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anything is possible
highest possible goals or visions
The Choice Embrace the Possible
What is possible



Possible: (Gr. endechomenon) According to Aristotle that which happens usually but not necessanly, hence distinguished both from the necessary and from the impossible. -- G.R.M.

possible ::: a. --> Capable of existing or occurring, or of being conceived or thought of; able to happen; capable of being done; not contrary to the nature of things; -- sometimes used to express extreme improbability; barely able to be, or to come to pass; as, possibly he is honest, as it is possible that Judas meant no wrong.

possibles ::: things that can be done.


1. Phenomenological analyses, partly summarized in the Logische Untersuchungen, had led Husserl to the view that material (generic and specific) as well as logically formal universals or essences are themselves observable, though non-individual, objects. Further analyses showed that awareness of an essence as itself presented might be based on either a clear experiencing or a clear phantasying (fictive experiencing) of an example. In either case, the evidence of the essence or eidos involves evidence of some example as ideally possible but not as actual. Consequently, a science like pure logic, whose theme includes nothing but essences and essential possibilities, -- in Husserl's later terminology, an eidetic science -- involves no assertion of actual existence. Husserl used these views to redefine phenomenology itself. The latter was now conceived explicitly as the eidetic science of the material essences exemplified in subjective processes, qua pure possibilities, and was accordingly said to be pure also in the way pure logic is pure. A large proportion of the emendations in the second edition of the Logische Untersuchungen serve to clarify this freedom of phenomenology from all presuppositions of actual individual existence -- particularly, psychic existence.

2. (theol.) that theory of religious knowledge which asserts that it is impossible for man to attain knowledge of God.

(3) A proposition about the nature of meaning, ideas, concepts, or universals: that they (and thus, some contend, knowledge) "consist of" or "are reducible to" references to directly presented data or content of experience; or that signs standing for meanings, ideas, concepts, or universals refer to experienced content only or primarily; or that the meaning of a term consists simply of the sum of its possible consequences in experience; or that if all possible experiential consequences of two propositions are identical, their meanings are identical.

(4) A proposition about the limitations of knowledge: that every possible referent either is something with which one has "direct acquaintance" or consists exclusively of entities with which he is acquainted, or that one can have knowledge of only immediate content of experience; or that although one can have knowledge of existents outside one's own or everyone's experience, that knowledge must always be uncertain, since it is reached through experience.

Abravanel, Judah: Or Judah Leon Medigo (1470-1530), son of Don Isaac, settled in Italy after the expulsion from Spain. In his Dialoghi d'Amore, i.e., Dialogues about Love, he conceives, in Platonic fashion, love as the principle permeating the universe. It emanates from God to the beings, and from the beings reverts back to God. It is possible that his conception of universal love exerted some influence upon the concept of Amor Dei of Spinoza. -- M.W.

Absolutism: The opposite of Relativism. Metaphysics: the theory of the Absolute (q.v.). Epistemology: the doctrine that objective or absolute, and not merely relative and human, truth is possible. Axiology: the view that standards of value (moral or aesthetic) are absolute, objective, superhuman, eternal Politics: Cult of unrestricted sovereignty located in the ruler. --W.L. Absolutistic Personalism: The ascription of personality to the Absolute. -- R.T.F.

absolutist ::: n. --> One who is in favor of an absolute or autocratic government.
One who believes that it is possible to realize a cognition or concept of the absolute. ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to absolutism; arbitrary; despotic;

Achilles argument: Zeno of Elea used a reductio ad absurdum argument against the possibility of motion. He urged that if we assume it possible we are led to the absurdity that Achilles, the fastest runner in Greece, could not catch a proverbially slow tortoise. The alleged grounds for this are that during the time, t1 - t2, which it takes Achilles to traverse the distance between his position and that of the tortoise at time t1, the latter even at his slow rate of speed would have moved on a finite distance farther. -- C.A.B.

A complete freedom from fatigue is possible, but that comes only when there is a complete transformation of the law of the body and by the full descent of a supramental Force into the earth-nature.

actual ::: a. --> Involving or comprising action; active.
Existing in act or reality; really acted or acting; in fact; real; -- opposed to potential, possible, virtual, speculative, conceivable, theoretical, or nominal; as, the actual cost of goods; the actual case under discussion.
In action at the time being; now exiting; present; as the actual situation of the country.

Actual: In Husserl: see Actuality. Actual: (Lat. actus, act) 1. real or factual (opposed to unreal and apparent) 2. quality which anything possesses of having realized its potentialities or possibilities (opposed to possible and potential). In Aristotle: see Energeia. Actuality: In Husserl: 1. (Ger. Wirklichkeit) Effective individual existence in space and time, as contrasted with mere possibility. 2. (Ger. Aktualität) The character of a conscious process as lived in by the ego, as contrasted with the "inactuality" of conscious processes more or less far from the ego. To say the ego lives in a particular conscious process is to say the ego is busied with the object intended in that process. Attending is a special form of being busied. -- D.C.

ADESA. ::: Impulsion; inner command. The Divine speaks to us in many ways and it is not always the imperative ādeśa that comes. When it does, it is clear and irresistible, the mind has to obey and there is no question possible, even if what comes is contrary to the preconceived ideas of the mental intelligence. But more often what is said is an intuition or even less, a mere indication, which the mind may not follow because it is not impressed with its imperative necessity. It is something offered but not imposed, perhaps something not even offered but only suggested from the Truth above.

adesavan.i (adeshavani) ::: "speech of supreme command", the highest adesavani form of van.i, which "is clear and irresistible, the mind has to obey and there is no question possible, even if what comes is contrary to the preconceived ideas of the mental intelligence".

“A distinction has to be made between the soul in its essence and the psychic being. Behind each and all there is the soul which is the spark of the Divine—none could exist without that. But it is quite possible to have a vital and physical being supported by such a soul essence but without a clearly evolved psychic being behind it.” Letters on Yoga

Aequilibrium indifferentiae: The state or condition of exact balance between two actions, the motives being of equal strength. Thomas Aquinas held that in such a condition "actus haberi non potest, nisi removeatur indifferentia." This is effected by a determination ab intrinseco, or ab extrinseco, which disturbs the equipoise and makes it possible for the agent to act. -- J.J.R.

A formula of the pure functional calculus of first order which contains no free individual variables is said to be satisfiable if it is possible to determine the underlying non-empty domain of individuals and to give meanings to the propositional and functional variables contained -- namely to each propositional variable a meaning as a particular proposition and to each n-adic functional variable a meaning as an n-adic propositional function of individuals (of the domain in question) -- in such a way that (under the accepted meanings of the sentential connectives, the quantifiers, and application of function to argument) the formula becomes true. The meaning of the last word, even for abstract, not excluding infinite, domains, must be presupposed -- a respect in which this definition differs sharply from most others made in this article.

aghatana-ghatana-patiyasi ::: very skillful in bringing about the impossible.

agible ::: a. --> Possible to be done; practicable.

Agnosticism: (Gr. agnostos, unknowing) 1. (epist.) that theory of knowledge which asserts that it is impossible for man to attain knowledge of a certain subject-matter.

aham vritti. ::: the "I"-thought; the limited feeling of "I"-ness or "I am"-ness &

(a) In metaphysics: Theory which admits in any given domain, two independent and mutually irreducible substances e.g. the Platonic dualism of the sensible and intelligible worlds, the Cartesian dinlism of thinking and extended substances, the Leibnizian dualism of the actual and possible worlds, the Kantian dualism of the noumenal and the phenomenal. The term dualism first appeared in Thomas Hyde, Historia religionis veterum Persarum (1700) ch. IX, p. 164, where it applied to religious dualism of good and evil and is similarly employed by Bayle m his Dictionary article "Zoroaster" and by Leibniz in Theodicee. C. Wolff is responsible for its use in the psycho-physical sense, (cf. A. Lalande, Vocabulaire de la Philosophie. Vol. I, p. 180, note by R. Eucken.)

(a) In philosophy: Mediation is necessary in systems in which two forms of reality are held to be so different that immediate interaction is impossible; this is the case in later Neo-PIatonism, and particularly in the Cartesiam'sm of Malebranche, Geulincx and Spinoza, where mind and matter cannot directly interact; God supplies the principle of mediation in these latter systems.

Albertus, Magnus: St., O.P. (1193-1280) Count of Bollstädt, Bishop of Ratisbon, Doctor Universalis, was born at Lauingen, Bavaria, studied at Padua and Bologna, entered the Dominican Order in 1223. He taught theology at the Univ. of Paris from 1245-48, when he was sent to Cologne to organize a new course of studies for his Order; St. Thomas Aquinas was his student and assistant at this time. Later his time was given over to administrative duties and he was made Bishop of Ratisbon in 1260. In 1262 he gave up his bishopric and returned to a life of writing, teaching and controversy. Of very broad interests in science, philosophy and theology, Albert popularized a great part of the corpus of Aristotelian and Arabic philosophic writings in the 13th century. His thought incorporates elements of Augustinism, Aristotelianism, Neoplatonism, Avicennism, Boethianism into a vast synthesis which is not without internal inconsistencies. Due to the lack of critical editions of his works, a true estimate of the value of his philosophy is impossible at present. However, he must have had some influence on St. Thomas, and there was a lively Albertinian school lasting into the Renaissance. Chief works: Summa de Creaturis, Comment, in IV Lib. Sent., Philos, Commentaries on nearly all works of Aristotle, De Causis, De intellectu et intellig., Summa Theologiae (Opera Omnia, ed. Borgnet, 38 vol., Paris, 1890-99). -- V.J.B.

A like result may be obtained for the functional calculus of order omega (theory of types) by utilizing a representation of it within the Zermelo set theory. It is thus in a certain sense impossible to postulate the non-enumerable infinite: any set of postulates designed to do so will have an unintended interpretation within the enumerable. Usual sets of mathematical postulates for the real number system (see number) have an appearance to the contrary only because they are incompletely formalized (i.e., the mathematical concepts are formalized, while the underlying logic remains unformalized and indefinite).

Al-Karim ::: The exceedingly generous and bountiful One who bestows His bounties even upon those who deny His existence. The ability to READ (iqra) is only possible through the activation of this Name, which lies dormant within the essence of every individual.

All can be done by the Divine — the heart and nature puri- fied, the inner consciousness awakened, the veils removed, — if one gives oneself to the Divine with trust and confidence and even xf one cannot do so fully at once, yet the more one does so, the more the inner help and guidance comes and the experi- ence of the Divine grows nithin. If the questioning mind becomes less active and humility and the will to surrender grow, this ought to be perfectly possible. No other strength and tapasya are then needed, but this alone.

All Indian doctrines orient themselves by the Vedas, accepting or rejecting their authority. In ranging from materialism to acosmism and nihilism, from physiologism to spiritualism, realism to idealism, monism to pluralism, atheism and pantheism, Hindus believe they have exhausted all possible philosophic attitudes (cf. darsana), which they feel supplement rather than exclude each other. A unnersal feature is the fusion of religion, metaphysics, ethics and psychology, due to the universal acceptance of a psycho-physicalism, further exemplified in the typical doctrines of karma and samsara (q.v.). Rigorous logic is nevertheless applied in theology where metaphvsics passes into eschatology (cf., e.g., is) and the generally accepted belief in the cyclic nature of the cosmos oscillating between srsti ("throwing out") and pralaya (dissolution) of the absolute reality (cf. abhasa), and in psychology, where epistemology seeks practical outlets in Yoga (q.v.). With a genius for abstraction, thinkers were and are almost invariably hedonistically motivated by the desire to overcome the evils of existence in the hope of attaining liberation (cf. moksa) and everlasting bliss (cf. ananda, nirvana). -- K.F.L.

"All knowledge is ultimately the knowledge of God, through himself, through Nature, through her works. Mankind has first to seek this knowledge through the external life; for until its mentality is sufficiently developed, spiritual knowledge is not really possible, and in proportion as it is developed, the possibilities of spiritual knowledge become richer and fuller.” The Synthesis of Yoga

“All knowledge is ultimately the knowledge of God, through himself, through Nature, through her works. Mankind has first to seek this knowledge through the external life; for until its mentality is sufficiently developed, spiritual knowledge is not really possible, and in proportion as it is developed, the possibilities of spiritual knowledge become richer and fuller.” The Synthesis of Yoga

All lights are indications of a Force or Power. It is the work of the Lights and Forces they represent to act in their descent on the lower nature and change it. Light clatifics the conscious- ness and works as a force and makes knowledge possible.

all- ::: prefix: Wholly, altogether, infinitely. Since 1600, the number of these [combinations] has been enormously extended, all-** having become a possible prefix, in poetry at least, to almost any adjective of quality. all-affirming, All-Beautiful, All-Beautiful"s, All-Bliss, All-Blissful, All-causing, all-concealing, all-conquering, All-Conscient, All-Conscious, all-containing, All-containing, all-creating, all-defeating, All-Delight, all-discovering, all-embracing, all-fulfilling, all-harbouring, all-inhabiting, all-knowing, All-knowing, All-Knowledge, all-levelling, All-Life, All-love, All-Love, all-negating, all-powerful, all-revealing, All-ruler, all-ruling, all-seeing, All-seeing, all-seeking, all-shaping, all-supporting, all-sustaining, all-swallowing, All-Truth, All-vision, All-Wisdom, all-wise, All-Wise, all-witnessing, All-Wonderful, All-Wonderful"s.**

All Rajayoga depends on this perception and experience that our inner elements, combinations, functions, forces, can be sepa- rated or dissolved, can be new-combined and set to novel and formerly impossible workings or can be transformed and re- solved into a new general synthesis by fixed internal processes.

All world-existence is manifestation, but our ignorance is the agent of a partial, limited and ignorant manifestation,— in part an expression but in part also a disguise of the original being, consciousness and delight of existence. If this state of things is permanent and unalterable, if our world must always move in this circle, if some Ignorance is the cause of all things and all action here and not a condition and circumstance, then indeed the cessation of individual ignorance could only come by an escape of the individual from world-being, and a cessation of the cosmic ignorance would be the destruction of world-being. But if this world has at its root an evolutionary principle, if our ignorance is a half-knowledge evolving towards knowledge, another account and another issue and spiritual result of our existence in material Nature, a greater manifestation here becomes possible.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 21-22, Page: 496-97

Almost all Jewish philosophers with the exception of Gabirol, ha-Levi, and Gersonides produce proofs for the existence of God. These proofs are based primarily on principles of physics. In the case of the Western philosophers, they are Aristotelian, while in the case of the Eastern, they are a combination of Aristotelian and those of the Mutazilites. The Eastern philosophers, such as Saadia and others and also Bahya of the Western prove the existence of God indirectly, namely that the world was created and consequently there is a creator. The leading Western thinkers, such as Ibn Daud (q.v.) and Maimonides employ the Aristotelian argument from motion, even to positing hypothetically the eternity of the world. Ha-LevI considers the conception of the existence of God an intuition with which man is endowed by God Himself. Crescas, who criticized Aristotle's conception of space and the infinite, in his proof for the existence of God, proves it by positing the need of a being necessarily existent, for it is absurd to posit a world of possibles.

ambiguous ::: 1. Open to or having several possible meanings or interpretations; equivocal; questionable; indistinct, obscure, not clearly defined. 2. Of doubtful or uncertain nature; difficult to comprehend, distinguish, or classify; admitting more than one interpretation, or explanation; of double meaning. 3. Of oracles, people, using words of double meaning. ambiguously.

ambiguous ::: a. --> Doubtful or uncertain, particularly in respect to signification; capable of being understood in either of two or more possible senses; equivocal; as, an ambiguous course; an ambiguous expression.

ambulance ::: n. --> A field hospital, so organized as to follow an army in its movements, and intended to succor the wounded as soon as possible. Often used adjectively; as, an ambulance wagon; ambulance stretcher; ambulance corps.
An ambulance wagon or cart for conveying the wounded from the field, or to a hospital.

analyse ::: to examine carefully and in detail so as to identify causes, key factors, possible results; examine minutely and critically to determine the elements or essential features of. analysed.

ANANDA. ::: Delight; essential principle of delight; bliss; spiritual ecstasy; the bliss of the Spirit which is the secret source· and support of all existence.
Ānanda is the secret delight from which all things are born, by which all is sustained in existence and to which all can rise in the spiritual culmination.
It is the Divine Bliss which comes from above. It is not joy or pleasure, but something self-existent, pure and quite beyond what any joy or pleasure can be.
Something greater than peace or joy, something that, like Truth and Light, is the very nature of the supramental Divine. It can come by frequent inrushes or descents, partially or for a time, but it cannot -remain in the system so long as the system has not been prepared for it.
It can come not only with its fullest intensity but with a more enduring persistence when the mind is at peace and the heart delivered from ordinary joy and sorrow. If the mind and heart are restless, changeful, unquiet, Ānanda of a kind may come, but it is mixed with vital excitement and cannot abide. One must get peace and calm fixed in the consciousness first, then there is a solid basis on which Ānanda can spread itself and in its turn become an enduring part of the consciousness and the nature.
Ānanda (ascension into) ::: It is quite impossible to ascend to the real Ānanda plane (except in a profound trance), until after the supramental consciousness has been entered, realised and possessed; but it is quite possible and normal to feel some form of Ānanda consciousness on any level. This consciousness, wherever it is felt, is a derivation from the Ānanda plane, but it is very much diminished in power and modified to suit the lesser power of receptivity of the inferior levels.
Ānanda (divine) in the physical ::: self-existent in its essence, its manifestation is dependent only on an inner union with the Divine.
Ānanda (of the Brahman) ::: there is an absoluteness of immutable ecstasy in it, a concentrated intensity of silent and inalienable rapture.

Ananda that holds the key of a wonderful divines! Life and even now supports from its secrecies the work of all the other Powers of the universe. But human nature bounded, egoistic and obscure is inapt to receive these great Presences or to support their mighty action. Only when the Four have founded their harmony and freedom of movement in the transformed mind and life and body, can those other rarer Powers manifest in the earth move- ment and the supramental action become possible.

And it must be a surrender and an opening to the Divine alone and to no other. For it is possible for an obscure mind or an impure life-force in us to surrender to undivme and hostile forces and even to mistake them for the Divine There can be no more calamitous error. Therefore our surrender must be no blind and inert passivity to all influences or any influencei but sincere, conscious, vigilant, pointed to the One and the Highest alone.

And still we can recognise at once in the Overmind the original cosmic Maya, not a Maya of Ignorance but a Maya of Knowledge, yet a Power which has made the Ignorance possible, even inevitable. For if each principle loosed into action must follow its independent line and carry out its complete consequences, the principle of separation must also be allowed its complete course and arrive at its absolute consequence; this is Overmind in its descent reaches a line which divides the cosmic Truth from the cosmic Ignorance; it is the line at which it becomes possible for Consciousness-Force, emphasising the separateness of each independent movement created by Overmind and hiding or darkening their unity, to divide Mind by an exclusive concentration from the overmental source. There has already been a similar separation of Overmind from its supramental source, but with a transparency in the veil which allows a conscious transmission and maintains a certain luminous kinship; but here the veil is opaque and the transmission of the Overmind motives to the Mind is occult and obscure. Mind separated acts as if it were an independent principle, and each mental being, each basic mental idea, power, force stands similarly on its separate self; if it communicates with or combines or contacts others, it is not with the catholic universality of the overmind movement, on a basis of underlying oneness, but as independent units joining to form a separate constructed whole. It is by this movement that we pass from the cosmic Truth into the cosmic Ignorance. The cosmic Mind on this level, no doubt, comprehends its own unity, but it is not aware of its own source and foundation in the Spirit or can only comprehend it by the intelligence, not in any enduring experience; it acts in itself as if by its own right and works out what it receives as material without direct communication with the source from which it receives it. Its units also act in ignorance of each other and of the cosmic whole except for the knowledge that they can get by contact and communication,—the basic sense of identity and the mutual penetration and understanding that comes from it are no longer there. All the actions of this Mind Energy proceed on the opposite basis of the Ignorance and its divisions and, although they are the results of a certain conscious knowledge, it is a partial knowledge, not a true and integral self-knowledge, nor a true and integral world-knowledge. This character persists in Life and in subtle Matter and reappears in the gross material universe which arises from the final lapse into the Inconscience. …

"An exclusive inner concentration on the Real, the Eternal is possible, even a self-immersion by which we can lose or put away the dissonances of the universe.” The Life Divine

“An exclusive inner concentration on the Real, the Eternal is possible, even a self-immersion by which we can lose or put away the dissonances of the universe.” The Life Divine

Another device of theirs is to awake some hurt or rankling sense of grievance in the lower vital parts and keep them hurt or rankling as long as possible. Ir\ that case one has to discover

answerless ::: a. --> Having no answer, or impossible to be answered.

Apagoge: (Gr. apagoge) In Aristotle's logic (1) a syllogism whose major premiss is certain but whose minor premiss is only probable; abduction; (2) a method of indirect demonstration whereby the validity of a conclusion is established by assuming its contradictory and showing that impossible or unacceptable consequences follow; the reductio ad impossibile. -- G.R.M.

apana ::: the last stage of utthapana, in which "one is not necessarily subject to the law of gravitation or other physical laws", making possible levitation "of the whole body raised from the earth". tes hugieies tēs

"A philosophy of change?(1) But what is change? In ordinary parlance change means passage from one condition to another and that would seem to imply passage from one status to another status. The shoot changes into a tree, passes from the status of shoot to the status of tree and there it stops; man passes from the status of young man to the status of old man and the only farther change possible to him is death or dissolution of his status. So it would seem that change is not something isolated which is the sole original and eternal reality, but it is something dependent on status, and if status were non-existent, change also could not exist. For we have to ask, when you speak of change as alone real, change of what, from what, to what? Without this ‘what" change could not be. ::: —Change is evidently the change of some form or state of existence from one condition to another condition.” Essays Divine and Human

“A philosophy of change?(1) But what is change? In ordinary parlance change means passage from one condition to another and that would seem to imply passage from one status to another status. The shoot changes into a tree, passes from the status of shoot to the status of tree and there it stops; man passes from the status of young man to the status of old man and the only farther change possible to him is death or dissolution of his status. So it would seem that change is not something isolated which is the sole original and eternal reality, but it is something dependent on status, and if status were non-existent, change also could not exist. For we have to ask, when you speak of change as alone real, change of what, from what, to what? Without this ‘what’ change could not be.

Apparent: (Lat, ad + parere, to come forth) 1. Property of seeming to be real or factual. 2. Obvious or clearly given to the mind or senses. Appearance: Neutrally, a presentation to an observer. Epistemology:   A sensuously observable state of affairs.   The mental or subjective correlate of a thing-in-itself.   A sensuous object existent or possible, in space and time, related by the categories (Kant). It differs from illusion by its objectivity or logical validity. Metaphysics: A degree of truth or reality; a fragmentary and self-contradictory judgment about reality.

apprehensive ::: a. --> Capable of apprehending, or quick to do so; apt; discerning.
Knowing; conscious; cognizant.
Relating to the faculty of apprehension.
Anticipative of something unfavorable&

approachless ::: a. --> Impossible to be approached.

a priori ::: --> Characterizing that kind of reasoning which deduces consequences from definitions formed, or principles assumed, or which infers effects from causes previously known; deductive or deductively. The reverse of a posteriori.
Applied to knowledge and conceptions assumed, or presupposed, as prior to experience, in order to make experience rational or possible.

. are there, or if by any means they can be born and -grow cons- tantly and seize all the nature, then and then only a supramentaJ uplifting and transformation becomes possible.

Ars magna Raymundi: A device by which Raymundus Lullus, Ramon Lul, thought to arrive at all possible conclusions from certain given principles or notions. A very imperfect precursor of Leibniz's mathesis universalis. See Lullic art. -- R.A.

As against the faulty ethical procedures of the past and of his own day, therefore, Kant very early conceived and developed the more critical concept of "form," -- not in the sense of a "mould" into which content is to be poured (a notion which has falselv been taken over by Kant-students from his theoretical philosophy into his ethics), but -- as a method of rational (not ratiocinative, but inductive) reflection; a method undetermined by, although not irrespective of, empirical data or considerations. This methodologically formal conception constitutes Kant's major distinctive contribution to ethical theory. It is a process of rational reflection, creative construction, and transition, and as such is held by him to be the only method capable if coping with the exigencies of the facts of hunnn experience and with the needs of moral obligation. By this method of creative construction the reflective (inductive) reason is able to create, as each new need for a next reflectively chosen step arises, a new object of "pure" -- that is to say, empirically undetermined -- "practical reason." This makes possible the transition from a present no longer adequate ethical conception or attitude to an untried and as yet "indemonstrable" object. No other method can guarantee the individual and social conditions of progress without which the notion of morality loses all assignable meaning. The newly constructed object of "pure practical reason" is assumed, in the event, to provide a type of life and conduct which, just because it is of my own construction, will be likely to be accompanied by the feeling of self-sufficiency which is the basic pre-requisite of any worthy human happiness. It is this theory which constitutes Kant's ethical formalism. See also Autonomy, Categorical Imperative, Duty, End(s), Freedom, Happiness, Law, Moral, Practical Imperative, Will. -- P. A.S.

asat ::: non-existent, unreal; non-being, nothingness; "the Negation of things" made possible by "the Spirit"s potency of presenting to itself

::: "As for immortality, it cannot come if there is attachment to the body, — for it is only by living in the immortal part of oneself which is unidentified with the body and bringing down its consciousness and force into the cells that it can come. I speak of course of yogic means. The scientists now hold that it is (theoretically at least) possible to discover physical means by which death can be overcome, but that would mean only a prolongation of the present consciousness in the present body. Unless there is a change of consciousness and change of functionings it would be a very small gain.” Letters on Yoga

“As for immortality, it cannot come if there is attachment to the body,—for it is only by living in the immortal part of oneself which is unidentified with the body and bringing down its consciousness and force into the cells that it can come. I speak of course of yogic means. The scientists now hold that it is (theoretically at least) possible to discover physical means by which death can be overcome, but that would mean only a prolongation of the present consciousness in the present body. Unless there is a change of consciousness and change of functionings it would be a very small gain.” Letters on Yoga

(A situation often arising in practice is that a word -- or symbol or notation -- which already has a vague meaning is to be given a new exact meaning, which is vaguely, or as nearly as possible, the same as the old. This is done by a nominal or semantical definition rather than a real definition; nevertheless it is usual in such a case to speak either of defining the word or of defining the associated notion.)

Aspiration ::: Aspiration in everyone, no matter who it is, has the same power. But the effect of this aspiration is different. For aspiration is aspiration: if you have aspiration, in itself it has a power. Only, this aspiration calls down an answer, and this answer, the effect, which is the result of the aspiration, depends upon each one, for it depends upon his receptivity. I know many people of this kind: they say, "Oh! but I aspire all the time and still I receive nothing." It is impossible that they should receive nothing, in the sense that the answer is sure to come. But it is they who do not receive. The answer comes but they are not receptive, so they receive nothing.. . . When you have an aspiration, a very active aspiration, your aspiration is going to do its work. It is going to call down the answer to what you aspire for. But if, later, you begin to think of something else or are not attentive or receptive, you do not even notice that your aspiration has received an answer. This happens very frequently. So people tell you: "I aspire and I don't receive anything, I get no answer!" Yes, you do have an answer but you are not aware of it, because you continue to be active in this way, like a mill turning all the time.
   Ref: CWM, Vol. 06, Page:115

Assumption: A proposition which is taken or posed in order to draw inferences from it; or the act of so taking, posing, or assuming a proposition. The motive for an assumption may be (but need not necessarily be) a belief in the truth, or possible truth, of the proposition assumed; or the motive may be an attempt to refute the proposition by reductio ad absurdum (q.v.). The word assumption has also sometimes been used as a synonym of axiom, or postulate (see the article Mathematics). -- A.C.

(a) The mental act of asserting (affirming or denying) an assertible content. Traditionally a judgment is said to affirm or to deny a predicate of a subject. As generalized by modern logicians this becomes affirmation or denial of a relation (not necessarily that of predication) among certain terms (not necessarily two). One classification of judgments lists them as problematic, assertoric, or apodeictic, depending on whether they are asserted as probable (or improbable or possible), true (or false), or necessary (or impossible). Since a judgment in this sense always involves a truth claim it is either correct or erroneous.

Atomism, psychological: See Psychological Atomism. Atonement: Religious act of expressing consciousness of one's sins, penitence, reconciliation, giving satisfaction. Specifically, a theological doctrine meaning the reconciliation between God and man who had sinned against God, hence given offense to Him. This was effected through the Incarnation of Christ, the Son of God, His sufferings and death on the cross, who consequently is the Saviour and Redeemer of the human race. This voluntary death and vicarious sacrifice constituted a full reparation for the sins of humanity and satisfied the debt to divine justice, thus making it again possible for men to attain eternal happiness in heaven. -- J.J.R.

:::   ". . . a true occultism means no more than a research into supraphysical realities and an unveiling of the hidden laws of being and Nature, of all that is not obvious on the surface. It attempts the discovery of the secret laws of mind and mental energy, the secret laws of life and life-energy, the secret laws of the subtle-physical and its energies, — all that Nature has not put into visible operation on the surface; it pursues also the application of these hidden truths and powers of Nature so as to extend the mastery of the human spirit beyond the ordinary operations of mind, the ordinary operations of life, the ordinary operations of our physical existence. In the spiritual domain which is occult to the surface mind in so far as it passes beyond normal and enters into supernormal experience, there is possible not only the discovery of the self and spirit, but the discovery of the uplifting, informing and guiding light of spiritual consciousness and the power of the spirit, the spiritual way of knowledge, the spiritual way of action. To know these things and to bring their truths and forces into the life of humanity is a necessary part of its evolution. Science itself is in its own way an occultism; for it brings to light the formulas which Nature has hidden and it uses its knowledge to set free operations of her energies which she has not included in her ordinary operations and to organise and place at the service of man her occult powers and processes, a vast system of physical magic, — for there is and can be no other magic than the utilisation of secret truths of being, secret powers and processes of Nature. It may even be found that a supraphysical knowledge is necessary for the completion of physical knowledge, because the processes of physical Nature have behind them a supraphysical factor, a power and action mental, vital or spiritual which is not tangible to any outer means of knowledge.” The Life Divine

“… a true occultism means no more than a research into supraphysical realities and an unveiling of the hidden laws of being and Nature, of all that is not obvious on the surface. It attempts the discovery of the secret laws of mind and mental energy, the secret laws of life and life-energy, the secret laws of the subtle-physical and its energies,—all that Nature has not put into visible operation on the surface; it pursues also the application of these hidden truths and powers of Nature so as to extend the mastery of the human spirit beyond the ordinary operations of mind, the ordinary operations of life, the ordinary operations of our physical existence. In the spiritual domain which is occult to the surface mind in so far as it passes beyond normal and enters into supernormal experience, there is possible not only the discovery of the self and spirit, but the discovery of the uplifting, informing and guiding light of spiritual consciousness and the power of the spirit, the spiritual way of knowledge, the spiritual way of action. To know these things and to bring their truths and forces into the life of humanity is a necessary part of its evolution. Science itself is in its own way an occultism; for it brings to light the formulas which Nature has hidden and it uses its knowledge to set free operations of her energies which she has not included in her ordinary operations and to organise and place at the service of man her occult powers and processes, a vast system of physical magic,—for there is and can be no other magic than the utilisation of secret truths of being, secret powers and processes of Nature. It may even be found that a supraphysical knowledge is necessary for the completion of physical knowledge, because the processes of physical Nature have behind them a supraphysical factor, a power and action mental, vital or spiritual which is not tangible to any outer means of knowledge.” The Life Divine

A true occultism means no more than a research into supraphysical realities and an unveiling of the hidden laws of being and Nature, of all that is not obvious on the surface. It attempts the discovery of the secret laws of mind and mental energy, the secret laws of life and life-energy, the secret laws of the subtle-physical and its energies,—all that Nature has not put into visible operation on the surface; it pursues also the application of these hidden truths and powers of Nature so as to extend the mastery of the human spirit beyond the ordinary operations of mind, the ordinary operations of life, the ordinary operations of our physical existence. In the spiritual domain, which is occult to the surface mind in so far as it passes beyond normal and enters into supernormal experience, there is possible not only the discovery of the self and spirit, but the discovery of the uplifting, informing and guiding light of spiritual consciousness and the power of the spirit, the spiritual way of knowledge, the spiritual way of action. To know these things and to bring their truths and forces into the life of humanity is a necessary part of its evolution. Science itself is in its own way an occultism; for it brings to light the formulas which Nature has hidden and it uses its knowledge to set free operations of her energies which she has not included in her ordinary operations and to organise and place at the service of man her occult powers and processes, a vast system of physical magic,—for there is and can be no other magic than the utilisation of secret truths of being, secret powers and processes of Nature.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 21-22, Page: 678

Aufklärung: In general, this German word and its English equivalent Enlightenment denote the self-emancipation of man from mere authority, prejudice, convention and tradition, with an insistence on freer thinking about problems uncritically referred to these other agencies. According to Kant's famous definition "Enlightenment is the liberation of man from his self-caused state of minority, which is the incapacity of using one's understanding without the direction of another. This state of minority is caused when its source lies not in the lack of understanding, but in the lack of determination and courage to use it without the assistance of another" (Was ist Aufklärung? 1784). In its historical perspective, the Aufklärung refers to the cultural atmosphere and contrlbutions of the 18th century, especially in Germany, France and England [which affected also American thought with B. Franklin, T. Paine and the leaders of the Revolution]. It crystallized tendencies emphasized by the Renaissance, and quickened by modern scepticism and empiricism, and by the great scientific discoveries of the 17th century. This movement, which was represented by men of varying tendencies, gave an impetus to general learning, a more popular philosophy, empirical science, scriptural criticism, social and political thought. More especially, the word Aufklärung is applied to the German contributions to 18th century culture. In philosophy, its principal representatives are G. E. Lessing (1729-81) who believed in free speech and in a methodical criticism of religion, without being a free-thinker; H. S. Reimarus (1694-1768) who expounded a naturalistic philosophy and denied the supernatural origin of Christianity; Moses Mendelssohn (1729-86) who endeavoured to mitigate prejudices and developed a popular common-sense philosophy; Chr. Wolff (1679-1754), J. A. Eberhard (1739-1809) who followed the Leibnizian rationalism and criticized unsuccessfully Kant and Fichte; and J. G. Herder (1744-1803) who was best as an interpreter of others, but whose intuitional suggestions have borne fruit in the organic correlation of the sciences, and in questions of language in relation to human nature and to national character. The works of Kant and Goethe mark the culmination of the German Enlightenment. Cf. J. G. Hibben, Philosophy of the Enlightenment, 1910. --T.G. Augustinianism: The thought of St. Augustine of Hippo, and of his followers. Born in 354 at Tagaste in N. Africa, A. studied rhetoric in Carthage, taught that subject there and in Rome and Milan. Attracted successively to Manicheanism, Scepticism, and Neo-Platontsm, A. eventually found intellectual and moral peace with his conversion to Christianity in his thirty-fourth year. Returning to Africa, he established numerous monasteries, became a priest in 391, Bishop of Hippo in 395. Augustine wrote much: On Free Choice, Confessions, Literal Commentary on Genesis, On the Trinity, and City of God, are his most noted works. He died in 430.   St. Augustine's characteristic method, an inward empiricism which has little in common with later variants, starts from things without, proceeds within to the self, and moves upwards to God. These three poles of the Augustinian dialectic are polarized by his doctrine of moderate illuminism. An ontological illumination is required to explain the metaphysical structure of things. The truth of judgment demands a noetic illumination. A moral illumination is necessary in the order of willing; and so, too, an lllumination of art in the aesthetic order. Other illuminations which transcend the natural order do not come within the scope of philosophy; they provide the wisdoms of theology and mysticism. Every being is illuminated ontologically by number, form, unity and its derivatives, and order. A thing is what it is, in so far as it is more or less flooded by the light of these ontological constituents.   Sensation is necessary in order to know material substances. There is certainly an action of the external object on the body and a corresponding passion of the body, but, as the soul is superior to the body and can suffer nothing from its inferior, sensation must be an action, not a passion, of the soul. Sensation takes place only when the observing soul, dynamically on guard throughout the body, is vitally attentive to the changes suffered by the body. However, an adequate basis for the knowledge of intellectual truth is not found in sensation alone. In order to know, for example, that a body is multiple, the idea of unity must be present already, otherwise its multiplicity could not be recognized. If numbers are not drawn in by the bodily senses which perceive only the contingent and passing, is the mind the source of the unchanging and necessary truth of numbers? The mind of man is also contingent and mutable, and cannot give what it does not possess. As ideas are not innate, nor remembered from a previous existence of the soul, they can be accounted for only by an immutable source higher than the soul. In so far as man is endowed with an intellect, he is a being naturally illuminated by God, Who may be compared to an intelligible sun. The human intellect does not create the laws of thought; it finds them and submits to them. The immediate intuition of these normative rules does not carry any content, thus any trace of ontologism is avoided.   Things have forms because they have numbers, and they have being in so far as they possess form. The sufficient explanation of all formable, and hence changeable, things is an immutable and eternal form which is unrestricted in time and space. The forms or ideas of all things actually existing in the world are in the things themselves (as rationes seminales) and in the Divine Mind (as rationes aeternae). Nothing could exist without unity, for to be is no other than to be one. There is a unity proper to each level of being, a unity of the material individual and species, of the soul, and of that union of souls in the love of the same good, which union constitutes the city. Order, also, is ontologically imbibed by all beings. To tend to being is to tend to order; order secures being, disorder leads to non-being. Order is the distribution which allots things equal and unequal each to its own place and integrates an ensemble of parts in accordance with an end. Hence, peace is defined as the tranquillity of order. Just as things have their being from their forms, the order of parts, and their numerical relations, so too their beauty is not something superadded, but the shining out of all their intelligible co-ingredients.   S. Aurelii Augustini, Opera Omnia, Migne, PL 32-47; (a critical edition of some works will be found in the Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum, Vienna). Gilson, E., Introd. a l'etude de s. Augustin, (Paris, 1931) contains very good bibliography up to 1927, pp. 309-331. Pope, H., St. Augustine of Hippo, (London, 1937). Chapman, E., St. Augustine's Philos. of Beauty, (N. Y., 1939). Figgis, J. N., The Political Aspects of St. Augustine's "City of God", (London, 1921). --E.C. Authenticity: In a general sense, genuineness, truth according to its title. It involves sometimes a direct and personal characteristic (Whitehead speaks of "authentic feelings").   This word also refers to problems of fundamental criticism involving title, tradition, authorship and evidence. These problems are vital in theology, and basic in scholarship with regard to the interpretation of texts and doctrines. --T.G. Authoritarianism: That theory of knowledge which maintains that the truth of any proposition is determined by the fact of its having been asserted by a certain esteemed individual or group of individuals. Cf. H. Newman, Grammar of Assent; C. S. Peirce, "Fixation of Belief," in Chance, Love and Logic, ed. M. R. Cohen. --A.C.B. Autistic thinking: Absorption in fanciful or wishful thinking without proper control by objective or factual material; day dreaming; undisciplined imagination. --A.C.B. Automaton Theory: Theory that a living organism may be considered a mere machine. See Automatism. Automatism: (Gr. automatos, self-moving) (a) In metaphysics: Theory that animal and human organisms are automata, that is to say, are machines governed by the laws of physics and mechanics. Automatism, as propounded by Descartes, considered the lower animals to be pure automata (Letter to Henry More, 1649) and man a machine controlled by a rational soul (Treatise on Man). Pure automatism for man as well as animals is advocated by La Mettrie (Man, a Machine, 1748). During the Nineteenth century, automatism, combined with epiphenomenalism, was advanced by Hodgson, Huxley and Clifford. (Cf. W. James, The Principles of Psychology, Vol. I, ch. V.) Behaviorism, of the extreme sort, is the most recent version of automatism (See Behaviorism).   (b) In psychology: Psychological automatism is the performance of apparently purposeful actions, like automatic writing without the superintendence of the conscious mind. L. C. Rosenfield, From Beast Machine to Man Machine, N. Y., 1941. --L.W. Automatism, Conscious: The automatism of Hodgson, Huxley, and Clifford which considers man a machine to which mind or consciousness is superadded; the mind of man is, however, causally ineffectual. See Automatism; Epiphenomenalism. --L.W. Autonomy: (Gr. autonomia, independence) Freedom consisting in self-determination and independence of all external constraint. See Freedom. Kant defines autonomy of the will as subjection of the will to its own law, the categorical imperative, in contrast to heteronomy, its subjection to a law or end outside the rational will. (Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals, § 2.) --L.W. Autonomy of ethics: A doctrine, usually propounded by intuitionists, that ethics is not a part of, and cannot be derived from, either metaphysics or any of the natural or social sciences. See Intuitionism, Metaphysical ethics, Naturalistic ethics. --W.K.F. Autonomy of the will: (in Kant's ethics) The freedom of the rational will to legislate to itself, which constitutes the basis for the autonomy of the moral law. --P.A.S. Autonymy: In the terminology introduced by Carnap, a word (phrase, symbol, expression) is autonymous if it is used as a name for itself --for the geometric shape, sound, etc. which it exemplifies, or for the word as a historical and grammatical unit. Autonymy is thus the same as the Scholastic suppositio matertalis (q. v.), although the viewpoint is different. --A.C. Autotelic: (from Gr. autos, self, and telos, end) Said of any absorbing activity engaged in for its own sake (cf. German Selbstzweck), such as higher mathematics, chess, etc. In aesthetics, applied to creative art and play which lack any conscious reference to the accomplishment of something useful. In the view of some, it may constitute something beneficent in itself of which the person following his art impulse (q.v.) or playing is unaware, thus approaching a heterotelic (q.v.) conception. --K.F.L. Avenarius, Richard: (1843-1896) German philosopher who expressed his thought in an elaborate and novel terminology in the hope of constructing a symbolic language for philosophy, like that of mathematics --the consequence of his Spinoza studies. As the most influential apostle of pure experience, the posltivistic motive reaches in him an extreme position. Insisting on the biologic and economic function of thought, he thought the true method of science is to cure speculative excesses by a return to pure experience devoid of all assumptions. Philosophy is the scientific effort to exclude from knowledge all ideas not included in the given. Its task is to expel all extraneous elements in the given. His uncritical use of the category of the given and the nominalistic view that logical relations are created rather than discovered by thought, leads him to banish not only animism but also all of the categories, substance, causality, etc., as inventions of the mind. Explaining the evolution and devolution of the problematization and deproblematization of numerous ideas, and aiming to give the natural history of problems, Avenarius sought to show physiologically, psychologically and historically under what conditions they emerge, are challenged and are solved. He hypothesized a System C, a bodily and central nervous system upon which consciousness depends. R-values are the stimuli received from the world of objects. E-values are the statements of experience. The brain changes that continually oscillate about an ideal point of balance are termed Vitalerhaltungsmaximum. The E-values are differentiated into elements, to which the sense-perceptions or the content of experience belong, and characters, to which belongs everything which psychology describes as feelings and attitudes. Avenarius describes in symbolic form a series of states from balance to balance, termed vital series, all describing a series of changes in System C. Inequalities in the vital balance give rise to vital differences. According to his theory there are two vital series. It assumes a series of brain changes because parallel series of conscious states can be observed. The independent vital series are physical, and the dependent vital series are psychological. The two together are practically covariants. In the case of a process as a dependent vital series three stages can be noted: first, the appearance of the problem, expressed as strain, restlessness, desire, fear, doubt, pain, repentance, delusion; the second, the continued effort and struggle to solve the problem; and finally, the appearance of the solution, characterized by abating anxiety, a feeling of triumph and enjoyment.   Corresponding to these three stages of the dependent series are three stages of the independent series: the appearance of the vital difference and a departure from balance in the System C, the continuance with an approximate vital difference, and lastly, the reduction of the vital difference to zero, the return to stability. By making room for dependent and independent experiences, he showed that physics regards experience as independent of the experiencing indlvidual, and psychology views experience as dependent upon the individual. He greatly influenced Mach and James (q.v.). See Avenarius, Empirio-criticism, Experience, pure. Main works: Kritik der reinen Erfahrung; Der menschliche Weltbegriff. --H.H. Averroes: (Mohammed ibn Roshd) Known to the Scholastics as The Commentator, and mentioned as the author of il gran commento by Dante (Inf. IV. 68) he was born 1126 at Cordova (Spain), studied theology, law, medicine, mathematics, and philosophy, became after having been judge in Sevilla and Cordova, physician to the khalifah Jaqub Jusuf, and charged with writing a commentary on the works of Aristotle. Al-mansur, Jusuf's successor, deprived him of his place because of accusations of unorthodoxy. He died 1198 in Morocco. Averroes is not so much an original philosopher as the author of a minute commentary on the whole works of Aristotle. His procedure was imitated later by Aquinas. In his interpretation of Aristotelian metaphysics Averroes teaches the coeternity of a universe created ex nihilo. This doctrine formed together with the notion of a numerical unity of the active intellect became one of the controversial points in the discussions between the followers of Albert-Thomas and the Latin Averroists. Averroes assumed that man possesses only a disposition for receiving the intellect coming from without; he identifies this disposition with the possible intellect which thus is not truly intellectual by nature. The notion of one intellect common to all men does away with the doctrine of personal immortality. Another doctrine which probably was emphasized more by the Latin Averroists (and by the adversaries among Averroes' contemporaries) is the famous statement about "two-fold truth", viz. that a proposition may be theologically true and philosophically false and vice versa. Averroes taught that religion expresses the (higher) philosophical truth by means of religious imagery; the "two-truth notion" came apparently into the Latin text through a misinterpretation on the part of the translators. The works of Averroes were one of the main sources of medieval Aristotelianlsm, before and even after the original texts had been translated. The interpretation the Latin Averroists found in their texts of the "Commentator" spread in spite of opposition and condemnation. See Averroism, Latin. Averroes, Opera, Venetiis, 1553. M. Horten, Die Metaphysik des Averroes, 1912. P. Mandonnet, Siger de Brabant et l'Averroisme Latin, 2d ed., Louvain, 1911. --R.A. Averroism, Latin: The commentaries on Aristotle written by Averroes (Ibn Roshd) in the 12th century became known to the Western scholars in translations by Michael Scottus, Hermannus Alemannus, and others at the beginning of the 13th century. Many works of Aristotle were also known first by such translations from Arabian texts, though there existed translations from the Greek originals at the same time (Grabmann). The Averroistic interpretation of Aristotle was held to be the true one by many; but already Albert the Great pointed out several notions which he felt to be incompatible with the principles of Christian philosophy, although he relied for the rest on the "Commentator" and apparently hardly used any other text. Aquinas, basing his studies mostly on a translation from the Greek texts, procured for him by William of Moerbecke, criticized the Averroistic interpretation in many points. But the teachings of the Commentator became the foundation for a whole school of philosophers, represented first by the Faculty of Arts at Paris. The most prominent of these scholars was Siger of Brabant. The philosophy of these men was condemned on March 7th, 1277 by Stephen Tempier, Bishop of Paris, after a first condemnation of Aristotelianism in 1210 had gradually come to be neglected. The 219 theses condemned in 1277, however, contain also some of Aquinas which later were generally recognized an orthodox. The Averroistic propositions which aroused the criticism of the ecclesiastic authorities and which had been opposed with great energy by Albert and Thomas refer mostly to the following points: The co-eternity of the created word; the numerical identity of the intellect in all men, the so-called two-fold-truth theory stating that a proposition may be philosophically true although theologically false. Regarding the first point Thomas argued that there is no philosophical proof, either for the co-eternity or against it; creation is an article of faith. The unity of intellect was rejected as incompatible with the true notion of person and with personal immortality. It is doubtful whether Averroes himself held the two-truths theory; it was, however, taught by the Latin Averroists who, notwithstanding the opposition of the Church and the Thomistic philosophers, gained a great influence and soon dominated many universities, especially in Italy. Thomas and his followers were convinced that they interpreted Aristotle correctly and that the Averroists were wrong; one has, however, to admit that certain passages in Aristotle allow for the Averroistic interpretation, especially in regard to the theory of intellect.   Lit.: P. Mandonnet, Siger de Brabant et l'Averroisme Latin au XIIIe Siecle, 2d. ed. Louvain, 1911; M. Grabmann, Forschungen über die lateinischen Aristotelesübersetzungen des XIII. Jahrhunderts, Münster 1916 (Beitr. z. Gesch. Phil. d. MA. Vol. 17, H. 5-6). --R.A. Avesta: See Zendavesta. Avicehron: (or Avencebrol, Salomon ibn Gabirol) The first Jewish philosopher in Spain, born in Malaga 1020, died about 1070, poet, philosopher, and moralist. His main work, Fons vitae, became influential and was much quoted by the Scholastics. It has been preserved only in the Latin translation by Gundissalinus. His doctrine of a spiritual substance individualizing also the pure spirits or separate forms was opposed by Aquinas already in his first treatise De ente, but found favor with the medieval Augustinians also later in the 13th century. He also teaches the necessity of a mediator between God and the created world; such a mediator he finds in the Divine Will proceeding from God and creating, conserving, and moving the world. His cosmogony shows a definitely Neo-Platonic shade and assumes a series of emanations. Cl. Baeumker, Avencebrolis Fons vitae. Beitr. z. Gesch. d. Philos. d. MA. 1892-1895, Vol. I. Joh. Wittman, Die Stellung des hl. Thomas von Aquino zu Avencebrol, ibid. 1900. Vol. III. --R.A. Avicenna: (Abu Ali al Hosain ibn Abdallah ibn Sina) Born 980 in the country of Bocchara, began to write in young years, left more than 100 works, taught in Ispahan, was physician to several Persian princes, and died at Hamadan in 1037. His fame as physician survived his influence as philosopher in the Occident. His medical works were printed still in the 17th century. His philosophy is contained in 18 vols. of a comprehensive encyclopedia, following the tradition of Al Kindi and Al Farabi. Logic, Physics, Mathematics and Metaphysics form the parts of this work. His philosophy is Aristotelian with noticeable Neo-Platonic influences. His doctrine of the universal existing ante res in God, in rebus as the universal nature of the particulars, and post res in the human mind by way of abstraction became a fundamental thesis of medieval Aristotelianism. He sharply distinguished between the logical and the ontological universal, denying to the latter the true nature of form in the composite. The principle of individuation is matter, eternally existent. Latin translations attributed to Avicenna the notion that existence is an accident to essence (see e.g. Guilelmus Parisiensis, De Universo). The process adopted by Avicenna was one of paraphrasis of the Aristotelian texts with many original thoughts interspersed. His works were translated into Latin by Dominicus Gundissalinus (Gondisalvi) with the assistance of Avendeath ibn Daud. This translation started, when it became more generally known, the "revival of Aristotle" at the end of the 12th and the beginning of the 13th century. Albert the Great and Aquinas professed, notwithstanding their critical attitude, a great admiration for Avicenna whom the Arabs used to call the "third Aristotle". But in the Orient, Avicenna's influence declined soon, overcome by the opposition of the orthodox theologians. Avicenna, Opera, Venetiis, 1495; l508; 1546. M. Horten, Das Buch der Genesung der Seele, eine philosophische Enzyklopaedie Avicenna's; XIII. Teil: Die Metaphysik. Halle a. S. 1907-1909. R. de Vaux, Notes et textes sur l'Avicennisme Latin, Bibl. Thomiste XX, Paris, 1934. --R.A. Avidya: (Skr.) Nescience; ignorance; the state of mind unaware of true reality; an equivalent of maya (q.v.); also a condition of pure awareness prior to the universal process of evolution through gradual differentiation into the elements and factors of knowledge. --K.F.L. Avyakta: (Skr.) "Unmanifest", descriptive of or standing for brahman (q.v.) in one of its or "his" aspects, symbolizing the superabundance of the creative principle, or designating the condition of the universe not yet become phenomenal (aja, unborn). --K.F.L. Awareness: Consciousness considered in its aspect of act; an act of attentive awareness such as the sensing of a color patch or the feeling of pain is distinguished from the content attended to, the sensed color patch, the felt pain. The psychologlcal theory of intentional act was advanced by F. Brentano (Psychologie vom empirischen Standpunkte) and received its epistemological development by Meinong, Husserl, Moore, Laird and Broad. See Intentionalism. --L.W. Axiological: (Ger. axiologisch) In Husserl: Of or pertaining to value or theory of value (the latter term understood as including disvalue and value-indifference). --D.C. Axiological ethics: Any ethics which makes the theory of obligation entirely dependent on the theory of value, by making the determination of the rightness of an action wholly dependent on a consideration of the value or goodness of something, e.g. the action itself, its motive, or its consequences, actual or probable. Opposed to deontological ethics. See also teleological ethics. --W.K.F. Axiologic Realism: In metaphysics, theory that value as well as logic, qualities as well as relations, have their being and exist external to the mind and independently of it. Applicable to the philosophy of many though not all realists in the history of philosophy, from Plato to G. E. Moore, A. N. Whitehead, and N, Hartmann. --J.K.F. Axiology: (Gr. axios, of like value, worthy, and logos, account, reason, theory). Modern term for theory of value (the desired, preferred, good), investigation of its nature, criteria, and metaphysical status. Had its rise in Plato's theory of Forms or Ideas (Idea of the Good); was developed in Aristotle's Organon, Ethics, Poetics, and Metaphysics (Book Lambda). Stoics and Epicureans investigated the summum bonum. Christian philosophy (St. Thomas) built on Aristotle's identification of highest value with final cause in God as "a living being, eternal, most good."   In modern thought, apart from scholasticism and the system of Spinoza (Ethica, 1677), in which values are metaphysically grounded, the various values were investigated in separate sciences, until Kant's Critiques, in which the relations of knowledge to moral, aesthetic, and religious values were examined. In Hegel's idealism, morality, art, religion, and philosophy were made the capstone of his dialectic. R. H. Lotze "sought in that which should be the ground of that which is" (Metaphysik, 1879). Nineteenth century evolutionary theory, anthropology, sociology, psychology, and economics subjected value experience to empirical analysis, and stress was again laid on the diversity and relativity of value phenomena rather than on their unity and metaphysical nature. F. Nietzsche's Also Sprach Zarathustra (1883-1885) and Zur Genealogie der Moral (1887) aroused new interest in the nature of value. F. Brentano, Vom Ursprung sittlicher Erkenntnis (1889), identified value with love.   In the twentieth century the term axiology was apparently first applied by Paul Lapie (Logique de la volonte, 1902) and E. von Hartmann (Grundriss der Axiologie, 1908). Stimulated by Ehrenfels (System der Werttheorie, 1897), Meinong (Psychologisch-ethische Untersuchungen zur Werttheorie, 1894-1899), and Simmel (Philosophie des Geldes, 1900). W. M. Urban wrote the first systematic treatment of axiology in English (Valuation, 1909), phenomenological in method under J. M. Baldwin's influence. Meanwhile H. Münsterberg wrote a neo-Fichtean system of values (The Eternal Values, 1909).   Among important recent contributions are: B. Bosanquet, The Principle of Individuality and Value (1912), a free reinterpretation of Hegelianism; W. R. Sorley, Moral Values and the Idea of God (1918, 1921), defending a metaphysical theism; S. Alexander, Space, Time, and Deity (1920), realistic and naturalistic; N. Hartmann, Ethik (1926), detailed analysis of types and laws of value; R. B. Perry's magnum opus, General Theory of Value (1926), "its meaning and basic principles construed in terms of interest"; and J. Laird, The Idea of Value (1929), noteworthy for historical exposition. A naturalistic theory has been developed by J. Dewey (Theory of Valuation, 1939), for which "not only is science itself a value . . . but it is the supreme means of the valid determination of all valuations." A. J. Ayer, Language, Truth and Logic (1936) expounds the view of logical positivism that value is "nonsense." J. Hessen, Wertphilosophie (1937), provides an account of recent German axiology from a neo-scholastic standpoint.   The problems of axiology fall into four main groups, namely, those concerning (1) the nature of value, (2) the types of value, (3) the criterion of value, and (4) the metaphysical status of value.   (1) The nature of value experience. Is valuation fulfillment of desire (voluntarism: Spinoza, Ehrenfels), pleasure (hedonism: Epicurus, Bentham, Meinong), interest (Perry), preference (Martineau), pure rational will (formalism: Stoics, Kant, Royce), apprehension of tertiary qualities (Santayana), synoptic experience of the unity of personality (personalism: T. H. Green, Bowne), any experience that contributes to enhanced life (evolutionism: Nietzsche), or "the relation of things as means to the end or consequence actually reached" (pragmatism, instrumentalism: Dewey).   (2) The types of value. Most axiologists distinguish between intrinsic (consummatory) values (ends), prized for their own sake, and instrumental (contributory) values (means), which are causes (whether as economic goods or as natural events) of intrinsic values. Most intrinsic values are also instrumental to further value experience; some instrumental values are neutral or even disvaluable intrinsically. Commonly recognized as intrinsic values are the (morally) good, the true, the beautiful, and the holy. Values of play, of work, of association, and of bodily well-being are also acknowledged. Some (with Montague) question whether the true is properly to be regarded as a value, since some truth is disvaluable, some neutral; but love of truth, regardless of consequences, seems to establish the value of truth. There is disagreement about whether the holy (religious value) is a unique type (Schleiermacher, Otto), or an attitude toward other values (Kant, Höffding), or a combination of the two (Hocking). There is also disagreement about whether the variety of values is irreducible (pluralism) or whether all values are rationally related in a hierarchy or system (Plato, Hegel, Sorley), in which values interpenetrate or coalesce into a total experience.   (3) The criterion of value. The standard for testing values is influenced by both psychological and logical theory. Hedonists find the standard in the quantity of pleasure derived by the individual (Aristippus) or society (Bentham). Intuitionists appeal to an ultimate insight into preference (Martineau, Brentano). Some idealists recognize an objective system of rational norms or ideals as criterion (Plato, Windelband), while others lay more stress on rational wholeness and coherence (Hegel, Bosanquet, Paton) or inclusiveness (T. H. Green). Naturalists find biological survival or adjustment (Dewey) to be the standard. Despite differences, there is much in common in the results of the application of these criteria.   (4) The metaphysical status of value. What is the relation of values to the facts investigated by natural science (Koehler), of Sein to Sollen (Lotze, Rickert), of human experience of value to reality independent of man (Hegel, Pringle-Pattlson, Spaulding)? There are three main answers:   subjectivism (value is entirely dependent on and relative to human experience of it: so most hedonists, naturalists, positivists);   logical objectivism (values are logical essences or subsistences, independent of their being known, yet with no existential status or action in reality);   metaphysical objectivism (values   --or norms or ideals   --are integral, objective, and active constituents of the metaphysically real: so theists, absolutists, and certain realists and naturalists like S. Alexander and Wieman). --E.S.B. Axiom: See Mathematics. Axiomatic method: That method of constructing a deductive system consisting of deducing by specified rules all statements of the system save a given few from those given few, which are regarded as axioms or postulates of the system. See Mathematics. --C.A.B. Ayam atma brahma: (Skr.) "This self is brahman", famous quotation from Brhadaranyaka Upanishad 2.5.19, one of many alluding to the central theme of the Upanishads, i.e., the identity of the human and divine or cosmic. --K.F.L.

autonomy ::: n. --> The power or right of self-government; self-government, or political independence, of a city or a state.
The sovereignty of reason in the sphere of morals; or man&

Avatar ::: We have to remark c
   refully that the upholding of Dharma in the world is not the only object of the descent of the Avatar, that great mystery of the Divine manifest in humanity; for the upholding of the Dharma is not an all-sufficient object in itself, not the supreme possible aim for the manifestation of a Christ, a Krishna, a Buddha, but is only the general condition of a higher aim and a more supreme and divine utility. For there are two aspects of the divine birth; one is a descent, the birth of God in humanity, the Godhead manifesting itself in the human form and nature, the eternal Avatar; the other is an ascent, the birth of man into the Godhead, man rising into the divine nature and consciousness, madbhavam agatah. ; it is the being born anew in a second birth of the soul. It is that new birth which Avatarhood and the upholding of the Dharma are intended to serve.
   Ref: CWSA Vol.19 , Page: 147-48

Avoidance-Avoidance Conflict ::: The conflict where both possible choices have an equal negative outcome.

aya ::: (c. 1931, in the diagram on page 1360) overmind in its fundamental power of measuring and limiting consciousness (maya), regarded as the essential form of overmind proper (see overmind system); "the original cosmic Maya, not a Maya of Ignorance but a Maya of Knowledge, yet a Power which has made the Ignorance possible, even inevitable".

(b) An epistemologist who rejects an extreme or agnostic scepticism, may very properly seek to determine the limits of knowledge and to assert that genuine knowledge is, within certain prescribed limits, possible yet beyond those limits impossible. There are, of course, innumerable ways of delimiting the knowable from the unknowable -- a typical instance of the sceptical delimitation of knowledge is the Kantian distinction between the phenomenal and noumenal world. See Phenomenon; Noumenon. A similar epistemological position is involved in the doctrine of certain recent positivists and radical empiricists that the knowable coincides with the meaningful and the verifiable, the unknowable with trie meaningless and unverifiable. See Positivism, Logical; Empiricism, Radical.

bay ::: the position or stand of an animal or fugitive that is forced to turn and resist pursuers because it is no longer possible to flee. (preceded by at).

Before writing the Ideen, he had come to believe that, as the reflective observer of one's subjective processes, one can establish and maintain the attitude of a mere onlooker, who does not participate even in his own natural attitude of believing in a possible world and apprehending his consciousness as essentially possible in that world. If this attitude of self-restraint (epoche) is consistently maintained, one can discriminate a status of one's consciousness more fundamental than its actuality or its possibility in a world and one can see that this essential worldliness of consciousness is a reflexive consequence of its more fundamental character as consciousness of a world. One can then see, furthermore, that every intendable object is essentially, and most fundamentally, a noematic-intentional object (a phenomenon) and has its being and nature because consciousness -- regardless of the latter's secondary status as in the world -- is intrinsically an (actual or potential) intending of that object, in a certain manner, as having certain determinations. Such was Husserl's contention.

Being: In early Greek philosophy is opposed either to change, or Becoming, or to Non-Being. According to Parmenides and his disciples of the Eleatic School, everything real belongs to the category of Being, as the only possible object of thought. Essentially the same reasoning applies also to material reality in which there is nothing but Being, one and continuous, all-inclusive and eternal. Consequently, he concluded, the coming into being and passing away constituting change are illusory, for that which is-not cannot be, and that which is cannot cease to be. In rejecting Eleitic monism, the materialists (Leukippus, Democritus) asserted that the very existence of things, their corporeal nature, insofar as it is subject to change and motion, necessarily presupposes the other than Being, that is, Non-Being, or Void. Thus, instead of regarding space as a continuum, they saw in it the very source of discontinuity and the foundation of the atomic structure of substance. Plato accepted the first part of Parmenides' argument. namely, that referring to thought as distinct from matter, and maintained that, though Becoming is indeed an apparent characteristic of everything sensory, the true and ultimate reality, that of Ideas, is changeless and of the nature of Being. Aristotle achieved a compromise among all these notions and contended that, though Being, as the essence of things, is eternal in itself, nevertheless it manifests itself only in change, insofar as "ideas" or "forms" have no existence independent of, or transcendent to, the reality of things and minds. The medieval thinkers never revived the controversy as a whole, though at times they emphasized Being, as in Neo-Platonism, at times Becoming, as in Aristotelianism. With the rise of new interest in nature, beginning with F. Bacon, Hobbes and Locke, the problem grew once more in importance, especially to the rationalists, opponents of empiricism. Spinoza regarded change as a characteristic of modal existence and assumed in this connection a position distantly similar to that of Pinto. Hegel formed a new answer to the problem in declaring that nature, striving to exclude contradictions, has to "negate" them: Being and Non-Being are "moments" of the same cosmic process which, at its foundation, arises out of Being containing Non-Being within itself and leading, factually and logically, to their synthetic union in Becoming. -- R.B.W.

BELLS. ::: Indicate the evening or attempt to open to the enmity and opposition to God, considered as an intense, impa- tient and perverse form of Love, is conceived as a possible means of realisation and salvation.

Best: The principle of the best of all possible worlds; according to Leibniz, the world which exists is the best possible because God's wisdom makes him know, his goodness makes him choose, and his power always makes him produce the best possible. See Optimism. -- J.M.

B. Generically "an absolute" or "the absolute" (pl. "absolutes") means the real (thing-in-itself) as opposed to appearance; substance, the substantival, reals (possessing aseity or self-existence) as opposed to relations; the perfect, non-comparative, complete of its kind; the primordial or uncaused; the independent or autonomous. Logic. Aristotelian logic involves such absolutes as the three laws of thought and changeless, objectively real classes or species, In Kantian logic the categories and principles of judgment are absolutes, i.e. a priori, while the Ideas of reason seek absolute totality and unity, In the organic or metaphysical logic of the Hegelian school, the Absolute is considered the ultimate terminus, referent, or subject of every judgment. Ethics and Axiology. Moral and axiological identified with the Real values, norms, principles, maxims, laws are considered absolutes when universally valid objects of acknowledgment, whether conditionally or unconditionally (e.g. the law of the best possible, the utilitarian greatest happiness principle, the Kantian categorical imperative).

(b) In a somewhat more restricted sense, individual psychology, in contrast to folk psychology, group psychology or social psychology is the investigation of the individual considered -- so far as possible -- apart from the influence of the social group of which he is a member,

BIRTHDAY. ::: There is a rhythm (among many) In the play of the world-forces which is connected with the sun and the planets. That makes the birthday a day of possible renewal when the being is likely to be mote plastic.

Boodin, John Elof: American philosopher born in Sweden in 1869 who emigrated in 1886 to the United States. Studied at the Universities of Colorado, Minnesota, Brown and especially Harvard under Royce with whom he kept a life-long friendship though he was opposed to his idealism. His works (Time and Reality, 1904 -- Truth and Reality, 1912 -- A Realistic Universe, 1916 -- Cosmic Evolution, 1925 -- Three Interpretations of the Universe, 1934 -- God, 1935 -- The Social Mind, 1940) form practically a complete system. His philosophy takes the form of a cosmic idealism, though he was interested for a time in certain aspects of pragmatism. It grew gradually from his early studies when he developed a new concept of a real and non-serial time. The structure of the cosmos is that of a hierarchy of fields, as exemplified in physics, in organisms, in consciousness and in society. The interpenetration of the mental fields makes possible human knowledge and social intercourse. Reality as such possesses five attributes: being (the dynamic stuff of all complexes, the active energy), time (the ground of change and transformation), space (which accounts for extension), consciousness (active awareness which lights up reality in spots; it becomes the self when conative tendencies cooperate as one active group), and form (the ground of organization and structure which conditions selective direction). God is the spirit of the whole. -- T.G.J Boole, George: (1815-1864) English mathematician. Professor of mathematics at Queen's College, Cork, 1849-1864. While he made contributions to other branches of mathematics, he is now remembered primarily as the founder of the Nineteenth Century algebra of logic and through it of modern symbolic logic. His Mathematical Analysis of Logic appeared in 1847 and the fuller Laws of Thought in 1854. -- A.C.

br.hat (satyam ritam brihat) ::: "consciousness of essential truth of being (satyam), of ordered truth of active being (r.tam) and the vast self-awareness (br.hat) in which alone this consciousness is possible"; these three terms express the nature of vijñana. [Cf. Atharva Veda 12.1.1, satyaṁ br.had r.tam]

"But always the whole foundation of the gnostic life must be by its very nature inward and not outward. In the life of the Spirit it is the Spirit, the inner Reality, that has built up and uses the mind, vital being and body as its instrumentation; thought, feeling and action do not exist for themselves, they are not an object, but the means; they serve to express the manifested divine Reality within us: otherwise, without this inwardness, this spiritual origination, in a too externalised consciousness or by only external means, no greater or divine life is possible.” The Life Divine

“But always the whole foundation of the gnostic life must be by its very nature inward and not outward. In the life of the Spirit it is the Spirit, the inner Reality, that has built up and uses the mind, vital being and body as its instrumentation; thought, feeling and action do not exist for themselves, they are not an object, but the means; they serve to express the manifested divine Reality within us: otherwise, without this inwardness, this spiritual origination, in a too externalised consciousness or by only external means, no greater or divine life is possible.” The Life Divine

"But in the larger universal consciousness there must be a power of carrying this movement to its absolute point, to the greatest extreme possible for any relative movement to reach, and this point is reached, not in human unconsciousness which is not abiding and always refers back to the awakened conscious being that man normally and characteristically is, but in the inconscience of material Nature. This inconscience is no more real than the ignorance of exclusive concentration in our temporary being which limits the waking consciousness of man; for as in us, so in the atom, the metal, the plant, in every form of material Nature, in every energy of material Nature, there is, we know, a secret soul, a secret will, a secret intelligence at work, other than the mute self-oblivious form, the Conscient, — conscient even in unconscious things, — of the Upanishad, without whose presence and informing Conscious-Force or Tapas no work of Nature could be done.” The Life Divine

“But in the larger universal consciousness there must be a power of carrying this movement to its absolute point, to the greatest extreme possible for any relative movement to reach, and this point is reached, not in human unconsciousness which is not abiding and always refers back to the awakened conscious being that man normally and characteristically is, but in the inconscience of material Nature. This inconscience is no more real than the ignorance of exclusive concentration in our temporary being which limits the waking consciousness of man; for as in us, so in the atom, the metal, the plant, in every form of material Nature, in every energy of material Nature, there is, we know, a secret soul, a secret will, a secret intelligence at work, other than the mute self-oblivious form, the Conscient,—conscient even in unconscious things,—of the Upanishad, without whose presence and informing Conscious-Force or Tapas no work of Nature could be done.” The Life Divine

But reason is not limited to its theoretical use. Besides objects of cognition and thought, there are also those of will and feeling. Kant's "practical philosophy", the real foundation of his system of transcendental idealism, centers in a striking doctrine of freedom. Even in its theoretical use. reason is a law-giver to Nature, in that the data of sense must conform to the forms of the sensibility and understanding if Nature is to be known at all. But in moral experience, as Kant shows in the Critique of Practical Reason (1788), the will of a rational being is directly autonomous -- a law unto itself. But the unconditional moral law, "duty" or "categorical imperative", the validity of which Kant does not question, is possible only on the supposition that the will is really free. As phenomenal beings we are subject to the laws of nature and reason, but as pure rational wills we move in the free, noumenal or intelligible realm, bound only by the self-imposed rational law "to treat humanity in every case as an end, never as a means only."

But this exclusive consummation t$ not the sole or inevitable result of the Path of Knowledge. For, followed more largely and with a less individual aim, the method of Knowledge may lead to an active conquest of the cosmic existence for the Divine no less than to a transcendence. The point of this departure is the realisation of the supreme Self not only in one’s own being but in all beings, and, finally, the realisation of even the pheno- menal aspects of the world as a play of the divine consciousness and not something entirely alien to its true nature. And on the basis of this realisation a yet further enlargement is possible, the conversion of all forms of knowledge, however mundane, into activities of the divine consciousness utilisable for the perception of the one and unique Object of knowledge both in itself and through the pTay of its fonns and symbols. Such a method might well lead to the elevation of the whole range of human intellect and perception to the dirine level, to its spiritualisation

“But when I speak of the Divine Will, I mean something different,—something that has descended here into an evolutionary world of Ignorance, standing at the back of things, pressing on the Darkness with its Light, leading things presently towards the best possible in the conditions of a world of Ignorance and leading it eventually towards a descent of a greater power of the Divine, which will be not an omnipotence held back and conditioned by the law of the world as it is, but in full action and therefore bringing the reign of light, peace, harmony, joy, love, beauty and Ananda, for these are the Divine Nature.” Letters on Yoga

By enforcing the peace of the higher being in the lower parts down to the physical It becomes possible to (I) create that separateness which would prevent the inner being from being affected by the superficial disturbance and resistance, and

Cartesianism: The philosophy of the French thinker, Rene Descartes (Cartesius) 1596-1650. After completing his formal education at the Jesuit College at La Fleche, he spent the years 1612-1621 in travel and military service. The reminder of his life was devoted to study and writing. He died in Sweden, where he had gone in 1649 to tutor Queen Christina. His principal works are: Discours de la methode, (preface to his Geometric, Meteores, Dieptrique) Meditationes de prima philosophia, Principia philosophiae, Passions de l'ame, Regulae ad directionem ingenii, Le monde. Descartes is justly regarded as one of the founders of modern epistemology. Dissatisfied with the lack of agreement among philosophers, he decided that philosophy needed a new method, that of mathematics. He began by resolving to doubt everything which could not pass the test of his criterion of truth, viz. the clearness and distinctness of ideas. Anything which could pass this test was to be readmitted as self-evident. From self-evident truths, he deduced other truths which logically follow from them. Three kinds of ideas were distinguished: innate, by which he seems to mean little more than the mental power to think things or thoughts; adventitious, which come to him from without; factitious, produced within his own mind. He found most difficulty with the second type of ideas. The first reality discovered through his method is the thinking self. Though he might doubt nearly all else, Descartes could not reasonably doubt that he, who was thinking, existed as a res cogitans. This is the intuition enunciated in the famous aphorism: I think, therefore I am, Cogito ergo sum. This is not offered by Descartes as a compressed syllogism, but as an immediate intuition of his own thinking mind. Another reality, whose existence was obvious to Descartes, was God, the Supreme Being. Though he offered several proofs of the Divine Existence, he was convinced that he knew this also by an innate idea, and so, clearly and distinctly. But he did not find any clear ideas of an extra-mental, bodily world. He suspected its existence, but logical demonstration was needed to establish this truth. His adventitious ideas carry the vague suggestion that they are caused by bodies in an external world. By arguing that God would be a deceiver, in allowing him to think that bodies exist if they do not, he eventually convinced himself of the reality of bodies, his own and others. There are, then, three kinds of substance according to Descartes: Created spirits, i.e. the finite soul-substance of each man: these are immaterial agencies capable of performing spiritual operations, loosely united with bodies, but not extended since thought is their very essence. Uncreated Spirit, i.e. God, confined neither to space nor time, All-Good and All-Powerful, though his Existence can be known clearly, his Nature cannot be known adequately by men on earth, He is the God of Christianity, Creator, Providence and Final Cause of the universe. Bodies, i.e. created, physical substances existing independently of human thought and having as their chief attribute, extension. Cartesian physics regards bodies as the result of the introduction of "vortices", i.e. whorls of motion, into extension. Divisibility, figurability and mobility, are the notes of extension, which appears to be little more thin what Descartes' Scholastic teachers called geometrical space. God is the First Cause of all motion in the physical universe, which is conceived as a mechanical system operated by its Maker. Even the bodies of animals are automata. Sensation is the critical problem in Cartesian psychology; it is viewed by Descartes as a function of the soul, but he was never able to find a satisfactory explanation of the apparent fact that the soul is moved by the body when sensation occurs. The theory of animal spirits provided Descartes with a sort of bridge between mind and matter, since these spirits are supposed to be very subtle matter, halfway, as it were, between thought and extension in their nature. However, this theory of sensation is the weakest link in the Cartesian explanation of cognition. Intellectual error is accounted for by Descartes in his theory of assent, which makes judgment an act of free will. Where the will over-reaches the intellect, judgment may be false. That the will is absolutely free in man, capable even of choosing what is presented by the intellect as the less desirable of two alternatives, is probably a vestige of Scotism retained from his college course in Scholasticism. Common-sense and moderation are the keynotes of Descartes' famous rules for the regulation of his own conduct during his nine years of methodic doubt, and this ethical attitude continued throughout his life. He believed that man is responsible ultimately to God for the courses of action that he may choose. He admitted that conflicts may occur between human passions and human reason. A virtuous life is made possible by the knowledge of what is right and the consequent control of the lower tendencies of human nature. Six primary passions are described by Descartes wonder, love, hatred, desire, joy and sorrow. These are passive states of consciousness, partly caused by the body, acting through the animal spirits, and partly caused by the soul. Under rational control, they enable the soul to will what is good for the body. Descartes' terminology suggests that there are psychological faculties, but he insists that these powers are not really distinct from the soul itself, which is man's sole psychic agency. Descartes was a practical Catholic all his life and he tried to develop proofs of the existence of God, an explanation of the Eucharist, of the nature of religious faith, and of the operation of Divine Providence, using his philosophy as the basis for a new theology. This attempted theology has not found favor with Catholic theologians in general.

catboat ::: n. --> A small sailboat, with a single mast placed as far forward as possible, carring a sail extended by a gaff and long boom. See Illustration in Appendix.

Cause: (Lat. causa) Anything responsible for change, motion or action. In the history of philosophy numerous interpretations were given to the term. Aristotle distinguished among the material cause, or that out of which something arises, the formal cause, that is, the pattern or essence determining the creation of a thing, the efficient cause, or the force or agent producing an effect; and the final cause, or purpose. Many thinkers spoke also of the first cause, usually conceived as God. During the Renaissance, with the development of scientific interest in nature, cause was usually conceived as an object. Today, it is generally interpteted as energy or action, whether or not connected with matter. According to Newton, "to the same natural effects we must, as far as possible, assign the same causes." But J. S. Mill contended, in his doctrine of the plurality of causes, that an effect, or a kind of effect (e.g. heat or death) may be produced by various causes. The first clear formulation of the principle was given by Leukippus "Nothing happens without a ground but everything through a cause and of necessity." -- R.B.W.

Chakra / Centre ::: Conscious centres and sources of all the dynamic powers of our being organising their action through the plexuses and arranged in an ascending series from the lowest physical to the highest mind centre and spiritual centre called the thousand-petalled lotus where ascending Nature, the Serpent Power of the Tantrics, meets the Brahman and is liberated into the Divine Being. These centres are closed or half-closed within us and have to be opened before their full potentiality can be manifested in our physical nature: but once they are opened and completely active, no limit can easily be set to the development of their potencies and the total transformation to be possible.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 13, Page: 551

Characters: Statements or E-values like pleasant, true, known; all possible ego attitudes and feelings are so termed. (See Avenarius). -- H.H.

checkmate ::: n. --> The position in the game of chess when a king is in check and cannot be released, -- which ends the game.
A complete check; utter defeat or overthrow. ::: v. t. --> To check (an adversary&

CHEIROMANCY. ::: Each man is an individual by himself with his own peculiar formation different from others and made by minute variations in the general human plan, — this is true of small physical characteristics, it is evidently equally true of psychological characteristics ; it is not unreasonable to suppose a correlation between the two. On that basis cheiromancy may very well have a truth in it, for it is a known fact that the lines in an individual hand are different from the lines in others and that this, as well as differences of physiognomy, may carry in it psychological indications is not impossible.

Cheng hsin: Setting one's own heart right or rectifying one's own heart. When one is upset by anger, disturbed by fear, blinded by love, or involved in worries and anxieties, one's mind has lost its balance. It must be rectified before personal cultivation is possible. (Confucianism). -- W.T.C.

choose ::: 1. To select from a number of possible alternatives; decide on and pick out. 2. To determine or decide. chooses, chose, chosen, choosing, choosest.

cittakasa. These may be transcriptions there or impresses of physical things, persons, scenes, happenings, whatever is, was or will be or may be in the ph^ical universe. These images are very variously seen and under all kinds of conditions ; in samadhi or in the waking stale, and in the latter with the bodily eyes closed or open, projected on or into a physical object or medium or seen as if materialised in the physical atmosphere or only in a psychical ether revealing itself through this grosser physical atmosphere ; seen through the physical eyes themselves as a secondary instrument and as if under the conditions of the physical vision or by the psychical vision alone and indepen- dently of the relations of our ordinary sight to space. The real agent is always the psychical sight and the power indicates that the consciousness is more or less awake, intermittently or nor- mally and more or less perfectly, in the psj’chical body. It is possible to see In this way the transcriptions or impressions of things at any distance beyond the range of the physical vision or the images of the past or the future.

closehauled ::: a. --> Under way and moving as nearly as possible toward the direction from which the wind blows; -- said of a sailing vessel.

Cogitatio: One of the two attributes (q.v.) of God which, according to Spinoza, are accessible to the human intellect (Ethica, II, passim) Though God is an infinite thinking thing, it is not possible so to define him; God is "substance consisting of infinite attributes, etc." (Ibid, I, Def. 6), and is thus beyond the grasp of the human mind which can know only thought and extension (extensio, q.v.). -- W.S.W.

coma ::: n. --> A state of profound insensibility from which it is difficult or impossible to rouse a person. See Carus.
The envelope of a comet; a nebulous covering, which surrounds the nucleus or body of a comet.
A tuft or bunch, -- as the assemblage of branches forming the head of a tree; or a cluster of bracts when empty and terminating the inflorescence of a plant; or a tuft of long hairs on certain seeds.

Combination: (Lat. combinare, to join) The process of forming a new whole by the union of parts; also the product of such union. Two types of combination are distinguishable: Composition is a union of parts such that the component parts are discernible in the compound. Thus the visual and factual data which combine to form a total percept are recognizable in the resultant percept. Fusion is a union of parts into a whole in which the identity of the parts is obliterated. Thus the amalgamation of two sense images to form a new quality would, if this phenomenon were psychologically possible, be an instance of psychic fusion. See Psychic Fusion. -- L.W.

Communism: (Marxian) In its fullest sense, that stage of social development, which, following socialism (q.v.) is conceived to be characterized by an economy of abundance on a world wide scale in which the state as a repressive force (army, jails, police and the like) is considered unnecessary because irreconcilable class antagonisms will have disappeared, and it will be possible to apply the principle, "from each according to ability, to each according to need" (Marx "Gotha Program"). It is held that the release of productive potentialities resulting from socialized ownership of the means of production will create a general sufficiency of economic goods which in turn will afford the possibility of educational and cultural development for all, and that under such conditions people will learn to live in accordance with valued standards without the compulsion of physical force represented by a special apparatus of state power. It is considered that by intelligent planning, both economic and cultural, it will then be possible to eradicate the antagonism between town and country and the opposition between physical and mental labor. It is now considered in the U.S.S.R. that the principal features of communist society, with the exception of the "withering away" of the state, may be attained in one country of an otherwise capitalist world. Trotsky considered this a false version of Marxism. -- J.M.S.

Compossibility: Those things are compossible in Leibniz's philosophy which are literally "co-possible," i.e., which may exist together, which belong to the same possible world. Since metaphysical possibility means for Leibniz simply the absence of contradiction, two or more things are compossible if, and only if, their joint ascription to a single world involves no contradiction. All possible worlds are held by Leibniz to have general laws analogous to those of our own actual world. Compossibility for any set of things, consequently, involves their capacity to be brought under one and the same general system of laws. That this last provision is important follows from the fact that Leibniz affirmed all simple predicates to be compatible. -- F.L.W.

compossible ::: a. --> Able to exist with another thing; consistent.

Concurrence: The doctrine of Augustine that before the Fall it was possible for man not to sin, but he needed God's help, adjutorium sine quo non. After the Fall man needs God's grace or concurrence which acts with him, adjutotium quo, with which he must co-operate. The term also signifies, concursus, or the general cooperation of God, the primary cause, with the activity of all creatures, as secondary causes. -- J.J.R.

Conditiones sine quibus non: A phrase descriptive of such accompanying conditions without the presence of which it is impossible for a cause to produce an effect, conditions for which there are no substitutes. -- J.J.R.

Conditions essfntitd for meditation ::: There are no essential external conditions, but solitude and seclusion at the time of meditation as as stillness of the body arc helpful, sometimes almost necessary to the beginner. Bui one should not bound b' external conditions. Once the habit of meditation is formed, it should be mads possible to do it in all circumstances, l.ving. sitting, walking, alone, in company, in silettce or in the midst of noise etc. The first imeroal condition necessary is concentration of the will against the obstacles to meditation. i.e. wandermg of the mind, forgetfulness, sfeep, phjsieal and nervous impatience and restlessness etc. The second is an increasing purity and calm of the inner consciousness (citia) out of which thought and emotion arise, i.e. a freedom frona all disturb i ng reactions, such as anger, grief, depression, anxiet>' about w-orldly happenings etc. Mental perfection and moral are always closely allied to each other.

Confusion: (logical) May be due to the ambiguity which is always a possible accompaniment of the use of words or terms with respect to their several meanings. It may also refer to any logical misapprehension which results in a semi-formal or material fallacy. -- C.K.D.

*consciousforce. ::: Sri Aurobindo: "In actual fact Mind measures Time by event and Space by Matter; but it is possible in pure mentality to disregard the movement of event and the disposition of substance and realise the pure movement of Conscious-Force which constitutes Space and Time; these two are then merely two aspects of the universal force of Consciousness which in their intertwined interaction comprehend the warp and woof of its action upon itself. And to a consciousness higher than Mind which should regard our past, present and future in one view, containing and not contained in them, not situated at a particular moment of Time for its point of prospection, Time might well offer itself as an eternal present. And to the same consciousness not situated at any particular point of Space, but containing all points and regions in itself, Space also might well offer itself as a subjective and indivisible extension, — no less subjective than Time.” The Life Divine

:::   "Consciousness is usually identified with mind, but mental consciousness is only the human range which no more exhausts all the possible ranges of consciousness than human sight exhausts all the gradations of colour or human hearing all the gradations of sound — for there is much above or below that is to man invisible and inaudible. So there are ranges of consciousness above and below the human range, with which the normal human has no contact and they seem to it unconscious, — supramental or overmental and submental ranges.” *Letters on Yoga

“Consciousness is usually identified with mind, but mental consciousness is only the human range which no more exhausts all the possible ranges of consciousness than human sight exhausts all the gradations of colour or human hearing all the gradations of sound—for there is much above or below that is to man invisible and inaudible. So there are ranges of consciousness above and below the human range, with which the normal human has no contact and they seem to it unconscious,—supramental or overmental and submental ranges.” Letters on Yoga

contentment ::: v. t. --> The state of being contented or satisfied; content.
The act or process of contenting or satisfying; as, the contentment of avarice is impossible.
Gratification; pleasure; satisfaction.

Contingency: (Lat. contingere, to touch on all sides) In its broadest philosophical usage a state of affairs is said to be contingent if it may and also may not be. A certain event, for example, is contingent if, and only if, it may come to pass and also may not come to pass. For this reason contingency is not quite equivalent in meaning to possibility (q.v.); for while a possible state of affairs is one which may be, it may at the same time be necessary, and hence it would be false to say that it may not be.

contingency ::: n. --> Union or connection; the state of touching or contact.
The quality or state of being contingent or casual; the possibility of coming to pass.
An event which may or may not occur; that which is possible or probable; a fortuitous event; a chance.
An adjunct or accessory.
A certain possible event that may or may not happen, by which, when happening, some particular title may be affected.

contingent ::: a. --> Possible, or liable, but not certain, to occur; incidental; casual.
Dependent on that which is undetermined or unknown; as, the success of his undertaking is contingent upon events which he can not control.
Dependent for effect on something that may or may not occur; as, a contingent estate.

Contraries: (a) Logic: (i) Terms: According to Aristotle, Categ. 1lb-18, contrariety is one of the four kinds of opposition between concepts: contradictory, privative, contrary, relative. Those terms are contrary "which, in the same genus, are separated by the greatest possible difference" ib. 6a-17. Thus pairs of contraries belong to the same genus, or contrary sub-genera, or are themselves sub-genera, ib. 14a-18.

Cosmogony: (Gr. cosmos a. gonia, producing or creating the world) Is a pictorial treatment of the way in which the world or the universe came into being. In contrast to the most primitive civilizations, the great ethnic stocks of mankind have originated cosmogonies. The basal principles common to all mythological cosmogonies are: They deduce the creation of the world either from the fewest possible elements or from a single material principle such as water, ocean, earth, air, mud of river, slime, two halves of an egg, body of a giant, or from a spiritual or abstract principle such as an anthropomorphic god, deities, chaos, time, night, That. The genesis being a slow development characterized by an orderly sequence of periods, the creation process is variously divided into definite periods of specified units of years. The process of creation being self-originating, in its final stages the genealogy and origin of deities is a large admixture. There is no apparent ethical import attached to the cosmogonies. Few of them assume the idea of design as underlying the creation. They hold that the world had a beginning in time. The process of creation from less perfect to more perfect, from an original chaos to the final creation of man, the predominance of water in the original condition of the earth, the evolution of a spiritual or luminous principle reacting on the primeval water and the emphasis upon the godlike origin of man or his immediate relation to the deity, are all permeating threads of cosmogonic myths. In dualistic religions the world originates as a result of a hostile conflict of two opposing principles, or as a result of the parallel development of two opposing forces. The conception of creation ex nihilo was almost universally unknown in antiquity. -- H.H.

Cosmology: A branch of philosophy which treats of the origin and structure of the universe. It is to be contrasted with ontology or metaphysics, the study of the most general features of reality, natural and supernatural, and with the philosophy of nature, which investigates the basic laws, processes and divisions of the objects in nature. It is perhaps impossible to draw or maintain a sharp distinction between these different subjects, and treatises which profess to deal with one of them usually contain considerable material on the others. Encyclopedia, section 35), are the contingency, necessity, eternity, limitations and formal laws of the world, the freedom of man and the origin of evil. Most philosophers would add to the foregoing the question of the nature and interrelationship of space and time, and would perhaps exclude the question of the nature of freedom and the origin of evil as outside the province of cosmology. The method of investigation has usually been to accept the principles of science or the results of metaphysics and develop the consequences. The test of a cosmology most often used is perhaps that of exhibiting the degree of accordance it has with respect to both empirical fact and metaphysical truth. The value of a cosmology seems to consist primarily in its capacity to provide an ultimate frame for occurrences in nature, and to offer a demonstration of where the limits of the spatio-temporal world are, and how they might be transcended.

Cynics: A school of Greek Philosophy, named after the gymnasium Cynosarges, founded by Antisthenes of Athens, friend of Socrates. Man's true happiness, the Cynics taught, lies in right and intelligent living, and this constitutes for them also the concept of the virtuous life. For the Cynics, this right and virtuous life consists in a course of conduct which is as much as possible independent of all events and factors external to man. This independence can be achieved through mastery over one's desires and wants. The Cynics attempted to free man from bondage to human custom, convention and institution by reducing man's desires and appetites to such only as are indispensable to life and by renouncing those whicn are imposed by civilization. In extreme cases, such as that of Diogenes, this philosophy expressed itself in a desire to live the natural life in the midst of the civilized Greek community. -- M.F.

De Morgan's laws: Are the two dually related theorems of the propositional calculus, ∼[p ∨ q] ≡ [∼p ∼q], ∼[pq] ≡ [∼p v ∼q], or the two corresponding dually related theorems of the algebra of classes, −(a ∪ b) = −a ∩ −b, −(a ∩ b) = −a ∪ −b. In the propositional calculus these laws (together with the law of double negation) make it possible to define conjunction in terms of negation and (inclusive) disjunction, or, alternatively, disjunction in terms of negation and conjunction. Similarly in the algebra of classes logical product may be defined in terms of logical sum and complementation, or logical sum in terms of logical product and complementation.

Descent into the most physical ::: It brings light, consciousness, force, Ananda into the cells and all the physical movements. The body becomes conscious and vi^ant and performs the right movements, obeying the higher will or else automatically by the force of the consciousness that has come into iL It becomes more possible to control the functions of the body and set right any> thing that is mong, to deal with illness and pain etc. A greater control comes over the actions of the body and even ov'er bap> penings to it from outside, e.g. minimising of aeddents and small happenings. The body becomes a more effective instrument for work. It becomes possible to mimmise fatigue. Peace, happiness, strength, lightness come in the whole system. There is also the unity with the earth-consdousness, the constant sense of the

diametrical ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to a diameter.
As remote as possible, as if at the opposite end of a diameter; directly adverse.

discouragement ::: n. --> The act of discouraging, or the state of being discouraged; depression or weakening of confidence; dejection.
That which discourages; that which deters, or tends to deter, from an undertaking, or from the prosecution of anything; a determent; as, the revolution was commenced under every possible discouragement.

Disinterfsted work is work done with no other motive than that of doing as well as possible the Divine work.

Disjunctive syllogism: See Logic, formal, § 2. Disparate: (Lat. dis + par. equal) (a) In psychology and epistemology: a term descriptive of the qualitative heterogeneity between sensations of different senses. Sensations of the same sense (e.g. a red and a green color patch) are dissimilar (see Similarity; Resemblance), sensations of different senses (e.g. a red patch and a cold surface) are disparate. The criterion of psychological disparity between two sensations is the absence of intermediate sensations by which it is possible to pass continuously from the one to the other. (Wundt, Physiol. Psychol., 4th ed., I, 286.) The disparity of the fields the several senses divides them into so many watertight compartments and thus raise the epistemological problem of correlation between the disparate data of different senses. See Correlation.

distillation ::: n. --> The act of falling in drops, or the act of pouring out in drops.
That which falls in drops.
The separation of the volatile parts of a substance from the more fixed; specifically, the operation of driving off gas or vapor from volatile liquids or solids, by heat in a retort or still, and the condensation of the products as far as possible by a cool receiver, alembic, or condenser; rectification; vaporization;

Divine Force, as it descends, increases the personal poirer and equates the strength that receives with the Force that enters from above to work in the nature. This is only possible if there is on our part a progressive surrender of the being into the hands of the Divine ; there must be a complete and never-failing'assent, a willingness to let the Divine Power do with us whatew is needed for the work that has to be done.

Divine Forces ::: In our physical movements, in our nervous and vital reactions, in our mental workings, of a Force greater than body, mind and life which takes hold of our limited instruments and drives all their motion. There is no longer the sense of ourselves moving, thinking or feeling but of that moving, feeling and thinking in us. This force that we feel is the universal Force of the Divine, which, veiled or unveiled, acting directly or permitting the use of its powers by beings in the cosmos, is the one Energy that alone exists and alone makes universal or individual action possible. For this force is the Divine itself in the body of its power; all is that, power of act, power of thought and knowledge, power of mastery and enjoyment, power of love.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 23-24, Page: 253

Divine Light and Power, There is no yoga possible, still less

divine Mother ::: Sri Aurobindo: "The One whom we adore as the Mother is the divine Conscious Force that dominates all existence, one and yet so many-sided that to follow her movement is impossible even for the quickest mind and for the freest and most vast intelligence. The Mother is the consciousness and force of the Supreme and far above all she creates.” *The Mother

Divine Will is something that has descended here into an evolutionary world of Ignorance, standing at the back of things, pressing on the ‘Darkness with its Light, leading things presently towards the best possible in the conditions of a world of Ignorance and leading it eventually towards a descent of a greater power of the Divine, which will be not an omnipotence held back and conditioned by the law of the world as it is, but in full action and therefore bringing the reign of light, peace, harmony, joy, love, beauty, and Ananda, for these arc the Divine Nature.

DRY PERIOD. ::: There is a long stage of preparation neces- sary in order to arrive at the moer psychologic^ condition in which the doors of experience can open and one can walk from vista to vista — though even then new gates may present them- selves and refuse to open until all is ready. This period can be dry and desert-like unless one has the ardour of self-introspec- tion and self-conquest and finds every step of the effort and struggle interesting or unless one has or gets the secret of trust and self-giving which secs the hand of the Divine in every step of the path and even in the difficulty the grace or the guidance.

Such interval periods come to all and cannot be avoided.

The main thing is to meet them with quietude and not become restless, depressed or despondent. A constant fire can be there only when a certain stage has been reached, that is when one is always inside consciously living in the psychic being, but for that all this preparation of the mind, vital, physical is necessary.

For this fire belongs to the psychic and one cannot command it always merely by the mind's effort. The psychic has to be fully liberated and that is what the Force is working to make fully possible.

The difficulty comes when either the vital with its desires or the physical with its past habitual movements comes in — as they do with almost everyone. It is then that the dryness and difficulty of spontaneous aspiration come. This dryness is a well- known obstacle in all sadhana. But one has to persist and not be discouraged. If one keep? the will fixed even in these barren periods, they pass and after their passage a greater force of aspiration and experience becomes possible.

Dryness comes usually when the vital dislikes a movement or' condition or the refusal of its desires and starts non-co-operation.

But sometimes it is a condition that has to be crossed through, e.g. the neutral or dry quietude which sometimes comes when the ordinary movements have been thrown out but nothing positive has yet come to take their place, i.e, peace, joy, a higher know- ledge or force or action.

Duality: See Logic, formal, §§ 1, 3, 7, 8. Ductio per contradictoriam propositionem sive per impossible: (Lat.) A logical argument in which the truth of a proposition is established by showing that its contradictory is untrue or impossible; an application of the principle of excluded middle. -- V.J.B.

Dysteleology: (Gr. dus, bad; telos, end or purpose) The term for the forbidding and frustrating aspects of life (such as unfavorable environmental factors, organic maladaptations, the struggle for existence, disease, death, etc.) which make difficult, if not impossible, the theory that there are good purposes predominantly at work in the world. -- V.F.

earthly ::: a. --> Pertaining to the earth; belonging to this world, or to man&

Eckhart, Meister: (1260-1327) Was born in Hochheim (Gotha), may have studied with St. Albert in Cologne, received his doctorate at Paris in 1302. He taught theology at various times, devoted much time to preaching in the vernacular, and filled various administrative posts in the Dominican Order. Mystical, difficult in terminology, his thought appears to contain elements of Aristotelianism, Augustinism, Neoplatonism and Avicennism. Accused of Pantheism and other theological errors, he was the subject of a famous trial in 1326; he abjured publicly any possible religious errors which he may have made. Chief works Opus Tripartitum, Quaestiones Parisienses, Deutsche Predigten. (Pfeiffer, F., Deutsche Mystiker des 14 Jahrh., Bd. II, Leipzig, 1857; tr. Evans, London, 1924.) B. J. Muller-Thym, University of Being in M. Eckhart (N. Y., 1939). -- V.J.B.

EFFORT. ::: It is not advisable in the early stages of the sadhana to leave everything to the Divine or expect everything from it without the need of one’s own endeavour. That is only possible when the psychic being is in front and influencing the whole action (and even then vigilance and a constant assent is necessary), or else later on in the ultimate stages of the yoga when a direct or almost direct supramental force b taking up the consciousness.

Ego-centric Predicament: (Lat. ego, self, Gr. kentrikon, center) The epistemological predicament of a knowing mind which, confined to the circle of its own ideas, finds it difficult, if not impossible, to escape to a knowledge of an external world (cf. R. B. Perry, Present Philosophical Tendencies, pp. 129-30). Descartes is largely responsible for having confronted modern philosophy with the ego-centric predicament. See Cogito Argument, The. -- L.W.

Eidetic: (Ger. eidetisch) In Husserl: Of or pertaining to an eidos or to eide. Eidetic existent: anything falling as an example within the ideal extension of a valid eidos; e.g., an ideally or purely possible individual. (Purely) eidetic judgments: judgments that do not posit individual existence, even though they are about something individual. Eidetic necessity an actual state of affairs, so far as it is a singularization of an eidetic universality. E.g., This color has (this) brightness, so far as that is a singularization of All eidetically possible examples of color have brightness. Eidetic possibility see eidos. Eidetic reduction: see Phenomenology. -- D.C.

Empiricism: (1) A proposition about the sources of knowledge: that the sole source of knowledge is experience, or that either no knowledge at all or no knowledge with existential reference is possible independently of experience. Experience (q.v.) may be understood as either all conscious content, data of the senses only, or other designated content. Such empiricism may take the form of denial that any knowledge or at least knowledge about existents can be obtained a priori (q.v.), that is, denial that there are universal and necessary truths, denial that there is knowledge which holds regardless of past, present, or future experience; denial that there is instinctive, innate, or inborn knowledge; denial that the test of truth is clarity to natural reason or self-evidence, denial that one can gain certain knowledge by finding something the opposite of which is inconceivable; denial thit there are any necessary presuppositions of all knowledge or of anything known certainly, denial that any truths can be established by the fact that to deny them implies their reaffirmation; or denial that conventional or aibitrary definitions or assumptions yield knowledge.

Ens: Being in the most general sense of the term, with the least possible determination, without qualifications. -- J.J.R.

Ens Rationis: (in Scholasticism) A purelv objective ens rationis is a chimera, or an impossible thing, although in a certain way it is an object of human knowledge, as a triangular circle. A logical ens rationis is that which is fashioned by the intellect with some foundation in realitv, e.g. human nature conceived as one reality because of the likeness of singular natures. -- H.G.

EPILEPSY. ::: Epilepsy is not possession ; it is an attack or at most a temporary seizure. Insanity always indicates posses- sion. The hereditary conditions create a predisposition. It is not possible for a vital Force or Being to invade or take possession unless there are doors open for it to enter. The door may be a vital consent or affinity or a physical defect in the being.

Eternal recurrence: The view that as the dynamic energies of nature are finite, whereas time is infinite, only a limited number of combinations is possible, which results in the cyclical recurrence of every situation in infinitely numerous times. The view which assumes that the initial combination of the forces of existence will recur again and again. (Nietzsche.) -- H.H.

ethics ::: “In other words, ethics is a stage in evolution. That which is common to all stages is the urge of Sachchidananda towards self-expression. This urge is at first non-ethical, then infra-ethical in the animal, then in the intelligent animal even anti-ethical for it permits us to approve hurt done to others which we disapprove when done to ourselves. In this respect man even now is only half-ethical. And just as all below us is infra-ethical, so there may be that above us whither we shall eventually arrive, which is supra-ethical, has no need of ethics. The ethical impulse and attitude, so all-important to humanity, is a means by which it struggles out of the lower harmony and universality based upon inconscience and broken up by Life into individual discords towards a higher harmony and universality based upon conscient oneness with all existences. Arriving at that goal, this means will no longer be necessary or even possible, since the qualities and oppositions on which it depends will naturally dissolve and disappear in the final reconciliation.” The Life Divine

Euler diagram: The elementary operations upon and relations between classes -- complementation, logical sum, logical product, class equality, class inclusion -- may sometimes advantageously be represented by means of the corresponding operations upon and relations between regions in a plane. (Indeed, if regions are considered as classes of points, the operations and relations for regions become particular cases of those for classes.) By using regions of simple character, such as interiors of circles or ellipses, to stand for given classes, convenient diagrammatic representations are obtained of the possible logical relationships between two or more classes. These are known as Euler diagrams, although their employment by Euler in his Letters to a German Princess (vol. 2, 1772) was not their first appearance. Or the diagram may be so drawn as to show all possible intersections (2n intersections in the case of classes), and then intersections known to be empty may be crossed out, and intersections known not to be empty marked with an asterisk or otherwise (Venn diagram). -- A.C.

Every conscious process intends its objects as in a context with others, some intended as presented, others intended as to become presented if intended future consciousness takes a particular course. In other words, consciousness is always an intentional predelineating of processes in which objects will be intended, as the same or different within an all inclusive objective context: the world. A pure phenomenology should therefore describe not only paiticular intended objects but also the intended world, as intended -- as part of the "noematic-objective" sense belonging to consciousness by virtue of the latter's intrinsic intentionality. To be sure, in such noematic-objective description the phenomenologist must still disregard the actual relations of the described subjective processes to other entities in the world. But, Husserl contended, when one disregards everything except the intrinsic nature of subjective processes, one still can see their intentionality; therefore all the entities and relations from which one has abstracted can -- and should -- reappear as noematic-intentional objects, within one's isolated field. In particular, the disregarded status of the observed stream of consciousness itself, its status as related to other entities in the world, reappears -- as a noematic-objective sense which the observed consciousness intends. Moreover, as purely eidetic, phenomenology finds that the intrinsic character of any actual consciousness, as intending a world and itself as in that world, is an essentially necessary determination of any possible consciousness.

excommunicable ::: a. --> Liable or deserving to be excommunicated; making excommunication possible or proper.

Experimental Psychology: (1) Experimental psychology in the widest sense is the application to psychology of the experimental methods evolved by the natural sciences. In this sense virtually the whole of contemporary psychology is experimental. The experimental method consists essentially in the prearrangement and control of conditions in such a way as to isolate specific variables. In psychology, the complexity of subject matter is such that direct isolation of variables is impossible and various indirect methods are resorted to. Thus an experiment will be repeated on the same subjects with all conditions remaining constant except the one variable whose influence is being tested and which is varied systematically by the experimenter. This procedure yields control data within a single group of subjects. If repetition of the experiment with the same group introduces additional uncontrolled variables, an equated control group is employed. Systematic rotation of variables among several groups of subjects may also be resorted to. In general, however, psychologists have designed their experiments in accordance with what has frequently been called the "principle of the one variable."

External sense: In Kant, intuition of spatial properties, as contrasted with the internal sense which is that of the a priori form of time. External World: The ideally envisaged totality of objects of actual or possible perception conceived as constituting a unified system. -- L.W.

External worship ::: If it is purely external, then of course it is the lowest form ; but if done with the true consciousness, it can bring the greatest possible completeness to the adoration by allowing the body and the most external consciousness to share in the spirit and act of worship.

Fact: In Husserl: 1. State of affairs (Sachverhalt): an object having categorial-syntactical structure. 2. matter of fact (Tatsache, Faktum) that which simply is, as contrasted with that which is necessarily; that which is actual, as contrasted with that which is merely possible; that which is, regardless of its valuer ; that which is non-fictive.

fathomless ::: 1. Impossible to measure the depth of; bottomless. 2. Impossible to understand; incomprehensible. fathomlessness.

finish ::: v. t. --> To arrive at the end of; to bring to an end; to put an end to; to make an end of; to terminate.
To bestow the last required labor upon; to complete; to bestow the utmost possible labor upon; to perfect; to accomplish; to polish. ::: v. i.

fn yoga one uses the inner will and compels the vital to sub- mit itself to tapasyS so that it may become calm, strong, obe- dient— or else calls down the calm from above obliging the vital to renounce desire and become quiet and receptive. The vital is a good instrument but a bad master. If you allow it to follow its likes and dislikes, its fancies, its desires, its bad habits, it becomes your master and peace and happiness are no longer possible. It becomes not your instrument or the instrument of the Divine Shakli, but of any force of the Ignorance or even any hostile force that is able to seize and use it.

Force can work In you without anything refusing or obstructing her action. If the min d is shut up in its own ideas and refuses to allow her to bring in the Eight and the Truth, if the vital clings to its desires and does not admit the true initiative and impulsions* that the Mother's power brings, if the physical is shut up In its desire habits and inertia and does not allow the Light and Force to enter in it and work, then one is not open. It is not possible to be entirely open all at once in all the mo^’emeots, but there must be a central opening in each part.

Force (the) ::: the Divine Force, the one Energy that alone exists and alone makes universal or individual action possible, for this Force is the Divine itself in the body of its power; in the individual it is a Force for illumination, transformation, purification, for all that has to be done in the yoga.

force, universal ::: Sri Aurobindo: "This force that we feel is the universal Force of the Divine, which, veiled or unveiled, acting directly or permitting the use of its powers by beings in the cosmos, is the one Energy that alone exists and alone makes universal or individual action possible. For this force is the Divine itself in the body of its power; all is that, power of act, power of thought and knowledge, power of mastery and enjoyment, power of love. Conscious always and in everything, in ourselves and in others, of the Master of Works possessing, inhabiting, enjoying through this Force that is himself, becoming through it all existences and all happenings, we shall have arrived at the divine union through works and achieved by that fulfilment in works all that others have gained through absolute devotion or through pure knowledge.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

"For if evolution is the progressive manifestation by Nature of that which slept or worked in her, involved, it is also the overt realisation of that which she secretly is. We cannot, then, bid her the right to condemn with the religionist as perverse and presumptuous or with the rationalist as a disease or hallucination any intention she may evince or effort she may make to go beyond. If it be true that Spirit is involved in Matter and apparent Nature is secret God, then the manifestation of the divine in himself and the realisation of God within and without are the highest and most legitimate aim possible to man upon earth.” The Life Divine

“For if evolution is the progressive manifestation by Nature of that which slept or worked in her, involved, it is also the overt realisation of that which she secretly is. We cannot, then, bid her the right to condemn with the religionist as perverse and presumptuous or with the rationalist as a disease or hallucination any intention she may evince or effort she may make to go beyond. If it be true that Spirit is involved in Matter and apparent Nature is secret God, then the manifestation of the divine in himself and the realisation of God within and without are the highest and most legitimate aim possible to man upon earth.” The Life Divine

For man is precisely that term and symbol of a higher Existence descended into the material world in which it is possible for the lower to transfigure itself and put on the nature of the higher and the higher to reveal itself in the forms of the lower.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 23-24, Page: 8

" For man is precisely that term and symbol of a higher Existence descended into the material world in which it is possible for the lower to transfigure itself and put on the nature of the higher and the higher to reveal itself in the forms of the lower.” The Synthesis of Yoga

“For man is precisely that term and symbol of a higher Existence descended into the material world in which it is possible for the lower to transfigure itself and put on the nature of the higher and the higher to reveal itself in the forms of the lower.” The Synthesis of Yoga

Function: In mathematics and logic, an n-adic function is a law of correspondence between an ordered set of n things (called arguments of the function, or values of the independent variables) and another thing (the value of the function, or value of the dependent variable), of such a sort that, given any ordered set of n arguments which belongs to a certain domain (the range of the function), the value of the function is uniquely determined. The value ot the function is spoken of as obtained by applying the function to the arguments. The domain of all possible values of the function is called the range of the dependent variable. If F denotes a function and X1, X2, . . . , Xn denote the first argument, second argument, etc., respectively, the notation F(X1, X2, . . . , Xn) is used to denote the corresponding value of the function; or the notation may be [F](X1, X2 . . . , Xn), to provide against ambiguities which might otherwisc arise if F were a long expression rather than a single letter.

futurable ::: a. --> Capable of being future; possible to occur.

gators or creators often of vast and formidable inner upheavals or of action that overpass the normal human measure. There may also be an awareness of influences, presences, beings that do not seem to belong to other worlds beyond us but are here as a hidden element behind the veil in terrestrial nature. As contact wth the supraphysical is possible, a contact can also take place subjective or objective — or at_ least objectivised — between our own consciousness and the consciousness of other once embodied beings who have passed into a supraphysicaj status in these other regions of existence. It is possible also to pass beyond a subjective contact or a sahiie-scnse perception and, in certain subliminal states of consciousness, to enter actually into other worlds and know something of their secrets, ft is the wore objective order of other-worldly experience that seized most the imagination of mankind in the past, but it was put by popular belief into a gross objective statement which unduly assimilated these phenomena to those of the physical world with which we are familiar for it is the normal tendency of our mind to turn everything into forms or symbols proper to its own kind and terms of expericoce.

Geulincx, Arnold: (1625-1669) Was born in Antwerpen but later, when he became a Protestant, he mined to Holland. His work lay along Cartesian lines, but he felt dissatisfied with Descartes' solution of the mind-body problem. As a result, he developed the doctrine of occasionalism according to which interaction between mind and body is impossible, but God effects bodily motions "on occasion" of each mentnl process.

g ::: General intelligence. Typically compared to s which represents specific intelligences. G is the culmination of all possible s&

gnostic T ::: (in January 1927) same as T (which is evidently possible only in the unitary consciousness of the gnosis), a fusion of the elements of T3 and T2 into a faculty which "when it acts . . . is of the nature of omniscience and omnipotence".

goddess ::: “The faith in the divine Shakti must be always at the back of our strength and when she becomes manifest, it must be or grow implicit and complete. There is nothing that is impossible to her who is the conscious Power and universal Goddess all-creative from eternity and armed with the Spirit’s omnipotence.” The Life Divine

grain ::: fig. Quality, nature, temper; inclination, tendency. 2. The smallest possible amount or size of anything. 3. Small hard seeds, esp. the seeds of food plants such as wheat, corn, rye, oats, rice, or millet; the plants themselves whether reaped or standing. grains.

"Greatest Happiness": In ethics, the basis of ethics considered as the highest good of the individual or of the greatest number of individuals. The feeling-tone of the individual, varying from tranquillity and contentment to happiness, considered as the end of all moral action, as for example in Epicurus, Lucretius and Rousseau. The welfare of the majority of individuals, or of society as a whole, considered as the end of all moral action, as for example in Plato, Bentham and Mill. The greatest possible surplus of pleasure over pain in the greatest number of individuals. Although mentioned by Plato in the Republic (IV, 420), the phrase in its current form probably originated in the English translation, in 1770, of Beccaria's Dei delitti e delle pene, where it occurs as "la massima felicita divisa nel maggior numero", which was rendered as "the greatest happiness of the greatest number", a phrase enunciated by Hutcheson in 1725. One of a number of ethical ideals or moral aims. The doctrine with which the phrase is most closely associated is that of John Stuart Mill, who said in his Utilitarianism (ch. II) that "the happiness which forms the . . . standard of what is right in conduct, is not the agent's own happiness, but that of all concerned". -- J.K.F.

Guidance sometimes, there are many forms it may take. Then it withdraws and the preparation of the nature goes on till it is possible for the touch to come again and again, to last longer, to change into something more pressing and near and intimate.

handicap ::: n. --> An allowance of a certain amount of time or distance in starting, granted in a race to the competitor possessing inferior advantages; or an additional weight or other hindrance imposed upon the one possessing superior advantages, in order to equalize, as much as possible, the chances of success; as, the handicap was five seconds, or ten pounds, and the like.
A race, for horses or men, or any contest of agility, strength, or skill, in which there is an allowance of time, distance,

Harmony, Pre-Established: The perfect functioning of mind and body, as ordained by God in the beginning. The dualism of Descartes (1596-1650) had precluded interaction between mind or soul and body by its absolute difference and opposition between res cogitans and res extensa. How does it happen, then, that the mind perceives the impressions of the body, and the body is ready to follow the mind's will? The Cartesians, in order to correct this difficulty, introduced the doctrine of "occasionalism", whereby when anything happens to either mind or body, God interferes to make the corresponding change in the other. Leibniz (1646-1716) countered by suggesting that the relation between mind and body is one of harmony, established by God before their creation. Earlier than mind or body, God had perfect knowledge of all possible minds and bodies. In an infinite number of creations all possible combinations are possible, including those minds whose sequence of ideas perfectly fits the motions of some bodies. In the latter, there is a perfect and pre-established harmony. A parallelism between mind and body exists, such that each represents the proper expression of the other. Leibniz compares their relation to that of two clocks which have been synchronized once for all and which therefore operate similarly without the need of either interaction or intervention. Expressed by Leibniz' follower, C. Wolff (1679-1754) as "that by which the intercourse of soul and bodv is explained by a series of perceptions and desires in the soul, and a series of motions in the body, which are harmonic or accordant through the nature of soul and body." -- J.K.F.

Hatha Yoga ::: Depends on this perception and experience that the vital forces and functions to which our life is normally subjected and whose ordinary operations seem set and indispensable, can be mastered and the operations changed or suspended with results that would otherwise be impossible.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 23-24, Page: 7

HATHA YOGA. ::: Depends on this perception and experience that the vital forces and functions to which our life is normally subjected and whose ordinary operations seem set and indis- pensable, can be mastered and the operations changed or sus- pended with results that would otherwise be impossible.

Heidegger, Martin: (1889-) Trained in Husserl's radical structural analysis of pure consciousness, Heidegger shares with phenomenology the effort to methodically analyze and describe the conceptual meanings of single phenomena. He aimed at a phenomenological analysis of human existence in respect to its temporal and historical character. Concentrating on the Greek tradition, and endeavoring to open a totally different approach from that of the Greek thinkers to the problem of being, he seeks to find his way back to an inner independence of philosophy from the special sciences. Before a start can be made in the radical analysis of human existence, the road has to be cleared of the objections of philosophical tradition, science, logic and common sense. As the moderns have forgotten the truths the great thinkers discovered, have lost the ability to penetrate to the real origins, the recovery of the hard-won, original, uncorrupted insights of man into metaphysical reality, is only possible through a "destructive" analysis of the traditional philosophies. By this recovery of the hidden sources, Heidegger aims to revive the genuine philosophizing which, not withstanding appearances, has vanished from us in the Western world because of autonomous science serious disputing of the position of philosophy. As human reality is so structured that it discloses itself immediately, he writes really an idealistic philosophy of homo faber. But instead of being a rationalistic idealist reading reason into the structure of the really real, he takes a more avowedly emotional phenomenon as the center of a new solution of the Seinsfrage.

heptane ::: n. --> Any one of several isometric hydrocarbons, C7H16, of the paraffin series (nine are possible, four are known); -- so called because the molecule has seven carbon atoms. Specifically, a colorless liquid, found as a constituent of petroleum, in the tar oil of cannel coal, etc.

Herculean ::: Herculean—after Hercules, one of the greatest heroes of classical mythology, he is supposed to have been the strongest man on earth. He was renowned for completing twelve seemingly impossible tasks—the Labors of Hercules.

h is better when any working is going inside to be very quiet in speech and as sparing as possible.

HUMAN BEING. ::: Man is precisely that term and symbol of a higher Existence descended into the material world in which it is possible for the lower to transfigure itself and put on the nature of the higher and the higher to reveal itself in the form of the loiver.

Husserl noted, however, that even when one's analyses are thus pure, both abstractively and eidetically, one naturally takes it for granted that possible consciousness is possible in some (otherwise indefinite) possible world. That is to say, besides finding "the world" as part of the intentional objective sense posited in the consciousness under investigation, the investigator continues to apprehend this consciousness as essentially worldly, even though he successfully disregards even its possible relations to other worldly objects. At this point, what Husserl considered as the philosophically decisive change in his concept of phenomenology ensues.

Identity, law of: Given by traditional logicians as "A is A." Because of the various possible meanings of the copula (q.v.) and the uncertainty as to the range of the variable A, this formulation is ambiguous. The traditional law is perhaps best identified with the theorem x = x, either of the functional calculus of first order with equality, or in the theory of types (with equality defined), or in the algebra of classes, etc. It has been, or may be, also identified with either of the theorems of the propositional calculus, p ⊃ p, p ≡ p, or with the theorem of the functional calculus of first order, F(x) ⊃x F(x). Many writers understand, however, by the law of identity a semantical principle -- that a word or other symbol may (or must) have a fixed referent in its various occurrences in a given context (so, e.g., Ledger Wood in his The Analysis of Knowledge). Some, it would seem, confuse such a semantical principle with a proposition of formal logic. -- A.C.

I do not know any remedy for sex-dreams except the putting of a force as concrete as possible on the sex-centre and organ prohi- biting this urge and its result, put when about to sleep and renewed each time one wakes and goes to sleep again.

If is easy enough not to clash when there is no cause for strife or dispute or quarrel ; it is when there is cause and the other side is impossible and unreasonable that one gets the opportunity of rising above one’s vital nature.

If one is jmprcssionabfe. there may be a strong impression or influence from the other. Then when one goes to another per- son it is possible to pass it on to the other. That Is a thing which is constantly happening. But this thing happens without the knowledge of the transmitter. When one is conscious one can prevent it happening.

“If one stands back from the mind and its activities so that they fall silent at will or go on as a surface movement of which one is the detached and disinterested witness, it becomes possible eventually to realise oneself as the inner Self of mind, the true and pure mental being, the Purusha; …” The Life Divine

If the notion of possibility is admitted, in the sense of a modality (see Modality, and Strict implication), a set of propositions may be said to be inconsistent if their conjunction is impossible. -- A.C.

If the Peano postulates are formulated on the basis of an interpretation according to which the domain of individuals coincides with that of the non-negative integers, the undefined term N may be dropped and the postulates reduced to the three following: (x)(y)[[S(x) = S(y)] ⊃[x = y]]. (x) ∼[S(x) = 0]. F(0)[F(x) ⊃x F(S(x))] ⊃F (x)F(y). It is possible further to drop the undefined term 0 and to replace the successor function S by a dyadic propositional function S (the contemplated interpretation being that S(x,y) is the proposition y = x+l). The Peano postulates may then be given the following form: (x)(Ey)S(x, y). (x)[S(x,y) ⊃y [S(x,z) ⊃x [y = z]]]. (x)[S(y,x) ⊃y [S(z,x) ⊃x [y = z]]]. (Ex)[[(x) ∼S(x,y)] ≡y [y = z]]. [(x) ∼S(x,z)] ⊃x [F(z)[F(x) ⊃x [S(x, y) ⊃y F(y)]] ⊃F (x)F(x)]. For this form of the Peano postulates the underlying logic may be taken to be simply the functional calculus of second order without additions. In this formulation, numerical functions can be introduced only by contextual definition as incomplete symbols.

If there is the predisposition one may have all kinds of attacks from vital or other forces or from one’s own movements of the lower nature, as violent as possible, but there will be no madness.

If the term "experimental" is broadly understood as implying a general mode of inquiry based on observation and the tentative application of hypotheses to particular cases, it includes many studies in aesthetics which avoid quantitative measurement and laboratory procedure. The full application of scientific method is still commonly regarded as impossible or unfruitful in dealing with the more subtle and complex phenomena of art. But the progress of aesthetics toward scientific status is being slowly made, through increasing use of an objective and logical approach instead of a dogmatic or personal one, and through bringing the results of other sciences to bear on aesthetic problems. Recent years have seen a vast increase in the amount and variety of artistic data available for the aesthetician, as a result of anthropological and archeological research and excavation, diversified museum collections, improved reproductions, translations, and phonograph records. -- T.M.

"If we take this fourfold status as a figure of the Self passing from its superconscient state, where there is no subject or object, into a luminous trance in which superconscience becomes a massed consciousness out of which the subjective status of being and the objective come into emergence, then we get according to our view of things either a possible process of illusionary creation or a process of creative Self-knowledge and All-knowledge.” The Life Divine

“If we take this fourfold status as a figure of the Self passing from its superconscient state, where there is no subject or object, into a luminous trance in which superconscience becomes a massed consciousness out of which the subjective status of being and the objective come into emergence, then we get according to our view of things either a possible process of illusionary creation or a process of creative Self-knowledge and All-knowledge.” The Life Divine

If we would understand the difference of this global Overmind Consciousness from our separative and only imperfectly synthetic mental consciousness, we may come near to it if we compare the strictly mental with what would be an overmental view of activities in our material universe. To the Overmind, for example, all religions would be true as developments of the one eternal religion, all philosophies would be valid each in its own field as a statement of its own universe-view from its own angle, all political theories with their practice would be the legitimate working out of an Idea Force with its right to application and practical development in the play of the energies of Nature. In our separative consciousness, imperfectly visited by glimpses of catholicity and universality, these things exist as opposites; each claims to be the truth and taxes the others with error and falsehood, each feels impelled to refute or destroy the others in order that itself alone may be the Truth and live: at best, each must claim to be superior, admit all others only as inferior truth-expressions. An overmental Intelligence would refuse to entertain this conception or this drift to exclusiveness for a moment; it would allow all to live as necessary to the whole or put each in its place in the whole or assign to each its field of realisation or of endeavour. This is because in us consciousness has come down completely into the divisions of the Ignorance; Truth is no longer either an Infinite or a cosmic whole with many possible formulations, but a rigid affirmation holding any other affirmation to be false because different from itself and entrenched in other limits. Our mental consciousness can indeed arrive in its cognition at a considerable approach towards a total comprehensiveness and catholicity, but to organise that in action and life seems to be beyond its power. Evolutionary Mind, manifest in individuals or collectivities, throws up a multiplicity of divergent viewpoints, divergent lines of action and lets them work themselves out side by side or in collision or in a certain intermixture; it can make selective harmonies, but it cannot arrive at the harmonic control of a true totality. Cosmic Mind must have even in the evolutionary Ignorance, like all totalities, such a harmony, if only of arranged accords and discords; there is too in it an underlying dynamism of oneness: but it carries the completeness of these things in its depths, perhaps in a supermind-overmind substratum, but does not impart it to individual Mind in the evolution, does not bring it or has not yet brought it from the depths to the surface. An Overmind world would be a world of harmony; the world of Ignorance in which we live is a world of disharmony and struggle. …

imagination ::: “… our mind has the faculty of imagination; it can create and take as true and real its own mental structures: . . . . Our mental imagination is an instrument of Ignorance; it is the resort or device or refuge of a limited capacity of knowledge, a limited capacity of effective action. Mind supplements these deficiencies by its power of imagination: it uses it to extract from things obvious and visible the things that are not obvious and visible; it undertakes to create its own figures of the possible and the impossible; it erects illusory actuals or draws figures of a conjectured or constructed truth of things that are not true to outer experience. That is at least the appearance of its operation; but, in reality, it is the mind’s way or one of its ways of summoning out of Being its infinite possibilities, even of discovering or capturing the unknown possibilities of the Infinite.” The Life Divine

immaterialism ::: n. --> The doctrine that immaterial substances or spiritual being exist, or are possible.
The doctrine that external bodies may be reduced to mind and ideas in a mind; any doctrine opposed to materialism or phenomenalism, esp. a system that maintains the immateriality of the soul; idealism; esp., Bishop Berkeley&

  "Immortality is one of the possible results of supramentalisation, but it is not an obligatory result and it does not mean that there will be an eternal or indefinite prolongation of life as it is. That is what many think it will be, that they will remain what they are with all their human desires and the only difference will be that they will satisfy them endlessly; but such an immortality would not be worth having and it would not be long before people are tired of it. To live in the Divine and have the divine Consciousness is itself immortality and to be able to divinise the body also and make it a fit instrument for divine works and divine life would be its material expression only.” *Letters on Yoga

“Immortality is one of the possible results of supramentalisation, but it is not an obligatory result and it does not mean that there will be an eternal or indefinite prolongation of life as it is. That is what many think it will be, that they will remain what they are with all their human desires and the only difference will be that they will satisfy them endlessly; but such an immortality would not be worth having and it would not be long before people are tired of it. To live in the Divine and have the divine Consciousness is itself immortality and to be able to divinise the body also and make it a fit instrument for divine works and divine life would be its material expression only.” Letters on Yoga

IMMORTALITY. ::: One of the possible results of supra- mentalisation, but not an obligatory result and it does not mean that there will be an eternal or indefinite prolongation of life as it is.

imparlance ::: n. --> Mutual discourse; conference.
Time given to a party to talk or converse with his opponent, originally with the object of effecting, if possible, an amicable adjustment of the suit. The actual object, however, has long been merely to obtain further time to plead, or answer to the allegations of the opposite party.
Hence, the delay or continuance of a suit.

impenetrable ::: 1. Impossible to penetrate or enter. 2. Incapable of being seen through.

Impersonalistic Idealism identifies ontological reality essentially with non-conscious spiritual principle, unconscious psychic agency, pure thought, impersonal or "pure" consciousness, pure Ego, subconscious Will, impersonal logical Mind, etc. Personalistic Idealism characterizes concrete reality as personal selfhood, i.e., as possessing self-consciousness. With respect to the relation of the Absolute or World-Ground (s.) to finite selves or centers of consciousness, varying degrees of unity or separateness are posited. The extreme doctrines are radical monism and radical pluralism. Monistic Idealism (pantheistic Idealism) teaches that the finite self is a part, mode, aspect, moment, appearance or projection of the One. Pluralistic Idealism defends both the inner privacy of the finite self and its relative freedom from direct or causal dependence upon the One. With respect to Cosmology, pure idealism is either subjective or objective. Subjective Idealism (acosmism) holds that Nature is merely the projection of the finite mind, and has no external, real existence. (The term "Subjective Idealism" is also used for the view that the ontologically real consists of subjects, i.e., possessors of experience.) Objective Idealism identifies an externally real Nature with the thought or activity of the World Mind, (In Germany the term "Objective Idealism" is commonly identified with the view that finite minds are parts -- modes, moments, projections. appearances, members -- of the Absolute Mind.) Epistemological Idealism derives metaphysical idealism from the identificition of objects with ideas. In its nominalistic form the claim is made that "To be is to be perceived." From the standpoint of rationalism it is argued that there can be no Object without a Subject. Subjects, relations, sensations, and feelings are mental; and since no other type of analogy remains by which to characterize a non-mental thing-in-itself, pure idealism follows as the only possible view of Being.

impossibility ::: n. --> The quality of being impossible; impracticability.
An impossible thing; that which can not be thought, done, or endured.
Inability; helplessness.

impossible ::: a. --> Not possible; incapable of being done, of existing, etc.; unattainable in the nature of things, or by means at command; insuperably difficult under the circumstances; absurd or impracticable; not feasible. ::: n. --> An impossibility.

impossible to forget; indelibly impressed on the memory.

impracticable ::: a. --> Not practicable; incapable of being performed, or accomplished by the means employed, or at command; impossible; as, an impracticable undertaking.
Not to be overcome, presuaded, or controlled by any reasonable method; unmanageable; intractable; not capable of being easily dealt with; -- used in a general sense, as applied to a person or thing that is difficult to control or get along with.
Incapable of being used or availed of; as, an

“In actual fact Mind measures Time by event and Space by Matter; but it is possible in pure mentality to disregard the movement of event and the disposition of substance and realise the pure movement of Conscious-Force which constitutes Space and Time; these two are then merely two aspects of the universal force of Consciousness which in their intertwined interaction comprehend the warp and woof of its action upon itself. And to a consciousness higher than Mind which should regard our past, present and future in one view, containing and not contained in them, not situated at a particular moment of Time for its point of prospection, Time might well offer itself as an eternal present. And to the same consciousness not situated at any particular point of Space, but containing all points and regions in itself, Space also might well offer itself as a subjective and indivisible extension,—no less subjective than Time.” The Life Divine

In addition to syntactical or nominal definition we may distinguish another kind of definition, which is applicable only in connection with interpreted logistic systems, and which we shall call semantical definition. This consists in introducing a new symbol or notation by assigning a meaning to it. In an interpreted logistic system, a nominal definition carries with it implicitly a semantical definition, in that it is intended to give to the definiendum the meaning expressed by the definiens; but two different nominal definitions may correspond to the same semantical definition. Consider, for example, the two following schemata of nominal definition in the propositional calculus (Logic, formal, § 1): [A] ⊃ [B] → ∼A ∨ B. [A] ⊃ [B] → ∼[A ∼B]. As nominal definitions these are inconsistent, since they represent [A] ⊃ [B] as standing for different formulas: either one, but not both, could be used in a development of the propositional calculus. But the corresponding semantical definitions would be identical if -- as would be possible -- our interpretation of the propositional calculus were such that the two definientia had the same meaning for any particular A and B.

incalculable ::: 1. Too great to be calculated or reckoned. 2. Impossible to foresee; unpredictable. Incalculable, incalculable"s. (Sri Aurobindo also employs the word as a n.)

incommunicable ::: impossible to be transmitted or communicated. Incommunicable.

incompossible ::: a. --> Not capable of joint existence; incompatible; inconsistent.

incomprehensible ::: impossible to know; fathom or understand.

Inconceivability: The property of being something that is unthinkable. Having self-contradictory properties such that mental representation is impossible. In metaphysics, Herbert Spencer's criterion of truth, that when the denial of a proposition is incapable of being conceived the proposition is to be accepted as necessary or true. Syn. with Inconceptible. -- J.K.F.

inconceivable ::: that which is impossible to comprehend or grasp fully with the mind.

incredible ::: something so extraordinary as to seem impossible; inconceivable, beyond belief.

incurably ::: adv. --> In a manner that renders cure impracticable or impossible; irremediably.

indefinable ::: impossible to define, describe, or analyze; not readily identified, analysed, or determined.

indeterminable ::: a. --> Not determinable; impossible to be determined; not to be definitely known, ascertained, defined, or limited. ::: n. --> An indeterminable thing or quantity.

indeterminable ::: impossible to settle or decide with finality.

indispensable ::: a. --> Not dispensable; impossible to be omitted, remitted, or spared; absolutely necessary or requisite.
Not admitting dispensation; not subject to release or exemption.
Unavoidable; inevitable.

individual ::: “But what do we mean by the individual? What we usually call by that name is a natural ego, a device of Nature which holds together her action in the mind and body. This ego has to be extinguished, otherwise there is no complete liberation possible; but the individual self or soul is not this ego. The individual soul is the spiritual being which is sometimes described as an eternal portion of the Divine, but can also be described as the Divine himself supporting his manifestation as the Many. This is the true spiritual individual which appears in its complete truth when we get rid of the ego and our false separative senseof individuality, realise our oneness with the transcendent and cosmic Divine and with all beings.” Letters on Yoga

Induction: (Lat. in and ducere, to lead in) i.e., to lead into the field of attention a number of observed particular facts as ground for a general assertion. "Perfect" induction is assertion concerning all the entities of a collection on the basis of elimination of each and every one of them. The conclusion sums up but does not go beyond the facts observed. Ordinarily, however, "induction" is used to mean ampliative inference as distinguished from explicative, i.e , it is the sort of inference which attempts to reach a conclusion concerning all the members of a class from observation of only some of them. Conclusions inductive in this sense are only probable, in greater or less degree according to the precautions taken in selecting the evidence for them. Induction is conceived by J. S. Mill, and generally, as essentially an evidencing process; but Whewell conceives it as essentially discovery, viz., discovery of some conception, not extracted from the set of particular facts observed, but nevertheless capable of "colligating" them, i.e., of expressing them all at once, (or, better stated, of making it possible to deduce them). For example, Kepler's statement that the orbit of Mars is an ellipse represented the discovery by him that the conception of the ellipse "colligated" all the observed positions of Mars. Mill's view of induction directly fits the process of empirical generalization; that of Whewell, rather the theoretical, explanatory part of the task of science. Charles Peirce, viewing induction as generalization, contrasts it not only with inference from antecedent to consequent ("deduction") but also with inference from consequent to antecedent, called by him "hypothesis" (also called by him "abduction" (q.v.), but better termed "diagnosis). -- C.J.D.

inescapable ::: impossible to escape or avoid; inevitable. inescapably.

inexplicable ::: difficult or impossible to explain or account for. inexplicably.

inextinguishable ::: difficult or impossible to extinguish.

Infinite many concording Infinites are possible.

In its nature and law the Overmind is a delegate of the Supermind Consciousness, its delegate to the Ignorance. Or we might speak of it as a protective double, a screen of dissimilar similarity through which Supermind can act indirectly on an Ignorance whose darkness could not bear or receive the direct impact of a supreme Light. Even, it is by the projection of this luminous Overmind corona that the diffusion of a diminished light in the Ignorance and the throwing of that contrary shadow which swallows up in itself all light, the Inconscience, became at all possible. For Supermind transmits to Overmind all its realities, but leaves it to formulate them in a movement and according to an awareness of things which is still a vision of Truth and yet at the same time a first parent of the Ignorance. A line divides Supermind and Overmind which permits a free transmission, allows the lower Power to derive from the higher Power all it holds or sees, but automatically compels a transitional change in the passage. The integrality of the Supermind keeps always the essential truth of things, the total truth and the truth of its individual self-determinations clearly knit together; it maintains in them an inseparable unity and between them a close interpenetration and a free and full consciousness of each other: but in Overmind this integrality is no longer there. And yet the Overmind is well aware of the essential Truth of things; it embraces the totality; it uses the individual self-determinations without being limited by them: but although it knows their oneness, can realise it in a spiritual cognition, yet its dynamic movement, even while relying on that for its security, is not directly determined by it. Overmind Energy proceeds through an illimitable capacity of separation and combination of the powers and aspects of the integral and indivisible all-comprehending Unity. It takes each Aspect or Power and gives to it an independent action in which it acquires a full separate importance and is able to work out, we might say, its own world of creation. Purusha and Prakriti, Conscious Soul and executive Force of Nature, are in the supramental harmony a two-aspected single truth, being and dynamis of the Reality; there can be no disequilibrium or predominance of one over the other. In Overmind we have the origin of the cleavage, the trenchant distinction made by the philosophy of the Sankhyas in which they appear as two independent entities, Prakriti able to dominate Purusha and cloud its freedom and power, reducing it to a witness and recipient of her forms and actions, Purusha able to return to its separate existence and abide in a free self-sovereignty by rejection of her original overclouding material principle. So with the other aspects or powers of the Divine Reality, One and Many, Divine Personality and Divine Impersonality, and the rest; each is still an aspect and power of the one Reality, but each is empowered to act as an independent entity in the whole, arrive at the fullness of the possibilities of its separate expression and develop the dynamic consequences of that separateness. At the same time in Overmind this separateness is still founded on the basis of an implicit underlying unity; all possibilities of combination and relation between the separated Powers and Aspects, all interchanges and mutualities of their energies are freely organised and their actuality always possible.

In many (interpreted) logistic systems -- including such as contain, with their usual interpretations, the Zermelo set theory, or the simple theory of types with axiom of infinity, or the functional calculus of second order with addition of Peano's postulates for arithmetic -- it is impossible without contradiction to introduce the numerical name relation with its natural properties, because Grelling's paradox or similar paradoxes would result (see paradoxes, logical). The same can be said of the semantical name relation in cases where symbols for formulas are present.

In order to complete the setting up of the propositional calculus as a logistic system (q. v.) it is necessary to state primitive formulas and primitive rules of inference. Of the many possible ways of doing this we select the following.

In orthodox Buddhism it does mean a disintegration, not of the soul — for that does not exist — but of a mental compound or stream of associations or samskaras which we mistake for our self. In illusionist Vedanta it means not a disintegration but a disappearance of a false and unreal individual self into the one real Self or Brahman j it is the idea and experience of indivi- duality that so disappears and ceases — we may say a false light that is extinguished {nirvana) in the true Light. In spiritual experience it is sometimes the loss of all sense of individuality in a boundless cosmic consciousness ; what was the individual remains only as a centre or a channel for the flow of a cosmic consciousness and cosmic force and action. Or it may be the experience of the loss of individuality in a transcendent being and consciousness in which the sense of the cosmos as well as the individual disappears. Or again, it may be in a transcend- ence which is aware of and supports the cosmic action. But what do we mean by the individual ? What we usually call by that name is a natural ego, a device of nature which holds together her action in the mind and body. This ego has to be extinguished, otherwise there is no complete liberation possible ; but the individual self is not this ego. The individual soul Is a spiritual being which is sometimes described as an eternal por- tion of the Divine but can also be described as the Divine him- self supporting his manifestation as the Many. This is the true spiritual individual which appears in its complete truth when we get rid of the ego and our false separative sense of individuality, realise our oneness with the transcendent and cosmic Divine and with all beings. It is this which makes possible the Divine Life.

In particular, it is normally possible -- at least it does not obviously lead to contradiction in the case of such systems as the Zermelo set theory or the simple theory of types (functional calculus of order omega) with axiom of infinity -- to extend a system L1 into a system L2 (the semantics of L1 in the sense of Tarski), so that L2 shall contain symbols for the formulas of L1, and for the essential syntactical relations between formulas of L1, and for a relation which functions as a name relation as regards all the formulas of L1 (or, in the case of the theory of types, one such relation for each type), together with appropriate new primitive formulas. Then L2 may be similarly extended into L3, and so on through a hierarchy of systems each including the preceding one as a part.

in posse ::: --> In possibility; possible, although not yet in existence or come to pass; -- contradistinguished from in esse.

In Scholasticism: the operation by which the mind becomes cognizant of the universal (q.v.) as represented by the individuals. Aristotle and Thomas ascribe this operation to the active intellect (q.v.) which "illuminates" the image (phantasm) and disengages from it the universal nature to be received and made intelligible by the possible intellect. -- R.A.

In scholasticism: the "word of the mind" (verbum mentis) by which the possible intellect expresses (therefore also in later writers species expressa) the universal nature disengaged by the active intellect from the phantasm and transmitted as species intelligibilis to the possible intellect. -- R.A.

inscrutable ::: 1. Difficult or nearly impossible to fathom or understand; impenetrable. 2. Incapable of being seen through physically; physically impenetrable.

inscrutable ::: a. --> Unsearchable; incapable of being searched into and understood by inquiry or study; impossible or difficult to be explained or accounted for satisfactorily; obscure; incomprehensible; as, an inscrutable design or event.

inseparable ::: 1. Incapable of being separated or divided. 2. Impossible to separate or part.

INTEGRAL YOGA ::: This yoga accepts the value of cosmic existence and holds it to be a reality; its object is to enter into a higher Truth-Consciousness or Divine Supramental Consciousness in which action and creation are the expression not of ignorance and imperfection, but of the Truth, the Light, the Divine Ānanda. But for that, the surrender of the mortal mind, life and body to the Higher Consciousnessis indispensable, since it is too difficult for the mortal human being to pass by its own effort beyond mind to a Supramental Consciousness in which the dynamism is no longer mental but of quite another power. Only those who can accept the call to such a change should enter into this yoga.

Aim of the Integral Yoga ::: It is not merely to rise out of the ordinary ignorant world-consciousness into the divine consciousness, but to bring the supramental power of that divine consciousness down into the ignorance of mind, life and body, to transform them, to manifest the Divine here and create a divine life in Matter.

Conditions of the Integral Yoga ::: This yoga can only be done to the end by those who are in total earnest about it and ready to abolish their little human ego and its demands in order to find themselves in the Divine. It cannot be done in a spirit of levity or laxity; the work is too high and difficult, the adverse powers in the lower Nature too ready to take advantage of the least sanction or the smallest opening, the aspiration and tapasyā needed too constant and intense.

Method in the Integral Yoga ::: To concentrate, preferably in the heart and call the presence and power of the Mother to take up the being and by the workings of her force transform the consciousness. One can concentrate also in the head or between the eye-brows, but for many this is a too difficult opening. When the mind falls quiet and the concentration becomes strong and the aspiration intense, then there is the beginning of experience. The more the faith, the more rapid the result is likely to be. For the rest one must not depend on one’s own efforts only, but succeed in establishing a contact with the Divine and a receptivity to the Mother’s Power and Presence.

Integral method ::: The method we have to pursue is to put our whole conscious being into relation and contact with the Divine and to call Him in to transform Our entire being into His, so that in a sense God Himself, the real Person in us, becomes the sādhaka of the sādhana* as well as the Master of the Yoga by whom the lower personality is used as the centre of a divine transfiguration and the instrument of its own perfection. In effect, the pressure of the Tapas, the force of consciousness in us dwelling in the Idea of the divine Nature upon that which we are in our entirety, produces its own realisation. The divine and all-knowing and all-effecting descends upon the limited and obscure, progressively illumines and energises the whole lower nature and substitutes its own action for all the terms of the inferior human light and mortal activity.

In psychological fact this method translates itself into the progressive surrender of the ego with its whole field and all its apparatus to the Beyond-ego with its vast and incalculable but always inevitable workings. Certainly, this is no short cut or easy sādhana. It requires a colossal faith, an absolute courage and above all an unflinching patience. For it implies three stages of which only the last can be wholly blissful or rapid, - the attempt of the ego to enter into contact with the Divine, the wide, full and therefore laborious preparation of the whole lower Nature by the divine working to receive and become the higher Nature, and the eventual transformation. In fact, however, the divine strength, often unobserved and behind the veil, substitutes itself for the weakness and supports us through all our failings of faith, courage and patience. It” makes the blind to see and the lame to stride over the hills.” The intellect becomes aware of a Law that beneficently insists and a Succour that upholds; the heart speaks of a Master of all things and Friend of man or a universal Mother who upholds through all stumblings. Therefore this path is at once the most difficult imaginable and yet in comparison with the magnitude of its effort and object, the most easy and sure of all.

There are three outstanding features of this action of the higher when it works integrally on the lower nature. In the first place, it does not act according to a fixed system and succession as in the specialised methods of Yoga, but with a sort of free, scattered and yet gradually intensive and purposeful working determined by the temperament of the individual in whom it operates, the helpful materials which his nature offers and the obstacles which it presents to purification and perfection. In a sense, therefore, each man in this path has his own method of Yoga. Yet are there certain broad lines of working common to all which enable us to construct not indeed a routine system, but yet some kind of Shastra or scientific method of the synthetic Yoga.

Secondly, the process, being integral, accepts our nature such as it stands organised by our past evolution and without rejecting anything essential compels all to undergo a divine change. Everything in us is seized by the hands of a mighty Artificer and transformed into a clear image of that which it now seeks confusedly to present. In that ever-progressive experience we begin to perceive how this lower manifestation is constituted and that everything in it, however seemingly deformed or petty or vile, is the more or less distorted or imperfect figure of some elements or action in the harmony of the divine Nature. We begin to understand what the Vedic Rishis meant when they spoke of the human forefathers fashioning the gods as a smith forges the crude material in his smithy.

Thirdly, the divine Power in us uses all life as the means of this integral Yoga. Every experience and outer contact with our world-environment, however trifling or however disastrous, is used for the work, and every inner experience, even to the most repellent suffering or the most humiliating fall, becomes a step on the path to perfection. And we recognise in ourselves with opened eyes the method of God in the world, His purpose of light in the obscure, of might in the weak and fallen, of delight in what is grievous and miserable. We see the divine method to be the same in the lower and in the higher working; only in the one it is pursued tardily and obscurely through the subconscious in Nature, in the other it becomes swift and selfconscious and the instrument confesses the hand of the Master. All life is a Yoga of Nature seeking to manifest God within itself. Yoga marks the stage at which this effort becomes capable of self-awareness and therefore of right completion in the individual. It is a gathering up and concentration of the movements dispersed and loosely combined in the lower evolution.

Key-methods ::: The way to devotion and surrender. It is the psychic movement that brings the constant and pure devotion and the removal of the ego that makes it possible to surrender.

The way to knowledge. Meditation in the head by which there comes the opening above, the quietude or silence of the mind and the descent of peace etc. of the higher consciousness generally till it envelops the being and fills the body and begins to take up all the movements.
Yoga by works ::: Separation of the Purusha from the Prakriti, the inner silent being from the outer active one, so that one has two consciousnesses or a double consciousness, one behind watching and observing and finally controlling and changing the other which is active in front. The other way of beginning the yoga of works is by doing them for the Divine, for the Mother, and not for oneself, consecrating and dedicating them till one concretely feels the Divine Force taking up the activities and doing them for one.

Object of the Integral Yoga is to enter into and be possessed by the Divine Presence and Consciousness, to love the Divine for the Divine’s sake alone, to be tuned in our nature into the nature of the Divine, and in our will and works and life to be the instrument of the Divine.

Principle of the Integral Yoga ::: The whole principle of Integral Yoga is to give oneself entirely to the Divine alone and to nobody else, and to bring down into ourselves by union with the Divine Mother all the transcendent light, power, wideness, peace, purity, truth-consciousness and Ānanda of the Supramental Divine.

Central purpose of the Integral Yoga ::: Transformation of our superficial, narrow and fragmentary human way of thinking, seeing, feeling and being into a deep and wide spiritual consciousness and an integrated inner and outer existence and of our ordinary human living into the divine way of life.

Fundamental realisations of the Integral Yoga ::: The psychic change so that a complete devotion can be the main motive of the heart and the ruler of thought, life and action in constant union with the Mother and in her Presence. The descent of the Peace, Power, Light etc. of the Higher Consciousness through the head and heart into the whole being, occupying the very cells of the body. The perception of the One and Divine infinitely everywhere, the Mother everywhere and living in that infinite consciousness.

Results ::: First, an integral realisation of Divine Being; not only a realisation of the One in its indistinguishable unity, but also in its multitude of aspects which are also necessary to the complete knowledge of it by the relative consciousness; not only realisation of unity in the Self, but of unity in the infinite diversity of activities, worlds and creatures.

Therefore, also, an integral liberation. Not only the freedom born of unbroken contact of the individual being in all its parts with the Divine, sāyujya mukti, by which it becomes free even in its separation, even in the duality; not only the sālokya mukti by which the whole conscious existence dwells in the same status of being as the Divine, in the state of Sachchidananda ; but also the acquisition of the divine nature by the transformation of this lower being into the human image of the divine, sādharmya mukti, and the complete and final release of all, the liberation of the consciousness from the transitory mould of the ego and its unification with the One Being, universal both in the world and the individual and transcendentally one both in the world and beyond all universe.

By this integral realisation and liberation, the perfect harmony of the results of Knowledge, Love and Works. For there is attained the complete release from ego and identification in being with the One in all and beyond all. But since the attaining consciousness is not limited by its attainment, we win also the unity in Beatitude and the harmonised diversity in Love, so that all relations of the play remain possible to us even while we retain on the heights of our being the eternal oneness with the Beloved. And by a similar wideness, being capable of a freedom in spirit that embraces life and does not depend upon withdrawal from life, we are able to become without egoism, bondage or reaction the channel in our mind and body for a divine action poured out freely upon the world.

The divine existence is of the nature not only of freedom, but of purity, beatitude and perfection. In integral purity which shall enable on the one hand the perfect reflection of the divine Being in ourselves and on the other the perfect outpouring of its Truth and Law in us in the terms of life and through the right functioning of the complex instrument we are in our outer parts, is the condition of an integral liberty. Its result is an integral beatitude, in which there becomes possible at once the Ānanda of all that is in the world seen as symbols of the Divine and the Ānanda of that which is not-world. And it prepares the integral perfection of our humanity as a type of the Divine in the conditions of the human manifestation, a perfection founded on a certain free universality of being, of love and joy, of play of knowledge and of play of will in power and will in unegoistic action. This integrality also can be attained by the integral Yoga.

Sādhanā of the Integral Yoga does not proceed through any set mental teaching or prescribed forms of meditation, mantras or others, but by aspiration, by a self-concentration inwards or upwards, by a self-opening to an Influence, to the Divine Power above us and its workings, to the Divine Presence in the heart and by the rejection of all that is foreign to these things. It is only by faith, aspiration and surrender that this self-opening can come.

The yoga does not proceed by upadeśa but by inner influence.

Integral Yoga and Gita ::: The Gita’s Yoga consists in the offering of one’s work as a sacrifice to the Divine, the conquest of desire, egoless and desireless action, bhakti for the Divine, an entering into the cosmic consciousness, the sense of unity with all creatures, oneness with the Divine. This yoga adds the bringing down of the supramental Light and Force (its ultimate aim) and the transformation of the nature.

Our yoga is not identical with the yoga of the Gita although it contains all that is essential in the Gita’s yoga. In our yoga we begin with the idea, the will, the aspiration of the complete surrender; but at the same time we have to reject the lower nature, deliver our consciousness from it, deliver the self involved in the lower nature by the self rising to freedom in the higher nature. If we do not do this double movement, we are in danger of making a tamasic and therefore unreal surrender, making no effort, no tapas and therefore no progress ; or else we make a rajasic surrender not to the Divine but to some self-made false idea or image of the Divine which masks our rajasic ego or something still worse.

Integral Yoga, Gita and Tantra ::: The Gita follows the Vedantic tradition which leans entirely on the Ishvara aspect of the Divine and speaks little of the Divine Mother because its object is to draw back from world-nature and arrive at the supreme realisation beyond it.

The Tantric tradition leans on the Shakti or Ishvari aspect and makes all depend on the Divine Mother because its object is to possess and dominate the world-nature and arrive at the supreme realisation through it.

This yoga insists on both the aspects; the surrender to the Divine Mother is essential, for without it there is no fulfilment of the object of the yoga.

Integral Yoga and Hatha-Raja Yogas ::: For an integral yoga the special methods of Rajayoga and Hathayoga may be useful at times in certain stages of the progress, but are not indispensable. Their principal aims must be included in the integrality of the yoga; but they can be brought about by other means. For the methods of the integral yoga must be mainly spiritual, and dependence on physical methods or fixed psychic or psychophysical processes on a large scale would be the substitution of a lower for a higher action. Integral Yoga and Kundalini Yoga: There is a feeling of waves surging up, mounting to the head, which brings an outer unconsciousness and an inner waking. It is the ascending of the lower consciousness in the ādhāra to meet the greater consciousness above. It is a movement analogous to that on which so much stress is laid in the Tantric process, the awakening of the Kundalini, the Energy coiled up and latent in the body and its mounting through the spinal cord and the centres (cakras) and the Brahmarandhra to meet the Divine above. In our yoga it is not a specialised process, but a spontaneous upnish of the whole lower consciousness sometimes in currents or waves, sometimes in a less concrete motion, and on the other side a descent of the Divine Consciousness and its Force into the body.

Integral Yoga and other Yogas ::: The old yogas reach Sachchidananda through the spiritualised mind and depart into the eternally static oneness of Sachchidananda or rather pure Sat (Existence), absolute and eternal or else a pure Non-exist- ence, absolute and eternal. Ours having realised Sachchidananda in the spiritualised mind plane proceeds to realise it in the Supramcntal plane.

The suprcfhe supra-cosmic Sachchidananda is above all. Supermind may be described as its power of self-awareness and W’orld- awareness, the world being known as within itself and not out- side. So to live consciously in the supreme Sachchidananda one must pass through the Supermind.

Distinction ::: The realisation of Self and of the Cosmic being (without which the realisation of the Self is incomplete) are essential steps in our yoga ; it is the end of other yogas, but it is, as it were, the beginning of outs, that is to say, the point where its own characteristic realisation can commence.

It is new as compared with the old yogas (1) Because it aims not at a departure out of world and life into Heaven and Nir- vana, but at a change of life and existence, not as something subordinate or incidental, but as a distinct and central object.

If there is a descent in other yogas, yet it is only an incident on the way or resulting from the ascent — the ascent is the real thing. Here the ascent is the first step, but it is a means for the descent. It is the descent of the new coosdousness attain- ed by the ascent that is the stamp and seal of the sadhana. Even the Tantra and Vaishnavism end in the release from life ; here the object is the divine fulfilment of life.

(2) Because the object sought after is not an individual achievement of divine realisation for the sake of the individual, but something to be gained for the earth-consciousness here, a cosmic, not solely a supra-cosmic acbievement. The thing to be gained also is the bringing of a Power of consciousness (the Supramental) not yet organised or active directly in earth-nature, even in the spiritual life, but yet to be organised and made directly active.

(3) Because a method has been preconized for achieving this purpose which is as total and integral as the aim set before it, viz., the total and integral change of the consciousness and nature, taking up old methods, but only as a part action and present aid to others that are distinctive.

Integral Yoga and Patanjali Yoga ::: Cilia is the stuff of mixed mental-vital-physical consciousness out of which arise the movements of thought, emotion, sensation, impulse etc.

It is these that in the Patanjali system have to be stilled altogether so that the consciousness may be immobile and go into Samadhi.

Our yoga has a different function. The movements of the ordinary consciousness have to be quieted and into the quietude there has to be brought down a higher consciousness and its powers which will transform the nature.

INTERCHANGE. ::: When one is with another for sometime talking etc., there is always some vital interchange, unless one rejects what comes from others instinctively or deliberately. If one is impressionable, there may be a strong impression or influence from the others. Then when one goes to another per- son it is possible to pass it on to the other. That is a thing which is constantly happening. But this happens without the knowledge of the transmitter. When one is conscious, one can prevent it happening.

Every letter means an interchange with the person who writes It ; for something is there behind the words, something of hfs person or of the forces he has put out or had around him while w’riting. Our thougiifs and feeJinp arc also forces and can hav« effects upon others. One has to grow conscious of the movement of these forces and then one can control one's own mental and vital formations and cease to be affected by those of others.

In the first edition of the Logische Untersuchungen phenomenology was defined (much as it had been by Hamilton and Lazarus) as descriptive analysis of subjective processes Erlebnisse. Thus its theme was unqualifiedly identified with what was commonly taken to be the central theme of psychology; the two disciplines were said to differ only in that psychology sets up causal or genetic laws to explain what phenomenology merely describes. Phenomenology was called "pure" so far as the phenomenologist distinguishes the subjective from the objective and refrains from looking into either the genesis of subjective phenomena or their relations to somatic and environmental circumstances. Husserl's "Prolegomena zur reinen Logik" published as the first part of the Logische Untersuchungen, had elaborated the concept of pure logic, a theoretical science independent of empirical knowledge and having a distinctive theme: the universal categorial forms exemplified in possible truths, possible facts, and their respective components. The fundamental concepts and laws of this science, Husserl maintained, are genuine only if they can be established by observing the matters to which they apply. Accordingly, to test the genuineness of logical theory, "wir wollen auf die 'Sachen selbst' zurückgehen": we will go, from our habitual empty understanding of this alleged science, back to a seeing of the logical forms themselves. But it is then the task of pure phenomenology to test the genuineness and range of this "seeing," to distinguish it from other ways of being conscious of the same or other matters. Thus, although pure phenomenology and pure logic are mutually independent disciplines with separate themes, phenomenological analysis is indispensible to the critical justification of logic. In like manner, Husserl maintained, it is necessary to the criticism of other alleged knowledge; while, in another way, its descriptions are prerequisite to explanatory psychology. However, when Husserl wrote the Logische Untersuchungen, he did not yet conceive phenomenological analysis as a method for dealing with metaphysical problems.

In the liberated stale it is not the inner Purusha only that remains detached ; the inner Purusha is always detached, only one is not conscious of it in the ordinary state. It is the Prakrit! also that is not disturbed by the action of the Gunas or attached to it ; the mind, the vital, (he physical (whatever Prakriti) begin to get the same quietude, unperturbed peace and detachment as the Purusha, but it is quietude, not a cessation of all action. It is quietude in action itself. TTic whole being, Purusha, Prakriit, becomes detached (having no desire or attachment) even in the actions of the gunas. The outer being Is also detached ; the whole being is without desire or attachment and still action is possible, action without desire is possible, action without attach- ment is possible, action without ego is possible.

In the subconscient the intuition manifests itself in the action, in effectivity, and the knowledge or conscious identity is either entirely or more or less concealed in the action. In the superconscient, on the contrary, Light being the law and the principle, the intuition manifests itself in its true nature as knowledge emerging out of conscious identity, and effectivity of action is rather the accompaniment or necessary consequent and no longer masks as the primary fact. Between these two states reason and mind act as intermediaries which enable the being to liberate knowledge out of its imprisonment in the act and prepare it to resume its essential primacy. When the selfawareness in the mind applied both to continent and content, to own-self and other-self, exalts itself into the luminous selfmanifest identity, the reason also converts itself into the form of the self-luminous intuitional3 knowledge. This is the highest possible state of our knowledge when mind fulfils itself in the supramental.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 21-22, Page: 72

In the theory of value the first question concerns the meaning of value-terms and the status of goodness. As to meaning the main point is whether goodness is definable or not, and if so, how. As to status the main point is whether goodness is subjective or objective, relative or absolute. Various positions are possible. Recent emotive meaning theories e.g. that of A. J. Ayer, hold that "good" and other value-terms have only an emotive meaning, Intuitionists and non-naturalists often hold that goodness is an indefinable intrinsic (and therefore objective or absolute) property, e.g., Plato, G. E. Moore, W. D. Ross, J. Laird, Meinong, N. Hartman. Metaphysical and naturalistic moralists usually hold that goodness can be defined in metaphysical or in psychological terms, generally interpreting "x is good" to mean that a certain attitude is taken toward x by some mind or group of minds. For some of them value is objective or absolute in the sense of having the same locus for everyone, e.g., Aristotle in his definition of the good as that at which all things aim, (Ethics, bk. I). For others the locus of value varies from individual to individual or from group to group, i.e. different things will be good for different individuals or groups, e.g., Hobbes, Westermarck, William James, R. B. Perry.

In this broad sense contingency appears always to imply a reference to some basis in relation to which a given thing may be said to be contingent, and in view of the two referents most commonly employed it is possible to distinguish two chief types: (1) logical contingency, and (2) physical contingency. The first is contingency with respect to the laws of logic, the second contingency with respect to the laws of nature. A given state of affairs, e.g., the existence of a snowflake with a given shape, is logically contingent in that the laws of logic do not suffice to establish that such a thing does or does not exist. This same state of affairs would not ordinarily be held to be physically contingent, however, for, although the laws of nature alone do not suffice to determine that there is such a snowflake, still it would be held on the general hypothesis of determinism that, given the specific conditions under which the water was frozen, it was determined by physical laws that a snowflake would exist and that it would have this shape and no other.

intolerable ::: impossible to tolerate or endure; unbearable.

invulnerable ::: 1. Immune to attack; impregnable. 2. Impossible to damage, injure, or wound.

In yoga one uses the lance wiU and compels the vital to sub- mit itself to lapasi-a so that It may become calm, strong, obe- dient— or else calls down the calm from above obliging the vital to renounce desire and become quiet and receptive. The vital is a good instrument but a bad master- If you allow it to follow its likes and dislikes, its fancies, its desires, its bad habits, it becomes your master and peace and happiness are no longer possible. It becomes not your instrument or the instrument of the Divine Shakti, but of any force of the Ignorance or even any hostile force that is able to seize and use it.

irrecordable ::: a. --> Not fit or possible to be recorded.

irremovable ::: impossible to remove.

irresistible ::: impossible to resist. irresistibly.

irrevocable ::: impossible to retract or be revoked, changed, undone or annulled.

ishta. ::: beloved; the chosen  deity one worships; the particular aspect of the divine Reality with which the disciple will have to be in perfect communion before the supreme Gnosis becomes possible; the Self that is beyond name and form; the Supreme in its aspect of bliss

It is held that society has not accomplished many basic transformations peacefully, that fundamental changes in the economic system or the social superstructure, such as that from medieval serf-lord to modern worker-capitalist economy, have usually involved violence wherein the class struggle passes into the acute stage of revolution because the existing law articulates and the state power protects the obsolete forms and minority-interest classes which must be superseded. The evolution of capitalism is considered to have reached the point where the accelerating abundance of which its technics are capable is frustrated by economic relationships such as those involved in individual ownership of productive means, hiring and firing of workers in the light of private profits and socially unplanned production for a money market. It is held that only technics collectively owned and production socially planned can provide employment and abundance of goods for everyone. The view taken is that peaceful attainment of them is possible, but will probably be violently resisted by priveleged minorities, provoking a contest of force in which the working class majority will eventually triumph the world over.

It is here, when this foundation has been secured, that the practice of Asana and Pranayama come in and can then bear their perfect fruits. By itself the control of the mind and moral being only puts our normal consciousness into the right preliminary condition; it cannot bring about that evolution or manifestation of the higher psychic being which is necessary for the greater aims of Yoga. In order to bring about this manifestation the present nodus of the vital and physical body with the mental being has to be loosened and the way made clear for the ascent through the greater psychic being to the union with the superconscient Purusha. This can be done by Pranayama. Asana is used by the Rajayoga only in its easiest and most natural position, that naturally taken by the body when seated and gathered together, but with the back and head strictly erect and in a straight line, so that there may be no deflection of the spinal cord. The object of the latter rule is obviously connected with the theory of the six chakras and the circulation of the vital energy between the muladhara and the brahmarandhra. The Rajayogic Pranayama purifies and clears the nervous system; it enables us to circulate the vital energy equally through the body and direct it also where we will according to need, and thus maintain a perfect health and soundness of the body and the vital being; it gives us control of all the five habitual operations of the vital energy in the system and at the same time breaks down the habitual divisions by which only the ordinary mechanical processes of the vitality are possible to the normal life. It opens entirely the six centres of the psycho-physical system and brings into the waking consciousness the power of the awakened Shakti and the light of the unveiled Purusha on each of the ascending planes. Coupled with the use of the mantra it brings the divine energy into the body and prepares for and facilitates that concentration in Samadhi which is the crown of the Rajayogic method. Rajayogic concentration is divided into four stages; it commences with the drawing both of the mind and senses from outward things, proceeds to the holding of the one object of concentration to the exclusion of all other ideas and mental activities, then to the prolonged absorption of the mind in this object, finally, to the complete ingoing of the consciousness by which it is lost to all outward mental activity in the oneness of Samadhi. The real object of this mental discipline is to draw away the mind from the outward and the mental world into union with the divine Being. Th
   refore in the first three stages use has to be made of some mental means or support by which the mind, accustomed to run about from object to object, shall fix on one alone, and that one must be something which represents the idea of the Divine. It is usually a name or a form or a mantra by which the thought can be fixed in the sole knowledge or adoration of the Lord. By this concentration on the idea the mind enters from the idea into its reality, into which it sinks silent, absorbed, unified. This is the traditional method. There are, however, others which are equally of a Rajayogic character, since they use the mental and psychical being as key. Some of them are directed rather to the quiescence of the mind than to its immediate absorption, as the discipline by which the mind is simply watched and allowed to exhaust its habit of vagrant thought in a purposeless running from which it feels all sanction, purpose and interest withdrawn, and that, more strenuous and rapidly effective, by which all outward-going thought is excluded and the mind forced to sink into itself where in its absolute quietude it can only
   reflect the pure Being or pass away into its superconscient existence. The method differs, the object and the result are the same. Here, it might be supposed, the whole action and aim of Rajayoga must end. For its action is the stilling of the waves of consciousness, its manifold activities, cittavrtti, first, through a habitual replacing of the turbid rajasic activities by the quiet and luminous sattwic, then, by the stilling of all activities; and its object is to enter into silent communion of soul and unity with the Divine. As a matter of fact we find that the system of Rajayoga includes other objects,—such as the practice and use of occult powers,—some of which seem to be unconnected with and even inconsistent with its main purpose. These powers or siddhis are indeed frequently condemned as dangers and distractions which draw away the Yogin from his sole legitimate aim of divine union. On the way, th
   refore, it would naturally seem as if they ought to be avoided; and once the goal is reached, it would seem that they are then frivolous and superfluous. But Rajayoga is a psychic science and it includes the attainment of all the higher states of consciousness and their powers by which the mental being rises towards the superconscient as well as its ultimate and supreme possibility of union with the Highest. Moreover, the Yogin, while in the body, is not always mentally inactive and sunk in Samadhi, and an account of the powers and states which are possible to him on the higher planes of his being is necessary to the completeness of the science. These powers and experiences belong, first, to the vital and mental planes above this physical in which we live, and are natural to the soul in the subtle body; as the dependence on the physical body decreases, these abnormal activities become possible and even manifest themselves without being sought for. They can be acquired and fixed by processes which the science gives, and their use then becomes subject to the will; or they can be allowed to develop of themselves and used only when they come, or when the Divine within moves us to use them; or else, even though thus naturally developing and acting, they may be rejected in a single-minded devotion to the one supreme goal of the Yoga. Secondly, there are fuller, greater powers belonging to the supramental planes which are the very powers of the Divine in his spiritual and supramentally ideative being. These cannot be acquired at all securely or integrally by personal effort, but can only come from above, or else can become natural to the man if and when he ascends beyond mind and lives in the spiritual being, power, consciousness and ideation. They then become, not abnormal and laboriously acquired siddhis, but simply the very nature and method of his action, if he still continues to be active in the world-existence.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 23-24, Page: 539-40-41-42

It is not easy to get into the SiJence. That is only possible by throwing out alJ mental-vital activities. It is easier to let the

"It is not possible for the individual mind, so long as it remains shut up in its personality, to understand the workings of the Cosmic Will, for the standards made by the personal consciousness are not applicable to them. A cell in the body, if conscious, might also think that the human being and its actions are only the resultant of the relations and workings of a number of cells like itself and not the action of a unified self. It is only if one enters into the Cosmic Consciousness that one begins to see the forces at work and the lines on which they work and get a glimpse of the Cosmic Self and the Cosmic Mind and Will.” Letters on Yoga

“It is not possible for the individual mind, so long as it remains shut up in its personality, to understand the workings of the Cosmic Will, for the standards made by the personal consciousness are not applicable to them. A cell in the body, if conscious, might also think that the human being and its actions are only the resultant of the relations and workings of a number of cells like itself and not the action of a unified self. It is only if one enters into the Cosmic Consciousness that one begins to see the forces at work and the lines on which they work and get a glimpse of the Cosmic Self and the Cosmic Mind and Will.” Letters on Yoga

(It is, of course, not possible to define i as "the square root of −l." The foregoing statement corresponds to taking i as a new, undefined, symbol. But there is an alternative method, of logical construction, in which the complex numbers are defined as ordered pairs (a, b) of real numbers, and i is then defined as (0, 1).)

It is possible by strenuous medilation or by certain methods of tense endeavour -to open doors on to the inner being or even break down some of the walls between the inner and outer self before finishing or even undertaking ■ this preliminary self- discipline (of building up the inner meditative quietude), but it is not always wise to do it as that, may lead to conditions of sadhana which may be very turbid, chaotic, beset with unneces- sary dangers. It is necessary to keep the saltvic quietude, patience, vigilance, — to hurry nothing, to force nothing.

