then in the afternoon N. tells me this [that an adverse force was present in the atmosphere]!
   I had felt NOTHING. Nothing.
   No, thats not it. Things go on. I dont know, I have no idea. I cant say exactly what it is, but. Its a. Dont know. In any case, it seems obvious that the NATURE of the contact must become very different. Because in proportion to this detachment, the reality of the Vibration and especially the vibration of divine Lovekeeps growing and growing (out of all proportion to the body, even) in a FORMIDABLE manner, formidable! The body is beginning to feel nothing but that.
   Is this detachment necessary, then, for divine Love to be established? I dont know.
   Yes, its as if I were living, as if the BODY were living (despite all the illnesses and attacks, all the ill will besetting it), living in a bath of the divine vibrationbathing in something immenseimmense, immense limitless, and so stable! The body lives in it like this (gesture as if Mother were floating). So even when there is what we call physical pain, even when there are blows to morale (like having a cashier ask you for money and you have none to give him5), well, despite it all, despite all the possible complications (coming all at the same time), EVERYTHING, everything that happens now, even things which seem extremely unpleasant to our mental conceptions or our mental reactions, everything is a bath, a bath of the vibration of divine Love. So much so that if I didnt control my body, I would be smiling at everything all the time like an idiot. A beatific smile for everything (I dont show it because I control myself).
   (silence, the clock strikes the hour)
   Its one thing to have the spiritual experience of the illusion of material life (some find this painful, but I found it so wonderfully beautiful and happy that it was one of the Loveliest experiences of my life); but now the whole spiritual construction as one has lived it is becoming a total illusion! Not the same illusion, a far more serious illusion.
   If That was not there. Obviously, That [divine Love] is here, like a mattress placed so you wont break your neck when you fall. Thats precisely the feeling: this experience of the vibration of divine Love is the mattress so you dont break your neck!
   So, petit, dont brood; whatever your difficulties may be (laughing), you can tell yourself they are only beginning!

0 1961-04-07, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There have been moments, you know, in supreme experiences of perfect union in a wondrous Love, when I have turned towards the worldsimply turned the consciousness for a second towards the world as it is (with the aspiration, I remember, for EVERYTHING to participate) and in that state of ecstasy, really, there were tears of burning sorrow. It happened just like that.
   Theoretically, it shouldnt be that way, but in fact it is. Something will never be perfect until this accident has been abolished.

0 1961-04-12, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Oh, what Lovely cat stories! That was a whole period for many, many years. Many years.
   Mind you, I would never have considered having any, but two cats were already there when I came to the house. They were not very interesting cats, but they became the parents of the one I just told you about (those boys who were living with Sri Aurobindo had already had some experience; they knew quite a few things about cats), and that was the origin of all the cats I had here. But people (you know how simplistic they always are!) believed I had some special attachment for cats, so then of course everybody started keeping cats! It was no use my telling them, No, its a particular study were making I wanted to see, to learn certain things, and I learned what I had to but now that I have moved to another house, the cat era is over; the old friends are gone, only the younger generation is left. I gave them all away and said) Thats enough. But its hard to make people understandsome people here have 25 cats! Thats unreasonable! Its not the way to deal with cats. You have to look after them as I did, and then it becomes interesting.

0 1961-04-25, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The first thing I did this morning was to open this book by Alice Bailey (Ive had it for several days, I had to have a look at it). So I looked Ah, I saidwell, well! Heres a person whos dead now, but she was the disciple of a Tibetan Buddhist lama and considered a very great spiritual leader, and she writes, Christ is the incarnation of divine Love on earth. And thats that. And the world will be transformed when Christ is reborn, when he comes back to earth. But why the devil does she put Christ? Because she was born Christian? Its deplorable.
   And such a mixture of everythingeverything! Instead of making a synthesis, they make a pot-pourri. They scoop it all up, toss it together, whip it up a little, use a bunch of words that have nothing to do with one another, and then serve it to you!
   Here, this is Grace.5 Here, Balance6 (how Lovely!). Here, Light without Obscurity.7 And this is purity: an Integral Conversion8 (in the cup of this flower, Mother has placed two other flowers: Service9 and Sri Aurobindos Compassion10), an integral conversion, with Sri Aurobindo, with his compassionhis compassion which gives us the opportunity to serve him.
   Oh, mon petit, we need to say something a bit intelligent, dont you think? Im counting on you.
   But what can be translated is this kind of sensation that the sequence of cause and effect, of purpose, of goal, all seems to be very far below, very, very DISTANT, very humanperhaps divine, too (from the viewpoint of the gods it may be like this also, I dont know), because in the consciousness of the universal Mother it is still there, there is still this ardent Love to serve: To do Your Will. That is still there, so its there with the gods also.

0 1961-05-19, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It was truly Lovely. Then I gave my reason a good poke: How stupid can you be! You always forget the essential.
   It was very spontaneous and quite Lovely.
   So there you are-things like that happen, one thing or another, but its nothing.

0 1961-06-02, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Thou who Lovest, Thou who understandest us
   just as we are, because it is Thyself
   for one who will listen, understand, Love and guide,
   since always Thou art there

0 1961-06-06, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Oh, it was so Lovely yesterday! The whole dayand all, all, all was the same as nowall the circumstances, the condition of the body, everything. It cant even be said that in one case the body was well and in the other it wasntit isnt true, it was all the same thing, all was the same. But in one case you floatyou float in a beatific light which carries you for all Eternity; and in the other case you seem to be walking through shifting sands without seeing clearly, without understandingdeadened, absolutely deadened.
   Thats why I had difficulty listening to you just now [during the work], because since last night I have been constantly facing this problem, and all morning long Ive had to you know, do like this (Mother clenches her fist, as though getting a grip on herself) in order to come here and listen. I didnt feel like seeing anyone, doing anything only staying like this (Mother keeps still, her arms at her sides) until that problem is willing to explain itself.
   But if you had seen me yesterday. I would probably have said nothing, but it was so Lovely! Exactly the same thing, the same people, the same circumstances, the same conditions in the body. Everything, everything was the same.
   But wasnt it universal waveswasnt this malaise something cosmic rather than personal?

0 1961-07-07, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Lucky man! I would Love to read it again.
   And the more you read, the more marvelous it becomes.

0 1961-07-12, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Manifest Your Love.
   This is the highest summit of the possibility of manifestation.

0 1961-07-15, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   To be in a condition in which all is the Supreme, all is wonderful, all is marvelous, all is marvelous Love, all is all is profound Joyan unchanging, immutable, ever-present condition. To live in That, and then to have this bodily substance contradict it through every possible stupiditylosing sight, losing strength, pains here, pains there, disorders, weaknesses, incapacities of every type. And at the SAME TIME, the response within this body, no matter what happens to it, is, O Lord, Your Grace is infinite. The contradiction is VERY disconcerting.
   From experience, I know perfectly well that when one is satisfied with being a saint or a sage and constantly maintains the right attitude, all goes well the body doesnt get sick, and even if there are attacks it recovers very easily; all goes very well AS LONG AS THERE IS NOT THIS WILL TO TRANSFORM. All the difficulties arise in protest against the will to transform; while if one says, Very well, its all right, let things be as they are, I dont care, I am perfectly happy, in a blissful state, then the body begins to feel content!

0 1961-07-18, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Sri Aurobindo always said that cruelty was one of the things most repugnant to him, but he explained it as the deformation of an intensity. We could almost call it the deformation of an intensity of Love something not satisfied with half-measures, something driven to extremes (which is legitimate)its the deformation of the need for extremely strong sensations.
   I have always known that cruelty, like sadism, is the need to cut through a thick layer of totally insensitive tamas1 by means of extremely violent sensationan extreme is needed if anything is to be felt through that tamas. I was always told, for example (in Japan it was strongly emphasized to me), that the people of the Far East are very tamasic physically. The Chinese in particular are said to be the remnants of a race that inhabited the moon before it froze over and forced them to seek refuge on earth (this is supposed to account for their round faces and the shape of their eyes!). Anyway (laughing), its a story people tell! But theyre extremely tamasic; their physical sensibility is almost nilappalling things are required to make them feel anything! And since they naturally presume that what applies to them applies to everyone, they are capable of appalling cruelty. Not all of them, of course! But this is their reputation. Have you read Mirbeaus book? (I believe thats his name.) I read it sixty years ago something on Chinese torture.
   But its so Lovely when this Harmony comes. You know, puttering about, arranging papers, setting a drawer in order. It all sings, its Lovely, so joyous and luminous so delightful! And all, all, all. All material things, all activities, eating, dressing, everything becomes delightful when this harmony is there, delightful. Everything works out smoothly, its so harmonious, theres no friction. You see you see a joyous, luminous Grace manifesting in all things, ALL things, even those we normally regard as utterly unimportant. But then, if this Harmony withdraws, everythingexactly the SAME conditions, the SAME things, the SAME circumstancesbecomes painful, tiresome, drawn out, difficult, laborious, oh! Its like this, and like that (Mother tilts her hand from side to side as on a narrow frontier) like this, like that.
   It makes you sense so clearly that things in themselves dont count. What we call things in themselves are of no true importance! What really counts is the relationship of consciousness to these things. And theres a formidable power in this, since in one instance you touch something and drop or mishandle it, while in the other its so Lovely, it works so smoothly. Even the most difficult movements are made without difficulty. Its an unheard-of power! We dont give it importance because it has no grandiose effects, its not spectacular. Yes, there are indeed states of grace when one is in the presence of a great difficulty and suddenly has all the power needed to face ityes, but thats something else. I am speaking of a power active in ordinary life.
   There was an instance of this the other day: someone in a completely detestable mood wrote me a letter; it was impossible, I couldnt reply I didnt know what to say. I simply applied the Force and remained like this (gesture of an offering to the Light). I said, We shall see. Several hours later (I knew I was going to see this person) I didnt even know if I was going to say I had read the letteror rather if what I was going to say would result from having read it. I had come to that pointnothing. But that very morning a little circumstance occurred that changed everything! And when I met the person I knew immediately what had to be said, what had to be done, and everything worked out.

0 1961-07-28, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There are two lines in the ancient traditions, two ways of explaining this. One says it is by the descent of what already exists in all its perfection that what is involved can be awakened to consciousness and evolution. Its like the old story: when what Sri Aurobindo calls the universal Mother or the Shakti (or Sachchidananda1) realized what had happened in Matter (that is, in what had created Matter) and that this involution had led to a state of Inconscience, total unconsciousness, the ancient lore says that at once the divine Love descended straight from the Lord into Matter and began to awaken what was involved there.
   Other traditions speak of the Consciousness, the divine Consciousness, instead of Love. One even finds accounts full of imagery depicting a Being of prismatic light lying in deep sleep in the cave of the Inconscient; and this Descent awakens him to an activity which is still (how to put it?) inner, an immobile activity, an activity by radiation. Countless rays issue from his body and spread throughout the Inconscient, and little by little they awaken in each thing, in each atom, as it were, the aspiration to Consciousness and the beginning of evolution.
   I have had this experience.
   I have had the experience of being missioned, so to speak, in a form of Love and Consciousness combineddivine Love in its supreme purity, divine Consciousness in its supreme purity and emanated DIRECTLY, without passing through all the intermediate states, directly into the nethermost depths of the Inconscient. And there I had the impression of being, or rather of finding a symbolic Being in deep sleep so veiled that he was almost invisible. Then, at my contact, the veil seemed to be rent and, without his awakening, there was a sort of radiation spreading out. I can still see my vision.2
   There is always what could almost be called a popular way of presenting things. Take the whole Story of the Creation, of how things have come about: it can be told as an unfolding story (this is what Theon did in a book he called The Traditionhe told the whole story in the Biblical manner, with psychological knowledge hidden in symbols and forms). There is a psychological manner of telling things and a metaphysical manner. The metaphysical, for me, is almost incomprehensible; its uninteresting (or interesting only to minds that are made that way). An almost childish, illustrative way of telling things seems more evocative to me than any metaphysical theory (but this is a personal opinion and of no great moment!). The psychological approach is more dynamic for transformation, and Sri Aurobindo usually adopted it. He doesnt tell us stories (I was the one who told him stories! Images are very evocative for me). But if one combines the two approaches. Actually, to be philosophical, one would have to combine the three. But I have always found the metaphysical approach ineffective; it doesnt lead to realization but only gives people the IDEA that they know, when they really know nothing at all. From the standpoint of push, of a dynamic urge towards transformation, the psychological approach is obviously the most powerful. But the other [the symbolic approach] is Lovelier!
   In The Hour of God, theres a whole diagram of the Manifestation made by Sri Aurobindo3: first comes this, then comes that, then comes the other, and so fortha whole sequence. They published this in the book in all seriousness, but I must say that Sri Aurobindo did it for fun (I saw him do it). Someone had spoken to him about different religions, different philosophical methods Theosophy, Madame Blavatski, all those people (there was Theon, too). Well, each one had made his diagram. So Sri Aurobindo said, I can make a diagram, too, and mine will be much more complete! When he finished it, he laughed and said, But its only a diagram, its just for fun. They published it very solemnly, as if he had made a very serious proclamation. Oh, its a very complicated diagram!
   The way Theon told it, there was first the universal Mother (he didnt call her the universal Mother, but Sri Aurobindo used that name), the universal Mother in charge of creation. For creating she made four emanations: Consciousness or Light; Life; Love or Beatitude and (Mother tries in vain to remember the fourth) I must have cerebral anemia today! In India they speak only of three: Sat-Chit-Ananda (Sat is Existence, expressed by Life; Chit is Consciousness, expressed by Power; Ananda is Bliss, synonymous with Love). But according to Theon, there were four (I knew them by heart). Well, these emanations (Theon narrated it in such a way that someone not a philosopher, someone with a childlike mind, could understand), these emanations, conscious of their own power, separated themselves from their Origin; that is, instead of being entirely surrendered to the supreme Will and expressing only. Ah, the fourth emanation is Truth! Instead of carrying out only the supreme Will, they seem to have acquired a sense of personal power. (They were personalities of sorts, universal personalities, each representing a mode of being.) Instead of remaining connected, they cut the linkeach acted on his own, to put it simply. Then, naturally, Light became darkness, Life became death, Bliss became suffering and Truth became falsehood. And these are the four great Asuras: the Asura of Inconscience, the Asura of Falsehood, the Asura of Suffering and the Asura of Death.
   Once this had occurred, the divine Consciousness turned towards the Supreme and said (Mother laughs): Well, heres what has happened. Whats to be done? Then from the Divine came an emanation of Love (in the first emanation it wasnt Love, it was Ananda, Bliss, the Delight of being which became Suffering), and from the Supreme came Love; and Love descended into this domain of Inconscience, the result of the creation of the first emanation, Consciousness Consciousness and Light had become Inconscience and Darkness. Love descended straight from the Supreme into this Inconscience; the Supreme, that is, created a new emanation, which didnt pass through the intermediate worlds (because, according to the story, the universal Mother first created all the gods who, when they descended, remained in contact with the Supreme and created all the intermediate worlds to counterbalance this fallits the old story of the Fall, this fall into the Inconscient. But that wasnt enough). Simultaneously with the creation of the gods, then, came this direct Descent of Love into Matter, without passing through all the intermediate worlds. Thats the story of the first Descent. But youre speaking of the descent heralded by Sri Aurobindo, the Supramental Descent, arent you?
   Not only that. For example, Sri Aurobindo says that when Life appeared there was a pressure from below, from evolution, to make Life emerge from Matter, and simultaneously a descent of Life from its own plane. Then, when Mind emerged out of Life, the same thing from above happened again. Why this intervention from above each time? Why dont things emerge normally, one after another, without needing a descent?

0 1961-08-02, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I knew how it was with her because I remember the days when Sri Aurobindo was here and I used to go downstairs to give meditations to the people assembled in the hall. Theres a ledge above the pillars there, where all the gods used to sitShiva, Krishna, Lakshmi, the Trimurti, all of them the little ones, the big ones, they all used to come regularly, every day, to attend these meditations. It was a Lovely sight. But they didnt have this kind of adoration for the Supreme. They had no use for that concepteach one, in his own mode of being, was fully aware of his own eternal divinity; and each one knew as well that he could represent all the others (such was the basis of popular worship,7 and they knew it). They felt they were a kind of community, but they had none of those qualities that the psychic life gives: no deep Love, no deep sympathy, no sense of union. They had only the sense of their OWN divinity. They had certain very particular movements, but not this adoration for the Supreme nor the feeling of being instruments: they felt they were representing the Supreme, and so each one was perfectly satisfied with his particular representation.
   Except for Krishna. In 1926, I had begun a sort of overmental creation, that is, I had brought the Overmind down into matter, here on earth (miracles and all kinds of things were beginning to happen). I asked all these gods to incarnate, to identify themselves with a body (some of them absolutely refused). Well, with my very own eyes I saw Krishna, who had always been in rapport with Sri Aurobindo, consent to come down into his body. It was on November 24th, and it was the beginning of Mother.8
   Consciousness or Light, Life, Love or Bliss, and Truth, which then became the first four asuras or demons.
   See Thoughts and Glimpses: 'What then was the commencement of the whole matter? Existence that multiplied itself for sheer delight of being and plunged into numberless trillions of forms so that it might find itself innumerably.... And what is the end of the whole matter? As if honey could taste itself and all its drops together and all its drops could taste each other and each the whole honeycomb as itself, so should the end be with God and the soul of man and the universe.'
   Devotion, Love for the Divine.
   After 1958.

0 1961-08-05, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There was another reason. My father was wonderfully healthy and strongwell-balanced. He wasnt very tall, but stocky. He did all his studies in Austria (at that time French was widely spoken in Austria, but he knew German, he knew English, Italian, Turkish), and there he had learned to ride horses in an extraordinary manner: he was so strong that he could bring a horse to the ground simply by pressing his knees. He could break anything at all with a blow of his fist, even one of those big silver five-franc pieces they had in those daysone blow and it was broken in two. Curiously enough, he looked Russian. I dont know why. They used to call him Barine. What an equilibriuman extraordinary physical poise! And not only did this man know all those languages, but I never saw such a brain for arithmetic. Never. He made a game of calculationsnot the slightest effortcalculations with hundreds of digits! And on top of it, he Loved birds. He had a room to himself in our apartment (because my mother could never much tolerate him), he had his separate room, and in it he kept a big cage full of canaries! During the day he would close the windows and let all the canaries loose.
   And could he tell stories! I think he read every novel available, all the stories he could findextraordinary adventure stories, for he Loved adventures. When we were kids he used to let us come into his room very early in the morning and, while still sitting in bed, tell us stories from the books he had read but he told them as if they were his own, as if hed had extraordinary adventures with outlaws, with wild animals. Every story he picked up he told as his own. We enjoyed it tremendously!
   But one day when my brother had disobeyed him (Matteo must have been ten or eleven, and I perhaps nine or ten), I came into the dining room and saw my father sitting on a sofa with my brother across his knees; he had pulled down his trousers and was spanking him, I dont know what for. It wasnt a very serious spanking, but still. I came in, drew myself up to my full height and said, Papa, if you ever do that again, I am leaving this house! And with such authority, mon petit! He stopped and never did it again.

0 1961-08-18, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Here (Mother gives some flowers), this is the Generosity1 of inspiration, and this is the crowning achievement [Divine Love2].
   So, petit, everything all right? Yes?

0 1961-08-25, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Nowadays I always spend a part of the night in the realm of expression, a realm where generally I never used to go at all. Its a very Lovely place, very human in the sense that its not a scene from Nature: there are huge rooms and great, highly intellectual arrangements; yet its very Lovely, with such a clear and limpid atmosphereall in clear shades (Mother gives up trying to describe it). Oh, its so luminous and Lovely, very well organized, as far as the eye can see; it seems as big as the earth. The rooms are roofless, just imagine! Huge roofless rooms flooded with light, and transparent partitions. And the people inside seem very, very awarenot a lot of people, but extremely studious and attentive, and they are creating arrangements of things. They must be people writing books. They are making compositionsoh, if you knew how Lovely it was! Its as if they were taking colors and more or less geometrical forms and placing them in relation to one another. There are huge pigeonholes where everything is in order, and yet without doors, not closed upwide open and still completely protected. An interesting place. I dont usually go there Ive gone maybe two or three times in my life, without paying much attention but lately, because of this book you are writing, Sri Aurobindo is taking me there all the time.
   And there are people with no countryhe takes me to a place where the people have no country, no race, no special costume they seem very universal. And they move around harmoniously, silently, as though they were gliding and with precision, everything is extremely precise. Some of them have even shown me things: there were some Lovely colored papers! But these colors are unearthly, somehow transparent. They were arranging it all, demonstrating and explaining to me how it has to be arranged to give the maximum effect.
   I have seen you there several times. You were wearing something similar to what you are wearing now [dhoti]: not European they wear the costume of no particular country. Its usually white, but not made of cloth. Its all on a VERY luminous, very orderly, very clear mental plane-no objects lying around, only things like sheets of paper, which seem to be ideas or compositions of ideas, but no clutter. Its vast, vast, so vast you can see no end to it! And up above its wide open, and a light is constantly descending. What you walk on is a little more solid, but not much more. Its an interesting place.

0 1961-10-02, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The story began with an entirely concrete and material incident something very amusing; this is not the first time it has happened, but it was so concrete and so precise that it became interesting. Someone was complaining of being ill, quite a serious, psychological illness: periodic possession by a spirit of falsehood, recurring regularly every month, of more or less long duration. This person comes to see me, and the moment shes here theres an upwelling of that profound Compassion of Love, with a considerable, concentrated Power to drive away the possession; and all of this accompanied, even outwardly, by quite an affectionate gesture. This person leaves and within half an hour I receive a letter: Now I know: you hate me, you want me to be ill and you want me to die because I disgust you.
   It was interesting because it was so concrete. I was conscious of my movement of compassion and Love and of what it had become in the other persons consciousness!
   Its very easy to explain: she was already more than half possessed, and of course this spirit of falsehood hardly felt comfortable! And the identification2 (not only mental but sensory, vital) was so complete that she felt this Love as a movement of hatred. When I saw the two phenomena, I also saw that this is exactly what happens in the world! Its exactly what EVERYONE is.
   I must add that the experience came after I had been concentrating for three days (concentrating almost constantly) on finding an explanation for this: why has it become this way? It is impossible to find the why because its the reason asking and this goes beyond reason but what is the MECHANISM? Finding the mechanism would already be somethingto have the experience of the mechanism. And then came this CONCRETE superposition of the vibration of Love and the reception of hate. But this is exactly what happens! I said. The Lord is All- Love, All-Truth, All-Bliss, All-Deligh tHe is CONSTANTLY like thatand the world, especially the human world, constantly receives him in the other way. And the two things are superposed (Mother covers her left hand with her right).
   Words dont convey anything; it was the experience. I made contact. It was very interesting. It lasted a long time, some two or three days. Since it was also linked to a state of healtha headache that had to be curedit bore its consequences: a crystal clear explanation of illness came. But I must again add something that preceded this.

0 1961-10-30, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The secret lies in matter. Because Agni is imprisoned in matter and we ourselves are imprisoned there. It is said that Agni is without head or feet, that it conceals its two extremities: above, it disappears into the great heaven of the supraconscient (which the Rishis also called the great ocean), and below, it sinks into the formless ocean of the inconscient (which they also called the rock). We are truncated. But the Rishis were men of a solid realism, a true realism resting upon the Spirit; and since the summits of mind opened out upon a lacuna of lightecstatic, to be sure, but with no hold over the worldthey set upon the downward way.6 Thus begins the quest for the lost sun, the long pilgrimage of descent into the inconscient and the merciless fight against the dark forces, the thieves of the sun, the panis and vritras, pythons and giants, hidden in the dark lair with the whole cohort of usurpers: the dualizers, the confiners, the tearers, the COVERERS. But the divine worker, Agni, is helped by the gods, and in his quest he is led by the intuitive ray, Sarama, the heavenly hound with the subtle sense of smell who sets Agni on the track of the stolen herds (strange, shining herds). Now and again there comes the sudden glimmer of a fugitive dawn then all grows dim. One must advance step by step, digging, digging, fighting every inch of the way against the wolves whose savage fury increases the nearer one draws to their denAgni is a warrior. Agni grows through his difficulties, his flame burns more brilliantly with each blow from the Adversary; for, as the Rishis said, Night and Day both suckled the divine Child; they even said that Night and Day are the two sisters, Immortal, with a common Lover [the sun] common they, though different their forms (I.113.2,3). These alternations of night and brightness accelerate until Day breaks at last and the herds of Dawn7 surge upward awakening someone who was dead (I.113.8). The infinite rock of the inconscient is shattered, the seeker uncovers the Sun dwelling in the darkness (III.39.5), the divine consciousness in the heart of Matter. In the very depths of Matter, that is to say, in the body, on earth, the Rishis found themselves cast up into Light that same Light which others sought on the heights, without their bodies and without the earth, in ecstasy. And this is what the Rishis would call the Great Passage. Without abandoning the earth they found the vast dwelling place, that dwelling place of the gods, Swar, the original Sun-world that Sri Aurobindo calls the Supramental World: Human beings [the Rishis emphasize that they are indeed men] slaying the Coverer have crossed beyond both earth and heaven [matter and mind] and made the wide world their dwelling place (I.36.8). They have entered the True, the Right, the Vast, Satyam, Ritam, Brihat, the unbroken light, the fearless light, where there is no longer suffering nor falsehood nor death: it is immortality, amritam.

0 1961-11-06, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   With all my Love,
   Signed: Satprem

0 1961-11-07, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I learned to do the same thing, and with great dexterity; I could halt on any plane, do what I had to do there, move around freely, see, observe, and then speak about what I had seen. And my last stage, which Theon called pathtisme,2 a very barbaric but very expressive word, bordered on the Formlesshe sometimes used the Jewish terminology, calling the Supreme The Formless. (From this last stage one passed to the Formless there was no further body to leave behind, one was beyond all possible forms, even all thoughtforms.) In this domain [the last stage before the Formless] one experienced total unityunity in something that was the essence of Love; Love was a manifestation more dense, he would always say (there were all sorts of different densities); and Love was a denser expression of That, the sense of perfect Unityperfect unity, identitywith no longer any forms corresponding to those of the lower worlds. It was a Light! An almost immaculate white light, yet with something of a golden-rose in it (words are crude). This Light and this Experience were truly wonderful, inexpressible in words.
   Well, one time I was there (Theon used to warn against going beyond this domain, because he said you wouldnt come back), but there I was, wanting to pass over to the other side, whenin a quite unexpected and astounding way I found myself in the presence of the principle, a principle of the human form. It didnt resemble man as we are used to seeing him, but it was an upright form, standing just on the border between the world of forms and the Formless, like a kind of standard.3 At that time nobody had ever spoken to me about it and Madame Theon had never seen itno one had ever seen or said anything. But I felt I was on the verge of discovering a secret.
   I have experienced the descent into the Inconscient many times (you remember, once you were there the day it happenedit had to do with divine Love6); this experience of descending to the very bottom of the Inconscient and finding there the Divine Consciousness, the Divine Presence, under one form or another. It has happened quite frequently.
   But I cant say that my process is to descend there first, as you write. Rather, this can be the process only when you are ALREADY conscious and identified; then YOU DRAW DOWN the Force (as Sri Aurobindo says, one makes it descend) in order to transform. Then, with this action of transformation, one pushes [the Force into the depths, like a drill]. The Rishis description of what happens next is absolutely true: a formidable battle at each step. And it would seem impossible to wage that battle without having first experienced the junction above.

0 1961-12-16, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The experience was extremely intense, so I didnt do anything with my note, I put it aside. Then recently someone mentioned the first of January. What the devil am I going to read to them? I wondered (I usually read them a message). And I thought of this text: Ill change this scribble a bit, humanize it and bring it down a few rungs (smiling); then it will do. So I wrote: WE thirst for perfection, etc. In the experience it was only the BODY, you understand (the other part of the being is quite all right)the body is in this state. All the rest is very happyvery happy, in perpetual joy and eurythmy (gesture of great waves), feeling divine Love (not Love as such I dont know how to say it): this Love without object, this Love which is neither originated nor receivedwithout object, without cause or origin. Its the feeling of floating in something.
   Thats all very fine. But the body remains miserable.

0 1961-12-18, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   With Love,
   Signed: Satprem

0 1961-12-20, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Mother is probably alluding to this passage in Prayers and Meditations (September 3, 1919): 'Since the man refused the meal I had prepared with so much Love and care, I invoke the God to take it.'
   See conversation of November 5, 1961.

0 1961-12-23, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I have met five women like that, the last two here (they were the most terrible). Its a phenomenon of hate and rage mixed with Loves greatest power of attractionno sweetness, of course, no tenderness, nothing like that but NEED, Loves greatest power of attraction, mixed with hate. And they cling, you know, and then what fun!
   I had a session like that some days agoits a work Im pursuing. (Likewise, I have constantly been with the adverse force I once told you about,3 who keeps incarnating especially to harass meso theres also this phenomenon, amiably passing from one being to another!) Anyway, not long ago I had given an appointment to this woman and had decided not to say anythingbecause there was nothing to be done (the most beautiful things go rotten, theres nothing to do). So I remained silent, indrawn, fully in contact with the Supreme Presence, with the external personality annulled (this experience, in fact, lasting almost one hour, is what gave me the key to everything that has been happening lately). There was only the Supreme, nothing else the Supreme THERE, in that very body, mon petit, in that whole agglomeration and in that apparently absolutely anti-divine influenceHIS Presence was there!
   And in the experience there was no difference between my physical and my inner being (actually, its that way more and more for me); even physically, externally, there was a kind of Love full of adoration, and so spontaneousnot even any sense of wonder! And there was such a formidable Power in it, formidable from the standpoint of the entire earth. It lasted one hour. After an hour, the experience slowly began to fade (it had to fade for purely practical reasons). But it left me so confident of a radical changenot a total change, for it wasnt permanent but so radical that even outwardly, way down below in me, something was saying, Ah, how will the meditations with X be now? I caught Myself not thinking, not myself: someone thought like that, somewhere way down below. This pulled me out of the experience and I wondered, Thats strange, whos thinking like that? It was one of the personalities4 (in terms of work, its the one that gives each action its proper place), someone way down below, spontaneously feeling: But thats going to change the meditations! What will they be like now? When I returned and began to look at things with the usual discernment, I told myself that perhaps there actually will be a change.
   But truly, EVERYTHING was changed at that moment: something was achieved. It was the perception of Power the Power that comes from Love (what Love is to the Supreme Consciousness, which has nothing to do with what we usually mean by the word Love). And it was it was simple! None of those complications resulting from thought, intellect, understandingall that was gone, all gone. A formidable Power! And it made me understand one thing, that the state I had been put in (by the Lord of Yoga, in fact) was for obtaining the particular power that comes through an identity with all material things, a power possessed by certain personsnot always yogis, certain mediums, for instance. I saw it with Madame Theon: she would will a thing to come to her instead of going to the thing herself; instead of going to get her sandals when she wanted them, she made the sandals come to her. She did this through a capacity to radiate her mattershe exercised a will over her matterher central will acted upon matter anywhere, since she WAS THERE. With her, then, I saw this power in a methodical, organized way, not as something accidental or spasmodic (as it is with mediums), but as an organization of Matter. And so I began to understand: With this comes the power to put each thing in its place! provided one is universal enough.
   Well, I have understood. And now I know where I stand.
   This Power is it Love?
   Well yes. It is the essence of Love.
   It translates itself into Love. And of course I am not at all speaking of the human, physical quagmire; I am speaking of the most wonderfully beautiful and pure Love imaginable. This Power is the origin of that Love, and it is in the Supreme.
   (Mother sits at the organ)

0 1962-01-09, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   To cherish in secret the sense of sin. No, I cant say Ive had that experience, in the sense that I have never had a very pronounced Love of virtue.
   Thats another thing I have noticed: even in my childhood I was already conscious of what Sri Aurobindo calls living divinely, that is, outside the sense of Good and Evil.

0 1962-01-21, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It was like a memory,1 an eternally present memory of that consciousness of supreme Love emanated by the Lord onto earth INTO earthto draw it back again to Him. And truly it was the descent of the very essence of the divine nature into the most total divine negation, and thus the abandonment of the divine condition to take on terrestrial darkness, so as to bring Earth back to the divine state. And unless That, that supreme Love, becomes all-powerfully conscious here on Earth, the return can never be definitive.
   It came after the vision of the great divine Becoming.2 Since this world is progressive, I was wondering, since it is increasingly becoming the Divine, wont there always be this deeply painful sense of the nondivine, of the state that, compared with the one to come, is not divine? Wont there always be what we call adverse forces, in other words, things that dont harmoniously follow the movement? Then came the answer, the vision of That: No, the moment of this very Possibility is drawing near, the moment for the manifestation of the essence of perfect Love, which can transform this unconsciousness, this ignorance and this ill will that goes with it into a luminous and joyous progression, wholly progressive, wholly comprehensive, thirsting for perfection.
   It was very concrete.
   Dont try to be among the pure. Accept to be with those who are in darkness and, in total Love, offer it all.
   Because the time has come to manifest this Power, which is a power of Loveof Love, not merely of identityof Love, of perfect Love; for perfect Love alone can offer.
   It happened this morning, with great simplicity, but at the same time it had something so vast and almighty in it, as if the Universal Mother were turning towards the Lord and saying, At last! We are ready.

0 1962-01-24, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Stretched out in Love desire her rebel sons.1
   Yes, thats it.

0 1962-01-27, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   So She made her first four emanations. The first was Consciousness and Light (arising from Sachchidananda); the second was Ananda and Love; the third was Life; and Truth was the fourth. Then, so the story goes, conscious of their infinite power, instead of keeping their connection with the supreme Mother and, through Her, with the Supreme, instead of receiving indications for action from Him and doing things in proper order, they were conscious of their own power and each one took off independently to do as he pleased they had power and they used it. They forgot their Origin. And because of this initial oblivion, Consciousness became unconsciousness, and Light became darkness; Ananda became suffering, Love became hate; Life became Death; and Truth became Falsehood. And they were instantly thrown headlong into what became Matter. According to Theon, the world as we know it is the result of that. And that was the Supreme himself in his first manifestation.
   But the story is easy to understand, and quite evocative. On the surface, for intellectuals, its very childish; but once you have the experience you understand it very well I understood and felt the thing immediately.
   And once the world has become like that, has become the vital world in all its darkness, and they, from this vital world, have created Matter, the supreme Mother sees (laughing) the result of her first four emanations and She turns towards the Supreme in a great entreaty: Now that this world is in such a dreadful state, it has to be saved! We cant just leave it this way, can we? It has to be saved, the divine consciousness must be given back to it. What to do? And the Supreme says, Thrust yourself into a new emanation, an emanation of the ESSENCE of Love, down into the most material Matter. That meant plunging into the earth (the earth had become a symbol and a representation of the whole drama). Plunge into Matter. So She plunged into Matter, and that became the primordial source of the Divine within material substance. And from there (as is so well described in Savitri), She begins to act as a leaven in Matter, raising it up from within.
   And as She plunged into the earth, a second series of emanations was sent forth the godsto inhabit the intermediary zones between Sachchidananda and the earth. And these gods (laughing) well, great care was taken to make them perfect, so they wouldnt give any trouble! But they are a bit a bit too perfect, arent they? Yes, a bit too perfect: they never make mistakes, they always do exactly as theyre told. In short, rather lacking in initiative. They do have some, but.
   In fact, they were not surrendered in the way a psychic being can be, because they had no psychic in them. The psychic being is the result of that descent. Only human beings have it. And thats what makes humanity so superior to the gods. Theon insisted greatly on this: throughout his story, humans are far superior to gods and should not obey themthey should only be in contact with the Supreme in his aspect of perfect Love.
   I dont know how to put it. To me, those gods always seemed (not those described in the Puranas, theyre different well, not so very different!) but the way Theon presented them, they seemed just like a bunch of marshmallows! Its not that they had no powerthey had a lot of power, but they lacked that psychic flame.
   89This world was built by Cruelty that she might Love. Wilt thou abolish cruelty? Then Love too will perish. Thou canst not abolish cruelty, but thou mayst transfigure it into its opposite, into a fierce Love and Delightfulness.
   90This world was built by Ignorance and Error that they might know. Wilt thou abolish ignorance and error? Then knowledge too will perish. Thou canst not abolish ignorance and error, but thou mayst transmute them into the utter and effulgent reason.
   91If Life alone were and not death, there could be no immortality; if Love were alone and not cruelty, joy would be only a tepid and ephemeral rapture; if reason were alone and not ignorance, our highest attainment would not exceed a limited rationality and worldly wisdom.
   92Death transformed becomes Life that is Immortality; Cruelty trans. figured becomes Love that is intolerable ecstasy; Ignorance transmuted becomes Light that leaps beyond wisdom and knowledge.
   He did a portrait in profile of Sri Aurobindo, looking towards the future.

0 1962-02-03, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But Sujata, for example, was completely, COMPLETELY free of the whole (what shall I say?) what could be called the unhappy aspect of her karmacompletely free. For I know the people around me and what they carry with them very well, and there was nothingjust one thing remained, the one part that was rather constructive, so I had left that totally intact. And when the events of her past life were revealed to her, I took the greatest care to destroy the revelation as it was being given. And I did it ruthlessly. You see, it was like dumping a load of mud on someone completely unsullied, and I didnt let it happen (I couldnt stop what entered through her physical brain, but inwardly I utterly annihilated it). The only thing I left untouched was the constructive part of the bond that had existed between you two, and so when she met you, she. Thats all I left, because it was good, pure, Lovelyit was good. But all the rest. And you saw how strongly I protested when I was told she had committed suicide. No, no, no! I said; even if somebody with perfect knowledge were to tell me so, Id still say NO.
   She is untainted by all thatpure and I wont stand for someone pure to be soiled. She was so much my child that after her death everything was carefully cleansed, arranged, put back in place, organized, purified. So she returned unblemished and pure, and I dont want her soiled.
   The image is Lovely. Its perfect for people who imagine they have found Truth. Its a good thing to tell those who think they have found the truth simply because theyve managed to touch one point.
   Yet how many times have we said that thats not enough!
   In the course of my observation, I also saw the position of X and people like him, who practically spend their lives doing japa, plus meditation, puja,4 ceremonies (I am talking only about sincere people, not fakers). Well, thats their way of working for the world, of serving the Divine, and it seems the best way to themperhaps even the only way but its a question of mental belief. In any case, its obvious that even a bit of not exactly puja, but some sort of ceremony that you set yourself to dohabitual gestures symbolizing and expressing a particular inner statecan also be a help and a way of offering yourself and relating to the Divine and thus serving the Divine. I feel its important looked at in this waynot from the traditional viewpoint, I cant stand that traditional viewpoint; I understand it, but it seems to me like putting a brake on true self-giving to the Divine. I am speaking of SELF-IMPOSED japa and rules (or, if someone gives you the japa, rules you accept with all your heart and adhere to). These self-imposed rules should be followed as a gesture of Love, as a way of saying to the Divine, I Love You. Do you see what I mean? Like arranging flowers in a certain way, burning incense, dozens of little things like that, made beautiful because of what is put into themit is a form of self-giving.
   Now, I think that doing japa with the will and the idea of getting something out of it spoils it a little. You spoil it. I dont much like it when somebody says, Do this and you will get that. Its trueits true, but its a bit like baiting a fish. I dont much like it.
   Let it be your own manner of serving the Divine, of relating to Him, loving Him, of joining Him to your physical life, being close to Him and drawing Him close to you that way its beautiful. Each time you say the Word, let it be an invocation, let it be like the recitation of a word of Love; then its beautiful.
   Thats how I see it.

0 1962-02-06, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Perhaps the problem is the opposition (if it is an opposition) between two attitudes, both of which should express our relationship with the Supreme. One is the acceptancenot only voluntary but perfectly contentof everything, even the worst calamities (what are conventionally called the worst calamities). I wont use this story as an example because its self-explanatory, but if Andromeda were a yogi (with ifs you can build castles in the air, but I am trying to explain what I mean), she would accept the idea of death readily, easily. Well, its precisely this conflict between an attitude quite ready to accept death (I am not talking about what happens in the story itself, but merely giving a case in point to make myself clear) because it is the divine Will, for this reason aloneits the divine Will, so its quite all right; since thats how it is, its quite all rightand at the same time, the Love of Life. This Love of Life.3 Following the story, you would say: she lived because she had to live and everything is explained. But thats not what I mean. I am looking at this outside the context of the story.
   Because things like that happen in the consciousness of. It always bothers me to get into big ideas and big words, but to truly explain myself, I should say: the Universal Mother.

0 1962-02-13, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It was so Lovely last night! We had come upon a region all mantled in snow, pure white, and all the arctic animals were there. He wore a white robe. I walked by his side, and he began to repeat my mantra, saying, See how it is. Glorious!
   And the animals the animals and all the things receiving the Influence [of the mantra] and changing.6

0 1962-02-17, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I climb not to thy everlasting Day... Earth is the chosen place of mightiest souls; Earth is the heroic spirit's battlefield... Thy servitudes on earth are greater, king, Than all the glorious liberties of heaven... Oh, to spread forth, oh to encircle and seize More hearts till Love in us has filled thy world!... Are there not still a million fights to wage?
   Savitri, XI,1 (Cent. Ed. XXIX. 686).

0 1962-03-11, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Some people have even been driven insane, through their own constant fearout of fear they refused all protection. I tell you, only those with a great devotion and a great Love are not deceiveda great devotion gives you an immediate sense of things; when your devotion goes like this (shrinking gesture), you know what it means. But your devotion must be sincere and very strong; its the only protection.
   Written things can fall into all sorts of hands and become very dangerous weapons.

0 1962-03-13, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And thats all I said. Maybe I didnt put it in exactly those words, but I said it was for those who Love me. Thats the point. For those who have Loved me, well, its all right, I give it to them; even if they forget me, it will make them remember. But its my gift to those who continue to Love me. And I dont intend to give them a worthless gift.
   No, no, I must really have expressed myself very poorly, because it was quite the opposite. I deem this Agenda far too intimate, far too near and dear to me, to be thrown as fodder to a bunch of idiots!
   No, not that. I said two things. One, if I make it through to the end, I may even let it be shown to the public, for the living proof will be there: You dont need to scoffjust see where it leadsHERE! And if the Lord decides its not for this time, well, then I will give it to those who have Loved me, who have lived with me, worked with me, endeavored with me, and who respect what was attempted. It will be my parting gift if I go. And I dont intend to.
   I certainly hope not!
   So I greatly appreciate beautiful written form. I Love it. There were periods in my life when I read ever so much I am quite a library! But its not my job.
   Of course not! You didnt come for that.
   I like the form of your expression very, very much. It contains something deep, very supple and polished at the same timelike a Lovely, finely chiseled statue. There is profound inspiration and a rhythm, a harmony, which I like very much. I really enjoyed reading your first book2the kind of enjoyment that comes from discovering beautiful forms, an original way of looking at things and expressing them. I appreciated it tremendously. Immediately, spontaneously, I ranked you as a true writer.
   There you have it. I didnt think it was necessary to keep telling you all these things. But its true.

0 1962-04-03, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There is in that group a man whom I must have seen once or twice, who is not with them in spirit, but only in appearance, but without knowledge. He does not know what kind of being it is. And he always hopes to make him accept me, believing it is truly Sri Aurobindo. I saw this being last night. I wont tell you all the details of the vision. It is not necessary. But I must say that I was fully conscious, aware of everything, knowing that there was an Asuric Force there, but not rejecting it, because of the infinity of Sri Aurobindo. I knew that everything is part of him and I do not want to reject anything. I met this being last night three times, even apologized for sins that I have not committed, and in full Love and surrender.
   I woke up at twelve, remembering everything.
   I am no more in my body. I have left the Lord to take care of it, if it is to have the Supramental or not. I know, and I have also said, that now is the last fight. If the purpose for which this body is alive is to be fulfilled, that is to say, the first steps towards the Supramental transformation, then it will continue today. It is the Lords decision. I am not even asking what He has decided. If the body is incapable of bearing the fight, if it has to be dissolved, then humanity will pass through a critical time. What the Asuric Force that has succeeded in taking the appearance of Sri Aurobindo will create is a new religion or thought, perhaps cruel and merciless, in the name of the Supramental Realisation. But everybody must know that it is not true, it is not Sri Aurobindos teaching, not the truth of his teaching. The truth of Sri Aurobindo is a truth of Love and light and mercy. He is good and great and compassionate and divine. Et cest Lui qui aura la victoire finale.1
   Now, individually, if you want to help, you have only to pray. What the Lord wants will be done. Whatever He wills, He will do with this body, which is a poor thing.
   It is the battlefield. How far it can resist I dont know. After all, it depends on Him. He knows if the time has come or not, the time for the beginning of the Victory then the body will survive. If not, in any case, my Love and consciousness will be there.
   And He will have the final victory.

0 1962-04-13, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Suddenly in the night I woke up with the full awareness of what we could call the Yoga of the world. The Supreme Love was manifesting through big pulsations, and each pulsation was bringing the world further in its manifestation. It was the formidable pulsations of the eternal, stupendous Love, only Love: each pulsation of the Love was carrying the universe further in its manifestation.
   And the certitude that what is to be done is done and the Supramental Manifestation is realized.
   All the results of the Falsehood had disappeared: Death was an illusion, Sickness was an illusion, Ignorance was an illusion something that had no reality, no existence. Only Love, and Love, and Love, and Loveimmense, formidable, stupendous, carrying everything.
   And how, how to express in the world? It was like an impossibility, because of the contradiction. But then it came: You have accepted that this world should know the Supramental Truth and it will be expressed totally, integrally. Yes, yes.

0 1962-05-13, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It was Love in its supreme essencewhich has nothing to do with what people normally understand by that word.
   And each gust of this essence of Love was dividing and spreading out but they werent forces, it was far beyond the realm of forces. The universe as we know it no longer existed; it was a sort of bizarre illusion, bearing no relation to THAT. There was only the truth of the universe, with those great gusts of colorthey were coloredgreat gusts colored with something that is the essence of color.
   It was stupendous. I lived more than two hours like that, consciously.

0 1962-05-15, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   When I was those gusts, those gusts of Love. When I was conscious of the last one, the one organized outwardly, as it were, by Sri Aurobindomaterializing as the avatar Sri Aurobindo then came the absolute certainty that the thing was done, that it was decreed.
   And the moment I became aware that it was decreed, I thought, But how can THAT be translated into that? How can the two be joined? That was when the words came: You promised to do it, therefore you will do it; and slowly the transition began, as if I were again being sent back to do it. Yes, as if You promised to do it and you will do it; well, thats what I meant by a promise. And I came back towards this body to do it.

0 1962-05-29, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And with pictures, mon petit! Pictures of all the outer activities, like a movie. A Lovely magazine full of pictures. This seems to me the only thing that could really be said, because thats all that can be seen. So you show all this, saying: Yes but someone is trying to do something with all this. Look behind it, look at the Lovely image, the Lovely story behind. And he was trying to draw that story down to earth, and it is sure to come.
   And if you like, you too can help make that story come down to earth.
   What I see is almost a childrens book, fga, in the spiritual life: an elite. It is a book for an elite, not for the generalor a whole generation aged ten to eighteen, thousands of children. With Lovely pictures.
   No, its solely a question of health. If I could. Listen, I also had a longing to go to the Himalayas, I had a great longing for it when I was in France. When I came here the first time it was fine, I was very happy, everything was beautiful, everything was perfect, but oh, to go to the Himalayas for a while! (I have always Loved mountains.) I was living over there in the Dupleix house, and I used to meditate while walking back and forth. There was a small courtyard with a dividing wall, and shards of glass were stuck on top of the wall to keep out thieves. And I was meditatingmeditating on the spiritual lifewhen suddenly something caught my eye: a ray of sunlight on a sharp piece of blue glass on top of the wall. And positively, spontaneously, without thinking or reflecting or anything I saw the summits of the Himalayas: I was on the summits of the Himalayas.
   It lasted more than half an hour. It was a marvelous mountain scene, with mountain air and the lightness of the mountainsit was all there. The splendor of sunlight on the Himalayan peaks.

0 1962-05-31, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   For me, the most concrete approach to this is through the vibration of pure Love; not Love for something, a Love you give or receive, but Love in itself: Love. It is something self-existent. And it is certainly the most concrete approach for me. (But it isnt exclusiveit contains everything else within itself; it doesnt exclude all the other approaches, all the other contacts.)
   You see, throughout my childhood and youth and the whole beginning of my yoga, there was a sort of refusal in my being to use the word God, because of all the falsehood behind that word (Sri Aurobindo rid me of that; in the same way he got rid of all limitations, he rid me of that one too). But its not a word that comes to me spontaneously.
   But Love. At the moment of contact, when it goes like this (gesture)at that moment something surges up.
   But the words dont matter, theyre unimportant.

0 1962-06-02, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Last night I spent almost all my time in such a building. And all the people who help the work were symbolized there but its always a material help, either work or money or. I remember being particularly struck by one character last night. (Again, there were a lot of aggravations, but someone or something was always on the scene when I arrived and it all sorted itself outit was the exact opposite of the dreams I was talking about the other day: all the difficulties sorted themselves out when I arrived.) Then I came to a rather difficult place to cross (you had to flounder about on slippery scaffoldings) and suddenly, facing me, there was a man (of course, it was probably a symbol rather than a man, but it might really be someone physical). He was one of the workers, a master mason (when I woke up this morning, I thought of the symbolism of Freemasonry and wondered if it might give a clue to the experience). Nearby, people were coming to supervise, observe, direct, people who thought themselves highly superior but they were never any help in solving practical problems! They were creating more problems than they were helping to solve. Anyway, this master mason appeared to be around fifty, with a beautiful facea workers face, beautiful and concentrated. There was a difficult place to cross, and he had worked the thing out very efficiently, with a lot of care. Then, when it was all done and I was able to go on my way, I felt a great surge of Love go out to him, with neither gesture nor word and he received it, he felt and received it. His face lit up and he implored me, with wonderful humility, Never let me forget this moment, the most beautiful moment of my life. (I dont know what language he used because it didnt come to me in words.) It was such an intense experience. His humility, his receptivity, his response were all so beautiful and pure that when I woke upwhen I came out of the experience, at any rate I was left with a most delightful impression.
   What he represents might be partly manifested by somebody here. A beautiful face a man around fifty. Or it may be symbolic: such characters are sometimes put together with features from several people, to make it very clear that they represent a state of consciousness and not an individual. Its far more often a state of consciousness than an individual.
   The afternoon experience was very intriguing; I was busy working (organizing things for one of the departments, I no longer remember which) and then I said to the person I was with, Now I am going to my cousins place! When I was very young I had a cousin, the eldest son of one of my fathers brothers (he had a large family, such as you seldom see in France). This cousin became some kind of engineera civil engineer, maybe, or a mechanical engineer (he was an outstanding chemist). Anyway, this boy was very attracted to me. He went off to the war as an officer and caught some disease (I forget what) and died around 1915, at the time I returned to France. Well, in my experience yesterday afternoon, a certain family living HERE gave me exactly the same sensation I had had towards those people when I was young. And especially for this cousin (for the rest of the family it was more vague, like a background to the experience). I am going to their place, I said. They have a Lovely estate here, just as they had a Lovely estate in France before (they had Madame de Sevignes chateau at Sucy, near Parisa beautiful property). And it was all so concrete! It wasnt coming through the head; it wasnt a thought but a sensation. I have to go see him now, I said. And even as I was having my vision I was telling myself, You must be going crazy! Can they really be here in Pondicherry? This uncle with whom I had only rather distant relations and this cousin I never saw much of, but whom I knew to be very nice and very loyalAre they really here?! The sensation was most strange (the head wasnt functioning at all; it was a SENSATION). So off I went to see this cousin, and it was on the way to see him that I had the experience of crossing the river. And on the way back, after the discussion with the spiritual brother (whom I really told off: Get out of here! I dont need you!), after that, when I found myself back on the bank, I started collecting my consciousness again, telling myself, Look here now! Lets try to see clearly. And then I realized that the cousin who died prematurely during the war had reincarnated in someone here. How strange, I thought. And the dates coincided.
   But that is a singular state: there is no mental intervention at all; you live things POSITIVELY, just as you experience them physically, in the same way that this (Mother knocks on the table next to her) is physically a table. Its that kind of perception something positive. I positively said, I am going to my cousins place, and the relationship had an absolutely positive vibrationit wasnt at all something thought or even remembered: theres no remembering anything, its simply there, alive. A strange state. I have had it on several occasions, and when I have it I am aware that this must be the state people who know what is happening and make predictions are inin this state there is no possibility of doubt. No thoughts intervenenone at all, not one. Absolutely nothing intellectual: simply certain vital-physical vibrations, and then you know. And you dont even wonder how you know; its not that kind of thingits self-evident. And since I was in that state when I saw the reincarnation of the cousin, I am perfectly sure of what I saw. And god knows (Mother laughs), when I came out of it and began to look at it all with my usual consciousness, I said to myself, My word! I would never have thought of such a thing! It was millions of miles from any thought of mine. Besides, I never used to think of that cousin; he was a fine boy but I never paid much attention to him, he had no place in my active consciousness.

0 1962-06-12, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Unexpectedly, this conversation led into the subject of Satprem's break with X, who had been his guru for the past few years. Here then, briefly, is the story behind the rupture: No sooner had Satprem brought X to the Ashram than a swarm of disciples threw themselves at him. Conspicuous among these were the moneymen, the same wheelerdealers who, eleven years later, after Mother's departure, were to reveal their ambitions in Auroville as well as Pondicherry. Satprem's somewhat straightforward manner soon got in the way of their schemes. He had a deep affection for X and when he repeatedly saw that these peoplespiritual scoundrels is the only word for themwere, in the hope of sowing confusion (for they always prosper best in confusion), bringing false reports to Mother of things X had supposedly said, he tried in all innocence to put X on his guard against the false reports and dishonest people who were wronging him. But instead of listening to Satprem and understanding that he spoke out of Love, Xwith all his Tantric power behindflew into a violent rage against him, as if he had been casting a slur on X's prestige. Satprem then broke with X, but not without sorrow.)
   Anything new?
   No, the Grace has made him an object of special attention, thrusting him into a world which, externally, was not his own. In a matter of a few years he has made a journey of several lifetimes, so it has been a little bit difficult. Truly, in a few years he has inwardly traveled many lifetimes. And he has had to face the necessity of an enormous progress, all the more difficult because he hadnt mentally accepted or foreseen it. So he doesnt understand any more, poor man! If I could only take him in my arms like a baby and say to him, My poor little dear, my dear little child and make him feel good, then all would be well. But its not possible theres a whole spiritual construction. So I do it from a distance, wordlessly, in silence. But what gets through all that crust? I dont know! Over and over, I keep saying one thing: To divine Love, all human confusions and misunderstandings are unknown. There. Well, we will see. Wherever divine Love is present, human confusions and misunderstandings cannot exist, cannot enter.
   Thats the only solution.
   There is a way of looking at thingsan all too human waywhich sees me as VERY dangerous, very dangerous. It has been said time and time again. There was an Englishwoman who came here after an unhappy Love affair. She had come to India seeking consolation, and stumbled onto Pondicherry. It was right at the beginning (those English Conversations5 are things I said to her; I spoke in English and then translated itor rather said it all over again in French). And at the end of a years stay, this woman said to me (with such despair!), When I came here I was still able to Love and feel goodwill towards people; but now that Ive become conscious, I am full of contempt and hatred! So I answered her, Go a bit farther on. Oh, no! she replied. Its enough for me as it is! And she added, You are a very dangerous person. Because I was making people conscious! (Mother laughs) But its true! Once you start, you have to go right to the end; you mustnt stop on the wayon the way, it gets to be hard going.
   I dont do it on purpose.

0 1962-07-04, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Ultimately, nothing but omnipotence could convert the world, convince the world. The world isnt ready to experience supreme Love. Supreme Love eliminates all problems, even the problem of creation: there are no more problems, I know it since that experience [of April 13]. But the world isnt ready yet, it may take a few thousand years. Although it is beginning to be ready for the manifestation of supreme Power (which seems to indicate that this will manifest first). And this supreme Power would result from a CONSTANT identification.
   But this constancy isnt yet established: one is identified and then one isnt, is and then isnt, so things get delayed indefinitely. You wind up doing exactly what you tell others not to doone foot here and one foot there! It just wont do.

0 1962-07-11, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It was smiling, easyVERY Lovely, very easy.
   It has never faded, its always there (gesture behind the head), and at any moment I can immerse myself in it all over again. But what a difference when, after THAT, you come back to an awareness of what is speaking, at least as tremendous a difference as with that to die unto death. Similarly, that to die unto death contained the full Power of THAT.1 It was clear and stunningly powerful. And the same impression: easy, easy. Theres really no question of hard or easyits spontaneous, NATURAL, and so smiling. And that to die unto death was filled with such JOY! Such joy. I could almost have said, Its plain as day! Dont you see how plain it is! But thats it: we have only to die unto death, and that will be that!
   You have few contacts with external realities. Your true life is there. It comes down a bit here (Mother points to the upper forehead), and goes like that (gesture above and around the head). It extends beyond your body, and is very active and steady. Then from time to time theres a cascade, a Lovely, shimmering cascade (gesture). You know, like a luminous fountain. Its VERY pretty, showering down like raindrops. And then here (the upper forehead) it starts moving.
   Ah, its good, its interesting.

