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object:1.08 - The Depths of the Divine
book class:Sex Ecology Spirituality
author class:Ken Wilber
Holy breath divinely streams through the luminous form when the feast comes to life, and floods of love are in motion, and, watered by heaven, the living stream roars when it resounds beneath, and the night renders her treasures, and up out of brooks the buried gold gleams.-
And, friendly spirit, just as from your serenely contemplative brow your ray descends, securely blessing, among mortals, so you witness to me, and tell me, that I might repeat it to others, for others too do not believe it. . . .

THE CONTINUING evolutionary process of within-and-beyond brings new withins . . . and new beyonds.

We left off with the emergence of the centaur, which is, so to speak, on the border between the personal and the transpersonal. If the first three general domains were those of matter, life, and mind, the next general domain (that of the psychic and subtle) is the domain of the soul, as I will use the term. And the first rule of the soul is: it is transpersonal.
The word transpersonal is somewhat awkward and confuses many people. But the point is simply, as Emerson put it, "The soul knows no persons." He explains (and note: Emerson throughout these quotes uses the masculine, as was the custom of the time; were he alive today he would use feminine and masculine, for the whole point of his notion of the Over-Soul was that it was neither male nor female, which is why it could anchor a true liberation from any and all restrictive roles: "The soul knows no persons"):
:::Persons are supplementary to the primary teaching of the soul. In youth we are mad for persons. Childhood and youth see all the world in them. But the larger experience of man discovers the identical nature [the same self or soul] appearing through them all. In all conversation between two persons tacit reference is made, as to a third party, to a common nature. That third party or common nature is not social; it is impersonal; is God.1
The soul is without persons, and the soul is grounded in God. "Impersonal," however, is not quite right, because it tends to imply a complete negation of the personal, whereas in higher development the personal is negated and preserved, or transcended and included: hence, "transpersonal." So I think it's very important, in all subsequent discussion, for us to remember that transpersonal means "personal plus," not "personal minus."
But what could an actual "transpersonal" experience really mean? It's not nearly as mysterious as it sounds. Recall that at the centaur, according to the research of Broughton (and many others), the self is already beginning to transcend the empirical ego or the empirical person ("the observer is distinguished from the self-concept as known"). You yourself can, right now, be aware of your objective self, you can observe your individual ego or person, you are aware of yourself generally.
But who, then, is doing the observing? What is it that is observing or witnessing your individual self? That therefore transcends your individual self in some important ways? Who or what is that? The noble Emerson:
:::All goes to show that the soul in man is not an organ, but animates and exercises all the organs; is not a function, like the power of memory, of calculation, of comparison, but uses these as hands and feet; is not a faculty, but a light; is not the intellect or the will, but the master of the intellect and the will; is the background of our being, in which they lie,-an immensity not possessed and that cannot be possessed. From within or from behind, a light shines through us upon things and makes us aware that we are nothing, but the light is all.2
The observer in you, the Witness in you, transcends the isolated person in you and opens instead-from within or from behind, as Emerson said-onto a vast expanse of awareness no longer obsessed with the individual bodymind, no longer a respecter or abuser of persons, no longer fascinated by the passing joys and set-apart sorrows of the lonely self, but standing still in silence as an opening or clearing through which light shines, not from the world but into it-"a light shines through us upon things." That which observes or witnesses the self, the person, is precisely to that degree free of the self, the person, and through that opening comes pouring the light and power of a Self, a Soul, that, as Emerson puts it, "would make our knees bend."
:::A man is the facade of a temple wherein all wisdom and all good abide. What we commonly call man [as an "individual person" or ego], the eating, drinking, counting man, does not, as we know him, represent himself, but misrepresents himself. Him we do not respect, but the soul, whose organ he is, if he would let it appear through his action, would make our knees bend. When it breathes through his intellect, it is genius; when it breathes through his will, it is virtue; when it flows through his affection, it is love. And the blindness of the intellect begins when it would be something of itself [be its "own person"]. The weakness of the will begins when the individual would be something of himself. All reform aims in some one particular to let the soul have its way through us. . . .3
And those persons through whom the soul shines, through whom the "soul has its way," are not therefore weak characters, timid personalities, meek presences among us. They are personal plus, not personal minus. Precisely because they are no longer exclusively identified with the individual personality, and yet because they still preserve the personality, then through that personality flows the force and fire of the soul. They may be soft-spoken and often remain in silence, but it is a thunderous silence that veritably drowns out the egos chattering loudly all around them. Or they may be animated and very outgoing, but their dynamism is magnetic, and people are drawn somehow to the presence, fascinated. Make no mistake: these are strong characters, these souls, sometimes wildly exaggerated characters, sometimes world-historical, precisely because their personalities are plugged into a universal source that rumbles through their veins and rudely rattles those around them.
I believe, for example, that it was precisely this fire and force that allowed Emerson, more than any other person in American history, to actually define the intellectual character of America itself. One of his essays, "The American Scholar," had, as one historian put it, "an influence greater than that of any single work in the nineteenth century."
Oliver Wendell Holmes called it "our intellectual Declaration of Independence." James Russell Lowell explained: "The Puritan revolt had made us ecclesiastically, and the Revolution politically independent, but we were still socially and intellectually moored to English thought, till Emerson cut the cable and gave us a chance at the dangers and the glories of blue water. . . ."
And the message, this ringing Declaration of Independence? The Soul is tied to no individual, no culture, no tradition, but rises fresh in every person, beyond every person, and grounds itself in a truth and glory that bows to nothing in the world of time and place and history. We all must be, and can only be, "a light unto ourselves."4
And then in a phrase that, as Holmes indicated, rattled all of America, Emerson announced: "All that Adam had, all that Caesar could, you have and can do"-because it is the same Self in each of us. Why bow to past heroes, he asks, when all we are bowing to is our own Soul? "Suppose they were virtuous; did they wear out virtue?" The magnetism of the great heroes is only the call from our own Self, he says. Why this groveling to the past when the same Soul shines now and only now and always now? And then Emerson swiftly and irrevocably cut the cable and set us all-not just Americans-afloat on the dangers and the glories of blue water:
:::Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string. . . . The magnetism which all original action exerts is explained when we inquire the reason of self-trust. Who is the Trustee? What is the aboriginal Self, on which a universal reliance may be grounded? . . . The inquiry leads us to that source, at once the essence of genius, of virtue, and of life. . . . In that deep force, the last fact behind which analysis cannot go, all things find their common origin.
:::For the sense of being which in calm hour arises, we know not how, in the Soul, is not diverse from things, from space, from light, from time, from man, but one with them and proceeds obviously from the same source whence their life and being also proceed. . . . Here is the fountain of action and of thought. Here are the lungs of that inspiration which giveth man wisdom. . . . We lie in the lap of immense intelligence, which makes us receivers of its truth and organs of its activity. When we discern justice, when we discern truth, we do nothing of ourselves, but allow a passage to its beams. . . .
:::The relations of the Soul to the divine spirit are so pure that it is profane to seek to interpose helps. It must be that when God speaketh he should communicate, not one thing, but all things; should fill the world with his voice; should scatter forth light, nature, time, souls, from the center of the present thought; and new date and new create the whole. Whenever a mind is simple and receives a divine wisdom, old things pass away-means, teachers, texts, temples fall; it lives now and absorbs past and future into the present hour. All things are made sacred by relation to it-one as much as another. All things are dissolved to their center by their cause, and in the universal miracle petty and particular miracles disappear.
:::If therefore a man claims to know and speak of God and carries you backward to the phraseology of some old mouldered nation in another country, in another world, believe him not. Is the acorn better than the oak which is its fullness and completion? Whence then this worship of the past? The centuries are conspirators against the sanity and authority of the Soul. Time and space are but physiological colors which the eye makes, but the Soul is light: where it is, is day; where it was, is night; and history is an impertinence and an injury if it be any thing more than a cheerful apologue or parable of my being and becoming.5
To emphasize that the Soul, the "aboriginal Self," is common in and to all beings, Emerson often refers to it as the "Over-Soul," one and the same in all of us, in all beings as such. The overall number of Souls is but one:
:::The only prophet of that which must be, is that great nature in which we rest as the earth lies in the soft arms of the atmosphere; that Unity, that Over-Soul, within which every man's particular being is contained and made one with all other; that common heart of which all sincere conversation is the worship, to which all right action is submission; that over-powering reality which confutes our tricks and talents, and constrains every one to pass for what he is, and to speak from his character [soul] and not from his tongue [ego], and which evermore tends to pass into our thought and hand and become wisdom and virtue and power and beauty. . . .
And this because the heart in thee is the heart of all; not a valve, not a wall, not an intersection is there anywhere in nature, but one blood rolls uninterruptedly an endless circulation through all men, as the water of the globe is all one sea, and, truly seen, its tide is one. . . .
It is one light which beams out of a thousand stars. It is one soul which animates all men. . . .
We live in succession, in division, in parts, in particles. Meantime within man is the Soul of the whole; the wise silence; the universal beauty, to which every part and particle is equally related; the eternal ONE.6
And so once again we see that a new and deeper within has brought us to a new and wider beyond, a beyond that "is not diverse from things, from space, from light, from time, from man, but one with them and proceeds obviously from the same source whence their life and being also proceed." This new within-and-beyond is not just beyond a sociocentric identity to a worldcentric identity with all human beings (which the rational-ego/centaur assumes in its global or universal postconventional awareness), but to an identity, a conscious union, with all of manifestation itself: not just with all humans, but with all nature, and with the physical cosmos, with all beings "great and small"-a union or identity that Bucke famously called "cosmic consciousness."
We could say: from the worldcentric centaur to direct cosmic consciousness. (When you consider the remarkable achievement that decentered worldcentric awareness is, it's not that far of a jump).7
Thus, the centaur could integrate the physiosphere and the biosphere and the noosphere, but the Over-Soul becomes, or is directly one with, the physiosphere and biosphere and noosphere. It is simple continuation of the deepening and widening of identity, grounded in an awareness very much within, and very much beyond, me.
And Emerson means this literally! According to Emerson, this cosmic consciousness is not poetry (though he often expresses it with unmatched poetic beauty)-rather, it is a direct realization, a direct apprehension, and "in that deep force, the last fact behind which analysis cannot go, all things find their common origin. It is one light which beams out of a thousand stars. It is one soul which animates all."
For the Over-Soul is also experienced as the World Soul, since self and world are here finding a "common fountain, common source."8 The Over-Soul (or World Soul) is an initial apprehension of the pure Witness or aboriginal Self, which starts to emerge, however haltingly, as an experiential reality at this psychic stage.9 (We will see how Emerson treats this Witness in a moment.)
With the Over-Soul, the World Soul, it is not that individuality disappears, but that-once again-it is negated and preserved in a deeper and wider ground, a ground that conspicuously includes all of nature and its glories. This cosmic consciousness is sometimes referred to as "nature mysticism," but that is a somewhat misleading term. For this psychic-level mysticism embraces not just nature but also culture, and calling it "nature mysticism" confuses it with a merely biocentric regression, an ecocentric indissociation, and this is not at all what Emerson has in mind (as we will see).
But since the Over-Soul is an experienced identity with all manifestation, it is an identity that most definitely and exuberantly embraces nature; and, to that degree, it begins to undercut the subject/object dualism.10 Emerson explains:
We see the world piece by piece, as the sun, the moon, the animal, the tree; but the whole, of which these are the shining parts, is the soul [the Over-Soul, the World Soul]. . . . And this deep power in which we exist and whose beatitude is all accessible to us, is not only self-sufficing and perfect in every hour, but the act of seeing and the thing seen, the seer and the spectacle, the subject and the object, are one.11
In his famous "transparent eyeball" section from the essay Nature, Emerson speaks movingly of the union of the
Soul and nature, and of the capacity of nature, when rightly approached, to elicit this cosmic consciousness. The "transparent eyeball" is, of course, an intimation of the pure Witness in the form of the Over-Soul, wherein "all mean egotism vanishes; I am nothing; I see all":
To speak truly, few adult persons can see nature. Most persons do not see the sun. At least they have a very superficial seeing. . . . Crossing a bare common, in snow puddles, at twilight, under a clouded sky, without having in my thoughts any occurrence of special good fortune, I have enjoyed a perfect exhilaration. I am glad to the brink of fear. . . . Within these plantations of God, a decorum and sanctity reign, a perennial festival is dressed, and the guest sees not how he should tire of them in a thousand years. In the woods, we return to reason and faith. There I feel that nothing can befall me in life,-no disgrace, no calamity, which nature cannot repair. Standing on the bare ground,-my head bathed by the bli the air, and uplifted into infinite space,-all mean egotism vanishes. I become a transparent eyeball; I am nothing; I see all; the currents of Universal Being circulate through me; I am part or parcel of God.12
What distinguishes this profound "nature mysticism" from a simple nature indissociation or ecocentric immersion or biospheric regression (which would be egocentric and anthropocentric, as we have seen) is the realization that nature is not Spirit but an expression of Spirit, radiant and glorious and perfect in its own way, but an expression nonetheless. Emerson says nature is not spirit but a symbol of spirit. Emerson is not regressing to fulcrum-2
(biocentric immersion and nondifferentiation)! Emerson is very clear on this distinction between nature regression, on the one hand, and a mysticism that also embraces nature, on the other-and this distinction rather upsets his environmentalist fans, who seem to want to equate a finite and temporal nature with an infinite and eternal Spirit:
Beauty in nature is not ultimate. It is the herald of inward and eternal beauty, and is not alone a solid and satisfactory good. . . .
Nature is a symbol of spirit. . . . Before the revelations of the Soul, time, space and nature shrink away. . . . In the hour of vision there is nothing that can be called gratitude, nor properly joy. The Soul raised over passion beholds identity and eternal causation, perceives the self-existence of Truth and Right, and calms itself with knowing that all things go well. Vast spaces of nature, the Atlantic Ocean, the South Sea; long intervals of time, years, centuries, are of no account. . . .
Let us stun and astonish the intruding rabble of men and books and institutions by a simple declaration of the divine fact. Bid the intruders take the shoes from off their feet, for God is here within. Let our simplicity judge them, and our docility to our own law demonstrate the poverty of Nature beside our native riches.13
It is, in fact, according to Emerson, an allegiance to the senses and nature, in itself, that blinds us to the interior intuition of the Over-Soul and the God within and beyond:
To the senses and the unrenewed understanding, belongs a sort of instinctive belief in the absolute existence of nature. In their view man and nature are indissolubly joined. Things are ultimates, and they never look beyond their sphere [Piaget's egocentric "realism"]. . . . His mind is imbruted, and he is a selfish savage. . . .
The presence of intuition14 mars this faith [in nature]. The first effort of thought tends to relax this despotism of the senses which binds us to nature as if we were a part of it, and shows us nature aloof, and, as it were, afloat. Until this higher agency intervened [intuition], the animal eye sees, with wonderful accuracy, sharp outlines and colored surfaces. When the eye of intuition opens, to outline and surface are at once added grace and expression. These proceed from imagination and affection, and abate somewhat of the angular distinctions of objects. If the intuition be stimulated to more earnest vision, outlines of surfaces become transparent, and are no longer seen; causes and spirits are seen through them. The best moments of life are these delicious awakenings of the higher powers, and the reverential withdrawing of nature before its God.15
At the same time, as Emerson points out, this does not mean that nature is apart from Spirit or divorced from
Spirit or alien to Spirit-that is a common belief in the mythic structure (Campbell called it "mythic dissociation"), but it finds no place in genuine psychic mysticism. All of nature, every nook and cranny, is in Spirit, bathed by Spirit, awash in Spirit; there is no point in nature that is not totally permeated and enveloped by Spirit.
These distinctions are crucial, because they allow us to distinguish carefully and clearly between three quite different worldviews on the relation between nature and spirit:
The first is magical indissociation, where spirit is simply equated with nature (nature = spirit); predifferentiated; very "this-worldly."
The second is mythic dissociation, where nature and spirit are ontologically separate or divorced; very "otherworldly."
The third is psychic mysticism: nature is a perfect expression of spirit (or as Spinoza put it, nature is a subset of spirit);16 "otherworldly" and "this-worldly" are united and conjoined.
With reference to the third: One of the major and defining characteristics of psychic-level mysticism is that it is a conscious identity with physiosphere and biosphere and noosphere-it does not simply privilege the biosphere; it is no mere geocentric/egocentric indissociation and regression. Even though this mysticism often takes its glorious exultation in the wonders of nature, nonetheless, as Emerson constantly emphasizes, this is "the Self of nation and of nature"-that is, the mystical union of matter, life, and culture, not merely a biospheric immersion. Were it only the Self of nature and not also of nation (culture and morality), then it would be a perfectly regressive, dualistic, and amoralist stance, glorifying merely an egocentric joy in finding oneself vitally reflected in the biosphere (and the rain whispers in its ear, I am here for you).
Rather, it is the union of the human moral endeavor with the display of nature as given that so distinguishes "nation-nature" mysticism from the narcissistic "nature worship" of mere sentimentalism (the technical points of this argument are given in note 16). This is most definitely not an ecological self; it is an Eco-Noetic Self, "The Self of nation and of nature," the Over-Soul that is the World Soul.17
Indeed, if nature means the biosphere, and Nature (or Spirit) means the All, means the physiosphere and the biosphere and the noosphere and their Ground, then Emerson's point is very simple: the worshipers of nature are the destroyers of Nature.
Emerson, then, is singing songs to Nature, not nature. And that is why he maintains that nature immersion and nature worship prevent the realization of Nature, or the Spirit within and beyond, which transcends all, embraces all. And this is what he means by "nature-nation" mysticism: the biosphere and the noosphere united in the theosphere, or the Over-Soul that is simultaneously the World Soul.
And so he arrives at the very true conclusion: nature worshipers are the destroyers of Nature, the destroyers of
Spirit; they would, he says, never look within long enough to find the true beyond, the Over-Soul out of which both culture and nature emerge (and which therefore lovingly embraces both); they would never look within for Nature, they only stare without at nature, and thus, as he puts it, their minds are imbruted, they remain a selfish savage-geocentric, egocentric.
Just as all of the lower is in the higher but not all the higher is in the lower (but rather "permeates" the lower), so all of nature is in Spirit but not all of Spirit is to be found in nature. Rather, Spirit permeates nature through and through, itself remaining behind nature, beyond nature, not confined to nature and not identified with nature, but never, at any point, divorced from nature or set apart from nature. Emerson is precise:
But when, following the invisible steps of thought, we come to inquire, Whence is matter? and Whereto? many truths arise to us out of the recesses of consciousness. We learn that the highest is present to the soul of man; that the dread universal essence, which is not wisdom, or love, or beauty, or power, but all in one, and each entirely, is that for which all things exist, and that by which they are; that spirit creates; that behind nature, throughout nature, spirit is present; one and not compound it does not act upon us from without, that is, in space and time, but spiritually, or through ourselves: therefore, that spirit . . . does not build up nature around us, but puts it forth through us, as the life of the tree puts forth new branches and leaves through the pores of the old.18
That Spirit does not build up nature around us, but puts forth nature through us: there is the profound difference between nature/nation mysticism and mere biocentric immersion; there is the telling difference between the EcoNoetic Self and the merely ecological self; there is the difference between transcendence and regression.
Here, then, is a summary of the widely accepted interpretation of Emerson's view: (1) nature is not Spirit but a symbol of Spirit (or a manifestation of Spirit); (2) sensory awareness in itself does not reveal Spirit but obscures it; (3) an ascending or transcendental current is required to disclose Spirit; (4) Spirit is understood only as nature is transcended (i.e., Spirit is immanent in nature, but fully discloses itself only in a transcendence of nature-in short,
Spirit transcends but includes nature). Those points are largely uncontested by Emerson scholars [see the Eye of Spirit, chapter 11, note 2].
In concluding this brief survey of the psychic level and the cosmic consciousness of nature-nation mysticism, there are two points I would like to emphasize. The first is that, as I think is now obvious, this new going within has resulted in a new going beyond: a new and higher interior identity (Over-Soul) accompanied by a new and wider embrace of others (World Soul)-a single Soul embracing the physiosphere, biosphere, and noosphere in one loving caress.19
Once again we go within and fall without to find this time . . . an actual cosmic consciousness. But this movement itself is in no way any different from all the previous stages that we have examined, all of which were "selfdevelopment through self-transcendence," a new going within to a deeper and wider beyond.
And this Over-Soul recognition dawns precisely and only as the separate self, the ego or centaur, is transcended.
Schopenhauer would agree entirely with Emerson (and so many others) on that crucial point. In Schopenhauer's words:
When one is no longer concerned with the Where, the When, the Why and the What-for of things, but only and alone with the What, and lets go even of all abstract thoughts about them, intellectual concepts and consciousness, but instead of all that, gives over the whole force of one's spirit to the act of perceiving, becomes absorbed in it and lets every bit of one's consciousness be filled in the quiet contemplation of the natural object immediately present-be it a landscape, a tree, a rock, a building, or anything else at all; actually and fully losing oneself in the object\: forgetting one's individuality, one's will, and remaining there only as a pure subject, a clear mirror to the object-so that it is as though the object alone were there, without anyone regarding it, and to such a degree that one might no longer distinguish the beholder from the act of beholding, [then] the two have become one. . . .20
Schopenhauer's "clear mirror to the object" is, of course, Emerson's "transparent eyeball," which is perfectly transpersonal, or no longer merely individual. Schopenhauer: "The person absorbed in this mode of seeing is no longer an individual-the individual has lost himself in the perception-but is a pure, will-less, painless, timeless,
Subject of Apprehension." The Over-Soul as intimation of the pure and timeless Witness. . . .
The second thing I would like to emphasize is the relation of the global Self or Over-Soul to the whole notion of morality and moral development itself. This is a connection, it seems to me, overlooked by most of today's moral theorists, but utterly obvious to Emerson and Schopenhauer (and not them alone).
We have seen the development of the moral sense evolve from physiocentric to biocentric to egocentric to sociocentric to worldcentric ("worldcentric" being the global or planetary or universalizing reach of rationality and then vision-logic). And here, at the psychic level, the worldcentric conception gives way to a direct worldcentric experience, a direct experience of the global Self/World, the Eco-Noetic Self, where each individual is seen as an expression of the same Self or Over-Soul.
And what has that to do with morality? Everything, according to Emerson and Schopenhauer, for in seeing that all sentient beings are expressions of one Self, then all beings are treated as one's Self. And that realization-a profound fruition of the decentering thrust of evolution-is the only source of true compassion, a compassion that does not put self first (egocentric) or a particular society first (sociocentric) or humans first (anthropocentric), nor does it try merely in thought to act as if we are all united (worldcentric), but directly and immediately breathes the common air and beats the common blood of a Heart and Body that is one in all beings.
The whole point of the moral sequence, its very ground and its very goal, its omega point, its chaotic Attractor, is the drive toward the Over-Soul, where treating others as one's Self is not a moral imperative that has to be enforced as an ought or a should or a difficult imposition, but comes as easily and as naturally as the rising of the sun or the shining of the moon.21
This moral oneness intensifies in the subtle and causal (as we will see), but it first becomes directly obvious here, in the psychic, and issues naturally in the spontaneous compassion inherent in the Over-Soul, a compassion on which all previous moral endeavors depended, but a compassion of which all previous endeavors were but mere and partial glimmers.
In the light of the Over-Soul, it becomes perfectly obvious: all previous ethics were tried and found wanting, all previous struggles for the life Good and True were too partial and too limited and much too narrow to satisfy-all wanted to taste this, the universal compassion through universal identity with the commonwealth of all beings: that
I would see in an Other my own Self, with love driving the embrace, and compassion issuing in the tenderest of mercies. Schopenhauer:
The sort of act that I am here discussing is . . . compassion, which is to say: immediate participation, released from all other considerations, first, in the pain of another, and then, in the alleviation or termination of that pain, which alone is the true ground of all autonomous righteousness and of all true human love. An act can be said to have genuine moral worth only in so far as it stems from this source [the common Self]; and conversely, an act from any other source has none. The weal and woe of another comes to lie directly in my heart in exactly the same way-though not always to the same degree-as otherwise only my own would lie, as soon as this sentiment of compassion is aroused, and therewith, the difference between him and me is no longer absolute. And this really is amazing-even mysterious.22
The mystery, of course, is the mystery of the Over-Soul allowing us to recognize ourselves in each other, beyond the illusions of separation and duality. Schopenhauer:
For if plurality and distinction ["separate selves"] belong only to this world of appearances, and if one and the same Being is what is beheld in all these living things, well then, the experience that dissolves the distinction between the I and the Not-I cannot be false. On the contrary: its opposite must be false. The former experience underlies the mystery of compassion, and stands, in fact, for the reality of which compassion is the prime expression. That experience, therefore, must be the metaphysical ground of ethics and consist simply in this: that one individual should recognize in another, himself in his own true being.23

At the psychic level, the universalizing and global tendencies of reason and vision-logic come to fruition in a direct experience-initial, preliminary, but unmistakable-of a truly universal Self, common in and to all beings; in a direct experience of the unity of the physiosphere, biosphere, and noosphere, as an expression and embrace of that Self or Soul; so much so that this Self is understood to be prior to, within, and beyond matter, life, and mind, so that, for all the glorious radiance of a Spirit embodied, nonetheless matter and nature and civilization all "withdraw before their God."
At the same time, this is no mere solipsism. It is a higher Self or I, most assuredly, but also a higher Truth (or It) and a wider Community (or We)-the Over-Soul as the World Soul in the commonwealth of all beings as an objective State of Affairs.24 The Big Three in yet deeper unfoldings, higher reaches, wider communities, stronger affirmations. .
At the subtle level, this process of "interiorization" or "within-and-beyond" intensifies-a new transcendence with a new depth, a new embrace, a higher consciousness, a wider identity-and the soul and God enter an even deeper interior marriage, which discloses at its summit a divine union of Soul and Spirit, a union prior to any of its manifestations as matter or life or mind, a union that outshines any conceivable nature, here or anywhere else.
Nature-nation mysticism gives way to Deity mysticism, and the God within announces itself in terms undreamt of in gross manifestation, with a Light that blinds the sun and a Song that thunders nature and culture into stunned and awestruck silence.
Nature lovers here scream "Foul!," as if beyond the glories of nature there should be no other glory, as if the visible and tangible scene exhausted the wonders of the Kosmos, as if in all the worlds and possible worlds through all eternity, their beloved nature alone should be allowed to shine.
But nature, dear sweet nature, is mortal and finite. It was born, it will remain a bit, and it will pass. It was created, it will be undone. And in all cases, it is bounded, and limited, and doomed to the decay that marks all manifest worlds. "I am somehow receptive of the great soul, and thereby I do overlook the sun and the stars and feel them to be the fair accidents and effects which change and pass," as Emerson said.
We are, of course, perfectly free to identify with nature, and to find a geocentric earth-religion that consoles us in our passing miseries. We are free to identify with a finite, limited, mortal Earth; we are not free to call it infinite, unlimited, immortal, eternal.
That Spirit which is within and beyond the Earth, which is prior to the Earth but not other to the Earth, that Spirit which is source and support and goal of all-that Spirit is intuited at the psychic and comes to the fore in the subtle stage of consciousness evolution, utterly including the previous stages, utterly outshining them. Let the Earth and
Cosmos and Worlds dissolve, and see Spirit still shining in the Emptiness, never arising, never dissolving, never blinking once in the worlds of created time. "That joy," says Teresa, "is greater than all the joys of earth, and greater than all its delights, and all its satisfactions; and they are apprehended, too, very differently, as I have learned by experience."25
In the Interior Castle, one of the truly great texts of subtle-level development, Teresa describes very clearly the stages of evolution of the "little butterfly," as she calls her soul, to its union with the very Divine, and she does so in terms of "seven mansions," or seven stages of growth.
The first three stages deal with the ordinary mind or ego, "unregenerate" in the gross, manifest world of thought and sense. In the first Mansion, that of Humility, the ego is still in love with the creatures and comforts outside the Castle, and must begin a long and searching discipline in order to turn within. In the second Mansion (the Practice of Prayer), intellectual study, edification, and good company streng then the desire and capacity to interiorize and not merely scatter and disperse the self in exterior distractions. In the Mansion of Exemplary Life, the third stage, discipline and ethics are firmly set as a foundation of all that is to follow (very similar to the Buddhist notion that sila, or moral discipline, is the foundation of dhyana, or meditation, and prajna, or spiritual insight). These are all natural (or personal) developments.
In the fourth mansion, a supernatural (or transpersonal) grace enters the scene with the Prayer of Recollection and the Prayer of Quiet (which Teresa differentiates by their bodily effects). In both, there is a calming and slowing of gross-oriented faculties (memory, thoughts, senses) and a consequent opening to deeper, more interior spaces with correlative "graces," which Teresa calls, at this stage, "spiritual consolations" (because they are consoling to the self, not yet transcending of the self). On the other hand, it is also as if the soul itself is actually beginning to emerge at this stage: "The senses and all external things seem gradually to lose their hold, while the soul, on the other hand, regains its lost control." And this carries a glimmer of the truth to come, "namely, that God is within us."26
In the fifth mansion, via the Prayer of Union, a Spiritual Betrothal occurs, where the soul first directly emerges and intuits Spirit residing in the deepest interior of its own heart (the psychic). I say "emerge," because even if the soul was previously present in the depths, it now comes to the fore.
And this occurs in one particularly significant transformation, according to Teresa. The individual experiences, for the first time, a complete cessation27 of all faculties, and in that pure absorption, the self tastes its primordial union with God (or what Teresa also calls Uncreate Spirit). "For as long as such a soul is in this state, it can neither see nor hear nor understand: the period is always short [at this early stage]. God implants Himself in the interior of that soul in such a way that, when it returns to itself, it cannot possibly doubt that God has been in it and it has been in God."28
And here Teresa uses perhaps her most famous metaphor. Prior to this transformative absorption, the unregenerate self (or ego) is, says Teresa, like a silkworm. But one taste of union (literally, just a single experience of this, she says, however brief), and the self is changed forever. One taste of absorption in Uncreate Spirit, and the worm emerges a butterfly. As we might put it, the ego dies and the soul emerges. ("All mean egotism vanishes; the currents of Universal Being circulate through me; I am part or parcel of God.") Teresa:
And now let us see what becomes of this silkworm. When it is in this state of [cessation/absorption], and quite dead to the world, it comes out a little white butterfly. Oh, greatness of God, that a soul should come out like this after being closely united for so short a time-never, I think, for as long as half an hour [in cessation]. For think of the difference between an ugly worm and a white butterfly; it is just the same here. The soul cannot think how it can have merited such a blessing-whence such a blessing could have come to it, I meant to say, for it knows quite well that it has not merited it at all.29
One taste, and the butterfly is born, the soul is born (or emerges from its slumber in ego, its lostness in the exterior cocoon of form; and, of course, the butterfly is the omega point of the silkworm). The rest of Interior Castle describes the extraordinary journey of this little butterfly toward that primordial Flame in which, at last, it will happily die (to be, once again, reborn on yet a deeper level, that of union with Uncreate Spirit).
In the sixth mansion, Lover and Beloved, butterfly and God, soul and Uncreate Spirit, "see each other" for extended periods of time. Whereas the absorption of the Fifth Mansion might last up to a half-hour, various types of absorption here last a day or several days, she says (even if the cessation itself is still shortlived). The soul is "so completely absorbed and the understanding so completely transported-for as long as a day, or even for several days-that the soul seems incapable of grasping anything that does not awaken the will to love; to this it is fully awake, while asleep as regards all attachment. . . ."30
But each new stage of growth, we have seen, introduces new types of possible pathology, and so it is with the little butterfly. Many people think that the famous "Dark Night of the Soul," a phrase introduced by Teresa's friend and collaborator Saint John of the Cross, is that terrible dark period before one finds Uncreate Spirit. But not so; the
Dark Night occurs in that period after one has tasted Universal Being but before one is established in it, for one has now seen Paradise . . . and seen it fade.
The torment is now agonizing. The little butterfly suffers much, much more "torture" (Teresa's term) than anything the ego suffers or even could suffer. "This is a much greater trial," the little butterfly reports, "especially if the pains are severe; in some ways, when they are very acute, I think they are the greatest trial that exists. For they affect the soul both outwardly and inwardly, till it becomes so much oppressed as not to know what to do with itself.
There are many things which assault her soul with an interior oppression so keenly felt and so intolerable that I do not know to what it can be compared. . . ."31
She is conscious of a strange solitude, since there is not a creature on the whole earth who can be a companion to her-in fact, I do not believe she would find any in Heaven, save Him Whom she loves: on the contrary, all earthly companionship is torment to her. She thinks of herself as of a person suspended aloft, unable either to come down and rest anywhere on earth or to ascend into Heaven. She is parched with thirst, yet cannot reach the water; and the thirst is not a tolerable one but a kind that nothing can quench. . . .32
The dialectic of progress, here unleashed in its most subtle yet agonizing form.
On the more positive side, it is here in the Sixth Mansion that all sorts of subtle-level phenomena begin to emerge in consciousness, and Teresa chronicles them with astonishing clarity: the interior illuminations, the raptures, the subtle sounds and visions, the types of tranquillity and recollection, "ecstasy, rapture, or trance (for I think these are all the same)." Most of these visions (late psychic and early subtle) are in themselves transverbal ("the revelations are communicated to it without words," "in a way that involves no clear utterance of speech").33 But the central event remains, in each of them, the possibility of the absorption in Uncreate Spirit. "When the soul is thus cleansed,
God unites it with Himself. The soul becomes one with God."34
All of which culminates in the Seventh Mansion, where actual Spiritual Marriage occurs, and vision gives way to direct apprehension or direct experience-"the union of the whole soul with God."35 Once this union is apprehended, it seems so obvious, says Teresa, that we can't even find a "doorway" through which it occurred (which is very reminiscent of Zen's "gateless gate"), and, in trying to describe this secret yet perfectly obvious union, words, of course, miserably fail her (but only because she cannot assume that we have had the experience):
This secret union takes place in the deepest center of the soul, which is where God dwells, and I do not think there is any need of a door by which to enter it. I say there is no need of a door because all that has so far been described [the earlier six stages or mansions] seems to have come through the medium of the senses and [mental] faculties. But what passes in the union of the Spiritual Marriage, in the center of the soul, is very different. This instantaneous [union] of God to the soul is so great a secret and sublime a favor, and such delight is felt by the soul, that I do not know with what to compare it. . . .36
In the sixth mansion, Teresa says, this divine union is indeed apprehended, but only briefly and sporadically. She likens this preliminary union to two candles joined at the ends: they then give one light, but the two candles can be broken apart again. Not so the true Spiritual Marriage:
But here it is like rain falling from the heavens into a river or spring; there is nothing but water there and it is impossible to divide or separate the water belonging to the river from that which fell from the heavens. Or it is as if a tiny streamlet enters the sea, from which it will find no way of separating itself, or as if in a room there were two large windows through which the light streamed in: it enters in different places but it all becomes one.37
In this brief sketch, I have mentioned, but have not dwelled on the details of, the possible pathologies that beset the transpersonal stages (four different stages, four very different types of possible pathologies). Suffice it to say that they each involve (as always) problems of differentiation and integration at the new level, problems of agency and communion-too much of one or the other, and a failure of balance: problems of inflating the self at that stage or losing the self in the others of that stage (too much agency or too much communion).38
It is crucially important, then, to distinguish these new and higher pathologies-of fulcrums seven (psychic), eight (subtle), and nine (causal)-from the lower and primitive pathologies (particularly fulcrums one, two, and three).
Teresa is positively brilliant in distinguishing the agonies of the soul in its higher mansions or stages from those emotional problems that characterize the lower faculties. She clearly distinguishes, for example, three types of "inner voices"-those of "the fancy" or "imagination," which can be hallucinatory and "diseased," she says; those that are verbal, and may or may not represent true wisdom (for they may also be deceptive and "diseased"); and those that are transverbal altogether, representing direct interior apprehension. She has an exquisite and precise discriminating awareness between "fancies" and "hallucinations" and direct intuitive apprehensions, and she explains the differences at length. She gives clear and classic phenomenological descriptions of so many of the subtle-level apprehensions: interior illumination, sound, bliss, and understanding beyond ordinary time and place; genuine archetypal Form as creative pattern (not mythic motif); and psychic vision giving way to pure nonverbal, transverbal, subtle intuition; all summating in the "union of the whole soul with uncreated Spirit."
As for the use of the term "supernatural" by certain contemplatives (both East and West), care should be taken to differentiate what they mean by that term and what, for example, the mythic or religious literalist means by it.
Literal or mythic Christianity, for example, originating from the magic-mythic and mythic stages of development, and beset by "mythic dissociation," imagines God as a Cosmic Father set above and apart from nature (ontologically divorced), and thus any action on God's part is and must be "supernatural"-a "miraculous" suspension of the laws of nature on behalf of "His children," activities that are all nonetheless variations on turning spinach into potatoes.
This dissociation of "natural" and "supernatural," and a praying, a begging, for the latter to miraculously intervene in the former, Emerson calls "meanness and theft," a vicious craving for commodities:
In what prayers do men allow themselves! Prayer looks abroad and asks for some foreign addition to come through some foreign virtue, and loses itself in endless mazes of natural and supernatural, and mediatorial and miraculous. Prayer that craves a particular commodity is vicious. [True] Prayer is the contemplation of the facts of life from the highest point of view. It is the soliloquy of a beholding and jubilant soul. It is the spirit of God pronouncing his works good. As soon as the man is at one with God, he will not beg. But prayer as a means to effect a private end is meanness and theft. It supposes dualism and not a unity in nature and consciousness.39 God's "supernatural" intervention in "nature": this bears no relation to the contemplative view of the psychic and subtle stages. God or Spirit is not set apart from nature, but rather is the Ground of nature, and indeed of all manifestation-as Teresa puts it, "God is in all things by presence and power and essence." "Supernatural," in this usage, simply means that the natural union of Spirit with all things becomes a conscious realization in some, and that conscious realization is called supernatural, not because the union is present only in them and not in nature, but because they are directly realizing it. Teresa's spiritual friend and collaborator, the extraordinary John of the Cross, explains it thus:
This union between God and creatures always exists. By it He conserves their being so that if the union would end they would cease to exist [Spirit as Ground of Being]. Consequently, in discussing union with God, we are not discussing the substantial union which is always existing, but the union and transformation of the soul in God. This transformation is supernatural, the other natural.40
As for this inner transformation, this interior realization, Teresa speaks movingly to her sister nuns, and to us, from the direct experience of the contemplative heart:
It becomes evident that there is "someone" in the interior of the soul who sends forth these arrows and thus gives life to this life, and that there is a sun whence this great light proceeds, which is transmitted in the interior part of the soul. The soul, as I said, neither moves from that center nor loses its peace; [it] leaves the soul in a state of pure spirituality, so that it might be joined with Uncreated Spirit.
Oh, God help me! What a difference there is between hearing and believing these words and being led in this way to realize how true they are! Each day this soul wonders more, for she feels that they have never left her, and perceives quite clearly, in the way I have described, that They [the "true words"] are in the interior of her heart-in the most interior place of all and in its greatest depths.41
This new depth, this new within, which is a new beyond, utterly transcends nature, utterly embraces nature, and is thus embodied in nature, as perhaps Aurobindo explained most forcefully:
Its first effect has been the liberation of life and mind out of Matter; its last effect has been to assist the emergence of a spiritual consciousness, a spiritual will and spiritual sense of existence in the terrestrial being so that he is no longer solely preoccupied with his outermost life or with mental pursuits and interests, but has learned to look within, to discover his inner being, his spiritual self, to aspire to overpass [negate and preserve] earth and her limitations. As he grows more and more inward, his boundaries mental [noospheric], vital [biospheric], and spiritual begin to broaden, the bonds that held life, mind, soul to their first limitations loosen or snap, and man the mental being begins to have a glimpse of a larger kingdom of self and world closed to the first earth-life.
If he makes the inward movement which his own highest vision has held up before him as his greatest spiritual necessity, then he will find there in his inner being a larger consciousness, a larger life. An action from within and an action from above can overcome the predominance of the material formula, diminish and finally put an end to the power of the Inconscience, substitute Spirit for Matter as his conscious foundation of being and liberate its higher powers to their complete and characteristic expression in the life of the soul embodied in Nature.42
Which is why Teresa sings of embracing all creatures from the center of the love and joy that now overflows from her innermost being: "These are very unskillful comparisons to represent so precious a thing, but I am not clever enough to think out any more: the real truth is that this joy makes the soul so forgetful of itself, and of everything, that it is conscious of nothing, and able to speak of nothing, save of that which proceeds from its joy. . . . Let us join with this soul, my daughters all. Why should we want to be more sensible than she? What can give us greater pleasure than to do as she does? And may all the creatures join with us for ever and ever. Amen, amen, amen."43
And the little butterfly? What has become of her? As the ego (silkworm) died and was reborn as the soul (butterfly), so now the soul, after traversing the psychic and subtle domains and serving its purpose well, enters finally into its Spiritual Marriage, its own omega point, its deeper and greater context, and thus dies to its lesser being, dies as a separate self. "For it is here," she says softly, "that the little butterfly dies, and with the greatest joy, because Christ is now its life."
Which brings us to the causal.

In the subtle level, the Soul and God unite; in the causal level, the Soul and God are both transcended in the prior identity of Godhead, or pure formless awareness, pure consciousness as such, the pure Self as pure Spirit (Atman = Brahman). No longer the "Supreme Union" of God and Soul, but the "Supreme Identity" of Godhead. As Meister Eckhart put it, "I find in this breakthrough that God and I are one and the same."
As we will see, this pure formless Spirit is said to be the Goal and Summit and Source of all manifestation. And that is the causal.
Going within and beyond even this pure Source and pure Spirit-which is totally formless, boundless, unmanifest-the Self/Spirit awakens to an identity with, and as, all Form, all manifestation (gross, subtle, and causal), whether high or low, ascending or descending, sacred or profane, manifest or unmanifest, finite or infinite, temporal or eternal. This is not a particular stage among other stages-not their Goal, not their Source, not their Summit-but rather the Ground or Suchness or Isness of all stages, at all times, in all dimensions: the Being of all beings, the Condition of all conditions, the Nature of all natures. And that is the Nondual.
I have chosen Meister Eckhart and Sri Ramana Maharshi to illustrate both of these "stages" (causal and nondual), since we find in both of them not only a breakthrough to the causal, but also through the causal to the ultimate or Nondual, and as inadequate and misleading as words here invariably are, at least an indication of these two "movements" can be clearly and unmistakably discerned in both of these extraordinary sages.
Sri Ramana Maharshi (echoing Shankara) summarizes the "viewpoint" of the ultimate or Nondual realization:
The world is illusory;
Brahman alone is Real;
Brahman is the world.
The first two lines represent pure causal-level awareness, or unmanifest absorption in pure or formless Spirit; line three represents the ultimate or nondual completion (the union of the Formless with the entire world of Form). The
Godhead completely transcends all worlds and thus completely includes all worlds. It is the final within, leading to a final beyond-a beyond that, confined to absolutely nothing, embraces absolutely everything.
Eckhart begins by pointing to the need, first and foremost, for a transcendence or a "breakthrough" (a word he coined in German) from the finite and created realm to the infinite and uncreated source or origin (the causal), a direct and formless awareness that is without self, without other, and without God.
In the breakthrough, where I stand free of my own will and of the will of God and of all his works and of God himself, there I am above all creatures and am neither God nor creature. Rather, I am what I was and what I shall remain now and forever. Then I receive an impulse [awareness] which shall bring me above all the angels.
In this impulse I receive wealth so vast that God cannot be enough for me in all that makes him God, and with all his divine works. For in this breakthrough I discover that I and God are one. There I am what I was, and I grow neither smaller nor bigger, for I am an immovable cause that moves all things.
Therefore also I am unborn, and following the way of my unborn [unmanifest] being I can never die.
Following the way of my unborn being I have always been, I am now, and shall remain eternally.44
In order for God and the Soul to exist, there must be duality or separation between them, and this duality, says
Eckhart, obscures the primordial Godhead:
When I still stood in my first cause, there I had no God and was cause of myself. There I willed nothing, I desired nothing, for I was a pure Being in delight of the truth. There I stood, free of God and of all things. But when I took leave from this state and received my created being, then I had a God.45
This Godhead (or what Eckhart also calls "God beyond God") is radically free of any finite or created thing, whether of matter or nature or mind or visions or Soul or God. Eckhart refers to this completely transcendental, free, or unmanifest state by words such as "Abyss," "unborn," "formless," "primordial origin," "emptiness," "nothingness."
Empty yourself of everything. That is to say, empty yourself of your ego [or any sort of separate-self sense, soul, or oversoul] and empty yourself of all things and of all that you are in yourself and consider yourself as what you are in God. God is a being beyond being and a nothingness beyond being. Therefore, be still and do not flinch from this emptiness.46
This "emptiness" is not a theory. Even less is it "poetry" (which I have often heard). Nor is it a philosophical suggestion. It is a direct apprehension (direct "experience" is not quite right, since it is free of the duality of subject and object, and since it never enters the stream of time and thus is never "experiential" in any typical sense)-free of thoughts, free of dualities, free of time and temporal succession:
I speak therefore of a Godhead from which as yet nothing emanates and nothing moves or is thought about.
Even if the soul were to see God insofar as he is God or insofar as God can be imagined or insofar as he is a thought, this same insufficiency would be there. But when all images of the soul are taken away and the soul [is] only the single One, then the pure being of the soul finds resting in itself the pure, formless Being of the divine. . . .
Neither space nor time touch this place. Nothing so much hinders the soul's understanding of God as time and space. Time and space are parts of the whole, but God is one. So if the soul is to recognize God, it must do so beyond space and time. For God is neither this nor that ["neti, neti"] in the way of the manifold things of earth, since God is one. If the soul wants to know God, it cannot do so in time. For so long as the soul is conscious of time or space or any other [object], it cannot know God.
Know then that all our perfection and all our bliss depend on the fact that the individual goes through and beyond all creation and all temporality and all being, and enters the foundation that is without foundation.
They must arrive at forgetfulness [of objects] and no-self consciousness-and there must be absolute silence there and stillness.47
In this state of formless and silent awareness, one does not see the Godhead, for one is the Godhead, and knows it from within, self-felt, and not from without, as an object. The pure Witness (which Eckhart calls "the essence of the Subject") cannot be seen, for the simple reason that it is the Seer (and the Seer itself is pure
Emptiness, the pure opening or clearing in which all objects, experiences, things and events arise, but which itself merely abides). Anything seen is just more objects, more finite things, more creatures, more images or concepts or visions, which is exactly what it is not.
It is free of all names and barren of all forms, totally free and void, just as God is void and free in himself. It is totally one and simple, just as God is one and simple, so that we can in no manner gaze upon it [see it as an object; it is the Seer, not anything seen; and the Seer is pure Emptiness, out of which seen objects emerge].
There the "means" is silent, for neither a creature nor an image can enter there. The soul knows in that place neither action nor knowledge. It is not aware in that place of any kind of image, either from itself or from any other creature.
You should love him as he is, a not-God, not-mind, not-person, not-image-even more, as he is a pure, clear One, separate from all twoness. You should love God mindlessly, that is, so that your soul is without mind and free from all mental activities, for as long as your soul is operating like a mind, so long does it have images and representations. But as long as it has images, it has intermediaries, and as long as it has intermediaries, it has neither oneness nor simplicity. And therefore your soul should be bare of all mind and should stay there without mind.48
Following Saint Dionysius, Eckhart refers to this "mindless" or "unknowing presence," or pure formless awareness without mental intermediaries, as "Divine Ignorance."
Whoever does not leave all external aspects of creatures can neither be received into this divine birth nor be born. The more you are able to bring all your powers to a unity and a forgetfulness of all the objects and images you have absorbed, and the more you depart from creatures and their images, the nearer and more receptive you are. If you were able to become completely unaware of all things, attain a forgetfulness of things and of self, the more [there is] the silent darkness where you will come to a recognition of the unknown, transbegotten God. For this ignorance draws you away from all knowledge about things, and beyond this it draws you away from yourself.49
Like Eckhart, Sri Ramana Maharshi, India's greatest modern sage, begins by merely giving us some verbal pointers and information about the Self and its relation to God (and Godhead). But he will soon, we will see, go beyond mere chatter and point directly to the unknown and unknowing Source. So here he speaks in "positive" terms, before drawing us into Divine Ignorance.
The Self is known to everyone but not clearly. The Being is the Self. "I am" is the name of God. Of all the definitions of God, none is indeed so well put as the Biblical statement I AM THAT I AM. The Absolute Being is what is-It is the Self. It is God. Knowing the Self, God is known. In fact, God is none other than the Self.50
And here Ramana clearly means "Godhead," as he himself often pointed out: "Creation is by the entire Godhead breaking into God and Nature."51
As for the pure Self/Spirit or Godhead, Ramana constantly repeats, in words virtually identical to Eckhart's (and to the sages of this level the world over) that the Self is not body, not mind, not thought; it is not feelings, not sensations, not perceptions; it is radically free of all objects, all subjects, all dualities; it cannot be seen, cannot be known, cannot be thought. "In that state there is Being alone. There is no you, nor I, nor he; no present, nor past, nor future. It is beyond time and space, beyond expression. It is ever there."52
The Self is "not this, not that," which in Sanskrit is the "neti, neti" I bracketed in Eckhart's quotation. The Self is not this, not that, precisely because it is the pure Witness of this or that, and thus in all cases transcends any this and any that. The Self cannot even be said to be "One," for that is just another quality, another object that is perceived or witnessed. The Self is not "Spirit"; rather, it is that which, right now, is witnessing that concept. The Self is not the "Witness"-that is just another word or concept, and the Self is that which is witnessing that concept. The Self is not Emptiness, the Self is not a pure Self-and so on.
There are neither good nor bad qualities in the Self. The Self is free from all qualities. Qualities pertain to the mind only. It is beyond quality. If there is unity, there will also be duality. The numerical one gives rise to other numbers. The truth is neither one nor two. It is as it is.
People want to see the Self as something. They desire to see it as a blazing light, etc. But how could that be?
The Self is not light, not darkness, not any observed thing. The Self is ever the Witness. It is eternal and remains the same all along.53
Ramana often refers to the Self by the name "I-I," since the Self is the simple Witness of even the ordinary "I." We are all, says Ramana, perfectly aware of the I-I, for we are all aware of our capacity to witness in the present moment. But we mistake the pure I-I or pure Seer with some sort of object that can be seen and is thus precisely not the Seer or the true Self, but is merely some sort of memory or image or identity or self-concept, all of which are objects, none of which is the Witness of objects. We identify the I-I with this or that I, and thus identified with a mere finite and temporal object, we suffer the slings and arrows of all finite objects, whereas the Self remains ever as it is, timeless, eternal, unborn, unwavering, undying, ever and always present.
The I-I is always there. There is no knowing it [as an object]. It is not a new knowledge acquired. The I-I is always there.
There is no one who even for a trice fails to experience the Self. In deep sleep you exist; awake, you remain.
The same Self is in both states. The difference is only in the awareness and the non-awareness of the world.
The world rises with the mind and sets with the mind. That which rises and sets is not the Self.
The individual is miserable because he confounds the mind and body with the Self. It is the nature of the mind to wander. But you are not the mind. The mind springs up and sinks down. It is impermanent, transitory, whereas you are eternal. There is nothing but the Self. To abide as the Self is the thing. Never mind the mind. If the mind's source is sought, the mind will vanish leaving the Self unaffected.54
The "mind vanished" is, of course, Eckhart's "mindless awareness" (and Zen's "no-mind," etc.). Ramana therefore counsels us to seek the source of the mind, to look for that which is aware of the mental or personal "I," for that is the transpersonal "I-I," unchanged by the fluctuations of any particular states, particular objects, particular circumstances, particular births, particular deaths.
Tracing the source of "I," the primal I-I alone remains over, and it is inexpressible. The seat of Realization is within and the seeker cannot find it as an object outside him. That seat is bliss and is the core [the ultimate depth] of all beings. Hence it is called the Heart. The mind now sees itself diversified as the universe. If the diversity is not manifest it remains in its own essence, its original state, and that is the Heart. Entering the
Heart means remaining without distractions [objects]. The Heart is the only Reality. The mind is only a transient phase. To remain as one's Self is to enter the Heart.
The Self is not born nor does it die. The sages see everything in the Self. There is no diversity in it. If a man thinks that he is born and cannot avoid the fear of death, let him find out if the Self has any birth. He will discover that the Self always exists, that the body which is born resolves itself into thought and that the emergence of thought is the root of all mischief. Find the source of thoughts. Then you will abide in the everpresent inmost Self and be free from the idea of birth and the fear of death.55
As one pursues this "self-inquiry" into the source of thoughts, into the source of "I" and the "world," one enters a state of pure empty awareness, free of all objects whatsoever-precisely Eckhart's "completely unaware of all things"-which in Vedanta is known as nirvikalpa samadhi (nirvikalpa means "without any qualities or objects"). In awareness, there is perfect clarity, perfect consciousness, but the entire manifest world (up to and including the subtle) simply ceases to arise, and one is directly introduced to what Eckhart called "the naked existence of Godhead." Sri Ramana:
If you hold to the Self [remain as Witness in all circumstances], there is no second. When you see the world you have lost hold of the Self. On the contrary, hold the Self and the world will not appear.
By unswerving vigilant constancy in the Self, ceaseless like the unbroken flow of water, is generated the natural or changeless state of nirvikalpa samadhi, which readily and spontaneously yields that direct, immediate, unobstructed and universal perception of Brahman, which transcends all time and space.56
For Ramana and Eckhart (and not them alone), the causal is a type of ultimate omega point (but it is not, as we will see, the end of the story). As the Source of all manifestation, it the Goal of all development. Ramana: "This is SelfRealization; and thereby is cut asunder the Knot of the Heart [the separate-self sense]; this is the limitless bliss of liberation, beyond doubt and duality. To realize this state of freedom from duality is the summum bonum of life: and he alone that has won it is a jivanmukta (the liberated one while yet alive), and not he who has merely a theoretical understanding of the Self or the desired end and aim of all human behavior. The disciple is then enjoined to remain in the beatitude of Aham-Brahman-'I-I' is the Absolute."57

Such is the formless causal. But the causal is not, as Eckhart put it, the "final Word." When one breaks through the causal absorption in pure unmanifest and unborn Spirit, the entire manifest world arises once again, but this time as a perfect expression of Spirit and as Spirit. The Formless and the entire world of manifest Form-pure Emptiness and the whole Kosmos-are seen to be not-two (or nondual). The Witness is seen to be everything that is witnessed, so that, as Ramana puts it, "The object to be witnessed and the Witness finally merge together [and disappear as separate entities] and Absolute consciousness alone reigns supreme." But this nondual consciousness is not other to the world: "Brahman is the World."
This move from causal unmanifest to nondual embrace, Ramana refers to as the development from nirvikalpa to sahaj samadhi, which means "unbroken and spontaneously so," a "state" in which "the whole cosmos [Kosmos] is contained in the Heart, with perfect equality of all, for grace is all-pervading and there is nothing that is not the Self.
All this world is Brahman."58
Meister Eckhart explains both of these movements (utterly transcending the world, utterly embracing it):
First, "Be asleep to all things": that means ignore time, creatures, images [causal]. And then you could perceive what God works in you. That is why the soul says in the Song of Songs, "I sleep but my Heart watches."
Therefore, if all creatures are asleep in you, you can perceive what God works in you [as Godhead].
Second: "Concern yourself with all things." This has three meanings. That means, first, seize God in all things, for God is in all things.
The second meaning is: "Love your neighbor as yourself." If you love one human being more than another, that is wrong. If you love your father and mother and yourself more than another human being, that is wrong.
And if you love your own happiness more than another's, that is also wrong.
The third meaning is this: Love God in all things equally. For God is equally near to all creatures. And among all these creatures God does not love any one more than any other. God is all and is one. All things become nothing but God [Nondual].59
When all things are nothing but God, there are then no things, and no God, but only this.
No objects, no subjects, only this. No entering this state, no leaving it; it is absolutely and eternally and always already the case: the simple feeling of being, the basic and simple immediacy of any and all states, prior to the four quadrants, prior to the split between inside and outside, prior to seer and seen, prior to the rise of worlds, everpresent as pure Presence, the simple feeling of being: empty awareness as the opening or clearing in which all worlds arise, ceaselessly: I-I is the box the universe comes in.
Abiding as I-I, the world arises as before, but now there is no one to witness it. I-I is not "in here" looking "out there": there is no in here, no out there, only this. It is the radical end to all egocentrism, all geocentrism, all biocentrism, all sociocentrism, all theocentrism, because it is the radical end of all centrisms, period. It is the final decentering of all manifest realms, in all domains, at all times, in all places. As Dzogchen Buddhism would put it, because all phenomena are primordially empty, all phenomena, just as they are, are self-liberated as they arise.
In that pure empty awareness, I-I am the rise and fall of all worlds, ceaselessly, endlessly. I-I swallow the Kosmos and span the centuries, untouched by time or turmoil, embracing each with primordial purity, fierce compassion. It has never started, this nightmare of evolution, and therefore it will never end.
It is as it is, self-liberated at the moment of its very arising. And it is only this.
The All is I-I. I-I is Emptiness. Emptiness is freely manifesting. Freely manifesting is self-liberating.
Zen, of course, would put it all much more simply, and point directly to just this.
Still pond
A frog jumps in

Does history, then, have a final omega point, the Omega of all previous and lesser omegas? Is there an actual End to History as we know it? Where all beings unite in their conscious realization of Godhead? Are we all being drawn to that "one, far-off Divine Event" that dissolves its own trail?
Many mystically inclined writers have made this assumption; it does make a certain amount of first-blush sense.
From the "Aquarian Conspiracy" to Teilhard's "final Omega-point," from the dawn of a "New Age" to "Timewave Zero"-the millenarian End of History has been exuberantly announced. Such theorists as Terence McKenna and Jos Arguelles have even been good enough to calculate the actual date of this final omega point, and it is December 2012-"Timewave Zero."60
Nor, of course, is this the first time we have seen such "End of History" notions, and in chapter 2 we saw why such notions actually make a certain amount of sense and have some degree of truth to them. To summarize that discussion:
Every senior dimension acts as a transformative omega point for its junior dimension, exerting a palpable pull of the deeper and wider on the shallower and narrower. A holon's regime is the transformative omega-point for its own growth and development, facilitated perhaps by morphic resonance from the sum total of similar forms acting as omega. In self-transcendence, however, the emergent and senior level exerts omega pull on junior dimensions, something that neither they themselves, nor their morphically resonating partners, could do alone.61 And short of reaching its immediately senior omega, that lesser dimension suffers the slings and arrows of an outrageous fortune of partialness, division, alienation. Each deeper and wider context condemns the lesser to suffering (or rather, the narrower suffers from the boundaries of its own lacerating limitations). And evolution, in the broadest sense, is a sensitive flight from the pain of partiality.
Each deeper and wider context in the Kosmos thus exerts an omega pull on the shallower and narrower contexts, and when that particular wider depth is reached, that particular omega pull subsides, with the new depth finding that it now exists in a yet-wider and yet-deeper context of its own, which now exerts an unrelenting omega force to once again transcend, to once again embrace more of the Kosmos with care and consciousness.
In short, no holon rests happy short of finding its own immediately deeper context, its own omega point, which means that each holon rushes to the End of its own History.
In the West, since the time of the Enlightenment, the great omega point or End of History has generally been pictured as some form of rationality (either formop, as in the classical Enlightenment, or vision-logic, as with
Hegel)-and modernity believed this to be the case because that was, indeed, its present state of development, to which all lesser occasions had pointed, and from which rationality had finally and triumphantly emerged.
"Remember the cruelties!"-Voltaire's battle cry of the tortures that magic and mythic had inflicted on history, the tortures of lesser omega points brutally cutting into each other in search of . . . reason.
This omega point of rationality can therefore be seen permeating the theories of virtually all developmentalists in the wake of modernity. We see it in Freud: magical and mythic primary-process cognition gives way, after much reluctance and turmoil, to the secondary (mature) process of rationality. We see it in Marx: rationality, as a worldcentric mode of cognition, will, with its economic developments, overcome egocentric and ethnocentric class divisions and usher in a true communion of equally free subjects. We see it in Piaget: preop to conop to formop, with each previous stage suffering the limitations of its own incapacities. Kohlberg and Gilligan: egocentric to sociocentric to worldcentric reason. Hegel: Self-positing Spirit returns to itself in the form of global Reason, the culmination of
History itself. And Habermas: mutual understanding in unrestrained communicative action unfolded by rationality is the omega point of individual and social evolution itself.
The list is virtually endless. And, as we discussed earlier, they are all, as far as they go, essentially correct in many important ways, and they each can teach us much about expanding the circle and the context of care. (Previously, the mythic structure had said the same thing about itself in relation to archaic and magic: it had claimed that the coming of the mythic God was an end to all tribal history-and that was also true enough.)
Francis Fukuyama recently caused an international sensation with the publication of The End of History, in which he asks "whether, at the end of the twentieth century, it makes sense for us to speak of a coherent and directional
History of humankind? The answer I arrive at is yes, for two separate reasons. One has to do with economics, and the other has to do with what is termed the 'struggle for recognition.'"62
The "struggle for recognition" is simply the theme, developed from Hegel to Habermas to Taylor, that mutual recognition-what we have also been calling the free exchange of mutual self-esteem among all peoples (the emergence of the rational-egoic self-esteem needs)-is an omega point that pulls history and communication forward toward the free emergence of that mutual recognition. Short of that emergence, history is a brutalization of one self or group of selves trying to triumph over, dominate, or subjugate others.
When, on the other hand, human beings universally recognize each other "as beings with a certain worth or dignity," then history in that sense "comes to an end because the longing that had driven the historical process-the struggle for recognition-has been satisfied in a society characterized by universal and reciprocal recognition. No other arrangement of human social institutions is better able to satisfy this longing, and hence no further progressive historical change is possible."63 The End of History.
Echoing Hegel, Fukuyama notes that "this does not mean that the natural cycle of birth, life, and death would end, or that important events would no longer happen, or that newspapers reporting them would cease to be published.
It means, rather, that there would be no further progress in the development of underlying principles and institutions, because all of the really big questions had been settled."64
"The really big questions" would be settled in this sense: once we have arrived at the worldcentric rational structures that both allow and demand (1) free and equal subjects of civil law, (2) morally free subjects, and (3) politically free subjects as world citizens (worldcentric agents in worldcentric communions)-once we have arrived at that, what more, specifically, could there be to do in that domain? In that domain, "the really big questions would have been settled." And I believe that is indeed true.
We would, of course, continue to fine-tune the ways to implement these freedoms, and help ensure their global equity. And we might, indeed, find new freedoms, and new ways to extend the old freedoms. But these three factors would surely form an important platform for any new developments. And to the extent that History up to that point has been the clash of factions that refused those three factors, then this would indeed mark the End of that History.
All of which, as I said, can be true (and is true, I think) and still leave open-and still demand-that further historical changes are indeed possible, however much they will build upon the platform of mutual egoic self-esteem and self-recognition-and for the simple reason that there are indeed structures of consciousness beyond the egoic, structures that, in their own turn, exert new and subtler omega pulls on the already actualized self-esteem needs.
And these new omega pulls will most assuredly destabilize the apparently "secure" structure of universal egoic recognition (which will be preserved, for sure . . . but also painfully negated, in the future paradigm wars set to rock the globe).
In other words, there are indeed some more "really big questions" that would still need to be settled: History would not have ended, only Egoic History.
Which brings us to the topic of the yet deeper or higher structures (beyond the ego), and whether the whole developmental process will ever actually culminate in a genuine and utter End of all possible History. For that is what is implied in the millenarian themes of Timewave Zero: the absolute Omega of all omegas, the End of all ends, the evaporation of disunity, the disappearance of appearance into the utter Abyss, the restaurant at the end of the universe, where the truly Last Supper will finally be served. . . .
Recall that, in figure 5-1, I included the developments in the four quadrants up to visionlogic/centauric/planetary, which is, as it were, the leading edge of the World Soul's evolution at this point in time (or so I would maintain). And thus, at this point, any higher developments, in all four quadrants, have to occur through an individual's own efforts (UL), evidenced in individual bodily transformations (UR), practiced in a micro-community or sangha of the similarly depthed (LL), with its own microsocial structure (LR).
As these higher potentials begin to emerge collectively-in the decades, centuries, millennia ahead65-we can only guess at what the actual surface structures will be like, for none of that is predetermined. These higher structures (psychic, subtle, causal, nondual) are simply potential worldspaces, pre-ontological worldspaces, that are given only as potentials, not as fate.
But we do know that they are structural potentials of the human bodymind, because since its emergence in its present form (around fifty thousand years ago), that bodymind has indeed supported realizations across the spectrum (has supported the realizations of a Buddha, a Gaudapada, a Dame Julian, a Lady Tsogyal). In other words, that bodymind has already supported psychic, subtle, causal, and nondual realizations; and thus, by a reconstructive science, we know those potentials are already available. This is not an a priori Hegelian deduction; it is an a posteriori conclusion.
The structural potentials are therefore available; but how they unfold will depend upon the mutual interaction and interplay between all four quadrants-intentional, behavioral, cultural, and social-as all four continue to evolve in history, and none of that is predetermined in any strong sense. Just as, for example, when the human bodymind with its complex triune brain emerged in its present form (again, around fifty thousand years ago), that brain already possessed the potential (or the hard-wiring) for symbolic logic, but that potential would have to await cultural, social, and intentional developments before it could display its form and function, just so with the higher potentials: how they will unfold remains to be seen. But the fact that they are there is demonstrated by the fact that they have already unfolded in some individuals (Buddha to Krishna), and they are thus already available to any individual, at any time, who chooses to continue his or her own evolution within and beyond.
And so the question remains: given all of that, is there still any sense in which a collective humanity would eventually evolve into an Absolute Omega Point, a pure Christ Consciousness (or some such) for all beings? Are we heading for the Ultimate End of History, the Omega of all omegas? Does It even exist?
And the answer is that It does exist, and we are not heading toward it. Or away from It. Or around It. Uncreate
Spirit, the causal unmanifest, is the nature and condition, the source and support, of this and every moment of evolution. It does not enter the stream of time at a beginning or exit at the end. It upholds all times and supports all places, with no partiality at all, and thus exerts neither push nor pull on history.
As the utterly Formless, it does not enter the stream of form at any point. And yet, as Ramana said, there is a sense in which it is indeed the summum bonum, the ultimate Omega Point, in the sense that no finite thing will rest short of release into this Infinity. The Formless, in other words, is indeed an ultimate Omega, an ultimate End, but an
End that is never reached in the world of form. Forms continue endlessly, ceaselessly, holarchically forever (unless the universe collapses in on itself, retreating back along the path it came-to start anew, one presumes).
Forms continue endlessly, holarchically-holons all the way up, all the way down-the universe as a selfreflexively infinite hall of mirrors. This is why the subtle level, which does indeed act as a manifest omega pull to its lesser and junior dimensions, is said nonetheless to contain literally an infinite number of subtle levels within subtle levels within subtle levels-in billions and billions of other universes!
Thus, in the world of Form, the ultimate Omega appears as an ever-receding horizon of fulfillment (the everreceding horizon of the totality of manifestation),66 forever pulling us forward, forever retreating itself, thus always conferring wholeness and partialness in the same breath: the wholeness of this moment is part of the whole of the next moment: the world is always complete and incomplete in any given moment, and thus condemned to a fulfillment that is never fulfilled: the forms rush and run forward to a reward that retreats with the run itself.
But at any sufficiently developed point in an individual's development, a radical leap (Eckhart's "breakthrough") into the Formless can occur. The higher the development, the easier and more likely the jump will occur. Yet the
Formless itself is not the result of that jump, nor does it then come to be. It is there, from the start, as one's own
Original Face, the Face one had before the Big Bang, the Face that looks out from each and every sentient being in each and every universe, calling out to each and all for mutual Self-, and not just self-, recognition.
Abide as Emptiness, embrace all Form: the liberation is in the Emptiness, never finally in the Form (though never apart from it). And thus even if I realize the summum bonum, even if I cut abruptly off the path of endless form and find myself in the Formless, still, still, and still the world of form goes on-into the psychic, into the subtle, into the billions and billions of universes of form available and available and available, endlessly, ceaselessly, dramatically.
Evolution seeks only this Formless summum bonum-it wants only this ultimate Omega-it rushes forward always and solely in search of this-and it will never find it, because evolution unfolds in the world of form. The
Kosmos is driven forward endlessly, searching in the world of time for that which is altogether timeless. And since it will never find it, it will never cease the search. Samsara circles endlessly, and that is always the brutal nightmare hidden in its heart.
And the twenty tenets are the form and function, the structure and the pattern, of this endless dream.

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Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Paul Gtz
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Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Richard Gierlinger
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Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Richard Martin West
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Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Richard Schorr
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Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Robert Francis Coker
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Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Robert H. McNaught
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Robert Holmes (astronomer)
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Robert Hutsebaut
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Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Robert Linderholm
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Robert L. Millis
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Robert Luther
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Robert Weber (astronomer)
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Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Roy Clingan
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Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Schelte J. Bus
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Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Seiji Ueda
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Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Sergei I. Ipatov
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Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Stefano Sposetti
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Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Stephen P. Laurie
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Stephen Singer-Brewster
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Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Suzanne W. Tourtellotte
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Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Takeshi Urata
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Takuo Kojima
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Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Tao Chen (astronomer)
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Terry Handley
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Tetsuo Kagawa
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Tetsuya Fujii
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Tetsuyasu Mitani
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Andrushivka Astronomical Observatory
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Asiago-DLR Asteroid Survey
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Astronomical Observatory of Farra d'Isonzo
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Astronomical Research Observatory
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Boyden Observatory
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Calar Alto Observatory
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Catalina Sky Survey
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Catalina Station
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Cavezzo Observatory
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the CERGA Observatory
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Copenhagen University Observatory
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Dark Energy Survey
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Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Deep Ecliptic Survey
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Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the George Observatory
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Harvard College Observatory
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Haute-Provence Observatory
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Jarnac Observatory
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Jura Observatory
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Kitt Peak National Observatory
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the La Plata Astronomical Observatory
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the La Silla Observatory
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Lowell Observatory
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Mauna Kea Observatories
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Modra Observatory
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Mount Nyukasa Station
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the New Horizons KBO Search
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Nihondaira Observatory
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Oak Ridge Observatory
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Observatorio Astronmico de Mallorca
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Osservatorio Astronomico di Bassano Bresciano
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Osservatorio Astronomico di Monte Viseggi
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Osservatorio Madonna di Dossobuono
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Osservatorio San Vittore
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Palomar Observatory
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Palomar Transient Factory
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Perth Observatory
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Pic du Midi Observatory
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Pises Observatory
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Pistoia Mountains Observatory
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the PMO NEO Survey Program
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Purple Mountain Observatory
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Rozhen Observatory
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Saint-Sulpice Observatory
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Saji Observatory
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Sandlot Observatory
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Santa Lucia Stroncone Astronomical Observatory
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Santa Maria de Montmagastrell Observatory
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Spacewatch project
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Starkenburg Observatory
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Tenagra II Observatory
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the University of Chile
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Uppsala-DLR Trojan Survey
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by the Zelenchukskaya Station
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Thierry Pauwels
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Thomas J. Balonek
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Thomas Schildknecht
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Timothy B. Spahr
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Timur Kryachko
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Tom Gehrels
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Tom Glinos
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Tomimaru Okuni
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Tom Stafford (astronomer)
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Toshimasa Furuta
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Toshiro Nomura
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Tsuneo Niijima
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Tsutomu Hioki
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Tsutomu Seki
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by UESAC
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Ugo Tagliaferri
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Ulisse Munari
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Ute Zimmer
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Valter Giuliani
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Viktor Knorre
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Vincenzo Cerulli
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Vincenzo Silvano Casulli
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Violeta G. Ivanova
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Vishnu Vardhan Reddy
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Vitaly Nevsky
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Vittorio Goretti
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Vladimir Albitsky
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Vladimir Gerke
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Vladimir Shkodrov
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Walter Baade
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Walter Ferreri
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Walter R. Cooney Jr.
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Watari Kakei
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Wendee Levy
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Werner Landgraf
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Wilhelm Foerster
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Wilhelm Lorenz
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Wilhelm Tempel
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by William G. Dillon
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by William H. Ryan (astronomer)
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by William K. Y. Yeung
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by William Liller
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by WISE
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Wladimiro Marinello
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Wolf Bickel
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Wolfgang Ries
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Xiangyao Hsiao
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Yang Tingzhang
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Yasuhide Fujita
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Yasukazu Ikari
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Yoshiaki Banno
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Yoshiaki Oshima
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Yoshikane Mizuno
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Yoshio Kushida
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Yoshisada Shimizu
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Young-Beom Jeon
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Yuan-Sheng Tsai (astronomer)
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Yuri A. Belyaev
Wikipedia - Category:Discoveries by Zsuzsanna Heiner
Wikipedia - Category:Discovery and invention controversies
Wikipedia - Category:Drug discovery
Wikipedia - Category:Lists of inventions or discoveries
Wikipedia - Category:Minor-planet discovering observatories
Wikipedia - Category:Portuguese exploration in the Age of Discovery
Wikipedia - Category:Spanish exploration in the Age of Discovery
Wikipedia - Catholic Church and the Age of Discovery
Wikipedia - Children's Discovery Museum of San Jose
Wikipedia - Clara H. Hasse -- American botanist who discovered ''Pseudomonas citri''
Wikipedia - Clash of the Dinosaurs -- 2009 Discovery Channel television series
Wikipedia - Cleveland Street scandal -- Discovery in 1889 of male brothel in London
Wikipedia - Clyde Tombaugh -- American astronomer, discoverer of Pluto (1906-1997)
Wikipedia - Columbus Discovers Kraehwinkel -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
Wikipedia - Corps of Discovery -- Unit of the United States Army
Wikipedia - Cray Urika-GD -- Graph discovery appliance, made by supercomputer maker Cray
Wikipedia - Creative Discovery Museum -- Children's museum in Chattanooga, Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - Cryptanalysis -- study of analyzing information systems in order to discover their hidden aspects
Wikipedia - Cullinan Diamond -- Largest rough diamond ever discovered
Wikipedia - Culture hero -- Mythological hero who changes the world through invention or discovery
Wikipedia - Daily Planet (TV series) -- Discovery Channel Canada TV series
Wikipedia - Daka skull -- Homo erectus calvaria, discovered in the Ethiopian Rift Valley in 1997
Wikipedia - Dandaleith stone -- Pictish stone discovered at Craigellachie and now in the Elgin Museum, Moray, Scotland, UK
Wikipedia - Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery -- Peer-reviewed scientific journal
Wikipedia - David Kemp (physicist) -- British physicist who discovered otoacoustic emissions (born 1945)
Wikipedia - Delegated Path Discovery -- trusted-server-querying method for public key certificate information
Wikipedia - Derveni Krater -- Volute krater discovered in Greece
Wikipedia - Dinosaur Discovery Museum -- Museum in Kenosha, Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Discoverability
Wikipedia - Discover Card -- Credit card
Wikipedia - Discovered attack
Wikipedia - Discoverer 10 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 11 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 12 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 13 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 14 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 16 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 17 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 18 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 19 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 20 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 21 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 22 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 25 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 26 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 28 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 2 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 33 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 34 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 35 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 3 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 4 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 5 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 6 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 7 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 8 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discoverer 9 -- Reconnaissance satellite
Wikipedia - Discover Financial -- American financial services company
Wikipedia - Discoveries in the Judaean Desert
Wikipedia - Discoveries of exoplanets -- Detecting planets located outside the Solar System
Wikipedia - Discovering Japan -- 1979 song by British rock musician Graham Parker
Wikipedia - Discovering Psychology
Wikipedia - Discover Magazine
Wikipedia - Discover magazine
Wikipedia - Discover (magazine) -- American general audience science magazine
Wikipedia - Discovery (1602 ship)
Wikipedia - Discovery 7.9 -- Sailboat class
Wikipedia - Discovery and development of bisphosphonates -- Drugs used to treat bone disorders
Wikipedia - Discovery Asia -- Southeast Asian pay television channel
Wikipedia - Discovery Bay Transportation Services -- Transport company providing ferry and bus services to Discovery Bay, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Discovery Bay Tunnel -- Tunnel on Lantau Island, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Discovery Capital Management -- American hedge fund
Wikipedia - Discovery Center at Murfree Spring -- Children's museum in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - Discovery Centre
Wikipedia - Discovery Channel Canada
Wikipedia - Discovery Channel (Southeast Asian TV channel) -- Asian television channel
Wikipedia - Discovery Channel -- American pay television network
Wikipedia - Discovery Communications
Wikipedia - Discovery District (Columbus, Ohio) -- Neighborhood in Columbus, Ohio
Wikipedia - Discovery doctrine -- Concept of public international law
Wikipedia - Discovery en EspaM-CM-1ol -- American pay television channel
Wikipedia - Discovery Expedition -- British scientific expedition to Antarctica
Wikipedia - Discovery Family (French TV channel) -- French television channel
Wikipedia - Discovery Family -- Family and youth-oriented television channel in the United States
Wikipedia - Discovery Fit > Health
Wikipedia - Discovery Green
Wikipedia - Discovery Home & Health -- Pay television network owned by Discovery
Wikipedia - Discovery Hut
Wikipedia - Discovery, Inc. -- American mass media company
Wikipedia - Discovery Institute intelligent design campaigns -- Campaigns which seek to promote intelligent design creationism
Wikipedia - Discovery Institute -- American non-profit public policy think tank based in Seattle, Washington
Wikipedia - Discovery Investigations -- A series of scientific cruises and shore-based investigations into the biology of whales in the Southern Ocean
Wikipedia - Discovery Island (Bahamas) -- Island off the coast of Nassau
Wikipedia - Discovery Island (Bay Lake) -- Former attraction in Walt Disney World
Wikipedia - Discovery Kids (Australian TV channel) -- Australian television channel
Wikipedia - Discovery (law) -- Pre-trial procedure in common law countries for obtaining evidence
Wikipedia - Discovery learning -- Technique of inquiry-based learning
Wikipedia - Discovery Limited -- South African-based financial services group
Wikipedia - Discovery Museum and Planetarium
Wikipedia - Discovery Networks Deutschland -- Division of Discovery Networks
Wikipedia - Discovery (observation)
Wikipedia - Discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation
Wikipedia - Discovery of nuclear fission -- 1938 achievement in physics
Wikipedia - Discovery of the neutron -- Scientific background leading to the discovery of subatomic particles
Wikipedia - Discovery One
Wikipedia - Discovery Park (Chula Vista, California) -- Park in Chula Vista, California
Wikipedia - Discovery Park of America -- Heritage museum in Tennessee, U.S.
Wikipedia - Discovery Park (Seattle) -- A park in Seattle, US
Wikipedia - Discovery Primea -- Mixed-use residential tower in Makati, Philippines
Wikipedia - Discovery Princess -- Cruise ship set to operate for Princess Cruises in November 2021
Wikipedia - Discovery Real Time -- Defunct British television channel
Wikipedia - Discovery River Boats -- former boat ride in Disney's Animal Kingdom at Walt Disney World Resort
Wikipedia - Discovery Science (European TV channel) -- European pay television channel
Wikipedia - Discovery science
Wikipedia - Discovery Seamounts -- chain of seamounts in the Southern Atlantic Ocean
Wikipedia - Discovery system (AI research)
Wikipedia - Discovery system (bibliographic search)
Wikipedia - Discovery Toys -- Multi-level marketing company specializing in educational toys
Wikipedia - Discovery Train -- Former Canadian museum on wheels
Wikipedia - Discovery Travel & Living -- Television channel
Wikipedia - Discovery
Wikipedia - Discovery+
Wikipedia - Discovery Zone -- Family entertainment center chain
Wikipedia - Dispilio Tablet -- Wooden tablet bearing inscribed markings, discovered in Dispilio, Greece
Wikipedia - DMAX (British TV channel) -- British TV channel owned by Discovery Communications
Wikipedia - Dokos shipwreck -- Oldest discovered underwater shipwreck
Wikipedia - Dome of Discovery -- Exhibition building in London
Wikipedia - Draft:Karyopharm Therapeutics -- Discovery-phase pharmaceutical company
Wikipedia - Drug Discovery
Wikipedia - Drug discovery
Wikipedia - Duqu -- Collection of computer malware discovered in 2011
Wikipedia - EDiscovery
Wikipedia - Editas Medicine -- Discovery-phase pharmaceutical company
Wikipedia - Edward Stone (natural philosopher) -- English Anglican priest who discovered the active ingredient of aspirin
Wikipedia - Eklutna Annie -- Informal name given to an unidentified murder victim discovered in 1980
Wikipedia - Elanus -- Bird of prey discovered in 1809
Wikipedia - Electronic discovery
Wikipedia - Endurance: A Year in Space, a Lifetime of Discovery -- US astronaut autobiography
Wikipedia - Engis 2 -- Neanderthal fossil discovered in the early 19th-century in modern day Belgium
Wikipedia - Eureka (word) -- Interjection used to celebrate a discovery or invention; a transliteration of a word attributed to Archimedes
Wikipedia - European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases
Wikipedia - European Film Award for European Discovery of the Year -- Annual European film award
Wikipedia - False discovery rate
Wikipedia - Faron Pharmaceuticals -- Innish drug discovery and development company
Wikipedia - Fenn treasure -- Modern treasure in the United States, discovered in 2020
Wikipedia - Flame (malware) -- Modular computer malware discovered in 2012
Wikipedia - Fletcher's Ice Island -- A thick, tabular iceberg discovered by U.S. Air Force Colonel Joseph O. Fletcher, used as a manned scientific station in the Arctic for several years
Wikipedia - Fort Discovery -- Former children's science museum in Augusta, Georgia, USA
Wikipedia - Fragment-based lead discovery -- Method used in drug discovery
Wikipedia - Francis Crick -- British physicist,molecular biologist; co-discoverer of the structure of DNA
Wikipedia - Frequent pattern discovery -- Technique for database mining
Wikipedia - Friedrich Ernst Dorn -- German physicist and first to discover radioactive substance emitted from radon
Wikipedia - Gennadiy Borisov -- an amateur astronomer who discovered the first known interstellar comet
Wikipedia - George Carmack -- Prospector who discovered gold which led to the Klondike Gold Rush
Wikipedia - German inventors and discoverers
Wikipedia - Gitta Discovers Her Heart -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Giuseppe Occhialini -- Italian physicist, who contributed to the discovery of the pion or pi-meson decay
Wikipedia - Glacier Discovery -- Seasonal passenger train, Alaska
Wikipedia - Higgs Discovery -- Book by Lisa Randall
Wikipedia - HMS Discovery (1774)
Wikipedia - HMS Discovery (1874)
Wikipedia - Hoxne Hoard -- Largest hoard of late Roman silver and gold discovered in Britain
Wikipedia - Hubbard Medal -- Medal awarded by the National Geographic Society for distinction in exploration, discovery, and research
Wikipedia - Hugh Culber -- Fictional character from Star Trek: Discovery
Wikipedia - Iceberg (killer whale) -- Orca, one of the first all-white male orca discovered in the wild
Wikipedia - Idalion bilingual -- Archaeological artifact discovered in 1869
Wikipedia - Independently discovered
Wikipedia - Indus OS -- Indian app and content discovery platform
Wikipedia - International Ocean Discovery Program -- An international marine research collaboration for drilling, coring, and monitoring the subseafloor
Wikipedia - Investigation Discovery (European TV channel) -- European pay television channel
Wikipedia - Investigation Discovery -- Television station
Wikipedia - Jack Corliss -- Geochemical oceanographer, discoverer of geothermal vent life, origin of life investigator
Wikipedia - James W. Marshall -- Carpenter, 1848 gold discovery, California Gold Rush
Wikipedia - Janszoon voyage of 1605-06 -- Voyage of discovery resulting in the first recorded European landfall on the Australian continent
Wikipedia - Java Man -- Homo erectus fossil discovered on the island of Java in 1891
Wikipedia - Jeff Krulik -- a director of independent films and a former Discovery Channel producer
Wikipedia - John Talbot Robinson -- (1923-2001) South African zoologist and co-discoverer of Australopithecus africanus
Wikipedia - John Wesley Hillman -- Discoverer of Crater Lake
Wikipedia - Journey of self-discovery
Wikipedia - Judith Graham Pool -- Doctor that discovered cryoprecipitation
Wikipedia - Kafka project -- Research project to discover lost Kafka writings
Wikipedia - Kirk Ransomware -- Ransomware malware, discovered in 2017
Wikipedia - Knowledge Discovery Metamodel
Wikipedia - Knowledge discovery
Wikipedia - League for Spiritual Discovery
Wikipedia - Leconte Prize -- French prize for discoveries in science
Wikipedia - Lenka Kotkova -- Czech astronomer, asteroid discoverer
Wikipedia - Library Hub Discover -- Union catalog operated by Jisc
Wikipedia - Link Layer Discovery Protocol -- Protocol used by network devices for advertising their identity
Wikipedia - Link Layer Topology Discovery -- Proprietary link layer protocol by Microsoft
Wikipedia - Lion-man -- Prehistoric ivory sculpture discovered in the Hohlenstein-Stadel, a cave in Germany
Wikipedia - List of Armenian inventions and discoveries
Wikipedia - List of asteroid-discovering observatories -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Austrian inventions and discoveries
Wikipedia - List of Austrian inventors and discoverers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Azerbaijani inventions and discoveries
Wikipedia - List of Bangladeshi inventions and discoveries
Wikipedia - List of Brazilian inventions and discoveries -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of British innovations and discoveries -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Bulgarian inventors and discoverers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Canadian inventions and discoveries -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Chinese discoveries
Wikipedia - List of comets discovered by the LINEAR project -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Croatian inventions and discoveries
Wikipedia - List of Discovery Channel original programming -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of diseases by year of discovery -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of drugs by year of discovery -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Dutch discoveries
Wikipedia - List of Dutch inventions and discoveries
Wikipedia - List of Egyptian inventions and discoveries
Wikipedia - List of English inventions and discoveries -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of exoplanets discovered before 2000 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of exoplanets discovered between 2000-2009 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of exoplanets discovered in 2010 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of exoplanets discovered in 2011 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of exoplanets discovered in 2012 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of exoplanets discovered in 2013 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of exoplanets discovered in 2014 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of exoplanets discovered in 2015 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of exoplanets discovered in 2016 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of exoplanets discovered in 2017 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of exoplanets discovered in 2018 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of exoplanets discovered in 2019 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of exoplanets discovered in 2020 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of exoplanets discovered in 2021 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of exoplanets discovered using the Kepler space telescope -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Filipino inventions and discoveries -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of free-to-air programmes broadcast by Discovery New Zealand -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of French inventions and discoveries
Wikipedia - List of German inventions and discoveries
Wikipedia - List of German inventors and discoverers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Greek inventions and discoveries
Wikipedia - List of Indian inventions and discoveries -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Indonesian inventions and discoveries
Wikipedia - List of inventions and discoveries of the Indus Valley Civilization
Wikipedia - List of Israeli inventions and discoveries
Wikipedia - List of Italian inventions and discoveries
Wikipedia - List of Japanese inventions and discoveries
Wikipedia - List of Korean inventions and discoveries
Wikipedia - List of Malaysian inventions and discoveries -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of megafauna discovered in modern times -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Mexican inventions and discoveries -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of minor planet discoverers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of multiple discoveries -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Pakistani inventions and discoveries -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Pan-STARRS discoveries -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of plants discovered by Eleonora Gabrielian -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Polish inventors and discoverers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of programmes broadcast by Discovery Home & Health -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of programs broadcast by Discovery Family -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of programs broadcast by Discovery Kids (Latin American TV channel) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of programs broadcast by Investigation Discovery -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rediscovered film footage -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of rediscovered films -- List of films that were thought lost but later rediscovered
Wikipedia - List of rodents discovered in the 2000s -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Romanian inventors and discoverers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Serbian inventions and discoveries
Wikipedia - List of Serbian inventors and discoverers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Singaporean inventions and discoveries -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of South African inventions and discoveries
Wikipedia - List of Spanish inventions and discoveries -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Spanish inventors and discoverers -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Star Trek: Discovery characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Star Trek: Discovery episodes -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Swiss inventions and discoveries
Wikipedia - List of Swiss inventors and discoverers -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Taiwanese inventions and discoveries -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Thai inventions and discoveries
Wikipedia - List of Vietnamese inventions and discoveries
Wikipedia - Lists of Dutch inventions and discoveries -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Local Peer Discovery
Wikipedia - Madoff investment scandal -- Investment scandal discovered in 2008
Wikipedia - Major explorations after the Age of Discovery
Wikipedia - Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park -- State park in California, United States, marking the discovery of gold on the American River by James W. Marshall at Sutter's Mill in 1848, sparking the California Gold Rush
Wikipedia - Materials science -- Interdisciplinary field which deals with discovery and design of new materials, primarily of physical and chemical properties of solids
Wikipedia - Medicines Discovery Catapult -- medicine research and innovation centre
Wikipedia - MESSENGER -- Seventh mission of the Discovery program; orbital reconnaissance of the planet Mercury (2004-2015)
Wikipedia - Metadata discovery
Wikipedia - Meyrick Helmet -- Iron Age archaeological discovery
Wikipedia - Michael Burnham -- Fictional character from Star Trek: Discovery
Wikipedia - M-JM-;Oumuamua -- Interstellar object passing through the Solar System, discovered in October 2017
Wikipedia - Moon of Baroda -- Diamond discovered in India
Wikipedia - Mount Discovery -- Volcano in Victoria Land, Antarctica
Wikipedia - Multicast DNS -- Service discovery protocol
Wikipedia - Multicast Listener Discovery -- protocol for discovering IPv6 multicast listeners
Wikipedia - Multiple discovery -- Hypothesis about scientific discoveries and inventions
Wikipedia - Nag Hammadi library -- Collection of early Christian and Gnostic texts discovered near the Upper Egyptian town of Nag Hammadi in 1945
Wikipedia - Nature Discovery Centre -- Nature reserve in Berkshire, England
Wikipedia - Neighbor Discovery Protocol -- Protocol in the Internet Protocol Suite used with IPv6
Wikipedia - News from the New World Discovered in the Moon -- Play written by Ben Jonson
Wikipedia - Newstead Helmet -- Iron Roman cavalry helmet dating to 80-100 AD, discovered in Scotland
Wikipedia - Novel coronavirus -- Provisional name given to any recently discovered coronavirus of medical significance
Wikipedia - Off Road with Gul Panag -- Discovery Channel documentary series
Wikipedia - OpenPHACTS -- Drug discovery organization
Wikipedia - Open Source Drug Discovery
Wikipedia - Orrorin -- Postulated early hominin discovered in Kenya
Wikipedia - Oseberg tapestry fragments -- Fragments of tapestry discovered in the Oseberg ship burial in Norway
Wikipedia - PADI Discover Scuba Diving -- PADI Discover Scuba Diving
Wikipedia - Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 34 -- Fragment discovered in Oxyrhynchus
Wikipedia - Path MTU Discovery
Wikipedia - Perko pair -- Prime knot with crossing number 10; erroneously listed twice in Rolfsen's table; the error was discovered by Perko
Wikipedia - Petroleum geologist -- Earth scientist who works in geological aspects of oil discovery and production
Wikipedia - Petya (malware) -- A family of encrypting ransomware discovered in 2016
Wikipedia - Pio del Rio Hortega -- Spanish neuroscientist who discovered Microglia (1882 - 1945)
Wikipedia - Pitassa -- Undiscovered Bronze Age city in Anatolia
Wikipedia - Player FM -- podcasting discovery website and mobile application
Wikipedia - Portuguese discoveries -- Numerous territories and maritime routes recorded by the Portuguese
Wikipedia - Prince Henry the Navigator -- Important figure in the European maritime discoveries
Wikipedia - Proactive Discovery of Insider Threats Using Graph Analysis and Learning
Wikipedia - Problem finding -- Problem discovery
Wikipedia - Product recall -- Request to return a product after the discovery of safety issues or product defects
Wikipedia - Provisional designation in astronomy -- Designation of an astronomical body after its discovery and before its official name
Wikipedia - Puumala orthohantavirus -- Human virus discovered in 1980
Wikipedia - Quadra Island -- Largest island of the Discovery Islands in British Columbia, Canada
Wikipedia - Ramanujan's lost notebook -- Collection of Srinivas Ramanujan's discoveries in mathematics
Wikipedia - Rancho San Francisco -- Location of the first discovery of gold in California
Wikipedia - Riversleigha -- Species of hipposiderid bat discovered in fossil deposits located the Riversleigh World Heritage Area in the north of Australia
Wikipedia - Rousettus bat coronavirus HKU9 -- Species of enveloped, positive-sense, single-stranded RNA mammalian Group 2 Betacoronavirus discovered in Rousettus bats in China in 2011
Wikipedia - RRS Discovery (2012) -- A Royal Research Ship operated by the Natural Environment Research Council
Wikipedia - RRS Discovery -- Barque museum ship
Wikipedia - Salish Sea human foot discoveries -- discoveries of detached human feet on the coasts of the Salish Sea
Wikipedia - Scenic Eclipse -- A six-star discovery passenger ship
Wikipedia - Scottish inventions and discoveries
Wikipedia - Self-discovery -- Person attempts to determine how they feel about spiritual issues or priorities
Wikipedia - Selman Waksman -- American scientist, biochemist, microbiologist who discovered Streptomycin and many antibiotics
Wikipedia - Serendipity -- Unplanned, fortunate discovery
Wikipedia - Service discovery -- Automatic detection of devices and services offered by these devices on a computer network
Wikipedia - Shark Week -- Television program on Discovery Channel
Wikipedia - Shellshock (software bug) -- Security bug in the Unix Bash shell discovered in 2014
Wikipedia - Shropshire bulla -- Late Bronze Age gold pendant discovered in 2018
Wikipedia - Silver rush -- When the discovery of silver-bearing ore sparks a mass migration of individuals seeking wealth
Wikipedia - Six Flags Discovery Kingdom -- Zoological theme park in Vallejo, California
Wikipedia - Space exploration -- Discovery and exploration of outer space
Wikipedia - Spaceguard -- Various efforts to discover, catalogue, and study asteroids that might impact Earth
Wikipedia - Space Shuttle Discovery -- Space shuttle orbiter
Wikipedia - Spirit of Discovery (2019) -- Cruise ship operated by Saga Cruises
Wikipedia - Staffordshire Hoard -- Hoard of Anglo-Saxon gold and silver metalwork discovered in 2009
Wikipedia - Standing on the shoulders of giants -- Stylistic device to acknowledge previous discoveries
Wikipedia - Star Trek: Discovery (season 2) -- Second season of Star Trek: Discovery
Wikipedia - Star Trek: Discovery (season 3) -- Third season of Star Trek: Discovery
Wikipedia - Star Trek: Discovery (season 4) -- Fourth season of Star Trek: Discovery
Wikipedia - Star Trek: Discovery -- American science fiction web television series
Wikipedia - Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country -- 1991 film directed by Nicholas Meyer
Wikipedia - St Ninian's Isle Treasure -- Hoard of silver metalwork discovered in Scotland in 1959
Wikipedia - STS-53 -- Space Shuttle Discovery mission
Wikipedia - Stuart Island (British Columbia) -- Privately owned island of the Discovery Islands in British Columbia, Canada
Wikipedia - Swami Vivekananda in the West: New Discoveries
Wikipedia - Tarim mummies -- A series of mummies discovered in the Tarim Basin
Wikipedia - Teach the Controversy -- Discovery Institute campaign to promote intelligent design
Wikipedia - Tel Dan stele -- Broken stele (inscribed stone) discovered in 1993-94 during excavations at Tel Dan in northern Israel
Wikipedia - The Beauty of DurrM-CM-+s -- Mosaic discovered in Albania
Wikipedia - The Book of Giants -- Apocryphal Jewish book expanding a narrative in the Hebrew Bible, discovered at Qumran
Wikipedia - The Discoverers (film) -- 2012 American dark comedy by Justin Schwarz
Wikipedia - The Discoverers (video game) -- 1994 video game
Wikipedia - The Discoverers -- Book by Daniel J. Boorstin
Wikipedia - The Discoverie of Witchcraft
Wikipedia - The Discovery (film) -- 2017 film by Charlie McDowell
Wikipedia - The Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus -- 1959 painting by Salvador Dali
Wikipedia - The Discovery of America by the Turks -- short novel by the Brazilian writer Jorge Amado
Wikipedia - The Discovery of Grounded Theory -- 1967 academic text on sociology
Wikipedia - The Discovery of Heaven -- Novel by Harry Mulisch
Wikipedia - The Discovery of India -- Book by Jawaharlal Nehru
Wikipedia - The Discovery of the Unconscious -- 1970 book by Henri Ellenberger
Wikipedia - The Discovery of Witches
Wikipedia - The Discovery (play)
Wikipedia - The Discovery Store -- British high-street chain of stores
Wikipedia - The Joker (Six Flags Discovery Kingdom)
Wikipedia - The Logic of Scientific Discovery -- 1959 book by Karl Popper
Wikipedia - The Newly Discovered Casebook of Sherlock Holmes
Wikipedia - Theory of Phoenician discovery of the Americas -- Archaeological theory
Wikipedia - The Rediscovery of Man
Wikipedia - The Silent World: A Story of Undersea Discovery and Adventure -- Book by Jacques-Yves Cousteau and FrM-CM-)dM-CM-)ric Dumas
Wikipedia - The Undiscovered
Wikipedia - Tiffany Yellow Diamond -- One of the largest yellow diamonds ever discovered
Wikipedia - Timeline of chemical element discoveries
Wikipedia - Timeline of Fundamental Physics Discoveries
Wikipedia - Timeline of fundamental physics discoveries
Wikipedia - Timeline of Irish inventions and discoveries
Wikipedia - Timeline of scientific discoveries
Wikipedia - Timeline of United States discoveries
Wikipedia - Titanic: Challenge of Discovery -- 1998 video game
Wikipedia - TransPerfect -- Translation, E-Discovery and language services company based in New York City
Wikipedia - Trinity Hoard -- Bronze Age hoard discovered in Trinity Parish, Jersey
Wikipedia - Trundholm sun chariot -- Late Nordic Bronze Age artifact discovered in Denmark
Wikipedia - Truth commission -- Commission tasked with discovering and revealing past wrongdoing
Wikipedia - Ugaritic texts -- Corpus of ancient cuneiform texts discovered in Syria
Wikipedia - Undescribed taxon -- A taxon that has been discovered but not yet formally described and named
Wikipedia - USC&GS Discoverer (1918) -- The first of this name was a survey ship in the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey
Wikipedia - Walker County Jane Doe -- Unidentified murder victim discovered in Huntsville, Texas, US
Wikipedia - Wandsworth Shield -- Iron Age archaeological discovery found in London
Wikipedia - WebFinger -- Protocol for the discovery of information about people and things identified by a URI
Wikipedia - Wedderburn meteorite -- Iron meteorite discovered in 1951
Wikipedia - Wedge strategy -- Creationist political and social action plan authored by the Discovery Institute, aiming is to change U.S. culture by shaping public policy to reflect politically conservative fundamentalist evangelical Protestant values
Wikipedia - Wells Gray Park Cave discovery -- Cave in British Columbia, Canada
Wikipedia - Willard Myron Allen -- American gynecologist and co-discoverer of the hormone progesterone
Wikipedia - William A. Bradfield -- Australian amateur astronomer who set a world record by discovering 18 comets. (1927-2014)
Wikipedia - William R. Royal -- American diver who discovered early human remains in Florida
Wikipedia - Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength
Wikipedia - Work-product doctrine -- Protects materials prepared in anticipation of litigation from discovery by opposing counsel\
auromere - how-an-egyptian-discovered-sri-aurobindo
auromere - life-divine
Integral World - The Rediscovery of the Philosopher's Stone, Barclay Powers
Integral World - Saving the World Through Darwin 2.0, Review of David Loye's "Rediscovering Darwin", Frank Visser
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Star Trek: Discovery and the Moral Arc of the Universe
selforum - discovery institute
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dedroidify.blogspot - discovery-channel-team-with-alex-jones
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wiki.auroville - Loretta_reads_Savitri:Seven.VII_"The_Discovery_of_the_Cosmic_Spirit_and_the_Cosmic_Consciousness"
wiki.auroville - Loretta_reads_Savitri:Seven.VI_"Nirvana_and_the_Discovery_of_the_All-Negating_Absolute"_part_1
wiki.auroville - Loretta_reads_Savitri:Seven.VI_"Nirvana_and_the_Discovery_of_the_All-Negating_Absolute"_part_2
wiki.auroville - Loretta_reads_Savitri:Seven.VI_"Nirvana_and_the_Discovery_of_the_All-Negating_Absolute"_part_3
Dharmapedia - How_I_Became_a_Hindu:_My_Discovery_of_Vedic_Dharma
Dharmapedia - List_of_Indian_inventions_and_discoveries
Psychology Wiki - Sri_Aurobindo#Discovering_the_Hidden_meaning_of_the_Vedas
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - scientific-discovery,_Pierre-Henri_de_-_Cicero_Discovering_the_Tomb_of_Archimedes.jpg,_Benjamin_-_Cicero_and_the_magistrates_discovering_the_tomb_of_Archimedes.JPG
Bobby's World (1990 - 1998) - Bobby's World premiered on FOX on September 8, 1990. From the wacky mind of comedian Howie Mandel comes the coolest cartoon yet, Bobby's World. Bobby lives in a typical suburban neighborhood, but step inside his imagination and discover a world of daring adventure, incredible wonder and lots of laug...
Denver the Last Dinosaur (1988 - 1989) - A group of kids are playing in a construction site when they discover a giant egg that has been accidentaly uncovered. To their surprise, it hatches into a dinosaur, that just happens to understand english and be able to grunt and mime his wants and desires to his new human friends. Naming him Den...
Mysterious Cities of Gold (1982 - 1986) - It is the 15th century. Ships set forth from Europe to conquer and explore the new land, the Americas in search of gold. That is the backdrop as a young boy, named Esteban, sets out across the Atlantic. Along the way, he picks up friends, discovers fantastic lost technology of the ancient nation...
Rainbow Brite (1984 - 1985) - Rainbow Brite originated as a Hallmark character and soon starred in her own animated TV series in December 1984. The 13-episode series started on another planet, when a girl called Wisp discovers an end to the universe's dark times through the Rainbow Belt and becomes the keeper of color. Thus her...
Eerie, Indiana (1991 - 1993) - Marshall Teller's family moves to the small country town of Eerie, Indiana (Pop. 16,661). There, Marshall discovers that Eerie, as he puts it, "is the center of weirdness for the universe". Elvis lives there, so do a pair of twins who stay young by sleeping in Tupperware, and many other strange thin...
Dragon Tales (1999 - 2005) - After moving into a new house, six-year-old Emmy and four-year-old Max discover a playroom with an enchanted dragon scale that transports them to a place called Dragon Land. Dragon Land is inhabited by colorful anthropomorphic dragons, four of which they quickly befriend. Max becomes friends with Or...
Zoboomafoo (1999 - 2001) - Meet the Sifaka Lemur, Zoboomafoo, who has the ability to speak. Chris Kratt and Martin Kratt, the two companions of Zoboomafoo, discover more about the world of animals. This show teaches about the life styles, habitats, and characteristics of the animal, discussed about in that episode
Katie and Orbie (1994 - 1994) - A young girl, Katie, discovers an alien, Orbie, in her backyard and her family adopts him. They have adventures and learn valuable life lessons in the process. Leslie Neilson provided the narration.
Jem (1985 - 1988) - Jem & the Holograms. Jerrica Benton inherits half of her father's company, Starlight music. Eric Raymond has the other half. Eric wants to exploit Starlight topromote "The Misfits" Jerrica can't do anything until she discovers synergi. synergi is a computer her father invented. She projects lif...
Star Fleet (1980 - 1982) - The year is 2999, and the solar system has just seen the end of Space War 3. The Solar System is invaded by the Imperial Alliance in search of a supreme being, the F-01. The experimental X Bomber spacecraft with its young crew must discover the secret of F-01 and turn it against the Imperial Allian...
Chobits (2002 - 2002) - Hideki's just like every other guy in the 22nd century. He just wants a good job, a good car, and a sexy robot girlfriend to call his own. Until he lands a job, he'll never be able to afford his own 'Persocon' companion. Hideki's luck changes when he discovers Chii, an adorable but dyfunctional pers...
Read All About It (1981 - 1984) - When three kids explore a coach house held by a missing Uncle of one of the kids, they discover far more than they bargained. They discover two robots, Otto and Theta, who tell them about a dire threat of a conspiracy against the town. By accident, they also discover a teleport machine that can take...
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993 - 1999) - The stable wormhole discovered by the Deep Space Nine crew is known to the Bajoran people as the Celestial Temple of their Prophets. Sisko, as discoverer of the wormhole and its inhabitants, is therefore the Emissary of Bajoran prophesy. The wormhole's other end is in the Gamma Quadrant, halfway aro...
Round The Twist (1990 - 2001) - The Twist family- Tony and his children Linda, Pete and Benson- move to the isle of Niranda, soon discovering it's not all it seems. The local lighthouse is perpetually enchanted, and the island is a hub for tree spirits, vikings, and all manner of magic, leading to many an adventure. The Twists...
The Savage Dragon (1994 - 1995) - A cartoon based on the comic series created by Erik Larsen. A super-strong, green, fin-headed Freak with amnesia becomes a cop in the Chicago P.D. While trying to discover his reason for being, he thwarts other super-Freaks that the human police can't handle.
V the mini series (1984 - 1985) - When aliens come to Earth to ask for our help, a few suspicious humans discover their horrific true intentions and prepare to resist.
The Invisible Man (1975 - 1976) - Dr. Daniel Westin was a brilliant scientist working for an American thinktank who discovered a method to turn objects invisible. Not wanting his notes to fall into the wrong hands (including those of the U.S. Government), he destroyed all evidence of his discovery, and turned himself invisible to te...
Meego (1997 - 1997) - "Bronson Pinchot returns to series television as Meego from planet Marmazon 4.0, an alien wise beyond his 9,000 years, whose spaceship crashes onto Earth. Meego is discovered by three children: Alex, Maggie and Trip Parker, who could use a little TLC and pass him off to their single dad, Dr. Edward...
The Jersey (1999 - 2001) - The Jersey is about Nick Lighter, Morgan Hudson, Coleman Galloway, and Elliot Riffkin who discover the magic of the Jersey. The Jersey transforms kids into sports atheletes. There is a different sport athlete on every show. The Jersey is on Disney Channel
Bottle fairy (2003 - 2006) - an anime series about four fairies who discover the secrets of the world from inside their little house. The show originally aired from October to December 2003 on UHF syndication in Japan, and each episode has a run time of only 12 minutes. It has been licensed in North America by Geneon and was re...
C.L.Y.D.E. (1990 - 1990) - CLYDE (Computer Linked Yield Driven Entity) was an alien computer banished from another planet when he developed a virus called a sense of humour. Finding his way to earth, he was discovered by siblings Matt (age 12) and Samantha (age 10) who hooked him up to an old juke box. The juke box came to li...
Hikari Sentai Maskman (1987 - 1988) - Everything starts with Commander Sugata, studious of being able them of the mind. He discovers the existence of the Underground Empire Tube, a malignant force that wants to dominate the Land, located in underground Japan. In the beggining, Tube was centered in the Pacific. However, when Zeba assumes...
Death Note (2006 - 2007) - Death Note (Japanese: Hepburn: Desu Nto) is a Japanese manga series written by Tsugumi Ohba and illustrated by Takeshi Obata. The story follows Light Yagami, a high school student who discovers a supernatural notebook from a Shinigami named Ryuk that grants its user the ability to kill anyone...
Dark Oracle (2004 - 2006) - This Canadian children's sci-fi series follows the adventures of two 15-year-old twins Cally and Lance Stone who discovers a comic book that gives them clues about the future of their lives.
Galactica 1980 (1980 - 1980) - Thirty years of traveling through space the "Battlestar Galactica," with the fugitive star fleet finally found the lost 13th tribe of humans. But Commander Adama discovers that Earth is not technologically advanced enough to help them fight the Cylons. He also realize by coming to Earth the Cylons...
Vision of Escaflowne (1996 - 1996) - High school student Hitomi is transported from Earth to the magical world of Gaea, where she meets boy prince Van Fanel, and is caught up in his quest to unite the countries of Gaea against the ominous Zaibach empire. On the way, she discovers an hidden ability and strives to unravel layers of myste...
The Secret Empire (1979 - 1979) - The Secret Empire was 1 of 3 segments of Universal's anthology series Cliff Hangers that ran on NBC. The Sci-Fi serial was about a sheriff in the days of the Wild West who discovered that a series of gold shipment thefts were being committed by aliens who had a secret base in the desert.
Back to Sherwood (1998 - 1998) - Robin Hood, (not the one from the book but a modern day teenager), travels back in time to discover that she is in Sherwood Forest where the famous Robin Hood once lived. Using a magical amulet, given by her grandfather she has to rescue her famous ancestors from a wicked sorceress. The sixteen-year...
Scientific American Frontiers (1990 - 2005) - Scientific American Frontiers was an American television program primarily focused on informing the public about new technologies and discoveries in science and medicine.
Hunter x Hunter (1999 - 2001) - Twelve-year-old Gon Freecss one day discovers that the father he had always been told was dead was alive and well. His Father, Ging, is a Huntera member of society's elite with a license to go anywhere or do almost anything. Gon, determined to follow in his father's footsteps, decides to take the H...
Top wo Nerae! Gunbuster (1988 - 1989) - In the near future, humanity has taken its first steps towards journeying into the far reaches of the galaxy. Upon doing so they discover a huge race of insectoid aliens known as Space Monsters. These aliens seem dedicated to the eradication of mankind as they near closer and closer to discovering...
My Hero Academia (2016 - Current) - The appearance of "quirks," newly discovered super powers, has been steadily increasing over the years, with 80 percent of humanity possessing various abilities from manipulation of elements to shapeshifting. This leaves the remainder of the world completely powerless, and Izuku Midoriya is one such...
Titans (2000 - 2000) - Aviation magnate Richard Williams (Perry King) is engaged to the much-younger Heather (Yasmine Bleeth), but is unaware that she previously had an affair with his son, Chandler (Casper Van Dien). A pilot, Chandler is unsure whether he should tell his father the truth, but Chandler soon discovers that...
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed (2002 - 2003) - Mobile Suit Gundam SEED is an anime series developed by Sunrise and directed by Mitsuo Fukuda. The ninth incarnation to the Gundam franchise, Gundam SEED takes place in a future calendar era, in this case the Cosmic Era, the first to do so. The discovery of an advanced model of combat mecha on their...
Nini's Treehouse (2000 - 2003) - a children's television series and was produced by The Itsy Bitsy Entertainment Company. It was on TLC, GMTV Kids and Discovery Kids as part of Ready Set Learn.NiNi works in a treehouse on an Oooberry tree in an Oooberry Forest in Oooberryland.
Compiler (1994 - 1994) - When a world of 2-D beings discovers the existence of our universe, they send a team of beautiful Domni-Matrixes into our world to prepare it for total integration. However, once liberated from their flat and dreary 2-D existence, Compiler and Assembler quickly discovered that cybersex with a couple...
Winx Club (2004 - 2016) - Winx Club is an animated series produced by Rainbow SpA and Nickelodeon, which are both part of Viacom. It was created by Iginio Straffi. The show is about Bloom, a 16-year-old girl from Earth, who discovers she has magical abilities. In the series opener, she saves Stella, a 17-year-old fairy princ...
The Genie Family (1969 - 1970) - an anime series by Tatsunoko Production.An old bottle has found its way into the household of a modern family, which consists of a boy named Kan and his parents. A genie, Hakushon, and his daughter, Akubi, reside inside it. When Kan finds the bottle, he discovers that a sneeze summons Hakushon and h...
Magic Kaito 1412 (2014 - 2015) - Eight years after the mysterious death of his father, Kaito Kuroba, a slightly mischievous but otherwise ordinary teenager, discovers a shocking secret: the Phantom Thief Kaito Kidalso known as "The Magician Under the Moonlight"was none other than his own father. The former thief was murdered by a...
Hip Hop Harry (2006 - 2008) - an American children's television show that aired on Discovery Kids and TLC as part of the Ready Set Learn block,as well as most Retro Television Network affiliates, as an E/I-compliant program. Similar to Barney & Friends, Kidsongs, Sesame Street and Teletubbies on PBS, Hip Hop Harry is a live acti...
Lizzie the Lizard (1989 - 1991) - a children's television show[1] airing from 1989-1991 on ITV.[2] Four series were commissioned. Half of the series featured Lizzie and her pals (Patrick the Pig and Geoffrey the Donkey) discovering an item and then researching it. The other half featured the gang's normal life in school, at home and...
Persona 4: The Animation (2011 - 2014) - an anime television series based on Atlus' PlayStation 2 video game, Persona 4,The story revolves around Yu Narukami, a young teenager who moves to the town of Inaba, where a mysterious string of murders is taking place. Upon discovering a distorted TV World and acquiring a mysterious power known as...
Ready Set Learn (1992) (1992 - 2010) - a preschool block that aired on TLC from December 28, 1992 to September 26, 2008, and Discovery Kids from 1998 to October 8, 2010.The block was initially hosted by children's entertainer Rory Zuckerman, who was billed as simply "Rory". In 1996, Discovery Kids began to air its shows in its schedule u...
Gaist Crusher (2013 - 2014) - In the year 2047, mankind discovered a rare metal ore called "Gaimetal", which possessed a huge amount of energy, and mining for these strange metal ore begins all over the world. However, in 2075, humankind were been constantly attacked by Gaist, a race of metallic creatures whose bodies were encru...
The Good Witch of the West (2006 - Current) - a series of fantasy novels by Noriko Ogiwara, published by Chuokoron-Shinsha. The series has been adapted into both a manga series and a thirteen episode anime television series subtitled Astraea Testament broadcast in Japan in 2006. The story revolves around a fifteen-year-old commoner who discover...
ToddWorld (2004 - 2008) - an American animated children's TV program created by Todd Parr and Gerry Renert through their California based company SupperTime Entertainment.[4][5] The show was produced by Mike Young Productions, an award-winning animation studio based in California.The series aired on TLC, Discovery Kids and ...
ef: A Tale of Memories. (2007 - 2007) - On Christmas Eve, Hiro Hirono runs into Miyako Miyamura, a frivolous girl who "borrows" his bicycle in order to chase down a purse thief. After Hiro finds his bicycle wrecked and Miyako unconscious, the two unexpectedly spend their Christmas Eve together, and when they discover they go to the same h...
Brave Beats (2015 - 2016) - a Japanese anime television series produced by BN Pictures. It aired from October 11, 2015 to March 27, 2016 when it was followed by a rerun of Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn the week after.One day, sixth grade student Hibiki Kazaguruma meets a small robot named Breakin. He discovers Breakin can talk, a...
Pair of Kings (2010 - 2013) - Teenage twins from Chicago discover they are heirs to the throne of an island nation.
Little Einsteins (2005 - 2009) - Leo, Annie, Quincy and June are the Little Einsteins. This preschool series is full of adventures that introduce kids to nature, world cultures and the arts. Each episode has a mission and journey of discovery that incorporates a celebrated piece of classical music and a renowned work of art or worl...
Cat's Eye (1983 - 1985) - The three Kisugi sistersRui, Hitomi and Aiduring the day run a small cafe called "Cat's Eye." To discover the whereabouts of their father, the artist Michael Heintz, who has disappeared, Hitomi and her sisters rob art galleries as the smart and mysterious thief "Cat's Eye" in the hope that his wor...
Now and Then, Here and There (1999 - 2000) - Shu is a typical Japanese boy, but has an unbeatable, optimistic and determined attitude. However, when he sees a mysterious girl with strange eyes named Lala-Ru up on a smokestack, he is soon pulled into a strange desert world. Shu soon discovers the true terrors of war, which includes genocide, br...
Venus Versus Virus (2007 - Current) - anime produced by Studio Hibari that aired in Japan between January and March 2007 on BS-i, containing twelve episodes. revolves around the life of two teenage girls named Sumire Takahana and Lucia Nahashi, who met as Sumire mysteriously discovered Lucia's secrets at the Venus Vanguard, a group who...
Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun (2014 - 2015) - High school student Chiyo Sakura has a crush on schoolmate Umetar Nozaki. When she confesses her love to him, he mistakes her for a fan and gives her an autograph. When she says she wants to be with him, he invites her to his house and has her help on some drawings. Sakura discovers that Nozaki is...
Dimension W (2016 - 2016) - In the near future, humans have discovered a fourth dimension, Dimension W, and a supposedly infinite source of energy within. In order to harness this profound new energy, mankind develops advanced "coils," devices that link to and use the power of Dimension W. However, by year 2071, the New Tesla...
Wisharoo Park (1999 - 2003) - Created by Paula A. Luciano, Wisharoo Park is a series all about learning to use your imagination for play and learning. Using the act of wishing, something that every child (and adult) can understand, the show encouraged children to use their imagination to engage in healthy play and discovery, and...
Magic Mongo (1977 - 1978) - When teenagers Donald, Lorraine, and Kristy find an old bottle, they discover it is the home of Mongo, a genie. Mongo's magical attempts to help his young masters lead to many wacky misadventures.
A Hollywood Hounds Christmas (1993 - 1994) - Just as Christmas in Hollywood is starting to look glum, three darling pets discover an opportunity to make some extra money by entering a singing contest. A country guitar-playing dog named Dude, learns cultural tolerance and understanding when he teams up with Cuz, a sax-playing canine and Rosie t...
Cobra (1993 - 1994) - Former Navy SEAL and martial arts expert Robert "Scandal" Jackson (Michael Dudikoff) is discovered hiding in Alaska after going AWOL because he refused orders to blow up a military target occupied by civilians. He has established a new life for himself in a small village as T.J. Johnson, a boxer who...
MythBusters (2003 - 2016) - MythBusters is a science entertainment TV program created and produced by Australia's Beyond Television Productions for the Discovery Channel. The show's hosts, special effects experts Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman, use elements of the scientific method to test the validity of rumors, myths, movie s...
Eyewitness (1995 - 1997) - Based on the popular DK book series, the wonders of science and nature come to life in a mysterious museum. The tv/vhs adaptations took viewers on amazing journeys across time and space to discover the mysteries of our world and beyond.
Jep! (1998 - 2004) - A kids version of the hit TV trivia show "Jeopardy!" first aired on Game Show Network (now known by its abbreviated name, "GSN") throughout the 199899 season, and then on Discovery Kids through late 2004. It was hosted by cartoon voice actor Bob Bergen, and produced by Scott Sternberg who had earl...
ChalkZone (2002 - 2008) - Based on the Oh Yeah! Cartoons short, 10-year-old Rudy Tabooite is an imaginative fifth grader with a cartoon-hating teacher. One day, after being punished by his teacher in class, Rudy discovers a piece of "White Lightning" chalk which allows him to access an alternate dimension known as ChalkZone,...
Major League Fishing (2012 - Current) - Major League Fishing (MLF) is a professional bass fishing league and television show that airs on Outdoor Channel, World Fishing Network and Discovery Channel. The league was established in partnership between the Professional Bass Tour Anglers' Association (PBTAA) and Outdoor Channel as an answer t...
Doki (2012 - Current) - Doki (also known as Doki Adventures) is a Canadian animated children's television series produced by Portfolio Entertainment for Discovery Kids. The series debuted on Discovery Kids in Latin America on April 15, 2013. It premiered on Qubo in the USA in 2014.
Lilly the Witch (2004 - 2007) - One day Lilly found a book. She discovered it is a magic book, from there start Lilly's adventurous, time-traveler, witch life with her friend Hector the little dragon.
Once Upon a Time... The Discoverers (1994 - 1994) - A French animated series by Albert Barille.
The Nightmare Before Christmas(1993) - Jack Skellington, the Pumpkin King in Halloween Town, is tired of the same old scares. When he discovers the magical Christmas Town, he devises a plot to take over Christmas and add a Halloween feel to it, turning it into a nightmare in this Tim Burton Stop-motion masterpiece.
Titanic(1997) - Deep-sea explorer Brock Lovett has reached the most famous shipwreck of all - the Titanic. Emerging with a safe believed to contain a diamond called 'The Heart of the Ocean', he discovers the safe does not hold the diamond but a drawing of a beautiful woman wearing it. When Brock is later interviewe...
The Wizard(1989) - Corey and Jimmy Woods are two brothers who are being separated due to their parents divorcing. Jimmy is an autistic kid that has had problems ever since his sister died at a young age. One day, Corey discovers that Jimmy has a natural talent for playing video games. He is one of the best around, and...
The Last Unicorn(1982) - Unicorns do not regret, for they do not understand human emotion. This is the story of one unicorn's journey to discover what has happened to the rest of her kind. On the road, she befriends an wizard cursed with ineptitude and a rough scullery maid. To save her from the wrath of a great bull demo...
Flight of the Navigator(1986) - A young boy discovers a space ship that takes him into the future. He uses the ship and goes on a quest that gives him vast knowlege of th
The Pagemaster(1994) - A young boy overcomes his obsessive fears by discovering a love for books in this animated fantasy adventure. In a live action wraparound, Macaulay Culkin stars as Richard Tyler, an easily bullied, nervous wreck of a kid who's an expert on safety statistics. His mother and father (Mel Harris and Ed...
Mac and Me(1988) - The movie is about an alien who escapes from the government and finds myself in the back of a miian containing a family moving from Illionios to California. The main character, which is a little boy named Eric who is in a wheelchair discovers the alien Mac and becomes friends with it. This relations...
The Thing(1982) - An American research team in an Antarctica outpost discovers an alien shape shifting creature in the frozen ice. It soon starts to absorb and kill the members of the team. The problem is the team doesn
Doug's 1st Movie(1999) - Doug and Skeeter finally discover the monster of Lucky Duck Lake, and it turns out that he's actually a nice monster. Doug and Skeeter name him Herman Melville after he tries eating a copy of "Moby Dick". After only showing Herman to the Dinks, Mrs. Dink realizes that Herman came out of the lake bec...
Karate Kid(1984) - Daniel and his mother move from New Jersey to California. She has a wonderful new job but Daniel discovers that a dark haired Italian boy with a Jersey accent doesn't fit into the blond surfer crowd, especially when he tries to date one of their girl friends. Daniel manages to talk his way out of so...
Fritz The Cat(1972) - Mavrick writer/director Ralph Bakshi made his feature-length film debut created the first rated X cartoon ever it's the age of awakening and fritz one way-cool cat and NYU student loves to embrace every experimental experience that crosses his path embarking on a fantastic journey of self-discovery...
Independence Day(1996) - Finally, the question "are we alone in the universe" has been answered. People react with fear, wonder, and excitement while dozens of fifteen mile long ships silently take up positions over cities across the globe. When MIT graduate turned satallite repair man David Levinson discovers a hidden si...
Little Shop of Horrors(1986) - A nerdish florist discovers a new breed of plant which brings wealth and fame to his life but unbeknown to him the plant has got a taste for human blood and the more he eats the bigger he grows
Clue(1985) - Here is the murderously funny movie based on the world-famous Clue board game. Was it Colonel Mustard in the study with a gun? Miss Scarlet in the billiard room with the rope? Or was it Wadsworth the butler? Meet all the notorious suspects and discover all their foul play. You'll love their dastardl...
The Evil Dead(1981) - Five friends go out to a cabin in the woods and discover a book that awakens an evil in the woods. Slowly, each person is possessed by this evil and become soulless zombies, and those who are still human must fight to survive through the night.
Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves(1997) - The Szalinski family once again discovers size really does matter in this follow-up to Honey, I Shrunk the Kids and Honey, I Blew up the Kid. Inventor Wayne Szalinski (Rick Moranis) is preparing to donate his problematic shrinking/expanding machine to the Smithsonian Institution as he and his wife D...
Predator(1987) - A team of commandos, led by Dutch Schaeffer, go on a mission to rescue captured airmen from terrorists. When they discover that the airmen have been slaughtered beyond recognition, the team decimates the enemy encampment. Before they can radio for a lift-off, an invisible alien specie begins to kill...
The Jerk(1979) - On Navin Johnson's 18th birthday he discovers he was adopted. (Which should appear obvious since he's the only white person in an all black family.) Navin decides to move out and try to make it in the world. While on his adventure he works at a gas station. But because of an assassination attempt he...
Rocky V(1990) - Rocky Balboa is forced to retire after having permanent damage inflicted on him in the ring by the Russian boxer Ivan Drago. Returning home after the Drago bout, Balboa discovers that the fortune that he had acquired as heavyweight champ has been stolen and lost on the stockmarket by his accountant....
The Matrix(1999) - In the distant future, a computer hacker named Neo discovers that what we think is reality is actually a computerized image planted in our minds. The real world is run by machines that use human bodies as batteries, and place the human's minds into an alternate reality, a reality knows as The Matrix...
Escape to Witch Mountain(1975) - In this Disney classic, orphaned brother and sister Tony (Ike Eisenmann) and Tia (Kim Richards) have supernatural powers, which eccentric millionaire Aristotle Bolt (Ray Milland) intends to exploit with the help of his cronie Lucas Deranian (Donald Pleasence). But the discovery of a map under the p...
Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare(1991) - In part six of the Nightmare on Elm Street series, dream monster Freddy Krueger has finally killed all the children of his hometown, and seeks to escape its confines to hunt fresh prey. To this end, he recruits the aid of his (previously unmentioned) daughter. However, she discovers the demonic orig...
The Stupids(1996) - This film is based on The Stupids series of children's books by Harry Allard and James Marshall, which are about a family that takes things very, very literally. In this film, the Stupids attempt to discover what happens to the garbage that disappears from their lawn every week (they think it has be...
Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me(1999) - Austin Powers fashion photographer, denizen of Swingin' London, international espionage agent, and bane of dental hygienists everywhere returns in his second screen adventure. Powers (once again played by Mike Myers), a 1960s superspy stranded in the 1990s, discovers that his nemesis, criminal g...
The Black Hole(1979) - For five years the crew of the PALOMINO has ranged through deep space, searching for evidence of alien life--with no result. Then, their mission almost at an end, they discover a giant collapsar--the largest black hole ever encountered--and, drifting perilously near it, is the long-lost legendary st...
Surf Ninjas(1993) - Two Asian-American "surfer-dude" brothers discover they are the long lost princes from a China Sea Island. Part of their inheritance are magically-induced martial arts prowess. Using their new powers they act to overthrow the island's current dictator, a despotic madman.
Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth(1992) - A sleazy nightclub owner purchases a strange, disturbing sculpture, which he soon discovers contains a mysterious, ornate puzzle box. This box is a legendary object that promises the secrets of ultimate pain and pleasure, but is in fact a gateway to hell. Soon the box's new owner has unleashed the e...
Aliens(1986) - The only survivor of the Nostromo, Ripley is discovered in deep sleep half a century later by a salvage ship. When she is taken back to Earth, she learns that a human colony was founded on the same planet where the aliens were first found. She finds life hard to adjust to with her former employees s...