…it is possible in pure mentality to disregard the movement of event and the disposition of substance and realize the pure movement of Conscious-Force which constitutes Space and Time; these two are then merely two aspects of the universal force of Consciousness which in their intertwined interaction comprehend the warp and woof of its action upon itself. And to a consciousness higher than Mind which should regard our past, present and future in one view, containing and not contained in them, not situated at a particularmoment of Time for its point of prospection, Time might well offer itself as an eternal present. And to the same consciousness not situated at any particular point of Space, but containing all points and regions in itself, Space also might well offer itself as a subjective and indivisible extension,—no less subjective than Time.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 21-22, Page: 143

It is possible in various ways to define some of the sentential connectives named above in terms of others. In particular, if the sign of alternative denial is taken as primitive, all the other connectives can be defined in terms of this one. Also, if the signs of negation and inclusive disjunction are taken as primitive, all the others can be defined in terms of these; likewise if the signs of negation and conjunction are taken as primitive. Here, however, for reasons of naturalness and symmetry, we prefer to take as primitive the three connectives, denoting negation, conjunction, and inclusive disjunction. The remaining ones are then defined as follows:

It is sometimes necessary to distinguish between functions in intension and functions in extension, the distinction being that two n-adic functions in extension are considered identical if they have the same range and the same value for every possible ordered set of n arguments, whereas some more severe criterion of identity is imposed in the case of functions in intension. In most mathematical contexts the term function (also the roughly synonymous terms operation, transformation) is used in the sense of function in extension.

“It is this essential indeterminability of the Absolute that translates itself into our consciousness through the fundamental negating positives of our spiritual experience, the immobile immutable Self, the Nirguna Brahman, the Eternal without qualities, the pure featureless One Existence, the Impersonal, the Silence void of activities, the Non-being, the Ineffable and the Unknowable. On the other side it is the essence and source of all determinations, and this dynamic essentiality manifests to us through the fundamental affirming positives in which the Absolute equally meets us; for it is the Self that becomes all things, the Saguna Brahman, the Eternal with infinite qualities, the One who is the Many, the infinite Person who is the source and foundation of all persons and personalities, the Lord of creation, the Word, the Master of all works and action; it is that which being known all is known: these affirmatives correspond to those negatives. For it is not possible in a supramental cognition to split asunder the two sides of the One Existence,—even to speak of them as sides is excessive, for they are in each other, their co-existence or one-existence is eternal and their powers sustaining each other found the self-manifestation of the Infinite.” The Life Divine

“It might be said again that, even so, in Sachchidananda itself at least, above all worlds of manifestation, there could be nothing but the self-awareness of pure existence and consciousness and a pure delight of existence. Or, indeed, this triune being itself might well be only a trinity of original spiritual self-determinations of the Infinite; these too, like all determinations, would cease to exist in the ineffable Absolute. But our position is that these must be inherent truths of the supreme being; their utmost reality must be pre-existent in the Absolute even if they are ineffably other there than what they are in the spiritual mind’s highest possible experience. The Absolute is not a mystery of infinite blankness nor a supreme sum of negations; nothing can manifest that is not justified by some self-power of the original and omnipresent Reality.” The Life Divine

It very often happens that when there is an exceptional power in the nature, there is found in the exterior being some contrary element which opens it to a quite opposite influence. It is this that makes the endeavour after a spiritual life so often a difficult struggle ; but the existence of this kind of contradiction even in an intense form does not make that life impossible. Doubt, struggle, efforts and failures, lapses, alternations of happy and unhappy or good and bad conditions, states of light and stales of darkness are the common lot of human beings. They are not created by yoga or by the effort after perfection ; only, in yoga one becomes conscious of their movements and their causes instead of feeling them blindly, and in the end one makes one’s way out of them into a clearer and happier consciousness.

Jaspers, Karl: (1883-) Inspired by Nietzsche's and Kierkegaard's psychology, but aiming at a strictly scientific method, the "existentialist" Jaspers analyzes the possible attitudes of man towards the world; the decisions which the individual must make in inescapable situations like death, struggle, change, guilt; and the various ways in which man meets these situations. Motivated by the boundless desire for clarity and precision, Jaspers earnestly presents as his main objective to awaken the desire for a fuller, more genuine philosophy, these three methods of philosophizing which have existed from te earliest times to the present: Philosophical world orientation consisting in an analysis of the limitations, incompleteness and relativity of the researches, methods, world pictures of all the sciences; elucidation of existence consisting of a cognitive penetration into reality on the basis of the deepest inner decisions experienced by the individual, and striving to satisfy the deepest demands of human nature; the way of metaphysics, the never-satisfied and unending search for truth in the world of knowledge, conduct of life and in the seeking for the one being, dimly seen through antithetic thoughts, deep existential conflicts and differently conceived metaphysical symbols of the past. Realizing the decisive problematic relation between philosophy and religion in the Middle Ages, Jaspers elevates psychology and history to a more important place in the future of philosophy.

jealous ::: a. --> Zealous; solicitous; vigilant; anxiously watchful.
Apprehensive; anxious; suspiciously watchful.
Exacting exclusive devotion; intolerant of rivalry.
Disposed to suspect rivalry in matters of interest and affection; apprehensive regarding the motives of possible rivals, or the fidelity of friends; distrustful; having morbid fear of rivalry in love or preference given to another; painfully suspicious of the faithfulness of husband, wife, or lover.

Jnana Yoga ::: The Path of Knowledge aims at the realisation of the unique and supreme Self. It proceeds by the method of intellectual
   reflection, vicara, to right discrimination, viveka. It observes and distinguishes the different elements of our apparent or phenomenal being and rejecting identification with each of them arrives at their exclusion and separation in one common term as constituents of Prakriti, of phenomenal Nature, creations of Maya, the phenomenal consciousness. So it is able to arrive at its right identification with the pure and unique Self which is not mutable or perishable, not determinable by any phenomenon or combination of phenomena. From this point the path, as ordinarily followed, leads to the rejection of the phenomenal worlds from the consciousness as an illusion and the final immergence without return of the individual soul in the Supreme. But this exclusive consummation is not the sole or inevitable result of the Path of Knowledge. For, followed more largely and with a less individual aim, the method of Knowledge may lead to an active conquest of the cosmic existence for the Divine no less than to a transcendence. The point of this departure is the realisation of the supreme Self not only in one’s own being but in all beings and, finally, the realisation of even the phenomenal aspects of the world as a play of the divine consciousness and not something entirely alien to its true nature. And on the basis of this realisation a yet further enlargement is possible, the conversion of all forms of knowledge, however mundane, into activities of the divine consciousness utilisable for the perception of the one and unique Object of knowledge both in itself and through the play of its forms and symbols. Such a method might well lead to the elevation of the whole range of human intellect and perception to the divine level, to its spiritualisation and to the justification of the cosmic travail of knowledge in humanity.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 23-24, Page: 38-39

kausala (kaushala; kaushalam) ::: skill, "the dexterity and skill which kausala is able so to arrange the means, the equipment, the action as to produce the greatest results possible and the best arranged results", an attribute of the vaisya.

knife-edge ::: n. --> A piece of steel sharpened to an acute edge or angle, and resting on a smooth surface, serving as the axis of motion of a pendulum, scale beam, or other piece required to oscillate with the least possible friction.

Krishna ::: “Krishna is the Eternal’s Personality of Ananda; because [of] him all creation is possible, because of his play, because of his delight, because of his sweetness.” Essays Divine and Human

KRISHNA. ::: The Eternal's Personality of Ananda ; because of him all creation is possible, because of his play, because of hjs delight, because of his sweetness.

laghima ::: lightness; one of the siddhis of the body: a "power of lightness, that is to say of freedom from all pressure or weighing down in the mental, pranic or physical being" by which "it is possible to get rid of weariness and exhaustion and to overcome gravitation". laghim laghima-mahima

lame ::: 1. Crippled. 2. Disabled so that movement, especially walking, is difficult or impossible. lamed.

:::   "Liberty in one shape or another ranks among the most ancient and certainly among the most difficult aspirations of our race: it arises from a radical instinct of our being and is yet opposed to all our circumstances, it is our eternal good and our condition of perfection, but our temporal being has failed to find its key. That perhaps is because true freedom is only possible if we live in the infinite, live, as the Vedanta bids us, in and from our self-existent being; but our natural and temporal energies seek for it first not in ourselves, but in our external conditions. This great indefinable thing, liberty, is in its highest and ultimate sense a state of being; it is self living in itself and determining by its own energy what is shall be inwardly and, eventually, by the growth of a divine spiritual power within determining too what it shall make of its external circumstances and environment." War and Self-Determination

“Liberty in one shape or another ranks among the most ancient and certainly among the most difficult aspirations of our race: it arises from a radical instinct of our being and is yet opposed to all our circumstances, it is our eternal good and our condition of perfection, but our temporal being has failed to find its key. That perhaps is because true freedom is only possible if we live in the infinite, live, as the Vedanta bids us, in and from our self-existent being; but our natural and temporal energies seek for it first not in ourselves, but in our external conditions. This great indefinable thing, liberty, is in its highest and ultimate sense a state of being; it is self living in itself and determining by its own energy what is shall be inwardly and, eventually, by the growth of a divine spiritual power within determining too what it shall make of its external circumstances and environment.” War and Self-Determination

Life itself here is Being at labour in Matter to express itself in terms of conscious force; human life is the human being at labour to impress himself on the material world with the greatest possible force and intensity and extension.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 25, Page: 157

life ::: “Life itself here [on earth] is Being at labour in Matter to express itself in terms of conscious force; human life is the human being at labour to impress himself on the material world with the greatest possible force and intensity and extension.” Social and Political Thought

lock step ::: --> A mode of marching by a body of men going one after another as closely as possible, in which the leg of each moves at the same time with the corresponding leg of the person before him.

"Love is the power and passion of the divine self-delight and without love we may get the rapt peace of its infinity, the absorbed silence of the Ananda, but not its absolute depth of richness and fullness. Love leads us from the suffering of division into the bliss of perfect union, but without losing that joy of the act of union which is the soul"s greatest discovery and for which the life of the cosmos is a long preparation. Therefore to approach God by love is to prepare oneself for the greatest possible spiritual fulfilment. ” The Synthesis of Yoga

“Love is the power and passion of the divine self-delight and without love we may get the rapt peace of its infinity, the absorbed silence of the Ananda, but not its absolute depth of richness and fullness. Love leads us from the suffering of division into the bliss of perfect union, but without losing that joy of the act of union which is the soul’s greatest discovery and for which the life of the cosmos is a long preparation. Therefore to approach God by love is to prepare oneself for the greatest possible spiritual fulfilment.” The Synthesis of Yoga

mahan. ::: the Great One; that One which is impossible to adequately praise

maharloka ::: the world (loka) of vastness (mahas); the plane whose basis is vijñana or supermind, which links saccidananda in the higher hemisphere of existence (parardha) with the mental, vital and physical principles in the lower hemisphere (aparardha) and makes it possible "to realise the one Existence, Consciousness, Delight in the mould of the mind, life and body".

Maya, are extraordinarily skilful ; the reason is an insufficient guide and often turns traitor ; vital desire is always with us tempting to follow any alluring call. This is the reason why in this yoga we insist so much on what we call samarpaifa — rather inadequately rendered by the English word surrender. If the heart centre is fully opened and the psychic is always in control, then there is no question ; all is safe. But the psychic can at any moment be veiled by a lower upsurge. It is only a few who are exempt from these dangers and it is precisely those to whom surrender is easily possible. The guidance of one who is himself, by identity or represents the Divine is in this difficult endeavour imperative and indispensable.

maybe ::: adv. --> Perhaps; possibly; peradventure. ::: a. --> Possible; probable, but not sure. ::: n.

Mean: In general, that which in some way mediates or occupies a middle position among various things or between two extremes. Hence (especially in the plural) that through which an end is attained; in mathematics the word is used for any one of various notions of average; in ethics it represents moderation, temperance, prudence, the middle way. In mathematics:   The arithmetic mean of two quantities is half their sum; the arithmetic mean of n quantities is the sum of the n quantities, divided by n. In the case of a function f(x) (say from real numbers to real numbers) the mean value of the function for the values x1, x2, . . . , xn of x is the arithmetic mean of f(x1), f(x2), . . . , f(xn). This notion is extended to the case of infinite sets of values of x by means of integration; thus the mean value of f(x) for values of x between a and b is ∫f(x)dx, with a and b as the limits of integration, divided by the difference between a and b.   The geometric mean of or between, or the mean proportional between, two quantities is the (positive) square root of their product. Thus if b is the geometric mean between a and c, c is as many times greater (or less) than b as b is than a. The geometric mean of n quantities is the nth root of their product.   The harmonic mean of two quantities is defined as the reciprocal of the arithmetic mean of their reciprocals. Hence the harmonic mean of a and b is 2ab/(a + b).   The weighted mean or weighted average of a set of n quantities, each of which is associated with a certain number as weight, is obtained by multiplying each quantity by the associated weight, adding these products together, and then dividing by the sum of the weights. As under A, this may be extended to the case of an infinite set of quantities by means of integration. (The weights have the role of estimates of relative importance of the various quantities, and if all the weights are equal the weighted mean reduces to the simple arithmetic mean.)   In statistics, given a population (i.e., an aggregate of observed or observable quantities) and a variable x having the population as its range, we have:     The mean value of x is the weighted mean of the values of x, with the probability (frequency ratio) of each value taken as its weight. In the case of a finite population this is the same as the simple arithmetic mean of the population, provided that, in calculating the arithmetic mean, each value of x is counted as many times over as it occurs in the set of observations constituting the population.     In like manner, the mean value of a function f(x) of x is the weighted mean of the values of f(x), where the probability of each value of x is taken as the weight of the corresponding value of f(x).     The mode of the population is the most probable (most frequent) value of x, provided there is one such.     The median of the population is so chosen that the probability that x be less than the median (or the probability that x be greater than the median) is ½ (or as near ½ as possible). In the case of a finite population, if the values of x are arranged in order of magnitude     --repeating any one value of x as many times over as it occurs in the set of observations constituting the population     --then the middle term of this series, or the arithmetic mean of the two middle terms, is the median.     --A.C. In cosmology, the fundamental means (arithmetic, geometric, and harmonic) were used by the Greeks in describing or actualizing the process of becoming in nature. The Pythagoreans and the Platonists in particular made considerable use of these means (see the Philebus and the Timaeus more especially). These ratios are among the basic elements used by Plato in his doctrine of the mixtures. With the appearance of the qualitative physics of Aristotle, the means lost their cosmological importance and were thereafter used chiefly in mathematics. The modern mathematical theories of the universe make use of the whole range of means analyzed by the calculus of probability, the theory of errors, the calculus of variations, and the statistical methods. In ethics, the 'Doctrine of the Mean' is the moral theory of moderation, the development of the virtues, the determination of the wise course in action, the practice of temperance and prudence, the choice of the middle way between extreme or conflicting decisions. It has been developed principally by the Chinese, the Indians and the Greeks; it was used with caution by the Christian moralists on account of their rigorous application of the moral law.   In Chinese philosophy, the Doctrine of the Mean or of the Middle Way (the Chung Yung, literally 'Equilibrium and Harmony') involves the absence of immoderate pleasure, anger, sorrow or joy, and a conscious state in which those feelings have been stirred and act in their proper degree. This doctrine has been developed by Tzu Shu (V. C. B.C.), a grandson of Confucius who had already described the virtues of the 'superior man' according to his aphorism "Perfect is the virtue which is according to the mean". In matters of action, the superior man stands erect in the middle and strives to follow a course which does not incline on either side.   In Buddhist philosophy, the System of the Middle Way or Madhyamaka is ascribed more particularly to Nagarjuna (II c. A.D.). The Buddha had given his revelation as a mean or middle way, because he repudiated the two extremes of an exaggerated ascetlsm and of an easy secular life. This principle is also applied to knowledge and action in general, with the purpose of striking a happy medium between contradictory judgments and motives. The final objective is the realization of the nirvana or the complete absence of desire by the gradual destruction of feelings and thoughts. But while orthodox Buddhism teaches the unreality of the individual (who is merely a mass of causes and effects following one another in unbroken succession), the Madhyamaka denies also the existence of these causes and effects in themselves. For this system, "Everything is void", with the legitimate conclusion that "Absolute truth is silence". Thus the perfect mean is realized.   In Greek Ethics, the doctrine of the Right (Mean has been developed by Plato (Philebus) and Aristotle (Nic. Ethics II. 6-8) principally, on the Pythagorean analogy between the sound mind, the healthy body and the tuned string, which has inspired most of the Greek Moralists. Though it is known as the "Aristotelian Principle of the Mean", it is essentially a Platonic doctrine which is preformed in the Republic and the Statesman and expounded in the Philebus, where we are told that all good things in life belong to the class of the mixed (26 D). This doctrine states that in the application of intelligence to any kind of activity, the supreme wisdom is to know just where to stop, and to stop just there and nowhere else. Hence, the "right-mean" does not concern the quantitative measurement of magnitudes, but simply the qualitative comparison of values with respect to a standard which is the appropriate (prepon), the seasonable (kairos), the morally necessary (deon), or generally the moderate (metrion). The difference between these two kinds of metretics (metretike) is that the former is extrinsic and relative, while the latter is intrinsic and absolute. This explains the Platonic division of the sciences into two classes: those involving reference to relative quantities (mathematical or natural), and those requiring absolute values (ethics and aesthetics). The Aristotelian analysis of the "right mean" considers moral goodness as a fixed and habitual proportion in our appetitions and tempers, which can be reached by training them until they exhibit just the balance required by the right rule. This process of becoming good develops certain habits of virtues consisting in reasonable moderation where both excess and defect are avoided: the virtue of temperance (sophrosyne) is a typical example. In this sense, virtue occupies a middle position between extremes, and is said to be a mean; but it is not a static notion, as it leads to the development of a stable being, when man learns not to over-reach himself. This qualitative conception of the mean involves an adaptation of the agent, his conduct and his environment, similar to the harmony displayed in a work of art. Hence the aesthetic aspect of virtue, which is often overstressed by ancient and neo-pagan writers, at the expense of morality proper.   The ethical idea of the mean, stripped of the qualifications added to it by its Christian interpreters, has influenced many positivistic systems of ethics, and especially pragmatism and behaviourism (e.g., A. Huxley's rule of Balanced Excesses). It is maintained that it is also involved in the dialectical systems, such as Hegelianism, where it would have an application in the whole dialectical process as such: thus, it would correspond to the synthetic phase which blends together the thesis and the antithesis by the meeting of the opposites. --T.G. Mean, Doctrine of the: In Aristotle's ethics, the doctrine that each of the moral virtues is an intermediate state between extremes of excess and defect. -- O.R.M.

measurable ::: possible to be measured.

Meinong, Alexius: (1853-1921) Was originally a disciple of Brentano, who however emphatically rejected many of Meinong's later contentions. He claimed to have discovered a new a priori science, the "theory of objects" (to be distinguished from metaphysics which is an empirical science concerning reality, but was never worked out by Meinong). Anything "intended" by thought is an "object". Objects may either "exist" (such as physical objects) or "subsist" (such as facts which Meinong unfortunately termed "objectives", or mathematical entities), they may either be possible or impossible and they may belong either to a lower or to a higher level (such as "relations" and "complexions", "founded" on their simple terms or elements). In the "theory of objects," the existence of objects is abstracted from (or as Husserl later said it may be "bracketed") and their essence alone has to be considered. Objects are apprehended either by self-evident judgments or by "assumptions", that is, by "imaginary judgments". In the field of emotions there is an analogous division since there are also "imaginary" emotions (such as those of the spectator in a tragedy). Much of Meinong's work was of a psychological rather than of a metaphysical or epistemological character. -- H.G.

menace ::: something likely to cause injury, damage etc.; a possible danger; a threat.

metagraphy ::: n. --> The art or act of rendering the letters of the alphabet of one language into the possible equivalents of another; transliteration.

metamorphosis ::: n. --> Change of form, or structure; transformation.
A change in the form or function of a living organism, by a natural process of growth or development; as, the metamorphosis of the yolk into the embryo, of a tadpole into a frog, or of a bud into a blossom. Especially, that form of sexual reproduction in which an embryo undergoes a series of marked changes of external form, as the chrysalis stage, pupa stage, etc., in insects. In these intermediate stages sexual reproduction is usually impossible, but they

Methodic Doubt: The suspension of judgment in regard to possible truths until they have been demonstrated to be either true or false; in Cartesianism the criterion is the clearness and distinctness of ideas. -- V.J.B.

Mimpathy: (Ger. Nachfühlen) The suffering of another must already be given in some form before it is possible for anyone to become a fellow sufferer. Pity and sympathy as experienced are always subsequent to the already apprehended and understood experience of another person who is pitied. One may share another's feeling about a matter, and yet have no sympathy for that one. The historian, novelist, dramatic artist must possess in high degree the gift of "after-experiencing" or mimpathizing, but they do not in the least need to have sympathy with their objects and persons. See Sympathy. -- H.H.

Mind acts by representations and constructions, by the separa- tion and weaving together of its constructed data ; it can make a synthetic constnietlon and see it as a whole, but when it looks for the reality of things, it takes refuge in abstractions — it has not the concrete vision, experience, contact sought by the mystic and the spiritual seeker. To know Self and Reality directly or truly, It has to be silent and reflect some light of these things or undergo self-exceeding and Iransfonnation, and this is only possible either by a higher Light descending into it or by its ascent, the taking up or immcrgcncc of it into a higher Light of e^tence.

mind, Self of ::: Sri Aurobindo: "If one stands back from the mind and its activities so that they fall silent at will or go on as a surface movement of which one is the detached and disinterested witness, it becomes possible eventually to realise oneself as the inner Self of mind, the true and pure mental being, the Purusha; . . . .” The Life Divine

minimize ::: v. t. --> To reduce to the smallest part or proportion possible; to reduce to a minimum.

minimum ::: n. --> The least quantity assignable, admissible, or possible, in a given case; hence, a thing of small consequence; -- opposed to maximum.

Modality is the name given to certain classifications of propositions which are either supplementary to the classification into true and false or intended to provided categories additional to truth and falsehood -- namely to classifications of propositions as possible, problematical, and the like. See Strict implication, and Propostitional calculus, Many-valued.

Mohism: See Mo chia and Chinese philosophy. Moksa: (Skr.) Liberation, salvation from the effects of karma (q.v.) and resulting samsara (q.v.). Theoretically, good karma as little as evil karma can bring about liberation from the state of existence looked upon pessimistically. Thus, Indian philosophy early found a solution in knowledge (vidyd, jnana) which, disclosing the essential oneness of all in the metaphysical world-ground, declares the phenomenal world as maya (q.v.). Liberation is then equivalent to identification of oneself with the ultimate reality, eternal, changeless, blissful, or in a state of complete indifference either with or without loss of consciousness, but at any rate beyond good and evil, pleasure and pain. Divine grace is also recognized by some religious systems as effecting moksa. No generalization is possible regarding the many theories of moksa, its nature, or the mode of attaining it. See Nirvana, Samadhi, Prasada. -- K.F.L.

mood ::: n. --> Manner; style; mode; logical form; musical style; manner of action or being. See Mode which is the preferable form).
Manner of conceiving and expressing action or being, as positive, possible, hypothetical, etc., without regard to other accidents, such as time, person, number, etc.; as, the indicative mood; the infinitive mood; the subjunctive mood. Same as Mode.
Temper of mind; temporary state of the mind in regard to passion or feeling; humor; as, a melancholy mood; a suppliant mood.

"Moreover we see that this cosmic action or any cosmic action is impossible without the play of an infinite Force of Existence which produces and regulates all these forms and movements; and that Force equally presupposes or is the action of an infinite Consciousness, because it is in its nature a cosmic Will determining all relations and apprehending them by its own mode of awareness, and it could not so determine and apprehend them if there were no comprehensive Consciousness behind that mode of cosmic awareness to originate as well as to hold, fix and reflect through it the relations of Being in the developing formation or becoming of itself which we call a universe.” The Life Divine

“Moreover we see that this cosmic action or any cosmic action is impossible without the play of an infinite Force of Existence which produces and regulates all these forms and movements; and that Force equally presupposes or is the action of an infinite Consciousness, because it is in its nature a cosmic Will determining all relations and apprehending them by its own mode of awareness, and it could not so determine and apprehend them if there were no comprehensive Consciousness behind that mode of cosmic awareness to originate as well as to hold, fix and reflect through it the relations of Being in the developing formation or becoming of itself which we call a universe.” The Life Divine

mother ::: Sri Aurobindo: "The One whom we adore as the Mother is the divine Conscious Force that dominates all existence, one and yet so many-sided that to follow her movement is impossible even for the quickest mind and for the freest and most vast intelligence. The Mother is the consciousness and force of the Supreme and far above all she creates.” The Mother ::: "The one original transcendent Shakti, the Mother stands above all the worlds and bears in her eternal consciousness the Supreme Divine.

"That which we call Nature or Prakriti is only her [the Mother"s] most outward executive aspect; she marshals and arranges the harmony of her forces and processes, impels the operations of Nature and moves among them secret or manifest in all that can be seen or experienced or put into motion of life.” *The Mother

:   "The Mother comes in order to bring down the Supramental and it is the descent which makes her full manifestation here possible.” *Letters on the Mother

  "When one does sadhana, the inner consciousness begins to open and one is able to go inside and have all kinds of experiences there. As the sadhana progresses, one begins to live more and more in this inner being and the outer becomes more and more superficial. At first the inner consciousness seems to be the dream and the outer the waking reality. Afterwards the inner consciousness becomes the reality and the outer is felt by many as a dream or delusion, or else as something superficial and external. The inner consciousness begins to be a place of deep peace, light, happiness, love, closeness to the Divine or the presence of the Divine, the Mother.” Letters on Yoga :::   **mighty Mother, World-Mother, World-Mother"s.**

Mother ::: “The One whom we adore as the Mother is the divine Conscious Force that dominates all existence, one and yet so many-sided that to follow her movement is impossible even for the quickest mind and for the freest and most vast intelligence. The Mother is the consciousness and force of the Supreme and far above all she creates.” The Mother

Mother, The ::: ...the Mother is One but she comes before us with differing aspects, many are her powers and personalities, many her emanations and Vibhutis that do her work in the universe. The whom who we adore as the Mother is the Divine Consciousness Force that dominates all existence, one and yet so many sided that to follow her movement is impossible even for the quickest mind and for the freeest and most vast intelligence. The Mother is the Conciousness and Force of the Supreme and far above all she creates. But something of her ways can be seen and felt through her embodiments and the more seizable because more defined and limited temperament and action of the godess forms in who she consents to be manifest to her creatures. ::: There are three ways of being of which you can become aware when you enter into touch of Oneness with the Consciousness Force that upholds us and the universe. Transcendent, the original Supreme shakti, she stands above the worlds and links the creation to the ever unmanifest mystery of the Supreme. Universal the cosmic Mahashakti, she creates all these beings and contains and enters, supports and conducts all these million processes and forces. Individual she embodies the power of these two vaster ways of her existence, makes them living and near to us and mediates between the human personality and the Divine Nature....
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 35, Page: 111

Mp, "p is possible." This is Lukasiewicz's notation and has been used especially in connection with his three-valued propositional calculus. For the different notion of possibility which is appropriate to the calculus of strict implication, Lewis employs a diamond.

mysterious ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to mystery; containing a mystery; difficult or impossible to understand; obscure not revealed or explained; enigmatical; incomprehensible.

Name ::: “Name in its deeper sense is not the word by which we describe the object, but the total of power, quality, character of the reality which a form of things embodies and which we try to sum up by a designating sound, a knowable name, Nomen. Nomen in this sense, we might say, is Numen; the secret Names of the Gods are their power, quality, character of being caught up by the consciousness and made conceivable. The Infinite is nameless, but in that namelessness all possible names, Numens of the gods, the names and forms of all realities, are already envisaged and prefigured, because they are there latent and inherent in the All-Existence.” The Life Divine

name ::: Sri Aurobindo: "Name in its deeper sense is not the word by which we describe the object, but the total of power, quality, character of the reality which a form of things embodies and which we try to sum up by a designating sound, a knowable name, Nomen. Nomen in this sense, we might say, is Numen; the secret Names of the Gods are their power, quality, character of being caught up by the consciousness and made conceivable. The Infinite is nameless, but in that namelessness all possible names, Numens of the gods, the names and forms of all realities, are already envisaged and prefigured, because they are there latent and inherent in the All-Existence.” The Life Divine

nappe ::: n. --> Sheet; surface; all that portion of a surface that is continuous in such a way that it is possible to pass from any one point of the portion to any other point of the portion without leaving the surface. Thus, some hyperboloids have one nappe, and some have two.

Naturalism: Naturalism, challenging the cogency of the cosmological, teleological, and moral arguments, holds that the universe requires no supernatural cause and government, but is self-existent, self-explanatory, self-operating, and self-directing, that the world-process is not teleological and anthropocentric, but purposeless, deterministic (except for possible tychistic events), and only incidentally productive of man; that human life, physical, mental, moral and spiritual, is an ordinary natural event attributable in all respects to the ordinary operations of nature; and that man's ethical values, compulsions, activities, and restraints can be justified on natural grounds, without recourse to supernatural sanctions, and his highest good pursued and attained under natural conditions, without expectation of a supernatural destiny. -- B.A.G.F.

Natural Theology: In general, natural theology is a term used to distinguish any theology based upon the fundamental premise of the ability of man to construct his theory of God and of the world out of the framework of his own reason and of reasonable probability from the so-called "revealed theology" which presupposes that God and divine purposes are not open to unaided human understanding but rest upon a supernatural and not wholly understandable basis. See Deism; Renaissance. During the 17th and 18th centuries there were attempts to set up a "natural religion" to which men might easily give their assent and to offset the extravagant claims of the supernaturalists and their harsh charges against doubters. The classical attempt to make out a case for the sweet reasonableness of a divine purpose at work in the world of nature was given by Paley in his Natural Theology (1802). Traditional Catholicism, especially that of the late middle Ages developed a kind of natural theology based upon the metaphysics of Aristotle. Descartes, Spinoza and Leibniz developed a more definite type of natural theology in their several constructions of what now may well be called philosophical theology wherein reason is made the guide. Natural theology has raised its head in recent times in attempts to combat the extravagant declarations of theologians of human pessimism. The term, however, is unfortunate because it is being widely acknowledged that so-called "revealed theology" is natural (recent psychological and social studies) and that natural theology need not deny to reason its possible character as the bearer of an immanent divine revelation. -- V.F.

Nature, of all that is not obvious on the surface. An integral knowledge demands an exploration, an unveiling of all the possible domains of consciousness and experience. For there are subjective domains of our being which lie behind the obvious surface; these have to be fathomed and whatever is ascertained must be admitted within the scope of the total reality. An inner range of spiritual experience is one very great domain of human consciousness ; it has to be entered into up to its deepest depths and its vastest reaches. The supraphysical is as real as the physical ; to know it is part of a complete knowledge. The knowledge of the supraph>'sical has been associated with mysti- efsm and occultism, and occultism has been banned as a super- stition and fantastic error. But the occult Is a part of existence ; a true occultism means no more than a research into supraphysical realities and an unveiling of the hidden Jaws of being and

necessary ::: a. --> Such as must be; impossible to be otherwise; not to be avoided; inevitable.
Impossible to be otherwise, or to be dispensed with, without preventing the attainment of a desired result; indispensable; requiste; essential.
Acting from necessity or compulsion; involuntary; -- opposed to free; as, whether man is a necessary or a free agent is a question much discussed.

NECESSITIES. ::: The necessities of a sadhaka should be as few as possible ; for there are only a veiy few things that are real necessities in life. The rest are either utilities or things decorative to life or luxuries. These a yogin has a right to possess or enjoy only on one of two conditions ;

Newton's Method: The method of procedure in natural philosophy as formulated by Sir Isaac Newton, especially in his Rules of Reasoning in Philosophy (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, Book III). These rules are as follows: We are to admit no more causes of natural things than such as are both true and sufficient to explain their appearances. Therefore to the same natural effects we must, as far as possible, assign the same causes. The qualities of bodies, which admit neither intension nor remission of degrees, and which are found to belong to all bodies within the reach of our experiments, are to be esteemed the universal qualities of all bodies whatsoever. In experimental philosophy we are to look upon propositions collected by general induction from phaenomena as accurately or very nearly true, notwithstanding any contrary hypotheses that may be imagined, till such time as other phaenomena occur, by which they may either be made more accurate, or liable to exceptions. To this passage should be appended another statement from the closing pages of the same work. "I do not make hypotheses; for whatever is not deduced from the phaenomena is to be called an hypothesis; and hypotheses, whether metaphysical or physical, whether of occult qualities or mechanical, have no place in experimental philosophy." -- A.C.S.

Nihil est in intellectu quod non prius fuerit in sensu: (Lat.) Nothing is in the intellect which was not first in sense. All the materials, or content, of higher, intellectual cognition are derived from the activity of lower, sense cognition. A principle subscribed to by Aristotle, St. Thomas and Locke; opposed by Plato, St. Augustine and Leibniz (who qualified the proposition by adding: nisi intellectus ipse, i.e. except for what is already present as part of the innate nature of the intellect, thus making it possible for Kant to suggest that certain forms of sensibility and reason are prior to sense experience). -- V.J.B.

Nihilism: The doctrine that nothing, or nothing of a specified and very general class, exists, or is knowable, or is valuable. Thus Gorgias held that Nothing exists; Even if something did exist it could not be known; Even if it were known this knowledge could not be communicated. Schopenhauer's pessimism and denial of the Will expresses a nihilistic attitude toward the so-called values of the world. As a social doctrine Nihilism is the belief that progress is possible only through the destruction of all social and political organizations. See Anarchism. -- C.A.B.

Null class: See Logic, formal, §7. Number: The number system of mathematical analysis may be described as follows -- with reference, not to historical, but to one possible logical order.

Nuñez Regüeiro, Manuel: Born in Uruguay, March 21, 1883. Professor of Philosophy at the National University of the Litoral in Argentine. Author of about twenty-five books, among which the following are the most important from a philosophical point of view: Fundamentos de la Anterosofia, 1925; Anterosofia Racional, 1926; De Nuevo Hablo Jesus, 1928; Filosofia Integral, 1932; Del Conocimiento y Progreso de Si Mismo, 1934; Tratado de Metalogica, o Fundamentos de Una Nueva Metodologia, 1936; Suma Contra Una Nueva Edad Media, 1938; Metafisica y Ciencia, 1941; La Honda Inquietud, 1915; Conocimiento y Creencia, 1916. Three fundamental questions and a tenacious effort to answer them run throughout the entire thought of Nuñez Regüeiro, namely the three questions of Kant: What can I know? What must I do? What can I expect? Science as auch does not write finis to anything. We experience in science the same realm of contradictions and inconsistencies which we experience elsewhere. Fundamentally, this chaos is of the nature of dysteleology. At the root of the conflict lies a crisis of values. The problem of doing is above all a problem of valuing. From a point of view of values, life ennobles itself, man lifts himself above the trammels of matter, and the world becomes meaning-full. Is there a possibility for the realization of this ideal? Has this plan ever been tried out? History offers us a living example: The Fact of Jesus. He is the only possible expectation. In him and through him we come to fruition and fulfilment. Nuñez Regüeiro's philosophy is fundamentally religious. -- J.A.F.

obverse ::: a. --> Having the base, or end next the attachment, narrower than the top, as a leaf.
The face of a coin which has the principal image or inscription upon it; -- the other side being the reverse.
Anything necessarily involved in, or answering to, another; the more apparent or conspicuous of two possible sides, or of two corresponding things.

Occasional causes, the doctrine of: The doctrine that in some or in all cases of apparent causal connection, the apparent cause does not itself actually bring about the apparent effect, but only serves as the occasion on which some other agent or force brings about that effect. Thus Malebranche and the other Occasionalists held that in all cases where mind and body seem to be causally connected, the truth is not that the one is acting on the other (which is impossible because they differ essentially in kind), but that an event in the one is taken by God as an occasion for his producing an event in the other. Again, Schopenhauer maintained that every natural cause is only an occasional cause for the manifestation of the Will. -- W.K.F.

". . . One Being and Consciousness is involved here in Matter. Evolution is the method by which it liberates itself; consciousness appears in what seems to be inconscient, and once having appeared is self-impelled to grow higher and higher and at the same time to enlarge and develop towards a greater and greater perfection. Life is the first step of this release of consciousness; mind is the second; but the evolution does not finish with mind, it awaits a release into something greater, a consciousness which is spiritual and supramental. The next step of the evolution must be towards the development of Supermind and Spirit as the dominant power in the conscious being. For only then will the involved Divinity in things release itself entirely and it become possible for life to manifest perfection.” On Himself

“… One Being and Consciousness is involved here in Matter. Evolution is the method by which it liberates itself; consciousness appears in what seems to be inconscient, and once having appeared is self-impelled to grow higher and higher and at the same time to enlarge and develop towards a greater and greater perfection. Life is the first step of this release of consciousness; mind is the second; but the evolution does not finish with mind, it awaits a release into something greater, a consciousness which is spiritual and supramental. The next step of the evolution must be towards the development of Supermind and Spirit as the dominant power in the conscious being. For only then will the involved Divinity in things release itself entirely and it become possible for life to manifest perfection.” On Himself

“On the surface of life all appears to be a game of Chance. There is no certainty about any movement; ups and downs, vicissitudes, cataclysms, actions, passions and thoughts crowd in medley and it is impossible to anticipate or regulate them with any definiteness. But a deeper scrutiny reveals a pattern behind all the apparent workings of Chance. What looks like Chance is itself a part of the process; it is called Chance because the particular operation does not take place within the framework of the laws erected by the limited empirical mind; there is really no Chance in the working out of the divine Intention that is this Universe.” Readings in Savitri Vol. III.

Operant Conditioning ::: Learning that occurs due to the manipulation of the possible consequences.

Or, as in traditional logic, modality may refer to a classification of propositions according to the kind of assertion which is contained rather than have the character of a truth-value. From this point of view propositions are classed as assertoric. (In which something is asserted as true), problematic (in which something is asserted as possible), and apodeictic (in which something is asserted as necessary). -- A.C.

or at least to open the barrier Wlwecn this outer instrumental consciousness and that inner being which it very partially strives to express, and to make possible in future a conscious awareness of all the endless riches of possibility and experience and new being and new life that lie untapped behind the veil of this small and very blind and limited material personality which men call themselves. It is the begirmiog and constant enlarging of this deeper and fuller and richer awareness that is accomplished between the inward plunge and the return from this inner world to the waking state.

Overmind is a sort of delegation from the Supermind (this is a metaphor only) which supports the present evolutionary uni- verse in which we live here in Matter. Though luminous in itself, it keeps from us the full indivisible Supramental Tight, depends on it indeed, but in receiving it, divides, distributes, breaks it up into separated aspects, powers, multiplicities of all kinds, each of which it is possible by a further diminution of consciousness such as we reach in Mind to regard as the sole or the chief Truth and all the rest as subordinate or contradictor^ to it. But this does not create a disharmony, because the Over- mind has the sense of the Infinite and in the true (not spatial)

overmind ::: Sri Aurobindo: "The overmind is a sort of delegation from the supermind (this is a metaphor only) which supports the present evolutionary universe in which we live here in Matter. If supermind were to start here from the beginning as the direct creative Power, a world of the kind we see now would be impossible; it would have been full of the divine Light from the beginning, there would be no involution in the inconscience of Matter, consequently no gradual striving evolution of consciousness in Matter. A line is therefore drawn between the higher half of the universe of consciousness, parardha , and the lower half, aparardha. The higher half is constituted of Sat, Chit, Ananda, Mahas (the supramental) — the lower half of mind, life, Matter. This line is the intermediary overmind which, though luminous itself, keeps from us the full indivisible supramental Light, depends on it indeed, but in receiving it, divides, distributes, breaks it up into separated aspects, powers, multiplicities of all kinds, each of which it is possible by a further diminution of consciousness, such as we reach in Mind, to regard as the sole or the chief Truth and all the rest as subordinate or contradictory to it.” *Letters on Yoga

   "The overmind is the highest of the planes below the supramental.” *Letters on Yoga

"In its nature and law the Overmind is a delegate of the Supermind Consciousness, its delegate to the Ignorance. Or we might speak of it as a protective double, a screen of dissimilar similarity through which Supermind can act indirectly on an Ignorance whose darkness could not bear or receive the direct impact of a supreme Light.” The Life Divine

"The Overmind is a principle of cosmic Truth and a vast and endless catholicity is its very spirit; its energy is an all-dynamism as well as a principle of separate dynamisms: it is a sort of inferior Supermind, — although it is concerned predominantly not with absolutes, but with what might be called the dynamic potentials or pragmatic truths of Reality, or with absolutes mainly for their power of generating pragmatic or creative values, although, too, its comprehension of things is more global than integral, since its totality is built up of global wholes or constituted by separate independent realities uniting or coalescing together, and although the essential unity is grasped by it and felt to be basic of things and pervasive in their manifestation, but no longer as in the Supermind their intimate and ever-present secret, their dominating continent, the overt constant builder of the harmonic whole of their activity and nature.” The Life Divine

   "The overmind sees calmly, steadily, in great masses and large extensions of space and time and relation, globally; it creates and acts in the same way — it is the world of the great Gods, the divine Creators.” *Letters on Yoga

"The Overmind is essentially a spiritual power. Mind in it surpasses its ordinary self and rises and takes its stand on a spiritual foundation. It embraces beauty and sublimates it; it has an essential aesthesis which is not limited by rules and canons, it sees a universal and an eternal beauty while it takes up and transforms all that is limited and particular. It is besides concerned with things other than beauty or aesthetics. It is concerned especially with truth and knowledge or rather with a wisdom that exceeds what we call knowledge; its truth goes beyond truth of fact and truth of thought, even the higher thought which is the first spiritual range of the thinker. It has the truth of spiritual thought, spiritual feeling, spiritual sense and at its highest the truth that comes by the most intimate spiritual touch or by identity. Ultimately, truth and beauty come together and coincide, but in between there is a difference. Overmind in all its dealings puts truth first; it brings out the essential truth (and truths) in things and also its infinite possibilities; it brings out even the truth that lies behind falsehood and error; it brings out the truth of the Inconscient and the truth of the Superconscient and all that lies in between. When it speaks through poetry, this remains its first essential quality; a limited aesthetical artistic aim is not its purpose.” *Letters on Savitri

"In the overmind the Truth of supermind which is whole and harmonious enters into a separation into parts, many truths fronting each other and moved each to fulfil itself, to make a world of its own or else to prevail or take its share in worlds made of a combination of various separated Truths and Truth-forces.” Letters on Yoga


Overmind ::: “The overmind is a sort of delegation from the supermind (this is a metaphor only) which supports the present evolutionary universe in which we live here in Matter. If supermind were to start here from the beginning as the direct creative Power, a world of the kind we see now would be impossible; it would have been full of the divine Light from the beginning, there would be no involution in the inconscience of Matter, consequently no gradual striving evolution of consciousness in Matter. A line is therefore drawn between the higher half of the universe of consciousness, parardha , and the lower half, aparardha. The higher half is constituted of Sat, Chit, Ananda, Mahas (the supramental)—the lower half of mind, life, Matter. This line is the intermediary overmind which, though luminous itself, keeps from us the full indivisible supramental Light, depends on it indeed, but in receiving it, divides, distributes, breaks it up into separated aspects, powers, multiplicities of all kinds, each of which it is possible by a further diminution of consciousness, such as we reach in Mind, to regard as the sole or the chief Truth and all the rest as subordinate or contradictory to it.” Letters on Yoga

paradox ::: 1. Any person, thing, or situation exhibiting an apparently contradictory nature; puzzle; anomaly; riddle. 2. A statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth. paradoxical.

Parmenides: 6th-5th century B.C., head of the Eleatic School of Greek Philosophy, developed the conception of "Being" in opposition to the "Becoming" of Heraclitus. To think at all we must postulate something which is, that which is not cannot be thought, and cannot be. Thought without being or being without thought are impossible, and the two are therefore identical. At the same time the "Being" of Parmenides is that which fills space, non-being is empty space Empty space therefore cannot be, and if empty space or the "Void" cannot be then the plurality of individual things is equally not real since this results from the motion of the "full" in the "void". There is thus for Parmenides only one "Being" without inner differentiation; this alone really is, while the particularity of individual things is appearance, illusion. Homogeneous and unchangeable "Being" is the only reality. -- M.F.

Parsimony, Law of: Name given to various statements of a general regulative principle of economy of thought, or effort, in the use of means to attain a purpose, like that of William of Ockham (died about 1349), called Ockham's razor: Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem. It is interpreted in the sense that the least possible number of assumptions are to be made in the attempt to explain ascertained facts. It has been supposed that the same principle of simplicity prevails in the physical cosmos, since apparently nature employs the fewest possible means effectively to attain the ends which are intended. -- J.J.R.

Perception, pure: Is a form of action rather than a form of cognition. Involves an actual presence of external objects to the sense organs, is the reflection of the body's virtual or possible action upon these objects, or of the object's possible action upon the body. The consciousness of perception is a measure of its indetermination. (Bergson.) -- H.H.

permutation ::: n. --> The act of permuting; exchange of the thing for another; mutual transference; interchange.
The arrangement of any determinate number of things, as units, objects, letters, etc., in all possible orders, one after the other; -- called also alternation. Cf. Combination, n., 4.
Any one of such possible arrangements.
Barter; exchange.

Person ::: As the spiritual impersonal person he is one in his nature and being with the freedom of Sachchidananda who has here consented to or willed his involution in the Nescience for a certain round of soul-experience, impossible otherwise, and presides secretly over its evolution.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 21-22, Page: 788

Pessimism: (Lat. pessimus, the worst) The attitude gained by reflection on life, man, and the world (psychiatrically explained as due to neurotic or other physiological conditions, economically to over-population, mechanization, rampant utilitarianism; religiously to lack of faith; etc.) which makes a person gloomy, despondent, magnifying evil and sorrow, or holding the world in contempt. Rationalizations of this attitude have been attempted before Schopenhauer (as in Hesiod, Job, among the Hindus, in Byron, Giacomo Leopardi, Heine, Musset, and others), but never with such vigor, consistency, and acumen, so that since his Welt als Wille und Vorstellung we speak of a 19th century philosophic literature of pessimism which considers this world the worst possible, holds man to be born to sorrow, and thinks it best if neither existed. Buddhism (q.v.) blames the universal existence of pain, sorrow, and death; Schopenhauer the blind, impetuous will as the very stuff life and the world are made of; E. v. Hartmann the alogical or irrational side of the ill-powerful subconscious; Oswald Spengler the Occidental tendency toward civilization and hence the impossibility of extricating ourselves from decay as the natural terminus of all organic existence. All pessimists, however, suggest compensations or remedies; thus, Buddhism looks hopefully to nirvana (q.v.), Schopenhauer to the Idea, v. Hartmann to the rational, Spengler to a rebirth through culture. See Optimism. -- K.F.L.

Phenomena: See Appearances. Phenomenalism: (Gr. phainomenon, from phainesthai, to appear) Theory that knowledge is limited to phenomena including (a) physical phenomena or the totality of objects of actual and possible perception and (b) mental phenomena, the totality of objects of introspection. Phenomenalism assumes two forms according as it (a) denies a reality behind the phenomena (Renouvier, Shadworth, Hodgson), or (b) expressly affirms the reality of things-in-themselves but denies their knowability (Kant, Comte, Spencer.) See Hume. -- L.W.

Philosophers have in the past been concerned with two questions covered by our definition, though attempts to organize the subject as an autonomous department of philosophy are of recent date. Enquiries into the origin of language (e.g. in Plato's Kratylos) once a favorite subject for speculation, are now out of fashion, both with philosophers and linguists. Enquiries as to the nature of language (as in Descartes, Leibniz, and many others) are, however, still central to all philosophical interest in language. Such questions as "What are the most general characters of symbolism?", "How is 'Language' to be defined?", "What is the essence of language?", "How is communication possible?", "What would be the nature of a perfect language?", are indicative of the varying modulations which this theme receives in the works of contemporaries.   Current studies in the philosophy of language can be classified under five hends:   Questions of method, relation to other disciplines, etc. Much discussion turns here upon the proposal to establish a science and art of symbolism, variously styled semiotic, semantics or logical syntax,   The analysis of meaning. Problems arising here involve attention to those under the next heading.   The formulation of general descriptive schemata. Topics of importance here include the identification and analysis of different ways in which language is used, and the definition of men crucial notions as "symbol'', "grammar", "form", "convention", "metaphor", etc.   The study of fully formalized language systems or "calculi". An increasingly important and highly technical division which seeks to extend and adapt to all languages the methods first developed in "metamathematics" for the study of mathematical symbolism.   Applications to problems in general philosophy. Notably the attempt made to show that necessary propositions are really verbal; or again, the study of the nature of the religious symbol. Advance here awaits more generally acceptable doctrine in the other divisions.   References:

physical and its energies, — all that Nature has not put into visi- ble operation on the surface ; It pursues also the application of these hidden truths and powers of Nature so as to extend the mastery of the human spirit beyond the ordinary operations of mind, the ordinary operations of life, the ordinary operations of our physical existence. In the spiritual domain, which is occult to the surface mind in so far as it passes beyond normal and enters into supernormal experience, there is possible not only the discovery of the self and spirit, but the discovery of the uplift- ing, informing and guiding light of spiritual consciousness and the power of the spirit, the spiritual way of knowledge, the spiri- tual way of action. To know these things and to bring their truths and forces into the life of humanity is a necessary part of its evolution. Science itself is in Its own way an occultism ; for it brings to light the formulas which Nature has hidden and it uses its knowledge to set free operations of her energies which she has not included in her ordinary operations and to organise and place at the service of man her occult powers and processes, a vast system of physical magic, — for there is and can be no other magic than the utilisation of secret truths of being, secret powers and processes of Nature. It may even be found that a supra- physical knowledge Is necessary for the completion of physical knowledge, because the processes of physical Nature have behind them a supraphysical factor, a power and action mental, vital or spiritual which is not tangible to any outer means of knowledge.

pianissimo ::: a. --> Very soft; -- a direction to execute a passage as softly as possible. (Abbrev. pp.)

portable ::: a. --> Capable of being borne or carried; easily transported; conveyed without difficulty; as, a portable bed, desk, engine.
Possible to be endured; supportable.

possibility ::: n. --> The quality or state of being possible; the power of happening, being, or existing.
That which is possible; a contingency; a thing or event that may not happen; a contingent interest, as in real or personal estate.

possibility ::: the condition of being possible; capable of existing or happening or being true. possibilities.

possible ::: a. --> Capable of existing or occurring, or of being conceived or thought of; able to happen; capable of being done; not contrary to the nature of things; -- sometimes used to express extreme improbability; barely able to be, or to come to pass; as, possibly he is honest, as it is possible that Judas meant no wrong.

possibles ::: things that can be done.

possibly ::: adv. --> In a possible manner; by possible means; especially, by extreme, remote, or improbable intervention, change, or exercise of power; by a chance; perhaps; as, possibly he may recover.

posting ::: Jhumur: “The runners who carried the post actually ran and then relayed to another runner, as fast as possible but also erratically, going through jungles and over mountains.”

potential ::: a. --> Being potent; endowed with energy adequate to a result; efficacious; influential.
Existing in possibility, not in actuality. ::: n. --> Anything that may be possible; a possibility; potentially.

powerable ::: a. --> Capable of being effected or accomplished by the application of power; possible.
Capable of exerting power; powerful.

Power of the Tantrics, meets the Brahman and Ss liberated into the Divine Being. These centres are closed or half-closed within us and have to be op>ened before their full potentiality can be manifested in our physical.- nature ::: but once they are opened and completely active, no limit can easily be set to the develop- ment of their potencies and the total transformation to be possible.

Powers undivine in their nature present themselves as the Sup- reme Lord or as the Divine Mother and claim the being’s service and surrender. 1C these (hiags are accepted, there will be an extremely disastrous consequence. If indeed there is the assent of the sSdhaka to the Divine working alone and the submission or surrender to that guidance, then all can go smoothly. This assent and a rejection of all egoistic force or forces that appeal to the ego are the safeguard throughout the sadhana. But the ways of nature are full of snares, the disguises of the ego are innumerable, the ilfusions of the Powers of Darkness, Rakshasi Maya, are e.ttraordinariIy skilful ; the reason is an insulBdent guide and often turns traitor; vital desire is ahvays with us tempting to follow any alluring call. This is the reason why in this Yoga we insist so much on what we call samarpana — rather inade- quately rendered by the Engikh word surrender. If the heart centre is fully opened and the psychic is always in control, then there is no question ; all fe Safe. But the psychic can at any moment be veiled by a lower upsurge. It is only a few who arc exempt from these dangers and it is precisely those to whom surrender is easily possible. The guidance of one who is himself

probabilist ::: n. --> One who maintains that certainty is impossible, and that probability alone is to govern our faith and actions.
One who maintains that a man may do that which has a probability of being right, or which is inculcated by teachers of authority, although other opinions may seem to him still more probable.

PURIFICATION. ::: Each time there is a purification of the outer nature, it becomes more possible for the inner being to reveal itself, to become free and to open to the higher conscious- ness above. ^Vhen this happens several other things happen at the same time. First, one becomes aware of the silent Self above

Purusha ::: The Conscious Being, Purusha, is the Self as originator, witness, support and lord and enjoyer of the forms and works of Nature. As the aspect of Self is in its essential character transcendental even when involved and identified with its universal and individual becomings, so the Purusha aspect is characteristically universal-individual and intimately connected with Nature even when separated from her. For this conscious Spirit while retaining its impersonality and eternity, its universality, puts on at the same time a more personal aspect;7 it is the impersonal-personal being in Nature from whom it is not altogether detached, for it is always coupled with her: Nature acts for the Purusha and by its sanction, for its will and pleasure; the Conscious Being imparts its consciousness to the Energy we call Nature, receives in that consciousness her workings as in a mirror, accepts the forms which she, the executive cosmic Force, creates and imposes on it, gives or withdraws its sanction from her movements. The experience of Purusha-Prakriti, the Spirit or Conscious Being in its relations to Nature, is of immense pragmatic importance; for on these relations the whole play of the consciousness depends in the embodied being. If the Purusha in us is passive and allows Nature to act, accepting all she imposes on him, giving a constant automatic sanction, then the soul in mind, life, body, the mental, vital, physical being in us, becomes subject to our nature, ruled by its formation, driven by its activities; that is the normal state of our ignorance. If the Purusha in us becomes aware of itself as the Witness and stands back from Nature, that is the first step to the soul’s freedom; for it becomes detached, and it is possible then to know Nature and her processes and in all independence, since we are no longer involved in her works, to accept or not to accept, to make the sanction no longer automatic but free and effective; we can choose what she shall do or not do in us, or we can stand back altogether from her works and withdraw into the Self’s spiritual silence, or we can reject her present formations and rise to a spiritual level of existence and from there re-create our existence. The Purusha can cease to be subject, anısa, and become lord of its nature, Isvara.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 21-22, Page: 362-63

Rajayoga must cod. For its action is the stilling of the waves of consciousness, its manifold activities, cinovfUl, first, through a habitual replacing of the turbid rajaslc activities by the quiet and luminous sattwic, then, by the stilling of all activities, and its object is to enter into silent communion of soul and unity with the Divine. As a matter of fact we find that the system of Raja- yoga includes other objects, — such as the practice and use of occult powers, — some of which seem to be unconnected with and even inconsistent with its main purpose. These powers or siddhis arc indeed frequently condemned as dangers and dis- tractions wWch draw away the Yogin from his sole legitimate aim of divine union. On the way, therefore, it would naturally seem as if they ought to bfe* avoided; and once the goal is reached, it would seem that they are then frivolous and super- fluous. But Rajayoga is a psychic science and it includes the attainment of all the higher slates of consciousness and their powers by which the mental being rises towards the super- conscient as well as its ultimate and supreme possibility of union wnth the Highest. Moreover, the Yo^n, while in the body, is not always mentally inactive and sunk in Samadhi and an account of the powers and states which arc possible to him on the higher planes of his being is necessary to the completeness of the science.

Realistic Advaita ::: There is possible a realistic as well as an illusionist Adwaita. The philosophy of The Life Divine is such a realistic Adwaita. The world is a manifestation of the Real and th
   refore is itself real. The reality is the infinite and eternal Divine, infinite and eternal Being, Consciousness-Force and Bliss. This Divine by his power has created the world or rather manifested it in his own infinite Being. But here in the material world or at its basis he has hidden himself in what seem to be his opposites, Non-Being, Inconscience and Insentience. This is what we nowadays call the Inconscient which seems to have created the material universe by its inconscient Energy; but this is only an appearance, for we find in the end that all the dispositions of theworld can only have been arranged by the working of a supreme secret intelligence. The Being which is hidden in what seems to be an inconscient void emerges in the world first in Matter, then in Life, then in Mind and finally as the Spirit. The apparently inconscient Energy which creates is in fact the Consciousness-Force of the Divine and its aspect of consciousness, secret in Matter, begins to emerge in Life, finds something more of itself in Mind and finds its true self in a spiritual consciousness and finally a supramental consciousness through which we become aware of the Reality, enter into it and unite ourselves with it. This is what we call evolution which is an evolution of consciousness and an evolution of the Spirit in things and only outwardly an evolution of species. Thus also, the delight of existence emerges from the original insentience first in the contrary forms of pleasure and pain and then has to find itself in the bliss of the Spirit or as it is called in the Upanishads, the bliss of the Brahman.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 35, Page: 91-92

REALISTIC ADVAITA, There is possible a realistic as well as an Ulusionistic Advaita. The philosophy of the Life

Reality ::: There is a Reality, a truth of all existence which is greater and more abiding than all its formations and manifestations; to find that truth and Reality and live in it, achieve the most perfect manifestation and formation possible of it, must be the secret of perfection whether of individual or communal being. This Reality is there within each thing and gives to each of its formations its power of being and value of being.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 21-22, Page: 489

rebellious ::: hard or impossible to manage; stubbornly disobedient; obstinate.

reconcile ::: “True reconciliation proceeds always by a mutual comprehension leading to some sort of intimate oneness. It is therefore through the utmost possible unification of Spirit and Matter that we shall best arrive at their reconciling truth and so at some strongest foundation for a reconciling practice in the inner life of the individual and his outer existence.” The Life Divine

Rejected in particular by intuitionism are the use of impredicative definition (q. v.); the assumption that all things satisfying a given condition can be united into a set and this set then treated as an individual thing --or even the weakened form of this assumption which is found in Zermelo's Aussonderungsaxiom or axiom of subset formation (see logic, formal, § 9); the law of excluded middle as applied to propositions whose expression lequires a quantifier for which the variable involved has an infinite range. As an example of the rejection of the law of excluded middle, consider the proposition, "Either every even number greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of two prime numbers or else not every even number greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of two prime numbers." This proposition is intuitionistically unacceptable, because there are infinitely many even numbers greater than 2 and it is impossible to try them all one by one and decide of each whether or not it is the sum of two prime numbers. An intuitionist would accept the disjunction only after a proof had been given of one or other of the two disjoined propositions -- and in the present state of mathematical knowledge it is not certain that this can be done (it is not certain that the mathematical problem involved is solvable). If, however, we replace "greater than 2" by "greater than 2 and less than 1,000,000,000," the resulting disjunction becomes intuitionistically acceptable, since the number of numbers involved is then finite. The intuitionistic rejection of the law of excluded middle is not to be understood as an assertion of the negation of the law of excluded middle; on the contrary, Brouwer asserts the negation of the negation of the law of excluded middle, i.e., ∼∼[p ∨ ∼p]. Still less is the intuitionistic rejection of the law of excluded middle to be understood as the assertion of the existence of a third truth-value intermediate between truth and falsehood.

Religion does that to man in the name of the Divine, in the name of God. The worst possible evil is enacted and that is because people sincerely believe they are instruments of light when they have actually become instruments of darkness.”

Removal of illnesses ::: To get rid of that one must awaken a will and consciousness in the body itself that refuses to allow these things to impose themselves upon it. But to get that, still more to get it completely, is dIfiBcult. One step towards it is to get the inner consciousness separate from the body — to feel that it is not you who are ill, but inis only something taking place in the body and affecting your consciousness. It is then possible to see this separate body consciousness, what it feels, what are its reactions to things, how it works. One can then act on it to change its consciousness and reactions.

RETIREMENT, It may be necessary for the seeker at any period to withdraw into himself, to remain plunged in his inner being, to shut out from himself the noise and turmoil of the life of the Ignorance until a certain inner change has been accom- plished or something achieved without which a further effective action on life has become difficult or impossible. But this can only be a period or an episode, a- temporary necessity or a pre- paratory spiritual manoeuvre.

Samadbi or Yogic trance retires to increasing depths accord* lag as it dran^ farther and farther away from the nonnal or waking state and enters into degrees of consciousness less and less communicable to the waking mind, less and less ready to receive a summons from the waking world. Beyond a certain point the trance becomes complete and it is then almost or quite impossible to awaken or calf back the soul that has receded into them ; it can only come back by its own will or at most by a violent shock of physical appeal dangerous to the sj'stem owing to the abrupt upheaval of return. There are said to be supreme states of trance in which the soul persisting for too long a lime cannot return ; for it loses its hold on the cord which binds it to the consciousness of life, and the body is left, maintained indeed in its set position, not dead by dissolution, but incapable of recovering the ensouled life which had rnhahifed it. finally, the Yogin acquires at a certain stage of development the power of abandoning his body definitively without the ordinary pheno- mena of death, by an act of will, or by a process of withdrawing the pranic life-force through the gate of the upward life-current

Samadhi or Yogic trance retires to increasing depths according as it draws farther and farther away from the normal or waking state and enters into degrees of consciousness less and less communicable to the waking mind, less and less ready to receive a summons from the waking world. Beyond a certain point the trance becomes complete and it is then almost or quite impossible to awaken or call back the soul that has receded into them; it can only come back by its own will or at most by a violent shock of physical appeal dangerous to the system owing to the abrupt upheaval of return. There are said to be supreme states of trance in which the soul persisting for too long a time cannot return; for it loses its hold on the cord which binds it to the consciousness of life, and the body is left, maintained indeed in its set position, not dead by dissolution, but incapable of recovering the ensouled life which had inhabited it. Finally, the Yogin acquires at a certain stage of development the power of abandoning his body definitively without the ordinary phenomena of death, by an act of will,1 or by a process of withdrawing the pranic life-force through the gate of the upward life-current (udana), opening for it a way through the mystic brahmarandhra in the head. By departure from life in the state of Samadhi he attains directly to that higher status of being to which he aspires.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 23-24, Page: 520-21

saturated ::: imp. & p. p. --> of Saturate ::: a. --> Filled to repletion; holding by absorption, or in solution, all that is possible; as, saturated garments; a saturated solution of salt.
Having its affinity satisfied; combined with all it can

searchless ::: a. --> Impossible to be searched; inscrutable; impenetrable.

Self-giving or surrender is demanded because without such a progressive surrender of the being it is quite impossible to get anywhere near the goal. To keep open means to call m the Force to work in you, and if you do not surrender to it, it amounts to not allowing the Force to work in you at all or else only on condition that it will work in the way you want and not in its own way which is the way of the Divine Truth.

"Self-knowledge is impossible unless we go behind our surface existence, which is a mere result of selective outer experiences, an imperfect sounding-board or a hasty, incompetent and fragmentary translation of a little out of the much that we are, — unless we go behind this and send down our plummet into the subconscient and open ourself to the superconscient so as to know their relation to our surface being.” The Life Divine

“Self-knowledge is impossible unless we go behind our surface existence, which is a mere result of selective outer experiences, an imperfect sounding-board or a hasty, incompetent and fragmentary translation of a little out of the much that we are,—unless we go behind this and send down our plummet into the subconscient and open ourself to the superconscient so as to know their relation to our surface being.” The Life Divine

self-knowledge ::: knowing of oneself, without help from another.
Sri Aurobindo: The possibility of a cosmic consciousness in humanity is coming slowly to be admitted in modern Psychology, like the possibility of more elastic instruments of knowledge, although still classified, even when its value and power are admitted, as a hallucination. In the psychology of the East it has always been recognised as a reality and the aim of our subjective progress. The essence of the passage over to this goal is the exceeding of the limits imposed on us by the ego-sense and at least a partaking, at most an identification with the self-knowledge which broods secret in all life and in all that seems to us inanimate. *The Life Divine
"Therefore the only final goal possible is the emergence of the infinite consciousness in the individual; it is his recovery of the truth of himself by self-knowledge and by self-realisation, the truth of the Infinite in being, the Infinite in consciousness, the Infinite in delight repossessed as his own Self and Reality of which the finite is only a mask and an instrument for various expression.” The Life Divine
"The Truth-Consciousness is everywhere present in the universe as an ordering self-knowledge by which the One manifests the harmonies of its infinite potential multiplicity.” The Life Divine

siege ::: the act or process of surrounding and attacking a fortified place in such a way as to isolate it from help and supplies, for the purpose of lessening the resistance of the defenders and thereby making capture possible. Also fig.

Similarly, physically necessary things are those whose denial would violate a physical or natural law. The orbits of the planets are said to be physically necessary. Circular orbits for the planets are logically possible, but not physically possible, so long as certain physical laws of motion remain true. Physical necessity is also referred to as "causal" necessity.

Since the Consciousness-Force of the eternal Existence is the universal creatrix, the nature of a given world will depend on whatever self-formulation of that Consciousness expresses itself in that world. Equally, for each individual being, his seeing or representation to himself of the world he lives in will depend on the poise or make which that Consciousness has assumed in him. Our human mental consciousness sees the world in sections cut by the reason and sense and put together in a formation which is also sectional; the house it builds is planned to accommodate one or another generalised formulation of Truth, but excludes the rest or admits some only as guests or dependents in the house. Overmind Consciousness is global in its cognition and can hold any number of seemingly fundamental differences together in a reconciling vision. Thus the mental reason sees Person and the Impersonal as opposites: it conceives an impersonal Existence in which person and personality are fictions of the Ignorance or temporary constructions; or, on the contrary, it can see Person as the primary reality and the impersonal as a mental abstraction or only stuff or means of manifestation. To the Overmind intelligence these are separable Powers of the one Existence which can pursue their independent self-affirmation and can also unite together their different modes of action, creating both in their independence and in their union different states of consciousness and being which can be all of them valid and all capable of coexistence. A purely impersonal existence and consciousness is true and possible, but also an entirely personal consciousness and existence; the Impersonal Divine, Nirguna Brahman, and the Personal Divine, Saguna Brahman, are here equal and coexistent aspects of the Eternal. Impersonality can manifest with person subordinated to it as a mode of expression; but, equally, Person can be the reality with impersonality as a mode of its nature: both aspects of manifestation face each other in the infinite variety of conscious Existence. What to the mental reason are irreconcilable differences present themselves to the Overmind intelligence as coexistent correlatives; what to the mental reason are contraries are to the Overmind intelligence complementaries. Our mind sees that all things are born from Matter or material Energy, exist by it, go back into it; it concludes that Matter is the eternal factor, the primary and ultimate reality, Brahman. Or it sees all as born of Life-Force or Mind, existing by Life or by Mind, going back into the universal Life or Mind, and it concludes that this world is a creation of the cosmic Life-Force or of a cosmic Mind or Logos. Or again it sees the world and all things as born of, existing by and going back to the Real-Idea or Knowledge-Will of the Spirit or to the Spirit itself and it concludes on an idealistic or spiritual view of the universe. It can fix on any of these ways of seeing, but to its normal separative vision each way excludes the others. Overmind consciousness perceives that each view is true of the action of the principle it erects; it can see that there is a material world-formula, a vital world-formula, a mental world-formula, a spiritual world-formula, and each can predominate in a world of its own and at the same time all can combine in one world as its constituent powers. The self-formulation of Conscious Force on which our world is based as an apparent Inconscience that conceals in itself a supreme Conscious-Existence and holds all the powers of Being together in its inconscient secrecy, a world of universal Matter realising in itself Life, Mind, Overmind, Supermind, Spirit, each of them in its turn taking up the others as means of its self-expression, Matter proving in the spiritual vision to have been always itself a manifestation of the Spirit, is to the Overmind view a normal and easily realisable creation. In its power of origination and in the process of its executive dynamis Overmind is an organiser of many potentialities of Existence, each affirming its separate reality but all capable of linking themselves together in many different but simultaneous ways, a magician craftsman empowered to weave the multicoloured warp and woof of manifestation of a single entity in a complex universe. …

soever ::: --> A word compounded of so and ever, used in composition with who, what, where, when, how, etc., and indicating any out of all possible or supposable persons, things, places, times, ways, etc. It is sometimes used separate from the pronoun or adverb.

Sometimes referred to as generalizations or analogues of De Morgan's laws are the two dually related theorems of the functional calculus of first order, ∼(Ex)F(x) ≡ (x)∼F(x), ∼(x)F(x) ≡ (Ex)∼F(x), and similar theorems in higher functional calculi. These make possible the definition of the existential quantifier in terms of the universal quantifier (or inversely). -- A.C.

soul ::: Sri Aurobindo: "The word ‘soul", as also the word ‘psychic", is used very vaguely and in many different senses in the English language. More often than not, in ordinary parlance, no clear distinction is made between mind and soul and often there is an even more serious confusion, for the vital being of desire — the false soul or desire-soul — is intended by the words ‘soul" and ‘psychic" and not the true soul, the psychic being.” *Letters on Yoga

  "The word soul is very vaguely used in English — as it often refers to the whole non-physical consciousness including even the vital with all its desires and passions. That was why the word psychic being has to be used so as to distinguish this divine portion from the instrumental parts of the nature.” *Letters on Yoga

  "The word soul has various meanings according to the context; it may mean the Purusha supporting the formation of Prakriti, which we call a being, though the proper word would be rather a becoming; it may mean, on the other hand, specifically the psychic being in an evolutionary creature like man; it may mean the spark of the Divine which has been put into Matter by the descent of the Divine into the material world and which upholds all evolving formations here.” *Letters on Yoga

  "A distinction has to be made between the soul in its essence and the psychic being. Behind each and all there is the soul which is the spark of the Divine — none could exist without that. But it is quite possible to have a vital and physical being supported by such a soul essence but without a clearly evolved psychic being behind it.” *Letters on Yoga

  "The soul and the psychic being are practically the same, except that even in things which have not developed a psychic being, there is still a spark of the Divine which can be called the soul. The psychic being is called in Sanskrit the Purusha in the heart or the Chaitya Purusha. (The psychic being is the soul developing in the evolution.)” *Letters on Yoga

  "The soul or spark is there before the development of an organised vital and mind. The soul is something of the Divine that descends into the evolution as a divine Principle within it to support the evolution of the individual out of the Ignorance into the Light. It develops in the course of the evolution a psychic individual or soul individuality which grows from life to life, using the evolving mind, vital and body as its instruments. It is the soul that is immortal while the rest disintegrates; it passes from life to life carrying its experience in essence and the continuity of the evolution of the individual.” *Letters on Yoga

  ". . . for the soul is seated within and impervious to the shocks of external events. . . .” *Essays on the Gita

  ". . . the soul is at first but a spark and then a little flame of godhead burning in the midst of a great darkness; for the most part it is veiled in its inner sanctum and to reveal itself it has to call on the mind, the life-force and the physical consciousness and persuade them, as best they can, to express it; ordinarily, it succeeds at most in suffusing their outwardness with its inner light and modifying with its purifying fineness their dark obscurities or their coarser mixture. Even when there is a formed psychic being able to express itself with some directness in life, it is still in all but a few a smaller portion of the being — ‘no bigger in the mass of the body than the thumb of a man" was the image used by the ancient seers — and it is not always able to prevail against the obscurity or ignorant smallness of the physical consciousness, the mistaken surenesses of the mind or the arrogance and vehemence of the vital nature.” *The Synthesis of Yoga

". . . the soul is an eternal portion of the Supreme and not a fraction of Nature.” The Life Divine

"The true soul secret in us, — subliminal, we have said, but the word is misleading, for this presence is not situated below the threshold of waking mind, but rather burns in the temple of the inmost heart behind the thick screen of an ignorant mind, life and body, not subliminal but behind the veil, — this veiled psychic entity is the flame of the Godhead always alight within us, inextinguishable even by that dense unconsciousness of any spiritual self within which obscures our outward nature. It is a flame born out of the Divine and, luminous inhabitant of the Ignorance, grows in it till it is able to turn it towards the Knowledge. It is the concealed Witness and Control, the hidden Guide, the Daemon of Socrates, the inner light or inner voice of the mystic. It is that which endures and is imperishable in us from birth to birth, untouched by death, decay or corruption, an indestructible spark of the Divine.” The Life Divine

*Soul, soul"s, Soul"s, souls, soulless, soul-bridals, soul-change, soul-force, Soul-Forces, soul-ground, soul-joy, soul-nature, soul-range, soul-ray, soul-scapes, soul-scene, soul-sense, soul-severance, soul-sight, soul-slaying, soul-space,, soul-spaces, soul-strength, soul-stuff, soul-truth, soul-vision, soul-wings, world-soul, World-Soul.

Space ::: “It is possible in pure mentality to disregard the movement of event and the disposition of substance and realise the pure movement of Conscious-Force which constitutes Space and Time; these two are then merely two aspects of the universal force of Consciousness which in their intertwined interaction comprehend the warp and woof of its action upon itself. And to a consciousness higher than Mind which should regard our past, present and future in one view, containing and not contained in them, not situated at a particular moment of Time for its point of prospection, Time might well offer itself as an eternal present. And to the same consciousness not situated at any particular point of Space, but containing all points and regions in itself, Space also might well offer itself as a subjective and indivisible extension,—no less subjective than Time.” The Life Divine

space ::: n. --> Extension, considered independently of anything which it may contain; that which makes extended objects conceivable and possible.
Place, having more or less extension; room.
A quantity or portion of extension; distance from one thing to another; an interval between any two or more objects; as, the space between two stars or two hills; the sound was heard for the space of a mile.
Quantity of time; an interval between two points of time;

Space. Sri Aurobindo: "It is possible in pure mentality to disregard the movement of event and the disposition of substance and realise the pure movement of Conscious-Force which constitutes Space and Time; these two are then merely two aspects of the universal force of Consciousness which in their intertwined interaction comprehend the warp and woof of its action upon itself. And to a consciousness higher than Mind which should regard our past, present and future in one view, containing and not contained in them, not situated at a particular moment of Time for its point of prospection, Time might well offer itself as an eternal present. And to the same consciousness not situated at any particular point of Space, but containing all points and regions in itself, Space also might well offer itself as a subjective and indivisible extension, — no less subjective than Time.” The Life Divine

spherograph ::: n. --> An instrument for facilitating the practical use of spherics in navigation and astronomy, being constructed of two cardboards containing various circles, and turning upon each other in such a manner that any possible spherical triangle may be readily found, and the measures of the parts read off by inspection.

Spirit is an act of the supreme Reality from above which makes the realisation possible and it can appear either as the divine aid which brings about the fulfilment of the progress and process or as the sanction of the miracle. Evolution, as we see it in this world, is a slow and difficult process and, indeed, needs usual- ly ages to reach abiding results ; but this is because it is in its nature an emergence from ioconscient beginnings, a start from nescience and a working in the ignorance of natural beings by what seems to be an unconscious force. There can be, on the contrary, an evolution in the light and no longer in the darkness, in which the evolving being is a conscious participant and co- operator, and this is precisely what must take place here. Even in the effort and progress from the Ignorance to Knowledge this must be in part if not wholly the endeavour to be made on the heights of the nature and it must be wholly that in the final movement towards the spiritual change, realisation, transforma- tion. It must be still more so when there is a transition across the dividing line between the Ignorance and the Knowledge and the evolution is from knowledge to greater knowledge, from consciousness to greater consciousness, from being to greater being. There is then no longer any necessity for the slow pace of the ordinary evolution; there can be rapid consersion. quick transformation after transformation, what would seem to our

SPIRITISM. ::: It is quite possible for the dead or rather the departed — for they are not dead — who are still in regions rear the earth to have communication with the living ; some- times it happens automatically, sometimes by an effort at com- munication on one side of the curtain or the other. There is no impossibility of such communication by the means used by the spiritists ; usually however, genuine communications or a contact can only be with those who are yet m a wodd which is s sort of idealised replica of the earth-consciousness and in which the same personality, ideas, memories persist that the person had here. But all that pretends to be communications with departed souls is not genuine, especially when it is done through a paid professional medium. There is there an enormous amount of mixture of a very undesirable kind — for apart from the great mass of unconscious suggestions from the sitters or the contn-

spirometer ::: n. --> An instrument for measuring the vital capacity of the lungs, or the volume of air which can be expelled from the chest after the deepest possible inspiration. Cf. Pneumatometer.

spoilfive ::: n. --> A certain game at cards in which, if no player wins three of the five tricks possible on any deal, the game is said to be spoiled.

Sri Aurobindo: "But what do we mean by the individual? What we usually call by that name is a natural ego, a device of Nature which holds together her action in the mind and body. This ego has to be extinguished, otherwise there is no complete liberation possible; but the individual self or soul is not this ego. The individual soul is the spiritual being which is sometimes described as an eternal portion of the Divine, but can also be described as the Divine himself supporting his manifestation as the Many. This is the true spiritual individual which appears in its complete truth when we get rid of the ego and our false separative sense of individuality, realise our oneness with the transcendent and cosmic Divine and with all beings.” *Letters on Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: "But when I speak of the Divine Will, I mean something different, — something that has descended here into an evolutionary world of Ignorance, standing at the back of things, pressing on the Darkness with its Light, leading things presently towards the best possible in the conditions of a world of Ignorance and leading it eventually towards a descent of a greater power of the Divine, which will be not an omnipotence held back and conditioned by the law of the world as it is, but in full action and therefore bringing the reign of light, peace, harmony, joy, love, beauty and Ananda, for these are the Divine Nature.” *Letters on Yoga

Sri Aurobindo: "I have accented on the first syllable as I have done often with words like ‘occult", ‘divine". It is a Russian word and foreign words in English tend often to get their original accent shifted as far backward as possible. I have heard many do that with ‘ukase". Letters on Savitri.

*Sri Aurobindo: "In other words, ethics is a stage in evolution. That which is common to all stages is the urge of Sachchidananda towards self-expression. This urge is at first non-ethical, then infra-ethical in the animal, then in the intelligent animal even anti-ethical for it permits us to approve hurt done to others which we disapprove when done to ourselves. In this respect man even now is only half-ethical. And just as all below us is infra-ethical, so there may be that above us whither we shall eventually arrive, which is supra-ethical, has no need of ethics. The ethical impulse and attitude, so all-important to humanity, is a means by which it struggles out of the lower harmony and universality based upon inconscience and broken up by Life into individual discords towards a higher harmony and universality based upon conscient oneness with all existences. Arriving at that goal, this means will no longer be necessary or even possible, since the qualities and oppositions on which it depends will naturally dissolve and disappear in the final reconciliation.” The Life Divine

Sri Aurobindo: "It might be said again that, even so, in Sachchidananda itself at least, above all worlds of manifestation, there could be nothing but the self-awareness of pure existence and consciousness and a pure delight of existence. Or, indeed, this triune being itself might well be only a trinity of original spiritual self-determinations of the Infinite; these too, like all determinations, would cease to exist in the ineffable Absolute. But our position is that these must be inherent truths of the supreme being; their utmost reality must be pre-existent in the Absolute even if they are ineffably other there than what they are in the spiritual mind"s highest possible experience. The Absolute is not a mystery of infinite blankness nor a supreme sum of negations; nothing can manifest that is not justified by some self-power of the original and omnipresent Reality.” The Life Divine

Sri Aurobindo: "Krishna is the Eternal"s Personality of Ananda; because [of] him all creation is possible, because of his play, because of his delight, because of his sweetness.” *Essays Divine and Human

Sri Aurobindo: “Krishna is the Eternal’s Personality of Ananda; because [of] him all creation is possible, because of his play, because of his delight, because of his sweetness.” Essays Divine and Human

Sri Aurobindo: "Life itself here [on earth] is Being at labour in Matter to express itself in terms of conscious force; human life is the human being at labour to impress himself on the material world with the greatest possible force and intensity and extension.” *Social and Political Thought

Sri Aurobindo: ". . . our mind has the faculty of imagination; it can create and take as true and real its own mental structures: . . . . Our mental imagination is an instrument of Ignorance; it is the resort or device or refuge of a limited capacity of knowledge, a limited capacity of effective action. Mind supplements these deficiencies by its power of imagination: it uses it to extract from things obvious and visible the things that are not obvious and visible; it undertakes to create its own figures of the possible and the impossible; it erects illusory actuals or draws figures of a conjectured or constructed truth of things that are not true to outer experience. That is at least the appearance of its operation; but, in reality, it is the mind"s way or one of its ways of summoning out of Being its infinite possibilities, even of discovering or capturing the unknown possibilities of the Infinite.” The Life Divine

Sri Aurobindo: "The faith in the divine Shakti must be always at the back of our strength and when she becomes manifest, it must be or grow implicit and complete. There is nothing that is impossible to her who is the conscious Power and universal Goddess all-creative from eternity and armed with the Spirit"s omnipotence.” The Life Divine

Sri Aurobindo: "The Unknown is not the Unknowable; it need not remain the unknown for us, unless we choose ignorance or persist in our first limitations. For to all things that are not unknowable, all things in the universe, there correspond in that universe faculties which can take cognisance of them, and in man, the microcosm, these faculties are always existent and at a certain stage capable of development. We may choose not to develop them; where they are partially developed, we may discourage and impose on them a kind of atrophy. But, fundamentally, all possible knowledge is knowledge within the power of humanity.” *The Life Divine

Sri Aurobindo: "True reconciliation proceeds always by a mutual comprehension leading to some sort of intimate oneness. It is therefore through the utmost possible unification of Spirit and Matter that we shall best arrive at their reconciling truth and so at some strongest foundation for a reconciling practice in the inner life of the individual and his outer existence.” The Life Divine*

Sri Aurobindo: "Unity is the eternal and fundamental fact, without which all multiplicity would be an unreal and an impossible illusion. The consciousness of Unity is therefore called Vidya, the Knowledge.” *The Upanishads

Sri Aurobindo: "Whatever the manifestation may be, spiritual or material or other, it has behind it something that is beyond itself, and even if we reached the highest possible heights of the manifested existence there would be still beyond that even an Unmanifested from which it came.

St. Augustine distinguished the intellect from reason, aliud est intellectus, aliud ratio. Intellection would be impossible without reason: Intelligere non valemus, nisi ralionem habeamus. The intellect is the soul itself: Non enim aliquid aliud est quam anima, sed aliquid animae est intellectus. It rules the soul: Intellectus animam regit, ad ipsam animam pertinens. Sometimes the intellectus is called intelligentia. Both the intellect and reason are innate in the mind, mens cui ratio et intelligentia naturaliter inest. Reason seeks knowledge or science, scientia, while the intellect, which is higher, aims at wisdom, sapientia, or the contemplation of eternal things, and especially God. -- J.J.R.

— stumblings and deviations, hard and seemingly insuperable obstacles and wounds and suffering cannot be escaped and even death or utter downfall are not impossible. Only when the cons- cious integral surrender to the Divine has been learned by mind and life and body, can the way of the Yoga become easy, straight, swift and safe.

Suffering in yoga ::: There are two ways to meet ::: first that of the Self, calm, equality, a spint, a will, a mind, a vital, a physical consciousness that remain resolutely turned towards the Divine and unshaken by all suggestion of doubt, desire, attachment, depression, sorrow, pain, inertia. This is possible when the inner being awakens, when one becomes conscious of the Self, of the inner Mind, the inner Vital, the inner Physical, for that can more easily attune itself to the divine Will, and then there is a division in the being as if there were two beings, one within calm, strong, equal, unperturbed, a charmel of the Divine Consciousness and

supermind ::: "a principle superior to mentality", which "has the knowledge of the One, but is able to draw out of the One its hidden multitudes" and "manifests the Many, but does not lose itself in their differentiations", forming a link between "the unitarian or indivisible consciousness of pure Sachchidananda in which there are no separating distinctions" and "the analytic or dividing consciousness of Mind which can only know by separation and distinction" and making it "possible for us to realise the one Existence, Consciousness,Delight in the mould of the mind, life and body"; (up to 1920) a general term for the supra-intellectual faculty or plane (vijñana); (c.December 1926) the "Truth-Mind" or plane of "luminous DivineMind-Existence" below the "Divine Truth and Vastness" of mahad . brahma; (in 1927 before 29 October) same as supreme supermind, one of a series of planes above ideality which seem to correspond to those later included in the overmind system, a series that also included other planes sometimes designated as forms of "supermind", such as supreme supramental supermind and gnostic supermind; (from 29October 1927 onwards) equivalent to divine gnosis, the plane of "selfdetermining infinite consciousness" above overmind, from which it differs in that "the overmind knows the One as the support, essence, fundamental power of all things, but in the dynamic play proper to it it lays emphasis on its divisional power of multiplicity", while in the supermind all is "held together as a harmonised play of the one Existence" even in its "working out of the diversity of the Infinite".

Supermind ::: The Supermind [Supramental consciousness] is in its very essence a truth-consciousness, a consciousness always free from the Ignorance which is the foundation of our present natural or evolutionary existence and from which nature in us is trying to arrive at self-knowledge and world-knowledge and a right consciousness and the right use of our existence in the universe. The Supermind, because it is a truth-consciousness, has this knowledge inherent in it and this power of true existence; its course is straight and can go direct to its aim, its field is wide and can even be made illimitable. This is because its very nature is knowledge: it has not to acquire knowledge but possesses it in its own right; its steps are not from nescience or ignorance into some imperfect light, but from truth to greater truth, from right perception to deeper perception, from intuition to intuition, from illumination to utter and boundless luminousness, from growing widenesses to the utter vasts and to very infinitude. On its summits it possesses the divine omniscience and omnipotence, but even in an evolutionary movement of its own graded self-manifestation by which it would eventually reveal its own highest heights, it must be in its very nature essentially free from ignorance and error: it starts from truth and light and moves always in truth and light. As its knowledge is always true, so too its will is always true; it does not fumble in its handling of things or stumble in its paces. In the Supermind feeling and emotion do not depart from their truth, make no slips or mistakes, do not swerve from the right and the real, cannot misuse beauty and delight or twist away from a divine rectitude. In the Supermind sense cannot mislead or deviate into the grossnesses which are here its natural imperfections and the cause of reproach, distrust and misuse by our ignorance. Even an incomplete statement made by the Supermind is a truth leading to a further truth, its incomplete action a step towards completeness. All the life and action and leading of the Supermind is guarded in its very nature from the falsehoods and uncertainties that are our lot; it moves in safety towards its perfection. Once the truth-consciousness was established here on its own sure foundation, the evolution of divine life would be a progress in felicity, a march through light to Ananda. Supermind is an eternal reality of the divine Being and the divine Nature. In its own plane it already and always exists and possesses its own essential law of being; it has not to be created or to emerge or evolve into existence out of involution in Matter or out of non-existence, as it might seem to the view of mind which itself seems to its own view to have so emerged from life and Matter or to have evolved out of an involution in life and Matter. The nature of Supermind is always the same, a being of knowledge, proceeding from truth to truth, creating or rather manifesting what has to be manifested by the power of a pre-existent knowledge, not by hazard but by a self-existent destiny in the being itself, a necessity of the thing in itself and th
   refore inevitable. Its -manifestation of the divine life will also be inevitable; its own life on its own plane is divine and, if Supermind descends upon the earth, it will bring necessarily the divine life with it and establish it here. Supermind is the grade of existence beyond mind, life and Matter and, as mind, life and Matter have manifested on the earth, so too must Supermind in the inevitable course of things manifest in this world of Matter. In fact, a supermind is already here but it is involved, concealed behind this manifest mind, life and Matter and not yet acting overtly or in its own power: if it acts, it is through these inferior powers and modified by their characters and so not yet recognisable. It is only by the approach and arrival of the descending Supermind that it can be liberated upon earth and reveal itself in the action of our material, vital and mental parts so that these lower powers can become portions of a total divinised activity of our whole being: it is that that will bring to us a completely realised divinity or the divine life. It is indeed so that life and mind involved in Matter have realised themselves here; for only what is involved can evolve, otherwise there could be no emergence. The manifestation of a supramental truth-consciousness is th
   refore the capital reality that will make the divine life possible. It is when all the movements of thought, impulse and action are governed and directed by a self-existent and luminously automatic truth-consciousness and our whole nature comes to be constituted by it and made of its stuff that the life divine will be complete and absolute. Even as it is, in reality though not in the appearance of things, it is a secret self-existent knowledge and truth that is working to manifest itself in the creation here. The Divine is already there immanent within us, ourselves are that in our inmost reality and it is this reality that we have to manifest; it is that which constitutes the urge towards the divine living and makes necessary the creation of the life divine even in this material existence. A manifestation of the Supermind and its truth-consciousness is then inevitable; it must happen in this world sooner or later. But it has two aspects, a descent from above, an ascent from below, a self-revelation of the Spirit, an evolution in Nature. The ascent is necessarily an effort, a working of Nature, an urge or nisus on her side to raise her lower parts by an evolutionary or revolutionary change, conversion or transformation into the divine reality and it may happen by a process and progress or by a rapid miracle. The descent or self-revelation of the Spirit is an act of the supreme Reality from above which makes the realisation possible and it can appear either as the divine aid which brings about the fulfilment of the progress and process or as the sanction of the miracle. Evolution, as we see it in this world, is a slow and difficult process and, indeed, needs usually ages to reach abiding results; but this is because it is in its nature an emergence from inconscient beginnings, a start from nescience and a working in the ignorance of natural beings by what seems to be an unconscious force. There can be, on the contrary, an evolution in the light and no longer in the darkness, in which the evolving being is a conscious participant and cooperator, and this is precisely what must take place here. Even in the effort and progress from the Ignorance to Knowledge this must be in part if not wholly the endeavour to be made on the heights of the nature, and it must be wholly that in the final movement towards the spiritual change, realisation, transformation. It must be still more so when there is a transition across the dividing line between the Ignorance and the Knowledge and the evolution is from knowledge to greater knowledge, from consciousness to greater consciousness, from being to greater being. There is then no longer any necessity for the slow pace of the ordinary evolution; there can be rapid conversion, quick transformation after transformation, what would seem to our normal present mind a succession of miracles. An evolution on the supramental levels could well be of that nature; it could be equally, if the being so chose, a more leisurely passage of one supramental state or condition of things to something beyond but still supramental, from level to divine level, a building up of divine gradations, a free growth to the supreme Supermind or beyond it to yet undreamed levels of being, consciousness and Ananda.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 13, Page: 558-62

surmise ::: n. 1. An idea or thought of something as being possible or likely. 2. An idea inferred from inconclusive evidence; a guess; a suspicion. v. 3. To conceive of, make a guess or conjecture.

Surrender is the main power of the yoga, but the surrender is bound to be progressive ; a complete surrender is not possible in the beginning, but only a will in the being for that complete- ness. — in fact it takes time ; yet it is only when the surrender h retpjfieSe ibn} Ihc /uU -Orxsd of ibc jsadhana is possible.

Tapasya. Not only so, but in fact a double process of Tapasya and increasing surrender persists for a long time even when the surrender has fairly well begun. But a time comes when one feels the Presence and the force constantly and more and more feels ’that that is doing everylhmg — so that the worst difficul- ties cannot disturb this sense and personal effort is no longer necessary, hardly even possible. That is the sign of the full surrender of the nature into the bands of the Divine. There are some who take this position in faith even before there is this experience and if the Bhakti and the faith are strong it carries them through till the experience is there. But all cannot take this position from the beginning — and for some it would be dangerous since they might pul themselves into the hand of a wrong Force thinking it to be the Divine. For most it is neces- sary to grow through Tapasya into surrender.

(The complete list of primitive formulas is thus infinite, but there are just seven possible forms of primitive formulas as above.) There is one primitive rule of inference, as follows: Given A and A ⊃ B to infer B. This is the inference known as modus ponens (see below, §2).

The concept of original evidence is accordingly relativized and broadened to include all kinds of consciousness in which the intended object is given in the most original manner possible for an object of its kind and status. Thus, e.g., clear direct remembering is original evidence of one's own retained past, qua past, and perceptive empathy is original evidence of another's consciousness. Evidence of every kind (and in each of the above-defined senses) has its parallel in phantasy (fictive consciousness). Fictive empirical evidence involves non-fictive evidence of the essential possibility of an individual having the fictively presented determinations. The evident incompatibility of fictively experienced determinations is evidence of the essential impossibility of any individual having such determinations. Apodictic evidence is evidence together with the further evidence that no conflicting evidence is essentially possible. Essential possibilities, impossibilities, and necessities, admit of apodictic evidence. The only actual individual object that can be an object of apodictic evidence is one's own subjectivity. Evidence is not to be confounded with certainty of positing (see Modality) nor conceived as restricted to apodictic evidence. Furthermore, it is evident that no evidence is a talisman against error. What is evident in one process may evidently conflict with what is evident in another, or, again, the range of evidence may be overestimated. Evidence is exemplified in valuing and willing as well as in believing. It is the source of all objective sense (see Apperception and Genesis) and the basis of all rationality (see Reason). -- D.C.

The direct power of mind-force or life-force upon matter can be extended to an almost illimitable decree. It must be remem- bered that Energy is fundamentally one in all the planes, only , taking more and more dense forms, so there is nothing a priori impossible in mind-energy or Jifc-cncrgy acting directly on mate- rial energy aird substance ; if they do they can make a material object do things or rather can do things with a material object which wiould be to that object in its ordinary poise 'or ‘law* unhabitual and therefore apparently impossible.

". . . the Divine is formless and nameless, but by that very reason capable of manifesting all possible names and shapes of being.” The Life Divine

“… the Divine is formless and nameless, but by that very reason capable of manifesting all possible names and shapes of being.” The Life Divine

The impulse towards Itiya Is a creation of the mind, it is not the sole possible destiny of the soul. When the mind tries to abolish its own Ignorance, it finds no escape from it except by laya, because it supposes that there is no higher principle of cosmic experience beyond itself — beyond itself is only the pure

The Ineffable: *Sri Aurobindo: "It is this essential indeterminability of the Absolute that translates itself into our consciousness through the fundamental negating positives of our spiritual experience, the immobile immutable Self, the Nirguna Brahman, the Eternal without qualities, the pure featureless One Existence, the Impersonal, the Silence void of activities, the Non-being, the Ineffable and the Unknowable. On the other side it is the essence and source of all determinations, and this dynamic essentiality manifests to us through the fundamental affirming positives in which the Absolute equally meets us; for it is the Self that becomes all things, the Saguna Brahman, the Eternal with infinite qualities, the One who is the Many, the infinite Person who is the source and foundation of all persons and personalities, the Lord of creation, the Word, the Master of all works and action; it is that which being known all is known: these affirmatives correspond to those negatives. For it is not possible in a supramental cognition to split asunder the two sides of the One Existence, — even to speak of them as sides is excessive, for they are in each other, their co-existence or one-existence is eternal and their powers sustaining each other found the self-manifestation of the Infinite.” The Life Divine

The influence of Pietism and of Rousseau's gospel of Nature are apparent in the essentially Christian and democratic direction in which Kant develops this rigorous ethics. The reality of God and the immortality of souls -- concerning which no theoretical demonstration was possible -- emerge now as postulates of practical reason; God, to assure the moral governance of a world in which virtue is crowned with happiness, the "summum bonum"; immortality, so that the pursuit of moral perfection may continue beyond the empirical life of man. These postulates, together with moral freedom and popular rights, provide the basis for Kant's assertion of the primacy of practical reason.

The manifestation of a supraroental truth-consciousness Is therefore the capital reality that will make the divine life possible.

The meaning of spirituality is a new and greater inner life of man founded in the consciousness of his true, his inmost, highest and largest self and spirit by which he receives the whole of existence as a progressive manifestation of the self in the universe and his own life as a field of a possible transformation in which its divine sense will be found, its potentialities highly evolved, the now imperfect forms changed into an image of the divine perfection, and an effort not only to see but to live out these greater possibilities of his being.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 26, Page: 270

::: ". . . the modern man, even the modern cultured man, is or tends to be to a degree quite unprecedented politikon zôon, a political, economic and social being valuing above all things the efficiency of the outward existence and the things of the mind and spirit mainly, when not exclusively, for their aid to humanity"s vital and mechanical progress: he has not that regard of the ancients which looked up towards the highest heights and regarded an achievement in the things of the mind and the spirit with an unquestioning admiration or a deep veneration for its own sake as the greatest possible contribution to human culture and progress. And although this modern tendency is exaggerated and ugly and degrading in its exaggeration, inimical to humanity"s spiritual evolution, it has this much of truth behind it that while the first value of a culture is its power to raise and enlarge the internal man, the mind, the soul, the spirit, its soundness is not complete unless it has shaped also his external existence and made of it a rhythm of advance towards high and great ideals. This is the true sense of progress and there must be as part of it a sound political, economic and social life, a power and efficiency enabling a people to survive, to grow and to move securely towards a collective perfection, and a vital elasticity and responsiveness that will give room for a constant advance in the outward expression of the mind and the spirit.” The Renaissance in India

“… the modern man, even the modern cultured man, is or tends to be to a degree quite unprecedented politikon zôon, a political, economic and social being valuing above all things the efficiency of the outward existence and the things of the mind and spirit mainly, when not exclusively, for their aid to humanity’s vital and mechanical progress: he has not that regard of the ancients which looked up towards the highest heights and regarded an achievement in the things of the mind and the spirit with an unquestioning admiration or a deep veneration for its own sake as the greatest possible contribution to human culture and progress. And although this modern tendency is exaggerated and ugly and degrading in its exaggeration, inimical to humanity’s spiritual evolution, it has this much of truth behind it that while the first value of a culture is its power to raise and enlarge the internal man, the mind, the soul, the spirit, its soundness is not complete unless it has shaped also his external existence and made of it a rhythm of advance towards high and great ideals. This is the true sense of progress and there must be as part of it a sound political, economic and social life, a power and efficiency enabling a people to survive, to grow and to move securely towards a collective perfection, and a vital elasticity and responsiveness that will give room for a constant advance in the outward expression of the mind and the spirit.” The Renaissance in India

“The Mother comes in order to bring down the Supramental and it is the descent which makes her full manifestation here possible.” Letters on the Mother

  The Mother: "Surrender is the decision taken to hand over the responsibility of your life to the Divine. Without this decision nothing is at all possible; if you do not surrender, the Yoga is entirely out of the question. Everything else comes naturally after it, for the whole process starts with surrender.” Questions and Answers, MCW Vol. 3.

The Mother: “Surrender is the decision taken to hand over the responsibility of your life to the Divine. Without this decision nothing is at all possible; if you do not surrender, the Yoga is entirely out of the question. Everything else comes naturally after it, for the whole process starts with surrender.” Questions and Answers, MCW Vol. 3.

The need is to have an aspiration towards it, make the mind quiet so that what we call the opening is rendered possible. A quieted mind (not necessarily motionless or silent, though it is good if one can have that at will) and a persistent aspiration in the heart are the two main keys of the yoga.

The notion of an ordered pair can be introduced into the theory by definition, in a way which amounts to identifying the ordered pair (x, y) with the set a which has two and only two members, x' and y', x' being the set which has x as its only member, and y' being the set which has x and y as its only two members. (This is one of various similar possible methods.) Relations in extension may then be treated as sets of ordered pairs.

“The One whom we adore as the Mother is the divine Conscious Force that dominates all existence, one and yet so many-sided that to follow her movement is impossible even for the quickest mind and for the freest and most vast intelligence. The Mother is the consciousness and force of the Supreme and far above all she creates.” The Mother

  the opening of the whole lower being to the spiritual truth; this last may be called the psycho-spiritual part of the change. It is quite possible for the psychic transformation to take one beyond the individual into the cosmic. Even the occult opening establishes a connection with the cosmic mind, cosmic vital, cosmic physical. The psychic realises the contact with all-existence, the oneness of the Self, the universal love and other realisations which lead to the cosmic consciousness.

The Overmind has to be reached and brought down before the Supermind descent is at all possible—for the Overmind is the passage through which one passes from mind to Supermind.
   Ref: CWSA Vol.28, Letters on Yoga-I, Page: 155

The physical nature is a thing of habits ; it is out of habit that it responds to the forces of illness ; one has to get into it the contrary habit of responding to the Divine Force only. This, of course, so long as a highest consciousness does not descend to which illness Is impossible.

The problem of attributes gave rise to extensive discussions. In general, the attempt is made to convey some knowledge about God and yet maintain that His essence is inconceivable. The number of attributes varies with individual philosophers, from three of Bahya to eight of Ibn Daud. Saadia counts one, living, potent and wise as essential attributes; Bahya one, existent, and eternal. Ha-Levi substitutes living for existent. Ibn Daud adds to those of Saadia and Bahya three more: true, willing, and potent. Maimonides considers living, potent, wise, and willing as those agreed upon by philosophers. The difficulty, however, does not consist in the number but in their content, or in other words, how to speak of essential attributes and not to impair the simplicity of God's essence. Bahya was the first to assert that their content is negative, e.g., existent means not non-existent. He was followed in this by all others. Maimonides is especially insistent upon the negative meaning and asserts that they are to be applied to God and man in an absolute homonymic manner, i.e., there is no possible relation between God and other beings. Gersonides and Crescas, on the other hand, believe that the essential attributes are positive though we cannot determine their content. There are, of course, other attributes which are descriptive of His action, but these are not essential.

  "The progress of Life involves the development and interlocking of an immense number of things that are in conflict with each other and seem often to be absolute oppositions and contraries. To find amid these oppositions some principle or standing-ground of unity, some workable lever of reconciliation which will make possible a larger and better development on a basis of harmony and not of conflict and struggle, must be increasingly the common aim of humanity in its active life-evolution, if it at all means to rise out of life"s more confused, painful and obscure movement, out of the compromises made by Nature with the ignorance of the Life-mind and the nescience of Matter. This can only be truly and satisfactorily done when the soul discovers itself in its highest and completest spiritual reality and effects a progressive upward transformation of its life-values into those of the spirit; for there they will all find their spiritual truth and in that truth their standing-ground of mutual recognition and reconciliation. The spiritual is the one truth of which all others are the veiled aspects, the brilliant disguises or the dark disfigurements, and in which they can find their own right form and true relation to each other.” *The Human Cycle, etc.

“The progress of Life involves the development and interlocking of an immense number of things that are in conflict with each other and seem often to be absolute oppositions and contraries. To find amid these oppositions some principle or standing-ground of unity, some workable lever of reconciliation which will make possible a larger and better development on a basis of harmony and not of conflict and struggle, must be increasingly the common aim of humanity in its active life-evolution, if it at all means to rise out of life’s more confused, painful and obscure movement, out of the compromises made by Nature with the ignorance of the Life-mind and the nescience of Matter. This can only be truly and satisfactorily done when the soul discovers itself in its highest and completest spiritual reality and effects a progressive upward transformation of its life-values into those of the spirit; for there they will all find their spiritual truth and in that truth their standing-ground of mutual recognition and reconciliation. The spiritual is the one truth of which all others are the veiled aspects, the brilliant disguises or the dark disfigurements, and in which they can find their own right form and true relation to each other.” The Human Cycle, etc.

The Rajayogic Pranayama purifies and clears- theaiervous system ; it enables us to circulate the vital energy equally through the body and direct it also where we will nccarding to need, and thus maintain a perfect health and soundness of the body and the vital being ; it gives us control of all the five habitual opera- tions of the vital energy in the system and at the same time breaks down the habitual divisions by which only the ordinary mechanical processes of the vitality arc possible (o the norma! life. It opens entirely the six centres of the psycho-physical system and brings Into (he waking consciousness the power of the awakened Shakti and the light of the unveiled Furusba on each of the as^nding planes. Cbupled with (be use of the mantra it brings the ^vine energy into the body and prepares for and facilitates that concentration in Samadbi which is the crown of the Rajayogic method.

“Therefore the only final goal possible is the emergence of the infinite consciousness in the individual; it is his recovery of the truth of himself by self-knowledge and by self-realisation, the truth of the Infinite in being, the Infinite in consciousness, the Infinite in delight repossessed as his own Self and Reality of which the finite is only a mask and an instrument for various expression.” The Life Divine

There is, however, greater difficulty in making freedom of the will compatible with divine prescience of human action. The question arises, does God know beforehand what man will do or not? If he does, it follows that the action is determined, or if man can choose, His knowledge is not true. Various answers were proposed by Jewish philosophers to this difficult problem. Saadia says that God's knowledge is like gazing in a mirror of the future which does not influence human action. He knows the ultimate result. Maimonides says that God's knowledge is so totally different from human that it remains indefinable, and consequently He may know things beforehand, and yet not impair the possibility of man to choose between two actions. Ibn Daud and Gersonides limit God's knowledge and say that He only knows that certain actions will be present to man for choice but not the way he will choose. Crescas is more logical and comes to the conclusion that action is possible only per se, i.e., when looked upon singly, but is necessary through the causes. Free will is in this case nominal and consist primarily in the fact that man is ignorant of the real situation and he is rewarded and punished for his exertion to do good or for his neglect to exert himself.

There is one way by which it is possible to get rid of the per- verse habit ::: to establish a strong mental control and so get rid of the wrong movement. A resolute and persistent effort of will can enforce in the end the rejection of the desire and finally even of any roechanical habit of the movement upon this part of the nature also.

..the release from subconscient ignorance and from disease, duration of life at will, and a change in the functioning of the body must be among the ultimate results of a supramental change.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 35, Page: 330 ::: .Supraphysical Worlds ::: This organisation includes, as on our earth, the existence of beings who have or take forms, manifest themselves or are naturally manifested in an embodying substance, but a substance other than ours, a subtle substance tangible only to subtle sense, a supraphysical form-matter. These worlds and beings may have nothing to do with ourselves and our life, they may exercise no action upon us; but often also they enter into secret communication with earth-existence, obey or embody and are the intermediaries and instruments of the cosmic powers and influences of which we have a subjective experience, or themselves act by their own initiation upon the terrestrial world’s life and motives and happenings. It is possible to receive help or guidance or harm or misguidance from these beings; it is possible even to become subject to their influence, to be possessed by their invasion or domination, to be instrumentalised by them for their good or evil purpose. At times the progress of earthly life seems to be a vast field of battle between supraphysical Forces of either character, those that strive to uplift, encourage and illumine and those that strive to deflect, depress or prevent or even shatter our upward evolution or the soul’s self-expression in the material universe. Some of these Beings, Powers or Forces are such that we think of them as divine; they are luminous, benignant or powerfully helpful: there are others that are Titanic, gigantic or demoniac, inordinate Influences, instigators or creators often of vast and formidable inner upheavals or of actions that overpass the normal human measure. There may also be an awareness of influences, presences, beings that do not seem to belong to other worlds beyond us but are here as a hidden element behind the veil in terrestrial nature. As contact with the supraphysical is possible, a contact can also take place subjective or objective—or at least objectivised— between our own consciousness and the consciousness of other once embodied beings who have passed into a supraphysical status in these other regions of existence. It is possible also to pass beyond a subjective contact or a subtle-sense perception and, in certain subliminal states of consciousness, to enter actually into other worlds and know something of their secrets. It is the more objective order of other-worldly experience that seized most the imagination of mankind in the past, but it was put by popular belief into a gross-objective statement which unduly assimilated these phenomena to those of the physical world with which we are familiar; for it is the normal tendency of our mind to turn everything into forms or symbols proper to its own kind and terms of experience.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 21-22 Page: 806-07

these openings in one’s nature and ieam to close them perma- nently to such attacks or to throw out the intruders at once or as soon as possible. The recurrence is no proof of a funda- mental incapacity ; if one takes the right inner attitude, it can and will be overcome. One must have faith in the Master of our life and works, even if for a long time He conceals Himself, and then in His own right lime He will reveal His Presence.

the sex difficulty, then these dreams or discharges without dream can only be a rising up of old dormant impressions in the sub- conscient. Such risings often take place when the Force is work- ing in the subconscient to clear it. It is also just possible that the discharges may be due, especially when there are no dreams, to purely materia? causes, c.g. the pressure of undischar^d urine or faecal matter near the bladder. But in any case, the thing is not to be disturbed and to put a force or will on the sex-cenlre or sex organ for these things to cease. This can be done just before sleeping. Usually after a time, if done regularly, it has an effect. A calm general pressure of will or force on the physi- cal subconscient is to be put. The subconscient may be often obstinate in its continual persistence, but it can and does accom- modate itself quickly or slowly to the will of the conscious being.

The sort of system which grounds the method is not the sort within which the principle of contradiction obtains. Contradictories cannot be dialectically resolved; between them there is no ground of synthesis. But such systems are abstract, that is, exemplified only in formal deductions; they are lacking in factual content. Dialectical analysis is possible only within systems which are factual, that is, constituted by statements of fact and statements of possibility grounded in fact. Here the principle of contrariety, not the principle of contradiction, obtains; and dialectical analysis is identical with the resolution of contraries. Here, and here alone, is the dialectical method applicable; and it alone is applicable here.

The spiritual transformation proper begins or becomes possible when one rises above the mind and lives there governing all from above. Even in the psychic transformation one can rise above by a sort of going above of the mental, vital, physical being and a return, but one does not yet live above in the summit consciousness where overmind has its seat with the other planes that are above the human Mind.
   Ref: SABCL Vol. 22-23-24, Page: 1092-93

The three primitive connectives (and consequently all connectives definable from them) denote truth-functions -- i.e., the truth-value (truth or falsehood) of each of the propositions &min;p, pq, and p ∨ q is uniquely determined by the truth-values of p and q. In fact, &min;p is true if p is false and false if p is true; pq is true if p and q are both true, false otherwise; p ∨ q is false if p and q are both false, true otherwise. Thus, given a formula of the (pure) propositional calculus and an assignment of a truth-value to each of the variables appearing, we can reckon out by a mechanical process the truth-value to be assigned to the entire formula. If, for all possible assignments of truth-values to the variables appearing, the calculated truth-value corresponding to the entire formula is truth, the formula is said to be a tautology.The test whether a formula is a tautology is effective, since in any particular case the total number of different assignments of truth-values to the variables is finite, and the calculation of the truth-value corresponding to the entire formula can be carried out separately for each possible assignment of truth-values to the variables.

"The Unknowable, — not absolutely unknowable, but beyond mental knowledge, — can only be a higher degree in the intensity of being of that Something, a degree beyond the loftiest summit attainable by mental beings, and, if it were known as it must be known to itself, that discovery would not destroy entirely what is given us by our supreme possible knowledge but rather carry it to a higher fulfilment and larger truth of what it has already gained by self-vision and self-experience.” The Life Divine

“The Unknowable,—not absolutely unknowable, but beyond mental knowledge,—can only be a higher degree in the intensity of being of that Something, a degree beyond the loftiest summit attainable by mental beings, and, if it were known as it must be known to itself, that discovery would not destroy entirely what is given us by our supreme possible knowledge but rather carry it to a higher fulfilment and larger truth of what it has already gained by self-vision and self-experience.” The Life Divine

The working class, in coming to power, is seen to establish its own state form, based upon the dictatorship of the proletariat, which is maintained so long as a state is necessary, and which is considered to extend democracy to the majority by establishing collective ownership of the means of production. This first stage is defined as socialism, the economic principle of which is, "from each according to ability, to each according to work performed". The second stage is defined as communism, the economic principle of which is, "from each according to ability, to each according to need" (Marx "Gotha Program"). In its fullest sense, on a world wide scale, this stage is considered to include an economy of abundance made possible by social utilization of unrestricted production, a disappearance of the antagonism between town and country and that between mental and physical labor, and, because irreconcilable class conflicts will ha\e ceased to exist, a "withering away" (Engels: Anti-Dühring) of the state as an apparatus of force. What will remain will be a state-less '"administration of things."

thinkable ::: able to be conceived or considered; possible; feasible.

thioxene ::: n. --> Any one of three possible metameric substances, which are dimethyl derivatives of thiophene, like the xylenes from benzene.

“This force that we feel is the universal Force of the Divine, which, veiled or unveiled, acting directly or permitting the use of its powers by beings in the cosmos, is the one Energy that alone exists and alone makes universal or individual action possible. For this force is the Divine itself in the body of its power; all is that, power of act, power of thought and knowledge, power of mastery and enjoyment, power of love. Conscious always and in everything, in ourselves and in others, of the Master of Works possessing, inhabiting, enjoying through this Force that is himself, becoming through it all existences and all happenings, we shall have arrived at the divine union through works and achieved by that fulfilment in works all that others have gained through absolute devotion or through pure knowledge.” The Synthesis of Yoga

This movement as it proceeds opens up the six centres of the subtle nervous system and by the opening one escapes from the limitations of the surface consciousness bound to the gross body and great ranges of experiences proper to the subliminal self, mental, vitalj subtle physical, are shown to the sadhaka. When the Kundalini meets the higher Consciousness as it ascends through the summit of the head, there is an opening of the higher superconscient reaches above the normal mind. It is by ascend- ing through these in our consciousness and receiring a descent of their energies that it is possible ultimately to reach the Super- mind. This is the method of the Tantra. In our Yoga it is not necessary to go through the sysiemaihed method. It takes place spontaneously according to the need by the force of the aspira- tion. As soon as (here is an openmg the Divine Power descends and conducts the necessary working, does what is needed, each thing in its time and the Consciousness begins to be bom

This process is facilitated by the choice of prerogative, or, if possible, of solitary instances in which the investigated data are comparatively isolated and unadulterated. But under the most favorable conditions inquiry must be a cautious, laborious, plodding, step by step affair, and results can never be more than provisional because of the possibility of undiscovered negative instances.

This "widespread instinctive conviction" in the order of nature, without its theological implications, became the basis and primary article of faith of modern natural science, whose aim is to express this rationality of nature as far as possible by the laws of natural science. Cf. Whitehead, Science and the Modern World, p. 5ff). Opposed to chaos, disorder, absence of law, irrationality. -- L-M.H.

"Thought is quite possible without words. Children have thoughts, animals too — thoughts can take another form than words. Thought perceptions come first — language comes to express the perceptions and itself leads to fresh thoughts.” Letters on Yoga*

“Thought is quite possible without words. Children have thoughts, animals too—thoughts can take another form than words. Thought perceptions come first—language comes to express the perceptions and itself leads to fresh thoughts.” Letters on Yoga

Three senses of "Ockhamism" may be distinguished: Logical, indicating usage of the terminology and technique of logical analysis developed by Ockham in his Summa totius logicae; in particular, use of the concept of supposition (suppositio) in the significative analysis of terms. Epistemological, indicating the thesis that universality is attributable only to terms and propositions, and not to things as existing apart from discourse. Theological, indicating the thesis that no tneological doctrines, such as those of God's existence or of the immortality of the soul, are evident or demonstrable philosophically, so that religious doctrine rests solely on faith, without metaphysical or scientific support. It is in this sense that Luther is often called an Ockhamist.   Bibliography:   B. Geyer,   Ueberwegs Grundriss d. Gesch. d. Phil., Bd. II (11th ed., Berlin 1928), pp. 571-612 and 781-786; N. Abbagnano,   Guglielmo di Ockham (Lanciano, Italy, 1931); E. A. Moody,   The Logic of William of Ockham (N. Y. & London, 1935); F. Ehrle,   Peter von Candia (Muenster, 1925); G. Ritter,   Studien zur Spaetscholastik, I-II (Heidelberg, 1921-1922).     --E.A.M. Om, aum: (Skr.) Mystic, holy syllable as a symbol for the indefinable Absolute. See Aksara, Vac, Sabda. --K.F.L. Omniscience: In philosophy and theology it means the complete and perfect knowledge of God, of Himself and of all other beings, past, present, and future, or merely possible, as well as all their activities, real or possible, including the future free actions of human beings. --J.J.R. One: Philosophically, not a number but equivalent to unit, unity, individuality, in contradistinction from multiplicity and the mani-foldness of sensory experience. In metaphysics, the Supreme Idea (Plato), the absolute first principle (Neo-platonism), the universe (Parmenides), Being as such and divine in nature (Plotinus), God (Nicolaus Cusanus), the soul (Lotze). Religious philosophy and mysticism, beginning with Indian philosophy (s.v.), has favored the designation of the One for the metaphysical world-ground, the ultimate icility, the world-soul, the principle of the world conceived as reason, nous, or more personally. The One may be conceived as an independent whole or as a sum, as analytic or synthetic, as principle or ontologically. Except by mysticism, it is rarely declared a fact of sensory experience, while its transcendent or transcendental, abstract nature is stressed, e.g., in epistemology where the "I" or self is considered the unitary background of personal experience, the identity of self-consciousness, or the unity of consciousness in the synthesis of the manifoldness of ideas (Kant). --K.F.L. One-one: A relation R is one-many if for every y in the converse domain there is a unique x such that xRy. A relation R is many-one if for every x in the domain there is a unique y such that xRy. (See the article relation.) A relation is one-one, or one-to-one, if it is at the same time one-many and many-one. A one-one relation is said to be, or to determine, a one-to-one correspondence between its domain and its converse domain. --A.C. On-handedness: (Ger. Vorhandenheit) Things exist in the mode of thereness, lying- passively in a neutral space. A "deficient" form of a more basic relationship, termed at-handedness (Zuhandenheit). (Heidegger.) --H.H. Ontological argument: Name by which later authors, especially Kant, designate the alleged proof for God's existence devised by Anselm of Canterbury. Under the name of God, so the argument runs, everyone understands that greater than which nothing can be thought. Since anything being the greatest and lacking existence is less then the greatest having also existence, the former is not really the greater. The greatest, therefore, has to exist. Anselm has been reproached, already by his contemporary Gaunilo, for unduly passing from the field of logical to the field of ontological or existential reasoning. This criticism has been repeated by many authors, among them Aquinas. The argument has, however, been used, if in a somewhat modified form, by Duns Scotus, Descartes, and Leibniz. --R.A. Ontological Object: (Gr. onta, existing things + logos, science) The real or existing object of an act of knowledge as distinguished from the epistemological object. See Epistemological Object. --L.W. Ontologism: (Gr. on, being) In contrast to psychologism, is called any speculative system which starts philosophizing by positing absolute being, or deriving the existence of entities independently of experience merely on the basis of their being thought, or assuming that we have immediate and certain knowledge of the ground of being or God. Generally speaking any rationalistic, a priori metaphysical doctrine, specifically the philosophies of Rosmini-Serbati and Vincenzo Gioberti. As a philosophic method censored by skeptics and criticists alike, as a scholastic doctrine formerly strongly supported, revived in Italy and Belgium in the 19th century, but no longer countenanced. --K.F.L. Ontology: (Gr. on, being + logos, logic) The theory of being qua being. For Aristotle, the First Philosophy, the science of the essence of things. Introduced as a term into philosophy by Wolff. The science of fundamental principles, the doctrine of the categories. Ultimate philosophy; rational cosmology. Syn. with metaphysics. See Cosmology, First Principles, Metaphysics, Theology. --J.K.F. Operation: "(Lit. operari, to work) Any act, mental or physical, constituting a phase of the reflective process, and performed with a view to acquiring1 knowledge or information about a certain subject-nntter. --A.C.B.   In logic, see Operationism.   In philosophy of science, see Pragmatism, Scientific Empiricism. Operationism: The doctrine that the meaning of a concept is given by a set of operations.   1. The operational meaning of a term (word or symbol) is given by a semantical rule relating the term to some concrete process, object or event, or to a class of such processes, objectj or events.   2. Sentences formed by combining operationally defined terms into propositions are operationally meaningful when the assertions are testable by means of performable operations. Thus, under operational rules, terms have semantical significance, propositions have empirical significance.   Operationism makes explicit the distinction between formal (q.v.) and empirical sentences. Formal propositions are signs arranged according to syntactical rules but lacking operational reference. Such propositions, common in mathematics, logic and syntax, derive their sanction from convention, whereas an empirical proposition is acceptable (1) when its structure obeys syntactical rules and (2) when there exists a concrete procedure (a set of operations) for determining its truth or falsity (cf. Verification). Propositions purporting to be empirical are sometimes amenable to no operational test because they contain terms obeying no definite semantical rules. These sentences are sometimes called pseudo-propositions and are said to be operationally meaningless. They may, however, be 'meaningful" in other ways, e.g. emotionally or aesthetically (cf. Meaning).   Unlike a formal statement, the "truth" of an empirical sentence is never absolute and its operational confirmation serves only to increase the degree of its validity. Similarly, the semantical rule comprising the operational definition of a term has never absolute precision. Ordinarily a term denotes a class of operations and the precision of its definition depends upon how definite are the rules governing inclusion in the class.   The difference between Operationism and Logical Positivism (q.v.) is one of emphasis. Operationism's stress of empirical matters derives from the fact that it was first employed to purge physics of such concepts as absolute space and absolute time, when the theory of relativity had forced upon physicists the view that space and time are most profitably defined in terms of the operations by which they are measured. Although different methods of measuring length at first give rise to different concepts of length, wherever the equivalence of certain of these measures can be established by other operations, the concepts may legitimately be combined.   In psychology the operational criterion of meaningfulness is commonly associated with a behavioristic point of view. See Behaviorism. Since only those propositions which are testable by public and repeatable operations are admissible in science, the definition of such concepti as mind and sensation must rest upon observable aspects of the organism or its behavior. Operational psychology deals with experience only as it is indicated by the operation of differential behavior, including verbal report. Discriminations, or the concrete differential reactions of organisms to internal or external environmental states, are by some authors regarded as the most basic of all operations.   For a discussion of the role of operational definition in phvsics. see P. W. Bridgman, The Logic of Modern Physics, (New York, 1928) and The Nature of Physical Theory (Princeton, 1936). "The extension of operationism to psychology is discussed by C. C. Pratt in The Logic of Modem Psychology (New York. 1939.)   For a discussion and annotated bibliography relating to Operationism and Logical Positivism, see S. S. Stevens, Psychology and the Science of Science, Psychol. Bull., 36, 1939, 221-263. --S.S.S. Ophelimity: Noun derived from the Greek, ophelimos useful, employed by Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923) in economics as the equivalent of utility, or the capacity to provide satisfaction. --J.J.R. Opinion: (Lat. opinio, from opinor, to think) An hypothesis or proposition entertained on rational grounds but concerning which doubt can reasonably exist. A belief. See Hypothesis, Certainty, Knowledge. --J.K.F- Opposition: (Lat. oppositus, pp. of oppono, to oppose) Positive actual contradiction. One of Aristotle's Post-predicaments. In logic any contrariety or contradiction, illustrated by the "Square of Opposition". Syn. with: conflict. See Logic, formal, § 4. --J.K.F. Optimism: (Lat. optimus, the best) The view inspired by wishful thinking, success, faith, or philosophic reflection, that the world as it exists is not so bad or even the best possible, life is good, and man's destiny is bright. Philosophically most persuasively propounded by Leibniz in his Theodicee, according to which God in his wisdom would have created a better world had he known or willed such a one to exist. Not even he could remove moral wrong and evil unless he destroyed the power of self-determination and hence the basis of morality. All systems of ethics that recognize a supreme good (Plato and many idealists), subscribe to the doctrines of progressivism (Turgot, Herder, Comte, and others), regard evil as a fragmentary view (Josiah Royce et al.) or illusory, or believe in indemnification (Henry David Thoreau) or melioration (Emerson), are inclined optimistically. Practically all theologies advocating a plan of creation and salvation, are optimistic though they make the good or the better dependent on moral effort, right thinking, or belief, promising it in a future existence. Metaphysical speculation is optimistic if it provides for perfection, evolution to something higher, more valuable, or makes room for harmonies or a teleology. See Pessimism. --K.F.L. Order: A class is said to be partially ordered by a dyadic relation R if it coincides with the field of R, and R is transitive and reflexive, and xRy and yRx never both hold when x and y are different. If in addition R is connected, the class is said to be ordered (or simply ordered) by R, and R is called an ordering relation.   Whitehcid and Russell apply the term serial relation to relations which are transitive, irreflexive, and connected (and, in consequence, also asymmetric). However, the use of serial relations in this sense, instead ordering relations as just defined, is awkward in connection with the notion of order for unit classes.   Examples: The relation not greater than among leal numbers is an ordering relation. The relation less than among real numbers is a serial relation. The real numbers are simply ordered by the former relation. In the algebra of classes (logic formal, § 7), the classes are partially ordered by the relation of class inclusion.   For explanation of the terminology used in making the above definitions, see the articles connexity, reflexivity, relation, symmetry, transitivity. --A.C. Order type: See relation-number. Ordinal number: A class b is well-ordered by a dyadic relation R if it is ordered by R (see order) and, for every class a such that a ⊂ b, there is a member x of a, such that xRy holds for every member y of a; and R is then called a well-ordering relation. The ordinal number of a class b well-ordered by a relation R, or of a well-ordering relation R, is defined to be the relation-number (q. v.) of R.   The ordinal numbers of finite classes (well-ordered by appropriate relations) are called finite ordinal numbers. These are 0, 1, 2, ... (to be distinguished, of course, from the finite cardinal numbers 0, 1, 2, . . .).   The first non-finite (transfinite or infinite) ordinal number is the ordinal number of the class of finite ordinal numbers, well-ordered in their natural order, 0, 1, 2, . . .; it is usually denoted by the small Greek letter omega. --A.C.   G. Cantor, Contributions to the Founding of the Theory of Transfinite Numbers, translated and with an introduction by P. E. B. Jourdain, Chicago and London, 1915. (new ed. 1941); Whitehead and Russell, Princtpia Mathematica. vol. 3. Orexis: (Gr. orexis) Striving; desire; the conative aspect of mind, as distinguished from the cognitive and emotional (Aristotle). --G.R.M.. Organicism: A theory of biology that life consists in the organization or dynamic system of the organism. Opposed to mechanism and vitalism. --J.K.F. Organism: An individual animal or plant, biologically interpreted. A. N. Whitehead uses the term to include also physical bodies and to signify anything material spreading through space and enduring in time. --R.B.W. Organismic Psychology: (Lat. organum, from Gr. organon, an instrument) A system of theoretical psychology which construes the structure of the mind in organic rather than atomistic terms. See Gestalt Psychology; Psychological Atomism. --L.W. Organization: (Lat. organum, from Gr. organon, work) A structured whole. The systematic unity of parts in a purposive whole. A dynamic system. Order in something actual. --J.K.F. Organon: (Gr. organon) The title traditionally given to the body of Aristotle's logical treatises. The designation appears to have originated among the Peripatetics after Aristotle's time, and expresses their view that logic is not a part of philosophy (as the Stoics maintained) but rather the instrument (organon) of philosophical inquiry. See Aristotelianism. --G.R.M.   In Kant. A system of principles by which pure knowledge may be acquired and established.   Cf. Fr. Bacon's Novum Organum. --O.F.K. Oriental Philosophy: A general designation used loosely to cover philosophic tradition exclusive of that grown on Greek soil and including the beginnings of philosophical speculation in Egypt, Arabia, Iran, India, and China, the elaborate systems of India, Greater India, China, and Japan, and sometimes also the religion-bound thought of all these countries with that of the complex cultures of Asia Minor, extending far into antiquity. Oriental philosophy, though by no means presenting a homogeneous picture, nevertheless shares one characteristic, i.e., the practical outlook on life (ethics linked with metaphysics) and the absence of clear-cut distinctions between pure speculation and religious motivation, and on lower levels between folklore, folk-etymology, practical wisdom, pre-scientiiic speculation, even magic, and flashes of philosophic insight. Bonds with Western, particularly Greek philosophy have no doubt existed even in ancient times. Mutual influences have often been conjectured on the basis of striking similarities, but their scientific establishment is often difficult or even impossible. Comparative philosophy (see especially the work of Masson-Oursel) provides a useful method. Yet a thorough treatment of Oriental Philosophy is possible only when the many languages in which it is deposited have been more thoroughly studied, the psychological and historical elements involved in the various cultures better investigated, and translations of the relevant documents prepared not merely from a philological point of view or out of missionary zeal, but by competent philosophers who also have some linguistic training. Much has been accomplished in this direction in Indian and Chinese Philosophy (q.v.). A great deal remains to be done however before a definitive history of Oriental Philosophy may be written. See also Arabian, and Persian Philosophy. --K.F.L. Origen: (185-254) The principal founder of Christian theology who tried to enrich the ecclesiastic thought of his day by reconciling it with the treasures of Greek philosophy. Cf. Migne PL. --R.B.W. Ormazd: (New Persian) Same as Ahura Mazdah (q.v.), the good principle in Zoroastrianism, and opposed to Ahriman (q.v.). --K.F.L. Orphic Literature: The mystic writings, extant only in fragments, of a Greek religious-philosophical movement of the 6th century B.C., allegedly started by the mythical Orpheus. In their mysteries, in which mythology and rational thinking mingled, the Orphics concerned themselves with cosmogony, theogony, man's original creation and his destiny after death which they sought to influence to the better by pure living and austerity. They taught a symbolism in which, e.g., the relationship of the One to the many was clearly enunciated, and believed in the soul as involved in reincarnation. Pythagoras, Empedocles, and Plato were influenced by them. --K.F.L. Ortega y Gasset, Jose: Born in Madrid, May 9, 1883. At present in Buenos Aires, Argentine. Son of Ortega y Munillo, the famous Spanish journalist. Studied at the College of Jesuits in Miraflores and at the Central University of Madrid. In the latter he presented his Doctor's dissertation, El Milenario, in 1904, thereby obtaining his Ph.D. degree. After studies in Leipzig, Berlin, Marburg, under the special influence of Hermann Cohen, the great exponent of Kant, who taught him the love for the scientific method and awoke in him the interest in educational philosophy, Ortega came to Spain where, after the death of Nicolas Salmeron, he occupied the professorship of metaphysics at the Central University of Madrid. The following may be considered the most important works of Ortega y Gasset:     Meditaciones del Quijote, 1914;   El Espectador, I-VIII, 1916-1935;   El Tema de Nuestro Tiempo, 1921;   España Invertebrada, 1922;   Kant, 1924;   La Deshumanizacion del Arte, 1925;   Espiritu de la Letra, 1927;   La Rebelion de las Masas, 1929;   Goethe desde Adentio, 1934;   Estudios sobre el Amor, 1939;   Ensimismamiento y Alteracion, 1939;   El Libro de las Misiones, 1940;   Ideas y Creencias, 1940;     and others.   Although brought up in the Marburg school of thought, Ortega is not exactly a neo-Kantian. At the basis of his Weltanschauung one finds a denial of the fundamental presuppositions which characterized European Rationalism. It is life and not thought which is primary. Things have a sense and a value which must be affirmed independently. Things, however, are to be conceived as the totality of situations which constitute the circumstances of a man's life. Hence, Ortega's first philosophical principle: "I am myself plus my circumstances". Life as a problem, however, is but one of the poles of his formula. Reason is the other. The two together function, not by dialectical opposition, but by necessary coexistence. Life, according to Ortega, does not consist in being, but rather, in coming to be, and as such it is of the nature of direction, program building, purpose to be achieved, value to be realized. In this sense the future as a time dimension acquires new dignity, and even the present and the past become articulate and meaning-full only in relation to the future. Even History demands a new point of departure and becomes militant with new visions. --J.A.F. Orthodoxy: Beliefs which are declared by a group to be true and normative. Heresy is a departure from and relative to a given orthodoxy. --V.S. Orthos Logos: See Right Reason. Ostensible Object: (Lat. ostendere, to show) The object envisaged by cognitive act irrespective of its actual existence. See Epistemological Object. --L.W. Ostensive: (Lat. ostendere, to show) Property of a concept or predicate by virtue of which it refers to and is clarified by reference to its instances. --A.C.B. Ostwald, Wilhelm: (1853-1932) German chemist. Winner of the Nobel prize for chemistry in 1909. In Die Uberwindung des wissenschaftlichen Materialistmus and in Naturphilosophie, his two best known works in the field of philosophy, he advocates a dynamic theory in opposition to materialism and mechanism. All properties of matter, and the psychic as well, are special forms of energy. --L.E.D. Oupnekhat: Anquetil Duperron's Latin translation of the Persian translation of 50 Upanishads (q.v.), a work praised by Schopenhauer as giving him complete consolation. --K.F.L. Outness: A term employed by Berkeley to express the experience of externality, that is the ideas of space and things placed at a distance. Hume used it in the sense of distance Hamilton understood it as the state of being outside of consciousness in a really existing world of material things. --J.J.R. Overindividual: Term used by H. Münsterberg to translate the German überindividuell. The term is applied to any cognitive or value object which transcends the individual subject. --L.W. P

Thus has been made this real impossible world,

tiptoe ::: n. --> The end, or tip, of the toe. ::: a. --> Being on tiptoe, or as on tiptoe; hence, raised as high as possible; lifted up; exalted; also, alert.
Noiseless; stealthy.

To arrive at full possession of the powers of the dream-state, it is necessary first to exclude the attack of the sights, sounds etc. of the outer world upon the physical organs. It is quite possible indeed to be aware in the dream-trance of the outer physical world through the subtle senses which belong to the subtle body ; one may be aware of them just so far as one chooses and on a much wider scale than In the waking condition ; for the subtle senses have a far more powerful range than the gross physical organs, a range which may be made practically unlimited. But this awareness of the phj-sical world through the subtle senses is something quite different from our normal awareness of it through the physical organs ; the latter is incompatible with the settled state of trance, for the pressure of the physical senses breaks the Samadhi and calls back the mind to live in their normal field where alone they have power. But the subtle senses have power both upon their own planes and upon the physical world, though this is to them more remote than their own world of being. In Yoga various devices are used to seal up the doors of the physical sense, some of them physical devices ; but the one all-sufficient means is a force of concentration by which the mind is drawn inward to depths where the call of physical things can no longer easily attain to it. A second necessity is to get rid of the intervention of physical sleep. The ordinary habit of the mind when it goes in away from contact with physical things is to fall into the torpor of sleep or its dreams, and therefore when called in for the purposes of Samadhi, it gives or lends to give, at the first chance, by sheer force of habit, not the response demanded, but its usual response of ph)sical slumber. This habit of the mind has to be got rid of ; the mind has to Icam to be awake in the dream-stale, in possession of itself, not with the outgoing, but with an ingathered wakefulness in which, though immersed in itself, it exercises all its powers.

::: "To be free from all preference and receive joyfully whatever comes from the Divine Will is not possible at first for any human being. What one should have at first is the constant idea that what the Divine wills is always for the best even when the mind does not see how it is so, . . . .” Letters on Yoga*

“To be free from all preference and receive joyfully whatever comes from the Divine Will is not possible at first for any human being. What one should have at first is the constant idea that what the Divine wills is always for the best even when the mind does not see how it is so, …” Letters on Yoga

Transformation is something progressive, but certainly there must be realisation before the aim of transformation is possible.

triable ::: a. --> Fit or possible to be tried; liable to be subjected to trial or test.
Liable to undergo a judicial examination; properly coming under the cognizance of a court; as, a cause may be triable before one court which is not triable in another.

Trial and Error Learning ::: Learning that takes place through the application of possible solutions to a problem.

trikaladr.s.t.i (trikaladrishti; trikaldrishti; trikaldristi) ::: literally "the trikaladrsti vision of the three times", i.e., "the direct knowledge of the past, the intuitive knowledge of the present and the prophetic knowledge of the future", the second member of the vijñana catus.t.aya. It is a special faculty of jñana "by which that general power is applied to the actuality of things"; its essence is a consciousness of "the Infinite deploying in itself and organising all things in time", making possible "a total view of the three times as one movement singly and indivisibly seen even in their succession of stages, periods, cycles".

Truth-Consciousness ::: the Supermind; the consciousness of essential truth of being (satyam), of ordered truth of active being (rtam), and the vast self-awareness (brhat) in which alone this consciousness is possible.

truth of the Spirit, can again be made possible. These things, however, will be decided by no mental rule but in the light of the soul within us and by the ordaining force and progressive guidance of the Divine Power that secretly or overtly first impels, then begins clearly to control and to order and finally takes up the whole burden of the Yoga.

Two opposite errors have to be avoided, two misconceptions that disfigure opposite sides of the truth of gnosis. One error of intellect-bounded thinkers takes vijnana as synonymous with the other Indian term buddhi and buddhi as synonymous with the reason, the discerning intellect, the logical intelligence. The systems that accept this significance, pass at once from a plane of pure intellect to a plane of pure spirit. No intermediate power is recognised, no diviner action of knowledge than the pure reason is admitted; the limited human means for fixing truth is taken for the highest possible dynamics of consciousness, its topmost force and original movement. An opposite error, a misconception of the mystics identifies vijnana with the consciousness of the Infinite free from all ideation or else ideation packed into one essence of thought, lost to other dynamic action in the single and invariable idea of the One. This is the caitanyaghana of the Upanishad and is one movement or rather one thread of the many-aspected movement of the gnosis. The gnosis, the Vijnana, is not only this concentrated consciousness of the infinite Essence; it is also and at the same time an infinite knowledge of the myriad play of the Infinite. It contains all ideation (not mental but supramental), but it is not limited by ideation, for it far exceeds all ideative movement.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 23-24, Page: 476-77

Two things render that culmination more facile than it would otherwise be. Overmind in the descent towards material creation has originated modifications of itself,—Intuition especially with its penetrative lightning flashes of truth lighting up local points and stretches of country in our consciousness,—which can bring the concealed truth of things nearer to our comprehension, and, by opening ourselves more widely first in the inner being and then as a result in the outer surface self also to the messages of these higher ranges of consciousness, by growing into them, we can become ourselves also intuitive and overmental beings, not limited by the intellect and sense, but capable of a more universal comprehension and a direct touch of truth in its very self and body. In fact flashes of enlightenment from these higher ranges already come to us, but this intervention is mostly fragmentary, casual or partial; we have still to begin to enlarge ourselves into their likeness and organise in us the greater Truth activities of which we are potentially capable. But, secondly, Overmind, Intuition, even Supermind not only must be, as we have seen, principles inherent and involved in the Inconscience from which we arise in the evolution and inevitably destined to evolve, but are secretly present, occult actively with flashes of intuitive emergence in the cosmic activity of Mind, Life and Matter. It is true that their action is concealed and, even when they emerge, it is modified by the medium, material, vital, mental in which they work and not easily recognisable. Supermind cannot manifest itself as the Creator Power in the universe from the beginning, for if it did, the Ignorance and Inconscience would be impossible or else the slow evolution necessary would change into a rapid transformation scene. Yet at every step of the material energy we can see the stamp of inevitability given by a supramental creator, in all the development of life and mind the play of the lines of possibility and their combination which is the stamp of Overmind intervention. As Life and Mind have been released in Matter, so too must in their time these greater powers of the concealed Godhead emerge from the involution and their supreme Light descend into us from above. …

Unity and Multiplicity ::: Unity is the eternal and fundamental fact, without which all multiplicity would be unreal and an impossible illusion. The consciousness of Unity is th
   refore called Vidya, the Knowledge.

unity ::: “Unity is the eternal and fundamental fact, without which all multiplicity would be an unreal and an impossible illusion. The consciousness of Unity is therefore called Vidya, the Knowledge.” The Upanishads

Unity ::: Unity is the eternal and fundamental fact, without which all multiplicity would be unreal and an impossible illusion. The consciousness of Unity is th
   refore called Vidya, the Knowledge
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 17, Page: 51

unknown ::: “The Unknown is not the Unknowable; it need not remain the unknown for us, unless we choose ignorance or persist in our first limitations. For to all things that are not unknowable, all things in the universe, there correspond in that universe faculties which can take cognisance of them, and in man, the microcosm, these faculties are always existent and at a certain stage capable of development. We may choose not to develop them; where they are partially developed, we may discourage and impose on them a kind of atrophy. But, fundamentally, all possible knowledge is knowledge within the power of humanity.” The Life Divine

unmanifest ::: “Whatever the manifestation may be, spiritual or material or other, it has behind it something that is beyond itself, and even if we reached the highest possible heights of the manifested existence there would be still beyond that even an Unmanifested from which it came.

Unmanifest ::: Whatever the manifestation spiritual or material or other may be, it has behind it something that is beyond itself, and even if we reached the highest possible heights of manifested existence there would be still beyond that even an Unmanifested from which it came. The Unmanifested Supreme is beyond all de®nition and description by mind or speech; no de®nition the mind can make, af®rmative or negative, can be at all expressive of it or adequate. To the Mind this Unmanifest can present itself as a Self, a supreme Nihil (Tao or Sunya), a featureless Absolute, an Indeterminate, a blissful Nirvana of manifested existence, a Non-Being out of which Being came or a Being of Silence out of which a world-illusion came. But all these are mental formulas expressing the mind's approach to it, not That itself; impressions which fall from That upon the receiving consciousness, not the true essence or nature (swarupa) of the Eternal and In®nite. Even the words Eternal and In®nite are only symbolic expressions through which the mind feels without grasping some vague impression of this Supreme.
   Ref: CWSA Vol. 12, Page: 189-90

unoriginated ::: a. --> Not originated; existing from all eternity.
Not yet caused to be, or to be made; as, possible inventions still unoriginated.

unpossible ::: a. --> Impossible.

unreadable; not legible; impossible or hard to read or decipher because of poor handwriting, faded print, etc.

vaginismus ::: n. --> A painful spasmodic contraction of the vagina, often rendering copulation impossible.

visible ::: 1. Possible to see; perceptible to the eye. 2. Capable of being perceived by the mind; evident. half-visible.

"We. . . become conscious, in our physical movements, in our nervous and vital reactions, in our mental workings, of a Force greater than body, mind and life which takes hold of our limited instruments and drives all their motion. There is no longer the sense of ourselves moving, thinking or feeling but of that moving, feeling and thinking in us. This force that we feel is the universal Force of the Divine, which, veiled or unveiled, acting directly or permitting the use of its powers by beings in the cosmos, is the one Energy that alone exists and alone makes universal or individual action possible. For this force is the Divine itself in the body of its power; all is that, power of act, power of thought and knowledge, power of mastery and enjoyment, power of love.” The Synthesis of Yoga

“We. . . become conscious, in our physical movements, in our nervous and vital reactions, in our mental workings, of a Force greater than body, mind and life which takes hold of our limited instruments and drives all their motion. There is no longer the sense of ourselves moving, thinking or feeling but of that moving, feeling and thinking in us. This force that we feel is the universal Force of the Divine, which, veiled or unveiled, acting directly or permitting the use of its powers by beings in the cosmos, is the one Energy that alone exists and alone makes universal or individual action possible. For this force is the Divine itself in the body of its power; all is that, power of act, power of thought and knowledge, power of mastery and enjoyment, power of love.” The Synthesis of Yoga

Whatever movement is impressed in it, it keeps. If one impresses the right movement in it, it will keep and send up that. That is why it has to be cleared of old movements, before there can be a permanent and total change in natuce. When the higher consciousness Is once established in the waking parts, it goes down into the subconsclent and changes that also, makes a bed- rock of itself there also. Then no further trouble from the subconsclent will be possible. But even before that one can minimise the trouble by putting the right will and the right habit of reaction in the subconsclent parts.

"When the inner vision opens, there can come before it all that ever was or is now in the world, even it can open to things that will be hereafter — so there is nothing impossible in seeing thus the figures and the things of the past.” Letters on Yoga*

“When the inner vision opens, there can come before it all that ever was or is now in the world, even it can open to things that will be hereafter—so there is nothing impossible in seeing thus the figures and the things of the past.” Letters on Yoga

"When the Peace is established, this higher or Divine Force from above can descend and work in us. It descends usually first into the head and liberates the inner mind centres, then into the heart centre and liberates fully the psychic and emotional being, then into the navel and other vital centres and liberates the inner vital, then into the Muladhara and below and liberates the inner physical being. It works at the same time for perfection as well as liberation; it takes up the whole nature part by part and deals with it, rejecting what has to be rejected, sublimating what has to be sublimated, creating what has to be created. It integrates, harmonises, establishes a new rhythm in the nature. It can bring down too a higher and yet higher force and range of the higher nature until, if that be the aim of the sadhana, it becomes possible to bring down the supramental force and existence. All this is prepared, assisted, farthered by the work of the psychic being in the heart centre; the more it is open, in front, active, the quicker, safer, easier the working of the Force can be. The more love and bhakti and surrender grow in the heart, the more rapid and perfect becomes the evolution of the sadhana. For the descent and transformation imply at the same time an increasing contact and union with the Divine.” Letters on Yoga

“When the Peace is established, this higher or Divine Force from above can descend and work in us. It descends usually first into the head and liberates the inner mind centres, then into the heart centre and liberates fully the psychic and emotional being, then into the navel and other vital centres and liberates the inner vital, then into the Muladhara and below and liberates the inner physical being. It works at the same time for perfection as well as liberation; it takes up the whole nature part by part and deals with it, rejecting what has to be rejected, sublimating what has to be sublimated, creating what has to be created. It integrates, harmonises, establishes a new rhythm in the nature. It can bring down too a higher and yet higher force and range of the higher nature until, if that be the aim of the sadhana, it becomes possible to bring down the supramental force and existence. All this is prepared, assisted, farthered by the work of the psychic being in the heart centre; the more it is open, in front, active, the quicker, safer, easier the working of the Force can be. The more love and bhakti and surrender grow in the heart, the more rapid and perfect becomes the evolution of the sadhana. For the descent and transformation imply at the same time an increasing contact and union with the Divine.” Letters on Yoga

Wideness and calmness are the foundation of the yogic cons- ciousness and the best condition for inner growth and experi- ence. If a wide calm can be established in the physical cons- ciousness, occupying and filling the very body and all its cells, that can become (he basis for its transformation ; in fact, with- out this wideness and calmness (he transformation is hardly possible.

"Wideness and calmness are the foundation of the yogic consciousness and the best condition for inner growth and experience. If a wide calm can be established in the physical consciousness, occupying and filling the very body and all its cells, that can become the basis for its transformation; in fact, without this wideness and calmness the transformation is hardly possible.” Letters on Yoga*

“Wideness and calmness are the foundation of the yogic consciousness and the best condition for inner growth and experience. If a wide calm can be established in the physical consciousness, occupying and filling the very body and all its cells, that can become the basis for its transformation; in fact, without this wideness and calmness the transformation is hardly possible.” Letters on Yoga

WIDENESS. ::: Wideness and calmness are the foundation of the yogic consciousness and Ibe best condition for inner groyrt and experience. If a wide calm can be established in the physica consciousness, occupying and filling the very body and^ all J * cells, that can become the basis for its transformation ; m ac . without this wideness and calmness the transformation is har y possible.

Will (Divine) ::: something that has descended here into an evolutionary world of Ignorance, standing at the back of things, pressing on the Darkness with its Light, leading things presently towards the best possible in the conditions of a world of Ignorance and leading it eventually towards a descent of a greater power of the Divine, which will not be an omnipotence held back and conditioned by the world as it is, but in full action and therefore bringing the reign of light, peace, harmony, joy, love, beauty and Ananda.

With the aid of Gödel's device of representing sequences of primitive symbols and sequences of formulas by means of numbers, it is possible to give a more exact definition of the notion of effectiveness by making it correspond to that of recursiveness (q. v.) of numerical functions. E.g., a criterion for recognizing primitive formulas is effective if it determines a general recursive monadic function of natural numbers whose value is 0 when the argument is the number of a primitive formula, 1 for any other natural number as argument. The adequacy of this technical definition to represent the intuitive notion of effectiveness as described above is not immediately clear, but is placed beyond any real doubt by developments for details of which the reader is referred to Hilbert-Bernays and Turing (see references below).

yawl-rigged ::: a. --> Having two masts with fore-and-aft sails, but differing from a schooner in that the after mast is very small, and stepped as far aft as possible. See Illustration in Appendix.

QUOTES [294 / 294 - 1500 / 24873]

KEYS (10k)

   70 Sri Aurobindo
   19 The Mother
   10 Sri Ramakrishna
   10 Saint Thomas Aquinas
   5 Sri Ramana Maharshi
   4 Tolstoi
   4 Sri Ramana Maharshi
   4 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
   4 Aleister Crowley
   3 Saint Francis of Assisi
   3 Ramakrishna
   3 Chamtrul Rinpoche
   3 Anonymous
   3 Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
   2 Udanavarga
   2 Sogyal Rinpoche
   2 Saint John Chrysostom
   2 Saint Ambrose
   2 Manly P Hall
   2 James Clerk Maxwell
   2 Gurdjieff
   2 Francis of Assisi
   2 Dalai Lama
   2 C S Lewis
   2 Arthur Conan Doyle
   2 Swami Vivekananda
   2 Kabir
   1 Yamamoto Tsunetomo
   1 Wittgenstein
   1 Winston Churchill
   1 William James
   1 Wikipedia
   1 Walt Disney
   1 Voltaire
   1 Venerable Anna Emmerich
   1 Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche
   1 Tulku Thondup
   1 Tsoknyi Rinpoche
   1 T S Eliot
   1 Thomas Keating
   1 Thich Nhat Hanh
   1 Terry Pratchett
   1 Sylvia Plath
   1 Swami Sivananda Saraswati
   1 Swami Saradananda
   1 Swami Ramakrishnananda
   1 Swami Brahmananda
   1 Swami Avdheshanand
   1 Suzanne Segal
   1 Stephen King
   1 Sri Sarada Devi
   1 Sri Ramakrishna
   1 Soren Kierkegaard
   1 Samuel Becket
   1 Saint Thérèse de Lisieux
   1 Saint Teresa of the Andes
   1 Saint Rose of Lima
   1 Saint Pio of Pietrelcina
   1 Saint John Henry Cardinal Newman
   1 Saint Isidore of Seville
   1 Saint Francis Xavier
   1 Saint Basil the Great
   1 Saint Anastasius of Antioch
   1 Rupert Spira
   1 Rosch
   1 Richard P Feynman
   1 Richard Feynman
   1 Rene Descartes
   1 Ralph Waldo Emerson
   1 Pope Pius XII
   1 Philokalia
   1 Peter J Carroll
   1 Peter Hodgson
   1 Paul Ricoeur
   1 Paramahansa Yogananda
   1 Orson Scott Card
   1 Origen of Alexandria
   1 Norbert Wiener
   1 Nolini Kanta Gupta
   1 Nirodbaran
   1 Nelson Mandela
   1 my appetite for the absolute and for unity and the impossibility of reducing this world to a rational and reasonable principle
   1 Mother Mirra
   1 Mikhail Bakhtin
   1 Maulana Hodshazade Sheikh Sayyid Osman Murteza
   1 Matthew. VI. 24
   1 Mark IX. 23
   1 Margaret Atwood
   1 Marcus Aurelius
   1 Mansur al Hallaj
   1 Ludwig Wittgenstein
   1 Joseph Campbell
   1 Josef Pieper
   1 John Paul II
   1 John F. Kennedy
   1 Jetsun Mingyur Paldron
   1 Jean Piaget
   1 Jean Gebser
   1 Isocrates
   1 Irenaeus
   1 id
   1 Howard Gardner
   1 Hermes
   1 Henry David Thoreau
   1 Hazrat Inayat Khan
   1 Haruki Murakami
   1 Hans Urs von Balthasar
   1 Goya
   1 Gottfried Leibniz
   1 G K Chesterton
   1 G.I. Gurdjieff
   1 George Orwell
   1 George Bernard Shaw
   1 Gabor Mate
   1 Franz Kafka
   1 Ernest Hemingway
   1 Elizabeth Anscombe
   1 Eliphas Levi
   1 Edward Vernon Rickenbacker
   1 Edgar Allan Poe
   1 Deepak Chopra
   1 Cyril of Alexandria
   1 Confucius
   1 Colleen Patrick-Goudreau
   1 Carl Jung
   1 Bhagavad Gita. 18.11
   1 Bertrand Russell
   1 Baha-ullah "The Seven Valleys."
   1 Augustus De Morgan
   1 Asoka
   1 Arthur C. Clarke
   1 Arthur C Clarke
   1 Archilochus
   1 Anita Lucia Roddick
   1 Alfred Korzybski
   1 Alexander the Great
   1 Alexander Bloch. Source:
   1 Albert Einstein
   1 Akong Rinpoche
   1 Jorge Luis Borges
   1 Jalaluddin Rumi
   1 Ibn Arabi
   1 Epictetus
   1 Abu Hamid al-Ghazali
   1 A E van Vogt
   1 Abraham Maslow
   1 Abhishiktananda


   44 Anonymous
   13 Paulo Coelho
   9 Voltaire
   9 Mahatma Gandhi
   9 Jane Austen
   9 Albert Einstein
   8 Nicholas Sparks
   7 Rick Riordan
   7 Kurt Vonnegut
   7 Aristotle
   6 Walt Disney
   6 Leo Tolstoy
   6 John Green
   6 Horace
   5 Stephen Hawking
   5 Nelson Mandela
   5 Mokokoma Mokhonoana
   5 Mark Twain
   5 J K Rowling
   5 Graham Greene

1:Because you are alive, everything is possible." ~ Thich Nhat Hanh,
2:Everything that is possible demands to exist.
   ~ Gottfried Leibniz,
3:Sometimes things become possible if we want them bad enough. ~ T S Eliot,
4:Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler. ~ Albert Einstein,
5:What is possible for individual man is impossible for the masses." ~ Gurdjieff,
6:The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible. ~ Arthur C Clarke,
7:All things are possible to him that believeth. ~ Mark IX. 23, the Eternal Wisdom
8:Anything is possible. The point is to keep your heart and mind open to the likelihood of change. ~ Tsoknyi Rinpoche,
9:The idea of God, infinity, or spirit stands for the possible attempt at an impossible conception. ~ Edgar Allan Poe,
10:It is the duty of the priest or the cleric to be of use if possible to all and to be harmful to none. ~ Saint Ambrose,
11:The lover never despairs. For a committed heart everything is possible. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
12:Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.
   ~ Saint Francis of Assisi,
13:Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible." ~ Saint Francis of Assisi,
14:Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible." ~ Saint Francis of Assisi,
15:Money is a wonderful thing, but it is possible to pay too high a price for it." ~ Alexander Bloch. Source:,
16:The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible. ~ Arthur C. Clarke,
17:Honor Mary as much as possible. She is your good and loving mother. She will never fail to watch over you. ~ Saint Teresa of the Andes,
18:Self-enquiry is really possible only through intense introversion of the mind. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
19:Study hard what interests you the most in the most undisciplined, irreverent and original manner possible.
   ~ Richard P Feynman, [T5],
20:It was Aomame's firm belief that the human body was a temple, to be kept as strong and beautiful and clean as possible. ~ Haruki Murakami,
21:There is nothing impossible. We put this bar - this is possible, this is not. Like prisoners we imprison ourselves
   ~ Nolini Kanta Gupta,
22:Prayer purifies us, reading instructs us. Both are good when both are possible. Otherwise, prayer is better than reading. ~ Saint Isidore of Seville,
23:If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things. ~ Rene Descartes,
24:No salvation is possible for a man as long as he has desire, as long as he hankers for worldly things. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
25:It is not possible really to possess what is not-self to us. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Kena and Other Upanishads, The Supramental Godhead,
26:If it were possible to meet the Beloved while laughing and in a state of comfort, why should one suffer the anguish of separation? ~ Kabir,
27:Partial surrender is certainly possible for all. In course of time that will lead to complete surrender. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
28:From exchange we can rise to the highest possible idea of interchange. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays in Philosophy and Yoga, Heraclitus - VII,
29:It is possible to be one with all, yet above all. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita, The Vision of the World-Spirit - The Double Aspect,
30:It's the beauty within us that makes it possible for us to recognize the beauty around us. The question is not what you look at but what you see. ~ Henry David Thoreau,
31:A divided nature is the worst possible condition for this path. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Himself and the Ashram, Acceptance as a Disciple,
32:All possible knowledge is knowledge within the power of humanity. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, The Two Negations, The Materialist Denial,
33:Its disguises are endless and it will cling to every shred of possible self-concealment. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Renunciation,
34:The Bliss of Liberation in life is possible only to the mind made subtle and serene by long continued meditation. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
35:So long as there is egotism neither self-knowledge nor liberation is possible, and there is no cessation of birth and death. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
36:The aim of the Mystic is to stretch his range of Consciousness as widely as possible, so that he may touch the highest pride and the deepest humility.
   ~ Hazrat Inayat Khan,
37:It is easiest to tell what transubstantiation is by saying this: little children should be taught about it as early as possible. ~ Elizabeth Anscombe, 'On Transubstantiation',
38:So long as there is egotism, neither self-knowledge nor liberation is possible, nor can there be cessation of birth and death. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
39:In each heart, the Divine's Presence is the promise of future and possible perfections.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, The Divine Is with You,
40:The Divine manifests upon earth whenever and wherever it is possible.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, The Divine Is with You, 10, [T0],
41:Have faith and complete trust in the ways of God. relentless prayers offered with a pure and devoted heart have the power to make the impossible possible.
   ~ Swami Avdheshanand,
42:It is possible for the human soul to obtain the condition of absolute union with God when one is able to say: "Soham," "I am He." ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
43:Our humanity is not the whole of the Reality or its best possible self-formation or self-expression. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, The Divine Life,
44:But PREDESTINATION is concerned only with that end which is possible for a rational creature: his eternal glory ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (DV 6.1).,
45:To live in the wideness of the Intuition is not possible with the limitation of the ego. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - I, The Higher Planes of Mind,
46:What is possible, must one day be, for that is the law of the omnipotent Spirit. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Ladder of Self-Transcendence,
47:Control over one's speech is more important than complete silence. The best thing is to learn to say only what is useful in the most accurate and truthful way possible. ~ Mother Mirra,
48:The vision of faith penetrates into the remote future and turns the impossible into the possible. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Bande Mataram - I, The Leverage of Faith,
49:But since there is a Permanent, there is also a possible issue for that which belongs to the world of the impermanence. ~ Udanavarga, the Eternal Wisdom
50:To approach God by love is to prepare oneself for the greatest possible spiritual fulfilment. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Love and the Triple Path,
51:A yet unfound law of love is the only sure foundation possible for a perfect social evolution. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle, The End of the Curve of Reason,
52:521. If Hell were possible, it would be the shortest cut to the highest heaven. For verily God loveth.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays Divine And Human, Bhakti
53:Ignorance is no excuse when once we know that ignorance is the only possible excuse. ~ Alfred Korzybski, Science and Sanity: An Introduction to Non-Aristotelian Systems and General Semantics,
54:A synthesis is always possible, but amalgamation is not synthesis. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Autobiographical Notes and Other Writings of Historical Interest, To Motilal Roy,
55:Everything is leaf, and through this simplicity the greatest diversity becomes possible. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Goethe's Botancial Writing, p. 7,
56:Action without desire is possible, action without attachment is possible, action without ego is possible. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - I, The Sankhya-Yoga System,
57:It is creative causality... that establishes between being and God the bond of participation that makes the relation by analogy ontologically possible. ~ Paul Ricoeur, The Rule of Metaphor p. 276,
58:It is possible to offer fervent prayer even while walking in public or strolling alone, or seated in your shop, . . . while buying or selling, . . . or even while cooking. ~ Saint John Chrysostom,
59:My child, austerities or worship, practice all these things right now. Will these things be possible later on? Whatever you want to achieve, achieve now; this is the right time. ~ Sri Sarada Devi,
60:Without discipline no proper work is possible. Without discipline no proper life is possible.
And above all, without discipline no Sadhana is possible. ~ The Mother,
61:Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible. ~ Francis of Assisi, (1181/1182-1226), Italian Catholic friar, deacon and preacher," Wikipedia.,
62:Leisure is only possible when we are at one with ourselves. We tend to overwork as a means of self-escape, as a way of trying to justify our existence. ~ Josef Pieper, Leisure: The Basis of Culture,
63:If it is not possible to help one without injuring another, it is better to help neither than to press hard upon one. Therefore it is not a priest's duty to interfere in money affairs. ~ Saint Ambrose,
64:All advance in thought is made by collecting the greatest possible number of facts, classifying them, and grouping them.
   ~ Aleister Crowley, Liber ABA, Book 4, Magick, [T5],
65:Although it is possible to think of God without considering His goodness, it is impossible to think that God exists and is not good ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, (DV 10.12ad9).,
66:When asked "Who I Am', the only answer possible is: I am the infinite, the vastness that is the substance of all things. I am no one and everyone, nothing and everything - just as you are." ~ Suzanne Segal,
67:Without strict Brahmacharya it is not possible for any one to hold fast to great ideals. To secure the full development and vitality of the body, brain and mind, Brahmacharya is essential. ~ SWAMI BRAHMANANDA,
68:All is possible if there is a true faith, a complete consecration, a sincere and pure aspiration and a persistent endeavour.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Himself And The Ashram, 539,
69:A progress made often stirs the adverse forces to activity, they want to diminish its effect as much as possible. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV, Attacks by the Hostile Forces,
70:That is one of the many reasons why I avoid speaking as much as possible. For I always say either too much or too little, which is a terrible thing for a man with a passion for truth like mine... ~ Samuel Becket,
71:The bliss of the heart, the purification of the nafs and being a whole human are only possible through dhikr. ~ Maulana Hodshazade Sheikh Sayyid Osman Murteza, @Sufi_Path
72:The secret of happiness is this : let your interest be as wide as possible, and let your reactions to the things and persons that interest you be as far as possible friendly rather than hostile. ~ Bertrand Russell,
73:Awakening is possible only for those who seek it and want it, for those who are ready to struggle with themselves and work on themselves for a very long time and very persistently in order to attain it. ~ Gurdjieff,
74:If we want to have conversations with God (of course within us), is it possible? If yes, on what condition?

   God does not indulge in conversation.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II,
75:Awakening is possible only for those who seek it and want it, for those who are ready to struggle with themselves and work on themselves for a very long time and very persistently in order to attain it. ~ G.I. Gurdjieff,
76:It is not possible for the tongue of human speech to tell all the utter unity and all the eternal variety of the ananda of divine love. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Mystery of Love,
77:An honest religious thinker is like a tightrope walker. He almost looks as though he were walking on nothing but air. His support is the slenderest imaginable. And yet it really is possible to walk on it. ~ Ludwig Wittgenstein,
78:As soon as one's purpose is the attainment of the maximum of possible insight into the world as a whole, the metaphysical puzzles become the most urgent ones of all. ~ William James, 'Epilogue' to Psychology: The Briefer Course,
79:Can the very physical cells of one's body have more aspiration than the rest of the being?

   It is quite possible as the 'sadhana' is done now in the body itself.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II,
80:To waste one's time seeking the satisfaction of one's petty desires is sheer folly. True happiness is possible only when one has found the Divine. 19 February 1972 ~ The Mother, Some Answers From The Mother,
81:The object of food is to build a strong body & a fine intellect. Unless the body & the mind are pure it is not possible to go thro spiritual practices. It is the food offered to God that builds a pure body & mind. ~ Swami Saradananda,
82:Nothing is equal to prayer; for what is impossible it makes possible, what is difficult, easy.... For it is impossible, utterly impossible, for the man who prays eagerly and invokes God ceaselessly ever to sin. ~ Saint John Chrysostom,
83:The manifestation of a supramental truth-consciousness is therefore the capital reality that will make the divine life possible. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays in Philosophy and Yoga, Supermind and the Life Divine,
84:What is yoga? Yoga means 'union'. Yoga is possible only when there is 'viyoga' (separation). The person is now under the delusion of viyoga. This delusion must be removed. The method of removing it is called yoga. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi
85:The Divine is formless and nameless, but by that very reason capable of manifesting all possible names and shapes of being. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, Brahman, Purusha, Ishwara - Maya, Prakriti, Shakti,
86:It is not possible, O my son, to be attached at once to perishable things and to things divine; the one or the other one must choose, one cannot cling to both at once. ~ Matthew. VI. 24, the Eternal Wisdom
87:A spiritual, not an intellectual knowledge is the indispensable requisite for this way of works, its sole possible light, medium, incentive. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita, The Fullness of Spiritual Action,
88:Without being sceptical no spiritual progress is possible, for blind adoration is only the first stage in the spiritual development of the soul. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Bande Mataram - II, Spirituality and Nationalism,
89:To repress anger will be possible to you if you show yourselves disposed towards those who commit faults as you would have them be to you if you had committed them yourselves. ~ Isocrates, the Eternal Wisdom
90:The outer change in the world is only possible if and when that inner transmutation is effected and extends itself. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Autobiographical Notes and Other Writings of Historical Interest, To Motilal Roy,
91:If a thing is difficult for thee, imagine not therefore! that it is impossible to man; but if a thing is possible and proper to man, think that it is accessible to thee also. ~ Marcus Aurelius, the Eternal Wisdom
92:A divine Descent no less than an ascent to the Divine is possible; there is a prospect of the bringing down of a future perfection and a present deliverance. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Master of the Work,
93:The Overmind has to be reached and brought down before the Supermind descent is at all possible-for the Overmind is the passage through which one passes from mind to Supermind.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - I, 155,
94:Knowing or being aware is not itself an objective experience, but without it there could be no experience. It is that which makes experience possible and yet it is not itself 'an experience'." ~ Rupert Spira, from "Being Aware of Being Aware,", (2017).,
95:Education is a creative activity with persons as its only possible object... all that is by nature present in the human being to be educated is material for the educators, material which their love must find and mould. ~ John Paul II, Love & Responsibility,
96:Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible." ~ Francis of Assisi, (1181 or 1182 - 1226), venerated as Saint Francis of Assisi, Italian Catholic friar, deacon, philosopher, mystic, and preacher, Wikipedia.,
97:Some humans would do anything to see if it was possible to do it. If you put a large switch in some cave somewhere, with a sign on it saying 'End-of-the-World Switch. PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH', the paint wouldn't even have time to dry. ~ Terry Pratchett, Thief Of Time,
98:We must neither doubt nor hesitate with respect to the words of the Lord; rather, we must be fully persuaded that every word of God is true and possible, even if our nature should rebel against the idea; for in this lies the test of faith. ~ Saint Basil the Great,
99:Yet God is loving and kind and omnipotent, and so he gives the sight of God, the greatest gift of all, to those who love him. Even this was foretold by the prophets: For those things that are impossible with men, are possible with God. ~ Irenaeus, Against Heresies,
100:One has only to aspire sincerely and keep oneself as open as possible to the Mother's Force. Then whatever difficulties come, they will be overcome - it may take some time, but the result is sure. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - II,
101:How can a change of consciousness change the life upon earth?

   A change in human consciousness will make possible the manifestation upon earth of a higher Force, a purer Light, a more total Truth.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother III,
102:The widest synthesis of perfection possible to thought is the sole effort entirely worthy of those whose dedicated vision perceives that God dwells concealed in humanity. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Synthesis of the Systems,
103:Each element of the cosmos is positively woven from all the others...The universe holds together, and only one way of considering it is really possible, that is, to take it as a whole, in one piece. ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin,
104:In work there must be a rule and discipline and as much punctuality as possible in regard to time.
To be able to be regular is a great force, one becomes master of one's time and one's movements. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - II,
105:One goal of alchemy, the transmutation of base substances into gold, is now known to be impossible by chemical means but possible by physical means. Although not financially worthwhile, Gold was synthesized in particle accelerators as early as 1941. ~ Wikipedia, Alchemy,
106:... He (Jesus) showed me all that He Himself had endured for her, what efficacy He had bestowed upon the merits and labors of the martyrs and He ended by saying that He would endure it all over again if it were possible for Him again to suffer." ~ Venerable Anna Emmerich,
107:It's a pretty amazing to wake up every morning, knowing that every decision I make is to cause as little harm as possible. It's a pretty fantastic way to live." ~ Colleen Patrick-Goudreau, (b. 1970) American author, speaker, cultural commentator, and podcaster, Wikipedia,
108:In what does religion consist? It consists in causing as little suffering as possible and in doing good in abundance. It consists in the practice of love, of compassion, of truth, of purity in all domains of life. ~ Asoka, the Eternal Wisdom
109:Simple or complicated, small or large, the passage from non-existence to existence is the most radical of all steps... the passage from non-being to being is the greatest possible transition. We are talking about creation itself. ~ Peter Hodgson, Theology and Modern Physics,
110:How can one conquer the obscure vital? Rather, how is it possible to change the obscure vital into a luminous vital?