0 1962-07-14, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   From time to time, one touches the vibration of the Supremes Love, the creative Love, Love that creates, upholds, maintains, fuels progress and is the Manifestations very reason for being (these great pulsations were the expression of That), and That is something so stupendous and marvelous for the material frame, the body, that it seems to be dosed out. From time to time, you are given a trickle of it to make you realize that the end (or anyway, the end of the beginning!) is That.
   But you mustnt rush; and above all, no desire. Be very calm. The calmer you are, the longer it lasts. If youre in too much of a hurry, it goes away.

0 1962-07-18, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Concerning the vibration of supreme Love Mother experienced on April 13:)
   Matter needs quite a preparation to make it strong enough to hold those vibrations, and and the body seems to be given a trickle to see how much it can bear. But theres such an immediate intensity of joy in all the cells, in the heart and organs, that it all seems on the verge of exploding.
   Its like an image. You see, the body is stretched out here on the chaise longue. You know how it is when experiments are done on animals? Its something like that the body is there as the subject of an experiment. Then theres my consciousness, the part focused on the earthly experience and the present transformation (its what I mean when I say I). And then the Lord. I say the Lord Ive adopted that because its the best way of putting it and the easiest for me, but I never, NEVER think of a being. For me, its a simultaneous contact with the Eternal, the Infinite, the Vast, the Totality of everything the totality of everything: all that is, all that has been, all that will be, everything. Words spoil it, but its like thatautomaticallywith consciousness, sweetness and SOLICITUDE. With all the qualities a perfect Personality can offer (I dont know if you follow me, but thats the way it is). And That (I use all these words to say it, and three-fourths is left out) is a spontaneous, constant, immediate experience. So the I I spoke of asks that the body may have the experience, or at least an initial taste, even a shadow of the experience of this Love. And each time its asked for, it comes INSTANTLY. Then I see the three together1in my consciousness and perception the three are together and I see that this Love is dosed out and maintained in exact proportion to what the body can bear.
   The body is aware of this and is a little sad about it. But immediately comes something soothing, calming, making it vast. The body instantly senses the immensity and regains its calm.

0 1962-07-21, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The old way of yoga failed to bring about the harmony or unity of Spirit and life: it instead dismissed the world as Maya [Illusion] or a transient Play. The result has been loss of life-power and the degeneration of India. As was said in the Gita, These peoples would perish if I did not do worksthese peoples of India have truly gone down to ruin. A few sannyasins and bairagis [renunciants] to be saintly and perfect and liberated, a few bhaktas [ Lovers of God] to dance in a mad ecstasy of Love and sweet emotion and Ananda [Bliss], and a whole race to become lifeless, void of intelligence, sunk in deep tamas [inertia]is this the effect of true spirituality? No, we must first attain all the partial experiences possible on the mental level and flood the mind with spiritual delight and illumine it with spiritual light, but afterwards we must rise above. If we cannot rise above, to the supramental level, that is, it is hardly possible to know the worlds final secret and the problem it raises remains unsolved. There, the ignorance which creates a duality of opposition between the Spirit and Matter, between truth of spirit and truth of life, disappears. There one need no longer call the world Maya. The world is the eternal Play of God, the eternal manifestation of the Self. Then it becomes possible to fully know and fully realize Godto do what is said in the Gita, To know Me integrally. The physical body, the life, the mind and understanding, the supermind and the Ananda these are the spirits five levels. The higher man rises on this ascent the nearer he comes to the state of that highest perfection open to his spiritual evolution. Rising to the Supermind, it becomes easy to rise to the Ananda. One attains a firm foundation in the condition of the indivisible and infinite Ananda, not only in the timeless Parabrahman [Absolute] but in the body, in life, in the world. The integral being, the integral consciousness, the integral Ananda blossoms out and takes form in life. This is the central clue of my yoga, its fundamental principle.
   This is no easy change to make. After these fifteen years I am only now rising into the lowest of the three levels of the Supermind and trying to draw up into it all the lower activities. But when this siddhi will be complete, then I am absolutely certain that through me God will give to others the siddhi of the Supermind with less effort. Then my real work will begin. I am not impatient for success in the work. What is to happen will happen in Gods appointed time. I have no hasty or disorderly impulse to rush into the field of work in the strength of the little ego. Even if I did not succeed in my work I would not be shaken. This work is not mine but Gods. I will listen to no other call; when God moves me then I will move.
   I know very well that Bengal is not really ready. The spiritual flood which has come is for the most part a new form of the old. It is not the real transformation. However this too was needed. Bengal has been awakening in itself the old yogas and exhausting their samskaras [old habitual tendencies], extracting their essence and with it fertilizing the soil. At first it was the time of VedantaAdwaita, Sannyasa, Shankaras Maya and the rest. It is now the turn of Vaishnava DharmaLila, Love, the intoxication of emotional experience. All this is very old, unfitted for the new age and will not endure for such excitement has no capacity to last. But the merit of the Vaishnava Bhava [emotional enthusiasm] is that it keeps a connexion between God and the world and gives a meaning to life; but since it is a partial bhava the whole connexion, the full meaning is not there. The tendency to create sects which you have noticed was inevitable. The nature of the mind is to take a part and call it the whole and exclude all other parts. The Siddha [illuminated being] who brings the bhava, although he leans on its partial aspect, yet keeps some knowledge of the integral whole, even though he may not be able to give it form. But his disciples do not get that knowledge precisely because it is not in a form. They are tying up their little bundles, let them. The bundles will open of themselves when God manifests himself fully. These things are the signs of incompleteness and immaturity. I am not disturbed by them. Let the force of spirituality play in the country in whatever way and in as many sects as may be. Afterwards we shall see. This is the infancy or the embryonic condition of the new age. It is a first hint, not even the beginning.
   The peculiarity of this yoga is that until there is siddhi above the foundation does not become perfect. Those who have been following my course had kept many of the old samskaras; some of them have dropped away, but others still remain. There was the samskara of Sannyasa, even the wish to create an Aravinda Math [Sri Aurobindo monastery]. Now the intellect has recognized that Sannyasa is not what is wanted, but the stamp of the old idea has not yet been effaced from the prana [breath, life energy]. And so there was next this talk of remaining in the midst of the world, as a man of worldly activities and yet a man of renunciation. The necessity of renouncing desire has been understood, but the harmony of renunciation of desire with enjoyment of Ananda has not been rightly seized by the mind. And they took up my Yoga because it was very natural to the Bengali temperament, not so much from the side of Knowledge as from the side of Bhakti and Karma [Works]. A little knowledge has come in, but the greater part has escaped; the mist of sentimentalism has not been dissipated, the groove of the sattwic bhava [religious fervor] has not been broken. There is still the ego. I am not in haste, I allow each to develop according to his nature. I do not want to fashion all in the same mould. That which is fundamental will indeed be one in all, but it will express itself in many forms. Everybody grows, forms from within. I do not want to build from outside. The basis is there, the rest will come.
   In Bengal this weakness has gone to the extreme. The Bengali has a quick intelligence, emotional capacity and intuition. He is foremost in India in all these qualities. All of them are necessary but they do not suffice. If to these there were added depth of thought, calm strength, heroic courage and a capacity for and pleasure in prolonged labor, the Bengali might be a leader not only of India, but of mankind. But he does not want that, he wants to get things done easily, to get knowledge without thinking, the fruits without labor, siddhi by an easy sadhana [discipline]. His stock is the excitement of the emotional mind. But excess of emotion, empty of knowledge, is the very symptom of the malady. In the end it brings about fatigue and inertia. The country has been constantly and gradually going down. The life-power has ebbed away. What has the Bengali come to in his own country? He cannot get enough food to eat or clothes to wear, there is lamentation on all sides, his wealth, his trade and commerce, his lands, his very agriculture have begun to pass into the hands of others. We have abandoned the sadhana of Shakti and Shakti has abandoned us. We do the sadhana of Love, but where Knowledge and Shakti are not, there Love does not remain, there narrowness and littleness come, and in a little and narrow mind there is no place for Love. Where is Love in Bengal? There is more quarreling, jealousy, mutual dislike, misunderstanding and faction there than anywhere else even in India which is so much afflicted by division.
   In the noble heroic age of the Aryan people4 there was not so much shouting and gesticulating, but the endeavor they undertook remained steadfast through many centuries. The Bengalis endeavor lasts only for a day or two.
   You say that what is needed is maddening enthusiasm, to fill the country with emotional excitement. In the time of the Swadeshi [fight for independence, boycott of English goods] we did all that in the field of politics, but what we did is all now in the dust. Will there be a more favorable result in the spiritual field? I do not say there has been no result. There has been. Any movement will produce some result, but for the most part in terms of an increase of possibility. This is not the right method, however, to steadily actualize the thing. Therefore I no longer wish to make emotional excitement or any intoxication of the mind the base. I wish to make a large and strong equanimity the foundation of the yoga. I want established on that equality a full, firm and undisturbed Shakti in the system and in all its movements. I want the wide display of the light of Knowledge in the ocean of Shakti. And I want in that luminous vastness the tranquil ecstasy of infinite Love, Delight and Oneness. I do not want hundreds of thousands of disciples. It will be enough if I can get a hundred complete men, purified of petty egoism, who will be the instruments of God. I have no faith in the customary trade of the guru. I do not wish to be a guru. If anybody wakes and manifests from within his slumbering godhead and gets the divine lifebe it at my touch or at anothersthis is what I want. It is such men that will raise the country.
   You must not think from all this lecture that I despair of the future of Bengal. I too hope, as they say, that this time a great light will manifest itself in Bengal. Still I have tried to show the other side of the shield, where the fault is, the error, the deficiency. If these remain, the light will not be a great light and it will not be permanent.

0 1962-08-11, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And I see nothing but THATthat Consciousness. Its a Consciousness, a Presence. And all, all is there, you see, all is there together, the Power, the Presence, the Consciousness, that joy and Love. And all of that together almost gives the impression of a Form, that Vibration of golden light, a crimson-gold which is the most material supramental lighta Form. A Form, and no formyet its a Form!

0 1962-08-14, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its Lovely.
   Voil, petit.

0 1962-08-25, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   So they must be written. You can tell me about it on Tuesday. And again he repeated, No worry, no worry. Take it easy, take it easy. And it was as if he wanted to sit you down by a running river, as if you could see the water flowing, flowing, flowing, flowing so naturally along. As if you were sitting in a Lovely flower-strewn meadow by a flowing stream. And he was saying, Dont worry, take it easy, take it easy.
   He was putting all kinds of things around you. So there you are.

0 1962-09-08, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Dont let this visit ruffle you. Essentially, his approach has always seemed peripheral to me, just one part of an immense whole. It represents ONE aspect of the quest for the Divine on earth,2 and it is part of an entire line, like all the sannyasins, all the saddhus, and so on. X happens to have come closer because he has worshipped the Goddess of Love so much, the Shaktis aspect of Love, and that naturally led him here, brought him close, but. I see it as part of a whole worldamong many other things. You know, theres that festival celebrated every ten years, I think, when all the saddhus go to ba the in the Ganges3; Ive seen all the photosits painful. Its its painful. It is no more beautiful or harmonious than a stampeding mob in a revolution. Its there is no special grace.
   Now, do you remember the story of that man who has been living at the source of the Ganges for twenty-five years? Here he is (Mother shows his photo). He was in his cave and V. said to him, Id like to take your picture. All right, he answered, and came out and sat down in the snowstark naked.

0 1962-09-18, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I dont have far to go on my translation of The Synthesis of Yoga (its going very quickly), and I have found what Ill do next. It will be something like those notebooks [Prayers and Meditations]. I am going to take the whole section of Savitri (to start with, Ill see later) from The Debate of Love and Death to the point where the Supreme Lord makes his prophecy about the earths future; its longseveral pages long. This is for my own satisfaction.
   I am going to translate it line by line (not word by wordline by line), leaving a space between each line; and when Ive finished I will try to recapture it in French (gesture of pulling down from above).
   I am not doing it to show it to people or to have anyone read it, but to remain in Savitris atmosphere, for I Love that atmosphere. It will give me an hour of concentration, and Ill see if by chance. I have no gift for poetry, but Ill see if it comes! (It surely wont come from a mentality developed in this present existence theres no poetic gift!) So its interesting, Ill see if anything comes. I am going to give it a try.
   I know that light. I am immediately plunged into it each time I read Savitri. It is a very, very beautiful light.
   And the flaming silence of her heart of Love?
   The world is a spiritual paradox

0 1962-09-26, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   This is just what I am observing these days. To me, the overmental consciousness is a magnified consciousness: far Lovelier, far loftier, far more powerful, far happier, far with lots of far mores to it. But. I can tell you one thing: the gods dont have the sense of Oneness. For instance, in their own way they quarrel among themselves, which shows they have no sense of Oneness, no sense of all being one, of all being various expressions of the Divine the unique Divine. So they are still on this side, but with magnified forms, and powers beyond our comprehension: the power to change form at will, for example, or to be in many places at the same timeall sorts of things that poor human beings can only dream of having. The gods have it all. They live a divine life! But its not supramental.
   The Supermind is knowledgePure Knowledge. Yes, it is knowingknowing what is to be known.

0 1962-10-12, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   So many things, so many things. Human beings have made an appalling tragedy out of death. And I saw, with all these recent experiences, I saw how many, many poor human beings have been destroyed by the very people they Loved the most! Under the pretext that they were dead.
   People give them a very bad time.
   I have lived this in recent days. I have seen it. Last night or the night before, I spent at least two hours in a world the subtle physical worldwhere the living mingle with the dead with no sense of difference, it makes absolutely no difference there. For instance, when Mridu1 was in her body I used to see her at night maybe once a year (maybe not even that much). For years she was utterly nonexistent in my consciousness but since she left her body, I see her almost every night! There she is, just as she was, you know (rotund gesture), but no longer troubled, thats all. No longer troubled. And there were both living and what we call the living and the deadthey were both there together, eating together, moving around together, having fun together; and all in a Lovely, tranquil lightpleasant, very pleasant. There! I thought, and humans have drawn a sharp line, saying, Now hes dead! Dead! And what really takes the cake is the way they treat the body like an unconscious object, and its still conscious!
   Its treated like an object: Now then! Lets get rid of this just as quickly as we can: its a nuisance and it gets in the way. And even those who feel the most sorrow dont want to see it; its too painful for them.

0 1962-10-27, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   When she next saw Satprem, Mother added the following correction: "After you left, they came. It's not I who remembered they MADE me remember! There was Saraswati saying, 'What about my sitar?' And Krishna, 'What about my flute?' (Mother laughs) There was another one also, I don't remember who. They were really upset! They told me right away, 'What are you talking about! We Love music.' All right. 'Fine,' I said (Mother laughs). It's trueKrishna is a great musician, and Saraswati is the perfection of expression.... Now that we have acknowledged their merits (Mother bows), go on with your reading."
   Ysaye (1838-1931): celebrated Belgian violinist, colleague of Rubinstein.

0 1962-11-10, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Some people found it interesting, mon petit! First of all, Sri Aurobindo was there it was like a large hall: a very large room with scarcely any walls, just enough so it didnt seem wide open to everything. And then there was a kind of musical instrument, like a grand piano, but much bigger and higher, playing its own music: nobody was playing it. And its own music was the music of what you have written. It was taking the form of something like luminous, colored sheets of paper, tinged with gold, with pink, which were scattering in the air and then very slowly falling onto a floor that was scarcely a floor, with an almost birdlike movement. They were falling, fallingalmost square sheets of paper falling one upon another like feathersnothing heavy about it. And then from the left a being like a god from the overmind entered the room; he was both like a Hindu deity with a tiara, and a kind of angel in a long robe (a combination of the two), and he moved so lightly, without touching the groundhe was all lightness. And with a very Lovely and harmonious movement (everything was so harmonious!), he gathered up all the sheets: he took them in his arms and they stayed therethey were weightless, you see. He gathered them up, smiling all the while, with a young and very, very luminous and happy face something very Lovely. Then, when he had gathered them all up, he turned towards me (I was here; you were over there, the music was there and Sri Aurobindo was there), and said as he was leaving, I am taking all this to give to them, as if he were returning to the overmental world where they were greatly interested in it! (Mother laughs.)
   But it was all so Lovely, so very Lovely! There was a rhythm; it was all unfolding rhythmically, a rhythm of the falling sheets of paper; and a rhythm moving along very slowly, not in a straight line, and undulating.
   It was very Lovely. A most pleasant atmosphere.
   Its very good.
   It was really Lovely.
   But the gods may not be so pleased; after all, I say the overmind is inadequate!

0 1962-11-27, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   How Lovely it was! The sense of delicate beauty in things.
   And then the whole time, the bodys sensation was. You see, it no longer has the sense of its separate form is reduced to a minimum (Mother touches her hands as if seeking the bodys limits), but in that experience it had completely vanished. There wasnt even the sense of identity with the cube, because it was self-evidenteverything was self-evident. I cant even say I was lookingnothing was looking, everything was self-evident.5

0 1962-12-15, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Oh, I understand! Because its true, you know, that an Asura is behind it allnot Christ! Sri Aurobindo considered Christ an Avatar (a minor form of Avatar). One emanation of the Divines aspect of Love, he always said. But what people have made of him! Besides, the religion was founded two hundred years after his death. And its nothing but a political construction, a tool for domination, built with the Lord of Falsehood in the background, who, in his usual fashion, took something true and twisted it.
   Its a real hodgepodge, that religion the number of sects! The only common ground is the divinity of Christ, and it became asuric when he was made out to be unique: there has been but ONE incarnation, Christ. Thats just where it all went wrong.

0 1963-01-09, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   How people Love to bustle about. How they need to bustle about in order to feel alive!
   Isnt that so?

0 1963-01-12, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And it keeps coming and coming. Many come and are not even aware of it! And I keep going and going. Consciously, most of the time, but also quite often not consciously. Heres an example: someone is very ill, someone who truly Loves me (its Z, A.s wife). A. informed me she was ill. So I increased the dose (everyone is inside, I am with everyone, that goes without saying, but when something goes wrong I increase the dose). I increased the dose. I expected an improvement but it didnt happen. So I increased the dose again. The next day, I received a letter from A. saying that the night before, Z had had an interesting experience. She has asthma (asthmatics feel as if they are dying, its very painful, and she is very sensitive, very nervousshe was really unwell, so they drugged her, and so). Well then, during an acute attack of asthma, she sat up in her bed, her legs hanging down. Then her feet began to feel cold and she reached out for her slippers; she bent down, and instead of her slippers she felt something soft and alive. Astonished, she looks down and sees my feet. My feet were there with the sandals I used to wear to go outmy bare feet. So she touched my feet and said, Ohh, Mother is here! Immediately she lay down again, fell asleep and woke up cured.
   And she didnt make it up: my feet WERE there. My feet, I mean something of me which took that form to be perceptible to her.

0 1963-01-30, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Oh, I Love this: God shall grow up while the wise men talk and sleep.
   So, Ill continue.

0 1963-02-15, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Regarding a passage in "Savitri" in which Sri Aurobindo describes the universe as a play between He and She. "This whole wide world is only he and she," He, the Supreme in Love with her, her servitor; She, the creative Force.)
   As one too great for him he worships her;
   Its an explanation of why the world is as it is. At the start he says, He worships her (here again, there are no words in French: Il lui rend un culte, but that makes a whole sentence). He worships her as something far greater than Himself. And then you are almost a spectator of the Supreme projecting Himself to take on this creative aspect (necessarily, otherwise it couldnt be done!), the Witness watching His own work of creation and falling in Love with this power of manifestationyou see it all. And oh, He wants to give Her her fullest chance and see, watch all that is going to happen, all that can happen with this divine Power thrust free into the world. And Sri Aurobindo expresses it as though he had absolutely fallen in Love with Her: whatever She wants, whatever She does, whatever She thinks, whatever She wills, all of itits all wonderful! All is wonderful. Its so Lovely!
   And, I must say, I was observing this because, originally, the first time I heard of it, this conception shocked me, in the sense that (I dont know, it wasnt an idea, it was a feeling), as though it meant lending reality to something which in my consciousness, for a very long time (at least millennia perhaps, I dont know), had been the Falsehood to be conquered. The Falsehood that must cease to exist. Its the aspect of Truth that must manifest itself, its not all that: doing anything whatsoever just for the fun of it, simply because you have the full power. You have the power to do everything, so you do everything, and knowing that there is a Truth behind, you dont give a damn about consequences. That was something something which, as far back as I can remember, I have fought against. I have known it, but it seems to me it was such a long, long time ago and I rejected it so strongly, saying, No, no! and implored the Lord so intensely that things may be otherwise, beseeched Him that his all-powerful Truth, his all-powerful Purity and his all-powerful Beauty may manifest and put an end to all that mess. And at first I was shocked when Sri Aurobindo told me that; previously, in this life, it hadnt even crossed my mind. In that sense Theons explanation had been much more (what should I say?) useful to me from the standpoint of action: the origin of disorder being the separation of the primal Powers but thats not it! HE is there, blissfully worshipping all this confusion!
   When I sit down to play, I make how should I put it? Not a prayer, but my usual invocation, like this (gesture above), I am in a state of contemplation, and all of a sudden it starts: I see my hands in position on the keys, and, Now then, begin that way! All right, I begin that way. Then one note calls for the next. But I have to be very tranquil. And, oh, what I hear is Lovely, so Lovely! But I have no idea of what I play. I play without hearing what I play: I hear the other thing.
   Thats why one day I will ask to listen to the recording to see whether both things are the same.

0 1963-02-19, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It was really very interesting. Afterwards its just a memory, no longer the thing. It concerned the creation of the material world, the material universe, in the light of the conception of the Supreme in Love with His emanation. But the vision was all-embracing, as if I were on the other side the side of the Supreme, not of the creation and saw the creation as a whole, with the true sense of progress, the true sense of advance, of movement, and the true way in which all that doesnt belong to the future creation will disappear in a kind of pralaya1 (it cant really disappear but it will be withdrawn from the Manifestation). And it was very interesting: all that doesnt collaborate (in the sense that it is a sufficient experience, an experience that has come to its end) was reabsorbed. It was like the true vision of what was rendered as the Last Judgment. It is something going on constantly, that mighty gust of manifestation, and there are things that have been, according to our vision of time, but that live on, that continue to exist in the future; there are things that exhaust themselves (thats in the present), and there are things that have no more purpose, that cannot keep pace with the movement (I dont know how to explain this) and enter the Non-Being the pralaya, the Non-Being, the unmanifestof course, not in their forms but in their essence; that is to say, the Supreme in them remains the Supreme but unmanifest.
   But it was all a living, palpable experience which lasted for a day and a half. The entire universal movement was LIVED and sensed. Not merely seen but lived and in what light! What stupendous power! With that kind of certitude at the core of everything something very odd. Its very difficult to express. But the experience lasted so long that it became perfectly familiar. To translate it into words I might say: it is the Supremes way of seeingof feeling, of living. I was living things the way He does. And it gives a power of certitude of realization. In the sense that what we are heading for is already here; the road we look back on, the road we have traveled and the road yet to travel, it all lives simultaneously. And with such logic! An eternal, wonderful superlogic which makes it obviousness itselfeverything is obviousness itself. Struggle, effort, fear, all of that, oh, absolutely, absolutely nonexistent. And together with this, the explanation of the feeling we have of not wanting certain things any more: they leave the Manifest. You see, its like a sieve into which everything is thrown and where He to Him, everything, but everything is the same, but there is the vision of what He wants, and also of what is useless for what He wants or would prevent the fullness and totality of what He wants (contradictions of sorts, I dont know how to explain it)so with that He just goes this way (gesture of reswallowing) and it goes out of the Manifestation.

0 1963-02-23, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Though it does happen. It happened this morning. Some people had left their daughter here; she has been here for the last four or five years, and all the while they didnt bother about her at all. She was in Mls dormitoryM. has been a real mother to her, she looked after her dresses and everything, her parents did nothing (I think they were sending their hundred rupees regularly, that was all, they didnt have a thought for their daughter). This little girls home was here. Then her parents came for the Darshan, they found their daughter not warm enough, not loving enough, that she far too much Loved being hereconclusion: theyre taking her away. I found that so shameful! Shameful, so stupidly selfish.
   I tried to intervene in several ways. They had taken the little thing with themshe cried day and night, nonstop. Wont eat, cries all the time. And she says, I want to go back, I want to go back. I want to stay here, I dont want to go away.
   Yesterday I tried once again (theyre leaving today, I believe), I had something conveyed to them, the answer was, The father finds his daughter has forgotten him and no longer Loves him, so he doesnt want to leave her here and will take her away. I replied, Does he think by bullying her he can force her to Love him? The fool just wont understand, nothing sinks in.
   I didnt see the gentleman.
   If you want your children to Love you, you should at least Love them a little, care for them a little, no? Its elementary, you dont have to be very bright to understand that but they wont understand: It is a childs DUTY to Love his parents!! And if you dont fulfill your duty, youre put in jail.
   All right.
   The little girl struggled as if she were drowning, you know. She went everywheretook refuge at the School, took refuge in Pavitras room, begged G. in tears to intervene. M. was absolutely desperate. Everybody is trying to dissuade them, everybody is scandalizedits their right! Brandishing their right, they grab the girl and squeeze her: Youll Love us, or else!
   And they think they will succeed!

0 1963-03-09, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But I found a far Lovelier miracle. It was at Tlemcen, I was playing the piano, I dont recall what (a Beethoven or a Mozart piece). Thon had a piano (because his English secretary used to play the piano), and this piano was in his drawing room, which was on a level with the mountain, halfway up, almost at the top. That is to say, you had to climb two flights of stairs inside the house to reach the drawing room, but the drawing room had large French doors opening out onto the mountainsideit was very beautiful. So then, I used to play in the afternoon, with the French doors wide open. One day, when I finished playing, I turned around to get up, and what did I see but a big toad, all wartsa huge toad and it was going puff, puff, puff (you know how they inflate and deflate), it was inflating and deflating, inflating and deflating as though it were in seventh heaven! It had never heard anything so marvelous! It was all alone, as big as this, all round, all black, all warts, between those high doorsFrench doors wide open to the sun and light. It sat in the middle. It went on for a little while, then when it saw the music was over, it turned around, hop-hop-hopped and vanished.
   That admiration of a toad filled me with joy! It was charming.
   Also when I was eleven or twelve, my mother rented a cottage at the edge of a forest: we didnt have to go through the town. I used to go and sit in the forest all alone. I would sit lost in reverie. One day (it happened often), one day some squirrels had come, several birds, and also (Mother opens her eyes wide), deer, looking on. How Lovely it was! When I opened my eyes and saw them, I found it charming they scampered away.
   The memory of all these things returned AFTERWARDS, when I met Thonlong afterwards, when I was more than twenty, that is, more than ten years later. I met Thon and got the explanation of these things, I understood. Then I remembered all that had happened to me, and I thought, Well! Because Madame Thon said to me (I told her all my childhood stories), she said to me, Oh, but I know, you are THAT, the stamp of THAT is on you. I thought over what she had said, and I saw it was indeed true. All those experiences I had were very clear indications that there were certainly people in the invisible looking after me! (Mother laughs)
   Yes, it refers to dualities: life and death, error and knowledge, Love and cruelty. We can, of course, leave aside any question on death, but that was the question that came to me.
   I tell you, it would mar a subject that may, in a few months (a few months or a few years, I dont know), grow clearer. There may be something worth telling then.

0 1963-03-13, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother opens "Savitri." She intended to translate "The Debate of Love and Death." The book opens "by chance" on the last lines of Death's defeat, which Mother reads aloud:)
   And [Death] left crumbling the shape that he had worn,
   So, in fact (the trouble is, my notebook wont be thick enough!), in fact I would like to translate all of the Debate [of Love and Death], its so wonderful.
   (Mother leafs through the book)
   My God is Love1
   Oh, thats.
   Ah, here we are! The Debate of Love and Death.
   Thats where it begins.
   Pretty Lovely!
   Oh, its good. Let me go back a little:
   "My God is Love and sweetly suffers all."

0 1963-03-23, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There are enough physical miseries to experience what people call physical painquite enough (!) Yet, materially, everything is organized to give every possible joy! For example (ever since the age of five it has been like that), whenever the body felt, Oh, if I had this. Oh, it would be nice to have that, the thing would come in no time. Fantastic! It has always been that way, only it has become more conscious. Before, it would happen without my noticing it, quite naturally. Now, of course, the body has changed, its no longer a baby, it no longer has a childs fancies. But when that kind of Rhythm comes, when something says, Oh, this is fine! mon petit, it comes in TORRENTS from all sides without my saying a word. Just like that. There was a time when the body enjoyed it, it was delighted by it, made very happy by it (even two years ago, a little more perhaps), very happy, it found that amusingit was Lovely, you see. But now: To You Lord. Only this, a sort of quiet, constant joy: To You Lord, to You Lord, to You Lord. And on both accounts: for physical pain as well. In that regard, the body is making progress. Although to tell the truth, its life is made so easy! So easy that it would have to be quite hard to please not be satisfied the Lord is full of infinite grace.
   No, in spite of everything, the body doesnt have that sort of eternal stability, the sense of its immortality (immortality isnt the right word), of its permanence. Not that it has a sense of impermanence, far from it, the cells feel eternal that much is there. But a certain something that would be sheltered from all attacks. It still feels the attacks. It feels an instability, it doesnt have a sense of absolute security, it hasnt yet reached a state of absolute security thats it: the sense of security. There are still vibrations of insecurity. Yet that seems so mean, so silly! It still lives in insecurity. Security, the sense of security only comes through union with the Supremenothing in life as it is, nothing in the world as it is, can offer the sense of security, its impossible. But to feel the Supremes presence so constantly, to be able to pass everything on to Him, To You, to You, to You, and yet not to have a sense of security! A shock or a blow comes (not necessarily personally, but in life), and theres still a particular vibration: the vibration of insecurityit still exists. The body finds that disquieting, painful: Why? Not that it complains, but it complains about itself, it finds itself not up to the mark.

0 1963-03-27, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Then I looked, wondering, And what was Christs path? Basically, he always said, Love thy neighbor, in other words brotherhood (but thats a modern translation). For him, the idea was compassion, charity (the Christians say its the law of Love, but were not yet there that will come much later). So I wrote:
   Jesus preached Compassion.
   Then I thought: now, Sri Aurobindo, its quite clear; for him, the goal was Perfection. Perfection not in the sense of a summit but of an all-inclusive totality in which everything is represented, has a place. And I saw that this Perfection would comemust comein stages. He announced something the realization of which will stretch over thousands of years. So it must come in stages. And I saw that what I find essential, indispensable (everything is there, everything finds a place, yet there is a kind of anguishnot a personal anguish but a terrestrial anguish), is Security. A need for Securitywhatever you attempt, whatever you seek, even Love, even Perfection, it needs Security. Nothing can be achieved with the feeling that all opposing forces can come and sweep everything away. We must find the point where nothing can be touched or destroyed or halted. Therefore, its Security, the very essence of Security. So I wrote:
   Sri Aurobindo promised Perfection

0 1963-04-22, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   With Love,
   Signed: Satprem

0 1963-04-29, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   With Love,
   Signed: Satprem

0 1963-05-11, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The water would soak into it! Because I have to write with chandanam mixed in water, you understand, and with a twig of Divine Love! [pomegranate]
   Without a piece of cotton or anything?
   You see, Mahalakshmi is the Divine Mothers aspect of Love, the perfection of manifested Love, which must come before this supreme Love (which is beyond the Manifestation and the Nonmanifestation) can be expressed the supreme Love referred to in Savitri when the Supreme sends Savitri to the earth:
   For ever Love, O beautiful slave of God!
   Now, it has life, you understand. It has life. And its the correct drawing, I mean it should be a square (not a rectangle as you did), a square divided into nine smaller squares. It is the image of the realization (not realizationgestation), the birth of Mahalakshmis consciousness in Matter, that is to say, the form of divine Love in Matter.
   (Mother pores over the diagram for a long time. It should be noted that the figures of the diagram must be read and written in a particular order to have their full power.)

0 1963-05-15, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   89This world was built by Cruelty that she might Love. Wilt thou abolish cruelty? Then Love too will perish. Thou canst not abolish cruelty, but thou mayst transfigure it into its opposite, into a fierce Love and Delightfulness.
   90This world was built by Ignorance and Error that they might know. Wilt thou abolish ignorance and error? Then knowledge too will perish. Thou canst not abolish ignorance and error, but thou mayst transmute them into the utter and effulgent exceeding of reason.
   91If life alone were and not death, there could be no immortality; if Love were alone and not cruelty, joy would be only a tepid and ephemeral rapture; if reason were alone and not ignorance, our highest attainment would not exceed a limited rationality and worldly wisdom.
   92Death transformed becomes Life that is Immortality; Cruelty transfigured becomes Love that is intolerable ecstasy; Ignorance transmuted becomes Light that leaps beyond wisdom and knowledge.
   Its the same idea, that opposition and opposites stimulate progress. Because to say that without Cruelty, Love would be tepid The principle of Love, as it is beyond the Manifest and the Nonmanifest, has nothing to do with either tepidness or cruelty. But Sri Aurobindos idea, it seems, is that opposites are the most effective and rapid way to knead Matter so that it may intensify its manifestation.
   As an experience, its absolutely certain: when you come in touch with eternal Love, supreme Love, the first, immediate (what should I say?) perception or sensation (its not an understanding, it is much more concrete) is that even the most enlightened, kneaded, prepared material consciousness is INCAPABLE of manifesting That! The first impression is that sort of incapacity. Then comes the experience of something manifesting a type of not exactly cruelty, because its not cruelty as we conceive it; but in the totality of circumstances, there is a vibration which is felt as a certain intensity of refusal of Love as it is manifested here thats exactly the thing: something in the material world refuses the manifestation of Love as it exists at present (I dont refer to the ordinary world but to the consciousness at its present highest). Its an experience, I am speaking of something that has taken place. Then the part of the consciousness that has been touched by that opposition calls out directly to Loves origin WITH AN INTENSITY IT COULD NOT HAVE HAD WITHOUT THE EXPERIENCE OF THE REFUSAL. Limits are broken, a flood descends which could NOT manifest before, and something is expressed which was not expressed before.
   That happened not very long ago.
   So, when the earth no longer needs to die in order to progress, there will be no more death. When the earth no longer needs to suffer in order to progress, there will be no more suffering. And when the earth no longer needs to hate in order to Love, there will be no more hatred.
   Maybe it will go fast. But the question boils down to a SUFFICIENT aspiration, sufficiently intense and effective to attract That which can transform all this: complication into Simplicity, cruelty into Love and so forth.
   Its no use complaining and saying its a pity things are that way. They are the way they are. Why? When things are no longer that way, well probably know why. Or to put it differently: if we knew why, they would no longer be that way.

0 1963-06-03, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But well-formed: Lovely hands, Lovely arms, Lovely feet. Very well-formed.
   Its a new thing, I have never seen such a baby, never.

0 1963-06-08, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There were no psychological perceptions (what I call psychological perceptions are, for instance, vibrations of Love, vibrations of peace, vibrations of light, vibrations of knowledge, of power), they werent there in that form, it wasnt that. Still, all that must have been there, because there were many things, many things that were all one thing, but one thing which assumed different forms; but I didnt see the forms, I didnt see the colors. It was only a question of pure sensation. A pure vibratory sensation: only vibrations, vibrations, vibrations, on a colossal scale.
   It is a new experience.
   You see, when I had that experience of the pulsations of Love in April last year, I had the perception of the color, the psychological perception of the state I was in (how can I explain?), for instance, the quality of the vibration of Love (something that has absolutely nothing to do with earthly things). At the time, I was That, I was those vibrations, but I was fully aware of the quality of those vibrations, and remained so for monthsthis is completely different! It was nothing but an action. NOTHING but an action. And an action, you know, in which the human body is less than an ant. Much less than an ant: an imperceptible point. Yet there seemed to be ONLY this body! As if this body alone were there and it were going through that. This body was a body it was THE body! And that point that comforting point of ecstasywas very small. Very small. But it was there, quite insistent, very conscious, telling me, Dont interfere; leave it to me entirely, all is wellsee, all is well. Very small, very small. Yet it was my body: I tell you, my head still seems swollen!
   It had nothing to do with either Knowledge or Light or understanding (the whole angle of light and intellectual knowledge); nothing to do with Love (which I had felt last time and which has its own particular vibration). The best definition we could give is Power. It was Power in its most formidable aspectcrushing. With REAL All-Powerfulness; Power in its all-powerfulness, with that something unshakable, immutable, untouchable.2 Yes, really Power, thats right.
   But Power, you understand For example, a hurricanes power is nothing in comparison. All the powers a human being can withstand, even probably imagine, are nothingnothing its (Mother blows in the air) like soap bubbles.
   But there was no perception of light, nothing that might give a hint; there was no perception of feelings or Love to give a hint. There was nothing of the kind, nothingonly something that makes you puff out your cheeks in disbelief (!), so formidable that its indescribable. Indescribable.
   Evidently its Power.

0 1963-06-15, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And all at once, it came so clearly, as though the Lord Himself were arranging something, and it was translated into, Give him a bath of the Lord. You understand, to make an atmosphere (no need to speak, no need for words), an atmosphere that is a bath of the Lord. So that all those who enter the atmosphere automatically enter the bath of the Lord. It was so Lovely! And so simple, so smiling, nothing showy, no big words: something very simple and natural. So, early in the morning, I went to the room over there; I had many people to see beforehand, a host of people who came to see me in the morning, but nevertheless early in the morning I had already started preparing my bath of the Lord! I was finished seeing people about an hour before Nehrus arrival, so I stayed in the room, preparing the bath. It was very charming.
   He may have felt something they are very thick-skinned, you know, necessarily so: overworked, full of self-conceit, naturally, and convinced that they know everything and can do everything (and unfortunately they can do a lot), so the whole of life is organized so as to BLOCK all inner receptivity.

0 1963-06-26a, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I wanted to know why you were asked to do that work and what you could draw from it. So I sat down to write your yantram, and it became very living, I could see it in front of me I kept seeing it all the while. But then, I thought, the VERY FACT of writing must have an effect. Then I started writing the letter OM carefully. Well, when I came to the fourth, the fifth, it became excellentexcellent, as though it were creating a vibration. Thats the power it has, an external power. But then it was very amusing (the body is like a childreally a child), suddenly it said, Oh, what a Lovely game! To be sitting like this and writing, oh, how amusing! If I had the time, it would be great fun to write and write, lots and lots and lots of times. I saw that in the bodyin the bodys cells. Then I understood.
   Basically, these are almost methods for children (children from the spiritual viewpoint), young soulschild-souls. They are methods for child-souls.

0 1963-06-26b, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Your child who Loves you,
   Signed: Sujata

0 1963-06-29, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I think the foremost idea of the one who left was to prevent war. Consciously, he wanted all Christians to Love each other! (Mother laughs) A childish hope. To Love each other in Jesuswhom they leave on the cross.
   As Sri Aurobindo says, men men Love grief, thats why Jesus is still nailed on the cross.2
   Its magnificent, that thing.
   But clay, that was something really newand Lovely! Pink. Pink, a warm, golden pink. They were cutting out [of the clay] rooms, stairways, ship decks and funnels, captains cabins. Sri Aurobindo himself is as he was, but more with a harmony of form: very, very broad here (in the chest), broad and solid. And very agile: he comes and goes, sits down, gets up, always with great majesty. His color is a sort of golden bronze, a color like the coagulation of his supramental gold, of his golden supramental being; as if it were very concentrated and coagulated to fashion his appearance; and it doesnt reflect light: it seems as if lit from within (but it doesnt radiate), and it doesnt cast any shadows. But perfectly natural, it doesnt surprise you, the most natural thing in the world: thats the way he is. Ageless; his hair has the same color as his body: he has hair, but you cant say if its hair, its the same color; the eyes too: a golden look. Yet its perfectly natural, nothing surprising. He sits down just as he used to, with his leg as he used to put it [the right leg in front], and at the same time, when he gets up, he is agile: he comes and goes. Then when he went out of the house (he had told me he would have to go, he had an appointment with someone: he had promised to see two people, he had to go), he went out into a big garden, and down to the boatwhich wasnt exactly a boat, it was a flat boatand he had to go to the captains cabin (he had to see the captain about some work), but it was with that boat that he was returning to his room elsewherehe has a room elsewhere. Then after a while I thought, Ill follow him so I can see. So I followed him; as long as I saw him in front of me I followed him. And when I came to the boat, I saw it was entirely built out of pink clay! Some workmen were working thereadmirable workmen. So Sri Aurobindo went down quite naturally, down into the ship under construction, without (I dont think there were any stairs), and I followed him down. Then I saw him enter the captains room; as he had told me he had some work to do, I thought (laughing), I dont want to meddle in others business! Ill go back home (and I did well, I was already late in waking up!), Ill go back home. And I saw one of the workmen leaving (as Sri Aurobindo had come back to the ship, they stopped the work). He was leaving. I called him, but he didnt know my language or any of the languages I know; so I called him in thought and asked him to pull me up, as I was below and there was a sheer wall of slippery clay. Then he smiled and with his head he said, I certainly dont mind helping you, but it isnt necessary! You can climb up all by yourself. And indeed he held out his hand, I took it (I only touched him slightly), and climbed up all by myself without the slightest difficulty I was weightless! I didnt have to pull at his hand, he didnt pull me up. And as soon as I was up, I went back home I woke up and found myself in my bed five minutes later than my usual time.
   But what struck me was the clayit means something very material, doesnt it? And pink! A pink, oh, Lovely! A golden pink.
   They are building something.
   See Aphorism 35: "Men are still in Love with grief; when they see one who is too high for grief or joy, they curse him and cry, 'O thou insensible!' Therefore Christ still hangs on the cross in Jerusalem."

0 1963-07-06, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   He was very conscious, with a Lovely faith. He was an active man, very energetic (a short man). How active! And very energetic, with great authority, oh! The idea of being dependent on people who would have to nurse him he preferred to leave. He was conscious enough to know that the essence of his being, of his experience, is not lost but still there is all that materially one has built painstakingly, and especially in his case, his position is the result of a whole life. I dont know.
   Begin again in a little baby? (Mother shakes her head negatively) Theres the rub, you see. When Sri Aurobindo left, he said, I will return in a being formed supramentallyentirely conscious, with full capacities.

0 1963-07-13, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I receive letters from everywhere, from Argentina, Canada and so on, from people I dont know but who are really sweet. Listen to this one (Mother takes a letter from beside her), its from the mother of Z, who is here: If I were within walking distance of you, I would pick a rose, not yet full bloomed, laden and fragrant, to lay at your feet. This sounds like a Love letterwell, it is! My son has been trying to teach me through you that all letters should be Love letters. Its Lovely. So I replied like this: Indeed, all life is Love if we know how to live it.
   And then Nolini told me

0 1963-07-17, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Some time ago I made a discovery of that kind: someone asked me if there was any difference between Ananda and Love; I said, No. Then he said to me, But then how is it that some people feel Ananda while others feel Love? I answered him, Yes! Those who feel Ananda are those who like to receive, who have the capacity to receive, and those who feel Love are those who have the capacity to give. But its the same thing: you receive it as Ananda, you give it as Love.
   So, probably, someone more on the receiving side would call that Vibration Anandamaybe thats what people call the joy of life, I dont know. It has absolutely nothing to do with what human beings call joy. Its really the feeling of something full rather than emptylife as people live it, as I see them live it, is something hollow, empty, dry. Hollow. Hard and hollow together. And empty. So when I do that work, as I told you, all thats around me, all the work and everything is yes, it gives an impression of being dry and hollow; while when the other thing is there, you instantly get an impression of full-full-full-fullfull! Overflowing, you know, no more bounds. So full that all, but all bounds are swept away, erased, gone and there remains only That, that Something. Thats why the cells remain held togetherits because of That, for That, by That. For no other reason.

0 1963-07-24, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   To bring the Divine Love and Beauty and Ananda into the world is, indeed, the whole crown and essence of our yoga. But it has always seemed to me impossible unless there comes as its support and foundation and guard the Divine Truthwhat I call the supramental and its Divine Power.
   And yet, for some time now and increasingly, there has been an extremely concrete Response to a kind of aspiration (a call or prayer) in which I say to the Lord, Supreme Lord, manifest Your Love. (It comes at the end of a long invocation in which I ask Him to manifest all His aspects one after another, one after another, and it ends like that.) But then, remarkably enough, at that moment there comes a Response which is growing clearer and clearer, stronger and stronger. But Sri Aurobindo says that Truth should be established first, and that what he calls the Supramental is the supreme Truth, the Divine Truth. It corresponds to what I noticed while translating that last chapter on the perfection of the being in the Yoga of Self-Perfection: I kept thinking, But thats only the aspect of Truth; all that he expresses is the aspect of Truth; always and everywhere, its the angle of Truth; and his supramental action is an action of Truth.
   I didnt know he had said it, but its written clearly here:
   But it has always seemed to me impossible unless there comes as its support and foundation and guard the Divine Truthwhat I call the supramental and its Divine Power. Otherwise Love itself blinded by the confusions of this present consciousness may stumble in its human receptacles and, even otherwise, may find itself unrecognised, rejected or rapidly degenerating and lost in the frailty of mans inferior nature. But when it comes in the divine truth and power, Divine Love descends first as something transcendent and universal and out of that transcendence and universality it applies itself to persons according to the Divine Truth and Will, creating a vaster, greater, purer personal Love than any the human mind or heart can now imagine. It is when one has felt this descent that one can be really an instrument for the birth and action of the Divine Love in the world.
   And were Love to manifest before Truth, there would be catastrophes.
   Its curious, for a-very long time, for months and almost years, something always stopped me when I asked for Loves manifestation, a sort of very clear impression: No, it isnt time yet, it isnt time yet. Until suddenly one day it started off and there came an overwhelming Response. That was several months ago, and ever since then there has been a Responsean ever-increasing Response.
   Yet I cant say in all sincerity that the Truth has manifested!

0 1963-07-27, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Ever so Lovely! All luminousluminous with a golden lightand so happy, so glad! Like a baby, no bigger than this (gesture). Waving his arms and legs about, so happy! He stayed therestayed put. So naturally, I received him and did the needful.
   Ive seen thousands of cases, you know, but its the first time Ive seen that! And he had a remarkable knowledge, because in order not to risk any hitch, he clung to his son and urged him to come to me so as to make sure of reaching me without mishap, without any interference from the adverse forces, from currents and all sorts of things. He clung to his son, who was quite unaware of it, except that something in him WANTED him to come to me. And the poor son was crying; I told him, Dont worry, he is very happy! (Mother laughs)
   And Lovely! A Lovely thing. The sight of it filled me with joyso happy, so happy, he seemed to be saying, At last I am with you! I wont budge now, no one can take me away. This small.
   I told you the story of the other one who came to be operated on and died2 (that makes two in a row, among our best workers). The other one had an important government position and did us some incredible services (he was a very intelligent man and had been chief justice for a very long time), he was very helpful and full of faith and devotion. This one [M.] had even promised to lend some money, but he died just beforea few days before he was due to give it!3 But the first one was a conscious, highly mentalized being, with a very well-formed mental being; he knew a lot and he told me, I am very conscious and now I know that I am fully alive and fully conscious, so I dont want an impotent body that constantly requires someone to nurse it or move it around. I prefer to change. He asked me to find him a good one (!) This one didnt ask to take a new body, but the last thing he said (afterwards, he was paralyzed) was: I must live, because I want to give ten lakhs of rupees to the Mother. And he left with thatso an appropriate body has to be found.
   But this one [M.] knew very little, he wasnt an intellectual, he was a man of action, very psychicvery much so! Lovely, oh, Lovely! He was like a little child, naked, of course, a baby this big, with small arms, small legsdancing about, he was glad, laughing and laughing, he was happy. And all luminous. I immediately told his son (he did a pranam and rose with his eyes full of tears), I told him, Dont weep, he is now where he wants to be and perfectly at rest. I didnt tell him the storyhe wouldnt have understood a thing!
   (Then Mother reads two letters by Sri Aurobindo which will appear in a future Bulletin:)

0 1963-08-07, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There is a state in which you dont feel anythinga state and a positive one, because its a state of peace; a kind of very tranquil and very happy peace; a peace which makes you feel like staying that way forever: Oh, if I could be that way forever! Or else theres a chaos in which everything clashes and denies and quarrelsas though everything were in an uproar. It reminds me of the very first experience I had when I was I really lived that Pulsation of Love and when it was decided I was to take my body again, to reenter my body; well, I had contact with my body, I knew I was in contact with my body, only through a pain. Contact with the body meant suffering.
   I said that, in fact.

0 1963-08-24, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And I must say that the state of consciousness that rapture gives would be dangerous in the present state of the world. Because it has almost absolute reactions I can see that that state of rapture has an OVERWHELMING power. But I insist on the word overwhelming, in the sense that its intolerant of, or intolerable to (yes, intolerable to) all thats unlike it! Its the same thing, or almost (not quite the same but almost), as supreme divine Love: the vibration of that ecstasy or rapture is a first hint of the vibration of divine Love, and thats absolutely yes, there is no other word, intolerant, in the sense that it doesnt brook the presence of anything contrary to it.
   So that would have frightening results for the ordinary consciousness. I can see that very well, because at times that Power comes the Power comes and you feel as if everything is about to explode. Because it can tolerate only union, it can tolerate only an accepting responsereceiving and accepting. And not from any arbitrary will: from the VERY FACT of its existence, an all-powerful existenceall-powerful not in the way man understands allpowerfullness: really an all-powerfulness. That is, entirely, totally and exclusively existing. It contains everything, but what is contrary to its vibration is forced to change, you see, since nothing can disappear; but then that immediate, brutal, so to say, and absolute change is, in the world as it is, a catastrophe.

0 1963-09-18, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The words diminish the experience very, very much. It was so a super-compassion, you know, full of a deep Love and Understanding: How can one reproach them for being the way the Lord wants them to be?
   Then, when it all settled down, several hours afterwards, I wrote something I wrote it in French (even with the will that it should not be translated into English). And as a matter of fact its untranslatable. Here is what I wrote:
   But then the word bon [good] no longer had that sense of opposition to evil: it contained all the divine splendor. It was the radiance of divine Love.

0 1963-09-25, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Love is (no need to say that its the condensation of an experiencean experience I leave unsaid).
   Love is not sexual intercourse.
   Love is not vital attraction and interchange.
   Love is not the hearts hunger for affection.
   Love is a mighty vibration coming straight from the One. And only the very pure and very strong are capable of receiving and manifesting it.
   Then an explanation on what I mean by pure, the very pure and very strong:
   Its from Savitri, in The Debate of Love and Death, when Death tells Savitri, What you call Love is the hunger of your heart.
   Could we translate: LAmour nest pas le cur et son besoin daffection [ Love is not the heart and its hunger for affection]?
   But the heart can manifest Love! No: LAmour nest pas le besoin daffection du cur [ Love is not the hearts hunger for affection]. And then, the positive side:
   LAmour est une vibration toute-puissante
   The other day, the process was less complete, but it was something similar, a first hint: K. had sent me an article he wanted to publish somewhere with quotations from Sri Aurobindo and myself, and he wanted to make sure it was correct and he hadnt muddled it (!) In one place, I saw a comment by him (you know how people delight in wordplays when they are fully in the mind: the mind Loves to play with words and contrast one sentence with another), it was in English, I am not quoting word for word, but he said that the age of religions was the age of the gods; and, naturally, as our Mr. Mind Loves to play with words, it made him say that, now, the age of the gods is over and it is the age of Godwhich means he was deplorably falling back into the Christian religion without noticing it! And just as I saw his written sentence, I saw that tendency of the mind which Loves it and finds it very oh, charming, such a nice turn of phrase (!) I didnt say anything, I went on to the end of his article. Then where that sentence was I saw a little light shining: it was like a little spark (I saw that with my eyes open). I looked at my spark, and in the place of God, there was The One. So I took my pen and made the correction.
   But my first translation was The All-Containing One, because it was an experience, not a thought. What I saw was The One containing all. And innocently, I wrote it down on a paper (Mother shows a little scrap of paper): The All-Containing One. But just then, I saw what looked like someone giving me a slap and telling me, Not that: you should put The One, thats all. So I wrote The One.

0 1963-09-28, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Do you remember Savitris debate with Death [The Debate of Love and Death]? According to it, Sri Aurobindo seems to be saying that Disorder arose when Life entered Matter.
   (Mother leafs through her thick translation notebook1)

0 1963-10-03, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Then Mother translates Sri Aurobindos letter on the descent of Love, on which she has already commented on July 24, and she adds this comment:)
   If divine Love were to descend first, before divine Truth, certain beings with a special power or receptivity might draw it into themselves, personally, and then all those wrong impulses might occur.1 But if this divine Love descends only in the Truth, in the Truth-Consciousness, it will enter someone only if that person is ready to receive it. Without a preparation of Truth, there might occur a very powerful attraction of elements unable to keep that Love in its purity; whereas if the preparation of Truth has been done, with that preparation, It will CHOOSE, in order to manifest, the persons, the individualities, who are ready.
   Are you still in The Debate of Love and Death?
   I havent finished, I have no time left to work, thats the nuisance! I have so much work in the afternoon I dont call it work, its being busy with people to see, letters hosts of letters! And the entire organization: everything is in a terrible confusion. I should finish seeing people at four and take up my translation till fivethey leave at ten to five! So I have no time left for anything. One day out of four I get some translation done, so its going very slowly.
   "Otherwise Love itself blinded by the confusions of this present consciousness may stumble in its human receptacles and, even otherwise, may find itself unrecognised, rejected or rapidly degenerating and lost in the frailty of man's inferior nature."

0 1963-10-16, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother first reads two lines from "The Debate of Love and Death" in "Savitri." She would like to put them as epigraph to the conversation of September 7, the dialogue with a materialist.)
   Listen to this:
   You see, what I do is this: the thing comes, its taken up, presented (gesture to the Heights) as though it were mine: But look, see how I am (but its the Ithe great I), its presented to the Lord, very humbly, with the sense and feeling of complete helplessness I simply say, Here, change it. The feeling that only He can do it, that everything that people have tried everywhere appears childisheverything appears to be childish. The most sublime intelligence seems to me childish. All the attempts that are made to enlighten, organize, educate mankind, to awaken it to a higher consciousness, to give it mastery over Nature and its forces, all of itall of it, which for a human vision is sometimes utterly sublime, seems absolutely like children playing and having fun in a nursery. And children who Love dangerous games, who believe TERRIBLY in what they do (as do children, naturally). I have never met more serious and stern a justice than the justice children have in their games. They really take life seriously. Well, thats exactly the impression it makes on me: the impression of a mankind in infancy which takes what it does with ferocious seriousness. And which will never get out of itit will never get out of it, it lacks the little something (which may be really nothing at all), a very little something thanks to which ah, everything becomes clear and organizedall that comes from mankind always BORDERS on Truth.
   So the only thing I can do is this (gesture of presenting): Look, Lord, see how ignorant and powerless we are, how utterly stupid we areits up to You to change it. How do you change it? You cant even imagine the change, you cant even do that. So all my time (same gesture)not from time to time: constantly, day and night, without letup, day and night without letup. If for an interval of one or two minutes this isnt done, there is something that catches up: Oh, all that time wasted! And if I take a close look at what happened, then I see; I see that for these few minutes, I was blissful in the Lord, letting myself live blissfully in the Lord; so I no longer presented things to Himit happens two or three times a day. A relaxation, you know, you let yourself flow blissfully in the Lord. And its so natural and spontaneous that I dont even notice it; I notice it when I resume my attitude (same gesture to the Heights) of transferring everything to the Lord every minute.
   Things are increasingly AS THEY ARE: exact, without complications. I have noticed that with people, even the most sincere and straightforward, there is always a kind of coating, an emotive coating (even with the coldest and driest), something that belongs to the vital; an emotive coating that makes things fuzzy, uncertain and allows a game that gives them a feeling of all sorts of mysterious forces at playthings are very clear, very simple, very, oh, very simple, and that coating brings along a sort of confusion. Its not sentiment, not emotion either, its something something that LoveS uncertainty, the unknown, the unexpectednot positively chance (its not so strong), but which Loves to live in that, in in fact, in Ignorance! Which Loves not to know whats going to happen. Even the simplest things, the most obvious, have all that coating over them.
   Look, for instance, how many people, even the most serious, Love to have their fortune told: reading the hand, reading the handwriting (I am pestered with people who ask me things like that), but anyway, even regardless of any spiritual idea, that sort of interest people find in being told, See, your life line will last up to here. People Love it! They Love it, they Love to remain in their uncertainty. They Love their ignorance. They Love that unknown the unknown full of mysteries. They Love the prophet who comes and tell them, This is what you will do. This is what is going to happen to you. It seems so childish! Its the same as the taste for theater, its the same thing (not the playwright, but the spectator who watches the play without knowing how it will end), or again the taste for novels the taste for the unknown. But then thats very close to the taste for the marvelous.
   There is still a long way to go to enter Knowledge the consciousness in which you know things quietly, in which everything is so simple, so natural, so evident. And its that coating which brings complications: suddenly things get complicated in the human atmosphere.