Muppets From Space(1999) - Gonzo wonders where he comes from, since he has no family. He discovers he may actually be an alien, and he needs a little help from his friends after he gets taken by a secret government facility for questioning.
The Borrowers(1997) - The Borrowers are 10 cm high and they borrow things from the family that lives in the house, but when they have to move, they agree, until Arrietty and Peagreen fall out of the moving van and go back to the house where they discover tha the Mr.Potter wants to demolish the house and turn the area int...
Generation X(1996) - Students at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters battle a mad scientist (Matt Frewer), who's discovered a way to travel into other people's dreams, in this made-for-TV spin-off of the popular X-Men comics. The film served as the pilot for a TV series, but it debuted before the late '90s superhero...
Powder(1995) - When sheriff Barnum investigates the death of an elderly rural resident, he discovers a teenage grandson living in the basement. Raised by his grandparents, he has experienced the world only through books, never leaving the family farm. He is sent to a state home for boys where he has trouble fittin...
The Parent Trap(1998) - Identical twins, Annie and Hallie, whom were played by Lindsay Lohan were separated when their parents divorced. They met at camp and discovered that they were sisters. In order to get their parents back together, they switch places, Annie going to California and Hallie going to London. One has nev...
The Witches(1990) - In Nicolas Roeg's adaptation of Roald Dahl's novel The Witches, a young boy is vacationing at the seaside with his grandmother when he discovers that the hotel he is staying at is hosting a convention of witches. Eavesdropping on the witches, he learns that the Grand High Witch (Anjelica Huston) has...
Fright Night(1985) - A teenage horror film addict is shocked to discover that his new next-door neighbor is a vampire in this delightful mix of horror and comedy. The problems only grow for young Charley Brewster (William Ragsdale) when he expresses his thoughts about fanged new neighbor Jerry Dandridge (Chris Sarandon)...
The Fox and the Hound(1981) - A young fox named Todd befriends a young hound dog named Copper. As they get older they discover they cannot be friends because they're supposed to be enemies.
Gleaming the Cube(1989) - Brian's adopted brother is killed when he discovers that the shop he works in sends weapons to Vietnam instead of medications. To the police it looks like suicide, but Brian knows better so he skates off to investigate the murde
My Neighbor Totoro(1988) - In Japan in the late 1950s, professor Tatsuo Kusakabe and his daughters Satsuki and Mei move to an old house to be closer to the hospital that their mother is staying at due to an illness. They soon discover the large, fluffy forest spirit known as Totoro, along with other mystical creatures like th...
Total Recall(1990) - Construction worker Douglas Quaid discovers a memory chip in his brain during a virtual-reality trip. He also finds that his past has been invented to conceal a plot of planetary domination. Soon, he's off to Mars to find out who he is and who planted the chip.
American Graffiti(1973) - A bunch of high school graduates have one last night of fun before going off to college. On that night friendships will be formed, relationships will be tested, and self-discovery wil
Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too (1974)(1974) - "Tigger's exuberant jumping and bouncing is driving everyone crazy in the Hundred Acre Wood. Rabbit discovers a cure that turns out to increase his antics, not lessen them and poor Tigger gets stuck in a tree."
Explorers(1985) - Ben Crandall, an alien-obsessed kid, dreams one night of a circuit board. Drawing out the circuit, he and his friends Wolfgang and Darren set it up, and discover they have been given the basis for a starship. Setting off in the ThunderRoad, as they name their ship, they find the aliens Ben hopes the...
Return From Witch Mountain(1978) - In this follow-up to ESCAPE TO WITCH MOUNTAIN, Tony (Ike Eisenmann) and Tia (Kim Richards) return to Earth for a vacation. However, that's cut short when egomaniacal Dr. Gannon (Christopher Lee) and his companion Letha (Bette Davis) discover Tony's powers, kidnap him, and attempt to use him to rule...
Horton Hears a Who!(1970) - In this story, Horton discovers there is a microscopic community of intelligent beings called the Whos living on a plant that only he can hear. Recognizing the dangers they face, he resolves to keep them safe. However, the other animals around him think Horton has gone crazy thinking that there are...
Baby: Secret of the Lost Legend(1985) - A Paleontologist and her husband must protect a baby dinosaur and its mother they discovered from hunters
Lady in White(1988) - Locked in a school closet during Halloween 1962, young Frank witnesses the ghost of a young girl and the man who murdered her years ago. Shortly afterward he finds himself stalked by the killer and is soon drawn to an old house where a mysterious Lady In White lives. As he discovers the secret of th...
The Fog(1980) - The town of Antonio Bay is set to celebrate its 100 year anniversery but none of the current inhabbitants really know how Antonio Bay came to be. As Father Mahoney accidently happens upon one of his ancestors journals, he makes a chilling discovery. Meanwhile a strange glowing fog is making its way...
Mad Monster Party?(1967) - When Baron Von Frankenstein discovers the formula for a powerful anti-matter potion, he gathers all of the monsters -- and his nebbish nephew Felix -- for a party to announce his retirement. But the monsters aren't happy that he's named Felix as his successor, so they scheme to rub out the mortal....
Tombstone(1993) - A high-energy action adventure based on legend rather than historical fact finds Wyatt Earp (Kurt Russell) desiring to retire from law enforcement. With brothers Virgil (Sam Elliot) and Morgan (Bill Paxton), he arrives in Tombstone, Arizona intending to build his fortune. He discovers that long-time...
The People Under The Stairs(1991) - The People Under the Stairs is the story of a young boy (Fool) from the ghetto and takes place on his 13th birthday. In an attempted burglary (along with two others) of the home of his family's evil landlords, he becomes trapped inside their large suburban house and discovers the secret of the "chil...
A Christmas Carol(1984) - George C. Scott stars in this critically acclaimed version of Charles Dickens' holiday classic in which one man discoveres the true meaning o
Tommy Tricker and the Stamp Traveller(1988) - Young Ralph James and his scheming friend Tommy Tricker collect stamps. But when Tommy snatches a rare stamp, Ralph discovers the secret of stamp travel to take him around the world and bring back the 75-year gone traveller Charle
For Keeps(1988) - Young, ambitious high school students Darcy Elliot (Molly Ringwald) and Stan Bobrucz (Randal Batinkoff) have a hitch thrown into their plans to attend college and pursue professional careers when they discover that Darcy is pregnant. Deciding against abortion or adoption, the couple decides to carry...
Hackers(1995) - A young boy is arrested by the US Secret Service for writing a computer virus and is banned from using a computer until his 18th birthday. Years later, he and his new-found friends discover a plot to unleash a dangerous computer virus, but they must use their computer skills to find the evidence whi...
Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead(1991) - Single Mother goes away for the summer. The kids are first delighted but then find that Mom has hired the sitter from hell to stay with them. When the sitter dies of a sudden coronary they deposit the body at a mortuary only to discover all their Summer expense money was in her purse. The kids must...
Mouse Hunt(1997) - When the Founder of a string factory dies..his two sons inherit it. Due to a promise they made to their father on his death bed..they must agree what to do with it. When a pesky mouse is discovered..the brothers try everything to get rid of it.
Teen Wolf 2(1987) - Jason Bateman stars in this sequel to Teen Wolf as the original's cousin, Todd. Though not a boxer, he receives a college boxing scholarship, and upon discovering that he is afflicted with the same werewolf genetics, transforms from unremarkable to unbelievable.
2010: The Year We Make Contact(1984) - In the year 2001, Dave Bowman was taken by the Jupiter monolith and transformed into a powerful being. Now, in the year 2010, Dr. Heywood Floyd, the man held responsible for Discovery's failure, is going to Jupiter. He and his crewmates must reactivate the psychotic HAL-9000 computer, so they may le...
Beware! Children At Play(1989) - After several children have gone missing, a writer and a cop decide to get to the bottom of the problem once and for all. As they find more and more leads they discover that their children are being brainwashed into zombified cannibal killers by a disturbe
Jungle 2 Jungle(1997) - A man finds the son he never knew he had, and a boy discovers a city he never knew existed, in this comedy. Michael Cromwell (Tim Allen) is a commodities broker who deals in coffee beans; while on a trip to Brazil, Michael is abandoned by his wife Patricia (JoBeth Williams), an anthropologist who de...
Hellraiser: Inferno(2000) - Supernatural villain Pinhead finds himself on the wrong side of the law in this, the fifth film in the Hellraiser franchise. Joseph (Craig Sheffer) is a detective with the L.A.P.D. who one morning discovers he's no longer living in California he's been exiled to Hades, and the only way to escape...
Rain Man(1988) - It Tells The Story Of An Abrasive And Selfish Yuppie Charlie Babbitt Who Discovers That His Estranged Father Has Died And Bequeathed All Of His Multimillion Dollar Estate To His Son Raymond An Autistic Savant Of Whose Existence Charlie Was Unaware Of Charlie Is Left Only His Father's Car And His Col...
The Secret Garden(1993) - A young British girl born and reared in India loses her neglectful parents in an earthquake. She is returned to England to live at her uncle's castle. Her uncle is very distant due to the loss of his wife ten years before. Neglected once again, she begins exploring the estate and discovers a garden...
The Skateboard Kid(1993) - No one could be more bored than Zack, the new kid in town with no friends in sight. When a gang of hip, skateboarding thrashers start cruising his neighborhood, Zack hopes his luck will change. But they want nothing to do with him. Then Zack makes the discovery of his life: a talking wisecracking,...
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country(1991) - Captian Kirk and his crew have returned faceing their greatest conflict, Peace. The Klingon empire is faceing extinction and the two enemies must over come decades of hostilities to work together. Not everyone desires this peace and the Enterprise crew must stop their plans before war breaks out.
Fly Away Home(1996) - Amy is only 13 years old when her mother is killed in an auto wreck in New Zealand. She goes to Canada to live with her father, an eccentric inventor whom she barely knows. Amy is miserable in her new life...that is until she discovers a nest of goose eggs that were abandoned when developers began t...
The Karate Kid(1984) - Daniel and his mother move from New Jersy to California. She has a wonderful new job but Daniel discovers that a dark haired Italian boy with a Jersey accent doesn't fit into the blond surfer crowd, especially when he tries to date one of their girl friends. Daniel manages to talk his way out of som...
My Neighbor Totoro (Disney)(1998) - Walt Disney Studios presents, a Studio Ghibli film. Two young girls, Satsuke and her younger sister Mei, move into a house in the country with their father to be closer to their hospitalized mother. Satsuke and Mei discover that the nearby forest is inhabited by magical creatures called Totoros (pro...
The Beastmaster(1982) - "Dar, is the son of a king, who is hunted by a priest after his birth and grows up in another family. When he becomes a grown man his new father is murdered by savages and he discovers that he has the ability to communicate with the animals. After that, Dar begins his quest for revenge in this Conan...
Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde(1995) - In this spoof of Robert Louis Stevens classic novel comes a very fine comedy with Tim Daly and Sean Young. Dr. Richard Jacks(Daly), is a man who creates perfumes for companies. One day he discovers a journal belonging to his great grandfather, Dr. Henry Jekyll, that talks about a revolutionary disco...
Crossroads(2002) - Crossroads is the story of three childhood friends, Lucy (Britney Spears), Kit (Zo Saldana) and Mimi (Taryn Manning), who, after eight years apart, rediscover their friendship on a cross-country trip. With barely a plan, practically no money, but plenty of dreams, the girls catch a lift with Mim...
Brainscan(1994) - A lonely teenage horror-movie fan discovers a mysterious computer game that uses hypnosis to custom-tailor the game into the most terrifying experience imaginable. When he emerges from the hypnotic trance he is horrified to find evidence that the brutal murder depicted in the game actually happened...
Octopussy(1983) - Bond is sent on a mission to discover how another, dying, '00' agent crashes through the British Embassy's window with a fake Faberge egg in his hand. He discovers that its not only him thats interested in the real egg when it is put up for auction and is bought by rich exiled Indian Prince, Kamal K...
Under Wraps(1997) - Three 12 year old kids discover a mummy in the basement of a dead man's house. It comes alive due to the conjunction of the moonlight during that time of the month. They are scared of him at first, but with time discover he is friendly, if clumsy an
Blind Fury(1989) - Nick Parker was a Vietnam vet who got blinded during the war. He would be found by one of the local tribes. They would teach how to handle a sword. He would eventually become quite good with it. He would then return to the States and would visit an old Army buddy. When he gets there, he discovers th...
Wishmaster(1997) - The Djinn having been released from his ancient prison seeks to capture the soul of the woman who discovered him, thereby opening a portal and freeing his fellow Djinn to take over the earth.
Platoon(1986) - A boy in enlists in the army and travels to Vietnam. This serious war a terrible experience for, descubrira or will at least try to discover its true I and to compredender a little to the worl
Nightbreed(1990) - A community of mutant outcasts of varying types and abilities attempts to escape the attentions of a psychotic serial killer and redneck vigilantes with the help of a brooding young man who discovers them. Based on the novel "Cabal" by Clive Barker.
Soccer Dog: The Movie(1999) - In this family comedy, a successful man with nostalgia for his days as a soccer player, attempts to adopt an orphan so he can teach him all about his favorite sport. But soon after bringing the lad home, the new father is disappointed to discover that the lad is not interested in playing soccer. Thi...
The Video Dead(1987) - An unlabelled crate from an unknown source is delivered to a house in the woods. The homeowner unwisely accepts the delivery, only to discover it contains a TV set that starts spewing giggling zombies all over the place. When a new family moves into the now-abandoned house, the son discovers the hau...
Stargate(1994) - A giant structure found in the desert has studied by various scientist for nearly fifty years and are no where near discovering what it is. Until Daniel jackson, a language expert deciphers and reveals that it's a Stargate. He also discovers how to make it work. They then learn that it's some kind i...
DuckTales: The Treasure of the Golden Suns(1987) - When Donald Duck joins the Navy, he decides to send his nephews, Hewey, Dewey and Louie, to live with his Uncle Scrooge McDuck. However, while the old billionaire agrees to take them in, he coldly wants them to stay out of his way and business. That changes when the boys discover a model ship that b...
Puppet Master III: Toulon's Revenge(1991) - Set in Berlin during WWII, the Nazi regime is attempting to develop a drug that will animate the dead, in order to use in the war effort. Toulin arouses suspicion as a Nazi dissident, and his secret is discovered. During a Nazi raid on his home, Toulin's beautiful wife is murdered. Toulin vows reven...
Houseguest(1995) - Sinbad offers some unusual advice on how to make friends in this wacky comedy. Kevin Frankin (Sinbad) is a guy who dreams of starting his own business. However, getting it off the ground is another matter altogether, and soon Kevin discovers that the two loan sharks who fronted him money want to be...
Mandroid(1993) - When a super elixir (capable of either curing all diseases or being used as an all-powerful destructive weapon) is discovered in eastern Europe, a scientist (Curt Lowens) tries to hijack the formula. To prevent the elixir's safe return, he invents an android controlled by the use of thought-power al...
Getting lucky(1990) - Getting Lucky is a low-budget feature film by Michael Paul Girard. The film stars Steven Cooke as Bill Higgins, a high school senior who discovers an alcoholic leprechaun in a beer bottle who must grant him three wishes before he is allowed to return to Ireland. The leprechaun, named Lepke...
The Guyver(1991) - A young man discovers a mechanical device that merges with his own body, turning him into a cyborg superhero. When strange creatures start appearing, trying to take the device back, he begins to uncover a secret plot to genetically engineer terrifying monsters.
Sausage Party(2016) - A parody of Disney and Pixar films (such as Toy Story), "Sausage Party" follows an anthropomorphic sausage who lives in a supermarket and discovers the truth about his existence. He goes on a journey with his friends to escape their fate while also facing a psychopathic douche who wants to kill him....
Russkies(1987) - It is during the Cold War and all Americans have a view of Russians as one thing: bad people. A group of American boys discovers a Russian sailor washed up on the coast of Florida and decide to befriend him, assuming that he is friendly and will bring them no danger and thus go against the ideas of...
The Fugitive(1993) - Noted surgeon Richard Kimble is wrongfully accused, tried and convicted for the brutal murder of his wife. A failed escape attempt by other prisoners gives Kimble his opportunity to escape execution. The only option and purpose he has left is to discover who really murdered his wife and clear his na...
1492: Conquest of Paradise(1992) - This, the second of 1992's 500th anniversary Christopher Columbus films (the first being Warner Bros. Christopher Columbus: The Discovery), adheres to the historical facts of Columbus's (Gerard Depardieu) possessed quest to discover the New World, and his solicitation of Queen Isabella (Sigourney We...
Deep Impact(1998) - Mimi Leder (The Peacemaker) directed this science-fiction disaster drama about the possible extinction of human life after a comet is discovered headed toward Earth with the collision only one year away. Ambitious MSNBC reporter Jenny Lerner (Tea Leoni) stumbles onto the story, prompting a White Hou...
Eye of the Tiger(1986) - Buck (Gary Busey) is a Vietnam vet, recently released from prison. He returns home to discover the town being terrorized by a vicious motorcycle gang. When the bikers murder his wife and traumatize his daughter, Buck and his friends arm themselves to the teeth and wage war against the gang to destro...
Meteor(1979) - After a collision with a comet, a nearly 8km wide piece of the asteroid "Orpheus" is heading towards Earth. If it will hit it will cause a incredible catastrophe which will probably extinguish mankind. To stop the meteor NASA wants to use the illegal nuclear weapon satellite "Hercules" but discovers...
Phantoms(1998) - Dean Koontz scripted this adaptation of his fantasy novel. The tale begins when two sisters, Lisa (Rose McGowan) and Jenny (Joanna Going) arrive for a ski vacation in the mountain resort town of Snowfield, Colorado, where they discover their landlady is dead and the town is deserted except for a sin...
Boogie Nights(1997) - A young Man is discovered clearing tables at a night club in 1977 by a Porn director. He eventually runs away from home and is soon thereafter introduced to the world of Adult Entertainment. He is immediately successful and the film follows him throughout his life as a rising, and falling star....
Weekend at Bernie's II(1993) - When they discover that their deceased boss had stashed away two million illegally embezzled dollars in a Caribbean safe deposit box, two co-workers decide to claim the cash. To do so, however, they must convince everyone the boss is actually alive
Thicker Than Water(1999) - A stellar roster of hip-hop performers star in this streetwise story about a pair of gang-bangers who want to channel their energies into music, but soon discover how hard it can be to leave their old lives behind. DJ (Mack 10) and Lonzo (Fat Joe) are members of rival street gangs in inner-city Los...
The Associate(1996) - In this comedy, a woman discovers that it's impossible to get ahead in business without a man to guide her so she invents one. Laurel (Whoopi Goldberg) is an expert financial analyst with a top Wall Street brokerage; however, she keeps getting passed over for raises and promotions, and she's conv...
Puff the Magic Dragon in the Land of the Living Lies(1980) - Puff the Magic Dragon enters the life of a young fibber named Sandy, and takes her to The Land of Living Lies, where those who are honest are persecuted. Soon young Sandy discovers that the truth is a goo
The Truth About Lying(1998) - A crime novelist searches for a missing baby at his sister's behest and makes painful discoveries about himself along the way.
Eating Raoul(1982) - A relatively boring Los Angeles couple discover a bizarre, if not murderous way to get funding for opening a restaurant.
Sneakers(1992) - Martin Bishop is the head of a group of experts who specialise in testing security systems. When he is blackmailed by Government agents into stealing a top secret black box, the team find themselves embroiled in a game of danger and intrigue. After they recover the box, they discover that it has the...
Munchies(1987) - Simon Watterman, a space archaeologist, discovers the "Munchies" in a cave in Peru. Cecil Watterman, Simon's evil twin brother and snack food entrepreneur, kidnaps the creature. What Cecil does not know is that the creature, when chopped up, regenerates into many new creatures -- and are they mean!
Allan Quatermain and the Lost City of Gold(1986) - After his brother Robeson disappears without a trace while exploring Africa in search of a legendary 'white tribe', Allan Quatermain decides to follow in his footsteps to learn what became of him. Soon after arriving, he discovers the Lost City of Gold, controlled by the evil lord Agon, and mined by...
10 To Midnight(1983) - Veteran cop Leo Kessler (Charles Bronson) tracks down a serial killer and places fake evidence trying to convict him. This is discovered and the killer is released. Who then goes after Kessler's daughter for revenge.
The Invisible Kid(1988) - A nerdy teenage scientist discovers a formula for invisibility, and uses it to take revenge on all those who have wronged him--and also to spy on the girls' shower room.
Dot Goes to Hollywood(1987) - Dot sets out on a mighty adventure that takes her to Hollywood. With the help of Hollywood stars Dot wins a talent quest, is discovered by a famous director and becomes what all Hollywood dreams are made of - a film star! This enables her to raise money for her little friend Gumley the koala who nee...
My Science Project(1985) - Michael and Ellie break into a military junkyard to find a science project for Michael's class, and discover a strange glowing orb which absorbs electricity. When the orb begins to blend past, present, and future, its up to Michael and Ellie to stop the orb and save mankind.
Iceman(1984) - On an exploration in Alaska, Dr. Stanley Shephard (Timothy Hutton) discovers a prehistoric man (John Lone) who has managed to survive through many centuries. Now Stanley has to protect his discovery from his fellow scientists...
Young Einstein(1988) - Albert Einstein is the son of a Tasmanian apple farmer, who discovers the secret of splitting the beer atom to put the bubbles back into beer. When Albert travels to Sydney to patent his invention he meets beatuiful French scientist Marie Curie, as well as several unscrupulous types who try to take...
The Net(1995) - Angela Bennett is a freelance software engineer who lives in a world of computer technology. When a cyber friend asks Bennett to debug a CD-ROM game, she discovers a conspiracy that will turn her life upside down. Soon, her records have been erased, and she's been given a new identity and a police r...
Yor, the Hunter from the Future(1983) - Yor, a brave and powerful warrior, is on a quest to discover his origins. He wears a medallion that he thinks might be the answer and finds out there is desert goddess who also shares the same medallion. Along the way he battles ape men, dinosaurs and a technological advanc
BMX Bandits(1983) - Two BMX expert bikers and a friend of theirs (Nicole Kidman) become entangled with a group of bank robbers after discovering a carton of walkie-talkies.
Once Upon a Crime(1992) - The murder of a millionaire has unexpectedly humorous results in this farcical comedy. When Phoebe (Sean Young) and Julian (Richard Lewis), two Americans on a tour of Europe, discover a lost dachshund, they learn that a $5,000 reward has been posted for the dog's return. Phoebe and Julian head to Mo...
Intersection(1994) - A man who may be on the verge of death quickly takes a thorough look at his life in this drama. Vincent Eastman (Richard Gere) is speeding along a mountain road in Canada when, while swerving to avoid a stalled van, he discovers that he's about to run headfirst into a trailer truck. As he's about to...
FireHead(1991) - When Ivan Tibor (Brett Porter), a Russian with dangerous psychokinetic powers, flees to the United States, scientist Warren Hart (Chris Lemmon) is charged with the responsibility of capturing the renegade. However, when Warren discovers that Ivan is on a mission to foil the plans of a group of gover...
Eye of the Stranger(1993) - The plot in this suspenseful mystery evokes the old westerns while dealing with contemporary issues concerning the further development of the West. It all begins when a stranger rolls into a remote little town and discovers that they are doing their best to keep secret the murder of a civil libertie...
Maximum Risk(1996) - Alain Moreau (Jean-Claude Van Damme) is a French cop whose colleagues make a startling discovery a man named Mikhail, who was killed in a high-speed chase with police, looks exactly like him. Curious about the stranger with his face, Alain is told by his mother Chantal (Stephane Audran) that Mikh...
Prince of Central Park(1999) - child discovers a whole new world when he runs away from home in the family drama Prince Of Central Park. JJ (played by Frankie Nasso) is a boy living in New York with his foster mother (Cathy Moriarty). To say they don't get along is an understatement; one day JJ decides he's so tired of her abuse...
Apt Pupil(1998) - Bryan Singer directed this Brandon Boyce adaptation of Stephen King's novella about teenager Todd Bowden (Brad Renfro), who discovers Nazi war criminal Kurt Dussander (Ian McKellen) living in his California hometown. Fascinated with Dussender's wartime atrocities, Bowden blackmails the former death-...
Phantom of the Mall: Eric's Revenge(1990) - The mayor of Midwood, California, Karen Wilton (Morgan Fairchild), is perplexed to discover that the mall she just ceremonially opened has become the favored hunting ground for a mass-murderer. The heroine of this would-be spoof is a young waitress (Kari Whitman). Could it be that the killer is real...
El da de la bestia(1995) - Spanish filmmaker Alex de la Iglesia followed his outlandish sci-fi/horror debut, Accion Mutante, with this colorful apocalypse fantasy about Father Angel (Alex Angulo), a scholarly priest whose intensive research into cabalistic "Bible Code" prophecies leads to a horrific discovery: the exact birth...
Full Contact(1993) - When a young farmer (Luke Powers) discovers that his older brother has been killed by some shady characters, he must rely on his wits and his martial arts knowledge to seek revenge.
The Unborn 2(1994) - In this gory horror movie, a pregnant woman and her fiance travel to his ancestral home. There the hapless woman discovers that everyone in his family is a vampire, and that they feast on unborn babies.
12:01(1993) - Based on a story by Richard Lupoff (a short filmization of the same story earned an Oscar nomination for 1990), 12:01 centers on a scientific researcher who discovers that the world has become somehow trapped in a strange time warp that causes the same 24-hour period to repeat itself. During the cou...
Never Cry Wolf(1983) - A young biologist, Tyler, is sent by the Canadian government into the Artic wilderness to study the wolves, which have been accused of killing off the caribou herds. He suffers hardships in the wilds, but gains a respect for the wolves. He adopts some of their lifestyle and discovers that hunters an...
Body Parts(1991) - When prison psychiatrist Bill Chrushank (Jeff Fahey) loses an arm in a car accident, he receives a revolutionary new transplant from an unknown donor, who is later discovered to have been a recently-executed psycho-killer. During his recovery, Bill is tormented by violent nightmares and aggressive n...
Pumpkin Man(1998) - This 1998 film from director Jennifer Wynne Farmer is a family-friendly short about the magic of Halloween. It's the end of October, and that can mean only one thing: it's time to dress up and go trick-or-treating. But this year will be unlike any other Halloween before, as the kids discover the myt...
Curse of the Puppet Master(1998) - Robert "Tank" begins to work for Dr. Magrew sculpting a puppet for the Doctor to bring to life using the work of Andre Toulon. Robert begins to fall in love with the Doctors daughter, Jane. Unbeknownst to Robert the Doctor is trying to create a "perfect race" of puppet humans. Jane discovers a "matt...
Gate II: Return to the Nightmare(1990) - It's been five years since Terry's friend Glen discovered The Gate to hell in his backyard. Glen has now moved away and Terry begins practicing rituals in Glen's old house and eventually bringing back demons through The Gate and leading to demoniac possession and near world domination.
Nothing to Lose(1997) - Two men with nothing in common become unlikely companions in this comedy. Advertising executive Nick Beame (Tim Robbins) is not having a good day when he comes home from work to discover that his wife Ann (Kelly Preston) is having an affair with another man who, adding insult to injury, happens t...
Tarantella(1995) - In this drama, a young professional photographer, Diane Di Sorella, must suddenly return to her long- abandoned family home in New Jersey after her mother unexpectedly dies. Once back amongst her fellow Italian-American neighbors she begins to rediscover the heritage she rejected some many years bef...
The Barefoot Executive(1971) - In the wacky world of TV, an ambitious mailroom boy, Steven Post, at the United Broadcasting Company (UBC), discovers a chimpanzee being taken care of by his girlfriend, Jennifer has an amazing talent. Unerringly , the chimp can pick programs that will become hits. So Steven secretly uses the chimp...
Nine Months(1995) - Everything is going great for Sam. He has a steady job, a girlfriend, and a great group of friends. That is, until he discovers his girlfriend is pregnant. A discovery that will prove how mature he really is.
Year Of The Comet(1992) - In this film, young, headstrong Margaret Harwood (Penelope Ann Miller) is entrusted with a business assignment by her wine merchant father. While taking an inventory of the contents of the wine cellar of a Scottish estate, Margaret discovers an almost-priceless bottle of wine from the "year of the c...
Xtro 2: The Second Encounter(1991) - When an experiment to send three volunteers to another dimension fails, only one comatose survivor is brought back. However, when the scientists discover that the volunteer carried a deadly creature back with her, they must struggle to destroy the creature before it destroys them.
A Chucklewood Easter(1987) - It's Easter time, and time for Chucklewood's annual Easter picnic. After learning about Easter, Buttons and Rusty steal eggs from other nests to pain them and later discover where the Easter Bunny lives. They are put on trial for all that they've done, but will their problems get resolved?
Modern Problems(1981) - Air traffic controller Max Fielder,dumped by his girlfriend,is accidentally exposed to nuclear waste from a truck and discovers it has given him the power of telekinesis, which he uses to win his girlfriend back and to get a little revenge.
A Walk in the Clouds(1995) - Set in the 1930's, Paul returns home for the war. He quickly discovers that he and his wife aren't in love anymore. Taking a job as a candy salesman he meets a woman who is returning home to here family pregnent with no husband. He agrees to pretend to be here husband with love as the unitended...
White Squall(1996) - Teenage boys discover discipline and camaraderie on an ill-fated sailing voyagee.
Babylon 5: Third Space(1998) - The crew of Babylon 5 discover a mysterious artifact of unknown origin. The artifact influences the minds of people aboard the station and endangers the lives of everyone aboard. Takes place during season 4 of the Babylon 5 TV series.
The Deep(1977) - A pair of young vacationers are involved in a dangerous conflict with treasure hunters when they discover a way into a deadly wreck in Bermuda waters...
The Missing Link(1980) - A young caveman named Oh, who was raised by a brontosaurus, finds out who he really is and sets out on an epic quest to find his own kind that abandoned him as a baby. On the way, he discovers the wheel, fire, and sex. Featuring songs by Le
Single White Female(1992) - Traumatized by the discovery that her live-in fianc has cheated on her with his ex-wife, Allison Jones (Bridget Fonda) decides to find a roommate to share her apartment on Manhattan's Upper West Side. After interviewing candidates, beautiful, sophisticated career woman Allison settles on Hedra C...
The Monolith Monsters(1957) - A black alien meteor lands in small desert town of San Angelo, it is first found by one of the local geologists and takes it into the lab to try and find out what kind of material it is. The next day the geologists is discovered petrified, by his fellow geologists Dave Miller, along with larger amou...
The Negotiator(1998) - Expierenced hostage netogiator Danny Roman (Samuel L. Jackson) is framed for embezzlement and the murder of his partner. In a desperate attempt to avoid an unjust prison sentence, he becomes a hostage taker to help discover the actual guilty parties, and faces off with equally experienced hostage ne...
The Island of Dr. Moreau(1996) - A big-budget remake of the H.G. Wells story (previously filmed in 1977), The Island of Dr. Moreau follows a shipwrecked sailor (David Thewlis) who stumbles upon a mysterious island. He's shocked to discover that a brilliant scientist (Marlon Brando) and his lab assistant (Val Kilmer) have found a wa...
Stigmata(1999) - An ordinary young woman is affected by mysterious wounds called Stigmata. When a Catholic Priest comes to investigate the so called "miracle", he discovers this woman may be possessed by someone...or something...and a message originating from the time of Jesus Christ.
Strange Invaders (1983) - Charles Bigelow finds out his ex-wife,Margaret, has vanished while attending her mother's funeral. Charles travels to her hometown of Centerville only to find the town's weird residents (wearing 1950's clothing) who claim Margaret and her family never lived there. He discovers that the whole town ha...
Them!(1954) - Sargent Ben Peterson (James Whitmore) investigates a disappearance of a FBI agent and his wife after discovering a little wandering a New Mexico desert, only to find her and a group of giant ants about to terrorize Los Angeles from the sewers.
Alien Predators(1987) - On a trip to Spain, 3 friends discover that mutants that fell to Earth with SkyLab are killing people off. They need the help of a NASA scientist to solve the problem and save the world.
Baby of the Bride(1991) - Having just returned from her honeymoon, Margret Becker-Hix wants nothing more than to settle down and enjoy her second marriage with her new (and much younger) husband, John. However, the newlyweds are in for the biggest surprise of their lives when the 53-year-old Margret discovers that she is pr...
This Island Earth (1955) - Scientist Cal Meacham is given a invitation by the mysterious Exeter. Exeter offers to send him to a secret lab apparently in the hope for peace. Cal then comes across an old friend Ruth Adams and they both start to discover that all isn't as it seems. Exeter is actully from the another planet inten...
The Pumaman (1980) - American Professor Tony Farms discovers that he is the legendary Pumaman. He resides in London the British Museum where he is found a Aztec priest Vadinho. Vadinho explains to Tony of the long history of Pumaman and teaches him about the powers. Tony is given a costume and other tools granted him ev...
Cyborg(1989) - Set in a post-apocalyptic future where disease is plaguing the few remaining inhabitants of Earth. Scientists are close to discovering a cure for the plague that is sweeping the country. Gibson (Van Damme) leads a group to Atlanta to gain information needed for the cure, along the way battling a gro...
Shark: Rosso nell'oceano(1984) - An unknown octopus like lifeform is attacking people in the ocean around a small Florida town. It's up to a team of biologists, scientist and local law enforcement try to destroy the creature but they discover that there is just as big of threat on land with the local corporation having close ties t...
Saturday the 14th Strikes Back(1988) - Eddie and his family have just inherited a spooky wreck of a house. What they do not know about the house is that it was built over an evil passage way, but they are soon to discover the wacky evil it releases.
Deliverance(1972) - Four Atlanta men, - Ed, Lewis, Bobby, and Drew become "weekend warriors" who set off in two canoes down the mystery laden "Cahulawassee river" and discover a wildreness of terror. Filmed on the Chatooga River in the North Georgia mountains this thriller is remembered most for its "Dueling Banjos" bi...
Kingdom of the Spiders(1977) - Investigating the mysterious deaths of a number of farm animals, vet Rack Hansen discovers that his town lies in the path of hoards of migrating tarantulas. Before he can take action, the streets are overrun by killer spiders, trapping a small group of towns folk in a remote hotel.
Attack of the Crab Monsters(1957) - On a remote island in the Pacific a group of scientist are sent on search to find a another expedition group that have disappeared off the island. The purpose of their research was to discover the effects of nuclear radiation (after nuclear weapon tests conducted on the island) on the animals and pl...
C.H.U.D. 2 Bud the Chud(1989) - Meet Bud the C.H.U.D. a Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller. He has all the charm of Cary Grant, the scaring sexuality of James Dean, the greatest talent discovery since Patrick Swayze. It's Hallowe'en and this C.H.U.D.'s for you!
Morgan Stewart's Coming Home(1987) - After seven years in boarding school, Morgan Stewart is finally coming home. He discovers it's not the same happy home it used to be....
My Life(1993) - Life is going well for Bob Jones: great job, beautiful loving wife and a baby on the way. Then he finds out that he has the Dreaded Movie Disease that will leave him dead within months. He sets out to videotape his life's acquired wisdom for his child, and ends up on a voyage of self-discovery and r...
Navy Seals(1990) - While rescuing an American air crew captured by Mid-Eastern terrorists, Lieutenant Curran and his team of Navy SEALs discover evidence that the terrorists have come into possession of dangerous high-tech weapons.
The Man In The Moon(1991) - After handsome 17-year-old Court Foster moves back into the long vacant Foster ranch, 14-year-old Dani Trant falls in love for the first time, while her older sister Maureen discovers true love.
Walk Like A Man(1987) - As a baby, Bobo gets separated from his family during a camping trip. After being raised by wild dogs for twenty years, Bobo is discovered by animal researcher Penny, who brings him back to his family and attempts to teach Bobo how to readjust to life with humans. While his mother is overjoyed to se...
Without a Clue(1988) - A comic twist on the classic Sherlock Holmes story. Holmes is as dashing as ever, but with a little secret: Dr. Watson is the brains behind the operation. Watson scripts all of Holmes' solutions, having discovered that while people would believe in Holmes, no one was ready to accept, "Dr. Watson, C...
Crash(1996) - This movie is about a man named James Ballard (James Spader). After getting in a car accident, he discovers a group of people who find car crashes to be sexual and crash victims to be sexy. Ballard uses this particular kink to try and revive the romance in his relationship with his wife Catherine (D...
Looker(1981) - Plastic surgery can ruin your life...Literally. The patients of plastic surgeon Dr. Larry Roberts (Albert Finner) are dying in all sorts of ways. With the assistance of Cindy (Susan Dey), a former patient of his who is next on the hit list, Roberts discovers that there's more to the murders than mee...
Indian Summer(1993) - A group of childhood friends, now in their thirties, reunite at Camp Tamakwa. Only a few of the original campers show up, but they still have a good time reminiscing. The people share experiences and grow while at the camp. They are dismayed to discover that the camp's owner, Unca Lou, is going to c...
Video Violence... When Renting Is Not Enough.(1987) - Steve and Rachel, a young couple, open a video store in a backwater town. They start to notice the towns residence tend to rent only horror and porn movies however they soon discover that they make their own home movies of real people bein
I, Madman(1989) - Virginia (Jenny Wright, PINK FLOYD: THE WALL, NEAR DARK) is an avid reader, aspiring actress and used-bookstore employee who's dating a cop (Clayton Rohner, JUST ONE OF THE GUYS, APRIL FOOLS DAY, "G vs E"). When Virginia discovers the old writings of unknown author Malcolm Brand, she locates his bo...
Beyond Witch Mountain(1982) - This little-known follow-up to ESCAPE TO and RETURN FROM WITCH MOUNTAIN first aired on "The Wonderful World of Disney" in 1982. Tony (Andy Freeman) and Tia (Tracey Gold) return to Earth to find their uncle's lost grandson, but it isn't long before Aristotle Bolt (Efrem Zimbalist Jr.) discovers that...
Where the Toys Come from(1984) - Two curious toys, Peepers and Zoom, wonder about how they become toys. Aided by Robin, their equally curious owner, Zoom and Peepers visit a toy museum - "Home for Old Toys" to discover thei
Prince of Darkness(1987) - A sinister secret has been kept in the basement of an abandoned Los Angeles church for many years. With the death of a priest belonging to a mysterious sect, another priest opens the door to the basement and discovers a vat containing a green liquid. The priest contacts a group of physics graduate s...
Dying Young(1991) - Directed by Joel Schumacher, Dying Young was adapted from a novel by Marti Leimbach. When Victor Geddes (Campbell Scott) discovers that he is suffering from leukemia, his wealthy family hires pretty, young Hillary O'Neil (Julia Roberts) to help nurse him through his chemotherapy treatment. As the tw...
I-Man(1986) - Jeffrey Wilder (Scott Bakula, "Quantum Leap") and his son Eric (Joey Cramer, "Flight of the Navigator") are exposed to an alien gas that gives them each super healing powers -- and they discover that now prolonged exposure to darkness will kill them. Soon they're on the run from a gangster who want...
The Food of the Gods(1976) - Morgan and his friends are on a hunting trip on a remote Canadian island when they are attacked by a swarm of giant wasps. Looking for help, Morgan stumbles across a barn inhabited by an enormous killer chicken. After doing some exploring, they discover the entire island is crawling with animals tha...
Woof (1990)(1990) - "A hilarious canine comedy about a young boy who keeps turning into a dog. Through a series of outrageous canine capers, the boy discovers the reason for his startling transformation
A Very Unlucky Leprechaun (1998)(1998) - hr. 32 min. Molly and her father have inherited a house in Ireland nicknamed "Misfortune Manor"(a house that brings misfortune to all residents). Soon Molly discovers a leprechaun living in the house, and she befriends him. Unfortunately he has no luck because he hasn't eaten a four-leaf clover in...
The Last Broadcast(1998) - The producers of a television documentary discover all-too-real terror in this mock-documentary horror film. Steven Avkast (Stefan Avalos) and Locus Wheeler (Lance Weiler) were the hosts of a public access TV show called Fact or Fiction? dealing in unsolved mysteries and the paranormal. For their fi...
What's Love Got to Do with it?(1993) - What's Love Got to Do With It? is the filmed biography of R&B/pop singer Tina Turner (Angela Bassett), documenting her efforts to break away from her abusive husband Ike (Laurence Fishburne). After a few scenes detailing Tina's life as a young singer in Nutbush, TN, she's discovered by Ike Turner, a...
Cube(1997) - Seven people, all strangers, all from different walks of life, awaken in a giant cube shaped room with hatches on all six sides. With no memory of how they got there, they soon discover that this is just one of thousands of rooms in a giant cube shaped structure. The rooms are constantly shifting an...
Mambo Cafe(1999) - In this comedy, Nydia (Thalia) was born in New York City to a family of Puerto Rican immigrants who run a restaurant. Nydia is on summer vacation after her freshman year at Boston University, and comes home to discover things are not well with the family business; customers have not been coming arou...
Elmo Saves Christmas(1996) - It's Christmas Eve and Elmo plans to stay up to see Santa come down his chimney. Elmo gets awakened in the middle of the night by Santa who winds up stuck in the chimney. Elmo pulls him out where they discover the extra source of weight that trapped Santa-a stowaway reindeer named Lightning who hid...
Life with Mikey(1993) - Mikey Chapman (Michael J. Fox), a former child star and now a talent agent for child stars, discovers Angie Vega (Christina Vidal), a girl who pick-pockets for money and lives with her teenage sister and her boyfriend. Together, they try to hit it big and earn her a role on a series of television co...
Dennis the Menace: Dinosaur Hunter(1987) - The first live-action film to feature Dennis was Dennis the Menace: Dinosaur Hunter, which premiered on TV in 1987, the film involved Dennis and his friends and his dog continuing their perchants for mischief until they discover a dinosaur skeleton, which Dennis dubs it as the "Dennissaurus".
Battle for the Planet of the Apes(1973) - After a nuclear war has destroyed most of civilization the ape leader, Caesar, tries to create a peaceful society among humans and the apes. However the gorilla, General Aldo, opposes Caesar and wishes to overthrow him. Caesar also discovers a race mutated humans who are hostile and intend on destro...
Daddy(1987) - High school senior Bobby Burnette has many plans for his future including his girlfriend Stacy, playing his guitar, and going to college out in Boston. But his plans come to a halt when they discovers that she is pregnant after their first sexual encounter. Bobby wants her to have an abortion, but...
Life Stinks(1991) - A rich businessman (Mel Brooks) makes a bet he can survive on the streets of a rough Los Angeles neighborhood for 30 days completely penniless. During his stay he discovers another side of life and falls in love with with a homeless woman.
The First Wives Club(1996) - Three former college chums -- vain Elise, brassy Brenda and wimpy Annie -- reunite after the death of a friend. Soon, the ladies discover that they've all been recently dumped by their smarmy husbands for younger, nubile women. The neurotic trio decide to band together and seek vengeance, using such...
Sooner or Later(1979) - When 13-year-old Jessie (Denise Miller) goes to the Eddie Nova Guitar Institute, she's stunned to discover her teacher is Michael (Rex Smith), a 17-year-old aspiring local musician she'd just seen play with his rock band at the local shopping mall--and with whom she was instantly smitten. Through th...
Beneath the Planet of the Apes(1970) - James Franciscus,Kim Hunter,and Charlton Heston star in this sequel to"Planet of The Apes".A new astronaut crash lands on the planet,and discovers a strange breed of human mutants lurking underground.
A Cosmic Christmas(1977) - Classic Nelvana special from the late 1970s about three Magi-looking aliens who discover the true meaning of Christmas. Think A Charlie Brown Christmas meets E.T.
The Thing(2011) - A group of Norwegian and American scientist,stationed in Antarctica, discover a strange organism buried in the ice.This film is a prequel to the 1982 film.
Mr.Krueger's Christmas(1980) - A lonely,elderly man(James Stewart) discovers the magic and meaning of Christmas.
Ziegfeld Girl(1941) - Discovery by Flo Ziegfeld changes a girl's life but not necessarily for the better, as three beautiful women find out when they join the spectacle on Broadway: Susan, the singer who must leave behind her ageing vaudevillian father; vulnerable Sheila, the working girl pursued both by a millionaire an...
Insignificance(1985) - Four 1950s icons meet in the same hotel room and two of them discover more in common between them than they ever anticipated.
The Sapphires(2013) - The year is 1968 and a quartet of Aboriginal girls -- made up of sisters Gail, Cynthia, and Julie along with their cousin Kay -- are discovered by a talent scout named Dave. When they get chosen to perform for the American troops in Vietnam, the singing Sapphires find some of them falling in love an...
2001: A Space Odyssey(1968) - When humanity discovers a mysterious monolithic object beneath the surface of Earth's moon, a group of astronauts set off on a lunar quest with the artificially intelligent computer HAL 9000, who will stop at nothing to ensure the mission is completed... even if it means some or all of the crew will...
The Little Fox(1981) - Vic, the little fox lives happily among his many siblings in their parents' home. As he is livelier and snappier than the others, one day he wanders into the forest alone. As soon as he arrives home, he discovers that his whole family has disappeared. Only later, he comes to know that the responsibl...
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial(1982) - While visiting the Earth at Night, a group of alien botanists is discovered and disturbed by an approaching human task force. Because of the more than hasty take-off, one of the visitors is left behind. The little alien finds himself all alone on a very strange planet. Fortunately, the extra-terrest...
Rip Girls(2000) - Sydney Miller, a 13 year old girl who revisits her homeland of Hawaii, discovers her own inner strength through surfing and other island riches. During her time in Hawaii, she finds out why her father made her come back: she has inherited a large portion of the land of the Island that was thought to...
Poison Ivy 2: Lily(1996) - Ivy may be gone, but her legacy lives on (and that's not necessarily a good thing) in this sexy thriller. Lily is a young woman from the Midwest who leaves behind her shattered life and travels to California to study art. Lily quickly discovers that one of her professors, Donald Falk, has taken a de...
The Incubus(1982) - In the small New England town of Galen, a young teenage boy claims he has dreams of young women being brutally raped and murdered. A doctor and the local sheriff discover that the boy's dreams are real and that a sinister occult might be behind the brutal murders.
The Gymnast(2006) - The stunning Dreya Weber stars as a former top gymnast who discovers love and a new life path when she teams up with a dancer (played by former L.A. Lakers cheerleader Addie Yungmee) for an ambitious Las Vegas aerial act show.
Chutney Popcorn(1999) - Reena is a young Indian American lesbian who lives and works in New York. Her sister Sarita, who is happily married, discovers that she is infertile. Reena offers to be a surrogate mother for her sister's baby, hoping to improve her relationship with their mother, who disapproves of Reena's sexual o...
Claire Of The Moon(1992) - Female authors gather at a small northern coastal retreat to work on their writing skills. A first-time guest who lives for the moment finds herself struggling with her sexuality after discovering her roommate is a lesbian.
Double Exposure(1983) - A photographer for a men's magazine is disturbed by a recurring dream he has that he is killing his models by various gruesome means. Then he discovers that his city is being terrorized by a slasher who is stalking and murdering women on the streets. He begins to suspect that he may actually be the...
Love At Large(1990) - A down and out private detective is asked by a beautiful woman to follow her lover because she thinks he may be planning to kill her. Due to her poor description she's in danger. He ends up following the wrong man, but discovers the wrong man has some sleazy secrets himself. Meanwhile another detect...
Eleanor's Secret(2009) - Nathaniel, aged 7, goes to spend the summer holidays in the seaside villa that belonged to his old aunt Eleanor. Nathaniels parents inherited the villa and Nathaniel also received a gift in his aunts will: a whole library of old books. The inheritance doesnt much interest him until he discovers t...
The Prankster(2010) - The Pranksters are a secret society that rights the wrongs of high school. Its leader, Chris, longs for more with graduation looming. Under the guidance of his eccentric Uncle Nick, Chris embarks on a challenging path of self-discovery and romance.
Salems lot(1979) - A man and young boy discover a terrifying secret About the town they live in people vanish and turn into vampire ghosts or vampires
Thirteen(2003) - A thirteen-year-old girl's relationship with her mother is put to the test as she discovers drugs, sex, and petty crime in the company of her cool but troubled best friend.
Split Second(1992) - In a flooded dystopian future London, Detective Harley Stone hunts a serial killer who murdered his partner and has haunted him ever since. He soon discovers what he is hunting might not be human.
Prisoner Of Honor(1991) - "Prisoner of Honor" documents the French Dreyfus Affair that saw a French Captain sent to Devils' Island for espionage near the end of the nineteenth century. Richard Dreyfuss plays Colonel Picquart who is given the job of justifying Dreyfus' sentence. Instead, he discovers that Dreyfus, a Jew, was...
Afterburn(1992) - Based on a true story, one woman takes on the U.S. military and General Dynamics; maker of the F-16, thought to be the very best tactical fighter in the world. Air Force Captain Theodore T. Harduvel was one of the best F-16 pilots the U.S. had to offer. After much digging, Janet Harduvel discovers a...
Macaroni(1985) - A businessman from the United States returns to Italy for the first time in four decades only to discover that an old girlfriend of his, along with her brother, have involved him in a massive hoax.
Gunhed(1989) - A Japanese science fiction film from Toho and Sunrise. In 2038, a group of scavengers discover the Gunhed robot on a deserted island.
Sticky Fingers(1988) - Two girls try hard to find job as musicians. One of them play the cello and the other the violin. They have very little money, even to pay the rent. One day a friend (who is a drug dealer) ask them to keep a bag for some days. When the girls discover that inside the bag there are $ 900,000 they deci...
Race For The Yankee Zephyr(1981) - In a lake high in the mountains of New Zealand hunter Gibbie Gibson discovers a plane wreck from ww-ii. When he tells it around, a gang of crooks follows and threatens him and his daughter, because they know there are 50 million dollars in the wreck. Helicopter pilot Barney helps Gibbie against them...
The Cat Returns(2002) - High school student Haru (Chizuru Ikewaki) rescues a cat that was about to be run over by a truck and discovers the cat is actually a prince named Lune. Out of gratitude, Lune's father, the Cat King, asks her to marry Lune. Haru is brought to the Cat Kingdom, where she starts to develop feline featu...
WXIII: Patlabor the Movie 3(2002) - When the level of Labor accidents begin to escalate around Tokyo Bay, police detectives Kusumi and Hata are assigned to investigate. What they discover leads to a series of government cover-ups, conspiracy concerning a new biological weapon entitled WXIII-Wasted Thirteen and a tragic, personal conne...
Seven (1979)(1979) - A government agent discovers a plot by a cartel of seven gangsters to take over the state of Hawaii. He hires a team of seven hitmen to stop them.
Boys(1996) - Patty Vare falls off a horse and is found unconscious by preparatory school student John Baker. He takes her to his dormitory. As he quickly discovers, she is hiding from something. For John this becomes a road to maturity and for Patty, it's a way back to love and tenderness.
Winter Of Our Dreams(1981) - When a womanizing bookshop owner hears about the suicide of his former girlfriend, he tries to find out more and meets her friend, a prostitute. They hook up, but when she finds her friends diary, she discovers she's repeating her mistakes.
Heavy Metal 2000(2000) - When Tyler (Michael Ironside) discovers what could be a legendarily evil entity, he transforms into a power-hungry warlord bent on conquering death. After traveling to a distant planet that may hold the key to his plans, Tyler wipes out most of a colony's peaceful inhabitants. Only Julie (Julie Stra...
The Legend of the Candy Cane(2001) - In this wonderfully animated adaptation of The Legend of the Candy Cane, youll discover a fascinating story of hope and the hidden meaning of a favorite Christmas candythe candy cane. Based on the best-selling book, The Legend of the Candy Cane, this recreated and expanded version will introduce y...
Pray TV(1982) - 1982 TV movie about a newly ordained minister(John Ritter)who takes a job working with a dynamic televangelist(Ned Beatty).The minister soon feels conflicted after discovering certain disheartening things about the evangelist.
Broadway Melody Of 1940(1940) - Johnny Brett and King Shaw are an unsuccessful dance team in New York. A producer discovers Brett as the new partner for Clare Bennett, but Brett, who thinks he is one of the people they lent money to gives him the name of his partner.
The Mummy (1932)(1932) - During a British Museum-sponsored archaeological expedition to Egypt led by Sir Joseph Whemple, the recently discovered mummy of a high priest, Im-ho-tep, comes to life and walks away into the desert night. Ten years later a new expedition led by Sir Joseph's son, Frank Whemple, find the tomb of Pri...
P.S I Love You(2007) - A young widow discovers that her late husband has left her 10 messages intended to help ease her pain and start a new life.
Horror Of The Blood Monsters(1970) - In the near future with a intergalactic vampire plague threatening earth, an expedition is sent to a distant galaxy in hopes of discovering the plague^s source. Landing on a mysterious planet they discover that Spectrum radiation has turned the atmosphere into a one-color tint. Exploring further, t...
Mission: Stardust(1967) - A team of astronauts is sent to the moon to rescue an alien who is seeking help to save her dying race. They are attacked by a force of bandit robots and discover that enemy spies are out to kill the alien.
Rattlers(1976) - A herpetologist investigating a series of fatal rattlesnake attacks discovers that the creatures have been infected by a mysterious nerve gas disposed of in the desert by the military.
The Santa Clause 2(2002) - It's been eight years since Scott Calvin decided to put on the suit and get subject to the Santa Clause, but there is a new and recently discovered part of the Santa Clause, the Mrs. Clause-if Santa does not find a wife and marry before the next Christmas Eve the clause will be broken and Christmas...
Invasion Of The Star Creatures(1962) - A pair of comical soldiers investigate a mysterious crater in an atomic detonation area and discover several beautiful alien vixens who plan to conquer the world using an army of vegetable monsters.
Rodan(1956) - When a village is besieged by giant caterpillars, a more horrifying discovery is made in their underground home...a giant flying creature that resembles the prehistoric pterodactyl. Soon after, a second Rodan appears and the two monsters begin to destroy Japan.
Jungle Gents(1954) - When the Bowery Boys discover that Sach has a strange ability to sniff out diamonds, they hatch a scheme to make money out of it.
Journey To The Seventh Planet(1962) - A U.N. space expedition to the planet Uranus discovers a bizarre world right out of their own heads, featuring places and people the crew members recall from childhood. It's all part of a fantasy created by the planet's master, a giant, pulsating brain that can also turn their worst thoughts into re...
The Big Clock(1948) - A career oriented magazine editor finds himself on the run when he discovers his boss is framing him for murder.
Reptilicus(1961) - A portion of the tail of a prehistoric reptile is discovered in Denmark. It regenerates into the entire reptile, which proceeds to destroy buildings and property and generally make a nuisance of itself. It can fly, swim, and walk, and has impenetrable scales, which makes it difficult to kill.
The Amateur(1981) - A researcher for the CIA who convinces his superiors to send him to the eastern bloc in order to avenge the murder of his wife by enemy agents discovers a web of deception underneath his wife's death.
The Get-Man(1974) - A police officer becomes obsessed with a sadistic killer called "The Zebra Killer" who has kidnapped his girlfriend and discovers many murders along the way while tracking him down.
3 Godfathers(1948) - Three outlaws on the run discover a dying woman and her baby. They swear to bring the infant to safety across the desert, even at the risk of their own lives.
Dreams Come True(1984) - A boy discovers how to dream travel. Only in this scenario he appears in real life at the location of his dreams while his "other" body lies in bed. He then teaches his girlfriend how to dream travel and together they share the adventures of their dreams.
Ironmaster(1983) - A tale that takes place at the dawn of history. The movie tells the story of a tribe that discovers how to fashion weapons out of iron and use them for their own survival. However, the creation of iron also causes the tribe to battle for possession of the new weapons.
First Spaceship On Venus(1960) - When an alien artifact discovered on Earth is found to have come from Venus, an international team of astronauts embarks to investigate its origins.
Piglet's Big Movie(2003) - After an act of heroism goes relatively unnoticed, Piglet decides that he is too small to be worth it, and runs away from home. His friends discover a scrapbook of his at his house, all full of stories of his past heroic deeds and decide to go on an adventure to find him. They realize that if he can...
The Stepford Wives(1975) - Joanna Eberhart has come to the quaint little town of Stepford, Connecticut with her family, but soon discovers there lies a sinister truth in the all too perfect behavior of the female residents.
People Under The Stairs(1991) - A boy wants to help his sick mother make rent before eviction, so he goes into the house of the wealthiest family in the town. he gets locked in and discovers a CRAZY family lives there. the parents who are actually brother & sister have a girl locked in the house as well as lots of other boys in th...
Planet of the Apes (1968)(1968) - A group of astronauts land on a distant planet in the future, as first they find only primitive human life however they discover the world is dominated by a evolved race of Apes. The Apes hunt and gather the humans in the fields leaving only the Taylor. Taylor is studied by a female ape named Zira w...
Dumbo(1941) - One of the most memorable Disney classics about a baby elephant born with enormous ears. Sadly, he is teased and taunted by the other elephants, until he discovers (with the help of his friend, Timothy Q. Mouse) that his ears allow him to fly.
Stripteaser II(1997) - Out among the flesh peddlers and the vice palaces of the Sunset Strip, street-tough cabdriver Rick is looking for his kid sister. A few weeks back she vanished into the neon lit world of LA's steamiest strip clubs. His search for his sister becomes more desperate as he discovers a dark world of powe...
Stripped To Kill(1987) - When Detective Cody Sheehan discovers the body of a stripper from the Rock Bottom dance club, she wants the case. Her partner, Detective Heineman, is equally anxious to make the jump to the prestigious homicide division, but the only way Cody can get the assignment is to go undercover - uncovered -...
Beetlejuice(1988) - Barbara and Adam Maitland are just returning home from a country vacation when they are involved in a bad car accident. Upon returning home to their mansion, they discover that they were killed in the crash and are now just spirits. The Maitlands soon find the annoyance of a new family, the Deetzes,...
Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare(1991) - In part six of the Nightmare on Elm Street series, dream monster Freddy Krueger has finally killed all the children of his hometown, and seeks to escape its confines to hunt fresh prey. To this end, he recruits the aid of his (previously unmentioned) daughter. However, she discovers the demonic orig...
12 Rounds(2009) - Detective Danny Fisher discovers his girlfriend has been kidnapped by a ex-con tied to Fisher's past, and he'll have to successfully complete 12 challenges in order to secure her safe release.
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time(2006) - A young Japanese school girl named Makoto Konno, one day after school she falls on a small price of awkward metal. Soon she discovers she can travel through time or time leap She uses her at first for mundane and simple things however she learns that what she changes in the past can drastically ch...
Billy the Kid vs. Dracula(1966) - The legendary vampire Dracula impersonates as the uncle of Betty Bentley and intends on marrying her however Betty is the fiance of the gunfighter Billy the Kid. Billy slowly discovers Draculas scheme and plans on stopping Dracula from turning Betty into his vampir
Demonoid: Messenger Of Death(1981) - A British woman visits her husband at the Mexican mine he is attempting to reopen and discovers that the workers refuse to enter the mine fearing an ancient curse. The couple enter the mine to prove there is no danger and inadvertently release a demon which possess people's left hands and forces the...
Horror House(1969) - Teenagers gathered in an old mansion are being murdered one by one. The survivors must discover who among them is the killer before he finishes off everybody.
Boss N*****(1975) - Two black bounty hunters ride into a small town out West in pursuit of an outlaw. They discover that the town has no sheriff, and soon take over that position, much against the will of the mostly white townsfolk. They raise hell, chase women, and milk the locals for cash, while waiting for the oppor...
Autopsy(1975) - A pathology med student and a priest team up to investigate a wave of suicides blamed on sun spots and discover a number of them to be actual murders.
Voodoo Island(1957) - A wealthy industrialist hires the renowned hoax-buster Phillip Knight to prove that an island he plans to develop isn't voodoo cursed. However, arriving on the island, Knight soon realizes that voodoo does exist when he discovers man-eating plants and a tribe of natives with bizarre powers.
Whisper To The Wind(1966) - Siblings discover that their father has their vampire mother chained up in the cellar. The mother bites her son and soon everyone in the community is either dead or a vampire.
Shock Waves(1977) - Visitors to a remote island discover that a reclusive Nazi commandant has been breeding a group of Zombie soldiers.
The Child(1977) - A newly-hired housekeeper in a remote area is alarmed to discover that her boss's eleven-year-old daughter is using her supernatural powers to take revenge on the people she holds responsible for her mother's death, with the aid of her flesh-eating zombie 'friends'...
House Of Usher(1960) - After a long journey, Philip arrives at the Usher mansion seeking his loved one, Madeline. Upon arriving, however, he discovers that Madeline and her brother Roderick Usher have been afflicted with a mysterious malady: Roderick's senses have become painfully acute, while Madeline has become catatoni...
Dark Age(1987) - In the Australian outback, a park ranger and two local guides set out to track down a giant crocodile that has been killing and eating the local populace. During the hunt, one of the guides discovers that he has an ESP connection to the giant creature.
Damage(1992) - A member of Parliament falls passionately in love with his son's fiance despite the dangers of discovery.
Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince(2009) - As Harry Potter begins his 6th year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, he discovers an old book marked mysteriously "This book is the property of the Half-Blood Prince" and begins to learn more about Lord Voldemort's dark past.
The Mole People(1956) - A party of archaeologists discovers the remnants of a mutant 5000 year old Sumerian civilization living beneath a glacier atop a mountain in Mesopatamia.
Horror Express(1972) - An English anthropologist has discovered a frozen monster in the frozen wastes of Manchuria which he believes may be the Missing Link. He brings the creature back to Europe aboard a trans-Siberian express, but during the trip the monster thaws out and starts to butcher the passengers one by one.
Tall In The Saddle(1944) - Rocklin arrives at a ranch to take over as foreman, but discovers the owner has been murdered. He helps solve the mystery of the murder and a scheme to swindle the ranch away from its rightful owner.
Satan's Black Wedding(1980) - A man travels to another city for his sister's funeral to try to find out why she killed herself. He discovers that she is actually a vampire and returns from the dead to take revenge on her family.
Futureworld(1976) - Two reporters, Tracy and Chuck, get a message from a third one who discovered something about "Futureworld" and becomes killed before he could tell anyone about it. They visit Futureworld to find out what he knew.
The Mysterians(1957) - Aliens arrive on Earth and ask permission to be given a certain tract of land for their people to live on. But when they are discovered to be invaders, responsible for the giant robot that is destroying cities, the armed forces attempt to stop them with every weapon available.
The Grapes Of Death(1978) - A young woman discovers that the pesticide being sprayed on vineyards is turning people into killer zombies.
Shadows In An Empty Room(1976) - An Ottawa police captain searches for the person who poisoned his sister, who was attending the university in Montreal. So desperate is he for revenge that he begin to use his own brutal methods to find the killer. Soon he discovers that not everything is what he thought it was.
Henry Poole Is Here(2008) - Henry Poole moves in to a house in his old neighborhood, to spend what he believes are his remaining days alone. The discovery of a "miracle" by a nosy neighbor ruptures his solitude and restores his faith in life.
Dr. Dolittle(1998) - Dr. Dolittle is a 1998 American family comedy film starring Eddie Murphy as a doctor who discovers that he has the ability to talk to (and understand) animals. The film was inspired by the series of children's stories of the same name, but used no material from any of the novels; the main connection...
Vacancy(2007) - When David (Luke Wilson) and Amy Fox's (Kate Beckinsale) car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, they are forced to spend the night at the only motel around, with only the TV to entertain them... until they discover that the low-budget slasher movies they're watching were all filmed in the very ro...
Tetro(2009) - Bennie travels to Buenos Aires to find his long-missing older brother, a once-promising writer who is now a remnant of his former self. Bennie's discovery of his brother's near-finished play might hold the answer to understanding their shared past and renewing their bond.
Killers(2010) - A vacationing woman meets her ideal man, leading to a swift marriage. Back at home, however, their idyllic life is upset when they discover their neighbors could be assassins who have been contracted to kill the couple.
The Big One(1998) - The Big One is a movie filmed in 1996and released in 1998 by Miramax Filmsby Michael Moore during his promotion tour around the United States for his book Downsize This!. Through the 47 towns he visits, Moore discovers and describes American economic failings and the fear of unemployment of the Am...
Totem(1999) - Six people find themselves inexplicably transported to a remote cabin that is surrounded by an invisible barrier. In a nearby graveyard, they discover an ancient, carved stone monument that they dub a "totem pole." Soon, they find themselves trapped in a murderous plot by malevolent forces that can...
The Twilight Of The Golds(1996) - When Suzanne Stein has a genetic analysis done on her unborn child, she discovers that although she has a healthy baby, the child will most likely be born gay, like her brother, David. She must decide whether to keep the child, or to have an abortion. Her family enters a crisis about love and accept...
David & The Magic Pearl(1988) - David, a boy who stays with his parents in a small cabin in a jungle, not only gets a reliable puppy for his birthday, but he also befriends a baby eagle who he names Sandy. They discover that a stereotypical boss, named Mr. Stealmore in the English version, is after a set of pearls which were to be...
The 13th Warrior(1999) - In A.D. 922, an Arab ambassador is exiled from his homeland and ends up meeting a group of warrior Norseman, who he soon discovers he is destined join.
The Strongest Man In The World(1975) - Dexter Riley and his friends accidently discover a new chemical mixed with a cereal seems to give anyone temporary superhuman strength.
The Cabin In The Woods(2012) - Five friends go for a break at a remote cabin in the woods, where they get more than they bargained for. Together, they must discover the truth behind the cabin in the woods.
Prometheus(2012) - A team of explorers discover a clue to the origins of mankind on Earth, leading them on a journey to the darkest corners of the universe. There, they must fight a terrifying battle to save the future of the human race.
John Carter(2012) - Transplanted to Mars, a Civil War vet discovers a lush planet inhabited by 12-foot tall barbarians. Finding himself a prisoner of these creatures, he escapes, only to encounter a princess who is in desperate need of a savior.
Chronicle(2012) - Whilst attending a party, three high school friends gain superpowers after making an incredible discovery underground. Soon, though, they find their lives spinning out of control and their bond tested as they embrace their darker sides.
Battleship(2012) - A fleet of ships is forced to do battle with an armada of unknown origins in order to discover and thwart their destructive goals.
Pirates Of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides(2011) - Jack Sparrow and Barbossa embark on a quest to find the elusive fountain of youth, only to discover that Blackbeard and his daughter are after it too.
Day Of The Warrior(1996) - The Legion to Ensure Total Harmony and Law (L.E.T.H.A.L.), is tracking a criminal mastermind known only as The Warrior. While investigating his combination diamond smuggling/art theft/porn production industry, the agents discover that he has cracked their secret database and has stolen the files on...
Norman...Is That You?(1976) - A black man is distraught when he discovers his son is gay and is determined to set him right.
Zathura(2005) - Based on the children's book by Chris Van Alsburg. Brothers Walter and Danny can never seem to get along with each other, or with their older teen-aged sister, Lisa. While staying at their divorced father's home while he is away at work and Lisa is asleep, the boys discover an old clockwork-driven s...
Casanova (2005)(2005) - Heath Ledger plays the fabled romantic as a man who, after failing to win the affection of a particular Venetian woman, strives to discover the real meaning of love.
School of Rock(2003) - When rock singer Dewey Finn is removed from his rock band, No Vacancy because of his arrogance, he decides to get a new job as a fifth-grade teacher. Despite his lack of knowledge to be a teacher he soon discovers that his class is musically talented and decides to make a rock band out of them.
Journey to the Center of the Earth(2007) - Adapted from the public domain. Volcanlogist Trevor Anderson is visited by his nephew Sean who discovers his deceased brother Max's copy of Jules Vearn's novel "Journey to the Center of the Earth". Taking the novel to an Islandic scientist, she mentions that the novel is actually a work of fact and...
Lady & the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure(2001) - In 1911 on July 2, Lady and Tramp have puppies, three well-behaved children and one mischievous puppy named Scamp. They soon discover that Scamp refuses to calm down and he tells them of his dreams to be a wild dog.
Good Advice(2001) - An investment banker loses everything and must discover what's important in life.
Stitch! The Movie(2003) - After the events of the first film, Stitch still does not seem to fit in with Lilo. The pair soon discover Gantu breaking into their home and taking Jumba away for questioning. They soon discover that Jumba's other 625 experiments are hiding on Earth in a dehydrated form. Not so much a sequel to the...
House Of The Dead(2002) - A group of teens arrive on an island for a rave--only to discover the island has been taken over by zombies. The group takes refuge in a house where they try to survive the night. Inspired by Sega's video game franchise.
Beethoven's 5th(2003) - When Sara takes Beethoven to spend summer vacation with wacky Uncle Freddie in an old mining town, the mischievous canine "digs up" the missing clue to a legendary hidden fortune of Rita and Moe Selig. Now everybody wants to be the dog's best friend as his discovery unleashes a frenzy of treasure hu...
Transformers: Dark of the Moon(2011) - The film's story is set three years after the events of the second film, with the Autobots, during their collaboration with the NEST (Networked Elements: Supporters and Transformers) military force, discovering a hidden alien technology in possession of humans, which had been found by Apollo 11 on t...
The Toxic Avenger Part III(1989) - Subtitle: "The Last Temptation Of Toxie". Toxie finds he has nothing to do as a superhero, as he has ridden his city of evil. So he decides to go to work for a major corporation, which he discovers may be the evilest of all his adversaries.
The Forgotten(2004) - Told that their children never existed, a man and woman soon discover that there's a much bigger enemy at work.
Antitrust(2001) - A computer programmer's dream job at a hot Portland-based firm turns nightmarish when he discovers his boss has a secret and ruthless means of dispatching anti-trust problems.
About Schmidt(2002) - A man upon retirement embarks on a journey to his estranged daughter's wedding only to discover more about himself and life than he ever expected.
Daddy Day Camp(2007) - Charlie and Phil take their kids to Camp Driftwood for summer vacation, but once there, they discover that Camp Driftwood is no longer the kindhearted camp site of its time. To save the site, Charlie and Phil buy it and turn it into Daddy Day Camp. They run into misadventures along the way, though t...
The Shaggy D.A.(1976) - Wilby Daniels is now a successful attorney who is married to Betty, and they have a son named Brian. Returning to the town of Medfield from a vacation, the family discovers that they have been robbed of almost all their possessions and Wilby blames the local district attorney John Slade, who is repu...
Son of Flubber(1963) - Professor Ned Brainard's discovery of Flubber has not quite brought him or his college the riches he thought. The Pentagon has declared his discovery to be top secret and the IRS has slapped him with a huge tax bill, even if he has yet to receive a cent. He thinks he may have found the solution in t...
The Absent-Minded Professor(1961) - Professor Brainard (pronounced BRAY-nerd) is an absent-minded professor of physical chemistry at Medfield College who invents a substance that gains energy when it strikes a hard surface. This discovery follows some blackboard scribbling in which he reverses a sign in the equation for enthalpy to en...
Headhunter(2005) - Ambitious young go-getter Ben Caruso signs on with sexy corporate headhunter Sarah Tierney. Sarah gets Ben a new job with great pay working the graveyard shift. However, Ben soon discovers that Sarah is a witch and his coworkers are the tormented souls of Sarah's previous conquests. If Ben doesn't f...
Hollow Man(2000) - Scientists discover how to make people invisible, but their test subject becomes an insane killer who stalks them.
Playing Beatie Bow(1986) - An adolescent girl who lives in 1986 Sydney and cannot get along with her single mother follows a little girl who she sees one day and discovers she has gone back in time to 1873 Sydney.
Blood Descendants(2007) - Fulfilling a deadly curse, Jacob Bradford rises from his grave after more than a hundred years and exacts bloody revenge against the descendants of the men who murdered him. Even after several shocking murders are discovered in this small college town, the locals who know of the curse dismiss it, in...
Storm Warning(2007) - A yuppie couple lost in a thick brush filled marsh seek refuge at an isolated farmhouse only to discover they've jumped out of the frying pan into the fire.
Lone Wolf McQuade(1983) - J.J. McQuade is a Texas Ranger who doesn't exactly follow the rules, is unruly, and prefers to work alone, which earns the nickname, Lone Wolf McQuade. When he discovers some criminals have automatic weapons, he discovers that they were stolen from the military. He tries to handle on his own, as usu...
Because of Winn-Dixie(2005) - 10-year-old Opal Buloni has just moved to the small town of Naomi, Florida with her father, a preacher. While in the Winn-Dixie supermarket that summer, she encounters a scruffy dog that is wreaking havoc. She claims that it is hers, and names it Winn-Dixie. She discovers that Winn-Dixie becomes fri...
Doraemon: Nobita and the New Steel TroopsWinged A(2011) - Nobita follows him there after he has gone for a long time, and discovers a strange bowling ball-like orb which starts blinking with a pulsating light, and summons what looks like a giant robots foot. After sledding down the hill on it and having it crash into his room through the Anywhere Door, th...
A Force Of One(1979) - A team of undercover narcotics agents is conducting an investigation when things mysteriously begin to go haywire. One by one, the squad is eliminated by an assassin. To help discover the identity of the karate killer, the police enlist the aid of karate champion Matt Logan.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy(2005) - One Thursday, lunchtime, Arthur Dent discovers that his house is to be immediately demolished in order to make way for a bypass. He tries delaying the bulldozers by lying down in front of them. Ford Prefect, a friend of Arthur's, convinces him to go to the pub with him. Over a pint of beer (as "musc...
50 First Dates(2004) - Henry Roth is a man afraid of commitment up until he meets the beautiful Lucy. They hit it off and Henry think he's finally found the girl of his dreams, until he discovers she has short-term memory loss and forgets him the very next day.
Tangled(2010) - The magically long-haired Rapunzel has spent her entire life in a tower, but now that a runaway thief has stumbled upon her, she is about to discover the world for the first time, and who she really is.
Conspiracy(2008) - A seasoned senior enlisted special operations (spec ops) United States Marine is wounded during combat operations in Iraq. He is retired from the Marine Corps and visits a friend on a ranch in the south west. When he arrives he discovers his friend has disappeared and no one will even admit to knowi...
Outpost(2008) - In war-torn Eastern Europe, a world-weary group of mercenaries discover a long-hidden secret in an abandoned WWII bunker.
Perfect Strangers(2002) - A woman goes home with the best-looking stranger, only to discover she's been kidnapped.
The Big Picture(1989) - Film school grad Nick Chapman thought his career was made after his award winning short film, but discovered Hollywood wasn't as easy as it seems.
Million Dollar Mystery(1987) - A disparate group of travelers is eating in an isolated restaurant when a man drops dead of a heart attack. Before he dies, they discover that he is wanted for stealing several million dollars, and he tells them that he has hidden a million dollars in each of four different locations, and gives them...
Paris 36(2008) - A man is charged with murder. He is Pigoil, the aging stage manager at Chansonia, a music hall in a Paris faubourg. His confession is a long flashback to New Year's Eve, 1935, when he discovers his wife is unfaithful and Galapiat, the local mobster, closes the music hall. Over the next few months, P...
The Terminal Man(1974) - Hoping to cure his violent seizures, a man agrees to a series of experimental microcomputers inserted into his brain but inadvertently discovers that violence now triggers a pleasurable response his brain.
Die, Monster, Die!(1965) - A young man visits his fiance's estate to discover that her wheelchair-bound scientist father has discovered a meteorite that emits mutating radiation rays that have turned the plants in his greenhouse to giants. When his own wife falls victim to this mysterious power, the old man takes it upon him...
As Summers Die(1986) - The plot centers around a large area of land owned by an old black lady, Elvira Backus. It had been given to her by her one time employer and secret father of her two children, a southern patriarch. Discovering oil on the aforementioned property, the patriarch's family tries to regain the land by de...
The Earth Dies Screaming(1964) - A group of survivor start gathering in a inn in Britain. A gas attack has took out a good chunk on the population but the survivors soon discover there are robots walking patrolling the streets. These robots can kill any one within a single touch and can resurrect the dead for assistance to hunt dow...
Miracles(1986) - Roger and Jean learn the hard way that when you are meant to be together, nothing can keep you apart. The newly divorced couple keep running into one another (literally), and in the process, rediscover their love for one another.
Deceived(1991) - A marriage that seemed perfect comes crashing down after the death of Jack Saunders, husband of Adrienne Saunders. Strange developments begin to be discovered by Adrienne regarding Jack's past, developments that lead her to believe she has been deceived.
Tell Me A Riddle(1980) - Touching story of elderly couple David and Eva who go on one last journey across the USA when they discover Eva is dying, ending up with their granddaughter Jeannie in San Francisco.
Battle Angel(1993) - In the far future a cyborg named Gally (Alita in other versions) is discovered with no memory however has incredible fighting skills. She uses these amazing abilities to help others in the the Scrapyard below the amazing aerial cit
Cult of the Cobra(1955) - Six American officers are visiting an Asian bazaar before shipping off to the US. After seeing a snake charmer they are given the offer to see cult of the Lamians. They secretly sneak into the temple but are shortly discovered but before they escape the high priest threatens them with a death curse....
The Night the World Exploded(1957) - Dr. Conway has invented a machine that can predict earthquakes. After failing to convince the Governor of a earthquake that hits California, Dr. Conway finds out there there will be a series of quakes that hitting around the world. Determined to discover the cause Dr. Conway and his team head to Car...
Fantastic Voyage(1966) - Set during the Cold War, the US and Soviet Union have discovered the technique of shrinking however the process only lasts for an hour. Scientist Dr. Jan Benes ends up in a coma after a attempted assassination when heading back to the US (working under the Soviet Union). Dr. Benes knows how to exten...
The Dead Zone(1983) - Schoolteacher John Smith, ends up in a coma after a car accident. He wakes up five years later with his life undone having his love Sarah married and a mother. As John tries to rebuild his life, he also discovers that he has psychi
Caltiki, the Immortal Monster(1959) - A team of archaeologist explore some Mayan ruins to discover gelatinous blob monster that absorbs anything it comes in contact with. The group manages to stop it and save a piece of a creature. They return to Mexico City with and experiment with the creature. They discover that the creature expands...
Bill: On His Own(1983) - Bill Sackter struggles to cope after his best friend and guardian, Barry Morrow and his wife Beverly move away. Bill moves into a group home run by Mae Driscoll who teaches him how to read. Bill soon discovers his religious heritage, overcoming the fire that accidentally destroyed his small canteen...
World Without End(1956) - Four astronauts are coming back from a mission to Mars and find themselves in the time warp. When the ship lands back on Earth they discover they are in a post-Apocalyptic future Earth. The Earth service now being controlled by mutants. They do discover a group of human that survived however the ast...
Dumbo (2019)(2019) - Struggling circus owner Max Medici enlists a former star and his two children to care for Dumbo, a baby elephant born with oversized ears. When the family discovers that the animal can fly, it soon becomes the main attraction -- bringing in huge audiences and revitalizing the run-down circus. The el...
Dead Of Winter(1987) - A fledgling actress is lured to a remote mansion for a screen-test, soon discovering she is actually a prisoner in the middle of a blackmail plot.
Agnes Of God(1985) - When a naive novice nun is discovered with a dead newborn in her convent quarters, a court-appointed psychiatrist investigates her case.
Zero Dark Thirty(2012) - Zero Dark Thirty is a 2012 American thriller film directed by Kathryn Bigelow and written by Mark Boal. The film dramatizes the nearly decade-long international manhunt for Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden after the September 11 attacks. This search leads to the discovery of his compound in Pakistan...
The Ideon: A Contact(1982) - Scouring the universe in pursuit of knowledge, mankind has discovered three large trucks and a giant spaceship belonging to an extinct alien civilization on the planet Solo. During their excavation, a humanoid alien race known as the Buff Clan arrives at Solo, and Karala Ajibadaughter of the Buff C...
Mooncussers(1962) - A boy discovers a group called the Mooncussers, who are pirates that send out false homing signals to ships at sea during the evenings to lure them to go off course and crash on the shore, where they are looted by the Mooncussers.
JJBA: Diamond is Unbreakable Chapter 1(2017) - A teen gifted with supernatural power discovers the truth behind his cursed and bizarre bloodline, and the evil that lurks within hi
Pokmon: Mewtwo Strikes BackEvolution(2019) - Released to Japanese theaters in 2019 followed by streaming services in the US, this is a CGI remake of the very first film "Mewtwo Strikes Back". When researchers discover and exploit a fossil of the Mythical Pokmon Mew, they unleash a creation that goes against the very laws of nature: Mewtwo, a...
Kung Fu Panda 2(2011) - In the sequel to the smash-hit film, Po and the Furious Five battle an evil white peacock ruler named Lord Shen who has a powerful weapon that he plans to use to conquer China. Meanwhile, Po discovers a terrifying secret about his past, and discovers that Shen may have something to do with it. Compa...
Happy Feet Two(2011) - Mumble's son, Erik, is struggling to realize his talents in the Emperor Penguin world. Meanwhile, Mumble and his family and friends discover a new threat their home -- one that will take everyone working together to save them.
Diary of a Mad Black Woman(2005) - Diary of a Mad Black Woman is a 2005 romantic comedy-drama film written by and starring Tyler Perry, which was inspired by the play of the same name. In this film a couple's seemingly solid marriage begins to crumble when the wife discovers that her husband intends to divorce her.
Freaks(1932) - A circus' beautiful trapeze artist agrees to marry the leader of side-show performers, but his deformed friends discover she is only marrying him for his inheritance.
Fullmetal Alchemist: Conqueror of Shamballa(2005) - Germans discover the existence of an alternate reality and try to harness its power of alchemy to further their war effort.
The Best Man Holiday(2013) - Nearly 15 years after they were last together as a group, college friends Lance, Harper, Candace, Quentin, Robyn, Jordan, Murch, and Mia finally reunite over the Christmas holidays. Though much has changed in their lives, the friends discover just how easy it is for long-forgotten rivalries and pass...
Crazylove(2005) - Two institutionalized people discover love.
The Mighty Peking Man(1977) - Word of a monster ape ten stories tall living in the Himalayas reaches fortune hunters in Hong Kong. They travel to India to capture it, but wild animals and quicksand dissuade all but Johnny, an adventurer with a broken heart. He finds the monster and discovers it's been raising a scantily-clad wom...
The Strange Vice Of Mrs. Wardh(1971) - An ambassador's wife discovers that one of the men in her life - either her husband, an ex-lover or her current lover - may be a vicious serial killer.
Disney's Descendants 2(2017) - When the pressure to be royally perfect gets to be too much for Mal, she returns to the Isle of the Lost. She discovers that Uma, the daughter of Ursula, has taken over as queen, and that her gang is finalizing plans to bring down the barrier.
The Emperor's New Groove 2: Kronk's New Groove(2005) - Kronk desperately tries to find ways to impress his dad, whom he can never please. But when things go wrong, Kronk kicks into comical gear and discovers the true riches in life are his friends and being "true to your groove".
Lady Libertine(1984) - Charlie, a young aristocrat in turn of the century England, meets a boy named Frank on the road to Portsmouth. What Charlie doesn't realize is that Frank is actually Frances, who's donned a disguise to escape working at a brothel. Charlie takes Frank/Frances into his home, and when he discovers her...
December Flower(1984) - Newly widowed Etta visits her beloved Aunt M and discovers her bedridden and listless. Etta's struggle to restore M's dignity and cheer brings renewed meaning to Etta's life but also reveals family secrets and forces confrontations with M's indifferent son and hostile daughter-in-law.
The Terminal(2004) - Viktor Navorski has just arrived at JFK Airport New York when he discovers that his passport has been cancelled and he cannot enter the US. At the same time a military coup in his native Krakozhia means he cannot return home. Left as a refugee he decided to take up a new life right inside JFK's Term...
The Little Shop Of Horrors(1960) - A clumsy young man nurtures a plant and discovers that it's carnivorous, forcing him to kill to feed it.
Trolls(2016) - The Trolls are small, colorful creatures who live in an almost perpetual state of happiness, singing, dancing, hugging, and having fun all day. However, they are discovered by the Bergens, large, ugly, mean, and miserable creatures who believe they can only feel happy by consuming a Troll. The Berge...
Earwig and the Witch(2020) - A headstrong orphan discovers a world of spells and potions while living with a selfish witch. It's the very first CGI film ever made by Studio Ghibli and directed by Goro Miyazaki.
Arctic Dogs(2019) - Swifty the fox discovers a devious plan by Otto Von Walrus to drill beneath the Arctic surface to unleash enough gas to melt all the ice. With help from his friends -- an introverted polar bear, a scatterbrained albatross, a crafty fox and two paranoid otters -- Swifty and the gang spring into actio...
1492: Conquest of Paradise (1992) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 34min | Adventure, Biography, Drama | 9 October 1992 (USA) -- Christopher Columbus' discovery of the Americas and the effect this has on the indigenous people. Director: Ridley Scott Writer: Rose Bosch (scenario) (as Roselyne Bosch)
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) ::: 8.3/10 -- G | 2h 29min | Adventure, Sci-Fi | 12 May 1968 (UK) -- After discovering a mysterious artifact buried beneath the Lunar surface, mankind sets off on a quest to find its origins with help from intelligent supercomputer H.A.L. 9000. Director: Stanley Kubrick Writers:
2010: The Year We Make Contact (1984) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG | 1h 56min | Adventure, Mystery, Sci-Fi | 7 December 1984 (USA) -- A joint U.S.-Soviet expedition is sent to Jupiter to learn what happened to the Discovery, and H.A.L. Director: Peter Hyams Writers: Arthur C. Clarke (novel), Peter Hyams (screenplay)
50 First Dates (2004) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 39min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 13 February 2004 (USA) -- Henry Roth is a man afraid of commitment until he meets the beautiful Lucy. They hit it off and Henry think he's finally found the girl of his dreams until discovering she has short-term memory loss and forgets him the next day. Director: Peter Segal Writer:
8MM (1999) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 2h 3min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 26 February 1999 (USA) -- A private investigator is hired to discover if a "snuff film" is authentic or not. Director: Joel Schumacher Writer: Andrew Kevin Walker
Abbott and Costello Meet the Mummy (1955) ::: 6.4/10 -- Passed | 1h 19min | Action, Adventure, Comedy | 23 June 1955 (USA) -- Two bumbling Americans stumble on the discovery of a lifetime when their search for a mummy leads them to a sacred medallion that holds the key to buried treasure. Director: Charles Lamont Writers: Lee Loeb (story), John Grant (screenplay) Stars:
About Schmidt (2002) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 2h 5min | Comedy, Drama | 3 January 2003 (USA) -- A recently retired man embarks on a journey to his estranged daughter's wedding, only to discover more about himself and life than he ever expected. Director: Alexander Payne Writers:
About Time (2013) ::: 7.8/10 -- R | 2h 3min | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy | 8 November 2013 (USA) -- At the age of 21, Tim discovers he can travel in time and change what happens and has happened in his own life. His decision to make his world a better place by getting a girlfriend turns out not to be as easy as you might think. Director: Richard Curtis Writer:
A Discovery of Witches ::: TV-MA | 1h | Drama, Fantasy, Romance | TV Series (2018 ) -- Diana Bishop, historian and witch, accesses Ashmole 782 and knows she must solve its mysteries. She is offered help by the enigmatic Matthew Clairmont, but he's a vampire and witches should never trust vampires. Stars:
A Dog's Purpose (2017) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG | 1h 40min | Adventure, Comedy, Drama | 27 January 2017 (USA) -- A dog looks to discover his purpose in life over the course of several lifetimes and owners. Director: Lasse Hallstrm Writers: W. Bruce Cameron (screenplay by), Cathryn Michon (screenplay by) | 4
Adopt a Highway (2019) ::: 6.3/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 21min | Drama | 1 November 2019 (USA) -- An ex-felon discovers a live baby left in a dumpster. Director: Logan Marshall-Green Writer: Logan Marshall-Green
Adverse (2020) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 34min | Crime, Thriller | 12 February 2021 (USA) -- A rideshare driver discovers that his sister is in debt to a dangerous crime syndicate. Director: Brian A. Metcalf Writer: Brian A. Metcalf
After the Wedding (2006) ::: 7.7/10 -- Efter brylluppet (original title) -- After the Wedding Poster -- A manager of an orphanage in India is sent to Copenhagen, Denmark, where he discovers a life-altering family secret. Director: Susanne Bier Writers:
Agnes of God (1985) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 38min | Drama, Mystery | 27 September 1985 (USA) -- When a naive novice nun is discovered with a dead newborn in her convent quarters, a court-appointed psychiatrist investigates her case. Director: Norman Jewison Writers: John Pielmeier (screenplay), John Pielmeier (play) Stars:
A Good Year (2006) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 57min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 10 November 2006 (USA) -- A British investment broker inherits his uncle's chateau and vineyard in Provence, where he spent much of his childhood. He discovers a new laid-back lifestyle as he tries to renovate the estate to be sold. Director: Ridley Scott Writers:
Ajin ::: TV-MA | 24min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2016- ) Episode Guide 29 episodes Ajin Poster A high school student discovers he is an Ajin, a demi-human being. He ends up a fugitive on the run because of his powers. Creators: Tsuina Miura, Gamon Sakurai Stars:
Aldnoah.Zero ::: TV-14 | 25min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2014- ) Episode Guide 24 episodes Aldnoah.Zero Poster In 1972, an ancient alien hypergate was discovered on the surface of the moon. Using this technology, humanity began migrating to Mars and settling there. After settlers discovered ... S Stars: Zach Aguilar, Sora Amamiya, Sandy Fox
Alien: Covenant (2017) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 2h 2min | Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 19 May 2017 (USA) -- The crew of a colony ship, bound for a remote planet, discover an uncharted paradise with a threat beyond their imagination, and must attempt a harrowing escape. Director: Ridley Scott Writers:
All or Nothing (2002) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 2h 8min | Drama | 18 October 2002 (UK) -- In a poor working class London home Penny's love for her partner, taxi-driver Phil, has run dry, but when an unexpected tragedy occurs, they and their local community are brought together, and they rediscover their love. Director: Mike Leigh Writer: Mike Leigh
All the Bright Places (2020) ::: 6.5/10 -- TV-MA | 1h 47min | Drama, Romance | 28 February 2020 (USA) -- The story of Violet and Theodore, who meet and change each other's lives forever. As they struggle with the emotional and physical scars of their past, they discover that even the smallest places and moments can mean something. Director: Brett Haley Writers:
Amlie (2001) ::: 8.3/10 -- Le fabuleux destin d'Amlie Poulain (original title) -- Amlie Poster -- Amlie is an innocent and naive girl in Paris with her own sense of justice. She decides to help those around her and, along the way, discovers love. Director: Jean-Pierre Jeunet Writers:
An Angel at My Table (1990) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 2h 38min | Biography, Drama | 20 September 1990 (Australia) -- Janet Frame was a brilliant child who, as a teen, was misdiagnosed with schizophrenia. Explore Janet's discovery of the world and her life in Europe as her books are published to acclaim. Director: Jane Campion Writers:
And the Band Played On (1993) ::: 7.8/10 -- PG | 2h 21min | Drama, History | TV Movie 11 September 1993 -- The story of the discovery of the AIDS epidemic, and the political infighting of the scientific community hampering the early fight with it. Director: Roger Spottiswoode Writers:
Another Earth (2011) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 32min | Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi | 12 October 2011 (France) -- On the night of the discovery of a duplicate Earth in the Solar system, an ambitious young student and an accomplished composer cross paths in a tragic accident. Director: Mike Cahill Writers:
A Perfect Getaway (2009) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 7 August 2009 (USA) -- Two pairs of lovers on a Hawaiian vacation discover that psychopaths are stalking and murdering tourists on the islands. Director: David Twohy Writer: David Twohy
A Perfect Murder (1998) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 47min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 5 June 1998 (USA) -- A wealthy Wall Street speculator discovers that his wife has a lover. He investigates him and uses the carrot and stick to make him murder his wife. Planned to detail, it seems like a perfect murder. Director: Andrew Davis Writers:
Armageddon (1998) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 31min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 1 July 1998 (USA) -- After discovering that an asteroid the size of Texas is going to impact Earth in less than a month, NASA recruits a misfit team of deep-core drillers to save the planet. Director: Michael Bay Writers:
A Shock to the System (1990) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 28min | Comedy, Crime, Thriller | 23 March 1990 (USA) -- When you think you're at the top of the corporate ladder and then discover they have managed to pull that ladder away, sometimes you have to take it upon yourself to "level" the playing ... S Director: Jan Egleson Writers:
Autumn Dreams (2015) ::: 6.4/10 -- TV-G | 1h 24min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | TV Movie 3 October 2015 -- Years after the annulment of their spontaneous marriage a couple discovers a mistake in the paperwork that means they are still husband and wife. Director: Neill Fearnley Writer: Laurie Stevens Stars:
Avanti! (1972) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 2h 24min | Comedy, Romance | 17 December 1972 (USA) -- A successful businessman goes to Italy to arrange for the return of his tycoon-father's body only to discover dad died with his mistress of long standing. Director: Billy Wilder Writers: Samuel A. Taylor (play) (as Samuel Taylor), Billy Wilder (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Awake (2007) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 24min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 30 November 2007 (USA) -- A wealthy young man undergoing heart transplant surgery discovers that the surgical team intend to murder him. Director: Joby Harold Writer: Joby Harold
Awake (2007) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 24min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 30 November 2007 (USA) -- A wealthy young man undergoing heart transplant surgery discovers that the surgical team intend to murder him.
Away We Go (2009) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Adventure, Comedy, Drama | 26 June 2009 (USA) -- A couple who is expecting their first child travel around the U.S. in order to find a perfect place to start their family. Along the way, they have misadventures and find fresh connections with an assortment of relatives and old friends who just might help them discover "home" on their own terms for the first time. Director: Sam Mendes
Babylon 5: Thirdspace (1998) ::: 7.0/10 -- 1h 34min | Action, Adventure, Drama | TV Movie 19 July 1998 -- The crew of Babylon 5 discover an ancient artifact floating in hyperspace. Director: Jess Salvador Trevio Writers: J. Michael Straczynski (creator), J. Michael Straczynski Stars:
Bachelor Mother (1939) ::: 7.6/10 -- Passed | 1h 22min | Comedy, Romance | 4 August 1939 (USA) -- An unemployed woman discovers an abandoned baby on the steps of an orphanage, and accepts an offer to take responsibility for the child in return for a job. Director: Garson Kanin Writers:
Bad Timing (1980) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 2h 3min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 25 October 1980 (USA) -- A psychiatrist, living in Vienna, enters a torrid relationship with a married woman. When she ends up in the hospital from an overdose, an inspector becomes set on discovering the demise of their affair. Director: Nicolas Roeg Writer:
Band Baaja Baaraat (2010) ::: 7.2/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 19min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 10 December 2010 -- Band Baaja Baaraat Poster -- Shruti and Bittoo become partners in their very own "Wedding planning ka bijness" in Delhi and in the process discover friendship, love and one another. Director: Maneesh Sharma Writers:
Barton Fink (1991) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 1h 56min | Comedy, Drama, Thriller | 21 August 1991 (USA) -- A renowned New York playwright is enticed to California to write for the movies and discovers the hellish truth of Hollywood. Directors: Joel Coen, Ethan Coen (uncredited) Writers: Joel Coen, Ethan Coen
Before I Fall (2017) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 38min | Drama, Fantasy, Mystery | 3 March 2017 (USA) -- February 12 is just another day in Sam's charmed life, until it turns out to be her last. Stuck reliving her last day over and over, Sam untangles the mystery around her death and discovers everything she's losing. Director: Ry Russo-Young Writers:
Being John Malkovich (1999) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 1h 53min | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy | 3 December 1999 (USA) -- A puppeteer discovers a portal that leads literally into the head of movie star John Malkovich. Director: Spike Jonze Writer: Charlie Kaufman
Ben 10 ::: TV-Y7-FV | 30min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (20052008) -- The story of Ben Tennyson, a typical kid who becomes very atypical after he discovers the Omnitrix, a mysterious alien device with the power to transform the wearer into ten different alien species. Creators:
Bend of the River (1952) ::: 7.3/10 -- Approved | 1h 31min | Action, Adventure, Romance | 15 April 1952 -- Bend of the River Poster -- When a town boss confiscates homesteader's supplies after gold is discovered nearby, a tough cowboy risks his life to try and get it to them. Director: Anthony Mann Writers:
Better Watch Out (2016) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 29min | Comedy, Horror, Thriller | 6 October 2017 (USA) -- On a quiet suburban street, a babysitter must defend a twelve-year-old boy from intruders, only to discover it's far from a normal home invasion. Director: Chris Peckover Writers:
Beyond ::: TV-14 | 43min | Drama, Fantasy, Mystery | TV Series (20162018) -- A young man wakes up from a 12 year coma to discover new abilities that come to propel him into the middle of a dangerous conspiracy. Creator: Adam Nussdorf
Big Business (1988) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG | 1h 37min | Comedy | 10 June 1988 (USA) -- Two couples of sisters from New York and from the countryside discover that they are connected in an incredible way. Director: Jim Abrahams Writers: Dori Pierson, Marc Reid Rubel (as Marc Rubel)
Black Magic M-66 (1987) ::: 6.5/10 -- Burakku Majikku M-66 (original title) -- Black Magic M-66 Poster -- A freelance reporter discovers that two killer androids are running loose and have a little girl for a kill target. Directors: Hiroyuki Kitakubo, Shirow Masamune (as Masamune Shirow) Writers:
Blade Runner 2049 (2017) ::: 8.0/10 -- R | 2h 44min | Action, Drama, Mystery | 6 October 2017 (USA) -- Young Blade Runner K's discovery of a long-buried secret leads him to track down former Blade Runner Rick Deckard, who's been missing for thirty years. Director: Denis Villeneuve Writers:
Block-Heads (1938) ::: 7.6/10 -- Approved | 57min | Comedy, War | 19 August 1938 (USA) -- Stan, who has remained faithfully at his World War I post for twenty years, finally comes home where his best friend, Ollie, takes him in, thus allowing him to discover the many conveniences of the modern world. Director: John G. Blystone Writers: Charley Rogers (original story and screen play) (as Charles Rogers), Felix Adler (original story and screen play) | 3 more credits
Blood of Zeus ::: TV-MA | 30min | Animation, Action, Fantasy | TV Series (2020 ) -- A commoner living in ancient Greece, Heron discovers his true heritage as a son of Zeus, and his purpose: to save the world from a demonic army. Creators:
Blood Simple (1984) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 1h 39min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 18 January 1985 (USA) -- The owner of a seedy small-town Texas bar discovers that one of his employees is having an affair with his wife. A chaotic chain of misunderstandings, lies and mischief ensues after he devises a plot to have them murdered. Directors: Joel Coen, Ethan Coen (uncredited) Writers:
Blue Collar (1978) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 1h 54min | Crime, Drama | 10 February 1978 (USA) -- When three workers try to steal from the local union, they discover the corruption of the union instead and decide to blackmail them. Director: Paul Schrader Writers: Paul Schrader, Leonard Schrader | 1 more credit
Blue Exorcist ::: Ao no ekusoshisuto (original tit ::: TV-14 | 30min | Animation, Action, Drama | TV Series (2011-2012) Episode Guide 25 episodes Blue Exorcist Poster -- After discovering that he's the son of Satan, a young man must join the True Cross Academy in order to master his abilities and defeat Satan himself. Stars:
Blue Is the Warmest Colour (2013) ::: 7.7/10 -- La vie d'Adle (original title) -- Blue Is the Warmest Colour Poster -- Adle's life is changed when she meets Emma, a young woman with blue hair, who will allow her to discover desire and to assert herself as a woman and as an adult. In front of others, Adle grows, seeks herself, loses herself, and ultimately finds herself through love and loss. Director: Abdellatif Kechiche
Blue Velvet (1986) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 2h | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 23 October 1986 (Italy) -- The discovery of a severed human ear found in a field leads a young man on an investigation related to a beautiful, mysterious nightclub singer and a group of psychopathic criminals who have kidnapped her child. Director: David Lynch Writer:
Boogie Nights (1997) ::: 7.9/10 -- R | 2h 35min | Drama | 31 October 1997 (USA) -- Back when sex was safe, pleasure was a business and business was booming, an idealistic porn producer aspires to elevate his craft to an art when he discovers a hot young talent. Director: Paul Thomas Anderson Writer:
BrainDead ::: TV-14 | 44min | Comedy, Drama, Horror | TV Series (2016) -- A government employee discovers that the cause of the tensions between the two political parties is a race of extraterrestrial insects eating the brains of the politicians. Creators:
Brat 2 (2000) ::: 7.8/10 -- 2h 2min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 11 May 2000 (Russia) -- Arriving in Moscow, Danila discovers Konstantin dead and he sets out to avenge his death; a journey that leads him to Chicago and a whole new experience. Director: Aleksey Balabanov Writer: Aleksey Balabanov Stars:
Brat 2 (2000) ::: 7.8/10 -- 2h 2min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 11 May 2000 (Russia) -- Arriving in Moscow, Danila discovers Konstantin dead and he sets out to avenge his death; a journey that leads him to Chicago and a whole new experience. Director:
Brian's Song (1971) ::: 7.6/10 -- G | 1h 13min | Biography, Drama, Sport | TV Movie 30 November 1971 -- Based on the real-life relationship between teammates Brian Piccolo and Gale Sayers and the bond established when Piccolo discovers that he is dying. Director: Buzz Kulik Writers: William Blinn, Gale Sayers (book) | 1 more credit Stars:
Brockmire ::: TV-MA | 30min | Comedy, Drama, Sport | TV Series (20172020) -- A famed major league baseball announcer who suffers an embarrassing and very public meltdown live on the air after discovering his beloved wife's serial infidelity decides to reclaim his career and love life in a small town a decade later. Creator:
Bumblebee (2018) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 54min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 21 December 2018 (USA) -- On the run in the year 1987, Bumblebee finds refuge in a junkyard in a small California beach town. On the cusp of turning 18 and trying to find her place in the world, Charlie Watson discovers Bumblebee, battle-scarred and broken. Director: Travis Knight Writer:
Carry on Doctor (1967) ::: 6.5/10 -- Carry On Doctor (original title) -- Carry on Doctor Poster Dr Kilmore is sacked after being discovered in a compromising position on the roof of the nurses' home. The patients are determined not to lose him, and so take on the might of the "cutting" Dr Tinkle and the overpowering Matron. Director: Gerald Thomas Writer: Talbot Rothwell (screenplay)
Casanova (2005) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 52min | Adventure, Comedy, Drama | 6 January 2006 (USA) -- The fabled romantic Giacomo Casanova, after failing to win the affection of the Venetian woman Francesca Bruni, strives to discover the real meaning of love. Director: Lasse Hallstrm Writers:
Caught (1949) ::: 7.0/10 -- Approved | 1h 28min | Drama, Film-Noir, Romance | April 1949 (USA) -- An L.A. department store ambitious young model gets her wish of marrying a millionaire but she eventually discovers that rich life isn't always a happy one. Director: Max Ophls (as Max Opuls) Writers: Arthur Laurents (screenplay), Libbie Block (novel) Stars:
Charmed ::: TV-14 | 42min | Drama, Fantasy, Mystery | TV Series (19982006) -- Three sisters discover their destiny, to battle against the forces of evil, using their witchcraft. They are the Charmed Ones. Creator: Constance M. Burge
Chasing Mavericks (2012) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG | 1h 56min | Biography, Drama, Sport | 26 October 2012 (USA) -- When young Jay Moriarity discovers that the mythic Mavericks surf break, one of the biggest waves on Earth, exists just miles from his Santa Cruz home, he enlists the help of local legend Frosty Hesson to train him to survive it. Directors: Michael Apted, Curtis Hanson Writers:
Child's Play (1988) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 27min | Fantasy, Horror, Thriller | 9 November 1988 (USA) -- A single mother gives her son a much sought-after doll for his birthday, only to discover that it is possessed by the soul of a serial killer. Director: Tom Holland Writers:
Chobits ::: TV-14 | Animation, Comedy, Drama | TV Series (20022003) -- Hideki finds the discarded and malfunctioning Persocom Chi, a personal computer that looks like a girl. While trying to fix and care for Chi, Hideki discovers that she might be a Chobits, a robot of urban legend that has free will. Stars:
Chosen -- 22min | Action, Drama, Thriller | TV Series (2013 ) "Chosen" follows Ian Mitchell -- a husband, father and lawyer ::: who awakens one morning to discover a mysterious box on his doorstep containing a loaded gun and a photo of a stranger he ... S Creators: Ben Ketai, Ryan Lewis
Christmas in July (1940) ::: 7.4/10 -- Passed | 1h 7min | Comedy, Romance | 25 October 1940 (USA) -- When the co-workers of an ambitious clerk trick him into thinking he has won $25,000 in a slogan contest, he begins to use the money to fulfill his dreams. What will happen when the ruse is discovered? Director: Preston Sturges Writer: Preston Sturges Stars:
Christmas Under Wraps (2014) ::: 6.4/10 -- TV-G | 1h 28min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | TV Movie 29 November 2014 -- When a doctor doesn't get the position she wanted, she ends up moving to a remote Alaskan town. She unexpectedly ends up finding love, happiness and discovers that the small town is hiding a big holiday secret. Director: Peter Sullivan Writers:
Christopher Robin (2018) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG | 1h 44min | Adventure, Comedy, Drama | 3 August 2018 (USA) -- A working-class family man, Christopher Robin, encounters his childhood friend Winnie-the-Pooh, who helps him to rediscover the joys of life. Director: Marc Forster Writers: A.A. Milne (based on characters created by), Ernest Shepard (based on
Chronicle (2012) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 24min | Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 3 February 2012 (USA) -- Three high school friends gain superpowers after making an incredible discovery underground. Soon they find their lives spinning out of control and their bond tested as they embrace their darker sides. Director: Josh Trank Writers:
Clara (2018) ::: 6.7/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 45min | Sci-Fi | 3 May 2019 (USA) -- An obsessive astronomer and a curious artist form an unlikely bond which leads them to a profound, scientific discovery. Director: Akash Sherman Writers: Akash Sherman, Akash Sherman (story) | 1 more credit
Clouds (2020) ::: 7.5/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 1min | Drama, Music | 16 October 2020 (USA) -- Young musician Zach Sobiech discovers his cancer has spread, leaving him just a few months to live. With limited time, he follows his dream and makes an album, unaware that it will soon be a viral music phenomenon. Director: Justin Baldoni Writers:
Cobb (1994) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 2h 8min | Biography, Drama, Sport | 2 December 1994 (USA) -- A reporter hired to write the 'official' biography of Ty Cobb discovers just how dark the baseball legend's real story is. Director: Ron Shelton Writers: Al Stump (article), Al Stump (book) | 1 more credit
Code Lyoko ::: TV-Y7 | 26min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2003-2007) Episode Guide 97 episodes Code Lyoko Poster -- When a group of four boarding school students discover a supercomputer housed inside an abandoned factory, they find a virtual world called Lyoko and awaken a sentient multi-agent system virus that tries to take over the real world. Creator:
Code Lyoko ::: TV-Y7 | 26min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (20032007) -- When a group of four boarding school students discover a supercomputer housed inside an abandoned factory, they find a virtual world called Lyoko and awaken a sentient multi-agent system virus that tries to take over the real world. Creator:
Como agua para chocolate (1992) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 45min | Drama, Romance | 28 May 1993 (USA) -- When tradition prevents her from marrying the man she loves, a young woman discovers she has a unique talent for cooking. Director: Alfonso Arau Writers: Laura Esquivel (novel), Laura Esquivel
Cop Land (1997) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 45min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 15 August 1997 (USA) -- The Sheriff of a suburban New Jersey community, populated by New York City police officers, slowly discovers the town is a front for mob connections and corruption. Director: James Mangold Writer:
Counterpart ::: TV-MA | 1h | Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller | TV Series (20172019) -- A hapless UN employee discovers that the agency he works for is hiding a gateway to a parallel dimension that's in a cold war with our own, and where his other self is a top spy. The war slowly heats up thanks to spies from both sides. Creator:
Counterpart ::: TV-MA | 1h | Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller | TV Series (2017-2019) Episode Guide 20 episodes Counterpart Poster -- A hapless UN employee discovers that the agency he works for is hiding a gateway to a parallel dimension that's in a cold war with our own, and where his other self is a top spy. The war slowly heats up thanks to spies from both sides. Creator:
Crash (1996) ::: 6.4/10 -- NC-17 | 1h 40min | Drama | 21 March 1997 (USA) -- After getting into a serious car accident, a TV director discovers an underground sub-culture of scarred, omnisexual car-crash victims who use car accidents and the raw sexual energy they produce to try to rejuvenate his sex life with his wife. Director: David Cronenberg Writers: J.G. Ballard (novel), David Cronenberg
Crazy, Stupid, Love. (2011) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 58min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 29 July 2011 (USA) -- A middle-aged husband's life changes dramatically when his wife asks him for a divorce. He seeks to rediscover his manhood with the help of a newfound friend, Jacob, learning to pick up girls at bars. Directors: Glenn Ficarra, John Requa Writer:
Crying Out Love in the Center of the World (2004) ::: 7.2/10 -- Sekai no chshin de, ai o sakebu (original title) -- Crying Out Love in the Center of the World Poster While searching for his fiancee Ritsuko, Sakutarou rediscovers through flashbacks the void deep within him caused by the events from his high school days. Director: Isao Yukisada Writers: Kyouichi Katayama (novel), Yji Sakamoto (screenplay) | 2 more credits
Damage (1992) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 51min | Drama, Romance | 22 January 1993 (USA) -- A member of Parliament falls passionately in love with his son's fiance despite the dangers of discovery. Director: Louis Malle Writers: David Hare (screenplay), Josephine Hart (novel)
Damien ::: TV-14 | 1h | Drama, Horror | TV Series (2016) -- After discovering his origins, Damien Thorn must cope with life as the Anti-Christ. Creator: Glen Mazzara
Danny Collins (2015) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 46min | Biography, Comedy, Drama | 10 April 2015 (USA) -- An aging rock star decides to change his life when he discovers a 40-year-old letter written to him by John Lennon. Director: Dan Fogelman Writer: Dan Fogelman
David Copperfield (1935) ::: 7.4/10 -- The Personal History, Adventures, Experience, & Observation of David -- Passed | 2h 10min | Adventure, Drama, Romance | 20 June 1935 (Argentina) David Copperfield Poster -- A gentle orphan discovers life and love in an indifferent adult world. Director: George Cukor Writers:
Dead Snow 2: Red vs. Dead (2014) ::: 6.9/10 -- Dd sn 2 (original title) -- Dead Snow 2: Red vs. Dead Poster -- Still on the run from a group of Nazi zombies, a man seeks the aid of a group of American zombie enthusiasts, and discovers new techniques for fighting the zombies. Director: Tommy Wirkola Writers:
Dead Space: Downfall (2008) ::: 6.3/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 14min | Animation, Action, Adventure | Video 28 October -- Dead Space: Downfall Poster -- A prequel to the hit video game chronicling the discovery of the Red Marker and the first Necromorph outbreak. Directors: Chuck Patton, Curt Geda | 1 more credit Writers:
Death Note ::: Death Note: Desu nto (original tit ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Crime, Drama | TV Series (2006-2007) Episode Guide 37 episodes Death Note Poster -- An intelligent high school student goes on a secret crusade to eliminate criminals from the world after discovering a notebook capable of killing anyone whose name is written into it. Stars:
Deep State ::: TV-MA | 45min | Action, Drama, Thriller | TV Series (2018 ) -- What happens when a man who believes he has retired from MI6 is called back to do one more job to regain his life, only to discover that this job may mean he has no life to go back to. Creators:
Desert Flower (2009) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 2h | Biography, Drama | 24 September 2009 (Germany) -- Waris Dirie, born 1965 in Somalia, flees at 13 when sold as 4th wife. She's maid at the Somalian embassy in London, then McDonald's, where she's discovered and becomes int'l top model. 1997, she speaks up against female genital mutilation. Director: Sherry Hormann Writers:
Designing Woman (1957) ::: 6.8/10 -- Approved | 1h 58min | Comedy, Romance | 16 May 1957 (Australia) -- A sportswriter and a fashion-designer marry after a whirlwind romance, and discover they have little in common. Director: Vincente Minnelli Writers: George Wells, Helen Rose (story suggested by)
Divergent (2014) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 19min | Action, Adventure, Mystery | 21 March 2014 (USA) -- In a world divided by factions based on virtues, Tris learns she's Divergent and won't fit in. When she discovers a plot to destroy Divergents, Tris and the mysterious Four must find out what makes Divergents dangerous before it's too late. Director: Neil Burger Writers:
Dominion ::: TV-MA | 1h 30min | Action, Drama, Fantasy | TV Series (20142015) -- Follows the perilous journey of a rebellious young soldier who discovers he's the unlikely savior of humanity. Creator: Vaun Wilmott
Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far on Foot (2018) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 54min | Biography, Comedy, Drama | 4 April 2018 (France) -- On the rocky path to sobriety after a life-changing accident, John Callahan discovers the healing power of art, willing his injured hands into drawing hilarious, often controversial cartoons, which bring him a new lease on life. Director: Gus Van Sant Writers:
Dressed to Kill (1946) ::: 6.9/10 -- Passed | 1h 16min | Crime, Mystery | 7 June 1946 (USA) -- Sherlock Holmes sets out to discover why a trio of murderous villains, including a dangerously attractive female, are desperate to obtain three unassuming and inexpensive little music boxes. Director: Roy William Neill Writers: Leonard Lee (screenplay), Frank Gruber (adaptation) | 1 more credit Stars:
Eating Raoul (1982) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 30min | Comedy, Crime | 24 March 1982 (USA) -- A relatively boring Los Angeles couple discovers a bizarre, if not murderous, way to get funding for opening a restaurant. Director: Paul Bartel Writers: Paul Bartel, Richard Blackburn
Elf (2003) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG | 1h 37min | Adventure, Comedy, Family | 7 November 2003 (USA) -- Buddy, a human, is raised amongst elves at the North Pole. When he discovers that he is not an elf, he travels to New York to search for his biological father. Director: Jon Favreau Writer:
Eli Stone -- 1h | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy | TV Series (20082009) ::: San Francisco lawyer Eli Stone begins to see things, which leads him to discover a brain aneurysm. But his visions lead him to accept cases with little monetary gain but a lot of moral goodness. Creators:
Enola Holmes (2020) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 3min | Action, Adventure, Crime | 23 September 2020 (USA) -- When Enola Holmes-Sherlock's teen sister-discovers her mother missing, she sets off to find her, becoming a super-sleuth in her own right as she outwits her famous brother and unravels a dangerous conspiracy around a mysterious young Lord. Director: Harry Bradbeer Writers:
Evil Dead (2013) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 31min | Action, Adventure, Fantasy | 5 April 2013 (USA) -- Five friends head to a remote cabin, where the discovery of a Book of the Dead leads them to unwittingly summon up demons living in the nearby woods. Director: Fede Alvarez Writers:
Eyes Wide Shut (1999) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 2h 39min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 16 July 1999 (USA) -- A New York City doctor embarks on a harrowing, night-long odyssey of sexual and moral discovery after his wife reveals a painful secret to him. Director: Stanley Kubrick Writers:
Fair Game (2010) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 48min | Biography, Drama, Thriller | 3 December 2010 (USA) -- CIA operative Valerie Plame discovers her identity is allegedly leaked by the government as payback for an op-ed article her husband wrote criticizing the Bush administration. Director: Doug Liman Writers:
Filming ::: Singularium -- In the year 2084, a crew of 6 astronauts sets out on a maiden voyage to -- life. What they discover instead will change the course of history - for all mankind. Director: David H. Venghaus Jr. Writers: Arron Kinser, Sydney A. Roberts [u4ZG4O9Kh-h0yDb.png] View production, box office, & company info [mGkoj7mMfYpKOdk.png]
Finding Your Feet (2017) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 51min | Comedy, Drama, Family | 30 March 2018 (USA) -- On the eve of retirement a middle class, judgmental snob discovers her husband has been having an affair with her best friend and is forced into exile with her bohemian sister who lives on an impoverished inner-city council estate. Director: Richard Loncraine Writers:
First Wave ::: 44min | Adventure, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (19982001) Framed for murder and on the run, a former thief struggles to expose the vanguard of an alien invasion with the help of a conspiracy theorist and newly discovered prophecies of Nostradamus. Creator: Chris Brancato Stars:
Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 57min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 15 April 1994 (USA) -- Over the course of five social occasions, a committed bachelor must consider the notion that he may have discovered love. Director: Mike Newell Writer: Richard Curtis
Frank (2014) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Comedy, Drama, Music | 5 September 2014 (USA) -- Jon, a young wanna-be musician, discovers he's bitten off more than he can chew when he joins an eccentric pop band led by the mysterious and enigmatic Frank. Director: Lenny Abrahamson Writers:
Frankenstein (2011) ::: 8.7/10 -- National Theatre Live: Frankenstein (original title) -- Frankenstein Poster -- Created by Victor Frankenstein, the one known only as 'The Creature' sets out to discover the world and the meaning of his life. Directors: Danny Boyle, Tim Van Someren (co-director) Writers:
Freaks (1932) ::: 7.9/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 4min | Drama, Horror | 20 February 1932 (USA) -- A circus' beautiful trapeze artist agrees to marry the leader of side-show performers, but his deformed friends discover she is only marrying him for his inheritance. Director: Tod Browning Writers:
Freaks (2018) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 45min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | 13 September 2019 (USA) -- A bold girl discovers a bizarre, threatening, and mysterious new world beyond her front door after she escapes her father's protective and paranoid control. Directors: Zach Lipovsky, Adam B. Stein Writers:
Frequency ::: TV-MA | 42min | Drama, Fantasy, Mystery | TV Series (20162017) -- A police detective in 2016 discovers that she is able to communicate with her father via a ham radio, despite the fact that he died in 1996. Creators: Jeremy Carver, Jeremy Carver
Friends from College ::: TV-MA | 30min | Comedy, Drama | TV Series (20172019) -- Twenty years after graduation, a tight-knit group of college friends reconnects and discovers that love hasn't gotten easier with age. Creators: Francesca Delbanco, Nicholas Stoller
Friends with Benefits (2011) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 49min | Comedy, Romance | 22 July 2011 (USA) -- A young man and woman decide to take their friendship to the next level without becoming a couple, but soon discover that adding sex only leads to complications. Director: Will Gluck Writers:
Fright Night (1985) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 46min | Fantasy, Horror, Thriller | 2 August 1985 (USA) -- A teenager discovers that the newcomer in his neighborhood is a vampire, so he turns to an actor in a television horror show for help dealing with the undead. Director: Tom Holland Writer:
Fright Night (2011) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 46min | Comedy, Horror | 19 August 2011 (USA) -- When a nice new neighbor moves in next door, Charley discovers that he is an ancient vampire who preys on the community. Can he save his neighborhood from the creature with the help of the famous "vampire killer", Peter Vincent? Director: Craig Gillespie Writers:
From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series ::: TV-MA | 45min | Action, Crime, Horror | TV Series (20142016) -- A Texas Ranger is in hot pursuit of the infamous Gecko brothers and their hostages. They all end up trapped in a desert bar secretly run by vampires and discover a vampire conspiracy. Creator:
From the New World ::: Shin Sekai Yori (original tit ::: TV-14 | 25min | Animation, Adventure, Drama | TV Series (2012-2013) Episode Guide 25 episodes From the New World Poster -- In a post-apocalyptic world set a thousand years after our era, the remaining humans, now with telekinesis, live in a seemingly peaceful society, but dark secrets of the past will soon be discovered by a small group of friends.