   By the surrender of the vital, its opening to the light, and by the growth of consciousness.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II,
111:There exists an unborn, an un-produced, uncreated, unformed. If this Permanent did not exist, there would be no possible issue for that which belongs to the world of the born, the produced, the created, the formed. ~ Udanavarga, the Eternal Wisdom
112:You must have a mind that will obey u at all times sincerely & carry out all ur commands in the best possible manner at any time. Steady & systematic practice of Yoga will make the mind very obedient & faithful. You will be successful in every attempt. ~ Swami Sivananda Saraswati,
113:It was their vocation to call sinners to repentance, to heal those who were sick whether in body or spirit, to seek in all their dealings never to do their own will but the will of him who sent them, and as far as possible to save the world by their teaching. ~ Cyril of Alexandria,
114:God has entrusted me with myself. No man is free who is not master of himself. A man should so live that his happiness shall depend as little as possible on external things. The world turns aside to let any man pass who knows where he is going.
   ~ Epictetus,
115:But the centre of all resistance is egoism and this we must pursue into every covert and disguise and drag it out and slay it; for its disguises are endless and it will cling to every shred of possible self-concealment.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga,
116:There is no allegiance possible where there is no character in the leader, and perfect purity ensures the most lasting allegiance and confidence. There must not be a hade of jealousy or selfishness, then you are a leader. ~ Swami Vivekananda, (C.W. VI. 284),
117:Bhakti is the one essential thing. To be sure, God exists in all beings. Who, then is a devotee? He whose mind dwells on God. But this is not possible as long as one has egotism and vanity. The water of God's grace cannot collect on the high mound of egotism. It runs down. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
118:If you could take the bliss and happiness that comes from meditation, and put it into a bottle, it would be the most popular drink in the world. Of course, this is not possible. But the good news is that it is free, it is good for your health, and it is always available. ~ Chamtrul Rinpoche,
119:If u have the power to go inside urself, then u have conquered the whole Universe. To go inside oneself means to go away from earthly attachments that hold u down like a captive balloon. Though it is very difficult it is possible thro either discrimination or devotion ~ Swami Ramakrishnananda,
120:Meditation is not an easy thing. Eat a bit more & your mind will not settle that day. When lust, anger, greed & the whole host of evil passions are kept under control, then alone does meditation become possible. If any one of these asserts itself, meditation will be impossible.~ Swami Brahmananda,
121:When Einstein had thought through a problem, he always found it necessary to formulate this subject in as many different ways as possible and to present it so that it would be comprehensible to people accustomed to different modes of thought and with different educational preparations. ~ Howard Gardner,
122:Education is the best way to train ourselves that we will secure our own well-being by concerning ourselves with others. It is possible to create a better world, a more compassionate, more peaceful world, which is not only in everyone's interest, but is everyone's responsibility to achieve. ~ Dalai Lama,
123:You tell me that even in Europe educated men become mad by thinking constantly of one subject. But how is it possible to lose one's intelligence and become mad by thinking of that Intelligence by which the whole world is made intelligent? ~ Ramakrishna, the Eternal Wisdom
124:If it be true that Spirit is involved in Matter and apparent Nature is secret God, then the manifestation of the divine in himself and the realisation of God within and without are the highest and most legitimate aim possible to man upon earth. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, 1.01,
125:Yes, my child, the Nature can change, completely change with the practice of Yoga - nothing is impossible for the Divine Grace - it can transform a being so totally that all that seemed for it completely impossible becomes not only possible but done. ~ The Mother, White Roses, Huta, 12,
126:If I were to wish for anything, I should not wish for wealth and power, but for the passionate sense of the potential, for the eye which, ever young and ardent, sees the possible. Pleasure disappoints, possibility never. And what wine is so sparkling, what so fragrant, what so intoxicating, as possibility!
   ~ Soren Kierkegaard,
127:We must recognize that the attempt to set forth the temporal course commonly referred to as the "evolution of mankind" is merely an attempt to structure events for convenient accessibility. Consequently, we must exclude from our discussion as far as possible such misleading notions as "development" and "progress." ~ Jean Gebser,
128:I can never read all the books I want; I can never be all the people I want and live all the lives I want. I can never train myself in all the skills I want. And why do I want? I want to live and feel all the shades, tones and variations of mental and physical experience possible in life. And I am horribly limited. ~ Sylvia Plath,
129:Whatever the scientists may come up with, writers and artists will continue to portray altered mental states, simply because few aspects of our nature fascinate people so much. The so-called mad person will always represent a possible future for every member of the audience ~ who knows when such a malady may strike? ~ Margaret Atwood,
130:The practical mind of the politician which represents the average reason and temperament of the time and effects usually something much nearer the minimum than the maximum of what is possible. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle, The Possibility of a First Step towards International Unity - Its Enormous Difficulties,
131:There are so many ways of making the approach to meditation as joyful as possible. You can find the music that most exalts you and use it to open your heart and mind. You can collect pieces of poetry, or quotations of lines of teachings that over the years have moved you, and keep them always at hand to elevate your spirit. ~ Sogyal Rinpoche,
132:In those days the world teemed, the people multiplied, the world bellowed like a wild bull, and the great god was aroused by the clamor. Enlil heard the clamor and he said to the gods in council, "The uproar of mankind is intolerable and sleep is no longer possible by reason of the babel." So the gods agreed to exterminate mankind. ~ Anonymous,
133:Become aware of internal, subjective, subverbal experiences, so that these experiences can be brought into the world of abstraction, of conversation, of naming, etc. with the consequence that it immediately becomes possible for a certain amount of control to be exerted over these hitherto unconscious and uncontrollable processes. ~ Abraham Maslow,
134:Men have such a good opinion of themselves, of their mental superiority and intellectual depth; they believe themselves so skilled in discerning the true from the false, the path of safety from those of error, that they should be forbidden as much as possible the perusal of philosophic writings. ~ Abu Hamid al-Ghazali,
135:The ideal attitude is to belong only to the Divine, to work only for the Divine and above all to expect only from the Divine strength, peace and satisfaction. The Divine is all-merciful and gives us all that we need to lead us as quickly as possible to the goal.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II, The Divine Is with You, [15],
136:I would take it for granted that everyone who becomes a Christian would undertake [our New Testament regimental orders]. It is enjoined upon us by Our Lord; and since they are his commands, I believe in following them. It is always just possible that Jesus Christ meant what he said when He told us to seek the secret place and to close the door. ~ C S Lewis,
137:These drops [of consciousness] happen to all sadhaks; their causes are various; sometimes it is a pull from below, sometimes an invasion from outside, sometimes a less ascertainable cause. When it happens, one must always remain as quiet as possible behind and call back the better condition.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - III,
138:Ravana's mind thought it was hungering after universal sovereignty and victory over Rama; but the aim his soul kept its vision fixed upon all the time was to get back to its heaven as soon as possible & be again God's menial. Therefore, as the shortest way, it hurled itself against God in a furious clasp of enmity. ~ Sri Aurobindo,
139:The complete attempt to deal with the term is would go to the form and matter of every thing in existence, at least, if not to the possible form and matter of all that does not exist, but might. As far as it could be done, it would give the grand Cyclopaedia, and its yearly supplement would be the history of the human race for the time. (354) ~ Augustus De Morgan,
140:All who are not consciously fortified in the path of right are possible victims of these monsters of iniquity; all who are not consciously on the white path, and firmly established in the way of sincerity and truth, are in eternal danger of these Harpies who float like soulless specters on the tide of evolution. ~ Manly P Hall, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics,
141:I do not know which of the religious leaders is right, nor is it possible for me to know it with any certainty. But I know pertinently that the best I can do is to develop love in myself and about that it is impossible for me to doubt. I cannot doubt it because in developing my love my happiness increases.- ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
142:Afterwards we may more easily find the one common principle and the one common power from which all derive their being and tendency, towards which all subconsciously move and in which, therefore, it is possible for all consciously to unite.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Conditions of the Synthesis, The Three Steps of Nature [9],
143:For the rest of your life to be as meaningful as possible, engage in spiritual practice if you can. It is nothing more than acting out of concern for others. If you practice sincerely and with persistence, little by little, step by step you will gradually reorder your habits and attitudes so as to think less about your own narrow concerns and more about others' - and thereby find peace and happiness yourself. ~ Dalai Lama,
144:But imagine this same vital power of expression, with the inspiration coming from far above-the highest inspiration possible, when all the heavens open before us-then that becomes wonderful. There are certain passages of César Franck, certain passages of Beethoven, certain passages of Bach, there are pieces by others also which have this inspiration and power.
   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1953,
145:Insofar as he makes use of his healthy senses, man himself is the best and most exact scientific instrument possible. The greatest misfortune of modern physics is that its experiments have been set apart from man, as it were, physics refuses to recognize nature in anything not shown by artificial instruments, and even uses this as a measure of its accomplishments. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
146:Even if you fail to do it during your lifetime, you must think of god at least at the time of death, since one becomes what he thinks of
at the time of death. But unless all your life you have been thinking of God, unless you have accustomed yourself to dhyana of 'God
always during life, it would not at all be possible for you think of God at the time of death. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi, Day by Day, 9-3-46,
147:Mother, Does the Divine punish injustice? Is it possible at all for Him to punish anybody?

   The Divine does not see things as men do and has no need to punish or reward. Each and every action carries in itself its fruit and its consequences. According to the nature of the action, it brings you near to the Divine or takes you away from Him, and that is the supreme consequence.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II,
148:What are the steps to follow for (1) sadhana and (2) silence of the mind?

   (1) Do work as sadhana. You offer to the Divine the work you do to the best of your capacities and you leave the result to the Divine. (2) Try to become conscious first above your head, keeping the brain as silent as possible. If you succeed and the work is done in that condition, then it will become perfect.
   ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II,
149:to become conscious of the psychic :::
The psychic being always has an influence on the thoughts and actions, but one is rarely conscious of it. To become conscious of the psychic being, one must want to do so, make one's mind as silent as possible, and enter deep into the heart of one's being, beyond sensations and thoughts. One must form the habit of silent concentration and descent into the depths of one's being.
   ~ The Mother,
150:In the growth into a divine life the spirit must be our first preoccupation; until we have revealed and evolved it in our self out of its mental, vital, physical wrappings and disguises, extricated it with patience from our own body, as the Upanishad puts it, until we have built up in ourselves an inner life of the spirit, it is obvious that no outer divine living can become possible. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, 2.28 - The Divine Life,
151:MASTER (to Atul): "What is worrying you? Is it that you haven't that grit, that intense restlessness for God?"
ATUL: "How can we keep our minds on God?"
MASTER: "Abhyasayoga, the yoga of practice. You should practise calling on God every day. It is not possible to succeed in one day; through daily prayer you will come to long for God.
"How can you feel that restlessness if you are immersed in worldliness day and night?" ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
152:All knowledge is ultimately the knowledge of God, through himself, through Nature, through her works. Mankind has first to seek this knowledge through the external life; for until its mentality is sufficiently developed, spiritual knowledge is not really possible, and in proportion as it is developed, the possibilities of spiritual knowledge become richer and fuller.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Yoga of Integral Knowledge, The Higher and the Lower Knowledge,
153:An integral intuition into the nature of conscious being shows us that it is indeed one in essence, but also that it is capable of an infinite potential complexity and multiplicity in self-experience. The working of this potential complexity and multiplicity in the One is what we call from our point of view manifestation or creation or world or becoming - (bhuvana, bhava). Without it no world-existence is possible. The agent of this becoming is always the self-conscience of the Being. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Isha Upanishad,
154:For all problems of existence are essentially problems of harmony. They arise from the perception of an unsolved discord and the instinct of an undiscovered agreement or unity. To rest content with an unsolved discord is possible for the practical and more animal part of man, but impossible for his fully awakened mind, and usually even his practical parts only escape from the general necessity either by shutting out the problem or by accepting a rough, utilitarian and unillumined compromise.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine,
155:I think it's much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers which might be wrong. I have approximate answers and possible beliefs and different degrees of uncertainty about different things, but I am not absolutely sure of anything, and there are many things I don't know anything about, such as whether it means anything to ask why we're here. I don't have to know an answer. I don't feel frightened not knowing things, by being lost in a mysterious universe without any purpose, which is the way it really is as far as I can tell. ~ Richard Feynman,
156:From the morning there has been a feeling of nearness to the Mother, almost as if there were no difference between us. But how can that be possible, as there is such a great gulf between her and me? I am on the mental plane and she is on the highest Supramental.

But the Mother is there not only on the Supramental but on all the planes. And especially she is close to everyone in the psychic part (the inner heart), so when that opens, the feeling of nearness naturally comes. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Mother With Letters On The Mother, [T4],
157:Don't depend on death to liberate you from your imperfections. You are exactly the same after death as you were before. Nothing changes; you only give up the body. If you are a thief or a liar or a cheater before death, you don't become an angel merely by dying. If such were possible, then let us all go and jump in the ocean now and become angels at once! Whatever you have made of yourself thus far, so will you be hereafter. And when you reincarnate, you will bring that same nature with you. To change, you have to make the effort. This world is the place to do it.
   ~ Paramahansa Yogananda,
158:It is the foundation of the pure spiritual consciousness that is the first object in the evolution of the spiritual man, and it is this and the urge of that consciousness towards contact with the Reality, the Self or the Divine Being that must be the first and foremost or even, till it is perfectly accomplished, the sole preoccupation of the spiritual seeker. It is the one thing needful that has to be done by each on whatever line is possible to him, by each according to the spiritual capacity developed in his nature.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, 892 [T1],
159:The man who does not think about religion, imagines that there is only one that is true, the one in which he was born. But thou hast only to ask thyself what would happen if thou wert born in another religion, thou, Christian, if thou wert born a Mahomedan, thou, Buddhist, a Christian and thou, Mahomedan, a Brahmin. Is it possible that we alone with our religion should be in the truth and that all others should be subjected to falsehood? No religion can become true merely by thy persuading thyself or persuading others that it alone is true. ~ Tolstoi, the Eternal Wisdom
160:The supramental Yoga is at once an ascent towards God and a descent of Godhead into the embodied nature.
   The ascent can only be achieved by a one-centered all-gathering upward aspiration of the soul and mind and life and body; the descent can only come by a call of the whole being towards the infinite and the eternal Divine. If this call and this aspiration are there, or if by any means they can be born and grow constantly and seize all the nature, then and then only a supramental uplifting and transformation becomes possible.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays Divine And Human, [T2],
161:We have to know ourselves as the self, the spirit, the eternal; we have to exist consciously in our true being. Therefore this must be our primary, if not our first one and all-absorbing idea and effort in the path of knowledge. But when we have realised the eternal self that we are, when we have become that inalienably, we have still a secondary aim, to establish the true relation between this eternal self that we are and the mutable existence and mutable world which till now we had falsely taken for our real being and our sole possible status.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga,
162:If you want to totally free yourself from suffering, it is important to distinguish what to do from what not to do since you can not hope to taste the fruit of beneficial actions that you have not done, nor escape the consequences of your own harmful actions. After death, you will follow the course traced by your actions, good and bad. Now that you have a choice between two paths, one that leads up and one that leads down, do not act in a way opposed to your deepest wishes. Practice all possible beneficial actions, even the smallest. Doesn't the accumulation of little drops end up filling a large jar? ~ Jetsun Mingyur Paldron,
163:I would like to tell you that an enlightened essence is present in everyone. It is present in every state, both samsara and nirvana, and in all sentient beings; there is no exception. Experience your buddha nature, make it your constant practice, and you will reach enlightenment. In my lifetime I have known many, many people who attained such and enlightened state, both male and female. Awakening to enlightenment is not an ancient fable. It is not mythology. It actually does happen. Bring the oral instructions into your own practical experience and enlightenment is indeed possible; it is not just a fairy tale. ~ Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche,
164:If possible, there should be no telephone in your writing room, certainly no TV or videogames for you to fool around with. If there's a window, draw the curtains or pull down the shades unless it looks out at a blank wall. For any writer, but for the beginning writer in particular, it's wise to eliminate every possible distraction. If you continue to write, you will begin to filter out these distractions naturally, but at the start it's best to try and take care of them before you write. … When you write, you want to get rid of the world, don't you? Of course you do. When you're writing, you're creating your own worlds. ~ Stephen King,
165:aspiration and dryness :::
Naturally, the more one-pointed the aspiration the swifter the progress. The difficulty comes when either the vital with its desires or the physical with its past habitual movements comes in - as they do with almost everyone. It is then that the dryness and difficulty of spontaneous aspiration come. This dryness is a well-known obstacle in all sadhana. But one has to persist and not be discouraged. If one keeps the will fixed even in these barren periods, they pass and after their passage a greater force of aspiration and experience becomes possible. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - II,
166:To be free from all preference and receive joyfully whatever comes from the Divine Will is not possible at first for any human being. What one should have at first is the constant idea that what the Divine wills is always for the best when the mind does not see how it is so, to accept with resignation what one cannot yet accept with gladness and so to arrive at a calm equality which is not shaken even when on the surface there may be passing movements of a momentary reaction to outward happenings, If that is once firmly founded, the rest can come.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - II, Equality - The Chief Support [134],
167:When a man is the Divine's enemy...
   But after all, suppose there is one man in a million who has realised this consciousness in himself. It is possible he may have had an effect on those around him - and yet I took care to tell you that for this state to be perfectly realised, generally it is necessary to live in solitude, otherwise there are too many contradictory things, there are too many brutally material necessities which contradict it, for you to be able to attain that state absolutely perfectly. But if you do attain it absolutely perfectly, everything around you will necessarily become divine. ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1956,
168:The visions you describe are those which come in the earliest stages of sadhana. At this stage most of the things seen are formations of the mental plane and it is not always possible to put on them a precise significance, for they depend on the individual mind of the sadhak. At a later stage the power of vision becomes important for the sadhana, but at first one has to go on without attaching excessive importance to the details - until the consciousness develops more. The opening of the consciousness to the Divine Light and Truth and Presence is always the one important thing in the yoga.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - II, Visions and Symbols,
169:The obstacles that we may face include having expectations, lack of self-confidence, indifference, and unwholesome distractions and activities. If we keep entertaining these negative acts and not believing in ourselves, thinking, "I'm not doing the practice well enough," "I'm not capable," "Everything is fated, so why should I try?"-at best, these acts and thoughts will divert us from our goal and slow down our spiritual progress. At worst, indulging in distractions, unwholesome activities, and negative attitudes will drag us on the wrong track and slowly lead us into the worst possible way of living, destroying all the possible fruits that this amazing human life could bring us.~ Tulku Thondup,
170:the essential conditions for the growth of the psychic :::
In order to strengthen the contact and aid, if possible, the development of the conscious psychic personality, one should, while concentrating, turn towards it, aspire to know it and feel it, open oneself to receive its influence, and take great care, each time that one receives an indication from it, to follow it very scrupulously and sincerely. To live in a great aspiration, to take care to become inwardly calm and remain so always as far as possible, to cultivate a perfect sincerity in all the activities of one's being - these are the essential conditions for the growth of the psychic being.
   ~ The Mother, Some Answers From The Mother,
171:Happy is the man who can recognize in the work of to-day a connected portion of the work of life and an embodiment of the work of Eternity. The foundations of his confidence are unchangeable, for he has been made a partaker of Infinity. He strenuously works out his daily enterprises because the present is given him for a possession.
   Thus ought man to be an impersonation of the divine process of nature, and to show forth the union of the infinite with the finite, not slighting his temporal existence, remembering that in it only is individual action possible, nor yet shutting out from his view that which is eternal, knowing that Time is a mystery which man cannot endure to contemplate until eternal Truth enlighten it. ~ James Clerk Maxwell,
172:The theory of masturbation as a physiological necessity is a most extraordinary idea. It weakens the nervous force and nervous balance,-as is natural since it is an artificial and wholly uncompensated waste of the energy-and it disorganises the sex-centre. Those who indulge in it inordinately may even upset their nervous balance altogether and bring about neurasthenia or worse. It is not by disorganisation of the sex-centre and sex-functioning that one should avoid the consequences of the sex-action, but by control of the sex itself so that it may be turned into higher forms of Energy. It is perfectly possible to check the habit. There are any number of people who have had it for years and yet been able to stop it.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - IV,
173:But his most important capacity is that of developing the powers of the higher principles in himself, a greater power of life, a purer light of mind, the illumination of supermind, the infinite being, consciousness and delight of spirit. By an ascending movement he can develop his human imperfection towards that greater perfection. But whatever his aim, however exalted his aspiration, he has to begin from the law of his present imperfection, to take full account of it and see how it can be converted to the law of a possible perfection. This present law of his being starts from the inconscience of the material universe, an involution of the soul in form and subjection to material nature; and
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Psychology Of Perfection,
174:The principle of Bhakti Yoga is to utilise all the normal relations of human life into which emotion enters and apply them no longer to transient worldly relations, but to the joy of the All-Loving, the All-Beautiful and the All-Blissful. Worship and meditation aroused only for the preparation and increase of intensity of the divine relationship. And this Yoga is catholic in its use of all emotional relations, so that even enmity and opposition to God, considered as an intense, impatient and perverse form of Love, is conceived as a possible means of realisation and salvation. This path, too, as ordinarily practised, leads away from world-existence to an absorption, of another kind than the Monists, in the Transcendent and Supra-cosmic.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga,
175:Because children have abounding vitality,
because they are in spirit fierce and free,
therefore they want things repeated and unchanged.
They always say, "Do it again";
and the grown-up person does it again
until he is nearly dead.
For grown-up people are not strong enough
to exult in monotony.

But perhaps God is strong enough
to exult in monotony.
It is possible that God says every morning,
"Do it again"
to the sun; and every evening,
"Do it again" to the moon.
It may not be automatic necessity
that makes all daisies alike;
it may be that God makes every daisy separately,
but has never got tired of making them.

It may be that He has the eternal appetite of infancy;
for we have sinned and grown old,
and our Father is younger than we."
~ G K Chesterton, Orthodoxy,
176:There are a vast amount of Buddhas already, and each one manifests countless forms simultaneously throughout all of the planes of cyclic existence for the benefit of all beings. However, at any given time, each individual being will have a stronger karmic connection with certain Buddhas, compared to other Buddhas.

   Likewise, if you were a Buddha, since a huge number of beings throughout cyclic existence would have a stronger karmic connection with you during certain times, you would be able to benefit them much more directly than the many other Buddhas would be able to. Do not forget this.

   The deeper you realise this, the greater your bodhicitta motivation becomes - in other words, the greater your compassionate wish to attain the enlightened state of a Buddha for the benefit of all beings, as soon as possible!
   ~ Chamtrul Rinpoche,
177:Two general and basic principles are proposed for the formation of categories: The first has to do with the function of category systems and asserts that the task of category systems is to provide maximum information with the least cognitive effort [("cognitive economy")]; the second has to do with the structure of the information so provided and asserts that the perceived world comes as structured information rather than than arbitrary or unpredictable attributes [("perceived world structure")]. Thus maximum information with least cognitive effort is achieved if categories map the perceived world structure as closely as possible. This condition can be achieved either by the mapping of categories to given attribute structures or by the definition or redefinition of attributes to render a given set of categories appropriately structured.
   ~ Rosch, 1978, p. 28,
178:2. Refusal of the Call:Often in actual life, and not infrequently in the myths and popular tales, we encounter the dull case of the call unanswered; for it is always possible to turn the ear to other interests. Refusal of the summons converts the adventure into its negative. Walled in boredom, hard work, or 'culture,' the subject loses the power of significant affirmative action and becomes a victim to be saved. His flowering world becomes a wasteland of dry stones and his life feels meaningless-even though, like King Minos, he may through titanic effort succeed in building an empire or renown. Whatever house he builds, it will be a house of death: a labyrinth of cyclopean walls to hide from him his minotaur. All he can do is create new problems for himself and await the gradual approach of his disintegration. ~ Joseph Campbell, The Hero with a Thousand Faces,
179:PURANI: There was some effort. Only, you can say that the effort was negligible in proportion to the success.
   SRI AUROBINDO: It is not a question of proportion. One may have put in a great deal of effort and yet there could be no result because there was not a complete and total sincerity. On the other hand, when the result comes with little effort it is because the whole being has responded-- and Grace found it possible to act. All the same, effort is a contributory factor. Sometimes one goes on making an effort with no result or even the condition becomes worse. And when one has given it up, one finds suddenly that the result has come. It may be that the effort was keeping up the resistance too. And when the effort is given up, the resistance says, "This fellow has given up effort. What is the use of resisting anymore?" ( Laughter ) ~ Nirodbaran, TALKS WITH SRI AUROBINDO VOLUME 1, 405,
180:From these two incontrovertible premises he deduced that the Library is total and that its shelves register all the possible combinations of the twenty-odd orthographical symbols (a number which, though extremely vast, is not infinite): in other words, all that it is given to express, in all languages. Everything: the minutely detailed history of the future, the archangels' autobiographies, the faithful catalogue of the Library, thousands and thousands of false catalogues, the demonstration of the fallacy of those catalogues, the demonstration of the fallacy of the true catalogue, the Gnostic gospel of Basilides, the commentary on that gospel, the commentary on the commentary on that gospel, the true story of your death, the translation of every book in all languages, the interpolations of every book in all books. ~ Jorge Luis Borges, The Library of Babel,
181:When I am working on a book or a story I write every morning as soon after first light as possible. There is no one to disturb you and it is cool or cold and you come to your work and warm as you write. You read what you have written and, as you always stop when you know what is going to happen next, you go on from there. You write until you come to a place where you still have your juice and know what will happen next and you stop and try to live through until the next day when you hit it again. You have started at six in the morning, say, and may go on until noon or be through before that. When you stop you are as empty, and at the same time never empty but filling, as when you have made love to someone you love. Nothing can hurt you, nothing can happen, nothing means anything until the next day when you do it again. It is the wait until the next day that is hard to get through. ~ Ernest Hemingway,
182:The power to do nothing, which is quite different from indolence, incapacity or aversion to action and attachment to inaction, is a great power and a great mastery; the power to rest absolutely from action is as necessary for the Jnanayogin as the power to cease absolutely from thought, as the power to remain indefinitely in sheer solitude and silence and as the power of immovable calm. Whoever is not willing to embrace these states is not yet fit for the path that leads towards the highest knowledge; whoever is unable to draw towards them, is as yet unfit for its acquisition.
Still, periods of absolute calm, solitude and cessation from works are highly desirable and should be secured as often as possible for that recession of the soul into itself which is indispensable to knowledge.
~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Freedom from Subjection to the Being,
183:The Yoga that we seek must also be an integral action of Nature, and the whole difference between the Yogin and the natural man will be this, that the Yogin seeks to substitute in himself for the integral action of the lower Nature working in and by ego and division the integral action of the higher Nature working in and by God and unity. If indeed our aim be only an escape from the world to God, synthesis is unnecessary and a waste of time; for then our sole practical aim must be to find out one path out of the thousand that lead to God, one shortest possible of shortcuts, and not to linger exploring different paths that end in the same goal. But if our aim be a transformation of our integral being into the terms of God-existence, it is then that a synthesis becomes necessary.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Conditions of the Synthesis, The Synthesis of the Systems, 45,
184:II. POSTULATE: ANY required Change may be effected by application of the proper kind and degree of Force in the proper manner through the proper medium to the proper object.
   (Illustration: I wish to prepare an ounce of Chloride of Gold. I must take the right kind of acid, nitro-hydrochloric and no other, in sufficient quantity and of adequate strength, and place it, in a vessel which will not break, leak or corrode, in such a manner as will not produce undesirable results, with the necessary quantity of Gold, and so forth. Every Change has its own conditions.
   In the present state of our knowledge and power some changes are not possible in practice; we cannot cause eclipses, for instance, or transform lead into tin, or create men from mushrooms. But it is theoretically possible to cause in any object any change of which that object is capable by nature; and the conditions are covered by the above postulate.)
   ~ Aleister Crowley, Liber ABA, Magick,
   To learn to be quiet and silent... When you have a problem to solve, instead of turning over in your head all the possibilities, all the consequences, all the possible things one should or should not do, if you remain quiet with an aspiration for goodwill, if possible a need for goodwill, the solution comes very quickly. And as you are silent you are able to hear it.

   When you are caught in a difficulty, try this method: instead of becoming agitated, turning over all the ideas and actively seeking solutions, of worrying, fretting, running here and there inside your head - I don't mean externally, for externally you probably have enough common sense not to do that! but inside, in your head - remain quiet. And according to your nature, with ardour or peace, with intensity or widening or with all these together, implore the Light and wait for it to come.

   In this way the path would be considerably shortened. 5 November 1958
   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1957-1958, 422,
186:The best way to overcome it [the fear of death]-so at least it seems to me-is to make your interests gradually wider and more impersonal, until bit by bit the walls of the ego recede, and your life becomes increasingly merged in the universal life. An individual human existence should be like a river: small at first, narrowly contained within its banks, and rushing passionately past rocks and over waterfalls. Gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, the waters flow more quietly, and in the end, without any visible break, they become merged in the sea, and painlessly lose their individual being. The man who, in old age, can see his life in this way, will not suffer from the fear of death, since the things he cares for will continue. And if, with the decay of vitality, weariness increases, the thought of rest will not be unwelcome. I should wish to die while still at work, knowing that others will carry on what I can no longer do and content in the thought that what was possible has been done. ~ Bertrand Russell,
187:''He is a great spirit,151 Socrates. All spirits are intermediate between god and mortal''.
''What is the function of a spirit?'' I asked.
''Interpreting and conveying all that passes between gods and humans: from humans, petitions and sacrificial offerings, and from gods, instructions and the favours they return. Spirits, being intermediary, fill the space between the other two, so that all are bound together into one entity. It is by means of spirits that all divination can take place, the whole craft of seers and priests, with their sacrifices, rites and spells, and all prophecy and magic. Deity and humanity are completely separate, but through the mediation of spirits all converse and communication from gods to humans, waking and sleeping, is made possible. The man who is wise in these matters is a man of the spirit,152 whereas the man who is wise in a skill153 or a manual craft,154 which is a different sort of expertise, is materialistic.155 These spirits are many and of many kinds, and one of them is Love''. ~ Plato, Symposium, 202e,
188:But what then of that silent Self, inactive, pure, self-existent, self-enjoying, which presented itself to us as the abiding justification of the ascetic? Here also harmony and not irreconcilable opposition must be the illuminative truth. The silent and the active Brahman are not different, opposite and irreconcilable entities, the one denying, the other affirming a cosmic illusion; they are one Brahman in two aspects, positive and negative, and each is necessary to the other. It is out of this Silence that the Word which creates the worlds for ever proceeds; for the Word expresses that which is self-hidden in the Silence. It is an eternal passivity which makes possible the perfect freedom and omnipotence of an eternal divine activity in innumerable cosmic systems. For the becomings of that activity derive their energies and their illimitable potency of variation and harmony from the impartial support of the immutable Being, its consent to this infinite fecundity of its own dynamic Nature. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, Reality Omnipresent,
189:the importance and power of surrender :::
   Surrender is the decision taken to hand over the responsibility of your life to the Divine. Without this decision nothing is at all possible; if you do not surrender, the Yoga is entirely out of the question. Everything else comes naturally after it, for the whole process starts with surrender. You can surrender either through knowledge or through devotion. You may have a strong intuition that the Divine alone is the truth and a luminous conviction that without the Divine you cannot manage. Or you may have a spontaneous feeling that this line is the only way of being happy, a strong psychic desire to belong exclusively to the Divine: I do not belong to my self, you say, and give up the responsibility of your being to the Truth. Then comes self-offering: Here I am, a creature of various qualities, good and bad, dark and enlightened. I offer myself as I am to you, take me up with all my ups and downs, conflicting impulses and tendencies - do whatever you like with me.
   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1929-1931,
190:16. Master of Two Worlds:Freedom to pass back and forth across the world division, from the perspective of the apparitions of time to that of the causal deep and back-not contaminating the principles of the one with those of the other, yet permitting the mind to know the one by virtue of the other-is the talent of the master. The Cosmic Dancer, declares Nietzsche, does not rest heavily in a single spot, but gaily, lightly, turns and leaps from one position to another. It is possible to speak from only one point at a time, but that does not invalidate the insights of the rest. The individual, through prolonged psychological disciplines, gives up completely all attachment to his personal limitations, idiosyncrasies, hopes and fears, no longer resists the self-annihilation that is prerequisite to rebirth in the realization of truth, and so becomes ripe, at last, for the great at-one-ment. His personal ambitions being totally dissolved, he no longer tries to live but willingly relaxes to whatever may come to pass in him; he becomes, that is to say, an anonymity. ~ Joseph Campbell,
   Sweet Mother, Sri Aurobindo has said somewhere that if one surrenders to the Divine Grace, it will do everything for us. Therefore, what value has tapasya?

If you want to know what Sri Aurobindo has said on a given subject, you must at least read all that he has written on that subject. You will then see that he has apparently said the most contradictory things. But when one has read everything, and understood a little, one perceives that all the contradictions complement each other and are organised and unified into an integral synthesis. Here is another quotation from Sri Aurobindo which will show you that your question is based on ignorance. There are many others which you can read with interest and which will make your intelligence more supple: 'If there is not a complete surrender, then it is not possible to adopt the baby cat attitude; it becomes mere tamasic passivity calling itself surrender. If a complete surrender is not possible in the beginning, it follows that personal effort is necessary.' 16 December 1964
   ~ The Mother, Some Answers From The Mother, 308,
192:Sails across the sea of life in the twinkling of an eye.' One attains the vision of God if Mahamaya steps aside from the door. Mahamaya's grace is necessary: hence the worship of Sakti. You see, God is near us, but it is not possible to know Him because Mahamaya stands between. Rama, Lakshmana, and Sita were walking along. Rama walked ahead, Sita in the middle, and Lakshmana last. Lakshmana was only two and a half cubits away from Rama, but he couldn't see Rama because Sita - Mahamaya - was in the way.
"While worshipping God, one should assume a definite attitude. I have three attitudes: the attitude of a child, the attitude or a maidservant, and the attitude of a friend. For a long time I regarded myself as a maidservant and a woman companion of God; at that time I used to wear skirts and ornaments, like a woman. The attitude of a child is very good.
"The attitude of a 'hero' is not good. Some people cherish it. They regard themselves as Purusha and woman as Prakriti; they want to propitiate woman through intercourse with her. But this method often causes disaster. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
193:Do not be over-eager for experience, - for experiences you can always get, having once broken the barrier between the physical mind and the subtle planes. What you have to aspire for most is the improved quality of the recipient consciousness in you - discrimination in the mind, the unattached impersonal Witness look on all that goes on in you and around you, purity in the vital, calm equanimity, enduring patience, absence of pride and the sense of greatness - and more especially, the development of the psychic being in you - surrender, self-giving, psychic humility, devotion. It is a consciousness made up of these things, cast in this mould that can bear without breaking, stumbling or deviation into error the rush of lights, powers and experiences from the supraphysical planes. An entire perfection in these respects is hardly possible until the whole nature from the highest mind to the subconscient physical is made one in the light that is greater than Mind; but a sufficient foundation and a consciousness always self-observant, vigilant and growing in these things is indispensable
   - for perfect purification is the basis of the perfect siddhi. ~ ?,
194:Here I want to make it very clear that mathematics is not what many people think it is; it is not a system of mere formulas and theorems; but as beautifully defined by Professor Cassius J. Keyser, in his book The Human Worth of Rigorous Thinking (Columbia University Press, 1916), mathematics is the science of "Exact thought or rigorous thinking," and one of its distinctive characteristics is "precision, sharpness, completeness of definitions." This quality alone is sufficient to explain why people generally do not like mathematics and why even some scientists bluntly refuse to have anything to do with problems wherein mathematical reasoning is involved. In the meantime, mathematical philosophy has very little, if anything, to do with mere calculations or with numbers as such or with formulas; it is a philosophy wherein precise, sharp and rigorous thinking is essential. Those who deliberately refuse to think "rigorously"-that is mathematically-in connections where such thinking is possible, commit the sin of preferring the worse to the better; they deliberately violate the supreme law of intellectual rectitude. ~ Alfred Korzybski, Manhood of Humanity,
195:It is always better to try to concentrate in a centre, the centre of aspiration, one might say, the place where the flame of aspiration burns, to gather in all the energies there, at the solar plexus centre and, if possible, to obtain an attentive silence as though one wanted to listen to something extremely subtle, something that demands a complete attention, a complete concentration and a total silence. And then not to move at all. Not to think, not to stir, and make that movement of opening so as to receive all that can be received, but taking good care not to try to know what is happening while it is happening, for it one wants to understand or even to observe actively, it keeps up a sort of cerebral activity which is unfavourable to the fullness of the receptivity - to be silent, as totally silent as possible, in an attentive concentration, and then be still. If one succeeds in this, then, when everything is over, when one comes out of meditation, some time later - usually not immediately - from within the being something new emerges in the consciousness: a new understanding, a new appreciation of things, a new attitude in life - in short, a new way of being.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, [where to concentrate?],
196:I have got three letters from you, but as I was busy with many things I couldn't answer them-today I am answering all the three together. It was known that it wouldn't be possible for you to come for darshan this time, it can't be easy to come twice within this short time. Don't be sorry, remain calm and remember the Mother, gather faith and strength within. You are a child of the Divine Mother, be tranquil, calm and full of force. There is no special procedure. To take the name of the Mother, to remember her within, to pray to her, all this may be described as calling the Mother. As it comes from within you, you have to call her accordingly. You can do also this - shutting your eyes you can imagine that the Mother is in front of you or you can sketch a picture of her in your mind and offer her your pranam, that obeissance will reach her. When you've time, you can meditate on her with the thinking attitude that she is with you, she's sitting in front of you. Doing these things people at last get to see her. Accept my blessings, I send the Mother's blessings also at the same time. From time to time Jyotirmoyee will take blessing flowers during pranam and send them to you. ~ The Mother, Nirodbaran Memorable contacts with the Mother,
197:the three results of effective practice: devotion, the central liberating knowledge and purification of ego; ::: leads straight and inevitably towards the highest devotion possible;.. There is bound up a growing sense of the Divine in all things, a deepening communion with the Divine in all our through, will and action and at every moment of our lives, a more and more moved conscecration to the Divine of the totality of our being...., the practice of this Yoga demands a constant inward remembrance of the one central liberating knowledge, ... In all is the one Self, the one Divine is all; all are in the Divine, all are the Divine and there is nothing else in the universe, - this thought or this faith is the whole background until it becomes the whole substance of the consciousness of the worker. ...
   Lastly, the practice of this Yoga of sacrifice compels us to renounce all the inner supports of egoism, casting them out of our mind and will and actions, and to eliminate its seed, its presence, its influence out of our nature. All must be done for the Divine; all must be directed towards the Divine.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Sacrifice, The Triune Path and the Lord of the Sacrifice [T1],
198:And now what methods may be employed to safeguard the worker in the field of the world? What can be done to ensure his safety in the present strife, and in the greater strife of the coming centuries? 1. A realisation that purity of all the vehicles is the prime essential. If a Dark Brother gains control over any man, it but shows that that man has in his life some weak spot.... 2. The elimination of all fear. The forces of evolution vibrate more rapidly than those of involution, and in this fact lies a recognisable security. Fear causes weakness; weakness causes a disintegration; the weak spot breaks and a gap appears, and through that gap evil force may enter.... 3. A standing firm and unmoved, no matter what occurs. Your feet may be bathed in the mud of earth, but your head may be bathed in the sunshine of the higher regions... 4. A recognition of the use of common-sense, and the application of this common-sense to the matter in hand. Sleep much, and in sleeping, learn to render the body positive; keep busy on the emotional plane, and achieve the inner calm. Do naught to overtire the body physical, and play whenever possible. In hours of relaxation comes the adjustment that obviates later tension. ~ Alice A. Bailey, Letters on Occult Meditation p. 137/8, (1922)
199:In order to strengthen the higher knowledge-faculty in us we have to effect the same separation between the intuitive and intellectual elements of our thought as we have already effected between the understanding and the sense-mind; and this is no easy task, for not only do our intuitions come to us incrusted in the intellectual action, but there are a great number of mental workings which masquerade and ape the appearances of the higher faculty. The remedy is to train first the intellect to recognise the true intuilion, to distinguish it from the false and then to accustom it, when it arrives at an intellectual perception or conclusion, to attach no final value to it, but rather look upward, refer all to the divine principle and wait in as complete a silence as it can command for the light from above. In this way it is possible to transmute a great part of our intellectual thinking into the luminous truth-conscious vision, -- the ideal would be a complete transition, -- or at least to increase greatly the frequency, purity and conscious force of the ideal knowledge working behind the intellect. The latter must learn to be subject and passive to the ideal faculty.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Purified Understanding, 316,
200:the three successive elements :::
   The progressive self-manifestation of Nature in man, termed in modern language his evolution, must necessarily depend upon three successive elements, that which is already evolved, that which is persistently in the stage of conscious evolution and that which is to be evolved and may perhaps be already displayed, if not constantly, then occasionally or with some regularity of recurrence, in primary formations or in others more developed and, it may well be, even in some, however rare, that are near to the highest possible realisation of our present humanity. For the march of Nature is not drilled to a regular and mechanical forward stepping. She reaches constantly beyond herself even at the cost of subsequent deplorable retreats. She has rushes; she has splendid and mighty outbursts; she has immense realisations. She storms sometimes passionately forward hoping to take the kingdom of heaven by violence. And these self-exceedings are the revelation of that in her which is most divine or else most diabolical, but in either case the most puissant to bring her rapidly forward towards her goal.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Introduction - The Conditions of the Synthesis, The Three Steps of Nature,
201:Considered from this point of view, the fact that some of the theories which we know to be false give such amazingly accurate results is an adverse factor. Had we somewhat less knowledge, the group of phenomena which these "false" theories explain would appear to us to be large enough to "prove" these theories. However, these theories are considered to be "false" by us just for the reason that they are, in ultimate analysis, incompatible with more encompassing pictures and, if sufficiently many such false theories are discovered, they are bound to prove also to be in conflict with each other. Similarly, it is possible that the theories, which we consider to be "proved" by a number of numerical agreements which appears to be large enough for us, are false because they are in conflict with a possible more encompassing theory which is beyond our means of discovery. If this were true, we would have to expect conflicts between our theories as soon as their number grows beyond a certain point and as soon as they cover a sufficiently large number of groups of phenomena. In contrast to the article of faith of the theoretical physicist mentioned before, this is the nightmare of the theorist. ~ Eugene Paul Wigner, The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences,
202:on cultivating equality :::
   For it is certain that so great a result cannot be arrived at immediately and without any previous stages. At first we have to learn to bear the shocks of the world with the central part of our being untouched and silent, even when the surface mind, heart, life are strongly shaken; unmoved there on the bedrock of our life, we must separate the soul watching behind or immune deep within from these outer workings of our nature. Afterwards, extending this calm and steadfastness of the detached soul to its instruments, it will become slowly possible to radiate peace from the luminous centre to the darker peripheries. In this process we may take the passing help of many minor phases; a certain stoicism, a certain calm philosophy, a certain religious exaltation may help us towards some nearness to our aim, or we may call in even less strong and exalted but still useful powers of our mental nature. In the end we must either discard or transform them and arrive instead at an entire equality, a perfect self-existent peace within and even, if we can, a total unassailable, self-poised and spontaneous delight in all our members.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Yoga of Divine Works, Self-Surrender in Works - The Way of the Gita, [103-104],
   Sweet Mother, Is it possible to have control over oneself during sleep? For example, if I want to see you in my dreams, can I do it at will?

Control during sleep is entirely possible and it is progressive if you persist in the effort. You begin by remembering your dreams, then gradually you remain more and more conscious during your sleep, and not only can you control your dreams but you can guide and organise your activities during sleep.

   If you persist in your will and your effort, you are sure to learn how to come and find me at night during your sleep and afterwards to remember what has happened.

   For this, two things are necessary, which you must develop by aspiration and by calm and persistent effort.

   (1) Concentrate your thought on the will to come and find me; then pursue this thought, first by an effort of imagination, afterwards in a tangible and increasingly real way, until you are in my presence.

   (2) Establish a sort of bridge between the waking and the sleeping consciousness, so that when you wake up you remember what has happened.

It may be that you succeed immediately, but more often it takes a certain time and you must persist in the effort. 25 September 1959

   ~ The Mother, Some Answers From The Mother, 226,
204:But before entering into the details of I. A. O. as a magical formula it should be remarked that it is essentially the formula of Yoga or meditation; in fact, of elementary mysticism in all its branches. In beginning a meditation practice, there is always a quiet pleasure, a gentle natural growth; one takes a lively interest in the work; it seems easy; one is quite pleased to have started. This stage represents Isis. Sooner or later it is succeeded by depression-the Dark Night of the Soul, an infinite weariness and detestation of the work. The simplest and easiest acts become almost impossible to perform. Such impotence fills the mind with apprehension and despair. The intensity of this loathing can hardly be understood by any person who has not experienced it. This is the period of Apophis.
   It is followed by the arising not of Isis, but of Osiris. The ancient condition is not restored, but a new and superior condition is created, a condition only rendered possible by the process of death. The Alchemists themselves taught this same truth. The first matter of the work was base and primitive, though 'natural.' After passing through various stages the 'black dragon' appeared; but from this arose the pure and perfect gold
   ~ Aleister Crowley, Liber ABA, Book 4, Magick, Part 3, The Formula of I. A. O. [158-159],
205:For this is the other face of the psychic: not only is it joy and sweetness, but also quiet strength, as if it were forever above every possible tragedy - an invulnerable master. In this case, too, the details of a scene can be indelibly engraved. But what passes on to the next life is not so much the details as the essence of the scene: we will be struck by certain repetitive patterns of events or deadlocked situations that have an air of déjà vu and seem surrounded by an aura of fatality - for what has not been overcome in the past returns again and again, each time with a slightly different appearance, but basically always identical, until we confront the old knot and untie it. Such is the law of inner progress. Generally, however, the memory of actual physical circumstances does not remain, because, although our small surface consciousness makes much of them, they are, after all, of little significance. There is even a spontaneous mechanism that erases the profusion of useless past memories, just as those of the present life soon become eradicated. If we glance behind us, without thinking, what is actually left of our present life? A nebulous mass with perhaps two or three outstanding images; all the rest is blotted out. This is likewise the case for the soul and its past lives.
   ~ Satprem, Sri Aurobindo Or The Adventure Of Consciousness,
206:All advance in thought is made by collecting the greatest possible number of facts, classifying them, and grouping them.
   The philologist, though perhaps he only speaks one language, has a much higher type of mind than the linguist who speaks twenty.
   This Tree of Thought is exactly paralleled by the tree of nervous structure.
   Very many people go about nowadays who are exceedingly "well-informed," but who have not the slightest idea of the meaning of the facts they know. They have not developed the necessary higher part of the brain. Induction is impossible to them.
   This capacity for storing away facts is compatible with actual imbecility. Some imbeciles have been able to store their memories with more knowledge than perhaps any sane man could hope to acquire.
   This is the great fault of modern education - a child is stuffed with facts, and no attempt is made to explain their connection and bearing. The result is that even the facts themselves are soon forgotten.
   Any first-rate mind is insulted and irritated by such treatment, and any first-rate memory is in danger of being spoilt by it.
   No two ideas have any real meaning until they are harmonized in a third, and the operation is only perfect when these ideas are contradictory. This is the essence of the Hegelian logic.
   ~ Aleister Crowley, Liber ABA, Book 4, The Cup,
207:... although there is almost nothing I can say that will help you, and I can harly find one useful word. You have had many sadnesses, large ones, which passed. And you say that even this passing was difficult and upsetting for you. But please, ask yourself whether these large sadnesses haven't rather gone right through you. Perhaps many things inside you have been transformed; perhaps somewhere, deep inside your being, you have undergone important changes while you were sad. The only sadnesses that are dangerous and unhealthy are the ones that we carry around in public in order to drown them out with the noise; like diseases that are treated superficially and foolishly, they just withdraw and after a short interval break out again all the more terribly; and gather inside us and are life, are life that is unlived, rejected, lost, life that we can die of. If only it were possible for us to see farther than our knowledge reaches, and even a little beyond the outworks of our presentiment, perhaps we would bear our sadnesses with greater trust than we have in our joys. For they are the moments when something new has entered us, something unknown; our feelings grow mute in shy embarrassment, everything in us withdraws, a silence arises, and the new experience, which no one knows, stands in the midst of it all and says nothing. ~ Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet, August 12, 1904,
208:uniting life and Yoga :::
   No synthesis of Yoga can be satisfying which does not, in its aim, reunite God and Nature in a liberated and perfected human life or, in its method, not only permit but favour the harmony of our inner and outer activities and experiences in the divine consummation of both. For man is precisely that term and symbol of a higher Existence descended into the material world in which it is possible for the lower to transfigure itself and put on the nature of the higher and the higher to reveal itself in the forms of the lower. To avoid the life which is given him for the realisation of that possibility, can never be either the indispensable condition or the whole and ultimate object of his supreme endeavour or of his most powerful means of self-fulfilment. It can only be a temporary necessity under certain conditions or a specialised extreme effort imposed on the individual so as to prepare a greater general possibility for the race. The true and full object and utility of Yoga can only be accomplished when the conscious Yoga in man becomes. like the subconscious Yoga in Nature, outwardly conterminous withlife itself and we can once more, looking out both on the path and the achievement, say in a more perfect and luminous sense: All life is Yoga.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Introduction - The Conditions of the Synthesis, Life and Yoga,
209:Bhakti Yoga, the Path of Devotion; :::
   The path of Devotion aims at the enjoyment of the supreme Love and Bliss and utilses normally the conception of the supreme Lord in His personality as the divine Lover and enjoyer of the universe. The world is then realised as a a play of the Lord, with our human life as its final stages, pursued through the different phases of self-concealment and self-revealation. The principle of Bhakti Yoga is to utilise all the normal relations of human life into which emotion enters and apply them no longer to transient worldly relations, but to the joy of the All-Loving, the All-Beautiful and the All-Blissful. Worship and meditation are used only for the preparation and increase the intensity of the divine relationship. And this Yoga is catholic in its use of all emotional relations, so that even enmity and opposition to God, considered as an intense, impatient and perverse form of Love, is conceived as a possible means of realisation and salvation. ... We can see how this larger application of the Yoga of Devotion may be used as to lead to the elevation of the whole range of human emotion, sensation and aesthetic perception to the divine level, its spiritualisation and the justification of the cosmic labour towards love and joy in humanity.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Introduction - The Conditions of the Synthesis, The Systems of Yoga,
210:Listen to Erwin Schroedinger,the Nobel Prize-winning cofounder of quantum mechanics,and how can I convince you that he means this literally?Consciousness is a singular of which the plural is unknown.It is not possible that this unity of knowledge,feelings,and choice which you call your own should have sprung into being from nothingness at a given moment not so long ago;rather,this knowledge,feeling, and choice are essentially eternal and unchangeable and numerically one in all people,nay in all sensitive beings.The conditions for your existence are almost as old as rocks.For thousands of years men have striven and suffered and begotten and women have brought in pain.A hundred years ago (there's the test),another man sat on this spot;like you he gazed with awe and yearning in his heart at the dying light on the glaciers. Like you he was begotten of man and born of woman.He felt pain and brief joy as you do.Was he someone else? Was it not you yourself?WAS IT NOT YOU,YOURSELF? Are you not humanity itself? Do you not touch all things human,because you are it's only Witness? Do you not therefore love the world,and love all people,and love the Kosmos,because you are its only Self? Do you not weep when one person is hurt,do you not cry when one child goes hungry,do you not scream when one soul is tortured? You know you suffer when others suffer.You already know this! "Was it someone else? Was it not you yourself?" ~ Ken Wilber, One Taste, p. 342-343,
211:When the Peace is established, this higher or Divine Force from above can descend and work in us. It descends usually first into the head and liberates the inner mind mind centres, then into the heart centre and liberates fully the psychic and emotional being, then into the navel and other vital centres and liberates the inner vital, then into the Muladhara and below and liberates the inner vital, then into the navel and other vital centres and liberates the inner physical being. It works at the same time for perfection as well as liberation; it takes up the whole nature part by part and deals with it, rejecting what has to be rejected, sublimating what has to be sublimated, creating what has to be created. It integrates, harmonises, establishes a new rhythm in the nature. It can bring down too a higher and yet higher force and range of the higher nature until, if that be the aim of the sadhana, it becomes possible to bring down the supramental force and existence. All this is prepared, assistance, farthered by the work of the psychic being in the heart centre; the more it is open, in front, active, the quicker, safer, easier the working of the Force can be. The more love and bhakti and surrender grow in the heart, the more rapid and perfect becomes the evolution of the sadhana. For the descent and transformation imply at the same time an increasing contact and union with the Divine. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Mother With Letters On The Mother,
212:People think of education as something that they can finish. And what's more, when they finish, it's a rite of passage. You're finished with school. You're no more a child, and therefore anything that reminds you of school - reading books, having ideas, asking questions - that's kid's stuff. Now you're an adult, you don't do that sort of thing any more.

You have everybody looking forward to no longer learning, and you make them ashamed afterward of going back to learning. If you have a system of education using computers, then anyone, any age, can learn by himself, can continue to be interested. If you enjoy learning, there's no reason why you should stop at a given age. People don't stop things they enjoy doing just because they reach a certain age.

What's exciting is the actual process of broadening yourself, of knowing there's now a little extra facet of the universe you know about and can think about and can understand. It seems to me that when it's time to die, there would be a certain pleasure in thinking that you had utilized your life well, learned as much as you could, gathered in as much as possible of the universe, and enjoyed it. There's only this one universe and only this one lifetime to try to grasp it. And while it is inconceivable that anyone can grasp more than a tiny portion of it, at least you can do that much. What a tragedy just to pass through and get nothing out of it. ~ Isaac Asimov, Carl Freedman - Conversations with Isaac Asimov-University Press of Mississippi (2005).pdf,
213:There must be accepted and progressively accomplished a surrender of our capacities of working into the hands of a greater Power behind us and our sense of being the doer and worker must disappear. All must be given for a more direct use into the hands of the divine Will which is hidden by these frontal appearances; for by that permitting Will alone is our action possible. A hidden Power is the true Lord and overruling Observer of our acts and only he knows through all the ignorance and perversion and deformation brought in by the ego their entire sense and ultimate purpose. There must be effected a complete transformation of our limited and distorted egoistic life and works into the large and direct outpouring of a greater divine Life, Will and Energy that now secretly supports us. This greater Will and Energy must be made conscious in us and master; no longer must it remain, as now, only a superconscious, upholding and permitting Force. There must be achieved an undistorted transmission through us of the all-wise purpose and process of a now hidden omniscient Power and omnipotent Knowledge which will turn into its pure, unobstructed, happily consenting and participating channel all our transmuted nature. This total consecration and surrender and this resultant entire transformation and free transmission make up the whole fundamental means and the ultimate aim of an integral Karmayoga.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Yoga of Divine Works, Self-Surrender in Works - The Way of the Gita, [92],
214:The great men of the past have given us glimpses of what is possible in the way of personality, of intellectual understanding, of spiritual achievement, of artistic creation. But these are scarcely more than Pisgah glimpses. We need to explore and map the whole realm of human possibility, as the realm of physical geography has been explored and mapped. How to create new possibilities for ordinary living? What can be done to bring out the latent capacities of the ordinary man and woman for understanding and enjoyment; to teach people the techniques of achieving spiritual experience (after all, one can acquire the technique of dancing or tennis, so why not of mystical ecstasy or spiritual peace?)...
   The zestful but scientific exploration of possibilities and of the techniques for realizing them will make our hopes rational, and will set our ideals within the framework of reality, by showing how much of them are indeed realizable. Already, we can justifiably hold the belief that these lands of possibility exist, and that the present limitations and miserable frustrations of our existence could be in large measure surmounted. We are already justified in the conviction that human life as we know it in history is a wretched makeshift, rooted in ignorance; and that it could be transcended by a state of existence based on the illumination of knowledge and comprehension, just as our modern control of physical nature based on science transcends the tentative fumblings of our ancestors, that were rooted in superstition and professional secrecy. ~ Julian Huxley, Transhumanism,
215:So too we can rise to a consciousness above and observe the various parts of our being, inner and outer, mental, vital and physical and the subconscient below all, and act upon one or other or the whole from that higher status. It is possible also to go down from that height or from any height into any of these lower states and take its limited light or its obscurity as our place of working while the rest that we are is either temporarily put away or put behind or else kept as a field of reference from which we can get support, sanction or light and influence or as a status into which we can ascend or recede and from it observe the inferior movements. Or we can plunge into trance, get within ourselves and be conscious there while all outward things are excluded; or we can go beyond even this inner awareness and lose ourselves in some deeper other consciousness or some high superconscience. There is also a pervading equal consciousness into which we can enter and see all ourselves with one enveloping glance or omnipresent awareness one and indivisible. All this which looks strange and abnormal or may seem fantastic to the surface reason acquainted only with our normal status of limited ignorance and its movements divided from our inner higher and total reality, becomes easily intelligible and admissible in the light of the larger reason and logic of the Infinite or by the admission of the greater illimitable powers of the Self, the Spirit in us which is of one essence with the Infinite. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, 1.2.02
216:But even when the desire to know exists in the requisite strength, the mental vision by which abstract truth is recognised is hard to distinguish from vivid imaginability and consonance with mental habits. It is necessary to practise methodological doubt, like Descartes, in order to loosen the hold of mental habits; and it is necessary to cultivate logical imagination, in order to have a number of hypotheses at command, and not to be the slave of the one which common sense has rendered easy to imagine. These two processes, of doubting the familiar and imagining the unfamiliar, are correlative, and form the chief part of the mental training required for a philosopher.

The naïve beliefs which we find in ourselves when we first begin the process of philosophic reflection may turn out, in the end, to be almost all capable of a true interpretation; but they ought all, before being admitted into philosophy, to undergo the ordeal of sceptical criticism. Until they have gone through this ordeal, they are mere blind habits, ways of behaving rather than intellectual convictions. And although it may be that a majority will pass the test, we may be pretty sure that some will not, and that a serious readjustment of our outlook ought to result. In order to break the dominion of habit, we must do our best to doubt the senses, reason, morals, everything in short. In some directions, doubt will be found possible; in others, it will be checked by that direct vision of abstract truth upon which the possibility of philosophical knowledge depends. ~ Bertrand Russell, Our Knowledge of the External World,
217:In a traditional German toilet, the hole into which shit disappears after we flush is right at the front, so that shit is first laid out for us to sniff and inspect for traces of illness. In the typical French toilet, on the contrary, the hole is at the back, i.e. shit is supposed to disappear as quickly as possible. Finally, the American (Anglo-Saxon) toilet presents a synthesis, a mediation between these opposites: the toilet basin is full of water, so that the shit floats in it, visible, but not to be inspected.

It is clear that none of these versions can be accounted for in purely utilitarian terms: each involves a certain ideological perception of how the subject should relate to excrement. Hegel was among the first to see in the geographical triad of Germany, France and England an expression of three different existential attitudes: reflective thoroughness (German), revolutionary hastiness (French), utilitarian pragmatism (English). In political terms, this triad can be read as German conservatism, French revolutionary radicalism and English liberalism.

The point about toilets is that they enable us not only to discern this triad in the most intimate domain, but also to identify its underlying mechanism in the three different attitudes towards excremental excess: an ambiguous contemplative fascination; a wish to get rid of it as fast as possible; a pragmatic decision to treat it as ordinary and dispose of it in an appropriate way. It is easy for an academic at a round table to claim that we live in a post-ideological universe, but the moment he visits the lavatory after the heated discussion, he is again knee-deep in ideology.
~ Slavoj Žižek,
218:Philosophy, like all other studies, aims primarily at knowledge. The knowledge it aims at is the kind of knowledge which gives unity and system to the body of the sciences, and the kind which results from a critical examination of the grounds of our convictions, prejudices, and beliefs. But it cannot be maintained that philosophy has had any very great measure of success in its attempts to provide definite answers to its questions. If you ask a mathematician, a mineralogist, a historian, or any other man of learning, what definite body of truths has been ascertained by his science, his answer will last as long as you are willing to listen. But if you put the same question to a philosopher, he will, if he is candid, have to confess that his study has not achieved positive results such as have been achieved by other sciences. It is true that this is partly accounted for by the fact that, as soon as definite knowledge concerning any subject becomes possible, this subject ceases to be called philosophy, and becomes a separate science. The whole study of the heavens, which now belongs to astronomy, was once included in philosophy; Newton's great work was called 'the mathematical principles of natural philosophy'. Similarly, the study of the human mind, which was a part of philosophy, has now been separated from philosophy and has become the science of psychology. Thus, to a great extent, the uncertainty of philosophy is more apparent than real: those questions which are already capable of definite answers are placed in the sciences, while those only to which, at present, no definite answer can be given, remain to form the residue which is called philosophy.
   ~ Bertrand Russell,
219:You say that you feel you have returned to your old life and that you have fallen from that state of spiritual consciousness in which you remained for some time. And you ask whether it comes from the fact that Sri Aurobindo and myself have withdrawn our protection and our help because you had been unable to fulfil your promise.

It is a mistake to think that anything at all has been withdrawn by us. Our help and our protection are with you as always, but it would be more correct to say that both your inability to feel our help and your inability to keep your promise are the simultaneous effects of the same cause.

Remember what I wrote to you when you went to Calcutta to fetch your family: do not let any influence come in between you and the Divine. You did not pay sufficient attention to this warning: you have allowed an influence to interfere strongly between you and your spiritual life; your devotion and your faith have been seriously shaken by this. As a consequence, you became afraid and you did not find the same joy in your offering to the Divine Cause; and also, quite naturally, you fell back into your ordinary consciousness and your old life.

You are quite right, nevertheless, not to let yourself be discouraged. Whatever the fall, it is always possible not only to get up again but also to rise higher and to reach the goal. Only a strong aspiration and a constant will are needed.

You have to take a firm resolution to let nothing interfere with your ascent towards the Divine Realisation. And then the success is certain.

Be assured of our unfailing help and protection. 3 February 1931 ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother - I,
220:8. We all recognize the Universe must have been thought into shape before it ever could have become a material fact. And if we are willing to follow along the lines of the Great Architect of the Universe, we shall find our thoughts taking form, just as the universe took concrete form. It is the same mind operating through the individual. There is no difference in kind or quality, the only difference is one of degree.
9. The architect visualizes his building, he sees it as he wishes it to be. His thought becomes a plastic mold from which the building will eventually emerge, a high one or a low one, a beautiful one or a plain one, his vision takes form on paper and eventually the necessary material is utilized and the building stands complete.
10. The inventor visualizes his idea in exactly the same manner, for instance, Nikola Tesla, he with the giant intellect, one of the greatest inventors of all ages, the man who has brought forth the most amazing realities, always visualizes his inventions before attempting to work them out. He did not rush to embody them in form and then spend his time in correcting defects. Having first built up the idea in his imagination, he held it there as a mental picture, to be reconstructed and improved by his thought. "In this way," he writes in the Electrical Experimenter. "I am enabled to rapidly develop and perfect a conception without touching anything. When I have gone so far as to embody in the invention every possible improvement I can think of, and see no fault anywhere, I put into concrete, the product of my brain. Invariably my devise works as I conceived it should; in twenty years there has not been a single exception. ~ Charles F Haanel, The Master Key System,
221:In all that is done in the universe, the Divine through his Shakti is behind all action but he is veiled by his Yoga Maya and works through the ego of the Jiva in the lower nature.
   In Yoga also it is the Divine who is the Sadhaka and the Sadhana; it is his Shakti with her light, power, knowledge, consciousness, Ananda, acting upon the adhara and, when it is opened to her, pouring into it with these divine forces that makes the Sadhana possible. But so long as the lower nature is active the personal effort of the Sadhaka remains necessary.
   The personal effort required is a triple labour of aspiration, rejection and surrender, -
   an aspiration vigilant, constant, unceasing - the mind's will, the heart's seeking, the assent of the vital being, the will to open and make plastic the physical consciousness and nature;
   rejection of the movements of the lower nature - rejection of the mind's ideas, opinions, preferences, habits, constructions, so that the true knowledge may find free room in a silent mind, - rejection of the vital nature's desires, demands, cravings, sensations, passions, selfishness, pride, arrogance, lust, greed, jealousy, envy, hostility to the Truth, so that the true power and joy may pour from above into a calm, large, strong and consecrated vital being, - rejection of the physical nature's stupidity, doubt, disbelief, obscurity, obstinacy, pettiness, laziness, unwillingness to change, tamas, so that the true stability of Light, Power, Ananda may establish itself in a body growing always more divine;
   surrender of oneself and all one is and has and every plane of the consciousness and every movement to the Divine and the Shakti.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Mother With Letters On The Mother,
222:Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. These passions, like great winds, have blown me hither and thither, in a wayward course, over a great ocean of anguish, reaching to the very verge of despair.
   I have sought love, first, because it brings ecstasy - ecstasy so great that I would often have sacrificed all the rest of life for a few hours of this joy. I have sought it, next, because it relieves loneliness--that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into the cold unfathomable lifeless abyss. I have sought it finally, because in the union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniature, the prefiguring vision of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined. This is what I sought, and though it might seem too good for human life, this is what--at last--I have found.
   With equal passion I have sought knowledge. I have wished to understand the hearts of men. I have wished to know why the stars shine. And I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds sway above the flux. A little of this, but not much, I have achieved.
   Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate this evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer.
   This has been my life. I have found it worth living, and would gladly live it again if the chance were offered me. ~ Bertrand Russell,
   Changing the Karmic Traces
   Throughout the day, continuously remain in the awareness that all experience is a dream. Encounter all things as objects in a dream, all events as events in a dream, all people as people in a dream.
   Envision your own body as a transparent illusory body. Imagine you are in a lucid dream during the entire day. Do not allow these reminders to be merely empty repetition. Each time you tell yourself, "This is a dream," actually become more lucid. Involve your body and your senses in becoming more present.

   Removing Grasping and Aversion
   Encounter all things that create desire and attachment as the illusory empty, luminous phenomena of a dream. Recognize your reactions to phenomena as a dream; all emotions, judgments, and preferences are being dreamt up. You can be certain that you are doing this correctly if immediately upon remembering that your reaction is a dream, desire and attachment lessen.

   Strengthening Intention
   Before going to sleep, review the day and reflect on how the practice has been. Let memories of the day arise and recognize them as memories of dream. Develop a strong intention to be aware in the coming night's dreams. Put your whole heart into this intention and pray strongly for success.

   Cultivating Memory and joyful Effort
   Begin the day with the strong intention to maintain the practice. Review the night, developing happiness if you remembered or were lucid in your dreams. Recommit yourself to the practice, with the intention to become lucid if you were not, and to further develop lucidity if you were. At any time during the day or evening it is good to pray for success in practice. Generate as strong an intention as possible. This is the key to the practice, ~ Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, The Tibetan Yogas Of Dream And Sleep,
224:the aim of our yoga :::
   The aim set before our Yoga is nothing less than to hasten this supreme object of our existence here. Its process leaves behind the ordinary tardy method of slow and confused growth through the evolution of Nature. For the natural evolution is at its best an uncertain growth under cover, partly by the pressure of the environment, partly by a groping education and an ill-lighted purposeful effort, an only partially illumined and half-automatic use of opportunities with many blunders and lapses and relapses; a great portion of it is made up of apparent accidents and circumstances and vicissitudes, - though veiling a secret divine intervention and guidance. In Yoga we replace this confused crooked crab-motion by a rapid, conscious and self-directed evolution which is planned to carry us, as far as can be, in a straight line towards the goal set before us. In a certain sense it may be an error to speak of a goal anywhere in a progression which may well be infinite. Still we can conceive of an immediate goal, an ulterior objective beyond our present achievement towards which the soul in man can aspire. There lies before him the possibility of a new birth; there can be an ascent into a higher and wider plane of being and its descent to transform his members. An enlarged and illumined consciousness is possible that shall make of him a liberated spirit and a perfected force - and, if spread beyond the individual, it might even constitute a divine humanity or else a new, a supramental and therefore a superhuman race. It is this new birth that we make our aim: a growth into a divine consciousness is the whole meaning of our Yoga, an integral conversion to divinity not only of the soul but of all the parts of our nature.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Self-Surrender in Works - The Way of the Gita, 89-90,
225:A supreme divine Love is a creative Power and, even though it can exist in itself silent and unchangeable, yet rejoices in external form and expression and is not condemned to be a speechless and bodiless godhead. It has even been said that creation itself was an act of love or at least the building up of a field in which Divine Love could devise its symbols and fulfil itself in act of mutuality and self-giving, and, if not the initial nature of creation, this may well be its ultimate object and motive. It does not so appear now because, even if a Divine Love is there in the world upholding all this evolution of creatures, yet the stuff of life and its action is made up of an egoistic formation, a division, a struggle of life and consciousness to exist and survive in an apparently indifferent, inclement or even hostile world of inanimate and inconscient Matter. In the confusion and obscurity of this struggle all are thrown against each other with a will in each to assert its own existence first and foremost and only secondarily to assert itself in others and very partially for others; for even man's altruism remains essentially egoistic and must be so till the soul finds the secret of the divine Oneness. It is to discover that at its supreme source, to bring it from within and to radiate it out up to the extreme confines of life that is turned the effort of the Yoga. All action, all creation must be turned into a form, a symbol of the cult, the adoration, the sacrifice; it must carry something that makes it bear in it the stamp of a dedication, a reception and translation of the Divine Consciousness, a service of the Beloved, a self-giving, a surrender. This has to be done wherever possible in the outward body and form of the act; it must be done always in its inward emotion and an intentsity that shows it to be an outflow from the soul towards the Eternal.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Ascent of the Sacrifice - 2, 164,
226:I have already told you this several times. When you are in a particular set of circumstances and certain events take place, these events often oppose your desire or what seems best to you, and often you happen to regret this and say to yourself, "Ah! how good it would have been if it were otherwise, if it had been like this or like that", for little things and big things.... Then years pass by, events are unfolded; you progress, become more conscious, understand better, and when you look back, you notice―first with astonishment, then later with a smile―that those very circumstances which seemed to you quite disastrous or unfavourable, were exactly the best thing that could have happened to you to make you progress as you should have. And if you are the least bit wise you tell yourself, "Truly, the divine Grace is infinite."

So, when this sort of thing has happened to you a number of times, you begin to understand that in spite of the blindness of man and deceptive appearances, the Grace is at work everywhere, so that at every moment it is the best possible thing that happens in the state the world is in at that moment. It is because our vision is limited or even because we are blinded by our own preferences that we cannot discern that things are like this.

But when one begins to see it, one enters upon a state of wonder which nothing can describe. For behind the appearances one perceives this Grace―infinite, wonderful, all-powerful―which knows all, organises all, arranges all, and leads us, whether we like it or not, whether we know it or not, towards the supreme goal, that is, union with the Divine, the awareness of the Godhead and union with Him.

Then one lives in the Action and Presence of the Grace a life full of joy, of wonder, with the feeling of a marvellous strength, and at the same time with a trust so calm, so complete, that nothing can shake it any longer. ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1956, 8 August 1956,
227:What is the most useful idea to spread and what is the best example to set?

The question can be considered in two ways, a very general one applicable to the whole earth, and another specific one which concerns our present social environment.

From the general point of view, it seems to me that the most useful idea to spread is twofold:

1) Man carries within himself perfect power, perfect wisdom and perfect knowledge, and if he wants to possess them, he must discover them in the depth of his being, by introspection and concentration.

2) These divine qualities are identical at the centre, at the heart of all beings; this implies the essential unity of all, and all the consequences of solidarity and fraternity that follow from it.

The best example to give would be the unalloyed serenity and immutably peaceful happiness which belong to one who knows how to live integrally this thought of the One God in all.

From the point of view of our present environment, here is the idea which, it seems to me, it is most useful to spread:

True progressive evolution, an evolution which can lead man to his rightful happiness, does not lie in any external means, material improvement or social change. Only a deep and inner process of individual self-perfection can make for real progress and completely transform the present state of things, and change suffering and misery into a serene and lasting contentment.

Consequently, the best example is one that shows the first stage of individual self-perfection which makes possible all the rest, the first victory to be won over the egoistic personality: disinterestedness.

At a time when all rush upon money as the means to sat- isfy their innumerable cravings, one who remains indifferent to wealth and acts, not for the sake of gain, but solely to follow a disinterested ideal, is probably setting the example which is most useful at present.
~ The Mother, Words Of Long Ago, Volume-2, 22-06-1912, page no.66-67,
228:Has any one at the end of the nineteenth century any distinct notion of what poets of a stronger age understood by the word inspiration? If not, I will describe it. If one had the smallest vestige of superstition left in one, it would hardly be possible completely to set aside the idea that one is the mere incarnation, mouthpiece, or medium of an almighty power. The idea of revelation, in the sense that something which profoundly convulses and upsets one becomes suddenly visible and audible with indescribable certainty and accuracy―describes the simple fact. One hears―one does not seek; one takes―one does not ask who gives. A thought suddenly flashes up like lightening; it comes with necessity, without faltering. I have never had any choice in the matter. There is an ecstasy so great that the immense strain of it is sometimes relaxed by a flood of tears, during which one's steps now involuntarily rush and anon involuntarily lag. There is the feeling that one is utterly out of hand, with the very distinct consciousness of an endless number of fine thrills and titillations descending to one's very toes. There is a depth of happiness in which the most painful and gloomy parts do not act as antitheses to the rest, but are produced and required as necessary shades of color in such an overflow of light. There is an instinct of rhythmic relations which embraces a whole world of forms (length, the need of a wide-embracing rhythm, is almost the measure of the force of an inspiration, a sort of counterpart to its pressure and tension). Everything happens quite involuntary, as if in a tempestuous outburst of freedom, of absoluteness, of power and divinity. The involuntary nature of the figures and similes is the most remarkable thing; everything seems to present itself as the readiest, the truest, and simplest means of expression. It actually seems, to use one of Zarathustra's own phrases, as if all things came to one, and offered themselves as similes. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra [trans. Thomas_Common] (1999),
229:Why are some people intelligent and others not? Why can some people do certain things while others can't?"

It is as though you asked why everybody was not the same! Then it would mean that there would only be one single thing, one single thing indefinitely repeated which would constitute the whole universe.... I don't know, but it seems to me that it wouldn't be worth the trouble having a universe for that, it would be enough to have just one thing!

But the moment one admits the principle of multiplicity and that no two things are alike in the universe, how can you ask why they are not the same! It is just because they are not, because no two things are alike.

Behind that there is something else which one is not conscious of, but which is very simple and very childish. It is this: "Since there is an infinite diversity, since some people are of one kind and others of a lesser kind, well" - here of course one doesn't say this to oneself but it is there, hidden in the depths of the being, in the depths of the ego - "why am I not of the best kind?" There we are. In fact it amounts to complaining that perhaps one is not of the best kind! If you look attentively at questions like this: "Why do some have much and others little?" "Why are some wise and not others? Why are some intelligent and not others?" etc., behind that there is "Why don't I have all that can be had and why am I not all that one can be?..." Naturally, one doesn't say this to oneself, because one would feel ridiculous, but it is there.

There then. Now has anyone anything to add to what we have just said?... Have you all understood quite well? Everything I have said? Nobody wants to say...

(A teacher) Our daily routine seems a little "impossible" to us.

Well, wait a century or two and it will become possible! (Laughter)

You are told that today's impossibility is the possibility of tomorrow - but these are very great tomorrows! ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers, Volume-8, page no. 387-388,
230:It must also be kept in mind that the supramental change is difficult, distant, an ultimate stage; it must be regarded as the end of a far-off vista; it cannot be and must not be turned into a first aim, a constantly envisaged goal or an immediate objective. For it can only come into the view of possibility after much arduous self-conquest and self-exceeding, at the end of many long and trying stages of a difficult self-evolution of the nature. One must first acquire an inner Yogic consciousness and replace by it our ordinary view of things, natural movements, motives of life; one must revolutionise the whole present build of our being. Next, we have to go still deeper, discover our veiled psychic entity and in its light and under its government psychicise our inner and outer parts, turn mind-nature, life-nature, body-nature and all our mental, vital, physical action and states and movements into a conscious instrumentation of the soul. Afterwards or concurrently we have to spiritualise the being in its entirety by a descent of a divine Light, Force, Purity, Knowledge, freedom and wideness. It is necessary to break down the limits of the personal mind, life and physicality, dissolve the ego, enter into the cosmic consciousness, realise the self, acquire a spiritualised and universalised mind and heart, life-force, physical consciousness. Then only the passage into the supramental consciousness begins to become possible, and even then there is a difficult ascent to make each stage of which is a separate arduous achievement. Yoga is a rapid and concentrated conscious evolution of the being, but however rapid, even though it may effect in a single life what in an instrumental Nature might take centuries and millenniums or many hundreds of lives, still all evolution must move by stages; even the greatest rapidity and concentration of the movement cannot swallow up all the stages or reverse natural process and bring the end near to the beginning.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Supermind and the Yoga of Works, 281,
231:I know some individuals who make this their daily practice: starting at the beginning and reading a canto or half a canto every day till they reach the end and then starting at the beginning again, and in that way they have gone through the whole of Savitri many times. When this is done in groups there's really no doubt that by this going through the whole soundbody of the epic from beginning to end aloud, there must be built up a very strong force field of vibrations. It is definitely of benefit to the people who participate in it. But again I would say that the effect or benefit of this sacrifice will be richer to the extent that the reading is done with understanding and above all with soul surrender. It shouldn't become a mere ritual.
Sri Aurobindo's mantric lines, repeated one after the other, will always have their power; but the power will be much greater if the mind can participate, and the will and the heart.
I have also heard of some groups who select one line that seems to have a particular mantric power and then within the group they chant that line many, many times. They concentrate on that one special line, and try to take its vibrations deep into themselves. Again I am sure that this is very beneficial to those who practice it.
In that way the words enter very deeply into the consciousness. There they resonate and do their work, and perhaps not just the surface meaning but the deeper meaning and the deeper vibrations may reveal their full depth to those who undertake this exercise if it is done with self-dedication, with a true aspiration to internalise the heart of the meaning, not just as a mere repetition.
At another end of the spectrum of possible approaches to Savitri, we can say there would be the aesthetic approach, the approach of enjoying it for its poetic beauty. I met a gentleman a couple of months ago, who told me, "We have faith in Sri Aurobindo, but it is so difficult to understand his books. We tried with The Life Divine, we tried with The Synthesis of Yoga but we found them so difficult. ~ collab summer & fall 2011,
232:My method is different. I do not rush into actual work. When I get an idea, I start at once building it up in my imagination. I change the construction, make improvements and operate the device in my mind. It is absolutely immaterial to me whether I run my turbine in thought or test it in my shop. I even note if it is out of balance. There is no difference whatever; the results are the same. In this way I am able to rapidly develop and perfect a conception without touching anything. When I have gone so far as to embody in the invention every possible improvement I can think of and see no fault anywhere, I put into concrete form this final product of my brain. Invariably my device works as I conceived that it should, and the experiment comes out exactly as I planned it. In twenty years there has not been a single exception. Why should it be otherwise? Engineering, electrical and mechanical, is positive in results. There is scarcely a subject that cannot be examined beforehand, from the available theoretical and practical data. The carrying out into practice of a crude idea as is being generally done, is, I hold, nothing but a waste of energy, money, and time. My early affliction had however, another compensation. The incessant mental exertion developed my powers of observation and enabled me to discover a truth of great importance. I had noted that the appearance of images was always preceded by actual vision of scenes under peculiar and generally very exceptional conditions, and I was impelled on each occasion to locate the original impulse. After a while this effort grew to be almost automatic and I gained great facility in connecting cause and effect. Soon I became aware, to my surprise, that every thought I conceived was suggested by an external impression. Not only this but all my actions were prompted in a similar way. In the course of time it became perfectly evident to me that I was merely an automation endowed with power OF MOVEMENT RESPONDING TO THE STIMULI OF THE SENSE ORGANS AND THINKING AND ACTING ACCORDINGLY.

   ~ Nikola Tesla, The Strange Life of Nikola Tesla,
233:Jnana Yoga, the Path of Knowledge; :::
   The Path of Knowledge aims at the realisation of the unique and supreme Self. It proceeds by the method of intellectual reflection, vicara ¯, to right discrimination, viveka. It observes and distinguishes the different elements of our apparent or phenomenal being and rejecting identification with each of them arrives at their exclusion and separation in one common term as constituents of Prakriti, of phenomenal Nature, creations of Maya, the phenomenal consciousness. So it is able to arrive at its right identification with the pure and unique Self which is not mutable or perishable, not determinable by any phenomenon or combination of phenomena. From this point the path, as ordinarily followed, leads to the rejection of the phenomenal worlds from the consciousness as an illusion and the final immergence without return of the individual soul in the Supreme. But this exclusive consummation is not the sole or inevitable result of the Path of Knowledge. For, followed more largely and with a less individual aim, the method of Knowledge may lead to an active conquest of the cosmic existence for the Divine no less than to a transcendence. The point of this departure is the realisation of the supreme Self not only in one's own being but in all beings and, finally, the realisation of even the phenomenal aspects of the world as a play of the divine consciousness and not something entirely alien to its true nature. And on the basis of this realisation a yet further enlargement is possible, the conversion of all forms of knowledge, however mundane, into activities of the divine consciousness utilisable for the perception of the one and unique Object of knowledge both in itself and through the play of its forms and symbols. Such a method might well lead to the elevation of the whole range of human intellect and perception to the divine level, to its spiritualisation and to the justification of the cosmic travail of knowledge in humanity.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Conditions of the Synthesis, The Systems Of Yoga, 38,
234:the characteristics of Life, Mind and Spirit :::
   The characteristic energy of bodily Life is not so much in progress as in persistence, not so much in individual self-enlargement as in self-repetition. There is, indeed, in physical Nature a progression from type to type, from the vegetable to the animal, from the animal to man; for even in inanimate Matter Mind is at work. But once a type is marked off physically, the chief immediate preoccupation of the terrestrial Mother seems to be to keep it in being by a constant reproduction. For Life always seeks immortality; but since individual form is impermanent and only the idea of a form is permanent in the consciousness that creates the universe, -for there it does not perish,- such constant reproduction is the only possible material immortality. Self-preservation, self-repetition, self-multiplication are necessarily, then, the predominant instincts of all material existence.
   The characteristic energy of pure Mind is change and the more it acquires elevation and organisation, the more this law of Mind assumes the aspect of a continual enlargement, improvement and better arrangement of its gains and so of a continual passage from a smaller and simpler to a larger and more complex perfection. For Mind, unlike bodily life, is infinite in its field, elastic in its expansion, easily variable in its formations. Change, then, self-enlargement and self-improvement are its proper instincts. Its faith is perfectibility, its watchword is progress.
   The characteristic law of Spirit is self-existent perfection and immutable infinity. It possesses always and in its own right the immortality which is the aim of Life and the perfection which is the goal of Mind. The attainment of the eternal and the realisation of that which is the same in all things and beyond all things, equally blissful in universe and outside it, untouched by the imperfections and limitations of the forms and activities in which it dwells, are the glory of the spiritual life.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Introduction - The Conditions Of the Synthesis, The Threefold Life,
235:How often there is a kind of emptiness in the course of life, an unoccupied moment, a few minutes, sometimes more. And what do you do? Immediately you try to distract yourself, and you invent some foolishness or other to pass your time. That is a common fact. All men, from the youngest to the oldest, spend most of their time in trying not to be bored. Their pet aversion is boredom and the way to escape from boredom is to act foolishly.
   Well, there is a better way than that - to remember.
   When you have a little time, whether it is one hour or a few minutes, tell yourself, "At last, I have some time to concentrate, to collect myself, to relive the purpose of my life, to offer myself to the True and the Eternal." If you took care to do this each time you are not harassed by outer circumstances, you would find out that you were advancing very quickly on the path. Instead of wasting your time in chattering, in doing useless things, reading things that lower the consciousness - to choose only the best cases, I am not speaking of other imbecilities which are much more serious - instead of trying to make yourself giddy, to make time, that is already so short, still shorter only to realise at the end of your life that you have lost three-quarters of your chance - then you want to put in double time, but that does not work - it is better to be moderate, balanced, patient, quiet, but never to lose an opportunity that is given to you, that is to say, to utilise for the true purpose the unoccupied moment before you.
   When you have nothing to do, you become restless, you run about, you meet friends, you take a walk, to speak only of the best; I am not referring to things that are obviously not to be done. Instead of that, sit down quietly before the sky, before the sea or under trees, whatever is possible (here you have all of them) and try to realise one of these things - to understand why you live, to learn how you must live, to ponder over what you want to do and what should be done, what is the best way of escaping from the ignorance and falsehood and pain in which you live. 16 May 1958
   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1929-1931,
   Sweet Mother, here it is written: "There is a Yoga-Shakti lying coiled or asleep..." How can it be awakened?
I think it awakens quite naturally the moment one takes the resolution to do the yoga. If the resolution is sincere and one has an aspiration, it wakes up by itself.

   In fact, it is perhaps its awakening which gives the aspiration to do yoga.

   It is possible that it is a result of the Grace... or after some conversation or reading, something that has suddenly given you the idea and aspiration to know what yoga is and to practise it. Sometimes just a simple conversation with someone is enough or a passage one reads from a book; well, it awakens this Yoga-Shakti and it is this which makes you do your yoga.

   One is not aware of it at first - except that something has changed in our life, a new decision is taken, a turning.

   What is it, this Yoga-Shakti, Sweet Mother?

   It is the energy of progress. It is the energy which makes you do the yoga, precisely, makes you progress - consciously. It is a conscious energy.

   In fact, the Yoga-Shakti is the power to do yoga.

   Sweet Mother, isn't it more difficult to draw the divine forces from below?

   I think it is absolutely useless.

   Some people think that there are more reserves of energy - I have heard this very often: a great reserve of energy - in the earth, and that if they draw this energy into themselves they will be able to do things; but it is always mixed.

   The divine Presence is everywhere, that's well understood. And in fact, there is neither above nor below. What is called above and below, I think that is rather the expression of a degree of consciousness or a degree of materiality; there is the more unconscious and the less unconscious, there is what is subconscious and what is superconscious, and so we say above and below for the facility of speech.

   But in fact, the idea is to draw from the energies of the earth which, when you are standing up, are under your feet, that is, below in relation to you. But these energies are always mixed, and mostly they are terribly dark.
   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1955,
237:It is not very easy for the customary mind of man, always attached to its past and present associations, to conceive of an existence still human, yet radically changed in what are now our fixed circumstances.We are in respect to our possible higher evolution much in the position of the original Ape of the Darwinian theory. It would have been impossible for that Ape leading his instinctive arboreal life in primeval forests to conceive that there would be one day an animal on the earth who would use a new faculty called reason upon the materials of his inner and outer existence, who would dominate by that power his instincts and habits, change the circumstances of his physical life, build for himself houses of stone, manipulate Nature's forces, sail the seas, ride the air, develop codes of conduct, evolve conscious methods for his mental and spiritual development. And if such a conception had been possible for the Ape-mind, it would still have been difficult for him to imagine that by any progress of Nature or long effort of Will and tendency he himself could develop into that animal. Man, because he has acquired reason and still more because he has indulged his power of imagination and intuition, is able to conceive an existence higher than his own and even to envisage his personal elevation beyond his present state into that existence. His idea of the supreme state is an absolute of all that is positive to his own concepts and desirable to his own instinctive aspiration,-Knowledge without its negative shadow of error, Bliss without its negation in experience of suffering, Power without its constant denial by incapacity, purity and plenitude of being without the opposing sense of defect and limitation. It is so that he conceives his gods; it is so that he constructs his heavens. But it is not so that his reason conceives of a possible earth and a possible humanity. His dream of God and Heaven is really a dream of his own perfection; but he finds the same difficulty in accepting its practical realisation here for his ultimate aim as would the ancestral Ape if called upon to believe in himself as the future Man. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, Ego and the Dualities,
238:formal-operational ::: The orange altitude emerged a few hundred years ago with the European Rennisance. Its modern, rational view grew in prominance through the Age of Enlightenment and came to its fullest expression during the Industrial Revolution.

Fueling this age of reason and science was the emergence of formal operational cognition, or the ability to operate on thoughts themselves. No longer limited to reflection on concrete objects, cognition moves from representations to abstractions and can now operate on a range of non-tangiable propositions that may not reflect the concrete world. This is the basis of scientific reasoning through hypothesis. Orange also brings multiplistic thinking, or the realization that there are several possible ways of approaching a situation, even though one is still considered most right. Self-sense at orange features two shifts, first to expert and then to achiever, these moves feature an increase in self-awareness and appreciation for multiple possibilities in a given situation. Recognition that one doesnt always live up to idealized social expectations is fueled by an awareness that begins to penetrate the inner world of subjectivity. This is the beginning of introspection. An objectifiable self-sense and the capacity to take a third person perspective. Needs shift from belonging to self-esteem. And values land on pragmatic utiliarian approaches to life that rely on ... and thinking to earn progress, prosperity and self-reliance. Morality at orange sees right defined by universal ethical principles. The emergence of formal operational thinking at orange enables a world-centric care for universal human rights and the right of each individual for autonomy and the pursuit of happiness. A desire for individual dignity and self-respect are also driving forces behind orange morality. A significant number of the founding fathers of the United States harbored orange values. ...

Faith at orange is called Individual Reflective and so far as identity and world-view are differentiated from others, and faith takes on an essence of critical thought. Demythologizing symbols into conceptual meanings. At orange we see the emergence of rational deism and secularism. ~ Essential Integral, 4.1-51, Formal Operational,
239:The guiding law of spiritual experience can only come by an opening of human consciousness to the Divine Consciousness; there must be the power to receive in us the working and command and dynamic presence of the Divine Shakti and surrender ourselves to her control; it is that surrender and that control which bring the guidance. But the surrender is not sure, there is no absolute certitude of the guidance so long as we are besieged by mind formations and life impulses and instigations of ego which may easily betray us into the hands of a false experience. This danger can only be countered by the opening of a now nine-tenths concealed inmost soul or psychic being that is already there but not commonly active within us. That is the inner light we must liberate; for the light of this inmost soul is our one sure illumination so long as we walk still amidst the siege of the Ignorance and the Truth-consciousness has not taken up the entire control of our Godward endeavour. The working of the Divine Force in us under the conditions of the transition and the light of the psychic being turning us always towards a conscious and seeing obedience to that higher impulsion and away from the demands and instigations of the Forces of the Ignorance, these between them create an ever progressive inner law of our action which continues till the spiritual and supramental can be established in our nature. In the transition there may well be a period in which we take up all life and action and offer them to the Divine for purification, change and deliverance of the truth within them, another period in which we draw back and build a spiritual wall around us admitting through its gates only such activities as consent to undergo the law of the spiritual transformation, a third in which a free and all-embracing action, but with new forms fit for the utter truth of the Spirit, can again be made possible. These things, however, will be decided by no mental rule but in the light of the soul within us and by the ordaining force and progressive guidance of the Divine Power that secretly or overtly first impels, then begins clearly to control and order and finally takes up the whole burden of the Yoga. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Ascent of the Sacrifice - 1, 138,
240:"Will it take long for the Supermind which is involved in material Nature to emerge into the outer consciousness and bring visible results?"
   That depends on the state of consciousness from which one answers, for... For the human consciousness, obviously, I think it will take quite a long time. For another consciousness it will be relatively very fast, and for yet another consciousness, it is already accomplished. It is an accomplished fact. But in order to become aware of this, one must be able to enter into another state of consciousness than the ordinary physical consciousness.
   Sri Aurobindo has spoken - I believe I have read it to you, I think it's in The Synthesis of Yoga - of the true mind, the true vital and the true physical or subtle physical, and he has said that they co-exist with the ordinary mind, vital and physical, and that in certain conditions one may enter into contact with them, and then one becomes aware of the difference between what really is and the appearances of things.
   Well, for a developed consciousness, the Supermind is already realised somewhere in a domain of the subtle physical, it already exists there visible, concrete, and expresses itself in forms and activities. And when one is in tune with this domain, when one lives there, one has a very strong feeling that this world would only have to be condensed, so to say, for it to become visible to all. What would then be interesting would be to develop this inner perception which would put you into contact with the supramental truth which is already manifested, and is veiled for you only for want of appropriate organs to enter into relation with it.
   It is possible that those who are conscious of their dreams may have dreams of a new kind which put them into contact with that world, for it is accessible to the subtle physical of all those who have the corresponding organs in themselves. And there is necessarily a subtle influence of this physical on outer matter, if one is ready to receive impressions from it and admit them into one's consciousness. That's all.
   Now, if nobody has any questions to ask, well, we shall remain silent.
   Something to say, over there? (Mother looks at a disciple.) Oh! he is burning to speak! ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1956,
241:An old man of sixty began practising Yoga by reading your books. Eventually he developed signs of insanity. His son describes his condition and asks for advice. I am sending his letter.

As for the letter, I suppose you will have to tell the writer that his father committed a mistake when he took up Yoga without a Guru—for the mental idea about a Guru cannot take the place of the actual living influence. This Yoga especially, as I have written in my books, needs the help of the Guru and cannot be done without it. The condition into which his father got was a breakdown, not a state of siddhi. He passed out of the normal mental consciousness into a contact with some intermediate zone of consciousness (not the spiritual) where one can be subjected to all sorts of voices, suggestions, ideas, so-called aspirations which are not genuine. I have warned against the dangers of this intermediate zone in one of my books. The sadhak can avoid entering into this zone—if he enters, he has to look with indifference on all these things and observe them without lending any credence, by so doing he can safely pass into the true spiritual light. If he takes them all as true or real without discrimination, he is likely to land himself in a great mental confusion and, if there is in addition a lesion or weakness of the brain—the latter is quite possible in one who has been subject to apoplexy—it may have serious consequences and even lead to a disturbance of the reason. If there is ambition, or other motive of the kind mixed up in the spiritual seeking, it may lead to a fall in the Yoga and the growth of an exaggerated egoism or megalomania—of this there are several symptoms in the utterances of his father during the crisis. In fact one cannot or ought not to plunge into the experiences of this sadhana without a fairly long period of preparation and purification (unless one has already a great spiritual strength and elevation). Sri Aurobindo himself does not care to accept many into his path and rejects many more than he accepts. It would be well if he can get his father to pursue the sadhana no farther—for what he is doing is not really Sri Aurobindo's Yoga but something he has constructed in his own mind and once there has been an upset of this kind the wisest course is discontinuance.
21 April 1937

~ Sri Aurobindo, LOHATA, The Guru,
242:The one high and reasonable course for the individual human being, - unless indeed he is satisfied with pursuing his personal purposes or somehow living his life until it passes out of him, - is to study the laws of the Becoming and take the best advantage of them to realise, rationally or intuitionally, inwardly or in the dynamism of life, its potentialities in himself or for himself or in or for the race of which he is a member; his business is to make the most of such actualities as exist and to seize on or to advance towards the highest possibilities that can be developed here or are in the making. Only mankind as a whole can do this with entire effect, by the mass of individual and collective action, in the process of time, in the evolution of the race experience: but the individual man can help towards it in his own limits, can do all these things for himself to a certain extent in the brief space of life allotted to him; but, especially, his thought and action can be a contribution towards the present intellectual, moral and vital welfare and the future progress of the race. He is capable of a certain nobility of being; an acceptance of his inevitable and early individual annihilation does not preclude him from making a high use of the will and thought which have been developed in him or from directing them to great ends which shall or may be worked out by humanity. Even the temporary character of the collective being of humanity does not so very much matter, - except in the most materialist view of existence; for so long as the universal Becoming takes the form of human body and mind, the thought, the will it has developed in its human creature will work itself out and to follow that intelligently is the natural law and best rule of human life. Humanity and its welfare and progress during its persistence on earth provide the largest field and the natural limits for the terrestrial aim of our being; the superior persistence of the race and the greatness and importance of the collective life should determine the nature and scope of our ideals. But if the progress or welfare of humanity be excluded as not our business or as a delusion, the individual is there; to achieve his greatest possible perfection or make the most of his life in whatever way his nature demands will then be life's significance.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, [T1],
D: What are the eight limbs of knowledge (jnana ashtanga)?
M: The eight limbs are those which have been already mentioned, viz., yama, niyama etc., but differently defined:
(1) Yama: This is controlling the aggregate of sense-organs, realizing the defects that are present in the world consisting of the body, etc.
(2) Niyama: This is maintaining a stream of mental modes that relate to the Self and rejecting the contrary modes. In other words, it means love that arises uninterruptedly for the Supreme Self.
(3) Asana: That with the help of which constant meditation on Brahman is made possible with ease is asana.
(4) Pranayama: Rechaka (exhalation) is removing the two unreal aspects of name and form from the objects constituting the world, the body etc., puraka (inhalation) is grasping the three real aspects, existence, consciousness and bliss, which are constant in those objects, and kumbhaka is retaining those aspects thus grasped.
(5) Pratyahara: This is preventing name and form which have been removed from re-entering the mind.
(6) Dharana: This is making the mind stay in the Heart, without straying outward, and realizing that one is the Self itself which is Existence-Consciousness-Bliss.
(7) Dhyana: This is meditation of the form 'I am only pure consciousness'. That is, after leaving aside the body which consists of five sheaths, one enquires 'Who am I?', and as a result of that, one stays as 'I' which shines as the Self.
(8) Samadhi: When the 'I-manifestation' also ceases, there is (subtle) direct experience. This is samadhi.
For pranayama, etc., detailed here, the disciplines such as asana, etc., mentioned in connection with yoga are not necessary.
The limbs of knowledge may be practised at all places and at all times. Of yoga and knowledge, one may follow whichever is pleasing to one, or both, according to circumstances. The great teachers say that forgetfulness is the root of all evil, and is death for those who seek release,10 so one should rest the mind in one's Self and should never forget the Self: this is the aim. If the mind is controlled, all else can be controlled. The distinction between yoga with eight limbs and knowledge with eight limbs has been set forth elaborately in the sacred texts; so only the substance of this teaching has been given here. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi, Self-Enquiry, 34,
244:the three stages of the ascent :::
   There are three stages of the ascent, -at the bottom the bodily life enslaved to the pressure of necessity and desire, in the middle the mental, the higher emotional and psychic rule that feels after greater interests, aspirations, experiences, ideas, and at the summits first a deeper psychic and spiritual state and then a supramental eternal consciousness in which all our aspirations and seekings discover their own intimate significance.In the bodily life first desire and need and then the practical good of the individual and the society are the governing consideration, the dominant force. In the mental life ideas and ideals rule, ideas that are half-lights wearing the garb of Truth, ideals formed by the mind as a result of a growing but still imperfect intuition and experience. Whenever the mental life prevails and the bodily diminishes its brute insistence, man the mental being feels pushed by the urge of mental Nature to mould in the sense of the idea or the ideal the life of the individual, and in the end even the vaguer more complex life of the society is forced to undergo this subtle process.In the spiritual life, or when a higher power than Mind has manifested and taken possession of the nature, these limited motive-forces recede, dwindle, tend to disappear. The spiritual or supramental Self, the Divine Being, the supreme and immanent Reality, must be alone the Lord within us and shape freely our final development according to the highest, widest, most integral expression possible of the law of our nature. In the end that nature acts in the perfect Truth and its spontaneous freedom; for it obeys only the luminous power of the Eternal. The individual has nothing further to gain, no desire to fulfil; he has become a portion of the impersonality or the universal personality of the Eternal. No other object than the manifestation and play of the Divine Spirit in life and the maintenance and conduct of the world in its march towards the divine goal can move him to action. Mental ideas, opinions, constructions are his no more; for his mind has fallen into silence, it is only a channel for the Light and Truth of the divine knowledge. Ideals are too narrow for the vastness of his spirit; it is the ocean of the Infinite that flows through him and moves him for ever.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Supreme Will,
245:But this is not always the manner of the commencement. The sadhaka is often led gradually and there is a long space between the first turning of the mind and the full assent of the nature to the thing towards which it turns. There may at first be only a vivid intellectual interest, a forcible attraction towards the idea and some imperfect form of practice. Or perhaps there is an effort not favoured by the whole nature, a decision or a turn imposed by an intellectual influence or dictated by personal affection and admiration for someone who is himself consecrated and devoted to the Highest. In such cases, a long period of preparation may be necessary before there comes the irrevocable consecration; and in some instances it may not come. There may be some advance, there may be a strong effort, even much purification and many experiences other than those that are central or supreme; but the life will either be spent in preparation or, a certain stage having been reached, the mind pushed by an insufficient driving-force may rest content at the limit of the effort possible to it. Or there may even be a recoil to the lower life, - what is called in the ordinary parlance of Yoga a fall from the path. This lapse happens because there is a defect at the very centre. The intellect has been interested, the heart attracted, the will has strung itself to the effort, but the whole nature has not been taken captive by the Divine. It has only acquiesced in the interest, the attraction or the endeavour. There has been an experiment, perhaps even an eager experiment, but not a total self-giving to an imperative need of the soul or to an unforsakable ideal. Even such imperfect Yoga has not been wasted; for no upward effort is made in vain. Even if it fails in the present or arrives only at some preparatory stage or preliminary realisation, it has yet determined the soul's future.

But if we desire to make the most of the opportunity that this life gives us, if we wish to respond adequately to the call we have received and to attain to the goal we have glimpsed, not merely advance a little towards it, it is essential that there should be an entire self-giving. The secret of success in Yoga is to regard it not as one of the aims to be pursued in life, but as the one and only aim, not as an important part of life, but as the whole of life. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Self-Consecration,
246:It is your birthday tomorrow?
Yes, Mother.

How old will you be?
Twenty-six, Mother.

I shall see you tomorrow and give you something special. You will see, I am not speaking of anything material- that, I shall give you a card and all that- but of something...You will see, tomorrow, now go home and prepare yourself quietly so that you may be ready to receive it.
Yes, Mother.

You know, my child, what "Bonne Fete" signifies, that is, the birthday we wish here?
Like that, I know what it means, Mother, but not the special significance you want to tell me.

Yes, it is truly a special day in one's life. It is one of those days in the year when the Supreme descends into us- or when we are face to face with the Eternal- one of those days when our soul comes in contact with the Eternal and, if we remain a little conscious, we can feel His Presence within us. If we make a little effort on this day, we accomplish the work of many lives as in a lightning flash. That is why I give so much importance to the birthday- because what one gains in one day is truly something incomparable. And it is for this that I also work to open the consciousness a little towards what is above so that one may come before the Eternal. My child, it is a very, very special day, for it is the day of decision, the day one can unite with the Supreme Consciousness. For the Lord lifts us on this day to the highest region possible so that our soul which is a portion of that Eternal Flame, may be united and identified with its Origin.

This day is truly an opportunity in life. One is so open and so receptive that one can assimilate all that is given. I can do many things, that is why it is important.

It is one of those days when the Lord Himself opens the doors wide for us. It is as though He were inviting us to rekindle more powerfully the flame of aspiration. It is one of those days which He gives us. We too, by our personal effort, could attain to this, but it would be long, hard and not so easy. And this- this is a real chance in life- the day of Grace.

It is an occult phenomenon that occurs invariably, without our knowledge, on this particular day of the year. The soul leaves behind the body and journeys up and up till it merges into the Source in order to replenish itself and absorb from the Supreme Its Power, Light and Ananda and comes down charged for a whole year to pass. Then again and again... it continues like this year after year. ~ The Mother, Sweet Mother, Mona Sarkar,
247:Thus the eternal paradox and eternal truth of a divine life in an animal body, an immortal aspiration or reality inhabiting a mortal tenement, a single and universal consciousness representing itself in limited minds and divided egos, a transcendent, indefinable, timeless and spaceless Being who alone renders time and space and cosmos possible, and in all these the higher truth realisable by the lower term, justify themselves to the deliberate reason as well as to the persistent instinct or intuition of mankind. Attempts are sometimes made to have done finally with questionings which have so often been declared insoluble by logical thought and to persuade men to limit their mental activities to the practical and immediate problems of their material existence in the universe; but such evasions are never permanent in their effect. Mankind returns from them with a more vehement impulse of inquiry or a more violent hunger for an immediate solution. By that hunger mysticism profits and new religions arise to replace the old that have been destroyed or stripped of significance by a scepticism which itself could not satisfy because, although its business was inquiry, it was unwilling sufficiently to inquire. The attempt to deny or stifle a truth because it is yet obscure in its outward workings and too often represented by obscurantist superstition or a crude faith, is itself a kind of obscurantism. The will to escape from a cosmic necessity because it is arduous, difficult to justify by immediate tangible results, slow in regulating its operations, must turn out eventually to have been no acceptance of the truth of Nature but a revolt against the secret, mightier will of the great Mother. It is better and more rational to accept what she will not allow us as a race to reject and lift it from the sphere of blind instinct, obscure intuition and random aspiration into the light of reason and an instructed and consciously self-guiding will. And if there is any higher light of illumined intuition or self-revealing truth which is now in man either obstructed and inoperative or works with intermittent glancings as if from behind a veil or with occasional displays as of the northern lights in our material skies, then there also we need not fear to aspire. For it is likely that such is the next higher state of consciousness of which Mind is only a form and veil, and through the splendours of that light may lie the path of our progressive self-enlargement into whatever highest state is humanity's ultimate resting-place. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, The Human Aspiration,
248:How can one become conscious of Divine Love and an instrument of its expression?
   First, to become conscious of anything whatever, you must will it. And when I say "will it", I don't mean saying one day, "Oh! I would like it very much", then two days later completely forgetting it.
   To will it is a constant, sustained, concentrated aspiration, an almost exclusive occupation of the consciousness. This is the first step. There are many others: a very attentive observation, a very persistent analysis, a very keen discernment of what is pure in the movement and what is not. If you have an imaginative faculty, you may try to imagine and see if your imagination tallies with reality. There are people who believe that it is enough to wake up one day in a particular mood and say, "Ah! How I wish to be conscious of divine Love, how I wish to manifest divine Love...." Note, I don't know how many millions of times one feels within a little stirring up of human instinct and imagines that if one had at one's disposal divine Love, great things could be accomplished, and one says, "I am going to try and find divine Love and we shall see the result." This is the worst possible way. Because, before having even touched the very beginning of realisation you have spoilt the result. You must take up your search with a purity of aspiration and surrender which in themselves are already difficult to acquire. You must have worked much on yourself only to be ready to aspire to this Love. If you look at yourself very sincerely, very straight, you will see that as soon as you begin to think of Love it is always your little inner tumult which starts whirling. All that aspires in you wants certain vibrations. It is almost impossible, without being far advanced on the yogic path, to separate the vital essence, the vital vibration from your conception of Love. What I say is founded on an assiduous experience of human beings. Well, for you, in the state in which you are, as you are, if you had a contact with pure divine Love, it would seem to you colder than ice, or so far-off, so high that you would not be able to breathe; it would be like the mountain-top where you would feel frozen and find it difficult to breathe, so very far would it be from what you normally feel. Divine Love, if not clothed with a psychic or vital vibration, is difficult for a human being to perceive. One can have an impression of grace, of a grace which is something so far, so high, so pure, so impersonal that... yes, one can have the feeling of grace, but it is with difficulty that one feels Love.
   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1950-1951,
   "Without conscious occult powers, is it possible to help or protect from a distance somebody in difficulty or danger? If so, what is the practical procedure?"

Then a sub-question:

   "What can thought do?"

We are not going to speak of occult processes at all; although, to tell the truth, everything that happens in the invisible world is occult, by definition. But still, practically, there are two processes which do not exclude but complete each other, but which may be used separately according to one's preference.

   It is obvious that thought forms a part of one of the methods, quite an important part. I have already told you several times that if one thinks clearly and powerfully, one makes a mental formation, and that every mental formation is an entity independent of its fashioner, having its own life and tending to realise itself in the mental world - I don't mean that you see your formation with your physical eyes, but it exists in the mental world, it has its own particular independent existence. If you have made a formation with a definite aim, its whole life will tend to the realisation of this aim. Therefore, if you want to help someone at a distance, you have only to formulate very clearly, very precisely and strongly the kind of help you want to give and the result you wish to obtain. That will have its effect. I cannot say that it will be all-powerful, for the mental world is full of innumerable formations of this kind and naturally they clash and contradict one another; hence the strongest and the most persistent will have the best of it.

   Now, what is it that gives strength and persistence to mental formations? - It is emotion and will. If you know how to add to your mental formation an emotion, affection, tenderness, love, and an intensity of will, a dynamism, it will have a much greater chance of success. That is the first method. It is within the scope of all those who know how to think, and even more of those who know how to love. But as I said, the power is limited and there is great competition in that world.

   Therefore, even if one has no knowledge at all but has trust in the divine Grace, if one has the faith that there is something in the world like the divine Grace, and that this something can answer a prayer, an aspiration, an invocation, then, after making one's mental formation, if one offers it to the Grace and puts one's trust in it, asks it to intervene and has the faith that it will intervene, then indeed one has a chance of success.

   Try, and you will surely see the result.

   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1956, 253,
250:Disciple: What are the conditions of success in this yoga?

Sri Aurobindo: I have often told of them. Those go through who have the central sincerity. It does not mean that the sincerity is there in all the parts of the being. In that sense no one is entirely ready. But if the central sincerity is there it is possible to establish it in all the parts of the being.
The second thing necessary is a certain receptivity in the being, what we call, the "opening" up of all the planes to the Higher Power.
The third thing required is the power of holding the higher Force, a certain ghanatwa - mass - that can hold the Power when it comes down.
And about the thing that pushes there are two things that generally push: One is the Central Being. The other is destiny. If the Central Being wants to do something it pushes the man. Even when the man goes off the line he is pushed back again to the path. Of course, the Central Being may push through the mind or any other part of the being. Also, if the man is destined he is pushed to the path either to go through or to get broken,

Disciple: There are some people who think they are destined or chosen and we see that they are not "chosen".

Sri Aurobindo: Of course, plenty of people think that they are specially "chosen" and that they are the first and the "elect" and so on. All that is nothing.

Disciple: Then, can you. say who is fit out of all those that have come?

Sri Aurobindo: It is very difficult to say. But this can be said that everyone of those who have come in has some chance to go through if he can hold on to it.

Disciple: There is also a chance of failure.

Sri Aurobindo: Of course, and besides, the whole universe is a play of forces and one can't always wait till all the conditions of success have been fulfilled. One has to take risks and take his chance.

Disciple: What is meant by "chance"? Does it mean that it is only one possibility out of many others, or does it mean that one would be able to succeed in yoga?

Sri Aurobindo: It means only that he can succeed if he takes his chance properly. For instance, X had his chance.

Disciple: Those who fall on the path or slip, do they go down in their evolution?

Sri Aurobindo: That depends. Ultimately, the Yoga may be lost to him.

Disciple: The Gita says: Na hi kalyānkṛt - nothing that is beneficial - comes to a bad end.

Sri Aurobindo: That is from another standpoint. You must note the word is kalyān kṛt - it is an important addition.
251:... one of the major personality traits was neuroticism, the tendency to feel negative emotion. He [Jung] never formalized that idea in his thinking. Its a great oversight in some sense because the capacity to experience negative emotion, when thats exaggerated that seems to be the core feature of everything we that we regard as psychopathology. Psychiatric and psychological illness. Not the only thing but its the primary factor. So.

Q: What is the best way to avoid falling back into nihilistic behaviours and thinking?
JBP:Well, a large part of that I would say is habit. The development and maintainance of good practices. Habits. If you find yourself desolute, neurotic, if your thought tends in the nihilistic direction and you tend to fall apart, organizing your life across multiple dimensions is a good antidote its not exactly thinking.
Do you have an intimate relationship? If not then well probably you could use one.
Do you have contact with close family members, siblings, children, parents, or even people who are more distantly related. If not, you probably need that.
Do you see your friends a couple of times a week? And do something social with them?
Do you have a way of productively using your time outside of employment?
Are you employed?
Do you have a good job? Or at least a job that is practically sufficient and enables you to work with people who you like working with? Even if the job itself is mundane or repetitive or difficult sometimes the relationships you establish in an employment situation like that can make the job worthwhile.
Have you regulated your response to temptations? Pornography, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, is that under control?

I would say differentiate the problem. Theres multiple dimensions of attainment, ambition, pleasure, responsibility all of that that make up a life, and to the degree that is it possible you want to optimize your functioning on as many of those dimensions as possible.
You might also organize your schedule to the degree that you have that capacity for discipline.
Do you get enough sleep?
Do you go to bed at a regular time?
Do you get up at a regular time?
Do you eat regularly and appropriately and enought and not too much?
Are your days and your weeks and your months characterized by some tolerable, repeatable structure? That helps you meet your responsibilities but also shields you from uncertainly and chaos and provides you with multiple sources of reward?
Those are all the questions decompose the problem into, the best way of avoiding falling into nihilistic behaviours and thinking. ~ Jordan B. Peterson,,
   The ultimate invocation, that of Kia, cannot be performed. The paradox is that as Kia has no dualized qualities, there are no attributes by which to invoke it. To give it one quality is merely to deny it another. As an observant dualistic being once said:
   I am that I am not.
   Nevertheless, the magician may need to make some rearrangements or additions to what he is. Metamorphosis may be pursued by seeking that which one is not, and transcending both in mutual annihilation. Alternatively, the process of invocation may be seen as adding to the magician's psyche any elements which are missing. It is true that the mind must be finally surrendered as one enters fully into Chaos, but a complete and balanced psychocosm is more easily surrendered.
   The magical process of shuffling beliefs and desires attendant upon the process of invocation also demonstrates that one's dominant obsessions or personality are quite arbitrary, and hence more easily banished.
   There are many maps of the mind (psychocosms), most of which are inconsistent, contradictory, and based on highly fanciful theories. Many use the symbology of god forms, for all mythology embodies a psychology. A complete mythic pantheon resumes all of man's mental characteristics. Magicians will often use a pagan pantheon of gods as the basis for invoking some particular insight or ability, as these myths provide the most explicit and developed formulation of the particular idea's extant. However it is possible to use almost anything from the archetypes of the collective unconscious to the elemental qualities of alchemy.
   If the magician taps a deep enough level of power, these forms may manifest with sufficient force to convince the mind of the objective existence of the god. Yet the aim of invocation is temporary possession by the god, communication from the god, and manifestation of the god's magical powers, rather than the formation of religious cults.
   The actual method of invocation may be described as a total immersion in the qualities pertaining to the desired form. One invokes in every conceivable way. The magician first programs himself into identity with the god by arranging all his experiences to coincide with its nature. In the most elaborate form of ritual he may surround himself with the sounds, smells, colors, instruments, memories, numbers, symbols, music, and poetry suggestive of the god or quality. Secondly he unites his life force to the god image with which he has united his mind. This is accomplished with techniques from the gnosis. Figure 5 shows some examples of maps of the mind. Following are some suggestions for practical ritual invocation.
   ~ Peter J Carroll, Liber Null,
253:What is the difference between meditation and concentration?
   Meditation is a purely mental activity, it interests only the mental being. One can concentrate while meditating but this is a mental concentration; one can get a silence but it is a purely mental silence, and the other parts of the being are kept immobile and inactive so as not to disturb the meditation. You may pass twenty hours of the day in meditation and for the remaining four hours you will be an altogether ordinary man because only the mind has been occupied-the rest of the being, the vital and the physical, is kept under pressure so that it may not disturb. In meditation nothing is directly done for the other parts of the being.
   Certainly this indirect action can have an effect, but... I have known in my life people whose capacity for meditation was remarkable but who, when not in meditation, were quite ordinary men, even at times ill-natured people, who would become furious if their meditation was disturbed. For they had learnt to master only their mind, not the rest of their being.
   Concentration is a more active state. You may concentrate mentally, you may concentrate vitally, psychically, physically, and you may concentrate integrally. Concentration or the capacity to gather oneself at one point is more difficult than meditation. You may gather together one portion of your being or consciousness or you may gather together the whole of your consciousness or even fragments of it, that is, the concentration may be partial, total or integral, and in each case the result will be different.
   If you have the capacity to concentrate, your meditation will be more interesting and easieR But one can meditate without concentrating. Many follow a chain of ideas in their meditation - it is meditation, not concentration.
   Is it possible to distinguish the moment when one attains perfect concentration from the moment when, starting from this concentration, one opens oneself to the universal Energy?
   Yes. You concentrate on something or simply you gather yourself together as much as is possible for you and when you attain a kind of perfection in concentration, if you can sustain this perfection for a sufficiently long time, then a door opens and you pass beyond the limit of your ordinary consciousness-you enter into a deeper and higher knowledge. Or you go within. Then you may experience a kind of dazzling light, an inner wonder, a beatitude, a complete knowledge, a total silence. There are, of course, many possibilities but the phenomenon is always the same.
   To have this experience all depends upon your capacity to maintain your concentration sufficiently long at its highest point of perfection. ~ The Mother,
254:One can learn how to identify oneself. One must learn. It is indispensable if one wants to get out of one's ego. For so long as one is shut up in one's ego, one can't make any progress.

How can it be done?

There are many ways. I'll tell you one.

When I was in Paris, I used to go to many places where there were gatherings of all kinds, people making all sorts of researches, spiritual (so-called spiritual), occult researches, etc. And once I was invited to meet a young lady (I believe she was Swedish) who had found a method of knowledge, exactly a method for learning. And so she explained it to us. We were three or four (her French was not very good but she was quite sure about what she was saying!); she said: "It's like this, you take an object or make a sign on a blackboard or take a drawing - that is not important - take whatever is most convenient for you. Suppose, for instance, that I draw for you... (she had a blackboard) I draw a design." She drew a kind of half-geometric design. "Now, you sit in front of the design and concentrate all your attention upon it - upon that design which is there. You concentrate, concentrate without letting anything else enter your consciousness - except that. Your eyes are fixed on the drawing and don't move at all. You are as it were hypnotised by the drawing. You look (and so she sat there, looking), you look, look, look.... I don't know, it takes more or less time, but still for one who is used to it, it goes pretty fast. You look, look, look, you become that drawing you are looking at. Nothing else exists in the world any longer except the drawing, and then, suddenly, you pass to the other side; and when you pass to the other side you enter a new consciousness, and you know."

We had a good laugh, for it was amusing. But it is quite true, it is an excellent method to practise. Naturally, instead of taking a drawing or any object, you may take, for instance, an idea, a few words. You have a problem preoccupying you, you don't know the solution of the problem; well, you objectify your problem in your mind, put it in the most precise, exact, succinct terms possible, and then concentrate, make an effort; you concentrate only on the words, and if possible on the idea they represent, that is, upon your problem - you concentrate, concentrate, concentrate until nothing else exists but that. And it is true that, all of a sudden, you have the feeling of something opening, and one is on the other side. The other side of what?... It means that you have opened a door of your consciousness, and instantaneously you have the solution of your problem. It is an excellent method of learning "how" to identify oneself.

~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1953, 217 [T1],
   Sweet Mother, is there a spiritual being in everybody?

That depends on what we call "being". If for "being" we substitute "presence", yes, there is a spiritual presence in everyone. If we call "being" an organised entity, fully conscious of itself, independent, and having the power of asserting itself and ruling the rest of the nature - no! The possibility of this independent and all-powerful being is in everybody, but the realisation is the result of long efforts which sometimes extend over many lives.

In everyone, even at the very beginning, this spiritual presence, this inner light is there.... In fact, it is everywhere. I have seen it many a time in certain animals. It is like a shining point which is the basis of a certain control and protection, something which, even in half-consciousness, makes possible a certain harmony with the rest of creation so that irreparable catastrophes may not be constant and general. Without this presence the disorder created by the violences and passions of the vital would be so great that at any moment they could bring about a general catastrophe, a sort of total destruction which would prevent the progress of Nature. That presence, that spiritual light - which could almost be called a spiritual consciousness - is within each being and all things, and because of it, in spite of all discordance, all passion, all violence, there is a minimum of general harmony which allows Nature's work to be accomplished.

And this presence becomes quite obvious in the human being, even the most rudimentary. Even in the most monstrous human being, in one who gives the impression of being an incarnation of a devil or a monster, there is something within exercising a sort of irresistible control - even in the worst, some things are impossible. And without this presence, if the being were controlled exclusively by the adverse forces, the forces of the vital, this impossibility would not exist.

Each time a wave of these monstrous adverse forces sweeps over the earth, one feels that nothing can ever stop the disorder and horror from spreading, and always, at a certain time, unexpectedly and inexplicably a control intervenes, and the wave is arrested, the catastrophe is not total. And this is because of the Presence, the supreme Presence, in matter.

But only in a few exceptional beings and after a long, very long work of preparation extending over many, many lives does this Presence change into a conscious, independent, fully organised being, all-powerful master of his dwelling-place, conscious enough, powerful enough, to be able to control not only this dwelling but what surrounds it and in a field of radiation and action that is more and more extensive... and effective.
   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1957-1958, 339-340,
256:Mother, suffering comes from ignorance and pain, but what is the nature of the suffering and pain the Divine Mother feels for her children-the Divine Mother in Savitri?

It is because she participates in their nature. She has descended upon earth to participate in their nature. Because if she did not participate in their nature, she could not lead them farther. If she remained in her supreme consciousness where there is no suffering, in her supreme knowledge and consciousness, she could not have any contact with human beings. And it is for this that she is obliged to take on the human consciousness and form, it is to be able to enter into contact with them. Only, she does not forget: she has adopted their consciousness but she remains in relation with her own real, supreme consciousness. And thus, by joining the two, she can make those who are in that other consciousness progress. But if she did not adopt their consciousness, if she did not suffer with their sorrow, she could not help them. Hers is not a suffering of ignorance: it is a suffering through identity. It is because she has accepted to have the same vibrations as they, in order to be able to enter into contact with them and pull them out of the state they are in. If she did not enter into contact with them, she would not be felt at all or no one could bear her radiance.... This has been said in all kinds of forms, in all kinds of religions, and they have spoken very often of the divine Sacrifice, but from a certain point of view it is true. It is a voluntary sacrifice, but it is true: giving up a state of perfect consciousness, perfect bliss, perfect power in order to accept the state of ignorance of the outer world so as to pull it out of that ignorance. If this state were not accepted, there would be no contact with it. No relation would be possible. And this is the reason of the incarnations. Otherwise, there would be no necessity. If the divine consciousness and divine force could work directly from the place or state of their perfection, if they could work directly on matter and transform it, there would be no need to take a body like man's. It would have been enough to act from the world of Truth with the perfect consciousness and upon consciousness. In fact that acts perhaps but so slowly that when there is this effort to make the world progress, make it go forward more rapidly, well, it is necessary to take on human nature. By taking the human body, one is obliged to take on human nature, partially. Only, instead of losing one's consciousness and losing contact with the Truth, one keeps this consciousness and this Truth, and it is by joining the two that one can create exactly this kind of alchemy of transformation. But if one did not touch matter, one could do nothing for it. ~ The Mother, Question And Answers,
257:What do we understand by the term "chance"? Chance can only be the opposite of order and harmony. There is only one true harmony and that is the supramental - the reign of Truth, the expression of the Divine Law. In the Supermind, therefore, chance has no place. But in the lower Nature the supreme Truth is obscured: hence there is an absence of that divine unity of purpose and action which alone can constitute order. Lacking this unity, the domain of lower Nature is governed by what we may call chance - that is to say, it is a field in which various conflicting forces intermix, having no single definite aim. Whatever arises out of such a rushing together of forces is a result of confusion, dissonance and falsehood - a product of chance. Chance is not merely a conception to cover our ignorance of the causes at work; it is a description of the uncertain mele ́e of the lower Nature which lacks the calm one-pointedness of the divine Truth. The world has forgotten its divine origin and become an arena of egoistic energies; but it is still possible for it to open to the Truth, call it down by its aspiration and bring about a change in the whirl of chance. What men regard as a mechanical sequence of events, owing to their own mental associations, experiences and generalisations, is really manipulated by subtle agencies each of which tries to get its own will done. The world has got so subjected to these undivine agencies that the victory of the Truth cannot be won except by fighting for it. It has no right to it: it has to gain it by disowning the falsehood and the perversion, an important part of which is the facile notion that, since all things owe their final origin to the Divine, all their immediate activities also proceed directly from it. The fact is that here in the lower Nature the Divine is veiled by a cosmic Ignorance and what takes place does not proceed directly from the divine knowledge. That everything is equally the will of God is a very convenient suggestion of the hostile influences which would have the creation stick as tightly as possible to the disorder and ugliness to which it has been reduced. So what is to be done, you ask? Well, call down the Light, open yourselves to the power of Transformation. Innumerable times the divine peace has been given to you and as often you have lost it - because something in you refuses to surrender its petty egoistic routine. If you are not always vigilant, your nature will return to its old unregenerate habits even after it has been filled with the descending Truth. It is the struggle between the old and the new that forms the crux of the Yoga; but if you are bent on being faithful to the supreme Law and Order revealed to you, the parts of your being belonging to the domain of chance will, however slowly, be converted and divinised. ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1929-1931,
258:Eternal, unconfined, unextended, without cause and without effect, the Holy Lamp mysteriously burns. Without quantity or quality, unconditioned and sempiternal, is this Light.
It is not possible for anyone to advise or approve; for this Lamp is not made with hands; it exists alone for ever; it has no parts, no person; it is before "I am." Few can behold it, yet it is always there. For it there is no "here" nor "there," no "then" nor "now;" all parts of speech are abolished, save the noun; and this noun is not found either in {106} human speech or in Divine. It is the Lost Word, the dying music of whose sevenfold echo is I A O and A U M.
Without this Light the Magician could not work at all; yet few indeed are the Magicians that have know of it, and far fewer They that have beheld its brilliance!

The Temple and all that is in it must be destroyed again and again before it is worthy to receive that Light. Hence it so often seems that the only advice that any master can give to any pupil is to destroy the Temple.

"Whatever you have" and "whatever you are" are veils before that Light. Yet in so great a matter all advice is vain. There is no master so great that he can see clearly the whole character of any pupil. What helped him in the past may hinder another in the future.

Yet since the Master is pledged to serve, he may take up that service on these simple lines. Since all thoughts are veils of this Light, he may advise the destruction of all thoughts, and to that end teach those practices which are clearly conductive to such destruction.

These practices have now fortunately been set down in clear language by order of the A.'.A.'..

In these instructions the relativity and limitation of each practice is clearly taught, and all dogmatic interpretations are carefully avoided. Each practice is in itself a demon which must be destroyed; but to be destroyed it must first be evoked.

Shame upon that Master who shirks any one of these practices, however distasteful or useless it may be to him! For in the detailed knowledge of it, which experience alone can give him, may lie his opportunity for crucial assistance to a pupil. However dull the drudgery, it should be undergone. If it were possible to regret anything in life, which is fortunately not the case, it would be the hours wasted in fruitful practices which might have been more profitably employed on sterile ones: for NEMO<> in tending his garden seeketh not to single out the flower that shall be NEMO after him. And we are not told that NEMO might have used other things than those which he actually does use; it seems possible that if he had not the acid or the knife, or the fire, or the oil, he might miss tending just that one flower which was to be NEMO after him! ~ Aleister Crowley, Liber ABA, The Lamp,
259:3. Conditions internal and external that are most essential for meditation. There are no essential external conditions, but solitude and seculsion at the time of meditation as well as stillness of the body are helpful, sometimes almost necessary to the beginning. But one should not be bound by external conditions. Once the habit of meditation is formed, it should be made possible to do it in all circumstances, lying, sitting, walking, alone, in company, in silence or in the midst of noise etc.
   The first internal condition necessary is concentration of the will against the obstacles to meditation, i.e. wandering of the mind, forgetfulness, sleep, physical and nervous impatience and restlessness etc. If the difficulty in meditation is that thoughts of all kinds come in, that is not due to hostile forces but to the ordinary nature of the human mind. All sadhaks have this difficulty and with many it lasts for a very long time. There are several was of getting rid of it. One of them is to look at the thoughts and observe what is the nature of the human mind as they show it but not to give any sanction and to let them run down till they come to a standstill - this is a way recommended by Vivekananda in his Rajayoga. Another is to look at the thoughts as not one's own, to stand back as the witness Purusha and refuse the sanction - the thoughts are regarded as things coming from outside, from Prakriti, and they must be felt as if they were passers-by crossing the mind-space with whom one has no connection and in whom one takes no interest. In this way it usually happens that after the time the mind divides into two, a part which is the mental witness watching and perfectly undisturbed and quiet and a part in which the thoughts cross or wander. Afterwards one can proceed to silence or quiet the Prakriti part also. There is a third, an active method by which one looks to see where the thoughts come from and finds they come not from oneself, but from outside the head as it were; if one can detect them coming, then, before enter, they have to be thrown away altogether. This is perhaps the most difficult way and not all can do it, but if it can be done it is the shortest and most powerful road to silence. It is not easy to get into the Silence. That is only possible by throwing out all mental-vital activities. It is easier to let the Silence descend into you, i.e., to open yourself and let it descend. The way to do this and the way to call down the higher powers is the same. It is to remain quiet at the time of efforts to pull down the Power or the Silence but keeping only a silent will and aspiration for them. If the mind is active one has to learn to look at it, drawn back and not giving sanction from within, until its habitual or mechanical activities begin to fall quiet for want of support from within. if it is too persistent, a steady rejection without strain or struggle is the one thing to be done.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Autobiographical Notes,
Only those forms of illumination which lead to useful behaviour changes deserve to be known as such. When I hear the word "spirituality", I tend to reach for a loaded wand. Most professionally spiritual people are vile and untrustworthy when off duty, simply because their beliefs conflict with basic drives and only manage to distort their natural behaviour temporarily. The demons then come screaming up out of the cellar at unexpected moments.

When selecting objectives for illumination, the magician should choose forms of self improvement which can be precisely specified and measured and which effect changes of behaviour in his entire existence. Invocation is the main tool in illumination, although enchantment where spells are cast upon oneselves and divination to seek objectives for illumination may also find some application.

Evocation can sometimes be used with care, but there is no point in simply creating an entity that is the repository of what one wishes were true for oneself in general. This is a frequent mistake in religion. Forms of worship which create only entities in the subconscious are inferior to more wholehearted worship, which, at its best, is pure invocation. The Jesuits "Imitation of Christ" is more effective than merely praying to Jesus for example.

Illumination proceeds in the same general manner as invocation, except that the magician is striving to effect specific changes to his everyday behaviour, rather than to create enhanced facilities that can be drawn upon for particular purposes. The basic technique remains the same, the required beliefs are identified and then implanted in the subconscious by ritual or other acts. Such acts force the subconscious acquisition of the beliefs they imply.

Modest and realistic objectives are preferable to grandiose schemes in illumination.

One modifies the behaviour and beliefs of others by beginning with only the most trivial demands. The same applies to oneselves. The magician should beware of implanting beliefs whose expression cannot be sustained by the human body or the environment. For example it is possible to implant the belief that flight can be achieved without an aircraft. However it has rarely proved possible to implant this belief deeply enough to ensure that such flights were not of exceedingly short duration. Nevertheless such feats as fire-walking and obliviousness to extreme pain are sometimes achieved by this mechanism.

The sleight of mind which implants belief through ritual action is more powerful than any other weapon that humanity possesses, yet its influence is so pervasive that we seldom notice it. It makes religions, wars, cults and cultures possible. It has killed countless millions and created our personal and social realities. Those who understand how to use it on others can be messiahs or dictators, depending on their degree of personal myopia. Those who understand how to apply it to themselves have a jewel beyond price if they use it wisely; otherwise they tend to rapidly invoke their own Nemesis with it. ~ Peter J Carroll, Liber Kaos,
261:The Mother once described the characteristics of the unity-body, of the future supramental body, to a young Ashramite: 'You know, if there is something on that window-sill and if I [in a supramental body] want to take it, I stretch out my hand and it becomes - wow! - long, and I have the thing in my hand without even having to get up from my chair ... Physically, I shall be able to be here and there at the same time. I shall be able to communicate with many people at the same time. To have something in my hand, I'll just have to wish for it. I think about something and I want it and it is already in my hand. With this transformed body I shall be free of the fetters of ignorance, pain, of mortality and unconsciousness. I shall be able to do many things at the same time. The transparent, luminous, strong, light, elastic body won't need any material things to subsist on ... The body can even be lengthened if one wants it to become tall, or shrunk when one wants it to be small, in any circumstances ... There will be all kinds of changes and there will be powers without limit. And it won't be something funny. Of course, I am giving you somewhat childish examples to tease you and to show the difference. 'It will be a true being, perfect in proportion, very, very beautiful and strong, light, luminous or else transparent. It will have a supple and malleable body endowed with extraordinary capacities and able to do everything; a body without age, a creation of the New Consciousness or else a transformed body such as none has ever imagined ... All that is above man will be within its reach. It will be guided by the Truth alone and nothing less. That is what it is and more even than has ever been conceived.'895 This the Mother told in French to Mona Sarkar, who noted it down as faithfully as possible and read it out to her for verification. The supramental body will not only be omnipotent and omniscient, but also omnipresent. And immortal. Not condemned to a never ending monotonous immortality - which, again, is one of our human interpretations of immortality - but for ever existing in an ecstasy of inexhaustible delight in 'the Joy that surpasses all understanding.' Moment after moment, eternity after eternity. For in that state each moment is an eternity and eternity an ever present moment. If gross matter is not capable of being used as a permanent coating of the soul in the present phase of its evolution, then it certainly is not capable of being the covering of the supramental consciousness, to form the body that has, to some extent, been described above. This means that the crux of the process of supramental transformation lies in matter; the supramental world has to become possible in matter, which at present still is gross matter. - Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were supramentalized in their mental and vital, but their enormous problem was the supramentalization of the physical body, consisting of the gross matter of the Earth. As the Mother said: 'It is matter itself that must change so that the Supramental may manifest. A new kind of matter no longer corresponding with Mendeleyev's periodic table of the elements? Is that possible?
   ~ Georges Van Vrekhem,
262:28 August 1957
Mother, Sri Aurobindo says here: "Whether the whole of humanity would be touched [by the Supramental influence] or only a part of it ready for the change would depend on what was intended or possible in the continued order of the universe."
The Supramental Manifestation, SABCL, Vol. 16, p. 56

What is meant by "what was intended or possible"? The two things are different. So far you have said that if humanity changes, if it wants to participate in the new birth...

It is the same thing. But when you look at an object on a certain plane, you see it horizontally, and when you look at the same object from another plane, you see it vertically. (Mother shows the cover and the back of her book.) So, if one looks from above, one says "intended"; if one looks from below, one says "possible".... But it is absolutely the same thing, only the point of view is different.

But in that case, it is not our incapacity or lack of will to change that makes any difference.

We have already said this many a time. If you remain in a consciousness which functions mentally, even if it is the highest mind, you have the notion of an absolute determinism of cause and effect and feel that things are what they are because they are what they are and cannot be otherwise.

It is only when you come out of the mental consciousness completely and enter a higher perception of things - which you may call spiritual or divine - that you suddenly find yourself in a state of perfect freedom where everything is possible.


Those who have contacted that state or lived in it, even if only for a moment, try to describe it as a feeling of an absolute Will in action, which immediately gives to the human mentality the feeling of being arbitrary. And because of that distortion there arises the idea - which I might call traditional - of a supreme and arbitrary God, which is something most unacceptable to every enlightened mind. I suppose that this experience badly expressed is at the origin of this notion. And in fact it is incorrect to express it as an absolute Will: it is very, very, very different. It is something else altogether. For, what man understands by "Will" is a decision that is taken and carried out. We are obliged to use the word "will", but in its truth the Will acting in the universe is neither a choice nor a decision that is taken. What seems to me the closest expression is "vision". Things are because they are seen. But of course "seen", not seen as we see with these eyes.

(Mother touches her eyes...) All the same, it is the nearest thing.
It is a vision - a vision unfolding itself.
The universe becomes objective as it is progressively seen.

And that is why Sri Aurobindo has said "intended or possible". It is neither one nor the other. All that can be said is a distortion.


Objectivisation - universal objectivisation - is something like a projection in space and time, like a living image of what is from all eternity. And as the image is gradually projected on the screen of time and space, it becomes objective:

The Supreme contemplating His own Image.
~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1957-1958,
263:What do you mean by these words: 'When you are in difficulty, widen yourself'?

I am speaking, of course, of difficulties on the path of yoga, incomprehension, limitations, things like obstacles, which prevent you from advancing. And when I say "widen yourself", I mean widen your consciousness.

Difficulties always arise from the ego, that is, from your more or less egoistic personal reaction to circumstances, events and people around you, to the conditions of your life. They also come from that feeling of being closed up in a sort of shell, which prevents your consciousness from uniting with higher and vaster realities.

One may very well think that one wants to be vast, wants to be universal, that all is the expression of the Divine, that one must have no egoism - one may think all sorts of things - but that is not necessarily a cure, for very often one knows what one ought to do, and yet one doesn't do it, for one reason or another.

But if, when you have to face anguish, suffering, revolt, pain or a feeling of helplessness - whatever it may be, all the things that come to you on the path and which precisely are your difficulties-if physically, that is to say, in your body- consciousness, you can have the feeling of widening yourself, one could say of unfolding yourself - you feel as it were all folded up, one fold on another like a piece of cloth which is folded and refolded and folded again - so if you have this feeling that what is holding and strangling you and making you suffer or paralysing your movement, is like a too closely, too tightly folded piece of cloth or like a parcel that is too well-tied, too well-packed, and that slowly, gradually, you undo all the folds and stretch yourself out exactly as one unfolds a piece of cloth or a sheet of paper and spreads it out flat, and you lie flat and make yourself very wide, as wide as possible, spreading yourself out as far as you can, opening yourself and stretching out in an attitude of complete passivity with what I could call "the face to the light": not curling back upon your difficulty, doubling up on it, shutting it in, so to say, into yourself, but, on the contrary, unfurling yourself as much as you can, as perfectly as you can, putting the difficulty before the Light - the Light which comes from above - if you do that in all the domains, and even if mentally you don't succeed in doing it - for it is sometimes difficult - if you can imagine yourself doing this physically, almost materially, well, when you have finished unfolding yourself and stretching yourself out, you will find that more than three-quarters of the difficulty is gone. And then just a little work of receptivity to the Light and the last quarter will disappear.

This is much easier than struggling against a difficulty with one's thought, for if you begin to discuss with yourself, you will find that there are arguments for and against which are so convincing that it is quite impossible to get out of it without a higher light. Here, you do not struggle against the difficulty, you do not try to convince yourself; ah! you simply stretch out in the Light as though you lay stretched on the sands in the sun. And you let the Light do its work. That's all. ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers, Volume-8, page no.286-288),
264:The supreme Truth aspect which thus manifests itself to us is an eternal and infinite and absolute self-existence, self-awareness, self-delight of being; this bounds all things and secretly supports and pervades all things. This Self-existence reveals itself again in three terms of its essential nature,-self, conscious being or spirit, and God or the Divine Being. The Indian terms are more satisfactory,-Brahman the Reality is Atman, Purusha, Ishwara; for these terms grew from a root of Intuition and, while they have a comprehensive preciseness, are capable of a plastic application which avoids both vagueness in the use and the rigid snare of a too limiting intellectual concept. The Supreme Brahman is that which in Western metaphysics is called the Absolute: but Brahman is at the same time the omnipresent Reality in which all that is relative exists as its forms or its movements; this is an Absolute which takes all relativities in its embrace. [...] Brahman is the Consciousness that knows itself in all that exists; Brahman is the force that sustains the power of God and Titan and Demon, the Force that acts in man and animal and the forms and energies of Nature; Brahman is the Ananda, the secret Bliss of existence which is the ether of our being and without which none could breathe or live. Brahman is the inner Soul in all; it has taken a form in correspondence with each created form which it inhabits. The Lord of Beings is that which is conscious in the conscious being, but he is also the Conscious in inconscient things, the One who is master and in control of the many that are passive in the hands of Force-Nature. He is the Timeless and Time; He is Space and all that is in Space; He is Causality and the cause and the effect: He is the thinker and his thought, the warrior and his courage, the gambler and his dice-throw. All realities and all aspects and all semblances are the Brahman; Brahman is the Absolute, the Transcendent and incommunicable, the Supracosmic Existence that sustains the cosmos, the Cosmic Self that upholds all beings, but It is too the self of each individual: the soul or psychic entity is an eternal portion of the Ishwara; it is his supreme Nature or Consciousness-Force that has become the living being in a world of living beings. The Brahman alone is, and because of It all are, for all are the Brahman; this Reality is the reality of everything that we see in Self and Nature. Brahman, the Ishwara, is all this by his Yoga-Maya, by the power of his Consciousness-Force put out in self-manifestation: he is the Conscious Being, Soul, Spirit, Purusha, and it is by his Nature, the force of his conscious self-existence that he is all things; he is the Ishwara, the omniscient and omnipotent All-ruler, and it is by his Shakti, his conscious Power, that he manifests himself in Time and governs the universe. These and similar statements taken together are all-comprehensive: it is possible for the mind to cut and select, to build a closed system and explain away all that does not fit within it; but it is on the complete and many-sided statement that we must take our stand if we have to acquire an integral knowledge.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, Book 02: The Knowledge and the Ignorance - The Spiritual Evolution, Part I, The Infinite Consciousness and the Ignorance Brahman, Purusha, Ishwara - Maya, Prakriti, Shakti [336-337],
265:There is no invariable rule of such suffering. It is not the soul that suffers; the Self is calm and equal to all things and the only sorrow of the psychic being is the sorrow of the resistance of Nature to the Divine Will or the resistance of things and people to the call of the True, the Good and the Beautiful. What is affected by suffering is the vital nature and the body. When the soul draws towards the Divine, there may be a resistance in the mind and the common form of that is denial and doubt - which may create mental and vital suffering. There may again be a resistance in the vital nature whose principal character is desire and the attachment to the objects of desire, and if in this field there is conflict between the soul and the vital nature, between the Divine Attraction and the pull of the Ignorance, then obviously there may be much suffering of the mind and vital parts. The physical consciousness also may offer a resistance which is usually that of a fundamental inertia, an obscurity in the very stuff of the physical, an incomprehension, an inability to respond to the higher consciousness, a habit of helplessly responding to the lower mechanically, even when it does not want to do so; both vital and physical suffering may be the consequence. There is moreover the resistance of the Universal Nature which does not want the being to escape from the Ignorance into the Light. This may take the form of a vehement insistence on the continuation of the old movements, waves of them thrown on the mind and vital and body so that old ideas, impulses, desires, feelings, responses continue even after they are thrown out and rejected, and can return like an invading army from outside, until the whole nature, given to the Divine, refuses to admit them. This is the subjective form of the universal resistance, but it may also take an objective form - opposition, calumny, attacks, persecution, misfortunes of many kinds, adverse conditions and circumstances, pain, illness, assaults from men or forces. There too the possibility of suffering is evident. There are two ways to meet all that - first that of the Self, calm, equality, a spirit, a will, a mind, a vital, a physical consciousness that remain resolutely turned towards the Divine and unshaken by all suggestion of doubt, desire, attachment, depression, sorrow, pain, inertia. This is possible when the inner being awakens, when one becomes conscious of the Self, of the inner mind, the inner vital, the inner physical, for that can more easily attune itself to the divine Will, and then there is a division in the being as if there were two beings, one within, calm, strong, equal, unperturbed, a channel of the Divine Consciousness and Force, one without, still encroached on by the lower Nature; but then the disturbances of the latter become something superficial which are no more than an outer ripple, - until these under the inner pressure fade and sink away and the outer being too remains calm, concentrated, unattackable. There is also the way of the psychic, - when the psychic being comes out in its inherent power, its consecration, adoration, love of the Divine, self-giving, surrender and imposes these on the mind, vital and physical consciousness and compels them to turn all their movements Godward. If the psychic is strong and master...
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - IV, Resistances, Sufferings and Falls, 669,
266:[desire and its divine form:]
   Into all our endeavour upward the lower element of desire will at first naturally enter. For what the enlightened will sees as the thing to be done and pursues as the crown to be conquered, what the heart embraces as the one thing delightful, that in us which feels itself limited and opposed and, because it is limited, craves and struggles, will seek with the troubled passion of an egoistic desire. This craving life-force or desire-soul in us has to be accepted at first, but only in order that it may be transformed. Even from the very beginning it has to be taught to renounce all other desires and concentrate itself on the passion for the Divine. This capital point gained, it has to be aught to desire, not for its own separate sake, but for God in the world and for the Divine in ourselves; it has to fix itself upon no personal spiritual gain, though of all possible spiritual gains we are sure, but on the great work to be done in us and others, on the high coming manifestation which is to be the glorious fulfilment of the Divine in the world, on the Truth that has to be sought and lived and enthroned for eveR But last, most difficult for it, more difficult than to seek with the right object, it has to be taught to seek in the right manner; for it must learn to desire, not in its own egoistic way, but in the way of the Divine. It must insist no longer, as the strong separative will always insists, on its own manner of fulfilment, its own dream of possession, its own idea of the right and the desirable; it must yearn to fulfil a larger and greater Will and consent to wait upon a less interested and ignorant guidance. Thus trained, Desire, that great unquiet harasser and troubler of man and cause of every kind of stumbling, will become fit to be transformed into its divine counterpart. For desire and passion too have their divine forms; there is a pure ecstasy of the soul's seeking beyond all craving and grief, there is a Will of Ananda that sits glorified in the possession of the supreme beatitudes.
   When once the object of concentration has possessed and is possessed by the three master instruments, the thought, the heart and the will,-a consummation fully possible only when the desire-soul in us has submitted to the Divine Law,-the perfection of mind and life and body can be effectively fulfilled in our transmuted nature. This will be done, not for the personal satisfaction of the ego, but that the whole may constitute a fit temple for the Divine Presence, a faultless instrument for the divine work. For that work can be truly performed only when the instrument, consecrated and perfected, has grown fit for a selfless action,-and that will be when personal desire and egoism are abolished, but not the liberated individual. Even when the little ego has been abolished, the true spiritual Person can still remain and God's will and work and delight in him and the spiritual use of his perfection and fulfilment. Our works will then be divine and done divinely; our mind and life and will, devoted to the Divine, will be used to help fulfil in others and in the world that which has been first realised in ourselves,- all that we can manifest of the embodied Unity, Love, Freedom, Strength, Power, Splendour, immortal Joy which is the goal of the Spirit's terrestrial adventure.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, Self-Consecration [83] [T1],
267:In our world error is continually the handmaid and pathfinder of Truth; for error is really a half-truth that stumbles because of its limitations; often it is Truth that wears a disguise in order to arrive unobserved near to its goal. Well, if it could always be, as it has been in the great period we are leaving, the faithful handmaid, severe, conscientious, clean-handed, luminous within its limits, a half-truth and not a reckless and presumptuous aberration.
   A certain kind of Agnosticism is the final truth of all knowledge. For when we come to the end of whatever path, the universe appears as only a symbol or an appearance of an unknowable Reality which translates itself here into different systems of values, physical values, vital and sensational values, intellectual, ideal and spiritual values. The more That becomes real to us, the more it is seen to be always beyond defining thought and beyond formulating expression. "Mind attains not there, nor speech."3 And yet as it is possible to exaggerate, with the Illusionists, the unreality of the appearance, so it is possible to exaggerate the unknowableness of the Unknowable. When we speak of It as unknowable, we mean, really, that It escapes the grasp of our thought and speech, instruments which proceed always by the sense of difference and express by the way of definition; but if not knowable by thought, It is attainable by a supreme effort of consciousness. There is even a kind of Knowledge which is one with Identity and by which, in a sense, It can be known. Certainly, that Knowledge cannot be reproduced successfully in the terms of thought and speech, but when we have attained to it, the result is a revaluation of That in the symbols of our cosmic consciousness, not only in one but in all the ranges of symbols, which results in a revolution of our internal being and, through the internal, of our external life. Moreover, there is also a kind of Knowledge through which That does reveal itself by all these names and forms of phenomenal existence which to the ordinary intelligence only conceal It. It is this higher but not highest process of Knowledge to which we can attain by passing the limits of the materialistic formula and scrutinising Life, Mind and Supermind in the phenomena that are characteristic of them and not merely in those subordinate movements by which they link themselves to Matter.
   The Unknown is not the Unknowable; it need not remain the unknown for us, unless we choose ignorance or persist in our first limitations. For to all things that are not unknowable, all things in the universe, there correspond in that universe faculties which can take cognisance of them, and in man, the microcosm, these faculties are always existent and at a certain stage capable of development. We may choose not to develop them; where they are partially developed, we may discourage and impose on them a kind of atrophy. But, fundamentally, all possible knowledge is knowledge within the power of humanity. And since in man there is the inalienable impulse of Nature towards self-realisation, no struggle of the intellect to limit the action of our capacities within a determined area can for ever prevail. When we have proved Matter and realised its secret capacities, the very knowledge which has found its convenience in that temporary limitation, must cry to us, like the Vedic Restrainers, 'Forth now and push forward also in other fields.'
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine,
268:It is thus by an integralisation of our divided being that the Divine Shakti in the Yoga will proceed to its object; for liberation, perfection, mastery are dependent on this integralisation, since the little wave on the surface cannot control its own movement, much less have any true control over the vast life around it. The Shakti, the power of the Infinite and the Eternal descends within us, works, breaks up our present psychological formations, shatters every wall, widens, liberates, presents us with always newer and greater powers of vision, ideation, perception and newer and greater life-motives, enlarges and newmodels increasingly the soul and its instruments, confronts us with every imperfection in order to convict and destroy it, opens to a greater perfection, does in a brief period the work of many lives or ages so that new births and new vistas open constantly within us. Expansive in her action, she frees the consciousness from confinement in the body; it can go out in trance or sleep or even waking and enter into worlds or other regions of this world and act there or carry back its experience. It spreads out, feeling the body only as a small part of itself, and begins to contain what before contained it; it achieves the cosmic consciousness and extends itself to be commensurate with the universe. It begins to know inwardly and directly and not merely by external observation and contact the forces at play in the world, feels their movement, distinguishes their functioning and can operate immediately upon them as the scientist operates upon physical forces, accept their action and results in our mind, life, body or reject them or modify, change, reshape, create immense new powers and movements in place of the old small functionings of the nature. We begin to perceive the working of the forces of universal Mind and to know how our thoughts are created by that working, separate from within the truth and falsehood of our perceptions, enlarge their field, extend and illumine their significance, become master of our own minds and active to shape the movements of Mind in the world around us. We begin to perceive the flow and surge of the universal life-forces, detect the origin and law of our feelings, emotions, sensations, passions, are free to accept, reject, new-create, open to wider, rise to higher planes of Life-Power. We begin to perceive too the key to the enigma of Matter, follow the interplay of Mind and Life and Consciousness upon it, discover more and more its instrumental and resultant function and detect ultimately the last secret of Matter as a form not merely of Energy but of involved and arrested or unstably fixed and restricted consciousness and begin to see too the possibility of its liberation and plasticity of response to higher Powers, its possibilities for the conscious and no longer the more than half-inconscient incarnation and self-expression of the Spirit. All this and more becomes more and more possible as the working of the Divine Shakti increases in us and, against much resistance or labour to respond of our obscure consciousness, through much struggle and movement of progress and regression and renewed progress necessitated by the work of intensive transformation of a half-inconscient into a conscious substance, moves to a greater purity, truth, height, range. All depends on the psychic awakening in us, the completeness of our response to her and our growing surrender. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Ascent of the Sacrifice - 2, 183,
269:Sometimes one cannot distinguish adverse forces from other forces.

That happens when one is quite unconscious. There are only two cases when this is possible: you are either very unconscious of the movements of your being - you have not studied, you have not observed, you do not know what is happening within you - or you are absolutely insincere, that is, you play the ostrich in order not to see the reality of things: you hide your head, you hide your observation, your knowledge and you say, "It is not there." But indeed the latter I hope is not in question here. Hence it is simply because one has not the habit of observing oneself that one is so unconscious of what is happening within.

Have you ever practised distinguishing what comes from your mind, what comes from your vital, what comes from your physical?... For it is mixed up; it is mixed up in the outward appearance. If you do not take care to distinguish, it makes a kind of soup, all that together. So it is indistinct and difficult to discoveR But if you observe yourself, after some time you see certain things, you feel them to be there, like that, as though they were in your skin; for some other things you feel you would have to go within yourself to find out from where they come; for other things, you have to go still further inside, or otherwise you have to rise up a little: it comes from unconsciousness. And there are others; then you must go very deep, very deep to find out from where they come. This is just a beginning.

Simply observe. You are in a certain condition, a certain undefinable condition. Then look: "What! how is it I am like that?" You try to see first if you have fever or some other illness; but it is all right, everything is all right, there's neither headache nor fever, the stomach is not protesting, the heart is functioning as it should, indeed, all's well, you are normal. "Why then am I feeling so uneasy?"... So you go a little further within. It depends on cases. Sometimes you find out immediately: yes, there was a little incident which wasn't pleasant, someone said a word that was not happy or one had failed in his task or perhaps did not know one's lesson very well, the teacher had made a remark. At the time, one did not pay attention properly, but later on, it begins to work, leaves a painful impression. That is the second stage. Afterwards, if nothing happened: "All's well, everything is normal, everything usual, I have nothing to note down, nothing has happened: why then do I feel like that?" Now it begins to be interesting, because one must enter much more deeply within oneself. And then it can be all sorts of things: it may be precisely the expression of an attack that is preparing; it may be a little inner anxiety seeking the progress that has to be made; it may be a premonition that there is somewhere in contact with oneself something not altogether harmonious which one has to change: something one must see, discover, change, on which light is to be put, something that is still there, deep down, and which should no longer be there. Then if you look at yourself very carefully, you find out: "There! I am still like that; in that little corner, there is still something of that kind, not clear: a little selfishness, a little ill-will, something refusing to change." So you see it, you take it by the tip of its nose or by the ear and hold it up in full light: "So, you were hiding! you are hiding? But I don't want you any longer." And then it has to go away.

This is a great progress.
   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1953, 102-104, [T4],
270:The Teachings of Some Modern Indian Yogis
Ramana Maharshi
According to Brunton's description of the sadhana he (Brunton) practised under the Maharshi's instructions,1 it is the Overself one has to seek within, but he describes the Overself in a way that is at once the Psychic Being, the Atman and the Ishwara. So it is a little difficult to know what is the exact reading.
The methods described in the account [of Ramana Maharshi's technique of self-realisation] are the well-established methods of Jnanayoga - (1) one-pointed concentration followed by thought-suspension, (2) the method of distinguishing or finding out the true self by separating it from mind, life, body (this I have seen described by him [Brunton] more at length in another book) and coming to the pure I behind; this also can disappear into the Impersonal Self. The usual result is a merging in the Atman or Brahman - which is what one would suppose is meant by the Overself, for it is that which is the real Overself. This Brahman or Atman is everywhere, all is in it, it is in all, but it is in all not as an individual being in each but is the same in all - as the Ether is in all. When the merging into the Overself is complete, there is no ego, no distinguishable I, or any formed separative person or personality. All is ekakara - an indivisible and undistinguishable Oneness either free from all formations or carrying all formations in it without being affected - for one can realise it in either way. There is a realisation in which all beings are moving in the one Self and this Self is there stable in all beings; there is another more complete and thoroughgoing in which not only is it so but all are vividly realised as the Self, the Brahman, the Divine. In the former, it is possible to dismiss all beings as creations of Maya, leaving the one Self alone as true - in the other it is easier to regard them as real manifestations of the Self, not as illusions. But one can also regard all beings as souls, independent realities in an eternal Nature dependent upon the One Divine. These are the characteristic realisations of the Overself familiar to the Vedanta. But on the other hand you say that this Overself is realised by the Maharshi as lodged in the heart-centre, and it is described by Brunton as something concealed which when it manifests appears as the real Thinker, source of all action, but now guiding thought and action in the Truth. Now the first description applies to the Purusha in the heart, described by the Gita as the Ishwara situated in the heart and by the Upanishads as the Purusha Antaratma; the second could apply also to the mental Purusha, manomayah. pran.asarı̄ra neta of the Upanishads, the mental Being or Purusha who leads the life and the body. So your question is one which on the data I cannot easily answer. His Overself may be a combination of all these experiences, without any distinction being made or thought necessary between the various aspects. There are a thousand ways of approaching and realising the Divine and each way has its own experiences which have their own truth and stand really on a basis, one in essence but complex in aspects, common to all, but not expressed in the same way by all. There is not much use in discussing these variations; the important thing is to follow one's own way well and thoroughly. In this Yoga, one can realise the psychic being as a portion of the Divine seated in the heart with the Divine supporting it there - this psychic being takes charge of the sadhana and turns the ......
1 The correspondent sent to Sri Aurobindo two paragraphs from Paul Brunton's book A Message from Arunachala (London: Rider & Co., n.d. [1936], pp. 205 - 7). - Ed. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - II,
271:There's an idea in Christianity of the image of God as a Trinity. There's the element of the Father, there's the element of the Son, and there's the element of the Holy Spirit. It's something like the spirit of tradition, human beings as the living incarnation of that tradition, and the spirit in people that makes relationship with the spirit and individuals possible. I'm going to bounce my way quickly through some of the classical, metaphorical attributes of God, so that we kind of have a cloud of notions about what we're talking about, when we return to Genesis 1 and talk about the God who spoke chaos into Being.

There's a fatherly aspect, so here's what God as a father is like. You can enter into a covenant with it, so you can make a bargain with it. Now, you think about that. Money is like that, because money is a bargain you make with the future. We structured our world so that you can negotiate with the future. I don't think that we would have got to the point where we could do that without having this idea to begin with. You can act as if the future's a reality; there's a spirit of tradition that enables you to act as if the future is something that can be bargained with. That's why you make sacrifices. The sacrifices were acted out for a very long period of time, and now they're psychological. We know that you can sacrifice something valuable in the present and expect that you're negotiating with something that's representing the transcendent future. That's an amazing human discovery. No other creature can do that; to act as if the future is real; to know that you can bargain with reality itself, and that you can do it successfully. It's unbelievable.

It responds to sacrifice. It answers prayers. I'm not saying that any of this is true, by the way. I'm just saying what the cloud of ideas represents. It punishes and rewards. It judges and forgives. It's not nature. One of the things weird about the Judeo-Christian tradition is that God and nature are not the same thing, at all. Whatever God is, partially manifest in this logos, is something that stands outside of nature. I think that's something like consciousness as abstracted from the natural world. It built Eden for mankind and then banished us for disobedience. It's too powerful to be touched. It granted free will. Distance from it is hell. Distance from it is death. It reveals itself in dogma and in mystical experience, and it's the law. That's sort of like the fatherly aspect.

The son-like aspect. It speaks chaos into order. It slays dragons and feeds people with the remains. It finds gold. It rescues virgins. It is the body and blood of Christ. It is a tragic victim, scapegoat, and eternally triumphant redeemer simultaneously. It cares for the outcast. It dies and is reborn. It is the king of kings and hero of heroes. It's not the state, but is both the fulfillment and critic of the state. It dwells in the perfect house. It is aiming at paradise or heaven. It can rescue from hell. It cares for the outcast. It is the foundation and the cornerstone that was rejected. It is the spirit of the law.

The spirit-like aspect. It's akin to the human soul. It's the prophetic voice. It's the still, small voice of conscience. It's the spoken truth. It's called forth by music. It is the enemy of deceit, arrogance, and resentment. It is the water of life. It burns without consuming. It's a blinding light.

That's a very well-developed set of poetic metaphors. These are all...what would you say...glimpses of the transcendent ideal. That's the right way of thinking about it. They're glimpses of the transcendent ideal, and all of them have a specific meaning. In part, what we're going to do is go over that meaning, as we continue with this series. What we've got now is a brief description, at least, of what this is. ~ Jordan Peterson, Biblical Series, 1,
   Evocation is the art of dealing with magical beings or entities by various acts which create or contact them and allow one to conjure and command them with pacts and exorcism. These beings have a legion of names drawn from the demonology of many cultures: elementals, familiars, incubi, succubi, bud-wills, demons, automata, atavisms, wraiths, spirits, and so on. Entities may be bound to talismans, places, animals, objects, persons, incense smoke, or be mobile in the aether. It is not the case that such entities are limited to obsessions and complexes in the human mind. Although such beings customarily have their origin in the mind, they may be budded off and attached to objects and places in the form of ghosts, spirits, or "vibrations," or may exert action at a distance in the form of fetishes, familiars, or poltergeists. These beings consist of a portion of Kia or the life force attached to some aetheric matter, the whole of which may or may not be attached to ordinary matter.

   Evocation may be further defined as the summoning or creation of such partial beings to accomplish some purpose. They may be used to cause change in oneself, change in others, or change in the universe. The advantages of using a semi-independent being rather than trying to effect a transformation directly by will are several: the entity will continue to fulfill its function independently of the magician until its life force dissipates. Being semi-sentient, it can adapt itself to a task in that a non-conscious simple spell cannot. During moments of the possession by certain entities the magician may be the recipient of inspirations, abilities, and knowledge not normally accessible to him.

   Entities may be drawn from three sources - those which are discovered clairvoyantly, those whose characteristics are given in grimoires of spirits and demons, and those which the magician may wish to create himself.

   In all cases establishing a relationship with the spirit follows a similar process of evocation. Firstly the attributes of the entity, its type, scope, name, appearance and characteristics must be placed in the mind or made known to the mind. Automatic drawing or writing, where a stylus is allowed to move under inspiration across a surface, may help to uncover the nature of a clairvoyantly discovered being. In the case of a created being the following procedure is used: the magician assembles the ingredients of a composite sigil of the being's desired attributes. For example, to create an elemental to assist him with divination, the appropriate symbols might be chosen and made into a sigil such as the one shown in figure 4.

   A name and an image, and if desired, a characteristic number can also be selected for the elemental.

   Secondly, the will and perception are focused as intently as possible (by some gnostic method) on the elemental's sigils or characteristics so that these take on a portion of the magician's life force and begin autonomous existence. In the case of preexisting beings, this operation serves to bind the entity to the magician's will.

   This is customarily followed by some form of self-banishing, or even exorcism, to restore the magician's consciousness to normal before he goes forth.

   An entity of a low order with little more than a singular task to perform can be left to fulfill its destiny with no further interference from its master. If at any time it is necessary to terminate it, its sigil or material basis should be destroyed and its mental image destroyed or reabsorbed by visualization. For more powerful and independent beings, the conjuration and exorcism must be in proportion to the power of the ritual which originally evoked them. To control such beings, the magicians may have to re-enter the gnostic state to the same depth as before in order to draw their power. ~ Peter J Carroll, Liber Null,
273:There is a true movement of the intellect and there is a wrong movement: one helps, the other hinders." Questions and Answers 1929 - 1931 (5 May 1929)

   What is the true movement of the intellect?

What exactly do you understand by intellect? Is it a function of the mind or is it a part of the human being? How do you understand it?

   A function of the mind.

A function of the mind? Then it is that part of the mind which deals with ideas; is that what you mean?

Not ideas, Mother.

Not ideas? What else, then?

Ideas, but...

There is a part of the mind which receives ideas, ideas that are formed in a higher mind. Still, I don't know, it is a question of definition and one must know what exactly you mean to say.

It is intellect that puts ideas in the form of thoughts, gathering and organising the thoughts at the same time. There are great ideas which lie beyond the ordinary human mentality, which can put on all possible forms. These great ideas tend to descend, they want to manifest themselves in precise forms. These precise forms are the thoughts; and generally it is this, I believe, that is meant by intellect: it is this that gives thought-form to the ideas.

And then, there is also the organisation of the thoughts among themselves. All that has to be put in a certain order, otherwise one becomes incoherent. And after that, there is the putting of these thoughts to use for action; that is still another movement.