0 1963-10-19, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   So I was looking at it and thinking, How come? I was neither angry nor upset nor anything at allwithin, there was always that same Love, unchanging, always, always there, for everything; even when I perceive things with a kind of discernment (not even an intuitive one, a discernment higher than intuitive, which is like a clear visionclear, precise, in the white Light), the discernment of all the stupidity, all the ill will, all the crookednessa very clear discernmentit is always with a Smile, there is always that same Vibration of an eternal Love. Then that Power comesit doesnt disturb anything, it doesnt take the place of anything: its an addition. Its an action: it does its action and then goes away. But while its there you know, the Force that made me bang my fist on the table could have smashed everything. But of course, a poor little hand, a poor little arm, could only shake the table! (Mother laughs) It could only make a lot of noise and shake the table. But the perception was tremendous.
   That was the last time, but not the first.
   You understand, I dont feel any haste I Love stones, flowers, plants, animals so much, theyre all so wonderful! It begins to be less pleasant beyond the most unpleasant is human perversionperversion of cruelty, of wickedness, of hardness. You have to rise higher to be able to accept it, to be unaffected by it.
   But that thing I saw yesterday, that bubbly formation of joie de vivre, I saw clearly that its one of the greatest obstaclesone of the greatest obstacles: a vital joy that knows only itself, that knows nothing other than its own vital joy and is PERFECTLY content. I saw it was a great obstacle, because it already contained a sort of reflection of the True Thing. And then, you can only laugh, but there are stern people who say, Youll see when you get sick, youll see when you get old. (All that came because there was a whole work, which represents a whole great drama on the earths scale, there was this and that and that.) What for? Why be stern? Let them be happy, they represent why, its like foam on fresh beer!

0 1963-10-30, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   With our Love and blessings.
   Ive put it into French, but its something Sri Aurobindo said for you!

0 1963-11-04, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   An example: yesterday, for at least a quarter of an hour, I was filled with a sort of marvelousmarvelingadmiration for Natures fantastic imagination in inventing the animals. I saw all the animals in all their details that is, the prehuman age. Consequently, there was no mind. And without the mind, how wonderful that imagination was, you know! It was as though I lived in it: there was no man, no thought, but that imaginative power making one species emerge out of another, and then another; and all those details Everything is becoming like that, as if it were SEEN for the first time and from an altogether different angle; everything, everything: peoples character, circumstances, even the motion of the earth and the stars, everything is like that, everything has become entirely new and unexpected, in the sense that all the human mental visionis completely gone! So things are much better! (Laughing) Much better without the human mind. (I dont mean they are better without man, I mean that seen from another viewpoint than the human, mental viewpoint, everything is far more wonderful.) And then, all the details of every minute, all the people, all the things, all The trees (Mother looks at the coconut tree in front of her window) that were stripped by the cyclone; this one held up so marvelously and it has a new flowerit has old leaves damaged by the cyclone, but it has grown a new flower. So Lovely, so fresh! Everything is like that.
   Me too. Me too, I saw myself (laughing) from a new angle! And the things that in the past were, not positively problems, but anyway questions to be resolved (certain actions, certain relationships), all gone! And there is something that thoroughly enjoys itself I dont know what that something is, but it thoroughly enjoys itself.

0 1963-11-20, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And here I am trying never to remember! I go to the greatest trouble to succeed I do succeed, I am beginning to succeed. When I go to bed, I ask, For the Love of God, for the Love of You, Lord, let me rest blissfully and peacefully, without being conscious of all that useless jumble of life and people. And when I wake up (I wake up nearly four or five times in the night, that is, I come out of my trance and enter the external consciousness), every time I notice there had been an event going on, but immediately, something comes and goes vrrt! (gesture of erasing) because I asked; so it goes away. And Hes full of humor, the Lord, you know (Mother laughs), far more than we think, because He gives me just a hint of something which is suddenly extremely interesting and revealing: the other day, I had been put in contact with the political circumstances of the country, then naturally, at my idiotic request, as soon as I woke up, as soon as I came back to the external consciousness, something came and went vrrt! and the thing vanished. So I made a little attempt to bring it back, but I heard someone laugh, saying, You see!
   In the end, the conclusion of it all is that were fools! We want what were not given, we dont want what were given, and we mix in all kinds of personal desires with the care the Lord takes of us.
   But since you protest and chafe And He showed me how the drop of Light came, burst, sent forth radiation and went through your mentality without being dimmedit was a very Lovely thing to see.
   I didnt tell you because is it necessary to pay compliments? The fact itself was more important than saying it. But since youre unhappy, I am telling you: thats how it is. Maybe its a habit of inner revoltyou arent a rebel by nature, by any chance?
   I tried to find out why your physical life began (well, not quite began, but you were very, very young, just the same) with such a painful experience [the concentration camps]. And I saw why: it was like a separationnot separation, but disentanglement, you understand? There are two things in every human being: what comes from the past and has persisted because it is formed and conscious, and then all that dark, unconscious mass, really muddy, that is added in every new life. Then the other thing gets into that and finds itself imprisoned, you knowadulterated and imprisoned and generally it takes more than half ones life to emerge from that entanglement. Well, for you, care was taken to more than double the dose at the beginning, and it caused a kind of tearing apart: one part went up above, another part fell down below. And the part (it acted almost like a filter), the part that rose up was very cleansed, very cleansed of all that swarming: its becoming very, very conscious of the mixture. Just see, today, the whole morning until I was swamped with work by people, till then there was a sharp awareness of the part of the being that still belongs, as I said, to Unconsciousness, to Ignorance, to Darkness, to Stupidity, and is not even as harmonious as a tree or a flower; something thats not even as tranquil as a stone, not even as harmonious and not even as strong as the animal something that is really a downfall. That is really human inferiority. And maybe (no, I shouldnt say maybe: I know) it was necessary for things to settle downsettle, you know, as when you let a liquid settle? Thats exactly it: its the Light that settles, the Consciousness that settles. And indeed its true, there is in you a part that has entirely settled. Every time I see it (it comes in the course of the work, you understand), its Lovely in its quality of light, its quality of vibration, and it has settled considerably. But its true that there is also a kind of sediment, a deposit (deposit, you know?) which is a bit heavy thats what youre conscious of.
   But you shouldnt say me! Its not you, that residue isnt you! But you are indeed conscious of the Light, arent you?
   Mon petit, its as Lovely as can be! It sparkles like champagneits as Lovely as can be, and its a light. Like champagne bubbles, you know? Its bubbles of light.
   But why doesnt it express itself in an awakened external consciousness?
   The first thing is to detach your consciousness, thats most important. And to say: I-AM-NOT-THIS, its something that has been ADDED, placed to enable me to touch Matter but it isnt me. And then if you say, That is me (gesture upward), youll see that you will be happy, because it is Lovely Lovely, luminous, sparkling. Its really fine, it has an exceptional quality. And thats you. But you have to say, That is me, and be convinced that its you. Naturally, the old habits come to deny it, but you must know that theyre old habits, nothing else, they dont matter that is you.
   This movement is indispensable. A moment comes when one must absolutely separate oneself from all this, because only when one has separated oneself and become quite conscious that one is there (gesture above the head), that one is THAT, only then can one come down again to change it all. Not to forsake it, but to be its master.

0 1963-11-23, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But were so totally enslaved to very small things the very small things of the body: its needs (or supposed needs). I see all the entreaties that come from everywhere, and it all revolves around the same thing (even those who think theyve understood that the consciousness must be generalnot collective, but terrestrial theyre slaves to the reactions of their body), it all revolves around two things: sleep-food-sleep-food-sleep (Mother draws a circle). Even with those who profess that they have no interest in those things, they still have the power to cause reactions in their consciousness: a sleepless night or poor digestion, or an upset digestive system there you are. It has the power to weigh down on their faith and to take away its capacity of action. Its a kind of attachmentan involuntary and mechanical attachmentto that need for sleep and that need for food. And I dont mean people who Love to eat or lazy people who like to sleep I dont even mean that, which is all the way down, thats not it: I mean those who arent interested in food and would really like to replace sleep with something else, something more interesting, even thoseall, all, all of them.
   And even this body, which has been worked on and kneaded for years Its in the subconscient of the body. And so that was the answer, it was said to the body:

0 1963-11-27, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   You know, that Russian woman who went up into the stratosphere2 (she went around the earth several times, I dont know how many), anyway she came on a visit to India and gave a lecture somewhere about her journey. And she said (in a very Lovely way, it seems, I dont know her exact words) that she saw the earth from up there and that it was so beautiful, so magnificent! And she made this reflection: From up there, there are no demarcations between countries, it makes so harmonious a unity that it seems unthinkable men should fight among themselves. Thats Lovely.
   Of course, as soon as you go high enough, theres a unity, a whole, which is so beautiful and without divisionsWhy do men fight?

0 1963-12-03, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There was only one difficulty: the little children, who cannot be conscious of a test, of course, and who remained four and a half hours in the rain. I didnt want it to do any damage there were about a hundred small ones, tiny tots. I spent the night in concentration to bring into their material sensation the true reaction (because, for a short while, children Love rain, they have a lot of fun in it), so I said to myself, That part of their consciousness should predominate so there is no damage. And I waited for the day after. The day after, no one was sick.
   Then I received a letter from M., the captain, saying that they had felt it was a test, the lila2 of the Lord (he called it the lila of the universal Mother) and asking me if it was true. I was happy and answered him that it was true and that I was happy. And everyone told me, They were wonderful. As if doing that performance in the rain had given rise to a kind of will in them, and they were remarkable: everybody was enthusiastic. So instead of saying to the Lord, Thats not nice, I thanked Him heartily! And I laughed, I thought, There you have it! Its always that way.

0 1963-12-14, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   That way, you can gauge precisely how much is left of the old habit of personal reaction, especially in the emotive part of the universal being: its the emotive part that still remains the most personal, even more so than the purely physical, material part. As soon as the emotive part comes into play, it personalizes, because it ENJOYS individual reactions; it is the part that LoveS to feel it Loves, that LoveS to feel its own emotions, and because of it there remains a faint personal coloration. And when there occurs a somewhat darker or backward movement, the body is indignant and doesnt understand that its part of the whole, that the whole must go forward together and you cant separate a piece of it to perfect itit cant be done! Its impossible. Its not that it shouldnt be doneit CANNOT be done. Everything goes together.

0 1963-12-21, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its true, in fact, off and on I have fits of revolt, but more and more Im settling into a kind of nothingnessnot many things have meaning. I was very attached to life, I Loved life, I found it beautiful thats gone.
   Oh, yes, I can understand that!
   But still, there was something good in that Love of life, wasnt there?
   Yes for later on, when life is different from what it is.
   It is something very special. It isnt Love, it isnt self-offering. Its a very FULL joy. Very full.
   It is a very special vibration unlike anything other than itself. It is something that widens you, that fills you that is so fervent!
   When you can enter that vibration in its purity, you realize immediately that it has the same quality as the vibration of Love: it is directionless. It isnt something going from one thing to another, it doesnt go from here to there (gesture from low to high) or there to here it is (round gesture) simultaneous and total.
   I mean it isnt something that needs the two poles in order to exist; it doesnt go from one pole to the other or from the other to the one: its a vibration which in its purity is the same as the vibration of Love, which doesnt go from here to there or from there to here the two poles of existence.
   It exists in itself for its own delight of being. (And what I am saying spoils it a lot.)
   Like Love.
   Men have repeated ad nauseam that nothing exists without those two poles, that those two poles are the cause of existence and everything revolves around them (Mother shakes her head), but thats not the way it is. This means that man, in his ordinary outward consciousness, cannot understand anything beyond that. There we are. That we know. But in its essence (Mother again shakes her head), Love is not like that.
   Ultimately, gratitude is only a very slightly colored hue of the essential Vibration of Love.

0 1963-12-31, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its a golden power [a hibiscus], Lovely, isnt it!
   What did the music evoke in you? I dont want you to say good or bad, but did it suggest anything?
   Love ended early in hate, delight killed with pain,
   Truth into falsity grew and death ruled life.
   So, if we Love the Lord, we cannot give Him cause for sorrow, and necessarily we emerge from Falsehood and enter Joy.
   Thats what I saw last night. It was all silvery. All silvery, silvery.

0 1964-01-04, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Last time, when he came to meditate, just before he came upstairs, all of a sudden I felt the Lord coming (He has a particular way of becoming concrete when He wants me to do something), and He became concrete with the will that I should take advantage of this mans goodwill to widen his consciousness. It was very clear. And He became concrete with a Power, you know, one of those overwhelming Powers and a wonderful Love. It came like that, and he was caught in the Movementwhat he was conscious of, I cannot say. But when he left the room, he said he had had an experience. And this time, he was quite sincere, spontaneous, natural, not trying to to make a show.2 It was very good.
   No, you might have gained something [with X], but its a something you would have found quite small; if you had felt it, you would have thought, Oh, really, that was it!?
   But I gave you your name because There are many people who are very, very different apparently and are in relation with very different aspects of the Mother, yet who all, for a reason which I know, will find the fullness of their being only when, Truth having been fulfilled on earth, divine Love will be able to manifest purely thats why I called you Satprem. And there are other people, whom I know very well, who appear to be at the other end (how can I put it?) of the realization of their character (they are entirely different in origin, entirely different in influence), and yet who have exactly the same character with regard to something else, which I will tell only when the time comes. And its only when divine Love can manifest in its absoluteness that they will have the fullness of their being. So that for the moment they have, like you, but for very different reasons, the feeling that things dont move, nothing gets done, nothing changes you know, that all your efforts are useless; or else, for a few who do not have a sufficiently developed higher mind, they dont have faith: they think, Oh, its all promises, but (vague gesture, up above).
   You are saved from that difficulty by the fact that up above you understand fully. But thats very rareyou should be infinitely grateful! (Mother laughs)
   There are four aspects or "sides" of the universal Mother: Maheshwari (the supreme Mother), Mahakali (the warrior aspect and the aspect of Love), Mahalakshmi (the aspect of harmony and beauty), and Mahasaraswati (perfection in the arts and in work).
   We give the complete passage in Addendum.

0 1964-01-08, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And yet, it sounds bizarre but in cruelty one can still feel, distorted, the vibration of Love; far behind or deep within that vibration of cruelty, there is still, distorted, the vibration of Love. And Falsehood the real Falsehood that doesnt arise from fear or anything of the sort, that has no reason behind itreal Falsehood, the negation of Truth (the WILLED negation of Truth), is, to me, something completely black and inert. Thats the feeling it gives me. It is black, blacker than the blackest coal, and inertinert, without any response.
   When I read that description in Savitri,2 I felt a sorrow which I thought I had been unable to feel for a long timea long time. I thought I was (how shall I put it?) cured of that possibility. And last time, when I saw that, I saw it was still there; and while I was looking, I saw this same sorrow in the Lord, in His face, His expression.
   In other words, this is perhaps what I call Falsehood; because falsehood in the human way is always mixed with all kinds of things but Falsehood proper is this. It is the assertion that the Divine does not exist, Life does not exist, Light does not exist, Love does not exist, Progress does not existLight, Life, Love do not exist.3 A negative nothingness, a dark nothingness. And it may be this that clung to evolution and made Darkness, which denied Light, Death, which denied Life, and Hatred, Cruelty and all that, which denied Love but this is already diluted, its already in a diluted state, there has already been a mixture.
   Oh, if we wanted to make poetry (its no longer a philosophical or spiritual way of seeing, but a pictorial way), we could imagine a Lord who is a totality of all the possible and impossible possibilities, in quest of a Purity and Perfection that can never be reached and are ever progressive and the Lord would get rid of all in the Manifestation that weighs down His unfoldingHe would begin with the nastiest. You see it? Total Night, total Unconsciousness, total Hatred (no, hatred still implies that Love exists), the incapacity to feel. Nothingness.
   Were on the way. I still have a little bit of it [that total Unconsciousness] left.

0 1964-01-15, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Immediately afterwards, I had a visit from the Pope! The Pope [Paul VI] had come to Pondicherry (he does intend to visit India), he had come to Pondicherry and asked to see me (quite impossible things materially, of course, but they were perfectly simple and straightforward). So I saw him. He came, we met each other over there (in the music room), and we actually did speak to each other. I really felt the man in front of me (gesture of feeling), felt what he was. And he was very worried at the thought of what I was going to say to people about his visit: the revelation I would give of his visit. I saw that, but I didnt say anything. Finally he said (we were speaking in French, he had an Italian accent; but all this, you see, doesnt correspond to any thought: its like pictures in a film), he said, What will you tell people about my visit? So I looked at him (inner contacts are more concrete than pictures or words) and I simply answered him, after staring at him intently, I will tell them that we have been in communion in our Love for the Lord. And there was in it the warmth of a golden lightextraordinary! Then I saw something relax in him, as if an anxiety were leaving him, and he left like that, in a great concentration.
   Why did that come? I dont know.
   More and more, there is something that presses to make itself known and is formulated like this: what wants to come for next February1 is the Truth-Light (Mother repeats like an incantation) the Truth-Light, the Truth-Force, the Truth-Light, the Truth-Force to prepare the way for the manifestation of supreme Love.
   But that is for later on.

0 1964-01-22, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   So the conclusion (afterwards, naturally, when the whole thing had been seen and studied carefully), the conclusion is that the Lord has neither cause nor effect; and all that is is like those pulsations in my experience two years ago (or a year and a half ago, I dont rememberit was in April), the pulsations of Love bursting forth and creating the word, which followed one another but had neither cause nor effect: one pulsation wasnt the result of the one before or the cause of the one afternot at alleach one was a whole in itself.
   Each moment of the Supreme is a whole in itself.

0 1964-02-05, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Thats one of the things that made me think when I was quite a small child, those twelve commandments, which, besides, are extraordinarily banal: Love thy father and mother. Thou shalt not kill. Sickeningly banal. And Moses climbed up Sinai to hear that.
   Much ado about nothing!

0 1964-02-22, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Several times in his letters, Sri Aurobindo wrote that if the higher Light were to descend abruptly, or if divine Love were to descend abruptly, without preparation the matter would be shattered. It appears to be quite true!

0 1964-03-07, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its the same thing with that necessity of returning to the superficial consciousness. In the beginning, in the very beginning, when I identified myself with that pulsation of Love that creates the world, for many days I refused to resume entirely the ordinary, habitual consciousness (to which I was just referring: that sort of surface consciousness which is like bark), I no longer wanted it. Thats why I was outwardly so helpless; in other words, I refused to make any decisions (Mother laughs), the others had to decide and do things for me! Thats what convinced them that I was extremely ill!
   Now I understand all this very well.
   But we must be patient. And we mustnt think that weve reached the goalwere still far from it! There is always the joy of the first step, the first step on the path: Ah, what a Lovely path! (Mother laughs) We have to go right to the other end!

0 1964-03-28, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And the light and warmth were expressed, that intensity of Ananda, that bliss You understand, it wasnt in opposition to but like a COMPLEMENT of this vibratory knowledge, which was I cant say a coldly scientific knowledge because that introduces mental notions, but it was of such a wisdom! A knowledge so wise, so calm, so imperturbably quiet, absolutely free from any notion of good and evil, of divine, of positive and negative, absolutely independent of all of thatpurely material. And with an absolute power. Then in these same cells, which were fully conscious of this knowledge of vibrations as being the supreme means of control for their harmony, suddenly there arose in them a sort of not a flame (a flame is dark in comparison), a luminous Ananda: Love in its perfect reality.
   And it was translated like this: Its so much more marvelous when we know its You!
   Truly the sensation, in the entire body, of Loves perfect Ananda.
   The other thing is very fine, its the vibratory knowledge and the Power but this, this Ananda

0 1964-04-08, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Does it lack faith? Possibly. It doesnt lack a trusting Loveit has that, it accepts anything and everything, it is always full of its trusting Love, that doesnt vary. But what is lacking is a sort of almost an intellectual faith. In other words, it has the feeling it knows nothingit knows nothing, it isnt told anything. It knows nothing. It isnt told what will happen. And as long as it doesnt know what will happen, it feels as if (gesture hanging in midair).
   It can switch all at once from a consciousness of eternity to a consciousness of absolute fragility.

0 1964-04-25, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   knows, the power that truly can, the Love that
   truly Loves.
   The words are poor; the experience was strong.
   I am with you always, in Love and joy.
   Signed: Mother

0 1964-05-02, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Why do I have to write all those lines in ink when it would be so much simpler to think of you, and lo! I would be with you, I would see you. Our human life is quite bounded and stupid. In two hundred years, in Eskimo land, we will be colored penguins; you will be sky blue and I, pomegranate red. And sometimes, I will be you and you will be me, red and blue, and well no longer be able to tell each other apart, or else well become all white like snow and no one will be able to find us again, except the great Caribou who is wise and knows Love. And when the snow melts, we will be eider-penguins, of course, a new flying race, emerald, which plays among the northern fir trees on the shores of Lake Rokakitutu (pronounced fiddledeedee in penguin language).

0 1964-05-14, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Tell your mother that I Love her much, very much, because she is YOUR mother!
   Signed: Mother

0 1964-07-18, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its extremely interesting, because its becoming absolutely concrete. It isnt a thought, it isnt an idea, its absolutely concrete: all, but all the contacts with people are simply vibrations. There isnt this person or that person, thats not it: its nothing but vibrations, with places or moments of concentration, others of broadening and diffusion. And whats extremely interesting is that constant mass, in constant motion, of vibrations of all kinds: of falsehood, disorder, violence, complication. Then, within that mass, there is a rain, as it were, but a very consciously directed rain, of vibrations of Light, Order, Harmony, which enter that (Mother draws movements of forces), and it all resists, it all works. Its something that lives untrammeled, constantly, everywhere, every second, and in a consciousness if I use the word Love, it wont be understood, because Thats what is everywhere, constantly, eternally and immutably; nothing exists but by That and in Thatin fact, only That exists essentially. And within that mass, there is a sort of strugglewhich isnt a struggle because theres no sense of struggle, but an effort against a resistance, an effort so that Order and Harmony and, naturally, eventually Love (but thats for later) overcome the disorder and confusion. And in that Order (that essentially true Order), the greatest contradiction is precisely Falsehood. But those are all vibrations. Theyre not individual wills or individual consciousnesses: within one individual aggregate, you find the whole range, and not only the whole range, but it changes constantly: the proportion of the vibrations changes; only the appearance remains what it was, but thats very superficial.
   This experience is becoming so constant, so constant thats its difficult for me to adapt myself to the ordinary perception.

0 1964-07-22, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I saw, almost simultaneously, Love as people practice it, if we may say so, and feel it, and divine Love in its origin. Both were as if shown to me side by side, and not only were they side by side, but I saw also the difference (it was almost simultaneous) between the two actions: how human action is generated and how divine action is produced or manifests. It came through a series of examples or absolutely concrete experiences, lived one after the other, as if a superior Wisdom had organized a whole set of circumstances (circumstances which in themselves were minor, unimportant) in order to give me the living example of those two things. It was such a concrete and living whole that I took some notes, very succinct and reduced to the minimum as always, and in English. All that is somewhere around, mixed up with other papers.
   (the first note, found again later:)
   Unlike human Love which is for some and not for the others, my Love is for the Supreme Lord alone, but as the Supreme Lord is all, my Love is for all equally.
   The Lords Love is equal, constant, all-embracing, immutable, eternal.
   (the second note:)
   I will tell you the second experience first, because its a phenomenon of daily experience, a daily observation. And its one of the chief reasons why its impossible for ordinary human beings to understand a being who acts from what we could call divine impulse. Because all human activity is based on reactions, which are themselves the result of feelings and sensations, and, for people who are considered superior and who act according to reason, is based on principles of actioneveryone has his range of principles on which he bases his action (this is so well known that theres not much point in talking about it). But the other fact is interesting: for instance, when a human being Loves someone (what he calls Love) or doesnt Love someone, his reactions to the SAME phenomenon the SAME phenomenonare, not always opposite, but extremely different, to such an extent that ordinary human judgment is based on those reactions. It would be better to take a very precise example: that of disciples and Master. The disciples almost never understand the Master, but they have opinions of him and of his ways of acting; they see and they say, The Master did such and such a thing, he acts with this person in such and such a way and with that other person in such and such other way, therefore he Loves this person and doesnt Love that one. I am putting it very bluntly, but thats the way it is.
   All this is based on experiences of every minute, here.
   All human action is based on that for them, thats the way it is; they wont act with this person in the same way as with that one, even in similar circumstances, because, as they say, they Love this one, but not that one. Therefore, in one case, the Master Loves, and in another case, he doesnt(laughing) simple!
   So I said that human action is based on reactions. Divine action, on the other hand, SPONTANEOUSLY stems from the vision through identity of the necessity of the dharma of each thing and each being. It is a constant perception, spontaneous, effortless, through identity, of the dharma of each being (I use the word dharma because its neither law nor truth, but both together). In order for this being to go by the shortest way to his goal, here is the curve of the most favorable circumstances; consequently the action will always be modeled on that curve. The result is that in seemingly similar circumstances, the action of the divine Wisdom will sometimes be completely different, at times even opposite. But then, how do you explain this to the ordinary consciousness? In one case, the Master Loves this person, while in the other he doesnt Love himits easy!
   It was so clear! And such a constant, constantly repeated experience that its really very interesting. Its very clear that its impossible for the disciples to understand; even if they are told, What is done is done because of each beings dharma, for them its just words; it doesnt correspond to a living experience, they cant feel it.
   Human Love, what people call Love, even at its best, even taking it in its purest essence, is something that goes to one person, but not to another: you Love SOME people (sometimes even you Love only certain qualities in some people); you Love SOME people, and that means its partial and limited. And even for those who are incapable of hatred there is a number of people and things that they are indifferent to: there is no Love (in most cases). That Love is limited, partial and defined. Its unstable, moreover: man (I mean the human being) is unable to feel Love in a continuous way, always with the same intensityat certain times, for a moment, it becomes very intense and powerful, and at other times it grows dim; sometimes, it falls completely asleep. And thats under the best conditions I am not speaking of all the degradations, I am speaking of the feeling people call Love, which is the feeling closest to true Love; thats how it is: partial, limited, unstable and fluctuating.
   Then, immediately, without transition, it was as if I was plunged in a bath of the Supremes Love with the sensation of something limitless; in other words, when you have the perception of space, that something is everywhere (its beyond the perception of space, but if you have the perception of space, its everywhere). And its a kind of homogenous vibratory mass, IMMOBILE, yet with an unparalleled intensity of vibration, which can be described as a warm, golden light (but its not that, its much more marvelous than that!). And then, its everywhere at once, everywhere always the same, without alternations of high and low, unchanging, in an unvarying intensity of sensation. And that something which is characteristic of divine nature (and is hard to express with words) is at the same time absolute immobility and absolute intensity of vibration. And That Loves. There is no Lord, there are no things; there is no subject, no object. And That Loves. But how can you say what That is? Its impossible. And That Loves everywhere and everything, all the time, all at the same time.
   All those stories those so-called saints and sages told about Gods Love coming and going, oh, its unspeakably stupid!Its THERE, eternally; It has always been there, eternally; It will always be there, eternally, always the same and at the highest of its possibility.
   It hasnt left, and now it wont be able to leave.
   And once youve lived That you become so irrevocably conscious that everything depends on the individual perception, entirely; and naturally, that individual perception [of divine Love] depends on the inadequacy, the inertia, the incomprehension, the incapacity, the cells inability to hold and keep the Vibration, anyway all that man calls his character and which comes from his animal evolution.
   It is said that divine Love doesnt manifest because, in the worlds present state of imperfection, the result would be a catastrophe thats a human vision. Divine Love manifests, has manifested eternally, will manifest eternally, and its the incapacity of the material world not only of the material world, but of the vital world and the mental world, and of many other worlds that arent ready, that are incapable but HE is there, He is there, right there! He is there permanently: its THE Permanence. The Permanence Buddha sought is there. He claims he found it in Nirvanait is there, in Love.
   Since that experience came, there has no longer even been in the consciousness that sort of care I took for years not to concentrate too much Force or Power, or Light or Love, on beings and things for fear of upsetting their natural growth that seems so childish! Its there, its there, its there it is there. And its for things themselves that its impossible to feel more of it than they can bear.
   We should use another word; what men call Love is so many different things, with such different mixtures and such different vibrations that it cant be called Love, it cant be given a single name. So its better simply to say, No, this isnt Love, thats all. And keep the word for the True Thing. The word amour [ Love] in French has a certain evocative power because, whenever I pronounce it, it makes contact; thats why Id rather keep it. As for all the rest: no, dont talk of Love, it isnt Love.
   I said and wrote somewhere, Love is not sexual intercourse. Love is not attraction. Love is not and so on, and in the end I said, Love is an almighty vibration coming straight from the One.2 It was a first perception of That.
   But its a fantastic discovery, in the sense that once you have discovered it, it wont leave you no matter what happens. You may have your attention turned elsewhere while you are at work, as for instance last night when I had a quite symbolic activity: for an hour I went around all the Ashram rooms, and I wanted to find an armchair in a corner where I could sit down and do a certain inner workit was impossible! I went from room to room, and in every room there was a group of people, one or two people, or several groups of several people, each with a marvelous discovery, a marvelous invention, a marvelous projecteach one had brought the most marvelous thing he had! And each one wanted to show it to me and demonstrate it. So I was looking and looking (they were people I know; it must be the expression of their best thoughts: it was really full of a great goodwill [Mother laughs]), but there were scores and scores of them! I would simply look, say a word or two, then I would take a few steps in the hope of finding a solitary corner and an armchair in which I could do my work; and I was going from room to room, from room to room. It lasted an hour. One hour of invisible life is extremely long. I woke up, in other words, I emerged from that state without having been able to find an armchair! I woke up just as I said to myself, Its no use trying (there were corners with armchairs, but with so many people that it was impossible to go there), No use trying, itll be the same everywhere, its useless, Ill go back into myself, and as soon as I decided to go back into myself, it was over.
   Obviously, in those activities, I dont have recourse to divine Love to find the solution of the problem I am not allowed to do so. So I understand that this is what was translated in peoples thought by the idea that divine Love cannot manifest entirely, otherwise there would be catastrophes3its not that at all, thats not at all the way it is. But its clear that in my consciousness the [supreme] contact has been made (with some degree of limitation, but still it has been made), and nothing takes placenothing, absolutely nothing, not even the most totally in-sig-nif-i-cant thingswithout, I cant even say the thought or the sensation (in English they say awareness, but its much fuller than that), the feeling (another impossible word), without the feeling of the Lords Presence, the supreme Presence, being there twenty-four hours a day. Throughout that activity of the night Ive just told you about, He was there, the Lords Presence was there all the time, every second, directing everything, organizing everythingBUT THAT WASNT THERE. And That, which I call Love, that Manifestation, is so formidably powerful that, as I once said, it is intolerant of anything elseThat alone exists. That exists, That isand its finished. Whereas the Lord (the Lord, what I call the Lord) is something else altogether; the Lord is all that has manifested, all that hasnt manifested, all that is, all that will be, and all, all is the Lordits the Lord. But the Lord (laughing) is necessarily tolerant of Himself! All is the Lord, but all is perceived by the Lord through the limitations of human perception!4 But everything, everything is thereeverything is there; everything, as it is every second; and with the perception of time, every second is different, in a perpetual becoming. This is supreme Tolerance: there is no more struggle, no more battle, no more destruction there is only He.
   Those who have had this experience have generally stopped there. And if they wanted to get out of the world, they chose the Lords aspect of annihilation; they took refuge there and stayed thereall the rest no longer existed. But the other aspect the other aspect is the world of tomorrow, or of the day after tomorrow. The other aspect is an inexpressible glory. So all-powerful a glory that it alone exists.
   And That is I dont know if this world (I am not talking of the earth alone, but of the present universe), if this world will be followed by others or if it will itself go on, or if but That, which I am talking about and calling Love, is the Master of this world.
   The day when the earth (because we were promised it, and they arent vain promises), the day the earth manifests That, it will be a glory.

0 1964-07-31, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Oh, but there has been something new here. Very recently, three days ago, a messenger from the Pope came to visit Pondicherry and, naturally, to meet the archbishop. There was a public reception and the archbishop invited people from the Ashram officially! Z was Catholic and he went, and it seems the delegate delivered a great speech in which he kept repeating that the time of division is over, that the time has come for all those who Love God to unite fraternally, and so onits a step forward.
   Afterwards, there was a reception at the town hall. The delegate was sitting on the dais with the archbishop and the Chief Minister of Pondicherryno one else, all the others sat on chairs below. Then, as nothing was happening, Z thought it was just a waste of time (!), he went up on the dais and asked the minister to introduce him to the Popes delegate, which he did. Then Z said he was very happy with the delegates speech and thanked him for bringing such ideasyou can imagine the archbishops face!
   It works, then suddenly it gets veiled. The day you spoke of your experience of Love, it was veiled almost throughout.
   But still you retrieved it quite well!

0 1964-08-08, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Suffocated by the shallowness of the human nature we aspire to the knowledge that truly knows, the power that truly can, the Love that truly Loves.
   April 24, 1964
   Only the all-powerful rule of Truth and Love upon earth can make life tolerable.
   Its like a continuation but it didnt come as a continuation: its the experience that came back. As if something in the consciousness of THE EARTH felt an urgent and irrevocable need for this change for the change, for the new creation. As if the consciousness of the earth The aspiration grows so intense, you know, so acute, so constant, so concentratedunder pressure that something has to burst.

0 1964-08-19, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   As Bharatidi puts it, they Love the sound of their own voices.
   But thats exactly the point, she is perfectly right.

0 1964-08-29, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Regarding the definitive break between Satprem and his Tantric guru, with whom he had worked for six years. The occasion for this break was a sort of repetition of what had happened two years earlier, i.e., a swarming little horde of businessmen and "disciples" in search of petty powers, against whom, once again, Satprem wanted to warn X, for he Loved him in spite of everything. This break nearly cost Satprem his life, as will be seen later. Thus is it said that those things are fire.)
   I see in a very clear way that even in circumstances in which you seem to have made a mistake, even with things that betrayed a hope and give you proof that what you expected wasnt legitimate, even in such a case, there isnt one circumstance, not one encounter, not one event that isnt EXACTLY whats necessary to lead you to the victory as rapidly as possible.

0 1964-09-16, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Yes, thats right! Which means that man is still so crude that he needs extremes. Thats what Sri Aurobindo said: for Love to be true, Hate was necessary; true Love could be born only under the pressure of hate.4 Thats it. Well, we have to accept things as they are and try to go farther, thats all.
   It is probably why there are so many difficulties (difficulties are piling up here: difficulties of character, difficulties of health and difficulties of circumstances), its because the consciousness awakens under the impulse of difficulties.
   Its an experience I have more and more clearly: for the contact with that true divine Love to be able to manifest, that is, to express itself freely, it requires a POWER in beings and in things which doesnt exist yet. Otherwise, everything breaks apart.
   There are scores of very convincing details, but, naturally, as they are details or very personal things, I cant talk about them. But on the basis of the proof or proofs of repeated experiences, I am forced to say this: when that Power of PURE Lovea wonderful Power, beyond any expressionas soon as it begins to manifest fully, freely, a great many things seem to collapse instantly: they cant hold on. They cant hold on, theyre dissolved. Then then everything comes to a stop. And that stop, which we might believe to be a disgrace, is on the contrary an infinite Grace!
   Just the ever so slightly concrete and tangible perception of the difference between the vibration in which we live normally and almost continuously and that Vibration, just the realization of that infirmity, which I call nauseousit really gives you a feeling of nauseais enough to stop everything.

0 1964-09-26, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   when, day after day, you have to accompany up to death a being who is afraid of death and who comes to drink out of your hand an ever-polished lie. Doctors say that the greatness of the profession lies there thats not my opinion. Yet I am a damn good liar thats why people Love me but I can no longer stand this so-called charitable imposture, which is self-contempt and contempt of others. And who gave me the right to decide that this one or that one is not entitled to know the Truth, his or her last truth? Lets leave it at thatnei ther religions nor science have given me an answer to this question.
   Obviously, there could be only one solution: to lose the mental consciousness that gives you the perception or sensation that you are telling a lie or a truth; and you can obtain that only when you get to the higher state in which our notion of falsehood and truth disappears. Because when we speak from the ordinary mental consciousness, even when we are convinced that we are telling the whole truth, we are not doing so; and even when we think we are telling a lie, sometimes it isnt one. We do not have the capacity to discern whats true and what isntbecause we live in a false consciousness.

0 1964-10-07, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And then (Mother points to her own body), this seems to be the lesson for these aggregates (bodies, you know, seem to me to be simply aggregates). And as long as there is, behind, a will to keep this together for some reason or other, it stays together, but These last few days (yesterday or the day before), there was this: a sort of completely decentralized consciousness (I am always referring to the physical consciousness, of course, not at all to the higher consciousness), a decentralized consciousness that happened to be here, there, there, in this body, that body (in what people call this person and that person, but that notion doesnt quite exist anymore), and then there was a kind of intervention of a universal consciousness in the cells, as though it were asking these cells what their reason was for wanting to retain this combination (if we may say so) or this aggregate while in fact making them understand or feel the difficulties that come, for example, from the number of years, wear and tear, external difficultiesfrom all the deterioration caused by friction, wear and tear. But they seemed to be perfectly indifferent to that! The response of the cells was interesting enough, in the sense that they seemed to attach importance ONLY TO THE CAPACITY TO REMAIN IN CONSCIOUS CONTACT WITH THE HIGHER FORCE. It was like an aspiration (not formulated in words, naturally), and like a what in English they call yearning, a longing for that Contact with the divine Force, the Force of Harmony, the Force of Truth and the Force of Love, and [the cells response was] that because of that, they valued the present combination.
   It was an altogether different point of view.
   Naturally, the thirst for progress, the thirst to know, the thirst to transform yourself, and above all the thirst for Love and Truthif you can keep that, then you go faster. Really a thirst, a need, you know, a need. All the rest doesnt matter, what you need is THAT.
   I quite understand: some people dont like the idea of a Divine because it immediately gets mixed up with all the European or Western conceptions (which are dreadful), and so it makes their lives a little bit more complicated but we dont need that! The something we need, the Perfection we need, the Light we need, the Love we need, the Truth we need, the supreme Perfection we need and thats all. The formulas the fewer the formulas, the better. A need, a need, a need that THE Thing alone can satisfy, nothing else, no half measure. That alone. And then, move on! Move on! Your path will be your path, it doesnt matter; any path, any path whatever, even the follies of todays American youth can be a path, it doesnt matter.
   As Sri Aurobindo said, if you cant have Gods Love (I am translating), well then, find a way to fight with God and have a wrestlers relationship with Him.1
   Aphorism 418: "If you cannot make God Love you, make Him fight you. If He will not give you the embrace of the Lover, compel Him to give you the embrace of the wrestler."

0 1964-10-10, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And all that we can think about it, imagine about it, deduce from it, all of that is nothing, nothingits nothing, it doesnt lead you THERE. What leads you THERE is the certitude, the inner faith that when the supreme (supreme what? We can say Truth, Love, Wisdom, Knowledge, all of that is nothing, its words the Something), when That expresses itself, all will be well.
   And all that incoherencefalse incoherencewill disappear.

0 1964-10-30, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its odd; from the point of view of Truth, this is the problem thats being worked out. And when the concentration becomes very acute and very intense, something seems to burst inside the consciousness, and then spreadsspreads outin the intensity of a Love. And then it is like an answer, not to a question because it isnt formulated, but to the will to be.
   (long silence)
   Love is the single, supreme means of manifestation.
   And Manifestation automatically implies unfolding. And this conception (because ail this is the way in which the human consciousness is able to approach things), this conception of an eternal simultaneousnessan eternal, coexistent simultaneousnessis a very clumsy and human translation of the state of nonmanifestation. Because Manifestation automatically implies unfolding: without unfolding there is no Manifestation. But human thought, even speculative thought, is so clumsy and childish; it always confuses the two notions: the notion of unfolding and the notion of the unforeseen or unexpected; the notion of unfolding and the notion of the new creation, of something that is created and was notall this is so (Mother knocks her papers across the table). You see (laughing), my things are protesting!
   And it is this, this descent to the very bottom, in search of but it isnt an unknown, it isnt an unknowna bursting (it really is like a bursting), that marvelous bursting of the Vibration of Love; that is it is the memory. And the effort is to turn it into an active reality.

0 1964-11-14, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Hitler asserted that Falsehood should govern the world and that it was governing it. And he was very conscious of being the instrument of the Asura who had himself called the Lord of Nations, who is precisely the present, current representation of the Asura of Falsehood (the one who was born the Lord of Trutha Lovely story).
   Thats why Sri Aurobindo clearly and openly took the side of the Alliesit wasnt out of Love for the British!
   (long silence)

0 1964-11-21, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Mon petit, thats because what you call aspiration is a movement of your psychic consciousness, mentally formulated and supported by the vital but it ISNT YOUR BODY. And its only if you are very attentive to the vibration of the cells, if you are accustomed to observing them and feeling them that you can see. Well, I dont know, but I cant complain about my bodys cells. You know, it isnt a perception, it isnt a sensation, it is a LIVED FAITH in the existence of the Supreme aloneyou know, a faith that its the only Reality and the only Existence. Just that, and everything seems to swell up, as if all these cells were swelling up with such joy! Only, it doesnt take the form of a feeling, not even of a sensation, even less of a thought; so if you arent very attentive, you dont notice it. But, for instance, when I repeat the mantra, its repeated by that famous physical mind, which is so stupid (the mantra is the only thing that can keep a rein on it), and now it has become so identified that the mantra is its whole life, it is like a pulsation of its being; but then when I come to the invocation (there is a series of invocations: each one has its own effect on the body), when I come to Manifest Your Love, I see a sort of twinkling of a golden light, which represents an intense joy in all the cells.
   It isnt easy to observe, you must be very, very, very detached from the movement of thought, otherwise you dont notice it. But if you see it, you see that even those cells are there waiting for the Thing.

0 1964-12-02, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There is another thing I remember very clearly, which struck me. It was after his election (but long before his trip to India was decided upon): he had come to India and he came to Pondicherry to meet me (not to meet me: he had come to Pondicherry, then he came and met me). Once in Pondicherry, he came and I saw him there, in the room where I receive people. We had a long conversation, a very long and interesting conversation, and suddenly (it was towards the end, it was time for him to go), when he rose, he was preoccupied by something. He told me, When you speak to your children about me, what will you tell them? You understand, the ego showing itself. So I looked at him (Mother smiles) and said, I will only tell them that we have been in communion in our Love for the Supreme. Then he relaxed and left. It struck me. These things are very objective.
   But these are the little turns of the nature. Otherwise, his dream is to be the potentate of human spiritual unity.

0 1964-12-07, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Sunil:) What you have just played was very Lovely.
   Its nothing! Anyway, youll do something with it.

0 1964-12-10, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Little Mother, Satprem says he Loves you dearly and he asked me how you are.
   Your child,
   Sujata, tell Satprem that I Love him very much and that I am with him all the time. If he follows Sri Aurobindos advice, Live inside, he is sure to feel this.

0 1964-12-23, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I am sending it to you with all my Love so that it may be the sign of the arrival of perfect balance and total health.

0 1965-01-12, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   To me, its very simple. Narada was a demigod, as we know, and he belonged to the overmental world and was able to materializethose beings dont have a psychic being. The gods dont have in themselves the divine spark which is the heart of the psychic being, since only ON THE EARTH (I am not even referring to the material universe), only on the earth was there the Descent of divine Love that was the origin of the divine Presence in the heart of Matter. And naturally, as they dont have a psychic being, they dont know, they have no knowledge of the psychic being. Some of those beings even decided to take on a physical body in order to experience the psychic beingnot many.
   They generally did it only partially, through an emanation, not through a complete descent. It is said, for instance, that Vivekananda was an incarnation (a vibhuti) of Shivas; but Shiva himself I have had a very close relationship with him and he clearly expressed the will to come down on earth only with the supramental world. When the earth is ready for supramental life, he will come. And almost all those beings will manifest they are waiting for that moment, they do not want the present struggle and darkness.

0 1965-01-16, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Naturally, I will be with you in light and Love.
   That "week" in the Vellore hospital was to last more than a month. Mother's letter astounded Satprem, as he did not believe in medicine; he held quite a grudge against Mother, without understanding that She perhaps had other, "educational" intentions. But in reality, during that month in Vellore, Satprem kept fighting not against the so-called "illness," but against the frightful atmosphere of death and suggestion of death that filled that hospital as in a medical Auschwitz.

0 1965-01-24, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   With my Love.
   Signed: Mother

0 1965-02-04, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   With you, in Love and deep joy.
   Signed: Mother

0 1965-02-24, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   That woman is eating herself away. Every time I had the opportunity, I spoke to her about Buddhas Love; I told her, But Buddha was full of Love! And that makes her blood boil!

0 1965-02-27, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Later, Mother adds a comment to the Declaration she made on the occasion of the events of February 11: We do not fight against any creed, any religion. We do not fight against any form of government. We do not fight against any caste, any social class. We do not fight against any nation or civilisation. We are fighting division, unconsciousness, ignorance, inertia and falsehood. We are endeavouring to establish upon earth union, knowledge, consciousness, truth; and we fight whatever opposes the advent of this new creation of Light, Peace, Truth and Love.1 February 16, 1965.)
   That makes our outer position clear. Many people think we are trying to establish a new religion or that we are against this or that religion; there are many ideas like that everywhere. But that doesnt interest us at all! Those are all the human activities in every formthey are approximations.

0 1965-03-06, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   His Truth and His Love.1
   He had deplored (laughing) some accusations of mine against people, especially against the Catholic religion (although he isnt a Catholic at allhe is a staunch Hindu), he thought it wasnt wise from a legal standpoint and that I risked running into trouble (!) So I told him privately, You know, the whole worlds opinion of me, everyones opinion is like zero, I couldnt care less. Then he gaped in horror! And I told him, Here, now you will meditate on this in all humility, and I gave him what youve just read.

0 1965-03-20, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   You know, problems of illness, problems of possession (vital and mental possession), problems of egos that refuse to yield (and this results in circumstances which, humanly, are described in the ordinary way: such and such a thing has happened to so-and-so but thats not how it comes into the consciousness), well, if you look at things in a sufficiently general way, those problems REMAIN problems. There is indeed something, but a something that is still elusive (elusive in its essence): it has to do with feeling, with sensation, with perception, also with aspirationit has to do with all that, and it is what we habitually call divine Love (that is, essential Love, that which is expressed by Love and seems to be beyond the Manifestation and Nonmanifestation, which, naturally, becomes Love in the Manifestation). And That would be the ALL-POWERFUL expression. In other words, That is what would have the power to transform into divine consciousness and substance all the chaos we now call world.
   There was the experience of That [the experience of the great pulsations], but it was an experience (how can I put it?) of a drop that would be an infinite, or of a second that would be an eternity. While the experience is there, there is absolute certitude; but outwardly, everything starts up again as it was one minute beforeThat (gesture of pulsation for a second), puff! everything is changed; then everything starts up again, with perhaps a slight change thats perceptible only to a consciousness (perceptible to the consciousness, but not concretely perceptible), and with, generally, violent reactions in the Disorder: something that revolts.
   Whereas That is beyond Time and Space. When you have gone from the Creation to Noncreation (which do not follow each other, they are concomitant), if you go beyond, you encounter this something which, I dont know why, I call Love. Probably because the vibration of true Love (what I call divine Love, which is at work in the world) bears the closest resemblance to That. It is something absolutely inexpressible, which belongs neither to receiving nor to giving, neither to uniting nor to absorbing, nothing like all that. Its something very particular.
   (long silence)
   I remember, that night I spoke of, I WAS that Pulsation, and each burst of pulsation created. Well, it was the first expression of That in the Manifestation; and it was already in action, it was already in movement. But the Vibration BEHIND that is I might say the potentiality of everythingof everything that becomes perceptible to us through the Manifestation; because it is everything that in our consciousness gets divided into various possibilities, like truth, Love, life, power, etc. (but all that is nothing, of course, its dust in comparison). And its everything together; not the union of different things: its EVERYTHINGeverything, and it is absolutely ONE, but everything is there. And That is what one finds beyond the Manifestation and the Nonmanifestation the Manifestation almost looks like childs play in comparison. That Pulsation was the origin of the Manifestation.
   And Nonmanifestation is blissful Immobilityits more than that, but its essentially that: blissful Immobility. Its the supreme and supremely divine essence of rest. And both [Manifestation and Nonmanifestation] are together, and they come from That.
   And if I remember right, Sri Aurobindo said that this manifestation (which he too calls Love) would take place AFTER the supramental manifestation, didnt he?
   First Truth, then Love.
   Then Love.
   Yes, he said there were different levels in the Supramental but that (smiling) is the sauce that makes things more easily digestible (!) Everyone says things in the way he finds the easiest to assimilate.

0 1965-04-10, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   How can I Love the Lord? I have never seen Him and never He speaks to me.
   This is my answer:
   It is not what one sees or hears that one Loves, it is Love that one Loves through the forms and sounds, and of all Love the most perfect Love, the most loving Love is the Lords Love.
   When I wrote it, it was an extraordinarily intense experience: one cannot Love anything but Love, and it is Love that one Loves behind all thingsit is Love that one Loves.
   It is Love that Loves itself everywhere.
   And form and sound are excuses.
   Thats the truth, it IS Love. Others will understand.
   I like that. It has a sort of childlike simplicity: and the most perfect Love, the most loving Love is the Lords Love.

0 1965-05-29, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It seems that the only method capable of overcoming all resistances is the method of Love; but in fact, the adverse forces have perverted it in such a way that a large quantity of sincere people, of sincere seekers, seem to be armor-plated against this method, because of its distortion. Thats the difficulty. Thats why it takes time. Anyway
   Purohit: priest.

0 1965-06-02, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Oh, listen, it was Y.s birthday the other day. I told her to come. She came: her face was exactly like her monkeys! She sat down in front of me, we exchanged a few words, then I concentrated and closed my eyes, and then I opened my eyesshe had the face of the ideal madonna! So beautiful! And as I had seen the monkey (the monkey wasnt ugly, but it was a monkey, of course), and then that, Ah! it struck me, I thought, What wonderful plasticity. A face oh, a truly beautiful face, perfectly harmonious and pure, with such a Lovely aspirationoh, a beautiful face! Then I looked a few times: it was no longer one or the other, it was it was something (what she usually is, I mean), and it was behind the veil. But those two visions were without the veil.
   And for me thats how it is, I dont see people, I no longer see (but that has been going on for a long time), I no longer see the way people do, the way they are used to seeing. At times someone tells me, Have you noticed, so-and-so is like this or like that? I answer, No, I havent seen anything. And at other times I see things no one else sees! Its a much more complete development than simply switching from one vision to the other.

0 1965-06-05, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I never sent it. It was someone (a Frenchwoman) who had a rather curious experience and wrote to me she had suddenly felt that, in Love, she was a virgin when she met me, and that it was with a virgins Love that she came to me. So I answered, because its true:
   one is always a virgin every time one awakens to a new Love, for in each case it is a new part of the being, a new state of being that awakens to divine Love.
   I wrote it, but didnt send it.

0 1965-06-09, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   This is advice to childlike mentalities (childlike not in terms of age), the same thing as, You say that you cant Love the Lord because you have never seen Him. Its the same kind of level. But I like it because at least they dont pretend to be intelligent. And yesterday a child announced to me that it was his birthday and that there were two questions he wanted to ask me, in English: Where does God live? or Where is the house of God? (something of the sort) and Can I ever see Him? So I replied to him just as one replies to a child, with the childs simplicity:
   God lives everywhere and in everything,

0 1965-06-12, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother then takes up the translation of Savitri: The Debate of Love and Death.)
   (Mother reads the text) Aha! What a joker!

0 1965-06-14, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother takes up the translation of Savitri, from The Debate of Love and Death. Then she stops in the middle of a line:)
   I cant hear anything just now, I am in Well, the feeling is absolutely of being inside a blanket of fog (Mother looks) a very pale pearl-gray fog. And a fog for both sound and sight.
   I remember having read a story, at the time when I used to receive I think it was Le Matin, the newspaper Le Matin. There were novels in it and I used to read the novels to see the state of mind of people. And there was an extraordinary novel in which the main character was a woman who was immortal (she had been condemned to immortality by God knows which deity), and she tried her best to die, without success! It was stupid, the whole thing was stupid, but the standpoint was reversed: she was compelled to be immortal and she said, Oh! When will I be allowed to die?, with the ordinary idea that death is the end, that everything is over and one rests. And she had been told, You will be able to die only when you meet true Love. Everything was topsy-turvy. But when I read that, it set me thinking a lot sometimes its the most stupid things that set you thinking the most. And to complete the story you see, she had been someone, then someone else, a priestess in Egypt, anyway all kinds of things, and finally (I dont remember), it was in modern times: she met a young married couple; the husb and was a remarkable man, intelligent (I think he was an inventor); his wife, whom he Loved passionately, was a stupid and wicked fool who spoilt all his work, who ruined his whole life and he went on loving her. And thats what (laughing) they gave as example of perfect Love!
   I read that maybe more than fifty years ago, and I still remember it! Because it set me thinking for a long time. I read that and I said to myself, Heres how people understand things!
   It was, oh, certainly more than fifty years ago, because I had already come upon the Cosmic, Thons teaching and the inner divine Presence, and I knew that the new creation would be a creation of immortality I immediately felt it was true (that it was a way of expressing something true). So then, when I read that, I thought, Heres how people make everything topsy-turvy! Head and feet upside down. And I pondered for a long, long time over the problem: How to bring this to the true position? And I set to work. Already at the time, I used to practice adopting that standpoint, looking at things from that standpoint, understanding how that standpoint could exist. And those two things made me ponder: the will to die, and what that man considered to be perfect Lovetwo idiotic things.
   But I discovered what was true in it; thats what was interesting: I tried and tried to find, and suddenly I felt that aspiration towards the immutable, immutable peace. Well, it was upside down: only immutable peace can give you eternal existence. There, it was all upside down, the idea was to cease existence in order to find immutable peace. But its immutable peace one is after and thats what compels the cessation of existence, in order to allow the transformation to take place.
   And Love, which is unconditioned: it doesnt depend on whether you are Loved or not, whether you are intelligent or not, whether you are wicked or not that goes without saying. But it was put in a ridiculous way. But it goes without saying, Love is unconditioned, otherwise it isnt Love, its what I call bargaining: I give you my affection so you give me yours; I am nice to you so you are nice to me! Thats how people understand it, but its stupid, its meaningless. Thats something I understood when I was quite small, I used to say, No! You may wish others to be nice to you if you are nice to them, but that has nothing to do with Love, no, nothing, absolutely nothing. The very essence of Love is unconditioned.

0 1965-06-18 - supramental ship, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   As for Thon, he used to say that the glorified body would be made of a matter denser than physical matter, but with qualities that physical matter doesnt have. And this substance does have qualities, they say, that Matter doesnt have, like for instance elasticity. Well, a few nights ago (I dont remember when), I was in a place in which a sort of pale gray substance had been collected, which looked like diluted clay (a paste, that is). And elastic, (laughing) glutinous! It was like diluted cement, but very pale, a really Lovely pearl gray, and sticky: it could be stretched like chewing gum! And then there were a number of people who had gathered there to ba the in that substance. Some were crawling in it with delight! They were smearing themselves all over with it, and it was sticky! And I myself Once you were there, you were inevitably plunged in it to some extent: it seemed to be there even in the air; you couldnt avoid it. But there was a lady who took great care of me so it wouldnt be too inconvenient: I remember that I had a sort of luminous dress, white and red (white with red decorations) in which I wrapped myself so that substance wouldnt stick to me. But I watched the whole thing, and I saw, for instance, our Purani4 wallowing in it, sliding with delight, dripping with that mud all over! And everybody was in that mud. Only, it was a mud of a very Lovely pearl gray, but was it sticky! And in the morning when I woke up, I said to myself it must be the new substance in preparationits not yet fully ready but its in preparation.
   There were some highly amusing details: it was arranged like the establishments, you know, in those big stylish spas. It was like that. And people came there to take baths in that substance.