Funny Face (1957) ::: 7.0/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 43min | Comedy, Musical, Romance | 25 April 1957 (UK) -- An impromptu fashion shoot at a book store brings about a new fashion model discovery in the shop clerk. Director: Stanley Donen Writer: Leonard Gershe
Genius ::: TV-14 | 43min | Biography, Drama, History | TV Series (2017- ) Episode Guide 29 episodes Genius Poster -- The life stories of history's greatest minds. From their days as young adults to their final years we see their discoveries, loves, relationships, causes, flaws and genius. Creators:
Genius ::: TV-14 | 43min | Biography, Drama, History | TV Series (2017 ) -- The life stories of history's greatest minds. From their days as young adults to their final years we see their discoveries, loves, relationships, causes, flaws and genius. Creators:
Gentleman's Agreement (1947) ::: 7.2/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 58min | Drama, Romance | March 1948 (USA) -- A reporter pretends to be Jewish in order to cover a story on anti-Semitism, and personally discovers the true depths of bigotry and hatred. Director: Elia Kazan Writers:
Get Shorty (1995) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 45min | Comedy, Crime, Thriller | 20 October 1995 (USA) -- A mobster travels to Hollywood to collect a debt, and discovers that the movie business is much the same as his current job. Director: Barry Sonnenfeld Writers: Elmore Leonard (novel), Scott Frank (screenplay)
Ghostbusters II (1989) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG | 1h 48min | Action, Comedy, Fantasy | 16 June 1989 (USA) -- The discovery of a massive river of ectoplasm and a resurgence of spectral activity allows the staff of Ghostbusters to revive the business. Director: Ivan Reitman Writers:
Ghost Town (2008) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 42min | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy | 19 September 2008 (USA) -- Bertram Pincus is a man whose people skills leave much to be desired. When Pincus dies unexpectedly, but is miraculously revived after seven minutes, he wakes up to discover that he now has the annoying ability to see ghosts. Director: David Koepp Writers:
Ghostwatch (1992) ::: 7.6/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 31min | Drama, Horror, Mystery | TV Movie 31 October -- Ghostwatch Poster The BBC gives over a whole evening to an 'investigation into the supernatural'. Four respected presenters and a camera crew attempt to discover the truth behind 'The most haunted house in ... S Director: Lesley Manning Writer: Stephen Volk
Ghostwatch (1992) ::: 7.6/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 31min | Drama, Horror, Mystery | TV Movie 31 October -- Ghostwatch Poster The BBC gives over a whole evening to an 'investigation into the supernatural'. Four respected presenters and a camera crew attempt to discover the truth behind 'The most haunted house in ... S
Giant Little Ones (2018) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 33min | Drama | 29 March 2019 (Canada) -- Two popular teen boys, best friends since childhood, discover their lives, families, and girlfriends dramatically upended after an unexpected incident occurs on the night of a 17th birthday party. Director: Keith Behrman Writer:
Gidget (1959) ::: 6.7/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 35min | Comedy | 10 April 1959 (USA) -- A young girl discovers surfing and love (in that order) during one transitive summer. Director: Paul Wendkos Writers: Gabrielle Upton (screenplay), Frederick Kohner (novel)
Gilda (1946) ::: 7.7/10 -- Approved | 1h 50min | Drama, Film-Noir, Romance | 25 April 1946 (USA) -- A small-time gambler hired to work in a Buenos Aires casino discovers his employer's new wife is his former lover. Director: Charles Vidor Writers: E.A. Ellington (story), Jo Eisinger (adaptation) | 1 more credit
Girlboss ::: TV-MA | 26min | Comedy | TV Series (2017) -- Sophia, a misfit, discovers a passion for fashion, becoming an unlikely businesswoman in the process. As her business grows, however, she has to learn to cope with life as her own boss. This show is loosely based on the true story of Nasty Gal Founder, Sophia Amoruso. Creator:
God of Gamblers (1989) ::: 7.3/10 -- Do san (original title) -- God of Gamblers Poster A master gambler loses his memory, and is befriended by a street hustler who discovers his supernatural gambling abilities. Director: Jing Wong Writer: Jing Wong Stars:
Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II (1993) ::: 6.6/10 -- Gojira vs. Mekagojira (original title) -- Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II Poster -- The United Nations assembles the ultimate weapon to defeat Godzilla, while scientists discover a fresh pteranodon egg on a remote Japanese island. Directors: Takao Okawara, Kazuki Ohmori (uncredited) Writers:
Grandfathered -- 22min | Comedy | TV Series (20152016) -- A confirmed bachelor discovers he's a da :::and a grandfather. Creator: Daniel Chun
Graves End (2005) ::: 8.8/10 -- 1h 30min | Thriller, Mystery | 22 April 2005 (USA) -- When society turns their back on reformed felons, the town of Graves End welcomes them but when the ex-cons disappear, FBI agent Paul Rickman comes looking for them and discovers more than he expected. Director: James Marlowe Writers: Rick Askew, James Marlowe | 2 more credits Stars:
Grease (1978) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG | 1h 50min | Musical, Romance | 16 June 1978 (USA) -- Good girl Sandy Olsson and greaser Danny Zuko fell in love over the summer. When they unexpectedly discover they're now in the same high school, will they be able to rekindle their romance? Director: Randal Kleiser Writers:
Green Zone (2010) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 55min | Action, Drama, Thriller | 12 March 2010 (USA) -- Discovering covert and faulty intelligence causes a U.S. Army officer to go rogue as he hunts for Weapons of Mass Destruction in an unstable region. Director: Paul Greengrass Writers:
Grimm ::: TV-14 | 45min | Crime, Drama, Fantasy | TV Series (20112017) -- A homicide detective discovers he is a descendant of hunters who fight supernatural forces. Creators: Stephen Carpenter, David Greenwalt, Jim Kouf
Half Nelson (2006) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 46min | Drama | 22 September 2006 (USA) -- An inner-city junior high school teacher with a drug habit forms an unlikely friendship with one of his students after she discovers his secret. Director: Ryan Fleck Writers:
Happy Death Day (2017) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 36min | Comedy, Horror, Mystery | 13 October 2017 (USA) -- A college student must relive the day of her murder over and over again, in a loop that will end only when she discovers her killer's identity. Director: Christopher Landon Writer:
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009) ::: 7.6/10 -- PG | 2h 33min | Action, Adventure, Family | 15 July 2009 (USA) -- As Harry Potter begins his sixth year at Hogwarts, he discovers an old book marked as "the property of the Half-Blood Prince" and begins to learn more about Lord Voldemort's dark past. Director: David Yates Writers:
Hellraiser (1987) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 34min | Horror, Thriller | 18 September 1987 (USA) -- A woman discovers the newly resurrected, partially formed, body of her brother-in-law. She starts killing for him to revitalize his body so he can escape the demonic beings that are pursuing him after he escaped their sadistic underworld. Director: Clive Barker Writer:
Henry Poole Is Here (2008) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG | 1h 39min | Comedy, Drama | 15 August 2008 (USA) -- Henry Poole moves in to a house in his old neighborhood, to spend what he believes are his remaining days alone. The discovery of a "miracle" by a nosy neighbor ruptures his solitude and restores his faith in life. Director: Mark Pellington Writer:
Heroes ::: TV-14 | 45min | Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi | TV Series (20062010) -- Common people discover that they have super powers. Their lives intertwine as a devastating event must be prevented. Creator: Tim Kring
Hex ::: TV-14 | 1h 45min | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy | TV Series (20042005) -- Cassie is a shy college girl who wants to be accepted by others, but is only truly loved by her best friend Thelma. Cassie later discovers that she possesses dangerous powers, and is being ... S Stars:
Hex ::: TV-14 | 1h 45min | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy | TV Series (2004-2005) Episode Guide 18 episodes Hex Poster -- Cassie is a shy college girl who wants to be accepted by others, but is only truly loved by her best friend Thelma. Cassie later discovers that she possesses dangerous powers, and is being ... S Stars:
Hibernatus (1969) ::: 6.7/10 -- G | 1h 22min | Comedy, Fantasy, Sci-Fi | 10 September 1969 (France) -- The frozen body of Paul Fournier is discovered in Greenland where he had disappeared during a scientific expedition in 1905. Perfectly conserved he is brought back to life in the 1960s. His... S Director: douard Molinaro Writers:
Hondo (1953) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG | 1h 23min | Drama, Romance, War | 27 November 1953 (USA) -- Army dispatch rider Hondo Lane discovers a woman and young son living in the midst of warring Apaches and becomes their protector. Director: John Farrow Writers: James Edward Grant (screenplay), Louis L'Amour (story)
Hotel Transylvania (2012) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG | 1h 31min | Animation, Comedy, Family | 28 September 2012 (USA) -- Dracula, who operates a high-end resort away from the human world, goes into overprotective mode when a boy discovers the resort and falls for the count's teenaged daughter. Director: Genndy Tartakovsky Writers:
House of D (2004) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 37min | Comedy, Drama | 29 April 2005 (USA) -- By working through problems stemming from his past, Tom Warshaw, an American artist living in Paris, begins to discover who he really is, and returns to his home to reconcile with his family and friends. Director: David Duchovny Writer:
House of Good and Evil (2013) ::: 6.5/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 48min | Thriller | 1 October 2013 (USA) -- After a family tragedy in the chaotic city, Chris and Maggie Conley, in a last-ditch effort to save their dying marriage, purchase an isolated home in the deepest woods, to which they quickly discover evil has a key. Director: David Mun Writer:
House of Usher (1960) ::: 7.0/10 -- Approved | 1h 19min | Drama, Horror | 23 September 1960 (Japan) -- Upon entering his fiance's family mansion, a man discovers a savage family curse and fears that his future brother-in-law has entombed his bride-to-be prematurely. Director: Roger Corman Writers: Edgar Allan Poe (based on "The Fall of The House of Usher"), Richard Matheson (screenplay)
How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014) ::: 7.8/10 -- PG | 1h 42min | Animation, Action, Adventure | 13 June 2014 (USA) -- When Hiccup and Toothless discover an ice cave that is home to hundreds of new wild dragons and the mysterious Dragon Rider, the two friends find themselves at the center of a battle to protect the peace. Director: Dean DeBlois Writers:
How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (2019) ::: 7.5/10 -- PG | 1h 44min | Animation, Action, Adventure | 22 February 2019 (USA) -- When Hiccup discovers Toothless isn't the only Night Fury, he must seek "The Hidden World", a secret Dragon Utopia before a hired tyrant named Grimmel finds it first. Director: Dean DeBlois Writers:
Husbands and Wives (1992) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 1h 48min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 18 September 1992 (USA) -- When their best friends announce that they're separating, a professor and his wife discover the faults in their own marriage. Director: Woody Allen Writer: Woody Allen
iBoy (2017) ::: 6.0/10 -- TV-MA | 1h 30min | Action, Crime, Sci-Fi | 27 January 2017 (USA) -- After being shot, Tom wakes from a coma to discover that fragments of his smart phone have been embedded in his head, and worse, that returning to normal teenage life is impossible because he has developed a strange set of superpowers. Director: Adam Randall Writers: Joe Barton (screenplay), Joe Barton | 3 more credits
Ice Age: The Meltdown (2006) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG | 1h 31min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 31 March 2006 (USA) -- Manny, Sid, and Diego discover that the ice age is coming to an end, and join everybody for a journey to higher ground. On the trip, they discover that Manny, in fact, is not the last of the woolly mammoths. Director: Carlos Saldanha Writers:
Idiocracy (2006) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 24min | Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi | 25 January 2007 (Germany) -- Private Joe Bauers, the definition of "average American", is selected by the Pentagon to be the guinea pig for a top-secret hibernation program. Forgotten, he awakes five centuries in the future. He discovers a society so incredibly dumbed down that he's easily the most intelligent person alive. Director: Mike Judge
Ikiru (1952) ::: 8.3/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 23min | Drama | 25 March 1956 (USA) -- A bureaucrat tries to find a meaning in his life after he discovers he has terminal cancer. Director: Akira Kurosawa Writers: Akira Kurosawa, Shinobu Hashimoto | 1 more credit
I'll See You in My Dreams (2015) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 32min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 15 May 2015 (USA) -- A widow and former songstress discovers that life can begin anew at any age. Director: Brett Haley Writers: Brett Haley, Marc Basch
I Love You Again (1940) ::: 7.5/10 -- Passed | 1h 39min | Comedy, Romance | 9 August 1940 (USA) -- Boring businessman Larry Wilson recovers from amnesia and discovers he's really a con man...and loves his soon-to-be-ex wife. Director: W.S. Van Dyke (as W.S. Van Dyke II) Writers: Leon Gordon (original story), Maurine Dallas Watkins (original story)
Impulse ::: TV-MA | 50min | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi | TV Series (20182019) -- A young woman discovers she has the extraordinary power of teleportation. Creator: Jeffrey Lieber
Impulse ::: TV-MA | 50min | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2018-2019) Episode Guide 20 episodes Impulse Poster -- A young woman discovers she has the extraordinary power of teleportation. Creator: Jeffrey Lieber
Incendies (2010) ::: 8.3/10 -- R | 2h 10min | Drama, Mystery, War | 12 January 2011 (France) -- Twins journey to the Middle East to discover their family history and fulfill their mother's last wishes. Director: Denis Villeneuve Writers: Denis Villeneuve (scenario), Wajdi Mouawad (play) | 2 more credits
Insidious: Chapter 2 (2013) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 46min | Horror, Mystery, Thriller | 13 September 2013 (USA) -- The Lamberts believe that they have defeated the spirits that have haunted their family, but they soon discover that evil is not beaten so easily. Director: James Wan Writers:
Insignificance (1985) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 49min | Comedy | 2 August 1985 (USA) -- Four 1950s icons meet in the same hotel room and two of them discover more in common between them than they ever anticipated. Director: Nicolas Roeg Writer: Terry Johnson (screenplay) Stars:
In the Mouth of Madness (1994) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Drama, Horror, Mystery | 3 February 1995 (USA) -- An insurance investigator begins discovering that the impact a horror writer's books have on his fans is more than inspirational. Director: John Carpenter Writer: Michael De Luca
Into the Night (1985) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 55min | Action, Comedy, Crime | 22 February 1985 (USA) -- After discovering that his wife is cheating on him, an insomniac aerospace engineer accidentally meets, and tries to help a beautiful model on the run from some extremely dangerous people. Director: John Landis Writer:
Invader ZIM: Enter the Florpus (2019) ::: 7.5/10 -- TV-Y7-FV | 1h 11min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Movie 16 August -- Invader ZIM: Enter the Florpus Poster -- ZIM discovers his almighty leaders never had any intention of coming to Earth and he loses confidence in himself for the first time in his life, which is the big break his human nemesis, Dib has been waiting for. Directors: Hae Young Jung (as Haeyoung Jung), Young Kyun Park | 1 more credit
Invasion of Astro-Monster (1965) ::: 6.4/10 -- Kaij daisens (original title) -- Invasion of Astro-Monster Poster -- Aliens known as the Xiliens arrive on Earth seeking to borrow Godzilla and Rodan to save their planet from Monster Zero. Sent on the expedition are astronauts Glenn and Fuji who discover it's none other than King Ghidorah. Director: Ishir Honda (as Inoshir Honda)
It's a Disaster (2012) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 28min | Comedy, Drama | 7 June 2013 (Poland) -- Four couples meet for Sunday brunch only to discover they are stuck in a house together as the world may be about to end. Director: Todd Berger Writer: Todd Berger
It's a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie (2002) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG | 1h 40min | Adventure, Comedy, Family | TV Movie 29 November 2002 -- 'Twas the night before Christmas and the Muppet Theatre is in danger of being torn down, but with hilarious send-ups of just about every holiday movie ever made, the Muppets discover that what matters most is their love for each other. Director: Kirk R. Thatcher Writers: Tom Martin, Jim Lewis
Jamaica Inn (1939) ::: 6.4/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 38min | Adventure, Crime | 13 October 1939 (USA) -- In Cornwall, 1819, a young woman discovers she's living near a gang of criminals who arrange shipwrecks for profit. Director: Alfred Hitchcock Writers: Sidney Gilliat (screen play), Joan Harrison (screen play) | 2 more
Jane Eyre (2011) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG-13 | 2h | Drama, Romance | 22 April 2011 (USA) -- A mousy governess who softens the heart of her employer soon discovers that he's hiding a terrible secret. Director: Cary Joji Fukunaga Writers: Charlotte Bront (novel), Moira Buffini (screenplay)
Jane the Virgin ::: TV-PG | 1h | Comedy | TV Series (20142019) -- A young, devout Catholic woman discovers that she was accidentally artificially inseminated. Creator: Jennie Snyder Urman
Jeff, Who Lives at Home (2011) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 23min | Comedy, Drama | 11 May 2012 (UK) -- Dispatched from his basement room on an errand for his widowed mother, slacker Jeff might discover his destiny (finally) when he spends the day with his unhappily married brother as he tracks his possibly adulterous wife. Directors: Jay Duplass, Mark Duplass Writers:
Jesus' Son (1999) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 47min | Drama | 7 July 2000 (USA) -- A young man turns from drug addiction and petty crime to a life redeemed by a discovery of compassion. Director: Alison Maclean
Jesus' Son (1999) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 47min | Drama | 7 July 2000 (USA) -- A young man turns from drug addiction and petty crime to a life redeemed by a discovery of compassion. Director: Alison Maclean Writers: Denis Johnson (book), Elizabeth Cuthrell (screenplay) | 2 more credits Stars:
JFK (1991) ::: 8.0/10 -- R | 3h 9min | Drama, History, Thriller | 20 December 1991 (USA) -- New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison discovers there's more to the Kennedy assassination than the official story. Director: Oliver Stone Writers: Oliver Stone (screenplay), Zachary Sklar (screenplay) | 2 more
John Carter (2012) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 12min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 9 March 2012 (USA) -- Transported to Barsoom, a Civil War vet discovers a barren planet seemingly inhabited by 12-foot tall barbarians. Finding himself prisoner of these creatures, he escapes, only to encounter Woola and a princess in desperate need of a savior. Director: Andrew Stanton Writers:
John Wick: Chapter 2 (2017) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 2h 2min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 10 February 2017 (USA) -- After returning to the criminal underworld to repay a debt, John Wick discovers that a large bounty has been put on his life. Director: Chad Stahelski Writers: Derek Kolstad, Derek Kolstad (based on characters created by)
Journey Into Fear (1943) ::: 6.5/10 -- Approved | 1h 8min | Drama, Film-Noir, Thriller | 12 February 1943 -- Journey Into Fear Poster An American ballistics expert in Turkey finds himself targeted by Nazi agents. Safe passage home by ship is arranged for him, but he soon discovers that his pursuers are also on board. Directors: Norman Foster, Orson Welles (uncredited) Writers: Orson Welles (screen play), Joseph Cotten (screen play) | 1 more credit
Jupiter Ascending (2015) ::: 5.3/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 7min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 6 February 2015 (USA) -- A young woman discovers her destiny as an heiress of intergalactic nobility and must fight to protect the inhabitants of Earth from an ancient and destructive industry. Directors: Lana Wachowski (as The Wachowskis), Lilly Wachowski (as The Wachowskis) Writers:
Kaante (2002) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 2h 30min | Action, Crime, Drama | 20 December 2002 (India) -- Six bank robbers trying to pull off the perfect heist discover one of them is an undercover cop. Director: Sanjay Gupta Writers: Sanjay Gupta, Yash Keswani (as Yash) | 3 more credits
Kafka (1991) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 38min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | 15 November 1991 (USA) -- Kafka works during the day at an insurance company, where events lead him to discover a mysterious underground society with strange suppressive goals. Director: Steven Soderbergh Writer:
Karppi ::: TV-MA | 45min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (20182020) -- When Sofia Karppi discovers the body of a young woman on a construction site, she triggers a chain of events that threatens to destroy her life again. Creators:
Kill Zone 2 (2015) ::: 6.7/10 -- Saat po long 2 (original title) -- Kill Zone 2 Poster -- While undercover officer Kit is taken prisoner by the syndicate, he befriends his keeper and discovers an organ trafficking ring. Director: Soi Cheang (as Pou-Soi Cheang) Writers:
King Kong (1933) ::: 7.9/10 -- Passed | 1h 40min | Adventure, Horror, Sci-Fi | 7 April 1933 (USA) -- A film crew goes to a tropical island for an exotic location shoot and discovers a colossal ape who takes a shine to their female blonde star. He is then captured and brought back to New York City for public exhibition. Directors: Merian C. Cooper (uncredited), Ernest B. Schoedsack (uncredited) Writers:
Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 2h 21min | Action, Adventure, Comedy | 22 September 2017 (USA) -- After the Kingsman's headquarters are destroyed and the world is held hostage, an allied spy organisation in the United States is discovered. These two elite secret organisations must band together to defeat a common enemy. Director: Matthew Vaughn Writers:
Kissing Jessica Stein (2001) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 37min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 5 April 2002 (USA) -- A woman searching for the perfect man instead discovers the perfect woman. Director: Charles Herman-Wurmfeld Writers: Heather Juergensen, Jennifer Westfeldt
Kramer vs. Kramer (1979) ::: 7.8/10 -- PG | 1h 45min | Drama | 19 December 1979 (USA) -- Ted Kramer's wife leaves him, allowing for a lost bond to be rediscovered between Ted and his son, Billy. But a heated custody battle ensues over the divorced couple's son, deepening the wounds left by the separation. Director: Robert Benton Writers:
Kumiko, The Treasure Hunter (2014) ::: 6.6/10 -- Kumiko, the Treasure Hunter (original title) -- Kumiko, The Treasure Hunter Poster -- A jaded Japanese woman discovers a hidden copy of Fargo (1996) on VHS, believing it to be a treasure map indicating the location of a large case of money. Director: David Zellner Writers:
Lab Rats: Bionic Island ::: Lab Rats (original tit ::: TV-Y7 | 22min | Action, Comedy, Drama | TV Series (20122016) -- A scrawny 14-year-old, having discovered his inventor stepdad has three bionic, super-powered teens living cloistered in a secret lab beneath their home, brings them out into the world. Creators:
Lady Macbeth (2016) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 29min | Drama, Romance | 14 July 2017 (USA) -- In 19th-century rural England, a young bride who has been sold into marriage discovers an unstoppable desire within herself as she enters into an affair with a worker on her estate. Director: William Oldroyd Writers:
Landline (2017) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 37min | Comedy, Drama | 21 July 2017 (USA) -- In 1995, a teenager living with her sister and parents in Manhattan discovers that her father is having an affair. Director: Gillian Robespierre Writers: Elisabeth Holm (story by), Gillian Robespierre (story by) | 3 more
Lantana (2001) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 2h 1min | Drama, Mystery, Romance | 8 March 2002 (USA) -- The relationships of four couples unravel after the discovery of a young woman's body in Lantana bush in suburban Sydney. Director: Ray Lawrence Writers: Andrew Bovell (screenplay), Andrew Bovell (play)
Last Exit to Brooklyn (1989) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Drama | 4 May 1990 (USA) -- Set in Brooklyn during the 1950s against a backdrop of union corruption and violence. A prostitute falls in love with one of her customers. Also a disturbed man discovers that he is homosexual. Director: Uli Edel Writers: Hubert Selby Jr. (book), Desmond Nakano (screenplay) Stars:
Last of the Dogmen (1995) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG | 1h 58min | Adventure, Western | 8 September 1995 (USA) -- A Montana bounty hunter and an anthropologist discover a tribe of Native Americans living in a settlement isolated from the rest of the world. Director: Tab Murphy Writer:
La Vie En Rose (2007) ::: 7.6/10 -- La Mme (original title) -- La Vie En Rose Poster -- Biopic of the iconic French singer dith Piaf. Raised by her grandmother in a brothel, she was discovered while singing on a street corner at the age of 19. Despite her success, Piaf's life was filled with tragedy. Director: Olivier Dahan
Legion ::: TV-MA | 1h | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi | TV Series (20172019) -- David Haller is a troubled young man diagnosed as schizophrenic, but after a strange encounter, he discovers special powers that will change his life forever. Creator:
Legion ::: TV-MA | 1h | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2017-2019) Episode Guide 27 episodes Legion Poster -- David Haller is a troubled young man diagnosed as schizophrenic, but after a strange encounter, he discovers special powers that will change his life forever. Creator:
Less Than Zero (1987) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Crime, Drama | 6 November 1987 (USA) -- A college freshman returns to L.A. for the holidays at his ex-girlfriend's request, but discovers that his former best friend has an out-of-control drug habit. Director: Marek Kanievska Writers:
Life (2017) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 44min | Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 24 March 2017 (USA) -- A team of scientists aboard the International Space Station discover a rapidly evolving life form that caused extinction on Mars and now threatens all life on Earth. Director: Daniel Espinosa Writers:
Life of Pi (2012) ::: 7.9/10 -- PG | 2h 7min | Adventure, Drama, Fantasy | 21 November 2012 (USA) -- A young man who survives a disaster at sea is hurtled into an epic journey of adventure and discovery. While cast away, he forms an unexpected connection with another survivor: a fearsome Bengal tiger. Director: Ang Lee Writers:
Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland (1989) ::: 7.2/10 -- Little Nemo (original title) -- Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland Poster -- Each night, young Nemo goes to Slumberland and has adventures and befriends the king of Slumberland, Morpheus. But one night Nemo discovers Nightmare Land, and the evil nightmare king, throwing Slumberland and Nemo himself into danger. Directors: Masami Hata, William T. Hurtz (as William Hurtz)
Locke & Key ::: TV-14 | 48min | Drama, Fantasy, Horror | TV Series (2020 ) -- After their father is murdered under mysterious circumstances, the three Locke siblings and their mother move into their ancestral home, Keyhouse, which they discover is full of magical keys that may be connected to their father's death. Creators:
Locke & Key ::: TV-14 | 48min | Drama, Fantasy, Horror | TV Series (2020- ) Episode Guide 22 episodes Locke & Key Poster -- After their father is murdered under mysterious circumstances, the three Locke siblings and their mother move into their ancestral home, Keyhouse, which they discover is full of magical keys that may be connected to their father's death. Creators:
London River (2009) ::: 6.8/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 24min | Drama, Mystery | 23 September 2009 (France) -- Two strangers come to discover the fate of their respective children in the 2005 terrorist attacks on London. Director: Rachid Bouchareb Writers: Rachid Bouchareb (screenplay), Olivier Lorelle (screenplay) | 1 more
Long Weekend (1978) ::: 6.6/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 37min | Horror, Mystery, Thriller | 29 March 1979 (USA) -- When a suburban couple go camping for the weekend at a remote beach, they discover that nature isn't in an accommodating mood. Director: Colin Eggleston Writer: Everett De Roche (original screenplay)
Lost and Delirious (2001) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 43min | Drama, Romance | 20 September 2001 (Israel) -- After starting at an upmarket boarding school, a teenage girl forms close friendships with her two older roommates. However, when she discovers that her new friends are lovers she finds herself caught in a complicated situation. Director: La Pool Writers:
Love and Monsters (2020) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 49min | Action, Adventure, Comedy | 16 October 2020 (USA) -- In a monster-infested world, Joel learns his girlfriend is just 85 miles away. To make the dangerous journey, Joel discovers his inner hero to be with the girl of his dreams. Director: Michael Matthews Writers:
Love, Victor ::: TV-14 | 30min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | TV Series (2020 ) -- Victor is a new student at Creekwood High School on his own journey of self-discovery, facing challenges at home, adjusting to a new city, and struggling with his sexual orientation. Creators:
Luce (2019) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 49min | Drama, Mystery | 23 August 2019 (USA) -- A married couple is forced to reckon with their idealized image of their son, adopted from war-torn Eritrea, after an alarming discovery by a devoted high school teacher threatens his status as an all-star student. Director: Julius Onah Writers:
Machuca (2004) ::: 7.7/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 1min | Biography, Drama, History | 11 June 2004 (Spain) -- Two 12-year-old Chilean children from different social classes become friends in 1973. They both discover each other's world as political tensions in their country increase. Director: Andrs Wood Writers: Eliseo Altunaga, Roberto Brodsky | 2 more credits Stars:
Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa (2008) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG | 1h 29min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 7 November 2008 (USA) -- The Madagascar animals fly back to New York City, but crash-land on an African nature reserve, where they meet others of their own kind, and Alex especially discovers his royal heritage as prince of a lion pride. Directors: Eric Darnell, Tom McGrath Writers:
Maigret in Montmartre (2017) ::: 7.1/10 -- 1h 30min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Movie 24 December 2017 -- Maigret investigates the random murders of a Countess and a showgirl and discovers a dark secret that links their past lives at the Grand Hotel in Nice. Director: Thaddeus O'Sullivan Writers: Guy Andrews, Georges Simenon (from the novel by) Stars:
Mako Mermaids ::: TV-G | 30min | Adventure, Comedy, Drama | TV Series (2013 ) -- A young man is magically turned a merman, and discovers his underwater origins, after he comes in contact with the magic waters at the mysterious Mako Island guarded by a trio of mermaids. Creators:
Maleficent (2014) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG | 1h 37min | Action, Adventure, Family | 30 May 2014 (USA) -- A vengeful fairy is driven to curse an infant princess, only to discover that the child may be the one person who can restore peace to their troubled land. Director: Robert Stromberg Writers:
Malena (2000) ::: 7.5/10 -- Malna (original title) -- Malena Poster -- Amidst the war climate, a teenage boy discovering himself becomes love-stricken by Malna, a sensual woman living in a small,
Malena (2000) ::: 7.5/10 -- Malna (original title) -- Malena Poster -- Amidst the war climate, a teenage boy discovering himself becomes love-stricken by Malna, a sensual woman living in a small, narrow-minded Italian town. Director: Giuseppe Tornatore Writers:
Manifest ::: TV-14 | 43min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2018 ) -- After being presumed dead, passengers onboard Flight 828 return and discover the world has aged five years. As they reintegrate into society, they begin to experience guiding voices and visions, and soon a deeper mystery unfolds. Creator:
Margarita with a Straw (2014) ::: 7.2/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 40min | Drama | 14 June 2016 (USA) -- A rebellious young woman with cerebral palsy leaves her home in India to study in New York, unexpectedly falls in love, and embarks on an exhilarating journey of self-discovery. Directors: Shonali Bose, Nilesh Maniyar (co-director) Writers:
Memories of Matsuko (2006) ::: 7.8/10 -- Kiraware Matsuko no issh (original title) -- Memories of Matsuko Poster When Matsuko dies of murder, her nephew Sho gets to progressively unveil many details of her mysterious past, discovering she wasn't only a forgotten outcast but led a very interesting yet bizarre life. Director: Tetsuya Nakashima Writers: Tetsuya Nakashima (screenplay), Muneki Yamada (novel)
Mighty Aphrodite (1995) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Comedy, Fantasy, Romance | 10 November 1995 (USA) -- When he discovers his adopted son is a genius, a New York sportswriter seeks out the boy's birth mother: a ditzy porn star and prostitute. Director: Woody Allen Writer: Woody Allen
Mindhunters (2004) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 46min | Crime, Horror, Thriller | 13 May 2005 (USA) -- Trainees in the FBI's psychological profiling program must put their training into practice when they discover a killer in their midst. Director: Renny Harlin Writers: Wayne Kramer (story), Wayne Kramer (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Mission: Impossible (1996) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 50min | Action, Adventure, Thriller | 22 May 1996 (USA) -- An American agent, under false suspicion of disloyalty, must discover and expose the real spy without the help of his organization. Director: Brian De Palma Writers: Bruce Geller (television series), David Koepp (story) | 3 more
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (2016) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 7min | Adventure, Drama, Family | 30 September 2016 (USA) -- When Jacob (Asa Butterfield) discovers clues to a mystery that stretches across time, he finds Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children. But the danger deepens after he gets to know the residents and learns about their special powers. Director: Tim Burton Writers:
Mistresses ::: TV-14 | 43min | Drama, Romance, Thriller | TV Series (20132016) -- Follows the scandalous lives of a group of four girlfriends, each on her own path to self-discovery as they brave the turbulent journey together. Creator:
Monster House (2006) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG | 1h 31min | Animation, Comedy, Family | 21 July 2006 (USA) -- Three teens discover that their neighbor's house is really a living, breathing, scary monster. Director: Gil Kenan Writers: Dan Harmon (screenplay), Rob Schrab (screenplay) | 3 more credits
Mr. Bean's Holiday (2007) ::: 6.4/10 -- G | 1h 30min | Comedy, Family | 24 August 2007 (USA) -- Mr. Bean wins a trip to Cannes where he unwittingly separates a young boy from his father and must help the two reunite. On the way he discovers France, bicycling, and true love. Director: Steve Bendelack Writers: Rowan Atkinson (character), Richard Curtis (character) | 3 more credits
Murder by Decree (1979) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG | 2h 4min | Mystery, Thriller | 9 February 1979 (USA) -- Sherlock Holmes investigates the murders commited by Jack the Ripper and discovers a conspiracy to protect the killer. Director: Bob Clark Writers: Arthur Conan Doyle (characters), John Hopkins (screenplay) | 3 more
My Own Private Idaho (1991) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 44min | Drama | 20 July 1991 (Japan) -- Two best friends living on the streets of Portland as hustlers embark on a journey of self discovery and find their relationship stumbling along the way. Director: Gus Van Sant Writer:
Mysterious Skin (2004) ::: 7.6/10 -- Unrated | 1h 45min | Drama | 24 June 2005 (USA) -- A teenage hustler and a young man obsessed with alien abductions cross paths, together discovering a horrible, liberating truth. Director: Gregg Araki Writers: Gregg Araki (screenplay), Scott Heim (novel)
My Summer of Love (2004) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 26min | Drama, Romance | 1 July 2005 (USA) -- In the Yorkshire countryside, working-class tomboy Mona meets the exotic, pampered Tamsin. Over the summer season, the two young women discover they have much to teach one another, and much to explore together. Director: Pawel Pawlikowski Writers:
Nell (1994) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 52min | Drama | 23 December 1994 (USA) -- In a remote woodland cabin, a small town doctor discovers Nell - a beautiful young hermit woman with many secrets. Director: Michael Apted Writers: Mark Handley (play), William Nicholson (screenplay) | 1 more credit Stars:
Never Back Down (2008) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 53min | Action, Drama, Sport | 14 March 2008 (USA) -- A frustrated and conflicted teenager arrives at a new high school to discover an underground fight club and meet a classmate who begins to coerce him into fighting. Director: Jeff Wadlow Writer:
New York (2009) ::: 6.8/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 33min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 26 June 2009 (India) -- A contemporary story of 3 friends discovering a new world set against the larger than life New York City. But one day the world around them changed. Director: Kabir Khan Writers:
Night at the Museum (2006) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG | 1h 48min | Adventure, Comedy, Family | 22 December 2006 (USA) -- A newly recruited night security guard at the Museum of Natural History discovers that an ancient curse causes the animals and exhibits on display to come to life and wreak havoc. Director: Shawn Levy Writers:
Northern Soul (2014) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Drama, Music | 17 October 2014 (UK) -- Set in 1974, an authentic and uplifting tale of two friends whose horizons are opened up by the discovery of black American soul music. Director: Elaine Constantine Writer: Elaine Constantine
NOS4A2 ::: TV-14 | 1h | Drama, Fantasy, Horror | TV Series (20192020) -- Charlie Manx, a seductive immortal who feeds off the souls of children, has his whole world threatened when a young woman in New England discovers she has a dangerous gift. Stars:
Odd Girl Out (2005) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 24min | Drama | TV Movie 4 April 2005 -- A teenager is bullied by her former friends when they discover that she has a crush on the same boy as the most popular girl in school does. Director: Tom McLoughlin Writers: Rachel Simmons (book), Matthew McDuffie (story) | 2 more credits Stars:
Ondine (2009) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 51min | Drama, Mystery, Romance | 5 March 2010 (Ireland) -- An Irish fisherman discovers a woman in his fishing net whom his precocious daughter believes to be a selkie. Director: Neil Jordan Writer: Neil Jordan
On the Edge (2001) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 25min | Drama | 21 September 2001 (Ireland) -- On the Edge is about suicidal patients discovering their true selves while going through therapy in a treatment center. Director: John Carney
On the Edge (2001) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 25min | Drama | 21 September 2001 (Ireland) -- On the Edge is about suicidal patients discovering their true selves while going through therapy in a treatment center. Director: John Carney Writers: Daniel James, John Carney Stars:
Operation Mekong (2016) ::: 6.6/10 -- Mei Gong he xing dong (original title) -- (USA) Operation Mekong Poster -- Inspired by the true story known as the Mekong Massacre--two Chinese commercial vessels are ambushed while traveling down the Mekong River in the waters of the Golden Triangle, one of the largest drug-manufacturing regions in the world. 13 sailors are executed at gunpoint, and 900,000 methamphetamine pills are recovered at the scene. Upon discovery, the Chinese government immediately sends a band... S
Pali Road (2015) ::: 7.2/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 32min | Drama, Fantasy, Mystery | 29 April 2016 (USA) -- A young doctor wakes up from a car accident and discovers she is married to another man and living a life she can't remember. Her search for the truth to her past life will lead her to question everyone around her and her entire existence. Director: Jonathan Lim (as Jonathan Hua Lang Lim) Writers:
Pandorum (2009) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 48min | Action, Horror, Mystery | 25 September 2009 (USA) -- Two crew members of a spaceship wake up from hypersleep to discover that all their colleagues are missing. Despite this, it appears that they are not alone. Director: Christian Alvart Writers:
Paranoia Agent ::: Ms dairinin (original tit ::: TV-MA | 25min | Animation, Drama, Horror | TV Mini-Series (2004) Episode Guide 13 episodes Paranoia Agent Poster -- Seemingly unconnected citizens of Tokyo are targeted for bludgeoning by a boy with a golden baseball bat. As detectives try to link the victims, they discover that following the assaults, the victims' lives have improved in some way.
Passport to Pimlico (1949) ::: 7.1/10 -- Approved | 1h 24min | Comedy | 26 October 1949 (USA) -- Residents of a part of London declare independence when they discover an old treaty. This leads to the need for a "Passport to Pimlico". Director: Henry Cornelius Writer: T.E.B. Clarke (original screenplay)
People Like Us (2012) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 54min | Comedy, Drama | 29 June 2012 (USA) -- While settling his recently deceased father's estate, a salesman discovers he has a sister whom he never knew about, leading both siblings to re-examine their perceptions about family and life choices. Director: Alex Kurtzman Writers:
Pet Sematary (1989) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 43min | Fantasy, Horror, Thriller | 21 April 1989 (USA) -- After tragedy strikes, a grieving father discovers an ancient burial ground behind his home with the power to raise the dead. Director: Mary Lambert Writers: Stephen King (novel), Stephen King (screenplay)
Phenomenon (1996) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG | 2h 3min | Drama, Fantasy, Romance | 3 July 1996 (USA) -- An ordinary man sees a bright light descend from the sky, and discovers he now has super-intelligence and telekinesis. Director: Jon Turteltaub Writer: Gerald Di Pego (as Gerald Dipego)
Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension (2011) ::: 7.4/10 -- TV-G | 1h 18min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Movie 5 August 2011 -- 1 -- Phineas and Ferb discover that Perry is a secret agent, and they all get stuck in an alternate dimension where Doofenschmirtz is the ruler of the tri-state area. Directors: Robert Hughes (as Robert F. Hughes), Dan Povenmire | 3 more credits Writers:
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 16min | Action, Adventure, Fantasy | 20 May 2011 (USA) -- Jack Sparrow and Barbossa embark on a quest to find the elusive fountain of youth, only to discover that Blackbeard and his daughter are after it too. Director: Rob Marshall Writers:
Poetry (2010) ::: 7.8/10 -- Shi (original title) -- Poetry Poster -- A sixty-something woman, faced with the discovery of a heinous family crime and in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease, finds strength and purpose when she enrolls in a poetry class. Director: Chang-dong Lee Writer:
Pooh's Heffalump Movie (2005) ::: 6.4/10 -- G | 1h 8min | Animation, Comedy, Family | 11 February 2005 (USA) -- When Roo sets off on his own into the Hundred Acre Wood, he discovers a friendly and playful Heffalump named Lumpy. Director: Frank Nissen Writers: Brian Hohlfeld (screenplay), Evan Spiliotopoulos (screenplay) | 1 more
Project Almanac (2015) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 46min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | 30 January 2015 (USA) -- A group of teens discover secret plans of a time machine, and construct one. However, things start to get out of control. Director: Dean Israelite Writers: Jason Pagan (as Jason Harry Pagan), Andrew Deutschman
P.S. I Love You (2007) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 6min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 21 December 2007 (USA) -- A young widow discovers that her late husband has left her 10 messages intended to help ease her pain and start a new life. Director: Richard LaGravenese Writers: Richard LaGravenese (screenplay), Steven Rogers (screenplay) | 1 more
Puzzle (2018) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 43min | Drama | 7 September 2018 (UK) -- Agnes, taken for granted as a suburban mother, discovers a passion for solving jigsaw puzzles which unexpectedly draws her into a new world - where her life unfolds in ways she could never have imagined. Director: Marc Turtletaub Writers:
Quinceaera (2006) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 30min | Drama | 5 July 2006 (France) -- As Magdalena's 15th birthday approaches, her simple, blissful life is complicated by the discovery that she's pregnant. Kicked out of her house, she finds a new family with her great-granduncle and gay cousin. Directors: Richard Glatzer, Wash Westmoreland Writers: Richard Glatzer, Wash Westmoreland Stars:
Raising Dion ::: TV-G | 50min | Drama, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2019 ) -- A widowed single mom discovers that her son has super powers and tries to figure out how to raise him safely and responsibly. Creators: Carol Barbee, Dennis Liu
Ralph Breaks the Internet (2018) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG | 1h 52min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 21 November 2018 (USA) -- Six years after the events of "Wreck-It Ralph," Ralph and Vanellope, now friends, discover a wi-fi router in their arcade, leading them into a new adventure. Directors: Phil Johnston, Rich Moore Writers:
Reaper ::: TV-14 | 45min | Adventure, Comedy, Drama | TV Series (20072009) -- On his 21st birthday, Sam discovers his parents sold his soul to the devil before birth and he must now be a bounty hunter for the devil until he dies. Creators:
Resurrecting the Champ (2007) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 52min | Drama, Sport | 24 August 2007 (USA) -- Up-and-coming sports reporter rescues a homeless man ("Champ") only to discover that he is, in fact, a boxing legend believed to have passed away. What begins as an opportunity to resurrect Champ's story and escape the shadow of his father's success becomes a personal journey as the ambitious reporter reexamines his own life and his relationship with his family. Director: Rod Lurie
Riviera ::: TV-MA | 1h | Drama, Thriller | TV Series (2017 ) -- A woman discovers her family's lifestyle has been funded by blood and seeks to protect herself and her loved ones. Creator: Neil Jordan
Route Irish (2010) ::: 6.4/10 -- 1h 49min | Action, Drama, Thriller | 16 March 2011 (France) -- The story of a private security contractor in Iraq who rejected the official explanation of his friend's death and sets out to discover the truth. Director: Ken Loach Writer:
Rudderless (2014) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 1h 45min | Comedy, Drama, Music | 21 February 2015 (Japan) -- A grieving father in a downward spiral stumbles across a box of his recently deceased son's demo tapes and lyrics. Shocked by the discovery of this unknown talent, he forms a band in the hope of finding some catharsis. Director: William H. Macy Writers:
Runaways ::: TV-14 | 1h | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi | TV Series (20172019) -- After discovering their parents are super-villains in disguise, a group of teenagers band together to run away from their homes in order to atone for their parents' actions and to discover the secrets of their origins. Creators:
Sabrina the Teenage Witch ::: TV-G | 22min | Comedy, Family, Fantasy | TV Series (19962003) -- When a sixteen-year-old high school student finds out she's a witch, her two aunts offer guidance on how to control her newly-discovered magical powers. Creators:
Sailor Moon ::: Bishjo senshi Sr Mn (original tit ::: TV-PG | 30min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (19921997) -- A group of schoolgirls discover they are incarnations of super-powered alien princesses, and use their abilities to defend the earth. Creator:
Salvation ::: TV-14 | 43min | Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller | TV Series (20172018) -- An MIT grad student and a tech superstar bring a low-level Pentagon official a staggering discovery--that an asteroid is just six months away from colliding with Earth. Creators:
Save Me ::: TV-MA | 4h 30min | Drama, Mystery | TV Series (2018 ) -- Nelly hasn't rested trying to find his missing daughter Jody, he won't give up, and he will do anything to find out what happened. Discovering things about him and those around him, things he never imagined. Creator:
Saw (2004) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 1h 43min | Horror, Mystery, Thriller | 29 October 2004 (USA) -- Two strangers awaken in a room with no recollection of how they got there, and soon discover they're pawns in a deadly game perpetrated by a notorious serial killer. Director: James Wan Writers:
Screamers (1995) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 48min | Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 26 January 1996 (USA) -- A military commander stationed off planet during an interplanetary war travels through the devastated landscape to negotiate a peace treaty, but discovers that the primitive robots they built to kill enemy combatants have gained sentience. Director: Christian Duguay Writers:
Secret Beyond the Door... (1947) ::: 6.8/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 39min | Drama, Film-Noir, Mystery | 4 March 1948 -- Secret Beyond the Door... Poster When a lovely woman and her new husband settle in an ancient mansion on the East coast, she discovers that he may want to kill her. Director: Fritz Lang Writers: Silvia Richards (screenplay), Rufus King (story) Stars:
Send Me No Flowers (1964) ::: 7.0/10 -- Approved | 1h 40min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 14 October 1964 (USA) -- A hypochondriac believes he is dying and makes plans for his wife which she discovers and misunderstands. Director: Norman Jewison Writers: Julius J. Epstein (screenplay) (as Julius Epstein), Norman Barasch
Shallow Grave (1994) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 29min | Crime, Thriller | 10 February 1995 (USA) -- Three friends discover their new flatmate dead but loaded with cash. Director: Danny Boyle Writer: John Hodge
Shattered Glass (2003) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 34min | Drama, History | 26 November 2003 (USA) -- The story of a young journalist who fell from grace when it was discovered he fabricated over half of his articles from the publication The New Republic magazine. Director: Billy Ray Writers:
Six ::: TV-MA | 1h | Action, Drama, History | TV Series (20172018) -- Navy SEAL Team Six attempt to eliminate a Taliban leader in Afghanistan when they discover an American citizen working with the enemy. Creators: William Broyles Jr., David Broyles, David Broyles
Society (1989) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 39min | Comedy, Horror | 11 June 1992 (USA) -- An ordinary teenage boy discovers his family is part of a gruesome orgy cult for the social elite. Director: Brian Yuzna Writers: Rick Fry, Woody Keith
Somali and the Forest Spirit ::: 24min | Animation, Adventure, Drama | TV Series (2020- ) Episode Guide 12 episodes Somali and the Forest Spirit Poster When a golem discovers a young human girl in the forest that he protects, the two set out on a journey in search of other humans, whom are considered to be nearly extinct. Stars: Inori Minase, Daisuke Ono, Hiroki Nanami
Sonic the Hedgehog (2020) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG | 1h 39min | Action, Adventure, Comedy | 14 February 2020 (USA) -- After discovering a small, blue, fast hedgehog, a small-town police officer must help him defeat an evil genius who wants to do experiments on him. Director: Jeff Fowler Writers:
Sorry to Bother You (2018) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 52min | Comedy, Fantasy, Sci-Fi | 13 July 2018 (USA) -- In an alternate present-day version of Oakland, telemarketer Cassius Green discovers a magical key to professional success, propelling him into a universe of greed. Director: Boots Riley Writer:
Source Code (2011) ::: 7.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 33min | Action, Drama, Mystery | 1 April 2011 (USA) -- A soldier wakes up in someone else's body and discovers he's part of an experimental government program to find the bomber of a commuter train within 8 minutes. Director: Duncan Jones Writer:
Space Dandy ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | TV Series (2014) The cosmic and comic adventures of Space Dandy, a handsome space explorer tasked to tour the universe and discover new alien beings. Stars: Jun'ichi Suwabe, Uki Satake, Hiroyuki Yoshino  
Space Sweepers (2021) ::: 6.6/10 -- Seungriho (original title) -- Space Sweepers Poster -- Set in the year 2092 and follows the crew of a space junk collector ship called The Victory. When they discover a humanoid robot named Dorothy that's known to be a weapon of mass destruction, they get involved in a risky business deal. Director: Sung-hee Jo
Spies Like Us (1985) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG | 1h 42min | Adventure, Comedy | 6 December 1985 (USA) -- Two bumbling government employees think they are U.S. spies, only to discover that they are actually decoys for Nuclear War. Director: John Landis Writers: Dan Aykroyd (story), Dave Thomas (story) | 3 more credits
Spy ::: 30min | Comedy | TV Series (20112012) Tim is in a custody battle with his ex-wife, when he quits his job. He applies for a job as a civil servant doing data entry, but discovers during the job interview that he has been offered a job as a trainee spy for MI5. Creator: Simeon Goulden
Stargate: Atlantis ::: TV-PG | 44min | Action, Adventure, Drama | TV Series (20042009) -- An international team of scientists and military personnel discover a Stargate network in the Pegasus Galaxy and come face-to-face with a new, powerful enemy, The Wraith. Creators:
Stargate SG-1 ::: TV-14 | 44min | Action, Adventure, Drama | TV Series (19972007) -- A secret military team, SG-1, is formed to explore other planets through the recently discovered Stargates. Creators: Jonathan Glassner, Brad Wright
Stargate SG-1 ::: TV-14 | 44min | Action, Adventure, Drama | TV Series (1997-2007) Episode Guide 213 episodes Stargate SG-1 Poster -- A secret military team, SG-1, is formed to explore other planets through the recently discovered Stargates. Creators: Jonathan Glassner, Brad Wright
Starlet (2012) ::: 6.9/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 43min | Drama | 9 May 2013 (Germany) -- An unlikely friendship forms between twenty-one-year-old Jane and the elderly Sadie after Jane discovers a hidden stash of money inside an object at Sadie's yard sale. Director: Sean Baker Writers:
Star Trek: Discovery ::: TV-14 | 1h | Action, Adventure, Drama | TV Series (2017- ) Episode Guide 49 episodes Star Trek: Discovery Poster -- Ten years before Kirk, Spock, and the Enterprise, the USS Discovery discovers new worlds and lifeforms as one Starfleet officer learns to understand all things alien. Creators:
Star Trek: Discovery ::: TV-14 | 1h | Action, Adventure, Drama | TV Series (2017 ) -- Ten years before Kirk, Spock, and the Enterprise, the USS Discovery discovers new worlds and lifeforms as one Starfleet officer learns to understand all things alien. Creators:
Star Trek: Nemesis (2002) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 56min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 13 December 2002 (USA) -- The Enterprise is diverted to the Romulan homeworld Romulus, supposedly because they want to negotiate a peace treaty. Captain Picard and his crew discover a serious threat to the Federation once Praetor Shinzon plans to attack Earth. Director: Stuart Baird Writers:
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG | 1h 50min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 6 December 1991 (USA) -- On the eve of retirement, Kirk and McCoy are charged with assassinating the Klingon High Chancellor and imprisoned. The Enterprise crew must help them escape to thwart a conspiracy aimed at sabotaging the last best hope for peace. Director: Nicholas Meyer Writers:
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG | 2h 22min | Action, Adventure, Fantasy | 16 May 2002 (USA) -- Ten years after initially meeting, Anakin Skywalker shares a forbidden romance with Padm Amidala, while Obi-Wan Kenobi investigates an assassination attempt on the senator and discovers a secret clone army crafted for the Jedi. Director: George Lucas Writers:
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 32min | Action, Adventure, Fantasy | 15 December 2017 (USA) -- Rey develops her newly discovered abilities with the guidance of Luke Skywalker, who is unsettled by the strength of her powers. Meanwhile, the Resistance prepares for battle with the First Order. Director: Rian Johnson Writers:
Steins;Gate ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Comedy, Drama | TV Series (20112015) -- After discovering time travel, a university student and his colleagues must use their knowledge of it to stop an evil organization and their diabolical plans. Stars:
Stonehearst Asylum (2014) ::: 6.8/10 -- Eliza Graves (original title) -- Stonehearst Asylum Poster -- An Oxford graduate takes up a job in a mental asylum, only to discover that the "revolutionary" new treatments are inhumane, and that there is more going on than meets the eye. Director: Brad Anderson Writers:
Summer of 84 (2018) ::: 6.7/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 45min | Drama, Horror, Mystery | 10 August 2018 (USA) -- After suspecting that their police officer neighbor is a serial killer, a group of teenage friends spend their summer spying on him and gathering evidence, but as they get closer to discovering the truth, things get dangerous. Directors: Franois Simard, Anouk Whissell | 1 more credit Writers:
Swades (2004) ::: 8.2/10 -- Swades: We, the People (original title) -- Swades Poster -- A successful Indian scientist returns to an Indian village to take his nanny to America with him and in the process rediscovers his roots. Director: Ashutosh Gowariker Writers:
Swamp Thing ::: TV-MA | 1h | Action, Adventure, Drama | TV Series (2019) -- Abby Arcane returns home to Marais, Louisiana to investigate a deadly swamp-borne virus, only to discover the dark, terrifying mysteries of the swamp. Creators:
Taking Off (1971) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 1h 33min | Comedy, Drama, Music | 28 March 1971 (USA) -- While searching for their runaway teenage daughter, the parents rediscover life's joys as they get acquainted with a self-help group for parents of vanished children. Director: Milos Forman Writers: Milos Forman, John Guare | 2 more credits Stars:
Tangled (2010) ::: 7.7/10 -- PG | 1h 40min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 24 November 2010 (USA) -- The magically long-haired Rapunzel has spent her entire life in a tower, but now that a runaway thief has stumbled upon her, she is about to discover the world for the first time, and who she really is. Directors: Nathan Greno, Byron Howard Writers:
Tarzan (1999) ::: 7.3/10 -- G | 1h 28min | Animation, Adventure, Family | 18 June 1999 (USA) -- A man raised by gorillas must decide where he really belongs when he discovers he is a human. Directors: Chris Buck, Kevin Lima Writers: Tab Murphy (screenplay), Bob Tzudiker (screenplay) | 23 more credits Stars:
Terror by Night (1946) ::: 6.9/10 -- Approved | 1h | Crime, Drama, Film-Noir | 1 February 1946 (USA) -- When the fabled Star of Rhodesia diamond is stolen on a London to Edinburgh train and the son of its owner is murdered, Sherlock Holmes must discover which of his suspicious fellow passengers is responsible. Director: Roy William Neill Writers: Frank Gruber (screenplay), Arthur Conan Doyle (adapted from a story by) (as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
Tetro (2009) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 2h 7min | Drama | 26 June 2009 (Spain) -- Bennie travels to Buenos Aires to find his long-missing older brother, a once-promising writer who is now a remnant of his former self. Bennie's discovery of his brother's near-finished play might hold the answer to understanding their shared past and renewing their bond. Director: Francis Ford Coppola Writers:
The 4400 ::: TV-14 | 43min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | TV Series (20042007) -- As the reappearance of 4,400 missing persons on a single day confounds the global community, federal agents on the case slowly discover the ways in which the victims have been changed. Creators:
The 4400 ::: TV-14 | 43min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2004-2007) Episode Guide 44 episodes The 4400 Poster -- As the reappearance of 4,400 missing persons on a single day confounds the global community, federal agents on the case slowly discover the ways in which the victims have been changed. Creators:
The Aeronauts (2019) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 40min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 6 December 2019 (USA) -- A balloon pilot and a scientist find themselves in a fight for survival while attempting to make discoveries in a gas balloon in the 1860s. Director: Tom Harper Writers: Richard Holmes (inspired by the book 'Falling Upwards' by), Tom Harper
The Andromeda Strain (1971) ::: 7.2/10 -- G | 2h 11min | Mystery, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 12 March 1971 (USA) -- A team of top scientists work feverishly in a secret, state-of-the-art laboratory to discover what has killed the citizens of a small town and learn how this deadly contagion can be stopped. Director: Robert Wise Writers:
The Barefoot Contessa (1954) ::: 7.0/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 8min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 30 September 1954 (USA) -- This is the life of a Hollywood movie star named Maria, as told by writer/director Harry et al, from being discovered in Madrid, Spain, until her funeral in Italy. Director: Joseph L. Mankiewicz Writer:
The Best Man Holiday (2013) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 2h 3min | Comedy, Drama | 15 November 2013 (USA) -- When college friends reunite after 15 years over the Christmas holidays, they discover just how easy it is for long-forgotten rivalries and romances to be reignited. Director: Malcolm D. Lee Writers:
The Best Years of Our Lives (1946) ::: 8.0/10 -- Approved | 2h 50min | Drama, Romance, War | 29 May 1947 (Mexico) -- Three World War II veterans return home to small-town America to discover that they and their families have been irreparably changed. Director: William Wyler Writers: Robert E. Sherwood (screen play), MacKinlay Kantor (from a novel by)
The Big Short (2015) ::: 7.8/10 -- R | 2h 10min | Biography, Comedy, Drama | 23 December 2015 (USA) -- In 2006-2007 a group of investors bet against the US mortgage market. In their research they discover how flawed and corrupt the market is. Director: Adam McKay Writers: Charles Randolph (screenplay by), Adam McKay (screenplay by) | 1 more
The Bird People in China (1998) ::: 7.5/10 -- Chgoku no chjin (original title) -- The Bird People in China Poster A salaryman and yakuza are each sent by their bosses to a remote Chinese village but discover more then they expected. Director: Takashi Miike Writers: Makoto Shiina (based on a novel by), Masa Nakamura (screenplay) Stars:
The Boys from Brazil (1978) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 2h 5min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | 6 October 1978 (USA) -- A Nazi hunter in Paraguay discovers a sinister and bizarre plot to rekindle the Third Reich. Director: Franklin J. Schaffner Writers: Ira Levin (novel), Heywood Gould (screenplay)
The Brass Teapot (2012) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 41min | Comedy, Fantasy, Thriller | 15 April 2013 (USA) -- When a couple discovers that a brass teapot makes them money whenever they hurt themselves, they must come to terms with how far they are willing to go. Director: Ramaa Mosley Writers:
The Breakfast Club (1985) ::: 7.8/10 -- R | 1h 37min | Comedy, Drama | 15 February 1985 (USA) -- Five high school students meet in Saturday detention and discover how they have a lot more in common than they thought. Director: John Hughes Writer: John Hughes
The Cabin in the Woods (2011) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Horror | 13 April 2012 (USA) -- Five friends go for a break at a remote cabin, where they get more than they bargained for, discovering the truth behind the cabin in the woods. Director: Drew Goddard Writers:
The City of the Dead (1960) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 16min | Horror, Mystery, Thriller | 12 September 1962 (USA) -- A young college student arrives in a sleepy Massachusetts town to research witchcraft; during her stay at an eerie inn, she discovers a startling secret about the town and its inhabitants. Director: John Llewellyn Moxey (as John Moxey) Writers:
The Colours of Infinity (1995) ::: 7.7/10 -- Not Rated | 52min | Documentary | TV Movie -- Arthur C. Clarke presents this unusual documentary on the mathematical discovery of the Mandelbrot Set (M-Set) in the visually spectacular world of fractal geometry. This show relates the ... S Director: Nigel Lesmoir-Gordon Writers: Arthur C. Clarke, Nigel Lesmoir-Gordon Stars:
The Company You Keep (2012) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 2h 5min | Drama, Thriller | 26 April 2013 (USA) -- After a journalist discovers his identity, a former Weather Underground activist goes on the run. Director: Robert Redford Writers: Lem Dobbs (screenplay by), Neil Gordon (based on the novel by)
The Curse of Oak Island ::: TV-PG | 1h | Documentary, Reality-TV | TV Series (2014 ) -- Rick and Marty Lagina, two brothers from Michigan with a life-long interest in the mystery of Oak Island, renew efforts to discover the legendary treasure with sophisticated machinery. Creator:
The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance ::: TV-PG | 1h | Adventure, Drama, Family | TV Series (2019) Episode Guide 10 episodes The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Poster -- Return to the world of Thra, where three Gelfling discover the horrifying secret behind the Skeksis' power, and set out to ignite the fires of rebellion and save their world. Creators:
The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance ::: TV-PG | 1h | Adventure, Drama, Family | TV Series (2019) -- Return to the world of Thra, where three Gelfling discover the horrifying secret behind the Skeksis' power, and set out to ignite the fires of rebellion and save their world. Creators:
The Daughter (2015) ::: 6.6/10 -- 14A | 1h 36min | Drama | 27 January 2017 (USA) -- The story follows a man who returns home to discover a long-buried family secret, and whose attempts to put things right threaten the lives of those he left home years before. Director: Simon Stone Writers:
The Da Vinci Code (2006) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 29min | Mystery, Thriller | 19 May 2006 (USA) -- A murder inside the Louvre, and clues in Da Vinci paintings, lead to the discovery of a religious mystery protected by a secret society for two thousand years, which could shake the foundations of Christianity. Director: Ron Howard Writers:
The Daytrippers (1996) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 27min | Comedy, Drama | 5 March 1997 (USA) -- When she discovers a love letter written to her husband by an unknown paramour, the distraught Eliza turns to her tight-knit Long Island family for advice. Director: Greg Mottola Writer:
The Dead Zone (1983) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 43min | Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi | 21 October 1983 (USA) -- A man awakens from a coma to discover he has a psychic ability. Director: David Cronenberg Writers: Jeffrey Boam (screenplay), Stephen King (novel)
The Discovery (2017) ::: 6.3/10 -- TV-MA | 1h 42min | Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi | 31 March 2017 (USA) -- Two years after the afterlife is scientifically proven, a man attempts to help a young woman break away from her dark past. Director: Charlie McDowell Writers: Charlie McDowell, Justin Lader
The Discovery of Heaven (2001) ::: 6.7/10 -- 2h 30min | Drama, Fantasy | 25 October 2001 (Netherlands) -- God is disappointed with the human race and wants his stone tablets back. An angel is given the assignment and, with Gabrils help, tries to manipulate several humans on earth to get his ... S Director: Jeroen Krabb Writers: Harry Mulisch (novel), Edwin de Vries Stars:
The End of Summer (1961) ::: 7.8/10 -- Kohayagawa-ke no aki (original title) -- The End of Summer Poster The family of an older man who runs a small sake brewery become concerned with his finances and his health after they discover him visiting an old mistress from his youth. Director: Yasujir Ozu Writers: Kgo Noda (screenplay), Yasujir Ozu (screenplay)
The Enemy Below (1957) ::: 7.5/10 -- Approved | 1h 38min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 17 January 1958 (West -- The Enemy Below Poster -- During World War II, an American destroyer discovers a German U-boat, thus ensuing in a deadly duel between the two ships. The American Captain must draw upon all his experience to defeat the equally experienced German commander. Director: Dick Powell
The Farewell (2019) ::: 7.6/10 -- PG | 1h 40min | Comedy, Drama | 9 August 2019 (USA) -- A Chinese family discovers their grandmother has only a short while left to live and decide to keep her in the dark, scheduling a wedding to gather before she dies. Director: Lulu Wang Writer:
The Firm (1993) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 2h 34min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 30 June 1993 (USA) -- A young lawyer joins a prestigious law firm only to discover that it has a sinister dark side. Director: Sydney Pollack Writers: John Grisham (novel), David Rabe (screenplay) | 2 more credits
The Flash ::: TV-PG | 43min | Action, Adventure, Drama | TV Series (2014 ) -- After being struck by lightning, Barry Allen wakes up from his coma to discover he's been given the power of super speed, becoming the next Flash, fighting crime in Central City. Creators:
The Forbidden Kingdom (2008) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 44min | Action, Adventure, Fantasy | 18 April 2008 (USA) -- A discovery made by a kung fu obsessed American teen sends him on an adventure to China, where he joins up with a band of martial arts warriors in order to free the imprisoned Monkey King. Director: Rob Minkoff Writer:
The Frighteners (1996) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 50min | Comedy, Fantasy, Horror | 19 July 1996 (USA) -- After a tragic car accident that kills his wife, a man discovers he can communicate with the dead to con people. However, when a demonic spirit appears, he may be the only one who can stop it from killing the living and the dead. Director: Peter Jackson Writers:
The Go-Getter (2007) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 33min | Comedy, Drama | 22 January 2007 (USA) -- When his mother dies, a teenager takes a road-trip in a stolen car to find his long-lost brother. Along the way he discovers a profound connection with the car-owner and with himself as well. Director: Martin Hynes Writer:
The Goonies (1985) ::: 7.8/10 -- PG | 1h 54min | Adventure, Comedy, Family | 7 June 1985 (USA) -- A group of young misfits called The Goonies discover an ancient map and set out on an adventure to find a legendary pirate's long-lost treasure. Director: Richard Donner Writers:
The Great Lie (1941) ::: 7.2/10 -- Approved | 1h 48min | Drama | 12 April 1941 (USA) -- After a newlywed's husband apparently dies in a plane crash, she discovers that her rival for his affections is now pregnant with his child. Director: Edmund Goulding Writers: Lenore J. Coffee (screen play) (as Lenore Coffee), Polan Banks (from a novel by)
The Importance of Being Earnest (1952) ::: 7.5/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 35min | Comedy, Drama | 15 August 1952 (Ireland) -- When Algernon discovers that his friend, Ernest, has created a fictional brother for whenever he needs a reason to escape dull country life, Algernon poses as the brother, resulting in ever increasing confusion. Director: Anthony Asquith Writer: Oscar Wilde (play)
The Infidel (2010) ::: 6.4/10 -- TV-PG | 1h 45min | Comedy, Drama | 4 June 2010 (Ireland) -- An identity crisis comedy centred on Mahmud Nasir, successful business owner, and salt of the earth East End Muslim who discovers that he's adopted - and Jewish. Director: Josh Appignanesi Writer:
The Innocents ::: TV-MA | 1h | Drama, Horror, Mystery | TV Series (2018) -- When teenagers Harry and June run away from their repressive families to be together, they're derailed by an extraordinary discovery - June's ability to shape-shift. A scientist tries to capture her and discover the key to her power. Creators:
The Intern (2015) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 1min | Comedy, Drama | 25 September 2015 (USA) -- Seventy-year-old widower Ben Whittaker has discovered that retirement isn't all it's cracked up to be. Seizing an opportunity to get back in the game, he becomes a senior intern at an online fashion site, founded and run by Jules Ostin. Director: Nancy Meyers Writer:
The Judge (2014) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 2h 21min | Crime, Drama | 10 October 2014 (USA) -- Big-city lawyer Hank Palmer returns to his childhood home where his father, the town's judge, is suspected of murder. Hank sets out to discover the truth and, along the way, reconnects with his estranged family. Director: David Dobkin Writers:
The Jungle Book (2016) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG | 1h 46min | Adventure, Drama, Family | 15 April 2016 (USA) -- After a threat from the tiger Shere Khan forces him to flee the jungle, a man-cub named Mowgli embarks on a journey of self discovery with the help of panther Bagheera and free-spirited bear Baloo. Director: Jon Favreau Writers:
The Legend of 1900 (1998) ::: 8.1/10 -- La leggenda del pianista sull'oceano (original title) -- The Legend of 1900 Poster -- A baby boy, discovered in 1900 on an ocean liner, grows into a musical prodigy, never setting foot on land. Director: Giuseppe Tornatore Writers:
The Lego Batman Movie (2017) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG | 1h 44min | Animation, Action, Comedy | 10 February 2017 (USA) -- A cooler-than-ever Bruce Wayne must deal with the usual suspects as they plan to rule Gotham City, while discovering that he has accidentally adopted a teenage orphan who wishes to become his sidekick. Director: Chris McKay Writers:
The Listener ::: TV-14 | 42min | Crime, Drama, Fantasy | TV Series (20092014) A young paramedic discovers he has telepathic powers. Creators: Michael Amo, Sam Egan Stars: Craig Olejnik, Ennis Esmer, Lauren Lee Smith
The Little Devil (1988) ::: 7.0/10 -- Il piccolo diavolo (original title) -- The Little Devil Poster During an exorcism, father Maurice meets a little devil named Giuditta, who refuses to return to hell and decides to discover the world. Director: Roberto Benigni Writers: Roberto Benigni (story), Giuseppe Bertolucci (story) | 3 more credits Stars:
The Lorax (2012) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG | 1h 26min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 2 March 2012 (USA) -- A 12-year-old boy searches for the one thing that will enable him to win the affection of the girl of his dreams. To find it he must discover the story of the Lorax, the grumpy yet charming creature who fights to protect his world. Directors: Chris Renaud, Kyle Balda (co-director) Writers:
The Lost Boys (1987) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 37min | Comedy, Horror | 31 July 1987 (USA) -- After moving to a new town, two brothers discover that the area is a haven for vampires. Director: Joel Schumacher Writers: Jan Fischer (story) (as Janice Fischer), James Jeremias (story) | 3
The Magicians ::: TV-14 | 1h | Drama, Fantasy, Mystery | TV Series (20152020) -- After being recruited to a secretive academy, a group of students discover that the magic they read about as children is very real-and more dangerous than they ever imagined. Creators:
The Magicians ::: TV-14 | 1h | Drama, Fantasy, Mystery | TV Series (2015-2020) Episode Guide 65 episodes The Magicians Poster -- After being recruited to a secretive academy, a group of students discover that the magic they read about as children is very real-and more dangerous than they ever imagined. Creators:
The Man in the High Castle ::: TV-MA | 1h | Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller | TV Series (2015-2019) Episode Guide 40 episodes The Man in the High Castle Poster -- In a dystopian America dominated by Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, a young woman discovers a mysterious film that may hold the key to toppling the totalitarian regimes. Creator:
The Man in the High Castle ::: TV-MA | 1h | Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller | TV Series (20152019) -- In a dystopian America dominated by Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, a young woman discovers a mysterious film that may hold the key to toppling the totalitarian regimes. Creator:
The Matrix (1999) ::: 8.7/10 -- R | 2h 16min | Action, Sci-Fi | 31 March 1999 (USA) -- When a beautiful stranger leads computer hacker Neo to a forbidding underworld, he discovers the shocking truth--the life he knows is the elaborate deception of an evil cyber-intelligence. Directors: Lana Wachowski (as The Wachowski Brothers), Lilly Wachowski (as The Wachowski Brothers) Writers:
The Moaning of Life ::: TV-14 | 44min | Adventure, Comedy, Reality-TV | TV Series (20132015) Karl is faced with the different aspects of life by travelling around the world and discovering how different people face life's challenges. Stars: Karl Pilkington, John Montgomery, Richard Yee  
The Naked Gun 2: The Smell of Fear (1991) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 25min | Comedy, Crime | 28 June 1991 (USA) -- Lieutenant Frank Drebin discovers that his ex-girlfriend's new beau is involved in a plot to kidnap a scientist who advocates solar energy. Director: David Zucker Writers: Jim Abrahams (television series Police Squad), David Zucker (television
The New Mutants (2020) ::: 5.3/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 34min | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi | 28 August 2020 (USA) -- Five young mutants, just discovering their abilities while held in a secret facility against their will, fight to escape their past sins and save themselves. Director: Josh Boone Writers:
The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) ::: 8.0/10 -- PG | 1h 16min | Animation, Family, Fantasy | 29 October 1993 (USA) -- Jack Skellington, king of Halloween Town, discovers Christmas Town, but his attempts to bring Christmas to his home causes confusion. Director: Henry Selick Writers: Tim Burton (story and characters), Michael McDowell (adaptation) | 1
The Nutty Professor (1963) ::: 6.7/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 47min | Comedy, Romance, Sci-Fi | 7 June 1963 (USA) -- A timid, nearsighted chemistry teacher discovers a magical potion that can transform him into a suave and handsome Romeo. The Jekyll and Hyde game works well enough until the concoction starts to wear off at the most embarrassing times. Director: Jerry Lewis Writers:
The Old Guard (2020) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 2h 5min | Action, Adventure, Fantasy | 10 July 2020 (USA) -- A covert team of immortal mercenaries is suddenly exposed and must now fight to keep their identity a secret just as an unexpected new member is discovered. Director: Gina Prince-Bythewood Writers:
The Other Son (2012) ::: 7.3/10 -- Le fils de l'autre (original title) -- The Other Son Poster -- Two young men, one Israeli and one Palestinian, discover they were accidentally switched at birth. Director: Lorraine Lvy Writers:
The Parent Trap (1998) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG | 2h 8min | Adventure, Comedy, Drama | 29 July 1998 (USA) -- Identical twins Annie and Hallie, separated at birth and each raised by one of their biological parents, later discover each other for the first time at summer camp and make a plan to bring their wayward parents back together. Director: Nancy Meyers Writers:
The Promised Neverland ::: Yakusoku no Neverland (original tit ::: TV-14 | 30min | Animation, Adventure, Drama | TV Series (2019- ) Episode Guide 23 episodes The Promised Neverland Poster -- When three gifted kids at an isolated idyllic orphanage discover the secret and sinister purpose they were raised for, they look for a way to escape from their evil caretaker and lead the other children in a risky escape plan.
The Prophecy (1995) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Action, Crime, Drama | 1 September 1995 (USA) -- At the scene of a bizarre murder, L.A. homicide detective Thomas Dagget discovers a lethal heavenly prophecy now being fulfilled on earth. In his fight to stop the forces of evil, he finds an unlikely ally in an elementary school teacher. Director: Gregory Widen Writer:
The Purge ::: TV-MA | 42min | Action, Drama, Horror | TV Series (20182019) -- Set in an altered United States, several unrelated people discover how far they will go to survive a night where all crime is legal for 12 hours. Creator:
The Queen's Gambit ::: TV-MA | 6h 35min | Drama, Sport | TV Mini-Series (2020) Episode Guide 7 episodes The Queen's Gambit Poster -- Orphaned at the tender age of nine, prodigious introvert Beth Harmon discovers and masters the game of chess in 1960s USA. But child stardom comes at a price. Creators:
The Railway Children (1970) ::: 7.3/10 -- G | 1h 49min | Drama, Family | 22 December 1970 (UK) -- After the enforced absence of their father, three children move with their mother to Yorkshire, where during their adventures they attempt to discover the reason for his disappearance. Director: Lionel Jeffries Writers: E. Nesbit (from the celebrated novel by), Lionel Jeffries (screenplay) Stars:
The Railway Man (2013) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 56min | Biography, Drama, Romance | 23 May 2014 (USA) -- A former British Army officer, who was tortured as a prisoner of war at a Japanese labor camp during World War II, discovers that the man responsible for much of his treatment is still alive and sets out to confront him. Director: Jonathan Teplitzky Writers:
The Reckless Moment (1949) ::: 7.2/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 22min | Crime, Drama, Film-Noir | 26 December 1949 -- The Reckless Moment Poster After discovering the dead body of her teenage daughter's lover, a housewife takes desperate measures to protect her family from scandal. Director: Max Ophls (as Max Opuls) Writers: Henry Garson (screen play), Robert Soderberg (screen play) (as Robert W. Soderberg) | 3 more credits
The Reckoning (2002) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 52min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 4 June 2004 (UK) -- A priest on the lam takes up with a traveling band of actors, who then discover a murder has occurred and try to solve it by recreating the crime in a play. Director: Paul McGuigan Writers: Barry Unsworth (novel), Mark Mills (screenplay) Stars:
The Scarlet Pimpernel (1934) ::: 7.4/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 37min | Adventure, Drama | 7 February 1935 (USA) -- A noblewoman discovers her husband is The Scarlet Pimpernel, a vigilante who rescues aristocrats from the blade of the guillotine. Director: Harold Young Writer: Baroness Emmuska Orczy (by) (as The Baroness Orczy) Stars:
The Secret Circle ::: TV-14 | 45min | Drama, Fantasy, Horror | TV Series (20112012) -- 16 year old Cassie Blake moves to Chance Harbor, Washington to live with her grandmother after her mother mysteriously dies. She discovers she's a witch along with 5 other teens. Creator:
Thesis (1996) ::: 7.4/10 -- Tesis (original title) -- Thesis Poster -- While doing a thesis about violence, Angela finds a snuff video where a girl is tortured until death. Soon she discovers that the girl was a former student in her faculty... Director: Alejandro Amenabar Writers:
The Soloist (2009) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 57min | Biography, Drama, Music | 24 April 2009 (USA) -- A newspaper journalist discovers a homeless musical genius and tries to improve his situation. Director: Joe Wright Writers: Susannah Grant (screenplay), Steve Lopez (book)
The Space Between Us (2017) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 2h | Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi | 3 February 2017 (USA) -- The first human born on Mars travels to Earth for the first time, experiencing the wonders of the planet through fresh eyes. He embarks on an adventure with a street-smart girl to discover how he came to be. Director: Peter Chelsom Writers:
The Stepford Wives (1975) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG | 1h 55min | Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi | 12 February 1975 (USA) -- Joanna Eberhart has come to the quaint little town of Stepford, Connecticut with her family, but soon discovers there lies a sinister truth in the all too perfect behavior of the female residents. Director: Bryan Forbes Writers:
The Survivalist (2015) ::: 6.4/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 44min | Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 12 February 2016 (UK) -- In a time of starvation, a survivalist lives off a small plot of land hidden deep in forest. When two women seeking food and shelter discover his farm, he finds his existence threatened. Director: Stephen Fingleton Writer:
The Sweet Hereafter (1997) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 1h 52min | Drama | 21 November 1997 (USA) -- A bus crash in a small town brings a lawyer to the town to defend the families, but he discovers that everything is not what it seems. Director: Atom Egoyan Writers: Russell Banks (novel), Atom Egoyan (screenplay)
The Third Miracle (1999) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 59min | Drama | 20 April 2000 (Singapore) -- The Vatican sends a priest to verify some miracles, performed by a woman who has been nominated for sainthood. During his investigation, the priest, who is experiencing a crisis of faith, re-discovers his own purpose in life. Director: Agnieszka Holland Writers:
The Tingler (1959) ::: 6.7/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 22min | Horror | 29 July 1959 (USA) -- An obsessed pathologist discovers and captures a parasitic creature that grows when fear grips its host. Director: William Castle Writer: Robb White
The Trip (2002) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 5 May 2002 (USA) -- Romance, politics, sex and humor all collide during two men's 11-year journey of passion, self-discovery and adventure. Director: Miles Swain Writer: Miles Swain
The Truman Show (1998) ::: 8.1/10 -- PG | 1h 43min | Comedy, Drama | 5 June 1998 (USA) -- An insurance salesman discovers his whole life is actually a reality TV show. Director: Peter Weir Writer: Andrew Niccol
The Uninvited (1944) ::: 7.3/10 -- Passed | 1h 39min | Fantasy, Horror, Mystery | 1 September 1944 -- The Uninvited Poster -- A composer and his sister discover that the reason they are able to purchase a beautiful gothic seacoast mansion very cheaply is the house's unsavory past. Director: Lewis Allen Writers:
The Vast of Night (2019) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 31min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | 29 May 2020 (USA) -- One night in New Mexico, in the late 1950s, a switchboard operator and radio DJ discover a strange audio frequency which could change the future forever. Director: Andrew Patterson Writers:
The Water Horse (2007) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG | 1h 52min | Adventure, Family, Fantasy | 25 December 2007 (USA) -- A lonely boy discovers a mysterious egg that hatches a sea creature of Scottish legend. Director: Jay Russell Writers: Robert Nelson Jacobs (screenplay), Dick King-Smith (book)
The Wedding Singer (1998) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 37min | Comedy, Music, Romance | 13 February 1998 (USA) -- Robbie, a singer, and Julia, a waitress, are both engaged, but to the wrong people. Fortune intervenes to help them discover each other. Director: Frank Coraci Writer: Tim Herlihy
The Wings of the Dove (1997) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Drama, Romance | 13 March 1998 (USA) -- An impoverished woman who has been forced to choose between a privileged life with her wealthy aunt and her journalist lover, befriends an American heiress. When she discovers the heiress is attracted to her own lover and is dying, she sees a chance to have both the privileged life she cannot give up and the lover she cannot live without. Director: Iain Softley
The Woman in Black (2012) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 35min | Drama, Fantasy, Horror | 3 February 2012 (USA) -- A young solicitor travels to a remote village where he discovers the vengeful ghost of a scorned woman is terrorizing the locals. Director: James Watkins Writers: Susan Hill (novel), Jane Goldman (screenplay)
The Words (2012) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 42min | Drama, Mystery, Romance | 7 September 2012 (USA) -- A writer at the peak of his literary success discovers the steep price he must pay for stealing another man's work. Directors: Brian Klugman, Lee Sternthal Writers: Brian Klugman, Lee Sternthal
Think Like a Man (2012) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 2min | Comedy, Romance | 20 April 2012 (USA) -- Four friends conspire to turn the tables on their women when they discover the ladies have been using Steve Harvey's relationship advice against them. Director: Tim Story Writers:
Thirteen (2003) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 40min | Drama | 19 September 2003 (USA) -- A thirteen-year-old girl's relationship with her mother is put to the test as she discovers drugs, sex, and petty crime in the company of her cool but troubled best friend. Director: Catherine Hardwicke Writers:
Three Kings (1999) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 54min | Action, Adventure, Comedy | 1 October 1999 (USA) -- In the aftermath of the Persian Gulf War, four soldiers set out to steal gold that was stolen from Kuwait, but they discover people who desperately need their help. Director: David O. Russell Writers:
Threshold ::: 13+ | 1h | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi | TV Series (20052006) A team of experts are assembled after the U.S. Navy discovers an extra-terrestrial object briefly appeared near a ship in the Atlantic Ocean. Creator: Bragi F. Schut Stars:
Today's Special (2009) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 39min | Comedy | 11 November 2009 (USA) -- In this super-feel-good foodie comedy, young Manhattan chef Samir rediscovers his heritage and his passion for life through the enchanting art of cooking Indian food. Director: David Kaplan Writers:
Tokyo Godfathers (2003) ::: 7.8/10 -- Tky goddofzzu (original title) -- (Japan) Tokyo Godfathers Poster -- On Christmas Eve, three homeless people living on the streets of Tokyo discover a newborn baby among the trash and set out to find its parents. Directors: Satoshi Kon, Shgo Furuya (co-director)
Touch ::: TV-PG | 43min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | TV Series (20122013) -- A widower struggling to raise his emotionally challenged son discovers that he can predict events before they happen. Creator: Tim Kring
Traffic (2000) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 2h 27min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 5 January 2001 (USA) -- A conservative judge is appointed by the President to spearhead America's escalating war against drugs, only to discover that his teenage daughter is a crack addict. Two DEA agents protect an informant. A jailed drug baron's wife attempts to carry on the family business. Director: Steven Soderbergh Writers: Simon Moore (miniseries Traffik), Stephen Gaghan (screenplay)
Trash (2014) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 54min | Adventure, Crime, Drama | 9 October 2015 (USA) -- Set in Brazil, three kids who make a discovery in a garbage dump soon find themselves running from the cops and trying to right a terrible wrong. Directors: Stephen Daldry, Christian Duurvoort (co-director) Writers:
Travelers ::: TV-MA | 45min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2016-2018) Episode Guide 34 episodes Travelers Poster -- Hundreds of years from now, surviving humans discover how to send consciousness back through time, into people of the 21st century, while attempting to change the path of humanity. Creator:
Travelers ::: TV-MA | 45min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | TV Series (20162018) -- Hundreds of years from now, surviving humans discover how to send consciousness back through time, into people of the 21st century, while attempting to change the path of humanity. Creator:
Triage (2009) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 39min | Drama, Mystery, War | 13 November 2009 (Spain) -- The wife of a photojournalist sets out to discover why he came home from a recent assignment without his colleague. Director: Danis Tanovic Writers: Danis Tanovic, Scott Anderson (book)
True Lies (1994) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 2h 21min | Action, Comedy, Thriller | 15 July 1994 (USA) -- A fearless, globe-trotting, terrorist-battling secret agent has his life turned upside down when he discovers his wife might be having an affair with a used-car salesman while terrorists smuggle nuclear war heads into the United States. Director: James Cameron Writers:
Two Days, One Night (2014) ::: 7.3/10 -- Deux jours, une nuit (original title) -- Two Days, One Night Poster -- Lige, Belgium. Sandra is a factory worker who discovers that her workmates have opted for a EUR1,000 bonus in exchange for her dismissal. She has only a weekend to convince her colleagues to give up their bonuses in order to keep her job. Directors: Jean-Pierre Dardenne, Luc Dardenne
Under the Dome ::: TV-14 | 43min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | TV Series (20132015) -- An invisible and mysterious force field descends upon a small actual town of Chester's Mill, Maine, USA, trapping residents inside, cut off from the rest of civilization. The trapped townspeople must discover the secrets and purpose of the "dome" or "sphere" and its origins, while coming to learn more than they ever knew about each other and animals too.
Under the Dome ::: TV-14 | 43min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2013-2015) Episode Guide 39 episodes Under the Dome Poster -- An invisible and mysterious force field descends upon a small actual town of Chester's Mill, Maine, USA, trapping residents inside, cut off from the rest of civilization. The trapped townspeople must discover the secrets and purpose of the "dome" or "sphere" and its origins, while coming to learn more than they ever knew about each other and animals too.
Underworld: Awakening (2012) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 28min | Action, Fantasy, Horror | 20 January 2012 (USA) -- When human forces discover the existence of the Vampire and Lycan clans, a war to eradicate both species commences. The vampire warrior Selene leads the battle against humankind. Directors: Mns Mrlind (as Mrlind), Bjrn Stein (as Stein) Writers:
Undone ::: TV-MA | 23min | Animation, Drama, Fantasy | TV Series (2019 ) -- A woman discovers she has a new relationship with time after surviving a car accident that almost killed her. Creators: Raphael Bob-Waksberg, Kate Purdy
Undone ::: TV-MA | 23min | Animation, Drama, Fantasy | TV Series (2019- ) Episode Guide 9 episodes Undone Poster -- A woman discovers she has a new relationship with time after surviving a car accident that almost killed her. Creators: Raphael Bob-Waksberg, Kate Purdy
Unknown (2011) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 53min | Action, Mystery, Thriller | 18 February 2011 (USA) -- When a man awakens from a coma only to discover that someone has taken on his identity, he teams up with a young woman to prove who he is. Director: Jaume Collet-Serra Writers: Oliver Butcher (screenplay), Stephen Cornwell (screenplay) | 1 more
Utopia ::: TV-MA | 50min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | TV Series (20132014) After a group of people, who meet online, discover a bizarre graphic novel which seems to hold mysterious answers, they find themselves being tracked down by a merciless organization known merely as 'The Network'. Creator: Dennis Kelly
Utopia ::: TV-MA | 50min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2013-2014) Episode Guide 12 episodes Utopia Poster After a group of people, who meet online, discover a bizarre graphic novel which seems to hold mysterious answers, they find themselves being tracked down by a merciless organization known merely as 'The Network'. Creator: Dennis Kelly
Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (2005) ::: 7.4/10 -- The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (original title) -- Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit Poster -- Wallace and his loyal dog, Gromit, set out to discover the mystery behind the garden sabotage that plagues their village and threatens the annual giant vegetable growing contest. Directors: Steve Box, Nick Park Writers:
Wanted (2008) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 50min | Action, Crime, Thriller | 27 June 2008 (USA) -- A frustrated office worker discovers that he is the son of a professional assassin, and that he shares his father's superhuman killing abilities. Director: Timur Bekmambetov Writers:
Warrior Nun ::: TV-MA | Action, Drama, Fantasy | TV Series (2020 ) -- After waking up in a morgue, an orphaned teen discovers she now possesses superpowers as the chosen Halo Bearer for a secret sect of demon-hunting nuns. Creator:
What Dreams May Come (1998) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 53min | Drama, Fantasy, Romance | 2 October 1998 (USA) -- Chris Nielsen dies in an accident, and enters Heaven. But when he discovers that his beloved wife Annie has killed herself out of grief over the loss, he embarks on an afterlife adventure to reunite with her. Director: Vincent Ward Writers:
Where'd You Go, Bernadette (2019) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 49min | Comedy, Drama | 16 August 2019 (USA) -- A loving mom becomes compelled to reconnect with her creative passions after years of sacrificing herself for her family. Her leap of faith takes her on an epic adventure that jump-starts her life and leads to her triumphant rediscovery. Director: Richard Linklater Writers:
Where the Truth Lies (2005) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 47min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 7 October 2005 (Canada) -- Karen O'Connor, a young journalist known for her celebrity profiles, is consumed with discovering the truth behind a long-buried incident that affected the lives and careers of showbiz team Vince Collins and Lanny Morris. Director: Atom Egoyan Writers:
Whip It (2009) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 51min | Drama, Sport | 2 October 2009 (USA) -- In Bodeen, Texas, an indie-rock loving misfit finds a way of dealing with small-town misery after discovering a roller derby league in nearby Austin. Director: Drew Barrymore Writers:
White Squall (1996) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 9min | Adventure, Drama | 2 February 1996 (USA) -- Teenage boys discover discipline and camaraderie on an ill-fated sailing voyage. Director: Ridley Scott Writers: Charles Gieg Jr. (book), Felix Sutton (book) | 1 more credit
Wilde (1997) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 58min | Biography, Drama, Romance | 1 May 1998 (USA) -- The turmoil in poet/playwright Oscar Wilde's life after he discovers his homosexuality. Director: Brian Gilbert Writers: Julian Mitchell (original screenplay), Richard Ellmann (based on the
Winx Club ::: TV-Y7 | 25min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2004 ) -- At Alfea College, fairy warriors from all over the universe study to improve their supernatural powers. Bloom from planet Earth joins them upon discovery of her magical ability. Creator:
Witches of East End ::: TV-14 | 1h | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy | TV Series (20132014) -- Two sister, bartender and librarian, discover as adults that they're witches with magical powers. They, their mom and her sister, all witches, are up against a mortal enemy. Creator:
Wonder Woman (2017) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 21min | Action, Adventure, Fantasy | 2 June 2017 (USA) -- When a pilot crashes and tells of conflict in the outside world, Diana, an Amazonian warrior in training, leaves home to fight a war, discovering her full powers and true destiny. Director: Patty Jenkins Writers:
Yellow Sky (1948) ::: 7.4/10 -- Approved | 1h 38min | Crime, Western | 24 December 1948 (USA) -- A pistol-packing tomboy and her grandfather discover a band of bank robbing bandits taking refuge in the neighboring ghost town. Director: William A. Wellman Writers: Lamar Trotti (screenplay), W.R. Burnett (story)
Young Frankenstein (1974) ::: 8.0/10 -- PG | 1h 46min | Comedy | 15 December 1974 (USA) -- An American grandson of the infamous scientist, struggling to prove that his grandfather was not as insane as people believe, is invited to Transylvania, where he discovers the process that reanimates a dead body. Director: Mel Brooks Writers:
Your Honor ::: TV-MA | 9h 33min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | TV Series (20202021) -- A judge confronts his convictions when his son is involved in a hit and run that embroils an organized crime family. Facing impossible choices, he discovers how far a father will go to save his son's life. Creator:
Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist ::: TV-14 | 1h | Comedy, Drama, Musical | TV Series (2020 ) Season 2 Returns Sunday, March 28 -- A young woman discovers she has the ability to hear the innermost thoughts of people around her as songs and musical numbers. Creator:'s's_projection_exhibiting_all_the_new_discoveries'ya_(Discovery_Kids_version)'s_Locales's_Locales's_Locales's_Locales,_Vol_I,_Vol_II,_Vol_III,_Vol_IV's_Locales's_Locales's_Locales!,_Inc.,_Inc./Other's_log,_USS_Discovery,_Where_Art_Thou?_(aftershow),_Issue_1,_Issue_2,_Issue_3,_Collector's_Edition's_Edition,_Chapter_1,_Chapter_2,_Chapters_1_&_2,_Issue_1,_Issue_2,_Issue_3,_Issue_4,_Issue_1,_Issue_2,_Issue_3,_Issue_4"Toby's_Discovery"_Transcript!
07-Ghost -- -- Studio Deen -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Action Demons Fantasy Josei Magic Military -- 07-Ghost 07-Ghost -- Barsburg Empire's Military Academy is known for training elites who bring victory to the empire. Students of the academy freely utilize an ability called "Zaiphon" to fight, while the types of Zaiphon usable depends on the nature of the soldier. -- -- Teito Klein, a student at the academy, is one of the most promising soldiers produced. Although ridiculed by everyone for being a sklave (German for slave) with no memories of his past, he is befriended by a fellow student called Mikage. While preparing for the final exam, Teito uncovers a dark secret related to his past. When an attempt to assassinate Ayanami, a high-ranking official who killed his father, fails, Teito is locked away awaiting punishment. -- -- Only wanting the best for Teito, Mikage helps him escape. Teito ends up at the 7th District Church where he is taken in by the bishops. It is here that Teito attempts to evade the grasp of Ayanami and the Military, so he can rediscover his memories and learn why he is the person that can change the fate of the world. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- TV - Apr 7, 2009 -- 187,533 7.23
11eyes -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Ecchi Super Power Supernatural -- 11eyes 11eyes -- When the Sky turns Red, the Moon turns Black, and monsters begin roaming the streets, Satsuki Kakeru is at a loss for what to do. Along with his best friend Yuka, they try to decipher why they have been sent to this strange world, which is seemingly empty aside from themselves. -- -- However, when the "Red Night" ends, Kakeru and Yuka believed it was all a dream, until it happens again and they are left in a dangerous situation. They meet four others in the same predicament: Kusakabe Misuzu, an expert swordswoman, Tachibana Kukuri, a strange mute girl who looks uncannily like Kakeru's deceased sister, Hirohara Yukiko, a lively young girl whose personality reverts to that of a cold killer when her glasses are removed, and Tajima Takahisa, a young pyrokineticist. -- -- As the six of them band together to survive and discover what this mysterious world is, things take a turn for the worse as six shadows appear before them... -- -- 210,432 6.14
11eyes -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Ecchi Super Power Supernatural -- 11eyes 11eyes -- When the Sky turns Red, the Moon turns Black, and monsters begin roaming the streets, Satsuki Kakeru is at a loss for what to do. Along with his best friend Yuka, they try to decipher why they have been sent to this strange world, which is seemingly empty aside from themselves. -- -- However, when the "Red Night" ends, Kakeru and Yuka believed it was all a dream, until it happens again and they are left in a dangerous situation. They meet four others in the same predicament: Kusakabe Misuzu, an expert swordswoman, Tachibana Kukuri, a strange mute girl who looks uncannily like Kakeru's deceased sister, Hirohara Yukiko, a lively young girl whose personality reverts to that of a cold killer when her glasses are removed, and Tajima Takahisa, a young pyrokineticist. -- -- As the six of them band together to survive and discover what this mysterious world is, things take a turn for the worse as six shadows appear before them... -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 210,432 6.14
5-toubun no Hanayome -- -- Tezuka Productions -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Harem Comedy Romance School Shounen -- 5-toubun no Hanayome 5-toubun no Hanayome -- Fuutarou Uesugi is an ace high school student, but leads an otherwise tough life. His standoffish personality and reclusive nature have left him friendless, and his father is debt-ridden, forcing his family to scrape by. -- -- One day during his lunch break, Uesugi argues with a female transfer student who has claimed "his seat," leading both of them to dislike each other. That same day, he is presented with a golden opportunity to clear his family's debt: a private tutoring gig for a wealthy family's daughter, with a wage of five times the market price. He accepts the proposal, but is horrified to discover that the client, Itsuki Nakano, is the girl he confronted earlier! -- -- After unsuccessfully trying to get back on Itsuki's good side, Uesugi finds out that his problems don't end there: Itsuki is actually a quintuplet, so in addition to her, he must also tutor her sisters—Miku, Yotsuba, Nino, and Ichika—who, despite the very real threat of flunking, want nothing to do with a tutor. However, his family's livelihood is on the line so Uesugi pushes on, adamant in his resolve to rid the sisters of their detest for studying and successfully lead them to graduation. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 520,949 7.63
ACCA: 13-ku Kansatsu-ka -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Mystery Police Drama Fantasy Seinen -- ACCA: 13-ku Kansatsu-ka ACCA: 13-ku Kansatsu-ka -- ACCA—a national body of the kingdom of Dowa that provides public services to the citizens of the country—was established as part of the peace settlement between the king of Dowa and the 13 states of the country during a revolt. One hundred years later, Dowa is in a period of unprecedented peace, due in part to the ACCA system. However, rumors of a coup d'état start to surface. Jean Otus, the second-in-command of the inspection department of ACCA, is charged with inspecting all 13 state branches. What will he discover as he performs his audit? -- -- Intriguing and mysterious, ACCA: 13-ku Kansatsu-ka is a politically-themed mystery that reveals a world of diverse cultures and lifestyles, with intricate connections between its characters, as the truth of the coup d'état slowly unfolds. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 126,432 7.68
Advancer Tina -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Space Hentai Sci-Fi -- Advancer Tina Advancer Tina -- There is something very dangerous about planet Omega 13. Whatever it is, it's been killing Advancers sent out, one by one, to investigate. The Domestic Union of Arms is perplexed, so top DUA officer Mugal decides to give the job to the most dangerous, most independent, and most expendable Advancer they could find. -- -- They find such an Advancer in the renegade Tina Owens. Currently incarcerated with a 2,000 year sentence for blowing up a planet, she is given a tempting offer. Instead of rotting in her cell, if she'll go to Omega 13, find and destroy any threats on the planet, and determine any exploitable resources for the Allied Earth Government, they'll let her go. -- -- Knowing how dangerous Omega 13 appears to be (and thinking about what has yet to be discovered), how would you decide? Tina takes the job, and she sets off for the planet. -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- OVA - Aug 21, 1996 -- 2,598 5.05
After War Gundam X -- -- Sunrise -- 39 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Adventure Space Drama Mecha -- After War Gundam X After War Gundam X -- When one space colony declared its independence from the Earth Federation, the devastating 7th Space War, an all-out war between Earth and space, resulted. The Federation responded to the Space Revolutionary Army with mobile suits, called Gundams. However, the Space Revolutionary forces played their trump card and dropped hundreds of space colonies onto the Earth, plunging the planet into a seven-year-long nuclear winter. The Federation collapsed, but the Space Revolutionary Army was unable to invade the Earth in the aftermath of the colony drop. -- -- Fifteen years have passed. The year is now After War 0015, and a New Federation has sprung up on Earth to restore order. In space, the colonial leaders have been rebuilding their own forces as well. By chance, fifteen-year-old Garrod Ran has discovered an old Federation mobile suit, the Gundam X, and now he uses it to help out the Vulture ship Freeden in its struggle to keep the powers that be from repeating the mistakes of the past. -- 29,440 7.32
After War Gundam X -- -- Sunrise -- 39 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Adventure Space Drama Mecha -- After War Gundam X After War Gundam X -- When one space colony declared its independence from the Earth Federation, the devastating 7th Space War, an all-out war between Earth and space, resulted. The Federation responded to the Space Revolutionary Army with mobile suits, called Gundams. However, the Space Revolutionary forces played their trump card and dropped hundreds of space colonies onto the Earth, plunging the planet into a seven-year-long nuclear winter. The Federation collapsed, but the Space Revolutionary Army was unable to invade the Earth in the aftermath of the colony drop. -- -- Fifteen years have passed. The year is now After War 0015, and a New Federation has sprung up on Earth to restore order. In space, the colonial leaders have been rebuilding their own forces as well. By chance, fifteen-year-old Garrod Ran has discovered an old Federation mobile suit, the Gundam X, and now he uses it to help out the Vulture ship Freeden in its struggle to keep the powers that be from repeating the mistakes of the past. -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- 29,440 7.32
Aggressive Retsuko (ONA) -- -- Fanworks -- 10 eps -- Other -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Aggressive Retsuko (ONA) Aggressive Retsuko (ONA) -- Some offices have stereotypical dynamics: the chauvinistic pig of a boss who never does any real work; the employees whose goal is to suck up to the boss; the ones whose lives seem perfect; and the individuals who have all the actual work pushed onto them. Retsuko the red panda is in the last group, as she stays late most nights to make up the work her coworkers are too lazy to do themselves. -- -- Her relief from the stress of her everyday life comes in the form of singing death metal at a local karaoke club. Night after night, Retsuko channels her grief into a microphone and considers the place to be her own personal sanctuary. But as she moves further away from her comfort zone and the ideas people have of her, she discovers that letting others into her world of death metal may not be such a bad thing. -- -- ONA - Apr 20, 2018 -- 122,453 7.68
AIKa -- -- Studio Fantasia -- 7 eps -- Original -- Action Ecchi Adventure Comedy Sci-Fi -- AIKa AIKa -- A catastrophic earthquake has left Tokyo, and most of the Earth for that matter, under the sea. Aika is a salvager who retrieves various remains from the watery ruins. When Aika accepts the dangerous mission of locating and obtaining the mysterious Lagu, she discovers that she's not the only one after it. -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Central Park Media -- OVA - Apr 25, 1997 -- 27,596 5.94
AIKa R-16: Virgin Mission -- -- Studio Fantasia -- 3 eps -- Original -- Action Ecchi Comedy -- AIKa R-16: Virgin Mission AIKa R-16: Virgin Mission -- Aika is a smart and athletic high school girl. She is so competent that she successfully passes the salvagers license test, obtaining a C-class license. Yet, she is young and hotheaded, so much so that Gota still treats her as a child. Due to this personality, no one is willing to hire her for salvaging jobs. -- -- Since she had taken the trouble to get her license, she decides to post an ad in her school to attract clients. She manages to get the attention of Erika, a daughter of a rich family and the leader of the treasure hunting club. She asks Aika to salvage something from the sea and Aika delightfully accepts the request. -- -- However, upon seeing the state-of-the-art submarine loaded onto Erika's private cruiser and discovering their destination, Aika realizes the terrible nature of her assignment. This results in a clash with a group of high school girls in the southern islands. -- -- Who is the mysterious girl named Karen? So begins Aika's newest challenge! -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- OVA - Apr 25, 2007 -- 19,953 5.96
Aikatsu Stars! -- -- Bandai Namco Pictures -- 100 eps -- Original -- Music School Shoujo Slice of Life -- Aikatsu Stars! Aikatsu Stars! -- Yume Nijino has been accepted into Four Stars academy, home of the beautiful and talented S4 idol group. She and the other newcomers are determined to discover their talent, with a choice of specializing in beauty, singing, dancing, or drama. A tough road lies ahead of them, and they must rely on each other to overcome their weaknesses and develop their unique strengths. -- -- At the first-years' opening performances, Yume performs stellarly but faints and is unable to remember being on stage at all. Struggling to find her talent, she meets Rola "Laura" Sakuraba and the two develop a friendly rivalry, working together to learn and improve. -- -- Though they have their differences, all the students share the same goal: to become the next S4 idol. But hard work and determination, along with teamwork, are needed if they want to join the elite S4. -- -- 15,044 7.51
Air Gear -- -- Toei Animation -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Ecchi Shounen Sports -- Air Gear Air Gear -- Air Trecks, also known as AT, are motorized and futuristic inline skates that are the new craze taking the nation by storm. Although each AT comes with a speed limiter, a community of daredevils known as the "Storm Riders" are brave enough to tamper with the device. Utilizing AT's in underground battles, individual teams wager valuable AT parts or team emblems—their symbol of pride—to dominate the streets. -- -- Living in this era is Itsuki Minami, a middle school student notorious for engaging in street fights. Always wanting to reach heights no one else is able to, the reckless punk will break through any obstacle that stands in his way, alongside his best friends Kazuma Mikura and Onigiri. However, it is when he discovers a pair of Air Trecks in his house that the path to his true desire finally opens: to rule the skies. -- -- 303,417 7.52
Air Gear -- -- Toei Animation -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Ecchi Shounen Sports -- Air Gear Air Gear -- Air Trecks, also known as AT, are motorized and futuristic inline skates that are the new craze taking the nation by storm. Although each AT comes with a speed limiter, a community of daredevils known as the "Storm Riders" are brave enough to tamper with the device. Utilizing AT's in underground battles, individual teams wager valuable AT parts or team emblems—their symbol of pride—to dominate the streets. -- -- Living in this era is Itsuki Minami, a middle school student notorious for engaging in street fights. Always wanting to reach heights no one else is able to, the reckless punk will break through any obstacle that stands in his way, alongside his best friends Kazuma Mikura and Onigiri. However, it is when he discovers a pair of Air Trecks in his house that the path to his true desire finally opens: to rule the skies. -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- 303,417 7.52
Ajin 2nd Season -- -- Polygon Pictures -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Horror Mystery Seinen Supernatural -- Ajin 2nd Season Ajin 2nd Season -- After escaping certain death, Kei Nagai and his new companion Kou Nakano plot revenge on Satou, their fellow Ajin who is hellbent on world domination. As Satou embarks on a string of public executions, the human race rushes to come up with a solution to stop the immortal villain. -- -- Kei discovers unlikely allies in the form of two former adversaries: high-ranking government official Yuu Tosaki, whose extensive research on Ajin gives him a tactical advantage in the fight against Satou, and Tosaki's Ajin assistant Izumi Shimomura. As his faction continues to gather allies, Kei races against time to put a stop to Satou's crusade before it brings about an end to civilization as he knows it. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 235,591 7.65
Ajin 2nd Season OVA -- -- Polygon Pictures -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Mystery Horror Supernatural Seinen -- Ajin 2nd Season OVA Ajin 2nd Season OVA -- Bundled with the limited edition tenth manga volume. It focuses on the backstory of when Satou captured the first ever Ajin in Africa and discovered that he himself is an Ajin. -- OVA - Apr 7, 2017 -- 11,346 7.09
Ajin -- -- Polygon Pictures -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Mystery Horror Supernatural Seinen -- Ajin Ajin -- Mysterious immortal humans known as "Ajin" first appeared 17 years ago in Africa. Upon their discovery, they were labeled as a threat to mankind, as they might use their powers for evil and were incapable of being destroyed. Since then, whenever an Ajin is found within society, they are to be arrested and taken into custody immediately. -- -- Studying hard to become a doctor, Kei Nagai is a high schooler who knows very little about Ajin, only having seen them appear in the news every now and then. Students are taught that these creatures are not considered to be human, but Kei doesn't pay much attention in class. As a result, his perilously little grasp on this subject proves to be completely irrelevant when he survives an accident that was supposed to claim his life, signaling his rebirth as an Ajin and the start of his days of torment. However, as he finds himself alone on the run from the entire world, Kei soon realizes that more of his species may be a lot closer than he thinks. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 465,425 7.47
Akatsuki no Yona -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Romance Shoujo -- Akatsuki no Yona Akatsuki no Yona -- Princess Yona lives a life of luxury and ease, completely sheltered from the problems of the seemingly peaceful Kingdom of Kouka; however, the sudden murder of the king and betrayal of her beloved cousin Su-won places Yona's life in mortal peril. Forced to escape only with Son Hak, who is both her childhood friend and bodyguard, the naïve princess soon discovers that Kouka is not the idyllic place she envisioned it to be. Poverty, strife, and corruption run rampant, making reclaiming the throne nothing more than a wishful fantasy given the kingdom's current state. -- -- Based on the popular manga of the same name by Mizuho Kusanagi, Akatsuki no Yona follows Princess Yona on a coming-of-age adventure as she faces the harsh realities of her kingdom. With only a mysterious legend to guide her, Yona must discover a way to restore Kouka to its former glory while being pursued relentlessly by the forces of the new King of Kouka. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 621,162 8.04
Al Caral no Isan -- -- animate Film, Visual 80 -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Space Seinen -- Al Caral no Isan Al Caral no Isan -- In the 26th century, humans discover a humanoid race living on the distant world GO/7498/2, a dark-skinned, golden-eyed people who seem to eke out a primitive, carefree existence. However, a scout team from Earth discovers that there is more to them than meets the eye--they live in symbiosis with vicious reptilian parasites, and the Terran scientists have upset the delicate natural balance. -- -- (Source: The Anime Encyclopedia) -- OVA - Feb 25, 1993 -- 989 5.43
Aldnoah.Zero -- -- A-1 Pictures, TROYCA -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Mecha -- Aldnoah.Zero Aldnoah.Zero -- The discovery of a hypergate on the Moon once allowed the human race to teleport to Mars. Those who chose to settle there unearthed a technology far more advanced than that of their home planet, which they named "Aldnoah." This discovery led to the founding of the Vers Empire of Mars and a declaration of war against the "Terrans," those who stayed behind on Earth. However, a battle on the moon—later called "Heaven's Fall"—caused the hypergate to explode, destroying the moon and leading the two planets to establish an uneasy ceasefire. -- -- Their peace was a fragile one, however. Fifteen years later, high school student Inaho Kaizuka witnesses the plotted assassination of the Vers Empire's Princess Asseylum Vers Allusia, who had come to Earth in hopes of repairing the relationship between the empire and its homeland. The ceasefire is shattered, and the Martians declare war on the Terrans once again. In the face of this insurmountable enemy, Inaho and his friends must now fight against the Vers Empire to settle the war once and for all. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 442,464 7.43
Amaama to Inazuma -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Slice of Life Seinen -- Amaama to Inazuma Amaama to Inazuma -- Since the death of his wife, Kouhei Inuzuka has been caring for his young daughter Tsumugi to the best of his abilities. However, with his lack of culinary knowledge and his busy job as a teacher, he is left relying on ready-made meals from convenience stores to feed the little girl. Frustrated at his own incapability to provide a fresh, nutritious meal for his daughter, Kouhei takes up an offer from his student, Kotori Iida, to come have dinner at her family's restaurant. But on their very first visit, the father and daughter discover that the restaurant is often closed due to Kotori's mother being away for work and that Kotori often eats alone. After much pleading from his pupil, Kouhei decides to continue to go to the restaurant with Tsumugi to cook and share delicious homemade food with Kotori. -- -- Amaama to Inazuma follows the heartwarming story of a caring father trying his hardest to make his adorable little daughter happy, while exploring the meanings and values behind cooking, family, and the warm meals at home that are often taken for granted. -- -- 238,547 7.52
Amatsuki -- -- Studio Deen -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Demons Fantasy Historical Shoujo Supernatural -- Amatsuki Amatsuki -- Tokidoki Rikugou is a history-hating student who flunks out of his Japanese History course; his high school forces him to make up for his failed grade by attending a special museum lecture. Its star exhibit, a vast recreation of the Edo Period, promises to alleviate the delinquent student's poor grades with an elaborate simulation of the Tokugawa Shogunate: the Edo Bakumatsu Walking Tour and Exhibition. -- -- Knowing next to nothing about samurai culture or the times he's walked into, he is quickly surprised to learn of the superstitious nature of Japan during the 1600s. Quickly dismissing the existence of gods and demons, he is shocked when confronted by a demon on a bridge, who attacks the unsuspecting high-schooler. Saved by a mysterious swordsman named Kuchiha, he discovers that he can no longer escape the simulation at the history museum. -- -- Meeting another swordsman named Kon Shinonome, he discovers another contemporary that was trapped in the simulation before him. Quickly adjusting to his new home, Tokidoki must now help protect the village from demons, while uncovering the mystery of both the simulation and the company that created it. -- -- 53,203 6.91
Andromeda Stories -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Drama Fantasy Sci-Fi Space -- Andromeda Stories Andromeda Stories -- In the Andromeda galaxy there's a planet of a highly developed human civilisation. The gentle Prince Itaka and another kingdom's beautiful Princess Lilia are about to enter a love-marriage and take over the throne, when they discover a strange object on the nightsky. Later it lands on the planet, and an alien, mechanic civilization invades King Itaka's peaceful country making nearly everybody their slave. On a fateful night Queen Lilia gives birth to twins, and to avoid misfortune, the nanny Tarama takes one of the babies away, and entrusts it to the gladiator Balga. They still don't know, that the children were born with strong powers, and hold the key to the fight against the enemy that's searching to destroy every human civilisation on the planet... -- -- (Source: Terra e... LJ Community) -- Special - Aug 22, 1982 -- 1,544 5.73
Angel Blade Punish! -- -- Asahi Production -- 3 eps -- Original -- Adventure Hentai Magic Sci-Fi -- Angel Blade Punish! Angel Blade Punish! -- Moena was a normal college girl until she discovered that she had special powers hidden within her body by her father. When Dark Mother and her army of sexy demom women threaten the virgins of the world, Moena transforms into the naked masked heroine Angel Blade. Moena's stepmother, the weightly endowed Kyoka, is kidnapped by Dark Mother. With the help of a team of barely dressed heroines, Angel Blade storms the demon's stronghold. With the help of the dark-skinned succubus Nail, a former villian, they reach the heart of evil and face off with Dark Mother herself. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Dec 29, 2004 -- 6,063 6.39
Angel Core: Tenshi-tachi no Sumika -- -- - -- 2 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Mecha Hentai Military Historical -- Angel Core: Tenshi-tachi no Sumika Angel Core: Tenshi-tachi no Sumika -- This first entry in the Angel Core series follows a young soldier (fighting for a fictional, futuristic empire) as he's transferred to a secret military installation, where's he surprised to discover that his new job will be having sex with gorgeous young "Angels," a group of genetically unique women who need regular intercourse to nurture their powers. -- OVA - Jan 25, 2003 -- 4,836 5.60
Angel Densetsu -- -- Toei Animation -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy School -- Angel Densetsu Angel Densetsu -- When Seikichi Kuroda—self-proclaimed "guardian" and head thug of Hekikuu High School—hears rumors of a first-year transfer student named Seiichirou Kitano terrorizing his entire class, Seikichi tries to intimidate him through authority. However, things go awry when he witnesses something horrifying—Seiichirou has a face so dreadful and haunting that even Seikichi hurries away in fear. -- -- But despite his menacing appearance, Seiichirou has a heart of gold. Inhibited by his poor communication skills and fear-inducing looks, he has never managed to convey his true self to his terrified peers, resulting in his lifelong ostracization. Now the new guardian, Seiichirou discovers that sometimes friends can be found in the most unlikely places and through the most unusual circumstances. -- -- OVA - Dec 13, 1996 -- 27,679 7.49
Animegataris -- -- WAO World -- 12 eps -- Original -- Comedy Parody School -- Animegataris Animegataris -- After dreaming about an anime she used to watch as a child, Minoa Asagaya could not forget a particularly memorable scene. However, despite her best efforts, she cannot recall the name of the show. Due to this, Minoa asks for help from her fellow classmates at Sakaneko High School. Her conversation is overheard by Arisu Kamiigusa, the most popular and wealthy girl in class who is also a hardcore otaku. Yet even with her vast knowledge, Arisu does not recognize the show. -- -- After discovering that there isn't an anime club at their school, Minoa and Arisu create the Anime Research Club, as they may obtain the answer to Minoa's mystery if they gather people who share the same interest. Thus, Minoa is exposed to a bizarre new world—the world of anime! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 62,728 6.40
Another -- -- P.A. Works -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Mystery Horror Supernatural Thriller School -- Another Another -- In 1972, a popular student in Yomiyama North Middle School's class 3-3 named Misaki passed away during the school year. Since then, the town of Yomiyama has been shrouded by a fearful atmosphere, from the dark secrets hidden deep within. -- -- Twenty-six years later, 15-year-old Kouichi Sakakibara transfers into class 3-3 of Yomiyama North and soon after discovers that a strange, gloomy mood seems to hang over all the students. He also finds himself drawn to the mysterious, eyepatch-wearing student Mei Misaki; however, the rest of the class and the teachers seem to treat her like she doesn't exist. Paying no heed to warnings from everyone including Mei herself, Kouichi begins to get closer not only to her, but also to the truth behind the gruesome phenomenon plaguing class 3-3 of Yomiyama North. -- -- Another follows Kouichi, Mei, and their classmates as they are pulled into the enigma surrounding a series of inevitable, tragic events—but unraveling the horror of Yomiyama may just cost them the ultimate price. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Jan 10, 2012 -- 1,275,253 7.53
Ao no Exorcist -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Action Demons Fantasy Shounen Supernatural -- Ao no Exorcist Ao no Exorcist -- Humans and demons are two sides of the same coin, as are Assiah and Gehenna, their respective worlds. The only way to travel between the realms is by the means of possession, like in ghost stories. However, Satan, the ruler of Gehenna, cannot find a suitable host to possess and therefore, remains imprisoned in his world. In a desperate attempt to conquer Assiah, he sends his son instead, intending for him to eventually grow into a vessel capable of possession by the demon king. -- -- Ao no Exorcist follows Rin Okumura who appears to be an ordinary, somewhat troublesome teenager—that is until one day he is ambushed by demons. His world turns upside down when he discovers that he is in fact the very son of Satan and that his demon father wishes for him to return so they can conquer Assiah together. Not wanting to join the king of Gehenna, Rin decides to begin training to become an exorcist so that he can fight to defend Assiah alongside his brother Yukio. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 1,485,118 7.57
Ao no Exorcist: Kyoto Fujouou-hen -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Demons Supernatural Fantasy Shounen -- Ao no Exorcist: Kyoto Fujouou-hen Ao no Exorcist: Kyoto Fujouou-hen -- The ExWire of True Cross Academy are beset with shock and fear in the aftermath of discovering that one of their own classmates, Rin Okumura, is the son of Satan. But for the moment, they have more pressing concerns than that of Rin's parentage: the left eye of the Impure King, a powerful demon, has been stolen from the academy's Deep Keep. After an attempt is made to steal the right eye in Kyoto as well, Rin and the other ExWires are sent to investigate the mystery behind the Impure King and the ultimate goal of the thief. -- -- While this mission has them cooperating for the time being, Rin has never felt more distant from his fellow exorcists. In his attempt to reconcile with them, he undergoes specialized training to control his dark power. However, when the right eye is stolen not long after their arrival, the unthinkable threat of a traitor amongst them leaves them in need of all the power they can get. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 555,650 7.41
Appleseed -- -- Gainax -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Police Mecha -- Appleseed Appleseed -- Appleseed takes place in the aftermath of World War III, where the General Management Control Office has constructed the experimental city known as Olympus. Built to be a paradise on Earth, Olympus is inhabited by humans, cyborgs, and bioroids (genetically engineered humans designed for increased physical capabilities and decreased emotional capabilities). Bioroids run and control all of the administrative functions of Olympus, ensuring that the city remains the utopian society it was meant to be for all of its citizens. But for some people living in Utopia, the city has become less of a home and more of a cage. -- -- Police officer Calon Mautholos has grown to despise Olympus following his wife's suicide, blaming her death on the lack of creative freedom caused by the rules binding the citizens of the city. As his hatred for the city grows, Calon conspires with the terrorist A.J. Sebastian to destroy the Legislature of the Central Management Bureau to send the rules of Olympus that killed his wife tumbling down. But when Calon discovers it is not political malcontent, but rather hatred for bioroids that motives Sebastian, Calon turns renegade and gains the attention of city officials. Deunan Knute and her partner Briareos of the ESWAT counter-terrorism unit are dispatched to hunt down and stop Calon and Sebastian... by any means necessary! -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Manga Entertainment -- OVA - Apr 21, 1988 -- 25,245 6.60
Aria the Origination: Sono Choppiri Himitsu no Basho ni... -- -- Hal Film Maker -- 1 ep -- - -- Slice of Life Comedy Shounen -- Aria the Origination: Sono Choppiri Himitsu no Basho ni... Aria the Origination: Sono Choppiri Himitsu no Basho ni... -- Special episode based on manga Navigation 39 entitled "The Secret Place". Its action takes place between episodes 5 and 6 of Aria the Origination. -- -- Akari and President Aria take a walk in the eastern part of Neo-Venezia. The are spotted by Akatsuki, who follows them to try to greet Akari. They eventually end up at St Mark's Basilica, where Akari has a secret place, which is discovered by Akatsuki, Aika, and Alice. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- Special - Jun 25, 2008 -- 18,308 8.01
Aria the Origination: Sono Choppiri Himitsu no Basho ni... -- -- Hal Film Maker -- 1 ep -- - -- Slice of Life Comedy Shounen -- Aria the Origination: Sono Choppiri Himitsu no Basho ni... Aria the Origination: Sono Choppiri Himitsu no Basho ni... -- Special episode based on manga Navigation 39 entitled "The Secret Place". Its action takes place between episodes 5 and 6 of Aria the Origination. -- -- Akari and President Aria take a walk in the eastern part of Neo-Venezia. The are spotted by Akatsuki, who follows them to try to greet Akari. They eventually end up at St Mark's Basilica, where Akari has a secret place, which is discovered by Akatsuki, Aika, and Alice. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- Special - Jun 25, 2008 -- 18,308 8.01
Assassins Pride -- -- EMT Squared -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Fantasy -- Assassins Pride Assassins Pride -- On the brink of extinction, mankind has downsized and now solely resides in the city-state of Flandore, living in cities encased by glass domes. Beyond the domes exist vicious lycanthropes who thrive in the darkness; among the citizens inside, a clear distinction between the nobility and commoners is in place. The blood of nobles enables them to utilize mana, granting them abilities that exceed human limits and greatly assist them in defeating lycanthropes. -- -- Already 13 years of age, noble Melida Angel has yet to manifest her mana, and attends an elite academy where she is mistreated for her lack thereof. In order to help her, Kufa Vampir is ordered by the Angel family to become Melida's tutor. While Kufa seems to be a mere mentor, an ulterior motive lurks behind his job—he is to assassinate her if he confirms that she does not possess mana. -- -- Kufa's investigation eventually leads him to determine he must eliminate Melida. However, Kufa is struck by her unwavering determination, spirit, and belief in herself when he witnesses her in a fight, choosing instead to offer a way she can manifest her magic. As Melida learns to use mana with the help of Kufa's teachings, Kufa forsakes his mission and jeopardizes everything to keep his discovery of Melida unknown to the Angel family and his own guild. However, both Kufa and Melida will soon realize that hiding their secret will not be the only challenge they face, as unforeseen trouble is waiting just around the corner. -- -- 231,931 5.92
Assault Lily: Bouquet -- -- Shaft -- 12 eps -- Other -- Action Magic Fantasy -- Assault Lily: Bouquet Assault Lily: Bouquet -- Fifty years ago, mysterious creatures known as the "Huge" suddenly appeared all over the world, posing an existential threat to humanity. To defend against these menaces, soldiers in the form of teenage girls known as "Lilies" use the energy "Magie" within their bodies to power weapons called "Counter Huge ARMS" or "CHARMS." -- -- After being saved by a Lily two years ago while evacuating from a Huge attack, Riri Hitotsuyanagi vowed to become a Lily herself. She enrolls in the prestigious academy of Yurigaoka, a training ground for Lilies, and discovers that one of her classmates is Yuyu Shirai—the same Lily who rescued her. Much to her confusion, however, the person she thought to be cheerful turns out to be quite antisocial and prefers to fight alone. Even so, Riri still desires to get along with Yuyu and is willing to do anything she can to reach that goal. -- -- With Yuyu and the other Lilies by her side, Riri's journey on becoming one of them has just bloomed! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 57,731 6.45
Astro Boy: Tetsuwan Atom -- -- Tezuka Productions -- 50 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Super Power Kids Mecha Shounen -- Astro Boy: Tetsuwan Atom Astro Boy: Tetsuwan Atom -- Astro is a robotic boy that posses super human powers and an artificial intelligence system that is unparalleled to any robot. His creator, Dr. Tenma, created him to replace his late son, Tovio. Dr. Tenma soon destroys his laboratory, after the creation of Astro, and shuts down Astro. Soon after, Dr. O'Shay, the head of the Ministry of Science revives Astro, and tries to give him a normal life as a 6th grade student that helps the police agency keep renegade robots and bigot humans from causing harm. Astro faces extreme racism for being a robot, and he must discover the truth about his creator Dr. Tenma. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Apr 6, 2003 -- 17,883 7.00
AWOL -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Space Military Sci-Fi -- AWOL AWOL -- Cyress is a peaceful place. People are going about their lives. Two lovers embrace, a family throws a birthday party for their child, a group of people party at a local restaurant. But suddenly, their surroundings explode into smoke and flame. A group of terrorists has snuck through the planetary defenses and has begun an assault. Defenseless, there is little the people of Cyress can do. As the military scrambles to discover what happened, the terrorists manage to hijack seven PDP missiles, which are capable of destroying an entire planet. These terrorists, who call themselves "Solomon" can now hold entire planets hostage! They must not be stopped. -- -- (Source: Themanime) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- 990 5.58
Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu Ni! -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Romance School Super Power -- Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu Ni! Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu Ni! -- The blockheads of Class F return with more misadventures! Rather than desperately competing against the elite students in Class A for better facilities, they have other problems at hand. While the girls are constantly vying for the boys' attention, Akihisa Yoshii and Yuuji Sakamoto are being blackmailed by a stalker who threatens to reveal their most embarrassing secrets to the whole school. Moreover, everyone's avatar starts to behave strangely. -- -- Filled with more nosebleeds and eye-pokes, the boys of Class F must work together to discover the stalker's identity and deal with the misfortunes that come with love among fools. -- -- TV - Jul 8, 2011 -- 322,656 7.74
Bakumatsu -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Historical Samurai -- Bakumatsu Bakumatsu -- The Bakumatsu was an era in which the souls of young men burned with anxiety for their country's future. Takasugi Shinsaku, a soldier of fortune from Choshu, sneaks aboard a government ship with his comrade Katsura Kogorou in search of a mysterious "timepiece" with the power to manipulate time that he fears the government wishes to keep for themselves. Rather than allow such power to fall into the wrong hands, Takasugi plans to destroy the artifact, but having obtained it, the artifact is quickly stolen, forcing the pair to follow the mysterious thief to the seat of government in Kyoto. However, when they arrive in the capital, they discover that the government has been overthrown and the deity Susanoo now reigns in its place. The streets of the city and the people in them are much different than Takasugi and Katsura remembered. The times may have changed but their mission hasn't - Takasugi and Katsura resolve to reset time and save their nation from the nefarious forces trying to hijack it. -- -- (Source: Tokyo Otaku Mode) -- 19,315 5.77
Bakumatsu: Crisis -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Historical Samurai -- Bakumatsu: Crisis Bakumatsu: Crisis -- The Bakumatsu was an era in which the souls of young men burned with anxiety for their country's future. Takasugi Shinsaku, a soldier of fortune from Choshu, sneaks aboard a government ship with his comrade Katsura Kogorou in search of a mysterious "timepiece" with the power to manipulate time that he fears the government wishes to keep for themselves. Rather than allow such power to fall into the wrong hands, Takasugi plans to destroy the artifact, but having obtained it, the artifact is quickly stolen, forcing the pair to follow the mysterious thief to the seat of government in Kyoto. However, when they arrive in the capital, they discover that the government has been overthrown and the deity Susanoo now reigns in its place. The streets of the city and the people in them are much different than Takasugi and Katsura remembered. The times may have changed but their mission hasn't - Takasugi and Katsura resolve to reset time and save their nation from the nefarious forces trying to hijack it. -- -- (Source: Tokyo Otaku Mode) -- 10,167 5.69
Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto -- -- Sunrise -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Drama Historical Samurai -- Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto -- In the final years of the Bakumatsu, wandering mercenary Yojiro Akizuki travels the length and breadth of Japan. And while he employs his sword in the usual fashion, he also uses it to help him locate supernatural items which he pursues with single-minded determination, often with bloody results. In the course of his quest, he crosses paths with a traveling theater group whose members have their own dark agenda. Is it a chance meeting or the result of some, as yet, undiscovered conspiracy? -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- ONA - Oct 6, 2006 -- 35,781 7.12
Bananya: Fushigi na Nakama-tachi -- -- Gathering, TMS Entertainment -- 13 eps -- Original -- Slice of Life Comedy Kids -- Bananya: Fushigi na Nakama-tachi Bananya: Fushigi na Nakama-tachi -- On a little planet live little creatures called "Bananyas." Come watch their daily lifes full of adventures and discoveries. -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- 9,383 6.55
Battle Spirits: Heroes -- -- Sunrise -- 50 eps -- Card game -- Game Sci-Fi -- Battle Spirits: Heroes Battle Spirits: Heroes -- Like every card game enthusiast, Hajime Hinobori has always wanted to see the Spirits from his cards come to life and witness them in real combat. This dream is successfully realized by Hajime's scientist parents, who develop an augmented reality system that revolutionizes the competitive scene of Battle Spirits. Curious players from across the globe travel to partake in this innovative battle system. -- -- With his sight set on becoming the champion of this new form of Battle Spirits, Hajime encounters many colorful and quirky rivals, including eccentric diva Kimari Tatsumi and arrogant prodigy Tegamaru Tanashi. Along this journey of self-discovery and card-gaming shenanigans, there are no ordinary days in the lives of young heroes striving to take the crown! -- -- TV - Sep 18, 2011 -- 1,670 6.14
Beelzebub-jou no Okinimesu mama. -- -- LIDENFILMS -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy Demons Fantasy Romance Shounen -- Beelzebub-jou no Okinimesu mama. Beelzebub-jou no Okinimesu mama. -- According to legend, Beelzebub, one of the seven princes of Hell, betrayed God and was banished from Heaven for eternity. Beelzebub now leads the kingdom of Pandemonium, where all former angels roam and work every single day of their immortal lives. A devil like him would give people chills at the mere mention of his name, but… -- -- What if Beelzebub is not as evil as initially thought? What if he was obsessed with fluffy things? And what if Beelzebub is actually a woman? -- -- That is what new assistant Myurin discovers when he is hired to serve Her Majesty Beelzebub. She may know exactly what to do to keep Pandemonium running like clockwork, but whenever she leaves the professionalism of the office, the girl needs some assistance in order to function like a normal…devil. As much as Myurin can’t stand being unprofessional, he is secretly obsessed with her adorable antics, and his new job teaches him that everything is not exactly what it seems, especially with the other head devils of Pandemonium. -- -- 68,775 7.26
Bible Black Gaiden -- -- Studio Jam -- 2 eps -- Visual novel -- Hentai Supernatural -- Bible Black Gaiden Bible Black Gaiden -- Twelve years prior to its discovery by Minase, the origins of the magic book with dark,sensuous powers is revealed. Initially owned by a female student, Takashiro, who, along with other curious students form the first magic club on campus. The club begins to use the erotic spells to carry out favors for fellow students, and vengeance. After underestimating the powers behind the book, Takashiro is taken out of the picture, as a new leader guides the club towards a darker course, one that will force school newcomer Kitami to make a dire choice. -- OVA - May 25, 2002 -- 23,111 6.69