To be able to say what the true movement is, one must know first of all which movement is being spoken about. You have a body, well, you don't expect your body to walk on its head or its hands nor to crawl flat on its belly nor indeed that the head should be down and the legs up in the air. You give to each limb a particular occupation which is its own. This appears to you quite natural because that is the habit; otherwise, the very little ones do not know what to do, neither with their legs nor with their hands nor with their heads; it is only little by little that they learn that. Well, it is the same thing with the mind's functions. You must know which part of the mind you are speaking about, what its own function is, and then only can you say what its true movement is and what is not its true movement. For example, for the part which has to receive the master ideas and change them into thought, its true movement is to be open to the master ideas, receive them and change them into as exact, as precise, as expressive a thought as possible. For the part of the mind which has the charge of organising all these thoughts among themselves so that they might form a coherent and classified whole, not a chaos, the true movement is just to make the classification according to a higher logic and in a thoroughly clear, precise and expressive order which may be serviceable each time a thought is referred to, so that one may know where to look for it and not put quite contradictory things together. There are people whose mind does not work like that; all the ideas that come into it, without their being even aware of what the idea is, are translated into confused thoughts which remain in a kind of inner chaos. I have known people who, from the philosophical point of view - although there is nothing philosophical in it - could put side by side the most contradictory things, like ideas of hierarchic order and at the same time ideas of the absolute independence of the individual and of anarchism, and both were accepted with equal sympathy, knocked against each other in the head in the midst of a wild disorder, and these people were not even aware of it!... You know the saying: "A question well put is three-fourths solved." So now, put your question. What do you want to speak about? I am stretching out a helping hand, you have only to catch it. What is it you are speaking about, what is it that you call intellect? Do you know the difference between an idea and a thought?
   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1953, 107,
274:I have never been able to share your constantly recurring doubts about your capacity or the despair that arises in you so violently when there are these attacks, nor is their persistent recurrence a valid ground for believing that they can never be overcome. Such a persistent recurrence has been a feature in the sadhana of many who have finally emerged and reached the goal; even the sadhana of very great Yogis has not been exempt from such violent and constant recurrences; they have sometimes been special objects of such persistent assaults, as I have indeed indicated in Savitri in more places than one - and that was indeed founded on my own experience. In the nature of these recurrences there is usually a constant return of the same adverse experiences, the same adverse resistance, thoughts destructive of all belief and faith and confidence in the future of the sadhana, frustrating doubts of what one has known as the truth, voices of despondency and despair, urgings to abandonment of the Yoga or to suicide or else other disastrous counsels of déchéance. The course taken by the attacks is not indeed the same for all, but still they have strong family resemblance. One can eventually overcome if one begins to realise the nature and source of these assaults and acquires the faculty of observing them, bearing, without being involved or absorbed into their gulf, finally becoming the witness of their phenomena and understanding them and refusing the mind's sanction even when the vital is still tossed in the whirl or the most outward physical mind still reflects the adverse suggestions. In the end these attacks lose their power and fall away from the nature; the recurrence becomes feeble or has no power to last: even, if the detachment is strong enough, they can be cut out very soon or at once. The strongest attitude to take is to regard these things as what they really are, incursions of dark forces from outside taking advantage of certain openings in the physical mind or the vital part, but not a real part of oneself or spontaneous creation in one's own nature. To create a confusion and darkness in the physical mind and throw into it or awake in it mistaken ideas, dark thoughts, false impressions is a favourite method of these assailants, and if they can get the support of this mind from over-confidence in its own correctness or the natural rightness of its impressions and inferences, then they can have a field day until the true mind reasserts itself and blows the clouds away. Another device of theirs is to awake some hurt or rankling sense of grievance in the lower vital parts and keep them hurt or rankling as long as possible. In that case one has to discover these openings in one's nature and learn to close them permanently to such attacks or else to throw out intruders at once or as soon as possible. The recurrence is no proof of a fundamental incapacity; if one takes the right inner attitude, it can and will be overcome. The idea of suicide ought never to be accepted; there is no real ground for it and in any case it cannot be a remedy or a real escape: at most it can only be postponement of difficulties and the necessity for their solution under no better circumstances in another life. One must have faith in the Master of our life and works, even if for a long time he conceals himself, and then in his own right time he will reveal his Presence.
   I have tried to dispel all the misconceptions, explain things as they are and meet all the points at issue. It is not that you really cannot make progress or have not made any progress; on the contrary, you yourself have admitted that you have made a good advance in many directions and there is no reason why, if you persevere, the rest should not come. You have always believed in the Guruvada: I would ask you then to put your faith in the Guru and the guidance and rely on the Ishwara for the fulfilment, to have faith in my abiding love and affection, in the affection and divine goodwill and loving kindness of the Mother, stand firm against all attacks and go forward perseveringly towards the spiritual goal and the all-fulfilling and all-satisfying touch of the All-Blissful, the Ishwara.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - IV,
275:Although a devout student of the Bible, Paracelsus instinctively adopted the broad patterns of essential learning, as these had been clarified by Pythagoras of Samos and Plato of Athens. Being by nature a mystic as well as a scientist, he also revealed a deep regard for the Neoplatonic philosophy as expounded by Plotinus, Iamblichus, and Proclus. Neo­platonism is therefore an invaluable aid to the interpretation of the Paracelsian doctrine.
   Paracelsus held that true knowledge is attained in two ways, or rather that the pursuit of knowledge is advanced by a two-fold method, the elements of which are completely interdependent. In our present terminology, we can say that these two parts of method are intuition and experience. To Paracelsus, these could never be divided from each other.
   The purpose of intuition is to reveal certain basic ideas which must then be tested and proven by experience. Experience, in turn, not only justifies intuition, but contributes certain additional knowledge by which the impulse to further growth is strengthened and developed. Paracelsus regarded the separation of intuition and experience to be a disaster, leading inevitably to greater error and further disaster. Intuition without experience allows the mind to fall into an abyss of speculation without adequate censorship by practical means. Experience without intuition could never be fruitful because fruitfulness comes not merely from the doing of things, but from the overtones which stimulate creative thought. Further, experience is meaningless unless there is within man the power capable of evaluating happenings and occurrences. The absence of this evaluating factor allows the individual to pass through many kinds of experiences, either misinterpreting them or not inter­ preting them at all. So Paracelsus attempted to explain intuition and how man is able to apprehend that which is not obvious or apparent. Is it possible to prove beyond doubt that the human being is capable of an inward realization of truths or facts without the assistance of the so-called rational faculty?
   According to Paracelsus, intuition was possible because of the existence in nature of a mysterious substance or essence-a universal life force. He gave this many names, but for our purposes, the simplest term will be appropriate. He compared it to light, further reasoning that there are two kinds of light: a visible radiance, which he called brightness, and an invisible radiance, which he called darkness. There is no essential difference between light and darkness. There is a dark light, which appears luminous to the soul but cannot be sensed by the body. There is a visible radiance which seems bright to the senses, but may appear dark to the soul. We must recognize that Paracelsus considered light as pertaining to the nature of being, the total existence from which all separate existences arise. Light not only contains the energy needed to support visible creatures, and the whole broad expanse of creation, but the invisible part of light supports the secret powers and functions of man, particularly intuition. Intuition, therefore, relates to the capacity of the individual to become attuned to the hidden side of life. By light, then, Paracelsus implies much more than the radiance that comes from the sun, a lantern, or a candle. To him, light is the perfect symbol, emblem, or figure of total well-being. Light is the cause of health. Invisible light, no less real if unseen, is the cause of wisdom. As the light of the body gives strength and energy, sustaining growth and development, so the light of the soul bestows understanding, the light of the mind makes wisdom possible, and the light of the spirit confers truth. Therefore, truth, wisdom, understanding, and health are all manifesta­ tions or revelations ot one virtue or power. What health is to the body, morality is to the emotions, virtue to the soul, wisdom to the mind, and reality to the spirit. This total content of living values is contained in every ray of visible light. This ray is only a manifestation upon one level or plane of the total mystery of life. Therefore, when we look at a thing, we either see its objective, physical form, or we apprehend its inner light Everything that lives, lives in light; everything that has an existence, radiates light. All things derive their life from light, and this light, in its root, is life itself. This, indeed, is the light that lighteth every man who cometh into the world. ~ Manly P Hall, Paracelsus,
276:To arrive then at this settled divine status must be the object of our concentration. The first step in concentration must be always to accustom the discursive mind to a settled unwavering pursuit of a single course of connected thought on a single subject and this it must do undistracted by all lures and alien calls on its attention. Such concentration is common enough in our ordinary life, but it becomes more difficult when we have to do it inwardly without any outward object or action on which to keep the mind; yet this inward concentration is what the seeker of knowledge must effect. Nor must it be merely the consecutive thought of the intellectual thinker, whose only object is to conceive and intellectually link together his conceptions. It is not, except perhaps at first, a process of reasoning that is wanted so much as a dwelling so far as possible on the fruitful essence of the idea which by the insistence of the soul's will upon it must yield up all the facets of its truth. Thus if it be the divine Love that is the subject of concentration, it is on the essence of the idea of God as Love that the mind should concentrate in such a way that the various manifestation of the divine Love should arise luminously, not only to the thought, but in the heart and being and vision of the Sadhaka. The thought may come first and the experience afterwards, but equally the experience may come first and the knowledge arise out of the experience. Afterwards the thing attained has to be dwelt on and more and more held till it becomes a constant experience and finally the Dharma or law of the being.
   This is the process of concentrated meditation; but a more strenuous method is the fixing of the whole mind in concentration on the essence of the idea only, so as to reach not the thought-knowledge or the psychological experience of the subject, but the very essence of the thing behind the idea. In this process thought ceases and passes into the absorbed or ecstatic contemplation of the object or by a merging into it m an inner Samadhi. If this be the process followed, then subsequently the state into which we rise must still be called down to take possession of the lower being, to shed its light, power and bliss on our ordinary consciousness. For otherwise we may possess it, as many do, in the elevated condition or in the inward Samadhi, but we shall lose our hold of it when we awake or descend into the contacts of the world; and this truncated possession is not the aim of an integral Yoga.
   A third process is neither at first to concentrate in a strenuous meditation on the one subject nor in a strenuous contemplation of the one object of thought-vision, but first to still the mind altogether. This may be done by various ways; one is to stand back from the mental action altogether not participating in but simply watching it until, tired of its unsanctioned leaping and running, it falls into an increasing and finally an absolute quiet. Another is to reject the thought-suggestions, to cast them away from the mind whenever they come and firmly hold to the peace of the being which really and always exists behind the trouble and riot of the mind. When this secret peace is unveiled, a great calm settles on the being and there comes usually with it the perception and experience of the all-pervading silent Brahman, everything else at first seeming to be mere form and eidolon. On the basis of this calm everything else may be built up in the knowledge and experience no longer of the external phenomena of things but of the deeper truth of the divine manifestation.
   Ordinarily, once this state is obtained, strenuous concentration will be found no longer necessary. A free concentration of will using thought merely for suggestion and the giving of light to the lower members will take its place. This Will will then insist on the physical being, the vital existence, the heart and the mind remoulding themselves in the forms of the Divine which reveal themselves out of the silent Brahman. By swifter or slower degrees according to the previous preparation and purification of the members, they will be obliged with more or less struggle to obey the law of the will and its thought-suggestion, so that eventually the knowledge of the Divine takes possession of our consciousness on all its planes and the image of the Divine is formed in our human existence even as it was done by the old Vedic Sadhakas. For the integral Yoga this is the most direct and powerful discipline.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Yoga of Integral Knowledge, Concentration,
   What is the exact way of feeling that we belong to the Divine and that the Divine is acting in us?

You must not feel with your head (because you may think so, but that's something vague); you must feel with your sense-feeling. Naturally one begins by wanting it with the mind, because that is the first thing that understands. And then one has an aspiration here (pointing to the heart), with a flame which pushes you to realise it. But if you want it to be truly the thing, well, you must feel it.

   You are doing something, suppose, for example, you are doing exercises, weight-lifting. Now suddenly without your knowing how it happened, suddenly you have the feeling that there is a force infinitely greater than you, greater, more powerful, a force that does the lifting for you. Your body becomes something almost non-existent and there is this Something that lifts. And then you will see; when that happens to you, you will no longer ask how it should be done, you will know. That does happen.

   It depends upon people, depends upon what dominates in their being. Those who think have suddenly the feeling that it is no longer they who think, that there is something which knows much better, sees much more clearly, which is infinitely more luminous, more conscious in them, which organises the thoughts and words; and then they write. But if the experience is complete, it is even no longer they who write, it is that same Thing that takes hold of their hand and makes it write. Well, one knows at that moment that the little physical person is just a tiny insignificant tool trying to remain as quiet as possible in order not to disturb the experience.

   Yes, at no cost must the experience be disturbed. If suddenly you say: "Oh, look, how strange it is!"...

   How can we reach that state?

Aspire for it, want it. Try to be less and less selfish, but not in the sense of becoming nice to other people or forgetting yourself, not that: have less and less the feeling that you are a person, a separate entity, something existing in itself, isolated from the rest.

   And then, above all, above all, it is that inner flame, that aspiration, that need for the light. It is a kind of - how to put it? - luminous enthusiasm that seizes you. It is an irresistible need to melt away, to give oneself, to exist only in the Divine.

   At that moment you have the experience of your aspiration.

   But that moment should be absolutely sincere and as integral as possible; and all this must occur not only in the head, not only here, but must take place everywhere, in all the cells of the body. The consciousness integrally must have this irresistible need.... The thing lasts for some time, then diminishes, gets extinguished. You cannot keep these things for very long. But then it so happens that a moment later or the next day or some time later, suddenly you have the opposite experience. Instead of feeling this ascent, and all that, this is no longer there and you have the feeling of the Descent, the Answer. And nothing but the Answer exists. Nothing but the divine thought, the divine will, the divine energy, the divine action exists any longer. And you too, you are no longer there.

   That is to say, it is the answer to our aspiration. It may happen immediately afterwards - that is very rare but may happen. If you have both simultaneously, then the state is perfect; usually they alternate; they alternate more and more closely until the moment there is a total fusion. Then there is no more distinction. I heard a Sufi mystic, who was besides a great musician, an Indian, saying that for the Sufis there was a state higher than that of adoration and surrender to the Divine, than that of devotion, that this was not the last stage; the last stage of the progress is when there is no longer any distinction; you have no longer this kind of adoration or surrender or consecration; it is a very simple state in which one makes no distinction between the Divine and oneself. They know this. It is even written in their books. It is a commonly known condition in which everything becomes quite simple. There is no longer any difference. There is no longer that kind of ecstatic surrender to "Something" which is beyond you in every way, which you do not understand, which is merely the result of your aspiration, your devotion. There is no difference any longer. When the union is perfect, there is no longer any difference.

   Is this the end of self-progress?

There is never any end to progress - never any end, you can never put a full stop there. ~ The Mother,
   In the lower planes can't one say what will happen at a particular moment?

That depends. On certain planes there are consciousnesses that form, that make formations and try to send them down to earth and manifest them. These are planes where the great forces are at play, forces struggling with each other to organise things in one way or another. On these planes all the possibilities are there, all the possibilities that present themselves but have not yet come to a decision as to which will come down.... Suppose a plane full of the imaginations of people who want certain things to be realised upon earth - they invent a novel, narrate stories, produce all kinds of phenomena; it amuses them very much. It is a plane of form-makers and they are there imagining all kinds of circumstances and events; they play with the forces; they are like the authors of a drama and they prepare everything there and see what is going to happen. All these formations are facing each other; and it is those which are the strongest, the most successful or the most persistent or those that have the advantage of a favourable set of circumstances which dominate. They meet and out of the conflict yet another thing results: you lose one thing and take up another, you make a new combination; and then all of a sudden, you find, pluff! it is coming down. Now, if it comes down with a sufficient force, it sets moving the earth atmosphere and things combine; as for instance, when with your fist you thump the saw-dust, you know surely what happens, don't you? You lift your hand, give a formidable blow: all the dust gets organised around your fist. Well, it is like that. These formations come down into matter with that force, and everything organises itself automatically, mechanically as around the striking fist. And there's your wished object about to be realised, sometimes with small deformations because of the resistance, but it will be realised finally, even as the person narrating the story up above wanted it more or less to be realised. If then you are for some reason or other in the secret of the person who has constructed the story and if you follow the way in which he creates his path to reach down to the earth and if you see how a blow with the fist acts on earthly matter, then you are able to tell what is going to happen, because you have seen it in the world above, and as it takes some time to make the whole journey, you see in advance. And the higher you rise, the more you foresee in advance what is going to happen. And if you pass far beyond, go still farther, then everything is possible.
   It is an unfolding that follows a wide road which is for you unknowable; for all will be unfolded in the universe, but in what order and in what way? There are decisions that are taken up there which escape our ordinary consciousness, and so it is very difficult to foresee. But there also, if you enter consciously and if you can be present up there... How shall I explain that to you? All is there, absolute, static, eternal: but all that will be unfolded in the material world, naturally more or less one thing after another; for in the static existence all can be there, but in the becoming all becomes in time, that is, one thing after another. Well, what path will the unfolding follow? Up there is the domain of absolute freedom.... Who says that a sufficiently sincere aspiration, a sufficiently intense prayer is not capable of changing the path of the unfolding?
   This means that all is possible.
   Now, one must have a sufficient aspiration and a prayer that's sufficiently intense. But that has been given to human nature. It is one of the marvellous gifts of grace given to human nature; only, one does not know how to make use of it. This comes to saying that in spite of the most absolute determinisms in the horizontal line, if one knows how to cross all these horizontal lines and reach the highest Point of consciousness, one is able to make things change, things apparently absolutely determined. So you may call it by any name you like, but it is a kind of combination of an absolute determinism with an absolute freedom. You may pull yourself out of it in any way you like, but it is like that.
   I forgot to say in that book (perhaps I did not forget but just felt that it was useless to say it) that all these theories are only theories, that is, mental conceptions which are merely more or less imaged representations of the reality; but it is not the reality at all. When you say "determinism" and when you say "freedom", you say only words and all that is only a very incomplete, very approximate and very weak description of what is in reality within you, around you and everywhere; and to be able to begin to understand what the universe is, you must come out of your mental formulas, otherwise you will never understand anything.
   To tell the truth, if you live only a moment, just a tiny moment, of this absolutely sincere aspiration or this sufficiently intense prayer, you will know more things than by meditating for hours.

~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1953,
279: Sri Aurobindo writes here: "...Few and brief in their visits are the Bright Ones who are willing or permitted to succour." Why?
(1 "The Way", Cent. Vol. 17, p. 40.)
One must go and ask them! But there is a conclusion, the last sentences give a very clear explanation. It is said: "Nay, then, is immortality a plaything to be given lightly to a child, or the divine life a prize without effort or the crown for a weakling?" This comes back to the question why the adverse forces have the right to interfere, to harass you. But this is precisely the test necessary for your sincerity. If the way were very easy, everybody would start on the way, and if one could reach the goal without any obstacle and without any effort, everybody would reach the goal, and when one has come to the end, the situation would be the same as when one started, there would be no change. That is, the new world would be exactly what the old has been. It is truly not worth the trouble! Evidently a process of elimination is necessary so that only what is capable of manifesting the new life remains. This is the reason and there is no other, this is the best of reasons. And, you see, it is a tempering, it is the ordeal of fire, only that which can stand it remains absolutely pure; when everything has burnt down, there remains only the little ingot of pure gold. And it is like that. What puts things out very much in all this is the religious idea of fault, sin, redemption. But there is no arbitrary decision! On the contrary, for each one it is the best and most favourable conditions which are given. We were saying the other day that it is only his friends whom God treats with severity; you thought it was a joke, but it is true. It is only to those who are full of hope, who will pass through this purifying flame, that the conditions for attaining the maximum result are given. And the human mind is made in such a way that you may test this; when something extremely unpleasant happens to you, you may tell yourself, "Well, this proves I am worth the trouble of being given this difficulty, this proves there is something in me which can resist the difficulty", and you will notice that instead of tormenting yourself, you rejoice - you will be so happy and so strong that even the most unpleasant things will seem to you quite charming! This is a very easy experiment to make. Whatever the circumstance, if your mind is accustomed to look at it as something favourable, it will no longer be unpleasant for you. This is quite well known; as long as the mind refuses to accept a thing, struggles against it, tries to obstruct it, there are torments, difficulties, storms, inner struggles and all suffering. But the minute the mind says, "Good, this is what has to come, it is thus that it must happen", whatever happens, you are content. There are people who have acquired such control of their mind over their body that they feel nothing; I told you this the other day about certain mystics: if they think the suffering inflicted upon them is going to help them cross the stages in a moment and give them a sort of stepping stone to attain the Realisation, the goal they have put before them, union with the Divine, they no longer feel the suffering at all. Their body is as it were galvanised by the mental conception. This has happened very often, it is a very common experience among those who truly have enthusiasm. And after all, if one must for some reason or other leave one's body and take a new one, is it not better to make of one's death something magnificent, joyful, enthusiastic, than to make it a disgusting defeat? Those who cling on, who try by every possible means to delay the end even by a minute or two, who give you an example of frightful anguish, show that they are not conscious of their soul.... After all, it is perhaps a means, isn't it? One can change this accident into a means; if one is conscious one can make a beautiful thing of it, a very beautiful thing, as of everything. And note, those who do not fear it, who are not anxious, who can die without any sordidness are those who never think about it, who are not haunted all the time by this "horror" facing them which they must escape and which they try to push as far away from them as they can. These, when the occasion comes, can lift their head, smile and say, "Here I am."
It is they who have the will to make the best possible use of their life, it is they who say, "I shall remain here as long as it is necessary, to the last second, and I shall not lose one moment to realise my goal"; these, when the necessity comes, put up the best show. Why? - It is very simple, because they live in their ideal, the truth of their ideal; because that is the real thing for them, the very reason of their being, and in all things they can see this ideal, this reason of existence, and never do they come down into the sordidness of material life.
So, the conclusion:
One must never wish for death.
One must never will to die.
One must never be afraid to die.
And in all circumstances one must will to exceed oneself. ~ The Mother, Question and Answers, Volume-4, page no.353-355,
280:Chapter LXXXII: Epistola Penultima: The Two Ways to Reality
Cara Soror,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

How very sensible of you, though I admit somewhat exacting!

You write-Will you tell me exactly why I should devote so much of my valuable time to subjects like Magick and Yoga.

That is all very well. But you ask me to put it in syllogistic form. I have no doubt this can be done, though the task seems somewhat complicated. I think I will leave it to you to construct your series of syllogisms yourself from the arguments of this letter.

In your main question the operative word is "valuable. Why, I ask, in my turn, should you consider your time valuable? It certainly is not valuable unless the universe has a meaning, and what is more, unless you know what that meaning is-at least roughly-it is millions to one that you will find yourself barking up the wrong tree.

First of all let us consider this question of the meaning of the universe. It is its own evidence to design, and that design intelligent design. There is no question of any moral significance-"one man's meat is another man's poison" and so on. But there can be no possible doubt about the existence of some kind of intelligence, and that kind is far superior to anything of which we know as human.

How then are we to explore, and finally to interpret this intelligence?

It seems to me that there are two ways and only two. Imagine for a moment that you are an orphan in charge of a guardian, inconceivably learned from your point of view.

Suppose therefore that you are puzzled by some problem suitable to your childish nature, your obvious and most simple way is to approach your guardian and ask him to enlighten you. It is clearly part of his function as guardian to do his best to help you. Very good, that is the first method, and close parallel with what we understand by the word Magick.

We are bothered by some difficulty about one of the elements-say Fire-it is therefore natural to evoke a Salamander to instruct you on the difficult point. But you must remember that your Holy Guardian Angel is not only far more fully instructed than yourself on every point that you can conceive, but you may go so far as to say that it is definitely his work, or part of his work; remembering always that he inhabits a sphere or plane which is entirely different from anything of which you are normally aware.

To attain to the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel is consequently without doubt by far the simplest way by which you can yourself approach that higher order of being.

That, then, is a clearly intelligible method of procedure. We call it Magick.

It is of course possible to strengthen the link between him and yourself so that in course of time you became capable of moving and, generally speaking, operating on that plane which is his natural habitat.

There is however one other way, and one only, as far as I can see, of reaching this state.

It is at least theoretically possible to exalt the whole of your own consciousness until it becomes as free to move on that exalted plane as it is for him. You should note, by the way, that in this case the postulation of another being is not necessary. There is no way of refuting the solipsism if you feel like that. Personally I cannot accede to its axiom. The evidence for an external universe appears to me perfectly adequate.

Still there is no extra charge for thinking on those lines if you so wish.

I have paid a great deal of attention in the course of my life to the method of exalting the human consciousness in this way; and it is really quite legitimate to identify my teaching with that of the Yogis.

I must however point out that in the course of my instruction I have given continual warnings as to the dangers of this line of research. For one thing there is no means of checking your results in the ordinary scientific sense. It is always perfectly easy to find a subjective explanation of any phenomenon; and when one considers that the greatest of all the dangers in any line of research arise from egocentric vanity, I do not think I have exceeded my duty in anything that I have said to deter students from undertaking so dangerous a course as Yoga.

It is, of course, much safer if you are in a position to pursue in the Indian Jungles, provided that your health will stand the climate and also, I must say, unless you have a really sound teacher on whom you can safely rely. But then, if we once introduce a teacher, why not go to the Fountain-head and press towards the Knowledge and conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel?

In any case your Indian teacher will ultimately direct you to seek guidance from that source, so it seems to me that you have gone to a great deal of extra trouble and incurred a great deal of unnecessary danger by not leaving yourself in the first place in the hands of the Holy Guardian Angel.

In any case there are the two methods which stand as alternatives. I do not know of any third one which can be of any use whatever. Logically, since you have asked me to be logical, there is certainly no third way; there is the external way of Magick, and the internal way of Yoga: there you have your alternatives, and there they cease.

Love is the law, love under will.


666 ~ Aleister Crowley, Magick Without Tears,
281:summary of the entire process of psychic awakening :::
You have asked what is the discipline to be followed in order to convert the mental seeking into a living spiritual experience. The first necessity is the practice of concentration of your consciousness within yourself. The ordinary human mind has an activity on the surface which veils the real Self. But there is another, a hidden consciousness within behind the surface one in which we can become aware of the real Self and of a larger deeper truth of nature, can realise the Self and liberate and transform the nature. To quiet the surface mind and begin to live within is the object of this concentration. Of this true consciousness other then the superficial there are two main centres, one in the heart (not the physical heart, but the cardiac centre in the middle of the chest), one in the head. The concentration in the heart opens within and by following this inward opening and going deep one becomes aware of the soul or psychic being, the divine element in the individual. This being unveiled begins to come forward, to govern the nature, to turn it an d all its movements towards the Truth, towards the Divine, and to call down into it all that is above. It brings the consciousness of the Presence, the dedication of the being to the Highest and invites the descent into our nature of a greater Force and Consciousness which is waiting above us. To concentrate in the heart centre with the offering of oneself to the Divine and the aspiration for this inward opening and for the Presence in the heart is the first way and, if it can be done, the natural beginning; for its result once obtained makes the spiritual path far more easy and safe than if one begins the other way.
   That other way is the concentration in the head, in the mental centre. This, if it brings about the silence of the surface mind, opens up an inner, larger, deeper mind within which is more capable of receiving spiritual experience and spiritual knowledge. But once concentrated here one must open the silent mental consciousness upward to all that is above mind. After a time one feels the consciousness rising upward and it the end it rises beyond the lid which has so long kept it tied in the body and finds a centre above the head where it is liberated into the Infinite. There it behind to come into contact with the universal Self, the Divine Peace, Light, Power, Knowledge, Bliss, to enter into that and become that, to feel the descent of these things into the nature. To concentrate in the head with the aspiration for quietude in the mind and the realisation of the Self and Divine above is the second way of concentration. It is important, however, to remember that the concentration of the consciousness in the head is only a preparation for its rising to the centre above; otherwise, one may get shut up in one's own mind and its experiences or at best attain only to a reflection of the Truth above instead of rising into the spiritual transcendence to live there. For some the mental consciousness is easier, for some the concentration in the heart centre; some are capable of doing both alternatively - but to begin with the heart centre, if one can do it, is the more desirable.
   The other side of the discipline is with regard to the activities of the nature, of the mind, of the life-self or vital, of the physical being. Here the principle is to accord the nature with the inner realisation so that one may not be divided into two discordant parts. There are here several disciplines or processes possible. One is to offer all the activities to the Divine and call for the inner guidance and the taking up of one's nature by a Higher Power. If there is the inward soul-opening, if the psychic being comes forward, then there is no great difficulty - there comes with it a psychic discrimination, a constant intimation, finally a governance which discloses and quietly and patiently removes all imperfections, bring the right mental and vital movements and reshapes the physical consciousness also. Another method is to stand back detached from the movements of the mind, life, physical being, to regard their activities as only a habitual formation of general Nature in the individual imposed on us by past workings, not as any part of our real being; in proportion as one succeeds in this, becomes detached, sees mind and its activities as not oneself, life and its activities as not oneself, the body and its activities as not oneself, one becomes aware of an inner Being within us - inner mental, inner vital, inner physical - silent, calm, unbound, unattached which reflects the true Self above and can be its direct representative; from this inner silent Being proceeds a rejection of all that is to be rejected, an acceptance only of what can be kept and transformed, an inmost Will to perfection or a call to the Divine Power to do at each step what is necessary for the change of the Nature. It can also open mind, life and body to the inmost psychic entity and its guiding influence or its direct guidance. In most cases these two methods emerge and work together and finally fuse into one. But one can being with either, the one that one feels most natural and easy to follow.
   Finally, in all difficulties where personal effort is hampered, the help of the Teacher can intervene and bring above what is needed for the realisation or for the immediate step that is necessary.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - II, 6, {871},

THE EDUCATION of a human being should begin at birth and continue throughout his life.

   Indeed, if we want this education to have its maximum result, it should begin even before birth; in this case it is the mother herself who proceeds with this education by means of a twofold action: first, upon herself for her own improvement, and secondly, upon the child whom she is forming physically. For it is certain that the nature of the child to be born depends very much upon the mother who forms it, upon her aspiration and will as well as upon the material surroundings in which she lives. To see that her thoughts are always beautiful and pure, her feelings always noble and fine, her material surroundings as harmonious as possible and full of a great simplicity - this is the part of education which should apply to the mother herself. And if she has in addition a conscious and definite will to form the child according to the highest ideal she can conceive, then the very best conditions will be realised so that the child can come into the world with his utmost potentialities. How many difficult efforts and useless complications would be avoided in this way!

   Education to be complete must have five principal aspects corresponding to the five principal activities of the human being: the physical, the vital, the mental, the psychic and the spiritual. Usually, these phases of education follow chronologically the growth of the individual; this, however, does not mean that one of them should replace another, but that all must continue, completing one another until the end of his life.

   We propose to study these five aspects of education one by one and also their interrelationships. But before we enter into the details of the subject, I wish to make a recommendation to parents. Most parents, for various reasons, give very little thought to the true education which should be imparted to children. When they have brought a child into the world, provided him with food, satisfied his various material needs and looked after his health more or less carefully, they think they have fully discharged their duty. Later on, they will send him to school and hand over to the teachers the responsibility for his education.

   There are other parents who know that their children must be educated and who try to do what they can. But very few, even among those who are most serious and sincere, know that the first thing to do, in order to be able to educate a child, is to educate oneself, to become conscious and master of oneself so that one never sets a bad example to one's child. For it is above all through example that education becomes effective. To speak good words and to give wise advice to a child has very little effect if one does not oneself give him an example of what one teaches. Sincerity, honesty, straightforwardness, courage, disinterestedness, unselfishness, patience, endurance, perseverance, peace, calm, self-control are all things that are taught infinitely better by example than by beautiful speeches. Parents, have a high ideal and always act in accordance with it and you will see that little by little your child will reflect this ideal in himself and spontaneously manifest the qualities you would like to see expressed in his nature. Quite naturally a child has respect and admiration for his parents; unless they are quite unworthy, they will always appear to their child as demigods whom he will try to imitate as best he can.

   With very few exceptions, parents are not aware of the disastrous influence that their own defects, impulses, weaknesses and lack of self-control have on their children. If you wish to be respected by a child, have respect for yourself and be worthy of respect at every moment. Never be authoritarian, despotic, impatient or ill-tempered. When your child asks you a question, do not give him a stupid or silly answer under the pretext that he cannot understand you. You can always make yourself understood if you take enough trouble; and in spite of the popular saying that it is not always good to tell the truth, I affirm that it is always good to tell the truth, but that the art consists in telling it in such a way as to make it accessible to the mind of the hearer. In early life, until he is twelve or fourteen, the child's mind is hardly open to abstract notions and general ideas. And yet you can train it to understand these things by using concrete images, symbols or parables. Up to quite an advanced age and for some who mentally always remain children, a narrative, a story, a tale well told teach much more than any number of theoretical explanations.

   Another pitfall to avoid: do not scold your child without good reason and only when it is quite indispensable. A child who is too often scolded gets hardened to rebuke and no longer attaches much importance to words or severity of tone. And above all, take good care never to scold him for a fault which you yourself commit. Children are very keen and clear-sighted observers; they soon find out your weaknesses and note them without pity.

   When a child has done something wrong, see that he confesses it to you spontaneously and frankly; and when he has confessed, with kindness and affection make him understand what was wrong in his movement so that he will not repeat it, but never scold him; a fault confessed must always be forgiven. You should not allow any fear to come between you and your child; fear is a pernicious means of education: it invariably gives birth to deceit and lying. Only a discerning affection that is firm yet gentle and an adequate practical knowledge will create the bonds of trust that are indispensable for you to be able to educate your child effectively. And do not forget that you have to control yourself constantly in order to be equal to your task and truly fulfil the duty which you owe your child by the mere fact of having brought him into the world.

   Bulletin, February 1951

   ~ The Mother, On Education,
283:The Two Paths Of Yoga :::
   14 April 1929 - What are the dangers of Yoga? Is it especially dangerous to the people of the West? Someone has said that Yoga may be suitable for the East, but it has the effect of unbalancing the Western mind.

   Yoga is not more dangerous to the people of the West than to those of the East. Everything depends upon the spirit with which you approach it. Yoga does become dangerous if you want it for your own sake, to serve a personal end. It is not dangerous, on the contrary, it is safety and security itself, if you go to it with a sense of its sacredness, always remembering that the aim is to find the Divine.
   Dangers and difficulties come in when people take up Yoga not for the sake of the Divine, but because they want to acquire power and under the guise of Yoga seek to satisfy some ambition. if you cannot get rid of ambition, do not touch the thing. It is fire that burns.
   There are two paths of Yoga, one of tapasya (discipline), and the other of surrender. The path of tapasya is arduous. Here you rely solely upon yourself, you proceed by your own strength. You ascend and achieve according to the measure of your force. There is always the danger of falling down. And once you fall, you lie broken in the abyss and there is hardly a remedy. The other path, the path of surrender, is safe and sure. It is here, however, that the Western people find their difficulty. They have been taught to fear and avoid all that threatens their personal independence. They have imbibed with their mothers' milk the sense of individuality. And surrender means giving up all that. In other words, you may follow, as Ramakrishna says, either the path of the baby monkey or that of the baby cat. The baby monkey holds to its mother in order to be carried about and it must hold firm, otherwise if it loses its grip, it falls. On the other hand, the baby cat does not hold to its mother, but is held by the mother and has no fear nor responsibility; it has nothing to do but to let the mother hold it and cry ma ma.
   If you take up this path of surrender fully and sincerely, there is no more danger or serious difficulty. The question is to be sincere. If you are not sincere, do not begin Yoga. If you were dealing in human affairs, then you could resort to deception; but in dealing with the Divine there is no possibility of deception anywhere. You can go on the Path safely when you are candid and open to the core and when your only end is to realise and attain the Divine and to be moved by the Divine. There is another danger; it is in connection with the sex impulses. Yoga in its process of purification will lay bare and throw up all hidden impulses and desires in you. And you must learn not to hide things nor leave them aside, you have to face them and conquer and remould them. The first effect of Yoga, however, is to take away the mental control, and the hungers that lie dormant are suddenly set free, they rush up and invade the being. So long as this mental control has not been replaced by the Divine control, there is a period of transition when your sincerity and surrender will be put to the test. The strength of such impulses as those of sex lies usually in the fact that people take too much notice of them; they protest too vehemently and endeavour to control them by coercion, hold them within and sit upon them. But the more you think of a thing and say, "I don't want it, I don't want it", the more you are bound to it. What you should do is to keep the thing away from you, to dissociate from it, take as little notice of it as possible and, even if you happen to think of it, remain indifferent and unconcerned. The impulses and desires that come up by the pressure of Yoga should be faced in a spirit of detachment and serenity, as something foreign to yourself or belonging to the outside world. They should be offered to the Divine, so that the Divine may take them up and transmute them. If you have once opened yourself to the Divine, if the power of the Divine has once come down into you and yet you try to keep to the old forces, you prepare troubles and difficulties and dangers for yourself. You must be vigilant and see that you do not use the Divine as a cloak for the satisfaction of your desires. There are many self-appointed Masters, who do nothing but that. And then when you are off the straight path and when you have a little knowledge and not much power, it happens that you are seized by beings or entities of a certain type, you become blind instruments in their hands and are devoured by them in the end. Wherever there is pretence, there is danger; you cannot deceive God. Do you come to God saying, "I want union with you" and in your heart meaning "I want powers and enjoyments"? Beware! You are heading straight towards the brink of the precipice. And yet it is so easy to avoid all catastrophe. Become like a child, give yourself up to the Mother, let her carry you, and there is no more danger for you.
   This does not mean that you have not to face other kinds of difficulties or that you have not to fight and conquer any obstacles at all. Surrender does not ensure a smooth and unruffled and continuous progression. The reason is that your being is not yet one, nor your surrender absolute and complete. Only a part of you surrenders; and today it is one part and the next day it is another. The whole purpose of the Yoga is to gather all the divergent parts together and forge them into an undivided unity. Till then you cannot hope to be without difficulties - difficulties, for example, like doubt or depression or hesitation. The whole world is full of the poison. You take it in with every breath. If you exchange a few words with an undesirable man or even if such a man merely passes by you, you may catch the contagion from him. It is sufficient for you to come near a place where there is plague in order to be infected with its poison; you need not know at all that it is there. You can lose in a few minutes what it has taken you months to gain. So long as you belong to humanity and so long as you lead the ordinary life, it does not matter much if you mix with the people of the world; but if you want the divine life, you will have to be exceedingly careful about your company and your environment.
   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1929-1931,
284:Attention on Hypnagogic Imagery The most common strategy for inducing WILDs is to fall asleep while focusing on the hypnagogic imagery that accompanies sleep onset. Initially, you are likely to see relatively simple images, flashes of light, geometric patterns, and the like.

Gradually more complicated forms appear: faces, people, and finally entire scenes. 6

The following account of what the Russian philosopher P. D. Ouspensky called "half-dream states" provides a vivid example of what hypnagogic imagery can be like:

I am falling asleep. Golden dots, sparks and tiny stars appear and disappear before my eyes. These sparks and stars gradually merge into a golden net with diagonal meshes which moves slowly and regularly in rhythm with the beating of my heart, which I feel quite distinctly. The next moment the golden net is transformed into rows of brass helmets belonging to Roman soldiers marching along the street below. I hear their measured tread and watch them from the window of a high house in Galata, in Constantinople, in a narrow lane, one end of which leads to the old wharf and the Golden Horn with its ships and steamers and the minarets of Stamboul behind them. I hear their heavy measured tread, and see the sun shining on their helmets. Then suddenly I detach myself from the window sill on which I am lying, and in the same reclining position fly slowly over the lane, over the houses, and then over the Golden Horn in the direction of Stamboul. I smell the sea, feel the wind, the warm sun. This flying gives me a wonderfully pleasant sensation, and I cannot help opening my eyes. 7

Ouspensky's half-dream states developed out of a habit of observing the contents of his mind while falling asleep or in half-sleep after awakening from a dream. He notes that they were much easier to observe in the morning after awakening than before sleep at the beginning of the night and did not occur at all "without definite efforts." 8

Dr. Nathan Rapport, an American psychiatrist, cultivated an approach to lucid dreaming very similar to Ouspensky's: "While in bed awaiting sleep, the experimenter interrupts his thoughts every few minutes with an effort to recall the mental item vanishing before each intrusion that inquisitive attention." 9 This habit is continued sleep itself, with results like the following:

Brilliant lights flashed, and a myriad of sparkles twinkled from a magnificent cut glass chandelier. Interesting as any stage extravaganza were the many quaintly detailed figurines upon a mantel against the distant, paneled wall adorned in rococo.

At the right a merry group of beauties and gallants in the most elegant attire of Victorian England idled away a pleasant occasion. This scene continued for [a] period of I was not aware, before I discovered that it was not reality, but a mental picture and that I was viewing it. Instantly it became an incommunicably beautiful vision. It was with the greatest stealth that my vaguely awakened mind began to peep: for I knew that these glorious shows end abruptly because of such intrusions.

I thought, "Have I here one of those mind pictures that are without motion?" As if in reply, one of the young ladies gracefully waltzed about the room. She returned to the group and immobility, with a smile lighting her pretty face, which was turned over her shoulder toward me. The entire color scheme was unobtrusive despite the kaleidoscopic sparkles of the chandelier, the exquisite blues and creamy pinks of the rich settings and costumes. I felt that only my interest in dreams brought my notice to the tints - delicate, yet all alive as if with inner illumination. 10

Hypnagogic Imagery Technique

1. Relax completely

While lying in bed, gently close your eyes and relax your head, neck, back, arms, and legs. Completely let go of all muscular and mental tension, and breathe slowly and restfully. Enjoy the feeling of relaxation and let go of your thoughts, worries, and concerns. If you have just awakened from sleep, you are probably sufficiently relaxed.

Otherwise, you may use either the progressive relaxation exercise (page 33) or the 61-point relaxation exercise (page 34) to relax more deeply. Let everything wind down,

slower and slower, more and more relaxed, until your mind becomes as serene as the calmest sea.

2. Observe the visual images

Gently focus your attention on the visual images that will gradually appear before your mind's eye. Watch how the images begin and end. Try to observe the images as delicately as possible, allowing them to be passively reflected in your mind as they unfold. Do not attempt to hold onto the images, but instead just watch without attachment or desire for action. While doing this, try to take the perspective of a detached observer as much as possible. At first you will see a sequence of disconnected, fleeting patterns and images. The images will gradually develop into scenes that become more and more complex, finally joining into extended sequences.

3. Enter the dream

When the imagery becomes a moving, vivid scenario, you should allow yourself to be passively drawn into the dream world. Do not try to actively enter the dream scene,

but instead continue to take a detached interest in the imagery. Let your involvement with what is happening draw you into the dream. But be careful of too much involvement and too little attention. Don't forget that you are dreaming now!


Probably the most difficult part of this technique to master is entering the dream at Step 3. The challenge is to develop a delicate vigilance, an unobtrusive observer perspective, from which you let yourself be drawn into the dream. As Paul Tholey has emphasized, "It is not desirable to want actively to enter into the scenery,

since such an intention as a rule causes the scenery to disappear." 11 A passive volition similar to that described in the section on autosuggestion in the previous chapter is required: in Tholey's words, "Instead of actively wanting to enter into the scenery, the subject should attempt to let himself be carried into it passively." 12 A Tibetan teacher advises a similar frame of mind: "While delicately observing the mind, lead it gently into the dream state, as though you were leading a child by the hand." 13

Another risk is that, once you have entered into the dream, the world can seem so realistic that it is easy to lose lucidity, as happened in the beginning of Rapport's WILD described above. As insurance in case this happens, Tholey recommends that you resolve to carry out a particular action in the dream, so that if you momentarily lose lucidity, you may remember your intention to carry out the action and thereby regain lucidity.
~ Stephen LaBerge, Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming,
   Mother, when one imagines something, does it not exist?

When you imagine something, it means that you make a mental formation which may be close to the truth or far from the truth - it also depends upon the quality of your formation. You make a mental formation and there are people who have such a power of formation that they succeed in making what they imagine real. There are not many of these but there are some. They imagine something and their formation is so well made and so powerful that it succeeds in being realised. These are creators; there are not many of them but there are some.

   If one thinks of someone who doesn't exist or who is dead?

Ah! What do you mean? What have you just said? Someone who doesn't exist or someone who is dead? These are two absolutely different things.

   I mean someone who is dead.

Someone who is dead!

   If this person has remained in the mental domain, you can find him immediately. Naturally if he is no longer in the mental domain, if he is in the psychic domain, to think of him is not enough. You must know how to go into the psychic domain to find him. But if he has remained in the mental domain and you think of him, you can find him immediately, and not only that, but you can have a mental contact with him and a kind of mental vision of his existence.

   The mind has a capacity of vision of its own and it is not the same vision as with these eyes, but it is a vision, it is a perception in forms. But this is not imagination. It has nothing to do with imagination.

   Imagination, for instance, is when you begin to picture to yourself an ideal being to whom you apply all your conceptions, and when you tell yourself, "Why, it should be like this, like that, its form should be like this, its thought like that, its character like that," when you see all the details and build up the being. Now, writers do this all the time because when they write a novel, they imagine. There are those who take things from life but there are those who are imaginative, creators; they create a character, a personage and then put him in their book later. This is to imagine. To imagine, for example, a whole concurrence of circumstances, a set of events, this is what I call telling a story to oneself. But it can be put down on paper, and then one becomes a novelist. There are very different kinds of writers. Some imagine everything, some gather all sorts of observations from life and construct their book with them. There are a hundred ways of writing a book. But indeed some writers imagine everything from beginning to end. It all comes out of their head and they construct even their whole story without any support in things physically observed. This truly is imagination. But as I say, if they are very powerful and have a considerable capacity for creation, it is possible that one day or other there will be a physical human being who realises their creation. This too is true.

   What do you suppose imagination is, eh? Have you never imagined anything, you?

   And what happens?

   All that one imagines.

You mean that you imagine something and it happens like that, eh? Or it is in a dream...

   What is the function, the use of the imagination?

If one knows how to use it, as I said, one can create for oneself his own inner and outer life; one can build his own existence with his imagination, if one knows how to use it and has a power. In fact it is an elementary way of creating, of forming things in the world. I have always felt that if one didn't have the capacity of imagination he would not make any progress. Your imagination always goes ahead of your life. When you think of yourself, usually you imagine what you want to be, don't you, and this goes ahead, then you follow, then it continues to go ahead and you follow. Imagination opens for you the path of realisation. People who are not imaginative - it is very difficult to make them move; they see just what is there before their nose, they feel just what they are moment by moment and they cannot go forward because they are clamped by the immediate thing. It depends a good deal on what one calls imagination. However...

   Men of science must be having imagination!

A lot. Otherwise they would never discover anything. In fact, what is called imagination is a capacity to project oneself outside realised things and towards things realisable, and then to draw them by the projection. One can obviously have progressive and regressive imaginations. There are people who always imagine all the catastrophes possible, and unfortunately they also have the power of making them come. It's like the antennae going into a world that's not yet realised, catching something there and drawing it here. Then naturally it is an addition to the earth atmosphere and these things tend towards manifestation. It is an instrument which can be disciplined, can be used at will; one can discipline it, direct it, orientate it. It is one of the faculties one can develop in himself and render serviceable, that is, use it for definite purposes.

   Sweet Mother, can one imagine the Divine and have the contact?

Certainly if you succeed in imagining the Divine you have the contact, and you can have the contact with what you imagine, in any case. In fact it is absolutely impossible to imagine something which doesn't exist somewhere. You cannot imagine anything at all which doesn't exist somewhere. It is possible that it doesn't exist on the earth, it is possible that it's elsewhere, but it is impossible for you to imagine something which is not already contained in principle in the universe; otherwise it could not occur.

   Then, Sweet Mother, this means that in the created universe nothing new is added?

In the created universe? Yes. The universe is progressive; we said that constantly things manifest, more and more. But for your imagination to be able to go and seek beyond the manifestation something which will be manifested, well, it may happen, in fact it does - I was going to tell you that it is in this way that some beings can cause considerable progress to be made in the world, because they have the capacity of imagining something that's not yet manifested. But there are not many. One must first be capable of going beyond the manifested universe to be able to imagine something which is not there. There are already many things which can be imagined.

   What is our terrestrial world in the universe? A very small thing. Simply to have the capacity of imagining something which does not exist in the terrestrial manifestation is already very difficult, very difficult. For how many billions of years hasn't it existed, this little earth? And there have been no two identical things. That's much. It is very difficult to go out from the earth atmosphere with one's mind; one can, but it is very difficult. And then if one wants to go out, not only from the earth atmosphere but from the universal life!

   To be able simply to enter into contact with the life of the earth in its totality from the formation of the earth until now, what can this mean? And then to go beyond this and enter into contact with universal life from its beginnings up to now... and then again to be able to bring something new into the universe, one must go still farther beyond.

   Not easy!
   That's all?
   (To the child) Convinced?
   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1955, [T1],
286:This, in short, is the demand made on us, that we should turn our whole life into a conscious sacrifice. Every moment and every movement of our being is to be resolved into a continuous and a devoted self-giving to the Eternal. All our actions, not less the smallest and most ordinary and trifling than the greatest and most uncommon and noble, must be performed as consecrated acts. Our individualised nature must live in the single consciousness of an inner and outer movement dedicated to Something that is beyond us and greater than our ego. No matter what the gift or to whom it is presented by us, there must be a consciousness in the act that we are presenting it to the one divine Being in all beings. Our commonest or most grossly material actions must assume this sublimated character; when we eat, we should be conscious that we are giving our food to that Presence in us; it must be a sacred offering in a temple and the sense of a mere physical need or self-gratification must pass away from us. In any great labour, in any high discipline, in any difficult or noble enterprise, whether undertaken for ourselves, for others or for the race, it will no longer be possible to stop short at the idea of the race, of ourselves or of others. The thing we are doing must be consciously offered as a sacrifice of works, not to these, but either through them or directly to the One Godhead; the Divine Inhabitant who was hidden by these figures must be no longer hidden but ever present to our soul, our mind, our sense. The workings and results of our acts must be put in the hands of that One in the feeling that that Presence is the Infinite and Most High by whom alone our labour and our aspiration are possible. For in his being all takes place; for him all labour and aspiration are taken from us by Nature and offered on his altar. Even in those things in which Nature is herself very plainly the worker and we only the witnesses of her working and its containers and supporters, there should be the same constant memory and insistent consciousness of a work and of its divine Master. Our very inspiration and respiration, our very heart-beats can and must be made conscious in us as the living rhythm of the universal sacrifice.
   It is clear that a conception of this kind and its effective practice must carry in them three results that are of a central importance for our spiritual ideal. It is evident, to begin with, that, even if such a discipline is begun without devotion, it leads straight and inevitably towards the highest devotion possible; for it must deepen naturally into the completest adoration imaginable, the most profound God-love. There is bound up with it a growing sense of the Divine in all things, a deepening communion with the Divine in all our thought, will and action and at every moment of our lives, a more and more moved consecration to the Divine of the totality of our being. Now these implications of the Yoga of works are also of the very essence of an integral and absolute Bhakti. The seeker who puts them into living practice makes in himself continually a constant, active and effective representation of the very spirit of self-devotion, and it is inevitable that out of it there should emerge the most engrossing worship of the Highest to whom is given this service. An absorbing love for the Divine Presence to whom he feels an always more intimate closeness, grows upon the consecrated worker. And with it is born or in it is contained a universal love too for all these beings, living forms and creatures that are habitations of the Divine - not the brief restless grasping emotions of division, but the settled selfless love that is the deeper vibration of oneness. In all the seeker begins to meet the one Object of his adoration and service. The way of works turns by this road of sacrifice to meet the path of Devotion; it can be itself a devotion as complete, as absorbing, as integral as any the desire of the heart can ask for or the passion of the mind can imagine.
   Next, the practice of this Yoga demands a constant inward remembrance of the one central liberating knowledge, and a constant active externalising of it in works comes in too to intensify the remembrance. In all is the one Self, the one Divine is all; all are in the Divine, all are the Divine and there is nothing else in the universe, - this thought or this faith is the whole background until it becomes the whole substance of the consciousness of the worker. A memory, a self-dynamising meditation of this kind, must and does in its end turn into a profound and uninterrupted vision and a vivid and all-embracing consciousness of that which we so powerfully remember or on which we so constantly meditate. For it compels a constant reference at each moment to the Origin of all being and will and action and there is at once an embracing and exceeding of all particular forms and appearances in That which is their cause and upholder. This way cannot go to its end without a seeing vivid and vital, as concrete in its way as physical sight, of the works of the universal Spirit everywhere. On its summits it rises into a constant living and thinking and willing and acting in the presence of the Supramental, the Transcendent. Whatever we see and hear, whatever we touch and sense, all of which we are conscious, has to be known and felt by us as That which we worship and serve; all has to be turned into an image of the Divinity, perceived as a dwelling-place of his Godhead, enveloped with the eternal Omnipresence. In its close, if not long before it, this way of works turns by communion with the Divine Presence, Will and Force into a way of Knowledge more complete and integral than any the mere creature intelligence can construct or the search of the intellect can discover.
   Lastly, the practice of this Yoga of sacrifice compels us to renounce all the inner supports of egoism, casting them out of our mind and will and actions, and to eliminate its seed, its presence, its influence out of our nature. All must be done for the Divine; all must be directed towards the Divine. Nothing must be attempted for ourselves as a separate existence; nothing done for others, whether neighbours, friends, family, country or mankind or other creatures merely because they are connected with our personal life and thought and sentiment or because the ego takes a preferential interest in their welfare. In this way of doing and seeing all works and all life become only a daily dynamic worship and service of the Divine in the unbounded temple of his own vast cosmic existence. Life becomes more and more the sacrifice of the eternal in the individual constantly self-offered to the eternal Transcendence. It is offered in the wide sacrificial ground of the field of the eternal cosmic Spirit; and the Force too that offers it is the eternal Force, the omnipresent Mother. Therefore is this way a way of union and communion by acts and by the spirit and knowledge in the act as complete and integral as any our Godward will can hope for or our soul's strength execute.
   It has all the power of a way of works integral and absolute, but because of its law of sacrifice and self-giving to the Divine Self and Master, it is accompanied on its one side by the whole power of the path of Love and on the other by the whole power of the path of Knowledge. At its end all these three divine Powers work together, fused, united, completed, perfected by each other.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga, The Yoga of Divine Works, The Sacrifice, the Triune Path and the Lord of the Sacrifice [111-114],
287:The Supermind [Supramental consciousness] is in its very essence a truth-consciousness, a consciousness always free from the Ignorance which is the foundation of our present natural or evolutionary existence and from which nature in us is trying to arrive at self-knowledge and world-knowledge and a right consciousness and the right use of our existence in the universe. The Supermind, because it is a truth-consciousness, has this knowledge inherent in it and this power of true existence; its course is straight and can go direct to its aim, its field is wide and can even be made illimitable. This is because its very nature is knowledge: it has not to acquire knowledge but possesses it in its own right; its steps are not from nescience or ignorance into some imperfect light, but from truth to greater truth, from right perception to deeper perception, from intuition to intuition, from illumination to utter and boundless luminousness, from growing widenesses to the utter vasts and to very infinitude. On its summits it possesses the divine omniscience and omnipotence, but even in an evolutionary movement of its own graded self-manifestation by which it would eventually reveal its own highest heights, it must be in its very nature essentially free from ignorance and error: it starts from truth and light and moves always in truth and light. As its knowledge is always true, so too its will is always true; it does not fumble in its handling of things or stumble in its paces. In the Supermind feeling and emotion do not depart from their truth, make no slips or mistakes, do not swerve from the right and the real, cannot misuse beauty and delight or twist away from a divine rectitude. In the Supermind sense cannot mislead or deviate into the grossnesses which are here its natural imperfections and the cause of reproach, distrust and misuse by our ignorance. Even an incomplete statement made by the Supermind is a truth leading to a further truth, its incomplete action a step towards completeness. All the life and action and leading of the Supermind is guarded in its very nature from the falsehoods and uncertainties that are our lot; it moves in safety towards its perfection. Once the truth-consciousness was established here on its own sure foundation, the evolution of divine life would be a progress in felicity, a march through light to Ananda. Supermind is an eternal reality of the divine Being and the divine Nature. In its own plane it already and always exists and possesses its own essential law of being; it has not to be created or to emerge or evolve into existence out of involution in Matter or out of non-existence, as it might seem to the view of mind which itself seems to its own view to have so emerged from life and Matter or to have evolved out of an involution in life and Matter. The nature of Supermind is always the same, a being of knowledge, proceeding from truth to truth, creating or rather manifesting what has to be manifested by the power of a pre-existent knowledge, not by hazard but by a self-existent destiny in the being itself, a necessity of the thing in itself and therefore inevitable. Its -manifestation of the divine life will also be inevitable; its own life on its own plane is divine and, if Supermind descends upon the earth, it will bring necessarily the divine life with it and establish it here. Supermind is the grade of existence beyond mind, life and Matter and, as mind, life and Matter have manifested on the earth, so too must Supermind in the inevitable course of things manifest in this world of Matter. In fact, a supermind is already here but it is involved, concealed behind this manifest mind, life and Matter and not yet acting overtly or in its own power: if it acts, it is through these inferior powers and modified by their characters and so not yet recognisable. It is only by the approach and arrival of the descending Supermind that it can be liberated upon earth and reveal itself in the action of our material, vital and mental parts so that these lower powers can become portions of a total divinised activity of our whole being: it is that that will bring to us a completely realised divinity or the divine life. It is indeed so that life and mind involved in Matter have realised themselves here; for only what is involved can evolve, otherwise there could be no emergence. The manifestation of a supramental truth-consciousness is therefore the capital reality that will make the divine life possible. It is when all the movements of thought, impulse and action are governed and directed by a self-existent and luminously automatic truth-consciousness and our whole nature comes to be constituted by it and made of its stuff that the life divine will be complete and absolute. Even as it is, in reality though not in the appearance of things, it is a secret self-existent knowledge and truth that is working to manifest itself in the creation here. The Divine is already there immanent within us, ourselves are that in our inmost reality and it is this reality that we have to manifest; it is that which constitutes the urge towards the divine living and makes necessary the creation of the life divine even in this material existence. A manifestation of the Supermind and its truth-consciousness is then inevitable; it must happen in this world sooner or lateR But it has two aspects, a descent from above, an ascent from below, a self-revelation of the Spirit, an evolution in Nature. The ascent is necessarily an effort, a working of Nature, an urge or nisus on her side to raise her lower parts by an evolutionary or revolutionary change, conversion or transformation into the divine reality and it may happen by a process and progress or by a rapid miracle. The descent or self-revelation of the Spirit is an act of the supreme Reality from above which makes the realisation possible and it can appear either as the divine aid which brings about the fulfilment of the progress and process or as the sanction of the miracle. Evolution, as we see it in this world, is a slow and difficult process and, indeed, needs usually ages to reach abiding results; but this is because it is in its nature an emergence from inconscient beginnings, a start from nescience and a working in the ignorance of natural beings by what seems to be an unconscious force. There can be, on the contrary, an evolution in the light and no longer in the darkness, in which the evolving being is a conscious participant and cooperator, and this is precisely what must take place here. Even in the effort and progress from the Ignorance to Knowledge this must be in part if not wholly the endeavour to be made on the heights of the nature, and it must be wholly that in the final movement towards the spiritual change, realisation, transformation. It must be still more so when there is a transition across the dividing line between the Ignorance and the Knowledge and the evolution is from knowledge to greater knowledge, from consciousness to greater consciousness, from being to greater being. There is then no longer any necessity for the slow pace of the ordinary evolution; there can be rapid conversion, quick transformation after transformation, what would seem to our normal present mind a succession of miracles. An evolution on the supramental levels could well be of that nature; it could be equally, if the being so chose, a more leisurely passage of one supramental state or condition of things to something beyond but still supramental, from level to divine level, a building up of divine gradations, a free growth to the supreme Supermind or beyond it to yet undreamed levels of being, consciousness and Ananda.
   ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays In Philosophy And Yoga, 558,
288:How to Meditate
Deep meditation is a mental procedure that utilizes the nature of the mind to systematically bring the mind to rest. If the mind is given the opportunity, it will go to rest with no effort. That is how the mind works.
Indeed, effort is opposed to the natural process of deep meditation. The mind always seeks the path of least resistance to express itself. Most of the time this is by making more and more thoughts. But it is also possible to create a situation in the mind that turns the path of least resistance into one leading to fewer and fewer thoughts. And, very soon, no thoughts at all. This is done by using a particular thought in a particular way. The thought is called a mantra.
For our practice of deep meditation, we will use the thought - I AM. This will be our mantra.
It is for the sound that we will use I AM, not for the meaning of it.
The meaning has an obvious significance in English, and I AM has a religious meaning in the English Bible as well. But we will not use I AM for the meaning - only for the sound. We can also spell it AYAM. No meaning there, is there? Only the sound. That is what we want. If your first language is not English, you may spell the sound phonetically in your own language if you wish. No matter how we spell it, it will be the same sound. The power of the sound ...I AM... is great when thought inside. But only if we use a particular procedure. Knowing this procedure is the key to successful meditation. It is very simple. So simple that we will devote many pages here to discussing how to keep it simple, because we all have a tendency to make things more complicated. Maintaining simplicity is the key to right meditation.
Here is the procedure of deep meditation: While sitting comfortably with eyes closed, we'll just relax. We will notice thoughts, streams of thoughts. That is fine. We just let them go by without minding them. After about a minute, we gently introduce the mantra, ...I AM...
We think the mantra in a repetition very easily inside. The speed of repetition may vary, and we do not mind it. We do not intone the mantra out loud. We do not deliberately locate the mantra in any particular part of the body. Whenever we realize we are not thinking the mantra inside anymore, we come back to it easily. This may happen many times in a sitting, or only once or twice. It doesn't matter. We follow this procedure of easily coming back to the mantra when we realize we are off it for the predetermined time of our meditation session. That's it.
Very simple.
Typically, the way we will find ourselves off the mantra will be in a stream of other thoughts. This is normal. The mind is a thought machine, remember? Making thoughts is what it does. But, if we are meditating, as soon as we realize we are off into a stream of thoughts, no matter how mundane or profound, we just easily go back to the mantra.
Like that. We don't make a struggle of it. The idea is not that we have to be on the mantra all the time. That is not the objective. The objective is to easily go back to it when we realize we are off it. We just favor the mantra with our attention when we notice we are not thinking it. If we are back into a stream of other thoughts five seconds later, we don't try and force the thoughts out. Thoughts are a normal part of the deep meditation process. We just ease back to the mantra again. We favor it.
Deep meditation is a going toward, not a pushing away from. We do that every single time with the mantra when we realize we are off it - just easily favoring it. It is a gentle persuasion. No struggle. No fuss. No iron willpower or mental heroics are necessary for this practice. All such efforts are away from the simplicity of deep meditation and will reduce its effectiveness.
As we do this simple process of deep meditation, we will at some point notice a change in the character of our inner experience. The mantra may become very refined and fuzzy. This is normal. It is perfectly all right to think the mantra in a very refined and fuzzy way if this is the easiest. It should always be easy - never a struggle. Other times, we may lose track of where we are for a while, having no mantra, or stream of thoughts either. This is fine too. When we realize we have been off somewhere, we just ease back to the mantra again. If we have been very settled with the mantra being barely recognizable, we can go back to that fuzzy level of it, if it is the easiest. As the mantra refines, we are riding it inward with our attention to progressively deeper levels of inner silence in the mind. So it is normal for the mantra to become very faint and fuzzy. We cannot force this to happen. It will happen naturally as our nervous system goes through its many cycles ofinner purification stimulated by deep meditation. When the mantra refines, we just go with it. And when the mantra does not refine, we just be with it at whatever level is easy. No struggle. There is no objective to attain, except to continue the simple procedure we are describing here.

When and Where to Meditate
How long and how often do we meditate? For most people, twenty minutes is the best duration for a meditation session. It is done twice per day, once before the morning meal and day's activity, and then again before the evening meal and evening's activity.
Try to avoid meditating right after eating or right before bed.
Before meal and activity is the ideal time. It will be most effective and refreshing then. Deep meditation is a preparation for activity, and our results over time will be best if we are active between our meditation sessions. Also, meditation is not a substitute for sleep. The ideal situation is a good balance between meditation, daily activity and normal sleep at night. If we do this, our inner experience will grow naturally over time, and our outer life will become enriched by our growing inner silence.
A word on how to sit in meditation: The first priority is comfort. It is not desirable to sit in a way that distracts us from the easy procedure of meditation. So sitting in a comfortable chair with back support is a good way to meditate. Later on, or if we are already familiar, there can be an advantage to sitting with legs crossed, also with back support. But always with comfort and least distraction being the priority. If, for whatever reason, crossed legs are not feasible for us, we will do just fine meditating in our comfortable chair. There will be no loss of the benefits.
Due to commitments we may have, the ideal routine of meditation sessions will not always be possible. That is okay. Do the best you can and do not stress over it. Due to circumstances beyond our control, sometimes the only time we will have to meditate will be right after a meal, or even later in the evening near bedtime. If meditating at these times causes a little disruption in our system, we will know it soon enough and make the necessary adjustments. The main thing is that we do our best to do two meditations every day, even if it is only a short session between our commitments. Later on, we will look at the options we have to make adjustments to address varying outer circumstances, as well as inner experiences that can come up.
Before we go on, you should try a meditation. Find a comfortable place to sit where you are not likely to be interrupted and do a short meditation, say ten minutes, and see how it goes. It is a toe in the water.
Make sure to take a couple of minutes at the end sitting easily without doing the procedure of meditation. Then open your eyes slowly. Then read on here.
As you will see, the simple procedure of deep meditation and it's resulting experiences will raise some questions. We will cover many of them here.
So, now we will move into the practical aspects of deep meditation - your own experiences and initial symptoms of the growth of your own inner silence. ~ Yogani, Deep Meditation,
289:Intuition And The Value Of Concentration :::
   Mother, how can the faculty of intuition be developed?

   ... There are different kinds of intuition, and we carry these capacities within us. They are always active to some extent but we don't notice them because we don't pay enough attention to what is going on in us. Behind the emotions, deep within the being, in a consciousness seated somewhere near the level of the solar plexus, there is a sort of prescience, a kind of capacity for foresight, but not in the form of ideas: rather in the form of feelings, almost a perception of sensations. For instance, when one is going to decide to do something, there is sometimes a kind of uneasiness or inner refusal, and usually, if one listens to this deeper indication, one realises that it was justified. In other cases there is something that urges, indicates, insists - I am not speaking of impulses, you understand, of all the movements which come from the vital and much lower still - indications which are behind the feelings, which come from the affective part of the being; there too one can receive a fairly sure indication of the thing to be done. These are forms of intuition or of a higher instinct which can be cultivated by observation and also by studying the results. Naturally, it must be done very sincerely, objectively, without prejudice. If one wants to see things in a particular way and at the same time practise this observation, it is all useless. One must do it as if one were looking at what is happening from outside oneself, in someone else. It is one form of intuition and perhaps the first one that usually manifests. There is also another form but that one is much more difficult to observe because for those who are accustomed to think, to act by reason - not by impulse but by reason - to reflect before doing anything, there is an extremely swift process from cause to effect in the half-conscious thought which prevents you from seeing the line, the whole line of reasoning and so you don't think that it is a chain of reasoning, and that is quite deceptive. You have the impression of an intuition but it is not an intuition, it is an extremely rapid subconscious reasoning, which takes up a problem and goes straight to the conclusions. This must not be mistaken for intuition. In the ordinary functioning of the brain, intuition is something which suddenly falls like a drop of light. If one has the faculty, the beginning of a faculty of mental vision, it gives the impression of something coming from outside or above, like a little impact of a drop of light in the brain, absolutely independent of all reasoning. This is perceived more easily when one is able to silence one's mind, hold it still and attentive, arresting its usual functioning, as if the mind were changed into a kind of mirror turned towards a higher faculty in a sustained and silent attention. That too one can learn to do. One must learn to do it, it is a necessary discipline.
   When you have a question to solve, whatever it may be, usually you concentrate your attention here (pointing between the eyebrows), at the centre just above the eyes, the centre of the conscious will. But then if you do that, you cannot be in contact with intuition. You can be in contact with the source of the will, of effort, even of a certain kind of knowledge, but in the outer, almost material field; whereas, if you want to contact the intuition, you must keep this (Mother indicates the forehead) completely immobile. Active thought must be stopped as far as possible and the entire mental faculty must form - at the top of the head and a little further above if possible - a kind of mirror, very quiet, very still, turned upwards, in silent, very concentrated attention. If you succeed, you can - perhaps not immediately - but you can have the perception of the drops of light falling upon the mirror from a still unknown region and expressing themselves as a conscious thought which has no connection with all the rest of your thought since you have been able to keep it silent. That is the real beginning of the intellectual intuition.
   It is a discipline to be followed. For a long time one may try and not succeed, but as soon as one succeeds in making a mirror, still and attentive, one always obtains a result, not necessarily with a precise form of thought but always with the sensations of a light coming from above. And then, if one can receive this light coming from above without entering immediately into a whirl of activity, receive it in calm and silence and let it penetrate deep into the being, then after a while it expresses itself either as a luminous thought or as a very precise indication here (Mother indicates the heart), in this other centre.
   Naturally, first these two faculties must be developed; then, as soon as there is any result, one must observe the result, as I said, and see the connection with what is happening, the consequences: see, observe very attentively what has come in, what may have caused a distortion, what one has added by way of more or less conscious reasoning or the intervention of a lower will, also more or less conscious; and it is by a very deep study - indeed, almost of every moment, in any case daily and very frequent - that one succeeds in developing one's intuition. It takes a long time. It takes a long time and there are ambushes: one can deceive oneself, take for intuitions subconscious wills which try to manifest, indications given by impulses one has refused to receive openly, indeed all sorts of difficulties. One must be prepared for that. But if one persists, one is sure to succeed.
   And there comes a time when one feels a kind of inner guidance, something which is leading one very perceptibly in all that one does. But then, for the guidance to have its maximum power, one must naturally add to it a conscious surrender: one must be sincerely determined to follow the indication given by the higher force. If one does that, then... one saves years of study, one can seize the result extremely rapidly. If one also does that, the result comes very rapidly. But for that, it must be done with sincerity and... a kind of inner spontaneity. If one wants to try without this surrender, one may succeed - as one can also succeed in developing one's personal will and making it into a very considerable power - but that takes a very long time and one meets many obstacles and the result is very precarious; one must be very persistent, obstinate, persevering, and one is sure to succeed, but only after a great labour.
   Make your surrender with a sincere, complete self-giving, and you will go ahead at full speed, you will go much faster - but you must not do this calculatingly, for that spoils everything! (Silence) Moreover, whatever you may want to do in life, one thing is absolutely indispensable and at the basis of everything, the capacity of concentrating the attention. If you are able to gather together the rays of attention and consciousness on one point and can maintain this concentration with a persistent will, nothing can resist it - whatever it may be, from the most material physical development to the highest spiritual one. But this discipline must be followed in a constant and, it may be said, imperturbable way; not that you should always be concentrated on the same thing - that's not what I mean, I mean learning to concentrate.
   And materially, for studies, sports, all physical or mental development, it is absolutely indispensable. And the value of an individual is proportionate to the value of his attention.
   And from the spiritual point of view it is still more important.
   There is no spiritual obstacle which can resist a penetrating power of concentration. For instance, the discovery of the psychic being, union with the inner Divine, opening to the higher spheres, all can be obtained by an intense and obstinate power of concentration - but one must learn how to do it. There is nothing in the human or even in the superhuman field, to which the power of concentration is not the key. You can be the best athlete, you can be the best student, you can be an artistic, literary or scientific genius, you can be the greatest saint with that faculty. And everyone has in himself a tiny little beginning of it - it is given to everybody, but people do not cultivate it.
   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1957-1958,
   Can a Yogi attain to a state of consciousness in which he can know all things, answer all questions, relating even to abstruse scientific problems, such as, for example, the theory of relativity?

Theoretically and in principle it is not impossible for a Yogi to know everything; all depends upon the Yogi.

   But there is knowledge and knowledge. The Yogi does not know in the way of the mind. He does not know everything in the sense that he has access to all possible information or because he contains all the facts of the universe in his mind or because his consciousness is a sort of miraculous encyclopaedia. He knows by his capacity for a containing or dynamic identity with things and persons and forces. Or he knows because he lives in a plane of consciousness or is in contact with a consciousness in which there is the truth and the knowledge.

   If you are in the true consciousness, the knowledge you have will also be of the truth. Then, too, you can know directly, by being one with what you know. If a problem is put before you, if you are asked what is to be done in a particular matter, you can then, by looking with enough attention and concentration, receive spontaneously the required knowledge and the true answer. It is not by any careful application of theory that you reach the knowledge or by working it out through a mental process. The scientific mind needs these methods to come to its conclusions. But the Yogi's knowledge is direct and immediate; it is not deductive. If an engineer has to find out the exact position for the building of an arch, the line of its curve and the size of its opening, he does it by calculation, collating and deducing from his information and data. But a Yogi needs none of these things; he looks, has the vision of the thing, sees that it is to be done in this way and not in another, and this seeing is his knowledge.

   Although it may be true in a general way and in a certain sense that a Yogi can know all things and can answer all questions from his own field of vision and consciousness, yet it does not follow that there are no questions whatever of any kind to which he would not or could not answer. A Yogi who has the direct knowledge, the knowledge of the true truth of things, would not care or perhaps would find it difficult to answer questions that belong entirely to the domain of human mental constructions. It may be, he could not or would not wish to solve problems and difficulties you might put to him which touch only the illusion of things and their appearances. The working of his knowledge is not in the mind. If you put him some silly mental query of that character, he probably would not answer. The very common conception that you can put any ignorant question to him as to some super-schoolmaster or demand from him any kind of information past, present or future and that he is bound to answer, is a foolish idea. It is as inept as the expectation from the spiritual man of feats and miracles that would satisfy the vulgar external mind and leave it gaping with wonder.

   Moreover, the term "Yogi" is very vague and wide. There are many types of Yogis, many lines or ranges of spiritual or occult endeavour and different heights of achievement, there are some whose powers do not extend beyond the mental level; there are others who have gone beyond it. Everything depends on the field or nature of their effort, the height to which they have arrived, the consciousness with which they have contact or into which they enter.

   Do not scientists go sometimes beyond the mental plane? It is said that Einstein found his theory of relativity not through any process of reasoning, but through some kind of sudden inspiration. Has that inspiration anything to do with the Supermind?

The scientist who gets an inspiration revealing to him a new truth, receives it from the intuitive mind. The knowledge comes as a direct perception in the higher mental plane illumined by some other light still farther above. But all that has nothing to do with the action of Supermind and this higher mental level is far removed from the supramental plane. Men are too easily inclined to believe that they have climbed into regions quite divine when they have only gone above the average level. There are many stages between the ordinary human mind and the Supermind, many grades and many intervening planes. If an ordinary man were to get into direct contact even with one of these intermediate planes, he would be dazzled and blinded, would be crushed under the weight of the sense of immensity or would lose his balance; and yet it is not the Supermind.

   Behind the common idea that a Yogi can know all things and answer all questions is the actual fact that there is a plane in the mind where the memory of everything is stored and remains always in existence. All mental movements that belong to the life of the earth are memorised and registered in this plane. Those who are capable of going there and care to take the trouble, can read in it and learn anything they choose. But this region must not be mistaken for the supramental levels. And yet to reach even there you must be able to silence the movements of the material or physical mind; you must be able to leave aside all your sensations and put a stop to your ordinary mental movements, whatever they are; you must get out of the vital; you must become free from the slavery of the body. Then only you can enter into that region and see. But if you are sufficiently interested to make this effort, you can arrive there and read what is written in the earth's memory.

   Thus, if you go deep into silence, you can reach a level of consciousness on which it is not impossible for you to receive answers to all your questions. And if there is one who is consciously open to the plenary truth of the supermind, in constant contact with it, he can certainly answer any question that is worth an answer from the supramental Light. The queries put must come from some sense of the truth and reality behind things. There are many questions and much debated problems that are cobwebs woven of mere mental abstractions or move on the illusory surface of things. These do not pertain to real knowledge; they are a deformation of knowledge, their very substance is of the ignorance. Certainly the supramental knowledge may give an answer, its own answer, to the problems set by the mind's ignorance; but it is likely that it would not be at all satisfactory or perhaps even intelligible to those who ask from the mental level. You must not expect the supramental to work in the way of the mind or demand that the knowledge in truth should be capable of being pieced together with the half-knowledge in ignorance. The scheme of the mind is one thing, but Supermind is quite another and it would no longer be supramental if it adapted itself to the exigencies of the mental scheme. The two are incommensurable and cannot be put together.

   When the consciousness has attained to supramental joys, does it no longer take interest in the things of the mind?

The supramental does not take interest in mental things in the same way as the mind. It takes its own interest in all the movements of the universe, but it is from a different point of view and with a different vision. The world presents to it an entirely different appearance; there is a reversal of outlook and everything is seen from there as other than what it seems to the mind and often even the opposite. Things have another meaning; their aspect, their motion and process, everything about them, are watched with other eyes. Everything here is followed by the supermind; the mind movements and not less the vital, the material movements, all the play of the universe have for it a very deep interest, but of another kind. It is about the same difference as that between the interest taken in a puppet-play by one who holds the strings and knows what the puppets are to do and the will that moves them and that they can do only what it moves them to do, and the interest taken by another who observes the play but sees only what is happening from moment to moment and knows nothing else. The one who follows the play and is outside its secret has a stronger, an eager and passionate interest in what will happen and he gives an excited attention to its unforeseen or dramatic events; the other, who holds the strings and moves the show, is unmoved and tranquil. There is a certain intensity of interest which comes from ignorance and is bound up with illusion, and that must disappear when you are out of the ignorance. The interest that human beings take in things founds itself on the illusion; if that were removed, they would have no interest at all in the play; they would find it dry and dull. That is why all this ignorance, all this illusion has lasted so long; it is because men like it, because they cling to it and its peculiar kind of appeal that it endures.

   ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1929-1931, 93?
291:The Science of Living

To know oneself and to control oneself

AN AIMLESS life is always a miserable life.

Every one of you should have an aim. But do not forget that on the quality of your aim will depend the quality of your life.

   Your aim should be high and wide, generous and disinterested; this will make your life precious to yourself and to others.

   But whatever your ideal, it cannot be perfectly realised unless you have realised perfection in yourself.

   To work for your perfection, the first step is to become conscious of yourself, of the different parts of your being and their respective activities. You must learn to distinguish these different parts one from another, so that you may become clearly aware of the origin of the movements that occur in you, the many impulses, reactions and conflicting wills that drive you to action. It is an assiduous study which demands much perseverance and sincerity. For man's nature, especially his mental nature, has a spontaneous tendency to give a favourable explanation for everything he thinks, feels, says and does. It is only by observing these movements with great care, by bringing them, as it were, before the tribunal of our highest ideal, with a sincere will to submit to its judgment, that we can hope to form in ourselves a discernment that never errs. For if we truly want to progress and acquire the capacity of knowing the truth of our being, that is to say, what we are truly created for, what we can call our mission upon earth, then we must, in a very regular and constant manner, reject from us or eliminate in us whatever contradicts the truth of our existence, whatever is opposed to it. In this way, little by little, all the parts, all the elements of our being can be organised into a homogeneous whole around our psychic centre. This work of unification requires much time to be brought to some degree of perfection. Therefore, in order to accomplish it, we must arm ourselves with patience and endurance, with a determination to prolong our life as long as necessary for the success of our endeavour.

   As you pursue this labour of purification and unification, you must at the same time take great care to perfect the external and instrumental part of your being. When the higher truth manifests, it must find in you a mind that is supple and rich enough to be able to give the idea that seeks to express itself a form of thought which preserves its force and clarity. This thought, again, when it seeks to clothe itself in words, must find in you a sufficient power of expression so that the words reveal the thought and do not deform it. And the formula in which you embody the truth should be manifested in all your feelings, all your acts of will, all your actions, in all the movements of your being. Finally, these movements themselves should, by constant effort, attain their highest perfection.

   All this can be realised by means of a fourfold discipline, the general outline of which is given here. The four aspects of the discipline do not exclude each other, and can be followed at the same time; indeed, this is preferable. The starting-point is what can be called the psychic discipline. We give the name "psychic" to the psychological centre of our being, the seat within us of the highest truth of our existence, that which can know this truth and set it in movement. It is therefore of capital importance to become conscious of its presence in us, to concentrate on this presence until it becomes a living fact for us and we can identify ourselves with it.

   In various times and places many methods have been prescribed for attaining this perception and ultimately achieving this identification. Some methods are psychological, some religious, some even mechanical. In reality, everyone has to find the one which suits him best, and if one has an ardent and steadfast aspiration, a persistent and dynamic will, one is sure to meet, in one way or another - outwardly through reading and study, inwardly through concentration, meditation, revelation and experience - the help one needs to reach the goal. Only one thing is absolutely indispensable: the will to discover and to realise. This discovery and realisation should be the primary preoccupation of our being, the pearl of great price which we must acquire at any cost. Whatever you do, whatever your occupations and activities, the will to find the truth of your being and to unite with it must be always living and present behind all that you do, all that you feel, all that you think.

   To complement this movement of inner discovery, it would be good not to neglect the development of the mind. For the mental instrument can equally be a great help or a great hindrance. In its natural state the human mind is always limited in its vision, narrow in its understanding, rigid in its conceptions, and a constant effort is therefore needed to widen it, to make it more supple and profound. So it is very necessary to consider everything from as many points of view as possible. Towards this end, there is an exercise which gives great suppleness and elevation to the thought. It is as follows: a clearly formulated thesis is set; against it is opposed its antithesis, formulated with the same precision. Then by careful reflection the problem must be widened or transcended until a synthesis is found which unites the two contraries in a larger, higher and more comprehensive idea.

   Many other exercises of the same kind can be undertaken; some have a beneficial effect on the character and so possess a double advantage: that of educating the mind and that of establishing control over the feelings and their consequences. For example, you must never allow your mind to judge things and people, for the mind is not an instrument of knowledge; it is incapable of finding knowledge, but it must be moved by knowledge. Knowledge belongs to a much higher domain than that of the human mind, far above the region of pure ideas. The mind has to be silent and attentive to receive knowledge from above and manifest it. For it is an instrument of formation, of organisation and action, and it is in these functions that it attains its full value and real usefulness.

   There is another practice which can be very helpful to the progress of the consciousness. Whenever there is a disagreement on any matter, such as a decision to be taken, or an action to be carried out, one must never remain closed up in one's own conception or point of view. On the contrary, one must make an effort to understand the other's point of view, to put oneself in his place and, instead of quarrelling or even fighting, find the solution which can reasonably satisfy both parties; there always is one for men of goodwill.

   Here we must mention the discipline of the vital. The vital being in us is the seat of impulses and desires, of enthusiasm and violence, of dynamic energy and desperate depressions, of passions and revolts. It can set everything in motion, build and realise; but it can also destroy and mar everything. Thus it may be the most difficult part to discipline in the human being. It is a long and exacting labour requiring great patience and perfect sincerity, for without sincerity you will deceive yourself from the very outset, and all endeavour for progress will be in vain. With the collaboration of the vital no realisation seems impossible, no transformation impracticable. But the difficulty lies in securing this constant collaboration. The vital is a good worker, but most often it seeks its own satisfaction. If that is refused, totally or even partially, the vital gets vexed, sulks and goes on strike. Its energy disappears more or less completely and in its place leaves disgust for people and things, discouragement or revolt, depression and dissatisfaction. At such moments it is good to remain quiet and refuse to act; for these are the times when one does stupid things and in a few moments one can destroy or spoil the progress that has been made during months of regular effort. These crises are shorter and less dangerous for those who have established a contact with their psychic being which is sufficient to keep alive in them the flame of aspiration and the consciousness of the ideal to be realised. They can, with the help of this consciousness, deal with their vital as one deals with a rebellious child, with patience and perseverance, showing it the truth and light, endeavouring to convince it and awaken in it the goodwill which has been veiled for a time. By means of such patient intervention each crisis can be turned into a new progress, into one more step towards the goal. Progress may be slow, relapses may be frequent, but if a courageous will is maintained, one is sure to triumph one day and see all difficulties melt and vanish before the radiance of the truth-consciousness.

   Lastly, by means of a rational and discerning physical education, we must make our body strong and supple enough to become a fit instrument in the material world for the truth-force which wants to manifest through us.

   In fact, the body must not rule, it must obey. By its very nature it is a docile and faithful servant. Unfortunately, it rarely has the capacity of discernment it ought to have with regard to its masters, the mind and the vital. It obeys them blindly, at the cost of its own well-being. The mind with its dogmas, its rigid and arbitrary principles, the vital with its passions, its excesses and dissipations soon destroy the natural balance of the body and create in it fatigue, exhaustion and disease. It must be freed from this tyranny and this can be done only through a constant union with the psychic centre of the being. The body has a wonderful capacity of adaptation and endurance. It is able to do so many more things than one usually imagines. If, instead of the ignorant and despotic masters that now govern it, it is ruled by the central truth of the being, you will be amazed at what it is capable of doing. Calm and quiet, strong and poised, at every minute it will be able to put forth the effort that is demanded of it, for it will have learnt to find rest in action and to recuperate, through contact with the universal forces, the energies it expends consciously and usefully. In this sound and balanced life a new harmony will manifest in the body, reflecting the harmony of the higher regions, which will give it perfect proportions and ideal beauty of form. And this harmony will be progressive, for the truth of the being is never static; it is a perpetual unfolding of a growing perfection that is more and more total and comprehensive. As soon as the body has learnt to follow this movement of progressive harmony, it will be possible for it to escape, through a continuous process of transformation, from the necessity of disintegration and destruction. Thus the irrevocable law of death will no longer have any reason to exist.

   When we reach this degree of perfection which is our goal, we shall perceive that the truth we seek is made up of four major aspects: Love, Knowledge, Power and Beauty. These four attributes of the Truth will express themselves spontaneously in our being. The psychic will be the vehicle of true and pure love, the mind will be the vehicle of infallible knowledge, the vital will manifest an invincible power and strength and the body will be the expression of a perfect beauty and harmony.

   Bulletin, November 1950

   ~ The Mother, On Education,
292:Mental Education

OF ALL lines of education, mental education is the most widely known and practised, yet except in a few rare cases there are gaps which make it something very incomplete and in the end quite insufficient.

   Generally speaking, schooling is considered to be all the mental education that is necessary. And when a child has been made to undergo, for a number of years, a methodical training which is more like cramming than true schooling, it is considered that whatever is necessary for his mental development has been done. Nothing of the kind. Even conceding that the training is given with due measure and discrimination and does not permanently damage the brain, it cannot impart to the human mind the faculties it needs to become a good and useful instrument. The schooling that is usually given can, at the most, serve as a system of gymnastics to increase the suppleness of the brain. From this standpoint, each branch of human learning represents a special kind of mental gymnastics, and the verbal formulations given to these various branches each constitute a special and well-defined language.

   A true mental education, which will prepare man for a higher life, has five principal phases. Normally these phases follow one after another, but in exceptional individuals they may alternate or even proceed simultaneously. These five phases, in brief, are:

   (1) Development of the power of concentration, the capacity of attention.
   (2) Development of the capacities of expansion, widening, complexity and richness.
   (3) Organisation of one's ideas around a central idea, a higher ideal or a supremely luminous idea that will serve as a guide in life.
   (4) Thought-control, rejection of undesirable thoughts, to become able to think only what one wants and when one wants.
   (5) Development of mental silence, perfect calm and a more and more total receptivity to inspirations coming from the higher regions of the being.

   It is not possible to give here all the details concerning the methods to be employed in the application of these five phases of education to different individuals. Still, a few explanations on points of detail can be given.

   Undeniably, what most impedes mental progress in children is the constant dispersion of their thoughts. Their thoughts flutter hither and thither like butterflies and they have to make a great effort to fix them. Yet this capacity is latent in them, for when you succeed in arousing their interest, they are capable of a good deal of attention. By his ingenuity, therefore, the educator will gradually help the child to become capable of a sustained effort of attention and a faculty of more and more complete absorption in the work in hand. All methods that can develop this faculty of attention from games to rewards are good and can all be utilised according to the need and the circumstances. But it is the psychological action that is most important and the sovereign method is to arouse in the child an interest in what you want to teach him, a liking for work, a will to progress. To love to learn is the most precious gift that one can give to a child: to love to learn always and everywhere, so that all circumstances, all happenings in life may be constantly renewed opportunities for learning more and always more.

   For that, to attention and concentration should be added observation, precise recording and faithfulness of memory. This faculty of observation can be developed by varied and spontaneous exercises, making use of every opportunity that presents itself to keep the child's thought wakeful, alert and prompt. The growth of the understanding should be stressed much more than that of memory. One knows well only what one has understood. Things learnt by heart, mechanically, fade away little by little and finally disappear; what is understood is never forgotten. Moreover, you must never refuse to explain to a child the how and the why of things. If you cannot do it yourself, you must direct the child to those who are qualified to answer or point out to him some books that deal with the question. In this way you will progressively awaken in the child the taste for true study and the habit of making a persistent effort to know.

   This will bring us quite naturally to the second phase of development in which the mind should be widened and enriched.

   You will gradually show the child that everything can become an interesting subject for study if it is approached in the right way. The life of every day, of every moment, is the best school of all, varied, complex, full of unexpected experiences, problems to be solved, clear and striking examples and obvious consequences. It is so easy to arouse healthy curiosity in children, if you answer with intelligence and clarity the numerous questions they ask. An interesting reply to one readily brings others in its train and so the attentive child learns without effort much more than he usually does in the classroom. By a choice made with care and insight, you should also teach him to enjoy good reading-matter which is both instructive and attractive. Do not be afraid of anything that awakens and pleases his imagination; imagination develops the creative mental faculty and through it study becomes living and the mind develops in joy.

   In order to increase the suppleness and comprehensiveness of his mind, one should see not only that he studies many varied topics, but above all that a single subject is approached in various ways, so that the child understands in a practical manner that there are many ways of facing the same intellectual problem, of considering it and solving it. This will remove all rigidity from his brain and at the same time it will make his thinking richer and more supple and prepare it for a more complex and comprehensive synthesis. In this way also the child will be imbued with the sense of the extreme relativity of mental learning and, little by little, an aspiration for a truer source of knowledge will awaken in him.

   Indeed, as the child grows older and progresses in his studies, his mind too ripens and becomes more and more capable of forming general ideas, and with them almost always comes a need for certitude, for a knowledge that is stable enough to form the basis of a mental construction which will permit all the diverse and scattered and often contradictory ideas accumulated in his brain to be organised and put in order. This ordering is indeed very necessary if one is to avoid chaos in one's thoughts. All contradictions can be transformed into complements, but for that one must discover the higher idea that will have the power to bring them harmoniously together. It is always good to consider every problem from all possible standpoints so as to avoid partiality and exclusiveness; but if the thought is to be active and creative, it must, in every case, be the natural and logical synthesis of all the points of view adopted. And if you want to make the totality of your thoughts into a dynamic and constructive force, you must also take great care as to the choice of the central idea of your mental synthesis; for upon that will depend the value of this synthesis. The higher and larger the central idea and the more universal it is, rising above time and space, the more numerous and the more complex will be the ideas, notions and thoughts which it will be able to organise and harmonise.

   It goes without saying that this work of organisation cannot be done once and for all. The mind, if it is to keep its vigour and youth, must progress constantly, revise its notions in the light of new knowledge, enlarge its frame-work to include fresh notions and constantly reclassify and reorganise its thoughts, so that each of them may find its true place in relation to the others and the whole remain harmonious and orderly.

   All that has just been said concerns the speculative mind, the mind that learns. But learning is only one aspect of mental activity; the other, which is at least equally important, is the constructive faculty, the capacity to form and thus prepare action. This very important part of mental activity has rarely been the subject of any special study or discipline. Only those who want, for some reason, to exercise a strict control over their mental activities think of observing and disciplining this faculty of formation; and as soon as they try it, they have to face difficulties so great that they appear almost insurmountable.

   And yet control over this formative activity of the mind is one of the most important aspects of self-education; one can say that without it no mental mastery is possible. As far as study is concerned, all ideas are acceptable and should be included in the synthesis, whose very function is to become more and more rich and complex; but where action is concerned, it is just the opposite. The ideas that are accepted for translation into action should be strictly controlled and only those that agree with the general trend of the central idea forming the basis of the mental synthesis should be permitted to express themselves in action. This means that every thought entering the mental consciousness should be set before the central idea; if it finds a logical place among the thoughts already grouped, it will be admitted into the synthesis; if not, it will be rejected so that it can have no influence on the action. This work of mental purification should be done very regularly in order to secure a complete control over one's actions.

   For this purpose, it is good to set apart some time every day when one can quietly go over one's thoughts and put one's synthesis in order. Once the habit is acquired, you can maintain control over your thoughts even during work and action, allowing only those which are useful for what you are doing to come to the surface. Particularly, if you have continued to cultivate the power of concentration and attention, only the thoughts that are needed will be allowed to enter the active external consciousness and they then become all the more dynamic and effective. And if, in the intensity of concentration, it becomes necessary not to think at all, all mental vibration can be stilled and an almost total silence secured. In this silence one can gradually open to the higher regions of the mind and learn to record the inspirations that come from there.

   But even before reaching this point, silence in itself is supremely useful, because in most people who have a somewhat developed and active mind, the mind is never at rest. During the day, its activity is kept under a certain control, but at night, during the sleep of the body, the control of the waking state is almost completely removed and the mind indulges in activities which are sometimes excessive and often incoherent. This creates a great stress which leads to fatigue and the diminution of the intellectual faculties.

   The fact is that like all the other parts of the human being, the mind too needs rest and it will not have this rest unless we know how to provide it. The art of resting one's mind is something to be acquired. Changing one's mental activity is certainly one way of resting; but the greatest possible rest is silence. And as far as the mental faculties are concerned a few minutes passed in the calm of silence are a more effective rest than hours of sleep.

   When one has learned to silence the mind at will and to concentrate it in receptive silence, then there will be no problem that cannot be solved, no mental difficulty whose solution cannot be found. When it is agitated, thought becomes confused and impotent; in an attentive tranquillity, the light can manifest itself and open up new horizons to man's capacity. Bulletin, November 1951

   ~ The Mother, On Education,
293:It does not matter if you do not understand it - Savitri, read it always. You will see that every time you read it, something new will be revealed to you. Each time you will get a new glimpse, each time a new experience; things which were not there, things you did not understand arise and suddenly become clear. Always an unexpected vision comes up through the words and lines. Every time you try to read and understand, you will see that something is added, something which was hidden behind is revealed clearly and vividly. I tell you the very verses you have read once before, will appear to you in a different light each time you re-read them. This is what happens invariably. Always your experience is enriched, it is a revelation at each step.

But you must not read it as you read other books or newspapers. You must read with an empty head, a blank and vacant mind, without there being any other thought; you must concentrate much, remain empty, calm and open; then the words, rhythms, vibrations will penetrate directly to this white page, will put their stamp upon the brain, will explain themselves without your making any effort.

Savitri alone is sufficient to make you climb to the highest peaks. If truly one knows how to meditate on Savitri, one will receive all the help one needs. For him who wishes to follow this path, it is a concrete help as though the Lord himself were taking you by the hand and leading you to the destined goal. And then, every question, however personal it may be, has its answer here, every difficulty finds its solution herein; indeed there is everything that is necessary for doing the Yoga.

*He has crammed the whole universe in a single book.* It is a marvellous work, magnificent and of an incomparable perfection.

You know, before writing Savitri Sri Aurobindo said to me, *I am impelled to launch on a new adventure; I was hesitant in the beginning, but now I am decided. Still, I do not know how far I shall succeed. I pray for help.* And you know what it was? It was - before beginning, I warn you in advance - it was His way of speaking, so full of divine humility and modesty. He never... *asserted Himself*. And the day He actually began it, He told me: *I have launched myself in a rudderless boat upon the vastness of the Infinite.* And once having started, He wrote page after page without intermission, as though it were a thing already complete up there and He had only to transcribe it in ink down here on these pages.

In truth, the entire form of Savitri has descended "en masse" from the highest region and Sri Aurobindo with His genius only arranged the lines - in a superb and magnificent style. Sometimes entire lines were revealed and He has left them intact; He worked hard, untiringly, so that the inspiration could come from the highest possible summit. And what a work He has created! Yes, it is a true creation in itself. It is an unequalled work. Everything is there, and it is put in such a simple, such a clear form; verses perfectly harmonious, limpid and eternally true. My child, I have read so many things, but I have never come across anything which could be compared with Savitri. I have studied the best works in Greek, Latin, English and of course French literature, also in German and all the great creations of the West and the East, including the great epics; but I repeat it, I have not found anywhere anything comparable with Savitri. All these literary works seems to me empty, flat, hollow, without any deep reality - apart from a few rare exceptions, and these too represent only a small fraction of what Savitri is. What grandeur, what amplitude, what reality: it is something immortal and eternal He has created. I tell you once again there is nothing like in it the whole world. Even if one puts aside the vision of the reality, that is, the essential substance which is the heart of the inspiration, and considers only the lines in themselves, one will find them unique, of the highest classical kind. What He has created is something man cannot imagine. For, everything is there, everything.

It may then be said that Savitri is a revelation, it is a meditation, it is a quest of the Infinite, the Eternal. If it is read with this aspiration for Immortality, the reading itself will serve as a guide to Immortality. To read Savitri is indeed to practice Yoga, spiritual concentration; one can find there all that is needed to realise the Divine. Each step of Yoga is noted here, including the secret of all other Yogas. Surely, if one sincerely follows what is revealed here in each line one will reach finally the transformation of the Supramental Yoga. It is truly the infallible guide who never abandons you; its support is always there for him who wants to follow the path. Each verse of Savitri is like a revealed Mantra which surpasses all that man possessed by way of knowledge, and I repeat this, the words are expressed and arranged in such a way that the sonority of the rhythm leads you to the origin of sound, which is OM.

My child, yes, everything is there: mysticism, occultism, philosophy, the history of evolution, the history of man, of the gods, of creation, of Nature. How the universe was created, why, for what purpose, what destiny - all is there. You can find all the answers to all your questions there. Everything is explained, even the future of man and of the evolution, all that nobody yet knows. He has described it all in beautiful and clear words so that spiritual adventurers who wish to solve the mysteries of the world may understand it more easily. But this mystery is well hidden behind the words and lines and one must rise to the required level of true consciousness to discover it. All prophesies, all that is going to come is presented with the precise and wonderful clarity. Sri Aurobindo gives you here the key to find the Truth, to discover the Consciousness, to solve the problem of what the universe is. He has also indicated how to open the door of the Inconscience so that the light may penetrate there and transform it. He has shown the path, the way to liberate oneself from the ignorance and climb up to the superconscience; each stage, each plane of consciousness, how they can be scaled, how one can cross even the barrier of death and attain immortality. You will find the whole journey in detail, and as you go forward you can discover things altogether unknown to man. That is Savitri and much more yet. It is a real experience - reading Savitri. All the secrets that man possessed, He has revealed, - as well as all that awaits him in the future; all this is found in the depth of Savitri. But one must have the knowledge to discover it all, the experience of the planes of consciousness, the experience of the Supermind, even the experience of the conquest of Death. He has noted all the stages, marked each step in order to advance integrally in the integral Yoga.

All this is His own experience, and what is most surprising is that it is my own experience also. It is my sadhana which He has worked out. Each object, each event, each realisation, all the descriptions, even the colours are exactly what I saw and the words, phrases are also exactly what I heard. And all this before having read the book. I read Savitri many times afterwards, but earlier, when He was writing He used to read it to me. Every morning I used to hear Him read Savitri. During the night He would write and in the morning read it to me. And I observed something curious, that day after day the experiences He read out to me in the morning were those I had had the previous night, word by word. Yes, all the descriptions, the colours, the pictures I had seen, the words I had heard, all, all, I heard it all, put by Him into poetry, into miraculous poetry. Yes, they were exactly my experiences of the previous night which He read out to me the following morning. And it was not just one day by chance, but for days and days together. And every time I used to compare what He said with my previous experiences and they were always the same. I repeat, it was not that I had told Him my experiences and that He had noted them down afterwards, no, He knew already what I had seen. It is my experiences He has presented at length and they were His experiences also. It is, moreover, the picture of Our joint adventure into the unknown or rather into the Supermind.

These are experiences lived by Him, realities, supracosmic truths. He experienced all these as one experiences joy or sorrow, physically. He walked in the darkness of inconscience, even in the neighborhood of death, endured the sufferings of perdition, and emerged from the mud, the world-misery to breathe the sovereign plenitude and enter the supreme Ananda. He crossed all these realms, went through the consequences, suffered and endured physically what one cannot imagine. Nobody till today has suffered like Him. He accepted suffering to transform suffering into the joy of union with the Supreme. It is something unique and incomparable in the history of the world. It is something that has never happened before, He is the first to have traced the path in the Unknown, so that we may be able to walk with certitude towards the Supermind. He has made the work easy for us. Savitri is His whole Yoga of transformation, and this Yoga appears now for the first time in the earth-consciousness.

And I think that man is not yet ready to receive it. It is too high and too vast for him. He cannot understand it, grasp it, for it is not by the mind that one can understand Savitri. One needs spiritual experiences in order to understand and assimilate it. The farther one advances on the path of Yoga, the more does one assimilate and the better. No, it is something which will be appreciated only in the future, it is the poetry of tomorrow of which He has spoken in The Future Poetry. It is too subtle, too refined, - it is not in the mind or through the mind, it is in meditation that Savitri is revealed.

And men have the audacity to compare it with the work of Virgil or Homer and to find it inferior. They do not understand, they cannot understand. What do they know? Nothing at all. And it is useless to try to make them understand. Men will know what it is, but in a distant future. It is only the new race with a new consciousness which will be able to understand. I assure you there is nothing under the blue sky to compare with Savitri. It is the mystery of mysteries. It is a *super-epic,* it is super-literature, super-poetry, super-vision, it is a super-work even if one considers the number of lines He has written. No, these human words are not adequate to describe Savitri. Yes, one needs superlatives, hyperboles to describe it. It is a hyper-epic. No, words express nothing of what Savitri is, at least I do not find them. It is of immense value - spiritual value and all other values; it is eternal in its subject, and infinite in its appeal, miraculous in its mode and power of execution; it is a unique thing, the more you come into contact with it, the higher will you be uplifted. Ah, truly it is something! It is the most beautiful thing He has left for man, the highest possible. What is it? When will man know it? When is he going to lead a life of truth? When is he going to accept this in his life? This yet remains to be seen.

My child, every day you are going to read Savitri; read properly, with the right attitude, concentrating a little before opening the pages and trying to keep the mind as empty as possible, absolutely without a thought. The direct road is through the heart. I tell you, if you try to really concentrate with this aspiration you can light the flame, the psychic flame, the flame of purification in a very short time, perhaps in a few days. What you cannot do normally, you can do with the help of Savitri. Try and you will see how very different it is, how new, if you read with this attitude, with this something at the back of your consciousness; as though it were an offering to Sri Aurobindo. You know it is charged, fully charged with consciousness; as if Savitri were a being, a real guide. I tell you, whoever, wanting to practice Yoga, tries sincerely and feels the necessity for it, will be able to climb with the help of Savitri to the highest rung of the ladder of Yoga, will be able to find the secret that Savitri represents. And this without the help of a Guru. And he will be able to practice it anywhere. For him Savitri alone will be the guide, for all that he needs he will find Savitri. If he remains very quiet when before a difficulty, or when he does not know where to turn to go forward and how to overcome obstacles, for all these hesitations and incertitudes which overwhelm us at every moment, he will have the necessary indications, and the necessary concrete help. If he remains very calm, open, if he aspires sincerely, always he will be as if lead by the hand. If he has faith, the will to give himself and essential sincerity he will reach the final goal.

Indeed, Savitri is something concrete, living, it is all replete, packed with consciousness, it is the supreme knowledge above all human philosophies and religions. It is the spiritual path, it is Yoga, Tapasya, Sadhana, in its single body. Savitri has an extraordinary power, it gives out vibrations for him who can receive them, the true vibrations of each stage of consciousness. It is incomparable, it is truth in its plenitude, the Truth Sri Aurobindo brought down on the earth. My child, one must try to find the secret that Savitri represents, the prophetic message Sri Aurobindo reveals there for us. This is the work before you, it is hard but it is worth the trouble. - 5 November 1967

~ The Mother, Sweet Mother, The Mother to Mona Sarkar, [T0],
294:One little picture in this book, the Magic Locket, was drawn by 'Miss Alice Havers.' I did not state this on the title-page, since it seemed only due, to the artist of all these (to my mind) wonderful pictures, that his name should stand there alone.
The descriptions, of Sunday as spent by children of the last generation, are quoted verbatim from a speech made to me by a child-friend and a letter written to me by a lady-friend.
The Chapters, headed 'Fairy Sylvie' and 'Bruno's Revenge,' are a reprint, with a few alterations, of a little fairy-tale which I wrote in the year 1867, at the request of the late Mrs. Gatty, for 'Aunt Judy's Magazine,' which she was then editing.
It was in 1874, I believe, that the idea first occurred to me of making it the nucleus of a longer story.
As the years went on, I jotted down, at odd moments, all sorts of odd ideas, and fragments of dialogue, that occurred to me--who knows how?--with a transitory suddenness that left me no choice but either to record them then and there, or to abandon them to oblivion. Sometimes one could trace to their source these random flashes of thought--as being suggested by the book one was reading, or struck out from the 'flint' of one's own mind by the 'steel' of a friend's chance remark but they had also a way of their own, of occurring, a propos of nothing --specimens of that hopelessly illogical phenomenon, 'an effect without a cause.' Such, for example, was the last line of 'The Hunting of the Snark,' which came into my head (as I have already related in 'The Theatre' for April, 1887) quite suddenly, during a solitary walk: and such, again, have been passages which occurred in dreams, and which I cannot trace to any antecedent cause whatever. There are at least two instances of such dream-suggestions in this book--one, my Lady's remark, 'it often runs in families, just as a love for pastry does', the other, Eric Lindon's badinage about having been in domestic service.

And thus it came to pass that I found myself at last in possession of a huge unwieldy mass of litterature--if the reader will kindly excuse the spelling --which only needed stringing together, upon the thread of a consecutive story, to constitute the book I hoped to write. Only! The task, at first, seemed absolutely hopeless, and gave me a far clearer idea, than I ever had before, of the meaning of the word 'chaos': and I think it must have been ten years, or more, before I had succeeded in classifying these odds-and-ends sufficiently to see what sort of a story they indicated: for the story had to grow out of the incidents, not the incidents out of the story I am telling all this, in no spirit of egoism, but because I really believe that some of my readers will be interested in these details of the 'genesis' of a book, which looks so simple and straight-forward a matter, when completed, that they might suppose it to have been written straight off, page by page, as one would write a letter, beginning at the beginning; and ending at the end.

It is, no doubt, possible to write a story in that way: and, if it be not vanity to say so, I believe that I could, myself,--if I were in the unfortunate position (for I do hold it to be a real misfortune) of being obliged to produce a given amount of fiction in a given time,--that I could 'fulfil my task,' and produce my 'tale of bricks,' as other slaves have done. One thing, at any rate, I could guarantee as to the story so produced--that it should be utterly commonplace, should contain no new ideas whatever, and should be very very weary reading!
This species of literature has received the very appropriate name of 'padding' which might fitly be defined as 'that which all can write and none can read.' That the present volume contains no such writing I dare not avow: sometimes, in order to bring a picture into its proper place, it has been necessary to eke out a page with two or three extra lines : but I can honestly say I have put in no more than I was absolutely compelled to do.
My readers may perhaps like to amuse themselves by trying to detect, in a given passage, the one piece of 'padding' it contains. While arranging the 'slips' into pages, I found that the passage was 3 lines too short. I supplied the deficiency, not by interpolating a word here and a word there, but by writing in 3 consecutive lines. Now can my readers guess which they are?

A harder puzzle if a harder be desired would be to determine, as to the Gardener's Song, in which cases (if any) the stanza was adapted to the surrounding text, and in which (if any) the text was adapted to the stanza.
Perhaps the hardest thing in all literature--at least I have found it so: by no voluntary effort can I accomplish it: I have to take it as it come's is to write anything original. And perhaps the easiest is, when once an original line has been struck out, to follow it up, and to write any amount more to the same tune. I do not know if 'Alice in Wonderland' was an original story--I was, at least, no conscious imitator in writing it--but I do know that, since it came out, something like a dozen storybooks have appeared, on identically the same pattern. The path I timidly explored believing myself to be 'the first that ever burst into that silent sea'--is now a beaten high-road: all the way-side flowers have long ago been trampled into the dust: and it would be courting disaster for me to attempt that style again.

Hence it is that, in 'Sylvie and Bruno,' I have striven with I know not what success to strike out yet another new path: be it bad or good, it is the best I can do. It is written, not for money, and not for fame, but in the hope of supplying, for the children whom I love, some thoughts that may suit those hours of innocent merriment which are the very life of Childhood; and also in the hope of suggesting, to them and to others, some thoughts that may prove, I would fain hope, not wholly out of harmony with the graver cadences of Life.
If I have not already exhausted the patience of my readers, I would like to seize this opportunity perhaps the last I shall have of addressing so many friends at once of putting on record some ideas that have occurred to me, as to books desirable to be written--which I should much like to attempt, but may not ever have the time or power to carry through--in the hope that, if I should fail (and the years are gliding away very fast) to finish the task I have set myself, other hands may take it up.
First, a Child's Bible. The only real essentials of this would be, carefully selected passages, suitable for a child's reading, and pictures. One principle of selection, which I would adopt, would be that Religion should be put before a child as a revelation of love--no need to pain and puzzle the young mind with the history of crime and punishment. (On such a principle I should, for example, omit the history of the Flood.) The supplying of the pictures would involve no great difficulty: no new ones would be needed : hundreds of excellent pictures already exist, the copyright of which has long ago expired, and which simply need photo-zincography, or some similar process, for their successful reproduction. The book should be handy in size with a pretty attractive looking cover--in a clear legible type--and, above all, with abundance of pictures, pictures, pictures!
Secondly, a book of pieces selected from the Bible--not single texts, but passages of from 10 to 20 verses each--to be committed to memory. Such passages would be found useful, to repeat to one's self and to ponder over, on many occasions when reading is difficult, if not impossible: for instance, when lying awake at night--on a railway-journey --when taking a solitary walk-in old age, when eyesight is failing or wholly lost--and, best of all, when illness, while incapacitating us for reading or any other occupation, condemns us to lie awake through many weary silent hours: at such a time how keenly one may realise the truth of David's rapturous cry "O how sweet are thy words unto my throat: yea, sweeter than honey unto my mouth!"
I have said 'passages,' rather than single texts, because we have no means of recalling single texts: memory needs links, and here are none: one may have a hundred texts stored in the memory, and not be able to recall, at will, more than half-a-dozen--and those by mere chance: whereas, once get hold of any portion of a chapter that has been committed to memory, and the whole can be recovered: all hangs together.
Thirdly, a collection of passages, both prose and verse, from books other than the Bible. There is not perhaps much, in what is called 'un-inspired' literature (a misnomer, I hold: if Shakespeare was not inspired, one may well doubt if any man ever was), that will bear the process of being pondered over, a hundred times: still there are such passages--enough, I think, to make a goodly store for the memory.
These two books of sacred, and secular, passages for memory--will serve other good purposes besides merely occupying vacant hours: they will help to keep at bay many anxious thoughts, worrying thoughts, uncharitable thoughts, unholy thoughts. Let me say this, in better words than my own, by copying a passage from that most interesting book, Robertson's Lectures on the Epistles to the Corinthians, Lecture XLIX. "If a man finds himself haunted by evil desires and unholy images, which will generally be at periodical hours, let him commit to memory passages of Scripture, or passages from the best writers in verse or prose. Let him store his mind with these, as safeguards to repeat when he lies awake in some restless night, or when despairing imaginations, or gloomy, suicidal thoughts, beset him. Let these be to him the sword, turning everywhere to keep the way of the Garden of Life from the intrusion of profaner footsteps."
Fourthly, a "Shakespeare" for girls: that is, an edition in which everything, not suitable for the perusal of girls of (say) from 10 to 17, should be omitted. Few children under 10 would be likely to understand or enjoy the greatest of poets: and those, who have passed out of girlhood, may safely be left to read Shakespeare, in any edition, 'expurgated' or not, that they may prefer: but it seems a pity that so many children, in the intermediate stage, should be debarred from a great pleasure for want of an edition suitable to them. Neither Bowdler's, Chambers's, Brandram's, nor Cundell's 'Boudoir' Shakespeare, seems to me to meet the want: they are not sufficiently 'expurgated.' Bowdler's is the most extraordinary of all: looking through it, I am filled with a deep sense of wonder, considering what he has left in, that he should have cut anything out! Besides relentlessly erasing all that is unsuitable on the score of reverence or decency, I should be inclined to omit also all that seems too difficult, or not likely to interest young readers. The resulting book might be slightly fragmentary: but it would be a real treasure to all British maidens who have any taste for poetry.
If it be needful to apologize to any one for the new departure I have taken in this story--by introducing, along with what will, I hope, prove to be acceptable nonsense for children, some of the graver thoughts of human life--it must be to one who has learned the Art of keeping such thoughts wholly at a distance in hours of mirth and careless ease. To him such a mixture will seem, no doubt, ill-judged and repulsive. And that such an Art exists I do not dispute: with youth, good health, and sufficient money, it seems quite possible to lead, for years together, a life of unmixed gaiety--with the exception of one solemn fact, with which we are liable to be confronted at any moment, even in the midst of the most brilliant company or the most sparkling entertainment. A man may fix his own times for admitting serious thought, for attending public worship, for prayer, for reading the Bible: all such matters he can defer to that 'convenient season', which is so apt never to occur at all: but he cannot defer, for one single moment, the necessity of attending to a message, which may come before he has finished reading this page,' this night shalt thy soul be required of thee.'
The ever-present sense of this grim possibility has been, in all ages, 1 an incubus that men have striven to shake off. Few more interesting subjects of enquiry could be found, by a student of history, than the various weapons that have been used against this shadowy foe. Saddest of all must have been the thoughts of those who saw indeed an existence beyond the grave, but an existence far more terrible than annihilation--an existence as filmy, impalpable, all but invisible spectres, drifting about, through endless ages, in a world of shadows, with nothing to do, nothing to hope for, nothing to love! In the midst of the gay verses of that genial 'bon vivant' Horace, there stands one dreary word whose utter sadness goes to one's heart. It is the word 'exilium' in the well-known passage

Omnes eodem cogimur, omnium
Versatur urna serius ocius
Sors exitura et nos in aeternum
Exilium impositura cymbae.

Yes, to him this present life--spite of all its weariness and all its sorrow--was the only life worth having: all else was 'exile'! Does it not seem almost incredible that one, holding such a creed, should ever have smiled?
And many in this day, I fear, even though believing in an existence beyond the grave far more real than Horace ever dreamed of, yet regard it as a sort of 'exile' from all the joys of life, and so adopt Horace's theory, and say 'let us eat and drink, for to-morrow we die.'
We go to entertainments, such as the theatre--I say 'we', for I also go to the play, whenever I get a chance of seeing a really good one and keep at arm's length, if possible, the thought that we may not return alive. Yet how do you know--dear friend, whose patience has carried you through this garrulous preface that it may not be your lot, when mirth is fastest and most furious, to feel the sharp pang, or the deadly faintness, which heralds the final crisis--to see, with vague wonder, anxious friends bending over you to hear their troubled whispers perhaps yourself to shape the question, with trembling lips, "Is it serious?", and to be told "Yes: the end is near" (and oh, how different all Life will look when those words are said!)--how do you know, I say, that all this may not happen to you, this night?
And dare you, knowing this, say to yourself "Well, perhaps it is an immoral play: perhaps the situations are a little too 'risky', the dialogue a little too strong, the 'business' a little too suggestive.
I don't say that conscience is quite easy: but the piece is so clever, I must see it this once! I'll begin a stricter life to-morrow." To-morrow, and to-morrow, and tomorrow!

"Who sins in hope, who, sinning, says,
'Sorrow for sin God's judgement stays!'
Against God's Spirit he lies; quite stops Mercy with insult; dares, and drops,
Like a scorch'd fly, that spins in vain
Upon the axis of its pain,
Then takes its doom, to limp and crawl,
Blind and forgot, from fall to fall."

Let me pause for a moment to say that I believe this thought, of the possibility of death--if calmly realised, and steadily faced would be one of the best possible tests as to our going to any scene of amusement being right or wrong. If the thought of sudden death acquires, for you, a special horror when imagined as happening in a theatre, then be very sure the theatre is harmful for you, however harmless it may be for others; and that you are incurring a deadly peril in going. Be sure the safest rule is that we should not dare to live in any scene in which we dare not die.
But, once realise what the true object is in life--that it is not pleasure, not knowledge, not even fame itself, 'that last infirmity of noble minds'--but that it is the development of character, the rising to a higher, nobler, purer standard, the building-up of the perfect Man--and then, so long as we feel that this is going on, and will (we trust) go on for evermore, death has for us no terror; it is not a shadow, but a light; not an end, but a beginning!
One other matter may perhaps seem to call for apology--that I should have treated with such entire want of sympathy the British passion for 'Sport', which no doubt has been in by-gone days, and is still, in some forms of it, an excellent school for hardihood and for coolness in moments of danger.
But I am not entirely without sympathy for genuine 'Sport': I can heartily admire the courage of the man who, with severe bodily toil, and at the risk of his life, hunts down some 'man-eating' tiger: and I can heartily sympathize with him when he exults in the glorious excitement of the chase and the hand-to-hand struggle with the monster brought to bay. But I can but look with deep wonder and sorrow on the hunter who, at his ease and in safety, can find pleasure in what involves, for some defenceless creature, wild terror and a death of agony: deeper, if the hunter be one who has pledged himself to preach to men the Religion of universal Love: deepest of all, if it be one of those 'tender and delicate' beings, whose very name serves as a symbol of Love--'thy love to me was wonderful, passing the love of women'--whose mission here is surely to help and comfort all that are in pain or sorrow!

'Farewell, farewell! but this I tell
To thee, thou Wedding-Guest!
He prayeth well, who loveth well
Both man and bird and beast.
He prayeth best, who loveth best
All things both great and small;
For the dear God who loveth us,
He made and loveth all.' ~ Lewis Carroll, Sylvie and Bruno,


1:Anything’s possible, almost. ~ marilyn-monroe, @wisdomtrove
2:Almost anything is possible with time ~ jane-austen, @wisdomtrove
3:Don't settle for less than is possible. ~ tom-peters, @wisdomtrove
4:It isn't possible to love and to part. ~ e-m-forster, @wisdomtrove
5:Is it possible to be totally partial? ~ steven-wright, @wisdomtrove
6:Anything that is conceivable is possible. ~ david-hume, @wisdomtrove
7:Peace if possible, truth at all costs. ~ martin-luther, @wisdomtrove
8:Hope is a passion for the possible. ~ soren-kierkegaard, @wisdomtrove
9:By worrying as little as possible about fame. ~ diogenes, @wisdomtrove
10:is love at first sight truly possible? ~ nicholas-sparks, @wisdomtrove
11:It is possible to have too much of a good thing. ~ aesop, @wisdomtrove
12:Any dream is possible, if you have courage. ~ walt-disney, @wisdomtrove
13:Change is never easy, but always possible. ~ barack-obama, @wisdomtrove
14:Hope is passion for what is possible. ~ soren-kierkegaard, @wisdomtrove
15:What is not possible is not to choose. ~ jean-paul-sartre, @wisdomtrove
16:Is it possible to say what one really feels? ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
17:There is no place where espionage is not possible. ~ sun-tzu, @wisdomtrove
18:If at all possible, commune with nature daily. ~ robin-sharma, @wisdomtrove
19:Even in darkness it is possible to create light. ~ elie-wiesel, @wisdomtrove
20:Knowledge is knowing as little as possible. ~ charles-bukowski, @wisdomtrove
21:No art is possible without a dance with death. ~ kurt-vonnegut, @wisdomtrove
22:Great hopes make everything great possible. ~ benjamin-franklin, @wisdomtrove
23:If you think you're free, there's no escape possible. ~ ram-das, @wisdomtrove
24:Be kind wherever possible. It is always possible.   ~ dalai-lama, @wisdomtrove
25:Indulge your imagination in every possible flight. ~ jane-austen, @wisdomtrove
26:Start [writing] as close to the end as possible. ~ kurt-vonnegut, @wisdomtrove
27:If you think you are free, there is no escape possible. ~ ram-das, @wisdomtrove
28:Without property rights, no other rights are possible. ~ ayn-rand, @wisdomtrove
29:With self-discipline, all things are possible ~ theodore-roosevelt, @wisdomtrove
30:Is it possible to become friends with a butterfly? ~ haruki-murakami, @wisdomtrove
31:Is it possible to observe without the observer? ~ jiddu-krishnamurti, @wisdomtrove
32:This is the best of all possible worlds. ~ gottfried-wilhelm-leibniz, @wisdomtrove
33:What you intuitively desire, that is possible to you. ~ d-h-lawrence, @wisdomtrove
34:Why can I never set my heart on a possible thing? ~ ursula-k-le-guin, @wisdomtrove
35:Without great solitude, no serious work is possible. ~ pablo-picasso, @wisdomtrove
36:With self-discipline most anything is possible. ~ theodore-roosevelt, @wisdomtrove
37:Seize the day, and put the least possible trust in tomorrow. ~ horace, @wisdomtrove
38:Seize the day, trusting as little as possible in the future. ~ horace, @wisdomtrove
39:The possible's slow fuse is lit by the Imagination. ~ emily-dickinson, @wisdomtrove
40:The weaknesses of the many make the leader possible. ~ elbert-hubbard, @wisdomtrove
41:Besides, hysteria is only possible with an audience. ~ chuck-palahniuk, @wisdomtrove
42:If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out ~ george-orwell, @wisdomtrove
43:We live in the best of all possible worlds ~ gottfried-wilhelm-leibniz, @wisdomtrove
44:You have to try the impossible to achieve the possible ~ hermann-hesse, @wisdomtrove
45:Enjoy the present day, trust the least possible to the future. ~ horace, @wisdomtrove
46:Impossible situations can become possible miracles. ~ robert-h-schuller, @wisdomtrove
47:Think about what's pleasurable, not just what's possible. ~ brene-brown, @wisdomtrove
48:Is it really possible to tell someone else what one feels? ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
49:It is always possible to do a thing better the second time. ~ henry-ford, @wisdomtrove
50:Sometimes things become possible if we want them bad enough. ~ t-s-eliot, @wisdomtrove
51:Every thing possible to be believ'd is an image of truth. ~ william-blake, @wisdomtrove
52:Every thing possible to be believed is an image of truth. ~ william-blake, @wisdomtrove
53:Everything that is possible demands to exist. ~ gottfried-wilhelm-leibniz, @wisdomtrove
54:Where any answer is possible, all answers are meaningless. ~ isaac-asimov, @wisdomtrove
55:Seek for the boldest color possible, content is irrelevant. ~ henri-matisse, @wisdomtrove
56:Everything should be as simple as possible but no simpler. ~ albert-einstein, @wisdomtrove
57:[I]t is well to have as many holds upon happiness as possible. ~ jane-austen, @wisdomtrove
58:It's possible to go on, no matter how impossible it seems. ~ nicholas-sparks, @wisdomtrove
59:Doubt begins only at the last frontiers of what is possible. ~ ambrose-bierce, @wisdomtrove
60:I think... that when it comes to us, anything is possible. ~ nicholas-sparks, @wisdomtrove
61:I will not rest until no child goes hungry. All is possible. ~ audrey-hepburn, @wisdomtrove
62:Respect the gods, but have as little to do with them as possible. ~ confucius, @wisdomtrove
63:Courage is the first virtue that makes all other virtues possible. ~ aristotle, @wisdomtrove
64:I might kiss you. I might be bad at it. That's not possible. ~ nicholas-sparks, @wisdomtrove
65:Let us remain as empty as possible so that God can fill us up. ~ mother-teresa, @wisdomtrove
66:Because I survived, I must do everything possible to help others. ~ elie-wiesel, @wisdomtrove
67:Fiction intended to please, should resemble truth as much as possible. ~ horace, @wisdomtrove
68:It might be possible that the world itself is without meaning. ~ virginia-woolf, @wisdomtrove
69:Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness. ~ george-santayana, @wisdomtrove
70:Loving once and only once is possible - anything is possible. ~ nicholas-sparks, @wisdomtrove
71:Nothing is necessitated whose opposite is possible. ~ gottfried-wilhelm-leibniz, @wisdomtrove
72:To lie a little is not possible: he who lies, lies the whole lie. ~ victor-hugo, @wisdomtrove
73:I have experimental evidence that time travel is not possible. ~ stephen-hawking, @wisdomtrove
74:Knowledge only progresses by making mistakes as fast as possible. ~ john-wheeler, @wisdomtrove
75:But this is not possible as long as one has egotism and vanity. ~ sri-ramakrishna, @wisdomtrove
76:I can bounce back from adversity and reinvent my life - it's possible ~ les-brown, @wisdomtrove
77:I think that human beings are capable of the worst things possible. ~ elie-wiesel, @wisdomtrove
78:Do not think that it is possible to repeat another period. ~ pierre-auguste-renoir, @wisdomtrove
79:How can I develop myself into the grandest possible manhood? ~ orison-swett-marden, @wisdomtrove
80:I want to live as long as possible, just to see how stupid it gets. ~ susan-sontag, @wisdomtrove
81:Nothing is impossible, the word itself says &
82:Roses are red Violets are blue Everything's possible Nothing is true. ~ alan-moore, @wisdomtrove
83:Torment yourself as little as possible, then you'll torment me less. ~ franz-kafka, @wisdomtrove
84:It is not possible to refer a complex difficulty to a single cause. ~ hellen-keller, @wisdomtrove
85:I want every day to be a fresh start on expanding what is possible. ~ oprah-winfrey, @wisdomtrove
86:Let the fictitious sources of pleasure be as near as possible to the true. ~ horace, @wisdomtrove
87:Other people are quite dreadful. The only possible society is oneself. ~ oscar-wilde, @wisdomtrove
88:Progress begins with the belief that what is necessary is possible. ~ norman-cousins, @wisdomtrove
89:With the possible exception of the equator, everything begins somewhere. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
90:If time travel is possible, where are the tourists from the future? ~ stephen-hawking, @wisdomtrove
91:As far as possible, everyone in the family should eat together. ~ mata-amritanandamayi, @wisdomtrove
92:Beauty is being the best possible version of yourself, inside and out. ~ audrey-hepburn, @wisdomtrove
93:Do all the good you can and make as little fuss about it as possible. ~ charles-dickens, @wisdomtrove
94:It is not possible for one to teach others who cannot teach his own family. ~ confucius, @wisdomtrove
95:It's possible to love a human being if you don't know them too well. ~ charles-bukowski, @wisdomtrove
96:The most important thing for poets to do is to write as little as possible. ~ t-s-eliot, @wisdomtrove
97:Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting. ~ napoleon-hill, @wisdomtrove
98:Is it possible to live in this world without the operation of will? ~ jiddu-krishnamurti, @wisdomtrove
99:To achieve the possible, we must attempt the impossible again and again. ~ hermann-hesse, @wisdomtrove
100:At any given time, the universe is giving you the best result possible.   ~ deepak-chopra, @wisdomtrove
101:It is possible to be busy - very busy - without being very effective.   ~ stephen-r-covey, @wisdomtrove
102:It is possible to be truly mad and to still exist upon scraps of life. ~ charles-bukowski, @wisdomtrove
103:Only one deception is possible in the infinite sense, self-deception. ~ soren-kierkegaard, @wisdomtrove
104:The starting point for a better world is the belief that it is possible. ~ norman-cousins, @wisdomtrove
105:Forgiveness will not be possible until compassion is born in your heart. ~ thich-nhat-hanh, @wisdomtrove
106:The evil of the world is made possible by nothing but the sanction you give it. ~ ayn-rand, @wisdomtrove
107:Find what matters most to you, and eliminate as much of the rest as possible. ~ leo-babauta, @wisdomtrove
108:The job of a theoretical physicist is to make mistakes as fast as possible . ~ john-wheeler, @wisdomtrove
109:The minute you don't want power, you'll have more than you ever dreamed possible. ~ ram-das, @wisdomtrove
110:If you don't know the life yet, how could be possible for you to know the death? ~ confucius, @wisdomtrove
111:It is not possible to have reasonable grounds for not believing in miracles. ~ blaise-pascal, @wisdomtrove
112:Write freely and as rapidly as possible and throw the whole thing on paper. ~ john-steinbeck, @wisdomtrove
113:All men are different. And should do everything possible to continue to be so. ~ paulo-coelho, @wisdomtrove
114:If you want to be deeply respected, deeply respect as many people as possible. ~ robin-sharma, @wisdomtrove
115:Is it possible to live so defensively that you never get to live at all? ~ rachel-naomi-remen, @wisdomtrove
116:Marrying means doing whatever possible to become repulsed of each other ~ arthur-schopenhauer, @wisdomtrove
117:Without sanctifying grace it is not possible to refrain long from mortal sin. ~ denis-diderot, @wisdomtrove
118:Women should be tough, tender, laugh as much as possible, and live long lives. ~ maya-angelou, @wisdomtrove
119:All actual heroes are essential men, And all men possible heroes. ~ elizabeth-barrett-browning, @wisdomtrove
120:Faith makes it possible to achieve that which man's mind can conceive and believe. ~ bruce-lee, @wisdomtrove
121:I don't expect to live forever, but I do intend to hang on as long as possible. ~ isaac-asimov, @wisdomtrove
122:The chief function of color should be to serve expression as well as possible. ~ henri-matisse, @wisdomtrove
123:Without sanctifying grace it is not possible to refrain long from mortal sin. ~ thomas-aquinas, @wisdomtrove
124:It is not perceivable, because it is what makes perception possible. ~ sri-nisargadatta-maharaj, @wisdomtrove
125:The world you desire can be won, it exists, it is real, it is possible, it is yours. ~ ayn-rand, @wisdomtrove
126:What we do and accomplish is only the tip of the iceberg of what's possible for us. ~ les-brown, @wisdomtrove
127:Many people who want to be great aren't willing to do the work to make it possible! ~ zig-ziglar, @wisdomtrove
128:One possible reason that I don't believe in fate is that I wasn't fated to. ~ ashleigh-brilliant, @wisdomtrove
129:Real loss is only possible when you love something more than you love yourself. ~ robin-williams, @wisdomtrove
130:Loving and energizing others is the best possible thing we can do for ourselves. ~ james-redfield, @wisdomtrove
131:Sometimes hard stuff needs to be done in order to make the stuff you love possible. ~ leo-babauta, @wisdomtrove
132:I'm not interested in possible complexities. I regard song structure as a graph paper. ~ brian-eno, @wisdomtrove
133:It is not possible to be ignorant of the end of things if we know their beginning. ~ denis-diderot, @wisdomtrove
134:Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must first be overcome. ~ samuel-johnson, @wisdomtrove
135:Seek peace. When you have peace within, real peace with others will be possible. ~ thich-nhat-hanh, @wisdomtrove
136:We should find out as much as possible about someone before coming into conflict with him. ~ aesop, @wisdomtrove
137:“Faith means belief in something concerning which doubt is theoretically possible.” ~ william-james, @wisdomtrove
138:If one has to submit, it is wasteful not to do so with the best grace possible. ~ winston-churchill, @wisdomtrove
139:It is not possible to be ignorant of the end of things if we know their beginning. ~ thomas-aquinas, @wisdomtrove
140:The conscience is eternal and never dies. Peace if possible, but truth at any rate. ~ martin-luther, @wisdomtrove
141:You are where you are in life because of what you believe is possible for yourself. ~ oprah-winfrey, @wisdomtrove
142:The public should always be wondering how it is possible to give so much for the money. ~ henry-ford, @wisdomtrove
143:Your goals are the road maps that guide you and show you what is possible for your life. ~ les-brown, @wisdomtrove
144:Let there be as little materialism as possible, with the maximum of spirituality. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
145:It is not possible to eat me without insisting that I sing praises of my devourer? ~ fyodor-dostoevsky, @wisdomtrove
146:It is possible that I am dreaming right now and that all of my perceptions are false. ~ rene-descartes, @wisdomtrove
147:Never by reflection, but only by doing is self-knowledge possible to one. ~ johann-wolfgang-von-goethe, @wisdomtrove
148:Only when the pursuit ceases, is it possible to recognize what comprises you: pure being. ~ adyashanti, @wisdomtrove
149:All things are possible, once enough human beings realize that everything is at stake. ~ norman-cousins, @wisdomtrove
150:Always remember honey. A good motto is: Take all you can get and give as little as possible. ~ mae-west, @wisdomtrove
151:Don't hit at all if it is honorably possible to avoid hitting; but never hit soft. ~ theodore-roosevelt, @wisdomtrove
152:It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere. ~ anais-nin, @wisdomtrove
153:It's possible that your next frontier isn't to get more efficient, it's to get more brave. ~ seth-godin, @wisdomtrove
154:Love can rebuild the world, they say, so everything's possible when it comes to love. ~ haruki-murakami, @wisdomtrove
155:A happy ending is always possible if you are willing to keep the story moving to get there. ~ alan-cohen, @wisdomtrove
156:Audrey Hepburn quote: Nothing is impossible, the word itself says &
157:Consciousness is only possible through change; change is only possible through movement. ~ aldous-huxley, @wisdomtrove
158:Have confidence in your ability to do it right, and work hard to do the best possible job. ~ walt-disney, @wisdomtrove
159:Ignorance isn't bliss, but sometimes ignorance makes it possible for us to sleep at night. ~ dean-koontz, @wisdomtrove
160:To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing. ~ martin-luther, @wisdomtrove
161:What is possible in the Cavendish Laboratory may not be too difficult in the sun. ~ sir-arthur-eddington, @wisdomtrove
162:God is able to do anything. All things are possible with Him, but we must not quit praying. ~ joyce-meyer, @wisdomtrove
163:I'm a writer as rarely as possible, when forced by an idea too lovely to let die unwritten ~ richard-bach, @wisdomtrove
164:It is scarcely possible to doubt that the love of man has become instinctive in the dog. ~ charles-darwin, @wisdomtrove
165:Promise yourself that you will talk health, happiness, and prosperity as often as possible. ~ john-wooden, @wisdomtrove
166:The limits of the possible can only be defined by going beyond them into the impossible. ~ arthur-c-carke, @wisdomtrove
167:A prediction, in a field where prediction is not possible, is no more than a prejudice. ~ malcolm-gladwell, @wisdomtrove
168:Imagine no limitations; decide what's right and desirable before you decide what's possible. ~ brian-tracy, @wisdomtrove
169:Think as little as possible about yourself and as much as possible about other people. ~ eleanor-roosevelt, @wisdomtrove
170:To regard Christ as God, and to pray to him, are to my mind the greatest possible sacrilege. ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
171:Books and movies inspire me, but I do my best to keep my stories as original as possible. ~ nicholas-sparks, @wisdomtrove
172:Humanity? Humanity is not concerned with us. Today anything is allowed. Anything is possible. ~ elie-wiesel, @wisdomtrove
173:I cannot discover that anyone knows enough to say definitely what is and what is not possible. ~ henry-ford, @wisdomtrove
174:It is not possible to run a course aright when the goal itself has not been rightly placed. ~ francis-bacon, @wisdomtrove
175:It is possible to wake up very quickly, to become enlightened, or you can do it gradually. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
176:It was one thing to divide the major assets, but how was it possible to divide the heart? ~ nicholas-sparks, @wisdomtrove
177:The sin both of men and of angels, was rendered possible by the fact that God gave us free will. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
178:You must quit looking at what you don’t have and start believing that all things are possible. ~ joel-osteen, @wisdomtrove
179:Audrey Hepburn quote: Beauty is being the best possible version of yourself, inside and out. ~ audrey-hepburn, @wisdomtrove
180:For what is the best choice for each individual is the highest it is possible for him to achieve. ~ aristotle, @wisdomtrove
181:I could undertake to be an efficient pupil if it were possible to find an efficient teacher. ~ gertrude-stein, @wisdomtrove
182:Welfare's purpose should be to eliminate, as far as possible, the need for its own existence. ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove
183:If you do something for fun and create the best possible product, then the profit will come. ~ richard-branson, @wisdomtrove
184:It was a wonderful night, such a night as is only possible when we are young, dear reader. ~ fyodor-dostoevsky, @wisdomtrove
185:The control of large numbers is possible, and like unto that of small numbers, if we subdivide them. ~ sun-tzu, @wisdomtrove
186:The greatest joys of life are happy memories. Your job is to create as many of them as possible. ~ brian-tracy, @wisdomtrove
187:To him who has had the experience no explanation is necessary, to him who has not, none is possible. ~ ram-das, @wisdomtrove
188:[A] power equal to every possible contingency must exist somewhere in the government . . . ~ alexander-hamilton, @wisdomtrove
189:Politics: the art of appearing candid and completely open while concealing as much as possible. ~ frank-herbert, @wisdomtrove
190:Teaching is only demonstrating that it is possible. Learning is making it possible for yourself. ~ paulo-coelho, @wisdomtrove
191:The world? The world is not interested in us. Today, everything is possible, even the crematoria. ~ elie-wiesel, @wisdomtrove
192:Time is inelastic and inflexible. Time is indispensable. No achievement is possible without time. ~ brian-tracy, @wisdomtrove
193:When I want any, good head work done; I always choose a man, if possible with a long nose. ~ napoleon-bonaparte, @wisdomtrove
194:With self-discipline most anything is possible. Theodore Roosevelt Rule your mind or it will rule you. ~ horace, @wisdomtrove
195:Mars is the only place in the solar system where it's possible for life to become multi-planetarian. ~ elon-musk, @wisdomtrove
196:Only in this world do we laugh: in hell, it won't be possible; and in heaven, it won't be proper. ~ jules-renard, @wisdomtrove
197:Superiority to Fate Is difficult to gain &
198:If Hell were possible, it would be the shortest cut to the highest heaven. For verily God loveth. ~ sri-aurobindo, @wisdomtrove
199:I never found beauty in longing for the impossible and never found the possible to be beyond my reach. ~ ayn-rand, @wisdomtrove
200:I would encourage every American to walk as often as possible. It's more than healthy; it's fun. ~ john-f-kennedy, @wisdomtrove
201:Life is not like water. Things in life don't necessarily flow over the shortest possible route. ~ haruki-murakami, @wisdomtrove
202:The best way to think about reality, I had decided, was to get as far away from it as possible. ~ haruki-murakami, @wisdomtrove
203:The Englishman is too apt to neglect the present good in preparing against the possible evil. ~ washington-irving, @wisdomtrove
204:Artificial Intelligence is creating a mind, hopefully as pure a mind as possible, for a computer. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
205:Fearlessness is not only possible, it is the ultimate joy. When you touch nonfear, you are free. ~ thich-nhat-hanh, @wisdomtrove
206:Not that which is inspires the creation, but that which may be; not the actual, but the possible. ~ rudolf-steiner, @wisdomtrove
207:Now he had recognized himself as a dead man it became important to stay alive as long as possible. ~ george-orwell, @wisdomtrove
208:Offer your customers a long-term relationship, then do everything possible to build and maintain it. ~ brian-tracy, @wisdomtrove
209:Post your goal publicly. Tell as many people as possible that you are trying to form your new habit. ~ leo-babauta, @wisdomtrove
210:The most complicated achievements of thought are possible without the assistance of consciousness. ~ sigmund-freud, @wisdomtrove
211:Free will, though it makes evil possible, also makes possible any love or goodness or joy worth having. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
212:The fastest way to improve your relationships is to make others feel important in every way possible. ~ brian-tracy, @wisdomtrove
213:The idea of God, infinity, or spirit stands for the possible attempt at an impossible conception. ~ edgar-allan-poe, @wisdomtrove
214:Acceptance is the magic that makes change possible. It is not forever, it is for the present moment ~ melody-beattie, @wisdomtrove
215:If it had been possible to build the Tower of Babel without climbing it, it would have been permitted. ~ franz-kafka, @wisdomtrove
216:It is best not to have been born at all: but, if born, as quickly as possible to return whence one came. ~ sophocles, @wisdomtrove
217:To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible. ~ denis-diderot, @wisdomtrove
218:To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible. ~ thomas-aquinas, @wisdomtrove
219:What is guilt? It is moral self-reproach-I did wrong when it was possible to have done otherwise. ~ nathaniel-branden, @wisdomtrove
220:Complaining is the absolute worst possible thing you could do for your health or your wealth. The worst! ~ t-harv-eker, @wisdomtrove
221:Don't turn away from possible futures before you're certain you don't have anything to learn from them. ~ richard-bach, @wisdomtrove
222:Every one of us has a bad conscience, which he tries to escape by going to sleep as quickly as possible. ~ franz-kafka, @wisdomtrove
223:Radiation, unlike smoking, drinking, and overeating, gives no pleasure, so the possible victims object. ~ isaac-asimov, @wisdomtrove
224:Solitude does not pull us away from our fellow human beings but instead makes real fellowship possible. ~ henri-nouwen, @wisdomtrove
225:The purpose of life is to be loved by as many people as possible among those you want to have love you ~ warren-buffet, @wisdomtrove
226:The truly successful person inspires others to do more than they have thought possible for themselves. ~ denis-waitley, @wisdomtrove
227:You can be sure that over the next 10 years, you'll see something that you did not think was possible. ~ warren-buffet, @wisdomtrove
228:Stories are the only enchantment possible, for when we begin to see our suffering as a story, we are saved. ~ anais-nin, @wisdomtrove
229:The one thing we fear most is the one thing that is not possible: We cannot die, we cannot be destroyed. ~ richard-bach, @wisdomtrove
230:Decide what you want ... believe you can have it, believe you deserve it, believe it's possible for you. ~ rhonda-byrne, @wisdomtrove
231:I drive around the streets an inch away from weeping, ashamed of my sentimentality and possible love. ~ charles-bukowski, @wisdomtrove
232:The highest possible stage in moral culture is when we recognize that we ought to control our thoughts. ~ charles-darwin, @wisdomtrove
233:Unfortunately, it's possible to be able to do something extremely well that nobody ever wants done. ~ ashleigh-brilliant, @wisdomtrove
234:Human Beings are just good enough to make democracy possible... just bad enough to make it neccessary. ~ reinhold-niebuhr, @wisdomtrove
235:Is it really not possible to touch the gaming table without being instantly infected by superstition? ~ fyodor-dostoevsky, @wisdomtrove
236:Regard the society of women as a necessary unpleasantness of social life, and avoid it as much as possible. ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
237:We will send ships and Marines as soon as possible for the protection of American life and property. ~ theodore-roosevelt, @wisdomtrove
238:it is better to know as little as possible of the defects of the person with whom you are to pass your life. ~ jane-austen, @wisdomtrove
239:It is my children who have made all this possible. My children are my wealth; they are my strength. ~ mata-amritanandamayi, @wisdomtrove
240:It is never possible to love a person or an object. Love is defined precisely by its unconditional quality. ~ rupert-spira, @wisdomtrove
241:It seems just possible that a poem might happen to a very young man: but a poem is not poetry -That is a life. ~ t-s-eliot, @wisdomtrove
242:To imagine that it is possible to perform great military deeds without fighting is just empty dreams. ~ napoleon-bonaparte, @wisdomtrove
243:We must remind ourselves that to do what is possible we must sometimes challenge ourselves with the impossible. ~ jim-rohn, @wisdomtrove
244:Dare to believe SOMETHING AMAZING is going to happen in your life. When you believe, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. ~ joel-osteen, @wisdomtrove
245:Children, love one another, and if that is not possible-at least try to put up with one another. ~ johann-wolfgang-von-goethe, @wisdomtrove
246:If it were possible to heal sorrow by weeping and to raise the dead with tears, gold were less prized than grief. ~ sophocles, @wisdomtrove
247:It is not enough to know that love and forgiveness are possible. We have to find ways to bring them to life. ~ jack-kornfield, @wisdomtrove
248:It is not possible for any thinking person to live in such a society as our own without wanting to change it. ~ george-orwell, @wisdomtrove
249:Divide each difficulty at hand into as many pieces as possible and as could be required to better solve them. ~ rene-descartes, @wisdomtrove
250:Every man would like to be God, if it were possible; some few find it difficult to admit the impossibility. ~ bertrand-russell, @wisdomtrove
251:For if we allow that human life is always guided by reason, we destroy the premise that life is possible at all. ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
252:It is possible that we can get so busy doing work &
253:It is scarcely possible in most places to get anyone to attend a meeting where the only attraction is God ~ aiden-wilson-tozer, @wisdomtrove
254:Look into a mirror, make eye contact with yourself, and say "I love me" as many times as possible during the day. ~ wayne-dyer, @wisdomtrove
255:The highest possible form of treason is to say that Americans aren’t loved wherever they go, whatever they do. ~ kurt-vonnegut, @wisdomtrove
256:The only thing that makes life possible is permanent, intolerable uncertainty; not knowing what comes next. ~ ursula-k-le-guin, @wisdomtrove
257:A lot of people were opposed to it. A lot of people were for it. I myself think about it as little as possible. ~ kurt-vonnegut, @wisdomtrove
258:Every day I awaken I am grateful. My intent is to be totally present in that day. And laugh as much as possible. ~ maya-angelou, @wisdomtrove
259:Only through freedom and environmental experience is it practically possible for human development to occur. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
260:The word impossible contains the word possible' What's that&
261:Between men and women there is no friendship possible. There is passion, enmity, worship, love, but no friendship. ~ oscar-wilde, @wisdomtrove
262:Death's stamp gives value to the coin of life; making it possible to buy with life what is truly precious. ~ rabindranath-tagore, @wisdomtrove
263:Every youth owes it to himself and to the world to make the most possible out of the stuff that is in him. ~ orison-swett-marden, @wisdomtrove
264:How is it possible to miss a woman whom you kept at a distance, so that when she was gone you would not miss her? ~ steve-martin, @wisdomtrove
265:I expect death to be nothingness and, for removing me from all possible fears of death, I am thankful to atheism. ~ isaac-asimov, @wisdomtrove
266:I’m nauseatingly pro-American. I would have come here from any country. The U.S. is where great things are possible. ~ elon-musk, @wisdomtrove
267:I no longer count as one of my merits that I always tell the truth as much as possible; it has become my metier. ~ sigmund-freud, @wisdomtrove
268:It is not possible to be in favor of justice for some people and not be in favor of justice for all people. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
269:Just for the record, the weather today is increasing turmoil with a possible physical and emotional breakdown. ~ chuck-palahniuk, @wisdomtrove
270:The sole evidence it is possible to produce that anything is desirable, is that people do actually desire it. ~ john-stuart-mill, @wisdomtrove
271:Intelligence takes chances with limited data in an arena where mistakes are not only possible but also necessary. ~ frank-herbert, @wisdomtrove
272:It is possible to contact higher beings who are not in the body. But the being you really want to contact is you. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
273:Justice in the life and conduct of the State is possible only as first it resides in the hearts and souls of the citizens. ~ plato, @wisdomtrove
274:But you're disappointed." He brushed a strand of hair from her face. "It's not possible for you to disappoint me. ~ nicholas-sparks, @wisdomtrove
275:Choosing one path means abandoning others - if you try to follow every possible path you will end up following none. ~ paulo-coelho, @wisdomtrove
276:It is the evil in man that makes democracy necessary, and man's belief in justice that makes democracy possible. ~ reinhold-niebuhr, @wisdomtrove
277:New skin, a new land! And a land of liberty, if that is possible! I chose the geology of a land that was new to me. ~ salvador-dali, @wisdomtrove
278:War must be made as intense and awful as possible in order to make it short, and thus to diminish its horrors. ~ napoleon-bonaparte, @wisdomtrove
279:Every talent is unearned, however, and with it comes a solemn obligation to use it as fully and as wisely as possible. ~ dean-koontz, @wisdomtrove
280:If possible, try to find a way to come downstairs that doesn't involve going bump, bump, bump, on the back of your head. ~ a-a-milne, @wisdomtrove
281:Know that you are always safe. And also know that it's possible to move from the old to the new, easily and peacefully. ~ louise-hay, @wisdomtrove
282:The only way a woman can ever reform a man is by boring him so completely that he loses all possible interest in life. ~ oscar-wilde, @wisdomtrove
283:The self-prepared dinner is a great time killer for lonely people and as much time should be spent on it as possible. ~ steve-martin, @wisdomtrove
284:With the possible exception of clothes, beauty salons and Frank Sinatra, there are few subjects all women agree upon. ~ groucho-marx, @wisdomtrove
285:Absorb knowledge from every possible source and opportunity. Power gravitates to the man who knows how and why. ~ orison-swett-marden, @wisdomtrove
286:Ask what Infinity might produce and the only answer possible was, "Anything." Any good, any evil; any god, any devil. ~ frank-herbert, @wisdomtrove
287:Man is capable of changing the world for the better if possible, and of changing himself for the better if necessary. ~ viktor-frankl, @wisdomtrove
288:Man's capacity for justice makes democracy possible, but man's inclination to injustice makes democracy necessary. ~ reinhold-niebuhr, @wisdomtrove
289:Virginity is now a mere preamble or waiting room to be got out of as soon as possible; it is without significance. ~ ursula-k-le-guin, @wisdomtrove
290:With me, my main vision for life was to avoid as many people as possible. The less people I saw the better I felt. ~ charles-bukowski, @wisdomtrove
291:Don't tell people they can do the impossible. Tell people that they can do the possible that they think is impossible. ~ denis-waitley, @wisdomtrove
292:It would hardly be possible to exaggerate man's wretchedness if it were not so easy to overestimate his sensibility ~ george-santayana, @wisdomtrove
293:The only possible way to begin a book is to tell oneself that its eventual failure is guaranteed — but survivable. ~ alain-de-botton, @wisdomtrove
294:If God is the Supreme good then our highest blessedness on earth must lie in knowing Him as perfectly as possible. ~ aiden-wilson-tozer, @wisdomtrove
295:Is it ever possible to overdo the talking about the glory of Christ? Is it ever too often to be in God's presence? ~ aiden-wilson-tozer, @wisdomtrove
296:It's entirely possible that there won't be a standing ovation at the end of your journey. That's okay. At least you lived. ~ seth-godin, @wisdomtrove
297:Naturally, there's got to be a limit for I don't expect to live forever, but I do intend to hang on as long as possible. ~ isaac-asimov, @wisdomtrove
298:Any great achievement is preceded by many difficulties and many lessons; great achievements are not possible without them. ~ brian-tracy, @wisdomtrove
299:In general, the art of government consists of taking as much money as possible from one class of citizens to give to another. ~ voltaire, @wisdomtrove
300:Is it possible for an unbaptized believer to be saved? Yes, definitely. Should every believer be baptized? Yes, definitely. ~ max-lucado, @wisdomtrove
301:It is possible to provide security against other ills, but as far as death is concerned, we men live in a city without walls. ~ epicurus, @wisdomtrove
302:On being asked by someone how he could become famous, Diogenes responded: &
303:Run forward when possible, walk ahead when you can, stagger onward when you must, but never cease your forward movement. ~ vernon-howard, @wisdomtrove
304:Smile, smile , smile At your mind As often as possible. Your smiling will considerably reduce Your mind's tearing tension. ~ sri-chinmoy, @wisdomtrove
305:All possible knowledge, then, depends on the validity of reasoning... Unless human reasoning is valid no science can be true. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
306:I personally don't believe anything is impossible. With enough determination and effort, almost everything is possible. ~ richard-branson, @wisdomtrove
307:Believe it or not, it is not only possible to accomplish more by doing less, it is mandatory. Enter the world of elimination. ~ tim-ferris, @wisdomtrove
308:Discriminate, v.i. To note the particulars in which one person or thing is, if possible, more objectionable than another. ~ ambrose-bierce, @wisdomtrove
309:If it were possible to meet the Beloved while laughing and in a state of comfort, why should one suffer the anguish of separation? ~ kabir, @wisdomtrove
310:Nothing travels faster than the speed of light, with the possible exception of bad news, which obeys its own special laws. ~ douglas-adams, @wisdomtrove
311:The distance that the dead have gone Does not at first appear- Their coming back seems possible For many an ardent year. ~ emily-dickinson, @wisdomtrove
312:The extraordinary delight of uncovering the true face is made possible only by the extraordinary suffering of covering the face. ~ gangaji, @wisdomtrove
313:Against other things it is possible to obtain security, but when it comes to death we human beings all live in an unwalled city. ~ epicurus, @wisdomtrove
314:There was no being displeased with such an encourager, for his admiration made him discern a likeness before it was possible. ~ jane-austen, @wisdomtrove
315:Is it possible, I wonder, for a man to truly change? Or do character and habit form the immovable boundaries of our lives? ~ nicholas-sparks, @wisdomtrove
316:The secret of a good sermon is to have a good beginning and a good ending; and to have the two as close together as possible. ~ george-burns, @wisdomtrove
317:The secret of a good sermon is to have a good beginning and a good ending, then having the two as close together as possible. ~ george-burns, @wisdomtrove
318:The simplest and shortest ethical precept is to be served as little as possible . . . and to serve others as much as possible. ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
319:We must support as much as possible the child's desires for activity; not wait on him, but educate him to be independent. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
320:While I am here I would like to experience as many of the beauties of the world as possible and help others to do the same. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
321:Asks the Possible of the Impossible, "Where is your dwelling-place?" "In the dreams of the Impotent," comes the answer. ~ rabindranath-tagore, @wisdomtrove
322:I now understand that my welfare is only possible if I acknowledge my unity with all the people of the world without exception. ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
323:It is almost impossible to think of something no one has thought of before, but it is always possible to add different frills. ~ isaac-asimov, @wisdomtrove
324:The American people are a very generous people and will forgive almost any weakness, with the possible, exception of stupidity. ~ will-rogers, @wisdomtrove
325:We must accept our reality as vastly as we possibly can; everything, even the unprecedented, must be possible within it. ~ rainer-maria-rilke, @wisdomtrove
326:If you think about it, an unfair society is a society that makes it possible for you to exploit your abilities to the limit. ~ haruki-murakami, @wisdomtrove
327:Our titles would not have been possible without the unselfishness displayed by all our teams, the team wins, not the individuals ~ john-wooden, @wisdomtrove
328:Still, nothing is possible without love.   For love puts one in a mood to risk everything, and not to withhold important elements. ~ carl-jung, @wisdomtrove
329:Success is like anything worthwhile. It has a price. You have to pay the price to get to the point where success is possible. ~ vince-lombardi, @wisdomtrove
330:Organize as much as possible around teams, to achieve enhanced focus, task orientation, innovativeness, and individual commitment. ~ tom-peters, @wisdomtrove
331:What I wanted most of all was to use sex as a weapon to allure, subjugate, and, if possible, destroy the personality of others. ~ quentin-crisp, @wisdomtrove
332:Where questions of religion are concerned, people are guilty of every possible sort of dishonesty and intellectual misdemeanor. ~ sigmund-freud, @wisdomtrove
333:If you don't have time to invest in a goals program is it possible that you don't have time because you don't have a goals program? ~ zig-ziglar, @wisdomtrove
334:I'm a novelist at heart. My sole intention is to write the best novel possible. I don't think about the film potential at all. ~ nicholas-sparks, @wisdomtrove
335:I should like the whole race of nurses to be abolished: children should be with their mother as much as possible, in my opinion. ~ lewis-carroll, @wisdomtrove
336:Men are so accustomed to maintaining external order by violence that they cannot conceive of life being possible without violence. ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
337:The first aim of the prepared environment is, as far as it is possible, to render the growing child independent of the adult. ~ maria-montessori, @wisdomtrove
338:There is but one Church in which men find salvation, just as outside the ark of Noah it was not possible for anyone to be saved. ~ denis-diderot, @wisdomtrove
339:We can have in life but one great experience at best, and the secret of life is to reproduce that experience as often as possible. ~ oscar-wilde, @wisdomtrove
340:Don't succumb to excuses. Go back to the job of making the corrections and forming the habits that will make your goal possible. ~ vince-lombardi, @wisdomtrove
341:There is but one Church in which men find salvation, just as outside the ark of Noah it was not possible for anyone to be saved. ~ thomas-aquinas, @wisdomtrove
342:Feed your faith and your doubts will starve to death... It's possible. Even when you have no evidence to point to... . It's possible. ~ les-brown, @wisdomtrove
343:Only in the human form is it possible for life to attain its final goal, which is to realize the all-pervading and infinite Divinity. ~ meher-baba, @wisdomtrove
344:Total loyalty is possible only when fidelity is emptied of all concrete content, from which changes of mind might naturally arise. ~ hannah-arendt, @wisdomtrove
345:Action, as distinguished from fabrication, is never possible in isolation; to be isolated is to be deprived of the capacity to act. ~ hannah-arendt, @wisdomtrove
346:One tells as few lies as possible only by telling as few lies as possible, and not by having the least possible opportunity to do so. ~ franz-kafka, @wisdomtrove
347:True wisdom gives the only possible answer at any given moment, and that night, going back to bed was the only possible answer. ~ elizabeth-gilbert, @wisdomtrove
348:Whenever you see a man who is successful in society, try to discover what makes him pleasing, and if possible adopt his system. ~ benjamin-disraeli, @wisdomtrove
349:A mind that is lively and inquiring, compassionate, curious, angry, full of music, full of feeling, is a mind full of possible poetry. ~ mary-oliver, @wisdomtrove
350:Man, so long as he remains free, has no more constant and agonizing anxiety than find as quickly as possible someone to worship. ~ fyodor-dostoevsky, @wisdomtrove
351:The subjunctive mood is in its death throes, and the best thing to do is to put it out of its misery as soon as possible. ~ william-somerset-maugham, @wisdomtrove
352:To suppose that the eye could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest possible degree ~ charles-darwin, @wisdomtrove
353:Effective resistance to usurpers is possible only provided the citizens understand their rights and are disposed to defend them. ~ alexander-hamilton, @wisdomtrove
354:I am a poor man and of little worth, who is laboring in that art that God has given me in order to extend my life as long as possible. ~ michelangelo, @wisdomtrove
355:I learned that it is possible for us to create light, sound and order within us no matter what calamity befall us in the outer world. ~ hellen-keller, @wisdomtrove
356:I think I may boast myself to be, with all possible vanity, the most unlearned and uninformed female who ever dared to be an authoress. ~ jane-austen, @wisdomtrove
357:It is possible to demonstrate God's existence, although not a priori, yet a posteriori from some work of His more surely known to us. ~ denis-diderot, @wisdomtrove
358:One thing the young Christian should be taught as quickly as possible after his conversion is that Jesus Christ is all he needs. ~ aiden-wilson-tozer, @wisdomtrove
359:Our past is a story existing only in our minds. Look, analyze, understand, and forgive. Then, as quickly as possible, chuck it. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
360:If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things. ~ rene-descartes, @wisdomtrove
361:I think time management as a label encourages people to view each 24-hour period as a slot in which they should pack as much as possible. ~ tim-ferris, @wisdomtrove
362:It is possible to demonstrate God's existence, although not a priori, yet a posteriori from some work of His more surely known to us. ~ thomas-aquinas, @wisdomtrove
363:From testimonials and personal experience we have enough information to conclude that IT'S POSSIBLE TO DESIGN AND LIVE AN EXTRAORDINARY LIFE ~ jim-rohn, @wisdomtrove
364:To attempt to be religious without practicing a specific religion is as possible as attempting to speak without a specific language. ~ george-santayana, @wisdomtrove
365:to fight for each minute is to fight for what is possible within yourself, so that your life and your death will not be like theirs. ~ charles-bukowski, @wisdomtrove
366:And I believe happiness is the exact opposite of sadness, bitterness, and hatred: happiness should remain unexamined as long as possible. ~ stephen-king, @wisdomtrove
367:In the human mind, the number of possible connections that can be made between neurons greatly exceeds the number of atoms in the universe. ~ alan-moore, @wisdomtrove
368:It is no longer possible to escape men. Farewell to the monsters, farewell to the saints. Farewell to pride. All that is left is men. ~ jean-paul-sartre, @wisdomtrove
369:Mathematics takes us into the region of absolute necessity, to which not only the actual word, but every possible word, must conform. ~ bertrand-russell, @wisdomtrove
370:When we're surrounded by things that look impossible, making a simple choice to do something that's possible is a powerful thing to do. ~ melody-beattie, @wisdomtrove
371:A whole new generation of Christians has come up believing that it is possible to &
372:being able to act intelligently and instinctively in the moment is possible only after a long and rigorous of education and experience ~ malcolm-gladwell, @wisdomtrove
373:Even luxuries are arranged according to ideas and ideals, to make them reflect as much of thought-life as possible - and this is Art. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
374:If you want to be a real seeker of truth, you need to, at least once in your lifetime, doubt in, as much as it's possible, in everything. ~ blaise-pascal, @wisdomtrove
375:We can think, speak, and bring the best possible outcome into existence by focusing on where we are going, not on where we think we are. ~ lyania-vanzant, @wisdomtrove
376:Every study of high achieving men and women proves that greatness in life is only possible when you become outstanding at your chosen field. ~ brian-tracy, @wisdomtrove
377:The possible redemption from the predicament of irreversibility - of being unable to undo what one has done - is the faculty of forgiving. ~ hannah-arendt, @wisdomtrove
378:We try to develop products that seem somehow inevitable, that leave you with the sense that that's the only possible solution that makes sense. ~ jony-ive, @wisdomtrove
379:For a few seconds they looked silently into each other's eyes, and the distant and impossible suddenly became near, possible, and inevitable. ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
380:Life is a lot more fragile than we think. So you should treat others in a way that leaves no regrets. Fairly, and if possible, sincerely. ~ haruki-murakami, @wisdomtrove
381:Promises are the uniquely human way of ordering the future, making it predictable and reliable to the extent that this is humanly possible. ~ hannah-arendt, @wisdomtrove
382:The most important of all sciences man can and must learn is the science of living so as to do the least evil and the greatest possible good. ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
383:The only kind of reform usually possible is reform from within; a more intimate study and more intelligent use of the traditional forms. ~ george-santayana, @wisdomtrove
384:There’s only one basic principle of self-defense- you must apply the most effective weapon, as soon as possible, to the most vulnerable target. ~ bruce-lee, @wisdomtrove
385:We fail to see that we can control our destiny; make ourselves do whatever is possible; make ourselves become whatever we long to be. ~ orison-swett-marden, @wisdomtrove
386:While drinking, while talking, while writing, while watering our garden, it's always possible to practice living in the here and the now. ~ thich-nhat-hanh, @wisdomtrove
387:I believe it is possible that I shall make other creeds, and change this one, or add to it, from time to time, as new light may come to me. ~ elbert-hubbard, @wisdomtrove
388:Impossible is the word found only in a fool's dictionary. Wise people create opportunities for themselves and make everything possible. ~ napoleon-bonaparte, @wisdomtrove
389:Not to be born surpasses all reckoning. The next best thing by far, when one has been born is to go back as swiftly as possible whence one came. ~ sophocles, @wisdomtrove
390:When I say that Zen is life, I mean that Zen is not to be confined within conceptualization, that Zen is what makes conceptualization possible. ~ d-t-suzuki, @wisdomtrove
391:You are emerging from the cocoon of your former self. There are no limits to the extent of the transformation that's possible for you. ~ marianne-williamson, @wisdomtrove
392:It is extraordinary to see the sea; what a spectacle! She is so unfettered that one wonders whether it is possible that she again become calm. ~ claude-monet, @wisdomtrove
393:Too much faith in personality has a tendency to produce weakness and idolatry, but intense love for the Guru makes rapid growth possible. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
394:Beauty is a pledge of the possible conformity between the soul and nature, and consequently a ground of faith in the supremacy of the good. ~ george-santayana, @wisdomtrove
395:Each moment is a chance for us to make peace with the world, to make peace possible for the world, to make happiness possible for the world. ~ thich-nhat-hanh, @wisdomtrove
396:It is not possible to speak of the right to choose when a clear moral evil is involved, when what is at stake is the commandment, Do not kill! ~ mother-teresa, @wisdomtrove
397:It is possible, even probable, to be told a truth about a place, to accept it, to know it and at the same time not to know anything about it. ~ john-steinbeck, @wisdomtrove
398:When I’m trusting and being myself as fully as possible, everything in my life reflects this by falling into place easily, often miraculously. ~ shakti-gawain, @wisdomtrove
399:Because we all share an identical need for love, it is possible to feel that anybody we meet, in whatever circumstances, is a brother or sister.   ~ dalai-lama, @wisdomtrove
400:It is possible to live only as long as life intoxicates us; once we are sober we cannot help seeing that it is all a delusion, a stupid delusion. ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
401:Most people consider the course of events as natural and inevitable. They little know what radical changes are possible through prayer. ~ paramahansa-yogananda, @wisdomtrove
402:The supreme maxim in scientific philosophising is this: wherever possible, logical constructions are to be substituted for inferred entities. ~ bertrand-russell, @wisdomtrove
403:Avail yourself of the greatest privilege this side of heaven. Jesus Christ died to make this communion and communication with the Father possible. ~ billy-graham, @wisdomtrove
404:How is it possible for one to own the stars?" "To whom do they belong?" the businessman retorted, peevishly. "I don't know. To nobody. ~ antoine-de-saint-exupery, @wisdomtrove
405:To the average man, and those above average, it is possible to discourse on higher subjects; to those from the average downwards, it is not possible. ~ confucius, @wisdomtrove
406:It's a rare gift, you know, to feel reverence for your own life and to want the best, the greatest, the highest possible, here, now, for your very own. ~ ayn-rand, @wisdomtrove
407:Nobody has a perfect life and it's entirely possible that if you want someone else's life they are busy wanting someone else's too–maybe even yours. ~ joyce-meyer, @wisdomtrove
408:The nice clean intimacy which we now so admire between the sexes is sterilizing. It makes neuters. Later on, no deep, magical sex-life is possible. ~ d-h-lawrence, @wisdomtrove
409:Worry is useless mulling over of things we cannot change. Worry is not concern, which would motivate you to do everything possible in a situation. ~ peace-pilgrim, @wisdomtrove
410:Only our concept of time makes it possible for us to speak of the Day of Judgment by that name in reality it is a summary court in perpetual session. ~ franz-kafka, @wisdomtrove
411:You say I started out with practically nothing, but that isn't correct. We all start with all there is, it's how we use it that makes things possible. ~ henry-ford, @wisdomtrove
412:A deserted library in the morning - there's something about it that really gets to me. All possible words and ideas are there, resting peacefully. ~ haruki-murakami, @wisdomtrove
413:I never made a success of a lecture delivered in a church yet. People are afraid to laugh in a church. They can't be made to do it in any possible way. ~ mark-twain, @wisdomtrove
414:It is the possibility that keeps me going, and though you may call me a dreamer or a fool or any other thing, I believe that anything is possible. ~ nicholas-sparks, @wisdomtrove
415:Who you are, in truth, who everyone is, is whole and perfect and beautiful. And if that can be recognized, then it is possible that self-torture can stop! ~ gangaji, @wisdomtrove
416:You have to drop all your defenses, only then is intimacy possible. We are all hiding a thousand and one things, not only from others but from ourselves. ~ rajneesh, @wisdomtrove
417:The civilization of a state should be measured by the amount of suffering it prevents and the degree of happiness it makes possible for its citizens. ~ hellen-keller, @wisdomtrove
418:We have found, in our country, that when people have the right to make decisions as close to home as possible, they usually make the right decisions. ~ ronald-reagan, @wisdomtrove
419:Anything that is theoretically possible will be achieved in practice, no matter what the technical difficulties are, if it is desired greatly enough. ~ arthur-c-carke, @wisdomtrove
420:A symptom of the revolution: When we state something is impossible in theory, but then change our minds when we discover that it is possible in practice. ~ seth-godin, @wisdomtrove
421:Every day look at a beautiful picture, read a beautiful poem, listen to some beautiful music, and if possible, say some reasonable thing. ~ johann-wolfgang-von-goethe, @wisdomtrove
422:It has not escaped our notice that the specific pairing we have postulated immediately suggests a possible copying mechanism for the genetic material. ~ francis-crick, @wisdomtrove
423:It seems to be my destiny to discourse on truth, insofar as I discover it, in such a way that all possible authority is simultaneously demolished. ~ soren-kierkegaard, @wisdomtrove
424:No psychological health is possible unless this essential care of the person is fundamentally accepted, loved and respected by others and by himself. ~ abraham-maslow, @wisdomtrove
425:Rationality is what we do to organize the world, to make it possible to predict. Art is the rehearsal for the inapplicability and failure of that process. ~ brian-eno, @wisdomtrove
426:To ignore the unexpected (even if it were possible) would be to live without opportunity, spontaneity, and the rich moments of which "life" is made. ~ stephen-r-covey, @wisdomtrove
427:No great improvements in the lot of mankind are possible until a great change takes place in the fundamental constitution of their modes of thought. ~ john-stuart-mill, @wisdomtrove
428:The number of possible combinations of 100 billion neurons firing or not is approximately 10 to the millionth power, or 1 followed by a million zeros, in ~ rick-hanson, @wisdomtrove
429:We fear extremes and shy away from too much ardor in religion as if it were possible to have too much love or too much faith or too much holiness. ~ aiden-wilson-tozer, @wisdomtrove
431:All living souls welcome whatsoever they are ready to cope with; all else they ignore, or pronounce to be monstrous and wrong, or deny to be possible. ~ george-santayana, @wisdomtrove
432:It is not possible for civilization to flow backwards while there is youth in the world. Youth may be headstrong, but it will advance it allotted length. ~ hellen-keller, @wisdomtrove
433:principle; this is the number of possible states of your brain. To put this quantity in perspective, the number of atoms in the universe is estimated to be ~ rick-hanson, @wisdomtrove
434:There is one rule for the industrialist and that is: Make the best quality of goods possible at the lowest cost possible, paying the highest wages possible. ~ henry-ford, @wisdomtrove
435:I never could get on with representative individuals but people who existed on their own account and with whom it might therefore be possible to be friends. ~ e-m-forster, @wisdomtrove
436:It is necessary to believe that the mixture of evil has produced the greatest possible good: otherwise the evil would not have been permitted. ~ gottfried-wilhelm-leibniz, @wisdomtrove
437:It is possible to live twenty-four hours a day in a state of love. Every movement, every glance, every thought, and every word can be infused with love. ~ thich-nhat-hanh, @wisdomtrove
438:Omnipotence means power to do all that is intrinsically possible, not to do the intrinsically impossible. You may attribute miracles to Him, but not nonsense. ~ c-s-lewis, @wisdomtrove
439:Political ideals must be based upon ideals for the individual life. The aim of politics should be to make the lives of individuals as good as possible. ~ bertrand-russell, @wisdomtrove
440:The most efficient way to produce anything is to bring together under one management as many as possible of the activities needed to turn out the product. ~ peter-drucker, @wisdomtrove
441:There is no safety for honest men, but by believing all possible evil of evil men, and by acting with promptitude, decision, and steadiness on that belief. ~ edmund-burke, @wisdomtrove
442:A mastery of time allows you to squeeze the maximum possible achievement in the direction of your dreams out of every hour, every day - without going crazy. ~ tony-robbins, @wisdomtrove
443:I want to suggest that it is possible to experience an ultra-awake state I call ‘lucid living’, in which you are conscious that life is like a dream right now. ~ tim-freke, @wisdomtrove
444:Q: I'm neither the perceived nor the perceiver; I'm the perceiving only'.   M.  Not even the perceiving, but that which makes all this possible. ~ sri-nisargadatta-maharaj, @wisdomtrove
445:There is wisdom in turning as often as possible from the familiar to the unfamiliar: it keeps the mind nimble, it kills prejudice, and it fosters humor. ~ george-santayana, @wisdomtrove
446:The world is as you perceive it to be. For me, clarity is a word for beauty. It’s what I am. And when I’m clear, I see only beauty. Nothing else is possible. ~ byron-katie, @wisdomtrove
447:Give as few orders as possible," his father had told him once long ago. "Once you've given orders on a subject, you must always give orders on that subject. ~ frank-herbert, @wisdomtrove
448:Affirmation of the world, which means affirmation of the will-to-live that manifests itself around me, is only possible if I devote myself to other life. ~ albert-schweitzer, @wisdomtrove
449:Campaign behavior for wives: Always be on time. Do as little talking as humanly possible. Lean back in the parade car so everybody can see the president. ~ eleanor-roosevelt, @wisdomtrove
450:Every single free choice you ever undertake arises out of one of the only two possible thoughts that there are: a thought of love or a thought of fear. ~ neale-donald-walsch, @wisdomtrove
451:Inner peace is found by facing life squarely, solving its problems, and delving as far beneath its surface as possible to discover its verities and realities. ~ peace-pilgrim, @wisdomtrove
452:It is not possible to educate the will and the healthy soul that underlies it unless we develop insights that awaken energetic impulses in the soul and will. ~ rudolf-steiner, @wisdomtrove
453:When you get to a place where you understand that love and belonging, your worthiness, is a birthright and not something you have to earn, anything is possible. ~ brene-brown, @wisdomtrove
454:All perceivables are transient and, therefore, unreal. Only that which makes perception possible, call it Life or Brahman, or what you like, is real. ~ sri-nisargadatta-maharaj, @wisdomtrove
455:But most of all, I learned that it's possible for two people to fall in love all over again, even when there's been a lifetime of disappointment between them. ~ nicholas-sparks, @wisdomtrove
456:It's sometimes quite astonishing that a single, average life is enough to encompass so much that it's at all possible ever to have any success in one's work here. ~ franz-kafka, @wisdomtrove
457:One-half of the ills of life come because men are unwilling to sit down quietly for thirty minutes to think through all the possible consequences of their acts. ~ blaise-pascal, @wisdomtrove
458:The most important lesson that man can learn from life, is not that there is pain in this world, but that it is possible for him to transmute it into joy. ~ rabindranath-tagore, @wisdomtrove
459:Union is only possible to those who are units. To be fit for relations in time, souls, whether of man or woman, must be able to do without them in the spirit. ~ margaret-fuller, @wisdomtrove
460:In almost any industry, if you're passionate about doing a great job and making people that buy your product or service as happy as possible, it's really fulfilling. ~ elon-musk, @wisdomtrove
461:It is possible to renounce everything and attain enlightenment. But most people don't want to renounce; they wish to run away from responsibility and hard work. ~ frederick-lenz, @wisdomtrove
462:The means of obtaining as much variety as possible, but with the greatest possible order... is the means of obtaining as much perfection as possible. ~ gottfried-wilhelm-leibniz, @wisdomtrove
463:You open your heart knowing that there's a chance it may be broken one day and in opening your heart, you experience a love and joy that you never dreamed possible. ~ bob-marley, @wisdomtrove
464:But what is liberty without wisdom, and without virtue? It is the greatest of all possible evils; for it is folly, vice, and madness, without tuition or restraint. ~ edmund-burke, @wisdomtrove
465:Our tendency is to run from the painful realities or try to change them as soon as possible. But cure without care makes us into rulers, controllers, manipulators. ~ henri-nouwen, @wisdomtrove
466:Root out the violence in your life, and learn to live compassionately and mindfully. Seek peace. When you have peace within, real peace with others is possible. ~ thich-nhat-hanh, @wisdomtrove
467:The editors are committed to nothing save this: to keep common sense as fast as they can, to belabor sham as agreeably as possible, to give civilized entertainment. ~ h-l-mencken, @wisdomtrove
468:The greatest thing a man can do in this world is to make the most possible out of the stuff that has been given him. This is success, and there is no other. ~ orison-swett-marden, @wisdomtrove
469:When we get these thruways across the whole country, as we will and must, it will be possible to drive from New York to California without seeing a single thing. ~ john-steinbeck, @wisdomtrove
470:If we can simply distinguish between the different successive stages of evolution, it is possible to see primeval events within the earthly events of the present. ~ rudolf-steiner, @wisdomtrove
471:Imagine, as realistically as possible, the place where you want to be in the near future, the state you wish to reach and the Universe will help you and guide you. ~ napoleon-hill, @wisdomtrove
472:It doesn't sound so far-fetched, right? When two people love each other? While a part of me still wants to believe it's possible, I know it's not going to happen ~ nicholas-sparks, @wisdomtrove
473:I think that human beings are capable of the worst things possible and they show that there were times, and there probably are times, that it is human to be inhuman. ~ elie-wiesel, @wisdomtrove
474:One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and, if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words. ~ johann-wolfgang-von-goethe, @wisdomtrove
475:We must welcome the future, remembering that soon it will be the past; and we must respect the past, remembering that it was once all that was humanly possible. ~ george-santayana, @wisdomtrove
476:Let a man go down as low as possible; there must come a time when out of sheer desperation he will take an upward curve and will learn to have faith in himself. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
477:Mathematics takes us still further from what is human, into the region of absolute necessity, to which not only the world, but every possible world, must conform. ~ bertrand-russell, @wisdomtrove
478:At great cost to Himself, God has made it possible for each of us to live with Him eternally. Those who reject God's offer of a heavenly home will be assigned to hell. ~ billy-graham, @wisdomtrove
479:I advise you to say your dream is possible and then overcome all inconveniences, ignore all the hassles and take a running leap through the hoop, even if it is in flames. ~ les-brown, @wisdomtrove
480:I am inclined by nature to be optimistic about the capacity of a person to rise higher than he or she has thought possible once interest and ambition are aroused. ~ dwight-eisenhower, @wisdomtrove
481:Nonviolent resistance makes it possible for the Negro to remain in the South and struggle for his rights. The Negro's problem will not be solved by running away. ~ martin-luther-king, @wisdomtrove
482:There are a million possible reasons someone might do something, and they are not a judgment on you. They are more a statement of what’s going on with the other person. ~ leo-babauta, @wisdomtrove
483:There can only be one wisdom. For if it were possible that there be several wisdoms, then these would have to be from one. Namely, unity is prior to all plurality. ~ nicholas-of-cusa, @wisdomtrove
484:London is one of the most exciting cities in the world with so many fantastic pubs and restaurants. I would urge people to get out there and see as much as possible. ~ richard-branson, @wisdomtrove
485:Perhaps some day someone will explain how, on the level of man, Auschwitz was possible; but on the level of God, it will forever remain the most disturbing of mysteries. ~ elie-wiesel, @wisdomtrove
486:[The adoption of the Constitution] will demonstrate as visibly the finger of Providence as any possible event in the course of human affairs can ever designate it. ~ george-washington, @wisdomtrove
487:This is the only chance you will ever have on earth with this exciting adventure called life. So why not plan it, and try to live it as richly, as happily as possible? ~ dale-carnegie, @wisdomtrove
488:How can I describe how much I love you? Is it even possible to describe a love like that? I don't know, but as I sit here with pen in hand, I know that I have to try. ~ nicholas-sparks, @wisdomtrove
489:I shall ask you to be as quiet as possible. I don’t know whether you fully understand that I have just been shot‚ but it takes more than that to kill a Bull Moose. ~ theodore-roosevelt, @wisdomtrove
490:Can it be that I have overlooked something, that there is something which I have failed to understand? Is it not possible that this state of despair is common to everyone? ~ leo-tolstoy, @wisdomtrove
491:Laugh as often as possible. You must. Because the world will offer you every reason to weep. So as often as possible, you laugh. That, I think, is part of the Great Love. ~ maya-angelou, @wisdomtrove
492:Saints are what they are not because their sanctity makes them admirable to others, but because the gift of sainthood makes it possible for them to admire everyone else. ~ thomas-merton, @wisdomtrove
493:Achievement is not always success, while reputed failure often is. It is honest endeavor, persistent effort to do the best possible under any and all circumstances. ~ orison-swett-marden, @wisdomtrove
494:If an elderly but distinguished scientist says that something is possible, he is almost certainly right; but if he says that it is impossible, he is very probably wrong. ~ arthur-c-carke, @wisdomtrove
495:Our duty is to encourage every one in his struggle to live up to his own highest idea, and strive at the same time to make the ideal as near as possible to the Truth. ~ swami-vivekananda, @wisdomtrove
496:Happiness is possible only to a rational man, the man who desires nothing but rational goals, seek nothing but rational values and finds his joy in nothing bu rational actions. ~ ayn-rand, @wisdomtrove
497:I love this simply because it's cute, and I guess it's a sign of the times in many respect. It's pretty much saying you complete me, only in the sweetest way possible. ~ f-scott-fitzgerald, @wisdomtrove
498:The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign nations, is, in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible. ~ george-washington, @wisdomtrove
499:There can be no acting or doing of any kind till it be recognized that there is a thing to be done; the thing once recognized, doing in a thousand shapes becomes possible. ~ thomas-carlyle, @wisdomtrove
500:This [a state militia system] appears to me the only substitute that can be devised for a standing army, and the best possible security against it, if it should exist. ~ alexander-hamilton, @wisdomtrove