0 1965-06-23, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   So in that park I had seen the Pavilion of Love (but I dont like to use that word because men have turned it into something ludicrous); I am referring to the principle of divine Love. But it has been changed: it will be the Pavilion of the Mother; but not this (Mother points to herself): the Mother, the true Mother, the principle of the Mother. (I say Mother because Sri Aurobindo used the word, otherwise I would have put something else I would have put creative principle or realizing principle or something of that sort.) And it will be a small building, not a big one, with just a meditation room downstairs, with columns and probably a circular shape (I say probably because I am leaving it for R. to decide). Upstairs, the top floor will be a room, and the roof will be a covered terrace. Do you know the old Indian Mogul miniatures with palaces in which there are terraces and small roofs supported by columns? Do you know those old miniatures? Ive had hundreds of them in my hands. But this pavilion is very, very Lovely: a small pavilion like this, with a roof over a terrace, and low walls against which there will be divans where people can sit and meditate in the open air in the evening or at night. And downstairs, at the very bottom, on the ground floor, simply a meditation rooma place with nothing in it. There would probably be, at the far end, something that would be a living light (perhaps the symbol2 made of living light), a constant light. Otherwise, a very calm, very silent place.
   Adjoining it would be a small dwelling (well, a dwelling that would still have three floors), but not of large dimensions, and it would be the house of H., who would act as keepershe would be the keeper of the pavilion (she wrote me a very nice letter, but she didnt understand all this, of course).

0 1965-07-07, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Then Mother takes up Savitri: The Debate of Love and Death.
   Is he going on? What does he offer Savitri?

0 1965-07-10, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I have nothing to boast about, you know! I am preaching to this body as much as to others. I should be upright, strong, solid. Why am I stooped like this? I know why, but its not a compliment. I know why, its because all this is still subject to all those suggestions from the world, all the medical thought and all that derives from it and all the suggestions from life. And habits. And all these people here So theres nothing to boast about. Only, I know (the advantage is that I know it), I know it should be otherwise. I know it and the cells also know it, and I told you, yesterday evening they were crying over it, there on my bed; they kept moaning and groaning: I was not made for this life of darkness and disorder, I was made for Light, for Strength and Love. And the answer: Ah! Take it, then! And they were moaning, Why am I compelled to be like this? And all of a sudden, instead of giving them free play: the full Presencein one second it was all gone. But the collective suggestion, the collective atmosphere is so rotten, I may say, that it acts all the time.
   But you (speaking to Sujata) are one of those who can say that when I come at night, I am tall and strong. And at night, I work, I am tall, I am strong. And it goes on moaning! Its idiotic. Not only idiotic, but there is still that sort of self-pity (Mother strokes her cheek), which of all things is the most repugnant: Oh, poor little thing, how tired you are. Oh, poor little thing, how people tire you, how hard life is, how difficult things are. And then moaning and groaning like an idiot. If it were just for me, I would give them a good thrashing! But I am asked not to do it, so I dont do it. But I do feel that before the eyes of this wonderful Graceof this resplendent divine Love and this omnipotent Powerwe are deeply ridiculous, thats all.

0 1965-07-21, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   to the glory of Your all-powerful and eternal Love.
   And all these words had such concrete meaning!
   God of Love and beatitude
   When it came to beatitude all the cells seemed to be swollen.
   I am tired of our infirmity. But it is not to rest that this body aspires, it aspires to the plenitude of Your Consciousness, it aspires to the splendor of Your Light, it aspires to the magnificence of Your Power; above all, it aspires to the glory of Your all-powerful and eternal Love.
   There is a sort of concrete content in the words, which has nothing to do with the mind. It is something livednot just felt: lived.
   Everything that was mental I remember very clearly the state I was in when I wrote those Prayers and Meditations, especially when I wrote them here (all those I wrote here in 1914): it seems to me cold and dry yes, dry, lifeless. Its luminous, its Lovely, pleasant, but its cold, lifeless. Whereas this aspiration here [in the cellular mind], oh, it has a powera power of realizationquite an extraordinary power. If this becomes organized, it will be possible to do something. There is an accumulated power there.
   A little later, about Savitri and the Debate of Love and Death:
   He said he wanted to redo all this passage, but he never did it. And when he was asked (I dont know if it was Nirod or Purani who asked him), he said, No, later.

0 1965-07-24, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   To begin with, last time I told you that this physical mind is being transformed; and three or four days ago, that is, before our last conversation, early in the morning I woke up abruptly in the middle of a sort of vision and activity, precisely in this physical mind. Which isnt at all usual for me. I was here in this room, everything was exactly as it is physically, and someone (I think it was Champaklal) opened the door abruptly and said, Oh, I am bringing bad news. And I heard the sound physically, which means it was very close to the physical. He has fallen and broken his head. But it was as if he were speaking of my brother (who died quite a long time ago), and during the activity I said to myself, But my brother died long ago! And it caused a sort of tension (gesture to the temples) because Its a little complicated to explain. When Champaklal gave me the news, I was in my usual consciousness, in which I immediately thought, How come the Protection didnt act? And I was looking at that when a sort of faraway memory came that my brother was dead. Then I looked (its hard to explain with words, its complex). I looked into Champaklals thought to find out who he meant had fallen and broken his head. And I saw A.s face. And all that caused a tension (same gesture to the temples), so I woke up and looked. And I saw it was an experience intended to make me clearly see that this material mind LoveS ( Loves, thats a way of speaking), Loves catastrophes and attracts them, and even creates them, because it needs the shock of emotion to awaken its unconsciousness. All that is unconscious, all that is tamasic needs violent emotions to shake itself awake. And that need creates a sort of morbid attraction to or imagination of those thingsall the time it keeps imagining all possible catastrophes or opening the door to the bad suggestions of nasty little entities that in fact take pleasure in creating the possibility of catastrophes.
   I saw that very clearly, it was part of the sadhana of this material mind. Then I offered it all to the Lord and stopped thinking about it. And when I received your letter, I thought, Its the same thing! The same thing, its a sort of unhealthy need this physical mind has to seek the violent shock of emotions and catastrophes to awaken its tamas. Only, in the case of A. breaking his head, I waited two days, thinking, Let us see if it happens to be true. But nothing happened, he didnt break his head! In your case, too, I thought, I am not budging till we get news, because it may be true (one case in a million), so I keep silent. But this morning I looked again and saw it was exactly the same thing: its the process of development to make us conscious of the wonderful working of this mind.
   Mother takes up the translation of Savitri, the Debate of Love and Death:
   And from the universal standpoint, it is this inertia, this unconsciousness that made the existence of death necessary the existence of death!!

0 1965-08-07, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Oh, it was Lovely!
   And it gives a tremendous power! When it stops, the Vibration of Love can manifest in its plenitude.
   It came this morning, in a glory.
   P.S. There may be a certain vanity in saying, Why Sri Aurobindo?Because this and that; that is still our mind trying to catch hold of things in order to put its explanations on them, as if nothing could be without its clarifications. Yet, the most potent events in our lives are those we do not explain, because their force goes on working in us without being frozen by ONE explanation there are many other levels of explanation, and there is a mute explanation that remains quietly in the depths, like an ever-calm water, as clear as a childs gaze. And there is still more vanity in saying that Sri Aurobindo is this but not tha the is this and that, and many other things, too; he is with the yes and the no, the for and the against, and with all that seeks without knowing, because everything seeks after Joy, through the yes and the no, through the darkness or the light, slowly and over the tottering centuries or all at once in an all-seizing light. From age to age, that Light comes down on the earth to help it become sooner what it always was and seeks after in its troubled heart; and that Light is clothed in one word or another, it takes on a sweet or a terrible face, or a vast and powerful one like an all-embracing sea, but it is the same Light always, and the soul that opens itself in that ray secretly recognizes a Face it has Loved many a time. From century to century it uncovers itself the same child with folded hands, gazing at the world with Love.
   August 12, 1965

0 1965-08-15, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The world too shall be saved from death by Love.
   Sri Aurobindo

0 1965-08-21, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its beautiful. Far Lovelier than human beings.
   Oh, yes, thats for sure!

0 1965-08-25, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   No real peace can be till the heart of man deserves peace; the law of Vishnu cannot prevail till the debt to Rudra is paid. To turn aside then and preach to a still unevolved mankind the law of Love and oneness? Teachers of the law of Love and oneness there must be, for by that way must come the ultimate salvation. But not till the Time-Spirit in man is ready, can the inner and ultimate prevail over the outer and immediate reality. Christ and Buddha have come and gone, but it is Rudra who still holds the world in the hollow of his hand. And meanwhile the fierce forward labour of mankind tormented and oppressed by the powers that are profiteers of egoistic force and their servants cries for the sword of the Hero of the struggle and the word of its prophet.
   (Essays on the Gita, XIII.372)

0 1965-09-08, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Life only was my blind attempt to Love:
   Earth saw my struggle, heaven my victory.
   She says, Life and death are the fuel, then, In my blind attempt LIFE ONLY was my attempt to Love.1 Because my attempt to Love was blind, I limited it to life but I won the victory in death.
   Its very interesting. (Mother repeats:)
   According to what he says here, it is the principle of Love that is transformed into flame and finally into light. It isnt the principle of Light that is transformed into flame when it materializes: its the flame that is transformed into light.
   The great stars give light because they burn; they burn because they are under the effect of Love.
   Love would be the original Principle?
   That seems to be what he is saying.
   I didnt remember this passage. But I told you, my experience2 is that the last thing as one rises the last thing beyond light, beyond consciousness, beyond the last thing one reaches is Love. One, this one is its the II dont know. According to the experience, its the last thing to manifest now in its purity, and it is the one that has the transforming power.
   Thats what he appears to be saying here: the victory of Love seems to be the final victory.
   He said, Savitri, a Legend and a Symbol; its he who made it a symbol. Its the story of the encounter of Savitri, the principle of Love, with Death; and its over Death that she won the victory, not in life. She could not win the victory in life without winning the victory over Death.
   I didnt know it was put so clearly here. I had read it, but only once.
   Very rare and exceptional are the human beings who can understand and feel divine Love, because divine Love is free of attachment and of the need to please the object Loved.
   That was a discovery.
   Thats why people dont understand; for them, Love is so much like this (Mother intertwines the fingers of her two hands) that they cannot even feel or believe that they Love if there isnt an attachment like this (same gesture). And necessarily, the consequence of attachment is the will, the desire, the need to please the object of ones Love.
   If you take away the attachment and the need to please, people scratch their heads and wonder if they Love. And its only when you take away those two things that divine Love begins!
   This, mon petit, well talk about again, its a revelation.
   The experience of the "great pulsations" of divine Love (in April, 1962).

0 1965-09-15b, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Your child who Loves you,
   Signed: Sujata

0 1965-09-25, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The conscious perception of the two elements (the body is becoming a representative object; not just symbolic: representative), the perception of the state of consciousness of those elements that belong to the past, to the past evolutionary movement, and of those that are open to the new method, if I may say so, is clearer and clearer; its perceptible as clearly as, more clearly than external physical things, than the external form (this distinction is physical, but it belongs to the inner construction). Outwardly, it results in fever. Its a battle. And not a battle of ill wills, its not that: its a sort of incapacity. And its not with violence that we will succeed. You know, the only thing that can triumph is this supreme Vibration of Love, but there is an incapacity to receive, and then (its a strange phenomenon), this incapacity to receive causes a sort of sifting, and its only elements that are as if watered down that can pass through the Thing in itself in its true essence cannot. If you look at it from below, you feel as if That refuses to give itself, but its not true, because when you ARE That (laughing), there is no sense of being watered down: That manifests in its plenitude. And see what happens [the sifting]!
   And its clear (you can see it in very small details) that if there were direct contact, something would be as if shatteredit would cause something to be shattered. Yes, too abrupt, too sudden a change, like something thats shattered.
   Ah, but this wont do for an aphorism, its not an answer to what Sri Aurobindo says! No, I told you, I had the experience long ago. I remember, it was so Lovely, so clear, so luminous, and I expressed it so well to myself (!), it would have made a very nice little article! But now its there, behind (gesture over the shoulder), far, far behind. So I dont know what to do.
   I think unless you have a question to ask (but you see the condition!), well take up our Savitri.

0 1965-10-13, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   You know, you can only be filled with wonder! (How can I put it?) A sort of laughterof sunny laughterwhich is full of an intensity of Love and Yes, this must be the Ananda, the true Ananda.
   (Same alternating gesture) Like this, like that, like this, like that

0 1965-10-20, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Something one Loves is something thats very close.
   (long silence)
   Basically, what you are complaining about is that you cannot Love.
   Yes, but of course!
   Its that you dont know how to Love. That you arent open to Love. But that doesnt depend on anything outside you. It depends only on you.
   When I speak of seeing, thats what I mean.
   Seeing Seeing, its not seeing! Its not a question of seeing. One may see and not Love. Thats not the point. Its not a question of seeing. Its a door thats still closed.
   You are trying to see because you are still trying to Love here (gesture to the forehead). You dont know about that, but I do. You are trying to Love here, and so you speak of seeing. But thats not where one Loves. And theres no need to see someone in order to Love him. Thats not true.
   If I am asked, Have you seen the Lord? I cant say humanly that I have seen the Lord. But He is here, oh, yes! He is here and He is perfect Love. He is here and He is fantastic power.
   And He is here, and He is in fact the very essence of true Love, and without this Vibration, one doesnt know what to Love is, one cannot know. And unless one rejects all ones personal egoistic limitations, one cannot Love Him.

0 1965-11-10, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Of course! I used to make up lots and lots of them! Real fairy tales in which everything is so Lovely, everything works out so nicelynot a single misery. Nothing but Lovely things.
   Before India accepted the cease-fire of September 22.

0 1965-11-23, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And for everything, you know. The one point in human life where it has assumed cardinal importance is Love. Vital passions and attractions have almost in every case taken the place of the true feeling, which is tranquil, while that makes you bubble with excitement, it gives you the feeling of something living. Its very deceptive. And you can know this, feel it, perceive it clearly only when you know the True Thing; if you have touched true Love through the psychic and through divine union, then it [vital Love] appears hollow, thin, empty: an appearance and a dramamore often a tragedy than a comedy.
   All that you can say about it, all that you can explain about it is perfectly useless, because the one who has been caught will instantly say, Oh, its not like with otherswhat happens to you is never like what happens to others (!) Whats needed is the Thing, the true experience then the whole Vital is seen as a masqueradenot an alluring one.
   You know, you are in considerable discomfort, out of sorts, unable to breathe, you have a feeling of nausea, of helplessness, you cant even move, or think or do anything in a word, quite out of sorts; and then suddenly the Consciousness the bodily consciousness of the Vibration of Love, which is the very essence of the creation, just one second: everything lights up, pfft! gone, its all gone. Then you look at yourself, amazedits all gone. You were in considerable discomfortits all gone.
   Well, I dont think words can convey this. Its not even a question of living in the atmospherewhat is it? Maybe one day it will be a power. The power to pass this on. Then it will be possible for everything to change.

0 1965-11-27, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The vision had such majestic and calm and smiling beauty, oh! It was full, really full of divine Love. And not a divine Love that forgives thats not at all the point, not at all!each thing in its own place, realizing its inner rhythm as perfectly as it can. Thats all.
   That was a very beautiful gift.
   It came after a vision of plants and the spontaneous beauty of plants (which is something so wonderful!), then of the animal with such a harmonious life (when men dont interfere), and all that was quite in its own place. Then true humanity seen as such, that is to say, the summit of what a balanced mind can produce in beauty, in harmony, in charm, in elegance in life, in taste for lifetaste to live in beautywhile eliminating, naturally, all that is ugly and low and vulgar. That was a Lovely humanity. Humanity at its highest, but Lovely. And perfectly satisfied as such, because it lives harmoniously. And it may also be like a promise of what almost the totality of humanity will become under the influence of the new creation: as I saw it, it was what the supramental consciousness can do with humanity. There was even a comparison with what humanity has done with animal kind (something extremely mixed, of course, but there have been improvements, betterments, more complete utilizations). Animality under the mental influence has become something else, which naturally has been mixed because the mind is incomplete; similarly there are examples of a harmonious humanity among the well-balanced people, and it appeared to be what humanity could become under the supramental influence.
   Only, its very far ahead; we shouldnt expect it to come about immediatelyits very far ahead.

0 1965-12-25, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It corresponds to a sort of vibration the vibration received from people who hate. Its a vibration which is, so to say, fundamentally the same as the vibration of Love. At its very bottom, there is the same sensation. Although on the surface its the opposite, it is supported by the same vibration. And we could say that we are just as much the slaves of what we hate as of what we Lovemaybe even more. Its something that keeps hold of you, that obsesses you and which you cherish; a sensation you cherish, because beneath its violence there is a warmth of attraction as great as that which you feel for what you Love. And it seems its only in the activity of the manifestation, that is to say, quite on the surface, that there is this distorted appearance.
   You are obsessed by what you hate still more than by what you Love. And the obsession stems from that inner vibration.
   All these feelings (what can we call them?) have a vibratory mode, with something very essential at their core and kinds of layers covering it; so the most central vibration is identical, and its as it inflates to express itself that it gets distorted. For Love its perfectly obvious; in the vast majority of cases it becomes outwardly something with a wholly different nature from the inner vibration, because its something turning in on itself, shriveling up and trying to pull to itself in an egoistic movement of possession. You WANT to be Loved. You say, I Love this person, but at the same time there is what you want, and the lived feeling is, I want to be Loved. And so thats almost as great a distortion as the distortion of hatred, which consists in wanting to destroy what you Love in order not to be tied down. Because you cannot obtain what you want from the object of your Love, you want to destroy it in order to be freed; and in the other case, you shrivel up almost in an inner fury because you cannot obtain, you cannot gobble up what you Love. (Laughing) In actual fact, from the standpoint of the deeper truth, there isnt much difference!
   Its only when the central vibration remains pure and is expressed in its original purity, which is a spreading out (what can I call it? Its something radiating out, a vibration spreading out in a glory, a vibration blossoming out, yes, a radiant blossoming out), then it remains true. And materially its expressed by self-giving, self-forgetfulness, the generosity of the soul. And thats the only true movement. But what people are used to calling Love is as removed from the central vibration of true Love as hatred; only, the one turns in on itself, shrivels up and hardens, while the other strikes thats what makes the whole difference.
   And this isnt seen with ideas: its seen with vibrations. Its very interesting.
   We always come back to the same thing, there is only one solution: to reach the truth of things and cling to it that essential truth, the truth of essential Love, and cling to it.

0 1966-02-19, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   What does she say to him? I think she always says the same thing: the omnipotence of Love.
   There you feel the Force. Otherwise it wouldnt be worth livingit really isnt worth it, its no fun.

0 1966-02-26, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Thons idea (which also fits with the teaching here in India in which they say it was the sense of separation that created the whole DisorderDeath, Falsehood and all the rest), Thons idea was that those first four Emanations, that is, Consciousness, Love, Life, and Truth ( Love was the last, I think, but I no longer remember what he said), those four individual emanated Beings, according to him, in full consciousness of their power and existence, cut themselves off from their Origin. In other words, they wanted to depend only on themselves, they didnt even feel the need to keep the connection with their Origin (I am putting it very materially). So then, that cut is what instantly caused Consciousness to become Unconsciousness, Love to become Suffering (it wasnt Loveit was actually Ananda which became Suffering), Life to become Death and Truth to become Falsehood. And they hurled themselves into the creation like that. Then, there was a second creation, which was the creation of the gods, to mend the mischief caused by those four (the story is told in almost a childlike way in order not to be abstract, in order to become concrete). The gods are the second emanation and they came to mend. In India and everywhere, they were given various names and functions, and they are found in the Overmind region, that is to say, above the physical quaternary, the material quaternary. And the function of those gods is to mend the damage wrought by the others. And the region in which the others (the first Emanations) concentrated is the vital region.
   All this can be translated philosophically, intellectually and so on. It is told as a story so that the most physical intellectuality may understand. But in principle, its the separation from the Origin that created the whole Disorder. And, as far as I know, in India too the Upanishads say the same thing; Sri Aurobindo, at any rate, says that Disorder came with the sense of Separation. So those are different ways of saying the same thing. In one case, seen in a certain way, its a willed separation; in the other case, its an inevitable consequenceinevitable consequence of of what? I dont know.

0 1966-04-13, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   She is a girl who has written to me several times (there are several like her), who has a well-built body, who should be quite solid and healthy, but she has an emotive and sentimental vital, and (somewhat ironically) they arent Loved as they would like to be Loved. Result: one has a pain in her stomach, another has a pain elsewhere. Finally they write to ask me, Whats going on? And the other day, I said to myself, Why dont I tell them? So I wrote:
   You feel lonely because you want to be Loved. Learn the joy of loving without demand, just for the JOY OF LOVING the most wonderful joy in the world and you will never more feel lonely.
   That, mon petit, for me is the key. The key that solves all problems for me. I am not saying it will eternally be like that; it isnt the supreme truth, but for my present experience of the present time, its the key.

0 1966-04-16, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother shows Satprem a note she has entitled "The rungs of Love")
   The last rung is the absolutely pure Thing. And the power the creative and transforming power of that Vibration is unimaginable! While you are living it, nothing is impossible. Its unimaginable.
   At first one Loves only when one is Loved.
   Thats the usual state of human beings. Someones vibration of Love has to come to awaken Love, otherwise they are inert.
   Next one Loves spontaneously
   Thats already a slightly more evolved humanity. One feels Love all of a sudden; one meets someone or somethingah!and it comes. Only
   but one wants to be Loved in return.
   One very much wants to be Loved in return!
   Further on, one Loves even if one is not Loved
   Those are generally people who have reached a fairly advanced yogic state.
   but one still wants ones Love to be accepted.
   Yes, thats an experience I personally had. There is a time when one is quite capable of loving without response, one is above the need to be Loved, but one still has not positively a need, but, at least, a wish that ones Love may be felt and be effective.
   Afterwards, it makes one smile.
   And finally one Loves purely and simply without any other need or joy than that of loving.
   That, to me, according to my personal experience, is really omnipotence.
   But I have also carefully observed that if that manifested indiscriminately, as it were, if it came as something that imposed itself in the earth atmosphere without control or discernment, it would be All that denies that Power (denies it wittingly or unwittingly) would be as though annulled. So the outward, apparent consequences would be too awesome. Thats what Sri Aurobindo wrote; he said Knowledge must come first. Truth must reign before Love can manifest massivelya wholesale manifestation.
   Now its filtered, as it were. It is still filtered.

0 1966-04-20, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Early this morning, that is, around four, I was called somewhere, and for a long time they had been trying to establish very important communications to connect certain things, but they had never succeeded, it was always a confusion. So, last night, they called me. I arrived there and there were roadsit was so Lovely!roads (Mother draws miniature strips) with small borders of grass and plants all along, it was so Lovely, so neat, there was nothing, no disorder anywhere. Three roads converged and went farther on. Ah! I said, Heres some neat work. And they answered me, Yes, but it was made easier by the governments consent.
   I found the reflection charming.
   But one must be sure of one thing (because, needless to say, I Loved her very much, I was very happy to have her near me, she was very useful and I consider that from the material standpoint her departure is a great loss), but when I learned it was serious, immediately (as always, every moment of my life), my will was for the best possible thing from the divine point of view to be realized. And the divine point of view is also always the personal point of view: the divine point of view is the best that can happen to the person in question. I saw in an absolute way that it was the best for her.
   Humanly we may try to find the reasons for this or that, but thats not the point, its that it was for her soul, for her true being the best possible for her.


--- Overview of noun love

The noun love has 6 senses (first 4 from tagged texts)
1. (42) love ::: (a strong positive emotion of regard and affection; "his love for his work"; "children need a lot of love")
2. (3) love, passion ::: (any object of warm affection or devotion; "the theater was her first love"; "he has a passion for cock fighting";)
3. (2) beloved, dear, dearest, honey, love ::: (a beloved person; used as terms of endearment)
4. (1) love, sexual love, erotic love ::: (a deep feeling of sexual desire and attraction; "their love left them indifferent to their surroundings"; "she was his first love")
5. love ::: (a score of zero in tennis or squash; "it was 40 love")
6. sexual love, lovemaking, making love, love, love life ::: (sexual activities (often including sexual intercourse) between two people; "his lovemaking disgusted her"; "he hadn't had any love in months"; "he has a very complicated love life")

--- Overview of verb love

The verb love has 4 senses (first 3 from tagged texts)
1. (43) love ::: (have a great affection or liking for; "I love French food"; "She loves her boss and works hard for him")
2. (26) love, enjoy ::: (get pleasure from; "I love cooking")
3. (13) love ::: (be enamored or in love with; "She loves her husband deeply")
4. sleep together, roll in the hay, love, make out, make love, sleep with, get laid, have sex, know, do it, be intimate, have intercourse, have it away, have it off, screw, fuck, jazz, eff, hump, lie with, bed, have a go at it, bang, get it on, bonk ::: (have sexual intercourse with; "This student sleeps with everyone in her dorm"; "Adam knew Eve"; "Were you ever intimate with this man?")

--- Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of noun love

6 senses of love                            

Sense 1
   => emotion
     => feeling
       => state
         => attribute
           => abstraction, abstract entity
             => entity

Sense 2
love, passion
   => object
     => content, cognitive content, mental object
       => cognition, knowledge, noesis
         => psychological feature
           => abstraction, abstract entity
             => entity

Sense 3
beloved, dear, dearest, honey, love
   => lover
     => person, individual, someone, somebody, mortal, soul
       => organism, being
         => living thing, animate thing
           => whole, unit
             => object, physical object
               => physical entity
                 => entity
       => causal agent, cause, causal agency
         => physical entity
           => entity

Sense 4
love, sexual love, erotic love
   => sexual desire, eros, concupiscence, physical attraction
     => desire
       => feeling
         => state
           => attribute
             => abstraction, abstract entity
               => entity

Sense 5
   => score
     => number
       => definite quantity
         => measure, quantity, amount
           => abstraction, abstract entity
             => entity

Sense 6
sexual love, lovemaking, making love, love, love life
   => sexual activity, sexual practice, sex, sex activity
     => bodily process, body process, bodily function, activity
       => organic process, biological process
         => process, physical process
           => physical entity
             => entity

--- Hyponyms of noun love

1 of 6 senses of love                        

Sense 1
   => worship, adoration
   => agape, agape love
   => agape
   => filial love
   => ardor, ardour
   => amorousness, enamoredness
   => puppy love, calf love, crush, infatuation
   => devotion, devotedness
   => benevolence
   => heartstrings
   => lovingness, caring
   => loyalty

--- Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of noun love

6 senses of love                            

Sense 1
   => emotion

Sense 2
love, passion
   => object

Sense 3
beloved, dear, dearest, honey, love
   => lover

Sense 4
love, sexual love, erotic love
   => sexual desire, eros, concupiscence, physical attraction

Sense 5
   => score

Sense 6
sexual love, lovemaking, making love, love, love life
   => sexual activity, sexual practice, sex, sex activity

--- Coordinate Terms (sisters) of noun love

6 senses of love                            

Sense 1
  -> emotion
   => conditioned emotional response, CER, conditioned emotion
   => anger, choler, ire
   => fear, fearfulness, fright
   => fear, reverence, awe, veneration
   => anxiety
   => joy, joyousness, joyfulness
   => love
   => hate, hatred
   => emotional state, spirit

Sense 2
love, passion
  -> object
   => antipathy
   => bugbear, hobgoblin
   => execration
   => center, centre, center of attention, centre of attention
   => hallucination
   => infatuation
   => love, passion

Sense 3
beloved, dear, dearest, honey, love
  -> lover
   => admirer, adorer
   => beloved, dear, dearest, honey, love
   => betrothed
   => boyfriend, fellow, beau, swain, young man
   => darling, favorite, favourite, pet, dearie, deary, ducky
   => girlfriend, girl, lady friend
   => idolizer, idoliser
   => inamorata
   => inamorato
   => kisser, osculator
   => necker
   => petter, fondler
   => Romeo
   => soul mate
   => squeeze
   => sweetheart, sweetie, steady, truelove

Sense 4
love, sexual love, erotic love
  -> sexual desire, eros, concupiscence, physical attraction
   => love, sexual love, erotic love
   => aphrodisia
   => anaphrodisia
   => passion
   => sensuality, sensualness, sensualism
   => amorousness, eroticism, erotism, sexiness, amativeness
   => fetish
   => libido
   => lecherousness, lust, lustfulness
   => nymphomania
   => satyriasis
   => the hots

Sense 5
  -> score
   => bowling score
   => football score
   => baseball score
   => basketball score
   => stroke
   => birdie
   => bogey
   => deficit
   => double-bogey
   => duck, duck's egg
   => eagle
   => double eagle
   => game
   => lead
   => love
   => match
   => par

Sense 6
sexual love, lovemaking, making love, love, love life
  -> sexual activity, sexual practice, sex, sex activity
   => bondage
   => outercourse
   => safe sex
   => conception
   => sexual intercourse, intercourse, sex act, copulation, coitus, coition, sexual congress, congress, sexual relation, relation, carnal knowledge
   => pleasure
   => sexual love, lovemaking, making love, love, love life
   => carnal abuse
   => coupling, mating, pairing, conjugation, union, sexual union
   => reproduction, procreation, breeding, facts of life
   => foreplay, arousal, stimulation
   => perversion, sexual perversion
   => autoeroticism, autoerotism
   => promiscuity, promiscuousness, sleeping around
   => lechery
   => homosexuality, homosexualism, homoeroticism, queerness, gayness
   => bisexuality
   => heterosexuality, heterosexualism, straightness
   => bestiality, zooerastia, zooerasty

--- Grep of noun love
african love grass
agape love
baseball glove
batting glove
boxing glove
brotherly love
calf love
city of brotherly love
common foxglove
courtly love
cupboard love
erotic love
false foxglove
filial love
free love
garlic clove
golf glove
kid glove
labor of love
labour of love
lad's love
love affair
love apple
love bite
love child
love feast
love grass
love handle
love knot
love letter
love life
love line
love lyric
love match
love seat
love song
love story
love tree
love vine
loved one
lover's knot
lovers' knot
making love
metal glove
puppy love
sexual love
straw foxglove
suede glove
weeping love grass
yellow foxglove