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S: Kaguya-hime no Koibito -- -- Production Reed, Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Drama Magic Romance Fantasy Shoujo -- Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S: Kaguya-hime no Koibito Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S: Kaguya-hime no Koibito -- An unusual snow storm hits Tokyo and the Sailor Senshi discover that an evil snow queen Kaguya, wants to freeze the entire earth. It's up to the Inner Sailor Senshi along with the Outers, to defeat the Queen. Meanwhile, Luna falls in love with a human astronomer named Kakeru whose girlfriend is an astronaut about to take a space shuttle mission. Kakeru becomes ill and Luna wishes she could be a human to help him. -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA, VIZ Media -- Movie - Dec 4, 1994 -- 45,032 7.68
Black Blood Brothers -- -- Group TAC -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Comedy Fantasy Shounen Supernatural Vampire -- Black Blood Brothers Black Blood Brothers -- Ten years after the Holy War in Hong Kong, Mochizuki Jirou, aka the Silver Blade, and the lone hero who fought and defeated the Kowloon Children despite the loss of his lover, returns to Japan with his young brother, Mochizuki Kotarou. The two quickly discover that the Kowloon Children who survived the Holy War are seeking to infiltrate the "Special Zone", a thriving city protected by an invisible barrier that will not allow Kowloon Children entrance, unless they're invited. Red Bloods refers to the humans; Black Bloods are the vampires, and the Mochizuki Brothers are Old Blood, the last descendants of an elite clan of vampires. When Kotarou is abducted by one of the Kowloon Children, Jirou has no choice but to fight once more. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 92,815 7.13
Black Blood Brothers -- -- Group TAC -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Comedy Fantasy Shounen Supernatural Vampire -- Black Blood Brothers Black Blood Brothers -- Ten years after the Holy War in Hong Kong, Mochizuki Jirou, aka the Silver Blade, and the lone hero who fought and defeated the Kowloon Children despite the loss of his lover, returns to Japan with his young brother, Mochizuki Kotarou. The two quickly discover that the Kowloon Children who survived the Holy War are seeking to infiltrate the "Special Zone", a thriving city protected by an invisible barrier that will not allow Kowloon Children entrance, unless they're invited. Red Bloods refers to the humans; Black Bloods are the vampires, and the Mochizuki Brothers are Old Blood, the last descendants of an elite clan of vampires. When Kotarou is abducted by one of the Kowloon Children, Jirou has no choice but to fight once more. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 92,815 7.13
Black� -- Rock Shooter (TV) -- -- Ordet, SANZIGEN -- 8 eps -- Other -- Action Drama School Slice of Life -- Black� -- Rock Shooter (TV) Black� -- Rock Shooter (TV) -- On the first day of junior high school, Mato Kuroi happens to run into Yomi Takanashi, a shy, withdrawn girl whom she immediately takes an interest in. Mato tries her best to make conversation with Yomi, wanting to befriend her. At first, she is avoided, but the ice breaks when Yomi happens to notice a decorative blue bird attached to Mato's phone, which is from the book "Li'l Birds At Play." Discovering they have a common interest, the two form a strong friendship. -- -- In an alternate universe, the young girls exist as parallel beings, Mato as Black� -- Rock Shooter, and Yomi as Dead Master. Somehow, what happens in one world seems to have an effect on the other, and unaware of this fact, the girls unknowingly become entangled by the threads of fate. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- 307,178 6.84
Black Magic M-66 -- -- AIC, animate Film -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Military Sci-Fi Mecha -- Black Magic M-66 Black Magic M-66 -- When Sybel, a freelance reporter, discovers a military plane crash, she is thrilled by the prospect of getting her hands on the latest inside scoop. However, she is unaware that the plane was carrying two top-secret prototype android assassins who will stop at nothing to destroy their target. As the military frantically tries to clean up its mess, Sybel races against time to find and protect the robots' targeted victim—all while documenting the military's misconduct—before it is too late. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Maiden Japan -- OVA - Jun 28, 1987 -- 12,046 6.38
Blassreiter -- -- Gonzo -- 24 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi -- Blassreiter Blassreiter -- Modern Germany is plagued by an outbreak of "Amalgams." Existing solely to wreak havoc, these cybernetic entities spawn from rotting flesh and can fuse with technology to gain new abilities. With society left in the wake of their destruction, the Xenogenesis Assault Team (XAT) is formed to suppress the threat. Alongside its primary mission to protect against the Amalgam attacks, the organization is also researching the newly discovered "amalgamated" humans which possess rational thought and are far deadlier than their non-sentient counterparts. -- -- Joseph Jobson is one such amalgamated human who has full control over his powers. Although successful in his line of work as a lone warrior, an unfortunate encounter with the recently-turned-Amalgam Gerd Frentzen makes him a priority target of the XAT. As he eludes the organization and seeks new allies, Joseph is transformed into the Blassreiter—a being heralded as the strongest Amalgam in existence. Now, he must fight back with his newfound powers to uncover the truth behind not only his past, but also the entire Amalgam conflict. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Apr 6, 2008 -- 75,475 6.93
Bleach: Memories in the Rain -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Supernatural Drama Shounen -- Bleach: Memories in the Rain Bleach: Memories in the Rain -- Kurosaki Ichigo, the temporary Shinigami(Death God) for Kuchiki Rukia, discovers his mother's killer as one of the Hollows he has been hunting. He does battle with it in a prideful battle of revenge. This Special is actually a flashback of previous episodes in Bleach. After the ending credits, a short plays showing Shinigami and their Zanpakutos to "Number One" from the Bleach Soundtrack. -- Special - Dec 18, 2004 -- 106,685 7.15
Bleach Movie 3: Fade to Black - Kimi no Na wo Yobu -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Super Power Supernatural Shounen -- Bleach Movie 3: Fade to Black - Kimi no Na wo Yobu Bleach Movie 3: Fade to Black - Kimi no Na wo Yobu -- After a mysterious pair attack Rukia Kuchiki and erase her memories while she is in Seireitei, Ichigo Kurosaki, a substitute Soul Reaper, briefly forgets Rukia, until he is reminded of her by Kon, an Underpod Mod-Soul. Confused, he seeks his town's candy-shop owner, Kisuke Urahara, who opens the pathway to Seireitei for them. Ichigo is then shocked to find that his allies in Seireitei, the Shinigami of the Soul Society, have forgotten him. -- -- Filled with action, Kimi no Na wo Yobu follows Ichigo and Kon as they fight against their former comrades while searching for the missing Rukia and discovering her assailants before they strike again. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- Movie - Dec 13, 2008 -- 189,102 7.51
Bleach Movie 3: Fade to Black - Kimi no Na wo Yobu -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Super Power Supernatural Shounen -- Bleach Movie 3: Fade to Black - Kimi no Na wo Yobu Bleach Movie 3: Fade to Black - Kimi no Na wo Yobu -- After a mysterious pair attack Rukia Kuchiki and erase her memories while she is in Seireitei, Ichigo Kurosaki, a substitute Soul Reaper, briefly forgets Rukia, until he is reminded of her by Kon, an Underpod Mod-Soul. Confused, he seeks his town's candy-shop owner, Kisuke Urahara, who opens the pathway to Seireitei for them. Ichigo is then shocked to find that his allies in Seireitei, the Shinigami of the Soul Society, have forgotten him. -- -- Filled with action, Kimi no Na wo Yobu follows Ichigo and Kon as they fight against their former comrades while searching for the missing Rukia and discovering her assailants before they strike again. -- -- Movie - Dec 13, 2008 -- 189,102 7.51
Bleach: Sennen Kessen-hen -- -- - -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Super Power Supernatural Shounen -- Bleach: Sennen Kessen-hen Bleach: Sennen Kessen-hen -- (No synopsis yet.) -- - - ??? ??, ???? -- 65,699 N/A -- -- Kamisama Dolls -- -- Brain's Base -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Seinen Supernatural -- Kamisama Dolls Kamisama Dolls -- Kyouhei, after moving away to Tokyo from his old town to get away from the events that happened, is on a goukon with his friends, including his old neighbor, Shiba. After drinking for a whole night, he and Shiba discover a dead, bloody body in the elevator. He is told by his younger sister, Utao with her Kamisama Doll, that Aki, an old friend, and his Doll are the culprits responsible. -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Jul 6, 2011 -- 65,646 7.03
Bleach: Sennen Kessen-hen -- -- - -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Super Power Supernatural Shounen -- Bleach: Sennen Kessen-hen Bleach: Sennen Kessen-hen -- (No synopsis yet.) -- - - ??? ??, ???? -- 65,699 N/A -- -- Kamisama Dolls -- -- Brain's Base -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Seinen Supernatural -- Kamisama Dolls Kamisama Dolls -- Kyouhei, after moving away to Tokyo from his old town to get away from the events that happened, is on a goukon with his friends, including his old neighbor, Shiba. After drinking for a whole night, he and Shiba discover a dead, bloody body in the elevator. He is told by his younger sister, Utao with her Kamisama Doll, that Aki, an old friend, and his Doll are the culprits responsible. -- TV - Jul 6, 2011 -- 65,646 7.03
Blue Dragon: Tenkai no Shichi Ryuu -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 51 eps -- Game -- Adventure Comedy Fantasy Supernatural -- Blue Dragon: Tenkai no Shichi Ryuu Blue Dragon: Tenkai no Shichi Ryuu -- After the events of the Blue Dragon series, Shu and Bouquet join a resistance group to fight General Rogi's army of invasion.They encounter a mysterious child , Noi, who has the power to revive Shu's shadow counter-part Blue Dragon, and save her from the pursuit of a red dragon. Now Shu and his company have to set foot once again on a journey to discover the purpose of the dragons, undergo their tests and stop the chains of events which threatens the fate of humanity. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- TV - Apr 5, 2008 -- 14,382 6.54
BNA -- -- Trigger -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Super Power Fantasy -- BNA BNA -- Throughout history, humans have been at odds with Beastmen—a species capable of changing shape due to their genetic "Beast Factor." Because of this conflict, Beastmen have been forced into hiding. Anima City serves as a safe haven for these oppressed individuals to live free from human interference. -- -- During a festival celebrating the town's 10th anniversary, Michiru Kagemori, a human who suddenly turned into a tanuki, finds that Anima City is a far cry from paradise. After witnessing an explosion in the square, she is confronted by Shirou Ogami, a seemingly indestructible wolf and sworn protector of all Beastmen. As they pursue the criminals behind the bombing, the two discover that Michiru is anything but an ordinary Beastman, and look to investigate her mysterious past and uncanny abilities. Could she turn out to be the missing link between Humans and Beastmen? -- -- ONA - Apr 9, 2020 -- 235,099 7.43
Boku no Chikyuu wo Mamotte -- -- Production I.G -- 6 eps -- Manga -- Drama Sci-Fi Shoujo -- Boku no Chikyuu wo Mamotte Boku no Chikyuu wo Mamotte -- Alice Sakaguchi once dreamt that she is another person living on the moon. The dream is so strange and so real that Alice can't stop thinking about it. She finds out that some of her classmates are having the same kind of dream. They soon discover that they had been seeing flashes of their past lives as a team of scientists on the moon. Alice and her friends then decide to find the other members and piece together what took place back then. Complications arise when they realize that everything that happened in their previous existence continue to haunt and affect their present lives. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- OVA - Dec 17, 1993 -- 14,074 7.16
Boku no Hero Academia 4th Season -- -- Bones -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Super Power School Shounen -- Boku no Hero Academia 4th Season Boku no Hero Academia 4th Season -- After successfully passing his Provisional Hero License exam, Izuku "Deku" Midoriya seeks out an extracurricular internship with a professional hero agency. At the recommendation of his mentor All Might, Midoriya lands a position under All Might's former sidekick, Sir Nighteye, now a famous hero in his own right. -- -- As Midoriya's classmates further their own abilities through various internships, up-and-coming villain Kai Chisaki utilizes his terrifying powers to gather favor in the criminal underworld. Known by the moniker Overhaul, Chisaki's ambitions collide with the League of Villains and its leader, Tomura Shigaraki. -- -- Through his work with Sir Nighteye, Midoriya discovers Chisaki's crime syndicate and the villain's hostile relationship with a mysterious young girl named Eri. Fearing for the child's safety, Midoriya and his upperclassman Mirio Toogata must work together to put an end to Chisaki's reign of terror. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 1,056,162 8.03
Boku no Hero Academia -- -- Bones -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy School Shounen Super Power -- Boku no Hero Academia Boku no Hero Academia -- The appearance of "quirks," newly discovered super powers, has been steadily increasing over the years, with 80 percent of humanity possessing various abilities from manipulation of elements to shapeshifting. This leaves the remainder of the world completely powerless, and Izuku Midoriya is one such individual. -- -- Since he was a child, the ambitious middle schooler has wanted nothing more than to be a hero. Izuku's unfair fate leaves him admiring heroes and taking notes on them whenever he can. But it seems that his persistence has borne some fruit: Izuku meets the number one hero and his personal idol, All Might. All Might's quirk is a unique ability that can be inherited, and he has chosen Izuku to be his successor! -- -- Enduring many months of grueling training, Izuku enrolls in UA High, a prestigious high school famous for its excellent hero training program, and this year's freshmen look especially promising. With his bizarre but talented classmates and the looming threat of a villainous organization, Izuku will soon learn what it really means to be a hero. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 2,093,393 8.06
Boku no Hero Academia: Ikinokore! Kesshi no Survival Kunren -- -- Bones -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action Shounen Super Power -- Boku no Hero Academia: Ikinokore! Kesshi no Survival Kunren Boku no Hero Academia: Ikinokore! Kesshi no Survival Kunren -- In this brand-new adventure, some Class 1-A students are sent to hone their survival skills at a training course. Having yet to receive their provisional licenses, they're eager to cut loose and have a little fun. -- -- They quickly discover that the danger they face is no simulation! It's going to take their combined training, teamwork, and quick thinking if they're going to pass this assignment! -- -- (Source: Funimation) -- ONA - Aug 16, 2020 -- 97,538 7.12
Bokura no -- -- Gonzo -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Psychological Drama Mecha Seinen -- Bokura no Bokura no -- 15 children, 8 boys and 7 girls, are enjoying their summer camp together when they suddenly discover a grotto by the sea. When they enter the mysterious place they find a room full of computers, as well as a man named Kokopelli, who introduces himself as the owner. He claims to be working on a game which involves a giant robot that has been designed to protect the Earth from 15 different alien invasions. Kokopelli hasn't been able to test the game yet, so he persuades all but one of the children to sign a contract in what he claims will be a fun adventure. -- -- However, as soon as the contracts are signed things start to take a much darker turn. In Bokurano, the children must now pilot the giant robot Zearth one at a time in the hopes that they will have what it takes to defeat all of the upcoming enemies. But Kokopelli has left out one very important piece of information: the giant robot Zearth's energy source. -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- 154,492 7.65
Bokura no Nanokakan Sensou -- -- Ajia-Do -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Action Comedy Drama -- Bokura no Nanokakan Sensou Bokura no Nanokakan Sensou -- Mamoru Suzuhara is an introverted high school student who spends his free time reading up on modern warfare. Upon discovering that his crush, Aya Chiyono, is reluctantly moving away with her family next week, he musters enough courage to ask her to run away with him. Consequently, Mamoru, Aya, and four of their fellow classmates set out and camp in the abandoned Satomi Coal Factory. After enjoying themselves during their first day there, they come to the surprising conclusion that they may not be alone in the factory. -- -- Bokura no Nanokakan Sensou, based on the novel of the same name, is a coming-of-age story about an act of rebellion that evolves into a full-out war against the adults. Meanwhile, the children struggle to open up about their feelings and protect what they hold dear. -- -- Movie - Dec 13, 2019 -- 18,346 6.69
Bokura wa Minna Kawai-sou -- -- Brain's Base -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance School Seinen -- Bokura wa Minna Kawai-sou Bokura wa Minna Kawai-sou -- Kazunari Usa is a high school freshman who will start living alone due to his parents now working in a different area. Excited for his new independent life, he hopes to go about his teenage days without the worry of dealing with any strange people, but as he soon discovers, his new boarding house Kawai Complex is far from ordinary. -- -- The various tenants at Kawai Complex are all quite eccentric characters. Shirosaki, Kazunari's roommate, is a pervert and masochist; Mayumi Nishikino, a borderline alcoholic office lady, hates couples because of her unfortunate luck with men; and Sayaka Watanabe, a seemingly innocent college student, enjoys leading men on. Shocked with the lack of decent individuals at his new residence, Kazunari is about to leave when he runs into shy senior student Ritsu Kawai and finds himself slowly falling in love with her. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 4, 2014 -- 314,210 7.71
Bokura wa Minna Kawai-sou -- -- Brain's Base -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance School Seinen -- Bokura wa Minna Kawai-sou Bokura wa Minna Kawai-sou -- Kazunari Usa is a high school freshman who will start living alone due to his parents now working in a different area. Excited for his new independent life, he hopes to go about his teenage days without the worry of dealing with any strange people, but as he soon discovers, his new boarding house Kawai Complex is far from ordinary. -- -- The various tenants at Kawai Complex are all quite eccentric characters. Shirosaki, Kazunari's roommate, is a pervert and masochist; Mayumi Nishikino, a borderline alcoholic office lady, hates couples because of her unfortunate luck with men; and Sayaka Watanabe, a seemingly innocent college student, enjoys leading men on. Shocked with the lack of decent individuals at his new residence, Kazunari is about to leave when he runs into shy senior student Ritsu Kawai and finds himself slowly falling in love with her. -- -- TV - Apr 4, 2014 -- 314,210 7.71
Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai -- -- AIC Build -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Ecchi Slice of Life Comedy Harem Romance School -- Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai -- When Kodaka Hasegawa finds out that he will be transferring to a new school, he is determined to make a positive impression, and maybe even some friends. However, Kodaka discovers he is out of luck when he immediately gets labeled as a violent delinquent due to his blond hair and intimidating expression. Although a month has passed, Kodaka is still alone thanks to his notorious reputation. However, his life begins to change when he finds fellow loner Yozora Mikazuki talking to her imaginary friend in an empty classroom. -- -- After sharing stories of their lonely high school life, Kodaka and Yozora decide to overcome the difficulties of making friends together by starting the Neighbor's Club. Created for people who don't have friends, daily activities involve learning social skills and how to fit in, which will hopefully allow them to make friends. Joined by the eroge-loving Sena Kashiwazaki, and other eccentric outcasts, Kodaka may finally have managed to find people he can call friends, in this club filled with hilarious oddballs. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 660,581 7.25
Boukyaku no Senritsu -- -- Gainax, J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Fantasy Horror Mecha Psychological Sci-Fi Shounen Space Supernatural -- Boukyaku no Senritsu Boukyaku no Senritsu -- A great war occurred in the 20th century between humans and monsters. Since that time, the monsters rule the world in fear but keep relatively hidden from public view. A boy named Bokka ponders the past and wonders what became of the Meros Warriors who defended the world so bravely against the demons. He soon meets Kurofune and learns of the power of the Meros and the I-bar machines they ride in battle. Warriors are the only ones who can see and hear the Melody of Oblivion, a phantom girl hidden away waiting to be rescued and be the savior of mankind. During a battle between Kurofune and a demon, Bokka discovers something only his wildest dreams could possibly imagine...he too can hear that melody. Throughout his journeys, Bokka meets many monsters and their agents, friends, and companions as he discovers the true extent of his new powers. He must continue to battle evil in the hope of releasing Boukyaku no Senritsu and free a world that has forgotten its once beautiful melody. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 16,806 6.33
Boukyaku no Senritsu -- -- Gainax, J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Fantasy Horror Mecha Psychological Sci-Fi Shounen Space Supernatural -- Boukyaku no Senritsu Boukyaku no Senritsu -- A great war occurred in the 20th century between humans and monsters. Since that time, the monsters rule the world in fear but keep relatively hidden from public view. A boy named Bokka ponders the past and wonders what became of the Meros Warriors who defended the world so bravely against the demons. He soon meets Kurofune and learns of the power of the Meros and the I-bar machines they ride in battle. Warriors are the only ones who can see and hear the Melody of Oblivion, a phantom girl hidden away waiting to be rescued and be the savior of mankind. During a battle between Kurofune and a demon, Bokka discovers something only his wildest dreams could possibly imagine...he too can hear that melody. Throughout his journeys, Bokka meets many monsters and their agents, friends, and companions as he discovers the true extent of his new powers. He must continue to battle evil in the hope of releasing Boukyaku no Senritsu and free a world that has forgotten its once beautiful melody. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA -- 16,806 6.33
Break Blade 1: Kakusei no Toki -- -- Production I.G, Xebec -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Fantasy Mecha Military Shounen -- Break Blade 1: Kakusei no Toki Break Blade 1: Kakusei no Toki -- Rygart Arrow is different compared to the other people in the continent of Cruzon: he is unable to control quartz, branded an "un-sorcerer." Despite this, he still befriends the future king and queen of Krisna—Hodr and Sigyn—as well as Zess, the younger brother of the Athens Commonwealth's Secretary of War. -- -- Several years later, Rygart discovers that there is a war brewing between Krisna and Athens. While visiting Binonten, the capital city of Krisna, he learns that his misfortune as an un-sorcerer enables him to pilot an ancient Golem, a unique ability that quartz-wielding users lack. -- -- As Zess leads one of the Athenian strikes upon the capital, Rygart joins the battle with his newfound power in hopes of mending the schism between the two nations. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - May 29, 2010 -- 77,738 7.66
Break Blade 1: Kakusei no Toki -- -- Production I.G, Xebec -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Fantasy Mecha Military Shounen -- Break Blade 1: Kakusei no Toki Break Blade 1: Kakusei no Toki -- Rygart Arrow is different compared to the other people in the continent of Cruzon: he is unable to control quartz, branded an "un-sorcerer." Despite this, he still befriends the future king and queen of Krisna—Hodr and Sigyn—as well as Zess, the younger brother of the Athens Commonwealth's Secretary of War. -- -- Several years later, Rygart discovers that there is a war brewing between Krisna and Athens. While visiting Binonten, the capital city of Krisna, he learns that his misfortune as an un-sorcerer enables him to pilot an ancient Golem, a unique ability that quartz-wielding users lack. -- -- As Zess leads one of the Athenian strikes upon the capital, Rygart joins the battle with his newfound power in hopes of mending the schism between the two nations. -- -- Movie - May 29, 2010 -- 77,738 7.66
Brigadoon: Marin to Melan -- -- Sunrise -- 26 eps -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Drama Mecha Sci-Fi -- Brigadoon: Marin to Melan Brigadoon: Marin to Melan -- Marin is a typical junior high school girl with a sunny disposition and a loving adoptive family. Her life takes a drastic change when a mysterious mirage is seen in the sky above the entire earth. Killer androids called Monomakia descend to earth from the formation in the sky called Brigadoon and begin to hunt down little Marin. She discovers a blue bottle in a shrine as she seeks escape and from the bottle comes a protector, a sword carrying gun slinging alien called Melan Blue, together they must save the earth and deal with family crisis, school prejudice and the police and come to an understanding of Marins past and Melans unexplained mission, as well as learn to trust each other. Set in 1969 Japan with a colorful cast of friends and enemies. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Tokyopop -- TV - Jul 21, 2000 -- 10,512 7.25
B: The Beginning Succession -- -- Production I.G -- 6 eps -- Original -- Action Mystery Police Psychological Supernatural Thriller -- B: The Beginning Succession B: The Beginning Succession -- In the first season of B: The Beginning, two men confronted their own past with great sacrifice. Maverick detective Keith Flick fought against his demons and finally exposed the dark secrets behind the Kingdom of Cremona. Mutant wunderkind Koku finally reunited with the most precious memory from his stolen childhood. Several months have passed since then, and the entire world seems to have forgotten the turmoil caused by those events. As Keith returns to the Royal Police to conduct his own investigation, Koku and Yuna try to enjoy an ordinary life in peace. But the consequences of the Jaula Blanca experiments are far from being extinct, as Koku soon discovers when his supposedly dead lab mate Kirisame suddenly shows up. -- -- (Source: Official Site) -- ONA - Mar 18, 2021 -- 57,391 6.13
Bungou Stray Dogs: Dead Apple -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Comedy Mystery Super Power Supernatural -- Bungou Stray Dogs: Dead Apple Bungou Stray Dogs: Dead Apple -- A large scale catastrophe is occurring across the planet. Ability users are discovered after the appearance of a mysterious fog, apparently having committed suicide, so the Armed Detective Agency sets out to investigate these mysterious deaths. The case seems to involve an unknown ability user referred to as "Collector," a man who could be the mastermind behind the incident. -- -- Trust and courage are put to the test in order to save the city of Yokohama and ability users across the world from the grip of Collector where the Armed Detective Agency forms an unlikely partnership with the dangerous Port Mafia. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll -- Movie - Mar 3, 2018 -- 150,291 7.86
Bungou Stray Dogs: Dead Apple -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Comedy Mystery Super Power Supernatural -- Bungou Stray Dogs: Dead Apple Bungou Stray Dogs: Dead Apple -- A large scale catastrophe is occurring across the planet. Ability users are discovered after the appearance of a mysterious fog, apparently having committed suicide, so the Armed Detective Agency sets out to investigate these mysterious deaths. The case seems to involve an unknown ability user referred to as "Collector," a man who could be the mastermind behind the incident. -- -- Trust and courage are put to the test in order to save the city of Yokohama and ability users across the world from the grip of Collector where the Armed Detective Agency forms an unlikely partnership with the dangerous Port Mafia. -- -- Movie - Mar 3, 2018 -- 150,291 7.86
Busou Shoujotai: Blade Briders The Animation -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Hentai Space -- Busou Shoujotai: Blade Briders The Animation Busou Shoujotai: Blade Briders The Animation -- In the late 21st century, humankind came under a fierce attack from aliens who suddenly appeared via wormholes. They were helpless to fight against them and resigned themselves to imminent death. At that time, an ultimate weapon which could create items out of imagination was discovered in a expansive cave under Japan, along with its young master Ryuusei who was in cryostasis. The indiscriminate alien attacks awoke him and he led the humans to a decisive victory. -- -- One year later, while the areas which had been destroyed by the aliens were still being rebuilt, Ryuusei was appointed as the commander of the newly-formed Defence Force of Earth, which was created to fight against space invaders. However, he was the only person who could use the ‘imagination embodiment device’. If something was to happen to him, then calamity would befall the world. So the Defence Force of Earth decided to recruit girls with potential to fight alongside him. Even though they hesitated at first, they each had their own reasons to join Ryuusei. Thus, the special force ‘Blade Briders’ was formed, to protect the Earth against the aliens who have returned. -- -- (Source: Hau~ Omochikaeri!) -- OVA - Oct 30, 2015 -- 3,012 5.47
Cat's Eye -- -- Tokyo Movie Shinsha -- 73 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Mystery Romance -- Cat's Eye Cat's Eye -- The three Kisugi sisters—Rui, Hitomi and Ai—during the day run a small cafe called "Cat's Eye." To discover the whereabouts of their father, the artist Michael Heintz, who has disappeared, Hitomi and her sisters rob art galleries as the smart and mysterious thief "Cat's Eye" in the hope that his works can give them clues about his vanishing. The crucial point is that Hitomi has a relationship with Toshi, a police inspector who has sworn to catch "Cat's Eye"—and of course he has no idea about Hitomi's double life. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- TV - Jul 11, 1983 -- 15,016 7.18
Chihayafuru 2 -- -- Madhouse -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Drama Game Josei School Slice of Life Sports -- Chihayafuru 2 Chihayafuru 2 -- Chihaya Ayase is obsessed with developing her school's competitive karuta club, nursing daunting ambitions like winning the national team championship at the Omi Jingu and becoming the Queen, the best female karuta player in Japan—and in extension, the world. As their second year of high school rolls around, Chihaya and her fellow teammates must recruit new members, train their minds and bodies alike, and battle the formidable opponents that stand in their way to the championship title. Meanwhile, Chihaya's childhood friend, Arata Wataya, the prodigy who introduced her to karuta, rediscovers his lost love for the old card game. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Jan 12, 2013 -- 189,304 8.42
Chihayafuru 2 -- -- Madhouse -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Drama Game Josei School Slice of Life Sports -- Chihayafuru 2 Chihayafuru 2 -- Chihaya Ayase is obsessed with developing her school's competitive karuta club, nursing daunting ambitions like winning the national team championship at the Omi Jingu and becoming the Queen, the best female karuta player in Japan—and in extension, the world. As their second year of high school rolls around, Chihaya and her fellow teammates must recruit new members, train their minds and bodies alike, and battle the formidable opponents that stand in their way to the championship title. Meanwhile, Chihaya's childhood friend, Arata Wataya, the prodigy who introduced her to karuta, rediscovers his lost love for the old card game. -- -- TV - Jan 12, 2013 -- 189,304 8.42
Chikyuu Shoujo Arjuna -- -- Satelight -- 13 eps -- Original -- Adventure Drama Magic Sci-Fi -- Chikyuu Shoujo Arjuna Chikyuu Shoujo Arjuna -- Juna Ariyoshi is an ordinary Japanese schoolgirl, who possesses a childlike curiosity and a strong admiration toward nature. One day, while on a trip with her boyfriend, Tokio Oshima, Juna dies from a motorcycle accident. However, she is given a chance to live by an individual named Chris Hawken. He offers her powers that make her the avatar of time; in exchange, she must fight to protect the Earth from evil forces called raaja, which are born out of the toxic pollution human beings have caused. -- -- She soon discovers that this is no easy task. While trying to master her newfound powers, she must also seek answers to deep questions about the ways science and technology have taken away humans' primal and instinctive connections with nature. With the help of Chris, his assistant Cindy Klein, and a powerful international organization named SEED, it is up to Juna to overcome her fears and find a way to stop the raaja from destroying everyone and everything she cares for. -- -- 26,790 6.82
Chikyuu Shoujo Arjuna -- -- Satelight -- 13 eps -- Original -- Adventure Drama Magic Sci-Fi -- Chikyuu Shoujo Arjuna Chikyuu Shoujo Arjuna -- Juna Ariyoshi is an ordinary Japanese schoolgirl, who possesses a childlike curiosity and a strong admiration toward nature. One day, while on a trip with her boyfriend, Tokio Oshima, Juna dies from a motorcycle accident. However, she is given a chance to live by an individual named Chris Hawken. He offers her powers that make her the avatar of time; in exchange, she must fight to protect the Earth from evil forces called raaja, which are born out of the toxic pollution human beings have caused. -- -- She soon discovers that this is no easy task. While trying to master her newfound powers, she must also seek answers to deep questions about the ways science and technology have taken away humans' primal and instinctive connections with nature. With the help of Chris, his assistant Cindy Klein, and a powerful international organization named SEED, it is up to Juna to overcome her fears and find a way to stop the raaja from destroying everyone and everything she cares for. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- 26,790 6.82
Choujin Densetsu Urotsukidouji -- -- Phoenix Entertainment -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Action Demons Drama Hentai -- Choujin Densetsu Urotsukidouji Choujin Densetsu Urotsukidouji -- Legend has it that the human race is not the only dominant civilization living on Earth. Two other races exist in this world: the Makai (a demon race) and the Juujinkai (a half-man, half-beast race). Once every 3,000 years, a supreme being known as the "Choujin" (Overfiend) will emerge and bring balance to all three realms on Earth. In present-day Japan, after 300 years of endless searching, a Jujinkai named Amano Jyaku has discovered the presence of the Choujin inside high school slacker Tatsuo Nagumo. But now, Amano, along with his sister Megumi and their sidekick Kuroko, must protect Nagumo and his new girlfriend Akemi Ito from the Makai, who believe that Nagumo is not the Choujin, but an evil entity bent on destroying all living beings on Earth. -- OVA - Jan 21, 1987 -- 10,601 6.12
Chrno Crusade -- -- Gonzo -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Demons Historical Romance Shounen Supernatural -- Chrno Crusade Chrno Crusade -- The 1920s was a decade of great change and upheaval, with monstrous demons appearing across America. To combat this menace, the holy organization known as the Order of Magdalene was established. The organization's New York branch is home to the young and reckless Sister Rosette Christopher, as well as her partner Chrno. Tasked with the extermination of demonic threats, the renowned team is excellent at their job, despite causing extensive collateral damage on their missions. -- -- However, both Rosette and Chrno are driven by their dark pasts. Through exterminating demons, Rosette hopes to find her lost brother Joshua who was taken by the sinner and demon, Aion, with whom Chrno also shares a bloody history. The two of them must fight off the increasingly dangerous demonic menace and discover its source, while continuing to search for the truth behind Joshua's disappearance. -- -- 200,692 7.65
Chrno Crusade -- -- Gonzo -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Demons Historical Romance Shounen Supernatural -- Chrno Crusade Chrno Crusade -- The 1920s was a decade of great change and upheaval, with monstrous demons appearing across America. To combat this menace, the holy organization known as the Order of Magdalene was established. The organization's New York branch is home to the young and reckless Sister Rosette Christopher, as well as her partner Chrno. Tasked with the extermination of demonic threats, the renowned team is excellent at their job, despite causing extensive collateral damage on their missions. -- -- However, both Rosette and Chrno are driven by their dark pasts. Through exterminating demons, Rosette hopes to find her lost brother Joshua who was taken by the sinner and demon, Aion, with whom Chrno also shares a bloody history. The two of them must fight off the increasingly dangerous demonic menace and discover its source, while continuing to search for the truth behind Joshua's disappearance. -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- 200,692 7.65
Chuumon no Ooi Ryouriten (1991) -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Book -- Horror Supernatural Fantasy -- Chuumon no Ooi Ryouriten (1991) Chuumon no Ooi Ryouriten (1991) -- A short film based on a story by Japanese writer Kenji Miyazawa. -- Two young British hunters get lost in the woods and discover a strange restaurant. Are the hunters about to discover how it feels to be the hunted? -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - ??? ??, 1991 -- 4,205 6.23
Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren: The Rikka Wars -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Comedy Drama Romance School Slice of Life -- Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren: The Rikka Wars Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren: The Rikka Wars -- One normal school day, Rikka Takanashi notices Makoto Isshiki secretly passing a flash drive to Yuuta Togashi. Curious, Rikka talks to her friends about the case, who agree that Yuuta is hiding something from her. They decide to discover the contents of the flash drive by any means necessary, but to their surprise, it merely contained pictures of an idol that Yuuta adored back in middle school. However, Rikka takes offense, as she claims that this breaks their contract as lovers and demands Yuuta to return the flash drive. -- -- Although having seen Yuuta return the flash drive, she still felt uncertain about the situation. This leads to her sneaking into Yuuta's room during the night, only to find out that the flash drive had not been returned! Scanning through its contents, she hurriedly rushes to bed when Yuuta enters her room. To her terror, she finds the flash drive crushed due to her negligence in keeping it in a safe place. Yuuta quickly finds out and demands an apology. However, Rikka too, demands an apology from him, resulting in both of them refusing to be the one to apologize first. Will the two lovebirds be able to resolve their argument? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Special - Sep 17, 2014 -- 96,547 7.46
Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren: The Rikka Wars -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Comedy Drama Romance School Slice of Life -- Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren: The Rikka Wars Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren: The Rikka Wars -- One normal school day, Rikka Takanashi notices Makoto Isshiki secretly passing a flash drive to Yuuta Togashi. Curious, Rikka talks to her friends about the case, who agree that Yuuta is hiding something from her. They decide to discover the contents of the flash drive by any means necessary, but to their surprise, it merely contained pictures of an idol that Yuuta adored back in middle school. However, Rikka takes offense, as she claims that this breaks their contract as lovers and demands Yuuta to return the flash drive. -- -- Although having seen Yuuta return the flash drive, she still felt uncertain about the situation. This leads to her sneaking into Yuuta's room during the night, only to find out that the flash drive had not been returned! Scanning through its contents, she hurriedly rushes to bed when Yuuta enters her room. To her terror, she finds the flash drive crushed due to her negligence in keeping it in a safe place. Yuuta quickly finds out and demands an apology. However, Rikka too, demands an apology from him, resulting in both of them refusing to be the one to apologize first. Will the two lovebirds be able to resolve their argument? -- -- Special - Sep 17, 2014 -- 96,547 7.46
Circlet Princess -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action School Sci-Fi Sports -- Circlet Princess Circlet Princess -- Virtual Reality and the arrival of Circlet Technology has changed people's lives. A new competitive electronic sport called Circlet Bout emerges, and schools duel to determine the strongest Circlet Bout Club and player. One day, Yuuka Sasaki gets mistaken for a challenger and battles against Chikage Fujimura, the best player in Japan, tying the intense fight despite her inexperience. These events lead to her passion for the sport, deciding to become a Circlet Bout player. -- -- Two years later, Yuuka moves to Tokyo and enrolls in Union School, a place where she can practice and pursue her dream of fighting Chikage again. After her arrival at the Union School, she discovers the club closed. Now her first goal is to help the athletic Miyuki Kasahara and club manager Ayumu Aizawa reopen Union's Circle Bout Club and return it to its former glory. -- -- 14,404 5.97
Citrus -- -- Passione -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance School Shoujo Ai -- Citrus Citrus -- During the summer of her freshman year of high school, Yuzu Aihara's mother remarried, forcing her to transfer to a new school. To a fashionable socialite like Yuzu, this inconvenient event is just another opportunity to make new friends, fall in love, and finally experience a first kiss. Unfortunately, Yuzu's dreams and style do not conform with her new ultrastrict, all-girls school, filled with obedient shut-ins and overachieving grade-skippers. Her gaudy appearance manages to grab the attention of Mei Aihara, the beautiful and imposing student council president, who immediately proceeds to sensually caress Yuzu's body in an effort to confiscate her cellphone. -- -- Thoroughly exhausted from her first day, Yuzu arrives home and discovers a shocking truth—Mei is actually her new step-sister! Though Yuzu initially tries to be friendly with her, Mei's cold shoulder routine forces Yuzu to begin teasing her. But before Yuzu can finish her sentence, Mei forces her to the ground and kisses her, with Yuzu desperately trying to break free. Once done, Mei storms out of the room, leaving Yuzu to ponder the true nature of her first kiss, and the secrets behind the tortured expression in the eyes of her new sister. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 364,268 6.51
Clannad: After Story -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 24 eps -- Visual novel -- Slice of Life Comedy Supernatural Drama Romance -- Clannad: After Story Clannad: After Story -- Clannad: After Story, the sequel to the critically acclaimed slice-of-life series Clannad, begins after Tomoya Okazaki and Nagisa Furukawa graduate from high school. Together, they experience the emotional rollercoaster of growing up. Unable to decide on a course for his future, Tomoya learns the value of a strong work ethic and discovers the strength of Nagisa's support. Through the couple's dedication and unity of purpose, they push forward to confront their personal problems, deepen their old relationships, and create new bonds. -- -- Time also moves on in the Illusionary World. As the plains grow cold with the approach of winter, the Illusionary Girl and the Garbage Doll are presented with a difficult situation that reveals the World's true purpose. -- -- Based on the visual novel by Key and produced by Kyoto Animation, Clannad: After Story is an impactful drama highlighting the importance of family and the struggles of adulthood. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 946,989 8.96
Clannad -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 23 eps -- Visual novel -- Comedy Drama Romance School Slice of Life Supernatural -- Clannad Clannad -- Tomoya Okazaki is a delinquent who finds life dull and believes he'll never amount to anything. Along with his friend Youhei Sunohara, he skips school and plans to waste his high school days away. -- -- One day while walking to school, Tomoya passes a young girl muttering quietly to herself. Without warning she exclaims "Anpan!" (a popular Japanese food) which catches Tomoya's attention. He soon discovers the girl's name is Nagisa Furukawa and that she exclaims things she likes in order to motivate herself. Nagisa claims they are now friends, but Tomoya walks away passing the encounter off as nothing. -- -- However, Tomoya finds he is noticing Nagisa more and more around school. Eventually he concedes and befriends her. Tomoya learns Nagisa has been held back a year due to a severe illness and that her dream is to revive the school's drama club. Claiming he has nothing better to do, he decides to help her achieve this goal along with the help of four other girls. -- -- As Tomoya spends more time with the girls, he learns more about them and their problems. As he attempts to help each girl overcome her respective obstacle, he begins to realize life isn't as dull as he once thought. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 1,137,974 8.05
Clockwork Planet -- -- Xebec -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Fantasy Sci-Fi -- Clockwork Planet Clockwork Planet -- Legend tells that when the Earth was destroyed, the great clockmaker Y made a replacement from cogs and gears. Naoto Miura is a young boy who aspires to be a great clockmaker. However, despite his unique talent—sensitive hearing that can immediately understand clockwork mechanics from noise alone—he has made little progress. But this changes when a coffin falls from the sky into his apartment, revealing RyuZU, a female automaton forged by Y himself. -- -- News of RyuZU's arrival brings Marie Bell Breguet, the gifted heir of a distinguished line of clockmakers, and her cyborg bodyguard Vainney Halter into Naoto's life as well. When she and Naoto both become embroiled in an action-packed battle for their lives, they discover an uncomfortable truth: the clockwork planet that humanity has lived on for over a millennium is beginning to break down—a secret that many people will kill to protect. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 132,991 6.46
Cobra The Animation: The Psycho-Gun -- -- Magic Bus -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Mecha Sci-Fi Space -- Cobra The Animation: The Psycho-Gun Cobra The Animation: The Psycho-Gun -- When Utopia More discovers an ancient record that holds the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe, she becomes the target of the ruthless Gypsy Doc of the Pirate Guild. Utopia finds herself saved by the easy-going yet legendary space pirate, Cobra, whose custom made Psychogun makes him a force to be reckoned with. Together, the two of them attempt to stop Gypsy Doc (along with Cobra's revived arch-nemesis, Crystal Boy) and his efforts to steal the record and use its secrets to rule the universe. -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- OVA - Aug 29, 2008 -- 4,639 6.90
Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 3 - Kagayaku Mono Ten yori Otsu -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Mecha Military -- Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 3 - Kagayaku Mono Ten yori Otsu Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 3 - Kagayaku Mono Ten yori Otsu -- After discovering the face of their true enemy—someone who is related to Akito and responsible for the Geass placed upon him—W-0 attempts to return to their base at Castle Weisswolf. However, stranded in Warsaw due to a complication involving their military identification, they are forced to accept the help of local gypsies, allowing the squad to take some time to deepen their bonds. -- -- Meanwhile, Britannian advisor Julius Kingsley and his guard Suzaku Kururugi begin working together with the Knights of St. Michael in order to crush the European resistance once and for all, armed with the destructive power of a giant weapon known as the Ark Fleet. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - May 2, 2015 -- 92,936 7.32
Code:Realize - Sousei no Himegimi -- -- M.S.C -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Military Harem Historical Romance Fantasy Josei -- Code:Realize - Sousei no Himegimi Code:Realize - Sousei no Himegimi -- Within Cardia Beckford's hazy memories, she can recall her father Isaac and the home where she lives alone, feared as a monster by the townsfolk—for in her body, she carries a deadly substance. Embedded in her chest by her father, the eternally beating heart—also known as Horologium—has the capability to produce infinite power. However, it also makes her skin destroy anything it touches. -- -- Many in London seek the Horologium, including the terrorist organization Twilight, with whom Isaac is rumored to have close ties. To obtain the Horologium's power, the British military forces Cardia to leave her home as their prisoner. But on the road, she is whisked away by the gentleman thief Arsène Lupin, who says he will steal her heart. Joining Lupin and his companions, Cardia begins a journey to discover the truth behind Isaac's connection with Twilight, her missing memories, and the Horologium within her chest. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 67,910 6.65
Comet Lucifer -- -- 8bit -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Fantasy Mecha -- Comet Lucifer Comet Lucifer -- In the world of Gift, the bowels of the planet hide a highly sought after crystalline substance known as Giftium. A young boy on Gift named Sougo Amagi inherited his interest in Giftium from his mother, a researcher. As an inhabitant of Garden Indigo, a small and prosperous miner's town, Sougo has many opportunities to forage and collect rare crystals that can only be found there. -- -- However, the most exciting treasure that Sougo discovers is not a crystal, but a person. After being pulled into a school quarrel, he plummets into the deep caverns of an old mine. There, in the abysmal depths of the earth, Felia—an enigmatic girl with red eyes and blue hair—emerges from a large crystal. Through this strange first encounter, bonds of friendship are formed between Felia and Sougo. But Felia is being pursued by a secret organization that aims to use her powers for their own benefit, and Sougo and his friends must help her, all while discovering the true nature of this girl from the crystal. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 98,220 5.85
Cowboy Bebop: Tengoku no Tobira -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Drama Mystery Sci-Fi Space -- Cowboy Bebop: Tengoku no Tobira Cowboy Bebop: Tengoku no Tobira -- Another day, another bounty—such is the life of the often unlucky crew of the Bebop. However, this routine is interrupted when Faye, who is chasing a fairly worthless target on Mars, witnesses an oil tanker suddenly explode, causing mass hysteria. As casualties mount due to a strange disease spreading through the smoke from the blast, a whopping three hundred million woolong price is placed on the head of the supposed perpetrator. -- -- With lives at stake and a solution to their money problems in sight, the Bebop crew springs into action. Spike, Jet, Faye, and Edward, followed closely by Ein, split up to pursue different leads across Alba City. Through their individual investigations, they discover a cover-up scheme involving a pharmaceutical company, revealing a plot that reaches much further than the ragtag team of bounty hunters could have realized. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sony Pictures Entertainment -- Movie - Sep 1, 2001 -- 283,850 8.39
Cross Ange: Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo -- -- Sunrise -- 25 eps -- Original -- Action Mecha Sci-Fi -- Cross Ange: Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo Cross Ange: Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo -- Angelise Ikaruga Misurugi is the first princess of the noble Misurugi Empire. The kingdom has seen great power and prosperity due to the advancement of the revolutionary technology known as "Mana," an abstract bending of light that has reduced the world's problems of war and pollution to a timeless peace. -- -- However, not all are blessed with the ability to wield Mana. Those who cannot are labeled "Norma," outcasts of society who are considered a threat to civilization and live under constant persecution, and Angelise herself is one of many who want the Norma exterminated. But as Angelise's sixteenth birthday commences, it is discovered in a shocking revelation that she is actually a Norma. Chaos ensues, the public is outraged, and the once adored princess is exiled to Arzenal: a remote military base where Normas are forced into conscription. -- -- Now, the former royal must adapt to a harsh and vastly different lifestyle; piloting mechanical robots known as "Paramail" to fend off large, devastating beasts referred to as DRAGONs. However, a sinister truth about these savage creatures threatens to change everything. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 159,107 7.40
C: The Money of Soul and Possibility Control -- -- Tatsunoko Production -- 11 eps -- Original -- Action Mystery Super Power Thriller -- C: The Money of Soul and Possibility Control C: The Money of Soul and Possibility Control -- Money is power, and without it, life is meaningless. In a country whose economy is in shambles, second-year Economics university student Kimimaro Yoga understands this fact all too well, as he is surrounded by the relatively luxurious lives of his peers and struggling to make ends meet. However, his world is turned on its head when a stranger in a top hat arrives one late night at his door. -- -- Going by the name Masakaki, the visitor petitions Yoga to come to the Eastern Financial District, a place where money flows in abundance if one offers their "future" as collateral. Although reluctant, greed triumphs reason and Yoga accepts the offer; thus, taking on the mantle of an "Entre." But unbeknownst to him, the land of wealth he has entered is an alternate realm built in the likeness of his own, where Entres are forced to participate in weekly duels called "Deals," with their collateral at stake. Pitted against his countrymen and fate, Yoga must quickly adapt in this new world if he hopes to protect his fortune and future—and discover just how much money is truly worth. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 255,065 7.23
Cyborg 009 VS Devilman -- -- Actas, Bee Media -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Super Power Demons Supernatural Shounen -- Cyborg 009 VS Devilman Cyborg 009 VS Devilman -- After discovering the existence of demons in Tokyo, the original Cyborg crew led by Dr. Gilmore find themselves in conflict with Devilman, a strong demon believed to be in league with the war-profiteering terrorist organisation, Black Ghost. Meanwhile, a bigger threat emerges when Dr. Adams, a Black Ghost scientist unleashes his new line of high teen Cyborg models against 009 and his friends. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Nov 11, 2015 -- 11,335 6.32
Dance in the Vampire Bund -- -- Shaft -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Supernatural Drama Romance Vampire Seinen -- Dance in the Vampire Bund Dance in the Vampire Bund -- On live television, Mina Tepes, the ruler of all vampires, reveals the existence of her species to the world and states her plan to build a sanctuary in Japan for vampires, called the Vampire Bund. Using her family's wealth to pay off the nation's debt, they have agreed to let her build this safe-haven for her fellow creatures of the night. But not everyone is so easily swayed by Mina's influence, as her announcement brings about conflict with humans who believe that the queen's quest for peace is a façade. -- -- Akira Kaburagi does not believe in vampires and gets uneasy whenever they are brought up, although he has yet to realize why. Apart from suffering a head injury a year ago, he lives on blissfully until he meets Mina. She triggers within him memories of a life he had long forgotten, and he soon begins protecting her without understanding why. But Akira's secret is far stranger than he could have ever thought possible—he discovers that he is a werewolf, sworn from birth to protect the vampire queen, even if it costs him his life. Now, as these two dance a rondo of death in the Vampire Bund, Mina and Akira find out just how deep their bond goes. -- -- 193,848 7.04
Dance in the Vampire Bund -- -- Shaft -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Supernatural Drama Romance Vampire Seinen -- Dance in the Vampire Bund Dance in the Vampire Bund -- On live television, Mina Tepes, the ruler of all vampires, reveals the existence of her species to the world and states her plan to build a sanctuary in Japan for vampires, called the Vampire Bund. Using her family's wealth to pay off the nation's debt, they have agreed to let her build this safe-haven for her fellow creatures of the night. But not everyone is so easily swayed by Mina's influence, as her announcement brings about conflict with humans who believe that the queen's quest for peace is a façade. -- -- Akira Kaburagi does not believe in vampires and gets uneasy whenever they are brought up, although he has yet to realize why. Apart from suffering a head injury a year ago, he lives on blissfully until he meets Mina. She triggers within him memories of a life he had long forgotten, and he soon begins protecting her without understanding why. But Akira's secret is far stranger than he could have ever thought possible—he discovers that he is a werewolf, sworn from birth to protect the vampire queen, even if it costs him his life. Now, as these two dance a rondo of death in the Vampire Bund, Mina and Akira find out just how deep their bond goes. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 193,848 7.04
Danganronpa: Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei The Animation -- -- Lerche -- 13 eps -- Game -- Mystery Horror Psychological School -- Danganronpa: Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei The Animation Danganronpa: Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei The Animation -- Hope's Peak Academy is an elite high school that accepts only the most talented students. Individuals who successfully enroll receive their own unique titles, suitably reflective of their skills and traits. Of the fifteen candidates admitted to the peculiar school that year, Makoto Naegi is a completely ordinary individual who has been accepted by sheer chance, with the title of "Super High School-Level Luck." -- -- Naegi and his fellow classmates are initially ecstatic to be chosen to study at this prestigious institution, but these feelings of happiness are short-lived. They are soon confronted by Monokuma, the principal and resident bear, who traps them inside the school. The pupils' hopes of escape and graduation hinge on one of them successfully murdering one of their peers without being discovered. However, if the killer is caught, he or she will be executed, and the remaining survivors will be left to continue the deathmatch until only a single victor remains. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 724,543 7.27
Danna ga Nani wo Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken -- -- Seven -- 13 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance Seinen -- Danna ga Nani wo Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken Danna ga Nani wo Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken -- Though they couldn't be any more different, love has managed to blossom between Hajime Tsunashi, a hardcore otaku who shuts himself in at home while making a living off his blog, and his wife Kaoru—a hard-working office lady who, in contrast, is fairly ordinary, albeit somewhat of a crazy drunk. As this unlikely couple discovers, love is much more than just a first kiss or a wedding; the years that come afterward in the journey of marriage brings with it many joys as well as challenges. -- -- Whether due to their quirky personalities or the peculiar people surrounding them, Hajime and Kaoru find themselves caught up in a variety of baffling and ridiculous antics. But despite the struggles they face, the love that ties them together spurs them to move forward and strive to become better people in order to bring their partner happiness. -- -- 282,463 7.36
Dantalian no Shoka -- -- Gainax -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Mystery Historical Supernatural -- Dantalian no Shoka Dantalian no Shoka -- Six months ago, Lord Hugh Anthony Disward, also known as Huey, lost his eccentric grandfather, Sir Wesley Disward, who was a renowned collector of rare books. His grandfather's will states that, in order to inherit his manor and everything inside it, he must take guardianship over the Bibliotheca Mystica de Dantalian—an archive that contains forbidden knowledge—and also take care of a mysterious girl called Dalian. -- -- As Huey settles into the manor, an old rival of his grandfather's arranges a meeting with him. Dalian, knowing the rival to be Wesley's killer, tags along and discovers that the murderer is in possession of a Phantom Book—a cursed tome that Wesley tried to seal away. When the book puts the two in danger, Huey discovers that the Bibliotheca Mystica de Dantalian and Dalian are one and the same, and she entrusts Huey with the key to unlocking the knowledge stored within her. Together, Dalian and Huey seal the book away, and thus begins an unlikely partnership as they solve mysteries caused by other Phantom Books. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Jul 16, 2011 -- 128,173 7.25
Dantalian no Shoka -- -- Gainax -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Mystery Historical Supernatural -- Dantalian no Shoka Dantalian no Shoka -- Six months ago, Lord Hugh Anthony Disward, also known as Huey, lost his eccentric grandfather, Sir Wesley Disward, who was a renowned collector of rare books. His grandfather's will states that, in order to inherit his manor and everything inside it, he must take guardianship over the Bibliotheca Mystica de Dantalian—an archive that contains forbidden knowledge—and also take care of a mysterious girl called Dalian. -- -- As Huey settles into the manor, an old rival of his grandfather's arranges a meeting with him. Dalian, knowing the rival to be Wesley's killer, tags along and discovers that the murderer is in possession of a Phantom Book—a cursed tome that Wesley tried to seal away. When the book puts the two in danger, Huey discovers that the Bibliotheca Mystica de Dantalian and Dalian are one and the same, and she entrusts Huey with the key to unlocking the knowledge stored within her. Together, Dalian and Huey seal the book away, and thus begins an unlikely partnership as they solve mysteries caused by other Phantom Books. -- -- TV - Jul 16, 2011 -- 128,173 7.25
Darker than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha Gaiden -- -- Bones -- 4 eps -- Original -- Action Mystery Sci-Fi Super Power -- Darker than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha Gaiden Darker than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha Gaiden -- Fleeing from the consequences of his decision at the Hell's Gate, superpowered Contractor Hei and his companion Yin take refuge in a quiet inn, adopting the guise of a married couple in order to not draw suspicion. In an attempt to recover from recent events, Hei befriends the inn's other guests. He discovers that one of them is a fellow Contractor tasked with killing him. Their resulting encounter spells disaster for both Hei and Yin, who are forced to fight for their lives and grapple with the emotional wounds sustained in their previous life together. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Special - Jan 27, 2010 -- 223,787 7.96
Date A Live -- -- AIC PLUS+ -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Sci-Fi Harem Comedy Romance Mecha School -- Date A Live Date A Live -- Thirty years ago, the Eurasian continent was devastated by a supermassive "spatial quake"—a phenomenon involving space vibrations of unknown origin—resulting in the deaths of over 150 million people. Since then, these quakes have been plaguing the world intermittently, albeit on a lighter scale. -- -- Shidou Itsuka is a seemingly average high school student who lives with his younger sister, Kotori. When an imminent spatial quake threatens the safety of Tengu City, he rushes to save her, only to be caught in the resulting eruption. He discovers a mysterious girl at its source, who is revealed to be a "Spirit," an otherworldly entity whose appearance triggers a spatial quake. Soon after, he becomes embroiled in a skirmish between the girl and the Anti-Spirit Team, a ruthless strike force with the goal of annihilating Spirits. -- -- However, there is a third party that believes in saving the spirits: "Ratatoskr," which surprisingly is commanded by Shidou's little sister! Kotori forcibly recruits Shidou after the clash, presenting to him an alternative method of dealing with the danger posed by the Spirits—make them fall in love with him. Now, the fate of the world rests on his dating prowess, as he seeks out Spirits in order to charm them. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 762,164 7.20
Date A Live III -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Sci-Fi Harem Comedy Romance Mecha School -- Date A Live III Date A Live III -- Shidou Itsuka carries on with his quest for Ratatoskr in finding Spirits and trying to seal their powers, all while maintaining his relationships with the ones he had already sealed. Moreover, as new Spirits appear, he must undergo more complicated trials—all to put a stop to further disasters as he discovers more about the Spirits' origin. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 242,341 7.14
D.C.S.S: Da Capo Second Season -- -- feel. -- 26 eps -- Visual novel -- Comedy Harem Romance Supernatural Drama -- D.C.S.S: Da Capo Second Season D.C.S.S: Da Capo Second Season -- Hatsune-Jima was once well-known for its cherry trees, which would bloom no matter what time of year it was. Two years ago, the island's cherry trees lost this ability and all became ordinary cherry trees that bloom only in the spring. Jun'ichi Asakura is now a graduating senior at Kazami Academy, and is surrounded by many close friends, old and new alike. On a stormy summer day, a mysterious young girl, Aisia, arrives at Jun'ichi's door. She is looking for Sakura's grandmother to study magic, ultimately hoping to bring happiness to everyone. When she discovers that grandmother Yoshino had long since passed away, she joyfully assumes (thanks to his error in judgment) that Jun'ichi is able to teach her. Even though she finally understands that the only magic he's capable of is conjuring Japanese confections, Aisia continues her search for magic on Hatsune-Jima. Amid the chaos of her search, Kazami Academy hires new medical staff. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Jul 2, 2005 -- 30,728 6.99
Dead Leaves -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Psychological Comedy Sci-Fi -- Dead Leaves Dead Leaves -- Pandy and Retro awaken naked on Earth with no recollection of their past. They embark on a devastating crime spree in search of food, clothing and transportation, but are captured by authorities and sent to the infamous lunar penitentiary named Dead Leaves. While incarcerated, they quickly discover that Dead Leaves is also a top-secret cloning facility, occupied by villainous guards and deformed genetic experiments. Ultra-manic chaos and hyper-violent bedlam ensue as they organize a prison break with the aid of their fellow mutant inmates. -- -- Licensor: -- Manga Entertainment -- Movie - Jan 16, 2004 -- 74,519 7.22
Dead Leaves -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Psychological Comedy Sci-Fi -- Dead Leaves Dead Leaves -- Pandy and Retro awaken naked on Earth with no recollection of their past. They embark on a devastating crime spree in search of food, clothing and transportation, but are captured by authorities and sent to the infamous lunar penitentiary named Dead Leaves. While incarcerated, they quickly discover that Dead Leaves is also a top-secret cloning facility, occupied by villainous guards and deformed genetic experiments. Ultra-manic chaos and hyper-violent bedlam ensue as they organize a prison break with the aid of their fellow mutant inmates. -- Movie - Jan 16, 2004 -- 74,519 7.22
Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyousoukyoku -- -- Connect, SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Fantasy Harem -- Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyousoukyoku Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyousoukyoku -- Ichirou Suzuki, a programmer nearing his thirties, is drowning in work. Worn out, he eventually has a chance to catch up on sleep, only to wake up and discover himself in a fantasy RPG world, which is mashed together from the games he was debugging in reality. In this new place, he realizes that not only has his appearance changed to a younger version of himself, but his name has also changed to Satou, a nickname he used while running beta tests on games. -- -- However, before Satou can fully grasp his situation, an army of lizardmen launch an assault on him. Forced to cast a powerful spell in retaliation, Satou wipes them out completely and his level is boosted to 310, effectively maximizing his stats. Now, as a high-leveled adventurer armed with a plethora of skills and no way to return to reality, Satou sets out to explore this magical new world. -- -- 350,234 6.51
Death Note -- -- Madhouse -- 37 eps -- Manga -- Mystery Police Psychological Supernatural Thriller Shounen -- Death Note Death Note -- A shinigami, as a god of death, can kill any person—provided they see their victim's face and write their victim's name in a notebook called a Death Note. One day, Ryuk, bored by the shinigami lifestyle and interested in seeing how a human would use a Death Note, drops one into the human realm. -- -- High school student and prodigy Light Yagami stumbles upon the Death Note and—since he deplores the state of the world—tests the deadly notebook by writing a criminal's name in it. When the criminal dies immediately following his experiment with the Death Note, Light is greatly surprised and quickly recognizes how devastating the power that has fallen into his hands could be.       -- -- With this divine capability, Light decides to extinguish all criminals in order to build a new world where crime does not exist and people worship him as a god. Police, however, quickly discover that a serial killer is targeting criminals and, consequently, try to apprehend the culprit. To do this, the Japanese investigators count on the assistance of the best detective in the world: a young and eccentric man known only by the name of L. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 2,759,896 8.63
Demi-chan wa Kataritai -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Vampire Fantasy School Seinen -- Demi-chan wa Kataritai Demi-chan wa Kataritai -- High school biology teacher Tetsuo Takahashi may look like your average everyday instructor, but beneath his gentle appearance lies something less ordinary: his fascination for the "Ajin," more commonly known as "Demi." Although these half-human, half-monster beings have integrated into human society, Takahashi believes that much about them will remain unknown unless he interacts with them firsthand. -- -- Demi-chan wa Kataritai follows Takahashi's daily life in Shibasaki High School together with his three Demi students—Hikari Takanashi, an energetic vampire; Kyouko Machi, a gentle dullahan; and Yuki Kusakabe, the shy snow woman. Along the way, Takahashi also meets fellow teacher Sakie Satou, a succubus with an aversion towards men. To fulfill his goal of learning more about the Demi, Takahashi decides to conduct casual interviews with the girls to learn more about their abilities, psyche, and interaction with human society. As Takahashi strengthens his bond with his students, he soon discovers that the Demi are not as unusual as he initially believed. -- -- 328,868 7.60
Demi-chan wa Kataritai -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Vampire Fantasy School Seinen -- Demi-chan wa Kataritai Demi-chan wa Kataritai -- High school biology teacher Tetsuo Takahashi may look like your average everyday instructor, but beneath his gentle appearance lies something less ordinary: his fascination for the "Ajin," more commonly known as "Demi." Although these half-human, half-monster beings have integrated into human society, Takahashi believes that much about them will remain unknown unless he interacts with them firsthand. -- -- Demi-chan wa Kataritai follows Takahashi's daily life in Shibasaki High School together with his three Demi students—Hikari Takanashi, an energetic vampire; Kyouko Machi, a gentle dullahan; and Yuki Kusakabe, the shy snow woman. Along the way, Takahashi also meets fellow teacher Sakie Satou, a succubus with an aversion towards men. To fulfill his goal of learning more about the Demi, Takahashi decides to conduct casual interviews with the girls to learn more about their abilities, psyche, and interaction with human society. As Takahashi strengthens his bond with his students, he soon discovers that the Demi are not as unusual as he initially believed. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 328,868 7.60
Dennou Coil -- -- Madhouse -- 26 eps -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Drama Mystery Sci-Fi -- Dennou Coil Dennou Coil -- In the near future, augmented reality has become a key part of daily life. A gentle middle school girl named Yuuko "Yasako" Okonogi and her family have just moved to Daikoku City despite rumors of people disappearing. There, her grandmother, nicknamed "Mega-baa," runs a shop called Megasia that specializes in illegal tools which interact with parts of the virtual world. -- -- Mega-baa also hosts an unofficial detective agency called "Coil," a group of children around Yasako's age who find and handle corruption of the virtual world. Yasako gets involved with the group when Fumie Hashimoto, a playful member of Coil, helps rescue her cyberdog Densuke after getting trapped in virtual space while chasing a mysterious virus. Also investigating these corruptions and viruses is an abrasive hacker named Yuuko Amasawa, who the others take to calling Isako. -- -- Can Coil discover the truths behind the mysterious viruses and corruption, and if they can, at what cost? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Maiden Japan -- TV - May 12, 2007 -- 123,188 8.09
Dennou Coil -- -- Madhouse -- 26 eps -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Drama Mystery Sci-Fi -- Dennou Coil Dennou Coil -- In the near future, augmented reality has become a key part of daily life. A gentle middle school girl named Yuuko "Yasako" Okonogi and her family have just moved to Daikoku City despite rumors of people disappearing. There, her grandmother, nicknamed "Mega-baa," runs a shop called Megasia that specializes in illegal tools which interact with parts of the virtual world. -- -- Mega-baa also hosts an unofficial detective agency called "Coil," a group of children around Yasako's age who find and handle corruption of the virtual world. Yasako gets involved with the group when Fumie Hashimoto, a playful member of Coil, helps rescue her cyberdog Densuke after getting trapped in virtual space while chasing a mysterious virus. Also investigating these corruptions and viruses is an abrasive hacker named Yuuko Amasawa, who the others take to calling Isako. -- -- Can Coil discover the truths behind the mysterious viruses and corruption, and if they can, at what cost? -- -- TV - May 12, 2007 -- 123,188 8.09
Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko -- -- Shaft -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Sci-Fi Slice of Life Comedy -- Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko -- Makoto Niwa meticulously tallies the amount of positive and negative youthful experiences he engages in as if to grade his own life. When his parents go overseas, he moves to a new town to live with his aunt, welcoming the change and ready for a fresh start. However, as ordinary as he had imagined his adolescence to be, he could never have taken the existence of an enigmatic long-lost cousin into account. -- -- Upon moving into his aunt's house, he discovers the cousin he never knew about: Erio Touwa. Despite being Makoto's age, she couldn't be more different: Erio chooses to wrap herself in a futon all day rather than to go to school. She even claims to be an alien, and with a speech pattern and personality to back it up, any chance of Makoto's dreamt-of normal life is instantly tossed out the window. -- -- As he meets a string of other eccentric girls in town, Makoto must face the possibility of seeing his youth points in the red. However, he might be surprised by how thrilling an abnormal youth can be. -- -- -- Licensor: -- NIS America, Inc. -- TV - Apr 15, 2011 -- 254,924 7.17
Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko -- -- Shaft -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Sci-Fi Slice of Life Comedy -- Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko -- Makoto Niwa meticulously tallies the amount of positive and negative youthful experiences he engages in as if to grade his own life. When his parents go overseas, he moves to a new town to live with his aunt, welcoming the change and ready for a fresh start. However, as ordinary as he had imagined his adolescence to be, he could never have taken the existence of an enigmatic long-lost cousin into account. -- -- Upon moving into his aunt's house, he discovers the cousin he never knew about: Erio Touwa. Despite being Makoto's age, she couldn't be more different: Erio chooses to wrap herself in a futon all day rather than to go to school. She even claims to be an alien, and with a speech pattern and personality to back it up, any chance of Makoto's dreamt-of normal life is instantly tossed out the window. -- -- As he meets a string of other eccentric girls in town, Makoto must face the possibility of seeing his youth points in the red. However, he might be surprised by how thrilling an abnormal youth can be. -- -- TV - Apr 15, 2011 -- 254,924 7.17
Densetsu Kyojin Ideon -- -- Sunrise -- 39 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Space Drama Mecha -- Densetsu Kyojin Ideon Densetsu Kyojin Ideon -- Mankind has traveled to the stars and come across various alien civilizations, now long dead. Upon discovering the archaeological remains of such a civilization on the planet Solo, humanity finally has its first encounter with a living alien species: the Buff Clan. When Karala Ajiba, the daughter of the Buff Clan's military leader, sets foot on the surface of Solo, the Buff Clan launches a brutal assault on the colony to retrieve her. -- -- In order to escape, Cosmo Yuki, Kasha Imhof, and Bes Jordan climb aboard three trucks, which soon transform into the giant humanoid robot Ideon. When the settlement on Solo is destroyed, the survivors board a recently discovered spaceship—the Solo Ship—and flee, endeavoring to get away from the aliens and finally find peace. The relentless Buff Clan, however, is still in hot pursuit and will not give up so easily. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Maiden Japan -- TV - May 8, 1980 -- 12,028 6.98
Densetsu Kyojin Ideon: Sesshoku-hen -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Original -- Sci-Fi Space Drama Mecha -- Densetsu Kyojin Ideon: Sesshoku-hen Densetsu Kyojin Ideon: Sesshoku-hen -- Scouring the universe in pursuit of knowledge, mankind has discovered three large trucks and a giant spaceship belonging to an extinct alien civilization on the planet Solo. During their excavation, a humanoid alien race known as the Buff Clan arrives at Solo, and Karala Ajiba—daughter of the Buff Clan's military leader—flies down to the planet against orders. In hunting for Karala, the Buff Clan attacks and destroys the Earth settlement to bring her back. -- -- Desperate to stave off their assaulters, earthlings Cosmo Yuuki, Kasha Imhof, and Bes Jordan board the trucks, which form into the powerful giant robot Ideon when combined. As they fight back against their enemies, the remaining survivors board the spacecraft Solo Ship and flee, while the Buff Clan relentlessly seeks Ideon and the mysterious power source contained within it. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Maiden Japan -- Movie - Jul 10, 1982 -- 3,431 6.10
Detective Conan Movie 07: Crossroad in the Ancient Capital -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Mystery Comedy Police Shounen -- Detective Conan Movie 07: Crossroad in the Ancient Capital Detective Conan Movie 07: Crossroad in the Ancient Capital -- Under the cover of darkness, a masked samurai murders six men across the metropolis of Japan: three in Tokyo, one in Osaka, and the last in Kyoto. In their investigation, the police learn that each man was a member of the Genjibotaru—a thieves gang centered on the theft of Buddhist statues and artifacts and who go by the names of Minomoto no Yoshitune's servants. -- -- Without a clear motive or clues to the other members' identities, the case runs dry until a Kyoto temple calls for the famous Kogorou Mouri. Having received an anonymous letter containing a peculiar puzzle, the temple monks ask for his assistance in solving it to recover their long lost statue. Meanwhile, Conan Edogawa and high school detective Heiji Hattori team up in order to solve the cryptic puzzle and find the murderer, as Hattori searches for his childhood love. -- -- With Hattori's knowledge of Kyoto, the two scour the streets and gradually discover the truth, but not before the murderer strikes again—killing another Genjibotaru member and, after repeated attempts on Hattori's life, eventually kidnapping Hattori's childhood sweetheart. It is only by working together to bring buried clues to light can Conan and Hattori hope to end the rogue samurai's bloodshed and save Hattori's love. -- -- Movie - Apr 19, 2003 -- 40,896 7.83
Detective Conan Movie 11: Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Mystery Police Shounen -- Detective Conan Movie 11: Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure Detective Conan Movie 11: Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure -- The luscious hills of Koumi Island are one of many reasons tourists pay its shores a visit—a reason that comes second only to its scenic coral reefs and the legend of Anne Bonnie and Mary Read. The museum that houses the cutlass and pistol of the daring pirate duo does wonders for the small island's tourism. -- -- On a trip to the island, the famous Kogorou Mouri is joined by his daughter Ran, her best friend Sonoko Suzuki, the Detective Boys, and Conan Edogawa. Following a mix up at the hotel regarding their rooms, the group encounters treasure hunters and becomes acquainted with the island's treasure fever. Sent on a hunt of their very own, the Detective Boys scour the isle; while in far harsher waters, Conan discovers a murder. The police, following a clue from a recent robbery, arrive soon after, and Koumi is plunged into chaos. -- -- What follows is a mad dash by not only the treasure hunters but also the inhabitants of Koumi to secure Anne and Mary's long lost booty. All the while, however, Conan, Kogorou, and the police search for the one thing far greater than riches—justice. -- -- Movie - Apr 21, 2007 -- 34,810 7.47
Detective Conan Movie 14: The Lost Ship in the Sky -- -- Tokyo Movie Shinsha -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Mystery Police Shounen -- Detective Conan Movie 14: The Lost Ship in the Sky Detective Conan Movie 14: The Lost Ship in the Sky -- One night, the Tokyo National Institute of Microorganisms is attacked by a mysterious organization calling themselves the "Red Siamese Cats." The group causes the explosion of a high-security lab storing a virus—said to have a mortality rate of 80% with no known cure. This act of terror dominates the headlines, overshadowing the unveiling of the world's biggest airship developed under Jirokichi Suzuki. Peculiarly, the unveiling has a note attached for Kaito "Kaitou Kid" Kuroba, challenging him to steal the jewel on display—the illustrious Lady Sky. -- -- Conan Edogawa is permitted to board the airship along with Kogorou Mouri, Ran Mouri, Sonoko Suzuki, Professor Agasa, and the Detective Boys. However, their fun comes to a halt when an unknown caller contacts Jirokichi and declares that they have released a certain virus in the smoking room. Soon after, symptoms begin to appear among the passengers and chaos ensues. Seizing the opportunity, the Red Siamese Cats suddenly appear and hijack the airship! -- -- To stop the assailants, Conan and Kaitou Kid, along with their allies, must work together to decipher the clues and discover the Red Siamese Cats' real objective before time runs out. -- -- Movie - Apr 17, 2010 -- 44,019 8.14
Detective Conan Movie 15: Quarter of Silence -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Mystery Comedy Police Shounen -- Detective Conan Movie 15: Quarter of Silence Detective Conan Movie 15: Quarter of Silence -- The momentous day of the opening of the new Tokyo subway, the Touto Line, has come, but a bombing incident puts all celebrations to a halt. The governor of Tokyo is caught in the blast while onboard the train, but he and everyone else present is fortunately saved by the quick thinking and actions of Conan Edogawa. -- -- Intrigued by the incident, Conan researches the governor's political history and discovers that the man was responsible for the destruction of a village in Niigata to build the Kitanosawa Dam. Believing the attack to be related to the construction of the dam, Conan, accompanied by Ran Mouri, Kogorou Mouri, Professor Agasa, Sonoko Suzuki, and the Detective Boys, decides to visit the village and investigate. -- -- There, they meet a group of locals who lived in the old village before it was torn down. However, just as one mystery leads to another, one of the locals is murdered. Suspecting that something much more sinister is afoot, Conan vows to uncover the truth behind these two incidents before it is too late. -- -- Movie - Apr 16, 2011 -- 36,932 8.02
Detective Conan Movie 16: The Eleventh Striker -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Mystery Police Shounen Sports -- Detective Conan Movie 16: The Eleventh Striker Detective Conan Movie 16: The Eleventh Striker -- In Touto Stadium, a J. League soccer match is taking place. During this, Detective Kogorou Mouri receives a bomb threat from an unknown caller and a mysterious riddle that points to its location. Conan Edogawa must now save the fans of the game before the time runs out. -- -- Fortunately, with Conan's quick actions and clever thinking, the bomb is discovered and the explosion is evaded. The culprit does not stop there; Detective Kogorou is informed of another hidden bomb set to explode at a large event in the city. Forced into a race against time, with thousands of more lives at stake, Conan must decipher another riddle, discover the place of the bomb, and catch the culprit in order to escape a terrible tragedy. -- -- Movie - Apr 14, 2012 -- 33,061 7.73
Detective Conan Movie 17: Private Eye in the Distant Sea -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Mystery Comedy Police Shounen -- Detective Conan Movie 17: Private Eye in the Distant Sea Detective Conan Movie 17: Private Eye in the Distant Sea -- The warship Aegis Destroyer is conducting public exercises in Maizuru Bay where, coincidentally, a suspicious foreign ship was recently spotted. Conan Edogawa, Ran Mouri, Kogorou Mouri, Sonoko Suzuki, and the Detective Boys all receive a ticket to attend this event. However, while the ongoing military operations are underway, one of the crew members comes across a lieutenant's severed left arm. Conan later discovers that a foreign spy may have infiltrated the warship to obtain classified information by any means necessary. If the information were to leak, Japan's line of defense would be exposed, leaving the country unprotected from hostile attack. -- -- With the help of the police at sea while other friends and allies investigate on the mainland, Conan must now prevent this national crisis and identify the spy for the sake of Japan. -- -- Movie - Apr 20, 2013 -- 29,499 7.69
Digimon Adventure 02 Movies -- -- Toei Animation -- 2 eps -- Original -- Adventure Fantasy Kids Sci-Fi -- Digimon Adventure 02 Movies Digimon Adventure 02 Movies -- Years after a young boy in America loses one of his Digimon friends, an evil viral Digimon successfully kidnaps the original Chosen Children. Their younger friends must race against time with their Digimon partners to discover the source of this new menace, and perhaps solve a years-old mystery. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Saban Entertainment -- Movie - Jul 8, 2000 -- 40,516 7.11
Digimon Adventure -- -- Toei Animation -- 54 eps -- Other -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Kids -- Digimon Adventure Digimon Adventure -- When a group of seven children go to summer camp, the last thing that they expect is snow falling in July. In the confusion that follows this phenomenon, they each receive an odd device that transports them to another world. As soon as they wake up in this new world, they encounter strange creatures who call themselves "Digimon." The Digimon tell them that they've landed in the "Digital World," far from home. -- -- With only the Digimon and the "Digivices" as protection, the seven children set off to find their way home and learn the reason why they were brought here. Led by the impulsive Taichi Yagami and his hungry Digimon partner Agumon, this group will have to fight unknown evils as they discover more about this outlandish Digital World. -- -- 335,127 7.78
Digimon Adventure -- -- Toei Animation -- 54 eps -- Other -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Kids -- Digimon Adventure Digimon Adventure -- When a group of seven children go to summer camp, the last thing that they expect is snow falling in July. In the confusion that follows this phenomenon, they each receive an odd device that transports them to another world. As soon as they wake up in this new world, they encounter strange creatures who call themselves "Digimon." The Digimon tell them that they've landed in the "Digital World," far from home. -- -- With only the Digimon and the "Digivices" as protection, the seven children set off to find their way home and learn the reason why they were brought here. Led by the impulsive Taichi Yagami and his hungry Digimon partner Agumon, this group will have to fight unknown evils as they discover more about this outlandish Digital World. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Flatiron Film Company, Saban Entertainment -- 335,127 7.78
Digimon Adventure: -- -- Toei Animation -- 66 eps -- Other -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Kids -- Digimon Adventure: Digimon Adventure: -- In the year 2020, technology is everywhere. Every digital device around the world is connected by a singular network where data travels. Unbeknownst to humans, this network has become home to life forms known as "Digimon." -- -- Fifth-grader Taichi Yagami is preparing for summer camp when strange occurrences begin in Tokyo; certain electronic systems have started going haywire. When he discovers that his sister and mother are trapped on an unstoppable train, he rushes to the nearby station. Suddenly, Taichi is transported to another world where he meets a strange creature by the name of Agumon, who somehow already knows his name. Taichi also receives a strange device called a "Digivice," which allows him to communicate with the undigitized world. -- -- Taichi discovers he is in the "Network," and virus-like Digimon are attacking the areas that maintain Tokyo’s electronic systems. It is up to Taichi and his new partner Agumon to stop these cyberattacks before the whole world is threatened by the actions of mischievous Digimon. -- -- 43,352 6.70
Digimon Adventure Movie -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Fantasy Kids Sci-Fi -- Digimon Adventure Movie Digimon Adventure Movie -- A brother and sister discover the digital world is more than 1s and 0s when a living creature arrives out of the family computer. The adventures of a group of children start with the appearance of a Digital Monster in the real world. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Saban Entertainment -- Movie - Mar 6, 1999 -- 98,236 7.57
Digimon Adventure Movie -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Fantasy Kids Sci-Fi -- Digimon Adventure Movie Digimon Adventure Movie -- A brother and sister discover the digital world is more than 1s and 0s when a living creature arrives out of the family computer. The adventures of a group of children start with the appearance of a Digital Monster in the real world. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Mar 6, 1999 -- 98,236 7.57
Digimon Savers 3D: Digital World Kiki Ippatsu! -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Fantasy Kids Supernatural -- Digimon Savers 3D: Digital World Kiki Ippatsu! Digimon Savers 3D: Digital World Kiki Ippatsu! -- The Digimon travel through the digital word and discover a Digimon eating away the Digital World, thus they resolve to save it. -- Movie - Jul 8, 2006 -- 5,582 6.03
Digimon Tamers -- -- Toei Animation -- 51 eps -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Shounen -- Digimon Tamers Digimon Tamers -- Digimon Tamers takes place in a world where the popular Digimon franchise is all the rage, consisting of a cartoon, video games, and the trading card game. Takato Matsuda is a huge Digimon fan that's particularly obsessed with the card game, and constantly daydreams about the universe therein. One day, he finds a mysterious blue card, which he slides through a scanner toy to use in the popular battle game. His toy suddenly glows and transforms into a Digivice, and Takato's fan-made design, Guilmon, materialises in front of him. Thrilled by the prospect of having a real-life Digimon, Takato embraces his new partner, and his adventures as a Digimon Tamer begin. -- -- Takato quickly discovers that being a Digimon Tamer is not all fun and games—in reality, it's much more dangerous than the card games he's accustomed to. Wild Digimon have begun to appear all across Japan, causing rampages that result in chaos and mayhem. Armed with his Digivice, which can scan trading cards to strengthen Guilmon, Takato and his new partner set out to combat the rogue Digimon. They are tasked with protecting the world from Digimon attacks, whilst a mysterious organization determined to eliminate all Digimon and their Tamers lurks in the shadows... -- 164,683 7.62
Digimon Tamers -- -- Toei Animation -- 51 eps -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Shounen -- Digimon Tamers Digimon Tamers -- Digimon Tamers takes place in a world where the popular Digimon franchise is all the rage, consisting of a cartoon, video games, and the trading card game. Takato Matsuda is a huge Digimon fan that's particularly obsessed with the card game, and constantly daydreams about the universe therein. One day, he finds a mysterious blue card, which he slides through a scanner toy to use in the popular battle game. His toy suddenly glows and transforms into a Digivice, and Takato's fan-made design, Guilmon, materialises in front of him. Thrilled by the prospect of having a real-life Digimon, Takato embraces his new partner, and his adventures as a Digimon Tamer begin. -- -- Takato quickly discovers that being a Digimon Tamer is not all fun and games—in reality, it's much more dangerous than the card games he's accustomed to. Wild Digimon have begun to appear all across Japan, causing rampages that result in chaos and mayhem. Armed with his Digivice, which can scan trading cards to strengthen Guilmon, Takato and his new partner set out to combat the rogue Digimon. They are tasked with protecting the world from Digimon attacks, whilst a mysterious organization determined to eliminate all Digimon and their Tamers lurks in the shadows... -- -- Licensor: -- Flatiron Film Company, Saban Entertainment -- 164,683 7.62
Digimon Xros Wars: Toki wo Kakeru Shounen Hunter-tachi -- -- Toei Animation -- 25 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Shounen -- Digimon Xros Wars: Toki wo Kakeru Shounen Hunter-tachi Digimon Xros Wars: Toki wo Kakeru Shounen Hunter-tachi -- Digimon Xros Wars: Toki wo Kakeru Shounen Hunter-tachi takes place one year after the defeat of Bagramon and company. Since then, Taiki Kudou and Yuu Amano have formed a basketball team with Yuu’s classmate, Tagiru Akashi. One day, Tagiru discovers a strange area called the DigiQuartz, a strange and unstable realm that exists between the human and digital worlds. He then realises that children all over the world have obtained Xros Loaders as well as Digimon partners to participate in a competition called the 'Digimon Hunt'. -- -- Digimon that wander from the digital world into the DigiQuartz are able to feed off of what negative emotions leak in from the human world. This makes the Digimon stronger at the expense of being extremely violent. As a result, the Digimon Hunters must work to stop these Digimon from wreaking havoc in the human world. Joined by the troublemaking Gumdramon, Tagiru aims to become the top Digimon Hunter, all the while unaware of Taiki and Yuu’s previous Digimon connections. Yet a sinister force lurks with the creation of the DigiQuartz, and the young Hunters will soon realize that the Digimon Hunt is much more than a simple game... -- 21,558 6.43
Digimon Xros Wars: Toki wo Kakeru Shounen Hunter-tachi -- -- Toei Animation -- 25 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Shounen -- Digimon Xros Wars: Toki wo Kakeru Shounen Hunter-tachi Digimon Xros Wars: Toki wo Kakeru Shounen Hunter-tachi -- Digimon Xros Wars: Toki wo Kakeru Shounen Hunter-tachi takes place one year after the defeat of Bagramon and company. Since then, Taiki Kudou and Yuu Amano have formed a basketball team with Yuu’s classmate, Tagiru Akashi. One day, Tagiru discovers a strange area called the DigiQuartz, a strange and unstable realm that exists between the human and digital worlds. He then realises that children all over the world have obtained Xros Loaders as well as Digimon partners to participate in a competition called the 'Digimon Hunt'. -- -- Digimon that wander from the digital world into the DigiQuartz are able to feed off of what negative emotions leak in from the human world. This makes the Digimon stronger at the expense of being extremely violent. As a result, the Digimon Hunters must work to stop these Digimon from wreaking havoc in the human world. Joined by the troublemaking Gumdramon, Tagiru aims to become the top Digimon Hunter, all the while unaware of Taiki and Yuu’s previous Digimon connections. Yet a sinister force lurks with the creation of the DigiQuartz, and the young Hunters will soon realize that the Digimon Hunt is much more than a simple game... -- -- Licensor: -- Flatiron Film Company -- 21,558 6.43
Dimension W -- -- Orange, Studio 3Hz -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Seinen -- Dimension W Dimension W -- In the near future, humans have discovered a fourth dimension, Dimension W, and a supposedly infinite source of energy within. In order to harness this profound new energy, mankind develops advanced "coils," devices that link to and use the power of Dimension W. However, by year 2071, the New Tesla Energy corporation has monopolized the energy industry with coils, soon leading to the illegal distribution of unofficial coils that begin flooding the markets. -- -- Kyouma Mabuchi is an ex-soldier who is wary of all coil-based technology to the extent that he still drives a gas-powered car. Kyouma is a "Collector," individuals with the sole duty of hunting down illegal coils in exchange for money. What started out as just any other mission is turned on its head when he bumps in Mira Yurizaki, an android with a connection to the "father" of coils. When a series of strange events begin to take place, these two unlikely allies band together to uncover the mysteries of Dimension W. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 258,136 7.21
Donten ni Warau Gaiden: Ouka, Tenbou no Kakehashi -- -- Blade, Wit Studio -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Historical Supernatural -- Donten ni Warau Gaiden: Ouka, Tenbou no Kakehashi Donten ni Warau Gaiden: Ouka, Tenbou no Kakehashi -- The three brothers discover that the human experiment banned after destroying the "Orochi", is still going on to secretly revive the evil snake. They also find out that some ex-members of the Yamainu (the Japanese military unit formed to kill the snake) are behind this conspiracy. The brothers fight together again in a battle against the military. -- -- (Source: Amazon Prime Video) -- Movie - Sep 1, 2018 -- 7,154 7.21
Dorohedoro: Ma no Omake -- -- MAPPA -- 6 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Horror Fantasy Seinen -- Dorohedoro: Ma no Omake Dorohedoro: Ma no Omake -- Dorohedoro: Ma no Omake further explores the world of sorcerers and the Hole, honing in on what the characters do in their spare time when they are not seeking out their enemies. -- -- Kamen Kakusa -- Fujita attends a mask conjuring ritual in hopes of a Devil bestowing him with an appropriate mask, like the ones his colleagues Noi and Shin possess. Hopefully his offering entices the mask-maker! -- -- Tenpo For You -- Nikaidou, lacking money and forced to sell gyoza on the streets of the Hole, stumbles upon a quaint shop selling tea and sweets. Its owner is the gentle and hospitable Syueron, but it seems the denizens of the Hole bear a grudge against him. -- -- Shitappa Seishun Graffiti -- Intrigued by the photographs hanging around the mansion, Ebisu approaches En hoping for a portrait of her own. However, she is disappointed to find that only members of the En Family can have their pictures taken. -- -- Anata no Shiranai Gyoza no Kai -- The Gyoza Fairy keeps the Hungry Bug in pristine condition, but his primary responsibility is ensuring the gyoza tastes good. So he becomes rather agitated when Nikaidou's customers do not properly enjoy their meals. -- -- Odoru Ma no Utage -- En is enthusiastic about his masquerade ball and is adamant on his family's participation. Per tradition, attendees must choose a partner and dance to appease the Devils. To their horror, they discover that failing to do so may incur nasty consequences! -- -- Yokaze ni Fukarete Ooba Kinenbi -- Nikaidou gives detailed instructions on preparing oba gyoza and Kaiman is eager to help! -- -- Special - Jun 17, 2020 -- 29,004 7.11
Doukyuusei (Movie) -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Slice of Life Romance School Shounen Ai -- Doukyuusei (Movie) Doukyuusei (Movie) -- Hikaru Kusakabe is a normal, carefree boy in a rock band who is always focused on the present. During the summer, his entire class is forced to participate in an upcoming chorus festival. By coincidence, he discovers his classmate Rihito Sajou—known for being an honor student with excellent grades—practicing his singing alone. Sajou just cannot seem to get their class' song right, and Kusakabe, delighted at seeing a new side of his straight-laced classmate, offers to help him prepare for the event. -- -- Although their lives and personalities are total opposites, they begin to grow closer as time progresses. But with the pressure of an unknown future, what will become of them and their growing relationship? -- -- Movie - Feb 20, 2016 -- 172,090 8.32
Douluo Dalu -- -- Sparkly Key Animation Studio -- 26 eps -- Novel -- Action Adventure Fantasy Historical Martial Arts Romance -- Douluo Dalu Douluo Dalu -- Tang San is one of Tang Sect martial art clan's most prestigious disciples and peerless in the use of hidden weapons. With high expectations, the sect's elders believe his future will be bright; yet Tang chooses to forsake this life at the cost of obtaining the sect's forbidden lore—an action punishable by death. Tang, now content with his ascension of knowledge, sees no reason to keep on living and jumps from Hell's Peak, but little did he know that that would not be the end of his existence. -- -- In Douluo Continent, the strong prevail and the weak perish. Each person possesses an innate spirit, some of which can be cultivated and strengthened, bestowing its user with various benefits. Those who were born with such spirits can become Spirit Masters, a profession regarded as one of the continent's most noble. -- -- Tang, reincarnated into this strange world, knows only the life of a blacksmith's son. At the age of six, he takes part in the Spirit Master ceremony, and discovers his spirit is Blue Silver Grass—supposedly the world's most useless spirit. In contrast, however, he possesses strong spirit power. Now, aided by the memories of his previous life as well, Tang's future as a Spirit Master is in no way bleak. -- -- ONA - Jan 20, 2018 -- 16,164 7.87
Dragon Ball GT -- -- Toei Animation -- 64 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Super Power Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Dragon Ball GT Dragon Ball GT -- Emperor Pilaf finally has his hands on the Black Star Dragon Balls after years of searching, which are said to be twice as powerful as Earth's normal ones. Pilaf is about to make his wish for world domination when he is interrupted by Gokuu Son. As a result, Pilaf flubs his wish and accidentally turns Gokuu back into a child. -- -- After the wish is granted, the Black Star Dragon Balls scatter across the galaxy. However, Gokuu discovers that they will cause the Earth to explode unless they are all brought back within a year. Uniting with his granddaughter Pan and a young adult Trunks, Gokuu sets off on an adventure through the universe to find the Black Star Dragon Balls and save his planet from destruction. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 492,730 6.47
Dragon Ball Z Movie 06: Gekitotsu!! 100-oku Power no Senshi-tachi -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Fantasy Shounen -- Dragon Ball Z Movie 06: Gekitotsu!! 100-oku Power no Senshi-tachi Dragon Ball Z Movie 06: Gekitotsu!! 100-oku Power no Senshi-tachi -- A mysterious entity known as the "Big Gete Star" clings onto planet New Namek to absorb its energy, putting all Namekians in grave danger. Dende, Earth's new guardian, learns about the prevailing situation in his homeland and quickly requests Gokuu Son and his friends for help. -- -- Upon arrival in New Namek, they discover that the Namekians are held captive by powerful robots, whose leader turns out to be Cooler. He explains that the advanced technology of the Big Gete Star saved him from what otherwise would have been certain death. Alongside his mechanical army, Cooler proceeds to attack Gokuu and his friends to get rid of them once and for all. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Mar 7, 1992 -- 100,803 6.82
Dragon Ball Z Movie 06: Gekitotsu!! 100-oku Power no Senshi-tachi -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Fantasy Shounen -- Dragon Ball Z Movie 06: Gekitotsu!! 100-oku Power no Senshi-tachi Dragon Ball Z Movie 06: Gekitotsu!! 100-oku Power no Senshi-tachi -- A mysterious entity known as the "Big Gete Star" clings onto planet New Namek to absorb its energy, putting all Namekians in grave danger. Dende, Earth's new guardian, learns about the prevailing situation in his homeland and quickly requests Gokuu Son and his friends for help. -- -- Upon arrival in New Namek, they discover that the Namekians are held captive by powerful robots, whose leader turns out to be Cooler. He explains that the advanced technology of the Big Gete Star saved him from what otherwise would have been certain death. Alongside his mechanical army, Cooler proceeds to attack Gokuu and his friends to get rid of them once and for all. -- -- Movie - Mar 7, 1992 -- 100,803 6.82
Dragon Ball Z Movie 13: Ryuuken Bakuhatsu!! Gokuu ga Yaraneba Dare ga Yaru -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Sci-Fi Shounen -- Dragon Ball Z Movie 13: Ryuuken Bakuhatsu!! Gokuu ga Yaraneba Dare ga Yaru Dragon Ball Z Movie 13: Ryuuken Bakuhatsu!! Gokuu ga Yaraneba Dare ga Yaru -- The Z Warriors discover an unopenable music box and are told to open it with the dragon balls. The contents turn out to be a warrior named Tapion who had sealed himself inside along with a monster called Hildegarn. Goku must now perfect a new technique to defeat the evil monster. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Jul 15, 1995 -- 100,423 7.33
Dragon Ball Z Movie 13: Ryuuken Bakuhatsu!! Gokuu ga Yaraneba Dare ga Yaru -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Sci-Fi Shounen -- Dragon Ball Z Movie 13: Ryuuken Bakuhatsu!! Gokuu ga Yaraneba Dare ga Yaru Dragon Ball Z Movie 13: Ryuuken Bakuhatsu!! Gokuu ga Yaraneba Dare ga Yaru -- The Z Warriors discover an unopenable music box and are told to open it with the dragon balls. The contents turn out to be a warrior named Tapion who had sealed himself inside along with a monster called Hildegarn. Goku must now perfect a new technique to defeat the evil monster. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Jul 15, 1995 -- 100,423 7.33
Dragon Ball Z Movie 14: Kami to Kami -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Super Power Martial Arts Fantasy Shounen -- Dragon Ball Z Movie 14: Kami to Kami Dragon Ball Z Movie 14: Kami to Kami -- Following the defeat of a great adversary, Gokuu Son and his friends live peaceful lives on Earth. Meanwhile, in space, Beerus the God of Destruction awakens from his long slumber, having dreamed of an entity known as a Super Saiyan God. With the help of his assistant, Whis, Beerus looks for this powerful being, as he wishes to fight a worthy opponent. After discovering that the Saiyan home planet was destroyed, he tracks down the remaining Saiyans on Earth, looking for Gokuu specifically. -- -- Having only heard of the Super Saiyan God in legends, Gokuu and his comrades summon Shen Long the Eternal Dragon, who they find out is afraid of Beerus. After learning the secret of the Super Saiyan God, an intense battle between Gokuu and Beerus commences, the immense power of which puts the Earth in terrible danger. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Mar 30, 2013 -- 161,588 7.40
Dragon Ball Z Movie 14: Kami to Kami -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Super Power Martial Arts Fantasy Shounen -- Dragon Ball Z Movie 14: Kami to Kami Dragon Ball Z Movie 14: Kami to Kami -- Following the defeat of a great adversary, Gokuu Son and his friends live peaceful lives on Earth. Meanwhile, in space, Beerus the God of Destruction awakens from his long slumber, having dreamed of an entity known as a Super Saiyan God. With the help of his assistant, Whis, Beerus looks for this powerful being, as he wishes to fight a worthy opponent. After discovering that the Saiyan home planet was destroyed, he tracks down the remaining Saiyans on Earth, looking for Gokuu specifically. -- -- Having only heard of the Super Saiyan God in legends, Gokuu and his comrades summon Shen Long the Eternal Dragon, who they find out is afraid of Beerus. After learning the secret of the Super Saiyan God, an intense battle between Gokuu and Beerus commences, the immense power of which puts the Earth in terrible danger. -- -- Movie - Mar 30, 2013 -- 161,588 7.40
Dragon Drive -- -- Madhouse -- 38 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Fantasy School Shounen -- Dragon Drive Dragon Drive -- If there's one word to describe Reiji Ozora, it would be "quitter." He can never find the motivation to finish anything, and loses interest at the drop of a hat. This all changes when his best friend Maiko introduces him to the new game "Dragon Drive." -- -- In this virtual reality game, each player is assigned a dragon tailored to match their personality and strength. Reiji hopes for a big, strong, scary beast, but instead, he is stuck with Chibi, a cute, friendly-looking dragon smaller than he is. How disappointing—except it turns out that Chibi is the rarest dragon of them all! -- -- Reiji finally discovers something he can remain interested in, and works hard to train both himself and his newfound friend. Soon this training will be put to use to save the world, for there are people who have dark aspirations for Dragon Drive! -- 20,453 6.72
Dragon Drive -- -- Madhouse -- 38 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Fantasy School Shounen -- Dragon Drive Dragon Drive -- If there's one word to describe Reiji Ozora, it would be "quitter." He can never find the motivation to finish anything, and loses interest at the drop of a hat. This all changes when his best friend Maiko introduces him to the new game "Dragon Drive." -- -- In this virtual reality game, each player is assigned a dragon tailored to match their personality and strength. Reiji hopes for a big, strong, scary beast, but instead, he is stuck with Chibi, a cute, friendly-looking dragon smaller than he is. How disappointing—except it turns out that Chibi is the rarest dragon of them all! -- -- Reiji finally discovers something he can remain interested in, and works hard to train both himself and his newfound friend. Soon this training will be put to use to save the world, for there are people who have dark aspirations for Dragon Drive! -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- 20,453 6.72
Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibouken (2020) -- -- Toei Animation -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Fantasy Shounen -- Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibouken (2020) Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibouken (2020) -- A long time ago, there was a valiant swordsman who came to be known simply as "the hero." There was a demon who has caused people suffering. The hero and his companions arrived to challenge the demon to a battle and by combining their powers, the battle was brought swift conclusion. With no one around to cause trouble, the island became a quiet place where everyone could live together in peace. -- -- Several years later, the demon is revived. Our present-day protagonist, Dai, lives on a remote island in the southern seas and dreams of becoming a great hero. When he hears about the demon's revival, Dai and his friends take it upon themselves to stop him and the evil force that revived him. Along the way, Dai discovers the identity of "the hero," the truth behind the evil force who revived the demon, and Dai's own hidden powers that surface in times of peril. -- -- (Source: MU, edited) -- 44,669 7.08
Durarara!! Specials -- -- Brain's Base -- 2 eps -- Light novel -- Action Comedy Supernatural -- Durarara!! Specials Durarara!! Specials -- Celty Sturluson is tasked to deliver a suspicious red handbag as part of her courier duties—the problem is: it is being sought by several organizations. As she makes her way through Ikebukuro toward the place the bag is supposed to be brought to, she is chased by mysterious men speaking a foreign language, and her package ends up dragging many of the city's residents into the conflict. -- -- Subsequently, famous actor Yuuhei Hanejima has just arrived in Ikebukuro as part of a special TV program, searching for the best couple to give them a chance to appear in one of his movies. However, Yuuhei Hanejima is actually a stage name for Kasuka Heiwajima, Shizuo's younger brother, and when an anonymous internet user threatens to kill the superstar, this user learns the weight of what that relationship means. Moreover, Shizuo discovers that the one responsible for the attempted attack is the meddlesome pest that he loathes with a burning passion. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Special - Aug 25, 2010 -- 151,205 7.89
Durarara!! Specials -- -- Brain's Base -- 2 eps -- Light novel -- Action Comedy Supernatural -- Durarara!! Specials Durarara!! Specials -- Celty Sturluson is tasked to deliver a suspicious red handbag as part of her courier duties—the problem is: it is being sought by several organizations. As she makes her way through Ikebukuro toward the place the bag is supposed to be brought to, she is chased by mysterious men speaking a foreign language, and her package ends up dragging many of the city's residents into the conflict. -- -- Subsequently, famous actor Yuuhei Hanejima has just arrived in Ikebukuro as part of a special TV program, searching for the best couple to give them a chance to appear in one of his movies. However, Yuuhei Hanejima is actually a stage name for Kasuka Heiwajima, Shizuo's younger brother, and when an anonymous internet user threatens to kill the superstar, this user learns the weight of what that relationship means. Moreover, Shizuo discovers that the one responsible for the attempted attack is the meddlesome pest that he loathes with a burning passion. -- -- Special - Aug 25, 2010 -- 151,205 7.89
ef: A Tale of Memories. -- -- Shaft -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Mystery Drama Romance -- ef: A Tale of Memories. ef: A Tale of Memories. -- On Christmas Eve, Hiro Hirono runs into Miyako Miyamura, a frivolous girl who "borrows" his bicycle in order to chase down a purse thief. After Hiro finds his bicycle wrecked and Miyako unconscious, the two unexpectedly spend their Christmas Eve together, and when they discover they go to the same high school, their accidental relationship develops even further. This sparks the jealousy of Hiro's childhood friend Kei Shindou, whose pure approach to life catches the eye of Kyosuke Tsutsumi, a womanizing photographer searching for the perfect shot. -- -- Elsewhere, Renji Asou, a boy who dreams of being a girl's knight in shining armor, has a chance encounter with Kei's twin sister—the overly shy Chihiro Shindou, who spends her time reading alone—at an abandoned train station. The two quickly become friends and eventually decide to write a novel together. However, when Renji discovers Chihiro's secret, a disability that causes her to have an eternally ephemeral memory, his childish ideals will be put to the test. -- -- Guided by two mysterious adults, these youths' relationships intertwine in a heart-rending tale of love, rejection, acceptance, and memories. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 223,388 7.94
Enen no Shouboutai -- -- David Production -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Supernatural Shounen -- Enen no Shouboutai Enen no Shouboutai -- Spontaneous Human Combustion: a chaotic phenomenon that has plagued humanity for years, randomly transforming ordinary people into flaming, violent creatures known as Infernals. While Infernals make up the first-generation accounts of Human Combustion, the second and third generations became known as pyrokinetics—people gifted with the ability to manipulate and control their flames while remaining human. To combat the Infernal threat and discover the cause, the Tokyo Armed Forces, Fire Defense Agency, and Holy Church of Sol produced their answer: the Special Fire Force. -- -- Young and eager third-generation pyrokinetic Shinra Kusakabe, nicknamed Devil's Footprints for his explosive ability to ignite his feet at will, becomes a member of the lively Special Fire Force Company 8. Upholding the brigade's duty to extinguish the blazing Infernals and lay their souls to rest, Shinra is determined to become a hero who will save the lives of those threatened by the flame terror. -- -- However, this is not the hero's game Shinra imagined. The Fire Force is a fractured mess of feuding brigades, abnormal Infernal sightings are increasing all over Tokyo, and a shadowy group is claiming to have answers to the strange fire that caused the death of Shinra's family 12 years ago. Faced with many obstacles within and outside the Fire Force, Shinra fights to uncover the truth behind the burning mysteries that have kept him in the dark. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 779,039 7.67
Erementar Gerad -- -- Xebec -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Super Power Magic Romance Fantasy Shounen -- Erementar Gerad Erementar Gerad -- After a routine raid, the rookie sky pirate Coud finds a most unusual cargo in his mates' cargo hold: Ren, an "Edel Reid", a race prized by humans for granting special combat power to their partners through "Reacting". He quickly discovers, however, that Ren is even more prized than he expected. The pirate ship is visited by three members of the Edel Reid Complete Protection Agency "Arc Aire", who try to purchase her. When Coud refuses, the ship is suddenly attacked by a mysterious force, and Coud's captain charges him with Ren's protection. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 86,185 7.29
Erementar Gerad -- -- Xebec -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Super Power Magic Romance Fantasy Shounen -- Erementar Gerad Erementar Gerad -- After a routine raid, the rookie sky pirate Coud finds a most unusual cargo in his mates' cargo hold: Ren, an "Edel Reid", a race prized by humans for granting special combat power to their partners through "Reacting". He quickly discovers, however, that Ren is even more prized than he expected. The pirate ship is visited by three members of the Edel Reid Complete Protection Agency "Arc Aire", who try to purchase her. When Coud refuses, the ship is suddenly attacked by a mysterious force, and Coud's captain charges him with Ren's protection. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- 86,185 7.29
Ergo Proxy -- -- Manglobe -- 23 eps -- Original -- Psychological Mystery Sci-Fi -- Ergo Proxy Ergo Proxy -- Within the domed city of Romdo lies one of the last human civilizations on Earth. Thousands of years ago, a global ecological catastrophe doomed the planet; now, life outside these domes is virtually impossible. To expedite mankind's recovery, "AutoReivs," humanoid-like robots, have been created to assist people in their day-to-day lives. However, AutoReivs have begun contracting an enigmatic disease called the "Cogito Virus" which grants them self-awareness. Re-l Mayer, granddaughter of Romdo's ruler, is assigned to investigate this phenomenon alongside her AutoReiv partner Iggy. But what begins as a routine investigation quickly spirals into a conspiracy as Re-l is confronted by humanity's darkest sins. -- -- Elsewhere in Romdo, an AutoReiv specialist by the name of Vincent Law must also face his demons when surreal events begin occurring around him. Re-l, Iggy, Vincent, and the child AutoReiv named Pino, will form an unlikely faction as they struggle to uncover Romdo's mysteries and ultimately, discover the true purpose of the mythical beings called "Proxies." -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- 494,821 7.92
Escha & Logy no Atelier: Tasogare no Sora no Renkinjutsushi -- -- Studio Gokumi -- 12 eps -- Game -- Fantasy -- Escha & Logy no Atelier: Tasogare no Sora no Renkinjutsushi Escha & Logy no Atelier: Tasogare no Sora no Renkinjutsushi -- This world has gone through many Dusks, and is slowly nearing its end. Within this world, in the western reaches of the "Land of Dusk," there was a nation that prospered thanks to its use of alchemy. -- -- There, in order to survive the eventual arrival of the "Dusk End," the people devoted their efforts to rediscover and recreate lost alchemic technologies. Rediscovered technology from the past era was gathered in the alchemy research city known as "Central," where research was conducted on how to halt the advance of the twilight. -- -- One of the heroes is a young man who researched alchemy in Central, the other a girl living in a small town on the frontier. This girl's name is Escha. In the process of using her knowledge of ancient alchemy to help others, she was assigned to the Development Department. The young man's name is Logy. Having learned the newest alchemic techniques in Central, he requested a transfer to this understaffed town to make use of his abilities, and meets Escha when he is assigned to the Development Department as well. The two make a promise to use their alchemy together, and bring success to the Development Department. -- -- (Source: Tecmo Koei Europe) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 10, 2014 -- 55,103 6.44
Etotama -- -- Encourage Films, Shirogumi -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Fantasy -- Etotama Etotama -- Every 60 years, the heavens conduct a sacred ritual called ETM12. This custom involves selecting worthy Eto-musume—celestial beings representing different animals—to become one of the members of the Chinese zodiac, or Eto-shin. However, since the first ETM12 two thousand years ago, the original batch of Eto-shin reigns with no one being able to replace them. -- -- Nyaa-tan is a cat Eto-musume who aspires to become a member of the zodiac in the ongoing ETM12. Fulfilling her ambition requires her to secure 12 seals, one for each Eto-shin. To that end, she must win various types of battles using Sol/Lull—divine energy created by people's positive emotions. This task is not easy however, as her powers as an Eto-musume are far below the abilities of a single Eto-shin. As such, she needs a constant source of energy. -- -- But in a chance encounter, Nyaa-tan meets Takeru Amato, a man who has just transferred to the apartment where she is secretly staying. To Nyaa-tan's delight, Takeru discovers that he gives out high quality Sol/Lull—something that sets him apart from most people. With this, the story of Takeru and Nyaa-tan begins. As Takeru supports Nyaa-tan in her dreams, he meets the Eto-shin and begins to uncover a mysterious past. -- -- 70,946 6.84
Etotama -- -- Encourage Films, Shirogumi -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Fantasy -- Etotama Etotama -- Every 60 years, the heavens conduct a sacred ritual called ETM12. This custom involves selecting worthy Eto-musume—celestial beings representing different animals—to become one of the members of the Chinese zodiac, or Eto-shin. However, since the first ETM12 two thousand years ago, the original batch of Eto-shin reigns with no one being able to replace them. -- -- Nyaa-tan is a cat Eto-musume who aspires to become a member of the zodiac in the ongoing ETM12. Fulfilling her ambition requires her to secure 12 seals, one for each Eto-shin. To that end, she must win various types of battles using Sol/Lull—divine energy created by people's positive emotions. This task is not easy however, as her powers as an Eto-musume are far below the abilities of a single Eto-shin. As such, she needs a constant source of energy. -- -- But in a chance encounter, Nyaa-tan meets Takeru Amato, a man who has just transferred to the apartment where she is secretly staying. To Nyaa-tan's delight, Takeru discovers that he gives out high quality Sol/Lull—something that sets him apart from most people. With this, the story of Takeru and Nyaa-tan begins. As Takeru supports Nyaa-tan in her dreams, he meets the Eto-shin and begins to uncover a mysterious past. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Ponycan USA -- 70,946 6.84
Eve no Jikan -- -- Studio Rikka -- 6 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Slice of Life -- Eve no Jikan Eve no Jikan -- In future Japan, in a time when android housekeepers have become commonplace, society strictly abides by the Three Laws of Robotics, which all androids must follow. Under the influence of the Robot Ethics Committee, androids are treated the same way as lesser technology, such as household appliances. However, a minority with an adoration for androids exists, categorized as "android-holics," and are shunned by the general public. -- -- Rikuo Sakisaka was raised to accept society's precept about androids, and is perfectly aware that they are not human. That is, until the day he discovers a strange message buried within the activity logs of his household android, Sammy. This leads him to Eve no Jikan, a cafe with only one rule that its patrons must adhere to: there must be no distinction made between humans and androids. Curiosity drives Rikuo to learn more about the shop, and he attempts to unearth the reason behind Sammy's peculiar behavior. -- -- ONA - Aug 1, 2008 -- 156,275 8.07
Fairy Tail x Rave -- -- A-1 Pictures, Satelight -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Magic Shounen -- Fairy Tail x Rave Fairy Tail x Rave -- While on a mission to find and defeat a troublesome mage, several members of the Fairy Tail guild are split up in an unfamiliar town. At the same time, Haru, Elie, and the rest of their group are also separated. In a fortunate turn of events, Elie runs into Lucy and Happy, who are looking for Natsu. Meanwhile, Haru stumbles upon Natsu, who is struggling with motion sickness. Although she seems friendly, Elie matches the description of the troublemaker that the Fairy Tail members were assigned to locate. To make matters worse, Natsu learns of Haru's relationship with her and suspects them to be accomplices. -- -- In this crossover between two popular series, Fairy Tail x Rave follows the two groups as they discover their similarities with each other. As the miscommunications add up, they are pitted against one another in a heated clash of powers, but will have to work together against a common foe. -- -- OVA - Aug 16, 2013 -- 106,107 7.19
Fate/Grand Order: First Order -- -- Lay-duce -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Fate/Grand Order: First Order Fate/Grand Order: First Order -- In 2015, the Chaldea Security Organization draws on experts of both the magical and mundane fields to observe the future of mankind for possible extinction events. Humanity's survival seems assured for the next century—until the verdict suddenly changes, and now eradication of the species awaits at the end of 2016. The cause is unknown, but appears to be linked with the Japanese town of Fuyuki and the events of 2004 during the Fifth Holy Grail War. -- -- In response, Chaldea harnesses an experimental means of time travel, the Rayshift technology. With it, Ritsuka Fujimaru, a young man newly recruited to the organization, and the mysterious girl Mash Kyrielight, can travel back to 2004 and discover how to save humanity. A grand order to fight fate has been declared—an order to change the past and restore the future. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Special - Dec 31, 2016 -- 144,880 6.77
Fate/Grand Order: First Order -- -- Lay-duce -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Fate/Grand Order: First Order Fate/Grand Order: First Order -- In 2015, the Chaldea Security Organization draws on experts of both the magical and mundane fields to observe the future of mankind for possible extinction events. Humanity's survival seems assured for the next century—until the verdict suddenly changes, and now eradication of the species awaits at the end of 2016. The cause is unknown, but appears to be linked with the Japanese town of Fuyuki and the events of 2004 during the Fifth Holy Grail War. -- -- In response, Chaldea harnesses an experimental means of time travel, the Rayshift technology. With it, Ritsuka Fujimaru, a young man newly recruited to the organization, and the mysterious girl Mash Kyrielight, can travel back to 2004 and discover how to save humanity. A grand order to fight fate has been declared—an order to change the past and restore the future. -- -- Special - Dec 31, 2016 -- 144,880 6.77
Fate/Grand Order: Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot 2 - Paladin; Agateram -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Fate/Grand Order: Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot 2 - Paladin; Agateram Fate/Grand Order: Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot 2 - Paladin; Agateram -- Part two of Fate/Grand Order: Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot - Wandering; Agateram; an adaptation of the the Sixth Holy Grail War, The Sacred Round Table Realm Camelot Singularity of Fate/Grand Order. -- -- (Source: TYPE-MOON Wiki) -- Movie - May 8, 2021 -- 29,606 N/A -- -- Smile Precure! -- -- Toei Animation -- 48 eps -- Original -- Action Magic Fantasy Shoujo -- Smile Precure! Smile Precure! -- To teenager Miyuki Hoshizora, fairy tales are a world of wondrous encounters and happy endings. Inspired by her love for these stories, she lives every day searching for happiness. While running late on her first day of school as a transfer student, Miyuki meets Candy—a mysterious fairy from the world of fairy tales, Märchenland. However, when Candy disappears as quickly as she appeared, Miyuki is left believing the encounter was only a dream. -- -- After an eventful first day, Miyuki finds a mysterious library at school. While combing through the bookshelves, she is transported next to Candy, who claims to be searching for the so-called legendary warriors, Precure. When forced to protect Candy's and everyone else's happiness, Miyuki transforms into "Cure Happy," one of the Precure warriors! As Cure Happy, Miyuki is now tasked with finding the other legendary warriors and protecting the world from destruction, all while possibly discovering her very own happy ending. -- -- 29,388 6.71
Fate/Grand Order: Zettai Majuu Sensen Babylonia -- -- CloverWorks -- 21 eps -- Game -- Action Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Fate/Grand Order: Zettai Majuu Sensen Babylonia Fate/Grand Order: Zettai Majuu Sensen Babylonia -- A.D. 2016, the foundations of humanity have been incinerated by the Mage King Solomon. Chaldea, a secret mages organization with the mission to preserve humanity's future, foresaw mankind's extinction in 2015. Thus commenced the operation to repair the Singularities in history caused by Holy Grails dispersed across time and space—Operation Grand Order. -- -- Using the Rayshift time travel technology, Chaldea's last master Ritsuka Fujimaru and his demi-servant Mash Kyrielight have traveled to and resolved six Singularities. Now, they depart for their most dangerous destination yet: a civilization in the Age of Gods, B.C. 2655 Mesopotamia. Ritsuka and Mash soon discover that Demonic Beasts roam the land, attacking people and towns. Amidst chaos and terror lies humanity's last defense—Uruk, a fortress city that acts as the frontline for the battle against the beasts. The battlefront is commanded by none other than King Gilgamesh, the King of Heroes, who sought aid from Heroic Spirits and took on the role of a mage to protect his city. -- -- Along with Gilgamesh and the summoned servants, Ritsuka and Mash must protect Uruk against the magical beasts' onslaught and defeat the Three Goddess Alliance who aims to eradicate humankind; all the while, a greater threat looms over Uruk, preparing for its awakening. -- -- 173,690 7.94
Fate/Grand Order: Zettai Majuu Sensen Babylonia -- -- CloverWorks -- 21 eps -- Game -- Action Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Fate/Grand Order: Zettai Majuu Sensen Babylonia Fate/Grand Order: Zettai Majuu Sensen Babylonia -- A.D. 2016, the foundations of humanity have been incinerated by the Mage King Solomon. Chaldea, a secret mages organization with the mission to preserve humanity's future, foresaw mankind's extinction in 2015. Thus commenced the operation to repair the Singularities in history caused by Holy Grails dispersed across time and space—Operation Grand Order. -- -- Using the Rayshift time travel technology, Chaldea's last master Ritsuka Fujimaru and his demi-servant Mash Kyrielight have traveled to and resolved six Singularities. Now, they depart for their most dangerous destination yet: a civilization in the Age of Gods, B.C. 2655 Mesopotamia. Ritsuka and Mash soon discover that Demonic Beasts roam the land, attacking people and towns. Amidst chaos and terror lies humanity's last defense—Uruk, a fortress city that acts as the frontline for the battle against the beasts. The battlefront is commanded by none other than King Gilgamesh, the King of Heroes, who sought aid from Heroic Spirits and took on the role of a mage to protect his city. -- -- Along with Gilgamesh and the summoned servants, Ritsuka and Mash must protect Uruk against the magical beasts' onslaught and defeat the Three Goddess Alliance who aims to eradicate humankind; all the while, a greater threat looms over Uruk, preparing for its awakening. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 173,690 7.94
Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 2wei! -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Fantasy Magic -- Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 2wei! Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 2wei! -- Another lovely summer goes by for Illyasviel von Einzbern. Taking a break from her magical girl duties, she enjoys her time off after collecting the Class Cards with her best friend Miyu Edelfelt. -- -- However, her break comes to an abrupt end when she and Miyu are abducted by Rin Toosaka and Luviagelita Edelfelt, while out with her friends. The magical girls learn that their work is far from over, as Clock Tower informs them that the out of control mana thought to have been sealed continues to be dispersing throughout Fuyuki City. After heading to the origin point of the out of control mana, Illya and Miyu are tasked with solving the anomaly. -- -- But after casting their spell, Illyasviel discovers that she's split into two people! As this mysterious new form darts off, she can only wonder: what is to come from the existence of her dopplegänger, running amok in the unsuspecting town? -- -- 128,717 7.29
Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 2wei! -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Fantasy Magic -- Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 2wei! Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 2wei! -- Another lovely summer goes by for Illyasviel von Einzbern. Taking a break from her magical girl duties, she enjoys her time off after collecting the Class Cards with her best friend Miyu Edelfelt. -- -- However, her break comes to an abrupt end when she and Miyu are abducted by Rin Toosaka and Luviagelita Edelfelt, while out with her friends. The magical girls learn that their work is far from over, as Clock Tower informs them that the out of control mana thought to have been sealed continues to be dispersing throughout Fuyuki City. After heading to the origin point of the out of control mana, Illya and Miyu are tasked with solving the anomaly. -- -- But after casting their spell, Illyasviel discovers that she's split into two people! As this mysterious new form darts off, she can only wonder: what is to come from the existence of her dopplegänger, running amok in the unsuspecting town? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 128,717 7.29
Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 3rei!! -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Fantasy Magic -- Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 3rei!! Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 3rei!! -- Waking up to find herself in a parallel version of Fuyuki City, Illyasviel "Illya" von Einzbern is lost and alone. She discovers her home in ruins, with a massive crater lying in the center of her hometown. With snow falling in the middle of summer, confusion consumes the young elementary schooler, who has no knowledge of where her friends or her wand Ruby may be. -- -- Making it to the remains of her house, she is suddenly tackled by an amnesiac girl. Wearing a gym uniform as the icy temperature sets in, the mysterious girl has no idea of where she is or why she showed up. However, this stranger, known as Tanaka, apparently has information about the location of Rin Toosaka, Miyu Edelfelt, and the rest of Illya's missing friends. -- -- Fleeing from agents of the Ainsworth family⁠—those in control of this parallel realm—where will these two end up, and how will Illya restore the present back to the world she once knew? -- -- 96,521 7.55
Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - III. Spring Song -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Action Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - III. Spring Song Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - III. Spring Song -- The Fifth Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City has reached a turning point in which the lives of all participants are threatened as the hidden enemy finally reveals itself. As Shirou Emiya, Rin Toosaka, and Illyasviel von Einzbern discover the true, corruptive nature of the shadow that has been rampaging throughout the city, they realize just how dire the situation is. In order to protect their beloved ones, the group must hold their own against the seemingly insurmountable enemy force—even if some of those foes were once their allies, or perhaps, something more intimate. -- -- As the final act of this chaotic war commences, the ideals Shirou believes will soon be challenged by an excruciating dilemma: is it really possible to save a world where everything seems to have gone wrong? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Aug 15, 2020 -- 160,987 8.84
Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - III. Spring Song -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Action Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - III. Spring Song Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - III. Spring Song -- The Fifth Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City has reached a turning point in which the lives of all participants are threatened as the hidden enemy finally reveals itself. As Shirou Emiya, Rin Toosaka, and Illyasviel von Einzbern discover the true, corruptive nature of the shadow that has been rampaging throughout the city, they realize just how dire the situation is. In order to protect their beloved ones, the group must hold their own against the seemingly insurmountable enemy force—even if some of those foes were once their allies, or perhaps, something more intimate. -- -- As the final act of this chaotic war commences, the ideals Shirou believes will soon be challenged by an excruciating dilemma: is it really possible to save a world where everything seems to have gone wrong? -- -- Movie - Aug 15, 2020 -- 160,987 8.84
Final Fantasy VII: Last Order -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Adventure Drama Fantasy Sci-Fi -- Final Fantasy VII: Last Order Final Fantasy VII: Last Order -- With reports of monsters terrorizing the reactor at Mount Nibel, the Shinra Electric Power Company dispatches their elite fighting force SOLDIER to investigate. Accompanied by fellow SOLDIER First Class Zack Fair and a small contingent of company guards, the war hero Sephiroth is to assess the condition of the Mako reactor at the behest of the company. In Nibelheim, the village that the reactor powers, Sephiroth discovers the source of the monsters and the origins of Shinra's legendary Jenova Project. -- -- Running through the woods months later, Zack is no longer the hero he once dreamt of becoming. He flees from the General Affairs Department of the Shinra Electric Power Company, better known as the Turks, who desperately seek to bury the evidence living within the two. -- -- Special - Sep 14, 2005 -- 60,821 7.33
Final Fantasy VII: On the Way to a Smile - Episode: Denzel -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Action Fantasy Super Power -- Final Fantasy VII: On the Way to a Smile - Episode: Denzel Final Fantasy VII: On the Way to a Smile - Episode: Denzel -- After the three-pronged conflict between tyrannical electric company Shinra, rebel group Avalanche, and the maniacal Sephiroth, the damaged planet slowly heals its wounds. A rural town dubbed Edge sprouts up on the outskirts of Midgar's ruins. Reeve Tuesti, former Head of Urban Development at Shinra, interviews a young boy named Denzel for potential membership in Reeve's World Regenesis Organization, a group devoted to the restoration and protection of the planet. -- -- Denzel recounts his tragic history to Reeve, detailing how the aftermath of the heroic Avalanche's actions laid waste to Midgar and took the lives of everyone the boy knew. Through reminiscing to Reeve, Denzel discovers a newfound purpose. -- -- OVA - Apr 16, 2009 -- 23,906 7.12
Fortune Arterial: Akai Yakusoku -- -- feel., Zexcs -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Comedy Romance School Supernatural Vampire -- Fortune Arterial: Akai Yakusoku Fortune Arterial: Akai Yakusoku -- Fortune Arterial's story revolves around the male protagonist Kohei Hasekura, who transfers into a prestigious public school in the style of an English six-year school encompassing junior-high and high school students. The school is on an island named Tamatsu Island off-shore from mainland Japan, and the only way to get there is by boat. Soon after transferring, he discovers that one of the student in the class next door to his, Sendo Erika, is in fact a type of vampire. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- TV - Oct 9, 2010 -- 104,113 6.71
Fractale -- -- A-1 Pictures, Ordet -- 11 eps -- Original -- Adventure Fantasy Sci-Fi -- Fractale Fractale -- The story takes place on an island, where a "Fractale System" is beginning to collapse. One day, Clain finds an injured girl called Phryne under a cliff. She disappears leaving a pendant. Clain sets out for a journey with the girl-shaped avatar Nessa to look for Phryne and discovers the secret of the Fractale System. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 75,122 6.95
Fruits Basket 1st Season -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance Shoujo Slice of Life Supernatural -- Fruits Basket 1st Season Fruits Basket 1st Season -- Tooru Honda has always been fascinated by the story of the Chinese Zodiac that her beloved mother told her as a child. However, a sudden family tragedy changes her life, and subsequent circumstances leave her all alone. Tooru is now forced to live in a tent, but little does she know that her temporary home resides on the private property of the esteemed Souma family. Stumbling upon their home one day, she encounters Shigure, an older Souma cousin, and Yuki, the "prince" of her school. Tooru explains that she lives nearby, but the Soumas eventually discover her well-kept secret of being homeless when they see her walking back to her tent one night. -- -- Things start to look up for Tooru as they kindly offer to take her in after hearing about her situation. But soon after, she is caught up in a fight between Yuki and his hot-tempered cousin, Kyou. While trying to stop them, she learns that the Souma family has a well-kept secret of their own: whenever they are hugged by a member of the opposite sex, they transform into the animals of the Chinese Zodiac. -- -- With this new revelation, Tooru will find that living with the Soumas is an unexpected adventure filled with laughter and romance. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 425,981 8.19
Fruits Basket -- -- Studio Deen -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Supernatural Drama Romance Shoujo -- Fruits Basket Fruits Basket -- After the accident in which she lost her mother, 16-year-old Tooru moves in with her grandfather, but due to his home being renovated, is unable to continue living with him. Claiming she will find someone to stay with but also fearing the criticism of her family and not wanting to burden any of her friends, Tooru resorts to secretly living on her own in a tent in the woods. -- -- One night on her way back from work, she finds her tent buried underneath a landslide. Yuki Souma, the "prince" of her school, and his cousin Shigure Souma, a famous author, stumble across Tooru's situation and invite her to stay with them until her grandfather's home renovations are complete. -- -- Upon arriving at the Souma house, Tooru discovers their secret: if a Souma is hugged by someone of the opposite gender, they temporarily transform into one of the animals of the zodiac! However, this strange phenomenon is no laughing matter; rather, it is a terrible curse that holds a dark history. As she continues her journey, meeting more members of the zodiac family, will Tooru's kindhearted yet resilient nature be enough to prepare her for what lies behind the Souma household's doors? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 439,385 7.69