*** NEWFULLDB 2.4M ***

1:How big is possible? ~ T L Osborn,
2:If possible, ~ Robert A Heinlein,
3:All things are possible. ~ Libba Bray,
4:Redefine the possible. ~ Stewart Brand,
5:contact is possible, Ellie ~ Mike Duran,
6:Get busy on the possible ~ Regina Brett,
7:options It's possible to be ~ Anonymous,
8:It’s im-fucking-possible. ~ Ania Ahlborn,
9:Everything is possible again. ~ Anonymous,
10:What if all possible ~ Brenda Shaughnessy,
11:Whenever possible, steal code. ~ Tom Duff,
12:I take every possible side. ~ Tom Stoppard,
13:Music makes life possible. ~ Henry Rollins,
14:Is it possible to be too attractive? ~ Pepe,
15:És possible viure amb el dolor. ~ John Green,
16:With God all things are possible ~ Anonymous,
17:Anything’s possible, almost. ~ Marilyn Monroe,
18:I'm possibly possible. ~ Jonathan Safran Foer,
19:Nothing is possible without love. ~ Carl Jung,
20:I just try to eat as good as possible. ~ Rakim,
21:What exists, is possible. ~ Kenneth E Boulding,
22:With God, all things are possible. ~ Anonymous,
23:Believe the impossible is possible ~ Glen Keane,
24:forceps apically as far as possible ~ Anonymous,
25:Try to be as honest as possible. ~ Barack Obama,
26:With God, all things are possible. ~ Wayne Dyer,
27:as quickly as possible toward them. ~ Debra Webb,
28:Dreams are made possible if you try. ~ Terry Fox,
29:Faith makes things possible, not easy. ~ Unknown,
30:Since all is empty, all is possible. ~ N g rjuna,
31:Together, all things are possible ~ Cesar Chavez,
32:With God, all things are possible. a ~ Anonymous,
33:With trust, everything is possible. ~ Mike Mason,
34:All things are possible with love ~ Nichole Chase,
35:Everything wonderful is possible. ~ Natalie Lloyd,
36:Hope makes the impossible possible. ~ Lorna Byrne,
37:It Is possible to live in peace. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
38:I try to be as realistic as possible. ~ Jay Ellis,
39:Anything that exists is possible. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
40:It is certain because it is possible. ~ Tertullian,
41:Strap it on whenever it's possible. ~ Stephen King,
42:Almost anything is possible with time ~ Jane Austen,
43:Be as unique and original as possible. ~ Jeff Hardy,
44:Become as knowledgeable as possible. ~ Jane Goodall,
45:I didn’t know how it was possible. ~ Shayne Silvers,
46:Is it possible to outthink yourself? ~ Blake Crouch,
47:I've learned that anything is possible. ~ Gabrielle,
48:When we dream, anything is possible. ~ Jaume Plensa,
49:Wine makes all things possible. ~ George R R Martin,
50:A new world
is not only possible ~ Arundhati Roy,
51:Anything and everything is possible. ~ Amy Klobuchar,
52:Anything is possible after midnight. ~ Timothy Leary,
53:As far as possible, join faith to reason. ~ Boethius,
54:Don't settle for less than is possible. ~ Tom Peters,
55:It isn't possible to love and to part. ~ E M Forster,
56:It is possible for me to live my dreams. ~ Les Brown,
57:Suddenly I feel anything is possible ~ Missy Higgins,
58:the window. ‘But that isn’t possible. ~ Sarah Morgan,
59:I am lost in every possible way-Lev ~ Neal Shusterman,
60:Is it possible to be totally partial? ~ Steven Wright,
61:Is it possible to love someone too much? ~ Ryan Adams,
62:Never ignore a possible. ~Charles ~ Katherine Rundell,
63:The glories of the possible are ours. ~ Bayard Taylor,
64:Anything that is conceivable is possible. ~ David Hume,
65:every stranger is a possible enemy. He ~ Louis L Amour,
66:Govern wisely, and as little as possible ~ Sam Houston,
67:How is error possible in mathematics? ~ Henri Poincare,
68:I like to be on the edge of the possible. ~ Jorn Utzon,
69:It is no longer possible to be exotic. ~ Quentin Crisp,
70:I try to be as intentional as possible. ~ Kofi Siriboe,
71:I try to be as unsexy as possible. ~ Dusty Springfield,
72:I want to be the best player possible. ~ Sidney Crosby,
73:Lies and victimhood make evil possible ~ Dennis Prager,
74:[On God:] She makes everything possible. ~ Helen Reddy,
75:Peace if possible. Truth at all costs. ~ Martin Luther,
76:Peace if possible, truth at all costs. ~ Martin Luther,
77:Play is the exultation of the possible. ~ Martin Buber,
78:that with God, all things are possible. ~ Eric Metaxas,
79:We all deserve the best possible future. ~ Bill Jensen,
80:Whatever you advise, be as brief as possible. ~ Horace,
81:With love, lass anything is possible. ~ Laura Hunsaker,
82:Yes, Maxon," I whispered. "It’s possible. ~ Kiera Cass,
83:All things are possible leaves nothing out. ~ Anonymous,
84:Enlightenment is possible - for everyone. ~ Miles Neale,
85:Everything is possible for him who believes ~ Anonymous,
86:Everything is possible for one who believes ~ Anonymous,
87:Hope is a passion for the possible. ~ Soren Kierkegaard,
88:Hope is a passion for the possible. ~ S ren Kierkegaard,
89:How is it possible to have a civil war? ~ George Carlin,
90:If we don't dream of the possible, ~ Christopher Reeve,
91:I hope to work with kids any way possible. ~ Jenna Bush,
92:I'm a freak in the fondest way possible. ~ Adam Lambert,
93:By worrying as little as possible about fame. ~ Diogenes,
94:is love at first sight truly possible? ~ Nicholas Sparks,
95:It is possible to have too much of a good thing. ~ Aesop,
96:Nothing is impossible. I’m possible. ~ Barbara Silkstone,
97:Resentment makes anything possible. ~ Eric Jerome Dickey,
98:All is possible for those who dare to die! ~ Walter Scott,
99:Any dream is possible, if you have courage. ~ Walt Disney,
100:Anything is possible. Anything can be. ~ Shel Silverstein,
101:Be joyful because it is humanly possible. ~ Wendell Berry,
102:Change is never easy, but always possible. ~ Barack Obama,
103:Hope is passion for what is possible. ~ Soren Kierkegaard,
104:Hope is passion for what is possible. ~ S ren Kierkegaard,
105:Is it even remotely, conceivably possible ~ Lauren Oliver,
106:is love at first sight truly possible ? ~ Nicholas Sparks,
107:I try to be as efficient as possible. ~ Richard Jefferson,
108:Mirror neurons make human empathy possible. ~ Nick Morgan,
109:Nature operates in the shortest way possible. ~ Aristotle,
110:No corruption is possible with the diamond. ~ Victor Hugo,
111:No study is possible on the battlefield. ~ Ferdinand Foch,
112:Remain open to as much input as possible. ~ Deepak Chopra,
113:Whatever man imagines is possible ~ Julie Andrews Edwards,
114:What is not possible is not to choose. ~ Jean Paul Sartre,
115:What is thinkable is also possible. ~ Ludwig Wittgenstein,
116:With faith, all things are possible. ~ Jeanette Winterson,
117:Anything's possible. I am the proof. ~ Diamond Dallas Page,
118:Because you are alive, everything is possible. ~ Nhat Hanh,
119:Every day I am inspired by what's possible. ~ Maynard Webb,
120:Garner knowledge, by any means possible ~ Jacqueline Carey,
121:I always think anything is possible. ~ Diamond Dallas Page,
122:Is it possible to say what one really feels? ~ Leo Tolstoy,
123:It is possible to be aware of God at all times. ~ Tim Cook,
124:Luckily, we rarely dealt with the possible. ~ Anton Strout,
125:Only an 'almost,' a 'nearly,' is possible. ~ Arnulf Rainer,
126:Sensitivity is not possible if you are afraid. ~ Bruce Lee,
127:"Thanks to emptiness, everything is possible." ~ Nagarjuna,
128:Time travel is possible. Will explain later ~ Jose Canseco,
129:To put it as simply as possible, I ate a god. ~ Drew Hayes,
130:With enough coffee anything is possible ~ Karen Salmansohn,
131:Absolutely," he says. "If it's at all possible. ~ Bob Dylan,
132:Happiness isn't possible without freedom. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh,
133:How is it possible to exist with so much pain? ~ Jojo Moyes,
134:I don't need easy, I just need possible. ~ Bethany Hamilton,
135:I don't need easy. I just need possible. ~ Bethany Hamilton,
136:I'm no longer interested in the possible. ~ Robert Kroetsch,
137:Love is dangerous in the best way possible. ~ Lindsay Lohan,
138:Perfect is unattainable. Better is possible. ~ Barack Obama,
139:Thanks to impermanence, everything is possible. ~ Nhat Hanh,
140:The knowledge of all things is possible ~ Leonardo da Vinci,
141:All things are possible to him that believeth. ~ Mark IX. 23,
142:Apparently, it was possible to polish a turd. ~ Liliana Hart,
143:If you lead with passion anything is possible! ~ Paula Abdul,
144:Investors believe in the best possible outcome. ~ James Cook,
145:Stories make it possible for us to be human. ~ Daniel Taylor,
146:There is no place where espionage is not possible. ~ Sun Tzu,
147:With the power of soul, anything is possible. ~ Jimi Hendrix,
148:Anything's possible if you've got enough nerve. ~ J K Rowling,
149:Begin with the possible; begin with one step. ~ G I Gurdjieff,
150:Faith reminds us that change is always possible. ~ Jim Wallis,
151:Good design means as little design as possible. ~ Dieter Rams,
152:If at all possible, commune with nature daily. ~ Robin Sharma,
153:If better is possible, good is not enough ~ Benjamin Franklin,
154:It is possible.” “More than that. It is probable. ~ Anonymous,
155:My book sales make 'real writers' possible. ~ Jennifer Weiner,
156:No art is possible without a dance with death ~ Kurt Vonnegut,
157:Once you choose hope, anything's possible ~ Christopher Reeve,
158:Right after the game, say as little as possible. ~ Tom Landry,
159:The possible ranks higher than the actual. ~ Martin Heidegger,
160:What is impossible with men is possible with God. ~ Anonymous,
161:All is for the best in the best of possible worlds. ~ Voltaire,
162:Always work on the highest possible value next. ~ Ron Jeffries,
163:Anything is possible if you wish hard enough. ~ James M Barrie,
164:Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible. ~ Dalai Lama,
165:Even in darkness it is possible to create light. ~ Elie Wiesel,
166:Evil is always possible. Goodness is a difficulty. ~ Anne Rice,
167:Find out whats possible, If you never give up. ~ Austin Mahone,
169:Great hopes make everything great possible ~ Benjamin Franklin,
170:I dream that love without tyranny is possible ~ Andrea Dworkin,
171:If you believe in yourself anything is possible. ~ Miley Cyrus,
172:In stages, the impossible becomes possible. ~ T K V Desikachar,
173:Isolation is the worst possible counselor. ~ Miguel de Unamuno,
174:I thought I should be stronger than was possible. ~ Chris Kyle,
175:It is more than possible; it is probable. ~ Arthur Conan Doyle,
176:I try to be an open book now as much as possible. ~ A J McLean,
177:I want to dress like a child as much as possible. ~ Kanye West,
178:Knowledge is knowing as little as possible. ~ Charles Bukowski,
179:No art is possible without a dance with death. ~ George Carlin,
180:No art is possible without a dance with death, ~ Kurt Vonnegut,
181:No art is possible without a dance with death. ~ Kurt Vonnegut,
182:Only the fiercest risks make existence possible. ~ Don DeLillo,
183:The art of deep seeing makes gratitude possible. ~ Ann Voskamp,
184:The unexpected is what makes life possible. ~ Ursula K Le Guin,
185:We are to be in and out as quickly as possible, ~ Robert Bevan,
186:what is possible for one is possible for all, ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
187:Anything is possible with Trump. ~ Christopher Michael Cillizza,
188:Anything was possible if the impossible was true. ~ Umberto Eco,
189:Believe me when I tell you ANYTHING is possible ~ Leigh Shulman,
190:But still try for who knows what is possible! ~ Michael Faraday,
191:Great hopes make everything great possible. ~ Benjamin Franklin,
192:Hour by hour, day by day, life becomes possible. ~ Sylvia Plath,
193:I'd like to grow very old as slowly as possible. ~ Charles Lamb,
194:If at all possible, commune with nature daily. ~ Robin S Sharma,
195:I'm keen to have balance, as much as possible. ~ Felicity Jones,
196:Indulge your imagination in every possible flight ~ Jane Austen,
197:Is it possible to be jealous of written words? ~ Salman Rushdie,
198:Is it possible to be nostalgic about old fears? ~ Peter Ackroyd,
199:I think the best answer is as little as possible. ~ Mitt Romney,
200:It is possible to be clean in a dirty world. ~ Sheri Dew,
201:I try to not to be a celebrity as much as possible. ~ Eric Idle,
202:Mental seduction. He’d never thought it possible ~ Karen Ranney,
203:My goal is to make my kids as happy as possible. ~ Art Alexakis,
204:Pizza makes me think that anything is possible. ~ Henry Rollins,
205:That which is possible is inevitable. ~ William Carlos Williams,
206:We are afraid of the enormity of the possible. ~ Emile M Cioran,
207:...yelling doesn't make a thing any more possible. ~ Angie Sage,
208:As long as nothing happens anything is possible. ~ Graham Greene,
209:Because you are alive, everything is possible. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh,
210:Be tenacious. Get as much stage time as possible. ~ Ana Gasteyer,
211:But still try, for who knows what is possible? ~ Michael Faraday,
212:Every possible type of alien drank at Eastcheap. ~ Chris Dietzel,
213:How is it possible to bring order out of memory? ~ Beryl Markham,
214:If anything is possible, then nothing is interesting ~ H G Wells,
215:If you think you're free, there's no escape possible. ~ Ram Dass,
216:Indulge your imagination in every possible flight. ~ Jane Austen,
217:It is not possible to know what you need to learn. ~ Phil Crosby,
218:It's only possible to betray where loyalty is due ~ Muriel Spark,
219:I want to ruin you Freda, in the best way possible. ~ L H Cosway,
220:Nature uses as little as possible of anything. ~ Johannes Kepler,
221:Once we choose hope, everything is possible. ~ Christopher Reeve,
222:Pirates having a tea party? Not possible. ~ Cinda Williams Chima,
223:When I call on Jesus, all things are possible. ~ Nicole C Mullen,
224:When nothing is sure, everything is possible. ~ Margaret Drabble,
225:You only live once, buy Picassos whenever possible. ~ James Frey,
226:Expose yourself to as much randomness as possible. ~ Ben Casnocha,
227:If anything is possible, then nothing is interesting. ~ H G Wells,
228:I grew up in a time where anything was possible. ~ Brian McKnight,
229:It is best to be as pretty as possible for destiny. ~ Coco Chanel,
230:Love is a possible strength in an actual weakness. ~ Thomas Hardy,
231:Most things are possible, if one decides they are. ~ Kate Elliott,
232:moving forward only because backward wasn’t possible. ~ Amy Bloom,
233:No art is possible without a dance
with death ~ Kurt Vonnegut,
234:Once all struggle is grapsed, miracles are possible. ~ Mao Zedong,
235:Pure truth is possible, but pure falsehood is not. ~ Peter Kreeft,
236:Shouting something didn't make it any more possible. ~ Angie Sage,
237:Talk as little as possible. Work as much as you can. ~ The Mother,
238:Thanks to impermanence, everything is possible. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh,
239:The rule is to carry as little as possible. ~ Henry David Thoreau,
240:The things impossible with men are possible with God. ~ Anonymous,
241:To me, jazz is a place where anything is possible. ~ Bill Frisell,
242:We have to do the impossible, but it is possible. ~ Kevin Garnett,
243:What is possible for me is possible for you. ~ Frederick Douglass,
244:Without property rights, no other rights are possible. ~ Ayn Rand,
245:All is for the best in the best of all possible worlds. ~ Voltaire,
246:Anything really is possible in musical theater. ~ Michelle Knudsen,
247:As long as nothing happens anything is possible... ~ Graham Greene,
248:Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible. ~ Dalai Lama XIV,
249:Change is possible.' 'Change is inevitable. ~ Lois McMaster Bujold,
250:Could it be possible to hate and love someone too? ~ Aleatha Romig,
251:Do less than you ever thought it was possible to do. ~ Kurt Fuller,
252:Even from just a little thing, it's still possible to die. ~ CLAMP,
253:If you think you are free, there is no escape possible. ~ Ram Dass,
254:In a new environment, it was possible to transform. ~ Meg Wolitzer,
255:I say stick with Mother Nature as much as possible. ~ Jack LaLanne,
256:Is it possible that God had something else in mind? ~ Dannah Gresh,
257:It’s frustration which makes creativity possible. ~ Hanif Kureishi,
258:it's possible to be pro-sex and anti-pornography. ~ Gloria Steinem,
259:My mom reminds me that all things are possible. ~ Amandla Stenberg,
260:Police work wouldn't be possible without coffee. ~ Henning Mankell,
261:The only possible paradises are those we have lost ~ Marcel Proust,
262:The real is only one realization of the possible. ~ Ilya Prigogine,
263:..there are two possible endings to every story. ~ Christie Watson,
264:There is no possible source of evil except good. ~ Saint Augustine,
265:The reversal of a Supreme Court opinion is possible. ~ Mike Rounds,
266:Was it possible to measure what the heart felt? ~ Rachel Hawthorne,
267:We are sparks that must glow as brightly as possible. ~ Asger Jorn,
268:When anything is possible, how do you choose? ~ Karen Marie Moning,
269:When you are plugged into you, anything is possible. ~ Tara Stiles,
270:With self-discipline, all things are possible ~ Theodore Roosevelt,
271:You will learn that a lot of things are possible. ~ Kristin Hannah,
272:All Life needs for life is possible to will. ~ Alfred Lord Tennyson,
273:Another world is possible, without the 1 percent. ~ Winnie Byanyima,
274:Anything in life is possible, if you make it happen. ~ Jack LaLanne,
275:As a kid, I was told to talk as much as possible. ~ Christina Ricci,
276:As an artist, it's possible to get tired of yourself. ~ Will Cotton,
277:Beauty is almost no longer possible if it is not a lie. ~ R D Laing,
278:Common sense is the measure of the possible. ~ Henri Frederic Amiel,
279:God uses every possible means to communicate with you. ~ Max Lucado,
280:Grace / to be born and live as variously as possible ~ Frank O Hara,
281:Grandfather informs me that is not possible. ~ Jonathan Safran Foer,
282:Is that even possible? Can one have a two-night stand? ~ J S Cooper,
283:I try to get back to Australia as much as possible. ~ Teresa Palmer,
284:Once all struggles are grasped, miracles are possible. ~ Mao Zedong,
285:Only one feat is possible: not to have run away. ~ Dag Hammarskjold,
286:Ridicule is about the most powerful weapon possible. ~ Barney Frank,
287:So all things limp together for the only possible. ~ Samuel Beckett,
288:Was it possible people were heavier dead than alive? ~ Ruth Rendell,
289:Without great solitude no serious work is possible. ~ Pablo Picasso,
290:You can never give up. With love, anything is possible. ~ Lil Romeo,
291:A leader is someone who demonstrates what's possible. ~ Mark Yarnell,
292:All things are possible through invitation and love. ~ Bryant McGill,
293:As long as possible live free and uncommitted. ~ Henry David Thoreau,
294:"Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible." ~ Dalai Lama XIV,
295:Communication is only possible between equals. ~ Robert Anton Wilson,
296:Even the impossible becomes possible through devotion. ~ Sarada Devi,
297:I credit poetry for making this space-walk possible. ~ Seamus Heaney,
298:Infinity converts the possible into the inevitable. ~ Norman Cousins,
299:Is it possible to become friends with a butterfly? ~ Haruki Murakami,
300:Is it possible to observe without the observer? ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti,
301:Is it possible to succeed without any act of betrayal? ~ Jean Renoir,
302:It is always possible to approach a goal by a detour. ~ Theodor Reik,
303:It is possible for the human spirit to win after all. ~ Jack Kerouac,
304:It is possible to live 24 hours in a state of love. ~ Gautama Buddha,
305:It's not possible that women can be at par with men. ~ Robert Mugabe,
306:It was necessary, and the necessary was always possible. ~ C S Lewis,
307:It was not possible to reason with unreasonable people ~ Vince Flynn,
308:Knower of the means makes impossible tasks also possible. ~ Chanakya,
309:London is on the whole the most possible form of life. ~ Henry James,
310:Make things as simple as possible, but no simpler. ~ Albert Einstein,
311:Of all the possible partners, I get a pit bull puppy. ~ Lauren Layne,
312:Show business is the best possible therapy for remorse. ~ Anita Loos,
313:The third man in the ring makes boxing possible. ~ Joyce Carol Oates,
314:This is the best of all possible worlds. ~ Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz,
315:What you intuitively desire, that is possible to you. ~ D H Lawrence,
316:Why can I never set my heart on a possible thing? ~ Ursula K Le Guin,
317:Without great solitude, no serious work is possible. ~ Pablo Picasso,
318:With self discipline most anything is possible. ~ Theodore Roosevelt,
319:With self-discipline most anything is possible. ~ Theodore Roosevelt,
320:Art remains the one way possible of speaking truth. ~ Robert Browning,
321:As a parent you protect your kids as much as possible. ~ LeBron James,
322:But comedy I'd love to do as much as humanly possible. ~ Ben Kingsley,
323:But determination can make the miraculous possible. ~ Paul Fleischman,
324:Courage is necessary to make being and becoming possible. ~ Rollo May,
325:Everything is possible. The impossible just takes longer. ~ Dan Brown,
326:Forget this world and all its troubles and if possible ~ Ada Lovelace,
327:if you promise the possible, people won't believe you? ~ Cameron Jace,
328:I like my work to stand on its own as much as possible. ~ Anson Mount,
329:It is always possible to create something original. ~ George Gershwin,
330:LIFE" made it possible, "DEATH" made it necessary! ~ Harold S Kushner,
331:Monogamy is not only possible, it is our natural state. ~ Sue Johnson,
332:Remember, all things are possible to those who believe! ~ Gail Devers,
333:Seize the day, and put the least possible trust in tomorrow. ~ Horace,
334:Seize the day, trusting as little as possible in the future. ~ Horace,
335:So they’re the a priori principles of possible experience ~ Anonymous,
336:The possible's slow fuse is lit by the Imagination. ~ Emily Dickinson,
337:The weaknesses of the many make the leader possible. ~ Elbert Hubbard,
338:Wait for the last possible moment to make a decision. ~ Frank Partnoy,
339:Was it possible, on some level, he knew we'd once had ~ Stacy Claflin,
340:When a language dies, a possible world dies with it. ~ George Steiner,
341:Wise are you, indeed... to know what is not possible. ~ David Eddings,
342:With diligence it is possible to make anything run slowly. ~ Tom Duff,
343:You have to allow for the impossible to be possible. ~ Lupita Nyong o,
344:You of all people know it is possible to live with pain. ~ John Green,
345:All things are possible through invitation and love. ~ Bryant H McGill,
346:Anything is possible if you believe you deserve it. ~ Shirley MacLaine,
347:Anything is possible with sunshine and a little pink. ~ Lilly Pulitzer,
348:Au moment même où tout est perdu, tout est possible ~ Emmanuel Levinas,
349:Be as precise as possible about your need for aid. ~ Robert B Cialdini,
350:Besides, hysteria is only possible with an audience. ~ Chuck Palahniuk,
351:But at the beginning of the night anything's possible. ~ Lauren Oliver,
352:But when a girl's motivated, miracles are possible. ~ Lilith Saintcrow,
353:CASE: it's not possible.
COOPER: No... it's necessary. ~ Greg Keyes,
354:Each work has to be done as intensely as possible. ~ Philip Pearlstein,
355:Everything is possible to the one who believes. Mark 9:23 ~ Beth Moore,
356:If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out ~ George Orwell,
357:I shall be glad of a cup of coffee as soon as possible. ~ George Eliot,
358:I want people to suffer less, and I think it's possible. ~ Katy Butler,
359:I want to see as many black professionals as possible. ~ Orlando Jones,
360:Not thinking it's possible is a failure of imagination. ~ Vinod Khosla,
361:Seize the night; trust as little as possible in tomorrow, ~ Kate Quinn,
362:Sometimes we misjudge what is possible and what is not. ~ Aimee Carter,
363:The track is fast and I appreciate anything is possible. ~ Yohan Blake,
364:Truth makes love possible; love makes truth bearable. ~ Rowan Williams,
365:Unconditional love isn’t possible without forgiveness. ~ Penelope Ward,
366:We live in the best of all possible worlds ~ Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz,
367:We live in the most probable of all possible worlds. ~ Stephen Hawking,
368:When we lose that sense of the possible we lose it fast. ~ Joan Didion,
369:When you make something a priority, anything is possible. ~ Max Monroe,
370:Worrying is just a prayer for the worst possible scenario. ~ Daphne Oz,
371:writer or a musician, not knowing that it was possible ~ James McBride,
372:You have to try the impossible to achieve the possible ~ Hermann Hesse,
373:Always make the audience suffer as much as possible. ~ Alfred Hitchcock,
374:A perfect peace is not possible; it doesn't exist. ~ Juan Manuel Santos,
375:But it was possible to teach what one could not practice. ~ Mary Balogh,
376:Enjoy the present day, trust the least possible to the future. ~ Horace,
377:Feminism makes it possible for women and men to know love. ~ bell hooks,
378:Glurk hit the guard in as friendly a way as possible. ~ Terry Pratchett,
379:history itself arises out of the adjacent possible. ~ Stuart A Kauffman,
380:How is it possible to miss someone you can’t remember? ~ Colleen Hoover,
381:I am never guided by a possible assessment of my work. ~ Vladimir Putin,
382:If it's possible to have a reading hangover, I have one. ~ Erika Swyler,
383:If it’s possible to have a reading hangover, I have one. ~ Erika Swyler,
384:If things were not impermanent, life would not be possible. ~ Nhat Hanh,
385:If thou canst believe, all things are possible. ~ Florence Scovel Shinn,
386:Indonesia is the country where everything is possible. ~ Jonas Jonasson,
387:I never said it was possible. I only said it was true. ~ Charles Richet,
388:Is it possible to be a revolutionary and like flowers? ~ Camille Henrot,
389:It is not possible either to trick or escape the mind of Zeus. ~ Hesiod,
390:It’s official: anything is possible when you are committed. ~ Hal Elrod,
391:Keep everything as simple as possible but no simpler. ~ Albert Einstein,
392:Love wasn’t possible without a self, and nor was thinking. ~ Ian McEwan,
393:Never ignore a possible. ~ Katherine RundellCharles ~ Katherine Rundell,
394:Nothing is impossible. the word itself says "i'm possible". ~ Anonymous,
395:Only if you are possible, everything will be possible. ~ Santosh Kalwar,
396:Perfection is a stick with which to beat the possible. ~ Rebecca Solnit,
397:Reforesting the earth is possible, given a human touch. ~ Sandra Postel,
398:Savor kindness because cruelty is always possible later. ~ Jenny Holzer,
400:Think about what’s pleasurable, not just what’s possible. ~ Brene Brown,
401:Time travel may be possible, but it is not practical. ~ Stephen Hawking,
402:To be fully alive is to feel that everything is possible. ~ Eric Hoffer,
403:Was it possible that he liked the world the way it was? ~ Chris Wooding,
404:was it possible that i was, in the modern term, in denial? ~ Ian Mcewan,
405:What is impossible with men is possible with God. ~ Luke the Evangelist,
406:What I've always wanted to do is be as funny as possible. ~ John Cleese,
407:Whenever possible, perform acts of anonymous service. ~ Ian Morgan Cron,
408:All things are possible until they are proven impossible. ~ Pearl S Buck,
409:Be a life long student, read as many books as possible. ~ Nelson Mandela,
410:Be funny whenever possible, even if some people don't get it. ~ Rob Lowe,
411:Believe all things are possible With Cosmic Ordering. ~ Stephen Richards,
412:death was permanent, and should be avoided if possible. ~ Michael Bunker,
413:Everything in your life right now is a possible episode. ~ Oprah Winfrey,
414:Everything possible to be believed is an image of truth. ~ William Blake,
415:I know that all things are possible through Jesus Christ. ~ Jason Derulo,
416:I love film; I'd love to do as many films as possible. ~ Spencer Boldman,
417:Is it really possible to tell someone else what one feels? ~ Leo Tolstoy,
418:It is always possible to do a thing better the second time. ~ Henry Ford,
419:it is possible for the same thing both to be and not to be. ~ David Hume,
420:It’s possible that heaven’s a rodeo, too, but not likely, ~ Stephen King,
421:It's possible to name everything and to destroy the world. ~ Kathy Acker,
422:It would not be possible to praises nurses too highly. ~ Stephen Ambrose,
423:Let there be a wide breadth of possible ways to create. ~ Akiva Goldsman,
424:No art is possible without a dance with death, he wrote. ~ Kurt Vonnegut,
425:Sometimes things become possible if we want them bad enough. ~ T S Eliot,
426:The impossible is just the possible you haven’t met yet. ~ Deborah Blake,
427:The unexpected is what makes life possible,” he said. ~ Ursula K Le Guin,
428:Things should be as simple as possible and no simpler. ~ Albert Einstein,
429:Wealth is power. With wealth many things are possible. ~ George S Clason,
430:Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy. ~ Saul Alinsky,
431:Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible. ~ Frank Zappa,
432:All things are possible to one who believes. ~ Saint Bernard of Clairvaux,
433:And he was feeling not-unique in the very best possible way. ~ John Green,
434:Anything's possible with an angel and a little ingenuity. ~ Jamie McGuire,
435:Ask what's possible, not what's wrong. Keep asking. ~ Margaret J Wheatley,
436:As long as thanks is possible, then joy is always possible. ~ Ann Voskamp,
437:At a time of great social upheaval, all things are possible. ~ Jill Stein,
438:Change is possible.'

'Change is inevitable. ~ Lois McMaster Bujold,
439:Decisions are about choosing among multiple possible futures. ~ Anonymous,
440:Desire awakens only to things that are thought possible. ~ Rene Descartes,
441:Every thing possible to be believ'd is an image of truth. ~ William Blake,
442:Everything that is possible demands to exist. ~ Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz,
443:Evil is always possible. And goodness is eternally difficult. ~ Anne Rice,
444:Evil is always possible. And goodness is eternally difficult. ~ Anonymous,
445:Here, on the ground, nothing is likely, everything possible. ~ Paul Scott,
446:I am only (, limited by what I believe is possible. ~ Jon Jones,
447:Individuality is only possible if it unfolds from wholeness. ~ David Bohm,
448:It is possible I already had some presentiment of my future. ~ Gene Wolfe,
449:It's possible to be thankful wherever you find yourself. ~ David Jeremiah,
450:It’s up to you to make everyday as perfect as possible. ~ Karl Lagerfeld,
451:knees. “How is that possible? Who do those Scheisse ~ Ellen Marie Wiseman,
452:Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler. ~ Albert Einstein,
453:Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler. ~ Gerd Gigerenzer,
454:Never a truer word said or thought. Anything was possible. ~ Clive Barker,
455:never say never see what is possible if you never give up ~ Justin Bieber,
456:pernicious way possible on a daily basis. I don’t remember ~ Rosanne Cash,
457:So love is possible at the Loony Bin. Or, at least, lust. ~ Julie Halpern,
458:Sometimes things become possible if we want them bad enough. ~ T S Eliot,
459:The bible says, 'All things are possible.' I believe that. ~ Dolly Parton,
460:The only possible form of exercise is to talk, not to walk. ~ Oscar Wilde,
461:Where any answer is possible, all answers are meaningless. ~ Isaac Asimov,
462:Wings are a constraint that makes it possible to fly. ~ Robert Bringhurst,
463:You can only see what you believe—nothing else is possible. ~ Byron Katie,
464:You have much to learn of what is possible in this world. ~ Sara C Snider,
465:You make me believe that things I’d given up on a possible. ~ Tracy March,
466:All things are possible, ... Except the passing of regret. ~ David Gemmell,
467:All things except reason and order are possible with a mob. ~ George Eliot,
468:Anything is possible. A man is what he makes up his mind to be. ~ Gish Jen,
469:Anything is possible,’ I said. ‘But most things are unlikely. ~ John Boyne,
470:Anything that is conceivable in the human mind is possible. ~ Wally Hickel,
471:Because of lies, we can produce and invent a possible world. ~ Umberto Eco,
472:Bush is an idiot and he's President, so anything's possible ~ John McEnroe,
473:But hoping is how the impossible can be possible after all ~ Marissa Meyer,
474:Create an atmosphere in which anything is possible. ~ Thomas Raymond Kelly,
475:Faced with intolerance and hatred, no debate is possible. ~ Jacques Chirac,
476:Find your passion and run with it. Anything is possible. ~ Kendall Schmidt,
477:If we do not create inner peace, outer peace is not possible. ~ Tsem Tulku,
478:I grew up in this world where everything seemed possible. ~ Fareed Zakaria,
479:I like to be in my birthday suit as much as possible. ~ Courtney Robertson,
480:I'm trying to learn more and more about what's possible. ~ Garry Winogrand,
481:It is possible that his virtue lived on a lack of energy. ~ John Steinbeck,
482:it is well to have as many holds upon happiness as possible. ~ Jane Austen,
483:it’s been to focus on culture and imagine what’s possible. ~ Satya Nadella,
484:it’s possible to transcend anything that doesn’t kill you, ~ David Goggins,
485:.....Just because it's possible doesn't mean its wise ~ Jennifer A Nielsen,
486:Love can make you do things that you never thought possible ~ Phil Collins,
487:Love is a possible strength in an actual weakness. Marriage ~ Thomas Hardy,
488:Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler. ~ Albert Einstein,
489:Memory embellishes Life. Forgetfulness makes it possible. ~ Romare Bearden,
490:Nothing's real ,but all is possible if God is on my side ~ Michael Jackson,
491:Sometimes I sing very honestly, really as moving as possible. ~ Klaus Nomi,
492:The stupidest possible creative act is still a creative act. ~ Clay Shirky,
493:To make your dreams possible, act on them with open eyes. ~ Robert D Smith,
494:To whomever emptiness is possible,
All things are possible. ~ N g rjuna,
495:Walking is the best possible exercise. — THOMAS JEFFERSON ~ Michael J Gelb,
496:We are evaluating what possible actions should be taken. ~ Walter Isaacson,
497:Ah, the magic of music, with it, all things are possible. ~ E A Bucchianeri,
498:All good things are possible if you try hard and stay stylish. ~ Susan Juby,
499:Art should communicate with as many people as possible. ~ Madeleine L Engle,
500:Beyond peace, there is no longer any existence possible. ~ Gustav Heinemann,
501:Everything possible to be believed is an image of truth. ~ Orson Scott Card,
502:Faith does not ask for possible things; it demands impossible. ~ T B Joshua,
503:For me writing is as close to being an engineer as possible. ~ Guy Kawasaki,
504:Historical mythmaking is made possible only by forgetting. ~ Nancy Isenberg,
505:I don't suppose it would be possible to, er, step on him? ~ Cassandra Clare,
506:Is it possible for home to be a person and not a place? ~ Stephanie Perkins,
507:Is it possible that love is all subjective, or all objective? ~ Bram Stoker,
508:It is possible for love to grow and multiply if you work at it. ~ Jon Jones,
509:I truly believe anything is possible if you fully manifest it. ~ Matt Sorum,
510:Love can make you do things that you never thought possible. ~ Phil Collins,
511:Seek for the boldest color possible, content is irrelevant. ~ Henri Matisse,
512:Then how does one go about making the impossible, possible ? ~ Ren e Ahdieh,
513:The stupidest possible creative act is still a creative act, ~ Austin Kleon,
514:Was it possible for thought to exist without consciousness? ~ Stanis aw Lem,
515:What I seek is the highest possible batting average. ~ Franklin D Roosevelt,
516:When the alternative is possible disaster, a man must gamble. ~ Chaim Potok,
517:anything, anything is possible, if you can just see the sky. ~ Lauren Oliver,
518:Anything is possible, but only a few things actually happen. ~ Richard Rosen,
519:Anything's possible, you gotta dream like you never seen obstacles. ~ J Cole,
520:As an actor, being on autopilot is the worst thing possible. ~ Matthew Perry,
521:Come to terms with death. Thereafter anything is possible. ~ Sheldon Solomon,
522:Do as many ideas as possible. The right idea will pick you. ~ James Altucher,
523:Do as much as possible, and talk of yourself as little as possible ~ Sallust,
524:Everything that is possible demands to exist.
   ~ Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz,
525:Every victory enlarges the magnitude of our possible defeat. ~ John Williams,
526:He replied, “What is impossible for mortals is possible for God. ~ Anonymous,
527:How is it possible to feel nostalgia for a world I never knew? ~ Che Guevara,
528:I didn’t say it was possible. I just said it happened. ~ Sir William Crookes,
529:If this is the best of possible worlds, what then are the others? ~ Voltaire,
530:I know it is possible to win the Tour without taking anything. ~ Greg LeMond,
531:Is it possible to love someone who never really existed? ~ Lacey Weatherford,
532:I think horror films always have to be as simple as possible. ~ Glen Mazzara,
533:I think... that when it comes to us, anything is possible. ~ Nicholas Sparks,
534:[I]t is well to have as many holds upon happiness as possible. ~ Jane Austen,
535:It's possible to go on, no matter how impossible it seems. ~ Nicholas Sparks,
536:It’s possible to miss what you’ve never had, to mourn for it ~ Paula Hawkins,
537:it was, in fact, possible to accidentally accelerate in reverse. ~ Wendy Wax,
538:It was possible that there were two gods in this church. ~ Maggie Stiefvater,
539:…it will be possible, in the time of the wolf, to kill the gods. ~ A S Byatt,
540:Knowledge humanely applied makes human progress possible. ~ Frank H T Rhodes,
541:Life is a celebration… I try to enjoy it as much as possible. ~ Rashad Evans,
542:Loss and sorrow are only possible with respect to things we own. ~ Epictetus,
543:Mathematics is concerned with "all possible worlds." ~ David Malet Armstrong,
544:No art is possible without a dance with death, he wrote. The ~ Kurt Vonnegut,
545:No great achievement is possible without persistent work. ~ Bertrand Russell,
546:No, that's not possible," Michael said. "Killed, yes; jail, no. ~ Mario Puzo,
547:Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'! ~ Audrey Hepburn,
548:Stigmata,” she said as tonguelessly as possible, and laughed. ~ Lauren Groff,
549:The only possible ethic is to do what one wants to do. ~ William S Burroughs,
550:To doubt is to have faith in the worst possible outcome. ~ Blaine Lee Pardoe,
551:You just do what you can and you have as much fun as possible. ~ Frank Ocean,
552:Change is possible, but it must start with self-acceptance. ~ Alexander Lowen,
553:Doubt begins only at the last frontiers of what is possible. ~ Ambrose Bierce,
554:God, how is it possible for you to be this bad at slow? ~ Aly Martinez,
555:He looked about as worried as it is possible for a man to look ~ Rick Riordan,
556:Hold back the tide. Keep your kids innocent as long as possible. ~ Tony Danza,
557:I felt that it's best just to be as transparent as possible. ~ Rupert Murdoch,
558:Is anything--not even happiness but just not torment--possible? ~ Leo Tolstoy,
559:It is not possible to fight beyond your strength, even if you strive. ~ Homer,
560:It is possible for ordinary people to choose to be extraordinary. ~ Elon Musk,
561:it’s possible to miss what you’ve never had, to mourn for it. ~ Paula Hawkins,
562:I will not rest until no child goes hungry. All is possible. ~ Audrey Hepburn,
563:Just give it everything you've got and bowl as fast as possible. ~ Imran Khan,
564:Man believes in the possible, but God believes in the impossible. ~ Ray Lewis,
565:Respect the gods, but have as little to do with them as possible. ~ Confucius,
566:Science fiction is the art of the possible not the impossible. ~ Ray Bradbury,
567:Simple things should be simple, complex things should be possible. ~ Alan Kay,
568:The most important possible thing you can do is do a lot of work. ~ Ira Glass,
569:The only thing in your hands is your life—make it as rich as possible. ~ Osho,
570:There is one and only one possible road to joy: selfless love. ~ Peter Kreeft,
571:Today, looking back, I tell myself that anything is possible. ~ Abdellah Ta a,
572:Underground dance music - in the nicest way possible - it's amateur. ~ Axwell,
573:We complete each other in the nastiest, ugliest possible way. ~ Gillian Flynn,
574:Where combination is possible, competition is impossible. ~ George Stephenson,
575:Where there is nothing, absolutely anything is possible. ~ Augusten Burroughs,
576:With you, God, all things are possible, including my healing. ~ Caroline Myss,
577:After failure, it is possible to keep going– and to fail better. ~ Slavoj i ek,
578:A happy childhood is the worst possible preparation for life. ~ Kinky Friedman,
579:All things are possible, except skiing through a revolving door. ~ Woody Allen,
580:An artist's job is to surprise himself. Use all means possible. ~ Robert Henri,
581:[A] planet, wholly inhabited by spiders, (which is very possible) ~ David Hume,
582:Ari, Ari, Ari. You’re fighting this war in the worst possible way. ~ Anonymous,
583:Believe in the impossible, for then you will find it possible. ~ Rodney Collin,
584:Be strong minded, and always believe that the impossible is possible. ~ Selena,
585:Courage is the first virtue that makes all other virtues possible. ~ Aristotle,
586:Everything is possible. If you want something, give something. ~ Deepak Chopra,
587:Few people realize the number of things that are possible. ~ Richard P Feynman,
588:Get as rude as possible and don't let anyone tell you how to live. ~ Mick Mars,
589:He’s happy. And isn’t that the worst of all possible outcomes? ~ Dennis Lehane,
590:He sighed. “You will learn that a lot of things are possible. ~ Kristin Hannah,
591:How is it possible that I’m already falling in love with you? ~ Colleen Hoover,
592:How is it possible to care for someone who had hurt you so badly? ~ Jane Corry,
593:I might kiss you. I might be bad at it. That's not possible. ~ Nicholas Sparks,
594:In my world, everything is possible and everything is relative. ~ Paulo Coelho,
595:I prefer being as far from the centre of celebrity as possible. ~ Rachel Weisz,
596:it is possible to be as lonely in a group as when one is alone ~ Misty Griffin,
597:It [is] possible to be strong and yielding at the same time. ~ Brigid Kemmerer,
598:... it is well to have as many holds upon happiness as possible. ~ Jane Austen,
599:I want to be a barking public embarrassment as soon as possible. ~ Scott Lynch,
600:Learning is discovering that somethinkg is possible. ~ Frederick Salomon Perls,
601:Learning is the discovery that something is possible ~ Frederick Salomon Perls,
602:Let us remain as empty as possible so that God can fill us up. ~ Mother Teresa,
603:Life is short, so I’m going to have dessert whenever possible. ~ Lisa Mantchev,
604:Live as intensely as possible, burn your candle of life from both ends. ~ Osho,
605:Love changes what is probable and makes unlikely things possible ~ Ally Condie,
606:Service is not possible unless it is rooted in love orahimsa. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
607:The goal of online dating is to get offline as quickly as possible. ~ Amy Webb,
608:The impossible exists only until we find a way to make it possible ~ Mike Horn,
609:Whatever you truly conceive of in the mind, is possible. ~ Edwin Hubbel Chapin,
610:What if all possible
pain was only the grief of truth? ~ Brenda Shaughnessy,
611:what role the emotions might play in making social order possible. ~ Anonymous,
612:What you think is impossible in life actually is possible. ~ David Copperfield,
613:With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. ~ Anonymous,
614:A novel captures essence that is not possible in any other form. ~ Paul Theroux,
615:Anything is possible for women, including being a presidential nominee. ~ Ciara,
616:Because I survived, I must do everything possible to help others. ~ Elie Wiesel,
617:Do you think it's possible for an entire nation to be insane? ~ Terry Pratchett,
618:Faith makes all things possible... love makes all things easy. ~ Dwight L Moody,
619:Fiction intended to please, should resemble truth as much as possible. ~ Horace,
620:How is it possible that Courtney Love looks worse than Kurt Cobain? ~ Jeff Ross,
621:If it were possible to hear a smile, hers would be a love song ~ Colleen Hoover,
622:If you're walking the path of the dreamer, everything is possible. ~ Jared Leto,
623:I never knew it was possible to be so miserable in so many ways. ~ Amie Kaufman,
624:It might be possible that the world itself is without meaning. ~ Virginia Woolf,
625:It's because, whenever possible, humans err on the side of hope. ~ Jodi Picoult,
626:It was the very bleakness of winter that made spring possible. ~ Kristin Hannah,
627:Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness. ~ George Santayana,
628:Life’s adventures are only possible because of life’s challenges. ~ Mike Dooley,
629:Love at first sight is possible, but it pays to take a second look. ~ Anonymous,
630:Love changes what is probable and makes unlikely things possible. ~ Ally Condie,
631:Loving once and only once is possible - anything is possible. ~ Nicholas Sparks,
632:Maybe it is possible to make new things out of the broken things. I ~ Ned Hayes,
633:Nothing is necessitated whose opposite is possible. ~ Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz,
634:Our goal is to publish African poets in as many ways as possible. ~ Kwame Dawes,
635:Pay attention to the young, and make them just as good as possible. ~ Aristotle,
636:Self-control is the only possible road to character development ~ Dennis Prager,
637:Spare no expense to make everything as economical as possible. ~ Samuel Goldwyn,
638:That’s what awareness is: a sense that something more is possible. ~ Jeff Goins,
639:The impossible becomes possible if only your mind believes it. ~ Chris Bradford,
640:To lie a little is not possible: he who lies, lies the whole lie. ~ Victor Hugo,
641:Trading decisions should be made as unemotionally as possible. ~ Richard Dennis,
642:"What is possible for individual man is impossible for the masses." ~ Gurdjieff,
643:Your goal is to provide as much extra value to readers as possible. ~ Tim Grahl,
644:18If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. ~ Anonymous,
645:27But he said,  d “What is impossible with man is possible with God. ~ Anonymous,
646:Anything is possible so long as there is a strong will behind it. ~ Ren e Ahdieh,
647:Anything is possible. The impossible just takes longer.’” “Stupid ~ Rachel Caine,
648:anything was possible if only she dared to believe herself worthy. ~ Susan Wiggs,
649:Basically you want as many people as possible to see your movie. ~ Joel Edgerton,
650:Do you think it's possible to discuss politics without preaching? ~ Steven Brust,
651:focus on the possible and let the impossible fade from your mind. ~ Marc Cameron,
652:Fulfilled life is possible in spite of unfulfilled wishes. ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer,
653:Funny how you can know something and yet not believe it's possible. ~ Alex Flinn,
654:Give, but, if possible, spare the poor man the shame of begging. ~ Denis Diderot,
655:Here's proof that if you live long enough, anything is possible. ~ Barry Manilow,
656:If it's possible to grind coffee sadly, this is what she's doing. ~ Erika Swyler,
657:If it were possible to hear a smile, hers would be a love song. ~ Colleen Hoover,
658:If we master a bit of drawing, everything else is possible. ~ Alberto Giacometti,
659:I have experimental evidence that time travel is not possible. ~ Stephen Hawking,
660:I like to respond with jokes and to keep it as light as possible. ~ Margaret Cho,
661:I loved, as I still love, the most monotonous life possible. ~ Harriet Martineau,
662:I must find peace in the only place possible in India. Within. ~ Sarah Macdonald,
663:I scientifically engineer my music to be as accessible as possible. ~ John Mayer,
664:It is possible to be homesick for a place even when you are there. ~ Don DeLillo,
665:It was possible to love someone and hate him at the same time. ~ Jennifer Crusie,
666:Listening to Mozart, we cannot think of any possible improvement. ~ George Szell,
667:Many people surrender what is possible for what is comfortable. ~ Orrin Woodward,
668:Originality is a concept possible only to a limited viewpoint. ~ Robert Sheckley,
669:Simple things should be simple and complex things should be possible. ~ Alan Kay,
670:the best possible fortress is—not to be hated by the people ~ Niccol Machiavelli,
671:The delivery of medical care is to do as much nothing as possible. ~ Samuel Shem,
672:- "What is reality?"
- "One of the many possible illusions. ~ Robert Sheckley,
673:Wife murder is perfectly possible - almost natural, let's say! ~ Agatha Christie,
674:You're too good to me," she announces. "Not possible," I answer. ~ Courtney Cole,
675:18If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men. ~ Anonymous,
676:All things are possible with God, but all things are not easy. ~ George MacDonald,
677:Always mystify, mislead, and surprise the enemy, if possible. ~ Stonewall Jackson,
678:Anything is possible if you put your mind to it and you really work ~ Steve Case,
679:Anything that is possible to be believed is an image of truth. ~ Orson Scott Card,
680:Comedy makes the subversion of the existing state of affairs possible. ~ Dario Fo,
681:Everything must be made as simple as possible. But not simpler. ~ Albert Einstein,
682:God’s work does not make our work unnecessary; it makes it possible. ~ John Piper,
683:He had never guessed it was possible to be frightened for so long. ~ John le Carr,
684:I also try to eat as much raw food and clean food as possible. ~ Kirsty Gallacher,
685:If one is sufficiently lavish with time, everything possible happens. ~ Herodotus,
686:I have always wanted to know as much as possible about the world. ~ Linus Pauling,
687:I love you as much as it is possible for a man to love a woman. ~ Paullina Simons,
688:I think I only appear smart by staying quiet as often as possible. ~ Sally Rooney,
689:I think that human beings are capable of the worst things possible. ~ Elie Wiesel,
690:It is actually possible to become amateurs in suffering. ~ Charles Robert Maturin,
691:It is always possible to exchange one hell god for another. ~ Francesca Lia Block,
692:It is not possible to be original except on a basis of tradition. ~ D W Winnicott,
693:It is possible to be busy-very busy-without being very effective. ~ Stephen Covey,
694:It's amazing how large the things are that it's possible to overlook. ~ Jo Walton,
695:It was possible to rush forward, looking back, and break your neck. ~ Jan Ellison,
696:I wonder if it's possible to have a love affair that lasts forever. ~ Andy Warhol,
697:Magical thinking makes you crazy — and renders everything possible. ~ Zadie Smith,
698:possible for astronauts to lift impossibly heavy objects with ease. ~ Michio Kaku,
699:refuse to quit until every possible alternative has been explored. ~ Scott Berkun,
700:The colonization of space is the only possible salvation of Earth. ~ Isaac Asimov,
701:The difference between impossible and possible is a willing heart. ~ Lolly Daskal,
702:The impossible becomes possible when your back is against the wall ~ Robert Evans,
703:The real art of governing consists, so far as possible, in doing nothing. ~ Laozi,
704:There is no end to the opening up that is possible for a human being. ~ Joko Beck,
705:The things which are impossible with men are possible with God. ~ Karen Witemeyer,
706:To me the function of politics is to make possible the desirable. ~ Indira Gandhi,
707:Was it possible that they could both be so unknown to themselves? ~ Daryl Gregory,
708:What is possible for individual man is impossible for the masses. ~ G I Gurdjieff,
709:when hope gets released in a place, all kinds of things are possible ~ Joan Bauer,
710:With Weasel and Arisa at his side, anything was possible. Anything. ~ Hilari Bell,
711:would simply not be possible in a volume light enough to read in bed. ~ Dan Jones,
712:You have to do everything possible to win no matter what. ~ Arnold Schwarzenegger,
713:[27] The question now arises: •How are all these imperatives possible? ~ Anonymous,
714:All things are possible to God and to you in God-consciousness. ~ Eric Butterworth,
715:A mother's job is to prop open all possible doors for her children. ~ Lauren Groff,
716:Because he does not strive, no one finds it possible to strive with him. ~ Lao Tzu,
717:But all of those things were possible back then even though nobody ~ Walter Mosley,
718:But just because something was possible didn’t mean that it should ~ David Derrico,
719:But the God of the Bible is not only One, but the only possible One. ~ Leo Strauss,
720:Do not think that it is possible to repeat another period. ~ Pierre Auguste Renoir,
721:fate is for imbeciles; all is possible to the resolved mind. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
722:How can I develop myself into the grandest possible manhood? ~ Orison Swett Marden,
723:How is it possible for people to have so much power yet be so stupid? ~ Sara Poole,
724:I absolutely think that it's possible for us to find common ground. ~ Barack Obama,
725:If you have a dream in your life, go ahead it's possible, go ahead ~ Lyoto Machida,
726:If you want to accomplish the impossible, get busy on the possible. ~ Regina Brett,
727:In Paris, you're as far as possible from the land of pleasant smiles. ~ Kanye West,
728:Is it possible he should know what he is, and be that he is? ~ William Shakespeare,
729:Is it possible to avoid pain? Yes, but you’ll never learn anything. ~ Paulo Coelho,
730:It didn’t seem possible to gain so much happiness from so little. ~ Peter Lerangis,
731:It is finally becoming possible to be both single and whole.”22 ~ Rebecca Traister,
732:It is not possible to refer a complex difficulty to a single cause. ~ Helen Keller,
733:it is possible that we are the only persons,> said another robot. ~ Ken MacLeod,
734:It is possible to live for the next life and still be merry in this. ~ Thomas More,
735:It’s perfectly possible to love Paris while detesting the French, ~ Marius Gabriel,
736:I want to live as long as possible, just to see how stupid it gets. ~ Susan Sontag,
737:Never lose hope because although miracles are rare, they are possible. ~ Anonymous,
738:Of all the possible pathways of disorder, nature favors just a few. ~ James Gleick,
739:Ok. It's possible that birds may sing just for the joy of it. ~ Kyo Maclear,
740:One should do what one is best at on as large a scale as possible. ~ Gail Carriger,
741:Photography has a meaning only if it exhausts all possible images. ~ Italo Calvino,
742:…Policy is the art of the possible, the science of the relative. ~ Henry Kissinger,
743:Productivity growth is the only possible way to achieve prosperity. ~ Mario Draghi,
744:Reading is the gateway skill that makes all other learning possible ~ Barack Obama,
745:respond to possible comebacks. If I think of something, I practice ~ Gregory Koukl,
746:Roses are red Violets are blue Everything's possible Nothing is true. ~ Alan Moore,
747:Torment yourself as little as possible, then you'll torment me less. ~ Franz Kafka,
748:True wisdom gives the only possible answer at any given moment ~ Elizabeth Gilbert,
749:Unlike sport in business the win-win is the best possible score ~ Rasheed Ogunlaru,
750:What normally felt like the only possible world became one among many ~ Ben Lerner,
751:When hope gets released in a place, all kinds of things are possible. ~ Joan Bauer,
752:Be on as few pieces of paper as it is possible for a human being to be. ~ Lee Child,
753:If … There can’t be any “if,” because “if” suggests that it’s possible. ~ Anonymous,
754:I like to try to make the characters I play be as human as possible. ~ Beau Bridges,
755:Impossible is possible if you put your mind into it and don't give up. ~ Jared Leto,
756:I really think Canada should get over to Iraq as quickly as possible. ~ Paul Martin,
757:Is it possible that love should of a sudden take such a hold? ~ William Shakespeare,
758:I think a person can learn. Basically, I think anything is possible. ~ Pedro Pascal,
759:I thought that I had been asked every kind of question possible. ~ Abbas Kiarostami,
760:It is possible to be busy—very busy—without being very effective. ~ Stephen R Covey,
761:It's possible for people to gain control of every facet of your life. ~ Randy Quaid,
762:It's the impossible become possible and yet remaining impossible. ~ Terence McKenna,
763:I want every day to be a fresh start on expanding what is possible. ~ Oprah Winfrey,
764:I would also do everything possible to take out their leadership. ~ Hillary Clinton,
765:Keeping your private life as private as possible is the smartest thing. ~ Kate Mara,
766:Knowing that everything is possible suddenly nothing is necessary. ~ Diana Gabaldon,
767:Let the fictitious sources of pleasure be as near as possible to the true. ~ Horace,
768:Man's greatness is not in what he is but in what he makes possible. ~ Sri Aurobindo,
769:My advice to women directors is just to make the best work possible. ~ Jamie Babbit,
770:Of the world as it exists, it is not possible to be enough afraid. ~ Theodor Adorno,
771:Our job as producers is to make the music sound as good as possible. ~ David Guetta,
772:She was too afraid to hope, now that it seemed possible. ~ Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie,
773:Simplify the game as much as possible. When you add, you must subtract. ~ Don Meyer,
774:The difference between possible and impossible is simply determination. ~ Anonymous,
775:The only way to know whats possible is to venture past impossible. ~ Mary Gaitskill,
776:True wisdom gives the only possible answer at any given moment, ~ Elizabeth Gilbert,
777:True wisdom gives the only possible answer at any given moment. ~ Elizabeth Gilbert,
778:Was it possible to love people you had never met, I wondered... ~ Diane Chamberlain,
779:What is possible is subjective. It's a matter of perspective. ~ Christopher Paolini,
780:When you listen with perfect awareness, then listening becomes possible. ~ Rajneesh,
781:When you throw everything up in the air anything becomes possible. ~ Salman Rushdie,
782:Your dream is only possible through a clear intention and patience. ~ Bryant McGill,
783:At dawn, nothing seems certain... yet everything appears possible. ~ Douglas Kennedy,
784:Democracy is not possible without effectively working legal system. ~ Vladimir Putin,
785:Everything is possible, isn't it? The world soon teaches one that! ~ Agatha Christie,
786:Every wrong seems possible today, and is accepted. I don't accept it. ~ Pablo Casals,
787:Forgiveness will not be possible until compassion is born in your heart. ~ Nhat Hanh,
788:Give your mind as long as possible to come up with something original. ~ John Cleese,
789:God wouldn’t expect us to love our neighbors in the best ways possible. ~ Kent Annan,
790:I like to work as little as possible to make the most money possible. ~ Scott Disick,
791:I might kiss you.
I might be bad at it.
That's not possible. ~ Nicholas Sparks,
792:Immigration is a good thing. We should make that as easy as possible. ~ Gary Johnson,
793:In the world of art, all things are possible.--George from Paradise Kiss ~ Ai Yazawa,
794:In truly deep darkness, all kinds of strange things were possible. ~ Haruki Murakami,
795:I quit! I feel so much better, as if anything is possible. I’m free! ~ Paula Hawkins,
796:Is it possible that existence is our exile and nothingness our home? ~ Emil M Cioran,
797:I think reincarnation is possible. Hopefully, we all get recycled. ~ Christina Ricci,
798:I think you want to try every sport possible just to experience life. ~ Jose Canseco,
799:It is not possible to make a bad law. If is is bad, it is not a law. ~ Carrie Nation,
800:It is possible to be a bad person without anyone else knowing. ~ Mokokoma Mokhonoana,
801:It is possible to read too many novels. Henry Tileny, Northanger Abbey ~ Jane Austen,
802:It should be possible to explain the laws of physics to a barmaid. ~ Albert Einstein,
803:It will not be possible to solve the current crisis with euro bonds. ~ Angela Merkel,
804:Joy is always possible. Whenever, meaning—now; wherever, meaning—here. ~ Ann Voskamp,
805:least monthly. Use cash whenever possible to avoid busting your budget. ~ Erik Wecks,
806:Manhattan is an accumulation of possible disasters that never happen. ~ Rem Koolhaas,
807:My daughter sent me on a mission to get as many autographs as possible. ~ Billy Joel,
808:Nico explained as concisely as possible. Messages sent through dreams ~ Rick Riordan,
809:One of the greatest threats to the impossible is the easily possible. ~ Jayce O Neal,
810:One should die proudly when it is no longer possible to live proudly. ~ Laini Taylor,
811:Other people are quite dreadful. The only possible society is oneself. ~ Oscar Wilde,
812:Politics is the art of the possible,the science of the relative. ~ Otto von Bismarck,
813:Prayer without ceasing is only possible in a life of continual thanks. ~ Ann Voskamp,
814:Progress begins with the belief that what is necessary is possible. ~ Norman Cousins,
815:Step out of the time dimension as much as possible in everyday life. ~ Eckhart Tolle,
816:The easiest way to get rich is to spend as little as possible. ~ William J Bernstein,
817:The only way to achieve the impossible is to believe it is possible. ~ Marton Csokas,
818:The very purpose of life is to reach the highest possible flowering. ~ Jaggi Vasudev,
819:We tend to believe that things are impossible that are very possible. ~ Jim McKelvey,
820:When honesty comes into a relationship, deeper truths are possible. ~ David Frenette,
821:Without communication with the dead, a fully human life is not possible. ~ W H Auden,
822:With the possible exception of the equator, everything begins somewhere. ~ C S Lewis,
823:Your duty as an actor is to try to make it as real as possible. ~ Christopher Abbott,
824:All generalizations, with the possible exception of this one, are false. ~ Kurt Godel,
825:Almost too hot for skinny jeans, the impossible becomes the possible. ~ Luke Hemmings,
826:A million possible endearments ran through his head. But he said, “Help. ~ Robyn Carr,
827:Anything is possible when you know the way through the Looking Glass! ~ Marissa Meyer,
828:Bravery doesn’t forgive stupidity. Always think. Think what’s possible. ~ J K Rowling,
829:Celebrate what is possible. Your beliefs will create your reality. ~ Shirley MacLaine,
830:Everything is possible for an eccentric, especially when he is English. ~ Jules Verne,
831:Food was their cup of tea and if possible, their slice of cake too. ~ Terry Pratchett,
832:For a habit to stay changed, people must believe change is possible. ~ Charles Duhigg,
833:He knew for a fact that it was possible to fall and just keep falling. ~ Tom Perrotta,
834:If it is possible, it is done. If it is impossible... it will be done. ~ Evel Knievel,
835:If time travel is possible, where are the tourists from the future? ~ Stephen Hawking,
836:I like doing as many special effects in camera, as much as possible. ~ Matthew Vaughn,
837:I like having options, alternate lives unlived but always possible. ~ Abigail Padgett,
838:In an age of relativism, orthodoxy is the only possible rebellion left ~ Peter Kreeft,
839:Is it possible that existence is our exile and nothingness our home? ~ Emile M Cioran,
840:I think it is possible for ordinary people to choose to be extraordinary. ~ Elon Musk,
841:It's hard to get justice in the real world. It's possible in fiction. ~ Lauren Beukes,
842:It's not that nothing else is possible, but nothing else was nurtured. ~ Ransom Riggs,
843:It was up to daughters to figure out survival by any means possible. ~ Kiersten White,
844:I wish to live whatever life I have as fully and as sweetly as possible ~ Audre Lorde,
845:Learning is possible only when there is no coercion of any kind. ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti,
846:My purpose is to make my narrative as truthful as possible. ~ George Armstrong Custer,
847:My singing... I'll just say it simple as possible: it's just godly. ~ Michael Jackson,
848:Of the world as it exists, it is not possible to be enough afraid. ~ Theodor W Adorno,
849:Reduce. Do as little as possible to get what you have to get done. ~ Joshua Schachter,
850:She was reaching the limits of how much its possible to change a man ~ David Nicholls,
851:Teaching means to show a person that something is possible. ~ Frederick Salomon Perls,
852:The best ideas come as jokes. Make your thinking as funny as possible. ~ David Ogilvy,
853:The construction of Europe is an art. It is the art of the possible. ~ Jacques Chirac,
854:The most important thing is to keep your team as small as possible. ~ Mark Zuckerberg,
855:The story she had told me was possible, but it was not believable. ~ Giacomo Casanova,
856:The way our brain is wired up we only see what we believe is possible. ~ Candace Pert,
857:They weren't scared, or dispossessed, or fragile. They were possible. ~ Justin Torres,
858:We must be lovers, and at once the impossible becomes possible. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
859:We should have a music of our own - if possible, without any Sauerkraut. ~ Erik Satie,
860:A historian is battling all the time to remember as much as possible. ~ Niall Ferguson,
861:Anything is possible, but you have to believe and you have to fight. ~ Lance Armstrong,
862:As far as possible, everyone in the family should eat together. ~ Mata Amritanandamayi,
863:As human beings, what we can do is extend help in whatever way possible. ~ Nita Ambani,
864:At any given time the universe is giving you the best result possible. ~ Deepak Chopra,
865:Even if a unity of faith is not possible, a unity of love is. ~ Hans Urs von Balthasar,
866:Hold on with a bulldog grip, and chew and choke as much as possible. ~ Abraham Lincoln,
867:How is it possible to have an emotion and its opposite at the same time? ~ Nicola Yoon,
868:How is it possible to live like a machine and bear fruit like a tree? ~ Douglas Wilson,
869:How was it possible to miss something you no longer wanted? ~ Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie,
870:If there are no permanent standards, there is no criticism possible. ~ John Dos Passos,
871:If you believe in peace it is possible. If it is possible it is a duty. ~ Pope Paul VI,
872:I have no nationality - the best possible status for an intellectual. ~ Emile M Cioran,
873:Ireland is where strange tales begin and happy endings are possible. ~ Charles Haughey,
874:Is it possible to go fifteen minutes without an unnecessary apology? ~ Stephenie Meyer,
875:Is it possible to make a wedding toast without acknowledging the bride? ~ Sarina Bowen,
876:It is always possible to practice releasing the tension in yourself. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh,
877:It is not possible to go backwards. We must go forward. Always forward. ~ Pope Francis,
878:It is possible to be in love with you just because of who you are. ~ Maggie Stiefvater,
879:It is possible to drown in information... and die for lack of wisdom. ~ Marjorie M Liu,
880:It must be possible for an empirical system to be refuted by experience. ~ Karl Popper,
881:It's only when you abandon your ambitions that they become possible. ~ Thomas Keneally,
882:Make the impossible possible, the possible easy, the easy elegant. ~ Moshe Feldenkrais,
883:One should die proudly when it is no longer possible to live proudly. ~ J T Geissinger,
884:Only changes in mindsets can extend the frontiers of the possible. ~ Winston Churchill,
885:Pay your people the least possible and you'll get from them the same. ~ Malcolm Forbes,
886:Peace is always possible but we have to seek it. Let us pray for peace. ~ Pope Francis,
887:Possible or not, they tried to turn me into a Nick McNugget. (Nick) ~ Sherrilyn Kenyon,
888:Remove dead code wherever possible. It gets in the way and slows you down. ~ Anonymous,
889:Sit as little as possible. Give no credence to any thought that ~ Friedrich Nietzsche,
890:Technology feeds on itself. Technology makes more technology possible. ~ Alvin Toffler,
891:Tell the truth... maybe just to see clearly, as clearly as possible. ~ Lucille Clifton,
892:The difference between possible and impossible is hard work and commitment. ~ Bob Dole,
893:The limits of the possible can only be defined by going beyond them. ~ Arthur C Clarke,
894:The mother was conflicted between what she knows that what's possible. ~ Brooke Hauser,
895:The point of being at home is to be with my family as much as possible. ~ Eric Clapton,
896:When one believes in oneself, even the extraordinary is possible. ~ Charlie N Holmberg,
897:You can't lead anybody you don't love. You can't do it. It's not possible. ~ Van Jones,
898:Affliction compels us to recognize as real what we do not think possible. ~ Simone Weil,
899:And it suddenly occured to me that maybe peace was possible. ~ Michelle Cohen Corasanti,
900:As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. ~ Max Ehrmann,
901:Avoid people who tell you that something you want to do is not possible. ~ Fred Armisen,
902:Beauty is being the best possible version of yourself, inside and out. ~ Audrey Hepburn,
903:But hoping," he said, "is how the impossible can be possible after all. ~ Marissa Meyer,
904:But hoping,” he said, “is how the impossible can be possible after all. ~ Marissa Meyer,
905:Do all the good you can and make as little fuss about it as possible. ~ Charles Dickens,
906:Every meaningful success I have accomplished was made possible by love. ~ Bryant McGill,
907:Everyone is born unique. No comparison is possible. You are you, and I am I. ~ Rajneesh,
908:Everything is possible in America, except the production of intelligence. ~ Mie Hansson,
909:For the first time in our history it is possible to conquer poverty. ~ Lyndon B Johnson,
910:He had seemed a man with whom the right kind of dialogue would be possible. ~ Ali Smith,
911:I am all about switching between genres and doing as much as possible. ~ David Koechner,
912:I didn't know it was possible to love someone other than you so much. ~ Sylvain Reynard,
913:I do have a political agenda. It's to have as few regulations as possible. ~ Dan Quayle,
914:If it's possible to send a message from heaven, I'll get one to you. ~ Lurlene McDaniel,
915:I have no use for people who have learned the limits of the possible. ~ Terry Pratchett,
916:I'm not sure it's possible to stay in Hawaii. It's kind of impractical. ~ Terry O Quinn,
917:In the harshest possible terms, I condemn political killings. ~ Gloria Macapagal Arroyo,
918:It is not possible for one to teach others who cannot teach his own family. ~ Confucius,
919:It is possible to deal with the entire environment as a work of art. ~ Marshall McLuhan,
920:It is possible to reason out the existence of God to a limited extent. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
921:I try to challenge myself as much as possible, as often as possible. ~ Alan Dean Foster,
922:It's important for me to see as many colors in the character as possible. ~ Kelly Lynch,
923:It's possible to have an awesome life, but it's up to ourselves to do it. ~ Lee Hammond,
924:It's possible to love a human being if you don't know them too well. ~ Charles Bukowski,
925:It’s possible to take bravery to the point where it becomes insanity. ~ Stephenie Meyer,
926:it was possible to find someone, somewhere, who objected to anything. ~ Terry Pratchett,
927:I wanted to watch her walking, unselfconscious, for as long as possible. ~ Amitav Ghosh,
928:Magic [makes] possible today what science will make a reality tomorrow. ~ Marco Tempest,
929:Nothing is possible without men; nothing is lasting without institutions. ~ Jean Monnet,
930:Spend as little money as possible and make as much money as you can. ~ Chris Guillebeau,
931:The beautiful is the experimental proof that the incarnation is possible. ~ Simone Weil,
932:The less it is possible that something can be, the more it must be. ~ Robert M Sapolsky,
933:The main aim is to up my game at every possible turn without compromise. ~ Nicky Romero,
934:The myth is that it is possible for one human being to educate another ~ Oliver DeMille,
935:The politics of the possible was being replaced by the politics of purity. ~ H W Brands,
936:This can’t be happening. This can’t be possible. How is this possible? ~ Colleen Hoover,
937:This job made it possible for you to stay home all day and draw pictures. ~ Susan Wiggs,
938:Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting. ~ Napoleon Hill,
939:By definition, it is not possible to everyone to be above the average. ~ James C Collins,
940:Character makes trust possible and trust makes great leadership possible. ~ Lolly Daskal,
941:disappointment had to be postponed, hope kept alive as long as possible; ~ Graham Greene,
942:Dwell as near as possible to the channel in which your life flows. ~ Henry David Thoreau,
943:Everything is false, everything is possible, everything is doubtful. ~ Guy de Maupassant,
944:Girls doing science are like bears riding bikes. Possible, but freakish ~ Richard Powers,
945:How is it possible for me to feel so young and so old at the same time? ~ Nancy E Turner,
946:I am paid by the word, so I always write the shortest words possible. ~ Bertrand Russell,
947:I deliberately fly in and out of LA for as small a time as humanly possible. ~ Eric Bana,
948:Is it possible to live in this world without the operation of will? ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti,
949:It is never too late to be who you might have been. It is always possible ~ Steve Miller,
950:It's possible to be completely enlightened... except with your family. ~ Chogyam Trungpa,
951:It’s possible you’ve already let the right someone walk right past you. ~ Melody Carlson,
952:It’s quite possible that mortality is simply the result of poor education. ~ Umberto Eco,
953:It would be possible, in theory, for life and art to be reversed. ~ Jonathan Safran Foer,
954:I've come to the conclusion that it's not really possible to help others. ~ Paul Cezanne,
955:I was trying to play as real possible - I wanted everything to be real. ~ David Giuntoli,
956:Neither duty, nor honour, nor gratitude ... have any possible claim on me. ~ Jane Austen,
957:One friend in a lifetime is much; two are many; three are hardly possible. ~ Henry Adams,
958:on the other edge of the night
love is possible
take me there ~ Alejandra Pizarnik,
959:Possible heroin O.D. That’s the second in four days in Spotsylvania. ~ Patricia Cornwell,
960:Seriously, how was it possible that this huge, sexy male even existed? ~ Savannah Stuart,
961:Silence is the work of people who can't comprehend that change is possible. ~ Amber Dawn,
962:The easiest way to get along in life is to meddle as little as possible. ~ Salla Simukka,
963:To achieve the possible, we must attempt the impossible again and again. ~ Hermann Hesse,
964:To the man who can perfectly practice inaction, all things are possible. ~ Ernest Holmes,
965:When doubt is banished, #‎ abundance flourishes and anything is possible. ~ Wayne Dyer,
966:With an 'advanced' artist, it's not now possible to make a portrait. ~ Clement Greenberg,
967:With the Ethical Rules and a little concentration, anything is possible. ~ Dharma Mittra,
968:You must believe the unbelievable, snatch the possible out of the impossible. ~ Don King,
969:You sort of start thinking anything’s possible if you’ve got enough nerve. ~ J K Rowling,
970:Anything's possible in Human Nature ...Love. Madness. Hope. Infinite joy. ~ Arundhati Roy,
971:As an actor, I feel like youre asked to live life as vibrantly as possible. ~ Stana Katic,
972:As gently as possible, I sprinkled the cubes over her legs. “Goldy, ~ Diane Mott Davidson,
973:but also that it is possible that nothing caused the Big Bang. Nothing. ~ Stephen Hawking,
974:Dare to believe that good things are possible when you follow your heart. ~ Bryant McGill,
975:Design is the art of planning, and it is the art of making things possible. ~ Paula Scher,
976:Did you ever notice if you promise the possible, people won't believe you? ~ Cameron Jace,
977:Don’t get somewhere as fast as possible. Get somewhere as good as possible ~ Eddie Izzard,
978:Everything possible to be believed is an image of truth." -Taleswapper ~ Orson Scott Card,
979:If you believe in a dream and have the courage to try, anything is possible ~ Rick Hansen,
980:If you eliminate all possible explanations, then the impossible is the answer. ~ J R Ward,
981:I'm like everyone else: I want to play every game, but it's not possible. ~ Frank Lampard,
982:Impossibility is more possible than everything which we hold to be possible. ~ Karl Barth,
983:I should see how it was possible to lead a grand life here—now—in England. ~ George Eliot,
984:Is it possible that I'm worthy of being loved by someone whom I love? ~ Stephanie Perkins,
985:It is possible to be truly mad and to still exist upon scraps of life. ~ Charles Bukowski,
986:It is possible with enough time and imagination to break your own heart, ~ Danielle Paige,
987:It is possible with enough time and imagination to break your own heart. ~ Danielle Paige,
988:It looks impossible until you do it, and then you find it is possible. ~ Evelyn Underhill,
989:It's always possible for human beings to spoil their own peace of mind ~ Charlaine Harris,
990:It’s possible to commit art and entertainment in the same moment. ~ Christopher Isherwood,
991:I want to do everything with you. Everything that's possible in a lifetime. ~ Julie Maroh,
992:Judgments are the only possible cause of unhappiness and happiness. ~ Mokokoma Mokhonoana,
993:L'amour est fini quand il n'est plus possible de revenir en arrière. ~ Fr d ric Beigbeder,
994:Life is possible only by the deficiencies of our imagination and memory. ~ Emile M Cioran,
995:One friend in a lifetime is much; two are many; three are hardly possible. ~ Henry Adams,
996:Only one deception is possible in the infinite sense, self-deception. ~ Soren Kierkegaard,
997:Peace is possible because it is today more than ever desperately necessary ~ Widad Akreyi,
998:Q. Is it possible to build a jetpack using downward-firing machine guns? ~ Randall Munroe,
999:So many things are possible as long as you don't know they're impossible. ~ Norton Juster,
1000:Song girls have an unspoken pact: to make life as easy as possible for Daddy. ~ Jenny Han,
1001:The best possible outcome of marriage was a wealthy, childless widowhood. ~ Jennifer Egan,
1002:The starting point for a better world is the belief that it is possible. ~ Norman Cousins,
1003:The way we think about our past informs what we think is possible today. ~ Naomi Alderman,
1004:To deal with something unhealthy, a person needs to be as healthy as possible ~ Anonymous,
1005:We have always believed that it's possible to make money without being evil. ~ Larry Page,
1006:When playing music, it is possible to achieve a unique sense of peace. ~ Daniel Barenboim,
1007:And now my past and my future are colliding in a way I never thought possible. ~ E L James,
1008:...being "rather unique" is no more possible than being rather pregnant. ~ William Zinsser,
1009:But is it ever possible for a professional writer to be liked by people? ~ Haruki Murakami,
1010:Happiness is possible only when we are kind to others and contented within. ~ Satish Kumar,
1011:I am not a high-tech techie, but I have been told that is not possible. ~ Dianne Feinstein,
1012:I do everything I think possible or acceptable to escape from this trap. ~ Jacques Derrida,
1013:I don't believe that happiness is possible, but I think tranquility is. ~ Gustave Flaubert,
1014:If you eliminated all possible explanations, then the impossible is the answer. ~ J R Ward,
1015:I had found out more, I said, by listening than I had ever thought possible. ~ Rachel Cusk,
1016:Illusion is no longer possible, because the real is no longer possible. ~ Jean Baudrillard,
1017:I love you. I love you beyond anythin’ I could’ve ever imagine was possible. ~ Tillie Cole,
1018:Is it possible to get another key? I think I've left mine in the room. ~ Winston Churchill,
1019:It is only your capacity for wickedness that makes selflessness possible. ~ Danielle Paige,
1020:It is possible for you to be the wrong one in an argument about you. ~ Mokokoma Mokhonoana,
1021:"It is possible to be free and loving no matter what your circumstances." ~ Jack Kornfield,
1022:It's possible to like bad people, but liking them doesn't make them good. ~ Elizabeth Moon,
1023:it was a good rule not to expect the ideal but to enjoy what is possible. ~ Elena Ferrante,
1024:I wanted to promote skateboarding as much as possible through different media. ~ Tony Hawk,
1025:My job is to take care of the possible and to trust God with the impossible. ~ Ruth Graham,
1026:Nothing is Impossible. The word "impossible" itself reads "I'm Possible"! ~ Mayowa Ajisafe,
1027:Not seeing people permits one to attribute to them all possible perfections. ~ Victor Hugo,
1028:One of my highest priorities as an educator is to be as inclusive as possible. ~ Sarah Kay,
1029:Poetry makes possible the deepest kind of personal possession of the world. ~ James Dickey,
1030:prudent people look as far down the road as possible when making decisions. ~ Andy Stanley,
1031:Reciprocity of sensation is not possible because to share is to be robbed. ~ Angela Carter,
1032:The aim of mathematics is to explain as much as possible in simple terms. ~ Michael Atiyah,
1033:The difference between possible and impossible is merely a man's determination ~ Anonymous,
1034:The evil of the world is made possible by nothing but the sanction you give it. ~ Ayn Rand,
1035:The lover never despairs. For a committed heart everything is possible. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
1036:The only relevant question is whether you will let it be possible for you. ~ Gay Hendricks,
1037:There are moments in life when the only possible option is to lose control. ~ Paulo Coelho,
1038:The wise man knows how to run his life so that contemplation is possible. ~ Gabriel Marcel,
1039:Touring is what you make it. I like to organise as much as possible myself. ~ Ian Anderson,
1040:We are at once the problem and the only possible solution to the problem. ~ Michael Pollan,
1041:What is possible for you in Christ Jesus depends on your capacity to believe. ~ T B Joshua,
1042:When I get a role, I try to delve as deeply as possible into the character. ~ Alanna Ubach,
1043:When it comes to the ocean, anything’s possible, I suppose. Anything at all. ~ M L Stedman,
1044:When the words dance privately for you, it is possible to feel not alone. ~ Elliot Perlman,
1045:Within you right now is the power to do things you never dreamed possible. ~ Maxwell Maltz,
1046:Abundance is possible, but only if we can imagine it and then embrace it. Will ~ Seth Godin,
1047:(As Einstein said, “Make everything as simple as possible, but no simpler.”) ~ Ray Kurzweil,
1048:As far as possible one should not interfere in the affairs of others. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
1049:A single feat of daring can alter the whole conception of what is possible. ~ Graham Greene,
1050:Character makes trust possible, and trust is the foundation of leadership. ~ John C Maxwell,
1051:Dare to believe that good things are possible when you follow your heart. ~ Bryant H McGill,
1052:Dishonesty is so grasping it would deceive God himself, were it possible. ~ George Bancroft,
1053:Everything is possible, from angels to demons to economists and politicians. ~ Paulo Coelho,
1054:Fear is really quite tedious. She wanted to be rid of it as soon as possible. ~ Jim Butcher,
1055:For each individual, sport is a possible source for inner improvement ~ Pierre de Coubertin,
1056:God is most certainly not threatened by science; He made it all possible. ~ Francis Collins,
1057:He had been told that in America, if you worked hard, anything was possible. ~ Fannie Flagg,
1058:How is it possible that a boyfriend ceases to exist from one day to another? ~ Gayle Forman,
1059:I didn’t think it was possible, but I found a man as crazy intense as I was. ~ Shannon Hale,
1060:I do think it is possible to be in love with two people at the same time. ~ Morena Baccarin,
1061:If somebody's trying to shut you up, sing louder, and if possible, better. ~ Salman Rushdie,
1062:I love you more than I ever thought possible. You are the beat of my heart. ~ Stef Ann Holm,
1063:In a world where carpenters get resurrected, everything is possible. ~ Eleanor of Aquitaine,
1064:Is it possible to feel your heart breaking, even when you’re falling in love?” I ~ L J Shen,
1065:Is it possible we love and rely on food more than we love and rely on God? ~ Lysa TerKeurst,
1066:I think it's possible to allow an artist to go beyond his borders and play. ~ Kehinde Wiley,
1067:It is possible to add more (or remove some) by customizing org-export-backends. ~ Anonymous,
1068:It's wrong to criticize government without offering a possible alternative. ~ Jacque Fresco,
1069:It was entirely possible I would sexually assault him if I got too close. ~ Caroline Hanson,
1070:I wonder if it's medically possible to be addicted to another human being. ~ Simone Elkeles,
1071:Keep as few secrets as possible. The remaining ones will be easier to protect. ~ David Brin,
1072:many things are possible just as long as you don’t know they’re impossible. ~ Norton Juster,
1073:much eye contact as possible. We could put together massive conveyer belts ~ Randall Munroe,
1074:O my soul, do not aspire to immortal life, but exhaust the limits of the possible. ~ Pindar,
1075:One should die proudly when it is no longer possible to live proudly. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche,
1076:Only, in Haiti, I realized, is it possible to drink rum and haggle with a god. ~ Wade Davis,
1077:Painting constantly appeared to me as the one and only possible achievement. ~ Max Beckmann,
1078:Produce as many ideas as possible. Try to produce unlikely ideas. ~ Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi,
1079:Teach those who are ignorant as many things as possible; society is culpable, ~ Victor Hugo,
1080:The best physician is he who can distinguish the possible from the impossible. ~ Herophilos,
1081:The furthest possible thing from the truth is that I hate or dislike women. ~ Rush Limbaugh,
1082:The world is richer than it is possible to express in any single language. ~ Ilya Prigogine,
1083:To teach is to show what is possible; to learn is to make yourself possible. ~ Paulo Coelho,
1084:Upgrading one's imagination about what is possible is always a leap of faith. ~ Clay Shirky,
1085:Women want mediocre men, and men are working to be as mediocre as possible. ~ Margaret Mead,
1086:Would you really want to live in world where only the possible is possible? ~ Polly Shulman,
1087:You know, if one paints someone's portrait, one should not know him if possible. ~ Otto Dix,
1088:You only get one life. It's actually your duty to live it as fully as possible ~ Jojo Moyes,
1089:You only get one life. It’s actually your duty to live it as fully as possible ~ Jojo Moyes,
1090:Anything´s possible. Anything at all. Especially when it´s driven by love. ~ Justin Richards,
1091:Believe anything is possible and then work like hell to make it happen. ~ Julianna Margulies,
1092:Consensus is usually made possible by vague language and shallow commitments. ~ Mason Cooley,
1093:Don't worry about getting final cut, worry about making the best possible cut. ~ Wim Wenders,
1094:for a crippled man like me , personal happiness was possible only in dreams. ~ Anton Chekhov,
1095:Happiness serves hardly any other purpose than to make unhappiness possible. ~ Marcel Proust,
1096:Hope is not a prediction of the future, it's a declaration of what's possible. ~ Yogi Bhajan,
1097:However wretched I may feel, I want to prolong the agony as long as possible. ~ Henrik Ibsen,
1098:How is it possible to know so much about a person and yet know nothing at all? ~ Adele Parks,
1099:I became a journalist to come as close as possible to the heart of the world. ~ Henry R Luce,
1100:I didn't know it was possible to fit so perfectly inside someone else's arms. ~ Tomi Adeyemi,
1101:I'd like to find great stories from as many parts of the world as possible. ~ Nalo Hopkinson,
1102:I don't eat any toxic chemicals, and I eat organic as often as possible. ~ Kristin Cavallari,
1103:If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. ~ Norman Vincent Peale,
1104:If we provide the right incentive, all things are possible, even perfection. ~ Gail Carriger,
1105:If you don't know the life yet, how could be possible for you to know the death? ~ Confucius,
1106:In other words, you are our last possible hope. You are our only hope. ~ Trenton Lee Stewart,
1107:In the arts, as in life, everything is possible provided it is based on love. ~ Marc Chagall,
1108:Is it possible to be anything in this country without being a politician? ~ Martin Van Buren,
1109:Is it possible to know the truth without challenging it first? ~ National Geographic Society,
1110:It is entirely possible to work for justice without thirsting for blood. ~ Jamie Arpin Ricci,
1111:It is indeed possible for those who have the will, courage and faith. ~ Norman Vincent Peale,
1112:It is never possible to predict a physical occurrence with unlimited precision. ~ Max Planck,
1113:It is not possible to have reasonable grounds for not believing in miracles. ~ Blaise Pascal,
1114:It's empowering to be asked to look at what's possible, not told how to do it. ~ Jack Dorsey,
1115:It's possible for the heavyweight champion of the world to be with one woman. ~ Muhammad Ali,
1116:I want to believe as many true things and as few false things as possible. ~ Matt Dillahunty,
1117:I wouldn't say anyone is 100% honest online. I don't see how it's even possible. ~ Kim Stolz,
1118:Let every man, if possible, gather some good books under his roof. ~ William Ellery Channing,
1119:Life is funny and it is interesting how we make it as serious as possible. ~ Elisha Cuthbert,
1120:Life is possible only by the deficiencies of our imagination and our memory. ~ Emil M Cioran,
1121:Murray says it is possible to be homesick for a place even when you are there. ~ Don DeLillo,
1122:My sole wish is to frustrate as utterly as possible the post-mortem exploiter. ~ Henry James,
1123:One must regard the hyphen as a blemish to be avoided wherever possible. ~ Winston Churchill,
1124:Pagers are my life--I try to get them in to our music as much as possible. ~ John Frusciante,
1125:Relationships are possible, but are definitely not a road paved with roses. ~ Alex Karpovsky,
1126:Seek peace. When you have peace within, real peace with others will be possible. ~ Nhat Hanh,
1127:Seek the strongest color effect possible... the content is of no importance. ~ Henri Matisse,
1128:So many things are possible just as long as you know they aren't impossible. ~ Norton Juster,
1129:Sometimes it’s possible for a decision to be right and wrong at the same time, ~ Paul S Kemp,
1130:Such a display of beauty and happiness is not possible without contentment, ~ Michael Finkel,
1131:That's a big goal of mine, to try and grow as much of my own food as possible ~ Daryl Hannah,
1132:The minute you don't want power, you'll have more than you ever dreamed possible. ~ Ram Dass,
1133:the only possible way to make yogurt taste worse was to put kiwi into it. ~ Michael Connelly,
1134:thing to build—the thing customers want and will pay for—as quickly as possible. ~ Eric Ries,
1135:This would be the best of all possible worlds, if there were no religion in it. ~ John Adams,
1136:To share poetry is one of the most intimate acts of friendship possible. ~ Madeleine L Engle,
1137:to understand Its members as much as possible. Keep these points In mind: ~ Timothy J Keller,
1138:Trust is the lubrication that makes it possible for organizations to work. ~ Warren G Bennis,
1139:Um, yeah. The Bible. All things are possible through Christ who strengthens me. ~ Liz Talley,
1140:We’ve been keeping our deaths a secret so as to make our lives possible. ~ Clarice Lispector,
1141:When the mind, body, and spirit work together, I believe anything is possible. ~ Criss Angel,
1142:When you think like a child your imagination is free and anything is possible. ~ Criss Angel,
1143:With God, it's possible to be content wherever we are, with whatever we have. ~ Tricia Goyer,
1144:Write freely and as rapidly as possible and throw the whole thing on paper. ~ John Steinbeck,
1145:You only get one life. It's actually your duty to live it as fully as possible. ~ Jojo Moyes,
1146:You only get one life. It’s actually your duty to live it as fully as possible. ~ Jojo Moyes,
1147:A great many things are possible.” And to himself he added: But not practical. ~ Isaac Asimov,
1148:All men are different. And should do everything possible to continue to be so. ~ Paulo Coelho,
1149:Anything seems possible at night when the rest of the world has gone to sleep. ~ David Almond,
1150:Arm yourself with as many options as possible before making your next move. ~ Mallory Ortberg,
1151:A society, on occasion, can be the worst possible describer of mental health. ~ Kurt Vonnegut,
1152:But hoping,” he said, “is how the impossible can be possible after all.” With ~ Marissa Meyer,
1153:By striving to do the impossible, man has always achieved what is possible. ~ Mikhail Bakunin,
1154:Detect and fix any problem in a production process at the lowest stage possible. ~ Andy Grove,
1155:Disciple : I find that it is not possible to put forth energy in the old way. ~ Sri Aurobindo,
1156:How is it possible that my sane and reasonable DNA created such a crazy daughter? ~ Jenny Han,
1157:If you want to be deeply respected, deeply respect as many people as possible. ~ Robin Sharma,
1158:I just want to spend every possible minute of the rest of my life with you. ~ Suzanne Collins,
1159:I love seeing guys on the worst possible day and watching them scramble. ~ Duane Swierczynski,
1160:Is it possible to grow wiser without knowing it? One hopes so. We all hope so. ~ Edward Abbey,
1161:Is it possible to live so defensively that you never get to live at all? ~ Rachel Naomi Remen,
1162:It is not our duty to explain facts, but to make the best possible use of them. ~ Jules Verne,
1163:It is not possible for a man to be elegant without a touch of femininity. ~ Vivienne Westwood,
1164:It's possible to love another human being if you don't know them too well. ~ Charles Bukowski,
1165:It was possible, suddenly, to separate love from being beholden. ~ Garth Risk Hallberg,
1166:I would work as hard as possible at school so I could keep acting alongside. ~ Felicity Jones,
1167:Like every filmmaker, I make my films to reach the widest audience possible. ~ Michael Haneke,
1168:Marrying means doing whatever possible to become repulsed of each other ~ Arthur Schopenhauer,
1169:No matter what, expect the unexpected. And whenever possible BE the unexpected. ~ Lynda Barry,
1170:Once you find a warmup routine that works, repeat it as habitually as possible. ~ Ted Corbitt,
1171:One can't always be magnificent, but simplicity is always a possible alternative. ~ H G Wells,
1172:Reacher was the kind of guy who solved all problems as permanently as possible. ~ Diane Capri,
1173:Receding gray hair running as fast as possible away from a big shiny forehead. A ~ Nick Pirog,
1174:self-actualization is possible only as a side-effect of self-transcendence. ~ Viktor E Frankl,
1175:So many things are possible as long as you don't know they are impossible. ~ Mildred D Taylor,
1176:The easiest way to get along in life is to meddle as little as possible. That ~ Salla Simukka,
1177:The only possible way to get somebody to change is to reach into their hearts. ~ Jane Goodall,
1178:Was it possible to fall so far from greatness? Was this, then, his destiny? ~ Stephanie Kuehn,
1179:We have to teach our girls that they can reach as high as humanly possible. ~ Beyonce Knowles,
1180:We say: Anything is possible. But, what we mean is: I hope good is possible. ~ David Levithan,
1181:Who exactly am I saving from shame, when I’ll live and die in every possible way? ~ Greg Egan,
1182:Women should be tough, tender, laugh as much as possible, and live long lives. ~ Maya Angelou,
1183:You only get one life. It's actually your duty to leave it as fully as possible. ~ Jojo Moyes,
1184:You’re impossible, Yankel! I’m possibly possible. Thank you, she said, ~ Jonathan Safran Foer,
1185:All actual heroes are essential men, And all men possible heroes. ~ Elizabeth Barrett Browning,
1186:And I didn't think it was possible to find love for a person I don't know at all. ~ Kiera Cass,
1187:Every book takes you to the terror, that terrible place of possible failure. ~ Sandra Cisneros,
1188:Examine si ce que tu promets est juste et possible, car la promesse est une dette. ~ Confucius,
1189:Faith makes it possible to achieve that which man's mind can conceive and believe. ~ Bruce Lee,
1190:I am convinced that happiness is not possible unless it is based on freedom. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh,
1191:I didn't know it was possible to simultaneously hate and ache for someone. ~ Stephanie Perkins,
1192:I didn’t realize it was possible to be strong and yielding at the same time. ~ Brigid Kemmerer,
1193:If it were possible for me to alter any part of his plan, I could only spoil it. ~ John Newton,
1194:If time travel were possible we'd be inundated with tourist from the future. ~ Stephen Hawking,
1195:I like people with weak will and bad taste.
It feels like anything is possible. ~ Kris Kidd,
1196:I live for being with the people I love and to live as happily as possible. ~ Nastassja Kinski,
1197:I'm very pro presenting the best music I can to the widest audience possible. ~ Lesley Garrett,
1198:I never thought it was possible to overlook your own death, but apparently it is. ~ Mira Grant,
1199:In the 30 years of my career, I have explored all possible mediums, except radio. ~ Kabir Bedi,
1200:In their view, hacking would be better served by using the best system possible. ~ Steven Levy,
1201:I think with true passion you can do so much more than you think is possible. ~ Gillian Murphy,
1202:... it is possible to emerge from even the darkest hell healed and restored ~ Malcolm Gladwell,
1203:It is seldom possible to respect someone about whom you know everything. ~ Mokokoma Mokhonoana,
1204:I try to find meaning or value in most things and be as diverse as possible. ~ Francois Arnaud,
1205:It will never be possible by pure reason to arrive at some absolute truth. ~ Werner Heisenberg,
1206:I've struggled all my life to get maximum meaning in the simplest possible form. ~ Anne Truitt,
1207:I want us clean as fast as possible so I can fuck you like a gentleman. In a bed ~ Celia Aaron,
1208:No radical change on the plane of history is possible without crime. ~ Hermann Graf Keyserling,
1209:One cannot always be magnificent, but simplicity is always a possible alternative. ~ H G Wells,
1210:One effect of sustained conflict is to narrow our vision of what is possible. ~ Nelson Mandela,
1211:Painting is the passage from the chaos of the emotions to the order of the possible. ~ Balthus,
1212:So many things are possible just as long as you don't know they're impossible. ~ Norton Juster,
1213:That couldn’t be possible, could it? Why didn’t Nan come back in? Where was she? ~ Chanda Hahn,
1214:The chief function of color should be to serve expression as well as possible. ~ Henri Matisse,
1215:The only intercourse possible between the knight and the dragon is battle. ~ Steven Pressfield,
1216:The progress of history is to take the impossible and turn it into the possible. ~ Ralph Nader,
1217:The reality you experience is a reflection of what you believe is most possible. ~ Darryl Anka,
1218:There are a few scattered moments in one’s life when everything seems possible. ~ Paul Russell,
1219:There are times when thinking about something is the worst possible policy. ~ John Christopher,
1220:There is nothing you can’t do, if you set your mind to it. Anything is possible. ~ Rick Hansen,
1221:There was something in the Savior's descent that made possible man's ascent. ~ Tad R Callister,
1222:To be truly radical is to make hope possible rather than despair convincing ~ Raymond Williams,
1223:Walking is the best possible exercise. Habituate yourself to walk very far. ~ Thomas Jefferson,
1224:We’ll stretch this day out as long as possible, like we’re the summer solstice. ~ Adam Silvera,
1225:We try to be as much involved in our product as possible, because then it's us. ~ Alice Cooper,
1226:When the Fyre inside is kindled and when the Time Is Right, anything is possible. ~ Angie Sage,
1227:When the water is calm, take as much distance as possible with your boat! ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
1228:When you're in a weak position, getting the best deal possible is a victory. ~ Robert Ferrigno,
1229:With inquiry, every painful story unravels. Freedom is possible in every moment. ~ Byron Katie,
1230:With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God. ~ Anonymous,
1231:You have to think it before you can do it. The mind is what makes it all possible ~ Kai Greene,
1232:You only get one life.
Its actually your duty to live it as fully as possible. ~ Jojo Moyes,
1233:Anything’s possible. Is anyone ever the villain in their own version of a story? ~ Tawna Fenske,
1234:Being an adult means accepting those situations where no action is possible. ~ John D MacDonald,
1235:But if you want to find peace, you must first be able to hope it is possible. ~ Suzanne Collins,
1236:But what was possible or practical had been replaced by a far baser impulse. Hope. ~ Ted Dekker,
1237:Every event that befalls me is absolutely the best possible event that could occur. ~ Anonymous,
1238:He found in the world without as actual what was in his world within as possible. ~ James Joyce,
1239:He had not known it was possible to love a little human being as he loved Annie. ~ Maeve Binchy,
1240:How is it possible to hold such anger against something you don't believe in? ~ Francine Rivers,
1241:I adore life but I dont fear death. I just prefer to die as late as possible. ~ Georges Simenon,
1242:I am competitive, and I like to be as competitive as possible in anything I do. ~ Sergio Garcia,
1243:I cover my face with my arms because this isn't happening. It isn't possible. ~ Suzanne Collins,
1244:If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. ~ Paul the Apostle,
1245:If there's a silence in a room I'll try to fill it as soon as humanly possible. ~ Matthew Perry,
1246:I know that the accident of my being a photographer has made my life possible. ~ Richard Avedon,
1247:It is our moral obligation to give every child the very best education possible. ~ Desmond Tutu,
1248:It is possible for one never to transgress a single law and still be a bastard. ~ Hermann Hesse,
1249:... it is possible to emerge from even the darkest hell healed and restored. ~ Malcolm Gladwell,
1250:It is possible to fail in many ways...while to succeed is possible only in one way. ~ Aristotle,
1251:It is possible to know the great truths without feeling the truth of them. ~ Marilynne Robinson,
1252:It is the only happiness now possible to me, to know that all is well with you ~ Sylvia Engdahl,
1253:It’s possible to perceive what is coming and still be dumbfounded when it happens. ~ Leif Enger,
1254:I wanted to be the best actor possible. I worked very hard at the craft of it. ~ Jack Nicholson,
1255:Leave-takings are stupid things, and best forgotten about as quickly as possible. ~ Nevil Shute,
1256:Morality is more than possible without God, it is entirely independent of him. ~ Julian Baggini,
1257:Possible reality [is obtained] by slightly bending physical and chemical laws. ~ Marcel Duchamp,
1258:Ruri: Is it possible that Shuichiro gets more cuddly every day?
Hari: Indubitably... ~ CLAMP,
1259:She had nothing to do all day ... but did it with the greatest possible speed. ~ Cees Nooteboom,
1260:That you have to go on believing anything’s possible, or else, what’s the point? ~ Sandra Kring,
1261:The American advertiser has made the superior American magazine of today possible. ~ Edward Bok,
1262:The depth of longing I felt for him didn’t seem possible for someone my age. ~ Rachel Higginson,
1263:The Ten Commandments are the lowest possible standard of humane living. ~ Erwin Raphael McManus,
1264:The time is long overdue to encourage more women to dream the possible dream. ~ Sheryl Sandberg,
1265:The world you desire can be won, it exists, it is real, it is possible, it is yours. ~ Ayn Rand,
1266:This atheism concerning the gods of men pertains hereafter to any possible faith ~ Paul Ricoeur,
1267:To be truly radical is to make hope possible rather than despair inevitable. ~ Raymond Williams,
1268:You know, guys, it is possible for two women to work together and get along. ~ Elizabeth Vargas,
1269:You need massive recruitment to tell the poorest of the poor what is possible. ~ Jonathan Kozol,
1270:Your goal at the outset is to extract and observe as much information as possible. ~ Chris Voss,
1271:Another of my wishes is to depend as little as possible on the labour of slaves. ~ James Madison,
1272:As far as possible, I want nothing more than to don my training gi and teach Karate. ~ Mas Oyama,
1273:Because there is no ego, God can flow through you; great creativity becomes possible. ~ Rajneesh,
1274:But really, in a perfect wedding-or world-you wanted the best possible beginning. ~ Sarah Dessen,
1275:Change is part of the world.
Until the last moment,
Anything is possible. ~ Dalai Lama XIV,
1276:Do as much as possible for the patient, and as little as possible to the patient. ~ Bernard Lown,
1277:Dream more than others think practical. Expect more than others think possible. ~ Howard Schultz,
1278:Dreams do come true if you keep believing in yourself. Anything is possible. ~ Jennifer Capriati,
1279:Every imperial agent wants to reduce what is possible to what is available. ~ Walter Brueggemann,
1280:Every news organization should ideally be as broadly representative as possible. ~ Judy Woodruff,
1281:Everything cannot be possible without thinking that everything is possible! ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
1282:How is it possible to write one's autobiography in a world so fast-changing as this? ~ Malcolm X,
1283:How was it possible for the world to be so beautiful and so cruel at the same time? ~ Lian Hearn,
1284:I believe forgiveness is possible for everybody, for everything, but I'm a Buddhist. ~ Alan Ball,
1285:I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be mistaken. ~ Oliver Cromwell,
1286:I had learned in the intervening time the folly of limiting desire to the possible. ~ Gene Wolfe,
1287:I knew from the beginning it was hopeless, but it's possible to love without hope. ~ Ken MacLeod,
1288:I love you more than I knew was possible. You are my grace. You are my redemption. ~ Tillie Cole,
1289:In an infinity of worlds, anything is not only possible, it's mandatory. ~ Michael Reaves,
1290:information is the measure of the number of possible alternatives for something. ~ Carlo Rovelli,
1291:Is it possible to have too much ambition? Is it possible to be too successful? ~ Lloyd Blankfein,
1292:It has been said that a friend is somebody with whom it is possible to be silent. ~ Robert Evans,
1293:It is not possible to find a person where smiling does not suit him or her! ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
1294:It is only possible to speak in the language and in the spirit of one's time. ~ Eugene Delacroix,
1295:It is startling to realize how much unbelief is necessary to make belief possible. ~ Eric Hoffer,
1296:It's not possible to solve the climate crisis while we continue to expand fracking. ~ Jill Stein,
1297:It was not really possible to understand oneself, let alone another human being. ~ Arthur Miller,
1298:I want pictorial content without sentiment, but I want it as human as possible ~ Gerhard Richter,
1299:I was the one of those students who made the top half of the class possible. ~ Michael Bloomberg,
1300:I wonder if it's possible to be a Republican and a Christian at the same time. ~ Hillary Clinton,
1301:Just because it hasn’t been done before, does not mean that it is not possible. ~ Liesel Schwarz,
1302:Luxury goods are the only area in which it is possible to make luxury margins. ~ Bernard Arnault,
1303:No perfect democracy is possible without perfect nonviolence at the back of it. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
1304:Nothing is possible without love ... For love puts one in a mood to risk everything. ~ Carl Jung,
1305:Only by living absurdly is it possible to break out of this infinite absurdity. ~ Julio Cortazar,
1306:Paris might give you rose-colored glasses, but youth made anything seem possible. ~ Selena Blake,
1307:Real loss is only possible when you love something more than you love yourself. ~ Robin Williams,
1308:Sometimes hard stuff needs to be done in order to make the stuff you love possible ~ Leo Babauta,
1309:The western is a universal frame within which it's possible to comment on today. ~ Sam Peckinpah,
1310:They really do look gold.How is that even possible?How can someone have golden eyes? ~ Meg Cabot,
1311:Vengeance is always possible, he said, but only if your memory can endure it. ~ Christopher Rice,
1312:When I record an album I'm trying to get as close as possible to that perfect moment. ~ Lou Reed,
1313:When I was a child, writing was the worst possible choice of a career in my family. ~ Nick Flynn,
1314:When you write, everything is possible, even the very opposite of what you are. ~ Silvina Ocampo,
1315:You need to detach most when it seems the least likely or possible thing to do. ~ Melody Beattie,
1316:You only get one life, so, it's actually your duty to live it as fully as possible. ~ Jojo Moyes,
1317:All actual heroes are essential men,
And all men possible heroes. ~ Elizabeth Barrett Browning,
1318:...and it is also possible, that Saadat Hasan dies, but Manto remains alive. ~ Saadat Hasan Manto,
1319:Anything is possible in the life of a man if he lives long enough. Even maturity. ~ Howell Raines,
1320:As children we believe that anything is possible, the trick is to never forget it. ~ David Blaine,
1321:could still believe in their possible presence; for memory was now set in motion; ~ Marcel Proust,
1322:Every moment you live is a possible new beginning, a new chance and a new hope. ~ Muhammad Nusair,
1323:Everything is possible and nothing is not possible except possibly the impossible. ~ Shannon Hale,
1324:Faith means belief in something concerning which doubt is theoretically possible. ~ William James,
1325:faster than any invention in human history—with the possible exceptions of handguns and ~ Various,
1326:For it is possible for a man to be faithful and lazy at the same time. ~ Antoine de Saint Exup ry,
1327:Forward," Ember replied. "Always forward. Its a new day, and anything is possible. ~ Julie Kagawa,
1328:I am convinced that by eating biological foods it is possible to avoid a tumor. ~ Gwyneth Paltrow,
1329:I avoid literature whenever possible, because whenever possible I avoid myself. ~ Thomas Bernhard,
1330:I don't believe in vitamin pills. I swear by men, darling-and as many as possible. ~ Joan Collins,
1331:I don't think it's possible to touch people's imagination today by aesthetic means. ~ J G Ballard,
1332:If perfection were possible, the Cross wouldn’t have been necessary. (Galatians 2:21) ~ L R Knost,
1333:I just want to make people laugh, and I want to do that the best way possible. ~ Michaela Watkins,
1334:I just want you to look at your future as a world where anything is possible. ~ Maggie Stiefvater,
1335:Is it possible that anxiety ends at the moment when we no longer have time for it? ~ Ann Patchett,
1336:It is never possible to guarantee success, it is only possible to deserve it. ~ Winston Churchill,
1337:It is not possible to found a lasting power upon injustice, perjury, and treachery. ~ Demosthenes,
1338:It is possible in this world to be pretty and funny and successful all at the same time. ~ Olivia,
1339:It is possible to be so active in the service of Christ as to forget to love him. ~ Peter Forsyth,
1340:It is unfortunate that it is possible to 'know' something that is not true. ~ Mokokoma Mokhonoana,
1341:It's possible to save oneself from Satan, Father Francis, but from men—never! ~ Nikos Kazantzakis,
1342:It was perfectly possible to be an artist, yet also to be robust and responsible. ~ Julian Barnes,
1343:Loving and energizing others is the best possible thing we can do for ourselves. ~ James Redfield,
1344:loving and energizing others is the best possible thing we can do for ourselves. ~ James Redfield,
1345:Make sure, as often as possible, you are doing something you’d be happy to die doing. ~ Matt Haig,
1346:Of course it's possible to love a human being if you don't know them too well. ~ Charles Bukowski,
1347:Putting someone before yourself is possible only if that is done literally. ~ Mokokoma Mokhonoana,
1348:Social life in a society is only possible when the people in it have learned to obey. ~ Anonymous,
1349:Spend as much time as possible, with body and with spirit in God's out-of-doors. ~ Henry Van Dyke,
1350:The Bad Seeds are a band I will travel a great distance to see whenever possible. ~ Henry Rollins,
1351:The book counseled to insist, whenever possible, on seeing both the dam and the sire. ~ Anonymous,
1352:The path to peace is rarely easy, but peace is always possible" -H.W. Marsworth ~ Sheila O Connor,
1353:To see nothing of a person makes it possible to credit him with all the perfection. ~ Victor Hugo,
1354:Try to secure advantages before attacking. If possible, keep the sun behind you. ~ Oswald Boelcke,
1355:wide variety of human activity, achievement is not possible without discomfort. ~ Alex Hutchinson,
1356:Your soul should be as strong as possible when it leaves here for whatever comes next. ~ GG Allin,
1357:And only as we love God supremely is it possible to love our neighbor impartially. ~ Ellen G White,
1358:Anybody can dream an impossible dream. But only a few find a dream that's possible. ~ Bruce Feiler,
1359:Any halfway clever devil would decorate the highway to Hell as beautiful as possible. ~ Criss Jami,
1360:Anything is possible. Everything is gettable. You just have to want it badly enough. ~ Noah Hawley,
1361:By attempting the impossible one can attain the highest level of the possible. ~ August Strindberg,
1362:By dismissing what could work, we dismiss our own growth. We dismiss what's possible. ~ Joe Vitale,
1363:concentrate on doing the best possible work you can in the time allotted for the task. ~ S J Scott,
1364:Democratic ideas cannot exist without the public spheres that make them possible. ~ Henry A Giroux,
1365:Design is about making communication as easy and clear for the viewer as possible. ~ Garr Reynolds,
1366:Difficult does not mean impossible. Everything can happen. Everything is possible. ~ Ben H Winters,
1367:each one of us is here because somebody before us did something to make it possible. ~ Audre Lorde,
1368:Hoping means seeing that the outcome you want is possible and then working for it. ~ Bernie Siegel,
1369:How is it possible to find meaning in a finite world, given my waist and shirt size? ~ Woody Allen,
1370:I don't see any possible excuse for any driver anywhere to endanger people. ~ Robert James Thomson,
1371:I mean not try to analyze everything to death for once, if possible, especially me. ~ J D Salinger,
1372:I'm not interested in possible complexities. I regard song structure as a graph paper. ~ Brian Eno,
1373:I’m not you, Douglas. I don’t look at every keyhole as a possible future sex partner. ~ Eric Arvin,
1374:In fact, it is quite possible that you think you've found me (love) when you haven't. ~ Leah Konen,
1375:Is it possible to bolster one’s hip bones by doing some type of controlled fall? Here ~ Mary Roach,
1376:Is it possible to write a reverent novel," said Nassrin, "and to have it be good?... ~ Azar Nafisi,
1377:I think anything is possible to anyone who dreams, dares, works and never gives up. ~ Xavier Dolan,
1378:it is often possible to elicit the behavior you want through nonfinancial means. ~ Steven D Levitt,
1379:It is possible to live well with dementia and write best-sellers 'like wot I do. ~ Terry Pratchett,
1380:It may be possible to forget our past but our past is not going to forget us. ~ Francesca Marciano,
1381:It's possible to go faster than folk are ready for; that's the key to democracy. ~ Naomi Mitchison,
1382:John Jay put it as bluntly as possible: “Those who own the country ought to govern it. ~ Anonymous,
1383:Leadership is about empowering others to achieve things they did not think possible. ~ Simon Sinek,
1384:No one told me you can love someone and still be miserable. How is that possible? ~ Krista Ritchie,
1385:Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must first be overcome. ~ Samuel Johnson,
1386:Our root fantasy is that "I" am real and that it's possible for "me" to be happy. ~ Sakyong Mipham,
1387:Physics is the belief that a simple and consistent description of nature is possible. ~ Niels Bohr,
1388:Politics is the art of the possible, the attainable — the art of the next best ~ Otto von Bismarck,
1389:Seizing the day is all about making the best choices possible each day of your life. ~ Joyce Meyer,
1390:She tried to smile sympathetically, but with her face it wasn't quite possible. ~ Anthony Horowitz,
1391:The best thing about space travel is that it made it possible to go elsewhere. ~ Robert A Heinlein,
1392:The best way to make the most serious point in the world is to be as unserious as possible. ~ Mika,
1393:The definition of a miracle is that which should not be possible but has come to pass. ~ Anonymous,
1394:The first step is to establish that something is possible then probability will occur. ~ Elon Musk,
1395:The only possible effect one can have on the world is through unpopular ideas. ~ Vivienne Westwood,
1396:The positive thing about the skeptic is that he considers everything possible! ~ Erich von D niken,
1397:There’s nothing more stubborn than youth, with the possible exception of old age. ~ Seanan McGuire,
1398:The true value of man is shown when with all freedom possible, he sets himself limits. ~ Anonymous,
1399:The worst possible turn can not be programmed. It is caused by coincidence. ~ Friedrich Durrenmatt,
1400:To behave "humanely" it is perfectly possible to do without the notion of "humanity." ~ Talal Asad,
1401:Total commitment to family and total commitment to career is possible, but fatiguing. ~ Muriel Fox,
1402:Was it possible the giant wolf shifter had actually gotten sexier in six months? ~ Savannah Stuart,
1403:Water symbolizes the whole of potentiality - the source of all possible existence. ~ Mircea Eliade,
1404:We have one life to live - and one chance to live it in the richest way possible. ~ Judith Thurman,
1405:We should find out as much as possible about someone before coming into conflict with him. ~ Aesop,
1406:We turn toward God only to obtain the impossible. As for the possible, men suffice. ~ Albert Camus,
1407:What seems impossible one minute becomes, through faith, possible the next. ~ Norman Vincent Peale,
1408:You need to detach most when it seems the least likely or possible thing to do. I ~ Melody Beattie,
1409:All I wanted was to love him as much as possible in the limited time given to me. ~ Stephenie Meyer,
1410:A lover is a man who tries to be more amiable than it is possible for him to be. ~ Nicolas Chamfort,
1411:And why not do the easiest possible thing? Because isn’t that always the best thing? ~ Lev Grossman,
1412:And Willy Jude was amiable enough, but in about as content-free a way as possible. ~ William Gibson,
1413:A strong positive self image is the best possible preparation for success in life. ~ John C Maxwell,
1414:A waltz, Anna Arkadyevna?" "I don't dance when it's possible not to dance," she said. ~ Leo Tolstoy,
1415:Banish doubt. When doubt is banished, abundance flourishes and anything is possible. ~ Wayne W Dyer,
1416:Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible. And be kinder than is necessary. ~ Dalai Lama XIV,
1417:Bureaucracy is the art of making the possible impossible.”—Javier Pascual Salcedo ~ Timothy Ferriss,
1418:Everything actual must also first have been possible, before having actual existence. ~ Albert Pike,
1419:Falling in love instantly is just not possible. You have to let someone grow on you ~ Jane Costello,
1420:Hope is a foolish thing ― it makes us believe in the things we never thought possible. ~ Farah Cook,
1421:How was it possible for us to go so wrong? We were good together. So. Fucking. Good. ~ Devney Perry,
1422:I avoid literature whenever possible, because whenever possible I avoid myself... ~ Thomas Bernhard,
1423:I believe everyone here has a right to speak out on politics as effectively as possible. ~ Ted Cruz,
1424:If one has to submit, it is wasteful not to do so with the best grace possible. ~ Winston Churchill,
1425:If there be a God, I think he would like me to paint Africa British-Red as possible. ~ Cecil Rhodes,
1426:If your mom seems overprotective, it’s possible she knows you better than you think. ~ Rick Riordan,
1427:I have no doubt that the elimination of poverty and deprivation is possible by 2020. ~ C K Prahalad,
1428:I love thinking about the film, the project and committing myself as much as possible. ~ Vin Diesel,
1429:Is it possible to pursue happiness if the pursuit itself does not make you happy? ~ Deepak Malhotra,
1430:It didn't occur to me that it was possible to breathe life into Abraham Lincoln. ~ Daniel Day Lewis,
1431:It was the freedom to experiment that made this experiment called Freedom possible. ~ Justin Sirois,
1432:just like the smallest possible set, this is initial in the category of categories. ~ Eugenia Cheng,
1433:Katherine Johnson knew: once you took the first step, anything was possible. ~ Margot Lee Shetterly,
1434:Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must be first overcome. ~ Donald Rumsfeld,
1435:Random acts of kindness and the desire to do the best job possible lead to trust. ~ Jeffrey Gitomer,
1436:Something that makes it possible for me to start thinking about the future again. ~ Henning Mankell,
1437:The conscience is eternal and never dies. Peace if possible, but truth at any rate. ~ Martin Luther,
1438:The first step is to establish that something is possible; then probability will occur. ~ Elon Musk,
1439:There is no safety for honest men except by believing all possible evil of evil men. ~ Edmund Burke,
1440:The seduction by a mythicized pas prevents us from thinking about possible futures ~ Timothy Snyder,
1441:The way to get the most out of your work and your life is to go as small as possible. ~ Gary Keller,
1442:War is not the answer. Violence is not the solution. A more peaceful world is possible. ~ Ron Kovic,
1443:was neither possible nor necessary to educate people who never questioned anything. ~ Joseph Heller,
1444:We are not sufficiently astonished by the fact that any science may be possible. ~ Louis de Broglie,
1445:We are only possible as what happened to us yesterday. We all change as well move ~ William Kennedy,
1446:Without changing one's self, without peace in one's self, world peace is not possible. ~ Dalai Lama,
1447:You are where you are in life because of what you believe is possible for yourself. ~ Oprah Winfrey,
1448:You only get one life. It's actually your duty to live it as fully as possible. - Will ~ Jojo Moyes,
1449:After all, beauty has only three possible endings, & only one of them is bearable. ~ Larry Levis,
1450:Anything may be possible in America, but a Palin presidency is virtually implausible. ~ Ron Fournier,
1451:Are Seth and I seeing each other? Is that even possible? I mean, inter-realmal dating? ~ Katie Klein,
1452:As he drifted off, his father came to visit him, clothed in all his possible shapes. ~ Dexter Palmer,
1453:A ‘world’ has dimensions. By definition they are not the sole possible ones. ~ Maurice Merleau Ponty,
1454:Can you not find a space within yourself, a space where forgiveness is possible? We ~ Cidney Swanson,
1455:Contemplation of the stupidity which deems happiness possible almost made Voltaire happy. ~ Voltaire,
1456:Great literature is simply language charged with meaning to the utmost possible degree. ~ Ezra Pound,
1457:Her purse is like Mary Poppins's bag - it holds way more than should be possible. ~ Tera Lynn Childs,
1458:How was it possible he looked cool and calm and falling to pieces all at once? ~ Mimi Jean Pamfiloff,
1459:I always like to keep the budget as small as possible just to have the most freedom. ~ Sofia Coppola,
1460:I am a resurrected ancient mummy with frog DNA. Anything seems possible at this point. ~ Anna Durand,
1461:I approach a comedy the same way I do a drama. I try to make it as real as possible. ~ Mark Wahlberg,
1462:If someone asked a question they should be willing to wait for the best possible answer. ~ Ryan Kirk,
1463:If you're faced with a forced landing, fly the thing as far into the crash as possible. ~ Bob Hoover,
1464:I have no interest whatsoever in being a high-fashion model, nor is it possible ~ Rachael Leigh Cook,
1465:I have realized that my real self is a greater entity than any possible post or title. ~ Anwar Sadat,
1466:I'm as far away from technology as possible. But I like to be as present as possible. ~ Beau Garrett,
1467:I mean present the best case possible using whatever facts or near facts are handy. ~ David Baldacci,
1468:in order to isolate what was possible, you had to eliminate everything that was impossible ~ Jo Nesb,
1469:Is it possible that more black people hate the President than are actually alive? ~ Stephanie Miller,
1470:It is not possible to remake the world. You can fix parts, but you can't remake the world. ~ Ed Koch,
1471:It is possible,” said Locke with a sheepish grin, “that I have been slightly too bold. ~ Scott Lynch,
1472:It is possible that the artists are sane and the world they are painting is crazy. ~ William Zinsser,
1473:I try to make myself look as normal as possible because I like people to relate to me. ~ Nick Carter,
1474:It's perfectly possible for somebody to make the transition from politics to journalism. ~ Brit Hume,'s possible to have a happy ending, even if the ending isn't what you imagined. ~ Natalie Lloyd,
1476:It was possible that I'd thrown one too many Molotov cocktails over God's fence. ~ Maggie Stiefvater,
1477:I wondered if it was possible that they had never been taught that lying was a bad thing. ~ Suki Kim,
1478:I wonder if it's possible to start a new relationship without hurting someone else. ~ David Levithan,
1479:Live a life of friction. Let yourself be disturbed as much as possible, but observe. ~ G I Gurdjieff,
1480:'Marley' does what is probably the best possible job of documenting an important life. ~ Roger Ebert,
1481:Miracles seldom occur in the lives of those who do not consider them possible. ~ Neale Donald Walsch,
1482:Nineteenth-century grass-roots populism made twentieth-century progressivism possible. ~ Jill Lepore,
1483:One of the most powerful forces in human nature is our belief that change is possible. ~ Shawn Achor,
1484:Self-enquiry is really possible only through intense introversion of the mind. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
1485:She was nothing like me; she was everything like me. How was that even possible? ~ Diana Peterfreund,
1486:Solutions to tough problems should be made as simple as possible - and no simpler. ~ Albert Einstein,
1487:The American ideal, after all, is that everyone should be as much alike as possible. ~ James Baldwin,
1488:The grace of God comes swiftly to the soul when endurance is no longer possible. ~ Dorotheus of Gaza,
1489:The greatest thing in life is to die young - but delay it as long as possible. ~ George Bernard Shaw,
1490:The main purpose of the stock market is to make fools of as many men as possible. ~ Bernard M Baruch,
1491:The mistake is to imagine that perfection is possible when the very idea is unthinkable. ~ Luis Figo,
1492:The public should always be wondering how it is possible to give so much for the money. ~ Henry Ford,
1493:The seduction by a mythicized past prevents us from thinking about possible futures ~ Timothy Snyder,
1494:The shaming of Washington, insofar as it is even possible, is a very noble pursuit. ~ Mark Leibovich,
1495:Was it it possible that I thought a pile of clothes was a smiling girl?’ - Amanda Benson ~ R L Stine,
1496:We have to do what we can to help wherever and whenever it is possible for us to help. ~ Jackie Chan,
1497:What if the point were not to know as much as possible but to feel as much as possible? ~ Ben Hewitt,
1498:What is possible in the Cavendish Laboratory may not be too difficult in the sun. ~ Arthur Eddington,
1499:What's enjoyable for me, as an actor, is to do as many different things as possible. ~ Michael Sheen,
1500:What will be and what will not be are equally possible and impossible,” Liv explained. ~ Kami Garcia,

IN CHAPTERS [300/2332]

1221 Integral Yoga
  183 Occultism
  117 Christianity
  107 Philosophy
   92 Yoga
   68 Psychology
   61 Poetry
   59 Fiction
   29 Science
   14 Integral Theory
   13 Theosophy
   13 Education
   8 Cybernetics
   6 Sufism
   6 Hinduism
   5 Mythology
   5 Mysticism
   5 Buddhism
   3 Kabbalah
   3 Islam
   3 Baha i Faith
   1 Thelema
   1 Philsophy
   1 Alchemy

  741 The Mother
  595 Sri Aurobindo
  428 Satprem
  198 Nolini Kanta Gupta
   78 Aleister Crowley
   69 Carl Jung
   55 H P Lovecraft
   48 Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
   47 Sri Ramakrishna
   42 Plotinus
   41 James George Frazer
   33 Swami Krishnananda
   22 A B Purani
   21 Saint Augustine of Hippo
   21 Rudolf Steiner
   21 Aldous Huxley
   17 Friedrich Nietzsche
   15 Saint Teresa of Avila
   13 Swami Vivekananda
   13 Saint John of Climacus
   12 Nirodbaran
   11 Jorge Luis Borges
   10 Plato
   10 George Van Vrekhem
   10 Franz Bardon
   9 Paul Richard
   8 Norbert Wiener
   8 Aristotle
   7 Peter J Carroll
   6 Sri Ramana Maharshi
   6 Jordan Peterson
   6 John Keats
   5 Robert Browning
   5 Henry David Thoreau
   5 Al-Ghazali
   4 Thubten Chodron
   4 Percy Bysshe Shelley
   4 Lucretius
   4 Bokar Rinpoche
   4 Alice Bailey
   3 Rabindranath Tagore
   3 Rabbi Moses Luzzatto
   3 Patanjali
   3 Muhammad
   3 Ken Wilber
   3 Joseph Campbell
   3 Friedrich Schiller
   3 Edgar Allan Poe
   3 Baha u llah
   3 Anonymous
   2 William Wordsworth
   2 William Butler Yeats
   2 Walt Whitman
   2 R Buckminster Fuller
   2 Rainer Maria Rilke
   2 Ovid
   2 Jorge Luis Borges
   2 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
   2 Jean Gebser
   2 Italo Calvino

  127 The Synthesis Of Yoga
   80 Record of Yoga
   57 Questions And Answers 1957-1958
   55 Lovecraft - Poems
   52 The Life Divine
   49 Magick Without Tears
   46 The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
   44 Letters On Yoga IV
   44 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03
   42 Questions And Answers 1950-1951
   42 On Thoughts And Aphorisms
   41 The Golden Bough
   41 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04
   40 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01
   40 Agenda Vol 08
   40 Agenda Vol 03
   39 Letters On Yoga II
   38 Agenda Vol 01
   36 Questions And Answers 1953
   35 Prayers And Meditations
   34 Agenda Vol 04
   33 The Study and Practice of Yoga
   33 Essays In Philosophy And Yoga
   32 Questions And Answers 1956
   32 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 07
   31 Agenda Vol 07
   30 Agenda Vol 10
   30 Agenda Vol 02
   29 Agenda Vol 12
   28 Questions And Answers 1955
   28 Liber ABA
   27 Letters On Yoga III
   27 Agenda Vol 13
   27 Agenda Vol 06
   26 Agenda Vol 05
   25 Mysterium Coniunctionis
   25 Agenda Vol 11
   24 The Human Cycle
   23 Agenda Vol 09
   22 The Practice of Psycho therapy
   22 Questions And Answers 1954
   22 Letters On Yoga I
   22 Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo
   22 Essays On The Gita
   21 The Perennial Philosophy
   20 City of God
   18 The Future of Man
   17 Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness
   17 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02
   16 Questions And Answers 1929-1931
   14 Letters On Poetry And Art
   14 Essays Divine And Human
   13 The Phenomenon of Man
   13 The Ladder of Divine Ascent
   13 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 01
   13 On Education
   12 Words Of Long Ago
   12 Twelve Years With Sri Aurobindo
   12 The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious
   12 Talks
   12 Some Answers From The Mother
   12 Labyrinths
   11 Words Of The Mother II
   11 On the Way to Supermanhood
   11 Let Me Explain
   10 Preparing for the Miraculous
   10 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 04
   10 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 02
   10 Knowledge of the Higher Worlds
   10 Aion
   9 Vedic and Philological Studies
   9 Thus Spoke Zarathustra
   9 The Secret Of The Veda
   9 The Problems of Philosophy
   9 Theosophy
   9 The Mother With Letters On The Mother
   9 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 03
   9 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 05
   8 Twilight of the Idols
   8 The Way of Perfection
   8 Poetics
   8 Isha Upanishad
   8 Cybernetics
   8 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 06
   7 Words Of The Mother III
   7 The Practice of Magical Evocation
   7 The Interior Castle or The Mansions
   7 Liber Null
   7 A Garden of Pomegranates - An Outline of the Qabalah
   6 The Secret Doctrine
   6 Raja-Yoga
   6 Maps of Meaning
   6 Keats - Poems
   6 Hymn of the Universe
   5 Walden
   5 The Integral Yoga
   5 The Bible
   5 The Alchemy of Happiness
   5 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 08
   5 Browning - Poems
   4 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
   4 Tara - The Feminine Divine
   4 Shelley - Poems
   4 Of The Nature Of Things
   4 Hymns to the Mystic Fire
   4 How to Free Your Mind - Tara the Liberator
   4 Bhakti-Yoga
   4 A Treatise on Cosmic Fire
   3 The Hero with a Thousand Faces
   3 Tagore - Poems
   3 Sex Ecology Spirituality
   3 Schiller - Poems
   3 Quran
   3 Patanjali Yoga Sutras
   3 Kena and Other Upanishads
   3 Initiation Into Hermetics
   3 General Principles of Kabbalah
   3 Collected Poems
   2 Yeats - Poems
   2 Wordsworth - Poems
   2 Whitman - Poems
   2 The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep
   2 The Red Book Liber Novus
   2 The Ever-Present Origin
   2 The Essentials of Education
   2 The Divine Comedy
   2 The Castle of Crossed Destinies
   2 The Book of Certitude
   2 Synergetics - Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking
   2 Symposium
   2 Selected Fictions
   2 Rilke - Poems
   2 Poe - Poems
   2 Metamorphoses
   2 Dark Night of the Soul
   2 Crowley - Poems
   2 Beating the Cloth Drum Letters of Zen Master Hakuin
   2 Anonymous - Poems
   2 Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 2E

0 0.01 - Introduction, #Agenda Vol 1, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  To be a man after rediscovering a million years was mysteriously like being something still other than man, a strange, unfinished possibility that could also be all kinds of other things. It was not in the dictionary, it was fluid and boundless - it had become a man through habit, but in truth, it was formidably virgin, as if all the old laws belonged to laggard barbarians. Then other moons began whirring through the skies to the cry of macaws at sunset, another rhythm was born that was strangely in tune with the rhythm of all, making one single flow of the world, and there we went, lightly, as if the body had never had any weight other than that of our human thought; and the stars were so near, even the giant airplanes roaring overhead seemed vain artifices beneath smiling galaxies. A man was the overwhelming Possible. He was even the great discoverer of the Possible.
  Never had this precarious invention had any other aim through millions of species than to discover that which surpassed his own species, perhaps the means to change his species - a light and lawless species. After rediscovering a million years in the great, rhythmic night, a man was still something to be invented. It was the invention of himself, where all was not yet said and done.
  Would Matter and Spirit meet, then, in a third PHYSIOLOGICAL position that would perhaps be at last the position of Man rediscovered, the something that had for so long fought and suffered in quest of becoming its own species? She was the great Possible at the beginning of man. Mother is our fable come true. 'All is Possible' was her first open sesame.
  Yes, She was in the midst of a spiritual 'horde,' for the pioneer of a new species must always fight against the best of the old: the best is the obstacle, the snare that traps us in its old golden mire.
  'Are you conscious of your ceils?' She asked us a short time after the little operation of spiritual demolition She had undergone. 'No? Well, become conscious of your cells, and you will see that it gives TERRESTRIAL results.' To become conscious of one's cells? ... It was a far more radical operation than crossing the Maroni with a machete in hand, for after all, trees and lianas can be cut, but what cannot be so easily uncovered are the grandfa ther and the grandmo ther and the whole atavistic pack, not to mention the animal and plant and mineral layers that form a teeming humus over this single pure little cell beneath its millennial genetic program. The grandfa thers and grandmo thers grow back again like crabgrass, along with all the old habits of being hungry, afraid, falling ill, fearing the worst, hoping for the best, which is still the best of an old mortal habit. All this is not uprooted nor entrapped as easily as celestial 'liberations,' which leave the teeming humus in peace and the body to its usual decomposition. She had come to hew a path through all that. She was the Ancient One of evolution who had come to make a new cleft in the old, tedious habit of being a man. She did not like tedious repetitions, She was the adventuress par excellence - the adventuress of the earth. She was wrenching out for man the great Possible that was already beating there, in his primeval clearing, which he believed he had momentarily trapped with a few machines.
  She was uprooting a new Matter, free, free from the habit of inexorably being a man who repeats himself ad infinitum with a few improvements in the way of organ transplants or monetary exchanges. In fact, She was there to discover what would happen after materialism and after spiritualism, these prodigal twin brothers. Because Materialism is dying in the West for the same reason that Spiritualism is dying in the East: it is the hour of the new species. Man needs to awaken, not only from his demons but also from his gods. A new Matter, yes, like a new Spirit, yes, because we still know neither one nor the other. It is the hour when Science, like Spirituality, at the end of their roads, must discover what Matter TRULY is, for it is really there that a Spirit as yet unknown to us is to be found. It is a time when all the 'isms' of the old species are dying: 'The age of
  Day after day, for seventeen years, She sat with us to tell us of her im Possible odyssey. Ah, how well we now understand why She needed such an 'outlaw' and an incorrigible heretic like us to comprehend a little bit of her im Possible odyssey into 'nothing.' And how well we now understand her infinite patience with us, despite all our revolts, which ultimately were only the revolts of the old species against itself. The final revolt. 'It is not a revolt against the British government which any one can easily do. It is, in fact, a revolt against the whole universal Nature!' Sri Aurobindo had proclaimed fifty years earlier. She listened to our grievances, we went away and we returned. We wanted no more of it and we wanted still more. It was infernal and sublime, im Possible and the sole possibility in this old, asphyxiating world. It was the only place one could go to in this barbedwired, mechanized world, where Cincinnati is just as crowded and polluted as Hong Kong. The new species is the last free place in the general Prison. It is the last hope for the earth. How we listened to her little faltering voice that seemed to return from afar, afar, after having crossed spaces and seas of the mind to let its little drops of pure, crystalline words fall upon us, words that make you see. We listened to the future, we touched the other thing. It was incomprehensible and yet filled with another comprehension. It eluded us on all sides, and yet it was dazzlingly obvious. The 'other species' was really radically other, and yet it was vibrating within, absolutely recognizable, as if it were THAT we had been seeking from age to age, THAT we had been invoking through all our illuminations, one after another, in Thebes as in Eleusis as everywhere we have toiled and grieved in the skin of a man. It was for THAT we were here, for that supreme Possible in the skin of a man at last. And then her voice grew more and more frail, her breath began gasping as though She had to traverse greater and greater distances to meet us. She was so alone to beat against the walls of the old prison. Many claws were out all around. Oh, we would so quickly have cut ourself free from all this fiasco to fly away with Her into the world's future. She was so tiny, stooped over, as if crushed beneath the 'spiritual' burden that all the old surrounding species kept heaping upon her. They didn't believe, no. For them, She was ninety-five years old + so many days. Can someone become a new species all alone? They even grumbled at Her: they had had enough of this unbearable Ray that was bringing their sordid affairs into the daylight. The Ashram was slowly closing over Her. The old world wanted to make a new, golden little Church, nice and quiet. No, no one wanted TO
  BECOME. To worship was so much easier. And then they bury you, solemnly, and the matter is settled - the case is closed: now, no one need bother any more except to print some photographic haloes for the pilgrims to this brisk little business. But they are mistaken. The real business will take place without them, the new species will fly up in their faces - it is already flying in the face of the earth, despite all its isms in black and white; it is exploding through all the pores of this battered old earth, which has had enough of shams - whether illusory little heavens or barbarous little machines.
  Then we have caught the tail of the Great Possible, we are upon the wayless way, radically in the new, and we flow with the little lizard, the pelican, the big man, we flow everywhere in a world that has lost its old separating skin and its little baggage of habits. We begin seeing otherwise, feeling otherwise. We have opened the gate into an inconceivable clearing. Just a light little vibration that carries you away. Then we begin to understand how it CAN CHANGE, what the mechanism is - a light little mechanism and so miraculous that it looks like nothing. We begin feeling the wonder of a pure little cell, and that a sparkling of joy would be enough to turn the world inside out. We were living in a little thinking fishbowl, we were dying in an old, bottled habit. And then suddenly, all is different. The Earth is free! Who wants freedom?
  It begins in a cell.

00.01 - The Approach to Mysticism, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   For true knowledge comes of, and means, identity of being. All other knowledge may be an apprehension of things but not comprehension. In the former, the knower stands apart from the object and so can envisage only the outskirts, the contour, the surface nature; the mind is capable of this alone. But comprehension means an embracing and penetration which is Possible when the knower identifies himself with the object. And when we are so identified we not merely know the object, but becoming it in our consciousness, we love it and live it.
   The mystic's knowledge is a part and a formation of his life. That is why it is a knowledge not abstract and remote but living and intimate and concrete. It is a knowledge that pulsates with delight: indeed it is the radiance that is shed by the purest and intensest joy. For this reason it may be that in approaching through the heart there is a chance of one's getting arrested there and not caring for the still higher, the solar lights; but this need not be so. In the heart there is a golden door leading to the deepest delights, but there is also a diamond door opening up into the skies of the brightest luminosities.

00.01 - The Mother on Savitri, #Sweet Mother - Harmonies of Light, #unset, #Zen
  In truth, the entire form of Savitri has descended "en masse" from the highest region and Sri Aurobindo with His genius only arranged the lines - in a superb and magnificent style. Sometimes entire lines were revealed and He has left them intact; He worked hard, untiringly, so that the inspiration could come from the highest Possible summit. And what a work He has created! Yes, it is a true creation in itself. It is an unequalled work. Everything is there, and it is put in such a simple, such a clear form; verses perfectly harmonious, limpid and eternally true. My child, I have read so many things, but I have never come across anything which could be compared with Savitri. I have studied the best works in Greek, Latin, English and of course French literature, also in German and all the great creations of the West and the East, including the great epics; but I repeat it, I have not found anywhere anything comparable with Savitri. All these literary works seems to me empty, flat, hollow, without any deep reality - apart from a few rare exceptions, and these too represent only a small fraction of what Savitri is. What grandeur, what amplitude, what reality: it is something immortal and eternal He has created. I tell you once again there is nothing like in it the whole world. Even if one puts aside the vision of the reality, that is, the essential substance which is the heart of the inspiration, and considers only the lines in themselves, one will find them unique, of the highest classical kind. What He has created is something man cannot imagine. For, everything is there, everything.
  It may then be said that Savitri is a revelation, it is a meditation, it is a quest of the Infinite, the Eternal. If it is read with this aspiration for Immortality, the reading itself will serve as a guide to Immortality. To read Savitri is indeed to practice Yoga, spiritual concentration; one can find there all that is needed to realise the Divine. Each step of Yoga is noted here, including the secret of all other Yogas. Surely, if one sincerely follows what is revealed here in each line one will reach finally the transformation of the Supramental Yoga. It is truly the infallible guide who never abandons you; its support is always there for him who wants to follow the path. Each verse of Savitri is like a revealed Mantra which surpasses all that man possessed by way of knowledge, and I repeat this, the words are expressed and arranged in such a way that the sonority of the rhythm leads you to the origin of sound, which is OM.
  And men have the audacity to compare it with the work of Virgil or Homer and to find it inferior. They do not understand, they cannot understand. What do they know? Nothing at all. And it is useless to try to make them understand. Men will know what it is, but in a distant future. It is only the new race with a new consciousness which will be able to understand. I assure you there is nothing under the blue sky to compare with Savitri. It is the mystery of mysteries. It is a *super-epic,* it is super-literature, super-poetry, super-vision, it is a super-work even if one considers the number of lines He has written. No, these human words are not adequate to describe Savitri. Yes, one needs superlatives, hyperboles to describe it. It is a hyper-epic. No, words express nothing of what Savitri is, at least I do not find them. It is of immense value - spiritual value and all other values; it is eternal in its subject, and infinite in its appeal, miraculous in its mode and power of execution; it is a unique thing, the more you come into contact with it, the higher will you be uplifted. Ah, truly it is something! It is the most beautiful thing He has left for man, the highest Possible. What is it? When will man know it? When is he going to lead a life of truth? When is he going to accept this in his life? This yet remains to be seen.
  My child, every day you are going to read Savitri; read properly, with the right attitude, concentrating a little before opening the pages and trying to keep the mind as empty as Possible, absolutely without a thought. The direct road is through the heart. I tell you, if you try to really concentrate with this aspiration you can light the flame, the psychic flame, the flame of purification in a very short time, perhaps in a few days. What you cannot do normally, you can do with the help of Savitri. Try and you will see how very different it is, how new, if you read with this attitude, with this something at the back of your consciousness; as though it were an offering to Sri Aurobindo. You know it is charged, fully charged with consciousness; as if Savitri were a being, a real guide. I tell you, whoever, wanting to practice Yoga, tries sincerely and feels the necessity for it, will be able to climb with the help of Savitri to the highest rung of the ladder of Yoga, will be able to find the secret that Savitri represents. And this without the help of a Guru. And he will be able to practice it anywhere. For him Savitri alone will be the guide, for all that he needs he will find Savitri. If he remains very quiet when before a difficulty, or when he does not know where to turn to go forward and how to overcome obstacles, for all these hesitations and incertitudes which overwhelm us at every moment, he will have the necessary indications, and the necessary concrete help. If he remains very calm, open, if he aspires sincerely, always he will be as if lead by the hand. If he has faith, the will to give himself and essential sincerity he will reach the final goal.
  Indeed, Savitri is something concrete, living, it is all replete, packed with consciousness, it is the supreme knowledge above all human philosophies and religions. It is the spiritual path, it is Yoga, Tapasya, Sadhana, everything, in its single body. Savitri has an extraordinary power, it gives out vibrations for him who can receive them, the true vibrations of each stage of consciousness. It is incomparable, it is truth in its plenitude, the Truth Sri Aurobindo brought down on the earth. My child, one must try to find the secret that Savitri represents, the prophetic message Sri Aurobindo reveals there for us. This is the work before you, it is hard but it is worth the trouble. - 5 November 1967

0.00a - Introduction, #A Garden of Pomegranates - An Outline of the Qabalah, #Israel Regardie, #Occultism
  The Qabalah reveals the nature of certain physical and psychological phenomena. Once these are apprehended, understood and correlated, the student can use the principles of Magic to exercise control over life's conditions and circumstances not otherwise Possible. In short. Magic provides the practical application of the theories supplied by the Qabalah.
  It serves yet another vital function. In addition to the advantages to be gained from its philosophical application, the ancients discovered a very practical use for the literal Qabalah.
  In his profound investigation into the origins and basic nature of man, Robert Ardrey in African Genesis recently made a shocking statement. Although man has begun the conquest of outer space, the ignorance of his own nature, says Ardrey, "has become institutionalized, universalized and sanctified." He further states that were a brotherhood of man to be formed today, "its only Possible common bond would be ignorance of what man is."
  Such a condition is both deplorable and appalling when the means are readily available for man to acquire a thorough understanding of himself-and in so doing, an understanding of his neighbor and the world in which he lives as well as the greater Universe of which each is a part.

000 - Humans in Universe, #Synergetics - Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking, #R Buckminster Fuller, #Science
  000.104 The cipher made Possible the positioning of numbers, which in turn
  facilitated division and multiplication. Imagine trying to multiply or divide with
  000.105 This new anticipatory science made large engineering projects Possible,
  but it became known to, and then was employed by, only the world's richest
  and the low overall displacement weights involved, made Possible for humans to
  design and fabricate air-enclosing wooden vessels whose structure and space
  strength per weight than wood, steel made Possible even more powerful watertight,
  air-containing vessels than did wood, even though steel by itself does not float.
  These new materials made it Possible to design and build engine-powered all-metal
  airplanes (structural vessels), which could pull themselves angularly above the
  000.122 All of the foregoing makes it Possible to say that since we now know that
  there is a sustainable abundance of life support and accommodation for all, it
  coordinating system-and can do so in time to make it Possible for all humanity to
  favorably comprehend and to exercise its option to attain universal physical

0.00 - INTRODUCTION, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
   Very soon a tender relationship sprang up between Sri Ramakrishna and the Brahmani, she looking upon him as the Baby Krishna, and he upon her as mother. Day after day she watched his ecstasy during the kirtan and meditation, his samadhi, his mad yearning; and she recognized in him a power to transmit spirituality to others. She came to the conclusion that such things were not Possible for an ordinary devotee, not even for a highly developed soul. Only an Incarnation of God was capable of such spiritual manifestations. She proclaimed openly that Sri Ramakrishna, like Sri Chaitanya, was an Incarnation of God.
   When Sri Ramakrishna told Mathur what the Brahmani had said about him, Mathur shook his head in doubt. He was reluctant to accept him as an Incarnation of God, an Avatar comparable to Rama, Krishna, Buddha, and Chaitanya, though he admitted Sri Ramakrishna's extraordinary spirituality. Whereupon the Brahmani asked Mathur to arrange a conference of scholars who should discuss the matter with her. He agreed to the proposal and the meeting was arranged. It was to be held in the natmandir in front of the Kali temple.
   "Brahman", he said, "is the only Reality, ever pure, ever illumined, ever free, beyond the limits of time, space, and causation. Though apparently divided by names and forms through the inscrutable power of maya, that enchantress who makes the im Possible Possible, Brahman is really One and undivided. When a seeker merges in the beatitude of samadhi, he does not perceive time and space or name and form, the offspring of maya. Whatever is within the domain of maya is unreal. Give it up. Destroy the prison-house of name and form and rush out of it with the strength of a lion. Dive deep in search of the Self and realize It through samadhi. You will find the world of name and form vanishing into void, and the puny ego dissolving in Brahman-Consciousness. You will realize your identity with Brahman, Existence-Knowledge-Bliss Absolute." Quoting the Upanishad, Totapuri said: "That knowledge is shallow by which one sees or hears or knows another
  . What is shallow is worthless and can never give real felicity. But the Knowledge by which one does not see another or hear another or know another, which is beyond duality, is great, and through such Knowledge one attains the Infinite Bliss. How can the mind and senses grasp That which shines in the heart of all as the Eternal Subject?"
   Sri Ramakrishna remained completely absorbed in samadhi for three days. "Is it really true?" Totapuri cried out in astonishment. "Is it Possible that he has attained in a single day what it took me forty years of strenuous practice to achieve? Great God! It is nothing short of a miracle!" With the help of Totapuri, Sri Ramakrishna's mind finally came down to the relative plane.
   Totapuri, a monk of the most orthodox type, never stayed at a place more than three days. But he remained at Dakshineswar eleven months. He too had something to learn.
   Shivanath vehemently criticized the Master for his other-worldly attitude toward his wife. He writes: "Ramakrishna was practically separated from his wife, who lived in her village home. One day when I was complaining to some friends about the virtual widowhood of his wife, he drew me to one side and whispered in my ear: 'Why do you complain? It is no longer Possible; it is all dead and gone.' Another day as I was inveighing against this part of his teaching, and also declaring that our program of work in the Brahmo Samaj includes women, that ours is a social and domestic religion, and that we want to give education and social liberty to women, the saint became very much excited, as was his way when anything against his settled conviction was asserted — a trait we so much liked in him — and exclaimed, 'Go, thou fool, go and perish in the pit that your women will dig for you.' Then he glared at me and said: 'What does a gardener do with a young plant? Does he not surround it with a fence, to protect it from goats and cattle? And when the young plant has grown up into a tree and it can no longer be injured by cattle, does he not remove the fence and let the tree grow freely?' I replied, 'Yes, that is the custom with gardeners.' Then he remarked, 'Do the same in your spiritual life; become strong, be full-grown; then you may seek them.' To which I replied, 'I don't agree with you in thinking that women's work is like that of cattle, destructive; they are our associates and helpers in our spiritual struggles and social progress' — a view with which he could not agree, and he marked his dissent by shaking his head. Then referring to the lateness of the hour he jocularly remarked, 'It is time for you to depart; take care, do not be late; otherwise your woman will not admit you into her room.' This evoked hearty laughter."
   Pratap Chandra Mazumdar, the right-hand man of Keshab and an accomplished Brahmo preacher in Europe and America, bitterly criticized Sri Ramakrishna's use of uncultured language and also his austere attitude toward his wife. But he could not escape the spell of the Master's personality. In the course of an article about Sri Ramakrishna, Pratap wrote in the "Theistic Quarterly Review": "What is there in common between him and me? I, a Europeanized, civilized, self-centred, semi-sceptical, so-called educated reasoner, and he, a poor, illiterate, unpolished, half-idolatrous, friendless Hindu devotee? Why should I sit long hours to attend to him, I, who have listened to Disraeli and Fawcett, Stanley and Max Muller, and a whole host of European scholars and divines? . . . And it is not I only, but dozens like me, who do the same. . . . He worships Siva, he worships Kali, he worships Rama, he worships Krishna, and is a confirmed advocate of Vedantic doctrines. . . . He is an idolater, yet is a faithful and most devoted meditator on the perfections of the One Formless, Absolute, Infinite Deity. . . . His religion is ecstasy, his worship means transcendental insight, his whole nature burns day and night with a permanent fire and fever of a strange faith and feeling. . . . So long as he is spared to us, gladly shall we sit at his feet to learn from him the sublime precepts of purity, unworldliness, spirituality, and inebriation in the love of God. . . . He, by his childlike bhakti, by his strong conceptions of an ever-ready Motherhood, helped to unfold it [God as our Mother] in our minds wonderfully. . . . By associating with him we learnt to realize better the divine attributes as scattered over the three hundred and thirty millions of deities of mythological India, the gods of the Puranas."
   In 1881 Hriday was dismissed from service in the Kali temple, for an act of indiscretion, and was ordered by the authorities never again to enter the garden. In a way the hand of the Divine Mother may be seen even in this. Having taken care of Sri Ramakrishna during the stormy days of his spiritual discipline, Hriday had come naturally to consider himself the sole guardian of his uncle. None could approach the Master without his knowledge. And he would be extremely jealous if Sri Ramakrishna paid attention to anyone else. Hriday's removal made it Possible for the real devotees of the Master to approach him freely and live with him in the temple garden.
   During the week-ends the householders, enjoying a respite from their office duties, visited the Master. The meetings on Sunday afternoons were of the nature of little festivals. Refreshments were often served. Professional musicians now and then sang devotional songs. The Master and the devotees sang and danced, Sri Ramakrishna frequently going into ecstatic moods. The happy memory of such a Sunday would linger long in the minds of the devotees. Those whom the Master wanted for special instruction he would ask to visit him on Tuesdays and Saturdays. These days were particularly auspicious for the worship of Kali.
   A few hours later the Master said to Narendra: "I said to Her: 'Mother, I cannot swallow food because of my pain. Make it Possible for me to eat a little.' She pointed you all out to me and said: 'What? You are eating enough through all these mouths. Isn't that so?' I was ashamed and could not utter another word." This dashed all the hopes of the devotees for the Master's recovery.
   "I shall make the whole thing public before I go", the Master had said some time before. On January 1, 1886, he felt better and came down to the garden for a little stroll. It was about three o'clock in the afternoon. Some thirty lay disciples were in the hall or sitting about under the trees. Sri Ramakrishna said to Girish, "Well, Girish, what have you seen in me, that you proclaim me before everybody as an Incarnation of God?" Girish was not the man to be taken by surprise. He knelt before the Master and said, with folded hands, "What can an insignificant person like myself say about the One whose glory even sages like Vyasa and Valmiki could not adequately measure?" The Master was profoundly moved. He said: "What more shall I say? I bless you all. Be illumined!" He fell into a spiritual mood. Hearing these words the devotees, one and all, became overwhelmed with emotion. They rushed to him and fell at his feet. He touched them all, and each received an appropriate benediction. Each of them, at the touch of the Master, experienced ineffable bliss. Some laughed, some wept, some sat down to meditate, some began to pray. Some saw light, some had visions of their Chosen Ideals, and some felt within their bodies the rush of spiritual power.
   Yet one is not sure whether the Master's soul actually was tortured by this agonizing disease. At least during his moments of spiritual exaltation — which became almost constant during the closing days of his life on earth — he lost all consciousness of the body, of illness and suffering. One of his attendants (Latu, later known as Swami Adbhutananda.) said later on: "While Sri Ramakrishna lay sick he never actually suffered pain. He would often say: 'O mind! Forget the body, forget the sickness, and remain merged in Bliss.' No, he did not really suffer. At times he would be in a state when the thrill of joy was clearly manifested in his body. Even when he could not speak he would let us know in some way that there was no suffering, and this fact was clearly evident to all who watched him. People who did not understand him thought that his suffering was very great. What spiritual joy he transmitted to us at that time! Could such a thing have been Possible if he had 'been suffering physically? It was during this period that he taught us again these truths: 'Brahman is always unattached. The three gunas are in It, but It is unaffected by them, just as the wind carries odour yet remains odourless.' 'Brahman is Infinite Being, Infinite Wisdom, Infinite Bliss. In It there exist no delusion, no misery, no disease, no death, no growth, no decay.' 'The Transcendental Being and the being within are one and the same. There is one indivisible Absolute Existence.'"
   The Holy Mother secretly went to a Siva temple across the Ganges to intercede with the Deity for the Master's recovery. In a revelation she was told to prepare herself for the inevitable end.

0.00 - The Book of Lies Text, #The Book of Lies, #Aleister Crowley, #Philosophy
     true as is Possible to human language.
     The verse from Tennyson is inserted partly because
    Not-Being, the three Possible modes of conceiving the universe.
     The statement, Nothing is Not , technically equivalent to
    identified with the four Possible modes of conceiving the
    universe; Horus unites these.
    as far as Possible to realise, the language of Beyond
    the Abyss, the student will succeed in bringing his
    Proof is only Possible in mathematics, and mathe-
     matics is only a matter of arbitrary conventions.
    non distributia medii. It is Possible that considerations
    with Sir Wm. Hamilton's qualification (or quantifica-
    the best in the best of all Possible worlds". Nor does the
    wealthiest of our Dukes complain to his cronies that
   It would be Possible to interpret this chapter in its entirety as an adverse
  criticism of metaphysics as such, and this is doubtless one of its many sub-

0.00 - THE GOSPEL PREFACE, #The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, #Sri Ramakrishna, #Hinduism
  Sri Ramakrishna was a teacher for both the Orders of mankind, Sannysins and householders. His own life offered an ideal example for both, and he left behind disciples who followed the highest traditions he had set in respect of both these ways of life. M., along with Nag Mahashay, exemplified how a householder can rise to the highest level of sagehood. M. was married to Nikunja Devi, a distant relative of Keshab Chander Sen, even when he was reading at College, and he had four children, two sons and two daughters. The responsibility of the family, no doubt, made him dependent on his professional income, but the great devotee that he was, he never compromised with ideals and principles for this reason. Once when he was working as the headmaster in a school managed by the great Vidysgar, the results of the school at the public examination happened to be rather poor, and Vidysgar attri buted it to M's preoccupation with the Master and his consequent failure to attend adequately to the school work. M. at once resigned his post without any thought of the morrow. Within a fortnight the family was in poverty, and M. was one day pacing up and down the verandah of his house, musing how he would feed his children the next day. Just then a man came with a letter addressed to 'Mahendra Babu', and on opening it, M. found that it was a letter from his friend Sri Surendra Nath Banerjee, asking whether he would like to take up a professorship in the Ripon College. In this way three or four times he gave up the job that gave him the wherewithal to support the family, either for upholding principles or for practising spiritual Sadhanas in holy places, without any consideration of the Possible dire worldly consequences; but he was always able to get over these difficulties somehow, and the interests of his family never suffered. In spite of his disregard for worldly goods, he was, towards the latter part of his life, in a fairly flourishing condition as the proprietor of the Morton School which he developed into a noted educational institution in the city. The Lord has said in the Bhagavad Git that in the case of those who think of nothing except Him, He Himself would take up all their material and spiritual responsibilities. M. was an example of the truth of the Lord's promise.
  Though his children received proper attention from him, his real family, both during the Master's lifetime and after, consisted of saints, devotees, Sannysins and spiritual aspirants. His life exemplifies the Master's teaching that an ideal householder must be like a good maidservant of a family, loving and caring properly for the children of the house, but knowing always that her real home and children are elsewhere. During the Master's lifetime he spent all his Sundays and other holidays with him and his devotees, and besides listening to the holy talks and devotional music, practised meditation both on the Personal and the Impersonal aspects of God under the direct guidance of the Master. In the pages of the Gospel the reader gets a picture of M.'s spiritual relationship with the Master how from a hazy belief in the Impersonal God of the Brahmos, he was step by step brought to accept both Personality and Impersonality as the two aspects of the same Non-dual Being, how he was convinced of the manifestation of that Being as Gods, Goddesses and as Incarnations, and how he was established in a life that was both of a Jnni and of a Bhakta. This Jnni-Bhakta outlook and way of living became so dominant a feature of his life that Swami Raghavananda, who was very closely associated with him during his last six years, remarks: "Among those who lived with M. in latter days, some felt that he always lived in this constant and conscious union with God even with open eyes (i.e., even in waking consciousness)." (Swami Raghavananda's article on M. in Prabuddha Bharata vol. XXXVII. P. 442.)
  In 1905 he retired from the active life of a Professor and devoted his remaining twenty-seven years exclusively to the preaching of the life and message of the Great Master. He bought the Morton Institution from its original proprietors and shifted it to a commodious four-storeyed house at 50 Amherst Street, where it flourished under his management as one of the most efficient educational institutions in Calcutta. He generally occupied a staircase room at the top of it, cooking his own meal which consisted only of milk and rice without variation, and attended to all his personal needs himself. His dress also was the simplest Possible. It was his conviction that limitation of personal wants to the minimum is an important aid to holy living. About one hour in the morning he would spend in inspecting the classes of the school, and then retire to his staircase room to pour over his diary and live in the divine atmosphere of the earthly days of the Great Master, unless devotees and admirers had already gathered in his room seeking his holy company.
  In appearance, M. looked a Vedic Rishi. Tall and stately in bearing, he had a strong and well-built body, an unusually broad chest, high forehead and arms extending to the knees. His complexion was fair and his prominent eyes were always tinged with the expression of the divine love that filled his heart. Adorned with a silvery beard that flowed luxuriantly down his chest, and a shining face radiating the serenity and gravity of holiness, M. was as imposing and majestic as he was handsome and engaging in appearance. Humorous, sweet-tongued and eloquent when situations required, this great Maharishi of our age lived only to sing the glory of Sri Ramakrishna day and night.

0.01 - Life and Yoga, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  God. Therefore we see in India that a sharp incompatibility has been created between life in the world and spiritual growth and perfection, and although the tradition and ideal of a victorious harmony between the inner attraction and the outer demand remains, it is little or else very imperfectly exemplified. In fact, when a man turns his vision and energy inward and enters on the path of Yoga, he is popularly supposed to be lost inevitably to the great stream of our collective existence and the secular effort of humanity. So strongly has the idea prevailed, so much has it been emphasised by prevalent philosophies and religions that to escape from life is now commonly considered as not only the necessary condition, but the general object of Yoga. No synthesis of Yoga can be satisfying which does not, in its aim, reunite God and Nature in a liberated and perfected human life or, in its method, not only permit but favour the harmony of our inner and outer activities and experiences in the divine consummation of both. For man is precisely that term and symbol of a higher Existence descended into the material world in which it is Possible for the lower to transfigure itself and put on the nature of the higher and the higher to reveal itself in the forms of the lower. To avoid the life which is given him for the realisation of that possibility, can never be either the indispensable condition or the whole and ultimate object of his supreme endeavour or of his most powerful means of self-fulfilment. It can only be a temporary necessity under certain conditions or a specialised extreme effort imposed on the individual so as to prepare a greater general possibility for the race. The true and full object and utility of Yoga can only be accomplished when the conscious
  Yoga in man becomes, like the subconscious Yoga in Nature, outwardly conterminous with life itself and we can once more, looking out both on the path and the achievement, say in a more perfect and luminous sense: "All life is Yoga."

0.02 - Letters to a Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  that it is I who gave the order to make all Possible use of the old
  pieces of wood.
  be very happy to cut down expenses as much as Possible.
  But when we came to the details of carrying this out, we always found ourselves confronted with the same difficulty: whom
  elsewhere. To avoid any Possible misunderstanding, it would be
  best if X or Y speaks to them in your presence.
  Is it Possible? For example, if there are cracks in a roof,
  I want to know the exact cause. How can I identify
  X as far as Possible. But if contact is established, beware of
  subconscious reactions and be very vigilant.