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Wikipedia - Baby, We're Really in Love -- 1951 Hank Williams song
Wikipedia - Back 2 Love (album) -- 2014 studio album by Rahat Fateh Ali Khan
Wikipedia - Back to Love (Chris Brown song) -- 2019 song by Chris Brown
Wikipedia - Bacon: A Love Story -- Book by Heather Lauer
Wikipedia - Baja jacket -- Type of hooded pullover jacket
Wikipedia - Baker's Haulover Inlet -- Ocean inlet in Florida, US
Wikipedia - Bang Gang (A Modern Love Story) -- 2015 film
Wikipedia - Bangkok Love Stories: Innocence -- 2018 Thai-language television series
Wikipedia - Bangkok Love Stories: Objects of Affection -- 2019 Thai-language television series
Wikipedia - Bangkok Love Stories: Plead -- 2019 Thai-language television series
Wikipedia - Barbara Brezigar -- Slovenian lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - Barbara Love -- American lesbian feminist writer and activist
Wikipedia - Barbara MikliM-DM-^M Turk -- Slovene First Lady
Wikipedia - Barbo von Waxenstein -- Italian-Slovenian noble family
Wikipedia - Barcelona: A Love Untold -- 2016 film directed by Olivia Lamasan
Wikipedia - Bare-knuckle boxing -- Boxing without use of boxing gloves
Wikipedia - BareNaked (song) -- 2002 single by Jennifer Love Hewitt
Wikipedia - Baron Lovelace
Wikipedia - B'coz I Love You -- 2000 single by Hitomi Yaida
Wikipedia - Beautiful Love, Wonderful Life -- 2019 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Because I Love You (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Because of Love -- 1994 single by Janet Jackson
Wikipedia - Because the Internet -- Second studio album by American hip hop recording artist Donald Glover
Wikipedia - Before Your Love -- 2002 single by Kelly Clarkson
Wikipedia - Be Here to Love Me -- 2004 film by Margaret Brown
Wikipedia - Beiimaan Love -- 2016 film by Rajeev Chaudhari
Wikipedia - Beloved (1934 film) -- 1934 film by Victor Schertzinger
Wikipedia - Beloved (2011 film) -- 2011 film by Christophe Honore
Wikipedia - Beloved Augustin (1940 film) -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Beloved Augustin (1960 film) -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Beloved Beauty -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Beloved Corinna -- 1956 film
Wikipedia - Beloved Enemy (1955 film) -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - Beloved Enemy -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Beloved Fatherland Party -- Political party in Paraguay
Wikipedia - Beloved Imposter -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Beloved Impostor (1961 film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Beloved Infidel -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Beloved Liar -- 1950 film
Wikipedia - Beloved Life -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - Beloved (novel) -- 1987 novel by Toni Morrison
Wikipedia - Beloved Rogues -- 1917 film by Alfred Santell
Wikipedia - Beloved Sisters -- 2014 film
Wikipedia - Beloved World -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Be Love -- Magazine
Wikipedia - Belovezha Accords -- 1991 agreement that established the Commonwealth of Independent States
Wikipedia - Ben Breedlove -- American Internet personality (1993-2011)
Wikipedia - Ben Dolic -- Slovenian singer (born 1997)
Wikipedia - Benedikt KuripeM-DM-^MiM-DM-^M -- Slovenian diplomat
Wikipedia - Benjamin Lah -- Slovenian martial artist
Wikipedia - Benjamin SavM-EM-!ek -- Slovenian canoeist
Wikipedia - Bergman Island -- 2020 film directed by Mia Hansen-Love
Wikipedia - Berlin, I Love You -- 2019 anthology romantic drama film
Wikipedia - Bernard Lovell -- English physicist and radio astronomer
Wikipedia - Bernartice (Trutnov District) -- Village in Trutnov District of Hradec Kralove Region
Wikipedia - Bessie Love on screen, stage, and radio -- filmography of American actress Bessie Love
Wikipedia - Bessie Love -- American actress
Wikipedia - Betal Rock Shelter -- Cave and archaeological site in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Bettina Loved a Soldier -- 1916 film by Rupert Julian
Wikipedia - Beverley Glover -- British biologist specialising in botany
Wikipedia - Beware, My Lovely -- 1952 film by Harry Horner
Wikipedia - Beyond Love (film) -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - Bhakti -- Devotional love, a concept in Indian religions
Wikipedia - Bible of Love -- 2018 studio album by Snoop Dogg
Wikipedia - Bibliophilia -- Love of books
Wikipedia - Big Bad Love -- 2001 film by Arliss Howard
Wikipedia - Big Man, Little Love -- 2001 film by Handan M-DM-0pekci
Wikipedia - Big Pasture Plateau -- Mountain plateau in the Kamnik-Savinja Alps, Slovenia
Wikipedia - Bill Lovelock -- Australian songwriter and broadcaster
Wikipedia - Bizarre Love Triangle -- Song by the English rock band New Order
Wikipedia - Black Clover -- Manga series by Yuki Tabata
Wikipedia - Black Is the Color (of My True Love's Hair) -- American traditional song
Wikipedia - Black Love (2015 TV series) -- Television series
Wikipedia - Black Market of Love -- 1966 film
Wikipedia - Black Night -- Original song written and composed by Deep Purple (Blackmore-Gillan-Glover-Lord-Paice)
Wikipedia - Black Rose Is an Emblem of Sorrow, Red Rose Is an Emblem of Love -- 1989 film
Wikipedia - Blame It on Your Love -- 2019 single by Charli XCX featuring Lizzo
Wikipedia - BlaM-EM-> ArniM-DM-^M -- Slovenian composer
Wikipedia - BlaM-EM-> Cof -- Slovenian canoeist
Wikipedia - BlaM-EM-> Furdi -- Slovenian bicycle racer
Wikipedia - BlaM-EM-> KavM-DM-^MiM-DM-^M (politician) -- Slovenian politician and economist
Wikipedia - Blazing Love -- 1916 film by Kenean Buel
Wikipedia - Bleeding Love -- 2007 single by Leona Lewis
Wikipedia - Blind Love (1912 film) -- 1912 film
Wikipedia - Blue Love (song) -- 1988 single by The O'Kanes
Wikipedia - Blues, Rags and Hollers -- 1963 album by Koerner, Ray & Glover
Wikipedia - Bobby Love -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Body Love (song) -- 2017 single by IDER
Wikipedia - Bojan Accetto -- Slovenian physician
Wikipedia - Bojan PostruM-EM->nik -- Slovenian archer
Wikipedia - BoM-EM->ena Angelova -- Slovenian violinist
Wikipedia - BoM-EM-!tjan Fridrih -- Slovenian athlete
Wikipedia - BoM-EM-!tjan Koritnik -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - BoM-EM-!tjan Lekan -- Slovenian biathlete
Wikipedia - BoM-EM-!tjan MaM-DM-^Mek -- Slovenian sport shooter
Wikipedia - Bond girl -- Female character who is a love interest and/or female sidekick of James Bond
Wikipedia - Bonds of Love -- 1919 film by Reginald Barker
Wikipedia - Book Lovers Day -- Unofficial holiday
Wikipedia - Book of Love (1990 film) -- 1990 film by Robert Shaye
Wikipedia - Book of Love (band) -- American synth-pop band
Wikipedia - Border Flight -- 1936 film by Otho Lovering
Wikipedia - Boris Novak -- Slovenian manager
Wikipedia - Borka Jerman BlaM-EM->iM-DM-^M -- Slovenian computer scientist
Wikipedia - Born 2 B.R.E.E.D. -- 1993 single by Monie Love
Wikipedia - Born to Be Loved -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Born to Love (film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Borovnica railway station -- Slovenian railway station
Wikipedia - Borut Pahor -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Boxing Gloves (film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Boxing gloves
Wikipedia - Boy (Book of Love song) -- 1985 single by Book of Love
Wikipedia - Boyhood Loves -- 2001 film
Wikipedia - Brandi Love -- American pornographic actress (born 1973)
Wikipedia - Branislava SuM-EM-!nik -- Slovenian-Paraguayan anthropologist
Wikipedia - Branko Filip -- Slovenian cyclist and coach
Wikipedia - Branko Ziherl -- Slovenian diver
Wikipedia - Bread, Love and Andalusia -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Bread, Love and Dreams (TV series) -- 2010 South Korean drama television series
Wikipedia - Bread of Love -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - Breath of Love: Last Piece -- 2020 studio album by Got7
Wikipedia - Briana Loves Jenna -- 2001 film by Jay Grdina
Wikipedia - Brigita Brezovac -- Slovenian retired professional bodybuilder
Wikipedia - Brigita Bukovec -- Slovenian hurdler
Wikipedia - Brigita KraM-EM-!ovec -- Slovenian rhythmic gymnast
Wikipedia - Brina BoM-EM->iM-DM-^M -- Slovenian archer
Wikipedia - Brina Svit -- Slovenian writer
Wikipedia - Bring Me Your Love (album) -- 2008 studio album by City and Colour
Wikipedia - Broadway Love -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - Broc Glover -- American motorcycle racer
Wikipedia - Broken (Lovelytheband song) -- 2017 single by lovelytheband
Wikipedia - Bronja Zakelj -- Slovenian writer
Wikipedia - Brooks, Meadows and Lovely Faces -- 2016 film
Wikipedia - Brotherly Love (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Brotherly love (philosophy) -- Biblical concept
Wikipedia - Bruce Sterling (Love of Life) -- American television soap opera character (1959 to 1980)
Wikipedia - BTC City -- Shopping mall in Ljubljana, Slovenia
Wikipedia - Bubba the Love Sponge -- American radio personality
Wikipedia - Bugs in Love -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Bukla Magazine -- Slovenian book review magazine
Wikipedia - Bulgarian Lovers -- 2003 film by Eloy de la Iglesia
Wikipedia - Bullets of Love -- 2001 film by Andrew Lau
Wikipedia - Burning for Love -- Song by Bon Jovi
Wikipedia - But I Do Love You -- 2001 single by LeAnn Rimes
Wikipedia - But What If This Is Love -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - By Love Possessed (film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - C/2011 W3 (Lovejoy) -- Kreutz Sungrazer comet discovered in November 2011 by Terry Lovejoy
Wikipedia - Cafe Clover -- American restaurant
Wikipedia - Caitlyn Taylor Love -- American actress and singer
Wikipedia - Came Here for Love -- 2017 single by Sigala and Ella Eyre
Wikipedia - Cannabis in Slovenia -- Use of cannabis in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Can't Get Enough of Your Love, Babe -- 1974 single by Barry White
Wikipedia - Can't Help Falling in Love (film) -- 2017 Philippinese film by Mae Cruz-Alviar
Wikipedia - Can't Help Falling in Love -- 1961 single by Elvis Presley
Wikipedia - Can You Feel the Love Tonight -- Song from Disney's The Lion King
Wikipedia - Capitalism: A Love Story -- 2009 documentary film by Michael Moore
Wikipedia - Carinthian Slovene
Wikipedia - Carlo Gesualdo -- Italian prince, 1566-1613, known for his compositions and for killing his wife and her lover
Wikipedia - Case Closed: The Crimson Love Letter
Wikipedia - Casino: Love and Honor in Las Vegas -- 1995 non-fiction book
Wikipedia - Caspian plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Category:Articles containing Slovene-language text
Wikipedia - Category:Austrian people of Slovenian descent
Wikipedia - Category:British people of Slovenian descent
Wikipedia - Category:CS1 Slovenian-language sources (sl)
Wikipedia - Category:Ethnic groups in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Category:Free love advocates
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of Slovenian people by occupation
Wikipedia - Category:Philosophers of love
Wikipedia - Category:Philosophy of love
Wikipedia - Category:Slovenian computer scientists
Wikipedia - Category:Slovenian philosophers
Wikipedia - Category:Tibetan Buddhists from Slovenia
Wikipedia - Cat Glover -- Professional choreographer, dancer and singer
Wikipedia - Catherine Arlove -- Australian judoka
Wikipedia - Catholic Church in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Cehi 2 cave -- Cave in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Cesko Slovenska SuperStar 2020 -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - Cestus -- Ancient battle glove
Wikipedia - Chaim Soloveitchik -- Belarusian rabbi
Wikipedia - Chains of Love (Ahmet Ertegun song) -- 1951 song performed by Big Joe Turner
Wikipedia - Chains of Love (TV series) -- 2001 American TV show
Wikipedia - Champions: A Love Story -- 1979 television film by John A. Alonzo
Wikipedia - Chana Eulove -- Compact MPV
Wikipedia - Chaos;Child Love Chu Chu!! -- 2017 video novel game
Wikipedia - Charles Glover Barkla -- English physicist
Wikipedia - Charles William Glover -- English violinist and composer
Wikipedia - Che Lovelace -- Trinidadian artist
Wikipedia - Chemicals (Love and Death song) -- 2013 single by Love and Death
Wikipedia - Chemistry and Love -- 1948 film
Wikipedia - Chequered Love -- 1981 single by Kim Wilde
Wikipedia - Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?! -- Japanese boys' love manga series
Wikipedia - Chestnut-banded plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Chick-A-Boom (Don't Ya Jes' Love It) -- 1971 single by Daddy Dewdrop
Wikipedia - Children of Love -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - Chris Glover -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - Christianity in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Christian love
Wikipedia - Christian Ulrik Gyldenlove -- Danish diplomat and military officer
Wikipedia - Christian Van Geloven -- Dutch murderer and pedophile
Wikipedia - Christmas Is the Time to Say I Love You (album) -- 2010 album by Katharine McPhee
Wikipedia - Chronicle of Poor Lovers -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - Cilka Sadar -- Slovenian snowboarder
Wikipedia - Cindy Lovell -- American educator and writer
Wikipedia - Cindy's Love Games -- 1979 film by Aldo Grimaldi
Wikipedia - Circle of Love (film) -- 1964 film by Roger Vadim
Wikipedia - Circle of Lovers -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Circle of Love (Steve Miller Band album) -- album by Steve Miller Band
Wikipedia - Circus of Love -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - Ciril Horjak -- Slovene artist and illustrator
Wikipedia - City Municipality of Celje -- City municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - City Municipality of Koper -- City municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - City Municipality of Kranj -- City municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - City Municipality of Ljubljana -- City municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - City Municipality of Maribor -- City municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - City Municipality of Murska Sobota -- City municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - City Municipality of Nova Gorica -- City municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - City Municipality of Novo Mesto -- City municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - City Municipality of Ptuj -- City municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - City Municipality of Slovenj Gradec -- City municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - City Municipality of Velenje -- City municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Civic List (Slovenia) -- Slovenian political party
Wikipedia - Classic - Dance of Love -- 2005 film by Babbar Subhash
Wikipedia - Cloven-feathered dove -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Clover Bend, Arkansas -- Human settlement in Arkansas, United States of America
Wikipedia - Clover Boykin -- American murderer
Wikipedia - Clover (Clamp manga) -- Manga series created by Clamp
Wikipedia - Clover Club Cocktail -- Gin cocktail
Wikipedia - Clover (creature) -- Monster in the film Cloverfield
Wikipedia - Cloverdale Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California
Wikipedia - Cloverfield (franchise) -- Film series
Wikipedia - Cloverfield -- 2008 American film by Matt Reeves
Wikipedia - Cloverland, Houston
Wikipedia - Clover Leaf (Faberge egg) -- 1902 Imperial Faberge egg
Wikipedia - Cloverleaf High School -- Public school in Medina County, Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Cloverleaf Mall -- Shopping mall in Chesterfield County, Virginia, U.S.
Wikipedia - Cloverleaf quasar
Wikipedia - Clover Music -- Record label imprint
Wikipedia - Clover Network -- Cloud-based Android point of sale platform
Wikipedia - Cloverport, Kentucky
Wikipedia - Clover Site -- Archaeological type site
Wikipedia - Cloverton (band)
Wikipedia - Clovertown (microprocessor)
Wikipedia - Clover Township, Clearwater County, Minnesota -- Township in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Cloverview (SoC)
Wikipedia - Cloverway Inc.
Wikipedia - Clover -- Genus of flowering plants in the bean family Fabaceae
Wikipedia - CloverWorks -- Japanese animation studio
Wikipedia - Cloves Campbell Jr. -- American politician
Wikipedia - Cloves Campbell Sr. -- American politician
Wikipedia - Clove -- Spice, flower buds of Syzygium aromaticum
Wikipedia - Clyde E. Love -- American mathematician and author
Wikipedia - Coco Love Alcorn -- Canadian pop and jazz singer
Wikipedia - Cola de mono -- Chilean drink containing aguardiente, milk, sugar, coffee, and cloves
Wikipedia - Colin Lovell-Smith -- New Zealand painter
Wikipedia - Collared plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - College Lovers -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - College Love -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Come and Get Your Love -- Song by Redbone
Wikipedia - Come Back My Love -- 1955 single by The Wrens
Wikipedia - Come Die My Love -- 1952 film
Wikipedia - Common ringed plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Community of the Sisters of the Love of God
Wikipedia - Computer Love (Zapp song) -- 1986 single by Zapp
Wikipedia - Connected by Love -- 2018 single by Jack White
Wikipedia - Contagious Love -- Single by Zendaya and Bella Throne
Wikipedia - Contraband Love -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Conus cloveri -- Species of sea snail
Wikipedia - Corey Glover -- American singer, musician and guitarist
Wikipedia - Corianton: A Story of Unholy Love -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Coronis (lover of Apollo) -- Ancient Greek princess and princess of Thessaly
Wikipedia - Corruption in Slovenia -- Institutional corruption in the country
Wikipedia - Cosmic Love -- 2010 single by Florence + the Machine
Wikipedia - Costard -- character in Love's Labour's Lost
Wikipedia - Count Varenne's Lover -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Courtly love
Wikipedia - Courtney Love
Wikipedia - COVID-19 pandemic in Slovenia -- Ongoing COVID-19 viral pandemic in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Cowboy Man -- Single by Lyle Lovett
Wikipedia - Crab-plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Cradle of Love (Billy Idol song) -- 1990 single by Billy Idol
Wikipedia - Crazy for Love -- 1952 film
Wikipedia - Crazy in Love -- 2003 single by Beyonce featuring Jay-Z
Wikipedia - Crazy, Lovely, Cool -- Nigerian drama series
Wikipedia - Crazy Love (MJ Cole song) -- 2000 single by M. J. Cole
Wikipedia - Crazy Love (TV series) -- 2013 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Crispin Glover -- American actor, filmmaker, musician and author
Wikipedia - Croatian-Slovene Peasant Revolt -- South Slavic peasant uprising against the perceived tyranny of a baron
Wikipedia - Crucified (Army of Lovers song) -- 1991 single by Army of Lovers
Wikipedia - Cruel Love -- South Korean TV series
Wikipedia - Cry, the Beloved Country (1951 film) -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - Cthulhu Mythos anthology -- Short story collections set in the milleu created by H. P. Lovecraft
Wikipedia - Cthulhu Mythos deities -- Fictional deities in H. P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu mythos
Wikipedia - Cthulhu Mythos in popular culture -- Cultural references to H. P. Lovecraft
Wikipedia - Cthulhu Mythos -- Shared fictional universe based on the work of H. P. Lovecraft
Wikipedia - Cunkovci -- Place in Styria, Slovenia
Wikipedia - Cupboard Love
Wikipedia - Cupid in Clover -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Cupid -- Ancient Roman god of desire, affection and erotic love
Wikipedia - Current of Love -- Tunisian political movement
Wikipedia - Cut-resistant gloves -- Type of personal protective equipment
Wikipedia - Cuz I Love You (song) -- 2019 song by Lizzo
Wikipedia - Cuz I Love You -- 2019 studio album by Lizzo
Wikipedia - Cvetka Bevc -- Slovene writer and poet
Wikipedia - Cyr/The Colour of Love -- The Smashing Pumpkins single
Wikipedia - Dallas Love Field -- Airport in Dallas, Texas, United States
Wikipedia - DaM-EM-!a Grm -- Slovene figure skater
Wikipedia - Damir CrnM-DM-^Mec -- Slovene politologist (born 1973)
Wikipedia - Damjan OstojiM-DM-^M -- Slovenian figure skater
Wikipedia - Damjan Petek -- Slovenian judoka
Wikipedia - Damjan Sitar -- Slovenian decathlete
Wikipedia - Damn I Wish I Was Your Lover -- 1992 single by Sophie B. Hawkins
Wikipedia - Dana Glover (singer)
Wikipedia - Dance Me to the End of Love
Wikipedia - Danger - Love at Work -- 1937 film by Otto Preminger
Wikipedia - Dangerous Love (1920 film) -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Dangerous Love (1988 film) -- 1988 American crime film
Wikipedia - Daniel Kovac -- German-Slovenian singer
Wikipedia - Dan Loven -- Swedish sailor
Wikipedia - Danny Glover -- American actor, film director and political activist
Wikipedia - Daria Nina Love -- Veterinary microbiologist and educator
Wikipedia - Darja BavdaM-EM-> Kuret -- Slovenian diplomat, social scientist
Wikipedia - Dark Love (film) -- 2010 film
Wikipedia - Darlene Love -- American singer and actress
Wikipedia - Daughters of Divine Love
Wikipedia - David Belove -- American jazz bass guitarist
Wikipedia - David Glover
Wikipedia - David Lovering -- Alternative rock musician
Wikipedia - Davis Love Jr. -- American golfer
Wikipedia - Davor Glavina -- Slovenian sailor
Wikipedia - Day for My Love -- 1976 film
Wikipedia - Days of Love -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - Dear, Dearest, Beloved, Unique... -- 1984 film
Wikipedia - Deborah-Mae Lovell -- Antiguan and Barbudan diplomat
Wikipedia - Dede Lovelace -- Actress, skateboarder, and artists
Wikipedia - Dedicated to the One I Love -- 1959 single by The Shirelles
Wikipedia - Dedication and Everlasting Love to Animals Rescue -- US animal welfare organization
Wikipedia - DEDI -- Digital encyclopedia of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Deep One -- Lovecraftian creature
Wikipedia - Deirdre Lovejoy -- American actress
Wikipedia - Dejan BravniM-DM-^Mar -- Slovenian violinist
Wikipedia - Dejan KoM-EM-!ir -- Slovenian snowboarder
Wikipedia - Dejan PreM-EM-!iM-DM-^Mek -- Slovenian saxophonist
Wikipedia - Dejan Sitar -- Slovenian archer
Wikipedia - Dejan Zidan -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - De-Lovely -- 2004 film by Irwin Winkler
Wikipedia - Demeter Bitenc -- Slovenian actor
Wikipedia - Demetrij Zebre -- Slovenian composer
Wikipedia - Denis Glover -- NZ poet and publisher (1912-1980)
Wikipedia - Dennis Hof's Love Ranch -- Legal brothel in Crystal, Nevada
Wikipedia - Dentist Love -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Destiny Lovers -- Japanese manga series
Wikipedia - Diademed sandpiper-plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Diary for My Lovers -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Dicycloverine
Wikipedia - Did You Fall in Love Along the Beautiful Rhine? -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Digital: A Love Story -- 2010 indie visual novel
Wikipedia - Dijana Ravnikar -- Slovenian biathlete
Wikipedia - Dimitrije Merzlikin -- Slovenian gymnast
Wikipedia - Dimitrij Rupel -- Slovene politician
Wikipedia - Dino Bauk -- Slovenian lawyer and writer
Wikipedia - Dirty Love (film) -- 2005 film by John Mallory Asher
Wikipedia - Discarded Lovers -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Disciple whom Jesus loved
Wikipedia - Distilled Love -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Divine Love (film) -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Divine Love
Wikipedia - Divine love
Wikipedia - Diving glove -- Hand protection worn while driving
Wikipedia - Divje Babe -- Cave and archaeological site in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Dmytro Solovey -- Ukrainian Paralympic judoka
Wikipedia - Do It for Love (Hall & Oates album) -- album by Hall & Oates
Wikipedia - Dolenja Vas, Prebold -- Place in Styria, Slovenia
Wikipedia - Domen M-EM- kofic -- Slovenian rock climber
Wikipedia - Domen Pociecha -- Slovenian luger
Wikipedia - Donald Glover -- American actor, musician, comedian and producer
Wikipedia - Donald Lovett -- British military officer
Wikipedia - Donald W. Loveland -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - Dondang Sayang -- Malaccan love ballads
Wikipedia - Don Edward Glover -- American politician from Arkansas
Wikipedia - Donja R. Love -- American playwright
Wikipedia - Don't Ask Me If I Love -- 1971 novel by Amos Kollek
Wikipedia - Don't Be Stupid (You Know I Love You) -- 1997 single by Shania Twain
Wikipedia - Don't Bet on Love -- 1933 film
Wikipedia - Don't Call It Love (film) -- 1923 film by William C. deMille
Wikipedia - Don't Ever Wipe Tears Without Gloves -- 2012 Swedish television series directed by Simon Kaijser da Silva
Wikipedia - Don't Forget Love -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - Don't Gamble with Love -- 1936 film by Dudley Murphy
Wikipedia - Don't Let Go (Love) -- 1996 single by En Vogue
Wikipedia - Don't Make Me Come Over There and Love You -- 2000 single by George Strait
Wikipedia - Don't Play with Love -- 1949 film
Wikipedia - Don't Say You Love Me (Billy Squier song) -- 1989 single
Wikipedia - Don't Say You Love Me (Erasure song) -- 2005 single by Erasure
Wikipedia - Don't Say You Love Me (M2M song) -- 1999 single by M2M
Wikipedia - Don't You Love Me (Eternal song) -- 1997 single by Eternal
Wikipedia - Doris Love -- Swedish-Icelandic botanist (1918-2000)
Wikipedia - Dorothy Looks for Love -- 1945 film
Wikipedia - Double-banded plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Doug Clovechok -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - Down with Love -- 2003 film by Peyton Reed
Wikipedia - Do You Love Me (film) -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - Do You Love Me -- 1962 song written and composed by Berry Gordy; first recorded by The Contours
Wikipedia - Do You Love Your Mom and Her Two-Hit Multi-Target Attacks? -- Japanese light novel, manga, and anime series
Wikipedia - Do You Love Your Wife? -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - Do You Still Love Me?: The Best of Meli'sa Morgan -- Greatest hits album by Meli'sa Morgan
Wikipedia - Draft:Bhoju Rana -- Cricket Lover and Cricket Promoter
Wikipedia - Draft:Bhoomiyile Manohara Swakaryam -- Indian Malayalam-language Love Story film
Wikipedia - Draft:Clover (Rina Aiuchi song) -- 2010 single by Rina Aiuchi
Wikipedia - Draft:Crystal Loverro -- American actress
Wikipedia - Draft:Deep Inside Your Love -- 1984 single by Ready for the World
Wikipedia - Draft:Dewesoft -- Slovenian engineering and electronics company
Wikipedia - Draft:Foxglove (campaigning organisation) -- Nonprofit limited company in London
Wikipedia - Draft:Happy Now (The Beloved EP) -- 1987 extended play by The Beloved
Wikipedia - Draft:I'm in Love! (RuPaul's Drag Race) -- 2nd episode of the fifth season of ''RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars''
Wikipedia - Draft:Pyg and Tam: Loves babies -- American computer-animated streaming television series produced by DreamWorks Animation
Wikipedia - Draft:What About Love (film) -- 2021 film directed by Klaus Menzel
Wikipedia - Draga AhaM-DM-^MiM-DM-^M -- Slovene actress, film director, translator and publicist.
Wikipedia - Draginja M-DM-^Pipalovic -- Slovenian gymnast
Wikipedia - Drago Grubelnik -- Slovenian alpine skier and coach
Wikipedia - Drago M-EM- oM-EM-!taric -- Slovenian gymnast
Wikipedia - Drago SupanM-DM-^MiM-DM-^M -- Slovenian teacher
Wikipedia - Dragotin Kette -- Slovene poet
Wikipedia - Dragutin Mate -- Slovenian diplomat and politician
Wikipedia - Drake Would Love Me -- R&B song recorded by K. Michelle
Wikipedia - Dreamlover (song) -- 1993 single by Mariah Carey
Wikipedia - Dream Lover -- 1959 single by Bobby Darin
Wikipedia - Dream of Love -- 1928 film by Fred Niblo
Wikipedia - Drift Fence -- 1936 American film directed by Otho Lovering
Wikipedia - Drink. Sing. Live. Love. -- album by Versus the World
Wikipedia - Dr. Love Radio Show -- Filipino radio program
Wikipedia - Drowned World/Substitute for Love -- 1998 single by Madonna
Wikipedia - Dr. Strangelove -- 1964 British satire film directed by Stanley Kubrick
Wikipedia - Drums of Love -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Drunk in Love -- 2013 single by Beyonce featuring Jay-Z
Wikipedia - Du har lovet mig en kone! -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - DuM-EM-!an Furlan -- Slovenian gymnast
Wikipedia - DuM-EM-!an Jovanovic (theatre director) -- Slovene theatre director
Wikipedia - DuM-EM-!an Mavec -- Slovenian equestrian
Wikipedia - DuM-EM-!an Mramor -- Slovenian economist and politician
Wikipedia - DuM-EM-!an Puh -- Slovenian windsurfer
Wikipedia - DuM-EM-!an RepovM-EM-! -- Slovenian mathematician
Wikipedia - Dundon v Governor of Cloverhill Prison -- Irish Supreme Court case
Wikipedia - Dunwich (Lovecraft)
Wikipedia - Dushmani: A Violent Love Story -- 1995 Hindi film
Wikipedia - Dutty Love (song) -- 2012 song by Don Omar and Natti Natasha
Wikipedia - Earl of Lovelace
Wikipedia - Eastern Orthodoxy in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Easy to Love (1934 film) -- 1934 film by William Keighley
Wikipedia - Eat Pray Love -- 2010 American film directed by Ryan Murphy
Wikipedia - Economy of Slovenia -- National economy
Wikipedia - Eddy Lover -- Panamanian musician
Wikipedia - Edgar Odell Lovett -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - Edith Lovell Andrews -- British artist
Wikipedia - Education in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Edvard Rusjan -- Slovenian aviation pioneer
Wikipedia - Edward Glover (athlete) -- American pole vaulter
Wikipedia - Edward Lovett Pearce -- Irish architect
Wikipedia - Edward Lovett
Wikipedia - Egon ZakrajM-EM-!ek -- Slovenian mathematician
Wikipedia - Egyptian plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Ekaloveyudu -- 2008 Indian film
Wikipedia - Ek Rishtaa: The Bond of Love -- 2001 film by Suneel Darshan
Wikipedia - Electra, My Love -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Electric Harley House (Of Love) -- 1993 single by Green JellM-CM-?
Wikipedia - Elena Solovey -- Soviet-American actress
Wikipedia - Elie Cristo-Loveanu -- Romanian artist
Wikipedia - Elijah Parish Lovejoy Award (ICWNE) -- Journalism award for newspaper editors
Wikipedia - Elijah Parish Lovejoy -- American abolitionist
Wikipedia - Eli Sheldon Glover -- American artist and mapmaker (b. 1844, d. 1920)
Wikipedia - EloM-CM-/se's Lover -- 2009 film by Jesus Garay
Wikipedia - Elzada Clover -- American botanist
Wikipedia - Emina HaraM-DM-^MiM-DM-^M -- Slovenian rhythmic gymnast
Wikipedia - Endless Love (2010 TV series) -- 2010 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Endless Love (2019 TV series) -- 2019 Thai television series
Wikipedia - Endless Love (song) -- 1981 single by Lionel Richie and Diana Ross
Wikipedia - Energy in Slovenia -- Overview of the production, consumption, import and export of energy and electricity in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Episcopal gloves
Wikipedia - Erika Vouk -- Slovenian poet and translator
Wikipedia - Erni GregorM-DM-^MiM-DM-^M -- Slovenian powerlifter
Wikipedia - Eros (concept) -- Ancient Greek term for sensual love
Wikipedia - Escort in Love -- 2011 film
Wikipedia - Esther Pohl Lovejoy -- American physician
Wikipedia - Eternal Love (1929 film) -- 1929 film by Ernst Lubitsch
Wikipedia - Eternal Love of Dream -- 2020 Chinese television series
Wikipedia - Eternal Love (TV series) -- 2017 Chinese television series
Wikipedia - Ethan Lovett -- Fictional character
Wikipedia - Eugene Manlove Rhodes -- American writer (1869-1934)
Wikipedia - European golden plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Eva Irgl -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Evelyn's Love Adventures -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Evening glove
Wikipedia - Evergreen (Love Theme from A Star Is Born)
Wikipedia - Everlasting Love -- Single
Wikipedia - Everybody in Love -- 2009 single by JLS
Wikipedia - Everybody Loves a Lover -- 1958 single by Doris Day
Wikipedia - Everybody Loves Raymond -- American TV sitcom (1996-2005)
Wikipedia - Everybody Loves Sausages -- 2013 album
Wikipedia - Everybody Loves Somebody (film) -- 2017 Mexican romantic comedy film
Wikipedia - Everybody Loves Somebody -- 1947 song by Sam Coslow, Irving Taylor and Ken Lane, recorded by Dean Martin
Wikipedia - Everyday I Love You Less and Less -- 2005 single by Kaiser Chiefs
Wikipedia - Every Day I Love You -- 1999 single by Boyzone
Wikipedia - Everyone's in Love -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Everything Is Love -- 2018 studio album by The Carters
Wikipedia - Eve's Love Letters -- 1927 film by Leo McCarey
Wikipedia - Eve's Lover -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Express Train of Love -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Eyes of Love -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - Fabiana Lovece -- Argentine biathlete
Wikipedia - Facts of Love -- 1986 single by Jeff Lorber featuring Karyn White
Wikipedia - Faculty of Law Maribor -- University of Maribor, Slovenia
Wikipedia - Failover -- Automatic switching to a standby computer system or component upon the failure of a previously active system or component
Wikipedia - Fair & Lovely (film) -- 2014 Indian Kannada film directed by D. P. Raghuram
Wikipedia - Faith, Hope & Love -- 2019 film by J.J. Englert and Robert Krantz
Wikipedia - Faith (In the Power of Love) -- 1991 single by Rozalla
Wikipedia - Faithless Lover -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Faizon Love -- American actor and comedian
Wikipedia - Fake Love (BTS song) -- 2018 single by BTS
Wikipedia - Fala Hydro Power Plant -- Run-of-the-river hydroelectricity in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Falling in Love (Is Hard on the Knees) -- 1997 single by Aerosmith
Wikipedia - Falling in Love (New Born song) -- 1993 single by New Born
Wikipedia - Falling in love
Wikipedia - False foxglove -- Wikipedia disambiguation page
Wikipedia - Famous in Love -- 2017 American drama television series
Wikipedia - Fanfare of Love -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - Fanfares of Love -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - Farewell, My Lovely (1975 film) -- 1975 film by Dick Richards
Wikipedia - Farewell, My Lovely -- 1940 novel by Raymond Chandler
Wikipedia - Farewell, My Love -- 2001 film by Randall Fontana
Wikipedia - Fashions in Love -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Fay Ajzenberg-Selove -- American nuclear physicist
Wikipedia - Faye Ajzenberg-Selove
Wikipedia - Faye Orlove -- Californian artist and businessman
Wikipedia - Fearless Love -- Album by Melissa Etheridge
Wikipedia - Feels Like Love (La Toya Jackson song) -- Song performed by La Toya Jackson
Wikipedia - Feels Like Love (Vince Gill song) -- 2000 single by Vince Gill
Wikipedia - Feel the Love (Ayumi Hamasaki song) -- 2013 single by Ayumi Hamasaki
Wikipedia - Ferenc Hull -- Slovene writer and priest
Wikipedia - Feri Horvat -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Fight for This Love -- 2009 single by Cheryl Cole
Wikipedia - Fighting for Love (2001 film) -- 2001 film directed by Joe Ma
Wikipedia - Fighting Love -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Filip LeM-EM-!M-DM-^Mak -- Slovene judoka (1960-)
Wikipedia - Fiona Powrie -- Sidney Truelove Professor of Gastroenterology
Wikipedia - Fire of Love (1925 film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - First Love (1921 film) -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - First Love (1939 film) -- 1939 American musical film by Henry Koster
Wikipedia - First Love (2018 film) -- Philippine drama film
Wikipedia - First Love (2019 film) -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - First Love (Emmy the Great song) -- 2009 song by Emmy the Great
Wikipedia - First Love, Last Rites (film) -- 1997 American romantic drama film by Jesse Peretz
Wikipedia - First Love Limited -- 2009 anime
Wikipedia - First Love (Lost Kings song) -- 2017 song by Lost Kings
Wikipedia - First Love (The Maccabees song) -- Song by The Maccabees
Wikipedia - Fisher House Foundation -- Network of comfort homes where military and veteransM-bM-^@M-^Y families can stay at no cost while a loved one is receiving treatment
Wikipedia - Five Day Lover -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Flag of Slovenia -- National flag
Wikipedia - Flaming Love -- 1925 film by Victor Schertzinger
Wikipedia - Flavor of Love (season 2) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - Flirting with Love -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Focus mitt -- Padded target fixed to a glove, used in training combat athletes
Wikipedia - Folly of Love -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Foolishness of His Love -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Forbes's plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Forbidden Love (1920 film) -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Forbidden Love (1927 film) -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Forbidden Love (2011 TV series) -- 2011 Syrian television program
Wikipedia - Forbidden Love: The Unashamed Stories of Lesbian Lives -- 1992 Canadian documentary film directed by Lynne Fernie
Wikipedia - For Esme-with Love and Squalor -- Short story by J. D. Salinger
Wikipedia - Forever Love: 36 Greatest Hits -- compilation album
Wikipedia - Forgiveness and Love -- 2012 book by Glen Pettigrove
Wikipedia - For Love Alone -- 1986 film
Wikipedia - For Love and Crown -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - For Love of Ivy -- 1968 film by Daniel Mann
Wikipedia - For Love or Country: The Arturo Sandoval Story -- 2000 film by Joseph Sargent
Wikipedia - For the Love of Ada (film) -- 1972 film by Ronnie Baxter
Wikipedia - For the Love of a Girl -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - For the Love of God (2011 film) -- 2011 Canadian drama film
Wikipedia - For the Love of Horror -- Horror fan convention
Wikipedia - For the Love of Mabel -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - For the Love of Mariastella -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - For the Love of Mike (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - For the Love of Mike -- 1927 film by Frank Capra
Wikipedia - For the Love of Rusty -- 1947 film by John Sturges
Wikipedia - For the Love of Spock -- 2016 film by Adam Nimoy
Wikipedia - For the Love o' Lil -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - For Those I Loved -- 1983 film by Robert Enrico
Wikipedia - For Those We Love -- 1921 film by Arthur Rosson
Wikipedia - Four-leaf clover -- A variation of the common clover, rare and said to bring good luck
Wikipedia - Four Times Love -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - Foxglove pug -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Foxglove
Wikipedia - Franc BogoviM-DM-^M -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - France Bezlaj -- Slovenian linguist
Wikipedia - France KriM-EM->aniM-DM-^M -- Slovenian mathematician
Wikipedia - France PreM-EM-!eren -- Slovene national poet, and Romantic poet
Wikipedia - Franci Cerar -- Slovenian science fiction writer
Wikipedia - Franci DemM-EM-!ar -- Slovenian physicist and politician
Wikipedia - Franci Slak -- Slovenian film director
Wikipedia - Francis Lovell, 1st Viscount Lovell
Wikipedia - Franc Kangler -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Franc OM-DM-^Mko -- Slovenian judoka
Wikipedia - Francophile -- Strong interest in or love of French people, culture, and history
Wikipedia - Franc Peternel -- Slovenian sports shooter
Wikipedia - Franc Snoj -- Slovenian politician and economist
Wikipedia - Franc Solina -- Slovene computer scientist and university professor
Wikipedia - Franja Partisan Hospital -- Former hospital in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Franka Anic -- Slovenian-Croatian taekwondo practitioner
Wikipedia - Frankie Yankovic -- Slovenian-American musician, 1915-1998
Wikipedia - Frank Lovejoy -- American actor
Wikipedia - Franz Engelbert Barbo von Waxenstein -- Slovenian nobleman and Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Fran Zwitter -- Slovenian historian
Wikipedia - Frederick S. Lovell -- 19th century American lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - Frederikke Lovenskiold -- Danish composer
Wikipedia - Fred Lovette -- Racecar owner from North Carolina
Wikipedia - Fred W. Glover -- American computer scientist
Wikipedia - Freedom of religion in Slovenia -- Overview of religious freedom in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Free Love (film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Freelove -- 2001 single by Depeche Mode
Wikipedia - Free love -- Social movement that accepts all forms of love
Wikipedia - Freestyle Love Supreme -- American improvisational hip-hop group
Wikipedia - Free to Love -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Freeway of Love -- 1985 single by Aretha Franklin
Wikipedia - Freshman Love -- 1936 film by William C. McGann
Wikipedia - Freya's Love Songs -- album by Freya Lim
Wikipedia - Friday I'm in Love -- 1992 single by The Cure
Wikipedia - Friends & Lovers (film) -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Friends and Lovers (film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Friends and Lovers (Gloria Loring and Carl Anderson song) -- 1986 single by Gloria Loring and Carl Anderson
Wikipedia - Fritz Love My Tits -- 1996 single by E-Rotic
Wikipedia - From Russia with Love (film) -- 1963 British film in the James Bond series directed by Terence Young
Wikipedia - From Russia, with Love (novel) -- 1957 spy fiction novel by Ian Fleming
Wikipedia - From Sarah with Love -- Single by Sarah Connor
Wikipedia - From Scotland with Love -- album by King Creosote
Wikipedia - Fruit Without Love -- 1956 film
Wikipedia - Fuck It I Love You (Lana Del Rey song) -- 2019 single by Lana Del Rey
Wikipedia - Fugitive Lovers -- 1934 film by Richard Boleslawski
Wikipedia - Fulke Lovell
Wikipedia - Funes, a Great Love -- 1993 film by Raul de la Torre
Wikipedia - Fungi from Yuggoth -- Sonnets by H. P. Lovecraft
Wikipedia - FutureSex/LoveSounds -- album by Justin Timberlake
Wikipedia - Futuristic Love (Elroy) -- 2009 single by Yung L.A. and Ricco Barrino
Wikipedia - Gabriela, Clove and Cinnamon -- novel by Brazilian writer Jorge Amado
Wikipedia - Gaijin 2: Love Me as I Am -- 2005 film directed by Tizuka Yamasaki
Wikipedia - Gaius Silius (lover of Messalina) -- Roman senator executed by the emperor Claudius for his affair with Valeria Messalina
Wikipedia - Gaja Prestor -- Slovenian singer
Wikipedia - GaM-EM-!per TkaM-DM-^Mik -- Slovenian physicist
Wikipedia - GaM-EM-!per VinM-DM-^Mec -- Slovenian sailor
Wikipedia - Games of Love and Loneliness -- 1977 film
Wikipedia - Games That Lovers Play (film) -- 1970 film directed by Malcolm Leigh
Wikipedia - Gauntlet (glove) -- hand and wrist armour
Wikipedia - Gauntlet (keyboard) -- Wireless glove that can be used as a computer keyboard input device
Wikipedia - Geek Love -- 1989 novel by Katherine Dunn
Wikipedia - Generation Love -- 2011 single by Jennette McCurdy
Wikipedia - Genius of Love -- 1981 single by Tom Tom Club
Wikipedia - Gentle Is My Love -- 1965 album by Nancy Wilson
Wikipedia - George Lovett Kingsland -- American merchant and railroad executive
Wikipedia - Germanophile -- Someone with a strong interest in or love of German people, culture, and history
Wikipedia - Get Christie Love! -- American crime-drama television series
Wikipedia - Get Close to My Love -- album by Jennifer Holliday
Wikipedia - Get Hep to Love -- 1942 film by Charles Lamont
Wikipedia - Get Lucky (Loverboy album)
Wikipedia - Getting Dressed in the Dark -- 2010 album by Jaron and the Long Road to Love
Wikipedia - Ghetto Love (Da Brat song) -- 1997 single by Da Brat
Wikipedia - Gillian Lovegrove -- British computer scientist and academic
Wikipedia - Gimme Love (Joji song) -- 2020 song by Joji
Wikipedia - Gimme Love (song) -- 2018 song by Seyi Shay
Wikipedia - Girl Loves Boy -- 1937 film
Wikipedia - Girl Loves Me -- Song composed by David Bowie performed by David Bowie
Wikipedia - Girls in Love (novel) -- 1997 novel by Jacqueline Wilson
Wikipedia - Girls in Love (TV series) -- British television series
Wikipedia - Girls Need Love -- 2018 song by Summer Walker
Wikipedia - Giuseppe Tominz -- Italian-Slovenian painter
Wikipedia - Give a Little Love (Bay City Rollers song) -- 1975 single by Bay City Rollers
Wikipedia - Glorija Kotnik -- Slovenian snowboarder
Wikipedia - Glove compartment
Wikipedia - Glove Cycle -- Installation by Mags Harries & Lajos Heder
Wikipedia - Glovelier railway station -- Railway station located on the S3 and RegioExpress
Wikipedia - Glove prints
Wikipedia - Glove puppetry
Wikipedia - Glover Morrill Allen -- American zoologist (1879-1942)
Wikipedia - Glover Teixeira -- Brazilian mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Gloves
Wikipedia - Glove -- Covering worn on the hand
Wikipedia - God Loves Caviar -- 2012 film
Wikipedia - God So Loved -- 2020 single by We the Kingdom
Wikipedia - Gold digger -- Type of relationship in which a person engages in relationships for money rather than love
Wikipedia - Golden Gloves (1940 film) -- 1940 film by Edward Dmytryk
Wikipedia - Golden Gloves (1961 film) -- 1961 documentary directed by Gilles Groulx
Wikipedia - Golden Gloves -- Annual competitions for amateur boxing
Wikipedia - Golden Lovers -- Professional wrestling tag team
Wikipedia - Golovec Hall -- Indoor sporting arena located in Celje, Slovenia
Wikipedia - Goodbye Charlie Bright -- 2001 film by Nick Love
Wikipedia - Goodbye Love (film) -- 1933 film by H. Bruce Humberstone
Wikipedia - Goodbye Lover -- 1998 film by Roland Joffe
Wikipedia - Goodbye My Lover -- 2005 song by James Blunt
Wikipedia - Good Old Koerner, Ray & Glover -- 1972 album by Koerner, Ray & Glover
Wikipedia - Good to Go Lover -- album by Gwen Guthrie
Wikipedia - Goran KlemenM-DM-^MiM-DM-^M -- Slovenian lawyer
Wikipedia - Goran M-EM- oM-EM-!ic -- Slovenian sailor
Wikipedia - GoriM-DM-^Mko Natural Park -- Nature park in northeastern Slovenia
Wikipedia - Got No Bread, No Milk, No Money, But We Sure Got a Lot of Love -- album by James Talley
Wikipedia - Goto, Island of Love -- 1968 film
Wikipedia - Gracie: A Love Story -- Book by George Burns
Wikipedia - Grad, Grad -- Village that is the seat and largest and oldest settlement in Grad municipality, Prekmurje, Slovenia
Wikipedia - Graelent -- Medieval French love story
Wikipedia - Greater sand plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Greater Than Love -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Greatest Lovesongs Vol. 666 -- HIM album
Wikipedia - Greek words for love -- Agape, eros, philia, and storgM-DM-^S
Wikipedia - Green-crowned plovercrest -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Green Dragons -- Sport supporters' group from Slovenija
Wikipedia - Grega Bole -- Slovenian road bicycle racer
Wikipedia - Gregor GolobiM-DM-^M -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Gregor Rajh -- Slovenian archer
Wikipedia - Gregor Urbas -- Slovenian figure skater
Wikipedia - Gregor Virant -- Slovenian politician and public servant
Wikipedia - Grey plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Groupie Love -- 2017 song by Lana Del Rey
Wikipedia - Guess How Much I Love You (TV series) -- 2012-2015 British-Australian animated TV series
Wikipedia - Guilty of Love (film) -- 1920 film by Harley Knoles
Wikipedia - Guitars of Love -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - Gypsy Love (1922 film) -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Habibi (I Need Your Love) -- 2014 single by Shaggy, Mohombi, Faydee and Costi
Wikipedia - Hakkin no Yoake -- album by Momoiro Clover Z
Wikipedia - Halal Love Story -- 2020 film by Zakariya Mohammed
Wikipedia - Hamarglovene Crevasses -- A crevasse field in Antarctica
Wikipedia - Hana aloha -- Hawaiian term for the art of love magic
Wikipedia - Hannerl and Her Lovers (1921 film) -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Happiness (The Beloved album) -- 1990 album by The Beloved
Wikipedia - Happy Go Lovely -- 1951 film by H. Bruce Humberstone
Wikipedia - Happy Happy Clover -- 2005 slice of life manga series by Sayuri Tatsuyama
Wikipedia - Hardest to Love -- 2020 song by the Weeknd
Wikipedia - Hard Feelings/Loveless -- 2017 song by Lorde
Wikipedia - Hard Not to Love -- American thoroughbred racehorse
Wikipedia - Harry Lovejoy Rogers -- U.S. Army major general
Wikipedia - Haruna Sairenji -- Fictional character in the manga series To Love Ru
Wikipedia - Hasanlu Lovers -- Pair of human remains found by a team from University of Pennsylvania led by Robert H. Dyson
Wikipedia - Hat, Coat, and Glove -- 1934 film directed by Worthington Miner
Wikipedia - Hate It or Love It -- 2005 single by The Game
Wikipedia - Hate That I Love You -- 2007 single by Rihanna
Wikipedia - Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman? -- 1995 single by Bryan Adams
Wikipedia - Hear Me Love Me (TV series) -- TV series produced by Amazon
Wikipedia - Heart Full of Love (song) -- 1991 single recorded by Holly Dunn
Wikipedia - He Don't Love You -- 2000 single by Human Nature
Wikipedia - He Fell in Love with His Wife -- 1916 film by William Desmond Taylor
Wikipedia - Helena Jaklitsch -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Helen Newlove, Baroness Newlove -- British anti-violence campaigner
Wikipedia - Hell Bent for Love -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - Hell Cave -- Cave and archaeological site in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Hell of Love -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Hello, Love, Goodbye -- Filipino romantic drama film
Wikipedia - Hello My Love -- 2019 single by Westlife
Wikipedia - He Loves Me (Lyzel In E Flat) -- 2001 single by Jill Scott
Wikipedia - He Loves U Not -- 2000 single by Dream
Wikipedia - Help, I Love Twins -- 1969 film
Wikipedia - Henrika M-EM- antel -- Slovenian realist painter
Wikipedia - Henry Glover -- American songwriter, arranger, record producer and trumpet player
Wikipedia - Her Beloved Villain -- 1920 film directed by Sam Wood
Wikipedia - Herbert West-Reanimator -- Horror short story by H. P. Lovecraft
Wikipedia - Her Cardboard Lover -- 1942 film by George Cukor
Wikipedia - Hercules and Love Affair -- American dance music group
Wikipedia - Her Dormant Love -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - Here, My Love -- album by Case
Wikipedia - Her Greatest Love -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - Her Imaginary Lover -- 1933 film
Wikipedia - Her Jungle Love -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - Her Love Story -- 1924 film by Allan Dwan
Wikipedia - Her Majesty, Love -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - He Who Loves in a Glass House -- 1971 film
Wikipedia - Hey Lover -- 1995 single by LL Cool J
Wikipedia - Hidden Love -- 2007 film
Wikipedia - Higher education in Slovenia
Wikipedia - High School Lover -- 2017 film
Wikipedia - Highways in Slovenia -- Overview of highways in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Hindu Love Gods (band) -- Blues rock band
Wikipedia - His Highness Love -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - History of Love -- 2018 film
Wikipedia - History of the Jews in Slovenia
Wikipedia - His Wife's Lover -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Hit and Run Lover -- 2000 single by Dead or Alive
Wikipedia - HMS Plover (1916) -- British M-Class destroyer, WW1
Wikipedia - Hoankan Evans no Uso: Dead or Love -- Japanese manga series
Wikipedia - Hogan Lovells -- American-British law firm
Wikipedia - Holiday Lovers -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Homage to Chagall: The Colours of Love -- 1977 film
Wikipedia - Homemade Love Story -- 2020-21 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Honey and Clover -- Japanese manga series by Chica Umino
Wikipedia - Honey, I'm in Love -- 2008 film
Wikipedia - Honor Among Lovers -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Hoodoo Love -- 2007 play by Katori Hall
Wikipedia - Hooray for Love (film) -- 1935 film directed by Walter Lang
Wikipedia - Hope Loves Company -- American nonprofit organization
Wikipedia - Horace Beevor Love -- English painter
Wikipedia - Hounds of Love (film) -- 2016 film
Wikipedia - House for an Art Lover -- Architectural structure in Glasgow
Wikipedia - House of Love (East 17 song) -- 1992 single by East 17
Wikipedia - Howard Lovewell Cheney -- American architect and engineer
Wikipedia - How Big Is Your Love -- 2011 film
Wikipedia - How Can We Be Lovers? -- 1990 single by Michael Bolton
Wikipedia - How Do You Want Me to Love You? -- 1998 single by 911
Wikipedia - How He Loved the Moon (Moonsongs for Jhonn Balance)
Wikipedia - How I Learned to Love Women -- 1966 film
Wikipedia - How I Loved You -- 2001 album
Wikipedia - How Much Do You Love Me? -- 2005 film by Bertrand Blier
Wikipedia - How to Fall in Love, Part 1 -- 1994 single by Bee Gees
Wikipedia - How to Make Love to a Woman -- 2010 American comedy film by Scott Culver
Wikipedia - H. P. Lovecraft bibliography -- Wikipedia bibliography
Wikipedia - H.P. Lovecraft's Dreamlands -- Horror tabletop role-playing game supplement
Wikipedia - H.P. Lovecraft
Wikipedia - H. P. Lovecraft -- American horror story author and originator of the Cthulhu Mythos
Wikipedia - Hribi, SeM-EM->ana -- Settlement in the Slovene Littoral, Slovenia
Wikipedia - Hulk Hands -- toy resembling green oversized foam rubber boxing gloves
Wikipedia - Hungarian Slovenes -- Ethnic and linguistic group in Hungary
Wikipedia - Hunger for Love -- 1968 film
Wikipedia - Husbands and Lovers -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Husbands or Lovers (1924 film) -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Hyacinth (mythology) -- Mythological prince, loved by Apollo
Wikipedia - Hyderabad Love Story -- 2018 film
Wikipedia - I Almost Told You That I Loved You -- 2009 single by Papa Roach
Wikipedia - I, a Lover -- 1966 film
Wikipedia - Ian Loveland -- American martial artist
Wikipedia - I Believe in a Thing Called Love -- 2003 single by The Darkness
Wikipedia - I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love -- 2002 studio album by My Chemical Romance
Wikipedia - I Can't Make You Love Me -- 1991 single by Bonnie Raitt
Wikipedia - I Can't Stop My Love for You -- 2002 single by Rina Aiuchi
Wikipedia - I Could Fall in Love -- 1995 single by Selena
Wikipedia - I Don't Know How to Love Him -- 1970 single by Yvonne Elliman
Wikipedia - I Don't Know What It Is But I Love It -- 1984 single by Chris Rea
Wikipedia - I Don't Wanna Live Without Your Love -- 1988 single by Chicago
Wikipedia - I Don't Want a Lover -- 1989 single by Texas
Wikipedia - I Feel Love -- 1977 single by Donna Summer
Wikipedia - I Fell in Love with the Devil -- 2019 single by Avril Lavigne
Wikipedia - If I Could Give All My Love (Richard Manuel Is Dead) -- 2003 single by Counting Crows
Wikipedia - If I Ever Fall in Love -- 1992 single by Shai
Wikipedia - If It's Love (Train song) -- 2010 single by Train
Wikipedia - If Love Were All -- Song composed by NoM-CM-+l Coward performed by Judy Garland
Wikipedia - If Only It Weren't Love -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - If You Don't Wanna Love Me -- Tamar Braxton song
Wikipedia - If You Had My Love -- 1999 single by Jennifer Lopez
Wikipedia - I Give My Love -- 1934 film by Karl Freund
Wikipedia - Ignacij KlemenM-DM-^MiM-DM-^M -- Carniolan (Slovenian) physicist
Wikipedia - Igor BavM-DM-^Mar -- Slovenian politician and manager
Wikipedia - Igor LukM-EM-!iM-DM-^M -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Igor M-EM- oltes -- Slovenian lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - Igor M-EM- tuhec -- Slovenian composer
Wikipedia - Igor ZorM-DM-^MiM-DM-^M -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - I Had a Love -- 1980 single by Blue Angel
Wikipedia - I Have a Lover -- 2015 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - I Just Called to Say I Love You -- 1984 song by Stevie Wonder
Wikipedia - I Just Wanna Be Loved -- 1998 single by Culture Club
Wikipedia - I Just Wanna Love U (Give It 2 Me) -- 2000 single by Jay-Z
Wikipedia - I Knew I Loved You -- 1999 single by Savage Garden
Wikipedia - I Know I Love Him -- 1973 album by Nancy Wilson
Wikipedia - I Know My Love -- 1999 single by The Chieftains, with The Corrs
Wikipedia - I Lay My Love on You -- 2001 single by Westlife
Wikipedia - I Live for Love -- 1935 film by Busby Berkeley
Wikipedia - I'll Love You Always -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - I'll Make Love to You -- 1994 single by Boyz II Men
Wikipedia - I'll Never Fall in Love Again (Lonnie Donegan song) -- 1967 single by Lonnie Donegan
Wikipedia - I'll Never Fall in Love Again -- Single by Burt Bacharach
Wikipedia - I'll Never Love Again -- Song from the 2018 film A Star Is Born
Wikipedia - I'll Still Love You More -- 1999 single by Trisha Yearwood
Wikipedia - I Love a Bandleader -- 1945 film directed by Del Lord
Wikipedia - I Love Another -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - I Love Bees
Wikipedia - I Love Beijing -- 2001 film by Ning Ying
Wikipedia - I Loved a Woman -- 1933 film by Alfred E. Green
Wikipedia - I Love Desi -- 2015 film by Pankaj Batra
Wikipedia - I Love Dick (TV series) -- American television series
Wikipedia - I Loved Tiberius -- 1959 book by Elisabeth Dored
Wikipedia - I Loved You Wednesday -- 1933 film by Henry King
Wikipedia - I Loved You -- 2014 single by Blonde
Wikipedia - I Love Italy -- Italian political party
Wikipedia - I Love It (Kanye West and Lil Pump song) -- 2018 single by Kanye West and Lil Pump featuring Adele Givens
Wikipedia - I Love It Loud -- 1982 song by the American rock band Kiss
Wikipedia - I Love It When We Do -- 2002 single by Ronan Keating
Wikipedia - I Love Kanye -- Song by Kanye West
Wikipedia - I Love Katamari -- 2008 puzzle-action video game published by Namco Bandai Games
Wikipedia - I Love L.A. -- 1983 song by Randy Newman
Wikipedia - I Love Little Pussy -- Poem
Wikipedia - I Love Lucy -- American television sitcom
Wikipedia - I Love Melvin -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - I Love Me (song) -- 2020 single by Demi Lovato
Wikipedia - I Love Rocky Road -- 1983 single by "Weird Al" Yankovic
Wikipedia - I Love Saturday -- 1994 single by Erasure
Wikipedia - I Love That Man -- 1933 film
Wikipedia - I Love the Blues, She Heard My Cry -- album by George Duke
Wikipedia - I Love the Nightlife -- 1978 single by Alicia Bridges
Wikipedia - I Love the Sound of the Kalachnikov It Reminds Me of Tchaikovsky -- 2001 film by Philippe Vartan Khazarian
Wikipedia - I Love Vienna -- 1991 film
Wikipedia - I Love You (1918 film) -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - I Love You (1925 film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - I Love You (1981 film) -- 1981 film
Wikipedia - I Love You (1986 film) -- 1986 film
Wikipedia - I Love You (2019 film) -- 2019 film written, directed and produced by R. Chandru
Wikipedia - I Love You 3000 -- 2019 single by Stephanie Poetri
Wikipedia - I Love You 3x a Day -- 1988 Filipino film starring Herbert Bautista
Wikipedia - I Love You Again -- 1940 film by W. S. Van Dyke
Wikipedia - I Love You Always Forever -- 1996 single by Donna Lewis
Wikipedia - I Love You, America with Sarah Silverman -- American streaming television late-night talk show
Wikipedia - I Love You Baby (film) -- 2001 film by Alfonso Albacete, and David Menkes
Wikipedia - I Love You (Billie Eilish song) -- 2019 song by Billie Eilish
Wikipedia - I Love You, California -- Regional anthem of the U.S. state of California
Wikipedia - I Love You, Colonel Sanders! -- Dating sim game
Wikipedia - I Love You (comics) -- Romance comic (1955-1980)
Wikipedia - I Love You, Daddy -- 2017 comedy drama film directed by Louis C.K.
Wikipedia - I Love You, It's Cool -- album by Bear in Heaven
Wikipedia - I Love, You Love -- 1989 film
Wikipedia - I Love You (Martina McBride song) -- 1999 single by Martina McBride
Wikipedia - I Love You (Mary J. Blige song) -- 1995 single by Mary J. Blige
Wikipedia - I Love You, Now Die: The Commonwealth Vs. Michelle Carter -- 2019 two-part documentary film, directed by Erin Lee Carr
Wikipedia - I Love You Only -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - I Love You, Period! -- album by Pets Tseng
Wikipedia - I Love You Phillip Morris -- 2009 American comedy/drama film
Wikipedia - I Love Your Smile -- 1991 single by Shanice
Wikipedia - I Love You So Much It Hurts -- Song performed by Floyd Tillman
Wikipedia - I Love You, Stupid -- 2020 Spanish romantic comedy drama film directed by Laura MaM-CM-1a
Wikipedia - I Love You's -- 2020 single by Hailee Steinfeld
Wikipedia - I Love You Too (2001 film) -- 2001 film
Wikipedia - ILOVEYOU -- Computer worm
Wikipedia - I Love You (Woodkid song) -- 2013 song by Woodkid
Wikipedia - ILY (I Love You Baby) -- 2019 single by Surf Mesa featuring Emilee Flood
Wikipedia - I Met My Love Again -- 1938 American film
Wikipedia - I'm Gonna Get Your Love -- album by Amii Stewart
Wikipedia - I'm in Love (Ola song) -- 2012 song by Ola Svensson
Wikipedia - Immortal Beloved (1951 film) -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - Impossible Love (film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Impro League -- Slovenian improv theater competition
Wikipedia - I'm Still in Love with You (Roy Orbison album) -- album by Roy Orbison
Wikipedia - I'm Still in Love with You (Sean Paul song) -- 2004 single by Sean Paul
Wikipedia - In and Out of Love (Bon Jovi song) -- Song by Bon Jovi
Wikipedia - Incident at Clovelly Cottage -- 1895 film by Birt Acres
Wikipedia - Inday Will Always Love You -- 2018 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Independent Love Song -- 1995 single by Scarlet
Wikipedia - Indian Love Call -- Song composed by Herbert Stothart, Rudolf Friml
Wikipedia - India's Forbidden Love -- 2018 Tamil language documentary film
Wikipedia - Indira Bajt -- Slovene woman chess player
Wikipedia - I Need Love -- 1987 single by LL Cool J
Wikipedia - I Need You to Love Me -- 2006 song by BarlowGirl
Wikipedia - I Never Met a Wolf Who Didn't Love to Howl -- 2012 Single from the American TV series, Smash
Wikipedia - In Love and War (1996 film) -- 1996 film directed by Richard Attenborough
Wikipedia - In Love with Life -- 1934 film by Frank R. Strayer
Wikipedia - In Love with Love (film) -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Inner Carniola -- Historical province of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Innocente (Falling in Love) -- 2001 single by Delerium
Wikipedia - Innsmouth (film) -- 2015 short horror film by Izzy Lee, inspired by the works of H. P. Lovecraft
Wikipedia - In Praise of Love (film) -- 2001 film by Jean-Luc Godard
Wikipedia - Insane Love -- 2016 album by Sistar
Wikipedia - Insolent and in Love -- 1948 film
Wikipedia - Intelligence and Security Service of the Ministry of Defence (Slovenia)
Wikipedia - International Love -- 2011 single by Pitbull
Wikipedia - Internet Wala Love -- Indian Hindi-language television drama show
Wikipedia - In the Country We Love -- 2016 memoir by Diane Guerrero
Wikipedia - In the Mood: The Love Songs -- 2003 album by the American band, Alabama
Wikipedia - In the Name of Love (1925 film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - In the Name of Love (2012 film) -- 2012 film
Wikipedia - Intoxicated Love -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Intrigue and Love (film) -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - In Walked Love -- 1994 single by Expose
Wikipedia - Inwood/Love Field station -- DART light rail station in Dallas, Texas
Wikipedia - Irena Joveva -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Irena Yebuah Tiran -- Slovene singer
Wikipedia - Iris Love -- American archaeologist
Wikipedia - I Shout Love -- 2001 film by Sarah Polley
Wikipedia - Island of Love (1929 film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Island of the Sequined Love Nun -- Novel by Christopher Moore
Wikipedia - Is Love Everything? -- 1924 film directed by Christy Cabanne
Wikipedia - Isn't It Romantic? -- Original song written and composed by Rodgers and Hart; from the 1932 film "Love Me Tonight"
Wikipedia - Is This Love (Bob Marley and the Wailers song) -- 1978 single by Bob Marley and the Wailers
Wikipedia - It Comes Up Love -- 1943 film by Charles Lamont
Wikipedia - It Felt Like Love -- 2013 film by Eliza Hittman
Wikipedia - I Think I Love My Wife -- 2007 film by Chris Rock
Wikipedia - I Think I Love You -- Original song written and composed by Tony Romeo
Wikipedia - I Think I'm in Love with You -- 2000 single by Jessica Simpson
Wikipedia - I Think It's Love -- 1986 song by Jermaine Jackson
Wikipedia - It Hurts So Good -- 1971 song by Katie Love and the Four Shades of Black
Wikipedia - It Must Be Love (1926 film) -- 1926 film by Alfred Edward Green
Wikipedia - It Must Be Love (Labi Siffre song) -- 1971 song by Labi Siffre
Wikipedia - It Rains on Our Love -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - I Travel Because I Have to, I Come Back Because I Love You -- 2009 film directed by Marcelo Gomes, Karim AM-CM-/nouz
Wikipedia - It's a Love Thing (The Whispers song) -- 1981 single by The Whispers
Wikipedia - It's Love I'm After -- 1937 film by Archie Mayo
Wikipedia - It's Okay, That's Love -- 2014 South Korean TV series
Wikipedia - It's Psychedelic Baby! Magazine -- Slovenian online music magazine
Wikipedia - It's You I Have Loved -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Ivanja Reka interchange -- Cloverleaf interchange in Zagreb County, Croatia
Wikipedia - Ivan Loveridge Bennett -- American physician
Wikipedia - Ivan TrajkoviM-DM-^M -- Slovenian taekwondo practitioner
Wikipedia - Ivan Vidav -- Slovenian mathematician
Wikipedia - Ivan Vidmajer -- Slovene judoka
Wikipedia - Ivan Zajec -- Slovenian sculptor
Wikipedia - I've Been Waiting -- 2019 single by Lil Peep and iLoveMakonnen featuring Fall Out Boy
Wikipedia - Ivenue Love-Stanley -- American architect
Wikipedia - Ivo Vajgl -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - I Wanna Love You (Akon song) -- 2006 single by Akon
Wikipedia - I Wanna Love You Forever -- 1999 single by Jessica Simpson
Wikipedia - I Want Love -- 2001 single by Elton John
Wikipedia - I Want to Know What Love Is -- 1984 single by Foreigner
Wikipedia - I Want Your Love (Atomic Kitten song) -- 2000 single by Atomic Kitten