Fullmetal Alchemist -- -- Bones -- 51 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Magic Military Shounen -- Fullmetal Alchemist Fullmetal Alchemist -- Edward Elric, a young, brilliant alchemist, has lost much in his twelve-year life: when he and his brother Alphonse try to resurrect their dead mother through the forbidden act of human transmutation, Edward loses his brother as well as two of his limbs. With his supreme alchemy skills, Edward binds Alphonse's soul to a large suit of armor. -- -- A year later, Edward, now promoted to the fullmetal alchemist of the state, embarks on a journey with his younger brother to obtain the Philosopher's Stone. The fabled mythical object is rumored to be capable of amplifying an alchemist's abilities by leaps and bounds, thus allowing them to override the fundamental law of alchemy: to gain something, an alchemist must sacrifice something of equal value. Edward hopes to draw into the military's resources to find the fabled stone and restore his and Alphonse's bodies to normal. However, the Elric brothers soon discover that there is more to the legendary stone than meets the eye, as they are led to the epicenter of a far darker battle than they could have ever imagined. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America, Funimation -- 1,197,219 8.15
Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Magic Military Shounen -- Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos -- Chasing a runaway alchemist with strange powers, brothers Edward and Alphonse Elric stumble into the squalid valley of the Milos. The Milosians are an oppressed group that seek to reclaim their holy land from Creta: a militaristic country that forcefully annexed their nation. In the eye of the political storm is a girl named Julia Crichton, who emphatically wishes for the Milos to regain their strength and return to being a nation of peace. -- -- Befriending the girl, Edward and Alphonse find themselves in the midst of a rising resistance that involves the use of the very object they have been seeking all along—the Philosopher's Stone. However, their past experiences with the stone cause them reservation, and the brothers are unwilling to help. -- -- But as they discover the secrets behind Creta's intentions and questionable history, the brothers are drawn into the battle between the rebellious Milos, who desire their liberty, and the Cretan military, who seek absolute power. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Jul 2, 2011 -- 154,554 7.31
Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Magic Military Shounen -- Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos -- Chasing a runaway alchemist with strange powers, brothers Edward and Alphonse Elric stumble into the squalid valley of the Milos. The Milosians are an oppressed group that seek to reclaim their holy land from Creta: a militaristic country that forcefully annexed their nation. In the eye of the political storm is a girl named Julia Crichton, who emphatically wishes for the Milos to regain their strength and return to being a nation of peace. -- -- Befriending the girl, Edward and Alphonse find themselves in the midst of a rising resistance that involves the use of the very object they have been seeking all along—the Philosopher's Stone. However, their past experiences with the stone cause them reservation, and the brothers are unwilling to help. -- -- But as they discover the secrets behind Creta's intentions and questionable history, the brothers are drawn into the battle between the rebellious Milos, who desire their liberty, and the Cretan military, who seek absolute power. -- -- Movie - Jul 2, 2011 -- 154,554 7.31
Full Moon wo Sagashite -- -- Studio Deen -- 52 eps -- Manga -- Music Comedy Supernatural Drama Romance Shoujo -- Full Moon wo Sagashite Full Moon wo Sagashite -- Two years ago, Mitsuki Kouyama's friend, Eichi Sakurai, moved to America before she could confess her feelings to him. Though she cannot contact him, they made a promise to fulfill their respective dreams: Mitsuki wants to become a professional singer, and Eichi an astronomer. She hopes that one day her music will reach him across the world with a brilliance like that of the full moon. -- -- There is just one catch: Mitsuki suffers from throat cancer, which makes her voice quiet and singing strenuous. Her grandmother, who has a hatred of music, insists that Mitsuki undergo surgery to remove the cancer, but she refuses due to the risk of losing her voice. One day, two shinigami—Meroko Yui and Takuto Kira—appear to tell her that she only has one year left to live. This sudden revelation spurs Mitsuki into action, and she decides that with Meroko and Takuto's help, she will become a professional singer in the time she has left. -- -- Full Moon wo Sagashite follows the emotional story of Mitsuki and her shinigami friends as they discover what it means to sing—and ultimately, what it means to live. -- -- 92,649 7.95
Furusato Saisei: Nippon no Mukashibanashi -- -- Tomason -- 258 eps -- Other -- Historical Kids Supernatural -- Furusato Saisei: Nippon no Mukashibanashi Furusato Saisei: Nippon no Mukashibanashi -- Like in any culture, Japanese kids grow up listening to the stories repeatedly told by their parents and grandparents. The boy born from a peach; the princess from the moon who is discovered inside a bamboo; the old man who can make a dead cherry tree blossom, etc. These short stories that teach kids to see both the dark and bright sides of life have passed traditional moral values from generation to generation. -- -- Each half-hour episode of Folktales from Japan consists of three self-contained stories, well-known and unknown, with a special focus on heartwarming stories that originate from Tohoku, the northern region heavily touched by the earthquake of 2011. May this program help cheer up earthquake victims and cast a light of hope for them? -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll) -- 9,749 6.98
Fushigi Yuugi OVA -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Fantasy Romance Comedy Historical Shoujo -- Fushigi Yuugi OVA Fushigi Yuugi OVA -- A year after the events of Fushigi Yuugi, Tamahome is pulled back into the book and is sent on a complicated ride through illusion, confusion, and betrayal. Meanwhile, Yui is acting oddly and Miaka is heartbroken over the loss of Tamahome, while Keisuke and Tetsuya try to discover what is going on with the book. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA, Media Blasters -- OVA - Oct 25, 1996 -- 20,229 7.16
Gakkou no Kaidan -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 19 eps -- Original -- Mystery Horror Supernatural -- Gakkou no Kaidan Gakkou no Kaidan -- Years ago, all of the ghosts in a haunted schoolhouse were banished by a certain student. Now, they're back—and they want revenge... -- -- Satsuki and Keiichirou Miyanoshita are two siblings recovering from the tragic loss of their mother. After moving to their mother's hometown, they learn that the local school they have transferred to is an old building—one said to be haunted. Despite initially brushing it off as a silly rumor, the two soon discover that ghosts are indeed real and that they're after them! Gakkou no Kaidan is the creepy tale of the lives of these siblings and their newfound friends as they try to survive the school's ghosts—with a little help from their pet cat along the way. -- -- 125,502 7.69
Gakkou no Kaidan -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 19 eps -- Original -- Mystery Horror Supernatural -- Gakkou no Kaidan Gakkou no Kaidan -- Years ago, all of the ghosts in a haunted schoolhouse were banished by a certain student. Now, they're back—and they want revenge... -- -- Satsuki and Keiichirou Miyanoshita are two siblings recovering from the tragic loss of their mother. After moving to their mother's hometown, they learn that the local school they have transferred to is an old building—one said to be haunted. Despite initially brushing it off as a silly rumor, the two soon discover that ghosts are indeed real and that they're after them! Gakkou no Kaidan is the creepy tale of the lives of these siblings and their newfound friends as they try to survive the school's ghosts—with a little help from their pet cat along the way. -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Discotek Media -- 125,502 7.69
Gakuen Alice -- -- Group TAC -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Comedy School Shoujo Super Power -- Gakuen Alice Gakuen Alice -- Mikan Sakura is a normal 10-year-old girl. Optimistic, energetic, and overall a very sweet child, Mikan is the complete opposite of the aloof, intelligent, and somewhat cold-hearted, Hotaru Imai. Despite their glaring differences, the two girls have been best friends for a very long time. So when Hotaru suddenly transfers to Alice Academy, a prestigious school in the city, her best friend is devastated—especially when she hears of the horrible rumors regarding the academy's harsh treatment of students. Beset with worry, Mikan runs away to see her best friend! -- -- Upon her arrival, Mikan learns of "Alices," individuals gifted with various supernatural abilities, and that the school is an institution built by the government to train and protect them. Discovering that she has her own unique powers, Mikan enrolls in the academy, and, after a lot of trouble, finally reunites with Hotaru. -- -- Gakuen Alice is a heartwarming comedy that follows Mikan and her friends' adventures in the academy, as well as their attempt to uncover the mysteries surrounding the problematic, fire-wielding student Natsume Hyuuga. -- -- TV - Oct 30, 2004 -- 83,495 7.64
Galerians: Rion -- -- - -- 3 eps -- - -- Adventure Drama Horror Military Mystery Psychological Sci-Fi Shounen Supernatural -- Galerians: Rion Galerians: Rion -- Six years have passed since Rion discovered his own identity as an artificial being, yet succeeded in destroying the genocidal Mother Computer, Dorothy, before perishing himself. Now reactivated by Lilia, Rion awakens to find that Dorothy managed to execute one final catastrophic program, rendering a new evil crew to finish her goal of human annihilation. It is a fully 3D CGI animated OVA based on the hit PlayStation game, called Galerians, released in August, 1999. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- OVA - Apr 24, 2002 -- 2,852 5.48
Galilei Donna -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 11 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure -- Galilei Donna Galilei Donna -- Three sisters, Hozuki, Kazuki, and Hazuki, are descendants of Galileo and have completely different personalities and tastes; they never meet eye-to-eye. One day, the girls are suddenly attacked by a mysterious organization. The organization was after the "Galileo Tesoro" which Galileo Galilei was said to have discovered. Still unaware of what was going on, the sisters escape on the airship they built after the sudden attack. But it won't be so easy for these three sisters to help each other out in a pinch when they're constantly at odds with each other. What is the Tesoro, and what is the organization after? And what about the relationship between the sisters? It's a threesome of cute girls, action, and mystery! -- -- (Source: Fuji Creative) -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Discotek Media -- 49,595 6.43
Gall Force 2: Destruction -- -- AIC, animate Film, Artmic -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space -- Gall Force 2: Destruction Gall Force 2: Destruction -- Lufy, discovered floating lifeless in space, is brought on board a Solnoid cruiser and given another chance at life. Once the hardened warrior, she is shown events that shake her faith (one's own death seems to have a way of changing one's philosophy) and lessening her power as a fighter just as that power is most needed! -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- OVA - Nov 21, 1987 -- 2,606 6.39
Gall Force: Chikyuu Shou -- -- AIC -- 3 eps -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Mecha -- Gall Force: Chikyuu Shou Gall Force: Chikyuu Shou -- The year 2085 and the only winners of the last war were the machines. Years previously the human race discovered the ruins of an ancient ship beneath the moon's surface and used the knowledge gained to create weapons of war. Eventually these weapons turned against mankind, seeing them as a threat and deciding the only way to stop these war loving humans was to destroy them. Heavily influenced by the 1988 Terminator movie, this new series focuses upon Sandy Newman as she leads a band of warriors in an attempt to reclaim the earth from the machines. If they can reach a group of unlaunched nuclear missiles, they can take out the machine`s headquarters located in Australia. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- OVA - Dec 25, 1989 -- 2,272 6.20
Gamers! -- -- Pine Jam -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Game Comedy Romance School -- Gamers! Gamers! -- Keita Amano is a typical high school gamer living out an average student's life. One day, however, he has an unexpected meeting with the cutest girl in school that makes him want to disappear without a trace! -- -- This girl, Karen Tendou, is an exemplary student who is proclaimed to be the school's idol. She discovers that Amano is a gamer, and this newfound knowledge incites a passionate desire within her to recruit him into the game club. Upon visiting the club, Amano is forcefully made aware of a side to gaming wildly different than the one he loves so dearly. -- -- Tendou's interest in Amano begins shaking up what was once an uneventful life, filling it with spontaneity, awkwardness, and a little bit of mayhem. As a result, every day becomes a comical battle for Amano's sanity as he tries to adapt to these wild, unexpected changes. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 482,559 6.88
Garo: Guren no Tsuki -- -- MAPPA -- 23 eps -- Original -- Action Demons Fantasy Magic Supernatural -- Garo: Guren no Tsuki Garo: Guren no Tsuki -- Monsters known as "Horrors" have invaded the world, entering through gates from the Makai Realm of Darkness. These corrupt, demonic creatures have the ability to seize human bodies and feed on their souls. Citizens who are out past sunset will likely never see the sun rise again, but those who live in the capital city have no need to worry—they are protected by a spiritual force field created by the sorcerer group Onmyouji. -- -- In possession of legendary armor, the Golden Knight Raikou proclaims that he will protect everyone from the Horrors. Accompanied by his attendant Kintoki and the mysterious Makai Alchemist Seimei, he strives to become a formidable Makai Knight, but Raikou is ill-prepared to handle the side effects of the armor. Disappointed by his own shortcomings, he sets out on a journey of self-discovery to master his weaknesses and prove his worth. -- -- 27,252 5.89
Garo: Guren no Tsuki -- -- MAPPA -- 23 eps -- Original -- Action Demons Fantasy Magic Supernatural -- Garo: Guren no Tsuki Garo: Guren no Tsuki -- Monsters known as "Horrors" have invaded the world, entering through gates from the Makai Realm of Darkness. These corrupt, demonic creatures have the ability to seize human bodies and feed on their souls. Citizens who are out past sunset will likely never see the sun rise again, but those who live in the capital city have no need to worry—they are protected by a spiritual force field created by the sorcerer group Onmyouji. -- -- In possession of legendary armor, the Golden Knight Raikou proclaims that he will protect everyone from the Horrors. Accompanied by his attendant Kintoki and the mysterious Makai Alchemist Seimei, he strives to become a formidable Makai Knight, but Raikou is ill-prepared to handle the side effects of the armor. Disappointed by his own shortcomings, he sets out on a journey of self-discovery to master his weaknesses and prove his worth. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 27,252 5.89
Gate Keepers -- -- Gonzo -- 24 eps -- Game -- Action Sci-Fi Comedy Fantasy Mecha Shounen -- Gate Keepers Gate Keepers -- Technology, science, and industry—this is 1969 Tokyo, and there is no better time to be alive! But a shadow looms quietly around every corner: "Invaders" have infiltrated the populace, and nobody knows who or what they are. -- -- Only the members of the top-secret agency AEGIS know of their existence. Covertly fighting the enemy is their job, but only those with the ability to open "Gates" to another world can truly defeat them. Within AEGIS is a specialized task force known as the "Gate Keepers." Composed of extraordinary individuals with a variety of Gate-related abilities, they are the only ones who can save humanity from the vicious Invaders plaguing the planet. -- -- Shun Ukiya is an average high school student who lives with his widowed mother and little sister. While on his way home from school one day, he comes across a group of Invaders heading toward his house. In a desperate plight to save his family, Shun discovers he possesses the ability to open a Gate, allowing him to harness massive amounts of energy. With his newfound ability exposed, he catches the attention of AEGIS, and particularly the interest of one of its Gate Keepers, Shun's childhood friend Ruriko Ikusawa. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA -- TV - Apr 3, 2000 -- 19,578 6.95
Gate Keepers -- -- Gonzo -- 24 eps -- Game -- Action Sci-Fi Comedy Fantasy Mecha Shounen -- Gate Keepers Gate Keepers -- Technology, science, and industry—this is 1969 Tokyo, and there is no better time to be alive! But a shadow looms quietly around every corner: "Invaders" have infiltrated the populace, and nobody knows who or what they are. -- -- Only the members of the top-secret agency AEGIS know of their existence. Covertly fighting the enemy is their job, but only those with the ability to open "Gates" to another world can truly defeat them. Within AEGIS is a specialized task force known as the "Gate Keepers." Composed of extraordinary individuals with a variety of Gate-related abilities, they are the only ones who can save humanity from the vicious Invaders plaguing the planet. -- -- Shun Ukiya is an average high school student who lives with his widowed mother and little sister. While on his way home from school one day, he comes across a group of Invaders heading toward his house. In a desperate plight to save his family, Shun discovers he possesses the ability to open a Gate, allowing him to harness massive amounts of energy. With his newfound ability exposed, he catches the attention of AEGIS, and particularly the interest of one of its Gate Keepers, Shun's childhood friend Ruriko Ikusawa. -- -- TV - Apr 3, 2000 -- 19,578 6.95
Gekijou Tanpen Macross Frontier: Toki no Meikyuu -- -- Satelight -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Music Space Romance Mecha -- Gekijou Tanpen Macross Frontier: Toki no Meikyuu Gekijou Tanpen Macross Frontier: Toki no Meikyuu -- Short screened with Macross Δ Movie 2: Zettai Live!!!. -- Movie - ??? ??, 2021 -- 728 N/A -- -- Aoki Uru: Overture -- -- Gainax -- 1 ep -- - -- Military Sci-Fi -- Aoki Uru: Overture Aoki Uru: Overture -- A short special created by a newly launched Uru in Blue LLP (Limited Liability Partnership) in Singapore that was pre-streamed in 2015. Aoki Uru: Overture is a lead up/preview to the full film. -- Special - ??? ??, 2015 -- 712 N/A -- -- Gasshin Sentai Mechander Robo -- -- - -- 35 eps -- - -- Space Mecha Military Mystery Sci-Fi -- Gasshin Sentai Mechander Robo Gasshin Sentai Mechander Robo -- The Doron Empire from the Ganymede System discovered Earth as an ideal world for them to conquer. The interest of expanding the empire came as a result of the power-hungry General Ozmel who overthrew the current reigning Queen Medusa of the Ganymede System as a start of their universal conquest. -- -- Almost completely succumbed to the empire, Earth is at its last days, and one scientist, Dr. Shikishima, had only one hope in restoring Earth from its alien conquerors--- a massive mecha known as the Mechander Robo, specially programmed and designed to battle these invading aliens from complete takeover of Earth. Along with this awesome fighter machine, Dr. Shikishima also recruited three pilots to be placed behind the Mechander Robo's controls--- the mysterious Jimmy Orion, the scientist's son Ryosuke Shikishima, and Kojiro Hachijima. -- -- Although the primary storyline is Earth battling the Doron Empire, there is something within lead pliot Jimmy Orion's past that was somewhat connected towards the entire storyline. -- TV - Mar 3, 1977 -- 699 5.83
Genei wo Kakeru Taiyou -- -- AIC -- 13 eps -- Original -- Magic -- Genei wo Kakeru Taiyou Genei wo Kakeru Taiyou -- Akari Taiyou is an apprentice fortune teller living with her aunt, uncle, and their daughter Fuyuna. Having lost her mother at a young age, the only thing Akari has left of her is a deck of tarot cards and a dream to follow in her footsteps as a fortune teller. -- -- One night, Akari has a dream of being attacked by a plant monster and witnesses a stronger version of herself defeat it. When she awakens, she discovers to her horror that the monster was actually Fuyuna. But mysteriously, Akari and her relatives soon forget Fuyuna ever existed. After another close encounter with a similar monster, she is rescued by three magical girls: Ginka Shirokane, Seira Hoshikawa, and Luna Tsukuyomi. They explain that they are from the Sefiro Fiore organization, which uses Elemental Tarot power to fight the evil creatures known as "Daemonia." -- -- Akari discovers she too is a magical girl and has inherited her mother's power of The Sun card. However, she comes to realize Daemonia are actually people who have been possessed, and she must decide whether to try to save what is left of their humanity or to wipe them from existence. As Akari comes to terms with her grim duty of protecting the world from Daemonia, the bonds of the organization and that of their team will soon be strained when they deal with grave threats from the outside and from within. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 48,475 6.42
Generator Gawl -- -- Tatsunoko Production -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama Sci-Fi Shounen -- Generator Gawl Generator Gawl -- Ryo, Gawl and Koji are 3 young boys who travel back into the past with only 1 objective: change history. In their time they discover that their country, Kubere, uses genetically enhanced persons called generators as a military tool. These generators are the cause for the Third War which kills most of the human population. Now Koji, Ryo and Gawl are there to change all the events. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- 8,331 6.91
Genocyber -- -- Artmic -- 5 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Horror Psychological Mecha -- Genocyber Genocyber -- As the nations of the world begin to merge, world peace is threatened by the private armies of individual corporations. The Kuryu Group has just discovered a weapon that will tip world power in their favor. The Genocyber: a nightmarish combination of cybernetics and psychic potential. Many desire to control this monstrosity, but can its hatred be contained... Battle erupts, and the cyberpunk world of the future is about to explode with violence. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- OVA - Mar 2, 1994 -- 26,832 5.82
Gilgamesh -- -- Group TAC, Japan Vistec -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Drama Fantasy Sci-Fi Supernatural -- Gilgamesh Gilgamesh -- The half-divine King of Uruk, Gilgamesh, was considered but a paltry legend... until his majestic tomb was discovered in the Middle East. This imperial crypt drew scientists from across the globe to the land, and with that came recognition of their fame. In a joint effort, they built Heaven's Gate in pursuit of advancing human knowledge. -- -- One day, a group of terrorists driven by greed attack Heaven's Gate, causing an explosion within the facility for archaeological excavation. The resulting phenomenon had much more impact than anyone could have imagined. -- -- More specifically, it triggered the birth of supernatural beings. In the midst of this mess, two siblings by the names of Kiyoko and Tatsuya encounter mysterious men with supernatural powers who, despite the scientific crisis around them, claim the ability to restore good to the world. Nevertheless, these seemingly heroic and all-powerful creatures act under the rule of factions. Are they here to save the world, or destroy it? -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- TV - Nov 2, 2003 -- 34,423 6.65
Gin no Saji 2nd Season -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Comedy School Shounen Slice of Life -- Gin no Saji 2nd Season Gin no Saji 2nd Season -- As the new semester begins at Ooezo Agricultural High School, Hachiken is now used to the tough lifestyle of a rural, agricultural high school. While Hachiken still wonders what he will do in the future, he continues to discover both the harsh and the beautiful realities of the countryside. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 123,003 8.29
Gin no Saji -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Comedy School Shounen Slice of Life -- Gin no Saji Gin no Saji -- Yuugo Hachiken is studious, hard-working, and tired of trying to live up to expectations he just cannot meet. With the ushering in of a brand new school year, he decides to enrol in Ooezo Agricultural High School, a boarding school located in the Hokkaido countryside, as a means to escape from the stress brought upon by his parents. -- -- Initially convinced that he would do well at this institution, Hachiken is quickly proven wrong by his talented classmates, individuals who have been living on farms their entire lives and know just about everything when it comes to food, vegetables, and even the physiology of livestock! Whether it be waking up at five in the morning for strenuous labor or to take care of farm animals, Hachiken is a complete amateur when it comes to the harsh agricultural life. -- -- Gin no Saji follows the comedic story of a young student as he tries to fit into a completely new environment, meeting many unique people along the way. As he struggles to appreciate his surroundings, Hachiken hopes to discover his dreams, so that he may lead a fulfilling life on his own terms. -- -- 237,416 8.11
Gin no Saji -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Comedy School Shounen Slice of Life -- Gin no Saji Gin no Saji -- Yuugo Hachiken is studious, hard-working, and tired of trying to live up to expectations he just cannot meet. With the ushering in of a brand new school year, he decides to enrol in Ooezo Agricultural High School, a boarding school located in the Hokkaido countryside, as a means to escape from the stress brought upon by his parents. -- -- Initially convinced that he would do well at this institution, Hachiken is quickly proven wrong by his talented classmates, individuals who have been living on farms their entire lives and know just about everything when it comes to food, vegetables, and even the physiology of livestock! Whether it be waking up at five in the morning for strenuous labor or to take care of farm animals, Hachiken is a complete amateur when it comes to the harsh agricultural life. -- -- Gin no Saji follows the comedic story of a young student as he tries to fit into a completely new environment, meeting many unique people along the way. As he struggles to appreciate his surroundings, Hachiken hopes to discover his dreams, so that he may lead a fulfilling life on his own terms. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 237,416 8.11
Gintama° -- -- Bandai Namco Pictures -- 51 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Historical Parody Samurai Sci-Fi Shounen -- Gintama° Gintama° -- Gintoki, Shinpachi, and Kagura return as the fun-loving but broke members of the Yorozuya team! Living in an alternate-reality Edo, where swords are prohibited and alien overlords have conquered Japan, they try to thrive on doing whatever work they can get their hands on. However, Shinpachi and Kagura still haven't been paid... Does Gin-chan really spend all that cash playing pachinko? -- -- Meanwhile, when Gintoki drunkenly staggers home one night, an alien spaceship crashes nearby. A fatally injured crew member emerges from the ship and gives Gintoki a strange, clock-shaped device, warning him that it is incredibly powerful and must be safeguarded. Mistaking it for his alarm clock, Gintoki proceeds to smash the device the next morning and suddenly discovers that the world outside his apartment has come to a standstill. With Kagura and Shinpachi at his side, he sets off to get the device fixed; though, as usual, nothing is ever that simple for the Yorozuya team. -- -- Filled with tongue-in-cheek humor and moments of heartfelt emotion, Gintama's fourth season finds Gintoki and his friends facing both their most hilarious misadventures and most dangerous crises yet. -- -- 428,700 9.09
Gintama° -- -- Bandai Namco Pictures -- 51 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Historical Parody Samurai Sci-Fi Shounen -- Gintama° Gintama° -- Gintoki, Shinpachi, and Kagura return as the fun-loving but broke members of the Yorozuya team! Living in an alternate-reality Edo, where swords are prohibited and alien overlords have conquered Japan, they try to thrive on doing whatever work they can get their hands on. However, Shinpachi and Kagura still haven't been paid... Does Gin-chan really spend all that cash playing pachinko? -- -- Meanwhile, when Gintoki drunkenly staggers home one night, an alien spaceship crashes nearby. A fatally injured crew member emerges from the ship and gives Gintoki a strange, clock-shaped device, warning him that it is incredibly powerful and must be safeguarded. Mistaking it for his alarm clock, Gintoki proceeds to smash the device the next morning and suddenly discovers that the world outside his apartment has come to a standstill. With Kagura and Shinpachi at his side, he sets off to get the device fixed; though, as usual, nothing is ever that simple for the Yorozuya team. -- -- Filled with tongue-in-cheek humor and moments of heartfelt emotion, Gintama's fourth season finds Gintoki and his friends facing both their most hilarious misadventures and most dangerous crises yet. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 428,700 9.09
Gintama' -- -- Sunrise -- 51 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Comedy Historical Parody Samurai Shounen -- Gintama' Gintama' -- After a one-year hiatus, Shinpachi Shimura returns to Edo, only to stumble upon a shocking surprise: Gintoki and Kagura, his fellow Yorozuya members, have become completely different characters! Fleeing from the Yorozuya headquarters in confusion, Shinpachi finds that all the denizens of Edo have undergone impossibly extreme changes, in both appearance and personality. Most unbelievably, his sister Otae has married the Shinsengumi chief and shameless stalker Isao Kondou and is pregnant with their first child. -- -- Bewildered, Shinpachi agrees to join the Shinsengumi at Otae and Kondou's request and finds even more startling transformations afoot both in and out of the ranks of the the organization. However, discovering that Vice Chief Toushirou Hijikata has remained unchanged, Shinpachi and his unlikely Shinsengumi ally set out to return the city of Edo to how they remember it. -- -- With even more dirty jokes, tongue-in-cheek parodies, and shameless references, Gintama' follows the Yorozuya team through more of their misadventures in the vibrant, alien-filled world of Edo. -- -- 384,616 9.07
Gintama Movie 2: Kanketsu-hen - Yorozuya yo Eien Nare -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Comedy Historical Parody Samurai Shounen -- Gintama Movie 2: Kanketsu-hen - Yorozuya yo Eien Nare Gintama Movie 2: Kanketsu-hen - Yorozuya yo Eien Nare -- When Gintoki apprehends a movie pirate at a premiere, he checks the camera's footage and finds himself transported to a bleak, post-apocalyptic version of Edo, where a mysterious epidemic called the "White Plague" has ravished the world's population. It turns out that the movie pirate wasn't a pirate after all—it was an android time machine, and Gintoki has been hurtled five years into the future! Shinpachi and Kagura, his Yorozuya cohorts, have had a falling out and are now battle-hardened solo vigilantes and he himself has been missing for years, disappearing without a trace after scribbling a strange message in his journal. -- -- Setting out in the disguise given to him by the android time machine, Gintoki haphazardly reunites the Yorozuya team to investigate the White Plague, and soon discovers that the key to saving the future lies in the darkness of his own past. Determined to confront a powerful foe, he makes an important discovery—with a ragtag band of friends and allies at his side, he doesn't have to fight alone. -- -- Movie - Jul 6, 2013 -- 177,359 8.95
Glass no Kamen (2005) -- -- Tokyo Movie Shinsha -- 51 eps -- Manga -- Drama Shoujo -- Glass no Kamen (2005) Glass no Kamen (2005) -- Two Girls. One Dream. And the entire world for a stage. -- -- At 13 years old, Maya Kitajima seems destined to spend the rest of her life toiling in a crowded restaurant alongside her bitter and unstable mother. But when her incredible acting talent is discovered by the legendary diva Chigusa Tsukikage, Maya finds a new future filled with both golden opportunities and terrifying risks. -- -- For Ayumi Himekawa, success has always been assured, yet she longs to be recognized for her own talents and skills, not her famous parents' connections. -- -- For both, the ultimate prize is the role of The Crimson Goddess in the play of the same name, a part created by Chigusa. To achieve this goal, both Maya and Ayumi must seek out and conquer every acting challenge, pushing the limits of their talent and endurance to the utmost, until they are worthy of the part… -- -- But for one to win, the other must fail! -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 6, 2005 -- 31,711 8.08
Goblin Slayer 2nd Season -- -- - -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Fantasy -- Goblin Slayer 2nd Season Goblin Slayer 2nd Season -- Second season of Goblin Slayer. -- TV - ??? ??, ???? -- 56,694 N/APersona 3 the Movie 3: Falling Down -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Fantasy Supernatural -- Persona 3 the Movie 3: Falling Down Persona 3 the Movie 3: Falling Down -- As the fall season nears its end, Chidori Yoshino, a member of Strega, abducts Junpei Iori. Meanwhile, Makoto Yuuki and the Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad (SEES) annihilate the Arcana Hanged Man. Soon after, a mysterious playboy named Ryouji Mochizuki transfers into Gekkoukan High School's Class 2-F. -- -- Supposedly having achieved their goal, the members of SEES believe they are free from the battle that has ruthlessly stolen away the lives of their loved ones. And yet, Tartarus and the Dark Hour continue to exist, undeterred by the extermination of the twelfth Shadow. Distraught by their apparent failure, SEES must cope with their personal struggles and discover whose sake they fight for. As Makoto and Junpei's journeys of self-discovery progress, Ryouji's identity and the reason behind Aegis's hate for him become clear. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Apr 4, 2015 -- 56,090 7.61
Godzilla 2: Kessen Kidou Zoushoku Toshi -- -- Polygon Pictures -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Sci-Fi -- Godzilla 2: Kessen Kidou Zoushoku Toshi Godzilla 2: Kessen Kidou Zoushoku Toshi -- By the advent of the 21st century, much of humanity was dead, having been trampled over by a new master, Godzilla. A select few among mankind took to the stars in a spacefaring vessel called the Aratrum in search of "the promised land," the planet Tau-e that could sustain human life. But the migration plan fails, and the remnants of the human race decide to return to Earth. But the distortions in space-time and the distance traveled means that mankind is returning to a completely changed Earth some 20,000 years later. The returnees, led by hero Haruo, prepare to take the fight to Godzilla based on a strategy that has been 20 years in the making. Carried out with the help of two alien species, the Exif and the Bilusaludo, the humans succeed in defeating Godzilla in a costly battle to the death. -- -- But the victory is short-lived. Rising from the depths of the planet is a new breed of monster, dubbed "Godzilla Earth." Evolving for 20,000 years, the creature stands 300 meters high, weighs over 100,000 tons and wields such overwhelmingly destructive power that Haruo and company have no choice but to run for their lives. -- -- Coming to Haruo's rescue, however, is Miana, a member of an aboriginal tribe called the Houtua. They are the first humanoid people the returnees have encountered. Could they descend from humans? "Our tribal god was destroyed by Godzilla. All that we have left are these eggs. Anyone who has tried to fight or resist him has been drowned in fire," the tribespeople say to Haruo, who responds with: "This is our last hope of recovering our home." -- -- Meanwhile, Bilusaludo commander, Galu-gu is elated to discover that the Houtua tribe's arrowheads are made of a nanometal or a self-sustaining metal. It had been developed in the 21st century as an "anti-Godzilla" killer weapon deployed at their decisive battle fought at the foot of Mt. Fuji, but had been destroyed before it could be activated in the form of a "Mecha-Godzilla." The nanometal was its base substance, and proof that the manufacturing plant can still be used. -- -- (Source: Official site) -- Movie - May 18, 2018 -- 30,710 6.64
Golden Kamuy -- -- Geno Studio -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Historical Seinen -- Golden Kamuy Golden Kamuy -- In early 1900s Hokkaido after the Russo-Japanese war, Saichi Sugimoto tirelessly pans for gold. Nicknamed "Sugimoto the Immortal" for his death-defying acts in battle, the ex-soldier seeks fortune in order to fulfill a promise made to his best friend before he was killed in action: to support his family, especially his widow who needs treatment overseas for her deteriorating eyesight. One day, a drunken companion tells Sugimoto the tale of a man who murdered a group of Ainu and stole a fortune in gold. Before his arrest by the police, he hid the gold somewhere in Hokkaido. The only clue to its location is the coded map he tattooed on the bodies of his cellmates in exchange for a share of the treasure, should they manage to escape and find it. -- -- Sugimoto does not think much of the tale until he discovers the drunken man’s corpse bearing the same tattoos described in the story. But before he can collect his thoughts, a grizzly bear—the cause of the man's demise—approaches Sugimoto, intent on finishing her meal. He is saved by a young Ainu girl named Asirpa, whose father happened to be one of the murdered Ainu. With Asirpa's hunting skills and Sugimoto's survival instincts, the pair agree to join forces and find the hidden treasure—one to get back what was rightfully her people's, and the other to fulfill his friend's dying wish. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 235,656 7.83
Golden Time -- -- J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Drama Romance -- Golden Time Golden Time -- Due to a tragic accident, Banri Tada is struck with amnesia, dissolving the memories of his hometown and past. However, after befriending Mitsuo Yanagisawa, he decides to move on and begin a new life at law school in Tokyo. But just as he is beginning to adjust to his college life, the beautiful Kouko Kaga dramatically barges into Banri's life, and their chance meeting marks the beginning of an unforgettable year. -- -- After having a glimpse of college life, Banri learns that he is in a new place and a new world—a place where he can be reborn, have new friends, fall in love, make mistakes, and grow. And as he begins to discover who he was, the path he has chosen leads him towards a blindingly bright life that he will never want to forget. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 734,590 7.77
Go! Princess Precure -- -- Toei Animation -- 50 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Fantasy Magic School Shoujo Slice of Life -- Go! Princess Precure Go! Princess Precure -- Ever since she was young, Haruka Haruno has always aspired to become a princess. Despite being mocked for this seemingly childish wish, Haruka perseveres to make her dream a reality, ultimately culminating in her acceptance into the prestigious Noble Academy—the birthplace of people's fantasies. -- -- When Haruka arrives at her new school, a chance encounter with a pair of magical creatures influences a series of unbelievable events, and Haruka awakens as "Cure Flora," the princess of blooming flowers. After two of Haruka's classmates also transform into legendary princesses, a story of self-discovery unfolds as the newfound team "Princess Precure" carries the responsibility of protecting everyone's dreams. Engaged in a battle between hope and despair, Haruka may find the key toward becoming the princess she has always dreamed to be. -- -- 13,058 7.71
Granblue Fantasy The Animation Season 2 -- -- MAPPA -- 12 eps -- Game -- Adventure Fantasy -- Granblue Fantasy The Animation Season 2 Granblue Fantasy The Animation Season 2 -- On the run from the Erste Empire, Gran and the crew of the Grandcypher receive an offer to negotiate a ceasefire. Meeting at the neutral territory of Albion Citadel, they are welcomed and hosted by Vira Lillie: current Lord Commander of Albion and a friend of Katalina Alize from her officer training at Albion. Imperial General Furias grants the Skyfarers an official pardon, but fails to defuse the tense situation. -- -- Given time to unwind, the Skyfarers attend a gala hosted by Vira to celebrate the arrival of the crew. However, tensions run high, as Furias and the Erste delegation remain at Albion even after the negotiations conclude. Learning about the existence of a Primal Beast on the island, the crew is shocked to discover a letter from Katalina announcing her resignation. -- -- While Gran heads off to find their former comrade, Eugen and Rackam decide to investigate the Imperial presence on the island, suspecting a more sinister scheme lying up the Empire's sleeve. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 48,722 6.76
Great Pretender -- -- Wit Studio -- 23 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Mystery Comedy Psychological -- Great Pretender Great Pretender -- A series of unfortunate events has led Makoto "Edamame" Edamura to adopt the life of crime—pickpocketing and scamming others for a living. However, after swindling a seemingly clueless tourist, Makoto discovers that he was the one tricked and, to make matters worse, the police are now after him. -- -- While making his escape, he runs into the tourist once again, who turns out to be a fellow con man named Laurent Thierry, and ends up following him to Los Angeles. In an attempt to defend his self-proclaimed title of "Japan's Greatest Swindler," Makoto challenges his rival to determine the better scammer. Accepting the competition, Laurent drops them off outside a huge mansion and claims that their target will be the biggest mafia boss on the West Coast. -- -- Jumping from city to city, Great Pretender follows the endeavors of Makoto alongside the cunning Laurent and his colorful associates in the world of international high-stakes fraud. Soon, Makoto realizes that he got more than what he bargained for as his self-declared skills are continually put to the test. -- -- ONA - Jun 2, 2020 -- 333,244 8.34
Grisaia no Kajitsu -- -- 8bit -- 13 eps -- Visual novel -- Drama Harem Psychological Romance School -- Grisaia no Kajitsu Grisaia no Kajitsu -- Yuuji Kazami is a transfer student who has just been admitted into Mihama Academy. He wants to live an ordinary high school life, but this dream of his may not come true any time soon as Mihama Academy is quite the opposite. Consisting of only the principal and five other students, all of whom are girls, Yuuji becomes acquainted with each of them, discovering more about their personalities as socialization is inevitable. Slowly, he begins to learn about the truth behind the small group of students occupying the academy—they each have their own share of traumatic experiences which are tucked away from the world. -- -- Mihama Academy acts as a home for these girls, they are the "fruit" which fell from their trees and have begun to decay. It is up to Yuuji to become the catalyst to save them from themselves, but how can he save another when he cannot even save himself? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 474,607 7.54
Grisaia no Meikyuu: Caprice no Mayu 0 -- -- 8bit -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Drama -- Grisaia no Meikyuu: Caprice no Mayu 0 Grisaia no Meikyuu: Caprice no Mayu 0 -- Having attended Mihama Academy for about a year, Yuuji Kazami has seemingly found his place within the school, but he suddenly decides to pursue a promotion in CIRS. After consulting JB about his intentions, they both thoroughly examine Yuuji's documents and dissect the events of his upbringing to determine if the job is fit for him. -- -- Meanwhile, unbeknownst to the two, the girls of Mihama uncover some torn documents in Yuuji's room. After restoring the papers, they discover the story that has formed—or perhaps broken—Yuuji into the man he is today. However, what was thought to be history has haunted him to the present, and the chains of the past begin to drag him back into the darkness... -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Special - Apr 12, 2015 -- 184,573 7.90
Gugure! Kokkuri-san -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy Supernatural Shounen -- Gugure! Kokkuri-san Gugure! Kokkuri-san -- Gugure! Kokkuri-san is an eccentric comedy centered around the self-proclaimed doll, Kohina Ichimatsu. Her uneventful life goes from plain to absurd when she summons a fox spirit by the name of Kokkuri-san. But contrary to popular belief, he is not the omniscient, answer-granting spirit from the legend anymore. The loss of believers in modern society has rendered him powerless. -- -- Upon meeting the bizarre girl who summoned him, Kokkuri-san is shocked to discover that Kohina not only lives alone, but survives on just cup ramen! Filled with concern for the young girl, he takes it upon himself to ensure that Kohina has proper meals and lives a decent life. Thus begin Kokkuri-san's less-than-hopeful endeavors and their peculiar life together. -- -- 155,975 7.58
Gundam: G no Reconguista -- -- Sunrise -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Mecha Sci-Fi Space -- Gundam: G no Reconguista Gundam: G no Reconguista -- In the year Regild Century 1014, an entire millennium has passed since the end of the fabled Universal Century, where legends like Amuro Ray and Char Aznable ruled the battlefield as ace mobile suit pilots. The Earth's surface that was once hotly contested is now mostly abandoned, with humanity preferring to live in space colonies and the surface of the moon. -- -- Capital Guard Academy student Bellri Zenam lives a peaceful academic life, but his normal days are brought to an end with the capture of pirate pilot Aida Surugan and her mobile suit G-Self. Bellri feels a strong mental connection with the G-Self and discovers that he is able to pilot it. He soon finds himself in contention with the "Capital Guard," a radical faction that follows its own secret agenda despite the wishes of the Amerian Army, who still hold power on Earth. Joining the crew of the Amerian spaceship Megafauna, Bellri and Aida must pilot the G-Self to victory against the Capital Guard and its leaders, the charismatic Colonel Kunpa Rushita and the enigmatic Captain Mask. -- -- 25,579 5.76
Hachimitsu to Clover -- -- J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Josei Romance Slice of Life -- Hachimitsu to Clover Hachimitsu to Clover -- Yuuta Takemoto, a sophomore at an arts college, shares a cheap apartment with two seniors—the eccentric Shinobu Morita, who keeps failing to graduate due to his absenteeism, and the sensible Takumi Mayama, who acts as a proper senior to Takemoto, often looking out for him. -- -- Takemoto had not given much thought to his future until one fine spring day, when he meets the endearing Hagumi Hanamoto and falls in love at first sight. Incredibly gifted in the arts, Hagumi enrolls in Takemoto's university and soon befriends the popular pottery student Ayumi Yamada. Ayumi is already well acquainted with the three flatmates and secretly harbors deep feelings for one of them. -- -- Hachimitsu to Clover is a heartwarming tale of youth, love, soul-searching, and self-discovery, intricately woven through the complex relationships between five dear friends. -- -- 219,606 8.05
Hachimitsu to Clover -- -- J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Josei Romance Slice of Life -- Hachimitsu to Clover Hachimitsu to Clover -- Yuuta Takemoto, a sophomore at an arts college, shares a cheap apartment with two seniors—the eccentric Shinobu Morita, who keeps failing to graduate due to his absenteeism, and the sensible Takumi Mayama, who acts as a proper senior to Takemoto, often looking out for him. -- -- Takemoto had not given much thought to his future until one fine spring day, when he meets the endearing Hagumi Hanamoto and falls in love at first sight. Incredibly gifted in the arts, Hagumi enrolls in Takemoto's university and soon befriends the popular pottery student Ayumi Yamada. Ayumi is already well acquainted with the three flatmates and secretly harbors deep feelings for one of them. -- -- Hachimitsu to Clover is a heartwarming tale of youth, love, soul-searching, and self-discovery, intricately woven through the complex relationships between five dear friends. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, VIZ Media -- 219,606 8.05
Hachi-nan tte, Sore wa Nai deshou! -- -- Shin-Ei Animation, SynergySP -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Fantasy -- Hachi-nan tte, Sore wa Nai deshou! Hachi-nan tte, Sore wa Nai deshou! -- Waking up in a new world, 25-year-old Shingo Ichinomiya realizes that he is in the body of a six-year-old. Retaining memories of his stressful life working at a firm company, Shingo learns that the person he is occupying is Wendelin Von Benno Baumeister, the eighth son of a poor noble family living in the countryside. Awoken to his bizarre situation, Wendelin strives to change his financial and social status for the better. His newly discovered great magical aptitude may prove to be just what he needs to achieve that goal. -- -- 140,239 6.19
Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica -- -- Arms -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Super Power Ecchi Fantasy -- Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica -- Since the discovery of "Samon Syndrome" 30 years ago, thousands of young people have traveled to fantasy worlds, the few returnees managing to keep the special abilities they acquired in those parallel universes. -- -- Akatsuki Ousawa, known as the "Rogue Hero," discards his peaceful life in the fantasy world Alayzard to face new challenges upon returning to Earth. He comes back with Miu, the daughter of the Demon King he defeated, and is now forced to hide her true identity by having her pose as his little sister. The two soon join Babel, a special school designed for those who have acquired special abilities and magical powers through their journey to a fantasy world. -- -- Babel was seemingly founded to train young interdimensional travelers and "guide them to the right path for the sake of humanity and themselves," but its true purpose remains unclear to the pseudo-siblings. Will Akatsuki and Miu be able to overcome the hostile, powerful student council and uncover the forces at play behind the scenes? -- -- 332,827 6.86
Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica -- -- Arms -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Super Power Ecchi Fantasy -- Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica -- Since the discovery of "Samon Syndrome" 30 years ago, thousands of young people have traveled to fantasy worlds, the few returnees managing to keep the special abilities they acquired in those parallel universes. -- -- Akatsuki Ousawa, known as the "Rogue Hero," discards his peaceful life in the fantasy world Alayzard to face new challenges upon returning to Earth. He comes back with Miu, the daughter of the Demon King he defeated, and is now forced to hide her true identity by having her pose as his little sister. The two soon join Babel, a special school designed for those who have acquired special abilities and magical powers through their journey to a fantasy world. -- -- Babel was seemingly founded to train young interdimensional travelers and "guide them to the right path for the sake of humanity and themselves," but its true purpose remains unclear to the pseudo-siblings. Will Akatsuki and Miu be able to overcome the hostile, powerful student council and uncover the forces at play behind the scenes? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 332,827 6.86
Hakumei no Tsubasa -- -- FILMONY, Studio Colorido -- 7 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Comedy Kids Fantasy -- Hakumei no Tsubasa Hakumei no Tsubasa -- Galar is a region where Pokemon battles have developed into a cultural sensation. Over the span of seven episodes, Pokemon: Twilight Wings will show in detail the dreams of Galar's residents, the realities they face, the challenges they must overcome and the conflicts they must resolve. In addition to these new stories, fans can expect to see a variety of Pokemon originally discovered in the Galar region appearing in the capsule series. -- -- (Source: Press Release) -- ONA - Jan 15, 2020 -- 13,332 7.60
Hakuouki Movie 1: Kyoto Ranbu -- -- Studio Deen -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Action Historical Supernatural Drama Samurai Josei -- Hakuouki Movie 1: Kyoto Ranbu Hakuouki Movie 1: Kyoto Ranbu -- Chizuru Yukimura has come to Kyoto looking for her father, a doctor who has gone missing. While there, she witnesses a fight between an Oni and the Shinsengumi. Taking her into custody, the Shinsengumi debates on what to do with Chizuru, when they discover that she is the daughter of the doctor for whom they are also looking. The Shinsengumi then take Chizuru along on their search after the missing doctor, from adventure to adventure. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - Aug 24, 2013 -- 24,121 7.66
Hakuouki Movie 1: Kyoto Ranbu -- -- Studio Deen -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Action Historical Supernatural Drama Samurai Josei -- Hakuouki Movie 1: Kyoto Ranbu Hakuouki Movie 1: Kyoto Ranbu -- Chizuru Yukimura has come to Kyoto looking for her father, a doctor who has gone missing. While there, she witnesses a fight between an Oni and the Shinsengumi. Taking her into custody, the Shinsengumi debates on what to do with Chizuru, when they discover that she is the daughter of the doctor for whom they are also looking. The Shinsengumi then take Chizuru along on their search after the missing doctor, from adventure to adventure. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Aug 24, 2013 -- 24,121 7.66
Hametsu no Mars -- -- WAO World -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Sci-Fi Horror -- Hametsu no Mars Hametsu no Mars -- Several months after a probe returning from Mars burns up during reentry, strange creatures dubbed "Ancients" begin to appear throughout Tokyo. Aggressive and dangerous, they cannot be killed with ordinary weapons. As scientists struggle to find the cause of their sudden appearance, the monsters wreak havoc across the world. -- -- Humanity finds hope in the form of the MARS suit—a new weapon developed to take down these enemies. The suit, however, can only be worn by those with specific DNA. Enter Takeru Hinata, an ordinary teen with a troubled past and one of the few capable of piloting the only weapon against the Ancients. With the help of the AAST, a special police force established to defeat the dangerous creatures, the young man battles against demons both personal and global whilst trying to discover the true nature of Earth's new aggressors. -- -- OVA - Jul 6, 2005 -- 53,971 2.23
Hanamonogatari -- -- Shaft -- 5 eps -- Light novel -- Mystery Comedy Supernatural -- Hanamonogatari Hanamonogatari -- Now that Koyomi Araragi and Hitagi Senjougahara have graduated, very few familiar faces remain at Naoetsu Private High School, one of them being Kanbaru Suruga, holder of the Monkey's Paw. When she begins to hear talk of a mysterious being known as the "Devil," who will magically solve any problem, she immediately thinks these rumors are about her and decides to investigate. -- -- She discovers the Devil is actually Rouka Numachi, a former rival from junior high who is providing free advice to those who seek her out now that she is no longer able to play basketball due to a leg injury. Acting as a collector of misfortune, she enjoys relieving the stress of her clients by providing them with the false hope of having their problems solved. Although Kanbaru sees no real harm being done, she reprimands Rouka for lying and heads home, relieved she is not the cause of the rumors. But when she finds that her left hand has reverted back to its human form, she may have a reason to worry after all... -- -- 339,149 7.98
Hanamonogatari -- -- Shaft -- 5 eps -- Light novel -- Mystery Comedy Supernatural -- Hanamonogatari Hanamonogatari -- Now that Koyomi Araragi and Hitagi Senjougahara have graduated, very few familiar faces remain at Naoetsu Private High School, one of them being Kanbaru Suruga, holder of the Monkey's Paw. When she begins to hear talk of a mysterious being known as the "Devil," who will magically solve any problem, she immediately thinks these rumors are about her and decides to investigate. -- -- She discovers the Devil is actually Rouka Numachi, a former rival from junior high who is providing free advice to those who seek her out now that she is no longer able to play basketball due to a leg injury. Acting as a collector of misfortune, she enjoys relieving the stress of her clients by providing them with the false hope of having their problems solved. Although Kanbaru sees no real harm being done, she reprimands Rouka for lying and heads home, relieved she is not the cause of the rumors. But when she finds that her left hand has reverted back to its human form, she may have a reason to worry after all... -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 339,149 7.98
Hanasakeru Seishounen -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 39 eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance Shoujo -- Hanasakeru Seishounen Hanasakeru Seishounen -- Kajika Louisa Kugami Burnsworth is the only daughter of Harry Burnsworth, an influential and respected industrialist who has the power to move the world. There was a threat on Kajika’s life when she was just two years old, and her mother died protecting her. After this tragic incident, Harry sent his only child to an isolated island, Giviolle, where she was raised by the island’s native, Maria. Kajika’s companions during her time there include a white leopard named Mustafa and a boy named Li Ren Fang, who visited her two or three times a year. -- -- Kajika, now fourteen, returns to her father's side, only to be told to begin a game to find her future husband. Harry makes sure that Kajika willingly participates in this game by telling her that she needs to face the harshness of her fate along with the man she chooses to be her husband. She needs to decide among the three candidates that Harry has personally chosen, but it won’t be easy. Kajika must figure out who they are and where they are without any information to go on except that they all possess an irresistible brilliance and charm. All the while, the men aren't even aware that they are the chosen ones. Kajika must also choose wisely, as her partner has to willingly accept her to be his bride. -- -- Hansakeru Seishounen revolves around endearing love, intense passion, noble friendship, undying loyalty, family relations, and political intrigue. The heaviness of Kajika’s fate is real, the threat on Kajika’s life is inevitable, and the husband game is more than just a mere game. Harry needs to find a suitable partner to protect his daughter before someone discovers Kajika’s deep secret—a secret even she is unaware of. -- TV - Apr 5, 2009 -- 59,018 7.74
Hanyou no Yashahime: Sengoku Otogizoushi -- -- Sunrise -- 24 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Historical Demons Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Hanyou no Yashahime: Sengoku Otogizoushi Hanyou no Yashahime: Sengoku Otogizoushi -- Half-demon twins Towa and Setsuna were always together, living happily in Feudal Japan. But their joyous days come to an end when a forest fire separates them and Towa is thrown through a portal to modern-day Japan. There, she is found by Souta Higurashi, who raises her as his daughter after Towa finds herself unable to return to her time. -- -- Ten years later, 14-year-old Towa is a relatively well-adjusted student, despite the fact that she often gets into fights. However, unexpected trouble arrives on her doorstep in the form of three visitors from Feudal Japan; Moroha, a bounty hunter; Setsuna, a demon slayer and Towa's long-lost twin sister; and Mistress Three-Eyes, a demon seeking a mystical object. Working together, the girls defeat their foe, but in the process, Towa discovers to her horror that Setsuna has no memory of her at all. Hanyou no Yashahime: Sengoku Otogizoushi follows the three girls as they endeavor to remedy Setsuna's memory loss, as well as discover the truth about their linked destinies. -- -- 85,116 6.73
Hanyou no Yashahime: Sengoku Otogizoushi -- -- Sunrise -- 24 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Historical Demons Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Hanyou no Yashahime: Sengoku Otogizoushi Hanyou no Yashahime: Sengoku Otogizoushi -- Half-demon twins Towa and Setsuna were always together, living happily in Feudal Japan. But their joyous days come to an end when a forest fire separates them and Towa is thrown through a portal to modern-day Japan. There, she is found by Souta Higurashi, who raises her as his daughter after Towa finds herself unable to return to her time. -- -- Ten years later, 14-year-old Towa is a relatively well-adjusted student, despite the fact that she often gets into fights. However, unexpected trouble arrives on her doorstep in the form of three visitors from Feudal Japan; Moroha, a bounty hunter; Setsuna, a demon slayer and Towa's long-lost twin sister; and Mistress Three-Eyes, a demon seeking a mystical object. Working together, the girls defeat their foe, but in the process, Towa discovers to her horror that Setsuna has no memory of her at all. Hanyou no Yashahime: Sengoku Otogizoushi follows the three girls as they endeavor to remedy Setsuna's memory loss, as well as discover the truth about their linked destinies. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 85,116 6.73
Happiness Charge Precure! -- -- Toei Animation -- 49 eps -- Original -- Action Magic Fantasy Shoujo -- Happiness Charge Precure! Happiness Charge Precure! -- Some time ago, the opening of a box known as the "Axia" set loose the previously sealed members of the Phantom Empire into the world. Rising to protect humanity from these spiteful villains are warriors known as the Precure, whose heroic feats have garnered them celebrity status on television screens across the globe. -- -- Hime Shirayuki, princess of the kingdom where the Axia was originally held, is one such warrior who transforms into "Cure Princess" to battle monsters summoned by the Empire. However, Hime's timid personality often hampers her success in fending off the enemy. Frustrated with her hard luck and determined to find a Precure partner, Hime befriends Megumi Aino, a happy-go-lucky teenager. When a general of the Phantom Empire appears, Hime fails to do much in the face of his attacks. Intent on protecting her new friend, Megumi ignites her hidden potential—transforming into "Cure Lovely." -- -- With their sights set on protecting the world, Megumi and Hime form a new Precure team known as the "Happiness Charge Precure" whilst embarking on a journey to discover true love. -- -- TV - Feb 2, 2014 -- 9,181 6.77
Harmony -- -- Studio 4°C -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Sci-Fi Psychological -- Harmony Harmony -- In the future, Utopia has finally been achieved thanks to medical nanotechnology and a powerful ethic of social welfare and mutual consideration. This perfect world isn't that perfect though, and three young girls stand up to totalitarian kindness and super-medicine by attempting suicide via starvation. It doesn't work, but one of the girls—Tuan Kirie—grows up to be a member of the World Health Organization. As a crisis threatens the harmony of the new world, Tuan rediscovers another member of her suicide pact, and together they must help save the planet...from itself. -- -- (Source: Viz Media) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Nov 13, 2015 -- 49,992 6.96
Hataraku Saibou!! -- -- David Production -- 8 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Shounen -- Hataraku Saibou!! Hataraku Saibou!! -- The cells of the human body never rest for too long; there's always something new to do and learn every day. At least, that's what Hakkekkyuu U-1146 feels as he rushes to and fro, searching for any pathogens that could cause harm to the body. Despite his dangerous line of work, it's all worth it to protect the happy smiles of Sekkekkyuu AE3803, the platelet crew, his fellow neutrophils, and the other cells he meets along the way. -- -- In his latest pathogen-hunting adventures, Hakkekkyuu U-1146 discovers how important cells can sometimes make mistakes, and that not all bacteria are actually bad. Everybody has their bad days, but everything eventually works out when their comrades have their backs. In the end, it's just another normal day for these hardworking cells! -- -- 175,777 7.31
Hatenkou Yuugi -- -- Studio Deen -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Drama Romance Fantasy Josei -- Hatenkou Yuugi Hatenkou Yuugi -- "See the world" -- -- With these words, Rahzel, the daughter of a rich family, is kicked out of her house and sent on her journey. Along the way she meets up with Heat and Alzeid, two men with very different personalities but very similar journeys. Rahzel is a clever, stubborn, and confident girl, who, with the powers of her magic and mind helps the people she runs into on her journey to discover the world. -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 34,148 7.15
Hatsukoi Monster -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Romance School Shoujo -- Hatsukoi Monster Hatsukoi Monster -- Freshman Kaho Nikaidou is from an influential family, and as such, no one has ever said anything even remotely mean to her, for fear of incurring her household's wrath. Wishing to be around people who will not treat her as special because of her background, she leaves home to live at a dormitory for her new school year. Shortly after arriving, Kaho accidentally wanders into traffic and is saved by a tall, handsome stranger. When she asks for his name, he tells her she is weird and walks away. Having finally met the only person to ever say an unkind word to her, Kaho falls head over heels for her savior. -- -- After meeting her rescuer yet again and discovering that his name is Kanade Takahashi, she confesses her love to him. Kanade says he would like for them to be a couple, but that Kaho may not want to date him after she finds out his secret. To her shock, Kaho discovers the startling truth: Kanade is a fifth grader! -- -- Deciding that she can't date a fifth grader, Kaho intends to break up with him. But as she spends more time with Kanade, she begins to care for him even more and continues dating him. Hatsukoi Monster follows Kaho's first steps into love with Kanade, her immature, yet kind, fifth grade boyfriend. -- -- 89,172 5.58
High☆Speed!: Free! Starting Days -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Comedy Drama School Slice of Life Sports -- High☆Speed!: Free! Starting Days High☆Speed!: Free! Starting Days -- High☆Speed!: Free! Starting Days plunges into the past of the Iwatobi Swim Club members alongside their fellow swimmers and competitors. -- -- Haruka Nanase and Makoto Tachibana have started middle school and must adjust to the changes that come along with growing up. While Makoto fits in with his classmates and remains positive about swimming, Haruka struggles to befriend others or join his school's swim club, as his previous issues with swimming trouble him. Distancing himself from his lively classmates and the swimming club, he has difficulty deciding which club to join instead. The rest of his classmates, including Makoto, are also hesitant as to which clubs to participate in. After an argument leads them to join the swimming club anyway, the boys strive to hone their skills, harmonize their swimming styles, and refine their conflicting feelings toward swimming and each other. -- -- As determination and talent run high, witness Haruka and Makoto—along with their classmates—discover themselves and improve their talents during their starting days. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Dec 5, 2015 -- 70,343 7.87
High☆Speed!: Free! Starting Days -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Comedy Drama School Slice of Life Sports -- High☆Speed!: Free! Starting Days High☆Speed!: Free! Starting Days -- High☆Speed!: Free! Starting Days plunges into the past of the Iwatobi Swim Club members alongside their fellow swimmers and competitors. -- -- Haruka Nanase and Makoto Tachibana have started middle school and must adjust to the changes that come along with growing up. While Makoto fits in with his classmates and remains positive about swimming, Haruka struggles to befriend others or join his school's swim club, as his previous issues with swimming trouble him. Distancing himself from his lively classmates and the swimming club, he has difficulty deciding which club to join instead. The rest of his classmates, including Makoto, are also hesitant as to which clubs to participate in. After an argument leads them to join the swimming club anyway, the boys strive to hone their skills, harmonize their swimming styles, and refine their conflicting feelings toward swimming and each other. -- -- As determination and talent run high, witness Haruka and Makoto—along with their classmates—discover themselves and improve their talents during their starting days. -- -- Movie - Dec 5, 2015 -- 70,343 7.87
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni -- -- Studio Deen -- 26 eps -- Visual novel -- Mystery Dementia Horror Psychological Supernatural Thriller -- Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Higurashi no Naku Koro ni -- Keiichi Maebara has just moved to the quiet little village of Hinamizawa in the summer of 1983, and quickly becomes inseparable friends with schoolmates Rena Ryuuguu, Mion Sonozaki, Satoko Houjou, and Rika Furude. However, darkness lurks underneath the seemingly idyllic life they lead. -- -- As the village prepares for its annual festival, Keiichi learns about the local legends surrounding it. To his horror, he discovers that there have been several murders and disappearances in the village in the recent years, and that they all seem to be connected to the festival and the village's patron god, Oyashiro. Keiichi tries to ask his new friends about these incidents, but they are suspiciously silent and refuse to give him the answers he needs. As more and more bizarre events occur, he wonders just what else his friends might be keeping from him, and if he can even trust them at all. -- -- When madness and paranoia begin taking root in Keiichi's heart, he will stumble straight into the mysteries at work in Higurashi no Naku Koro ni, a story that is told across multiple arcs. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA, Sentai Filmworks -- 657,914 7.94
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kaku: Outbreak -- -- Studio Deen -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Mystery Horror Psychological Thriller -- Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kaku: Outbreak Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kaku: Outbreak -- It is 1983, and Hinamizawa is under quarantine. A mysterious and deadly virus has been discovered within the small village, and its residents—such as teenager Keiichi Maebara and his friends Mion Sonozaki and Rena Ryuuguu—are left confused and frightened by the situation. -- -- As the villagers begin to search for a way to stop the affliction from spreading, some make drastic plans, which leaves Keiichi and his friends looking for a way to escape the village. But when tensions reach an all-time high, some of his group may not make it out unscathed as they fight for their lives against enemies both seen and unseen. -- -- OVA - Aug 15, 2013 -- 58,289 7.23
Hikaru no Go -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 75 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Game Shounen Supernatural -- Hikaru no Go Hikaru no Go -- While searching through his grandfather's attic, Hikaru Shindou stumbles upon an old go board. Touching it, he is greeted by a mysterious voice, and soon after falls unconscious. When he regains his senses, he discovers that the voice is still present and belongs to Sai Fujiwara no, the spirit of an ancient go expert. A go instructor for the Japanese Emperor in the Heian Era, Sai's passion for the game transcends time and space, allowing him to continue playing his beloved game as a ghostly entity. Sai's ultimate goal is to master a divine go technique that no player has achieved so far, and he seeks to accomplish this by playing the board game through Hikaru. -- -- Despite having no interest in board games, Hikaru reluctantly agrees to play, executing moves as instructed by Sai. However, when he encounters the young go prodigy Akira Touya, a passion for the game is slowly ignited within him. Inspired by his newfound rival, Hikaru's journey into the world of go is just beginning. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- TV - Oct 10, 2001 -- 113,725 8.10
Hikaru no Go -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 75 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Game Shounen Supernatural -- Hikaru no Go Hikaru no Go -- While searching through his grandfather's attic, Hikaru Shindou stumbles upon an old go board. Touching it, he is greeted by a mysterious voice, and soon after falls unconscious. When he regains his senses, he discovers that the voice is still present and belongs to Sai Fujiwara no, the spirit of an ancient go expert. A go instructor for the Japanese Emperor in the Heian Era, Sai's passion for the game transcends time and space, allowing him to continue playing his beloved game as a ghostly entity. Sai's ultimate goal is to master a divine go technique that no player has achieved so far, and he seeks to accomplish this by playing the board game through Hikaru. -- -- Despite having no interest in board games, Hikaru reluctantly agrees to play, executing moves as instructed by Sai. However, when he encounters the young go prodigy Akira Touya, a passion for the game is slowly ignited within him. Inspired by his newfound rival, Hikaru's journey into the world of go is just beginning. -- -- TV - Oct 10, 2001 -- 113,725 8.10
Hikaru no Go: Hokuto Hai e no Michi -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Game Shounen -- Hikaru no Go: Hokuto Hai e no Michi Hikaru no Go: Hokuto Hai e no Michi -- Hikaru is given a phone call asking him to appear in the Japan/China/Korea Junior's Tournament but he finds out he will have to take place in a preliminary tournament to choose Japan's three contestants. Upon discussing this with Akira, he discovers that Akira has already been chosen for the tournament and will not be taking place in the preliminaries. Hikaru then decides not to visit Akira's Go Salon until he takes his place on the team with Akira. That may be tougher than originally planned, as not only does Hikaru have to battle with old friends for one of two coveted spots, but he may have a new challenger, in a promising player from the Kansai Go Institute. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Special - Jan 3, 2004 -- 20,798 7.97
Hikyou Tanken Fam & Ihrlie -- -- Ajia-Do -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Magic -- Hikyou Tanken Fam & Ihrlie Hikyou Tanken Fam & Ihrlie -- Fam and Ihrie are willing to do almost anything to make a buck. So when these debt-driven damsels discover the potential profits to be hand in recovering a particularly dangerous mystical object, it means mortal peril for an entire civilization. -- -- There's no guarantee that they'll live long enough to squander the fabulous wealth they've been promised, and danger lurks around every turn as they cross dark seas in pursuit of legendary evil. Haunted by an unspeakable curse, plagued by doomsday prophecies, plotted against by untrustworthy traveling companions and looked in desperate race to gain the Ultimate Power, Fam and Ihrie are the Ruin Explorers! -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Maiden Japan -- OVA - Jun 25, 1995 -- 6,815 6.65
Hime-chan no Ribbon -- -- Gallop -- 61 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Fantasy Magic Romance School Shoujo -- Hime-chan no Ribbon Hime-chan no Ribbon -- Erika, the princess of the Magic Kingdom has come to Earth in order to find a human girl who looks just like her. That girl turns out to be Himeko Nonohara, a tomboy's tomboy. Erika must give Himeko a magical item she has created in order to prove her worth as a successor to the crown. Himeko must test this item, a hair ribbon that allows her to transform into any other person she sees, to see if it is worthy. The series follows Himeko's adventures and her budding romance with Daichi, the boy who discovers her secret. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 6,967 7.44
Hi no Tori: Uchuu-hen -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Space Drama Fantasy -- Hi no Tori: Uchuu-hen Hi no Tori: Uchuu-hen -- In deep space, four astronauts discover that their colleague Makimura has mysteriously died shortly following a cryptic note about his imminent murder. Though horrified by the news, the inoperable state of their spaceship leaves the crew no time to grieve, and they evacuate via escape pods. Determined to identify the culprit, the survivors begin to suspect fellow crewmate Kizaki, on account of a rivalry between himself and Makimura regarding the only female team member, Nana Ichinomiya. However, to their bewilderment, they notice Makimura's pod following them, yet failing to respond to attempts at contact. -- -- As the astronauts try to interpret their perplexing circumstances, they learn there are more inconceivable stories about their lost teammate, one involving the Phoenix, a mysterious bird said to have the ability to grant immortality. It is not until they crash into a seemingly deserted planet that the crew will finally uncover the sinister truth behind Makimura and his suspicious pod. -- -- Set in a distant future, Hi no Tori: Uchuu-hen illustrates the cruelty of human beings passionately in pursuit of their own desires without any regard to the consequences. -- -- OVA - Dec 21, 1987 -- 2,366 6.94
Hirune Hime: Shiranai Watashi no Monogatari -- -- Signal.MD -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Fantasy Mecha Sci-Fi -- Hirune Hime: Shiranai Watashi no Monogatari Hirune Hime: Shiranai Watashi no Monogatari -- Kokone Morikawa has a strange napping disease that distracts her from reality, one that makes the world of her dreams and the real world near indistinguishable. In reality, she is an average high school student preparing for her university entrance exams; but in her dreams she is a magical princess of Heartland, a machine-driven future where the use of artificial intelligence is forbidden. -- -- Within the seemingly imaginary dreamland, Kokone discovers more about her family's past and the secret that her father, a talented mechanic, has tried to protect her from. However, as the events between two worlds intertwine, she must now protect the secret from villainous entities, both dream-like and terrifyingly real. -- -- -- Licensor: -- GKIDS, NYAV Post -- Movie - Mar 18, 2017 -- 32,221 6.93
Holy Knight -- -- Lilix -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Ecchi Fantasy Supernatural School Vampire Seinen -- Holy Knight Holy Knight -- The story centers around a timid orphan named Mizumura Shinta who goes to a missionary school in Tokyo. His seemingly normal life changes when a beautiful half-human Romanian girl named Lilith suddenly transfers into his school. Mizumura discovers that he is actually a vampire hunter and the successor of the Romuald lineage. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- OVA - Mar 21, 2012 -- 37,509 6.01
Hori-san to Miyamura-kun -- -- Gonzo, Hoods Entertainment -- 6 eps -- Web manga -- Comedy Romance School Shounen -- Hori-san to Miyamura-kun Hori-san to Miyamura-kun -- Within everyone there exists a side preferably kept hidden, even from close friends. For the smart and popular Kyouko Hori, it's the fact that she has to do all the housework and care for her little brother, Souta, because of her parents' busy work schedules. For the gentle Izumi Miyamura, whom everybody sees as an otaku, it's his nine hidden piercings and large body tattoo. -- -- So what happens when they accidentally discover each other's hidden sides? Sharing parts of themselves that they couldn't with anyone else, strong bonds of friendship soon begin to form between Miyamura and Hori, as well as those around them. As their hidden personas start to dissipate, they slowly learn how to open up to others. -- -- OVA - Sep 26, 2012 -- 79,025 7.36
Hoshiai no Sora -- -- 8bit -- 12 eps -- Original -- Slice of Life Sports Drama School -- Hoshiai no Sora Hoshiai no Sora -- Constantly outperformed by the girls' club, the boys' soft tennis club faces disbandment due to their poor skills and lack of positive results in matches. In desperate need of members, Toma Shinjou is looking to recruit capable players, but he fails to scout anyone. Enter Maki Katsuragi, a new transfer student who demonstrates great reflexes when he catches a stray cat in his classroom, instantly capturing Toma's attention. With his interest piqued, Toma ambitiously asks Maki to join the boys' team but is quickly rejected, as Maki doesn't wish to join any clubs. Toma refuses to back down and ends up persuading Maki—only under the condition that Toma will pay him for his participation and cover other club expenses. -- -- As Maki joins the team, his incredible form and quick learning allow him to immediately outshine the rest of the team. Although this gives rise to conflict among the boys, Maki challenges and pushes his fellow team members to not only keep up with his seemingly natural talent, but also drive them to devote themselves to the game they once neglected. -- -- This story focuses on the potential of the boys' soft tennis club and their discovery of their own capability, while also enduring personal hardships and dealing with the darker side of growing up in middle school. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 119,187 7.54
Hoshizora Kiseki -- -- CoMix Wave Films -- 1 ep -- Original -- Romance Sci-Fi -- Hoshizora Kiseki Hoshizora Kiseki -- Kozue is a girl who loves astronomy, particularly the stars. One night, on an excursion to witness a meteorite, she meets Ginga, a boy who is able to help scientists discover more information about the stars through a mysterious ability of his. However, he is forced to stay in a protective suit in order to carry out his mission. Because of this, Kozue decides to convince Ginga to make his own decisions & to take off the suit using his own will. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- ONA - Jul 21, 2006 -- 10,629 5.79
Houkago Saikoro Club -- -- LIDENFILMS -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Game Comedy School Shounen -- Houkago Saikoro Club Houkago Saikoro Club -- Miki Takekasa is an introverted high schooler who does not socialize with her classmates. However, she wants to know what "fun" really is, waiting for someone who could help her understand its true meaning. One day after school, she crosses paths with her classmate Aya Takayashiki, who takes her on a little adventure. Miki discovers wonders she had never seen before, opening a way to change her withdrawn life. -- -- On their way home, Miki and Aya see their class representative Midori Oono entering Saikoro Club, a store specializing in board games. After trying out a German board game, Miki soon understands the kind of fun she had been looking for: playing various games after school along with the friends and acquaintances she makes from her newfound pleasure. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 36,430 6.71
Houkago Teibou Nisshi -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School Seinen -- Houkago Teibou Nisshi Houkago Teibou Nisshi -- Hina Tsurugi and her family have just moved to a quaint seaside town. Hoping to savor the sight of the peaceful ocean, Hina stumbles upon a girl named Yuuki Kuroiwa—an upperclassman at her new school—who invites Hina to join her in fishing. Hina reels in an octopus, which falls onto her; being afraid of bugs and big creatures, she panics and begs Yuuki to remove it from her. Yuuki sees this as an opportunity to force Hina to join the school's Breakwater Club—a club where members gather, catch, and eat various types of marine life as their main activity. -- -- Although her attempts to refuse to join fail, Hina slowly begins to discover the hidden joy in fishing. Her view on the sport changes, now looking forward to all the delightful experiences she can take part in alongside her fellow club members. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 40,791 7.39
Hourou Musuko -- -- AIC Classic -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance School Seinen Slice of Life -- Hourou Musuko Hourou Musuko -- Effeminate fifth grader Shuuichi Nitori is considered by most to be one of the prettiest girls in school, but much to her dismay, she is actually biologically male. Fortunately, Shuuichi has a childhood friend who has similar feelings of discomfort related to gender identity: the lanky tomboy Yoshino Takatsuki, who, though biologically female, does not identify as a girl. These two friends share a similar secret and find solace in one another; however, their lives become even more complicated when they must tread the unfamiliar waters of a new school, attempt to make new friends, and struggle to maintain old ones. Faced with nearly insurmountable odds, they must learn to deal with the harsh realities of growing up, transexuality, relationships, and acceptance. -- -- Lauded as a decidedly serious take on gender identity and LGBT struggles, Takako Shimura's Hourou Musuko is about Shuuichi and Yoshino's attempts to discover their true selves as they enter puberty, make friends, fall in love, and face some very real and difficult choices. -- -- 107,449 7.73
Human Lost: Ningen Shikkaku -- -- Polygon Pictures -- 1 ep -- Original -- Historical Psychological Drama Seinen -- Human Lost: Ningen Shikkaku Human Lost: Ningen Shikkaku -- "Mine has been a life of much shame." -- -- Tokyo, 2036 (Showa year 111): a revolution in medical treatment has conquered death... -- By means of internal nanomachines and the "S.H.E.L.L." system whose network controls them, human beings suffer no diseases, require no treatment for injuries, and are guaranteed a 120-year lifespan, free from illness. Yet this consummate social system warps the Japanese nation in a host of ways: unresolved economic disparities, ethical decadence resulting from deathlessness, grave environmental pollution, and the "Human Lost" phenomenon, in which people themselves, disconnected from the S.H.E.L.L. network, become malformed. Japan teeters wildly between two potential futures: civilization's restoration or its destruction. -- -- Atmospheric pollution suffuses "Route 16" in the Outside—the area outside the Route 16 beltway. Youzou Oba, who lives an idle, drug-saturated life, joins Masao Horiki, a mysterious man who associates with the drag-racing gangs, on an incursion Inside—the area within the Route 7 loop where the privileged class lives—only to be embroiled in a violent struggle. When he encounters a malformed sufferer of the Human Lost phenomenon, a "Lost," Youzou's life is saved by Yoshiko Hiiragi, a girl of mysterious abilities who belongs to the anti-Lost agency H.I.L.A.M., and he discovers that he himself also possesses extraordinary powers... -- -- Degradation and death. Life and hope. Buffeted by fate, a man tears himself apart and cries out. Rage. Sorrow. Pathos. Consumed by despair and bitter tears, Youzou Oba is himself transformed into a demon. A human lost... or a human who can find himself? -- -- (Source: Official Site) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Oct 22, 2019 -- 14,939 5.84
Hungry Heart: Wild Striker -- -- Nippon Animation -- 52 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Sports Shounen -- Hungry Heart: Wild Striker Hungry Heart: Wild Striker -- Kyosuke Kano has lived under the shadow of his successful brother Seisuke all his life who is a professional soccer player. Tired of being compared and downgraded at, he abandoned playing soccer until a boy from his new highschool discovered him and asked him to join their team. Kyosuke joins it and befriends two other first year players named Rodrigo and Sakai with the dream of becoming professional soccer players themselves. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Sep 11, 2002 -- 20,904 7.58
Huyao Xiao Hongniang -- -- Haoliners Animation League -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Historical Supernatural Romance -- Huyao Xiao Hongniang Huyao Xiao Hongniang -- True love never dies—even when it is between a human and a near-immortal youkai. Thankfully, fox spirit youkai have discovered a solution which allows a human to be reincarnated, and with the services of a Fox Spirit Matchmaker, eventually recall memories of their past life, so they can begin anew with their beloved youkai. -- -- Enter Bai Yuechu—a powerful human Taoist who desires freedom from the ruling Yi Qi Dao League—and Tushan Susu, a small and innocent fox spirit who dreams of becoming a renowned matchmaker, despite her reputation as a colossal screw-up. After Susu literally falls through the roof and into his life, Yuechu gets dragged into helping her bring together two separated lovers: prince Fan Yun Fei and his reincarnated lover, Li Xueyang. However, not everyone wants them to be reunited, including Xueyang herself. Thrown together by fate, Yuechu and Susu will discover who they truly are... and who they used to be. -- -- ONA - Jun 26, 2015 -- 35,427 7.22
Ichigo 100% -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Harem Romance Shounen -- Ichigo 100% Ichigo 100% -- One day, Manaka Junpei walks to the roof of his school and encounters a beautiful girl falling down from above him and accidentally exposing her strawberry panties. The embarrassed girl runs away before Junpei can find out whom she is. He wishes to become a filmmaker, and this whole experience seemed like it would make the perfect scene in a movie. And so he goes on a search for the girl with the strawberry panties in order to reenact it all on film. But he will soon discover that finding that one girl will not be that easy... -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Apr 6, 2005 -- 98,682 6.67
ID-0 -- -- SANZIGEN -- 12 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Space Mecha -- ID-0 ID-0 -- Transferring the human consciousness into a robotic "I-Machine" is now a reality thanks to the discovery of a valuable ore called "orichalt." However, there is the possibility of the consciousness failing to return to the host's body, rendering them stuck inside their new metallic frame for good. Such is the situation of members of the Excavate Company, a reckless band of I-Machine miners led by the notorious Grayman that aims to gather orichalt for profit. -- -- During a mining incursion, the group rescues Maya Mikuri, a student who was abandoned by her crew. Accused of stealing classified information on orichalt by her former colleagues, she joins the Excavate Company in hopes of clearing her name. They then begin an adventure that will change their lives—including that of Ido, an ace member of the group with no memory of his past. For the first time, Ido might have the chance to rediscover his true identity. -- -- 17,820 6.57
Id:Invaded -- -- NAZ -- 13 eps -- Original -- Mystery Police Psychological Sci-Fi -- Id:Invaded Id:Invaded -- The Mizuhanome System is a highly advanced development that allows people to enter one of the most intriguing places in existence—the human mind. Through the use of so-called "cognition particles" left behind at a crime scene by the perpetrator, detectives from the specialized police squad Kura can manifest a criminal's unconscious mind as a bizarre stream of thoughts in a virtual world. Their task is to explore this psychological plane, called an "id well," to reveal the identity of the culprit. -- -- Not just anyone can enter the id wells; the prerequisite is that you must have killed someone yourself. Such is the case for former detective Akihito Narihisago, who is known as "Sakaido" inside the id wells. Once a respected member of the police, tragedy struck, and he soon found himself on the other side of the law. -- -- Nevertheless, Narihisago continues to assist Kura in confinement. While his prodigious detective skills still prove useful toward investigations, Narihisago discovers that not everything is as it seems, as behind the seemingly standalone series of murder cases lurks a much more sinister truth. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 227,851 7.89
Ie Naki Ko Remy -- -- Nippon Animation -- 23 eps -- Novel -- Adventure Slice of Life Historical Drama -- Ie Naki Ko Remy Ie Naki Ko Remy -- Remy, a cheerful and tender-hearted girl, lives with her mother in a French country town. One day her father returns to the town after a long period working away from home in a city. Her father tells Remy that she isn't their real daughter, and Remy is almost sold to an evil slave trader. It is Vitalis, a strolling entertainer, who helps Remy. Vitalis discovers her talent for singing and decides to take her in with his troupe. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 16,049 7.93
Infinite Dendrogram -- -- NAZ -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Game Fantasy -- Infinite Dendrogram Infinite Dendrogram -- In the year 2043, , the world's first successful full-dive VRMMO was released. In addition to its ability to perfectly simulate the five senses, along with its many other amazing features, the game promised to offer players a world full of infinite possibilities. Nearly two years later, soon-to-be college freshman, Reiji Mukudori, is finally able to buy a copy of the game and start playing. With some help from his experienced older brother, Shuu, and his partner Embryo, Reiji embarks on an adventure into the world of . Just what will he discover and encounter in this game world known for its incredible realism and infinite possibilities? -- -- (Source: J-Novel Club) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 119,919 6.14
Ingress the Animation -- -- Craftar Studios -- 11 eps -- Game -- Action Game Sci-Fi Mystery -- Ingress the Animation Ingress the Animation -- A project was launched where scientists discovered a mysterious substance that can interface directly with the human brain. This substance, called "Exotic Matter (XM)," has existed since ancient times, influencing human minds and the progress of humanity. In the wake of this discovery, a battle of powerful nations and corporate giants has been unleashed. Organizations across the globe have embarked on a secret race to exploit XM. It represents both an opportunity and a threat to humanity. Two Factions seeks to control the XM. The Enlightened view XM's power as a gift that enhances human experience and discovery. The Resistance sees XM as a hostile takeover of the human mind, choosing technology as humanity's best path forward. XM, and the mystery behind it lie at the center of this battle for the fate of humanity. -- -- 2018—Now, a new struggle is about to unfold in Tokyo and across the globe. Dangerous and powerful forces seeking to exploit the potential of XM will collide. This groundbreaking project will mark the beginning of an epic augmented-reality experience combining the three elements of animation, location-based gaming, and the real world. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- ONA - Oct 18, 2018 -- 22,463 6.36
Injuu Alien -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Hentai Horror Sci-Fi -- Injuu Alien Injuu Alien -- The all female crew of the transport ship Muse is on a mission in deep space. They pick up an SOS signal and discover a derelict space cruiser where all the women have died mysteriously. They take the only survivor, a young woman named Flair, and detonate the ghost ship. However, the danger is just beginning. With Flair on the Muse, the romances between the women begin to take a new turn. One by one, the crewmembers are attacked by a mysterious alien presence, desperate to find a way to reproduce with human women. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Kitty Media -- OVA - Jan 24, 1997 -- 2,882 5.24
Interlude -- -- Toei Animation -- 3 eps -- Visual novel -- Adventure Horror Mystery -- Interlude Interlude -- The unnamed main character has been having strange dreams, seeing strange things, and meeting strange people. He investigates these events and finds a strange girl named Aya. With her help, he discovers that his world may not in fact be real and many of the people he thinks he knows may not exist anymore. -- -- (Source: FUNimation) -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA -- OVA - Mar 25, 2004 -- 11,604 6.46
Interstella5555: The 5tory of The 5ecret 5tar 5ystem -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Music -- Adventure Drama Music Sci-Fi -- Interstella5555: The 5tory of The 5ecret 5tar 5ystem Interstella5555: The 5tory of The 5ecret 5tar 5ystem -- This music video is the visual realization of "Discovery", an album by Daft Punk. It tells the story of a band of four extraterrestrial musicians who are kidnapped and brought back to Earth by an evil manager. Their only hopes lie with a space pilot from their home planet who, after receiving a distress call broadcasted during the abduction, seeks out to rescue them. -- Music - Dec 1, 2003 -- 59,669 8.14
Inu x Boku SS -- -- David Production -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Supernatural Romance Shounen -- Inu x Boku SS Inu x Boku SS -- Ririchiyo Shirakiin is the sheltered daughter of a renowned family. With her petite build and wealthy status, Ririchiyo has been a protected and dependent girl her entire life, but now she has decided to change all that. However, there is just one problem—the young girl has a sharp tongue she can't control, and terrible communication skills. -- -- With some help from a childhood friend, Ririchiyo takes up residence in Maison de Ayakashi, a secluded high-security apartment complex that, as the unsociable 15-year-old soon discovers, is home to a host of bizarre individuals. Furthermore, their quirky personalities are not the strangest things about them: each inhabitant of the Maison de Ayakashi, including Ririchiyo, is actually half-human, half-youkai. -- -- But Ririchiyo's troubles have only just begun. As a requirement of staying in her new home, she must be accompanied by a Secret Service agent. Ririchiyo's new partner, Soushi Miketsukami, is handsome, quiet... but ridiculously clingy and creepily submissive. With Soushi, her new supernatural neighbors, and the beginning of high school, Ririchiyo definitely seems to have a difficult path ahead of her. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Jan 13, 2012 -- 416,781 7.45
Inu x Boku SS -- -- David Production -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Supernatural Romance Shounen -- Inu x Boku SS Inu x Boku SS -- Ririchiyo Shirakiin is the sheltered daughter of a renowned family. With her petite build and wealthy status, Ririchiyo has been a protected and dependent girl her entire life, but now she has decided to change all that. However, there is just one problem—the young girl has a sharp tongue she can't control, and terrible communication skills. -- -- With some help from a childhood friend, Ririchiyo takes up residence in Maison de Ayakashi, a secluded high-security apartment complex that, as the unsociable 15-year-old soon discovers, is home to a host of bizarre individuals. Furthermore, their quirky personalities are not the strangest things about them: each inhabitant of the Maison de Ayakashi, including Ririchiyo, is actually half-human, half-youkai. -- -- But Ririchiyo's troubles have only just begun. As a requirement of staying in her new home, she must be accompanied by a Secret Service agent. Ririchiyo's new partner, Soushi Miketsukami, is handsome, quiet... but ridiculously clingy and creepily submissive. With Soushi, her new supernatural neighbors, and the beginning of high school, Ririchiyo definitely seems to have a difficult path ahead of her. -- -- TV - Jan 13, 2012 -- 416,781 7.45
Inuyashiki -- -- MAPPA -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Action Drama Psychological Sci-Fi Seinen -- Inuyashiki Inuyashiki -- Ichirou Inuyashiki is a 58-year-old family man who is going through a difficult time in his life. Though his frequent back problems are painful, nothing hurts quite as much as the indifference and distaste that his wife and children have for him. Despite this, Ichirou still manages to find solace in Hanako, an abandoned Shiba Inu that he adopts into his home. However, his life takes a turn for the worse when a follow-up physical examination reveals that Ichirou has stomach cancer and only three months to live; though he tries to be strong, his family's disinterest causes an emotional breakdown. Running off into a nearby field, Ichirou embraces his dog and weeps—until he notices a strange figure standing before him. -- -- Suddenly, a bright light appears and Ichirou is enveloped by smoke and dust. When he comes to, he discovers something is amiss—he has been reborn as a mechanized weapon wearing the skin of his former self. Though initially shocked, the compassionate Ichirou immediately uses his newfound powers to save a life, an act of kindness that fills him with happiness and newfound hope. -- -- However, the origins of these strange powers remain unclear. Who was the mysterious figure at the site of the explosion, and are they as kind as Ichirou when it comes to using this dangerous gift? -- -- 443,053 7.69
Irregular Hunter X: The Day of Sigma -- -- Xebec -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Sci-Fi Mecha Shounen -- Irregular Hunter X: The Day of Sigma Irregular Hunter X: The Day of Sigma -- The year is 21XX. Reploids are commonplace now, after Dr. Cain rediscovered Dr. Light's old lab and based several designs off of Dr.Light's original, called "Megaman X." X, meanwhile, has joined the Maverick Hunters, and works with unit leader Zero under the command of General Sigma. It is their job to terminate rogue reploids, those who have become violent. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Capcom -- OVA - Dec 15, 2005 -- 10,100 7.20
Isekai wa Smartphone to Tomo ni. -- -- Production Reed -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Harem Comedy Magic Romance Fantasy -- Isekai wa Smartphone to Tomo ni. Isekai wa Smartphone to Tomo ni. -- In a thoughtless blunder, God accidentally strikes down Touya Mochizuki with a stray bolt of lightning! As an apology, God offers him one wish and the chance to live again in a magical fantasy world. Touya happily accepts the offer and, for his one wish, asks only to keep his smartphone with him as he begins his journey into this mysterious world. -- -- Starting over in this new world, Touya finds it is filled with magic—which he has an affinity for—and cute girls vying for his attention. These girls—the twins Linze and Elze Silhoueska, Yumina Urnea Belfast, Leen, and Yae Kokonoe—provide Touya with no end of romantic frustrations, but also companionship as he discovers the secrets of this new world. -- -- 367,224 6.21
Isekai wa Smartphone to Tomo ni. -- -- Production Reed -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Harem Comedy Magic Romance Fantasy -- Isekai wa Smartphone to Tomo ni. Isekai wa Smartphone to Tomo ni. -- In a thoughtless blunder, God accidentally strikes down Touya Mochizuki with a stray bolt of lightning! As an apology, God offers him one wish and the chance to live again in a magical fantasy world. Touya happily accepts the offer and, for his one wish, asks only to keep his smartphone with him as he begins his journey into this mysterious world. -- -- Starting over in this new world, Touya finds it is filled with magic—which he has an affinity for—and cute girls vying for his attention. These girls—the twins Linze and Elze Silhoueska, Yumina Urnea Belfast, Leen, and Yae Kokonoe—provide Touya with no end of romantic frustrations, but also companionship as he discovers the secrets of this new world. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 367,224 6.21
IS: Infinite Stratos -- -- 8bit -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Sci-Fi Harem Comedy Ecchi Mecha -- IS: Infinite Stratos IS: Infinite Stratos -- An exoskeleton weapon engineered by Japan, Infinite Stratos (IS) can be piloted only by women. Its power and combat prowess are so immense that an international treaty has been signed banning its use as a military asset. -- -- When it is discovered that 15-year-old Ichika Orimura is the only male capable of steering an IS, he is forcibly enrolled in the Infinite Stratos Academy: an all-female boarding school, the students of which graduate to become IS pilots. At this training school, Ichika is reunited with two of his childhood friends, Houki Shinonono and Lingyin Huang, and befriends Cecilia Alcott, an IS representative from the United Kingdom. -- -- Guided by the legendary pilot Chifuyu Orimura—their strict homeroom teacher and Ichika's older sister—Ichika and the girls will need to use everything at their disposal to defend themselves and their academy against the dangers that will arise during the course of their thrilling school life. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 520,948 6.72
Isuca -- -- Arms -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Ecchi Romance School Seinen Supernatural -- Isuca Isuca -- Poor Shinichirou Asano has the worst of luck. His parents abandoned him and ran off to Europe. If that isn't bad enough on its own, they barely left him any money to take care of himself. In order to pay rent and keep a roof over his head, he has to work. Unfortunately, he was just fired from his last job and as a high school student, he doesn't have many other prospects. -- -- One evening, he's attacked by a centipede monster on his way home. Shinichirou is saved by a mysterious girl with a bow and arrow, who he later discovers is Sakuya Shimazu, a beautiful student who attends his school. But when he later helps an injured girl, he discovers two things. First, the injured girl isn't human at all but rather a nekomata, a two-tailed demon cat. And second, Sakuya comes from a family of exorcists, who've protected humanity from rogue monsters and spirits for generations. Because Shinichirou was responsible for releasing the nekomata, Sakuya enlists his help in recapturing the demon, but that's just the beginning of Shinichirou's relationship with Sakuya. It turns out the Shimazu family needs a housekeeper and it just so happens that Shinichirou excels at cooking and likes to clean! It may not be his dream job, but if it pays the rent and puts food on the table... -- 125,107 6.02
Isuca -- -- Arms -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Ecchi Romance School Seinen Supernatural -- Isuca Isuca -- Poor Shinichirou Asano has the worst of luck. His parents abandoned him and ran off to Europe. If that isn't bad enough on its own, they barely left him any money to take care of himself. In order to pay rent and keep a roof over his head, he has to work. Unfortunately, he was just fired from his last job and as a high school student, he doesn't have many other prospects. -- -- One evening, he's attacked by a centipede monster on his way home. Shinichirou is saved by a mysterious girl with a bow and arrow, who he later discovers is Sakuya Shimazu, a beautiful student who attends his school. But when he later helps an injured girl, he discovers two things. First, the injured girl isn't human at all but rather a nekomata, a two-tailed demon cat. And second, Sakuya comes from a family of exorcists, who've protected humanity from rogue monsters and spirits for generations. Because Shinichirou was responsible for releasing the nekomata, Sakuya enlists his help in recapturing the demon, but that's just the beginning of Shinichirou's relationship with Sakuya. It turns out the Shimazu family needs a housekeeper and it just so happens that Shinichirou excels at cooking and likes to clean! It may not be his dream job, but if it pays the rent and puts food on the table... -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- 125,107 6.02
Iwa Kakeru!: Sport Climbing Girls -- -- Blade -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Comedy Sports School -- Iwa Kakeru!: Sport Climbing Girls Iwa Kakeru!: Sport Climbing Girls -- Video games, especially puzzle games, were always at the center of Konomi Kasahara's life. However, upon entering Hanamiya High School, she decides to break away from this lifestyle. As Konomi wanders the halls in search of a new activity to engage herself in, she stumbles upon a gigantic wall owned by the school's rock climbing team. Fascinated, she attempts to scale the wall, discovering that she can use her puzzle-solving skills to help her reach the top. -- -- Certain that she has found her calling, Konomi immediately joins the club. As she strives to improve her climbing skills, Konomi, alongside the rest of the Hanamiya Climbing Team, will learn what it truly means to be a "sports climber" and work to achieve victory in the upcoming competitions. -- -- 64,490 6.48
Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun -- -- Project No.9 -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Drama Romance School -- Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun -- Fumiya Tomozaki is Japan's best player in the online game Attack Families, commonly known as "Tackfam." Despite holding such a revered title, a lack of social skills and amiability causes him to fall short in his everyday high school life. Failing to have any friends, he blames the convoluted mechanics and unfair rules of life, forcing him to give up and proclaim himself a bottom-tier character in this "game." -- -- After a fateful meeting with another top-tier Tackfam player, Fumiya is shocked to discover the player's true identity—Aoi Hinami, a popular, smart, and sociable classmate who is the complete opposite of himself. Aoi, surprised at how inept Fumiya is at everything besides Tackfam, decides to assist him in succeeding in what she calls the greatest game of them all. Through the gruesome ordeals of social interactions and relationships, Fumiya begins to advance tiers in the glorious game of life. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 179,634 7.23
Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun -- -- Lerche -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy School Shounen Supernatural -- Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun -- The famous "Seven Wonders" that every school seems to have are a staple of Japanese urban legends. One of the most well-known of these tales is that of Hanako-san: the ghost of a young girl who haunts the school's bathrooms. -- -- Kamome Academy has its own version of Hanako-san's legend. Rumors claim that if one successfully manages to summon Hanako-san, she will grant her summoner any wish. Lured by the gossip, many people have tried to call upon her, yet every attempt has failed. However, when Nene Yashiro, a girl hoping for romantic fortune, dares to summon Hanako-san, she discovers that the rumored "girl" is actually a boy! -- -- After a series of unfortunate events involving Nene's romantic desires, she is unwillingly entangled in the world of the supernatural, becoming Hanako-kun's assistant. Soon, she finds out about Hanako-kun's lesser-known duty: maintaining the fragile balance between mortals and apparitions. -- -- 323,882 7.80
Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun -- -- Lerche -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy School Shounen Supernatural -- Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun -- The famous "Seven Wonders" that every school seems to have are a staple of Japanese urban legends. One of the most well-known of these tales is that of Hanako-san: the ghost of a young girl who haunts the school's bathrooms. -- -- Kamome Academy has its own version of Hanako-san's legend. Rumors claim that if one successfully manages to summon Hanako-san, she will grant her summoner any wish. Lured by the gossip, many people have tried to call upon her, yet every attempt has failed. However, when Nene Yashiro, a girl hoping for romantic fortune, dares to summon Hanako-san, she discovers that the rumored "girl" is actually a boy! -- -- After a series of unfortunate events involving Nene's romantic desires, she is unwillingly entangled in the world of the supernatural, becoming Hanako-kun's assistant. Soon, she finds out about Hanako-kun's lesser-known duty: maintaining the fragile balance between mortals and apparitions. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 323,882 7.80
Jigoku Sensei Nube (Movie) -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- - -- Adventure Comedy Horror School Shounen Supernatural -- Jigoku Sensei Nube (Movie) Jigoku Sensei Nube (Movie) -- Kumiko Ijima who is one of Nube's students recognizes that a man in a local park is really a criminal wanted for murder when she remembers drawing his face from the wanted photos posted by the police. Kumiko warns her classmate Kyoko while at the same time the man discovers the drawing with the name initials "K.I." written on Kumiko's drawing portfolio and briefly sees that Kumiko wears a red ribbon in her hair. The cops chase the criminal who crashes his car into a seal where a demon takes control over his soul. The demon is now on a killing rampage to find any girl that wears a red ribbon whose name initials are "K.I.". -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Jul 6, 1996 -- 2,171 6.62
Jinki:Extend -- -- feel. -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Mecha Sci-Fi -- Jinki:Extend Jinki:Extend -- Aoba is a young girl who loves to build models of robots. She lived alone with her grandmother until her grandmother passes away. Shortly after she is kidnapped and brought to a secret base where she discovers a huge robot. The piloted robots fight against Ancient-Jinki in The Grand Savanna, but the true meaning behind the fights is hidden. Aoba works hard at the base so one day she can pilot one of the robots and discover these secrets. -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- 10,003 6.13
Jin-Rou -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Military Police Psychological Drama Romance -- Jin-Rou Jin-Rou -- In an alternate history, following World War II, civil unrest and terrorism run rampant in a devastated Japan under foreign occupation. During a botched interception of underground munitions being transferred by a terrorist organization, Constable Kazuki Fuse, a soldier in an elite counter-terrorism unit, witnesses the true terror of human nature. He fails to prevent a teenage girl from carrying out a desperate suicide bombing that subsequently causes immense destruction to Tokyo. With mental scars and his competence under question, Kazuki is sent back to the military academy for re-evaluation. Unbeknownst to him, he will soon be caught up in a web of government conspiracies that have the power to determine the future of all of Japan. -- -- Jin-Rou is a heart-wrenching tale of a man treading the fine line between human and beast, ultimately discovering to which side he truly belongs. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Discotek Media -- Movie - Jun 3, 2000 -- 129,306 7.78
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 6: Stone Ocean -- -- - -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Shounen -- JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 6: Stone Ocean JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 6: Stone Ocean -- In Florida, 2011, Jolyne Kuujou sits in a jail cell like her father Joutarou once did; yet this situation is not of her own choice. Framed for a crime she didn’t commit, and manipulated into serving a longer sentence, Jolyne is ready to resign to a dire fate as a prisoner of Green Dolphin Street Jail. Though all hope seems lost, a gift from Joutarou ends up awakening her latent abilities, manifesting into her Stand, Stone Free. Now armed with the power to change her fate, Jolyne sets out to find an escape from the stone ocean that holds her. -- -- However, she soon discovers that her incarceration is merely a small part of a grand plot: one that not only takes aim at her family, but has additional far-reaching consequences. What's more, the mastermind is lurking within the very same prison, and is under the protection of a lineup of menacing Stand users. Finding unlikely allies to help her cause, Jolyne sets course to stop their plot, clear her name, and take back her life. -- -- - - ??? ??, ???? -- 85,902 N/A -- -- Guilty Crown: Lost Christmas - An Episode of Port Town -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Super Power Drama -- Guilty Crown: Lost Christmas - An Episode of Port Town Guilty Crown: Lost Christmas - An Episode of Port Town -- In 2029, Scrooge escapes from a research facility where he had been confined as an experimental subject. His body was remodeled by genetic manipulations and he uses his psychic power to kill the chasers. One day, he meets another experimental subject called Carol. When three psychic chasers hunt down the two, Carol asks Scrooge to use his right arm to extract a weapon from her body. -- OVA - Jul 26, 2012 -- 85,740 6.93
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 6: Stone Ocean -- -- - -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Shounen -- JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 6: Stone Ocean JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 6: Stone Ocean -- In Florida, 2011, Jolyne Kuujou sits in a jail cell like her father Joutarou once did; yet this situation is not of her own choice. Framed for a crime she didn’t commit, and manipulated into serving a longer sentence, Jolyne is ready to resign to a dire fate as a prisoner of Green Dolphin Street Jail. Though all hope seems lost, a gift from Joutarou ends up awakening her latent abilities, manifesting into her Stand, Stone Free. Now armed with the power to change her fate, Jolyne sets out to find an escape from the stone ocean that holds her. -- -- However, she soon discovers that her incarceration is merely a small part of a grand plot: one that not only takes aim at her family, but has additional far-reaching consequences. What's more, the mastermind is lurking within the very same prison, and is under the protection of a lineup of menacing Stand users. Finding unlikely allies to help her cause, Jolyne sets course to stop their plot, clear her name, and take back her life. -- -- - - ??? ??, ???? -- 85,902 N/ARunway de Waratte -- -- Ezόla -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Drama School Shounen -- Runway de Waratte Runway de Waratte -- Being the daughter of a modeling agency owner, Chiyuki Fujito aspires to represent her father's agency in the prestigious Paris Fashion Week, shining under the spotlight as a runway model. However, although she is equipped with great looks and talent, she unfortunately lacks a key element in becoming a successful model—height. Stuck at 158 cm even after entering high school, her childhood dream seems out of reach. -- -- Meanwhile, Ikuto Tsumura is a high school student with a knack in designing clothes; however, without the resources to pursue the necessary education, his ambition of becoming a fashion designer remains a mere dream. But as fate brings Chiyuki and Ikuto together, the dim hopes within their hearts are ignited once again. Together, the two promise to rebel against convention and carve out their own paths in the fashion world. -- -- 85,891 7.62
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (TV) -- -- David Production -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Supernatural Vampire Shounen -- JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (TV) JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (TV) -- In 1868, Dario Brando saves the life of an English nobleman, George Joestar. By taking in Dario's son Dio when the boy becomes fatherless, George hopes to repay the debt he owes to his savior. However Dio, unsatisfied with his station in life, aspires to seize the Joestar house for his own. Wielding an Aztec stone mask with supernatural properties, he sets out to destroy George and his son, Jonathan "JoJo" Joestar, and triggers a chain of events that will continue to echo through the years to come. -- -- Half a century later, in New York City, Jonathan's grandson Joseph Joestar discovers the legacy his grandfather left for him. When an archeological dig unearths the truth behind the stone mask, he realizes that he is the only one who can defeat the Pillar Men, mystical beings of immeasurable power who inadvertently began everything. -- -- Adapted from the first two arcs of Hirohiko Araki's outlandish manga series, JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken follows the many thrilling expeditions of JoJo and his descendants. Whether it's facing off with the evil Dio, or combatting the sinister Pillar Men, there's always plenty of bizarre adventures in store. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media, Warner Bros. Pictures -- 1,054,934 8.01
Jujutsu Kaisen 0 Movie -- -- MAPPA -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Demons Supernatural Shounen -- Jujutsu Kaisen 0 Movie Jujutsu Kaisen 0 Movie -- Yuuta Okkotsu is haunted. Ever since his childhood friend Rika died in a traffic accident, her ghost has stuck with him. But her spirit does not appear as the sweet girl Yuuta once knew. Instead, she manifests as a monstrous and powerful entity who fiercely protects him. Unable to control Rika's violent behavior, Yuuta is helpless to stop the bloodshed that follows from her brutal vengeance. As a result, when apprehended by "Jujutsu" sorcerers—the secret guardians of the world, trained to combat forces like Rika—Yuuta wishes to be completely isolated so that no one else can get hurt. -- -- Yet his apprehender, the master sorcerer Satoru Gojou, has different plans for him: he will join Jujutsu High School and learn to control Rika in order to help people. Now a first-year at this school, Yuuta starts to learn Jujutsu arts and combat malignant beings. Alongside his new classmates Maki Zenin, a Jujutsu weapons expert; Toge Inumaki, a spellcaster who uses his words as weapons; and Panda, a seemingly walking and talking panda bear, Yuuta begins to find his place in the world and, for once, to feel comfortable with his abilities. However, as his training progresses, Yuuta comes to learn that the dangers of the Jujutsu world go far beyond that of wicked spirits. -- -- Movie - ??? ??, ???? -- 97,895 N/A -- -- Boku no Hero Academia: Ikinokore! Kesshi no Survival Kunren -- -- Bones -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action Shounen Super Power -- Boku no Hero Academia: Ikinokore! Kesshi no Survival Kunren Boku no Hero Academia: Ikinokore! Kesshi no Survival Kunren -- In this brand-new adventure, some Class 1-A students are sent to hone their survival skills at a training course. Having yet to receive their provisional licenses, they're eager to cut loose and have a little fun. -- -- They quickly discover that the danger they face is no simulation! It's going to take their combined training, teamwork, and quick thinking if they're going to pass this assignment! -- -- (Source: Funimation) -- ONA - Aug 16, 2020 -- 97,538 7.12
Jujutsu Kaisen (TV) -- -- MAPPA -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Demons Supernatural School Shounen -- Jujutsu Kaisen (TV) Jujutsu Kaisen (TV) -- Idly indulging in baseless paranormal activities with the Occult Club, high schooler Yuuji Itadori spends his days at either the clubroom or the hospital, where he visits his bedridden grandfather. However, this leisurely lifestyle soon takes a turn for the strange when he unknowingly encounters a cursed item. Triggering a chain of supernatural occurrences, Yuuji finds himself suddenly thrust into the world of Curses—dreadful beings formed from human malice and negativity—after swallowing the said item, revealed to be a finger belonging to the demon Sukuna Ryoumen, the "King of Curses." -- -- Yuuji experiences first-hand the threat these Curses pose to society as he discovers his own newfound powers. Introduced to the Tokyo Metropolitan Jujutsu Technical High School, he begins to walk down a path from which he cannot return—the path of a Jujutsu sorcerer. -- -- 1,008,447 8.79
Junjou Romantica -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance Shounen Ai -- Junjou Romantica Junjou Romantica -- Misaki Takahashi is a regular high school student who is preparing for his university entrance exams. In order to reduce the stress of studying, or so he hopes, he accepts the help of his older brother's best friend, and famous author, Akihiko Usami. However, Masaki is about to find out that Usami's books are of a very naughty genre, and that there may be something naughty waking up inside Masaki as well. -- -- Junjou Romantica also follows the story of two other couples loosely connected to Masaki and Usami's "Romantica." -- -- Egoist shows the very passionate, but often complicated, relationship between university professor Hiroki Kamijou (whose life has reached an all time low) and paediatrician Nowaki Kusama, who falls for Hiroki at first sight and would do anything to make him happy. -- -- The third story, "Terrorist," shows just how obsessive love can become when rich eighteen-year-old Shinobu Takatsuki finally discovers something that he cannot have so easily—the literature professor You Miyagi. -- -- There is passion abound as these three couples try to achieve their goals in life while also falling into temptation and anguish with their partners. -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- TV - Apr 11, 2008 -- 211,072 7.62
Juu Ou Sei -- -- Bones -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Mystery Drama Shoujo -- Juu Ou Sei Juu Ou Sei -- After the murder of their parents, 11-year-old twin brothers Thor and Rai Klein are sent away from their home planet. They find themselves awakening on the terraformed planet of Chimaera, where carnivorous plants dominate and the few humans who live there are divided into four groups known as "Rings." Soon after, they meet a young man by the name of Zagi, and the twins learn that only the "Jyu Oh Sei"—the one who conquers these four Rings—is allowed to leave the planet. -- -- Driven by the desire to return home and discover the truth behind the death of his parents, Thor resolves to survive in the harsh, merciless environment of Chimaera. However, he quickly learns there is more than meets the eye in this strange ecosystem. As Thor is swept up in the politics that entangle the Rings, he uncovers more about his parents' murder, and ultimately, humanity's fate as a whole. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Apr 14, 2006 -- 63,728 7.25
Juu Ou Sei -- -- Bones -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Mystery Drama Shoujo -- Juu Ou Sei Juu Ou Sei -- After the murder of their parents, 11-year-old twin brothers Thor and Rai Klein are sent away from their home planet. They find themselves awakening on the terraformed planet of Chimaera, where carnivorous plants dominate and the few humans who live there are divided into four groups known as "Rings." Soon after, they meet a young man by the name of Zagi, and the twins learn that only the "Jyu Oh Sei"—the one who conquers these four Rings—is allowed to leave the planet. -- -- Driven by the desire to return home and discover the truth behind the death of his parents, Thor resolves to survive in the harsh, merciless environment of Chimaera. However, he quickly learns there is more than meets the eye in this strange ecosystem. As Thor is swept up in the politics that entangle the Rings, he uncovers more about his parents' murder, and ultimately, humanity's fate as a whole. -- -- TV - Apr 14, 2006 -- 63,728 7.25
Kaguya-hime no Monogatari -- -- Studio Ghibli -- 1 ep -- Other -- Fantasy Historical -- Kaguya-hime no Monogatari Kaguya-hime no Monogatari -- Deep in the countryside, a man named Okina works as a bamboo cutter in a forest, chopping away at the hollow plants day after day. One day, he discovers a small baby inside a glowing shoot. He immediately takes her home, convinced that she is a princess sent to Earth as a divine blessing from heaven. Okina and his wife Ouna take it upon themselves to raise the infant as their own, watching over her as she quickly grows into an energetic young girl. Given the name Kaguya, she fits right in with the village she has come to call home, going on adventures with the other children and enjoying what youth has to offer. -- -- But when Okina finds a large fortune of gold and treasure in the forest, Kaguya's life is completely changed. Believing this to be yet another gift from heaven, he takes it upon himself to turn his daughter into a real princess using the wealth he has just obtained, relocating the family to a mansion in the capital. As she leaves her friends behind to enter into an unwanted life of royalty, Kaguya's origins and purpose slowly come to light. -- -- -- Licensor: -- GKIDS -- Movie - Nov 23, 2013 -- 155,340 8.22
Kaiba -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Original -- Adventure Mystery Romance Sci-Fi -- Kaiba Kaiba -- In a world where memories exist in memory chips separate from the body, death of the body no longer means death of the soul. It is possible for memories to be viewed, altered, and transferred between bodies. These memory chips are used by the rich to obtain eternal lives in carefully selected bodies, while for the poor, selling their own bodies and conserving their souls in the chips often become the only way to earn a living. An electrolytic cloud in the sky serves as a barrier between the heavens of the fortunate and the underworld of the destitute, making this social division impregnable. -- -- One day, a man named Kaiba wakes up in an empty room with no memories, a mysterious hole in his chest, and a locket holding the picture of an unknown woman. After escaping an attack and stumbling upon a decrepit village of underworld residents, he begins his adventure across the different planets of this strange universe to find out more about his own identity and the woman he once knew. -- -- Through a journey of self-discovery and acceptance, Kaiba weaves together tales of souls and spirits and explores the importance of memories. -- -- TV - Apr 11, 2008 -- 117,051 8.17
Kakurenbo -- -- Yamato Works -- 1 ep -- Original -- Horror Psychological Supernatural -- Kakurenbo Kakurenbo -- Among the high rises of steel pipes, meshed power lines, and faded neon lights, exists a game that children dare to play within the ruins of the old city. -- -- "Otokoyo," a secret game of hide-and-seek, one where all who play wear fox masks and only begins when seven have gathered. But it is no normal game, as all who have played it have gone missing. Many whisper it is the work of demons, but that is just a rumor... or is it? -- -- Kakurenbo follows the story of seven children as they play Otokoyo for the first time and discover why if you play, you never return. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- Movie - Sep 1, 2004 -- 32,995 6.74
Kaleido Star -- -- Gonzo, Production I.G -- 51 eps -- Original -- Comedy Sports Drama Fantasy Shoujo -- Kaleido Star Kaleido Star -- The Kaleido Stage is known throughout the world for captivating audiences with its amazing acrobatics, innovative routines, and extravagant costumes and sets. It is a place for guests to believe in magic, and Sora Naegino wants nothing more than to be a part of that magic—by becoming an acrobat for the famed circus herself. -- -- To realize her dream, she travels from Japan to California to audition for a place in the group. However, Sora learns that she needs much more than her natural talent to bring joy to the faces in the crowd. She quickly discovers just how difficult it is to be a professional performer where the stakes—and the stunts—are higher and mistakes spell danger! To put on performances worthy of the Kaleido Stage, she will need to endure rigorous training, unconventional assignments, fierce competition, and the antics of a mischievous spirit named Fool. -- -- Can Sora reach new heights, make new friends, conquer her fears, and surpass her limits to become a Kaleido Star? -- -- 70,745 7.94
Kaleido Star -- -- Gonzo, Production I.G -- 51 eps -- Original -- Comedy Sports Drama Fantasy Shoujo -- Kaleido Star Kaleido Star -- The Kaleido Stage is known throughout the world for captivating audiences with its amazing acrobatics, innovative routines, and extravagant costumes and sets. It is a place for guests to believe in magic, and Sora Naegino wants nothing more than to be a part of that magic—by becoming an acrobat for the famed circus herself. -- -- To realize her dream, she travels from Japan to California to audition for a place in the group. However, Sora learns that she needs much more than her natural talent to bring joy to the faces in the crowd. She quickly discovers just how difficult it is to be a professional performer where the stakes—and the stunts—are higher and mistakes spell danger! To put on performances worthy of the Kaleido Stage, she will need to endure rigorous training, unconventional assignments, fierce competition, and the antics of a mischievous spirit named Fool. -- -- Can Sora reach new heights, make new friends, conquer her fears, and surpass her limits to become a Kaleido Star? -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- 70,745 7.94
Kamigami no Asobi -- -- Brain's Base -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Harem Supernatural Romance Fantasy Shoujo -- Kamigami no Asobi Kamigami no Asobi -- After discovering a mysterious sword in the storehouse of her home, third-year high school student Yui Kusanagi finds herself suddenly transported to a different world. While exploring her new surroundings, she meets five strange yet handsome men before coming face to face with Zeus: the king of the gods. -- -- In order to restore the deteriorating relationship between the gods and humans, Zeus has created the Academy of the gods and has chosen Yui to be its one and only instructor. She has one year to educate the young and reluctant deities—including the five strangers she met earlier—on what it means to be human while learning about the gods herself; otherwise, they will all be trapped in Zeus' realm forever. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 6, 2014 -- 121,056 7.07
Kamigami no Asobi -- -- Brain's Base -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Harem Supernatural Romance Fantasy Shoujo -- Kamigami no Asobi Kamigami no Asobi -- After discovering a mysterious sword in the storehouse of her home, third-year high school student Yui Kusanagi finds herself suddenly transported to a different world. While exploring her new surroundings, she meets five strange yet handsome men before coming face to face with Zeus: the king of the gods. -- -- In order to restore the deteriorating relationship between the gods and humans, Zeus has created the Academy of the gods and has chosen Yui to be its one and only instructor. She has one year to educate the young and reluctant deities—including the five strangers she met earlier—on what it means to be human while learning about the gods herself; otherwise, they will all be trapped in Zeus' realm forever. -- -- TV - Apr 6, 2014 -- 121,056 7.07
Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai -- -- Manglobe -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Harem Romance Shounen Supernatural -- Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai -- Keima Katsuragi, known online as the legendary "God of Conquest," can conquer any girl's heart—in dating sim games, at least. In reality, he opts for the two-dimensional world of gaming over real life because he is an unhealthily obsessed otaku of galge games (a type of Japanese video game centered on interactions with attractive girls). -- -- When he arrogantly accepts an anonymous offer to prove his supremacy at dating sim games, Keima is misled into aiding a naïve and impish demon from hell named Elucia "Elsie" de Lute Ima with her mission: retrieving runaway evil spirits who have escaped from hell and scattered themselves throughout the human world. Keima discovers that the only way to capture these spirits is to conquer what he hates the most: the unpredictable hearts of three-dimensional girls! Shackled to Elsie via a deadly collar, Keima now has his title of "God of Conquest" put to the ultimate test as he is forced to navigate through the hearts of a multitude of real-life girls. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 523,631 7.72
Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai: Megami-hen -- -- Manglobe -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Harem Comedy Supernatural Romance Shounen -- Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai: Megami-hen Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai: Megami-hen -- Having freed a myriad of women from the runaway spirits possessing their hearts, the "God of Conquest" Keima Katsuragi is confronted with a new task: find the Jupiter Sisters, the goddesses that sealed Old Hell in the past. Diana, the goddess that resides inside his childhood friend Tenri Ayukawa, explains that they have taken shelter in the hearts of the girls he had assisted previously. Moreover, once Diana and her sisters are reunited, their power can seal the runaway spirits away for good and relieve Keima of his exorcising duties. Though he is initially reluctant to get involved in yet another chore, everything changes when tragedy befalls one of the hosts. -- -- Discovering that the goddesses are being targeted by a mysterious organization known as Vintage, Keima is caught in a race against time to reunite the sisters and rescue the girl who has already fallen prey. With deeper resolve than ever before, Keima works together with demons Elsie and Haqua to recapture the hearts of the girls he had charmed in the past. However, the road ahead is a difficult one, as he is soon met with the consequences of his previous conquests. -- -- 281,799 8.07
Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai: Megami-hen -- -- Manglobe -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Harem Comedy Supernatural Romance Shounen -- Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai: Megami-hen Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai: Megami-hen -- Having freed a myriad of women from the runaway spirits possessing their hearts, the "God of Conquest" Keima Katsuragi is confronted with a new task: find the Jupiter Sisters, the goddesses that sealed Old Hell in the past. Diana, the goddess that resides inside his childhood friend Tenri Ayukawa, explains that they have taken shelter in the hearts of the girls he had assisted previously. Moreover, once Diana and her sisters are reunited, their power can seal the runaway spirits away for good and relieve Keima of his exorcising duties. Though he is initially reluctant to get involved in yet another chore, everything changes when tragedy befalls one of the hosts. -- -- Discovering that the goddesses are being targeted by a mysterious organization known as Vintage, Keima is caught in a race against time to reunite the sisters and rescue the girl who has already fallen prey. With deeper resolve than ever before, Keima works together with demons Elsie and Haqua to recapture the hearts of the girls he had charmed in the past. However, the road ahead is a difficult one, as he is soon met with the consequences of his previous conquests. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 281,799 8.07
Kamisama Hajimemashita◎ -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Demons Supernatural Romance Fantasy Shoujo -- Kamisama Hajimemashita◎ Kamisama Hajimemashita◎ -- Nanami Momozono and her familiars Tomoe and Mizuki have survived quite a few challenges since Nanami took up the mantle of Mikage Shrine's patron god. Naturally, the wind god Otohiko comes to invite Nanami to the Divine Assembly in Izumo, the home of the gods, and Nanami chooses to take Mizuki with her, leaving Tomoe to pose as her at school. However, she has an ulterior motive for attending the Divine Assembly: to discover the whereabouts of the missing Lord Mikage, the former god of the shrine. -- -- After her adventures in Izumo, Nanami meets Botanmaru, a tengu child looking for someone she knows all too well—tengu turned goth idol Shinjirou Kurama. Botanmaru needs Shinjirou, their prince, to return home to Mount Kurama and stop the tyranny of Jirou, who has taken over the rule of their hometown. However, Nanami soon discovers a force much darker than Jirou is at work on the mountain. -- -- As a fledgling god becoming more accustomed to divinity, Nanami finds herself dealing with a tengu rebellion, her blooming feelings for Tomoe, and a strange man with ties to both Tomoe's past and Nanami's future. -- -- 265,172 8.16
Kamisama Hajimemashita◎ -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Demons Supernatural Romance Fantasy Shoujo -- Kamisama Hajimemashita◎ Kamisama Hajimemashita◎ -- Nanami Momozono and her familiars Tomoe and Mizuki have survived quite a few challenges since Nanami took up the mantle of Mikage Shrine's patron god. Naturally, the wind god Otohiko comes to invite Nanami to the Divine Assembly in Izumo, the home of the gods, and Nanami chooses to take Mizuki with her, leaving Tomoe to pose as her at school. However, she has an ulterior motive for attending the Divine Assembly: to discover the whereabouts of the missing Lord Mikage, the former god of the shrine. -- -- After her adventures in Izumo, Nanami meets Botanmaru, a tengu child looking for someone she knows all too well—tengu turned goth idol Shinjirou Kurama. Botanmaru needs Shinjirou, their prince, to return home to Mount Kurama and stop the tyranny of Jirou, who has taken over the rule of their hometown. However, Nanami soon discovers a force much darker than Jirou is at work on the mountain. -- -- As a fledgling god becoming more accustomed to divinity, Nanami finds herself dealing with a tengu rebellion, her blooming feelings for Tomoe, and a strange man with ties to both Tomoe's past and Nanami's future. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 265,172 8.16
Kamisama Hajimemashita -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Demons Supernatural Romance Fantasy Shoujo -- Kamisama Hajimemashita Kamisama Hajimemashita -- High schooler Nanami Momozono has quite a few problems of late, beginning with her absentee father being in such extreme debt that they lose everything. Downtrodden and homeless, she runs into a man being harassed by a dog. After helping him, she explains her situation, and to her surprise, he offers her his home in gratitude. But when she discovers that said home is a rundown shrine, she tries to leave; however, she is caught by two shrine spirits and a fox familiar named Tomoe. They mistake her for the man Nanami rescued—the land god of the shrine, Mikage. Realizing that Mikage must have sent her there as a replacement god, Tomoe leaves abruptly, refusing to serve a human. -- -- Rather than going back to being homeless, Nanami immerses herself in her divine duties. But if she must keep things running smoothly, she will need the help of a certain hot-headed fox. In her fumbling attempt to seek out Tomoe, she lands in trouble and ends up sealing a contract with him. Now the two must traverse the path of godhood together as god and familiar; but it will not be easy, for new threats arise in the form of a youkai who wants to devour the girl, a snake that wants to marry her, and Nanami's own unexpected feelings for her new familiar. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 460,758 8.04
Kamisama Hajimemashita: Kako-hen -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Demons Supernatural Romance Fantasy Shoujo -- Kamisama Hajimemashita: Kako-hen Kamisama Hajimemashita: Kako-hen -- While playing in the snow one day at her shrine, the land god Nanami Momozono witnesses her familiar—the fox youkai Tomoe—collapse, with dark markings appearing on his body. Tomoe's former master, Lord Mikage, appears after his long absence and places Tomoe into a magical pocket mirror in order to stave off his ailment. -- -- Mikage explains that long ago, before he and Tomoe had met, the fox youkai was in love with a human woman. Seeking to live as a human with his beloved, he made a deal with a fallen god, but he only ended up cursed and dying. When Mikage discovered Tomoe, the god made the youkai forget his human love as a quick solution. However, something has changed recently to reactivate the curse; Tomoe has fallen in love with his new human master, Nanami. Since there is no way to stop the curse, Nanami wants to stop Tomoe from getting cursed in the first place by traveling back through time, even if it means they may never meet. As Nanami travels back hundreds of years to save her precious familiar, she discovers that she is far more closely bonded to Tomoe than she previously thought. -- -- OVA - Aug 20, 2015 -- 121,684 8.37
Kanata no Astra -- -- Lerche -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Adventure Space Shounen -- Kanata no Astra Kanata no Astra -- In the year 2063, space travel is feasible and commercially available. As the cheerful Aries Spring arrives at the spaceport to attend a camp on the distant planet McPa, her purse is suddenly snatched by a reckless thief. Luckily, the athletic Kanata Hoshijima is able to retrieve it for her, and Aries soon discovers that he is among the group of teenagers who will be travelling with her on the excursion as team B-5. -- -- Upon arriving at their campsite, the group's trip takes a turn for the worse when a strange sphere of black light sucks them into the vast reaches of outer space. Stranded with seemingly no hope, they find an abandoned ship nearby that provides them with the means to return home. However, they soon discover that they are not as close to their campsite as they initially thought, but are in fact thousands of light-years away from home. -- -- With this realization, the nine members must cautiously manage their resources, maintain their strength, and unite as one to conquer the darkness of space together. While the reason behind their trip's sudden obstruction remains unknown, they nevertheless embark on the treacherous voyage back home aboard their new ship, the Astra. -- -- 208,590 8.14
Kanata no Astra -- -- Lerche -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Adventure Space Shounen -- Kanata no Astra Kanata no Astra -- In the year 2063, space travel is feasible and commercially available. As the cheerful Aries Spring arrives at the spaceport to attend a camp on the distant planet McPa, her purse is suddenly snatched by a reckless thief. Luckily, the athletic Kanata Hoshijima is able to retrieve it for her, and Aries soon discovers that he is among the group of teenagers who will be travelling with her on the excursion as team B-5. -- -- Upon arriving at their campsite, the group's trip takes a turn for the worse when a strange sphere of black light sucks them into the vast reaches of outer space. Stranded with seemingly no hope, they find an abandoned ship nearby that provides them with the means to return home. However, they soon discover that they are not as close to their campsite as they initially thought, but are in fact thousands of light-years away from home. -- -- With this realization, the nine members must cautiously manage their resources, maintain their strength, and unite as one to conquer the darkness of space together. While the reason behind their trip's sudden obstruction remains unknown, they nevertheless embark on the treacherous voyage back home aboard their new ship, the Astra. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 208,590 8.14
Karakuri Circus (TV) -- -- Studio VOLN -- 36 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Mystery Drama Shounen -- Karakuri Circus (TV) Karakuri Circus (TV) -- Narumi Katou is a middle-aged man who suffers from the bizarre ZONAPHA Syndrome: a rare and inexplicable disease that causes its victims to endure severe seizures at random, with the only cure being to watch someone laugh. One day, during Narumi's part time job, a young boy with a giant suitcase fleeing from three adults runs into him. The boy introduces himself as Masaru Saiga, the new owner of the famous Saiga Enterprises following his father's recent death. However, other members of his family are trying to assassinate him and claim the fortune for themselves. -- -- Determined to save the child, Narumi helps Masaru escape and ends up fighting the pursuers, only to discover that they are sentient humanoid puppets with superhuman strength. As Narumi is about to lose, a white-haired girl suddenly joins the fray and swiftly summons yet another puppet from the boy's suitcase, claiming herself to be Shirogane, Masaru's guardian. -- -- Karakuri Circus follows three people from different backgrounds whose fates intertwine and diverge as they unravel the mysteries of an ancient tale of love and betrayal, and the long, ancient battle between humans and puppets. -- -- 84,705 7.09