0.02 - The Three Steps of Nature, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Afterwards we may more easily find the one common principle and the one common power from which all derive their being and tendency, towards which all subconsciously move and in which, therefore, it is Possible for all consciously to unite.
  The progressive self-manifestation of Nature in man, termed in modern language his evolution, must necessarily depend upon three successive elements. There is that which is already evolved; there is that which, still imperfect, still partly fluid, is persistently in the stage of conscious evolution; and there is that which is to be evolved and may perhaps be already
   displayed, if not constantly, then occasionally or with some regularity of recurrence, in primary formations or in others more developed and, it may well be, even in some, however rare, that are near to the highest Possible realisation of our present humanity. For the march of Nature is not drilled to a regular and mechanical forward stepping. She reaches constantly beyond herself even at the cost of subsequent deplorable retreats.
  She has rushes; she has splendid and mighty outbursts; she has immense realisations. She storms sometimes passionately forward hoping to take the kingdom of heaven by violence.
  Matter, which, however the too ethereally spiritual may despise it, is our foundation and the first condition of all our energies and realisations, and the Life-Energy which is our means of existence in a material body and the basis there even of our mental and spiritual activities. She has successfully achieved a certain stability of her constant material movement which is at once sufficiently steady and durable and sufficiently pliable and mutable to provide a fit dwelling-place and instrument for the progressively manifesting god in humanity. This is what is meant by the fable in the Aitareya Upanishad which tells us that the gods rejected the animal forms successively offered to them by the Divine Self and only when man was produced, cried out, "This indeed is perfectly made," and consented to enter in. She has effected also a working compromise between the inertia of matter and the active Life that lives in and feeds on it, by which not only is vital existence sustained, but the fullest developments of mentality are rendered Possible. This equilibrium constitutes the basic status of Nature in man and is termed in the language of Yoga his gross body composed
  The Three Steps of Nature
  Indeed, the increasing effort towards a more intense mental life seems to create, frequently, an increasing disequilibrium of the human elements, so that it is Possible for eminent scientists to describe genius as a form of insanity, a result of degeneration, a pathological morbidity of Nature. The phenomena which are used to justify this exaggeration, when taken not separately, but in connection with all other relevant data, point to a different truth. Genius is one attempt of the universal Energy to so quicken and intensify our intellectual powers that they shall be prepared for those more puissant, direct and rapid faculties which constitute the play of the supra-intellectual or divine mind. It is not, then, a freak, an inexplicable phenomenon, but a perfectly natural next step in the right line of her evolution.
  She has harmonised the bodily life with the material mind, she is harmonising it with the play of the intellectual mentality; for that, although it tends to a depression of the full animal and vital vigour, need not produce active disturbances. And she is shooting yet beyond in the attempt to reach a still higher level.
  Do such psychological conceptions correspond to anything real and Possible? All Yoga asserts them as its ultimate experience and supreme aim. They form the governing principles of our highest Possible state of consciousness, our widest Possible range of existence. There is, we say, a harmony of supreme faculties, corresponding roughly to the psychological faculties of revelation, inspiration and intuition, yet acting not in the intuitive reason or the divine mind, but on a still higher plane, which see Truth directly face to face, or rather live in the truth of things both universal and transcendent and are its formulation and luminous activity. And these faculties are the light of a conscious existence superseding the egoistic and itself both cosmic and transcendent, the nature of which is Bliss. These are obviously divine and, as man is at present apparently constituted, superhuman states of consciousness and activity. A trinity of transcendent existence, self-awareness and self-delight7 is, indeed, the metaphysical description of the supreme Atman, the self-formulation, to our awakened knowledge, of the Unknowable whether conceived as a pure Impersonality or as a cosmic Personality manifesting the universe. But in Yoga they are regarded also in their psychological aspects as states of subjective existence to which our waking consciousness is now alien, but which dwell in us in a superconscious plane and to which, therefore, we may always ascend.
  For, as is indicated by the name, causal body (karan.a), as opposed to the two others which are instruments (karan.a), this crowning manifestation is also the source and effective power of all that in the actual evolution has preceded it. Our mental activities are, indeed, a derivation, selection and, so long as they are divided from the truth that is secretly their source, a deformation of the divine knowledge. Our sensations and emotions have the same relation to the Bliss, our vital forces and actions to the aspect of Will or Force assumed by the divine consciousness, our physical being to the pure essence of that Bliss and

0.03 - III - The Evening Sittings, #Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo, #unset, #Zen
   Then, on 23 November 1938, I got up at 2 o'clock to prepare hot water for the Mother's early bath because the 24th was Darshan day. Between 2.20 and 2.30 the Mother rang the bell. I ran up the staircase to be told about an accident that had happened to Sri Aurobindo's thigh and to be asked to fetch the doctor. This accident brought about a change in his complete retirement, and rendered him available to those who had to attend on him. This opened out a long period of 12 years during which his retirement was modified owing to circumstances, inner and outer, that made it Possible for him to have direct physical contacts with the world outside.
   The long period of the Second World War with all its vicissitudes passed through these years. It was a priceless experience to see how he devoted his energies to the task of saving humanity from the threatened reign of Nazism. It was a practical lesson of solid work done for humanity without any thought of return or reward, without even letting humanity know what he was doing for it! Thus he lived the Divine and showed us how the Divine cares for the world, how He comes down and works for man. I shall never forget how he who was at one time in his own words "not merely a non-co-operator but an enemy of British Imperialism" bestowed such anxious care on the health of Churchill, listening carefully to the health-bulletins! It was the work of the Divine, it was the Divine's work for the world.

0.03 - Letters to My little smile, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  is better to forget your anger quickly; and if that isn't Possible,
  then you must tell me very simply what has happened so that
  suffer as much as Possible - isn't it so?
  I understand absolutely nothing of what you mean to say. You
  I wrote as few words as Possible. Of course I miss the time
  Series Three - To "My little smile"
  Eleven years ago, in 1922, in the month of February, it was Possible to write 2.2.22 and eleven years from now, in the month
  of April, it will be Possible to write 4.4.44, and so on. It is
  interesting, isn't it?
  tell me about your sorrow so that I may remove it if Possible?
  You know that all my love is always with you as well as my best

0.03 - The Threefold Life, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  For man, the head of terrestrial Nature, the sole earthly frame in which her full evolution is Possible, is a triple birth. He has been given a living frame in which the body is the vessel and life the dynamic means of a divine manifestation. His activity is centred in a progressive mind which aims at perfecting itself as well as the house in which it dwells and the means of life that it uses, and is capable of awaking by a progressive self-realisation to its own true nature as a form of the Spirit. He culminates in what he always really was, the illumined and beatific spirit which is intended at last to irradiate life and mind with its now concealed splendours.
  Since this is the plan of the divine Energy in humanity, the whole method and aim of our existence must work by the interaction of these three elements in the being. As a result of their separate formulation in Nature, man has open to him a choice between three kinds of life, the ordinary material existence, a life of mental activity and progress and the unchanging spiritual beatitude. But he can, as he progresses, combine these three forms, resolve their discords into a harmonious rhythm and so create in himself the whole godhead, the perfect Man.
  The characteristic energy of bodily Life is not so much in progress as in persistence, not so much in individual selfenlargement as in self-repetition. There is, indeed, in physical Nature a progression from type to type, from the vegetable to the animal, from the animal to man; for even in inanimate Matter Mind is at work. But once a type is marked off physically, the chief immediate preoccupation of the terrestrial Mother seems to be to keep it in being by a constant reproduction. For Life always seeks immortality; but since individual form is impermanent and only the idea of a form is permanent in the consciousness that creates the universe, - for there it does not perish, - such constant reproduction is the only Possible material immortality.
  Self-preservation, self-repetition, self-multiplication are necessarily, then, the predominant instincts of all material existence.
  Nevertheless it is Possible to make the material man and his life moderately progressive by imprinting on the material mind the custom of progress, the habit of conscious change, the fixed idea of progression as a law of life. The creation by this means of progressive societies in Europe is one of the greatest triumphs of Mind over Matter. But the physical nature has its revenge; for the progress made tends to be of the grosser and more outward kind and its attempts at a higher or a more rapid movement bring about great wearinesses, swift exhaustions, startling recoils.
  It is Possible also to give the material man and his life a moderate spirituality by accustoming him to regard in a religious spirit all the institutions of life and its customary activities. The creation of such spiritualised communities in the East has been one of the greatest triumphs of Spirit over Matter. Yet here, too, there is a defect; for this often tends only to the creation of a religious temperament, the most outward form of spirituality.
  Its higher manifestations, even the most splendid and puissant, either merely increase the number of souls drawn out of social life and so impoverish it or disturb the society for a while by a momentary elevation. The truth is that neither the mental effort nor the spiritual impulse can suffice, divorced from each other, to overcome the immense resistance of material Nature.
  But if Progress also is one of the chief terms of worldexistence and a progressive manifestation of the Divine the true sense of Nature, this limitation also is invalid. It is Possible for the spiritual life in the world, and it is its real mission, to change the material life into its own image, the image of the Divine. Therefore, besides the great solitaries who have sought and attained their self-liberation, we have the great spiritual teachers who have also liberated others and, supreme of all, the great dynamic souls who, feeling themselves stronger in the might of the Spirit than all the forces of the material life banded together, have thrown themselves upon the world, grappled with it in a loving wrestle and striven to compel its consent to its own transfiguration. Ordinarily, the effort is concentrated on a mental and moral change in humanity, but it may extend itself also to the alteration of the forms of our life and its institutions so that they too may be a better mould for the inpourings of the Spirit. These attempts have been the supreme landmarks in the progressive development of human ideals and the divine preparation of the race. Every one of them, whatever its outward results, has left Earth more capable of Heaven and quickened in its tardy movements the evolutionary Yoga of Nature.
  In India, for the last thousand years and more, the spiritual life and the material have existed side by side to the exclusion of the progressive mind. Spirituality has made terms for itself with Matter by renouncing the attempt at general progress. It has obtained from society the right of free spiritual development for all who assume some distinctive symbol, such as the garb of the Sannyasin, the recognition of that life as man's goal and those who live it as worthy of an absolute reverence, and the casting of society itself into such a religious mould that its most customary acts should be accompanied by a formal reminder of the spiritual symbolism of life and its ultimate destination. On the other hand, there was conceded to society the right of inertia and immobile self-conservation. The concession destroyed much of the value of the terms. The religious mould being fixed, the formal reminder tended to become a routine and to lose its living sense. The constant attempts to change the mould by new sects and religions ended only in a new routine or a modification of the old; for the saving element of the free and active mind had been exiled. The material life, handed over to the Ignorance, the purposeless and endless duality, became a leaden and dolorous yoke from which flight was the only escape.

0.04 - The Systems of Yoga, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  But this exclusive consummation is not the sole or inevitable result of the Path of Knowledge. For, followed more largely and with a less individual aim, the method of Knowledge may lead to an active conquest of the cosmic existence for the Divine no less than to a transcendence. The point of this departure is the realisation of the supreme Self not only in one's own being but in all beings and, finally, the realisation of even the phenomenal aspects of the world as a play of the divine consciousness and not something entirely alien to its true nature. And on the basis of this realisation a yet further enlargement is Possible, the conversion of all forms of knowledge, however mundane, into activities of the divine consciousness utilisable for the perception of the one and unique Object of knowledge both in itself and through the play of its forms and symbols. Such a method might well lead to the elevation of the whole range of human intellect
  The Systems of Yoga
  Lord, with our human life as its final stage, pursued through the different phases of self-concealment and self-revelation. The principle of Bhakti Yoga is to utilise all the normal relations of human life into which emotion enters and apply them no longer to transient worldly relations, but to the joy of the All-Loving, the All-Beautiful and the All-Blissful. Worship and meditation are used only for the preparation and increase of intensity of the divine relationship. And this Yoga is catholic in its use of all emotional relations, so that even enmity and opposition to God, considered as an intense, impatient and perverse form of Love, is conceived as a Possible means of realisation and salvation.
  This path, too, as ordinarily practised, leads away from worldexistence to an absorption, of another kind than the Monist's, in the Transcendent and Supra-cosmic.

0.05 - Letters to a Child, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  I am always with you, my child, so it is not only Possible but
  quite easy to feel my presence constantly.
  want to be close to your heart, I want... but is it Possible?
  I don't know.
  Yes, my dear child, it is entirely Possible and since you want
  it sincerely, it will come to be so. You will feel yourself always
  of it, you should repeat, as often as Possible, mentally turning
  to me: "You have put Peace in my heart; make me aware of its

0.05 - The Synthesis of the Systems, #The Synthesis Of Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Yoga that we seek must also be an integral action of Nature, and the whole difference between the Yogin and the natural man will be this, that the Yogin seeks to substitute in himself for the integral action of the lower Nature working in and by ego and division the integral action of the higher Nature working in and by God and unity. If indeed our aim be only an escape from the world to God, synthesis is unnecessary and a waste of time; for then our sole practical aim must be to find out one path out of the thousand that lead to God, one shortest Possible of short cuts, and not to linger exploring different paths that end in the same goal. But if our aim be a transformation of our integral being into the terms of God-existence, it is then that a synthesis becomes necessary.
  The method we have to pursue, then, is to put our whole conscious being into relation and contact with the Divine and to call Him in to transform our entire being into His. Thus in a sense
  By this integral realisation and liberation, the perfect harmony of the results of Knowledge, Love and Works. For there is attained the complete release from ego and identification in being with the One in all and beyond all. But since the attaining consciousness is not limited by its attainment, we win also the unity in Beatitude and the harmonised diversity in Love, so that all relations of the play remain Possible to us even while we retain on the heights of our being the eternal oneness with the
  Beloved. And by a similar wideness, being capable of a freedom in spirit that embraces life and does not depend upon withdrawal from life, we are able to become without egoism, bondage or reaction the channel in our mind and body for a divine action poured out freely upon the world.
   functioning of the complex instrument we are in our outer parts, is the condition of an integral liberty. Its result is an integral beatitude, in which there becomes Possible at once the Ananda of all that is in the world seen as symbols of the Divine and the Ananda of that which is not-world. And it prepares the integral perfection of our humanity as a type of the Divine in the conditions of the human manifestation, a perfection founded on a certain free universality of being, of love and joy, of play of knowledge and of play of will in power and will in unegoistic action. This integrality also can be attained by the integral Yoga.
  Perfection includes perfection of mind and body, so that the highest results of Rajayoga and Hathayoga should be contained in the widest formula of the synthesis finally to be effected by mankind. At any rate a full development of the general mental and physical faculties and experiences attainable by humanity through Yoga must be included in the scope of the integral method. Nor would these have any raison d'etre unless employed for an integral mental and physical life. Such a mental and physical life would be in its nature a translation of the spiritual existence into its right mental and physical values. Thus we would arrive at a synthesis of the three degrees of Nature and of the three modes of human existence which she has evolved or is evolving. We would include in the scope of our liberated being and perfected modes of activity the material life, our base, and the mental life, our intermediate instrument.
  Nor would the integrality to which we aspire be real or even Possible, if it were confined to the individual. Since our divine perfection embraces the realisation of ourselves in being, in life and in love through others as well as through ourselves, the extension of our liberty and of its results in others would be the inevitable outcome as well as the broadest utility of our liberation and perfection. And the constant and inherent attempt of such an extension would be towards its increasing and ultimately complete generalisation in mankind.
  The divinising of the normal material life of man and of his great secular attempt of mental and moral self-culture in the individual and the race by this integralisation of a widely perfect
  The widest synthesis of perfection Possible to thought is the sole effort entirely worthy of those whose dedicated vision perceives that God dwells concealed in humanity.

0.06 - Letters to a Young Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  be done will be done despite all Possible resistances.
  Is there no means of uniting my will with Yours? Perhaps
  being that it is Possible to find You in the centre of my
  My beloved Mother, is it not Possible to meet You on
  some other plane than the physical? I don't mean by
  leaving the body; even when in the body, is it not Possible
  to meet on some other higher plane?
  Certainly, this is quite Possible. But one must awaken to the
  consciousness of these planes.
  Beloved Mother, do You grant that it is Possible to do
  without food?

0.07 - DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL, #Dark Night of the Soul, #Saint John of the Cross, #Christianity
  Exposition of the stanzas describing the method followed by the soul in its journey upon the spiritual road to the attainment of the perfect union of love with God, to the extent that is Possible in this life. Likewise are described the properties belonging to the soul that has attained to the said perfection, according as they are contained in the same stanzas.

0.07 - Letters to a Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  be Possible only for those who have gone beyond all
  egoism. But if my Mother chooses to see only the good
  and heart turned as constantly as Possible towards the Divine.
  The love for the Divine is the strongest force for doing this.

0.08 - Letters to a Young Captain, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  In order to strengthen the contact and aid, if Possible, the
  development of the conscious psychic personality, one should,
  Is it Possible to have control over oneself during
  sleep? For example, if I want to see you in my dreams,
  Control during sleep is entirely Possible and it is progressive
  if you persist in the effort. You begin by remembering your
  the mind as quiet as one can, without making an effort to understand, but keeping the head as silent as Possible and letting
  the force contained in what one reads enter deep inside. This
  fixed hour if Possible; this facilitates the brain's receptivity.
  2 November 1959
  passive as Possible. And if, in the mental silence, a part of the
  being can take the attitude of the witness who observes without
  Is it Possible to have a correct conception of the

0.09 - Letters to a Young Teacher, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  Why isn't it Possible to live always on the same
  height of consciousness? Sometimes I fall despite every
  Often it is Possible to live moments of supreme
  ecstasy because one is in contact with one's Personal
  You. I know that it is not Possible to have a complete
  conception of the Divine at this stage.
  So now tell me, Mother, if it is Possible to have an
  idea of the "Transcendent Divine".
  Is it Possible to love You perfectly, absolutely, before
  finding the psychic being within us?

01.02 - Natures Own Yoga, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Now, with regard to the time that the present stage of evolution is likely to take for its fulfilment, one can presume that since or if the specific urge and stress has manifested and come up to the front, this very fact would show that the problem has become a problem of actuality, and even that it can be dealt with as if it had to be solved now or never. We have said that in man, with man's self-consciousness or the consciousness of the psychic being as the instrument, evolution has attained the capacity of a swift and concentrated process, which is the process of Yoga; the process will become swifter and more concentrated, the more that instrument grows and gathers power and is infused with the divine afflatus. In fact, evolution has been such a process of gradual acceleration in tempo from the very beginning. The earliest stage, for example, the stage of dead Matter, of the play of the mere chemical forces was a very, very long one; it took millions and millions of years to come to the point when the manifestation of life became Possible. But the period of elementary life, as manifested in the plant world that followed, although it too lasted a good many millions of years, was much briefer than the preceding periodit ended with the advent of the first animal form. The age of animal life, again, has been very much shorter than that of the plant life before man came upon earth. And man is already more than a million or two years oldit is fully time that a higher order of being should be created out of him.
   The Dhammapada, I. 1

01.03 - Rationalism, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   What is Reason, the faculty that is said to be the proud privilege of man, the sovereign instrument he alone possesses for the purpose of knowing? What is the value of knowledge that Reason gives? For it is the manner of knowing, the particular faculty or instrument by which we know, that determines the nature and content of knowledge. Reason is the collecting of available sense-perceptions and a certain mode of working upon them. It has three component elements that have been defined as observation, classification and deduction. Now, the very composition of Reason shows that it cannot be a perfect instrument of knowledge; the limitations are the inherent limitations of the component elements. As regards observation there is a two-fold limitation. First, observation is a relative term and variable quantity. One observes through the prism of one's own observing faculty, through the bias of one's own personality and no two persons can have absolutely the same manner of observation. So Science has recognised the necessity of personal equation and has created an imaginary observer, a "mean man" as the standard of reference. And this already takes us far away from the truth, from the reality. Secondly, observation is limited by its scope. All the facts of the world, all sense-perceptions Possible and actual cannot be included within any observation however large, however collective it may be. We have to go always upon a limited amount of data, we are able to construct only a partial and sketchy view of the surface of existence. And then it is these few and doubtful facts that Reason seeks to arrange and classify. That classification may hold good for certain immediate ends, for a temporary understanding of the world and its forces, either in order to satisfy our curiosity or to gain some practical utility. For when we want to consider the world only in its immediate relation to us, a few and even doubtful facts are sufficient the more immediate the relation, the more immaterial the doubtfulness and insufficiency of facts. We may quite confidently go a step in darkness, but to walk a mile we do require light and certainty. Our scientific classification has a background of uncertainty, if not, of falsity; and our deduction also, even while correct within a very narrow range of space and time, cannot escape the fundamental vices of observation and classification upon which it is based.
   It might be said, however, that the guarantee or sanction of Reason does not lie in the extent of its application, nor can its subjective nature (or ego-centric predication, as philosophers would term it) vitiate the validity of its conclusions. There is, in fact, an inherent unity and harmony between Reason and Reality. If we know a little of Reality, we know the whole; if we know the subjective, we know also the objective. As in the part, so in the whole; as it is within, so it is without. If you say that I will die, you need not wait for my actual death to have the proof of your statement. The generalising power inherent in Reason is the guarantee of the certitude to which it leads. Reason is valid, as it does not betray us. If it were such as anti-intellectuals make it out to be, we would be making nothing but false steps, would always remain entangled in contradictions. The very success of Reason is proof of its being a reliable and perfect instrument for the knowledge of Truth and Reality. It is beside the mark to prove otherwise, simply by analysing the nature of Reason and showing the fundamental deficiencies of that nature. It is rather to the credit of Reason that being as it is, it is none the less a successful and trustworthy agent.

01.03 - Yoga and the Ordinary Life, #The Integral Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Apart from external things there are two Possible inner ideals which a man can follow. The first is the highest ideal of ordinary human life and the other the divine ideal of Yoga.
  I must say in view of something you seem to have said to your father that it is not the object of the one to be a great man or the object of the other to be a great Yogin. The ideal of human life is to establish over the whole being the control of a clear, strong and rational mind and a right and rational will, to master the emotional, vital and physical being, create a harmony of the whole and develop the capacities whatever they are and fulfil them in life. In the terms of Hindu thought, it is to enthrone the rule of the purified and sattwic buddhi, follow the dharma, fulfilling one's own svadharma and doing the work proper to one's capacities, and satisfy kama and artha under the control of the buddhi and the dharma. The object of the divine life, on the other hand, is to realise one's highest self or to realise

01.04 - Motives for Seeking the Divine, #The Integral Yoga, #Sri Aurobindo, #Integral Yoga
  Let us first put aside the quite foreign consideration of what we would do if the union with the Divine brought eternal joylessness, Nirananda or torture. Such a thing does not exist and to drag it in only clouds the issue. The Divine is Anandamaya and one can seek him for the Ananda he gives; but he has also in him many other things and one may seek him for any of them, for peace, for liberation, for knowledge, for power, for anything else of which one may feel the pull or the impulse. It is quite Possible for someone to say: "Let me have Power from the
  Divine and do His work or His will and I am satisfied, even if the use of Power entails suffering also." It is Possible to shun bliss as a thing too tremendous or ecstatic and ask only or rather for peace, for liberation, for Nirvana. You speak of self-fulfilment,
  - one may regard the Supreme not as the Divine but as one's highest Self and seek fulfilment of one's being in that highest Self; but one need not envisage it as a self of bliss, ecstasy, Ananda - one may envisage it as a self of freedom, vastness, knowledge, tranquillity, strength, calm, perfection - perhaps too calm for a ripple of anything so disturbing as joy to enter. So even if it is for something to be gained that one approaches the Divine, it is not a fact that one can approach Him or seek union only for the sake of Ananda and nothing else.

01.04 - The Poetry in the Making, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   But the Yogi is a wholly conscious being; a perfect Yogi is he who possesses a conscious and willed control over his instruments, he silences them, as and when he likes, and makes them convey and express with as little deviation as Possible truths and realities from the Beyond. Now the question is, is it Possible for the poet also to do something like that, to consciously create and not to be a mere unconscious or helpless channel? Conscious artistry, as we have said, means to be conscious on two levels of consciousness at the same time, to be at home in both equally and simultaneously. The general experience, however, is that of "one at a time": if the artist dwells more in the one, the other retires into the background to the same measure. If he is in the over-consciousness, he is only half-conscious in his brain consciousness, or even not conscious at allhe does not know how he has created, the sources or process of his creative activity, he is quite oblivious of them" gone through them all as if per saltum. Such seems to have been the case with the primitives, as they are called, the elemental poetsShakespeare and Homer and Valmiki. In some others, who come very near to them in poetic genius, yet not quite on a par, the instrumental intelligence is strong and active, it helps in its own way but in helping circumscribes and limits the original impulsion. The art here becomes consciously artistic, but loses something of the initial freshness and spontaneity: it gains in correctness, polish and elegance and has now a style in lieu of Nature's own naturalness. I am thinking of Virgil and Milton and Kalidasa. Dante's place is perhaps somewhere in between. Lower in the rung where the mental medium occupies a still more preponderant place we have intellectual poetry, poetry of the later classical age whose representatives are Pope and Dryden. We can go farther down and land in the domain of versificationalthough here, too, there can be a good amount of beauty in shape of ingenuity, cleverness and conceit: Voltaire and Delille are of this order in French poetry.
   The three or four major orders I speak of in reference to conscious artistry are exampled characteristically in the history of the evolution of Greek poetry. It must be remembered, however, at the very outset that the Greeks as a race were nothing if not rational and intellectual. It was an element of strong self-consciousness that they brought into human culture that was their special gift. Leaving out of account Homer who was, as I said, a primitive, their classical age began with Aeschylus who was the first and the most spontaneous and intuitive of the Great Three. Sophocles, who comes next, is more balanced and self-controlled and pregnant with a reasoned thought-content clothed in polished phrasing. We feel here that the artist knew what he was about and was exercising a conscious control over his instruments and materials, unlike his predecessor who seemed to be completely carried away by the onrush of the poetic enthousiasmos. Sophocles, in spite of his artistic perfection or perhaps because of it, appears to be just a little, one remove, away from the purity of the central inspiration there is a veil, although a thin transparent veil, yet a veil between which intervenes. With the third of the Brotherhood, Euripides, we slide lower downwe arrive at a predominantly mental transcription of an experience or inner conception; but something of the major breath continues, an aura, a rhythm that maintains the inner contact and thus saves the poetry. In a subsequent age, in Theocritus, for example, poetry became truly very much 'sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought', so much of virtuosity and precocity entered into it; in other words, the poet then was an excessively self-conscious artist. That seems to be the general trend of all literature.
   I have spoken of the source of inspiration as essentially and originally being a super-consciousness or over-consciousness. But to be more precise and accurate I should add another source, an inner consciousness. As the super-consciousness is imaged as lying above the normal consciousness, so the inner consciousness may be described as lying behind or within it. The movement of the inner consciousness has found expression more often and more largely than that of over-consciousness in the artistic creation of the past : and that was in keeping with the nature of the old-world inspiration, for the inspiration that comes from the inner consciousness, which can be considered as the lyrical inspiration, tends to be naturally more "spontaneous", less conscious, since it does not at all go by the path of the head, it evades that as much as Possible and goes by the path of the heart.
   But the evolutionary urge, as I have said, has always been to bring down or instil more and more light and self-consciousness into the depths of the heart too: and the first result has been an intellectualisation, a rationalisation of the consciousness, a movement of scientific observation and criticism which very naturally leads to a desiccation of the poetic enthusiasm and fervour. But a period of transcendence is in gestation. All efforts of modern poets and craftsmen, even those that seem apparently queer, bizarre and futile, are at bottom a travail for this transcendence, including those that seem contradictory to it.
   Whether the original and true source of the poet's inspiration lies deep within or high above, all depends upon the mediating instrument the mind (in its most general sense) and speech for a successful transcription. Man's ever-growing consciousness demanded also a conscious development and remoulding of these two factors. A growth, a heightening and deepening of the consciousness meant inevitably a movement towards the spiritual element in things. And that means, we have said, a twofold change in the future poet's make-up. First as regards the substance. The revolutionary shift that we notice in modern poets towards a completely new domain of subject-matter is a signpost that more is meant than what is expressed. The superficialities and futilities that are dealt with do not in their outward form give the real trend of things. In and through all these major and constant preoccupation of our poets is "the pain of the present and the passion for the future": they are, as already stated, more prophets than poets, but prophets for the moment crying in the wildernessalthough some have chosen the path of denial and revolt. They are all looking ahead or beyond or deep down, always yearning for another truth and reality which will explain, justify and transmute the present calvary of human living. Such an acute tension of consciousness has necessitated an overhauling of the vehicle of expression too, the creation of a mode of expressing the inexpressible. For that is indeed what human consciousness and craft are aiming at in the present stage of man's evolution. For everything, almost everything that can be normally expressed has been expressed and in a variety of ways as much as is Possible: that is the history of man's aesthetic creativity. Now the eye probes into the unexpressed world; for the artist too the Upanishadic problem has cropped up:
   By whom impelled does the mind fall to its target, what is the agent that is behind the eye and sees through the eyes, what is the hearing and what the speech that their respective sense organs do not and cannot convey and record adequately or at all?

01.07 - Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   And the reason is his metaphysics. It is the Jansenist conception of God and human nature that inspired and coloured all his experience and consciousness. According to it, as according to the Calvinist conception, man is a corrupt being, corroded to the core, original sin has branded his very soul. Only Grace saves him and releases him. The order of sin and the order of Grace are distinct and disparate worlds and yet they complement each other and need each other. Greatness and misery are intertwined, united, unified with each other in him. Here is an echo of the Manichean position which also involves an abyss. But even then God's grace is not a free agent, as Jesuits declare; there is a predestination that guides and controls it. This was one of the main subjects he treated in his famous open letters (Les Provinciales) that brought him renown almost overnight. Eternal hell is a Possible prospect that faces the Jansenist. That was why a Night always over-shadowed the Day in Pascal's soul.
   Man then, according to Pascal, is by nature a sinful thing. He can lay no claim to noble virtue as his own: all in him is vile, he is a lump of dirt and filth. Even the greatest has his full share of this taint. The greatest, the saintliest, and the meanest, the most sinful, all meet, all are equal on this common platform; all have the same feet of clay. Man is as miserable a creature as a beast, as much a part and product of Nature as a plant. Only there is this difference that an animal or a tree is unconscious, while man knows that he is miserable. This knowledge or perception makes him more miserable, but that is his real and only greatness there is no other. His thought, his self-consciousness, and his sorrow and repentance and contrition for what he is that is the only good partMary's part that has been given to him. Here are Pascal's own words on the subject:

01.07 - The Bases of Social Reconstruction, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   It is this persuasion which, has led many spiritual souls, siddhas, to declare that theirs is not the kingdom upon this earth, but that the kingdom of Heaven is within. And it is why great lovers of humanity have sought not to eradicate but only to mitigate, as far as Possible, the ills of life. Earth and life, it is said, contain in their last analysis certain ugly and loathsome realities which are an inevitable and inexorable part of their substance and to eliminate one means to annihilate the other. What can be done is to throw a veil over the nether regions in human nature, to put a ban on their urges and velleities and to create opportunities to make social arrangements so that the higher impulses only find free play while the lower impulses, for want of scope and indulgence, may fall down to a harmless level. This is what the Reformists hope and want and no more. Life is based upon animality, the soul is encased in an earth-sheathman needs must procreate, man needs must seek food. But what human effort can achieve is to set up barriers and limitations and form channels and openings, which will restrain these impulses, allow them a necessary modicum of play and which for the greater part will serve to encourage and enhance the nobler urges in man. Of course, there will remain always the possibility of the whole scaffolding coming down with a crash and the aboriginal in man running riot in his nudity. But we have to accept the chance and make the best of what materials we have in hand.
   No doubt this is a most dismal kind of pessimism. But it is the logical conclusion of all optimism that bases itself upon a particular view of human nature. If we question that pessimism, we have to question the very grounds of our optimism also. As a matter of fact, all our idealism has been so long infructuous and will be so in the future, if we do not shift our foundation and start from a different IntuitionWeltanschauung.

01.08 - A Theory of Yoga, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   What is the reason of this elaboration, this check and constraint upon the natural and direct outflow of the animal instincts in man? It has been said that the social life of man, the fact that he has to live and move as member of a group or aggregate has imposed upon him these restrictions. The free and unbridled indulgence of one's bare aboriginal impulses may be Possible to creatures that live a separate, solitary and individual life but is disruptive of all bonds necessary for a corporate and group life. It is even a biological necessity again which has evolved in man a third and collateral primary instinct that of the herd. And it is this herd-instinct which naturally and spontaneously restrains, diverts and even metamorphoses the other instincts of the mere animal life. However, leaving aside for the moment the question whether man's ethical and spiritual ideals are a mere dissimulation of his animal instincts or whether they correspond to certain actual realities apart from and co-existent with these latter, we will recognise the simple fact of control and try to have a glimpse into its mechanism.
   There are three lines, as the Psycho-analysts point out along which this control or censuring of the primary instincts acts. First, there is the line of Defence Reaction. That is to say, the mind automatically takes up an attitude directly contrary to the impulse, tries to shut it out and deny altogether its existence and the measure of the insistence of the impulse is also the measure of the vehemence of the denial. It is the case of the lady protesting too much. So it happens that where subconsciously there is a strong current of a particular impulse, consciously the mind is obliged to take up a counteracting opposite impulse. Thus in presence of a strong sexual craving the mind as if to guard and save itself engenders by a reflex movement an ascetic and puritanic mood. Similarly a strong unthinking physical attraction translates itself on the conscious plane as an equally strong repulsion.

01.08 - Walter Hilton: The Scale of Perfection, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   It is never Possible for man, weak and bound as he is, to reject the thraldom of his flesh, he can never purify himself wholly by his own unaided strength. God in his infinite mercy sent his own son, an emanation created out of his substancehis embodied loveas a human being to suffer along with men and take upon himself the burden of their sins. God the Son lived upon earth as man and died as man. Sin therefore has no longer its final or definitive hold upon mankind. Man has been made potentially free, pure and worthy of salvation. This is the mystery of Christ, of God the Son. But there is a further mystery. Christ not only lived for all men for all time, whether they know him, recognise him or not; but he still lives, he still chooses his beloved and his beloved chooses him, there is a conscious acceptance on either side. This is the function of the Holy Ghost, the redeeming power of Love active in him who accepts it and who is accepted by it, the dynamic Christ-Consciousness in the true Christian.
   Indeed, the kernel of the mystic discipline and its whole bearingconsists in one and only one principle: to love Jhesu. All roads lead to Rome: all preparations, all trials lead to one realisation, love of God, God as a living person close to us, our friend and lover and master. The Christian mystic speaks almost in the terms of the Gita: Rise above your senses, give up your ego-hood, be meek and humble, it is Jesus within you, who embraces your soul: it is he who does everything for you and in you, give yourself up wholly into his hands. He will deliver you.
   The conception of original sin is a cardinal factor in Christian discipline. The conception, of sinfulness is the very motive-power that drives the aspirant. "Seek tensely," it is said, "sorrow and sigh deep, mourn still, and stoop low till thine eye water for anguish and for pain." Remorse and grief are necessary attendants; the way of the cross is naturally the calvary strewn with pain and sorrow. It is the very opposite of what is termed the "sunlit path" in spiritual ascension. Christian mystics have made a glorious spectacle of the process of "dying to the world." Evidently, all do not go the whole length. There are less gloomy and happier temperaments, like the present one, for example, who show an unusual balance, a sturdy common sense even in the midst of their darkest nights, who have chalked out as much of the sunlit path as is Possible in this line. Thus this old-world mystic says: it is true one must see and admit one's sinfulness, the grosser and apparent and more violent ones as well as all the subtle varieties of it that are in you or rise up in you or come from the Enemy. They pursue you till the very end of your journey. Still you need not feel overwhelmed or completely desperate. Once you recognise the sin in you, even the bare fact of recognition means for you half the victory. The mystic says, "It is no sin as thou feelest them." The day Jesus gave himself away on the Cross, since that very day you are free, potentially free from the bondage of sin. Once you give your adherence to Him, the Enemies are rendered powerless. "They tease the soul, but they harm not the soul". Or again, as the mystic graphically phrases it: "This soul is not borne in this image of sin as a sick man, though he feel it; but he beareth it." The best way of dealing with one's enemies is not to struggle and "strive with them." The aspirant, the lover of Jesus, must remember: "He is through grace reformed to the likeness of God ('in the privy substance of his soul within') though he neither feel it nor see it."
   If you are told you are still full of sins and you are not worthy to follow the path, that you must go and work out your sins first, here is your answer: "Go shrive thee better: trow not this saying, for it is false, for thou art shriven. Trust securely that thou art on the way, and thee needeth no ransacking of shrift for that that is passed, hold forth thy way and think on Jerusalem." That is to say, do not be too busy with the difficulties of the moment, but look ahead, as far as Possible, fix your attention upon the goal, the intermediate steps will become easy. Jerusalem is another name of the Love of Jesus or the Bliss in Heaven. Grow in this love, your sins will fade away of themselves. "Though thou be thrust in an house with thy body, nevertheless in thine heart, where the stead of love is, thou shouldst be able to have part of that love... " What exquisite utterance, what a deep truth!
   Indeed, there are one or two points, notes for the guidance of the aspirant, which I would like to mention here for their striking appositeness and simple "soothfastness." First of all with regard to the restless enthusiasm and eagerness of a novice, here is the advice given: "The fervour is so mickle in outward showing, is not only for mickleness of love that they have; but it is for littleness and weakness of their souls, that they may not bear a little touching of God.. afterward when love hath boiled out all the uncleanliness, then is the love clear and standeth still, and then is both the body and the soul mickle more in peace, and yet hath the self soul mickle more love than it had before, though it shew less outward." And again: "without any fervour outward shewed, and the less it thinketh that it loveth or seeth God, the nearer it nigheth" ('it' naturally refers to the soul). The statement is beautifully self-luminous, no explanation is required. Another hurdle that an aspirant has to face often in the passage through the Dark Night is that you are left all alone, that you are deserted by your God, that the Grace no longer favours you. Here is however the truth of the matter; "when I fall down to my frailty, then Grace withdraweth: for my falling is cause there-of, and not his fleeing." In fact, the Grace never withdraws, it is we who withdraw and think otherwise. One more difficulty that troubles the beginner especially is with regard to the false light. The being of darkness comes in the form of the angel of light, imitates the tone of the still small voice; how to recognise, how to distinguish the two? The false light, the "feigned sun" is always found "atwixt two black rainy clouds" : they are "highing" of oneself and "lowing" of others. When you feel flattered and elated, beware it is the siren voice tempting you. The true light brings you soothing peace and meekness: the other light brings always a trail of darknessf you are soothfast and sincere you will discover it if not near you, somewhere at a distance lurking.

0.10 - Letters to a Young Captain, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  "Would it be Possible to have an electric lamp in the corridor?"
  The ego would do well to become a little more modest.
  dangerous, for is it Possible to satisfy man's desire?
  Elsewhere he says explicitly that it is useless to try to satisfy
  it is that we take part in as many items as Possible in the
  2nd December programme.3 Would it not be better to
  For that to be Possible, all egoistic motives and all egoistic
  reactions must disappear.
  problem and various Possible methods of physical education. The fundamental problem is this: how can we
  The Queen of Jhansi who died on the battlefield in 1858 while fighting British
  be as effective as Possible for all the members? Are the
  tournaments necessary? Should there be no compulsion
  It all depends on one's point of view. It is quite Possible that
  one will obtain the thing one has prayed for. But for spiritual
  This creation has a purpose - therefore is it Possible
  that even the most "insignificant" individual has come
  strive always to do as well as Possible and be as good as one
  can, instead of passing one's time in useless analysis.
  you not to send it again until it is Possible for me to start looking
  at it once more. Continue your translation of the Aphorisms; I
  Would it be Possible to have an electric fan? X
  promised me one three years ago, but now he advises
  perfect sincerity to let each bring to the other, as far as Possible,
  what the other needs to attain that goal.
  do it as selflessly as Possible.
  If you are sincere and scrupulously honest, my help is certainly with you and one day you will become aware of it.
  myself in order to end the matter as quickly as Possible
  - it is a kind of escapism.
  "If there is not a complete surrender, then it is not Possible to adopt the baby cat attitude, - it becomes mere tamasic
  passivity calling itself surrender. If a complete surrender is not
  Very certainly such a thing has been made Possible because the
  atmosphere of the Ashram is not pure enough to be invulnerable
  Everything is Possible. All paths lead to the goal provided they
  are followed with persistence and sincerity.
  was: How is it Possible! Mother knew we were at Gingee,
  so Her protection was with us. Then how is it Possible?
  The protection is over the group - and if the action of the group
  very joyful. One wants to come back as soon as Possible.
  Can You explain to me the reason for this feeling? Why
  Does the Divine punish injustice? Is it Possible that
  He ever punishes anyone?

01.10 - Principle and Personality, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Love and admiration for a mahapurusha is not enough, even faith in his gospel is of little avail, nor can actual participation, consecrated work and labour in his cause save the situation; it is only when the principles, the bare realities for which the mahapurusha stands are in the open forum and men have the full and free opportunity of testing and assimilating them, it is only when individuals thus become living embodiments of those principles and realities that we do create a thing universal and permanent, as universal and permanent as earthly things may be. Principles only can embrace and unify the whole of humanity; a particular personality shall always create division and limitation. By placing the man in front, we erect a wall between the Principle and men at large. It is the principles, on the contrary, that should be given the place of honour: our attempt should be to keep back personalities and make as little use of them as Possible. Let the principles work and create in their freedom and power, untrammelled by the limitations of any mere human vessel.
   We are quite familiar with this cry so rampant in our democratic ageprinciples and no personalities! And although we admit the justice of it, yet we cannot ignore the trenchant one-sidedness which it involves. It is perhaps only a reaction, a swing to the opposite extreme of a mentality given too much to personalities, as the case generally has been in the past. It may be necessary, as a corrective, but it belongs only to a temporary stage. Since, however, we are after a universal ideal, we must also have an integral method. We shall have to curb many of our susceptibilities, diminish many of our apprehensions and soberly strike a balance between opposite extremes.
   And yet we yield to none in our demand for holding forth the principles always and ever before the wide open gaze of all. The principle is there to make people self-knowing and self-guiding; and the man is also there to illustrate that principle, to serve as the hope and prophecy of achievement. The living soul is there to touch your soul, if you require the touch; and the principle is there by which to test and testify. For, we do not ask anybody to be a mere automaton, a blind devotee, a soul without individual choice and initiative. On the contrary, we insist on each and every individual to find his own soul and stand on his own Truththis is the fundamental principle we declare, the only creedif creed it be that we ask people to note and freely follow. We ask all people to be fully self-dependent and self-illumined, for only thus can a real and solid reconstruction of human nature and society be Possible; we do not wish that they should bow down ungrudgingly to anything, be it a principle or a personality. In this respect we claim the very first rank of iconoclasts and anarchists. And along with that, if we still choose to remain an idol-lover and a hero-worshipper, it is because we recognise that our mind, human as it is, being not a simple equation but a complex paradox, the idol or the hero symbolises for us and for those who so will, the very iconoclasm and anarchism and perhaps other more positive things as wellwhich we behold within and seek to manifest.
   The world is full of ikons and archons; we cannot escape them, even if we try the world itself being a great ikon and as great an archon. Those who swear by principles, swear always by some personality or other, if not by a living creature then by a lifeless book, if not by Religion then by Science, if not by the East then by the West, if not by Buddha or Christ then by Bentham or Voltaire. Only they do it unwittingly they change one set of personalities for another and believe they have rejected them all. The veils of Maya are a thousand-fold tangle and you think you have entirely escaped her when you have only run away from one fold to fall into another. The wise do not attempt to reject and negate Maya, but consciously accept herfreedom lies in a knowing affirmation. So we too have accepted and affirmed an icon, but we have done it consciously and knowingly; we are not bound by our idol, we see the truth of it, and we serve and utilise it as best as we may.

01.11 - Aldous Huxley: The Perennial Philosophy, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   "To its heights we can always come. For those of us who are still splashing about in the lower ooze, the phrase has a rather ironical ring. Nevertheless, in the light of even the most distant acquaintance with the heights and the fullness, it is Possible to understand what its author means. To discover the Kingdom of God exclusively within oneself is easier than to discover it, not only there, but also in the outer worlds of minds and things and living creatures. It is easier because the heights within reveal themselves to those who are ready to exclude from their purview all that lies without. And though this exclusion may be a painful and mortificatory process, the fact remains that it is less arduous than the process of inclusion, by which we come to know the fullness as well as the heights of spiritual life. Where there is exclusive concentration on the heights within, temptations and distractions are avoided and there is a general denial and suppression. But when the hope is to know God inclusivelyto realise the divine Ground in the world as well as in the soul, temptations and distractions must not be avoided, but submitted to and used as opportunities for advance; there must be no suppression of outward-turning activities, but a transformation of them so that they become sacramental."
   The neatness of the commentary cannot be improved upon. Only with regard to the "ironical ring" of which Huxley speaks, it has just to be pointed out, as he himself seems to understand, that the "we" referred to in the phrase does not mean humanity in general that 'splashes about in the lower ooze' but those who have a sufficiently developed inner spiritual life.

01.11 - The Basis of Unity, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   To be loyal to one's line of self-fulfilment, to follow one's self-law, swadharma, wholly and absolutelywithout this no spiritual life is Possible and yet not to come into clash with other lines and loyalties, nay more, to be in positive harmony with them, is a problem which has not been really solved. It was solved, perhaps, in the consciousness of a Ramakrishna, a few individuals here and there, but it has always remained a source of conflict and disharmony in the general mind even in the field of spirituality. The clash of spiritual or religious loyalties has taken such an acute form in India today, they have been carried to the bitter extreme, in order, we venture to say, that the final synthesis might be absolute and irrevocable. This is India's mission to work out, and this is the lesson which she brings to the world.
   The solution can come, first, by going to the true religion of the Spirit, by being truly spiritual and not merely religious, for, as we have said, real unity lies only in and through the Spirit, since Spirit is one and indivisible; secondly, by bringing down somethinga great part, indeed, if not the wholeof this puissant and marvellous Spirit into our life of emotions and sensations and activities.
   If it is said that this is an ideal for the few only, not for the mass, our answer to that is the answer of the GitaYad yad acharati sreshthah. Let the few then practise and achieve the ideal: the mass will have to follow as far as it is Possible and necessary. It is the very character of the evolutionary system of Nature, as expressed in the principle of symbiosis, that any considerable change in one place (in one species) is accompanied by a corresponding change in the same direction in other contiguous places (in other associated species) in order that the poise and balance of the system may be maintained.
   It is precisely strong nuclei that are needed (even, perhaps, one strong nucleus is sufficient) where the single and integrated spiritual consciousness is an accomplished and established fact: that acts inevitably as a solvent drawing in and assimilating or transforming and re-creating as much, of the surroundings as its own degree and nature of achievement inevitably demand.

01.12 - Three Degrees of Social Organisation, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   It might be objected here however that actually in the history of humanity the conception of Duty has been no less pugnacious than that of Right. In certain ages and among certain peoples, for example, it was considered the imperative duty of the faithful to kill or convert by force or otherwise as many as Possible belonging to other faiths: it was the mission of the good shepherd to burn the impious and the heretic. In recent times, it was a sense of high and solemn duty that perpetrated what has been termed "purges"brutalities undertaken, it appears, to purify and preserve the integrity of a particular ideological, social or racial aggregate. But the real name of such a spirit is not duty but fanaticism. And there is a considerable difference between the two. Fanaticism may be defined as duty running away with itself; but what we are concerned with here is not the aberration of duty, but duty proper self-poised.
   One might claim also on behalf of the doctrine of Right that the right kind of Right brings no harm, it is as already stated another name for liberty, for the privilege of living and it includes the obligation to let live. One can do what one likes provided one does not infringe on an equal right of others to do the same. The measure of one's liberty is equal to the measure of others' liberty.

01.13 - T. S. Eliot: Four Quartets, #Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02, #Nolini Kanta Gupta, #Integral Yoga
   Now, a modern poet is modern, because he is doubly attracted and attached to things of this world and this mundane life, in spite of all his need and urge to go beyond for the larger truth and the higher reality. Apart from the natural link with which we are born, there is this other fascination which the poor miserable things, all the little superficialities, trivialities especially have for the modern mind in view of their Possible sense and significance and right of existence. These too have a magic of their own, not merely a black magic:
   ..... our losses, the torn seine,

0.11 - Letters to a Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  this speed, it seems more than Possible, almost evident,
  that what Sri Aurobindo wrote in a letter is a prophetic
  Is it Possible to make my hands conscious so that they
  do nothing imperfect, incorrect or wrong? What is the
  It is quite Possible, by concentrating on the hands when they are
  doing something.
  everything is Possible.
  12 June 1968
  Is immunity to the attack of adverse forces Possible
  without transformation?
  be a docile and if Possible a conscious instrument of the Divine

0.12 - Letters to a Student, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  one's mind as silent as Possible, and enter deep into the heart
  of one's being, beyond sensations and thoughts. One must form

0.13 - Letters to a Student, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  as peaceful as Possible.
  If the departed one is a person one loves, one should concentrate one's love on him in peace and calm, for that is what

0.14 - Letters to a Sadhak, #Some Answers From The Mother, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
  Mother, is it Possible to develop in oneself the capacity
  to heal?
  In principle, everything is Possible by uniting consciously with
  the Divine Force.
  desires is sheer folly. True happiness is Possible only when one
  has found the Divine.

0 1954-08-25 - what is this personality? and when will she come?, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   She came down because there WAS a possibilitybecause things had reached such a stage that it was her hour to come down. But in truth, She came down because because I thought it was Possible for her to succeed.
   Possibilities are still thereonly they have to materialize.
   The first condition was: Nothing more to do with your family Well, we are a long way from that! But I repeat that it only happened because of the war and not because we stopped seeing the need to cut all family ties; on the contrary, this is an indispensable condition because as long as you hang on to all these cords which bind you to ordinary life, which make you a slave to the ordinary life, how can you possibly belong to the Divine alone? What childishness! It is simply not Possible. If you have ever taken the trouble to read over the early ashram rules, you would find that even friendships were considered dangerous and undesirable We made every effort to create an atmosphere in which only ONE thing counted: the Life Divine.
   But as I said, bit by bit things changed. However, this had one advantage: we were too much outside of life. So there were a number of problems which had never arisen but which would have suddenly surged up the moment we wanted a complete manifestation. We took on all these problems a little prematurely, but it gave us the opportunity to solve them. In this way we learned many things and surmounted many difficulties, only it complicated things considerably. And in the present situation, given such a large number of elements who havent even the slightest idea why theyre here (!) well, it demands a far greater effort on the disciples part than before.
   Before, when there were we started with 35 or 36 people but even when it got up to 150, even with 150it was as if they were all nestled in a cocoon in my consciousness: they were so near to me that I could constantly guide ALL their inner or outer movements. Day and night, at each moment, everything was totally under my control. And naturally, I think they made a great deal of progress at that time: it is a fact that I was CONSTANTLY doing the sadhana2 for them. But then, with this baby boom The sadhana cant be done for little sprouts who are 3 or 4 or 5 years old! Its out of the question. The only thing I can do is wrap them in the Consciousness and try to see that they grow up in the best of all Possible conditions. However, the one advantage to all this is that instead of there being such a COMPLETE and PASSIVE dependence on the disciples part, each one has to make his own little effort. Truly, thats excellent.
   I dont know to whom I was mentioning this today (I think it was for a Birthday3 No, I dont know now. It was to someone who told me he was 18 years old. I said that between the ages of 18 and 20, I had attained a constant and conscious union with the Divine Presence and that I had done this ALL ALONE, without ANYONES help, not even books. When a little later I chanced upon Vivekanandas Raja Yoga, it really seemed so wonderful to me that someone could explain something to me! And it helped me realize in only a few months what would have otherwise taken years.
   So some of you people have been here since the time you were toddlerseverything has been explained to you, the whole thing has been served to you on a silver platter (not only with words, but through psychic aid and in every Possible way), you have been put on the path of this inner discovery and then you just go on drifting along: When it comes, it will come.If you even spare it that much thought!
   So thats how it is.

0 1956-04-04, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I understand now that as long as my whole being has not ACCEPTED that it must finish its life here, there is no way out nor any recovery Possible. Through my mental force alone, this acceptance is im Possible; I have been turning infernally in circles these past two months, and the mind is in league with the vital. Therefore, a force greater than mine must help me accept that my way is here. I need you, Mother, for without you I am lost. I need you to tell me that the Truth of my being is indeed here and that I am truly ready to follow this path. Mother, I beseech you, help me to see the truth of my being, give me some sign that my way is here and not elsewhere. I beg of you, Mother, help me to know.
   I also had a very clear sensation that you were abandoning me, that you had no further interest in me and I could just as well do as I pleased. Perhaps you cannot forgive some of my inner rebellions which have been so very violent? Am I totally guilty? Is it true that you are abandoning me?

0 1956-05-02, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Who are you trying to fool? The Divine? That is hardly Possible.
   Its the same with those who ask for an interview. I tell them, Look, you have come in large numbers, and if each one asks me for an interview, how could I possibly find enough minutes in so few days to see everyone? While youre here, I wouldnt have even a single minute. Then they retort, Oh, I have taken so MUCH trouble, I have come from so FAR away, I have come from way in the North, I have travelled for so many hoursand I have no right to an interview? I reply, Im sorry, but you are not the only one in that situation.
   I am not speaking of people from outside who have never thought about it, who have never felt concerned and who do not even know that there may be something like the Supermind to receive, in fact. I am speaking of people who have built their lives upon this aspiration (and I dont doubt their sincerity for a minute), who have workedsome of them for thirty years, some for thirty-five, others somewhat lessall the while saying, When the supermind comes When the supermind comes That was their refrain: When the supermind comes Consequently, they were really in the best Possible frame of mind, one could not have dreamt of a better predisposition. How is it, then, that their inner preparation was so lets just say incomplete, that they did not feel the Vibration immediately, as soon as it came, through a shock of identity?
   Individually, each ones goal was to make himself ready, to enter into a more or less intimate individual relationship with this Force, so as to help the process; or else, if he could not help, at least be ready to recognize and be open to the Force when it would manifest. Then instead of being an alien element in a world in which your OWN inner capacity remains unmanifest, you suddenly become THAT, you enter directly, fully, into the very atmosphere: the Force is there, all around you, permeating you.
   Thats how the universal movement works (I read this to you a few days ago): through their inner effort and inner progress, certain individuals, who are the pioneers, the forerunners, enter into communication with the new Force which is to manifest, and they receive it in themselves. And because a number of calls like this surge forth, the thing becomes Possible, and the era, the time, the moment for the manifestation comes. This is how it happened and the Manifestation took place.
   But then, all those who were ready should have recognized it.
   After all, if they have even a tiny bit of sincerity (not too much, its tiring!), a tiny bit of sincerity, it is quite Possible (I am joking), it is quite Possible that they might get a few good kicks to make them go faster! It is Possible. In fact, I think thats what will happen.
   But really, this attitude this rather overly commercial attitude, is usually not very profitable. If you have difficulties and you sincerely aspire, it is likely that the difficulties will diminish. Let us hope so.

0 1956-09-14, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I KNOW that ultimately my place is near you, but is that my place at present, after all these failings? Spontaneously, it is you I want, you alone who represent the light and all that is real in this world; I can love no one but you nor be interested in anything but this thing within me, but will it not all begin again once I have returned to the Ashram? You alone know the stage I am at, what is good for me, what is Possible.
   Sweet Mother, may I still ask for your Love, your help? For without your help, nothing is Possible, and without your love, nothing has any meaning.
   I feel that I am your child in spite of all my contradictions and failings. I love you.

0 1957-10-17, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   There are all kinds of freedommental freedom, vital freedom, spiritual freedomwhich are the fruits of successive masteries. But a completely new freedom has become Possible with the Supramental Manifestation: it is the freedom of the body.
   One of the very first results of the supramental manifestation was to give the body a freedom and an autonomy it has never before known. And when I say freedom, I dont mean some psychological perception or an inner state of consciousness, but something else and far betterit is a new phenomenon in the body, in the cells of the body. For the first time, the cells themselves have felt that they are free, that they have the power to decide. When the new vibrations came and combined with the old ones, I felt it at once and it showed me that a new world was really taking birth.

0 1957-12-21, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   In the external consciousness, the impersonal and mechanical recording of what is happening and of what are the people and things that comprise both the field of action and the limitations imposed upon this action. The recording is innately automatic and mechanical, without any kind of evaluation, as objective as Possible.

0 1958-04-03, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I am trying to be near you as MATERIALLY as Possible in order to help your body victoriously pass through the test.
   I want it to come out of this tempered forever, above all attacks.

0 1958-05-01, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   These days I am having every Possible experience in the body, one after the other. Yesterday and this morning oh, this morning!
   I saw there (center of the heart) the Master of the Yoga; he was no different from me, but nevertheless I saw him, and he even seemed slightly imbued with color. Well, he does everything, he decides everything, he organizes everything with an almost mathematical precision and in the smallest detailseverything.
   To do the divine Will I have been doing the sadhana for a long time, and I can say that not a day has passed that I have not done the Divines Will. But I didnt know what it was! I was living in all the inner realms, from the subtle physical to the highest regions, yet I didnt know what it was I always had to listen, to refer things, to pay attention. Now, no morebliss! There are no more problems, and everything is done in such harmony! Even if I had to leave my body, I would be in bliss! And it would happen in the best Possible way.
   Only now am I beginning to understand what Sri Aurobindo has written in The Synthesis of Yoga! And the human mind, the physical mind, appears so stupid, so stupid!

0 1958-05-10, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   It is a hard path. I try to make it as comfortable as Possible, but nevertheless, it is a hard path. And it is obvious that it cannot be otherwise. You are beaten and battered until you understand. Until you are in that state in which all bodies are your body. But at that point, you begin to laugh! You were upset by this, hurt by that, you suffered from this or that but now, how laughable it all seems! And not only the head, but the body too finds it laughable!

0 1958-05-17, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Actually, when I myself am perfect, I believe that all the rest will become perfect automatically. But it does not seem Possible to become perfect without there being a beginning of realization from the other side. So it proceeds like that, bumping from one side to the other, and we go stumbling along like a drunken man!

0 1958-06-06 - Supramental Ship, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   It is the result of the descent of the supramental substance into Matter. Only this substancewhat it has put into physical Mattercould have made it Possible. It is a new ferment. From the material standpoint, it removes from physical Matter its tamas, the heaviness of its unconsciousness, and from the psychological standpoint, its ignorance and its falsehood. Matter is subtilized. But it has surely come only as a first experience to show how it will be.
   It is truly a state of absolute omniscience and omnipotence in the body which changes all the vibrations around it.

0 1958-07-23, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   In the final analysis, seeing the world such as it is and seems meant to be irremediably, human intellect has decided that this universe must be an error of God and that the manifestation or creation is certainly the result of a desire, the desire to manifest, know oneself, enjoy oneself. So the only thing to do is to put an end to this error as soon as Possible by refusing to cling to desire and its fatal consequences.
   But the Supreme Lord answers that the comedy is not entirely played out, and He adds: Wait for the last act; undoubtedly you will change your mind.

0 1958-10-10, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   There is ones position in the universal hierarchy, which is something ineluctableit is the eternal lawand there is the development in the manifestation, which is an education; it is progressive and done from within the being. What is remarkable is that to become a perfect being, this positionwhatever it is, decreed since all eternity, a part of the eternal Truthmust manifest with the greatest Possible perfection as a result of evolutionary growth. It is the junction, the union of the two, the eternal position and the evolutionary realization, that will make the total and perfect being, and the manifestation as the Lord has willed it since the beginning of all eternity (which has no beginning at all! ).
   And for the cycle to be complete, one cannot stop on the way at any plane, not even the highest spiritual plane nor the plane closest to matter (like the occult plane in the vital, for example). One must descend right into matter, and this perfection in manifestation must be a material perfection, or otherwise the cycle is not completewhich explains why those who want to flee in order to realize the divine Will are in error. What must be done is exactly the opposite! The two must be combined in a perfect way. This is why all the honest sciences, the sciences that are practiced sincerely, honestly, exclusively with a will to know, are difficult pathsyet such sure paths for the total realization.
   Mother added: 'The most beautiful part of the experience is missing... When I try to formulate something in too precise a way, all the vastness of the experience evaporates. The entire world is being revealed in all its organization down to the minutest details but everything simultaneouslyhow can that be explained? It's not Possible.'

0 1958-11-11, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   When I write something, I dont expect people to understand it, but I try to avoid the least Possible distortion of the experience or the image in this kind of shrinking towards expression.
   What is this spring?

0 1958-11-15, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   It is precisely this state of perfect Harmony beyond all attacks that will become Possible with the supramental realization. It is what all those who are destined for the supramental transformation will realize. The hostile forces know it well; in the supramental world, they will automatically disappear. Having no more utility, they will be dissolved without our having to do anything, simply through the presence of the supramental force. So now they are being unleashed with a fury in a negation of everything, everything.
   The link between the two worlds has not yet been built, but it is in the process of being built; this was the meaning of the experience of February 3 1958, 1: to build a link between the two worlds. For both worlds are indeed therenot one above the other, but within each other, in two different dimensions. Only, there is no communication between them; they overlap, as it were, without being connected. In the experience of February 3, I saw certain people from here (and from elsewhere) who already belong to the supramental world in a part of their being, but there is no connection, no link. But now the hour has come in universal history for this link to be built.

0 1958-11-20, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   If you can when the attack comes, if you can cling to something that knows, or to something in you that has had the experience, and if you can hold onto that memory, even if it is only a memory, and cling to that in spite of all that denies and revolts Above all not To keep your head as still as Possible. And not follow the movement, not succumb to the vibration.
   Because from what I have seen and from what I was told, I am sure that it is decisive, that what is offered to you is the possibility of a decisive victory, which means that it will no longer recur in the same way.

0 1958-11-22, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   The other thing was the tantric initiation. But I wanted the conditions of this initiation to be at least as favorable as those in Rameswaram, by which I mean conducted by someone very capable and as far as Possible free from the whole formalistic and external side. A TRUE initiationsomeone who would be capable of pulling down the Power and putting you in conditions rigorous enough for you to be able to hold this Power, to receive it and hold it.
   As soon as you had left, and since I was following you, I saw that nothing of the kind was going to happen, but rather something very superficial which would not be of much use. And when I received your letters and saw that you were in difficulty, I did something. There are places that are favorable for occult experiences. Benares is one of these places, the atmosphere there is filled with vibrations of occult forces, and if one has the slightest capacity, it spontaneously develops there, in the same way that a spiritual aspiration develops very strongly and spontaneously as soon as one lands in India. These are Graces. Graces, because it is the destiny of the country, it has been so throughout its history, and because India has always been turned much more towards the heights and the inner depths than towards the outer world. Now, it is in the process of losing all that and wallowing in the mud, but thats another story it was like that and it is still like that. And in fact, when you returned from Rameswaram with your robes, I saw with much satisfaction that there was still a GREAT dignity and a GREAT sincerity in this endeavor of the Sannyasis towards the higher life and in the self-giving of a certain number of people to realize this higher life. When you returned, it had become a very concrete and a very real thing that immediately commanded respect. Before, I had seen only a copy, an imitation, an hypocrisy, a pretentionnothing that was really lived. But then, I saw that it was true, that it was lived, that it was real and that it was still Indias great heritage. I dont believe it is very prevalent now, but in any case, it is still there, and as I told you, it commands respect. And then, as I felt you in difficulty and as the outer conditions were not only veiling but spoiling the inner, well, on that day I wrote you a short note I no longer recall when it was exactly, but I wrote you just a word or two, which I put in an envelope and sent you I concentrated very strongly upon those few words and sent you something. I didnt note the date, I dont remember when it was, but its likely that it happened as I wished when you were in Benares; and then you had this experience.

0 1958-12-15 - tantric mantra - 125,000, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I have just received your letter of the 15th. Yes, I know that the hour is critical. It has been grave here as well. I had to stop everything, for the attack upon my body was too violent. Now it is better but I have not yet resumed any of my outer activities, and I remain in my room upstairs. The battle continues in the invisible and I consider it decisive. You are a very intimate part of this battle. This is to tell you that I am with you in the most integral sense of these words. I know what you are suffering, I feel it but you must hold on. The Grace is there, all-powerful. As soon as it is Possible and without going through one minute more than needed to transform that which has to be transformed, the trial will reach its end and we shall emerge into the light and joy. So never forget that I am with youin youand that WE SHALL TRIUMPH:
   With all that love can bring of solace and endurance,

0 1959-01-31, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I have reflected a great deal on a Possible mantra, and I have also seen the difficulty of receiving something that does not have a narrowing effect One must at least have an idea of the possibility (at least) of the supermind to understand what I need
   As for your arrival here, the day you mentioned is the Saraswati Puja I will go downstairs to give blessings. If you arrive on the previous day, the 11th I will arrange to see you at 10 oclock, and then you can begin your mantra on the 12th.

0 1959-03-10 - vital dagger, vital mass, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   In this swarming mass, I noticed the presence of some slightly more conscious willswills of the vital plane and I saw how they try to awaken a reaction in the consciousness of human beings to make them think or want, or if Possible, do certain things.
   For example, I saw one of them trying to incite anger in someone so that this person would deliver a blowa spiritual blow. And this formation had a dagger in his hand (a vital dagger, you see, it was a vital being: gray and slimy, horrible), he was holding a very sharp dagger which he was flaunting, saying, When a person has done something like that (pretending that someone had done an unforgivable thing), this is what he deserves and the scenario was complete: the being rushed forward, vitally, with his dagger.

0 1959-03-26 - Lord of Death, Lord of Falsehood, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   At times he calls himself the Lord of Nations. It is he who sets all wars in motion, and only by thwarting his plans could the last war be won This one does not want to be converted, not at all. He wants neither the physical transformation nor the supramental world, for that would spell his end. Besides, he knows We talk to each other; beyond all this, we have our relationship. For after all, you see (laughing), I am his mother! One day he told me, I know you will destroy me, but meanwhile, I will create all the havoc Possible.
   This Asura of Falsehood is the one who delegated the Titan that is always near me. He chose the most powerful Titan there is on earth and sent him specially to attack this body. So even if one manages to enchain or kill this Titan, it is likely that the Lord of Falsehood will delegate another form, and still another, and still another, in order to achieve his aim.

0 1959-05-25, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I want to go to New Caledonia. There, or elsewhere there are forests there. Africa is closing up. You must help me one last time by giving me the means to leave and try something else with a minimum of chancealthough, at the point Im at, I laugh in the face of chance. I need 2,000 rupees, if that is Possible for you. If you do not want to, or if you cannot, I will leave anyway, no matter where, no matter how.
   And once again, you can judge me all you want, I acknowledge all my wrongs. I am guilty in a guilty and stupid world (which loves its stupidity, no doubt).

0 1959-05-28, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   3) There is also the destiny that feels human love as something divine, something that can be transfigured and become a very powerful driving force. I did not believe it Possible, except in dreams, until the day I met someone here. But you do not believe in these things, so I shall not speak of it further. I can gag this also and tell myself that one day all will be filled in the inner divine love. But that does not prevent this other need in me from living and from finding that life is dry and from saying, Why this outer manifestation if all life is in the inner realms? But neither can I stifle this with reasoning.
   So there remains the pure spiritual destiny, pure interiorization. That is what I have been trying to do for the last five years, without much success. There are good periods of collaboration, because one part of my being can be happy in any condition. But in a certain way this achievement remains truncated, especially when you base spiritual life on a principle of integrality. And these three destinies in me have their own good reasons, which are true: they are not inferior, they are not incidental, they are woven from the very threads that created the spiritual life in me. My error is to open the door to revolt when I feel too poignantly one or the other being stifled.
   I did not utter the words that you heard I wanted to speak to you of my experience during the night, but I was paralyzed because I clearly felt that you no longer understood me. As soon as I received your letter, I concentrated on you in an effort to help you, and when night fell, just at the hour I enter into contact with X, I called for his helpwhereupon he sent me this little Kali whom he had already sent once before. So I went to your house, I took you in my arms and pressed you tightly to my heart to keep you as sheltered as Possible from blows, and I let Kali do her warrior dance against this titan who is always trying to possess you, creating this rebelliousness in you. She must have at least partially succeeded in her work, because very early in the morning the titan went away somewhat discomfited, but while leaving, he flung this at me as he went by: You will regret it, for you would have had less trouble if he had left. I flung his suggestion back in his face with a laugh and told him, Take that, along with all the rest of your ugly person! I have no need of it! And the atmosphere cleared up.
   I wanted to tell you all this, but I couldnt because you were still far away from me and it would have seemed like boasting. Also the misunderstanding created by the distance made you hear other words than those I uttered.

0 1959-06-11, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   As of yesterday evening I am a man delivered. It took only a very little word from X, and suddenly a weight seemed to have been lifted from me, and I knew at last that I would be fulfilled. All this is still so new, so improbable that I can scarcely believe it, and I wonder if by chance some evil blow is not still lurking in wait for me behind this promise of happiness; thus I shall be reassured only when I have told you everything, recounted all. But X has asked, me to wait a few more days before telling you this story, for he wants to give me certain additional details so that you may have all the elements, as accurately as Possible.
   But I did not want to wait any longer to express my gratitude. I am still not so sure how all this will turn out nor how this destiny that he predicts for me can be realized, but I want to repeat to you, with all my confidence: I am your child, may your will be done now and forever.

0 1959-07-14, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Thats all, Mother. Forgive me, but I am so afraid. For how is this Possible in the Ashram? What would people say?
   Mother, my whole soul writes you this. I swear there is in me a single great need of Love, beauty, nobility, purity. And we would work for you together in joy at last.1

0 1960-01-28, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   When I started my japa one year ago, I had to struggle with every Possible difficulty, every contradiction, prejudice and opposition that fills the air. And even when this poor body began walking back and forth for japa, it used to knock against things, it would start breathing all wrong, coughing; it was attacked from all sides until the day I caught the Enemy and said, Listen carefully. You can do whatever you want, but Im going right to the end and nothing will stop me, even if I have to repeat this mantra ten crore1 times. The result was really miraculous, like a cloud of bats flying up into the light all at once. From that moment on, things started going better.
   You have no idea what an irresistible effect a well-determined will can have.
   Of all forms of ego, you might think that the physical ego is the most difficult to conquer (or rather, the body ego, because the work was already done long ago on the physical ego). It might be thought that the form of the body is a point of concentration, and that without this concentration or hardness, physical life would not be Possible. But thats not true. The body is really a wonderful instrument; its capable of widening and of becoming vast in such a way that everything, everything the slightest gesture, the least little taskis done in a wonderful harmony and with a remarkable plasticity. Then all of a sudden, for something quite stupid, a draft, a mere nothing, it forgetsit shrinks back into itself, it gets afraid of disappearing, afraid of not being. And everything has to be started again from scratch. So in the yoga of matter you start realizing how much endurance is needed. I calculated it would take 200 years to say ten crore of my japa. Well, Im ready to struggle 200 years if necessary, but the work will be done.
   Sri Aurobindo had made it clear to me when I was still in France that this yoga in matter is the most difficult of all. For the other yogas, the paths have been well laid, you know where to tread, how to proceed, what to do in such-and-such a case. But for the yoga of matter, nothing has ever been done, never, so at each moment everything has to be invented.

0 1960-03-07, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Publisher and friend are here one in telling you that LOrpailleur is a beautiful book whose richness and force have struck me even more this time than before when I read the first version. I cannot tell you how much your Job is my brotherin his darkness as in his light. The joy, the wild, irrepressible joy that furtively yearns and at times bursts forth, embracing all, this joy at the heart of the book burns the reader for a few, in any case, who are prepared to be inflamed. In the end, I cant say if LOrpailleur will or will not be noticed, if the critics will or will not bestow an article, a comment, an echo upon it, if bookstores will or will not sell it (poor orpailleur!). But what I know is that for a few readers2, 3, 10 perhapsyour book will be the cry that will rip them from their sleep forever. To your song, another song in themselves will respond. Where, how shall this concert finish? Who knowsanything is Possible!
   My words are a bit disjointed but Im not in the mood to give an articulate discourse. Which is a way of saying, once again, how happy I amand grateful.

0 1960-04-14, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   It is quite Possible that this is their original intention, I am aware of it. But they are wrong if they think it will turn out like that We shall see!

0 1960-05-16, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   If there is one fundamental necessity, it is humility. To be humble. Not humble as it is normally understood, such as merely saying, I am so small, Im nothing at allno, something else Because the pitfalls are innumerable, and the further you progress in yoga, the more subtle they become, and the more the ego masks itself behind marvelous and saintly appearances. So when somebody says, I no longer want to rely on anything but Him. I want to close my eyes and rest in Him alone, this comfortable Him, which is exactly what you want him to be, is the egoor a formidable Asura, or a Titan (depending on each ones capacity). Theyre all over the earth, the earth is their domain. So the first thing to do is to pocket your egonot preserve it, but get rid of it as soon as Possible!
   You can be sure that the God youve created is a God of the ego whenever something within you insists, This is what I feel, this is what I think, this is what I see; its my way, my very ownits my way of being, my way of understanding, my relationship with the Divine, etc.

0 1960-06-04, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I also use my mantra to go into trance. After relaxing on the bed and making as total a self-offering as Possible of everything, from top to bottom, and after removing as fully as Possible all resistance of the ego, I start repeating the mantra.1 After repeating it two or three times, I am in trance (at the beginning it took longer). And from this trance I pass into sleep; the trance lasts as long as necessary and, quite naturally, spontaneously, I pass into sleep. And when I come back, I remember everything. The sleep was like a continuation of the trance. And essentially, the only reason for sleep is to allow the body to assimilate the results of the trance, then to allow these results to be accepted throughout and to let the body do its natural nights work of eliminating toxins. My periods of sleep practically dont exist sometimes they are as short as half an hour or 15 minutes. But in the beginning, I had long periods of sleep, one or even two hours in succession. And when I woke up, I did not feel this residue of heaviness which comes from sleep the effects of the trance continued.
   It is even good for people whove never been in trance to repeat a mantra (or a word, a prayer) before going to sleep. But the words must have a life of their ownby this I dont mean an intellectual meaning, nothing of the kind, but rather a vibration. And this has an extraordinary effect on the body, it starts vibrating, vibrating, vibrating and so calm, you let yourself go, like falling off to sleep. And the body vibrates more and more, more and more, more and more, and you drift off.

0 1960-06-07, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   No, no thats not what I mean. Im speaking of the relationship I have with you, the true onewhat I was telling you about just a moment ago. Because, you see, Im going to tell you everything! (Mother laughs) I have the impression that it would go much faster if I could pick you up, put you here (Mother touches her heart), carry you here and tell you, Calm yourself, listen! But its not Possible (alas). Youre always fast on your feet with your head touching this very low ceiling. Myself, I cant be like that. Im not even sure (laughing) if my feet would get in!
   Anyway, my child, its not that Im not trying I am trying. And its not that you cantyou can. Thats the problem You know, its as if you were stubbornly trying to turn the key the wrong way in the lock.

0 1960-07-26 - Mothers vision - looking up words in the subconscient, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   The other day I wrote somethingit was a letter I gave Pavitra to read. I think theres a spelling mistake, he said. Its quite Possible, I answered, I make plenty of them. He looked it up in a splendid dictionary and, as a matter of fact, it was a mistake. I meant to ask him for a dictionary this morning.
   Its very simple, actually; its a convention, a conventional construction somewhere in the subconscious brain, and you write automatically. But if you want to try to bring the light of a slightly higher reason into it, its terrible. It becomes meaningless, and you forget everything.

0 1960-08-20, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   But then Id rather not die if Possible. And if I dont die, it will be perfectly useless, because that would then be the obvious proof of an uninterrupted ascent; consequently, what there will be at the very end will be much more interesting.
   You alone have convinced me that the history of the way might be of some interest, so Im letting you do it Ive taken a very, very handsome file upstairs with all your notes in it.8 Its filling up; its going to be formidable! (Mother laughs) a frightful documentation.

0 1960-09-20, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   Later on, when Sri Aurobindo left his body, I said to myself, If only I knew what he had known, it would be easier! So when Swami and later X came, I thought, I am going to take advantage of this opportunity. I had written to Swami that I was working on transforming the cells of the body and that I had noticed the work was going faster with Xs influence. So it was understood that X would help when he came thats how things began, and this idea has remained with X. But I have raced on I dont wait. Ive raced on, Ive gone like wildfire. And now the situation is reversed. What I wanted to find out, I found out. I experienced what I wanted to experience, but he is still He is very kind, actually, he wants really to help me. So, when I identified with him the other day during our meditation, I realized that he wanted to give silence, control and perfect peace to the physical mind. My own trick, if you will, is to have as little relationship with the physical mind as Possible, to go up above and stay therethis (Mother indicates her forehead), silent, motionless, turned upwards, while That (gesture above the head) sees, acts, knows, decidesall is done from there. Only there can you feel at ease.
   Along the way, I once went down into this physical mind for awhile to try to set it right, to organize it a little (it was done rather quickly, I didnt stay there long). So when I went inside X, I saw It was rather curious, for its the opposite of the method we follow. In his material consciousness (physical and vital), he has trained himself to be impersonal, open, limitless, in communication with all the universal forces. In the physical mind, silence, immobility. But in the speculative mind, the one there at the very top of the head what an organization, phew! All the tradition in its most superb organization, but such a ri-gi-dity! And it had a pretty quality of light, a silver blueVERY pretty. Oh, it was very calm, wonderfully calm and quiet and still. But what a ceiling it had!the outer form resembled rigid cubes. Everything inside was beautiful, but that There was a very large cube right at the top, I recall, bordered by a purple line, which is a line of powerall this was quite luminous. It looked like a pyramid; the smaller cubes formed a kind of base, the lower part of which faded into something cloudy, and then this passed imperceptibly downwards to a more material realm, or in other words, the physical mind. The cube on top was the largest and most luminous, and the least yieldingeven inflexible, you could say. The others were somewhat less defined, and at the bottom it was very blurred. But up at the top!thats where I wanted to go, right to the top.

0 1960-10-25, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   When I say to someone, I shall take care of you, do you know what I do? I join his body to mine. And then all the work is done in me (as far as Possibleessentially its Possible, but there is a relativity because of time; but as far as Possible ). So I find it very interesting to make cross-references and find out the results of my interventionnot so I can boast (theres nothing much to boast about), but for the sake of the SCIENTIFIC study of the problem: to know how to proceed, how to discriminate, what is active and what isnt, what are the guide lines, etc.
   And even if at the moment you dont feel very good, you are able to say, It doesnt matter; what we have to do, well do (this fear of not being able to do what has to be done is the most irksome), if at that moment you can sincerely say to yourself, No, I trust in the Divine Grace no, I will do what I have to do, and Ill be given the power to do it, or the power to do it will be created in me then that is the true attitude.

0 1960-11-15, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I dont know if its due to Zs visit1 or simply if the time had come and things converged (because thats what generally happens), but a whole period of the past is coming up again and its not a purely personal past, for it includes all the acquaintances I used to have, a whole collection of things that represents not only my individual life but something rather collective (as it always is; each of us is always a collectivity but we arent aware of it, and if anything were taken away, it would unbalance the whole). A whole set of things that were absolutely wiped clean from the memory (it must have been buried somewhere in the subconscient or the semi-conscientin any case, something more unconscious than the subconscient), and it has all come back up. Oh, things such things If just two weeks ago someone had asked me, Do you remember that? I would have replied, No, not at all! And its coming from every side. Oh, such mediocrity! (mediocre in the way of consciousness, experiences and activities) and so gray, so dull, so flat! Only this morning, while getting ready for the balcony, I thought, Is it Possible to live like that?!
   And then it became so clear that behind all this there was always the same luminous Presence, this Presence that is everywhere, always, watching over everything.
   So I understood that this must correspond to a certain realm of experience; I understood all those who say, If it has to be like this, if it can never be otherwise, then (this opposition, this abyss between a TRUE life, a TRUE consciousness, a TRUE activity, something living, powerful, fulfilling and life as it now is), if there must always be this difference between the physical expression as it is or as it can be in the present circumstances, and the true life, then For if despite everythingdespite this tremendous distance Ive covered in my life (these memories go back more than sixty years) and all the evolutionary effort upwards I have made since that time IN MATTER (Im not speaking of leaving Matter behind, but IN MATTER, IN action)if that doesnt further reduce this gap between the true consciousness and the Possible material realization, then I understand I understand why people say, Its hopeless. (Of course, this hopeless is meaningless to me.)
   But I (how can I put this?) I lived their experience, I lived it; and even events which seem quite extraordinary when seen from afar, which is the way they appear to most people, even historical things which have furthered the earths transformation and its upheavals the crucial events, the great works, you might sayare woven from the SAME fabric, they are the SAME thing! When you look at all this from afar, on the whole it can make an impression, but the life of each minute, of each hour, of each second is woven from this SAME fabric, drab, dull, insipid, WITHOUT ANY TRUE LIFEa mere reflection of life, an illusion of lifepowerless, void of any light or anything that resembles joy in the least. Oh! if it has always to remain like that, then we dont want any of it.
   While it was all coming up, I thought, How is this Possible? For during those years of my life (Im now outside things; I do them but Im entirely outside, so they dont involve mewhether its like this or like that makes no difference to me; Im only doing my work, thats all), I was already conscious, but nevertheless I was IN what I was doing to a certain extent; I was this web of social life (but thank God it wasnt here in India, for had it been here I could not have withstood it! I think that even as a child I would have smashed everything, because here its even worse than over there). You see, there its its a bit less constricting, a bit looser, you can slip through the mesh from time to time to brea the some air. But here, according to what Ive learned from people and what Sri Aurobindo told me, its absolutely unbearable (its the same in Japan, absolutely unbearable). In other words, you cant help but smash everything. Over there, you sometimes get a breath of air, but still its quite relative. And this morning I wondered (you see, for years I lived in that way for years and years) just as I was wondering, How was I ABLE to live that and not kick out in every direction?, just as I was looking at it, I saw up above, above this (it is worse than horrible, it is a kind of Oh, not despair, for there isnt even any sense of feeling there is NOTHING! It is dull, dull, dull gray, gray, gray, clenched tight, a closed web that lets through neither air nor life nor lightthere is nothing) and just then I saw a splendor of such sweet light above itso sweet, so full of true love, true compassion something so warm, so warm the relief, the solace of an eternity of sweetness, light, beauty, in an eternity of patience which feels neither the past nor the inanity and imbecility of thingsit was so wonderful! That was entirely the feeling it gave, and I said to myself, THAT is what made you live, without THAT it would not have been Possible. Oh, it would not have been Possible I would not have lived even three days! THAT is there, ALWAYS there, awaiting its hour, if we would only let it in.
   Formerly, that was my first stepa long time ago. Now its so very different I wonder how it was Possible to have been so totally blind as to call that oneself at any moment in ones life! Its a collection of things. And what was the link by which that could be called oneself? Thats more difficult to find out. Only when you climb above do you come to realize that THAT is at work here, but it could work there as well, or as well here, or here, or here At times there is suddenly a drop of something (Oh, I saw that this morningit was like a drop, a little drop, but with SUCH an intense and perfect light ), and where THAT falls it makes its center and begins radiating out and acting. THAT is what can be called oneselfnothing else. And THAT precisely is what enabled me to live in such dreadfully uninteresting, such nonexistent circumstances. And at the moment when you ARE that, you see how that has lived and how that has used everything, not only in this body but in all bodies and through all time.
   At the core, this is the experience; it is no longer knowledge. I now understand quite clearly the difference between the knowledge of the eternal soul, of life eternal through all its changes, and this CONCRETE experience of the thing.
   This was still there, like a sweetness, when I came to the balcony And the notion that people, objects, life, that all that are different is unthinkable! It is not Possible. Even thought is so strange!

0 1960-12-13, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   I tried every Possible way To get out of it is relatively easy. But then it doesnt change.
   The problem appeared again to me very intensely when I read Sri Aurobindos The Yoga of Self-Perfection. I was confronted with a whole formidable world to be transformedto transform what is already luminous is quite easy, but to transform that! ughthis stuff of life, so low and so coarse, so ordinary its much more difficult.1

0 1960-12-20, #Agenda Vol 01, #unset, #Zen
   A sweetness, a sensation (both together) a sensation of eternity, and a sweetness! I wonder if its even Possible for anything to escape That!

0 1961-01-22, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But all of that is wonderfully, accurately expressed and EXPLAINED in Savitri. Only you must know how to read it! The entire last part, from the moment she goes to seek Satyavan in the realm of Death (which affords an occasion to explain this), the whole description of what happens there, right up to the end, where every Possible offer is made to tempt her, everything she must refuse to continue her terrestrial labor it is my experience EXACTLY.
   Savitri is really a condensation, a concentration of the universal Mother the eternal universal Mother, Mother of all universes from all eternityin an earthly personality for the Earths salvation. And Satyavan is the soul of the Earth, the Earths jiva. So when the Lord says, he whom you love and whom you have chosen, it means the earth. All the details are there! When she comes back down, when Death has yielded at last, when all has been settled and the Supreme tells her, Go, go with him, the one you have chosen, how does Sri Aurobindo describe it? He says that she very carefully takes the SOUL of Satyavan into her arms, like a little child, to pass through all the realms and come back down to earth. Everything is there! He hasnt forgotten a single detail to make it easy to understand for someone who knows how to understand. And it is when Savitri reaches the earth that Satyavan regains his full human stature.

0 1961-01-24, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I was above, as usual (Mother points above her head, indicating the higher consciousness), and I looked at that (Mother bends over, as if looking down at the earth), and said to myself, Hmm, this is getting dangerous. If it continues like this, it will result in in a war or a revolution or some catastrophea tidal wave or an earthquake. So I tried to counteract it by applying the highest consciousness to it, that of a perfect serenity. And I saw especially that this consciousness has been missioned to transform the earth through the Supermind and by the supramental Force, avoiding all catastrophes as far as Possible: the Work is to be done as luminously and harmoniously as the earth would allow, even by going at a slower pace if need be. That was the idea. And I tried to counteract that whirlwind power with this consciousness.
   (long silence)

0 1961-01-Undated, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   A moment comes when self-observation is no longer Possible.
   Even in these expressions All is You or You are the All (and the same holds for You are the Divine or The Divine is you), there is still something watching.

0 1961-02-04, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Is it Possible?!
   Ah, yes-he used to do it.
   You see, when people are in this occult consciousness, everything is Possibleit creates an atmosphere where ALL, all is Possible. What to our European common sense seems im Possible is all Possible.
   She was English and he. I dont know whether he was Polish or Russian (he was of Jewish origin and had to leave his country for that reason). But they were both European.
   But when I recounted these experiences to Sri Aurobindo, he told me it was quite natural: when you have the power, you live in and create around yourself an atmosphere where these things are Possible.
   Because it is all here, it just hasnt been brought to the surface.

0 1961-02-07, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Since mid-November, this body has been living through every Possible difficulty, one after another, one after another sometimes all togetherwith relentless violence!
   It has been good for it (not externally, but inwardly, for its state of consciousness: the body-consciousness), it has done the body some good, but. Now its like this (Mother opens her hands in a gesture of total surrender). For each blow it receives (its a bludgeoning, my child!), for each blow, it remains like this (same gesture). Yesterday, to make it happy, I wrote down something like this (concerning its latest difficulty): If this present difficulty is useful (its the body addressing the Lord, and the Lord. its a perpetual adoration: all the cells vibrate, vibrate with the joy of Love; yet despite that ), if this or that difficulty is useful for Your Workso be it. But if it is an effect of my stupidity (its the body speaking), if its an effect of my own stupidity, then I beseech You to cure me of this stupidity as quickly as Possible.
   It doesnt ask to be cured of the illness! It doesnt ask, it is ready; All right, it says. As long as I can keep going, I will keep going. As long as I can last, I will last. But thats not what Im asking for: I am asking to be cured of my stupidity. I believe this is what enables it to yes, what gives it the necessary endurance.

0 1961-02-11, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I have asked to be forewarned, not for reasons of. It can happen any time at all, I am always ready. I can do nothing more for the work than what I am doing now, and I havent a single practical measure to take because I have already taken them all. So that isnt why, but to AS MUCH AS Possible to withdraw from the body all that has been put into it. There is such an accumulation inside it of force, consciousness, power, oh! All the cells are impregnated and it would take some time if it all had to be taken out.
   But I have had no indication of this, neither by night nor by day, neither awake nor in tranceno indication. The indication rather points to all that must be clarified, purified so the physical may keep what it received from that experience [of January 24, 1961].
   It all began with some extremely violent attacks. So if your dream is not premonitory, then it must be the result of their formation, by which they intend to disseminate the conviction everywhere, as much as Possible, that this is the end. Two years ago, when I had to retire to my room, a formidable campaign was set into operation upon all the Ashram people; and all those who were a little receptive, either in dreams or through an openness to suggestions, heard it clearly announced: On the 9th of December of this year [1958], Mother will leave. Theres no doubt about it, its sure. It was said to me as well: This will be the end, you will leave. It was repeated to everybody, everybody, a great many people heard itthey were virtually awaiting it. And this is why (you know how extremely ill I was at the time, I was really ill), this is why I didnt react, but all the same I didnt go to the lake [the lake estate where Mother was to have gone on the 9th of December], because I told myself, If anything happens there, it will be awkward I had better not go. But still I knew it wasnt true, I knew it.
   Now this kind of attack has stopped, it is no longer like that. But there are beings who send dreams. For example, some dreams were sent to Z (who, as you know, is quite clairvoyant), in which she was told I would be broken to pieces. She was very upset and I had to intervene. Is your dream of this nature, or are you being forewarned? I dont know, I cant say. If the doctor were asked, perhaps he would say that if it continues like this, obviously (you see, one thing after another is getting disorganized), if it continues in this way, how long can the body last?
   But perhaps there will have to be many experiences of this nature before the work is done. It is Possible.
   Something from that experiencean effect, a vibratory effect, so to speakhas not left. But the totality of the experience is not here the whole time, its not established. I had a reminder of it one night, but not for very long; all at once, for a brief moment, this same vibration came, and my entire body was nothing other than this Vibration.

0 1961-02-25, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There is only one thing you can doANNUL YOURSELF as much as Possible. If you can annul yourself completely, then the experience is total. And if your disappearance could be constant, the experience would be constantly there but thats still far away. I dont know if all this (Mother looks at her body).

0 1961-03-04, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I told them. Because at World Union they asked me what their mistake had been (they didnt state it so candidly, but in a roundabout way), and I replied (not so candidly, eithernot exactly in a roundabout way, but in general terms). I told them their mistake was being unfaithful and I explained that to be unfaithful means to put everything on the same level (thats when I sent them those lines12). I told them, Your error was in saying: One teaching among many teachingsso let us be broad-minded and accept all teachings. So along with all the teachings, you accept every stupidity Possible.
   But if someone is taken in, it proves hes at an elementary stage and unready.

0 1961-03-11, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The tree of knowledge symbolizes this kind of knowledge a material knowledge, no longer divine because its origin was the sense of division and this is what began to spoil everything. How long did this period last? I am unable to say. (Because my recollection is of an almost immortal life; it seems that it was through some sort of evolutionary accident that the destruction of forms became necessary for progress.) And where did it take place? From certain impressions (but these are only impressions), it would seem that it was in the vicinity of either this side of Ceylon and India or the other, I dont know exactly (Mother indicates the Indian Ocean either west of Ceylon and India or to the east between Ceylon and Java), although certainly the place no longer exists; it must have been swallowed up by the sea. I have a very clear vision of the place and a consciousness of that life and its forms, but I cant give precise material details. Did it last for centuries, was it ? I dont know. To tell the truth, when I was reliving those moments I wasnt curious about such details (for one is in another mental state where there is no curiosity about material details: all things turn into psychological facts). It was something so simple, luminous, harmonious, far removed from all our usual preoccupationsthose very preoccupations with time and space. It was a spontaneous life, extremely beautiful, and so close to Naturea natural flowering of animal life. There were no oppositions or contradictions, nothing of the kindeverything happened in the best way Possible.
   A time comes when all these disputesAh, no, this is like this, that is like thatseem so silly, so silly! And there is nothing more comical than this spontaneous reply so many people give: Oh, thats im Possible! Because with even the most rudimentary intellectual development, you would know you couldnt even think of something if it werent Possible!

0 1961-03-17, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   He hadnt eaten (probably because no one had given him anything to eat), and when I entered, he asked me if it was Possible to have some breakfast. Yes, of course! I said, Ill go get it, expecting to find it ready. Then I had to hunt around to find something: everything was stuffed into cupboards (and misplaced at that), all disarrangeddisgusting, absolutely disgusting. I called someone (who had been napping and came in with sleep-swollen eyes) and told him to prepare Sri Aurobindos breakfast but he had his own fixed ideas and principles (exactly as he is in real life). Hurry up, I told him, Sri Aurobindo is waiting. But hurry? Im Possible! He had to do things according to his own conceptions and with a terrible awkwardness and ineptitude. In short, it took an infinite amount of time to warm up a rather clumsy breakfast.
   Then I arrived at Sri Aurobindos room with my plates. Oh, said Sri Aurobindo, it has taken so long that I will take my bath first. I looked at my poor breakfast and thought, Well, I went to so much trouble to make it hot and now its going to get cold! All this was so sordid, so sad.

0 1961-03-21, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Then I woke up (I always wake up three or four times during the night) and when I went back to bed I had an attack of what the doctor and I have taken to be filariasis but a strange type of filariasis, for as soon as I master it in one spot it appears in another, and when I master it there it reappears somewhere else. Last night it was in the arms (it lasted quite a while, between 2:30 and 4 a.m.); but I was fully conscious, and each time the attack came, I went like this (gestures over the arms, to drive away the attack) and my arms were not affected at all. When it was over, I consciously entered the most material subtle physical, just beyond the body. I was sitting in my room there (an immense, cubic room) reading or writing something, when I heard the door open and close, but I was busy and didnt pay attention, presuming it was one of the people usually around me. Then suddenly I had such an unpleasant sensation in my body that I raised my head and looked, and I saw someone there. Do you know how the magicians in Europe dress, in short satin breeches and a shirt? He was wearing something like that. He was Indian, tall and rather dark, with slicked-down hairwhat you would normally call a handsome young man. He seemed to have been drawn1 there becausehe was standing in front of me staring into space, not looking at me. And the moment I saw him, there was the same sensation in all my cells as I have with what Ive been calling filariasis (its a special, minute kind of pain) and simultaneously all the cells felt disgusta tremendous will of rejection. Then I sat up straight (I didnt stand up) and said to him as forcefully as Possible, How do you dare to come in here! I said it so loudly that the noise woke me up! I dont know what happened then, but things went much better afterwards.
   The moment I saw this person I knew he was only an instrument, but a well-paid instrumentsomeone paid a great deal to have him do that! I would recognize him again among hundreds I can still see him I see him more clearly than with physical eyes. He is an unintelligent man with no personal animosity, merely a very well-paid instrumentsomeone is hiding behind him, using him as a screen.

0 1961-03-27, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Yes, its as if I were living, as if the BODY were living (despite all the illnesses and attacks, all the ill will besetting it), living in a bath of the divine vibrationbathing in something immenseimmense, immense limitless, and so stable! The body lives in it like this (gesture as if Mother were floating). So even when there is what we call physical pain, even when there are blows to morale (like having a cashier ask you for money and you have none to give him5), well, despite it all, despite all the Possible complications (coming all at the same time), EVERYTHING, everything that happens now, even things which seem extremely unpleasant to our mental conceptions or our mental reactions, everything is a bath, a bath of the vibration of divine Love. So much so that if I didnt control my body, I would be smiling at everything all the time like an idiot. A beatific smile for everything (I dont show it because I control myself).
   (silence, the clock strikes the hour)

0 1961-04-15, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its im Possible. I cant. Even two years ago, when I was really sick and took to my room for the first time, I couldnt let the work go. I cant do it. Its not Possible.
   But surely there are things you could cut down?

0 1961-04-29, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Poor T.! She asked me, What does it mean (laughing) to give God a satisfactory beating? How is this Possible? I still havent answered. And then she added another question: Many people say that Sri Aurobindos teachings are a new religion. Would you call it a religion? You understand, I began to fume!
   I wrote (Mother reads her answer):

0 1961-06-24, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother remains silent for a moment, then says:) Over the years I have had a considerable number of experiences in this realm, and my first action is always the same: send the Peace (I do this in all cases, for everyone) and apply the Force, the Power of the Lord, for the best thing to happen. Some people are very sick, sick to the point where there is no hope, where they cannot be cured, where the end is coming; but they sense that their souls must still need to have certain experiences, so they hang on-they dont want to die. In such cases I apply the Force for them to last as long as Possible. In other cases, on the contrary, they are weary of suffering, or indeed the soul has finished its experience and desires to be liberated. In such a case, if I am sure of it, sure that they themselves are expressing the desire to depart, its over in a few hours I say this with certainty because Ive had a considerable number of experiences. There is a certain force which goes out and does what is necessary. I havent done either of these things for your fathernei ther to prolong his life (because when people are suffering its not very kind to prolong their lives indefinitely), nor to finish it, because I didnt knowone cant do either without knowing the persons conscious wish.
   As for your mother, she must have been thinking of me, for otherwise she wouldnt have come in that wayshe would have come through you (its different when things come through you). But she came to me directly, so I thought that for some reason she must have remembered me. I dont know. And I looked and said to myself (it came just like that), Now that she will be left all alone, why doesnt she come here? I havent done anything about that, either, one way or the other.
   I will give you a concrete example, then youll understand. When I.B. was killed, I had to gather up all his states of being and activities, which had been dispersed by the violence of the accident2it was terrible, he was in a dreadful state of dispersion. For two or two and a half days the doctors fought in the hope of reviving him, but it was im Possible. During those two days I gathered up all his consciousness, all of it; I collected it over his body, to the point where, when it had come and formed itself there, such vitality, such life was coming back into his body that after some hours the doctors believed he would be saved. But it couldnt last (it wasnt Possiblea part of the brain had come out). Well, when not only his soul but his mental being, his vital being, and all the rest had been properly collected and organized over his body and had realized that the body had become quite unusable, it was overthey gave up the body and it was over.
   I was keeping I.B. near me because I already had the idea of putting him immediately back into another bodyhis soul was not satisfied, it had not finished its experience (there was a whole combination of circumstances) and it wanted to continue to live on earth. Then, that night, his inner being went to find V., lamenting, saying he was dead and hadnt wanted to die, that he had lost his body and wanted to continue to live. V. was very perplexed. He let me know about it in the morning: Heres what has happened. I sent word to him of what I was doing, that I was keeping I.B. in my atmosphere and that he should stay very calm and not get excited, for I was going to put him back into a body as soon as Possible I already had something in view. The same evening I.B. again went to find V., with the same complaint. V. told him very clearly, Here is what Mother says, here is what she is going to do; come now, be calm and dont torment yourself. And he saw in I.B.s face that he had understood (the inner being was taking on I.B.s physical appearance, naturally); his face relaxed, he became content.
   He went away and he never came back. That is, he stayed tranquilly with me, until I was able to put him into C.s child.

0 1961-06-27, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Is it Possible? I dont know. We would have to ask the Lord! But He generally doesnt answer such questionsHe just smiles!
   You know, there comes a time when, really, you can no longer say anything; you feel that whatever you say is, if not absolute rubbish, then the next thing to it, and that in practice its best to keep silent. Thats the difficulty. And in some of these aphorisms you get the feeling that he has suddenly captured something beyondbeyond anything which can be thought. So what to do?
   I have had an oft repeated experience of reliving the past1 (its a phenomenon of consciousness, Possible because everything is preserved and continues to exist somewhere), with a kind of willwhich would be the sign of a powerto change it. I dont know, but at the moment of reliving it, instead of reliving the past just as it had been preserved, a power to make it different was introduced. I am not speaking of the power to change the consequences of the past (that is obvious and functions all the time)it wasnt that; it was the power to change the circumstances themselves (circumstances not quite material but of the subtle physical, with a predominantly psychological content). And since the will was there, from the standpoint of consciousness it actually happened that is, instead of circumstances developing in one direction, they developed in another. So it must correspond to something real, otherwise I would not have had the experience. It wasnt a product of the imagination; it wasnt something one thinks of and would really like to be differentit wasnt that; it was a phenomenon of consciousness: my consciousness was reliving certain circumstances (which are still quite living and obviously continue to exist within their own domain), but reliving them with the power and the knowledge acquired between that past moment and the present, and with a power to change the past moment. A new power entered the scene and turned the circumstance being relived in a new direction. I have had this experience many times and it has always surprised meits not a phenomenon of mental imagination, which is something else entirely.
   It opens the door to everything.

0 1961-07-07, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Mother later clarified this point: 'It is im Possible for anything to be missing because it is im Possible for anything not to be part of the whole. Nothing can exist apart from the whole. But I am taking this now to its extreme limit of meaningnot down-to-earth, but to the heights, to the extreme limits of meaning. I will explain: everything is not necessarily contained within a given universe, because one universe is only one mode of manifestation but all Possible universes exist. And so I always come back to the same thing: nothing can exist apart from the whole. If we give the whole the name of "God," for example, then we say that nothing can exist apart from Him. But words are so earthbound, aren't they?' (Mother makes a down-to-earth gesture.)
   See 'Prayers of the Consciousness of the Cells,' Agenda I, pp. 337-350.

0 1961-07-15, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And it has become acute since.1 No, I dont read these days, because Ive had a hemorrhage in this eye. There have been too many letters, and its difficult for me to decipher handwriting the result is this hemorrhage. So I have gone on strike. All right, I said, I wont read any letters for a week. People can write as much as they please, its all the same to me Im not reading any more. But just before stopping (I stopped reading for only three days), I read a passage where Sri Aurobindo speaks of his own experience and his own work and explains in full what he means by the supramental transformation. This passage confirmed and made me understand many experiences I had after that experience of the bodys ascent [January 24, 1961] (the ascent of the body-consciousness, followed by the descent of the supramental force into the body); immediately afterwards, everything (how to put it?) outwardly, according to ordinary consciousness, I fell ill; but its stupid to speak this way I did not fall ill! All Possible difficulties in the bodys subconscient rose up en masseit had to happen, and it surely happened to Sri Aurobindo, too. How well I understood! How well, indeed. And its no joke, you know! I had wondered why these difficulties had hounded him so ferociouslynow I understand, because I am being attacked in the same relentless fashion.
   Actually, it springs from everything in material consciousness that can still be touched by the adverse forces; that is, not exactly the body-consciousness itself but, one could say, material substance as it has been organized by the mind the initial mentalization of matter, the first stirrings of mind in life making the passage from animal to human. (The same complications would probably exist in animals, but as there is no question of trying to supramentalize animals, all goes well for them.) Well, something in there protests, and naturally this protest creates disorder. These past few days I have been seeing. No one has ever followed this path! Sri Aurobindo was the first, and he left without telling us what he was doing. I am literally hewing a path through a virgin forestits worse than a virgin forest.
   To be in a condition in which all is the Supreme, all is wonderful, all is marvelous, all is marvelous love, all is all is profound Joyan unchanging, immutable, ever-present condition. To live in That, and then to have this bodily substance contradict it through every Possible stupiditylosing sight, losing strength, pains here, pains there, disorders, weaknesses, incapacities of every type. And at the SAME TIME, the response within this body, no matter what happens to it, is, O Lord, Your Grace is infinite. The contradiction is VERY disconcerting.
   From experience, I know perfectly well that when one is satisfied with being a saint or a sage and constantly maintains the right attitude, all goes well the body doesnt get sick, and even if there are attacks it recovers very easily; all goes very well AS LONG AS THERE IS NOT THIS WILL TO TRANSFORM. All the difficulties arise in protest against the will to transform; while if one says, Very well, its all right, let things be as they are, I dont care, I am perfectly happy, in a blissful state, then the body begins to feel content!
   I must say that there was a time when, as Sri Aurobindo had entrusted his work to me, there was a kind of tension to do it (it cant be called an anxiety); a tension in the will. This too has now ended (Mother stretches her arms into the Infinite). Its finished. But there MAY still be something tense lurking somewhere in the subconscient or the inconscient I dont know, its Possible. Why? I dont know. I mean I have never been told, at any time, neither through Sri Aurobindo nor directly, whether or not I would go right to the end. I have never been told the contrary, either. I have been told nothing at all. And if at times I turn towards Thatnot to question, but simply to know the answer is always the same: Carry on, its not your problem; dont worry about it. So now I have learned not to worry about it; I am consciously not worried about it.
   Because evidently I cant say that my experiences are the result of a mental aspiration or will or knowledge I dont know, I dont know at all. I dont know how it should be, nor what it should be, nor anything at all. I dont know what should be done, I dont know what should not be donenothing. Its truly a blind march (gesture of groping along), in a desert riddled with all Possible traps and difficulties and obstaclesall this heaped together. Eyes blindfolded, knowing nothing (same gesture of groping blindly), one plods on.
   The only thing to do is to be like this (Mother turns her hands towards the Heights in a gesture of abandonment). Provided you dont fall asleep! You mustnt enter into a beatific state where you. No, we must keep moving on.

0 1961-07-18, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   What would it be like, for instance, to have a small supramental creation as a nucleus of action and influence radiating upon earth (to limit it to the earth)? Is it Possible? Its easy to conceive of a superhuman nucleusa creation of supermen, that is, of men who by virtue of evolution and transformation (in the true sense of the word) have succeeded in manifesting the supramental forces; yet since their origin is human, there is inevitably a contact; even if everything is transformed, even if their organs are transformed into centers of force, a sort of human coloration still remains. These are the beings who, according to tradition, will discover the secret of direct, supramental creation, bypassing the process of ordinary Nature. Then through them the true supramental beings will be born, who will necessarily have to live in a supramental world. But how would contact be made between these beings and the ordinary world? How to conceive of a transformation of nature sufficient to enable this supramental creation to take place on earth? I dont know.
   Of course, we know that such a thing will require a considerable amount of time to be done, and it will probably go by stages, by degrees, with faculties appearing that at the moment we cant know or imagine, and which will change the conditions of the earththis is looking ahead a few thousand years.
   There is still this problem: is it Possible to make use of the notion of space I mean space on the planet earth?5 Is it Possible to find a place where the embryo or seed of the future supramental world might be created?
   What I myself have seen was a plan that came complete in all details, but that doesnt at all conform in spirit and consciousness with what is Possible on earth now (although, in its most material manifestation, the plan was based on existing terrestrial conditions). It was the idea of an ideal city, the nucleus of a small ideal country, having only superficial and extremely limited contacts with the old world. One would already have to conceive (its Possible) of a Power sufficient to be at once a protection against aggression or bad will (this would not be the most difficult protection to provide) and a protection (which can just barely be imagined) against infiltration and admixture. From the social or organizational standpoint, these problems are not difficult, nor from the standpoint of inner life; the problem is the relationship with what is not supramentalizedpreventing infiltration or admixture, keeping the nucleus from falling back into an inferior creation during the transitional period.
   There are stories like this, you know, about people who lived in an ideal solitude, and its not at all im Possible to imagine. When one is in contact with this Power, when it is within you, you can see that such things are childs play! It even reaches the point where there is the possibility of changing certain things, of influencing vibrations and forms in the surrounding environment by contagion, so that automatically they begin to be supramentalized. All that is Possible but confined to the individual scale. While if we take the example of what is happening here, where the individual remains right in the midst of all this chaos. Thats the difficulty! Doesnt this very fact make a certain perfection in realization im Possible to attain? But the other case, the individual isolated in the forest, is always the same thingan example giving no proof that the rest will be able to follow; while whats happening here should already have a much broader radiating influence. At some point this has to happenit MUST happen. But the problem still remains: can it happen simultaneously with or even before the supramentalization of the single individual?
   I would be satisfied only if. Can one ever be satisfied? At any rate, I would begin to be satisfied only if this were a constant and total condition, active in all circumstances and at every moment, day and night. But is it Possible with this INUNDATION pouring in from outside? Constantly! While walking this morning I was (how to put it?) something of a witness, watching what was coming in from outside. One thing after another, one thing after anotherwhat a mixture! From all sides, from everyone and everything and everywhere. And not only from here, but from far, far away on the earth and sometimes from far back in time, back into the pastthings out of the past coming up, presenting themselves to the new Light to be put in their place. Its always that: each thing wanting to be put in its place. And this work has to be done constantly. Its as if one keeps catching a new illness to be cured.
   A fresh disorder to be straightened out.

0 1961-07-28, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Take the experience of Mind, for example: Mind, in the evolution of Nature, gradually emerging from its involution; well and this is a very concrete experience these initial mentalized forms, if we can call them that, were necessarily incomplete and imperfect, because Natures evolution is slow and hesitant and complicated. Thus these forms inevitably had an aspiration towards a sort of perfection and a truly perfect mental state, and this aspiration brought the descent of already fully conscious beings from the mental world who united with terrestrial formsthis is a very, very concrete experience. What emerges from the Inconscient in this way is an almost impersonal possibility (yes, an impersonal possibility, and perhaps not altogether universal, since its connected with the history of the earth); but anyway its a general possibility, not personal. And the Response from above is what makes it concrete, so to speak, bringing in a sort of perfection of the state and an individual mastery of the new creation. These beings in corresponding worlds (like the gods of the overmind,4 or the beings of higher regions) came upon earth as soon as the corresponding element began to evolve out of its involution. This accelerates the action, first of all, but also makes it more perfectmore perfect, more powerful, more conscious. It gives a sort of sanction to the realization. Sri Aurobindo writes of this in SavitriSavitri lives always on earth, with the soul of the earth, to make the whole earth progress as quickly as Possible. Well, when the time comes and things on earth are ready, then the divine Mother incarnates with her full powerwhen things are ready. Then will come the perfection of the realization. A splendor of creation exceeding all logic! It brings in a fullness and a power completely beyond the petty shallow logic of human mentality.
   People cant understand! To put oneself at the level of the general public may be all very well5 (personally I have never found it so, although its probably inevitable), but to hope that they will ever understand the splendor of the Thing. They have to live it first!

0 1961-08-02, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   In fact, we are the first Possible instruments for making the world progress. For example (this is one way of putting it), the transformation of the Inconscient into the Subconscient is probably far more rapid and complete now than it was before man appeared upon earth; man is one of the first transformative elements. Animals are obviously more conscious than plants, but WILLED (and thus more rapid) progress belongs to humanity. Likewise, what one hopes (more than hopes!), what one expects is that when the new supramental race comes upon earth, the work will go much more swiftly; and man will necessarily benefit from this. And since things will be done in true order instead of in mental disorder, animals and everything else will probably benefit from it also. In other words, the whole earth, taken as one entity, will progress more and more rapidly. The Inconscient (oh, all this comes to me in English, thats the difficulty!) is meant to go and necessarily the Subconscient will go too.
   Broadly speaking, does this mean that physical Matter will become conscious?
   How is this Possible? Arent the gods already fully conscious?!
   No, they have no psychic being, so that whole side of life does not exist for them.

0 1961-09-03, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   You understand, if I were British and writing in English, I could try to do a book on Sri Aurobindo using Savitri alone. With quotations from Savitri one can maintain a certain poetical rhythm, and this rhythm can generate an opening. But in French it isnt Possiblehow could it be translated?
   Yes, thats what I mean-but even in English.
   In English it should be Possible. But after all, its intended for the general public Id better not drown them!
   Its not so much a question of the reading public as a question of language. As for the readers you know, at any level whatsoever it is Possible to suddenly touch a soul, anywhere. The level doesnt matter, and fundamentally if one reaches one or two souls with a book like this, its a fine result. It opens the way to people intellectually, and those who want to can follow along.
   I dont think your book will hold any surprises for me when I have it! Sometimes I listen to whole sections of it. Last night it was almost as if you were reading the book to menot exactly with words but I woke up and Sri Aurobindo was there andas though you had been reading somethinghe approved of it, saying, Yes, its fine like that, its all right.

0 1961-09-10, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The night before last, around 3 in the morning, I was in a place where there were a lot of people from here (you were there), and I was trying to play some music, precisely in order to SAY something. There were three pianos there, which seemed to be interlocked into each other, so I leaned over sideways to get at one of the three and began playing on it. It was in a large hall with people seated at a distance, but you were just at my left alongside a young lady who was a symbol figure (that is, the vibration or impression I received from her and the relationship I had with her could be applied as well to four or five persons here: it was like relating to an amalgam something that is very interesting and often happens to me). Anyway, I was leaning over one of the keyboards and trying trying to work something out, to illustrate how this would translate into that. Finally I realized that playing half-standing, half-leaning was unnecessary acrobatics, because a grand piano was right there in front, so I sat down before it. Well, the most amusing part of it was that the keys (there were two keyboards) were all bluelike the marbled paper we are making now, all blue, and with every Possible marbled effect. Black keys, white keys, high keys, low keys (all of them were the same width, quite wide, like this), all seemed to be coated but it wasnt paperwith this blue. Facing the piano I said to myself, Well now, this cant be played with physical eyesit has to be played FROM ABOVE.
   While I was playing, I kept telling myself, But this is what Ive tried to do with music all my lifeplay on the blue keyboard!

0 1961-10-15, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   For example, I have nothing for the next Bulletin; I could have given something from those things youve transcribed [for the Agenda], but its not Possible, it CANNOT be done! This cant be made public, its im Possible; its not the moment, not the moment. People dont understand even the simplest things I say! Ive seen that even Nolini sometimes hesitates; he doesnt get it. So you can imagine, the public!

0 1961-11-05, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Once there (this would also make a great novel), Richard continued writing and sending his manuscripts to Sri Aurobindo. Finally, when the Peace Treaty was signed and it was Possible to travel, the English said that if we tried to return to India they would throw us in jail! But it all worked out miraculously, almost becoming a diplomatic incident: the Japanese government decided that if we were put in prison they would protest to the British government! (What a story I could write novels!) In short, Richard returned here with me. And thats when the tragi-comedy began.
   I will tell you about it one dayfantastic!

0 1961-11-07, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I learned to do the same thing, and with great dexterity; I could halt on any plane, do what I had to do there, move around freely, see, observe, and then speak about what I had seen. And my last stage, which Theon called pathtisme,2 a very barbaric but very expressive word, bordered on the Formlesshe sometimes used the Jewish terminology, calling the Supreme The Formless. (From this last stage one passed to the Formless there was no further body to leave behind, one was beyond all Possible forms, even all thoughtforms.) In this domain [the last stage before the Formless] one experienced total unityunity in something that was the essence of Love; Love was a manifestation more dense, he would always say (there were all sorts of different densities); and Love was a denser expression of That, the sense of perfect Unityperfect unity, identitywith no longer any forms corresponding to those of the lower worlds. It was a Light! An almost immaculate white light, yet with something of a golden-rose in it (words are crude). This Light and this Experience were truly wonderful, inexpressible in words.
   Well, one time I was there (Theon used to warn against going beyond this domain, because he said you wouldnt come back), but there I was, wanting to pass over to the other side, whenin a quite unexpected and astounding way I found myself in the presence of the principle, a principle of the human form. It didnt resemble man as we are used to seeing him, but it was an upright form, standing just on the border between the world of forms and the Formless, like a kind of standard.3 At that time nobody had ever spoken to me about it and Madame Theon had never seen itno one had ever seen or said anything. But I felt I was on the verge of discovering a secret.

0 1961-11-12, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It would be interesting, if it were Possible thats precisely what I mean when I say: no links, no train of logic, no continuity; these are always, always mental. An inspiration, an intuition, a revelation always comes, poff!, leaving a score of things unsaidgaps to be filled in with spiritual experience.
   If you start to explain, it falls flattheres no help for it.

0 1961-12-16, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   One day (Im translating the last section of The Synthesis of Yoga, The Yoga of Self-Perfectionit plunges you into bottomless gulfs) and one day (I think Ive told you this), I had a vision of the gap between not even what ought to be, because we probably havent the slightest idea of that, but between our concept of what we would like to be and what is. And it was so dreadful that the body was thrown into, oh an anguish, a horror; and along with it an intensity of aspiration, a prayer. The gap seemed so tremendous: Is it Possible?
   Thats how it felt.

0 1961-12-20, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   So the very normal, natural reaction against this attitude is to negate the spiritual life: lets take the world as it is, brutally, materially, short and sweet (since it all comes to an end with this short life), lets do all we can to enjoy ourselves now, suffer as little as Possible and not think of anything else. Having said that life is a condemned, reprehensible, anti-divine thing, this is the logical conclusion. Then what to do? We dont want to do away with life, so we do away with the Divine.
   Thats it exactly.
   From the practical standpoint, I would much prefer the book to be printed here and for us to make the necessary effort for it to go out and touch as many people as Possible. The publisher may be a handy and less troublesome channel, but hes not at all the best onefar from it. THAT I know, because I am constantly seeing your book with Sri Aurobindos perception, and I am absolutely positive that he likes it very much; he has put a lot into it and he sees that it can be an enormous help but not in the short run. There is always the sense of it needing a hundred years to have its full effect. With your publisher, on the other hand, the effects are far more violent, more external and noisy, but they fade far more quickly.
   And I feel its rather essential to change all the emphasis on pictures. I let them go because there was nothing else to do, but I must say I wasnt too happy about it.1 it was not a deep understanding, a soul-understanding, that chose the pictures, but a very developed intellect.
   A book like that (sufficiently veiled, of course), written in the simplest way Possible (like I wrote The Science of Living, I believe)and its fine, you speak to people in their own language. Above all, no philosophy! None! You simply tell some extraordinary stories in the same way you would tell an ordinary story. But the Story is there, thats the most important thing.
   It started in my infancy the Story was already there.

0 1961-12-23, #Agenda Vol 02, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its Possibleall is Possible!
   I can see from the publishers letter that he has been touched much more than he thinks. His outer mentality may have responded the way it did, but something was vibrating within I felt it as soon as you read me his letter. And he is violently denying it of course! It would disturb him a good deal, so he defends himself violently; but this just might give him the idea of having others read itand it could touch someone. I dont know, I am giving you an explanation of what I saw, of the sensation it gave me: Wait, dont move. And then: You will be informed when it is necessary to act. So let the first of the year go by, and then we will see.

0 1962-01-09, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Truly, I wondered, Has the time really come? Is it Possible? Or will it once again be postponed?
   No one can imagine what it was, those thirty years I had beyond all problems and difficulties; we went through every Possible difficulty and it was nothing, NOTHING. It was nothing, it was like a great harmonious orchestra.

0 1962-01-12 - supramental ship, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   With the mind, its rather easyyou can put things back in order in five minutes, its not difficult. With the vital its already a bit more troublesome, it takes a little longer. But when you come to the material level, well. Theres a CONTAGION of wrong cellular functioning and a kind of internal disorganizationthings not staying in their proper places. Each vibration absorbed from the outside instantly creates a disorder, dislocates everything, creates wrong contacts and disrupts the organization; it sometimes takes HOURS to put it all back in order. Consequently, if I really want to make use of this bodys possibility without having to face the necessity of changing it because it cant follow along, then, materially, I would really need, as much as Possible, to stop having to gulp down all sorts of things that drag me years backwards.
   Its difficult difficult.
   But keep it as impersonal as Possible!
   Do you need this thing [Mothers note to Satprem]?
   I once told you I put a body on a vital being7but I couldnt have made that body material; it would have been im Possible: something is lacking. Something is lacking. Even if it were made visible, it would probably not be Possible to make it permanentat the slightest opportunity, it would dematerialize. What we cant get is that permanence.
   Its something Sri Aurobindo and I have discussed (discussed is one way of putting it), something we spoke about, and his view was the same as mine: there is a power, yes, to FIX the form here on earth, a power we dont have. Even people with the ability to materialize things (like Madame Thon, for instance) cant make their materializations last; it cant be done, they dont lastthey dont have the quality of physical things.

0 1962-01-21, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   When I had the experience that the time had come for the supramental Force to descend on Earth, I followed the effects of that descent, I followed the effects and the consequences in my consciousness. But to ordinary eyes it was something like what happened with Indias liberationits Possible, of course, that the Supermind did come down, but for the moment its effects are more than veiled.
   The first rather tangible manifestation was this vision of the boat; with that, things became more concrete, it radically changed something in the attitude.

0 1962-01-27, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   To see it from the angle of delight of being is qualitatively far superior, but then theres still the problem of why it all became the way it is. The usual reply is: because all things were Possible, and this is ONE possibility. But its not a very satisfying feeling: Yes, all right, thats just the way it is, its a fact. People used to ask Theon too, Why did it happen like this? Why? Wait till you get to the other side, then you will know. And meanwhile do whats necessary to get there thats the most urgent thing.
   But there is one advantage: without those beings, without the worlds distortion, many things would be lacking. Those beings potentially embodied certain absolutely unique elementsunderstandably so, since they were the first wave. And precisely because they still WERE the Supreme to such a great extent, each one felt he was the Supreme, and that was that. Only it wasnt quite sufficient, for the simple reason that they were already divided into four, and one single division is enough to make everything go wrong. Its readily understandable: its not something essentially evil, but a question of wrong FUNCTIONING; its not the substance, not the essence. The essence isnt evil, but the functioning is faulty.

0 1962-02-03, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There has been a kind of perception of a variety of bodily activities, a whole series of them, having to do exclusively (or so it seems) with the maintenance of the body. Some are on the borderlinesleep, for instance: one portion of it is necessary for good maintenance of the body, and another portion puts it in contact with other parts and activities of the being; but one portion of sleep is exclusively for maintaining the bodys balance. Then there is food, keeping clean, a whole range of things. And according to Sri Aurobindo, spiritual life shouldnt suppress those things; whatever is indispensable for the bodys well-being must be kept up. For ordinary people, all other bodily activities are used for personal pleasure and benefit. The spiritual man, on the other hand, has given his body to serve the Divine, so that the Divine may use it for His work and perhaps, as Sri Aurobindo said, for His joyalthough given the present state of Matter and the body, that seems to me unlikely or at best very intermittent and partial, because this body is much more a field of misery than a field of joy. (None of this is based on speculation, but on personal experience I am relating my personal experience.) But with work, its different: when the body is at work, its in full swing. Thats its joy, its needto exist only to serve Him. To exist only to serve. And of course, to reduce maintenance to a bare minimum while trying to find a way for the Divine to participate in the very restricted, limited and meager possibilities of joy this maintenance may give. To associate the Divine with all those movements and things, like keeping clean, sleeping (although sleep is different, its already a lot more interesting); but especially with personal hygiene, eating and other absolutely indispensable things, the attempt is to associate them with the Divine Presence so that they may be as much an expression of divine joy as Possible. (This is realized to a certain extent.)
   Now where does japa fit into all this?
   Japa, like meditation, is a procedureapparently the most active and effective procedure for joining, as much as Possible, the Divine Presence to the bodily substance. It is the magic of sound, you see.
   Naturally, if theres also an awareness of the idea behind it, if one does japa as a very active CONSCIOUS invocation, then its effects are greatly multiplied. But the basis is the magic of sound. This is a fact of experience, and its absolutely true. The sound OM, for instance, awakens very special vibrations (there are other such sounds as well, but of course that one is the most powerful of all).
   And so according to your mission in the world, you have to find for yourself the right proportion between this work and external, intellectual or organizational work; and then there are the bodys needs, which can be met in the same way, trying to make it Possible for the Lord to take delight in them. I have seen this for trivial things: for example, making your bath a pleasant experience, or caring for your hair, or whatever (of course, its been a long time since there have been any of those stupid, petty ideas of personal pleasure), so that these things arent done indifferently, out of habit and necessity, but with a touch of beauty, a touch of charm and delight for the Lord.
   There, thats all.

0 1962-02-06, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Because a day or two ago (I dont remember exactly, it was rather fleeting but very interesting), I went through such a moment while walking in my room (it lasted while I was out on the balcony, too): suddenly a kind of absolute certainty that I knew nothing (there was no I at all) that one knew nothing (one, there was no one, there was only); one couldnt know (I have to use words), one couldnt know, there was nothing to know, it was totally hopeless, it was completely IM Possible to understand anything, even, even going beyond the mind, and no formulation was Possible, there was no possibility of understanding. It was really so absolute that helping others, making the world progress, spiritual life, seeking the Divine, all of that seemed idle talk, empty words! There was nothing in it, it was nothing, and there was nothing to understand, it was im Possible to understandit was im Possible to BE. The feeling of a total incapacity. The experience was like a solventeverything seemed to dissolve: the world, the earth, people, life, intelligence, all of it, everything was dissolved. An absolutely negative state. And my solution was the same as always: when the experience was total and complete, when nothing was left, then: Who cares! (it could really be put in the most ordinary words), I adore You! And the I was something utterly insubstantial: there was no form, no being, no qualityonly I adore You. This I was I adore You, there was just enough I to adore You with.
   From that moment on there was an inexpressible Sweetness, and within that Sweetness, a Voice so sweet and harmonious too! There was a sound but no wordsyet it held a perfectly clear meaning for me, like very precise words: You have just had your most creative moment!
   I can have that experience at any moment whatsoever: one second of concentration, stepping back from action, and its Bliss. And when I dont step back, then its something like an eternal omnipotence geared to action and entirely upheld and englobed by That. This power geared to action is the first manifestation of That thats what manifests first when That begins to exist consciously. (Mother places her palms together and, without separating them, turns her hands from side to side, as if to show two faces of the same thing.) So its indissoluble: its not two things, not even two aspects, because it isnt an aspect at all (words are idiotic, imbecilic, meaningless). The experience is renewable at will: one single thing in its essence, innumerable in its expression, and apparently increasing in power. I have experienced this at will, in every Possible circumstance, including physically fainting (I told you the other day). Its called fainting, but I didnt lose consciousness for a minute! Not for one minute did I PHYSICALLY lose consciousness and behind it all, witnessing everything, was this experience.
   (Pavitra enters the room to ask Mother an urgent question)

0 1962-02-13, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Is it folly, or is it really Possible? I dont know.
   But long ago there was a knowledge like thatall the ancient scriptures mention it.
   But he himself was searching. Had he continued, he probably would have found it. But obviously it wasnt Possible.4
   For he never said he didnt know.
   Decidedly, Mother could imagine only one Possible choice!
   In fact, in the Agenda conversations of 1958 and '59 (never noted by Satprem because he believed them too "personal"), Mother mentioned this as one of the main reasons for encouraging his tantric discipline. He even set out for the Himalayas, like a knight of yore, with the idea of bringing back to Mother the secrets of transformation; and Mother indicated to him the spot where one of her former bodies lay in a Himalayan cave, petrified by a mineral spring. But the secret of the new species can manifestly not be found through any "trick" tantric or otherwiseone's very nature must change. No one could help Mother because if someone "knew," it would already be done.
   Mother means that it wasn't Possible for Sri Aurobindo to continue.
   In a letter dated August 16, 1935, Sri Aurobindo writes: "Now I have got the hang of the whole hanged thinglike a very Einstein I have got the mathematical formula of the whole affair (unintelligible as in his own case to anybody but myself) and am working it out figure by figure."

0 1962-02-27, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But as soon as you move into a subtler realm, like the vital (and the mental even more so), there is a narrow margin of possibilities. You can see the rough outlines of what is going to take place, but in the details it can be this way or that way: it is Possible for certain wills or influences to interfere and create discrepancies.
   This is so because the original Will is reflected, as it were, in different realms, and in each realm the organization and relation of the images are changed. The world we live in is a world of imagesnot THE thing itself in its essence, but its reflection. We could say that in our material existence we are merely a reflection, an image of what we are in our essential reality. And the modalities of these reflections are what introduce all the errors and all the falsifications (what is seen in its essence is perfectly true and pure, existing from all eternity, while images are essentially variable). And according to the amount of falsehood introduced into the vibrations, the amount of distortion and alteration increases. Each circumstance, each event and each thing can be said to have one pure existenceits true existence and a considerable number of impure or distorted existences in the various realms of being. There is a substantial beginning of distortion, for instance, in the intellectual realm (indeed, the mental realm holds a considerable amount of distortion), and it increases as all the emotional and censorial realms interfere. Arriving at the material plane, the vision is most often unrecognizable. Completely distorted. To such a point that its sometimes very hard to realize that this is the material expression of thattheres not much resemblance any longer!

0 1962-03-06, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   This in itself has to be conquered; I mean, the state in itself represents something to be conquered. Because you remember, I told you the other day about having such a tremendous experience in the body-consciousness1this this dull consciousness in the material world, which really gives the feeling of something inert, unchanging, incapable of responding; you could wait millions and millions of years and nothing would budge. And that experience came at the end of a rather critical passageit takes catastrophes to get it moving, thats whats so strange! And not only that, but the wisp of imagination it does have (if you can call it imagination) is invariably catastrophic. Whatever it anticipates is always for the worst the pettiest, meanest, nastiest kind of worstalways the worst. Its really, its the most sickening condition human consciousness and matter can be in. Well, I have been swimming in it for months, and my way of being in it is to go through every Possible illness and to have every Possible physical aggravation, one after another.
   Just recently, as I told you, things truly became a little disgusting, dangerous, and for an hour or an hour and a half I did a sadhana like this (Mother clenches her fists), keeping hold of this body and body-consciousness. And the whole time the Force was at work there (it was like kneading a very resistant dough), something was saying to me, Look, you cant deny miracles any longer. It was being said to this consciousness (not to me, of course), this body-consciousness: Now you cant deny it miracles do happen. It was forced to see; there it was, gaping like an idiot being shown the skyAh! And its so stupid that it didnt even have any joy of discovery! But it was forced to see, the thing was right under its nosethere was no escaping it, it had to be admitted. But you know what, mon petit, as soon as I let up on the pressureforgotten!
   I am not saying this to discourage you, but to tell you that one must really and truly be patient. The only Possible way to do it is in a sort of passivity: not to WANT the resultWANTING the result brings in an ego movement which spoils it all.
   I have been telling you for a long time that we are VERY close for a long time.

0 1962-03-11, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But isnt it Possible to have a fruitful collaboration with those beings? Should they be avoided altogether, or what?
   Collaboration? Not with them as they are, and not in the world as it isno.

0 1962-05-08, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   After you see him, let me know what happened. If Possible, I will ask you to come at ten oclock to give me the details.
   Signed: Mother

0 1962-05-13, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And then a Voice was explaining everything to me (not exactly a Voice, but something that was Sri Aurobindos origin, like the most recent gust from the Origin). As the experience unfolded, this Voice explained each gust to me, each span of the universe; and then it explained how it all became like this (Mother makes a gesture of reversal): the distortion of the universe. And I was wondering how it was Possible, with that Consciousness, that supreme Consciousness, to relate to the present, distorted universe. How to make the connection without losing that Consciousness? A relationship between the two seemed im Possible. And thats when that sort of Voice reminded me of my promise, that I had promised to do the Work on earth and it would be done. I promised to do the Work and it will be done.
   Then began the process of descent,1 and the Voice was explaining it to me I lived through it all in detail, and it wasnt pleasant. It took an hour and a half to change from that true Consciousness to the individual consciousness. Because throughout the experience this present individuality no longer existed, this body no longer existed, there were no more limits, I was no longer herewhat was here was THE PERSON. An hour and a half was needed to return to the body-consciousness (not the physical consciousness but the body-consciousness), to the individual body-consciousness.

0 1962-05-15, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Did I tell you about it? It was a sort of vision that I took for a beginning of work on the subconscient. I had come to a place where Sri Aurobindo was staying and found him closeted in his room. There was a sort of large hall, an immense hall with rooms opening onto it, and his apartment was off to one side (gesture). I asked to see him. I was told it wasnt Possible and I had to wait. I was astonished. Then certain things happened in the hall concerning A. and M. (rather interesting things, but concerning them personally). And at the same time, I was waiting. When it was all over, I asked once again to go into the room. Then through the doorway I saw I saw a tall Sri Aurobindomuch taller than he actually wasstrong but rather thin, thin in a way that not the way he really wasit was rather a gauntness, very harsh, very cold; and he was somewhat darker than he used to be. I saw him there, walking up and down; and when he was told I was asking to see him, I saw him in the distance saying, No, I dont want to see her. I wont acknowledge her and I dont want anything to do with hershe has betrayed me. Something like that (I couldnt hear the actual words, but the gestures were plain enough). Well, that was the very first timenothing of the kind had ever occurred before.
   And I immediately felt that it was the expression of certain peoples thoughts. During the war there was a whole clique (I know their names and all the details) who said I had influenced Sri Aurobindo, made him deviate from his nationalist path and turn towards the Allies; they considered me to have ruined his life, his consciousness, his workeverything, you understand.1
   Striking though the parallel may be, there is still a fundamental difference between these mathematical concepts and Mothers experience. In the first case, we are dealing with conceptual instruments used by the human mind to better explain and master the world: no one has actually seen electromagnetic wavesnot to speak of gravitational ones! They are images, convenient models, invisible and nonexistent in themselves. They exist only through their effects: a beam of sunlight, which is an electromagnetic wave, strikes our retina and enables us to distinguish a flower; by means of gravitational waves, Newtons apple falls from the tree but no one has lived the reality of those waves. The way Mother grasps reality, on the contrary, is first and foremost through lived experience. She is the movement, she is the wave: I walk around the room, and that is what is walking. Here we touch upon a stupendous mystery and a formidable question: How is it Possible for a material and cellular body to be the wave that at once constitutes and carries the worlds along in its infinite undulating movement and governs the existence of atoms and galaxies? How is it Possible to be an infinite and ubiquitous electromagnetic wave while remaining within the narrow confines of a human body?
   In being THAT, it might be said, Mother thus resolves the famous question of the unified-field theory, the theory to which Einstein devoted the last years of his life in vain, that would describe the movements of both planets and atoms in a single mathematical equation. Mothers body-consciousness is one with the movement of the universe, Mother lives the unified-field theory in her body. In so doing she opens up to us not merely one more physical theory, but the very path to a new species on earth, a species that will physically and materially live on the scale of the universe. The posthuman species might not simply be one with a few organs more or less, but rather one capable of being at every point in the universe. A sort of material ubiquity. It may not be so much a new as an ubiquitous species, a species that embraces everything, from the blade of grass under our feet to the far galaxies. A multifarious, undulating existence. A resume or epitome of evolution, really, which at the end of its course again becomes each point and each species and each movement of its own evolution.

0 1962-05-22, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I was already more than eighty, and had seen nearly every country in the world and every Possible kind of personand, well, I made some more discoveries, and I am making still more.
   Theres such a wonderful passage in The Synthesis of Yoga (The Yoga of Self-Perfection), where he mentions four things (you surely remember this), four things the disciple needs (I have just translated it). I knew this, of course, but the passage is especially timely nowparticularly after that last experience, which is a jolt for a physical being. The fourth thing is wonderful. The first three we know: equality, peace and (a hard one) a spiritual ease in all circumstances. He added the word spiritual so people wouldnt think only of material easeits an ease in feelings, in sensations, in everything. But when you have a lot of pain its obviously not so easy! When physical pain keeps you from sleeping and eating, when you are plagued by constant physical painor rather by a whole host of physical pains!well, that bodily ease becomes difficult. Its the one thing thathas seemed difficult to me; but anyway, its being investigated I think it was sent for me to investigate.

0 1962-05-24, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I dont know if I am making myself clear. I thought for a time, a very long time, that if Science went to its furthest Possible limits (if this is conceivable), it would join up with true Knowledge. In the study of the composition of matter, for exampleby pressing the investigation further and further ona point would be reached where the two would meet. But when I had that experience of passing from the eternal Truth-Consciousness to the consciousness of the individualized world,1 well it appeared im Possible to me. And if you ask me now, I think that this possibility of Science pushed to its extreme limits joining up with true Knowledge, and this impossibility of any true conscious connection with the material world are both incorrect. There is something else.
   And more and more these days, I find myself facing the whole problem as if I had never seen it before.

0 1962-05-27, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Yet it may also be that up there in the mountains, all alone with the mountains, it would suddenly come. It is Possibleeverything is Possible. There is nothing that doesnt hold a possibility of truth.
   Anyway, give me at least until Tuesday to look I will tell you what I see.

0 1962-05-29, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I was brought up by an ascetic, a stoic; my mother was a woman like an iron bar, you know. When my brother and I were small she spent her time telling us over and over that we werent on earth to have fun; that its constant hell, but you have to put up with it, and the only Possible satisfaction lies in doing your duty!
   A splendid education, mon petit!

0 1962-06-02, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Immediately, as soon as I am in that state, theres an instantaneous will to spread it around as much as Possible, so that all who are close to me in some way, materially or spiritually, may benefit from it. Thats my very first movement. And its probably also how I catch the contagion of the wrong room!
   Very probably. But after all, its necessary.

0 1962-06-06, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But one thing has happened practically without my noticing it. In the past, before that experience [April 13], the body used to feel the struggle against the forces of wear and tear (different organs wearing out, losing their endurance, their power of reaction, and certain movements, for instance, becoming less easy to make). Thats what the body felt, although the body-consciousness never sensed any aging, never, none that simply didnt exist. But in actual material fact, there was some difficulty. And now, looking at it in the ordinary way, externally, superficially, you might say there has been a great deterioration; well, the body doesnt feel that way at all! What it feels is that a particular movement, effort, gesture or action belongs to the worldthis world of ignorance and isnt being performed in the true way: its not the true movement, done in the true way. And its sensation or perception is that the state I was speaking of, soft, with no angles, has to develop along a certain line and produce effects on the body that will make true action Possible, action expressing the true will. With no difference on the surface, perhaps (I dont know about that yet) but done in another way. And I am not talking about grandiose things, mind you, but of everyday activities: getting up, walking, taking a bath. I no longer have a feeling of incapacity, but a feeling of (whats the word for it?) an unwillingnessa bodily unwillingnessto do things in the old way.
   There is another way to be found.

0 1962-06-12, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   You know, for me all this is nothing but surface drama, the whole business means nothing. The only thing I did see clearly was more or less what you felt: that is, if X is to remain intimately linked with us, he had better learn not to tell tales or, to put it as favorably as Possible, not to give voice to a certain unconscious part of his being.
   Thats exactly it! I detest gossip, you know, so I never spread any, but he has told some people incredible things. I dont tell on him to you because I find it a kind of its something I dislike. Thats why I spoke to himin such a case, I always refer to something within, to the deep affection I had for him. I mean I was trying to help. I had NO OTHER kind of reaction. I saw him in a bad spot and tried to help him out, thats all.
   No, the Grace has made him an object of special attention, thrusting him into a world which, externally, was not his own. In a matter of a few years he has made a journey of several lifetimes, so it has been a little bit difficult. Truly, in a few years he has inwardly traveled many lifetimes. And he has had to face the necessity of an enormous progress, all the more difficult because he hadnt mentally accepted or foreseen it. So he doesnt understand any more, poor man! If I could only take him in my arms like a baby and say to him, My poor little dear, my dear little child and make him feel good, then all would be well. But its not Possible theres a whole spiritual construction. So I do it from a distance, wordlessly, in silence. But what gets through all that crust? I dont know! Over and over, I keep saying one thing: To divine Love, all human confusions and misunderstandings are unknown. There. Well, we will see. Wherever divine Love is present, human confusions and misunderstandings cannot exist, cannot enter.
   Thats the only solution.
   A flash, yes (you had it once at Brindaban,6 you had an experience there); a flash is Possible. But you want something permanent.
   All right

0 1962-06-27, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Previously, when I had an experience, I took great care to keep everything quiet and still so that it wouldnt be interrupted; but afterwards it was always made use of by the mind in its typical way (not exactly typical, but typical to the mind), and this appeared to be inevitable. But now it doesnt work in the same way: its limited to a few inevitable interventions; I mean people speak to me or I to them (I keep as silent as I can, but they still chatter away about every Possible subject and I am obliged to answer), and its limited to that. But as it is, even that as soon as I am a bit concentrated, even that seems so not wrong or distorted, not that, but INADEQUATE. It expresses absolutely nothing, thats all I can say.
   The TRUE thing escapes completely.

0 1962-07-04, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But it is Possible to die without knowing you are dead.
   And to retain full consciousness he was totally conscious and blissful.

0 1962-07-21, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The old way of yoga failed to bring about the harmony or unity of Spirit and life: it instead dismissed the world as Maya [Illusion] or a transient Play. The result has been loss of life-power and the degeneration of India. As was said in the Gita, These peoples would perish if I did not do worksthese peoples of India have truly gone down to ruin. A few sannyasins and bairagis [renunciants] to be saintly and perfect and liberated, a few bhaktas [lovers of God] to dance in a mad ecstasy of love and sweet emotion and Ananda [Bliss], and a whole race to become lifeless, void of intelligence, sunk in deep tamas [inertia]is this the effect of true spirituality? No, we must first attain all the partial experiences Possible on the mental level and flood the mind with spiritual delight and illumine it with spiritual light, but afterwards we must rise above. If we cannot rise above, to the supramental level, that is, it is hardly Possible to know the worlds final secret and the problem it raises remains unsolved. There, the ignorance which creates a duality of opposition between the Spirit and Matter, between truth of spirit and truth of life, disappears. There one need no longer call the world Maya. The world is the eternal Play of God, the eternal manifestation of the Self. Then it becomes Possible to fully know and fully realize Godto do what is said in the Gita, To know Me integrally. The physical body, the life, the mind and understanding, the supermind and the Ananda these are the spirits five levels. The higher man rises on this ascent the nearer he comes to the state of that highest perfection open to his spiritual evolution. Rising to the Supermind, it becomes easy to rise to the Ananda. One attains a firm foundation in the condition of the indivisible and infinite Ananda, not only in the timeless Parabrahman [Absolute] but in the body, in life, in the world. The integral being, the integral consciousness, the integral Ananda blossoms out and takes form in life. This is the central clue of my yoga, its fundamental principle.
   This is no easy change to make. After these fifteen years I am only now rising into the lowest of the three levels of the Supermind and trying to draw up into it all the lower activities. But when this siddhi will be complete, then I am absolutely certain that through me God will give to others the siddhi of the Supermind with less effort. Then my real work will begin. I am not impatient for success in the work. What is to happen will happen in Gods appointed time. I have no hasty or disorderly impulse to rush into the field of work in the strength of the little ego. Even if I did not succeed in my work I would not be shaken. This work is not mine but Gods. I will listen to no other call; when God moves me then I will move.

0 1962-07-25, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   So, when youre told become conscious of your psychic being, its for the being formed by external Nature to contact the divine Presence through the psychic being. Then the psychic takes charge of the whole being; in fact, it is the inner Guide. Well, when I was a little child, this person (which wasnt a person, but an expression of a certain consciousness and will) was actually the psychic presence; there was something else behind, but thats a rather special case. And what happened to me happens to everyone whose psychic being has deliberately incarnated: the psychic being guides your life, and if you let it act freely, it arranges ALL circumstancesits truly wonderful! I have seennot only for myself but for so many people who also had conscious psychic beings that everything is arranged with a view to not at all your personal egoistic satisfaction, but your ultimate progress and realization. And all circumstances of life, even those you call disastrous, are there to lead you where you have to go as swiftly as Possible.
   Yours is more than a psychic being. As I have told you, your psychic being is accompanied by something which has come for a special purpose, with a particular intellectual powera luminous, conscious powerwhich has come from regions higher than the mind, regions Sri Aurobindo calls the Overmind, to do a special work. It is here (gesture enveloping the chest and head) and, along with the psychic, its trying to organize everything. This, in your psychic, is what you are feeling. It must have great power. Dont you feel a kind of luminous force?
   But I was living in my inner joynothing stirring. I spoke as little as Possible and it was like something mechanical, it wasnt me. Then slowly, slowly, as though falling drop by drop, something was built up again. But it had no limits, it had no it was vast as the universe and wonderfully still and luminous. Nothing here (the head), but THERE (gesture above the head); and then everything began to be seen from there.
   And it has never left meyou know, as a proof of Sri Aurobindos power its incomparable! I dont believe there has ever been an example of such a (how can I put it?) such a total success: a miracle. It has NEVER left me. I went to Japan, I did all sorts of things, had all Possible kinds of adventures, even the most unpleasant, but it never left mestillness, stillness, stillness
   And it was he who did it, entirely. I didnt even ask him, there was no aspiration, nothing (there were my previous efforts; I knew it had to come, thats all). But on that day I hadnt mentioned it to him, I wasnt thinking about it, I wasnt doing anythingjust sitting there. And outwardly he seemed to be fully engrossed in his conversation about this and that and what was going to happen in the world.

0 1962-07-31, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But Ive tried to be as concrete as Possible! Like cutting up a rat on a dissecting table to see whats inside it.
   They would already have to be well advanced.

0 1962-08-04, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The only Possible solution is so perfect a union with the supreme Vibration that everything is automatically put under His influence; and in that case it is easier to feel wider, higher, vaster than the world (to take just the earth: the terrestrial world) than an individual.3 For it is easier to do this (embracing gesture), to take everything in, to embrace and change it from outside, than to change it from inside. At present, the two movements are simultaneous, and staying inside was4 the result of all those years of experience in drawing the Supreme Presence down into the most material world for that, you have to accept (how can I put it?) corporeal oneness.
   Formerly (I mean before last April 13), the process was different; now it has totally changed. This body is nothing but a field of experience, its no longer an individualitynot at all, at all, at all. But its a very willing field of experience. And the experience is going on in a particular realm by day and in another by nightits beginning to clarify the whole subconscient. From this angle, there is a very rapid progress.
   So theres a countless series of experiences coming one after the other, one after the other, like that; but theres no coordination between them, no unified whole. I dont even know if that is Possible5at any rate, it will be for much later on.
   So there you are.

0 1962-08-11, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (On August 4, Mother also spoke of the constant interchange of vibrations making it childish to imagine that solitude could facilitate the yoga. And she added: The only Possible solution is so perfect a union with the supreme Vibration that everything is automatically put under His influence.)
   I had the experience for several hours this morning. It started in the middle of the night and lasted through the morning until I was inundated with people. It began during the night in quite a powerful manner (in the body, all this is in the body), with a formidable sensation of power (so much so that in the middle of the experience I suddenly thought, I have to tell this to Satprem tomorrowright in the midst of the experience!). And THE Vibration seemed so utterly present (present I have the feeling its always present, but it was perceived, which gives it a kind of efficacya kind we can grasp). It was like that all morning until eight or eight-thirty; after eight oclock the experience slowly faded. It began around eleven at night and lasted till then. And so yes, its exactly what I say there: it automatically puts each thing in its place.

0 1962-08-31, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It can be, its Possible. Its Possible, I dont say it isnt; it is Possible, it can happen, but more and more, the life allotted to this body is to do things without knowing it, to change the world without seeing it, and to to ignore all that, to be absolutely unconcerned with the results. And (to be perfectly explicit) I have a feeling that to have access to the highest and purest Power, the very notion of result must disappear completely the Supreme Power has no sense of result AT ALL. The sense of result is yet another rift between the essential, supreme Power, and the consciousness. In other words, its because the consciousness begins to separate slightly [from its identity with the Supreme Power], that the sense of result is created, but otherwise it doesnt exist.
   Its as if everything had to be to be the Action, the eternal Action at each second of the Manifestation THE thing. At each pulsationwhich corresponds to time in the ManifestationTHAT alone is THE thing. And the idea of something having a result is already a distortion.

0 1962-09-05, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   In principle, after a few thousand births, one should have every Possible experience, provided one goes to the trouble of remembering. That would be the advantage of reincarnation; you cant do everything in one lifetime, but with a few thousand lives, its Possible to pass through all the states.
   One should be able to remember.

0 1962-09-08, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Although perhaps it means we are drawing closer to the knowledge of the thingby knowledge I mean the power to change it, of course. If you have power over something, its because you know it; knowing a thing means being able to create it, or change it, to make it last or cease to bein other words it is Power. Thats what knowing means. All the rest is explanations the mind gives to itself. And I can feel that something (something! Well, what Sri Aurobindo calls the Lord of Yoga: the part of the Supreme concerned with terrestrial evolution) is leading me towards the discovery of that Power that Knowledgenaturally by the only Possible means: experience. And with great care, for I can feel that.
   Its going as fast as it possibly can.

0 1962-10-12, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Just try for a moment (laughing), try and imagine youre the Divine! Everything is in you; you simply play at bringing it all out in a certain order. But for you, in your consciousness, its all there simultaneously: there is no time, neither past, future, nor presentits all there together, every Possible combination. Hes just playing at bringing out one thing and then another; but the poor devils down below see only a small part of the whole (about as much as this) and say, Heres an error! How is it an error? Simply because what they see is only a small part.
   Its clear, isnt it? Its easy to understand. The notion of error belongs to time and space.
   In fact theres no such thing as error. There are only things that seem im Possible because we dont know that the Lord is all possibility and can do whatever He wants, any way He wants. We just cant get it through our heads: This can be, but that cant, we keep saying. But its not true! Everything is Possible, and only our own stupidity says that something cant be.
   Difficult to say anything reasonable for the Bulletin.

0 1962-10-30, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But it was a true nirvana: Nothingness. Not a single sensation, not a movementno thoughts, of coursenothing, not a vibration: just like that, Nirvana. So I quite naturally concluded that there is a nirvana behind the mind, since he went there directly. And through my own experiments in the different zones of the being I became aware that, indeed, there is a nirvana behind everything (there must be a nirvana behind the physical cell toomaybe thats what death is! Who knows, its Possible). A nothingness, nothing stirs any more. And nothings there any morenothings there, theres nothing to stir (Mother laughs). Its the Nothing.
   But whats the use of it?
   Towards the end of the night, I suppose, because I woke up and I was I dont know, for a good two hours I was like someone in a state of shock. Its not Possible, I was saying, its not Possible. I really couldnt get over it.
   Yes, thats an experience! (Mother laughs.)
   Its the experience I had in 1912. The first contact, when you go within and then THATS IT that concrete reality, that intensity beyond any Possible physical intensity. And then the sense of: thats ITthe Divine. This is the Divine. This is the divine Reality; this is it, the Divine. You ARE the Divine.
   Thats the experience. Its the base, the basic experience. Once you have it, you may progress more or less rapidly; although if you truly give yourself, you progress very rapidly. Externally you are in a position where, having that experience, you could cover the whole path in a matter of years and straight-away begin the work of transformation (Mother touches her body).

0 1962-11-03, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And sometimes it becomes terribly personal, as if you were being personally attacked. I have a whole theme of such things which cant even be spoken about because theyre too personalpersonal in that they appear to involve this body. Last night (ah, by the way, I remember noticing I was physically youngit was in the subtle physical, of course, and I was quite young) but what a life I led, with so many oh, revolutions, battles; I was involved in everything, there was tremendous activity. But I was being personally harassed by four or five of the most vile and disgusting old swine, and I had to confront them, hold them in place, keep them under control and make them obey. Ohh, was I glad to wake up! (It was time to get up; these things always stop automatically because I make it a point to get out of there at four-thirty) But the images, the sensations that went along with it. Oh, how is it Possible! And I was fully conscious of the usefulness of this work: I was keeping them under control.1 But the things it involves ugh! Because for me, all knowledge is through identityeven in the subconscient its a knowledge through identityso you can imagine what that means.
   Yes oh, there are some horrible beings there!

0 1962-11-14, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   No later than yesterday night, I had this feeling: My god, theres always farther down to go! Its always lower, ever lower. And at the same time, my identity with the Supreme keeps growing while I simultaneously seem to be going down into the most incredible dark dregs of yes, of mud, ever Possible in life. Look, you speak of Sri Aurobindos experiencewell, I never knew hed had the vision of all sorts of torture,1 but I have just had it myself in detail, bit by bit and what things! Incredible, incredible. And I was wondering, But why! Why am I seeing all this? Am I losing my contact? On the contrary, it felt closer and closer, stronger and stronger, more and more conscious, luminous, and at the same time this (gesture below).
   You have formulated it very, very well. Do you unwittingly feel my experience and write it, or do I. I dont know, its all bound up together. But its most interesting.

0 1962-11-17, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And then there have been certain political problems2all this making for a bit of work, which turned out rather well. But its always mixed, never the full thing; theres always a result, but not THE result. I dont think the result is Possible with the present conditions on earth: it would be a miracle, upsetting too many things. The consequences would be worse than.
   Well, then.
   The first of these dreams was a revolutionary movement which would create a free and united India. India today is free but she has not achieved unity. () The old communal division into Hindus and Muslims seems now to have hardened into a permanent political division of the country. It is to be hoped that this settled fact will not be accepted as settled for ever or as anything more than a temporary expedient. For if it lasts, India may be seriously weakened, even crippled: civil strife may remain always Possible, Possible even a new invasion and foreign conquest. Indias internal development and prosperity may be impeded, her position among the nations weakened, her destiny impaired or even frustrated. This must not be; the partition must go.8 ()
   Sri Aurobindo

0 1962-11-20, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But what I find perhaps even more incredible than the leaders incompetenceNehru, Menon, and so forthis that for twenty years there hasnt been a single Indian to see things clearly and speak outtheres been no one in India, no one. For twenty years there have been two idols, Nehru and Gandhi, and then some 400 million stupefied people,1 with no one to see things clearly. How is it Possible? No one!
   But Nehru had a very good foreign press. They considered him almost a god in Europe and America. And Gandhi! Oh, they were. The whole world is like that, mon petitthey dont understand. They dont understand. Nobody understands.
   Maybe well see from another world. (Laughing) Its Possible.
   They have bombs in America and Russia (China hasnt boasted about it, but they may have some too) that can destroy a whole cityone is more than enough, you dont need two. The Russians in particular: a single bomb and a whole city, even the size of London: vroom! Nothing left. (Thats the theory, but still, theres always something true in it.) We saw what happened to Hiroshima, it was pretty bad. Well, if that was ten, then what they have now is a thousand thats the proportion.

0 1962-11-23, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The body was starting to manifest the Force and, honestly, I was envisaging taking on more activities again. But this last thing has come like a sudden blow to tell me it isnt Possible and I have to be careful. So thats that.
   Mother is alluding to the passage in Savitri where Sri Aurobindo speaks of "the dark half of Truth."

0 1962-11-30, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its quite Possible.
   It may be like that in their outer consciousness.

0 1962-12-15, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   This B. seems to have had the idea that the perfect man, the immortal man, would be spherical! And then Thon always used to say (he told me the whole story himself): I told him it wasnt Possible, it would be too impracticalpeople couldnt kiss! His idea of a joke. Thon also told me that when B. came to Tlemcen (they first met in Egypt, then again in Tlemcen), he saw the house Thon was building and asked, Why is your house painted red? Does it have some mystical significance? And Thon replied, No, its because red goes well with green! So you get the picture. But I dont remember his name any more; in his time he was very well known, he was a contemporary of the fellow who wrote The Great Initiates.

0 1962-12-19, #Agenda Vol 03, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Because the series continues; I mean everything everywhere seems to want to disintegrate: everything everywhere. But the Power is beginning to have an effect (thats putting it poorly, its not exactly that). Its as though I were presented with every Possible opportunity to use the Power and theyre not coming one after the other but all at once, almost like a lessonin fact, to teach me how to do what needs to be done.
   I have to admit that it always ends well, in that the Power always gets the upper hand, but its so (whats the word?) so repetitious, many-sided and coexistent that, you know, it feels a bit like charging along at a gallop for hours on end.

0 1963-01-30, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I have finished my translation [of the Synthesis]. When you have finished your book and we have prepared the next Bulletin and we have a nice quiet moment, well go over it again. And then Ive begun Savitriah! As you know, I prepare some illustrations with H., and for her illustrations she has chosen some passages from Savitri (the choice isnt hers, its A.s and P.s and made intelligently), so she gives me these passages one by one, neatly typed (which is easier for my eyes). Its from the Book I, Canto IV. And then, as I expected, the experience is rather interesting. I had noticed, while reading Savitri, that there was a sort of absolute understanding, that is to say, it cant mean this or that or thisit means THAT. It comes with an imperative. And thats what led me to think, When I translate it, it will come in the same way. And it did. I take the text line by line and make a resolve (not personal) to translate it line by line, without the slightest regard for the literary point of view, but rendering what he meant in the clearest Possible way.
   The way it comes is both exclusive and positiveits really interesting. Theres none of the minds ceaseless wavering, Is this better? Is that better? Should it be like this? Should it be like that? Noit is LIKE THIS (Mother brings down her hand in a gesture of imperative descent). And then in certain cases (without anything to do with the literary angle or even the sound of the wordnei ther sound nor anything, but meaning), Sri Aurobindo himself suggests a word. Its as if he were telling me, Isnt this better French, tell me?(!)
   So I will go on. If there are corrections, they can only come through the same process, because at this point to correct anyhow would spoil it all. There is also the mixing (for the logical mind) of future and present tenses but that too is deliberate. It all seems to come in another way. And well, I cant say, I havent read any French for ages, I have no knowledge of modern literatureto me everything is in the rhythm of the sound. I dont know what rhythm they use now, nor have I read what Sri Aurobindo wrote in The Future Poetry. They tell me that Savitris verse follows a certain rule he explained on the number of stresses in each line (and for this you should pronounce in the pure English way, which somewhat puts me off), and perhaps some rule of this kind will emerge in French? We cant say. I dont know. Unless languages grow more fluid as the body and mind grow more plastic? Possible. Language too, maybe: instead of creating a new language, there may be transitional languages, as, for instance (not a particularly fortunate departure, but still), the way American is emerging from English. Maybe a new language will emerge in a similar way?
   In my case it was from the age of twenty to thirty that I was concerned with French (before twenty I was more involved in vision: painting; and sound: music), but as regards language, literature, language sounds (written or spoken), it was approximately from twenty to thirty. The Prayers and Meditations were written spontaneously with that rhythm. If I stayed in an ordinary consciousness I would get the knack of that rhythm but now it doesnt work that way, it wont do!

0 1963-02-19, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Yes, exactly. More than half of my correspondence doesnt arrive. But do you know why? Its not at all that they find it suspicious or anything, its that they are snowed under with work, tired, on edge: so instead of opening a letter carefully and making it Possible to close it again, they tear it open in such a way that they cant decently pass it on! Its nothing but that. Its the same with parcels, you cant imagine! The way they open parcels a child would do it better! Its disgusting. They break things, spoil everything, spill bottles. Then, of course, what can they do about it? Sometimes they cant even forward the parcel, its too damaged.
   Now, I must say that whenever people complain I tell them, Well, imagine for a minute you had to do this idiotic work (it is an idiotic work) and that day after day, hour after hour, all day long, with too few people (or half of them twiddling their thumbs), you were forced to do this workafter a while you would end up botching it the same way.
   But its amusing because I had never paid much attention to that [the questions of language], the experience is novel, almost the discovery of the truth behind expression. Before, my concern was to be as clear, exact and precise as Possible; to say exactly what I meant and put each word in its proper place. But thats not it! Each word has its own life! Some are drawn together by affinity, others repel each other its very funny!
   Pralaya: end of a world, apocalypse.

0 1963-03-06, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Everywhere, in all fields, always and forever, all is Possible. And all that is Possible WILL BE at a given momenta moment that may be short or long, but all will be.
   Just as they found many sorts of transient possibilities that existed between animals and man, so too there will be many different possibilities: each one will try in his own way. And all that together will help prepare for the future realization.
   We always forget that not only is everything Possibleeverything, even the most contradictory things but every possibility is given at least one moment of existence.
   But then again, as the saying goes, the ENTIRE whole is found in principle at the very core of each part; so even this miracle isnt Possible.
   We might say that the sense of miracle can only belong to a finite world, a finite consciousness, a finite conception. It is the abrupt, unexpected entryor appearance or intervention or penetrationof something that did not exist in this physical world. So it follows that any manifestation of a will or consciousness belonging to a realm more infinite and eternal than the earth is necessarily a miracle on the earth. But if you go beyond the finite world or the understanding proper to the finite world, then miracle does not exist. The Lord can play at miracles if He enjoys it, but theres no such thing as a miracleHe plays all Possible games.
   You can begin to understand Him only when you FEEL it that way, that He plays all Possible gamesand Possible not according to human conception but according to His own conception!
   Then there is no room for the miracle, except for a pretend miracle.
   This is the best Possible use of the need for miracles. The need for miracles is a gesture of ignorance: Oh, I wish it were that way! Its a gesture of ignorance and impotence. On the other hand, those who tell you, You live in a world of miracles, know only the lower end of things (and quite imperfectly at that), and they are impervious to anything else.
   We should turn this need for miracles into a conscious aspiration to something something that already is, that exists, and that will be manifested WITH THE HELP of all those aspirations: all those aspirations are necessary, or rather, looking at it in a truer way, they are an accompanimenta pleasant accompanimentto the eternal unfolding.

0 1963-03-23, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There are enough physical miseries to experience what people call physical painquite enough (!) Yet, materially, everything is organized to give every Possible joy! For example (ever since the age of five it has been like that), whenever the body felt, Oh, if I had this. Oh, it would be nice to have that, the thing would come in no time. Fantastic! It has always been that way, only it has become more conscious. Before, it would happen without my noticing it, quite naturally. Now, of course, the body has changed, its no longer a baby, it no longer has a childs fancies. But when that kind of Rhythm comes, when something says, Oh, this is fine! mon petit, it comes in TORRENTS from all sides without my saying a word. Just like that. There was a time when the body enjoyed it, it was delighted by it, made very happy by it (even two years ago, a little more perhaps), very happy, it found that amusingit was lovely, you see. But now: To You Lord. Only this, a sort of quiet, constant joy: To You Lord, to You Lord, to You Lord. And on both accounts: for physical pain as well. In that regard, the body is making progress. Although to tell the truth, its life is made so easy! So easy that it would have to be quite hard to please not be satisfied the Lord is full of infinite grace.
   No, in spite of everything, the body doesnt have that sort of eternal stability, the sense of its immortality (immortality isnt the right word), of its permanence. Not that it has a sense of impermanence, far from it, the cells feel eternal that much is there. But a certain something that would be sheltered from all attacks. It still feels the attacks. It feels an instability, it doesnt have a sense of absolute security, it hasnt yet reached a state of absolute security thats it: the sense of security. There are still vibrations of insecurity. Yet that seems so mean, so silly! It still lives in insecurity. Security, the sense of security only comes through union with the Supremenothing in life as it is, nothing in the world as it is, can offer the sense of security, its im Possible. But to feel the Supremes presence so constantly, to be able to pass everything on to Him, To You, to You, to You, and yet not to have a sense of security! A shock or a blow comes (not necessarily personally, but in life), and theres still a particular vibration: the vibration of insecurityit still exists. The body finds that disquieting, painful: Why? Not that it complains, but it complains about itself, it finds itself not up to the mark.

0 1963-03-27, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It turns out that he had already sent me his questions, at the same time last year, and that I had already sent them back. But they put it all down to my so-called illness, so he sends the same questions again, now that I am in a fit state to answer! So again I return them with the same answer: not Possible. We were joking the other day: Nolini was reading me the questions, and to every question I answered (tone of a pupil at fault), Dont know, dont know!
   (Mother laughs)

0 1963-04-16, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   He may influence you, because you were under his influence in the beginning. He does have the power to influence youto enclose you in his own atmosphere. But he cannot keep you imprisoned! Thats not Possible, you are beyond his grasp! So, if (how can I put it?) if you can learn to receive his force without being enclosed in his thought, thats very good. Or rather to receive his force without being impressed or influenced by his thought the thought is very narrow, but the force is very strong.
   He does put you in contact with a peace, its a facta boxed-in peace, but a peace all the same, a real peace, a concrete, concrete stillness. So the thing to be done (because that peace is perceptible Ive had the experience of it so many times) is to remain very objective within that peace; then you can benefit from the peace without accepting its limits. You should, for instance, be able to keep that peace in the cells (the brain cells if you feel tired) without allowing yourself to be enclosed like that. There is no need to struggle, just remain turned upward. Its very hard to explain. But maybe you will experience it, then youll understand what I mean.

0 1963-04-22, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I arrived here yesterday. So far I have spent most of my time struggling against a horrible impression in my heart, my thought and my body, so strong that if I could, I would catch the first train home today. I have never had such an impression here. I almost wired you to call for your help. I shall try to hold out here as long as is decently Possible, then will leave as soon as I can.
   On the material level, the conditions are as wretched as Possiblein a word, complete barrenness in complete squalor. My body isnt too brilliant, but I hope it will get better. On the mental and affective level = NIL. That leaves the one Thing without which all would collapse.
   I need you terribly.
   Of course, you should come back as soon as you find it Possible.
   Wire me as soon as you have made a decision. I am doing my best to make you feel that I am with you.

0 1963-05-03, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But during the morning meditation, I was at a loss. Is it the symbol of a clinging to the past? Possible. But then there are plenty of people like that in the world, who cling to the past, plenty.
   In other words, the change that arises from a refusal to accept the world as it is has no force, no power: what is needed is an acceptance not only total but comprehensive, joyousto find supreme joy in things in order to have (its not a question of right or power) in order to make it Possible for things to change.
   Putting it differently, you must become the Supreme in order to help in His action, in the changing of the world; you must have the supreme Vibration in order to participate in that Movement, which I am now beginning to feel in the bodys cellsa Movement which is a sort of eternal Vibration, without beginning or end. It has no beginning (the earth has a beginning, so that makes it easy; with the earths beginning, we have the beginning of the earths history, but thats not the case here), it has no beginning, it is something existing from all eternity, for all eternity, and without any division of time: its only when it is projected onto a screen that it begins to assume the division of time. But you cant say a second, or an instant. Its hard to explain. No sooner do you begin to feel it than its gone: something boundless, without beginning or end, a Movement so totaltotal and constant, constant that it is perceived as total immobility.

0 1963-05-15, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It brings us back to the same thing: it is that excess of complexity which makes Possible a simplicity that isnt emptya rich simplicity. An all-embracing simplicity, whereas without those complexities, simplicity is empty.
   This has been my experience these last few days.

0 1963-05-18, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   You suffer from, say, a physical trouble, purely physical (morally speaking, it goes without saying, the thing is quite clear; I mean something purely material). Something is disorganized in the working or the structure of the organs. The result is pain. At first you endure, then out of endurance comes perfect equality, and out of perfect equality comes ecstasyits perfectly Possible; its not only Possible, it has been proved. But the experiment should be carried through TO THE END to know whether ecstasy has the power to restore the bodys order, or whether it ends in dissolution: you are in ecstasy and die in ecstasy. That is, you leave your body while in ecstasy. Is that so? Its not only Possible, its perfectly obvious. But thats not what we want! We want to restore order, to eliminate disorder IN MATTERdoes ecstasy have the power to restore order in the physical working and triumph over the forces of dissolution?
   The only way to find out is to make the experiment!

0 1963-06-08, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The mind was absolutely silent, absolutely: all the connections with all that people keep sending from everywhere were cutall of it was completely gone. There were only the universal forces in action, with something that came from above and impregnated them all, sent them all out. And with it, a pointit was like a point in that immensitya sparkling point, absolutely ecstatic, in such a peace! An extraordinary ecstasy, which was deliberately saying, Dont worry; you can see whats going on, cant you, so dont worry, dont worry, because certainly the thing had gone beyond all Possible individual proportions.
   Its the first time. Ive had currents of force, Ive had actions on the earth, Ive had forces coming to me, all sorts of things; but this was different: it was all of that together. It was everywhere at the same time, everything at the same time, with that Inrush, and it was There was certainly something that wanted me to be very quiet and not to worry. It was necessary that I should keep very quiet.

0 1963-06-12, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It was a rather acute sensation that when the world, the earth, goes from one state to another, there is a sort of transition; it is always like a ridge between two mountains (gesture of a precarious balance), and there is a very perilous moment when the slightest thing can cause a catastrophewhich means a lot of things would have to be built anew. The same phenomenon exists too on a very small scale, for individuals, in the sense that when they go from one state of consciousnessa collection of states which constitutes their individualityto a higher state, or when they introduce into their state an element that will yield a higher synthesis, there is always a dangerous period when a catastrophe is Possible. And the sensation I had last night was that the earth is now going through one such period of transition, and there isthere was or there isa possibility of catastrophe.

0 1963-07-03, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The only danger with these people is a spirit of Inquisition, but is that Possible nowadays? I dont think so.
   No, but under the cover of a synthesis or a broadening of the doctrine, they may very well be trying to expand further the power of Catholicism over the world.

0 1963-07-13, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I must now bring myself to write to you. With regret and sadness, I confess, since it is to inform you that we do not think it Possible to publish your book Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness. I confess that what prevented me from writing to you earlier is not so much the fear of causing you pain, for you are able to rise above the shock such news cannot but cause, as the fact that I knew it would be im Possible to explain our reasons to you. Frankly, we cannot really understand this book. And how to explain the reasons for not understanding something? As for me, I often had the feeling of passing from one plane to another, from the level of fact to that of conjecture, from the level of logic (with defined terms as a starting point) to that of presupposition (within a coherence unconnected with the knowledge you offer). I know that all this is disputable. I also know or guess that behind those pages lies an entire lived experience, but one doesnt feel the reader can participate in it. For what reason? Once again, I cannot say. The readers blindness, quite possibly. The minds limitation, too. But a book must build a bridge, pierce the screen, and there are doubtless cases in which doing so no longer depends on the author. I must therefore return this manuscript to you.
   (signed: P.A.L.)