Wikipedia - I Want Your Love (Transvision Vamp song) -- 1988 single by Transvision Vamp
Wikipedia - I Will Give my Love an Apple -- Song
Wikipedia - I Will Love Again -- 2000 single by Lara Fabian
Wikipedia - Izak M-EM- antej -- Slovenian speedway rider
Wikipedia - Iza Zorec -- Slovenian rhythmic gymnast
Wikipedia - Izidor M-EM- uM-EM-!terM-EM-!iM-DM-^M -- Slovenian snowboarder
Wikipedia - Iztok Jarc -- Slovenian diplomat and politician
Wikipedia - Jack Lovelock -- New Zealand athlete
Wikipedia - Jakob AleksiM-DM-^M -- Slovenian theologian
Wikipedia - Jakob M-EM- ubelj -- Slovenian gymnast
Wikipedia - Jakov Brdar -- Slovene sculptor of Bosnian descent
Wikipedia - James Lovegrove
Wikipedia - James Lovelock -- English scientist, environmentalist and futurist
Wikipedia - James Love (poet) -- British poet, playwright and actor
Wikipedia - Jamie Lovemark -- American professional golfer
Wikipedia - Jamie Love (softball) -- New Zealand softball player
Wikipedia - Jana Krivec -- Slovenian chess player
Wikipedia - Jane Glover -- British-born conductor and music scholar
Wikipedia - Janez Bole -- Slovenian composer
Wikipedia - Janez BrajkoviM-DM-^M -- Slovenian road bicycle racer
Wikipedia - Janez Brodnik -- Slovenian gymnast
Wikipedia - Janez GradiM-EM-!nik -- Slovenian author and translator
Wikipedia - Janez Jalen -- Slovene writer and priest
Wikipedia - Janez JanM-EM-!a -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Janez Kalan -- Slovene Roman Catholic priest
Wikipedia - Janez KocijanM-DM-^MiM-DM-^M -- Slovene politician
Wikipedia - Janez LenarM-DM-^MiM-DM-^M -- Slovenian diplomat
Wikipedia - Janez MariM-DM-^M -- Slovenian biathlete
Wikipedia - Janez OM-EM->bolt -- Slovenian biathlete
Wikipedia - Janez Podobnik -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Janez Pristov -- Slovenian gymnast
Wikipedia - Janez Standinath -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Janez Stanovnik -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Janez Steringer -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Janez Vodapiuez -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Janez Weilhammer -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Janez ZemljariM-DM-^M -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Janie, Don't Take Your Love to Town -- 1997 single by Jon Bon Jovi
Wikipedia - Janja Orel -- Slovenian sailor
Wikipedia - Janko Kosmina -- Slovenian sailor
Wikipedia - Janko Smole -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Janko Veber -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Jan Kralj -- Slovenian snowboarder
Wikipedia - Jasamine Freckel's Love Affair -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Javan plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Jean Vodaine -- Franco-Slovenian writer and artist
Wikipedia - Jeff Glover -- Jiu-Jitsu practitioner
Wikipedia - Jeff Loveness -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Jela KreM-DM-^MiM-DM-^M -- Slovenian journalist
Wikipedia - Jelena de Belder-KovaM-DM-^MiM-DM-^M -- Slovenian-Belgian botanist and horticulturist
Wikipedia - Jelko Kacin -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Jenifer Lovell -- American rhythmic gymnast
Wikipedia - Jennifer Love Hewitt -- American actress, producer and singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Jernej Kolenko -- Slovenian speedway rider
Wikipedia - Jernej Kopitar -- Slovene philologist
Wikipedia - Jernej Vrtovec -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Jesse Glover -- Martial artist
Wikipedia - Jessica Lovering -- American astrophysicist
Wikipedia - Jessica Love -- American actress, author and illustrator
Wikipedia - Jewish views on love -- Jewish views on love
Wikipedia - Jim Lovell (British Army soldier) -- British veteran of the First World War
Wikipedia - Jim Lovell -- American astronaut
Wikipedia - Joan Abelove -- American writer of young adult novels
Wikipedia - Joan Lovely -- American politician from Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Joan Potter Loveless -- American weaver and writer (b. 1928, d. 2009)
Wikipedia - John C. Lovell -- American sailor
Wikipedia - John de Lovetot -- Justice of the Common Pleas
Wikipedia - John Francis Lovering
Wikipedia - John Glover (actor) -- American actor
Wikipedia - John Glover (general) -- American general
Wikipedia - John K. Love -- American Marine Corps general
Wikipedia - John Loveday (antiquary) -- English antiquarian
Wikipedia - John Love (general) -- United States Army officer 1820-1881
Wikipedia - John Lovel, 1st Baron Lovel -- 13th-14th century English nobleman
Wikipedia - John Lovel, 2nd Baron Lovel -- 13th-14th century English noble
Wikipedia - John Lovelace, 4th Baron Lovelace -- English military officer, governor of the provinces of New York and New Jersey
Wikipedia - John Pretlove -- English sportsman
Wikipedia - John William Glover -- Irish composer and conductor
Wikipedia - Jolanda Ceplak -- Slovenian middle distance athlete
Wikipedia - Jo Loves -- British perfume brand
Wikipedia - JoM-EM->e Brodnik -- Slovenian decathlete
Wikipedia - JoM-EM->e Flere -- Slovenian Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - JoM-EM->e Kolman -- Slovenian gymnast
Wikipedia - JoM-EM->e MeM-DM-^Qimurec -- Slovenian athlete
Wikipedia - JoM-EM->e P. Damijan -- Slovene economist
Wikipedia - JoM-EM->e PleM-DM-^Mnik -- Slovenian architect
Wikipedia - JoM-EM->e Poklukar -- Slovenian biathlete
Wikipedia - JoM-EM->e Urankar -- Slovenian weightlifter
Wikipedia - JoM-EM->e Vadnov -- Slovenian gymnast
Wikipedia - JoM-EM-!t ZakrajM-EM-!ek -- Slovenian canoeist
Wikipedia - Jonas ZnidarM-EM-!iM-DM-^M -- Slovenian television personality and journalist
Wikipedia - Jonathan Glover
Wikipedia - Jon Lovett -- American screenwriter, speechwriter, and television producer
Wikipedia - Josef Anton Barbo von Waxenstein -- 19th and 20th-century Slovenian nobleman and politician
Wikipedia - Josef Stefan -- Carinthian Slovene physicist, mathematician and poet
Wikipedia - Joseph B. Soloveitchik -- American Orthodox rabbi, Talmudist, and modern Jewish philosopher
Wikipedia - Joseph Dov Soloveitchik
Wikipedia - Joseph Emanuel Barbo von Waxenstein -- 19th-century Slovenian nobleman
Wikipedia - Joseph Henry Loveless -- American accused murderer (1870-1916)
Wikipedia - Josephine Lovett -- American writer
Wikipedia - Joseph Lovering
Wikipedia - Joseph Soloveitchik
Wikipedia - Josip Globevnik -- Slovenian mathematician
Wikipedia - Josip JurM-DM-^MiM-DM-^M -- Slovene writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Josip Murn -- Slovenian poet
Wikipedia - Josip Plemelj -- Slovenian mathematician
Wikipedia - Journey to Love (poetry collection) -- Book by William Carlos Williams
Wikipedia - Jozsef Szmodis -- Slovene Lutheran priest
Wikipedia - Juan Happy Love Story -- 2016 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Juan Lloveras -- Spanish hurdler
Wikipedia - Julia Lovell -- British sinologist
Wikipedia - Julian Is a Mermaid -- 2018 picture book by Jessica Love
Wikipedia - Julijana Bizjak Mlakar -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - JuM-EM-! Kozak -- Slovenian writer
Wikipedia - Jump (For My Love) -- 1984 single by the Pointer Sisters
Wikipedia - Jump to Love -- 2000 song performed by Christine Anu
Wikipedia - Jure GolM-DM-^Mer -- Slovenian road bicycle racer
Wikipedia - Jure Kocjan -- Slovenian road bicycle racer
Wikipedia - Jure M-EM- terk -- Slovenian long-distance sailor
Wikipedia - Jure RobiM-DM-^M -- Slovenian cyclist and soldier
Wikipedia - Jure Velepec -- Slovenian biathlete
Wikipedia - Jurij Korenjak -- Slovenian canoeist
Wikipedia - Jurij Rovan -- Slovenian pole vaulter
Wikipedia - Jurij Tazel -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Jurij Tiffrer -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Jurij Toplak -- Slovenian jurist
Wikipedia - Juro AdleM-EM-!iM-DM-^M -- Slovenian lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - Just Another Love Story (web series) -- A romance-drama web series directed by Priyanka Karki
Wikipedia - Just Another Woman in Love -- 1984 single by Anne Murray
Wikipedia - Justify My Love -- 1990 single by Madonna
Wikipedia - Just Love Me -- 2006 film by Ryszard Zatorski
Wikipedia - Kaaterskill Clove -- Valley in New York State, USA
Wikipedia - Kabukicho Love Hotel -- 2014 film
Wikipedia - Kaguya-sama: Love Is War (season 1) -- First season of the anime series Kaguya-sama: Love Is War
Wikipedia - Kaguya-sama: Love Is War (season 2) -- Second season of the anime series Kaguya-sama: Love Is War
Wikipedia - Kaja Draksler -- Slovenian pianist and composer
Wikipedia - Kaja Verdnik -- Slovenian snowboarder
Wikipedia - Kamadeva -- Hindu god of love and desires
Wikipedia - Kanin-Sella Nevea Ski Resort -- Slovenian-Italian ski resort
Wikipedia - Kanthan - The Lover of Colour -- 2018 Malayalam-language film
Wikipedia - Karel JaneM-EM-> -- Slovenian gymnast
Wikipedia - Karl Erjavec -- Slovenian lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - Karlo Hmeljak -- Slovenian sailor and poet
Wikipedia - Katarina Hribar -- Slovenian gymnast
Wikipedia - Katarina Kresal -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Kate Loveland -- Australian fertility researcher
Wikipedia - Kathleen Lovett -- English figure skater
Wikipedia - KBMV-FM -- K-Love radio station in Birch Tree, Missouri
Wikipedia - Keith Glover
Wikipedia - Kempinski Palace PortoroM-EM-> -- Hotel in PortoroM-EM->, Slovenia
Wikipedia - Kentish plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Kermit Love -- American designer
Wikipedia - Kh. Momota Hena Lovely -- Bangladeshi politician
Wikipedia - Kid Glove Killer -- 1942 film by Fred Zinnemann
Wikipedia - Kid Gloves (film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Kiki, Love to Love -- 2016 Spanish comedy film directed by Paco Leon
Wikipedia - Kilimanjaro: How to spell Love! -- 2001 film by Mike Eschmann
Wikipedia - Kill This Love (song) -- 2019 single by Blackpink
Wikipedia - Kinda Love -- 2004 single by Darius Danesh
Wikipedia - Kind of Like It's Love -- 2000 song performed by Jason McCoy
Wikipedia - Kingsport (Lovecraft)
Wikipedia - Kira's Reason: A Love Story -- 2001 film by Ole Christian Madsen
Wikipedia - Kiss -- Touch with the lips, usually to express love or affection, or as a greeting
Wikipedia - Kittlitz's plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - KJLV (FM) -- K-Love radio station in Los Altos, California, United States
Wikipedia - KKLM (FM) -- K-Love radio station in Murrieta, California
Wikipedia - KKLQ (FM) -- K-Love Christian radio station in Los Angeles
Wikipedia - KKLY -- K-Love radio station in El Paso, Texas
Wikipedia - Klara Apotekar -- Slovenian judoka
Wikipedia - Klara MauM-DM-^Mec -- Slovenian sailor
Wikipedia - Klavdija Kutnar -- Slovene mathematician
Wikipedia - KLCX -- K-Love radio station in Pueblo, Colorado
Wikipedia - KLDQ -- K-Love radio station in Harwood-Fargo, North Dakota
Wikipedia - KLDV -- K-Love radio station in Morrison-Denver, Colorado
Wikipedia - Klemen Bauer -- Slovenian biathlete
Wikipedia - Klemen Ferjan -- Slovenian judoka
Wikipedia - Klemen GroM-EM-!elj -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Klemen M-EM- trajhar -- Slovenian archer
Wikipedia - KLFG -- K-Love radio station in Fort Dodge, Iowa, United States
Wikipedia - KLFV -- K-Love radio station in Grand Junction, Colorado
Wikipedia - KLGU (FM) -- K-Love radio station in St. George, Utah
Wikipedia - K-Love Classics -- Christian classic hits radio network
Wikipedia - Klover -- American punk rock band
Wikipedia - K-Love -- Contemporary Christian music radio network in the United States
Wikipedia - KLRH -- K-Love radio station in Reno, Nevada
Wikipedia - KLRK -- K-Love radio station in Great Bend, Kansas
Wikipedia - KLRX -- K-Love radio station in Lee's Summit, Missouri
Wikipedia - KLSW -- K-LOVE radio station in Covington, Washington
Wikipedia - KLVB -- K-Love radio station in Citrus Heights, California
Wikipedia - KLVJ (FM) -- K-Love radio station in Encinitas, California
Wikipedia - KLVM (FM) -- K-Love radio station in Santa Cruz, California
Wikipedia - KLVS -- K-Love radio station in Livermore, California
Wikipedia - KLVU -- K-Love radio station in Sweet Home-Eugene, Oregon
Wikipedia - KLXF -- K-Love radio station in Modesto, California, United States
Wikipedia - KLXH -- K-Love radio station in Thibodaux, Louisiana
Wikipedia - KLXI -- K-Love radio station in Fruitland, Idaho
Wikipedia - KLXY (FM) -- K-Love radio station in Woodlake-Visalia, California
Wikipedia - Kmetija 2018 -- Eighth season of the Slovene version of The Farm TV show
Wikipedia - KMFC -- K-Love radio station in Centralia-Columbia, Missouri
Wikipedia - KMVS (FM) -- K-Love radio station in Moss Beach, California
Wikipedia - KNKL (FM) -- K-Love radio station in Tremonton, Utah
Wikipedia - Koerner, Ray & Glover -- Folk-blues trio from Minneapolis, Minnesota
Wikipedia - Kofi (musician) -- British lovers rock singer
Wikipedia - Konrad Grilc -- Slovenian gymnast
Wikipedia - Koritnica (river) -- River in Slovenia
Wikipedia - KQLV (FM) -- K-Love radio station in Santa Fe, New Mexico
Wikipedia - KregoliM-EM-!M-DM-^Me -- Slovenian village near the Mediterranean Sea
Wikipedia - KreM-EM-!o Omerzel -- Slovenian speedway rider
Wikipedia - KriM-EM-!tof Stern -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Kri na dlaneh -- 2004 novel by Slovenian author Robert Titan Felix
Wikipedia - Kristina Erman -- Slovenian Left Back
Wikipedia - KrM-EM-!ko Nuclear Power Plant -- Nuclear power plant in Slovenia
Wikipedia - KVKL -- K-Love radio station in Las Vegas
Wikipedia - KWHO -- Radio station in Lovell, Wyoming
Wikipedia - KWNZ -- Radio station in Lovelock-Reno, Nevada
Wikipedia - KYKV -- K-Love radio station in Selah-Yakima, Washington
Wikipedia - KYLV -- K-Love radio station in Oklahoma City
Wikipedia - Labor of Love (TV series) -- American dating game show
Wikipedia - Labour of Love (song) -- 1987 single by Hue and Cry
Wikipedia - Ladies in Love (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Ladies in Love -- 1936 film by Edward H. Griffith
Wikipedia - Ladies Love Brutes -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Ladies Love Danger -- 1935 film by H. Bruce Humberstone
Wikipedia - Ladies Must Love -- 1933 film by Ewald Andre Dupont
Wikipedia - Ladislav LipiM-DM-^M -- Slovenian major general
Wikipedia - Lady Cha Dal-rae's Lover -- 2018 South Korean TV series
Wikipedia - Lady Chatterley's Lover (1981 film) -- 1981 erotic drama film by Just Jaeckin
Wikipedia - Lady Chatterley's Lover (2015 film) -- 2015 British television film
Wikipedia - Lady Chatterley's Lover -- 1928 novel by D. H. Lawrence
Wikipedia - Lady Love (song) -- single by Lou Rawls
Wikipedia - Lady with the Light Gloves -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Laibach -- Slovenian music group
Wikipedia - Lake PalM-DM-^Mje -- Intermittent lake in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Lakshmi -- A principal Hindu goddess, goddess of fortune, wealth, love and beauty
Wikipedia - Lala Satalin Deviluke -- Fictional character in the manga series To Love Ru
Wikipedia - Land of Love -- 1937 film
Wikipedia - Larissa Drekonja -- Slovenian American actress
Wikipedia - Last Love (2007 film) -- 2007 film directed by Meiji Fujita
Wikipedia - Last of the Red Hot Lovers (film) -- 1972 film by Gene Saks
Wikipedia - Latin lover -- Stereotyped stock character
Wikipedia - Laura Unuk -- Slovenian chess player
Wikipedia - Lauri Love -- British activist previously wanted by the United States on hacking charges
Wikipedia - LA Who Am I to Love You -- 2020 poem by Lana Del Rey
Wikipedia - Lay All Your Love on Me -- 1981 single by ABBA
Wikipedia - Layla Love -- American artist
Wikipedia - Learning to Love -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Legalize Love
Wikipedia - Leisure Suit Larry Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places) -- 1988 video game by Al Lowe
Wikipedia - Lenart Oblak -- Slovenian biathlete
Wikipedia - Leslie Love -- American politician from Michigan
Wikipedia - Lesser sand plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Lessons in Love (1921 film) -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Lessons in the Language of Love -- 1995 film
Wikipedia - Let Love Lead the Way -- 2000 single by Spice Girls
Wikipedia - Let Me Love You (Ariana Grande song) -- 2016 single by Ariana Grande featuring Lil Wayne
Wikipedia - Let Me Love You (DJ Snake song) -- 2016 single by DJ Snake
Wikipedia - Let Me Love You like a Woman -- 2020 single by Lana Del Rey
Wikipedia - Let Me Love You (Until You Learn to Love Yourself) -- 2012 single by Ne-Yo
Wikipedia - Let's Fall in Love (film) -- 1933 film by David Burton
Wikipedia - Let's Fall in Love for the Night -- 2018 single by Finneas
Wikipedia - Let's Love and Laugh -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Let's Love (David Guetta and Sia song) -- 2020 single by David Guetta and Sia
Wikipedia - Let's Love (Suho song) -- 2020 single by Suho
Wikipedia - Let's Talk About Love
Wikipedia - Let the Love Begin (TV series) -- 2015 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Let There Be Love (Oasis song) -- 2005 single by Oasis
Wikipedia - Liberalism in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Libera, My Love -- 1975 film
Wikipedia - Licitar -- Decorated honey biscuit from Croatia and Slovenia
Wikipedia - Lidija BenedetiM-DM-^M-Lapajne -- Slovene athlete
Wikipedia - Lidija Rupnik -- Slovenian gymnast
Wikipedia - Lieberman in Love -- 1995 film
Wikipedia - Lies of Love -- 1949 film
Wikipedia - Life Begins with Love -- 1937 film by Ray McCarey
Wikipedia - Lifetime to Love -- 2000 single by CeCe Peniston
Wikipedia - Lifted by Love -- 1993 single performed by k.d. lang
Wikipedia - Lightning Love -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Like I Love You -- 2002 single by Justin Timberlake
Wikipedia - Like You Love Me -- 2019 single by Tauren Wells
Wikipedia - Lili DrM-DM-^Mar -- Slovenian biathlete
Wikipedia - Lilijana KozloviM-DM-^M -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Linda Lovelace -- American pornographic actress and anti-porn activist
Wikipedia - Listen to Love -- 2016 South Korean TV series
Wikipedia - List of airlines of Slovenia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of airports in Slovenia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of AL Gold Glove Winners at Catcher
Wikipedia - List of AL Gold Glove Winners at First Base
Wikipedia - List of AL Gold Glove Winners at Outfield
Wikipedia - List of AL Gold Glove Winners at Pitcher
Wikipedia - List of AL Gold Glove Winners at Second Base
Wikipedia - List of AL Gold Glove Winners at Shortstop
Wikipedia - List of AL Gold Glove Winners at Third Base
Wikipedia - List of A Love to Last episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of And I Love You So episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of awards and nominations received by Big Love -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of awards and nominations received by Everybody Loves Raymond -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of awards and nominations received by Lovelyz -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of awards and nominations received by My Love from the Star -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of banks in Slovenia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Big Love episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of birds of Slovenia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Black Clover episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of bridges in Slovenia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Can't Buy Me Love episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of cities and towns in Slovenia
Wikipedia - List of companies of Slovenia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of computer systems from Slovenia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Cute High Earth Defense Club Love! episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of defunct airlines of Slovenia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of diplomatic missions in Slovenia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of diplomatic missions of Slovenia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Everybody Loves Raymond characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Everybody Loves Raymond episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of First Love Limited episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of flag bearers for Slovenia at the Olympics -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of From Eroica with Love characters -- Characters from a manga
Wikipedia - List of German exonyms for places in Slovenia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Gold Glove Award winners at catcher -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Gold Glove Award winners at first base -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Gold Glove Award winners at outfield -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Gold Glove Award winners at pitcher -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Gold Glove Award winners at second base -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Gold Glove Award winners at shortstop -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Gold Glove Award winners at third base -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of governments of Slovenia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Honey and Clover characters -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Honey and Clover episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of hospitals in Slovenia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of I Love Lucy episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of I Love OPM episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Inday Will Always Love You episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of indoor arenas in Slovenia -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of In the Name of Love episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Juan Happy Love Story episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Kaguya-sama: Love Is War episodes -- Wikipedia article list
Wikipedia - List of K-Love stations -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Lepidoptera of Slovenia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Lepidoptera that feed on clovers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Let the Love Begin episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lighthouses in Slovenia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Love, American Style episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta cast members -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Love & Hip Hop franchise cast members -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood cast members -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Love & Hip Hop: Miami cast members -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Love & Hip Hop: Miami episodes -- American reality television franchise
Wikipedia - List of Love & Hip Hop: New York cast members -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Love & Hip Hop: New York episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Love & Hip Hop television specials -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Love & Lies episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Love & War episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of love and lust deities -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Love At Risk episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Love Child episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Love episodes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Love/Hate episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Love Hina episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Love It or List It episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Lovejoy episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Love Lab episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Loveless episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Love Live! episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Love of My Life episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Love sculptures -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Love Sick: The Series characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Love Sick The Series episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Love That Girl! episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Love Thy Neighbor (American TV series) episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Love Thy Neighbour (1972 TV series) episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Love Thy Neighbour (Singaporean TV series) episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Love Thy Woman episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Love You Two episodes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of magazines in Slovenia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of marine molluscs of Slovenia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Marjan M-EM- arec -- Political party in Slovenia
Wikipedia - List of massacres in Slovenia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of mountains in Slovenia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of museums in Slovenia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of My Husband's Lover characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of My Love from the Star episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of My Love Story!! episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of newspapers in Slovenia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of NL Gold Glove Winners at Catcher
Wikipedia - List of NL Gold Glove Winners at First Base
Wikipedia - List of NL Gold Glove Winners at Outfield
Wikipedia - List of NL Gold Glove Winners at Pitcher
Wikipedia - List of NL Gold Glove Winners at Second Base
Wikipedia - List of NL Gold Glove Winners at Shortstop
Wikipedia - List of NL Gold Glove Winners at Third Base
Wikipedia - List of Nyaruko: Crawling With Love episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of observers to the European Parliament for Slovenia, 2003-2004 -- -- List of observers to the European Parliament for Slovenia, 2003-2004 --
Wikipedia - List of One True Love episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of On the Wings of Love episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of PFC Litex Lovech managers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of political parties in Slovenia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of power stations in Slovenia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Prekmurje Slovene literature -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Presidents of the National Council of Slovenia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of radio stations in Slovenia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of red clover diseases -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of retail chains in Slovenia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Russian royal mistresses and lovers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Sankarea: Undying Love episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Say I Love You episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ski areas and resorts in Slovenia -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Slovene Americans -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Slovene films of 2014 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Slovene-language poets -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Slovene philosophers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Slovenes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Slovene writers and poets in Hungary -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Slovenia Fed Cup team representatives -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian actors
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian archaeologists
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian architects
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian art historians
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian astronomers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian biologists -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian botanists -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian cartographers
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian chemists
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian composers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian computer scientists -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian dancers
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian diplomats
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian economists -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian engineers
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian film directors
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian films -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian geographers and geologists
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian gliders -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian historians -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian illustrators
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian journalists -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian linguists and philologists
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian literary historians and critics
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian mathematicians -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian missionaries
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian mountain climbers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian musical artists and groups
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian musicians -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian painters
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian philosophers
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian photographers
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian physicians -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian physicists
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian politicians
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian psychiatrists and psychologists
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian records in athletics -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian records in swimming -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian scientists
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian sculptors
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian singers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian sociologists
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian sportspeople -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian submissions for the Academy Award for Best International Feature Film -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Slovenians
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian theologians -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian women artists -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian women writers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Slovenian writers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of songs produced by Rico Love -- Wikipedia list of audio tracks
Wikipedia - List of Speakers of the National Assembly of Slovenia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of steam locomotives in Slovenia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Greatest Love episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Love Boat episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of TODA One I Love episodes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of To Love Ru episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of twin towns and sister cities in Slovenia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of universities in Slovenia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of US national Golden Gloves bantamweight champions -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of US national Golden Gloves champions -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of US national Golden Gloves featherweight champions -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of US national Golden Gloves flyweight champions -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of US national Golden Gloves heavyweight champions -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of US national Golden Gloves light flyweight champions -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of US national Golden Gloves light heavyweight champions -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of US national Golden Gloves light middleweight champions -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of US national Golden Gloves light welterweight champions -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of US national Golden Gloves middleweight champions -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of US national Golden Gloves super heavyweight champions -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of US national Golden Gloves welterweight champions -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Val M-CM-^W Love episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of works by H. P. Lovecraft
Wikipedia - List of World War II monuments and memorials in Slovenia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Little Bit of Love -- 2020 single by Kesha
Wikipedia - Little Girl Observing Lovers on a Train -- Painting by Norman Rockwell
Wikipedia - Little ringed plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Live, Love and Learn -- 1937 film by George Fitzmaurice
Wikipedia - Live @ The 400 Bar -- 2009 album by Spider John Koerner and Tony Glover
Wikipedia - Live Twice, Love Once -- 2019 Spanish comedy film
Wikipedia - Livin' for Love -- 2000 single performed by Natalie Cole
Wikipedia - Living on Love -- 1937 film by Lew Landers
Wikipedia - Ljubica JeluM-EM-!iM-DM-^M -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Ljubljana Marathon -- Annual race in Slovenia held since 1996
Wikipedia - Ljubljanica -- River in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Ljudmila Dolar Mantuani -- Slovenian petrologist
Wikipedia - Ljudmila Novak -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Lockdown Ki Love Story -- Indian television series
Wikipedia - Locks of Love
Wikipedia - Lolita, My Love -- Musical
Wikipedia - L.O.L.: Lack of Love
Wikipedia - London Love -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - London's Love to Prince Henry -- Pageant
Wikipedia - Lonesome Luke's Lovely Rifle -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - Lone Star Love
Wikipedia - Long-billed plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Long Journey into Love -- 1973 film
Wikipedia - Loni Love -- American actress, comedian, and television personality
Wikipedia - Loop di Love -- Song of Juan Bastos and of Shag
Wikipedia - Lord Lovel -- Traditional song
Wikipedia - Lose You to Love Me -- 2019 single by Selena Gomez
Wikipedia - Lost in Love (New Edition song) -- 1985 single by New Edition
Wikipedia - Lost Loves (film) -- 2010 film
Wikipedia - Lots More Blues, Rags and Hollers -- 1964 album by Koerner, Ray & Glover
Wikipedia - Lottery Lover -- 1935 film by Wilhelm Thiele
Wikipedia - Loud Love -- Song by Soundgarden
Wikipedia - Louis Adamic -- Slovene-American author and translator
Wikipedia - Louise Lovegrove -- British movie producer
Wikipedia - Louise Lovely -- Australian actress (1895-1980)
Wikipedia - Love 101 (TV series) -- Turkish television series
Wikipedia - Love (1919 American film) -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - Love (1920 film) -- 1920 film by Wesley Ruggles
Wikipedia - Love (1927 American film) -- 1927 film by Edmund Goulding
Wikipedia - Love (1927 German film) -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Love 2000 -- 2000 single by Namie Amuro
Wikipedia - Love (2005 film) -- 2005 film by Vladan Nikolic
Wikipedia - Love (2008 video game) -- 2008 indie platform game
Wikipedia - Love (2015 film) -- 2015 film
Wikipedia - Love '47 -- 1949 film
Wikipedia - Love 65 -- 1965 film
Wikipedia - Love Aaj Kal (2020 film) -- Hindi-language romantic drama film by Imtiaz Ali
Wikipedia - Love Aaj Kal Porshu -- A Bengali romantic film directed by Pratim D. Gupta
Wikipedia - Love Aaj Kal -- 2009 film by Imtiaz Ali
Wikipedia - Love Action Drama -- 2019 film by Dhyan Sreenivasan
Wikipedia - Love Actually -- 2003 British film directed by Richard Curtis
Wikipedia - Love Advanced Customization -- 2020 Chinese television series
Wikipedia - Love Adventure -- Extended play by Cherry Bullet
Wikipedia - Love Affair (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Love Affair (1939 film) -- 1939 American romantic film directed by Leo McCarey
Wikipedia - Love Affair (1994 film) -- 1994 film by Glenn Gordon Caron
Wikipedia - Love Affairs (1927 film) -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Love Aflame -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - Love After Lockup -- US reality television series
Wikipedia - Love After Love (1992 film) -- 1992 film
Wikipedia - Love Again (Brandy and Daniel Caesar song) -- 2019 song by Brandy & Daniel Caesar
Wikipedia - Love Again (Dua Lipa song) -- 2020 song by Dua Lipa
Wikipedia - Love Again (TV series) -- 2012 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Love Ain't Here Anymore -- 1994 single by Take That
Wikipedia - Love Alarm -- 2019 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Love Alert -- 2018 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Love All the People -- Book by Bill Hicks
Wikipedia - Love, American Style -- American television series 1969-1974
Wikipedia - Love Among the Chickens -- 1906 novel by P.G. Wodehouse
Wikipedia - Love Among the Millionaires -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Love Among the Ruins. A Romance of the Near Future -- 1953 novel by Evelyn Waugh
Wikipedia - Love Among the Ruins (poem) -- 1855 poem by Robert Browning
Wikipedia - Love & Dance -- 2006 film
Wikipedia - Love & Devotion -- 1995 single by Real McCoy
Wikipedia - Love & Friendship -- 2016 period film directed by Whit Stillman
Wikipedia - Love & Hip Hop -- American music media franchise
Wikipedia - Love & Letter -- 2016 album by Seventeen
Wikipedia - Love & Lies -- 2013 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Love & Mercy (film) -- 2014 film by Bill Pohlad
Wikipedia - Love & Other Drugs -- 2010 film by Edward Zwick
Wikipedia - Love & Pride -- 1984 single by King
Wikipedia - Love and Affairs -- Indian web series
Wikipedia - Love and Blood -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - Love and Bullets (1914 film) -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - Love and Bullets (1979 film) -- 1979 film by Stuart Rosenberg
Wikipedia - Love and Champagne -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Love and Courage -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - Love and Deficit -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Love and Destiny -- Chinese web series
Wikipedia - Love and Duty (1916 film) -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - Love and Duty (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Love and Fear (film) -- 1988 film
Wikipedia - Love and Grudge -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Love and Hate (1916 film) -- 1916 film by James Vincent
Wikipedia - Love and Hate (1924 film) -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Love and hate (psychoanalysis)
Wikipedia - Love and Hisses -- 1937 film
Wikipedia - Love and Learn (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Love and Lies (manga) -- Japanese manga series
Wikipedia - Love and Liquor -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Love and Money (film) -- 1982 film
Wikipedia - Love and Monsters (film) -- 2020 American post-apocalyptic comedy film
Wikipedia - Love and Other Troubles -- 2012 film
Wikipedia - Love and Passion -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Love and Responsibility
Wikipedia - Love and Revenge -- 1944 film by Youssef Wahbi
Wikipedia - Love and Saint Augustine -- First philosophical book by Hannah Arendt
Wikipedia - Love and Suicide (2006 film) -- 2006 film by Mia Salsi
Wikipedia - Love and Suicide -- 2005 film by Lisa France
Wikipedia - Love and the Devil -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Love and the First Railway -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - Love and Thieves -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Love and Troubles -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Love and Trumpets (1925 film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Love and Trumpets (1954 film) -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - Love and Will
Wikipedia - Love at First Child -- 2015 film by Anne Giafferi
Wikipedia - Love at First Feel -- Song by AC/DC
Wikipedia - Love at First Fight (film) -- 2014 film
Wikipedia - Love at First Fight -- Chinese television series
Wikipedia - Love at First Hate -- 2018 Thai television series
Wikipedia - Love at First Sight (1929 film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Love at First Sight (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Love at First Sight (Kylie Minogue song) -- 2002 single by Kylie Minogue
Wikipedia - Love at first sight
Wikipedia - Love At First Sound -- American rapper
Wikipedia - Love at Large -- 1990 film
Wikipedia - Love at Second Sight (2019 film) -- 2019 film directed by Hugo GM-CM-)lin
Wikipedia - Love at the Greek
Wikipedia - Love at the Top -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Love at the Wheel -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Love at Twenty -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Love (band) -- American rock group
Wikipedia - Love Battery -- Band
Wikipedia - Love beads
Wikipedia - Love (Beatles album) -- Album by the Beatles
Wikipedia - Love Before Breakfast -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Love Begins at 20 -- 1936 film by Frank McDonald
Wikipedia - Love Belongs to Everyone -- 2006 film by Hilde Van Mieghem
Wikipedia - Love-Berrish! -- Manga
Wikipedia - Love Between the Raindrops -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Love Beyond Frontier (2019 TV series) -- 2019 Thai television series
Wikipedia - Love Beyond Frontier -- 2008 Thai television series
Wikipedia - Love Bipolar -- 2018 Thai television series
Wikipedia - Love Birds (1934 film) -- 1934 film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - Love Birds (1996 film) -- 1996 film by P. Vasu
Wikipedia - Love Bites (band) -- Band
Wikipedia - Lovebites (band) -- Japanese all-female heavy metal band
Wikipedia - Love Bites (Def Leppard song) -- 1988 song by Def Leppard
Wikipedia - Love Bites (TV series) -- American television series
Wikipedia - Love Bite -- 2012 film by Andy De Emmony
Wikipedia - Lovebound -- 1923 film directed by Henry Otto
Wikipedia - Love Bound -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Lovebox Festival -- Music festival in London, UK
Wikipedia - Love Brewster -- Early English colonist in North America
Wikipedia - Love Bug (Philippine TV program) -- Philippine television show
Wikipedia - Lovebug -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Love Business -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Love Buzz -- Original song written and composed by Robbie van Leeuwen; first recorded by Shocking Blue
Wikipedia - Love by Request -- 1982 film
Wikipedia - Love Can Build a Bridge -- 1990 single by The Judds
Wikipedia - Love Can Lie -- 1937 film
Wikipedia - Love Can't Ever Get Better Than This -- 1987 single by Ricky Skaggs and The Whites
Wikipedia - Love Changes (Everything) -- 1987 single by Climie Fisher
Wikipedia - Love Channel -- 2001 film by R. N. Kumaresan
Wikipedia - Love, Cheat & Steal -- 1993 television film by William Curran
Wikipedia - Love Child (2011 film) -- 2011 film
Wikipedia - Love Child (season 3) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - Lovech Municipality
Wikipedia - Lovech Zoo -- zoo located in Lovech, Bulgaria
Wikipedia - Love City Groove (song) -- 1995 song by Love City Groove
Wikipedia - Love Come Down -- 1982 single by Evelyn King
Wikipedia - Love Comes Along -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Love Comes Lately -- 2007 film by Jan Schutte
Wikipedia - Love Comes Quietly -- 1973 film
Wikipedia - Love Com -- Japanese manga series
Wikipedia - Love Conquers All (1934 film) -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - Love Conquers All (album) -- 1982 studio album by Michael Wycoff
Wikipedia - Lovecraft: A Look Behind the Cthulhu Mythos -- 1972 non-fiction book by Lin Carter
Wikipedia - Lovecraft Country (novel) -- 2016 dark fantasy horror novel
Wikipedia - Lovecraft Country (TV series) -- 2020 American horror drama television series
Wikipedia - Lovecraft Country -- Real and fictitious locations in New England related to H.P. Lovecraft's fiction
Wikipedia - Lovecraftian horror
Wikipedia - Lovecraft's Providence and Adjacent Parts -- Book by Henry L. P. Beckwith, Jr.
Wikipedia - Love Crazy (1941 film) -- 1941 film by Jack Conway
Wikipedia - Love dart -- Darts that some snails shoot into each other during mating
Wikipedia - Loveday, 1458 -- Arbitration event during the Wars of the Roses
Wikipedia - Love, Death & Robots -- American adult animated anthology web series
Wikipedia - Love, Death and the Devil -- 1934 German drama film
Wikipedia - Love, Death > Robots
Wikipedia - Love De-Luxe -- British disco music group
Wikipedia - Love Don't Live Here Anymore -- 1978 single by Rose Royce
Wikipedia - Love Don't Live Here (Lady Antebellum song) -- 2007 single by Lady Antebellum
Wikipedia - Love (Doyle novel) -- 2020 novel by Roddy Doyle
Wikipedia - Love, Duty and Crime -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Love 'Em and Feed 'Em -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Love 'Em and Leave 'Em (film) -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Love 'em and Weep -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Love Etc. -- 2009 single by Pet Shop Boys
Wikipedia - Love Express (2016 film) -- 2016 film by Rajiv Kumar Biswas
Wikipedia - Love Fantasy -- 1980 studio album by Roy Ayers
Wikipedia - Lovefeast
Wikipedia - LoveFilm -- UK-based provider of DVD-by-mail and streaming video on demand in the UK and Germany
Wikipedia - Love Finds Andy Hardy -- 1938 film by George B. Seitz
Wikipedia - Love Finds a Way -- 1909 film
Wikipedia - Love Flight -- 2015 Thai television series
Wikipedia - Love FM (Japan) -- Radio station in Fukuoka City, Japan
Wikipedia - Love Foolosophy -- 2002 single by Jamiroquai
Wikipedia - Lovefool -- 1996 single by the Cardigans
Wikipedia - Love for Love (film) -- 1950 film
Wikipedia - Love For Our Elders -- American nonprofit organization
Wikipedia - Love for Rent -- 2005 film
Wikipedia - Love for Sale (song) -- Cole Porter song
Wikipedia - Love Freed from Ignorance and Folly -- Play
Wikipedia - Love from a Stranger (play) -- Play written by Frank Vosper
Wikipedia - Love from London -- 2013 album by Robyn Hitchcock
Wikipedia - Love Galore -- 2017 single by SZA featuring Travis Scott
Wikipedia - LoveGame -- 2009 single by Lady Gaga
Wikipedia - Love Gantt -- American physician
Wikipedia - Love Generation (song) -- 2005 single by Bob Sinclar
Wikipedia - Love Get Chu -- Japanese mobile phone visual novel and anime series
Wikipedia - Love, Gilda -- 2018 documentary directed by Lisa Dapolito
Wikipedia - Lovegrass noctuid moth -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Love $ Greed -- 1991 film by Bashar Shbib
Wikipedia - Love Guaranteed (song) -- 1997 single by Damage
Wikipedia - Love Happy -- 1949 Marx Brothers film by David Miller
Wikipedia - Love, Hate and Death -- 1989 film
Wikipedia - Love/Hate (TV series) -- Irish dramatic television series
Wikipedia - Love Hina -- 2000 anime and manga series by Ken Akamatsu
Wikipedia - Love, Honor and Behave (1920 film) -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Love, Honor and Behave -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - Love, Honor and Goodbye -- 1945 film by Albert S. Rogell
Wikipedia - Love, Honor and Obey -- 1920 silent film directed by Leander de Cordova
Wikipedia - Love, Honor, and Oh Baby! -- 1933 American film directed by Edward Buzzell
Wikipedia - Love, Honour and Obey -- 2000 film by Dominic Anciano, Ray Burdis
Wikipedia - Love Hotel in Tyrol -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Love hotel -- Sex hotels; often associated with those in Japan
Wikipedia - Love Hotline -- Philippine television show
Wikipedia - Love How It Hurts -- 2011 single by Scouting for Girls
Wikipedia - Love Hungry -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Love Hurts (1993 film) -- 1993 film by Mijke de Jong
Wikipedia - Love Hurts (Incubus song) -- 2008 single by Incubus
Wikipedia - Love Hurts -- Single by Everly Brothers
Wikipedia - Love Illumination -- 2013 song by Franz Ferdinand
Wikipedia - Love Impossible -- 2003 film by Jeong Cho-sin
Wikipedia - Love in 3-D -- 1973 film by Walter Boos
Wikipedia - Love in a Bungalow -- Film directed by Ray McCarey
Wikipedia - Love in a Cold Climate -- 1949 novel by Nancy Mitford
Wikipedia - Love in a Hot Climate -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - Love in a Maze (ballad) -- Song
Wikipedia - Love in an Apartment Hotel -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - Love in an Elevator -- Song by Aerosmith
Wikipedia - Love in a Vacuum -- 'Til Tuesday song
Wikipedia - Love in a Wood -- 1915 film by Maurice Elvey
Wikipedia - Love in Between (TV series) -- Chinese web series
Wikipedia - Love in Bloom (film) -- 1935 film by Elliott Nugent
Wikipedia - Love, Inc. (TV series) -- American television sitcom
Wikipedia - Love in Every Port -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Love in Flight -- 1967 film
Wikipedia - Love in Goa -- 1983 Indian Hindi film
Wikipedia - Love in High Gear -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Love-in-idleness
Wikipedia - Love in Jamaica -- 1957 film
Wikipedia - Love in Kerala -- 1968 film by Sashi Kumar, J. Sasikumar
Wikipedia - Love in May -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Love in Quarantine -- 1910 film
Wikipedia - Love in Sadness -- 2019 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Love in Singapore (1980 Malayalam film) -- 1980 film directed by Baby
Wikipedia - Love in Singapore (1980 Telugu film) -- 1980 film directed by O.S.R.
Wikipedia - Love Insurance -- 1919 film by Donald Crisp
Wikipedia - Love in the Big City 2 -- 2010 film by Marius Vaisbergas
Wikipedia - Love in the Big City -- 2009 Russian-Ukrainian romantic comedy film by Marius Vaisbergas
Wikipedia - Love in the Cowshed -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Love in the Dark (1922 film) -- 1922 silent film
Wikipedia - Love in the Desert -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Love in the Hills -- 1911 film
Wikipedia - Love in the Key of C -- Single by Belinda Carlisle
Wikipedia - Love in the Moonlight -- 2016 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Love in the Ring -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Love in the Rough -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Love in the Ruins
Wikipedia - Love in the Shadows (film) -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Love in the Snow -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Love in the Time of Cholera (film) -- 2007 film directed by Mike Newell
Wikipedia - Love in the Time of Cholera -- Novel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Wikipedia - Love in the Time of Civil War -- 2014 film
Wikipedia - Love in the Time of Corona -- 2020 American romantic comedy television miniseries
Wikipedia - Love in the Time of the Bakunawa -- Film by Peter Solis Nery
Wikipedia - Love in the Wilderness -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Love in This Club -- 2008 single by Usher
Wikipedia - LOVEINT
Wikipedia - Love in Vain -- Robert Johnson blues composition
Wikipedia - Love Inventory -- 2000 Israeli documentary by David Fisher
Wikipedia - Love in Waiting -- 1948 British comedy film
Wikipedia - Love Is a Battlefield -- 1983 single by Pat Benatar
Wikipedia - Love Is a Gun (1994 film) -- Erotic thriller film
Wikipedia - Love Is a Headache -- 1938 film by Richard Thorpe
Wikipedia - Love Is (Alannah Myles song) -- 1989 single by Alannah Myles
Wikipedia - Love Is All (2007 film) -- 2007 film
Wikipedia - Love Is All Around -- 1967 Troggs song
Wikipedia - Love Is All There Is -- 1996 film by Joseph Bologna
Wikipedia - Love Is an Awful Thing -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Love Is a Racket -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Love Is a Splendid Illusion -- 1970 film by Tom Clegg
Wikipedia - Love Is Blind (1925 film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Love Is Duty Free -- 1941 film
Wikipedia - Love Is Easy (McFly song) -- 2012 single by McFly
Wikipedia - Love Is Forever (1954 film) -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - Love Is Forever (Cliff Richard album) -- 1965 studio album by Cliff Richard
Wikipedia - Love Is in the Air (2005 film) -- 2005 film by RM-CM-)mi Bezancon
Wikipedia - Love Is in the Air (2011 film) -- 2011 film
Wikipedia - Love is in the Bin -- 2018 art intervention from a 2006 Banksy painting
Wikipedia - Love Is Just a Fairytale -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - Love Island (2005 TV series) -- Former British reality dating series
Wikipedia - Love Island (2015 TV series, series 1) -- First series of Love Island
Wikipedia - Love Island (2015 TV series, series 2) -- Second series of Love Island
Wikipedia - Love Island (2015 TV series, series 3) -- Third series of Love Island
Wikipedia - Love Island (2015 TV series, series 4) -- Fourth series of Love Island
Wikipedia - Love Island (2015 TV series, series 5) -- Fifth series of Love Island
Wikipedia - Love Island (2015 TV series, series 6) -- Sixth series of Love Island
Wikipedia - Love Island (American TV series) -- UK dating reality series
Wikipedia - Love Island Australia -- Australian dating reality series
Wikipedia - Love Island Sweden -- Swedish dating reality series
Wikipedia - Love... Is Like Dying -- 1986 album by Theatre of Ice
Wikipedia - Love Is Lost -- Song by David Bowie
Wikipedia - Love Is News -- 1937 film by Tay Garnett
Wikipedia - Love Isn't Easy (But It Sure Is Hard Enough) -- 1973 ABBA song
Wikipedia - Love Is on the Air -- 1937 film by Nick Grinde
Wikipedia - Love Is on the Radio -- 2013 single by McFly
Wikipedia - Love Is Requited -- 2011 single by Elisa
Wikipedia - Love Is Strange (film) -- 2014 film
Wikipedia - Love Is Strange -- 1956 single by Mickey & Sylvia
Wikipedia - Love Is Strength -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Love Is Strong -- 1994 single by The Rolling Stones
Wikipedia - Love is Sweet -- Chinese 2020 web television series
Wikipedia - Love Is the Answer (album) -- 2009 album by Barbra Streisand
Wikipedia - Love Is the Answer (Cedric Gervais song) -- Single by MM-CM-=a and Cedric Gervais
Wikipedia - Love Is the Drug -- 1975 single by Roxy Music
Wikipedia - Love Is the Gift -- 2000 single by Shanice
Wikipedia - Love Is the Hero -- 1986 single by Billy Squier
Wikipedia - Love Is the Law (The Seahorses song) -- 1997 single by The Seahorses
Wikipedia - Love Is the Only Answer -- 2011 film
Wikipedia - Love Is the Only Master I'll Serve -- 2006 art film by Nicholas Lens
Wikipedia - Love Is the Perfect Crime -- 2013 film
Wikipedia - Love Is the Power of Women -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Love Is Waiting (Crispy song) -- 1998 single by Crispy
Wikipedia - Love Is War (1970 film) -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Love Is War (2019 film) -- 2019 Nigerian comedy drama film
Wikipedia - Love It If We Made It -- Song by The 1975
Wikipedia - Love It or List It -- Canadian-American television series
Wikipedia - Love It (song) -- 2001 single by Bilal
Wikipedia - Love Jihad -- Conspiracy theory
Wikipedia - Lovejoy -- British television series
Wikipedia - Love Ke Liye Kuch Bhi Karega -- 2001 Hindi film directed by Eeshwar Nivas
Wikipedia - Love (Keyshia Cole song) -- 2006 song by Keyshia Cole
Wikipedia - Love Kome: We Love Rice -- Japanese anime television series
Wikipedia - Love Lab -- Japanese manga series
Wikipedia - Lovelace (film)
Wikipedia - Lovelace Medal
Wikipedia - Lovelady Powell -- American actress
Wikipedia - Loveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - Loveland Ski Area -- Snow skiing area in Colorado along the Continental Divide
Wikipedia - Love Land (South Korea) -- Sculpture garden
Wikipedia - Love, Laughs and Lather -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - Love Laughs at Andy Hardy -- 1946 film by Willis Goldbeck
Wikipedia - Loveless (manga) -- 2005 anime
Wikipedia - Love Lessons (novel) -- 2005 novel by Jacqueline Wilson
Wikipedia - Love Letter (1953 film) -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - Love Letter (Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds song) -- 2002 single by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
Wikipedia - Love Letters (1924 film) -- 1924 film directed by David Selman
Wikipedia - Love Letters (1944 film) -- 1944 film
Wikipedia - Love Letters (1945 film)
Wikipedia - Love Letters from Engadin -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - Love Letters of a Portuguese Nun -- 1977 film
Wikipedia - Love Letters of a Star -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Love Letters of Great Men
Wikipedia - Love Letter to the Earth -- 2012 book by Paolo Diego Bubbio
Wikipedia - Love Lies (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Love Lies (1989 film) -- 1989 film
Wikipedia - Love Life (American TV series) -- 2020 American romantic comedy anthology streaming television series
Wikipedia - Love, Life and Laughter (1923 film) -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Lovelight -- 2006 single by Robbie Williams
Wikipedia - Love Like Blood (song) -- 1985 single by Killing Joke
Wikipedia - Love Like Poison -- 2010 film by Katell QuillM-CM-)vM-CM-)rM-CM-)
Wikipedia - Love Like This (Natasha Bedingfield song) -- 2007 single by Natasha Bedingfield
Wikipedia - Love Like You and Me -- 1975 single by Gary Glitter
Wikipedia - Loveline Obiji -- Nigerian Paralympic powerlifter
Wikipedia - Loveling -- 2018 film
Wikipedia - Love, Live and Laugh -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Love Live! School Idol Project (TV series) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Love Live! Sunshine!! (TV series) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Love Live! Sunshine!!
Wikipedia - Love Live! Superstar!! -- Japanese multimedia project
Wikipedia - Lovell Augustus Reeve
Wikipedia - Love Lockdown -- 2008 single by Kanye West
Wikipedia - Love Locked Out -- Painting by Anna Lea Merritt
Wikipedia - Lovelock (hair) -- Long lock of hair resting over the left shoulder
Wikipedia - Lovelock, Nevada -- Incorporated city in Nevada, United States
Wikipedia - Lovelock's theorem
Wikipedia - Love, Loot and Crash -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - Lovely (1979 film) -- 1979 film directed by N. Sankaran Nair
Wikipedia - Lovely (2001 film) -- 2001 film by Sakthi Chidambaram
Wikipedia - Lovely Abella -- Filipina actress, dancer, host, comedian, model, and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Lovely & Amazing -- 2001 film by Nicole Holofcener
Wikipedia - Lovely (Billie Eilish and Khalid song) -- 2018 single by Billie Eilish and Khalid
Wikipedia - Lovely County, Arkansas Territory -- Exticnt county of the Arkansas Territory
Wikipedia - Lovely Day (TV program) -- Philippine television show
Wikipedia - Lovely Horribly -- 2018 South Korea television series
Wikipedia - Lovely Joan -- Traditional song
Wikipedia - Lovely Lane Methodist Church
Wikipedia - Lovely Liza -- 1997 film
Wikipedia - Lovely Mary -- 1916 film by Edgar Jones
Wikipedia - Lovely Muco -- Japanese manga series
Wikipedia - Lovelyn Enebechi -- German-Nigerian fashion model
Wikipedia - Lovelyn Orji-Ben -- Nigerian sportsman
Wikipedia - Lovely (perfume) -- 2005 perfume by Sarah Jessica Parker
Wikipedia - Lovely Rita (film) -- 2001 film
Wikipedia - Lovely Rivero -- Filipino actress
Wikipedia - Lovely to Look At -- 1952 MGM musical film directed by Mervyn LeRoy
Wikipedia - Lovely Warren -- American politician
Wikipedia - Lovely Writer: The Series -- upcoming Thai television series
Wikipedia - Lovelyz discography -- Discography of South Korean girl group Lovelyz
Wikipedia - Lovelyz -- South Korean girl group
Wikipedia - Love Machine (Girls Aloud song) -- 2004 single by Girls Aloud
Wikipedia - Love Made Me Stupid -- 2009 single by Elin Lanto
Wikipedia - Love (magazine) -- British magazine
Wikipedia - Love Maggy -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Love magic
Wikipedia - Love Makes 'Em Wild -- 1927 film directed by Albert Ray
Wikipedia - Love (manga) -- Japanese manga series
Wikipedia - Loveman Noa -- United States Navy officer
Wikipedia - Lovemap
Wikipedia - Love Marriage (2001 film) -- 2001 film by K. Subash
Wikipedia - Love Marriage (2015 film) -- 2015 film by Shahin Sumon
Wikipedia - Love, Math and Sex -- 1997 Film
Wikipedia - Love M-bM-^FM-^R Building on Fire -- 1977 single by Talking Heads
Wikipedia - Love Me (1942 film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Love Me Again (song)
Wikipedia - Love Me and the World Is Mine -- 1927 film by Ewald AndrM-CM-) Dupont
Wikipedia - Love Me Anyway (Pink song) -- 2019 single by Pink featuring Chris Stapleton
Wikipedia - Love Me (Bee Gees song) -- 1976 song by the Bee Gees
Wikipedia - Love Me Better -- 2017 pop song by James Blunt
Wikipedia - Love Me Do -- Original song written and composed by Lennon-McCartney
Wikipedia - Love Me for a Reason -- 1974 single by The Osmonds
Wikipedia - Love Me Forever or Never -- 1986 film
Wikipedia - Love Me Forever -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - Love Me Harder -- 2014 single by Ariana Grande and the Weeknd
Wikipedia - Love Mein Ghum -- 2011 film by Reema Khan
Wikipedia - Love Me Less -- 2019 single by MAX featuring Quinn XCII
Wikipedia - Love Me like You Do -- 2015 song by Ellie Goulding
Wikipedia - Love Me Like You -- 2015 single by Little Mix
Wikipedia - Love Me, Love Me Love -- 1971 song by Frank Mills
Wikipedia - Love Me, Love Me Not (British game show) -- British game show
Wikipedia - Love Me, Love Me Not (manga) -- Japanese manga
Wikipedia - Love Me, Love My Money -- 2001 film by Wong Jing
Wikipedia - Love Me, Love My Mouse -- 1966 animated short film directed by Chuck Jones
Wikipedia - Love Me No More (film) -- 2008 French drama film
Wikipedia - Love Me Right (song) -- 2015 single by Exo
Wikipedia - Love Me Tender (film) -- 1956 film directed by Robert D. Webb
Wikipedia - Love Me Tonight -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Love Me! -- 1986 film
Wikipedia - Love Minus Zero/No Limit -- 1965 song by Bob Dylan
Wikipedia - Love Mocktail -- 2020 Kannada romantic film
Wikipedia - Lovemore Madhuku
Wikipedia - Lovemore Matombo -- Zimbabwean politician
Wikipedia - Love More -- 2013 single by Chris Brown
Wikipedia - Love (Morrison novel) -- Novel by Toni Morrison
Wikipedia - Love, Mother -- 1987 film
Wikipedia - Love (Musiq Soulchild song) -- 2000 song by Musiq Soulchild
Wikipedia - Love Must Be Understood -- 1933 film
Wikipedia - Love My Dog -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Love My Life (song) -- 2016 single by Robbie Williams
Wikipedia - Love Nature -- Canadian-based English language television channel
Wikipedia - Love, Need and Want You -- 1984 single by Patti LaBelle
Wikipedia - Love, Needing -- Song by Mai Kuraki
Wikipedia - -- 2011 film
Wikipedia - Love Never Dies (1921 film) -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Love Never Fails (Kathie Lee Gifford song) -- Single by Kathie Lee Gifford
Wikipedia - Love Never Felt So Good -- 2014 single by Michael Jackson and Justin Timberlake
Wikipedia - Love Nights in the Taiga -- 1967 film by Harald Philipp
Wikipedia - Love ni Mister, Love ni Misis -- Philippine television show
Wikipedia - Lovens Gjed -- Entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Love O2O (TV series) -- 2016 Chinese television series
Wikipedia - Love Odd -- 2015 film
Wikipedia - Love of a Lifetime (Honeyz song) -- 1999 single by Honeyz
Wikipedia - Love of a Woman -- 2001 single by Travis Tritt
Wikipedia - Love of Christ
Wikipedia - Love of God in Christianity
Wikipedia - Love of God
Wikipedia - Love of Kill -- Japanese manga series
Wikipedia - Love of learning
Wikipedia - Love of Lesbian -- Spanish band from Catalonia
Wikipedia - Love of Life (album) -- 1992 album
Wikipedia - Love of Life (film) -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Love of My Life (Philippine TV series) -- 2020 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Love of the Mat Seller -- Vietnamese folk opera song
Wikipedia - Love of Thousand Years -- Chinese television series
Wikipedia - Love of Women -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Love on a Bet -- 1936 film directed by Leigh Jason
Wikipedia - Love on a Budget -- 1938 film by Herbert I. Leeds
Wikipedia - Love on a Diet -- 2001 film by Johnnie To, Wai Ka-Fai
Wikipedia - Love on Ice (film) -- 1950 film
Wikipedia - Love on My Mind (Freemasons song) -- 2005 single by Freemasons
Wikipedia - Love on Skis -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Love on the Brain -- 2016 song by Rihanna
Wikipedia - Love on the Dole (film) -- 1941 film by John Baxter
Wikipedia - Love on the Run (1936 film) -- 1936 film by W. S. Van Dyke
Wikipedia - Love on the Spot -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Love on Toast -- 1937 film by Ewald AndrM-CM-) Dupont
Wikipedia - Love On Top -- 2011 song by BeyoncM-CM-)
Wikipedia - Love On Tour -- 2020-2021 concert tour by Harry Styles
Wikipedia - Love on Wheels -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Love or Justice -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - Love Over Night -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Love Pageant Rally
Wikipedia - Love, Peace and Happiness -- Live album by The Chambers Brothers