Karakuri Circus (TV) -- -- Studio VOLN -- 36 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Mystery Drama Shounen -- Karakuri Circus (TV) Karakuri Circus (TV) -- Narumi Katou is a middle-aged man who suffers from the bizarre ZONAPHA Syndrome: a rare and inexplicable disease that causes its victims to endure severe seizures at random, with the only cure being to watch someone laugh. One day, during Narumi's part time job, a young boy with a giant suitcase fleeing from three adults runs into him. The boy introduces himself as Masaru Saiga, the new owner of the famous Saiga Enterprises following his father's recent death. However, other members of his family are trying to assassinate him and claim the fortune for themselves. -- -- Determined to save the child, Narumi helps Masaru escape and ends up fighting the pursuers, only to discover that they are sentient humanoid puppets with superhuman strength. As Narumi is about to lose, a white-haired girl suddenly joins the fray and swiftly summons yet another puppet from the boy's suitcase, claiming herself to be Shirogane, Masaru's guardian. -- -- Karakuri Circus follows three people from different backgrounds whose fates intertwine and diverge as they unravel the mysteries of an ancient tale of love and betrayal, and the long, ancient battle between humans and puppets. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 84,705 7.09
Kara no Kyoukai 2: Satsujin Kousatsu (Zen) -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Mystery Supernatural Romance Thriller -- Kara no Kyoukai 2: Satsujin Kousatsu (Zen) Kara no Kyoukai 2: Satsujin Kousatsu (Zen) -- In the winter of 1995, Mikiya Kokutou passes a young woman during a late night stroll in the snow. Clad in a striking white kimono and bearing an enigmatic gaze, Shiki Ryougi smiles at Mikiya who stares back with curiosity. Later that spring, Mikiya notices Shiki at his high school entrance ceremony, and they become acquaintances through lunchtime conversations. As Shiki begins opening up to him, Mikiya learns about her unique upbringing. -- -- Meanwhile, a series of unprecedented murders takes place across Mifune City. Seemingly related, these murders are particularly brutal and warrant a large scale police investigation. Because of his cousin's work as a police investigator, Mikiya is given insight into the investigation. Concerned for Shiki's safety, Mikiya decides to monitor her actions, but in doing so, he stumbles upon a truly frightening discovery that changes his life forever. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Dec 29, 2007 -- 195,099 7.84
Kara no Kyoukai 2: Satsujin Kousatsu (Zen) -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Mystery Supernatural Romance Thriller -- Kara no Kyoukai 2: Satsujin Kousatsu (Zen) Kara no Kyoukai 2: Satsujin Kousatsu (Zen) -- In the winter of 1995, Mikiya Kokutou passes a young woman during a late night stroll in the snow. Clad in a striking white kimono and bearing an enigmatic gaze, Shiki Ryougi smiles at Mikiya who stares back with curiosity. Later that spring, Mikiya notices Shiki at his high school entrance ceremony, and they become acquaintances through lunchtime conversations. As Shiki begins opening up to him, Mikiya learns about her unique upbringing. -- -- Meanwhile, a series of unprecedented murders takes place across Mifune City. Seemingly related, these murders are particularly brutal and warrant a large scale police investigation. Because of his cousin's work as a police investigator, Mikiya is given insight into the investigation. Concerned for Shiki's safety, Mikiya decides to monitor her actions, but in doing so, he stumbles upon a truly frightening discovery that changes his life forever. -- -- Movie - Dec 29, 2007 -- 195,099 7.84
Kara no Kyoukai 3: Tsuukaku Zanryuu -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Mystery Supernatural Drama Thriller -- Kara no Kyoukai 3: Tsuukaku Zanryuu Kara no Kyoukai 3: Tsuukaku Zanryuu -- On a solemn night in July 1998, teenager Fujino Asagami is mercilessly raped by a street gang in a dilapidated bar. No matter what physical or sexual abuse they deal, however, the girl regards her captors with the same apathetic expression. The next day, mangled bodies are discovered in that same building, so torn apart that investigators find it infeasible to even consider the culprit human. -- -- Elsewhere, a client request reaches Touko Aozaki's detective agency, tasking Shiki Ryougi with either capturing or killing the perpetrator of last night's incident. But soon, word spreads that a single survivor escaped the slaughter, and now the murderer is plowing down everything in their path to locate and exterminate him. A brutal race against time begins, pitting Shiki against a dangerous foe imperceptible even to her legendary eyes. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Feb 9, 2008 -- 185,647 8.07
Kara no Kyoukai 3: Tsuukaku Zanryuu -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Mystery Supernatural Drama Thriller -- Kara no Kyoukai 3: Tsuukaku Zanryuu Kara no Kyoukai 3: Tsuukaku Zanryuu -- On a solemn night in July 1998, teenager Fujino Asagami is mercilessly raped by a street gang in a dilapidated bar. No matter what physical or sexual abuse they deal, however, the girl regards her captors with the same apathetic expression. The next day, mangled bodies are discovered in that same building, so torn apart that investigators find it infeasible to even consider the culprit human. -- -- Elsewhere, a client request reaches Touko Aozaki's detective agency, tasking Shiki Ryougi with either capturing or killing the perpetrator of last night's incident. But soon, word spreads that a single survivor escaped the slaughter, and now the murderer is plowing down everything in their path to locate and exterminate him. A brutal race against time begins, pitting Shiki against a dangerous foe imperceptible even to her legendary eyes. -- -- Movie - Feb 9, 2008 -- 185,647 8.07
Kara no Kyoukai 5: Mujun Rasen -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Mystery Supernatural Drama Romance Thriller -- Kara no Kyoukai 5: Mujun Rasen Kara no Kyoukai 5: Mujun Rasen -- In November 1998, a double homicide occurs at the newly constructed Ogawa apartment complex in the heart of Mifune City. The murderer, Tomoe Enjou, has fled in a panic. To his astonishment, he is not pursued by the police and news of the incident has not been reported through media outlets. After Shiki Ryougi defends Tomoe from a group of thugs, she allows him to use her residence as a hideout. However, a few days later, Tomoe is shaken to discover that his mother is alive, even though he is convinced that he killed her. -- -- Coincidentally, Mikiya Kokutou is investigating a tip that his associate Touko Aozaki receives regarding the murder at the unique apartment complex. As he uncovers more information about the incident, Mikiya takes a particular interest in Tomoe. Deciding to investigate him further, Mikiya soon discovers the disturbing truth of the foreboding Ogawa complex. -- -- The fifth installment of the Kara no Kyoukai film series, Mujun Rasen combines an intricately constructed mystery with established themes and characters to produce a dark, thought-provoking story. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Aug 16, 2008 -- 193,577 8.56
Kara no Kyoukai 5: Mujun Rasen -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Mystery Supernatural Drama Romance Thriller -- Kara no Kyoukai 5: Mujun Rasen Kara no Kyoukai 5: Mujun Rasen -- In November 1998, a double homicide occurs at the newly constructed Ogawa apartment complex in the heart of Mifune City. The murderer, Tomoe Enjou, has fled in a panic. To his astonishment, he is not pursued by the police and news of the incident has not been reported through media outlets. After Shiki Ryougi defends Tomoe from a group of thugs, she allows him to use her residence as a hideout. However, a few days later, Tomoe is shaken to discover that his mother is alive, even though he is convinced that he killed her. -- -- Coincidentally, Mikiya Kokutou is investigating a tip that his associate Touko Aozaki receives regarding the murder at the unique apartment complex. As he uncovers more information about the incident, Mikiya takes a particular interest in Tomoe. Deciding to investigate him further, Mikiya soon discovers the disturbing truth of the foreboding Ogawa complex. -- -- The fifth installment of the Kara no Kyoukai film series, Mujun Rasen combines an intricately constructed mystery with established themes and characters to produce a dark, thought-provoking story. -- -- Movie - Aug 16, 2008 -- 193,577 8.56
Karigurashi no Arrietty -- -- Studio Ghibli -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Fantasy -- Karigurashi no Arrietty Karigurashi no Arrietty -- While spending the summer at his aunt's house, the young but sickly Shou makes an amazing discovery: after following the house cat into the bushes, he gets a glimpse of a miniature girl about the size of his finger! Calling her kind "Borrowers," as they survive on tiny bits of human possessions, the girl introduces herself as Arrietty. As he discovers that she lives in the house basement with her parents, Pod and Homily, Shou becomes imaginably excited at the idea of such unique neighbors. -- -- However, he fails to understand the adversities they face on a daily basis. In addition to keeping their existence hidden, they must also embark on perilous adventures into human territory, from the house to the outdoors, in order to make a living. Despite her parents' warnings, Arrietty befriends Shou, stirring up unexpected events that may change their lives forever. -- -- Delighting the eye and conquering the heart, the breath-taking story of a friendship transcending the tensions between two different human kinds begins. -- -- Movie - Jul 17, 2010 -- 241,736 7.93
Karneval (TV) -- -- Manglobe -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Fantasy Josei Mystery Sci-Fi -- Karneval (TV) Karneval (TV) -- While in search of his precious friend, a young boy named Nai falls captive to a beautiful woman, whose looks are matched only by her taste for human flesh. Meanwhile Gareki, a clever thief, is in the midst of robbing her luxurious home. After causing a distraction, Gareki agrees to help Nai escape, but they are discovered upon the woman's return. As she transforms into a ghoulish monster, the boys flee. -- -- On the run, Nai and Gareki are found by "Circus," a government defense agency that deals with criminal activity too difficult for the police to handle and protects civilians from "varuga"—terrible monsters that devour humans for sustenance. In the hope that it will lead Nai to his missing friend, he and Gareki decide to join Circus. On their perilous journey, they face dangerous varuga and begin to uncover the secrets behind a shadowy organization known as Kafka. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Apr 4, 2013 -- 183,160 7.13
Kaze no Stigma -- -- Gonzo -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Supernatural Magic Romance -- Kaze no Stigma Kaze no Stigma -- Kazuma Yagami is a user of "Fuujutsu," the ability to control the wind. He returns to his old home, the noble Kannagi household, after being banished four years ago for his inability to control fire and his subsequent defeat in a duel at the hands of his younger cousin, Ayano Kannagi. -- -- Returning after such a brutal exile already gives rise to many conflicts, but to make matters worse, several Kannagi family members have recently been murdered with Fuujutsu. This leads the Kannagi family, including the hot-headed Ayano, to suspect Kazuma as the culprit. Now, Kazuma must not only clear his name, but also aid the family he shares a mutual hatred with, in order to discover the true identity of the killer. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 385,791 7.24
Kaze no Youjinbou -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 25 eps -- Original -- Action Mystery Drama Shounen -- Kaze no Youjinbou Kaze no Youjinbou -- In search for Araki Genzo, George Kodama finds himself in the small town of Kimujuku. George quickly realizes that he is unwelcome and is warned to leave as soon as possible. With two rival syndicates roaming the streets and a dark violent past, the town of Kimujuku isn't what it appears to be. George challenges the town of Kimujuku in order to reveal the towns dark hidden past and discover the truth. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- TV - Oct 2, 2001 -- 11,113 7.18
Keijo!!!!!!!! -- -- Xebec -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Sports Ecchi Shounen -- Keijo!!!!!!!! Keijo!!!!!!!! -- Japan's latest competitive sport, keijo, is dictated by a simple set of rules: female-only participants must stand on circular platforms floating in a pool—referred to as "lands"—with the goal being to knocking off opponents using only their breasts and butts. Despite this outlandish premise, the sport attracts millions of viewers across the country and boasts a lavish prize pool. Many aspiring athletes take up the challenge in hopes of becoming the next national champion. -- -- After graduating from high school, the lively 17-year-old Nozomi Kaminashi enters the world of keijo, hoping to bring home a fortune to her poor family. As a gifted gymnast, Nozomi quickly proves herself a tough competitor after stealing the spotlight in her debut tournament. Meeting new friends and rivals as she climbs the ranks, Nozomi discovers that the path to stardom as a keijo player is filled with intense competition that will challenge not only her body, but also her soul. -- -- 312,337 7.00
Keijo!!!!!!!! -- -- Xebec -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Sports Ecchi Shounen -- Keijo!!!!!!!! Keijo!!!!!!!! -- Japan's latest competitive sport, keijo, is dictated by a simple set of rules: female-only participants must stand on circular platforms floating in a pool—referred to as "lands"—with the goal being to knocking off opponents using only their breasts and butts. Despite this outlandish premise, the sport attracts millions of viewers across the country and boasts a lavish prize pool. Many aspiring athletes take up the challenge in hopes of becoming the next national champion. -- -- After graduating from high school, the lively 17-year-old Nozomi Kaminashi enters the world of keijo, hoping to bring home a fortune to her poor family. As a gifted gymnast, Nozomi quickly proves herself a tough competitor after stealing the spotlight in her debut tournament. Meeting new friends and rivals as she climbs the ranks, Nozomi discovers that the path to stardom as a keijo player is filled with intense competition that will challenge not only her body, but also her soul. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 312,337 7.00
Kemono Friends -- -- Yaoyorozu -- 12 eps -- Game -- Adventure Comedy Fantasy -- Kemono Friends Kemono Friends -- Japari Park is an untamed paradise where many humanoid animals, known as "Friends," live their everyday lives in all corners of the natural environmental park. -- -- One lazy afternoon in the savannah area, the energetic Serval encounters a peculiar new Friend. Curious, she swiftly takes down the Friend, named Kaban, to try and discover what species she is. To Serval's disappointment, not even Kaban herself knows the answer. -- -- The two become friends and set out on a grand adventure through the many habitats, landmarks, and attractions of Japari Park. Their destination is the park library, where they hope to shed some light on Kaban’s identity. Along the way, they meet many other Friends, looking into their lives and helping them out. However, they soon begin to uncover the sinister reality behind the park and their own existence. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Discotek Media -- 69,154 7.57
Ken En Ken: Aoki Kagayaki -- -- Studio Deen -- 13 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Demons Magic Martial Arts Fantasy -- Ken En Ken: Aoki Kagayaki Ken En Ken: Aoki Kagayaki -- Yin and Ning are two sisters who have been wandering the land together ever since their village was destroyed by the villainous Taibai Empire. Their childhood friend, Zhao, has been enslaved by the Taibai himself, and uses his brilliance at tinkering and inventing to get by as a slave to the Empire's whims. One day, Yin accidentally discovers a legendary sword, which grants her fantastic abilities in combat, and allows her to summon a mystical, mechanical fox spirit named Yun, who is sworn to fight by her side. Meanwhile, Zhao is making fast friends with a mysterious young girl who just may hold a great amount of power within the Taibai Empire. As Zhao and the Fu sisters find themselves increasingly caught up in the Empire's battle for supremacy over the land, it will take all of the magic and might that the budding resistance armies can muster to turn the tide of war once and for all. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 13,901 6.06
Keroro Gunsou -- -- Sunrise -- 358 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Mecha Parody Sci-Fi Shounen -- Keroro Gunsou Keroro Gunsou -- Unsuspecting inhabitants of the planet Earth are going about their business, enjoying a bright and particularly beautiful sunny day, when a young Japanese boy spots a shiny object falling from the sky... Has an alien invasion finally begun? -- -- Elsewhere in Japan, Keroro, frog sergeant and leader of the Space Invasion Army Special Tactics Platoon of the 58th Planet in the Gamma Planetary System, has discovered the perfect hideout. He infiltrates the home of the Hinata family in an attempt to establish a headquarters that he and his troops could use to prepare for world domination... but earthlings Fuyuki and Natsumi Hinata are too much for him to handle! Natsumi instinctively calls them out of hiding, leaving the hapless sergeant no option but to reveal his secret identity. The two siblings soon welcome the sergeant to their home, all thanks to Fuyuki’s generos—err... curiosity. -- -- The Sergeant has successfully infiltrated his first target area! Or has he? Join Keroro Gunsou in his dastardly attempt to take over the world! -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Discotek Media, Funimation -- TV - Apr 3, 2004 -- 61,510 7.69
Kidou Senkan Nadesico -- -- Xebec -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Mecha Military Parody Romance Sci-Fi Shounen Space -- Kidou Senkan Nadesico Kidou Senkan Nadesico -- Akito doesn't want to fight. Despite a childhood spent on the anime Gekiganger 3, a Mecha show, he'd rather cook than pilot a Mecha. Fate intervenes when his home on Mars is destroyed, and he is transported instantly to the Earth, mysteriously. He has questions no one can answer fully, but follows a girl from a chance meeting in hopes to discover any. The girl, Yurika, is captain of the private battleship Nadesico, and in order to follow her, he enlists as their cook. Possessing the nanite implants that allow to control mechas, he's a handy backup pilot for the mechas of the Nadesico. He joins a crew bent on avenging Mars that seems to be composed of only misfits, otakus, and ditzes; however, in reality, they are handpicked experts. They take their own private war back to Mars to face the harsh reality that life may not always be like a Giant Mecha series. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 44,434 7.52
Kidou Senkan Nadesico -- -- Xebec -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Mecha Military Parody Romance Sci-Fi Shounen Space -- Kidou Senkan Nadesico Kidou Senkan Nadesico -- Akito doesn't want to fight. Despite a childhood spent on the anime Gekiganger 3, a Mecha show, he'd rather cook than pilot a Mecha. Fate intervenes when his home on Mars is destroyed, and he is transported instantly to the Earth, mysteriously. He has questions no one can answer fully, but follows a girl from a chance meeting in hopes to discover any. The girl, Yurika, is captain of the private battleship Nadesico, and in order to follow her, he enlists as their cook. Possessing the nanite implants that allow to control mechas, he's a handy backup pilot for the mechas of the Nadesico. He joins a crew bent on avenging Mars that seems to be composed of only misfits, otakus, and ditzes; however, in reality, they are handpicked experts. They take their own private war back to Mars to face the harsh reality that life may not always be like a Giant Mecha series. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Nozomi Entertainment -- 44,434 7.52
Kikou Souseiki Mospeada -- -- Studio World, Tatsunoko Production -- 25 eps -- Original -- Action Mecha Military -- Kikou Souseiki Mospeada Kikou Souseiki Mospeada -- Without warning in the year 2050, an alien race known only as the Inbit arrive, invade and successfully conquer the Earth. Years later and despite brutal past failures, the inhabitants of Mars Colony send out yet another desperate Liberation Force to try and reclaim their lost home world. The fleet is all but destroyed. However, a lone survivor, Stig Bernard, finds himself on Earth. Gathering a mere handful of resistance fighters, Stig journeys on towards the Inbit's headquarters at Reflex Point in an attempt to gather intelligence and, possibly, discover a way to beat them. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- TV - Oct 2, 1983 -- 7,420 7.09
Kimi no Suizou wo Tabetai -- -- Studio VOLN -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Slice of Life Drama Romance -- Kimi no Suizou wo Tabetai Kimi no Suizou wo Tabetai -- The aloof protagonist: a bookworm who is deeply detached from the world he resides in. He has no interest in others and is firmly convinced that nobody has any interest in him either. His story begins when he stumbles across a handwritten book, titled "Living with Dying." He soon identifies it as a secret diary belonging to his popular, bubbly classmate Sakura Yamauchi. She then confides in him about the pancreatic disease she is suffering from and that her time left is finite. Only her family knows about her terminal illness; not even her best friends are aware. Despite this revelation, he shows zero sympathy for her plight, but caught in the waves of Sakura's persistent buoyancy, he eventually concedes to accompanying her for her remaining days. -- -- As the pair of polar opposites interact, their connection strengthens, interweaving through their choices made with each passing day. Her apparent nonchalance and unpredictability disrupts the protagonist's impassive flow of life, gradually opening his heart as he discovers and embraces the true meaning of living. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Sep 1, 2018 -- 499,135 8.59
Kimi to, Nami ni Noretara -- -- Science SARU -- 1 ep -- Original -- Drama Romance Supernatural -- Kimi to, Nami ni Noretara Kimi to, Nami ni Noretara -- Entranced by surfing and the sea, Hinako Mukaimizu is a spirited girl who attends college in a coastal city with no consideration for her future career. Her life takes an unexpected turn when a fireworks mishap sets the apartment building she lives in ablaze, where she is saved by a talented firefighter named Minato Hinageshi. Upon meeting, the two quickly become acquainted with one another—Hinako is instantly enamored by Minato's reliable personality and passion for saving others, while Minato is intrigued by surfing and is eager to learn how. As Hinako begins to teach Minato about surfing, the pair eventually fall in love and begin a gentle and devoted relationship. -- -- However, while surfing may seem fun and carefree, it can still be a dangerous and unpredictable activity. This is what Hinako learns when a surfing incident completely changes her life, leaving her forced to contemplate her undecided future. In search of her own calling, Hinako begins her journey of self-discovery, keeping Minato by her side as she gradually attempts to find her purpose and ride her own wave. -- -- Movie - Jun 21, 2019 -- 90,671 7.56
King's Raid: Ishi wo Tsugumono-tachi -- -- OLM, Sunrise Beyond -- 26 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Fantasy Magic -- King's Raid: Ishi wo Tsugumono-tachi King's Raid: Ishi wo Tsugumono-tachi -- Long ago, the king of Orvelia, Kyle, defeated the demon king Angmund and brought peace to the world. However, one hundred years later, demons have been sighted in the forests, threatening humanity once more. A scouting expedition is sent to verify the claim but only one member returns. Meanwhile, Riheet, the leader of a dark elf mercenary group, plots to take over Orvelia to exact revenge against the humans who forsook their race a century ago. -- -- The knight apprentice Kasel, accompanied by the priestess Frey, sets out to rescue Clause, an old friend who went missing in the tragic mission. However, along the way, Kasel discovers that he is the son of the revered King Kyle and the only one who can wield the Holy Sword Aea—the same sword that slew the demon king. To fulfill this destiny, the young knight must embark on a perilous quest, unseal the sword, and end the fear instilled by demons. As Kasel's journey to bring hope to humanity and Riheet's vow for vengeance intertwine, what fate could possibly await them? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 46,453 5.99
Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World - The Animated Series -- -- Lerche -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Slice of Life -- Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World - The Animated Series Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World - The Animated Series -- When 15-year-old Kino is feeling weighed down by heavy thoughts, one thing always manages to cheer her up: traveling. Nothing fills her heart with joy like exploring the beautiful, wonderful world around her and the fascinating ways people find to live. However, Kino is not as helpless as her cute appearance and courteous demeanor suggest. Armed with "Cannon" and "Woodsman," her trusted handguns, Kino isn’t afraid to kill anyone who would dare to get in her way. Always by her side is her best friend and loyal companion Hermes, a sentient motorcycle, who supports Kino through the sorrows and hardships of their journey. Together, they travel the vast countryside with the shared goal of always moving forward, and a single rule: never stay in one country for more than three days. -- -- As Kino and Hermes encounter new people and learn the rules of their civilizations, they grow and find out more about their own values and virtues. But as Kino slowly discovers the world around her, she also finds herself facing dangers that linger within the vast unknown. -- -- 149,872 7.59
Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World - The Animated Series -- -- Lerche -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Slice of Life -- Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World - The Animated Series Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World - The Animated Series -- When 15-year-old Kino is feeling weighed down by heavy thoughts, one thing always manages to cheer her up: traveling. Nothing fills her heart with joy like exploring the beautiful, wonderful world around her and the fascinating ways people find to live. However, Kino is not as helpless as her cute appearance and courteous demeanor suggest. Armed with "Cannon" and "Woodsman," her trusted handguns, Kino isn’t afraid to kill anyone who would dare to get in her way. Always by her side is her best friend and loyal companion Hermes, a sentient motorcycle, who supports Kino through the sorrows and hardships of their journey. Together, they travel the vast countryside with the shared goal of always moving forward, and a single rule: never stay in one country for more than three days. -- -- As Kino and Hermes encounter new people and learn the rules of their civilizations, they grow and find out more about their own values and virtues. But as Kino slowly discovers the world around her, she also finds herself facing dangers that linger within the vast unknown. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 149,872 7.59
Kirarin☆Revolution -- -- SynergySP -- 153 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance Shoujo -- Kirarin☆Revolution Kirarin☆Revolution -- Kirari Tsukishima, a gluttonous 14-year-old beauty, is a girl who does not care about idols and the entertainment world because her mind is occupied by food. Her obsession with food only causes her to be clueless about love. -- -- One day, after saving a turtle that is stranded in a tree, Kirari meets with a handsome and gentle boy named Seiji, who gives her ticket to a SHIPS (a popular idol group) concert to show his gratitude for her saving his pet. Kirari then storms off to the concert and runs into another boy, who tears up her ticket and warns her to stay away from Seiji because she and Seiji live in different worlds. The outraged Kirari then sneaks into the concert, only to discover that Seiji and the boy who tore her ticket, named Hiroto, are actually members of SHIPS. -- -- Finally understanding the meaning of "different worlds" (Seiji is a popular idol while she is an average middle school student), Kirari refuses to give up. Filled with determination to be with Seiji, she declares that she will also become an idol. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- 25,637 7.06
Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon S -- -- Kyoto Animation -- ? eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Fantasy -- Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon S Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon S -- Second season of Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon. -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 130,085 N/A -- -- Tenkuu no Escaflowne -- -- Sunrise -- 26 eps -- Original -- Adventure Psychological Romance Fantasy Mecha -- Tenkuu no Escaflowne Tenkuu no Escaflowne -- Hitomi Kanzaki is just an ordinary 15-year-old schoolgirl with an interest in tarot cards and fortune telling, but one night, a boy named Van Fanel suddenly appears from the sky along with a vicious dragon. Thanks to a premonition from Hitomi, Van successfully kills the dragon, but a pillar of light appears and envelopes them both. As a result, Hitomi finds herself transported to the world of Gaea, a mysterious land where the Earth hangs in the sky. -- -- In this new land, Hitomi soon discovers that Van is a prince of the Kingdom of Fanelia, which soon falls under attack by the evil empire of Zaibach. In an attempt to fight them off, Van boards his family's ancient guymelef Escaflowne—a mechanized battle suit—but fails to defeat them, and Fanelia ends up destroyed. Now on the run, Hitomi and Van encounter a handsome Asturian knight named Allen Schezar, whom Hitomi is shocked to find looks exactly like her crush from Earth. With some new allies on their side, Van and Hitomi fight back against the forces of Zaibach as the empire strives to revive an ancient power. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation -- 129,653 7.69
Koisuru Asteroid -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School -- Koisuru Asteroid Koisuru Asteroid -- In a fateful childhood encounter, Mira Kinohata met a stargazing dreamer named Ao Manaka. Though their time together was short, Ao showed Mira the wonders of astronomy, from orbiting planets to distant stars. Before they parted, Mira learned that a star with her name exists, but there are none with Ao's. And so, she forged a promise: one day, she would discover a new asteroid and name it after Ao. -- -- Years later, Mira is still fascinated with astronomy. Now in high school at Hoshizaki Academy, she tries to join the Astronomy Club. Unfortunately, she finds out that the club has been merged with the Geology Club to form a single Earth Sciences Club. She joins this new club and finds a pleasant surprise—she reunites with Ao after years of separation. -- -- Alongside their new clubmates, Mira and Ao begin their journey together to fulfill their promise. How hard could it possibly be to find an asteroid? -- -- 62,764 6.86
Koisuru Tenshi Angelique: Kokoro no Mezameru Toki -- -- Satelight -- 13 eps -- Game -- Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Magic Romance Sci-Fi Shoujo -- Koisuru Tenshi Angelique: Kokoro no Mezameru Toki Koisuru Tenshi Angelique: Kokoro no Mezameru Toki -- A young girl named Ange is summoned to a Sacred Land and is chosen as the Legendary Etoile, whose mission is to save the newly-born Cosmos of the Holy Beast, which has recently fallen under a crisis. With the support of nine Guardians (who have the power of nine elements), she embarks on a journey to save the dying land of the Holy Beast and to discover her true self. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Jul 8, 2006 -- 10,135 6.87
Kokoro Connect -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Slice of Life Comedy Supernatural Drama Romance School -- Kokoro Connect Kokoro Connect -- When five students at Yamaboshi Academy realize that there are no clubs where they fit in, they band together to form the Student Cultural Society, or "StuCS" for short. The club consists of: Taichi Yaegashi, a hardcore wrestling fan; Iori Nagase, an indecisive optimist; Himeko Inaba, a calm computer genius; Yui Kiriyama, a petite karate practitioner; and Yoshifumi Aoki, the class clown. -- -- One day, Aoki and Yui experience a strange incident when, without warning, they switch bodies for a short period of time. As this supernatural phenomenon continues to occur randomly amongst the five friends, they begin to realize that it is not just fun and games. Now forced to become closer than ever, they soon discover each other's hidden secrets and emotional scars, which could end up tearing the StuCS and their friendship apart. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 660,720 7.81
Koukyoushihen Eureka Seven -- -- Bones -- 50 eps -- Original -- Adventure Drama Mecha Romance Sci-Fi -- Koukyoushihen Eureka Seven Koukyoushihen Eureka Seven -- In the backwater town of Bellforest lives a 14-year-old boy named Renton Thurston. He desires to leave his home behind and join the mercenary group known as Gekkostate, hoping to find some adventure to brighten up his mundane life. However, stuck between his grandfather's insistence to become a mechanic like him and the pressure of his deceased father's legacy, the only excitement Renton finds is in his pastime of riding the Trapar wave particles that are dispersed throughout the air, an activity akin to surfing. -- -- Everything changes when an unknown object crashes through Renton's garage, discovered to be a Light Finding Operation—a robot capable of riding the Trapar waves—specifically known as the Nirvash typeZERO. Its pilot is a young girl named Eureka, a member of the Gekkostate, who requests a tune-up for the Nirvash. Their meeting sparks the beginning of Renton's involvement with the Gekkostate as he takes off alongside Eureka as the co-pilot of the Nirvash. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation -- 384,409 8.08
Koutetsu Tenshi Kurumi 2 -- -- OLM -- 12 eps -- Original -- Comedy Mecha Romance Sci-Fi Shoujo Ai Shounen -- Koutetsu Tenshi Kurumi 2 Koutetsu Tenshi Kurumi 2 -- Taking place 75 years after the first series, Steel Angel Kurumi 2 brings the Steel Angels in a new mis-adventure. High school student and aspiring cellist Nako Kagura accidentally discovers and kisses Kurumi Mk. II at her home, thus making her Kurumi's master. But things go awry as Nako's best friend Uruka gets jealous and tries anything - including her father's army of top-secret mecha - to destroy Kurumi and win back Nako. Things get more out of control when Saki Mk. II is awakened by Uruka, and Karinka Mk. II joins in to steal Nako away from Kurumi. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- TV - Apr 12, 2001 -- 10,600 6.29
Kujira no Kora wa Sajou ni Utau -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Mystery Super Power Drama Fantasy Shoujo -- Kujira no Kora wa Sajou ni Utau Kujira no Kora wa Sajou ni Utau -- In a world covered by an endless sea of sand, there sails an island known as the Mud Whale. In its interior lies an ancient town, where the majority of its inhabitants are said to be "Marked," a double-edged trait that grants them supernatural abilities at the cost of an untimely death. Chakuro is the village archivist; young and curious, he spends his time documenting the discovery of newfound islands. But each one is like the rest—abandoned save for the remnants of those who lived there long ago. -- -- For the first time in six months, another island crosses the horizon, so Chakuro and his friends join the scouting group. During the expedition, they find vestiges of an archaic civilization. And inside one of its crumbling remains, Chakuro discovers a girl who will change his destiny and the world inside the Mud Whale as he knows it. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Netflix -- 172,781 7.19
Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka? -- -- Millepensee -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Mystery Comedy Magic Fantasy -- Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka? Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka? -- The day is as normal as it can be in high school as the students peacefully go about their everyday activities until an unprecedented catastrophe strikes the school, killing every person in its wake. Guided by what seems to be a miracle, a handful of students are fortunate enough to be reincarnated into another world as nobles, princes, and other kinds of people with prestigious backgrounds. -- -- One girl, however, is not so lucky. Being reborn as a spider of the weakest kind, she immediately experiences the hardships of her dire situation. Even so, she must press on to survive the numerous threats that endanger her life. Discovering that her new world has a system like that of an RPG, she tries her best to hunt prey and defeat monsters to level up and evolve. As she gradually grows stronger, she hopes one day her efforts will be rewarded, and that she will be granted a better life. -- -- 182,578 7.26
Kumo no Mukou, Yakusoku no Basho -- -- CoMix Wave Films -- 1 ep -- Original -- Drama Military Romance Sci-Fi -- Kumo no Mukou, Yakusoku no Basho Kumo no Mukou, Yakusoku no Basho -- Hiroki Fujisawa and Takuya Shirakawa harbor admiration for two things in their life: their classmate Sayuri Sawatari and the vast Ezo Tower that stands boundlessly across the Tsugaru Strait. Fascinated by the limitless structure beyond their reach, Hiroki and Takuya begin constructing an aeroplane from a fallen drone they discovered—naming it the Bella Ciela—to fulfill their dream of one day reaching the sky-scraping top of the tower. Later joined by the girl they love, Hiroki and Takuya promise Sayuri to fly with her to the seemingly otherworldly top together. However, Japan has suffered a North-South partitioning that has fueled conflict near the base of the tower, which marks the border between the America-controlled Southern islands and the Northern lands occupied by the Soviet Union. -- -- Further along, Sayuri suddenly disappears, and Hiroki and Takuya never see her again. Unbeknownst to them, she fell victim to a sleeping disorder that left her comatose for the past three years. Although Hiroki and Takuya later learn about Sayuri's condition, they also discover that the girl's unconscious state is oddly linked to the same tower the trio had promised to conquer together. -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- Movie - Nov 20, 2004 -- 181,371 7.54
Kuromukuro -- -- P.A. Works -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mecha -- Kuromukuro Kuromukuro -- During the dawn of the 21st century, the United Nations Kurobe Research Institute was established in Japan to investigate an ancient artifact, which was discovered during the construction of the Kurobe Dam. Scientists from around the world have gathered in the facility to study the object, while their children enjoy their everyday lives attending Mt. Tate International Senior High School. -- -- Yukina Shirahane, a reserved high school girl, is the daughter of the facility's head scientist. While visiting her mother at the facility, Yukina manages to solve part of the artifact's puzzle. To her surprise, what appears before her is Kennosuke Tokisada Ouma, a young samurai from the Sengoku era. -- -- As a threat approaches from outer space, Yukina, along with Kennosuke, finds herself defending Earth against the invading forces. Along the way, she discovers the mystery behind Kennosuke and the reason he is determined to protect her. -- -- 115,000 7.19
Kuromukuro -- -- P.A. Works -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mecha -- Kuromukuro Kuromukuro -- During the dawn of the 21st century, the United Nations Kurobe Research Institute was established in Japan to investigate an ancient artifact, which was discovered during the construction of the Kurobe Dam. Scientists from around the world have gathered in the facility to study the object, while their children enjoy their everyday lives attending Mt. Tate International Senior High School. -- -- Yukina Shirahane, a reserved high school girl, is the daughter of the facility's head scientist. While visiting her mother at the facility, Yukina manages to solve part of the artifact's puzzle. To her surprise, what appears before her is Kennosuke Tokisada Ouma, a young samurai from the Sengoku era. -- -- As a threat approaches from outer space, Yukina, along with Kennosuke, finds herself defending Earth against the invading forces. Along the way, she discovers the mystery behind Kennosuke and the reason he is determined to protect her. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Ponycan USA -- 115,000 7.19
Kuroshitsuji: Book of Circus -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Action Mystery Comedy Historical Demons Supernatural Shounen -- Kuroshitsuji: Book of Circus Kuroshitsuji: Book of Circus -- Full of wonder and excitement, the Noah's Arc Circus troupe has captured audiences with their dazzling performances. Yet these fantastic acts don't come without a price. Children have mysteriously gone missing around London, correlating to that of the groups' movements. Unsettled by these kidnappings, Queen Victoria sends in her notorious guard dog, Ciel Phantomhive, and his ever-faithful demon butler, Sebastian Michaelis, on an undercover mission to find these missing children. -- -- Trying to balance their new circus acts with their covert investigation under the big top, however, proves to be quite a challenge. With the other performers growing suspicious and the threat of the circus' mysterious benefactor looming overhead, what the two discover will shake Ciel to his very core. -- -- 308,857 8.11
Kuroshitsuji: Book of Circus -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Action Mystery Comedy Historical Demons Supernatural Shounen -- Kuroshitsuji: Book of Circus Kuroshitsuji: Book of Circus -- Full of wonder and excitement, the Noah's Arc Circus troupe has captured audiences with their dazzling performances. Yet these fantastic acts don't come without a price. Children have mysteriously gone missing around London, correlating to that of the groups' movements. Unsettled by these kidnappings, Queen Victoria sends in her notorious guard dog, Ciel Phantomhive, and his ever-faithful demon butler, Sebastian Michaelis, on an undercover mission to find these missing children. -- -- Trying to balance their new circus acts with their covert investigation under the big top, however, proves to be quite a challenge. With the other performers growing suspicious and the threat of the circus' mysterious benefactor looming overhead, what the two discover will shake Ciel to his very core. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 308,857 8.11
Kuttsukiboshi -- -- Primastea -- 2 eps -- Original -- Romance Supernatural Drama Shoujo Ai -- Kuttsukiboshi Kuttsukiboshi -- To Kiiko Kawakami, there was nothing in the world as important to her as Aaya Saitou. Something about her allured Kiiko to the extent that there was no sound sweeter to her ears than Aaya's voice and no sight more beautiful than her hair softly billowing in the wind. It was for that reason she let Aaya in on her secret: last year, she had gained psychic powers from an accident that changed her life. -- -- Kuttsukiboshi is a story of infatuation and romance between two girls as their feelings for one another reach the tipping point. Unable to deny their heartfelt desires, the two give into them and make many sweet memories together around the school—testing the bounds of Kiiko's powers and how far they can go without being caught in the midst of their trysts. However, will things remain as they are when Kiiko discovers the love of her life has a dark secret of her own? -- OVA - Aug 16, 2010 -- 36,274 6.10
Kuzu no Honkai -- -- Lerche -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance School Seinen -- Kuzu no Honkai Kuzu no Honkai -- To the outside world, Hanabi Yasuraoka and Mugi Awaya are the perfect couple. But in reality, they just share the same secret pain: they are both in love with other people they cannot be with. -- -- Hanabi has loved her childhood friend and neighbor Narumi Kanai for as long as she can remember, so she is elated to discover that he is her new homeroom teacher. However, Narumi is soon noticed by the music teacher, Akane Minagawa, and a relationship begins to blossom between them, much to Hanabi's dismay. -- -- Mugi was tutored by Akane in middle school, and has been in love with her since then. Through a chance meeting in the hallway, he encounters Hanabi. As these two lonely souls spend more time together, they decide to use each other as a substitute for the one they truly love, sharing physical intimacy with one another in order to stave off their loneliness. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 494,783 7.28
Kyoukai no Kanata Movie 2: I'll Be Here - Mirai-hen -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Fantasy Slice of Life Supernatural -- Kyoukai no Kanata Movie 2: I'll Be Here - Mirai-hen Kyoukai no Kanata Movie 2: I'll Be Here - Mirai-hen -- After Akihito Kanbara reunites with Mirai Kuriyama—whom he believed had vanished after defeating Beyond the Boundary—he discovers a heartbreaking fact: Mirai has lost all memory of him, their friends, and her past as a Spirit Warrior. Akihito is utterly devastated, but realizes that she has a unique opportunity. Mirai can finally live the life of a normal girl—where she'll be completely devoid of the supernatural society that both shunned and used her. While it's all for the sake of Mirai's happiness, the price is costly—Akihito and his friends must keep her true origins a secret from her, and as a result avoid befriending her. -- -- However, the troubling memories of Mirai's old life gradually begin to resurface, and a mysterious new evil leads a group of shadow-like creatures into the city with the goal of seeking her out. As the situations become dire, Akihito must fight to protect himself, his closest friends, and Mirai—the bespectacled beauty he holds most dear. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - Apr 25, 2015 -- 197,970 8.19
Kyoukai no Kanata Movie 2: I'll Be Here - Mirai-hen -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Fantasy Slice of Life Supernatural -- Kyoukai no Kanata Movie 2: I'll Be Here - Mirai-hen Kyoukai no Kanata Movie 2: I'll Be Here - Mirai-hen -- After Akihito Kanbara reunites with Mirai Kuriyama—whom he believed had vanished after defeating Beyond the Boundary—he discovers a heartbreaking fact: Mirai has lost all memory of him, their friends, and her past as a Spirit Warrior. Akihito is utterly devastated, but realizes that she has a unique opportunity. Mirai can finally live the life of a normal girl—where she'll be completely devoid of the supernatural society that both shunned and used her. While it's all for the sake of Mirai's happiness, the price is costly—Akihito and his friends must keep her true origins a secret from her, and as a result avoid befriending her. -- -- However, the troubling memories of Mirai's old life gradually begin to resurface, and a mysterious new evil leads a group of shadow-like creatures into the city with the goal of seeking her out. As the situations become dire, Akihito must fight to protect himself, his closest friends, and Mirai—the bespectacled beauty he holds most dear. -- -- Movie - Apr 25, 2015 -- 197,970 8.19
Kyoukai no Kanata: Shinonome -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Fantasy Slice of Life Supernatural -- Kyoukai no Kanata: Shinonome Kyoukai no Kanata: Shinonome -- Taking place three years before the TV series, episode zero follows Hiroomi Nase's mission to subdue the infamous half-human, half-youmu Akihito Kanbara. Curious about the mission, Hiroomi's little sister, Mitsuki, tags along with him, and the siblings meet Akihito for the first time. However, they soon discover that they aren't the only ones seeking out Akihito, and thus begins the story of Kyoukai no Kanata. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Special - Jul 2, 2014 -- 100,117 7.66
Kyoukai no Kanata: Shinonome -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Fantasy Slice of Life Supernatural -- Kyoukai no Kanata: Shinonome Kyoukai no Kanata: Shinonome -- Taking place three years before the TV series, episode zero follows Hiroomi Nase's mission to subdue the infamous half-human, half-youmu Akihito Kanbara. Curious about the mission, Hiroomi's little sister, Mitsuki, tags along with him, and the siblings meet Akihito for the first time. However, they soon discover that they aren't the only ones seeking out Akihito, and thus begins the story of Kyoukai no Kanata. -- -- Special - Jul 2, 2014 -- 100,117 7.66
Kyou kara Maou! 3rd Series -- -- Studio Deen -- 39 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Comedy Demons Fantasy Shoujo -- Kyou kara Maou! 3rd Series Kyou kara Maou! 3rd Series -- At the end of season 2. Yuuri defeats Shinou, but since Shinou had been defeated, Yuuri and Murata could no longer go to the Shin Makoku. However, because Yuuri had fought and defeated him, his powers had surpassed that of Shinou's, resulting in him being able to rely on his own power to return to Shin Makoku. -- -- After the ceremony at the age of 16, Yuuri slowly begins to discover that much has happened while he was away. The ten officials of the noble family have decided to make Wolfram the next Maou, but now that Yuuri has returned and taken back his role as Maou, complications arise when one noble disagrees with Yuuri returning to the throne. -- -- In addition, an ancient secret society that threatens the peace of both humans and Mazoku has risen, and a fight for the throne that now leaves the nobles wondering who is the legitimate Maou. -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- TV - Apr 3, 2008 -- 28,991 7.80
Kyoushoku Soukou Guyver (2005) -- -- OLM -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Sci-Fi Shounen -- Kyoushoku Soukou Guyver (2005) Kyoushoku Soukou Guyver (2005) -- Sho Fukamachi, a normal teenager accidentally found an alien object called Unit and thus, changed his life forever. The Unit bonded with Sho, resulting in an incredibly powerful life-form called Guyver. With this great power, Sho battles the mysterious Chronos organization and it's Zoanoids, in order to protect his friends and his world. Unknown to Sho, the battle against Chronos will lead to the discovery of the origins of human, their destiny, and the Creators... -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- 18,791 7.25
Kyoushoku Soukou Guyver -- -- Production Reed -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Sci-Fi Horror Super Power -- Kyoushoku Soukou Guyver Kyoushoku Soukou Guyver -- The plot of this OVA is a rough adaptation of the first four chapters of the Guyver manga. It covers the same basic elements of these chapters; Genesis of the guyver, Fight with Vamore, Fight with Guyver 2 and the introduction of Guyver 3. Main differences are the exclusion of Tetsuro and his replacement by Mizuki, The replacement of Lisker with a female Agent "Valcuria", and thus a female Guyver 2. There is also a look at Sho's psychology of how he deals with his situation including a very harsh moment where his friends are assassinated in cold blood. -- -- One night, high school student Sho Fukamachi discovers a mysterious metal object. Then in a blinding flash of light, Sho finds that he has accidentally fused with the Guyver, a mecha of mysterious alien design. -- -- Now, to save his girlfriend, Mizuki Segawa, along with the entire world, Sho must become the Guyver to fight the Chronos Corporation and their biocreatures, called Zoanoids, who are hell-bent on world domination. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- Movie - Dec 13, 1986 -- 5,349 6.24
Le Chevalier D'Eon -- -- Production I.G -- 24 eps -- Original -- Historical Magic Mystery Seinen Supernatural -- Le Chevalier D'Eon Le Chevalier D'Eon -- In 18th century Paris, a coffin is found floating down the Seine River. It carries the corpse of noblewoman Lia de Beaumont: a spy of King Louis XV, and whose younger brother Charles d'Eon has just been knighted. When several disappearances occur throughout Paris, the young knight believes that they are somehow connected to his sister's death. Hoping to find her killers, d'Eon joins the secret police to investigate the incidents. -- -- Following the clues, they piece together that a conspiracy between members of the French and Russian nobility, spurred on by a cult, may be behind the disappearances. D'Eon concludes that Lia may have uncovered the truth while on a mission and was killed as a result. -- -- That night, the secret police are to arrest the Duke of Orléans on suspicion of being the mastermind. One of their own transforms into a demon called a Gargoyle and massacres the group. D'Eon attempts to rescue the sole survivor, only to find that he too has been transformed. During the ensuing battle, d'Eon is possessed by Lia's vengeful soul, who takes command of his body and slays the Gargoyle herself. In the aftermath, d'Eon must gather allies to discover the depth of this supernatural conspiracy. -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- TV - Jul 2, 2006 -- 50,521 7.22
Le Chevalier D'Eon -- -- Production I.G -- 24 eps -- Original -- Historical Magic Mystery Seinen Supernatural -- Le Chevalier D'Eon Le Chevalier D'Eon -- In 18th century Paris, a coffin is found floating down the Seine River. It carries the corpse of noblewoman Lia de Beaumont: a spy of King Louis XV, and whose younger brother Charles d'Eon has just been knighted. When several disappearances occur throughout Paris, the young knight believes that they are somehow connected to his sister's death. Hoping to find her killers, d'Eon joins the secret police to investigate the incidents. -- -- Following the clues, they piece together that a conspiracy between members of the French and Russian nobility, spurred on by a cult, may be behind the disappearances. D'Eon concludes that Lia may have uncovered the truth while on a mission and was killed as a result. -- -- That night, the secret police are to arrest the Duke of Orléans on suspicion of being the mastermind. One of their own transforms into a demon called a Gargoyle and massacres the group. D'Eon attempts to rescue the sole survivor, only to find that he too has been transformed. During the ensuing battle, d'Eon is possessed by Lia's vengeful soul, who takes command of his body and slays the Gargoyle herself. In the aftermath, d'Eon must gather allies to discover the depth of this supernatural conspiracy. -- -- TV - Jul 2, 2006 -- 50,521 7.22
Ling Qi 2 -- -- Haoliners Animation League -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Action Comedy Magic Shounen Ai Supernatural -- Ling Qi 2 Ling Qi 2 -- In this new season, we will discover the backstory of Tanmoki and who will learn through his memories who was his ancestor Rakugetsu. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 31,478 7.48
Ling Qi -- -- Haoliners Animation League -- 20 eps -- Web manga -- Action Comedy Magic Shounen Ai Supernatural -- Ling Qi Ling Qi -- Low on luck after a series of unfortunate events, You Keika works part-time to try bringing himself out of a life of poverty. After a strange encounter with a white-haired man in a junkyard, You wakes up to discover that he was killed in a sudden accident and has become a spirit. The man he had encountered, Tanmoku Ki, is revealed as the 13th Youmeshi of the Tanmoki, the highest-ranking exorcist family of China. Noticing the wandering spirit, he offers You the opportunity to form a pact: he will offer You protection from humans and in return, You will have to become his spirit shadow, keeping him safe and guarded at all times. -- -- From then on, the two face untold challenges in the spiritual world, striving to keep those around them safe from harmful spirits. Along the way, the pact they formed grows into something more; a bond that neither of the two ever expected. Behind their roles as master and servant, a lingering admiration begins to emerge. -- -- ONA - Jun 21, 2016 -- 66,773 7.14
Little Busters!: Refrain -- -- J.C.Staff -- 13 eps -- Visual novel -- Slice of Life Comedy Supernatural Drama Romance School -- Little Busters!: Refrain Little Busters!: Refrain -- Following the Little Busters after they lost their first baseball game, the team decides to have a pancake party. It has been almost one semester since the return of Kyousuke Natsume. As usual, Riki Naoe continues to help the Little Busters' members—both old and new—with confronting their inner struggles. However, strange happenings begin to occur, leading Rin Natsume and Riki closer to unraveling the truth behind the "secret of this world." -- -- Little do Rin and Rikki know, their discovery will end up changing the peaceful everyday lives created by the Little Busters once and for all. Little Busters!: Refrain brings a conclusion to the colorful stories of its ensemble cast—forged with the weight of emotions and strengthened with the bond of friendship—as they come to terms with their regrets and weaknesses. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Oct 5, 2013 -- 136,838 8.22
Little Busters!: Refrain -- -- J.C.Staff -- 13 eps -- Visual novel -- Slice of Life Comedy Supernatural Drama Romance School -- Little Busters!: Refrain Little Busters!: Refrain -- Following the Little Busters after they lost their first baseball game, the team decides to have a pancake party. It has been almost one semester since the return of Kyousuke Natsume. As usual, Riki Naoe continues to help the Little Busters' members—both old and new—with confronting their inner struggles. However, strange happenings begin to occur, leading Rin Natsume and Riki closer to unraveling the truth behind the "secret of this world." -- -- Little do Rin and Rikki know, their discovery will end up changing the peaceful everyday lives created by the Little Busters once and for all. Little Busters!: Refrain brings a conclusion to the colorful stories of its ensemble cast—forged with the weight of emotions and strengthened with the bond of friendship—as they come to terms with their regrets and weaknesses. -- -- TV - Oct 5, 2013 -- 136,838 8.22
Little Witch Academia: Mahoujikake no Parade -- -- Trigger -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Magic Fantasy School -- Little Witch Academia: Mahoujikake no Parade Little Witch Academia: Mahoujikake no Parade -- You can tell witch training is not going swimmingly for the young sorceresses Akko, Lotte, and Sucy—they face expulsion for screwing up one class too many, and their only way out is if they successfully organize their academy's annual parade through a nearby town. But when they stumble upon the momentous discovery that the objective of the parade is to humiliate witches and commemorate their past subjugation, Akko decides it is time for a change: It is time to show the world how fantastic modern witches truly are! However, with the other girls struggling to keep up with Akko's grandiose ambitions, and everything from mischievous boys to slumbering giants getting in their way, maybe pulling it off will require not only all the magical prowess the pupils of Luna Nova Magical Academy can muster, but also a miracle. -- -- Movie - Oct 9, 2015 -- 147,201 7.78
Little Witch Academia (TV) -- -- Trigger -- 25 eps -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Fantasy Magic School -- Little Witch Academia (TV) Little Witch Academia (TV) -- "A believing heart is your magic!"—these were the words that Atsuko "Akko" Kagari's idol, the renowned witch Shiny Chariot, said to her during a magic performance years ago. Since then, Akko has lived by these words and aspired to be a witch just like Shiny Chariot, one that can make people smile. Hence, even her non-magical background does not stop her from enrolling in Luna Nova Magical Academy. -- -- However, when an excited Akko finally sets off to her new school, the trip there is anything but smooth. After her perilous journey, she befriends the shy Lotte Yansson and the sarcastic Sucy Manbavaran. To her utmost delight, she also discovers Chariot's wand, the Shiny Rod, which she takes as her own. Unfortunately, her time at Luna Nova will prove to more challenging than Akko could ever believe. She absolutely refuses to stay inferior to the rest of her peers, especially to her self-proclaimed rival, the beautiful and gifted Diana Cavendish, so she relies on her determination to compensate for her reckless behavior and ineptitude in magic. -- -- In a time when wizardry is on the decline, Little Witch Academia follows the magical escapades of Akko and her friends as they learn the true meaning of being a witch. -- -- 482,732 7.88
Little Witch Academia (TV) -- -- Trigger -- 25 eps -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Fantasy Magic School -- Little Witch Academia (TV) Little Witch Academia (TV) -- "A believing heart is your magic!"—these were the words that Atsuko "Akko" Kagari's idol, the renowned witch Shiny Chariot, said to her during a magic performance years ago. Since then, Akko has lived by these words and aspired to be a witch just like Shiny Chariot, one that can make people smile. Hence, even her non-magical background does not stop her from enrolling in Luna Nova Magical Academy. -- -- However, when an excited Akko finally sets off to her new school, the trip there is anything but smooth. After her perilous journey, she befriends the shy Lotte Yansson and the sarcastic Sucy Manbavaran. To her utmost delight, she also discovers Chariot's wand, the Shiny Rod, which she takes as her own. Unfortunately, her time at Luna Nova will prove to more challenging than Akko could ever believe. She absolutely refuses to stay inferior to the rest of her peers, especially to her self-proclaimed rival, the beautiful and gifted Diana Cavendish, so she relies on her determination to compensate for her reckless behavior and ineptitude in magic. -- -- In a time when wizardry is on the decline, Little Witch Academia follows the magical escapades of Akko and her friends as they learn the true meaning of being a witch. -- -- 485,065 7.88
Log Horizon 2nd Season -- -- Studio Deen -- 25 eps -- Light novel -- Action Game Adventure Magic Fantasy -- Log Horizon 2nd Season Log Horizon 2nd Season -- After being trapped in the world of Elder Tale for six months, Shiroe and the other Adventurers have begun to get the hang of things in their new environment. The Adventurers are starting to gain the trust of the People of the Land, and Akiba has flourished thanks to the law and order established by Shiroe's Round Table Alliance, regaining its everyday liveliness. Despite this success, however, the Alliance faces a new crisis: they are running out of funds to govern Akiba, and spies from the Minami district have infiltrated the city. -- -- As formidable forces rise in other districts, there is also a need to discover more about the vast new world they are trapped in—leading Shiroe to decide that the time has come to venture outside the city. Accompanied by his friend Naotsugu and the Sage of Mirror Lake Regan, the calculative Shiroe makes his move, hoping to unravel new possibilities and eventually find a way home. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 503,514 7.61
Lord of Vermilion: Guren no Ou -- -- Asread, Tear Studio -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Fantasy -- Lord of Vermilion: Guren no Ou Lord of Vermilion: Guren no Ou -- Set in Tokyo, it's January 29, 2030. High-frequency resonance is observed in the vicinity of Tokyo, and the red fog rolls into the city. Those who hear the sound, humans and animals alike, pass out, losing consciousness. Everything shuts down in Tokyo, believing that the fog is carrying an unknown virus that causes an epidemic. However, six days later, after the incident, people wake up as if nothing happened. After that, Tokyo's sealed-off city sections gradually return to normal. However, since the high-frequency resonance, some "bizarre events" start to happen, and people find themselves being pulled deeper into more mysteries. Meanwhile, young people start to become aware of themselves and release their power hidden in their blood, discovering themselves as "vessel of wisdom blood." Together, being led by something unknown, they meet, communicate, and face the unavoidable circle of fate, sacrificing their own lives. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 35,503 5.34
Love Kome: We Love Rice -- -- Encourage Films -- 12 eps -- Original -- Slice of Life -- Love Kome: We Love Rice Love Kome: We Love Rice -- The project anthropomorphizes rice (kome in Japanese) into schoolboys. At the Kokuritsu Inaho Academy ("Rice Ear Academy," a wordplay on national schools), five new rice-inspired students attempt to supplant bread as the popular grain at the school. The new students form the "Love Rice" unit and challenge themselves to perform at the "Harvest Show" to show the delicious appeal of rice grains. The "heartwarming 'kome'dy with laughs and passion" promises to let audiences rediscover the virtues of rice ("Japan's soul food"). -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 9,640 4.64
Love Lab -- -- Doga Kobo -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Romance School -- Love Lab Love Lab -- At Fujisaki Girls Academy, student council president Natsuo Maki is the epitome of grace and perfection, admired by all the young girls who attend the school. One day, Riko Kurahashi walks into the student council room on an errand, only to discover Natsuo practicing her kissing techniques on a pillow, an act that is neither graceful nor elegant. Riko soon discovers that Natsuo desires more romance in her life, leading her to practice "romantic situations" in secret. -- -- Sympathizing with her, Riko agrees to help Natsuo with her love research. Named "Love Lab," the project practices the essentials of love and romance, such as bumping into each other "accidentally" and holding hands. Soon, the entire student council joins in on the fun in the Love Lab too! Through their research and real life encounters, what will they learn about romance? -- -- Weaving together funny characters and comedic situations, Love Lab builds a story of friendship and romance, while never missing a beat with the laughter. -- -- 164,263 7.35
Love Live! Sunshine!! -- -- Sunrise -- 13 eps -- Other -- Music Slice of Life School -- Love Live! Sunshine!! Love Live! Sunshine!! -- Chika Takami, a self-proclaimed normal girl, has never been involved in any clubs and lacked any notable talents. However, after a visit to Tokyo, she discovers a stage where even an ordinary girl like her could shine—the world of school idols. Inspired by the former superstar school idol group μ's, Chika is determined to start her own school idol club in her seaside hometown at Uranohoshi Girl's High School. But even before gathering any students to join the group, the aspiring school idol finds her greatest obstacle to be student council president Dia Kurosawa who stands firmly against the creation of the club. -- -- Just when it seems there is no hope, Chika meets Riko Sakurauchi, a transfer student from Otonokizaka High School, home of μ's. Somewhat shy but a talented piano player, Chika believes her to be a promising recruit, though convincing her to join is easier said than done. In spite of that, Chika chooses to charge forward and overcome the obstacles keeping her from forming a school idol group that shines as bright as the nine that came before her. -- -- 144,692 7.39
Love Stage!! -- -- J.C.Staff -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Romance Shounen Ai -- Love Stage!! Love Stage!! -- With an actress mother, producer father, and rockstar brother, anyone would expect Izumi Sena to eventually enter showbiz himself. However, aside from a commercial for a wedding magazine when he was a child, Izumi has never been in the spotlight; instead, he aims to become a manga artist. -- -- But a decade after the shoot, the magazine calls for a 10th anniversary ad, requesting the original child actors for the project. This reunites Izumi with Ryouma Ichijou, now a popular actor who, much to Izumi's shock, has been in love with him ever since their first meeting! However, due to Izumi's feminine appearance and unisex name, Ryouma believed the boy was a girl and continues to do so to this day. Izumi's troubles are just beginning, because even after discovering the truth, Ryouma can't seem to shake off his feelings... -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 202,144 7.29
Lupin III: Cagliostro no Shiro -- -- Tokyo Movie Shinsha -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Mystery Seinen -- Lupin III: Cagliostro no Shiro Lupin III: Cagliostro no Shiro -- Arsene Lupin III discovers that the spoils from his latest casino robbery are actually "Gothic Bills," legendary counterfeits that are nigh impossible to distinguish from genuine bills. Together with colleague Daisuke Jigen, he heads to the small nation of Cagliostro to investigate the origin of these counterfeits. Upon arrival, they save a girl from a high-speed chase who turns out to be Clarisse d' Cagliostro, the daughter of the late Duke d' Cagliostro. She is running from a sinister plot by Count Cagliostro to steal her family's treasure through a forced marriage. -- -- Natural flirt Lupin dislikes seeing a girl in distress and seeks to remedy the situation. Goemon Ishikawa XIII, Fujiko Mine, and Kouichi Zenigata also join the fray, each with their own motivations. As everyone converges at Cagliostro Castle, Lupin reminisces about his visit there 10 years ago, and the castle's secrets emerge from the depths. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Manga Entertainment -- Movie - Dec 15, 1979 -- 86,889 8.15
Lupin III: Cagliostro no Shiro -- -- Tokyo Movie Shinsha -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Mystery Seinen -- Lupin III: Cagliostro no Shiro Lupin III: Cagliostro no Shiro -- Arsene Lupin III discovers that the spoils from his latest casino robbery are actually "Gothic Bills," legendary counterfeits that are nigh impossible to distinguish from genuine bills. Together with colleague Daisuke Jigen, he heads to the small nation of Cagliostro to investigate the origin of these counterfeits. Upon arrival, they save a girl from a high-speed chase who turns out to be Clarisse d' Cagliostro, the daughter of the late Duke d' Cagliostro. She is running from a sinister plot by Count Cagliostro to steal her family's treasure through a forced marriage. -- -- Natural flirt Lupin dislikes seeing a girl in distress and seeks to remedy the situation. Goemon Ishikawa XIII, Fujiko Mine, and Kouichi Zenigata also join the fray, each with their own motivations. As everyone converges at Cagliostro Castle, Lupin reminisces about his visit there 10 years ago, and the castle's secrets emerge from the depths. -- -- Movie - Dec 15, 1979 -- 86,889 8.15
Lupin III: Kutabare! Nostradamus -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Mystery Comedy Seinen -- Lupin III: Kutabare! Nostradamus Lupin III: Kutabare! Nostradamus -- After a diamond heist in Brazil, Lupin hides the gem in a doll and boards a plane headed out of the country. While on board, the doll is stolen by a little girl named Julia, whose nanny is none other than Fujiko Mine. Before Lupin can get the doll back, the plane is hijacked and the girl is kidnapped. The kidnappers are after the same thing that Fujiko is after - a book of Nostradamus prophecies hidden in Julia's father's tower. Lupin and the gang join forces to save the girl, get the diamond back, and discover the secrets surrounding the strange book. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Apr 22, 1995 -- 8,746 7.36
Lupin III vs. Detective Conan -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Adventure Comedy Mystery Shounen -- Lupin III vs. Detective Conan Lupin III vs. Detective Conan -- In a country called Vesparand, a new mineral with super stealth properties has been discovered which attracts Lupin's attention. At the same time the untimely deaths of Queen Sakura and her son, Prince Gill, leave Princess Mira next in succession to the throne. During a trip to Japan, Princess Mira finds her double in Ran and takes the opportunity to trade places, which ends with Ran being spirited away to Vesparand with Conan, Zenigata, Kogoro Mouri, Lupin and Fujiko in tow. There they meet a waiting Jigen and solve the mystery of the deaths of the Queen and Prince. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- Special - Mar 27, 2009 -- 27,826 7.79
Macross 7 Movie: Ginga ga Ore wo Yondeiru! -- -- Production Reed -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Music Comedy Drama Mecha Shounen -- Macross 7 Movie: Ginga ga Ore wo Yondeiru! Macross 7 Movie: Ginga ga Ore wo Yondeiru! -- While investigating a sound anomaly across the galaxy, Basara crash-lands on a snowy planet and receives an unfriendly welcome from the local residents. On the planet, he befriends Pedro, a four-year-old boy who watches the Galaxy Network and idolizes Fire Bomber. Basara also discovers that the sound he's searching for is generated by Emilia, a lone Meltrandi struggling to make music of her own. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Sep 30, 1995 -- 7,889 6.92
Macross II: Lovers Again -- -- AIC -- 6 eps -- Original -- Adventure Space Mecha Military Sci-Fi Shounen -- Macross II: Lovers Again Macross II: Lovers Again -- A.D. 2089 - 80 years have passed since Space War I changed the lives of both human and Zentraedi races. Both races are at peace on Earth when a new alien race called the "Marduk" appear within the Solar System. While covering the first battle between the U.N. Spacy and the Marduk fleet, SNN rookie reporter Hibiki Kanzaki discovers Ishtar, an "Emulator" that enhances the Marduk's combat abilities through singing. Hibiki brings Ishtar to Earth to teach her the values of life and culture. Together with ace Valkyrie pilot Silvie Gena, Hibiki and Ishtar must find a way to save Earth from total destruction at the hands of the Marduk leader Ingues. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Manga Entertainment -- OVA - May 21, 1992 -- 10,194 6.33
Made in Abyss -- -- Kinema Citrus -- 13 eps -- Web manga -- Sci-Fi Adventure Mystery Drama Fantasy -- Made in Abyss Made in Abyss -- The Abyss—a gaping chasm stretching down into the depths of the earth, filled with mysterious creatures and relics from a time long past. How did it come to be? What lies at the bottom? Countless brave individuals, known as Divers, have sought to solve these mysteries of the Abyss, fearlessly descending into its darkest realms. The best and bravest of the Divers, the White Whistles, are hailed as legends by those who remain on the surface. -- -- Riko, daughter of the missing White Whistle Lyza the Annihilator, aspires to become like her mother and explore the furthest reaches of the Abyss. However, just a novice Red Whistle herself, she is only permitted to roam its most upper layer. Even so, Riko has a chance encounter with a mysterious robot with the appearance of an ordinary young boy. She comes to name him Reg, and he has no recollection of the events preceding his discovery. Certain that the technology to create Reg must come from deep within the Abyss, the two decide to venture forth into the chasm to recover his memories and see the bottom of the great pit with their own eyes. However, they know not of the harsh reality that is the true existence of the Abyss. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 910,072 8.73
Magia Record: Mahou Shoujo Madoka☆Magica Gaiden (TV) -- -- Shaft -- 13 eps -- Game -- Psychological Drama Magic Thriller -- Magia Record: Mahou Shoujo Madoka☆Magica Gaiden (TV) Magia Record: Mahou Shoujo Madoka☆Magica Gaiden (TV) -- Rumor has it that if a young girl strikes a bargain with a white fairy, it will grant any wish her heart desires. However, in exchange, she will become a magical girl and must put her life on the line to slay fearsome and ferocious witches. -- -- Iroha Tamaki, a kind-hearted middle schooler from Takarazaki City, is living proof that these rumors are true. Armed with a magical crossbow and the ability to heal injuries, Iroha seeks out the labyrinths where witches hide and defeats them before they can prey on humans. Yet Iroha has no memory of her wish, and even Kyuubey, the white fairy himself, seems to have no idea what Iroha requested of him. -- -- One day, Iroha hears rumors of a city where "magical girls can be saved," and finds herself on a sunset train to Kamihama City. Unfortunately, she discovers that the witches in Kamihama are far more powerful than usual. After veteran magical girl Yachiyo Nanami is forced to save her, Iroha vows to never return. But when a chance encounter with a tiny Kyuubey seems to trigger distant memories, Iroha is compelled to investigate the mysterious city despite the danger. -- -- 111,777 6.81
Magia Record: Mahou Shoujo Madoka☆Magica Gaiden (TV) -- -- Shaft -- 13 eps -- Game -- Psychological Drama Magic Thriller -- Magia Record: Mahou Shoujo Madoka☆Magica Gaiden (TV) Magia Record: Mahou Shoujo Madoka☆Magica Gaiden (TV) -- Rumor has it that if a young girl strikes a bargain with a white fairy, it will grant any wish her heart desires. However, in exchange, she will become a magical girl and must put her life on the line to slay fearsome and ferocious witches. -- -- Iroha Tamaki, a kind-hearted middle schooler from Takarazaki City, is living proof that these rumors are true. Armed with a magical crossbow and the ability to heal injuries, Iroha seeks out the labyrinths where witches hide and defeats them before they can prey on humans. Yet Iroha has no memory of her wish, and even Kyuubey, the white fairy himself, seems to have no idea what Iroha requested of him. -- -- One day, Iroha hears rumors of a city where "magical girls can be saved," and finds herself on a sunset train to Kamihama City. Unfortunately, she discovers that the witches in Kamihama are far more powerful than usual. After veteran magical girl Yachiyo Nanami is forced to save her, Iroha vows to never return. But when a chance encounter with a tiny Kyuubey seems to trigger distant memories, Iroha is compelled to investigate the mysterious city despite the danger. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 111,777 6.81
Magic Kaito 1412 -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Romance Shounen -- Magic Kaito 1412 Magic Kaito 1412 -- Eight years after the mysterious death of his father, Kaito Kuroba, a slightly mischievous but otherwise ordinary teenager, discovers a shocking secret: the Phantom Thief Kaito Kid—also known as "The Magician Under the Moonlight"—was none other than his own father. The former thief was murdered by a criminal organization seeking a mythical stone called the Pandora Gem, said to shed a tear with the passing of the Valley Comet that comes every ten thousand years. When the tear is consumed, the gem supposedly grants immortality. -- -- Vowing to bring those responsible for his father's death to justice, Kaito dons the Phantom Thief's disguise, stealing priceless jewels night after night to find the Pandora Gem before his enemies can use the power for themselves. -- -- 98,515 7.87
Magic Kaito -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Romance Shounen -- Magic Kaito Magic Kaito -- Magic is not real—everyone knows that. When performed by a true expert, however, magic possesses the ability to amaze and wonder its audience. Kaito Kuroba, son of world-famous stage magician Touichi Kuroba, is no stranger to this fact. Well-versed in the arts of deception and misdirection, Kaito frequently disrupts the lives of those around him with flashy tricks and pranks. But when Kaito accidentally stumbles upon a hidden passage in his home, he discovers a secret that may well have been the cause of his father's death eight years ago—the dove-white outfit of Kid the Phantom Thief. Wanting to find out more about his father, Kaito dons the outfit and searches for the Pandora Gem that is said to grant immortality. However, he is not the only one after the gem—the organization responsible for his father's death is also hot on his tail! -- -- Magic Kaito follows the rebirth of Kaitou Kid, phantom thief of the night. Utilizing his dummies, disguises, and signature card gun, Kaito sets out to steal the world's most precious jewels, uncovering the truth behind his father's death and the rumored Pandora Gem along the way. -- -- Special - Apr 17, 2010 -- 57,983 7.80
Mahou no Stage Fancy Lala -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 26 eps -- Original -- Music Comedy Drama Magic Romance Shoujo -- Mahou no Stage Fancy Lala Mahou no Stage Fancy Lala -- Miho Shinohara is a care-free third-grader and an aspiring manga artist. One day, she encounters Mogu and Pigu - two lost fairies disguised as stuffed animals. In exchange for staying at her home until they find a way to return to their own world, the fairies give Miho a special sketch pad and pencil that enable her to magically create real objects from what she draws. With the pen, Miho can also transform into Lala, a beautiful teenage girl created from her manga art. As Lala, she is discovered by a talent agency, and so begins her adventures from an ordinary school girl to a model to an idol singer. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- 9,613 7.12
Mahou Shoujo Nante Mou Ii Desukara. -- -- Pine Jam -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Comedy Magic -- Mahou Shoujo Nante Mou Ii Desukara. Mahou Shoujo Nante Mou Ii Desukara. -- Yuzuka Hanami is a young, carefree girl who lives the most ordinary life imaginable. Although her father works around the clock and her mother is rarely home, she still enjoys herself and strives to be an excellent student. -- -- Miton, on the other hand, is an alien life-form with the ability to transform his master into a magical girl, a warrior who fights evil wherever it may appear. However, there are not as many enemies as there used to be, so Miton has been out of work for a while. Starving and homeless, he has taken up residence in a pile of garbage. -- -- As Yuzuka walks past him one day, Miton seizes the opportunity to offer his services to the young girl. Yuzuka reluctantly agrees, but when she transforms into a magical girl and discovers that her outfit is a swimsuit, she begins to have second thoughts about what she has gotten herself into! -- -- 22,403 5.94
Mahoutsukai no Yome: Hoshi Matsu Hito -- -- Wit Studio -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Mahoutsukai no Yome: Hoshi Matsu Hito Mahoutsukai no Yome: Hoshi Matsu Hito -- After many hardships in her life, Chise Hatori ended up at an auction, where she was purchased and then freed by the renowned Thorn Sorcerer, Elias Ainsworth, only to stay and become his apprentice. Though her life is wonderful now, the arrival of a picture book, "The Lonely Little Star," brings back memories of those trying times and the loneliness she endured. -- -- As a child, Chise experienced a great tragedy: her mother's death. Shunned and unwanted by peers and relatives alike, she has lived a detached and pitiful life. However, the unexpected discovery of a mysterious library in the forest provides her with a temporary place of solace. Through reading countless books and spending time with the kindhearted librarian, Chise slowly begins to feel less alone in the world. But could this peculiar library have a darker side? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll -- OVA - Sep 10, 2016 -- 225,972 8.13
Mahoutsukai no Yome: Hoshi Matsu Hito -- -- Wit Studio -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Mahoutsukai no Yome: Hoshi Matsu Hito Mahoutsukai no Yome: Hoshi Matsu Hito -- After many hardships in her life, Chise Hatori ended up at an auction, where she was purchased and then freed by the renowned Thorn Sorcerer, Elias Ainsworth, only to stay and become his apprentice. Though her life is wonderful now, the arrival of a picture book, "The Lonely Little Star," brings back memories of those trying times and the loneliness she endured. -- -- As a child, Chise experienced a great tragedy: her mother's death. Shunned and unwanted by peers and relatives alike, she has lived a detached and pitiful life. However, the unexpected discovery of a mysterious library in the forest provides her with a temporary place of solace. Through reading countless books and spending time with the kindhearted librarian, Chise slowly begins to feel less alone in the world. But could this peculiar library have a darker side? -- -- OVA - Sep 10, 2016 -- 225,972 8.13
Mahoutsukai no Yome: Nishi no Shounen to Seiran no Kishi -- -- Studio Kafka -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Mahoutsukai no Yome: Nishi no Shounen to Seiran no Kishi Mahoutsukai no Yome: Nishi no Shounen to Seiran no Kishi -- The story takes place shortly before Cartaphilus took a nap and Chise became an auditor at the academy. -- -- Elias and his friends help Chise prepare for the academy, where in the middle of everyday life, Spriggan visits the mansion on a spooky horse with the words, "The appearance of the ghost hunting association is unusual this time." -- -- Gabriel, an ordinary boy who just moved from London, was bored of his environment of parting with friends, being in an unfamiliar location, and everything else. Sitting by the window and glancing beyond, he spotted a purple smoke and decided to chase after it, looking to escape his boredom. Though it should not, the world of the boy begins to converge with the wizards, who live on the other side behind a thick veil. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- OVA - Sep 10, 2021 -- 18,799 N/A -- -- Kyoushoku Soukou Guyver (2005) -- -- OLM -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Sci-Fi Shounen -- Kyoushoku Soukou Guyver (2005) Kyoushoku Soukou Guyver (2005) -- Sho Fukamachi, a normal teenager accidentally found an alien object called Unit and thus, changed his life forever. The Unit bonded with Sho, resulting in an incredibly powerful life-form called Guyver. With this great power, Sho battles the mysterious Chronos organization and it's Zoanoids, in order to protect his friends and his world. Unknown to Sho, the battle against Chronos will lead to the discovery of the origins of human, their destiny, and the Creators... -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 18,791 7.25
Mahoutsukai Precure! -- -- Toei Animation -- 50 eps -- Original -- Action Slice of Life Magic Fantasy School Shoujo -- Mahoutsukai Precure! Mahoutsukai Precure! -- In the human realm, witches and wizards seem to be mere creations of fantasy. Ever the adventurous teenager, Mirai Asahina sets out to disprove this notion by following the tracks of a peculiar shooting star that had fallen the night before. Sure enough, Mirai soon has a chance encounter with Liko—a clumsy witch apprentice who hails from the Magic World, a colorful realm inhabited by magicians. -- -- As if by fate, the appearance of strange villains forces Mirai and Liko to join hands. In doing so, they unleash their strength as a pair of legendary magicians—the "Maho Girls Precure!" Now gifted with unbelievable power, the unlikely duo embarks on an adventure filled with magical spells and powerful gemstones. Along the way, the two girls discover the hidden marvels that tie their individual worlds together. -- -- 9,869 7.10
Mairimashita! Iruma-kun -- -- Bandai Namco Pictures -- 23 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Demons Supernatural Fantasy School Shounen -- Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Mairimashita! Iruma-kun -- Fourteen-year-old Iruma Suzuki has been unfortunate all his life, having to work to earn money for his irresponsible parents despite being underage. One day, he finds out that his parents sold him to the demon Sullivan. However, Iruma's worries about what will become of him are soon relieved, for Sullivan merely wants a grandchild, pampering him and making him attend the demon school Babyls. -- -- At first, Iruma tries to keep a low profile in fear of his peers discovering that he is human. Unfortunately, this ends up being more difficult than he expected. It turns out that Sullivan himself is the chairman of the school, and everyone expects him to become the next Demon King! -- -- Iruma immediately finds himself in an outrageous situation when he has to chant a forbidden spell in front of the entire school. With this, Iruma instantly earns a reputation he does not want. Even so, he is bound to be roped into more bizarre circumstances. -- -- 221,515 7.69
Manie-Manie: Meikyuu Monogatari -- -- Madhouse -- 3 eps -- Original -- Adventure Fantasy Horror Sci-Fi Supernatural -- Manie-Manie: Meikyuu Monogatari Manie-Manie: Meikyuu Monogatari -- Manie-Manie: Meikyuu Monogatari is an anthology film composed of three short films by acclaimed directors Rintaro, Yoshiaki Kawajiri, and Katsuhiro Otomo. -- -- Labyrinth Labyrinthos -- While Sachi is searching for her cat, Cicerone, they both fall through a mirror and become trapped in a mysterious, mind-bending labyrinth. They follow a clown's shadow into the distance, not knowing where it will lead them. -- -- Running Man -- Bob Stone is a reporter working on an article about racer Zack Hugh, the ten-year reigning champion of an extremely popular and deadly automobile race. By the time the two meet, Zack's body and mind are shells of what they used to be. When the next race starts, Bob observes what happens when both man and machine are pushed to their breaking point, and what it takes to be an enduring champion. -- -- The Order to Stop Construction -- Salaryman Tsutomo Sugioka is dispatched into the heart of a dangerous jungle in order to halt a construction project after the foreman's mysterious disappearance. There, he discovers the deadly and uncontrollable world created by the automated construction robots. When the chief robot is resistant to his orders, Tsutomo must figure out another way to stop the project before his company's financial losses become too great. -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- Movie - Sep 25, 1987 -- 24,165 7.05
Manyuu Hikenchou -- -- Hoods Entertainment -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Historical Ecchi Samurai Seinen -- Manyuu Hikenchou Manyuu Hikenchou -- The Edo period of Japan gave rise to a clan of warriors with a very specialized, magical skill. The clan was known as the Manyuu, and the skill was the ability to administer a sword strike that could shrink the size of a woman's breasts. This might not seem like an ability that could exert power over a land, but in Manyuu Hikenchou, large breasts denote status, wealth, fame, and influence. -- -- Grave concern has arisen in the Manyuu clan due to the actions of their chosen successor, Chifusa. Disgusted with the breast obsessed society that the Manyuu have created and perpetuated, Chifusa has not only deserted the clan, but also stolen the sacred scroll that details their techniques to growing and severing breasts. -- -- Fortunately, Chifusa is not completely alone. Her fellow warrior Kaede is sympathetic to her cause; a sympathy that could place her in considerable danger. Now wanted by the very clan that raised her, Chifusa must defend her life and Kaede's while seeking to undo the damage their brethren have done to the land. Along the way, Chifusa will discover that she harbors a power that goes far beyond the scope of her training, one that could help shape and change the land that she seeks to bring equality to. -- 61,109 6.22
Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e -- -- SILVER LINK. -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Magic Fantasy School -- Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e -- Second season of Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e Kayou. -- TV - ??? ??, ???? -- 55,065 N/A -- -- Tales of Zestiria the Cross: Saiyaku no Jidai -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Adventure Magic Fantasy -- Tales of Zestiria the Cross: Saiyaku no Jidai Tales of Zestiria the Cross: Saiyaku no Jidai -- In recent years, problems regarding atmospheric instability have greatly burdened the Hyland Kingdom, affecting the quality of crops and the citizens' health across the region. One day, the people of Guriel discover an eerie cloud of mist hovering over their town; its severity captures the attention of royal princess Alisha Diphda. -- -- She sends her subordinate Crem to investigate the situation, but receives no news from her for two weeks. Worried for Crem's safety, Alisha departs for Guriel herself with her attendants in tow. What awaits them there, however, is an issue of unprecedented scale. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Special - Jul 3, 2016 -- 54,784 7.26
Maoyuu Maou Yuusha -- -- Arms -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Demons Romance Fantasy -- Maoyuu Maou Yuusha Maoyuu Maou Yuusha -- Fifteen years have passed since the war between humans and demons began. Dissatisfied with their slow advance into the Demon Realm, the Hero abandons his companions to quickly forge ahead towards the Demon Queen's castle. Upon his arrival at the royal abode, the Hero makes a startling discovery: not only is the Demon Queen a woman of unparalleled beauty, but she also seeks the Hero's help. Confused by this unexpected turn of events, the Hero refuses to ally himself with his enemy, claiming that the war the demons have waged is tearing the Southern Nations apart. -- -- However, the Demon Queen rebuts, arguing that the war has not only united humanity but has also brought them wealth and prosperity, providing evidence to support her claims. Furthermore, she explains that if the war were to end, the supplies sent by the Central Nations in aid to the Southern Nations would cease, leaving hundreds of thousands to starve. Fortunately, she offers the Hero a way to end the war while bringing hope not only to the Southern Nations, but also to the rest of the world, though she will need his assistance to make this a reality. -- -- Finally convinced, the Hero agrees to join his now former enemy in her quest. Vowing to stay together through sickness and health, they set off for the human world. -- -- TV - Jan 5, 2013 -- 369,878 7.30
MÄR -- -- SynergySP -- 102 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Shounen -- MÄR MÄR -- Dreaming of a magical world every night, the young Toramizu Ginta yearns to be able to go there. With only his friend Koyuki believing in his dreams, Ginta remains positive despite the slander he receives from others over his dreams. But his wishes are answered, as one day a large door appears in front of Ginta, summoning him to the land of MAR Heaven. In this land, the weapons known as ARMS exist. While initially Ginta greatly enjoyed the discovery of this magical world, he soon learns of the terrible wars that have once plagued MAR Heaven and the upcoming war that may soon appear. -- 44,353 7.28
MÄR -- -- SynergySP -- 102 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Shounen -- MÄR MÄR -- Dreaming of a magical world every night, the young Toramizu Ginta yearns to be able to go there. With only his friend Koyuki believing in his dreams, Ginta remains positive despite the slander he receives from others over his dreams. But his wishes are answered, as one day a large door appears in front of Ginta, summoning him to the land of MAR Heaven. In this land, the weapons known as ARMS exist. While initially Ginta greatly enjoyed the discovery of this magical world, he soon learns of the terrible wars that have once plagued MAR Heaven and the upcoming war that may soon appear. -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 44,353 7.28
Märchen Mädchen -- -- Hoods Entertainment -- 10 eps -- Light novel -- Fantasy Magic School -- Märchen Mädchen Märchen Mädchen -- Hazuki Kagimura is a socially awkward girl with no friends; and having been recently adopted, she struggles to connect with her new family as well. Her only refuge from this painful reality is between the pages of stories where her vivid imagination allows her to live out her dreams of friendship and adventure. However, one day, an old and mysterious text appears in her book bag. On her way back to the library to return it, Hazuki sees a familiar girl who is seemingly invisible to everyone but her. Deciding to follow her, Hazuki is led a hidden library where a world she thought only existed in her dreams awaits her. -- -- Märchen Mädchen tells the story of Hazuki's meeting with Shizuka Tsuchimikado, her very first friend, and discovering she has been chosen by the original print of Cinderella to become a powerful mage known as an Origin Master. Hazuki enrolls at Kuzunoha Girl's Magic Academy where she learns to conquer her fears and believe in her ability to create her own amazing story. -- -- 35,608 5.39
Marmalade Boy -- -- Toei Animation -- 76 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance Shoujo -- Marmalade Boy Marmalade Boy -- Miki Koishikawa is a high school student who enjoys a very simple life. However, her ordinary life is about to be turned upside down, and she may not be able to handle everything that is coming her way. -- -- After a very "fun" holiday in Hawaii, her parents have decided to get a divorce. As if this wasn’t enough of a shock for the poor girl, she also discovers that they will soon be re-marrying and swapping partners with another couple who they met on holiday. In order to include Miki in this shocking turn of events, they ask her to give the new couple a chance, and set up a dinner date with everyone. Miki may have tried to be emotionally prepared for her new parents, but what she was not expecting was their handsome son Matsuura Yuu. -- -- Miki develops an instant crush for Yuu. What starts off as a lovely friendship between them soon develops into romantic feelings which they are both finding hard to control. But more trouble is ahead in their relationship, as both Miki and Yuu have admirers of their own who are trying very hard to keep them separated. -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Tokyopop -- 43,628 7.48
Masamune-kun no Revenge -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Harem Romance School Shounen -- Masamune-kun no Revenge Masamune-kun no Revenge -- When Masamune Makabe was a child, he was rejected by a rich, beautiful girl named Aki Adagaki, who gave him the nickname ''Piggy'' for being overweight. Devastated, Masamune put great effort into working out to improve his appearance. Now a handsome yet narcissistic high school student, Masamune is determined to exact revenge—he will have Aki fall madly in love with him and ultimately reject her the next time they meet. -- -- To his surprise, Masamune discovers he has transferred into Aki's school. Setting his plan into motion, Masamune first begins to form a relationship with the ''Brutal Princess'' but, despite his efforts, fails miserably at his initial attempts. Shockingly, when Masamune finally progresses towards his vengeance, he receives a mysterious letter addressing him by his old nickname. Unless Masamune discovers the sender's identity, his plan is doomed before it even starts! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 581,806 6.80
Mashiro no Oto -- -- Shin-Ei Animation -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Music Slice of Life Drama School Shounen -- Mashiro no Oto Mashiro no Oto -- Shamisen is a traditional Japanese musical instrument that looks similar to a guitar. Teenager Sawamura Setsu's grandfather who raised him and his older brother Wakana, recently passed away. His grandfather was one of the greatest Shamisen players and the two siblings grew up listening to him play and learning to play the instrument. -- -- Since their grandfather's death, Setsu dropped out of high school, moved to Tokyo and has been drifting, not knowing what to do besides play his Shamisen. That's when his successful and rich mother, Umeko, storms into his life and tries to shape Setsu up. She enrolls him back into high school, but little does Setsu know that he is about to rediscover his passion for Shamisen. -- -- (Source: MU, edited) -- 50,579 7.72
Mayo Chiki! -- -- feel. -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Harem Comedy Romance Ecchi School -- Mayo Chiki! Mayo Chiki! -- Due to his mother and sister, who both love professional wrestling, Kinjirou Sakamachi developed a resilient body that could take hard punches, aggressive kicks, and even deadly vehicle bumps, in order to survive their various grappling positions and locks. However, he also developed gynophobia, an abnormal fear of women. With just one touch from a girl, his nose bleeds uncontrollably, he sweats excessively, and in rare cases, faints abruptly. -- -- His life changes for the worse because of a fated meeting in the restroom. While trying to escape from a girl, he discovers that the most popular student in their school, Subaru Konoe—the butler of the headmaster’s daughter, Kanade Suzutsuki—is actually female! Surprised, Subaru violently assaults Kinjirou, dealing significant damage and knocking him unconscious. When he comes to, he meets Kanade. In exchange for his silence, she promises to help cure his phobia. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Jul 8, 2011 -- 403,110 7.30
Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin -- -- LIDENFILMS -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Demons Fantasy Mystery Shoujo Supernatural -- Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin -- The Nocturnal Community Relations Division is a team of people who specialize in solving cases involving the ominous occult creatures of the night unseen by ordinary humans. Young and unsuspecting Arata Miyako has been assigned to the Shinjuku Ward Office of the division, where he meets his fellow members Theo Himezuka and Kyouichi Sakaki. -- -- On his first night, Arata finds himself on a mission where he discovers to his surprise that not only does every supernatural creature he once thought to be fictional actually exist, but also that he is the only human who can understand their non-human speech. Arata's surprises do not end there, as later that night, he meets a legendary creature called a Tengu that refers to him as the famous Heian-era exorcist, Abe no Seimei. Unfamiliar with the exorcist, Arata pays no mind and continues to work with his team, utilizing his unique ability to assist in the resolution of their cases. -- -- Mistaken by many occult creatures as Abe no Seimei and quickly becoming notorious for his special ability during his work, Arata becomes curious of his origins and invests himself more into solving cases regarding occult creatures he encounters once he learns of a certain connection between himself and the exorcist. However, Arata will quickly find that dealing with supernatural creatures is not as simple as he thought, as danger begins to play a fundamental role in his everyday findings and his ability starts to present an unexpected issue. -- -- 51,199 6.71
Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin -- -- LIDENFILMS -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Demons Fantasy Mystery Shoujo Supernatural -- Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin -- The Nocturnal Community Relations Division is a team of people who specialize in solving cases involving the ominous occult creatures of the night unseen by ordinary humans. Young and unsuspecting Arata Miyako has been assigned to the Shinjuku Ward Office of the division, where he meets his fellow members Theo Himezuka and Kyouichi Sakaki. -- -- On his first night, Arata finds himself on a mission where he discovers to his surprise that not only does every supernatural creature he once thought to be fictional actually exist, but also that he is the only human who can understand their non-human speech. Arata's surprises do not end there, as later that night, he meets a legendary creature called a Tengu that refers to him as the famous Heian-era exorcist, Abe no Seimei. Unfamiliar with the exorcist, Arata pays no mind and continues to work with his team, utilizing his unique ability to assist in the resolution of their cases. -- -- Mistaken by many occult creatures as Abe no Seimei and quickly becoming notorious for his special ability during his work, Arata becomes curious of his origins and invests himself more into solving cases regarding occult creatures he encounters once he learns of a certain connection between himself and the exorcist. However, Arata will quickly find that dealing with supernatural creatures is not as simple as he thought, as danger begins to play a fundamental role in his everyday findings and his ability starts to present an unexpected issue. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 51,199 6.71
Megami Kyouju -- -- - -- 2 eps -- Original -- Hentai Horror Military Sci-Fi Supernatural -- Megami Kyouju Megami Kyouju -- After a strange hostage-taking case, SWAT officer Linda and her friend Mary, who works at the CSI division, discover that the perpetrator has contracted a mutated rabies virus from the hostage's dog, which is now on the loose. Soon, the city is flooded with people turned to freaks by the decease, and to their horror, Linda and Mary's mutual friend Kata, a stripper at the local night club, appears to have been bitten by the stray dog, too... -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Aug 27, 2003 -- 2,467 5.61
Megazone 23 -- -- AIC, Artland, Artmic -- 4 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Music Mystery Romance Mecha -- Megazone 23 Megazone 23 -- Shougo Yahagi is a young motorcycle enthusiast living in a world of hot bikes, hard rock, and J-pop idols. The general populace go about their lives in peace, under the watchful eyes of a computer program in the guise of pop idol sensation Eve, unbeknownst to them. Shougo himself is mostly concerned with riding his motorcycle and picking up beautiful women like Yui Takanaka, who aspires to be a dancer. -- -- Shougo's life suddenly changes when his friend, Shinji Nakagawa, shows him a top-secret project: the "Garland," an advanced motorcycle that can transform into a robot. Ambushed by the military, Shougo hijacks the Garland and escapes into the city. Evading the military with the help of Yui and her friends, he gradually discovers that their idyllic society is only an illusion. -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- OVA - Mar 9, 1985 -- 14,801 6.80
Meiji Tokyo Renka -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Harem Historical Supernatural Romance Shoujo -- Meiji Tokyo Renka Meiji Tokyo Renka -- Mei Ayazuki is just your ordinary, everyday high-school girl. That is until one night, when the moon is full and red, she’s transported through time to the Meiji Period by Charlie, a self-proclaimed magician. -- -- She ends up in a strange, Meiji-era ‘Tokyo’ where the existence of ghosts is accepted. Led by Charlie, she finally arrives at the Rokumeikan. There, waiting for her to arrive, are the historical figures Ougai Mori, Shunsou Hishida, Otojirou Kawakami, Kyouka Izumi, Gorou Fujita, Yakumo Koizumi, and Tousuke Iwasaki. -- -- Whilst interacting with these men, she discovers she is a Tamayori - someone who can see ghosts - a skill that is highly valued in the Meiji Period. Due to these powers, her relationship with the men begins to change… As she gets to know these handsome men in a new era she just can’t get used to, a love begins to grow within her. -- -- Will Mei be able to return to her time? What will become of her love - a love that crosses the boundaries of time and space? -- -- (Source: Honey's Anime) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 34,827 6.94
Mermaid Forest OVA -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Mystery Horror Drama Fantasy -- Mermaid Forest OVA Mermaid Forest OVA -- It is said that consuming the flesh of a mermaid confers immortality. This certainly proved to be the case for the 500-year-old Yuta and his friend Mana. However, most people who try to become immortal either die or transform into monsters. -- -- Fifty-five years ago, Towa Kannagi was given mermaid blood by her sister, Sawa, in order to cure a fatal illness. Now, Towa maintains her youthful appearance, save her white hair and beastly arm. For years she has dreamed of restoring her body, resorting to blood transfusions from youthful corpses aided by the local doctor, Shiina. -- -- Mana, mistaken for dead by Shiina, is brought in to have her blood used by Towa. When she discovers that Mana is alive, what lengths will Towa go to in order to restore herself? Will Yuta be able to save Mana in time? -- -- OVA - Aug 16, 1991 -- 6,001 6.77
Mermaid's Scar -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Drama Fantasy Horror Mystery -- Mermaid's Scar Mermaid's Scar -- Legend has it that when you eat the flesh of a mermaid, you would live forever. Yuta and Mana are living proof of this... Together, they journey to various places trying to find meaning for their existence, or perhaps even a "cure" for their situation. One day, Yuta and Mana meet Masato, a little boy who seems terrified of his mother Misa. It seems to Yuta and Mana that mother and son have a very unusual relationship. What happens when Yuta and Mana decide to discover the dark secret Masato and Misa are hiding? And what about those monster-like creatures that have been appearing? -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- OVA - Sep 24, 1993 -- 6,420 6.81
Metropolis -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Drama Police Romance Sci-Fi Shounen -- Metropolis Metropolis -- In the great city of Metropolis, severe community structures and prejudice dominate a world where humans and robots live together. Unrest and violence increase with each new day. -- -- Searching for the scientist Dr. Laughton, suspected to violate human rights by trading organs, the Japanese detective Shunsaku Ban and his nephew Kenichi arrive at Metropolis. In the scientist's laboratory, Kenichi discovers a girl without any memory of her past life. He decides to help her, so they run away together. His uncle follows him and penetrates the dark secrets of the city to find Duke Red, the man ruling from the shadows. Meanwhile, Kenichi desperately tries to protect the mysterious girl from the people hunting her. However, Duke Red and his adoptive son have their own deep reasons for chasing the girl. These reasons are connected to her true identity and the struggle for the domination of Metropolis... -- -- Movie - May 26, 2001 -- 80,567 7.54
Midori no Hibi -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance Ecchi Shounen -- Midori no Hibi Midori no Hibi -- There isn't a single person in Sakuradamon High who hasn't heard the legends about Seiji "The Mad Dog" Sawamura's demonically powerful right hand. His reputation makes it fairly difficult for him to approach girls, and after being rejected 20 times straight, he half-jokingly vows to finish high school with his right hand for a girlfriend. -- -- Much to his surprise, after waking up the next morning, Seiji discovers that his demon right hand has mysteriously turned into a miniature girl, Midori Kasugano, who reveals that she has had a crush on Seiji for the past three years. Because their situation is not ideal for either of them, Seiji attempts to return Midori to normal. But after causing a big misunderstanding at the Kasugano household, the pair decide to keep their predicament between them until a solution is found. Thus begins an odd relationship, and what could be the only chance for Midori to finally be with the one she loves. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters, NYAV Post -- TV - Apr 4, 2004 -- 139,618 7.28
Midori no Hibi -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance Ecchi Shounen -- Midori no Hibi Midori no Hibi -- There isn't a single person in Sakuradamon High who hasn't heard the legends about Seiji "The Mad Dog" Sawamura's demonically powerful right hand. His reputation makes it fairly difficult for him to approach girls, and after being rejected 20 times straight, he half-jokingly vows to finish high school with his right hand for a girlfriend. -- -- Much to his surprise, after waking up the next morning, Seiji discovers that his demon right hand has mysteriously turned into a miniature girl, Midori Kasugano, who reveals that she has had a crush on Seiji for the past three years. Because their situation is not ideal for either of them, Seiji attempts to return Midori to normal. But after causing a big misunderstanding at the Kasugano household, the pair decide to keep their predicament between them until a solution is found. Thus begins an odd relationship, and what could be the only chance for Midori to finally be with the one she loves. -- -- TV - Apr 4, 2004 -- 139,618 7.28
Mirai Shounen Conan -- -- Nippon Animation -- 26 eps -- Novel -- Adventure Drama Sci-Fi -- Mirai Shounen Conan Mirai Shounen Conan -- Conan was the only child born on Remnant Island, a place settled by a group of refugees while they fled a terrifying wave of magnetic bombs that wiped out most of humanity. After 20 years, most of the castaways have died, save for Conan and the wise old man that raised him. -- -- Believing Remnant Island to be the last inhabited place on Earth, Conan is shocked when he discovers a young girl named Lana washed up on the beach one day. Though he is thrilled to learn that humanity has survived, Lana tells him the nation of Industria wants her as a hostage to force her grandfather, Dr. Lao, to power their machinery. Their conversation is cut short when Industria's top pilot, Monsley, suddenly appears and seizes Lana. Determined to save her, Conan immediately sets off from Remnant Island and begins a journey that will ultimately determine the fate of the world. -- -- 37,048 8.09
Mnemosyne: Mnemosyne no Musume-tachi -- -- Xebec -- 6 eps -- Original -- Action Horror Sci-Fi Shoujo Ai Supernatural -- Mnemosyne: Mnemosyne no Musume-tachi Mnemosyne: Mnemosyne no Musume-tachi -- Immortality is something many people would wish for. But would it be such a coveted ability if people knew they would be subject to countless attacks because of it? Such is the case for Rin Asougi, an immortal private investigator, because there is no shortage of people who want her dead. Over the centuries, she has met many grisly ends, but each time, she returns to life as if nothing had happened. -- -- In 1990, while looking for a lost cat, Rin runs into Kouki Maeno, a man who feels that his memories are wrong. Agreeing to help him, Rin discovers that Kouki is not what he seems, all the while drawing closer to her true enemy. This adversary knows Rin and her kind all too well, and if she dies by his hand, she may stay dead permanently. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Feb 4, 2008 -- 155,149 7.31
Mnemosyne: Mnemosyne no Musume-tachi -- -- Xebec -- 6 eps -- Original -- Action Horror Sci-Fi Shoujo Ai Supernatural -- Mnemosyne: Mnemosyne no Musume-tachi Mnemosyne: Mnemosyne no Musume-tachi -- Immortality is something many people would wish for. But would it be such a coveted ability if people knew they would be subject to countless attacks because of it? Such is the case for Rin Asougi, an immortal private investigator, because there is no shortage of people who want her dead. Over the centuries, she has met many grisly ends, but each time, she returns to life as if nothing had happened. -- -- In 1990, while looking for a lost cat, Rin runs into Kouki Maeno, a man who feels that his memories are wrong. Agreeing to help him, Rin discovers that Kouki is not what he seems, all the while drawing closer to her true enemy. This adversary knows Rin and her kind all too well, and if she dies by his hand, she may stay dead permanently. -- -- TV - Feb 4, 2008 -- 155,149 7.31
Mobile Suit Gundam AGE -- -- Sunrise -- 49 eps -- Original -- Action Mecha Sci-Fi Space -- Mobile Suit Gundam AGE Mobile Suit Gundam AGE -- In A.G. 101 (the 101st year of the Advanced Generation calendar) a mysterious entity known only as "UE", or "unknown enemy", attacks and destroys the space colony Angel. This brutal attack becomes infamous as the "The Day the Angel Fell", and marks the beginning of humanity's war for survival. -- -- The series begins in A.G. 108 when the UE attack the space colony Ovan, where Flit Asuno lives with his mother. Flit's mother is killed by the UE, and in her belongings (in an object called a "AGE Device") he discovers the blueprints for a powerful weapon from the past - the ancient messiah named "Gundam." -- -- From these blueprints, Flit spends the next several years studying engineering at an Earth Federation base on the Nora space colony and designing the AGE-1 Gundam. Seven years later, in A.G. 115, Flit completes the Gundam, just as the UE attack Nora. Flit and his lineage's battle piloting the AGE-1 to protect mankind is about to begin. -- -- (Source: -- TV - Oct 9, 2011 -- 26,963 6.49
Mobile Suit Gundam II: Soldiers of Sorrow -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space Drama Mecha -- Mobile Suit Gundam II: Soldiers of Sorrow Mobile Suit Gundam II: Soldiers of Sorrow -- As the War continues, Amuro and the White Base crew must make their way toward the Earth Federation Headquarters, Jaburo. On their way they meet several new enemies and face off against impossible odds. They fight in Operation Odessa to relieve the Earth from the clutches of the Zeon forces. -- -- Lives are lost, new friendships are made, and discoveries at every corner. Amuro soon learns that he possesses the powers of the mysterious Newtypes. -- -- (Source: Otakufreakmk2) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Nozomi Entertainment -- Movie - Jul 11, 1981 -- 22,600 7.38
Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans - Urðr Hunt -- -- Sunrise Beyond -- ? eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Space Drama Mecha -- Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans - Urðr Hunt Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans - Urðr Hunt -- Year P.D. 323. Gjallarhorn's political intervention into the Arbrau central parliament escalated into an armed conflict using mobile suits. The incident was brought to an end by Tekkadan, a group of boys who came from Mars. -- -- News of Tekkadan's exploits has also reached the ears of Wistario Afam, a youth born and raised at the Radonitsa Colony near Venus. Venus, which lost to Mars in the contest for development, is a remote frontier planet in which the four great economic blocs show little interest. It is now used only as a penal colony for criminals, whose inhabitants don't even have IDs. -- -- Then Wistario, who hopes to change the status quo of this homeland, encounters a girl who claims to be the guide to the Urdr-Hunt. -- -- (Source: Gundam Global Portal) -- -- ONA - ??? ??, ???? -- 7,528 N/ASayonara Ginga Tetsudou 999: Andromeda Shuuchakueki -- -- Studio World, Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Adventure Space Drama -- Sayonara Ginga Tetsudou 999: Andromeda Shuuchakueki Sayonara Ginga Tetsudou 999: Andromeda Shuuchakueki -- Despite the destruction of the mechanization home world Andromeda, the machine empire is still swept across the galaxy and Earth has become a battleground. Having returned from his journey aboard the train Galaxy Express 999, Tetsurou Hoshino joins the resistance and fights alongside others who have retained their humanity. -- -- When the 999 returns to Earth, Tetsurou receives an enigmatic recorded message from his former traveling companion Maetel, telling him to board the train once more. Fighting his way to Megalopolis station, he makes it onto the train just as it departs. This time, however, Tetsurou is met with several mysteries: Maetel is nowhere to be seen, an ominous "Ghost Train" has appeared, and the ultimate destination of the 999 is unknown. Amid all this, Tetsurou finds himself confronted by the mysterious black knight Faust and soon discovers the machine empire's darkest secret. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- Movie - Jan 8, 1981 -- 7,501 7.29
Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ -- -- Sunrise -- 47 eps -- Original -- Space Comedy Mecha Military Drama Sci-Fi -- Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ -- In Universal Century 0088, the Anti-Earth Union Group (AEUG) has emerged victorious in its war with the Earth Federation's Titans at the cost of devastating losses. Neo-Zeon, the third faction in the war formerly known as Axis Zeon, remains as powerful as ever. Led by Newtype Haman Karn, Neo-Zeon has been implementing plans to take over both Earth and the space colonies. -- -- The AEUG flagship Argama heads to the Side 1 colony Shangri-La for repairs. Living in the colony is Judau Ashta, a 14-year-old junk dealer who is struggling to make enough money to put his younger sister through school. Upon the discovery of an escape pod containing a former Titans pilot, Judau and his friends are quickly led to the Argama in hopes of stealing a mobile suit which they can sell for a fortune. However, with the arrival of a Neo-Zeon ship seeking to defeat the Argama, Judau and his friends are dragged into to a conflict that will bring them across space and Earth. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- 31,465 6.66
Mob Psycho 100: Dai Ikkai Rei toka Soudansho Ian Ryokou - Kokoro Mitasu Iyashi no Tabi -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Slice of Life Comedy Supernatural -- Mob Psycho 100: Dai Ikkai Rei toka Soudansho Ian Ryokou - Kokoro Mitasu Iyashi no Tabi Mob Psycho 100: Dai Ikkai Rei toka Soudansho Ian Ryokou - Kokoro Mitasu Iyashi no Tabi -- Mob, Reigen, Dimple, and the newest member of the Spirits and Such Consultation Office staff, Serizawa, take a trip up to a secluded hot spring called Ibogami Hot Springs in Zebra Prefecture. Reigen happened to get a request from the matron there to discover the truth behind the strange rumors going around there and save the inn. Ritsu and Teru also join in on this trip and the six of them head out on this super relaxing trip to the hot spring. But on their way there, Reigen and Serizawa start nodding off on the train and somehow get sucked into an eerie parallel world... -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll) -- OVA - Sep 25, 2019 -- 55,671 7.62
Modern -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Dementia -- Modern Modern -- I finished this film in only two months after the completion of Playground. Inspired by optical illusions, like Escher's paintings, I made the film using isometric drawings. my idea was to make a great film using only transformations of rectangular parallelepipeds. I applied the method of geometric animation, a technique used in Metropolis, in this film. Along with "cell" animation, I continue making films with the application of this method. Hopefully, I will eventually discover a third alternative method to use in my films. -- -- (Source: Mirai Mizue) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2010 -- 609 5.09
Momo e no Tegami -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Original -- Supernatural Drama -- Momo e no Tegami Momo e no Tegami -- After the unexpected death of her father, 11-year-old Momo Miyaura leaves Tokyo with her mother and moves to an old remote island in Seto Inland Sea. The only memento she has from her father is an unfinished letter with only two words inside: "Dear Momo"—along with her heart's unrest from it. -- -- In the new and unfamiliar small town, Momo reluctantly tries to adjust to the outmoded wooden buildings, silent crop fields, and mysterious isolated shrines. One day, while exploring the attic of her new home, she finds a worn out picture book about youkai. Following this discovery, strange things begin to happen around town, and Momo is greeted by the arrival of three troublesome youkai. -- -- Momo e no Tegami tells the story of a young girl as she struggles to adapt to her bizarre new life and ultimately come to terms with her father's mysterious letter. -- -- Movie - Apr 21, 2012 -- 65,447 7.62
Mononoke -- -- Toei Animation -- 12 eps -- Original -- Mystery Historical Horror Demons Psychological Supernatural Fantasy Seinen -- Mononoke Mononoke -- The "Medicine Seller" is a deadly and mysterious master of the occult who travels across feudal Japan in search of malevolent spirits called "mononoke" to slay. When he locates one of these spirits, he cannot simply kill it; he must first learn its Form, its Truth, and its Reason in order to wield the mighty Exorcism Sword and fight against it. He must begin his strange exorcisms with intense psychological analysis and careful investigative work—an extremely dangerous step, as he must first confront and learn about the mononoke before he even has the means to defeat it. -- -- The Medicine Seller's journey leads him to an old-fashioned inn where Shino, a pregnant woman, has finally found a place to rest. The owner has reluctantly placed her in the last vacant room; however, as she settles in, it quickly becomes clear that the room is infested by a lethal band of mononoke, the Zashiki Warashi. With his hunter's intuition, the Medicine Seller begins his investigation to discover the Form, the Truth, and the Reason before the Zashiki Warashi can kill again. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Flatiron Film Company -- TV - Jul 13, 2007 -- 228,080 8.43
Mononoke -- -- Toei Animation -- 12 eps -- Original -- Mystery Historical Horror Demons Psychological Supernatural Fantasy Seinen -- Mononoke Mononoke -- The "Medicine Seller" is a deadly and mysterious master of the occult who travels across feudal Japan in search of malevolent spirits called "mononoke" to slay. When he locates one of these spirits, he cannot simply kill it; he must first learn its Form, its Truth, and its Reason in order to wield the mighty Exorcism Sword and fight against it. He must begin his strange exorcisms with intense psychological analysis and careful investigative work—an extremely dangerous step, as he must first confront and learn about the mononoke before he even has the means to defeat it. -- -- The Medicine Seller's journey leads him to an old-fashioned inn where Shino, a pregnant woman, has finally found a place to rest. The owner has reluctantly placed her in the last vacant room; however, as she settles in, it quickly becomes clear that the room is infested by a lethal band of mononoke, the Zashiki Warashi. With his hunter's intuition, the Medicine Seller begins his investigation to discover the Form, the Truth, and the Reason before the Zashiki Warashi can kill again. -- -- TV - Jul 13, 2007 -- 228,080 8.43
Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou OVA -- -- Lerche -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Fantasy Harem Romance Seinen -- Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou OVA Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou OVA -- During a physical exam, Miia, Centorea, and Mero discover that they have gained too much weight due to Kimihito Kurusu's delicious cooking. To remedy this, Polt offers them first use of her new pool and gym facility before its grand opening. However, it's not all fun and games, as the three girls' competitive spirits start to flare up! -- -- Meanwhile, when Rachnera Arachnera receives a letter from her previous host family, she finds out that they would like to meet with her and apologize for the events that caused her transfer. But, as it turns out, not only do they want to apologize, they want her back as well! When the family's daughter, Ren Kunanzuki, shows up at the front door, the gang must convince her to let Rachnera stay at Kimihito's house. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- OVA - Nov 12, 2016 -- 83,823 7.17
Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou OVA -- -- Lerche -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Fantasy Harem Romance Seinen -- Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou OVA Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou OVA -- During a physical exam, Miia, Centorea, and Mero discover that they have gained too much weight due to Kimihito Kurusu's delicious cooking. To remedy this, Polt offers them first use of her new pool and gym facility before its grand opening. However, it's not all fun and games, as the three girls' competitive spirits start to flare up! -- -- Meanwhile, when Rachnera Arachnera receives a letter from her previous host family, she finds out that they would like to meet with her and apologize for the events that caused her transfer. But, as it turns out, not only do they want to apologize, they want her back as well! When the family's daughter, Ren Kunanzuki, shows up at the front door, the gang must convince her to let Rachnera stay at Kimihito's house. -- -- OVA - Nov 12, 2016 -- 83,823 7.17
Moonlight Mile 1st Season: Lift Off -- -- Studio Hibari -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Drama Sci-Fi Space -- Moonlight Mile 1st Season: Lift Off Moonlight Mile 1st Season: Lift Off -- After scaling Mt. Everest, mountain climbing partners Saruwatari Gorou and "Lostman" Jack F. Woodbridge see the ISA Space Station, and each vows to make the trek into outerspace. When Helium 3, a new energy source, is discovered on the moon, NASA forms a new project named "Nexus" to harness that energy for use on earth. This is the story of the two and the paths they take to see their dream become a reality in the quest to harness the next-generation energy source. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- TV - Mar 4, 2007 -- 9,407 7.17
Mouretsu Pirates: Abyss of Hyperspace -- -- Satelight -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Sci-Fi Space -- Mouretsu Pirates: Abyss of Hyperspace Mouretsu Pirates: Abyss of Hyperspace -- Marika Katou, a third year student at Hakuho Girls' Academy, is a legitimate space pirate with a Letter of Marque. Between her studies, leading her school's space yacht club, working part time at Cafe Lamp, and being the captain of the space pirate ship Bentenmaru, Marika's days are very busy. One day, Marika gets a job to rob a high-class passenger ship, and she discovers that on the passenger list is Kanata Mugen, a boy who owns a "galaxy pass". Thus, an adventure featuring a hyperspace race between pirates and one young boy begins. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - Feb 22, 2014 -- 11,861 7.13
Mushishi Zoku Shou -- -- Artland -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Slice of Life Mystery Historical Supernatural Fantasy Seinen -- Mushishi Zoku Shou Mushishi Zoku Shou -- Perceived as strange and feared by man, over time the misshapen ones came to be known as Mushi. Although they harbor no ill intentions towards humans, many suffer from the side effects of their existence and strange nature; exploiting the Mushi without understanding them, even unintentionally, can lead to disaster and strife for any involved. Mushishi Zoku Shou continues the story of Mushishi Ginko on his journey to help the visible world to coexist with the Mushi. -- -- During his travels, Ginko discovers various gifted individuals—those cursed by circumstance and those maintaining a fragile symbiosis with the Mushi—inevitably confronting the question of whether humanity, talented and tortured alike, can manage the responsibility of the unseen. Moreover, as a Mushishi, Ginko must learn more about these strange beings and decide if he has the right to interfere with the complex relationships between Mushi and mankind. -- -- 235,521 8.72
Mushishi Zoku Shou -- -- Artland -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Slice of Life Mystery Historical Supernatural Fantasy Seinen -- Mushishi Zoku Shou Mushishi Zoku Shou -- Perceived as strange and feared by man, over time the misshapen ones came to be known as Mushi. Although they harbor no ill intentions towards humans, many suffer from the side effects of their existence and strange nature; exploiting the Mushi without understanding them, even unintentionally, can lead to disaster and strife for any involved. Mushishi Zoku Shou continues the story of Mushishi Ginko on his journey to help the visible world to coexist with the Mushi. -- -- During his travels, Ginko discovers various gifted individuals—those cursed by circumstance and those maintaining a fragile symbiosis with the Mushi—inevitably confronting the question of whether humanity, talented and tortured alike, can manage the responsibility of the unseen. Moreover, as a Mushishi, Ginko must learn more about these strange beings and decide if he has the right to interfere with the complex relationships between Mushi and mankind. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 235,521 8.72
Naruto Movie 1: Dai Katsugeki!! Yuki Hime Shinobu Houjou Dattebayo! -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Historical Supernatural Drama Shounen -- Naruto Movie 1: Dai Katsugeki!! Yuki Hime Shinobu Houjou Dattebayo! Naruto Movie 1: Dai Katsugeki!! Yuki Hime Shinobu Houjou Dattebayo! -- Naruto Uzumaki and his squadmates, Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno, are sent on a mission to escort a movie crew on its way to film in the Land of Snow. They soon find out that they are accompanying a famous actress, Yukie Fujikaze, who persistently refuses to travel there, making the trip far more difficult than originally intended. After a surprising encounter with ninjas from the Land of Snow, Naruto discovers that there is more to Yukie than meets the eye. -- -- Dai Katsugeki!! Yuki Hime Shinobu Houjou Dattebayo! follows the group as they attempt to overcome the obstacles in the Land of Snow and unveil Yukie's true purpose there as well. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- Movie - Aug 21, 2004 -- 223,938 7.10
Naruto Movie 1: Dai Katsugeki!! Yuki Hime Shinobu Houjou Dattebayo! -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Historical Supernatural Drama Shounen -- Naruto Movie 1: Dai Katsugeki!! Yuki Hime Shinobu Houjou Dattebayo! Naruto Movie 1: Dai Katsugeki!! Yuki Hime Shinobu Houjou Dattebayo! -- Naruto Uzumaki and his squadmates, Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno, are sent on a mission to escort a movie crew on its way to film in the Land of Snow. They soon find out that they are accompanying a famous actress, Yukie Fujikaze, who persistently refuses to travel there, making the trip far more difficult than originally intended. After a surprising encounter with ninjas from the Land of Snow, Naruto discovers that there is more to Yukie than meets the eye. -- -- Dai Katsugeki!! Yuki Hime Shinobu Houjou Dattebayo! follows the group as they attempt to overcome the obstacles in the Land of Snow and unveil Yukie's true purpose there as well. -- -- Movie - Aug 21, 2004 -- 223,938 7.10
Naruto: Shippuuden Movie 3 - Hi no Ishi wo Tsugu Mono -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Comedy Martial Arts Shounen Super Power -- Naruto: Shippuuden Movie 3 - Hi no Ishi wo Tsugu Mono Naruto: Shippuuden Movie 3 - Hi no Ishi wo Tsugu Mono -- After being sent to investigate the alarming disappearance of four bloodline limit-wielding ninjas from different countries, Kakashi Hatake, Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, and Sai successfully discover their whereabouts and inform the Hokage. Unexpectedly, Tsunade's further arrangements fall apart when Hiruko—the mastermind behind the incident and also a former Konohagakure ninja obsessed with power—appears to announce that he has absorbed the missing ninjas' unique abilities. On the verge of becoming invincible, he seeks one more bloodline limit before starting an all-out war to take over the world. -- -- As Konohagakure's past connections with Hiruko raise suspicions among the nations about its involvement in the affair, Tsunade receives an ultimatum to solve the crisis. Left with no other choice, she decides to follow Kakashi's lead after he presents a daring yet salutary scheme—a proposal that could send him to certain death. However, Naruto opposes such a plan! Despite the Hokage's decision, he is determined to save his teacher's life, even if it means fighting friend and foe alike. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- Movie - Aug 1, 2009 -- 154,081 7.34
Naruto: Shippuuden Movie 3 - Hi no Ishi wo Tsugu Mono -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Comedy Martial Arts Shounen Super Power -- Naruto: Shippuuden Movie 3 - Hi no Ishi wo Tsugu Mono Naruto: Shippuuden Movie 3 - Hi no Ishi wo Tsugu Mono -- After being sent to investigate the alarming disappearance of four bloodline limit-wielding ninjas from different countries, Kakashi Hatake, Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, and Sai successfully discover their whereabouts and inform the Hokage. Unexpectedly, Tsunade's further arrangements fall apart when Hiruko—the mastermind behind the incident and also a former Konohagakure ninja obsessed with power—appears to announce that he has absorbed the missing ninjas' unique abilities. On the verge of becoming invincible, he seeks one more bloodline limit before starting an all-out war to take over the world. -- -- As Konohagakure's past connections with Hiruko raise suspicions among the nations about its involvement in the affair, Tsunade receives an ultimatum to solve the crisis. Left with no other choice, she decides to follow Kakashi's lead after he presents a daring yet salutary scheme—a proposal that could send him to certain death. However, Naruto opposes such a plan! Despite the Hokage's decision, he is determined to save his teacher's life, even if it means fighting friend and foe alike. -- -- Movie - Aug 1, 2009 -- 154,081 7.34
Naruto: Shippuuden Movie 5 - Blood Prison -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Martial Arts Mystery Shounen Super Power -- Naruto: Shippuuden Movie 5 - Blood Prison Naruto: Shippuuden Movie 5 - Blood Prison -- During their discussion of a sensitive investigation A, the Fourth Raikage, and his subordinates are ambushed by a cloaked intruder. As the Kumogakure leader repels the assault, he is shocked to discover that the culprit is Naruto Uzumaki! -- -- However, the assassination attempt is not the only crime attributed to the young ninja, who vigorously denies the accusations. To avoid a diplomatic conflict, Tsunade forcibly sends him to Kusagakure's Houzuki Castle—a maximum-security penitentiary dedicated to ninja criminals—until the situation is resolved. -- -- Despite his powers being immediately suppressed by Mui, the prison's warden who possesses the ability to seal chakra, Naruto recklessly engages in futile escape attempts. But with the help of two fellow inmates, he realizes that there is more to this legendary detention facility than meets the eye. Uncovering a terrible secret, the trio embarks on a dangerous operation that may be Naruto's only chance to break free and prove his innocence. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- Movie - Jul 30, 2011 -- 169,645 7.45
Naruto: Shippuuden Movie 5 - Blood Prison -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Martial Arts Mystery Shounen Super Power -- Naruto: Shippuuden Movie 5 - Blood Prison Naruto: Shippuuden Movie 5 - Blood Prison -- During their discussion of a sensitive investigation A, the Fourth Raikage, and his subordinates are ambushed by a cloaked intruder. As the Kumogakure leader repels the assault, he is shocked to discover that the culprit is Naruto Uzumaki! -- -- However, the assassination attempt is not the only crime attributed to the young ninja, who vigorously denies the accusations. To avoid a diplomatic conflict, Tsunade forcibly sends him to Kusagakure's Houzuki Castle—a maximum-security penitentiary dedicated to ninja criminals—until the situation is resolved. -- -- Despite his powers being immediately suppressed by Mui, the prison's warden who possesses the ability to seal chakra, Naruto recklessly engages in futile escape attempts. But with the help of two fellow inmates, he realizes that there is more to this legendary detention facility than meets the eye. Uncovering a terrible secret, the trio embarks on a dangerous operation that may be Naruto's only chance to break free and prove his innocence. -- -- Movie - Jul 30, 2011 -- 169,645 7.45
Naruto Soyokazeden Movie: Naruto to Mashin to Mitsu no Onegai Dattebayo!! -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Comedy Martial Arts Shounen Super Power -- Naruto Soyokazeden Movie: Naruto to Mashin to Mitsu no Onegai Dattebayo!! Naruto Soyokazeden Movie: Naruto to Mashin to Mitsu no Onegai Dattebayo!! -- Naruto discovers a genie's bottle while he and the gang are at a genin grill party. When everyone finds out about the genie's ability to grant wishes, the ultimate chase begins. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- Movie - Jul 31, 2010 -- 41,848 6.97
Naruto Soyokazeden Movie: Naruto to Mashin to Mitsu no Onegai Dattebayo!! -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Comedy Martial Arts Shounen Super Power -- Naruto Soyokazeden Movie: Naruto to Mashin to Mitsu no Onegai Dattebayo!! Naruto Soyokazeden Movie: Naruto to Mashin to Mitsu no Onegai Dattebayo!! -- Naruto discovers a genie's bottle while he and the gang are at a genin grill party. When everyone finds out about the genie's ability to grant wishes, the ultimate chase begins. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- Movie - Jul 31, 2010 -- 41,848 6.97
Natsu-iro Kiseki -- -- Sunrise -- 12 eps -- Original -- School Slice of Life Supernatural -- Natsu-iro Kiseki Natsu-iro Kiseki -- Yuka, Rinko, Saki, and Natsumi are childhood friends and classmates nearing the end of their second year of middle school and eagerly awaiting their summer break. Unfortunately, it's a bittersweet time for this close-knit group, as Saki is transferring to another school. -- -- The girls are determined to keep the spirit of their friendship alive, even if only for this summer. They reminisce about a large stone the four of them used to visit, tucked away in an old Shinto shrine, and the belief that if four friends gathered around it and made a single wish, it would come true. Now, much to their surprise, they discover that old folktale is true. -- -- Natsu-iro Kiseki follows the magical events the girls go through during this last summer they’ll all spend together. As friendships get tested, and fantasies are fulfilled, the four classmates will end up learning a great deal about themselves and each other on the path to forging a summer that they’ll never forget. -- 38,381 7.01
Natsume Yuujinchou -- -- Brain's Base -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Demons Supernatural Drama Shoujo -- Natsume Yuujinchou Natsume Yuujinchou -- While most fifteen-year-old boys, in one way or another, harbor secrets that are related to girls, Takashi Natsume has a peculiar and terrifying secret involving youkai: for as long as he can remember, he has been constantly chased by these spirits. Natsume soon discovers that his deceased grandmother Reiko had passed on to him the Yuujinchou, or "Book of Friends," which contains the names of the spirits whom she brought under her control. Now in Natsume's possession, the book gives Reiko's grandson this power as well, which is why these enraged beings now haunt him in hopes of somehow attaining their freedom. -- -- Without parents and a loving home, and constantly being hunted by hostile, merciless youkai, Natsume is looking for solace—a place where he belongs. However, his only companion is a self-proclaimed bodyguard named Madara. Fondly referred to as Nyanko-sensei, Madara is a mysterious, pint-sized feline spirit who has his own reasons for sticking with the boy. -- -- Based on the critically acclaimed manga by Yuki Midorikawa, Natsume Yuujinchou is an unconventional and supernatural slice-of-life series that follows Natsume as he, with his infamous protector Madara, endeavors to free the spirits bound by his grandmother's contract. -- -- -- Licensor: -- NIS America, Inc. -- 424,103 8.33
Natsunagu! -- -- IMAGICA Lab. -- 12 eps -- Original -- Drama Slice of Life -- Natsunagu! Natsunagu! -- After earthquakes suddenly took place in the Kumamoto Prefecture, Natsuna Keyaki lost contact with her dearest online friend, Itsuki. With nothing but a drawn picture of the landscape, Natsuna embarks on a journey from Tokyo to Kumamoto to find her. -- -- When Natsuna gets lost in a rural area of the disaster-stricken prefecture, she encounters a policeman and an energetic middle school girl named Izumi Chiba. Izumi, along with her hospitable family members, offers Natsuna shelter and information to assist her in her quest. With these kind locals helping her on every step of the way, Natsuna moves closer to discover what happened to Itsuki. -- -- 20,189 5.84
Nejimaki Seirei Senki: Tenkyou no Alderamin -- -- Madhouse -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Fantasy Military -- Nejimaki Seirei Senki: Tenkyou no Alderamin Nejimaki Seirei Senki: Tenkyou no Alderamin -- Ikta Solork is a carefree young man who only wants two things in life: a woman on his arm and a place to nap. Unfortunately, his peaceful life is destroyed when war breaks out between the Katjvarna Empire and the neighboring Republic of Kioka. Ikta and his childhood friend, Yatorishino Igsem, join the army as military officers, where they meet the infantryman Matthew Tetojirichi, the sniper Torway Remion, and the medic Haroma Becker on a boat heading for the military exam site. -- -- However, after a rogue storm sinks their vessel, the five of them end up in enemy territory near a military outpost. There, they discover that the heir to the Katjvarnan throne, Princess Chamille Kitora Katjvanmaninik, has been taken hostage. The five are able to rescue her, and as a reward, each one of them is granted the title of Imperial Knight—one of the highest honors a soldier can receive. It seems that Ikta will have to put his dream of tranquility on hold, as he must now become the hero he never wanted to be. -- -- 254,363 7.72
Nejimaki Seirei Senki: Tenkyou no Alderamin -- -- Madhouse -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Fantasy Military -- Nejimaki Seirei Senki: Tenkyou no Alderamin Nejimaki Seirei Senki: Tenkyou no Alderamin -- Ikta Solork is a carefree young man who only wants two things in life: a woman on his arm and a place to nap. Unfortunately, his peaceful life is destroyed when war breaks out between the Katjvarna Empire and the neighboring Republic of Kioka. Ikta and his childhood friend, Yatorishino Igsem, join the army as military officers, where they meet the infantryman Matthew Tetojirichi, the sniper Torway Remion, and the medic Haroma Becker on a boat heading for the military exam site. -- -- However, after a rogue storm sinks their vessel, the five of them end up in enemy territory near a military outpost. There, they discover that the heir to the Katjvarnan throne, Princess Chamille Kitora Katjvanmaninik, has been taken hostage. The five are able to rescue her, and as a reward, each one of them is granted the title of Imperial Knight—one of the highest honors a soldier can receive. It seems that Ikta will have to put his dream of tranquility on hold, as he must now become the hero he never wanted to be. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 254,363 7.72
Nekomonogatari: Kuro -- -- Shaft -- 4 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Supernatural Romance Ecchi -- Nekomonogatari: Kuro Nekomonogatari: Kuro -- After surviving a vampire attack, Koyomi Araragi notices that his friend and savior, Tsubasa Hanekawa, has been acting strange. When he happens to cross paths with her on his way to a bookstore and sees she has a bandage on her face, he knows something must definitely be wrong. Araragi wants to help her, but Hanekawa assures him that her wound is just something she received at home and that he should not concern himself with it. But when a white cat with no tail is hit and killed by a car, the pair bury the creature and the real trouble begins. -- -- When Araragi later pays a visit to his friend Meme Oshino and recounts the day's events, he is informed what they have buried is actually an apparition, one perfect for Hanekawa in her current state. Tasked with finding his friend to confirm her safety, he discovers that she has attacked her parents, possessed by the "Sawari Neko." Now, it is up to Araragi to help Hanekawa as she once helped him. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 437,431 7.97
Neko no Ongaeshi -- -- Studio Ghibli -- 1 ep -- Other -- Adventure Drama Fantasy -- Neko no Ongaeshi Neko no Ongaeshi -- High school student Haru Yoshioka is bored with the monotony of life. One day, she saves Prince Lune of the Cat Kingdom from being run over by a truck. As a token of gratitude, the Cat King sends her "presents" and invites her to the Cat Kingdom to become Lune's wife. Haru's inability to properly communicate with the cats leads to the misunderstanding that she has accepted the proposal. -- -- As Haru ponders on ways to escape the predicament, a mysterious voice instructs her to search for the Cat Bureau. However, not long after she finally arrives at the bureau, a horde of cats swarms in and forcibly takes her to the Cat Kingdom, along with a member of the Cat Bureau. Concerned for their safety, owner of the Cat Bureau, Baron Humbert von Gikkingen, follows close behind. -- -- The more Haru immerses herself in the activities of the Cat Kingdom, the more cat-like she becomes. To her dismay, she soon learns that, unless she can find her true self, she may become a cat permanently. Haru's adventures in the world of cats lead her down a path to self-discovery, allowing her to return as a more confident person. -- -- -- Licensor: -- GKIDS, Walt Disney Studios -- Movie - Jul 20, 2002 -- 197,100 7.78
Nekopara OVA -- -- Felix Film -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Comedy Romance -- Nekopara OVA Nekopara OVA -- Despite being the proud owner of six catgirls alongside his sister Shigure, Kashou Minazuki moves away from home to open his patisserie La Soleil. While unpacking, he makes a startling discovery: two of his catgirls, Chocola and Vanilla, have stowed away in his luggage! Although the twins desperately want to stay by their master's side, Kashou has no idea if he can manage both his new shop and the two catgirls. But what if having more hands on deck is exactly what he needs? -- -- With the support of his caring sister and loyal catgirls, Kashou puts all his heart into making his dream a reality! -- -- OVA - Dec 22, 2017 -- 67,300 6.97