0 1963-07-17, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   A few days afterwards, as Satprem was referring to these "constructions," Mother interrupted him with this observation: "Last night, it wasn't that way! I spent more than an hour in all the Possible theosophical groups, and they had magnificent buildings! They were rather old (!), but magnificent anyway, with gardens, halls, auditoriumsmagnificent places. But there was no sign of any new construction. It was solid with hundreds and hundreds of very busy people. I was there for more than two hours. Which means there are places where no construction is going onpeople live in what has already been built."
   Mother is referring to her own answer in the form of help or action.

0 1963-07-20, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It happens especially during daytime (between 12:30 and 1 oclocknot for long, a few minutes, I cant say; and between 5:30 and 6). At night its not the same, because (I think Ive told you already) as soon as I stretch out, the whole body is like a prayer. Its more than an aspiration, its an intense need: Lord, take hold of me ENTIRELY! So there may be nothing but You, and that always brings about a result [the trance]which may last more or less long, until (how can I put it?) the moment agreed upon comes! Then when I wake up, or rather when the body emerges from that state, it knows its agreed upon, it doesnt have that anxiety. I dont know how to explain. In terms of consciousness its almost like a child: very simple, very simple. No complications, no complications whatever, very simple: to do what is to be done in the proper way while expressing the supreme Will. That is, to bring as little mixture as Possible to the supreme Will (its not a question of Will: the Movement, the Vibration), as little mixture or distortion or deterioration as Possible to the Vibrationwe always translate into words that are too intellectual.
   But the body is docile, full of goodwill. Only I find its a little bit of a whiner (that must be particular to this one, I am sure other bodies are different), it isnt spontaneously joyful. Not that it complains, not at all, but Perhaps its due to that sort of concentration of Force of progressits not a blissful satisfaction, far from it. Its a long time since it stopped enjoying ordinary satisfactions, like the sense of taste, of smell: it doesnt enjoy any of thatit is conscious, very conscious, it can discern things very clearly, but in an entirely objective way, without deriving any pleasure from them.

0 1963-07-27, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But constantly (I make the problem more precise for the sake of clarity), there are constantly in the atmosphere, as I have always said, all the suggestions, all that atmosphere of the physical mind which is full of every Possible stupidity. You have to be permanently on your guard and sweep it all away: Go away, dont interfere. The doctors opinions, the example of other people, that whole really, that whole terrible muddle of Ignorance all around, which you have to drive back: Dont meddle, mind your own business.

0 1963-07-31, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And now the body KNOWS (in the beginning it didnt, it thought it was attacks from the outside, adverse forces; and it can always be explained like that, it was true in a certain way, but it wasnt the true truth, the deepest truth), now the body KNOWS where it all comes from, and its so marvelous! A marvel of wisdom. It puts everything in its place, it makes you REALIZE that all that play of the adverse forces is a way of seeing things (a necessary way at a given time, maybeby necessary, I mean practical), but its still an illusion; illnesses are a necessary way of seeing things to enable you to resist properly, to fight properly, but its still an illusion. And now, the BODY itself knows all thisas long as it was only the mind that knew it, it was a remote notion in the realm of ideas, but now the body itself knows it. And it is full not only of goodwill but also of an infinite gratitudeit always wonders (thats its first movement), Do I have the capacity? And it always gets the same answer, It isnt YOUR capacity. Will I have the strength?It isnt YOUR strength. Even that sense of infirmity disappears in the joy of infinite gratitude the thing is done with such goodness, such insight, such thoughtfulness, such care to maintain, as far as Possible, a progressive balance.
   It came with a certitude, an OBVIOUSNESS: this is the process of transformation.
   It is clearly (according to external logic) a new way of dying that must be Possibleno longer death as we regard it. But that for the moment, all we could say would be speculative, not a concrete experience.
   Well see.
   A few days later, Mother added: "There is also something I left unsaid: an urgent need to cease all material activity in order to enable the body to receive fullyas fully as Possible the divine Force that will replace what has been removed. There is something absolute about that need: to stay totally still, quiet, letting the Force descendpermeate the body, rather. All physical activity must be suspended in some way, and if the material organization, or the habit, tends to make it continue, a kind of material impossibility, an excessive fatigue or discomfort, comes to oblige the body to keep still. Because simply to remove or change what shouldn't be there won't do; it must also be replaced by what SHOULD be there. Otherwise, there would be a dwindling or gradual reduction of substance resulting in dissolution. What has been sublimated or removed has to be replaced by something which is the true Vibration, the one that comes straight from the Supreme."
   Mother did not eat anything this morning.

0 1963-08-03, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Physical Matter, physical substance the very elementary consciousness thats in physical substancehas been so ill-treated (since mans presence on earth, I suppose, because before man, there probably wasnt enough self-consciousness to be aware of being ill-treated; the substance wasnt conscious enough, I suppose, to make a distinction between a normal peaceful state and unfavorable conditions; but anyway, that goes back quite long time), so ill-treated that it finds it very hard to believe things can be different. That consciousness has an aspirationan aspiration especially for a LUMINOUS peace, something that isnt the dark peace of Unconsciousness, which it doesnt like (I dont know if it ever liked it, but it no longer does). It aspires to a luminous peace; not to a consciousness full of various things, not that: simply to a peaceful consciousness, very peaceful, very quiet, very luminous thats what it wants. Yet at the same time, it has some difficulty believing that its Possible. I am experiencing it: the concrete and absolutely tangible intervention of the supreme Power, supreme Light and supreme Goodnessit [the consciousness in physical substance] has the experience of that, and every time it has a new sense of wonder, but in that sense of wonder I can see something like: Is it really Possible?
   It gives me the impression, you know, of a dog that has been beaten so much that it expects nothing but blows.

0 1963-08-07, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   No, you should be able to stick your nose into it without getting worked up! And its quite Possible. Its something the body has achieved, here, this body: it can intervene without getting worked up. But thats not the question! The question is something BEHIND that. Thats not it. The question is: if we leave disorder alone (if, to be precise, we let it reach its maximum), will the progress (what we call progress, that is, the change) not be greater?
   Will the garden not be eaten up by the insects? Thats the question.
   Its Possible! (Mother laughs)
   Its hard to find

0 1963-08-10, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But its still going on. Now, theres a great battle against all the ideas, the habits, the sensations, the possibilities, everything, concerning deathdeath (laughing), not death in the sense of the consciousness departing (that, of course, people talk about, but those things no longer exist), no: WHAT THE CELLS MUST FEEL.2 And all the possibilities are presented to me With that consciousness (the consciousness accumulated, compressed in all those cells), when the heart stops beating and its understood that, according to human ignorance, you are dead, how does the force that groups all those cells together abdicate its will to hold them all together? Naturally, I was told right away (because the problemall the problemscome from everywhere, and its purposely that I am shown the problem and made to struggle with it; its not just as an idea), I was told right away that that force, that consciousness which holds everything together in really superconscious cells (they dont have at all the ordinary type of consciousness; ordinarily, its the inner, vital being [Mother touches the heart center] thats conscious of oneness, that is, conscious of being a being), that this aggregate of cells is now an aggregate OF ITS OWN WILL, with an organized consciousness which is a sort of collective gathering of that cellular consciousness; well Obviously this is an exceptional condition, but even in the past, in those beings who were very developed outwardly, there was a beginning of willed, conscious cellular gathering, and thats certainly why in ancient Egypt, where occultism was very developed. exceptional beings such as the pharaohs, the high priests, etc., were mummified, so as to preserve the form as long as Possible. Even here in India, generally they were petrified (in the Himalayas there were petrifactive springs). There was a reason.3
   And I saw for Sri Aurobindo (although he hadnt yet started this systematic transformation; but still, he was constantly pulling the supramental force down into his body), even in his case, it took five days to show the first slight sign of decomposition. I would have kept his body longer, but the government always meddles in other peoples business, naturally, and they pestered me awfully, saying it was forbidden to keep a body so long and that we should So when the body began to (whats the word?) shrinkit was shrinking and contracting, that is, dehydrating then we had to do it. He had had enough time to come out, since almost everything came into my bodyalmost everything that was material came into my body.
   Which means, to tell the truth, that everything is Possible.
   But what I was shown clearly and what I saw was (I have difficulty talking because it all came to me in English: Sri Aurobindo was there and it was in English), it was the stupidity and carelessness, really, the ignorance the stupid ignorance and I-couldnt-care-less attitude the living have towards the dead. Thats something frightful. Frightful. Frightful. Ive heard stories from everywhere, all sorts of appalling things. For instance, one of the stories (it took place while Sri Aurobindo was here): there was a disciple whose son died (or at least they thought him dead), and as they werent Hindus, they didnt burn him: they buried him. Then at night, his son came to him and told him you see, he saw his son at the window, knocking at the window and telling him, But why did you bury me alive? (I dont know in what language, but anyway) And that idiot of a father thought, Im dreaming!! Then the next day, long afterwards, he had second thoughts and asked himself, What if we took a look? And they found him turned over in his coffin.

0 1963-08-28, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Either I should give lessons, or else But I must say that nowadays I dont enjoy it. I find it so childish to say, Things happen in this way I know perfectly well they dont happen in this way! They happen in this way and they happen in another way, and everything is Possible. You cant keep telling people, Everything is Possible, you know. To keep repeating, Everything is Possible, you know, is absurd.
   So either I should keep quiet, or else

0 1963-09-04, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I dont know, I cant say, because for all these experiences I try to drive all thoughts as far away as Possible, because they dont help to get the correct perception. So that I cant say whether or not there was a reason for that memoryto tell the truth, the mind always finds reasons for everything, so You know, I am not occupied with those things, I dont try to know, and therefore they dont comethey come of their own accord. There was obviously a necessity: all that comes is necessary, I know that, otherwise it wouldnt come. But that memory didnt bring with it any sense or perception of a danger to your physical life, not in the least. I dont have that perception, while I did have it two years ago. Now I dont have it.
   But I remember that for a few days I was occupied with that memory, as part of a vast work on certain physical vibrations, in all the physical domains with which I deal. And it came (strangely, its always LOCATED, located somewhere), and the perception I have is very acute, absolutely like the perception of something that happened to me personally (but all that comes to me now comes in this way). Only, there was the knowledge that it was your own body that had gone through that experience. And then yes, I remember, there was a certain quality of vibration (Mother looks silently), and it was connected with a study on the experience the cells gain in the process of death. I remember, I was studying the cellular experiences (which the cells have more often than not semiconsciously and often unconsciously), those semiconscious experiences that stay in the subconscient and help to make some cells more and more receptive and prepared for the new Force. And as I was studying that, your experience of the camps came, and I saw in fact that a certain number of your cells, a rather considerable number (cells that are partly in the brain, partly in the throat center and partly here [gesture to the upper part of the chest]) have had the preliminary experience of death.

0 1963-09-18, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But in that state, it seems that what you see MUST beand inevitably (I should say necessarily), it is. And probably instantly so. But you have to see the whole at once for your vision to be all-powerful. If you see only one point (as, for example, when you feel that the action on earth is limited to a certain field that depends on you), as long as you see that way, you cant be all-powerful, its not Possiblenot Possible. Its inevitably conditioned.
   (long silence)

0 1963-09-28, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I dont see how it would be Possible for one point of the Supreme not to be the whole Supreme. If there is a difficulty here, its a difficulty for the WHOLE, isnt it?
   Not necessarily.
   Everything is Possible to me, you know, absolutely everything, even the seemingly most contradictory thingsreally, I am totally unable to raise a mental or logical or reasonable objection either to this or to that. But the question (Mother leaves her sentence unfinished). That is to say, the Lords Will is very clear to Him, and (laughing) the whole thing is to unite with that Will and know it.
   It had always seemed to me that way [the earth as a symbolic point of concentration], but I am so convinced that Sri Aurobindo saw things more truly and totally than anyone did that, naturally, when he says something, you tend to consider the problem!

0 1963-10-05, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   One person was so anxious (I know who it is, I know him very well), so anxious to prepare the bath, but he didnt have the strength, he couldnt do it: Oh, how I would like to prepare the bath! So I looked at him, I didnt want to say no; but I thought, Its not Possible, he cant, he doesnt have the strength.

0 1963-10-16, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Every time a new truth has attempted to manifest upon earth, it has been immediately attacked, corrupted and diverted by pseudo-spiritual forceswhich did represent a certain spirituality at a given time, but precisely the one that the new truth wants to go beyond. To give but one example of those sad spiritual diversions which clutter History, Buddhism was largely corrupted in a sizable part of Asia by a whole Tantric and magic Buddhism. The falsity lies not in the old spirituality which the new truth seeks to go beyond, but in the eternal fact that the Past clings to its powers, its means and its rule. As Mother said in her simple language, Whats wrong is to remain stuck there. And Sri Aurobindo with his ever-present humor: The traditions of the past are very great in their own place, in the past. We could expect the phenomenon to recur today. In India, Tantrism represents a powerful discipline from the Past and it was inevitable that Mother should experience the better and the worse of that system in her attempt to transform all the means and elements of the old earththis Agenda has made abundant mention of a certain X, symbol of Tantrism. Now, as it happens, we are witnessing the same phenomenon of diversion, and today this same Tantrism is seeking to divert the new truth by convincing as many adepts as Possible not to say Mothers Mantra, which is too advanced for ordinary mortals, and to say Tantric mantras in its stead. This is purely and simply an attempt to take Mothers place. One has to be quite ignorant of the mechanism of forces not to understand that saying a mantra of the old gods puts you under the influence and into the orbit of precisely that which resists the new truth. Mother had foreseen the phenomenon and forewarned me in the following conversation. Unfortunately, until recently, I always wanted to believe that Tantrism would be converted. Nothing of the sort. It is attempting to take Mothers place and lead astray those who are not sincere enough to want ONE SINGLE THING: the new world.

0 1963-10-19, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Because obviously Oh, to tell the truth, I dont know. I say obviously, but its absolutely all the same to me if everything is demolished and starts againits another way of playing, thats all. But maybe without demolishing To demolish and start all over again (laughing) has already been done a few times! Maybe thats enoughif, without demolishing, men could progress But is it Possible?
   We must come VERY CLOSE to the goal for that to be Possible.
   The big difficulty is that tamasic stupidity. Yesterday, in this connection, I had the experience of a young couple who came to see me. (It has become a custom nowadays that young people who are going to marry and whose families I know, or who live here, come to receive my blessings before marrying! Thats the new fashion.) So they came. The girl was educated here and the boy stayed here for quite a long time, working here; anyway, they want to marry. The boy went searching for a job; he had trust [in Mother] and found one. He is I cant say conscious because it isnt like consciousness, I would call it rather superstition (!) but its a superstition on the right target! The movement is ignorant, but well directed, so it works; not that he has an enlightened faith, but he has faith. All right. Things are fine and he does very well. So they came yesterday to receive my blessings. Then they went. And they left behind in the room a vital formation, very bubbly, absolutely ignorant, very bubbly with a joie de vivre, a joie de vivre so blissfully ignorant of all Possible difficulties, all Possible miseries, and not only for oneself but for everyone! You know, that joie de vivre that says, Oh, it doesnt matter to me if we are born and dielife is short, well, let it be good, thats enough. No mental curiosity, no urge to know the why of the worldall that is nonsense, we neednt bother about it! Lets be happy, have some fun, and do as well as we can. Thats all. That formation was so strong, you know, in the room that I saw it and had to find a place for it. It put me in contact with a whole domain of the earth, of mankind, and I had to put it in its proper place, put it in order and organize it. It took me a little time (long enough, maybe three quarters of an hour or an hour), I had to order and organize everything. Then I saw how widespread it is on earth. (Note that these young people belong to the top of society, they are regarded as very intelligent, they are very well educated, in a word, its about the best you can find in mankind! Not the dregs, far from it.) And I wondered if it isnt even more widespread in Western countries than here I think it is. At that moment I came into contact with everywhere, and, well, the everywhere was really quite extensive.
   Afterwards, I asked myself, But what the devil can be done with all this? Disturb these people? They are quite incapable of getting out of their condition in this life and will probably need many, many, many lives to awaken to the NEED TO KNOWas long as they can move about, you know (laughing), as long as they can move about and things arent too painful, theyre quite contented! And then, in addition, there is, all the way down, that whole inert mass, you know, of men who are very close to the animalwhat can be done with that? If that too has to be ready, it seems to me im Possible. Because that young couple, according to human opinion, are very fine people!
   Certain times, I dont budge; at times it comes when I am alone, so naturally I dont say a word and dont budge, but after a while, there comes a kind of (what can I call it?) I wonder, Whats going to happen? Its not an anxiety but something that observes and asks, But is it really Possible to let this let this manifest? And it always comes in connection with a circumstance, an action, a movement (sometimesvery rarelyan idea in someone, but thats rare), and it comes almost as a NECESSITY: This must be struck down (gesture of bringing down a sword of light). And what a mighty striking-force! Out of all proportion with earthly things. Then away it goes I dont pull it down nor do I send it back: I witness the thing, and the body is used, nothing else. And then its gone.
   There is a constant aspiration in the body for everything that can perfect itperfect the instrument, I mean and there is very, very little asking for Power. When Sri Aurobindo was here, there was a clear awareness of the necessity of Power, and several times I said, It is the supramental Power that will manifest first. Because, without Power, it will be im Possible: the mass of opposition in the world is sufficient to swallow up everything, just as the Light was swallowed up in 60the supramental Light and Consciousness were swallowed up; it will be the same thing. But afterwards, when I had to do the whole task, I no longer insisted on this point [Power], there wasnt the sense of this necessity any more but rather the feeling of a WHOLE that has to progress together and manifest together. A kind of perfection of the Whole.

0 1963-11-04, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its im Possible to satisfy desire perfectlyits something. im Possible. And to renounce desire too: you renounce one desire and get another one. Therefore, both ways are relatively im Possiblewhats Possible is to enter a condition in which there is no desire.
   (long silence)
   Anyway I tried to take out the personal element as much as Possible.
   Its clear.

0 1963-11-20, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But you cant imagine, its wonderful! Immediately there comesclear, simple, effortlessly, without seeking for itexactly what has to be done or said or written: the whole tension stops, its over. And then, if you need paper, the paper is there; if you need a fountain pen, you find just the one you need; if you need (theres no seeking: above all dont seek, dont try to seek, youll just make another mess)its there. And thats a fact of EVERY MINUTE. You have the field of experience every second. For instance, youre dealing with a servant who doesnt do things properly or as you think they should be done, or youre dealing with a stomach that doesnt work the way youd like it to and it hurts: its the same method, there is no other. You know, at times situations get so tense that you feel as if youre about to faint, the body cant stand it any more, its so tense; or else theres a pain, something wrong, things arent sorting themselves out, and theres a tension; so immediately you stop everything: Lord, You, its up to You. At first there comes a peace, as if you were entirely outside existence, and then its gone the pain goes, the dizziness disappears. And what is to happen happens automatically. And, you see, its not in meditation, not in actions of terrestrial importance: its the field of experience you have ALL the time, without interruptionwhen you know how to put it to use. And for everything: when something hurts, for instance, when things resist or grate or howl inside there, instead of your saying, Oh, how it hurts! you call the Lord in there: Come in here, and then you stay calm, not thinking of anythingyou simply stay still in your sensation. And more than a thousand times, you know, I was almost bewildered: Look! The pain is gone! You didnt even notice how it went. So people who want to lead a special life or have a special organization to have experiences, thats quite silly the greatest Possible diversity of experiences is at your disposal every minute, every minute. Only you must learn not to have a mental ambition for great things. Just the other day, I was shown in such a clear way a very small thing I had done (I, its the body speaking), a very small things that had been done by the Lord in this body (thats a long sentence!), and I was shown the terrestrial consequence of that very small thingit was visible, I mean, as my hand is visible to my eyesand the terrestrial correspondence. Then I understood.
   We are given everythingEVERYTHING. All the difficulties that have to be overcome, all of them (and the more capable we are, that is, the more complex the instrument is, the more numerous the difficulties are), all the difficulties, all the opportunities to overcome them, all the Possible experiences, and limited in time and space so they can be innumerable. And it has repercussions and consequences all over the earth (I am not concerned with what goes on in the universe because, for the time being, that isnt my work). But it is certain (because it has been said so and I know it) that what goes on on the earth has repercussions throughout the universe. Sitting there, you live the everyday life with its usual insignificance, its unimportance, its lack of interest and its a WONDERFUL field of experiences, of innumerable experiences, not only innumerable but as varied as can be, from the most subtle to the most material, without leaving your body. Only, you should have RETURNED to it. You cannot have authority over your body without having left it.
   Once the body is no longer you at all, once it is something that has been added and TACKED onto you, once it is that way and you look at it from above (a psychological above), then you can come down into it again as its all-powerful master.

0 1963-11-23, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And then five of our air force chiefs have been killed in a helicopter crashhelicopters never crash, and they were the best Possible pilots. Its an act of sabotage the Communists are doing a lot of sabotage. So that makes two accidents in a row.
   But these accidents always occur at the time of Kali, in NovemberOctober and November.

0 1963-12-03, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I would like to be able to pass this experience on to others, because, well, its definitive: once you LIVE that for several hours, its over, you can no longer entertain any illusion,3 its not Possibleits im Possible, its so STUPID, you know! Above all, so silly, so flatits im Possible (Mother makes the same gesture of a round, moving totality). But then you cannot say, I said this, the other answered that! How can we express ourselves? Our language is still truly inadequate. Its not that way its (same round gesture) and there isnt even either sense or direction: its not that this goes that way and that goes this way (gesture from one person to another, or from inside to outside), or that it goes this way and comes back that way (gesture from low to high and high to low), thats not it; its a whole a whole that moves, moves always forward, and with internal vibrations, internal movements. So according to the given point of concentration, this or that action is done.
   Very long ago, many times over, when I looked at the universe (I dont mean the earth: the universe), it was that way (same gesture of a round totality). How can I put it? It gave the feeling of moving forward, of moving forward towards a progressive perfection. For years on end, my perception of the earth has been that way; and now, it takes place completely at will, in the sense that it takes only just a small movement in the consciousness (gesture of a trigger or a slight reversal, a drawing within) for the whole earth to move that way, along with the events and the inner complications. But now, that same consciousness of the whole works that way: when it thinks of something (for some reason of work, not because of an arbitrary decision), the thing imposes itself; its a whole set of things that presents itself as the TOTALITY on which the action must take place. So it may be a small thing like this sports festival, it may be the Ashram (very often the Ashram as a whole), it may be a part of the earth, or sometimes even a single individual (who is no longer an individual but a set or a world of things, a totality4). A totality of things (round gesture) that move within themselves in (Mother draws within that totality small movements, individual and local, like waves or currents of force). Oh, its most interesting! And even there, there is no more notion of this person, that person, so-and-soall that vanishes.

0 1963-12-14, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I didnt tell him anything, I simply said it was a very good experience: an experience that was given to you or that you were given (all that impersonal, as impersonal as Possible). I am very glad when people do not tell me, You did this, you did that because immediately I feel that sort of little limitation which is so childishintellectuals would call it idolatry! (Mother laughs) I dont like that.
   I was very happy with Ws experience. I also saw it was very sincerenaturally he feels filled with force! But do not attach any importance to where it comes from, it doesnt matter! The Force is there. Its truein a way, its true.

0 1963-12-31, #Agenda Vol 04, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It doesnt matter, we arent bored, are we? (To Sujata:) Are you bored? Tell me frankly, are you bored? (Sujata laughs) I dont need to ask HIM, I know the answer: Oh, its endless, it lasts forever, nothing happens, nothing takes place. (laughter) Anyway, my children, thats the way it is. I am going as fast as I can, I am the one most concerned! But you cant hurry, its not Possible. Not Possible.
   In fact, in Savitri, Sri Aurobindo went through all the worlds, and it so happens that I am following that without knowing it (because I never rememberthank God, I really thank heaven!I asked the Lord to take away my mental memory and He took it away entirely, so I am not weighed down), but I follow that description in Savitri without mentally knowing the sequence of the worlds, and these last few days I was in that Muddle of Falsehood (I told you last time), it was really painful, and I was tracking it down to the most tenuous vibrations, those that go back to the origin, to the moment when Truth could turn into Falsehoodhow it all happened. And it is so tenuous, almost imperceptible, that deformation, the original Deformation, that you tend to lose heart and you think, Its still really quite easy to topple over the slightest thing and you can still topple over into Falsehood, into Deformation. And yesterday, I had in my hands a passage from Savitri that was brought to meits a marvel, but its so sad, so miserable, oh, I could have cried (I dont easily cry).

0 1964-01-08, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Oh, if we wanted to make poetry (its no longer a philosophical or spiritual way of seeing, but a pictorial way), we could imagine a Lord who is a totality of all the Possible and im Possible possibilities, in quest of a Purity and Perfection that can never be reached and are ever progressive and the Lord would get rid of all in the Manifestation that weighs down His unfoldingHe would begin with the nastiest. You see it? Total Night, total Unconsciousness, total Hatred (no, hatred still implies that Love exists), the incapacity to feel. Nothingness.
   Were on the way. I still have a little bit of it [that total Unconsciousness] left.

0 1964-01-25, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It doesnt matter. Besides people are arriving by the hundred. Next month is going to be a bit difficult although Ill see as few people as Possible. But still
   See (Mother takes out an appointment pad), all these are people announcing their coming and asking for appointmentsjust look! (an endless list)

0 1964-02-05, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I looked through the book one, two, three timesnothing. So I thought, Its not Possible, a spell has been cast! A. was coming that morning. When A. comes, Ill ask him to look for it. So I told him, Look for it. He did find bouquinistes, but not like in my photograph, and then I had seen it on this side of the book, while his was on the other side; and I knew his photo quite well (I knew my album by heart, you understand!), it wasnt the same at all, there werent any bouquinistes, only closed boxes. So it didnt look like much, and moreover it was on the other side of the book.
   And it wasnt an animated view, it wasnt a vision: it was a PHOTO, just like the other photos, the same color as the other photosa photo which I even studied critically as a photo for the way it was taken. It doesnt exist!
   I presume this is in reply to the biblical belief in Gods Commandments received by Moses, which the Lord is supposed to have uttered Himself and Moses is supposed to have heardits a roundabout way (Mother laughs) to say its not Possible!
   The supreme authority because the soul saw it, but it can be a supreme authority ONLY for the soul that saw it, not for all souls. For the soul that had that experience and saw it, its a supreme authority but not for other souls.

0 1964-02-26, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   My article gives them a sense of something both very boring and very childishboth at once, so that crowns it all! Because the external form is very simple, of course, without literary pretensions; so it isnt exciting for the brain, not in the least (on the contrary I try to calm it down as much as Possible!).
   No, those who understand you best are the simple-hearted.

0 1964-03-04, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I heard from some people that a great number of little miracles had occurred, but I didnt listen, it doesnt interest me (people tell me, but my thoughts are elsewhere). Its Possible: the atmosphere was highly charged. In peoples consciousness, it may result in little phenomenaa number of little phenomena which they call miraculous, but which to me are childishly simple and elementary: its just the way things are.

0 1964-03-11, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Four years, that means 1968. Sri Aurobindo said there would be a beginning of supramental manifestation in 67; so perhaps in 68 the two experiences will meet. Its Possible.
   The photo is clear.

0 1964-03-14, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I dont want you to fall ill like the first time. Thats precisely what I am looking at and studying: whether its Possible to protect you adequately.I am not going with a light heart.
   But for myself, I know: the first time I went away from here, in 1915 (and I left my psychic being here, I didnt take it with me I knew how to do it I left it behind), in spite of that, in spite of the link, when I came to the Mediterranean, suddenly I fell ill, dreadfully ill. I was constantly ill.

0 1964-03-25, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There are partial proofs. But as they are partial, they arent conclusive. Because, to the ordinary vision and understanding, you can always find explanations: you can say it was foreseen and predestined that the accident would miscarry, for example, and that consequently that intervention isnt at all what made it miscarryit was Determinism that had decided it. And how do you prove anything? How do you even prove to yourself that it is otherwise? Its not Possible.
   You see, as soon as we express things we enter the mind, and as soon as we enter the mind theres that kind of logic, which is frightful because it is all-powerful: if everything has already been existing and coexisting from all eternity, how can you change one thing into another? How can anything at all change?
   Then it became Possible to bear the Vibration.
   Now, what it does, its work thats not our business, its His. We cannot understand. But that it is at work goes without saying.

0 1964-07-18, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   For instance, when you show me photos, what I see is the proportion between the vibrations; I dont see a character with a destiny (all that is no longer true, its only very superficially and relatively true, like a story you read in a novel), but the TRUE THING is precisely the extent to which the vibrations are arranged in a given spot, centralize and spread according to the receptivity to the Vibration of Light and Order, and to the Possible use of that cellular aggregate.
   People who are quite shut up in their bag of skin, in their vital and mental ego, give you the feeling of something totally artificial, hardhard, dry and artificial. And exact. Thats troublesome, you feel like taking a hammer and bashing themit happens!

0 1964-08-11, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   You cant imagine how, as you go forward and as all that Consciousness, in fact, grows more and more alive, true and constant, how at first you feel you are a rotten bundle of insincerity, hypocrisy, lack of faith, doubt, stupidity. Because as (how can I explain?) as the balance changes between the parts of the being and as the luminous part increases, the rest grows more and more inadequate and intolerable. Then you are really utterly disgusted (there was a time when it used to hurt me, long agonot so long ago, but anyway long enough, a few years ago), and more and more there is the movement (a very spontaneous and simple movement, very complete): I cant do anything about it. Its im Possible, I cant, its such a colossal work that its im PossibleLord, do it for me. And when you do this with the simplicity of a child (gesture of offering), really like this, you know, really convinced that you cannot do it, Its not Possible, Ill never be able to do itdo it for me, its wonderful! Oh, He does it, mon petit, youre dumbfounded afterwards: How come! There are lots of things that prrt! vanish and never come back againfinished. After a time, you wonder, How can that be?! It was there. Just like that, prrt! in a second.
   But as long as there is personal effort, its oof! its like the man who rolls his barrel uphill, and down it rolls again every minute.
   But it must be spontaneous, not as a calculation, it mustnt be done with the idea, Its going to work. It must truly be done with the sense of your complete helplessness and of the very formidable dimension of the task that Oh, please do it Yourself; I cantits not Possible.
   Of course, very philosophical or learned people will pity you, but personally I dont care! I dont care. I am not a philosopher, I am not a scholar, I am not a savant, and I declare it very loudly: neither a philosopher nor a scholar nor a savant. And no pretension. Nor a littrateur, nor an artist I am nothing at all. I am truly convinced of this. And its absolutely unimportant thats perfection for human beings.

0 1964-08-14, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   People no longer grow crops because its too complicated and with all those taxes (theyve scores of taxes to pay), it costs them much more than they can earn. And as there isnt enough food, there are naturally individuals who try and hoard as much as they can to sell it for as high a price as Possible.
   The situation in which we ourselves are [at the Ashram], this difficulty, doesnt come from anything else: the governments interference in everything, its meddling in other peoples affairs and putting spokes in the wheels of everything, but everything. Ive got a pile of examples, of proof for every minuteall the proof.

0 1964-08-19, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But what makes it worse is that there were too many people, and too many people asking to see mehundreds and hundreds of people who asked to see me. I said, Its not Possible, its materially im Possible. And a minuscule work consisting in signing and signing and giving blessings. So last night was difficult. This morning, it wasnt brilliant.
   We just have to stay still and let the storm blow over.

0 1964-08-26, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   You see, for our consolation we are told in every Possible way that the work done isnt lost and that all this action on the cells to make them conscious of the higher life isnt lost thats not true, its absolutely lost! Suppose I leave my body tomorrow; this body (not immediately, but after a time) reverts to dust; then all that Ive done for these cells is perfectly useless! Except that the consciousness will come out of the cells but it always does!
   Its really during the Workers lifetime that the thing must be done.
   Its more than Possible, but we have to learn how to do it!
   Well, yes! But theres no point in consoling oneself by saying, Next life the next life, everything must be done all over again.

0 1964-08-29, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I see in a very clear way that even in circumstances in which you seem to have made a mistake, even with things that betrayed a hope and give you proof that what you expected wasnt legitimate, even in such a case, there isnt one circumstance, not one encounter, not one event that isnt EXACTLY whats necessary to lead you to the victory as rapidly as Possible.
   This, to me, is an absolute thing.

0 1964-09-16, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Yes, I am thinking, for instance, of those who live in the West, who live the Western life: they are constantly swamped with work, with appointments, with telephones they dont have one minute to purify what constantly falls on them and to collect themselves. In those conditions, how can they be free men? How is it Possible?
   This is the other extreme.
   That was the idea, I think, of all the apostles of renunciation: eliminate all that comes from outside or from below, so that if something from above manifests, you will be in a fit state to receive it. But from the collective point of view, its a process that may take thousands of years! From the individual point of view, its Possible; but then the aspiration to receive the true impulse should be kept intactnot the aspiration to total liberation, but the aspiration to the ACTIVE identification with the Supreme, in other words, to want only what He wants, to do only what He wants, to exist only through Him, in Him.
   So the method of renunciation may be tried, but its a method for someone who wants to cut himself off from others. And can there be an integrality in that case? It doesnt seem Possible to me.
   Announcing publicly what you intend to do helps considerably. It may give rise to objections, contempt, conflicts, but thats largely made up for by the public expectation, if we may say so: by what others expect from you. That was certainly the reason for those robes: to let people know. Obviously, you may incur the contempt and ill will of some people, but there are all those who feel, I mustnt touch this, I mustnt have anything to do with it, its not my concern.

0 1964-09-26, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   She already wrote to me the other day, shes upset because I cant read anymore! (I used to read Savitri aloud and she wanted to record me.) I told her, I cant read anymore, its not Possible. So she wrote to me that I must make use of my Grace in order to cure my eyes!
   I didnt answer her. But just now, as I finished speaking to you, it camemy answer. It came, that is, He told me, Write this to her. So I wrote this:
   Mother is led to carry out all kinds of experiments in her body for the work of Transformation. One of them consists in receiving or taking upon oneself every Possible disorder for several hours, several days or several minutes, in one's body, in order to act on them, and, consequently, to act on disorders of the same nature in the worldor on THE Disorder. Mother is thus constantly led to work on the meeting point between the subtle forces behind and the bodily or material mechanisms. In her body it is an uncommon chemistry that takes place, the subtle elements of which she knows better than the gross ones.

0 1964-10-07, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   No a question of sadhana, perhaps. Isnt the true attitude at present to try and be as transparent as Possible?
   Transparent, receptive.
   This has been said thousands of times, but people go on doing the same thing. Even those who are, you know, very eloquent, who preach this to others, they CLINGthey cling to their own way of seeing, their own way of feeling, their own habit of progress, which to them is the only Possible one.
   No more bondsfree, free, free, free! Always ready to change everything, except ONE thing: to aspire. That thirst.

0 1964-10-10, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   For instance, I saw recently a sort of exhibition or procession of all the Possible theories of humanity explaining the creation (the world, life, existence). All those conceptions came before me one after another, from the seemingly most primitive and most ignorant to the most scientific and they were all (smiling) on the same plane of incomprehension but ALL had the same RIGHT to express the true aspiration that was behind. And it was miraculous! Even the faith of the savage, even the most primitive religions and most ignorant convictions had behind them the same right to express that aspiration. It was wonderful. And then the sense of the superiority of intelligence fell away completely, instantly.
   It is the same thing for those oppositions, those contradictions that are called violent and vulgar between the intellectual (and especially scientific) progress of the human species and, by contrast, the apparently foolish stupidity of those who react against conventions1; well, that feeling of inferiority or superiority that you find among so-called reasonable beings, all of that disappeared instantly in a perception of THE WHOLE, in which EVERYTHINGeverythingwas the result of the same Pressure (downward gesture) towards progress. Its like a pressure exerted on Matter (same gesture) to draw the response out of it. And whatever form that response may take, its part of the general Action.
   I saw it in my own case. It was interesting enough, because from my earliest childhood, I was in contact with the higher consciousness (gesture above the head) and in a real stupefaction at the state of the earth and peoplewhen I was very little. I was in a stunned amazement all the time. And the blows I received! Constantly. Each thing came to me as a stab or a punch or a hammer blow, and I would say to myself, What? How is this Possible? You know, all the baseness, all the lies, all the hypocrisy, all that is crooked, all that distorts and undoes the flow of the Force. And I would see it in my parents, in circumstances, in friends, in everythinga stupefaction. It wasnt translated intellectually: it was translated by that stupefaction. And when I was very little, the Force was already there (gesture above the head); I have a clear memory from the age of five: I only had to sit down for a moment to feel it, that Force which would come. And I went through the whole of life, up to the age of twenty or twenty-one (when I began to encounter Knowledge and someone who explained to me what it all was) like that, in that stupefaction: Whatis this life? Whatis this what people are? What? And I was as though beaten black and blue, mon petit!
   Then, from the age of twenty or twenty-five, that habit of pessimism began. It took all that time, all those blows, for it to come.

0 1964-10-14, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   So it depends on the child. And if he really feels sleepy, what prevents him from sleeping? Whats required is to give them a peaceful atmosphere, as much peace as Possible.
   But they are constantly trying to make general laws, when its always an individual question.
   This is really (as far as I know) the new thing Sri Aurobindo has brought. Not only the idea that its Possible, but that its the true solution, and the idea that we can start now. I am not saying well reach the end now, I dont know, but the idea is that we can begin right now, the time has come when we can begin, and its the only true solution, the other solution is no solutionwell, it was a necessary experiment in the universal march, but flight is no solution: the solution is Victory. And the time has come when we can try.
   All ordinary common sense (which is still triumphant in this world) tells me, What illusions you nurse, my child! You arrange things to your satisfaction, youre sugarcoating the pill for yourself, and so on, it comes like that, regularly, in waves. Well its also part of the problem. But a time will come when certain truths will be acknowledged as true and no longer disputed; then the Work will be easier. But in order to get there, there has to be at least a beginning of experience, a beginning of realization that enables you to say, But here is the proof.

0 1964-10-17, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But these things must be coming about very gradually, so its always Possible to adapt, people can move to other places.
   Yes, it happens over millions of years.

0 1964-10-24a, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Then, as he saw I was talking to him, he took the opportunity to ask me, I would really like to have visions. I answered him all that had to be answered, and I told him that, in the last analysis, its only the Lord who decides when we should have visions, when we shouldnt have them, when we are making progress, when we arent, and so on. Then, in the most hypocritical tone (laughing), like someone who says something to be polite but doesnt believe a word of it, he said, Oh, then we are indeed fortunate, because we have the Lord among us. I pretended to believe he was sincere, and I answered him, No, no, no! You cant say that, its not Possible I AM NOT the Lord! And I explained a little the consciousness I have of the Lord, I said, You shouldnt think I am the Lord (in my thought, it was: I am not the Lord as YOU imagine Him), because if I were the Lord (Mother smiles, amused), you would have visions and you would be cured.
   This took place around 11:30. In the afternoon, usually I take my bath and stretch out a little, a good while, over there. I said to the Lord, And after all, why (laughing) cant I do something for people like this who are really nice? Why cant I work miracles? I asked Him this half seriously, half in jest. Then all of a sudden, it became very serious. All of a sudden, the Presence was very intense and it was very serious. Then l felt something that said in an absolutely positive way (it was translated into words), You MUST NOT have powers. And the total understanding.

0 1964-10-30, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Maybe that feeling of threat is the expression of the resistance and ill will of all that doesnt want to changeits Possible. Its Possible. There is everything that doesnt want to change, all that exists only through and for the Falsehood, and doesnt want things to change. Its like those sudden pains in the body, if you look at them, you always see something black, a sort of black thread or black dotits something that is unwilling: I dont want any of it! I dont want things to change, I am ATTACHED to my Falsehood. So the threat may be from everything that doesnt want to change.
   Ultimately, we just have to smile. And one day, it will have to change anywaywell have given it enough time, we have given it enough rein, no?

0 1964-11-04, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And now, during the whole meditation, the presence was there, that presence was there, but so concrete! So concrete, so powerful. Maybe it is maybe there is a will to make me see the supramental form? Its Possible. It was PHYSICALit was physical. And there was that CONTACT, the physical contact. But the contact, I have it all the timeas soon as I stop, there is a massive contact, and weightless at the same time.
   Didnt you feel anything particular?

0 1964-11-21, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And the answer is always the same: it CANNOT depend on our effort. Naturally, it goes without saying that we must make ourselves as plastic and well-disposed as Possible (I am speaking of the body), but the change CANNOT depend on it, it doesnt have the knowledge and it doesnt have the power; therefore, the change can only depend on the divine Will.
   Thats exactly it. This has been the experience of the past few days.

0 1964-11-28, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I am continuing to relive forgotten aspects of this life, rejected from the nature, that come back in the form of relived memories, as though someone were, you know, trying to pick holes (!) in all the Possible movements that have occurred in this body, not only to sweep things clean, but also to purify, correct, and illuminateall the bodys memories (Im not speaking of the mind or the vital) extraordinary!
   And at the same time the understanding comes of all the people I met in my life and with whom I lived for a certain time: for what reasons, with what aim, for what purpose they were there and what action they had and how they did the Lords work (unknowingly, God knows!) to lead this body to prepare itself and be ready for the transformation. Its astonishingly perfect in its conception! Its wonderful! And so inhuman! Opposed to all moral and mental notions of human wisdomall the things that appeared the most insane, the most absurd, the most irrational, the most unreasonable and the most hostile, all that combined, oh, so WONDERFULLY to compel this body to transform itself.
   And I am obliged to keep regular hours because the entire life of others depends on it. That was why people wanted to withdraw into solitude there is an advantage and a drawback; the advantage is that I try to make things very automatic, that is, quite outside a conscious will: they should work by themselves. On the mental level, its very easy, you can detach yourself completely and nothing matters; but for the body, its difficult, because its rhythm The whole rhythm of ordinary life is a mentalized one; even people who live in vital freedom are at odds with the whole social organizationits a mentalized life: there are clocks that strike the hour and it is agreed that things must be that way. Mentally, you can be perfectly free: you leave your body in the cogwheels and stop bothering about it; but when its this poor body itself that has to find its own rhythm, how difficult it is! How difficult. Sometimes, all of a sudden, it feels a discomfort; then I look and I see that there is something that could be an experience, but that would necessitate certain conditions of isolation, of quietness and independence, and it isnt Possible. Then, very well as far as I can, I go within and do the minimum (the maximum of what can be done, which is a minimum compared to what could be done).
   But of course, Sri Aurobindo always said: For the Work to be complete, it must be generalone cannot give up. An individual attempt is only a very partial attempt. But the fact that the Work is general delays the results considerablywell, we have to put up with it. Thats how it is, so thats how it is.
   If the action were individual, it would necessarily be extremely poor and limited; even if the individual is very vast and his consciousness is as vast as the earth, the experience is limited. Its still one aggregate of cells, which can only have a limited sum of experiences (maybe not in the course of time, but undeniably in space). But the minute the identification with the rest takes place, the consequences take place, too: the difficulties of the rest come and have to be absorbed, they have to be transformed. So it amounts to the same thing. Its exactly whats going on now: I dont go out, I have limited my activities as much as Possible (I see plenty of people, but still infinitely less than beforebefore, I used to see them by the thousand), but this reduction is largely made up for by the widening of the physical, material consciousness, to such a point that I constantly, constantly have sensations that seem like individual sensations, but immediately I can see that they are other individuals sensations, which come because the consciousness is spread out and receives all that in its movement: a movement as if one gathered everything together, then gave it to the Lord.
   Those new dentists will soon have set themselves up, then you can go and see them. Naturally, it still belongs to the old methods, but we shouldnt brag, you know! We shouldnt think we have arrived before weve reached the end. To the people who write to me, Oh, I rely on your Force alone, I dont want any medicine, I reply, You are wrong. Because I, too, take medicine and I dont believe in it! Yet I take it just the same, because there is all the old suggestion and all the old habit, and I want to give my body the best Possible conditions. But its quite amusing: as long as its given the medicine, it stays very quiet, and if it isnt given the medicine, it starts saying, Why? Whats the matter? Yet when the medicine is there, it has no effect, it doesnt intervene; its merely merely a habit.
   Not to speak of the cases when it makes things worse. For instance, for those very tooth troubles, the doctor wanted to give me those penicillin pills that you let melt in your mouth to prevent an inflammation; when I take one of those pills (laughing), theres a furious rage in all my teeth! As if all the elements attacked were furious: Why are you disturbing us? We were nice and quiet, we werent troubling you! And everything starts swelling furiously.

0 1964-12-02, #Agenda Vol 05, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Ah, thats just what I thought! There is in the Illustrated Weekly the history of those Eucharistic Congresses, and it seems a French lady was behind the origin of the first Congress (not so long ago, in the last century, I believe). And then (Mother smiles), theres a magnificent portrait of the Pope with a message he wrote specially for the Weeklys readers, in which he took great care not to use Christian words. He wishes them I dont know what, and (its written in English) a celestial grace. Then I saw (he tried to be as impersonal as Possible), I saw that in spite of everything, the Christians greatest difficulty is that their happiness and fulfillment are in heaven.
   Instead of a celestial grace, they read to me, or I heard, a terrestrial grace! When I heard that, something in me started vibrating: What! But this man has been converted! Then I had it repeated and heard it wasnt that but really a celestial grace.
   Ive had some very precise memorieslived memoriesof a human life on earth, quite primitive (I mean outside any mental civilization), a human life on earth that wasnt an evolutionary life, but the manifestation of beings from another world. I lived in that way for a timea lived memory. I still see it, I still have the image of it in my memory. It had nothing to do with civilization and mental development: it was a blossoming of force, of beauty, in a NATURAL, spontaneous life, like animal life, but with a perfection of consciousness and power that far surpasses the one we have now; and indeed with a power over all surrounding Nature, animal nature and vegetable nature and mineral nature, a DIRECT handling of Matter, which men do not havethey need intermediaries, material instruments, whereas this was direct. And there were no thoughts or reasoning: it was spontaneous (gesture indicating the direct radiating action of will on Matter). I have the lived memory of this. It must have existed on earth because it wasnt premonitory: it wasnt a vision of the future, it was a past memory. So there must have been a moment It was limited to two beings: I dont have the feeling there were many. And there was no childbirth or anything animal, absolutely not; it was a life, yes, a truly higher life in a natural setting, but with an extraordinary beauty and harmony! And I dont have the feeling it was (how can I explain?) something known; the relationships with vegetable life and animal life were spontaneous ones, absolutely harmonious, and with the sensation of an undisputed power (you didnt even feel it was Possible for it not to be), undisputed, but without any idea that there were other beings on earth and that it was necessary to look after them or make a demonstrationnothing of the sort, absolutely nothing of mental life, nothing. A life just like that, like a beautiful plant or a beautiful animal, but with an inner knowledge of things, perfectly spontaneous and effortlessan effortless life, perfectly spontaneous. I dont even have the feeling that there was any question of food, not that I remember; but there was the joy of Life, the joy of Beauty: there were flowers, there was water, there were trees, there were animals, and all that was friendly, but spontaneously so. And there were no problems! No problems to be solved, nothing at allone just lived!
   An uncomplicated life, definitely.

0 1965-01-12, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Regarding an old Playground Talk of March 8, 1951, in which Mother spoke of the being that possessed and guided Hitler: Hitler was in contact with a being whom he considered to be the Supreme: that being would come and give him advice and tell him all that he had to do. Hitler would withdraw into solitude and wait long enough to come into contact with his guide and receive inspirations from him which he would afterwards carry out very faithfully. That being whom Hitler took for the Supreme was quite simply an Asura, the one called in occultism the Lord of Falsehood, and he proclaimed himself to be the Lord of Nations. He had a resplendent appearance and could pull the wool over anyones eyes, except one who truly had occult knowledge and could thus see what was there, behind the appearance. He could have deluded anyone, he was so splendid. He generally appeared to Hitler wearing a breast-plate and a silver helmet (with a sort of flame coming out of his head), and there was around him an atmosphere of dazzling light, so dazzling that Hitler could hardly look at him. He would tell him all that he had to dohe would play with him as with a monkey or a mouse. He had set his mind on making Hitler do all Possible kinds of folly until the day when he would come a cropper, which is what happened. But there are many cases like that one, on a smaller scale, naturally. Hitler was a very good medium, he had great mediumistic capacities, but he lacked intelligence and discernment. That being could tell him anything and he would swallow it all. Thats what prodded him on little by little. And that being would do that as a pastime, he didnt take life seriously. For those beings, people are very small things with which they play as a cat plays with a mouse, until the day when they eat them up.)
   I knew that being very well (for other reasons the story would be too long to tell), and once, I knew he was going to visit Hitler I went before he did: I took his appearance, it was very easy. Then I said to Hitler, Go and attack Russia. I dont exactly remember the words or the details, but the fact was that I told him, Go In order to have the supreme victory, go and attack Russia. That was the end of Hitler. He believed it and did ittwo days later, we got the news of the attack.1 And then, the next day, that is, when I came back from Hitler, I met that being and told him, Ive done your job! Naturally enough, he was furious!

0 1965-02-19, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But as I told you in the beginning, the slightest mental activity lessens the power; there must be a thrust of the whole being, with as little thought as Possible.
   I can give you this (Mother gives her note to Satprem). You can keep it.
   So if that consciousness that was there had been collective, if it had been Possible to receive it collectively, NOTHING WOULD HAVE BEEN TOUCHED: the stones would have been thrown, but wouldnt have hit anyone. Thats how it would have been. For instance, a stone (a brickbat) was flung and hit my window; it fell on the roof there (even causing a water leak that had to be plugged), and I saw that very minute, I saw in the consciousness of the people present the exact vibration of Falsehood that had allowed the stone to hit there. And AT THE SAME TIME, simultaneously (it cant be said, but it was simultaneous), everywhere, all over the town and especially over the Ashram here, I saw all the points, the exact vibration of Falsehood in everyone or everything that made the contact Possible.
   The experience began a little after 7, 7:10, and it lasted till 1 in the morning.

0 1965-02-24, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But there is something interesting here. I have noticed this: if you try EVERY SECOND to discern the impulse of your action, how difficult it is! To discern whether it comes from the ego, whether it comes from darkness, whether it comes from the Light. And when you want to express as purely as Possible what exclusively comes from the Supreme, you have to work at it every second and it is there was a time (not so long ago) when I used to consider it was materially practically im Possiblenot in the main lines or in the great movements that come from the higher parts of the being, but in all that is purely material, absolutely material. And all of a sudden, at the beginning of this year, with this Salute to the advent of the Truth5 there came a sort of very sharp inner sense, very sharp, very precise, and so QUIET, So quiet, which gave the power to clearly see the origin of a material impulse or a material reaction, EVEN IN VERY SMALL THINGS. It was very interesting. So I studied carefully, and it has become almost automatic.
   Previously it took an inner discomfort, a feeling of some friction to make me aware that it wasnt the true thing; but now it isnt like that: it is seen BEFOREHAND in the space of half a second.
   It was like a demonstration of the discernment between the vibration that responds to Falsehood, and the vibration in which there is no response, which means that no contact is Possible they are different worlds. Its a world of Truth and the other one is a world of Falsehood. And this world of Truth is PHYSICAL, it is material: its not up above, it is material. And thats what must come to the fore and take the place of the other.
   The true physical Sri Aurobindo spoke of?

0 1965-03-20, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There are odd phenomena. You didnt meet this B. when he was here? He introduced me to certain things I was unaware of: it seems there are in various corners of the world people who have received messages, and in particular a being who calls himself Truth and who speaks in my name. He says, The Mother says the Mother says and also, The Mother will make declarations, and you will have to take them very seriously. All sorts of things like that (people whom I dont know). Then there is someone, among those same people who receive messages and revelations, a spirit (I dont know if he is that same Truth or someone else, I dont remember in detail), who said, who announced 1967this is interesting. And I dont know those people at all. And it doesnt seem Possible to me that they could have had in their hands books by Sri Aurobindo or me, I dont think. He announced that in 67 (I repeat roughly), we would have reached the point of the push button that triggers the destruction (because in those countries, they boast of being able to trigger a terrible destruction by pushing a button), and just when the catastrophe is about to take place, the supreme Power, as he says in a picturesque way, will push its own button and everything will be transformedjust when people expect complete destruction, the complete transformation will come.
   Thats the domain in which their imagination works. They receive messages of that sort. Which means that people seem to be feeling very strongly that just before the change there will be an extremely critical moment. Only, of course, they tell you that in a quiet tone, The transformation will come and everything will be saved thats all very well, but
   Because it doesnt seem Possible to me (though I dont know), it doesnt seem Possible to me that the state of the earth is adequate to justify an integral transformation. As for Sri Aurobindo, he used to say that it would come in stages, that there would first be a sort of small formation, or a small creation that will receive the Light and be transformed, and thats what will work as a leaven for the general transformation.
   There are all the Christian, Buddhist theories, Shankara, all those who declare that the world is an unreal Falsehood and that it must disappear and give place to a heaven (a new world and a heaven). And this is among the most aspiring elements of mankind, those who arent content with the world as it is, who dont say, Oh, as long as I am here and alive, things are fine; afterwards, I dont careenjoy the short life. Afterwards, well, its over, and thats that; let me make the most of the moment Ive been given. What a queer conception! Thats the other extreme.

0 1965-04-17, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The transition between the two appears really Possible only through the entry the conscious and willed entryof a supramentalized consciousness into a body that we could call an improved physical body, in other words, the human physical body as it is now, but improved: the improvement produced, for instance, by a TRUE physical training, not in its present exaggerated form but in its true sense. Its something I have seen fairly clearly: in an evolution (physical training is developing very fast nowadays, its not even half a century since it started), in evolution, that physical training will bring an improvement, that is, a suppleness, a balance, an endurance, and a harmony; these are the four qualitiessuppleness (plasticity), balance between the various parts of the being, endurance, and harmony of the body that will make it a more supple instrument for the supramentalized consciousness.
   So the transition: a conscious and willed utilization by a supramentalized consciousness of a body prepared in that way. This body must be brought to the peak of its development and of the utilization of the cells in order to be yes, consciously impregnated with the supreme forces (which is being done here [in Mother] at the moment), and this to the utmost of its capacities. And if the consciousness that inhabits that body, that animates that body, has the required qualities in sufficient amount, it should normally be able to utilize that body to the utmost of its capacity of transformation, with the result that the waste caused by the death of decomposing cells should be reduced to a minimumto what extent? Thats precisely what still belongs to the unknown.
   In that case, one would have to switch to a new body. But a switching (from the occult point of view, thats a known thing), a switching not to a body to be born, but to an already formed body. It would take place through a sort of identification of the psychic personality of the body to be changed with the other, receiving body but that, the fusions of psychic personalities, its Possible, (laughing) I know the procedure! But it requires the abolition of the egoyes, the abolition of the ego is certainly necessary; but if the abolition of the ego is sufficient in the supramentalized individuality (can I use the word individuality? I dont know its neither personality nor individuality), in the supramentalized being, if the abolition of the ego is done, completed, that being has the power to completely neutralize the presence of the ego in the other being. And then, through that neutralization, the shrinking that always comes from a reincarnation would be canceled thats the dreadful thing, you see, that time lost in the shrinking into a new being! While through that conscious passagewilled and consciousfrom one body to the other, the being whose ego no longer exists has an almost total power to abolish the other ego.
   All that occult mechanism needs to be developed, but for the consciousness its almost rational.

0 1965-04-21, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   What I meant by an improved physical body is that sort of mastery over the body thats being gained nowadays through physical training. I have seen lately magazines showing how it had started: the results in the beginning and todays results; and from the standpoint of the harmony of forms (I am not talking about excesses there are excesses everywhere I am talking about what can be done in the best Possible conditions), from the standpoint of the harmony of forms, of strength and a certain sense of beauty, of the development of certain capacities of endurance and skill, of precision in the execution combined with strength, its quite remarkable if you think of how recent physical training is. And its spreading very quickly nowadays, which means that the proportion of the human population that is interested in it and practices it is snowballing. So when I saw all those photos (for me, its especially through pictures that I see), it occurred to me that through those qualities, the cells, the cellular aggregates acquire a plasticity, a receptivity, a force that make the substance more supple for the permeation of the supramental forces.
   Lets take the sense of form, for example (I am giving one example among many others). Evolution is openly moving towards diminishing the difference between the female and the male forms: the ideal thats being created makes female forms more masculine and gives male forms a certain grace and suppleness, with the result that they increasingly resemble what I had seen all the way up, beyond the worlds of the creation, on the threshold, if I can call it that, of the world of form. At the beginning of the century, I had seen, before even knowing of Sri Aurobindos existence and without having ever heard the word supramental or the idea of it or anything, I had seen there, all the way up, on the threshold of the Formless, at the extreme limit, an ideal form that resembled the human form, which was an idealized human form: neither man nor woman. A luminous form, a form of golden light. When I read what Sri Aurobindo wrote, I said, But what I saw was the supramental form! Without having the faintest idea that it might exist. Well, the ideal of form we are now moving towards resembles what I saw. Thats why I said: since there is an evolutionary concentration on this point, on the physical, bodily form, it must mean that Nature is preparing something for that Descent and that embodimentit seems logical to me. Thats what I meant by an improved physical form.

0 1965-05-19, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There are two things: in a total and absolute way, at every instant, its the best Possible with regard to the divine Goal for the whole; and for someone who is consciously attuned to the divine Will, what happens is the most favorable to his own divine realization.
   I think this is the correct explanation.
   Thats why certain minds have postulated that the creation was the result of an error. But we find all the Possible conceptions: the perfect creation, then a fault that introduced the error; the creation itself as a lower movement, which must end since it began; then the conception of the Vedas according to what Sri Aurobindo told us about it, which was a progressive and infinite unfolding or discoveryindefinite and infiniteof the All by Himself. Naturally, all these are human translations. For the moment, as long as we express ourselves humanly, its a human translation; but depending on the initial stand of the human translator (that is, a stand that accepts the primordial error, or the accident in the creation, or the conscious supreme Will since the beginning, in a progressive unfolding), the conclusions or the descents in the yogic attitude are different. There are the nihilists, the Nirvanists and the illusionists, there are all the religions (like Christianity) that accept the devils intervention in one form or another; and then pure Vedism, which is the Supremes eternal unfolding in a progressive objectification. And depending on your taste, you are here or there or here, and there are nuances. But according to what Sri Aurobindo felt to be the most total truth, according to that conception of a progressive universe, you are led to say that, every minute, what takes place is the best Possible for the unfolding of the whole. The logic of it is absolute. And I think that all the contradictions can only stem from a more or less pronounced tendency for this or that position, that other position; all the minds that accept the intrusion of a fault or an error and the resulting conflict between forces pulling backward and forces pulling forward, can naturally dispute the possibility. But you are forced to say that for someone who is spiritually attuned to the supreme Will or the supreme Truth, what happens is necessarily, every instant, the best for his personal realizationthis is true in all cases. The unconditioned best can only be accepted by one who sees the universe as an unfolding, the Supreme growing more and more conscious of Himself.

0 1965-05-29, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   "On the other hand however your statement is correct. It is 'natural considering the times' and the occidental mentality prevalent everywhere. It is also probably necessary that this should be faced and overcome before any supramental realisation is Possible in the earth-consciousness for it is the attitude of the physical mind to spiritual things and as it is in the physical that the resistance has to be overcome before the mind can be overpassed in the way required for this yoga, the strongest Possible representation of its difficulties was indispensable."
   Bulletin, August 1965

0 1965-06-23, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It will be up there, off the Madras road, on top of the hill. (Mother takes a piece of paper and starts drawing) Here we have (naturally in Nature its not like this: well have to adaptits like this up there, in the ideal), here, a central point. This central point is a park I had seen when I was a little girl (perhaps the most beautiful thing in the world with regard to physical, material Nature), a park with water and trees like all parks, and flowers, but not too many (flowers in the form of creepers), palm trees and ferns (all species of palm trees), water (if Possible, running water) and, if Possible, a small waterfall. From a practical point of view, it would be very good: at the edge, outside the park, we could build reservoirs that would provide water to the residents.
   So in that park I had seen the Pavilion of Love (but I dont like to use that word because men have turned it into something ludicrous); I am referring to the principle of divine Love. But it has been changed: it will be the Pavilion of the Mother; but not this (Mother points to herself): the Mother, the true Mother, the principle of the Mother. (I say Mother because Sri Aurobindo used the word, otherwise I would have put something else I would have put creative principle or realizing principle or something of that sort.) And it will be a small building, not a big one, with just a meditation room downstairs, with columns and probably a circular shape (I say probably because I am leaving it for R. to decide). Upstairs, the top floor will be a room, and the roof will be a covered terrace. Do you know the old Indian Mogul miniatures with palaces in which there are terraces and small roofs supported by columns? Do you know those old miniatures? Ive had hundreds of them in my hands. But this pavilion is very, very lovely: a small pavilion like this, with a roof over a terrace, and low walls against which there will be divans where people can sit and meditate in the open air in the evening or at night. And downstairs, at the very bottom, on the ground floor, simply a meditation rooma place with nothing in it. There would probably be, at the far end, something that would be a living light (perhaps the symbol2 made of living light), a constant light. Otherwise, a very calm, very silent place.
   The international section We have already approached a number of ambassadors and countries so each country would have its pavilion there: a pavilion for every country (that was my old idea); some have already accepted, anyhow its under way. Each pavilion has its own garden with, as far as Possible, a selection of the plants and produce of the country represented. If they have enough money and space, they can also have a sort of small museum or permanent exhibition of the achievements of the country. And the pavilion should be built according to the architecture of the country represented: it should be like a document of information. Then depending on the amount of money they want to put in, they can also have quarters for students, conference rooms, etc., the countrys cuisine, a restaurant of the country they can have all sorts of developments.
   Image 2
   Then the industrial section Already many people, including the Madras government (the Madras government is lending money) want to set up industries, which will be on a special basis. This industrial section is in the east, and its very large: there is plenty of space; and it must slope down to the sea. North of Pondicherry, there is indeed a rather large expanse which is totally uninhabited and uncultivated; its by the sea, going northward along the coast. So this industrial section would slope down to the sea, and, if Possible, there would be a sort of wharf (not exactly a harbor, but a place where boats can berth), and all those industries with the necessary internal means of transport would have a direct possibility of export. And here, there would be a big hotel, the plan of which R. has already done (we wanted to build the hotel here, in the place of the Shipping Company, but the owner, after saying yes, said no thats very good, it will be better there), a big hotel to receive visitors from outside. Quite a few industries have already signed up for this section; I dont know if there will be enough space, but well manage.
   Then in the north (thats where there is the most space, naturally), in the direction of Madras: the cultural zone. There, an auditorium (the auditorium I have dreamed of doing for a long time: plans had already been made), an auditorium with a concert hall and grand organ, the best you find now (it seems they make wonderful things). I want a grand organ. There will also be a theater stage with wings (a revolving stage and so on, the very best you can find). So, here, a magnificent auditorium. There will be a library, there will be a museum, exhibition rooms (not in the auditorium: in addition to it), there will be a cinema studio, a cinema school; there will be a gliding club: already we almost have the governments authorization and promiseanyway its already at a very advanced stage. Then, towards Madras, where there is plenty of space, a stadium. And a stadium that we want to be the most modern and the most perfect Possible, with the idea (an idea Ive had for a long time) that twelve years (the Olympic games take place every four years), twelve years after 1968 (in 1968, the Olympiad will be held in Mexico), twelve years after, we would have the Olympic games in India, here. So we need space.
   In between these sections, there are intermediary zones, four intermediary zones: one for public services (the post, etc.), a zone for transportation (railway station and, if Possible, an airfield), a zone for food supplies (that one would be towards the Lake and would include dairies, poultry farms, orchards, cultivation, would spread to incorporate the Lake estate3: what they wanted to do separately will be done as a part of Auroville); then a fourth zone (Ive said public services, transportation, food supplies), and the fourth zone: shops. We dont need many shops, but a few are necessary to get what we dont produce. These zones are like quarters, you see.
   And you will be there, in the center?
   H. hopes so! (Mother laughs) I didnt say either yes or no to her, I told her, The Lord will decide. It depends on my health. Moving from hereno: I am here because of the Samadhi, I remain here, thats quite certain; but I can go there on a visit (its not so far away, it takes five minutes by car). Only, H. wants to be in peace, silence, far from the world, and its quite Possible in her park with a road around it and someone to stop people from enteringone can be really in peace but if I am there, thats an end to it! There will be collective meditations and so on. So if I have signs (physical signs, first), then the inner comm and to go out, I will go there in a car and spend an hour in the afternoon I can do it from time to time. We still have time, because it will take years before everything is ready.
   You mean the disciples will remain here.
   Outside the walls, in my first formation there was on one side the industrial estate, and on the other the fields, farms, etc., that were to supply the city. But that really meant a countrynot a large one, but a country. Now its much more limited; its not my symbol anymore, there are only four zones, and no walls. And there will be money. The other formation, you know, was really an ideal attempt. But I reckoned it would take many years before we began: at the time, I expected to begin only after twenty-four years. But now, its much more modest, its a transitional experiment, and its much more realizable the other plan was I nearly had the land: it was at the time of Sir Akbar (you remember?) of Hyderabad. They sent me photographs of Hyderabad State, and there, among those photos, I found my ideal place: an isolated hill (a rather large hill), below which a big river flowed. I told him, I would like to have this place, and he arranged the whole thing (it was all arranged, they had sent me the plans, and the papers and everything declaring it to be donated to the Ashram). But they set a condition (the area was a virgin forest and uncultivated lands): they would give the place on condition, naturally, that we would cultivate it, but the products had to be used on the spot; for instance the crops, the timber had to be used on the spot, not transported away, we werent allowed to take anything out of Hyderabad State. There was even N. who was a sailor and who said he would obtain a sailing boat from England to sail up the river, collect all the products and bring them back to us hereeverything was very well seen to! Then they set that condition. I asked if it was Possible to remove it, then Sir Akbar died and it was over, the whole thing fell through. Afterwards I was glad it hadnt worked out because, with Sri Aurobindo gone, I could no longer leave Pondicherry I could leave Pondicherry only with him (provided he agreed to go and live in his ideal city). At the time I told Antonin Raymond, who built Golconde, about the project, and he was enthusiastic, he told me, As soon as you start building, call me and I will come. I showed him my plan (it was on the model of my symbol, enlarged), and he was quite enthusiastic, he found it magnificent.
   It fell through. But the other project, which is just a small intermediate attempt, we can try.

0 1965-07-10, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There are also mischievous spirits. Mischievous spirits that come and suggest all kinds of things. There is a zone there, very near the physical, very neara zone infested with worms, mon petit! All the bad suggestions of all Possible catastrophes, of all malicious ill wills, of all desires. Its sickening. All that swarms as if you plunged your nose into a vase full of worms. Thats troublesome.
   Well, yes! I will try to make a cocoon for you. Before you go to sleep, when you lie down, you must summon the white Light, my white light, and then I will be listening. Wrapped like that: a cocoon, a nice little cocoon, all white. That way you can sleep peacefully.
   He says, If one is going to follow a course of treatment, it should be followed in the best Possible way.
   Ah, yes, I fully agree, and scrupulously, because it represents a formation. At least ninety percent of the doctors have goodwill, they want to cure you (some dont care one bit, but not manyninety percent of them want to cure you), so their formation should be given full power. It shouldnt be contradicted because it loses all its effect and then its no use.

0 1965-07-21, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Everything that was mental I remember very clearly the state I was in when I wrote those Prayers and Meditations, especially when I wrote them here (all those I wrote here in 1914): it seems to me cold and dry yes, dry, lifeless. Its luminous, its lovely, pleasant, but its cold, lifeless. Whereas this aspiration here [in the cellular mind], oh, it has a powera power of realizationquite an extraordinary power. If this becomes organized, it will be Possible to do something. There is an accumulated power there.

0 1965-07-24, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   To begin with, last time I told you that this physical mind is being transformed; and three or four days ago, that is, before our last conversation, early in the morning I woke up abruptly in the middle of a sort of vision and activity, precisely in this physical mind. Which isnt at all usual for me. I was here in this room, everything was exactly as it is physically, and someone (I think it was Champaklal) opened the door abruptly and said, Oh, I am bringing bad news. And I heard the sound physically, which means it was very close to the physical. He has fallen and broken his head. But it was as if he were speaking of my brother (who died quite a long time ago), and during the activity I said to myself, But my brother died long ago! And it caused a sort of tension (gesture to the temples) because Its a little complicated to explain. When Champaklal gave me the news, I was in my usual consciousness, in which I immediately thought, How come the Protection didnt act? And I was looking at that when a sort of faraway memory came that my brother was dead. Then I looked (its hard to explain with words, its complex). I looked into Champaklals thought to find out who he meant had fallen and broken his head. And I saw A.s face. And all that caused a tension (same gesture to the temples), so I woke up and looked. And I saw it was an experience intended to make me clearly see that this material mind LOVES (loves, thats a way of speaking), loves catastrophes and attracts them, and even creates them, because it needs the shock of emotion to awaken its unconsciousness. All that is unconscious, all that is tamasic needs violent emotions to shake itself awake. And that need creates a sort of morbid attraction to or imagination of those thingsall the time it keeps imagining all Possible catastrophes or opening the door to the bad suggestions of nasty little entities that in fact take pleasure in creating the possibility of catastrophes.
   I saw that very clearly, it was part of the sadhana of this material mind. Then I offered it all to the Lord and stopped thinking about it. And when I received your letter, I thought, Its the same thing! The same thing, its a sort of unhealthy need this physical mind has to seek the violent shock of emotions and catastrophes to awaken its tamas. Only, in the case of A. breaking his head, I waited two days, thinking, Let us see if it happens to be true. But nothing happened, he didnt break his head! In your case, too, I thought, I am not budging till we get news, because it may be true (one case in a million), so I keep silent. But this morning I looked again and saw it was exactly the same thing: its the process of development to make us conscious of the wonderful working of this mind.
   With this sort of work to establish perfect equality, I never drive something away immediately, saying, No, thats not Possible. One must be calm and collected in the face of all things. I was calm and collected, thinking, Let us see, let me wait for two days, and if he has really broken his head (laughing), Ill find out! Of course, nothing happened. And when I got your letter, I had the feeling it was the same thing, but I thought, Let us see, let us wait. I looked, and didnt see anything. Through your letter and your words I looked, but didnt see anything. And I had the feeling it was this same physical mind that made contact with a formationa malicious formation, because such is the habit of the physical mind.
   Now that the work is to rectify our way of being, we realize what it is! Its really disgusting. It works constantly and is constantly defeatist. As you say, you feel a little painoh, is it going to be a cancer?

0 1965-07-28, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Satprem suggests the publication, among the quotations in the Ashram "Bulletin," of the text of an answer from Mother to a child. Mother shows as little interest as Possible:)
   Those things are very powerful when they come, they have a transforming powerthey exert a pressure on Matter. And then when they have finished their work, its overits sorted, it goes to some corner. It no longer matters.

0 1965-07-31, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   No, its the other way around! Its the other way around! I dont know, but thats putting the cart before the horse. Unless the Italians walk on their hands! Thats Possible.
   No, if we wanted to show something to the public before the publication of your book, it would have to be a sort of biographical and bibliographical note: Sri Aurobindo was born at such and such a place, and so forth, and the list of his works, the totality of the written volumes. That, yes, it would be a good introduction. A bibliographical notenot a small book that distorts everything. A rather complete bibliographical note, something massive! (Mother laughs)

0 1965-08-07, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   If they have some intelligence, they will publish it. If they publish it, it will be good for everyone. I havent told you this little story which resembles yours: some two years ago, The Illustrated Weekly asked questions on where India stood, and in their questionnaire they had asked for the answers to be put in as few words as Possible. Very well. As for me, I answered with one word, two words, three words, because things can be put in very few words.2 They published it in a box in the middle of peoples answers, which were columns long! Mon petit, it seems it had more effect than all the rest. They said to themselves, It has forced us to think. It will be the same thing for you if you have the courage to put just what has to be put, in as few words as Possible: the thing as exact as Possible.
   If they have the courage to publish it, it will do a lot of good, a lot.3
   On a December morning, almost twenty years ago, on the platforms of the Gare du Nord, a youth was preparing to set off for anywhere, as long as it was as far and adventurous as Possible for the time being, it was South America. And beneath the enormous clock which weighed several tons and seemed to him as weighty as Western time, this youth was repeating a curious mantra in his heart: Sri Aurobindo-Mauthausen. Only these two words remained to live and walk with. Behind, there was a world collapsed once for all under the Austrian watchtowers. Although the watchtowers might as well have been Boulevard Montparnasseit was the same thing; another searchlight would have pierced the scenery perfectly well. And there was in that word all the force of a man who had emerged from the dead. Then this name, which did not have a very precise meaning, Sri Aurobindo, but it goes without saying that open sesames have never spoken to the headthey open the door. And there was in it all the force of a man who needs one true little thing to live.
   Because we can entertain our minds as long as we likeour libraries are full; we can amass all the Possible explanations of the world, but we will not have achieved anything or walked a single step if we havent touched the secret spring behind the minds flourishes. For the Truth is not what makes us think, but what makes us walk on.
   Where to? We all know our final destination. It is no bigger than seven feet by four, after we have produced some offspring, who will do what we were doing and before us our fathers fathers, with a few technical improvements and even a lot of televisions but without the one vision that changes everything. For we have changed nothing in the world as long as we havent changed inside.

0 1965-09-11, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Right to the end = Karachi. Sri Aurobindo, it may be recalled, repeatedly said that until the partition of India is abolished, "India may be seriously weakened, even crippled: civil strife may always remain Possible, Possible even a new invasion and foreign conquest." It may also be recalled that Pakistan is an artificial creation by the British, in line with the policy of "divide and rule." The Americans and the Chinese have taken up the same policy again.
   Mother is referring to the continual border clashes.

0 1965-09-18, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   In his message of August 15, 1947, on the occasion of India's independence, Sri Aurobindo wrote: "...The old communal division into Hindus and Muslims seems now to have hardened into a permanent political division of the country. It is to be hoped that this settled fact will not be accepted as settled for ever or as anything more than a temporary expedient. For if it lasts, India may be seriously weakened, even crippled: civil strife may remain always Possible, Possible even a new invasion and foreign conquest. India's internal development and prosperity may be impeded, her position among the nations weakened, her destiny impaired or even frustrated. This must not be; the partition must go. Let us hope that that may come about naturally, by an increasing recognition of the necessity not only of peace and concord but of common action, by the practice of common action and the creation of means for that purpose. In this way unity may finally come about under whatever form the exact form may have a pragmatic but not a fundamental importance. But by whatever means, in whatever way, the division must go; unity must and will be achieved, for it is necessary for the greatness of India's future."
   Cent. Ed., 26.404-405

0 1965-09-22, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Thats an experience I had here long ago: the difference between wanting immediately to spread and use what one has learnt, and, by contrast, the contact with higher knowledge in which one remains as still as Possible so it may have a transforming effect.
   Well talk about it again another time.

0 1965-09-25, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Yes, but thats not Possible unless they are swallowed up.
   They may come to it without being forced. This fellow [Ayub Khan] is im Possible.
   Its a vicious circle. The impression is that the transformation cannot come about without a development or a general receptivity on the earth, a greater preparation on the earth, and at the same time, that greater preparation on the earth isnt Possible without an acceleration of your transforming force.
   Yes, but it acts, only its an infinitesimal action. Thats why millions of years are nothing. This stagnation, for instance, exists only for our consciousness; its because the human consciousness, after all, measures everything on its own scale. For it, the history of the earth is an infiniteit isnt so in universal history, but for the human being, the impression is of an infinite (he knows very well that it isnt so, but thats theoretical knowledge), so then, on this scale, nothing changes but thats not true.
   He left. True, he told me, You are the one who will achieve, but he never gave me He is the only one who told me that, and he said it just like that, as he used to say things, you know. It wasnt something that gave you an absolute certitude. He had that power: I would tell him something, and when he said, Yes, it is that way, it WAS that way (something I WANTED to happen, not something that was), and when he said, Yes, it is that way, then it BECAME that way! The first time it happened, it dazzled me. But that was generally about details. But when he told me, You are the one who will achieve, it wasnt in that manner: it might have been also his will to go right to the end of of what was Possible.
   And I cant say I am asking the question because thats not true, I am not asking it, but the two possibilities are there (gesture in suspense). Well, there is no answer either to one or to the other. At times I have the vision that its going to be the end (a very practical vision of what I want to do), that comes, but against a backdrop of complete uncertainty; and the next minute, there is the possibility of going right to the end of the transformation, with the clear vision of what must be done, but a backdrop there isnt a backdrop of the Assurance that it will BE that waynei ther in one case nor in the other. And I know this is deliberate, because its necessary for the work of the cells. If, for instance, I received from the Supreme the Order (sometimes I receive it clearly, as clearly as), if I received from Him the certitude that whatever the difficulties, whatever the appearances of the path, this body will go right to the end of the transformation, well, there would be a slackening somewhere, which would be very bad. I know that myself, I know it perfectly well. So, thats how it is: I walk on, without knowing what will happen tomorrow. Yesterday, I could have said, Yes, maybe this is the end (as it seems X3 kindly said to people who had gone to see him: he said I had six months to live, that in six months I would go[laughing] thats typical of his usual predictions), well, with yesterdays experience, I said, Its quite Possible. And with that same total indifference, you know: Its quite Possible. With a quotation from Sri Aurobindo saying, Nothing can alter the splendor of the Consciousness of Eternity. Thats it. And then when this state has gone and the other one comes, you say, Whatever does dying mean! What does it mean? How can you say that? And its not that the two states alternate with (how can I explain?) oppositionsits not that at all, its almost simultaneous (Mother intertwines the fingers of her two hands), but now you see this, now you see that. And its one and the same totality of something which is the Truth, but which is still a bit cloudyit isnt fully grasped like this (gesture).
   This is the normal state, but its obviously being worked out, being built, taking shape.

0 1965-09-29, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   For instance, India is free and her freedom was necessary if the divine work was to be done. The difficulties that surround her now and may increase for a time, especially with regard to the Pakistan imbroglio, were also things that had to come and to be cleared out. Here too there is sure to be a full clearance, though unfortunately, a considerable amount of human suffering in the process is inevitable. Afterwards the work for the Divine will become more Possible and it may well be that the dream, if it is a dream, of leading the world towards the spiritual light, may even become a reality. So I am not disposed even now, in these dark conditions to consider my will to help the world as condemned to failure.
   Sri Aurobindo

0 1965-10-16, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   How will the world change? Its not Possible.
   No, I am not speaking of the enormous mass of those who imagine I am wrong all the time, but still who say, Oh, the poor old lady, we shouldnt cross her, I am not even speaking of those. I am speaking of those who mentally have goodwill they have put on a mask of goodwill. But the inner vibrations still belong to the world of Falsehood.

0 1965-11-03, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   So it seems to me. And theres no reason for it not to get later still. See, I have all this (Mother shows a stack of letters), which is work yet to be done, and it was supposed to be done this morning. Every day its like that. Now its a mountain of letters, and some letters havent even been opened. So some write to me (but that frees me), I have already sent you two letters and you havent answered, I am unluckytoo bad for them. But there are those who are very patient, who ask for things that are important to them, and whom I dont have time to answer. When I hear the letter (there are some letters I havent even opened, I dont know what they have written), but when I hear, I answer inwardly; if they had the mental perception they would receive my answer; unfortunately they dont have it. Some letters are important, from people who ask for something reasonable, and a word or a gesture would greatly help them to move onits not Possible. And it keeps increasing and increasing. Previously, I used to rest (rest, that is to say, concentrate) regularly, at a fixed time, but now thats finished, I cant do it anymore. It cuts into the rest, too, and thats bad.
   Its the world in a rush. Its not just from a small number of individuals, its from everywhere: from the United Nations, the Government of India, from people here, there and everywhere who ask for a directive, an indication. They ought to be able to receive mentally; that way I could do all the work, because it doesnt take any time, its immediate, but they arent there yet, they cant. You know, requests for messages, for something to start an action there are dozens of them every day. And its a good sign, I cant complain. Its a good sign, it means the world is growing receptive. But

0 1965-11-23, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Well, I dont think words can convey this. Its not even a question of living in the atmospherewhat is it? Maybe one day it will be a power. The power to pass this on. Then it will be Possible for everything to change.
   Probably when its there, permanently established.

0 1965-12-07, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But I saw it not in human thought, not at all, not as one understands it: I saw it as it is, and what permits these attackswhat not only permits them, not only makes them Possible, but what makes those things NECESSARY for the bodys transformation.
   To put it simply, the whole thing is to bear up, thats all. Thats allto endure and bear up.

0 1965-12-10, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And he isnt deadhe may have lost his body, thats Possible, I dont know (for me thats a secondary question), but he isnt dead.1
   But its a pity when someone commits suicide.
   But I am telling you: what has affected you is that there was in this letter a very strong vital formation (which was influencing him too), a sort of (excuse my saying so, I dont want to harm your friendship or your memory), but its a sort of drama he was putting on for himselfbesides, all those who commit suicide are like that, WITHOUT ONE EXCEPTION. Its a drama that he was putting on for himself and living very powerfully in the vital, and the formation came on you along with the letter and thats what has troubled you. I know this, because my first reaction while reading the letter was a smile the smile I wear in the face of the dramas of the vital. I am absolutely sure of it, you could swear to me that its not so, it would make no difference. I am absolutely sure. He was the first I might say victim, if you like, the first victim of the drama, but then it came on you, it pounced on you along with the letter. A drama in the vital. And its a drama in the vital, all these things are dramas in the vital. Listen, just these last few days the days between the 5th and the 9th I always relive the minutes I lived in 1950, and I always see them in the light of the knowledge I have acquired, and I SAW, I saw to what extent pain, sorrow, regret especially that regret of not having done what one should have done, which is another absurdity because one NECESSARILY did what one had to doone wasnt what one should have been and one must change, thats why one must change, but one did what one had to do because you cannot do anything but what the Lord makes you do, and He makes you do the thing which is at the same time the best Possible for the whole and the best Possible for your own progress. There. So all the regrets of I should have I shouldnt have are rubbish.
   You understand, I am saying this with all the power of the knowledge lived in all the details. I KNOW this. And this is precisely the time of the year when I know it best, in the most living and concrete way, and the most powerful.
   Death as it is understood, on the inner level, means the loss of consciousness. That would be the most the most dreadful and horrible thing, if it were Possible. But its not Possible. If you have consciousness, it cannot be lost. Some things dont have consciousness yet, so little by little, little by little, they learn to have it; but the consciousness you have cannot be lost, thats not Possible. All the deaths in the world cannot take it away from you, and thats why I smiletry, mon petit!
   Its im Possible.
   We shall see. Maybe the operation will convince him that it can be done (if the Madras doctor too is convinced it can be done). It can obviously be doneeverything is Possible.
   But those things are very interesting. Because when he was in America, suddenly I saw he was going to get killed (after the first operation), and I said right away, I dont want him to die there, its stupid, its a silly business, a defeat, I dont want it. I sent him a talisman I had myself prepared (so that his human intelligence might have a little faith), then I worked on the other doctor, the American surgeon. And when Sanyal went and saw the surgeon for his operation, the surgeon told him, No, between your first operation and this one, Ive had a series of catastrophes, of fatal experiences with people who died; I dont want to do it because I feel I am going to cause you to die and I refuse. Then Sanyal said, I am willing to die, and the other answered, But I am not willing to kill you! And Sanyal came back here. And when he came back, I told him, Please excuse me, but thats my doing!
   Now we shall see. If the other doctor has trust and he too has trust, its quite Possible. But its neither this doctor nor any other that will have done it: its the Lord. Only He can do things. I told Sanyal when he came back from America, Its only the Lord that can cure you, nobody. Then he told me, Oh, yes, but there are means of intervening. I answered him, Any means you like, its all the same to me!

0 1965-12-18, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   In the old Scriptures they used to compare that with a dogs twisted tail. And it is truly like that, its a sort of TWIST that you try to straighten out and which goes back to its shape automatically, idioticallyyou untwist it, it twists up again; you reject it, it comes again. Its extremely interesting, but its miserable. Miserable. And all illnesses are like that, all, all of them, whatever their external form. The external form is only one way of being of the SAME THINGbecause things are arranged in every Possible way (there arent two identical things and everything is arranged differently), so then, some follow similar twists, and thats what doctors call such and such an illness. But if they are sincere, they will tell you, There arent two like illnesses.
   But what toil it is! I am fighting with that at the moment, its a fistfight.

0 1965-12-31, #Agenda Vol 06, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Thats where, of course, I say that this realization isnt meant for weak beingsits meant for the stronger. And then, you are ashamed of whats weak in yourself, and you offer it, saying, Free me from my weakness. One has to be terribly strong to do that the strength of endurance untroubled by anything. Its like a perfection of malice which is there, forever saying (same gesture), You are mistaken, its not Possible, you are mistaken, its not Possible. And then, Look, here is proof of the truth of what I am telling you: Sri Aurobindo, he who knew, left. And if you listen and believe in it, youre absolutely done for. Youre quite simply done for. And thats what they want. Only they must not succeed, we must hold on. For how many years now (hammering gesture)? Fifteen years, mon petit for fifteen years (same gesture). Not a single day passes without attacks of that sort, not a single night passes without You say you see horrorsmon petit, your horrors must be something quite charming in comparison with the horrors I have seen! I dont think one human being can bear the sight of what I have seen. And its shown to me as if to tell me that all my ambitions, all of them, are mad. So then, I have only one answer, Lord, You are everywhere, You are in everything, and its for us to see You through everything.
   Then it calms down.

0 1966-01-14, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The closeness was always up above (gesture above the head), in the broad lines, but here, it was a physical closeness and the sense that well, that a certain type of resistance was going to end, was going to fall away. So I said to myself, Thats very good, very necessary. If the touring hasnt tired you too much, its all right; that was the only drawback (how can I put it?) that I cant say I feared, because I dont fear anything, but that I saw as being Possible.
   No, no! In a day or two, Ill be fine.

0 1966-01-26, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It was about shrimps to be eaten (!) and it called to my mind how people are in Europe; they arent at all like here, hounded by the thought of the Possible contamination of the food they eat: in Europe, if you see a fruit, you take it and eat it. Shrimps, I remember having bought some on display in a big grocery, but it was on the pavement, outside, anywayyou never gave it a thought. And nothing happens to you! It was very early this morning, and so comical! Like the funniest farcewhoever wrote those farces? (Mother vainly tries to recall the name) I dont remember now. You know, names come on a tangent, and then all the similar sounds come on the other side. I tried to recall the name, something came by on a tangent, and on the other side, there came like a joke, cartilage! (Mother laughs) Whatever is the name of that modern who wrote farces, but wrote them very well?

0 1966-01-31, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I took a good look, and it is indeed Possible that by writing this book you will get rid of something thats lingering onits Possible. My hope was that it could go away simply through the inner movement; but when I received your note yesterday, I took a good look and thought, Yes, its probably necessary.
   It has a drawback, but it will have that advantage. I am not referring to external drawbacks, that cant be helped, well have to manage.1 I mean for yourself: it concentrates you in an almost hypnotic way on that part of your being which is almost imprisoned in the form, in the form of expression, that is to say, the author, the writer. Yet I know, and its very clear, that your external being was formed in large part for that, but from a higher standpoint: more as a means than as an end.
   Thats Possible. Its Possible, but (laughing) Ill tell you afterwards!
   Just two days ago, I wrote to someone (someone who is a bit under the influence of ascetic ideas), and I told that person, Those thoughtsthose thoughts and that type of actionbelong, from the spiritual standpoint, to the ascetic belief, but it-is-no-longer-true. And I said it with terrible force: IT-IS-NO-LONGER-TRUE. And I saw that at one point in the history of the earth it was necessary to obtain a certain result, but now ITS NO LONGER TRUE. Voil. It has given way to a higher and more complete truth. From that point of view, your book can obviously be the expression of this new force.
   Its Possible, its by no means im Possible.
   Its a whole world of spiritual thought and existence to which Id like to give its most perfect expression, while demolishing it at the same timenot demolishing but showing that its only one side, one part.

0 1966-02-11, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There was no end to them. And there were people, always new people: now men, now women, now young people, now old people, and from every Possible country. It lasted a very long time.
   I remember that I said to one of them, Yes, all this is very fine, but it isnt true food, it leaves you famished. Then there was one who was I dont know which country he was from: he wore a dark robe, he had black hair, a somewhat round face (he may have been a Chinese, I cant say, I dont remember). He said to me, Oh, not with me! Taste this and see. And he gave me something to eatit was absolutely first-rate, oh, it was excellent! So I looked at him, and I said, Oh, you are clever show me, show me your path. He told me, I have no path.

0 1966-03-04, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I had the perception of this manifestationa pulsatory manifestation, I might saywhich opens out, shrivels up, opens out, shrivels up again and there comes a point when the opening out is such, the fluidity, the plasticity, the capacity for change are such that there is no need anymore to reabsorb in order to shape anew, and there will be a progressive transformation. Thon used to say (I think Ive already told you about it) that this is the seventh universal creation, that there have been six pralayas1 before and this is the seventh creation, but that it will be Possible for this one to be transformed without being reabsorbedwhich obviously is perfectly unimportant because, the moment you have the eternal consciousness, whether things go this way or that way doesnt matter in the least. Its for the limited human consciousness that there is a sort of ambition or need for something that doesnt end, because, within, there is what we might call the memory of eternity and that memory of eternity aspires for the manifestation to partake of that eternity. But if the sense of eternity is active and present, you dont lamentyou dont lament if you discard a worn-out garment, do you? (You may be attached, but anyway you dont lament.) Its the same thing: if a universe disappears, it means it has wholly fulfilled its function, it has reached the limit of its possibilities, and another must replace it.
   I followed the curve. When you are very small in your consciousness and development, you feel a great need for the earth not to disappear, for it to be perpetuated (while being transformed as much as one likes, but always with the earth being perpetuated). A little further on, when you are a little more mature, you attach much less importance to it. And when you are in constant communion with the sense of eternity, it becomes a mere question of choice; its not a need anymore, because its something that doesnt affect the active consciousness. A few days ago (I dont remember when, but quite lately), for a whole morning I lived in that Consciousness and I saw that, in the curve of the beings development, that sort of need, a seemingly intimate need, for the prolongation of the earths life the indefinite prolongation of the earths life I saw that that need is objectified, so to say, its not so intimate anymore; its like watching a performance and judging whether it should be like this or like that. Its interesting as a change of standpoint.
   It was like a justification of the creation, which made Possible a certain mode of perception (which we could describe with the words precision, exactness in the objectification), which couldnt have existed without that. Because when that Consciousness the perfect Consciousness, the true Consciousness, THE Consciousness was there, present and lived to the exclusion of any other, there was a something, like a vibratory mode, if I may say so, a vibratory mode of objective precision and exactness, which couldnt have existed without this material form of creation. You know, there was always that great Why?the great Why like this?, Why all this? which resulted in what is expressed in the human consciousness by suffering and misery and helplessness and all, all the horrors of the ordinary consciousness why? Why this? And then, the answer was like this: In the true Consciousness, there is a vibratory mode of precision, exactness, clearness in the objectification, which couldnt have existed without that, which wouldnt have had an opportunity to manifest. Thats certain. It is the answer the all-powerful answer to the Why?
   It is clearvery clear that what for us is translated as progress, as progressive manifestation, is not only a law of the material manifestation as we know it, but is the very principle of the eternal Manifestation. If we want to climb down again to the level of terrestrial thought, we may say that there is no manifestation without progress. But what WE call progress, whats progress to our consciousness, up above, is it may be anything: a necessity, anything we like. There is a sort of absolute that we dont understand, an absolute of being: thats how it is because thats how it is, thats all. But to our consciousness, its more and more, better and better (and these words are stupid), more and more perfect, better and better perceived. Its the very principle of the manifestation.
   All this is just words, but thats all we have. One day, perhaps, we will have words and a language capable of saying these things properly; thats Possible, but it will still be a translation.
   There is here a level (gesture at breast level) where something plays with words, images, sentences, like that (shimmering, undulating gesture): it makes pretty images; and it has a power to put you in contact with the thing, maybe a greater power (at least as great, but maybe greater) than here (gesture at the top of the forehead), than the metaphysical expression (metaphysical is a way of putting it). Images. That is, poetry. There is in it an almost more direct access to that inexpressible Vibration. I see Sri Aurobindos expression in its poetic form, it has a charm and a simplicitya simplicity and a softness and a penetrating charm that puts you in direct contact much more intimately than all those things of the head.

0 1966-03-26, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   With everything, everything. Sometimes for an hour I follow what goes on: there is a minute work of subtle observation of what goes on here [in Mother] and of what goes on in the thought or consciousness of one or two other persons, with a whole detailed observation showing the difference between the fact as it should normally be (which is simply something direct, a movement taking place), and the complication brought in by thoughtnot higher thought: the physical thought, that is, the observation and all sorts of deductions, along with the memories of similar events and things heard or seen and all sorts of instances of similar occurrences, of Possible hazardsa mishmash, mon petit! Something frightening which spoils everything and complicates everything: the slightest thing becomes complicated.
   These last few days I have had examples of all the Possible complications of the physical world, including practices of hypnotism and so-called black magic and all the phenomena that take place in the invisible realm, but just adjoining the physicallike certain materializations, certain disappearances (incidents I saw and was obliged to note; I was obliged to note that they werent imaginings but things that really took place), but then, with the secret revealed: how they can take place. Its very, very interesting. How it can happen, how the contact with certain distorting vibrations makes certain things Possible.
   Yesterday evening, after I had written that message (I wrote it in the evening, not in comfort but that was the only time I had; the light wasnt good, but anyway I did it), after I had written, I felt a strong pain here, in my temples. Ah, I said, now I know! Now and then, after having listened to lots of people and especially after having written lots of birthday cards, answers to letters there is a sort of strange heaviness in my temples (and Ive never had headaches in my life, thats not like me!), and I say to myself, Whats this new decrepitude?! Then I noticed it wasnt that: its my eyes. Its because I havent yet found the secret of how to use my eyes. As I said just before, at times I see with extraordinary precision: things seem to come towards me to show themselves its so clear that the minutest detail is perceived. Thats one extreme. The other extreme is what I have already told several times: a sort of veil. I know things, they are in my consciousness, but I see just clearly enough not to bump against them or knock them over; everything, everything seems to be behind a veil; only I know where things are, so I find them, or I dont bump against them or break them, but thats not because I see I see a picture behind a veil, as it were. Thats the other extreme. In between the two, there are all sorts of gradations. And I am convinced its to show me that my eyes are still capable of seeing accurately the instrument is still very good, but I dont know how to use it. I dont know how to use it, because previously I used it as everyone uses his eyes, his hands, his feet, out of a sort of habit, more or less consciously I was very proud of my consciousness! ([Laughing] We are always very proud!) Very proud to have such conscious hands; in the past, for instance, I would sometimes say, I want twelve sheets of paper, then I would stop bothering about itmy hand would go and take, and there were twelve of them. That had been happening for a long, a very long time, but it would happen AT CERTAIN TIMES: when I was in the required state, that is, when there wasnt the intrusion of an arbitrary will. So all this is a field of experiment and study in very small details, absolutely insignificant in themselves, but very instructive. And it goes on all the time, twenty-four hours a day, night and day (at night its on other planes), but all this takes place in the physical, a more or less subtle physical.
   And I see now that it was the most solid base Possible for this experience: there was no danger of imaginings.
   I have tried many things, a great many, I have looked a great deal, and I see only one thats absoluteonly one thats absolute and can bring the absolute result, its this (gesture turned Upward): the complete annulment of all that, leaving it all, To You, LordYou, You, to You. And it isnt a being with a form, thats not it; it isnt a formless force, its It has nothing to do with thought, only with this: the contact. And the contact, an unmistakable contact, which nothing can imitatenothing, nothing at all has the power to imitate it. And for every difficulty, every time, whatever it is, simply this: Everything to You, Lord. Everything for You, to You. You alone can do it, You, You alone, You alone. You alone are the Truth; You alone are the Power. And those words are nothing, they are only the very clumsy expression of something a stupendous Power.

0 1966-04-13, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The hands feel, they feel its Possible. They are so conscious of the Vibration they feel that anything is Possible. The other day, E. fell down, I dont know how, and she injured her knee, she was covered with bruises and scratches. And she wore a dress that only reached down to here (!), so I saw. I said, What happened? She answered, I fell down. Then this hand (Mothers right hand) quite spontaneously went and passed over her knee, like that, and I felt all the vibrations at my fingertips: its like needlesneedles of lightand it vibrates and vibrates and vibrates. So I put my hand like that, and suddenly she said, Oh! She was flabbergasted: all the pain had gone.
   But there were marks, bruises they should go, but it takes time. On me the effect is almost immediate, especially the right hand.

0 1966-04-20, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But one must be sure of one thing (because, needless to say, I loved her very much, I was very happy to have her near me, she was very useful and I consider that from the material standpoint her departure is a great loss), but when I learned it was serious, immediately (as always, every moment of my life), my will was for the best Possible thing from the divine point of view to be realized. And the divine point of view is also always the personal point of view: the divine point of view is the best that can happen to the person in question. I saw in an absolute way that it was the best for her.
   Humanly we may try to find the reasons for this or that, but thats not the point, its that it was for her soul, for her true being the best Possible for her.
   Take her in you.

0 1966-04-27, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I saw that, it was so amusing! I saw it all. Oh, it was an extraordinary experience. All of a sudden I was outside and, I cant say above (but it was above), but outside the whole human creation, outside everything, everything man has created in all the worlds, even in the most ethereal worlds. And seen from there, it was I saw that play of all the Possible conceptions men have had of God and of the way to approach God (what they call God), and also of the invisible worlds and the gods, all that: one thing came upon another, one upon another, it all went by (as its written in Savitri), one thing upon another went by (gesture as if on a screen), one upon another with its artificiality, its inadequacy to express the Truth. And with such precision! A precision so accurate that you felt in anguish, because the impression was of being in a world of nothing but imagination, of imaginative creation, but in nothing real, there wasnt a feeling of of touching the Thing. To such a point that it became yes, a terrible anguish: But then, what? What? Whats truly TRUE and outside all that we can conceive?
   And it came. It was like this: (gesture of self-abandon) the total, complete self-annulment, annulment of that which can know, of that which tries to knoweven surrender isnt an adequate word: a sort of annulment. And suddenly it ended with a slight movement as a child could have who doesnt know anything, doesnt try to know anything, doesnt understand anything, doesnt try to understand but who abandons himself. A slight movement of such simplicity, such ingenuousness, such extraordinary sweetness (words cant express it): nothing, just this (gesture of self-abandon), and instantaneously, THE Certitude (not expressed, lived), the lived Certitude.

0 1966-05-14, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There were two days recently (since I saw you last time), two days especially Thursday, the day the peacock3 was there. The peacock crowed victory the whole day (I saw it in the evening, it came and saw me on the terrace, it was so sweet!). Two very, very difficult days. After that, a sort of solidly established feeling that nothing is im Possiblenothing is im Possible (Mother points to Matter). What thought has long known, what the heart has long known, what the whole inner being has long known, now the body too knows: nothing, nothing whatever is im Possible, everything is Possible. Here inside, here inside, in this (Mother strikes her body), everything is Possible.
   All the impossibilities created by material life have disappeared.

0 1966-05-18, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I did have one or two real battles in the vital, yes, while going to rescue someone who had gone astray. And both times I got blows, and in the morning when I woke up, there was a mark (Mother points to her right eye). Well, I know that in both cases, there was in me, not a fear (I never had any fear there), but it was because I expected it. The idea that it may well happen and my expecting it caused the blow to come. I knew that in a definite way. And if I had been in what I might call my normal state of inner certitude, it couldnt have touched me, it couldnt. And I had that apprehension because Madame Thon had lost an eye in a battle in the vital and had told me so; so (laughing) it gave me the idea that it was Possible, since it had happened to her! But when I am in my state (I cant even say that, its not personal: its a way of being), when you have the true way of being, when you are a little conscious and have the true way of being, it CANNOT touch you.
   Its like the experience of coming across an enemy and trying to hit him, and then none of the blows hit and whatever you do has no effectits always subjective. Ive had all the proof, absolutely all the proof.

0 1966-05-25, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Youll see, there comes a point when you can tolerate yourself and life only if you take the attitude that the Lord is everything. See, that Lord, how many things He possesses: He plays with all thatHe plays, He plays at changing the positions. And then, when you see it, that whole, you feel the limitless marvel, and that whatever the object of the most marvelous aspiration, its all quite Possible and will even be surpassed. Then you are consoled. Otherwise, this existence is inconsolable. But that way, it becomes charming. One day, I will tell you.
   When you have the sense of the unreality of life the unreality of lifecompared with a reality thats certainly found beyond, but at the same time WITHIN life, then ah, yes, THAT is true at lastTHAT is true at last and deserves to be true. That is the realization of all Possible splendors, all Possible marvels, all, yes, all Possible felicities, all Possible beauties that, yes, otherwise
   Do you understand?

0 1966-06-02, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its no longer in the foreground (it was in the foreground for an hour or two to make me understand), now its a bit further in the background. But, you understand, previously the body used to feel that its whole existence was based on the Will, the surrender to the supreme Will, and endurance. If it was asked, Do you find life pleasant?, it didnt dare to say no, because but it didnt find it pleasant. Life wasnt for its own pleasure and it didnt understand how it could give pleasure. There was a concentration of will in a surrender striving to be as perfectpainstakingly perfectas Possible, and a sense of endurance: holding on and holding out. That was the basis of its existence. Then, when there were transitional periods which are always difficult, like, for instance, switching from one habit to another, not in the sense of changing habits but of switching from one support to another, from one impulsion to another (what I call the transfer of power), its always difficult, it occurs periodically (not regularly but periodically) and always when the body has gathered enough energy for its endurance to be more complete; then the new transition comes, and its difficult. There was that will and that endurance, and also, Let Your Will be done, and Let me serve You as You want me to, as I should serve You, let me belong to You as You want me to, and also, Let there remain nothing but You, let the sense of the person disappear (it had indeed disappeared to a considerable extent). And there was this sudden revelation: instead of that base of enduranceholding on at any costinstead of that, a sort of joy, a very peaceful but very smiling joy, very smiling, very sweet, very smiling, very charmingcharming! So innocent, something so pure and so lovely: the joy which is in all things, in everything we do, everything, absolutely everything. I was shown last night: everything, but everything, there isnt one vibration that isnt a vibration of joy.
   Thats the first time.

0 1966-06-08, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It is obvious that that perfection in sincerity is Possible only in the most material part of the consciousness.
   Thats where you can be, exist, act without watching yourself be, without watching yourself exist, without watching yourself act, with perfect sincerity.

0 1966-06-25, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I read out the lines (in English, naturally), and with that he does the music. And the words are probably mixed in with the music, as he always does. But then, my reading is simply the clearest Possible pronunciation, with the full understanding of whats being said, and WITHOUT A SINGLE INTONATION. I think I have succeeded, because at a weeks interval (I dont read every day), the timbre of the voice is always the same.
   But all the music I used to adore seems pallid to me.

0 1966-06-29, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It would be far easier if those things were written in large characters. Its a pity about my eyes. I waste a lot of time, quite a lot. I am forced to ask, or else to take a magnifying glass. What I used to do in three minutes takes me half an hour. Thats how it is. But to recover my sight (that would be Possible, nothing is damaged, its only worn), I would have to spend a lot of time on it; it would take me a lot of time in exercises, concentrations. I dont have the time.
   But the promptness of the consciousness when I used to see! I dont find it with other eyes. That was so convenient.

0 1966-07-09, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Then, added to this is the vision of the action of the Grace that comes and mitigates the results wherever Possible, that is to say, wherever its accepted. And thats what explains that the aspiration, the faith, the complete trust of the human, terrestrial element, have a power of harmonization, because they allow the Grace to come and mend the consequences of blind resistance.
   Its a clear, very clear vision, clear even in the details.

0 1966-07-27, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   If they knew too soon, if they were able to see the opposition between what is and what must be, they wouldnt have the courage. One must one must truly be heroicheroic. I assure you, I see these cells, they are heroicheroic. As for them, they dont know in that mental way: its only their adoration that saves them. That is, What You will, Lord, what You will, what You will , with the simplicity of a childs ingenuous heart: What You will, what You will, what You will only what You will and nothing but what You will exists. Then its all right. But without that, its not Possible. Its not Possible to know what they know and to continue to be if That isnt there. You know, the feeling is, At Your service, what You will, what You will whatever You will , without discussion, without anything, without even a sensation, nothing: What You will, what You will.
   This is the only strength, there is no other.

0 1966-08-03, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But to be able to observe (this is something being worked out on a parallel line), to observe exactly what goes on in this cellular realm, one must be perfectly free from and independent of other human beings influence. And this is extremely difficult because of that habit of mixture. Its the sensitiveness of the cells which has difficulty. So constant care must be taken to fasten all that sensitiveness on to the aspiration for the Supreme alone; thats the only way, the solution. You have to do that constantly, every time you feel the influence of others contact. In ordinary life, of course, to get rid of influences you cut off the contact; well, that movement of withdrawal, recoil, isolation, all those psychological movements (through material isolation in the physical; in the vital, in the psychic, in the mind, everywhere, it always consists in cutting oneself off, in separating oneself), all that is false; its contrary to the truth. The truth is to (outspread gesture) to feel the union. And yet, for the cellular work of cellular transformation, an isolation must be reached that isnt a contradiction of the essential unity. And thats a little difficult; it makes for a very delicate, very painstaking, very microscopic work which somewhat complicates matters. But its Possible, for instance, to touch someone, to take someones hand, and for union to be achieved only in the deeper truth, while outwardly there is just a bringing together of cells.
   The work is very intensive, very intensive indeed.

0 1966-08-06, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   They have been here ever since they were quite small and they have been helped as much as Possible. The week before, he had written to me to say, How come we dont know how to benefit from the unique opportunity given us? And then (Mother laughs) three or four days later, he sends me this! Its hopeless. They are quite buried in Matter.
   When people who know what life is come here, they are struck by the difference. But for those who have been here since they were quite small, its perfectly natural, the state is perfectly natural, they only see the drawbacks of it. And they dont know what life is, they see it as a marvelous thinglet them go and see what it is!

0 1966-09-14, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It would be better to have wisdom than an opinion. That is to say, to consider all the possibilities, all the aspects of the question, and then to try and be as unegoistic as Possible, and for an action, for instance, to see which one may be useful to the largest number of people or may demolish the fewest things, which one is the most constructive. Anyway, even looking at it from a nonspiritual viewpoint, from a merely utilitarian and nonegoistic viewpoint, its better to act according to wisdom than according to ones opinion.
   Yes, but what would be the right way to go about it when you arent in the light, without getting your opinion or ego mixed up in it?
   I think its to consider all the aspects of the problem, to lay them before your consciousness in as disinterested a way as Possible, and to see which is the best (if thats Possible), or, if the consequences are unfortunate, which is the least bad.
   I meant, whats the best attitude? Is it an attitude of intervention or an attitude of laissez-faire? Which is the best? One wonders.
   And those birds (they were birds that werent birds, but they looked like birds), they came all luminous, luminous, with sometimes tiny darker traces here or there, but generally all luminous; their shape was very fluid. And the colors werent as we know them: it wasnt white, it wasnt pale blue, but as if the essence of white and blue, the essence of colors. I dont know how to explain it. And they came like that, then he sent them down, and when they went through his hands and flew down towards the earth (laughing) they became brown, blue, gray all Possible colors! But those were opinions. Its amusing.

0 1966-09-28, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its insoluble. Because I try everything in my power: I start earlier, I hurry in the morning, I do the work with as much order as Possiblenothing doing. And I let them know a quarter of an hour in advance: Time is upnothing doing.
   But little by little everything is eaten up, theres no time left!
   But at night, I sometimes work till 10:30 now, and it was agreed that I was supposed to retire before nine. Theres no time left. And in my case, its not sleeping, its my real work that I do at nightand I cant. In the afternoon too, I havent any time left: I am supposed to have lunch at 11:30; I have it at 12:30, so I havent any time left because I have to wash and resume work at 3. And I have never finished by 5. I tried to keep 5: 30 to 6:30 to myselfits not Possible. It eats into all my hours of peace and quiet. Yet the work isnt done! If it were, I wouldnt mind, but its not done, there is still at least twice as much to be doneeveryone protests, everyone complains.
   Theres no use grumbling!

0 1966-09-30, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Oddly, these last few days again, this has been the subject of my meditations (not willed ones: they are imposed from above). Because in all the transition from plant to animal and from animal to man (especially from animal to man), the differences of form are, ultimately, minor: the true transformation is the intervention of another agent of consciousness. All the differences between the life of the animal and the life of man stem from the intervention of the Mind; but the substance is essentially the same and it obeys the same laws of formation and construction. There isnt much difference, for instance, between the calf being formed in a cows womb and the child being formed in its mothers womb. There is one difference: that of the Minds intervention. But if we envisage a PHYSICAL being, that is, as visible as the physical now is and with the same density, for instance a body that wouldnt need blood circulation and bones (especially these two things: the skeleton and blood circulation) its very hard to imagine. And as long as it is like this, with this blood circulation, this functioning of the heart, we could imaginewe can imagine the renewal of strength, of energy through a power of the Spirit, through other means than food. Its conceivable. But the rigidity, the solidity of the body, how is it Possible without a skeleton? So it would be an infinitely greater transformation than that from animal to man; it would be a transition from man to a being that would no longer be built in the same way, that would no longer function in the same way, that would be like a densification or concretization of something. Up till now, it doesnt correspond to anything we have seen physically, unless the scientists have found something I am not aware of.
   We may conceive of a new light or force giving the cells a sort of spontaneous life, a spontaneous strength.
   Yes, thats Possible. Only, what I mean is that it may again take place through a large number of new creations. Will the transition from man to this being, for instance, perhaps take place through all kinds of other intermediaries? You understand, what I find formidable is the switch from one to the other.
   I can very well conceive of a being who could, through spiritual power, the power of his inner being, absorb the necessary forces, renew himself and remain ever young; thats quite easily conceivable; even providing for a certain suppleness so as to be able to change the form if necessary. But the complete disappearance of this system of construction right awayfrom one to the other right away, that seems It appears to require stages.
   Yes, in all my experiences, I understand quite well the possibility of not having to eat anymore, of that whole process being done away with (changing the method of absorption, for instance, is Possible), but how do you change the structure?
   It doesnt seem im Possible to me.
   I am absolutely convinced (because Ive had experiences that proved it to me) that the life of this body its life, what makes it move and changecan be replaced by a force; that is to say, a sort of immortality can be created, and the wear and tear can disappear. These two things are Possible: the power of life can come, and the wear and tear can disappear. And it can come about psychologically, through total obedience to the divine Impulsion, so that every moment you have the force you need, you do the thing that must be doneall these things, all of them are certitudes. Certitudes. Theyre not a hope, not an imagining: they are certitudes. Of course, you must educate the body and slowly transform and change the habits. It can be done, all that can be done. But the question is, how much time would it take to do away with the necessity (to take just this problem) of the skeleton? This is still very far ahead, it seems to me. Which means many intermediary stages will be needed. Sri Aurobindo said that life can be prolonged indefinitely. Yes, thats clear. But we arent yet built with something that completely escapes dissolution, the necessity of dissolution. Bones are very durable, they can even last a thousand years if conditions are favorable, thats agreed, but it doesnt mean immortality IN PRINCIPLE. Do you understand what I mean?
   No. Do you think it would have to be a nonphysical substance?
   Multiply a thousand times what very small children feel. (I am talking about those who are exclusively physical, human beings, not those who are reincarnations.) When they are purely physical beings, they cant approach me, mon petit! They start crying and trembling! Yet I love them and welcome them with all my tenderness and as much calm as Possible they start trembling and then get frightened, its too strong. With those who carry something else in themselves, the reincarnations, its different: they open out, they are happy; but when theres nothing but this, that is, the external substance Ive seen adults come (I did the experiment: I charge the atmosphere, the Lord is present), well, Ive seen forty-year-old men enter that and brrt! literally run away, disregarding all social courtesy, and after having ASKED to come, you understand! Anyway everything was there to allow them to behave decentlyim Possible, they couldnt.
   But even in my case, having the experience of you, knowing you well, at times its fearsome.

0 1966-10-08, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The individual has a certain relationship or set of relationships with the Universal, and there must be a rhythm, things recur automatically at the same point in time. So every year, it should be Possible to take stock with regard to whats below and whats above, or to whats behind and whats ahead.
   It must be like that, because for you, the stocktaking began at the beginning of this month. And then it results in those birthday cards and in what I am going to tell you on your birthday. (None of this is thought out: it comes just like that, its very amusing, I witness a continuous spectacle.) And I saw something very interesting, maybe thats what I wanted to tell you for your book.1

0 1966-10-29, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Not last night but the night before, I spent a long time, almost two hours of our time here, with Sri Aurobindo. I have told you he has something that translates as an abode (its magnificent, magnificent!) in the subtle physical. Its always immense, so clear, well-defined, yet fully open. And I get a sense of (Mother takes a deep breath) phew! open, luminousalways, in every case. He is there maybe not quite as he was here (but it makes no difference to me because the change has been very progressive: I have followed Sri Aurobindo almost from day to day, step by step), and he is perhaps rather taller, with perhaps a form that has greater perfection, I dont know, but to me, his expression (Mother smiles with her eyes closed) his expression is inexpressible. I spent a very, very long time with him. In those huge rooms (they are limitless, you know, you feel you could go indefinitely from one room to another, from one place to another), he was directing It was in a part of the place with a certain number of rooms (four, five or six, I dont know), large rooms where he was directing a pottery, just imagine! But it wasnt like here. There were objects made of clay. There wasnt any process of firing, painting or any like that (it wasnt like here), but there were shapes which looked like pottery shapes, and they had a power (Mother gestures downward) to manifest. And then, there was everything: animals, plants, people, things, everything, with all Possible colors. I went from one to another, looking, explaining. I had spent a long time with him, and I knew exactly why and how it was done, and afterwards I went and studied the work and observed. Then the rooms were arranged, the things were put in their place: that was as if to show the result. And things charming in their simplicity, yet they contained an extraordinary power of manifestation! But they had a deep meaning. I took an object made of a very dark reddish brown earth, and it was badly put together, that is, the shape wasnt right and I showed it to the pottery foreman (there was a pottery foreman in each room, looking after the work). I showed it to him, and told him (it was fairly big at the bottom, with a small piece at the top [Mother draws a sort of vase with a neck], anyway it wasnt well done), I explained it to him, saying, You understand, its not properly balanced. And while I was holding it in my fingersit broke. Then he said to me, Oh, I am going to mend it. I answered, If you like, but its not as it should be. Of course, we say it with our words, but there, it had a very precise MEANING. Then, there were kinds of big openings between one room and another (they werent rooms, they were huge halls), and one went on to the place where they made fish! But the fish werent fish (!), they had another meaning. And there were fish this big, made of clay, colored and gleaming, magnificent: one was blue-green, another yellowish white, but pretty, so pretty! And they were kept on the floor as if it were water: the fish were kept on the floor, right in the way. So I thought, Thats not very convenient! (Mother laughs) And said like this, it all looks like childishness, but there it had a very deep meaning, very deep.
   It was very interesting.

0 1966-11-09, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   In reality, its a threefold movement: the creation, which was the flight from the Divine (according, of course, to the ordinary conception which says that the creation fell, it wandered away from the Divine and men wandered away from the Divine); that was the first movement. But thats because he sees it too closely; he doesnt see that the Divine plunged to the very bottom of the Inconscient. (And thats the question: Why did He plunge to the very bottom of the Inconscient? Thats to be investigated [Mother laughs], one doesnt yet know how to explain it: everyone explains it differently.) He plunged to the very bottom (as for me, I think I know why, but that will be for later). He plunged to the very bottom of the Inconscient: beneath the stone (Mother makes a gesture of immutability, at the very bottom), beneath the mineral; the mineral is already a first awakening of the consciousness. But you have to see it as a whole to understand that its an ascent. If you see human life as it is, the impression is that men become lost in the fall, but thats the result of the Mind; the Mind needed to go through the whole experience, to go down to the very bottom in order to understand everything and bring everything back towards the ascent. For plants, its really an ascent. Thus, according to this vision, there are three movements. But if you see the whole simultaneously, there are only two movements: the first movement is the descent of the Lord into the Inconscient (we cant say anything about that for the moment; once we have emerged from it, well be able to say); the second (the first we can conceive of) is, very, very slowly, through all Possible experiences, even the most complete mental denials of the Divine, the ascent towards the Divine. And then, once we have climbed up (Mother makes a gesture of descent), Come, come here: change this prison into the mansion of the Divine.
   That will be very good, a very good message for 4.5.67.

0 1966-11-19, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   (Mother sits down and resumes) It can only be realized in a world devoid of egoism. Which means that when the whole action of individualization is over and there is no more need for the element of egoism, then it will be Possible for that to be fully manifested.
   We could call it the sweetness of Love, but the word sweet is a little wishy-washy. Its much better than sweet. Its something without difficulties: no difficulties happen, it doesnt know difficulties, it ignores them entirely there are no difficulties, they dont exist. So, when it manifests, there are no difficulties. Then, naturally, it cant stay here because because there are still difficulties!
   And I saw this note of yesterday as indicative of the key (I mean inwardly, in the universal attitudes). It was all clearly seen: men always believe that the guilty must be punished, that its the way out of the difficulty, but the true way is compassion and mercy. Its not that you are ignorant of the true movement and the false one, but you have SPONTANEOUS mercy, effortlessly and at all times. The vision was very clear that this is how progress is Possibleif the fault were always punished, there wouldnt be anyone left to progress!
   Thats the conclusion.
   (Then Mother takes up the translation of a passage from Savitri. Curiously enough, this very morning, before going to see Mother, Satprem looked at this passage and thought of two Possible ways to translate a particular word.)
   When darkness deepens strangling the earths breast

0 1966-11-26, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its the first time this year it has happened to me. Previously, it used to happen fairly often, but its the first time this year. It shows that, all the same, things are improving. Oh, but it was terrible, people cant imagine what it is! It takes hold of everyone and everybody, every circumstance and everything, and it gives shape to disintegrationquite like this Gentleman (I think hes the one!), quite like him. But it doesnt have the poetic form [of Savitri], of course, its not a poet: it has all the meanness of life. And it insists on that a great deal. These last few days it insisted on it a great deal. I said to myself, See, all that is written and said is always in a realm of beauty and harmony and greatness, and, anyway, the problem is put with dignity; but as soon as it becomes quite practical and material, its so petty, so mean, so narrow, so ugly! Thats the proof. When you get out of it, its all right, you can face all problems, but when you come down here, its so ugly, so petty, so miserable. We are such slaves to our needs, oh! For one hour, two hours, you hold on, and after And its true, physical life is uglynot everywhere, but anyway I always think of plants and flowers: thats really lovely, its free from that; but human life is so sordid, with such crude and imperious needsits so sordid. Its only when you begin to live in a slightly superior vision that you become free from that; in all the Scriptures, very few people accept the sordidness of life. And of course, thats what this Gentleman insists on. I said, Very well. This bodys answer is very simple: We certainly arent anxious that life should continue as it is. It doesnt find it very pretty. But we conceive of a lifea life as objective as our material lifewhich wouldnt have all these sordid needs, which would be more harmonious and spontaneous. Thats what we want. But he says its im Possiblewe have been told its not only Possible but certain. So theres the battle.
   Then comes the great argument: Yes, yes, one day it will be, but when? For the time being you are still swamped in all this and you plainly see it cant change. It will go on and on. In millennia, yes, it will be. Thats the ultimate argument. He no longer denies the possibility, he says, All right, because you have caught hold of something, youre hoping to realize it now, but thats childishness.

0 1966-12-07, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But its true that, for instance, those few seconds (which come to me now and then and with increasing frequency), if you look at those few seconds calmly, well, theyre worth a great deal of effort. Having that is worth quite a few years of struggle and effort, because that is beyond anything perceptible, comprehensible, even beyond anything Possible for life as it is now. Its its unimaginable.
   And there is a real grace there, its that it keeps you in a certain state as a result of which life as it is, things as they are, do not appear worse after those few seconds. There isnt, after them, that sort of horror of falling back into an abyss: there isnt that, you dont have that feeling. The memory is only a sort of dazzling burst of light.

0 1966-12-14, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Even humanly its not Possible.
   Oh, I can guarantee its humanly im Possible. I know what it is, I have constantly to to disappear into the Supreme. Otherwise, its not Possible. The physical personality constantly, constantly goes away like this (gesture upward) so He alone may be there. Otherwise I couldnt hold out.
   Fortunately, they [the people Mother will see tomorrow] come to receive, so that somewhat lessens the (smiling) the kind gift of all their difficulties (but they leave enough of them behind!). They come with the idea of receiving the force, so I am naturally active (gesture of a link between above and below), and thats better, much better. With those who really come with the idea that they are going to receive and be streng thened, it makes the work easier.

0 1966-12-31, #Agenda Vol 07, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Sri Aurobindo also said, There will first come the power to prolong life at will (its far more subtle and marvelous than that). But thats a state of consciousness which is now being established: its a sort of constant and settled relationship and contact with the supreme Lord, which abolishes the sense of wear and tear; it replaces it with a sort of extraordinary flexibility, an extraordinary plasticity. But the SPONTANEOUS state of immortality isnt Possibleat least not for the time being. This structure must be changed into something else, and judging from the way things are going on, it will take a long time before its changed into something else. It may go much faster than in the past, but even assuming that the movement is speeding up, it still takes time (according to our notion of time). And the rather remarkable thing is that to be in the state of consciousness in which wear and tear no longer exists, you must change your sense of time: you enter a state in which time no longer has the same reality. Its something else. Its very peculiar its an innumerable present. I dont know. Even that habit we have of thinking ahead of time or foreseeing whats going to happen or it hinders, it reconnects you with the old way of being.
   So many, so many habits that have to be changed.
   (In the afternoon, Mother sent the following note to Satprem, like a continuation of the mornings conversation, meaning that the integral realization, that of the new being, will only be Possible when)
   Oh, to be spontaneously divine without watching oneself be, having gone beyond the stage where one wants to be divine.

0 1967-01-18, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   No, thats not Possible.
   Its not Possible.
   No, its not Possible.
   The duration of that trance doesnt depend on outward conditions, on the preparation of the world, for instance?
   I dont think thats materially Possible.
   And the purpose of that trance would basically be to fix the supramental vibration in the body?
   I often wonder what the best Possible attitude is for us. Is it better to be simply in a state of silence, open above, a wide silence, or
   I think thats it.

0 1967-01-21, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   What makes things very difficult is that, in fact, there is no one who has the experience of what I say. Thats what is missing. You understand well only the things you have experienced. If you try to understand all that mentally, you cant, its not Possible; an acute way of feeling has gone.
   I read this Propos to A. and to Pavitra (you cant find people better disposed and more eager to understand), but all the subtlety was gone!they didnt understand. They tried (they understood, they were very interested), but I know, I saw their state of consciousness: there was something completely closed, because there is no equivalent in them. But what can be done? Oh, I gave up very long ago the idea of being really understoodin a few hundred years people will understand, perhaps.
   That way of being is still quite indefinable; but in this search there is a constant perception (which translates itself in vision) of a multicoloured light, of all the coloursall the colours not in layers but as though (stippling gesture) a combination of dots, of all the colours. Two years ago (a little more than two years, I dont remember), when I met the Tantrics, when I came into contact with them, I started seeing that light, and I thought it was the tantric light, the tantric way of seeing the material world. But now, I see it constantly, associated with everything, and it seems to be what we might call a perception of true Matter. All Possible colours are combined without being mixed together (same stippling gesture), and combined in luminous dots. Everything is as though made up of this. And it seems to be the true mode of being I am not yet sure, but in any case its a far more conscious mode of being.
   I see it all the time: with eyes open, eyes closed, all the time. And one has a strange perception (for the body), a strange perception of subtlety, permeability (if I may call it that), of suppleness of form, and not exactly an elimination but a considerable lessening of the rigidity of forms (the rigidity is eliminated, but not the forms: a suppleness in the forms). And for the body itself, the first few times it felt that in some part or the other, it had the impression of being a bit lost, with the sense of something eluding it. But if one remains very quiet and waits quietly, its simply replaced by a sort of plasticity and fluidity that seems to be a new mode of the cells.

0 1967-01-28, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   It may be the cure, they may go through, I dont know. Because Sri Aurobindo said that if you go beyond satiation you are cured, the same as when you get rid of desire you are cured. But if you go beyond satiation you are cured, you are disgusted, you feel the same disgust. Thats Possible, I dont know.
   (Laughing) In the meantime, it makes a fine mess!

0 1967-02-08, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Oh, how interesting it is, if you knew how interesting. Take coughing, for instance (not in the chest, in the throat). So, the first vibration: an irritation that draws your attention in order to make you cough. It has a certain kind of vibration which we may call pointed, but its not violent: its light, annoying. Its the first little vibration. So with that vibration: awakening of the attention in the surrounding consciousness (of the throat cells); then a refusal to accept the cough, a rejection here (in the throat), which at first almost causes nausea (all this is seen through a microscope, you understand, they are very tiny things). The attention is focused. Then, at that point, there are several Possible factors, which are sometimes simultaneous and sometimes one drives away the other; one is anxiety: something goes wrong and there is apprehension at whats going to happen; the other is a will that nothing should be disturbed by the irritation; and then all of a sudden, the faith that the Force is capable of restoring order everywhere immediately (none of this is intellectual: its vibrations).
   Then, sometime yesterday morning, something very interesting occurred: a clear perception that the vast majority of the cells (in THIS CASE: Im not talking about the whole body, I am talking about this particular spotthroat, nose, etc.), the vast majority of the cells still have a sort of feelingwhich seems to be the result of innumerable experiences or of habits (its both; not clearly one or the other, but both)that Natures force, that is to say, the nature governing the body, knows what needs to be done better than the divine Power: its used to it, it knows better. Thats how it is. And then, when this new consciousness which is being worked out in the physical being (the mind of the cells) has caught hold of that, oh, it was as if it had caught hold of an extraordinary revelation; it said, Ah, Ive got you, you culprit! You are the one who is preventing the transformation.

0 1967-02-15, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Thon, for his part, insisted very much on adverse forces, while Sri Aurobindo didnt talk about them. So when I came here I asked him, But do hostile beings and adverse forces exist? He said to me, Yes, they exist, but in order to master them its easier to regard them as being outside, rather than inside as a part of your nature. He insisted on the One: everything is the One distorted to a greater or lesser extent, even the adverse forces. What we call adverse forces are, at bottom, distortions of consciousness. When those distortions predominate in a being, that is to say, when his nature obeys distorted influences and no longer responds to the divine influence, we may call it a hostile being (they do exist, God knows!). But here in India, they have insisted above all on the notion of Oneness. Of course, at the origin of the worlds a separation took place, but its mainly the Tantrics who have insisted on that; they say that in order to re-form Godhead, the two poles must be reunited. All this is words, a manner of speaking that fills the gaps and complements each other. And depending on the individuals, the times and countries, there were manners of speaking more or less pure, some closer than others. But all said and done We could say that the Lord enjoys narrating Himself in all Possible ways.
   And when you are on the very lowest rung of the ladder of consciousness, those manners of speaking become increasingly concrete, absolute, hard, and exclusive of all that isnt themselves: those are religions. Oh, by the way, it seems the Pope was approached about Auroville and he asked if there would be a Catholic church! They put the question to me. I said, No. No churches, no temples.

0 1967-02-18, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   So what should be done there (and what I am trying to do) is the same work of receptive silence and to let inspiration, the inspirational consciousness, gather the necessary elements. For that we must be very tranquil. We must be very supple, in the sense of surrendered; I mean, allow as little habitual activity as Possible to mix inbe almost like an automaton. But with the full perception of the consciousness trying to be expressed, so that nothing gets mixed in with it. Thats the most important thing: to receive this consciousness and hold it like really like something sacred, without anything getting mixed in with it, like that. So then, there is a problem of attraction, we could say, and of concretization in the formula.4 I always tell myself that if I knew many languages, it would make use of all that; unfortunately I know only two (I know only two thoroughly) and I have only very superficial and minimal glimpses of two or three others thats not enough. Only, I have been in contact with very different methods: the method of the Far East and the Sanskrit method, and of course the methods of the West. It does give a sort of base, but its not sufficient I am at the opposite extreme from erudition. I have always felt that erudition shrivels up thoughtit parches the brain. (But I have great respect for scholars, oh! indeed, and I seek their advice, but for myself it wont do!)
   Once, very long ago, when Sri Aurobindo was telling me about himself, that is, of his childhood, his education, I put the question to him, I asked him, Why am I, as an individual being, so mediocre? I can do anything; all that I have tried to do I have done, but never in a superior way: always like this (gesture to an average level). Then he answered me (at the time I took it as a kindness or commiseration), Thats because it gives great supplenessa great suppleness and a vast scope; because those who have perfection are concentrated and specialized. As I said, I took it simply like a caress to comfort a child. But now I realize that the most important thing is not to have any fixity: nothing should be set, definitive, like the sense of a perfection in the realization that puts a total stop to the forward march. The sense of incapacity (with the meaning I said of mediocrity, of something by no means exceptional) leaves you in a sort of expectation (gesture of aspiration upward) of something better. And then, the most important thing is supplenesssuppleness, suppleness. Suppleness and breadth: reject nothing as useless or bad or inferiornothing; set nothing up as really superior and beautifulnothing. Remain ever open, ever open.
   That story of little S. has taught me much. Because I saw that little girl this morning. She is black-skinned, of courseshe was all luminous. All luminous. And I dont think she is conscious of it (perhaps only insofar as Y. has flattered her thats always Possible), but its very spontaneous in her, she wasnt trying to put on airs, she didnt come to strike a pose: she simply came to take the fruit and flower for Thoth. She was here in front of my table; when I saw her come in I said, Strange. This little girl who is so black-skinned she was clearer than others.
   And this letter is so strong!

0 1967-02-25, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   From the point of view of consciousness, the beings I saw1 for instance, when they wanted to be covered in a certain way (you know, clothed), they did it through willpower; from the point of view of consciousness, thats certainly incomparable, theres no Possible comparison, but
   Of course, one can clo the oneself in a marvellous way.

0 1967-03-02, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I live amidst a growing confusion. It has one advantage, I see that very clearly: there can no longer be any automatism. When you live a well-organized life, things become automatic thats not Possible anymore, at each minute the consciousness must be like a guiding light that is projected in order to know what must be done. I clearly see its meant to be like that. Its deliberate.
   Some of the things I said in the Talk youve just read to me today, were true at the time, are still true for the majority of people, but are no longer true for me.1 To the present vision, there is nothing that isnt willed and doesnt come purposely (not exactly deliberately, but with a precise aim in view), and it is AT THE SAME TIME a complete, multifaceted and integral whole (which is why its very difficult to grasp). But now the thing is very clearly felt. And that is since two or three days, following a very minute observationprecise and minute The centre of consciousness is fairly high up (gesture far above the head); in the past it was always there (gesture near the top of the head) and it would see things around and inside, but it seems to have ascended and the field of the consciousness is much vaster. Also, the body has become transparent, so to speak, and almost nonexistent; I dont know how to put it it doesnt obstruct the vibrations: all vibrations can go through. For example (Ill give an example to make myself understood, omitting details deliberately), I was asked for a certain amount of money, an increase. (On the material level a certain number of things are controlledby Motherfrom here, and which I have to pay for regularly.) So then, an increase was asked for. Not that the request was unreasonable, thats not it (it was an increase for something special, a daily increase), but I dont know why (because heregesture to the foreheadnothing happens, I am absolutely, not only blank, but transparent, and everything is allowed to go through unobstructed), when I had to take the decision, there was immediately a vision (but a vision, as I said, from above, which sees over a much larger field), of conflict, battle, and to the observation there was something (in Mother) very much displeased, like a protest. I wondered why. If it had been translated into words, there would have been indignation at that request (without there being in the consciousness the least reason for this indignation: it all becomes very, very impersonalvery impersonal). I went on looking with the vision of the consciousness, and then, as if automatically, through this mouth I asked how much this increase would amount to per week (because even the mental state that enables you to calculate isnt there at all: its only a question of consciousness). I asked someone who was there, and he told me. Then, there immediately came the decision: I will give so much once a week. And everything calmed down. Why and how and who? I havent the faintest idea.
   Oh, these last few days there have been moments a few minutes (it could hardly last more) when it was really hard. And then, what makes it Possible for the body to go through is that at such moments, its completely like this (gesture of surrender): Lord, what You will. Nothing, no thought, no speculationnothing: What You will. And You alone exist. Thats all.
   Moments of anguish, you know in an ordinary consciousness it would find expression in physical pains that are hard to bear, but the Grace is there the UNREALITY OF THE SUFFERING is there, fortunately.

0 1967-03-04, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Without the first, nothing is Possible (and the other two are even unrealistic without the first: they lead nowhere, you go round in circles endlessly). But if you clo the the first in the other two, then I think the action is more precise, more direct, more rapid.
   Its the result of these last few days studies.

0 1967-04-03, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Then, at the same time, at the same moment, there came the experience (not an objectified one), the experience that the Will is on a much lower level than That, or rather, much more external. Because the Will sees and doessees AND doeswhereas there, its not seeing AND executing AND doing, or seeing AND being: its simultaneous. Its something above visionabove vision and above will something (silence) something that IS. And at that moment, simultaneously, that is to say, without any Possible space (space or time, of course, its quite outside that, because its not a vision that sees itself seeing, its not a perception thats conscious of its perception, not a consciousness conscious of its consciousness), it IS, like that (one could say), such as it will be projected in space and time.
   So when we say, To want what God wants or To unite with the divine Will, its our way of looking (gesture from the bottom upwards, or from below to above). And its quite approximate. But there And the marvellous thing is that its not what we in our infirmity may conceive of as a simplification, its really the Whole: the manifested, the non-manifested, the yet-to-be-manifested, everything, but everything the Whole. At that second, when you are there, its omnipotence. Omnipotence, absolute freedom, the unforeseeable, and the existent whole. And that

0 1967-04-05, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Mon petit, when the cells get into this state, its wonderful, you cant imagine! It changes life com-plete-ly. They are like that: a sense of wonder at the first Contact. Is it Possible? Can it be that beautiful! Is it Possible? Like that. And constantly, all the time, at any moment, about anything: Can it possibly be like that? Such a sense of wonder! Then you see the difference with the old habits and everything people have had crammed into their heads (renunciation, the beyond)its marvellous! Unbelievable. All morning again it was like that. There comes a malaise (it always comes from outside, from this and that, in relation to this and that; thats how it comes), and immediately, they remember immediately. They remember, they say, No! What You will, Lord. Thats their attitude, an attitude of such complete self-giving! Much, much more complete, much simpler, much more charming than in any other part of the being. Its, What You will. You, You, You, what You will. To be to be You not with an idea of aggrandizement, but to melt, to flow, to disappear in You like that. And then, But You are reality! And all these words are a diminution. Diminution not of sensation, but of consciousness its a marvel of consciousness, you know: You, You But You alone exist, You alone are. Then all the discomforts, all the pains, they vanish without a trace. Its a marvel, one cant imagine!
   Sri Aurobindo once wrote somewhere, after an experience like this of the Divine Presence in the being, he wrote, If men knew how marvellous is the way. But they dont know. He wrote it, I cant quote because Ill quote it incorrectly, but he had this experience, If men knew how marvellous it is, they wouldnt hesitate for a minute.
   Understand and see clearly why this movement took place, why that impulse, what the childs inner constitution is, which point needs to be streng thened and brought to the fore. Thats all you have to do, and then leave them: leave them free to blossom, just give them the opportunity to see many things, touch many things, do as many things as Possible. Its great fun. And above all, do not try to impose on them something you think you know.
   Never scold, always understand, and, if the child is capable, explain. If he isnt capable of understanding an explanation (if you are yourself capable of it), replace the false vibration by a true one. But that thats asking of the teachers a perfection they rarely have.
   Then and then onlyyou will be able to discern, from time to time, from place to place, an intuition that something else is Possible: in the Vedas, for instance (the injunction to descend deep into the cave of the Panis); in the Tantras also a little light burning.
   I may add that you could adopt as motto for your first project this quotation of Sri Aurobindo:

0 1967-04-12, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   So I wonder if this decision hasnt had an effect on your sleep? Thats quite Possible.

0 1967-04-15, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There are other, very interesting examples. Theres a Burmese (you may have heard of this) who has just received a peace prize. He has written an article (he is Burmese, I dont know which language he wrote it in, but it has been published in French in a Swiss newspaper), in which he says what everybody knows, but what everybody forgets too: that if all the money wasted on preparing means of destruction were used for the progress of human well-being, we could work wonders. And he adds (I cant quote him exactly): for that to be Possible, mennations and menmust stop distrusting and fearing each other, and live in the sense of unity. And he says, if, for that, HUMAN NATURE HAS TO CHANGE, its high time it changed and we must all work for that to happen.
   I am extremely happy to hear this. Here is a man who has caught the true thing.2
   And this joy, this enthusiasm at the possibility: that being wholly sincere is Possible; almost, I could say, that it is permitted (these are words): Life is such a disorder and muddle of insincerity that THAT is really what is expected of us, THAT; THAT is whats permitted, THAT is what must be realized: to be absolute in the joy of self-giving. Its a marvel, a marvel!
   Also, the contact with all those beings of the Overmind, all those gods, all those Entities, all those divinities. There is here, in the cells, a sort of (what can I call it?) rectitude, and, yes, sincerity and honesty that says, Oh, what fuss they make! How all this is (Mother puffs up her cheeks) puff! puff! swollen up. Its very interesting, really very interesting. The vision of the world is quite different. Its far more honestfar more honest, far more sincere, far more upright. Its strange.
   Naturally, everything is good, everything is Possible (L.S.D.), but it seems to be a very circuitous route to arrive at the same place.
   This is the description (retranslated from the French) of the "cellular level" by Dr. Timothy Leary, psychologist and professor at Harvard University: "Huge aggregates of cells are animated and the consciousness whirls about in strange landscapes for which there exist neither words nor concepts. L.S.D. reveals cellular dialogues imperceptible to the normal state of consciousness, for which we have no appropriate symbolic terms. You become aware of processes you never sensed before. You feel yourself sinking into the soft swamps of your own body's tissues, slowly drifting below dark red aqueducts, floating through endless capillary systems, gently propelled through endless systems of cells, grandfa ther clocks of fibres tirelessly jingling, clinking, tinkling, pumping. This experience is striking when you have it for the first time; it can also be a dreadful, frightening and at the same time marvellous experience..." Then his description of the "pre-cellular level": "Your nervous cells become aware, as Einstein did, that all matter, all structure is nothing but pulsating energy. Your body and the world around you dissolve into a sparkling lattice of white waves. You have penetrated matter's intimate structure and vibrate in harmony with its primeval and cosmic pulse."
   Mother is referring to U Thant, secretary-general of the United Nations. U.N.O., April 10, 1967: "That a fraction of the amounts that are going to be spent in 1967 on arms could finance economic, social, national and world programs to an extent so far unimaginable is a notion within the grasp of the man in the street. Men, if they unite, are now capable of foreseeing and, to a certain point, determining the future of human development. This, however, is Possible only if we stop fearing and harassing one another and if together we accept, welcome and prepare the changes that must inevitably take place. If this means a change in human nature, well, it is high time we worked for it; what must surely change is certain political attitudes and habits man has."
   La Suisse, Geneva, April 10, 1967, translated from the French.

0 1967-04-19, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   As for me, I understood that you could already give the child ideas, aspirations, tendencies (I didnt know how that was Possible), but she doesnt say anything leading to that.
   Theres only one thing, she says somewhere that during the first few weeks, for the child the separation is painful, and so the physical contact is necessary the touch the contact with the skin to give the child the taste of life and the understanding of physical life.1 Thats Possible. But nowadays doctors say, The last thing you should do is touch your childput it in a cradle. You should not touch it because that will deform it. It runs quite counter to her theories. Of course, she may be right to a certain extent, its Possible. But anyway, its a very small detail, its nothing. I expected a lot and have been somewhat disappointed.
   But what this Burmese man has said is fine thats much more interesting: this idea that its high time human nature changed. Thats good. Because in ordinary life, ordinary people tell you, I cant help it, thats the way I am! Its the answer you always get.

0 1967-04-22, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I dont think its Possible to stop themtheyll go on taking it until serious accidents happen, and then then the government will intervene and will add another blunder to this one.
   There is also the pressure of external agitation (the world lives in perpetual agitation), the external agitation: everything and everyone is rushing towards one really doesnt know why. They want to do ten times more things in a given space of time than is normally Possible, so it goes like this (gesture of trepidation). And to have the strength to remain calm and well-balanced in the middle of it, in that whirl
   Its very interesting, really.
   What people generally call force (in the English sense of the word strength) is something very heavy and tamasic. True force is a tremendously rapid movement, but in perfect calm. There is no agitation; the movement is fantastically faster, but without agitation, in such calm! They generally dont even feel that Force, yet it is the one that makes that will make the transformation Possible.
   The difficulty is always the transition. You see, the body acts (it is carried, so to speak: things are done without the sense of resistance or fatigue, nothing of the sort, that doesnt exist), and then, if for some reason or other (generally an influence or a thought coming from someone else), if the memory of the other method (the ordinary method, the universal method of all human beings) comes all of a sudden, it is as if (its very strange) it is as if the body could no longer DO ANYTHING, absolutely as if it were about to faint. Then, there immediately comes the reaction, and the other movement gets the upper hand again. But that makes for a difficult time. When these lapses will become im Possible, there will be security. But as it is now, its difficult.

0 1967-05-20, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   You see, an undeniable goodwill, a will to do the right thing (Mother is speaking about herself), an attitude that seemed as good as Possible, and already the sense of a surrender and an effort to express not at all personal movements, but the guiding Willall that, that whole attitude (which at the time seemed quite good), seen with todays consciousness! (Mother takes her head in her hands) So its easy to think that
   Sri Aurobindo surely had that consciousness, surely since he spoke about i the had it, and he saw us living like that around him what patience! What a marvel of patience.

0 1967-05-24, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Once, Amrita told me too that for him it was something simply unthinkable. So I answered him, No! That way doesnt help. Just think that the Divine is everything (to the fullest Possible extent, of course), everything we want to become in our highest, most enlightened aspiration. All that we want to become thats the Divine. He was so happy! He told me, Oh, that way it becomes easy!
   But when you look at itwhen you emerge from mental activity and look at the experience you have, you wonder, How to say it? How to explain it? The nearest, most accessible, is this: into that something we aspire to become, we instinctively, spontaneously put everything we want to exist, all the most marvellous things we can imagine, all the objects of an intense (and ignorant) aspiration, all of that. And with all that, you draw near something and In fact, you dont get the contact through thought; you get the contact through something IDENTICAL in the being, which is awakened by the intensity of the aspiration. So, as soon as you have got for yourself, be it for one second, this contactthis fusion theres no more need to explain: its something that imposes itself in an absolute way, and that is outside and beyond all explanation.

0 1967-05-27, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   D. has gone to the Tibetan zones (not in Tibet, thats not Possible, but up there, where the Tibetan refugees live), with some sort of hope of finding a guru. But I saw her yesterday, and she has changed a lot. Yesterday she told me (she had read something by me, I dont know where, because she generally doesnt read), she told me that one day, Oh, I had a revelation; I suddenly understood that I didnt understand anything of what you say! Because we dont give words the same meaning. I said it was true! And now Ive understood, Ive understood how it is when we dont understand! And she was troubled, because naturally, everyone tells her, Why do you go there in search of what you have here? I answered her, What does it matter to you! Its quite simple, just tell them the truth that you arent ready for staying here. She said, Yes, thats what I am trying to tell them. (She is trying to tell them in a roundabout way.)
   But she has a great sincerity in her aspiration

0 1967-06-03, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I saw Y. on the 31st. She stayed for about an hour and told me of her hopes: she sees the possibility of a sort of world television (I dont know how that would be arranged), with a telephone, and there would be a central office with a collection of answers to all Possible questionseach question answered by someone eminent or qualified. The result would be the organization of a universal educationwell, terrestrial that would really be an education for all countries, in which the knowledge and best qualities of every country in the artistic, literary and scientific fields would be gathered in a kind of transmitting centre, and all you would have to do would be to get into communication with it. So then, instead of having more or less incapable teachers to teach what they also know more or less, you would have the answer to every question, the most competent and best answer. Thus there would really be all over the earth an education that would be the best Possible, from which everyone would receive only what he wants; you wouldnt have to attend classes, a number of useless classes, in order to catch the little you want to know: you would have it just by getting into communication with the centre; you would ask for such and such a number and would get your answer.
   If it could be realized, it would be very good. It means that the most beautiful works of art, the most beautiful teachings, all the best of what humanity is GOING to produce, would be collected and within reach of all those who had a television. There would be the image along with the explanation, or the text or speech. A kind of imposing central building where everything would be gathered. I found it rather attractive. I told her that we would have that in Auroville (not the central office: just a receiving set). She said that instead of teachers who teach poorly what they know, there would be the best teaching on each subject. (I didnt ask her WHO would select those people that remains the somewhat delicate point.) But I found the idea very attractive. She said things are moving in that direction.

0 1967-06-07, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Love leads us from the suffering of division into the bliss of perfect union, but without losing that joy of the act of union which is the souls greatest discovery and for which the life of the cosmos is a long preparation. Therefore to approach God by love is to prepare oneself for the greatest Possible spiritual fulfilment.
   (The Synthesis of Yoga, XXI.III.523)
   Instead of saying to all that exceeds him, we could say, to THAT WHICH exceeds him, because from the intellectual standpoint, all that which is debatable. I mean there is a somethingan indefinable and inexplicable something and man has always felt dominated by that something. It is beyond all Possible understanding and dominates him. And then, religions have given it a name; man has called it God; the French call it Dieu, the English, God, in another language its called differently, but anyway its the same.
   I am intentionally not giving any definition. Because my lifelong feeling has been that its a mere word, and a word behind which people put a lot of very undesirable things. Its that idea of a god who claims to be the one and only, as they say: God is the one and only. But they feel it and say it in the way Anatole France put it (I think it was in The Revolt of Angels): this God who wants to be the one and only and ALL ALONE. That was what had made me a complete atheist, if I may say so, in my childhood; I refused to accept a being, WHOEVER HE WAS, who proclaimed himself to be the one and only and almighty. Even if he were indeed the one and only and almighty (laughing), he should have no right to proclaim it! Thats how it was in my mind. I could make an hour-long speech on this, to show how in every religion they tackled the problem.
   And from the practical point of view, the remarkable thing is that in that region, which is beyond all Possible contradictions, there lies the source of the true Power.
   But I mean that we could find in Sri Aurobindo a sentence saying, for instance, that God is a word empty of meaning into which man puts whatever he likes, and then a description similar to the one I gave of the Divine. And throughout all his writings, its like that for everything.

0 1967-06-21, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   But purposely, for the sake of the work, the future is not revealed. So your question cannot be answered. Thus for everyone the wisest is to open oneself as much as Possible to the force that is pressing for manifestation, to keep sincerely an ardent aspiration and an unshaken faith and wait patiently for the result.
   (July 27, 1967)

0 1967-06-24, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Its as if, in order to replace that habit, there was a kind of effort to create another one(!) which is only an approximation. Does that state of consciousness, that way of being, that way of existing, reacting, expressing, does it strive towards the Divine Manifestation? Is it in conformity with the tendency towards the Divine Manifestation? The thought is silent, immobile, so the imagination doesnt function (all that is deliberate), and the movement is trying to be as sincere and spontaneous as Possible under the influence of the divine Presence. Words distort too much.
   From time to time, now and then, all at once the concrete experience, as in a flash: the experience of the Presence, of identification. But it lasts for a few seconds, then things revert to their former state.
   Of course not, thats just it! The more you look at it It wont come that way (Mother laughs), it will obviously come in a similar manner that man came from the animal. But we lack the stages between the animal and man, they are missingwe may think about them, imagine them, they have found some things, but to tell the truth we werent there to see it! We dont know how it happened. But that doesnt matter. According to some, the transformation can be consciously begun inwardly by forming the child. That may be, I am not saying no. Its Possible. Then he will have to form another, more transformed, and so onseveral stages, which will disappear just as the stages between the ape and man disappeared?
   Well, yes, that is the whole story of human perfection.

0 1967-06-30, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   These are things that cant be explained yet. Its not yet Possible to explain them.
   But it came back just now, like a demonstration. What could we call it? A sort of mode of being in the cells and their relationships with each other, under (how can I put it?) the government of the supreme Consciousness. And the difference in the functioning. The way to establish the inner balance.

0 1967-07-05, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   No, but the incoherence of it all Some resent Indias attitude during the war, others resent Israels victory in the war! So, never mind the most contradictory things in the same line of thoughtits the need to hate. To be unpleasant, as unpleasant as Possible.

0 1967-07-12, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   And the condition of all the cells (the vibrations that make up this body) is undeniably what makes the thing (the cure) Possible or not; that is, depending on the bodys condition, it serves either as a transmitter, or on the contrary as an obstruction. Because its not a higher force acting in others THROUGH Matter: its a direct action (horizontal gesture, on the same level) from matter to matter.
   What people generally call healing power is a very great mental or vital power that imposes itself through the resistance of Matter but this isnt that at all! Its the contagion of a vibration. And then its irrevocable.

0 1967-07-22, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Ah, yes, thats what they base themselves on. But it makes no difference! Two of the teachers of technology have shown how, from the purely technical standpoint, it was Possible to evaluate without the need for exams. No, you see, I know, I did my studies there, in France, there were lots of exams and I know how it is. I attended (I was young at the time, but that makes no difference), I attended exams like the ones taken for certificates, I saw the pupils who were there, I saw how they answered. Its one of my very concrete experiences: the ones that pass are NOT AT ALL the most intelligent ones! Never. They are the ones that repeat parrot fashion. They repeat very nicely. They have no understanding of what they say.
   Anyhow, I think well get somewhere.

0 1967-07-26, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   The students point of view: they learn just to appear to know and to pass their exams and pad out their heads with all kinds of things. The teachers point of view is to have as easy a control as Possible and to be able to give marks without giving themselves too much trouble, with a minimum of effort. As for me, I say: each student is an individuality, each student should come not because he wants to be able to say, I have studied and I am going to take my exams, but because he is eager to know and he comes with the will to know. And the teacher must not follow the easy method of giving a subject and seeing how each one answers, and whether the answer is good or bad, and conforms to what he has taught or not: he must find out whether the students interest and effort are sincere, and everyone according to his own nature for the teacher its infinitely more difficult, but thats education. And they protest.
   As regards the teachers point of view, I certainly agree entirely

0 1967-07-29, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Have you sometimes had that kind of very global vision in time and space, in which each thing has its place and everything is coordinated by a total consciousness? (It must be new only to me.) It is a knowledge-vision. My consciousness, the consciousness there (gesture above and around) is constantly a consciousness of action. Since the beginning of those creative bursts of Love, it has been a consciousness of action, always actionaction, action, perpetual action. In fact, constant creation. But this morning, it wasnt action: it was (laughing) the observation, I could say, the observation of that action as a sort of vision, as you would look at a picture, you know. Instead of being on the highest intellectual plane, that of absolute comprehension and that puts each thing in its place, it was (how can I explain it?). Its a knowledge through subjective vision. Not the vision of something foreign to you: its the same state of consciousness as that of the doer, but instead of only doing, it sees at the same time. That was this mornings experience. It was rather new in the sense that I only had it now and then, like that, but never with that totality, that clarity and that sort of absoluteness. It is the sensation of a self-evident, absolute, indisputable knowledgeits not trying to express something: its SEEING. Seeing, really seeing, but seeing not one thing after another: seeing everything at once, a totality in space and in time. And seeing every detail with total precision, which makes it Possible to write a thing like this (the note on Christianity).
   To be clear, I should tell the whole thing. Yesterday I had an opportunity to speak to someone about this constant presence of Sri Aurobindo, here, who sees, says, does, all the time. Then, after I had spoken, I wondered, How is it that this brain Because, I think I told you, when Sri Aurobindo left his body, several times, several days in a row, I stood near his bed for one or two hours, and I feltMATERIALLY feltwhat came out of his body enter mine. To such a point that I remember having said, Well, if anyone denies afterlife, I have proof it exists. So I thought, Why does this brain (Mothers) go on working according to its usual routine now that the consciousness of the Presence is constant? Then this morning I had this experience, and while having the experience, I felt, This is how Sri Aurobindo used to see! (Laughing) That must be it! And for some time I have noticed that as soon as, for this body or for other bodies, for events, for as soon as something is formulated (its neither a desire nor an aspiration, but something like the living perception of a possibility that SHOULD be realizedit comes sometimes), it gets done! It gets done automatically and immediately. So this morning, for, oh, half an hour, the impression was so charming, so pleasant: Ah, there we are! THIS IS HOW we should see things!

0 1967-08-12, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   You know, it came to me as a discovery. The whole religion, instead of being seen like this (gesture from below), was seen like that (gesture from above). Here is what I mean: the ordinary idea of Christianity is that the son (to use their language), the son of God came to give his message (a message of love, unity, fraternity and charity) to the earth; and the earth, that is, those who govern, who werent ready, sacrificed him, and his Father, the supreme Lord, let him be sacrificed in order that his sacrifice would have the power to save the world. That is how they see Christianity, in its most comprehensive idea the vast majority of Christians dont understand anything whatsoever, but I mean that among them there may be (perhaps, its Possible), among the cardinals for instance who have studied occultism and the deeper symbols of things, some who understand a little better anyway. But according to my vision (Mother points to her note on Christianity), what happened was that in the history of the evolution of the earth, when the human race, the human species, began to question and rebel against suffering, which was a necessity to emerge more consciously from inertia (its very clear in animals, it has become very clear already: suffering was the means to make them emerge from inertia), but man, on the other hand, went beyond that stage and began to rebel against suffering, naturally also to revolt against the Power that permits and perhaps uses (perhaps uses, to his mind) this suffering as a means of domination. So that is the place of Christianity. There was already before it a fairly long earth historywe shouldnt forget that before Christianity, there was Hinduism, which accepted that everything, including destruction, suffering, death and all calamities, are part of the one Divine, the one God (its the image of the Gita, the God who swallows the world and its creatures). There is that, here in India. There was the Buddha, who on the other hand, was horrified by suffering in all its forms, decay in all its forms, and the impermanence of all things, and in trying to find a remedy, concluded that the only true remedy is the disappearance of the creation. Such was the terrestrial situation when Christianity arrived. So there had been a whole period before it, and a great number of people beginning to rebel against suffering and wanting to escape from it like that. Others deified it and thus bore it as an inescapable calamity. Then came the necessity to bring down on earth the concept of a deified, divine suffering, a divine suffering as the supreme means to make the whole human consciousness emerge from Unconsciousness and Ignorance and lead it towards its realization of divine beatitude, but notnot by refusing to collaborate with life, but IN life itself: accepting suffering (the crucifixion) in life itself as a means of transformation in order to lead human beings and the entire creation to its divine Origin.
   That gives a place to all religions in the development from the Inconscient to the divine Consciousness.

0 1967-08-19, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   This morning, during the experience, the body felt the whole bliss of the condition, but it was very conscious of its incapacity to manifest and very conscious in such a perfect peace, like this (gesture with the palms of the hands open upward), in which there wasnt even the intensity of the need. It was simply a vision of how things were, how the condition was. And it was something like this: the conditions of the earth are such, the conditions of the substance are such that a local and momentary manifestation, as an example, is not im Possible, but the transformation that would make Possible the new Manifestation of the supramental being and not just as an isolated case, but with its place and role in earth lifedoes not appear to be immediate. That was the impression.
   And there was no anguish to know or anything of the sort, there was simply a very tranquil vision of things, absolutely devoid of almost any need: it was like this (same gesture with palms open), as peaceful as can be, smiling, tranquil, with a sense of eternity. All that in this body, which was totally, entirely conscious of its incapacity. Naturally, the body, for its part, very clearly feels it neither knows nor is able to know or will or do: simply like this (gesture with palms open), as peacefully open, receptive, surrendered as Possible. And that was the result (the vision that the Manifestation was not for the immediate future).
   And it always ends in the same way: What You will.

0 1967-09-16, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   Now it has become that way FOR THE BODY: when it hurts, when it gets disorganized, when it threatens to fall apart. And then, there is always that Consciousness inside, straight as a sword, that says, Now, will you stand firm? And the cells are really touchingly good willed: Oh, is it like that? Well, very well. So you remain very quiet, very peaceful, and then you callyou call the Lord. And you repeat the mantra, which comes automatically, and Peace establishes itself. And after a while the pain has disappearedeverything, just everything, all the threats disappear one after the other Thats how it is: Lord, You are there And you know, such dazzling, indisputable proof of this Presence, which is so wonderful and so simple, so simple, so total, in all that comes, all that happens, down to the smallest detail, so as to lead you as fast as Possible to the transformation.
   And all that comes nearcomes near at a greater or lesser distance, but that comes near, is borne along in the Movement, without even knowing it.

0 1967-09-30, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   There are two things. There is all this crowd I see constantly, and since long (a long time, that is in human terms), as soon as I am there, as soon as the body is there to see the people, it becomes no more than a channel, a kind of (gesture showing the Force flowing down through Mother to the people), for the Consciousness of the Lord to flow through it and go. There isnt even, or there is as little need to receive as Possible: its an Action like this (same gesture through Mother), the Force passing through. And when it happens in that room over there which is reserved exclusively for seeing people, the room fills with the Presence, and its as if that Presence opened its arms to receive people, took them, enveloped them, and then let them go out.
   But as regards the things personal to this body, like all that has to do with bathing, food, all that now no longer takes place in the same way. I dont know how to explain Here, its an activity; over there, its simply like that, a Presence. Here, its an activity: you have to fill a glass with water, put toothpaste, brush your teeththey are all activities. And, well there are no more memories, no more habits; things arent done because you learned to do them that way: they are done spontaneously by the Consciousness. In the transition between the old and the new movement there is a difficult little moment when the old habit is no longer there, and the new consciousness is not there permanently, so For example, it results in apparently clumsy gestures, movements that are not exactly what they should be. But it doesnt last, it happens once in a while for a particular thing, just for the lesson to be learned there is always a lesson waiting to be learned.

0 1967-10-04, #Agenda Vol 08, #The Mother, #Integral Yoga
   I have received your answer with joy and am writing again. I am in Aurobindo Ashram, where I thought I would only pass through, but there is a certain something here which attracts me strongly, and I think I have had enough of travelling around. I intend to go to Ramakrishna Mutt at Ootacamund, since I informed them of my visit, but will come back here as early as Possible. Everything here is wonderful and spellbinding. One who sees beyond the surface panes might well wonder if the new heaven and the new earth St. John speaks of do not meet here.
   There is a big church just a few minutes walk away, and yesterday morning, the 1st of October, the celebrant said, Become citizens of the heavenly city. He could not have hit upon my questionings more precisely. And in the evening, a young Parisian, landed here as pure as a newborn, and the first person he met was that same priest of the big church, who said to him, What have you come here for? There is nothing. The Parisian answered, What about the Ashram? The priest replied, The Ashram? Its a brothel. Because of that insulting declaration (and it is the kindest thing he said [Mother laughs ]), I am petitioning Mother for permission to remain here till the end of my stay in India. I do think there is abomination and desolation in the Holy Place. When will Christs words be acknowledged at last, A tree is recognized by its fruits? Jai-jai!
   One thing I know. Its that I deliberately (I dont know if this is what she understood), I deliberately wanted her mothers departure to take place in the most harmonious Possible conditions, with the least Possible wastage, so she may retain the COMPLETE fruit of her passage in life here, and What I did in reality (but this I didnt tell her), from the moment I heard the news of her stroke (it was an apoplectic seizure), from the moment I heard the news I put her in a bath of the Lord. I kept her like this (gesture of enfolding). So, for me, first of all I knew that if she was to be cured, she would recover fairly quickly, and that if she didnt recover, it would show it was really time for her to go, but then she would go with her body benefiting, so to speak, the substance benefiting from all the good of physical life, and with her inner being in the best conditions. Of course, the inner being in the best conditions is the case for everyone, for all those who pass away here (but I generally dont have the opportunity to let the inner being go out slowly, you understand4). I saw you know that when Sri Aurobindo left, we kept him for five days; I saw how it happened. I told you, while I stood beside him, it came out of his body and entered mine, and it was so material that there was a friction the body felt the friction of the Force entering. And I saw (of course, in that case it was quite different, tremendous, but for everybody its like that), I saw this: for the departure to be as harmonious as Possible, it should take place like that, according to an inner RHYTHM, with the Presence (which is both a protection and a help), the Presence of the divine Force. So I put her in that Presence. And even (I dont know if she told you), when her brother, who is a doctor came, he declared with their usual presumptuousness, Oh, shell be gone before tomorrow noon. I didnt say anything, I remained quiet. Naturally, three more days went by. And even he was forced to acknowledge that there was something there he didnt understand.
   What did she tell you?