Wikipedia - Love, Pepper and Sweets -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - Love per Square Foot -- 2018 Indian Hindi language romantic comedy film
Wikipedia - Love Pier light rail station -- Light rail station in Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Wikipedia - Love Play -- 1961 French film
Wikipedia - Love Plus One -- 1982 single by Haircut One Hundred
Wikipedia - Love Poem (song) -- 2019 single by IU
Wikipedia - Love Point, Bangladesh -- Memorial in Kaptai, Rangamati, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Love Potion No. 9 (album) -- album by Johnny "Hammond" Smith
Wikipedia - Love Potion No. 9 (film) -- 1992 film by Dale Launer
Wikipedia - Love Potion (song) -- 2002 single by Alisa Mizuki
Wikipedia - Love Premiere -- 1943 film
Wikipedia - Lovepump United Records -- Independent record label based in New York City
Wikipedia - Lover (2018 film) -- 2018 film by Annish Krishna
Wikipedia - Love Radio Network -- Broadcast radio network in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Love Rain -- 2012 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Love Raj Singh Dharmshaktu -- Indian mountaineer
Wikipedia - Lover (album) -- 2019 studio album by Taylor Swift
Wikipedia - Love Ranch -- 2010 film by Taylor Hackford
Wikipedia - Loverboy (1989 film) -- 1989 film by Joan Micklin Silver
Wikipedia - Loverboy (2005 film) -- 2005 film by Kevin Bacon
Wikipedia - Loverboy (2011 film) -- 2011 film
Wikipedia - Loverboy Classics -- Compilation album by Loverboy
Wikipedia - Lover Boy (Italian film) -- 1975 film by Marino Girolami
Wikipedia - Loverboy (Loverboy album)
Wikipedia - Loverboy (Mariah Carey song) -- 2001 single by Mariah Carey
Wikipedia - Loverboy
Wikipedia - Lover Come Back (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Lover Come Back (1961 film) -- 1961 film by Delbert Mann
Wikipedia - Lover, Come Back to Me -- Song
Wikipedia - Love, Reign o'er Me -- Song by The Who
Wikipedia - Love Renaissance -- American record label and management company
Wikipedia - Love Rendezvous -- 1995 single by M People
Wikipedia - Love Restored -- Play written by Ben Jonson
Wikipedia - Love Revolution (web series) -- 2020 South Korean web series
Wikipedia - Love Revolution (Will Young song) -- 2015 song performed by Will Young
Wikipedia - Lover Fest -- 2021 concert tour by Taylor Swift
Wikipedia - Lover for a Day -- 2017 film
Wikipedia - Lover Lover Lover
Wikipedia - Loverman -- 1994 single by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
Wikipedia - Love Rocks NYC -- Festivals in New York City
Wikipedia - Lover of Mine -- 1990 single by Alannah Myles
Wikipedia - Lover of the Monster -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Love Rollercoaster -- 1975 single by Ohio Players
Wikipedia - Love Roma
Wikipedia - Love rose -- An anthropogenic rose and its case often used as drug paraphernalia
Wikipedia - Love, Rosie (film) -- 2014 romantic comedy-drama film
Wikipedia - Lovers (1927 film) -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Lovers (1991 film) -- 1991 Spanish film by Vicente Aranda
Wikipedia - Lovers (album) -- Redirect page
Wikipedia - Loversall -- Village and civil parish in South Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Lovers and Lollipops -- 1956 film by Ruth Orkin, Morris Engel
Wikipedia - Lovers and Other Relatives -- 1974 film by Salvatore Samperi
Wikipedia - Lovers Courageous -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Lovers in Araby -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Lovers in Japan -- 2008 single by Coldplay
Wikipedia - Lovers in Quarantine -- 1925 film by Frank Tuttle
Wikipedia - Lovers in the Year One -- 1973 film
Wikipedia - Lovers' Lane (1924 film) -- 1924 film by William Beaudine
Wikipedia - Lover's Luck -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - Lovers Made Men -- Play written by Ben Jonson
Wikipedia - Lovers of Music -- 2014 Korean television series
Wikipedia - Lovers of the Holy Cross
Wikipedia - Lovers' Post Office -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - Lovers Rock (2020 film) -- 2020 film
Wikipedia - Lovers' Rock (film) -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Lovers rock -- Style of reggae music noted for its romantic sound and content
Wikipedia - Lover (Taylor Swift song) -- 2019 single by Taylor Swift
Wikipedia - Lovertits -- 2000 single by Peaches
Wikipedia - Love Runs Blind -- Bangladeshi rock band
Wikipedia - Love Runs Out -- 2014 single by OneRepublic
Wikipedia - Love Sabah Party -- Political party of Malaysia
Wikipedia - Love's Awakening (1936 film) -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - Love's Awakening -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - Love's Blindness -- 1926 film by John Francis Dillon
Wikipedia - Love's Body -- 1966 book by Norman O. Brown
Wikipedia - Love's Boomerang -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Love's Carnival (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Love's Carnival (1955 film) -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - Love Scenario -- Song by iKon
Wikipedia - Love's Confusion -- 1959 film
Wikipedia - Love, Scott -- 2018 Canadian documentary film
Wikipedia - Love Sculpture -- Welsh blues rock band
Wikipedia - Love's Cure
Wikipedia - Love's Easy Tears -- 1986 EP by the Cocteau Twins
Wikipedia - Loveseat -- Two-seater
Wikipedia - Love Sees No Colour -- 1993 single by U96
Wikipedia - Love Sensation (911 song) -- 1996 single by 911
Wikipedia - Love (S.E.S. album) -- 1999 studio album by S.E.S.
Wikipedia - Love Sex Aur Dhokha -- 2010 film by Dibakar Banerjee
Wikipedia - Love Sex Magic -- 2009 single by Ciara
Wikipedia - Love's Finale -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Love's Greatest Mistake -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Love Shack (film) -- 2010 film by Michael B. Silver
Wikipedia - Love Shack -- 1989 dance song by the B-52's
Wikipedia - Love Shagun -- 2016 film directed by Saandesh B Nayak
Wikipedia - Love's Harvest -- 1920 silent film
Wikipedia - Loveshhuda -- 2016 film
Wikipedia - Love Shine a Light -- 1997 song by Katrina and the Waves
Wikipedia - Loveship -- 2020 single by Paul Kim and Chungha
Wikipedia - Love Shot (Exo song) -- 2018 single by Exo
Wikipedia - Lovesick (1983 film) -- American film written and directed by Marshall Brickman
Wikipedia - Lovesick Blues -- 1949 single by Hank Williams
Wikipedia - Lovesick (Emily Osment song) -- 2011 single by Emily Osment
Wikipedia - Lovesick Girls -- 2020 single by Blackpink
Wikipedia - Lovesick (Mura Masa song) -- 2016 single by Mura Masa featuring ASAP Rocky
Wikipedia - Love Sign (horse) -- American Thoroughbred racehorse
Wikipedia - Love, Simon -- 2018 American romantic comedy teen film
Wikipedia - Love's Joys and Woes -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Love's Labor Lost (film) -- 1920 Krazy Kat cartoon by Bray Productions
Wikipedia - Love's Labour's Lost (film) -- 2000 film directed by Kenneth Branagh
Wikipedia - Love's Labour's Lost (opera)
Wikipedia - Love's Labour's Lost -- Comedy play by William Shakespeare
Wikipedia - Love's Labour's Won -- Lost Shakespearean play
Wikipedia - Love's Lariat -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - Love's Law -- 1917 silent drama film
Wikipedia - Love > Sleep
Wikipedia - Lovesliescrushing
Wikipedia - Love's Masquerade -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Loves of an Actress -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Love's Old Sweet Song (1923 film) -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Love Somebody (Maroon 5 song) -- 2013 single by Maroon 5
Wikipedia - Love Song 1980 -- 2020 romance drama film directed by Mei Feng
Wikipedia - Lovesong (film) -- 2016 film by So Yong Kim
Wikipedia - Love Song for Joyce -- 1958 novel by Lois Duncan
Wikipedia - Love Song (Luna Sea song) -- 2000 single by Luna Sea
Wikipedia - Lovesong (novel) -- Novel by Alex Miller
Wikipedia - Love Songs (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Love Songs (Cliff Richard album) -- 1981 compilation album by Cliff Richard
Wikipedia - Love Songs (Kaash Paige song) -- 2018 single by Kaash Paige
Wikipedia - Love Song (Sky song) -- 1999 single by Sky
Wikipedia - Love Songs (UB40 album) -- compilation album by UB40
Wikipedia - Love Song (The Damned song) -- Song by The Damned
Wikipedia - Love's Option -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Love So Soft -- 2017 song by Kelly Clarkson
Wikipedia - Love So Sweet: Reborn -- 2020 single by Arashi
Wikipedia - Love So Sweet -- 2007 single by Arashi
Wikipedia - Love's Penalty -- 1921 film directed by John Gilbert
Wikipedia - Love's Philosophy
Wikipedia - Love's Pilgrimage (play)
Wikipedia - Love Spirals Downwards
Wikipedia - Love Spit Love -- Band that plays alternative rock
Wikipedia - Love's Prisoner -- 1919 film by John Francis Dillon
Wikipedia - Love's Redemption -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Love's Sacrifice
Wikipedia - Love's Secret Domain
Wikipedia - Love's Shadow -- 1867 painting by Frederick Sandys
Wikipedia - Love's Sweet Exile -- Song by Manic Street Preachers
Wikipedia - Love Stage!! -- Franchise
Wikipedia - Love Station (2019 film) -- 2019 Nepalese drama romance film directed by Ujwal Ghimire
Wikipedia - LoveStoned -- 2007 single by Justin Timberlake
Wikipedia - Love Story (1925 film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Love Story (1942 film) -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Love Story (2013 film) -- 2013 film by Guan Er
Wikipedia - Love Story (2020 film) -- 2020 Bengali romantic film
Wikipedia - Love Story (Taylor Swift song) -- 2008 single by Taylor Swift
Wikipedia - Love Story (upcoming film) -- 2020 film by Sekhar Kammula
Wikipedia - Love Strange Love -- 1982 film by Walter Hugo Khouri
Wikipedia - Love's Triumph Through Callipolis -- Play written by Ben Jonson
Wikipedia - Lovestrong -- 2011 album by Christina Perri
Wikipedia - Lovestruck in the City -- 2020 South Korean romantic comedy web series
Wikipedia - Lovestruck (Madness song) -- 1999 single by Madness
Wikipedia - Lovestruck -- The state of obsessive euphoria often felt by those newly in love
Wikipedia - Love styles
Wikipedia - Love's Welcome at Bolsover -- Play written by Ben Jonson
Wikipedia - Love's Whirlpool -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Love's -- American truck stop and convenience store company
Wikipedia - Love's Wilderness -- 1924 film by Robert Zigler Leonard
Wikipedia - Love Takes Flight -- 1937 film directed by Conrad Nagel
Wikipedia - Love Takes Time (Orleans song) -- Single by Orleans
Wikipedia - Love Takes Time -- 1990 single by Mariah Carey
Wikipedia - Love (Thalia song) -- 1992 song by Thalia
Wikipedia - Love... The Album -- 2007 studio album by Cliff Richard
Wikipedia - Love the Coopers -- 2015 film by Jessie Nelson
Wikipedia - Love, Theft and Other Entanglements -- 2015 film
Wikipedia - Love the Hard Way -- 2001 film by Peter Sehr
Wikipedia - Love Theme from Romeo and Juliet -- Single by Henry Mancini
Wikipedia - Love the Way U Lie -- 2020 Filipino comedy film
Wikipedia - Love the Way You Lie (Part II) -- 2010 song by Rihanna ft. Eminem
Wikipedia - Love the Way You Lie -- 2010 single by Eminem
Wikipedia - Love This Giant Tour -- David Byrne and St. Vincent concert tour
Wikipedia - Love This Giant -- Album
Wikipedia - Love Thru the Computer -- 2019 single by Gucci Mane featuring Justin Bieber
Wikipedia - Love Thy Neighbor (2006 film) -- 2006 TV movie with Alexandra Paul
Wikipedia - Love Thy Neighbor (American TV series) -- American television sitcom
Wikipedia - Love Thy Neighbour (1967 film) -- 1967 film
Wikipedia - Love Thy Neighbour (1972 TV series) -- 1970s British TV sitcom
Wikipedia - Love Thy Woman -- 2020 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Love Time (film) -- 1934 film directed by James Tinling
Wikipedia - Lovetime -- 1921 silent film
Wikipedia - Love T.K.O. -- 1980 single by David Oliver
Wikipedia - Love to Hate You -- 1991 single by Erasure
Wikipedia - Love to Love (film) -- 2003 film
Wikipedia - Love to Love (TV program) -- Philippine television show
Wikipedia - Love to Love You Baby (song) -- 1975 single by Donna Summer
Wikipedia - Lovetone -- British manufacturer of analog effect pedals
Wikipedia - Love to Say Dada -- 1993 song by The Beach Boys
Wikipedia - Love To Sew -- Canadian sewing podcast
Wikipedia - Love to the End -- 2018 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Lovetown Tour -- Concert tour by U2 in 1989-1990
Wikipedia - Love Tractor -- Band from Athens, Georgia
Wikipedia - Love triangle -- Romantic relationship involving three people
Wikipedia - Love Trilogy: Chained -- 2019 film by Yaron Shani
Wikipedia - Love Trilogy: Stripped -- 2018 film by Yaron Shani
Wikipedia - Lovett College (Rice University)
Wikipedia - Lovett College
Wikipedia - Love (TV series) -- American romantic comedy streaming television series
Wikipedia - Love U (Chungha song) -- 2018 single by Chungha
Wikipedia - Love Under Fire -- 1937 film by George Marshall
Wikipedia - Love Under the Date-Tree -- 1990 film
Wikipedia - Love Unto Waste -- 1986 Hong Kong drama film
Wikipedia - Love, Victor -- American teen drama television series
Wikipedia - Love Walks In -- 1986 single by Van Halen
Wikipedia - Love waves
Wikipedia - Love Whisper -- 2017 single by GFriend
Wikipedia - Love -- Emotion
Wikipedia - Love Will Keep Us Alive -- 1994 single by Eagles
Wikipedia - Love Will Never Do (Without You) -- 1990 single by Janet Jackson
Wikipedia - Love Will Tear Us Apart (1999 film) -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Love Will Tear Us Apart -- 1980 single by Joy Division
Wikipedia - Love Wins (song) -- 2018 song by Carrie Underwood
Wikipedia - Love with Flaws -- 2019 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Love Without Question -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Love with the Proper Stranger -- 1963 film by Robert Mulligan
Wikipedia - Love Won't Wait -- 1997 single by Gary Barlow
Wikipedia - Love Words -- Album by Ken Nordine
Wikipedia - LoveWorld USA -- American Christian cable television channel
Wikipedia - Loveyatri -- 2018 film
Wikipedia - Lovey Dovey (TV series) -- 2016 Thai television series
Wikipedia - Lovey Mary -- 1926 silent film by King Baggot
Wikipedia - Love You Anymore -- 2018 song by Michael BublM-CM-)
Wikipedia - Love You (film) -- 1979 film by John Derek
Wikipedia - Love You like a Love Song -- 2011 single by Selena Gomez & the Scene
Wikipedia - Love You Like Mad -- 2004 single by VS
Wikipedia - Love You More at Christmas Time -- 2019 song by Kelly Rowland
Wikipedia - Love You More (JLS song) -- 2010 single by JLS
Wikipedia - Love You on Christmas -- Single by Baek Ye-rin
Wikipedia - Love Yourself: Answer -- Compilation album by South Korean boy group BTS
Wikipedia - Love Yourself: Her -- Extended play by BTS
Wikipedia - Love Yourself in Seoul -- 2019 Korean film
Wikipedia - Love Yourself -- 2015 single by Justin Bieber
Wikipedia - Love Yourself World Tour -- 2018-19 concert tour by BTS
Wikipedia - Love Yourz -- J. Cole song
Wikipedia - Love You till Tuesday (song) -- Song by David Bowie
Wikipedia - Love You Two -- 2019 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Lovey's String Band -- Band from Trinidad
Wikipedia - Lovro M-EM- turm -- Slovenian jurist and politician
Wikipedia - Lovro Planko -- Slovenian biathlete
Wikipedia - Loyalty of Love -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - LSI (Love Sex Intelligence) -- 1992 single by The Shamen
Wikipedia - Lucas Glover -- American professional golfer
Wikipedia - Lucija Larisi -- Slovenian biathlete
Wikipedia - Lucija Polavder -- Slovene judoka
Wikipedia - Lucille Love, Girl of Mystery -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - Lucky in Love (Mick Jagger song) -- 1985 single by Mick Jagger
Wikipedia - Lucky Love -- 1995 single by Ace of Base
Wikipedia - Luc MenaM-EM-!e -- Slovenian art historian
Wikipedia - Lucy and Ricky Ricardo -- Fictional characters from the American television sitcom I Love Lucy
Wikipedia - Luiza Pesjak -- Slovene writer, poet and translator
Wikipedia - Luka BoM-EM->iM-DM-^M -- Slovenian canoeist
Wikipedia - Luka Klasinc -- Slovenian figure skater
Wikipedia - Lullaby Tour -- 1989 U.S. concert tour by American group Book of Love
Wikipedia - LuM-DM-^Mka Cankar -- Slovenian canoeist
Wikipedia - LuM-DM-^Mka KajfeM-EM-> Bogataj -- Slovenian climatologist
Wikipedia - Luna Lovegood -- Fictional character from Harry Potter
Wikipedia - Lunatics and Lovers -- 1976 film
Wikipedia - Lust for Love (1967 film) -- 1967 film
Wikipedia - Luv Ni Love Storys -- 2020 Gujarati Film
Wikipedia - Lydia Loveless -- American musician
Wikipedia - Lyenko Urbanchich -- Slovenian-born Australian political activist
Wikipedia - Lynn Breedlove -- American musician, writer, and performer
Wikipedia - Lynnette Love -- American taekwondo practitioner
Wikipedia - Machine Love -- 2000 remix album by Genitorturers
Wikipedia - Madagascan plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Madame Antoine: The Love Therapist -- 2016 South Korean TV series
Wikipedia - Made for Love (2017 novel) -- 2017 novel
Wikipedia - Made for Love -- 1926 film by Paul Sloane
Wikipedia - Madeleine Fournier-Sarloveze -- French golfer
Wikipedia - Mad Girl's Love Song -- Poem
Wikipedia - Madison Love -- American-Japanese songwriter and singer
Wikipedia - Mad Love (1935 film) -- 1935 film by Karl Freund
Wikipedia - Mad Love (2001 film) -- 2001 film by Vicente Aranda
Wikipedia - Mad Love (2015 film) -- 2015 film by Philippe Ramos
Wikipedia - Mad Love (Mabel song) -- 2019 single by Mabel
Wikipedia - Mad Love (Sean Paul and David Guetta song) -- 2018 single by Sean Paul and David Guetta featuring Becky G
Wikipedia - Magellanic plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Maggie Wallace Glover -- American politician
Wikipedia - Magic of Love (song) -- 2013 song by Perfume
Wikipedia - Magnifico (musician) -- Slovenian actor-singer
Wikipedia - Mag (Slovenian magazine) -- Slovenian weekly magazine
Wikipedia - Maid Marian -- Love interest of the legendary outlaw Robin Hood in English folklore
Wikipedia - Maja Keuc -- Slovenian singer
Wikipedia - Maja Makovec BrenM-DM-^MiM-DM-^M -- Slovenian professor and politician
Wikipedia - Maja Vidmar (climber) -- Slovenian rock climber
Wikipedia - Make It Rain: The Love of Money -- 2014 incremental video game
Wikipedia - Make Love, Not War: The Sexual Revolution: An Unfettered History
Wikipedia - Make love, not war
Wikipedia - Make You Feel My Love -- Song written and composed by Bob Dylan
Wikipedia - Making Love Out of Nothing at All -- 1983 single by Air Supply
Wikipedia - Making Love -- 1982 film by Arthur Hiller
Wikipedia - Maks Bajc -- Slovenian actor
Wikipedia - Maks GregoriM-DM-^M -- Slovenian motorcycle speedway rider
Wikipedia - Malaysian plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Male LoM-DM-^Me -- Place in Inner Carniola, Slovenia
Wikipedia - Mallovendus -- Early 1st century chieftain of the Germanic Marsi
Wikipedia - Manca KoM-EM-!ir -- Slovenian journalist
Wikipedia - Manchu Love -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Manes -- Chthonic deities sometimes thought to represent souls of deceased loved ones
Wikipedia - Manhattan Love Song -- 1934 film directed by Leonard Fields
Wikipedia - ManuElla -- Slovenian singer
Wikipedia - Marc Breedlove
Wikipedia - Marcel More -- Slovenian taekwondo practitioner
Wikipedia - Marcus Love Naazii Anafu -- Philanthropist
Wikipedia - Marewa Glover -- New Zealand public health academic
Wikipedia - Marianne > Leonard: Words of Love
Wikipedia - Maria Pozsonec -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Maribor Edvard Rusjan Airport -- Airport in Maribor, Slovenia
Wikipedia - Maribor Lodge -- Historic mountain hut in Pohorje, Slovenia
Wikipedia - Maribor Oblast -- Oblast of Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes
Wikipedia - Marie Antoinette, the Love of a King -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Marie-Jo and Her Two Lovers -- 2002 film
Wikipedia - Marija MakaroviM-DM-^M -- Slovene ethnologist
Wikipedia - Marija Strojnik Scholl -- Slovene astrophysicist
Wikipedia - Marija TeM-EM->ak -- Slovenian gymnast
Wikipedia - Marina Tomic -- Slovenian hurdler
Wikipedia - Marin Medak -- Slovenian adventurer
Wikipedia - Mario Fafangel -- Slovenian sailor
Wikipedia - Marjan Burgar -- Slovenian biathlete
Wikipedia - Marjan M-EM- etinc -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Marjan RoM-EM->anc -- Slovenian writer
Wikipedia - Marjan Vidmar -- Slovenian biathlete
Wikipedia - Marko Dolenc -- Slovenian biathlete
Wikipedia - Marko Klasinc -- Slovenian chess problemist
Wikipedia - Marko Lihteneker -- Slovenian ski mountaineer and mountain climber
Wikipedia - Marko PetkovM-EM-!ek -- Slovenian mathematician
Wikipedia - Married Love (film) -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Marta PustiM-EM-!ek -- Slovenian gymnast
Wikipedia - Marta Verginella -- Slovenian academic
Wikipedia - Martin Cater -- Slovenian alpine ski racer
Wikipedia - Martin Lovett -- English cellist
Wikipedia - Martin M-EM- rot -- Slovenian gymnast
Wikipedia - Martin OtoniM-DM-^Mar -- Slovenian bicycle racer
Wikipedia - Mary Campbell (Highland Mary) -- Lover of Robert Burns
Wikipedia - Mary Evans -- Lover of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Wikipedia - Mary Love (artist) -- Canadian artist
Wikipedia - Mary Loveless -- American physician
Wikipedia - Mate Dolenc -- Slovene writer and translator
Wikipedia - Mateja M-EM- imic -- Slovenian triathlete
Wikipedia - Mateja VraniM-DM-^Mar Erman -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Matej Gnezda -- Slovenian bicycle racer
Wikipedia - Matejka MohoriM-DM-^M -- Slovenian biathlete
Wikipedia - Matej Mugerli -- Slovenian road bicycle racer
Wikipedia - Matej PavM-EM-!iM-DM-^M -- Slovenian theoretical physicist
Wikipedia - Matej Tonin -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - MatevM-EM-> KrumpeM-EM-!tar -- Slovenian archer
Wikipedia - Mathematicians in Love
Wikipedia - MatjaM-EM-> Ceraj -- Slovenian judoka
Wikipedia - MatjaM-EM-> KlopM-DM-^MiM-DM-^M -- Slovenian film director
Wikipedia - MatjaM-EM-> Poklukar -- Slovenian biathlete
Wikipedia - Matjaz Belsak -- Slovenian strongman
Wikipedia - Matt Cvetic -- Slovenian-American anti-communist FBI informant
Wikipedia - Maybe a Love Story -- 2017 Brazilian film
Wikipedia - Maybe It's Love (1935 film) -- 1935 film by William C. McGann
Wikipedia - Maybe It's Love -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - M-CM-^Askell Love -- Icelandic botanist (1916-1994)
Wikipedia - Medvode Hydroelectric Power Plant -- Run-of-the-river hydroelectricity in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Meet Her at the Love Parade -- 1997 single by Da Hool
Wikipedia - Mektoub, My Love: Canto Uno -- 2017 film
Wikipedia - Mektoub, My Love: Intermezzo -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - Melody of Love (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Melody of Love (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Me Love -- 2007 single by Sean Kingston
Wikipedia - M-EM- entjernej -- Settlement in Slovenia
Wikipedia - M-EM- kofja Loka Passion Play -- 1721 play from Slovene
Wikipedia - M-EM- martno ob Paki -- Settlement in Slovenia
Wikipedia - M-EM- pela Kratochwill -- Slovenian rhythmic gymnast
Wikipedia - M-EM- pela Ponomarenko Janic -- Slovenian canoeist
Wikipedia - M-EM- port TV (Slovenia) -- Slovenian sport television channel
Wikipedia - M-EM- tefan Cuk -- Slovenian judoka
Wikipedia - M-EM- tore -- Locality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Men Call It Love -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Men Who Have Made Love to Me -- 1918 film by Arthur Berthelet
Wikipedia - Message to Love -- 1997 film by Murray Lerner
Wikipedia - Metelkova -- Cultural centre in Ljubljana, Slovenia
Wikipedia - Method of Modern Love -- Hall and Oates single
Wikipedia - Metod Trobec -- Slovenian serial killer
Wikipedia - Mia Hansen-Love -- French film director
Wikipedia - Mia Khalifa (song) -- 2018 single by iLoveFriday
Wikipedia - Mia Krampl -- Slovene sport climber (born 2000)
Wikipedia - Mia Love -- American political commentator and former U.S. Representative from Utah
Wikipedia - Mia ZnidariM-DM-^M -- Slovenian jazz singer
Wikipedia - Michael Glover -- British military historian
Wikipedia - Michael Lovell
Wikipedia - Mid-Century Loves -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - Midnight Lovers (1926 film) -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Miha Baloh -- Slovene actor
Wikipedia - Miha DovM-EM->an -- Slovenian biathlete
Wikipedia - Mihael AmbroM-EM-> -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Mihael Brejc -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Mihael Oswald -- Slovenian gymnast
Wikipedia - Mihael VonM-DM-^Mina -- Slovenian fooballer
Wikipedia - Miha Hrobat -- Slovenian alpine ski racer
Wikipedia - Miha Kralj -- Slovene musician (b. 1949)
Wikipedia - Mihaly Kolossa -- Slovene ploughman and writer
Wikipedia - Mike Love -- American singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Milan PogaM-DM-^Mnik -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Mildred Lovett -- 20th-century Australian artist and teacher
Wikipedia - Milena Usenik -- Slovenian shot putter
Wikipedia - Milenko Kersnic -- Slovenian gymnast
Wikipedia - Milica RoM-EM->man -- Slovenian gymnast
Wikipedia - Military of Love -- cancelled 2020 Thai television series
Wikipedia - Miljana Border Bridge -- Bridge between Croatia and Slovenia
Wikipedia - Millennium of Love -- Irish entry in the Eurovision Song Contest 2000
Wikipedia - Million Loves in Me -- 2018 film directed by Sampson Yuen
Wikipedia - MiloM-EM-! VratiM-DM-^M -- Slovenian gymnast
Wikipedia - Mina MarkoviM-DM-^M -- Slovenian climber (born 1987)
Wikipedia - Mindy Thompson Fullilove -- American clinical psychiatrist
Wikipedia - Minimum Love -- 1983 single by Mac McAnally
Wikipedia - Ministry of the Interior (Slovenia) -- Ministry of the Republic of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Minnie C. T. Love -- American physician, suffragist (b. 1855, d. 1942)
Wikipedia - Minnie Love -- Actress, producer, comedienne and singer.
Wikipedia - Mira Marko Debelak DerM-EM->aj -- Slovenian mountaineer, translator, and opinion journalist
Wikipedia - Miran Vodovnik -- Slovenian shot putter
Wikipedia - Mirela KoraM-DM-^M -- Slovenian model
Wikipedia - Mirjam CvetiM-DM-^M -- Slovenian-American physicist
Wikipedia - Miro Kocuvan -- Slovenian hurdler
Wikipedia - Miro Longyka -- Slovenian gymnast
Wikipedia - Miroslav AdleM-EM-!iM-DM-^M -- Slovenian physicist
Wikipedia - Miroslav Forte -- Slovenian gymnast
Wikipedia - Miro SterM-EM->aj -- Slovenian bowling player and mayor
Wikipedia - Miss Austen Regrets -- 2007 biographical television film directed by Jeremy Lovering
Wikipedia - Miss Fatty's Seaside Lovers -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - Missions of Love -- Japanese manga series
Wikipedia - Miss Lovely -- 2012 film
Wikipedia - Miss You Love -- 1999 single by Silverchair
Wikipedia - Mistress (lover) -- Female who is in an extra-marital sexual relationship
Wikipedia - Mitja Drinovec -- Slovenian biathlete
Wikipedia - Mitja Ferenc -- Slovenian historian, educator and author
Wikipedia - Mitja Kosmina -- Slovenian sailor
Wikipedia - Mitja Margon -- Slovenian sailor
Wikipedia - Mitja NeveM-DM-^Mny -- Slovenian sailor
Wikipedia - Mitja PetkovM-EM-!ek -- Slovenian gymnast
Wikipedia - MMA gloves -- Open-fingered gloves used in mixed martial arts bouts
Wikipedia - Modern Love (1929 film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Modern Love (1990 film) -- 1990 film directed by Robby Benson
Wikipedia - Modern Love (song) -- Song by David Bowie
Wikipedia - Modern Love (TV series) -- American TV series
Wikipedia - Moja Love -- South African satellite TV channel
Wikipedia - Mojca DrM-DM-^Mar Murko -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Mojca KopaM-DM-^M -- Slovenian figure skater
Wikipedia - Mojca MavriM-DM-^M -- Slovenian gymnast
Wikipedia - Moj mikro -- Slovene-language computer magazine
Wikipedia - Mojmir Sepe -- Slovene conductor and composer
Wikipedia - Mokrice Castle -- Castle near BreM-EM->ice, Slovenia
Wikipedia - Monie Love -- British rapper
Wikipedia - Monija CebaM-EM-!ek -- Slovenian rhythmic gymnast
Wikipedia - Monika OraM-EM->em -- Slovenian triathlete
Wikipedia - Mono (song) -- Song by Courtney Love
Wikipedia - Montagu Love -- English actor
Wikipedia - Montego Glover -- American actress
Wikipedia - Montenegro (province) -- Province in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes
Wikipedia - Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo -- 2016 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Moon Pride -- Single by Momoiro Clover Z
Wikipedia - Morbid love -- historical term used in 19th century psychiatric texts
Wikipedia - Mother, I Love You -- 2013 film
Wikipedia - Mother Love Bone -- American rock band
Wikipedia - Mountain plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - M'Pongo Love -- Congolese singer
Wikipedia - Mr. Gilfil's Love Story -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - Mr Love & Justice -- 2008 studio album by Billy Bragg
Wikipedia - Mr Love: Queen's Choice -- 2019 mobile game
Wikipedia - Mr. Loverman -- 1991 single by Shabba Ranks
Wikipedia - Mrs. Brown, You've Got a Lovely Daughter (film) -- 1968 film
Wikipedia - Much Love -- 1997 studio album by Shola Ama
Wikipedia - Municipalities of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of AjdovM-EM-!M-DM-^Mina -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Ankaran -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of ApaM-DM-^Me -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Beltinci -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Benedikt -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Bistrica ob Sotli -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Bled -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Bloke -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Bohinj -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Borovnica -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Bovec -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of BraslovM-DM-^Me -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Brda -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of BreM-EM->ice -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Brezovica -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Cankova -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Cerklje na Gorenjskem -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Cerknica -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Cerkno -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Cerkvenjak -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Cirkulane -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of CrenM-EM-!ovci -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Crna na KoroM-EM-!kem -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Crnomelj -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Destrnik -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of DivaM-DM-^Ma -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Dobje -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Dobrepolje -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Dobrna -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Dobrova-Polhov Gradec -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Dobrovnik -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Dolenjske Toplice -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Dol pri Ljubljani -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of DomM-EM->ale -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Dornava -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Dravograd -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Duplek -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Gorenja Vas-Poljane -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of GoriM-EM-!nica -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Gorje -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Gornja Radgona -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Gornji Grad -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Gornji Petrovci -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Grad -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Grosuplje -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Hajdina -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of HodoM-EM-! -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of HoM-DM-^Me-Slivnica -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Horjul -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Hrastnik -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Hrpelje-Kozina -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Idrija -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Ig -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Ilirska Bistrica -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of IvanM-DM-^Mna Gorica -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Izola -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Jesenice -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Jezersko -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of JurM-EM-!inci -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Kamnik -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Kanal ob SoM-DM-^Mi -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of KidriM-DM-^Mevo -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Kobarid -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Kobilje -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of KoM-DM-^Mevje -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Komenda -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Komen -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Kostanjevica na Krki -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Kostel -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Kozje -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Kranjska Gora -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of KriM-EM->evci -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of KrM-EM-!ko -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Kungota -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Kuzma -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of LaM-EM-!ko -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Lenart -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Lendava -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Litija -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Ljubno -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Ljutomer -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Logatec -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Log-Dragomer -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of LoM-EM-!ka Dolina -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of LoM-EM-!ki Potok -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Lovrenc na Pohorju -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Lukovica -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of LuM-DM-^Me -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of MajM-EM-!perk -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Makole -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Markovci -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Medvode -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of M-EM- alovci -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of MeM-EM->ica -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of M-EM- empeter-Vrtojba -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of M-EM- enM-DM-^Mur -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of M-EM- entilj -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of M-EM- entjernej -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of M-EM- entjur -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of M-EM- entrupert -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of M-EM- kocjan -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of M-EM- kofja Loka -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of M-EM- marjeM-EM-!ke Toplice -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of M-EM- marje pri JelM-EM-!ah -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of M-EM- martno ob Paki -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of M-EM- martno pri Litiji -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of M-EM- oM-EM-!tanj -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of M-EM- tore -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of MengeM-EM-! -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Metlika -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of MiklavM-EM-> na Dravskem Polju -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Miren-Kostanjevica -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Mirna PeM-DM-^M -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Mirna -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Mislinja -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Mokronog-Trebelno -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of MoravM-DM-^Me -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Moravske Toplice -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Mozirje -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Muta -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Naklo -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Nazarje -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Odranci -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Oplotnica -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of OrmoM-EM-> -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Osilnica -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Pesnica -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Piran -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Pivka -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Podlehnik -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of PodM-DM-^Metrtek -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Podvelka -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of PoljM-DM-^Mane -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Polzela -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Postojna -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Prebold -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Preddvor -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Prevalje -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Puconci -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of RadeM-DM-^Me -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Radenci -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Radlje ob Dravi -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Radovljica -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of RaM-DM-^Me-Fram -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Ravne na KoroM-EM-!kem -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of RazkriM-EM->je -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of ReM-DM-^Mica ob Savinji -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of RenM-DM-^Me-Vogrsko -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Ribnica na Pohorju -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Ribnica -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of RogaM-EM-!ka Slatina -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of RogaM-EM-!ovci -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Rogatec -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of RuM-EM-!e -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Selnica ob Dravi -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of SeM-EM->ana -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of SemiM-DM-^M -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Sevnica -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Slovenska Bistrica -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Slovenske Konjice -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of SodraM-EM->ica -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of SolM-DM-^Mava -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of SrediM-EM-!M-DM-^Me ob Dravi -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of StarM-EM-!e -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of StraM-EM->a -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Sveta Trojica v Slovenskih Goricah -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Sveti AndraM-EM-> v Slovenskih Goricah -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Sveti Jurij ob M-EM- M-DM-^Mavnici -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Sveti Jurij v Slovenskih Goricah -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Sveti TomaM-EM-> -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of TiM-EM-!ina -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Tolmin -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Trbovlje -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of TrM-EM->iM-DM-^M -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Trnovska Vas -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Trzin -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of TurniM-EM-!M-DM-^Me -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Velika Polana -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Velike LaM-EM-!M-DM-^Me -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of VerM-EM->ej -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Videm -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Vipava -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Vojnik -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Vransko -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Vrhnika -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Zagorje ob Savi -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Zalec -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of ZavrM-DM-^M -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Zelezniki -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Zetale -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Ziri -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of Zirovnica -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of ZreM-DM-^Me -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Municipality of ZuM-EM->emberk -- Municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Murat & Jose -- Slovene hip hop duo
Wikipedia - Music of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Must Love Dogs -- 2005 romantic comedy movie directed by Gary David Goldberg
Wikipedia - My Beloved Dearest -- 2013 film
Wikipedia - My Beloved -- 2012 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - My First First Love -- South Korean streaming drama
Wikipedia - My First Love (Atlantic Starr song) -- 1989 single by Atlantic Starr
Wikipedia - My First Love (TV series) -- 2018 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - My Holo Love -- 2020 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - My Husband's Lover -- 2013 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - My Kind of Love (song) -- 2012 single by Emeli SandM-CM-)
Wikipedia - My Love By My Side -- Television series
Wikipedia - My Love from the Star (2017 TV series) -- 2017 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - My Love from the Star -- 2013-14 South Korean TV series
Wikipedia - My Love Goes On and On -- 2000 single by Chris Cagle
Wikipedia - My Love Is Cool -- debut album by Wolf Alice
Wikipedia - My Love Is for Real -- 1995 single by Paula Abdul
Wikipedia - My Love Is Like...Wo -- 2003 single by MM-CM-=a
Wikipedia - My Love Is Your Love (song) -- 1999 single by Whitney Houston
Wikipedia - My Love (Julio Iglesias song) -- 1988 single by Julio Iglesias
Wikipedia - My Love (Justin Timberlake song) -- 2006 single by Justin Timberlake
Wikipedia - My Love, My Bride (2014 film) -- 2014 South Korean film
Wikipedia - My Love, My Love (film) -- 1967 film
Wikipedia - My Love. My Way. -- album by Modern Life Is War
Wikipedia - My Love of This Land -- 1988 single by Killing Joke
Wikipedia - My Love (Paul McCartney and Wings song) -- 1973 single by Paul McCartney and Wings
Wikipedia - My Lover, Madame Butterfly -- Television series
Wikipedia - My Lover, My Wife -- 2011 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - My Love Story!!
Wikipedia - My Only Love Song -- 2017 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - My Only Love -- Philippine television series
Wikipedia - My "Spiritual" Ex-Lover -- 2015 Film
Wikipedia - My Song Is Love Unknown -- Christian hymn
Wikipedia - My Two Loves -- 1986 film directed by Noel Black
Wikipedia - My Wife's Lover -- 1992 film by Kevin Chu
Wikipedia - Naati Pinky Ki Lambi Love Story -- Indian television drama series
Wikipedia - Nada Mali -- Slovenian canoeist
Wikipedia - NadiM-EM->a (stream) -- Stream in Slovenia
Wikipedia - NaM-EM-!a mala klinika -- Slovenian comedy series
Wikipedia - Nana Forte -- Slovenian composer
Wikipedia - Narcissism -- Personality trait of self-love of a fake perfect self
Wikipedia - Nasty Love -- 1995 film
Wikipedia - Natalia Iezlovetska -- Ukrainian Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Natalia Lovece -- Argentine biathlete
Wikipedia - Natalija Prednik -- Slovenian sport shooter
Wikipedia - NataM-EM-!a Erjavec -- Slovenian shot putter
Wikipedia - NataM-EM-!a Kramberger -- Slovenian writer and journalist
Wikipedia - National Archives of Slovenia
Wikipedia - National Library of Slovenia
Wikipedia - National Museum of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Nat Love -- African-American cowboy following the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Naughty Girls (Need Love Too) -- 1988 single by Samantha Fox
Wikipedia - Neca Falk -- Slovenian pop singer
Wikipedia - Necronomicon -- Fictional grimoire appearing in the stories of and inspired by writer H. P. Lovecraft
Wikipedia - Neja FilipiM-DM-^M -- Slovenian athlete
Wikipedia - Nejc ZnidarM-DM-^MiM-DM-^M -- Slovenian canoeist
Wikipedia - Nekrep Case -- Court trial due to misdiagnosis in Slovenia
Wikipedia - NeM-EM->a Cerne -- Slovenian gymnast
Wikipedia - Neoplectrura breedlovei -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Neutron Star Collision (Love Is Forever) -- 2010 single by Muse
Wikipedia - Nevenka PogaM-DM-^Mnik -- Slovenian gymnast
Wikipedia - Never Been So Loved (In All My Life) -- 1981 single by Charley Pride
Wikipedia - Never Knew Love Like This Before -- 1980 single by Stephanie Mills
Wikipedia - Never Never Love (Simply Red song) -- 1996 single by Simply Red
Wikipedia - Never pain to tell thy love
Wikipedia - Never Thought (That I Could Love) -- 1987 song by Canadian singer-songwriter Dan Hill
Wikipedia - Neville Lovett
Wikipedia - Nevin Birsa (Slovene poet) -- Slovene poet
Wikipedia - New Love (Dua Lipa song) -- 2015 Single by Dua Lipa
Wikipedia - New Love for Old -- 1918 American drama film directed by Elsie Jane Wilson
Wikipedia - New Love
Wikipedia - New York, I Love You -- 2009 anthology film directed by Fatih Akin and 10 others
Wikipedia - Next Time We Love -- 1936 film by Edward H. Griffith
Wikipedia - Ngatata Love -- New Zealand academic and Maori leader
Wikipedia - Nick Love -- Film director
Wikipedia - Nicolae Cristoloveanu -- Romanian biathlete
Wikipedia - Nigel Glover -- British particle physicist
Wikipedia - Nina IvaniM-EM-!in -- Slovenian actress
Wikipedia - Nina M-EM- enk -- Slovenian composer
Wikipedia - Nina MozetiM-DM-^M -- Slovenian canoeist
Wikipedia - Nobody Can Love You More -- Book by Mayank Austen Soofi
Wikipedia - Nobody Love -- 2015 single by Tori Kelly
Wikipedia - Nobody's Love -- 2020 single by Maroon 5
Wikipedia - No Greater Love (1952 film) -- 1952 film
Wikipedia - NoitulovE -- 2005 television advertisement
Wikipedia - No Love (Lucky J song) -- Song by Lucky J
Wikipedia - No Love -- 2010 song by Eminem
Wikipedia - No More 'I Love You's -- 1986 single by The Lover Speaks
Wikipedia - No More Love (film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - No Ordinary Love -- 1992 single by Sade
Wikipedia - No Place for Love -- 1947 film
Wikipedia - Norman Lovett -- British actor and comedian
Wikipedia - Norske Love Fortress -- Fort in Horten, Norway
Wikipedia - No Stranger to Love -- 1979 studio album by Roy Ayers
Wikipedia - Not About Love -- 2006 song performed by Fiona Apple
Wikipedia - Not Any Weekend for Our Love -- 1950 film
Wikipedia - Not a Word About Love -- 1937 film by Miroslav Cikan
Wikipedia - Not for All the Love in the World -- 2004 single by The Thrills
Wikipedia - Nothing Hurts Like Love -- 2004 single by Daniel Bedingfield
Wikipedia - Nothing's Real but Love -- 2011 single by Rebecca Ferguson
Wikipedia - Nothin' My Love Can't Fix -- 1993 single by Joey Lawrence
Wikipedia - Not in Love (Enrique Iglesias song) -- 2004 single by Enrique Iglesias
Wikipedia - No Trifling with Love -- 1977 film
Wikipedia - Nova24TV -- Slovenian television network and website
Wikipedia - Novacene -- 2019 book by James Lovelock
Wikipedia - NuM-EM-!a Vujinovic -- Slovenian taekwondo practitioner
Wikipedia - Nyarlathotep -- Fictional Lovecraftian god
Wikipedia - Nyaruko: Crawling with Love -- Japanese light novel series and anime series adaptation
Wikipedia - Occupy Central with Love and Peace -- Peaceful protest fighting for a democratic electoral system in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Of Life and Love -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - Of Love and Desire -- 1963 film by Richard Rush
Wikipedia - Of Love and Other Demons (film) -- 2009 film
Wikipedia - Of Love and Other Demons -- Novel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Wikipedia - Oh Johnny, How You Can Love -- 1940 film directed by Charles Lamont
Wikipedia - Old Barge, Young Love (1957 film) -- 1957 film
Wikipedia - Old Barge, Young Love (1973 film) -- 1973 film
Wikipedia - Old Loves and New -- 1926 film by Maurice Tourneur
Wikipedia - Old Tassel -- "First Beloved Man" of the Overhill Cherokee
Wikipedia - Once I Loved a Girl in Vienna -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - One Does Not Play with Love -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - One Foot in the Groove -- 1996 album by Koerner, Ray & Glover
Wikipedia - One Hour of Love -- 1927 film by Robert Florey
Wikipedia - One Love (Blue song) -- 2002 single by Blue
Wikipedia - One Love (David Guetta album) -- album by David Guetta
Wikipedia - One Love (Johnson & HM-CM-$ggkvist song) -- 2008 song by Carola HM-CM-$ggkvist & Andreas Johnson
Wikipedia - One Love Manchester -- 2017 benefit concert organised by Ariana Grande
Wikipedia - One Love (Nas song) -- 1994 single by Nas
Wikipedia - One Love/People Get Ready -- Reggae/rhythm and blues song
Wikipedia - One Love (record producer) -- American record producer
Wikipedia - One Love (The Prodigy song) -- 1993 single by the Prodigy
Wikipedia - One Night of Love -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - One Page of Love -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - One True Love (TV series) -- 2012 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - One Way to Love -- 1946 film by Ray Enright
Wikipedia - Only Love (Shaggy song) -- 2015 song by Shaggy
Wikipedia - Oratory of Divine Love
Wikipedia - Oriental plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Original Love -- Japanese music band
Wikipedia - OrmoM-EM-> railway station -- Railway station in OrmoM-EM->, Slovenia
Wikipedia - Oru Adaar Love -- 2018 film by Omar Lulu
Wikipedia - Osananajimi ga Zettai ni Makenai Love Comedy -- Japanese light novel series
Wikipedia - Oscar di Lovera -- Argentine biathlete
Wikipedia - Oshare Majo: Love and Berry
Wikipedia - Ossie Lovelock -- Australian sportsman and sports administrator
Wikipedia - Our Love (film) -- 2000 film
Wikipedia - Outfit7 -- Slovenian app developer and creator of the Talking Tom and Friends media franchise
Wikipedia - Out of Love (TV series) -- Indian web series streaming on Hotstar
Wikipedia - Owe My Love -- 2020 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Pacific golden plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Pagan Babies (band) -- Rock band founded in 1985 by Courtney Love and Kat Bjelland
Wikipedia - Pagan Love -- 1920 film by Hugo Ballin
Wikipedia - Paid to Love -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Painless Love -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - PalM-DM-^Mje -- Place in Inner Carniola, Slovenia
Wikipedia - Panic/Tainted Love
Wikipedia - Paradise: Love -- 2012 drama film directed by Ulrich Seidl
Wikipedia - Parey Hut Love -- 2019 film by Asim Raza
Wikipedia - Parisian Love -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Passion of Love -- 1981 film
Wikipedia - Patricia GleM-EM-!M-DM-^MiM-DM-^M -- Slovenian figure skater
Wikipedia - Patriotism -- Love and attachment to one's country
Wikipedia - Patty Loveless -- American country music singer
Wikipedia - Paul Lovens -- German musician
Wikipedia - Paying the Price of Love -- 1993 single by Bee Gees
Wikipedia - Pearl of Love -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Pepca Kardelj -- Slovene partisan fighter
Wikipedia - Perhaps Love (TV Series) -- Chinese television show
Wikipedia - Pete Loveday -- British illustrator and cartoonist
Wikipedia - Peter Bossman -- Ghanaian-born Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Peter Dokl -- Slovenian biathlete
Wikipedia - Peter Kauzer -- Slovenian slalom kayaker
Wikipedia - Peter Koprivnikar -- Slovenian archer
Wikipedia - Peter Musevski -- Slovenian actor
Wikipedia - Peter ZnidarM-EM-!iM-DM-^M -- Slovenian canoeist
Wikipedia - Petra Nareks -- Slovenian judoka
Wikipedia - Pevno -- Place in Upper Carniola, Slovenia
Wikipedia - Philip M. Breedlove -- US Air Force general
Wikipedia - Philomath -- Lover of learning
Wikipedia - Philosopher king -- King who rules through love and knowledge, as described by Plato
Wikipedia - Philosophy of love
Wikipedia - Philosophy of Love -- 2009 book by Irving Singer
Wikipedia - Pia Babnik -- Slovenian professional golfer
Wikipedia - Pied plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Pink SI -- Slovenian television station
Wikipedia - Pinky Jones -- 2010 single by Momoiro Clover Z
Wikipedia - Piping plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Pipistrel -- Slovenian light aircraft manufacturer
Wikipedia - Planinski Vestnik -- Slovenian monthly magazine
Wikipedia - Plastic Love -- 1984 song by Mariya Takeuchi
Wikipedia - Platonic love -- Non-romantic love
Wikipedia - Platte Clove -- Valley in New York State, USA
Wikipedia - Play a Love Song -- 2018 single by Hikaru Utada
Wikipedia - Please Don't Fall in Love -- 1983 song by Cliff Richard
Wikipedia - Please Don't Say You Love Me -- 2013 single by Gabrielle Aplin
Wikipedia - Plover Cove Country Park -- Country park in New Territories, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Plover Cove Reservoir -- Reservoir in New Territories, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Plovercrest -- Genus of birds
Wikipedia - Plover -- Subfamily of birds
Wikipedia - PM-CM-% tro og love -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - Pocket Ref -- Pocket-sized reference book by Thomas J. Glover
Wikipedia - Polica, Grosuplje -- settlement in Lower Carniola, Slovenia
Wikipedia - Policijski Pihalni Orkester -- Orchestra of policemen from Slovenia
Wikipedia - Poljane dialect -- Slovene dialect
Wikipedia - Polly of the Circus (1907 play) -- Play about a circus performer falling in love with the local pastor
Wikipedia - PolM-EM->anska Vas -- Place in Styria, Slovenia
Wikipedia - Polona Batagelj -- Slovenian road bicycle racer
Wikipedia - Polona Zupan -- Slovenian snowboarder
Wikipedia - Pop (Slovenian TV channel) -- Slovenian television channel
Wikipedia - Porphyria's Lover
Wikipedia - Portal:Slovenia
Wikipedia - Portrait of a Man with a Glove -- 1650 painting by Frans Hals
Wikipedia - Portrait of an Old Man with Gloves -- c. 1543 painting by Lorenzo Lotto
Wikipedia - Powerglove (band) -- American power metal cover band
Wikipedia - Power Glove -- Controller accessory for the Nintendo Entertainment System
Wikipedia - Pray 4 Love (song) -- 2020 single by Rod Wave
Wikipedia - Precious Love (Bob Welch song) -- 1979 single by Bob Welch
Wikipedia - Prekmurje Slovene
Wikipedia - Pride (In the Name of Love) -- 1984 single by U2
Wikipedia - Primitive Love (film) -- 1964 film by Luigi Scattini
Wikipedia - PrimoM-EM-> (hill) -- location in Slovenia
Wikipedia - PrimoM-EM-> Huebman -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - PrimoM-EM-> Klimkovsky -- Slovenian speedway rider
Wikipedia - PrimoM-EM-> Legan -- Slovenian speedway rider
Wikipedia - PrimoM-EM-> RogliM-DM-^M -- Slovenian ski jumper and bicycle racer
Wikipedia - Primoz Ferjan -- Slovenian judoka
Wikipedia - Prisoner of Love (Russ Columbo song) -- Russ Columbo song
Wikipedia - Prisoners of Love (1921 film) -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Prisoners of Love (1954 film) -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - Prlekija dialect -- Slovene dialect
Wikipedia - Probably Love -- 2001 film by Giuseppe Bertolucci
Wikipedia - Prule Bridge -- Bridge in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Pryse Loveden -- British politician
Wikipedia - P.S. I Love You (Beatles song) -- 1962 single by The Beatles
Wikipedia - P.S. I Love You (film) -- 2007 film by Richard LaGravenese
Wikipedia - P.S. I Love You (Robin Daggers song) -- 2013 song by Robin Daggers
Wikipedia - Ptuj Castle -- Castle in Ptuj, Slovenia
Wikipedia - Public holidays in Slovenia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Puna plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Punch-Drunk Love -- 2002 film by Paul Thomas Anderson
Wikipedia - Puppy Love (1919 film) -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - Purple-crowned plovercrest -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Put It in a Love Song -- 2010 single by Alicia Keys ft. BeyoncM-CM-)
Wikipedia - Put Your Hands Up (If You Feel Love) -- 2011 single by Kylie Minogue
Wikipedia - Put Your Love on Me -- 2016 single by Boris RenM-CM-)
Wikipedia - Q-Bec My Love -- 1970 film by Jean Pierre Lefebvre
Wikipedia - Quail-plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Queen Catharine; or, The Ruines of Love -- Historical tragedy written by Mary Pix
Wikipedia - Queen: Love and War -- 2019-2020 South Korean TV series
Wikipedia - Questlove -- American musician and music journalist
Wikipedia - Radio Slovenia International -- Slovenian international radio service
Wikipedia - Radiotelevizija Slovenija -- Public broadcaster of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Radio Val 202 -- Slovenian public radio station
Wikipedia - Radovan Zerjav -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Rain Lover -- Australian Thoroughbred racehorse
Wikipedia - Rajko Pavlovec
Wikipedia - Rajmond Debevec -- Slovenian sport shooter
Wikipedia - Ralph A. Loveland -- American politician
Wikipedia - Ralph King-Milbanke, 2nd Earl of Lovelace -- Child of Ada Lovelace and William King-Noel
Wikipedia - RaM-EM-!a Sraka -- Slovenian judoka
Wikipedia - Randy Glover -- American golfer
Wikipedia - Rastko PoljM-EM-!ak -- Slovenian gymnast
Wikipedia - Rata Lovell-Smith -- New Zealand artist
Wikipedia - Ratkovci -- village in Prekmurje, Slovenia
Wikipedia - Ray Lovejoy -- British film editor
Wikipedia - Ray Lovelock (actor) -- Italian actor and musician
Wikipedia - Razpotja -- Slovenian cultural magazine
Wikipedia - Ready for Love (1934 film) -- 1934 film by Marion Gering
Wikipedia - Real Love (Beatles song) -- 1979 song written and composed by John Lennon
Wikipedia - Real Love (Clean Bandit and Jess Glynne song) -- 2014 single by Clean Bandit
Wikipedia - Real Love (Swans album) -- 1986 album
Wikipedia - Really Love (KSI song) -- 2020 song by KSI featuring Craig David and Digital Farm Animals
Wikipedia - Recaptured Love -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Reckless Love (song) -- 2017 song by Cory Asbury
Wikipedia - Red-capped plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Red Clover (film) -- 2012 television film
Wikipedia - Redeeming Love (1916 film) -- 1916 film by William Desmond Taylor
Wikipedia - Reel Love (film) -- 2011 television film directed by Brian K. Roberts
Wikipedia - Reel Love Presents Tween Hearts -- Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Reggie Love -- American political aide, former college athlete, and media editor
Wikipedia - Religious harmony in India -- Love and affection in between different religions in India
Wikipedia - Renata Salecl -- Slovene philosopher
Wikipedia - Return to Love Tour -- Diana Ross and the Supremes concert tour
Wikipedia - Return to the Beloved -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Revelations of Divine Love -- Medieval book of Christian mystical devotions by Julian of Norwich
Wikipedia - Reverend Lovejoy -- Fictional character and singer from The Simpsons franchise
Wikipedia - Revolutionary Love -- 2017 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Rhys Lovegrove -- Australian rugby league coach
Wikipedia - Rhythm of Love (Yes song) -- 1987 song by Yes
Wikipedia - RibM-DM-^Mev Laz -- Place in Upper Carniola, Slovenia
Wikipedia - Richard Glover (poet) -- English poet and politician (1712-1785)
Wikipedia - Richard Lovelace (poet)
Wikipedia - Richard Lovell Edgeworth -- Anglo-Irish politician, writer and inventor
Wikipedia - Rich in Love (2020 film) -- 2020 film directed by Bruno Garotti, Anita Barbosa
Wikipedia - Rico Love -- American record producer, singer, songwriter, and vocal producer from Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Rio 2096: A Story of Love and Fury -- 2013 film directed by Luiz Bolognesi
Wikipedia - Rio, I Love You -- 2014 anthology film by 10 different directors
Wikipedia - Ripened Tingle's Balloon Trip of Love -- Nintendo video game
Wikipedia - Rival Lovers
Wikipedia - Rivets Stadium -- Stadium in Loves Park, Illinois
Wikipedia - RK Celje -- Slovenian handball team
Wikipedia - Robert A. Lovett -- Politician and United States Navy officer
Wikipedia - Robert Fullilove -- American public health researcher
Wikipedia - Robert LeM-EM-!nik -- Slovenian automobile designer
Wikipedia - Robert Lovell Reid -- Australian scientist
Wikipedia - Robert Love
Wikipedia - Robert Mark Glover -- Founder and executive director of Care for Children
Wikipedia - Robert Renner (athlete) -- Slovenian pole vaulter
Wikipedia - Robin Lovejoy -- director, actor and designer
Wikipedia - Robin Lovell-Badge
Wikipedia - Rock of Love Bus with Bret Michaels -- 2009 season of US television series
Wikipedia - Rock of Love with Bret Michaels -- American reality television dating game show
Wikipedia - Roger Glover -- British bassist and songwriter
Wikipedia - Rok DrakM-EM-!iM-DM-^M -- Slovenian judoka
Wikipedia - Rok Flander -- Slovenian snowboarder
Wikipedia - Rok MarguM-DM-^M -- Slovenian snowboarder
Wikipedia - Rok Puhar -- Slovenian athlete
Wikipedia - Rok Rogelj -- Slovene snowboarder
Wikipedia - Rok TrM-EM-!an -- Slovenian biathlete
Wikipedia - Rollover (key) -- Ability of a computer keyboard to correctly handle several simultaneous keystrokes
Wikipedia - Romana Jordan Cizelj -- Slovenian politician and physicist
Wikipedia - Roman AmbroM-EM->iM-DM-^M -- Slovenian coxswain
Wikipedia - Romana Tomc -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Roman Catholicism in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Romance (love) -- Type of love that focuses on feelings
Wikipedia - Romance novel -- Genre novel on the theme of romantic love
Wikipedia - Roman Kirn -- Slovenian diplomat
Wikipedia - Romantic love
Wikipedia - Romany Love -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Ron LoVece -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Rosaleen Love -- Australian writer
Wikipedia - Routine Love Story -- 2012 film by Praveen Sattaru
Wikipedia - Roy Lovell-Smith -- New Zealand architect
Wikipedia - Rufous-chested plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - RuM-EM->a Vojsk -- Slovene gymnast
Wikipedia - RuM-EM-!e Lodge -- Mountain lodge in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Runaway Love (En Vogue song) -- 1993 single by En Vogue
Wikipedia - Runaway Love (Firefall song) -- 1983 single by Firefall
Wikipedia - Rute Plateau -- plateau in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Sabina Cvilak -- Slovenian operatic soprano
Wikipedia - Sacred and Profane Love (film) -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - Sacred Heart -- Christian devotion symbolising the love of Jesus Christ
Wikipedia - Sadie Love -- 1919 film by John S. Robertson
Wikipedia - Sahara Love -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Said I Loved You...But I Lied -- 1993 single by Michael Bolton
Wikipedia - Saint Helena plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Saint John Bosco: Mission to Love
Wikipedia - Same Love -- 2012 single by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis
Wikipedia - SaM-EM-!a Bajt -- Slovenian scientist
Wikipedia - SaM-EM-!a Golob -- Slovenian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - SaM-EM-!o Bertoncelj -- Slovenian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - SaM-EM-!o Jereb -- Slovenian Olympic judoka
Wikipedia - Same Old Love -- 2015 single by Selena Gomez
Wikipedia - Samo Kukovica -- Slovenian speedway rider
Wikipedia - Samo Medved -- Slovenian archer
Wikipedia - Samuel Zbogar -- Slovenian diplomat and politician
Wikipedia - Sandi KlavM-EM->ar -- Slovenian mathematician
Wikipedia - Sand, Love and Salt -- 1957 film
Wikipedia - Sandra Glover -- American track and field athlete
Wikipedia - Sapphic love
Wikipedia - Sarah Curran -- Great love of Robert Emmet
Wikipedia - Sara Kragulj -- Slovenian rhythmic gymnast
Wikipedia - Sara N. Love -- American politician
Wikipedia - Satan Tempts with Love -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - Satellite of Love -- 1973 single by Lou Reed
Wikipedia - Savage Love (Laxed - Siren Beat) -- 2020 single by Jawsh 685 and Jason Derulo
Wikipedia - Sava Hills -- Hills in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Save Our Love -- 1994 single by Eternal
Wikipedia - Say Hey (I Love You) -- 2008 single by Michael Franti and Cherine Anderson
Wikipedia - Say You Love Me (Char Avell song) -- 2012 song performed by Char Avell
Wikipedia - School for Love -- 1955 film by Marc AllM-CM-)gret
Wikipedia - Science Fell in Love, So I Tried to Prove It -- Manga series
Wikipedia - Sea of Love (film) -- 1989 film
Wikipedia - Seasons of Love (TV program) -- 2014 Philippine television show
Wikipedia - Seasons of Love -- Song from the musical "Rent"
Wikipedia - Sebastian Cavazza -- Slovenian actor