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death & Rebirth -- -- Gainax, Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Original -- Drama Mecha Psychological Sci-Fi -- Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death & Rebirth Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death & Rebirth -- In the year 2015, more than a decade has passed since the catastrophic event known as Second Impact befell mankind. During this time of recovery, a select few learned of beings known as the Angels—colossal malevolent entities with the intention of triggering the Third Impact and wiping out the rest of humanity. -- -- Called into the city of Tokyo-3 by his father Gendou Ikari, teenager Shinji is thrust headlong into humanity's struggle. Separated from Gendou since the death of his mother, Shinji presumes that his father wishes to repair their shattered familial bonds; instead, he discovers that he was brought to pilot a giant machine capable of fighting the Angels, Evangelion Unit-01. Forced to battle against wave after wave of mankind's greatest threat, the young boy finds himself caught in the middle of a plan that could affect the future of humanity forever. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Manga Entertainment -- Movie - Mar 15, 1997 -- 188,445 7.45
Neo Ranga -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 48 eps -- Original -- Adventure Horror Mecha -- Neo Ranga Neo Ranga -- An ancient God called Ranga awakens on an isolated island in the South Pacific where it has been slumbering forgotten by mankind. Three sisters living in Tokyo—Minami, Ushio, and Yuuhi Shimabara—discover they have inherited this Island Kingdom, along with the huge God. When Ranga shows up in Tokyo, it soon becomes a source of wonder and conflict for the three sisters that control Ranga, the people who want to destroy it, and ones who want to use it. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- 10,875 6.52
Ninja Batman -- -- Kamikaze Douga -- 1 ep -- Other -- Action Martial Arts Samurai -- Ninja Batman Ninja Batman -- At Arkham Asylum, Batman clashes with Gorilla Grodd while trying to destroy Grodd's newest invention: the Quake Engine. Amidst the chaos, the engine activates, and the entire asylum suddenly vanishes into thin air—Batman along with it. Once the dust settles, Batman finds himself standing in the middle of an unfamiliar road. He soon realizes that he is no longer in Gotham City—but instead in Feudal Japan! -- -- The amazement quickly fades as samurai descend upon him, seeking to take his life. Later on, Batman's investigation leads him to discover that the one responsible for the kill order is none other than his archnemesis, the Joker. Following an encounter with Catwoman, he learns that the asylum's criminals had teleported there two years earlier—each ruling over a piece of Japan with Joker being the dominant warlord. -- -- In order to return home, Batman must reactivate the Quake Engine, situated in the remnants of the asylum, now known as Arkham Castle. However, there is one problem: aside from his gadget belt, the arsenal that was once at his fingertips is all but gone. Ninja Batman follows the Dark Knight as he traverses a strange new environment, facing off against familiar foes in a bid to return to Gotham in one piece. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Warner Bros. Japan -- Movie - Jun 15, 2018 -- 41,381 6.11
Ni no Kuni -- -- OLM -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Adventure Magic Fantasy -- Ni no Kuni Ni no Kuni -- Best friends Yuu, Haru, and Kotona enjoy a tranquil high school life together. One day, however, a suspicious man pursues and stabs Kotona—a catastrophe that Yuu and Haru fail to prevent. While hastily carrying the girl to the hospital, the two boys are nearly hit by a truck but miraculously remain unharmed. Instead, they find themselves in a fairy-tale-like kingdom with an exotic diversity of people and wonderful creatures. -- -- To their surprise, the boys discover that Yuu, who has been confined to a wheelchair since childhood, can now walk! Yet they have no time to ponder the puzzling situation, as their friend is gone. Setting off to find Kotona, Yuu and Haru stop at a local pub to inquire about her. But upon inspecting a picture of Asha, the kingdom's princess, the two have a shocking revelation. -- -- Narrating an extraordinary adventure in a magical world, Ni no Kuni demonstrates the special connection between two separate yet parallel worlds and its manifestation of the bonds between individuals. -- -- Movie - Aug 23, 2019 -- 35,450 6.39
Noblesse: Awakening -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Web manga -- Action Supernatural Vampire School -- Noblesse: Awakening Noblesse: Awakening -- Long ago lived the "nobles," an ancient race of immortal supernatural beings. They were revered as rulers and gods. Among the nobles was the "Noblesse," a powerful individual shrouded in mystery named Cadis Etrama di Raizel, or "Rai." Upon awakening in South Korea after an 820-year-long sleep, Rai sets to find his loyal and devoted servant, Frankenstein, whom he discovers to be the current director of Ye Ran High School. In his wish to learn more about modern civilization, Rai enrolls as a student to better experience life in the modern world. -- -- Noblesse: Awakening details the beginning of Rai's new life as a high school student as he spends time with friends and fights threats both human and supernatural in order to prevent their schemes from harming Korea. -- -- ONA - Feb 4, 2016 -- 94,149 7.44
Nodame Cantabile -- -- J.C.Staff -- 23 eps -- Manga -- Music Slice of Life Comedy Drama Romance Josei -- Nodame Cantabile Nodame Cantabile -- Shinichi Chiaki is a first class musician whose dream is to play among the elites in Europe. Coming from a distinguished family, he is an infamous perfectionist—not only is he highly critical of himself, but of others as well. The only thing stopping Shinichi from leaving for Europe is his fear of flying. As a result, he's grounded in Japan. -- -- During his fourth year at Japan's top music university, Shinichi happens to meet Megumi Noda or, as she refers to herself, Nodame. On the surface, she seems to be an unkempt girl with no direction in life. However, when Shinichi hears Nodame play the piano for the first time, he is in awe of the kind of music she creates. Nevertheless, Shinichi is dismayed to discover that Nodame is his neighbor, and worse, she ends up falling head over heels in love with him. -- -- TV - Jan 12, 2007 -- 267,029 8.31
Nodame Cantabile: Nodame to Chiaki no Umi Monogatari -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy Josei Romance Slice of Life -- Nodame Cantabile: Nodame to Chiaki no Umi Monogatari Nodame Cantabile: Nodame to Chiaki no Umi Monogatari -- World-class conductor Franz von Stresemann sends his favorite music students Shinichi Chiaki, Megumi "Nodame" Noda, Ryuutarou Mine, and Masumi Okuyama to the Nina Lutz Music Festival in Nagano to study under other famous masters. During their car ride, Chiaki is irritated by his friends' antics, but later wakes up from a nap to discover that they took a detour to a beach in Niigata. Mine tans under the bright sun while Nodame and Masumi enjoy a refreshing swim; Chiaki sits inside the beach club, trying his best to hide his fear of the sea. When Nodame suggests renting an inflatable boat to row over to a small island, will Chiaki be able to keep his secret? -- -- Special - Feb 16, 2008 -- 25,985 7.38
No Game No Life: Zero -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Game Supernatural Drama Romance Fantasy -- No Game No Life: Zero No Game No Life: Zero -- In ancient Disboard, Riku is an angry, young warrior intent on saving humanity from the warring Exceed, the sixteen sentient species, fighting to establish the "One True God" amongst the Old Deus. In a lawless land, humanity's lack of magic and weak bodies have made them easy targets for the other Exceed, leaving the humans on the brink of extinction. One day, however, hope returns to humanity when Riku finds a powerful female Ex-machina, whom he names Schwi, in an abandoned elf city. Exiled from her Cluster because of her research into human emotions, Schwi is convinced that humanity has only survived due to the power of these feelings and is determined to understand the human heart. Forming an unlikely partnership in the midst of the overwhelming chaos, Riku and Schwi must now find the answers to their individual shortcomings in each other, and discover for themselves what it truly means to be human as they fight for their lives together against all odds. Each with a powerful new ally in tow, it is now up to them to prevent the extinction of the human race and establish peace throughout Disboard! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - Jul 15, 2017 -- 638,129 8.29
Noir -- -- Bee Train -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Mystery Drama -- Noir Noir -- Noir—a name that strikes fear in the hearts of those who know the history behind the moniker. Long ago it was the code name of a very successful and feared assassin and now it is being used by two women who want answers to questions they have about their lives. -- -- The main character in this series is a highly skilled assassin named Mireille Bouquet who is based out of France. One day, she receives a mysterious email from a girl named Kirika. Following up on the message, Mireille goes to meet this girl and discovers that not only does the girl have no idea who she really is, but she also has no idea why she is so skilled at killing people and why she feels no remorse when she does. Realizing that their lives are linked somehow, Mireille and Kirika team up and begin traveling the world together as they seek out the answers to their shared histories, while avoiding the grip of an organization known as Les Soldats. Will the two find the answers they are looking for? And will that truth free them, or ruin them? -- 95,495 7.31
Noir -- -- Bee Train -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Mystery Drama -- Noir Noir -- Noir—a name that strikes fear in the hearts of those who know the history behind the moniker. Long ago it was the code name of a very successful and feared assassin and now it is being used by two women who want answers to questions they have about their lives. -- -- The main character in this series is a highly skilled assassin named Mireille Bouquet who is based out of France. One day, she receives a mysterious email from a girl named Kirika. Following up on the message, Mireille goes to meet this girl and discovers that not only does the girl have no idea who she really is, but she also has no idea why she is so skilled at killing people and why she feels no remorse when she does. Realizing that their lives are linked somehow, Mireille and Kirika team up and begin traveling the world together as they seek out the answers to their shared histories, while avoiding the grip of an organization known as Les Soldats. Will the two find the answers they are looking for? And will that truth free them, or ruin them? -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- 95,495 7.31
Nozoki Ana -- -- Studio Fantasia -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Ecchi -- Nozoki Ana Nozoki Ana -- After moving into his new apartment, art school student Tatsuhiko Kido discovers a crack in his wall. When he peeks inside, he makes eye contact with his neighbor, Emiru Ikuno, as she masturbates. He rushes next door to clear the misunderstanding and inform her of the crack, but accidentally trips and falls over her in the process. To make matters even worse, Emiru now has photographic evidence that would plainly depict Kido as a sexual offender. Kido then learns that Emiru has a voyeurism fetish, and is blackmailed into leaving the crack as is. -- -- Unfortunately for Kido, it doesn't stop here! Emiru is also attending the same art school that he is, and he will be seeing her far more than he would like to. Emiru and Kido are set to embark on a unique friendship with wildly erotic potential. -- -- OVA - Feb 28, 2013 -- 42,454 6.50
Oda Nobuna no Yabou -- -- Madhouse, Studio Gokumi -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Historical Romance -- Oda Nobuna no Yabou Oda Nobuna no Yabou -- High school student Yoshiharu Sagara wakes up and finds himself in the middle of a raging Sengoku period battle. He is saved by the legendary Hideyoshi Toyotomi, but at the cost of the hero's life. With his dying breath, the warrior pleads for Yoshiharu to become a feudal lord in his place. Now that the course of history has been changed, Yoshiharu pledges to keep the timeline from diverging any further. Yet, after rescuing Nobuna Oda—whom he discovers is actually the fabled Nobunaga Oda's female counterpart—Yoshiharu realizes he has been transported to an alternate reality where most of Japan's historical warlords are now cute girls! -- -- To set things right and find a way back home, Yoshiharu agrees to become one of Nobuna's retainers and assist her in a conquest of Japan. As Nobuna initiates her campaign, Yoshiharu discovers that the history he learned from playing the video game "Nobunaga's Ambition" allows him to predict future events and turn the tide of war. Using this invaluable gift to aid the Oda clan's beautiful generals, Yoshiharu hopes to help his new lord fulfill her dream and win the hearts of women everywhere. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Jul 9, 2012 -- 248,346 7.45
Omoide no Marnie -- -- Studio Ghibli -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Mystery Psychological Drama -- Omoide no Marnie Omoide no Marnie -- Suffering from frequent asthma attacks, young Anna Sasaki is quiet, unsociable, and isolated from her peers, causing her foster parent endless worry. Upon recommendation by the doctor, Anna is sent to the countryside, in hope that the cleaner air and more relaxing lifestyle will improve her health and help clear her mind. Engaging in her passion for sketching, Anna spends her summer days living with her aunt and uncle in a small town near the sea. -- -- One day while wandering outside, Anna discovers an abandoned mansion known as the Marsh House. However, she soon finds that the residence isn't as vacant as it appears to be, running into a mysterious girl named Marnie. Marnie's bubbly demeanor slowly begins to draw Anna out of her shell as she returns night after night to meet with her new friend. But it seems there is more to the strange girl than meets the eye—as her time in the town nears its end, Anna begins to discover the truth behind the walls of the Marsh House. -- -- Omoide no Marnie tells the touching story of a young girl's journey through self-discovery and friendship, and the summer that she will remember for the rest of her life. -- -- -- Licensor: -- GKIDS -- Movie - Jul 19, 2014 -- 200,826 8.10
Onegai☆Teacher -- -- Daume -- 12 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Comedy Drama Romance School -- Onegai☆Teacher Onegai☆Teacher -- One day, Kei Kusanagi notices a strange glowing woman by the lake. He discovers that the woman is actually an alien officer from the Galaxy Federation named Mizuho Kazami, and even more shocking—she's also his teacher! In spite of this setback, he and his teacher gradually get to know each other and a romance blossoms between them. However, soon enough, the principal of the school finds out about their relationship. The solution? Get married! -- -- Together, the newlyweds must keep their marriage a secret, not only from Kei's high school friends, but also the Galaxy Federation. Onegai☆Teacher is the fragile but comedic love story of an alien and her student. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Nozomi Entertainment -- TV - Jan 10, 2002 -- 150,515 7.16
Onegai☆Twins: Natsu wa Owaranai -- -- Daume -- 1 ep -- Original -- Comedy Drama Romance -- Onegai☆Twins: Natsu wa Owaranai Onegai☆Twins: Natsu wa Owaranai -- Two weeks have passed since the dilemma between Maiku, Karen and Miina was resolved, but their lives are more hectic than ever. Karen has become possessed in her newly discovered brother and Miina is desperate for attention as well, which leaves little time for Maiku to concentrate on his work. Therefore he decides to head out in the woods and set up a camp, where he can be work in peace. But, as always, we have Morino who is up to no good. To make things a bit more interesting, she organizes a field trip to Maiku's camp site, and encourages everyone to make some good summer memories. -- OVA - Apr 28, 2004 -- 27,598 7.03
Ongaku Shoujo -- -- Studio Deen -- 1 ep -- Original -- Music Slice of Life -- Ongaku Shoujo Ongaku Shoujo -- On her way to her first day of high school, Eri Kumagai is captivated by a girl's singing. Her song is beautiful but ends abruptly when the girl steps on a cat's tail and disrupts the moment. Eri pushes this out of her mind until that same girl rushes into her class late, cat in hand, and claims that the name on the attendance list—Chiharu Yuzuka—is her "false name" and she is actually called Haru Chitose. -- -- Much to Eri's distaste, she cannot escape the eccentric Haru, as the two happen to share the same dormitory room. Haru causes one headache after another, but when she snoops around in Eri's laptop and discovers that she is an online composer, Eri is furious. Haru, enamored by Eri's music, desperately wants to sing with Eri, but Eri is dead set against it. Will the two be able to find common ground? -- -- Movie - Mar 22, 2015 -- 11,441 6.23
Ookamikakushi -- -- AIC -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Mystery Horror Supernatural -- Ookamikakushi Ookamikakushi -- The story follows Hiroshi Kuzumi, a 16-year-old student who has just moved to the seemingly serene village of Jogamachi. Nestled in the mountains far away from the city, the village is divided by a river that separates old Jogamachi from new Jogamachi. Young Hiroshi soon discovers that the village is ancient as well as mysterious traditions and customs have been kept alive over the ages. Although a bit bewildered by the new environment, Hiroshi begins to settle into his new life. While he has never been the type to win any popularity contests, he quickly earns the affection of his classmates. That is with the exception of aloof class president, Nemuru Kushinada, whose only words to Hiroshi are a warning to stay away from old part of town. It is there that terror and mystery await him. -- 66,933 6.34
Ookamikakushi -- -- AIC -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Mystery Horror Supernatural -- Ookamikakushi Ookamikakushi -- The story follows Hiroshi Kuzumi, a 16-year-old student who has just moved to the seemingly serene village of Jogamachi. Nestled in the mountains far away from the city, the village is divided by a river that separates old Jogamachi from new Jogamachi. Young Hiroshi soon discovers that the village is ancient as well as mysterious traditions and customs have been kept alive over the ages. Although a bit bewildered by the new environment, Hiroshi begins to settle into his new life. While he has never been the type to win any popularity contests, he quickly earns the affection of his classmates. That is with the exception of aloof class president, Nemuru Kushinada, whose only words to Hiroshi are a warning to stay away from old part of town. It is there that terror and mystery await him. -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 66,933 6.34
Ore ga Suki nano wa Imouto dakedo Imouto ja Nai -- -- Magia Doraglier, NAZ -- 10 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Ecchi Romance -- Ore ga Suki nano wa Imouto dakedo Imouto ja Nai Ore ga Suki nano wa Imouto dakedo Imouto ja Nai -- Aspiring light novel author Yuu Nagami regularly enters writing competitions but has yet to win a single one. Despite his recurring failures, he remains steadfast in his resolve to become a better writer. -- -- When he takes a look at the list of winning authors in the latest contest he joined, he notices that someone named Chikai Towano dominated the competition. He soon discovers that behind the pen name is his sister Suzuka—the last person he can imagine being an author. Suzuka cannot reveal to anyone that she is Chikai Towano and requests her brother to take her place. -- -- Yuu agrees with one condition: he will continue posing as Chikai Towano for his sister until he publishes his own book. Until that happens, Yuu uses his new identity as an opportunity to improve his writing skills and meet fellow authors and new acquaintances along the way. -- -- 96,451 4.89
Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa Nai: Under the Innocent Sky. -- -- Nomad -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Comedy Drama Ecchi Harem Romance -- Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa Nai: Under the Innocent Sky. Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa Nai: Under the Innocent Sky. -- Haneda Takashi has a secret he cannot speak of. To leave his dull school-life, he was supposed to have escaped to another world. However, he is reeled in by certain ties on his heart. One of these is Kobato, his awkward younger sister. The other is Watarai Asuka, his negligent girlfriend. -- -- Chitose Shuusuke is a poor freeloader. He passes his days working at various part-time jobs. One day, he has a disastrous first encounter with Tamaizumi Hiyoko. The next time they meet, Shuusuke discovers that they are fellow employees at his part-time job. -- -- Narita Hayato sees himself as a "hard-boiled" person. Back-breaking jobs are nothing to him. Hayato shuns normal human contact, but, during the nights, he would get together with delinquents and other denizens of the night. One such night, he meets the cheerful and oblivious Otori Naru. -- -- The relationships with these girls will greatly affect these 3 young men. But what, exactly, is the relationship these young men have with each other? -- -- (Source: AnimeNFO) -- TV - Apr 4, 2011 -- 76,824 6.70
Owarimonogatari 2nd Season -- -- Shaft -- 7 eps -- Light novel -- Mystery Comedy Supernatural Vampire -- Owarimonogatari 2nd Season Owarimonogatari 2nd Season -- Following an encounter with oddity specialist Izuko Gaen, third-year high school student Koyomi Araragi wakes up in a strange, deserted void only to be greeted by a joyfully familiar face in an alarmingly unfamiliar place. -- -- Araragi, with the help of his girlfriend Hitagi Senjougahara, maneuvers through the webs of his past and the perplexities of the present in search of answers. However, fate once again delivers him to the eccentric transfer student Ougi Oshino, who brings forth an unexpected proposal that may unearth the very foundation to which he is anchored. As Araragi peels back the layers of mystery surrounding an apparition, he discovers a truth not meant to be revealed. -- -- 286,343 8.92
Owarimonogatari 2nd Season -- -- Shaft -- 7 eps -- Light novel -- Mystery Comedy Supernatural Vampire -- Owarimonogatari 2nd Season Owarimonogatari 2nd Season -- Following an encounter with oddity specialist Izuko Gaen, third-year high school student Koyomi Araragi wakes up in a strange, deserted void only to be greeted by a joyfully familiar face in an alarmingly unfamiliar place. -- -- Araragi, with the help of his girlfriend Hitagi Senjougahara, maneuvers through the webs of his past and the perplexities of the present in search of answers. However, fate once again delivers him to the eccentric transfer student Ougi Oshino, who brings forth an unexpected proposal that may unearth the very foundation to which he is anchored. As Araragi peels back the layers of mystery surrounding an apparition, he discovers a truth not meant to be revealed. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 286,343 8.92
Owarimonogatari -- -- Shaft -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Mystery Comedy Supernatural Vampire -- Owarimonogatari Owarimonogatari -- A peculiar transfer student named Ougi Oshino has just arrived at Naoetsu Private High School. She is quickly introduced to senior student Koyomi Araragi by their mutual friend Kanbaru Suruga, in hopes of obtaining advice regarding a strange discovery she has made. After taking a look at the school's layout, Ougi notices that a classroom has appeared in an otherwise empty area—a place that should not exist. -- -- Unsure if this is the work of an apparition, Araragi and Ougi attempt to unravel the truth behind this enigma. But Araragi soon discovers, after finding himself locked in with Ougi, that the room holds the memory of an event he had long since forgotten. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 371,735 8.46
Owari no Seraph: Nagoya Kessen-hen -- -- Wit Studio -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Military Supernatural Drama Vampire Shounen -- Owari no Seraph: Nagoya Kessen-hen Owari no Seraph: Nagoya Kessen-hen -- Yuuichirou Hyakuya is finally reunited with his childhood friend Mikaela Hyakuya, whom he had long presumed to be dead. Upon their reunion, however, he discovers that Mikaela has been turned into a vampire. Determined to help his friend, Yuuichirou vows to get stronger so that he can protect Mikaela as well as the comrades in the Moon Demon Company. -- -- Kureto Hiiragi receives information that a large group of vampires will be gathering in Nagoya, preparing for their assault on the Imperial Demon Army's main forces in Tokyo. Led by Guren Ichinose, Yuuichirou's team is one of many selected to intercept and eliminate the vampire nobles. -- -- With the Nagoya mission quickly approaching, the members of Shinoa squad continue to work towards fully mastering their weapons, while learning how to improve their teamwork. Yuuichirou must gain the power he needs to slay the nobles and save his best friend, before he succumbs to the demon of the Cursed Gear. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 564,670 7.63
OZ -- -- Madhouse, Studio Fantasia -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action Military Sci-Fi Drama Shoujo -- OZ OZ -- Loosely based on L.F. Baum's novel, The Wizard of Oz. Original manga done by Itsuki Natsumi. -- -- A nuclear war has killed most of humanity and split the USA into six warring states. By 2021, a legend has grown up about the fabled city of OZ where everything still works. Scientist Felicia sets out in search of it with the mercenary Muto and android 1019. At the end of the quest they only discover a military base and a madman. -- -- A mercenary was hired by a girl to bring her to the mythical Oz (a paradise) where her missing brother supposedly lived. Accompanying them was a cyborg sent by her brother. But Oz was not the paradise it seemed and her brother was not as sane as he was smart. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- OVA - Aug 28, 1992 -- 1,523 5.48
Pandora Hearts -- -- Xebec -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Fantasy Mystery Shounen Supernatural -- Pandora Hearts Pandora Hearts -- To young Oz Vessalius, heir to the Vessalius Duke House, the perilous world called the Abyss is nothing more than a folktale used to scare misbehaving children. However, when Oz's coming-of-age ceremony is interrupted by the malicious Baskerville Clan intent on banishing him into the depths of the Abyss, the Vessalius heir realizes that his peaceful life of luxury is at its end. Now, he must confront the world of the Abyss and its dwellers, the monstrous "Chains," which are both not quite as fake as he once believed. -- -- Based on the supernatural fantasy manga of the same name, Pandora Hearts tells the story of fifteen-year-old Oz's journey to discover the meaning behind the strange events that have overtaken his life. Assisted by a mysterious Chain named Alice, whose nickname is "Bloodstained Black Rabbit," and members of a clandestine organization known as "Pandora," Oz begins to realize his existence may have more meaning than he could have ever imagined. -- -- 368,756 7.71
Pandora Hearts -- -- Xebec -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Fantasy Mystery Shounen Supernatural -- Pandora Hearts Pandora Hearts -- To young Oz Vessalius, heir to the Vessalius Duke House, the perilous world called the Abyss is nothing more than a folktale used to scare misbehaving children. However, when Oz's coming-of-age ceremony is interrupted by the malicious Baskerville Clan intent on banishing him into the depths of the Abyss, the Vessalius heir realizes that his peaceful life of luxury is at its end. Now, he must confront the world of the Abyss and its dwellers, the monstrous "Chains," which are both not quite as fake as he once believed. -- -- Based on the supernatural fantasy manga of the same name, Pandora Hearts tells the story of fifteen-year-old Oz's journey to discover the meaning behind the strange events that have overtaken his life. Assisted by a mysterious Chain named Alice, whose nickname is "Bloodstained Black Rabbit," and members of a clandestine organization known as "Pandora," Oz begins to realize his existence may have more meaning than he could have ever imagined. -- -- -- Licensor: -- NIS America, Inc. -- 368,756 7.71
Peach Girl -- -- Studio Comet -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance School Shoujo Slice of Life -- Peach Girl Peach Girl -- With her gorgeous, tan skin and long, bleached hair, former high school swim team member Momo Adachi seems like the kind of girl who could get any guy she wants. In reality, however, she is only in love with Kazuya "Toji" Toujigamori, a baseball player whom she fell for in junior high and who reportedly only likes pale-skinned girls. Despite her attempts to change her appearance, many of her jealous classmates have begun spreading rumors about her promiscuous and "easy to get with" personality. Momo's friend Sae Kashiwagi is always there to comfort her, but is secretly the source of the rumors about Momo as part of her own scheme to steal Toji. Further complicating things is Kairi Okayasu, a popular male student at Momo's high school who has publicly declared his love for her and is determined to date her. -- -- Hoping to find love in a nearly impossible predicament, Momo must navigate complicated love triangles, back-stabbing friends, and her insecurities about her appearance to discover who she really is. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Jan 8, 2005 -- 82,472 6.99
Peach Girl -- -- Studio Comet -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance School Shoujo Slice of Life -- Peach Girl Peach Girl -- With her gorgeous, tan skin and long, bleached hair, former high school swim team member Momo Adachi seems like the kind of girl who could get any guy she wants. In reality, however, she is only in love with Kazuya "Toji" Toujigamori, a baseball player whom she fell for in junior high and who reportedly only likes pale-skinned girls. Despite her attempts to change her appearance, many of her jealous classmates have begun spreading rumors about her promiscuous and "easy to get with" personality. Momo's friend Sae Kashiwagi is always there to comfort her, but is secretly the source of the rumors about Momo as part of her own scheme to steal Toji. Further complicating things is Kairi Okayasu, a popular male student at Momo's high school who has publicly declared his love for her and is determined to date her. -- -- Hoping to find love in a nearly impossible predicament, Momo must navigate complicated love triangles, back-stabbing friends, and her insecurities about her appearance to discover who she really is. -- -- TV - Jan 8, 2005 -- 82,472 6.99
Penguin Highway -- -- Studio Colorido -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Fantasy Sci-Fi -- Penguin Highway Penguin Highway -- Schoolboy Aoyama is bright, inquisitive and a bit headstrong. He has a lot of brainwork to get busy with – after all, he'll be an adult in just a few thousand days. For the moment, though, he'll have to live life as a fourth-grader. Not that it's a bad life. -- -- Summer has arrived and school's nearly out. He has a crush on an intriguing older woman he's met at his dentist's office, who's coaching him in his chess game. And a colony of penguins has materialized in the middle of Aoyama's sleepy little town. Where on Earth – or elsewhere – did these waddling interlopers come from? Aoyama and his friends embark on a research mission, applying rigorous scientific methods and principles. Their discoveries, however, only lead to ever more puzzling wonders... -- -- (Source: Fantasia) -- -- Licensor: -- Eleven Arts -- Movie - Aug 17, 2018 -- 49,145 7.63
Persona 3 the Movie 3: Falling Down -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Fantasy Supernatural -- Persona 3 the Movie 3: Falling Down Persona 3 the Movie 3: Falling Down -- As the fall season nears its end, Chidori Yoshino, a member of Strega, abducts Junpei Iori. Meanwhile, Makoto Yuuki and the Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad (SEES) annihilate the Arcana Hanged Man. Soon after, a mysterious playboy named Ryouji Mochizuki transfers into Gekkoukan High School's Class 2-F. -- -- Supposedly having achieved their goal, the members of SEES believe they are free from the battle that has ruthlessly stolen away the lives of their loved ones. And yet, Tartarus and the Dark Hour continue to exist, undeterred by the extermination of the twelfth Shadow. Distraught by their apparent failure, SEES must cope with their personal struggles and discover whose sake they fight for. As Makoto and Junpei's journeys of self-discovery progress, Ryouji's identity and the reason behind Aegis's hate for him become clear. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Apr 4, 2015 -- 56,090 7.61
Persona 3 the Movie 3: Falling Down -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Fantasy Supernatural -- Persona 3 the Movie 3: Falling Down Persona 3 the Movie 3: Falling Down -- As the fall season nears its end, Chidori Yoshino, a member of Strega, abducts Junpei Iori. Meanwhile, Makoto Yuuki and the Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad (SEES) annihilate the Arcana Hanged Man. Soon after, a mysterious playboy named Ryouji Mochizuki transfers into Gekkoukan High School's Class 2-F. -- -- Supposedly having achieved their goal, the members of SEES believe they are free from the battle that has ruthlessly stolen away the lives of their loved ones. And yet, Tartarus and the Dark Hour continue to exist, undeterred by the extermination of the twelfth Shadow. Distraught by their apparent failure, SEES must cope with their personal struggles and discover whose sake they fight for. As Makoto and Junpei's journeys of self-discovery progress, Ryouji's identity and the reason behind Aegis's hate for him become clear. -- -- Movie - Apr 4, 2015 -- 56,090 7.61
Phantasy Star Online 2: Episode Oracle -- -- Gonzo -- 25 eps -- Game -- Action Sci-Fi Space -- Phantasy Star Online 2: Episode Oracle Phantasy Star Online 2: Episode Oracle -- A TV anime adaptation of episode 1-3 out of 5 the total episodes from the Phantasy Star Online 2 game. Some anime-original content will be created as well. -- -- Episode 1: During their qualification exam in planet Naberius, the player and fellow ARKS trainee Afin were attacked by vile organisms known as Darkers. This is followed by the two discovering a mysterious girl who lost most of her memories, and the truth regarding Naberius and the recent spike of Darker activities. -- -- Episode 2: The plot follows the player and Matoi as they try to unravel a dark conspiracy regarding the origin and purpose of ARKS. -- -- Episode 3: The discovery of the planet Harukotan brought a new quest into the fray, as the peace between the Shironian and Kuronites that dwell in the planet is disturbed by the Kuronites' sudden attack. The newly-reformed ARKS is tasked to investigate the reason behind it all, and it seems like the truth is more complicated and horrifying than expected... -- -- (Source: -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 18,794 6.53
Planetarian: Chiisana Hoshi no Yume -- -- David Production -- 5 eps -- Visual novel -- Sci-Fi Drama -- Planetarian: Chiisana Hoshi no Yume Planetarian: Chiisana Hoshi no Yume -- It is thirty years after the failure of the Space Colonization Program. Humanity is nearly extinct. A perpetual and deadly Rain falls on the Earth. Men known as "Junkers" plunder goods and artifacts from the ruins of civilization. One such Junker sneaks alone into the most dangerous of all ruins—a "Sarcophagus City." In the center of this dead city, he discovers a pre-War planetarium. And as he enters he is greeted by Hoshino Yumemi, a companion robot. Without a single shred of doubt, she assumes he is the first customer she's had in 30 years. She attempts to show him the stars at once, but the planetarium projector is broken. Unable to make heads or tails of her conversation, he ends up agreeing to try and repair the projector... -- -- (Source: Steam) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- ONA - Jul 7, 2016 -- 79,091 7.56
Planetarian: Chiisana Hoshi no Yume -- -- David Production -- 5 eps -- Visual novel -- Sci-Fi Drama -- Planetarian: Chiisana Hoshi no Yume Planetarian: Chiisana Hoshi no Yume -- It is thirty years after the failure of the Space Colonization Program. Humanity is nearly extinct. A perpetual and deadly Rain falls on the Earth. Men known as "Junkers" plunder goods and artifacts from the ruins of civilization. One such Junker sneaks alone into the most dangerous of all ruins—a "Sarcophagus City." In the center of this dead city, he discovers a pre-War planetarium. And as he enters he is greeted by Hoshino Yumemi, a companion robot. Without a single shred of doubt, she assumes he is the first customer she's had in 30 years. She attempts to show him the stars at once, but the planetarium projector is broken. Unable to make heads or tails of her conversation, he ends up agreeing to try and repair the projector... -- -- (Source: Steam) -- ONA - Jul 7, 2016 -- 79,091 7.56
Planetes -- -- Sunrise -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance Sci-Fi Seinen Space -- Planetes Planetes -- In 2075, space travel is no longer just a dream, but an everyday reality for mankind. Advancements in science and technology have led to the colonization of the moon, the commercialization of outer space, and the formation of large space corporations. Ai Tanabe, an upbeat woman whose interests lie in the cosmos, joins Technora Corporation as a member of their Debris Section, a department dedicated to the removal of dangerous space junk between the orbits of the Earth and Moon. -- -- However, Ai soon discovers how unappreciated her job is. As the laughingstock of Technora, the Debris Section is severely understaffed, poorly funded, and is forced to use a dilapidated spaceship nicknamed the "Toy Box" for debris retrieval. Undeterred, Ai perseveres and gradually becomes acquainted with the strange personalities that make up the Debris Section's staff, such as the bumbling but good-natured chief clerk Philippe Myers; the mysterious and tight-lipped temp worker Edelgard Rivera; and the hotheaded and passionate Hachirouta Hoshino, who longs for a spaceship to call his own. -- -- Planetes is an unconventional sci-fi series that portrays the vastness of space as a backdrop for the personal lives of ordinary people—people who may have been born on Earth, but whose hopes and dreams lie amongst the stars. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- 200,479 8.30
Platinum End -- -- Signal.MD -- ? eps -- Manga -- Psychological Supernatural Drama Shounen -- Platinum End Platinum End -- After the death of his parents, a young Mirai Kakehashi is left in the care of his abusive relatives. Since then, he has become gloomy and depressed, leading him to attempt suicide on the evening of his middle school graduation. Mirai, however, is saved by a pure white girl named Nasse who introduces herself as a guardian angel wishing to give him happiness—by granting him supernatural powers and a chance to become the new God. -- -- In order to earn the position, he must defeat 12 other "God Candidates" within 999 days. Soon, Mirai begins a struggle to survive as a terrifying battle royale erupts between himself and the candidates looking to obtain the most power in the world. -- -- TV - Oct ??, 2021 -- 27,914 N/A -- -- Genocyber -- -- Artmic -- 5 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Horror Psychological Mecha -- Genocyber Genocyber -- As the nations of the world begin to merge, world peace is threatened by the private armies of individual corporations. The Kuryu Group has just discovered a weapon that will tip world power in their favor. The Genocyber: a nightmarish combination of cybernetics and psychic potential. Many desire to control this monstrosity, but can its hatred be contained... Battle erupts, and the cyberpunk world of the future is about to explode with violence. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- OVA - Mar 2, 1994 -- 26,832 5.82
Plunderer -- -- GEEK TOYS -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Ecchi Fantasy Shounen -- Plunderer Plunderer -- Alcia is a world governed by "Count": numbers engraved on a person's body, representing any number related to their life. These Counts determine a person's social status and power in Alcia. If a Count reaches zero, the person is sent to the Abyss, a place rumored to be worse than death. -- -- Hina, a traveler whose Count is based on the distance she traveled, witnessed her mother get dragged down into the Abyss. Determined to fulfill her mother's last wishes, she sets off on a journey in search of the legendary Aces—heroes of the war that happened three hundred years ago, bearing a white star next to their Count. -- -- While wandering around, Hina encounters Licht Bach, a mysterious masked man with negative Count, and Nana, the owner of a tavern. In the midst of having a good time, Hina is tricked into a battle with a military soldier. However, despite his negative count, Licht rescues Hina and reveals that he has another count, one with a white star, one of a legendary Ace. -- -- Plunderer follows the journey of Hina and other inhabitants of Alcia as they discover the truth about their world, the Abyss, and the legendary Aces. -- -- 240,541 6.51
Plunderer -- -- GEEK TOYS -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Ecchi Fantasy Shounen -- Plunderer Plunderer -- Alcia is a world governed by "Count": numbers engraved on a person's body, representing any number related to their life. These Counts determine a person's social status and power in Alcia. If a Count reaches zero, the person is sent to the Abyss, a place rumored to be worse than death. -- -- Hina, a traveler whose Count is based on the distance she traveled, witnessed her mother get dragged down into the Abyss. Determined to fulfill her mother's last wishes, she sets off on a journey in search of the legendary Aces—heroes of the war that happened three hundred years ago, bearing a white star next to their Count. -- -- While wandering around, Hina encounters Licht Bach, a mysterious masked man with negative Count, and Nana, the owner of a tavern. In the midst of having a good time, Hina is tricked into a battle with a military soldier. However, despite his negative count, Licht rescues Hina and reveals that he has another count, one with a white star, one of a legendary Ace. -- -- Plunderer follows the journey of Hina and other inhabitants of Alcia as they discover the truth about their world, the Abyss, and the legendary Aces. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 240,541 6.51
Pluto -- -- Studio M2 -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Mystery Psychological Mecha Seinen -- Pluto Pluto -- Based off of a story arc from Osamu Tezuka's Tetsuwan Atom, Pluto follows the Europol detective Gesicht as he tries to uncover the mystery behind a string of robot and human deaths. The case becomes much more puzzling when evidence leans toward the murders being the work of a robot, which is something that hasn't happened for 8 years. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- - - ??? ??, ???? -- 6,321 N/A -- -- Twilight Q -- -- Ajia-Do, Studio Deen -- 2 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Mystery Psychological -- Twilight Q Twilight Q -- A Knot in Time -- High school students Mayumi and Kiwako are relishing their summer vacation at the beach; however, when Mayumi discovers a presumably lost camera while scuba diving, she cannot help but feel an insatiable curiosity. Upon developing the camera's film, she is shocked to find herself photographed alongside an unknown man. Enlisting the help of Kiwako's older brother, the three find out something even more troubling: the camera model has yet to be released. In turn, Mayumi becomes obsessed with discovering the origin of the peculiar camera and its mysterious photograph. -- -- File 538 -- Airplanes have been vanishing from the sky! Even stranger, rumor has it that the disappearing aircraft have been turning into giant carp. Meanwhile, a freelance detective investigates a run-down apartment on the outskirts of town, where he finds a middle-aged man and a young girl with a penchant for fish. Unable to identify the two, the investigator enters their room, only to find it empty save for a document that reads, "This story has been prepared for you, my successor... who should be visiting this room in due time." -- -- OVA - Feb 28, 1987 -- 6,129 6.34
Pokemon: Mewtwo! Ware wa Koko ni Ari -- -- OLM -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Kids -- Pokemon: Mewtwo! Ware wa Koko ni Ari Pokemon: Mewtwo! Ware wa Koko ni Ari -- The Team Rocket leader, Giovanni, has found Mewtwo in a remote area of the Johto region. As Giovanni tries to re-capture Mewtwo, Ash and his friends are kidnapped by Domino, a new Team Rocket member, while trying to rescue Pikachu from Jessie and James. The Clone Pokemon are also captured and are then used as bait for Mewtwo. The situation then becomes a battle between the wills of Mewtwo and Giovanni; and Mewtwo also tries to discover if it and the clones have a purpose in life, even though they are products of science. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- 4Kids Entertainment, Warner Bros. Japan -- Special - Dec 30, 2000 -- 63,576 7.05
Pokemon: Mewtwo! Ware wa Koko ni Ari -- -- OLM -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Kids -- Pokemon: Mewtwo! Ware wa Koko ni Ari Pokemon: Mewtwo! Ware wa Koko ni Ari -- The Team Rocket leader, Giovanni, has found Mewtwo in a remote area of the Johto region. As Giovanni tries to re-capture Mewtwo, Ash and his friends are kidnapped by Domino, a new Team Rocket member, while trying to rescue Pikachu from Jessie and James. The Clone Pokemon are also captured and are then used as bait for Mewtwo. The situation then becomes a battle between the wills of Mewtwo and Giovanni; and Mewtwo also tries to discover if it and the clones have a purpose in life, even though they are products of science. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Special - Dec 30, 2000 -- 63,576 7.05
Pokemon Movie 01: Mewtwo no Gyakushuu -- -- OLM -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Adventure Comedy Kids Drama Fantasy -- Pokemon Movie 01: Mewtwo no Gyakushuu Pokemon Movie 01: Mewtwo no Gyakushuu -- It was a successful science experiment gone horribly wrong. When a team of scientists discovers the DNA of the ancient Pokémon Mew, they harnessed the potential within it in an attempt to create the ultimate living weapon. With advanced cloning techniques and resources provided to them by Team Rocket crime syndicate leader Giovanni, the scientists succeed in creating the powerful psychic Pokémon, Mewtwo. -- -- Pokemon: Mewtwo no Gyakushuu reveals the terrifying power of Mewtwo as he learns that not only was he created to be an experiment, but also to be a tool for Giovanni’s sinister dealings. Breaking free of his control, Mewtwo creates his own island fortress and reconstructs the cloning technology that gave life to him. -- -- Under the guise of being a master Pokémon trainer, Mewtwo lures the best trainers in the world to his base. Among these trainers are Ash Ketchum, his loyal Pokémon Pikachu, and their friends Brock and Misty. United together, human and Pokémon alike, they must not only discover the hidden secret of Mewtwo's plans, but stand against his terrifying might. If they fail, Mewtwo’s vengeance will not only lead to tyranny over all the Pokemon, but also the extinction of the human race. -- -- Licensor: -- 4Kids Entertainment, Warner Bros. Pictures -- Movie - Jul 18, 1998 -- 203,992 7.63
Pokemon Movie 03: Kesshoutou no Teiou Entei -- -- OLM -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Adventure Comedy Kids Drama Fantasy -- Pokemon Movie 03: Kesshoutou no Teiou Entei Pokemon Movie 03: Kesshoutou no Teiou Entei -- Mii Snowdon is left on her own after her father disappears while investigating the mysterious letter-shaped pokemon called the Unown. The only clue to her father's disappearance is a box containing several tiles. While playing with these tiles, Mii makes a wish to see her father again, and this wish awakens the Unown—who summon the lion-like, legendary pokemon Entei to act as her father. -- -- Meanwhile, Satoshi heads to Greenfield with his faithful pokemon companion, Pikachu, to meet with his friends, Kasumi and Takeshi. When they reach the area, they are shocked to find the place crystallized. They quickly learn that the Unown are responsible for this, and that they will need to be defeated in order to restore Greenfield to its former beauty. -- -- The situation becomes personal when Satoshi's mother is kidnapped by Entei. To discover why his mother was taken away, Satoshi, along with his friends and pokemon, must travel the crystallized landscape to confront Entei and the Unown. -- -- -- Licensor: -- 4Kids Entertainment, Warner Bros. Japan -- Movie - Jul 8, 2000 -- 142,401 7.08
Pokemon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire: Mega Special Animation -- -- OLM -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Adventure Fantasy Kids -- Pokemon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire: Mega Special Animation Pokemon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire: Mega Special Animation -- The Pokemon Company streamed the "Mega Special Animation" short inspired by the upcoming Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire games on Sunday. The short features Pokémon undergoing the newly discovered Mega Evolution and Primal Reversion in the Hoenn region. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- ONA - Nov 16, 2014 -- 8,200 6.80
Pokemon Sun & Moon -- -- OLM -- 146 eps -- Game -- Action Game Kids Fantasy School -- Pokemon Sun & Moon Pokemon Sun & Moon -- After his mother wins a free trip to the islands, Pokemon trainer Satoshi and his partner Pikachu head for Melemele Island of the beautiful Alola region, which is filled with lots of new Pokemon and even variations of familiar faces. Eager to explore the island, Satoshi and Pikachu run wild with excitement, quickly losing their way while chasing after a Pokemon. The pair eventually stumbles upon the Pokemon School, an institution where students come to learn more about these fascinating creatures. -- -- At the school, when he and one of the students—the no-nonsense Kaki—have a run-in with the nefarious thugs of Team Skull, Satoshi discovers the overwhelming might of the Z-Moves, powerful attacks originating from the Alola region that require the trainer and Pokemon to be in sync. Later that night, he and Pikachu have an encounter with the guardian deity Pokemon of Melemele Island, the mysterious Kapu Kokeko. The Pokemon of legend bestows upon them a Z-Ring, a necessary tool in using the Z-Moves. Dazzled by his earlier battle and now in possession of a Z-Ring, Satoshi and Pikachu decide to stay behind in the Alola Region to learn and master the strength of these powerful new attacks. -- -- Enrolling in the Pokemon School, Satoshi is joined by classmates such as Lillie, who loves Pokemon but cannot bring herself to touch them, Kaki, and many others. Between attending classes, fending off the pesky Team Rocket—who themselves have arrived in Alola to pave the way for their organization's future plans—and taking on the Island Challenge that is necessary to master the Z-Moves, Satoshi and Pikachu are in for an exciting new adventure. -- -- -- Licensor: -- The Pokemon Company International -- 71,531 6.82
Pokemon: The Origin -- -- OLM, Production I.G, Xebec -- 4 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Kids -- Pokemon: The Origin Pokemon: The Origin -- Pokémon are marvelous creatures that come in a variety of types and sizes, with abilities, powers, and personalities as diverse as they are numerous. Doctor Yukinari Ookido has dedicated his life to studying these fascinating beings, that can be caught, trained, traded, and battled against each other. There's only so much he can do from his lab though. With this in mind, Ookido entrusts two young boys with a Pokémon of their own and a computerized encyclopedia to catalog them. One of them, Green, is brash, passionate, slightly arrogant, and Doctor Ookido's own nephew. The other boy, Red, is equally passionate, and filled with a wide-eyed, mildly naive sense of wonder. -- -- Pokémon: The Origin follows Red in his journey through the region of Kanto in his attempt to complete his "Pokédex" by capturing and cataloging all the Pokémon that exist. Along the way he'll discover there's more to himself and his goals than he originally thought. Red will have to put both himself and his Pokémon to the test in special Gyms whose leaders are steps along the way to the Pokémon League, in order to challenge the Elite Four and become a Pokémon League Champion. -- -- Aside from his goals to become a Champion, Red has other problems brewing. There are others who capture and train Pokémon for more sinister reasons, with the infamous criminal organization Team Rocket being one of them. If Red can defeat them, fellow trainers, his rival Green, and wild Pokémon all through Kanto, he just may fulfill his own dream, and Doctor Ookido's as well. -- -- Licensor: -- The Pokemon Company International -- Special - Oct 2, 2013 -- 186,698 7.75
Pokemon: The Origin -- -- OLM, Production I.G, Xebec -- 4 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Kids -- Pokemon: The Origin Pokemon: The Origin -- Pokémon are marvelous creatures that come in a variety of types and sizes, with abilities, powers, and personalities as diverse as they are numerous. Doctor Yukinari Ookido has dedicated his life to studying these fascinating beings, that can be caught, trained, traded, and battled against each other. There's only so much he can do from his lab though. With this in mind, Ookido entrusts two young boys with a Pokémon of their own and a computerized encyclopedia to catalog them. One of them, Green, is brash, passionate, slightly arrogant, and Doctor Ookido's own nephew. The other boy, Red, is equally passionate, and filled with a wide-eyed, mildly naive sense of wonder. -- -- Pokémon: The Origin follows Red in his journey through the region of Kanto in his attempt to complete his "Pokédex" by capturing and cataloging all the Pokémon that exist. Along the way he'll discover there's more to himself and his goals than he originally thought. Red will have to put both himself and his Pokémon to the test in special Gyms whose leaders are steps along the way to the Pokémon League, in order to challenge the Elite Four and become a Pokémon League Champion. -- -- Aside from his goals to become a Champion, Red has other problems brewing. There are others who capture and train Pokémon for more sinister reasons, with the infamous criminal organization Team Rocket being one of them. If Red can defeat them, fellow trainers, his rival Green, and wild Pokémon all through Kanto, he just may fulfill his own dream, and Doctor Ookido's as well. -- Special - Oct 2, 2013 -- 186,698 7.75
Pokemon XY -- -- OLM -- 93 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Kids -- Pokemon XY Pokemon XY -- Satoshi and Pikachu have arrived in Miare City of the illustrious Kalos region to capture more Pokemon and continue their journey towards becoming the very best. Meanwhile, a genius inventor named Citron and his little sister Eureka wander the city when they run into Satoshi who quickly challenges them to a battle. However, they are soon caught up in a dangerous incident when Team Rocket, following Satoshi into Kalos, cause a Gaburias to rampage through the city. -- -- Far away in the quiet Asame Town, a young girl named Serena slogs through daily Sihorn riding practice at the behest of her mother, a professional Sihorn racer. After practice, she sees the events unfolding in Miare City on television where she recognizes a boy from her childhood. Having left a significant impact on her life, the sight of him stirs in her a desire to meet him again; and so, Serena sets off to Miare City, determined to find the boy from her past. -- -- Pokemon XY follows the group as they travel throughout Kalos in pursuit of their ambitions—Satoshi challenging Pokemon gyms, Citron learning from Satoshi, and Serena searching for what exactly her dream is. Along the way, they meet new friends, face new rivals, and continue to thwart Team Rocket's schemes, all the while discovering a little about the mysteries of mega evolution. -- -- -- Licensor: -- The Pokemon Company International -- 113,164 7.28
Pokemon XY&Z -- -- OLM -- 47 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Comedy Kids Fantasy -- Pokemon XY&Z Pokemon XY&Z -- The journey of Satoshi and his friends through the Kalos region continues! After Satoshi obtains his seventh gym badge, the group is moving toward the next town when Eureka discovers a mysterious Pokemon resting in her pochette. Soon given the name Puni-chan, it is one that even Satoshi and Serena's new Pokemon Zukan cannot identify. However, it quickly becomes apparent that Puni-chan is the target of a mysterious group clad in bright red suits known as Team Flare, aiming to capture the new Pokemon to further their agenda. But when Satoshi and the gang realize that the enigmatic organization has no intention of treating Puni-chan with any decency, they take a stand in opposition to Team Flare's plans, daring to fight back. -- -- With Gojika's predictions looming above them, Satoshi aims for his final gym badge while Serena contests for her last Princess Key in order to be able to compete at the TriPokalon Master Class. But as Team Flare begins to move in search of the mysterious Z, the stories of Pokemon XY and Pokemon XY: Mega Evolution cross paths as Satoshi and his friends, along with Team Rocket, get caught up in a scheme that could put Kalos in great danger. -- -- 89,368 7.63
Pokemon XY&Z -- -- OLM -- 47 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Comedy Kids Fantasy -- Pokemon XY&Z Pokemon XY&Z -- The journey of Satoshi and his friends through the Kalos region continues! After Satoshi obtains his seventh gym badge, the group is moving toward the next town when Eureka discovers a mysterious Pokemon resting in her pochette. Soon given the name Puni-chan, it is one that even Satoshi and Serena's new Pokemon Zukan cannot identify. However, it quickly becomes apparent that Puni-chan is the target of a mysterious group clad in bright red suits known as Team Flare, aiming to capture the new Pokemon to further their agenda. But when Satoshi and the gang realize that the enigmatic organization has no intention of treating Puni-chan with any decency, they take a stand in opposition to Team Flare's plans, daring to fight back. -- -- With Gojika's predictions looming above them, Satoshi aims for his final gym badge while Serena contests for her last Princess Key in order to be able to compete at the TriPokalon Master Class. But as Team Flare begins to move in search of the mysterious Z, the stories of Pokemon XY and Pokemon XY: Mega Evolution cross paths as Satoshi and his friends, along with Team Rocket, get caught up in a scheme that could put Kalos in great danger. -- -- -- Licensor: -- The Pokemon Company International -- 89,368 7.63
Pokemon XY&Z Specials -- -- OLM -- 2 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Comedy Kids Fantasy -- Pokemon XY&Z Specials Pokemon XY&Z Specials -- Professor Sycamore and Alexa explore some ruins, where they discover a stone statue of a woman named Aila, and a legend emerges. A collection of Kalos records reveals that Aila's true love, Jan, attempted to vanquish the Destruction Pokémon Yveltal. When he failed, the land was drained of all life as Yveltal became a cocoon and turned Aila to stone. -- -- Jan continued his quest, seeking out the Life Pokémon Xerneas to replenish the barren land—although it couldn't save Aila. When Kalos seemed hopelessly out of balance, the Order Pokémon Zygarde appeared to restore it, and Jan remained at Aila’s side as the cycle of life and destruction continued. -- -- (Source: Builbapedia) -- -- Licensor: -- The Pokemon Company International -- Special - Nov 3, 2016 -- 7,664 7.02
Princess Principal -- -- Actas, Studio 3Hz -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Mystery Historical -- Princess Principal Princess Principal -- In the early 20th century, the discovery of the substance Cavorite allowed the production of advanced military technology and steered the country toward conflict. London is now divided by a wall, and the Kingdom and the Commonwealth of Albion battle a silent war where espionage is the only weapon that can destabilize the enemy. A group of girls from the prestigious Queen's Mayfaire school work as undercover spies for the Commonwealth. -- -- Led by Dorothy, an experienced driver with a striking personality, their group includes the talents of Ange le Carré, a cold-blooded liar and expert sharpshooter; Chise, a proficient samurai; and Beatrice, a voice-mimicking specialist. They use their unique individual skills for the Commonwealth to survive in a dark world filled with conspiracy, mystery, and infiltration. In the shadow of the war, they have only one goal in mind: completing their mission. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 159,821 7.72
Psycho-Pass 2 -- -- Tatsunoko Production -- 11 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Police Psychological -- Psycho-Pass 2 Psycho-Pass 2 -- A year and a half after the events of the original sci-fi psychological thriller, Akane Tsunemori continues her work as an inspector—enforcing the Sibyl System's judgments. Joining her are new enforcers and junior inspector Mika Shimotsuki, a young woman blindly and inflexibly loyal to Sibyl. As Akane ponders both the nature of her job and the legitimacy of Sibyl's verdicts, a disturbing new menace emerges. -- -- A mysterious figure has discovered a way to control the Crime Coefficient—a number compiled from mental scans that allows Sibyl to gauge psychological health and identify potential criminals. Through these means, he is able to murder an enforcer, leaving behind a cryptic clue: "WC?" scrawled in blood on a wall. -- -- Akane and the rest of Division 1 soon find themselves playing a deadly game against their new foe, coming face-to-face with a conspiracy threatening not only the authority of the Sibyl System, but the very foundation of Akane's own convictions. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 524,843 7.42
Psycho-Pass Movie -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Military Police Sci-Fi -- Psycho-Pass Movie Psycho-Pass Movie -- Due to the incredible success of the Sibyl System, Japan has begun exporting the technology to other countries with the hope that it will one day be used all around the world. In order to test its effectiveness in a foreign location, the war-torn state of the South East Asian Union (SEAUn) decides to implement the system, hoping to bring peace and stability to the town of Shambala Float and keep the population in check. -- -- However, a group of anti-Sibyl terrorists arrive in Japan, and the Ministry of Welfare's Public Safety Bureau discovers significant evidence that the invaders are being aided by Shinya Kougami, a former Enforcer who went rogue. Because of their past relationship, Akane Tsunemori is sent to SEAUn to bring him back, but with their last meeting years in the past, their reunion might not go quite as planned. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Jan 9, 2015 -- 218,101 7.73
Qualidea Code -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Magic Supernatural -- Qualidea Code Qualidea Code -- On a quiet and peaceful day, the skies split open and extradimensional beings, designated as the Unknown, launch a swift and brutal attack against humanity. To protect the future of the country, all of Japan's children are cryogenically frozen until the end of the war to keep them out of harm's way. -- -- Several years pass, and humanity has established a foothold in a corner of Japan, which now serves as the frontline of the war. No longer facing humanity's extinction, the children are awakened from their slumber. It is then discovered that, while in cryogenesis, the children had developed Worlds, supernatural powers unique to each person. The six most powerful children are given command of the reclaimed cities, using their powers to defend the strongholds against the continuing invasion. Childhood friends Ichiya Suzaku and Canaria Utara lead Tokyo, siblings Kasumi and Asuha Chigusa manage Chiba, and Maihime Tenkawa and Hotaru Rindou oversee Kanagawa. -- -- Over time, the almost routine attacks from the Unknown and the clashing personalities of the city heads and subheads cultivate petty rivalries, leading to constant arguments between the three cities. With the Unknown suddenly increasing the pressure of their attacks, the three cities' leaders must learn how to work together or risk losing the last line of defense against humanity's extinction. -- -- 141,255 6.50
Rakuen Tsuihou -- -- Graphinica -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mecha -- Rakuen Tsuihou Rakuen Tsuihou -- In a future where a massive disaster has devastated Earth, most of humanity has abandoned their physical bodies and relocated in digital form to DEVA, an advanced space station orbiting the ravaged planet. Free from the limitations of traditional existence, such as death and hunger, the inhabitants of this virtual reality reside in relative peace until Frontier Setter, a skilled hacker, infiltrates the system and spreads subversive messages to the populace. -- -- Labeled a threat to security by authorities, Frontier Setter is pursued by Angela Balzac, a dedicated member of DEVA's law enforcement. When the hacker's signal is traced to Earth, Angela takes on physical form, transferring her consciousness to a clone body and traveling to the world below in order to deal with the menace. On Earth, she is assisted by Dingo, a charismatic agent, and during her journey to uncover the mystery behind Frontier Setter, she gradually discovers startling realities about the wasteland some of humanity still refers to as home, as well as the paradise above. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Nov 15, 2014 -- 83,758 7.37
Rakuen Tsuihou -- -- Graphinica -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mecha -- Rakuen Tsuihou Rakuen Tsuihou -- In a future where a massive disaster has devastated Earth, most of humanity has abandoned their physical bodies and relocated in digital form to DEVA, an advanced space station orbiting the ravaged planet. Free from the limitations of traditional existence, such as death and hunger, the inhabitants of this virtual reality reside in relative peace until Frontier Setter, a skilled hacker, infiltrates the system and spreads subversive messages to the populace. -- -- Labeled a threat to security by authorities, Frontier Setter is pursued by Angela Balzac, a dedicated member of DEVA's law enforcement. When the hacker's signal is traced to Earth, Angela takes on physical form, transferring her consciousness to a clone body and traveling to the world below in order to deal with the menace. On Earth, she is assisted by Dingo, a charismatic agent, and during her journey to uncover the mystery behind Frontier Setter, she gradually discovers startling realities about the wasteland some of humanity still refers to as home, as well as the paradise above. -- -- Movie - Nov 15, 2014 -- 83,758 7.37
Ranma ½ -- -- Studio Deen -- 161 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Martial Arts Fantasy Shounen -- Ranma ½ Ranma ½ -- Ranma Saotome is a top-class martial artist and prodigy at the Saotome "Anything-Goes" school of martial arts. While training in China, he and his father meet a terrible fate when they accidentally fall into a cursed spring. Now, Ranma is cursed to turn into a girl when splashed with cold water, and only hot water can turn him back into a boy. -- -- Things are only complicated further when Ranma discovers that his father has arranged for him to marry one of Soun Tendo's three daughters in order to secure the future of the Tendo dojo. Though Soun learns of Ranma's predicament, he is still determined to go ahead with the engagement, and chooses his youngest daughter Akane, who happens to be a skilled martial artist herself and is notorious for hating men. -- -- Ranma ½ follows the hilarious adventures of Ranma and Akane as they encounter various opponents, meet new love interests, and find different ways to make each other angry, all while their engagement hangs over their head. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- TV - Apr 15, 1989 -- 200,792 7.76
Ranma ½ -- -- Studio Deen -- 161 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Martial Arts Fantasy Shounen -- Ranma ½ Ranma ½ -- Ranma Saotome is a top-class martial artist and prodigy at the Saotome "Anything-Goes" school of martial arts. While training in China, he and his father meet a terrible fate when they accidentally fall into a cursed spring. Now, Ranma is cursed to turn into a girl when splashed with cold water, and only hot water can turn him back into a boy. -- -- Things are only complicated further when Ranma discovers that his father has arranged for him to marry one of Soun Tendo's three daughters in order to secure the future of the Tendo dojo. Though Soun learns of Ranma's predicament, he is still determined to go ahead with the engagement, and chooses his youngest daughter Akane, who happens to be a skilled martial artist herself and is notorious for hating men. -- -- Ranma ½ follows the hilarious adventures of Ranma and Akane as they encounter various opponents, meet new love interests, and find different ways to make each other angry, all while their engagement hangs over their head. -- -- TV - Apr 15, 1989 -- 200,792 7.76
Ray The Animation -- -- OLM -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance Sci-Fi -- Ray The Animation Ray The Animation -- If you have enough money, you can buy anything. So why wait for an organ you need to become available? Raised to be harvested for parts, Ray had already lost her eyes when renegade surgeon Black Jack rescued her. Now, ten years later, she has grown up to be a surgeon herself. And thanks to the unique artificial eyes she received as replacements, she has a reputation for performing incredible medical operations that no one else could even attempt. But unknown to any but a select few, her surgical endeavors are only part of a greater mission: to discover what happened to the other children she was raised with, and to find the men who stole the eyes she was born with and to bring them to justice. -- -- (Source: The Anime Network) -- -- Licensor: -- Maiden Japan -- TV - Apr 5, 2006 -- 12,049 6.64
Rec -- -- Shaft -- 9 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance Seinen -- Rec Rec -- After being stood up for a movie date, marketing employee Fumihiko Matsumaru is about to throw away his tickets when he is stopped by a girl who implores him to let her accompany him instead. Thanks to his upbeat and eccentric companion Aka Onda, an aspiring voice actress, Fumihiko enjoys his evening. While walking home together, they find out that they live in the same neighborhood. Mere hours later, Fumihiko wakes up from a nightmare and hears sirens outside his window. Going outside to check the situation, he sees that Aka's apartment has burned down, along with all her possessions. Fumihiko invites the distressed Aka to stay at his place, leading to them sleeping together. -- -- In the aftermath of that fateful night, their personal and professional lives become inextricably intertwined. Not only do they begin living together platonically despite their one-night stand, they also discover that Aka will be voicing the mascot Fumihiko designed for his company's newest product. While trying to keep their live-in relationship under wraps for fear of scrutiny, the two begin to support each other throughout the difficulties in their respective careers. -- -- 100,360 7.33
Reideen -- -- Production I.G -- 26 eps -- - -- Action Mecha Sci-Fi -- Reideen Reideen -- Saiga is a normal high school student with a gift in mathematics. His daily routine is disrupted when his family gets news that his Father's remains have been discovered—a noted archeologist and researcher who had gone missing while exploring a site many years before. Among his remains were notes and artifacts that needed to be identified by the family near a notable triangular mountain in Japan known as "Japan's pyramid", a place suspected by some to be man-made. A meteor containing a strange robotic lifeform falls from the sky and begins to cause destruction, putting Saiga in danger and causing a mysterious bracelet from his father's research to activate and merge him with an ancient robot burried within the pyramid—a robot the runes describe as Reideen. It is now up to Saiga and guardian Reideen to fight against this unknown alien threat from the sky. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Feb 4, 2007 -- 7,753 6.56
Rekka no Honoo -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 42 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Martial Arts Shounen Super Power -- Rekka no Honoo Rekka no Honoo -- Most people think that ninjas are a thing of the past, but Rekka Hanabishi wishes otherwise. Although he comes from a family that makes fireworks, he likes to think of himself as a self-styled, modern-day ninja. Sounds like fun, right? Maybe not. Rekka ends up in lots of fights because he once made the bold announcement that if someone can defeat him, he will become their servant. -- -- Then one day, Rekka meets Yanagi Sakoshita, a gentle girl with the ability to heal any wound or injury. Their meeting sets off a chain of events, which culminate into a shocking discovery. Rekka is the last surviving member of a legendary ninja clan that was wiped out centuries ago. Even more astonishing than being an actual ninja, he also wields the power to control fire. What does this mean for Rekka? Who are these strange people after him and Yanagi? Find out in Rekka no Honoo! -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, VIZ Media -- 55,567 7.36
ReLIFE -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 13 eps -- Web manga -- Slice of Life Romance School -- ReLIFE ReLIFE -- Dismissed as a hopeless loser by those around him, 27-year-old Arata Kaizaki bounces around from one job to another after quitting his first company. His unremarkable existence takes a sharp turn when he meets Ryou Yoake, a member of the ReLife Research Institute, who offers Arata the opportunity to change his life for the better with the help of a mysterious pill. Taking it without a second thought, Arata awakens the next day to find that his appearance has reverted to that of a 17-year-old. -- -- Arata soon learns that he is now the subject of a unique experiment and must attend high school as a transfer student for one year. Though he initially believes it will be a cinch due to his superior life experience, Arata is proven horribly wrong on his first day: he flunks all his tests, is completely out of shape, and can't keep up with the new school policies that have cropped up in the last 10 years. Furthermore, Ryou has been assigned to observe him, bringing Arata endless annoyance. ReLIFE follows Arata's struggle to adjust to his hectic new lifestyle and avoid repeating his past mistakes, all while slowly discovering more about his fellow classmates. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 754,980 8.02
RErideD: Tokigoe no Derrida -- -- GEEK TOYS -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Drama -- RErideD: Tokigoe no Derrida RErideD: Tokigoe no Derrida -- The year is 2050. A young engineer named Derrida Yvain became famous thanks to his contribution to the development of the "Autonomous Machine DZ" at Rebuild, the manufacturing company founded by his father. One day, Derrida and his colleague Nathan discover a flaw in the DZs and try to warn their boss, but are ignored. Although Derrida and Nathan are aware of the danger, they reluctantly decide to put off taking any measures, and instead go to Nathan's daughter Mage's birthday party. The next day, after enjoying a peaceful day, Derrida and Nathan are suddenly attacked by unknown forces. At the end of the escape, Derrida falls into a cold sleep machine and 10 years later, he wakes up to a devastated world in the middle of a war. While Derrida is attacked by a group of out of control DZs, he almost gives up, but he recalls Nathan's last words. -- -- "Take care of Mage." -- -- Despite the harsh fate that has fallen upon him, Derrida sets off to seek Mage. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 36,075 5.69
Ring of Gundam -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Original -- Sci-Fi Space Mecha -- Ring of Gundam Ring of Gundam -- The story of "Ring of Gundam" takes place in a new era long after the events of the first Mobile Suit Gundam series' One-Year War. In this world setting, a giant 600-kilometer-wide ring now floats in lunar orbit. An Earth Federation Forces member named Eiji discovers an object called "Beauty Memory" buried in a high-altitude, massive rockbed on Earth. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Special - Aug 29, 2009 -- 4,139 5.24
Robotics;Notes -- -- Production I.G -- 22 eps -- Visual novel -- Sci-Fi Mystery Drama Mecha School -- Robotics;Notes Robotics;Notes -- It has always been the aspiration of the Central Tanegashima High School Robotics Research Club to complete the GunPro1, a fully functioning giant robot. For years, the members of the club have contributed to its progress and it is now Akiho Senomiya's goal to finally make the dream of all the past club members become a reality. However, things are not as easy as they seem as the club lacks the funding for such a huge endeavor. Aside from that, the only other club member, Kaito Yashio, shows no interest in assisting his childhood friend and instead indulges in playing mecha-fighting games on his "PokeCom." -- -- As Kaito is in the middle of wasting his days, he receives an indecipherable message and hears a voice that seems to be drowned out by the noise of static. He searches for the source, only to realize that it came from Airi Yukifune, an AI which only exists within the augmented reality system accessible via the PokeCom. Robotic;Notes follows the story of Kaito as he discovers a peculiar report in Airi's database, one that would have disastrous consequences in the future. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 159,591 7.34
Rockman.EXE Beast -- -- Xebec -- 25 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Game Mecha Sci-Fi Shounen -- Rockman.EXE Beast Rockman.EXE Beast -- Trill, a mysterious navi said to have originated from the world of Beyondard, is discovered. And new beast-type enemies, the Zoanoroids, want him for his special power. Netto Hikari and Rockman must protect their new friend while they try to figure out what Trill is really and his connection to the two legendary cyber beasts, Grega and Faltzer. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Oct 1, 2005 -- 6,901 7.06
R.O.D: The TV -- -- J.C.Staff -- 26 eps -- Light novel -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Super Power Drama -- R.O.D: The TV R.O.D: The TV -- Anita King, Maggie Mui, and Michelle Cheung are the Paper Sisters. They run the Three Sisters Detective Agency in Hong Kong which is dedicated to solving cases involving books. They are hired as local guides for Nenene Sumiregawa, a Japanese novelist who has been struggling with writer's block following the disappearance of her longtime friend, Yomiko Readman. The sisters are all Paper Masters—individuals with the power to control paper—and with their abilities, they save Nenene from the dangerous terrorists targeting her at a book signing. But in case they strike again, the sisters remain as her bodyguards to protect her from further harm. -- -- This is a dream come true for bookworms Maggie and Michelle who love Nenene's stories, but the young Anita cannot stand books despite her powers over paper. The three struggle to adapt to their new daily life in Japan, guarding Nenene while continuing their detective work under a mysterious organization, Dokusensha. However, the more they get to know Nenene, the more they discover the link between her, the disappearance of her friend Yomiko, and the mysterious books Dokusensha sends the Paper Masters to investigate. What began as a simple job ends up a bigger case than they have ever had before. Are these girls really willing to risk their lives over literature? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America, Geneon Entertainment USA -- TV - Sep 1, 2003 -- 62,163 7.55
R.O.D: The TV -- -- J.C.Staff -- 26 eps -- Light novel -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Super Power Drama -- R.O.D: The TV R.O.D: The TV -- Anita King, Maggie Mui, and Michelle Cheung are the Paper Sisters. They run the Three Sisters Detective Agency in Hong Kong which is dedicated to solving cases involving books. They are hired as local guides for Nenene Sumiregawa, a Japanese novelist who has been struggling with writer's block following the disappearance of her longtime friend, Yomiko Readman. The sisters are all Paper Masters—individuals with the power to control paper—and with their abilities, they save Nenene from the dangerous terrorists targeting her at a book signing. But in case they strike again, the sisters remain as her bodyguards to protect her from further harm. -- -- This is a dream come true for bookworms Maggie and Michelle who love Nenene's stories, but the young Anita cannot stand books despite her powers over paper. The three struggle to adapt to their new daily life in Japan, guarding Nenene while continuing their detective work under a mysterious organization, Dokusensha. However, the more they get to know Nenene, the more they discover the link between her, the disappearance of her friend Yomiko, and the mysterious books Dokusensha sends the Paper Masters to investigate. What began as a simple job ends up a bigger case than they have ever had before. Are these girls really willing to risk their lives over literature? -- -- TV - Sep 1, 2003 -- 62,163 7.55
Roots Search: Shokushin Buttai X -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Sci-Fi Space Horror -- Roots Search: Shokushin Buttai X Roots Search: Shokushin Buttai X -- When a research crew in deep space discovers the desolate ship "Green Planet" that warps into their area, they encounter Buzz, the commander and sole surivor of the ship. Being too incapacitated to make them aware of the situation of his ship, the research team will soon discover that they have found something far, far worse... -- -- (Source: BakaBT) -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- OVA - Sep 10, 1986 -- 2,460 4.20
Roujin Z -- -- APPP -- 1 ep -- Original -- Comedy Drama Mecha Sci-Fi -- Roujin Z Roujin Z -- The Z Project was intended to give the new generation a break from caring for the old. The original intenion was to create a machine to care for them without any intervention. At first glance, it looked like an excellent plan, and many of the younger generation approved of its application. But when old Mr. Takazawa become the test subject for the Z-001 machine, Haruko questioned both the tactics of the hospital and the moral implications of the machine. This is just the beginning, as Haruko has not just the hospital, but the odds against her. But then, she discovers an odd quirk about the machine: it uses a biochip, and it eventually acquires a mind of its own! -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- Movie - Sep 14, 1991 -- 25,750 7.06
Roujin Z -- -- APPP -- 1 ep -- Original -- Comedy Drama Mecha Sci-Fi -- Roujin Z Roujin Z -- The Z Project was intended to give the new generation a break from caring for the old. The original intenion was to create a machine to care for them without any intervention. At first glance, it looked like an excellent plan, and many of the younger generation approved of its application. But when old Mr. Takazawa become the test subject for the Z-001 machine, Haruko questioned both the tactics of the hospital and the moral implications of the machine. This is just the beginning, as Haruko has not just the hospital, but the odds against her. But then, she discovers an odd quirk about the machine: it uses a biochip, and it eventually acquires a mind of its own! -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- Movie - Sep 14, 1991 -- 25,750 7.06
Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan - Ishinshishi e no Chinkonka -- -- Gallop -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Samurai Historical Drama Shounen -- Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan - Ishinshishi e no Chinkonka Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan - Ishinshishi e no Chinkonka -- The war against the Tokugawa Shogunate ended years ago. But there are some who are not happy with the outcome. Shigure Takimi watched his friends and family get slashed down in the name of freedom and prosperity. Now he and a band of desperate rebels have sworn to settle one final score. Only one man stands in their way: Kenshin Himura. But when Shigure discovers Kenshin's true identity as the Hitokiri Battousai, his fight becomes a personal vendetta. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Aniplex of America -- Movie - Dec 20, 1997 -- 44,896 7.56
Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan - Ishinshishi e no Chinkonka -- -- Gallop -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Samurai Historical Drama Shounen -- Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan - Ishinshishi e no Chinkonka Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan - Ishinshishi e no Chinkonka -- The war against the Tokugawa Shogunate ended years ago. But there are some who are not happy with the outcome. Shigure Takimi watched his friends and family get slashed down in the name of freedom and prosperity. Now he and a band of desperate rebels have sworn to settle one final score. Only one man stands in their way: Kenshin Himura. But when Shigure discovers Kenshin's true identity as the Hitokiri Battousai, his fight becomes a personal vendetta. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Dec 20, 1997 -- 44,896 7.56
Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin (TV) -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 11 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Comedy Mystery Supernatural -- Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin (TV) Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin (TV) -- Nanae Island is a man-made island in the Pacific Ocean that holds everything necessary for the proper education and training of children. It was created by the Great Seven, a group of adventurers headed by Nanana Ryuugajou, as a place for the young to chase their dreams. -- -- After being disowned and exiled by his family, high school student Juugo Yama arrives on this island, happy to finally be free of his father. Upon moving into his new room, he discovers the ghost of Nanana Ryuugajou, bound to the island after her unsolved murder 10 years ago. Nanana tells Juugo that, just before her death, she hid items with unique and mysterious powers all across the island—items known as the Nanana Collection. Hoping to uncover clues that will help him find the culprit behind her death, Juugo, with the help of self-proclaimed "Master Detective" Tensai Ikkyuu and her cross-dressing maid Daruku Hoshino, sets out on his search. -- -- 202,223 7.18
Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin (TV) -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 11 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Comedy Mystery Supernatural -- Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin (TV) Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin (TV) -- Nanae Island is a man-made island in the Pacific Ocean that holds everything necessary for the proper education and training of children. It was created by the Great Seven, a group of adventurers headed by Nanana Ryuugajou, as a place for the young to chase their dreams. -- -- After being disowned and exiled by his family, high school student Juugo Yama arrives on this island, happy to finally be free of his father. Upon moving into his new room, he discovers the ghost of Nanana Ryuugajou, bound to the island after her unsolved murder 10 years ago. Nanana tells Juugo that, just before her death, she hid items with unique and mysterious powers all across the island—items known as the Nanana Collection. Hoping to uncover clues that will help him find the culprit behind her death, Juugo, with the help of self-proclaimed "Master Detective" Tensai Ikkyuu and her cross-dressing maid Daruku Hoshino, sets out on his search. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 202,223 7.18
Ryuuseiki Gakusaver -- -- Production I.G -- 6 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Space Comedy Parody Mecha School -- Ryuuseiki Gakusaver Ryuuseiki Gakusaver -- A gigantic meteorite landed on earth a few years back. A mysterious capsule believed to have belonged to the aliens was discovered. Called the "black box," an international organization called "Project BB" was created to research it. -- -- Eight boys, including Manabu Yoshimura, attend International Academy, a school located near Project BB headquarters. They are enticed by their teacher Toukichi Hashiba's promise of "I'll give you class credit," and end up getting involved in his experiment. The experiment was to enter the eight empty chambers of meteorite. According to Hashiba's theory, the meteorite should strongly respond to strong human thoughts. He tells them to have a clear image of a great looking gigantic robot; if they do, something should happen... -- -- Then, a big spaceship appears in the sky and an alien calling himself Wercury appears in a 3-D image. He tells them he is from the Star of Prokimasi and that he has come to collect the meteorite of the Choshin people. If they do not hand it over, he will challenge the earth beings to a battle. Manabu and his friends are confused by the unexpected turn of events but the meteorite responds to the thoughts of the group and suddenly starts to transform itself into a gigantic robot. Then, attacked by the invading Prokimasi robot, they are forced to pull their strength together and fight back. But it is extremely difficult to put the wills of the eight together as one and the robot cannot fight in the way it should. The gigantic robot that Hashiba named "Gakusaver" and Manabu's eight; can they manage to protect Earth and the meteorite from the Prokimasi invasion? -- -- (Source: King Records) -- OVA - Aug 21, 1993 -- 1,103 6.47
Saint Luminous Jogakuin -- -- Triangle Staff -- 13 eps -- Original -- Mystery Psychological Supernatural -- Saint Luminous Jogakuin Saint Luminous Jogakuin -- Kaihei is a rather normal high school student but soon discovers that his deceased grandfather has left him the chairman position of his all-girls high school, St. Luminous Mission High School. Besides being the only male student on campus, he is also now the young chairman in charge of campus rules, happenings and punishments. When Kaihei arrives however, it seems a student has gone missing. Kaihei, along with his closest friends, are now determined to solve this mystery (without getting the local police involved) before graduation. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 2,539 6.05
Saishuu Heiki Kanojo: Another Love Song -- -- Studio Fantasia -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance Sci-Fi -- Saishuu Heiki Kanojo: Another Love Song Saishuu Heiki Kanojo: Another Love Song -- Before Chise became the "ultimate weapon," there was another—Lieutenant Mizuki. A battle-hardened military woman, she volunteered for an experimental procedure after injuries left her unable to return to the battlefield. As the prototype ultimate weapon, Lieutenant Mizuki was highly successful on the battlefield, however, as the first candidate, her development was limited. -- -- When a more suitable candidate to become the weapon, Chise, is forced into the military, Lieutenant Mizuki thinks that she is silly, weak, and unsuited for the role. As the only other person to have undergone the procedure, however, Lieutenant Mizuki can hear Chise's thoughts and is the only one who understands her. As the war rages on and Chise's development progresses, Lieutenant Mizuki discovers more about Chise, ultimate weapons, and herself. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- OVA - Aug 5, 2005 -- 16,216 7.10
Sakamichi no Apollon -- -- MAPPA, Tezuka Productions -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Josei Music Romance School -- Sakamichi no Apollon Sakamichi no Apollon -- Introverted classical pianist and top student Kaoru Nishimi has just arrived in Kyushu for his first year of high school. Having constantly moved from place to place since his childhood, he abandons all hope of fitting in, preparing himself for another lonely, meaningless year. That is, until he encounters the notorious delinquent Sentarou Kawabuchi. -- -- Sentarou's immeasurable love for jazz music inspires Kaoru to learn more about the genre, and as a result, he slowly starts to break out of his shell, making his very first friend. Kaoru begins playing the piano at after-school jazz sessions, located in the basement of fellow student Ritsuko Mukae's family-owned record shop. As he discovers the immense joy of using his musical talents to bring enjoyment to himself and others, Kaoru's summer might just crescendo into one that he will remember forever. -- -- Sakamichi no Apollon is a heartwarming story of friendship, music, and love that follows three unique individuals brought together by their mutual appreciation for jazz. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 295,472 8.35
Sakura Quest -- -- P.A. Works -- 25 eps -- Original -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Sakura Quest Sakura Quest -- Tired of her rural home, recent college graduate Yoshino Koharu is desperate to lead a more exciting life in Tokyo. After a fruitless job hunt, she finally receives a part-time offer as queen of the bizarre "Kingdom of Chupakabura," a rundown mini-attraction in the small agricultural town of Manoyama. However, Yoshino discovers upon her arrival in Manoyama that she was mistaken for a celebrity and the job offer was a mistake. Left with no other options, Yoshino reluctantly agrees to take on the role and aid the Board of Tourism in their efforts to revitalize Manoyama. Determined to bring excitement to the dying town with the help of local residents, the queen enacts a series of projects to highlight the beauty and charm of Manoyama's culture. -- -- Sakura Quest delves into the story of a tight-knit community that is struggling to balance change while also maintaining the rich traditions and bonds which define their identity. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 124,144 7.40
Samurai Deeper Kyou -- -- Studio Deen -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Historical Supernatural Samurai Shounen -- Samurai Deeper Kyou Samurai Deeper Kyou -- In the year 1600, at the fog-covered battlefield of Sekigahara, a fierce battle was waged by two exemplary swordsmen. One was Kyoushirou Mibu, a skilled and noble warrior in possession of the unique powers of the Mibu Clan. The other was the thousand-man slayer, with eyes and hair the color of blood, "Demon Eyes" Kyou. Their legendary clash was cut short when a meteor from the heavens fell down upon that battlefield, leaving both to vanish in its wake. -- -- Samurai Deeper Kyou begins four years after that battle, when a gun-wielding bounty hunter by the name of Yuya Shiina hunts down Kyoushirou—now a perverted, traveling medicine-man who has built up a large debt. On her way to claim his bounty, they are attacked by an inhuman monster that seeks to devour Kyoushirou. This encounter awakens "Demon Eyes" Kyou, whose mind has been trapped inside of Kyoushirou's body ever since that fateful battle. Thus begins a grand tale of legendary two swordsmen and the discovery of their secrets. -- 49,776 6.92
Samurai Deeper Kyou -- -- Studio Deen -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Historical Supernatural Samurai Shounen -- Samurai Deeper Kyou Samurai Deeper Kyou -- In the year 1600, at the fog-covered battlefield of Sekigahara, a fierce battle was waged by two exemplary swordsmen. One was Kyoushirou Mibu, a skilled and noble warrior in possession of the unique powers of the Mibu Clan. The other was the thousand-man slayer, with eyes and hair the color of blood, "Demon Eyes" Kyou. Their legendary clash was cut short when a meteor from the heavens fell down upon that battlefield, leaving both to vanish in its wake. -- -- Samurai Deeper Kyou begins four years after that battle, when a gun-wielding bounty hunter by the name of Yuya Shiina hunts down Kyoushirou—now a perverted, traveling medicine-man who has built up a large debt. On her way to claim his bounty, they are attacked by an inhuman monster that seeks to devour Kyoushirou. This encounter awakens "Demon Eyes" Kyou, whose mind has been trapped inside of Kyoushirou's body ever since that fateful battle. Thus begins a grand tale of legendary two swordsmen and the discovery of their secrets. -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters, NYAV Post -- 49,776 6.92
Samurai Flamenco -- -- Manglobe -- 22 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Parody Super Power -- Samurai Flamenco Samurai Flamenco -- "A hero will never give up, never hide, never be defeated and never accept evil!" -- -- Firmly believing these words, Masayoshi Hazama has been obsessed with superhero shows since childhood. By day, he earns his living as a famous model, and by night, he becomes the gallant hero Samurai Flamenco. Armed with only his superhero costume, he seeks to bring justice to the city and faces anybody who tries to break the law—even rebellious juveniles and people who litter on the street. -- -- Masayoshi's heroic antics later catch the attention of the public, leading to the fateful discovery of his identity by policeman Hidenori Gotou. Although initially telling Masayoshi to leave the crime-busting activities to the police, Gotou ends up joining him in his antics. However, things soon escalate from preventing littering and petty thefts to bizarre adventures that involve even the fate of the world. Together with their newfound comrades, Masayoshi and Gotou embark on a battle with the world and themselves in order to find the true meaning of being a hero—with or without superpowers. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 116,563 6.90
Saraba Uchuu Senkan Yamato: Ai no Senshi-tachi -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space Drama -- Saraba Uchuu Senkan Yamato: Ai no Senshi-tachi Saraba Uchuu Senkan Yamato: Ai no Senshi-tachi -- In the year 2201, one year after the Yamato saved Earth from radioactive contamination, a new threat emerges. The Yamato makes its final journey to save the Earth from this new threat. -- -- Earth has almost recovered from the battle against Gamilus, and reconstruction has expanded to the other planets. When former Yamato crew-mates discover a strange, garbled message that seems to be coming from a white comet headed towards Earth, they hijack their old space fortress and begin a new battle. -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- Movie - Aug 5, 1978 -- 3,387 7.09
Sarusuberi: Miss Hokusai -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Historical Supernatural Drama Seinen -- Sarusuberi: Miss Hokusai Sarusuberi: Miss Hokusai -- The time: 1814. The place: Edo, now known as Tokyo. -- -- One of the highest populated cities in the world, teeming with peasants, samurai, townsmen, merchants, nobles, artists, courtesans, and perhaps even supernatural things. -- -- A much accomplished artist of his time and now in his mid-fifties, Tetsuzo can boast clients from all over Japan, and tirelessly works in the garbage-loaded chaos of his house-atelier. He spends his days creating astounding pieces of art, from a giant-size Bodhidharma portrayed on a 180 square meter-wide sheet of paper, to a pair of sparrows painted on a tiny rice grain. Short-tempered, utterly sarcastic, with no passion for sake or money, he would charge a fortune for any job he is not really interested in. -- -- Third of Tetsuzo's four daughters and born out of his second marriage, outspoken 23-year-old O-Ei has inherited her father's talent and stubbornness, and very often she would paint instead of him, though uncredited. Her art is so powerful that sometimes leads to trouble. "We're father and daughter; with two brushes and four chopsticks, I guess we can always manage, in a way or another." -- -- Decades later, Europe was going to discover the immense talent of Tetsuzo. He was to become best known by one of his many names: Katsushika Hokusai. He would mesmerize Renoir and van Gogh, Monet and Klimt. -- -- However, very few today are even aware of the woman who assisted him all his life, and greatly contributed to his art while remaining uncredited. This is the untold story of O-Ei, Master Hokusai's daughter: a lively portrayal of a free-spirited woman overshadowed by her larger-than-life father, unfolding through the changing seasons. -- -- (Source: Production I.G) -- -- Licensor: -- GKIDS, NYAV Post -- Movie - May 9, 2015 -- 26,836 7.19
Sarusuberi: Miss Hokusai -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Historical Supernatural Drama Seinen -- Sarusuberi: Miss Hokusai Sarusuberi: Miss Hokusai -- The time: 1814. The place: Edo, now known as Tokyo. -- -- One of the highest populated cities in the world, teeming with peasants, samurai, townsmen, merchants, nobles, artists, courtesans, and perhaps even supernatural things. -- -- A much accomplished artist of his time and now in his mid-fifties, Tetsuzo can boast clients from all over Japan, and tirelessly works in the garbage-loaded chaos of his house-atelier. He spends his days creating astounding pieces of art, from a giant-size Bodhidharma portrayed on a 180 square meter-wide sheet of paper, to a pair of sparrows painted on a tiny rice grain. Short-tempered, utterly sarcastic, with no passion for sake or money, he would charge a fortune for any job he is not really interested in. -- -- Third of Tetsuzo's four daughters and born out of his second marriage, outspoken 23-year-old O-Ei has inherited her father's talent and stubbornness, and very often she would paint instead of him, though uncredited. Her art is so powerful that sometimes leads to trouble. "We're father and daughter; with two brushes and four chopsticks, I guess we can always manage, in a way or another." -- -- Decades later, Europe was going to discover the immense talent of Tetsuzo. He was to become best known by one of his many names: Katsushika Hokusai. He would mesmerize Renoir and van Gogh, Monet and Klimt. -- -- However, very few today are even aware of the woman who assisted him all his life, and greatly contributed to his art while remaining uncredited. This is the untold story of O-Ei, Master Hokusai's daughter: a lively portrayal of a free-spirited woman overshadowed by her larger-than-life father, unfolding through the changing seasons. -- -- (Source: Production I.G) -- Movie - May 9, 2015 -- 26,836 7.19
Seikai no Senki II -- -- Sunrise -- 10 eps -- Light novel -- Action Military Romance Sci-Fi Space -- Seikai no Senki II Seikai no Senki II -- Due to a lack of ambassadors for the recently-conquered worlds the rapidly advancing fleet of the Bebaus brothers leave behind, Lafiel is appointed Territorial Ambassador of the planet Lobnas II. Upon arriving to the planet Jinto and Lafiel discover that the planet was used by the United Mankind as a prison planet and now has a million prisoners on the only inhabited island. The prisoners are parted in three blocks. The western where women are housed, the eastern belongs to the men and the central is mixed under the restriction that all prisoners living there are sterilized. The women in the western sector want to emigrate from the planet of fear for the men and when they do the men in the east rebel, overthrowing the guards and capturing Jinto to try to stop the emigration of the women. At the same time an enemy fleet heads toward the system forcing Lafiel to abandon Jinto. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation -- TV - Jul 11, 2001 -- 20,527 7.83
Seikoku no Dragonar -- -- C-Station -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Ecchi Fantasy School -- Seikoku no Dragonar Seikoku no Dragonar -- Learning to ride and tame dragons comes easy to most students at Ansarivan Dragonar Academy—except for first-year student Ash Blake, who is known by his fellow classmates as the "number one problem child." Poor Ash is the laughing stock at school because, despite his unfashionably large star-shaped brand that marks him as a future dragon master, he has nothing to show for it. His dragon has never appeared. -- -- Until now, that is. One fateful day, Ash's dragon awakes in full glory, but appears different than any dragon ever seen before—in the form of a beautiful girl! What's worse, Ash soon discovers that this new dragon has attitude to spare, as she promptly informs him that she is the master, and he, the servant. -- -- Ash's problems with dragon riding have only just begun. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Apr 5, 2014 -- 174,937 6.50
Seikoku no Dragonar -- -- C-Station -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Ecchi Fantasy School -- Seikoku no Dragonar Seikoku no Dragonar -- Learning to ride and tame dragons comes easy to most students at Ansarivan Dragonar Academy—except for first-year student Ash Blake, who is known by his fellow classmates as the "number one problem child." Poor Ash is the laughing stock at school because, despite his unfashionably large star-shaped brand that marks him as a future dragon master, he has nothing to show for it. His dragon has never appeared. -- -- Until now, that is. One fateful day, Ash's dragon awakes in full glory, but appears different than any dragon ever seen before—in the form of a beautiful girl! What's worse, Ash soon discovers that this new dragon has attitude to spare, as she promptly informs him that she is the master, and he, the servant. -- -- Ash's problems with dragon riding have only just begun. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Apr 5, 2014 -- 174,937 6.50
Seikon no Qwaser -- -- Hoods Entertainment -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Super Power Supernatural Ecchi Seinen -- Seikon no Qwaser Seikon no Qwaser -- When Tomo Yamanobe's father—the former headmaster of Saint Mikhailov Academy—disappeared, he left nothing behind except for a piece of art called the "icon." Soon after his disappearance, rumors of a serial killer attacking female students of the academy began to spread. -- -- As Tomo and her sister Mafuyu Oribe head home after being tormented at school, Tomo trips over an injured silver-haired boy who abruptly vanishes while being tended to. Mafuyu goes to look for him, only to discover that the church holding the icon is burning down. When she tries to save the painting, the rumored serial killer suddenly attacks her with a mysterious ability to control magnesium. Appearing out of nowhere, the silver-haired boy, who can control iron, rescues Mafuyu. -- -- Mafuyu finds out that the boy, named Alexander Nikolaevich "Sasha" Hell, is a "qwaser"—a being who is capable of controlling an element through the power of "soma," received through the act of breastfeeding. Confused by the ordeal, Mafuyu attempts to move past it with little luck, as Sasha transfers to her class the next day. What will become of Tomo and Mafuyu's normal school life with the danger of other qwasers looming close to them? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 270,286 6.43
Seisai -- -- Y.O.U.C -- 2 eps -- Visual novel -- Dementia Fantasy Hentai Horror -- Seisai Seisai -- A horrible murder has been committed on the grounds of Nankai Academy. Professor Yuko, one of the school's most popular teachers, died when she was pushed off of the roof of one of the school's buildings. Her death has left her students with feelings of confusion, pain, and above all else... anger. Four of her male students, Masayoshi, Daisuke, Mitsuru and Shinya, are determined to uncover the truth. They soon discover an important clue: Professor Yuko's planner had been marked on the very night she was killed... marked with the names of seven girls. -- -- With this evidence, the boys begin their investigations... and they'll use any method required in order to find the murderer. Through rape, manipulation and torture, they uncover important details, but piecing the puzzle together won't be easy. And the longer their search draws on, the more they feel themselves being overtaken by their own dark desires... Will they ever find out the truth behind Yuko's death? -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Jan 10, 2003 -- 3,325 5.38
Selector Infected WIXOSS -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Card game -- Game Psychological -- Selector Infected WIXOSS Selector Infected WIXOSS -- Things are not always what they seem. This is especially true for Ruuko Kominato, when she receives a deck of cards for the popular card game WIXOSS, only to find a girl trapped inside her LRIG, or avatar card. Upon meeting others in the same situation, Ruuko discovers that she has now become a "Selector," a player in a special version of WIXOSS where girls can battle each other for a chance to have their deepest desires come true. However, there is a catch. In contrast to the glory that awaits them after their victories, there is a cruel fate: if they lose three times, their lives will be destroyed. -- -- In an ominous game filled with lies and deceit, Ruuko and her newfound friends must uncover the secrets behind WIXOSS and realize what is truly most important to them before it is too late. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 130,496 7.26
Senjuushi: Kijuushi-tachi no Happy Birthday! -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Military -- Senjuushi: Kijuushi-tachi no Happy Birthday! Senjuushi: Kijuushi-tachi no Happy Birthday! -- The story will be about the characters celebrating their master's birthday, which happens after the sixth episode. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- OVA - Mar 6, 2019 -- 998 N/A -- -- AWOL -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Space Military Sci-Fi -- AWOL AWOL -- Cyress is a peaceful place. People are going about their lives. Two lovers embrace, a family throws a birthday party for their child, a group of people party at a local restaurant. But suddenly, their surroundings explode into smoke and flame. A group of terrorists has snuck through the planetary defenses and has begun an assault. Defenseless, there is little the people of Cyress can do. As the military scrambles to discover what happened, the terrorists manage to hijack seven PDP missiles, which are capable of destroying an entire planet. These terrorists, who call themselves "Solomon" can now hold entire planets hostage! They must not be stopped. -- -- (Source: Themanime) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- 990 5.58
Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi -- -- Studio Ghibli -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Supernatural Drama -- Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi -- Stubborn, spoiled, and naïve, 10-year-old Chihiro Ogino is less than pleased when she and her parents discover an abandoned amusement park on the way to their new house. Cautiously venturing inside, she realizes that there is more to this place than meets the eye, as strange things begin to happen once dusk falls. Ghostly apparitions and food that turns her parents into pigs are just the start—Chihiro has unwittingly crossed over into the spirit world. Now trapped, she must summon the courage to live and work amongst spirits, with the help of the enigmatic Haku and the cast of unique characters she meets along the way. -- -- Vivid and intriguing, Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi tells the story of Chihiro's journey through an unfamiliar world as she strives to save her parents and return home. -- -- -- Licensor: -- GKIDS, Walt Disney Studios -- Movie - Jul 20, 2001 -- 1,324,076 8.82
Servant x Service -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 13 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy Seinen Slice of Life -- Servant x Service Servant x Service -- Frustrating, insufficient, and irritating is how most citizens would describe civil servants. However, three new employees are about to discover what really happens behind the scenes. Lucy Yamagami, bent on revenge against the civil servant who allowed her comically long name to be put on her birth certificate; Yutaka Hasebe, an easygoing guy always on the lookout for a place to slack off; and Saya Miyoshi, a nervous first-time worker, are about to experience the underwhelming satisfaction of being government employees. -- -- They are supposed to be trained by Taishi Ichimiya, but he has no idea how to do so, even though he has worked there for eight years. With an incompetent senior colleague and unfavorable confrontations with clients, the trio starts to lose faith in their chosen occupation but encourage each other to do their best. -- -- TV - Jul 5, 2013 -- 175,099 7.67
Sex Pistols -- -- - -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Supernatural Yaoi -- Sex Pistols Sex Pistols -- An average boy named Norio is suddenly getting a lot of unwanted romantic attention. A fall down the stairs into the arms of a handsome stranger sets off the beginnings of an explanation, and it is one Norio never could have possibly imagined. Soon a whole new world opens up for Norio revealing a secret society of special people evolved from animals other than monkeys. Norio turns out to be a particularly rare breed and his DNA is in high demand. Now that he's suddenly the prey, it'll take much effort to survive in this modern jungle. -- -- This story revolves around a high school boy who discovers that he is part of a select group of humans who did not evolve from monkeys, but various animals such as leopards and black bears. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Mar 26, 2010 -- 26,658 6.63
Shakugan no Shana -- -- J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Drama Fantasy Romance School Supernatural -- Shakugan no Shana Shakugan no Shana -- The world has become a slaughtering ground for the Crimson Denizens, mysterious beings from a parallel universe who thrive on the life energy of humans. These merciless murderers only leave behind scant remainders of souls called "Torches," which are mere residues that will eventually be destroyed, along with the very fact of the victims' existence from the minds of the living. In an ambitious endeavor to put an end to this invisible, hungry massacre, warriors called Flame Hazes relentlessly fight these monsters. -- -- One fateful day, Yuuji Sakai ceases to be a regular high schooler—he becomes trapped in a crevice of time and is suddenly attacked by a Denizen. Coming to his rescue just in the nick of time is a nameless hunter who seems no different from an ordinary young girl except for her blazing eyes and burning crimson hair. However, before Yuuji can learn anything more about his situation, he discovers that he has already been reduced to a Torch—merely a scrap of memory waiting to be extinguished. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- 469,818 7.50
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 22 eps -- Manga -- Drama Music Romance School Shounen -- Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso -- Music accompanies the path of the human metronome, the prodigious pianist Kousei Arima. But after the passing of his mother, Saki Arima, Kousei falls into a downward spiral, rendering him unable to hear the sound of his own piano. -- -- Two years later, Kousei still avoids the piano, leaving behind his admirers and rivals, and lives a colorless life alongside his friends Tsubaki Sawabe and Ryouta Watari. However, everything changes when he meets a beautiful violinist, Kaori Miyazono, who stirs up his world and sets him on a journey to face music again. -- -- Based on the manga series of the same name, Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso approaches the story of Kousei's recovery as he discovers that music is more than playing each note perfectly, and a single melody can bring in the fresh spring air of April. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 1,553,386 8.72
Shikabane Hime: Aka -- -- feel., Gainax -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Horror Supernatural Shounen -- Shikabane Hime: Aka Shikabane Hime: Aka -- After being brutally murdered along with her family, Makina Hoshimura turns into a Shikabane Hime, a living corpse contracted to the Kougon Cult, in order to exert revenge on the mysterious undead organization responsible for her death. She is assisted in this task by Keisei Tagami, her contracted priest and former friend. This series follows the story of Keisei's younger brother Ouri, a boy with an unusual attraction to death, who slowly discovers his brother's secret and gets dragged into the world of the Shikabanes. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia, edited) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Oct 2, 2008 -- 107,026 7.23
Shikabane Hime: Aka -- -- feel., Gainax -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Horror Supernatural Shounen -- Shikabane Hime: Aka Shikabane Hime: Aka -- After being brutally murdered along with her family, Makina Hoshimura turns into a Shikabane Hime, a living corpse contracted to the Kougon Cult, in order to exert revenge on the mysterious undead organization responsible for her death. She is assisted in this task by Keisei Tagami, her contracted priest and former friend. This series follows the story of Keisei's younger brother Ouri, a boy with an unusual attraction to death, who slowly discovers his brother's secret and gets dragged into the world of the Shikabanes. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia, edited) -- TV - Oct 2, 2008 -- 107,026 7.23
Shiki -- -- Daume -- 22 eps -- Manga -- Horror Mystery Supernatural Thriller Vampire -- Shiki Shiki -- Fifteen-year-old Megumi Shimizu dreamed of a glamorous life in the big city; however, her unexpected death in the quiet village of Sotoba marks the beginning of what appears to be a ferocious epidemic that turns the hot summer into a season of blood and terror. A young doctor named Toshio Ozaki begins to doubt the nature of the disease and comes to understand that to discover the truth, he must abandon his humanity. Meanwhile, Natsuno Yuuki, an antisocial youth from the city, is haunted by the sudden death of Megumi and must realize the pain of friendship in the face of his own tragedy. Toshio and Natsuno form an unlikely pair as they work together to save Sotoba before it transforms into a ghost town of vampires. -- -- Shiki, adapted from the horror novel written by Fuyumi Ono, goes beyond the average vampire story. It tells the tragic tale of survival in a world where one cannot easily distinguish between good and evil. Abandoned by God, the Shiki, as the vampires call themselves, have only their will to live as they clash with the fear of the paranoid/unbelieving villagers. Shiki explores the boundary that separates man from monster. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 478,736 7.78
Shingeki no Kyojin -- -- Wit Studio -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Action Military Mystery Super Power Drama Fantasy Shounen -- Shingeki no Kyojin Shingeki no Kyojin -- Centuries ago, mankind was slaughtered to near extinction by monstrous humanoid creatures called titans, forcing humans to hide in fear behind enormous concentric walls. What makes these giants truly terrifying is that their taste for human flesh is not born out of hunger but what appears to be out of pleasure. To ensure their survival, the remnants of humanity began living within defensive barriers, resulting in one hundred years without a single titan encounter. However, that fragile calm is soon shattered when a colossal titan manages to breach the supposedly impregnable outer wall, reigniting the fight for survival against the man-eating abominations. -- -- After witnessing a horrific personal loss at the hands of the invading creatures, Eren Yeager dedicates his life to their eradication by enlisting into the Survey Corps, an elite military unit that combats the merciless humanoids outside the protection of the walls. Based on Hajime Isayama's award-winning manga, Shingeki no Kyojin follows Eren, along with his adopted sister Mikasa Ackerman and his childhood friend Armin Arlert, as they join the brutal war against the titans and race to discover a way of defeating them before the last walls are breached. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 2,727,137 8.50
Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3 Part 2 -- -- Wit Studio -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Action Drama Fantasy Military Mystery Shounen Super Power -- Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3 Part 2 Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3 Part 2 -- Seeking to restore humanity's diminishing hope, the Survey Corps embark on a mission to retake Wall Maria, where the battle against the merciless "Titans" takes the stage once again. -- -- Returning to the tattered Shiganshina District that was once his home, Eren Yeager and the Corps find the town oddly unoccupied by Titans. Even after the outer gate is plugged, they strangely encounter no opposition. The mission progresses smoothly until Armin Arlert, highly suspicious of the enemy's absence, discovers distressing signs of a potential scheme against them. -- -- Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3 Part 2 follows Eren as he vows to take back everything that was once his. Alongside him, the Survey Corps strive—through countless sacrifices—to carve a path towards victory and uncover the secrets locked away in the Yeager family's basement. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 1,244,399 9.11
Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Part 2 -- -- - -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Military Mystery Super Power Drama Fantasy Shounen -- Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Part 2 Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Part 2 -- Second part of Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season. -- TV - Jan ??, 2022 -- 161,248 N/A -- -- Robotics;Notes -- -- Production I.G -- 22 eps -- Visual novel -- Sci-Fi Mystery Drama Mecha School -- Robotics;Notes Robotics;Notes -- It has always been the aspiration of the Central Tanegashima High School Robotics Research Club to complete the GunPro1, a fully functioning giant robot. For years, the members of the club have contributed to its progress and it is now Akiho Senomiya's goal to finally make the dream of all the past club members become a reality. However, things are not as easy as they seem as the club lacks the funding for such a huge endeavor. Aside from that, the only other club member, Kaito Yashio, shows no interest in assisting his childhood friend and instead indulges in playing mecha-fighting games on his "PokeCom." -- -- As Kaito is in the middle of wasting his days, he receives an indecipherable message and hears a voice that seems to be drowned out by the noise of static. He searches for the source, only to realize that it came from Airi Yukifune, an AI which only exists within the augmented reality system accessible via the PokeCom. Robotic;Notes follows the story of Kaito as he discovers a peculiar report in Airi's database, one that would have disastrous consequences in the future. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 159,591 7.34
Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Part 2 -- -- - -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Military Mystery Super Power Drama Fantasy Shounen -- Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Part 2 Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Part 2 -- Second part of Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season. -- TV - Jan ??, 2022 -- 161,248 N/AFate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - III. Spring Song -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Action Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - III. Spring Song Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - III. Spring Song -- The Fifth Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City has reached a turning point in which the lives of all participants are threatened as the hidden enemy finally reveals itself. As Shirou Emiya, Rin Toosaka, and Illyasviel von Einzbern discover the true, corruptive nature of the shadow that has been rampaging throughout the city, they realize just how dire the situation is. In order to protect their beloved ones, the group must hold their own against the seemingly insurmountable enemy force—even if some of those foes were once their allies, or perhaps, something more intimate. -- -- As the final act of this chaotic war commences, the ideals Shirou believes will soon be challenged by an excruciating dilemma: is it really possible to save a world where everything seems to have gone wrong? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Aug 15, 2020 -- 160,987 8.84
Shin Hokuto no Ken -- -- A.C.G.T. -- 3 eps -- Novel -- Action Martial Arts Sci-Fi Shounen -- Shin Hokuto no Ken Shin Hokuto no Ken -- In a post-apocalyptic Earth, the water has become entirely toxic, except for some kept safe in a reservoir. A fortified zone has been created by a man named Sanga, he calls it The Lastland. A group of villagers have discovered safe water, and Sanga wants it. He and his band of killers go to kill everyone and steal it. As they do a mysterious man appears out of nowhere, instantly killing some of Sanga's men. His name is Kenshiro, and he can beat any man with his martial art, Hokuto Shin Ken. Sanga will do anything for the water, and Kenshiro will do anything to try and stop him. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Sentai Filmworks -- OVA - Jul 24, 2003 -- 11,962 6.96
Shin Mazinger Shougeki! Z-hen -- -- Bee Media, Code -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Super Power Drama Mecha Shounen -- Shin Mazinger Shougeki! Z-hen Shin Mazinger Shougeki! Z-hen -- Set in the near future, humanity enters another energy revolution following the discovery of Photon Power. Derived from the ore discovered under the foothills of Mt. Fuji, its intended use was to solve the world's energy problems with its unimaginable power. Seeking this energy is Dr. Hell, a madman craving world domination who with his subordinates Baron Ashura, Count Brocken and Viscount Pygman, commands an army of mechanical beasts excavated from the ruins of ancient Greece to seize the Photon Power Lab for himself. Meeting the attack head on is the hot-blooded teenager Kabuto Kouji, who pilots the Photon Powered robot built by his grandfather, Mazinger Z. But in this battle between Dr. Hell and the Kabuto family, many legends surrounding the Mycenaean Civilization and Bardos Island, as well as the secrets of Mazinger Z remain shrouded in mystery. -- -- A new series based on the mecha show that started it all, Mazinger Z. Shin Mazinger Shougeki! Z-Hen starts over from the beginning with a new cast, to tell a new story unrelated to the original show. -- -- (Source: -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- TV - Apr 4, 2009 -- 12,998 7.70
Shirobako -- -- P.A. Works -- 24 eps -- Original -- Comedy Drama -- Shirobako Shirobako -- It all started in Kaminoyama High School, when five best friends—Aoi Miyamori, Ema Yasuhara, Midori Imai, Shizuka Sakaki, and Misa Toudou—discovered their collective love for all things anime and formed the animation club. After making their first amateur anime together and showcasing it at the culture festival, the group vow to pursue careers in the industry, aiming to one day work together and create their own mainstream show. -- -- Two and a half years later, Aoi and Ema have managed to land jobs at the illustrious Musashino Animation production company. The others, however, are finding it difficult to get their dream jobs. Shizuka is feeling the weight of not being recognized as a capable voice actor, Misa has a secure yet unsatisfying career designing 3D models for a car company, and Midori is a university student intent on pursuing her dream as a story writer. These five girls will learn that the path to success is one with many diversions, but dreams can still be achieved through perseverance and a touch of eccentric creativity. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 359,940 8.34
Shoujo Kakumei Utena -- -- J.C.Staff -- 39 eps -- Original -- Comedy Drama Fantasy Mystery Psychological Shoujo -- Shoujo Kakumei Utena Shoujo Kakumei Utena -- After meeting a traveling prince who consoled her after the deaths of her parents, Utena Tenjou vowed to become a prince herself. The prince left Utena only with a ring bearing a strange rose crest and a promise that she would meet him again some day. -- -- A few years later, Utena attends Ootori Academy, where she is drawn into a dangerous game. Duelists with rings matching Utena's own compete for a unique prize: the Rose Bride, Anthy Himemiya, and her mysterious powers. When Utena wins Anthy in a duel, she realizes that if she is to free Anthy and discover the secrets behind Ootori Academy, she has only one option: to revolutionize the world. -- -- Shoujo Kakumei Utena blends surrealist imagery and ideas with complex allegories and metaphors to create a unique coming-of-age story with themes including idealism, illusions, adulthood, and identity. -- -- 162,010 8.20
Shoujo Kakumei Utena -- -- J.C.Staff -- 39 eps -- Original -- Comedy Drama Fantasy Mystery Psychological Shoujo -- Shoujo Kakumei Utena Shoujo Kakumei Utena -- After meeting a traveling prince who consoled her after the deaths of her parents, Utena Tenjou vowed to become a prince herself. The prince left Utena only with a ring bearing a strange rose crest and a promise that she would meet him again some day. -- -- A few years later, Utena attends Ootori Academy, where she is drawn into a dangerous game. Duelists with rings matching Utena's own compete for a unique prize: the Rose Bride, Anthy Himemiya, and her mysterious powers. When Utena wins Anthy in a duel, she realizes that if she is to free Anthy and discover the secrets behind Ootori Academy, she has only one option: to revolutionize the world. -- -- Shoujo Kakumei Utena blends surrealist imagery and ideas with complex allegories and metaphors to create a unique coming-of-age story with themes including idealism, illusions, adulthood, and identity. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media, Nozomi Entertainment -- 162,010 8.20
Shuang Yue Zhi Cheng -- -- - -- 13 eps -- Original -- Military Sci-Fi -- Shuang Yue Zhi Cheng Shuang Yue Zhi Cheng -- In the year 2200, a new Cold War between two forces is set to end with a peace treaty. However, one side is hiding a dark secret, which results in numerous tragedies in the following months. In the wake of a crisis, a paramilitary team is founded to steal information at the center of the conflict. -- ONA - Mar 30, 2016 -- 553 N/A -- -- Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - The Beyond Part 4 -- -- I.Gzwei, Production I.G -- 3 eps -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Drama Mecha -- Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - The Beyond Part 4 Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - The Beyond Part 4 -- Episodes 10-12 of the Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - The Beyond series. -- Movie - ??? ??, 2021 -- 542 N/A -- -- Koutetsu no Vendetta Episode 0 -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Mecha Military Sci-Fi -- Koutetsu no Vendetta Episode 0 Koutetsu no Vendetta Episode 0 -- The doujin (self-published) creators of the Koutetsu no Vendetta (Iron Vendetta) military robot anime project released a preview DVD at Tokyo's Comic Market 75 convention. The DVD included the unedited versions of the project's pilot film, special supplemental videos, and a collection of key animation drawings. The running times of the pilot and the supplemental video collection are each under five minutes long. -- -- Note: The project is on hold due to the dissolution of the production division of its sponsor Ankama Japan. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- ONA - Feb 22, 2013 -- 509 N/A -- -- Dalam-iwa Goseumdochi -- -- - -- 32 eps -- - -- Military Historical -- Dalam-iwa Goseumdochi Dalam-iwa Goseumdochi -- Squirrel and Hedgehog documents various animal communities warring and in conflict against one another, each animal being a symbolic representation of real life countries and sometimes political events. -- -- A North Korean propaganda anime that was developed and produced in North Korea to be aired on state television. -- TV - ??? ??, 1977 -- 475 N/AAoi Kioku: Manmou Kaitaku to Shounen-tachi -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Drama Historical Military -- Aoi Kioku: Manmou Kaitaku to Shounen-tachi Aoi Kioku: Manmou Kaitaku to Shounen-tachi -- A class of Japanese youths volunteer for the war effort during WWII, but then get stranded in Manchuria. -- Movie - Dec 18, 1993 -- 439 N/A -- -- Guan Hai Ce -- -- Tong Ming Xuan -- 16 eps -- Original -- Action Military Historical Martial Arts Fantasy -- Guan Hai Ce Guan Hai Ce -- (No synopsis yet.) -- ONA - Jun 17, 2018 -- 396 N/A -- -- Konpeki no Kantai: Sourai Kaihatsu Monogatari -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- - -- Military Historical -- Konpeki no Kantai: Sourai Kaihatsu Monogatari Konpeki no Kantai: Sourai Kaihatsu Monogatari -- A special which tells the story of the development of the japanese Sourai interceptor plane. -- Special - ??? ??, 1997 -- 392 N/AZhen Gyi Hong Shi -- -- - -- 52 eps -- - -- Action Military Sci-Fi Adventure Mecha -- Zhen Gyi Hong Shi Zhen Gyi Hong Shi -- This series, which is set in the future, is about several events that break out after troops successfully rescued a teenager who was kidnapped by the mysterious Black Armors. -- Ever since Marty had his first contact with the Black Armors and was subsequently rescued, he has been found to possess mysterious prophetic abilities as he is able to see the future in fragmented visions portraying an avalanche, a tsunami, a storm and other catastrophes. These disasters will always come true after Marty experiences the prophetic visions, but he is unable to predict accurately when and where they will occur. -- When the government learns about this, a unit is sent to protect Marty, and World Peacekeepers, abbreviated as WPK, is established to fight against the Black Armors. In order to defeat the Black Armors, the government grants permission for World Peacekeepers to use Ammobots – mechanical armors which have been developed over many years. -- -- After several battles with the Black Armors, the World Peacekeepers realizes that they are actually linked to the unusual natural disasters and discovers that they originate from a small planet called Mirzam, which is outside the solar system. -- -- Their real intention is to seize the abundant ecological resources on Earth and when these resources are seized, the ecosystem will lose its balance, thus leading to natural disasters. -- -- (Source: Official Site) -- TV - Oct 4, 2014 -- 389 N/A -- -- Spy Gekimetsu -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Military Historical -- Spy Gekimetsu Spy Gekimetsu -- A war propaganda film which begins with Roosevelt and Churchill in a secret meeting preparing their spy plans. Western spies in fancy suits and top hats parachute into Japan, disturbing innocent farmers. The Japanese civilians manage to thwart the spy activities. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- Movie - Jul 16, 1942 -- 351 N/A -- -- Malay Oki Kaisen -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Historical Military -- Malay Oki Kaisen Malay Oki Kaisen -- A war propaganda film by Oofuji Noburou. -- Movie - Nov 26, 1943 -- 345 5.42
Sidonia no Kishi -- -- Polygon Pictures -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Mecha Sci-Fi Seinen Space -- Sidonia no Kishi Sidonia no Kishi -- After destroying Earth many years ago, the alien race Gauna has been pursuing the remnants of humanity—which, having narrowly escaped, fled across the galaxy in a number of giant seed ships. In the year 3394, Nagate Tanikaze surfaces from his lifelong seclusion deep beneath the seed ship Sidonia in search of food on the upper levels, only to find himself dragged into events unfolding without his knowledge. -- -- When the Gauna begin their assault on Sidonia, it's up to Tanikaze—with the help of his fellow soldiers and friends Shizuka Hoshijiro, Izana Shinatose, and Yuhata Midorikawa—to defend humanity's last hope for survival, and defeat their alien foes. Sidonia no Kishi follows Tanikaze as he discovers the world that has been above him his entire life, and becomes the hero Sidonia needs. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 11, 2014 -- 200,208 7.68
Sister Princess -- -- Zexcs -- 26 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Drama Harem Romance Slice of Life -- Sister Princess Sister Princess -- Wataru Minakami is a top student who failed his high school entrance exam because of a computer glitch. He later discovered that he was accepted to Stargazer Hill Academy, which is located at a mysterious place called Promised Island. At the request of his father, Wataru is whisked away to the island, and before he can settle in, a dozen of cute and charming girls start to flock him and claim to be his younger sisters. As Wataru gets closer to his newfound siblings, a deeper mystery as to why they were sent to the island comes to play. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Discotek Media -- TV - Apr 4, 2001 -- 21,313 6.41
Slayers Next -- -- E&G Films -- 26 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Comedy Demons Magic Fantasy -- Slayers Next Slayers Next -- In the kingdom of Xoana, Lina Inverse and Gourry Gabriev unexpectedly come across their old companions, Zelgadis Graywords and Princess Ameilia Wil Tesla Saillune. Upon their reunion, the friends end up easily foiling the King of Xoana and his daughter's dastardly plans of world conquest. -- -- Soon after, it is revealed that Zelgadis is in search of the world's most valuable magical tome, the Claire Bible, hoping to discover a method to recover his human body among the many secrets sheltered within it. Despite his protests, the rest of the group decides to join in the quest after hearing of his mission. However, just when they were wondering where to start looking for the legendary book, they stumble upon a mysterious priest by the name of Xellos, who claims that he may be of some help in their pursuit. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media, Enoki Films, Funimation -- 60,410 8.03
Slime Taoshite 300-nen, Shiranai Uchi ni Level Max ni Nattemashita -- -- Revoroot -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Fantasy -- Slime Taoshite 300-nen, Shiranai Uchi ni Level Max ni Nattemashita Slime Taoshite 300-nen, Shiranai Uchi ni Level Max ni Nattemashita -- Suddenly dying from overwork, salarywoman Azusa Aizawa finds herself before an angel, who allows her to reincarnate into a new world as an immortal witch, where she spends her days killing slimes for money on an otherwise eternal vacation. But even the minimal experience points from slimes will add up after hundreds of years, and Azusa discovers that she accidentally reached the maximum level! Fearing that her strong abilities will attract work and force her back to a life of overexertion, she decides to hide her strength in order to preserve her peaceful lifestyle. -- -- Despite her efforts, tales of the max level "Witch of the Plateau" spread across the land, and a proud dragon named Raika shows up looking to test their strength against her. Even though Azusa defeats and befriends Raika, problems arise as both friends and foes come looking for the secluded witch. -- -- 116,142 7.31
Smile Precure! -- -- Toei Animation -- 48 eps -- Original -- Action Magic Fantasy Shoujo -- Smile Precure! Smile Precure! -- To teenager Miyuki Hoshizora, fairy tales are a world of wondrous encounters and happy endings. Inspired by her love for these stories, she lives every day searching for happiness. While running late on her first day of school as a transfer student, Miyuki meets Candy—a mysterious fairy from the world of fairy tales, Märchenland. However, when Candy disappears as quickly as she appeared, Miyuki is left believing the encounter was only a dream. -- -- After an eventful first day, Miyuki finds a mysterious library at school. While combing through the bookshelves, she is transported next to Candy, who claims to be searching for the so-called legendary warriors, Precure. When forced to protect Candy's and everyone else's happiness, Miyuki transforms into "Cure Happy," one of the Precure warriors! As Cure Happy, Miyuki is now tasked with finding the other legendary warriors and protecting the world from destruction, all while possibly discovering her very own happy ending. -- -- 29,388 6.71
Sol Bianca: Taiyou no Fune -- -- AIC -- 6 eps -- - -- Adventure Mecha Sci-Fi Space -- Sol Bianca: Taiyou no Fune Sol Bianca: Taiyou no Fune -- Thousands of years into the future, mankind has colonized other planets across the galaxy and completely forgotten about Earth. On one part of the galaxy, the female space pirates and their colossal starship Sol Bianca get a surprise when a young girl named Mayo stows away on board the ship. The crew then embarks on a journey to Earth to find the whereabouts of Mayo's parents and discover the secrets of the lost planet. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA -- OVA - Sep 24, 1999 -- 4,209 6.37
Soliton no Akuma -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Military Drama Sci-Fi -- Soliton no Akuma Soliton no Akuma -- In the future, tensions are rising between Japan and China. The jewel of humankind is the new Ocean Techno Polis, a man-made city which floats above the sea. One day, a mysterious catastrophe destroys a Taiwanese submarine followed by the entire city of Ocean Techno Polis. One of the engineers of Ocean Techno Polis, Kurase, must race to rescue his family. Along the way, he must deal with a Japanese navy trying to keep their own secrets under wraps, and discover why Ocean Techno Polis sank to the bottom of the sea. -- Movie - ??? ??, 1997 -- 801 5.99
Sora no Otoshimono -- -- AIC ASTA -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Harem Comedy Supernatural Romance Ecchi Shounen -- Sora no Otoshimono Sora no Otoshimono -- Ever since he was a child, Tomoki Sakurai has always woke up with tears after a dream of an angel. His childhood friend Sohara Mitsuki worries about this and decides to seek the help of Eishirou Sugata, an eccentric sky maniac. He concludes that Tomoki's dream is undoubtedly connected to what is known as the New World, a floating anomaly that scientists have failed to understand. -- -- Recruiting the New World Discovery Club's first members, Eishirou schedules a time to meet up in order to observe the mystery in the sky. That day, Tomoki's peaceful life is changed forever when a strange girl falls from the sky and begins to call him master. -- -- Sora no Otoshimono follows the daily activities of the New World Discovery Club as they begin to learn more about the Angeloids that have arrived on Earth. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Oct 5, 2009 -- 401,766 7.35
Sora no Otoshimono -- -- AIC ASTA -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Harem Comedy Supernatural Romance Ecchi Shounen -- Sora no Otoshimono Sora no Otoshimono -- Ever since he was a child, Tomoki Sakurai has always woke up with tears after a dream of an angel. His childhood friend Sohara Mitsuki worries about this and decides to seek the help of Eishirou Sugata, an eccentric sky maniac. He concludes that Tomoki's dream is undoubtedly connected to what is known as the New World, a floating anomaly that scientists have failed to understand. -- -- Recruiting the New World Discovery Club's first members, Eishirou schedules a time to meet up in order to observe the mystery in the sky. That day, Tomoki's peaceful life is changed forever when a strange girl falls from the sky and begins to call him master. -- -- Sora no Otoshimono follows the daily activities of the New World Discovery Club as they begin to learn more about the Angeloids that have arrived on Earth. -- -- TV - Oct 5, 2009 -- 401,766 7.35
Sora no Otoshimono: Forte -- -- AIC ASTA -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Harem Romance Sci-Fi Shounen Supernatural -- Sora no Otoshimono: Forte Sora no Otoshimono: Forte -- Sakurai Tomoki has settled into his life with the two angeloids, Ikaros and Nymph, and is enjoying himself immensely. However, he keeps having weird dreams and asks all of his friends to help him investigate the cause. -- -- Nymph conjures up a device that enables people, but not angeloids, to enter other people's dreams. The device malfunctions at first but eventually they get to what was supposed to be Tomoki's dream but discover that something is very wrong with it. -- -- Later, a meteor comes crashing down from the skies at the site of the large cherry blossom tree where Tomoki first discovered Ikaros. An extremely well endowed blonde angeloid with a huge sword emerges from the meteor and sets off in search of Tomoki! -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Oct 2, 2010 -- 250,734 7.53
Sora no Otoshimono: Forte -- -- AIC ASTA -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Harem Romance Sci-Fi Shounen Supernatural -- Sora no Otoshimono: Forte Sora no Otoshimono: Forte -- Sakurai Tomoki has settled into his life with the two angeloids, Ikaros and Nymph, and is enjoying himself immensely. However, he keeps having weird dreams and asks all of his friends to help him investigate the cause. -- -- Nymph conjures up a device that enables people, but not angeloids, to enter other people's dreams. The device malfunctions at first but eventually they get to what was supposed to be Tomoki's dream but discover that something is very wrong with it. -- -- Later, a meteor comes crashing down from the skies at the site of the large cherry blossom tree where Tomoki first discovered Ikaros. An extremely well endowed blonde angeloid with a huge sword emerges from the meteor and sets off in search of Tomoki! -- TV - Oct 2, 2010 -- 250,734 7.53
Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru -- -- Shaft -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Seinen -- Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru -- Hotori Arashiyama loves mysteries, but there's one she just can't solve: why does the solution to one problem inevitably seem to lead to another? Like how when Hotori has to start working at the Seaside Maid Cafe after school to pay off a debt and her friend Toshiko fortunately knows exactly how a Maid Cafe should be run. Which is fortunate since Hotori has no clue. Except that, unfortunately, Toshiko has no interest in working at the cafe—until she discovers that Hotori's childhood friend Hiroyuki is a regular. Which SEEMS fortunate. Except that Hotori doesn't know that, while Toshiko likes Hiroyuki, Hiroyuki secretly likes Hotori, while Hotori secretly has a crush on... No, no more spoilers! -- -- But if that's not enough drama, there's work, angst with a certain math teacher, table tennis between her classmates, her younger brother versus the school's bad girl... And yet, even though everything seems like it's going to crash at any moment, somehow Hotori's life keeps going hilariously forward. -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 51,364 7.44
Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Romance Fantasy Shoujo -- Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii -- In the Sun Kingdom, sunshine is part of its citizens' everyday lives, and rain is something that they have never even heard of. However, in a faraway land called the Rain Dukedom, the weather is reversed, and everybody has the power to create rain with their voices. -- -- Livius Ifrikia has conquered the entire world and expanded the Sun Kingdom's influence in the three short years since he was crowned king. Upon learning about the powers to create rain, Livius decides to marry Nike Remercier, one of the princesses of the Rain Dukedom. However, those outside the Sun Kingdom have spread a rumor that Livius is a cruel, ruthless, and tyrannical ruler, and as word reaches the princess, she begins to prepare herself for the worst. But when she finally meets her fiancé, Nike discovers that he is an entirely different person from what she originally expected. -- -- TV - Apr 6, 2014 -- 239,664 7.66
Space Cobra -- -- Tokyo Movie Shinsha -- 31 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Sci-Fi Space -- Space Cobra Space Cobra -- Meek salaryman Johnson discovers that he is in fact the notorious (and reportedly dead) space pirate Cobra, with a new face and altered memories. Embedded in his left arm is Cobra's unique Psychogun, a famous weapon powered by his own will. Having recovered his past, his partner-in-crime Armaroid Lady, and his spaceship, he journeys across the galaxy seeking adventure. -- -- On his travels he will hunt for the galaxy's ultimate weapon, rob museums, break into and out of maximum-security prison, infiltrate a drug ring in the brutal and deadly sport of Rugball, engineer a coup on an alien world, confront the Pirate Guild's most fearsome leaders, and do much else besides—smoking cigars, chasing women and cracking jokes all the while. -- -- This, the 1982–83 Cobra TV anime, adapts the Cobra manga from the beginning, covering the first three major stories and building to a grand conclusion with some shorter one-off tales interspersed along the way. (The 1982 Cobra film has only a loose connection to the TV series—though it involved the same director and some of the same animators.) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Nozomi Entertainment -- TV - Oct 7, 1982 -- 16,559 7.70