--- Overview of noun possible

The noun possible has 2 senses (first 1 from tagged texts)
1. (1) possible ::: (something that can be done; "politics is the art of the possible")
2. possible ::: (an applicant who might be suitable)

--- Overview of adj possible

The adj possible has 2 senses (first 2 from tagged texts)
1. (136) possible ::: (capable of happening or existing; "a breakthrough may be possible next year"; "anything is possible"; "warned of possible consequences")
2. (20) potential, possible ::: (existing in possibility; "a potential problem"; "possible uses of nuclear power")

--- Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of noun possible

2 senses of possible                          

Sense 1
   => possibility, possible action, opening
     => option, alternative, choice
       => decision making, deciding
         => higher cognitive process
           => process, cognitive process, mental process, operation, cognitive operation
             => cognition, knowledge, noesis
               => psychological feature
                 => abstraction, abstract entity
                   => entity

Sense 2
   => applicant, applier
     => person, individual, someone, somebody, mortal, soul
       => organism, being
         => living thing, animate thing
           => whole, unit
             => object, physical object
               => physical entity
                 => entity
       => causal agent, cause, causal agency
         => physical entity
           => entity

--- Hyponyms of noun possible

--- Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of noun possible

2 senses of possible                          

Sense 1
   => possibility, possible action, opening

Sense 2
   => applicant, applier

--- Similarity of adj possible

2 senses of possible                          

Sense 1
possible (vs. impossible)
   => accomplishable, achievable, doable, manageable, realizable
   => affirmable, assertable
   => attainable, come-at-able
   => contingent
   => feasible, executable, practicable, viable, workable
   => mathematical
     Also See-> likely#1; practical#1; realistic#1; thinkable#1

Sense 2
potential (vs. actual), possible
   => latent

--- Antonyms of adj possible

2 senses of possible                          

Sense 1
possible (vs. impossible)

impossible (vs. possible)
    => hopeless
    => impracticable, infeasible, unfeasible, unworkable
    => out(predicate)
    => unachievable, unattainable, undoable, unrealizable

Sense 2
potential (vs. actual), possible

--- Coordinate Terms (sisters) of noun possible

2 senses of possible                          

Sense 1
  -> possibility, possible action, opening
   => possible

Sense 2
  -> applicant, applier
   => aspirant, aspirer, hopeful, wannabe, wannabee
   => bidder
   => claimant
   => job candidate
   => material
   => petitioner, suppliant, supplicant, requester
   => possible
   => probable
   => submitter

--- Pertainyms of adj possible

2 senses of possible                          

Sense 1
possible (vs. impossible)

Sense 2
potential (vs. actual), possible

--- Derived Forms of adj possible

2 senses of possible                          

Sense 1
possible (vs. impossible)
   RELATED TO->(noun) possibility#2
     => possibility, possibleness
   RELATED TO->(noun) possibleness#1
     => possibility, possibleness

Sense 2
potential (vs. actual), possible
   RELATED TO->(noun) possibility#1
     => possibility
   RELATED TO->(noun) possibility#4
     => possibility, possible action, opening
   RELATED TO->(noun) possibleness#1
     => possibility, possibleness

--- Grep of noun possible
mission impossible
possible action

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Wikipedia - Stilicho's Pictish War -- Possible war between Roman forces led by Stilicho and the Picts in Britain (c.398)
Wikipedia - Symbolic simulation -- Form of simulation where many possible executions of a system are considered simultaneously
Wikipedia - Tanpopo (mission) -- ISS astrobiology experiment investigating the potential interplanetary transfer of life, organic compounds, and possible terrestrial particles in the low Earth orbit
Wikipedia - Tautology (logic) -- Logical formula which is true in every possible interpretation
Wikipedia - Teachable moment -- The time at which learning a particular idea becomes possible or easiest
Wikipedia - Technology demonstration -- Showcasing possible applications, feasibility, performance and method of an idea for a new technology
Wikipedia - Terminus post quem -- Earliest date possible for something
Wikipedia - The Impossible (1965 film) -- 1966 film
Wikipedia - The Impossible (2012 film) -- 2012 film by Juan Antonio Bayona
Wikipedia - The Impossible Dream (The Quest) -- Song by Mitch Leigh (music) and Joe Dario (lyrics)
Wikipedia - The Impossible Elephant -- 2001 film directed by Martin Wood
Wikipedia - The Impossible Goodbye -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - The Impossible Mrs. Bellew -- 1922 film
Wikipedia - The Impossible Planet (short story) -- Short story by Philip K. Dick
Wikipedia - The Impossible Row -- 2020 documentary film
Wikipedia - The Impossibles (TV series) -- American television series
Wikipedia - The Impossible Woman (1936 film) -- 1936 film
Wikipedia - The Impossible Years -- 1965 play by Robert Fisher and Arthur Marx
Wikipedia - Theme from Mission: Impossible -- American television theme music
Wikipedia - Theomorphism -- Position that change in the divine nature is possible
Wikipedia - The Only Possible Argument in Support of a Demonstration of the Existence of God
Wikipedia - There ain't no such thing as a free lunch -- Popular adage communicating the idea that it is impossible to get something for nothing
Wikipedia - Three-source hypothesis -- A possible solution to the synoptic problem in which Matthew and Luke each depended on both Mark and a sayings collection (Q or a subset of it), and Luke also depended on Matthew
Wikipedia - Transmission Impossible with Ed and Oucho -- Television series
Wikipedia - Ugly duckling theorem -- An argument that classification is not really possible without some sort of bias
Wikipedia - Uncertainty -- Situation which involves imperfect and/or unknown information, regarding the existing state, environment, a future outcome or more than one possible outcomes
Wikipedia - Uranius -- Name of two possible 3rd century Roman imperial usurpers
Wikipedia - Urbilaterian -- Possible simple urbilateran candidate
Wikipedia - Venn diagram -- Diagram that shows all possible logical relations between a collection of sets
Wikipedia - Wave function -- Mathematical description of the quantum state of a system; complex-valued probability amplitude, and the probabilities for the possible results of measurements made on the system can be derived from it
Wikipedia - Wicked problem -- Problem that is difficult or impossible to solve because of incomplete, contradictory, and changing requirements that are often difficult to recognize
Wikipedia - With God, all things are possible -- Motto of the U.S. state of Ohio
Wikipedia - Zero-point energy -- Lowest possible energy of a quantum system or field\
Integral World - Possible Emerging Complex Planetary Meta-System, Potential Collaborative Evolution toward a Successful Future Civilisation, Glistening Deepwater
Integral World - Derrida and Nonduality, On the Possible Shortcomings of Nondual Spirituality, Gregory Desilet
Integral World - Reply to Smith's "Is Transcendence Possible?", Gregory Desilet
Integral World - Impossible Rhetoric: Boomeritis and its rhetorical problems, Mathias Larsen
Integral World - Further Thoughts on Media Violence and its Possible Causal Relationship to Actual Violence, Bryan O'Doherty
Integral World - Inca-Andean Principles As guidance for Possible Intgral Otherworldly Encounters, Giorgio Piacenza
Integral World - Is Transcendence Possible?, Andy Smith
Integral World - Possible Political Problems of Earth-Based Religiosity, by Michael Zimmerman
Death Makes Life Possible
selforum - impossible body
selforum - when doubt is impossible
selforum - limits on possible language changes
selforum - any other way will be impossible
selforum - series of vedantically possible worlds
selforum - empathy is what makes it possible for
selforum - it was virtually impossible not to
selforum - it is impossible to speak
selforum - number of possible grammars is not
selforum - devotionalism is not only possible
selforum - no accommodation is possible between
dedroidify.blogspot - anythings-possible
dedroidify.blogspot - impossible
dedroidify.blogspot - wu-tang-clan-impossible
Dharmapedia - File:Quote-the-demolition-of-a-temple-is-possible-at-any-time-as-it-cannot-walk-away-from-its-place-aurangzeb-107-15-57.jpg
Psychology Wiki - Human_sex_differences#Possible_causes:_some_theories
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - impossible-worlds
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - possible-objects
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - possible-worlds
Ed, Edd n' Eddy (1999 - 2009) - Ed, Edd, and Eddy is about three young boys(estimated ages: 13-14) who live in a diverse yet fictional stereotypical neighborhood cul-de-sac (named Peach Creek) with other children. The three boys are constantly trying to "make tons of cash" by swindling the other kids any way possible, which usualy...
Daria (1997 - 2002) - The people of Lawndale just don't get Daria Morgendorffer. She's cool with that. See, Daria was born alienated, and now she's just trying to make it through high school with as little human contact as possible. Popularity, friends, activities... whatever. Daria lacks enthusiasm, but she makes up for...
Police Academy: the Animated Series (1988 - 1989) - Based on the popular Police Academy series with animated versions of the twelve most popular characters including House, Tackleberry and thier leader Mahoney. The gang fights crime while make life as hard as possible for Captain Harris and his sidekick Procter. Each episode is followed by a safet...
Adventures of Raggedy Ann and Andy (1988 - 1990) - Siblings Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy are toys that come to life when their owner Marcella isn't around. Together with the other toys, they explore a strange land where anything is possible.
Mission: Impossible (1966 - 1973) - The cases of the I.M.F. (Impossible Missions Force),
Fantasy Island (1977 - 1983) - Each week two guests came to "Fantasy Island" to get their wish/fantasy fulfilled. Their mysterious host, the debonair and suave white-suited Mr. Roarke, would do the sometimes impossible and grant them their wishes...but there was always some twist to the fantasy, letting the guest learn something...
Takeshi's Castle (1986 - 1989) - Takeshi's Castle was a Japanese game show that aired from 1986 to 1989 on the Tokyo Broadcasting System. It featured the esteemed Japanese actor Takeshi Kitano as a count who owns a castle and sets up impossible challenges for players (or a volunteer army) to get to him. The show has become a cult t...
Hanna-Barbera's World of Super Adventure (1980 - 1984) - Combined several different cartoons like "The Fantastic Four", "Frankenstein Jr. and the Impossibles", "Space Ghost", "Herculoids", "Shazzan," and "Birdman and the Galaxy Trio". Premiered September 1980.
Super Dave: Daredevil For Hire (1992 - 1993) - The famous Super Dave Osbourne is the 'World's Greatest Stuntman and Daredevil-For-Hire' who takes on larger-than-life impossible missions. With his sidekick inventor and equipment maven Fuji, 'Super' is ready to face any adversity. But he is both overconfident and underskilled -- leading to bungled...
Sanjay and Craig (2013 - 2015) - Sanjay and Craig (who happens to be a talking snake) are best friends. Together they wander the suburbs doing the impossible, walking tightropes, shredding video game world records, posing as doctors, befriending gorillas and basically doing whatever they want to do. They're unstoppable... as long a...
Around the World With Willy Fog (1983 - 1988) - Willy Fog (a member of the London Reform Club) is challenged to prove his theory that it is possible to travel the world in eighty days. The origin coutry is actually Spain.
Blue Seed (1999 - 2012) - Momiji is an average girl until the day she finds she is the descendant of the great Kushinada family. Only she, with her Kushinada blood, can stop the Aragami, demonic plant-like monsters threatening to destroy Japan. Along to help her is the TAC, and a possible love interest in a young man named K...
Kim Possible (2002 - 2007) - A teenage crime fighter who has the task of dealing with worldwide, family, and school issues every day. Kim possible is not just an ordinary girl. She is a cheerleader and she saves the world, even on school nights. With her sidekick, best friend and now boyfriend Ron Stoppable and his naked mole r...
7 Days (1998 - 2001) - This TV science fiction action drama is based on the familiar fantasy notion: what if it were possible to go back and do it all over again, minus mistakes? Ex-CIA agent Frank Parker (Jonathan LaPaglia) is yanked from a mental institution and assigned to a top-secret project engineered from a Roswell...
Department S (1969 - 1970) - Jason King, best selling crime novellist, Stuart Sullivan, daring action man, Annabelle Hurst, computer expert. Challenged by the impossible, fuelled by justice and entwined by intrigue, Department S investigates Interpols most unsolvable cases.
Mission: Impossible (1988) (1988 - 1990) - This is an American television drama series is a revival of the original 1966 TV series of the same name, with Jim Phelps (Peter Graves) leading the fresh team of IMF agents, and the voiceover (Bob Johnson) said on the disc: "Good Morning, Jim...this disc will self-destruct in 5 seconds. Good luck,...
Kimagure Orange Road (1987 - 1988) - Kyosuke Kasuga, fifteen, moves to a new city and falls for Madoka Ayukawa. She's friendly when they're alone, but acts like a delinquent when in front of others. Kyosuke meanwhile struggles not to break the heart of Hikaru Hiyama, who fell in love after seeing him make an impossible basketball shot....
Psycho-Pass (2012 - 2013) - The series takes place in the near future, when it is possible to instantaneously measure and quantify a person's state of mind and personality. This information is recorded and processed, and the term "Psycho-Pass" in the anime's title refers to a standard used to measure an individual's being. The...
Lazy Lucy (2003 - 2004) - Lucy, an 8-year old german girl who, in order to do as little as possible, always end up doing more.
The New Phil Silvers Show (1963 - 1964) - Harry Grafton is a supervisor at Osborne Industries which produces ever changing items according to plotline premise. Harry schemes to do as little as possible while still receiving maximum benefits. His efforts usually end in disaster.
Potatoes and Dragons (2003 - 2004) - A quarrel pits Potatoes King Hugo III against his neighbour the dragon who resides in the cavern at the foot of the castle. For Hugo III this dragon is a calamity and he wont hesitate to employ every and any knight possible to rid himself of this ambulant volcano!
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (2002 - 2005) - In the not so distant future, mankind has advanced to a state where complete body transplants from flesh to machine is possible. This allows for great increases in both physical and cybernetic prowess and blurring the lines between the two worlds. However, criminals can also make full use of such te...
Place to Place (Acchi Kocchi) (2012 - 2012) - Feelings may come and go, but true love always remains in the heart. Tsumiki Miniwa is in love with her best friend, Io Otonashi. For her, confessing is nearly impossible; but to her friends, they seem to be the perfect match. Cute and petite, Tsumiki comes off more as a friend, and Io's attitude to...
Ergo Proxy (2006 - 2006) - Within the domed city of Romdo lies one of the last human civilizations on Earth. Thousands of years ago, a global ecological catastrophe doomed the planet; now, life outside these domes is virtually impossible. To expedite mankind's recovery, "AutoReivs," humanoid-like robots, have been created to...
Skippy: Adventures in Bushtown (1998 - 1999) - Skippy the bush kangaroo is a capable, upright 'copter-flying young park ranger in his possible early 20s, who resides in Bushtown. With his friend Matilda the local TV journalist, and the quirky inventions of the eccentric genius Professor Angus McPouch, Skippy good humouredly deals with the many...
The Bachelor (2002 - Current) - A single bachelor must prove himself eligible to one out of 20 possible dates which are slowly eliminated after each date.
USA Swimming on NBC (2017 - Current) - NBC Sports coverage of events from USA Swimming aired since 2017. NBC began to air USA Swimming's swim meets as part of an agreement to get their swim meets available to view on as many screens as possible. The network's most watched event is the Olympic Qualifier.
The Beeps (2007 - 2008) - The Beeps is an animated pre-school children's television series of 65 x 11-minute episodes, produced by Impossible TV Limited using computer-generated imagery CGI for the United Kingdom television network, Channel Five Broadcasting Ltd.
A Troll in Central Park(1994) - A friendly troll with a magic green thumb grows one flower too many for the queen, whose laws require all trolls to act meanly, be ugly and scare humans whenever possible. As a punishment, he is exiled to a world of concrete, where he should live a life of proper trolldom: Manhattan. But of all plac...
Porky's(1982) - Porky's follows the carefree lives of a group of Angel Beach boys in the happy times of the 1950's. Pee Wee, the central character in the film, is hornier than a toad and lusting to lose his virginity to anyone possible; Tommy is the suave, bad boy of the bunch; Meat is a Brooklyn jock whose nickn...
Mission: Impossible II(2000) - A scientist who is part of IMF agent Ethan Hunt who is in Sydeny. On the way to Atlanta while on the plane something happens Ethan kills the scentiset and everyone on the plane with some help. But the Ethan was not Ethan it was someone posing as him. The real Ethan is then summoned by his superior f...
PCU(1994) - Is it possible to be politically correct and unified? Find out in this satire set on a fictional eastern university. Port Chester University espouses pc thinking. From the Womynists to the Republicans, everyone there is involved in a cause; many of them are militant. So involved are they, that there...
Deep Impact(1998) - Mimi Leder (The Peacemaker) directed this science-fiction disaster drama about the possible extinction of human life after a comet is discovered headed toward Earth with the collision only one year away. Ambitious MSNBC reporter Jenny Lerner (Tea Leoni) stumbles onto the story, prompting a White Hou...
Before and After(1996) - When teenage son Jacob is being accused of murdering his girlfriend, the well-respected and close-knit Ryan family is in turmoil. Jacob flees, father Ben destroys possible evidence, the village community turns hostile and mother Carolyn is forced to temporarily close her doctor's practice. Then Jaco...
The Associate(1996) - In this comedy, a woman discovers that it's impossible to get ahead in business without a man to guide her so she invents one. Laurel (Whoopi Goldberg) is an expert financial analyst with a top Wall Street brokerage; however, she keeps getting passed over for raises and promotions, and she's conv...
Mission: Impossible(1996) - Mission: Impossible (also known in the Blu-ray release as M:I) is a 1996 American action spy film directed by Brian De Palma, produced by and starring Tom Cruise. Based on the television series of the same name, the plot follows a new agent, Ethan Hunt (Cruise) and his mission to uncover the mole wh...
The Elevator(1996) - In this drama with comedic touches, Martin Landau is an executive with a movie studio who finds himself trapped in an elevator with an aspiring screenwriter, who seizes upon the opportunity to pitch as many ideas to him as possible. Supporting cast includes Martin Sheen, Paul Bartel, Arye Gross, Ric...
Awakenings(1990) - A new doctor finds himself with a ward full of comatose patients. He is disturbed by them and the fact that they have been comatose for decades with no hope of any cure. When he finds a possible chemical cure he gets permission to try it on one of them. When the first patient awakes, he is now an ad...
Basket Case 3: The Progeny(1991) - Cult director Frank Henenlotter does the seemingly impossible by breathing new life into this horror-comedy series about the twisted escapades of the Bradley Brothers: the deranged but sensitive Duane (Kevin Van Hentenryck) and his monstrously-deformed former Siamese twin Belial. The previous instal...
Mission: Impossible III(2006) - Ethan Hunt is now out of IMF. He just wants to have a normal life. But he never will. When he's called back into the impossible. Know he faces the worst villian of all Owen Davian.
Shooting Fish(1997) - Dylan (Dan Futterman) and Jez (Stuart Townsend) are two orphans who meet in their twenties and vow to achieve their shared childhood dream of living in a stately home. In pursuit of this dream they spend their days living in a disused gasometer, spending as little money as possible and conning the u...
The Impossible Spy(1987) - Based from the Six-Day War back in 1967, Elie Cohen, the Israel's national hero, whose mission that took him from Argentina to Damascus where he successfully entered the upper part of the Syrian Government. He then convinced to become a Secret-agent and then ends up in a double life. Afterwards, he...
Dance With A Stranger(1985) - Ruth Ellis lives with her 10-year old son Andy next to a night club. One night she meets David Blakely, and they start a love affair. However, for David with his upper-class background it is impossible to uphold the relationship. He leaves her, something which makes her very upset... So, she murdere...
Certain Fury(1985) - During a shooting in court young prostitute Scarlet manages to flee. In a state of confusion, the black Tracy, who was arrested for a minor delict, follows her. When she decides to leave Scarlett, an accident makes it impossible. So they're bound together on a flight from the police and some of the...
I Am Legend(2007) - Robert Neville (Will Smith), a brilliant scientist, is a survivor of a man-made plague that transforms humans into bloodthirsty mutants. He wanders alone through New York City, calling out for other possible survivors, and works on finding a cure for the plague using his own immune blood. Neville kn...
The Werewolf Versus The Vampire Woman(1971) - Elvira is travelling through the French countryside with her friend Genevieve, searching for the lost tomb of a medieval murderess and possible vampire, Countess Wandessa. They find a likely site in the castle of Waldemar Daninsky, who invites the women to stay as long as they like. As Waldemar show...
Mickey's Twice Upon A Christmas(2004) - Based upon the works of Walt Disney, featuring five new original stories. In "Belles On Ice", Minnie and Daisy are in an ice-skating contest and are constantly trying to outdo each other until they realize that Christmas is a time to work together and remain peaceful. In "Christmas: Impossible", Hue...
Kim Possible: The Secret Files(2003) - The first video compilation of four episodes of Kim Possible.
Eagle Eye(2008) - Eagle Eye is a 2008 American thriller film directed by D. J. Caruso and starring Shia LaBeouf and Michelle Monaghan. The two portray a young man and a single mother who are brought together and coerced by an anonymous caller (Julianne Moore) into carrying out a plan by a possible terrorist organizat...
United 93(2006) - United 93 is a 2006 film written, co-produced, and directed by Paul Greengrass that chronicles events aboard United Airlines Flight 93, which was hijacked during the September 11 attacks. The film attempts to recount with as much veracity as possible (there is a disclaimer that some imagination had...
Nothing But The Truth(2008) - In Washington, D.C., a female reporter faces a possible jail sentence for outing a CIA agent and refusing to reveal her source.
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines(2003) - After Skynet fails to kill Sarah Connor before her son is born and to kill John himself as a child, it sends back another Terminator, the T-X, in an attempt to wipe out as many Resistance officers as possible. This includes John's future wife, but not John himself as his whereabouts are unknown to S...
mission impossible(1996) - imf agen
Kim Possible: A Sitch in Time(2003) - The first "Kim Possible" movie, made exclusively for Disne
Quick Change(1990) - Three thieves successfully rob a New York City bank, but making the escape from the city proves to be almost impossible.
Atomic Blonde(2017) - Sensual and savage, Lorraine Broughton is the most elite spy in MI6, an agent who's willing to use all of her lethal skills to stay alive during an impossible mission. With the Berlin Wall about to fall, she travels into the heart of the city to retrieve a priceless dossier and take down a ruthless...
Wings of Life(2011) - A documentary film showing the deep relationship of the world's winged-species and flowers. The beauty of the world's flowers is made possible only by the pollinating acts of butterflies, bees, birds, and bats. The documentary shows how these animals work to pollinate flowers and the dangers posed b... --
A Life Less Ordinary (1997) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 43min | Comedy, Crime, Fantasy | 24 October 1997 (USA) -- Upon being fired, a desperate guy kidnaps a daughter of his former boss. Two angels are sent to Earth to check if love is possible in this case. Director: Danny Boyle Writer:
American Dad! ::: TV-14 | 22min | Animation, Comedy | TV Series (2005 ) -- The random escapades of Stan Smith, a conservative C.I.A. Agent dealing with family life, and keeping America safe, all in the most absurd way possible. Creators:
Battle of Britain (1969) ::: 7.0/10 -- G | 2h 12min | Action, Drama, History | 24 October 1969 (USA) -- In 1940, the British Royal Air Force fights a desperate battle to prevent the Luftwaffe from gaining air superiority over the English Channel as a prelude to a possible Axis invasion of the U.K. Director: Guy Hamilton Writers: James Kennaway (screenplay), Wilfred Greatorex (screenplay) | 2 more credits
Den of Thieves (2018) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 2h 20min | Action, Crime, Drama | 19 January 2018 (USA) -- An elite unit of the LA County Sheriff's Dept. and the state's most successful bank robbery crew clash as the outlaws plan a seemingly impossible heist on the Federal Reserve Bank. Director: Christian Gudegast Writers:
Escape from Alcatraz (1979) ::: 7.6/10 -- PG | 1h 52min | Action, Biography, Crime | 22 June 1979 (USA) -- Alcatraz is the most secure prison of its time. It is believed that no one can ever escape from it, until three daring men make a possible successful attempt at escaping from one of the most infamous prisons in the world. Director: Don Siegel (as Donald Siegel) Writers:
Hellboy Animated: Blood and Iron (2007) ::: 6.7/10 -- Unrated | 1h 15min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Movie 10 March -- Hellboy Animated: Blood and Iron Poster Hellboy (Ron Perlman) and his team face off against a new supernatural threat, while Professor Bruttenholm (Sir John Hurt) must investigate the possible reemergence of a vampire he had slain decades prior. Directors: Victor Cook, Tad Stones Writers: Mike Mignola (based on the Dark Horse comic book "Hellboy" created by), Mike Mignola (story by) | 2 more credits
Horatio Hornblower: Retribution (2001) ::: 8.3/10 -- Hornblower: Retribution (original title) -- Horatio Hornblower: Retribution Poster Hornblower and the other officers of the Renown must return to Jamaica to face a court-martial and possible execution for their actions in relieving their unstable captain. Director: Andrew Grieve Writers: C.S. Forester (stories), Ben Rostul (screenplay)
iBoy (2017) ::: 6.0/10 -- TV-MA | 1h 30min | Action, Crime, Sci-Fi | 27 January 2017 (USA) -- After being shot, Tom wakes from a coma to discover that fragments of his smart phone have been embedded in his head, and worse, that returning to normal teenage life is impossible because he has developed a strange set of superpowers. Director: Adam Randall Writers: Joe Barton (screenplay), Joe Barton | 3 more credits
Jonathan Creek ::: TV-MA | 1h | Comedy, Crime, Drama | TV Series (19972016) Working from his home in a converted windmill, Jonathan Creek is a magician with a natural ability for solving puzzles. He soon puts this ability to the use of solving impossible crimes and mysterious murders. Stars: Alan Davies, Caroline Quentin, Stuart Milligan Available on Amazon
Kim Possible: A Sitch in Time (2003) ::: 7.0/10 -- TV-G | 1h 6min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | TV Movie 28 November -- Kim Possible: A Sitch in Time Poster -- The new school year starts off terrible for Kim. In her ordinary life her best friend is moving away, and in her heroic crime-fighting life, three of the most notorious villains in her world plan to use time travel as a weapon against her. Director: Steve Loter
Kim Possible: So the Drama (2005) ::: 7.2/10 -- TV-G | 1h 11min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Movie 8 April 2005 -- Kim's heart is quickly captured by the new boy, Eric, who soon becomes her boyfriend. Unknown to Kim, her best friend and sidekick, Ron has developed stronger feelings toward her. Director: Steve Loter Writers:
Kim Possible ::: TV-G | 30min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (20022007) -- A high school cheerleader and her accident-prone best friend balance their duties as global crime-fighters with the typical challenges of adolescence. Creators:
Kon-Tiki (2012) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 58min | Adventure, Biography, Drama | 26 April 2013 (USA) -- Legendary explorer Thor Heyerdahl's epic 4,300-mile crossing of the Pacific on a balsawood raft in 1947, in an effort to prove that it was possible for South Americans to settle in Polynesia in pre-Columbian times. Directors: Joachim Rnning, Espen Sandberg Writer:
Magic in the Moonlight (2014) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 37min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 15 August 2014 (USA) -- A romantic comedy about an Englishman brought in to help unmask a possible swindle. Personal and professional complications ensue. Director: Woody Allen Writer: Woody Allen
Mask (1985) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG-13 | 2h | Biography, Drama | 22 March 1985 (USA) -- A teenager with a massive facial skull deformity and biker gang mother attempt to live as normal a life as possible under the circumstances. Director: Peter Bogdanovich Writer: Anna Hamilton Phelan
Miracle Workers ::: TV-14 | 22min | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy | TV Series (2019 ) -- A comedy set in the offices of Heaven Inc. When God plans to destroy the Earth, two low-level angels must convince their boss to save humanity. They bet him they can pull off their most impossible miracle yet: help two humans fall in love. Creator:
Mission: Impossible (1996) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 50min | Action, Adventure, Thriller | 22 May 1996 (USA) -- An American agent, under false suspicion of disloyalty, must discover and expose the real spy without the help of his organization. Director: Brian De Palma Writers: Bruce Geller (television series), David Koepp (story) | 3 more
Mission: Impossible ::: 47min | Action, Adventure, Crime | TV Series (19881990) An elite covert operations unit carries out highly sensitive missions subject to official denial in the event of failure, death or capture. Creator: Bruce Geller Stars:
Mission: Impossible - Fallout (2018) ::: 7.7/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 27min | Action, Adventure, Thriller | 27 July 2018 (USA) -- Ethan Hunt and his IMF team, along with some familiar allies, race against time after a mission gone wrong. Director: Christopher McQuarrie Writers: Bruce Geller (based on the television series created by), Christopher
Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 12min | Action, Adventure, Thriller | 21 December 2011 (USA) -- The IMF is shut down when it's implicated in the bombing of the Kremlin, causing Ethan Hunt and his new team to go rogue to clear their organization's name. Director: Brad Bird Writers:
Mission: Impossible III (2006) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 6min | Action, Adventure, Thriller | 5 May 2006 (USA) -- IMF agent Ethan Hunt comes into conflict with a dangerous and sadistic arms dealer who threatens his life and his fiance in response. Director: J.J. Abrams Writers: Alex Kurtzman, Roberto Orci | 2 more credits
Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (2015) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 11min | Action, Adventure, Thriller | 31 July 2015 (USA) -- Ethan and his team take on their most impossible mission yet when they have to eradicate an international rogue organization as highly skilled as they are and committed to destroying the IMF. Director: Christopher McQuarrie Writers:
Mr. Nobody (2009) ::: 7.8/10 -- R | 2h 21min | Drama, Fantasy, Romance | 26 September 2013 (USA) -- A boy stands on a station platform as a train is about to leave. Should he go with his mother or stay with his father? Infinite possibilities arise from this decision. As long as he doesn't choose, anything is possible. Director: Jaco Van Dormael Writer:
Nothing But the Truth (2008) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 48min | Crime, Drama | 29 July 2009 (Philippines) -- In Washington, D.C., a reporter faces a possible jail sentence for outing a CIA agent and refusing to reveal her source. Director: Rod Lurie Writer: Rod Lurie
Now You See Me 2 (2016) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 9min | Action, Adventure, Comedy | 10 June 2016 (USA) -- The Four Horsemen resurface, and are forcibly recruited by a tech genius to pull off their most impossible heist yet. Director: Jon M. Chu Writers: Ed Solomon (screenplay by), Ed Solomon (story by) | 3 more credits
Ocean's Eight (2018) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 50min | Action, Comedy, Crime | 8 June 2018 (USA) -- Debbie Ocean gathers an all-female crew to attempt an impossible heist at New York City's yearly Met Gala. Director: Gary Ross Writers: Gary Ross (screenplay by), Olivia Milch (screenplay by) | 3 more
Offspring ::: TV-MA | 1h | Comedy, Drama | TV Series (20102017) -- The story of the impossible loves of 30-something obstetrician Nina Proudman and her fabulously messy family. Creators: Debra Oswald, Imogen Banks, John Edwards
Paris When It Sizzles (1964) ::: 6.4/10 -- Paris - When It Sizzles (original title) -- Paris When It Sizzles Poster -- The sprightly young assistant of a Hollywood screenwriter helps him over his writer's block by acting out his fantasies of possible plots. Director: Richard Quine Writers:
Person of Interest (2011-2016) -- Season 4 | Episode 11 Previous All Episodes (103) Next If-Then-Else Poster ::: Samaritan launches a cyber-attack on the stock exchange, leaving the team with no choice but to embark on a possible suicide mission in a desperate attempt to stop a global economic catastrophe. Director:
Pontypool (2008) ::: 6.6/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 33min | Fantasy, Horror, Thriller | 18 September 2009 -- Pontypool Poster -- A radio host interprets the possible outbreak of a deadly virus which infects the small Ontario town he is stationed in. Director: Bruce McDonald Writers:
Proof (2005) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 40min | Drama, Mystery | 7 October 2005 (USA) -- The daughter of a brilliant but mentally disturbed mathematician, recently deceased, tries to come to grips with her possible inheritance: his insanity. Complicating matters are one of her father's ex-students, who wants to search through his papers, and her estranged sister, who shows up to help settle his affairs. Director: John Madden
Quick Change (1990) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 29min | Comedy, Crime | 13 July 1990 (USA) -- Three thieves successfully rob a New York City bank, but making the escape from the city proves to be almost impossible. Directors: Howard Franklin, Bill Murray Writers: Jay Cronley (book), Howard Franklin (screenplay)
Reign of the Supermen (2019) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 27min | Animation, Action, Adventure | 10 January 2019 (USA) -- After the death of Superman, several new people present themselves as possible successors. Director: Sam Liu Writers: James Krieg (as Jim Krieg), Tim Sheridan | 17 more credits
Romulus, My Father (2007) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 44min | Biography, Drama | 31 May 2007 (Australia) -- It tells the story of Romulus, his beautiful wife, Christina, and their struggle in the face of great adversity to bring up their son, Raimond. It is a story of impossible love that ultimately celebrates the unbreakable bond between father and son. Director: Richard Roxburgh Writers:
Salmon Fishing in the Yemen (2011) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 47min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 20 April 2012 (UK) -- A fisheries expert is approached by a consultant to help realize a sheik's vision of bringing the sport of fly-fishing to the desert and embarks on an upstream journey of faith and fish to prove the impossible possible. Director: Lasse Hallstrm Writers:
Shadow of the Vampire (2000) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 32min | Drama, Horror | 26 January 2001 (USA) -- The filming of Nosferatu (1922) is hampered by the fact that its star Max Schreck is taking the role of a vampire far more seriously than seems humanly possible. Director: E. Elias Merhige Writer:
Shadow of the Vampire (2000) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 32min | Drama, Horror | 26 January 2001 (USA) -- The filming of Nosferatu (1922) is hampered by the fact that its star Max Schreck is taking the role of a vampire far more seriously than seems humanly possible.
Sixteen Candles (1984) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG | 1h 33min | Comedy, Romance | 4 May 1984 (USA) -- A girl's "sweet" sixteenth birthday becomes anything but special, as she suffers from every embarrassment possible. Director: John Hughes Writer: John Hughes
The Command (2018) ::: 6.6/10 -- Kursk (original title) -- The Command Poster -- The film follows the 2000 K-141 Kursk submarine disaster and the governmental negligence that followed. As the sailors fight for survival, their families desperately battle political obstacles and impossible odds to save them. Director: Thomas Vinterberg
The Dark Mirror (1946) ::: 7.1/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 25min | Crime, Drama, Film-Noir | 1947 (Turkey) -- A man is found murdered, and witnesses are sure about the woman they saw leaving his apartment. However, it becomes apparent that the woman has a twin, and finding out which one is the killer seems impossible. Director: Robert Siodmak Writers: Nunnally Johnson (written for the screen by), Vladimir Pozner (original story)
The Great Train Robbery (1978) ::: 6.9/10 -- The First Great Train Robbery (original title) -- The Great Train Robbery Poster -- England, 1850s. A master criminal aims to rob a train of a large sum of gold. Security is incredibly tight and the task seems an impossible one. However, he has a plan and just the right people to carry it out. Director: Michael Crichton Writers:
The Guns of Navarone (1961) ::: 7.5/10 -- TV-PG | 2h 38min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 28 April 1961 (UK) -- A team of allied saboteurs are assigned an impossible mission: infiltrate an impregnable Nazi-held island and destroy the two enormous long-range field guns that prevent the rescue of 2,000 trapped British soldiers. Director: J. Lee Thompson Writers:
The Impossible (2012) ::: 7.6/10 -- Lo imposible (original title) -- The Impossible Poster -- The story of a tourist family in Thailand caught in the destruction and chaotic aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. Director: J.A. Bayona Writers:
The Little Prince (2015) ::: 7.7/10 -- Le Petit Prince (original title) -- The Little Prince Poster -- A little girl lives in a very grown-up world with her mother, who tries to prepare her for it. Her neighbor, the Aviator, introduces the girl to an extraordinary world where anything is possible, the world of the Little Prince. Director: Mark Osborne
The Plague Dogs (1982) ::: 7.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 43min | Animation, Adventure, Drama | 9 January 1985 (USA) -- Two dogs escape from a laboratory and are hunted as possible carriers of the bubonic plague. Director: Martin Rosen Writers: Richard Adams (novel), Martin Rosen Stars:
The Twelve Tasks of Asterix (1976) ::: 7.7/10 -- Les 12 travaux d'Astrix (original title) -- The Twelve Tasks of Asterix Poster -- A group of indomitable Gauls are challenged by Roman Emperor Julius Caesar to accomplish twelve impossible tasks. Directors: Ren Goscinny, Henri Gruel | 2 more credits Writers:
Your Honor ::: TV-MA | 9h 33min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | TV Series (20202021) -- A judge confronts his convictions when his son is involved in a hit and run that embroils an organized crime family. Facing impossible choices, he discovers how far a father will go to save his son's life. Creator:'s_brothers_is_Possible's_brothers_is_Possible,_Jr._and_The_Impossibles!mpossible,_Creator_of_Star_Trek
5-toubun no Hanayome ∬ -- -- Bibury Animation Studios -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Harem Comedy Romance School Shounen -- 5-toubun no Hanayome ∬ 5-toubun no Hanayome ∬ -- Through their tutor Fuutarou Uesugi's diligent guidance, the Nakano quintuplets' academic performance shows signs of improvement, even if their path to graduation is still rocky. However, as they continue to cause various situations that delay any actual tutoring, Fuutarou becomes increasingly involved with their personal lives, further complicating their relationship with each other. -- -- On another note, Fuutarou slowly begins to realize the existence of a possible connection between him and the past he believes to have shared with one of the five girls. With everyone's feelings beginning to develop and overlap, will they be able to keep their bond strictly to that of a teacher and his students—or will it mature into something else entirely? -- -- 336,495 8.16
Aachi wa Ssipak -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Comedy -- Aachi wa Ssipak Aachi wa Ssipak -- After the world ran out of all traditional energy sources, only one remained—human excrement. To encourage citizens to produce as much waste as possible, the government implants a chip in the anus at birth, which provides citizens with "juicybars" every time it detects defecation. Juicybars are highly addictive narcotics that sometimes transform their users into mutant blue dwarfs with extreme constipation. These mutant addicts make up the "Diaper Gang," those who live underground and are focused on trying to obtain juicybars. -- -- Aachi and Ssipak are two small-time crooks who steal and sell juicybars to make it on the streets. When they meet a beautiful woman who has the anal chips of every Diaper Gang member implanted in her, producing dozens of juicybars with every dump, Aachi and Ssipak strike it rich. However, with both the government and the Diaper Gang on their tails, the two struggle to protect their newfound riches. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Flatiron Film Company -- Movie - Jun 28, 2006 -- 8,637 6.66
Acchi Kocchi (TV) -- -- AIC -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance School -- Acchi Kocchi (TV) Acchi Kocchi (TV) -- Feelings may come and go, but true love always remains in the heart. Tsumiki Miniwa is in love with her best friend, Io Otonashi. For her, confessing is nearly impossible; but to her friends, they seem to be the perfect match. Cute and petite, Tsumiki comes off more as a friend, and Io's attitude toward her is friendlier than toward others. Despite the constant teasing and obvious hints that his friends have been dropping, Io always seems to miss the signs. -- -- Throughout her everyday school life, Tsumiki spends time with her friends and Io. Will she finally muster enough courage to confess her true feelings? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 6, 2012 -- 260,189 7.50
Acchi Kocchi (TV) -- -- AIC -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance School -- Acchi Kocchi (TV) Acchi Kocchi (TV) -- Feelings may come and go, but true love always remains in the heart. Tsumiki Miniwa is in love with her best friend, Io Otonashi. For her, confessing is nearly impossible; but to her friends, they seem to be the perfect match. Cute and petite, Tsumiki comes off more as a friend, and Io's attitude toward her is friendlier than toward others. Despite the constant teasing and obvious hints that his friends have been dropping, Io always seems to miss the signs. -- -- Throughout her everyday school life, Tsumiki spends time with her friends and Io. Will she finally muster enough courage to confess her true feelings? -- -- TV - Apr 6, 2012 -- 260,189 7.50
A.F -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Space Mecha -- A.F A.F -- A 20 minutes 100% CG animation presented by "buildup", a company that brought many japanese CG movies such as Godzilla vs Biollante, Stray Dog - Kerberos Panzer Cops, Godzilla vs King Ghidora, Kappa, Gundam Mission To The Rise and D. -- -- The story takes place in the future, the year is 2124. A dangerous container is to be secretly loaded into medical transport ship which goes into the earth orbit because it's forbidden to store dangerous container on earth. -- -- It's so secret that no crew members on the ship were told about the container's contents or any possible hazzards. The truth is, the container carries a dangerous living body in some form like liquid / worm which is capable of reading DNA information of other living beings and then transforms itself as an exact copy. Of course, the original object then will be killed. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- Special - Sep 6, 2002 -- 1,081 4.42
Aggressive Retsuko: We Wish You a Metal Christmas -- -- Fanworks -- 1 ep -- Other -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Aggressive Retsuko: We Wish You a Metal Christmas Aggressive Retsuko: We Wish You a Metal Christmas -- Red panda Retsuko, worked to the bone, unleashes her frustration in the form of death metal. Lately, though, she's found another joy—getting the most likes possible on her Instagram posts. In fact, it is said that social media attention can release endorphins. As Christmas falls upon the city, Retsuko's hunger for validation only grows, pushing her to find new ways to embellish and sugarcoat her otherwise drab life for the internet to see. -- -- ONA - Dec 20, 2018 -- 37,164 7.27
Ai no Kusabi (2012) -- -- AIC -- 4 eps -- Light novel -- Drama Romance Sci-Fi Yaoi -- Ai no Kusabi (2012) Ai no Kusabi (2012) -- The story is set in the future on the planet named Amoi which is controlled by a supercomputer named Jupiter. Among the mostly male human population, the light-haired elite class is allowed to temporarily keep the dark-haired "mongrels" as pets. One elite member, Iason, encounters a mongrel named Riki in the slums and decides to take him in. However, Iason keeps Riki longer than it is socially approved, and rumors abound about their possible relationship. -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- OVA - Jan 18, 2012 -- 28,949 6.63
Ai no Kusabi (2012) -- -- AIC -- 4 eps -- Light novel -- Drama Romance Sci-Fi Yaoi -- Ai no Kusabi (2012) Ai no Kusabi (2012) -- The story is set in the future on the planet named Amoi which is controlled by a supercomputer named Jupiter. Among the mostly male human population, the light-haired elite class is allowed to temporarily keep the dark-haired "mongrels" as pets. One elite member, Iason, encounters a mongrel named Riki in the slums and decides to take him in. However, Iason keeps Riki longer than it is socially approved, and rumors abound about their possible relationship. -- OVA - Jan 18, 2012 -- 28,949 6.63
AKB0048 -- -- Satelight -- 13 eps -- Original -- Music Sci-Fi -- AKB0048 AKB0048 -- After an interplanetary war at the beginning of the 21st century, planet Earth has been left in ruins, with much of its ecosystem completely destroyed. Because it was no longer possible to live a normal life on this planet, the inhabitants are forced to move on to other planets where life will, hopefully, be more comfortable. -- -- The Deep Galactic Trade Organization, a totalitarian government that affects many of the newly inhabited planets, has somehow come to the conclusion that music is a source of evil, and that it must be banned and destroyed for good. The talent group AKB0048 is soon formed, based on the original AKB48 members that once lived on Earth. Even though their music is now considered universally illegal, they make it their mission to bring their music back to life by travelling from one planet to another and holding as many concerts as they possibly can. They must undergo a whole new set of training methods in order to become the best that they can possibly be, while also avoiding the constant danger of being arrested because of their music. Join interplanetary popstars AKB0048 as they try to save the world-with music! -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 29, 2012 -- 54,878 7.38
Aku no Hana -- -- Zexcs -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Psychological Drama Romance School Shounen -- Aku no Hana Aku no Hana -- Kasuga Takao is a boy who loves reading books, particularly Baudelaire's Les Fleurs du Mal. A girl at his school, Saeki Nanako, is his muse and his Venus, and he admires her from a distance. One day, he forgets his copy of Les Fleurs du Mal in the classroom and runs back alone to pick it up. In the classroom, he finds not only his book, but Saeki's gym uniform. On a mad impulse, he steals it. -- -- Now everyone knows "some pervert" stole Saeki's uniform, and Kasuga is dying with shame and guilt. Furthermore, the weird, creepy, and friendless girl of the class, Nakamura, saw him take the uniform. Instead of revealing it was him, she recognizes his kindred deviant spirit and uses her knowledge to take control of his life. Will it be possible for Kasuga to get closer to Saeki, despite Nakamura's meddling and his dark secret? What exactly does Nakamura intend to do with him? -- -- (Source: MangaHelpers) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 5, 2013 -- 168,662 7.16
Aku no Hana -- -- Zexcs -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Psychological Drama Romance School Shounen -- Aku no Hana Aku no Hana -- Kasuga Takao is a boy who loves reading books, particularly Baudelaire's Les Fleurs du Mal. A girl at his school, Saeki Nanako, is his muse and his Venus, and he admires her from a distance. One day, he forgets his copy of Les Fleurs du Mal in the classroom and runs back alone to pick it up. In the classroom, he finds not only his book, but Saeki's gym uniform. On a mad impulse, he steals it. -- -- Now everyone knows "some pervert" stole Saeki's uniform, and Kasuga is dying with shame and guilt. Furthermore, the weird, creepy, and friendless girl of the class, Nakamura, saw him take the uniform. Instead of revealing it was him, she recognizes his kindred deviant spirit and uses her knowledge to take control of his life. Will it be possible for Kasuga to get closer to Saeki, despite Nakamura's meddling and his dark secret? What exactly does Nakamura intend to do with him? -- -- (Source: MangaHelpers) -- TV - Apr 5, 2013 -- 168,662 7.16
Berserk: Ougon Jidai-hen III - Kourin -- -- Studio 4°C -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Demons Drama Fantasy Horror Military Seinen Supernatural -- Berserk: Ougon Jidai-hen III - Kourin Berserk: Ougon Jidai-hen III - Kourin -- The Band of the Hawk has dwindled in the year since Guts left them on his journey to forge his own destiny. Unaware of their fate, Guts returns to the Hawks—now being led by his former ally Casca—after a rumor about them passes his way. Once the saviors of the kingdom of Midland, the Band of the Hawk are now hunted as they desperately fight for their lives while plotting to free their leader, Griffith, after he was imprisoned for committing treason. But the man they save is far from the Griffith they remember. -- -- Griffith is a shell of his former charismatic self after a year of continuous, horrific torture. No longer able to walk, speak, or even hold a sword, he has nothing but the small, strange trinket, the Crimson Behelit, that will not leave him. The entire Band of the Hawk want to rise to greatness once more, but how much are they willing to sacrifice to return to their past glory? It doesn't seem possible, but when Griffith's heart darkens and a solar eclipse blackens the sky, the Behelit offers a choice that will leave the Band of the Hawk with a blood-soaked fate that will haunt them for the rest of their days. -- -- -- Licensor: -- NYAV Post, VIZ Media -- Movie - Feb 1, 2013 -- 163,699 8.20
Berserk: Ougon Jidai-hen III - Kourin -- -- Studio 4°C -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Demons Drama Fantasy Horror Military Seinen Supernatural -- Berserk: Ougon Jidai-hen III - Kourin Berserk: Ougon Jidai-hen III - Kourin -- The Band of the Hawk has dwindled in the year since Guts left them on his journey to forge his own destiny. Unaware of their fate, Guts returns to the Hawks—now being led by his former ally Casca—after a rumor about them passes his way. Once the saviors of the kingdom of Midland, the Band of the Hawk are now hunted as they desperately fight for their lives while plotting to free their leader, Griffith, after he was imprisoned for committing treason. But the man they save is far from the Griffith they remember. -- -- Griffith is a shell of his former charismatic self after a year of continuous, horrific torture. No longer able to walk, speak, or even hold a sword, he has nothing but the small, strange trinket, the Crimson Behelit, that will not leave him. The entire Band of the Hawk want to rise to greatness once more, but how much are they willing to sacrifice to return to their past glory? It doesn't seem possible, but when Griffith's heart darkens and a solar eclipse blackens the sky, the Behelit offers a choice that will leave the Band of the Hawk with a blood-soaked fate that will haunt them for the rest of their days. -- -- Movie - Feb 1, 2013 -- 163,699 8.20
Blame! Prologue -- -- Production I.G -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action Mecha Sci-Fi -- Blame! Prologue Blame! Prologue -- Based on the manga Blame! by Nihei Tsutomu, serialised in Monthly Afternoon. -- -- In a city that is said to have thousands of levels, making it impossible to tell the sky from the ground, the mysterious Killy wanders the bizarre and foreboding levels of this mega-structure, where the boundaries between machine and living organism have been obscured. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- OVA - Sep 7, 2007 -- 8,844 5.46
Blue Seed -- -- Production I.G, Production Reed -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Demons Drama Ecchi Horror Mystery Romance Sci-Fi -- Blue Seed Blue Seed -- Momiji is an average girl until the day she finds she is the descendant of the great Kushinada family. Only she, with her Kushinada blood, can stop the Aragami, demonic plant-like monsters threatening to destroy Japan. Along to help her is the TAC, and a possible love interest in a young man named Kusanagi. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 24,546 7.02
Blue Seed -- -- Production I.G, Production Reed -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Demons Drama Ecchi Horror Mystery Romance Sci-Fi -- Blue Seed Blue Seed -- Momiji is an average girl until the day she finds she is the descendant of the great Kushinada family. Only she, with her Kushinada blood, can stop the Aragami, demonic plant-like monsters threatening to destroy Japan. Along to help her is the TAC, and a possible love interest in a young man named Kusanagi. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Discotek Media -- 24,546 7.02
Cardfight!! Vanguard G -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 48 eps -- Card game -- Action Game Shounen -- Cardfight!! Vanguard G Cardfight!! Vanguard G -- Taking place after a three-year time skip, the series will follow Shindou Kurono, Kiba Shion, and Anjou Tokoha as the new protagonists of G. -- -- Kurono uses the never-before-seen clan Gear Chronicle, which brings together the destinies of these three toward an "impossible future, an impossible self signifying 'Generation.'" -- -- (Source:, edited) -- 12,296 6.50
Cencoroll -- -- Think Corporation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi -- Cencoroll Cencoroll -- When a gigantic, unearthly monster suddenly looms on the skyline of a Japanese city, the expected occurs—the Japan Self-Defense Forces roll out the tanks while the public panics. Nobody knows what it is or where it came from, but Yuki, a bold and inquisitive teenage girl, has a secret but might be a useful clue. Her friend Tetsu has been clandestinely caring for a bizarre creature called Cenco, which will soon prove itself to have some remarkable, even impossible characteristics. Another teenage boy, a stranger with some mysterious link to the monstrosity attacking the city, shows up, and his unwelcome interest in Tetsu's pet snuffs out any doubt of a connection—and lights the fuse for the coming battle. -- -- (Source: Rupert Bottenberg, Fantasia Genre Film Festival) -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Jul 28, 2009 -- 84,346 7.20
Cencoroll -- -- Think Corporation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi -- Cencoroll Cencoroll -- When a gigantic, unearthly monster suddenly looms on the skyline of a Japanese city, the expected occurs—the Japan Self-Defense Forces roll out the tanks while the public panics. Nobody knows what it is or where it came from, but Yuki, a bold and inquisitive teenage girl, has a secret but might be a useful clue. Her friend Tetsu has been clandestinely caring for a bizarre creature called Cenco, which will soon prove itself to have some remarkable, even impossible characteristics. Another teenage boy, a stranger with some mysterious link to the monstrosity attacking the city, shows up, and his unwelcome interest in Tetsu's pet snuffs out any doubt of a connection—and lights the fuse for the coming battle. -- -- (Source: Rupert Bottenberg, Fantasia Genre Film Festival) -- Movie - Jul 28, 2009 -- 84,346 7.20
Charlotte: Tsuyoimono-tachi -- -- P.A. Works -- 1 ep -- Original -- Super Power Drama School -- Charlotte: Tsuyoimono-tachi Charlotte: Tsuyoimono-tachi -- Takehito Kumagami's clairvoyance leads his group of friends to another child with supernatural powers: Iori Sekiguchi, a mind reader. However, as they try to approach her, they realize her power makes her nearly impossible to pin down. Having been chosen by the club to handle this case, Nao Tomori and Yuu Otosaka must find a way to get around the child's unique ability before it is too late. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Special - Mar 30, 2016 -- 129,991 7.48
Chou Yuu Sekai: Being the Reality -- -- Asahi Production, Success Corp. -- 20 eps -- Web manga -- Action Game Adventure Romance Fantasy -- Chou Yuu Sekai: Being the Reality Chou Yuu Sekai: Being the Reality -- A hot-blooded high school teen, a mysterious female swordsman, and an unpredictable dark emo girl. It's impossible to distinguish between reality and the game world! What kind of conspiracy is awaiting them in this super journey of the world! -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- ONA - Jan 12, 2017 -- 14,503 6.19
Chuan Shu Zijiu Zhinan -- -- Djinn Power -- 10 eps -- Novel -- Demons Drama Historical Supernatural -- Chuan Shu Zijiu Zhinan Chuan Shu Zijiu Zhinan -- Shen Yuan has read enough xianxia novels to know that the protagonist will somehow cultivate the demonic path, take revenge on his scumbag master, and gain a massive harem along the way. So when he unexpectedly transmigrates into the world of Proud Immortal Demon Way, he knows exactly how the story is going to proceed. However, he does not get to play the role of the protagonist, but instead he becomes the scumbag master destined to suffer a humiliating defeat. -- -- Shen Yuan, now known as cultivation master Shen Qingqiu, makes it his mission to change his fate so that he does not fall to his disciple, Luo Binghe, the protagonist of the novel. Trying to break away from the cruel personality of the original Shen Qingqiu seems impossible as any uncharacteristic behavior is blocked by a monitoring system meant to keep him from derailing the plot. -- -- Shen Yuan must find a way to befriend Luo Binghe so that he has no reason to seek revenge on his teacher in the future. But with the set series of tragedies meant to befall the protagonist at the hands of Shen Qingqiu, this teacher has his work cut out for him. -- -- ONA - Sep 10, 2020 -- 7,296 7.83
Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 1 - Yokuryuu wa Maiorita -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Mecha Military Sci-Fi -- Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 1 - Yokuryuu wa Maiorita Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 1 - Yokuryuu wa Maiorita -- It is the year 2017, and Europe is being invaded by the forces of the Holy Britannian Empire. In an attempt to combat the opposition's overwhelming pressure and put an end to the massive casualties, the army forms a special unit called Wyvern, or W-0, composed of former Japanese citizens referred to as "Elevens." Recruited from ghettos, these young men and women pilot Knightmare frames—humanoid war machines—into dangerous operations where death awaits, hoping to make a name for themselves. -- -- When a European regiment attempting to recapture a crucial city is pinned down by the enemy, it's up to W-0 to bail them out. Among those selected for the rescue operation is Lieutenant Akito Hyuuga, known as "Hannibal's Ghost" due to his prowess on the battlefield. However, the supposed rescue mission becomes suicidal when, in an attempt to take out as many Britannians as possible, the commanding officer initiates the Knightmare's self-destruct sequence. In its aftermath, Akito finds that he is the last one standing… -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Jul 16, 2012 -- 153,710 7.40
Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch II - Handou -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Mecha Military School Sci-Fi Super Power -- Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch II - Handou Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch II - Handou -- Having achieved miraculous victories in a series of battles against the Britannian Army, Lelouch Lamperouge has brought the Black Knights, his paramilitary organization, to a more powerful state than ever before. Nothing seems impossible for him when he utilizes his military strength, intellect, and Geass power of absolute obedience. -- -- However, obstacles in the face of the uprising never cease, putting Lelouch in a difficult predicament. Most worryingly, Suzaku Kururugi's combat prowess and the appearance of a mysterious child named V.V. threaten to put an end to Lelouch's great rebellion. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Feb 10, 2018 -- 53,460 7.67
Cosmo Warrior Zero -- -- Vega Entertainment -- 13 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Military Sci-Fi Space -- Cosmo Warrior Zero Cosmo Warrior Zero -- The long war between the planet Earth and the machine men is finally over, resulting in a peace that is more a victory for the machine men than the Earth. Warrius Zero lost his family in the war to the machine men but despite this he is still is a member of the Earth fleet that is now working in concert with the machine men. His ship, made up of both humans and machine men, has been given a near impossible task: capture the space pirate Captain Harlock. While Zero struggles to accomplish this task, evidence begins to surface that the peace between machine men and Earth may not be as it seems... -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Media Blasters -- TV - Jul 6, 2001 -- 4,512 6.55
Dame x Prince Anime Caravan -- -- Studio Flad -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Adventure Comedy Romance Fantasy -- Dame x Prince Anime Caravan Dame x Prince Anime Caravan -- Inako is a minor country, enclosed by two superior countries: the militaristic Milidonia, with its goal of conquering as much land as possible, and the monotheiestic Selenfalen, devoted to the deity Saint Philia. Ani Inako is the sole princess of her country, and in order to eliminate hostility between the three countries, she is sent as Inako's representative to a peace treaty signing in Selenfalen. However, Ani's hopes of a smooth ceremony are shattered when she meets the eccentric princes from her rival countries. -- -- With the treaty binding the three countries together, Ani and the princes must learn to overcome their differences. Together, they search for common ground on which to develop their friendship. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 23,001 6.52
Dance in the Vampire Bund -- -- Shaft -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Supernatural Drama Romance Vampire Seinen -- Dance in the Vampire Bund Dance in the Vampire Bund -- On live television, Mina Tepes, the ruler of all vampires, reveals the existence of her species to the world and states her plan to build a sanctuary in Japan for vampires, called the Vampire Bund. Using her family's wealth to pay off the nation's debt, they have agreed to let her build this safe-haven for her fellow creatures of the night. But not everyone is so easily swayed by Mina's influence, as her announcement brings about conflict with humans who believe that the queen's quest for peace is a façade. -- -- Akira Kaburagi does not believe in vampires and gets uneasy whenever they are brought up, although he has yet to realize why. Apart from suffering a head injury a year ago, he lives on blissfully until he meets Mina. She triggers within him memories of a life he had long forgotten, and he soon begins protecting her without understanding why. But Akira's secret is far stranger than he could have ever thought possible—he discovers that he is a werewolf, sworn from birth to protect the vampire queen, even if it costs him his life. Now, as these two dance a rondo of death in the Vampire Bund, Mina and Akira find out just how deep their bond goes. -- -- 193,848 7.04
Dance in the Vampire Bund -- -- Shaft -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Supernatural Drama Romance Vampire Seinen -- Dance in the Vampire Bund Dance in the Vampire Bund -- On live television, Mina Tepes, the ruler of all vampires, reveals the existence of her species to the world and states her plan to build a sanctuary in Japan for vampires, called the Vampire Bund. Using her family's wealth to pay off the nation's debt, they have agreed to let her build this safe-haven for her fellow creatures of the night. But not everyone is so easily swayed by Mina's influence, as her announcement brings about conflict with humans who believe that the queen's quest for peace is a façade. -- -- Akira Kaburagi does not believe in vampires and gets uneasy whenever they are brought up, although he has yet to realize why. Apart from suffering a head injury a year ago, he lives on blissfully until he meets Mina. She triggers within him memories of a life he had long forgotten, and he soon begins protecting her without understanding why. But Akira's secret is far stranger than he could have ever thought possible—he discovers that he is a werewolf, sworn from birth to protect the vampire queen, even if it costs him his life. Now, as these two dance a rondo of death in the Vampire Bund, Mina and Akira find out just how deep their bond goes. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 193,848 7.04
Danganronpa 3: The End of Kibougamine Gakuen - Zetsubou-hen -- -- Lerche -- 11 eps -- Game -- Action Mystery Horror Psychological School -- Danganronpa 3: The End of Kibougamine Gakuen - Zetsubou-hen Danganronpa 3: The End of Kibougamine Gakuen - Zetsubou-hen -- Hope's Peak Academy's unconventional class 77-B is about to have an even more eccentric addition: Chisa Yukizome, an alumna with the title of Super High School-Level Housekeeper—and their new homeroom teacher. Cheerful, passionate, and capable, Chisa immediately sets about correcting the students' problematic behavior and strengthening their relationships. It may not be easy dealing with diverse pupils ranging from princesses and nurses to yakuza and impossibly lucky students, but anything is possible with the power of hope. -- -- Meanwhile, Hajime Hinata, an unremarkable boy from the school's Reserve Course, longs for a talent. One day, he has an unexpected meeting with class 77-B's Super High School-Level Gamer Chiaki Nanami, who presents to him a new, hope-filled outlook on life. However, unbeknownst to him, the school's upper echelon is about to execute a sinister project centered around Hajime that will bring Hope's Peak—and the rest of the world—to its knees. -- -- Zetsubou-hen chronicles the daily lives carried out at the talent-cultivating academy, and the darkness that lurks beneath. As despair slowly infects hope, plans are put into motion to start the Biggest, Most Awful, Most Tragic Event in Human History, and the end begins. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 239,647 7.47
Densetsu Kyojin Ideon: Hatsudou-hen -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Original -- Sci-Fi Space Drama Mecha -- Densetsu Kyojin Ideon: Hatsudou-hen Densetsu Kyojin Ideon: Hatsudou-hen -- Pushed out to the far reaches of the galaxy, the crew of the Solo Ship faces impossible odds of survival. With the Earth destroyed and the remnants of the Buff Clan pushing them to their limit, the Ideon shows as the last line of defense for the battered remains of humanity. -- -- As the tensions of their last stand rack up on their minds, Captain Bes Jordan and pilot Cosmo Yuuki race against the clock to protect their final opportunity of survival, even as desperation eats away at the minds of their loved ones. Using any weapons left at their disposal, the crew desperately fight on to protect themselves in the cold clutches of space, punished with a final duel against Harulu Ajiba, who is now desperate to reclaim the honor lost in her father's eyes. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Maiden Japan -- Movie - Jul 10, 1982 -- 6,742 7.83
Detective Conan OVA 09: The Stranger in 10 Years... -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Mystery Police Shounen -- Detective Conan OVA 09: The Stranger in 10 Years... Detective Conan OVA 09: The Stranger in 10 Years... -- This OVA takes place ten years in the future and chronicles the possible events if Conan Edogawa and Ai Haibara do not take the antidote to APTX 4869 and grow up alongside their friends Genta, Mitsuhiko, and Ayumi, while still maintaining their detective endeavors. -- OVA - Jun 17, 2009 -- 17,604 7.93
Digimon Savers -- -- Toei Animation -- 48 eps -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Shounen -- Digimon Savers Digimon Savers -- Upon meeting for the first time, undefeated street fighter Marcus Damon and renegade Digimon Agumon become friends in the most natural way possible for the knuckleheaded duo—by fighting their hearts out. The self-proclaimed "ultimate team" are recruited by a secret government organization called the Digimon Data Squad, or DATS, who had witnessed an unbelievable human fighting blow for blow with a Digimon. Their primary objective is investigating mysterious problems caused by Digimon entering the real world, and the world is currently in the midst of a crisis with Digimon appearing at an unprecedented rate. -- -- Embarking on various missions with DATS, Marcus and Agumon become colleagues with adolescent genius Thomas H. Norstein and his Digimon partner Gaoman, along with the kind-hearted Yoshino "Yoshi" Fujeda and her Digimon partner Lalamon. As the group continues to investigate the rapid increase of Digimon in their world, a darker truth begins to surface, and it is up to Marcus, Agumon, and their friends to get to the bottom of things. -- -- 73,141 6.95
Digimon Savers -- -- Toei Animation -- 48 eps -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Shounen -- Digimon Savers Digimon Savers -- Upon meeting for the first time, undefeated street fighter Marcus Damon and renegade Digimon Agumon become friends in the most natural way possible for the knuckleheaded duo—by fighting their hearts out. The self-proclaimed "ultimate team" are recruited by a secret government organization called the Digimon Data Squad, or DATS, who had witnessed an unbelievable human fighting blow for blow with a Digimon. Their primary objective is investigating mysterious problems caused by Digimon entering the real world, and the world is currently in the midst of a crisis with Digimon appearing at an unprecedented rate. -- -- Embarking on various missions with DATS, Marcus and Agumon become colleagues with adolescent genius Thomas H. Norstein and his Digimon partner Gaoman, along with the kind-hearted Yoshino "Yoshi" Fujeda and her Digimon partner Lalamon. As the group continues to investigate the rapid increase of Digimon in their world, a darker truth begins to surface, and it is up to Marcus, Agumon, and their friends to get to the bottom of things. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Flatiron Film Company -- 73,141 6.95
Eiyuu Densetsu: Sora no Kiseki The Animation -- -- Kinema Citrus -- 2 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Fantasy -- Eiyuu Densetsu: Sora no Kiseki The Animation Eiyuu Densetsu: Sora no Kiseki The Animation -- Ten years ago, a massive invasion by the Erebonian Empire almost shattered the Kingdom of Liberl, piercing to the heart of Capital City before being driven back by a determined counteroffensive led by Cassius Bright. Now, as the invaders pace behind the northern borders, coveting the small kingdom's magic and high technology, Liberl slowly rebuilds with the aid of the Bracer's Guild, whose mystical use of "Craft" is even more intrinsic to the nation's defense than its own army. For young Estelle Bright, daughter of Cassius, this is all just ancient history that she and her adopted brother Joshua learned as kids. But history has a way of repeating itself, and as they prepare to join the Bracers Guild themselves, sinister forces are preparing to thrust them into the familiar family situation of being in the worst possible place when mayhem breaks out. Because when their father's airship goes suddenly missing, of course it only makes sense to two green, but extraordinarily capable, young teenagers to strike out on a rescue mission of their own! -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- OVA - Oct 10, 2011 -- 14,418 6.55
ēlDLIVE -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Space Police Shounen -- ēlDLIVE ēlDLIVE -- Chuuta Kokonose is an orphan who lives with his aunt. For as long as he can remember, he's had a voice in his head, but other than that he's a normal boy—right until the day when a strange-looking thing follows him home and teleports him to a place filled with more fantastic creatures. It's a space police station, and Rein Brickke, the Chief of Solar System Department, tells him that he's been chosen by the computer as a possible candidate to join the police force. Misuzu Sonokata, a girl from Chuuta's school with an angelic face and ill temper who turns out to be one of Rein Brickke's subordinates, doesn't think him suitable for such a job. Chuuta, who was shocked at first, decides to take the aptitude test after being urged by the voice in his head and to prove Misuzu wrong. -- 42,658 6.14
ēlDLIVE -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Space Police Shounen -- ēlDLIVE ēlDLIVE -- Chuuta Kokonose is an orphan who lives with his aunt. For as long as he can remember, he's had a voice in his head, but other than that he's a normal boy—right until the day when a strange-looking thing follows him home and teleports him to a place filled with more fantastic creatures. It's a space police station, and Rein Brickke, the Chief of Solar System Department, tells him that he's been chosen by the computer as a possible candidate to join the police force. Misuzu Sonokata, a girl from Chuuta's school with an angelic face and ill temper who turns out to be one of Rein Brickke's subordinates, doesn't think him suitable for such a job. Chuuta, who was shocked at first, decides to take the aptitude test after being urged by the voice in his head and to prove Misuzu wrong. -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 42,658 6.14
Ergo Proxy -- -- Manglobe -- 23 eps -- Original -- Psychological Mystery Sci-Fi -- Ergo Proxy Ergo Proxy -- Within the domed city of Romdo lies one of the last human civilizations on Earth. Thousands of years ago, a global ecological catastrophe doomed the planet; now, life outside these domes is virtually impossible. To expedite mankind's recovery, "AutoReivs," humanoid-like robots, have been created to assist people in their day-to-day lives. However, AutoReivs have begun contracting an enigmatic disease called the "Cogito Virus" which grants them self-awareness. Re-l Mayer, granddaughter of Romdo's ruler, is assigned to investigate this phenomenon alongside her AutoReiv partner Iggy. But what begins as a routine investigation quickly spirals into a conspiracy as Re-l is confronted by humanity's darkest sins. -- -- Elsewhere in Romdo, an AutoReiv specialist by the name of Vincent Law must also face his demons when surreal events begin occurring around him. Re-l, Iggy, Vincent, and the child AutoReiv named Pino, will form an unlikely faction as they struggle to uncover Romdo's mysteries and ultimately, discover the true purpose of the mythical beings called "Proxies." -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- 494,821 7.92
Fate/Grand Order: First Order -- -- Lay-duce -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Fate/Grand Order: First Order Fate/Grand Order: First Order -- In 2015, the Chaldea Security Organization draws on experts of both the magical and mundane fields to observe the future of mankind for possible extinction events. Humanity's survival seems assured for the next century—until the verdict suddenly changes, and now eradication of the species awaits at the end of 2016. The cause is unknown, but appears to be linked with the Japanese town of Fuyuki and the events of 2004 during the Fifth Holy Grail War. -- -- In response, Chaldea harnesses an experimental means of time travel, the Rayshift technology. With it, Ritsuka Fujimaru, a young man newly recruited to the organization, and the mysterious girl Mash Kyrielight, can travel back to 2004 and discover how to save humanity. A grand order to fight fate has been declared—an order to change the past and restore the future. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Special - Dec 31, 2016 -- 144,880 6.77
Fate/Grand Order: First Order -- -- Lay-duce -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Fate/Grand Order: First Order Fate/Grand Order: First Order -- In 2015, the Chaldea Security Organization draws on experts of both the magical and mundane fields to observe the future of mankind for possible extinction events. Humanity's survival seems assured for the next century—until the verdict suddenly changes, and now eradication of the species awaits at the end of 2016. The cause is unknown, but appears to be linked with the Japanese town of Fuyuki and the events of 2004 during the Fifth Holy Grail War. -- -- In response, Chaldea harnesses an experimental means of time travel, the Rayshift technology. With it, Ritsuka Fujimaru, a young man newly recruited to the organization, and the mysterious girl Mash Kyrielight, can travel back to 2004 and discover how to save humanity. A grand order to fight fate has been declared—an order to change the past and restore the future. -- -- Special - Dec 31, 2016 -- 144,880 6.77
Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - III. Spring Song -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Action Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - III. Spring Song Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - III. Spring Song -- The Fifth Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City has reached a turning point in which the lives of all participants are threatened as the hidden enemy finally reveals itself. As Shirou Emiya, Rin Toosaka, and Illyasviel von Einzbern discover the true, corruptive nature of the shadow that has been rampaging throughout the city, they realize just how dire the situation is. In order to protect their beloved ones, the group must hold their own against the seemingly insurmountable enemy force—even if some of those foes were once their allies, or perhaps, something more intimate. -- -- As the final act of this chaotic war commences, the ideals Shirou believes will soon be challenged by an excruciating dilemma: is it really possible to save a world where everything seems to have gone wrong? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Aug 15, 2020 -- 160,987 8.84
Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - III. Spring Song -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Action Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - III. Spring Song Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - III. Spring Song -- The Fifth Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City has reached a turning point in which the lives of all participants are threatened as the hidden enemy finally reveals itself. As Shirou Emiya, Rin Toosaka, and Illyasviel von Einzbern discover the true, corruptive nature of the shadow that has been rampaging throughout the city, they realize just how dire the situation is. In order to protect their beloved ones, the group must hold their own against the seemingly insurmountable enemy force—even if some of those foes were once their allies, or perhaps, something more intimate. -- -- As the final act of this chaotic war commences, the ideals Shirou believes will soon be challenged by an excruciating dilemma: is it really possible to save a world where everything seems to have gone wrong? -- -- Movie - Aug 15, 2020 -- 160,987 8.84
Full Metal Panic! -- -- Gonzo -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Military Sci-Fi Comedy Mecha -- Full Metal Panic! Full Metal Panic! -- Equipped with cutting-edge weaponry and specialized troops, a private military organization named Mithril strives to extinguish the world's terrorism and all threats to peace on earth. The organization is powered by the "Whispered," individuals who possess intuitive knowledge and the remarkable ability to create powerful devices and machinery. -- -- Seventeen-year-old Sousuke Sagara, a sergeant working for Mithril, has been assigned to protect Kaname Chidori, a Whispered candidate. He is ordered to join her high school class and be as close to her as possible to prevent her from falling into enemy hands—that is, if he can safely blend in with their fellow classmates without revealing his true identity. -- -- Sousuke, who was raised on a battlefield and has very little knowledge of an average high school student's lifestyle, must adapt to a normal school life to safeguard Kaname. However, enemy forces have already begun making their move, and Sousuke is about to find out that the adversary coming for the Whispered girl may be a lot more familiar than he expects. -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- 419,737 7.64
Futari Ecchi -- -- Chaos Project -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Romance Seinen Slice of Life -- Futari Ecchi Futari Ecchi -- Makoto and Yura Onoda are a newly-wed couple with zero sexual experience. Yura is a shy and naive 25-year-old woman whose good looks grab men's attention, something that she dislikes because she gets embarrassed very easily. Her husband Makoto is of the same age, but as opposed to his wife, he loves having dirty thoughts about other women. Physically though, Makoto is truly faithful to Yura. -- -- Both of them may be virgins, but now that they are married, they are ready to dive into the world of sex, "practicing" as often as possible. However, the world of sex is complex, so they need all the help they can get to find their way through it. Thankfully, their friends, acquaintances, and porn media lend them a helping hand. -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- OVA - Jul 26, 2002 -- 30,094 6.37
Girls & Panzer -- -- Actas -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Sports Military School -- Girls & Panzer Girls & Panzer -- "Senshadou" is a traditional sport using World War II era tanks in elimination-based matches. Widely practiced by women and girls alike, it's advertised as a form of art geared towards making ladies more prominent in culture and appealing to men. Becoming a worldwide phenomenon over time, the influence of senshadou leads to the creation of a world championship which will soon be held in Japan. -- -- Miho Nishizumi, who comes from a lineage of well-respected senshadou specialists, is at odds with the sport after a traumatic event led to her retirement and eventually a rift to form between her and her family. To steer clear of the practice as much as possible, she transfers to Ooarai Girls High School where the senshadou program has been abolished. However, with the news of the upcoming championships, the school revives their tankery program, and Miho is pushed into joining. -- -- Now, with the aid of some new friends, she must overcome her past and once again take command of a squadron of tanks in an effort to save her school from closure, all while proving to her family that the Nishizumi-style of senshadou is not solely about victory. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 233,999 7.54
GS Mikami -- -- Toei Animation -- 45 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Supernatural -- GS Mikami GS Mikami -- In a world plagued with malicious ghosts, how is it possible to combat the existence of such evil spirits? The answer is to hire a "Ghost Sweeper"—a professional exorcist, whose duty is to exterminate any unwanted ghoul or poltergeist. -- -- When it comes to Ghost Sweepers, Reiko Mikami is considered to be a cut above the rest. After receiving an offer to examine a haunting near Jinkotsu Hot Spring, she sets off to put her skills to work. Accompanied by her assistants, the underpaid and perverted high school student Tadao Yokoshima and the friendly teenage ghost Kinu Himuro, GS Mikami details the wacky exploits and adventures of these three as they go about investigating paranormal activities. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 10,148 7.18
Hajime no Ippo -- -- Madhouse -- 75 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Sports Drama Shounen -- Hajime no Ippo Hajime no Ippo -- Makunouchi Ippo has been bullied his entire life. Constantly running errands and being beaten up by his classmates, Ippo has always dreamed of changing himself, but never has the passion to act upon it. One day, in the midst of yet another bullying, Ippo is saved by Takamura Mamoru, who happens to be a boxer. Ippo faints from his injuries and is brought to the Kamogawa boxing gym to recover. As he regains consciousness, he is awed and amazed at his new surroundings in the gym, though lacks confidence to attempt anything. Takamura places a photo of Ippo's classmate on a punching bag and forces him to punch it. It is only then that Ippo feels something stir inside him and eventually asks Takamura to train him in boxing. Thinking that Ippo does not have what it takes, Takamura gives him a task deemed impossible and gives him a one week time limit. With a sudden desire to get stronger, for himself and his hard working mother, Ippo trains relentlessly to accomplish the task within the time limit. Thus Ippo's journey to the top of the boxing world begins. -- -- 401,550 8.74
Hajime no Ippo -- -- Madhouse -- 75 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Sports Drama Shounen -- Hajime no Ippo Hajime no Ippo -- Makunouchi Ippo has been bullied his entire life. Constantly running errands and being beaten up by his classmates, Ippo has always dreamed of changing himself, but never has the passion to act upon it. One day, in the midst of yet another bullying, Ippo is saved by Takamura Mamoru, who happens to be a boxer. Ippo faints from his injuries and is brought to the Kamogawa boxing gym to recover. As he regains consciousness, he is awed and amazed at his new surroundings in the gym, though lacks confidence to attempt anything. Takamura places a photo of Ippo's classmate on a punching bag and forces him to punch it. It is only then that Ippo feels something stir inside him and eventually asks Takamura to train him in boxing. Thinking that Ippo does not have what it takes, Takamura gives him a task deemed impossible and gives him a one week time limit. With a sudden desire to get stronger, for himself and his hard working mother, Ippo trains relentlessly to accomplish the task within the time limit. Thus Ippo's journey to the top of the boxing world begins. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Geneon Entertainment USA -- 401,550 8.74
Heavy Object -- -- J.C.Staff, SANZIGEN -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Military Sci-Fi Mecha -- Heavy Object Heavy Object -- In the distant future, the nature of war has changed. "Objects"—massive, spherical tanks impermeable to standard weaponry and armed with destructive firepower—rule the battlefield; their very deployment ensures victory, rendering traditional armies useless. However, this new method of warfare is about to be turned on its head. -- -- Qwenthur Barbotage, a student studying Object Design, and Havia Winchell, a radar analyst of noble birth, serve in the Legitimate Kingdom's 37th Mobile Maintenance Battalion, tasked with supporting the Baby Magnum, one of the nation's Objects. Unfortunately, a battle gone awry places the duo in a precarious situation: mere infantry stand face-to-face against the unfathomable might of an enemy Object. As they scramble to save themselves and their fellow soldiers, a glimmer of hope shines through, and the world's perception of Objects is changed forever. -- -- Heavy Object follows these two soldiers alongside Milinda Brantini, the Baby Magnum's pilot, and their commanding officer Frolaytia Capistrano as the unit treks all over the globe to fight battle after battle. Facing one impossible situation after another, they must summon all their wit and courage to overcome the insurmountable foes that are Objects. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 131,484 7.28
Hibike! Euphonium: Kakedasu Monaka -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Music Drama School -- Hibike! Euphonium: Kakedasu Monaka Hibike! Euphonium: Kakedasu Monaka -- After the Kitauji High School concert band's auditions for club member participation in the Kyoto Prefectural Concert Band competition, 10 members fail to pass the strict evaluation. Despite being unable to play with the rest of the wind ensemble, the group—who decide to name themselves Team Monaka—is determined to support their peers in any way possible until the day of the competition. -- -- From carrying supplies to creating monaka-shaped good-luck charms, Team Monaka's efforts prove to be pivotal for the unforgettable, bittersweet summer in the concert band's journey toward nationals. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Ponycan USA -- Special - Dec 16, 2015 -- 42,696 7.47
Higashi no Eden -- -- Production I.G -- 11 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mystery Drama Romance Thriller -- Higashi no Eden Higashi no Eden -- On November 22, 2010, Japan was hit by missile strikes, a terrorist act that fortunately did not harm anyone, becoming known as "Careless Monday." Quickly forgotten, society goes on about their lives as normal. -- -- During her graduation trip to America three months later, friendly college student Saki Morimi's life is forever changed when she finds herself saved from unexpected trouble by Akira Takizawa. Takizawa is cheerful, but odd in many ways—he is stark naked and suffers from amnesia, believing himself to be a terrorist. In addition, he possesses a strange cell phone loaded with 8.2 billion yen in digital cash. -- -- Despite Takizawa's suspicious traits, Saki quickly befriends the enigmatic young man. However, unbeknownst to her, this is the beginning of a thrilling death game involving money, cell phones, and the salvation of the world. Higashi no Eden chronicles Saki's struggle to unravel the mysteries behind her savior, while Takizawa himself battles other individuals armed with similar cell phones and returning memories which reveal his possible connection to the event from months ago. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 476,305 7.82
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Sotsu -- -- - -- ? eps -- Visual novel -- Mystery Dementia Horror Psychological Supernatural Thriller -- Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Sotsu Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Sotsu -- Sequel to Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Gou. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 22,024 N/A -- -- Yami Shibai 4 -- -- ILCA -- 13 eps -- Original -- Dementia Horror Supernatural -- Yami Shibai 4 Yami Shibai 4 -- Excited children gather around the enigmatic masked Storyteller once more. His unique kamishibai storytelling draws them into tales of fear and dread. These are dark and foreboding stories, which could happen to anyone... -- -- This season has tales of a salaryman who buries a dead cat, only to be haunted soon after; a college student and her cheap new apartment that hides a ghastly secret; boys exploring an abandoned haunted house before coming across a strange fish tank; a man who finds himself on the wrong bus, and in more danger than he thought possible; and a young couple's visit to an amusement park, which suddenly takes a dark turn. All these stories and more await in Yami Shibai 4. -- -- 21,571 5.73
Hokuto no Ken: Raoh Gaiden Ten no Haoh -- -- Satelight -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Drama Martial Arts -- Hokuto no Ken: Raoh Gaiden Ten no Haoh Hokuto no Ken: Raoh Gaiden Ten no Haoh -- In the wastelands following the great nuclear war, a legend grew of a man. “Hokuto No Ken.” The Fist of the North Star. Master of a legendary fighting technique. A man of impossible strength and endurance. Yet before Ken claimed the title of the Fist, there was another master, trained in the art of Hokuto Shinken, the King of the Fist, the Divine Fist of Heaven. Raoh: the ultimate assassin, the ultimate warrior. This is the story of the world before Fist of the North Star, and how one man took the future of a savage world into his deadly hands and reshaped its destiny. Not as a hero but as a conqueror. For in the mind of the man called Raoh, the only way to save Mankind is to grind it under his giant heel! The greatest battle is about to begin in Legends of the Dark King ~ Fist of the North Star! -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Oct 3, 2008 -- 10,521 7.13
Hunter x Hunter (2011) -- -- Madhouse -- 148 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Fantasy Shounen Super Power -- Hunter x Hunter (2011) Hunter x Hunter (2011) -- Hunter x Hunter is set in a world where Hunters exist to perform all manner of dangerous tasks like capturing criminals and bravely searching for lost treasures in uncharted territories. Twelve-year-old Gon Freecss is determined to become the best Hunter possible in hopes of finding his father, who was a Hunter himself and had long ago abandoned his young son. However, Gon soon realizes the path to achieving his goals is far more challenging than he could have ever imagined. -- -- Along the way to becoming an official Hunter, Gon befriends the lively doctor-in-training Leorio, vengeful Kurapika, and rebellious ex-assassin Killua. To attain their own goals and desires, together the four of them take the Hunter Exam, notorious for its low success rate and high probability of death. Throughout their journey, Gon and his friends embark on an adventure that puts them through many hardships and struggles. They will meet a plethora of monsters, creatures, and characters—all while learning what being a Hunter truly means. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 1,828,803 9.08
Ibara no Ou -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Thriller Mystery Sci-Fi -- Ibara no Ou Ibara no Ou -- "Medusa," a deadly virus becomes a worldwide epidemic. In order to escape from this deadly virus, a handful of people are chosen to be put into a cold sleep, laying in a capsule hoping for the future cure. Kasumi, a teenage girl is one of the 160 chosen for this procedure, and is guided to a Cold Sleep Capsule Center (CSCC) inside an ancient castle. Understanding that it is hardly possible, Kasumi goes to sleep still anticipating for a reunion with her twin sister Shizuku, who also is infected with the virus. As Kasumi and the others awake, they notice that the CSCC is not as they remembered. Just like the story of "Sleeping Beauty," the castle is covered with thorn, and the awaken are attacked by unknown creatures and monsters! How long were they asleep? Where did the monsters come from? What has happened to the world? -- -- Abandoned in the midst of an enigma, the escapade of the seven survivors begins... -- -- (Source: -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Oct 9, 2009 -- 61,137 6.99
Inaka Isha -- -- Studio Deen -- 1 ep -- Other -- Dementia Drama Historical Psychological -- Inaka Isha Inaka Isha -- A hapless country doctor describes with breathless urgency a night-time summons to attend a young patient. Events soon take on a surreal aspect as "unearthly horses" transport him instantaneously to the bedside. The doctor, preoccupied with personal distractions and grievances against those he is employed to care for, fails to find what is revealed to be a vile, fatal wound. He is humiliated by the villagers, who are "always expecting the impossible from the doctor," and doomed to an endless return trip, losing everything. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Oct 2, 2007 -- 17,218 6.70
Isekai Cheat Magician -- -- Encourage Films -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Fantasy -- Isekai Cheat Magician Isekai Cheat Magician -- Regular high schooler Taichi Nishimura and his childhood friend, Rin Azuma, are on their way to school one ordinary morning. Suddenly, a glowing light envelops them, transporting them to a fantasy world full of magical creatures. -- -- Upon their arrival, Taichi and Rin are threatened by a beast. They are promptly saved by a group of adventurers, who advise the pair that traveling unarmed and inexperienced makes them vulnerable to the recently increasing monster attacks. Taichi and Rin are directed to the Guild, where they can determine their magical aptitude and register as adventurers. However, the test they take reveals an unprecedented result: Taichi and Rin possess extraordinary powers that far surpass the standard mage, instantly transforming them from typical high school students to the ultimate cheat magicians. -- -- Taichi and Rin learn to grasp the full extent of their powers and familiarize themselves with their new world. However, while the duo seeks to uncover the reason behind their transportation and a possible way back to their original world, unexpected trouble lurks in the shadows. -- -- 203,921 5.37
Island -- -- feel. -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Drama Sci-Fi -- Island Island -- On a remote island far from the mainland named Urashima, a man washes ashore, with no recollection of his name or homeland. What he does recall, however, is that he is a time traveler with a mission: to save a certain girl from harm. As nightfall arrives, he meets Rinne Ohara, a girl who sings a tune that reminds him of a specific name—Setsuna—and decides to use it as his own. -- -- Knowing another "Setsuna" herself, Rinne takes him to her household as a servant, hoping that he is the same one she remembers. On the other hand, Setsuna continues to learn more about Urashima, desiring to identify his lost past. He comes to know about the island's folklore, its three great families, and the endemic disease that prevents anyone afflicted from stepping out into the daylight. -- -- As the mysteries of his missing memories and Urashima itself unfold, Setsuna must remember his purpose and fulfill his mission as soon as possible. But, as he witnesses the myriad of troubles plaguing the island, Setsuna begins to question—is his temporal displacement merely an effort to change a single girl's fate? -- -- 106,760 6.33
Island -- -- feel. -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Drama Sci-Fi -- Island Island -- On a remote island far from the mainland named Urashima, a man washes ashore, with no recollection of his name or homeland. What he does recall, however, is that he is a time traveler with a mission: to save a certain girl from harm. As nightfall arrives, he meets Rinne Ohara, a girl who sings a tune that reminds him of a specific name—Setsuna—and decides to use it as his own. -- -- Knowing another "Setsuna" herself, Rinne takes him to her household as a servant, hoping that he is the same one she remembers. On the other hand, Setsuna continues to learn more about Urashima, desiring to identify his lost past. He comes to know about the island's folklore, its three great families, and the endemic disease that prevents anyone afflicted from stepping out into the daylight. -- -- As the mysteries of his missing memories and Urashima itself unfold, Setsuna must remember his purpose and fulfill his mission as soon as possible. But, as he witnesses the myriad of troubles plaguing the island, Setsuna begins to question—is his temporal displacement merely an effort to change a single girl's fate? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 106,760 6.33
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 5: Ougon no Kaze -- -- David Production -- 39 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Shounen -- JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 5: Ougon no Kaze JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 5: Ougon no Kaze -- In the coastal city of Naples, corruption is teeming—the police blatantly conspire with outlaws, drugs run rampant around the youth, and the mafia governs the streets with an iron fist. However, various fateful encounters will soon occur. -- -- Enter Giorno Giovanna, a 15-year-old boy with an eccentric connection to the Joestar family, who makes a living out of part-time jobs and pickpocketing. Furthermore, he is gifted with the unexplained Stand ability to give and create life—growing plants from the ground and turning inanimate objects into live animals, an ability he has dubbed "Gold Experience." Fascinated by the might of local gangsters, Giorno has dreamed of rising up in their ranks and becoming a "Gang-Star," a feat made possible by his encounter with Bruno Buccellati, a member of the Passione gang with his own sense of justice. -- -- JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Ougon no Kaze follows the endeavors of Giorno after joining Bruno's team while working under Passione, fending off other gangsters and secretly plotting to overthrow their mysterious boss. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 592,526 8.60
Kaiba -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Original -- Adventure Mystery Romance Sci-Fi -- Kaiba Kaiba -- In a world where memories exist in memory chips separate from the body, death of the body no longer means death of the soul. It is possible for memories to be viewed, altered, and transferred between bodies. These memory chips are used by the rich to obtain eternal lives in carefully selected bodies, while for the poor, selling their own bodies and conserving their souls in the chips often become the only way to earn a living. An electrolytic cloud in the sky serves as a barrier between the heavens of the fortunate and the underworld of the destitute, making this social division impregnable. -- -- One day, a man named Kaiba wakes up in an empty room with no memories, a mysterious hole in his chest, and a locket holding the picture of an unknown woman. After escaping an attack and stumbling upon a decrepit village of underworld residents, he begins his adventure across the different planets of this strange universe to find out more about his own identity and the woman he once knew. -- -- Through a journey of self-discovery and acceptance, Kaiba weaves together tales of souls and spirits and explores the importance of memories. -- -- TV - Apr 11, 2008 -- 117,051 8.17
Kakegurui×× -- -- MAPPA -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Game Mystery Psychological School Shounen -- Kakegurui×× Kakegurui×× -- As Yumeko Jabami's fame grows and the reputation of the student council dwindles, Kirari Momobami decides to revolutionize the group. To this end, she announces an election for its next president. The rules are simple: each student in the school receives one chip. Whoever has the most chips by the end of thirty days becomes both the new president and the head of the Momobami clan. -- -- Upon receiving news of this development, the Momobami branch families spring into action. Eleven transfer students arrive at Hyakkao Private Academy, each aiming to lead both the school and the Momobami clan. Equipped with unique talents, they will compete to get as many chips as possible—but their chips are not the only things on the line. -- -- 480,876 7.28
Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 2 -- -- Shin-Ei Animation -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance School Shounen -- Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 2 Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 2 -- Even after spending a considerable amount of time with Takagi, Nishikata is still struggling to find a perfect plan to defeat the expert teaser. A battle of wits, a contest of physical prowess, a test of courage—any strategy he employs to expose her weaknesses is to no avail. On the contrary, Nishikata's pitiful attempts only reveal more of his own flaws, which Takagi takes advantage of to become increasingly daring in her teasing attempts. To make things worse for Nishikata, rumors about him and Takagi may have spread in class due to the frequent interactions between them. -- -- However, the optimistic Nishikata believes that wisdom comes with age and that as the days go by, his experience with her constant teasing will eventually bear fruit, leading him to the awaited moment of victory. Thus, Nishikata continues to strive for the seemingly impossible—to outsmart Takagi and make her blush with embarrassment. -- -- 197,501 8.13
Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san -- -- Shin-Ei Animation -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance School Shounen -- Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san -- Having a friend that knows you inside out should be a good thing, but in Nishikata's case, the opposite is true. -- -- His classmate Takagi loves to tease him on a daily basis, and she uses her extensive knowledge of his behavior to predict exactly how he will react to her teasing, making it nearly impossible for Nishikata to ever make a successful comeback. Despite this, Nishikata vows to someday give Takagi a taste of her own medicine by making her blush out of embarrassment from his teasing. -- -- 387,315 7.75
Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san -- -- Shin-Ei Animation -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance School Shounen -- Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san -- Having a friend that knows you inside out should be a good thing, but in Nishikata's case, the opposite is true. -- -- His classmate Takagi loves to tease him on a daily basis, and she uses her extensive knowledge of his behavior to predict exactly how he will react to her teasing, making it nearly impossible for Nishikata to ever make a successful comeback. Despite this, Nishikata vows to someday give Takagi a taste of her own medicine by making her blush out of embarrassment from his teasing. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 387,315 7.75
Kawaikereba Hentai demo Suki ni Natte Kuremasu ka? -- -- GEEK TOYS, Seven -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Ecchi Harem Romance School -- Kawaikereba Hentai demo Suki ni Natte Kuremasu ka? Kawaikereba Hentai demo Suki ni Natte Kuremasu ka? -- As far as it goes, many boys, especially in their teenage years, want to have a girlfriend. Keiki Kiryuu is no exception. One eventful afternoon, his days of yearning for a lover seem to come to an end when he receives a love letter from an anonymous sender—along with a pair of white panties. -- -- To determine the identity of his secret admirer, referred to as Cinderella, he proceeds to investigate several possible candidates including his senior Sayuki Tokihara, his underclassman Yuika Koga, and his classmate Mao Nanjou. However, as Keiki seeks to uncover who this mystery girl might be, he comes to know about the perverted fetishes hidden behind each candidate's innocent exteriors... -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 199,604 6.58
Kaze no Youjinbou -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 25 eps -- Original -- Action Mystery Drama Shounen -- Kaze no Youjinbou Kaze no Youjinbou -- In search for Araki Genzo, George Kodama finds himself in the small town of Kimujuku. George quickly realizes that he is unwelcome and is warned to leave as soon as possible. With two rival syndicates roaming the streets and a dark violent past, the town of Kimujuku isn't what it appears to be. George challenges the town of Kimujuku in order to reveal the towns dark hidden past and discover the truth. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- TV - Oct 2, 2001 -- 11,113 7.18
Kaze Tachinu -- -- Studio Ghibli -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Drama Historical Romance -- Kaze Tachinu Kaze Tachinu -- Although Jirou Horikoshi's nearsightedness prevents him from ever becoming a pilot, he leaves his hometown to study aeronautical engineering at Tokyo Imperial University for one simple purpose: to design and build planes just like his hero, Italian aircraft pioneer Giovanni Battista Caproni. His arrival in the capital coincides with the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923, during which he saves a maid serving the family of a young girl named Naoko Satomi; this disastrous event marks the beginning of over two decades of social unrest and malaise leading up to Japan's eventual surrender in World War II. -- -- For Jirou, the years leading up to the production of his infamous Mitsubishi A6M Zero fighter aircraft will test every fiber of his being. His many travels and life experiences only urge him onward⁠—even as he realizes both the role of his creations in the war and the harsh realities of his personal life. As time marches on, he must confront an impossible question: at what cost does he chase his beautiful dream? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Walt Disney Studios -- Movie - Jul 20, 2013 -- 219,577 8.11
Kenja no Mago -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Comedy Magic Romance Fantasy -- Kenja no Mago Kenja no Mago -- In the kingdom of Earlshide, Merlin Walford was once regarded as a national hero, hailed for both his power and achievements. Preferring a quiet life however, he secludes himself deep in the rural woods, dedicating his time to raising an orphan that he saved. This orphan is Shin, a normal salaryman in modern-day Japan who was reincarnated into Merlin's world while still retaining his past memories. As the years pass, Shin displays unparalleled talent in both magic casting and martial arts, much to Merlin's constant amazement. -- -- On his 15th birthday however, it becomes apparent that Shin only developed his combat skills and nothing else, leaving him with blatant social awkwardness, a lack of common sense, and a middling sense of responsibility. As a result, Shin enrolls in the kingdom's Magic Academy to hone his skills and mature among other teenagers. However, living a normal life is impossible, as he is established as a local celebrity almost as soon as he arrives. -- -- Kenja no Mago follows Shin Walford's high school life in the capital as he makes new friends, learns about the world, and fights off the various forces of evil surrounding him and his city. -- -- 356,606 6.54
Kenja no Mago -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Comedy Magic Romance Fantasy -- Kenja no Mago Kenja no Mago -- In the kingdom of Earlshide, Merlin Walford was once regarded as a national hero, hailed for both his power and achievements. Preferring a quiet life however, he secludes himself deep in the rural woods, dedicating his time to raising an orphan that he saved. This orphan is Shin, a normal salaryman in modern-day Japan who was reincarnated into Merlin's world while still retaining his past memories. As the years pass, Shin displays unparalleled talent in both magic casting and martial arts, much to Merlin's constant amazement. -- -- On his 15th birthday however, it becomes apparent that Shin only developed his combat skills and nothing else, leaving him with blatant social awkwardness, a lack of common sense, and a middling sense of responsibility. As a result, Shin enrolls in the kingdom's Magic Academy to hone his skills and mature among other teenagers. However, living a normal life is impossible, as he is established as a local celebrity almost as soon as he arrives. -- -- Kenja no Mago follows Shin Walford's high school life in the capital as he makes new friends, learns about the world, and fights off the various forces of evil surrounding him and his city. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 356,606 6.54
Kimagure Orange☆Road -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 48 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance School Shounen Slice of Life Super Power -- Kimagure Orange☆Road Kimagure Orange☆Road -- Fifteen-year-old Kyousuke Kasuga moves to a new city and becomes enamored by one Madoka Ayukawa, who often treats him coldly even though she seemed friendly the first time they met, when he caught her red straw hat on the stairs. Kyousuke also must try to avoid breaking the heart of the slightly childish Hikaru Hiyama, who fell in love with him after she saw him make an impossible shot with a basketball and who likes to shower him with affection. Also, just to make things interesting, Kyousuke, his sisters, his grandfather, and his cousins all have various powers (teleportation, psychokinesis, hypnosis, time travel, personality transference) which Kyousuke desperately tries to keep a secret, though some of the other family members have no such qualms against using their powers in public. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 35,470 7.55
Kimagure Orange☆Road -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 48 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance School Shounen Slice of Life Super Power -- Kimagure Orange☆Road Kimagure Orange☆Road -- Fifteen-year-old Kyousuke Kasuga moves to a new city and becomes enamored by one Madoka Ayukawa, who often treats him coldly even though she seemed friendly the first time they met, when he caught her red straw hat on the stairs. Kyousuke also must try to avoid breaking the heart of the slightly childish Hikaru Hiyama, who fell in love with him after she saw him make an impossible shot with a basketball and who likes to shower him with affection. Also, just to make things interesting, Kyousuke, his sisters, his grandfather, and his cousins all have various powers (teleportation, psychokinesis, hypnosis, time travel, personality transference) which Kyousuke desperately tries to keep a secret, though some of the other family members have no such qualms against using their powers in public. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- AnimEigo, Discotek Media -- 35,470 7.55
Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet -- -- LIDENFILMS -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Romance School Shounen -- Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet -- We lay our scene in the fair Dahlia Academy, where two countries, both alike in dignity, come together; the "Black Doggies" of the Eastern Nation of Touwa and "White Cats" of the Principality of West have a longstanding feud. Romio Inuzuka and Juliet Persia, leaders of their respective dorms, seem to be bitter enemies. -- -- In reality, however, Romio and Juliet are hopelessly in love, but revealing their relationship would call upon the ire of all their comrades. They hide their love to maintain peace, but a clandestine relationship means they miss out on many of the activities couples get to do. As they grow closer together, Romio and Juliet must come to terms with the fact that keeping their relationship a secret may prove to be impossible. -- -- 235,050 7.46
Kizumonogatari III: Reiketsu-hen -- -- Shaft -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Mystery Supernatural Vampire -- Kizumonogatari III: Reiketsu-hen Kizumonogatari III: Reiketsu-hen -- After helping revive the legendary vampire Kiss-shot Acerola-orion Heart-under-blade, Koyomi Araragi has become a vampire himself and her servant. Kiss-shot is certain she can turn him back into a human, but only once regaining her full power. -- -- Araragi has hunted down the three vampire hunters that defeated Kiss-shot and retrieved her limbs to return her to full strength. However, now that Araragi has almost accomplished what he’s been fighting for this whole time, he has to consider if this is what he really wants. Once he revives this powerful immortal vampire, there is no telling what she might do, and there would be no way of stopping her. -- -- But there is more to the story that Araragi doesn’t understand. If a newborn vampire like him could defeat the hunters, how did they overpower Kiss-shot? Can he trust her to turn him back to a human? And how is that even possible in the first place? -- -- Araragi is at his limit but he must come to a decision, and it may not be possible to resolve this situation without doing something he’ll regret… -- -- Movie - Jan 6, 2017 -- 329,409 8.81
Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex -- -- Production I.G -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Military Sci-Fi Police Mecha Seinen -- Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex -- In the not so distant future, mankind has advanced to a state where complete body transplants from flesh to machine is possible. This allows for great increases in both physical and cybernetic prowess and blurring the lines between the two worlds. However, criminals can also make full use of such technology, leading to new and sometimes, very dangerous crimes. In response to such innovative new methods, the Japanese Government has established Section 9, an independently operating police unit which deals with such highly sensitive crimes. -- -- Led by Daisuke Aramaki and Motoko Kusanagi, Section 9 deals with such crimes over the entire social spectrum, usually with success. However, when faced with a new A level hacker nicknamed "The Laughing Man," the team is thrown into a dangerous cat and mouse game, following the hacker's trail as it leaves its mark on Japan. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Manga Entertainment -- TV - Oct 1, 2002 -- 332,809 8.44
K: Return of Kings -- -- GoHands -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Super Power Supernatural -- K: Return of Kings K: Return of Kings -- Tensions are running high among the clans as the Green King begins making moves that threaten to drive the world into pandemonium. Following the death of the Gold King, the safety of the Dresden Slate, the source of power of the Kings, is under threat. Nagare Hisui, the sly and mysterious leader of the Green Clan Jungle, is determined to procure the powerful Slate by any means possible. -- -- Standing directly in his way is Sceptre 4, the Blue Clan, headed by their unyielding King, Reisi Munakata. However, the grim sight of his crumbling Sword of Damocles leaves the stability of his clan and all of Japan in jeopardy. Meanwhile, still recovering from their tragic losses, Anna Kushina and her aggressive clan HOMRA find themselves caught up in the Green King’s games. Amidst the chaos, Kurou Yatogami and Neko are left vulnerable while their beloved friend, Yashiro Isana, the Silver King, remains missing. -- -- K: Return of Kings tells the struggle of the remaining clans against the Green King’s formidable forces as one final king appears. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 267,224 7.61
Kubikiri Cycle: Aoiro Savant to Zaregototsukai -- -- Shaft -- 8 eps -- Novel -- Action Mystery Supernatural Drama -- Kubikiri Cycle: Aoiro Savant to Zaregototsukai Kubikiri Cycle: Aoiro Savant to Zaregototsukai -- Due to a mysterious disease, the genius Iria Akagami has been forced by her family to stay in a mansion on the isolated Wet Crow's Feather Island with only a handful of maids. To keep herself entertained, Iria invites a variety of fellow geniuses to stay as guests in her home, including computer savant Tomo Kunagisa and her unnamed assistant, skilled fortune-teller Maki Himena, famous artist Kanami Ibuki, academic scholar Akane Sonoyama, and renowned cook Yayoi Sashirono. -- -- These visits progress as normal until one of the guests is found gruesomely murdered in the night without a single clue as to the identity of the killer or a possible motive. Tensions rise between those on the island as the killer remains at large, and Tomo's assistant takes it upon himself to uncover the culprit's identity before the murderous events progress any further. -- -- OVA - Oct 26, 2016 -- 80,354 7.81
Last Exile -- -- Gonzo -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure -- Last Exile Last Exile -- In the world of Prester, flight is the dominant mode of transportation, made possible by Claudia Fluid: a liquidized form of the crystals that are produced on the planet. An organization known solely as "the Guild" has absolute authority over the skies, with a monopoly on the engines that make use of this fluid. Moreover, as ecological disasters destabilize the warring countries of Anatoray and Disith, the Guild also arbitrates in the disputes between the two. Caught in the middle of the conflict are Sky Couriers, piloting small, two-person vanships that fly freely through the sky. -- -- Last Exile follows the adventures of two teenagers who dream of surpassing their parents: Claus Valca, son of a famous vanship pilot, and Lavie Head, Claus' best friend and navigator. Their job as couriers entails passing through an air current called the Grand Stream that separates the hostile nations, which even standard airships struggle to survive. However, when they take on a high-rated delivery to bring an orphan girl named Alvis Hamilton to the battleship Silvana, they get dragged into a much greater conflict that pits them against the might of the Guild. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- 151,464 7.82
Love Live! Sunshine!! 2nd Season -- -- Sunrise -- 13 eps -- Other -- Music School Slice of Life -- Love Live! Sunshine!! 2nd Season Love Live! Sunshine!! 2nd Season -- Having decided to walk down a path separate from their inspirations as idols, the girls of Aqours are more determined than ever to shine brilliantly as school idols. With their previous performance marginally increasing the number of prospective students for their endangered school, they look to carry the momentum of their small step forward into the school's upcoming open house and the next Love Live competition. Hoping to use these events to bring more attention to their school, the nine girls look to give their best performances yet. -- -- Unfortunately, these small steps forward are not enough to convince Mari Ohara's father from changing his plans. Undeterred by Mari's pleas for reconsideration, the decision to close down the school is made official, putting an end to Uranohoshi Girls' High School's student recruitment, including the open house. Though all hope seems to be lost, the school idols refuse to give up. Faced with impossible odds, Aqours sings, dances, and shines in the hopes of bringing about a miracle. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 88,468 7.57
Luck & Logic -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Card game -- Action Fantasy -- Luck & Logic Luck & Logic -- "Logic" is the concept that governs emotions, abilities, ideals, memories, and all other abstract properties that make up life in various worlds. With its power, however, alien "Foreigners" are able to pass through portals imbued with their respective world's Logic and pose a threat to other worlds. To counter this problem, the Another Logic Counter Agency (ALCA) from the human world of Septpia employs "Logicalists," people with the power to form bonds with the Foreigners who seek peace and share their Logic, tasked with dealing with all possible dangers. -- -- After overloading his powers two years prior, Yoshichika Tsurugi has lost the ability to use Logic in combat, making him no different from a regular citizen. However, his life soon returns to the battlefield when he meets Athena, a Foreigner goddess from the world of Tetra-Heaven. She brings Yoshichika his missing Logic Card, allowing him to become a Logicalist once again. Soon after, Yoshichika forms a contract with Athena and joins ALCA. There, he meets other Logicalists, and only by working with them can he hope to bring an end to the threats once and for all. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 93,549 6.09
Lupin III: Cagliostro no Shiro -- -- Tokyo Movie Shinsha -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Mystery Seinen -- Lupin III: Cagliostro no Shiro Lupin III: Cagliostro no Shiro -- Arsene Lupin III discovers that the spoils from his latest casino robbery are actually "Gothic Bills," legendary counterfeits that are nigh impossible to distinguish from genuine bills. Together with colleague Daisuke Jigen, he heads to the small nation of Cagliostro to investigate the origin of these counterfeits. Upon arrival, they save a girl from a high-speed chase who turns out to be Clarisse d' Cagliostro, the daughter of the late Duke d' Cagliostro. She is running from a sinister plot by Count Cagliostro to steal her family's treasure through a forced marriage. -- -- Natural flirt Lupin dislikes seeing a girl in distress and seeks to remedy the situation. Goemon Ishikawa XIII, Fujiko Mine, and Kouichi Zenigata also join the fray, each with their own motivations. As everyone converges at Cagliostro Castle, Lupin reminisces about his visit there 10 years ago, and the castle's secrets emerge from the depths. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Manga Entertainment -- Movie - Dec 15, 1979 -- 86,889 8.15
Lupin III: Cagliostro no Shiro -- -- Tokyo Movie Shinsha -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Mystery Seinen -- Lupin III: Cagliostro no Shiro Lupin III: Cagliostro no Shiro -- Arsene Lupin III discovers that the spoils from his latest casino robbery are actually "Gothic Bills," legendary counterfeits that are nigh impossible to distinguish from genuine bills. Together with colleague Daisuke Jigen, he heads to the small nation of Cagliostro to investigate the origin of these counterfeits. Upon arrival, they save a girl from a high-speed chase who turns out to be Clarisse d' Cagliostro, the daughter of the late Duke d' Cagliostro. She is running from a sinister plot by Count Cagliostro to steal her family's treasure through a forced marriage. -- -- Natural flirt Lupin dislikes seeing a girl in distress and seeks to remedy the situation. Goemon Ishikawa XIII, Fujiko Mine, and Kouichi Zenigata also join the fray, each with their own motivations. As everyone converges at Cagliostro Castle, Lupin reminisces about his visit there 10 years ago, and the castle's secrets emerge from the depths. -- -- Movie - Dec 15, 1979 -- 86,889 8.15
Lupin III: Lupin vs. Fukusei-ningen -- -- Tokyo Movie Shinsha -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Mystery Comedy Seinen -- Lupin III: Lupin vs. Fukusei-ningen Lupin III: Lupin vs. Fukusei-ningen -- Lupin, the master thief/spy/Jack of all Trades, has been executed, but he is still alive, and not even Lupin himself knows how that is possible. While trying to figure out, however, he and his gang are thrust into a conspiracy involving clones, Lupin's un-trustworthy rival Fujiko, and a miniature madman's plot to take over the world. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Geneon Entertainment USA -- Movie - Dec 16, 1978 -- 10,133 6.98
Lupin III: Pilot Film -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Comedy Seinen -- Lupin III: Pilot Film Lupin III: Pilot Film -- Two years after the birth of the manga a pilot film was released. It was a brief film of only 13 minutes that had the purpose of assay the response to a possible future anime realization of Lupin III. The pilot opens with a challenge call from Lupin to Zenigata from a public phone. -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- Movie - ??? ??, 1969 -- 7,689 6.39
Magatsu Wahrheit: Zuerst -- -- Yokohama Animation Lab -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Magic Fantasy -- Magatsu Wahrheit: Zuerst Magatsu Wahrheit: Zuerst -- In the technologically and magically advanced Wahrheit Empire, rumors of a returning catastrophe known only as the "light" causes a disturbance amongst the people. Meanwhile, in the capital of the Empire, transporter Innumael Grauer prepares his daily deliveries, struggling to make ends meet for himself and his sister. Leocadio Wöhler, a newly recruited soldier, assists Innumael whilst commuting to work—unknowingly loading a mysterious package containing contraband artillery belonging to a criminal organization. -- -- Innumael is accused of smuggling the package, facing possible execution due to the Empire's strict oversight of weapons in response to the rising disorder. However, unbeknownst to him, the very syndicate that placed him in this unfortunate predicament may save him from this fate, at least temporarily. Elsewhere, Leocadio is assigned his first mission—to apprehend the criminal group known as "Headkeeper," suspected of transporting illegal weaponry. -- -- Magatsu Wahrheit: Zuerst follows these two young men on a journey encompassing the Wahrheit Empire, triggering a chain of events that will not only change their lives but also alter the course of the Empire as they know it. -- -- 26,782 6.58
Magatsu Wahrheit: Zuerst -- -- Yokohama Animation Lab -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Magic Fantasy -- Magatsu Wahrheit: Zuerst Magatsu Wahrheit: Zuerst -- In the technologically and magically advanced Wahrheit Empire, rumors of a returning catastrophe known only as the "light" causes a disturbance amongst the people. Meanwhile, in the capital of the Empire, transporter Innumael Grauer prepares his daily deliveries, struggling to make ends meet for himself and his sister. Leocadio Wöhler, a newly recruited soldier, assists Innumael whilst commuting to work—unknowingly loading a mysterious package containing contraband artillery belonging to a criminal organization. -- -- Innumael is accused of smuggling the package, facing possible execution due to the Empire's strict oversight of weapons in response to the rising disorder. However, unbeknownst to him, the very syndicate that placed him in this unfortunate predicament may save him from this fate, at least temporarily. Elsewhere, Leocadio is assigned his first mission—to apprehend the criminal group known as "Headkeeper," suspected of transporting illegal weaponry. -- -- Magatsu Wahrheit: Zuerst follows these two young men on a journey encompassing the Wahrheit Empire, triggering a chain of events that will not only change their lives but also alter the course of the Empire as they know it. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 26,782 6.58
Magi: Sinbad no Bouken -- -- Lay-duce -- 5 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Fantasy Magic Shounen -- Magi: Sinbad no Bouken Magi: Sinbad no Bouken -- Not so long ago, mysterious structures called Dungeons began appearing all over the world. No one knows what they are or how they came to be, but adventurers and armies around the world instantly took interest in them. Thousands set out to explore the Dungeons, but so far, not a single person has returned. -- -- In a Parthevian port, a young boy is about to make a name for himself. Sinbad is good-natured, strong, and craving adventure. A kind deed leads to his meeting with Yunan, an enigmatic traveler who is far more powerful than his frivolous personality lets on. Yunan instructs Sinbad to attain the "power of the king" and change the world—by conquering a Dungeon. The eager boy readily accepts, setting out on the grand adventure he so craved. -- -- Taking place 15 years before the events of the original series, Magi: Sinbad no Bouken chronicles Sinbad's youth as a Dungeon conqueror. Along the way, the budding adventurer and merchant will have to face many obstacles, but anything is possible with the power of a king. -- -- OVA - May 14, 2014 -- 105,576 7.83
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei: Raihousha-hen -- -- 8bit -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Action Sci-Fi Supernatural Magic Romance School -- Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei: Raihousha-hen Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei: Raihousha-hen -- Following the events of "Scorched Halloween," the world is introduced to a terrifyingly powerful Strategic class magician. In an effort to uncover the identity of this person, the United States of the North American Continent (USNA) dispatches the most powerful asset in its arsenal to Japan on a covert mission—the elite magician unit "Stars" and its commander, Angie Sirius. -- -- At First High School, Tatsuya Shiba and his friends are having a farewell party for Shizuku Kitayama, who is leaving to study abroad in the USNA as part of an exchange program. In her place, the group welcomes the beautiful Angelina "Lina" Kudou Shields. Around the same time, Tatsuya is informed about the USNA's plan to uncover his true identity. -- -- Elsewhere in Tokyo, numerous reports arise of seemingly random bodies found drained of blood. Dubbed as the works of a vampire, it does not take long for Tatsuya to connect the dots and realize that it is almost impossible for the timing of these events to be mere coincidences. -- -- 219,123 7.28
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei: Raihousha-hen -- -- 8bit -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Action Sci-Fi Supernatural Magic Romance School -- Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei: Raihousha-hen Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei: Raihousha-hen -- Following the events of "Scorched Halloween," the world is introduced to a terrifyingly powerful Strategic class magician. In an effort to uncover the identity of this person, the United States of the North American Continent (USNA) dispatches the most powerful asset in its arsenal to Japan on a covert mission—the elite magician unit "Stars" and its commander, Angie Sirius. -- -- At First High School, Tatsuya Shiba and his friends are having a farewell party for Shizuku Kitayama, who is leaving to study abroad in the USNA as part of an exchange program. In her place, the group welcomes the beautiful Angelina "Lina" Kudou Shields. Around the same time, Tatsuya is informed about the USNA's plan to uncover his true identity. -- -- Elsewhere in Tokyo, numerous reports arise of seemingly random bodies found drained of blood. Dubbed as the works of a vampire, it does not take long for Tatsuya to connect the dots and realize that it is almost impossible for the timing of these events to be mere coincidences. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 219,123 7.28
Mahou Shoujo-tai Arusu -- -- Studio 4°C -- 40 eps -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Fantasy Magic -- Mahou Shoujo-tai Arusu Mahou Shoujo-tai Arusu -- Arusu believes in magic. With all her heart, she believes that magic is possible and that it can be used for good deeds and fun games. But suddenly, she finds herself transported into another world, ruled by a mysterious elite of witches—and these witches don't seem to be in it for the fun. They're hard at work capturing sprites, the native magical beings of the world, and forcing them into slavery. Once Arusu realizes that her new surroundings aren't just a dream, she sets out to change things. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 25,634 7.09
Mahou Shoujo-tai Arusu -- -- Studio 4°C -- 40 eps -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Fantasy Magic -- Mahou Shoujo-tai Arusu Mahou Shoujo-tai Arusu -- Arusu believes in magic. With all her heart, she believes that magic is possible and that it can be used for good deeds and fun games. But suddenly, she finds herself transported into another world, ruled by a mysterious elite of witches—and these witches don't seem to be in it for the fun. They're hard at work capturing sprites, the native magical beings of the world, and forcing them into slavery. Once Arusu realizes that her new surroundings aren't just a dream, she sets out to change things. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- 25,634 7.09
Mahoutsukai ni Taisetsu na Koto: Natsu no Sora -- -- Hal Film Maker -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Drama Magic Romance Shounen -- Mahoutsukai ni Taisetsu na Koto: Natsu no Sora Mahoutsukai ni Taisetsu na Koto: Natsu no Sora -- Get ready for a second magical journey to the world of Someday's Dreamers, where spellcasting is a profession that requires both the proper training AND a license. It's to get that license and fulfill a promise made to her late father that young Sora Suzuki has made the long journey from her distant home in the countryside town of Biei to the big city of Tokyo. It's a daunting challenge, but she's got a little bit of talent, a charming personality and, most important of all, the promise of an internship! What she ISN'T expecting, though, is how different life in the city will be, especially the people themselves. While she gets along with the confident Asagi, Kuroda and the gentle Hiyori, she's completely confused with the mysterious boy Gouta. And yet, as a result of their internships they keep ending up in the same situations and slowly learning to understand more about each other than they ever imagined possible! -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Jul 3, 2008 -- 22,704 7.28
Mahoutsukai ni Taisetsu na Koto: Natsu no Sora -- -- Hal Film Maker -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Drama Magic Romance Shounen -- Mahoutsukai ni Taisetsu na Koto: Natsu no Sora Mahoutsukai ni Taisetsu na Koto: Natsu no Sora -- Get ready for a second magical journey to the world of Someday's Dreamers, where spellcasting is a profession that requires both the proper training AND a license. It's to get that license and fulfill a promise made to her late father that young Sora Suzuki has made the long journey from her distant home in the countryside town of Biei to the big city of Tokyo. It's a daunting challenge, but she's got a little bit of talent, a charming personality and, most important of all, the promise of an internship! What she ISN'T expecting, though, is how different life in the city will be, especially the people themselves. While she gets along with the confident Asagi, Kuroda and the gentle Hiyori, she's completely confused with the mysterious boy Gouta. And yet, as a result of their internships they keep ending up in the same situations and slowly learning to understand more about each other than they ever imagined possible! -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- TV - Jul 3, 2008 -- 22,704 7.28
Minami-ke Okaeri -- -- Asread -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School -- Minami-ke Okaeri Minami-ke Okaeri -- A year has passed since Okawari and the three sisters have grown up. Their likings and moods are almost the same. Haruka, the older sister, is a love-giving mother to the younger sisters and a discipline follower. Kana, the middle one, leaves everything to the last possible moment and always gives trouble to the trio. Chiaki, the little one, is the calculating and manipulating one; she likes to be admired and loved by Haruka and always gives trouble to the less blessed Kana. Despite being an unbalanced family, they love each other with all their heart. The family's daily life is as funny as ever; trouble and love are always present. Now it's time to see if they'll survive this age change since Haruka is now a young adult; she has even more responsibilities, having to watch over the young while integrating into the adult life. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 60,364 7.57
Mobile Suit Gundam 00 The Movie: A Wakening of the Trailblazer -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Mecha Sci-Fi Space -- Mobile Suit Gundam 00 The Movie: A Wakening of the Trailblazer Mobile Suit Gundam 00 The Movie: A Wakening of the Trailblazer -- In the year 2314 AD, the world is at peace. Thanks to the sacrifices of Celestial Being and its mobile suit pilots, the people of Earth experience a time of prosperity and unity, enjoying tranquil lives once thought impossible. Celestial Being, an organization once painted as villains by the Earth Sphere Federation, now exists in public perception as a group of heroes, celebrated in film and culture. -- -- When an extraterrestrial threat arrives on Earth, threatening the newly acquired calm stasis, Celestial Being springs back into action. Led by ace pilot Setsuna F. Seiei, the Gundam Meisters of the group battle the hostile alien forces, teaming up with old rivals to protect the human race from certain doom. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- Movie - Sep 18, 2010 -- 53,047 7.31
Mobile Suit Gundam II: Soldiers of Sorrow -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space Drama Mecha -- Mobile Suit Gundam II: Soldiers of Sorrow Mobile Suit Gundam II: Soldiers of Sorrow -- As the War continues, Amuro and the White Base crew must make their way toward the Earth Federation Headquarters, Jaburo. On their way they meet several new enemies and face off against impossible odds. They fight in Operation Odessa to relieve the Earth from the clutches of the Zeon forces. -- -- Lives are lost, new friendships are made, and discoveries at every corner. Amuro soon learns that he possesses the powers of the mysterious Newtypes. -- -- (Source: Otakufreakmk2) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Nozomi Entertainment -- Movie - Jul 11, 1981 -- 22,600 7.38
Monster Strike the Movie: Sora no Kanata -- -- Orange -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Fantasy Game -- Monster Strike the Movie: Sora no Kanata Monster Strike the Movie: Sora no Kanata -- 13 years ago, suddenly one part of Tokyo broke off and began to float in the sky. Tokyo was separated into "Old Tokyo" as the part that was floating in the air, and "New Tokyo," the part that stayed on the ground. Communication and interaction between the two Tokyos was impossible, and years passed. One day, a young girl perceives that Old Tokyo will fall back down to the ground, and she sets out on the perilous path from from Old Tokyo to New Tokyo to save the citizens from the impending crisis. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Oct 5, 2018 -- 2,535 6.32
Mousou Dairinin -- -- Madhouse -- 13 eps -- Original -- Mystery Dementia Police Psychological Supernatural Drama Thriller -- Mousou Dairinin Mousou Dairinin -- The infamous Shounen Bat (Lil' Slugger) is terrorizing the residents of Musashino City. Flying around on his rollerblades and beating people down with a golden baseball bat, the assailant seems impossible to catch—much less understand. His first victim, the well-known yet timid character designer Tsukiko Sagi, is suspected of orchestrating the attacks. Believed only by her anthropomorphic pink stuffed animal, Maromi, Tsukiko is just one of Shounen Bat's many victims. -- -- As Shounen Bat continues his relentless assault on the town, detectives Keiichi Ikari and Mitsuhiro Maniwa begin to investigate the identity of the attacker. However, more and more people fall victim to the notorious golden bat, and news of the assailant begins circulating around the town. Paranoia starts to set in as chilling rumors spread amongst adults and children alike. -- -- Will the two detectives be able to unravel the truth behind Shounen Bat, or will the paranoia get to them first? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- 300,144 7.68
Mushishi Zoku Shou 2nd Season -- -- Artland -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Fantasy Historical Mystery Seinen Slice of Life Supernatural -- Mushishi Zoku Shou 2nd Season Mushishi Zoku Shou 2nd Season -- Ghostly, primordial beings known as Mushi continue to cause mysterious changes in the lives of humans. The travelling Mushishi, Ginko, persists in trying to set right the strange and unsettling situations he encounters. Time loops, living shadows, and telepathy are among the overt effects of interference from Mushi, but more subtle symptoms that take years to be noticed also rouse Ginko's concern as he passes from village to village. -- -- Through circumstance, Ginko has become an arbiter, determining which Mushi are blessings and which are curses. But the lines that he seeks to draw are subjective. Some of his patients would rather exercise their new powers until they are utterly consumed by them; others desperately strive to rid themselves of afflictions which are in fact protecting their lives from devastation. Those who cross paths with Mushi must learn to accept seemingly impossible consequences for their actions, and heal wounds they did not know they had. Otherwise, they risk meeting with fates beyond their comprehension. -- -- 206,606 8.76
Mushishi Zoku Shou 2nd Season -- -- Artland -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Fantasy Historical Mystery Seinen Slice of Life Supernatural -- Mushishi Zoku Shou 2nd Season Mushishi Zoku Shou 2nd Season -- Ghostly, primordial beings known as Mushi continue to cause mysterious changes in the lives of humans. The travelling Mushishi, Ginko, persists in trying to set right the strange and unsettling situations he encounters. Time loops, living shadows, and telepathy are among the overt effects of interference from Mushi, but more subtle symptoms that take years to be noticed also rouse Ginko's concern as he passes from village to village. -- -- Through circumstance, Ginko has become an arbiter, determining which Mushi are blessings and which are curses. But the lines that he seeks to draw are subjective. Some of his patients would rather exercise their new powers until they are utterly consumed by them; others desperately strive to rid themselves of afflictions which are in fact protecting their lives from devastation. Those who cross paths with Mushi must learn to accept seemingly impossible consequences for their actions, and heal wounds they did not know they had. Otherwise, they risk meeting with fates beyond their comprehension. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 206,606 8.76
Nisekoi -- -- Shaft -- 20 eps -- Manga -- Harem Comedy Romance School Shounen -- Nisekoi Nisekoi -- Raku Ichijou, a first-year student at Bonyari High School, is the sole heir to an intimidating yakuza family. Ten years ago, Raku made a promise to his childhood friend. Now, all he has to go on is a pendant with a lock, which can only be unlocked with the key which the girl took with her when they parted. -- -- Now, years later, Raku has grown into a typical teenager, and all he wants is to remain as uninvolved in his yakuza background as possible while spending his school days alongside his middle school crush Kosaki Onodera. However, when the American Bee Hive Gang invades his family's turf, Raku's idyllic romantic dreams are sent for a toss as he is dragged into a frustrating conflict: Raku is to pretend that he is in a romantic relationship with Chitoge Kirisaki, the beautiful daughter of the Bee Hive's chief, so as to reduce the friction between the two groups. Unfortunately, reality could not be farther from this whopping lie—Raku and Chitoge fall in hate at first sight, as the girl is convinced he is a pathetic pushover, and in Raku's eyes, Chitoge is about as attractive as a savage gorilla. -- -- Nisekoi follows the daily antics of this mismatched couple who have been forced to get along for the sake of maintaining the city's peace. With many more girls popping up his life, all involved with Raku's past somehow, his search for the girl who holds his heart and his promise leads him in more unexpected directions than he expects. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 895,558 7.63
Odin: Koushi Hansen Starlight -- -- Studio World, Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Space Drama -- Odin: Koushi Hansen Starlight Odin: Koushi Hansen Starlight -- In the year 2099, mankind has colonized parts of the Solar System thanks to the evolution of space travel. To venture further beyond what man has accomplished, the space vessel Starlight is launched. After rescuing a mysterious girl from a wreckage near the asteroid fields, the crew of the Starlight plot a perilous journey towards the Canopus system in search of the planet known only as "Odin" - the possible key to all forms of life. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- Movie - Aug 10, 1985 -- 2,700 5.21
Osomatsu-san -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 25 eps -- Original -- Comedy Parody -- Osomatsu-san Osomatsu-san -- The majority of the Matsuno household is comprised of six identical siblings: self-centered leader Osomatsu, manly Karamatsu, voice of reason Choromatsu, cynical Ichimatsu, hyperactive Juushimatsu, and lovable Todomatsu. Despite each one of them being over the age of 20, they are incredibly lazy and have absolutely no motivation to get a job, choosing to live as NEETs instead. In the rare occurrence that they try to look for employment and are somehow able to land an interview, their unique personalities generally lead to their swift rejection. -- -- From trying to pick up girlfriends to finding the perfect job, the daily activities of the Matsuno brothers are never dull as they go on all sorts of crazy, and often downright bizarre, adventures. Though they desperately search for a way to improve their social standing, it won't be possible if they can't survive the various challenges that come with being sextuplets! -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 144,631 8.00
Otsukimi Recital -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Music -- Music Psychological -- Otsukimi Recital Otsukimi Recital -- Hibiya Amamiya has experienced the worst loss possible: the life of a friend. For him, the world no longer holds a glimmer, but high school idol Momo Kisaragi has taken it upon herself to show him that there is a reason to go on. Although sadness clings to Hibiya like the full moon which shines through the night, perhaps Momo will be able to brighten his eyes once again. -- -- Music - Jul 2, 2013 -- 3,815 7.08
Overlord II -- -- Madhouse -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Action Game Adventure Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Overlord II Overlord II -- Ainz Ooal Gown, the undead sorcerer formerly known as Momonga, has accepted his place in this new world. Though it bears similarities to his beloved virtual reality game Yggdrasil, it still holds many mysteries which he intends to uncover, by utilizing his power as ruler of the Great Tomb of Nazarick. However, ever since the disastrous brainwashing of one of his subordinates, Ainz has become wary of the impending dangers of the Slane Theocracy, as well as the possible existence of other former Yggdrasil players. Meanwhile, Albedo, Demiurge and the rest of Ainz's loyal guardians set out to prepare for the next step in their campaign: Nazarick's first war… -- -- Overlord II picks up immediately after its prequel, continuing the story of Ainz Ooal Gown, his eclectic army of human-hating guardians, and the many hapless humans affected by the Overlord's arrival. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 686,084 7.77
Owari no Seraph -- -- Wit Studio -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Military Supernatural Drama Vampire Shounen -- Owari no Seraph Owari no Seraph -- With the appearance of a mysterious virus that kills everyone above the age of 13, mankind becomes enslaved by previously hidden, power-hungry vampires who emerge in order to subjugate society with the promise of protecting the survivors, in exchange for donations of their blood. -- -- Among these survivors are Yuuichirou and Mikaela Hyakuya, two young boys who are taken captive from an orphanage, along with other children whom they consider family. Discontent with being treated like livestock under the vampires' cruel reign, Mikaela hatches a rebellious escape plan that is ultimately doomed to fail. The only survivor to come out on the other side is Yuuichirou, who is found by the Moon Demon Company, a military unit dedicated to exterminating the vampires in Japan. -- -- Many years later, now a member of the Japanese Imperial Demon Army, Yuuichirou is determined to take revenge on the creatures that slaughtered his family, but at what cost? -- -- Owari no Seraph is a post-apocalyptic supernatural shounen anime that follows a young man's search for retribution, all the while battling for friendship and loyalty against seemingly impossible odds. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 938,604 7.49
Peach Girl -- -- Studio Comet -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance School Shoujo Slice of Life -- Peach Girl Peach Girl -- With her gorgeous, tan skin and long, bleached hair, former high school swim team member Momo Adachi seems like the kind of girl who could get any guy she wants. In reality, however, she is only in love with Kazuya "Toji" Toujigamori, a baseball player whom she fell for in junior high and who reportedly only likes pale-skinned girls. Despite her attempts to change her appearance, many of her jealous classmates have begun spreading rumors about her promiscuous and "easy to get with" personality. Momo's friend Sae Kashiwagi is always there to comfort her, but is secretly the source of the rumors about Momo as part of her own scheme to steal Toji. Further complicating things is Kairi Okayasu, a popular male student at Momo's high school who has publicly declared his love for her and is determined to date her. -- -- Hoping to find love in a nearly impossible predicament, Momo must navigate complicated love triangles, back-stabbing friends, and her insecurities about her appearance to discover who she really is. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Jan 8, 2005 -- 82,472 6.99
Peach Girl -- -- Studio Comet -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance School Shoujo Slice of Life -- Peach Girl Peach Girl -- With her gorgeous, tan skin and long, bleached hair, former high school swim team member Momo Adachi seems like the kind of girl who could get any guy she wants. In reality, however, she is only in love with Kazuya "Toji" Toujigamori, a baseball player whom she fell for in junior high and who reportedly only likes pale-skinned girls. Despite her attempts to change her appearance, many of her jealous classmates have begun spreading rumors about her promiscuous and "easy to get with" personality. Momo's friend Sae Kashiwagi is always there to comfort her, but is secretly the source of the rumors about Momo as part of her own scheme to steal Toji. Further complicating things is Kairi Okayasu, a popular male student at Momo's high school who has publicly declared his love for her and is determined to date her. -- -- Hoping to find love in a nearly impossible predicament, Momo must navigate complicated love triangles, back-stabbing friends, and her insecurities about her appearance to discover who she really is. -- -- TV - Jan 8, 2005 -- 82,472 6.99
Quanzhi Fashi II -- -- - -- 12 eps -- Novel -- Action Magic Fantasy School -- Quanzhi Fashi II Quanzhi Fashi II -- After defeating Yu Ang at the cost of revealing his lightning element, Mo Fan has been granted seven days to train in the Underground Holy Spring, where it is said that one can greatly increase their power level. -- -- However, Mo Fan's training is abruptly cut short when fierce monsters mysteriously appear all around Bo City, something which should be impossible given the city’s border defenses. An emergency is declared, and Mo Fan is tasked with delivering the Underground Holy Spring—now condensed into a small bottle—to a special refuge zone that is protected from the havoc in the city. -- -- The path there is long, dangerous, and riddled with bloodthirsty beasts. To worsen matters, the malicious Black Order threatens to halt his advance. How will Mo Fan stop the sacred spring from falling into the wrong hands? -- -- ONA - Sep 15, 2017 -- 47,397 6.73
Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry -- -- Nexus, SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Romance Ecchi Fantasy School -- Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry -- There exist few humans in this world with the ability to manipulate their souls to form powerful weapons. Dubbed "Blazers," these people study and train at the prestigious Hagun Academy to become Mage-Knights; among the students is so-called failure Ikki Kurogane, the sole F-rated Blazer. However, when the worst student in the academy sees Stella Vermillion, an A-ranked Blazer who also happens to be a princess, naked, she challenges him to a duel with dire stakes—the loser becomes the slave of the winner. There’s no possible way that Stella can lose, right? -- -- Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry follows the story of Ikki as he tries to prove his strength to a world that believes him to be the weakest, all the while gaining new friends, wisdom, and experience. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 680,772 7.51
Rhea Gall Force -- -- AIC, animate Film, Artmic -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Mecha -- Rhea Gall Force Rhea Gall Force -- The Solnoid race is long dead, annihilated along with their enemies in the final battle at Sigma Narse. But their descendants survive on Earth, and have now inherited the sad destiny predicted so many years before. -- -- The year is 2085. -- -- The third world war between East and West has reduced the cities of Earth to mountains of rubble. The mechanical killing machines created by both sides now ruthlessly hunt down the remnants of humanity. Old hatreds between human factions prevent an effective resistance, and the only hope for survival rests in a desperate plan: evacuate the survivors to Mars Base. There they can rebuild and plan the liberation of the home world. -- -- Among them, one young woman carries the guilt of her father`s hand in the destruction of civilization. Unknown to her, she also carries the key to a possible salvation. As destiny draws new friends and allies to her, a new Gall Force is born to rise up against the coming destruction... -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- OVA - Mar 21, 1989 -- 2,312 6.27
Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita. -- -- Zero-G -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Comedy Romance -- Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita. Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita. -- It is widely believed that science can provide rational explanations for the countless phenomena of our universe. However, there are many aspects of our existence that science has not yet found a solution to and cannot decipher with numbers. The most notorious of these is the concept of love. While it may seem impossible to apply scientific theory to such an intricate and complex emotion, a daring pair of quick-witted Saitama University scientists aim to take on the challenge. -- -- One day the bold and beautiful Ayame Himuro outwardly declares that she is in love with Shinya Yukimura, her fellow logical and level-headed scientist. Acknowledging his own lack of experience with romance, Yukimura questions what factors constitute love in the first place and whether he is in love with Himuro or not. Both clueless in the dealings of love, the pair begin to conduct detailed experiments on one another to test the human characteristics that indicate love and discern whether they demonstrate these traits towards each other. -- -- As Himuro and Yukimura begin their intimate analysis, can the two scientists successfully apply scientific theory, with the help of their friends, to quantify the feelings they express for one another? -- -- ONA - Jan 11, 2020 -- 185,005 7.35
Rozen Maiden -- -- Nomad -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Drama Magic Seinen -- Rozen Maiden Rozen Maiden -- Traumatized by school, Jun Sakurada spends his days at home as a shut-in, purchasing things online, only to send them back before the free trial period ends. So when a note appears on his desk, asking whether or not he would wind something, he assumes it was something he ordered and carelessly circles "yes," changing his life forever. -- -- A box arrives with a wind up doll inside, but this is no ordinary toy: after Jun winds her up, she begins walking and talking as if a normal person. With a haughty attitude, she introduces herself as Shinku, the fifth doll in the Rozen Maiden collection, a group of special dolls made by the legendary dollmaker Rozen. These sisters must battle each other in a competition called the Alice Game with the help of a human to ensure victory. The winner becomes Alice, a real girl who is worthy of meeting their creator. -- -- As more sentient dolls end up taking residence in Jun's house, and a foe from Shinku's past makes her appearance, Jun's life becomes far more complicated than he ever thought possible. -- -- 179,332 7.43
Rozen Maiden -- -- Nomad -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Drama Magic Seinen -- Rozen Maiden Rozen Maiden -- Traumatized by school, Jun Sakurada spends his days at home as a shut-in, purchasing things online, only to send them back before the free trial period ends. So when a note appears on his desk, asking whether or not he would wind something, he assumes it was something he ordered and carelessly circles "yes," changing his life forever. -- -- A box arrives with a wind up doll inside, but this is no ordinary toy: after Jun winds her up, she begins walking and talking as if a normal person. With a haughty attitude, she introduces herself as Shinku, the fifth doll in the Rozen Maiden collection, a group of special dolls made by the legendary dollmaker Rozen. These sisters must battle each other in a competition called the Alice Game with the help of a human to ensure victory. The winner becomes Alice, a real girl who is worthy of meeting their creator. -- -- As more sentient dolls end up taking residence in Jun's house, and a foe from Shinku's past makes her appearance, Jun's life becomes far more complicated than he ever thought possible. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA, Sentai Filmworks -- 179,332 7.43
Saint Seiya: Tenkai-hen Josou - Overture -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Sci-Fi Shounen -- Saint Seiya: Tenkai-hen Josou - Overture Saint Seiya: Tenkai-hen Josou - Overture -- After the Saints' victory against Hades, Seiya is left wounded and motionless in a wheel chair with no possible chance of recovery. Athena's sister Artemis, the Virgin Goddess of the Moon and twin sister of Apollo, makes an elaborate proposal - to restore Seiya's physical health in exchange for the supremacy of Sanctuary. Athena accepts and Artemis and her "Knights of the Sky" swiftly take control of Sanctuary. Now Seiya and his fellow Bronze Saints combat the forces of Zeus to regain their homeland but it will not be so easy. Bronze Saints Hydra Ichi and Unicorn Jabu, and Silver Saint Ophiuchus Shaina have join forces with Artemis and Apollo. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Feb 14, 2004 -- 19,915 7.22
Senyuu. -- -- LIDENFILMS, Ordet -- 13 eps -- Web manga -- Action Comedy Parody Fantasy Shounen -- Senyuu. Senyuu. -- Once upon a time, the demon lord Rchimedes spread terror throughout the world, until he was eventually sealed away by the legendary hero Creasion. Since then, a thousand years have passed peacefully. However, a mysterious hole has opened up between the demon and human spheres, and countless demons have surged into the human realm once more. Coming to the conclusion that Rchimedes would soon return to wreak havoc, a human king summons the possible descendants of the legendary hero—all 75 of them. Unfortunately, after so long, it was too difficult to pinpoint his true descendants. -- -- Among the lionhearted prospects is the amateur adventurer Alba Frühling. His skills may not be top-notch, but he is accompanied by the talented soldier Ross, who helps the young hero whenever he is in a pinch...or at least, he is supposed to. Though undoubtedly a skilled warrior, Ross is actually both sarcastic and sadistic, and hence revels in Alba's suffering. -- -- Senyuu. is a comedic adventure following the unlikely duo as they struggle in their endeavor to defeat the demon lord, meeting various eccentrics along the way. -- -- TV - Jan 9, 2013 -- 103,076 7.34
SF Shinseiki Lensman -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Book -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Space -- SF Shinseiki Lensman SF Shinseiki Lensman -- Kim is living a peaceful life with his father as a farmer on their planet until one day when a runaway spaceship is detected moving at a high speed towards his father's farm. To rescue his father Kim jumps on board the ship and manages to land it safely before it crashes. -- -- On board the ship he finds a severely Injured lone survivor whom with his dying words begs Kim to take something of his to the Galactic Fleet. He then transfers something that was attached to his arm onto Kim's arm. The thing was a Lens and its transferring should have been impossible and having it has turned Kim into a Lensman. Other than giving Kim unknown powers it also contains vital information for the victory of the Galactic Fleet over the evil Boskone Empire. -- -- Kim must now using the spaceship Britannia bring the Lense to the Galactic Fleet. But this is not an easy task when Lord Helmet of the Boskone Empire is willing to use everything in his power to stop him. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Jul 7, 1984 -- 2,670 6.13
Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Part 2 -- -- - -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Military Mystery Super Power Drama Fantasy Shounen -- Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Part 2 Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Part 2 -- Second part of Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season. -- TV - Jan ??, 2022 -- 161,248 N/A -- -- Tenjou Tenge -- -- Madhouse -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Ecchi Martial Arts Comedy Super Power School Shounen -- Tenjou Tenge Tenjou Tenge -- For some people, high school represents the opportunity for a fresh start. You can take new classes and make new friends. For Souichiro Nagi and Bob Makihara, though, high school means something different: the chance to become the top fighters in the entire student body! Too bad Toudou Academy is the hardest possible place to realize their dreams. Their new high school is no ordinary academic institution. Rather than concentrating on classic subjects like math and science, Toudou Academy was created for the sole purpose of reviving the martial arts in Japan! -- -- As a result, Souichiro's aspirations to become top dog are cut short when he runs afoul of Masataka Takayanagi and Maya Natsume. The two upperclassmen easily stop the freshmen duo's rampage across school, but rather than serving as a deterrent, it only stokes their competitive fire. What kind of monstrous fighters attend Toudou Academy? Are there any stronger than Masataka and Maya? And why in the world is Maya's younger sister stalking Souichiro? Learn the answers to these questions and more in Tenjou Tenge! -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Geneon Entertainment USA -- TV - Apr 2, 2004 -- 161,119 6.92
Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Part 2 -- -- - -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Military Mystery Super Power Drama Fantasy Shounen -- Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Part 2 Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Part 2 -- Second part of Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season. -- TV - Jan ??, 2022 -- 161,248 N/A -- -- Tenjou Tenge -- -- Madhouse -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Ecchi Martial Arts Comedy Super Power School Shounen -- Tenjou Tenge Tenjou Tenge -- For some people, high school represents the opportunity for a fresh start. You can take new classes and make new friends. For Souichiro Nagi and Bob Makihara, though, high school means something different: the chance to become the top fighters in the entire student body! Too bad Toudou Academy is the hardest possible place to realize their dreams. Their new high school is no ordinary academic institution. Rather than concentrating on classic subjects like math and science, Toudou Academy was created for the sole purpose of reviving the martial arts in Japan! -- -- As a result, Souichiro's aspirations to become top dog are cut short when he runs afoul of Masataka Takayanagi and Maya Natsume. The two upperclassmen easily stop the freshmen duo's rampage across school, but rather than serving as a deterrent, it only stokes their competitive fire. What kind of monstrous fighters attend Toudou Academy? Are there any stronger than Masataka and Maya? And why in the world is Maya's younger sister stalking Souichiro? Learn the answers to these questions and more in Tenjou Tenge! -- TV - Apr 2, 2004 -- 161,119 6.92
Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Part 2 -- -- - -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Military Mystery Super Power Drama Fantasy Shounen -- Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Part 2 Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Part 2 -- Second part of Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season. -- TV - Jan ??, 2022 -- 161,248 N/AFate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - III. Spring Song -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Action Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - III. Spring Song Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - III. Spring Song -- The Fifth Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City has reached a turning point in which the lives of all participants are threatened as the hidden enemy finally reveals itself. As Shirou Emiya, Rin Toosaka, and Illyasviel von Einzbern discover the true, corruptive nature of the shadow that has been rampaging throughout the city, they realize just how dire the situation is. In order to protect their beloved ones, the group must hold their own against the seemingly insurmountable enemy force—even if some of those foes were once their allies, or perhaps, something more intimate. -- -- As the final act of this chaotic war commences, the ideals Shirou believes will soon be challenged by an excruciating dilemma: is it really possible to save a world where everything seems to have gone wrong? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Aug 15, 2020 -- 160,987 8.84
Shinmai Maou no Testament -- -- Production IMS -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Ecchi Fantasy Romance Harem Demons -- Shinmai Maou no Testament Shinmai Maou no Testament -- Running into your new stepsister in the bathroom is not the best way to make a good first impression, which Basara Toujou learns the hard way. When his father suddenly brings home two beautiful girls and introduces them as his new siblings, he has no choice but to accept into his family the Naruse sisters: busty redhead Mio and petite silver-haired Maria. -- -- But when these seemingly normal girls reveal themselves as demons—Mio the former Demon Lord's only daughter and Maria her trusted succubus servant—Basara is forced to reveal himself as a former member of a clan of "Heroes," sworn enemies of the demons. However, having begun to care for his new sisters, Basara instead decides to protect them with his powers and forms a master-servant contract with Mio to keep watch over her. -- -- With the Heroes observing his every move and the constant threat of hostile demons, Basara has to do the impossible to protect his new family members. Moreover, the protector himself is hiding his own dark secret that still haunts him to this day... -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 501,096 6.78
Shinmai Maou no Testament Burst -- -- Production IMS -- 10 eps -- Light novel -- Action Ecchi Fantasy Romance Harem Demons -- Shinmai Maou no Testament Burst Shinmai Maou no Testament Burst -- Basara Toujou has a hard life. He is the older step-brother to two demonic sisters, Mio and Maria Naruse, whom he protects from entitled demons looking to claim Mio's power for themselves. On top of that, rising political tension within the demon realm only makes his job more difficult. -- -- When a messenger arrives with summons for Mio to the demon realm, she and her friends go in spite of the danger. Now on the enemy's turf, Basara will have to grow stronger through erotic pleasure in order to do the impossible and protect everyone. -- -- 293,205 6.88
Shinmai Maou no Testament Burst -- -- Production IMS -- 10 eps -- Light novel -- Action Ecchi Fantasy Romance Harem Demons -- Shinmai Maou no Testament Burst Shinmai Maou no Testament Burst -- Basara Toujou has a hard life. He is the older step-brother to two demonic sisters, Mio and Maria Naruse, whom he protects from entitled demons looking to claim Mio's power for themselves. On top of that, rising political tension within the demon realm only makes his job more difficult. -- -- When a messenger arrives with summons for Mio to the demon realm, she and her friends go in spite of the danger. Now on the enemy's turf, Basara will have to grow stronger through erotic pleasure in order to do the impossible and protect everyone. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 293,205 6.88
Shuumatsu no Harem -- -- AXsiZ, Studio Gokumi -- ? eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Harem Ecchi Shounen -- Shuumatsu no Harem Shuumatsu no Harem -- The Man-Killer Virus: a lethal disease that has eradicated 99.9% of the world's male population. Mizuhara Reito has been in cryogenic sleep for the past five years, leaving behind Tachibana Erisa, the girl of his dreams. When Reito awakens from the deep freeze, he emerges into a sex-crazed new world where he himself is the planet's most precious resource. Reito and four other male studs are given lives of luxury and one simple mission: repopulate the world by impregnating as many women as possible! All Reito wants, however, is to find his beloved Erisa who went missing three years ago. Can Reito resist temptation and find his one true love? -- -- (Source: Seven Seas Entertainment) -- TV - ??? ??, 2021 -- 15,282 N/A -- -- Kindaichi Shounen no Jikenbo Returns -- -- Toei Animation -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Mystery Shounen -- Kindaichi Shounen no Jikenbo Returns Kindaichi Shounen no Jikenbo Returns -- High school student Hajime Kindaichi is the supposed grandson of famous private detective Kosuke Kindaichi. Visiting Hong Kong for a fashion event with Kindaichi, our hero's girlfriend Miyuki is captured by a stranger in a case of mistaken identity. The journey to save Miyuki itself leads to yet another crime case... -- -- (Source: YTV) -- TV - Apr 5, 2014 -- 15,198 7.52
Shuumatsu no Harem -- -- AXsiZ, Studio Gokumi -- ? eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Harem Ecchi Shounen -- Shuumatsu no Harem Shuumatsu no Harem -- The Man-Killer Virus: a lethal disease that has eradicated 99.9% of the world's male population. Mizuhara Reito has been in cryogenic sleep for the past five years, leaving behind Tachibana Erisa, the girl of his dreams. When Reito awakens from the deep freeze, he emerges into a sex-crazed new world where he himself is the planet's most precious resource. Reito and four other male studs are given lives of luxury and one simple mission: repopulate the world by impregnating as many women as possible! All Reito wants, however, is to find his beloved Erisa who went missing three years ago. Can Reito resist temptation and find his one true love? -- -- (Source: Seven Seas Entertainment) -- TV - ??? ??, 2021 -- 15,282 N/AGinga Tetsudou 999 (Movie) -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Adventure Space Drama Fantasy -- Ginga Tetsudou 999 (Movie) Ginga Tetsudou 999 (Movie) -- Tetsurou Hoshino is a boy bent on obtaining an immortal mechanical body in order to take revenge against his mother's murderer, the machine man Count Mecha. However, due to the incredible cost of obtaining what he seeks, his only hope is to steal a boarding pass for the Galaxy Express 999, a space train that travels across the galaxy and whose final stop is a planet where the metal replacements are provided for free. After swiping a pass, Tetsurou is pursued by the police and ends up collapsing into the arms of a mysterious woman named Maetel, who closely resembles his mother. Once he awakens, she tells the boy that she will provide him entry onto the 999 as long as he agrees to travel with her. Accepting her proposition, Tetsurou boards the cosmic railway with Maetel and begins a journey across the galaxy. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- Movie - Aug 4, 1979 -- 15,280 7.56
Sora yori mo Tooi Basho -- -- Madhouse -- 13 eps -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Drama -- Sora yori mo Tooi Basho Sora yori mo Tooi Basho -- Filled with an overwhelming sense of wonder for the world around her, Mari Tamaki has always dreamt of what lies beyond the reaches of the universe. However, despite harboring such large aspirations on the inside, her fear of the unknown and anxiety over her own possible limitations have always held her back from chasing them. But now, in her second year of high school, Mari is more determined than ever to not let any more of her youth go to waste. Still, her fear continues to prevent her from taking that ambitious step forward—that is, until she has a chance encounter with a girl who has grand dreams of her own. -- -- Spurred by her mother's disappearance, Shirase Kobuchizawa has been working hard to fund her trip to Antarctica. Despite facing doubt and ridicule from virtually everyone, Shirase is determined to embark on this expedition to search for her mother in a place further than the universe itself. Inspired by Shirase's resolve, Mari jumps at the chance to join her. Soon, their efforts attract the attention of the bubbly Hinata Miyake, who is eager to stand out, and Yuzuki Shiraishi, a polite girl from a high class background. Together, they set sail toward the frozen south. -- -- Sora yori mo Tooi Basho follows the captivating journey of four spirited girls, all in search of something great. -- -- 359,273 8.56
Subete ga F ni Naru -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 11 eps -- Novel -- Sci-Fi Mystery Psychological -- Subete ga F ni Naru Subete ga F ni Naru -- In a research facility hidden away on a remote island, genius programmer Shiki Magata has lived as a recluse for years. She rarely sees guests, but associate professor Souhei Saikawa and university student Moe Nishinosono still seek her out. However, their meeting is cut short when they are caught up in a locked-room murder mystery. -- -- Everything is not as it seems, and many secrets are hidden. Within an isolated facility, a seemingly impossible and gruesome crime takes place, and Saikawa and Moe must unravel the truth behind the murder and Magata's shrouded past. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 141,702 7.27
Tamayura no Yume -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Psychological Drama -- Tamayura no Yume Tamayura no Yume -- A girl is informed by her doctor that she is pregnant. Surprised by the unexpected announcement, falls into an anguish. The fleeting dream is a despairing dream. -- -- (Source: Geidai Animation) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2011 -- 292 N/A -- -- Byulbyul Iyagi 2 -- -- - -- 6 eps -- - -- Psychological Drama -- Byulbyul Iyagi 2 Byulbyul Iyagi 2 -- This film consists of 6 animated shorts produced by the Human Rights Commission of Korea. Like the previous movie, the stories deal with seeing the world through the eyes of people who are different from social norms. The film was nominated for Best Animated Feature in 2008 from the Asia Pacific Screen Awards. -- -- 1. "The Third Wish” (AN Dong-hui, RYU Jeong-wu). A fairy godmother appears before a visually impaired young woman to grant her three wishes. But this is no fairytale. The irritable middle-aged fairy wants to finish her job as soon as possible. Yet she proves to be helpful as she leads the woman through a busy marketplace, which is delightfully reminiscent of "Amelie". But it's no walk in the park, as busy urbanites show no consideration for our protagonist. Yet she prevails through obstacles. With a walking stick, she taps together the heels of her shiny new shoes and follows the "yellow brick road" (guiding tiles for the visually impaired) around the city. -- -- 2. "Ajukari” (HONG Deok-pyo) is a street-style cartoon. It comically depicts how a certain macho "complex" can cripple men. Male circumcision becomes the ultimate standard for being "manly" and those who have failed to do the deed are forever fearful of going to public baths. -- -- 3. "Baby" (LEE Hong-su, LEE Hong-min) portrays the difficulties a career woman faces in having a child. "I'm not saying you can't have maternity leave, but can you afford to raise a child while working?" asks her boss. This smart story portrays everything from mother and daughter-in-law relationships to a parody of "Tazza: The High Rollers" and hilarious episodes where an "ambulance bus" picks up several patients en route. -- -- 4. "Shine Shine Shining" (KWON Mi-jeong) is drawn like a warm, watercolor storybook for children. Grade schooler Eun-jin is smart and popular, but she has a secret. She hides her curly hair, which she gets from her Filipino mother, in braids. -- -- 5. "Merry Golasmas" is an adorable claymation, or stop motion animation of models constructed from clay, plasticine, etc. It explores physical discrimination or stereotypes. In an open audition to find a Santa Claus, the real Santas ― one who's black, another who's Asian, a female Santa and one in a wheelchair ― lose to a fake Santa, a pot-bellied, Caucasian. -- -- 6. “Lies" explores homosexuality. Drawn in pastel-like sketches with art deco-esque details, it is a stunning digital cut-out animation, A homosexual man is forced by his parents to marry a woman, while others are pressured to fake having a girlfriend or receive "therapy" to become straight. -- -- (Source: The Korean Times) -- Movie - Apr 17, 2008 -- 257 N/A -- -- Hyoutan -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Psychological -- Hyoutan Hyoutan -- Independent animation by Suzuki Shin'ichi. -- Movie - ??? ??, 1976 -- 252 N/A -- -- Pianoman Trailer -- -- Echoes -- 1 ep -- Original -- Music Psychological -- Pianoman Trailer Pianoman Trailer -- Trailer for Echoes' PIANOMAN with original animation that was not reused in the resulting short film. -- ONA - Dec 28, 2017 -- 243 5.41
Tenjou Tenge -- -- Madhouse -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Ecchi Martial Arts Comedy Super Power School Shounen -- Tenjou Tenge Tenjou Tenge -- For some people, high school represents the opportunity for a fresh start. You can take new classes and make new friends. For Souichiro Nagi and Bob Makihara, though, high school means something different: the chance to become the top fighters in the entire student body! Too bad Toudou Academy is the hardest possible place to realize their dreams. Their new high school is no ordinary academic institution. Rather than concentrating on classic subjects like math and science, Toudou Academy was created for the sole purpose of reviving the martial arts in Japan! -- -- As a result, Souichiro's aspirations to become top dog are cut short when he runs afoul of Masataka Takayanagi and Maya Natsume. The two upperclassmen easily stop the freshmen duo's rampage across school, but rather than serving as a deterrent, it only stokes their competitive fire. What kind of monstrous fighters attend Toudou Academy? Are there any stronger than Masataka and Maya? And why in the world is Maya's younger sister stalking Souichiro? Learn the answers to these questions and more in Tenjou Tenge! -- TV - Apr 2, 2004 -- 161,119 6.92
Terra e... (TV) -- -- Minami Machi Bugyousho, Tokyo Kids -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space Drama Shounen -- Terra e... (TV) Terra e... (TV) -- In the future, humans are living on colonized planets and are controlled in every aspect of their life by a system of computers. Evolution has resulted in the birth of people with extraordinary powers. This new race is called Mu. Hated and feared by the humans, the Mu dream of a place to live in peace: Earth—a mystical far away planet—for humanity had to leave their home long ago as pollution and destruction increased and made it impossible to stay there any longer. -- -- Jomy is a boy excitedly awaiting his birthday, the day he will enter the world of adults. Yet he knows nothing about the unknown powers sleeping in him and the shared dream of returning to Earth one day. -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- 54,008 7.92
Texhnolyze -- -- Madhouse -- 22 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Psychological Drama -- Texhnolyze Texhnolyze -- Texhnolyze takes place in the city of Lux, a man-made underground city that has crumbled after years of neglect and lack of repairs. Citizens of Lux have come to refer to their home as simply "The City" and treat it as though it has a mind and will of its own. Three major factions battle to control Lux: Organo, a group of "professionals" who collaborate with the criminal underworld that controls Texhnolyze (prosthetics), the Salvation Union, a populist group that seeks to disrupt Organo's business, and Racan, a collection of young individuals with Texhnolyzes that use their abilities for personal gain. -- -- Ichise was once an orphan who has made a place for himself in Lux as a prize fighter. One day, a fight promoter grows angry with him and the altercation that follows results in Ichise losing an arm and a leg. Before death can take him, Ichise is found by the scientist Eriko Kamata, who uses him as a test subject for her newly designed Texhnolyze. With these powerful new limbs at his disposal, Ichise begins to work for Oonishi, the leader of Organo. He soon meets a mysterious young girl, Ran, who has the power to see possible futures. Together, they soon realize that Lux is on the brink of war and collapse, and that they may be the only ones who can save The City. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- 187,926 7.76
Toaru Kagaku no Railgun T -- -- J.C.Staff -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Super Power -- Toaru Kagaku no Railgun T Toaru Kagaku no Railgun T -- The Daihasei Festival has begun, and that of course means that Tokiwadai Middle School—a prestigious all-girls' middle school—is competing too. Despite the participation of the "Ace of Tokiwadai," Mikoto Misaka, the other students who are participating are still putting their utmost effort into winning, no matter how impossible the feat may seem against her might. -- -- However, not all is fun and games. Due to the the festival, Academy City opens to the outside world, and various factions have begun plotting ways to infiltrate the city. Misaka appears to be on their radar, and as the festival proceeds, people lurking from the shadows begin to emerge... -- -- Toaru Kagaku no Railgun T brings back the Tokiwadai Ace and her friends as they dive deeper into the dark side of Academy City. From terrorist attacks to ruthless underground projects, anything is possible in this city. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 152,991 8.24
Tokyo Godfathers -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Original -- Comedy Drama -- Tokyo Godfathers Tokyo Godfathers -- One Christmas Eve, Hana, Gin, and Miyuki are rummaging for presents through heaps of garbage when they chance upon an abandoned baby in the cold winter night. Appalled at the pitiful sight, Hana's maternal instincts kick in and she insists on finding the baby's biological mother to demand an explanation. Naming the baby Kiyoko—meaning pure child—they begin their search using the possible clues left alongside her: a mysterious key and a single note. However, their plans are soon thrown into disarray as they get caught up in a series of unprecedented events. -- -- Tokyo Godfathers follows the journey of the trio as they stick together through thick and thin, hoping to deliver Kiyoko to her true home, and find their very own Christmas miracle. -- -- -- Licensor: -- GKIDS, Sony Pictures Entertainment -- Movie - Nov 8, 2003 -- 206,852 8.29
Ultra Maniac -- -- Production Reed -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Magic Romance School Shoujo -- Ultra Maniac Ultra Maniac -- Fantasies and miracles never interested Ayu Tateishi, a popular second-year student at her middle school. She was content with preserving her image of being cool, calm, and collected—all to catch the eye of her crush, Tetsushi Kaji. Ayu's carefree youthful days are interrupted by the appearance of Nina Sakura, a new transfer student who turns out to be a witch. As the only person who knows about Nina's ability to cast spells using a mini-computer, Ayu is forced to help Nina with her mission to find the five Holy Stones, qualifying her to marry the prince of the Magic Kingdom. -- -- Unfortunately, Nina's ineptitude with magic and her habit of meddling in Ayu's personal life cause nothing but trouble for the two of them as Ayu toils to maintain her good reputation and Nina struggles to hide her secret from the discerning eye of Hiroki Tsujiai, Tetsushi's best friend and an avid fan of manga. And when Nina's search for the five Holy Stones brings allies and challengers from the Magic Kingdom, Ayu is dragged into a world she never even dreamed was possible. -- -- 28,255 7.17
Umi ga Kikoeru -- -- J.C.Staff, Studio Ghibli -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Drama Romance School Slice of Life -- Umi ga Kikoeru Umi ga Kikoeru -- In the city of Kouchi, high school student Taku Morisaki is going about his work when his friend Yutaka Matsuno calls and asks him to get to their school as soon as possible. Taku arrives, and Matsuno introduces him to Rikako Muto, a beautiful girl from Tokyo who recently transferred to their school. Although Rikako is academically and athletically gifted, her generally unpleasant attitude leaves her with virtually no friends outside of Matsuno and another girl from her class. -- -- After a chance encounter during their class trip, Taku suddenly finds himself more involved in Rikako's personal life, much to Matsuno's dismay. Struggling to balance his friendship with Matsuno and his own budding infatuation for Rikako, Taku must come to terms with his feelings and understand how a girl with a troubled past is having such a massive effect on his life. -- -- -- Licensor: -- GKIDS -- Special - May 5, 1993 -- 83,670 6.59
Umi ga Kikoeru -- -- J.C.Staff, Studio Ghibli -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Drama Romance School Slice of Life -- Umi ga Kikoeru Umi ga Kikoeru -- In the city of Kouchi, high school student Taku Morisaki is going about his work when his friend Yutaka Matsuno calls and asks him to get to their school as soon as possible. Taku arrives, and Matsuno introduces him to Rikako Muto, a beautiful girl from Tokyo who recently transferred to their school. Although Rikako is academically and athletically gifted, her generally unpleasant attitude leaves her with virtually no friends outside of Matsuno and another girl from her class. -- -- After a chance encounter during their class trip, Taku suddenly finds himself more involved in Rikako's personal life, much to Matsuno's dismay. Struggling to balance his friendship with Matsuno and his own budding infatuation for Rikako, Taku must come to terms with his feelings and understand how a girl with a troubled past is having such a massive effect on his life. -- -- Special - May 5, 1993 -- 83,670 6.59
Viewtiful Joe -- -- Group TAC -- 51 eps -- Game -- Action Sci-Fi Comedy Shounen -- Viewtiful Joe Viewtiful Joe -- Joe, a red-headed movie buff, and Silvia, his girlfriend, are having a bit of relationship trouble. Silvia feels that Joe is taking her for-granted and wants to do something together for once, so Joe decides to take her to see an old action movie featuring his favorite hero, Captain Blue. What started out as a cute movie date takes a turn for the worst when Silvia is pulled into the movie by the leader of the evil organization, Jado. -- -- Joe follows her into the mysterious "Movieland," and is granted a powerful device known as a V-Watch by Captain Blue himself. With it, he transforms into the action hero named "Viewtiful Joe" and goes off to rescue his girlfriend before she can be used by Jado to take over the world. It's a long road to go from average Joe to full-blown hero, but he'll give it his all to save both his girl and the world—and he'll do it in the most "view-ti-ful" way possible. -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA -- 9,724 6.75
Wake Up, Girls! Shichinin no Idol -- -- Ordet, Tatsunoko Production -- 1 ep -- Original -- Drama Music -- Wake Up, Girls! Shichinin no Idol Wake Up, Girls! Shichinin no Idol -- In Wake Up, Girls! Green Leaves Entertainment is in the worst situation any Talent Management Agency can be in... they have NO talent! Desperate for an act, President Junko Tange targets the idol singer market and gives her flunky Matsuda his marching orders: get a girl group to manage, even if it means building one from scratch! -- -- Since complete singing groups rarely appear out of thin air, Matsuda's now in the difficult position of having to find girls with the right skills who don't already have contracts with Japan's music industry. That girl at the Maid Café? Good enough! A lead singer who's been fired from another group? Sure, why not? How about one who's only 13 years old? What could possibly go wrong there? -- -- They may not be on the A-list, the B-List, or even the C-list to start, but with a little love and a whole lot of hard work, it's possible that all Japan may someday wake up to the music of WAKE UP, GIRLS! -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - Jan 10, 2014 -- 20,860 7.16
Yami Shibai 4 -- -- ILCA -- 13 eps -- Original -- Dementia Horror Supernatural -- Yami Shibai 4 Yami Shibai 4 -- Excited children gather around the enigmatic masked Storyteller once more. His unique kamishibai storytelling draws them into tales of fear and dread. These are dark and foreboding stories, which could happen to anyone... -- -- This season has tales of a salaryman who buries a dead cat, only to be haunted soon after; a college student and her cheap new apartment that hides a ghastly secret; boys exploring an abandoned haunted house before coming across a strange fish tank; a man who finds himself on the wrong bus, and in more danger than he thought possible; and a young couple's visit to an amusement park, which suddenly takes a dark turn. All these stories and more await in Yami Shibai 4. -- -- 21,571 5.73
Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei -- -- Madhouse -- 11 eps -- Novel -- Mystery Comedy Psychological Romance -- Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei -- One autumn evening at a mysterious ramen stand behind the Shimogamo Shrine, a lonely third-year college student bumps into a man with an eggplant-shaped head who calls himself a god of matrimony. Meeting this man causes the student to reflect upon his past two years at college—two years bitterly spent trying to break up couples on campus with his only friend Ozu, a ghoulish-looking man seemingly set on making his life as miserable as possible. Resolving to make the most out of the rest of his college life, the student attempts to ask out the unsociable but kind-hearted underclassman Akashi, yet fails to follow through, prompting him to regret not living out his college life differently. As soon as this thought passes through his head, however, he is hurtled through time and space to the beginning of his years at college and given another chance to live his life. -- -- Surreal, artistic, and mind-bending, Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei chronicles the misadventures of a young man on a journey to make friends, find love, and experience the rose-colored campus life he always dreamed of. -- -- 323,218 8.60
Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei -- -- Madhouse -- 11 eps -- Novel -- Mystery Comedy Psychological Romance -- Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei -- One autumn evening at a mysterious ramen stand behind the Shimogamo Shrine, a lonely third-year college student bumps into a man with an eggplant-shaped head who calls himself a god of matrimony. Meeting this man causes the student to reflect upon his past two years at college—two years bitterly spent trying to break up couples on campus with his only friend Ozu, a ghoulish-looking man seemingly set on making his life as miserable as possible. Resolving to make the most out of the rest of his college life, the student attempts to ask out the unsociable but kind-hearted underclassman Akashi, yet fails to follow through, prompting him to regret not living out his college life differently. As soon as this thought passes through his head, however, he is hurtled through time and space to the beginning of his years at college and given another chance to live his life. -- -- Surreal, artistic, and mind-bending, Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei chronicles the misadventures of a young man on a journey to make friends, find love, and experience the rose-colored campus life he always dreamed of. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 323,218 8.60
Yoru wa Mijikashi Arukeyo Otome -- -- Science SARU -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Comedy Romance -- Yoru wa Mijikashi Arukeyo Otome Yoru wa Mijikashi Arukeyo Otome -- On a mysterious night that seems to last for a year, an ordinary college student continues to chase one of his underclassmen, a girl with black hair—the girl of his dreams. Up until now, he has been relying on a simple plan, which is to calculatingly bump into her every day while making it seem like a meaningful coincidence. However, his efforts remain futile as their relationship is not progressing at all. -- -- Meanwhile, the black-haired girl believes that everything is connected by fate and endeavors to experience as many new things as possible, leaving it all for destiny to decide. While strolling along the lively streets of Kyoto, she discovers that the very beginning of her fateful journey—a book she had as a child—is currently being sold in a second-hand bookstore. Upon knowing this, the college student eyes another opportunity to run into her "by chance": this time, he hopes to get the book before she does and finally grasp the thread of fate that could connect their hearts. -- -- Movie - Apr 7, 2017 -- 84,515 8.23
Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e (TV) -- -- Lerche -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Psychological Drama School -- Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e (TV) Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e (TV) -- On the surface, Koudo Ikusei Senior High School is a utopia. The students enjoy an unparalleled amount of freedom, and it is ranked highly in Japan. However, the reality is less than ideal. Four classes, A through D, are ranked in order of merit, and only the top classes receive favorable treatment. -- -- Kiyotaka Ayanokouji is a student of Class D, where the school dumps its worst. There he meets the unsociable Suzune Horikita, who believes she was placed in Class D by mistake and desires to climb all the way to Class A, and the seemingly amicable class idol Kikyou Kushida, whose aim is to make as many friends as possible. -- -- While class membership is permanent, class rankings are not; students in lower ranked classes can rise in rankings if they score better than those in the top ones. Additionally, in Class D, there are no bars on what methods can be used to get ahead. In this cutthroat school, can they prevail against the odds and reach the top? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 636,343 7.84
Young Black Jack -- -- Tezuka Productions -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Historical Drama Seinen -- Young Black Jack Young Black Jack -- In the 1960s, a gifted young medical student tries to make a name for himself. Kuroo Hazama is a reserved young man with unusual black-and-white hair, a body covered with scars, and a dark past. Despite only being a medical student, his surgical brilliance starts to attract attention after he completes a seemingly impossible operation. Together with the spirited and honest intern Maiko Okamoto and Yabu, a close friend with a troubled life, Hazama devotes himself to the world of medicine. -- -- However, his path to becoming a respectable surgeon is a difficult one as student riots, war, and corruption are consuming Japan. Hazama quickly finds himself caught up in a series of nefarious circumstances that challenge his integrity as a person and his path towards becoming a surgeon. Young Black Jack chronicles the story of a man capable of performing unthinkable feats of medicine, and the journey that leads him to become the legend known as Black Jack. -- -- 72,784 7.24
Yuru Camp△ Season 2 -- -- C-Station -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Yuru Camp△ Season 2 Yuru Camp△ Season 2 -- Having spent Christmas camping with her new friends, Rin Shima embarks on a solo-camping trip to see the New Year sunrise by the sea. All goes according to plan until unforeseen weather blocks the roads back home, making a return trip impossible. Rin, who is now stranded for a few days, is invited by Nadeshiko Kagamihara to stay at her grandmother's house. -- -- What is supposed to be a two-day trip becomes an extended period of sightseeing and new experiences for Rin, and she encounters some new and old faces along the way. Yuru Camp△ Season 2 continues the story of Rin, Nadeshiko, and their friends as they further explore the joys of camping. -- -- 126,513 8.57
Yuukoku no Moriarty -- -- Production I.G -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Mystery Historical Psychological Thriller Shounen -- Yuukoku no Moriarty Yuukoku no Moriarty -- During the late 19th century, Great Britain has become the greatest empire the world has ever known. Hidden within its success, the nation's rigid economic hierarchy dictates the value of one's life solely on status and wealth. To no surprise, the system favors the aristocracy at the top and renders it impossible for the working class to ascend the ranks. -- -- William James Moriarty, the second son of the Moriarty household, lives as a regular noble while also being a consultant for the common folk to give them a hand and solve their problems. However, deep inside him lies a desire to destroy the current structure that dominates British society and those who benefit from it. -- -- Alongside his brothers Albert and Louis, the trio will do anything it takes to change the filthy world they live in—even if blood must be spilled. -- -- 175,367 8.02
Yuukoku no Moriarty -- -- Production I.G -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Mystery Historical Psychological Thriller Shounen -- Yuukoku no Moriarty Yuukoku no Moriarty -- During the late 19th century, Great Britain has become the greatest empire the world has ever known. Hidden within its success, the nation's rigid economic hierarchy dictates the value of one's life solely on status and wealth. To no surprise, the system favors the aristocracy at the top and renders it impossible for the working class to ascend the ranks. -- -- William James Moriarty, the second son of the Moriarty household, lives as a regular noble while also being a consultant for the common folk to give them a hand and solve their problems. However, deep inside him lies a desire to destroy the current structure that dominates British society and those who benefit from it. -- -- Alongside his brothers Albert and Louis, the trio will do anything it takes to change the filthy world they live in—even if blood must be spilled. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 175,367 8.02
Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita. -- -- Asread -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Romance Ecchi Fantasy -- Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita. Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita. -- Dreaming of becoming a hero and vanquishing the Demon King, Raul Chaser enters the Hero Training Program in pursuit of his ambition. However, when the Demon King is defeated and peace returns to the world, the Hero Training Program is suspended indefinitely, making it impossible for anyone to become a hero. -- -- Two years later, Raul reluctantly works at a small electronics store called Magic Shop Leon. Though the former hero-in-training is plagued by the mundanity of working in retail, everything changes with the arrival of a new hire. Appearing at first to be just a boy with good looks, "he" turns out to be a female demon by the name of Fino Bloodstone. She is not just any old demon either—Raul's new coworker is in fact the daughter of the late Demon King! Handed the responsibility of training this eccentric new employee, Raul soon finds his life becoming livelier than it ever was before. -- -- 244,737 6.89
Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita. -- -- Asread -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Romance Ecchi Fantasy -- Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita. Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita. -- Dreaming of becoming a hero and vanquishing the Demon King, Raul Chaser enters the Hero Training Program in pursuit of his ambition. However, when the Demon King is defeated and peace returns to the world, the Hero Training Program is suspended indefinitely, making it impossible for anyone to become a hero. -- -- Two years later, Raul reluctantly works at a small electronics store called Magic Shop Leon. Though the former hero-in-training is plagued by the mundanity of working in retail, everything changes with the arrival of a new hire. Appearing at first to be just a boy with good looks, "he" turns out to be a female demon by the name of Fino Bloodstone. She is not just any old demon either—Raul's new coworker is in fact the daughter of the late Demon King! Handed the responsibility of training this eccentric new employee, Raul soon finds his life becoming livelier than it ever was before. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 244,737 6.89
Zipang -- -- Studio Deen -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Military Sci-Fi Historical Drama Seinen -- Zipang Zipang -- Mirai, an improved Kongou-class Aegis guided missile destroyer, is one of the newest and most advanced ships in the entire Japanese Self Defense Force (SDF). Her crew, also one of the newest, is lead by Capt. Umezu Saburo and Executive Officer Kadomatsu Yosuke. While running scheduled training exercises one day, Mirai encounters a fierce storm that throws their navigation systems into temporary disarray. After a few minutes of recovery, the crew is shocked to discover that they've been transported back in time to June 4, 1942—The Battle of Midway, during World War II. Letting history take its course for this battle, they manage to avoid the conflict firsthand and make a vow to remain anonymous, changing history as little as possible. However, when the crew comes across the dying Lt. Commander Kusaka Takumi, XO. Kadomatsu's instincts to save lives takes over, changing the course of history more than he could've imagined. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA -- TV - Oct 8, 2004 -- 16,975 7.51,_and_that_some_of_the_driver_packages_have_not_been_updated?'ixa_Classification.png
Aimer jusqu' l'impossible
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All Things Are Possible (song)
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Anything Is Possible (Will Young song)
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Kim Possible: A Sitch in Time
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Mission: Impossible
Mission: Impossible (1966 TV series)
Mission: Impossible (1988 TV series)
Mission: Impossible (1990 video game)
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Mission: Impossible 2
Mission: Impossible (2000 video game)
Mission: Impossible 2 (score)
Mission: Impossible 2 (soundtrack)
Mission: Impossible 7
Mission: Impossible (disambiguation)
Mission: Impossible Fallout
Mission: Impossible (film)
Mission: Impossible (film series)
Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol
Mission: Impossible III
Mission: Impossible III (soundtrack)
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Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation
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The Impossible Kid (album)
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The Impossible Years
Theme from Mission: Impossible
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The Plausible Impossible
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The Temptation of the Impossible
To Wish Impossible Things
Transmission Impossible with Ed and Oucho
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With God, all things are possible
Working with Fire and Steel Possible Pop Songs Volume Two
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