Wikipedia - Sebastian Krelj -- Slovene writer and academic
Wikipedia - Second Hand Love -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Second Summer of Love -- 1980s British social phenomenon
Wikipedia - Secret Love (1916 film) -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - Secret Love for the Peach Blossom Spring (film) -- 1992 film
Wikipedia - Secret Love Song -- 2016 single by Little Mix
Wikipedia - Secret Love (South Korean TV series) -- 2013 South Korean TV series
Wikipedia - Self-love -- Concept in philosophy and psychology
Wikipedia - Semipalmated plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Send My Love (To Your New Lover) -- 2016 single by Adele
Wikipedia - Senidah -- Slovenian singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Senior Secret Love -- 2016-2017 Thai television series
Wikipedia - September Love -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Serbophilia -- Love of Serbian culture, language or people
Wikipedia - Sex, Love & Secrets -- American soap opera television series
Wikipedia - Sex with Love -- 2003 film by Boris Quercia
Wikipedia - Shaka Loveless -- Danish rapper and singer
Wikipedia - Shakespeare in Love (play) -- 2014 British play
Wikipedia - Shakespeare in Love -- 1998 film by John Madden
Wikipedia - Shane Love -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - Shanghaied Love -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Share Your Love -- Album by Kenny Rogers
Wikipedia - She Has to Be Loved -- 1989 single by Jenny Morris
Wikipedia - She Is Love -- 2002 song by Oasis
Wikipedia - Shelly Glover -- Canadian politician
Wikipedia - She Loved a Fireman -- 1937 film by John Farrow
Wikipedia - She Loves and Lies -- 1920 film by Chester Withey
Wikipedia - She Loves Me Not (1918 film) -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - She Loves Me Not (1934 film) -- 1934 film by Benjamin Glazer, Elliott Nugent
Wikipedia - She Loves Me -- Musical with a book by Joe Masteroff, lyrics by Sheldon Harnick, and music by Jerry Bock
Wikipedia - She Married for Love -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - She's So Lovely (song) -- 2007 single by Scouting for Girls
Wikipedia - She's So Lovely -- 1997 film directed by Nick Cassavetes
Wikipedia - She Will Be Loved -- 2004 single by Maroon 5
Wikipedia - ShinjM-EM-+ -- Group suicide of persons bound by love
Wikipedia - Shirin in Love -- 2014 film directed by Ramin Niami
Wikipedia - Shirley Love (politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - Shootin' for Love -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Shoot Me with Your Love -- 1995 single by D:Ream
Wikipedia - Shore plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Show Me Love (film) -- 1998 film by Lukas Moodysson
Wikipedia - Show Me Love (Robin S. song) -- 1990 single by Robin S.
Wikipedia - Sid & Aya: Not a Love Story -- 2018 film directed by Irene Villamor
Wikipedia - Sigmund Zois -- Slovenian scientist
Wikipedia - Sign language glove -- Communications device
Wikipedia - Silent Love (1977 film) -- 1977 film
Wikipedia - Silk of Love -- 1963 film by LM-CM-* MM-aM-;M-^Yng Hoang
Wikipedia - Silly Love Songs -- 1976 Paul & Linda McCartney/Wings song
Wikipedia - Simon HoM-DM-^Mevar -- Slovenian canoeist
Wikipedia - Simon M-EM- pilak -- Slovenian road bicycle racer
Wikipedia - Simon Oven -- Slovenian canoeist
Wikipedia - Sing Me a Love Song -- 1937 film by Ray Enright
Wikipedia - Sing Me the Songs That Say I Love You: A Concert for Kate McGarrigle -- 2012 film by Lian Lunson
Wikipedia - Sinnamon Love -- American pornographic actress (born 1973)
Wikipedia - Sinners in Love -- 1928 film by George Melford
Wikipedia - Sinophile -- Someone with a strong interest in or love of Chinese people, culture, and history
Wikipedia - Sir Ernest Glover, 1st Baronet -- British shipowner
Wikipedia - Sir John in Love
Wikipedia - Six Cylinder Love (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Six Cylinder Love -- 1923 film by Elmer Clifton
Wikipedia - Skate Into Love -- Chinese TV series
Wikipedia - Skinny Love -- 2008 single by Bon Iver
Wikipedia - Slaves of Love -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Slavoj ZiM-EM->ek -- Slovene philosopher
Wikipedia - Slovene Americans -- Americans of Slovene birth or descent
Wikipedia - Slovene grammar
Wikipedia - Slovene Lands
Wikipedia - Slovene language -- South Slavic language spoken primarily in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Slovene phonology
Wikipedia - Slovenes -- South Slavic ethnic group living in historical Slovene lands
Wikipedia - Slovene verbs
Wikipedia - Slovene Wikipedia
Wikipedia - Slovenia at the 2020 Summer Olympics -- Slovenia at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo
Wikipedia - Slovenia at the Deaflympics -- Slovenia at the Deaflympics
Wikipedia - Slovenia Davis Cup team -- Slovenian national tennis team
Wikipedia - Slovenian Air Force and Air Defence -- Air warfare branch of the Slovenian armed forces
Wikipedia - Slovenian Armed Forces
Wikipedia - Slovenian Democratic Party -- Political party
Wikipedia - Slovenian Disability Rights Association
Wikipedia - Slovenian First League (men's handball) -- Slovenia sports league
Wikipedia - Slovenian Girl -- 2009 film directed by Damjan Kozole
Wikipedia - Slovenian Intelligence and Security Agency
Wikipedia - Slovenian language
Wikipedia - Slovenian National Corpus
Wikipedia - Slovenia -- Country in Central Europe
Wikipedia - Slovenia women's national under-18 volleyball team -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Slovenska Bistrica -- Settlement in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Slovenske novice -- Slovene daily tabloid
Wikipedia - Slovensko Slovakom -- Slovak phrase
Wikipedia - Smoking clover -- Computer display hack
Wikipedia - Snegulka Detoni -- Slovene physicist
Wikipedia - SneM-EM->ana DanM-DM-^Metovic -- Slovenian athlete
Wikipedia - SneM-EM->nik (plateau) -- mountain plateau in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Snowy plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Socialist Republic of Slovenia -- Former federated state of Yugoslavia between 1945 and 1991
Wikipedia - So in Love with You -- 1994 single by Texas
Wikipedia - Solo garlic -- Type of garlic with a single clove
Wikipedia - Solovetsky, Arkhangelsk Oblast -- Rural locality in Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia
Wikipedia - Solovetsky Monastery
Wikipedia - SoM-DM-^Ma, Bovec -- Place in Slovenian Littoral, Slovenia
Wikipedia - Somebody to Love (Queen song) -- 1976 single by Queen
Wikipedia - Some Even Fall in Love -- 1980 film by Guy Simoneau
Wikipedia - Someone Loves You Honey -- 1978 single by Charley Pride
Wikipedia - Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin -- American indie pop band
Wikipedia - Someone to Love (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Someone to Love (Jon B. song) -- 1995 single by Babyface and Jon B.
Wikipedia - Someone You Loved -- 2018 single by Lewis Capaldi
Wikipedia - Something About Love (film) -- 1988 film
Wikipedia - Something Like Love -- 1968 film
Wikipedia - Somewhere Beyond Love -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - So Much Love to Give (film) -- 2020 Argentinian film
Wikipedia - So Much Love to Give -- 2002 single by Together
Wikipedia - Song 4 Lovers -- 2005 single by Liberty X
Wikipedia - Song of Love (1929 film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Songs of Love and Hate
Wikipedia - Sonja RoM-EM->man -- Slovenian gymnast
Wikipedia - Sons and Lovers -- 1913 novel by DH Lawrence
Wikipedia - Sophia Wellbeloved -- Irish artist
Wikipedia - So This Is Love? (film) -- 1928 film by Frank Capra
Wikipedia - Soundslides -- Editors love
Wikipedia - Southern Love -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - South Sea Love (1923 film) -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - South Sea Love (1927 film) -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Space Age Love Song -- Single by A Flock of Seagulls
Wikipedia - Spillover infection -- Occurs when a reservoir population causes an epidemic in a novel host population
Wikipedia - Spillover of the Syrian Civil War
Wikipedia - Spillover of the Tigray War
Wikipedia - SploM-EM-!no slovensko M-EM->ensko druM-EM-!tvo -- Slovenian women's rights organization
Wikipedia - Sport in Slovenia -- none
Wikipedia - Spread Your Love (2 Unlimited song) -- 1996 single by 2 Unlimited
Wikipedia - SrediM-EM-!M-DM-^Me ob Dravi -- Locality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Srednik, Sevnica -- Place in Lower Carniola, Slovenia
Wikipedia - SreM-DM-^Mko Brodar -- Slovenian archaeologist
Wikipedia - SR Slovenia
Wikipedia - Stane Hlastan -- Slovenian gymnast
Wikipedia - Stane ZiliM-DM-^M -- Slovenian gymnast
Wikipedia - Stanislav Zore -- 20th and 21st-century Slovenian Catholic Archbishop
Wikipedia - Stanko TopolM-DM-^Mnik -- Slovenian judoka (1947-2013)
Wikipedia - Stara Oselica -- rural settlement in Upper Carniola, Slovenia
Wikipedia - Stark Love -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - StarM-EM-!e -- Locality and municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Star's Lover -- 2008 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - State of Love and Trust -- Pearl Jam song
Wikipedia - State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs -- Short-lived, unrecognized 20th c. Balkan state
Wikipedia - Stephanie Devaux-Lovell -- Saint Lucian sailor
Wikipedia - Stephen Glover (screenwriter) -- American rapper and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Stephen Lovegrove -- British Civil servant
Wikipedia - Step in the Name of Love -- 2003 single by R. Kelly
Wikipedia - Stereo Love -- 2009 single by Edward Maya and Vika Jigulina
Wikipedia - Sticky: A (Self) Love Story -- 2016 film by Nicholas Tana
Wikipedia - Stojan Moderc -- Slovenian equestrian
Wikipedia - Stojan VidakoviM-DM-^M -- Slovenian windsurfer
Wikipedia - Stolen Love (film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Stony Clove Notch -- Mountain pass in Greene County, New York
Wikipedia - Storge -- Ancient Greek for familial love
Wikipedia - Storm of Love (film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Story of a Beloved Wife -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - Strangelove (song) -- 1987 single by Depeche Mode
Wikipedia - Strangers in Love -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Strive (film) -- 2019 American urban youth film starring Danny Glover
Wikipedia - Students' Love -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Stupid Love (Lady Gaga song) -- 2020 single by Lady Gaga
Wikipedia - Such a Wicked Love -- 1988 single by La Toya Jackson
Wikipedia - Sue-Ellen Lovett -- Australian para-equestrian
Wikipedia - Summer Love (2001 film) -- 2001 film by BariM-EM-^_ Pirhasan
Wikipedia - Summer Love (Justin Timberlake song) -- 2007 single by Justin Timberlake
Wikipedia - Summer Lovers -- 1982 American romantic comedy film by Randal Kleiser
Wikipedia - Summer of Love (Lonyo song) -- 2000 single by Lonyo
Wikipedia - Summer of Love
Wikipedia - Super Duper Love (Are You Diggin' on Me) -- 1974 song by Sugar Billy
Wikipedia - Supernatural Horror in Literature -- Essay by the writer H. P. Lovecraft
Wikipedia - Super Sad True Love Story -- Novel by Gary Shteyngart
Wikipedia - Surrender (Your Love) -- 2003 single by Javine
Wikipedia - Surrey-Cloverdale -- Canadian provincial electoral district
Wikipedia - Suzana Bricelj -- Slovene painter and illustrator
Wikipedia - Sveta Ana v Slovenskih Goricah -- Locality and municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Sveta Trojica v Slovenskih Goricah -- Locality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Sveti Jurij ob M-EM- M-DM-^Mavnici -- Locality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Swann in Love (film) -- 1984 film by Volker Schlondorff
Wikipedia - Sweet Harmony (The Beloved song) -- 1993 single by The Beloved
Wikipedia - Sybil Mullen Glover -- British artist
Wikipedia - Syrian Civil War spillover in Lebanon
Wikipedia - SZ series 363 -- Class of Slovenian electric locomotives
Wikipedia - Tabor, Tabor -- Locality and municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Tada Never Falls in Love -- Japanese anime series
Wikipedia - Tadeja BrankoviM-DM-^M-Likozar -- Slovenian biathlete
Wikipedia - Tainted Love
Wikipedia - Taj Mahal: An Eternal Love Story
Wikipedia - Take All My Loves: 9 Shakespeare Sonnets -- 2016 studio album by Rufus Wainwright
Wikipedia - Talk About Our Love -- 2004 single by Brandy
Wikipedia - Tandoori Love -- 2008 film by Oliver Paulus
Wikipedia - Tanja Fajon -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Tanja Zutic -- Slovenian gymnast
Wikipedia - Taste of Love (South Korean TV series) -- South Korean television show
Wikipedia - Tatiana Romanova -- Fictional spy in the James Bond story "From Russia with Love"
Wikipedia - Tatjana Majcen LjubiM-DM-^M -- Slovenian Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Taxi Lovers -- 2005 film by Luigi Di Fiore
Wikipedia - Team Ljubljana Gusto Santic -- Slovenian cycling team
Wikipedia - Teens' love
Wikipedia - Tehran: City of Love -- 2019 Iranian comedy-drama film
Wikipedia - Teja Belak -- Slovenian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Teja Cerne -- Slovenian sailor
Wikipedia - Teja Gregorin -- Slovenian biathlete
Wikipedia - Teja Melink -- Slovenian pole vaulter
Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Slovenia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Tell Me That You Love Me, Junie Moon -- 1970 American film
Wikipedia - Tell Me You Love Me (album) -- 2017 studio album by Demi Lovato
Wikipedia - Tell Me You Love Me (song) -- 2017 single by Demi Lovato
Wikipedia - Tell Me You Love Me (TV series) -- American cable television drama series
Wikipedia - Tell Me You Love Me World Tour -- 2018 concert tour by Demi Lovato
Wikipedia - Temperature of Love -- 2017 South Korean Television series
Wikipedia - Template talk:Lists of Slovenes
Wikipedia - Template talk:Love's Labour's Lost
Wikipedia - Ten Tiny Love Stories -- 2001 film by Rodrigo Garcia
Wikipedia - Tere Naal Love Ho Gaya -- 2012 Indian Hindi romantic comedy film
Wikipedia - Teri Meri Love Stories -- Television series
Wikipedia - Terrot R. Glover
Wikipedia - Terry Lovejoy -- Information technologist and amateur astronomer from Queensland, Australia
Wikipedia - TharnType 2: 7 Years of Love -- upcoming Thai television series
Wikipedia - That Lovely Girl -- 2014 film
Wikipedia - That Ole Devil Called Love -- 1944 song first performed by Billie Holiday
Wikipedia - That's My Desire -- 1931 song by Helmy Kresa and Carroll Loveday
Wikipedia - That's the Way Love Goes (Janet Jackson song) -- 1993 single by Janet Jackson
Wikipedia - The ABC of Love (1916 film) -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - The ABC of Love and Sex: Australia Style -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - The A.B.C. of Love -- 1919 film by LM-CM-)once Perret
Wikipedia - The ABC of Love -- 1967 film by Rodolfo Kuhn, Eduardo Coutinho
Wikipedia - The Age for Love -- 1931 film by Frank Lloyd
Wikipedia - The Allegory of Love (Veronese) -- Series of four paintings by Paolo Veronese
Wikipedia - The Anthem of Love -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - The Badloves -- Australian band
Wikipedia - The Battle Between Love and Chastity -- Painting by Pietro Perugino
Wikipedia - The Beloved (1940 film) -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - The Beloved (1991 film) -- 1991 film
Wikipedia - The Beloved Bachelor -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - The Beloved Brute -- 1924 film directed by J. Stuart Blackton
Wikipedia - The Beloved Cheater -- 1917 film directed by Christy Cabanne
Wikipedia - The Beloved of His Highness -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - The Beloved Rogue -- 1927 film by Alan Crosland
Wikipedia - The Beloved Traitor -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - The Beloved Vagabond (1915 film) -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - The Beloved Vagabond (1923 film) -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - The Beloved Vagabond (1936 film) -- 1936 British film directed by Curtis Bernhardt
Wikipedia - The Bilingual Lover -- 1993 Spanish film by Vicente Aranda
Wikipedia - The Book of Good Love -- Book by Juan Ruiz
Wikipedia - The Book of Love (The Magnetic Fields song) -- 1999 American indie pop song
Wikipedia - The Boy I Love is Up in the Gallery -- 1885 music hall song
Wikipedia - The Brotherhood of Eternal Love
Wikipedia - The Business of Love -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - The Butler's in Love -- 2008 film by David Arquette
Wikipedia - The Cardboard Lover -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - The Case of Charles Dexter Ward -- Novel by H. P. Lovecraft
Wikipedia - The Cloverfield Paradox -- Film by Julius Onah
Wikipedia - The Clover -- Italian political coalition
Wikipedia - The Colour of My Love
Wikipedia - The Colour Out of Space -- Short story written by American horror author H. P. Lovecraft
Wikipedia - The Company's in Love -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover -- 1989 film by Peter Greenaway
Wikipedia - The CosmonautM-bM-^@M-^Ys Last Message to the Woman He Once Loved in the Former Soviet Union -- 1999 play by David Greig
Wikipedia - The Country Lovers -- 1911 film
Wikipedia - The Crucified Lovers -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - The Cry of Love Tour -- 1970 Jimi Hendrix concert tour
Wikipedia - The Cuban Love Song -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - The Daemon Lover -- Traditional song
Wikipedia - The Dance of Love and Happiness -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - The Dawn of Love (film) -- 1916 film by Edwin Carewe
Wikipedia - The Dawn of Love (painting) -- Oil painting on canvas by English artist William Etty
Wikipedia - The Day We Find Love -- 1997 single by 911
Wikipedia - The Despairing Lover -- Song
Wikipedia - The Devil in Love (opera) -- Russian language opera by Alexander Vustin
Wikipedia - The Devil's in Love -- 1933 film by William Dieterle
Wikipedia - The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath -- Novella by H. P. Lovecraft
Wikipedia - The Dunwich Horror -- Short story by H. P. Lovecraft
Wikipedia - The Edge of Love -- 2008 film by John Maybury
Wikipedia - The Effect of Love -- 2007 film directed by Eliseo Subiela
Wikipedia - The Eternal Love -- 2017 Chinese television series
Wikipedia - The Face of Love (1954 film) -- 1954 television film by Alvin Rakoff
Wikipedia - The Faces of Love (film) -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - The False Lover Won Back -- Traditional ballot in English
Wikipedia - The Fashionable Lover -- Play written by Richard Cumberland
Wikipedia - The Fear of Love -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - The Fields of Love -- 2001 single by ATB and York
Wikipedia - The Fine Art of Love -- 2005 film by John Irvin
Wikipedia - The Flame of Love -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - The Flight from Love -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - The Forty Rules of Love -- A novel by Elif Safak
Wikipedia - The Four Loves -- Book by C. S. Lewis
Wikipedia - The Fourteenth Lover -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - Theft: A Love Story -- Novel by Peter Carey
Wikipedia - The Game of Love (1924 film) -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - The Game of Love (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - The Game of Love (album) -- 2006 album of Elena Paparizou
Wikipedia - The Game of Love (Santana song) -- 2002 single by Santana
Wikipedia - The Garden of Love (poem)
Wikipedia - The Girl I Loved -- 1923 film by Joe De Grasse
Wikipedia - The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon -- Novel by Stephen King
Wikipedia - The Glove -- Band
Wikipedia - The Goddess of Love -- 1957 film
Wikipedia - The Golden Glove (folk song) -- Song
Wikipedia - The Golden Gloves Story -- 1950 film
Wikipedia - The Golden Glove -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - The Good Love -- 1963 film
Wikipedia - The Great and the Little Love -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - The Greater Love (play) -- 1927 play by James Bernard Fagan
Wikipedia - The Greater Love -- 1913 film by Allan Dwan
Wikipedia - The Greatest Love (film) -- 2019 Burmese romantic drama film
Wikipedia - The Greatest Love of All (TV series) -- Singaporean television series
Wikipedia - The Great Love (1918 film) -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - The Great Love (1925 film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - The Great Love (1969 film) -- 1969 film
Wikipedia - The Great Lover (1920 film) -- 1920 film by Frank Lloyd
Wikipedia - The Great Lover (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - The Grey Glove -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - The Handicap of Love -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - The Haunter of the Dark -- Horror short story by H. P. Lovecraft
Wikipedia - The Hero: Love Story of a Spy -- 2003 Indian spy thriller film directed by Anil Sharma
Wikipedia - The Horror in the Museum -- Short story by H. P. Lovecraft
Wikipedia - The Hours of Love -- 1963 film
Wikipedia - The House of Love and Prayer -- Synagogue founded by Shlomo Carlebach in the 1960s
Wikipedia - The Imperfect Lover -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - The Indian Love Lyrics -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - The Invention of Love -- Obra teatral
Wikipedia - Their Last Love Affair -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - The Irresistible Lover -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - The Isle of Love -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - The King in Love -- 2017 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - The Lady with the Black Gloves -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - The Law Against Lovers
Wikipedia - The Legend of Cocaine Island -- 2018 documentary film by Theo Love
Wikipedia - The Liar and His Lover (TV series) -- South Korean TV series
Wikipedia - The Life and Loves of Tschaikovsky -- 1939 film
Wikipedia - The Lion in Love (painting) -- Painting by Camille Roqueplan
Wikipedia - The Look of Love (1967 song) -- 1967 popular song by Burt Bacharach and Hal David
Wikipedia - The Look of Love (Diana Krall album)
Wikipedia - The Look of Love (Madonna song) -- 1987 single by Madonna
Wikipedia - The Love Affairs of Hector Dalmore -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - The Love and Death of Cornet Christopher Rilke
Wikipedia - The Love Bandit -- 1924 film by Dell Henderson
Wikipedia - The Love Ban -- 1973 film by Ralph Thomas
Wikipedia - The Lovebirds (2007 film) -- 2007 film by Bruno de Almeida
Wikipedia - The Lovebirds (2020 film) -- 2020 film directed by Michael Showalter
Wikipedia - The Love Boat: The Next Wave
Wikipedia - The Love Boat -- American comedy drama television series
Wikipedia - The Love Brand -- 1923 film directed by Stuart Paton
Wikipedia - The Love Bug (1925 film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - The Love Bugs -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - The Love Bug -- 1968 film directed by Robert Stevenson
Wikipedia - The Love Burglar -- 1919 film by James Cruze
Wikipedia - The Love Captive -- 1934 film by Max Marcin
Wikipedia - The Love Charm -- 1921 film by Thomas N. Heffron
Wikipedia - The Love Club EP
Wikipedia - The Love Club (song)
Wikipedia - The Love Commandment -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - The Love Contract -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - The Love Corridor -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - The Love Doctor -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - The Loved Ones (film)
Wikipedia - The Loved One (song) -- 1966 single by The Loved Ones
Wikipedia - The Love Expert -- 1920 film directed by David Kirkland
Wikipedia - The Love Express -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - The Love Flower -- 1920 film by D. W. Griffith
Wikipedia - The Love for Three Oranges (fairy tale) -- Italian fairy tale
Wikipedia - The Love Gambler -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - The Love Game -- 1960 film
Wikipedia - The Love God? -- 1969 film directed by Nat Hiken
Wikipedia - The Love Habit -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - The Love Hermit -- 1916 film by Jack Prescott
Wikipedia - The Love Hotel -- 1933 film
Wikipedia - The Love Hour -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - The Love I Lost -- 1973 single by Harold Melvin & the Blue Notes
Wikipedia - The Love Letter (1923 film) -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - The Love Letter (1999 film) -- 1999 film by Peter Chan
Wikipedia - The Love Letters of Baroness S -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - The Loveliest Night of the Year -- Waltz song
Wikipedia - The Love Light -- 1921 film directed by Frances Marion
Wikipedia - The Lovelorn -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - The Lovely Bones (film) -- 2009 film based on Alice Sebold's 2002 novel
Wikipedia - The Lovely Bones (play) -- British play by Alice Sebold
Wikipedia - The Lovely Bones -- 2002 novel; basis for 2009 film
Wikipedia - The Lovely Lola -- 1962 film by Alfonso Balcazar
Wikipedia - The Lovemakers (film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - The Love Market -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - The Love Mart -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - The Love Mask -- 1916 film by Frank Reicher
Wikipedia - The Love Master (film) -- 1924 film by Laurence Trimble
Wikipedia - The Love Nest (1922 film) -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - The Love Nest (1923 film) -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - The Love of a Queen (1923 film) -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - The Love of a Thief -- 1920 German silent adventure film
Wikipedia - The Love of Captain Brando -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - The Love of Jeanne Ney -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - The Love of Richard Nixon -- 2004 single by Manic Street Preachers
Wikipedia - The Love of Sunya -- 1927 film by Albert Parker
Wikipedia - The Love of the Bajadere -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - The Love of the Brothers Rott -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - The Love of the Maharaja -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - The Love Parade -- 1929 film by Ernst Lubitsch
Wikipedia - The Love Potion
Wikipedia - The Love Punch -- 2013 film
Wikipedia - The Lover (1986 film) -- 1986 film directed by Michal Bat-Adam
Wikipedia - The Love Race -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - The Love Racket -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - The Love Ranch -- Legal brothel in Mound House, Nevada
Wikipedia - The Lover in Me (song) -- 1988 single by Sheena Easton
Wikipedia - The Lover of Camille -- 1924 film by Harry Beaumont
Wikipedia - The Love Route -- 1915 film by Allan Dwan
Wikipedia - The Lovers (1946 film) -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - The Lovers! (1973 film) -- 1973 film based on "The Lovers"
Wikipedia - The Lovers (Friant) -- 1888 painting by Emile Friant
Wikipedia - The Lovers of an Old Criminal -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - The Lovers of Midnight -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - The Lovers of Teruel (film) -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - The Lovers Of Verona -- 1949 film by AndrM-CM-) Cayatte
Wikipedia - The Lovers' Progress
Wikipedia - The Lovers
Wikipedia - The Lovers' Wind -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - The Love Scene -- Song by American R&B singer Joe
Wikipedia - The Loves of Ariane -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - The Loves of Carmen (1927 film) -- 1927 film by Raoul Walsh
Wikipedia - The Loves of Casanova -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - The Loves of Edgar Allan Poe -- 1942 film by Harry Lachman
Wikipedia - The Loves of Kafka -- 1988 film
Wikipedia - The Loves of Letty -- 1919 film by Frank Lloyd
Wikipedia - The Loves of Mary, Queen of Scots -- 1923 film by Denison Clift
Wikipedia - The Loves of Pharaoh -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - The Loves of Robert Burns -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - The Loves of Rocambole -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - The Loves of the Gods -- Fresco by Annibale Carracci
Wikipedia - The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock in popular culture -- 1915 poem by T.S. Elliot
Wikipedia - The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock -- 1915 poem by T.S. Eliot
Wikipedia - The Love Songs of Hafiz -- Song cycles by Polish composer Karol Szymanowski
Wikipedia - The Love Special -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - The Love Story of Aliette Brunton -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - The Love Story of Cesare Ubaldi -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - The Love Suicides at Sonezaki -- Love-suicide Bunraku play by Chikamatsu Monzaemon
Wikipedia - The Love That Dares to Speak Its Name -- 1978 poem by James Kirkup
Wikipedia - The Love That Dares -- 1919 film by Harry F. Millarde
Wikipedia - The Love that Faded -- Song by Bob Dylan, with lyrics by Hank Williams
Wikipedia - The Love Thief -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - The Love Thrill -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - The Love Toy -- 1926 film by Erle C. Kenton
Wikipedia - The Love Trader -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - The Love Train -- 2019 EP by Meghan Trainor
Wikipedia - The Love Transcendent -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - The Love Trap (1923 film) -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - The Love Trap (1925 film) -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - The Love Trap (1929 film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - The Love Waltz -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - The Mad Lover
Wikipedia - The Man I Love (1929 film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - The Man I Love (song) -- Original show tune written and composed by George and Ira Gershwin
Wikipedia - The Man Who Loved Cat Dancing (film) -- 1973 film based on the novel by Marilyn Durham directed by Richard C. Sarafian
Wikipedia - The Man Who Loved Only Numbers
Wikipedia - The Man Who Loved Women (1977 film) -- 1977 film by Francois Truffaut
Wikipedia - The Man Who Loved Women (1983 film) -- 1983 film by Blake Edwards
Wikipedia - The Man Without Love -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - The Masked Lover -- 1940 film
Wikipedia - The Mask of Love -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - The Meaning of Love -- 1982 single by Depeche Mode
Wikipedia - The Memory of Love -- 2010 novel by Aminatta Forna
Wikipedia - The Miracle of Love (film) -- 1919 film by Robert Zigler Leonard
Wikipedia - The Modern Lovers -- American rock group
Wikipedia - The Names of Love -- 2010 film by Michel Leclerc
Wikipedia - The Night of Love -- 1927 film by George Fitzmaurice
Wikipedia - The Night's Too Long -- 1990 single by Patty Loveless
Wikipedia - The Old Man Who Read Love Stories -- 2001 film by Rolf de Heer
Wikipedia - The One I Love (film) -- 2014 film directed by Charlie McDowell
Wikipedia - The One I Love (R.E.M. song) -- 1987 single by R.E.M.
Wikipedia - The One She Loved -- 1912 film
Wikipedia - The Ones I Love -- 2016 song
Wikipedia - The One That I Love -- Song performed by Chiara Siracusa
Wikipedia - Theory of Love (TV series) -- 2019 Thai television series
Wikipedia - The Other Gods -- Short story by H. P. Lovecraft
Wikipedia - The Other Kind of Love -- 1924 film directed by Duke Worne
Wikipedia - The Passionate Shepherd to His Love -- Poem by Christopher Marlowe
Wikipedia - The Perfect Lover -- 1919 film by Ralph Ince
Wikipedia - The Persistent Lovers -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - The Phantom Lover
Wikipedia - The Picture in the House -- Short story by H. P. Lovecraft
Wikipedia - The Pilgrimage of Love -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - The Pilot's Love Song
Wikipedia - The Power of Love (film) -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - The Power of Love (Frankie Goes to Hollywood song) -- 1984 single by Frankie Goes to Hollywood
Wikipedia - The Power of Love (Jennifer Rush song) -- 1984 single by Jennifer Rush
Wikipedia - The Practice of Love -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - The Primitive Lover -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - The Princely Lovers Garland -- Song
Wikipedia - The Princess Saves Herself in This One -- Collection of poetry by American poet Amanda Lovelace
Wikipedia - The Pursuit of Love (TV series) -- British television series
Wikipedia - The Queen's Love Letter -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - The Red Glove -- 1919 film
Wikipedia - The Return of Koerner, Ray & Glover -- 1965 album by Koerner, Ray & Glover
Wikipedia - The Right to Love (1920 film) -- 1920 film by George Fitzmaurice
Wikipedia - The Right to Love (1930 American film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - The Right to Love (1930 German film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - The Roads Don't Love You -- 2005 album by Gemma Hayes
Wikipedia - The Road to Love (TV series) -- Colombian comedy telenovela
Wikipedia - The Road to Love -- 1916 film by Scott Sidney
Wikipedia - The Sacred and Profane Love Machine -- Novel by Iris Murdoch
Wikipedia - The Sailor's Departure From His Dearest Love -- Song
Wikipedia - The Samurai I Loved -- 2005 film
Wikipedia - The Seventh Sun of Love -- 2001 film
Wikipedia - The Shadow of Love -- Song by The Damned
Wikipedia - The Shadow Out of Time -- Novella by H.P. Lovecraft
Wikipedia - The Shadow over Innsmouth -- Horror novella by H. P. Lovecraft
Wikipedia - The Sign of Love -- Burmese television series
Wikipedia - The Silent Lover -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - The Sky Parade -- 1936 film by Otho Lovering
Wikipedia - The Slovenia Times -- Newspaper
Wikipedia - The Song of Love (1923 film) -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - The Song of Love (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - The Song of Love -- Painting by the Italian metaphysical painter Giorgio de Chirico
Wikipedia - The Sporting Lover -- 1926 film by Alan Hale
Wikipedia - The Spy Who Loved Me (film) -- 1977 James Bond spy film by Lewis Gilbert
Wikipedia - The Spy Who Loved Me (video game) -- Video game
Wikipedia - The Story of Three Loves -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - The Strange Love of Martha Ivers -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - The Strange Love of Molly Louvain -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - The Straw Lover -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - The Stronger Love -- 1916 film by Frank Lloyd
Wikipedia - The Tale of the Two Lovers
Wikipedia - The Taming of the Shrew (1973 film) -- 1973 Australian TV play by Robin Lovejoy
Wikipedia - The Terrible Old Man -- 1921 horror short story by H. P. Lovecraft
Wikipedia - The Thing We Love -- 1918 film
Wikipedia - The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage -- 2015 graphic novel written by Sydney Padua
Wikipedia - The Tricky Game of Love -- 1971 Czechoslovak comedy film
Wikipedia - The Triumph of Love (1922 film) -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - The Triumph of Love (2001 film) -- 2001 film by Clare Peploe
Wikipedia - The Trouble with Love Is -- 2003 single by Kelly Clarkson
Wikipedia - The Two-Fisted Lover -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - The Tyrant Falls in Love -- Japanese manga series
Wikipedia - The Unknown Lover -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - The Unloved -- 2009 television film
Wikipedia - The Unloved Woman (play) -- 1913 Spanish play
Wikipedia - The Vagabond Lover -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - The Voice of Love (film) -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - The War Lovers -- 2010 book by Evan Thomas
Wikipedia - The War Lover -- 1962 film by Philip Leacock
Wikipedia - The Way That I Love You -- 2008 single by Ashanti
Wikipedia - The Way to Love -- 1933 film by Norman Taurog
Wikipedia - The Way You Love Me (Faith Hill song) -- 2000 single by Faith Hill
Wikipedia - The Way You Love Me (Keri Hilson song) -- Song performed by Keri Hilson, Rick Ross
Wikipedia - The Wheel of Love and Other Stories -- short story collection by Joyce Carol Oates
Wikipedia - The Whisperer in Darkness -- Novella by H. P. Lovecraft
Wikipedia - The Woman Everyone Loves Is You -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - The Woman I Love (1929 film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - The Woman I Love (1937 film) -- 1937 film by Anatole Litvak
Wikipedia - They Call It Love -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - They Call It Makin' Love -- 1978 song by Tammy Wynette
Wikipedia - They Dare Not Love -- 1941 film by James Whale
Wikipedia - Things We Do for Love (Ghanaian TV series) -- TV series
Wikipedia - Thinking About Your Love -- Single released by Skipworth & Turner
Wikipedia - Thirty Seconds of Love -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - This Ain't a Love Song (Scouting for Girls song) -- 2010 single by Scouting for Girls
Wikipedia - This Ain't a Love Song -- 1995 single by Bon Jovi
Wikipedia - This Is Love (podcast) -- American true love podcast
Wikipedia - This Love (Maroon 5 song) -- 2004 single by Maroon 5
Wikipedia - This Thing Called Love (1929 film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Thomas Blake Glover -- Scottish merchant in Bakumatsu and Meiji Japan
Wikipedia - Thomas Loveday -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - Thomas Lovejoy
Wikipedia - Thomas Lovell Beddoes
Wikipedia - Thomas Lovell (died 1567) -- English politician
Wikipedia - Thomas Lovell
Wikipedia - Thomas Love Peacock
Wikipedia - Thor: Love and Thunder -- 2021 superhero film produced by Marvel Studios
Wikipedia - Those Old Love Letters -- 1992 film
Wikipedia - Those We Love -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Those Who Love (1926 film) -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Those Who Love (1929 film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Three-banded plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Three Cheers for Love -- 1936 film by Ray McCarey
Wikipedia - Three Days of Love -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Three Fables of Love -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Three Loves Has Nancy -- 1938 film by Richard Thorpe
Wikipedia - Three Loves in Rio -- 1959 film directed by Carlos Hugo Christensen
Wikipedia - Three Nights of Love -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - Three Who Loved -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Thunderbolt Fantasy -- Taiwanese/Japanese glove puppetry television series
Wikipedia - Tiffany Roberts-Lovell -- American politician
Wikipedia - Tiger Love (1924 film) -- 1924 film by George Melford
Wikipedia - Tilen SirM-EM-!e -- Slovenian luger
Wikipedia - Time Enough for Love -- 1973 science fiction novel by Robert A. Heinlein
Wikipedia - Time, Love and Tenderness (song) -- 1991 single by Michael Bolton
Wikipedia - Time Out for Love -- 1961 French film
Wikipedia - Time to Love (1927 film) -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Tim Gajser -- Slovenian motocross racer
Wikipedia - Tim-Kevin Ravnjak -- Slovenian snowboarder
Wikipedia - Tim Mastnak -- Slovenian snowboarder
Wikipedia - Tim Novak -- Slovenian canoeist
Wikipedia - Tina M-EM- utej -- Slovenian pole vaulter
Wikipedia - Tina Mrak -- Slovenian sailor
Wikipedia - Tina Trstenjak -- Slovenian judoka
Wikipedia - Tit M-EM- tante -- Slovenian snowboarder
Wikipedia - TjaM-EM-!a Ristic -- Slovenian karateka
Wikipedia - To All the Boys I've Loved Before (film series) -- Romance film series
Wikipedia - To All the Boys I've Loved Before (film) -- 2018 film directed by Susan Johnson
Wikipedia - To All the Boys I've Loved Before -- 2014 young adult romance novel by Jenny Han
Wikipedia - To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You -- 2020 film directed by Michael Fimognari
Wikipedia - Toby Love -- Bachata musician from The Bronx, NY
Wikipedia - TODA One I Love -- 2019 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Toja Ellison -- Slovenian archer
Wikipedia - To Know Him Is to Love Him -- 1958 single by The Teddy Bears
Wikipedia - To Love Again (film) -- 1971 film
Wikipedia - To Love Ru -- 2008 manga and anime
Wikipedia - To Love the Damned -- 1980 film
Wikipedia - TomaM-EM-> Barada -- Slovenian martial artist in kickboxing and taekwon-do practitioner
Wikipedia - TomaM-EM-> Copi -- Slovenian sailor
Wikipedia - TomaM-EM-> Ertl -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - TomaM-EM-> Gantar -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - TomaM-EM-> GloboM-DM-^Mnik -- Slovenian biathlete
Wikipedia - TomaM-EM-> Humar -- Slovenian mountaineer
Wikipedia - TomaM-EM-> Knafelj -- Slovenian snowboarder
Wikipedia - TomaM-EM-> MaruM-EM-!iM-DM-^M -- Slovenian lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - TomaM-EM-> Ocvirk -- Slovenian handball coach
Wikipedia - TomaM-EM-> Pisanski -- Slovenian mathematician
Wikipedia - TomaM-EM-> Zemva -- Slovenian biathlete
Wikipedia - To Mary - with Love -- 1936 film by John Cromwell
Wikipedia - Tom Glover (cartoonist) -- English born cartoonist
Wikipedia - Tomorrow My Love -- 1971 film
Wikipedia - Tomorrow's Love -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Tom Pursglove -- British Conservative politician
Wikipedia - To My Beloved -- 2012 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Tone PerM-EM-!ak -- Slovenian writer and politician
Wikipedia - Tony Glover -- Tony Glover
Wikipedia - Took My Love -- 1993 single by Bizarre Inc
Wikipedia - Too Much (Little) Love -- 1998 film
Wikipedia - Too Young to Be in Love -- 2011 studio album by Hunx and His Punx
Wikipedia - Too Young to Love (film) -- 1959 film by Muriel Box
Wikipedia - Top Glove -- Malaysian rubber glove company
Wikipedia - To Sir, with Love -- 1967 British drama film
Wikipedia - To the Ones We Love: A True Story -- album by Of Blessings and Burdens
Wikipedia - Tough Love (2015 film) -- 2015 film
Wikipedia - Tough Love: My Story of the Things Worth Fighting For -- 2019 book
Wikipedia - Toussaint HoM-DM-^Mevar -- Slovenian-American economic historian
Wikipedia - Tragedy of Love -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Tragic Lovers
Wikipedia - Tragic Love -- 1909 film
Wikipedia - Transport in Slovenia -- Overview of transport in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Triangular theory of love
Wikipedia - Triglav Lakes Valley -- Valley in the Julian Alps, Slovenia
Wikipedia - Triumph of Love (1929 film) -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Triumph of Love (1938 film) -- 1938 film
Wikipedia - True Love Cast Out All Evil -- 2010 album by Roky Erickson
Wikipedia - True Love (Cole Porter song) -- 1956 song by Cole Porter
Wikipedia - True Love Requited, or The Bailiff's Daughter of Islington -- Song
Wikipedia - True lover's knot (moth) -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - True Love's Kiss -- 2007 song by Alan Menken and Stephen Schwartz
Wikipedia - True Love Waits (song) -- Song by Radiohead
Wikipedia - True Love Ways -- Single by Buddy Holly
Wikipedia - Tru Love (film) -- 2013 film by Shauna MacDonald
Wikipedia - Try Love (B. E. Taylor album) -- 1997 album by B. E. Taylor
Wikipedia - Tu'er Shen -- Chinese deity of homosexual love and sex
Wikipedia - Tulipani, Love, Honour and a Bicycle -- 2017 film
Wikipedia - Tum, My Pledge of Love -- 2011 film by Robin Padilla
Wikipedia - Tune in for Love -- 2019 film by Jung Ji-woo
Wikipedia - Turan (mythology) -- Etruscan goddess of love and fertility
Wikipedia - Turbo Angels -- Slovenian turbo-folk quartet
Wikipedia - Turn It into Love -- 1988 single by Kylie Minogue
Wikipedia - Twinset -- Cardigan sweater with matching short sleeve pullover or shell
Wikipedia - Twixt Love and Fire -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - Two-banded plover -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Two Kinds of Love (film) -- 1920 film directed by B. Reeves Eason
Wikipedia - Two Lovers (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - Two Lovers and a Beachcomber by the Real Sea -- Poem
Wikipedia - Two Loves -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - Ulrik Christian Gyldenlove, Count of Samso -- 17th and 18th-century Danish nobleman and admiral
Wikipedia - Ultimate Love (season 1) -- Nigeria television show
Wikipedia - Ultimate Love (TV series) -- Nigeria television show
Wikipedia - Unconditional love -- Concept
Wikipedia - Underwater Love (film) -- 2011 Japanese film by Shinji Imaoka
Wikipedia - Underwater Love (Smoke City song) -- 1995 single by Smoke City
Wikipedia - Undivided Love -- 1996 single by Louise Redknapp
Wikipedia - Unfair & Lovely -- upcoming film directed by Balwinder Singh Janjua
Wikipedia - Unge lovende -- Norwegian television series
Wikipedia - Unholy Love -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - United States of Love -- 2016 film
Wikipedia - Unloved (band) -- American band
Wikipedia - Unloved -- 2001 film
Wikipedia - Unlove You (Jennifer Nettles song) -- Single by Jennifer Nettles
Wikipedia - Unrequited Love (TV series) -- Chinese television series
Wikipedia - Unrequited love -- Love that is not reciprocated by the receiver
Wikipedia - Upper Carniolan dialect group -- Slovene dialect
Wikipedia - UrM-EM-!a Kragelj -- Slovenian canoeist
Wikipedia - UrM-EM-!ka Poje -- Slovenian biathlete
Wikipedia - UrM-EM-!ka Zolnir -- Slovenian judoka
Wikipedia - UroM-EM-! Bregar -- Slovenian handball coach
Wikipedia - UroM-EM-! Kodelja -- Slovenian canoeist
Wikipedia - UroM-EM-! Velepec -- Slovenian biathlete
Wikipedia - Usapang Real Love -- 2016 Philippine television show
Wikipedia - USLHT Clover -- United States Lighthouse Service vessel
Wikipedia - USS Lovelace (DE-198) -- Buckley-class destroyer escort in the United States Navy
Wikipedia - Vacation from Love -- 1938 film by George Fitzmaurice
Wikipedia - Valerie Glover -- Australian artist
Wikipedia - VaM-DM-^Me Situla -- Early Iron Age ritual bronze vessel found in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Vanessa: Her Love Story -- 1935 film by William K. Howard
Wikipedia - Vanja Brodnik -- Slovenian alpine ski racer
Wikipedia - Vasilij Zbogar -- Slovenian sailor
Wikipedia - Vasja Rupnik -- Slovenian biathlete
Wikipedia - Vasko Simoniti -- Slovenian historian and politician
Wikipedia - Vehicle registration plates of Slovenia -- Slovenia vehicle license plates
Wikipedia - Velika Polana -- Settlement of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Velike Malence -- Place in Lower Carniola, Slovenia
Wikipedia - Venetian Lovers -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Venturin Thrauison -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Venus (mythology) -- Ancient Roman goddess of love, sex and fertility
Wikipedia - Vereniging Rembrandt -- Dutch associaton of art lovers
Wikipedia - Veronika Macarol -- Slovenian sailor
Wikipedia - Vertical Love -- 1997 film
Wikipedia - Veselka Pevec -- Slovenian Paralympic sport shooter
Wikipedia - Vesna Dekleva -- Slovenian sailor
Wikipedia - Vesna Gyorkos Znidar -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Vesna M-DM-^Pukic -- Slovenian judoka
Wikipedia - Victim of Love (1923 film) -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - Victim of Love (The Cars song) -- 1982 single by The Cars
Wikipedia - Vida Gerbec -- Slovenian gymnast
Wikipedia - Vida Juvan -- Slovenian actress
Wikipedia - Vid Debeljak -- Slovenian canoeist
Wikipedia - Videm, Dobrepolje -- Place in Lower Carniola, Slovenia
Wikipedia - Vilko Ukmar -- Slovenian composer
Wikipedia - Village Love -- 1882 painting by Jules Bastien-Lepage
Wikipedia - Vince Lovegrove -- Australian musician, band manager, journalist and AIDS activist
Wikipedia - Vinci Vogue AnM-EM->lovar -- Slovenian film director
Wikipedia - Vintgar Gorge -- natural gorge in Slovenia
Wikipedia - Viole Maribor -- Sport supporters' group from Slovenia
Wikipedia - Violeta Bulc -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Violeta Tomic -- Slovenian left-wing politician
Wikipedia - Viplove Thakur -- Member of the Parliament of India
Wikipedia - Vision of Love -- 1990 single by Mariah Carey
Wikipedia - Vita MavriM-DM-^M -- Slovene singer
Wikipedia - Vitanje -- Locality and municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Vito Zuraj -- Slovenian composer
Wikipedia - Vivette Glover -- British psychologist
Wikipedia - Vladimir Batagelj -- Slovenian mathematician
Wikipedia - Vladimir Seunig -- Slovenian equestrian
Wikipedia - Vlado Dimovski -- Slovene economist, philosopher, politician, university professor
Wikipedia - Vlado Zabot -- Slovene writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Vlora BeM-DM-^Qeti -- Slovenian judoka
Wikipedia - Vodice, Vodice -- Locality and municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Voice for Children and Families -- Slovenian political party
Wikipedia - Volodymyr Polovets -- Ukrainian historian and communist official
Wikipedia - Vologa -- Place in Styria, Slovenia
Wikipedia - Voyage to Italy, Complete with Love -- 1958 film
Wikipedia - Vrhpolje, Hrpelje-Kozina -- Village in Littoral, Slovenia
Wikipedia - Vrtanek -- Slovenian braided bread
Wikipedia - VrtiM-DM-^Mkarji -- 2000 Slovenian comedy television series
Wikipedia - Vulcan structure -- Convergent tectonic boundary between the Medicine Hat and Loverna Blocks in North America
Wikipedia - Vuzenica -- Locality and municipality of Slovenia
Wikipedia - Wag-Zak -- Song by Lovelyz
Wikipedia - Waiting for Love (Avicii song) -- 2015 single by Avicii
Wikipedia - WAIW -- K-Love Classics radio station in Wheaton, Illinois
Wikipedia - Wake Up Love -- 2020 single by Teyana Taylor
Wikipedia - Wall of Love
Wikipedia - Waltz of Love -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Wanderer of the Wasteland (1935 film) -- 1935 film directed by Otho Lovering
Wikipedia - War and Love -- Indian Malayalam war film
Wikipedia - Was It Love? -- 2020 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Waves of Life and Love -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - WCCC (FM) -- K-Love radio station in Hartford, Connecticut
Wikipedia - WCKL (FM) -- K-Love radio station in Chicago
Wikipedia - WCLR (FM) -- K-Love radio station in DeKalb, Illinois
Wikipedia - WDKL (FM) -- K-Love radio station in Mount Clemens, Michigan
Wikipedia - We Are They Who Ache with Amorous Love -- 1990 album by Half Japanese
Wikipedia - Wear This Ring (with Love) -- 1971 single by The Detroit Emeralds
Wikipedia - We Could Be Sweet Lovers -- 1988 single by Bill Withers
Wikipedia - We Found Love (music video) -- 2011 film by Melina Matsoukas
Wikipedia - We Found Love -- 2011 song by Rihanna ft. Calvin Harris
Wikipedia - We Got a Love Thang -- 1992 single by CeCe Peniston
Wikipedia - WEKL -- K-Love radio station in Augusta, Georgia, United States
Wikipedia - Well-Intended Love -- 2019 Mandarin-language television series
Wikipedia - We'll Talk About Love Later -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - We Love Katamari -- 2005 puzzle-action video game published by Namco and Electronic Arts
Wikipedia - We Love (Sneaky Sound System song) -- Single by Sneaky Sound System
Wikipedia - Wendell Lovett -- American architect
Wikipedia - Wendy Lovell -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - We're in This Love Together -- 1981 single by Al Jarreau
Wikipedia - Wesley Clover Parks -- Recreational park in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - WFLV -- K-Love radio station in West Palm Beach, Florida
Wikipedia - WFNY -- Radio station in Gloversville, New York
Wikipedia - What I Did for Love (David Guetta song) -- 2015 single by David Guetta
Wikipedia - What If I Told You That I Love You -- 2020 Song by Canadian singer Ali Gatie
Wikipedia - What If We Fall in Love? -- album by Crystal Gayle
Wikipedia - What Is Love? (EP) -- Extended play by Twice
Wikipedia - What Is Love? (Twice song) -- 2018 single by Twice
Wikipedia - What Is Love -- 1993 single by Haddaway
Wikipedia - What Is This Thing Called Love? (Alexander O'Neal song) -- 1991 single by Alexander O'Neal
Wikipedia - What Price Love? -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - What's Love Got to Do with It (song) -- 1984 single by Tina Turner
Wikipedia - What Time Is Love? -- 1988 single by The KLF
Wikipedia - What Women Love -- 1920 film by Nate Watt
Wikipedia - What You Know Bout Love -- 2020 song by Pop Smoke
Wikipedia - When a Girl Loves (1919 film) -- 1919 silent film
Wikipedia - When a Girl Loves (1924 film) -- 1924 silent film
Wikipedia - When a Man Loves a Woman (song) -- 1966 single by Percy Sledge
Wikipedia - When a Man Loves -- 1927 film by Alan Crosland
Wikipedia - When God Writes Your Love Story -- 1999 book
Wikipedia - When I Fall in Love (Ant & Dec song) -- 1996 single by Ant & Dec
Wikipedia - When Love & Hate Collide -- 1995 single by Def Leppard
Wikipedia - When Love Comes Along -- 1998 film
Wikipedia - When Love Cries -- 1991 song by Donna Summer
Wikipedia - When Love Forgives -- 1913 film
Wikipedia - When Love Grows Cold -- 1926 film by Harry O. Hoyt
Wikipedia - When Love Is Over -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - When Love Is Young -- 1937 film by Hal Mohr
Wikipedia - When Love Sets the Fashion -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - When Love Speaks -- 2002 compilation album of interpretations of Shakespeare's sonnets
Wikipedia - When Love Takes Over -- 2009 single by David Guetta ft. Kelly Rowland
Wikipedia - When Love Took Wings -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - When My Love Blooms -- 2020 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - When Will I Be Loved (song) -- 1960 single by the Everly Brothers
Wikipedia - When You Ask About Love -- 1959 song by The Crickets
Wikipedia - When You Love a Woman -- 1996 single by Journey
Wikipedia - When You're in Love (film) -- 1937 film by Robert Riskin, Harry Lachman
Wikipedia - When You Talk About Love -- 1997 single by Patti LaBelle
Wikipedia - When You Tell Me That You Love Me -- 1991 single by Diana Ross
Wikipedia - Where Did Our Love Go (album) -- album by The Supremes
Wikipedia - Where Did Our Love Go -- The Supremes song
Wikipedia - Where Do You Go To (My Lovely)? -- Song by Peter Sarstedt
Wikipedia - Where Is Love? -- Song performed by Shirley Bassey
Wikipedia - Where Is the Love? -- 2003 pop single by The Black Eyed Peas
Wikipedia - Where It Is -- 1987 compilation album by The Beloved
Wikipedia - Where Love Is, God Is -- 1885 short story by Leo Tolstoy
Wikipedia - Where Love Is -- 1917 film
Wikipedia - Where Love Leads -- 1916 silent film drama directed by Frank Griffin
Wikipedia - Where's the Love -- 1997 single by Hanson
Wikipedia - White-fronted plover -- Species of shorebird of the family Charadriidae from Sub-Saharan Africa and Madagascar
Wikipedia - Who Do U Love -- 1996 single by Deborah Cox
Wikipedia - Who Do You Love (Bernard Wright song) -- 1985 single by Bernard Wright
Wikipedia - Who Do You Love? (Bo Diddley song) -- 1956 song by Bo Diddley
Wikipedia - Who Feels Love? -- 2000 single by Oasis
Wikipedia - Who Is This That I Love? -- 1950 film
Wikipedia - Whole Lotta Love -- 1969 single by Led Zeppelin
Wikipedia - Who Needs Love Like That -- 1985 single by Erasure
Wikipedia - Who Takes Love Seriously? -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Who You Love -- 2013 single by Katy Perry and John Mayer
Wikipedia - WHVK -- K-Love radio station in New Hope-Huntsville, Alabama
Wikipedia - Why Can't This Be Love -- Van Halen song
Wikipedia - Why Do Fools Fall in Love (film) -- 1998 film by Gregory Nava
Wikipedia - Why Do Fools Fall in Love (song) -- 1956 single by Frankie Lymon and The Teenagers
Wikipedia - Why Don't You Love Me (BeyoncM-CM-) song) -- 2010 song by BeyoncM-CM-)
Wikipedia - Why Do You Love Me -- 2005 single by Garbage
Wikipedia - Why Girls Love Sailors -- 1927 film by Fred Guiol
Wikipedia - Why Should I Love You? -- 2012 single by R. Stevie Moore
Wikipedia - Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows
Wikipedia - Why Women Love -- 1925 film by Edwin Carewe
Wikipedia - Wicket-keeper's gloves -- Large leather gloves worn by cricket players
Wikipedia - Wiki Loves Monuments -- Annual international photography contest
Wikipedia - Wiki Loves Pride
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Wiki Loves Monuments -- Wikiproject
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiLove -- Project page about a general spirit of collegiality and mutual understanding among wiki users
Wikipedia - Wild Love (film) -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - Wild Love (James Bay song) -- 2018 single by James Bay
Wikipedia - Wild Wild Love -- 2014 single by Pitbull
Wikipedia - Willey Glover Denis
Wikipedia - Will Glover -- American musician
Wikipedia - William King, 1st Earl of Lovelace
Wikipedia - William King-Noel, 1st Earl of Lovelace
Wikipedia - William Lovelace (MP) -- 16th-century English politician
Wikipedia - William Lovett -- British activist
Wikipedia - William Truelove -- Royal Canadian Navy officer
Wikipedia - Winter's song -- Song from Love's Labour's Lost
Wikipedia - Wired glove
Wikipedia - Witch's Love -- South Korean television series
Wikipedia - With Love and Hisses -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - With Love and Kisses -- 1936 film by Leslie Goodwins
Wikipedia - With Love (Pete Townshend album)
Wikipedia - Without Love (Alice Glass song) -- Single
Wikipedia - WJKL (FM) -- K-Love radio station in San Juan, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - WJLV -- K-LOVE radio station in Jackson, Mississippi
Wikipedia - WKCD -- K-Love radio station in Cedarville-Dayton, Ohio
Wikipedia - WKHW (FM) -- K-Love radio station in Halifax, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - WKIW -- K-Love radio station in Ironwood, Michigan
Wikipedia - WKLU -- K-LOVE radio station in Brownsburg-Indianapolis, Indiana
Wikipedia - WKLV-FM -- K-Love radio station in Butler, Alabama
Wikipedia - WKLZ -- K-Love radio station in Syracuse, New York
Wikipedia - WKMF -- K-Love radio station in Flint, Michigan, United States
Wikipedia - WKMY (FM) -- K-Love radio station in Athol, Massachusetts, United States
Wikipedia - WKPA (FM) -- K-Love radio station in Port Matilda, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - WKVP -- K-LOVE radio station in Camden, New Jersey
Wikipedia - WKVZ -- K-Love radio station in Dexter, Maine, United States
Wikipedia - WKZV (FM) -- K-Love radio station in Tybee Island-Savannah, Georgia
Wikipedia - WLFV -- K-Love radio station in Midlothian-Richmond, Virginia
Wikipedia - WLKU -- K-Love radio station in Rock Island, Illinois
Wikipedia - WLRJ -- K-Love radio station in Greenville, Mississippi, United States
Wikipedia - WLSW -- K-Love radio station in Salisbury, Maryland, United States
Wikipedia - WLVE -- K-Love radio station in Mukwonago-Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Wikipedia - WLVM -- K-Love radio station in Chickasaw-Mobile, Alabama
Wikipedia - WLVW -- K-Love radio station in Washington, D.C.
Wikipedia - WLVZ -- K-Love radio station in Collins-Hattiesburg, Mississippi, United States
Wikipedia - WLXF -- K-Love radio station in Macon, Georgia
Wikipedia - WLZV -- K-Love radio station in Buckland, Virginia
Wikipedia - WMLV -- K-Love radio station in Miami
Wikipedia - Women as Lovers (novel) -- novel by Elfriede Jelinek
Wikipedia - Women in Love (film) -- 1969 British film directed by Ken Russell
Wikipedia - Women Love Diamonds -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Women Love Once -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - Wood Love -- 1925 film
Wikipedia - Work for Love -- Song by Ministry
Wikipedia - Works of Love
Wikipedia - World Famous Lover -- 2020 Indian Telugu-language film by Kranthi Madhav
Wikipedia - Worshipful Company of Glovers -- Livery company of the City of London
Wikipedia - Wotakoi: Love Is Hard for Otaku -- Japanese manga series
Wikipedia - WPKV -- K-Love radio station in Duquesne-Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - WPLJ -- K-Love radio station in New York City
Wikipedia - Wrath of Love -- 1917 film by James Vincent
Wikipedia - Wristcutters: A Love Story -- 2006 American black comedy movie
Wikipedia - WUKV (FM) -- K-Love radio station in Trion, Georgia
Wikipedia - WYKV -- K-Love radio station in Ravena, New York, United States
Wikipedia - X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills -- 1982 graphic novel
Wikipedia - Yael Goldstein Love
Wikipedia - Yaoi -- Homoerotic fiction genre also known as boys' love or BL
Wikipedia - Yazlovets Castle -- Ruined castle in the Ukraine
Wikipedia - Yellow-collared lovebird -- Species of lovebird
Wikipedia - Yes, Yes, Love in Tyrol -- 1955 film
Wikipedia - Yosef Dov Soloveitchik (Beis Halevi)
Wikipedia - You Can't Beat Love -- 1937 film by Christy Cabanne
Wikipedia - You Don't Have to Say You Love Me -- 1966 single by Dusty Springfield
Wikipedia - You Don't Love Me Anymore ("Weird Al" Yankovic song) -- 1992 song performed by "Weird Al" Yankovic
Wikipedia - You Don't Love Me (No, No, No) -- 1994 single by Dawn Penn
Wikipedia - You Don't Love Me (Sickotoy song) -- 2019 song by Sickotoy
Wikipedia - You Don't Love Me (Willie Cobbs song) -- none
Wikipedia - You Give Love a Bad Name -- Song by Bon Jovi
Wikipedia - You Gotta Love Someone -- 1990 single by Elton John
Wikipedia - You Gotta Love That (song) -- 1996 single by Neal McCoy
Wikipedia - You Got the Love -- Single by Candi Staton
Wikipedia - You Have Been Loved -- 1997 single by George Michael
Wikipedia - You I Love -- 2004 film by Dmitry Troitsky
Wikipedia - You'll Never Make Love in This Town Again -- 1996 book about prostitution in the US
Wikipedia - You Look Like a Thing and I Love You -- 2019 book by Janelle Shane
Wikipedia - You Love Only Once -- 1981 film
Wikipedia - You Made Me Love You (film) -- 1933 film by Monty Banks
Wikipedia - You Must Love Me -- 1996 single by Madonna
Wikipedia - Young Doctors in Love -- 1982 film by Garry Marshall
Wikipedia - Young Goethe in Love
Wikipedia - Young Heart Full of Love -- 1953 film
Wikipedia - Young Love (comics) -- Romance comics title
Wikipedia - You Only Tell Me You Love Me When You're Drunk -- 2000 single by Pet Shop Boys
Wikipedia - You're a Superstar -- 1998 single by Love Inc.
Wikipedia - You're in Love, Charlie Brown -- 1967 television special
Wikipedia - You're in Love (Wilson Phillips song) -- 1991 single by Wilson Phillips
Wikipedia - You're Nobody till Somebody Loves You -- Popular song written by Russ Morgan, Larry Stock, and James Cavanaugh published in 1944
Wikipedia - Your Love Alone Is Not Enough -- 2007 single by Manic Street Preachers
Wikipedia - Your Love Is My Drug -- 2010 single by Kesha
Wikipedia - You say you love; but with a voice
Wikipedia - You Taught Me What Love Is -- 2020 song by Beth Porch
Wikipedia - Youth Must Have Love -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - You Were Never Lovelier -- 1942 film by William A. Seiter
Wikipedia - Yuggoth -- Fictional planet in the Cthulhu Mythos of H. P. Lovecraft
Wikipedia - YU-NO: A girl who chants love at the bound of this world
Wikipedia - YU-NO: A Girl Who Chants Love at the Bound of this World -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - Zan JakM-EM-!e -- Slovenian canoeist
Wikipedia - Zan KoM-EM-!ir -- Slovenian snowboarder
Wikipedia - Zara Glover -- British ten-pin bowler
Wikipedia - Zdenka Zebre -- Slovenian writer
Wikipedia - Zdravko PoM-DM-^MivalM-EM-!ek -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Zgornji Gabernik -- Place in Styria, Slovenia
Wikipedia - Ziva DvorM-EM-!ak -- Slovenian sports shooter
Wikipedia - Zmago JelinM-DM-^MiM-DM-^M Plemeniti -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Zoran Jankovic (politician) -- Slovenian businessman and politician
Wikipedia - Zoran Predin -- Slovenian singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - ZRK Celje -- Slovenian handball club
Wikipedia - Zumberak Mountains -- Mountain range in northwestern Croatia and southeastern Slovenia
Wikipedia - Zvone CernaM-DM-^M -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Zvonimir CigliM-DM-^M -- Slovenian composer
Thomas Love Peacock ::: Born: October 18, 1785; Died: January 23, 1866; Occupation: Novelist;
Questlove ::: Born: January 20, 1971; Occupation: Drummer;
Maud Hart Lovelace ::: Born: April 25, 1892; Died: March 11, 1980; Occupation: Author;
Thomas Lovell Beddoes ::: Born: July 20, 1803; Died: January 26, 1849; Occupation: Poet;
Lyle Lovett ::: Born: November 1, 1957; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Peter Salovey ::: Born: February 21, 1958; Occupation: Psychologist;
Donald Glover ::: Born: September 25, 1983; Occupation: Actor;
Ada Lovelace ::: Born: December 10, 1815; Died: November 27, 1852; Occupation: Countess of Lovelace;
Ross Lovegrove ::: Born: 1958; Occupation: Designer;
Patty Loveless ::: Born: January 4, 1957; Occupation: Singer;
Richard Lovelace ::: Born: 1618; Died: 1657; Occupation: Poet;
Crispin Glover ::: Born: April 20, 1964; Occupation: Film actor;
Melvin Glover ::: Born: May 15, 1961; Occupation: Musician;
Savion Glover ::: Born: November 19, 1973; Occupation: Dancer;
Danny Glover ::: Born: July 22, 1946; Occupation: Actor;
Rico Love ::: Born: December 3, 1982; Occupation: Singer;
Daniel J. Solove ::: Born: 1972; Occupation: Law professor;
Robert A. Lovett ::: Born: September 14, 1895; Died: May 7, 1986; Occupation: Former United States Secretary of Defense;
Jennifer Love Hewitt ::: Born: February 21, 1979; Occupation: Actress;
Patrice Lovely ::: Born: January 4, 1968;
Darlene Love ::: Born: July 26, 1941; Occupation: Singer;
Courtney Love ::: Born: July 9, 1964; Occupation: Singer-songwriter;
Mia Love ::: Born: December 6, 1975; Occupation: American Politician;
Mike Love ::: Born: March 15, 1941; Occupation: Musician;
H. P. Lovecraft ::: Born: August 20, 1890; Died: March 15, 1937; Occupation: Author;
James Lovelock ::: Born: July 26, 1919; Occupation: Scientist;
Philip M. Breedlove ::: Born: September 21, 1955;
Lydia Loveless ::: Born: September 4, 1990; Occupation: Songwriter;\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

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