Space☆Dandy 2nd Season -- -- Bones -- 13 eps -- Original -- Space Comedy Sci-Fi -- Space☆Dandy 2nd Season Space☆Dandy 2nd Season -- Second season of Space Dandy. -- -- Space Dandy is a dandy guy, in space! This dreamy adventurer with a to-die-for pompadour travels across the galaxy in search of aliens no one has ever laid eyes on. Each new species he discovers earns him a hefty reward, but this dandy has to be quick on his feet because it's first come, first served! Accompanied by his sidekicks, a rundown robot named QT and Meow the cat-looking space alien, Dandy bravely explores unknown worlds inhabited by a variety of aliens. Join the best dressed alien hunter in all of space and time as he embarks on an adventure that ends at the edge of the universe! -- -- (Source: Bandai Visual) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Jul 6, 2014 -- 134,454 8.26
Spirit of Wonder: Shounen Kagaku Club -- -- Ajia-Do -- 2 eps -- - -- Drama Sci-Fi Seinen Space -- Spirit of Wonder: Shounen Kagaku Club Spirit of Wonder: Shounen Kagaku Club -- The now 50 year old Scientific Boys Club decides to built a ship that sails to Mars on the "Ethereal Current" - a thesis of the wife of a club member which claims that the universe is flooded with Ethereal energy. On this stream they travel to Mars in order to prove an old theory about channels on Mars built by Martians, but there is no life. Many years later, when both theories are considered to be nonsense, a Mars expedition discovers a stone with the inscription "Scientific Boys Club 1954". -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- OVA - Jan 25, 2001 -- 3,107 6.57
Star☆Twinkle Precure -- -- Toei Animation -- 49 eps -- Original -- Action Magic Fantasy Shoujo -- Star☆Twinkle Precure Star☆Twinkle Precure -- Hikaru Hoshina is an energetic middle school student with a love for space and the occult. As she draws constellations in her notebook, a small and fluffy creature suddenly appears from it! The creature, which she names Fuwa, turns out to be an alien with the ability to create warp holes. -- -- When Fuwa's companions, the aliens Lala Hagoromo and Prunce, arrive on Earth, they declare that they are searching for the Precure, legendary warriors who will save the universe. But an organization known as the Notraiders soon follows and attacks, intending to capture Fuwa and its power. Overcome by a desire to protect Fuwa, Hikaru finds herself transforming into "Cure Star," one of the Precure that Lala and the others have been searching for! -- -- It is now up to Hikaru and the rest to fend off the Notraiders' onslaught, discover the rest of the Precure, and find the Star Color Pens, artifacts that will awaken the 12 Star Princess who keep the universe in balance. -- -- 7,458 7.28
Steins;Gate 0: Kesshou Takei no Valentine - Bittersweet Intermedio -- -- White Fox -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Comedy -- Steins;Gate 0: Kesshou Takei no Valentine - Bittersweet Intermedio Steins;Gate 0: Kesshou Takei no Valentine - Bittersweet Intermedio -- With Valentine's Day just around the corner, the girls of the Future Gadget Lab discover that Kagari has never celebrated the occasion before! Determined to make this year's holiday the best one yet, they all set out to make delicious homemade chocolates together. -- -- However, with many of their quirks causing kitchen disasters, this may prove to be too hard a task. Will their feelings ever reach those of their heart's desire? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Special - Dec 21, 2018 -- 69,493 7.14
Strike the Blood -- -- Connect, SILVER LINK. -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Harem Supernatural Ecchi Vampire Fantasy School -- Strike the Blood Strike the Blood -- Kojou Akatsuki's days as an ordinary high school student in the Demon District of Itogami Island come to an abrupt end after a fateful encounter leaves him with the remarkable abilities of a vampire. -- -- It isn't long before he is thrust into the center of attention when it is discovered that he is the fourth primogenitor, an immensely powerful vampire whom most consider to be merely a legend. Fearing Kojou's destructive potential, the Lion King Organization sends in an apprentice sword-shaman, Yukina Himeragi, to monitor, and should he become a threat, kill the boy deemed the world's most powerful vampire. Forced together by circumstance, the two form an unlikely alliance as Kojou comes to terms with his abilities and they both struggle to protect the city from various emerging chaotic forces. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Discotek Media -- 518,095 7.12
Subarashiki Kono Sekai The Animation -- -- domerica, Shin-Ei Animation -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure -- Subarashiki Kono Sekai The Animation Subarashiki Kono Sekai The Animation -- Neku Sakuraba, a 15-year-old boy with a hobby for music and graffiti, wakes up in what seems to be the Shibuya shopping district of Tokyo, Japan. With no idea why he's there, he opens his hand to realize he is holding a strange black pin. After flipping it with his hand, the thoughts of the people surrounding him begins to flow into his head at once. Surprised, Neku discovers he is able to read the minds of others and assumes it has something to do with the black pin he is holding. -- -- A cell phone starts to ring in his pocket, and he can't tell whether it is his or not. A text message appears: "Reach 104. You have 60 minutes. Fail, and face erasure. -The Reapers." After discovering he can't delete the message, a timer of 60 minutes imprints onto his right hand. Neku is in Shibuya to play the "Reapers' Game," which spans a total of seven days. All Players of the Reapers' Game have a black pin with a skull embedded on it. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia, edited) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 42,433 6.32
Sukitte Ii na yo. -- -- Zexcs -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance School Shoujo -- Sukitte Ii na yo. Sukitte Ii na yo. -- Friends will only let you down—that is the sad truth Mei Tachibana lives with, ever since she was wrongfully blamed for the death of a class pet by her so-called friends in grade school. Since then, she stays away from people in order to avoid ever being hurt again. However, Mei's life begins to change drastically when a misunderstanding in high school causes her to encounter popular student Yamato Kurosawa. -- -- Yamato finds her intriguing and insists on being her friend, even though Mei wants nothing to do with him. But when a dangerous situation ends with Yamato kissing Mei to save her from the unwanted attention of a stalker, Mei begins to develop feelings for him. On the heels of her discovery that their feelings are mutual, they start dating and she gains not only a boyfriend, but friends as well. Mei, however, finds it very hard to adapt to this new lifestyle, especially in expressing her true feelings towards Yamato. -- -- Throughout misunderstandings of their new relationship, each other, and the attentions of other girls, Mei and Yamato slowly grow closer and learn the true meaning of those three little words: "I love you." -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 500,874 7.47
Sunabouzu -- -- Gonzo -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Ecchi Sci-Fi Shounen -- Sunabouzu Sunabouzu -- The Great Kanto Desert, a sweltering wasteland of nothing but ruins and sand, is all that remains of post-apocalyptic Japan. The once fair population has been left to cling to the inhospitable dunes for survival. At least, that is the case for normal people. For those who have spent a little too long in the Kanto sun, the desert offers a wondrous opportunity to make a name for themselves. -- -- One such person is the masked handyman "Sunabouzu," or Desert Punk, who has forged a legendary reputation for always finishing his jobs, no matter the nature or cost. Cunning and ruthless, he has become a force of crude destruction to the other desert people. However, the "Vixen of the Desert," Junko Asagiri, discovers that Sunabouzu is not without his weaknesses—he is easily swayed by his insatiable lust for large-breasted desert babes. -- -- Following their chaotic adventures through the Kanto Desert, Sunabouzu features a bizarre cast of personalities who entertain themselves with senseless violence and perversion in a world long destroyed by their forefathers. And just like them, they have not learned a damn thing. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Oct 6, 2004 -- 113,870 7.42
Sunabouzu -- -- Gonzo -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Ecchi Sci-Fi Shounen -- Sunabouzu Sunabouzu -- The Great Kanto Desert, a sweltering wasteland of nothing but ruins and sand, is all that remains of post-apocalyptic Japan. The once fair population has been left to cling to the inhospitable dunes for survival. At least, that is the case for normal people. For those who have spent a little too long in the Kanto sun, the desert offers a wondrous opportunity to make a name for themselves. -- -- One such person is the masked handyman "Sunabouzu," or Desert Punk, who has forged a legendary reputation for always finishing his jobs, no matter the nature or cost. Cunning and ruthless, he has become a force of crude destruction to the other desert people. However, the "Vixen of the Desert," Junko Asagiri, discovers that Sunabouzu is not without his weaknesses—he is easily swayed by his insatiable lust for large-breasted desert babes. -- -- Following their chaotic adventures through the Kanto Desert, Sunabouzu features a bizarre cast of personalities who entertain themselves with senseless violence and perversion in a world long destroyed by their forefathers. And just like them, they have not learned a damn thing. -- -- TV - Oct 6, 2004 -- 113,870 7.42
Sword Art Online: Alicization -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Game Adventure Romance Fantasy -- Sword Art Online: Alicization Sword Art Online: Alicization -- The Soul Translator is a state-of-the-art full-dive interface which interacts with the user's Fluctlight—the technological equivalent of a human soul—and fundamentally differs from the orthodox method of sending signals to the brain. The private institute Rath aims to perfect their creation by enlisting the aid of Sword Art Online survivor Kazuto Kirigaya. He works there as a part-time employee to test the system's capabilities in the Underworld: the fantastical realm generated by the Soul Translator. As per the confidentiality contract, any memories created by the machine in the virtual world are wiped upon returning to the real world. Kazuto can only vaguely recall a single name, Alice, which provokes a sense of unease when mentioned in reality. -- -- When Kazuto escorts Asuna Yuuki home one evening, they chance upon a familiar foe. Kazuto is mortally wounded in the ensuing fight and loses consciousness. When he comes to, he discovers that he has made a full-dive into the Underworld with seemingly no way to escape. He sets off on a quest, seeking a way back to the physical world once again. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 699,385 7.56
Sword Gai The Animation -- -- DLE, Production I.G -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Supernatural Seinen -- Sword Gai The Animation Sword Gai The Animation -- When the gods would not answer in humanity's desperate hour of need, it turned to a demon instead. The supposed savior came wielding the sword Zsoltgewinn, but its uncontrollable lust for blood led it to kill those who summoned it too. Although the sword was sealed away long ago, it has been uncovered by the Shoshidai, an organization that collects such cursed artifacts. However, Zsoltgewinn proves to be too strong to be tamed by humans when its corruptive power influences the administrator, Takuma Miura, to flee with it in his grasp. -- -- At the same time, Gai Ogata's family is torn apart due to the possession of another demonic sword, Shiryu, leading his father to be murdered and his mother to hang herself shortly after giving birth to him. Abandoned in the forest clutching the blade, he is discovered by the blacksmith Amon. Unnaturally transfixed by the sword, Gai works tirelessly for years to hone his smithing skills. However, when an accident costs him his arm, he gains a new one—in the form of a reforged Shiryu. -- -- Now having a cursed sword for an arm, Gai must learn to control its violent urges. All the while, Zsoltgewinn continues its rampage, leaving a path of blood in its wake. -- -- ONA - Mar 23, 2018 -- 52,145 5.81
Takahashi Rumiko Gekijou Ningyo no Mori -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Mystery Horror Drama Fantasy -- Takahashi Rumiko Gekijou Ningyo no Mori Takahashi Rumiko Gekijou Ningyo no Mori -- According to an ancient legend, mermaid's flesh can grant immortality if eaten. 500 years ago, Yuta unknowingly ate a piece of mermaid's flesh. For centuries, he travels across Japan, hoping to find a mermaid, thinking she may be able to make him a normal human again. When he finally finds one, he discovers that she and her companions have been raising a girl to be their food so they can eat her and take on her youthful looks. That is how mermaids stay young. Yuta kills the mermaids and rescues her, but she has already eaten some of the mermaid's flesh. Although he had to kill the mermaids, Yuta isn't too disappointed. Yuta's once lonely existence is now over, as he has found a companion in Mana. And Mana, who had been trapped in a small hut her whole life, finds delight in even the simplest of things. Together, Yuta and Mana attempt to seek out more mermaids, trying to become normal humans again. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA -- TV - Oct 5, 2003 -- 22,654 7.05
Tales of Zestiria the Cross: Saiyaku no Jidai -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Adventure Magic Fantasy -- Tales of Zestiria the Cross: Saiyaku no Jidai Tales of Zestiria the Cross: Saiyaku no Jidai -- In recent years, problems regarding atmospheric instability have greatly burdened the Hyland Kingdom, affecting the quality of crops and the citizens' health across the region. One day, the people of Guriel discover an eerie cloud of mist hovering over their town; its severity captures the attention of royal princess Alisha Diphda. -- -- She sends her subordinate Crem to investigate the situation, but receives no news from her for two weeks. Worried for Crem's safety, Alisha departs for Guriel herself with her attendants in tow. What awaits them there, however, is an issue of unprecedented scale. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Special - Jul 3, 2016 -- 54,675 7.26
Tanoshii Muumin Ikka -- -- Telescreen -- 78 eps -- Book -- Adventure Comedy Fantasy Kids Slice of Life -- Tanoshii Muumin Ikka Tanoshii Muumin Ikka -- Spring has finally arrived in Moomin Valley, giving way to another great adventure for Moomintroll and the rest of its inhabitants. With Snufkin coming home from his winter migration, the locals of the valley finally begin to rise from their hibernation. Finding a mysterious hat, the Moomins cannot bring themselves to throw it away due to its fine quality, instead hoping to eventually find its owner. -- -- While playing games with his friends, Moomin tries to hide in the silk hat. When his friends come looking for him, they are shocked to discover that Moomin has transformed into a hideous creature. Examining himself in the mirror, he is disgusted to find himself completely unrecognizable. -- -- Transforming back to normal after scaring his friends and family, Moomin and Snufkin decide to toss the hat in the river. As it drifts away, they begin to wonder who the hat belonged to and whether its owner will return for their lost possession. -- -- 18,937 8.13
Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari Season 3 -- -- - -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Drama Fantasy -- Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari Season 3 Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari Season 3 -- Third season of Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari. -- TV - ??? ??, ???? -- 127,135 N/A -- -- Uchuu Patrol Luluco -- -- Trigger -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Space -- Uchuu Patrol Luluco Uchuu Patrol Luluco -- Living an abnormal existence in Ogikubo, an intergalactic melting pot of humans and aliens as well as the only Space Immigration Zone on Earth, Luluco is a bubbly middle school girl who just wants to be normal. One morning, however, her father, who works at the Space Patrol, eats a volatile sleep capsule by mistake and is frozen solid! To make matters worse, Luluco accidentally breaks him, so she hurries off to his office for help. There, the chief of the Space Patrol, Over Justice, hires Luluco as a space temp worker for undercover investigations, so that the institution may crack down on crime within her school. -- -- Made to don the Space Patrol suit and sent on her way to mete out justice, Luluco attempts to maintain the image of a normal girl who does not stand out in any way. But she soon discovers that with the automatic systems and inherently zealous judiciousness of the Space Patrol suit, continuing to be normal will be more difficult than she thought. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 126,964 7.59
Tenki no Ko -- -- CoMix Wave Films -- 1 ep -- Original -- Slice of Life Drama Romance Fantasy -- Tenki no Ko Tenki no Ko -- Tokyo is currently experiencing rain showers that seem to disrupt the usual pace of everyone living there to no end. Amidst this seemingly eternal downpour arrives the runaway high school student Hodaka Morishima, who struggles to financially support himself—ending up with a job at a small-time publisher. At the same time, the orphaned Hina Amano also strives to find work to sustain herself and her younger brother. -- -- Both fates intertwine when Hodaka attempts to rescue Hina from shady men, deciding to run away together. Subsequently, Hodaka discovers that Hina has a strange yet astounding power: the ability to call out the sun whenever she prays for it. With Tokyo's unusual weather in mind, Hodaka sees the potential of this ability. He suggests that Hina should become a "sunshine girl"—someone who will clear the sky for people when they need it the most. -- -- Things begin looking up for them at first. However, it is common knowledge that power always comes with a hefty price... -- -- -- Licensor: -- GKIDS -- Movie - Jul 19, 2019 -- 545,419 8.38
Tenkuu no Escaflowne -- -- Sunrise -- 26 eps -- Original -- Adventure Psychological Romance Fantasy Mecha -- Tenkuu no Escaflowne Tenkuu no Escaflowne -- Hitomi Kanzaki is just an ordinary 15-year-old schoolgirl with an interest in tarot cards and fortune telling, but one night, a boy named Van Fanel suddenly appears from the sky along with a vicious dragon. Thanks to a premonition from Hitomi, Van successfully kills the dragon, but a pillar of light appears and envelopes them both. As a result, Hitomi finds herself transported to the world of Gaea, a mysterious land where the Earth hangs in the sky. -- -- In this new land, Hitomi soon discovers that Van is a prince of the Kingdom of Fanelia, which soon falls under attack by the evil empire of Zaibach. In an attempt to fight them off, Van boards his family's ancient guymelef Escaflowne—a mechanized battle suit—but fails to defeat them, and Fanelia ends up destroyed. Now on the run, Hitomi and Van encounter a handsome Asturian knight named Allen Schezar, whom Hitomi is shocked to find looks exactly like her crush from Earth. With some new allies on their side, Van and Hitomi fight back against the forces of Zaibach as the empire strives to revive an ancient power. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation -- 129,653 7.69
Tenkuu no Shiro Laputa -- -- Studio Ghibli -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Fantasy Romance Sci-Fi -- Tenkuu no Shiro Laputa Tenkuu no Shiro Laputa -- In a world filled with planes and airships, Sheeta is a young girl who has been kidnapped by government agents who seek her mysterious crystal amulet. While trapped aboard an airship, she finds herself without hope—that is, until the ship is raided by pirates. Taking advantage of the ensuing confusion, Sheeta manages to flee from her captors. Upon her escape, she meets Pazu, a boy who dreams of reaching the fabled flying castle, Laputa. The two decide to embark on a journey together to discover this castle in the sky. However, they soon find the government agents back on their trail, as they too are trying to reach Laputa for their own greedy purposes. -- -- Tenkuu no Shiro Laputa follows the soaring adventures of Sheeta and Pazu, all while they learn how dreams and dire circumstances can bring two people closer together. -- -- -- Licensor: -- GKIDS, Walt Disney Studios -- Movie - Aug 2, 1986 -- 352,125 8.30
Tenkuu no Shiro Laputa -- -- Studio Ghibli -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Fantasy Romance Sci-Fi -- Tenkuu no Shiro Laputa Tenkuu no Shiro Laputa -- In a world filled with planes and airships, Sheeta is a young girl who has been kidnapped by government agents who seek her mysterious crystal amulet. While trapped aboard an airship, she finds herself without hope—that is, until the ship is raided by pirates. Taking advantage of the ensuing confusion, Sheeta manages to flee from her captors. Upon her escape, she meets Pazu, a boy who dreams of reaching the fabled flying castle, Laputa. The two decide to embark on a journey together to discover this castle in the sky. However, they soon find the government agents back on their trail, as they too are trying to reach Laputa for their own greedy purposes. -- -- Tenkuu no Shiro Laputa follows the soaring adventures of Sheeta and Pazu, all while they learn how dreams and dire circumstances can bring two people closer together. -- -- Movie - Aug 2, 1986 -- 352,125 8.30
Tenkuu Senki Shurato -- -- Tatsunoko Production -- 38 eps -- Original -- Action Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Tenkuu Senki Shurato Tenkuu Senki Shurato -- A 16-year-old boy named Shurato and his friend Gai happen to be drawn into a gigantic ball of light while competing in the final match of a martial arts tournament. When they regain their senses, they find themselves transferred to a mystic heavenly sphere with a divine atmosphere. It's soon discovered that Shurato used to be the governing king of this world and that he has only been brought to his original state. Shurato is shocked as Gai suddenly turns hostile. After this unfortunate incident, a spectacular yet fantastic drama develops involving the two. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 8,884 7.22
Tennis no Ouji-sama Movie 1: Futari no Samurai - The First Game -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sports Shounen -- Tennis no Ouji-sama Movie 1: Futari no Samurai - The First Game Tennis no Ouji-sama Movie 1: Futari no Samurai - The First Game -- The regular players from Seigaku participates in an exhibition game aboard a cruise ship. However, they discover that the event is being run by a corrupt millionaire heavily involved in illegal gambling and betting, who demands that they lose the match on purpose. To add to the confusion, one of the players on the rival team introduces himself as Ryoma's brother. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Jan 29, 2005 -- 18,916 7.36
Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken 2nd Season Part 2 -- -- 8bit -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Comedy Demons Magic Fantasy -- Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken 2nd Season Part 2 Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken 2nd Season Part 2 -- Second half of Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken 2nd Season. -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 125,503 N/A -- -- Isuca -- -- Arms -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Ecchi Romance School Seinen Supernatural -- Isuca Isuca -- Poor Shinichirou Asano has the worst of luck. His parents abandoned him and ran off to Europe. If that isn't bad enough on its own, they barely left him any money to take care of himself. In order to pay rent and keep a roof over his head, he has to work. Unfortunately, he was just fired from his last job and as a high school student, he doesn't have many other prospects. -- -- One evening, he's attacked by a centipede monster on his way home. Shinichirou is saved by a mysterious girl with a bow and arrow, who he later discovers is Sakuya Shimazu, a beautiful student who attends his school. But when he later helps an injured girl, he discovers two things. First, the injured girl isn't human at all but rather a nekomata, a two-tailed demon cat. And second, Sakuya comes from a family of exorcists, who've protected humanity from rogue monsters and spirits for generations. Because Shinichirou was responsible for releasing the nekomata, Sakuya enlists his help in recapturing the demon, but that's just the beginning of Shinichirou's relationship with Sakuya. It turns out the Shimazu family needs a housekeeper and it just so happens that Shinichirou excels at cooking and likes to clean! It may not be his dream job, but if it pays the rent and puts food on the table... -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- 125,107 6.02
Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken -- -- 8bit -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Comedy Demons Magic Fantasy -- Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken -- Thirty-seven-year-old Satoru Mikami is a typical corporate worker, who is perfectly content with his monotonous lifestyle in Tokyo, other than failing to nail down a girlfriend even once throughout his life. In the midst of a casual encounter with his colleague, he falls victim to a random assailant on the streets and is stabbed. However, while succumbing to his injuries, a peculiar voice echoes in his mind, and recites a bunch of commands which the dying man cannot make sense of. -- -- When Satoru regains consciousness, he discovers that he has reincarnated as a goop of slime in an unfamiliar realm. In doing so, he acquires newfound skills—notably, the power to devour anything and mimic its appearance and abilities. He then stumbles upon the sealed Catastrophe-level monster "Storm Dragon" Veldora who had been sealed away for the past 300 years for devastating a town to ashes. Sympathetic to his predicament, Satoru befriends him, promising to assist in destroying the seal. In return, Veldora bestows upon him the name Rimuru Tempest to grant him divine protection. -- -- Now, liberated from the mundanities of his past life, Rimuru embarks on a fresh journey with a distinct goal in mind. As he grows accustomed to his new physique, his gooey antics ripple throughout the world, gradually altering his fate. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 823,286 8.08
Tentacle and Witches -- -- - -- 4 eps -- Visual novel -- Hentai Supernatural Magic -- Tentacle and Witches Tentacle and Witches -- High school can be a complicated time for young men, especially for young men named Ichirou Tachibana. Ichirou knows his homeroom teacher Yuuko Morino's biggest secret: she's a witch! When fellow classmate and witch Lily Ramses Futaba catches him peaking on Yuuko, she decides it's the perfect time for her to use a new spell she's acquired and turn Ichirou into her familiar servant. -- -- Lily's planned antagonism for Ichirou goes awry when the spell turns him into some sort of twisted, purple, tentacle monster. Now he must directly acquire sexual energy from witches in order to sate the tentacle monster's lust and retain elements of his humanity. To make matters worse for the two witches, Ichirou's new form gives him the power to control them to satisfy his basest desires! -- -- The trio also find out that the spell that Lily acquired was sold to her deceptively and intentionally made to appear genuine. Amidst all the sexual misadventures in the Witches and Tentacle, they're about to discover that something far more sinister is at work, and they are but pawns within a larger game. -- OVA - May 27, 2011 -- 14,597 7.11
Terra Formars: Revenge -- -- LIDENFILMS, TYO Animations -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Space Horror Drama Seinen -- Terra Formars: Revenge Terra Formars: Revenge -- In Terra Formars Revenge, the crew members of the Annex I continue to fight against Terraformars—the large humanoid cockroaches that evolved from the ones sent to Mars centuries ago. However, far from discovering the cure for the lethal Alien Engine Virus that has been plaguing Earth, the Annex I team have learned that some squadrons have agendas from their own countries. Now, the squadrons must not only fight against the Terraformars for their survival, but also each other in the never-ending battle for international dominance. -- -- 76,835 6.72
Terra Formars: Revenge -- -- LIDENFILMS, TYO Animations -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Space Horror Drama Seinen -- Terra Formars: Revenge Terra Formars: Revenge -- In Terra Formars Revenge, the crew members of the Annex I continue to fight against Terraformars—the large humanoid cockroaches that evolved from the ones sent to Mars centuries ago. However, far from discovering the cure for the lethal Alien Engine Virus that has been plaguing Earth, the Annex I team have learned that some squadrons have agendas from their own countries. Now, the squadrons must not only fight against the Terraformars for their survival, but also each other in the never-ending battle for international dominance. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 76,835 6.72
The Animatrix -- -- Madhouse, Studio 4°C -- 9 eps -- Other -- Action Drama Sci-Fi -- The Animatrix The Animatrix -- 1. Final Flight of the Osiris -- The crew of the Osiris discover an army preparing to invade Zion. While one crew member races inside the Matrix to get the message to Zion, the others try desperately to buy her enough time while fighting off an onslaught of Sentinels they can't possibly defeat. -- -- 2-3. The Second Renaissance Part 1 and 2 -- Humans have created the ultimate AI, which is just as smart as they are. But complications arise when these robots and the humans try to exist peacefully, and eventually all-out war breaks out. The humans ultimately lose the war, and become trapped in the Matrix as seen in the live-action films. -- -- 4. Kid's Story -- A young man discovers that his world isn't real, that it's a computer-generated fantasy land created by robots using humans for energy. He escapes with the help of the hacker Neo. Based on the Matrix trilogy. -- -- 5. Program -- Cis and Duo engage in battle in a virtual recreation of Feudal Japan. -- -- 6. World Record -- While running the fastest race in his life, a champion track star breaks free of his computer-generated world for a small period of time. When he goes back to the real world, he has no memories and is placed in a nursing home. Based on the Matrix trilogy. -- -- 7. Beyond -- While looking for her lost pet, a young woman meets up with some kids in Tokyo to play in a "haunted house," which is really a glitch in their computer world. Based on the Matrix trilogy. -- -- 8. Detective Story -- A detective named Ash is called upon by a mysterious organization to hunt down the notorious hacker Trinity. -- -- 9. Matriculated -- A group of scientists capture a robot and place it in a surreal fantasy world. When the robot's friends come in and kill most of the scientists; however, the robot and the last scientist remaining face isolation in the computer-generated world. Based on the Matrix trilogy. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Warner Bros. Japan -- OVA - Jun 3, 2003 -- 66,027 7.30
The Animatrix -- -- Madhouse, Studio 4°C -- 9 eps -- Other -- Action Drama Sci-Fi -- The Animatrix The Animatrix -- 1. Final Flight of the Osiris -- The crew of the Osiris discover an army preparing to invade Zion. While one crew member races inside the Matrix to get the message to Zion, the others try desperately to buy her enough time while fighting off an onslaught of Sentinels they can't possibly defeat. -- -- 2-3. The Second Renaissance Part 1 and 2 -- Humans have created the ultimate AI, which is just as smart as they are. But complications arise when these robots and the humans try to exist peacefully, and eventually all-out war breaks out. The humans ultimately lose the war, and become trapped in the Matrix as seen in the live-action films. -- -- 4. Kid's Story -- A young man discovers that his world isn't real, that it's a computer-generated fantasy land created by robots using humans for energy. He escapes with the help of the hacker Neo. Based on the Matrix trilogy. -- -- 5. Program -- Cis and Duo engage in battle in a virtual recreation of Feudal Japan. -- -- 6. World Record -- While running the fastest race in his life, a champion track star breaks free of his computer-generated world for a small period of time. When he goes back to the real world, he has no memories and is placed in a nursing home. Based on the Matrix trilogy. -- -- 7. Beyond -- While looking for her lost pet, a young woman meets up with some kids in Tokyo to play in a "haunted house," which is really a glitch in their computer world. Based on the Matrix trilogy. -- -- 8. Detective Story -- A detective named Ash is called upon by a mysterious organization to hunt down the notorious hacker Trinity. -- -- 9. Matriculated -- A group of scientists capture a robot and place it in a surreal fantasy world. When the robot's friends come in and kill most of the scientists; however, the robot and the last scientist remaining face isolation in the computer-generated world. Based on the Matrix trilogy. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Jun 3, 2003 -- 66,027 7.30
The Big O -- -- Sunrise -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mystery Psychological Mecha -- The Big O The Big O -- Paradigm City, a city of amnesia and a place of belonging. It remains populated by forgotten pasts and the ruins of their labors due to a calamity 40 years ago. Shrouded in a fog-like mystery, it is up to people like Roger Smith to shine a light through the mist. Acting as a professional negotiator and suave agent, Roger is a self-tailored ladies man whose only love is for funeral black. However, as he gets deeply involved with his clients, what often starts as a simple negotiation evolves into Roger saving Paradigm from crime and peril. -- -- In the process, Roger stumbles even deeper into the untold folds of the city. As a rule, things are hardly ever as they appear. Serving as gray knight in a gray world, Roger is not without allies. By his side are Norman, a loyal and widely skilled butler, and Dorothy, a human-like android with deadpan snark. Together with the relic Big O, a jet-black mecha of gargantuan size and weight, they help Roger serve iron justice to Paradigm's lurking villains as he discovers the truth about 40 years ago. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Oct 13, 1999 -- 77,182 7.53
The God of High School -- -- MAPPA -- 13 eps -- Web manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Comedy Supernatural Martial Arts Fantasy -- The God of High School The God of High School -- The "God of High School" tournament has begun, seeking out the greatest fighter among Korean high school students! All martial arts styles, weapons, means, and methods of attaining victory are permitted. The prize? One wish for anything desired by the winner. -- -- Taekwondo expert Jin Mo-Ri is invited to participate in the competition. There he befriends karate specialist Han Dae-Wi and swordswoman Yu Mi-Ra, who both have entered for their own personal reasons. Mo-Ri knows that no opponent will be the same and that the matches will be the most ruthless he has ever fought in his life. But instead of being worried, this prospect excites him beyond belief. -- -- A secret lies beneath the facade of a transparent test of combat prowess the tournament claims to be—one that has Korean political candidate Park Mu-Jin watching every fight with expectant, hungry eyes. Mo-Ri, Dae-Wi, and Mi-Ra are about to discover what it really means to become the God of High School. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll -- 536,956 7.05
The Reflection -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Super Power -- The Reflection The Reflection -- After the Reflection, some of the people in all parts of the world are discovered with super powers. Some become heroes, and others villains. How did the Reflection happen? What was the cause of it? With many unsolved mysteries, the world is led into turmoil. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 27,237 5.14
The SoulTaker: Tamashii-gari -- -- Tatsunoko Production -- 13 eps -- Original -- Demons Horror Supernatural -- The SoulTaker: Tamashii-gari The SoulTaker: Tamashii-gari -- Kyousuke Date comes home one night and finds his mother dying in a pool of her own blood. In her final moments, she stabs him in the chest. After a swift recovery, Kyousuke searches for answers regarding his mother's motives, but finds more than he bargained for when he is attacked by two rival organizations: the Hospital and the Kirihara Group. -- -- Kyousuke is surprised to discover that he has a twin sister named Runa, and both groups try to coerce information out of him about her despite his ignorance to her existence. As their assault continues, Kyousuke soon makes another discovery—he has the ability to transform into a terrifying mutant called SoulTaker. With these newfound powers, Kyousuke resolves to crush both organizations, uncover the truth behind his mother's actions, and protect Runa. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA -- TV - Apr 4, 2001 -- 22,544 6.37
The SoulTaker: Tamashii-gari -- -- Tatsunoko Production -- 13 eps -- Original -- Demons Horror Supernatural -- The SoulTaker: Tamashii-gari The SoulTaker: Tamashii-gari -- Kyousuke Date comes home one night and finds his mother dying in a pool of her own blood. In her final moments, she stabs him in the chest. After a swift recovery, Kyousuke searches for answers regarding his mother's motives, but finds more than he bargained for when he is attacked by two rival organizations: the Hospital and the Kirihara Group. -- -- Kyousuke is surprised to discover that he has a twin sister named Runa, and both groups try to coerce information out of him about her despite his ignorance to her existence. As their assault continues, Kyousuke soon makes another discovery—he has the ability to transform into a terrifying mutant called SoulTaker. With these newfound powers, Kyousuke resolves to crush both organizations, uncover the truth behind his mother's actions, and protect Runa. -- -- TV - Apr 4, 2001 -- 22,544 6.37
Time Travel Shoujo: Mari Waka to 8-nin no Kagakusha-tachi -- -- WAO World -- 12 eps -- Book -- Sci-Fi Adventure -- Time Travel Shoujo: Mari Waka to 8-nin no Kagakusha-tachi Time Travel Shoujo: Mari Waka to 8-nin no Kagakusha-tachi -- Time Travel Shoujo is based on a 1983 book titled Jishaku to Denki no Hatsumei Hakken Monogatari by Japanese educator Kiyonobu Itakura. It is part of the Hatsumei Hakken Monogatari Zenshuu series which describes the story of various scientific discoveries and inventions throughout history. The 1983 book focuses on discoveries related to magnetism and electricity. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 14,667 6.51
Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S -- -- J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Super Power -- Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S -- Mikoto Misaka and her friends are back, investigating rumors across Academy City. Soon, Mikoto discovers something terrifying: horrific experiments are taking place throughout the city, involving the murder of thousands of espers. Moreover, these espers are far from just ordinary people: they are clones of Mikoto herself. Feeling responsible for their treatment, she sets off to put an end to the experiments; however, the forces opposing her are much more dangerous than she anticipated, and Mikoto finds herself up against some of the most powerful espers imaginable. -- -- Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S continues the story of the Railgun as she desperately fights to put an end to the inhuman experiments that she believes she helped cause, her life dragged deep into despair in the process. There's never a dull moment in Academy City, but no one ever said all of them would be pleasant. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 307,479 8.05
Toaru Majutsu no Index -- -- J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Magic Sci-Fi Super Power -- Toaru Majutsu no Index Toaru Majutsu no Index -- Academy City, Japan, is at the forefront of science. Besides being 30 years ahead of the world technologically, more than three-fourths of this peculiar city's population consists of students developing their psychic abilities as espers in various institutions. Among these students is Touma Kamijou, a high school boy with the lowest psychic rank of zero, but with a mysterious power no scientist can understand: "Imagine Breaker," which allows him to negate other supernatural abilities. -- -- This, however, doesn't affect Kamijou's life in the least as he plays his role as a regular teenager; that is, until he meets the strange Index Librorum Prohibitorum, a young girl who has memorized the entirety of the forbidden grimoires, and now a dangerous organization is hunting Index down. With several magicians looking to harm the girl, Kamijou will defend his new companion at all costs as he discovers a strange new realm of the supernatural. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 657,035 7.42
Toaru Majutsu no Index Movie: Endymion no Kiseki -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Magic Sci-Fi Super Power -- Toaru Majutsu no Index Movie: Endymion no Kiseki Toaru Majutsu no Index Movie: Endymion no Kiseki -- In the scientifically advanced Academy City, a miracle is about to occur: the completion of the world's first space elevator, "Endymion." Meanwhile, a certain high school student, Touma Kamijou, and his companion Index are going about their daily lives when they encounter and befriend Arisa Meigo, a cheerful and ambitious singer. When strange occurrences begin taking place throughout the city, they lead to the discovery of an intricate plot surrounding Arisa and Endymion. Things only get more complicated when the Stiyl Magnus appears, signifying that the magical world is somehow involved too... -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Feb 23, 2013 -- 107,678 7.49
Toaru Majutsu no Index Movie: Endymion no Kiseki -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Magic Sci-Fi Super Power -- Toaru Majutsu no Index Movie: Endymion no Kiseki Toaru Majutsu no Index Movie: Endymion no Kiseki -- In the scientifically advanced Academy City, a miracle is about to occur: the completion of the world's first space elevator, "Endymion." Meanwhile, a certain high school student, Touma Kamijou, and his companion Index are going about their daily lives when they encounter and befriend Arisa Meigo, a cheerful and ambitious singer. When strange occurrences begin taking place throughout the city, they lead to the discovery of an intricate plot surrounding Arisa and Endymion. Things only get more complicated when the Stiyl Magnus appears, signifying that the magical world is somehow involved too... -- -- Movie - Feb 23, 2013 -- 107,678 7.49
Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Adventure Drama Romance Sci-Fi -- Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo -- Makoto Konno is in her last year of high school, but is having a hard time deciding what to do with her future. In between enduring the pressure of her teachers and killing time with her best friends, Makoto's life suddenly changes when she accidentally discovers that she is capable of literally leaping through time. -- -- Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo follows Makoto as she plays around with her newfound power. However, she soon learns the hard way that every choice has a consequence, and time is a lot more complicated than it may seem. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation, Kadokawa Pictures USA -- Movie - Jul 15, 2006 -- 640,120 8.18
Tokyo Ghoul: "Pinto" -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Drama Horror Mystery Psychological Supernatural -- Tokyo Ghoul: "Pinto" Tokyo Ghoul: "Pinto" -- Shuu Tsukiyama is a "ghoul": a creature who eats human flesh, and he likes to enjoy his meals to the fullest. One night, while relishing in the premeditated murder of his dinner, Shuu's much anticipated first bite is disturbed by a sudden flash of light. -- -- The flash turns out to be from the camera of high schooler Chie Hori, who presents Shuu with the perfect picture capturing his true nature; the extremely clear shot of a bloody corpse and an overly excited Shuu threatens to expose his ghoul identity, thus Shuu needs to sort out this situation quickly. -- -- After Shuu discovers that Chie attends the same high school as him and is even in the same class, the reason behind his feelings of obsession changes from self-preservation to morbid curiosity. As he grows closer to the absent-minded and extremely odd photographer, he challenges them both to learn more about each other's conflicting worlds; Shuu promises that Chie will come out of this experience with a photograph superior to the one she already has. -- -- OVA - Dec 25, 2015 -- 158,029 7.25
Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho: Tou -- -- AIC Spirits, BeSTACK -- 14 eps -- Game -- Action Horror Supernatural Drama Martial Arts Fantasy School -- Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho: Tou Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho: Tou -- Something evil is stirring in the shadows of Tokyo... -- -- During the spring of his senior year in high school, quiet Tatsuma Hiyuu transfers to Magami Academy in Shinjuku. The mysterious boy's "outsider" status and his profound skills in martial arts quickly earn him the friendship of class delinquent Kyouichi Houraiji. Through an uncanny connection and a happenstance challenge, he also meets Yuuya Daigo of the wrestling club, the captain of the girls' archery club, Komaki Sakurai, and Aoi Misato, the Student Council President. -- -- During their encounter, there is a sudden, harsh disruption of the Ryumyaku (literally Dragon Pulse, otherwise known as Dragon Vein or Dragon Stream), the flow of arcane energy. The surge awakens within the five teenagers a latent power, giving them each a supernatural ability. Enlightened to their newly acquired gifts by Hisui, the young heir of the Kisaragi Clan who maintains his family's antiques shop - as well as their duty to protect Tokyo from Oni (demons) - the Magami students decide to use their power to protect the city from the onslaught of dark forces. -- -- Battling the demons alongside Hisui Kisaragi, the five unlikely friends discover that they may have to face a greater threat to Tokyo other than destroying a few malevolent, random monsters. The Ryumyaku had been disrupted by force, from someone invoking the Dark Arts - and that person has a wicked desire to unleash a long-dead evil. -- -- Can the teenagers overcome their own fears and flaws to fight against the Dark Arts? And soon they will also have to face their own destinies as they discover their Stars of Fate. -- -- This anime is based on a manga, which was based on the Nintendo role-playing video game originally released in 1998. -- 69,395 7.14
Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho: Tou -- -- AIC Spirits, BeSTACK -- 14 eps -- Game -- Action Horror Supernatural Drama Martial Arts Fantasy School -- Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho: Tou Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho: Tou -- Something evil is stirring in the shadows of Tokyo... -- -- During the spring of his senior year in high school, quiet Tatsuma Hiyuu transfers to Magami Academy in Shinjuku. The mysterious boy's "outsider" status and his profound skills in martial arts quickly earn him the friendship of class delinquent Kyouichi Houraiji. Through an uncanny connection and a happenstance challenge, he also meets Yuuya Daigo of the wrestling club, the captain of the girls' archery club, Komaki Sakurai, and Aoi Misato, the Student Council President. -- -- During their encounter, there is a sudden, harsh disruption of the Ryumyaku (literally Dragon Pulse, otherwise known as Dragon Vein or Dragon Stream), the flow of arcane energy. The surge awakens within the five teenagers a latent power, giving them each a supernatural ability. Enlightened to their newly acquired gifts by Hisui, the young heir of the Kisaragi Clan who maintains his family's antiques shop - as well as their duty to protect Tokyo from Oni (demons) - the Magami students decide to use their power to protect the city from the onslaught of dark forces. -- -- Battling the demons alongside Hisui Kisaragi, the five unlikely friends discover that they may have to face a greater threat to Tokyo other than destroying a few malevolent, random monsters. The Ryumyaku had been disrupted by force, from someone invoking the Dark Arts - and that person has a wicked desire to unleash a long-dead evil. -- -- Can the teenagers overcome their own fears and flaws to fight against the Dark Arts? And soon they will also have to face their own destinies as they discover their Stars of Fate. -- -- This anime is based on a manga, which was based on the Nintendo role-playing video game originally released in 1998. -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- 69,395 7.14
Tokyo Mew Mew -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 52 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Comedy Magic Romance Fantasy Shoujo -- Tokyo Mew Mew Tokyo Mew Mew -- Ichigo Momomiya expected her date with her crush, Masaya Aoyama, to have a more romantic ending than her falling asleep after she sees a vision of a cat entering her body. Things get even stranger when, the next day, she begins displaying cat-like behaviors such as an intense craving for fish. When Masaya is attacked by a monster, she discovers that she is able to transform into the cat-eared magical girl, Mew Ichigo. -- -- After she saves Masaya, two researchers named Ryou Shirogane and Keiichiro Akasaka approach her and reveal they had injected her with Iriomote Cat DNA in order to create a magical girl that can save the world from aliens. Ichigo is tasked with fighting these monsters, but saving the world proves to be just too much for Ichigo to handle by herself. Fortunately, she learns that there are four other girls just like her, and now, Ichigo must find them quickly before the aliens completely take over the planet. -- -- -- Licensor: -- 4Kids Entertainment -- TV - Apr 6, 2002 -- 119,609 6.99
Tokyo Mew Mew -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 52 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Comedy Magic Romance Fantasy Shoujo -- Tokyo Mew Mew Tokyo Mew Mew -- Ichigo Momomiya expected her date with her crush, Masaya Aoyama, to have a more romantic ending than her falling asleep after she sees a vision of a cat entering her body. Things get even stranger when, the next day, she begins displaying cat-like behaviors such as an intense craving for fish. When Masaya is attacked by a monster, she discovers that she is able to transform into the cat-eared magical girl, Mew Ichigo. -- -- After she saves Masaya, two researchers named Ryou Shirogane and Keiichiro Akasaka approach her and reveal they had injected her with Iriomote Cat DNA in order to create a magical girl that can save the world from aliens. Ichigo is tasked with fighting these monsters, but saving the world proves to be just too much for Ichigo to handle by herself. Fortunately, she learns that there are four other girls just like her, and now, Ichigo must find them quickly before the aliens completely take over the planet. -- -- TV - Apr 6, 2002 -- 119,609 6.99
To LOVE-Ru -- -- Xebec -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Harem Comedy Romance Ecchi School Shounen -- To LOVE-Ru To LOVE-Ru -- Timid 16-year-old Rito Yuuki has yet to profess his love to Haruna Sairenji—a classmate and object of his infatuation since junior high. Sadly, his situation becomes even more challenging when one night, a mysterious, stark-naked girl crash-lands right on top of a bathing Rito. -- -- To add to the confusion, Rito discovers that the girl, Lala Satalin Deviluke, is the crown princess of an alien empire and has run away from her home. Despite her position as the heiress to the most dominant power in the entire galaxy, Lala is surprisingly more than willing to marry the decidedly average Rito in order to avoid an unwanted political marriage. -- -- To LOVE-Ru depicts Rito's daily struggles with the bizarre chaos that begins upon the arrival of Lala. With an evergrowing legion of swooning beauties that continuously foil his attempted confessions to Haruna, To LOVE-Ru is a romantic comedy full of slapstick humor, sexy girls, and outlandishly lewd moments that defy the laws of physics. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 4, 2008 -- 502,130 7.05
To LOVE-Ru Darkness 2nd -- -- Xebec -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Harem Romance School Sci-Fi Shounen -- To LOVE-Ru Darkness 2nd To LOVE-Ru Darkness 2nd -- The dispassionate, transforming assassin Golden Darkness returns to peer deeper into the mysteries surrounding her new life, while a sinister Nemesis manipulates her younger sister Mea from the shadows. Along with their newly discovered mother, Tearju, this previously estranged family quickly becomes the center of everyone's attention. On the other hand, Princess Momo's Harem Plan stands on shaky ground amidst Rito's inability to confess to his longtime crush Haruna, who has grown feelings of her own. -- -- But things aren't as peaceful as they seem; an evil force looms amidst the innocuous commotion, threatening to eclipse the love, happiness, and friendship of Rito and his harem. Only the light of love can hope to banish the shadow. -- -- 201,598 7.49
To LOVE-Ru Darkness 2nd -- -- Xebec -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Harem Romance School Sci-Fi Shounen -- To LOVE-Ru Darkness 2nd To LOVE-Ru Darkness 2nd -- The dispassionate, transforming assassin Golden Darkness returns to peer deeper into the mysteries surrounding her new life, while a sinister Nemesis manipulates her younger sister Mea from the shadows. Along with their newly discovered mother, Tearju, this previously estranged family quickly becomes the center of everyone's attention. On the other hand, Princess Momo's Harem Plan stands on shaky ground amidst Rito's inability to confess to his longtime crush Haruna, who has grown feelings of her own. -- -- But things aren't as peaceful as they seem; an evil force looms amidst the innocuous commotion, threatening to eclipse the love, happiness, and friendship of Rito and his harem. Only the light of love can hope to banish the shadow. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 201,598 7.49
Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun -- -- Brain's Base -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance School Shoujo -- Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun -- Shizuku Mizutani is apathetic towards her classmates, only caring about her grades. However, her cold view of life begins to change when she meets Haru Yoshida, a violent troublemaker who stopped attending class after getting into a fight early in the school year. He is not much different from her, though—he too understands little about human nature and does not have any friends. Much to Shizuku's surprise, he proclaims that she will be his friend and immediately confesses his feelings towards her upon meeting her. -- -- Because of her lack of friends and social interaction, Shizuku has a hard time understanding her relationship with Haru. But slowly, their friendship begins to progress, and she discovers that there is more to Haru than violence. She begins to develop feelings for him, but is unsure what kind of emotions she is experiencing. Together, Shizuku and Haru explore the true nature of their relationship and emotions. -- -- -- Licensor: -- NIS America, Inc. -- TV - Oct 2, 2012 -- 803,824 7.53
Tonikaku Kawaii OVA -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy Romance Shounen -- Tonikaku Kawaii OVA Tonikaku Kawaii OVA -- (No synopsis yet.) -- OVA - Aug 18, 2021 -- 36,621 N/AHoukago Saikoro Club -- -- LIDENFILMS -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Game Comedy School Shounen -- Houkago Saikoro Club Houkago Saikoro Club -- Miki Takekasa is an introverted high schooler who does not socialize with her classmates. However, she wants to know what "fun" really is, waiting for someone who could help her understand its true meaning. One day after school, she crosses paths with her classmate Aya Takayashiki, who takes her on a little adventure. Miki discovers wonders she had never seen before, opening a way to change her withdrawn life. -- -- On their way home, Miki and Aya see their class representative Midori Oono entering Saikoro Club, a store specializing in board games. After trying out a German board game, Miki soon understands the kind of fun she had been looking for: playing various games after school along with the friends and acquaintances she makes from her newfound pleasure. -- -- 36,430 6.71
Top wo Nerae! Gunbuster -- -- Gainax -- 6 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Drama Mecha Military Sci-Fi Shounen Space -- Top wo Nerae! Gunbuster Top wo Nerae! Gunbuster -- In the near future, humanity has taken its first steps towards journeying into the far reaches of the galaxy. Upon doing so they discover a huge race of insectoid aliens known as "Space Monsters." These aliens seem dedicated to the eradication of mankind as they near closer and closer to discovering Earth. In response, humanity develops giant fighting robots piloted by hand-picked youth from around the world. -- -- Shortly after the discovery of the aliens, Noriko Takaya, the daughter of a famous deceased space captain, enters a training school despite her questionable talents as a pilot. There, she meets her polar opposite, the beautiful and talented Kazumi Amano, and is unexpectedly made to work together with her as they attempt to overcome the trauma of war as well as their own emotions. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Visual USA -- OVA - Oct 7, 1988 -- 99,488 7.89
Top wo Nerae! Gunbuster -- -- Gainax -- 6 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Drama Mecha Military Sci-Fi Shounen Space -- Top wo Nerae! Gunbuster Top wo Nerae! Gunbuster -- In the near future, humanity has taken its first steps towards journeying into the far reaches of the galaxy. Upon doing so they discover a huge race of insectoid aliens known as "Space Monsters." These aliens seem dedicated to the eradication of mankind as they near closer and closer to discovering Earth. In response, humanity develops giant fighting robots piloted by hand-picked youth from around the world. -- -- Shortly after the discovery of the aliens, Noriko Takaya, the daughter of a famous deceased space captain, enters a training school despite her questionable talents as a pilot. There, she meets her polar opposite, the beautiful and talented Kazumi Amano, and is unexpectedly made to work together with her as they attempt to overcome the trauma of war as well as their own emotions. -- -- OVA - Oct 7, 1988 -- 99,488 7.89
Toradora! -- -- J.C.Staff -- 25 eps -- Light novel -- Slice of Life Comedy Romance School -- Toradora! Toradora! -- Ryuuji Takasu is a gentle high school student with a love for housework; but in contrast to his kind nature, he has an intimidating face that often gets him labeled as a delinquent. On the other hand is Taiga Aisaka, a small, doll-like student, who is anything but a cute and fragile girl. Equipped with a wooden katana and feisty personality, Taiga is known throughout the school as the "Palmtop Tiger." -- -- One day, an embarrassing mistake causes the two students to cross paths. Ryuuji discovers that Taiga actually has a sweet side: she has a crush on the popular vice president, Yuusaku Kitamura, who happens to be his best friend. But things only get crazier when Ryuuji reveals that he has a crush on Minori Kushieda—Taiga's best friend! -- -- Toradora! is a romantic comedy that follows this odd duo as they embark on a quest to help each other with their respective crushes, forming an unlikely alliance in the process. -- -- -- Licensor: -- NIS America, Inc. -- 1,655,221 8.21
Toriko -- -- Toei Animation -- 147 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Shounen -- Toriko Toriko -- Hamburgers that grow out of the ground like four-leaf clovers, mountain ranges carved out of ice cream, and warm servings of mac and cheese that stew deep within the stomachs of volcanoes fill the landscape. This world of delectable natural wonders has reached a prime age of exploration—the Gourmet Age! Citizens and chefs alike aspire to taste and prepare the finest dishes, while adventurers called "Gourmet Hunters" seek out delicious rare ingredients. -- -- Possessing a unique set of skills, the wild and passionate Gourmet Hunter Toriko is infamous for discovering 2% of all known ingredients. Together with his friend Komatsu—a highly skilled chef working at a five-star hotel—Toriko strives to complete his Full Course Menu of Life. But it isn’t going to be easy; in order to obtain the most delicious ingredients, Toriko must battle against obstacles like deadly monsters, evil organizations, and food itself! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 103,881 7.55
Trava: Fist Planet -- -- Madhouse -- 4 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Mecha Sci-Fi Space -- Trava: Fist Planet Trava: Fist Planet -- Ace pilot Trava and his personal mechanic buddy Shinkai, on their way to mark an out-of-the-way planet, pick up Mikuru, a girl with no memory. The three are about to discover that the planet is more than it seems. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Mar 2, 2002 -- 13,581 6.56
Tsubasa Chronicle -- -- Bee Train -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Fantasy Magic Romance Supernatural Shounen -- Tsubasa Chronicle Tsubasa Chronicle -- During an excavation at the mysterious ruins in Clow Country, Syaoran discovers his childhood friend Princess Sakura appear on the site with wings that disperse into many feathers. As the feather's disappear to different dimensions, so does Sakura's memory. In attempts to save Sakura's life and restore her memory, Syaoran travels through to another world to find a solution. There's only one thing left he can do. Travel through to different dimensions to collect Sakura's feathers. Helping out with the quest is Kurogane, an exiled ninja from Japan Country who wishes to return to his world, the runaway magician, Fay, who desires to jump between each world never to return to his own and the white meat-bun shaped creature, Mokona. -- 199,139 7.54
Tsubasa Chronicle -- -- Bee Train -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Fantasy Magic Romance Supernatural Shounen -- Tsubasa Chronicle Tsubasa Chronicle -- During an excavation at the mysterious ruins in Clow Country, Syaoran discovers his childhood friend Princess Sakura appear on the site with wings that disperse into many feathers. As the feather's disappear to different dimensions, so does Sakura's memory. In attempts to save Sakura's life and restore her memory, Syaoran travels through to another world to find a solution. There's only one thing left he can do. Travel through to different dimensions to collect Sakura's feathers. Helping out with the quest is Kurogane, an exiled ninja from Japan Country who wishes to return to his world, the runaway magician, Fay, who desires to jump between each world never to return to his own and the white meat-bun shaped creature, Mokona. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 199,139 7.54
Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu -- -- Arvo Animation -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Sci-Fi Space Vampire -- Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu -- The first astronaut in human history was a vampire girl. -- -- Following the end of World War II, the world-dividing superpowers, Federal Republic of Zirnitra in the East and United Kingdom of Arnack in the West, turned their territorial ambitions toward space. Both countries have been competing fiercely for development. -- -- East history 1960. Gergiev, the chief leader of the Republic, announces the manned space flight program Project Mechtat (Dream), which, if successful, would be the first feat for humankind. At that time, Lev Leps, a substitute astronaut candidate, is ordered to perform a top secret mission. The "Nosferatu Project"—a program that experiments with vampires prior to manned missions—will use Irina Luminesk as a test subject, and Lev is to monitor and train her. -- -- Even while trifled by the walls of the race and ego of the nations, Lev and Irina share a genuine sentiment as they aim for the universe. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- TV - ??? ??, 2021 -- 3,644 N/A -- -- Master Mosquiton '99 -- -- - -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Supernatural Vampire -- Master Mosquiton '99 Master Mosquiton '99 -- Catholic schoolgirl Inaho discovers that a vampire, Mosquiton, is feeding off of her classmates. So she stakes him, but he is revived after her blood comes in contact with the his remains. Mosquiton becomes her slave and also a history teacher. Together, along with Yuuki and Honou, the unlikely duo have many escapades and adventures. One of Inaho's main goals is to find the mythical O-Part to make some money! -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- 3,603 6.51
Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase -- -- Shaft -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Romance Vampire Fantasy Seinen -- Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase -- Freelance photographer Kouhei Morioka is traveling to a castle in Germany to take photos of paranormal activity for his friend Hiromi Anzai, editor of an occult magazine. Upon entering the castle, he's confronted by a young girl in a white dress and cat ears who calls herself Hazuki. She takes a keen interest in Kouhei and offers him a kiss, but she instead reveals herself to be a vampire, sucks his blood, and turns him into her slave. -- -- Much to Hazuki's dismay, however, Kouhei is unaffected by her bite. Hoping to escape the castle and her possessive butler Vigo, Hazuki instead forces Kouhei to help her. With the help of his powerful exorcist cousin Seiji Midou, the two make it out safely. Finally free, Hazuki flees to Japan in search of her mother. Not long after Kouhei returns home, he discovers Hazuki has nested in his home, where he reluctantly allows her to stay. Meanwhile, other vampires set out to find the missing Hazuki. -- -- Equal parts gothic and adorable, Tsukuyomi: Moonphase is a charming and mystical story where two unlikely allies form a unique bond in an attempt to defy a society of immortals. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 66,140 6.99
Tsuritama -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 12 eps -- Original -- Comedy Sci-Fi Slice of Life Sports -- Tsuritama Tsuritama -- Saving the world... by fishing? -- -- Yuki Sanada has always felt like a fish out of water. Socially awkward and anxious, he struggles to fit in with his surroundings and moves from town to town with his grandma. As he and his grandma settle into the charming seaside town of Enoshima, Yuki hopes for a fresh start. However, his reputation at school is jeopardized by the arrival of fellow transfer student Haru. The eccentric Haru immediately makes a splash, wildly claiming to be an alien and declaring that Yuki is his friend. Pairing the reluctant Yuki with their classmate and fishing talent, Natsuki Usami, he tasks both of them with the absurd mission of saving the world from a mysterious threat in the ocean. Mischief and hijinks ensue, as these three embark on a whimsical adventure filled with laughs, heart, and self-discovery! -- -- 145,964 7.70
Tsuritama -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 12 eps -- Original -- Comedy Sci-Fi Slice of Life Sports -- Tsuritama Tsuritama -- Saving the world... by fishing? -- -- Yuki Sanada has always felt like a fish out of water. Socially awkward and anxious, he struggles to fit in with his surroundings and moves from town to town with his grandma. As he and his grandma settle into the charming seaside town of Enoshima, Yuki hopes for a fresh start. However, his reputation at school is jeopardized by the arrival of fellow transfer student Haru. The eccentric Haru immediately makes a splash, wildly claiming to be an alien and declaring that Yuki is his friend. Pairing the reluctant Yuki with their classmate and fishing talent, Natsuki Usami, he tasks both of them with the absurd mission of saving the world from a mysterious threat in the ocean. Mischief and hijinks ensue, as these three embark on a whimsical adventure filled with laughs, heart, and self-discovery! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 145,964 7.70
Uchuu Patrol Luluco -- -- Trigger -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Space -- Uchuu Patrol Luluco Uchuu Patrol Luluco -- Living an abnormal existence in Ogikubo, an intergalactic melting pot of humans and aliens as well as the only Space Immigration Zone on Earth, Luluco is a bubbly middle school girl who just wants to be normal. One morning, however, her father, who works at the Space Patrol, eats a volatile sleep capsule by mistake and is frozen solid! To make matters worse, Luluco accidentally breaks him, so she hurries off to his office for help. There, the chief of the Space Patrol, Over Justice, hires Luluco as a space temp worker for undercover investigations, so that the institution may crack down on crime within her school. -- -- Made to don the Space Patrol suit and sent on her way to mete out justice, Luluco attempts to maintain the image of a normal girl who does not stand out in any way. But she soon discovers that with the automatic systems and inherently zealous judiciousness of the Space Patrol suit, continuing to be normal will be more difficult than she thought. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 126,964 7.59
Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2205: Aratanaru Tabidachi -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space Drama -- Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2205: Aratanaru Tabidachi Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2205: Aratanaru Tabidachi -- (No synopsis yet.) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2021 -- 1,908 N/A -- -- The Humanoid: Ai no Wakusei Lezeria -- -- Kaname Productions -- 1 ep -- - -- Space Mecha Drama Sci-Fi -- The Humanoid: Ai no Wakusei Lezeria The Humanoid: Ai no Wakusei Lezeria -- Dr. Watson has created his masterpiece – a beautiful woman made of metal. A wonder of science, Antoinette is a childlike innocent who holds the key to an ancient civilization that could save the world, or destroy it. And when a mad tyrant kidnaps the man she loves, Antoinette finally discovers the courage – and the amazing fighting skills – that are her true calling. -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- OVA - Mar 5, 1986 -- 1,881 4.81
Uchuu Show e Youkoso -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Fantasy Space -- Uchuu Show e Youkoso Uchuu Show e Youkoso -- Five elementary school children are spending their summer break camping at a remote mountain village. While on a hunt for their missing rabbit, Pyon-kichi, they find an injured dog in a field with crop circles. After nursing the dog back to health, they are shocked when he suddenly speaks and introduces himself as Pochi Rickman—an alien researcher who has been on Earth researching its plant life. -- -- As thanks for saving his life, Pochi offers to take the children to the moon on a sightseeing trip. When they arrive, the group quickly discovers that the moon hides a vast alien metropolis which they begin to gleefully explore. Unfortunately, after hearing that Pochi was severely injured on his mission, the government of the moon issues a travel sanction on Earth, preventing the children from returning home. -- -- Left with no other choice, the group journeys around the galaxy in search of a way to safely return to Earth. Amidst their adventure, they are pursued by aliens affiliated with "The Space Show," the universe's most-watched production shrouded in mystery. -- -- -- Licensor: -- GKIDS, NYAV Post -- Movie - Feb 18, 2010 -- 21,658 7.35
Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari -- -- LIDENFILMS -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Fantasy Seinen -- Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari -- Taking a break from the hustle and bustle of Tokyo, Souta Tawara returns to his hometown in Kagawa. Though his parents are no longer around, his former home and family-owned udon restaurant reminds him of the times his family was still together. Reminiscing about his childhood, Souta enters the udon restaurant and discovers a grimy young boy sleeping. -- -- At first, Souta thinks nothing of the chance encounter and provides the boy with food and clothing. However, to his surprise, the boy suddenly sprouts a furry pair of ears and a tail! Souta soon learns that the nameless boy is actually the rumored shapeshifting tanuki that has been inhabiting Kagawa for many years. Thinking that the boy has been living a lonely life, he decides to take him in and name him Poko. -- -- Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari follows the heartwarming relationship between Souta and Poko, and through the time they spend together, Souta recalls his own past, the place he left behind for the city, and the relationship he had with his father. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- 102,239 7.75
Umi Monogatari: Anata ga Ite Kureta Koto -- -- Zexcs -- 12 eps -- Game -- Supernatural Drama Magic Romance Fantasy -- Umi Monogatari: Anata ga Ite Kureta Koto Umi Monogatari: Anata ga Ite Kureta Koto -- Marin and her younger sister Urin are seafolk who happen upon something quite strange: a beautiful silver ring lost beneath the waves. The kind-hearted Marin, intent on returning it to its owner, drags a reluctant Urin along with her to the sky world despite reminders of a turtle elder who left for the surface and never returned. After locating the ring's owner, Kanon Miyamori, they learn that Kanon had tossed it into the sea after her boyfriend dumped her earlier that day. -- -- Though Marin insists that such a lovely item should not be thrown away, Kanon discards it once again. As they search for the ring, Urin becomes separated from the other two and accidently breaks the seal on a stone coffin, releasing an evil being known as Sedna. Sensing Sedna's release, the formerly missing turtle elder, Matsumoto, reveals himself to Kanon and her companions, naming Marin as the Priestess of the Sea. Together with the Priestess of the Sky, she has the power to seal Sedna away again. And as luck would have it, during an encounter with one of Sedna's minions, Kanon discovers that she is the Priestess of the Sky. Though Kanon is hesitant, she and Marin decide to work together to save the world from the evil that threatens it. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- TV - Jun 25, 2009 -- 23,914 6.63
Umi Monogatari: Anata ga Ite Kureta Koto -- -- Zexcs -- 12 eps -- Game -- Supernatural Drama Magic Romance Fantasy -- Umi Monogatari: Anata ga Ite Kureta Koto Umi Monogatari: Anata ga Ite Kureta Koto -- Marin and her younger sister Urin are seafolk who happen upon something quite strange: a beautiful silver ring lost beneath the waves. The kind-hearted Marin, intent on returning it to its owner, drags a reluctant Urin along with her to the sky world despite reminders of a turtle elder who left for the surface and never returned. After locating the ring's owner, Kanon Miyamori, they learn that Kanon had tossed it into the sea after her boyfriend dumped her earlier that day. -- -- Though Marin insists that such a lovely item should not be thrown away, Kanon discards it once again. As they search for the ring, Urin becomes separated from the other two and accidently breaks the seal on a stone coffin, releasing an evil being known as Sedna. Sensing Sedna's release, the formerly missing turtle elder, Matsumoto, reveals himself to Kanon and her companions, naming Marin as the Priestess of the Sea. Together with the Priestess of the Sky, she has the power to seal Sedna away again. And as luck would have it, during an encounter with one of Sedna's minions, Kanon discovers that she is the Priestess of the Sky. Though Kanon is hesitant, she and Marin decide to work together to save the world from the evil that threatens it. -- -- TV - Jun 25, 2009 -- 23,914 6.63
Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru -- -- J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Drama Fantasy Shoujo Shounen Ai -- Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru -- Growing up as an orphan, Yuki Sakurai questions his reason for living and ability to see a person's painful memory by simply touching them. After receiving anonymous notes telling him to die, Yuki is unable to shake off the nagging feeling forming inside of him. Unbeknownst to him, he is being watched, both by people who want to harm him and those who want to protect him. -- -- One foggy night, Yuki's life is saved by a beautiful man with silver eyes and jet black hair—a man he has never met before yet seems familiar. With the arrival of this mysterious stranger, Yuki's forgotten past has been awakened and the purpose of his existence has appeared before him. -- -- Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru tells the story of a teenage boy as he discovers who he is and where he comes from—all while making friends, experiencing betrayal, and slowly piecing together the puzzle of his past. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Apr 12, 2010 -- 84,607 7.25
Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru -- -- J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Drama Fantasy Shoujo Shounen Ai -- Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru -- Growing up as an orphan, Yuki Sakurai questions his reason for living and ability to see a person's painful memory by simply touching them. After receiving anonymous notes telling him to die, Yuki is unable to shake off the nagging feeling forming inside of him. Unbeknownst to him, he is being watched, both by people who want to harm him and those who want to protect him. -- -- One foggy night, Yuki's life is saved by a beautiful man with silver eyes and jet black hair—a man he has never met before yet seems familiar. With the arrival of this mysterious stranger, Yuki's forgotten past has been awakened and the purpose of his existence has appeared before him. -- -- Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru tells the story of a teenage boy as he discovers who he is and where he comes from—all while making friends, experiencing betrayal, and slowly piecing together the puzzle of his past. -- -- TV - Apr 12, 2010 -- 84,607 7.25
Ushio to Tora (TV) -- -- MAPPA, Studio VOLN -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Demons Shounen Supernatural -- Ushio to Tora (TV) Ushio to Tora (TV) -- Ushio Aotsuki is a stubborn middle school student and son of an eccentric temple priest who goes about life without care for his father's claims regarding otherworldly monsters known as youkai. However, as he is tending to the temple while his father is away on work, his chores lead him to a shocking discovery: in the basement he finds a menacing youkai impaled by the fabled Beast Spear. -- -- The beast in question is Tora, infamous for his destructive power, who tries to coerce Ushio into releasing him from his five hundred year seal. Ushio puts no trust in his words and refuses to set him free. But when a sudden youkai outbreak puts his friends and home in danger, he is left with no choice but to rely on Tora, his only insurance being the ancient spear if he gets out of hand. -- -- Ushio and Tora's meeting is only the beginning of the unlikely duo's journey into the depths of the spiritual realm. With the legendary Beast Spear in his hands, Ushio will find out just how real and threatening the world of the supernatural can be. -- -- 185,965 7.59
Ushio to Tora (TV) -- -- MAPPA, Studio VOLN -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Demons Shounen Supernatural -- Ushio to Tora (TV) Ushio to Tora (TV) -- Ushio Aotsuki is a stubborn middle school student and son of an eccentric temple priest who goes about life without care for his father's claims regarding otherworldly monsters known as youkai. However, as he is tending to the temple while his father is away on work, his chores lead him to a shocking discovery: in the basement he finds a menacing youkai impaled by the fabled Beast Spear. -- -- The beast in question is Tora, infamous for his destructive power, who tries to coerce Ushio into releasing him from his five hundred year seal. Ushio puts no trust in his words and refuses to set him free. But when a sudden youkai outbreak puts his friends and home in danger, he is left with no choice but to rely on Tora, his only insurance being the ancient spear if he gets out of hand. -- -- Ushio and Tora's meeting is only the beginning of the unlikely duo's journey into the depths of the spiritual realm. With the legendary Beast Spear in his hands, Ushio will find out just how real and threatening the world of the supernatural can be. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 185,965 7.59
Uzumaki -- -- Drive -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Dementia Horror Psychological Supernatural Drama Romance Seinen -- Uzumaki Uzumaki -- In the town of Kurouzu-cho, Kirie Goshima lives a fairly normal life with her family. As she walks to the train station one day to meet her boyfriend, Shuuichi Saito, she sees his father staring at a snail shell in an alley. Thinking nothing of it, she mentions the incident to Shuuichi, who says that his father has been acting weird lately. Shuuichi reveals his rising desire to leave the town with Kirie, saying that the town is infected with spirals. -- -- But his father's obsession with the shape soon proves deadly, beginning a chain of horrific and unexplainable events that causes the residents of Kurouzu-cho to spiral into madness. -- -- TV - ??? ??, 2021 -- 33,169 N/AKakurenbo -- -- Yamato Works -- 1 ep -- Original -- Horror Psychological Supernatural -- Kakurenbo Kakurenbo -- Among the high rises of steel pipes, meshed power lines, and faded neon lights, exists a game that children dare to play within the ruins of the old city. -- -- "Otokoyo," a secret game of hide-and-seek, one where all who play wear fox masks and only begins when seven have gathered. But it is no normal game, as all who have played it have gone missing. Many whisper it is the work of demons, but that is just a rumor... or is it? -- -- Kakurenbo follows the story of seven children as they play Otokoyo for the first time and discover why if you play, you never return. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- Movie - Sep 1, 2004 -- 32,995 6.74
Vie Durant -- -- Marine Entertainment, Radix -- 8 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Drama Vampire -- Vie Durant Vie Durant -- The Antarctic thaws and it is an era when most of the land has been submerged in water. The extinction of Mankind already draws near. Mankind who were born from Adam and Eve, were now deteriorating as they repeatedly get cloned from generation to generation. Things essential for the survival of living things were lost. -- -- Even so, the ones remaining cling on to survive... -- -- "We should get what we need for survival from something else...!" -- -- And so, a mere small group of humans began a new life upon the surface of water, exhausting the resources of each and every other living thing to survive. In the end, they discover people who posess a huge quantity of things necessary for survival. -- -- The young men who posessed such things continues their journey even today, to escape from those who were pursuing them. They just wanted to find that something somewhere. They were seeking for the one and only "help" there was... -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- ONA - Jul 15, 2003 -- 1,428 4.85
Violet Evergarden -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Slice of Life Drama Fantasy -- Violet Evergarden Violet Evergarden -- The Great War finally came to an end after four long years of conflict; fractured in two, the continent of Telesis slowly began to flourish once again. Caught up in the bloodshed was Violet Evergarden, a young girl raised for the sole purpose of decimating enemy lines. Hospitalized and maimed in a bloody skirmish during the War's final leg, she was left with only words from the person she held dearest, but with no understanding of their meaning. -- -- Recovering from her wounds, Violet starts a new life working at CH Postal Services after a falling out with her new intended guardian family. There, she witnesses by pure chance the work of an "Auto Memory Doll," amanuenses that transcribe people's thoughts and feelings into words on paper. Moved by the notion, Violet begins work as an Auto Memory Doll, a trade that will take her on an adventure, one that will reshape the lives of her clients and hopefully lead to self-discovery. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 1,142,261 8.64
Vividred Operation -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Ecchi -- Vividred Operation Vividred Operation -- Friendship is the key to protecting the world. -- -- That is everyone's wish. Here in a world where science has solved all questions. -- -- This story is set in Oshima. The happy, carefree 14-year-old Akane Isshiki lived a poor, but well loved life together with her reliable little sister, Momo, who does all the housework, and her grandfather, Kenjirou, a genius inventor who only created useless devices. When the weather is clear, they can see the artificial island, Blue Island, across the sea. In the center of that island rises the revolutionary Manifestation Engine, a discovery that solved the world's energy problems. -- -- It is a peaceful future, just like everyone dreamed of. One where everyone can smile and be happy... -- -- But suddenly, the world is visited by danger. An unknown enemy, the Alone, appear, targeting the Manifestation Engine. As none of their weapons worked and they fell into despair, a lone girl takes a stand wearing a red "Palette Suit" which wields a great, hidden power. Before long, allies gather around her to fight. -- -- And their friendship becomes the only hope for saving the world! -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 60,608 6.46
ViVid Strike! -- -- Seven Arcs Pictures -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Drama Magic Martial Arts -- ViVid Strike! ViVid Strike! -- Raised up in the same orphanage, Fuuka and Rinne were once close friends but parted company after a quarrel ended up with Rinne overwhelmed Fuuka with her martial art skills. Fuuka has a life in poverty after leaving the orphanage. An accidental encounter with renowned martial arts champion Einhald Stratos discovered Fuuka's hidden talent in fighting; Einhald offered Fuuka a job and coaching, encouraging her to meet up with Rinne again—in a ring. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 57,659 7.07
VS Knight Lamune & 40 Fresh -- -- Production Reed -- 6 eps -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Ecchi Mecha Sci-Fi Space -- VS Knight Lamune & 40 Fresh VS Knight Lamune & 40 Fresh -- To save the galaxy from impending doom, Cacao and Parfait are sent on a mission through time and space to retrieve the Fourth Warrior, Lamunes. -- -- Unfortunately, Cacao and Parfait discover Lamunes at the helm of the marauding Giga Genos invasion fleet. World by world, Lamunes is determined to bring the entire galaxy under his tyrannical heel. With the help of a plicky orphan, it's up to Cacao and Parfait to stop Lamunes from taking over the world. -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- OVA - May 21, 1997 -- 2,180 5.68
Wagamama☆Fairy Mirumo de Pon! -- -- Studio Hibari -- 172 eps -- Manga -- Kids Adventure Fantasy Magic Comedy Romance School Drama Shoujo -- Wagamama☆Fairy Mirumo de Pon! Wagamama☆Fairy Mirumo de Pon! -- Kaede is a cheerful and energetic eighth grader. When it comes to boys, however, she is hopelessly shy. -- -- One day, on her way home from school, Kaede walks into a mysterious shop and buys a colorful cocoa mug. When she reaches home, she casually peeks into the bottom of the mug and discovers an engraved note, which says, "If you read this message aloud while pouring hot cocoa into the mug, a love fairy ("muglox") will appear and grant your every wish." The skeptical but curious Kaede follows the directions and announces her wish to date Yuuki, the class heartthrob. Suddenly, the adorable blue Mirumo appears! We soon find out, however, that this cute little muglox would rather eat chocolate and create mischief than help Kaede. -- -- Mirumo, it seems, is prince of the muglox world. Horrified at the prospect of having to marry Rirumu, his princess bride-to-be, Mirumo has escaped the muglox world. Hot on his heels, however, are Rirumu, Yashichi the bounty hunter, and a cast of hundreds of muglox ranging from the good to the bad to the nutty. This gang of adorable troublemakers will see to it that school life for Kaede and her friends is never the same... -- -- (Source: mirmo-zibang) -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- TV - Apr 6, 2002 -- 15,504 7.30
Wakaba*Girl -- -- Nexus -- 13 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy School Slice of Life -- Wakaba*Girl Wakaba*Girl -- Wakaba Kohashi, a sheltered rich girl, dreams of becoming a fashionable and trendy gyaru because she admires their outgoing and carefree nature. With this goal in mind, Wakaba begins the school year hoping to make her high school debut as a gyaru. On the first day of class, she meets the pure Moeko Tokita, the serious Nao Mashiba, and the eccentric Mao Kurokawa, and the four of them quickly become friends as they learn about and imitate each other's lifestyles. -- -- Wakaba*Girl follows the adventures of these four friends while they experience events like school festivals, waterpark trips, and gym class tests. Along the way, Wakaba discovers what it is like to live as a regular student while Nao, Moeka, and Mao catch a glimpse into the life of a rich family. With never a dull moment in their lives, the four girls make sure to live each day to the fullest. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 37,406 6.89
Wakaokami wa Shougakusei! Movie -- -- DLE, Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Comedy Slice of Life Supernatural -- Wakaokami wa Shougakusei! Movie Wakaokami wa Shougakusei! Movie -- After losing her parents in a car accident, Okko goes to live in the countryside with her grandmother, who runs a traditional Japanese inn built on top of an ancient spring said to have healing waters. While she goes about her chores and prepares to become the inn's next caretaker, Okko discovers there are ghosts who live there that only she can see – not scary ghosts, but playful child ghosts who keep her company and help her feel less lonely. A sign outside says the spring welcomes all and will reject none, and this is soon put to the test as a string of new guests challenge Okko's ability to be a gracious host. But ultimately Okko discovers that dedicating herself to the happiness of others becomes the key to taking care of herself. -- -- (Source: Animation is Film Festival) -- -- Licensor: -- GKIDS -- Movie - Sep 21, 2018 -- 11,258 7.53
Wakusei Robo Danguard Ace -- -- Toei Animation -- 56 eps -- Original -- Mecha Military Sci-Fi Shounen Space -- Wakusei Robo Danguard Ace Wakusei Robo Danguard Ace -- In order to explore the newly discovered planet, Promethe, there are many projects are running all over the world. -- -- Here in Japan, under the direction of Dr. Oedo, "Space Carrier Jasdum" and "Planet Robot Dangard A" are being built. Ichimonji Takuma is a candidate for the pilot of Dangard A. His father, Ichimonji Dantetsu, was a famous space pilot. -- -- However, Dantetsu went missing after a mysterious accident, and the people blamed him for the accident. In order to clear his name, Takuma is trying to become a space pilot and succeed in the project. Will Takuma become the pilot? -- 1,260 6.29
Wan Sheng Jie -- -- - -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Supernatural -- Wan Sheng Jie Wan Sheng Jie -- In this world, angels, demons, and other supernatural beings peacefully coexist with humans. Neil Bowman is a demon who is unlike most; he is mesmerized with human culture, and no matter how hard he tries, he can't do anything evil. Thus, he runs away from Hell and up to Earth. -- -- Neil moves in with his online friend and vampire, Ira Blood, along with Ira's many roommates. Despite coming to Earth to meet humans, Neil discovers that not a single one of his new roommates is actually human. Along with Ira, there's Lynn Angel, the stern angel landlord; Lynn's little sister, Lily, who falls from Heaven; Abu, a mummy who never speaks; and Vladimir Eliot Kirilenko, a werewolf tasked with monitoring Neil. -- -- What most of them don't realize—not even Neil himself—is that Neil possesses the powers of the Demon King. What effect will this have on the residents of Apartment 1031 on All Saints Street? -- -- ONA - Apr 1, 2020 -- 8,484 7.94
Weiß Kreuz -- -- Magic Bus, Plum -- 25 eps -- Original -- Action Drama Shounen -- Weiß Kreuz Weiß Kreuz -- Aya, Yoji, Ken, and Omi are the four young men who comprise Weiss Kruez (WK), an assassin group who eliminates certain menaces to society. Each member has his own trademark fighting style. Aya is adept at fighting with a katana, Yoji has mastered the art of strangulation via strings, Ken is lethal with his metal claws, while Omi specializes in a wide array of projectiles. Under the command of a mysterious man known only as "Persia", the WK is dispatched to take care of drug rings, terrorist factions, and the like. But as things go along, they discover that most, if not all, the bad elements they have dealt with are somehow connected to the Takatori family. The Takatori family is rich, powerful, and influential. It seems if the problem is to be nipped in the bud, the WK would have to put an end to one of Japan's most prominent clans. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- TV - Apr 9, 1998 -- 16,739 6.72
Weiß Kreuz -- -- Magic Bus, Plum -- 25 eps -- Original -- Action Drama Shounen -- Weiß Kreuz Weiß Kreuz -- Aya, Yoji, Ken, and Omi are the four young men who comprise Weiss Kruez (WK), an assassin group who eliminates certain menaces to society. Each member has his own trademark fighting style. Aya is adept at fighting with a katana, Yoji has mastered the art of strangulation via strings, Ken is lethal with his metal claws, while Omi specializes in a wide array of projectiles. Under the command of a mysterious man known only as "Persia", the WK is dispatched to take care of drug rings, terrorist factions, and the like. But as things go along, they discover that most, if not all, the bad elements they have dealt with are somehow connected to the Takatori family. The Takatori family is rich, powerful, and influential. It seems if the problem is to be nipped in the bud, the WK would have to put an end to one of Japan's most prominent clans. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- TV - Apr 9, 1998 -- 16,739 6.72
Wolf's Rain -- -- Bones -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Drama Fantasy Mystery Sci-Fi -- Wolf's Rain Wolf's Rain -- In a dying world, there exists an ancient legend: when the world ends, the gateway to paradise will be opened. This utopia is the sole salvation for the remnants of life in this barren land, but the legend also dictates that only wolves can find their way to this mythical realm. Though long thought to be extinct, wolves still exist and live amongst humans, disguising themselves through elaborate illusions. -- -- A lone wolf named Kiba finds himself drawn by an intoxicating scent to Freeze City, an impoverished town under the rule of the callous Lord Orkham. Here, Kiba discovers that wolves Hige, Tsume, and Toboe have been drawn in by the same aroma. By following the fragrance of "Lunar Flowers," said to be the key to opening the door to their ideal world, the wolves set off on a journey across desolate landscapes and crumbling cities to find their legendary promised land. However, they are not the only ones seeking paradise, and those with more sinister intentions will do anything in their power to reach it first. -- -- 277,381 7.82
Wolf's Rain -- -- Bones -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Drama Fantasy Mystery Sci-Fi -- Wolf's Rain Wolf's Rain -- In a dying world, there exists an ancient legend: when the world ends, the gateway to paradise will be opened. This utopia is the sole salvation for the remnants of life in this barren land, but the legend also dictates that only wolves can find their way to this mythical realm. Though long thought to be extinct, wolves still exist and live amongst humans, disguising themselves through elaborate illusions. -- -- A lone wolf named Kiba finds himself drawn by an intoxicating scent to Freeze City, an impoverished town under the rule of the callous Lord Orkham. Here, Kiba discovers that wolves Hige, Tsume, and Toboe have been drawn in by the same aroma. By following the fragrance of "Lunar Flowers," said to be the key to opening the door to their ideal world, the wolves set off on a journey across desolate landscapes and crumbling cities to find their legendary promised land. However, they are not the only ones seeking paradise, and those with more sinister intentions will do anything in their power to reach it first. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation -- 277,381 7.82
Wonder Egg Priority -- -- CloverWorks -- 12 eps -- Original -- Drama Fantasy Psychological -- Wonder Egg Priority Wonder Egg Priority -- Following the suicide of her best and only friend, Koito Nagase, Ai Ooto is left grappling with her new reality. With nothing left to live for, she follows the instructions of a mysterious entity and gets roped into purchasing an egg, or specifically, a Wonder Egg. -- -- Upon breaking the egg in a world that materializes during her sleep, Ai is tasked with saving people from the adversities that come their way. In doing so, she believes that she has moved one step closer to saving her best friend. With this dangerous yet tempting opportunity in the palms of her hands, Ai enters a place where she must recognize the relationship between other people's demons and her own. -- -- As past trauma, unforgettable regrets, and innate fears hatch in the bizarre world of Wonder Egg Priority, a young girl discovers the different inner struggles tormenting humankind and rescues them from their worst fears. -- -- 391,294 8.17
Wonder Egg Priority -- -- CloverWorks -- 12 eps -- Original -- Drama Fantasy Psychological -- Wonder Egg Priority Wonder Egg Priority -- Following the suicide of her best and only friend, Koito Nagase, Ai Ooto is left grappling with her new reality. With nothing left to live for, she follows the instructions of a mysterious entity and gets roped into purchasing an egg, or specifically, a Wonder Egg. -- -- Upon breaking the egg in a world that materializes during her sleep, Ai is tasked with saving people from the adversities that come their way. In doing so, she believes that she has moved one step closer to saving her best friend. With this dangerous yet tempting opportunity in the palms of her hands, Ai enters a place where she must recognize the relationship between other people's demons and her own. -- -- As past trauma, unforgettable regrets, and innate fears hatch in the bizarre world of Wonder Egg Priority, a young girl discovers the different inner struggles tormenting humankind and rescues them from their worst fears. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 391,294 8.17
Working'!! -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 13 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy Romance Seinen Slice of Life -- Working'!! Working'!! -- The exciting antics of Wagnaria return as more ridiculous incidents occur, friendships are deepened, and new feelings are discovered. In addition to Souta Takanashi and his wacky co-workers, more eccentric personalities join the family restaurant: Haruna, Hyougo Otoo's missing wife, who has a habit of getting hopelessly lost through the sewer system; Kirio Yamada, Aoi's older brother, who is able to withstand Mahiru Inami's deadly punches; and twins Youhei and Mitsuki Mashiba, Kyouko Shirafuji's juniors who do not get along. -- -- Absurdity, romance, and hilarity are all on the menu for the Wagnaria family restaurant! -- -- -- Licensor: -- NIS America, Inc. -- TV - Oct 1, 2011 -- 224,287 7.86
Working'!! -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 13 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy Romance Seinen Slice of Life -- Working'!! Working'!! -- The exciting antics of Wagnaria return as more ridiculous incidents occur, friendships are deepened, and new feelings are discovered. In addition to Souta Takanashi and his wacky co-workers, more eccentric personalities join the family restaurant: Haruna, Hyougo Otoo's missing wife, who has a habit of getting hopelessly lost through the sewer system; Kirio Yamada, Aoi's older brother, who is able to withstand Mahiru Inami's deadly punches; and twins Youhei and Mitsuki Mashiba, Kyouko Shirafuji's juniors who do not get along. -- -- Absurdity, romance, and hilarity are all on the menu for the Wagnaria family restaurant! -- -- TV - Oct 1, 2011 -- 224,287 7.86
WXIII Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Original -- Sci-Fi Police Mecha -- WXIII Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor WXIII Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor -- When the level of Labor accidents begin to escalate around Tokyo Bay, police detectives Kusumi and Hata are assigned to investigate. What they discover leads to a series of government cover-ups, conspiracy concerning a new biological weapon entitled WXIII-Wasted Thirteen and a tragic, personal connection to Hata. The only hope to stop this threat is to cooperate with the military and lead WXIII into a showdown with the Labors of Special Vehicle Division 2. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA, Maiden Japan -- Movie - Mar 30, 2002 -- 9,619 6.74
xxxHOLiC Rou -- -- Production I.G -- 2 eps -- - -- Mystery Supernatural -- xxxHOLiC Rou xxxHOLiC Rou -- 10 years after the events of xxxHOLiC Shunmuki, a melancholic Kimihiro Watanuki has taken over the shop formerly run by the mysterious Yuuko due to a promise he made to her. His companions Maru, Moro, and Mokona live together with him in relative contentment, and some familiar faces arrive every now and then: former rival turned-steadfast friend Shizuka Doumeki, and the former psychic prodigy Kohane Tsuyuri. While Kohane studies folklore under Doumeki at university, they encounter a case that is perfect for the master of the shop. -- -- Eventually, Watanuki receives a visit from Doumeki's grandfather, Haruka. He requests that Watanuki investigates his grandson's dreams. While inside the dream world, he discovers how their past adventures played out from Doumeki's perspective of view, leading Watanuki to discover truths from 10 years ago and secrets about the ties that bind their friendship. -- -- OVA - Apr 23, 2010 -- 58,538 8.22
Yakitate!! Japan -- -- Sunrise -- 69 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Shounen -- Yakitate!! Japan Yakitate!! Japan -- While countries such as France, England, and Germany all have their own internationally celebrated bread, Japan simply does not have one that can match in reputation. -- -- Thus after discovering the wonders of breadmaking at a young age, Kazuma Azuma embarks on a quest to create Japan's own unique national bread. And being blessed with unusually warm hands that allow dough to ferment faster, Azuma is able to bring his baking innovations to another level. -- -- As he begins working at the prestigious Japanese bakery chain, Pantasia, Azuma encounters other talented bakers and experiences firsthand the competitive world of baking. Along with his newfound friends and rivals, Azuma strives to create new and unparalleled bread that will start a baking revolution. -- -- TV - Oct 12, 2004 -- 81,617 7.95
Yakumotatsu -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Supernatural Historical Horror Shoujo -- Yakumotatsu Yakumotatsu -- Fuzuchi Kuraki is a quiet young high school student blessed with immense psychic powers and an ancient sword. He is searching for other magical artifacts with the help of Nanachi Takeo, a college student with latent powers of his own. They delve deep into the dark magic of Izumo, only to discover the secrets buried within the birthplace of all Japanese mythology. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- OVA - Oct 25, 1997 -- 3,654 6.10
Yakunara Mug Cup mo -- -- Nippon Animation -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life -- Yakunara Mug Cup mo Yakunara Mug Cup mo -- The city of Tajimi, located in the southern part of Gifu Prefecture, Japan, is famous for Mino earthenware. The city is dotted with historical pottery producers and ceramic art museums. It has facilities where you can try your hand at making pottery, and many restaurants that serve food on Minoware dishes. -- -- The story begins when a high school girl moves to a shopping street in Tajimi. Many encounters await her, friends, town folk, ceramic art, etc. What will she discover in a town famous for ceramic? -- -- (Source: Official Manga Website) -- 23,202 6.72
Yakusoku no Neverland -- -- CloverWorks -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Mystery Horror Psychological Thriller Shounen -- Yakusoku no Neverland Yakusoku no Neverland -- Surrounded by a forest and a gated entrance, the Grace Field House is inhabited by orphans happily living together as one big family, looked after by their "Mama," Isabella. Although they are required to take tests daily, the children are free to spend their time as they see fit, usually playing outside, as long as they do not venture too far from the orphanage—a rule they are expected to follow no matter what. However, all good times must come to an end, as every few months, a child is adopted and sent to live with their new family, never to be heard from again. -- -- However, the three oldest siblings have their suspicions about what is actually happening at the orphanage, and they are about to discover the cruel fate that awaits the children living at Grace Field, including the twisted nature of their beloved Mama. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 1,256,617 8.63
Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo -- -- LIDENFILMS -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy School Shounen Supernatural -- Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo -- Shiraishi Urara is the top student in her school. One day, due to an accidental kiss, Urara finds herself in the body of the school delinquent, Yamada Ryuu! In trying to switch back to their own bodies, Urara and Ryuu discover that kissing causes them to switch bodies, which leads to their discovery that there are 7 witches in their school. They soon try to uncover the identities of the 7 witches... -- Promotional Video for the TV Series. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- ONA - Aug 25, 2013 -- 49,327 7.29
Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo: Mou Hitotsu no Suzaku-sai -- -- LIDENFILMS -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Romance School Shounen -- Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo: Mou Hitotsu no Suzaku-sai Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo: Mou Hitotsu no Suzaku-sai -- Shiraishi Urara is the top student in her school. One day, due to an accidental kiss, Urara finds herself in the body of the school delinquent, Yamada Ryuu! In trying to switch back to their own bodies, Urara and Ryuu discover that kissing causes them to switch bodies, which leads to their discovery that there are 7 witches in their school. They soon try to uncover the identities of the 7 witches... -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- OVA - Dec 17, 2014 -- 77,266 7.45
Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo (TV) -- -- LIDENFILMS -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Harem Mystery Comedy Supernatural Romance School Shounen -- Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo (TV) Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo (TV) -- When Ryuu Yamada entered high school, he wanted to turn over a new leaf and lead a productive school life. That's why he chose to attend Suzaku High, where no one would know of his violent delinquent reputation. However, much to Ryuu's dismay, he is soon bored; now a second year, Ryuu has reverted to his old ways—lazy with abysmal grades and always getting into fights. -- -- One day, back from yet another office visit, Ryuu encounters Urara Shiraishi, a beautiful honors student. A misstep causes them both to tumble down the stairs, ending in an accidental kiss! The pair discover they can switch bodies with a kiss: an ability which will prove to be both convenient and troublesome. -- -- Learning of their new power, Toranosuke Miyamura, a student council officer and the single member of the Supernatural Studies Club, recruits them for the club. Soon joined by Miyabi Itou, an eccentric interested in all things supernatural, the group unearths the legend of the Seven Witches of Suzaku High, seven female students who have obtained different powers activated by a kiss. The Supernatural Studies Club embarks on its first quest: to find the identities of all the witches. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 591,785 7.62
Yama no Susume: Omoide Present -- -- 8bit -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Slice of Life -- Yama no Susume: Omoide Present Yama no Susume: Omoide Present -- On the final day of summer vacation, Kokona Aoba is ready to spend some long-awaited time with her mother, but these plans are unfortunately canceled due to work. Opting to go outside instead, she takes a stroll down a familiar path—one where fond memories appear at every corner. -- -- Later, in the middle of autumn, Hinata Kuraue and Aoi Yukimura are looking through a scrapbook of their childhood. Snooping around in Aoi's room, Hinata finds that she has kept a strange acorn as a keepsake, but doesn't remember the reason why. As its discovery dwells on her, a wave of old memories comes forth, causing her to reminisce about a forgotten event from her childhood. -- -- From time spent with loved ones to promises from the past, Yama no Susume: Omoide Present follows the three girls as they cherish old memories while crafting entirely new ones to remember. -- -- OVA - Oct 28, 2017 -- 9,603 7.37
Yamato 2520 -- -- Studio Take Off -- 3 eps -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Adventure -- Yamato 2520 Yamato 2520 -- Set hundreds of years after the original, Yamato 2520 chronicles the adventures of the eighteenth starship to bear the name, and its battle against the Seiren Federation. -- -- On a planet harshly ruled by the Serien Federation, a group of earth teenagers discover the ancient hulk of the Earth Federation Battleship Yamato. By stealing it's data disk the teens are able to use the Serien's own automated ship yards to construct a new Yamato. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- OVA - Nov 21, 1994 -- 1,528 5.79
Yamato Takeru -- -- Nippon Animation -- 37 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Fantasy Magic Mecha Sci-Fi Shounen Space -- Yamato Takeru Yamato Takeru -- In the 25th century, a spaceship carrying 300 people leaves the earth in search of a new world in the solar system, but an unexpected accident occurs. They crash into a black hole which is connected to another universe. The people on the ship are cast adrift in an emergency capsule to a planet called Ismo. The story begins 12 years after they have reached Ismo. -- -- Ismo is a star of the Onam System, which corresponds to the Solar System in our universe. It is the only planet left in the Onam System. The Death Star called Yomi is a comet which regularly approaches the Onam System. -- -- There were once 8 planets in the Onam System. Many years ago, in the time of the gods, there was a war against the evil monster Yamatano Orochi (an 8-headed snake-like creature). The gods won the battle. Yamatano Orochi was locked into 8 stones, one of which is buried deep in the center of each planet. Nobody was supposed to have access to the core of the planets. However Tsukuyomi, an evil god who rules Yomi, succeeded in reaching the stones one after another, destroying 7 of the planets using his powerful robots, the Sky Warriors. However, when he tried to acquire the last stone from the planet Ismo, the most powerful Sky Warrior, Susanoo, got out of control and was blown away. -- -- A million years later, the Death Star Yomi is approaching the Onam System once again. Tsukuyomi, the master of Yomi, plans to take this opportunity to realize his dream of ruling the entire universe. He is desperate for the last stone containing Yamatano Orochi. If Tsukuyomi can get hold of this stone, Yamatano Orochi will return to life and its power will become his. Tsukuyomi needs Sky Warrior Susanoo to capture the stone, and sends 8 Sky Soldiers to get Susanoo back. But it is too late. Susanoo no longer belongs to Tsukuyomi. It belongs to Takeru, a 13-year-old boy from Earth, who happened to discover the buried robot Susanoo and woke it from its million-year-long sleep. Takeru becomes involved in the battle against the Sky Soldiers and their evil master, Tsukuyomi. Susanoo stands up to protect his friends and their planet. -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- 1,830 6.75
Yami Shibai 7 -- -- DRAWIZ, ILCA -- 13 eps -- Original -- Dementia Horror Supernatural -- Yami Shibai 7 Yami Shibai 7 -- A rusted door opens to a decrepit apartment filled with darkness. Inside, the masked Storyteller waits to spin more twisted tales of horror, inviting all to listen. -- -- In one story, a woman is tormented by her past sins; in another, a man visits a chilling art exhibit, where things quickly go awry when he ignores the warnings regarding taking photographs. That is not all, though—an unsuspecting woman hears strange noises from her veranda, but when her boyfriend investigates, he receives the shock of his life; a lady receives a frantic call from her sister, who begs her to come to a phone booth, but when she arrives, she realizes that things are not as they appear; and a man looks for one of his belongings in his little sister's room, only to soon discover that a malevolent presence lives there. The Storyteller is all too eager to share these tales, which will no doubt shock and terrify his audience. -- -- 12,990 5.93
Yesterday wo Utatte -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Drama Romance Seinen -- Yesterday wo Utatte Yesterday wo Utatte -- Rikuo Uozumi has all but resigned himself to a bleak future, aimlessly working at a convenience store in Tokyo after graduating from college. His monotonous life is interrupted when the peculiar Haru Nonaka makes a lively appearance, frequently dropping by his workplace to befriend him. When Rikuo learns that an old college friend and crush, Shinako Morinome, has moved back into town, he reaches out to further their relationship. Unbeknownst to Rikuo however, Shinako is carrying painful memories from her past that were holding her back from accepting his feelings. Meanwhile, as Haru continually opens up to Rikuo, he discovers that she, much like him, is living by herself and wants to step out of her comfort zone into an uncertain future. -- -- The past lingers long in the mind, and the future remains elusive. At a crossroads along their intertwined paths, these three experience what it means to let go of their feelings of yesterday and embrace the change that tomorrow brings. -- -- 224,381 6.98
Yoru no Yatterman -- -- Tatsunoko Production -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama -- Yoru no Yatterman Yoru no Yatterman -- Several generations after the original Yatterman series, Leopard lives with her mother and guardians, Dorothy, Voltkatze, and Elephantus, just outside the prosperous Yatter Kingdom. She lives a happy if impoverished life, unaware of her ancestral ties to the infamous Doronbow Gang, until she discovers a mural of Doronjo, Boyacky, and Tonzura in a sealed off area of her home. It turns out that Dorothy, Voltkatze, and Elephantus are descendants of the villainous gangsters, which is why they have been forbidden from entering the hero Yatterman's Kingdom! -- -- At first, Leopard vows to never engage in villainous actions like her ancestors, but new circumstances may mean that she must go back on her word, donning the identity of villain in search of true justice. -- 29,532 6.51
Yoru no Yatterman -- -- Tatsunoko Production -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama -- Yoru no Yatterman Yoru no Yatterman -- Several generations after the original Yatterman series, Leopard lives with her mother and guardians, Dorothy, Voltkatze, and Elephantus, just outside the prosperous Yatter Kingdom. She lives a happy if impoverished life, unaware of her ancestral ties to the infamous Doronbow Gang, until she discovers a mural of Doronjo, Boyacky, and Tonzura in a sealed off area of her home. It turns out that Dorothy, Voltkatze, and Elephantus are descendants of the villainous gangsters, which is why they have been forbidden from entering the hero Yatterman's Kingdom! -- -- At first, Leopard vows to never engage in villainous actions like her ancestors, but new circumstances may mean that she must go back on her word, donning the identity of villain in search of true justice. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 29,532 6.51
Yoru wa Mijikashi Arukeyo Otome -- -- Science SARU -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Comedy Romance -- Yoru wa Mijikashi Arukeyo Otome Yoru wa Mijikashi Arukeyo Otome -- On a mysterious night that seems to last for a year, an ordinary college student continues to chase one of his underclassmen, a girl with black hair—the girl of his dreams. Up until now, he has been relying on a simple plan, which is to calculatingly bump into her every day while making it seem like a meaningful coincidence. However, his efforts remain futile as their relationship is not progressing at all. -- -- Meanwhile, the black-haired girl believes that everything is connected by fate and endeavors to experience as many new things as possible, leaving it all for destiny to decide. While strolling along the lively streets of Kyoto, she discovers that the very beginning of her fateful journey—a book she had as a child—is currently being sold in a second-hand bookstore. Upon knowing this, the college student eyes another opportunity to run into her "by chance": this time, he hopes to get the book before she does and finally grasp the thread of fate that could connect their hearts. -- -- Movie - Apr 7, 2017 -- 84,515 8.23
Youkai Watch -- -- OLM -- 214 eps -- Game -- Comedy Demons Kids Supernatural -- Youkai Watch Youkai Watch -- Primary school student Keita Amano's curiosity is as innocent as any other child's his age. But when one day he decides to venture deeper into the forest, he encounters a small and mysterious capsule. Out from its depths comes Whisper. After 190 years of imprisonment, this ghost-like creature is glad that someone has been kind enough to set him free. He decides to reward Keita by becoming his guardian against supernatural forces. Whisper is one of many Youkai that exist in the world, and provides Keita with a special Youkai Watch, which enables him to see and interact with all the other Youkai. -- -- Youkai Watch follows Keita, Whisper and the cat spirit Jibanyan as they encounter Youkai, befriend them, fix all the trouble that they so often cause, and, with the help of the watch, use the powers of previously encountered Youkai to aid them. Young Keita may have been just an ordinary primary school student when he first encountered the Youkai, but the many adventures that follow his discovery provide him with invaluable experiences and precious life lessons that help him grow. -- 21,141 6.52
Youkoso! Sukebe Elf no Mori e -- -- T-Rex -- 4 eps -- Visual novel -- Harem Hentai Supernatural Fantasy -- Youkoso! Sukebe Elf no Mori e Youkoso! Sukebe Elf no Mori e -- Alfheim, a world of elves where women only exist. The world Shrine, the source of all the elves' magical power, has started to fade and the race was in danger of extinction. Then there is a prophecy that a man from another world is destined to be the savior of the elven race. And it was not too long the hero is now brought to the world of Elves... -- -- The elves ruled they must survive by child-making with the hero. But many of the other elves refused this vulgar decision and so the elves divided into groups: Those who disdain child-making with a man and those who choose to accept the fact. But those who accepted have discovered something: It turns out if they have sex with the hero and acquire semen into their bodies, their magic powers increases. So they proceed to milk him dry... -- -- (Source: DLsite) -- OVA - Feb 2, 2018 -- 16,779 7.54
Yu☆Gi☆Oh!: Sevens -- -- Bridge -- ? eps -- Card game -- Action Game Fantasy Shounen -- Yu☆Gi☆Oh!: Sevens Yu☆Gi☆Oh!: Sevens -- In the ever-growing world of Duel Monsters, as duelists improve their skills and rise up the ranks, duels become increasingly complex. By adhering to strict rules, in addition to using and learning proven strategies, one can develop into a strong duelist. However, as a boy who loves inventions and discovering new possibilities, elementary school student Yuuga Oudou finds the current way of dueling predictable and rigid—in other words, boring. -- -- Thus, he aims to craft a new path in dueling with his exhilarating new invention: Rush Duels. His ambition soon catches the attention of Tatsuhisa Kamijou, a fellow elementary school student, who brings him to a mysterious place in an attempt to discover the potential of the new system. -- -- While Yuuga aims to implement Rush Duels as the new dueling standard and overthrow the conventions of the game, he opens the door to his ultimate goal—to make dueling exciting again. -- -- 12,476 5.39
Yuri Kuma Arashi -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Original -- Psychological Drama Fantasy School Seinen Shoujo Ai -- Yuri Kuma Arashi Yuri Kuma Arashi -- In the past, humanoid bears coexisted with humans. However, a meteor shower that fell onto Earth had a strange effect on bears throughout the world: they suddenly became violent and hungry for human flesh, spurring an endless cycle of bloodshed in which bear ate man and man shot bear, forgetting the lively relationship they once had. The "Wall of Severance" was thus built, separating the two civilizations and keeping peace. -- -- Kureha Tsubaki and Sumika Izumino are two lovers attending Arashigaoka Academy, who, upon the arrival of two bears that have sneaked through the Wall of Severance and infiltrated the academy, find their relationship under a grave threat. The hungering yet affectionate bears, Ginko Yurishiro and Lulu Yurigasaki, seem to see the bear-hating Kureha as more than just another meal, and in getting closer to her, trigger an unraveling of secrets that Kureha may not be able to bear. -- -- When their relationships provoke the Invisible Storm, a group that keeps order within the ideological school, the girls must stand on trial with their love, embarking on a journey of self-discovery en route to attaining true love's "promised kiss." -- -- 86,301 7.07
Yuri Kuma Arashi -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Original -- Psychological Drama Fantasy School Seinen Shoujo Ai -- Yuri Kuma Arashi Yuri Kuma Arashi -- In the past, humanoid bears coexisted with humans. However, a meteor shower that fell onto Earth had a strange effect on bears throughout the world: they suddenly became violent and hungry for human flesh, spurring an endless cycle of bloodshed in which bear ate man and man shot bear, forgetting the lively relationship they once had. The "Wall of Severance" was thus built, separating the two civilizations and keeping peace. -- -- Kureha Tsubaki and Sumika Izumino are two lovers attending Arashigaoka Academy, who, upon the arrival of two bears that have sneaked through the Wall of Severance and infiltrated the academy, find their relationship under a grave threat. The hungering yet affectionate bears, Ginko Yurishiro and Lulu Yurigasaki, seem to see the bear-hating Kureha as more than just another meal, and in getting closer to her, trigger an unraveling of secrets that Kureha may not be able to bear. -- -- When their relationships provoke the Invisible Storm, a group that keeps order within the ideological school, the girls must stand on trial with their love, embarking on a journey of self-discovery en route to attaining true love's "promised kiss." -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 86,301 7.07
Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru -- -- Studio Gokumi -- 12 eps -- Original -- Slice of Life Psychological Drama Magic Fantasy -- Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru -- In her everyday life, Yuuna Yuuki is a hero. As proof, she is in her middle school's Hero Club, where she does her best to help others and bring a smile to everyone's face. -- -- But Yuuna, always up to any task, is about to become an even bigger hero. Mysterious destructive forces called Vertexes begin threatening the world she loves, and the Hero Club is called upon by a strange phone app to save it. Along with her best friend Mimori Tougou, as well as sisters Fuu and Itsuki Inubouzaki, they must transform into magical girls in order to battle the Vertexes. -- -- In between studying and putting on shows for kids, Yuuna and the Hero Club must fight for the very existence of their world and face the harsh truths behind their own powers, all the while discovering what it truly means to be a hero. -- -- 122,692 7.37
Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru -- -- Studio Gokumi -- 12 eps -- Original -- Slice of Life Psychological Drama Magic Fantasy -- Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru -- In her everyday life, Yuuna Yuuki is a hero. As proof, she is in her middle school's Hero Club, where she does her best to help others and bring a smile to everyone's face. -- -- But Yuuna, always up to any task, is about to become an even bigger hero. Mysterious destructive forces called Vertexes begin threatening the world she loves, and the Hero Club is called upon by a strange phone app to save it. Along with her best friend Mimori Tougou, as well as sisters Fuu and Itsuki Inubouzaki, they must transform into magical girls in order to battle the Vertexes. -- -- In between studying and putting on shows for kids, Yuuna and the Hero Club must fight for the very existence of their world and face the harsh truths behind their own powers, all the while discovering what it truly means to be a hero. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Ponycan USA -- 122,692 7.37
Yuuwaku Countdown -- -- AIC -- 6 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Fantasy Hentai Horror Mecha Romance Supernatural -- Yuuwaku Countdown Yuuwaku Countdown -- From famed adult comic artist Hiroyuki Utatane come six of the most erotic, the most exotic, the most unusual and just downright odd stories ever animated. -- -- In Alimony Hunter we see Jun in an extremely unusual three-for-all in which not everyone is what he (or she!) seems. She also makes an appearance as a teacher in Cherry Lips (under an alias). It all comes to conclusion in Virgin Road, there perhaps too-willing bride is having a last minute fling with her in the back room of the chapel; the groom is also not a stranger to Jun... -- -- Then there's a manly knight who discovers the joys of bondage at the hands of a fair maiden; and a Samurai policewoman forced to tackle a giant walking statue, controlled by a sex-crazed megalomaniac, before it destroys Tokyo. -- Crimson is a bloody story of a man and his blind love slave. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters, Nozomi Entertainment -- OVA - Jun 15, 1995 -- 2,453 5.81
Zipang -- -- Studio Deen -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Military Sci-Fi Historical Drama Seinen -- Zipang Zipang -- Mirai, an improved Kongou-class Aegis guided missile destroyer, is one of the newest and most advanced ships in the entire Japanese Self Defense Force (SDF). Her crew, also one of the newest, is lead by Capt. Umezu Saburo and Executive Officer Kadomatsu Yosuke. While running scheduled training exercises one day, Mirai encounters a fierce storm that throws their navigation systems into temporary disarray. After a few minutes of recovery, the crew is shocked to discover that they've been transported back in time to June 4, 1942—The Battle of Midway, during World War II. Letting history take its course for this battle, they manage to avoid the conflict firsthand and make a vow to remain anonymous, changing history as little as possible. However, when the crew comes across the dying Lt. Commander Kusaka Takumi, XO. Kadomatsu's instincts to save lives takes over, changing the course of history more than he could've imagined. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA -- TV - Oct 8, 2004 -- 16,975 7.51
Zoids -- -- Xebec -- 67 eps -- - -- Action Adventure Comedy Mecha Sci-Fi -- Zoids Zoids -- Zoids are beast-like fighting machines used in both everyday use such as transportation, and special use such as war. Some types of Zoids, know as Organoids, are miniature Zoids that are living organisms. These Organoids have the capability to fuse with a non-living Zoid and make it much more powerful. -- -- Van (Ban) Freiheit discovers a Zoid Organoid in an abandoned laboratory while running from two strangers piloting Zoids. Also in the laboratory, in an animated suspension tube is a strange girl. He breaks the tube open and takes her and the Organoid with him. Spotting a ruined Shield Liger Zoid outside nearby, the Organoid fuses with it and repairs the damages. Making his escape, Van names the Organoid Zeke, and decides to keep him as a friend. The girl, who says her name is Fiona, wants to find something called Zoids Eve, and so Van, Zeke, and Fiona begin their adventure. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA, VIZ Media -- 42,390 7.38
Zoids Fuzors -- -- - -- 26 eps -- - -- Adventure Mecha Sci-Fi Shounen -- Zoids Fuzors Zoids Fuzors -- R.D. is a delivery boy who works for a company called Mach Storm in order to earn money to search for the legendary Alpha Zoid. A Zoid that he heard rumours about from his dad that he passionately believes in. Mach Storm also doubles as a Zoid Battling team. In R.D.'s first Coliseum Zoid Battle, he encounters a team that can fuse Zoids. R.D. soon discovers that he has a Zoid that can computably fuse with his Zoid, Liger Zero. After this happens R.D.'s adventure to discover the truth about the Alpha Zoid begins. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Oct 3, 2004 -- 9,909 6.41
Zoids Genesis -- -- Shogakukan Music & Digital Entertainment -- 50 eps -- - -- Action Adventure Comedy Mecha Military -- Zoids Genesis Zoids Genesis -- Natural disasters have devastated planet Zi, killing off almost all life. A thousand years later humans have gradually re-established civilization, salvaging ancient Zoids through diving and mining efforts. In a village whose most previous item is a giant sword which they worship as a holy symbol. A teenage boy discovers an ancient Liger-type Zoid while on a deep water salvage operation. Suddenly the village is attacked by skeletal Bio-Zoids intent on stealing a powerful generator located in the village. Our teenage hero awakens the Liger and discovers that the town`s sacred sword is the Liger`s weapon, together they fight off the mysterious Bio-Zoids. At least for now... -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- TV - Apr 10, 2005 -- 13,965 7.23
Zombieland Saga -- -- MAPPA -- 12 eps -- Original -- Comedy Music Supernatural -- Zombieland Saga Zombieland Saga -- Sakura Minamoto dreams of becoming an idol. Unfortunately, reality hits her like a truck, and she dies in a sudden traffic accident. Ten years later, she wakes up in Saga Prefecture, only to find herself a zombie with no memory of her past. While still coming to terms with her demise, she meets a man named Koutarou Tatsumi, who explains that he has resurrected her and six other zombie girls from different eras for the purpose of economically revitalizing Saga by means of an idol group. Assuming the role of an abrasive manager, Koutarou begins scheduling events; the girls go along with it, eventually deciding to name their idol group Franchouchou. -- -- An absurdly comedic take on the idol genre, Zombieland Saga tells the story of Franchouchou's heartwarming struggle to save Saga Prefecture while hiding their zombie identities and rediscovering their past lives. -- -- 343,170 7.52
Zombieland Saga -- -- MAPPA -- 12 eps -- Original -- Comedy Music Supernatural -- Zombieland Saga Zombieland Saga -- Sakura Minamoto dreams of becoming an idol. Unfortunately, reality hits her like a truck, and she dies in a sudden traffic accident. Ten years later, she wakes up in Saga Prefecture, only to find herself a zombie with no memory of her past. While still coming to terms with her demise, she meets a man named Koutarou Tatsumi, who explains that he has resurrected her and six other zombie girls from different eras for the purpose of economically revitalizing Saga by means of an idol group. Assuming the role of an abrasive manager, Koutarou begins scheduling events; the girls go along with it, eventually deciding to name their idol group Franchouchou. -- -- An absurdly comedic take on the idol genre, Zombieland Saga tells the story of Franchouchou's heartwarming struggle to save Saga Prefecture while hiding their zombie identities and rediscovering their past lives. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 343,170 7.52'Leonore_Discovering_the_Dagger_Left_by_Alonzo'_by_Johann_Heinrich_F
2015 Swedish submarine wreck discovery
A. C. Gilbert's Discovery Village
A Discovery of Witches
A Discovery of Witches (TV series)
Age of Discovery
Airtime Discovery
American Discovery Trail
Anno 1701: Dawn of Discovery
Application discovery and understanding
Archaeology Discover Centre
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe
Assassin's Creed II: Discovery
Bangkok Children's Discovery Museum
BC Forest Discovery Centre
Blueprint for Discovery
Boonshoft Museum of Discovery
Boot Service Discovery Protocol
Business process discovery
Cambridge Discovery Park
Camp Discovery
Canadian Grain Elevator Discovery Centre
Cape Nome Mining District Discovery Sites
Catalyst Science Discovery Centre
Catholic Church and the Age of Discovery
CCGS Cape Discovery
Chembai: My Discovery of a Legend
Children's Discovery Museum
Children's Discovery Museum of San Jose
Children's Library Discovery Center
China's 100 major archaeological discoveries in the 20th century
Chronology of discoveries of water on Mars
Church of the Discovery of the Holy Cross, Vilnius
Cisco Discovery Protocol
City of Cincinnati v. Discovery Network, Inc.
Clearinghouse for Networked Information Discovery and Retrieval
Cluedo: Discover the Secrets
Columbia Gorge Discovery Center & Museum
Columbus Discovers Kraehwinkel
Computational Resource for Drug Discovery
Computational Science & Discovery
Content discovery platform
Controversy over the discovery of Haumea
Coral Discoverer
Corps of Discovery
Cyber Discovery
Dalian Discovery Kingdom
Darwin and His Great Discovery
Data Discovery and Query Builder
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
Dawn of Discovery
Deepwater Discovery
Department of Defense Discovery Metadata Specification
Development and discovery of SSRI drugs
Dinosaur Discovery Museum
Discover (album)
Discover a Lovelier You
Discover America
Discover Animals
Discover Card
Discovered attack
Discoverer 14
Discoverer Clear Leader
Discoverer Enterprise
Discover Financial
Discoveries in Fantasy
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert
Discoveries of exoplanets
Discovering Dengue Drugs Together
Discovering Gloria
Discovering the Waterfront
Discover (magazine)
Discover Magazine (TV series)
Discover Science & Engineering
Discover Screenwriting Award 2004
Discover Screenwriting Award 2005
Discover the Networks
Discover: The World of Science
Discovery (1602 ship)
Discovery +254
Discovery 3
Discovery Academy
Discovery Academy, Stoke-on-Trent
Discovery Air
Discovery (American TV series)
Discovery and development of ACE inhibitors
Discovery and development of angiotensin receptor blockers
Discovery and development of antiandrogens
Discovery and development of beta2 agonists
Discovery and development of beta-blockers
Discovery and development of bisphosphonates
Discovery and development of cyclooxygenase 2 inhibitors
Discovery and development of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors
Discovery and development of direct thrombin inhibitors
Discovery and development of gliflozins
Discovery and development of HIV-protease inhibitors
Discovery and development of neuraminidase inhibitors
Discovery and development of non-nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors
Discovery and development of nucleoside and nucleotide reverse-transcriptase inhibitors
Discovery and development of phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors
Discovery and development of proton pump inhibitors
Discovery and development of statins
Discovery and development of triptans
Discovery and development of tubulin inhibitors
Discovery and exploration of the Solar System
Discovery and Launch
Discovery Asia
Discovery Asia-Pacific
Discovery at Dawn
Discovery Atlas
Discovery (Australia and New Zealand)
Discovery Aviation Model 201
Discovery Bay (Antarctica)
Discovery Bay (Australia)
Discovery Bay, California
Discovery Bay Coastal Park
Discovery Bay Ferry Pier
Discovery Bay, Jamaica
Discovery Bay, Washington
Discovery Benelux
Discovery Bridge
Discovery Bridge (Columbus, Ohio)
Discovery Bridge (Yankton)
Discovery (British TV programme)
Discovery Center at Murfree Spring
Discovery Center of Springfield
Discovery Center of Taipei
Discovery Channel
Discovery Channel (British and Irish TV channel)
Discovery Channel (Canadian TV channel)
Discovery Channel (Danish TV channel)
Discovery Channel Finland
Discovery Channel (Flemish TV channel)
Discovery Channel (French TV channel)
Discovery Channel (German TV channel)
Discovery Channel (Hungarian TV channel)
Discovery Channel (Indian TV channel)
Discovery Channel (Italian TV channel)
Discovery Channel (Middle East and North Africa)
Discovery Channel (Norwegian TV channel)
Discovery Channel (Polish TV channel)
Discovery Channel (Portuguese TV channel)
Discovery Channel (Romanian TV channel)
Discovery Channel (Russian TV channel)
Discovery Channel (Southeast Asian TV channel)
Discovery Channel (Swedish TV channel)
Discovery Children's Museum
Discovery Civilization / Civilisation Channel
Discovery Civilization (Latin American TV channel)
Discovery Claim
Discovery College
Discovery Committee
Discovery Communications Nordic
Discovery Community College
Discovery (Daft Punk album)
Discovery Digital Networks
Discovery District (Columbus, Ohio)
Discovery doctrine
Discovery-driven planning
Discovery (Dutch TV channel)
Discovery Education 3M Young Scientist Challenge
Discovery (Electric Light Orchestra album)
Discovery EMEA
Discovery en Espaol
Discovery Expedition
Discovery Family
Discovery Family (French TV channel)
Discovery (fireboat)
Discovery Gateway
Discovery Green
Discovery Harbour, Hawaii
Discovery HD
Discovery Health
Discovery Health Channel
Discovery Hill (Sagamore, Massachusetts)
Discovery Historia
Discovery History
Discovery Holding Company
Discovery Home
Discovery Home & Health
Discovery Home & Health (British and Irish TV channel)
Discovery Home & Health Southeast Asia
Discovery Home & Leisure
Discovery image
Discovery, Inc.
Discovery Institute
Discovery Institute intelligent design campaigns
Discovery Investigation
Discovery Investigations
Discovery Island
Discovery Island (Bay Lake)
Discovery Island (British Columbia)
Discovery Island Light
Discovery Island Marine Provincial Park
Discovery Islands
Discovery (Jewelry album)
Discovery Kids
Discovery Kids (Australian TV channel)
Discovery Kids (British and Irish TV channel)
Discovery Kids (Canadian TV channel)
Discovery Kids (Indian TV channel)
Discovery Kids (Latin American TV channel)
Discovery Kids on NBC
Discovery Laboratories
Discovery Land Company
Discovery Latin America
Discovery (law)
Discovery Life
Discovery Life (Polish TV channel)
Discovery Limited
Discovery, Maryland
Discovery Medicine
Discovery (Mike Oldfield album)
Discovery (Mr. Children album)
Discovery Museum
Discovery Museum (Acton, Massachusetts)
Discovery Museum and Planetarium
Discovery Networks Northern Europe
Discovery (observation)
Discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation
Discovery of disease-causing pathogens
Discovery of Fiji
Discovery of human antiquity
Discovery of Love
Discovery of Neptune
Discovery Park
Discovery Park (Chula Vista, California)
Discovery Park (Hong Kong)
Discovery Park of America
Discovery Park (Seattle)
Discovery People
Discovery (Pink Floyd box set)
Discovery Place
Discovery Place Nature
Discovery Program
Discovery Real Time
Discovery Real Time France
Discovery Real Time (French TV channel)
Discovery Ridge
Discovery Ridge, Calgary
Discovery Science
Discovery science
Discovery Science (Asian TV channel)
Discovery Science (Canadian TV channel)
Discovery Science (European TV channel)
Discovery Science (Indian TV channel)
Discovery Science (Latin American TV channel)
Discovery Science Place
Discovery Seamounts
Discovery Ski Area
Discovery (song)
Discovery-Spring Garden, Maryland
Discovery Stakes
Discovery system
Discovery Times Square
Discovery Tour
Discovery Toys
Discovery Travel & Living
Discovery Travel & Living (European TV channel)
Discovery Turbo
Discovery Turbo (Asian TV channel)
Discovery Velocity
Discovery Wings
Discovery Wings (British and Irish TV channel)
Discovery World
Discovery World (European TV channel)
Distributed Universal Number Discovery
Dome of Discovery
Don Harrington Discovery Center
Drug discovery
Drug Discovery Today
Dynamic Delegation Discovery System
Electronic discovery
Endurance: A Year in Space, a Lifetime of Discovery
Erichthonius Discovered by the Daughters of Cecrops
European Film Award for European Discovery of the Year
Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery
Explore More Discovery Museum
False discovery rate
Fate: Undiscovered Realms
FC Karelia-Discovery Petrozavodsk
Fort Collins Museum of Discovery
Fort Discovery
Fragment-based lead discovery
Fraud Discovery Institute
Frequent pattern discovery
Gitta Discovers Her Heart
Glenn Drover's Empires: The Age of Discovery
Grizzly & Wolf Discovery Center
Hercules's Dog Discovers Purple Dye
Heritage Discovery Center
Higgs Discovery
Highland People Discovery Museum
Historic Mill Creek Discovery Park
HMCS Discovery
HMS Discovery
How I Discovered America
HPE Discover
HSC HSS Discovery
Hubble: 15 Years of Discovery
Ideas and Discoveries
Infinite Undiscovery
International Ocean Discovery Program
Investigation Discovery
Investigation Discovery (Canadian TV channel)
Investigation Discovery (European TV channel)
Investigation Discovery (Latin American TV channel)
Investigation Discovery (Swedish TV channel)
Jizhong discovery
Journals of Expeditions of Discovery into Central Australia
Kids Discover
Land Rover Discovery
Land Rover Discovery Sport
Leeds Discovery Centre
Legoland Discovery Centre
LEGOLAND Discovery Centre Toronto
Leif, the Discoverer (Whitney)
Library Hub Discover
Link Layer Discovery Protocol
Link Layer Topology Discovery
List of asteroid-discovering observatories
List of Bangladeshi inventions and discoveries
List of bird species discovered since 1900
List of Brazilian inventions and discoveries
List of British innovations and discoveries
List of Bulgarian inventors and discoverers
List of Canadian inventions and discoveries
List of comets discovered by the LINEAR project
List of Discovery Channel original programming
List of diseases by year of discovery
List of Egyptian inventions and discoveries
List of English inventions and discoveries
List of exoplanets discovered between 20002009
List of exoplanets discovered in 2013
List of exoplanets discovered in 2018
List of exoplanets discovered using the Kepler space telescope
List of Filipino inventions and discoveries
List of French inventions and discoveries
List of German inventions and discoveries
List of German inventors and discoverers
List of Indian inventions and discoveries
List of Indonesian inventions and discoveries
List of inventions and discoveries of the Indus Valley Civilisation
List of Israeli inventions and discoveries
List of Italian inventions and discoveries
List of Japanese inventions and discoveries
List of Korean inventions and discoveries
List of megafauna discovered in modern times
List of minor planet discoverers
List of multiple discoveries
List of Pakistani inventions and discoveries
List of Pan-STARRS discoveries
List of plants discovered by Eleonora Gabrielian
List of rediscovered films
List of rodents discovered in the 2000s
List of Romanian inventors and discoverers
List of Serbian inventions and discoveries
List of Singaporean inventions and discoveries
List of Star Trek: Discovery characters
List of Star Trek: Discovery episodes
List of Swiss inventions and discoveries
List of Taiwanese inventions and discoveries
Lists of Dutch inventions and discoveries
Literature-based discovery
Logik (e-discovery company)
Lowell Discovery Telescope
Marella Discovery
Marella Discovery 2
MaRS Discovery District
McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center
Medical Hypothesis, Discovery & Innovation in Ophthalmology
Medusa (Six Flags Discovery Kingdom)
Metadata discovery
Metatron Discovery
Millom Discovery Centre
Minnesota Discovery Center
More Than a New Discovery
MS World Discoverer
Multicast Listener Discovery
Multicast Source Discovery Protocol
Multiple discovery
Multiple Sclerosis Discovery Forum
Museum of Discovery
MV Discovery
MV Discovery Sun
Mysterious Discovery
National Institute for Discovery Science
Nature and Wildlife Discovery Center
Nature Reviews Drug Discovery
Neighbor Discovery Protocol
News from the New World Discovered in the Moon
Niagara Gorge Discovery Center
NOAAS Discoverer (R 102)
Nortel Discovery Protocol
Once Upon a Time... The Discoverers
Open Source Drug Discovery
Paper Discovery Center
Path MTU Discovery
Pattaya Discovery United F.C.
Polish Academy Award for Discovery of the Year
Polk's Nature Discovery Center
Port Discovery
Port Discovery (Tokyo DisneySea)
Portuguese discoveries
Price discovery
Rally of Discovery
Reciprocal discovery
Rediscovered (A1 album)
Rediscovering God in America
Reinventing Discovery
Role of chance in scientific discoveries
RRS Discovery
RRS Discovery (1962)
RRS Discovery (2012)
RRS Discovery II
Salish Sea human foot discoveries
Samsung Galaxy Discover
Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute
Scottish inventions and discoveries
Secure Neighbor Discovery
Service discovery
Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre
Simple Service Discovery Protocol
Singapore Discovery Centre
Six Flags Discovery Kingdom
SLAS Discovery
Space Shuttle Discovery
Special Interest Group on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
Species discovery curve
Species first discovered in Hong Kong
Spirit of Discovery (2019)
Star Trek: Discovery
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
Stockwood Discovery Centre
Summer Discovery
Swami Vivekananda in the West: New Discoveries
Symzonia: A Voyage of Discovery
Terra Firma (Star Trek: Discovery)
The Alchemist Discovering Phosphorus
The Amazing Race en Discovery Channel 1
The Amazing Race en Discovery Channel 2
The Delta Discovery
The Discoverer
The Discoverie of Witchcraft
The Discovery (album)
The Discovery Channel Young Scientist Challenge (DCYSC)
The Discovery (novel)
The Discovery of America
The Discovery of America by the Turks
The Discovery of a World Inside the Moone
The Discovery of France
The Discovery of Guiana
The Discovery of Heaven
The Discovery of Honey by Bacchus
The Discovery of India
The Discovery of the Unconscious
The Discovery (play)
The Discovery Store
The Image of Irelande, with a Discoverie of Woodkarne
The Late Great Daniel Johnston: Discovered Covered
The Logic of Scientific Discovery
Theory of Phoenician discovery of the Americas
Theory of the Portuguese discovery of Australia
The Rediscovery of Man
The Silent World: A Story of Undersea Discovery and Adventure
The Undiscovered Country
The Undiscovered Numbers & Colors
The Wonderfull Discoverie of Witches in the Countie of Lancaster
Tillandsia 'Discovery'
Timeline of chemical element discoveries
Timeline of discovery of Solar System planets and their moons
Timeline of fundamental physics discoveries
Timeline of Irish inventions and discoveries
Timeline of particle discoveries
Timeline of scientific discoveries
Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile
Ulmus davidiana var. japonica 'Discovery'
Undiscovered (Brooke Hogan album)
Undiscovered country
Undiscovered (disambiguation)
Undiscovered (song)
Universal Culture Shock/Undiscovered Numbers & Colors
University of North Texas Discovery Park
Vulnerability Discovery Model
Wait for Me: Rediscovering the Joy of Purity in Romance
Wax or the Discovery of Television Among the Bees
Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Protocol
Web Services Discovery
Wells Gray Park Cave discovery
Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength
Women of Discovery Awards
World Discoveries III: Dead Sea
You Spoof Discovery
Zork: The Undiscovered Underground

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